CATALOGUE O F T II K LIBRARY OF BOWDOIN COLLEGE; TO WHICH IS ADDED, AN INDEX OF SUBJECTS. BRUNSWICK: PRINTED FOR THE COLLEGE. M.DCCC.LXIII. BRUNSWICK: I RESS OF JOSKPH GRII l IN. PEEF ACE. THE following work has two Parts, I. an alphabetical Catalogue of Authors and Books; II. an alphabetical Index of Subjects. The Catalogue has been compiled in accordance mainly with the " Rules for the Construction of Cata logues of Libraries," etc., prepared by Prof. C. C. Jewett, when Librarian of the Smithsonian Institution, and published by that Institution. The plan of the In dex has been adopted from the " Index to the Books in the . . . Public Libra ry of the City of Boston," compiled under the superintendence of the same gen tleman. I wish therefore to acknowledge my particular obligations to Prof. Jew ett, for the full guidance and assistance in my labors, which I have derived from these two sources. I am indebted to the "Preface" to the "Catalogue of the Library of the Cambridge High-School," prepared by Mr. Ezra Abbot, Jr., for the very succinct statement of some of these Rules, which I have given below, and to the book itself for aid in other directions. I have used also freely such other bibliographical helps as were within my reach. The chief features only of each Part of the work can be detailed here. To have these in mind will answer the needs of the great majority of persons, who will consult it ; and an examination of the book will more readily give a minute acquaintance with the principles upon which it is constructed, than the fullest description. THE titles of works are entered alphabetically under the authors names, when these are known ; or, in the case of anonymous publications, under the first word of the title, not an article or a preposition. Anonymous works which relate, directly or indirectly, to the same subject, have in some instances been grouped under the heading of the subject ; e. g. British Colonies in America, Great Bri tain, United States, etc. Pseudonymous works, if the true name of the author is not known, are entered under the assumed name. Such references have been made from the most important words in-the title, and from the assumed name, as will enable one readily to find the entry of any book, published anonymously or pseudonymously, which is placed under the name of its author. Following this rule, biographies are entered under the names of the authors, with cross-referen ces to the subjects of the memoirs. IV. PREFACE. Collections of the works of various authors, under a general title, when not included in some other rule, are entered under the name of the editor, or of the first author, or as anonymous works. In either case the necessary cross-referen ces are given to direct one to the place of the work. "Works published by any organized society, usingnthe term in its most com prehensive sense, if the production of its officers or agents in their official ca pacity, and alsb if anonymous, or if bearing the names of several authors, are entered under the name of the society. The first word of that name, not an ar ticle, is made the first word in the heading. This rule applies to all documents, published by national, state, municipal, and other governments. If the author s name is prefixed to a work published by a society, the work is entered under his name. Cross-references are made from the authors to their works, when entered according to the preceding rule. Periodical publications, if issued by a society, are placed under the name of that society ; if not continuing, and with a single editor, they are placed under the editor s name ; otherwise they are placed under the first word of the title, not an article. Cross-references are made in the above cases from the names of the various editors, and from other words in the title, under which they might naturally be looked for. The titles of the more important treatises contained in the first thirteen vol umes of the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, -of the different works comprised in the four volumes of " Natural Philosophy," published by the Society for the Dif fusion of Useful Knowledge, of the various biographies in the more important biographical collections, of the articles in the " Contributions to Knowledge," published by the Smithsonian Institution, of the Tracts, published by the Amer ican Unitarian Association, and of the more important articles in the Me moirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and in the Collections of the Maine Historical Society, the Massachusetts Historical Society, and simi lar collections, are placed under the names of the respective authors, with a cross-reference to the place and title of the work, of which each treatise, article, etc. forms a part. In the cross-reference the title of the collective work is en closed by ( ). IN transcribing titles, no departure from the language of the author has been allowed, except in the case of some pamphlets. The orthography and punctua tion have been scrupulously retained. So much of the title has been given in every case as seemed necessary to designate the work. The omission of any part of the title, except of the author s name when that appears in the heading and of the titles of persons, is supplied by three dots ; the omission of a motto or device is supplied by three stars. Any addition to a title is printed in italics and enclosed in brackets. Abbreviations have in some instances been used e B n. d." for Xo date ;" ed." for edition ;" -1st," 2d," 3d," etc for "first second," "third," etc., and a few others ; but as they will be readily understood when met with, no list is given of them. P R E F A C E . In entering works which have two titles, the second title has generally been given in a note. The titles of different volumes of the same work sometimes differ. Such differences have sometimes been expressed in a note : sometimes the entry of the title is made to show them ; at other times the title of the last volume only is given. Books have been designated as " 2," " 4," "S," etc., for "folio," "quarto," "octavo," etc., as it is usual to do, and also the size of the full printed page given in inches and tenths of inches. In works consisting of but a single volume the number of pages is stated, as it is noted in the book, if less than 100, or more than 500. The sign -|- is added when the volume contains several pages not numbered and therefore not taken into account. A number of publications under the same title, when each consists of less than 100 pp., are sometimes designated as " pamps.," for " pamphlets." Some of the foregoing rules, relative to the preparation of the titles, have not been strictly observed in the case of publications of less than 100 pp. When the surname of an author is given in full in the title, and the rest of the heading either in full or bv abbreviation, the whole name has been omitted from the title : when the surnlme is given in full and the rest in part, so much of it, as the title contains, is retained : when no part of an author s name is given, it has been added in italics and enclosed in brackets. Cross-references have been made from all editors, annotators, commentators, and translators. When a work is the production of more than one author, it is entered under the name of the first, the names of all given in the title, and cross- references made from the second and each other, as " Joint Author" HEADINGS consist for the most part of the surnames of the authors, which, with their Christian names, appear in their vernacular form, when this could be ascertained. When there was doubt as to the vernacular form, the form of the name expressed in the title has been made the heading. The following excep tions to this rule occur. The writings of canonized persons appear under their Christian names. Sovereigns are designated by their Christian names, in the usual English form. Names of ancient Greek authors, of Fathers of the Church, and of the writers of the Middle Ages who wrote wholly in Latin, with some others, are given in their Latin form. The following rules have been observed with respect to surnames with prefixes. In English names the 4 prefix is treated as a part of the surname. French surnames if preceded by La, Le, L , are entered under L ; if preceded by Du or Des, they are entered under D. In other languages, and in French in other cases than are mentioned above, surnames are entered under the letter following the prefix. Compound surnames, except English, have been generally entered under the first part of the names, e. g. Merle d Aubigne, Simonde de Sismondi, etc. Eng lish noblemen and ecclesiastical dignitaries are catalogued under their family VI. PREFACE names. In other cases the titular appellation of the person is made the head ing. It was almost impossible to have and follow in this particular any uniform system of enrollment. Cross-references have been made, to obviate any incon venience arising from a non-observance of uniformity. Parts of family names and prefixes not put in the headings, the maiden name of a married woman, and the original surname when a new one has been, adopted by an author, are printed with the Christian name, in small capitals ; as DUMOURIEZ, Charles Francois DUPERRIER ; TOOKE, John HORNE ; HEMANS, Mrs. Felicia Dorothea BROWNE. THE plan of the Index of Subjects is intelligible at a cursory glance. The alphabetical arrangement is adopted here as on more accounts preferable. The references throughout, from one subject to others of a related nature, and from a general subject to its special divisions, give it also much of the character of a classified arrangement. It is made as full and minute as circumstances would allow. Large classes of publications, which would add little value to the Index and largely increase the size of the volume, find no place in it ; e. g. all miscel laneous sermons, pamphlets of a local or personal character and interest, etc. ALL important errors, which have been discovere^, are noticed upon the last page of the volume. It may be here remarked also, that the entries of a few classes of publications are more full, in some unimportant observances, in the first part of the Catalogue, than it was afterwards found expedient to make them. Other inconsistencies will no doubt appear ; one must be perfect in judgment and knowledge, if his work is not to be imperfect. Biographical notices of authors are given in the Catalogue in all cases in which they could be obtained, and a few bibliographical notes. THIS work will have claims to merit only as it shall meet its design, to direct the Student to such sources of knowledge as the Library is able to furnish. Every work in the Library, of whatever kind or size, is given its place in the Catalogue. The usefulness of the book may not be in proportion to the labor it has cost. It is not free from errors and imperfections, and of these no one can be more fully aware than the compiler. It must be judged by what is done, not by what is left undone. I have prepared it mostly alone, in such hours as were left from the requisite discharge of a full round of College duties as an Instructor. I brirur it to a close with the hope only, that my labor has not been in v; JJE.W,CK, July llth, 183. PART I. CATALOGUE OF AUTHORS AND BOOKS. CATALOGUE. A. ABBADIE, James, D.D., a French Prot. minister at Berlin, aft. at London, aft. Dean of Killaloe, Ireland; b. 1654. d. 1727. 1 Deity (The) of Jesus Christ essential to the Christian Religion. . . . Revised, &c. by A. Booth. Burlington, 1802. 12 (5.1X2.9). ABBAS, Halli, one of the Persian Magi, & a disciple of Zoroaster. 2 Dispositio regalis Artis Medicinae. Prologus Stephani in Libro Medi cine, quern ex Arabico in Latinam transtulit facultatem. Synonima de pluribus Medicine Autoribus a Michaele de Capella. Lugduni, 1523. 8 (6.2X4.3), 2 cols., fol. 319. NOTE. Xo title-page. In Ulacfc ILfttrr. Written A.D. 980 ; translated 1127. ABBOT, Rev. Abiel, D.D., of Beverly, Mass. ; b. 1770. d. 1828. 3 Address before the Massachusetts Society for the Suppressing of In temperance, June 2, 1815. Cambridge, 1815. 8, pp. 23. 4 Discourse delivered before the Bible Society of Salem and its Vicinity, June 11, 1817. * * * Salem, 1817. 8, pp. 24. 5 Discourse delivered before the Missionary Society of Salem and its Vi cinity, and the Essex South Musical Society. Salem, 1816. 8, pp. 24. 6 Discourse at North Coventry, July 4, 1799. Hartford, 1799. 8, pp. 16. 7 Ecclesiastical Peace recommended. A Discourse delivered before the Annual Convention of the Congregational Ministers of Massachusetts, in Boston, May 31, 1827. * * * Boston, 1827. 12, pp. 20. 8 Eulogy on George Washington, delivered before the Inhabitants of the Town of Haverhill, on his Birth Day, 1800. With his last Address. Haverhill, n. d. 8, pp. 28, 21. ABBOT, Rev. Abiel, D.D., of Coventry, Conn., of Andover, Mass.,&c.; 6.1765. 9 Statement of Proceedings in the First Society in Coventry, Conn., which terminated in the Removal of the Pastor ; with an Address. Boston, 1811. 8, pp. 68. 10 Reply to Mr. Abbot s Statement of Proceedings in the First Society in Coventry, Conn. By the Association in Tolland County. Hartford, 1812. 8, pp. 48. 1 HO .V J)OIN COLL CO K. ABBOT, Ezra, Jim., Ass t Libr. Flarv. College, grad. Boivd. Coll., 1840; 5.1819. 1 Use (On the) of the word " Deus" in Plautus and Terence. [By E. Abbot, jr.] From Christian Examiner, November 1848. Cambridge, 1848. 8", pp. 20. Compiler. See CAMBRIDGE HIGH-SCHOOL. Catalogue of Library. ABBOT, Lieut. Henry L., U.S.T.E. % Reports upon Routes in Oregon and California. See UNITED STATES.. (Explorations and Surveys for a Pacific Railroad, vol. 6, 10.) ABBOT, Rev. John Emery, of Salem, Mass. ; b. 1793. d. 1819. 3 Sermons. With a Memoir of his Life, by Henry Ware, Jr. Boston, 1829. 12 (5.2X3.3), ABBOTT, Rev. Jacob, grad. Bowd. Coll, 1820; b. at Hallovell, 1803. 4 Teacher (The) : or Moral Influences employed in the Instruction and Government of the Young ; intended chiefly to assist Young Teachers. Boston, 1834. 12 (5.1X3.2). [2 copies.] NOTE. Also with second title-page, ensrared. 5 Young Christian (The) ; or a familiar Illustration of the Principles of Christian Duty. Boston, 1832. 12 (5.7X3.3). ABBOTT, Rev. John Stevens Cabot, grad. Bowd. Coll., 1825 ; b. 1805. 6 French Revolution (The) of 1789 as viewed in the light of Republican Institutions. With 100 Engravings. New York, 1859. 8 (7. 7X4.6). ABBOTT, Hon. Nehemiah, U.S. Repr.from Maine. 7 Fishing Bounties. Speech delivered in the House of Representatives, Feb. 10, 1859. Washington, 1859. 8, pp. 8, 2 cols. 8 Government Expenditures. Speech delivered in the House of Repre sentatives, Feb. 21, 1859. Washington, 1859. 8, pp. 8, 2 cols. ABDULLAH, a learned Malay, Interpreter to American Mission. 9 Bahwa ini Kesah Pu-Layar-an Abdullah, ben Abdulkadir, Munshi. Deri Singapura Ka-Kalantan. Tur-Karang Ulih-nya. [Narrative of a Trip up the East Coast of the Malayan Peninsula. ] Singapura, 1838. 8 (7.1X4). NOTE. The first work of the kind in the languag-e. In Malay and English type. ABEEL, Rev. David, Missionary A.B.C.F.M. to China; b. 1804. d. 1846. 10 Journal of a Residence in China, and the Neighboring Countries, from 1829 to 1833. New-York, 1834. 12 (5.2X3.3). ABERCROMBIE, John, M.D., F.R.S., of Edinburgh ; b. 1781. d. 1844. 11 Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Powers, and the Investigation of Truth. From 2d Edinburgh edition. (Harper s Family Library, No. 37.) New- York, 1832. 18 (4.5X2.7). 2 Philosophy (The) of the Moral Feelings. From 2d Edinburgh edition. (Harper s Family Library, No. 58.) New-York, 1834. 18 (4.5X2.7). ABERXETIIY, Rev. John, of Antrim, aft. of Dublin ; b. 1680. d. 1740. 13 Discourses concerning the Being and Natural Perfections of God . Vol. 1, 2. 4th ed. Aberdeen, 1778. 12 (4 7X2 7) ABOUT, Edmond. 14 Roi (Le) des Montaignes. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1859. 12 (5.1X3). ABREGE de 1 Iiistoire ecclesiastique. Seconde Partie. 1100-1700. [No imprint.] 12 (4.4X2.7). Kistoire des Insectes, pour servir de suite a 1 Histoire naturelle des b Abeille-s. Avec des Figures . . . Tom. 1-4. Paris. 1747- ol. 12 (4.7X2.4), m. h. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. ACADEMIA electoralis Scientiarum et elegantiarum Literarum Theodoro-Palatina, 1 at Mannheim. Historia et Comrnentationes. VoL 1-4. * * * [Plates, Maps, &c.~] Mannhemii, 1766- 78. 4 (6.1X4.5), ACADEMIE Frangaise, instituted 1635. abolished 1793. 2 Dictionnaire de 1 Academic Franc, oise. Nouv. ed. Tom. 1 A-K. 2, L-Z. Nismes, 1778. 4 (8X6), 2 cols. 3 Dictionnaire de 1 Academie Franchise. Nouv. ed. Tom. 1. A-K. 2. L-Z. Nismes, 1789. 4 (8X6), 2 cols. 4 ... Uictionnaire de 1 Academie Franchise. 6me ed. ... Tom. 1. [A-H.] 2. [I-Z.] Paris, 1835. 4 (8.4X6.6), 2 cols. NOTE. Title-page is engraved and embellished. ACADEMIE Royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, inst. 1663. suppressed 1793. 5 Histoire de 1 Academie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, depuis son Establissementjjusques & compris 1 Annee M.DCCLXXII. Avec les Memoires de Litterature tirez des Registres de cette Academic, depuis son Renouvellement jusqu en M.DCCLXXIX. Tom. 1-43. [Frontis pieces and Plates. } Paris, 1717- 86. 4 (6.8X4.3), m. r. NOTE. Each eleventh volume is " Table des Matieres " to the preceding ten volumes. ACADEMIE Royale des Sciences, organized in 1666. 6 Histoire. Annee 1666-1787. Avec les Memoires de Mathematique & d Physique . . . tirez des Registres de cette Academic. [108 vols. Plates. } Paris, 173 1- 89. 4 (7.5X4.7). NOTE. Vol. for 1699 is 3ieme edition ; for 1701, 1703, 1704, 2<le 6dition, and for 1710, nouvelle edition. 7 Memoires de Mathematique et de Physique, presentes a 1 Academie Roy- ale des Sciences. ... Tom. 1-6. Paris, 1750-74. 4 (6.9X4.3). 8 Recueil des Pieces qui ont remporte les Prix de 1 Academie Royale des Sciences, depuis leur fondation, ,en 1720, jusqu en 1772. . Avec les Pieces qui y ont concouru. Tom. 1-9. ... * * * [Plates.] Paris, 1752- 77. 4 (6.8X4.1), m, r. 9 Table . . . des Matieres contenues dans 1 Histoire & les de 1 Academic Royale des Sciences. Par M. Godin. Tom. 1. Annees 1666- 1698. 2-4.1699-1734. Par M. Demours. Tom. 5. 1731-40. 6.1741- 50. 7. 1751-60. 8. 1761-70. 9. 1771-80. * * * Paris, 1734- 86. 4 (6.5X4.2-5.4). [2 copies.] NOTE. Tom. 24 are paged continuously. ACCUM, Fredrick, Prof, of Chemistry, Royal Instit., London , 6.1769. d. 1838. 10 Manual (A) of Analytical Mineralogy ... 2d ed. Vol. 1, 2. [Plate.] London, n. d. 12 (4.6X2.9). 11 Practical Essay (A) on the Analysis of Minerals ... 1st American, from London edition. [Plate.] Philadelphia, 1809. 12 (5X2.9). 12 .System (A) of Theoretical and Practical Chemistry. . . . With Plates. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1803. 8 (5.8X3.5). " System (A) of Theoretical and Practical Chemistry. . . . With Plates. 2d ed., enlarged. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1807. 8 (6X3.3). ACIIARD, Franz Carl, a Prussian savan ; 1753. d. 1821. 14 Bestimmung der Bestandtheile einiger Edelgesteine. Berlin, 1779. 8 (5.6X3.2). 5 Chymisch-physische Schriften. Berlin, 1780. 8 (5.6X3.2). BOWDOIN COLLEGE. ACHENWALL, Gottfried, Prof, of History at Marburg ; I. 1719. d. 1772. 1 Staatsklugheit (Die) nach ihren ersten Grundsatzen entworfen. 4te ausgabe. ... Gottingen, 1779. 8 (5.2X3). 2 Staatsverfassung der heutigen vornehmsten Europaischen Reiche im Grundrisse. 4te ausgabe. Gottingen, 1762. 8(5.2X3),m.b.,pp.552. ACHERLEY, Roger, Esq. 3 Britannic Constitution (The) : or, The Fundamental Form of Government in Britain. Demonstrating the original Contract entered into by King and People, ... 2ded. . . . London, 1741. 2 (9.9X5.3), m.r., pp. 695+. 4 Reasons for Uniformity in the State. Being a Supplement to the Bri tannic Constitution. London, 1741. 2 (10.8X6), pp. 24. ACHILLI, Rev. Giacinto, D.D., formerly a Dominican priest ; b. 1803. 5 Dealings with the Inquisition ; or, Papal Rome, her Priests, and her Jesuits. ... * * * New York, 1851. 12 (5.7X3.2). ACKERMANN, Carl, D.D., Arclideacon of Jena. 6 Christliche (Das) im Plato und in der platonischen Philosophic, ent- wickelt und hervorgehoben. Hamburg, 1835. 8 (6.3X3.1). ACOSTA, Joseph DE, a Spanish Jesuit; b. about 1539. d. 1600. 7 Historia natural y moral de las Indias ... 6ta edicion. Tomo 1, 2. Madrid, 1792. 4 (6.3X4). ACTA Synodi Nationalis . . . autoritate D D. Ordinvm generalivm foederati 8 Belgii provinciarum Dordrechti habitae anno MDCXVIII et MDCXIX. Accedunt plenissima, de Quinque Articulis, Theologorum Indicia. * * * Dordrechti, 1620. 4 (7X4.9), 2 cols., pp. 1151. ACTS (The) of the Apostles. See BIBLE, in locis. ACTON, Henry. 9 Religious Opinions and Example of Milton, Locke, and Newton. Boston, 1833. 12, pp. 40. ADAM, Alexander, LL.D., Eector of High School, Edinburgh; b. 1741. d. 1809. 10 Roman Antiquities : or, An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans : . . . Designed chiefly to illustrate the Latin Classics. ... 5th ed., corrected. London, 1801. 8 (6.2X3.5), pp. 616. 1 Rudiments (The) of Latin and English Grammar ... * * * 5th ed., with Improvements. Edinburgh, 1798. 12 (5.3X3.1). ADAM, Melchior, Sector of Gymnasium at Heidelberg ; d. 1622. 2 Vita Germanorum Philosophorum qui Seculo superiori, et quod excur- rit . . . floruerunt. Haidelbergrc, 1615. 8 (6X3), m. b., pp 5264- ADAMS, Rev. Amos, of Roxbury, Mass. ; b. 1727. d. 1775. Character (The) of a Christian s Death illustrated. A Sermon upon the Jeath of Mrs Lucy Dudley. Preached at Roxbury, Oct. 31, 1756. Boston, 1756. 8, pp 26 Concise Historical View (A) of the Perils, &c., which have attended the tenting and progressive Improvement of New-England. In two Dis courses, preached at Roxbury on the General Fast, April 6, 1769. * * * ,* -D r Boston, 1769. 8, pp. 66 Religious Liberty an invaluable Blessing. Two Thanksgiving Dis courses, preached at Roxbury, Dec. 3, 1767. Boston, 1768. 8, pp. 57. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. ADAMS, Rev. Amos, continued. 1 Songs of Victory directed by human Compassion and qualified with Chris tian Benevolence; in a Sermon delivered at Roxbury, Oct. 25, 1759. On the General Thanksgiving for the Reduction of Quebec. * * * Boston, 1759. 8, pp. 29. ADAMS, Eev. Charles. 2 Notes on the Minister of Christ for the Times, drawn from the Holy Scriptures. New York, 1850. 16 (4.7X2.7). ADAMS, Charles Baker, Prof. Cliem. and Zool. Amherst Coll. ; b. 1814. d. 1853. 3 Fresh Water and Land Shells of Vermont. [No imprint. ] 8, pp. 19. ADAMS, Charles Francis, U.S. Minister to England: b. 1807. 4 Address to the Citizens of Quincy, November 5, 1853. See MASSACHU SETTS. Constitution. (Discussions on the Constitution of 1853.) 5 Life of John Adams. See ADAMS, John, LL.D. Works. Vol. 1. Editor, &c. See ADAMS, John, LL.D. Works. ADAMS, Daniel. 6 Scholar s Arithmetic (The) : or, Federal Accountant. ... 2d ed. ... with Additions. Leominster, 1802. 8 (7.3X4.3). ADAMS, Rev. Eliphalet, of New London, Conn. ; b. 1676. d. 1753. 7 Memoir of. $eeM^ss. Hist. Society. (Collections, 4th Series, vol. 1.) ADAMS, George, mathematical instrument maker, of London. 8 Astronomical and Geographical Essays . . . 5th ed., corrected and enlarged, by W. Jones. [Plates.] London, 1803. 8 (6.5X3.5), pp. 517. [2 copies.] 9 Essay (An) on Electricity . . . With six Plates. To which is added, A Letter . . . from Mr. John Birch, Surgeon, on ... Medical Elec tricity. 5th ed., with corrections and additions, by W. Jones. London, 1799. 8 (6X3.4), pp. 594. 10 Essay on Vision ... 2d ed. [Plate.] London, 1792. 8 (5. 8X3.2). 11 Essays on the Microscope ; containing a practical Description of ... Microscopes ; a general History of Insects . . . ; an Account of ... the Hydrse and Vorticella? ; &c. &c. . . . With thirty-two folio Plates. 2d ed., with . . . additions, &c. by F. Kanmacher. London, 1798. 4 (7.1X5), pp. 724. 12 Geometrical and Graphical Essays, containing a general Description of the Mathematical Instruments used in Geometry,. Civil and Military Sur veying, Levelling and Perspective ; with many new Problems. 2d ed., corrected and enlarged by W. Jones. [Plates.] London, 1797. 8 (6X3.4), pp. 518. 13 Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy. . . . Plates and Index. Vol. 1-5. London, 1794. 8 (6X3.5). [2 copies.] 14 Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy. . . . Plates and Index. 2d ed., with corrections and additions, by W. Jones. Vol. 1-5. [Frontispiece.] London, 1799. 8 (6.3X3.5). ADAMS, H. G. 15 Dr. Livingston : his Life and Adventures in the Interior of South Afri ca. ... Illustrated . . . London, n. d. 12 (6.3X3.3). BCMVDOIN COLLEGE. ADAMS, Hannah; b. at Medfteld, Mass., 1755. d. 1832. 1 Dictionary (A) of all Religions and Religious Denominations, Jewish, Heathen, Mahometan, and Christian, ancient and modern. . . . 4th ed., with large additions. New-York, 1817. 8 (6.5X3.9), 2 cols. 2 Narrative (A) of the Controversy between the Rev. Jedidiah Morse, D.D. and the Author. Boston, 1814. 8, pp. 8, 31. 3 Summary History (A) of New England, from the first Settlement at Plymouth, to the Acceptance of the Federal Constitution. Compre hending a general Sketch of the American War. Dedham, 1799. 8 (6.6X3.3), pp. 513. [2 copies.] 4 View (A) of Religions, ... 3d ed., with large additions. * * * Boston, 1801. 8 (6X3.6), pp. 504. ADAMS, James O. Editor. See NEW HAMPSHIRE State Agricultural Society. Transac tions for 1853- 57. ADAMS, John, of Waltham- Abbey. Editor, &c. See JUAN Y SANTACILIA, J. Voyage to South America. ADAMS, John, LL.D., 2d Pres. of U.S. ; b. at Bralntree, Mass., 1735. d. 1826. 5 Addresses and Messages. See WILLIAMS, E. (Addresses, &c., vol. 1.) 6 Addresses to the President, and his AnsAvers, 1798. See UNITED STATES. Miscellaneous Documents. Selection of Patriotic Addresses, &c. i Biographical Sketch of. See WILLIAMS, E. (Addresses, &c., vol. 1.) 8 Defence (A) of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America. *** London, 1788. 12 (5X2.9). 9 Defence (A) of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America, against the Attack of M. Turgot in his letter to Dr. Price, dated March 22, 1778. * * * ... Vol. 1-3. 3d ed. [Portrait.] Philadelphia, 1797. 8 (6X3.3). [2 copies.] 10 Diplomatic Correspondence. See UNITED STATES. History, &c. (Di plomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, vol. 4, 5, 6, 7.) n Eulogy on Adams. See EVERETT, E. ; WEBSTER, D. 12 Executive Messages, Addresses, etc. See UNITED STATES. 13 History of Administration of John Adams. See WOOD, John, of Va. 14 History of the Dispute with America; from its Origin in 1754. Writ ten in 1774. London, 1784. 8, pp. 89. 15 Oration at Plymouth, December 22, 1802. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Elo quence of U.S., vol. 5.) 16 Works ; with a Life of the Author, Notes and Illustrations, by his Grands9n, C. F. Adams. Vol. 1-10. [Portraits, Engravings and Fac similes.] Boston, 1856. 8 (6.3X3.9). [2 copies.] NOTE. Life constitutes vol. 1. ADAMS, John Milton. 17 Address [on Education ] to the People of Cumberland County. Portland, 1853. 8, pp. 24. ADAMS, John Quincy, LL.D., 6tk Pres. of U.S., eldest son of John Adams; b. at Quincy, Mass., 1767. d. 1848. is Address to the Charitable Fire Association of Boston, May 28, 1802.* Boston, 1802 . 8, pp. 25. 9 Addresses and Messages. See WILLIAMS, E. (Addresses, &c., vol. 1.) CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY". ADAMS, John Quincy, LL.D., continued. 1 American Principles. A Review of the Works of Fisher Ames. . . . Boston, 1809. 8, pp. 8, 51. 2 Biographical Sketch of. See WILLIAMS, E. (Addresses, &c., vol. 1.) 3 Executive Messages, Addresses, &c. See UNITED STATES. 4 Jubilee (The) of the Constitution. A Discourse delivered at the re quest of the New York Historical Society, in ... New York, 30th of April, 1839. ... *** [Plate. ] New York, 1839. 8 (6.5X3.9). 5 Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory, delivered ... in Harvard Universi ty. ... Vol. 1, 2. Cambridge, 1810. 8 (5.9X3.2). 6 Letter to Hon. Harrison Gray Otis on the present State of National Affairs. With Remarks on Mr. Pickering s Letter to Governor Sulli van. 2d ed. Boston, 1808. 8, pp. 32. [2 copies.] ? Letters on the Masonic Institution. Boston, 1847. 8 (10.3X3.6). 8 Letters on Silesia, written during a Tour through that Country in the years 1800, 1801. ... [_Map.~\ London, 1804. 8 (5.7X3.2). 9 Memoir of Life. See QUINCY, Josiah, LL.D. 10 New England Confederacy (The) of 1643. Discourse before Mass. Hist. Society, 1843. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 9.) ADAMS, Rev. Nehemiah, D.D., of Boston; b. in Salem, Mass., 1806. 11 Sermon preached [in Boston] Oct. 31, 1852, the Sabbath after the In terment of Hon. Daniel Webster. 2d ed. Boston, 1852. 8, pp. 23. 12 Why am I a Trinitarian Congregationalist ? See (PlTTS-STREET Chapel Lectures). ADAMS, Rev. Zabdiel, of Lunenburg, Mass. ; b. 1739. d. 1801. 13 Election Sermon, Mass., May 29, 1782. [Boston, 1782.] 8, pp. 59. 14 Happiness (The) and Pleasure of Unity in Christian Societies, consider ed. Sermon in Boston, August 26, 1772. Boston, 1772. 8, pp. 44. ADAMSON, Thomas. Editor. See DIGGS, T. Englands Defence. ADDINGTON, Rev. Stephen, D.D., of Leicestershire; b. 1729. d. 1796. 15 Christian Minister s (The) Reasons for baptizing Infants, and for ad ministering the Ordinance by Sprinkling or Pouring of Water. * * * London, 1771. 12 (4.9X2.8). ADDISON, Joseph, an English author; b. 1672. d. 1719. 16 Free-Holder (The). Or Political Essays. London, 1751. 12 (4.7X3.8). NOTE. Lettered "Works. 5." 17 Life of Addison. See JOHNSON, Samuel. (Works, vol. 10.) is Life and Writings. See MACAULAY, T. B. (Essays, vol. 5.) 19 Miscellaneous Works, in Verse and Prose. 3 vols. . . . London, 1753. 12 (4.7X2.8). 20 Papers in the Guardian. See (BRITISH Essayists, vol. 13-15). 21 Papers in the Spectator. See (BRITISH Essayists, vol. 5-12). 22 Papers in the Tatler. See (BRITISH Essayists, vol. 1-4). 23 Remarks on several Parts of Italy, &c. in the years 1701, 1702, 1703. *** London, 1753. 12 (4.7X2.8). NOTE. Lettered "Works. 4." 24 Truth of Christian Religion. See WATSON, R. (Theol. Tracts, vol 5.) B W D I N COLLEGE. ADLER, George J., Prof, of German, New York Univ.; b. in Germany, 1821. 1 Dictionary (A) of the German and English Languages . . . Compiled from the works of Hilpert, Flugel, Grieb, Heyse, and others. In two Parts : I. German and English. II. English and German, oth revised edition. New York, 1860. 8 (8.3X4.8), 3 cols., pp. 852, 522. ADOLPHUS, John, a Barrister, of London; b. 1766. d. 1845. 2 Biographical Memoirs of the French Revolution. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1799. 8 (6.4X2.4). ADVENTURER (The), a periodical Paper, 1752- 54. See HAWKESWORTH, J. /EXEAS SYLVIUS, afterwards Pope Pius II. ; b. 1405. d. 1464. 3 Commentarii de Actis & Gestis in Concilio Basileee. See GRATIUS, 0. (Fascicvlvs Rervm expetendarvm, etc.) ^ESCHINES, an Athenian Orator ; b. at Athens, B.C. 389. d. at Samos, B.C. 317. 4 ^Eschines Interpretatio Latina. See DEMOSTHENES. D. et M. Interpre- tatio Latina. 5 ^Eschinis qua? exstant omnia [Greek.] Indicibus locupletissimis Vari- tate Lectionis continua Interpretatione Latina Scholiis Greeds Anno- tationibus variorum . . . illustravit G. S. Dobson Praefiguntur Adver saria . . . P. P. Dobree Londini, 1828. 8 (6.9X3.7), pp. 548. 6 CEuvres. See DEMOSTHENES. CEuvres completes de D. et d ^E. 7 Oration against Charge of Misconduct in his Embassy, and Oration against Ctesiphon. See DEMOSTHENES. (Orations of Demosthenes ; translated by Francis, vol. 2.) AESCHYLUS, the great Attic Tragedian; b. B.C. 525. d. B.C. 456. 8 Tragedies. [Greek. } Re-edited with an English Commentary by F. A. Paley. London, 1855. 8 (6.5X^.8), pp. xxxvi., 604. 9 Tragedies translated. By R. Potter. 2d ed., corrected, with Notes. ... Vol. 2. [Agamemnon, The Chcephorce, The Furies, The Persians. ] London, 1779. 8 (5.8x3.4 irr.). 10 Tragedies ; translated by R. Potter. New ed. London, 1809. 8 (6.1X3.4). 1 Tragoediae. [Greek.] Recensvit G. Hermannvs. Editio altera. Tom. * 2 - Berolini, 1859. 8 (6.2X3.9). 2 Tragoediae quae supersunt ac deperditarum Fragmenta. [ Greek.] Re- censuit et Commentario illustravit C. G. Schiitz. Vol. 1. Prometheus Vinctus et Septem adversus Thebas. 2. Persae. Agamemnon. 3. Choe- phorae. Eumenides. Supplices. 4. Scholia in septem ^Eschyli, quae ex- stant, Tragoedias. ^ 5. Fragmenta deperditarum Dramatum cum virorum doctorum Annotationibus. Editio nova auctior et emendatior. Halae, 1809- 21. 8 (6.2X3.5). JEsoPUS, a Greek Fabulist; b. about 620 B.C. executed 564 B.C. 13 Choix des Fables d Esope. See LE Roi, . Esop s Fables written in Chinese. See THOM, R. is Fabularum ^Esopiarum Libri V. See PttfiDBUS. AETIUS, a physician ofAmida, in Mesopotamia, of the oth century Contractae Medicinae Tetrabiblos per lanvm Cornarivm Latine conscrip- tus. Cumlndice. Basileae, 1542. 2 (8 7X5 3) DD 9164- NOTB_ -Imperfect, wanting title-page, and first page of Preface. CompilU La (MU- sius, Galen, Archives, Rufus, Herodotus, and others, with some original matter. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE, Y. AFRICAN Institution, London. Third Eeport of the Directors of the African 1 Institution, read March 25, 1809 ; with List of Subscribers. London, 1809. 8, pp. 62. AFRICAN Repository (The). See AMERICAN Colonization Society. AGASSIZ, Louis John Rudolph, LL.D., Prof, of Nat. Hist, at Neuchatel, 1832- 45, since at Harvard College; b. in Suntzcrland, 1807. 2 Classification of Insects from Embryological Data. Pp. 28, and one Plate. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 2.) 3 Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of America. ... Vol. 1-4. [Plates.] Boston, 1857- 62. 4 (8.6X6.3). 4 Memoir of Hugh Miller. See MILLER, H. (Prefixed to Footprints of the Creator, &c.) 5 Nomenclator Zoologicus, continens Nomina systematica Generum Ani- malium tam Viventium quam Fossilium, secundum ordinem alphabeti- cum disposita, adjectis auctoribus, libris, in quibus reperiuntur, anno edi- tionis, etymologia et familiis, ad quas pertinent, in singulis classibus. Auctore L. Agassiz. Adjuvantibus Princ. C. L. Bonaparte ; H. Burmeis- ter; T. a Charpentier ; etc. * * * [Numerous payings.] Soloduri, 1842- 46. 4 (7.9X6.7). 6 Notice of the Fossil Fishes. See BLAKE, \V. P. (Report of a Geologi cal Reconnaissance in California.) 7 Sketch of the Natural Provinces of the Animal World and their Rela tions to the different Types of Man ; with Tableau and Map. See NOTT, J. C. (Types of Mankind.) Joint Editor. See AMERICAN Journal of Science, &c., 2d Series, vol. 16-32. AGNEW, John Holmes. 8 General Index to the American Biblical Repository, Vol. 1-24. January, 1831 October, 1844. New York, 1845. 8 (6X3.4). Editor. See BIBLICAL Repository (The), &c. AGREEMENT of the associated Ministers of the County of Essex, England, as 9 to Baptism, Ordination, &c. 4 (6.3X3.9), pp. 33. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting 1 title-page. Dating about 1700. AGRICOLA, Georg, a German physicist ; b. 1490. d. 1558. 10 BergwerckBuch: . . . [Plates.] Basel, 1621. 2 (9.6X5.4). 11 Re Metallica (De) Libri XII. ... * * * [Plates.] Basilese, 1657. 2 (10X6), pp. 708-f. AHRENS, Heinrich Ludolf. 12 Graecae Linguae Dialectis (De). Liber I. De Dialectis Aeolicis et Pseudaeolicis. II. De Dialecto Dorica. 2 vols. Gottingae, 1839, 43. 8 (6.2X3.6). NOTE. Each book has also independent title-page, and independent paging. AIKEN, Rev. Silas, Pastor of Park St. Church, Boston. 13 Posthumous Influence. Sermon on the Death of Hon. Samuel Hub- bard, LL.D. ; preached Jan. 2, 1848. Boston, 1848. 8, pp. 40. AlKEN, Rev. Solomon, of Dracut, Mass. ; b. 1757. d. 1832. 14 Oration (An), delivered before the Republican Citizens of Newburyport, July 4, 1810. Newburyport, 1810. 8, pp. 15. AIKIN, Arthur, M.D. ; b. 1784. d. 1854. l * Annual Review (The) ; and History of Literature ; for 1802-1808. . . . Vol. 1-7. London, 1803-09. 8 (7.9X4.6), 2 cols, 2 BOW DO IN COLLKGE AIKIN, Arthur, M.D., continued. 1 Dictionary (A) of Chemistry and Mineralogy, with an Account of the Pro cesses employed in ... Chemical Manufactures. ... By A. & C. R. Aikin. Illustrated with fifteen Engravings. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1807. 4 (7.8X5.6), 2 cols. Editor. See DENON, D. V. Travels in Egypt. Joint Editor. See ANNALS of Philosophy. Vol. 11, 12. AIKIN, C. R. Joint Author. See AIKIN, A. Dictionary of Chemistry, &c. AIKIN, John, M.D., a popular English author; b. 1747. d. 1822. 2 Letters from a Father to his Son, . . . relative to Literature and the Conduct of Life. Vol. 2. ... 2d ed. * * * London, 1803. 8 (5.2X2.6). 3 View (A) of the Life, Travels, and philanthropic Labors of the late John Howard. *** Boston, 1794. 24 (4X2.5). Joint Author. See BARBAULD, A. L. A. Evenings at Home. Translator. See BAUME, A. Manual of Chemistry. AIKIN, Lucy, daughter of preceding. 4 Memoirs of the Court of King James I. ... Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1822. 8 (6.1X3.5). AlME-MARTlN, Louis, a French writer; d. 1846. s Etudes sur la Vie de Fenelon. See FENELON, F. de SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE. (Euvres. Tom. 1, pp. iii.-xxxi. Editor. See FENELON, F. de SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE. (Euvres. Editor. See JEROME, E. St. (Euvres de S. Jerome. AINSLIE. Whitelaw, M.D. Joint Author. See MURRAY, H. Account of British India. AINSWORTH, Robert; b. near Manchester, Engl., 1660. d. 1743. G Thesaurus Linguae Latinsc compendiarius ; or, A compendious Dictiona ry of the Latin Tongue . . . New edition, with great Additions and Amendments. ... By T. Morell. London, 1796. Thick 4 (9.2X6.4), 2 cols., n. p. [2 copies.] 7 Abridgment of Ainsworth s Dictionary. See MORELL, T. AIRY, George Biddell, A.M., Astronomer Royal of England; b. 1801. 8 Astronomical Observations, at Greemvich, 1836- 47 ; Magnetical and Meteorological Observations, at Greenwich, 1840- 47 ; Astronomical, Magnetical, and Meteorological Observations, at Greenwich, 1848- 58 ; Reduction of the Observations of the Moon, made at Greenwich from 1750 to 1851 ; &c. See GREAT BRITAIN. Observations at lloyal Ob- srrcalories. Greenwich. 9 Fig-ure (The) of the Earth. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitan, vol. 5). Gravitation : an elementary Explanation of the principal Perturbations in the Solar System. ... London, 1834. 12 (5.1X3.1). 1 Mathematical Tracts on the Lunar and Planetary Theories, the Figure of the Earth, Precession and Nutation, the Calculus of Variations, and the Undulatory Theory of Optics. ... 4th ed., corrected and improv ed, plates. ] Cambridge, 1858. 8 (6.7X3.8). Six Lectures on Astronomy, delivered ... in March, 1848 : with an In troduction. 4th ed. [Plates.] London, n. d. 12 (6X3.8). 3 Tides ami Waves. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 5). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRA II Y. 11 AiRT, George Biddell, A.M., continued. 1 Trigonometry. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 5). AKENSIDE, Mark, M.D., an English poet ; b. 1721. d. 1770. 2 Poetical Works. Edited, with a Life, by A. DyCe. [Portrait.] Boston, 1854. 18 (4.8X2.8 irr.). ALAMANNI, Luigi, an Italian Poet ; 6. 1495. d. 1556. 3 Alamanni, Ruccellai, Tansillo, Baldi, Didascalici del Secolo XVI. * * * Venezia, 1786. 12 (4X2.5). ALBANIS-BEAUMONT, J. F. 4 Memoire sur 1 Origine, le Produit et 1 Amelioration d un Troupeau de Merinos etablis depuis cinq annees a la Chaumiere pastorale de Vernaz, etc., et sur les Progress de FAgriculture de ce domaine, 1798-1807. Geneve, n. d. 8, pp. 34. ALBERONI, Guilio, Cardinal, and Spanish statesman ; b. 1664. d. 1752. 5 Testament politique, recueilli de divers Memoires, Lettres, & Entretiens, par A. M. Traduit de 1 Italien, par le C. de R. B. M. P tie I., II. 2 vols. Lausanne, 1754. 12 (4.7X2. 6). ALBERTI, Johann, D.D., Prof, of Tlieol. at Leyden; b. 1698. d. 1762, Editor, &c. See HESYCHIUS. Lexicon Gracum. ALBEETINI, Carlo, of Verona. Editor. See PETRARCA, F. Le Rime del Petrarea. ALBINUS, a Platonic Philosopher ; flourished about A.D. 200. 6 Introduction to the Dialogues of Plato. See PLATO. (Works, Ed. 1848 - 59, vol. 6.) ALBRO, John A.. D.D., of Cambridge, Mass. 1 Life of Shepard. See SHEPARD, T. Works. Vol. 1, pp. vii.-cxcii. ALCINOUS, a Platonic Philosopher, of uncertain age. 8 Introduction to the Doctrines of Plato. See PLATO. (Works, Ed. 1848 - 59, vol. 6.) ALCORAN (The) of Mohammed. See MOHAMMED. ALCOTT, William A., M.D.; b. near Wolcott, Conn., 1798. Editor. See AMERICAN Annals of Education. Vol. 7, 8. ALDEN, Rev. Timothy, D.D., Pres. Alleghany College, Perm. ; b. 1771. d. 1839. 9 Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 3.) 1 Sermon (A) delivered at Portsmouth, Jan. 5, 1800 ; occasioned by the Death of George Washington. Portsmouth, 1800. 8, pp. 23. ALEMBERT, Jean le Rond D , a French Mathematician; b. 1717. d. 1783. 11 Correspondance de Frederic II. Roi de Prusse, et M. D Alembert. See FREDERIC II. CEuvres posthumes. Vol. 7, 8. 12 Recherches sur la Precession des Equinoxes, et sur la Nutation de 1 Axe de la Terre, dans le Systeme Neutonien. Par M. D Alembert. Paris, 1749. 4(5.8X4.1). Editor. See ENCYCLOPEDIE ou Dictionnaire raisonne des Sciences. ALESSANDRO, Pietro D . !3 Monte Auburno Poemetto Cambrigia, 1835. 12, pp. 22. ALEXANDER, called The Great , King of Macedon ; b. 356 B.C. d. 323 B.C. J4 Critical Inquiry into the Life of&lexander the Great by the ancient His torians. See SAINTE-CROIX, G. E. J. GUILHEM DE CLERMONT-LODERE. 15 Life and Actions of. See WILLIAMS, Rev. J. ALEXANDER, Archibald, D.D., Prof, in Princeton Theol. Sem. ; b. 1772. d. 1851. 1 6 Brief Outline (A) of the Evidences of the Christian Religion. * * * ... Philadelphia, 1829. 12 (4.2X2.5). 12 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. ALEXANDER, Archibald, D.D., continued. 1 Introd. Essay to Bates Harmony of Divine Attributes. See BATES, W. a Objections obviated, and God glorified, by the Success of the Gospel among the Heathen. Sermon at Albany, Oct. 7. 1829, before the A. B. C. F. M. Boston, 1830. 8, pp. 35. ALEXANDER, Joseph Addison, D.D., son of preceding. Prof, of Biblical & Eccl. Hist., Princeton Theol. Sem. ; b. 1809. d. 1859. 3 Acts (The) of the Apostles explained. . . . Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1857. 12 (5.8X3.6). 4 Earlier Prophecies (The) of Isaiah. New York & London, 1846. 8 (7.4X4.4), pp. 652. 5 Gospel (The) according to Mark explained. New York, 1858. 12 (5.8X3.6). 6 Later Prophecies (The) of Isaiah. New York & London, 1847. 8 (7.4X4.4), pp. 501. ALFIERI, Yittorio, Count, an Italian tragic poet ; b. 1749. d. 1803. 7 Quindici Tragedie . . . ; dedicate all Autore Medesimo ; ed aggiuntevi sue Memorie Letteraire, con La Merope di Maffei, e L Aristodemo di Monti. Ball Editore A. Montucci. Vol. 1-3. Edimborgo, 1806. 16 (4.3X2.8 irr.). 8 Tragedie Vol. 1-6 [Portrait and Plates. } Firenze, 1824. 8 (6X3.5 irr.). 9 Tragedie. [Portrait. ] Firenze, 1832. 8 (6.6X4), 2 cols. ALFORD, Rev. Henry, Dean of Canterbury ; b. 1810. 10 Quebec Chapel Sermons. Vol. 1, 2. Preached in ... 1854. London, 1856, 55. 16 (5.1X2.8). NOTE. Vol. 1 is 2d edition. Editor, Annotator, &c. See BIBLE, The New Testament. The Greek Testament, &c. ALGAROTTI, Francois, Comte; b. at Venice, 1712. d. at Pisa, 1764. 11 Letters, military and political. ... London, 1782. 8 (5.5X2.8). ALISON, Rev. Archibald, LL.B., F.R.S., &c., of Edinburgh; b. 1757. d. 1839. 2 Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste. From Edinburgh edi- tion - Boston, 1812. 8 (6.4X3.6). J Sermons, chiefly on particular Occasions. From Edinburgh edition. Boston, 1815. 8 (5.8X3.5). ALISON, Sir Archibald, Bart., D.C.L., &c., son of preceding; b. 1792. 4 History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution in 1789, to the Restoration of the Bourbons in 1815. . . . Vol. 1-4. New York, 1858. 8 (7.8X4.5), 2 cols. story of Europe from the Fall of Napoleon in MDCCCXV to the Ac cession of Louis Napoleon in MDCCCLII Vol. 1-3 New York, 1859, 59, 58. 8 (7.8X4.5), 2 cols. NOTE. Lettered, "History of Europe. Vol. V.-VII." ALLEINE, Joseph, Nonconformist Minister ofTaunton; b. 1633. d. 1668. 6 Alarm (An) to Unconverted Sinners in a serious Treatise on Conversion AN. Fam. Library, vol. 9.) New-York, n. d. 24 (4 4X2 8) Call ( A) to Archippus ; or, An humble and earnest Motion to some ejected . to take Heed to their Ministry, that they fulfil it. * * * London, reprinted, 1703. 4 (6X3.8), pp. 31. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 13 ALLEINE, Richard, a Nonconformist English Clergyman; b. 1611. d. 1697. 1 Godly-Fear : or, The Nature and Necessity of Fear and its Usefulness. ... * ** By R. A[#eme]. London, 1674. 16 (5.4X3). 2 Heaven opened ; or, A brief and plain Discovery of the Riches of God s Covenant of Grace. Third Part of Vindicise Pietatis. By R. A[lleine]. London, 1671. 16 (5.7X3.2). ALLEMAND, Judah D . Editor. See BIBLE, The Old Testament. Biblia Hebraica. ALLEN, David O., D.D., Missionary to India, 1827- 53. 3 India Ancient and Modern. Geographical, historical, political, social, and religious ; with a particular Account of the State and Prospects of Christianity. [Map.] Boston, 1856. 8(6.6X4), pp. 618. ALLEN, Brig.-Oen. Ethan, of Colchester, Vt.; b. in Connecticut, 1739. d. 1789. 4 Reason the only Oracle of Man, or a compenduous System of Natural Religion. ... Bennington, 1784. 8 (6X3.4). 5 Life, by J. Sparks. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 1.) ALLEN, Hon. Frederic, LL.D., of Gardiner. 6 Early Lawyers of Lincoln and Kennebec Counties. See MAINE Hist. Society. (Collections, vol. 6.) ALLEN, Rev. Jonathan, of Bradford, Mass.; b. 1749. d. 1827. 7 Sermon preached at the Ordination of Rev. Benjamin Thurston, at North- Hampton, Nov. 2, 1785. Exeter, 1786. 8, pp. 32. ALLEN, Paul, Esq., of Providence, R. I. ; b. 1775. d. 1826. 8 History of the Expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clark, to the Sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky Moun tains, and down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean. Performed during the years 1804-5-6. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Maps, <fec.] Philadelphia, 1814. 8 (6.4X3.6). ALLEN, Rev. S., Pastor of Methodist Church in Waterville. 9 Bible (The) and National Prosperity : a Thanksgiving Discourse at Wa terville, Nov. 27, 1851. Waterville, 1851. 8, pp. 24. ALLEN, Hon. Samuel C. 10 Eulogy on Hon. John Wheelock, LL.D., late President of Dartmouth Uni versity, who died April 4, 1817, pronounced in the University Chapel, Au gust 27, 1817, Commencement Day. Hanover, 1817. 8, pp. 19. ALLEN, Thaddeus. 11 Inquiry (An) into the Views, Principles, Services, and Influences of the leading Men in the Origination of our Union, and in the Formation and Early Administration of our present Government. * * * Boston, 1845. 8, pp. 86. ALLEN, Rev. Thomas, of Pittsfield, Mass. ; b. 1743. d. 1810. !2 Election Sermon, Mass., May 25, 1808. Boston [, 1808]. 8, pp. 20. ALLEN, William, D.D., Pres. of Bow d. Coll., 1820- 39 ; b. in Pittsfield, Ms.,1184. 13 Accounts of Shipwreck and of other Disasters at Sea, designed to be interesting and useful to Mariners, with . . . Dr. Payson s Address to Seamen, and a few Prayers . . . Compiled by a Friend of Seamen [W. Allen]. Brunswick, 1823. 12 (5.6X3.1). [2 copies.] n Address delivered at Northampton, Mass., October 29, 1854, in com memoration of the Close of the Second Century since the Settlement of the Town. Northampton, 1855. 8, pp. 56. 14 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. ALLEN, William, D.D., continued. 1 American Biographical and Historical Dictionary (An), containing an Account of the Lives, Characters, and Writings of the most Eminent Persons in North America from its First Discovery to the present time, and a Summary of the History of the several Colonies and of the Uni ted States. * * * [Portrait of Washington. ] Cambridge, 1809. 8 (6.2X3.6), pp. 632. 2 American Biographical and Historical Dictionary (An), &c. * * * 2d edition. Boston, 1832. 8 (7X4.2), 2 cols., pp. 800. 3 American Biographical Dictionary (The) : containing an Account of the Lives, Characters, and Writings of the most Eminent Persons, deceased in North America, from its First Settlement. * * * 3d edition. Boston, 1857. 8 (8X5), 2 cols., pp. 905. 4 Book of Christian Sonnets. Northampton, 1860. 12 (5.6X3.3). 5 Election Sermon, Mass., May 26, 1813. Boston, 1813. 8, pp. 23. 6 Election Sermon, N. PL, June 4, 1818. Concord, 1818. 8, pp. 40. 7 Sermon on John vm. 36. Preached in New York, October 3, 1832, be fore the A. B. C. F. M. New York, 1832. 8, pp. 15. ALLEN, William, a pseudonym. See GREAT BRITAIN. Historical and Politi- 8 cal Publications. Killing no Murder ; &c. ALLEN, William Henry, LL. D., Pres. of Girard College: b. 1808. 9 Eulogy on the Character of the late Daniel Webster, pronounced at the request of the Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia, Jan. 18, 1853. Philadelphia, 1853. 8, pp. 51. ALLEY, Jerome ; b. 1760. 10 Vindication (A) of the Principles and Statements advanced in the Stric tures of the Rt. Hon. Lord Sheffield on the Necessity of inviolably main taining the Navigation and Colonial System of Great Britain : with Tables and an Appendix. * * * London, 1806. 8, pp. 90. ALLIBONE, S. Austin, of Phila. u Critical Dictionary (A) of English Literature, and British and American Authors, living and deceased. . . . Containing thirty thousand Biog raphies and literary Notices, with forty Indexes of Subjects. * * * YoL L Philadelphia, 1858. 8 (8.6X5.2), 2 cols. ALLISON, Thomas. * Account of a Voyage from Archangel, in 1697. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyagei and Travels, vol. 1.) ALLIX, Peter, D.D.,Prot. Min. in France, aft. Dean of Salisbury; 6.1641. d!7l7. efiexions upon the Books of Holy Scripture to establish the Truth of Christianity. See WATSON, R. (Theol. Tracts, vol. 1.) ALLSTON, Washington, an eminent American painier ; b. 1779. d. 1843. Lectures on Art, and Poems. Edited by R. H. Dana, Jr. New York, 1850. 12 (5.5X3 3) ALLYN, Rev. John, D.D., of Duxbury, Mass. ; b. 1767. d. 1833 Election Sermon, Mass., May 29, 1805. Boston, 1805. 8, pp 37 Memoir, by C Francis. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll, 3d Ser., vol. 5 ) Sew Year s Sermon at Duxborough, Jan. 1, 1806. Boston, n. d. 12, pp. 24. Sermon at Hanover, Oct. 30, 1799. Boston, 1800. 8 pp 21 rmon preached August 24, 1808, at Sandwich, before the Scholars of Vrariemy in that place. Cambridge, 1809 8 pp 24 CATALOGUE OF T HE LI u n A R v. 1 5 ALMANAC, American, and Repository. See AMERICAN Almanac, &c. ALMANAC, Nautical, &c. See NAUTICAL Almanac. ALMANACK d Alsace pour 1 Annee 1783. \_Map.~] 1 Strasbourg, n. d. 16 (4.3X2.3). ALMANACK du Commerce de Paris, pour 1 an XII. . . . 2 Paris, [1802]. 8 (6.1X3.5), pp. 691. ALMANACK der deutschen Musen auf das Jahr 1778. [Portrait of Eschenburg. ] 3 Leipzig, n. d. 8 (4.5X2. 7). ALMANACK geographique, ou Petit Atlas elementaire compose de [15] Cartes. 4 ... Paris, Chez Demos, 1771. 24 (3.2X3.5). ALMANACK Imperial pour Fan XIII.; M.DCCC.VL ... * * * 2 vols. 5 Paris, [1804, 05]. 8 (6.2X3.7). ALMANACK National de France, Annee commune M.DCC.XCIII. ... * * * 6 [Map. ] Paris, [1792]. 8 (6.2X3.7). ALMON, John, a bookseller of London ; b. 1738. d. 1805. 7 Anecdotes of W. Pitt, Earl of Chatham. See PITT, W., 1st Earl, &c. 8 Collection (A) of interesting, authentic Papers, relative to the Dispute between Great Britain and America ; shewing the Causes and Progress of the Misunderstanding, from 1764 to 1774. London, 1777. 8 (6.1X4), 2 cols. NOTE. Called " Prior Documents." Lettered, "Remembrancer Part 2 1775" 9 Remembrancer (The) ; or, Impartial Repository of Public Ev.ents. For . . . 1775-1782. [14uoZs.] London, 1775- 82. 8 (6.8X3.9), 2 cols. ALPINUS, Prosper, Prof, of Medicine, &c., Univ. of Padua; b. 1553. d. 1617. 10 Presages (The) of Life and Death in Diseases. Translated from last Leyden edition ... by R. James. Vol. 1,2. ... London, 1746. 8 (6.1X3.3). ALSTEDIUS, John Henry, Prof, of Divin. at Nassau; b. 1588. d. 1638. 11 Scientiarvm omnivm Encyclopaedia? Tom. 1-4. . . . Insertis passim Tabulis, Compendiis, Lemmatibus marginalibus, Lexicis, Controversis, Figuris, Florilegiis, Locis comniunibus & Indicibus. ... * * * Lvgdvni, 1649. 2 (11.6X6.4), 2 cols. 12 Theologia Polemica. 4 (6X4.1), m. b. NOTJ?. Imperfect, wanting title-page. ALTING, Heinrich, Prof, of Theol. at Groningen ; b. 1583. d. 1644. 13 Scriptorum Theologicorum Heidelbergensium Tom. 1-3. . . . Freistadii, n. d. 4 (7.6X4.7), 2 cols., m. b. NOTE Bound in one volume. Tom. 3 imperfect, wanting- from p. 90. 14 Scriptorum Theologicorum Heidelbergensium Tom 2, 3. * * * Amstelodami, 1646. 4 (6.2X3.9), m.b. ALTING, Jacob, Prof, of Hebrew, Groningen ; b. 1618. d. 1679. 15 Hebraeorum Respublica Scholastica: sive Historia Academiarum . . . in Populo Hebraorum. . . . Amstelodami, 1652. 24 (4.1X2). 16 Operum Tomus 1, 4. ... Amstelodami, 1686. 2 (10.5X0-5), 2 cols. NOTE. Each volume has imprint torn off. Vol. 4 imperfect, wanting from p. 17 J of "Apocalypse :" has 5 pagings. Each volume has autograph, " Mather Byles." ALVORD, Major Benjamin, U.S.A. 17 Tangencics of Circles and of Spheres. Pp. 16, and nine Plates. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 8.) ALYPIUS, a Greek writer & musician ; conjecturally of the 4th century. is Introdvctio Mvsica, Greece et Latine, cum Notis. See MEIBOM, M. (An- tiqvsB Mvsicce Avctores Septem, vol. 1.) AMADIS of Gaula. See LOBEIRA, V. rle. DOWDOIN COLLEGE. AMBEOSIUS, St., Archbp. of Milan; b. 340. d. 397. 1 Commentarij in omnes D. Pauli Epistolas, ex restitution D. Erasmi di- ligenter recogniti. Colonise, 1332. 8 (4.6X2.8), m. b., pp. 521+ . AMBROSIUS, an Italian monk; b. 1378. d. 1431. Translator. See DIOGENES LAERTIUS. De Vitis, etc. Philosophorum. AMELOT DE LA HOUSSAIE, Abraham Nicolas ; b. 1634. d. at Paris, 1706. Editor, &c. See OSSAT, A. d . Letres du Card. d Ossat. AMERICAN Academy of Arts and Sciences, founded in 1780. 2 Catalogue of Books in Library. Boston, 1802. 8, pp. 68. [2 copies.] 3 Memoirs. Vol. 1-4. New Series. Vol. 1-5. [Maps, colored Engrav ings and Plates .] Boston & Cambridge, 1785-1855. 4 (6-6.8 X4.5-.6). NOTE. Vol. 2-4, and vol. 4,5, New Series, have two parts each, with independent title-pages. 4 copies of vol. 1 ; 2 copies of vol. 2, P. I., 3, P. I. AMERICAN Almanac (The) and Repository of Useful Knowledge for the Year 41830-1862. [ttvols.] Boston, 1829- 62. 12 (6.1X3.5). NOTE. Vol. for 1830 was edited by Jared Sparks; from 1831 to 1842 the work was conducted b> Joseph E. Worcester ; from 1843 to 1847 by Francis Bowen, subse quently by George P. Sanger. The volumes for 1839, 1849 and 1859 contain Gen eral Indexes to the volumes for 1830-39, 1840-49 and 1850-59, respectively. AMERICAN Annals of Education, for the Year 1831-1833, 1835-1839. Vol. 1-3, 55-9. [Bi-monthly.] Boston, 1831- 39. 8 (6.1X3.5). NOTE. A continuation of Russell s American Journal of Education, and vol. 1 con tains the nos. of the " Journal " for August December, 1830. Vol. 1-6 were edi ted by W. C. Woodbridge ; 7, by W. A. Alcott and Woodbridge ; 8, by Alcott ; 9, by M. F. Hubbard. AMERICAN Annual Register (The) ; for the Years 1825-6 ; 1826-7 ; 1827-8-9 ; .61827-8-9. Second Part; 1829-30; 1830-31 ... [Gvols. Vkpaging*.] For 1825- 9, New York ; 1829- 31, Boston, 1827- 32. 8 (6.8X3.8), 2 cols. NOTE, Lettered, " Vol. 1, 2, III., , V., VI." Vol. for 1829-30 is 2d edition. AMERICAN Annual Register (The) of Public Events ; for the Years 1831-32. i... [Zpagings.] Brattleboro , Vt., 1833. 8 (6.8X3.8), 2 cols. AMERICAN Antiquarian Society, at Worcester, Mass. 8 Address to the Members ; together with the Laws and Regulations of the Institution, &c. -Worcester, 1819. 8, pp. 38. 9 Archocologia Americana. Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society. Vol.2. [Indian Dialects of North America. ] 3. [Part I. Massachusetts-Bay Company Records.] Cambridge, 1836, 50. 8 (5.9X3.6 ; 6.8X3.7). AMERICAN Art-Union. Transactions. *** For the Year 1849. [Engraving.] 10 New-York, 1850. 8 (6.3X3.8). AMERICAN Association for the Advancement of Science. Proceedings, First n Thirteenth Meeting . . . , 1848-1859. 13 vols. [Plates.] Vol. of 1st Meeting, Philadelphia, 1848 ; 2d Meeting, Boston, 1850 ; 3d Meeting, Charleston, S. C., 1850 ; 4th-6th Meeting, Washington, 1851, 51, 52 ; 7th-13th Meeting, Cambridge, 1856- 60. 8 (6.5X3.9). AMERICAN Bible Society. Constitution, formed May, 1816 ; with Address to the 2 People of the United States, &c. New-York, 1816. 8, pp. 20. 3 Eighth Anniversary. May, 1824. New- York, 1824. 8, pp. 26. u Proceedings of a Meeting of Citizens of New York and others, convened at the request of the Board of Managers, May 13, 1816; with Speeches of G. Griffin and P. A. Jay. New-York, 1816. 8, pp. 12. 5 Third Report, May 13, 1819. With Appendix ; Fourth Report, May 11, 1820. With Appendix. 2 vols. New-York, 18 19, 20. 8 (6.2X3.6). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 17 AMERICAN Biblical Repository. See BIBLICAL Repository (The), &c. AMERICAN Biography, Library of. See SPARKS, J. AMERICAN Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Instructions to the 1 Missionaries about to embark for the Sandwich Islands ; and to William Goodell, & Isaac Bird, attached to the Palestine Mission. . . . Boston, 1823. 8, pp. 21. 2 Memorial Volume of the first Fifty Years of the A. B. C. F. M. * * * 4th ed. [Prepared by B. Anderson.] Boston, 1861. 8 (6.4X3.8). 3 Missionary Herald (The), for the Year 1820-1845. Vol. 16-41. [Month ly.] Boston, 1829- 45 8 (7.5X4.2), 2 cols. [2 copies of vol. 17-25.] NOTE. A continuation of " The Panoplist." 4 Reports, for the Year 1820 ; 1821 ; 1823 ; 1828. 4 vols. Boston, 1820- 2S. 8 (6.5X3.6). AMERICAN Citizen s (The) sure Guide : being a Collection of most important 5 State Papers : such as The Declaration of Independence: Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union ; &c. &c. Portsmouth, 1804. 16 (4.4X3). AMERICAN Colonies. See BRITISH Colonies in America. AMERICAN Colonization Society. The African Repository and Colonial Jour- 6 nal. Vol. 9, No. XII. ; 10, No. L, II., VIIL, X., XL ; 12, No. IL-V. ; 18, No. IV.-XIV. ... Washington, 1834- 42. 8 (7.6X4.2). 7 Fifth ; Sixteenth ; Twenty-Ninth ; Thirty-first Annual Report. Washington, 1822, 33, 46, 48. 8, pamps. AMERICAN Commissioners of Claims at Paris. Statement, Correspondence, 8 Conjectural Notes, &c. Philadelphia, 1807. 8 (6.9X4). AMERICAN Congregational Union. American Congregational Year Book for the 9 Year 1858. Vol.5. [Plates. ] New-York, 1858. 8 (6.6X3.6). AMERICAN Doctrinal Tract Society. Publications. Vol. 1. 10 Boston, 1833. 12 (5.4X3.2). NOTE. Contains twenty -one doctrinal tracts, paged independently. AMERICAN Education Society. American Quarterly Register (The). . . . Vol. 11 6-9, 11-14. . . . [Portraits.] Boston, 1834- 42. 8 (7.3X4.2). NOTE. Conducted, vol. 6-9, by B. B. Edwards ; 11-13, by Edwards and W. Cogs well j 14, by Edwards and T. H. Riddel. 12 Sixteenth Twenty-Third Annual Report of the Directors of the Ameri can Education Society, 1832-1839 ; with the Constitution and Rules of the Society. Boston, 1832- 39. 8, pamps. AMERICAN Ethnological Society. Transactions. Vol.1. [Plates and Illustra- tions.] New York, 1845. 8 (6.4X3.5). AMERICAN and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. Annual Report, presented at 14 New York, May 7, 1850, with the Addresses and Resolutions. New York, 1850. 8 (6X3.5). AMERICAN Geographical and Statistical Society. Bulletin. Vol. 1. For the 15 Year 1852. [Map of Paraguay. ] New York, 1852. 8, pp. 79. AMERICAN Home Missionary Society. Sixteenth Report, presented by the Ex- 16 ecutive Committee, May 11, 1842. With Appendix. New-York, 1842. 8 (7X4). AMERICAN Institute of Instruction. The Introductory Discourse and Lectures 17 delivered in Boston, before the Convention of Teachers, and other Friends of Education, assembled to form the American Institute of In struction, August 1830. ... Boston, 1831. 12 (6.1X3.6). 3 18 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. AMERICAN Institute of Instruction, continued. 1 Introductory Discourse (The), and the Lectures delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, . . . August, 1831 ; August, 1833 ; August, 1835 ; August, 1837 ; August, 1838. Including the Journal of Proceedings, and a List of the Officers. ... 5 vols. Boston, 1832- 39. 12 (6.1X3.6). NOTE. Vol. for 1838 is titled, "The Lectures delivered," &c. 2 Lectures (The) delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, August, 1842 August, 1859. Including the Journal of Proceedings and a List of the Officers. ... 18 vols. Boston, 1843- 60. 12 (5.6X3.2). NOTE. Vol. for 1850 contains a General Index to the volumes for 1830-1850. AMERICAN Journal of Education. [Edited by W. Russell.] For the Year 1826 3-1829. Vol. 1-4. [Monthly.] Boston, 1826- 29. 8 (5.5X3.7). NOTE Continued in the "American Annals of Education." AMERICAN Journal (The) of Education. Edited by Henry Barnard. Vol. 1-11. 4 [Quarterly. Portraits, &c] Hartford, 1855- 61. 8 (6.7X3.7), AMERICAN Journal (The) of Education and College Review. Published monthly. 5 Editor : A. Peters. Associate Editors : S. S. Randall, A. Wilder. . . . Vol. 1, 2, 3, No. I.-IV. January 1856 to April 1857. New-York, 1856- 57. 8 (6.7X3.7). AMERICAN Journal of Science and Arts. . . . Vol. 1-49. 1818 October, 61845. [Quarterly] Second Series. Vol. 1-33. May, 184*6 May, 1862. [Bi-monthly] 82 vols. [Plates, Maps, Portraits and Engravings] New Haven, 1818- 62. 8 (6.7X3.9). NOTE. Vol. 1 is titled, "The American Journal of Science, especially of Geology, Mineralogy," &c. Conducted to January, 1838 by Prof. B. Silliman ; to October, 1845 by Profs. B. Silliman and B. Silliman, jr. ; subsequently by Profs. B. Silliman, B. Silliman, jr. and J. D. Dana, aided subsequently to May 1851, by Prof. A. Gray, Prof. L. Agassiz, Dr. W. I. Burnett, and Dr. W. Gibbs. Vol. 50 (missing from Li brary) is "General Index to Vol. 1-49 ;" No. 30 of Second Series contains "General Index of Vol. 1-10 ;" No. 60 contains " General Index of Vol. 11-20 j" No. 90 con tains " General Index of Vol. 21-30." AMERICAN Medical Association. Report of the Committee on Medical Sciences, ? presented at the Third Annual Meeting, at Cincinnati, May, 1850, by U. Parsons, Chairman. Philadelphia, 1850. 8, pp. 53. AMERICAN Monthly Review (The). Vol. 1-4. January, 1832 to December, 81833. [Quarterly] Cambridge, 1832- 33. 8 (6.1X3.6). AMERICAN Museum (The), or Repository of Ancient and Modern Fugitive 9 Pieces. Vol. 1-6. The American Museum, or, Universal Magazine. Vol. 7-9, 11. 10 vols. Philadelphia, 1787- 92. 8 (7X3.8), 2 cols. Note. -Nos. for January, 1787 ; February, March, July, 1788, are wanting. Two copies of nos. for January, February, May-December, 1790. AMERICAN Peace Society. The Calumet. New Series of the Harbinger of 10 Peace. Vol. 1, 2. [Bi-monthly] New York, [1831- 36]. 8 (6.4X4.1). 11 Harbinger (The) of Peace. ... * * * Vol. 1-3. New York, [1828- 31]. 12 (5.2X3.1). 12 Prize Essays on a Congress of Nations, for the Adjustment of Interna tional Disputes, and for the Promotion of Universal Peace, without Re sort to Arms. Together with a Sixth Essay comprising the Substance of the Rejected Essays. Boston, 1840. 8 (6X3.5), pp. 706. [2 copies.] 3 Eighth Annual Report, May 1836. Hartford, 1836. 8, pp. 19. H Ninth Annual Report, May, 1837. Hartford, 1837. 8, pp. 32. CATALOHUE OF THE LIDRARV. 19 AMERICAN Pharmaceutical Association. Proceedings at the Ninth Annual Meet- 1 ing, held in the City of New York, September, 1860. With the Constitu tion and Roll of Members. [Plates.] Philadelphia, 1860. 8(6.5X3.9). AMERICAN Philosophical Society, at Philadelphia. Catalogue of the Library 2 of the American Philosophical Society. . . . [Classed, with Index of Authors. ] Philadelphia, 1824. 8 (6.8X3.8). 3 Transactions. Vol. 1-6. From the Year 1769 to [1809]. Vol. 1-11. New Series. 17 vols. [Maps, Plates and Engravings. ] Phila delphia, 1771-1857. 4 (6.8-8.4X4.2-6.2). [2 copies of First Series.] 4 Transactions. Vol. 1. 2d edition corrected. [Maps, Plates, &c.] Philadelphia, 1789. 4 (6.8X4.2). [2 copies.] AMERICAN Precedents of Declarations. Collected chiefly from Manuscripts of 5 accomplished Pleaders, digested and arranged under distinct Titles and Divisions ; and adapted to the most modern Practice. With a prefixed Digest of Rules and Cases concerning Declarations. * * * Boston, 1802. 8 (6.7X3), m. r. AMERICAN Principles. See ADAMS, J. Q. AMERICAN Publishers Circular (The) and Literary Gazette. Vol. 1-7. c New York, 1855- 62. 4 (9.7X6.5), 2 cols. AMERICAN Quarterly Register (The). See AMERICAN Education Society. AMERICAN Quarterly Review (The). See WALSH, R. AMERICAN Review (The) of History and Politics, &c. See WALSH, R. AMERICAN Scenery ; or, Land, Lake, and River Illustrations of Transatlantic 7 Nature. From Drawings by W. H. Bartlett, engraved . . . , by R. Wallis, J. Cousen, Willmore, &c. The Literary Department by N. P.Willis. Vol. 1,2. [66-f 53 Plates, Portrait and Map.] London, 1840. 4 (7.1X4.8). AMERICAN Sunday-School Union. Anniversary Sermons delivered at the Re- 8 quest of the American Sunday-School Union, by ... Dr. Wayland, Dr. Humphreys, Dr. Hodge, Dr. Henshaw, Dr. Ferris, Rev. Mr. Blagden, Rev. Mr. Taylor, Dr. Tyng, Dr. Schmucker, Dr. Storrs, Dr. Smyth, Dr. Bethune, Dr. Johns. 1830-1848. Philadelphia, n. d. 12 (5.5X3.2). NOTE. Each Sermon has also independent title-page and paging-. 9 First-XXVth Annual Report. Philadelphia, 1825- 49. 8, pamps. 10 Union Bible Dictionary (The). . . . 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1838. 12 (4.5X2.5), 2 cols., pp. 650. 11 Union Bible Dictionary. ... Philadelphia, 1839. 8 (7.1X4.1), 2 cols. AMERICAN Temperance Society. Permanent Temperance Documents. Vol. 1. 12 Boston, 1836. 8 (6.6X3-7). NOTE. Consists of Annual Reports, Fourth-Eighth, with independent pagings. 13 Fourth-Eighth Annual Reports. 1831-1834. Boston, 1831- 34. 8 (6.6X3.7). AMERICAN Tract Society, Boston. 14th Annual Report, May 25, 1828 ; 22d 14 Annual Report, May 25,1836. Boston, 1828, 36. 8, pamps. AMERICAN Tract Society, New-York. The Evangelical Family Library. Vol. 151-14. New York, n. d. 24 (4.4X2.9). NOTE. Title-pages are engraved. Each volume has also independent title-page. AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts. First Series. Vol. 1-21. Contain ing No. 1-251. Boston, 1826- 48. 12 (5.2X3.2). NOTE. Issued monthly. Vol. 1-6 are without collective title-page. Paged as vol umes, and independently. No. 49, 61, 73, 84, 95, 107, 119, 131, 143, 155, 167, 113, 191, 203, 215, 227, 239, 251, are the Annual Reports (6th-23d) of the Association. No. 48, 54, 60, 66, 72, are Mr. Tuckerman s Semi-annual Reports (7th-llth) as a Minister at Large in Boston ; 76, 83, Mr. Barnard s Hep3rts as Minister, &c. 20 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. AMERICAN Whig Review (The). - * * * Vol. 1-13. [Monthly. Portraits. } 1 New York, 1845- ol. 8 (7.5X4.9), 2 cols. NOTE. Vol. 1-10 are titled, " The American Keview ; a Whig Journal," &c. Vol. 7- 13 are also designated, " New Series. Vol. 1-7." AMES, Hon. Fisher, LL.D., of Dedham, Mass. ; b. 1758. d. 1808. 2 Oration on the Sublime Virtues of Gen. George Washington, pronounced before the Governor, the Council, and the Legislature of Massachusetts, Feb. 8, 1800. Boston, n. d. 8, pp. 31. 3 Speech in the House of Representatives of the United States, April 28, 1796, on the Treaty between the United States and Great Britain. Boston, n. d. 8, pp. 52. 4 Speeches in Congress. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Eloq. of U.S., vol. 1.) 5 Works. Compiled by a number of his Friends. To which are prefixed, Notices of his Life and Character [by J. T. Kirkland]. * * * [Por trait. ] Boston, 1809. 8 (5.7X3.4), pp. xxxii., 519. AMES, William, D.D., Prof, of Divin. at Franeker ; b. 1576. d. 1633. 6 Anti-Synodalia scripta, vel Animadversiones in Dogmatica ilia, qua? Re- monstrantes in Synodo Dordracena, exhibuerunt, & postea divulgarunt. *** Amstelodami, 1633. 24 (3.9X2.2). 7 Bellarminus enervatus, sive Disputationes Anti-Bellarminianai. . . . Tom. 1-4. .., Amstelodami, 1628. 24 (4.1X2.3). NOTE. Bound in one volume. Title-page of Vol. 1 is embellished. 8 Bellarminvs enervatvs, sive Dispvtationes Anti-Bellarminianae. . . . Tom. 3. 4. ... Oxoniffi, 1629. 12 (4.8X2.7). NOTE. Bound in one volume. Autographs, " A. Holmes", " Ezra Stiles." 9 Conscience, with the Power and Cases thereof. . . . Translated out of Latine. ... * * * London, 1643. 4 (6.1X3. 5). NOTE. Autographs, " Josh Cotton," " I. Mather," "Samuelis Matheri," "Mather Bytes." 10 Conscientia (De), et eius lure vel Casibus, Libri quinque. * * * Amstelodami, 1630. 4 (6X4.1), 2 cols. NOTE. Title-page is embellished. n Fresh Svit (A) against Human Ceremonies in God s Worship. Or a Triplication unto D. Bvrgesse his Rejoinder for D. Morton. ... * * * [London] 1633. 4 (5.7X3.7), pp. 156, 533, 64. 2 Marrow (The) of Sacred Divinity, draune ovt of the holy Scriptures, and the Interpreters thereof, and brought into method: Translated out of the Latine ... * * * . London, 1642. 4 (6.3X3.5). 3 Medvlla S. S. Theologioe . . . [With ] Disputatio de Fidei Divine Veri- tate. Ed. 3tia . . . Londini, 1629. 24 (4.4X2.3). * Medvlla S. S. Theologia? . . . [With ] Disputatio de Fidei Divin Veri- tate. Ed. 4ta . . . Londini, 1630. 24 (4.4X2.3). 5 Medvlla Theologica. . . . Amstelodami, 1656. 24 (4.4X2 2)" NOTE Title-page is embellished. Saints Security (The) against Seducing Spirits, or, The Anointing from the Holy One the best Teaching. Sermon at St. Paul s before the Lord Mayor, c. of London, Nov. 5, 1651. * * * London, 1652. 4(6.lX4), pp. 39. 7 Second Manvdvction (A) for Mr. Robinson. . . . [London] 1615. 4 (5.6X4.1), pp. 35. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 21 AMHERST COLLEGE, at Amherst, Mass.; founded in 1821. 1 Catalogue of Amherst College Library. [Alphabetical. ] Amherst, 1855. 8 (6.7X3.8). 2 Catalogue of the Officers and Students. 1841-42 ; 1843-44 ; 1845-46 ; 1846-47 ; 1847-48 ; 1848-49 ; 1849-50 ; 1850-51 ; 1851-52 ; 1852-53 ; 1853-4; 1854-5; 1855-6; 1856-57; 1857-8; 1858-9; 1859-60. [Oc casional Plate.] Amherst, 1841- 59. 8, pamps. 3 Catalogus eorum qui munera et officia gesserunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt. 1854; 1857. Amherstise, 1854, 57. 8, pamps. 4 Discourses and Addresses at the Installation and Inauguration of Rev. W. A. Stearns, D. D. as President of Amherst College, and Pastor of the College Church. Amherst, 1855. 8 (6.5X3.9). AMI (L ) des Patriotes, ou, Le Defenseur de la Revolution. No. IL-XLVIIL, 5 Decembre, 1790-Octobre, 1791. Paris, 1790- 91. 8 (5.4X3). AMMIANUS, Marcellinus, a soldier & historian, of the 4th century. 6 Roman Historic (The), containing such Acts and Occurrents as passed under Constantius, lulianus, lovianus, Valentinianus, and Valens, Em- perours. Digested into 18. Books, the Remains of 31. ... Now translated ... by P. Holland. * * * London, 1609. 2 (8.9X5.1), m. n. AMORY, Thomas C. 7 Life of James Sullivan; with Selections from his "Writings. Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait.] Boston, 1859. 8 (6.1X3.6). AMOS, Andrew, Prof, of Law, Univ. of London. 8 Study (On the) of English Law. Introductory Lecture, delivered in the University of London, Nov. 8, 1830. London, 1830. 8, pp. 18. AMPELIUS, Lucius, a Roman writer, conjecturally of the 3d century. 9 Liber memorialis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1722. 8 (5.9X3.4), pp. 51. NOTE. Appended to Epitome Rerum Romanarum of Floras. AMPERE, Jean Jacques, Prof, of French Lit. at College of France , 6. 1800. 10 Histoire Litteraire de la France avant le Douzieme Siecle. Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1839- 40. 8 (5.9X3.3). AMSTERDAM. Le Guide, ou nouvelle Description d Amsterdam ; enseignant n aux Voyageurs, et aux Negocians, son Origine, ses Aggrandissemens, & son Etat actuel ; &c. . . . [Engravings.] Amsterdam, 1772. 8 (6X3.3). ANACIIARSIS the Younger. Travels in Greece. See BARTHELEMI, J. J. ANACREON, a Greek lyric Poet ; b. at Teos in Ionia, fl. 535 B.C. 12 Carmina. [Greek and Latin, facing.] . . . Purgavit, turbata Metra restituit, Notasque cum nova Interpretatione adjecit Sapphus . . . Oda- ria, cum novo Commentario : item Theocriti Anacreonticum in Mortuum Adonin. Ed. altera . . . [Portrait.] Londini, 1710. 8 (4.8X2.9). ANALECTA Latina Majora ; or, Passages selected from the principal Latin Prose 13 Writers for the use of Schools : with English Notes, critical and ex planatory. ... London, n. d. 8 (6.4X3.8). chimiques des nouvelles Eaux minerales, vitrioliques, ferrugineuses, 14 decouvertes a Passy dans la Maison de Madame de Calsabigi. Avec les Proprietes medicinales de ces memes Eaux. [No imprint] 1757. 12 (4.7X2.3). BOWDOIN COLLEGE. ANAYA, A., a teacher of languages in London. 1 Discours sur la maniere d apprendre les Langues vivantes, et particu- lierement 1 Italienne & 1 Espagnole ; suivi d un Traite sur les Difficultes de la Lecture des Poetes de ces deux Nations. Londres, 1818. 8 (5X3). 2 Essay (An) on Spanish Literature . . . ; with an Account of the best "Writers . . ., and some critical Remarks ; followed by a History of the Spanish Drama, and Specimens . . . London 1818. 12 (5.2X3). ANCIENT Ecclesiastical! Histories (The) of the first six hundred Years after 3 Christ ; written in the Greek tongue by ... Eusebius, Socrates, and Evagrius. . . . Whereurito is annexed Dorotheus of the Lives and Ends of the Prophets, Apostles, and LXX. Disciples. . . . Faithfully translated ... by M. Hanmer. . . . [Witli] a brief Chronographie . . . 5th Ed. ... London, 1650. 2 (9.2X5.4), m. r., pp. 598-}-. NOTE The Works of Socrates, Evagrius and Dorotheas, and the Chronographie have independent title-pages, bearing date, 1649. ANCIENT Liturgy (The) of the Church of Jerusalem, being the Liturgy of St. 4 James, freed from all latter Additions and Interpolations . . . With an English Translation and Notes, as also an Appendix. . . . London, 1744. 4 (7.9X5.6), var. cols. ANCILLON, Jean Pierre Frederic, a Prussian Historian ; b. 1767. d. 1837. 5 Tableau des Revolutions du Systeme politique de PEurope, depuis la Fin du Quinzieme Siecle. Par F. Ancillon. * * * Tom. 1-7. Paris, 1806- 07. 12 (4.7X2.8). ANDERSON, Adam, a clerk in tlie South Sea House, London ; b. 1692. d. 1765. 6 Historical (An) and Chronological Deduction of the Origin of Com merce from the Earliest Accounts. . . . Carefully revised, corrected, and continued to the present Time. . . . Vol. 1-4. [Maps.] London, 1787-89. 4 (7.9X6). [2 copies.] ANDERSON, JEneas, Sec*y to Embassy. 7 Narrative (A) of the British Embassy to China, in ... 1792, 1793, and 1794. ... 2d ed. London, 1795. 8 (5.9X3.9), m. d. 5 Narrative (A) of the British Embassy to China, in ... 1792, 1793, and 1794. ... New-York, 1795. 12 (5. 2X2 8) ANDERSON, C., M.D. Translator. See WERNER, A. G. New Theory of Veins. ANDERSON, George, A.M. General View of the Variations which have been made in the Affairs of the East-India Company since 1784. London, 1792. 8 (5.3X2.7). Supplement to the General View of the Affairs of the E. I. Co. ; with Answer to the Observations of Tierney. London, 1792. 8, pp. 37. ANDERSON, Isaac P., son of Eev. E. A. of WenJiam; b. 1798. d. 1818. 1 Memoirs. ... *** Boston, 1819. 24 (4^9X2 8} ANDERSON, James, LL.D., F.E.S.; b. 1739. d. 1808. 2 Essay (An) on Quick-Lime as a Cement, and as a Manure. * * * Boston, 1799. 12 (5.4X3.1)! Observation on the Means of exciting a Spirit of National Industry - chiefly intended to promote the Agriculture, Commerce, Manufactures , and Fisheries, of Scotland. ... Dublin, 1779. 8 (6X3 4) Natural and Economical History of Sheep, &c. See PALUS, P S CATALOGUE F T II E L I B R A R Y. 2 3 ANDERSON, Rev. Rufus, of Wenham, Mass. ; b. 1765. d. 1814. 1 Two Discourses, delivered on the Public Fast in Massachusetts, April 8, 1802. Portland, 1802. 8, pp. 40. ANDERSON, Rufus, D.D., Sec y A.B.C.F.M., grad. Bowd. Coll., 1818 ; b. 1796. 2 Observations upon the Peloponnesus and Greek Islands, made in 1829. [Map. ] Boston, 1830. 12 (5.7X3.3). Editor. See AMERICAN Board, &c. Memorial Volume. ANDERSSON, Charles John ; b. in Sweden, about 1800. d. 1856. 3 Lake Ngami ; or, Explorations and Discoveries during Four Years Wan derings in the Wilds of South Western Africa. With an introductory Letter by J. C. Fremont. With numerous Illustrations . . . New York, 1857. 8 (6.5X4). ANDOCIDES, an Athenian Orator; b. 467 B.C. d. 411 B.C. 4 Andocidis Interpretatio Latina. See ANTIPHON. Antiphontis, etc. 5 Quae extant opera. See ANTIPHON. Antiphontis, etc. ANDOVER Theological Seminary. See THEOLOGICAL Seminary in Andover. ANDRE, John, Adj.-Oen. in British Army ; b. 1751. executed 1780. 6 Life and Career. See SARGENT, Winthrop. 7 Vindication of the Captors of Major Andre. See BENSON, E. ANDRES, Juan, a Spanish Jesuit ; b. 1740. d. 1817. 8 Origine (Dell ), Progressi e Stato Attuale di ogni Letteratura. Tom. 1-8. Roma, 1808- 18. 4 (7.6X4.5), m. h. ANDREWS, Edward W., A.M. 9 Address (An) before the Washington Benevolent Society, in Newbury- port, Feb. 22, 1816. Newburyport, 1816. 8, pp. 15. ANDREWS, Israel D., U.S. Consul for Canada & New Brunswick. 10 Report on the Trade and Commerce of the British North American Colo nies, and on the Trade of the Great Lakes and Rivers ; &c. See UNI TED STATES. Commercial Documents. ANDREWS, John, D.D., of Newburyport, Mass.; b. 1765. d. 1845. 11 Discourse before the Merrimack Humane Society, Sept. 1, 1812. With Appendix. Newburyport, 1812. 8, pp. 32. 12 Eulogy on Gen. George Washington ; delivered at Newburyport, Feb. 22, 1800. Newburyport, [1800]. 8, pp. 21. 13 Sermon delivered Nov. 26, 1808, at the Interment of Rev. Thomas Cary. With Appendix. Newburyport, 1808. 8, pp. 31. ANDREWS, William S., of Boston. 14 Treatise (A) upon Theological Subjects ; containing an Exposition and Defence of the great Doctrines of Natural and Revealed Religion ; to gether with several Prayers ... * * * Cambridge, 1829. 12(4.9X3). ANDREW S London Directory (The Fifth Edition of), for the Year 1792. . . . 15 London, n. d. 8 (5.9X3.5). ANECDOTA Graeca. See BEKKER, I. ANECDOTES. Anecdotes Americaines, ou Histoire abregee des principaux Evene- 16 merits arrives dans le Nouveau Monde, depuis sa Decouverte jusqu a 1 epoque presente. Paris, 1776. 8 (5X2.6), pp. 782. i? Anecdotes Angloises, depuis 1 Etablissement de la Monarchic jusqu au Regne de Georges III. Paris, 1769. 8 (5X2.6), pp. 720. 18 Anecdotes Arabes et Musulmanes, depuis 1 An de J. C. 614 . . . ; jusqu a 1 Extinction totale du Califat, en 1538. Paris, 1772. 8 (5X2.6), pp. 732. BOWDOIN COLLEGE. ANECDOTES des Beaux-Arts. . . . Avec des Notes historiques et critiques . . . 1 Par M * * *. Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1776- 80. 8 (5X2.6). 2 Anecdotes Chi.noises, Japonoises, Siamoises, Tonquinoises,&c.; dans les- quelles on s est attache principalement aux Moeurs, Usages, Coutumes, & Religions de ces differens Peuples de 1 Asie. Paris, 1774. 8 (5X2.6). NOTE. The Anecdotes of each people has independent paging 1 . 3 Anecdotes Espagnoles et Portugaises, depuis 1 Origine de la Nation jus qu a nos jours. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1773. 8 (5X2.6). 4 Anecdotes Francoises, depuis 1 Etablissement de la Monarchic jusqu au Regne de Louis XV. 2de ed. ... Paris, 1768. 8 (5X2.6), pp. 664. 5 Anecdotes Germaniques, . . . avant 1 Ere Chretienne 106, jusqu a nos jours. Paris, 1769. 8 (5X2.6), pp. 727+. 6 Anecdotes inedites de la Fin du 18e Siecle, pour servir de Suite aux An ecdotes Franaises. Paris, n. d. 8 (5X2.6). 7 Anecdotes du Nord, comprenant la Suede, le Danemarck, la Pologne, & la Russie ; depuis 1 Origine de ces Monarchies jusqu a present. Paris, 1770. 8 (5X2.6). NOTE. The Anecdotes of each nation has independent paging. 8 Anecdotes des Republiques. . . . P tie I., comprenant Genes & la Corse, Venise & Malthe, & la Suisse. II., comprenant la Flandre & la Hollande, la Savoye, la Hongrie, & la Boheme. 2 vols. Paris, 1771. 8 (5X2.6). NOTE. The Anecdotes of each nation has independent paging. ANGELO BUONAROTTI, Michel. See BUONAEOTTI, M. ANGELO. ANGLERS 9 (The). Eight Dialogues in Verse. London, 1758. 12, pp. 56. ANNALES de Chemie et de Physique. See GAY-LUSSAC, N. F. ANNALES des Mines, ou Recueil de Memoires sur PExploitation des Mines. Tom. 1, 2. ^ 1816, 17. Paris, 1817, 18. 8 (5.6X3.3). ANNALS of Education, American. See AMERICAN Annals, &c. ANNALS of Chemistry, Mathematics, &c. See PHILOSOPHICAL Magazine, &c. ANNALS of Electricity, Magnetism, &c. See STURGEON, W. ANNALS of the Peninsular Campaigns, from MDCCCVIII to MDCCCXIV. Philadelphia, 1831. 12 (5.5X3.1). ANNALS (The) of Philosophy. Vol. 10-16. July, 1817 to December, 1820. J New Series. Vol. 1-12. January, 1821 December, 1826. [Monthly. Plates.] London, 1817- 26. 8 (7X3.9). NOTE. Edited, vol. 10-16, by T. Thomson, assisted in vol. 11, 12, by A. Aikin and J Bostock ; subsequently by E. Phillips. Continued in " The Philosophical Maga zine, or Annals of Chemistry," &c. ANNE, Queen of Great Britain ; b. 1664. d. 1714. 3 Memoirs of Queen Anne ; being a compleat Supplement to the History of her Reign. ... London, 1729. 8 (5.9X3.1 j. Memoir. See JAMESON, A. M. (Celebrated Female Sovereigns, vol 2 ) ANNUAL Register (The), or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for 15 1786; 1787; 1789; 1794; 1796. 5 vols. London, 17S8- 97. 8 (6.3X3.9). ANNUAL of Scientific Discovery, 1859-1862. See WELLS, D. A. ANQUETIL, Louis Pierre, brother of following ; b. 1723. d. 1808 stoire de France, depuis les Gaulois jusqu a la Fin de la Monarchie, M.Anquetil. Tom. 1-14. Paris, 1805. 12 (4.6X2.7). fs des Guerres et des Traites de Paix de la France, . . . depuis la Paix de Westphalie, en 1648, jusqu a celle de Versailles, en 1783. Par en. Anquetil an 6 [1798]< go (4<8><2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 25 ANQUETIL DU PERRON, Abraham Hyacinthe, a FT. Orientalist : 6.1731. ^.1805. 1 Historische und chronologische Abhancllungen yon Indien, und dessen Beschreibung des Laufes der Strohme Ganges und Gagra. See TIEF- FENTHALER, J. ANSTED, David Thomas, Prof, of Geol., King s College, London , b. 1812. 2 Geologist s Text Book (The). ... London, 1845. 8 (5X2.8). ANSWER to a Pamphlet, containing the Correspondence of the Hon. John Jay, 3 and Lewis Littlepage. New-York, n. d. 4, pp. 29. ANSWER to Dr. Stillingfleet s Sermon, by some Nonconformists, being the 4 Peaceable Design renewed. London, 1680. 4, pp. 44. ANTIIOLOGIA Graeca, cum Versione Latina Grotii. See BOSCH, H. de. ANTHOLOGY, The Monthly, &c. See MONTHLY Anthology (The), &c. ANTHON, Charles, LL.D., Pro/, of Anc t Lang., Columbia Coll., N. T. ; b. 1797. Editor. See LEMPRIERE, J. Bibliotheca Classica. Editor. See POTTER, J. Archaeologia Grseca. ANTHONY, Susanna, an eminently pious woman of E.I. ; b. 1726. d. 1791. 5 Life and Character. See HOPKINS, Samuel, D.D. ANTIENT Metaphysics. . . . London, 1784. 4 (7.5 irr.X^.l). ANTI-JACOBIN Review (The) and Magazine ; or, Monthly Political and Literary 6 Censor. From July, 1798 to August (incl.) 1799. ... * * * Vol. 1-3. . . . [Plates.] London, 1799. 8 (6.5X3.6). ANTI-MASONIC Review (The) and Magazine. See WARD, H. D. ANTIMASONIC State Convention of Massachusetts. Abstract of the Proceed- 7 ings of the Anti-Masonic State Convention of Massachusetts, Boston, Dec. 30, 1829-Jan. 1, 1830. Boston, 1830. 8, pp. 32. 3 Brief Report of the Debates, &c. in the Anti-Masonic Convention, Bos ton, Dec. 30, 31, 1829 ; and Jan. 1, 1830. Boston, 1830. 8, pp. 48. 9 Abstract of the Proceedings of the Anti-Masonic State Convention of Massachusetts, Boston, May 19 & 20, 1831. Boston, 1831. 8, pp. 78. ANTIOCH COLLEGE, at Yellow Springs, Ohio. Catalogue of Antioch College 10 for the Academical Year 1856-7. Springfield, 1857. 8, pp. 50. ANTIPHON, an Athenian Orator-, b. 480 B.C. d. 411 B.C. n Antiphontis et Andocidis quee exstant omnia Indicibus locupletissimis Varietate Lectionis continua Interpretatione Latina Annotationibus va riorum . . . et suis illustravit G. S. Dobson Proefiguntur Adversaria. ... P. P. Dobree Londini, 1828. 8 (6.7X3.7). 12 Antiphontis Andocidis et Lysia3 Interpretatio Latina Londini, 1828. 8 (6.7X3.7). ANTISELL, Thomas, M.D. is Geological Report. See UNITED STATES. Explorations and Surveys. (Explorations and Surveys for a Pacific Railroad, vol. 7.) ANTONINUS, Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome; b. 121. d. 180. 14 M. Antonini eorum quse ad seipsum Libri XII. [ Greek and Latin."] Recogniti & Notis illustrati. Oxonise, 1704. 8 (6.5X3.6), par. cols. ANTONIUS, Marcus, de Dominis, Arclibp. of Venice. 15 Republica Ecclesiastica (De). 2 (10.6X5.9), m. r., pp. 773-f-. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. ANVILLE, Joseph Baptiste Bourguignon D . See D ANYILLE, J. B. B. APHORISMS of Wisdom, chiefly from Swedenborg. See SWEDENBORG, E. 4 20 IIOWL OIX COLLEGE. APOCALYPSIS ; or, The Revelation of certain notorious Advancers of Heresie ; 1 with their Lives, Actions, &c. [Portraits.] London, 1658. 8, pp. 78. APOCRYPHA (The). BIBLE, The Old and New Testaments, &c. APOLLONIUS Dyscolus, of Alexandria, a Greek grammarian ; fi. 138-163. 2 Libri de Conjunctionibus et Adverbiis. Greece. See BEKKER, I. (Anec- dota Graeca, vol. 2.) APOLLONIUS Hhodius, a Greek Poet ; b. in Egypt, fl. 490 B. 0. 3 Argonauticam Libri IIII. Scholia vetusta in eosdem libros, qure palmam . . . obtinere existimantur. Cum Annotationibus H. Stephani. . . . * * * Excudebat H. Stephanus [Paris], 1574. 4 (7.5X4.4). APOLLONIUS Tyanstus, a celebrated Pythagorean Philosopher ; b. at Tyana, in Cappadocia, lived about the beginning of the Christian era. 4 Life, by Rev. J. H. Newman. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metrop., vol. 10). 5 Life. See PIIILOSTRATUS, F. Two First Books, &c. APOSTOLICAL Constitutions, in Greek and English ; with an Essay on the same. See WHISTON, W. Primitive Christianity reviv d. Vol. 2, 3. APPEAL to Common Sense in behalf of Religion. See OSWALD, J. APPLETON, Rev. Jesse, D.D., 2d Pres. of Bowd. Coll., 1807- 19 ; &.1772. d. 1819. 6 Address (An) before the Massachusetts Society for suppressing Intem perance, May 31, 1816. Boston, 1816. 8, pp. 28. [2 copies.] 7 Addresses to the Candidates for the Degree of A. B. at the Annual Com mencements of Bowdoin College, 1808-1818. [Manuscript of I. Bourne. ] 4 (9.2X6.3). 8 Addresses. Delivered at the Annual Commencements [of Bowdoin Col lege ]., from 1808 to 1816; with [his Inaugural Address and] a Sketch of his Character [by Ichabod Nichols, D.I).]. Brunswick, 1820. 8 (6.1X3. 6). [2 copies.] 9 Discourse delivered at Bath, May llth, 1813, before the Society for dis countenancing and suppressing Public Vices. Boston, 1813. 8, pp. 24. 10 Discourse delivered June 20, 1813, before the Officers and Students of Bowdoin College, occasioned by the Death of Tutor Frederick Southgate, A. B. Boston, 1813. 8, pp. 24. n Election Sermon, Mass., May 25, 1814. Boston, 1814. 8, pp. 29. 12 God s Care of his Church. Sermon delivered at Gorham, Jan. 18, 1809, at the Ordination of Rev. Asa Rand. [Ch., by Paid Coffin; R.H., by Daniel Marrett.] Portland, [1809]. 8, pp. 28. 13 Lectures delivered at Bowdoin College, and occasional Sermons. [Por trait.] Brunswick, 1822. 8 (6.4X3.7). [2 copies.] 14 Perpetuity (The) and Importance of the Sabbath. A Sermon delivered at Portland, Nov. 10, 1814. Portland, 1814. 8, pp. 30. 15 Sermon delivered at Augusta, Oct. 16, 1811, at the Ordination of Rev. Benjamin Tappan. [Ch., by H. Packard; RJL, by F. Parker.] Augusta, 1811. 8, pp. 23. Sermon delivered at Brunswick, April 13, 1815, National Thanksgiving- Day, on account of the Peace recently established between this Country and Great Britain. Hallowell, 1815. 8, pp. 24. 17 Sermon delivered at Freeport, at the Ordination of Rev. Enos Merrill* [Ch., by W. Miltimorc; H.H., by J. W. Ellingwood.] Portland/ 1817. 8, pp. 28. Sermon at Northampton, Sept. 18, 1817, before the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Charleston, 1817. 8, pp. 31. CATALOGUE OF THE L I B R A II Y. 2 7 APPLETON, Rev. Jesse, D.D., continued. 1 Sermon delivered at Portland, Nov. 19, 1818, at the Formation of the Maine Branch of the American Society for educating Pious Youth for the Gospel Ministry. Hallowell, 1819. 8, pp. 28. 2 Theological Lectures, I.-XXXVIL, XLIII.-XLV. 3 vols. [Manuscript. ] 4 (8.7X5.7). 3 Works, embracing his Course of Theological Lectures, his Academic Addresses, and a Selection from his Sermons : with a Memoir of his Life and Character [by Prof. A. S. Packard ]. Vol. 1,2. ... [Por trait. ] Andover, 1837. 8 (6.2X3. 6). [2 copies.] APPLETON, John, LL.D., Chief Justice Supreme Court of Maine; b. 1804. 4 Rules (The) of Evidence stated and discussed. Philadelphia, 1860. 8 (6.8X3.8). Reporter. See MAINE. Laws,&c. Reports of Supreme Court. Vol. 19,20. APPLETON, Piev. Nathaniel, D.D., of Cambridge, Mass. ; b. 1693. d. 1784. 5 Blessedness of a fixed Heart grounded upon truly Religious Principles : illustrated in a Discourse, delivered Feb. 24, 1760, after the Funeral of Henry Flynt, Esq. Boston, 1760. 8, pp. 25. 6 Faithful (A) and Wise Servant, had in Honor, throughout the Churches. Discourse occasioned by the Death of Rev. Edward Wigglesworth, D. D., Jan. 16, 1765. * * * Boston, 1765. 8, pp. 40. 7 Servant s (The) actual Readiness for the Coming of his Lord. Two Dis courses preached at Lexington, Dec. 17, 1752, after the Funeral of Rev. John Hancock. Boston, 1753. 8, pp. 39. 8 Some Unregenerate Persons not so far from the Kingdom of God as others. Sermon at Boston Lecture. Boston, 1763. 8, pp. 33, 9 Superiour Skill and Wisdom necessary for winning Souls. Sermon at Ordination of Rev. John Sparhawk, at Salem, Dec. 8, 1736. [Cli., by E. Holyoke; R.IL, by B. Prescott. ] Boston, 1737. 8, pp. 51. 1 Thanksgiving Sermon on the total Repeal of the Stamp Act, preached in Cambridge, May 20, 1766. Boston, 1766. 8, pp. 34. APTHORP, Rev. East, of Cambridge, Mass., aft. of London; b. 1733. d. 1818. 11 Considerations on the Institution and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Boston, 1 763. 8, pp. 24. 12 Constitution (The) of a Christian Church, illustrated in a Sermon, at the Opening of Christ-Church, in Cambridge, Oct. 15, 1761. * * * Boston, 1761. 4, pp. 27. [2 copies.] 13 Felicity of the Times. Sermon preached at Cambridge, August 11, 1763 ; Day of Thanksgiving for the Peace. Boston, 1763. 4, pp. 26. 14 General-Fast Sermon, Dee. 13, 1776. London, 1776. 4, pp. 28. 15 Letters on the Prevalence of Christianity, before its Civil Establishment; with Observations on a late History [Gibbon s] of the Decline of the Roman Empire. *** London, 1778. 8 (5.7 irr.X3.3). 16 Sacred Poetry (Of) and Music. Discourse at Christ-Church, Cambridge, Aug. 21, 1764. * * * Boston, 1764. 4, pp. 22. APULEIUS, Lucius, a Roman Platonist of 2d cent. ; b. at Madaura. i? Doctrines of Plato. See PLATO. (Works, Ed. 1848- 59, vol. 6.) is Opera. 24 (.2.7X1-9). NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. AQUINAS, St. Thomas. See THOMAS AQUINAS, St. 28 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. AIUBIC and English Grammatical Exercises and Familiar Dialogues, for the Use 1 of Students. [.No imprint^ 8 (7.1X4.2). ARAGO, Dominique Francois Jean, a French Physicist, &c. ; b. 1786. d. 1853. 2 Life of James Watt. With Memoir on Machinery considered in rela tion to the Prosperity of the Working Classes, by M. Arago . . . , His torical Account of the Discovery of the Composition of Water, by Lord Brougham ; and Eulogium of James Watt, by Lord Jeffrey. 3d edition, with illustrative Notes and Engravings on Wood. Edinburgh, 1839. 12 (4.9X2.9). 3 Life. See (Sketches of Conspicuous Living Characters of France). Joint Editor. See GAY-LussAC, N. F. Annales de Chimie, etc. ARATUS, an old Greek Poet; flourished 270 B.C. 4 AIOSHMEIA. [Greek.] Diosemea, Notis et Collatione scriptorvm il- Ivstravit, T. Forster. Londini, 1815. 8 (6.5X3.9). ARBLAY, Frances BURNEY, Madame D , an English Novelist; b. 1752. d. 1840. 5 Life. See MACAULAY, T. B. (Essays, vol. 5.) ARBUTIINOT, John, M.D., an English physician & wit; b. 1675. d. 1734. 6 Essay (An) concerning the Effects of Air on Human Bodies. London, 1751. 8 (5. 6X3). ARC, Jeanne D , or JOAN OF ARC, the "Maid of Orleans ;" b. 1410. d. 1431. 7 Joan of Arc, an Epic Poem. See SOUTHEY, R. ARCANA 8 Imperii detecta :... London, 1701. 8 (6X3.2). ARCILEOLOGIA Americana. See AMERICAN Antiquarian Society. ARCIIDALL, Mervyn, a Protestant divine & antiquary ; b. 1723. d. 1791. 9 Monasticon Hibernicum ; or, An History of the Abbies, Priories, and other Religious Houses in Ireland. . . . [Map and Engravings. ] London, 1786. 4 (7.1X4.9), m. h., pp. 820+. ARCHER, Gabriel, a companion of Gosnold. 10 Gosnold s Voyage. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 3d Series, vol. 8.) ARCHIMEDES, a Mathematician of Syracuse; was killed 208 B.C. 11 Archimedes Greek Mathematics. By William Whewell. See (ENCY CLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 9). 12 CEuvres, traduites litteralement, avec un Commentaire, par F. Peyrard ; suivies d un Memoire du Traducteur, sur un nouveau Miroir Ardent, et d un Memoire de M. Delambre, sur 1 Arithmetique des Grecs : . . . [Portrait, Plates and Diagrams. ] Paris, 1807. 4 (7X4.7), pp. 601. i:J Opera, ... . Grace & Latine in lucem edita. . . . Adjecta quoq; sunt Evtocii in eosdem Archimedis libros Commentaria, item Greece & Latin& ... [Ipagings. Diagrams. ] Basileae, 1544. 2 (9.1X5.4). ARCHIVES, American. 4th and 5th Series. See UNITED STATES. History, &c. ARETIUS, Benedict, a Swiss botanist & theologian ; b. 1505. d. 1574. J4 Commentarii in Epistolam D. Pavli ad Romanes, facili & perspicva me- thodo conscripti. ... * * * Morgiis, 1583. 8 (4.5X2.6), m. b., pp. 539+. 5 Commentarii in Primam Epistolam D. Pavli ad Corinthios, facili & per spicva methodo conscripti. ... * * * Morgiis, 1583. 8 (4.8X2.6), m. b. Commentarii in Secundam Epistolam D. Pavli ad Corinthios, facili & perspicva methodo conscripti. ... * * * Morgiis, 1583. 8 (4.8X2.6). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 29 ARGENS, JeanBaptiste DE BOYER, Marquis D ; b. 1704. d. 1771. 1 Correspondance de Frederic II. Roi de Prusse et du Marquis d Argens. See FREDERIC II. (Euvres posthumes. Vol. 10. ARGEXSOX, Rene Louis DE VOTER, Marquis D . See VOTER, R. L. de. ARIAXISME confuted without Dispute, by an Historical Scheme of the material 2 Object of Salvifick Faith. ... * * * London, 1720. 8 (5.7X3.2). 3 Reasonableness (The) of Orthodox and Arian Believing ; an Appendix to Arianism confuted, &c. London, 1721. 8, pp. 77. ARIAS MONTANUS, Benedictus, a Spanish Ecclesiastic; b. 1527. d. 1598. Editor, &c. See BIBLE, Old and New Testaments, &c. Biblia Hebraica. ARIOSTO, Lodovico, an Italian Poet; b. 1474. d. 1533. 4 Orlando Furioso (L ) Con Annotazioni Tom. 1,2 [Plates."] Firenze, 1823. 24 (4X2.1). 5 Poesie varie Con Annotazioni Firenze, 1824. 24 (4X2.1), pp. 767-f-. 6 Roland Furieux, Poeme heroi que de 1 Ariostc. [French and Italian, fa cing. ] Nouvelle Traduction, par MM. Panckoucke et Framery. Tom. 1-10. Paris, 1787. 24 C (3X2.1). 7 Roland Furieux, Poeme heroique. See TRESSAN, L. E. DE LA VERGNE. (Euvres choisies. Tom. 4-6. ARISTIDES Quintilianus, of the 2d century. 8 Musica (De) Libri III. Grace et Latine ; cum Notis. See MEIBOM, M. (Antiqvse Mvsicse Avctores Septem, vol. 2.) ARISTOPHAXES, a Greek comic Writer; flourished at Athens, 430 B.C. 9 Clouds (The) of Aristophanes [Greek], with Notes. By C. C. Felton. Cambridge, 1841. 12 (5.9X3.4). 10 Comedies (The) of Aristophanes. [Translated into English Verse, with a preliminary Discourse,] by T. Mitchell. * * * Vol. 1, 2. London, 1820- 22. 8 (5.8X3.5 irr.). 11 ComoediaB [Greek. ] Cum Scholiis et Varietate Lectionis Recensuit I. Bekkerus Accedunt Versio Latina deperditarum Comoediarum Frag- menta Index locupletissimus Notsque Brunckii, Reisigii, Beckii, &c. &c. Vol.1. [Text and Index. ~] 2. [Latin Translation and Scholia.] 3-5. [Notce.] Londini, 1829. 8 (6.8X3.6). 12 Comoedias undecim, Grace et Latine [facing], ut et Fragmenta earum qua3 amissa? sunt. . . . Accesserunt . . . Nota) & Observations ex variis autoribus collecta3. . . . Tomi duo. * * * Amstelsedami, 1670. 24 (4.5X2.4), pp. 1081+, 60. NOTE. Tom. 2 has no title-page. The two volumes are paged continuously. ARISTOTELES, a Greek Philosopher; b. at Stagira, 384 B.C. d. 323 B.C. !3 Aristoteles Graece ex recehsione I. Bekkeri. Edidit Academia regia Borussica. Vol. 1, 2. Berolini, 1831. 4 (8.3X6.7), 2 cols. 14 Aristoteles Latine interprets variis. Edidit Academia regia Borussica. Berolini, 1831. 4 (8.3X6.7), 2 cols., pp. 750. NOTE. For Scholia in Aristotelem to accompany the two preceding works, see BRANDIS, C. A. 15 Ethics (The) of Aristotle illustrated with Essays and Notes by Sir A. Grant. . . . Vol. 1, containing Essays on the Ethics. 2, containing the Nicomachean Ethics Books I. to VI. [Greek.] With Notes criti cal and explanatory. London, 1857, 58. 8 (6.6X3.7). 16 Ethics and Politics, comprising his Practical Philosophy, translated from the Greek. Illustrated by Introductions and Notes ; the critical History of his Life ; and a new Analysis of his Speculative Works ; by J. Gillies. *** ... Vol. 1, 2. London, 1797. 4 (6.9X4.6), m. b. NOTE. The two volumes are bound together. 30 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. ARISTOTELES, continued. 1 Life, by Rev. J. W. Blakesley. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metrop., vol. 10). 2 Logique Traduite en Francois . . . et accompagnee de Notes per- petuelles par J. Barthelemv Saint-Hilaire Tom. 1-4 . . , Paris, 1844, 39, 42, 43. 8 (6X3.4). 3 Metaphysik (Die). Grundtext, Ubersetzung und Commentar nebst er- lauternden Abhandlungen von Dr. A. Schwegler. Bd. 1. Grundtext und kritischer Apparat. 2. Ubersetzung. 3,4. Des Commentars Ha lfte 1, 2. 4 vols. Tubingen, 1847- 48. 8 (7.2X4.3). 4 Metaphysique (La). Traduite en Frangais . . . ; accompagnee d une Introduction, d Eclaircissements historiques et critiques, et de Notes philologiques j par A. Pierron et C. Zevort. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1840. 8 (6X3.5). 5 Opera omnia, Greece et Latine, veterum et recentionim interpretum stu dio emendatissima. Huic editioni accessit brevis ac perpetuus in omnes t libros Commentarius. Authore Gul. Du Val. Tom. 1, 3, 4. Parisiis, 1639. 2 (11.7X6.2), par. cols. NOTE Imperfect, wanting title-page to each volume. 6 Organum : hoc est, Libri omnes ad Logicam pertinentes, Grace & La- tine. Jvl. Paeivs recensuit, atque . . . emendavit : a Grseca in Latinam linguam convertit : . . . Notis illustravit. ... * * * Hanovise, 1623. 8 (5.2X3.2), m. b., pp. 951. 7 Politique, traduite du Grec, avec des Notes et des Eclaircissemens, par C. Millon. On a joint a cet ouvrage une Notice sur Aristote et sur ses Ecrits ; une Lista chronologique des Editions de ses CEuvres ; plusieurs Extraits de Platon, et les deux Traites de Xenophon sur les Republiques de Sparte et d Athenes. . . . Tom. 1-3. * * * [Portrait.] Paris, 1803. 8 (5.4X3.2). 8 Psychologic Traite de 1 Ame . . . Opuscules . . . Traduite en Fran- c.ais . . . et accompagne de Notes perpetuelles par J. Barthelemy Saint- Hilaire 2 vols. Paris, 1846, 47. 8 (6.2X3.4). 9 Rhetoric (The), Poetic, and Nicomachean Ethics, translated from the Greek. By T. Taylor. Vol. 1,2. *** London, 1818. 8 (6.2X3.7). ARISTOXENUS, a OreeJc writer on philosophy & music; flourished 350 B.C. 10 Harmonicorum elementorum Libri III. Greece et Latine ; cum Notis. See MEIBOM, M. (Antiqvas MvsicaB Avctores Septem, vol. 1.) ARMINIUS, or HERMANN, James, D.D., Prof. o/Divin. at Leyden; b. in Oude- water, South Holland, 1560. d. 1609. 11 Historia Vita3 J. Arminii. See. BEANT, C. 12 Opera Theologica. ... * * * Lvgdvni Batavorvm, 1629. 4 (6.3X4.1), 2 cols., m. b., pp. 966. ARMSTRONG, John, M.D., of London-, b. 1709. d. 1799. 13 Art of Preserving Health : a Poem. 4th ed. Boston, 1757. 8, pp. 68. ARMSTRONG, John, Maj.-Gen. U.S.A., &c. ; b. 1758. d. 1843. 4 Life of Rich. Montgomery. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., vol. 1.) 5 Life of Anthony Wayne. *See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., vol. 4.) ARNAULD, Antoine, a French theologian, &c. ; b. at Paris, 1612. d. 1684. 16 Grammaire generale et raisonnee de Port-Royal, par Arnauld et Lance lot, precede d un Essai sur 1 Origine et les Progres de la Langue Fran- goise, par M. Petitot, et suivie du Commentaire de M. Duclos, auquel on a ajoute des Notes. p ariS} 1803. 8 (5.7X3.5). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 31 ARNAULD, Antoine, continued. 1 Logique (La), ou 1 Art de penser . . . ; nouvelle edition, revue et corri- gee. [The Port-Royal Logic, by Arnauld and Nicole. ] * * * Paris, 1824. 12 (5.2X2.8). ARNDT, John, Sup t & minister of Zell, in Germany, b. 1555. d. 1621. 2 True Christianity ; or the whole Economy of God towards Man ; and the whole Duty of Man towards God. Edited by W. Jaques. Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait.] London, 1815. 8 (6.1X3.5). ARNOBIUS, an African Rhetorician ; b. near Carthage, about 300. 3 Arnobii & Serapionis Conflictus, de Deo trino & uno, et de duabus in Christo Naturis. See IRENJEUS. Adversus Gnosticorum Haereses, etc. ARNOLD, Moj.-Gen. Benedict, the Traitor , b. at Norwich, Conn., 1740. d. 1801. 4 Life (The) and Treason of Benedict Arnold. By Jared Sparks. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 3.) ARNOLD, Rev. H. H., A.B. Translator. See DODERLEIN, J. C. W. L. Latin Synonyms. ARNOLD, Theodor. 5 Vollstandige kleines Worterbuch, English und Deutsch, . . . vermehrt herausgegeben von J. B. Rogler. Ziillichau, 1777. 8 (7.3X4.3), 2 cols. ARNOLD, Thomas, D.D., Head-Master of Rugby School, Regius Prof, of Mo dern Hist, at Oxford-, b. 1795. d. 1842. 6 Credibility (The) of Early Roman History. Hamilcar Barca. Hanni bal. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitan, vol. 9). ? History of the Later Roman Commonwealth, from the End of the Se cond Punic War to the Death of Julius Csesar ; and of the Reign of Augustus: with a Life of Trajan. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1845. 8 (6.1X3.6), m. d. 8 History of the Later Roman Commonwealth ; and of the Reign of Au gustus ; with a Life of Trajan. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metrop., vol. 10). 9 History of Rome. Vol. 1-3. . . . London, 1844. 44, 43, 8 (6.1X3.6), m. b. NOTE. Vol. 1 is third edition ; vol. 2 is second edition. 10 Introductory Lectures on Modern History, delivered in Lent Term, MDCCCXLH. With the Inaugural Lecture delivered in December, MDCCCXLI. 5th edition. London, 1860. 8 (6.4X3.5). 11 Life and Correspondence of Arnold. See STANLEY, A. P. Editor, &c. See THUCYDIDES. History of the Peloponnesian War. ARNOULD, Ambroise Marie ; French Minister of Commerce, &c.; 6.1750. d. 1812. 12 Balance (De la) du Commerce et des Relations Commerciales exterieures de la France, dans toutes les parties du Globe, particulierement a la Fin du Regne de Louis XIV. . . . ; le tout appuye de Notes et Tables rai- somiees . . . Par M. Arnould. * * * Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1791. 8 (5.3X2.1). [3 copies of torn. 1, 2.] NOTE. Tom. 3 consists of Tables, folded in 4. !3 Histoire generale des Finances de la France, depuis le Commencement de la Monarchic ; pour servir d Introduction a la Loi Annuelle . . . Par M. Arnould. Paris, 1806. 8 (6.6X4.6). ARRIAN, Flavius, a Greek historian, of the 2d century. 14 Voyage of Nearchus from the Indus to the Euphrates, collected from the original Journal preserved by Arrian. See VINCENT, W. 32 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. ARRIVABENE, Ferdinando. 1 Secolo (II) di Dante Commento storico necessario all Intelligenza della Divina Commedia 2da edizione Arricchita di tutte 1 Hlustrazioni sto- riche da Ugo Foscolo stese sul Poema di Dante Con Indici accuranti Tom. 1, 2 Firenze, 1830. 16 (4.1X2.6). ARROWSMITH, John, D.D., Prof, of Divinity at Cambridge, Eng.; d. before 1660. 2 gavSgarcror: or, God-Man : being an Exposition upon St. John I. 1-18. ... * * * London, 1660. 4 (6.1X3.5), m.b. ART (The) of Governing by Partys : particularly, in Religion, in Politics, in Par- 3 lament [sic], on the Bench, and in the Ministry: with its ill Effects on the People. ... London, 1701. 8 (5.3X2.7). ART (The) of Patience and Balm of Gilead under all Afflictions. ... By the 4 Author of the Whole Duty of Man. * * * 3d impression. . . . London, 1702. 8 (5.8X3.2). NOTE. Compare Note under WHOLE Duty (The) of Man. ART (L ) de verifier les Dates des Faites historiques, des Inscriptions, des Chro- 5 niques, et autres anciens Monuments, avant 1 Ere Chretienne ; . . . Par un Heligieux de la Congregation de Saint-Maur ; imprime . . . par M. de Saint-Allais. ... Tom. 1-5. Paris, 1819. 8 (5.8X3.3). ART (L ) de verifier des Dates des Faits historiques, des Chartes, des Chroniques, 6 et autres anciens Monuments, depuis la Naissance de Notre- Seigneur, . . . Par un Reljgieux . . . de Saint-Maur ; reimprime . . . et con tinue jusqu a nos jours, par M. de Saint-Allais. Tom. 1-18. Paris, 18 18- 19. 8 (6.1X3.6). 7 Table generale des Noms propres contenus dans . . . Seconde Partie de 1 Art de verifier les Dates ... Paris, 1830. 8 (5.9X3.4). ART (L ) de verifier les Dates, depuis 1 annee 1770 jusqu a nos jours ; formant 8 la Continuation, ou Troisieme Partie. . . . Tom. 1-18. Paris, 182 1- 44. 8 (5.9X3.4). 9 Table generale des Noms propres contenus dans les huit Volumes de cette Troisieme Partie de 1 Art de verifier les Dates. Paris, 1831. 8 (5.9X3.4). l Table generale des Noms propres contenus dans les Vol. 9, 10, 11 et 12 de cette 3e Partie de 1 Art de verifier les Dates. Paris, 1832. 8 (5.9X3.4). ARTHUR, a semi-fabulous British ; reputed killed 542-. 11 Life of King Arthur. See RITSON, J. ARTICLES (The XXXIX.) of the Church of England. See BEYERIDGE, W. ARUNDELL, Rev. F. V. J., British Chaplain at Smyrna. 12 Discoveries in Asia Minor ; including a Description of the Ruins of several Ancient Cities, and especially Antioch of Pisidia. [Map and Plates. ] ... Vol. 1, 2. London, 1834. 8 (6X3.3). ARVINE, Kazlitt, A.M. 13 Cyclopedia (The) of Anecdotes of Literature and the Fine Arts. Boston, 1852. 8 (7.8X4.9), 2 cols., pp. 698. ASCHAM, Roger, Preceptor to Q. Elizabeth, Prebend, of York; 6.1515. d. 1568. 4 English Works. With Notes and .Observations, and the Author s Life [by Dr. Johnson]. ByJ.Bennet. London, [1761]. 4 (7.5X5.3), m.b. ASH, Rev. Simeon, of London. 15 Good Covrage discovered and encovraged: Sermon before the Military Commanders of London, May 17, 1642, London, 1642. 4, pp. 36. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 33 ASHBURTON, Lord. See BARING, Sir Alexander, Lord Asliburton. ASHER, G. M., LL.D. Editor, Translator, &c. See HUDSON, H. Hudson the Navigator. ASHTON, Robert, Sec y of Congregational Board, London. Editor, &c. See ROBINSON, Rev. John. Works. ASIATIC Annual Register (The), or, A View of the History of Hindustan, and 1 of the Politics, Commerce and Literature of Asia, for the Year 1799- 1800. 2vols. London, 1800, 01. 8 (6.7X3.8), 2 cols. ASIATIC Researches ; or, Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal, for 2 inquiring into the History and Antiquities, the Arts, Sciences, and Litera ture of Asia. Vol. 1-7. [Portraits, Maps and Plates.] London, 1801- 03. 8 (6.4X3.6), 3 Asiatic Researches : or, Transactions of the Society instituted in Ben gal ... Vol. 1. [Portrait and Plates. ] London, 1799. 4 (6.7X5.1). ASSEMBLES Nationale (I/). Proces-Verbaux, etc. See FRANCE. Public Docs. ASSOCIATION of American Geologists and Naturalists. Reports of the First, 4 Second, and Third Meetings of the A. of A. G. and N., at Philadelphia, in 1840 and 1841, and at Boston in 1842. Embracing its Proceedings and Transactions. [Plates.] Boston, 1843. 8 (6.5X3.9), pp. 544. ASTIUS, Friedrich, Prof, of Philol. at Munich , b. 1778. 5 Lexicon Platonicum sive Vocum Platonicarum Index. Vol. 1-3. Lipsiae, 1835- 38. 8 (6.8X3.9). ASTRUC, Jean, Physician to the King of France; b. 1684. d. 1766. 6 Treatise (A) of Venereal Diseases. . . . Translated from the last Latin edition. *** London, 1754. 4 (7.5X4.1), m. b., pp. 7 19+. ATHENIAN SOCIETY, Bowdoin (College. See BOWDOIN COLLEGE. ATLANTIC Monthly (The). A Magazine of Literature, Art and Politics. Vol. i 1-3. * * * Boston, [1858- 59]. 8 (7.2X4.2), 2 cols. ATLANTIC (The) Neptune. Charts of N. A. See GREAT BRITAIN. ATLAS Classica. Being a Collection of [38] Maps of the Countries mentioned 8 by the Ancient Authors, both Sacred and Profane. With their various Subdivisions at different Periods. * * * Published by R. Wilkinson. London, n. d. 4 (11X8.8-1 6.5). NOTE. Title-page is engraved. ATLAS de la Geographic ancienne et historique, composee d apres les Cartes de 9 D Anville. Par L. B. D. M. Paris, 1807. 2 (7.7X12-17.5). ATLEE, Washington L., M.D. ; b. 1808. 10 Memoir of William R. Grant. With a Notice of his Theory of the Foe tal Circulation. Read to the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, March 2, 1853. [Portrait.] Philadelphia, 1853. 8, pp. 22. ATTERBURY, Francis, D.D., Bp. of Rochester: b. 1662. d. 1732. 11 Sermons and Discourses, on several Subjects and Occasions. Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait.] London, 1723. 8 (5.6X3), m. h. ATWOOD, George, A.M., F.R.8., &c., Private Sec y to Wm. Pitt; 6.1745. <U807. 12 Treatise (A) on the Rec1jj.inear Motion and Rotation of Bodies ; with ...Experiments... [8 Plates.] Cambridge, 1784. 8 (6X3.1). AUBIGNE, Jean Henri MERLE D . See MERLE D AUBIGNE, J. H. 5 34 B O IV I) I N COLL E G AUGER, Athanase, Prof, of Eliet. at Rome, aft. at Paris-, I. 1734. d. 1792. 1 Harangues tirees d Herodote, de Thucydide, des Histoires Grecques de Xenophon, de sa Retraite de Dix Mille, et de sa Cyropedie, inserees dans un Abrege des Histoires de ces memes auteurs, avec des Notes sur le Texte des Harangues de Thucydide ; traduites par 1 Abbe Auger. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1788. 8 (5.5X3.2). Translator. See DEMOSTHENES. CEuvres de D. et d ^Eschines. AUGUSTI, Johann Christian Wilhelm, Prof, of TheoL at Jena, Breslau, and Bonn; b. 1771. d. 1841. Joint Translator. See BIBLE, Old Testament. Die Schriften, etc. Joint Translator. See BIBLE, New Testament. Die Schriften, etc. AUGUSTINE, St. Aurelius, Bp. of Hippo, in Africa ; b. 354. d. 430. 2 Confessions. See BuCHON, J. A. C. (Choix d Ouvrages mystiques.) 3 Meditations. See BUCHON, J. A. C. (Choix d Ouvrages mystiques.) 4 Meditations (The) of St. Augustine, his Treatise of the Love of God, Soliloquies and Manual. Translated by George Stanhope, D. D. , Glasgow, 1773. 12 (4.9X2.7). 5 Opera tomis decem comprehensa. Tom. 6, 7, 10. Colonise Agrippina?, 1616. 2 (12.4X6.9), m. r., 2 cols. NOTE. Title-pag-es differ. Appended to vol. 10 are three General Indexes. 6 Opera tomis undecim comprehensa, per Theologos Lovanienses ex ve- tustatibus castigata. . . . Tom. 1-5, 8-10. Parish s, 1636. 2 (12.4X6.9), m. r., 2 cols. NOTE General title in vol. 1 only: title pages of the other volumes express re spective contents. The last two entries form the entire works of Augustine, but the indexes of the former do not apply to the latter. AULUS GELLIUS. See GELLIUS, A. AUKIFABER, the Latinized name o/GoLDSCHMIED, Johann, a pupil & companion of Luther, Court-Preacher at Weimar, &c.; b. 1519. d. 1575. Editor. See LUTHER, M. Colloquia Mensalia. AUSTIN, Arthur, a pseudonym of Wilson s. See WILSON, Prof. John. AUSTIN, Benjamin, Jun., apolitical writer, of Boston; b. 1752. d. 1820. 7 Constitutional Republicanism, in Opposition to fallacious Federalism ; as published occasionally in the Independent Chronicle, under the Signature of Old-South. ... *** Boston, 1803. 8 (6.4X3.6). [6 copies 1 AUSTIN, Rev. Gilbert, of Woodville, near Dublin. 8 Chironomia : or a Treatise on Rhetorical Delivery . . . ; illustrated by many Figures. *** London, 1806. 4 (7X4.8), pp. 583+. AUSTIN, Rev. Samuel, D.D., Pres. of Vermont Univ. ; b. 1760. d. 1830. > Apology (The) of Patriots, or the Heresy of the Friends of theVash- ington and Peace Policy defended. National-Fast Sermon, at Worces ter, August 20, 1812. Worcester, 1812. 8, pp. 32. Examination (An) of the Representations and Reasonings contained in Seven Sermons . . ., by Rev. Darnel Merrill, on the Mode and Subjects Baptism. ... Worcester, 1805. 12 (4 9X2 9) i Sermon (A) preached in Worcester, Mass., on the Occasion of the Spe- ml Fast, July 23, 1812. Worcester, 1812. 8, pp. 28. Inanksgivmg Sermon at Worcester, Dec. 15, 1796. Worcester, 1797. 8, pp. 24. Editor. See EDWARDS, Jonathan. Works, Worcester Edition. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. AUSTIN, Mrs. Sarah TAYLOR, an English authoress ; b. about 1800. 1 Characteristics of Goethe. From the German of Falk, Von Miiller, &c. With Notes, original and translated, illustrative of German Literature. . . . Vol. 1-3. [Engravinys. ] London, 1833. 8 (4.9X3.2). 2 Life of Carsten Niebuhr. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. Lives of Eminent Persons ; &c. Editor. See HOLLAND, S. S. Memoir of Rev. Sidney Smith. Translator. See RANKE, L. History of the Popes of Rome. History of the Reformation. AUSTRIA. Gesetze fiir die K. K. Armeen in Auszug, nach alphabetischer Ord- 3 nung der Gegenstande eingerichtet von Jakob Heinrich. Wien und Prag, 1784. 8 (4.7X3.3), pp. 570. AUTOMNE, Bernard, advocate in Parliament of Bourdeaux ; b. 1587. d. 1666. Editor, Annotator, &c. See JUVENALIS, D. J. SatyraR. AUTRAN, J. 4 Poemes (Les) de la Her. Paris, 1852. 8 (5.8X3.5 irr.). AVIANUS, Flavius, a Roman Fabulist ; flourished about 160. 5 Aviani JEsopicarvm Fabvlarvm Liber. A T. Pvlmanno ex membranis in Ivcem editvs. *** Antverpiae, 1585. 24 (3.8X2.3), pp. 29. AVIARY (The), 6 and Bird-Breeder s Companion. New-York, 1830. 8, pp. 72. AVNCIENT Ecclesiasticall Histories (The) of the first six hvndred Yeares after 7 Christ, wrytten in the Greeke tongue by ... Eusebius, Socrates, and Euagrius. . . . Whereunto is annexed Dorothevs, of the Liues of the Prophetes, Apostles and 70 Disciples. All ... faithfully translated ... by M. Hanmer . . . [with] a Chronographie ... * * * London, 1577. 2 (9X5.4), m. r., pp. 538-}-, 56. NOTE. The works of Socrates, Evagrius and Dorotheus, and the Ckronography, have each independent title-pages, dated 1576. AYDELOTT, Rev. Benjamin B., D.D., of Cincinnati, Ohio. 8 Incidental Benefits of Denominational Division : an Argument for Chris tian Union. Cincinnati, 1846. 12 (4.9X2.9). 9 Our Country s Evils and their Remedy. Cincinnati, 1843. 12, pp. 60. AYLMER, John, Bp. of London, b. 1521. d. 1594. 10 Historical Collections of the Life and Acts. See STRYPE, L B. B. C. Address (An) to the Honourable City of London, &c. concerning their 11 Choice of a New Parliament. Together with a true Character of Po pery and Arbitrary Government. London, 1681. 2, pp. 12. B. J., Citoyen Francais. 12 Coup-d CEil politique sur 1 Europe, a la Fin du XVIIIe Siecle ; precede de quelques Considerations sur la France avant et depuis la Revolution. ... *** Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1801. 8 (5.5X3). B. T. Account of the whole Art of Breeding, Nursing, and the right Or- 13 dering of the Silk-Worm ; with Figures. London, 1733. 4, pp. 32. BABBAGE, Charles, F.R.8., &c., Prof, of Math, at Cambridge, Eng. ; b. 1790. 14 Introductory Dissertation on the General Principles which regulate the Application of Machinery to Manufactures and the Mechanical Arts. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 8). M Ninth Bridge water Treatise (The). A Fragment. * * * 2d cd. London, 1838. 8 (5.2X3.1). 36 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BABBAGE, Charles, F.R.S., continued. 1 Reflections on the Decline of Science in England, and on some of its Causes. London, 1830. 8 (6X3.3). 2 Table of the Logarithms of the Natural Numbers, from 1-108000. Stereotyped. 2d ed. London, 1831. 8 (7.5X4.6). BABCOCK, Rufus, Jun. Editor. See MORRIS, J. W. Life and Writings of Fuller. BABINGTON, Thomas, M.P., Uncle of Lord Macaulay. 3 Practical View of Christian Education in its Earliest Stages. 1st Ameri can from 3d London edition. ... Boston, 1818. 12 (5.4X3.2). BABINGTON, William, M.D., Prof, of Chem., &c. Guy s Hospital, London ; b. 1756. d. 1833. 4 New System (A) of Mineralogy, in the Form of Catalogue, after the manner of Baron Bern s Catalogue . . . London, 1799. 4 (8X5. 7). . 5 Systematic Arrangement (A) of Minerals, founded on ... their Chemi cal, Physical, and External Characters ; reduced to the Form of Tables. London, 1795. 4 (9X6.5), pp. 26. BACHE, Alexander Dallas, LL.D., Lieut. U.S.A., Pres. of Girard College, Sup t of U.S. Coast Survey since 1843 , 6. in PJiila., 1806. 6 Discussion of the Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Girard College Observatory, Phila., 1840- 45. Pp. 22. See SMITH SONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 11.) 7 Observations at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Gi rard College, 1840-1845. 3 vols. See UNITED STATES. Astronomi cal and other Observations. * Report on Education in Europe, to the Trustees of the Girard College for Orphans. Philadelphia, 1839. 8 (6.4X3.6), pp. 666. 9 Reports on the Progress of the U. S. Coast Survey, 1851-1860. 10 vols. See UNITED STATES. Coast Survey Reports. BACHI, Pietro, Instructor in Italian at Harvard College,. 10 Grammar (A) of the Italian Language. * * * Boston, 1829. 12 (5.2X3.3). 11 Scelta di Prose Italiane, tratte da piu celebri Scrittori antichi e moderni, per uso degli studiosi ... * * * Cambridge, 1828. 12 (5.2X3.1). BACHMAIR, John James, A.M., of Sion College, Cambridge ; jl. 1751-1771. 12 Complete German Grammar (A). ... 3d ed., greatly altered and im proved. London, 1771. 8 (5.5X3.4). BACKUS, Rev. Charles, D.D., of Somers, Conn. ; b. 1749. d. 1803. 13 Folly (The) of Man s choosing this World for his portion. Sermon at Ordination of Rev. Joseph Russell, Princeton, Mass., March 16, 1796. [~Ch., by J. Jackson ; R.H., by R. Holcomb. ] Boston, 1796. 8, pp. 31. BACON, Francis, Lord Verulam and Viscount St. Alban s, Lord Chancellor of England; b. in London, 1561. d. 1626. 14 Bacon s Essays : with Annotations by Richard Whately, D.D. 5th ed., revised and enlarged. Boston, 1861. 8 (6.5X3.9), pp. 58e! Essayes (The) or, Covnsels, civill and morall, of Francis Lo. Verulam, &c. Newly enlarged. [Appended is, Offhe Colovrs of Good and Euill, .a Fragment.] London, 1632. 4 (5.7X3.3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 37 BACON, Francis, continued. 1 Essayes (The) or, Covnsels, civill and morall : of Francis Lo. Verulam, &c. With a Table of the Colours, or Apparences of Good and Evill, and their Degrees, . . . their severall Fallaxes, and the Elenches of them. Newly enlarged. London, 1639. 4 (5.7X3.3). NOTE. Except in title-page, identical -with preceding work. 2 Essays (The) : or Counsels, civil and moral : and the Wisdom of the Ancients. With a biographical Notice by A. Spiers, Preface by B. Mon tagu, and Notes by different writers. [Portrait. ] Boston, 1856. 16 (4.7X2.8). 3 Francis Bacon Realistic Philosophy and its Age. See FISCHER, K. 4 Historic (The) of the Reigne of King Henry the Seventh. Written by Francis Lord Verulam. ... London, 1641. 2 (8.2X4.2). NOTE. Title-page is embellished. Imperfect, wanting portrait. 5 Life of Bacon, by Birch. See (Works, post. Vol. 1, pp. i.-xlii.). G Lord Bacon. See MACAULAY, T. B. (Essays, vol. 2.) 7 New Atlantis. See MORE, Sir T. .(With Utopia, &c.) 8 Novum Organon (The), or a true Guide to the Interpretation of Nature. New Translation by G. W. Kitchin. Oxford, 1855. 8 (6.4X3.5). 9 Personal History of Lord Bacon. See DIXON, W. H. 10 Resvsitatio, or, Bringing into pvblick light several Works . . . , hither to sleeping of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, &c. ... 3d ed. .... ByW. Rawley. [Plate.] London, 1671. 2 (9.5X5.2), m. b. NOTE. Imperfect, Avanting portrait. The several portions have independent title- pages, dating 1670, and independent pagings. 11 Sylva Sylvarum, or a Natural History, in Ten Centuries. Whereuntois newly added, The History natural and experimental of Life and Death, or of the Prolongation of Life. Published ... by W. Rawley. Where- unto is added Articles of Enquiry, touching Metals and Minerals. And the New Atlantis. Written by Francis Lord Verulam, &c. 9th . . . edition. ... [Portrait. ] London, 1670. 2 (9.6X5.2), m. r. NOTE Also with embellished title-page, engraved. " History of Life," &c., and " Articles of Enquiry," &c., have independent title-page.s, &c. and date, 1669. 12 Works. Vol. 1-5. *** [Portrait. ] London, 1765. 4 (7.8X5.6). NOTE This beautiful and accurate edition was corrected throughout by the Rev. John Gambold, and the Latin volumes revised by W. ~Bowycr.--Low>ides. BACON, Eev. Leonard, D.D., of New-Haven, Conn. ; b. in Detroit, 1802. 13 Historical Discourse, delivered at Norwich, June 23, 1859, before the General Association of Connecticut. See GENERAL Association, &c. (Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of Connecticut.) 14 Oration before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Dartmouth College, de livered July 30, 1845. Hanover, 1845. 8, pp. 23. 15 Thirteen Historical Discourses on the Completion of Two Hundred Years from the Beginning of the First Church in New Haven. With an Appendix. * * * [Portraits.] New Haven, 1839. 8 (6.5X3.6). JBACON, Matthew, Esq., of London. 16 New Abridgment (A) of Law, alphabetically digested under proper Ti tles. 6th ed., revised and corrected ; with additional Notes and Re ferences. Also a Supplement. ... By T. Cunningham. Vol. 1-5. Dublin, 1793. 8 (7.2X3.8), m. r. NOTE For Appendix to this work, forming vol. 6, 7, see GWILLIM, H, 38 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BACON, Gen. Nathaniel, " the Virginia Rebel ;" 6. in Eng. about 1646. d. 1676. 1 Life, by W. Ware. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 3d Series, vol. 3.) BADGER, Stephen, Indian-Missionary of Natick, Mass. ; b. 1725. d. 1803. 2 Letter concerning the Indians. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 1st Series, vol. 5.) 3 Substance of two Discourses on Intemperance ; delivered at Natick [October, 1773]. Boston, reprinted, 1811. 8, pp. 23. BAGWELL, John, flourished about 1650. Editor, &c. See WILSON, Eev. Thomas. Christian Dictionary. BAHRDTS, Carl Friedrich, Prof, at Leipsic, Erfurt, &c. ; b. 1741. d. 1792. 4 Glaubensbekenntniss. Leipzig, 1799. 8, pp. 24. BAIKIE, Robert, M.D., of Madras Medical Establishment. Translator. See FRANCKE, H. Outlines of Disease, &c. BAILEY, Eev. J. W., of GalesUirg, III. 5 Knox College, by whom founded and endowed ; also, A Review of a Pamphlet entitled "Rights of Congregationalists in Knox College." Chicago, 1860. 8 (6.5X4). BAILEY, Eev. Jacob, Mission, at Pownalborough, & in N.S. ; b. 1731. d. 1808. c Memoir of Life. See BARTLET, W. S. BAILEY, Jacob Whitman, Prof, in U.S. Milit. Acad., West Point ; &.1811. d.1857. 7 Fossil Microscopic Organisms, from Monterey. Fossil Plant from Pasuncula River. See BLAKE, W. P. (Geological Reconnaissance in California.) 8 Microscopical Examination of Soundings made by U. S. Coast Survey off the Atlantic Coast of U. S. Pp. 16, and one Plate. See SMITH SONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 2.) 9 Microscopical Observations made in South Carolina, Georgia, and Flori da. Pp. 48, and three Plates. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Con tributions, vol. 2.) 10 Notes on New Species and Localities of Microscopical Organisms. Pp. 12, and one Plate. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contrib., vol. 7.) BAILEY, James, A.M. Editor, &c. See FORCELLINI, E. Totius Latinitatis Lexicon. BAILEY, John. 11 General View of the Agriculture of the County of Cumberland ; with Observations on the Means of its Improvement. . . . By J. Bailey & G. Culley. *** [Map.] London, 1805. 8 (6.3X3.3). NOTE. Appended to and paged continuously with " View of Northumberland," &c. 12 General View of the Agriculture of the County of Northumberland ; with Observations on the Means of its Improvement. . . . By J. Bai ley & G. Culley. 3d ed. * * * [Map and Plates. } London, 1805. 8 (6.3X3.3). BAILEY, Nathan, a schoolmaster at Stepney, near London ; d. 1742. 13 Universal Etymological English Dictionary (An) ; . . . 9th ed., with . . . Improvements. London, 1740. Thick 8 (7X4), 2 cols., n. p. BAILEY, William, Eegister of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. 14 Advancement (The) of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce ; or, De scriptions of the useful Machines and Models contained in the Reposi tory of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce: illustrated by Designs on fifty-five Copper-Plates. . . . * * * London. 1772. 4(7.7X5.). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 39 BAILLIE, Joanna, an English dramatic Poetess; b. 1762. d. 1851. 1 Collection (A) of Poems, chiefly manuscript, and from living Authors. ... London, 1823. 8 (5.6X2.9 irr.). BAILLY, Jean Sylvain, a French Astron., Statesman, &c. ; b. 1736. exec. 1793. 2 Histoire de 1 Astronomie Ancienne . . . jusqu a 1 Etablissement de 1 Ecole d Alexandrie ; par M. Bailly. 2de edition. * * * [3 Plates.] Paris, 1781. 4 (7.4X4.7), pp. 525. 3 Histoire de 1 Astronomie Moderne depuis la Fondation de 1 Ecole d Alex andrie, jusqu a 1 Epoque de M.D.CC.XXX. Par M. Bailly. Nouv. ed. *** Tom. 1-3. {Plates.] Paris, 1785 . 4 (7. 1X4.8). 4 Lettres sur 1 Origine des Sciences, et sur celle des Peuples de 1 Asie, adressees a M. de Voltaire, par M. Bailly, & precedees de quelques Let tres de M. de Voltaire a 1 Auteur. Londres, 1787. 8 (5.6X2.9). 5 Traite de 1 Astronomie Indienne et Orientale, Ouvrage qui peut servir de suite a 1 Histoire de 1 Astronomie Ancienne. Par M. Bailly. Paris, 1787. 4 (7.2X4.8). BAIRD, Robert, D.D., an American author & clergyman; b. 1798. 6 Sketches of Protestantism in Italy. Past and Present. Including a Notice of the Origin, History, and present State of the "VValdenses. 2d thousand, with an Appendix. {Portrait and Map.] Boston, 1847. 12 (5.5X3.4). BAIRD, Spencer F., Prof. Nat. Sciences, Dickinson Coll., Penn., &c. ; b. 1823. 7 Mammals of the Southern Hemisphere. See UNITED STATES. Explo rations and Surveys. (U.S. Naval Astronomical Expedition, vol. 2.) 8 Zoological Reports. See UNITED STATES. Explorations and Surveys. (Explorations and Surveys for a Pacific Railroad, vols. 5, 8-10.) BAITER, Johann Georg. Editor. See TACITUS, C. C. Opera quse supersunt. BAKER, George, A.M. Translator, &c. See LIVIUS, T. The History of Rome. BAKER, Sir Richard, Kt., a popular English writer ; b. about 1568. d. 1745. 9 Chronicle (A) of the Kings of England, from the Time of the Roman Government unto the Death of King James. . . . With a Continua tion . . . , in this Fourth Edition, to the Coronation of King Charles the Second [by Edward Phillips ]. London, 1665. 2 (10.8X5.8), m. b., pp. 822+. NOTE. Also with second title-page, embellished. BALDI, Bernardino, an Italian linguist & mathematician; b. 1553. d. 1617. 10 Idillio. See ALAMANNI. Alamanni, Ruccellai, etc. BALDWIN, Hon. Loammi, an American civil engineer, &c.; d. 1838. 11 Observations on Electricity. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 1.) 12 Thoughts on the Study of Political Economy, as connected with the Population, Industry and Paper Currency of the United States. * * * Cambridge, 1809. 8, pp. 75. BALDWIN, Samuel, of the London Custom-House. 13 Survey (A) of the British Customs . . . London, 1770. 4 (9X6). BALDWIN, Rev. Thomas, D.D., of Boston-, b. 1753. d. 1825. 14 Artillery-Election Sermon, Boston, 1807. Boston, 1807. 8, pp. 28. 40 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BALDWIN, Rev. Thomas, D.D., continued. 1 Discourse delivered before the Members of the Boston Female Asylum, September 26, 1806. Boston, 1806. 8, pp. 29. 2 Election Sermon, Mass., May 26, 1802. Boston, 1802. 8, pp. 36. BALDWIN, Thomas, a Teacher in Pliila. 3 Universal Pronouncing Gazetteer (A) : containing topographical, statis tical, and other Information, of all the more important Places in the known World . . . With a Map [of U. .]. Philadelphia, 1845. 12 (5.7X3.5), pp. 550. Joint Editor. See LIPPINCOTT S Pronouncing Gazetteer. BALFOUR, Reo. Walter, of Charlestoivn, Mass.; b. in Scotland, 1778. d. 1852. 4 Some Observations on searching the Scriptures. Charlestown, 1810. 12, pp. 72. BALL, Rev. John, an English Puritan Divine; b. 1585. d. 1640. 5 Treatise (A) of the Covenant of Grace . . . Published by Simeon Ash. London, 1 645. 4 (6.2 X 3.8), m. r. BALL, Rev. Nathaniel, Curate of Chelmsford, England. 6 Sermons. ... London, 1745. 8 (5.6X3). BALL, Robert, D.D., Prof, of Theol. Univ. of Glasgow. 7 Operis historici et chronologic! Libri duo ; . . . Una cum tribus Diatri- bis, quarum prima est de Heereticorum Autocatacrisi ; secunda, An quic- quid in Deo est, Deus sit ; tertia de Prsedestinatione. . . . Amstelodami, 1668. 2 (10.2X5.2), m. b., 2 cols. BALLANTYNE, Rev. John. b Examination (An) of the Human Mind. Edinburgh and London, 1828. 8 (6.2X3.5), pp. 502. BALLARD, Rev. Edward, of Brunswick, Me. ; b. 1804. 9 Early History of the Protestant-Episcopal Church in Maine. See MAINE Hist. Society. (Collections, vol. 6.) BALMES, Jaime Lucio, a Spanish Roman-Catholic priest ; b. 1810. d. 1848. 10 Protestantisme (Le) compare au Catholicisme dans ses Rapports avec la- Civilisation Europeenne. Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1842- 44. 8 (5. 8X3.2). BANCROFT, Rev. Aaron, D.D., of Worcester, Mass. ; b. 1755. d. 1839. 11 Discourse on Conversion. Worcester, 1818. 8, pp. 40. 12 Sermon preached Feb. 15, 1802, before the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of Massachusetts, on the Day of the Interment of Lieut.- Gov. Samuel Phillips. Boston, 1802. 8, pp. 21. 13 Supreme Deity (The) of Christ illustrated. Discourse delivered April 19, 1812, in Boston. Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 36. 14 World (The) passeth away ; but the Children of God abide forever. Sermon in Worcester, Jan. 6, 1811. Worcester, 1811. 8, pp. 24. BANCROFT, Edward, M.D., of London ; d. 1821. 15 Essay (An) on the Natural History of Guiana, in South America. . . . London, 1769. 8 (5X2.9). 16 Remarks on the Review of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies. ... [By E. Bancroft. ] * * * London, 1769. 8 (5.8X3). 17 Remarks on the Review of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies. ... * * * New-London, reprinted, 1771. 8 (5.8X3. 5). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 41 BANCROFT, Edward Nathaniel, M.D., Physician to St. George s Hospital. 1 Essay (An) on the Disease called Yellow Fever, with Observations con cerning Febrile Contagion, Typhus Fever, Dysentery, and the Plague. ... London, 1811. 8 (5.9X3.3), pp. 811. BANCROFT, Hon. George, LL.D., Sec y of Navy, Minister to England, &c., son of Rev. A. B. ; b. in Worcester, Mass., 1800. 2 History of Battle of Lake Erie. See PERRY STATUE. 3 History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Con tinent. Vol. 1-8. [Haps, Plans and Portraits. ] Boston, 1834- 60. Vol. 1-3, 8 (6.9X3.6); 4-8, 12(6.5X*3.6),m.d. NOTF:. Vol. 1-3 have also title, " History of the Colonization of the United States. Vol. 1-3." Vol. 4-6 have also half-title, " The American Revolution. Epoch First. ... 1748-1763 ; Epoch Second. ... 1763-1774 ; The Crisis." Vol. 7, 8 have also title, " The American Revolution. Vol. 1, 2." This work is continuing-. 4 Literary and Historical Miscellanies. New York, 1855. 8 (6.1 X3.5), pp. 517. Translator. See HEEREN, A. H. L. Politics of Ancient Greece. BANDELLO, Matteo, Bp. of Agen, in France; b. 1480. d. 1565. 5 Novelle. [Portrait and Plate.] Firenze, 1832. 8 (6.6X4), 2 cols. BANDIERA, A.M., an Italian Novelist. 6 Narrazioni. See (NOVELLE di Autori Senesi). BANGS, Nathan, D.D., an American Methodist Minister; b. 1778. d. 1862. 7 Authentic History (An) of the Missions under the care of the Missiona ry Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. * * * [Portrait.] New-York, 1832. 12 (5. 6X3.1). 8 Examination (An) of the Doctrine of Predestination, as contained in a Sermon, preached in Burlington, Vt, by Daniel Haskel. * * * 2d ed. New- York, 1828. 24 (4.3X2.4). 9 Vindication (A) of Methodist Episcopacy. * * * New-York, 1820. 24 (4.4X2.5). BANKES, Henry, Esq., M.P. ; b. about 1757. d. 1835. 10 Civil (The) and Constitutional History of Rome from its Foundation to the Age of Augustus. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1818. 8 (6X3.4). oft/, BANKES, Rev. Thomas, Vicar of Dixton in Monmouthshire. 11 New royal authentic and complete System of Universal Geography, an- tient and modern. ... By T. Bankes, E. W. Blake, and A. Cook. ... [Maps, Plans, (fee.] London, [1787.] 2 (12.7X7.6), pp. 990. BANKS, John, Lecturer on Philosophy in London. 12 Treatise (A) on Mills, in five parts. 2d ed. [Plates.] * * * London, 1815. 8 (5.8X3.2). BAPTIST Board of Foreign Missions for the United States. The Latter Day 13 Luminary. February, 1818 to February, 1822. Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1818; Washington, 1821. 8 (6.5X3.1). BARBA, Alphonse, a Romish priext at Potosi ; flourished about 1640. 14 Metallurgie, ou 1 Art de tirer et de purifier les Metaux, traduite de 1 Es- pagnol, avec les Dissertations . . . sur les Mines & les Operations me- talliques. ... Tom. 1, 2. La Haye, 1752. 8 (4. 7X2.4). BARBAROUX, C. O., Avocat, etc. 1 5 Histoire (L ) des Etats-Unis d Amerique. . . . Boston, 1832. 12 (4.1X2.4). BARBAULD, Mrs. Anna Letitia AIKIN, an English authoress; b. 1743. d. 1825. 16 Evenings at Home, or the Juvenile Budget opened. ... By Mrs. BarbauldandDr.Aikin. ... Vol. 1,2. Boston, 1813. 24 (4.5X2.5). 6 42 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BARBER, John Warner; b. at Windsor, Conn., 1798. 1 Historical Collections, being a general Collection of interesting Facts, Traditions, &c,, relating to the History and Antiquities of every Town in Massachusetts, with geographical Descriptions. Illustrated by 200 Engravings. * * * Worcester, 1844. 8 (7.1X4), pp. 624. BAKBERI, Jacques Philippe, a French army officer, &c. ; b. 1780. d. 1829.^ 2 Grammaire des Grammaires Italiennes, elementaire, raisonnee, metho- dique et analytique; ou Cours complet de Langue Italienne. . . , Tom. 1, 2. Tans, 1819 ; 8 (6.2X3.5). BARBEYRAC, Jean, a French jurist, Prof, at Groningen; b. 1674. d. 1744. Annotator. See GROTIUS, H. The Rights of War and Peace. Translator. See BYNKERSHOEK, C. v. Traite du Juge competent de Ambassadeurs. Translator, &c. See CUMBERLAND, R., D.D. Traite philos. des Loix naturelles. Translator, &c. See GROTIUS, H. La Droit de la Guerre, et de la Paix, Translator, &c. $eePuFFENDORF, S. Le Droit de la Nature, et des Gens. BARCLAY, Rev. James, of London; flourished about 1775. 3 Complete and Universal Dictionary (A) of the English Language : com prehending the Explanation, Pronunciation, Origin, and Synonymes of each Word ; an Epitome of History, Biography, and the Useful Scien ces ; a Description of the Counties, Cities, &c. of Great Britain, and of the Kingdoms, States, Provinces and Cities in the known World, . . . New edition, enlarged, improved, and adapted to. the present State of Science, by B. B. Woodward. [Portraits, Maps,*&c.~] London, [1S48]. 4 (8.8X6.7), 2 cols., pp. 981. BARCLAY, James T., M.D., Missionary to Jerusalem. 4 City (The) of the Great King ; or, Jerusalem as it was, as it is, and as it is to be. * * * [Portrait and Plates. } Philadelphia, 1858. 8 (6.4X4), pp. 621. BARCLAY, John; lorn, of Scotch origin, in France, 1582. d. at Some, 1621. 5 lohn Barclay his %genis, translated ovt of Latine into English : the Prose at his Majesties command : by Sir Robert LeGrys, Kt. : and the Verses by Thomas May. ... London, 1629. 4 (6.7X3.8). NOTE. A political allegory, greatly admired by and Card. Eichtlicu, and pronounced by Co per the most amusing romance ever written. BARCLAY, Rev. John, founder of the Bereans or Barclayans ; b. 1734. d. 1798. 6 Without Faith, without God ; or, An Appeal to God concerning his own Existence. ... Preface by D. Thorn. London, 1836. 12 (5X3). BARCLAY, Robert, of Ury, in Scotland; b. 1648. d. 1690. 7 Apology (An) for the true Christian Divinity ; being an Explanation and Vindication of the Principles and Doctrines of the People called Quakers. ... Providence, 1856. 8 (6.4X3.5), m. b., pp. 587. BAP.D.WELL, Rev. Horatio, Missionary A.B.C.F.M. at Bombay. 3 Memoir of Rev. Gordon Hall. Andover, 1834. 12 (5.3X3.3). BARERR DE VIEUZAC, Bertrand, a noted French revolutionist ; b, lido. d. 1841. 9 Life. See MACAULAY, T, B., (Essays, vol. 5.) BARETTI, Giuseppe, an Italian author & traveller, Foreign Sec y to Royal Academy of London; b. at Turin, 1716. d, at London, 1789. Dictionary (A) of the English and Italian Languages. To which is added, An Italian and English Grammar. New edition. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1771. 4 (8.6X5.8), 3 cols. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 43 BARETTI, Giuseppe, continued. 1 Dictionary (A), Spanish and English, and English and Spanish. New edition. . . greatly enlarged. London, 1800. 4 (9.1X6.3), 3 cols., n.p. 2 Easy Phraseology ... of the Italian Language. New edition. . . . Leghorn, 1836. 12 (5.5X2.9), par. cols. 3 Grammar (A) of the Italian Language, with a copious Praxis of Moral Sentences. To which is added an English Grammar for the Use of the Italians. London, 1762. 8 (6X3. 3). Joint Author. See NEUMAN, H. Spanish and English Dictionary. BARGAGLI, Scipione, an Italian Novelist ; b. in Siena, d. 1612. 4 Novelle. See (NovELLE di Autori Senesi). BARIIAM, Henry, M.D. 5 Hortus Americanus : containing an Account of the Trees, Shrubs, and other Vegetable Productions, of South-America and the West-India Islands . . . Kingston, Jamaica, 1794. 8 (6.5X3.7). BARING, Alexander, Esq., M.P., aft. Lord Ashburton ; b. 1774. d. 1848. 6 Inquiry (An) into the Causes and Consequences of the Orders in Coun cil ; and an Examination of the Conduct of Great Britain towards the Neutral Commerce of America. New-York, 1808. 8 (6.4X3.5). BARKER, Rev. John, of Salter s Hall, London. 7 Sermons. . . . London, 1748. 8 (6X3.3). BARKER, Rev. Ralph, D.D., Rector of Braisted, Kent-, fi. 1695. Editor. See TILLOTSON, J. Works. Vol. 2, 3. BARLOW, Edward. 8 Meteorological Essays, concerning the Origin of Springs, Generation of Rain, and Production of Wind. With a rational and historical Account of the Causes and Course of the Tide. ... * * * [Maps.~\ London, 1715. 8 (5.8X3.1). [2 copies.] BARLOW, Joel, U.S. Minister to France, &c. ; b. in Conn., 1755. d. 1812. 9 Advice to the Privileged Orders in the several States of Europe, result ing from the Necessity and Propriety of a general Revolution in the Principle of Government. Part I. 3d ed. Part II. 2 vols. London, 1793/95. 8 (5.8X3.3; 3.1). 10 Columbiad (The). A Poem. ... * * * Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1809. 12 (5X3.1 irr.). n Joel Barlow to his Fellow Citizens of the United States of America. Paris, 1799. 8, pp. 55. 12 Letter to the People of Piedmont on the Advantages of the French Revolution, and the Necessity of adopting its Principles in Italy. Trans lated by the Author. London, 1795. 8, pp. 48. 13 Vision (The) of Columbus ; a Poem in nine books. Hartford, 1787. 12 (5.5X3.4 irr.). BARLOW, Peter, Prof. Math., Royal Milit. Acad., Woolwich, Eng.; b. 1776. 14 Electro-Magnetism. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 4). 15 Elementary Principles of Practical Mechanics and Engineering. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 8). 16 Geometry. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 1). 17 Hydrodynamics. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 3). !8 Magnetism. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 3). 19 Mechanical Processes and Manufactures. See (ENCYCL. Metrop., vol. 8). 20 Mechanics. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 3). 21 Optics. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 3). 22 Plane Astronomy. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 3). 44 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BARLOW, Joel, continued. 1 Pneumatics. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 3). 2 Theory of Numbers. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 1). BARNABAS, St., the companion of St. Paul, a Levite, of Cyprus. 3 Catholick Epistle of St. Barnabas ; translated, with a preliminary Dis course, by Wake. See WAKE, W. The Genuine Epistles, c. BARNARD, Rev. Edward, of Haverhill, Mass. ; b. 1720. d. 1774. 4 Election Sermon, Mass., May 28, 1766. Boston, 1766. 8, pp. 39. BARNARD, Frederick A. P., LL.D., Pres. of Univ. of Mississippi; b. 1809. 5 Letters on College Government, and the Evils inseparable from the American College System in its present form : . . . New York, 1855. 8 (6.7X4). 6 Report on a Proposition to modify the Plan of Instruction in the Uni versity of Alabama, made to the Faculty of the University. Read to the ... Trustees, Sept. 26, 1854. New York, 1855. 8 (6.7X3.9). BARNARD, Henry, LL.D. ; b. at Hartford, Conn., 1811. Editor. See AMERICAN Journal of Education. BARNARD, Rev. John, of Marblehead, Mass. ; b. 1681. d. 1770. 7 Autobiography. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 3d Series, vol. 5.) 8 Proof (A) of Jesus Christ His being the ancient promised Messiah. Dudleian Lecture, June 23, 1756. Boston, 1756. 8, pp. 55. BARNARD, Rev. Thomas, A.M., of Newbury, oft. of Salem, Ms. : b. 1716. d. 1776. 9 Election Sermon, Mass., May 25, 1763. Boston, 1763. 8, pp. 45. l Power (The) of God, the Proof of Christianity. Dudleian Lecture, May llth, 1768. Salem, 1768. 8, pp. 28. [2 copies.] BARNARD, Rev. Thomas, D.D., of Salem, Mass. ; b. 1748. d. 1814. 11 Discourse delivered before the Humane Society of ... Massachusetts, June 10, 1794. Boston, 1794. 8, pp. 25. [2 copies.] 2 Fast Sermon, at Salem, March 31, 1796. Salem, n. d. 8, pp. 20. 13 Sermon preached Dec. 29, 1799, in Salem, upon the Death of General George Washington. Salem, n. d. 8, pp. 27. BARNES, Rev. Albert, D.D., of Philadelphia, Pemi. ; b. 1798. 14 Notes, critical, explanatory, and practical, on the Book of the Prophet Isaiah. ... Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1858. 12 (6X3.7), 2 cols. 15 Notes, critical, illustrative, and practical, on the Book of Job ; with a New Translation, and an introductory Dissertation.- Vol. 1, 2. New improved edition. New York, 1855. 12 (5.8X3.6), 2 cols. ! Notes, explanatory and practical, on the Acts of the Apostles. . . . 4th ed. [Map of Asia Minor.] New York, 1835. 12(5.8X3.6),2cols. " Notes, explanatory and practical, on the Epistle to the Romans. 3d ed. New York, 1835. 12 (5.8X3.6), 2 cols. Notes, explanatory and practical, on the Gospels. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Map of Palestine.] New York, 1835. 12 (5.8X3.6), 2 cols. BARNES, Joshua, Prof, of Greek at Cambridge, Eng. ; b. 1654. d. 1712. Editor, &c. See EURIPIDES. Tragoediae. BARNES, William, B.D., of St. John s College, Cambridge. 9 Philological Grammar (A), grounded upon English, and formed, from a Comparison of more than Sixty Languages. . London, 1854. 8 (6X3.7). SAINT- VENANT, Jean, a French agriculturist; b. 1737. d. 1810. Colonies (Des) modernes sous la Zone Torride, et particulierement de celle de Saint-Domingue : ... Par M. Barre Saint- Venant. Paris, 1802. 8 (5.5X3), pp. 516. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 45 BARRETT, Eev. B. F., of the New Jerusalem Church, New York. 1 Corner-Stone of the New Jerusalem. New York, 1845. 12, pp. 57. 2 Course (A) of Lectures on the Doctrines of the New Jerusalem Church, as revealed in the Theological Writings of Emanuel Sweclenborg : de livered . . . 1840-41. New York, 1842. 12 (5.9X3.3). BARRETT, Eev. Richard A. F., A.M., of King s College, Cambridge. 3 Synopsis (A) of Criticisms upon those Passages of the Old Testament, in which modern Commentators have differed from the Authorized Ver sion ; together with an Explanation of various Difficulties in the He brew and English Texts. * * * Vol. 1 P. L, II., 2 P. L, II., 3 P.I. 5 vols. London, 1847. 8 (7.2X4.5), 2 cols. NOTE. This portion of the work, all yet published, finishes with Esther. BARRINGTOX, John Shute, 1st Viscount; b. 1678. d. 1734. 5 Essay on the Teaching and Witness of the Holy Spirit. See WATSON, "R. (Theol. Tracts, vol. 4.) BARRISTER (The) : or, Strictures on the Education proper for the Bar. . . . 6 Dublin, 1792. 12 (4.4X2.9). BARROW, Isaac, D.D., Prof. Greek, &c. Trin. Coll. Cambridge-, b. 1630. d. 1677. Editor. See EUCLID. Elements of Geometry. BARROW, Sir John, Bart., Sec y to the British Admiralty, b. 1764. d. 1848. 7 Account (An) of Travels into the Interior of Soutnern Africa, in the Years 1792 and 1793. ... [Map.] New-York, 1802. 8 (6.2X3.4). 8 Description (A) of Pitcairn s Island and its Inhabitants. With an au- tljentic Account of the Mutiny of the Ship Bounty, and of the subse quent Fortunes of the Mutineers. [By Sir J. Barrow.~\ (Harper s Family Library, No. 31.) New-York, 1839. 18 (4.5X2.7). 9 Memoir (A) of the Life of Peter the Great. [Portrait. ] (Harper s Family Library, No. 65.) New-York, 1834. 18 (4.5X2.7). 10 Travels in China, containing Descriptions, Observations, and Compari sons, made and collected in the course of a Short Residence . . . , and on a subsequent Journey . . . from Pekin to Canton. . . . [Engrav ings. ] London, 1804. 4 (6.4X4.6), pp. 632. [2 copies.] BARROW, John,,/wn., son of preceding. H Excursions . . . through Parts of Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. New ed. [Maps, <fec.] London, 1835. 12(5X3). BARROWS, E. P., Prof, of Biblical Lit. Andover Theol. Seni. 12 Memoir of Everton Judson. [Portrait. ] Boston, 1852. 12 (5.4X3.2). BARRY, James, an English historical painter ; b. in Cork, 1741. d. 1806. * 13 Life. See CUNNINGHAM, A. (Lives of British Painters, &c., vol. 2.) BARRY, Rev. John Stetson. u History (The) of Massachusetts. The Colonial Period ; The Provincial Period ; The Commonwealth Period. 3 vols. Boston, 1855, 57, 57. 8 (6.5 irr.X3.6), m. h. BARTAS, Guillaume DE SALLUSTE, Sieur DU, a French officer ; b. 1544. d. 1590. 15 Svmmaries ; or, Briefe Expositions of all the notable Passages in the First Weeke, and the two first Dayes of the Second Weeke, of William of Sallust, Lord of Bartas. 2 (8.8X4.5), m. r., pp. 315, 264. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting signature A. BARTH, Henry, Ph.D., D.C.L., &c. ; b. at Hamburg, 1821. 16 Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa : being a Journal of an Expedition undertaken under the auspices of H. B. M. s Govern ment, in the Years 1849-1855. . . . Vol. 1-5. [Maps and colored Engravings.] London, 1857- 58. 8 (6X3.6). 46 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BARTIIKLEMY, Jean Jacques, VAbb e, an eminent Fr. scholar; b. 1716. d. 1795. 1 Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece, during the Middle of the Fourth Century before the Christian Jra. By the Abbe Barthelemi. Translated from the French. In 7 vols., and an eighth in 4, contain ing Maps, Plans, Views, and Coins, illustrative of the Geography and Antiquities of Ancient Greece. . . . London, 1791. 8 (5.5X3.1). 2 Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece. ... By the Abbe Bar- thelemy. Translated from the French. In 5 vols., the fifth, contains Maps, Plans, Views, and Coins ... 3d edition. Vol. 1-5. Dublin, 1795. 8 (6.3X3.3). 3 Travels (The) of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece. . . . Abridged from the original Work of the Abbe Barthelemi. . . . [Map and En gravings.] London, 1797. 8 (5.9X3.3), pp. 639+. 4 Travels in Italy, by the Abbe Barthelemy ; in a Series of Letters . . . Translated from the French. London, 1802. 8 (5.6X3-2). 5 Vie privee de M. 1 Abbe de Mably. See MABLY, G. BONNET, I Abbe DE. (Appended to Le Destin de la France.) 6 Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis en Grece, dans le Milieu du Quatrieme Siecle avant 1 Ere vulgaire. 3me ed. Tom. 1-7. Paris, 1790. 8 (5.6X3). 7 Kecueil de Cartes geographiques, Plans, Vues et Medailles de 1 Ari- cienne Grece, relatifs au Voyage de Jeune Anacharsis, precede d une Analyse critique des Cartes. 3me ed. Paris, 1790. 4, folded sheets. BARTHELEMY SAINT-HILAIRE, Jules, a French politician, &c. ; b. 18^5. Translator, &c. See ARISTOTELES. Logique. Psychologic. BARTHOLIN, Kaspar, a Danish Physician ; b. 1585. d. 1630. 8 Enchiridion metaphysicvm Philosophorvm Aristotelis, optimorvmqve In- terpretvm monumentis adornatum. Genevae, 1621. 8(5. 3x2.9), pp. 32. BARTLET, William S., Hector of St. Luke s Church, Chelsea, Mass.; b 1809. 9 Frontier Missionary (The) : a Memoir of the Life of Rev. Jacob Bailey, Missionary at Pownalborough, Me., Cornwallis and Annapolis, N. S. ; with Illustrations, Notes and an Appendix. With a Preface by IU. Rev. G. Burgess. [Portraits, <fcc.] New York, 1853. 8 (6.6X4). BARTLETT, John Russell, Sec y of State of E.I. ; b. 1805. Dictionary of Americanisms. A Glossary of Words and Phrases usually regarded as peculiar to the United States. 2d edition greatly improved and enlarged. Boston, 1859. 12 (6.6X4.1), pp. 521. BARTLETT, Joseph, Esq., of Woburn, Cambridge, &c. ; b. 1763. d. 1827. 11 Aphorisms on Men, Manners, Principles & Things. * * * Portsmouth, 1810. 12 (4.9X3). Physiognomy, a Poem. Portsmouth, 1810, 12, pp. 19. BARTLETT, Hon. Josiah, M.D., of Charlestown, Mass. ; b. 1759. d. 1820. ssertation on the Progress of Medical Science in Massachusetts. Read at the Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Medical Society, June 6, 1810. Boston, 1810. 8, pp. 48. [2 copies".] :etch of Charlestown, Mass. ; read at the Opening of Wash ington Hall, Nov. 16, 1813. Boston, 1814. 8, pp. 24. Historical Sketch of Charlestown. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collec tions, 2d Series, vol. 2.) 16 Historical Sketch of the Progress of Medical Science in Massachusetts. >S e MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 2d Series, vol. 1.) Oration (An) on the Death of General George Washington, delivered at Charlestown, Feb. 22, 1800. Charlestown, 1800. 8, pp 15 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRA11Y. 47 BAETLETT, William Henry, of Kentish Town, England-, b. 1809. d. 1854. 1 Illustrations of American Scenery. See AMERICAN Scenery, &c. 2 Illustrations of Scotland, and Switzerland. See BEATTIE, W. BAETOL, Rev. Cyrus Augustus, of Boston, grad. Bowd. Coll., 1832; b. 1813. 3 Discourses on the Christian Body and Form. Boston, 1853. 12 (5.6X3.2). 4 Discourses on the Christian Spirit and Life. Boston, 1850. 12 (5.3X3.2). BARTOLI, Pietro Santes, an Italian painter & engraver; b. 1635. d. 1700. 5 Colonna Traiana. Intagliata da P. S. Bartoli. See COLONNA Traiana. BAETON, Benjamin Smith, M.D., Prof. HK/niv. of Perm.; b. 1766. d. 1815. 6 New Views of the Origin of theHFribes and Nations of America. Philadelphia, 1798. 8 (6X3.3), 7 Philadelphia Medical and Physical Journal (The). Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1805, 06. 8 (6.4X3.6). [2 copies.} NOTE. Each volume has two parts, with independent title-pages and pagings. BAETON, William, A.M. 8 Memoirs of David Rittenhouse, LL.D., &c. Interspersed with Notices of many distinguished Men : with an Appendix, containing sundry Phi losophical and other Papers. [Portrait.] Philadelphia, 1813. 8 (6.5X3.6), pp. 614. BAETRAM, William, an American Botanist, &c. ; b. in Penn., 1739. d. 1823. 9 Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the extensive Territories of ... the Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Choctaws. . . . [Plates.] London, reprinted, 1792. 8 (5.8X3.3), pp. 520. BASNAGE DE BEAUVAL, Jacques, a Fr. statesman & theologian; b. 1653. d. 1723. 10 Continuation of [Josephus ] History of the Jews, to the Reign of the Emperor Adrian ; with an Account of their various Dispersions : trans lated from the French of Basnage [by Eev. W. M. Rogers ]. See JAIIN, J. (Appendix to Jahn s Hebrew Commonwealth.) 11 History (The) of the Jews, from Jesus Christ to the present Time: . . . Being a Supplement and Continuation of the History of Josephus. Written in French by Mr. Basnage. Translated into English by T. Taylor. [Plate. ] London, 1708. 2 (12.2X6.8), 2 cols., pp. 759. BATCHELOR, Thomas, a Fanner of Bedfordshire. 12 General View of the Agriculture of the County of Bedford. ... * * * [Map and Plates.] London, 1808. 8 (6.2X3.4), pp. 636. BATE, George, M.D., Physician to Charles I., Cromwell, and Charles II. 13 Pharmacopoeia Bateana. See SHIPTON, J. BATEMAN, Rev. Josiah, Sector of North Cray, Kent, England. 14 Life (The) of Daniel Wilson, D.D., Bishop of Calcutta, &c. With Por traits, Map, and Illustrations. Boston, 1860. 8 (7X4), pp. 744. BATES, Ely, Esq. is Rural Philosophy: . . . Philadelphia, 1807. 12 (5.7X3.1). BATES, William, D.D., an English Nonconformist; b. 1625. d. 1699. 16 Harmony (The) of the Divine Attributes, in the Contrivance and Ac complishment of Man s Redemption. With an introductory Essay, by A.Alexander. New- York, 1831. 12 (5.6X3.3). 17 Vita3 selectorum aliquot Virorum qui Doctrina, Dignitate, aut Pietate inclaruere. * * * Londini, 1681. 4 (7.4X4.5), m. n., pp. 748+. 48 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BATES, William, D.D., continued. 1 Works. . . . With . . . Funeral Sermon preached by Rev. Mr. Howe. [Portrait. ] London, 1700. 2 (11.7x0.4), m. r., pp. fi& c :-j-. [2 copies.] BATH-KOL. A Voice from the AVilderness. ... By the First Presbytery of 2 the Eastward. *** Boston, 1783. 12 (4.9X2.8). BAUER, Juliette. 3 Lives of the Brothers Humboldt, Alexander and William. Translated and arranged from the German of Klencke & Schlesier. With Por traits. New York, 1853. 12 (5.7X3.2). BAUME, or BEAUME, Antoine, a French Chemist; b. 1728. d. 1804. 4 Chymie experimentale et raisftnee, par M. Baume. Tom. 1-3. [Por trait and Plates. ] Paris, 1773. 8 (5.6X3.1). 5 Manual (A) of Chemistry . . . Translated from the French of M. Baume [by Dr. Aikin]. Warrington, 1778. 12 (4.7X2.8). BAUSSET, Louis Francois DE, a French Cardinal; b. 1748. d. 1824. 6 Life (The) of Fenelon. . . . Translated from the French, by W. Mud- ford. ... Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait.] London, 1810. 8 (6.5X3.5). BAUTAIN, Louis, a French philosopher & theologian: b. 1796. ? Epitome of the History of Philosophy. See HENRY, C. S. BAXTER, Piev. Andrew; 6. at Aberdeen in Scotland, 1687. d. 1750. 8 Enquiry (An) into the Nature of the Human Soul ; wherein the Imma teriality of the Soul is evinced from the Principles of Reason and Phi losophy. [By A. Baxter.] *** London, n. d. 4 (7. 1X5.1). BAXTER, Rev. Richard, an English Nonconformist; b. 1615. d. 1691. 9 Call (A) to the Unconverted. With an introductory Essay, by T. Chal mers. New-York, n. d. 24 (4.6X2.8). [2 copies.] 10 Certain Disputations of Right to Sacraments, and the true Nature of Visible Christianity ; ... * * * London, 1657. 4 (5. 9X3.8), pp. 521. n Church-History of the Government of Bishops and their Councils ab breviated. ... London, 1680. 4 (7.2X4.6), m. r. 12 Defence (A) of the Principles of Love, which are necessary to the Uni ty and Concord of Christians ; . . . delivered in a Book called The Cure of Church-Divisions. ... * * * London, 1761. 12 (5.3X2.6). !3 Dying Thoughts. Abridged by B. Fawcett. New-York, n. d. 24 (4.6X2.8). [2 copies.] 4 Funeral Sermon on Mr. Baxter. See SYLVESTER, M. 15 Life (The) of Rev. Richard Baxter. Chiefly compiled from his own Writings. New-York, n. d. 24 (4.6X2.8). !6 Miscellaneous Works, containing his Call to the Unconverted . . . Also, Converse with God in Solitude . .. Likewise Dying Thoughts. Abridg ed also, by B. Fawcett. Philadelphia, 1806. 12 (5.6X3.1). NOTE. Each work has also independent title-page. 17 Reasons (The) of the Christian Religion. ... * * * [Portrait.] London, 1667. 4 (6.4X3.6), m. r., pp. 604. 8 Reformed Pastor (The); a Discourse on the Pastoral Office. ... Abridg ed ... by S. Palmer. * * * London, 1766. 12 (5X3). Reliquiae Baxterianse ; or, Mr. Richard Baxter s Narrative of the most memorable Passages of his Life and Times. Faithfully publish d from the original manuscripts, by M. Sylvester. * * * [Portrait.] London, 1696. 2 (10.4X5.3), pp. 448, 200, 132-f. J0 Saint (A) or a Brute. The certain Necessity and Excellency of Holi ness, &c. . . . London, 1662. 4 (6.2X3.8). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 49 BAXTER, Rev. Richard, continued. 1 Saints (The) Everlasting Rest. Abridged by B. Fawcett. (EvAN. Fam. Libr., vol. 5.) New York, n. d. 24 (4.4X2.8). 2 Treatise (A) of Episcopacy. ... London, 1681. 4 (7.2X4.6). NOTE. Has two parts, pag-ed independently. Contains autograph, " Charles Chauncey 1733 ". 3 Life and Times of Richard Baxter, &c. See OBME, W. BAYARD, Hon. James A., of Delaware; b. 1767. d. 1815. 4 Speech of Mr. Bayard, on the Bill . . . entitled " An Act to repeal cer tain Acts respecting the Organization of the Courts of the U.S." De livered in the H. of Reps., Feb. 19, 1802. [No imprint.] 8, pp. 44. BAYEN, Pierre, a French Chemist; b. 1725. d. 1798. 5 Recherches chimiques sur 1 Etain . . . par MM. Bayen, & Charlard. Paris, 1781. 8 (5.1X3). Joint Author. See VENEL, G. F. Examen d une Eaux minerale. BAYERS, Wolfgang, a Jesuit Missionary. 6 Reise nach Peru. ... Niirnberg, 1776. 12 (5.1X3). BAYLE, Pierre, Prof, of Phil, and Hist, at Rotterdam; b. 1647. d. 1709. 7 Dictionnaire historique et critique. Tom. 1-4. 3me ed., revue, etc. Rotterdam, 1720. 2 (11.8X6.3), 2 cols. CONTENTS Tome 1, A-C. 2, D-L. 3, M-S. 4, T-Z. BAYLEY, Daniel. 8 Essex Harmony (The) containing a Collection of Psalm Tunes . . . Newburyport, 1772. 12 (5.1X3). BAYLIES, Hon. Francis, of Taunton, Mass. ; b. 1784. d. 1852. 9 Historical Memoir (An) of the Colony of New Plymouth. Vol. 1, Parti. 2, Parts 2, 3, 4. Boston, 1830. 8(5.9X3). NOTE. Parts 2, 3, and 4 have each independent title-page and paging. BAYLIES, William, M.D., Phys. to Fred. //., K. of Prussia; b. 1724. d. 1787. 10 Contributions. See AMER. Acad. of Arts, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 2, P. I.) 11 Facts and Observations relative to Inoculation in Berlin, &c. Edinburgh, 1781. 12 (4.8X2.7). BEACH, Rev. John, of Connecticut ; d. 1782. 12 Continuation (A) of the ... Vindication of the Professors of the Church of England against . . . Mr. Noah Hobart, in his Second Address ... * * * Boston, 1751. 8, pp. 94. BEACON is Hill. A local Poem. . . . Boston, 1797. 4, pp. 56. BEATSON, Lieut-Col. Alexander. 14 View (A) of the Origin and Conduct of the War with Tippoo Sultaun London, 1800. 4 (7. 1 X4.8). BEATSON, B. W., of Pembroke College, Cambridge, Eng. 15 Index Grascitatis JEschyleae. Cantabrigian, 1830. 8 (7.2X4.2), 2 cols. NOTE. Also with half-title," INDEX in Tragicos Grsecos. Vol. 3." 16 Index Graecitatis Sophocleae. Cantabrigise,1830. 8 (7.2X4.2), 2 cols. NOTE. Also with half-title," INDEX in Tragicos Gruecos. Vol. 2." BEATTIE, James, LL.D., Prof, of Moral Philosophy, Aberdeen; b. 1735. d. 1803. 1 7 Dissertations moral and critical . . . Vol. 1-3. [Portrait."] Philadelphia, 1809. 12 (4.3X3.7). NOTK. Also with half title and. lettered, " Works- VoL 1-3." 7 50 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BEATTIE, James, LL.T)., continued. 1 Elements of Moral Science. . . . Vol. 1-3. Philadelphia, 1809. 12 (4.3X3.7). NOTE. Also with half-title and lettered, " Works. Vol. 7-9." 2 Elements of Moral Science. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1792. 12 (5.4X3.2). 3 Elements of Moral Science. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Baltimore, 1813. 12 (5.4X3.2), pp. 572. NOTE. The two volumes are bound together, and paged continuously. 4 Essay (An) on the Nature and Immutability of Truth . . . 3d ed. London, 1772. 8 (6.2X3.3), pp. 514. 5 Essays . . . Vol. 1-3. . . . Philadelphia, 1809. 12 (4.3X3.7). NOTE. Also with half-title and lettered, " Works. Vol. 4-6." BEATTIE, William, M.D. ; b. 1770. d. 1843. 6 Scotland Illustrated ... by T. Allen, W. H. Bartlett, and H. McCul- loch. * * * Vol. 1, 2. [45-J-74 Plates, and Map. ] London, 1838. 4 (text 7X4.8 ; plates 7X4.5). NOTE. Also Avith second title-page, engraved. 7 Switzerland. Illustrated . . . by W. H. Bartlett, Esq. * * * Vol. 1, 2. [58+50 Plates, and Map.] London, 1836. 4 (text and plates, 6.9X4.7). NOTE. Also with second title-page, engraved. BEAUFOY, Col, Mark, F.R.S., &c. 8 Nautical and hydraulic Experiments, with numerous scientific Miscel lanies. In 3 vols., with Plates. Vol. 1. [Portrait. ,] London, 1834. 4 (7.6X6.7). BEAUJOUR, Felix, British Ex-Consul in Greece. 9 View (A) of the Commerce of Greece . . . Translated from the French by T. H. Home. London, 1800. 8 (6.1X3.3). BEAUMARCHAIS, Pierre Augustin Caron de ; b. 1732. d. 1799. 10 Eugenie, Comedie ... en Prose, par M. de Beaumarchais. * * * Paris, 1767. 8 (6.3X3.5), pp. 79. BEAUMONT, G. de, Counsellor in the Royal Court of Paris. 11 Penitentiary System (On the) in the United States and its Application in France ; with an Appendix ... By G. de Beaumont and A. de Tocqueville. Translated from the French with an Introduction, Notes and Additions. By F. Lieber. Philadelphia, 1833. 8 (6.6X3.8). BEAUSOBRE, Isaac de, a French Preacher at Berlin; b. 1659. d. 1738. 12 Introduction to the Reading of the Holy Scriptures. By Beausobre and L Enfant. See WATSON, R. (Theol. Tracts, vol. 3.) BEAUTIES 13 (The) of the Creation ... * * * Philadelphia, 1792. 12 (5.4X3). BEAWES, Wyndham, Esq., Consul at Cadiz and Seville. 14 Civil (A), commercial, political and literary History of Spain and Por tugal. ... Vol. 1, 2. London, 1793. 2 (11X5.8), m.r. NOTE. The two volumes are bound together. 15 Lex Mercatoria Rediviva : or, the Merchant s Directory. ... 2d ed. London, 1761. 2 (11X5.9), m. r., pp. 898-J-. w Lex Mercatoria Rediviva ... 6th ed., considerably enlarged, &c. by Th. Mortimer, Esq. ... Vol. 1, 2. Dublin, 1795. 4 (7.9X4.8). CATALOGUE OF Till: LI BRAKY. 51 BECCARIA, Cesare Boresana, Marquis of, an Italian Economist; b. 1738. d. 1794. 1 Delitti (Dei) e delle Pene. Coi Commenti di Varj . . . Nuova edi- zione . . . Livorno, 1833. 8 (5.9X3.3). 2 Essay (An) on Crimes and Punishments [by C. B. Beccaria], translated from the Italian ; with Commentary, [pp. lxxix.,~\ attributed to M. de Voltaire, translated . . . London, 1775. 8 (5. 5X3.1). 3 Essay (An) on Crimes and Punishments ; by the Marquis Beccaria. With a Commentary, by M. de Voltaire. New ed. . . . * * * Philadelphia, 1793. 24 (4.8X2.6). [2 copies.] BECHE, Henry T. DE LA. See DE LA BECHE, H. T. BECKER, David. 4 Neue Abhandlung vom Karlsbade in 3 Theilen [Plates. ] Prag, 1772. 8 (5.9X3.4). NOTE. The three volumes are bound together. BECKER, Johann Joachim, a German Chemist; b. 1635. d. 1682. 5 Chymischer Gliicks-Hafen . . . Neue . . . ausgabe. [Portrait.] Leipzig, 1755. 4 (6.7X5), pp. 876-f-. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting portion of the index. 6 Chymisches Laboratorium, oder unter-erdische Naturklindigung . . . Franckfurt, 1680. 8 (5.4X2.7), pp. 732. 7 Experimentum chymicum novum . . . [Franckfurt^ 1680. 8 (5.4X2.9). 8 Nochmalicher Zusatz liber die unter-erdische Naturkiindigung . . . [Franckfurt,] 1680. 8 (5.4X2.9). 9 CEdipus Chymicus, oder chymischer Ratseldeuter . . . aus dem Latein- ischen ins Teutsch iibersetzet . . . [Franckfurt, ] 1680. 8 (5.4X2.9). 10 Trifolium Becherianum Hollandicum, oder . . . J. J. Bechers Drey Neue Erfindungen . . . Auss der Niederlandischen in die Hoch- teutsche Sprach iibersezzet. Franckfurt, 1679. 8 (5.4X2.9), pp. 54. NOTE. The last five volumes are bound together. BECK, Charles, Prof of Latin at Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. Joint Translator. See MUNK, E. Greek and Roman Metres. BECK, Christian Daniel, Prof, of And. Lang, at Leipsic; b. 1759. d. 1832. 11 Index Grsecitatis Euripideac. . . . Cantabrigian, 1830. Thick 8 (7.2X4.2), 2 cols., n. p. NOTE. Also with half-title," INDEX in Tragicos Grsecos. Yol 1." Editor. See EURIPIDES. Tragoedise, etc. BECK, Lewis C.,M.D.,Prof.ofNat. ScL, &c.,Eutgers Coll., N.J.; b. 1790, d. 1853. 12 Mineralogy of New York . . . Albany, 1842. 4 (7.2X5.5), pp. 536. NOTE. Also with second title-page, engraved, bearing title, "Natural History of New York. ..." Lettered, " Natural History of New York. Part 3." BECKE, Edmonde. Editor. See BIBLE, Old and New Testaments, &c. The Byble, &e. BECKER, Dr. Karl Ferdinand. 13 Ausfiihiiiche deutsche Grammatik . . . Band 1, 2. Zweite . . . aus gabe. Frankfurt am Main, 1842, 43. 8 (6.7X4). 14 Deutsche Wortbildung (Die), oder die organische Entwickelung der deutschen Sprache in der Ableitung. Frankfurt am Main, 1824. 8 (5.9X3.2). !5 Lehrbuch des deutschen fifties. Herausgegeben von Th. Becker. Frankfurt am Main, 1850. 8 (6.5X3.8). BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BECKER, Dr. Karl Ferdinand, continued. 1 Leitfaden ... in der deutschen Sprachlehre. Herausgegeben von Th. Becker. Sechste ausgabe. Franckfurt am Main, 1851. 8 (6.7X3.8). 2 Organism der Sprache. Zweite . . . ausgabe. Frankfurt am Main, 1841. 8 (6.4X3.8). 3 Schulgrammatik der deutschen Sprache. Herausgegeben von Th. Bec ker. Sieberte ausgabe. Frankfurt am Main, 1852. 8 (6.5X3.9). 4 Wort (l)as) in seiner organischen Verwandlung. Frankfurt a M., 1833. 8 (6.4X3.8). BECKER, Theodor. Editor. See BECKER, K. F. Lehrbuch der deutschen Stiles. Also, Leitfaden ... in der deutschen Sprachlehre. Also, Schulgrammatik der deutschen Sprache. BECKER, Prof. Wilhelm Adolph. 5 Charicles Illustrations of the private Life of the ancient Greeks With Notes and Excursuses From the German of Prof. Becker New ed. collated &c. London, 1854. 12 (6.1 irr.XS.o), pp. 512. 6 Gallus : or, Roman Scenes of the Time of Augustus ; with Notes and Excursuses . . . Translated by Rev. F. Metcalfe. [Plates.] London, 1849. 12 (6.1 irr.X3.5), pp. 535. NOTE. Also with half-title, "Becker s Gallus. . . . Second edition ..." BECKFORD, William, Founder of Fonthill Abbey ; b. 1760. d. 1844. 7 Italy, Spain, and Portugal, with an Excursion to the Monasteries of Alcobac_a and Batalha. . . . Part [Vol.] 1, 2. New York, 1845. 12 (5.5X3.5). NOTE. Also, with half-title, "Wiley and Putnam s Library of Choice Reading," &c. Lettered, "Library &c. 7,8." BECKMANN, John, Prof, of Economy at Gottingen; b. 1739. d. 1811. 8 History (A) of Inventions and Discoveries. Translated from the Ger man by W. Johnston. 3d ed. . . . Vol. 1-4. London, 1817. 8 (6.2 irr.X3.3). BEDDOES, Thomas, M.D., an English Physician, &c. ; b. 1760. d. 1808. 9 Considerations on the medicinal Use and on the Production of Factitious Airs. Part 1, by Thomas Beddoes. 2, by James Watt. [2 pagings. Plates.] Bristol, 1795. 8 (6X3.2). Essay on the Causes, early Signs, and Prevention of Pulmonary Con sumption . . . Bristol, 1799. 8 (5. 8X3.2). [1 Observations on the ... Management of the Consumptive ; &c. Troy, 1803. 12 (4X2.9). Translator, &c. See SCHEELE, C. W. Chemical Essays. BEDA, or BEDE, " the venerable," an English Monk ; b. about 672. d. 732. 12 Ecclesiasticae Historiae Gentis Anglorvm Libri V. ... * * * Coloniae Agrippinae, 1601. 24 (4X 1.9), m. r., fol. 261+. Opervm Tomvs octavvs; continens Qusestiones .... veteris Testament!, vna cum ... in Psalmos Dauidicos Commentario . Colonise Agrippina?, 1612. 2 (12X6.7), 2 cols. BEECHER, Rev. Edward, D.D., of Boston, Mass., &c., Son of Dr. L. B.; b. 1804. A Concord (The) of Ages : or the individual and organic Harmony of God and Man. New Ark, 1860. 12 (5.6X3.4), pp. 581. Conflict (The) of Ages or the great Debate on the moral Relations of God and Man. 7th ed. Boston, 1855. 12 (5.6X3.4), pp. 552. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. BEECHER, Rev. Edward, D.D., continued. 1 Papal Conspiracy (The) exposed, and Protestantism defended, in the Light of Reason, History and Scripture. [Engravings.] Boston, 1855. 12 (5.6X3.5). BEECHER, Rev. Lyman, D.D., Pastor in Litchfield, Conn., aft. in Boston, Mass., then Pres. of Lane Tlieol. Sem., Cincinnati, 0. ; b. 1775. 2 Bible (The) a Code of Laws ; a Sermon delivered in Park Street Church, Boston, Sept. 3, 1817, at the Ordination of Mr. S. E. Dwight, as Pastor of that Church; and of Messrs. E. P. Swift, A. Graves, &c., as Mission aries to the Heathen. * * * Andover, 1818. 8, pp. 51. 3 Gospel (The) according to Paul. A Sermon delivered Sept. 17, 1828, at the Installation of Rev. Bennet Tyler, D.D. ... in Portland, Maine. . . . Boston, 1829. 8, pp. 48. 4 Six Sermons on the Nature, Occasions, Signs, Evils, and Remedy of Intemperance. 7th ed. New York, 1833. 24 (4.2X2.7). 5 Views in Theology. ... Cincinnati, 1836. 12 (5.2X3.1). BEECHEY, Sir Frederic William, Capt. R.N., F.R.S., &c. ; b. 1796. d. 1856. 6 Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Beering s Strait ... in ... 1825, 26, 27, and 28. ... Philadelphia, 1832. 8 (6.5X3.8). BEGUIN, John, a French Chemist; fl. about 1600. 7 Tyrocimum Chymicum, antehae a . . . C. Gluckradt, et J. Barthio, Notis . . . illustratum, &c.: nunc vero a J. G. Pelshofero. . . . Indice ornatum. Wittenbergae, 1634. 12 (4.6X2.3), m. b. BEHNSCH, Ottomar. 8 Geschichte der Englischen Spracher und Literature von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Einf iihrung der Buchdruckerkunst. Breslau, 1853. 8 (6.6X5.9). BEKE, Charles Tilstone, of London, Eng. 9 Origines Biblicae : or Researches in primeval History. * * * Vol. 1. [Geographical Sketch of The Dispersion. ] London, 1834. 8(6.3X3.5). NOTE. Of this work vol. 1 only was published. BEKKER, Immanuel, Prof, of Greek at Univ. of Berlin ; b. 1785. 10 Anecdota Graeca. Vol. 1. Lexica Segueriana. 2. Apolonii Alex, de Coniunctionibus et de Adverbiis Libri. Dionysii Thracis Grammatica. Choerobosci, Diomedis, Melampodis, Porphyrii, Stephani in earn Scholia. 3. Theodosii Canones. Editoris Annotatio critica. Indices. Berolini, 1814, 16, 21. 8 (5.9X3.5). NOTE. The three volumes are paged continuously. Editor. See ARISTOPHANES. Comoediae. Editor. See ARISTOTLE. Aristoteles Graece. Editor. See DION CASSIUS, C. Rerum Romanarum Libri LXXX. Editor. See PAUSANIUS. Pausaniae de Situ Graeciae Libri X. Editor. See POLYBIUS. Polybius. Editor. See SUIDAS. Lexicon. BELCHER, Sir Edward; Capt. R.N., F.R.S., &c. ; b. 1799. 11 Last (The) of the Artie Voyages ; being a Narrative of the Expedition in H. M. S. Assistance under . . . Capt. Sir E. Belcher, in search of Sir John Franklin, during . . . 1852-53-54. With Notes on Natural History, by Sir John* Richardson, Prof. Owen, &c. . . . Vol. 1, 2. ... [Illustrated,] London, 1855. 8 (6.3X3.7). 54 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BELISARIUS, a Roman General; b. in Thrace, about 500. d. 565. 1 Life of Belisarius. See STANHOPE, P. H. BELKNAP, Rev. Jeremy, D.D., of Boston, Mass.; b. 1744. d. 1798. 2 American Biography . . . Vol. 1,2. * * * ... Boston, 1794, 98. 8 (5.7X3.1). [2 copies.] 3 Answers to Judge Tucker s Queries respecting Slavery in, Massachusetts. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 1st Ser., vol. 4.) 4 Discourse (A), intended to commemorate the Discovery of America by Christ. Columbus ; delivered at the Request of the Historical Society in Massachusetts, Oct. 23, 1792 . . . [Witli\ four Dissertations, connected with various Parts of the Discourse . . . Boston, 1792. 8 (5.6X3). [2 copies.] 5 Dissertations on the Character, Death & Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the Evidence of His Gospel ; with Remarks on ... \_Paine s~] "Age of Reason". Boston, 1795. 12 (5.4X3). 6 Election Sermon, Portsmouth, N.H., June 2, 1785. * * * Portsmouth, 1785. 8, pp. 48. 7 History (The) of New-Hampshire. Vol. 1-3. . . . Illustrated by a Map. Vol. 1, Phila delphia ; 2, 3, Boston, 1784, 91, 92. 8 (5.8X2.9). [2 copies.] NOTE. Vol. 1, 2, are historical. Vol. 3 relates to climate, soil, productions, &c. 8 Jesus Christ the only Foundation. A Sermon on I. Corinthians, iii. 11. 2d ed. Boston, 1792. 8, pp. 31. 9 National Fast Sermon, May 9, 1798. Boston, 1782. 8, pp. 29. 1 Sermon (A) on Military Duty, preached at Dover, N.H., Nov. 10, 1772 ... at a Review ... * * * Salem, 1773. 8, pp. 27. [2 copies.] H Sermon (A), preached at the Installation of Rev. Jed. Morse ... in Charlestown, April 30, 1789. \_Cli. by J. Jackson; E. H. by D. Os- good.~\ Boston, 1789. 8, pp. 32. 12 Two Sermons, delivered April 27, 1788, on the Institution and Obser vation of the Sabbath. * * * Boston, 1801. 8, p. 38. 13 Sketch of Belknap, &c. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 1st Ser., vol. 6.) BELL, Archibald, Esq. 14 Inquiry (An) into the Policy and Justice of the Prohibition of the Use of Grain in the Distilleries . . . Edinburgh, 1808. 8 (6.1X3-6). BELL, Sir Charles, Prof, of Surgery, Univ. of Edinburgh ; b. 1778. d. 1842. 15 Animal Mechanics. [% Sir C. Bell.] (Lnm. of Useful Knowledge. Nat. Phil., vol. 4.) [London, 1828- 29.] 8, pp. 63. 6 Hand (The) its Mechanism and vital Endowments as evincing Design. London, 1834. 8 (6X3.5). XOTE. Also with half-title, "The Bridgewater Treatises . . . Treatise IV . . . Third edition." Annotator, &c. See PALEY, W. Natural Theology. BELL, Copt. Henrie, of Norfolk, Eng. Translator. See LUTHER, M. Colloquia Mensalia. BELL, Henry Glassford, of Lanarkshire, Scotland. 17 Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. . . . Vol. 1, 2. {Portrait.-} (Har per s Fam. Libr., No. 21, 22.) New York, 1831. 18 (4.5X2.7). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 55 BELL, John. 1 Bell s New Pantheon ; or, Historical Dictionary of the Gods, Demi- Gods, Heroes, and fabulous Personages of Antiquity : &c. . . . Vol. 1,2. [Plates. ] London, 1790. 4 (9.4X7.2), 2 cols. NOTE. The two volumes are bound together. BELL, Luther V., M.D., LL.D. ; b. at Chester, N.H., 1806. 2 Practical Methods (The) of ventilating Buildings . . . With an Ap pendix, on heating by Steam and Hot Water. [Engraving and Plates. ] Boston, 1848. 8 (6X3.5). BELL, William, D.D., Prebendary of Westminster ; b. 1731. d. 1816. 3 Attempt (An) to ascertain and illustrate the Authority, Nature, and De sign of ... The Communion and the Lord s Supper. London, 1780. 8 (6X3.4). 4 Attempt (An) to ascertain and illustrate the Authority, &c. of ... The Communion and the Lord s Supper. Boston, 1809. 8 (6.4X3.6). NOTE. Forms No. 2 of "FouR Theol. Tracts", and has half-title to correspond. 5 Practical Enquiry (A) into the Authority, &c. of the Lord s Supper . . . Cambridge, 1800. 12 (5X2.8), pp. 33. BELLAMY, Rev. Joseph, D.D., of Bethlem, Conn.; b. 1713. d. 1790. 6 Works. ... Vol. 1-3. New York, 1811- 12. 8 (6.7X3.6). 7 Works. With a Memoir of his Life and Character. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1853. 8 (6.7X4). 8 Attempt (An) to point out the fatal and pernicious Consequences of Mr. Bellamy s Doctrines respecting Moral Evil. Boston, 1759. 8, pp. 31. BELLARMIN, Robert, Cardinal, an Italian Jesuit-, b. 1542. d. 1621. 9 Disputationes de Controversiis Christiana Fidei, adversvs . . . Hsere- ticos, tribus Tomis comprehensse. [19 pagings.~\ Ingolstadii, 1592, 89, 93. 8 (5.1X3). NOTE. Bound in nine volumes. Numerous half-titles. 10 Ouranography : or Heaven opened. The Substance of Cardinal Bellar- mine s five Books concerning the eternal Felicity of the Saints . . . . . . Made English; with some few Variations. By B. Jenks. . . . *** London, 1710. 12 (5X2.9). BELLENGER, Francois, I Abbe, of Sorbonne, France; d. 1749, cet. 61. Translator. See PLUTARCH. Vies, etc. Tom. 11. BELLOWS, Reo. Henry Whitney, D.D., of New-York City; b. 1814. 11 Some of the Points of Difference between Unitarian and Orthodox Christian. Printed for the Amer. Unit. Assoc. (Tracts, 1st Ser., No. 206.) Boston, 1844. 12, pp. 24. 12 Testimony of Four Witnesses to the Divine Goodness. Printed for the Amer. Unit. Assoc. (Tracts, 1st Ser., No. 214.) Boston, 1845. 12, pp. 19. BELOE, Rev. William, of London, Eng. ; b. 1756. d. 1817. Translator, and Annotator. See HERODOTUS. History. BELSHAM, Rev. Thomas, of London, Eng.; b. 1750. d. 1829. 13 Letters to William Wilberforce, Esq. on the Doctrine of Hereditary Depravity. By ... [T. Belsham]. 2d ed. . . . * * * (UNI TARIAN Tracts, vol. 7.) London, 1806. 12 (5.4X3.2). NOTE. This is a review of Wilberforce s treatise, " A practical View, " &c. 56 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BELSHAM, Rev. Thomas, continued. 1 Sermon (A), occasioned by the death of Rev. T. Lindsey, preached . . . Nov. 13, 1808 . . . [with] a brief biographical Memoir. London, 1808. 12 (5.7X3.1), pp. 56. 2 Summary View (A) of the Evidence and practical Importance of the Christian Revelation ... * * * London, 1807. 8 (5.8 irr.X3.3). 3 Vindication (A) of certain Passages in a Discourse, on Occasion of the Death of Dr. Priestley, &c. . . . [With] the Discourse on the Death of Dr. Priestley . . . Boston, 1809. 12 (5.1X3). NOTE. "The Discourse," &c. has independent title-page. BEMIS, George, Esq., of Boston, Mass. 4 Report of the Case of John W. Webster, indicted for the Murder of George Parkman, before the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts ; including the Hearing on the Petition for a Writ of Error, &c. [En gravings, Plans, &c.~] Boston, 1850. 8 (6.7X3.8), pp. 628. BENEDICT, Rev. David, D.D. ; b. about 1780. 5 General History (A) of the Baptist Denomination . . . [Portrait of Author. ] New York, 1848. 8 (7.6X4.3), pp. 970. BENGAL Sugar. An Account of the Method and Expense of cultivating the 6 Sugar Cane in Bengal : &c. * * * London, 1794. 8 (5.7X3.3). BENGEL, John Albert, D.D., a Prelate of Wurtemburg ; b. 1687. d. 1752. 7 Gnomon of the New Testament. Pointing out from the natural Force of the Words, the Simplicity, &c. of its divine Thoughts. A new Translation, by Profs. C. T. Lewis, and M. R. Vincent. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1860. Thick 8 (7X4.1). BENJAMIN, Hon. J. P., of Louisiana. 8 Kansas Bill. Speech . . . delivered in Senate of U.S. on Thursday, March 11, 1858. Slavery protected by the Common Law of the New World, and guarantied by the Constitution. Vindication of the Supreme Court of the U.S. Washington, 1858. 8, pp. 29. 9 Speech ... on the Acquisition of Cuba. Delivered in the Senate of the U.S., Feb. 11, 1859. [No imprint.-] 8, pp. 16. BENJAMIN, Park, an American Poet and Journalist; b. 1809. 10 Infatuation : a Poem, spoken before the Mercantile Library Association of Boston, Oct. 9, 1844. . . . Boston, 1844. 8, pp. 31. BENNET, Rev. Benjamin, a Dissenter; b. 1674. d. 1726. 11 Truth (The), Inspiration, and Usefulness of Scripture asserted and proved. In several Discourses on 2 Tim. III. xvi. Published from his Manuscripts by L. Latham, M.D. London, 1730. 8 (6X3.1). BENNET, George, Esq., of Sheffield, Eng. 12 Journal of Voyages and Travels in the South Sea Islands, China, India, &c. See MONTGOMERY, J. Journal, &c. BENNET, James, a Teacher, of Hertfordshire, Eng. Editor, and Annotator. See ASCHAM, R. Works. BENNET, Rex. Thomas, of Colchester, Eng. ; b. 1673. d. 1728. 13 Confutation (A) of Quakerism ; . . . 2d ed. Cambridge, 1709. 12 (5.7X3.1). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 57 BENNET, Rev. Thomas, continued. 1 Letter (A) to Mr. Benjamin Robinson, occasioned by his Review of the Case of Liturgies and their Imposition. London, 1710. 12 (5.8X3). BENNETT, Rev. James, D.D., of Ramsey, Eng. 2 Memoirs of the Life of Rev. David Bogue. [Portrait."} London, 1827. 8 (6.4X3.5). BEN-SADDI, Nathan. 3 Chronicles (The) of the Kings of England, from William the Conqueror to ... 1795. . . . Worcester, 1795. 12 (4.7X2.7). BENSON, Hon. Egbert, of New York. 4 Brief Remarks on the " Wife " of Washington Irving. [By E. Benson.~} New York, 1819. 8, pp. 16. 5 Memoir, read before the Historical Society of New York, Dec. 31, 1816. * * * New York, 1817. 8, pp. 72. NOTE. Contains interleaved autograph additions by the author. 6 Vindication of the Captors of Major Andre. [By E. Benson."] New York, 1817. 8, pp. 99. BENSON, Rev. George, D.D., a Dissenter; b. 1699. d. 1762. 7 Paraphrase (A) and Notes on the Epistles of St. Paul to Philemon, IstThess., lid Thess., 1st Timothy, Titus, lid. Timothy. . . . [With ] critical Dissertations . . . London, 1734. 4 (7. 5X4.8). NOTE. Each Epistle has independent title-page and paging; variously dated, 1731- 34. 8 Paraphrase (A) and Notes on the ... Seven Catholic Epistles. . . . [TFtYA] critical Dissertations . . . [4 pagings."] London, 1749. 4 (7.5X4.8). NOTE. Some of the Epistles have also independent title-pages, bearing dates, - 1738- 49. The preceding, and this volume are lettered respectively, " 1, 2." 9 Essay on Inspiration. See WATSON, R. (Theol. Tracts, vol. 4.) 1 Essay on the Man of Sin. See WATSON, R. (Theol. Tracts, vol. 5.) 11 Essay on the Unity of Sense. See WATSON, R. (Theol. Tracts, vol. 4.) BENSON, Rev. Joseph, an English Methodist; b. 1748. d. 1821. 12 Life (The) of Rev. John W. de la Flechere, compiled from the Narra tives of Rev. Mr. Wesley ; the biographical Notes of Rev. Mr. Gilpin ; from his own Letters ; &c. 2d Amer. from 2d . . . Lond. ed. [Por trait. ] New York, 1820. 8 (6.3X3.7). BENTHAM, Jeremy, an English juridical Philosopher; b. 1748. d. 1832. 13 Bentham s Radical Reform Bill, with Extracts from the Reasons. London, 1819. 8, pp. 85. 14 Book (The) of Church Reform ; containing the most essential Part of Mr. Bentham s " Church of Englandism examined," &c. . . . London, 1831. 8, pp. viii., 27. 15 Chrestomathia ... [On Education.] London, 1815, 17. 8 (6.1X3.5). NOTE. Two parts ; the second with independent title-page. 16 Constitutional Code . . . Vol. 1. London, 1830. 8 (5.9X3.4). 17 Equity Dispatch Court Proposal [No imprint. ] 8, pp. 59. is Essay on political Tactics . . . London, 1791. 4 (6.8X4.8), pp. 64. 8 58 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BENTHAM, Jeremy, continued. 1 Indications respecting Lord Eldon, including History of the pending Judges - Salary-Raising Measure. London, 1825. 8 (6.2X3.5). 2 Jeremy Bentham to his Fellow Citizens of France, on Death Punish ment. London, 1831. 8, pp. 13. 3 Jeremy Bentham to his Fellow-Citizens of France, on Houses of Peers and Senates. London, 1830. 8, pp. 45. 4 Jeremy Bentham to the National Convention of France. [No imprint. ] 8, pp. 48. 5 King (The) against Sir Charles Wolseley, and Joseph Harrison . . . Brief Remarks, tending to shew the Untenability of this Indictment. London, 1820. 8, pp. 29-39. 6 Letters to Count Toreno on the proposed penal Code delivered in by the Legislation Committee of the Spanish Cortes, April 25, 1821 . . . London, 1822. 8 (6.7X4). ? Lord Brougham displayed : including I. Boa Constrictor ... II. Ob servations on the Bankruptcy Court Bill . . . III. Extracts from proposed Constitutional Code. London, 1832. 8, pp. 24, 72, 6, 4. 8 Observations on Mr. Seer. Peel s House of Commons Speech, March 21, 1825, introducing his Police Magistrates Salary Raising Bill. . . . [By J. BentJiam. ] [London,] 1825. 8, pp. 62. 9 Observations on the restrictive and prohibitory commercial System . . . * * * [Edited] By J. Bowring. London, 1821. 8, pp. viii., 44. 10 Official Aptitude maximized : Expense minimized ... [5 paging*."] London, 1830. 8 (6.2X3.5). 11 Panopticon; or, the Inspection House . . . [3 vols. Plates.] London, reprinted, 1791. 12 (4.3X2.8). NOTE. The second and third volumes bear titles, "Panopticon: Parti, 2; Post script ..." 12 Parliamentary Candidate s proposed Declaration of Principles . . . [By J. Bentham.] London, 1831. 8, pp. 18. 13 Rationale of judicial Evidence, specially applied to English Practice. [Edited by J. 8. Mill] . . . Vol. 1-5. London, 1827. 8 (6X3.3). 14 Rationale (The) of Reward. London, 1830. 8 (6.1X3.5). 15 Truth versus Ashhurst ; or Law as it is, contrasted with what it is said to be. ... London, 1823. 8, pp. 16. BENTON, Hon. Thomas Hart ; b. near Hillsborough, N.C., 1782. d. 1858. 16 Abridgement of the Debates of Congress, from 1789 to 1856. From Gales and Seaton s Annals of Congress; from their Register of Debates; and from the official reported Debates, by John C. Rives. By ... [T. H. Benton]. Vol. 1-16. New York, 1857- 61. Thick 8 (7.7X4.8), 2 cols. CONTENTS. Vol. 1. 1789- 9G. 11.1796-1803. IIT. 1803- 08. IV. 1808-U3. V. 1813- 17. VI. 1817-21. VII. 1821- 24. VIII. 1824- 28. IX. 1826- 28. X. 1828- 30. XI. 1830- 32. XII. 1832- 36. XIII. 1835- 39. XIV- 1839- 43. XV. 1843-46. XVI. 1846- 50. l? Thirty Years View ; or, A History of the Working of the American Government . . . from 1820 to 1850. . . . with historical Notes, and Illustrations, and some Notices of eminent deceased Cotemporaries : by . . . [T. H. Benton]. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait of Author and En graving.] New York, 1854, 56. Thick 8 (7.4X4.8), 2 cols. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. BENTLEY, Rev. Richard, D.D., Master of Trinity Coll. Camb, ; b. 1661. d. 1742. / .1 , 1 Eight Sermons preach d at the Robert Boyle s Lecture, in ... MDCXCII. 5th ed. . . . [Witli] a Sermon preached at the Publick- & //$ Commencement at Cambridge July V. MDCXCVI. . . . Cambridge, 1724. 8 (5.5X3). 2 Eight Sermons. See (BOYLE S Lecture Sermons, vol. 1.) Annotator. See LUCANUS, M. A. Pharsalia. Editor, and Annotator. See HORATIUS FLACCUS, Q. BENTLEY, Rev. William, D.D., of Salem, Mass. ; b. 1758. d. 1819. 3 Description and History of Salem. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collec tions, 1st Ser., vol. 6.) 4 Sermon (A) delivered July 2, 1806, at the Ordination of Mr. Joseph Richardson, at Hingham. [Cli. by J. Barker-, R. H. by J. Briggs.~\ Boston, 1806. 8, pp. 24. 5 Sermon (A) preached at the Stone Chapel in Boston, Sept. 12, 1790. Boston, 1790. 8, pp. 24 BENYOWSKY, Mauritius Augustus, Count de, a Hungarian-, b. 1741. d. 1786. 6 Memoirs and Travels. . . . Translated from the original Manuscript. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Dublin, 1790. 8 (6.2X3.4). BEOLCIII, Carlo. 7 Saggio della Poesia Italiana. Londra, 1825. 12 (4.3X1-9 irr.). BEOWULF, 8 Tale of, the oldest German Poem in the Anglo-Saxon dialect. NOTE. Consult RASK, E. Anglo-Saxon Grammar ; pp. vin., 204. 9 Anglo-Saxon Poems (The) of Beowulf, the Scot or Gleeman s Tale, and the Fight at Finnesburg. With a literal Translation, Notes, Glossary, etc. by B. Thorpe. Oxford, 1855. 12 (5.5X3.1), par. cols. 10 Beowulf An Epic Poem translated from the Anglo-Saxon into English Verse By A. Diedrich Wackerbarth * * * [Map.] London, 1849. 12 (5X2.8 irr.). 11 Translation (A) of the Anglo Saxon Poem of Beowulf. With a copious Preface and philological Notes. By J. M. Kemble. * * * London, 1837. 16 (4X2.2). BERGMAN, Sir Torbern, Prof, of Cliem., &c., at Upsal Univ.; b. 1735. d. 1784. 12 Introduction. See SCHEELE, C. W. Traite chimique de 1 Air, etc. 13 Manuel du Mineralogiste . . . Mise au jour par M. Ferber. Et tra- duite et augmentee de Notes par M. Mongez le jeune. Paris, 1784. 8 (5.7X3.2). 14 Opuscules chymiques et physiques. Recueillis, revus et augmentes par lui-meme. Traduits par M. de Morveau, avec des Notes. Tom. 1. {Plates. ] Dijon, 1780. 8 (5.7X3.1). 15 Physical and chemical Essays ; translated from the original Latin, by E. Cullen. . . . [Witli] Notes and Illustrations by the Translator. Vol. 1, 2. [Plates. ] London, 1784. (6X3.3). 16 Sciagraphia Regni mineralis ... * * * Lipsia3 et Dessavice, 1783. 12 (4.6X2.9). BERGUIN, . 17 Idylles. [2pagings. Paris, 177 5.] 16 (3.4X2.5 irr.). GO BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BERKLEY, George, D.D., Bishop of Cloy ne, Ireland; b. 1694. d. 1753. 1 Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher. . . . Containing an Apology for the Christian Religion, against . . . Free-Thinkers. 1st Amer. from 4th Lond. ed. New Haven, 1803. 8 (6X3.5). [2 copies.] 2 Word (A) to the Wise : or, the Bishop of Cloyne s Exhortation to the Roman Catholick Clergy of Ireland. 4th ed. Boston, 1750. 8, pp. 16. 3 Works. . . . [With ] an Account of his Life; and several of his Let ters to Thomas Prior, Esq. Dean Gervais, Mr. Pope, &c. . . . Vol. 1-3. London, 1820. 8 (6.7 X3.7). BERLINAS, Christian Ravis. Annotator. See UDALL, J. Key of the Holy tongue. BERNARD, Sir Francis, Governor of New Jersey, aft. of Massachusetts ; d. 1779. 4 Letters to the Ministry from Gov. Bernard, Gen. Gage, and Com. Hood, and also Memorials to the Lords of the Treasury, from the Commis sioners of the Customs. With sundry Letters and Papers . . . Boston, 1769. 8 (6X3.4). BERNARD, Pierre Joseph; b. 1710. d. 1775. 5 Art (L ) d aimer, et Poesies diverses de M. Bernard. Paris, 1786. 16 (4X2.4). BERNHARDY, Godfrey, Prof, of And. Lit. at Berne, &c. ; b. about 1795. 6 Horatii Epistola (De) ad Pisones. Halae, 1847. 8, pp. 23. BERNIIOLD, John Balthasar, D.D., Prof, of Theol. at Altdorf; d. 1750. 7 Additions, &c. See Bos, L. Ellipses Graecae. BERNOULLI, John, Royal Astronomer, &c., Berlin-, b. 1744. d. 1807. Translator, &c. See TIEFFENTHALER, J. Beschreibung von Hindustan. BERRIDGE, Rev. John, Vicar of Everton, Eng. ; b. 1716. d. 1793. 8 Christian World (The) unmasked. . . . \_WtiK] Life of the Author. Corrected and abridged by Rev. Abner Morse. [Portrait.] Boston, 1822. 12 (5.5X3.1). BERRIMAN, William, D.D., Fellow of Eton College; b. 1688. d. 1750. 9 Gradual Revelation of the Gospel. See (BOYLE S Lecture Sermons, vol. 3). BERTHOLLET, Claude-Louis. 10 Researches into the Laws of chemical Affinity. Translated ... by M. Farrell, M.D. Baltimore, 1809. 8 (5.3X3.2). BERTIUS, Peter, Prof, of Philos. at Leyden, aft. at Paris ; b. 1565. d. 1629. 11 Breviarivm totivs Orbis Terrarvm. See CLUVERUS, P. Introductions in universam Geographiam Libri VI. 12 Theatri Geographic veteris Tomus prior in quo Cl. Plol. Alex. Geo- graphioe Libri VIII Grace et Latine Grseca . . . collata aucta et emen- data sunt Latina . . . correcta Tomvs posterior in quo Itinerarivm Antonini Imp. . . . Provinciarvm Romanarvm Libellus Civitates Pro- vinciarvm Gallicarvm Itinerarivm a Burdigala Hierosolymam usque Tabvla Pevtingeriana cum Notis Marci Velseri . . . Parergi Orteliani Tabulae aliquot Edente P. Bertio Amstelodami, 1619. Text 2 (13.6X7.8) ; maps, folded sheets. NOTE, Title-pages are embellished. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 61 BE[R]TRAM, Cornelius Bonaventura, Prof, of Heb. at Geneva; b. 1531. d. 1594. 1 Politia Ivdaica (De) tarn ciuili quam ecclesiastica . . . 2da ed. . . . Geneves, 1580. 8 (5.3X2.9). BERTRANB, Joseph. 2 Traite d Arithmetique . . . 2meed. . . . Paris, 1851. 8 (6.5X3.8). BETANCOURT Y MOLINA, Augustin de ; b. 1760. d. 1826. 3 Memoire sur la Force expansive de la Vapeur de 1 Eau . . . par M. de Betancourt. Paris, n. d. 4 (6.5X4.4), pp. 38. BETHUNE, John Eliot Drink-water. 4 Life of Galileo. Also, of Kepler. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. Lives, &c. BETHUNE, Maximilian de, Duke of Sully, Min. of Henry IV. , b. 1559. d. 1641. 5 Memoirs. . . . Translated from the French [by Charlotte Lennox]. To which is added, The Tryal of Ravaillac for the Murder of Henry the Great. ... 4th ed. Vol. 1-6. [Portraits. } London, 1762. 12 (5.4X3). 6 Memoirs. . . . Translated from the French, by ... [Charlotte Len nox]. . . . [With] The Tryal of Ravaillac . . . New ed. Vol. 1-5. [Portraits and Map.] London, 1778. 8 (6.6X3.3). BEVER, Thomas, LL.D., Lect. on Civil Law at Oxford; b. 1725. d. 1781. 7 History (The) of the legal Polity of the Roman State; and of the Rise, Progress, and Extent of the Roman Laws. London, 1781. 4 (7X5), pp. 517. BEVERIDGE, John, of Scotland, Prof, of Lang, at Coll., &c., of Phila. 8 Epistolae familiares et alia quaedam Miscellanea. . . . [ With] several Translations ... * * * Philadelphia, 1765. 8, pp. 88. BEVERIDGE, William, D.D., Bishop of St. Asaph; b. 1636. d. 1707. 9 Private Thoughts upon Religion . . . Part 1. ... upon a Christian Life . . . Part 2. London, 1795. 12 (5.6X3.1). NOTE. Each part has independent title-page and paging-. 10 Private Thoughts upon Religion, and a Christian Life. In two Parts. Philadelphia, 1829. 12 (5.9X3.5). NOTE. Part 2 has independent title-page, without imprint. 1 1 Thirty-Nine Articles (The) of the Church of England, with an Exposi tion of the first thirty Articles ... 3d ed. . . . [Portrait. ] London, 1716. 8 (6.1X3.3). BEVERLEY, Thomas, a Nonconformist, of London, Eng. 12 Scripture-Line (A) of Time, drawn in brief from the lapsed Creation, to the Restitution of all things. ... * * * [2 pagings.~] [London,~] 1684. 4 (6.5X4.2), m. r. BEZA, Theodore, Prof, of Greek, Lausanne, and Theol., Geneva; b. 1519. d. 1605. Translator, &c. See BIBLE, passim. BEZOUT, Etienne, a French Mathematician ; b. 1730. d. 1783. !3 Cours de Mathematiques . . . par Bezout; 2de Partie, contenant la Geometric la Trigonometric . . . Notes sur la Geometric, Elemens de Geometric descriptive et Problemes ; par A.-A.-L. Reynaud. 3me ed. [Plates.] Paris, 1825. 8 (5.7X3.5). NOTE. " Notes," etc. has independent title-page, &c. 62 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BEZOUT, Etienne, continued. 1 Cours de Mathematiques . . . par Bezout ; 3me Partie, contenant 1 Al- gebre, et 1 Application de 1 Algebre a la Geometric, avec des Notes . . . par A.-A.-L. Reynaud. ... [Plates.-} Paris, 1822. 8 (5.9X3.5). NOTE. " Notes," etc. has independent title-page and paging. 2 Cours de Mathematiques . . . par Bezout. 4me Partie, contenant les Principes generaux de la Mechanique, etc. [5 Plates. ~] Paris, . . . [1796]. 8 (5.5X3.3). 3 Cours de Mathematiques . . . par Bezout. Suite de la 4me Partie. Contenant 1 Application des Principes generaux de la Mechanique . . . [11 Plates. } Paris, . . . [1796]. 8 (5.3X3.4). 4 Traite d Arithmetique . . . par Bezout, avec des Notes et des Tables de Logarithmes, par A. A. L. Reynaud. . . . lime ed. ... Paris, 1823. 8 (5.9X3.6). NOTE. The pages are headed, "Cours de Mathematiques." "Notes," etc. has independent title-page and paging. 5 Traite de Navigation; par Bezout. Nouv. ed., revue et augmentee de Notes et d une Section supplementaire . . . par M. de Rossel. Paris, 1814. 8 (5.8X3.5). NOTE. The pages are headed, " Cours de Mathematiques." BIBLE, The Old and New Testaments, with or without the Apocrypha. NOTE. Entries, under the respective heads, of the editions of the whole Bible or of portions of the Bible, brought out by the Foreign and British Bible Society, have an asterisk (*) at the left of the marginal figure of each. * 6 Bibel (Die) . . . nach de Deutschen Ubersetzung Dr. Martin Luthers. Coin, 1851. 8 (9X5.6), 2 cols. * 7 Bibelen . . . [Danish.] Christiania, 1848. 8 (7.7X4.5), 2 cols. * 8 Bibelen . . . [Swedish. ] Stockholm, 1851. 8 (7.3X4.4). * 9 Bibilia Moa Ra (Te) . . . iritihia a paran Tahiti. Lonedona, 1847. 8 (7.2X4.1), 2 cols. * 10 Bibilia Tapu Ra (Te) . . . kiritia ei tuatua Raratonga. Lonedona, 1841. 8 (7.1X4.5), 2 cols. * 11 Bibl Cyssegr-Lan ... * * * [Welsh. } Llundain, 1852. 8 (7.7X4.5), 2 cols. * i 2 Bible (The) in Arabic. 8 (6.9X3.9). 13 Bible (The), or Parts of the Bible in the Chinese Language and Charac ter. 25 partsin 8 (7.3X4.2). 14 Bible (The) in Syriac. 4 (7.5X5.6), 2 cols. * is Bible (The) in Turkish. 4 (8. 3X6.4). * 16 Biblia (La), 6 el Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento traducidos al Espaiiol, de la vulgata Latina por el Rmo. P. Phelipe . . . Londres, 1828. 8 (7.4X4.1), 2 cols, n Biblia . . . Dudesch. D. M. Luther. [Illustrated. ] Magdeborch, 1578. Thick 2 (9.2X6.1), 2 cols. NOTE. The Old Testament has two pagings ; the New Testament has independent paging. With embellished title-pages also, to correspond to pagings. 18 Biblia Hebraica. Eorvndem Latina Interpretatione Xantis Pagnini, Ben. Ariae Montani & quorundam aliorum collata Studio, &c. Also, Novvm Testamentvm Graecvm, cvm vulgata Interpretatione Latina Graeci Contextus Lineis inserta . . . atque alia Ben. Ariae Montani CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY. 63 opera e Verbo reddita . . . Also, Bibliorum Pars [in Greek] quae Hebraice non invenitvr. Also, Romanae Correctionis in Latinis Bibliis . . . Loca insigniora obseruata, &c. Francisco Lvca. [7 })agings.~\ Genevae, 1619. 2 (12.5X8.7), 2 cols., m. n. [3* copies.] NOTE. Lettered respectively, " Scripturae Sacrae ", "Montani Biblia Ilebraica" &c., " Sainte Bible". First copy is imperfect, wanting title-pages, and to p. 5 of N. T. ; the third copy has also an embellished title-page to O. T., and is bound in two volumes. BIBLE, The Old and New Testaments, &c., continued. 1 Biblia [Latina]. Breves in eadem Annotationes . . . Interpretatio propriorum Nominum Hebraicorum [by E. Stephanus}. &c. &c. [4 payings. ] Parisiis, Ex Off. E. Stephani, 1532. 2 (12.1X9.1), m. b. NOTE. "Interpretatio," &c. has independent title-page and paging. 2 Biblia [Latina]. Hebraea, Chaldaea, &c. Nomina Virorum, Mulierum, &c. restituta, cum Latina Interpretatione [by R. Stephanies ]. &c. &c. [4 pagings. ] Parisiis, Ex Off. E. Stephani, 1540. 2 (12.2X8.4), m. b. NOTE. " Interpretatio, " &c., has independent title-page and paging. * 3 Biblia Sacra Amharice ... in Linquam Amharicam vertit Abu-Rumi Habussinus. Edidit T. P. Platt. Londini, 1844. 4 (7.6X5.8), 2 cols. * 4 Biblia Sacra ... [Bohemian.] Leta Pane, 1831. 8 (7.3X4.3), 2 cols. 5 Biblia Sacra Latina. [Parisiis,] Ex Off. E. Stephani, 1541. 2 (11.7X8.6), pp. 833+. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. 6 Biblia Sacra Latina. Interpretantibus Tremelio, Junio et Beza. [4 pagings. ] Impensis A. Wecheli Eferedum, 1596. 2 (11.6X6.6). NOTE. Title-page to O.T. wanting. N.T. has independent title-page. 7 Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, complectentia Textus originales, Hebraicum, cum Pentateucho Samaritano, Chaldaicum, Graecum. Versionumque antiquarum, Samar., Groecse LXXII Interp. Chald., Syr., Arab., ^Ethiop., Pers., Vulg. Lat. quicquid comparari poterat. Cum . . . Translationibus Latinis . . . Cum Apparatu, Appendicibus, &c. &c. Opus totum in sex Tomos tributum. Edidit Brianus Waltonus. . . . Londini, 1655- 57. 2 (15X9.1), 2 cols. NOTE. General title-page in vol. 6 only, which has also second title-page, embel lished. A loyal copy. 8 Biblia Sacra Polyglotta Textus archetypes Versionesque praecipuas ab Ecclesia Antiquitus receptas necnon Versionesque recentiores Angl. Germ. Ital. Gal. et Hisp. complectentia Accedunt Prolegomena . . . Auctore Sam. Lee. * * * [4 pagings.] Londini, S Bagster, 1831. Thick 2 (12.5X7.5), 2 cols., n. p. 9 Biblia Sacra sive Test. Vet. ab Im. Tremellio et Fran. lonio ex Hebraeo Latine redditum, et Test. Nov. a Theod. Beza e Graeco Latine versum. Londini, M. Flesher, 1640. 12 (5. 3X2.7), 2 cols., n. p. NOTE. Also with second title-page, embellished. 10 Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis Sixti V. Pont. Max. ivssv recognita atque edita. * * * Antverpiae, Ex Off. Plant., 1605. 4 (8.1X4.8), 2 cols., pp. 995, 30-]-, 67. NOTE. Title-page is embellished. 64 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BIBLE, TJie Old and New Testaments, &c., continued. * 1 Biblia Sagrada (A) . . . traducida em Portuguez segundo a vulgata Latina, por Ant. Fereira de Figueiredo. Londres, 1850. 12 (7.3X4.1), 2 cols. * 2 Biblia, se on Pyha Roamattu, wanha ia Uusi Testamenti. . . . [Fin- nish.] Stockholmyea, 1838. 8 (7.4X4.4), 2 cols. * 3 Biblia Swieta . . . [Polish.] Lipsku, 1846. 8 (7.6X4.5)^2 cols. * 4 Bijbel . . . vervattende al de kanonijke Boeken des Ouden en Nieuwen Testaments door last van der hoog-mog heeren Staten General der Ve- reenigde Nederlanden . . . Londen, 1847. 8 (9.2X5.7), 2 cols. 5 Byble (The) ; set furth according to ye Coppy of Thomas Matthew s Translacio [by Edm. Becke. 4 pagings.~] Lond[<w], Jhon Daye, 1551. 2 (9.4X5), 2 cols., m. r. NOTE. _ Printed in 33Iack ILettrr. Has four title-pages, embellished, corresponding to the pagings. This copy lacks principal title-page and from fol. cxvi. of N.T. (five leaves). Consult LOWNDES Bibliographer s Manual, vol. 1, p. 179. 6 Holy Bible (The) . . . London, Norton and Sill, 1628. 4 (7.5X4.3), 2 cols., m. r. NOTE. Printed in JSlack ILctter ; title-pages embellished. N.T. has independent title-page and paging. Prefixed is The Offices of the Church; imperfect, wanting to Communion Service. Appended is " Whole Booke of Psalmes " by Stern- hold, &c. 7 Holy Bible (The) . . . London, Sob. Barker, 1611. 4 (7.6X4), 2 cols., m. r., fol. 555-]-. NOTE. Printed in 3Slark 3Lcttrr; title-pages embellished. Known as King James Version, (HORNE S Introduction, &c., vol. 2, p. 246-|-). Imperfect, wanting to Genesis. Appended is " Whole Booke of Psalmes " by Sternhold, &c. 8 Holy Bible (The) . . . London, John Field, 1658. Thick 24 (4X2.1). NOTE. "An edition . . . of extreme rarity and beauty : it is called the Pearl Bible . . . but it is disgraced by very numerous errata, some of which are of impor tance ", (HORNE S Introduction, &c., vol. 2, p. 249.) 9 Holy Bible (The) . . . \Doway and Rlieims Version. ] With Annota tions by Rev. Dr. Challoner; together with References, and an ... Index. . . . Engravings. New York [,1847]. 4 (8.8X6.8), 2 cols., pp. 798, 228. NOTE. Each testament has also independent title-page, engraved. * 10 Holy Bible (The) . . . London, 1852. 12 (7.4X3.8), 2 cols., m.r. 11 Holy Bible (The) . . . With Canne s marginal Notes and References . . . the Apocrypha ... an Index, &c. [Engravings.] Philadelphia, 1823. 4 (9.2X7.5), 2 cols., pp. 1008. NOTE. Each testament has also independent title-page, engraved. 12 Holy Bible (The) . . . with explanatory Notes, practical Observations, and copious marginal References, by Rev. Th. Scott. Stereotype ed., from 5th London ed. . . . Vol. 1-4, 6. [Pref. to vol. 1 is Portrait of Scott. ] Boston, 1824. 8 (8.6X4.9), 2 cols. 13 Holy Bible (The) . . . with original Notes, and practical Observations. By Rev. Th. Scott. . . . Vol. 1-6. 5th Amer. ed. Boston, 1816. 8 (8X4.9), 2 cols. * H Holy Bible (The), translated into Singhalese . . . Ceylon, 1846. 8 (7.3X4.1), 2 cols. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 65 BIBLE, The Old and New Testaments, &c., continued. * i IEPA BIBAIA (TA) . . . [Modern Greek. ] >Ey OSONI&, a, 8 (7.4X4.1), 2 cols. * 2 Leabhraichean an T-Seann Tiomnaidh agus an Tiomnaidh Nuaidh . . . [Gaelic.] London, 1821. 8 (7.7X4.4), 2 cols. * 3 Leabhraichean an T-Seann Tiomnaidh agus an Tiomnaidh Nuaidh . . . [Gaelic] Edinburgh, 1848. 12 (5.6X3.3), 2 cols. * 4 Leabhuir an Tsean Tiomna . . . [Irish.] Dublin, 1827. 8 (3.2X4.8), 2 cols. 5 Mamvsse Wunneetupanatamwe Up-Biblum God Naneeswe Nukkone Testament kah wonk Wusku Testament. Ne quoshkinnumuk nashpe Wutteneumoh Christ noh asoowesit John Eliot . . . Cambridge, 1663[, N. T., 1661]. 4 (6.4X4), 2 cols. 6 Mamvsse Wunneetupanatamwe Up-Biblum God Naneeswe Nukkone Testament kah wonk Wusku Testament. Ne quoshkinnumuk nashpe Wutteneumoh Christ noh asoowesit John Eliot . . . [2d ed] Cambridge, 1685[, N. T., 1680]. 4 (6.4X4), 2 cols. NOTE. Contains also the Psalms in Indian verse. The copy of the first edition is considerably imperfect. A full account of the translation and printing of this Bible is given in Life of Eliot, by Convers Francis, (SPARKS Amer. Biog., vol. 5, pp. 216 et seq.). Compare also, MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 1st Ser., vol. 7, pp. 222 et seq.) 7 Palapala Hemolele (Ka) . . . [Hawaiian.] Oahu, 1843. 8 (7.9X4.6), 2 cols., pp. 1451. * 8 Sacra Biblia (La) . . . tradotta in Linqua Italiana da Gio. Diodati. Londra, 1850. 12 (7.2X4.1), 2 cols. 9 Sainte Bible (Le) en Latin et en Frangois, avec des Explications du Sens literal et du Sens spirituel. Par L. Is. le Maistre de Sacy. Nouv. ed. 32 tomes. Paris, 1722- 47. 8 (5.5X3.1), par. cols. NOTE. Each volume has only title expressing respective contents. * l Sainte Bible (Le) . . . traduit sur la Vulgate par le Maistre de Sacy. Paris, 1850. 8 (7.9X4.7), 2 cols. 11 Sainte Bible (Le). [Protestant.] Amsterdam. 1710. 12 (4.8X2.4), 2 cols. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page to O. T. 12 Sainte Bible (Le) . . . [Protestant. 3 pagings] Amsterdam, 1712. Thick 4 (8.6X6.5), 2 cols. 13 Self-Interpreting Bible (The) ... to which are annexed, an extensive Introduction ; marginal References and Illustrations ; &c. &c. By Rev. John Brown. New ed., revised, &c. by Rev. Th. Raffles. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, n. d. 4 (9.1X5.6), 2 cols. * 14 Surat Brasi Djandji Taheta . . . [Dajak] Njelo, 1846. 8, or 12 (6.7X4), 2 cols. * 15 Szent Biblia . . . Magyar nyelvre fordittatott Karoli Caspar altal. [Hungarian] Koszegen, 1852. 8 (7.7X4.6), 2 cols. 16 Ulfilas. Die heiligen Schriften alten und neuen Bundes in gothischer Sprache. Mit gegeniiberstehendem griechischem und latinischem Texte, Anmerkungen, Worterbuch Sprachlehre, und geschichtlicher Einleitung von H. F. Massmann. Stuttgart, 1857. 8 (6.6X4), 2 cols., pp. 812. NOTR. The oldest work in any of the Northern languages. A remnant of the original. 9 BOW DO IN COLLEGE, BIBLE, The Old and New Testaments, &c., continued. * i Vible Casherick (Yn) . . . chengey ny Mayrey Elian Vannin. . . . *** [Hanks.] London, 1819. 8 (7.6X4.4), 2 cols. NOTE. Several of these editions of the whole Bible are not paged : in nearly all the N.T. has independent title-page, and generally independent paging and signatures. BIBLE, The Old Testament. 2 Biblia Hebraica. Antverpiae, 1610. Thick 8 (5.3X2.9). NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. 3 Biblia Hebraica, secundum ult. Ed. Jos. Athise, a Job. Leusden denus recognitam, recensita, atque ad Massoram, et corrrectiores, Bombergi, Stephani, Plantini, aliorumque Editiones, exquisite adornata, variisque Notis illustrata, ab Ev. Van der Hooght. Ed. nova, recognita et emen- data, a Judah D AUemand. Tom. 1, 2. Londini, 1825. 8 (7X4.2). NOTE. The two volumes are bound together. 4 : s wnK ta^M t o^iffi^ ID wai . . . min -lEfcirr rraftn . ^^^ ttj-vnra [The Old Testament. 1572.] 8 (5.4X3.3), 2 cols. NOTE. Title-page is embellished". Contains autograph, " M Byles 1714". 5 IIAAAIA AIA0HKH (<H) KATA TOTS EBAOMHKONTA. Vetus Testamentum ex Versione LXX. Interpretum, secundum Exem plar Vaticanum Romae editum, denus recognitum. Praefationem, una cum variis Lectionibus . . . praemisit David Millius. Tom. 1, 2. Amstelodami, 1725. Thick 12 (5.2X3.1), 2 cols. 6 HAAAIA AIA0HKH (*H) - . . Vetus Testamentum ex Versione LXX. Interpretum olim ad fidem Cod. MS. Alex. . . . expressum, emendatum ac suppletum a Joan. Ernesto Grabe. Nunc vero Exem- plaris Vat. aliorumque MSS. Codd. Lectionibus Var. nee non critieis Dissertationibus illustratum, &c. edidit Jo. Jac. Breitingerus. * Tom. 1-4. *** Tiguri Helvetiorum, 1730. 4 (7X5), 2 cols. NOTE. Tome 3, 4 are bound together. 7 Schriften (Die) des alten Testaments. Neu iibersetzt von J. C. W. Au- gusti und W. M. L. de Wette. Bd. 1-5. . . . [Plates] Heidelberg, 1809- 11. 8 (6.2X3.5). 8 Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum, cum variis Lectionibus. Edidit B. Ken- nicott. Tom. 1, 2. Oxonii, 1776, 80. 2 (12.8X7.4), 2 cols. BIBLE, Portions of the Old Testament. 9 Book (The) of Psalms, translated out of the original Hebrew . . . New York, 1837. 8 (7.2X4.5), 2 cols. Daniel, an improved Version attempted ; with a preliminary Disserta tion, and Notes ... By T. Wintle. 2d ed. London, 1807. 4 (7X5). NOTE. The " Notes . . . " is paged independently. ll Einige historische Bucher des alten Testaments, nach der Verdeutsch- ung D. Martini Lutheri, mit deren allgemeinen Einteilung, und kurzen Summarien . . . [Illustrated.] Stade, 1706. 8 (5.3X3.3), 2 cols., pp. 671. NOTE. Containing: the Five Books of Moses, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and Job. Hebrew Text (The) of the Psalmes and Lamentations ... By W. Robertson. London, 1656. 12 (4.5X2.3), 2 cols. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. BIBLE, Portions of the Old Testament, continued. 1 Isaiah. A new Translation ; with a preliminary Dissertation, and Notes ... By R. Lowth, D.D. 2ded. London, 1779. 4 (7.1X5 in .). NOTE. The " Notes . . . " is paged independently. 2 Isaiah. A new Translation ; with a preliminary Dissertation, and Notes ... By R. Lowth, D.D. 3d ed. Perth, 1793. 8 (6.2X3.5). NOTE. The " Notes ..." is paged independently. 3 Isaiah : a new Translation ; with a preliminary Dissertation, and Notes ... By R. Lowth, D.D. From 10th Eng. ed. . . . Boston, 1834. 8 (6.2X3.6). 4 Jeremiah and Lamentations. A new Translation ; with Notes . . . By B. Blayney. Oxford, 1784. 4 (7.4X4.5). NOTE. The "Notes ..." is paged independently. 5 Jobus Proverbia Salomonis Ecclesiastes Canticum Canticorum . . . Latine versi Notisque . . . illustrati a J. A. Dathio. Halae, 1789. 8 (5.8X3.2 irr.). 6 Liber Psalmorum [in the original], ad Editionem Hooghtianem . . . Londini, 5608. 12 (5.3X3.3), 2 cols., pp. 416-61. 7 Liber Psalmorum [in the original ], editus a J. Leusden. Londini, 1726. 24 (4.2X2). [2 copies.] NOTE. Also with Latin translation, facing the Hebrew. 8 Liber Psalmorum [in the original ] : cum Versione Latina [facing the Hebrew] Santis Pagnini. [No imprint.] 24 (3.9X2.2). 9 Libri historici Vet. Test. . . . Latine versi Notisque . . . illustrati a J. A. Dathio Halae, 1784. 8 (5.8 irr. X 3.5), pp. 927. 10 JiiT^ . . tJiSirt) IBS ... a^mina ^JOM [The Latter Pro phets, and The Book of the Writings. 1575.] 24 (3.5X1-6). NOTE. Apparently the last two of an edition in four volumes. Contains autograph, " Matherii Bylesii ". Lettered, " Bible in Hebrew." 11 New Translation (A) of the Book of Job, with an Introduction, and Notes ... By G. R. Noyes. 2d ed. . . . Boston, 1838. 12 (5.6X3 irr.). 12 New Translation (A) of the Book of Psalms, with an Introduction, and Notes ... By G. R. Noyes, D.D. 2d ed. Boston, 1846. 12 (5.6 irr.X3.3 irr.). 13 New Translation (A) of the Hebrew Prophets, arranged in chronologi cal Order. By G. R. Noyes. Vol. 1-3. . . . Boston, 1833- 37. 12 (5.5X3.1). 14 New Translation (A) of the Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Canticles, with Introductions and Notes . . . By G. R. Noyes, D.D. Boston, 1846. 12 (5.7 irr.X3.2 irr.). 15 Pentateuchus . . . Latine versus Notisque . . . illustratus a J. A. Dathio Ed. altera . . . Halae, 1791. 8 (5.8X3.5), pp. 708. 16 Prophetae Minorca . . . Latine versi Notisque . . . illustrati a J. A. Dathio Ed. tertia... Halae, 1790. 8 (5.8X3.5). 17 Proverbia Salamonis, lob, Canticum, Canticorum, Ruth, Lamentationes Ieremia3, Ecclesiastes, & Esther, Hebraice : cum interlineari Versione [Latin] Xantis Pagnini, Ben. Ariae Montani, & aliorum collato Studio . . . expensa. * * * Ex. Off. Plant, Raphelengii[, Leyden], 1608, 8 (6.2X2.9), m. h. G8 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BIBLE, Portions of the Old Testament, continued. 1 Psalmi Davidis Hebraici, cum interlinear! Versione [Latin] Xantis Pag- nini, Ben. Ariae Montani, & aliorum collate Studio . . . expensa. * * * Ex Off. Plant. Raphelengii[, Lei/den], 1608. 8 (6.2X2.9), m. b. 2 Psalmi . . . Latine versi Notisque . . . illustrati a J. A. Dathio. Ed. altera . . . Halae, 1794. 8 (5.8X3.5 irr.). * 3 Psalms (The) in Coptic, and Arabic. 4 (6.3X3.2), par. cols. 4 Psalter (Der) des . . . Davids, verteutschet von D. Martin Luther ; mit kurzen Summarien . . . Und berichtigten Parallelen . . . Philadelphia, 1796. 12 (4.8X2.8). 3 [Beginning t ] Quincuplum Psalterium. Gallicum. Romanum. Hebrai- cum. Vetus Conciliatum. [Ending, ] Huic Operi extrema Manus appo- sita est ... 1515. ... Ere et Expensis Michaelis Angier Universi- tatis Cadomensis ... 2 (8.4X5.7), var. cols., fol. 292. NOTE. Printed without title-page; in iolaek fletter. Slightly imperfect. 6 Salomonis . . . quae supersunt eiusque esse perhibentur Omnia ex Ebraeo Latine vertit Notasque . . . adiecit I. F. Schelling. Stuttgartiae, 1806. 8 (6X3.5). 7 Sepher Tibillim, i.e. Liber Psalmorum [in the original } . . . editus, cum Punctis . . . Item, Sepher Kinoth, i. e. Liber Lamentationum Jeremia3 [in the original] . . . editus, a Gul. Robertson. Cantabrigiae, 1685. 2 (3.9X2.9). 8 Zechariah ; a new Translation : with Notes . . . and an Appendix, in Reply to Dr. Eveleth s Sermon on Zech. II. 8-11. . . . [Also,] A Dis sertation on Dan. IX. v. 20, to the End. By B. Blayney, D.D. Oxford, 1797. 4 (7.5X5). NOTE. The Notes and Appendix, and the "Dissertation," &c., have independent pagings ; the latter has also independent title-page, without date, designating it as second edition. BIBLE, The New Testament. 9 noi npis rifts TH^ rr^sa tvrt tr^mi ^ }y rrcnn n^.n : f ISO rjfcnxi ESEft [The New Testament . . .] [London, 1839.] 8 (7x3.8). : rp^ft ^ ^ nmin n^n [The New Testament . . . Translated from the Greek . . .] Londini, 1813. 8 (6.7X3.3). Bulgarian Testament. 1840. 8 (6.8X4), 2 cols., pp. 516. 12 Carshun and Syriac Testament. 4 (8.9X7), 2 cols. 13 English Hexapla (The) exhibiting the six important Translations of the New Testament Scriptures, Wiclif - - M.CCC.LXXX. Tyndale - - M.D.XXXIV. Cranmer M.D.XXXIX. Genevan M.D.LVII. Anglo- Rhenish, M.D.LXXXII. Authorised --M.DC.XI. the original Greek Text after Scholtz with the various Readings of the Textus receptus and the principal Constantinopolitan and Alexandrine Manuscripts and a complete Collation of Scholtz s Text with Griesbach s Edition of M.DCCC.V. ; preceded by a History of English Translations and Trans lators. * * * * London, 8. Bagster and Sons, n. d. Thick 4 (9.4X6.6). Feagaiga Fou (O le) a lo Tatou Alii lesu Keriso, da liu i le Upu Samoa. [Samoan.] London, 1849. 16 (6X3.4), 2 cols. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 69 BIBLE, The New Testament, continued. 1 Greek Testament (The) : with a critically revised Text : a digest of va rious Readings : marginal References . . . : Prolegomena : and a ... Commentary. ... By H. Alford. In 4 vols. Vol. 1. Containing the four Gospels. New York, 1859. 8 (6. 9X4-1). * 2 Haerramek ja baisstamek Jesus Kristus adda Testament. [Norway - Lapponian.~] Kristianiast, 1840. 8 (6X3.5), pp. 1152. 3 KAINH AIA0HKH ( H). . . . [Edited by~\ Joh. Leusden. [Maps.] Amstetcedami, 1717. 12 (4.7X2.6), 2 cols. NOTE. Also with second title-page, embellished. 4 KAINH AIA0HKH ( H). The Greek Testament, with English Notes ... By Rev. S. T. Bloomfield, D.D. 1st Amer. from 2d London ed. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1837. 8 (7X4.3). NOTE. Consult BLOOMFIELD, S. T. Critical Annotations, &c. 5 KAINH AIA0HKH ( H). Novum Testamentum ... * * * Amstelodami, Ex Off. Elzev., 1662. 24 (3.7X2.9), pp. 703. NOTE. Accounted one of the "the most beautiful of the Elzevirs ", (MARSH S MICHAELIS Introduction, &c., vol. 2, p. 449). Contains autograph, " M Byles". KAINH AIA0HKH ( H). ... Ex Recensione Jo. Jas. Griesbachii cum selecta Lectionis Varietate. Tom. 1, 2. Cantabrigiae, Nov-Angl., 1809. 8 (6.5 irr.X3.5), pp. 615. NOTE. The two volumes are paged continuously, and bound together. i KAINH AIA0HKH( H). 12 (5.1X2.2), m. n. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting to A3. s KAINH AIA0HKH ( H). 8 (5.6X3.2), 2 cols. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. Autograph, " Mather Byles ". 3 KAINHS AIAGHKHS (THS) AHANTA. London, 1756. 12 (5X2.7), 2 cols. 10 KAINHS AIA0HKHS (THS) AIIANTA. Londini, 1801. 12 (5.2X2.9). 11 KAINHS AIA6HKHS (THS) AIIANTA. . . . Accesserunt parallela Scriptural Loca, necnon variantes Lectiones . . . Oxonii, 1675. 12 (5.4 irr.X2.6), pp. 648. 12 Kholagano Enca ea Yesu Keresete, eo e leii Morena oa Rona le More- buluki : e e Hetolecoeii mo Puoil ea Secuana. London, 1840. 12 (6.1X3.6), 2 cols. * 13 Ko te Kawenata Hou o te Tatou Ariki o te kai Whakaora o Ihu Karaiti. ... [New-Zealand.] Ranana, 1852. 8 (7.5X4.3), 2 cols. * 14 Manchou Testament Thick 4 (8.5X6.3). * ]5 Naujas Istatimas Jezaus Christaus wiespaties musu Lietuwiszku Lezu- wiu iszguditas par J. A. K Giedrayti . . . [Samogitian. ] Wilniuje, 1816. 4 (6.6X5.3), 2 cols. 16 New Testament (The), in an improved Version, upon the Basis of Arch bishop Newcome s new Translation, with a corrected Text, and Notes . . . Boston, 1809. 8 (5.9X3.3), pp. xxx., 612. * 17 New Testament (The) . . . translated into the Hindoostanee Language . . . and now printed in the Nagree Character. By Rev. H. Martyn ... Calcutta, 1817. Thick 8 (6.2X3.6). * 18 New Testament (The) in the Hindustani Language. Calcutta, 1841. 12 (5.8X3.5). * l9 New Testament (The) . . . translated into the Malayalim Language. ... Cottayam, 1843. 12 (5.7X3.4), 2 cols. 70 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BIBLE, The Neic Testament, continued. * ] New Testament (The) . . . translated out of the original Greek into the Mongolian Language, by E. Stallybrass and "VV. Swan. . . . London, 1846. 8 (7.5X4.2), pp. 925. 2 New Testament (The) . . . translated from the original Greek. With original Notes and practical Observations. By Rev. Th. Scott. In 2 vols. Vol. II. 5th Amer. ed. Boston, 1817. 8 (8.6X4.9), 2 cols. NOTE. Lettered, " Scott s Bible. 6." 3 New Testament (The), . . . translated from the original Greek into Persian, by Rev. Henry Martyn. 4th ed. London, 1837. 8 (7.2X4). * 4 Nou Testament (Lo) . . . traduit, de la vulgata Llatina en Llengua Catalana . . . Londres, 1835. 12 (6.2X3.4), 2 cols. 5 Nouum Testamentum. [In Syriac, Greek, and Latin. Dedication by Guido Fabricius.~] Parisiis, 1584. 4 (7. 7X5), var. cols., pp. 812. 6 Nouveau Testament (Le) ... en Latin et en Francois avec les Differ ences du Grec & de la Vulgate. 25me ed. . . . Vol. [1,] 2. * * * Mons, 1684. 12 (4.7X2.6), par. cols. 7 Nouveau Testament (Le) . . . The New Testament . . . Amsterdam, 1700. 12 (5.5X3.1), par. cols., pp. 580. 8 Nouveau Testament (Le) . . . traduit en Francois avec le Grec, & le Latin de la Vulgate ajoutez a cdte. Nouv. ed. * * * [2 vols. I paging. ] Mons, 1673. 8 (5.8X3.4), pp. 525+. NOTE. The second volume has title, "Les Epistres de S. Paul. Les Epistres Cononiques. L Apocalypse." * 9 Novi Kakon . . . [Wendish-Hungarian.~\ Koszegi, 1848. 16 (5.2X3.5), 2 cols. * 10 Novum Testamentum . . . JEthiopice. . . . Edidit T. P. Platt. Londini, 1830. 4 (6.2X4.3). 11 Novum Testamentum Grace. 12 (5.6X3-2). NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. 5 Novvm Testamentvm Graece perpetva annotatione illvstratvm a J. B. Koppe. Vol. 4, complectens Epistolam Pavli ad Romonos. Ed. alt. . . . avctam cvravit C. F. Ammon. 6. Epistolae Pauli ad Galatas Ephesios Thessalonicenses Ed. alt. . . . Cvravit T. C. Tychsen. 9, complectens Epistolas Catholicas. Fasc. L, II. ... Continvavit D. I. Pott. Ed. alt. . . . Gottingae, 1806, 1791, 1816, 1810. 8 (6.1-3X3.2-6). 1 Novum Testamentum Graece. [With the Apostles and other Creeds, and the Notes of Casaubon."] 16 (3.7 X 1.9), fol. 455. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. 14 Novum Testamentum . . . Interprete Th. Beza. Londini, 1787. 12 (5.3X3.1), 2 cols. 1 Novum Testamentum . . . Interprete Th. Beza. Londini, 1781. 12 (5.3X3.1), 2 cols. N ovum Testamentum Malaice . . . Harlemi, 1820. 8 (7.8X4.4). 17 Novum Testamentum. Cum Postillis Nich. de Lyra. Nuremberge, 1487. 2 (9.3X6.2), n.p. NOTE. -Printed without title-page; in ISlacfc letter, and illuminated. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 71 BIBLE, The New Testament, continued. 1 Novvm Testamentvm Graece Textvm . . . emendavit et Lectionis Vari- etatem adieci Jo. Jac. Griesbach. Vol. 1,2. ... Halae, 1777, 75. 8 (6.3X4), 2 cols, NOTE. Vol. 1 has two pagings. The two volumes are bound together. 2 Novvm Testamentvm Graece. Textvm . . . recensvit et Lectionis Va- rietatem adjecit lo. lac. Griesbach. Vol. 2. ... Ed. 2da . . . Halae Saxonvm, 1806. 8 (6.3X3.6). * 3 Ny Teny N Andriamanitra, atao hoc, Tesitamenta ny Jesosy Kraisty tompa ntsikia, sady mpamonjy no mpanavotra. . . . [Malagasse] London, n. d. 12 (6.1X3.5), 2 cols. * 4 R uss Testament. 1850. 8 (6.1X3.2). 5 Sanctum Evangelium ; scilicet Novum Testamentum . . . Ed. alt. [Tartar.] Astrachani, 1818. Thick 8 (6.3X3.3). 6 Schriften (Die) des Neuen Testaments. Neu iibersetzt von J. C. W. Augusti und W. M. L. de Wette. . . . [Plates.] Heidelberg, 1814. 8 (6.2X3.5). * ? Servian Testament. 1834. 8 (6.1X3.2), pp. 628. * 8 Testamentetak tamedsa nalegapta piulijipta Jesusib Kristusib Apostelin- gitalo pinniarningit Okausingillo. [Esquimaux. } London, 1840. 12 (5.6X3.3), pp. 637. 9 Testamant Nevez . . . Lekeet e Brezonec, ha reizet hervez ar vam- scrid Gregach. [Breton. ] Brest, 1847. 12 (5.7X3.5), 2 cols. * 10 Testamente Nutak Kaladlin okauzeennut nukterfinnarfok narlkiutin- goaenniglo fukuiarfimarfok. [Greenlandic.~] Kiobenhavnime, 1827. 16 (5.4 irr.XS.l), pp. 1072. 11 Testamentvm Novvm . . . cuius Grseco Contextui respondent Interpre- tationes duae, altera, vetus : altera, Th. Beza3 . . . Eiusdem Annota- tiones . . . Hacc 4ta ed. . . . [2 pagings.~\ [Paris, E. Stephanus,] 1539. Thick 2 (10.9X5.8), par. cols. 12 Testamentvm Novvm ... E GraBco archetype, Latino Sermone reddi- tum, Th. Beza Interprete, & jam ultimo ab eo recognitum. Cui ex adverse additur . . . Latina Translatio Im. Tremellii conjuncta Notis . . . quam F. Junius recensuit, auxit, illustravitque. Impensis A Wecheli Hoeredum, 1596. 2 (11.5X5.2), m. n. * is Turco-Armenian Testament. 1831. 8 (6.8X4.1), 2 cols., pp. 562. * 14 Wallachian Testament. Smyrna, 1846. 8 (6.7X3.9), 2 cols. BIBLE, Portions of the New Testament. 15 Epistles (The) of St. Paul to the Corinthians. [Greek and English. ] With critical Notes, and Dissertations. By A. P. Stanley. 2d ed. London, 1858. 8 (6.7X3.8), pp. 616. 16 Epistola ad Hebraeos Graece. Perpetva Annotatione illvstrata a I. H. Heinrichs. Ed. alt. . . . Gottingae, 1823. 8 (6X3.5). 17 Epistolae Catholicae Graece perpetva Annotatione illvstratae a D. I. Pott Ease. 1. Ed. 3tia ... 2. Ed alt. . . . Gottingae, 1816, 10. 8 (6.3X3.2). NOTE. Also with second title-page, bearing title, " Novvm Testamentvm Graece . . . Editionis Koppianae Vol. IX. Fasc. 1, 2." 72 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BIBLE, Portions of the New Testament, continued. 1 Four Gospels (The), translated from the Greek. With preliminary Dis sertations, and Notes . . , By G. Campbell, D.D. . . . Vol. 1-4. 2d ed. . . . * * * Aberdeen, 1803- 04. 8 (6.2X3.4). 2 Four Gospels (The), translated from the Greek. With preliminary Dis sertations, and Notes ... By J. Macknight, D.D. Vol. 1-4. . . . *** Boston, 1811. 8 (6X3.5). * 3 Gospel (The) according to St. Luke, the Acts of the Apostles ; with the Epistles of St. James and St. Peter. Translated into Yoruba ... by Rev. S. Crowther. London, 1851. 12 (5.2X3.2). 4 Gospels (The) of St. Matthew and St. John, in the Accra Language ; translated from the original Greek, by Rev. A. W. Hanson. London, 1843. 16 (5.1X2.9). * 5 Juda3o-Persic Gospels. 8 (5. 7X3-2). 6 Luther s German Version of the Gospel of St. John, with an interlinear English Translation ... By C. Follen. Cambridge, 1835. 12 (5.9X3.4). * 7 Matthew, John, Acts, and Hebrews, in Judeeo-Arabic. 8 (5.7X3.2). 8 New literal Translation (A) of all the Apostolical Epistles. With a Commentary, and Notes . . . [and] A History of the Life of the Apostle Paul. By J. Macknight, D.D. Vol. 1-4. Edinburgh, 1795. 4(8.1X5.5). NOTE. Life of St. Paul has independent title-page and paging. 9 New Version (A) of St. Matthew s Gospel : with select Notes ... To which is added, A Review of Dr. Mill s Notes on this Gospel. By D. Scott. London, 1741. 4 (7.5X4.8). [2 copies.] NOTE. " A Review," &c. is paged independently. * 10 Syro-Chaldaic Gospels. 4 (8X5. 5). 11 Translation (A) of the Gospels. With Notes. By Andrews Norton. Vol. 1. The Text. 2. Notes. Boston, 1855. 8 (5.6X3.5). BIBLE Society of Massachusetts. 12 Circular Address from the Bible Society of Massachusetts. With the Constitution, List of Officers, &c. Boston, 1809. 8, pp. 24. 13 Reports of the Executive Committee . . . 1812, 1814, and 1816. Boston, 1812- 16. 8, pamps. BIBLICAL Repertory (The) and Princeton Review for .... 1842. Vol. 14. 4 For 1859- 61. Edited by Rev. Charles Hodge, D.D. Vol. 31-33. Philadelphia, . 8 (6.6X3.8). BIBLICAL Repository (The) and Classical Review. . . . Vol. 1-12. Second 15 Series. Vol. 1-12. Third Series. [Vol. 1.] Vol. 1-8, Andover ; - onward, New York, 1831- 46. 8 (6.3X3.6). [2 sets.] NOTE. Vol. 1-4 bear title, The Biblical Repository ; 5-8, " The Biblical Re pository and Quarterly Observer" ; 9-2d Ser., vol. 12, -"The American Biblical Repository." The work was conducted successively by E. Robinson B B Ed wards, A. Peters, S. B. Treat, J. H. Agnew, W. H. Bidwell, and J. M. Sherwood till 1851, when it was united with the BIBLIOTHECA SACRA. 16 General Index to the American Biblical Repository vol 1-24 Jan 1831 -Oct., 1844. By . . . J. H. Agnew. BIBLIOTHECA Americana Nova. See RICH, O. *** *"* ^ S CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 73 BIBLIOTHECA Legum Anglias, Part I. or, A Catalogue of the Common and Stat- 1 ute Law Books of this Realm . . . Compiled by J. Worrall. New ed. ... II. containing a general Account of the Laws and Law-Writers of England, from the earliest Times to the Reign of Edw. III. . . . Com piled by E. Brooke. *** 2 vols. London, 1788. 16 (4.9X2.7). BIBLIOTHECA Sacra and Biblical Repository. . . . Vol. 1-19. 2 Andover, 1844- 62. 12 (6.4-.5X3.7-.8). NOTE. Vol. 1-7 are titled, " Bibliotheca Sacra and Theological Review;" 8-13, " Bibliotheca Sacra and American Biblical Eepository." Edited to 1852, by Profs. B. B. Edwards and E. A. Park, assisted by E. Robinson, and Prof. M. Stuart; subsequently by Prof. E. A. Park, and S. H. Taj lor. Consult note on BIBLICAL Repository, &c. Two copies of vols. 1-3, and 5. 3 Index to the Bibliotheca Sacra and American Biblical Repository, Vol umes I.-XIII. containing an Index of Subjects and Authors, a Topical Index, and a List of Scripture Texts. By W. F. Draper. Andover, 1857. 8 (6.3X3.8). BlCKEKSTETH, Rev. Edward, of London, aft. of Walton, Eng.; 6.1786. d. 1850. 4 Christian Student (The) ... Boston, 1830. 12 (5.6X3.3). 5 Works. . . . New-York, 1832. 8 (7.3X4.5), 2 cols., pp. 655. BIDDLE, Clement Cornell, LL.D., of Pldla. : b. 1784. d. 1854. Translator, Editor, &c. See SAY, J. B. Political Economy. BIDDLE, Rev. John, "the father of English Unitarians;" b. 1615. d. 1662. 6 Review of his Life, Character, &c. See TOULMIN, J. BIELFELD, Jacob Friedrich, Baron DE, a Prussian diplomat, &c.; 6.1717. cZ.1770. 7 Elements (The) of Universal Erudition, containing an Analytical Abridg ment of the Sciences, Polite Arts, and Belles Lettres, by Baron Bielfeld. * * * Translated ... by W. Hooper, M. D. Vol. 1-3. London, 1770. 8 (6X3.2). BIESE, Franz, Lecturer at Berlin. 8 Philosophic (Die) des Aristoteles inihrem innerem Zusammenhange, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des philosophischen Sprachgebrauchs, aus dessen Schriften entwickelt. Bd. 1. Logik und Metaphysik. 2. Die besonderen Wissenschaften. *** Berlin, 1835, 42. 8 (6X3.6). BIGELOW, Rev. Andrew, of Taunton, Mass. 9 Travels inMalta and Sicily,with Sketches of Gibraltar, in MDCCCXXVIL [Engravings. .] Boston, 1831. 8 (6.1X3.5), pp. 628. BIGELOW, Erastus B., an American inventor & manufacturer. 10 Remarks on the depressed Condition of Manufactures in Massachusetts, with Suggestions as to its Causes and Remedy. Boston, 1858. 8, pp. 28. BIGELOW, Jacob, M.D., LL.D., Medical Prof, at Harvard College; b. 1787. 11 Account of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Count Rumford. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 4.) 12 Florida Bostoniensis. . . . Boston, 1814. 8 (6X3.5). BIGELOW, John R., of New York. 13 American s own Book (The) ; or the Constitutions of the several States in the Union ; embracing the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States, &c. ; from authentic Documents. . . . . [Map and Engravings.^ New-York, 1849. 8 (6.2X3.7), pp. 536. BIGELOW, Hon. Timothy, of Groton & Medford, Mass.; b. 1767. d. 1821. H Eulogy on the Life, Character and Services of Brother George Washing ton, before the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, Boston, Feb. 11, 1800. Boston, [1800]. S, pp. 26. 10 BOTYDOIN COLLEGE. BINET, Rene, Prof, at College of the Plessis-Sorbonne; b. 1732. d. 1812. Translator. See HOIIATIUS FLACCUS, Q. Les OEuvres. BINGHAM, Hiram, Missionary oftlie American Board. 1 Residence (A) of Twenty-One Years in the Sandwich Islands ; . . . [Por trait, Map and Engravings. ] Hartford, 1847. 8 (6.8X3.8), pp. 616. BINGHAM, Rev. Joseph, of Hampshire, Eng. ; b. 1668. d. 1723. 2 Works. ... 2vols. [Maps.] London, 1726. 2 (10.7X6.7), 2 cols. BINNEY, Amos, M.D., of Boston, Mass. ; b. 1803. d. 1847. a Terrestrial Air-breathing Mollusks (The) of the United States, and the adjacent Territories of North America : described and illustrated. Edi ted by A. A. Gould. Vol. 1-3. Boston, 1851, 51, 57. 8 (5.7X3.3). NOTE. Vol. 3 consists of the plates. BINNEY, William G., son of preceding. Editor. See SAY, T. Complete Writings on Conchology. BIOGRAPHICAL Anecdotes of the Founders of the French Republic, and of other 4 Eminent Characters . . . of the Revolution. London, 1797. 12 (5.2X2.8). BIOCRAPHIE universelle, ancienne et moderne, . . . ; Ouvrage redige par plus 5 de 300 Collaborateurs. Nouv. ed., revue, corrigee et considerablement augmentee . . . , par une Societe de Gens de Lettres et de Savants. * * * Tom. 1-21. [Portraits. Bound in 8 vols.] Bruxelles, 1843- 47. 8 (8.8X5.7), 2 cols. CONTENTS. Tom. I. Aa-Azz. II. Baa-Bon. III. Bon-Can. IV. Can-Chr. V. Chr- C/.y. VI. Dab-Dzo. VII. Eac-Foy. VIII. Foy-Gra. IX. Gra-IIop. X. Hop-Kyr. XL Laa-Lou. XII. Lou-Mel. XI1L Mel-Mys. XIV. Naa-Par. XV. Par-Pop, XVI. Pop-Kit. XVII. Rit-Sch. XVIII. Sch-Sur. XIX. Sur-Uzz. XX. Vac-Wai. XXI. Wal-Zyr. BION, of Smyrna, a Greek pastoral Poet; flourished B.C. 280. 6 Carmina. See THEOCRITUS. Theocriti, etc. Carmina bvcolica. BlOT, Jean Baptiste, Prof, of Math. & Astron., Paris; b. 1774. 7 Life of Newton. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. Lives of Eminent Men ; &c. BIRCH, Thomas, D.D., Sec y R.S., Hector of Depden, &c.; b. 1705. d. 1766. 8 Life of Bacon. See BACON, F. Works. Vol. 1, pp. i.-xlii. 9 Life of Cudworth. See CUD WORTH, R. The True Intellectual System, &c., Ed. 1845. Vol. 1, pp. vii.-xxvii. 10 Life of Tillotson. See TILLOTSON, J. Works. Vol. 1, pp. i.-cxxxviii. BIRCHBECK, Rev. Simon, A.M., Vicar of Gilling in Yorkshire; 6.1584. d. 1656. 11 Protestants Evidence (The) : taken out of Good Records. . . . 2d ed. corrected and much enlarged. Together with an Answer to a Popish Antidotist. London, 1657. 2 (8.6X4.5), m. n., pp. 510. BISSE, Philip, D.D., Bishop of St. David s, 1710. Sermon preach d at the Anniversary Meeting of the Sons of the Clergy, Dec. 2d, 1707. London, 1708. 4 (6X4), pp. 23. BISSET, Robert, LL.D., of Scotch birth ; b. 1759. d. 1805. 13 History (The) of the Reign of George III. . . . 2d ed., completed to the Death of the King. . . . Vol. 1-6. London, 1820. 8 (6.4X3.4), m. b. Life (The) of Edmund Burke. ... 2d ed. . . Vol. 1, 2. [Por- Lrait -} London, 1800. 8 (6.2X3.3),. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 75 BISSET, Rev. William, of Whiston, Northamptonshire, Eng. 1 Modern Fanatick (The). With a large and true Account of the Life, Actions, Endowments, &c. of the famous Dr. Sa 1. London, 1610. 8, pp. 63. 2 Modern Fanatick (The). Part II. London, 1610. 8, pp. 24. NOTE. Compare under SACHEVERELL, H. BLACK, John, of London; b. 1783. d. 1855. Translator. See SCHLEGEL, A. W. von. Lectures on Dramatic Art, &c. Translator. See SCHLEGEL, F. K. W. von. History of Literature. BLACKALL, or BLACKBALL, Ofspring, D.D., Bishop of Exeter ; b. 1654. d. 1716. 3 Divine Institution (The) of Magistracy, &c. A Sermon preach d before Queen [Amie] . . . March 8, 1708. being the Anniversary of her . . . Accession. London, [1708]. 8, pp. 16. NOTE. Compare under HOADLEY, B. 4 Lord Bishop (The) of Exeter s Answer to Mr. Hoadley s Letter. * * * London, 1709. 8, pp. 31. 5 Subject s Duty (The). Sermon preach d March 8, 1704-5. London, 1709. 8, pp. 16. 6 Sufficiency (The) of a Standing Revelation in general, and of the Scrip ture Revelation in particular. Eight Sermons preached at the Boyle Lecture, in 1700. London, 1700. 4 (6.1X3.8), rn. r. NOTK. Each Sermon has independent title-page and paging. No general title-page. 7 Sufficiency (The) of a Standing Revelation in general, and of the Scrip ture Revelation in particular. See (BoYLE s Lecture Sermons, vol. 1). BLACKBURNE, Rev. Francis, Archdeacon of Cleveland ; b. 1705. d. 1787. 8 Works . . . ; with some Account of the Life and Writings of the Au thor, by himself, completed by his Son, F. Blackburne. . . . Vol. 1-7. *** [Portrait.] Cambridge, 1804. 8 (6X3.4). BLACKBURNE, Francis, LL.B., son of preceding. Editor, &c. See BLACKBURNE, F. Works. BLACKSTONE, Sir William, LL.D., Prof, of Law, Oxford, Eng.; 6.1723. d.1780. 9 Commentaire sur le Code criminel d Angleterre, traduit de 1 Anglais ; par 1 Abbe Coyer. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1776. 8 (5.8X3.3). 10 Commentaries on the Laws of England. Book 2-4. 7th ed. [Plates.] Oxford, 1775. 8 (6.3X3.5). 11 Commentaries on the Laws of England. Book 1-4. 13th ed., with the last Corrections of the Author. Additions by R. Burn, and J. Williams, and continued to the present Time by E. Christian. [Portrait and Plate.] Dublin, 1796. 12 (5.6X2.9). 12 Law Tracts. ... [Plate.] Dublin, 1767. 8 (6X3.3). NOTE. Contains four tracts, with half-titles and paged independently. !3 Notes to Blackstone s Commentaries. See CHRISTIAN, E. BLACKWALL, Anthony, A.M., Rector of Clapham, in Surrey ; b. 1674. d. 1730. 14 Sacred Classics (The) defended and illustrated : or, An Essay ... to wards proving the Purity, Propriety, and true Eloquence of the Writers of the New Testament. Vol. 1. In two Parts. ... 2d ed., corrected. 2. In three Parts. ... [Portrait. ] London, 1727/31. 8 (6.1X3.3). NOTE. Each part has also independent title-page. BLACKWELL, Thomas, D.D., Prof, of Divinity at Aberdeen; b. 1701. d. 1757. is Enquiry (An) into the Life and Writings of Homer. [By T. Blackwell.] 2ded. *** [Portrait.] London, 1736. 8(6.1 irr.XS.5), m. L 76 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BLAIR, Rev. Hugh, D.D., Prof, of Rhet., &c. at Edinburgh ; b. 1718. d. 1800. 1 Abridgment (An) of Lectures on Rhetoric. Revised and corrected. ... Worcester, 1818. 12 (5.7X3.2). [3 copies.] 2 Life. See (Sermons, Dublin Ed., post. Vol. 5, pp. 279-300). 3 Sermons. 7th ed. Dublin, 1779. 8 (5.5X3). 4 Sermons. ... Vol. 1-5. ... Dublin, 1784-1801. 12 (5.1X2.8). 5 Sermons. ... Vol.2. Baltimore, 1814. 8 (6.7X3.9). BLAIR, Rev. John, LL.D., Prebendary of Westminster; d. 1782. 6 Chronology (The) and History of the World . . . , illustrated in LVI Tables . . . [with 14 Maps, and a Dissertation on the Rise and Pro gress of Geography], * * * London, 1790. Large 2, folded sheets. NOTE. Title-page and dedication-page are engraved. BLAIR, William, Esq. 7 Inquiry (An) into the State of Slavery amongst the Romans ; from the earliest Period, till the Establishment of the Lombards in Italy. Edinburgh, 1833. 12 (5X2.7). BLAKE, Rev. John L., D.D., of Boston; b. 1788. d. 1857. 8 American Universal Geography, for Schools and Academies. ... Il lustrated by . . . Maps. Boston, 1833. 4 (7.6X5.7), 2 cols. BLAKE, Robert, an English Admiral ; b. 1599. d. 1657. 9 Life, by John Gorton. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Know ledge. Library, &c. Lives of Eminent Persons ; &c. BLAKE, William P., an American Geologist, &c. 10 Geological Report. See UNITED STATES. Explorations and Surveys. (Reports of Explorations and Surveys for a Pacific Railroad, vol. 5.) 1 Report of a Geological Reconnaissance in California : made in connec tion with the Expedition to survey Routes in California, to connect with the Surveys of Routes for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, under . . . Lieut. R. S. Williamson, C. T. E., in 1853. With an Appendix, containing Descriptions of Portions of the Collection by Prof. L. Agassiz, A. A. Gould, J. W. Bailey, T. A. Conrad, J. Torrey, G. C. Schaeffer, J. D. Easter. [Maps, Plates and Engravings.] New York, 1858. 4 (8.6X6.1). BLAKESLEY, Rev. Joseph Williams, A.M., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. 2 Life of Aristotle. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitan^ vol. 10). BLANC DE VOLX, J. 13 Causes (Des) des Revolutions et de leurs EfFets ; ou Considerations his- tonques et politiques sur les Mceurs qui preparent, accompagnent et sui- vent les Revolutions. *** Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1801. 8 (5.3X3). BLANCHAED, Bev. I. II. F., of Harvard, Mass. u Christian Doctrine (The) of Regeneration. Boston, 1832. 12, pp. 81. BLAND, James, M.D., of London. * Essay (An) in Praise of Women. . . . London, 1733. 8 (5.9X3). BLAND, Miles, D.D., F.B.S., &c. , e) f H > drostatics : with their Application to the Solution I! \ 2ded Cambridge, 1837. 8(6.1 X 3.6). Bd.1,2,1842. Bd. BLAYNEY, Benjamin, .., R egius . ranslator, and^ Annotator. See BIBLE, - Portions of the Old Testa ment. Jeremiah and Lamentations. Zechariah. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 77 BLISS, Rev. Zenas. 1 Idea (The) of the Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture. Discourse de livered before the Society for Religious Inquiry, in the University of Ver mont, at Commencement, July 31, 1843. Burlington, 1843. 8, pp. 72. BLOMFIELD, Charles James, D.D., Bishop of London; b. 1786. d. 1857. 2 Greek Philosophy. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, Vol. 9). 3 Life of Socrates. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 9). BLOMFIELD, Edward Valentine, A.M., brother of preceding j b. 1788. d. 1816. Translator. See MATTHIA, A. H. Greek Grammar. BLOOMFIELD, Rev. S. T., D.D., Canon of Peterborough, &c. 4 Critical Annotations . . . , on the New Testament : being a supplemen tal Volume to the Ninth Edition of the "Greek Testament, with English Notes." *** London, 1860. 8 (7.2X4.2), 2 cols. Editor, &c. See BIBLE, New Testament. H KAINH AIAQHKH. BLOUNT, Charles, an English injldel writer; b. 1654. d. 1693. Translator, &c. See PHILOSTRATUS, F. Two First Books (The) of P. BLUMENTHAL, Charles E., Prof, of Hebrew, &c. at Dickinson College, Peun. Joint Translator. See HASE, K. A. History of the Christian Church. BLUNDEVILLE, Thomas, an English mathematician, pubUd works 1561-1606. 5 Mr. Blundevil his Exercises, contayning Eight Treatises . . . [on] Cos- mographie, Astronomie, and Geographic, . . . [and ] the Art of Navi gation. . . . 7th ed., enlarged by R. Hartwell. [Plates and Dia grams.] London, 1638. 4 (6X3.8), pp. 798. NOTE. Printed in Black Efttrr. Each treatise has also independent title-pjg-c. BLUNT, Rev. John James, Prof, of Divinity at Cambridge-, b. 1794. d. 1855. 6 Right Use (On the) of the Early Fathers ; . . . Lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge. London, 1857. 8 (6.5X3.8), pp. xv., 650. BOASE, Henry S., M.D., Sec y Royal Geol. Society of Cornwall. 7 Treatise (A) on Primary Geology ; being an Examination ... of the Older Formations. London, 1834. 8 (6.6X3. 7). BOCCACIO, Giovanni, an Italian Novelist & Poet; b. 1313. d. 1375. 8 Contes de J. Bocace. Tom. 1-10. Londres, 1783. 16 (4X2.4). 9 Decameron (II). [Portrait.] Firenze, 1834. 8 (6.6X4), 2 cols. i Opere volgari. ... Vol. 1-5. Firenze, 1827- 28. 8 (5. 9X3.2). BODIN, John, Esq., an English lawyer & statesman. 11 Six Bookes (The) of a Commonweale. Out of the French and Latine Copies, done into English by R. Knolles. [Embellished Title-page. ] London, 1606. 2 (9X5.3), m. b., pp. 794. BOECKH, August, Prof, of Class. Lit. at Berlin; b. 1785. 12 Public Economy (The) of the Athenians, with Notes and a copious In dex. Translated from 2d German edition, by A. Lamb. * * * [Por trait.] Boston, 1857. 8 (6.6X4), pp. 826. 13 Public Economy (The) of Athens, in four Books ; to which is added, A Dissertation on the Silver-Mines of Laurion. Translated from the Ger man [by Sir G. C. Lewis]. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1828. 8(6 irr.X3.5). Editor, Translator, &c. See PINDARUS. Opera qvae svpersvnt. BOEHMER, Georg Rudolph, Prof, of Botany, &c. at Wittemberg; 6.1723. d.1803. 14 Bibliotheca Scriptorvm Historiae Natvralis Oeconomiae aliarvmqve Ar- tivm ac Scientiarvm ad illam pertmentivm realis systematic^ Pars I. Scriptores generates Vol. 1,2. II. Zoologi Vol. 1,2. III. Phytologi Vol.1. 5 vola. Lipsiae, 1785- 87. 8 (5.8X3.3), 78 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BOEMUS, Joannes. J Mores, Leges, et Ritvs omnivm Gentivm, per I. Boemum . . . collecta. Ex Nicol. Damasceni Historia Excerpta quaedam eiusdem argument!, etc. Lugduni, 1604. 24 (3. 9X2-1), m. n., pp. 504. BOERHAAVE, Herman, Prof. & Rector at Univ. of Lei/den ; b. 1668. d. 1738. 2 Institutiones medicae. Editio Leydensis 4ta prioribus auctior. Lugduni Batavorum, 1727. 12 (4.9X2.8), pp. 526-J-. BOETTICHER, J. G., of Konigsberg. 3 Statistical Tables ; exhibiting a View of all the States of Europe ; show ing . . . their Population, Military and Marine Strength, Revenue and Expenditure, &c. Translated from the German. With a Supplementary Table, . . . by W. Playfair. London, 1800. 4 (10X8). BOGUE, Rev. David, Founder of London Miss. Society ; b. 1750. d. 1825. 4 Essay (An) on the Divine Authority of the New Testament. ... * * * Hartford, 1806. 12 (4.6X2.5). 5 Memoirs of the Life of Rev. D. Bogue. See BENNETT, J. 6 Universal Peace (On) ; being Extracts from a Discourse delivered in October, 1813. 3d ed. London, 1826. 8, pp. 24. BOIIEMIAE 7 Atlas, in Circulis XV. Sheets (20.7-21.4X15-18). BOHN, Henry G., a London Publisher and Bibliopole ; b. about 1800. 8 Catalogue of Books. Vol.1. ... London, 1847. 8 (7.6X4.7), 2 cols. Editor. See LOWNDES, W. T. Bibliographer s Manual. Joint Translator. See HUMBOLDT, F. H. A. VON. Views of Nature. BOIIUN, Edmund, Esq., of Suffolk, Engl. ; fl. 1670- 95. 9 Sleidan s History of the Reformation, englished, and continued by Bohun. See SLEIDAN, J. BOILEAU, D. Translator. See GANILII, C. Systems of political Economy. BOINVILLIERS, J. S. J. F.; b. at Versailles, 1764. d. 1830. Editor. See BOUDOT, J. Dictiouarium universale, Latino-Gallicum. BOISSIER, John Lewis, Esq., of Batli, Eng. Translator. See BONNET, C. Inquiries concerning Christianity. BOISTE, Pierre Claude Victorin, a French Lawyer, &c. ; b. 1765. d. 1824. Dictionnaire de Geographic universelle, ancienne, du moyen age et mod- erne, comparees ; offrant la Tableau geographique, historique, politique, et statistique du -Globe et ses Parties dans les differens Ages et son Etat actuel. . . . Redige sur le Plan de Vosgien. . . . Paris, 1806. 8 (6.9X4.1), 2 cols., pp. 448, 629. 1 Atlas du Dictionnaire de Geographic universelle . . . [of Boiste], com pose de 45 Cartes . . . , par Herisson. Paris, 1806. 4 (6.6X8.1). 2 Dictionnaire universel de la Langue Franchise, avec le Latin et les Ety mologies . . . ; Manuel encyclopedique de Grammaire, d Orthographe, devieuxLangage,deNeologie. ... 8me ed., . . . considerablement augmentee par C. Nodier. Paris, 1834. 4 (9X7.2), 2 cols., pp. 756, 241. BOLLES, John A. w Essay on a Congress of Nations. See AMERICAN Peace Society. Prize Essays on a Congress of Nations, &c. CATALOGUE O V THE LIBRARY. BOLTON, Robert, an English Puritan divine; b. 1572. d. 1631. 1 Fovre Last Things : Death, Ivdgement, Hell, Heaven. Funeral Notes on Sir A. Nicolls, Kt. A Sermon preached at Lent Assizes, A.D. 1630. With an Account of his Life and Death. Published by E. Bagshawe. London, 1633. 4 (5.8X3.3), m. b. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page and portrait. 2 Sermon at the Funeral of Mr. Bolton. See ESTWICK, N. BOLTON, W. J., Prof, at Cambridge, Eng. 3 Evidences (The) of Christianity, as exhibited in the Writings of its Apologists down to Augustine. Hulsean Prize Essay. * * * Boston, 1854. "l2 (5.6 irr.X3.4).- BOMBERGER, Rev. J. H. A., D.D., of Philadelphia. 4 Protestant (The) Theological and Ecclesiastical Encyclopedia ; being a condensed Translation of Herzog s Real Encyclopedia, with Additions from various Sources. By J. II. A. Bomberger and others. See HER- ZOG, C. G. BONAPARTE, Charles Louis Napoleon, Emperor. See NAPOLEON III. BONAPARTE, Charles Lucian, Nephew of Napoleon I. 5 American Ornithology ; or, The Natural History of Birds inhabiting the United States, not given by Wilson. With figures drawn, engraved, and coloured from Nature. Vol. 1-3. Philadelphia, 1825- 28. 4 (text, 9.7X6.4 ; plates, 13X10.5). BONAPARTE, Napoleon, Emperor of France. See NAPOLEON I. BOND, Rev. Alvan, Prof, at Bangor Theol. Sem., aft. of Norwich, Conn. 6 Memoir of Rev. Pliny Fisk. * * * {Portrait. ] Boston, 1828. 12 (5.6X3.2). BOND, George Phillips, Ass t Astron. at Cambridge Observatory; b. 1825. 7 Papers on Astronomy. See AMERICAN Academy, c. (Memoirs, New Series. passim.) BOND, John, Master of Taunton Free-School, Engl. ; b. 1550. d. 1612. Annotator. See HORATIUS FLACCTJS, Q. Poemata. Annotator. See PERSIUS FLACCUS, A. Satyrse VI. BOND, William Cranch, Director at Cambridge Observatory ; b. 1799. 8 History and Description of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. [Plate.] Cambridge, 1856. 4 (8.3X6). 9 Papers on Astronomy. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, New Series. passim.) 10 Results of Astronomical Observations made at the Observatory of Har vard College, under the direction of W. C. Bond. G. P. Bond. C. W. Tuttle. Zone Catalogue of 5500 Stars situated between the Equator and 20 North Declination, observed during the year 1852-53. Cambridge, 1855. 4 (8.3X6). BONGARS, Jacques, a French savan & diplomat ; b. 1554. d. 1612. 11 Excerptiones Chronological ad Justini Historias accommodate. See JUSTINUS. Justinus de Historiis Philippicis. BONNELL, C. Editor. See SCHLEIERMACHER, F. D. E. Geschichte der christlichen Kirche. BONNET, Charles, a Sioiss naturalist & philosopher ; b. 1720. d. 1793. 12 Letters to the Abbe Spallanzani. See SPALLANZANI, Z. 13 Philosophical and Critical Inquiries concerning Christianity. Translated by J. L. Boissier. {Portrait] Philadelphia, 1803. 12 (5X3). 80 BOWDO IN COLLEGE. BONNYCASTLE, John, Pro/, of Math, at Royal Academy at Woolwich-, d. 1821. 1 Introduction (An) to Astronomy. ... 4th ed. ... * * * [Plates.] London, 1803. 8 (5.8X3.2). BOOK (The) of Family Crests ; comprising nearly every Bearing, with its Bla- 2 zonry, accompanied by upwards of four thousand Engravings. . . . Alphabetically arranged with the Surnames of the Bearers, a Dictionary of Mottoes, an Essay on the Origin of Arms, Crests, &c. and a Glossary of Terms. 8th ed., enlarged. Vol. 1. Plates, Mottoes, &c. 2. Dic tionary. London, 1856. 8 (5.3X3. 2). BOOK of Heroes, Abstract of. See ILLUSTRATIONS of Northern Antiquities, &c. BOOK (The) of Peace ; a Collection of Essays on War and Peace. 3 Boston, 1845. 12 (5.8X3.2). NOTE. Consisting" of 64 tracts, with independent title-pages and passings. BOONE, Daniel, the Pioneer of Kentucky; b. in Penn., 1735. d. 1822. 4 Life, by J. M. Peck. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 13.) BOOTH, Abraham, a Baptist minister of London ; b. 1734. d. 1806. Editor, &c. See AEBADIE, J. The Deity of Jesus Christ, &c. BOOTH, James C., Melter and Refiner in the U. S. Mint. 5 Letter to Hon. Millard Fillmore, President, &c. in Reply to the Charges of Prof. R. S. M Culloh. Jan. 17, 1853. Philadelphia, 1853. 8, pp. 42. Bopr, Franz, Prof, of Oriental Literature at Berlin ; b. 1791. 6 Comparative Grammar (A) of the Sanscrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithu anian, Gothic, German, and Slavonic Languages. Translated from the- German principally by Lieutenant Eastwick. Conducted through the Press by H. H. Wilson. London, 1845. 8 (6.4X3.7), pp. 1122. NOTE. In three parts, with independent title-pages, and bound separately. BORCII, Michael Joannes, Count DE, a German Naturalist & Traveller. 7 Mineralogie sicilienne docimastique et metallurgique. . . . Suivie de la Minerhydrologie sicilienne . . . [Portrait and Plates. ] Turin, 1780. 8 (5. 5X3.3). BORN, Ignatius, Baron, a German naturalist; b. 1742. d. 1791. 8 Briefe iiber mineralogische Gegenstande auf seiner Reise durch das Te- meswarer Bannat, Siebenbiirgen, Ober- und Nieder-Hungarn, and den Herausgeber derselben, J. J. Ferber. Franckfurt und Leipzig, 1774. 8 (6X3.5). Index Fossilium quoc collegit, et in Classes ac Ordines disposuit I. a Born. Pars I., II. [Plates.] Prag*, 1772. 8 (6.7X3.7). New Process of Amalgamation of Gold and Silver Ores, and other Me tallic Mixtures, as . . . introduced in Hungary and Bohemia, from the Baron s Account in German, translated by R. E. Raspe. . . . [Plates.] London, 1791. 4 (6.6X4.6). [2 copies.] : through the Bannat of Temeswar, Transylvania, and Hungary, in the year 1770. described in ... Letters to Prof. Ferber, on the Mines and Mountains of those different Countries, . . . [With] Ferber s Min- eralogical History of Bohemia. Translated from the German, with . Notes, and a Preface . . . , by R. E. Raspe. * * * [Map.] BORNEMANN, Friedrich August, Prof, in Meisse^ ^ * ^^ Editor. See XENOPHON. Commentarii Dictorvm Factorvmqve Socratis. De Expeditione Cyri Ccmmentarii. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 81 BORNER, Immanuel Karl Heinrich. 1 Sammtliche Kameral-Wissenschaften nach ihren ersten Grundsatzen. Halle, 1773. 8 (5.8X3.1). Bos, Lambert, Prof, of Greek at Franeker ; 6. 1670. d. 1717. 2 Ellipses Graecae. Editio octava, Additionibvs et Observationibvs . . . Schoettgenii Leisneri et Bernholdii, necnon Indicibus necessariis in- strvcta, et no vis Observationibus C. B. Michaelis avcta. Halae, 1765. 8 (5.5X3), pp. 514-J-. BOSANQUET, John Bernard, Esq., of London. 3 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Courts of Common Pleas, and Exchequer Chamber, and in the House of Lords : from Easter Term 36 Geo. III. 1796, to Trinity Term 39 Geo. III. 1799, both inclu sive. With Tables ... By J. B. Bosanquet, and C. Puller. * * * Vol. 1, 2. London, 1800, 02. 2 (9.4X5), m. b. BOSCH, Hieronymus de, 4 Anthologia Graeca cum Versione Latina [facing tlie Greek] H. Grotii. Edita ab H. de Bosch. Tom. 1-3. Ultrajecti, 1795- 98. 4 (7X4 irr.). 5 Memoir of Bosch, by D. J. van Lennep. See (Observationum, etc. Vol. 2, pp. i.-xxxii.) 6 Observationes et Notae in Anthologiam Graecam, quibus accedunt Cl. Salmasii Notae ineditae. Ultrajecti, 1810. 4 (7X4.5). 7 Observationum et Notarum in Anthologiam Graecam Vol. alt., quod et Indices continet. Opus . . . D. J. van Lennep absolvit. [Prefixed is a Memoir of Bosch, with Portrait. ] Ultrajecti, 1822. 4 (7X4.5). NOTE. The last two entries are lettered, " Anthologia Graeca . . . Tom. 4, 5." BOSSUET, Jacques Benigne, Bp. of Meaux ; b. 1627. d. 1704. 8 Compendious Way (A) of teaching ancient and modern Languages, formerly practiced by ... Tanaquil Faber ... 2d ed. ... With an Account of the Education of the Dauphin. London, 1723. 8 (5.5X3.3). 9 Exposition de la Doctrine de 1 Eglise Catholique sur les Matieres de Con- troverse. ... [2 payings.] Paris, 1681. 24 (4.1X2). 10 Life of Bossuet. See (GEuvres de Bossuet. Vol. 1, pp. i.-liv.). 11 QEuvres completes de Bossuet. Tom. 1-12. * * * Paris, 1836. 8 (8.3X5.3), 2 cols. NOTE. Vol. 1 is imperfect, wanting title-pag e. 12 Recueil des Oraisons funebres. Nouv. ed. . . . Paris, 1774. 8 (5X2.7), pp. 560. BOSTON, Massachusetts, Town of. 13 Appeal (An) to the World; or, A Vindication of the Town of Boston . . . [against] Gov. Bernard, Gen. Gage, &c. Boston, 1769. 8, pp. 37. 14 By-Laws and Orders (The) of the Town of Boston passed . . . May 22, 1801 . . . with the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Health, &c. Boston, 1801. 8, pp. 82. 15 By-Laws and Town^Orders (The) of the Town of Boston . . . 1785 and 1786 . . . Boston, 1786. 8 (5.7X3.4). 16 System (The) of public Education adopted by the Town of Boston. [Boston] n. d. 8, pp. 8. 11 BO.WDOIN COLLEGE. BOSTON, Masachusetts, Town of, continued. 1 Votes and Proceedings of the Freeholders, and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston . . . [Nov. 20, 1772.] London, reprinted, 1773. 8, pp. viii., 41. BOSTON, Massachusetts, City of. Miscellaneous. 2 Aristocracy (The) of Boston ; who they are, and what they were . . . Boston, 1848. 8, pp. 32. 3 Charter (The) and Ordinances of the -City of Boston, together with the Acts of the Legislature relating to the City : collated and revised . . . by P. W. Chandler. Boston, 1850. 8 (6.5X3.4), m. b., pp. 582. 4 List of Persons, Copartnerships, and Corporations, who were taxed twenty-five dollars and upwards, in the City of Boston, in ... 1845 Boston, 1846. 8 (7.2X3.9). 5 List of Persons, Copartnerships, and Corporations, who were taxed twenty-five dollars and upwards, in the City of Boston, in ... 1848. Boston, 1849. 8 (7X3.8). 6 Miscellaneous Remarks on the Police of Boston . . . Boston, 1814. 8, pp. 42. 7 Railroad Jubilee (The). An Account of the Celebration commemora tive of the Opening of Railroad Communication between Boston and Canada, Sept. 17, 18, and 19, 1851. * * * [Chart.] Boston, 1852. 8 (6.9X3.7). 8 Report to the Committee of the City Council appointed to obtain the Census of Boston for ... 1845, embracing collateral Facts and statis tical Researches ... By L. Shattuck. [Map.] Boston, 1846. 8 (6.7X3.7). 9 Report to the Primary School Committee, June 15, 1846, on the Petition . . . for the Abolition of the Schools for colored Children. Boston, 1846. 8, pp. 38. 10 Report of the Water Commissioners on the Material best adapted for Distribution Water Pipes ; &c. Submitted Aug. 14, 1848. * * * Boston, 1848. 8, pp. 67. Public Library.. 11 Index to the Catalogue of a Portion of the Public Library of the City of Boston, arranged in the lower Hall. * * * Boston, 1858. 8 (8X5.2), 2 cols. 2 Seventh Annual Report of the Public Library of the City of Boston . . . Nov. 10, 1859. Boston, 1859. 8, pp. 45. BOSTON Chronicle (The). For . . . M.DCC.LXVHI. . . . Vol. 1. Boston, . 4 (9.4X7.6), 3 cols. BOSTON H Directory (The). . . Boston, 1789. 12, pp. 56. BOSTON Gazette (The), and Country Journal. From Dec. 20, 1756 to Dec. 27, w 1757; Oct. 14, 1771 to Dec. 20, 1773. Boston, - . 2 (13.9-14.2 X8.5-.8), 3 cols. BOSTON Journal of Natural History. See BOSTON Society, &c. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. S3 BOSTON Massacre (The). 1 Short Narrative (A) of the horrid Massacre in Boston, perpetrated in the Evening of March 5, 1770 . . . With some Observations on the State of Things prior to that Catastrophe. Boston, 1770. 8, pp. 38, 81. NOTE. This pamphlet is accompanied by the original certificates of the respective Jnstices of the Peace to the several affidavits, and the original document certifying to the commissions of the Justices, and bearing the seal of the Province of Massa chusetts Bay, and the official signatures of Lieut. Gov. Hutchinson, and John Cotton, Secretary. 2 Trial (The) of William Wemms . . . [and seven others] Soldiers in his Majesty s 29th Regiment of Foot, for the Murder of Crispus Attucks . . . [and four others ] March 5, 1770, at the Superior Court ... at Boston, Nov. 27, 1770. . . . Taken in Short-hand by John Hodgson. Boston, 1770. 8 (5.8X3.5), 2 cols. [2 copies.] BOSTON Medical and Surgical Journal (The). Vol. 1. Feb., 1828 Feb., 1829. 3 [Weeldy.] Boston, 1829. 8 (7.2X4.1), 2 cols. BOSTON Patriot. See INDEPENDENT Chronicle, &c. BOSTON Society of Natural History. 4 Boston Journal of Natural History, containing Papers and Communica tions, read to the Boston Society of Natural History, 1833-1857. Vol. 1-6. ... [Plates, &c.~\ Boston, 1834- 57. 8 (6.2X3.7). 5 Catalogue of the Library. (Boston Journal, &c. Vol. 1, pp. 497-512.) 6 Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. Vol. 1-7. 1841 to 1861. Boston, 1844- 61. 8 (6.1-.3X3.6-.7). BOSTON Weekly Messenger (The), a Journal of Politics, Agriculture, Litera- 7 ture, and Miscellaneous Intelligence. Vol. V.-VIII. From Oct. 20, 1815 to Oct. 7, 1819. Published by Nathan Hale. Boston, 1815- 19. 8 (7.6X4.5), 2 cols. BOSTON, Rev. Thomas, of EttricJc, Scotland; b. 1676. d. 1732. 8 Distinguishing Characters (The) of true Believers. . . . [With] A So liloquy on the Art of Man-fishing. . . . Falkirk, 1791. 12 (5.6X3.1). Annotator. See FISHER, E. Marrow of modern Divinity. BOSWELL, James, Esq. ; b. in Edinburgh, 1740. d. in London, 1795. 9 Life (The) of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. ... * * * Vol. 1-3. Dublin, 1792. 8 (6X3.1), m. n. 10 Life (The) of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Including a Journal of his Tour to the Hebrides. New ed., with numerous Additions and Notes, by m. Hon. J. W. Croker. To which are added, Two supplementary Vo lumes of Johnsoniana, by Hawkins, Piozzi, Murphy, and Others. And Notes . . . Vol. 1-10. [Portraits and fine Engravings. } London, 1851. 16 (4.6X2.8). BOSWORTH, Joseph, D.D., LL.D. ; b. in Derbyshire, Eng., 1788. 11 Compendious Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary (A). * * * London, 1855. 8 (7.3X4.3), 3 cols. 12 Dictionary (A) of the Anglo-Saxon Language . . . With a Preface on the Origin and Connexion of the Germanic Tongues a Map of Lan guages and the Essentials of Anglo-Saxon Grammar. [Map.] London, 1838. 8 (7.7X4.4), 2 cols., pp. .ccviii., 721. 84 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BOTTA, Carlo [English, Charles], an Italian Historian-, b. 1766. d. 1837. 1 History of the War of the Independence of the United States of Ame rica. Vol. 1, 2. Translated from the Italian, by G. A. Otis, Esq. 2d ed. . . . Boston, 1826. 8 (6.6X3.9). 2 History of the War of the Independence of the United States of Ame rica. Vol. 1, 2. Translated from the Italian, by G. A. Otis, Esq. 9th ed. . . . [Illustrated.] New Haven, 1839. 8 (6.9X4). 3 Preface. See GUICCIARDINI, F. (Storia d ltalia. Vol. 1, pp. 5-35.) 4 Storia della Guerra dell Independenza degli Stati Uniti d America. Tom. 1-5. Torino, 1833. 8 (4.8X3). 5 Storia d ltalia continuata da quella del Guicciardini sino al 1789 Tom. 1-12 [Portrait. ] Capolago, 1832-33. 8 (5X3). 6 Storia d ltalia dal 1789 al 1814 Tom. 1-6 Capolago, 1833. 8 (4.9X2.9). BOTTA, Paul Emile, Son of the preceding, a French ArcJiceologist. 1 Illustrations of Discoveries at Nineveh ; consisting of forty-nine Plates of Sculpture and Inscriptions on ancient Assyrian Monuments. With Descriptions, being a Translation of M. Botta s Letters on the first Discoveries at Nineveh. * * * London, 1850. Text 8 (6.2X3.7) ; plates, folded sheets. BOUCHARLET, J. L. 8 Elemens de Calcul differentiel et de Calcul integral. 5me ed. [5 Plates.} Paris, 1838. 8 (5.6X3.4), pp. 544. 9 Theorie des Courbes et des Surfaces du second Ordre, ou Traite complet d Application de 1 Algebre a la Geometric. 3me ed., revue, etc. [14 Plates.] Paris, 1845. 8 (5.6X3.3), pp. 524. BOUDOT, Jean, a Frencli Printer; d. at Paris, 1706. 10 Dictionarium universale, Latino-Gallicum . . . [By J. Boudot.~] Parisiis, 1789. 8 (6.8X4), 2 cols., pp. 1110. 11 Dictionarium universale, Latino-Gallicum . . . Decima-nona ed. accurante J. S. J. F. Boinvilliers. . . . Lugduni, 1805. 8 (7.2X4.2), 2 cols., pp. 1132. BOUGAINVILLE, Jean Pierre de ; b. at Paris, 1722. d. 1765. Translator. See POLIGNAC, M. de. L Anti-Lucrece. BOUGAINVILLE, Louis Antoine de, a French Navigator, &c. ; b. 1729. d. 1814. Annotator. See MACKENZIE, A. Voyages from Montreal. BOUGEANT, Guillaume Hyacinthe, a Jesuit-, b. at Quimper, 1690. d. 1743. 12 Histoire des Guerres et Negotiations qui precederent le Traite de West- phalie . . . Composee sur les Memoires du Comte d Avaux. Par le Pere Bougeant. Tom. 1-6. Paris, 1751. 12 (4.7X2.3), m. b. BOUGHTON, Major- General Sir George Brathwaite. !3 Military and political Considerations relative to Great Britain and her oriental Colonies. London, 1808. 8 (6.8X3.3), pp. 550. BOUHIER, Jean, a French Lawyer; b. at Dijon, 1673. d. 1746. Joint Translator. See CICERO, M. T. Tusdilanes. BOUILLE, Francois C. A., Marquis de, a French General; b. 1739. d. 1800. * Memoires sur la Revolution Franchise. Par le Marquis de Bouille. Tom. 1,2. Londres, 1797. 8 (5.3X3.1). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 85 BOULLENOIS, Frederic de. 1 Conseils aux nouveaux Educateurs de Vers a Soie . . . [Plates.] Paris, 1842. 8 (4.9X3). BouRBON-CoNDE, Louis-Joseph de ; b. 1756. d. 1830. 2 Essai sur la Vie du Grand-Conde. * * * Paris, 1806. 8 (5.4X3.1). BOURDALOUE, Louis, a French Jesuit Preacher ; b. 1632. d. 1704. 3 (Euvres de Bourdaloue. Tom. 1-3. . . . [Portrait.] Paris, 1840. 8 (8X5.3), 2 cols. BOURDON, Pierre Louis Marie, Prof, of Math, at Saint-Cyr, &c. ; b. 1799. d. 1854. 4 Elemens d Algebre : par M. Bourdon. . . . 8me ed. Paris, 1837. 8 (5.8X3.5), pp. 722. Annotator. See VINCENT, A. J. H. Cours de Geometric elementaire. BOURGOANNE, , Chevalier de. 5 Travels in Spain . . . [TFitfA] Copious Extracts from the Essays on Spain of M. Peyron. . . . Translated from the French. Vol. 1-3. Illustrated . . . London, 1789. 8 (5.7X3.3). NOTE. The extracts from Peyron form vol. 3. 6 Travels in Spain. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyages, &c., vol. 5.) BOURNON, Jacques Louis, Count de; b. at Metz, 1751. d. 1825. 7 Traite de Mineralogie. Premiere Partie. Renfermant 1 Introduction a la Mineralogie en general, de Theorie de la Cristallization, etc. Par . . . Bournon. Vol. 1-3. [Vol. 3, mostly Plates.] Londres, 1808. 4 (7X4.9). BOUTCHER, William, of Edinburgh. 8 Treatise (A) on Forest-Trees . . . with Directions for . . . Hedges ... 3ded. *** Dublin, 1784. 8 (6X3.3). BOWDITCH, Hon. Nathaniel, LL.D., &c. ; b. at Salem, Mass., 1773. d. 1838. 9 Communications. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 2, 3, 4.) 1 Estimate (An) of the Height, Direction, &c. of the Meteor, that exploded over Weston in Connecticut, Dec. 14, 1807. ... 4 (6.6X4.5), pp. 213-236. 11 Eulogy on Nath. Bowditch. See PICKERING, J. 12 Memoir of Nath. Bowditch. See BOWDITCH, N. I. is Memoir of Nath. Bowditch, by N. I. Bowditch. See LAPLACE, P. S. {Mecanique celeste. Vol. 4, pp. 9-168.) Translator. See LAPLACE, P. S. Mecanique celeste. BOWDITCH, Nathaniel Ingersoll, Esq., Son of the preceding ; b. 1805. d. 1861. 14 Memoir of Nath. Bowditch. (LAPLACE S Mecanique celeste; translated by Bowditch. Vol. 4, pp. 9-168.) [Portraits.] NOTE. Has title-page of the " Mecanique celeste, vol. 4 " only. 15 Memoir of Nath. Bowditch. See LAPLACE, P. S. (Mecanique celeste. Vol. 4, pp. 9-168.) 16 Suffolk Surnames. * * * ... Boston, 1857. 8 (6.4X3.7). 17 Suffolk Surnames. * * * 2d ed., enlarged. Boston, 1858. 8 (6.4X3.7). 18 Suffolk Surnames. *** 3d ed. [Portrait of Author.] London and Boston, 1861. 8 (6.4X3.7), pp. 757. 86 BO WDOIN COLLEGE. BOWDOIN, James, LL.D., Governor of Massachusetts ; b. 1727. d. 1790. 1 Eulogy on Hon. J. Bowdoin, LL.D. See LOWELL, J. 2 Inaugural Discourse. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 1.) 3 Observations upon an Hypothesis for solving the Phenomena of Light ; &c. (AMERICAN Academy, &c. Memoirs, vol. 1, pp. 25-71.) [2 copies.] 4 Papers on natural Philosophy and Astronomy. See AMERICAN Acade my, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 1.) 5 Paraphrase (A) on Part of the economy of human Life . . . [By J. Bowdoin. } Boston, 1759. 8, pp. 88. [2 copies.] 6 Philosophical Discourse (A), addressed to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences . . . Nov. 8. 1780 . . . [Inaugural.] * * * Boston, 1780. 8, pp. 35. [2 copies.] 7 Philosophical Discourse (A), addressed to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Nov. 8, 1780. London, reprinted, 1785. 8, pp. 30. 8 Philosophical Discourse (A) addressed to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences . . . [with ] three Memoirs .on philosophical Subjects. [Plates.] (AMERICAN Academy, &c. Memoirs, vol. 1.) Boston, 1786. 4 (6.8X4.6), pp. 71. 9 Sermon, commemorative of Hon. J. Bowdoin, LL.D. See THACHER, P. BOWDOIN, Hon. James, Patron of Bowd. Coll., Son of Gov. B. ; b. 1752. d. 1811. 10 Eulogy on Hon. J. Bowdoin. See JENKS, W. 11 Sermon, commemorative of Hon. J. Bowdoin. See HARRIS, T. M. BOWDOIN COLLEGE, at Brunswick, Me. ; chartered 1794, first class grad. 1806. 12 Acts relative to Bowdoin College, and the standing Rules and Orders of the Overseers of the College. [No imprint. ] 8, pp. 16. 13 Catalogue of the Athenian Library, Bowdoin College. 1861. [Classed. ] Brunswick, 1861. 8, pp. 86. 14 Catalogue of the Athenian Society of Bowdoin College. . . . Brunswick, 1838. 8, pp. 24. 15 Catalogue of the Athenian Society. [1847-1856. Triennial.] * * * Bowdoin College. 1847- 56. 8, pamps. 16 Catalogue of the Library of Bowdoin College . . . [Classed. Manu script Additions.] Brunswick, 1821. 8 (6.2X3.7). i? Catalogue of the Library of the Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin College. February, 1823. [Alphabetical of Authors.] Brunswick, 1823. 8, pp. 24. ]8 Appendix to the Catalogue of the Medical Library of Bowdoin College. . . . December, 1823. [Alphabetical of Authors.] Brunswick, 1823. 8, pp. 16. -9 Catalogue of the Library of the Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin College. February 1825. [Classed.] Brunswick, 1825. 8, pp. 82. 20 Catalogue of the Library of the Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin College. February, 1830. [Classed.] Brunswick, 1830. 8, pp. 84. Catalogue of the Library of the Medical School of Maine, at Bowdoin College. February, 1834. [Classed.] Brunswick, 1834. 8, pp. 73. 12 Catalogue of the Peucinian Library. Bowdoin College. 1859. [Classed.] Lewiston, 1859. 8, pp. 86. 23 Catalogue of the Peucinian Society of Bowdoin College. 1858. [Tri- [#b imprint.] 8, pp. 71. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 87 BOWDOIN COLLEGE, continued. 1 Catalogues of the Officers and Students of Bowdoin College, and the Medical School of Maine. 1822-1861. [49 pamphlets. Occasional Plate. ] Brunswick, 1822- 61. 12 and 8. NOTE. Catalogues for Fall Term 1850, and Fall Term 1851, were printed at Port land ; for Fall Term 1852-3, at Hanover, N.H. 2 Catalogus Collegii Bowdoinensis. MDCCCX. Portland, 1810. 8, pp. 3. 3 Catalogus Collegii Bowdoinensis. MDCCCXIIL MDCCCXIX. [Tri ennial.] Hallowell, 1313- 19. 8, pamps. 4 Catalogus Collegii Bowdoinensis. MDCCCXXIL MCCCLXI. [Tri ennial.] Brunsvici, 1822- 61. 8, pamps. 5 Charter of Bowdoin College, together with the various Acts of the Legislature, and the Decision of the Circuit Court, and the By-Laws of the Overseers. Brunswick, 1850. 8, pp. 60. 6 Laws of Bowdoin College. Hallowell, 1817. 8, pp. 29. 7 Laws of Bowdoin College . . . Brunswick, 1824. 8, pp. 30. 8 Laws of Bowdoin College . . . Brunswick, 1825. 8, pp. 28. 9 Laws of Bowdoin College . . . Brunswick, 1832. 8, pp. 30. 10 Laws of Bowdoin College . . . Brunswick, 1837. 8, pp. 30. 11 Laws of Bowdoin College . . . Brunswick, 1844. 8, pp. 30. 12 Laws of Bowdoin College . . . Brunswick, 1855. 8, pp. 30. 13 Lithographs of the Class of 1854. 4. 14 Medical Institution at Bowdoin College. [Catalogue of Members. ] Brunswick, 1821. 8, pp. 4. 15 Order of Commencement Exercises [for each year], 1806-1812. Portland, 1806- 12. Broadsides. 16 Order of Commencement Exercises [for each year], 1812-1821. Hallowell, 1813- 21. 8, pamps., pp. 3 each. 1 7 Order of Commencement Exercises [for each year], 1822-1861. Brunswick, 1822- 61. 4, pamps., pp. 4 each. 1 8 Photographs of the Class of 1859. 4. 19 Photographs of the Class of 1861. 4. 20 Programme of Commencement Week [for each year], 1837-1861. Brunswick, 1837- 61. Broadsides. 21 Rules and Regulations relating to several Laws of Bowdoin College. [Brunswick, 1858.] 8, pp. 31-37. BOWEN, Benjamin B. 22 Blind Man s (A) Offering. * * * New York, 1847. 12 (5.6X3.3). BOWEN, Emanuel. 23 Complete System (A) of Geography. . . . Illustrated by 70 Maps . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1748. 2 (13.3X6.8), 2 cols., m.b. BOWEN, Francis, Prof, of Nat. Eel., Moral PJiilos., &c., Harv. Coll. ; &. 1811. 24 Critical Essays on a few Subjects connected with the History and pre sent Condition of speculative Philosophy. * * * Boston, 1842. 12 (5.7X3.2). 25 Life of Benj. Lincoln. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 13.) 26 Life of James Otis. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 2.) 27 Life of Sir W. Phips. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., vol. 7.) 88 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BOWEN, Francis, continued. 1 Life of Baron Steuben. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., vol. 9.) 2 Lowell Lectures, on the Application of metaphysical and ethical Science to the Evidences of Religion . . . Boston, 1849. 8 (6.4X3.8). BOWEN, fiev. T. J., Missionary of the Southern Baptist Convention. 3 Grammar and Dictionary of the Yoruba Language, with an introductory Description of the Country and People of Yoruba. Pp. 232 and one Map. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 10.) BOWER, Archibald, Prof, cf Hist., &c., at Rome, &c. ; b. 1686. d. 1766. 4 History (The) of the Popes from the Foundation of the See of Rome ... Vol. 1-7. London, !748- 66. 4 (8X5), m.b. [2 copies.] NOTE. Vols. 1 and 2 of one copy are third edition, with date, 1750. BOWLES, Guillaume; b. 1720. d. 1790. 5 Introduction a 1 Histoire naturelle et a la Geographic physique de 1 Es- pagne ; traduit de 1 original Espagnol, par le Vicomte de Flavigny. Paris, 1776. 8(5.6X3.1). BOWMAN, William, Prof, of PJiys. and Anat., King s College, London. 6 Surgery. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitan, vol. 7.) BOWRING, Sir John, LL.D., a Disciple of Bentham; b. 1792. 7 Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain. Selected and translated. London, 1824. 8 (5.1X2.6 irr.). Editor. See BENTHAM, J. Observations, &c. Box, George. 8 Plans for reducing the extraordinary Expenses of the Nation and gradu ally paying off the national Debt, &c. London, 1783. 8, pp. 42. BOYD, Hugh. 9 Indian Observer (The). With the Life of the Author, and some mis cellaneous Poems, by L. D. Campbell. * * * London, 1798. 8 (6X3.5). BOYER, Abel, resided in England from 1698; b. in Languedoc, 1667. d. 1729. 10 Boyer s French Dictionary . . . with the Pronunciation of each Word ... of the Abbe Tardy . . . [and] Rules for the Pronunciation of French Vowels, Diphthongs and final Consonants . . . from the Prosody of the Abbe d Olivet, with a Table of French Verbs, &c. Stereotyped Boston, 1827. 8 (7X3.8), 2 cols., pp. 530. [2 copies.] NOTE. Second copy has date, 1835. 11 Dictionnaire royal (Le) Franc. ois-Anglois et Anglois-Frangois . . . Nouv. ed. . . . [Portrait of Author.] Londres, 1729. Thick 4 (9X6.2), 3 cols., n. p. English-French Dictionary, designed as a second Part to the Boston Edition of Boyer s French Dictionary, with Tardy s Pronunciation. Stereotyped . . . Boston, 1827. *8 (7X3.8), 2 cols. [2 copies.] NOTE. Second copy has date, 1835. 13 Royal Dictionary (The) abridged. In two Parts. L French and English. II. English and French. ... 9th ed. ... London, 1755. Thick 8 (7.1 X4.2), 3 cols., n. p. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 89 B OYER, Abel, continued. 1 Royal Dictionary (The) abridged. In two Parts. I. French and English. II. English and French. . . . Carefully corrected, &c. by Mr. Prieur. 13th ed. . . . London, 1771. Thick 8 (7X4.4), 3 cols., n. p. 2 Royal Dictionary abridged. In two Parts, I. French and English. II. English and French. 15th ed., carefully corrected, &c. by J. C. Prieur. London, 1783. Thick 8 (7X4.7), 3 cols., n. p. BOYLE, Charles, Lord-, b. 1676. d. 1731. Editor, Translator, &c. See PHALARIS. Epistola?. BOYLE, John, Earl of Cork and Orrery ; b. 1707. d. 1762. 3 Remarks on the Life and "Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift, in a Series of Letters ... 5th ed. * * * London, 1752. 12 (4.8X2.8). BOYLE, Hon. Robert, an English Philosopher; b. 1627. d. 1691. 4 Continvation (A) of new Experiments physico-mechanical touching the Spring and Weight of the Air, and their Effects. Part I. ... Oxford, 1669. 4 (6X4.4). BOYLE, Roger; b. 1621. d. 1679. 5 Treatise (A) of the Art of War . .^ . Written by ... Roger [Boyle] Earl of Orrery. In the Savoy, 1677. 2 (9X4.7). BOYLE S Lecture Sermons. Defence (A) of natural and revealed Religion: 6 being a Collection of the Sermons preached at the Lecture founded by the Hon. Robert Boyle ; (from 1691 to 1732.) with the Additions and Amendments of the several Authors, and general Indexes. . . . Vol. 1-3. ... London, 1739. 2 (10.9X5.9). BRACE, Rev. Charles Loring ; b. at LitcJifield, Conn., 1826. 7 Hungary in 1851 ; with an Experience of the Austrian Police. [Plates.] New York, 1852. 12 (5.6X3.5). BRADBURY, Charles. 8 History of Kennebunk Port, from its first Discovery by Bartholomew Gosnold, May 14, 1602, to A.D. 1837. [Engraving.] Kennebunk, 1837. 16 (5.5X3.1). BRADBURY, Thomas, a dissenting Minister of London ; b. 1677. d. 1759. 9 Ass (The) : or, The Serpent. A Comparison between the Tribes of Issa- cher and Dan, in their Regard for civil Liberty. Nov. 5, 1712. * * * Boston, reprinted, 1768. 8, pp. 22. 10 Preface. See ERSKINE, E. Collection of Sermons. BRADFORD, Alden, LL.D., Minister at Wiscasset, Me. ; aft. Bookseller in Boston-, Secy, of State in Mass., 1812- 24; b. 1765. d. 1843. 11 Biographical Notices of distinguished Men in New England . . . Boston, 1842. 8 (5.2X3.2). 12 Description of Wiscasset, Me. See MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society. (Collections, 1st Series, vol. 7.) 13 Discourse (A) delivered at Hallowell, at the Opening of the Academy in that Place, May 5, 1795. * * * Hallowell, 1795. 8, pp. 23. 12 90 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BRADFORD, Alden, LL.D., continued. 1 Discourse (A) delivered before the Society for propagating the Gospel among the Indians and Others in North America, Nov. 4, 1830. [Re port, c&c.] Boston, 1830. 8 (6.1X3.6), pp. 51. 2 History of the Federal Government, for fifty Years : from March, 1789, to March, 1839. * * * Boston, 1840. 8 (6.2X3.6). 3 History of Massachusetts, from 1764, to July, 1775 . . . Boston, 1822. 8 (6.1X3.3). 4 History of Massachusetts from July, 1775 ... to 1789 . . . Boston, 1825. 8 (5.8X3.4). 5 History of Massachusetts . . . from the Year 1620 to 1820. \_Map .~] Boston, 1835. 8 (6.5X3.5). 6 Memoir of the Life and Writings of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. ... *** [Portrait. ] Boston, 1838. 8 (5.9X3.7). 7 Notes on Duxbury, Mass. See MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society. (Collections, 2d Series, vol. 10.) BRADFORD, Samuel, D.D., Bp, of Carlisle and of Rochester ; b. 1652. d. 1731. 8 Credibility of the Christian Revelation from its intrinsic Evidence. See (BOYLE S Lecture Sermons, vol. 1.) BRADFORD, Thomas Gamaliel, of Boston, Mass. Joint Editor. See LIBBER, F. Encyclopaedia Americana. Vol. 6-13. Translator. See CHEVALIER, M. Society, &c. in the United States. BRADFORD, William, 2d Gov. of Plymouth Colony; b. in Eng., 1588. d. 1657. 9 Extracts from Bradford s Letter Book, &c. See MASSACHUSETTS His torical Society. (Collections, 1st Series, vol. 3.) 10 History of Plymouth Plantation. See MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society. (Collections, 4th Series, vol. 3.) NOTE. Forms the whole of the volume referred to. 11 History of Plymouth Plantation. See YOUNG, A. Chronicles of the Pilgrims. Pp. 1-108. a Life of Gov. Bradford. See BELKNAP, J. (Amer. Biogr., vol. 2.) !3 Memoir of Elder W. Brewster. See YOUNG, A. Chronicles of the Pilgrims. Pp. 459-470. BRADWARDINE, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury ; b. 1290. d. 1348. 14 Cavsa Dei (De), contra Pelagivm, et de Virtute Cavsarvm ad suos Mertonenses, Libri tres : Opera et Studio H. Savilii . . . nunc primum editi. Londini, 1618. 2 (10.9X6.1), m. r., pp. 876. BRADY, Nicholas, D.D., Rector in Surrey ; b. 1659. d. 1726. 15 New Version (A) of the Psalms of David. ... By N. Brady, D.D. and N. Tate, Esq. Boston, n. d. 12 (5.1X2.4 irr.). BRAKE, Tycho, the Astronomer; b. at Knudstorp in Denmark, 1546. d. 1601. 16 Life of Tycho Brahe. See BREWSTER, D. The Martyrs of Science. BRAINERD, Rev. David, Missionary to the Indians; b. 1718. d. 1747. i? Life of David Brainerd. Chiefly extracted from his Diary. By Pres. Edwards. New York, n. d. 12 (4.6X2.8)! Life of David Brainerd, with Abridgement of Diary. See STYLES, J. 9 Life, by W. B. 0. Peabody. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., vol. 8.) CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 91 BEAITHWAITE, Joseph Bevan. Editor. See GURNET, J. J. Memoirs, &c. BRAITHWAITE, Richard, Esq. ; b, 1588. d. 1673. 1 Survey (A) of History ... * * * London, 1638. 4 (5.8X3.3), m. r. BRANDIS, Prof. Christianus Augustus. 2 Essay on the Character and Influence of Niebuhr. See NIEBUHR, B. G. Life and Letters, &c. 3 Scholia [Greek] in Aristotelem. Collegit C. A. Brandis, edidit Acade- mia regia Borussica. Berolini, 1836. 4 (8.3X6.7), 2 cols., pp. 833. BRANDYMYLLERUS, Jacobus, Minister at Basil, Switzerland-, d. 1629. 4 Analysis methodica typica Evangeliorum . . . cum Observationibus . . . Locorum item communum theologicorum duplex Series . . . *** [2 payings.] Basiliae, 1620. 4 (7.8 irr.Xo irr.). NOTE. Each portion has independent title-page. Imperfect, wanting to p. 8J. BRANT, Caspar. 5 Historia Vitae J. Arminii. Accedunt H. Grotii, & Dom. Baudii in Ar- minii Obitum Epicedia. [Portrait.] Amstelodami, 1724. 8 (5.2X2.6), m. b. BRANT, Joseph, or THAYENDANEGA, a Mohawk Chief; b. 1742. d. 1807. 6 Life of Joseph Brant Thayendanega. See STONE, W. L. BRATTLE, Thomas, a Merchant of Boston; b. 1657. d. 1713. 7 Account of the Witchcraft Delusion, 1692. See MASSACHUSETTS His torical Society. (Collections, 1st Series, vols. 5 and 8.) BRAY, William, F.A.S., &c. ; b. 1736. d. 1832. 8 Sketch of a Tour into Derbyshire and Yorkshire, &c. See PINKER- TON, J. (Collection of Voyages and Travels, vol. 2.) BRAZER, Rev. John, D.D., of Salem, Mass., late Prof, in Harvard College. 9 Apparent Darkness (The) of God s Providence. (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 175.) Boston, 1842. 12, pp. 14. 10 Efficacy (The) of Prayer. (AMERICAN Unitarian Association Tracts, 1st Series, No. 88.) Boston, 1834. 12, pp. 32. 11 Power (The) of Unitarianism over the Affections. 2d ed. ... (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 27.) Boston, 1832. 12, pp. 24. BREBEUF, Guillaume de ; b. 1618. d. 1661. Translator. See LUCANUS, M. A. La Pharsalie. BREITINGER, John James, Prof, of Greek & Hebr. at Zurich ; b. 1701. d. 1776. Editor. See BIBLE, The Old Testament. H II AAAIA AIA0HKH. BRENT, Sir Nathanael, an English Lawyer ; b. 1573. d. 1652. Translator. See SARPI, P. The Historic of the Covncel of Trent. BRET, Antoine, a French dramatic Author: b. 1717. d. 1792. Editor. See MOLIERE. J. B. P. CEuvres. BRETT, Thomas, D.D., LL.D. ; b. 1667. d. 1743. 12 Ancient Versions of the Bible. See WATSON, R. (Theological Tracts, vol. 3.) 92 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BREWER, Thomas M., M.D. 1 North American Oology. Part L, Raptores and Fissirostres. Pp. 140 and 5 plates. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 11.) BREWSTER, Sir David, LL.D., F.R.S. ; b. at JedburgJi, Scotland, 1781. 2 Double Refraction and Polarisation of Light. See SOCIETY for the Dif fusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. (Natural Philosophy, vol. 1.) 3 Letters on natural Magic. Addressed to Sir Walter Scott. (Harper s Family Library, No. 50.) New York, 1839. 18 (4.5X2.7). 4 Life (The) of Sir Isaac Newton. * * * [Portrait. ] (Harper s Family Library, No. 26.) New York, 1831. 18 (4.5X2.7). 5 Martyrs (The) of Science ; or, The Lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler. (Harper s Family Library, No. 130.) New York, 1841. 18 (4.5X2.7). 6 More Worlds than one the Creed of the Philosopher and the Hope of the Christian. *** New York, 1854. 12 (4.2X2.8). 7 Optics. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Li brary, &c. (Natural Philosophy, vol. 1.) 8 Treatise (A) on Magnetism . . . [Chart."] Edinburgh, 1837. 12 (5.3X3.2). Annotator. See FERGUSON, J. Ferguson s Astronomy. Annotator, and Biographer. See EULER, L. Letters, &c. Editor. See LONDON, Edinburgh, &c. Philosophical Magazine, &c. BREWSTER, William, Elder of the Plymouth Pilgrims ; b. 1560. d. 1644. 9 Life. See BELKNAP, J. (American Biography, vol. 2.) 1 Memoir of, by Bradford. See YOUNG, A. (Chronicles of the Pilgrims.) BRIANT, Rev. Lemuel, of Braintree, Mass. n Absurdity (The) and Blasphemy of depretiating moral Virtue : a Ser mon preached . . . in Boston, June 18, 1749. * * * Boston, 1749. 8, pp. 31. BRIDGE, Rev. Ebenezer, of Chelmsford, Mass.; b. 1716. d. 1792. 12 Election Sermon, Mass., May 27, 1767. Boston, 1767. 8, pp. 60. BRIDGE, Rev. Josiah, of Sudbury, Mass.; b. 1740. d. 1808. 13 Election Sermon, Mass., May 27, 1789. Boston, 1789. 8, pp. 54. BRIDGE, Rev. Thomas, of the First Church in Boston; b. 1657. d. 1715. 14 Jethro s Advice recommended to the Inhabitants of Boston ; viz. to chuse well-qualified Men, &c. for Town Officers. In a Lecture on Exo dus xvm. 21. 9th. 1st Month. 1709-10. 2d ed. * * * Boston, 1733. 16 (5X2.9), pp. 24. BRIDGES, Rev. Charles, Vicar of Old Newton, Suffolk, Eng. 15 Christian Ministry (The), with an Inquiry into the Causes of its Ineffi ciency. ... Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1831. 12 (5.5X3.1). BRIDGES, Robert, Prof, of Chem. in Phila. College of Pharmacy, &c. Annotator, &c. See GRAHAM, T. Elements of Chemistry. BRIDGEWATER Treatises (The) on the Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God, is as manifested in the Creation. See INDEX. BRIDGEWATER TREATISES. BRIEF Narrative of the Baptist Mission in India. Including an Account of the 17 Translations of the Scriptures into the various Languages of the East. Boston, n. d. 12 (5.5X3.1), pp. 81. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 93 BHIEFE aus Berlin iiber verschiedene Paradoxe dieses Zeitalters ... 2te . . . 1 ausgabe Berlin und Wien, 1784. 8 (5. 2X3). BEIEFE eines reisenden Franzosen iiber Deutschland an seinen Bruder zu 2 Paris. Uebersetzt von K. N. Bd. 1, 2. 2te . . . ausgabe. [No imprint, ] 1784. 12 (5.6X3). BRIEFE aus der Schweiz nach Hannover geschrieben, in ... 1763. Z welter 3 Abdruk. [Map.] Zurick und Winterthur, 1776. 4 (7.6X5.7). BRIGHT, Jonathan B. 4 Brights (The) of Suffolk, England ; represented in America by the Descendants of Henry Bright, Jun. ... * * * ... [Maps, Portrait, &c.] Boston, 1858. 8 (6.7X3.9). BRIGHTLAND, John. 5 Grammar (A) of the English Tongue, with the Arts of Logick, Rheto ric, &c. ... 3d ed. [By J. BrigJitland.] London, 1714. 8 (5.8X3.3). BRISBANE, Albert. 6 Treatise on the Functions of the Human Passions, and an Outline of Fourier s System of social Science. See FOURIER, C. The social Destiny of Man. BRISSOX, Pierre Raymond de ; b. 1745. d. 1820. 7 Account (An) of the Shipwreck and Captivity of Mr. de Brisson. With a Description of the Desarts of Africa . . . Translated from the French ... * * * London, 1789. 8 (4.5X2.6). BRISSOT DE WARVILLE, Jean Pierre, a Girondist Leader; b. 1754. exec. 1793. 8 Brissot a ses Commettans. Precede d autres Pieces . . . Reimprime a Londres, 1794. 8 (5.6X3.1). 9 Commerce (The) of America with Europe . . . By J. P. Brissot de "VVarville, and E. Claviere. . . . With the Life of Brissot, and an Appendix, by the Translator. [Portrait.] New York, 1795. 8 (5.1X2.8). 10 Discourse (A) upon the Question, Whether the King shall be tried ? delivered before the Society of the Friends of the Constitution, at Paris . . . July 10, 1791. Translated by P. G. de Nancrede. 1st Amer. ed. Boston, 1791. 12, pp. 34. 11 Examen critique des Voyages dans 1 Amerique Septentrionale de M. le Marquis de Chatellux ... * * * Londres, 1786. 8 (5.2X3.1). 12 Life of Brissot. See (Commerce of the U.S. Pp. iii.-xxxii.) 13 Theorie des Loix criminelles. * * * Tom. 1, 2. Berlin, 1781. 8 (5.5X2.9). 14 Verite (De la) ou Meditations sur les Moyens de parvenir a la Verite dans toutes les Connoissances humaines. Neuchatel, 1782. 8 (5.5X3). Joint Author. See CLAVIERE, E. Considerations on the relative Situation of France and the United States of America. Also, De la France et des Etats-Unis. BRISTED, Eev. John, of Bristol, E.I. ; b. in Dorsetshire, Eng., 1778. d. 1855. 15 Hints on the national Bankruptcy of Britain and on her Resources to maintain the present Contest with France. New York, 1809. 8 (5.7X3.4). [2 copies.] 94 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BRITISH Association for the Advancement of Science. , 1 Reports of the first and second [1 vol.], third twenty-ninth Meeting [1 vol. each] of the British Association for the Advancement of Science ...1831-1859. [2Svols. Plates.] London, 1833- 60. 8 (6.4X4). BRITISH Colonies in America. 2 Address (An) to the Inhabitants of the British Settlements in America up on Slave-keeping. Boston, reprinted, 1773. 12 (5.4X3.1), pp. 30. 3 Brief Remarks on the Defence of the Halifax Libel, on the British- American-Colonies. Boston, 1765. 8, pp. 40. 4 Considerations upon the Act of Parliament, whereby a Duty is Laid ... on Molasses, and . . . Sugar . . . imported into any of the Bri tish Colonies . . . Boston, 1764. 8, pp. 28. 5 Considerations on the Propriety of imposing Taxes in the British Colo nies . . . London, reprinted, 1766. 8, pp. 81. 6 History (The) of the Origen, Rise and Progress of the War in America between Great Britain and her Colonies, from its Commencement in 1764, to ... 1774. Vol. [1] 2. Boston, reprinted, 1780. 8 (5.4X3.2). 7 Justice and Necessity (The) of taxing the American Colonies demon strated. Together with a Vindication of the Authority of Parliament. London, 1766. 8, pp. 36. 8 Letter (A) to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Hillsborough, on the present Situation of Affairs in America. . . . Also, An Appendix in Answer to a Pamphlet intituled, The constitutional Right of Great Britain to tax the Colonies. * * * Boston, reprinted, 1769. 8, pp. 55. 9 Observations on several Acts of Parliament . . . and also on the Con duct of the Officers of the Customs, &c. [Boston,] 1769. 8, pp. 24. 10 Rules and Articles for the better Government of the Troops ... of the Twelve United Colonies of North-America. Watertown, 1775. 8, pp. 16. 11 Some Observation on the Bill, intitled "An Act for granting his Majesty an Excise upon Wines," &c. * * * Boston, 1754. 12 (4.8X3.1), pp. 12. 2 Some Thoughts on the Method of improving and securing the Advan tages which accrue to Great- Britain from the Northern Colonies. London, 1765. 8, pp. 23. 13 Strictures on a Pamphlet, en/titled a "Friendly Address to all reasonable Americans, on the Subject of our political Confusions "... * * * [By Maj.-Gen. Charles Lee.] Boston, reprinted, 1775. 8, pp. 20. i* True constitutional Means (The) for putting an End to the Disputes between Great Britain and her American Colonies. * * * London, 1769. 8, pp. 38. 15 True Interest (The) of America impartially stated in certain Strictures on a Pamphlet intitled Common Sense. ... * * * Philadelphia, 1776. 8, pp. 71. 16 Two Papers on the Subject of taxing the British Colonies in America London, 1767. 8, pp. 22. 17 Vindication (A) of the British Colonies, against the Aspersions of the Halifax Gentleman in his Letter to a Rhode Island Farmer. * * * Boston, 1765. 8, pp. 32. [2 copies.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 95 BRITISH Essayists (The) : with Prefaces, historical and biographical by A. Chal- I mers. " Vol. 1-38. [Portraits.] Boston, 1855- 58. 16 (4.8X2.7). CONTENTS. Vol. l.-IV. Tatler. V.-XII. Spectator. XIII .-XV. Guardian. XIV.-XVIII. Rambler. XIX.-XXI. Adventurer. XXII.- IV. The Woild. XXV.- VI. Connoisseur. XXVII. Idler. XXVIII., IX. Mirror. XXX., I. Lounger. XXXII.- IV. Observer. XXXV.- VII. Looker on. XXXVIII. General Index. BRITISH 2 Treaty (The). [No imprint.] 8, pp. 86. BRITTON, John, an English Antiquary, b. 1771. d. 1857. 3 Historical and descriptive Essays accompanying . . . [Pugin and Le Keux s] Specimens of the Architectural Antiquities of J^ormandy. London, 1841. 4 (7.7X5.5), pp. xx., 40. BROCHANT, A. J. M. 4 Traite elementaire de Mineralogie, suivant les Principles du Prof. Wer ner ... * * * Tom. 1, 2. Avec 18 Tableaux et une Planche. Paris, an IX-XI. [1801- 03.] 8 (5.7X3). [2 copies.] BRODIE, Sir Benjamin Collins, Serjeant- Surgeon to Queen Victoria; b. 1783. 5 Psychological Inquiries ... 3d ed. London, 1856. 16 (5X2.8). BRODIE, George, Esq. 6 History (A) of the British Empire from the Accession of Charles I. to the Restoration . . . Vol. 1-4. Edinburgh, 1822. 8 (6X3.4). BRONGNIART, Alexandre, a French Chemist and Geologist ; b. 1770. d. 1847. 7 Traite elementaire de Mineralogie, avec des Application aux Arts. . . . [16 Plates.] Tom. 1,2. Paris, 1807. 8 (5.8X3.2). BROOK, Abraham. 8 Miscellaneous Experiments and Remarks on Electricity, the Air Pump, and the barometer . . . with Copper-Plates and Notes. Norwich, 1789. 4 (6.2X4.3). BROOKE, Edward. Compiler. See BIBLIOTHECA Legum Anglic. Part 2. BROOKE, Henry James. 9 Crystallography. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitan^ vol. 6). 10 Mineralogy. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 6). BROOKES, Richard, M.D. II General Gazetteer (The), or compendious geographical Dictionary. . . . [Maps.] 9th ed. . . . London, 1795. Thick 8 (7.4X4.2), 2 cols., n. p. BROOKS, Rev. Charles. 12 Daily Monitor ... * * * Boston, 1828. 8 (6.9X3.8). 13 Elementary Course of natural History . . . Elements of Ornithology. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1847. 12 (5.7X3.3). 14 Family Prayer Book (A), and private Manual . . . 2d stereotype ed. Boston, 1836. 12 (5.5X3.4). 15 Family Prayer Book (A), and private Manual . . . With a Collection of Hymns. 12th ed. Boston, 1846. 12 (5.5X3.4). 16 History of the Town of Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, from . . . 1630, to . . . 1855. * * * [Portraits and Engravings] Boston, 1855. 8 (6.5X3.9), pp. 576. 96 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BROOKS, Rev. Charles, continued. 1 Lecture (A) delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at Montpelier, Vt., Aug. 16, 1849, on the Duties of Legislatures in Rela tion to the public Schools in the United States. Boston, 1850. 12, pp. 17. BROOKS, Rev. Charles T., of Newport, R.I. ; b. in Salem, Mass., 1813. 2 Songs and Ballads ; translated from Uhland, Kohner, Burger, and other German lyric Poets. With Notes. By C. T. Brooks. Boston, 1842. 12 (5.1X3). 3 Way (The), the Truth, and the Life. (AMERICAN Unitarian Associa tion. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 205.) Boston, 1844. 12, pp. 19. BROOKS, John, M.D., LL.D., Gov. of Massachusetts, 1816- 23; b. 1752. d. 1825. 4 Discourse delivered before the Humane Society of ... Massachusetts, June 9, 1795. [Appendix.] Boston, 1795. 4, pp. 32, BROOME, Capt. Ralph. 5 Comparative Review (A) of the Administration of Mr. Hastings and Mr. Dundas, in War and in Peace. London, 1791. 8, pp. 43. 6 Elucidation (An) of the Articles of Impeachment . . . against Warren Hastings, Esq. . . . London, 1790. 8 (6.4X3.5). 7 Examination of the Expediency of continuing the present Impeachment [of Hastings]. London, 1791. 8, pp. 96". BROSSES, Charles de; b. at Dijon, d. at Paris, 1777. cet. 68. Translator, &c. See SALLUSTIUS, C. C. Histoire Romaine. BROTIER, Gabriel, a French Jesuit ; b. 1723. d. 1789. Editor. See TACITUS, C. C. Opera Supplimentis, etc. BROUGHAM, Henry, Baron BROUGHAM and VAUX, F.R.S., &c., Lord- Chancellor of England; b. at London, 1779. 8 Historical Account of the Discovery of the Composition of Water. See ARAGO, D. F. J. . Life of James Watt, &c. 9 Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the Time of George III. . . . [With] Remarks on the French Revolution. Third Series. Philadelphia, 1844. 12 (6.2X3.5). 10 Hydrostatics. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. (Natural Philosophy, vol. 1.) 1 Lives of Men of Letters and Science, who flourished in the Time of George III. Philadelphia, 1845. 12 (5.9X3.3). 2 Lives of Men of Letters and Science, who flourished in the Time of George III. With Portraits . . . Vol. 2. London, 1847. 8 (6.6X3.6). Objects, Advantages, and Pleasures of Science. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. (Natural Philosophy, vol. 1.) 14 Sketches of public Characters, Discourses and Essays. . . . [With] A Dissertation on the Eloquence of the Ancients. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1839. 12 (5X3). Annotator. See PALEY, W. Natural Theology. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. BBOUQHTON, Arthur, M.D. 1 Hortus Castensis : or, A Catalogue of exotic Plants cultivated in the botanic Gardens, in the Mountains of Liguanea, in the Island of Jamaica . . . [By A. Brouyliton.~] St. Jago de la Vega, 1794. 4 (8.1X7.2), pp. 33. BROUGHTON, Rev. Thomas, Prebendary in Salisbury Cathedral; b. 1704. d. 1774. 2 Prospect (A) of Futurity . . . London, 1758. 8 (5.7X3.2), pp. 519. BROWN, Charles Brockden, an American Novelist; b. in Phila., 1771. d. 1810. 3 Life, by W. H. Prescott. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 1.) BROWN, Francis, D.D., Pres. of Dartmouth College ; b. 1784. d. 1820. 4 Sermon delivered July 23, 1812, on the State Fast appointed in Conse quence of the Declaration of War against Great Britain. Portland, 1812. 8, pp. 32. 5 Sermon (A) delivered before the Maine Missionary Society ... in Gorham, June 22, 1814. Hallowell, 1814. 8, pp. 32. BROWN, Goold, an American Grammarian; b. 1791. d. at Lynn, Mass., 1857. 6 Grammar (The) of English Grammars, with an Introduction historical and critical ... 2d ed., revised and improved. [Portrait of Author.] New York, 1857. 8 (7.6X4.5), pp. 1070. BROWN, J. Newton ; b. in New London, Conn., 1803. 7 Fessenden & Go s Encyclopedia of religious Knowledge . . . [with] a missionary Gazetteer ... by Rev. B. B. Edwards . . . Illustrated Brattleboro, 1836. 8 (8.7X3.6), 2 cols., pp. 1275. NOTE. Also with second title-page, engraved. BROWN, James Baldwin, LL.D.; b. 1781. d. 1843. 8 Memoirs of Howard . . . Abridged by a Gentleman of Boston, from the London quarto Edition. *** Boston, 1831. 24 (4.6X2.7). BROWN, llev. John, Prof, of Divinity, Haddington; b. 1722. d. 1787. 9 Dictionary (A) of the Holy Bible. . . . Illustrated . . . Vol. 1, 2. Pittsburgh, 1811. 8 (7X4.3), 2 cols. 10 Posthumous Works. With short Memoirs, &c. Perth, 1797. 12 (5.4X3.2). Annotator, &c. See BIBLE, The Old and New Testaments, &c. Self- Interpreting Bible. BROWN, John, D.D., Vicar of St. Nicholas, Newcastle, Eng.; d. 1766. 11 Estimate (An) of the Manners and Principles of the Times. \By J. Brown. ] ... *** 3d ed. London, 1757. 8 (4.8X3). 12 Estimate (An) of the Manners and Principles of the Times. * * * 7th ed. Boston, reprinted, 1758. 8 (5.8X3.2). [3 copies.] BROWN, John, Lecturer on Medicine at Edinburgh ; b. 1735. d. 1788. 13 Elements (The) of Medicine ; or, A Translation of the Eleznenta Medi cine Brunonis. With large Notes, &c. New ed. Philadelphia, 1790. 8 (5.8X3.3). 14 Elements (The) of Medicine ; or, A Translation of the Elementa Medi cine Brunonis. With large Notes, &c. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1791. 8 (6.1X3.4). NOTE. The two volumes arc paged continuously, and bound together. 13 08 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. Buowx, Robert, Libr. and Pres. of Linnasan Society, London; b. 1773. d. 1858. 1 General View of the Agriculture of the West Riding of Yorkshire . . . with Observations on the Means of its Improvement, &c. Drawn up for ... the Board of Agriculture, c. * * * [Map.] London, 1799. 8 (5.9X3.3). BROWN, Samuel, M.D., of Worcester, Mass. ; b. 1768. d. 1805. 2 Treatise (A) on the Nature, Origin and Progress of the Yellow Fever, with Observations on its Treatment . . . Boston, 1800. 8 (6.5X3.8). [2 copies.] BROWN, Samuel Oilman, DJ9., Prof, of Oratory, &c. at Dartmouth College. 3 Address (An) delivered to the Society of the Alumni of Dartmouth Col lege, at their first triennial Meeting, July 25, 1855. With an Account of the Proceedings of the Society. Concord, 1856. 8 C , pp. 69. BROWX, Thomas, M.D., Prof, of Moral PhiL, Edinburgh; b. 1778. d. 1820. 4 Inquiry into the Relation of Cause and Effect. Andover, 1822. 8 (6.1 X3.7). 5 Lectures on the Philosophy of the human Mind. . . . Vol. 1-3. Andover, 1822. 8 (6.3X3.7). fi Lectures on the Philosophy of the human Mind. 2d ed. . . . Vol. 1-4. Edinburgh, 1824. 8 (6.3X3.6). 7 Lectures on the Philosophy of the human Mind. . . . Vol. 1, 2. . . . Boston, 1826. 8 (7.3X4.3). UROWN, Thomas N. 8 Life (The) and Times of Hugh Miller. New York, 1858. 12 (4.8X3.2). BROWN, Rev. William, D.D., of Eskdale-Muir. 9 Antiquities of the Jews . . . and their Customs illustrated from modern Travels. [Plans of the Temple. ] ... Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1823. 8 (7X3.6). [2 copies.] BROWN. UNIVERSITY, at Providence, R.L ; established 1764. 10 Catalogue (A) of the Library of Brown University. [Alphabetical of Authors. ] With an Index of Subjects. [Compiled by Prof. C. C. Jew- ctt.~\ Providence, 1843. 8 (6.6X3.8), pp. xxvi., 560. 11 Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Brown University, 1843-4, 1844-5, 1845-46, 1847-8, 1848-9, 1849-50, 1850-51, 1851-52, First Term, 1852-53, First Term, 1853-54, 1855-56, 1856-57, 1857-58, 1858-59, 1859-60. Providence, 1843- 59. 8 and 12, pamps. 12 Catalogus Universitatis Brunensis. Providential, 1856. 8, pp. 78. 13 Laws (The) of Rhode-Island College. . . . [Supplement.] Providence, 1803. 8, pp. 78. BROWNE, Arthur, an Episcopal Clergyman at Portsmouth, N.H.; b. 1700. d. 1773. 14 Excellency (The) of the Christian Religion; exhibited in a Sermon before the Episcopal Clergy of New England . . . Sept. 20, 1738. . . . Boston, 1738. 8, pp. 20. BROWNE, Mrs. Frances Elizabeth. 15 Poems. Boston, 1848. 12 (4.5X2.2 irr.). BROWNE, Rev. R. Lewis. 16 Annals of Germany, from the Peace of Westphalia, 1648, to the Con gress of Vienna, 1814. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitan, vols. 12 and 13). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 99 BROWNE, Sir Thomas, M.D., of Norwich, Eng. ; b. 1605. d. 1682. 1 Miscellaneous Works. With some Account of the Author and his Writings. Cambridge, 1811. 16 (4.6X2.7). BRUCE, James ; b. at Kinnaird, Scotland, 1730. d. 1794. 2 Interesting Narrative (An) of the Travels of J. Bruce, Esq. into Abys sinia to discover the Source of the Nile : abridged from the original Work. ... 2d Amer. ed. . . . Boston, 1798. 12 (5.6X3.1). 3 Travels to discover the Source of the Nile, in ... 1768-1772. . . . Vol. 1-5. *** Edinburgh, 1790. 4 (6.8X4.8). NOTE. Vol. 5 has title. "Select Specimens of natural History collected in Tra vel " Sic., and contains plates and maps. Pages are headed, " Appendix." BRUCKER, Jacobus, a Minister at Augsburg ; b. 1696. d. 1770. 4 Historia critica Philosophiae. Tom. 1-6. [Portrait.] Lipsiae, 1742- 67. 4 (7.3 irr.X4.9). BRUNCK, Richard Franz Philipp, a German Critic; b. 1729. d. 1803. 5 Gnomici Poeta? Grrcci. [Greek."] Ad optimorum Exemplarium Fidem emendavit R. F. P. Brunck. Argentorati, 1784. 8 (4.8X2.9 irr.). Annotator. See ARISTOPHANES. Comoediae. BRUNET, Jacques Charles, a French Bibliographer; b. at Paris, 1780. 6 Manuel du Libraire et de I Amateur de Livres, contenant 1 Un nouveau Dictionaire bibliographique ... 2 line Table en Forme de Catalogue raisonne . . . 3me ed., augmentee . . . Tom. 1-4. Paris, 1820. 8 (6.2X4), 2 cols. 7 Manuel du Libraire et de 1 Amateur de Livres . . . Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1860, 61. 8 (7.3X4.5), 2 cols. NOTE. This work is publishing: will be completed in six volumes. BRUYERE, Jean de LA. See LA BRUYERE, J. de. BRYANT, William Cullen, an American Poet; b. at Cummington, Mass., 1794. 8 Poems. New York, 1832. 12 (4.9X2.9 irr.). 9 Selections from the American Poets. (Harper s Fam. Libr., No. 111.) New York, 1840. 18 (4.8X2.7). BRYDONE, Patrick; b. in BerwicksJiire, Eng. about 1743. d. 1818. 10 Tour through Sicily and Malta. . . . New ed., corrected. Vol. 1, 2. [Map.] Dublin, 1780. 12 (5X2.7). BUCER, Martin, Prof, of Theology at Strasbourg; b. 1491. d. 1551. 11 Enarratio in Evangelion lohan. Argentorati, 1528, 8 (4.4X2.7), m.b., fol. 280. NOTE. Imperfect, -wanting- to fol. 3. BITCH, C. W. Translator. See HAGENBACH, K. R. History of Doctrines. BUCHAN, William, M.D. ; b. at Ancrum, Scotland, 1729. d. 1805. 12 Domestic Medicine . . . 14th ed. Boston, 1793. 8 (6.5X3.8). 13 Domestic Medicine . , . [with] Observations on Diet . . . also, Ad vice to Mothers . . . Boston, 1809. 8 (7.2X3.9), pp. 629. BUCHANAN, Rev. Claudius, D.D., LL.D., of Coll. in Bengal; b. 1766. d. 1815. 14 Christian Researches in Asia, with Notices on the Translations of the Scriptures into the oriental Languages. . . . [With] the Eras of Light . . . &c. [2 paging*.] New York, 1812. 12 (5.4X3.3). 100 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BUCHANAN, Rev. Claudius, D.D., LL.D., continued. 1 Memoir of the Expediency of an ecclesiastical Establishment for British India... 1st Amer: ed. Cambridge, 1811. 8, pp. 96. 2 Two Discourses preached before the University of Cambridge, July 1, 1810, and a Sermon preached before the Society for Missions to Africa and the East; . . . July" 12, 1810. . . . [With] Christian Researches in Asia. Boston, reprinted, 1811. 8 (6.7X3.6). 3 Works. . . . Montpelier, Vt., 1813. 12 (5.2X3). BUCHANAN, Georg, a learned Scotchman; b. 1506. d. 1582. 4 Psalmorum Davidis Paraphrasis poetica . . . Londini, 1683. 24 (3.7X2 irr.). 5 Psalmorum Paraphrasis poetica. 12 (4X1.8 irr.). NOTE. Imperfect, wanting 1 title-page. BuciiLEiius, Joannes. 6 Sacrarum profanarumque Phrasivm poeticarvm . . . Ed. duodecima Londini, 1636. 24 (5.2X3), pp. 524. BUCIION, J. A. C. 7 Choix d Ouvrages mystiques avec Notices littcraires. Paris, 1840. 8 (7.9X5.3), 2 cols., pp. 764. BUC HOZ, Pierre Joseph, a French Botanist, &c. ; b. 1733. d. 1807. 8 Manuel veterinaire des Plantes . . . Paris, 1799. 8 (5.6X3.2). BUCK, Rev. Charles, a Dissenter, London ; b. 1771. d. 1816. 9 Miscellaneous Works . . . Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1810. 12 (5.5X3.2). 10 Theological Dictionary (A) ... Philadelphia, 1821. 8 (7.2X4.3), 2 cols., pp. 604. BUCKE, Charles, of Suffolk, Eng. ; b. 178JL. d. 1847. 11 Ruins of ancient Cities ; with . . . Accounts of their Rise, Fall and present Condition. * * * ... Vol. 1,2. [Harper s Family Library, Nos. 134, 135.) New York, 1841. 18 (4.5X2.7). BUCKIIAM, P. W. 12 Theatre (The) of the Greeks, or the History, Literature, and Criticism of the Grecian Drama ; with an original Treatise on the principal tragic and comic Metres. [By P. W. Buckham. ] 2d ed. Cambridge, 1827. 8 (6.7X3.6). BUCKINGHAM, James Silk; b. near Falmouth, Eng., 1786. d. 1855. 13 Travels in Mesopotamia. Including a Journey from Aleppo to Bagdad . . . with Researches on the Ruins of Nineveh, Babylon, &c. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Map and Engravings. ] London, 1827. 8 (6X3. 5). 14 Travels in Palestine . . . [Portrait, Map and Engravings. ,] London, 1821. 4 (7.5X5.1), pp. 553. BUCKINGHAM, Joseph TINKER ; b. at Windham, Conn., 1779. d. 1861. 15 Specimens of [American ] Newspaper Literature: with personal Me moirs, Anecdotes, and Reminiscences. Vol. 1, 2. [Portraits.] Boston, 1852. 12 (5.5X3.3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 101 BUCKLAXD, Eev. William, D.D., Dean of Westminster; b. 1784. d. 1856. 1 Geology and Mineralogy considered with Reference to natural Theology. Vol. 1, 2. [69 Plates. ] London, 1836. 8 (6X3.5*). NOTE. Also with half-title, " The Bridgcwatcr Treatises . . . Treatise VI. . . ." BUCKLE, Henry Thomas. 2 History of Civilization in England. Vol. 1, 2. From the 2d Lond. ed. . . . New York, 1858, 61. 8 (6.6X3.9). BUCKMIXSTER, Rev. Joseph, D.D., of Portsmouth, N.H. ; b. 1751. d. 1812. 3 Discourse (A) delivered at the Ordination of the Rev. J. S. Buckmin- ster . . . Boston, 1805. [Ch. by J. CusJiing ; R. H. by W. Emerson.~] Boston, 1805. 8, pp. 37. 4 Memoirs of Rev. J. Buckminster. See LEE, E. B. 5 Religion and Righteousness the Basis of national Honor and Prosperity. Sermon preached ... in Portsmouth, Feb. 22, 1800: the Day appoint ed to pay tributary Respect to ... Washington. Portsmouth, 1800. 8, pp. 28. BUCKMIXSTER, Rev. Joseph Stevens, of Boston, Son of J.B. ; b. 1784. d. 1812. 6 Memoir of Rev. J. S. Buckminster. See LEE, E. B. 7 Memoir of Rev. J. S. Buckminster. See MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society. (Collections, 2d Series, vol. 2.) 8 Sermon delivered at the Interment of Rev. William Emerson, Boston, who died May 12, 1811. Boston, 1811. 8, pp. 24. 9 Sermon preached at Boston, Dec. 18, 1800 . . . after the publick Funeral of his Excellency, James Sullivan . . . Boston, 1809. 8, pp. 41. 10 Sermons. With a Memoir of his Life and Character. [Portrait.] Boston, 1814. 8 (6.4X3.5). [2 copies.] 11 Sermons. With a Memoir of his Life and Character. 3d ed. [Por trait. ] Boston, 1821. 8 (6.2X3.6). 12 Catalogue of the Library of the late Rev. J. S. Buckminster. [Not arranged. ] Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 66. BUDAN, F. D. 13 Kouvelle Methode pour la Resolution des Equations numcriques d un Degre quelconque . . . *** Paris, 1807. 4 (7X4.5), pp. 86. BUFFIER, Claude, a French Jesuit; b. in Poland, 1661. d. in Paris, 1737. 14 First Truths, and the Origin of our Opinions, explained : with an En quiry into the Sentiments of modern Philosophers . . . Translated from the French of ... Buffier. ... * * * London, 1780. 8 (5.7X3.3). 15 Pratique de la Memoire artificielle . . . Nouv. ed. . . . Par . . . Buffier. Tom. 1,2. ... Paris, 1767. 12 (4.9X2.4). BUFFOX, Georges Louis LECLERC, Comte de, a French Naturalist ; b. 1707. d. 1788. 16 Histoire naturelle, generale particuliere, servant . . . d Introduction a 1 Histoire des Mineraux. Par . . . Buffon. [Portrait.] Supplement, Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1774. 12 (4.3X2.5). 17 Histoire naturelle des Mineraux. Par . . . Buffon. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1783. 12 (4.3X2.5). 102 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BUFFON, Georges Louis LECLEHC, Comte de, continued. 3 Natural History, from BufFon, Cuvier, &c. See WRIGHT, J. 2 Natural History (The) of Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals : with the Theory of the Earth in general. Translated from the French of Count de BufFon. By W. Kendrick, LL.D. and J. Murdoch. Vol. 1-6. [Plates. ] London, 1775. 8 (6.3X3.5). 3 CEuvres completes. [54 vols. Plates.~\ Paris, 1770- 88. 12 (4.3X2.5). NOTE. Title-pages not uniform. Lettered, "Histoir Naturele." Consult LACE- PEDE, B. G. E. de LA VILLE. Histoire naturelle des Qnadrupedes ovipares et des Serpens. BULFINCH, Stephen Greenleaf, a Unitarian Minister of Boston, Mass. ; b. 1809. 4 Argument (The) from Scripture History against the Trinity. (AMERI CAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 104.) Boston, 1836. 12, pp. 14. 5 Unitarian s (The) Appeal. Three Sermons . . . (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 177.) Boston, 1842. 12, pp. 36. BULKLEY, Rev. John, of Colchester, Conn. ; d. 1731. 6 Right of the aboriginal Nations to Lands in America. See MASSACHU SETTS Historical Society. (Collections, 1st Series, vol. 4.) BULL, George, D.D., Bishop of St. David s ; b. 1634. d. 1709. 7 Opera omnia . . . [edited by] J. E. Grabe. [5 payings. Portrait.] London, 1703. 2 (11.2X6.3), 2 cols. BULLER, Sir Francis, Judge of Court of King s Bench, &c. ; b. 1745. d. 1800. 8 Introduction (An) to the Law relative to the Trials at Nisi Prius, con taining Additions to the present Time. . . . New York, 1806. 8 (7.5X3.5), m. r. BULLIARD, Pierre, a French Botanist; b. 1752. d. 1793. 9 Dictionnaire elementaire de Botanique . . . par M. Bulliard. . . . [Colored Plates.] Paris, 1783. 2 (8.3X5.2). 10 Herbier de la France ... par M. Bulliard. Vol. [1-7.] Planche [1- 600; colored.] Paris[, 1780- 93]. 2 (6.6-7. X 5.5-6.). 11 Histoire des Champignons de la France . . . Tom. 1. ... Avec 8 Planches . . . Par M. Bulliard. Paris, 1791. 2 (8.3X5.3). 12 Histoire des Plantes veneneuses et suspectes de la France, par M. Bui- Hard ... * * * ... Paris, 1784. 2 (8.2X5.2). BULWER LYTTON, Sir E. G. E. L. See LYTTON, E. G. E. L. BULWER. BUNDY, R. Translator. See CATROU, F. Roman History. BUNSEN, Christian Karl Josias, a German Statesman and Theologian; b. 1791. d. 1860. 13 Egypt s Place in universal History . . . Translated from the German, by C. H. Cottrell. Vol. 1-4. [Plates.] London, 1848- 60. Thick 8 (6.7X3.9). 14 Essay on the Character and Influence of Neibuhr. See NIEBUHR, B. G. Life and Letters. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 103 BUSEN, Christian Karl Josias, continued. 1 Hyppolitus and his Age ; or, The Doctrine and Practice of the Church of Rome under Commodus and Alexander Severus : and ancient and modern Christianity and Divinity compared . . . Vol. 1-4 . . . [Por trait.] London, 1852. 12 (5.3X3.1). 2 Outlines of the Philosophy of universal History applied to Language and Religion. ... Vol. 1, 2. London, 1854. 8 (6.3X4). 3 Signs of the Times : Letters to E. M. Arndt on the Dangers to religious Liberty in the present State of the World. Translated ... by S. Winkworth. London, 1856. 8 (6.3X3.6), pp. 519. BUNYAN, John, a Baptist Preacher, Bedford, Eny.; b. 1628. d. 1688. 4 Pilgrim s (The) Progress from this World to that which is to come. ... *** Brattleborough, Vt., 1815. 12 (5.5X3). 5 Pilgrim s (The) Progress ... In two Parts. With original Notes, by Th. Scott. (Engravings. ] Hartford, 1826. 8 (5.6X3.5). 6 Pilgrim s (The) Progress . . . New York, n. d. 24 (4.4X2.3). NOTE. Second title-page, engraved, " EVANGELICAL Family Library. Vol. 4." 7 Voyage (Le) du Chretien . . . Nouv. ed., illustree. Londres, 1830. 12 (4.9X3). 8 Works. Vol. 2, 3. [Engravings. ] New Haven, 1831. 8 (6.5X3.9). BUONAPARTE. See BONAPARTE. BUONAROTTI, Michel ANGELO, an Italian Artist ; b. in Tuscany, 1474. d. 1563. 9 Life of Michael Angelo, by Th. Roscoe. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. Lives, &c. BURCK, William. 10 Histoire des Colonies Europeennes dans 1 Amerique . . . Traduite de 1 Anglois par M. E. Tom. 1, 2. [Maps.] Paris, 1767. 12 (4.8X2.4). BURCKIIARDT, John Lewis, a Swiss Traveller ; b. 1784. d. in Cairo, 1817. 11 Arabic Proverbs, or the Manners and Customs of the modern Egyptians, illustrated from their proverbial Sayings current at Cairo, translated and explained. London, 1830. 4 (8X5.2). 12 Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. . . . [Edited by W. M. Leake. Portrait and Map.] London, 1822. 4 (7.2X5.1), pp. 768. BURDER, Rev. Henry Forster, of London. is Memoir of the Rev. George Burder. New York, 1833. 12 (5.4X3.1). 14 Mental Discipline ; or, Hints on the Cultivation of intellectual and moral Habits . . . 3d ed., considerably enlarged. . . . [With] An Address on Pulpit Eloquence, by Rev. Justin Edwards, D.D. . . . [and] a Course of Study in Christian Theology by Rev. L. Woods, D.D. New York, 1830. 12 (5X3.2). BURDER, Rev. George, Seer, oftne London Missionary Society; b. 1752. d. 1832. 15 Memoir of Rev. George Burder. See BURDER, H. F. Editor. See HENRY, M. Exposition of the Old and New Testaments. Editor. See MATHER, C. Essays to do Good. BURDER, llev. Samuel, of St. Alban s, afterwards of London; d. 1836. 16 Oriental Customs ; or an Illustration of the Sacred Scriptures . . . *** Philadelphia, 1804. 8 (6.4X3.5). 104 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BURGERSDICIUS, Fr. 1 EPMHNKIA logica, seu Synopseos Logicoe Burgersdicianse Explicatio . Authore A. Heereboord. Ed. nova [Also] Praxis logica. Londini, 1676. 8 (5.1X3.1), 2 cols. 2 Institutionum logicarum Libri duo. . . . Londini, 1651. 8 (5X3.1). 3 Institutionum logicarum Synopsis . . . Londini, 1651. 8 (5X3.1), pp. 44. 4 Institutionum logicarum Libri duo. . . . Cantabrigian, 1668. 8 (5X3). 5 Institutionum logicarum Synopsis . . . CantabrigiflB, 1668. 8 (5X3). BUEGES, George, A.M., of Trinity College, Cambridge, Eng. Translator. See PLATO. Works. Vol. 3-6. BURGESS, George, D.D., Bishop of Maine. 6 Address. See MAINE Historical Society. (Collections, vol. 4.) BURGH, James, LL.D., SchSol-Master at Newington, Eng. , b. 1714. d. 1775. 7 Dignity (The) of human Nature ... * * * New ed. London, 1794. 8 (6.6X3.8), pp. 544. BURKE, St. Hon. Edmund, a British Statesman, &c.; b. at Dublin, 1730. d. 1797. 8 Life of Edmund Burke. See BISSET, R. 9 Life of Sir Ed. Coke. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of useful Know ledge. Library, &c. Lives, &c. 10 Memoir of the Life, &c. of Edmund Burke. See PRIOR, J. 11 Mr. Burke s Speech, Dec. 1, 1783, upon the Question for the Speaker s leaving the Chair, in order for the House to resolve itself into a Com mittee on Mr. Fox s East India Bill. London, 1784. 8 (5.9X3.5). 12 Reflections on the Revolution in France . . . London, 1790. 8 (6X3.3). 13 Reflections on the Revolution in France . . . New York, reprinted, 1791. 8 (6.1X3.4). 1 4 Speech on American Taxation, April 19, 1774. 4th ed. London, 1775. 8, pp. 96. 15 Speech on moving his Resolutions for Conciliation with the Colonies, March 22, 1775. 3d ed. London, 1775. 8 (5.9X3.5). J6 Works. Newed. Vol. 1-7. London, 1803. 8 (6X3.4), m. b. Joint Author. See Fox, C. F. Beauties of Fox, North and Burke. Also, Deformities of Fox and Burke. BUELAMAQUI, Jean Jacques, Prof, of Civil Law at Geneva; b. 1694. d. 1748. 17 Elemens du Droit naturel . . . Lausanne, 1783. 12 (4.9X2.6). 18 Principles (The) of natural and politic Law . . . Translated ... by Mr. Nugent. 3d ed. . . . Vol. 1,2. London, 1784. 8 (6.1X3.4), m. b. 19 Principles (The) of natural and politic Law . . . Translated ... by Mr. Nugent. 4th ed. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1792. 8 (5.9X3.6). XOTE. The two volumes are bound together. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRA11Y. 105 BUBMANN, Peter, Prof, of Greek and Hist, at Utrecht-, b. 1668. d. 1741. 1 Poetae Latini minores. Leydae, 1731. Thick 4 (7.2X5.3). NOTE. Formed of two volumes, title-pages of which express respective contents. Gen eral title-page is embellished. Editor. See PATERCULUS, A. V. Historia Romana. BURN, Richard, LL.D., Chancellor of Carlisle, Eng. ; b. 1720. d. 1785. 2 Additions. See BLACKSTONE, W. Commentaries. BURNAP, Eev. George W., D.D., of First Unit. Church, Baltimore; b. 1802. 3 Atonement (The); . . . (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 201.) Boston, 1844. 12, pp. 24. 4 Charges of Unbelief. . . . (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 250.) Boston, 1848. 12, pp. 20. 5 Lectures on the History of Christianity. Baltimore, 1842. 12 (5.1 X3). 6 Life of Leonard Calvert. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, 2d Series, vol. 9.) 7 Theology and Religion. (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 233.) Boston, 1846. 12, pp. 17. SUBNET, Gilbert, D.D., Bishop of Salisbury, &c. ; b. in Edinb., 1643. d. 1715. 8 Abridgment (An) of Bishop Burnet s History of his own Times. By Rev. T. Stackhouse. [Portraits.) London, 1724. 8 (6.1X3.2), m.b. 9 Abridgment (The) of the History of the Reformation of the Church of England. [4 Books. 2 paging*.] London, 1782. 8 (5.6X2.7), m.b. 10 Bishop Burnet s History of his own Time. Vol. 1, 2. [3 Books.] London, 1725. 8 (4.8X3.6). NOTE. The two volumes are paged continuously. 11 Bishop Burnet s History of his own Time. Vol. 1-6. [Edited, with a Life of the Author, by Th. Burnet. Portraits.] . . . Edinburgh, 1753. 12 (5.2X2.9). 12 Collection (A) of some Letters and Instruments, that have passed during the late Contests in France concerning the Regale. London, 1681. 8 (5.6X3). NOTE. Appended to " The History of the Rights of Princes, " &c. 13 Exposition (An) of f the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England. Written by Gilbert [Burnet] . . . 6th ed. corrected. [Portrait of Author.] London, 1759. 8 (6.7X3.5), m.r., pp. 501-J-. 14 History (The) of the Reformation of the Church of England. Part [Vol.] 1-3. . . . [Portraits.] London, 1679, 81, 1753. 2 (9.4X5.1), m. b. NOTE. Vols. 1 and 2 have also second title-pages, embellished. Vols. 1 and 2 have appended to each, "A Collection of Records, &c., referred to in the preceding History," paged independently. 15 History (The) of the Rights of Princes in the disposing of ecclesiastical Benefices and Church Lands. ... London, 1682. 8 (5.6X2.7), m.r. 16 Life of Bishop Burnet, by Th. Burnet. See (History of his own Time, ante. Vol. 6, pp. 231-315). 17 Sermon preached on the Fast Day, Dec. 22, 1680 . . . before the House of Commons. London, 1681. 4 (5.9X4), pp. 42. 18 Some Account of the Life and Death of John Wilmot, Earl of Roches ter. ... 2dAmer. ed. Boston, 1803. 18 (4.1X2.7). 14 1 06 liOWDOiN COLLEGE. BURNET, Gilbert, D.D., continued. 1 Some Letters, containing an Account of ... Switzerland, Italy, &c. ... Rotterdam, 1686. 8 (5,6X3.1). Joint Author. See GREAT BRITAIN. Popish Plot. Last Confessions of John Stern, and George Borowsky. BURNET, James, Lord MONBODDO, a Scottish Judge; b. 1714. d. 1799. 2 Origin (Of the) and Progress of Language. * * * [By J. Burnet.] Vol. 1-6. [Vol. 6 contains Portrait. ] Edinburgh, 1774- 92. 8 (5.8X3). NOTE. Vols. 1 and 3 are second edition. BURNET, Rev. James. 3 Sum (The) of Christianity : or Christ in his Sufferings, and in his Glory. Represented in some Sermons preached on I. Peter i. 11. Edinburgh, 1724. 8 (5.8X3.3). NOTE. Lettered, " Sacramental Sermons. Vol. II." BURNET, Thomas, D.D., Master of Charter-House, London; b. 1635. d. 1715. 4 Archeeologiee Philosophise : or, The ancient Doctrine concerning the Originals of Things. Written in Latin . . . translated into English with Remarks by Mr. Foxton. * * * Part 1,2. [3 pagings.~\ London, 1729. 8 (5.8X3.2). NOTE. Part 2 has title, " Theory of the visible World, by way of Commentary on his own Theory of the Earth." 5 Statu (De) mortuorum et resurgentium Tractatus. Adjicitur, Appendix de futura Judseorum Restauratione. . . . Accedunt Epistolae duse de Archaeologiis philosophicis. [Portrait. } Londini, 1727. 8 (5. 7X3.1). BURNET, Thomas, D.D., Eector of West Kin gston, &c., Eng. ; d. 1750. 6 True Religion demonstrated. See (BOYLE S Lecture Sermons, vol. 3). BURNET, Thomas, Esq., Son of Bp. Burnet; d. 1753. Editor, and Biographer. See BURNET, G. History of his own Time. BURNETT, George; d. 1811. 7 Specimens of English Prose Writers ... to the Close of the seven teenth Century, with Sketches biographical and literary ... 2d ed. ... Vol. 1-3. London, 1813. 8 (4.8X2.8). BURNETT, Waldo Irving, M.D. ; b. at Southboro , Mass., 1828. d. 1854. Joint Editor. See AMERICAN Journal of Science and Arts. Second Series. Vol. 16, 17. BURNEY, Charles, Mm. Doc.; b. 1726. d. 1814. 8 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Abate Metastasio . . . [with] Translations of his principal Letters. * * * ... Vol. 1-3. [Portrait.] London, 1796. 8 (6X3.2). [2 copies.] 9 Present State (The) of Music in Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Provinces. . . . Vol. 1, 2. * * * 2d ed. corrected. London, 1775. 8 (5.7X3). BURNS, Robert, the Scotch Poet ; b. 1759. d. 1796. !<> Poems . . . New ed. . . . [with] his Life . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Por- Irail.] Berwick upon Tvreed, 1801, 12 (4.3X2.1 itr.). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 107 BURR, Aaron, D.D., Pres. of New-Jersey College; b. 1714. d. 1757. 1 Discourse (A) delivered at New-Ark, in New-Jersey, Jan. 1, 1755. Fast Day. New York, 1755. 8, pp. 41. 2 * * * Funeral Sermon preached at the Interment of ... Jonathan Belcher, Governor of ... New- Jersey . . . New-York, 1757. 4 (6.8X5.1), pp. 22. 3 Supreme Deity (The) of our Lord Jesus Christ, maintained, in a Letter to the Dedicator of Mr. Emlyn s Inquiry into the Scripture Account of Jesus Christ. ... * * * Boston, 1757. 8, pp. 92. BURR, Aaron, 3d Vice-Pres. of the U.S. ; b. at Newark, N.J., 1756. d. 1836, 4 Life and Times of Aaron Burr. See PARTOX, J. 5 Memoirs of Aaron Burr. See DAVIS, M. L. 6 View of the political Conduct of Aaron Burr, Esq., Vice-President of the United States. . . . [Anonymous.] New York, 1802. 8 (5.6X3.4). BURRISH, Onslow. 7 Batavia illustrata; or, A View of the Policy and Commerce of the United Provinces. ... London, 1728. 8 (5.4X3.2). BURROUGHS, Rev. Jeremiah, of London. 8 Four Books on the Eleventh of Matthew. [2 pagings.] London, 1659. 4 (5.8X3.2), pp. 394, 775. BURROWS, Montagu. 9 Pass and Class. An Oxford Guide-Book through the Courses of Literoe Humaniores, Mathematics, natural Science, and Law and modern His tory. *** Oxford and London, 1860. 8 (5X3.2). BURTIN, Francois Xavier de ; b. 1743. d. 1818. 10 Oryctographie de Bruxelles ou Description des Fossiles . . . de cette Ville. [32 colored Plates.] Bruxelles, 1784. 2 (12X7.2). BURTON, Eeo. Asa, D.D., of Thetford, Vt. ; b. 1752. d. 1836. 11 Essays on some of the first Principles of Metaphysicks, Ethicks, and Theology. Portland, 1824. 8 (6.2X3.7), BURTON, Edward, D.D., Prof, of Divinity at Oxford, Eng. ; b. 1795. d. 1836. 12 Lectures upon the ecclesiastical History of the first three Centuries . . . Vol. 1, 2. Oxford, 1833. 8 (6.5X3.5). BURTON, John. !3 Amicum (Ad) Epistola : sive Commentariolus T. Seeker Archiep. Cantab. Memoriae sacer. Oxonii, 1768. 8, pp. 40. 14 Critical Commentary (A) on Archbishop Seeker s Letter to Hon. Horace Walpole, concerning Bishops in America. \_By J. Burton.] London, 1770. 8 (5.5X3.2). BURTON, Ji.,pseudon. in books attributed to N. CROUCH, a Bookseller. 15 Wonderful Prodigies of Judgment and Mercy: discovered in above three hundred memorable Histories. Edinburgh, 1762. 12 (5.2X2.9). BURTON, Robert, of Leicestershire, Eng.; b. 1576. d. 1639-40. 16 Anatomy (The) of Melancholy ... by Democritus Junior [R. Burton]. . , . Sixth ed. ... * * * London, 1652. 2 (8.8X5), m. k NOTE. Title page is embellished. 108 EOWDOIN COLLEGE. BURTON, Robert, continued. 1 Anatomy (The) of Melancholy ... By Democritus Junior [R. Bur ton]. . . . New ed., corrected and enriched by Translations of the . . . classical Extracts. . . . [With ] an Account of the Author. * * * New York, &c., 1850. 12 (7.7 irr.X4.4), pp. 670. NOTE. Also with second title-page, fac-simile of that of sixth edition. BURTON, Warren. 2 My religious Experience at my native Home. . . . (AMERICAN Uni tarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 65.) Boston, 1832. 12, pp. 32. BUSBEQUIUS, Augur Gislen ; b. 1522. d. 1592. 3 Legationis Tvrcicae Epistolae IV. . . . Hanovise, 1629. 8 (5.3X2.8). BiisCH, Johann Georg, Prof, of Math, at Hamburgh; b. 1728. d. 1800. 4 Abhandlung von dem Geldsumlauf in anhaltender Riichsicht auf die Staatswirtschaft und Handlung. Teil 1-3. Hamburg und Keil, l780- 84. 8 (6X3.4). NOTE. Vol. 3 has title, " Schriften iiber Staatswirtschaft und Handlung." 5 Bemerkungen auf einer R-eise durch einen Teil Schwedens, im jahr 1780. Hamburg, 1783. 8, pp. 86. 6 Grundrisse einer Geschichte der merkwlirdigsten Welthandel neuerer Zeit in einem erzahlenden Vortrage. 2te . . . auflage. Hamburg, 1783. 8 (5.8X3.5). 7 Handlungsbibliothek. Herausgegeben von J. G. Biisch und E. D. Ebe- ling. Bd. 1 Stuck II.-IV. 2 Stuck I. , II. Hamburg, 1784- 87. 8 (5.7X3.2). 8 Kleine Schriften uber die Handlung. Hamburg, 1784. 8 (6X3.3). BUSH, Eev. George, Prof, of Hebrew, &c. at New York, N.T. ; b. 1796. 9 Commentary on the Book of Psalms . . . [JVo. 1.] New York, 1834. 8, pp. 80. 10 Life of Mohammed . . . [Plates.] (Harper s Family Library, No. 10.) New York, 1831. 18 (4.5X2.7). 11 Notes, critical and practical, on the Book of Exodus . . . Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1856. 12 (5.9X3.5), 2 cols. 12 Notes, critical and practical, on the Book of Genesis . . . Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1855. 12 (5 ; 9X3.5), 2 cols. 13 Notes, critical and practical, on the Book of Joshua ... 2d ed. New York, 1852. 12 (5.9X3.5), 2 cols. 14 Notes, critical and practical, on the Book of Judges . . . New York, 1852. 12 (5.9X3.5), 2 cols. 15 Notes, critical and practical, on the Book of Leviticus ... New York, 1852. 12 (5.9X3.5), 2 cols. 1 6 Treatise (A) on the Millenium . . . New York, 1832. 12 (5.2X3.1). BUSHNELL, Eev. Horace, D.D., of Hartford, Conn.; b. 1802. 17 Christian Nurture. * * * New York, 1861. 12 (5.6X3.4). 18 Nature and the Supernatural, as together constituting the one System of God. New York, 1858. 8 (5.9X3.5), pp. 528. 19 Oration (An) delivered before the Society of Phi Beta Kappa, at Cambridge, August 24, 1848. Cambridge, 1848. 8, pp. 39. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 109 BUSK, M. M. 1 History (The) of Spain and Portugal. From B.C. 1000 to A.D. 1814. [By M. M. Busk.] ... London, 1833. 8 (7. 2X4-1), 2 cols. BUTLER, Alban, a Roman-Catholic Writer ; b. in London, 1710. d. 1773. 2 Lives (The) of the Fathers, Martyrs, and other principal Saints. . . . Vol. 1,2. Stereotyped. [Portraits.] Dublin, 1836. 8 (8.5X5), 2 cols. BUTLER, Caleb. 3 History of the Town of Groton, including Pepperell and Shirley, from . . . 1655. With Appendices, containing Family Registers, &c. * * * [Map, Engravings, &c.] Boston, 1848. 8 (6.2X3.5). BUTLER, Charles, a Roman- Catholic Lawyer] b. in London, 1750. d. 1832. 4 Life (The) of Hugo Grotius : with brief Minutes of the . . . History of the Netherlands. London, 1827. 8 (5.9X3.1). 5 Reminiscences of Charles Butler, Esq. With a Letter to a Lady on ancient and modern Music. 2d Amer. from 4th Lond. ed. New York, 1825. 12 (5.1X3.1). 6 Reminiscences of Charles Butler, Esq. With an Essay on ... [Mys ticism} ; Correspondence between Dr. Parr and Mr. Butler ; &c. * * * Boston, 1827. 12 (4.8X2.9). NOTE. Lettered, " Reminiscences. Vol. II." Annotator. See COKE, E. First Part of the Institutes, &c. BUTLER, Joseph, D.D., Bishop of Durham; b. 1692. d. 1752. 7 Analogy (The) of Religion, natural and revealed, to the Constitution and Course of Nature. . . . [With] two brief Dissertations : I. Of personal Identity. II. Of the Nature of Virtue. * * * 3d ed. London, 1740. 8 (5.7X3.2). 8 Analogy (The) of Religion, natural and revealed, to the Constitution and Course of Nature. . . . [With] two brief Dissertations: I. On personal Identity : II. On the Nature of Virtue. . . . [Also ] A Charge to the Clergy of Durham. * * * New ed., corrected. With a Preface, giving some Account of the Character and Writings of the Author, by Samuel [Halifax ], Lord Bishop of Gloucester. Boston, 1793. 8 (6.2X3.5). [3 copies.] 9 Analogy (The) of Religion, &c. * * * 3d Amer. ed. . . . [With] a Life of the Author by Dr. Kippis ; with a Preface, giving some Ac count of his Character and Writings, by S. Halifax, D.D. Hartford, 1819. 8 (6.9X3.8). 10 Life of, by Dr. Kippis. (Prefixed to Analogy, &c. Ed. 1819.) 11 Fifteen Sermons preached at the Roll s Chapel ... 2d ed., corrected . .. [with] a Preface. London, 1729. 8 (5.4X3.2). 12 Fifteen Sermons preached at the Roll s Chapel . . . [with] six Sermons upon public Occasions. 6th ed. London, 1792. 8 (6X3. 2). 13 Six Sermons preached upon public Occasions. By Joseph, Lord Bishop of Bristol. London, 1749. 8 (5.9X3.1). BUTLER, Lilly, Vicar of St. Mary, London. 14 Discourse (A), proving, that the Faith and Practice of true Christians, are no just Matter of Shame and Reproach. Being eight Sermons preached ... in 1709, at the Boyle Lecture. London, 1711. 8 (5.5X3). 15 Religion no Matter of Shame. Set (BOYLE S Lecture Sermons, vol. 2). 110 BOWDOIN COLLEGE, BUTLER, Samuel, an English Poet ; b. 1612. d. at London, 1680. 1 Hudibras ; in three Parts. With large Annotations by Zachary Grey, LL.D. ... Vol. 1-3. Edinburgh, 1770. 24 (4.4X2.4). 2 Life of Samuel Butler. See (Hudibras, ante. Pp. vii.-xiv.). 3 Life of Samuel Butler, by J. Mitford. See (Poetical Works, post. Vol. 1, pp. vii.-lvi.). 4 Poetical Works. Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait. } Boston, 1854. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). BUTLER, William Archer, Prof, of Moral PJiiL at Dublin; b. 1814. d. 1848. 5 Lectures on the History of ancient Philosophy. Edited from the Author s MSS. with Notes, by W. H. Thompson. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1857. 12 (6.2X3.7). BUTTERWORTH, Rev. John, of Coventry, Eng.; b. 1727. d. 1803. 6 New Concordance (A) to the Holy Scriptures. . . . New ed., with considerable Improvements. By Adam Clarke, LL.D. * * * Stereo typed . . . Boston, 1828. 8 (7. 3X4), 2 cols., pp. 516. BUTTMANN, Philipp Carl LL.D., Prof . of Philology, Berlin; b. 1764. d. 1829. i Greek Grammar (A) . . . Translated from the German, with Addi tions, by E. Robinson. Andover, 1833. 8 (6.6X3.7). 8 Lexilogos ; or a critical Examination of the Meaning cfnd Etymology of numerous Greek Words and Passages . . . Translated and edited, with explanatory Notes ... by Rev. J. R. Fishlake. 2d ed., revised. London, 1840. 8 (6.3X3.8), pp. 597. BUTTS, I. R. 9 Business Man s (The) Assistant . . . 8th ed. Boston, 1847. 12 (5.7X3.2), pp. 84. 10 Every Landlord and Tenant his own Lawyer." 8th thousand. [Boston] 1848. 12 (5.7X3.2). 11 Every Man his own Counsellor. . . . 43d thousand. [Boston} 1848. 12 (5.7X3.2). BUXTORF, Johann, Prof, of Hebrew at Basel; b. 1564. d. 1629. 12 Abbreviaturis (De) Hebraicis Liber . . . cui accesserunt Operis Talmu- dici brevis Recensio, cum . . . Indice. Item Bibliotheca rabbinica nova . . . Ed. hac 2da. ... * * * Basilese, 1640. 8 (5X2.9). 13 Epitome Grammatics Hebreese ... * * * Amstelodami, 1645. 8 (5.2X3.1). 14 Epitome Grammatical Hebraese . . . Aucta, etc. per Joh. Buxtorfium, F. ... Ed. nova. Londini, 1666. 8 (5.1X3.3). NOTE. Title-page bears autograph, " M Byles." 15 Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum . . . Accessit Lexicon breve rabbi- nico-philosophicum . . . Ed. sexta . . . Londini, 1646. 8 (5.5X3.4), pp. 999+. !6 Synagoga Judaica, de Judaeorum Fide, Ritibus, Ceremoniis . . . Tertia ed. . . . redacta a J. Buxtorfio, F. Quarta hac ed. autem revisa, etc. a J. J. Buxtorfio. Basilea?, 1680. 8 (4.9X2.7), pp. 779+. 17 Thesaurus grammaticus Linguee sanctaa Hebra?ae . . . Adjecta Prosodia metrica . . . Ed. quarta . . . Basilea, 1629. 8 (5.3X3), pp. 690-f-. 18 Thesaurus grammaticus Lingua? sanctae Hebraae . . . Adjecta Prosodia metrica ... Ed. quinta . . . Basilea, 1651. 8 (5X3), pp. 690+. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY". Ill BUXTORF, Johann, Son of the preceding, Prof, offfebr. at Basel; b. 1599. d. 1664. 1 Tractatus de Punctorum Vocalium et Accentuum, in Libris veteris Testa ment! Hebraicis, Origine, Antiquitate, & Authoritate . . . Basilese, 1648. 4 (6X3.7). Editor, &c. See BUXTORF, J., ante. Epitome Grammatics Hebreese. Also, Synagoga Judaica. BYGGE, Thomas, Prof, of Math. Astronomy at University of Copenhagen. 2 Travels in the French Republic . . . Translated from the Danish by J. Jones, LL.D. London, 1801. 12 (4.8X2.8). BYLES, Rev. Mather, of Boston, Mass.; b. 1706. d. 1788. 3 * * * y unera l Sermon on Hon. William Dummer, Lieut.-Governor of Massachusetts, who died Oct. 10, 1761. Boston, 1761. 4 (5.9X4.1), pp. 24, 3. BYNKERSHOEK, Cornelius Van, a Dutch Jurist ; b. 1673. d. 1743. 4 Traite du Juge competent des Ambassadeurs, tant pour le civil que pour le criminel. Traduit du Latin, par J. Barbeyrac. La Haye, 1723. 8 (5.6X3). BYRNE, Bernard M., M.D., Surgeon U. S. Army. 5 Essay (An) to prove the contagious Character of malignant Cholera ; with brief Instructions for its Prevention and Cure. 2d ed., with additional Notes ... * * * Philadelphia, 1855. 8 (6.4X3.9). BYRON, George Gordon NOEL, Lord, the Poet; b. in London, 1788. d. 1824. 6 Childe Harold s Pilgrimage. A Romaunt ... By ... Lord Byron. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1819. 16 (3.5X2.9 irr.). 7 Life of Lord Byron. See GALT, J. BYTHNER, Victorinus, a Native of Poland, Lecturer on Hebrew at Oxford, Eng. 8 Lyra prophetica Davidis Regis, sive Analysis critico-practica Psalmorum . . . Insuper Harmonia Hebrsei Textus cum Paraphrasi Chaldaea, etc. Cui . . . addita est Institutio Lingua3 Hebrsese & Chaldare. . . . *** Londini, 1653. 4 (6.9X4.8), 2 cols. NOTE. The "Institutio," &c. has independent title-page and paging, and bears date, 1650. c. C., J. L. B. 9 Nueva Coleccion de Piezas en Prosa y en Versos. Sacadas de . . . Solis, Cervantes, Quevedo, etc. Tercera edicion. Tom. 1, 2. Lyon, 1823. 24 (4.1X2.4). NOTE. Also with second title-pages, in French. C ,P. . . 10 Tableau geographique de la Puissance industrielle, commerciale, agricole, civile et militaire de la Nation Franchise . . . Partie [Vol. ] 1, 2. Paris, 1802. 8 (5.4X3.1). CABOT, Sebastian, probably a Venetian ; d. about 1540. cet. about 70. 11 Life of Sebastian Cabot, by C. Hay ward, Jr. See SPARKS, J. (Ameri can Biography, vol. 9.) 112 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. CADE, Rev. Anthony. 1 Justification of the Chvrch of England. ... * * * [2 pagings. } London, 1630. 4 (5.9X3.3), m.r. CADOGAN, William, M.D.; d. 1797. cet. 86. 2 Dissertation on the Gout, and all chronic Diseases . . . 10th ed. * * * Boston, reprinted, 1772. 8, pp. 76. CAEDMON, an Anglo-Saxon Benedictine ; d. it is thought about 680. 3 Metrical Paraphrase of Parts of the Holy Scriptures, in Anglo Saxon ; with an English Translation, Notes, and a verbal Index, by Benj. Thorpe. * * * London, 1832. 8 (6.8X4), 2 cols. CAESAR, Caius Julius, Roman Emperor ; b. 98 B.C. d. 43 B.C. 4 C. Julii Ceesaris quse extant. Interpretation & Notis illustravit J. God- vinus ... in Usum Delphini. . . . Ed. septima. [Maps.] Londini, 1763. 8 (6.6X4). 5 Commentariorum de Bello Gallico Libri VIII. , et Commentariorum de Bello civili Libri III. A. Hirtii Commentariorum de Bello Alexandrine Liber unus. De Bello Hispaniensi incerti Auctoris Liber unus. 8 (4.9X2.7). NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page, &c. to p. 1. 6 Commentaires (Les) de Cesar, nouv. ed., revue, etc. par M. de Wailly. Tom. 1, 2. ..* Paris, 1788. 12 (4.6X2.5). CAIRNS, Elizabeth. 7 Memoirs of the Life of Elizabeth Cairns, written by herself . . . *** Glasgow, n.d. 8 (5.1X2.7). CALAMY, Rev. Edmund, D.D., a Nonconformist; b. 1671. d. 1732. Sermon on Rom. ix. 16. London, 1703. 8, pp. 48. 9 Sermon preach d before the Societies for Reformation of Manners, in London, and Middlesex . . . Feb. 20, 1699. . . . London, 1699. 8, pp. 53. CALDEIIWOOD, David, a Scotch Divine and Church Historian ; b. 1575. d. 1651. 10 True History (The) of the Church of Scotland . . . beginning 1560, and ending 1625. [No imprint] 1680. 2 (9.8X5), m. b., pp. 839. CALDWELL, Rev. John. Sermon preached at New London-Derry, Oct. 14, 1741, on John iv. 3. Boston, 1742. 8, pp. 47. CALDWELL, Merritt, Prof, at Dickinson College. 12 Christianity tested by eminent Men ; being brief Sketches of Christian Biography. With an Introduction by Rev. S. M. Vail. New York, 1852. 16 (4.7X2.7). CALDWELL, Zenas. 13 Life. See VAIL, S. M. Life in earnest. CALIFORNIA, State of; admitted in 1850. 14 First and Second Annual Reports of the Superintendent of public In struction to the Legislature. [No imprint] 1852, 53. 8, pamps. CALLIERES, Franois de, a French Statesman under Louis XIV.; b. 1647. d. 1717. 15 Maniere (De la) de negocier avcc les Souverains. De 1 Utilite des Ne- gociations, etc. Paris, 1716. 12 (5.5X2.2). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 113 CALLET, Francois, Prof, of Math, at Paris; b. 1744. d. 1798. 1 Tables portatives cle Logarithmes . . . precedees d un Discours prelimi- naire sur 1 Explication, 1 Usage et la Sommation des Logarithmes, et sur leur Application . . . Ed. stereotype . . . Paris, 1827. Thick 8 (7.3X3.8), n. p. CALM Defence (A) of the Deity of Jesus Christ. In Remarks on a Letter to a 2 Dissenter at Exeter. London, 1719. 8, pp. 48. CALMET, Augustin, a French Benedictine, Abbot of Senones ; b. 1672. d. 1757. 3 Calmet s Dictionary of the Holy Bible, as published by Mr. Charles Tay lor, with the Fragments incorporated. . . . Amer. ed. Revised, with large Additions, by E. Robinson. Illustrated . . . Boston, 1832. 8 (8.1X5.5), 2 cols., pp. 1003. [2 copies.] CALONNE, Charles Alexandre de, a French Statesman; b. 1734. d. 1802. 4 Reponse de M. de Calonne a I Ecrit de M. Necker, public en Avril 1787 \ contenant 1 Examen des Comptes de la Situation des Finances rendus en 1774, 1776, 1781, 1783 & 1787: avec des Observations sur les Resul- tats de 1 Assemblee des Notables. Londres, 1788. 8 (5.4X3). CALPURXIUS, Titus Julius, a Sicilian Poet of the 3d century. 5 Eclogae VII. See BURMANN, P. Poetae Latini minores. CALVERT, George Henry, Great-grandson of Lord Baltimore-, b. in Md., 1802. Translator. See SCHILLER, J. C. F. von. Correspondence between Schiller and Goethe. CALVERT, Leonard, 1st Governor of Maryland ; d. 1647. 6 Life of Leonard Calvert, by Geo. W. Burnap. See SPARKS, J. (Ame rican Biography, 2d Series, vol. 9.) CALVIX, John, Prof, of Divin. at Geneva; b. at Noyon, France, 1509. d. 1564. 7 Commentarii integri in Acta Apostolorum ... * * * Geneva, Exc. J. Vignon, 1609. 2 (11.2X5.9), m. r. 8 Commentarii in Isaiam Prophetam . . . Additi sunt Indices . . . Ed. tertia. * * * Geneva?, Apud Jo. Crispinum, 1570. 2 (9.8X5.4), m. r., pp. 560-f-. 9 Commentarii in omnes Pauli Apostoli Epistolas, atque etiam in Episto- lam ad Hebracos. Adivnximvs . . . Commentaries in omnes Epistolas. canonicas. . . . Cum Indicibus ... [2 pagings.~] Genevae, Apud J. Vignon, 1600. 2 (10.9X6.2), m.r., pp. 636+, 124-J-. 10 Diners Sermons [27] of ... lohn Caluin, concerning the Divinitie, Humanitie, &c. of our Lorde lesus Christe. London, 1581. 8 (6X3.8). NOTE. Printed in 3Iark ILrtter. 11 Institvtio Christiana? Religionis. Additi sunt . . . duo Indices . . . * * * Geneva?, 1669. 8 (6.1X3.3), m.r., pp. 980+. 12 Institution (The) of Christian Religion, written in Latine by M. lohn Calvine, translated into English . . . with sundry Tables . . . and also the Declaration of Places of Scripture therein expounded ; by Th. Norton. ... London, 1611. 2 (9.2X5-1), m. n., pp. 749-f. 15 15 O W D I N COLLEGE. CALVIN, John, continued. 1 Letters of John Calvin compiled from the original Manuscripts and edited with historical Notes by Dr. Jules Bonnet. Vol. 1, 2. Trans lated from the Latin and French Languages by D. Constable. Edinburgh and Boston, 1855, 57. 8 (6.6X3.7). 2 Life of Calvin, by Th. Beza. See (Opera omnia, post. Tom. 1, pp. v.-xxxi.). 3 Life and Times of John Calvin. See HENRY, P. 4 Mosis Libri V., cum J. Calvini Commentariis. Genesis seorsum : reliqui quatuor in Formam Harmoniae digesti ... [2 pagings.~] Genevae, Excvd. Eenr. Stephanvm, 1563. 2 (10.8X6.2), m. r., pp. 339, 624+. 5 Opera omnia ; in novem Tomos digesta. . . . [Portraits. ] Amstelodami, Apud Jo. Jac. Schipper, 1671. 2 (12.2X6.3), 2 cols. NOTE. General title-page is found in Vol. 1 only. Each volume contains indepen dent title-page, with date, 1667, and giving respective contents, viz., I. Commen- taria in Pentnteuchurn, & Librum Josuas. II. Homiliae in Samuelem, & Conciones in Jobum. III. Commentaria in Psalmos, & Isaiam. IV. Praelectiones in Jeremi- am, & in Ezcchielem. V. Praelectiones in Danielem, & Prophetas mnjores. VI. Commentaria in Evangelia, & Acta Apostolorum. VII. Commentaria in Epistolas Pauli & canonicas. VIII. Opuscula varia theolosrica. IX. Institutiones Eeligionis Christiana?, quibus subjunguntur Epistolse & Responsa ad diversos. 6 Praelectiones in Librum Prophetiarum Danielis. J. Budsei & C. lonuil- Ifiei Lahore & Industria excerpta?. Additus est e Regions Versionis Latino? Hebraicus & Chaldaicus Textus. Genevae, 1591. 2 (8.9X5.3). NOTE. Title-page bears autographs, " A. Holmes," " Ezra Stiles." 7 ProDlectiones : in Librum Prophetiarvm Jeremiae, et Lamentationes. J. Budaei & C. Jonuillaei Lahore and Industria excerptse. Cum duobus Indicibus . . . Geneva?, Apud J. Crispinum, 1563. 2 (9.9X5.4), m. r., pp. 436+. 8 Prselectiones in XII. Prophetas minores. . . . Cum duobus Indicibus Geneva?, Apud J. Orispinum, 1559. 2 (10.1X5.3), m. r., pp. 775+. 9 Sermons on the Epistles of S. Paule to Timothie and Titus, translated out of the French by Leonard Tomson. London, 1579. 4 (6.9X4), 2 cols., pp. 1248. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page and from p. 1184. 10 Sermons of M. lohn Caluine vpon the Epistle of Saincte Paule to the Galathians. London, 1574. 4 (5.8X3.6), m.r., fol. 329. CAMBELL, David. 11 Illustrations of Prophecy ... * * * Boston, 1840. 12 (4.2X2.7). CAMBRIDGE, City of, Massachusetts. 12 Mayor s Address (The) at the Organization of the City Government, and Reports of the Committee on Finance, and the School Committee. [For 1848, and 1849.] Cambridge, 1848, 49. 8, pamps. CAMBRIDGE HIGH-SCHOOL, Cambridge, Mass. 13 Classed Catalogue (A) of the Library of the Cambridge High School ; with an alphabetical Index. . . . [Compiled by E. Abbot, Jr.] Cambridge, 1853. 8 (7X4). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 115 CAMBRIDGE Problems : being a Collection of the printed Questions proposed 1 to the Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, at the general Examinations from 1801 to 1820 inclusively. London, 1836. 8 (6.9X3.9). CAMBRIDGE University Calendar (The) for 1846. 2 Cambridge, n. d. 8 (5.8X3.3). CAMDEX, William, a British Historian and Antiquary ; b. 1551. d. 1623. 3 Annales or, The History of the ... Princesse Elizabeth, late Queen of England . . . Written in Latin. Translated into English by R. N., Gent : together with divers Additions ... 3d ed. [Portrait.] London, 1635. 2 (8.6X4.7), m. b., pp. 586-J-. NOTE. Title-page is embellished. 4 History (The) of the ... Princess Elizabeth, late Queen of England ... 4th ed. ... [Portrait.] London, 1688. 2 (8.6X4.8), m. b., pp. 661-]-. CAMERARIUS, Joachim, Prof, of And. Lang, at Leipsic; b. 1500. d. 1554. Translator. See ECCLESIASTICAE Historiae Avtores. Theodoriti Li- bri V. CAMOENS, Luis de, the greatest Portuguese Poet; b. 1524. d. 1579. 5 Lusiade (La) du Camoens. Poeme heroique, sur la Decouverte des Indies orientales. Traduit du Portugais, par M. Duperon de Castera. Tom. 1, 2. [Illustrated. ] Paris, 1735. 12 (4.6X2.2). CAMP, George Sidney. 6 Democracy. * * * (Harper s Family Library, No. 138.) New York, 1841. 18 (4.5X2.7). CAMPAIGN of Gen. Buonaparte in Italy during the fourth and fifth Years of the 7 French Republic. By a general Officer. [Translated by John Davis.] New York, 1798. 8 (6.2X3.5). CAMPBELL, Donald, an assumed name. See CARPENTER, S. C. CAMPBELL, D. Forbes, Esq. Translator. See THIERS, M. A. History of the Consulate, &c. CAMPBELL, George, D.D., Princ. of Marischal Coll., Aberdeen; 6.1719. d. 1796. 8 Account of the Life and Writings of George Campbell. See (Lectures on ecclesiastical History, post. Vol. 1, pp. v.-lxxx.). 9 Dissertation (A) on Miracles ; containing an Examination of the Prin ciples advanced by David Hume, Esq. in an Essay on Miracles. * * * 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1796. 12 (5.5X3). 10 Lectures on ecclesiastical History. . . . [With ] an Essay on Christian Temperance and Self-Denial. With some Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, by Rev. G. S. Keith. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Por trait.] London. 1800. 8 (5.9X3.4). 11 Lectures on systematic Theology and Pulpit Eloquence. Boston, 1810. 8 (6.3X3.5). 12 Philosophy (The) of Rhetoric. ... * * * 2d ed. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1801. 8 (6X3.5). [3 copies.] Translator, Annotator, &c. See BIBLE, Portions of the New Testa ment. The Four Gospels. 116 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. CAMPBELL, John, LL.D., a Native of Edinburgh; b. 1708. d. 1775. 1 Biographia nautica : or, Memoirs of ... illustrious [British ] Seamen ... By Dr. J. Campbell and J. Kent, Esq. . . . Vol. 1-5. * * * [Illustrated.-] Dublin, 1785. 8 (5.6X3.1). NOTE. Lettered, " Kent s Admirals. 1-5." CAMPBELL, Lawrence Dundas. 2 Miscellaneous Poems. [London, 1798.] 8, pp. 42. NOTE. Appended to BOYD S Indian Observer. Biographer. See BOYD, H. Life, prefixed to " Indian Observer." CAMPBELL, Mrs. Maria, Daughter of Gen. Hull. 3 Revolutionary Services and civil Life of General William Hull ; prepared from his Manuscripts : together with the History of the Campaign of 1812, and the Surrender of Detroit, by his Grandson, James F. Clarke. New York, 1848. 8 (6X3.5). CAMPBELL, Thomas, a British Poet; b. at Glasgow, 1777. d. 1844. 4 Biographical Sketch of Campbell. See (Poetical Works, post. Pp. vii.-lxix.). 5 Poetical Works. With Notes, and a biographical Sketch by Rev. W. , A. Hill. [Portrait. ] Boston, 1854. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). CAMPER, Peter, a Dutch Physician and Anatomist ; b. 1722. d. 1789. 6 Sammtliehe kleinere Schriften die Arzney=Wundarzneykunst und Na- turgeschichte betreffend. Band 1, 2. Im Teutschen mit vielen neuen Zusatzen und Vermehrungen des Verfassers bereichert, von J. F. M. Herbell. Mit Kupfern. . Leipzig, 1784, 85. 8 (5.8X3.3). CANADA, Province of. ? Annual Report of the normal, model and common Schools, in Upper Canada, for the Year 1851 : with Appendices. By the Chief Superin tendent of Schools. . . . Quebec, 1852. 8 (7.9X5. 2). 8 Tables of the Trade and Navigation of the Province of Canada for 1854. ... Quebec, 1855. 8 (8X5), pp. 542. CANCRINUS, . 9 Exposition des Mines . . . traduite de 1 Allemand, de M. Cancrinus, par M. Monnet. Londres, 1772. 24 (4.5X2.4). CANDOLLE, Alph. de, Prof, of Natural History at Geneva. - 10 Geographic botanique raisonnee ou Exposition des Faits principaux et des Lois concernant la Distribution geographique des Plantes de 1 Epoque actuelle. Tom. 1 contenant deux Cartes geographiques. Tom. 2. Paris, 1855. 8 (7.1X4.1). CANER, Henry, D.D., a Minister at King s Chapel, Boston; b. 1700. d. 1792. 11 Candid Examination (A) of Dr. Mayhew s Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, &c. [By H. Caner.] . . . [With] a Letter . . . [by S. Johnson] containing a short Vindication of the said Society ... * * * Boston, 1763. 8, pp. 93. [2 copies.] 32 Great Blessing of stable Times, &c. Thanksgiving Sermon, in Boston, Aug. 11, 1703, on Occasion of the General Peace. * * * Boston, 1763. 8, pp. 24. [3 copies.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 117 CANES, [or, CAVES?], Vincent, a learned Franciscan. 1 Fiat Lvx, or, A general Conduct to a right Understanding and Charity in the great Combustions and Broils about Religion here in England ... 2d ed. revised and enlarged by the Authour Mr. F. V. C. . . . *** \_No imprint ] 1662. 12 (4.6X3). CANNING, George, Father of the Et. Hon. George Canning ; d. 1771. 2 Letter to the Rt. Hon. Wills Esrl of Hillsborough on the Connection between Great Britain and her American Colonies. [By G. Canning. ] * * * London, 1768. 8, pp. 16. CAPPELLUS, Jacobus, Prof, of Theology at Sedan-, b. 1570. d. 1624. 3 Observationes in Vetus Testamentum. See CAPPELLUS, L. Commen- tarii in Vetus Testamentum, etc. Editor. See CAPPELLUS, L. Commentarii in Vetus Testamentum. CAPPELLUS, Ludovicus, D.D., Prof, of Hebrew, &c., at Saumur; b. 1585. d. 1658. 4 Commentarii et Notae critics in Vetus Testamentum. Accessere Jac. Cappelli Observationes in eosdem Libros. Item, L. Cappelli Arcanum Punctationia . . . ejusque Vindicise . . . Editionem procuravit J. Cap- pellus, *** Amstelodami, 1689. 2 (11.9X7.1), 2 cols., pp. 979. CARACTERES exterieurs particuliers des Mineraux, solides et friables. 5 [No imprint.] 2 (7X12), pp. 18. [2 copies.] CARE, Henry. 6 English Liberties . . . containing Magna Charta, Charta de Foresta, &c., &c. ... 5th ed. Boston, 1721. 12 (5.5X3.2). CAREY, Eustace. 7 Memoir of William Carey, D.D. [Portrait.] London, 1836. 8 (6.4X3.6), pp. 629. 8 Memoir of William Carey, D.D. With an introductory Essay by F. Wayland, D.D. [Portrait.] Boston, 1836. 12 (5.5X3.2). CAREY, Mathew ; b. in Dublin, 1760. d. in Philadelphia, 1839. 9 Calm Address (A) to the People of the Eastern States on the Subject of the Representation of Slaves; &c. By ... [M. Carey]. * * * Boston, 1814. 12, pp. 50. 10 Carey s general Atlas ... [45 Maps.] Philadelphia, 1796. Folded sheets. 11 Carey s War-Atlas : containing . . . [7 Maps of Portions of Europe, and the West Indies ]. [No imprint.] Folded sheets. 12 Eine klirze Nachricht von dem bosartigen Fieber, welches kiirzlich in Philadelphia grassiret . . . [with] Nachrichten von der Pest in London [in 1665] und Marseille [in 1720] ; etc. Uebersetzt von Carl Erdmann. Lancaster, 1794. 8 (6.3X3.7). Editor. See PENNSYLVANIA. Debates and Proceedings, &c.. CAREY, William, D.D.,a Bapt. Missionary, and oriental Scholar; b. 1761. d. 1834. 13 Enquiry (An) into the Obligations of Christians to use Means for the Conversion of Heathen. ... * * * Leicester, 1792. 8, pp. 87. 14 Memoir of William Carey, D.D. See CAREY, E. CARIBBEANA. Containing Letters and Dissertations, together with poetical 15 Essays . . . chiefly wrote by several Hands in the West Indies . . . Vol.2. London, 1741. 4 (6.8X4.9). 118 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. CARKESSE, Charles. 1 Act (The) of Tonnage and Poundage, and Rates of Merchandize, &c., &c. London, 1726. 2 (10.7X4.8), m. b., &c., pp. 944+. 2 Supplement (A) to the Act of Tonnage and Poundage . . . London, 1737. 2 (10.9X4.8), m. b., &c. NOTE. Bound with the preceding 1 Avork. Both works arc printed in Ulack 3Lcttr. CARLYLE, Eeu. Alexander, D.D., Minister of Inveresk; b. 1722. d. 1805. 3 Autobiography, containing Memorials of the Men and Events of his Times. [Portrait.] Boston, 1861. 8 (5.6X3.3). CARLYLE, Thomas, a British Author; b. in Dumfriesshire, Scotland, 1795. 4 Critical and miscellaneous Essays. Vol. 1-4. Boston, 1838- 39. 12 (5.5X3.3). 5 French Revolution (The) : a History. ... * * * ... Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1838. 12 (5.2X3.2). 6 History of Friedrich the Second, called Frederick the Great. In 4 vols. Vol. 1, 2. [Portraits. ] New York, 1858. 12 (5.8X3.5). 7 Life of Friedrich Schiller. [By T. Carlyle.] Comprehending an Ex amination of his Works. * * * [Portrait. ] London, 1825. 8 (5.9X3.3). Editor. See CROMWELL, 0. Letters and Speeches. Translator. See GOETHE, J. W. von. Wilhelm Meister s Apprentice ship and Travels. CARMINA sacra, quae Latine Graeceque condidit America. Wigorniae, Mass., Typis I. Thomas, 1789. 4 (5.1X2.6), pp. 8. CARNOT, . 9 Reflexions sur la Metaphysique du Calcul infinitesimal; par Carnot. 3meed. Paris, 1839. 8 (5.7X3.4). CARO, Annibale, an Italian Poet ; b. 1507. d. 1566. 10 Scelta di Lettere familiari e di J. Bonfadio Vol. 1, 2 Parma, 1832. 12 (4.5X2.6). Translator. See VIRGILIUS MARO, P. L Eneide. CAROSI, J. P. von. 11 Erzeugung (Ueber die) des Kiesels und des Qwarzes zum Teil besbach- tet in Polen. . . . Mit 2 Kupfern. Leipzig, 1783. 8 (6X3.1), pp. 58. CARPENTER, Lant, LL.D., a Unitarian Minister of Exeter, Eng. ; b. 1780. d. 1840. 12 Beneficial Tendency of Unitarianism. (AMERICAN Unitarian Associa tion. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 43.) Boston, 1830. 12, pp. 32. 13 Scripture Doctrine (The) of Redemption by Christ Jesus. (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 52.) Boston, 1831. 12, pp. 12. CARPENTER, Stephen Cullen, Co-Editor of U.S. Magazine-, d. about 1820. 14 Journey (A) overland to India ... by Donald Campbell, Esq. . . . [3 Parts, paged separately. .] London, 1796. 4 (6.5X4.8). 15 Narrative of the extraordinary Adventures, &c. of Donald Campbell, . Esq. ... in an overland Journey to India. ... * * * London, 1796. 8 (5.3X3). 16 Narrative, &c. 2d Amer. ed, * * * New York, 1798. 12 (5X2.9). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 119 CARPEXTER, William Benjamin, an English Physiologist, Son of Dr. L. C. 1 Principles of comparative Physiology. ... * * * [Illustrated.] Philadelphia, 1854. 8 (7.3X4.2), pp. 752. 2 Use and Abuse (On the) of Alcoholic Liquors, in Health and Disease. Prize Essay. *** Boston, 1851. 12 (5.5X3.2). CARPIO, Lope Felix de VEGA. See VEGA-CARPIO, L. F. de. CARR, John, Esq., of London; b. 1772. d. 1832. 3 Stranger (The) in Ireland : or, A Tour in the southern and western Parts of that Country in 1805. * * * 3d Amer. ed. ... New York, 1807. 8 (5.8X3.4). CARRA, Jean Louis, a French Demagogue; b. 1743. exec. 1793. Translator. See GILLIES, J. Histoire de Pancienne Grece. CARRANZA, Earth., Archbishop of Toledo ; b. 1503. d. 157G. 4 Svmma Conciliorvm et Pontificvm . . . Excvd. F. Heluidius, 1600. 16 (3.9X2.2), m. r., fol. 658. CARSOX, Alexander, a Minister in Edinburgh. 5 Reasons for separating from the General Synod of Ulster. 2d ed. *** Edinburgh, 1807. 12 (5.5X3). 6 Reply (A) to Mr. Brown s Vindication of the Presbyterian Form of Church-Government . . . Edinburgh, 1807. 12 (5.4X2.9), pp. 537. CARTER, Nathaniel Hazeltine, a Native of New-Hampshire ; b. 1788? d. 1830. 7 Letters from Europe, comprising the Journal of a Tour through Ireland, England, Scotland, France, Italy, and Switzerland, in 1825, 26 and 27. ... Vol. 1,2. New York, 1827. 8 (6.8X3.7). CARTWRIGHT, Thomas, Prof, of Div. at Cambridge, Eng. ; 6. 1535. d. 1603. 8 Confvtation (A) of the Rhemists Translation, Glosses and Annotations on the New Testament . . . [London] 1618. 2 (9.3X4.7), m. n., pp. 761+. CARWITHEX, Rev. I. B. S. ; b. 1781. d. 1832. 9 Heresies of the fourth Century and History of the Christian Church, from the Death of Theodosius to the End of the eleventh Century. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitan, vol. 11). 10 View (A) of the Brahminical Religion . . . ^Hampton-Lecture Ser mons.] London, 1810. 8 (5.7X3.4). CARY, Henry, A.M., of Worcester College, Oxford, Eng. Translator. See PLATO. "Works. Vol. 1. CARY, Henry Francis, Asst. Librarian of British Museum-, b. 1772. d. 1844. Translator. See PIXDARUS. Pindar in English Verse. CARY, Rev. Samuel, of Boston; b. about 1785. d. in England, 1815. 11 Address to the Members of the Merrimack Humane Society at New- buryport, Sept. 2, 1806. * * * Newburyport, 1806. 8, pp. 42. 12 Artillery-Election Sermon, June 6, 1814. Boston, 1814. 8, pp. 26. 13 Ignorance of the true Meaning of the Scriptures, and the Causes of it. Sermon . . . Boston, 1814. 8, pp. 30. 14 National-Fast Sermon, Sermon, Sept. 9, 1813. Boston, 1813. 8, pp. 20. 120 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. GARY, Rev. Samuel, continued. 1 Sermon delivered at ... Boston, Jan. 1, 1809, being the Sabbath of the Author s Ordination ... [Ch., R. H., and Address, by J. Freeman. } Boston, 1809. 8, pp. 25, 15. [2 copies.] CARY, Hon. Thomas G. 2 Dependence (The) of the fine Arts for Encouragement in a Republic on the Security of Property, &c. an Address delivered before the Boston Mercantile Library Association, Nov. 13, 1844. Boston, 1845. 8, pp. 39. 3 Oration (An) delivered before the ... [Authorities ] of the City of Boston . . . July 5, 1847. Boston, 1847. 8, pp. 38. CARYL, Joseph, a Nonconformist Divine of London; b. 1602. d. 1673. 4 Exposition (An) with practical Observations upon the Book of Job. Vol. 2 1C hap. XXIII.-XLII.]. * * * London, 1677. 2 (12.9X7.5), 2 cols. CASAUBON, Isaac, Prof, of Greek at Geneva; b. 1559. d. 1614. Annotator. See PLINIUS CJECILIUS SECUNDUS, C. Epist. Lib. IX. Translator. See THEOPHRASTUS. Characteres ethici. CASAUBOX, Merick, D.D., Son of the preceding ; b. 1599. d. in England, 1671. 5 Credulity (Of) and Incredulity ; in Things divine and spiritual . . . London, 1670. 12 (5.2X2.7). CASE (A) decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, in Feb., 1793, in 6 which is discussed the Question " Whether a State be liable to be sued by a private Citizen of another State ? " Philadelphia, 1793. 8 (6.4X3.4). CASLON, William. 7 Specimen (A) of Printing-Types, by William Caslon, Letter-Founder to his Majesty. London, 1785. 8 (6.9X3.4), n. p. CASS, lion. Lewis, an American Statesman; b. at Exeter, N.H., 1782. 8 Kansas. The Territories. Speech . . . delivered in the Senate of the United States, May 12-13, 1856. [Washington, 1856.] 8, pp. 24. 9 Speech ... on Non-Intervention. Delivered in the Senate of the U.S., Feb. 10, 1852. Washington, 1852. 8, 2 cols., pp. 16, 1 Life and public Services of Lewis Cass . . . With a Sketch of the Life and Services of Gen. W. O. Butler . . . Illustrated. Boston, 1848. 8, pp. 34. CASSIX, John, an American Ornithologist; b. near Philadelphia, 1813. 11 Birds of the Southern Hemisphere. See UNITED STATES. (U.S. Naval Astronomical Expedition, vol. 2.) CASSINI, Jacques, a French Astronomer ; b. 1677. d. 1756. 12 Elemens d Astronomie. Par M. Cassini. [Plates.] Paris, 1740. 4 (7X4.7), pp. 643. 13 Tables astronomiques du Soleil, de la Lune, des Planetes, des Etoiles fixes, et des Satellites de Jupiter et de Saturne ; avec 1 Explication & PUsage de ces memes Tables. Par M. Cassini. Paris, 1740. 4 (7X4.7). CASTALIO, Sebastian, Prof, of Greek at Bale; b. 1515. d. 1563. 14 Dialogorum sacrorum Libri IV. Ed. decima quinta ... * * * Londini, 1722. 24 (5X2.2). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 121 CASTANYER, Francesco. 1 Trial of Francesco Castanyer for Bigamy, in the Years 1510 to 1515. [Latin Manuscript. ] 2 (11.5X8). NOTE. Formerly belonged to the Inquisition of Barcelona in Spain. CASTELL, Rev. Edmund, Prof, of Arabic at Cambridge, Eng.; b. 1606. d. 1685. 2 Lexicon heptaglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Samaritanum, JEthiopicum, Arabicum, conjunctim ; et Persicum separatim. . . . Cui accessit brevis, & harmonica (quantum fieri potuit) Grammatics omnium prsecedentium Linguarum Delineatio. [Portrait of Author. ] Londini, 1669. 2 (14.7X9), 3 cols., cols. 4008. NOTE. Bound in two volumes. Designed to complete Walton s Polyglot Bible. CASTILLO, Bernal DIAZ DEL. See DIAZ DEL CASTILLO, Bernal. CATALOGUE of Books on the Masonic Institution, in Public Libraries of Twenty- 3 eight States of the Union, Antimasonic in Arguments and Conclusions. Boston, 1852. 8 (6X3.7). CATALOGUE raisonne d une Collection de Medailles. * * * [Illustrations.] 4 [Leipzig ] 1774. 4 (6X5). CATHERINE II., Empress of Russia ; b. 1729. d. 1796. 5 Instruction pour la Commission chargee de dresser leProjetd un nouveau Code de Loix. St. Petersbourg, 1769. 8 (5.3X3.8). 6 Instructions adressees pour la Commission etablie pour travailler a 1 Exe- cution du Projet d un nouveau Code de Loix. Traduit de 1 Allemand. Yverdon, 1769. 12 (4.6X2.3). ? Life of Catherine II. Empress of Russia. See TOOKE, "VV. CATIIOLICK Hierarchic (The). See MARVELL, A. CATLIN, Rev. Jacob, D.D., of New-Marlborough, Mass.; b. 1758. d. 1826. 8 Compendium (A) of the System of Divine Truth ... * * * Middletown, 1824. 12 (5.7X3). 9 Compendium (A) of the System of Divine Truth. . . . [With] Appro priate Questions. ****3ded. Boston, 1851. 12 (5.4X3.2). 10 Horrors (The) of War. Sermon delivered at New-Marlborough, Mass., July 5, at the Celebration of Independence. Stockbridge, 1811. 8, pp. 11. CATO S Political Letters. See TRENCIIARD, J. CATROU, Francois, a learned French Jesuit ; b. 1659. d. 1737. 11 Roman History (The) : with Notes . . . ; and illustrated with Copper Plates, Maps, and ... authentick Medals. Done into English, from the original French of the Revel. Fathers Catrou and Rouille [by R. Bundy]. Vol. 1-6. ... London, 172S- 37. 2 (11X3.5), m.b. CATTEAU-CALLEVILLE, Jean Pierre Guillaume, a French hist. ; b. 1760. d. 1819. 12 General View (A) of Sweden . . . Translated from the French of Mr. Catteau. London, 1790. 8 (5.6X3.2). CATULLUS, Caius Valerius, the earliest Latin lyric Poet ; b. 86 B.C. 13 Catulli, Tibulli, et Propertii Opera. Londini, 1776. 12 (4.5X2.5). 14 Catullus Tibullus Properlius Lipsiae, 1853. 24 (3.9X2.5 irr.). CAULAINCOURT, Armand Augustin Louis, a French General, &c.; 6.1773. cZ.1827. 15 Napoleon and his Times, by Caulincourt, Duke of Vicenza. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1838. 12 (5:2X2.8). CAUSES of the Progress of Liberal Christianity in New England. 2d ed. 16 Boston, 1827. 12, pp. 16^ 16 122 BOWU01N COLLEGE. CAVALLO, Tiberius, a Resident of London ; b. at Naples, 1749. d. 1809. 1 Complete Treatise (A) on Electricity ... 3d ed. .,. . Vol. 1, 2. [Plates.] London, 1786. 8 (5.9X3.2). [2 copies.] 2 Complete Treatise (A) on Electricity ... 4th ed. ... Vol. 1-3. [Plates.] London, 1795. 8 (5.9X3.2). [2 copies of vol. 3.] NOTE Vols. 1 and 2 of this edition are identical with the same volumes of third edition. Vol. 3 contains discoveries, &c. made since third edition. 3 Explanation and Index of two Mineralogical Tables. London, 1786. 8, pp. 44. 4 Treatise (A) on Magnetism, in Theory and Practice, with original Ex periments. [Plates.] London, 1787. 8 (5.9X3.2). [2 copies.] 5 Treatise (A) on Magnetism . . . , with original Experiments. 3d ed., with a Supplement. [Plates.] London, 1800. 8 (6X3.3). CAVE, William, D.D., Prof, of Theol. at Oxford-, b. 1637. d. 1713. 6 Lives (The), Acts, and Martyrdoms of the Holy Apostles of our Saviour. To which are added, The Lives of the two Evangelists St. Mark and St. Luke. . . . With an introductory Essay, by H. Stebbing. New-York, 1836. 8 (8.1X4.9), 2 cols. ? Primitive Christianity : or, The Religion of the Ancient Christians in the First Ages of the Gospel. * * * 2 vols. London, 1673. 8 (5.5X3), m. r. NOTE. Vol. 1 has also second title-page, eml ellishrd. 8 Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia literaria, a Christo nato usque ad Steculum XIV. . . . Accedunt ab aliis manibus Appendices duse, ab ineunte Sa?cuLo XIV. ad annum usque MDXVII. ... Ad calcem vero operis Cavei Dissertationes tres. . .. . Vol. 2. Basilece, 1745. 2 (10X6), m. r., 2 cols. CAXTON, William, the first English Printer; Kent, 1412. d. 1491. 9 Life of Caxton, with an Account of the Invention of Printing, &c. By Stephenson. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. Lives of Eminent Persons ; &c. CEBES, of Thebes, a Greek philosopher ; flourished about 400 B.C. 10 Tabula. Gnrce et Latine. See LUCIANCS. Colloquia selecta, etc. CECIL, Rev. Richard, <f London; b. 1748. d. 1810. 11 Remains of Rev. Richard Cecil. To which is prefixed a View of his Character. By J. Pratt. New-York, 1836. 8 (8.1X4.9), 2 cols. 12 Works: with a Memoir of his Life [by Mrs. Cecil]. Arranged and re vised, with a Review of his Character by J. Pratt. . . . Vol. 1-3. Boston, 1825. 12 (5.3x3.2). CECIL, William, Baron Burleigh, Sec y of State to Q. Elizabeth ; 6.1520. (7.1598. 13 Life, by Sir J. Mackintosh. See EOHSTEB., J, (Lives of Eminent Brit ish Statesmen, vol. 1.) CELEBRATION (The) of the Centennial Anniversary of the Introduction of the 14 Art of Printing into New Hampshire, in Portsmouth, Oct. 6, 1856. A Sketch of the Proceedings, the Oration [by A. P. Peabody]. Decorations. Speeches, Sentiments, Letters, &c., &c. Portsmouth, 1857. 8, pp. 60. CELLINI, Benvenuto, a Florentine Artist ; b. 1500. d. 1570. 15 Life of Benvenuto Cellini. . . . Containing . . . Particulars, relative to Painting, Sculpture and Architecture ; and the History of his Time. Written by himself in the Tuscan Language, and translated ... by T. Nugent. In 2 vols. Vol.2. London, 1771. 8 (5.6X3.2). CATALOG UK OF THE LIBRARY. ] 23 CELSUS, Aurelius Cornelius, a Physician at Rome, under Tiberius. 1 A. Cornelius Celsus of Medicine. In eight Books. Translated with Notes . . . ,T. Greive. London, 1756. 8 (6.4X3.5), pp. 5 19+. CENTAUR (The) not fabulous. In a Series of Letters to a Friend, on the Life 2 in Vogue. *** Philadelphia, 1795. 12 (4.9X3). CERTAIN Sermons or Homilies appointed to be read in Churches, in the Time of 3 Queen Elizabeth. ... *** London, 1676. 2 (9.5X5), in. r. NOTE. Printed in JUIacft ILrttcr. CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, Miguel DE, a Spanish Author; b. 1547. d. 1616. 4 Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated from the Spanish by C. Jarvis, Esq. Carefully revised and corrected. With numerous Illustrations ... Vol. 1,2. Boston, 1858. 8 (6.5X3.7). 5 Ingenioso Hidalgo (El) Don Quixote de la Mancha. Nueva edicion cor- regida por la Real Academia Espaiiola. ... Tom. 1-4. [Fine Plates."] Madrid, 1780. 4 (7.4X5). 6 Ingenioso Hidalgo (El) Don Quijote de la Mancha. Nueva edicion clas- ica, ilustrada con Notas, historicas, grammaticas y criticas, por la Aca demia Espafiola, sus . . . Pellicer, Arrieta y Clemencin. Enrnendada y corregida por F. Sales. . . . Tom. 1, 2. 2da ed. [Portraits and Plates. ] Boston, 1837. 12 (5.9X3.4). 7 Principales Aventures (Les) de Fadmirable Don Quichotte, representees en Figures par Coypel, Picart le Remain, etc. ; avec les Explications des trente-une Planches . . . ; tirees de 1 original Espagnol de M. de Cervan tes. Tom. 1, 2. LaHaye, 1774. 8 (5X2.9). CESAROTTI, Melchiore, an Italian Poet; b. in Padua, 1730. d. 1808. Translator. See OSSIAN. Poesie di Ossian. CEVALLOS, Pedro, Sec y of State to Ferdinand VII. of Spain ; 6.1764. d.1838. 8 Exposition of the Practices and Machinations which led to the Usurpa tion of the Crown of Spain, and the Means adopted by the Emperor of the French [Napoleon /.] to carry it into Execution. Boston, n. d. 8, pp. 40. CHABERT, Joseph Bernard, Marquis DE ; b. at Toulon, 1723. d. 1805. 9 Voyage fait par ordre du Roi en 1750 et 1751, dans 1 Amerique Septen- trionale, pour rectifier les Cartes des Cotes de 1 Acadie, de ITsle Royale & de 1 Isle de Terreneuve ; et pour en fixer les principaux Points par des Observations Astronomiques. Par M. de Chabert. [Map and Plates. ] Paris, 1753. 4 (6.6X4.1). CHADBOURNE, Paul Ansel, M.D., Prof, of Natural History, &c. at Williams College & Bowdoin College-, b. 1823. 1 Introductory Lecture, delivered before the Medical and Senior Classes of Bowdoin College, Feb. 17, 1860. Brunswick, 1860. 8, pp. 19. 11 Lectures on Natural History : its Relations to Intellect, Taste, Wealth, and Religion. New York, 1860. 12 (5X3.3). CHALKHILL, John, supposed by many to be a nom-de-plume of Waltoris. 12 Thealma and Clearchus. A pastoral Romance. First published by I. Walton, 1683. New ed. . . . Chiswick, 1820. 12 (4.3X2.4 irr.). CHALMERS, Alexander; b. at Aberdeen, 1759. d. at London, 1834. 1 3 British Essayists (The) ; with Prefaces. See BRITISH Essayists (The).. 124 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. CHALMERS, George, Esq.. an English Historian; b. 1742. d. 1825. 1 Collection (A) of Treaties between Great Britain and other Powers. Vol. 1,2. London, 1790. 8 (6.6X3.5). [2 copies.] 2 Estimate (An) of the comparative Strength of Great-Britain during the present and four preceding Reigns ; and of the Losses of her Trade from every War since the Revolution. London, 1786. 8 (6.1X3.3). CHALMERS, Lionel, M.D., of Charleston, S.C.; b. in Scotland, 1715. d. 1777. 3 Account (An) of the Weather and Diseases of South-Carolina. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1776. 8 (6.1X3.3). NOTE. The two volumes are bound together. CHALMERS, Thomas, D.D., LL.D.,Prof. of Divin. atEdinb.; b. 1790. d.1847. 4 Discourses on the Christian Revelation viewed in Connexion with the modern Astronomy, together with six Sermons, embracing the last occa sioned by the Death of the Princess Charlotte of Wales. Andover, 1818. 8 (6.6X3.8). NOTE. Lettered, " Chalmers Works." 5 Evidence (The) and Authority of the Christian Revelation. 6th ed. NOTE. Bound n ith " Discourses," &c., and lettered, " Chalmers Works." 6 Introductory Essay. See BAXTER, R. Call to the Unconverted. 7 Political Economy (On), in Connection with the moral State and moral Prospects of Society. New York, 1832. 12 (5.8X3.4). 8 Power (On the) Wisdom and Goodness of God as manifested in the Adaptation of External Nature to the moral and intellectual Constitution of Man Vol. 1,2 *** London, 1834. 8 (6X3.5). NOTE. Half-title, "The Bridgewater Treatises . . . Treatise I. . . . 3d ed." 9 Works. Vol. 1-25. Glasgow, n. d. 12 (5.5X3). NOTE. Each volume has also independent title-p;ige. Vol. I .-IV. Theological Text- Book. Natural Theology. Vol. 1,2; Evidencesof the Christian Revelation. Vol. 1, 2. V. Moral and Mental Philosophy. VI. Commercial Discourse?. VII. As tronomical Discourses. VIII.-X. Congregational Sermons. XI. Sermons on Pub lic Occasions. XII. Tracts and Essays. XIII. Introductory Essays. XIV.-XVI. Christian and Economic Polity of a Nation. XVII. Church Establishments. XVIII. Church Extension. XIX., XX. Political Economy. XXI. Parochial Sys tem. XXII.-XXV. Lectures on Paul s Epistle to the Romans. CHALOSSE, M. . t Arithmetique (L ) par les Fractions . . . Paris, 1747. 24 (4.2X2.2). CHALYBAUS, Heinrich Moritz, Prof, of Pliilos. in University of Kiel; b. 1796. 11 Historical Survey of Speculative Philosophy from Kant to Hegel ; de signed as an Introduction to the Opinions of the Recent Schools. Trans lated . . . byA.Tulk. Andover, 1854. 12 (5.7X2.5). CHAMANS, Antoine Marie DE, Count de Lavallette. See LAVALLETTE. CHAMBAUD, Louis. 12 Grammar (A) of the French Tongue. London, 1794. 8 (6.3X4). NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. 13 Idioms (The) of the French and English Languages. . . . New ed. London, 1793. 8 (5.3X3.4). 14 New Dictionary (A) English and French, and French and English. Containing the Significations of the Words, with their different Uses ; the Constructions, Forms of Speech, Idioms, and Proverbs used in both Languages ; the Terms of Arts, Sciences and Trades. . . . New edi tion, carefully corrected, and very considerably enlarged by J. Th. H. Des Carrieres. Vol. 1, 2. ... London, 1805. 4 (8.9X6.4), 3 cols. NOTE. Vol. 1 contains the French before the English, and has title-page in French only; vol. 2 contains the English before the French, and has title-page in English only. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 125 CHAMBERLAYNE, John, Esq., an eminent English linguist; b. 1664. d. 1724. 1 General List, or Catalogue, of all the Offices and Officers employed in the several Branches of his Majesty s Government. . . . London, 1741. 8 (6.5X3.4). NOTE. Appended to the following work. 2 Magnae Britanniae Notitia : or, The Present State of Great Britain. . . . In two Parts. * * * [Portraits.] London, 1741. 8 (6.5X3.4). NOTE. The 34th edition of South Part, England ; 13th of North Fart, Scotland. CHAMBERS, Ephraim, F.B.S., resided chiefly in London; d. 1740. 3 Cyclopaedia : or, An universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences ; . . . * * * [Plates.] 6th ed., corrected and amended. Vol. 1 [A-K]. 2 [L-Z]. London, 1750. 2 (13.4X7), 2 cols. 4 Cyclopaedia : or. An universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. . . . * * * With the Supplement, and modern Improvements, incorporated in one Alphabet. By A. Rees. . . . Vol. 1 [-4-0]. 2 [D-J]. 3 [/i -P]. 4 [Q-Z]. 5. Containing the Addenda, Index, Arrangement of the Plates, and the Plates. London, 1779- S6. 2 (13.4X7), 2 cols. CHAMBERS, Robert ; 6. at Peebles, Scotland, 1802. 5 Cyclopaedia of English Literature : a Selection of the choicest Produc tions of English Authors, from the earliest to the present Time, connec ted by a critical and biographical History. Elegantly illustrated. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1847. 8 (8X5), 2 cols. CHAMPION, Richard, Esq. 6 Considerations on the present Situation of Great Britain and the United States of America, with a View to their future Commercial Connexions. ... 2ded. *** London, 1784. 8 (6.2X3.1). CHAMPLIN, James Tift, Prof, of Greek, now Pres. of Waterville College ; b. 1811. Editor, &c. See DEMOSTHENES. Oration on the Crown. Editor, &c. See DEMOSTHENES. Select popular Orations. CHANDLER, Edward, Bishop of Coventry, &c.; b. 1670. d. 1750. 7 Vindication (A) of the Defence of Christianity from the Prophecies of the Old Testament. In Answer to the Scheme of Literal Prophecy con sidered. By Edward [Chandler]. 2 vols. London, 1728. 8 (5.6X3.1). NOTE The two volumes are paged continuously, and bound together. CHANDLER, Hon. Joseph R., of Penn. 8 Address delivered before the Pennsylvania Peace Society, January 27, 1829. Philadelphia, 1829. 8, pp. 24. 9 Oration delivered before the Pennsylvania Peace Society, July 4, 1823. Philadelphia, 1823. 12, pp. 24. CHANDLER, Peleg Whitman, Esq., of Boston; b. 1816. lu American Criminal Trials. Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1841, 44. 12 (5.4X3.2). 11 Law Reporter (The). * * * Vol. 1-10. Boston, 1839- 4S. 8 (7.2X4.7), 2 cols. NOTE. Vol. 1 was edited by Chandler and S. H. Phillips. Editor. See BOSTON, City of. Miscellaneous. The Charter, &c. CHANDLER, Richard, D.D., Rector of Tilehurst, Berkshire; b. 1738. d. 1810. 12 Travels in Asia Minor, and Greece : or, An Account of a Tour made at the Expense of the Society of Dilettanti. * * * 3d ed. ... Vol. 1,2. [Maps.] London, 1817. 4 (6.8X4.8). ]26 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. CHANCERY (The), an allegoric Memoir of the Boston Exchange Office : or, The 1 pernicious Progress of Bank Speculation unveiled. By Perspective. * * * Boston, 1805. 8, pp. 48. CHANNING, Edward Tyrrel, LL.D., Prof, of Met. &c., Harv.ColL; 6.1790. d.lSoQ. 2 Lectures [on Rhetoric and Oratory] read to the Seniors in Harvard Col lege. Boston, 1856. 12 (5.1X3). 3 I,Ffe of William Ellery. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 6.) CHANNING, Walter, M.D., Prof, at Harvard College; b. 1786. Joint Editor. See NEW ENGLAND Journal of Medicine, &c. Vol. 14, 15. Joint Editor. See NEW ENGLAND Medical Review, &c. Vol 1. CHANNING, William Ellery, D.D., a Unit. Minister of Boston ; b. 1780. d. 1842. 4 Christian Views of human Suffering. (AMERICAN Unitarian Associa tion. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 152.) Boston, 1840. 12, pp. 30. 5 Discourse on the Church. (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 194.) Boston, 1843. 12, pp. 45. 6 Discourse delivered in Boston at the solemn Festival in Commemoration of the Goodness of God in delivering the Christian World from military Despotism, June 15, 1814. [Appendix. ] Boston, 1814. 8, pp. 79, 8. i Discourse on the Evidence of Revealed Religion. 3d ed. (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 8.) Boston, 1826. 12, pp. 35. 8 Discourse on some of the distinguishing Opinions of Unitarians. 12th ed. (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 108.) Boston, 1836. 12, pp. 47. 9 Discourses, Reviews, and Miscellanies. Boston, 1830. 8 (6.4X3.8), pp. 603. 10 Fast Sermon, Boston, April 5, 1810. Boston, 1810. 8, pp. 23. 1 1 Future Life (The). (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 133.) Boston, 1838. 12, pp. 22. la National-Fast Sermon, August 12, 1812. Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 15. 13 Observations on the Proposition for increasing the Means of Theological Education at the University in Cambridge. [By W. E. Charming."] Cambridge, 1815. 8, pp. 22. 14 Power (The) of Unitarian Christianity to produce an enlightened and fervent Piety. (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 160.) Boston, 1840. 12, pp. 40. 15 Remarks on Creeds, Intolerance and Exclusion. (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 122.) Boston, 1837. 12, pp. 20. 16 Self Culture. Address introductory to the Franklin Lectures, delivered at Boston, September, 1838. Boston, 1839. 8, pp. 57. i? Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Jared Sparks, Baltimore, May 5, 1819. 7th ed. Boston, 1821. 8, pp. 51. 18 Sermon delivered at the Ordination of Rev. John Codman ... in Dor chester, Dec. 7, 1808. Boston, 1808. 8, pp. 24. 19 Sermon delivered at the Ordination of Rev. John Emery Abbot, at Salem, April 20, 1815. [Ch., by Dr. Prince ; fi.IL, Inj Rev. Mr. Frothingliam.~] Salem, 1815. 8, pp. 39. 20 Sermon on War : delivered before the Convention of Congregational Ministers of Massachusetts, May 30, 1816. Boston, 1816. 8, pp. 40. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 127 CIIANNING, William Ellery, D.D., continued. 1 Sermon on War, Jan. 25, 1835. Boston, 1S35. 8, pp. 31. 2 Slavery. Boston, 1835. 12 (5X3). 3 Sunday School (The). Discourse before the Sunday School Society. (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 126.) Boston, 1837. 12, pp. 34. 4 Tribute to the Memory of the Rev. Noah Worcester, D.D. (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 124.) Boston, 1837. 12, pp. 24. 5 Two Sermons on Infidelity, delivered October 24, 1813. Boston, 1813. 8, pp. 36. 6 Works. 8th complete edition, with an Introduction. Vol. 1-6. Boston, 1848. 12 (5.6X3.2). 7 Worship (The) of the Father, a Service of Gratitude and Joy. (AMERI CAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 135.) Boston, 1838. 12, pp. 46. CHAXXIXG, William Henry, nephew of preceding. 8 Memoirs of Sarah M. F. D Ossoli. See OSSOLI, S. M. F. d . Translator. See JOUFFROY, T. S. Introduction to Ethics. CIIANTREAU, Pierre Nicolas; b. in Paris, 1741. d. 1808. 9 Philosophical, political, and literary Travels in Russia, during 1788 & 1789. Translated from the French of Chantreau. With a Map and other Plates. Vol. 1,2. Perth, 1794. 8 (5.8X3.5). CHANVALON, Jean Baptiste Thibaut DE ; b. 1725. d. 1785. 10 Voyage a la Martinique, contenant divers Observations sur la Physique, 1 Histoire Naturelle, etc. de cette Isle, faites en 1751 & dans les annees suivantes. [By J. B. T. de C1ianvalon.~] Lu a 1 Academic Royale des Sciences de Paris en 1761. [Map. ] Paris, 1763. 4 (6.9X4.3), m. b. CHAPIN, Rev. Stephen, of Mont Vcrnon, N.H. n Series (A) of Letters on the Mode and Subjects of Baptism, addressed to the Christian Public. ... [ Witli] an Account of the ... Author s Trial on those Points ... 2d ed. With an Appendix, containing Stric tures on Mr. Moore s Reply. Boston, 1820. 12 (5.4X3.2). CHAPMAN, George, an English poet, the earliest English translator of Homer ; b. in Kent, 1557. d. 1634. 12 Hymns (The) of Homer; the Batrachomyomachia, and two* original poetical Hymns. By G. Chapman. See HOMERUS. Joint Author. See MARLOW, C. Hero and Leander. CHAPMAN, George T., D.J)., Rector of Christ s Church, Lexington, Mass. 13 Sermons, upon the Ministry, Worship, and Doctrines of the Protestant Episcopal Church. 2ded. Burlington, 1832. 12(5.7X3.4). [2copies.] CHAPMAN, Itev. John, D.D., Archdeacon of Sudburu ; b. 1704. d. 1784. 14 Eusebius : or the true Christian s Defense against a late Book [by T. Morgan ] entitul d the Moral Philosopher. * * * Cambridge, 1739. 8 (5.6X3.1), m. h., pp. 550. 15 Eusebius. Vol. 2. or, The true Christian s farther Defense against the late Principles and Reasonings of the Moral Philosopher. London, 1741. 8 (5.6X3.1), m. h. 128 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. CHAPMAN, Thomas, of London. 1 Cyder-Maker s Instructor (The), Sweet-Maker s Assistant, and Victual ler s and Housekeeper s Director. Boston, reprinted, 1762. 8, pp. 70. CHAPPE D AUTEROCHE, Jean, a French Astronomer ; b. 1722. d. in CaL, 1769. 2 Voyage (A) to California, to observe the Transit of Venus. Par M. Chappe d Auteroche. . . . Also, A Voyage to Newfoundland and Sal- lee, to make Experiments on Mr. LeRoy s Time Keepers. By M. de Cassini. [Map. ] London, 1778. 8 (5.2X2.9). CHAPTAL, Jean Antoine Claude, a French Chemist & Statesman ; 6.1756. cZ.1832. 3 Chimie appliquee aux Arts. Tom. 1-4. [Plates.] Paris 1807. 8 (5.4X3.1). [2 copies.] 4 Essay on import Duties. Translated from the French. * * * ... Philadelphia, 1829. 8, pp. 19. CHARAKTERISTIK von Berlin. Stimme eines Kosmopoliten in der Wiisten. Philadelphia, 1784. 12 (4.8X2.7). CHARITY (Of) in respect of other Men s Sins. [Sermon on] I. Cor. xm. 6. 6 [No imprint. ] 8, pp. 56. CHARLARD, M. . Joint Author. See BAYEX, P. Recherches chimiques sur 1 Etain. CHARLES I., King of England ; b. 1600. beheaded Jan. 30, 1649. 7 Defence (A) of the Vindication of K. Charles the Martyr ; justifying his Majesty s Title to EIKON BASIAIKH. London, 1699. 8, pp. 94-f-. 8 Private Correspondence between K. Charles I. and Sir Edward Nicho las. See EVELYN, J. Diary, &c. Vol. 4, pp. 45-185. 9 Reliquiae sacra? Carolina?. The Workes of ... King Charles the 1st. both civil and sacred. With a short View of the Life and Reign of that Prince ... * * * [Portraits and Plates.] Hague, Sam : Brmcne, n. d. 8 (5.5-.8X 2.9-3.3). NOTE. Contains View of Life, &c.; Speeches, Messages, &c.; Eix.a>v BacriXtK-rj | and Papers between K. Charles I. and Alex. Henderson. Each portion has inde pendent paging. Speeches, &c., and Eoc.<w, are each preceded by a repetition of the general title-page, slightly varied from the. above, and with dates, respectively, 1651, 1648. Consult EIKON BASIAIKH. 10 Works. Vol. 1,2. ... * * * Aberdeen, 1766. 12 (5.7X3). CHARLES V., Emperor of Germany, &c. ; b. 1500. d. 1558. 11 History of the Reign of Charles V. See ROBERTSON, W., D.D. CHARLES VIII., King of France; b. 1470. d. 1498. 12 History of Charles VIII. King of France. See COMIXES, P. de. CHARLES IX., King of France ; b. 1550. d. 1574. 13 Commentariorvm de Statv Reipvblica? et Religionis in Galliec Regno,. Carolo IX. Rege, Liber VII.-XI. , 1575. 8 (5.3X2.8), m. b. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-pages, and to p. 18 of Book VII. CHARLES XII. , King of Sweden; b. 1682. killed 1718. 14 Histoire de Charles XII. See VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. de. CEuvres.. Tom. 23. CHARLES, Prince of Hesse. 15 Memoirs relative to the Campaign of 1788, in Sweden. Translated from the French. ... London, 1789. 8 (5.8X3.3). CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY. 129 CHARLESTOWN, Massachusetts, settled in 1628. 1 Proceedings of the Town of Charlestown, in ... Massachusetts ; in respectful Testimony of the distinguished Talents and pre-eminent Vir tues of the late George Washington. [Discourse by Doct. Morse. Ap pended is Washington s Farewell Address. } [Charlestons] 1800. 8, pp. 46, 36, 24. CHARLETON [or,CHARLTON] Wa\ter,M.D.,Phys. to K.Charles L; 6.1619. d. 1707. Editor, &c. See EPICURUS. Physiologia Epicuro-Gassendo. CHARLEVOIX, Pierre Francois Xavier de, a French Historian and Traveller, Jesuit Missionary to Canada; b. 1682. d. 1761. 2 Histoire et Description generale de la Nouvelle France, avec le Journal historique d un Voyage . . . dans FAmerique Septentrionale. Par . . . de Charlevoix. Tom. 1-3. * * * [Maps.] Paris, 1744. 4 (7.7X4.7), m. b. 3 Histoire et Description generale de la Nouvelle France, avec le Journal historique d un Voyage fait . . . dans 1 Amerique Septentrionale. Par . . . de Charlevoix. Tom. 1-6. [Maps.] Paris, 1744. 12 (4.8X2.4), m.b. NOTE. Vols. 5, 6, bear title, " Journal historique d un Voyage," etc. 4 Histoire du Paraguay. Tom. 1-6. [Map.] Paris, 1757. 12 (4.7X2.2). 5 Journal of a Voyage to North- America. . . . Translated from the French of P. de Charlevoix. In 2 Vols. Vol. 1. [Map.] London, 1761. 8 (6.1X3.3). CHARNOCK, Stephen, a Nonconformist Divine ; b. at London, 1628. d. 1680. 6 Works. Being several Discourses on divine Subjects. . . . Vol. 2. London, 1684. 2 (9.9X5.7), pp. 1376. 7 Supplement (A) to the several Discourses on divine Subjects. London, 1683. 2 (11.1X5.8). NOTE. Bound with the preceding 1 . Lettered, " Charnock s "Works. Vol. 2." CHARRON, Pierre, LL.D., of Paris ; b. 1541. d. 1603. 8 Charron of Wisdome ; translated from the French by S. Lennard. London, 1658. 4 (6.3X3.6), pp. 588. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. CHAS, J. ; b. at Nimes, France, 1750. d. 1830. 9 Tableau historique et politique des Operations militaires et civiles de Bonaparte . . . [Portrait] Paris, 1801. 8 (5.2X3). CHASE, Ho . Samuel, a Signer of the Declaration, from Md.; 6.1741. d. 181lV 10 Trial of Hon. Samuel Chase. See EVANS, C. Reporter. CHASE, William S. Joint Translator. See LAMARTINE, A. de. French Revolution. CHASTE, de. 11 Voyage to Tercera. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyages, &c., vol. 1.) CHASTE LLUX, Francois Jean, Marquis de, a French Marshal, &c.; b. 1734. d. 1788. 12 Voyages de . . . Chastellux dans 1 Amerique Septentrionale dans les Annees 1780, 1781, & 1782. * * * Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1786. 8 (5X3.1). 17 130 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. CHATEAUBRIAND, Frangois Auguste, Vicomte de, a French Peer; 5. 1768. d. 1848. 1 (Euvres completes de . . . Chateaubriand. Vol. 1-20 -. . . [ Vol. 1 contains Portrait. ] Paris. 1830- 31. 8 (5.8X3.5). CONTENTS. Vol. I. Essai historique sur les Revolutions. IT. Melanges historiques. III.-V. Etudes historiques. Tom. 1, 2. VI. -Voyages. VII., VIII. Itineraire de Paris a Jerusalem. Tom. 1, 2. IX.-XI. Genie du Christianisme. Tom. 1-3. XII. Atala. Rene. Le dernier Abencerage. Poesies. XIII., XIV. Les Martyrs. Tom. 1, 2. XV. Les Natchez. XVI. Melanges litteraires. XVII. Opinions et Discours. XVIII., XIX. Melanges politiques. Tom. 1, 2. XX. Polemique. CHATHAM, William, Earl of. See PITT, W., Earl of Chatham. CHATTERTON, Thomas, an English Poet ; b. at Bristol, 1752. d. at London, 1770. 2 Life of Chatterton. See (Poetical Works, post. Vol. 1, pp. vii.-cxxxii.). 3 Poetical Works, with Notices of his Life, a History of the Rowley Con troversy, a Selection of his Letters, Notes . . . and a Glossary. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait.] Boston, 1857. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). CHAUCER, Geoffrey, " The Father of English Poetry;" d. about 1400. 4 Selections from the poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer : with a concise Life of that Poet, and Remarks ... By C. D. Deshler. * * * New York and London, 1847. 12 (5.4X3.5). NOTE. Bound with Mrs. Kirkland s Spenser and the Faery Queen. CHAUNCY, Charles, D.D., Pastor of the First Church in Boston, 1727- 87 ; 1}. 1705. d. 1787. 5 Accursed Thing (The) must be taken away from among a People . . . Sermon preached at the Thursday-Lecture in Boston, Sept. 3, 1778 . . . Boston, 1778. 8, pp. 27. 6 All Nations of the Earth blessed in Christ ... Sermon preached at Boston, at the Ordination of Rev. Joseph Bowman, Missionary to the Mohawks, Aug. 31, 1762. * * * Boston, 1762. 8, pp. 50. 7 Appeal (The) to the Public answered, in Behalf of the Non-Episcopal Churches in America ; containing Remarks on what Dr. T. B. Chandler has advanced ... Boston, 1768. 8(5.9X.3.3). [2 copies.] 8 Benevolence (The) of the Deity, fairly and impartially considered. ... Boston, 1784. 8 (5.2X3.2). [2 copies.] 9 " Breaking of Bread," in Remembrance of the dying Love of Christ, a Gospel Institution. Five Sermons. . . . Boston, 1772. 8 (5. 1X3.1). 1 Charity to the distressed Members of Christ accepted as done to Him self, &c. A Sermon, preached the Lord s-Day after the Death of Mr. Edward Gray ... * * * Boston, 1857. 8, pp. 32. 11 Compleat View (A) of Episcopacy, as exhibited from the Fathers of the Christian Church, until the Close of the second Century ... * * * Boston, 1771. 8 (4.9X3.1). 12 Cornelius s Character. Sermon preached the Lord s-Day after the Fu neral of Mr. C. Thayer ... * * * Boston, 1745. 8, pp. 38. 13 Discourse (A) on " the good News from a far Country." Delivered July 24, 1766. See THORNTON, J. W. The Pulpit of the American Revolution. Pp. 105-146. J4 Discourse (A) occasioned by the Death of the Rev. Dr. Joseph Sewall, D.D. . ; . [Appendix. ] Boston, 1769. 8, pp. 40. 15 Enthusiasm described and caution d against. Sermon, Boston, 1742. With Letter to Rev. J.. Davenport. *** Boston, 1742. 8, pp. 27. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 131 CHAUNCY, Charles, D.D., continued. 1 Five Dissertations on the Scripture Account of the Fall; and its Conse quences. London, 1785. 8 (5.9X3.2). 2 Letter (A) to a Friend, containing Remarks on certain Passages in a Sermon preached by the . . . Bishop of Landaff, before the incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in foreign Parts . . . Feb. 20, 1767 . . . Boston, 1767. 8, pp. 56. 3 Man s Life considered under the Similitude of a Vapour. Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Sarah Byfield, Dec. 21, 1-730. [Appendix.] Boston, 1731. 8, pp. 42. 4 Ministers cautioned against the Occasions of Contempt. Sermon preached before . . . the Annual Convention, in Boston, May 31, 1744. Boston, 1744. 8, pp. 54. 5 Mystery (The) hid from Ages and Generations, made manifest by the Gospel Revelation: or, The Salvation of all Men ... By ... [(7. Chauncy]. *** London, 1784. 8 (6X3.2). 6 Only Compulsion (The) ... in the Affairs of Conscience and Religion. Sermon ... * * * Boston, 1789. 8, pp. 26. 7 Reply (A) to Dr. Chandler s Appeal defended . . . Boston, 1770. 8 (6.1X3.2). * Salvation for all Men, illustrated and vindicated as a Scripture Doctrine ... [By C. Chauncy. ] * * * Boston, 1782. 8, pp. 26. 9 Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New-England . . . Boston, 1743. 8 (6X3.3). [2 copies.] 10 Sermon delivered at the First Church in Boston, March 13, 1785 : occa sioned by the Return of the Society to their House of Worship . . . Boston, 1785. 8, pp. 23. 11 Sermon preached May 6, 1767, at the Ordination of Rev. S. Howard. [Ch., by E. Gay, R.H.,by N. Appleton.~\ Boston, 1767. 8, pp. 55. 12 Validity of Presbyterian Ordination asserted and maintained. Dis course delivered at the Anniversary Dudleian-Lecture, at ... Cambridge . . . May 12, 1762. With an Appendix, giving a brief historical Account of the Epistles ascribed to Ignatius. Boston, 1762. 8 (5.8X3.2), CHAUSSIEE, Canquoin. 13 Geographic de la France, d apres sa nouvelle Division. . . . Paris, 1790. 12 (4.3X2.5). CHAVANNES, Dan. Alex. 14 Expose de la Methode elementaire de H. Pestalozzi . . . Paris, 1805. 8 (5.8X3.3). CHEEVER, Ezekiel, Master of a Grammar School, Boston; b. 1615., d, 1708. 15 Scripture Prophecies explained. ... * * * Boston, 1757. 8, pp. 33. CHEEVER, Rev. George Barrell, D.D., of New York; b. at Hallowell, Me., 1807, 16 God s Hand in America. With an Essay by Dr. Skinner. New York, 1841. 12 (4.7X2.6). I? Hill (The) Difficulty, and some Experiences of Life in the Plains of Ease. With other Miscellanies. [Portrait.] .New York, 1849, 12 (5.9X3.5). 132 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. CHEEVER, Rev. George Barrell, D.D., continued. 1 Journal (The) of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, in New England, 1620: re printed from the original Volume [published in 1622 at London]. With historical and local Illustrations of Providences, Principles, and Persons : by G. B. Cheever, D.D. ... 2d ed. New York, 1848. 12 (5.7X3.5). 2 Pilgrim (The) in the Shadow of the Jungfrau Alp. * * * New York, 1846. 12 (5.7X3.5). 3 Pilgrim (The) in the Shadow of the Jungfrau Alp. * * * New York, 1848. 12 (5.7X3.5). NOTE. Bound with " Wanderings of a Pilgrim," &c., and lettered, "Wanderings of a Pilgrim in the Alps." 4 Review of Prof. Norton s Statement of Reasons for not believing the Doctrines of Trinitarians, concerning the Nature of God and the Per son of Christ. [By G. B. Cheever. ] . . . Boston, 1833. 8, pp. 28. 5 Some of the Principles according to which this World is managed, con trasted with the Government of God, &c. . . . Address at the religious Celebration, on the Fourth of July, in Salem. . . . Boston, 1833. 8, pp. 50. 6 Wanderings of a Pilgrim in the Shadow of Mont Blanc. New York, 1848. 8 (5.5X3.5). 7 Windings of the River of the Water of Life, in the Development, Discipline, and Fruits of Faith. New York, 1850. 8 (5.8X3.5). Editor, and Biographer. See LEIGHTON, R. Select Works. CHEEVER, Rev. Henry T., Brother of the preceding. 8 Pulpit (The) and the Pew : being the History of a Struggle for Justice between the two : &c. ... [By H. T. Cheever. ] * * * New York, 1858. 12 (5.3X3.2). CHEEVER, William M. 9 Practical Evangelism : or Bible Christianity enforced. * * * Boston, 1856. 12 (5.4X3.3). CHEKE, Sir John, Prof, of Greek at Cambridge, Eng. ; b. 1514. d. 1557. 10 Life of Sir John Cheke. See STRYPE, J. CHEMNITZ [Latin, CHEMNITIUS], Martin, a Oer. Prot. Reformer-, b. 1522. d. 1586. 11 Examinis Decretorvm Concilii Tridentini, Pars 1-4 ... * * * Francofvrti ad Moenvm, 1578. 2 (10.2X6), m. b., 2 cols. NOTE. Each part has independent title-page and paging, &c. 12 Harmoniee Evangelicse a M. Chemniti primum inchoate, & per P. Lyservm continuatae, Libri qvinqve. [Greek and Latin.] Accessit in Harmoni- am Hist. Evangelic de Passione, Crvcifixione, Morte et Sepvltvra Christi, ex quatuor Euangelistis contextam, Commentarius conscriptus Opera et Stvdio loh. Gerhardi. ... * * * Genevse, 1628. 2 (11.1X6.2), 2 cols., cols. 1894, pp. 372. CHESTERFIELD, Lord. See STANHOPE, P. D., 4th Earl of Chesterfield. CHEVALIER, . 13 Memoires et Observations sur les Effets des Eaux de Bourbonne-les- Bains, en Champagne, dans les Maladies hysteriques & chroniques. Paris, 1772. 24 (5X3.6). CHEVALIER, Jean Baptiste LE. See LE CHEVALIER, J. B. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 133 CHEVALIER, Michel [English, Michael], a French political Economist; b. 1806. 1 Society, Manners and Politics in the United States . . . Translated from the 3d Paris ed. [by T. G. Bradford ]. Boston, 1839. 8 (6.1X3.5). CHEVERUS, Jean Louis Anne Madeleine Lefebvre de, first Roman-Catholic Bishop of Boston, aft. a French Cardinal, &c. ; b. 1768. d. 1836. 2 Life of Cardinal Cheverus. See HuEN-DuBOURG, J. CHEYNE, George, M.D. ; b. in Scotland, 1671. d. 1743. 3 Natural Method (The) of curing the Diseases of the Body and the Dis orders of the Mind depending on the Body. ... * * * 4th ed. London, 1742. 8 (5.9X3. 3). CHICKERING, Rev. Joseph, of Woburn, Mass. 4 Sermon, preached . . . before the American Education Society, Au gust 15, 1817. Dedham, 1817. 8, pp. 44. CHILD, Francis James, Prof, of Rhetoric and Oratory at Harvard College. 5 Complete Collection (A) of the British Poets, from Chaucer to Words worth ; embracing the whole Works of the most distinguished, with Selections from the minor Poets ; and accompanied with biographical, historical and critical Notices, and Portraits. Edited by F. J. Child. Boston, 1854- 61. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). NOTE. The above collection is lettered uniformly, " The British Poets. . . . ;" the volumes have only independent title-pages. To 1851 one hundred and fifteen volumes are published. 6 English and Scottish Ballads. Selected and edited by F. J. Child. *** Vol. 1-8. Boston, 1857. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). NOTE. Forms a portion of A Complete Collection of British Poets, &c. 7 Four old Plays Three Interludes: Thersytes Jack Jugler and Hey- wood s Pardoner and Frere : and Jocasta, a Tragedy by Gascoigne and Kinwelmarsh [Edited] with an Introduction and Notes [by F. J. Child] Cambridge, 1848. 12 (5.5X3.5 irr.). CHILD, Sir Josiah, an eminent Merchant of the time of Charles II. 8 New Discourse (A) of Trade . . . New ed. London, 1775. 12 (4.9X2.8). CHILD, Mrs. Lydia Maria ; born at Medford, Mass., 1802. 9 Progress (The) of religious Ideas, through successive Ages. * * * . . . Vol. 1-3. New York, 1855. 12 (5.9X3.5). CHILLINGWORTH, William, an English Divine ; b. 1602. d. 1644. 1 Works ... * * * 9th ed. London, 1727. 2 (11X5.8). NOTE. The last two portions, viz. Nine Sermons, Sec. and Additional Discourses have independent title-pages, &c., and are respectively 4th ed. and 8th ed. ; with dates, 1626, 1627. CHILTON, Edward, Esq. Editor. See HOBART, H. Reports. CHINESE Repository (The). Vol. 2-5. From May, 1833 to April, 1837. n [Monthly.] Canton, 1834- 37. 8 (6.7X3.7). CHIPMAN, Nathaniel, LL.D., Chief Justice of Vermont; b. 1752. d. 1843. 12 Principles of Government ; a Treatise on free Institutions. Including the Constitution of the United States. Burlington, 1833. 8 (6.6X3.9). 13 Sketches of the Principles of Government. Rutland, 1793. 12 (5X2.8). [2 copies.] 134 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. CHOATE, Hon. Rufus; b. at Essex, Mass., 1799. d. at Boston, 1860. 1 Reminiscences of Rufus Choate. See PARKER, E. G. CHOISY, Frangois Timoleon de, Prior of St. Lo, &c. ; b. 1644. d. 1724. 2 Histoire de la Vie de David, par 1 Abbe de Choisy. Amsterdam, 1723. 12 (4.4X2.2). CHOMEL, Jacques Francois, a French Physician ; b. 1708. d. 1750. 3 Traite des Eaux minerales . . . de Vichy, augmente d un discours pre- liminaire sur les Eaux minerales en general ; etc. Clermont-Ferrand, 1734. 12 (4.8X2.4). CHORLEY, Henry F. 4 Memorials of Mrs. Hemans, with Illustrations of her literary Character from her private Correspondence. . . . Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1836. 12 (4.7X2.8). CHOELET, I. F. 5 Traite de Pharmacologie (Matiere medicale) base sur la Theorie de Brown, suivi d un nouvel Essai sur 1 Art de formuler. Paris, 1806. 8 (6.1X3.2). CHOULES, John Overton, D.D. ; b. at Bristol, Eng., 1801. 6 History of the U.S., continued by Choules. See HINTON, J. H. CHRISTIAN, Edward, Prof, of Law at Cambridge, Eng. ; d. 1823. i Notes to Blackstone s Commentaries . . . Boston, 1801. 12 (5.5X3.2). Editor. See BLACKSTONE, W. Commentaries on the Laws of England. CHRISTIAN Disciple (The) and Theological Review. New Series . . . Vol. 1, 8 3. [Bi-monthly.] Boston, 1819, 21. 8 (6.4X3.8). CHRISTIAN Herald (The) ... * * * April 7, 1817 April 7, 1821. 9 Vol. 4-7. [Weekly. -} New York, 181 7- 20. 8 (6.9X3.9). CHRISTIAN Library (The). A Reprint of Standard religious Works. Under 10 the Supervision of ... Rev. J. Going, Rev. J. F. Schroeder, Rev. J. M. Krebs, Rev. J. Tackaberry. Vol. 3, 5-8. New York, 1835- 36. 8 (8.1X4.9), 2 cols. NOTE. Each work has independent title-page and paging. CHRISTIAN 11 Monitor (The). No. XIV. ... [No imprint. ] 12 (4.9X3.1). CHRISTIAN Observer (The), conducted by Members of the Established Church. 12 Vol. 1-3, 10-28. [Monthly. ] Boston, &c., reprinted, 1802- 29. 8 (7-7.6X4-4.2). [2 copies of vol. 1-3, 10-20.] CHRISTIAN Orator (The) . . . [ivith] an Abridgement of Walker s Elements of 13 Elocution. ... 2ded. . . . Boston, 1818. 12 (5.2X3). CHRISTIAN Register. * * * ... June 3, 1826 Dec. 27, 1828. Boston, . 2 (16.2X 13), 5 cols. CHRISTIAN Spectator (The) . . . May Dec., 1821 ; Jan., 1825 Dec., 1828. is Vol. 1, 7, [8]. New Series, Vol. 1, 2. [Monthly. ] New Haven, 1821- 28. 8 (7.3X4), 2 cols. NOTE. Continued in The QUARTERLY Christian Spectator. CHRISTIANITY as old as the Creation. See TINDAL, M. CHRISTIE, Thomas; b. in Montrose, 1761. d. 1796. 16 Letters on the Revolution of France, and on the new Constitution estab lished by the National Assembly ... * * * London, 1791. 8 (6,2X3.3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 135 CHRONICLES, Books of the. See BIBLE, Old Testament. CHRONIQUE (La) du Mois, ou Les Cahiers patriotiques des Amis de la Verite, 1 Nov., 1791 Juin, 1793. [Portraits. ] Paris, U91- 93. 8(6.5X3.6). CPIRONOLOGIST (The) of the present War . . . Containing a faithful History 2 of the Events which have occurred in Europe, &c. from the Commence ment of the French Revolution to the End of 1796 ... * * * 2d ed. . . . London, 1797. 12 (5.2X3). [2 copies.] CHRYSOSTOM, St. John, Archbishop of Constantinople ; b. 354. d. 407. 3 Homelies ou Sermons sur 1 Epistre de S. Paul aux Remains. * * * Paris, 1675. 8 (5.6X3.1), m. b., pp. 630. 4 Opera omnia. Tom. 1-4, 6. ... [Portrait. ] Lugduni, 1687. 2 (12.6X6.6), m. r., 2 cols. NOTE. Title-pages are embellished. Vols. 2 and 3 are bound together. CHUBB, Thomas, a Tallow-chandler, of Salisbury, Eng. ; b. 1679. d. 1747. 5 Collection (A) of Tracts, on various Subjects London, 1730. 4 (8X5.8). 6 Collection (A) of Tracts, on various Subjects. 2d ed. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1754. 8 (6X3.1). 7 Discourse (A) on Miracles, considered as Evidences to prove the divine Original of a Revelation. . . . London, 1741. 8 (6.1X3-2). 8 Discourse (A) concerning Reason, with regard to Religion and divine Revelation. . . . [With } Some Reflections on the comparative Excel lency and Usefulness of moral and positive Duties ... 2d ed. London, 1746. 8, pp. 59. 9 Enquiry (An) into the Ground and Foundation of Religion. . . . London, 1740. 8 (6.1X3.3). 10 Enquiry (An) . . . what those Principles are, on which two of our an niversary Solemnities are founded ; viz. that on the 30th of January . . . and that on the 5th of November . . . [with] The Sufficiency of Rea sons in Matters of Religion, farther considered. . . . London, 1732. 8, pp. 66. 11 Enquiry (An) concerning Redemption. . . . London, 1743. 8 (6.1X3.3). 12 Equity (The) and Reasonableness of the divine Conduct, in pardoning Sinners upon their Repentance exemplified . . . [with] Two Disserta tions ... London, 1737. 8 (6.1X3.3). 13 Examination (An) of Mr. Barclay s Principles ... as laid down in his Book, intitled, An Apology for the true Christian Divinity [With] The Glory of Christ . . . London, 1726. 8, pp. 99. !4 Four Dissertations, viz. I. On the History of Melchizedek. ... II. On the Temper and Behaviour of Esau and Jacob . . . III. On the Conduct of Balaam. ... IV. On Dr. Sherlock s Assertion, viz. Thus far all is well . . . London, 1746. 8 (6.1X3.3). is Four Tracts, viz. I. An Enquiry concerning the Books of the New Tes tament ... II. Remarks on Britannicus s Letters . . . III. The Case of Abraham . . . farther considered . . . IV. The Equity and Rea sonableness of a future Judgment and Retribution exemplify d . . . London, 1734. 8 (6.1X3.3). 136 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. CHUBB, Thomas, continued. 1 Ground and Foundation (The) of Morality considered. . . . [With ] The First Section of the Author s Farewell to his Readers . . . London, 1745. 8, pp. 85. 2 Posthumous Works (The) of Mr. Thomas Chubb ; containing I. Re marks on the Scriptures. II. Observations on Rev. Mr. Warberton s Divine Legation of Moses. III. The Author s Farewell to his Readers . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1748. 8 (5.8X3). [2 copies of vol. 1.] 3 Previous Question (The) with regard to Religion . . . 4th ed. London, 1728. 8, pp. 38. 4 Supplement (A) to The Previous Question with regard to Religion ... 2d ed. London, 1726. 8, pp. 48. 5 Some Observations . . . occasioned by the Opposition made to Dr. Rundle s Election to the See of Gloucester. . . . Added are Three Tracts, viz. I. An Answer to Mr. Stone s second Remarks on the Case of Abraham ... II. A Discourse on Sincerity. . . . III. A Sup plement to the Tract entitled, The Equity and Reasonableness of a fu ture Judgment . . . London, 1735. 8 (6.1X3.2). 6 True Gospel (The) of Jesus Christ asserted. ... * * * ... [With] A short Dissertation on Providence. 2d ed. London, 1738. 8 (5.7X3.2). 7 True Gospel (The) of Jesus Christ asserted. ... * * * Added is a short Dissertation on Providence. 2d ed. London, 17411 8 (6.4X3.5). 8 True Gospel (The) of Jesus Christ vindicated. . . . [With ] A Vindi cation of the Author s short Dissertation on Providence. London, 1739. 8, pp. 77. 9 Vindication (A) of God s moral Character, as to the Cause and Origin of Evil, both natural and moral. . . . London, 1726. 8, pp. 80. 10 Supplement (A) to the Vindication of God s moral Character . . . [with] The Case of Abraham . . . re-examined. London, 1727. 8, pp. 48. CHUDLEIGH, Elisabeth. 11 Histoire de la Vie et des Aventures de la Duchesse de Kingston [Elisa beth Chudleigh~], Nouv. ed. ... Londres, 1789. 8 (5.4X3). CHURCH, . 12 Annals of Portugal. Progress of maritime Discovery. From A.D. 1279 to A.D. 1495. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 12). 1 3 Annals of Spain during the XlVth Century. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 12). CHURCH, Benjamin, M.D., of Boston; d. 1778. 14 Examination and Defence before the House of Representatives on the Charge of Treason. See MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society. (Collec tions, 1st Series, vol. 1.) 15 Oration delivered March 5, 1773, at Boston ... * * * Boston, 1773. 4 (6.7X5), pp. 16. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. 16 Book (The) of Common Prayer in Short-Hand according to Mr. Wes- ton s . . . Method . . . [Portrait of Weston.~] London, 1730. 24 (3.6X1-9)* CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 1ST CHURCH OF ENGLAND, continued. 1 Homilies of. See CERTAIN Sermons or Homilies, &c. 2 Thirty-Nine Articles of. See BEVERIDGE, W. CHURCHILL, Charles, an English Poet ; b. at Westminster, 1731. d. 1764. 3 Life, by W. Tooke. See (Poetical Works, post. Pp. xvii.-xciii.). 4 Poetical Works. With copious Notes, and a Life of the Author, by W. Tooke, F.R.S. . . . Vol. 1-3. [Portrait.] Boston, 1854. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). 5 Prophecy (The) of Famine. A Scots Pastoral. ... 3d ed. * * * London, 1763. 4 (7.4X4.5 irr.), pp. 28, CHURCHMAN, John, a Native of Maryland ; d. 1805. 6 Magnetic Atlas (The) . . . London, 1794. 4 (7X4.8). [2 copies.] CHYTR.EUS, Nathan, Prof, of Poetry at Rostock; b. 1543. d. 1598. 7 ratio de Officiis Adolescentiae litterata? . . . Cui . . . accessit etiam Oratio pro Q. Horatio Flacco. Item A. Bvrenii V. Cl. Oratio funebris, de . . . Duce Megapolitano. Rostochii, 1586. 8 (4,5X2.7), n. p. ClACCONius, Alphonsus, a Patriarch of Alexandria ; d. at Rome, 1599, cet. 59. 8 Explanation of Trajan s Pillar. See COLONNA Traiana. CICERO, Marcus Tullius, the Roman Orator, &c. ; b. 106 B. C. d. 43 B. G. 9 Deux Livres (Les) de la Divination de Ciceron, traduits en Frangais par R. Desmarais; avec le Texte Latin : suivis du Traite [of Boethius~] de la Consolation [translated} par Morabin. Nouv. ed. ... * * * Paris, 1795. 8 (4.9X2.5). 10 Entretiens de Ciceron sur les vrais Biens et sur les vrais Maux, traduits en Fran^ais par R. Desmarais ; avec le Texte Latin. Nouv. ed. . . . *** Paris, 1795. 8 (5X2.8), pp. 537. 11 Lettres de Ciceron a Atticus, avec des Remarques et le Texte Latin [facing the French] de 1 Edition de Grrevius : par 1 Abbe Mongault. Nouv. ed. . . . Tom. 1-4. Paris, 1787. 12 (5X2.9). 12 Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. See MIDDLETON, C. 13 Officiis (De). Also Cato: on old Age. Lcclius: on Friendship. With . . . Notes. * * * Boston, 1823. 8 (5.5X3.2). [2 copies.] 14 Officiis (De) Libri III. Item, De Amicitia : De Senectute : Paradoxa : & De Somnio Scipionis. ... Londini, 1683. 8 (4.8X2.7), m. b. 15 Officiis (De) Libri tres, Cato Major, LaBlius, Paradoxa, Somnium Scipi onis. . . . Recensuit, selectisque variorum Notis nonnullas etiam suas adjecit T. Tooly. [Portrait. } Oxonice, 1717. 8 (6.2X3.5). 16 Opera ad optimas Editiones collata Praemittitur Vita ex Plutarchi Graeco Latine reddita Cum Notitia literaria accedunt Indices Studiis Societatis Bipontinae Vol. 1-13 [Portraits. ] Biponti, 1780- 87. 8 (5.7X3.3). 17 Orationes quaedam selectae, cum Interpretatione & Notis qua? in Usum . . . Delphini edidit C. Merouille. Quibus prsefigitur Vita Ciceronis per Annos consulares digesta. . . . Huic Editioni accesserunt Dialogi de Senectute & de Amicitia. Ed. octava, emendatior. Londini, 1760. 8 (6.6X3.7), pp. xxx., 554-}-. J8 Orationum seleCtarum Liber . . . Londini, 1700. 12 (4.6X2.5). 19 Oratore (De) : in three Books. With English Notes. Boston, 1823. 8 (5.5X3.3), 18 JoS BOWDOIN COLLEGE. CICERO, Marcus Tullius, continued. 1 Republique (La) de Ciceron, d apres le Texte inedit, recemment decou- vert et comments par M. Mai. Avec une Traduction [facing the Latin ] Franchise, un Discours preliminaire, et des Dissertations historiques, par M. Villemain. Tom. 1, 2. [Plates.] Paris, 1823. 8 (5.6X3.6). 2 Select Orations ; translated by Prof. Duncan, and interspersed with . . . Notes ... by Sir C. Whitworth. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1777. 8 (5.8X3.3). 3 Three Bookes of Dueties, to Marcus his Sonne, turned out of Latine into English, by Nicholas Grimalde, whereunto the Latine is adjoyned. London, 1568. 8 (4.2X2.8), par. cols. NOTE. The translation is printed in 38lack ILctter. 4 Tully s Offices, in three Books. Turned out of Latin into English. By Sr. Ro. L Estrange. 5th ed. corrected. London, 1699. 8 (5.8X3). NOTE. Also with second title-page, embellished. 5 Tusculanes de Ciceron, traduites par MM. Bouhier, & d Olivet. Tom. 1, 2. Nouv. ed. * * * Paris, 1776. 12 (4.6X2.5). CLAIMS of the Gospel on Unitarian Christians. (AMERICAN Unitarian Associa tion. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 175.) Boston, 1833. 12, pp. 24. CLAIRAC, Louis Andre de la Mamie de, a French Engineer ; b. 1690. d. 1750. 7 Field Engineer (The) of . . . de Clairac, translated from the French, with Observations, &c. By J. Muller. [Plates.] London, 1760. 8 (6X3. 3). CLAP, Rev. Thomas, Pres. of Yale Coll. ; b. at Scituate, Mass., 1703. d. 1767. 8 Brief History (A) and Vindication of the Doctrines received and estab lished in the Churches of New-England, &c. 2d ed. Boston, reprinted, 1757. 8, pp. 40. 9 Religious Constitution (The) of Colleges, especially of Yale-College in New-Haven . . . New-London, 1754. 4 (5. 5X3.5), pp. 20. 10 Some Remarks on Pres. Clap s History and Vindication of the Doc trines, &c. of the New-England Churches. * * * [Anonymous.] New-Haven, 1757. 8 (6.3X3.5). CLAPP, Henry, Jim. Translator. See FOURIER, C. The Social Destiny of Man. CLAPPERTON, Capt. Hugh; b. in Dumfriesshire, Scotland, 1788. d. 1827. Joint Author. See DENHAM, D. Narrative of Travels, &c. in Africa, CLARENDON, Edward, Earl of. See HYDE, E., Earl of Clarendon. CLARK, John, M.D., came from London to Rhode Island; b. 1609. d. 1676. u 111 Newes from New-England : or a Narrative of New-England Perse cution. See MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society. (Collections, 4th Se ries, vol. 2.) CLARK, Rev. Joseph S., Secretary of Mass. Home Miss. Society; d. 1861. 12 Historical Sketch (A) of the Congregational Churches in Massachusetts, from 1620 to 1858. With an Appendix. Boston, 1858. 12 (5,8X3.5), CLARK, Rev. Peter, of Salem-Village, now fianvers, Mass. ; b. 1692. d. 1768, is Defence (A) of the divine Right of Infant-Baptism. . . . Boston, 1752. 8 (6.2X3.5). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 139 Rev. Peter, continued. Sermon on Psal. cxix. 109. containing a "Word in Season to Soldiers. Preach d on April 6. 1755. being the Lord s-Day, before the Muster of a Number of Soldiers in the North-Parish in Danvers . . . * * * Boston, 1755. 8, pp. 29. 2 Sinner s Prayer (A) for converting Grace ; or, The Necessity and Effi cacy of the Grace of God in the Conversion of a Sinner . . . Sermon ... * * * Boston, 1735. 8, pp. 83. CLARK, Samuel. Joint Author. See CHOKER, T. H. The Complete Dictionary of Arts, &c. CLARK, Rev. Sereno D. 3 Ability (The) and Glory of God s immutable Purposes. Boston, 1S57. 12 (4.7X3). CLARK, Thomas M., Prot.-Episc. Bishop of Rliode-Island. 4 Modern Infidelity. Lecture ... in Trinity Church, Boston, March 15, 1848. Boston, 1848. 8, pp. 23. CLARKE, Adam, LL.D, a Metli.-Episc. Min. ofEng.; b. in Ireland, 1760. d. 1832. 5 Concise View of the Succession of sacred Literature, in a chronological Arrangement of Authors and their Works, from the Invention of alpha betical Characters, to A.D. 345. *** London, 1807. 12 (5.1X3). 6 Survey (A) of the Strength and Opulence of Great Britain . . . before and since the Accession of the House of Hanover. With Observations by Dean Tucker, and David Hume, Esq. in a Correspondence with Lord Kaimes . . . By Rev. Dr. [Adam?] Clarke. London, 1801. 8 (6.4X3.2). Editor. See BUTTERWORTH, J. New Concordance, &c. Editor. See GREAT BRITAIN. Publications of the Record Commission. Foedera, &c. CLARKE, Rev. Edward, of Surrey, Eng. ; b. 1730. d. 1786. 7 Letters Concerning the Spanish Nation : written at Madrid during . . . 1760 and 1761. *** London, 1763. 4 C (7X4.8). CLARKE, Edward Daniel, LL.D., Prof, of Min., at Camb., Eng.; b. 1767. d. 1821. 8 Travels in various Countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Part. [Vol. ] 1, Russia, Tartary, and Turkey. 2, Greece, Egypt, and the Holy Land. 2d Amer. ed. [Map.] New York, 1813, 14. 12 (5.5X3.2). CLARKE, James Freeman, a Unitarian Minister of Boston-, b. 1810. 9 Church (The) ... A Discourse delivered at the Dedication of the Chapel built by the Church of the Disciples, March 15, 1848. Boston, 1848. 8, pp. 36. 10 False Witnesses examined. * * * (AMERICAN Unitarian Associa tion. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 97.) Boston, 1835. 12, pp. 16. 11 History of the Campaign of 1812. See CAMPBELL, M. Revolutionary Services, &c. of Gen. HuU. 12 Memoirs of Sarah M. F. D Ossoli. See OSSOLI, S. M. F. d . 13 Peculiar Doctrine (The) of Christianity, or, Reconciliation by Jesus Christ. (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 202.) Boston, 1844. 12, pp. 44. 14 Sketch (A) of the History of the Doctrine of Atonement. (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 219.) Boston, 1845. 12, pp. 34, 140 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. CLARKE, James Freeman, continued. 1 Story (The) of a converted Skeptic. (AMERICAN Unitarian Associa tion. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 228.) Boston, 1846.^ 12, pp. 14. 2 Unitarian Reform (The). (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 138.) Boston, 1839. 12, pp. 15. Translator. See DE WETTE, W. M. L. Theodore. CLARKE, James Stanier, Chaplain and Librarian to George IV.; d. 1834. 3 Progress (The) of maritime Discovery, from the earliest Period . . . Vol. 1. * * * [Appendix. Plates. ] London, 1803. 4 (6.8X4.9), pp. 491, 263. NOTE. Designed to be continued to seven volumes ; vol. 1 only was published. 4 Complete Neptune, to illustrate, by Arrowsmith, The Progress of mari time Discovery. Part I. containing five Charts. 4, folded sheets. CLARKE, John, Dean of Salisbury, Brother of Dr. S. C. ; d. 1759. 5 Cause and Origin of Evil. See (BOYLE S Lecture Sermons, vol. 3). Translator. See GROTIUS, H. Truth of the Christian Religion. CLARKE, John, School-Master at Hull, Eng. 6 Corderii Colloquiorum Centuria selecta : or, A select Century of the Colloquies of Corderius. "With an English Translation . . . By J. Clarke. New ed. . . . Boston, 1789. 12 (4.5X2.9), par. cols. 7 Essay (An) on the Education of Youth in Grammar- Schools. . . . 3d ed. . . . London, 1720. 12 (5.1X2.8). 8 Formvloe Oratorise . , . una cum Orationibvs, etc. . . . By J. Clarke. 4th ed. . . . Londini, 1632. 4 (4.3X5), m.n. Translator, &c. See EUTROPIUS, F. Historic Romanae Breviarium. Translator, &c. See FLORUS, L. A. Epitome Rerum Romanarum. Translator, &c. See JUSTINUS. Historise Phillippicse. CLARKE, Rev. John, D.D., of Boston; b. 1755. d. 1798. 9 Answer (An) to the Question, Why are you a Christian ? 6th ed. Boston, 1797. 8, pp. 80. [2 copies.] 10 Answer (An) to the Question, Why are you a Christian ? 2d ed. (AME RICAN Unitarian Association. -Tracts, 1st Series, No. 51.) Boston, 1832. 12, pp. 34. 11 Discourse delivered before the Humane Society of Massachusetts, June 11, 1793. * * * Boston, 1793. 8, pp. 36. 12 Discourses to young Persons * * * [Portrait.] Boston, 1804. 12 (5X3). 13 Life and Character of Dr. Clarke, by J. Belknap. See MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society. (Collections, 1st Series, vol. 6.) 14 Sermon delivered Jan. 2, 1784, at the Interment of Rev. Samuel Cooper. Boston, 1784. 8, pp. 33. CLARKE, Mrs. Mary Victoria Cowden, an Eng. Authoress; b. at London, 1809. 15 Complete Concordance (The) to Shakspere . . . New and revised Edition. By Mrs. Cowden Clarke. * * * Boston, 1854. Thick 8 (8X5.6), n. p. CLARKE, Matthew St. Clair. Joint Editor. See UNITED STATES. American Archives. Also, Ame rican State Papers. CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY. 141 CLARKE, Samuel, Pastor of Bennet Fink, London; b. 1599. d. 1682. 1 Martyrologie (A), containing a Collection of all the Persecutions which have befallen the Church of England ... to the End of Queen Maries Reign. . . . [With ] the Lives of Jasper Coligni, Joane, Q. of Navarre, &c. *** [Portraits.] London, 1652. 2 (8.7X4.6), m.b. NOTE. "The Lives," &c. has independent title-page and paging-. CLARKE, Rev. Samuel, Son of the preceding ; b. 1626. d. 1700-01. 2 Survey (A) of the Bible : or, An analytical Account of the Holy Scrip tures ... * * * [2 paging*.] London, 1693. 4 (6.3X4.3), pp. 467, 396. CLARKE, Samuel, D.D., Rector of St. James , Westminster; b. 1675. d. 1729. 3 Collection (A) of Papers, which passed between Mr. Leibnitz and Dr. Clarke, in . . . 1715 and 1716, relating to the Principles of natural Philosophy and Religion. [French and Latin, facing. ] . . . [With] Letters to Dr. Clarke concerning Liberty and Necessity . . . with the Dr s. Answers to them. Also Remarks upon ... A Philosophical En quiry concerning human Liberty. London, 1717. 8 (5.7X3.1). NOTE. The " Letters," &c. and " Remarks," &c.have each independent title-page, and the latter independent paging. 4 Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God. Evidences of natural and revealed Religion. See (BOYLE S Lecture Sermons, vol. 2). 5 Discourse (A) concerning the Being and Attributes of God, the Obliga tions of natural Religion, and the Truth and Certainty of the Christian Revelation. In Answer to Mr. Hobbs, Spinoza, &c. Being sixteen Sermons preach d ... in 1704 and 1705, at the Lecture founded by Hon. Robert Boyle, Esq. 4th ed., corrected. . . . [With] Letters to Dr. Clarke . . . with the Dr s. Answers. London, 1716. 8 (6.3X3), m.r. NOTE. Each portion of this work in this and the following editions has also inde pendent title-page, and in this edition an independent paging. 6 Discourse (A) concerning the Being and Attributes of God, &c. &c. 8th ed. London, 1732. 8 (6.2X3.3), m. r., pp. 504. 7 Discourse (A) concerning the Being and Attributes of God, &c. &c. 9th ed. London, 1738. 8 (6.2X3.3), m. r., pp. 504. 8 Historical Memoirs of Dr. Clarke. See WHISTOX, W. 9 Obligations of natural Religion, and the Truth and Certainty of the Christian Revelation. See WATSON, R. (Theological Tracts, vol. 4.) 10 Paraphrase (A) on the Four Evangelists. . . . Together with critical Notes... 3ded. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1717. 8 (6.3X3.4). 11 Traites de 1 Existence et des Attributs de Dieu : des Devoirs de la Re ligion naturelle, et de la Verite de la Religion Chretienne. Par M. Clarke. Traduits de 1 Anglois par M. Ricotier. Seconde ed. . . . sur la VI. Edi tion Angloise. Tom. 1. Amsterdam, 1727. 16 (4.8X2.4). Editor, and Annotator. See HOMERUS. Ilias Greece et Latine. Editor, and Annotator. See HOMERUS. Odyssea Greece et Latine. CLARKE, Thomas Brooke, LL.D. 12 Historical and political View (An) of the Disorganization of Europe . . . against the Imputations, &c. of M. Talleyrand and M. Hauterive. 2d ed. London, 1804. 8 (6.3X3.4). 142 BOWDOIN COLLEGE- CLARKE, William, M.D. 1 Observations on the . . . Conduct of the French, with regard to their Encroachments upon the British Colonies in North-America, &c. London, reprinted, 1755. 8, pp. 54. CLARKE, Rev. William R., of Boston. 2 Why I am a Methodist. See PlTTS-STREET Chapel Lectures. CLARKSON, John, Esq. 3 Substance (The) of a Letter, addressed to a Clergyman of the Estab lished Church on the Subject of War. York, 1827. 8, pp. 34. CLAKKSOX, Thomas, of London-, b. 1760. d. 1846. 4 Essay on the Doctrines and Practice of the early Christians, as they re late to War. ... 8th ed. London, 1825. 8, pp. 24. 5 Essay (An) on the Slavery and Commerce of the human Species, par ticularly the African, translated from a Latin Dissertation . . . with Additions. [By T. Clarkson. ] Philadelphia, reprinted, 1786. 8 (6.7X3.8). 6 Memoirs of the private and public Life of William Penn ... 2 Vols. in 1. ... Dover, 1827, 8 (6.8X3.6). "7 Portraiture (A) of Quakerism . . . Vol. 1-3. [Portrait. ] New York, 1806. ~8 (6X3.5). 8 Portraiture (A) of Quakerism . . . Vol. 1-3. 2d Amer. . . . ed. Philadelphia, 1808. 12 (5.7X3.1). CLASSICAL Journal (The) . . . Vol. 37-40. * * * [Quarterly. ] 9 London, 1828- 29. 8 (6.2X3.6). CLAUDIANUS, Claudius, a Poet of Alexandria ; came to Rome about 395, 10 Opera a J. Pulmanno restituta. Antverpise, 1585. 24 (3.9X2.3). NOTE. Imperfect, wanting- title-page. CLAUDIUS, Matthias, [called ASMUS] a German Writer; I. 1743. d. 1815. 11 Werke. Bd. 1-4. Fiinfte auflage. Hamburg, 1838. 8 (5.1X3.1). NOTE. Formed of eight parts; paged independently, and with title, " ASMUS omnia sua secum portans, oder Sammtliche Werke des Wandsbecker Bothen, Th. 1-8. Wandsbeck, 1774-1812." CLAVIERE, Etienne, a Banker of Geneva; b. 1735. d. 1793. 12 Considerations on the relative Situation of France, and the United States of America . . . Translated from the French of E. Claviere, and J. P. Brissot de Warville. London, 1788. 8 (5.9X3.3). 13 France (De la) et des Etats-Unis, ou de 1 Importance de la Revolution del Amerique pour le Bonheur de la France, des Rapports de ce Royaume & des Etats-Unis, etc. Par E. Claviere ; et J. P. Brissot de Warville. Londres, 1787. 8 (5.2X3). Joint Author. See BRISSOT DE WARVILLE, J. P. Commerce of Ame rica with Europe. CLAVIGERO, Francesco Saverio, VAble; ~b. at Vera Cruz, 1720. d. in Italy, 1793. 14 History (The) of Mexico. Collected from Spanish and Mexican Histo rians, from Manuscripts, and ancient Paintings of the Indians. Illus trated by Charts, and other Copper-plates. . . . [Witli] critical Disser tations on the Land. Animals, and Inhabitants of Mexico. Translated from the original Italian, by C. Cullen, Esq. . . . Vol. 1-3. Philadelphia, 1804. 8 (6.2X3.5). [2 copies.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 143 CLAY, Hon. Henry, Senator from Ky. ; b. near Richmond, Va., 1777. d. 1852. 1 Life (The) and Speeches of the Hon. Henry Clay . . . Compiled and edited by D. Mallory. Vol. 1, 2. 5th ed. [Portrait and Engravings. ] New York, 1844. 8 (6.7X3-9). 2 Life and Times of Henry Clay. See COLTON, C. 3 Obituary Addresses on the Occasion of the Death of Hon. Henry Clay . . . delivered in the Senate and in the House of Representatives of the United States, June 30, 1852, and the Funeral Sermon of the Rev. C.M.Butler... [Portrait.] Washington, 1852. 8 (6X3.5). 4 Private Correspondence (The) of Henry Clay. Edited by C. Col- ton, LL.D. [Engraving.] Boston, 1856. 8 (6.9X3.9), pp. 639. CLAY, Eev. Joseph, of Savannah, Ga., aft. of Boston ; b. 1764. d. 1811. 5 Discourse (A) ... in Boston, August 19, 1807. On . . . his Installa tion . . . [Oh,, by Rev. J. Grafton ; R. H., by Eev. T. Baldwin.] Boston, n. d. 8, pp. 40. CLEAVELAND, Eev. John, of Ipswich, Mass.; d. 1815. 6 Essay (An) to defend some of the most important Principles in the Protestant Reformed System of Christianity . . . against . . . Jona than Mayhew, D.D. in his late Thanksgiving Sermons . . . Boston, 1763. 8 (6X3.5), CLEAVELAND, Nehemiah, Principal of Dummer Acdemy, Byjield, Mass. 7 Address (An), delivered at Topsfield in Massachusetts, August 20, 1850:- the two hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town. [Portraits] New York, 1851. 8, pp. 74, xxxix. 8 Green-Wood : a Directory for Visitors. [Plates and En gravings] New York, 1853. 4 (4.7X3.2). NOTE. Has three parts, pa ged separately. Parti. Directory. II. Biographical Notices. III. History of Green-Wood, Regulations, &c. 9 Hints concerning Green- Wood ; its Monuments and Improvements. New York, 1853. 8, pp. 44. CLEAVELAND, Parker, LL.D., " The Father of American Mineralogy," Prof. in Bowd. Coll., 1805- 58 ; b. at Rowley, Mass., 1780. d. 1858. l Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vols. 2 and 3.) 11 Elementary Treatise (An) on Mineralogy and Geology . . . Illustrated by six Plates. Boston, 1816. 8 (6.8X3.8), pp. 668. 12 Eulogy on Parker Cleaveland, LL.D. See WOODS, L., Jun. CLEAVER, Robert, a Puritan Divine ; d. 1613. 13 Briefe Explanation (A) of the whole Booke of the Prouerbs of Salomon * * * London, 1615. 4 (5.9X3.5), m.r., pp. 558. CLEMENS, St. Romanus, Companion of St. Paul, and Bishop of Home; d. 100. 14 Constitutions (The) of the Holy Apostles, by Clement ; in Greek and English. See WHISTON, W. Primitive Christianity reviv d. Vol. 2. 15 Constitvtiones Sanctorvm Apostolorvm Doctrina catholica a Clemente, & eiue scripta Libris octo. [Greek] F. Tvrriani Prolegomena, & Explanations ... * * * Venetiis, 1563. 4 (6.2X3.8). is Epistles to the Corinthians. See WAKE, W. Genuine Epistles, &c. CLENARDUS, Nicolaus. 16 Tabvla in Grammaticen Hebraam. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, Ex. Of. Plant, 1589.. & (-5.5X3.3 irr.), pp. 93. CLKRC, Jean LE. See LE CLERC, J. 144 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. CLERKE, Thomas "YV., Esq. Editor. See WARREN, S. Introduction to Law Studies. CLEVELAND, Rev. Aaron; b. in Haddam, Conn., 1744. d. at New-Haven, 1815. 1 Life (The) of Man inviolable by the Laws of Christ, shown in two Ser mons, delivered at Colchester, Conn., March 19, 1815. . . . New York, 1821. 8, pp. 40. CLEVELAND, Charles Dexter, Teacher in Pliila. ; b. at Salem, Mass., 1802. Translator, and Annotator. See THEOPHRASTUS. Moral Characters. CLEVELAND, Henry R. ; b. 1808. d. 1848. 2 Life of Henry Hudson. See SPARKS,!. (American Biography, vol. 10.) CLINTON, Hon. Dewitt, LL.D., Governor of New York, &c.; b. 1769. d. 1828. 3 Life of Dewitt Clinton. See RENWICK, J. CLINTON, Henry Fynes, an English classical Scholar-, b. 1781. d. 1852. 4 Fasti Hellenici. The civil and literary Chronology of Greece, from the earliest Accounts to the Death of Augustus. Vol. 1-3. Oxford, 1834. 4 (7.7X5.4). NOTE. Also with second title-pages, with dates, 1834, 1827, and 1830. CLINTON, P., M.D., Prof, of Medical Botany at Dublin, &c. Translator, &c. See RICHARD, A. New Elements of Botany. CLISSOLD, Rev. Augustus. Translator. See SWEDENBORG, E. The Principia. CLOPPENBURGIUS, Johannes, Prof, of Theology at Franeker ; b. 1597. d. 1652. 5 Disputationes VII. ad quinque Articvlos remonstrantium. Quas Prseside & Autore J. Cloppenburgio publice defendit J. Thiens, 1645. Franekerae, 1656. 4 (5.9X3.8). 6 Gangrsena Theologian Anabaptisticae, Disputationibus XLIIX. . . . Et F. Spanhemii Diatriba historica de Origine, Progressu, & Sectis Ana- baptistorum. Ed. altera . . . Franekerse, 1656. 4 (5.9X3.8). CLOQUET, Jules, a French Physician; b. in Paris, 1790. 7 Recollections of the private Life of General Lafayette. Vol. 1, 2. . . . Forty-five Engravings. New York, 1836. 12 (5.5X3.2). CLOWES, Rev. John, of Manchester, Eng. 8 Letters to the Editors of the Christian Observer, in Reply to their Ob servations on ... A Few plain Answers to the Question, Why do you receive the Testimony of Baron Swedenborg ? * * * London, 1807. 8 (6.4X3.5). CLUVIER [Latin, CLUVERUS], Johann, Prof, of Hist, at Ley den ; b. 1583. d. 1633. 9 Diluculum Apocalypticum seu Commentarius posthumus in B. Apostoli et Evangelist* Johannis Apocalypsin . . . exhibitus per M. Cluvervm, Joh. Fil. Liibecse, 1647. 2 (40.1X5.2), 2 cols. NOTE. Formed of three volumes. 1 Historiarum totius Mundi Epitome . . . Ed. tertia . . . Lugduni Batavorum, 1639. 4 (6.2X3.9), m. r., pp. 852+. NOTE. Title-page is embellished, and contains autograph, " I Mather." CLUVIER [Latin, CLUVERUS], Philipp, a German Geographer; b. 1580. d. 1623. li Introdvctionis in universam Geographiam . . . Libri VI. Accessit P. Bertii Breviarium Orbis Terrarum. Amstelodami, Apud Lud. Elzev., 1655. 12 (4.2X2.2). COBBET, Rev. Thomas, a Nonconformist, aft. came to Lynn, Ms.; b. 1608. d. 1685. 1 3 Gospel Incense, or a practical Treatise on Prayer. * * * From London Edition of 1657. Boston, 1856. 12 (5.6X3.3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 145 COBBETT, William; b. in Surrey, Eng., resided in Pliila. 1792-1800. d. 1835. 1 American Gardener (The) ... * * * London, 1821. 12 (4.8X2.8). 2 Collection (A) of Facts and Observations, relative to the Peace with Bonaparte, chiefly extracted from The Porcupine, and including Mr. Cob- bett s Letters to Lord Hawkesbury. . . . [Witli] an Appendix . . . *** * Philadelphia, 1802. 8 (6.2X3.5). 3 Epitome of Mr. Forsyth s Treatise on Fruit-Trees. See FORSYTE, W. 4 Introduction and Notes. See FORSYTH, W. Treatise on Fruit-Trees. 5 Little plain English (A), addressed to the People of the United States, on the Treaty, &c. By ... [TF. Cobbetf\. * * * Philadelphia, 1795. 8 (5.5X3.2). Translator. See MARTENS, G. F. von. Law of Nations. Translator. See MOREAU DE SAINT-MERY, M. L. E. Description of the Spanish Part of Saint-Domingo. COCK, Charles George. 6 English-Law : or, A summary Survey of the Household of God on Earth . . . With an Essay of Christian Government ... * * * London, 1651. 2 (9.4X5). NOTE. The " Essay of Christian Government," &c. has independent title-page. COCK, S. 7 Answer to Lord Sheffield s Pamphlet on the Subject of the Navigation System . . . London, 1804. 8, pp. 74. CODE (A) of Gentoo Laws. Or, Ordinations of the Pundits. From a Persian 8 Translation, made from the original, written in the Shanscrit Language. London, 1777. 8 (6.3X3.6). CODMAN, Eev. John, D.D., of Dorchester, Mass. 9 Discourse delivered before the Roxbury Charitable Society . . . Sept. 24, 1817. . . . Boston, 1817. 8, pp. 16. 10 Idolatry destroyed, &c. Sermon delivered in ... Boston, before the Foreign Mission Society of Boston and the Vicinity, Jan. 1, 1818. . Boston, 1818. 8, pp. 28. 11 Importance (The) of spiritual Knowledge ; Sermon delivered before the Society for propagating the Gospel among the Indians and Others in North America, in ... Boston, Nov. 3, 1825. . . . Cambridge, 1825. 8, pp. 44. 12 Sermon delivered at the Funeral of Gen. Stephen Badlam ... in Dor chester, Aug. 27, 1815. Cambridge, 1815. 8, pp. 15. 13 Sermon delivered at the Ordination of Rev. Leonard Withington . . . in Newbufy, Oct. 31, 1816. . . . \_Ch., by Eev. J. Miltimore; E. H., by Eev. J. Kirby.~] Newburyport, 1817. 8, pp. 24. 14 Sermon on Prayer. Preached at Dorchester, Dec. 12, and at Dedham, Dec. 17, 1813. * * * Boston, 1814. 8, pp. 18. 15 Sermons delivered on various Occasions, with Addresses. [Portrait. ] Boston, 1834. 8 (5.2X3.3). CODMAN, John, Charles R., and Francis. 16 Exposition (An) of the pretended Claims of William Vans on the Es tate of John Codman; with an Appendix of original Documents, &c. [2 vols.} Boston, 1837, 8 (5.9X3.7). 19 146 BO.WDOIN COLLEGE. COFFIN, James H. 1 Solar and lunar Eclipses familiarly illustrated and explained, with the Method of calculating them . . . New York, 1845. 8, pp. 82. 2 Winds of the Northern Hemisphere. Pp. 200. See SMITHSONIAN In stitution (Contributions, vol. 2.) COFFIN, Rev. Paul, D.D., of Portland, Me. ; b. 1737. d. 1821. 3 Memoir (The) and Journals of Rev. Paul Coffin, D.D. by Cyrus "Wood man, Esq. [Portrait. ] Portland, 1855. 8 (6.2X3.7). COGAN, Thomas, an English Physician and Divine; b. 1736. d. 1818. 4 Philosophical Treatise (A) on the Passions. 2d ed., corrected. * * * Bath [Eng.~], 1802. 8 (5.8X3.3). [2 copies.] 5 Rhine (The) : or, A Journey from Utrecht to Francfort . . . Embellish ed with twenty-four Views . . . and a Map ... Vol. 1,2. London, 1794. 8 (5.7X3.1). COGGESHALL, Henry. 6 Art (The) of practical Measuring, by the sliding Rule . . . 6th ed. . . . [Plates. ] London, 1745. 12 (5.2X2.9). COGSWELL, Jonathan, D.D., Prof, of Eccl. Hist, at Theol. Institute of Conn. 7 Calvary and Sinai ; select Discourses . . . New Brunswick, N. J., 1852. 8 (6.2X3.9). [2 copies.] 8 Discourses . . . Hartford, 1842. 8 (6X3.7). [2 copies.] COGSWELL, Rev. William, Secretary of the American Education Society, Boston. 9 Assistant (The) to Family Religion, in six Parts ... 2d ed. Boston, 1828. 12 (5.5X3.1). 10 Harbinger (The) of the Millenium . . . Boston, 1833. 12 (5.8X3.4). 11 Letters to young Men preparing for the Gospel Ministry. Boston, 1837. 12 (4.8X3). Editor. See AMERICAN Education Society. American Quarterly Reg ister. Vol. 11-13. Editor. See NEW-ENGLAND Historic-genealogical Society. The New England historical & genealogical Register. COHAUSEN, John Henry. 12 Hernrippus redivivus : or, The Sage s Triumph over old Age and the Grave. . . . [By J. H. Cohausen. Translated by Dr. J. Campbell.] 3ded. London, 1771. 8 (6X3.3). COKE, Sir Edward, an English Jurist; b. 1551. d. 1633. !3 First Part (The) of the Institutes of the Laws of England ; or, A Com mentary upon Littleton ... * * * 15th ed., revised and corrected, with further Additions ... By F. Hargrave and C. Butler. . . . London, 1794. Thick 8 (7.1X4.3), n. p. n Life of Sir Ed. Coke, by E. P. Burke. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. Lives, &c. COLBURN, Zerah, a mathematical Prodigy ; b. at Cabot, Vt., 1804. d. 1840. 15 Memoir (A) of Zerah Colburn ; written by himself. . . . [Portrait. ] Springfield, 1833. 8 (5.5X3.2). COLE, . 16 Dictionary. In two Parts, viz. I. English and Latin. II. Latin and English. 1755. Thick 4 (6.5X3.9), 3 cols., n. p. KOTR Imperfect, wanting- titlc-psg?. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 147 COLE, Albert. 1 Tribute (A) of Affection to the Memory of the late Rev. George W. Cole. Portland, 1845. 12 (5.5X3.2). [2 copies.] COLE, Charles Nelson, an English Lawyer ; b. 1722. d. 1804. Editor, and Biographer. See JENYNS, S. Works. COLEBROOKE, Henry Thomas, a Sanscrit Scholar; b. at London, 11 65. d 1837. 2 Contributions. See ASIATIC Researches. Passim. COLEMAN, Edward. 3 Tryal (The) of Edward Coleman, &c. See GREAT BRITAIN. Popish Plot. COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor; 6. in Devonshire, Eng., 1772. d. 1834. 4 Aids to Reflection, in the Formation of a manly Character . . . First American, from the first London Edition ; with an Appendix, and Illus trations from other Works of the same Author ; together with a prelim inary Essay, and additional Notes, by James Marsh. Burlington, 1829. 8 (6.2X3.7). 5 Biographia literaria ; or, Biographical Sketches of my literary Life and Opinions. Vol. 1, 2. New-York, 1817. 12 (5.5X3), 6 Friend (The) : a Series of Essays, to aid in the Formation of fixed Prin ciples in Politics, Morals, and Religion, with literary Amusements inter spersed. * * * First American, from second London Edition . . . Burlington, 1831. 8 (7.1X3.9), pp. 510. ? Memoir of Coleridge. See (Poetical Works (Ed. 1854), post. Vol. 1, pp. xxiii.-ciii.). 8 Poetical Works. Vol. 1-3. London, 1835. 12 (4.3X2.6 irr.). 9 Poetical and dramatic Works. With a Memoir. Vol. 1-3. [Portrait.] Boston, 1854. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). COLES, Elisha, a Dissenter; d. 1688. 10 Practical Discourse of God s Sovereignty. . . . Newburyport, 1798. 8 (6.3X3.4). COLIGNI, Gaspard de, Leader of the French Huguenots ; b. 1517. d. 1572. 11 Life of Jasper Coligni. See CLARKE, S. A Martyrologie, &c. COLLARD, John. 12 Essentials of Logic ... * * * London, 1796. 12 (4.7X2.9). 13 Praxis (A) of Logic ... * * * London, 1799. 12 (5.7X3.3). COLLECTANEA de Rebus Hibernicis. See VALLANCEY, C. COLLECTION complete des Tableaux historiques de la Revolution Franchise, corn- 14 posee de cent douze Numeros . . . Vol. 1-3. Paris, Chez Auber, Editeur, 1804, 02, 04. 2 (text, 11.6X7.7). NOTE. This collection comprises 3 frontispieces; 9 introductory discourses and plates ; 144 scenes, with historical descriptions ; 66 portraits, with biographical sketches ; and vaiious documents : the frontispieces, Sec. are fine steel-engravings. COLLECTION (A) of divine Sayings, in English and Bengalee [facing"]. 15 t Calcutta, 1819. 8, pp. 68. COLLECTION (A) of English Precedents, relating to the Office of a Justice of 16 Peace. . . . Belfast, 1763. 12 (4.9X2.8). NOTE. Bound with The YOUNG Clerk s Vade Mecum. COLLECTION (A) of interesting, authentic Papers, relative to the Dispute be- 17 tween Great Britain and America ; shewing the Causes and Progress of the Misunderstanding, from 1764 to 1775. London, 1777. 8 (6.1X4), 2 cols. NOTE. Called Prior Documents, Lettered, "-Remembrancer Part 2 1775." 148 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. COLLECTION (A) of Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship. * * * i9thed. Boston, 1839. 12 (4.6X2.5 irr.). [2 copies.] COLLECTION (A) of Psalms and Hymns ... for the Use of the Lock Chapel. 2 New ed. * * * London, 1803. 12 (4.9X2.7). COLLECTION (First-Ninth) of Cato s political Letters in the London Journal. 3 [Ipagings.] London, 1722- 23. 8 (5.9X3). 4 Collection (First-Third) of Cato s Letters in the British Journal. London, 1723. 8 (6.2X3.4). NOTE. The preceding- two entries are bound together in two volumes, and lettered" Cato s Letters. Vol. 1, 2." These letters were written by John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon. COLLIER, Jeremy, an English nonjuring Bishop ; b. 1650. d. 1726. 5 Defence (A) of the Short View of the Profaneness and Immorality of the English Stage, being a Reply to Mr. Congreve s Amendments, &c. *** London, 1699. 12 (5.5X2.9). 6 Essays upon several moral Subjects. Part I. ... 3d ed. II. ... 3d ed., corrected and enlarged. III. . . . London, 1698, 98, 1705. 12 (5.7X3.1). NOTE. Each part has independent title-page, &c. Bound in two volumes. 7 Several Discourses . . . [Portrait.] London, 1725. 8 (5.3X3). Translator, &c. See MORERI, L. Great historical, &c. Dictionary. COLLIER, William, a Baptist Minister in Ckarlestown, Mass. 8 Gospel Treasury (The) . . . Vol. 1 3d ed. 2 New ed. 4. Vol. 1, 2, Boston; 4, Charlestown, 1816, 11, 11. 12 (5.8X3.2). COLLINI, Cosmo Alessandro, Private Secretary to Voltaire; b. 1727. d. 1806. 9 Journal d un Voyage, qui contient differentes Observations mineralo- giques ; particulierement sur les Agates, et le Basalte. Avec un Detail sur la Maniere de travailler les Agates. Par M. Collini. [Plates.] Mannheim, 1776. 12 (4.5X2.6). 10 Precis de 1 Histoire du Palatinat du Rhin . . . Par M. Colini. Francfort & Leipzig, 1762. 8 (5.1 X2.6). COLLINS, William; of Chichester, Eng.; b. 1720. d. 1756. 11 Memoir of Collins ; with an Essay on his Genius and Poems, by Sir E. Brydges. See (Poetical Works, post. Pp. v.-lxxii.). 12 Poetical Works. [Portrait.] Boston, 1853. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). COLMAN, Eev. Henry, of Salem, Mass., aft. of Boston; b. 1785. d. 1849. 13 Agricultural Report. See MASSACHUSETTS. Fourth Report, &c. 14 Artillery-Election Sermon, June, 1818. Boston, 1818. 8, pp. 24. 15 Discourse, delivered in Boston, before the Humane Society of Massachu setts, June 9, 1812. Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 32. 16 Discourse addressed to the Plymouth and Norfolk Bible Society, at ... Hanover, Sept. 11, 1816. . . . .Boston, 1816. 8, pp. 20. * 7 European Life and Manners ; in familiar Letters to Friends. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1849. 12 (5.7X3.4). is National-Fast Sermon, August 20, 1812. Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 21. 19 Sermon (A) on the Character and Conduct of Zaccheus . . . [No imprint] 1810. 8, pp. 12. 20 Sermon preached at Hingham, Dec. 17, 1817, at the Ordination of Rev. D. Kimball . . . [Ch.,by Eev.J. Allyn.] Boston, 1818. 8, pp. 32. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 149 COLOMBO, Cristoforo, the Discoverer of America ; b. in Genoa, 1435. d. 1505. 1 Columbus and his Companions. See IRVING, W. Works. Vol. 3-5. 2 Life of Columbus. See BELKNAP, J. (AMERICAN Biography, vol. 1.) 3 Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. See IRVING, W. COLOMBO, Michele. 4 Prose Scelte. [Portrait. ] Bologna, 1830. 16 (4.1X2.5). COLONLE AnglicanaB illustratce : or, The Acquest of Dominion, and the Planta- 5 tion of Colonies made by the English in America, with the Rights of the Colonists, examined, stated, and illustrated. [By W. Bollan.~\ Part I. ... * * * London, 1762. 4 (8X5.1), 2 cols. COLONIES, British, in America. See BRITISH Colonies, &c. COLONNA Traiana . . . Scolpita con 1 Historie della Gverra Dacica . . . 6 Nvovamente disegnata et intagliata da P. S. Bartoli. Con 1 Espositione Latina [pp. 9.] d A. Ciaccone, compendiata nella vvlgare Lingva . . . accresivta di Medaglie, Inscrittioni, et Trofei, da G. P. Bellori. [128 Plates. ] Roma, G. G. de Rossi, 157(5. 2 (plates 6.4X14.5; text 7X15.5). COLQUHOUN, P., Esq. 7 Treatise (A) on the Police of the Metropolis . . . 5th ed., revised and enlarged. *** London, 1797. 8 (6.1X3.5). COLTON, Rev. Calvin, LL.D., Prof, at Trin. Coll., Hartford, Ct.; b. 1789. d. 1857. 8 Life (The) and Times of Henry Clay. . . . Vol. 1, 2. 2d ed. [Portrait. ] New York, 1846. 8 (6.9X3.8). 9 Public Economy for the United States. New York, 1848. 8 (6.8X3.8), pp. 536. Editor. See CLAY, H. Private Correspondence. COLUMBIAN Centinel. Dec. 8, 1792-March 24, 1819. [2Qvols. Semi-weeldy. ] 10 Boston, 1792-1819. 2 (18X14), 6 cols. COLUMBIAN Magazine (The), or Monthly Miscellany ... * * * Oct., H 1786-May, 1790. [7 vols. Plates.] Philadelphia, 1786- 90. 8 (6.7X3.9), 2 cols. COLUMBUS, Christopher. See COLOMBO, Cristoforo. COLUMELLA, Lucius Junius Moderatus; flourished at Rome about 42. 12 L. J. M. Columella of Husbandry. In twelve Books : and his Book concerning Trees. Translated into English, with several Illustrations from Pliny, Cato, Vano, &c. * * * London, 1745. 4 (7.5X5), pp. 600-f-. COMBE, Andrew, M.D.; b. near Edinburgh, 1797. d. 1847. 13 Observations on mental Derangement : being an Application of ... Phrenology to the Elucidation of the Causes, Symptoms, Nature, and Treatment of Insanity. First Amer. ed., with Notes and Bibliography, by an American Physician. Boston, 1834. 8 (6.1X3.6). 14 Principles (The) of Physiology applied to the Preservation of Health, and to the Improvement of physical and mental Education. 5th ed. ... Edinburgh, 1836. 8 (5.4X3.2). 15 Principles (The) of Physiology applied to the Preservation of Health, &c. (Harper s Family Library, No. 71.) New York, 1834. 18 (4.5X2.7). COMBE, George, a Lawyer, &c. ; b. near Edinburgh, 1788. d. 1858. 16 Lectures on popular Education ... * * * First Amer. ed. with Additions by the Author. Boston, 1834. 12 (5.4X3). 150 BOWDOIN COLLEGE, COMIXES, Philippe de, a French Statesman and Historian; b. 1445. d. 1509* 1 History of Lewis XI. and Charles VIII., Kings of France. Translated by Tho. Danett. London, 1596. 2 (9.3X5.3). N >TK. Imperfect, wanting- title-pnge. 2 Memoirs (The) of Philip de Comines, containing the History of Lewis XI. & Charles VIII. Kings of France, with the most remarkable Occur rences . . . from 1464 to 1498. Revised and corrected ... by D, Godefroy. . . . Translated into English. London, 1674. 8 (5.8X3.4), pp. 611. COMMELIN, Jerome, a Printer ; b. in Douay, France, d. at Heidelberg, 1598. Editor. See HELIODORUS. ^Ethiopicorvm Libri X. COMMENT (A) on the twenty-third Chapter of the Prophet Isaiah. ... * * * 3 Springfield, 1842. 8, pp. 36. COMMENTARY, Comprehensive, on the Bible. See JENKS, W. Editor. COMMONS, House of, Recollections of. See RANDOM Recollections, &c. COMPARATIVE Display (A) of the different Opinions of the most distinguished 4 British Writers on the Subject of the French Revolution. . . . Vol. 1, 2. *** London, 1793. 8 (6.6X3.3), COMPENDIOUS System (A) of Mineralogy & Metallurgy ; extracted from the 5 American edition of the Encyclopaedia, now publishing by T. Dobson. [Philadelphia ] 1794. 12 (5.1X2.8), pp. 505. COMPLEAT Attorney s Practice (The) in English, in the Courts of King s Bench 6 and Common Pleas at Westminster. . . . Vol. 2. In the Savoy, 1737. 8 (6X3.3). COMPLETE Collection (A) of State-Trials, and Proceedings for High-Treason, 7 and other Misdemeanours ; the fourth Edition ; commencing with the eleventh Year of the Reign of King Richard II. and ending with the six teenth Year of the Reign of King George III. With . . . Tables. . . . Preface by F. Hargrave, Esq. Vol. 1-11. London, 1776- 81. 2 (13.9X8.8), 2 cols. NOTK. Bound in six volumes. COMPLETE Dictionary (A) of the English and German and German and English 8 Languages . . . Vol. 1, English and German. ... By l)r. J. G. Fliigel. 3ded. 2, German and English. . . . By Dr." N. N. W. Meisner. Leipsic, 1847. Thick 8 (7.7X4.6). NOTK. Al<o with second title-pnges, in German. COMPLETE FARMER (The) : or, A General Dictionary of Husbandry ... II- 9 lustrated . . . 4th ed. . . . London, n. d. 2 (12X6.9), 2 cols., n. p. 10 Complete Farmer (The) : or, General Dictionary of Agriculture and Hus bandry ... 5th ed., wholly re-written and enlarged. Vol. 1 [ABA- . I-IYQ]. 2[IMP-ZES]. London, 1807. 4 (8.6X6.1), 2 cols. COMPLETE (A) historical, chronological, and geographical American Atlas, being 11 a Guide to the History of North and South America, and the W^est Indies . . . According to the Plan of Le Sage s Atlas . . . Philadelphia, 1822. 2 (text, 16.8X10.3), 3 cols. COMPLETE System (A) of Geography. . . . Illustrated with 70 Maps . . . 12 Vol. 1, 2. London, 1747. Thick 2 (13.2X6.8), 2 cols. COMTE, Auguste, a French Philosopher; b. 1798. d. 1857. is Positive Philosophy (The) of Auguste Comte. Freely translated and condensed by H. Martineau. . . . Vol. 1 , 2. New York, 1853. 8 (6X3.6). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 151 COMTE, Auguste, continued. 1 Traite elementaire de Geometric analytique a deux et a trois Dimensions ... [Plates. ] Paris, 1843. 8 (6.1X3.6), pp. 598. COXCIOXES et Orationes ex Historicis Latinis excerptoe. Argumenta singulsi 2 praefixa sunt . . . Amstelodami, 1683. 12 (4.1X2.1). COXDILLAC, Etienne Bonnet de ; b. at Grenoble in France, 1715. d. 1780. 3 Commerce (La) et le Gouvernement, consideres relativement Tun a Pautre. Ouvrage elementaire, par 1 Abbe de Condillac. Amsterdam, 1776. 12 (4.6X2.5), pp. 586. 4 Cours d Etude pour PInstruction des jeunes Gens. Par Condillac. Tom. 1-8. [Portrait.-] Paris, 1796. 24 (3.6X2.1). 5 Essay (An) on the Origin of human Knowledge. . . . Translated from the French of Abbe de Condillac. By Mr. Nugent. * * * London, 1756. 8 (6.1X3.4). 6 Langue (La) des Calculs, Ouvrage posthume . . . Par Condillac. Paris, an VI. [1798]. 8 (5.3X3). 7 Logic (The) of Condillac. Translated by J. Neff . . . Philadelphia, 1809. 12 (4.3X2.5). 8 Logique (La), ou les premiers Developpemens de 1 Art de penser . . . Par 1 Abbe de Condillac. Paris, 1788. 12 (5.1X2.8). [2 copies.] 9 CEuvres de PAbbe de Condillac, deuxieme Edition, revue & augmentee. Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1769. 12 (4.7X2.5). XOTE. Designated as "CEuvres," et;. upon half-titles on^y. Title-png-es express respective contents of volumes, \i/.. I. Essni sur I Originedes Connoissanccs hu- maines. II. Traite di s Systemes. III. Traite drs Sensations. 10 Traite des Sensations . . . par PAbbe de Condillac, nouvelle Edition, augmentee ... * * * Tom. 1,2. Londres, 1788. 12 (4.8X2.6). COXDORCET, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat, Marquis DE ; b. 1743. d. 1794. 11 Bibliotheque de PHomme public . . . Par Condorcet. Tom. 1-12. Seconde Annee. Tom. 1-12. Troisieme Annee. Tom. 1-4. Paris, l790- 92. 8 (5.6X3.1). [2 copies.] 12 Esquisse d un Tableau historique des Progres de PEsprit humain. Ou vrage posthume de Condorcet. 2de ed. Paris, an III. [1795]. 8 (5.5X3.1). [2 copies.] 13 Life (The) of Voltaire, by ... Condorcet. . . . [With] Memoirs of Voltaire, written by himself. Translated from the French. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1792. 12 (5.1X3). XOTF. The tAvo volumes are bound together. 14 Outlines of an historical View of the Progress of the human Mind ; being a posthumous Work of ... Condorcet. Translated from the French. Philadelphia, 1796. 12 (4.9X2.9). 15 Vie de Voltaire. See VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. de. (Euvres. Vol. 70. COXFESSIO Fidei in Conventu Theologorum Authoritate Parliament! Anglican! 16 elaborata ; &c. una cum Catechismo duplici, majori, minorique ... in Latinam versa. Cantabrigian, 1659. 8 (4.8X2.5), m. r. COXFESSIOXVM Corpvs, etc. See CORPVS Confessionvm, etc. COXGREGATIOXAL Quarterly (The). Vol. 1-4. Conducted, under the Sanction 17 of the American Library Association, and the American Congregational Union . . . [Portraits. ] Boston, 1859- 62. 8 (7.3X4.3), 2 cols. CONGREGATIONAL 18 Year Book, 1858. See AMERICAN Congregational Union. 152 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. CONGRESS. Declaration (A) by the Representatives of the United Colonies of I North-America . . . setting forth the Causes and Necessity of their taking up Arms. Philadelphia, 1775. 8, pp. 13. 2 Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the American Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774. . . . Philadelphia, 1774. 8, 12, 11, 36. 3 Journal of the Proceedings of Congress, held at Philadelphia, from Sept. 5, 1775, to April 30, 1776. London, reprinted, 1778. 8 (6.8X4.1), 2 cols. .NOTE. Bound with A COLLECTION of interesting, authentic Papers, &c. 4 Lettre addressee aux Habitans de la Province cle Quebec, ci-devant le Canada. . . . Philadelphie, 1774. 8, pp. 18. 5 Rights (The) of Great Britain asserted against the Claims of America : being an Answer to the Declaration of the General Congress. London, 1776. 8, pp. 92. 6 What think ye of the Congress now ? or, An Enquiry, how far the Americans are bound to abide by, and execute the Decisions of, the late Congress? New-York, 1775. 8, pp. 48. CONGRESS of Nations, Prize Essays on. See AMERICAN Peace Society. CONNECTICUT, 7 Report on the Geology of. See PERCIVAL, J. G. CONNOISSEUR (The). By Mr. Town . . . *** New ed. . . . Vol. 1,2. London, 1822. 12 (4.8X2.8). 9 Connoisseur (The). See (BRITISH Essayists. Vol. 25, 26). NOTE. A periodical paper, written mostly by George Colman and Bonnel Thornton. CONOLLY, John, M.D., Prof, of Medicine in University of London. 10 Inquiry (An) concerning the Indications of Insanity, with Suggestions for the better Protection and Care of the Insane. London, 1830. 8 (6X3.6). II Introductory Lecture (An) [on the Nature and Treatment of Diseases ] delivered in the University of London, Oct. 2, 1828. 4th ed. 8, pp. 36. CONRAD, Timothy Abbott; b. in New Jersey, 1803. 12 Fossil Shells of California. See BLAKE, W. P. Report of a geologi cal Reconnaissance in California. 13 Fossil Shells of Chile. See UNITED STATES. (U. S. naval astronomical Expedition, vol. 2.) CONSIDERATIONS sur les Richesses et le Luxe. * * * Amsterdam, 1787. 8 (5.2X3.2). CONSIDERATIONS upon Wit and Morals. Translated from tlie French. London, 1788. 8 (5.8X3.3). CONSTANCIO, F. S. !6 Nouveau Dictionnaire portatif des Langues Franchise et Portugaise. 2de ed. . . . Partie [FoZ.] 1, Frangais-Portugais. 2, Portuguez- Francez. Paris, 1820. 8 (4.6X3.3), 2 cols. NOTE. The title-paffe of vol. 2 is in Portuguese. CONSTANT DE REBECQUE, Henri Benjamin ; b. 1767. d. at Paris, 1830. 17 Comento sulla Scienza della Legislazione di G. Filangieri scritto dal B. Constant Prima Traduzione Italiana Terze edizione Capolago, 1833. 12 (4.5X2.7). Philosophical Miscellanies. See PHILOSOPHICAL Miscellanies, &c, 9 Religion (De la), consideree dans sa Source, ses Formes, et ses Devel- oppements. Par B. Constant. * * * Deuxieme ed. Tom. 1-5. Paris, 1826- 31. 8 (5.2X3), CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 153 CONSTANTINE, Caius Flavius Valerius Aurelius Claudius, surnamed the Great, a Roman Emperor, 306-337 j b. 274. d. 337. 1 Eusebij Pamphili de Uita Constantini. See ECCLESIASTICAE Historiae Avtores. 2 Life of Constantino. See EtfSEBius. 3 Oration to the Clergie. See EUSEBIUS. Life of Constantine, &c. CONYBEARE, John, D.D., Bisliop of Bristol; b. 1692. d. 1755. 4 Defence (A) of reveal d Religion against the Exceptions of a late Writer [M. Tindal~\, in ... Christianity as old as the Creation, &c. * * * London, 1732. 8 (5.9X3.2). CONYBEARE, William Daniel, Dean of Llandaff; b. 1787. d. 1857. 5 Elementary Course (An) of theological Lectures, in three Parts. . . . Delivered in Bristol College, 1831, 1832, 1833. . . . [With ] an Essay on the general grammatical Principles of the Semitic Languages. * * * 2d ed. London, 1836. 12 (4.9X2.8), pp. 509. CONYBEARE, Rec. W. J., Son of ike preceding ; d. 1857. 6 Life (The) and Epistles of St. Paul. By W. J. C . . and Rev. J. S. Howson. * * * ... Vol. 1, 2. [Map and Engravings. ] London, 1854. 4 (7.5X5.4). COOK, Alexander. Joint Author. /Ste BxNKES, T. New . . . System of universal Geography. COOKE, Rev. Parsons, of Lynn, Mass. 7 Century (A) of Puritanism, and a Century of its Opposites . . . Boston, 1855. 12 (4.8X2.9). 8 Second Part of Cooke s Centuries. ... Boston, 1855. 12 (4.6X2.9). 9 Necromancy . . . Boston, 1857. 12 (4.4X2.9). COOKE, Rev. Samuel, of Cambridge, Mass. 10 Election Sermon, May 20, 1770. Boston, 1770. 8, pp. 47. 11 Election Sermon, May 20, 1770. See THORNTON, J. W. The Pulpit of the American Revolution. Pp. 147-186. COOKE, Rev. William, of Gloucestershire, Eng. 12 Medallic History (The) of imperial Rome ; from the first Triumvirate, under Pompey, Crassus, and Csesar, to the Removal of the imperial Seat, by Constantine the Great. . . . [ With ] Introduction, containing a gen eral History of Roman Medals. . . . Vol. 1, 2. * * * London, 1781. 4 (7.3X4.8). COOPER, Anthony Ashley, 3d Earl of Shaftesbury; b. 1671. d. 1713. 13 Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. Vol. 1-3. By . . . Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury. 6th ed., corrected. ... * * * [Portrait. ] [London] 1737. 8 (6X3.1). COOPER, Charles Purton, Esq., of Lincoln s-Inn, London. 14 Act (The) of Settlement and the Pope s Apostolic Letters. Selection from Correspondence ... 2d ed. London, 1851. 8, pp. 30. 15 Ancient British and English Churches. Stillingfleet s Independence of the British Churches, proved from their Carriage towards Augustine the Monk ; and Inett s Short View of the ancient and present State of the English Church and Monarchy. To which are subjoined I. The Let ters Apostolic of Pius IX., 29th Sept., 1850. II. The Pastoral Letter of Dr. Wiseman, 7th Oct., 1850. III. The Letter of Lord John Rus sell to the Bishop of Durham, 4th Nov., 1850. IV. Appendix. * * * Edited by C. P. Cooper, Esq. 2d ed. London, 1851. 8, pp. 76. 20 154 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. COOPER, Charles Purton, Esq., continued. 1 Appellate Jurisdiction of the House of Lords, Derby Council, and Court of Chancery. Lord Cottenham s Proposal of April, 1836 ; and brief Statement of the Opinions previously expressed in Parliament . . . re specting the Office of Lord Chancellor : with Remarks. 4th ed. London, 1850. 8, pp. 38. 2 Bibliotheca Cooperiana. Catalogue of Portions of the . . . Library of C. P. Cooper, Esq. . . . London, 1852. 8 (6.9X3.7). 3 Brief Account (A) of some of the most important Proceedings in Par liament, relative to the Defects in the Administration of Justice in the Court of Chancery, the House of Lords, and the Court of Commissioners of Bankrupt . . . London, 1828. 8 (6.2X3.5). 4 Common Law (The) and^ the Pope s Apostolic Letters of Sept., 1850. Extracts of some Letters . . . to C. P. Cooper, Esq. 2d ed. London, 1851. 8, pp. 51. 5 Debate in the House of Commons, March 27, 1851, upon Lord John Russell s Motion for Leave to bring in a Bill for the better Administra tion of Justice in the Court of Chancery. Edited by C. P. Cooper, Esq. 4th ed. London, n. d. 8, pp. 32. 6 Delay (The) in the Offices of the Masters in Chancery, and the Remedy. 2d ed. London, 1849. 8, pp. 44.. 7 Government (The) and the Irish Roman Catholic Members. 3d ed. London, 1851. 8, pp. 22. 8 House (The) of Lords as a Court of Appeal. . . . London, 1850. 8, pp. 107. 9 Letter (A) to the Lord Chancellor on a Defect in the Law regulating the Custody of Lunatics. London, 1849. 8, pp. 14. 10 Letter to Sir George Grey, with Papers respecting the sanitary State of Part of the Parish of St. Giles in the Fields, London. London, 1850. 8, pp. 30. 11 Letter (A) to the Solicitor-General upon the Bill to simplify and im prove the Proceedings in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland. 1 2th ed. London, 1850. 8, pp. 24. 12 Letter (A) to the Vice-Chancellor of England upon his Resolution to abolish the Practice of adjourning his Court by reason of the Absence of leading Counsel. * * * 8th ed. London, 1850. 8, pp. 23. 13 Mr. Purton Cooper s Paradox. The Profits of each London Solicitor may be increased one hundred Pounds per Annum, and the Public bene- fitted. 8th ed. London, 1850. 8, pp. 14. 14 Notes respecting Registration and the extrinsic Formalities of Convey ances. Pt. I. London, 1831. 8 (6.1X3.3).. 15 Notes upon some Passages in the Letter to Lord Denham from Lord Brougham upon the Legislation of 1850 which relate to the Court of Chancery. . . . London, 1850. 8, pp. 66. *6 Oxford University Commission. Mr. Purton Cooper s Letter to the Duke of Wellington, Chancellor of the University. . . . London, 1851. 8, pp. 8. i 7 Pope s Apostolic Letters (The) of September, 1850. Letter to an Eng lish Roman Catholic Peer. 4th ed. London, 1851. 8, pp. 11. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 155 COOPER, Charles Purton, Esq., continued. 1 Pope s Brief (The) of September, 1850. Notes of some Conclusions arrived at 15th-25th Jan., 1851, in several Conferences between certain Roman Catholic Priests and a Queen s Counsel. Edited by C. P. Coop er, Esq. 10th ed. London, 1851. 8, pp. 11. 2 Present State (The) of the Court of Chancery, shown to furnish no Reason against the Continuance of the Commission for the Custody of the Great Seal, pending the Inquiry into the Office of Lord Chancellor. * * * 2d ed. London, 1850. 8, pp. 15. 3 Refutation (A) of the Calumnies against the Lord Chancellor contained in the last Number of The Quarterly Review in an Article upon the Pamphlet entitled " The Reform Ministry and the Reformed Parlia ment." [By C. P. Cooper.] 4th ed. London, 1734. 8 (6.3X3.5). 4 Refutation (A) of so much of the Calumnies contained in the last Number of The Quarterly Review in an Article upon the Pamphlet en titled "The Reformed Ministry and the Reformed Parliament," as relates to the Appointment of Mr. Ja. Brougham . . . [By C. P. Cooper. } London, 1833. 8, pp. 22. 5 Reports of some Cases adjudged in the Courts of the Lord Chancellor, Master of the Rolls, and Vice-Chancellor, in 1837-1838. With Notes, and an Appendix. Vol. 1. [4 Parts.~\ London and Dublin, 1838- 41. 8 (6.8X3.5). 6 Rules for the Guidance of Members of Parliament, in the Management of Select Committees, and the Preparation of Reports. * * * [London] 1837. 8, pp. 36. 7 So much of Lord John Russell s Evidence before the Select Committee of the House of Commons, on official Salaries, as relates to the Law and to Lawyers. Edited by C. P. Cooper, Esq. London, 1850. 8, pp. 32. 8 So much of the Pope s Apostolical Letters of September, 1850, as re lates to the Creation of an Archbishopric and Twelve Bishoprics. The Act of 26 Hen. VIII. intitled " An Act for Nomination and Consecration of Suffragans within this Realm." With an Appendix : . . . Edited by C. P. Cooper, Esq. 7th ed. London, 1851. 8, pp. 47. 9 Specimen of a Catalogue of the Books on foreign Law lately presented by C. P. Cooper, to the Society of Lincoln s-Inn. London, 1847. 8 (7X4.1). 10 Substance of the Speech of C. P. Cooper, Esq. as Counsel for the Rev. Charles Wellbeloved, in the Suit of the Attorney General versus Shore, instituted in the High Court of Chancery, respecting Lady Hewley s Foundations, July 2, 1834. London, 1834. 8, pp. 81. 11 Substance of the Speech of, as Counsel for Rev. Charles Wellbeloved in the Suit of the Attorney General versus Shore, . . . respecting Lady Hewley s Foundations, 2d July, 1834. 2d ed. London, 1834. 8, pp. 81. 12 Ultra Party (The) amongst the English Roman Catholics. Extract of a Letter, dated 15th Feb., 1851, from an English Roman Catholic Peer to Mr. P. Cooper. 5th ed. London, 1851. 8, pp. 16. Editor, and Biographer. MELMOTII, W. The Great Importance of a religious Life. 156 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. COOPER, Charles Purton, Esq., continued. 1 Letter to C. P. Cooper, Esq. on the Appointment of a permanent Judge in the Court of Chancery, &c. By Causidicus. London, 1835. 8, pp. 29. [2 copies.] 2 Second Letter (A) to C. P. Cooper, Esq. on the Appointment of a per manent Judge, &c. By Causidicus. London, 1835. 8, pp. 31. COOPER, George, Esq. 3 Treatise (A) of Pleading on the Equity-Side of the High Court of Chan cery. *** London, 1809. 8 (7 irr.X3.9), m. n. COOPER, J. G., M.D. 4 Essay (An) on Comets . . . Philadelphia, 1832. 8, pp. 40. 5 Reports upon the Plants, Mammals, Land Birds, Reptiles, and crusta- cea. See UNITED STATES. (Reports of Explorations and Surveys for a Pacific Railroad, vol. 12, P. II.) COOPER, John Gilbert, an English Poet ; b. 1723. d. 1769. 6 Letters concerning Taste. * * * [By J. G. Cooper. ] London, 1755. 8 (5.7X2.9). 7 Letters concerning Taste. * * * 3ded. ... [With] Essays on similar and other Subjects. * * * By . . . {J. Cr. Cooper]. London, 1757. 8 (5.5X2.9). COOPER, Samuel, a Surgeon of London. 8 First Lines of the Practice of Surgery . . . With nine Plates. 2d American, with an Appendix, from 3d London ed. Hanover, 1815. 8 (6.5X3.6). COOPER, Rev. Samuel, D.D., a Minister of Boston; b. 1725. d. 1783. 9 Discourse on the Man of Sin. Dudleian Lecture, Sept. 1, 1773. Boston, 1774. 8, pp. 68. 10 Election Sermon, May 26, 1756. Boston, 1756. 8, pp. 43. 11 Sermon preach d April 9, 1760, at the Ordination of Rev. Joseph Jack son, Brooklin. Boston, 1760. 8, pp. 46. 12 Sermon preached in Boston . . . before the Society for encouraging In dustry, and employing the Poor; August 8, 1753. Boston, 1753. 8, pp. 38. 13 Sermon preached before John Hancock, Gov. and the General Court, Oct. 25, 1780, the Day of the Commencement of the Constitution, and the Inauguration of the new Government. [Boston, 1780.] 8, pp. 55. COOPER, Thomas, of Manchester., Eng. 14 Some Information respecting America. 2d ed. [Map of Middle States.] London, 1795. 8 (6.9X3.1). COOPER, Thomas, M.D., LL.D.,Pres. of Columbia Coll., S.C.; b. 1759. d. 1840. Translator, and Annotator. See JUSTINIAN I., F. A. J. Institutes. COPIES of original Letters from the Army of General Bonaparte in Egypt, in- 15 tercepted by the Fleet under the Command of Adm. Lord Nelson. With an English Translation. 5th ed. [Chart.] London, 1798. 8 (5.6X3.2). COPTIC 16 Manuscript. 2 vols. 4 (5.1X2.7). CORANCEZ, Olivier de, a Friend of Rousseau; d. 1810. 17 Anecdotes of the last twelve Years of the Life of J. J. Rousseau, origin ally published in the Journal de Paris by Citizen Corancez . . . Trans lated . . . London, 1798. 8 (4.8X2.7). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 157 CORBAUX, Francis. 1 Natural and mathematical Laws (On the) concerning Population, Vitali ty and Mortality ; &c.; with Tables of Mortality . . . and other Tables ... *** London, 1833. 8 (7X4.2). COKDEH, Susanna. 2 Christian Instruction in the History, Types, and Prophecies of the Old Testament. ... Philadelphia, 1855. 12 (5.3X3.2). CORDINER, Rev. James. 3 Description (A) of Ceylon . . . with Narratives of a Tour round the Island in 1800, the Campaign in Candy in 1803, and a Journey to Ra- misseram in 1804. Illustrated. ... In 2 Vols. Vol. 2. London, 1807. 4 (6.7X4.8). CORMACK, Rev. John. Translator, &c. See FENELOX, F. &c. Lives of ... Philosophers. CORNARIUS, Janus, a German Physician ; b. 1500. d. 1558. . Translator. See AETIUS, A. Contracta Medicina. CORNEILLE, Pierre, a French dramatic Author; b. at Rouen, 1616. d. 1684. 4 Theatre, avec des Commentaires, &c. &c. Tom. 1-12. [Plates. ] [No imprint] 1764. 8 (5.3X3.3 irr.). CORNELIUS, Elias, D.D., Sec y of Amer. Education Society; b. 1794. d. 1832. 5 God s Ways, not as our AVays. Sermon, occasioned by the Death of Rev. Samuel Worcester, D. D. Salem, 1821. 8, pp. 56. CORXETTE, Claude Melchior, a French Physician; b. 1744. d. 1794. 6 Konigl. Franzosische Instruktion zu besserem Betrieb des Saltpeter- wesens, nebst einer Abhandlung liber das Saltpeterzeugen, vom Herrn Cornette. ... Mit Kupfern. Dresden, 1781. 8 (5.2X3). CORPYS et Syntagma Confessionvm Fidei qvse . . . Ecclesiarum Nomine fue- 7 runt authentice editaj ; etc. Qvibvs annectitvr, in omnibvs Christiana Religionis Articulis, catholicus Consensvs, ex Sententijs veterum qui Patres vocantur desumptus. ... [3 pagings.~] Aureliaj Allobrogum, 1612. Thick 4 (6.8X4.7), 2 cols. CORTES or CORTEZ, Hernando or Fernando, the Conqueror of Mexico ; b. in Spain, 1485. d. near Seville, 1547. 8 Despatches (The) of Hernando Cortes, addressed to the Emp. Charles V. written during the Conquest [of Mexico }, and containing a Narrative of its Events. Now first translated from the original Spanish, with an Introduction, and Notes, by G. Folsom. New York, 1843. 8 (5.9X3.5). 9 Life of Hernando Cortes. See PRESCOTT, W. H. History of the Con quest of Mexico, &c. COSSIGXY, Joseph Frangois CHARPENTIER de ; 6. 1734. d. 1809. 10 Voyage au Bengale. Suivi de Notes . . . d Observations, sur celui de Stavorinus dans le meme Contree ; d une Notice sur la Japon ; etc. Par . . . Charpentier Cossigny. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, an 7 [1799]. 8 (5.8X3.1). COSTA, Hippolyte Joseph PERCIRA FURTADO de MENDOCA DA; d. 1823. 11 Historia de Portugal. Composta em Inglez por uma Sociedade de Lit- teratos, transladada em Vulgar com as Notas da Edigao Franceza, e do Traductor Portuguez, A. de Moraes da Silva ; e continuada ate os nos- sos Tempos : em nova Edigao : por H. Jose da Costa. Tom. 1-3. Londres, 1809. 12 (4.6X2.7). 158 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. COSTARD, George, Vicar of Twickenham, Eng.; b. 1710. d. 1782. 1 History (The) of Astronomy, with its Applications to Geography, His tory, and Chronology. ... * * * London, 1767. 4 (7.2X6.2). COSTIGAN, Capt. Arthur "William, Esq. 2 Sketches of Society and Manners in Portugal. . . . Vol. 1,2. * * * [London ] 1787. 8 (5.4X3). COTHREN, William, of Woodbury, Conn. 3 History of ancient Woodbury from . . . 1659 to 1854 . . . [Portrait and Plates.-] Waterbury, 1854. 8 (6.7X3.8), pp. 833+. 4 Second centennial Celebration of the Exploration of ancient Woodbury, and the Reception of the first Indian Deed, held at Woodbury, Conn., July 4 and 5, 1859. Edited by W. Cothren. Woodbury, 1859. 8 (6.6X3.8). COTTON, Charles, an English Poet-, b. 1630. d. 1687. 5 Instructions how to angle for Trout in a clear Stream ; with a Notice of Cotton and his Writings. See WALTON, I. Complete Angler. Part II. COTTON, John, first Minister of Boston; b. in Derby, Eng., 1585. d. 1652. 6 Commentary upon the First Epistle General of John. [Original auto graph Manuscript; probably of the first Edition.} 2 (10.4X6.2), 2 cols. 7 Practicall Commentary (A), or an Exposition with Observations, Rea sons, and Vses upon the First Epistle Generall of John. 2d ed. . . . London, 1658. 2 (9.1X4.5). COTTON, John, first Minister of Halifax, Mass. ; d. 1787, cet. 77. 8 Seasonable Warning to the Churches. A Narrative of Transactions at Middleborough, with some Reflections. Boston, 1746. 8, pp. 38. COTTON, Rev. John, of Newton, Mass. ; d. 1757, cet. 64. 9 Wisdom, Knowledge, and the Fear of God recommended to Rulers and People. Election Sermon, May 30, 1753. Boston, 1753. 8, pp. 42. COTTON, Josiah, Judge, and Preacher to the Indians; b. 1680. d. 1756. 10 Vocabulary of the Natick-Indian Language ; with a Sermon, &c. in Indian. See MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 2.) COTTRELL, Charles H., Esq. Translator. See BUNSEN, C. K. J. Egypt s Place in ... History. COURIER (The) and Evening Gazette. May 10, 1794 Sept. 22, 1796; Feb. 1, 11 1805 March 29, 1814; Dec. 30, 1811 May 18, 1818. [Occasional Numbers. 2 vols.~] [London] 1794-1818. 2 (17.5X12), 4 cols. COURIER, Fran ? ais. 2 Mai, 1790 28 Fev., 1791 ; 19 Avril, 22 Juillet, 1791. 13 [Daily.-] Paris, 1790- 91. 8 (6.3X3.4). COURNOT, A. A. 14 Traite elementaire de la Theorie des Fonctions et du Calcul infinitesimal, par M. Cournot. * * * Deuxieme ed. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1857. 8 (6.4X3.8). COURS complet d Agriculture theorique, pratique, economique et de Medecine 15 rurale et veterinaire ; ou Dictionnaire universe! d Agriculture, redige par MM. Rozier, Chaptal, Parmentier, etc., etc. Tom. 1-12 . . . [Plates.} London, 1781-1805. 4 (7.3X4.5), 2 cols. COURT (The) and Camp of Bonaparte [or, Sketches of his Family, Ministers, 12 Marshals, and Generals. Portrait]. (Harper s Family Library, No. 29.) New York, 1832. 18 (4.5X2.7). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 159 COURTIN, Nicolas, Prof, in University of Paris. Editor. See NEPOS, C. De Vitis excellentium Imperatorum. Translator. See GROTIUS, H. Le Droit de la Guerre, etc. COUSIN, Victor, a French Philosopher; b. in Paris, 1792. 1 Cours de PHistoire de la Philosophic. Histoire de la Philosophic du XVIIIe Siecle. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1829. 8 (5.5X3.1). 2 Cours de 1 Histoire de la Philosophic moderne Premiere Serie Tom. 1-5 Deuxieme Serie Tom. 1-3 Nouv. ed. revue et corrigee Paris, 1846- 47. 12 (5.2X3). 3 Cours de Philosophie. Introduction a 1 Histoire de la Philosophic. [Portrait.] Paris, 1828. 8 (5.3X3.2). 4 Elements of Psychology : included in a critical Examination of Locke s Essay on the human Understanding. Translated from the French, with an Introduction, Notes, and Additions, by C. S. Henry. Hartford, 1834. 8 (6.3X3.5). 5 Fragmens philosophiques. Paris, 1826. 8 (5.7X3.3). 6 Fragmens philosophiques pour faire suite aux Cours de 1 Histoire de la Philosophie Troisieme ed. Tom. 1 Philosophie ancienne 2 Philosophie scholastique 3 Philosophie moderne 4 Philosophie contemporaine Paris, 1847. 12 (5.2X3). NOTE. Also with half-title, << GEuvres Troisieme Serie Tom. 1-1." 7 Lectures on the True, the Beautiful and the Good. Increased by an Ap pendix on French Art. Translated . . . by O. W. Wight. * * * 3ded. Edinburgh, 1854. 12 (5.9X3.6). 8 Nouveaux Fragmens philosophiques Paris, 1828. 8 (5.6X3-2). 9 Philosophical Miscellanies. See PHILOSOPHICAL Miscellanies, &c. 10 Philosophy (The) of the Beautiful From the French Translated with Notes and an Introduction by J. C. Daniel * * * London, 1848. 12 (4.8X2.7). Translator. See PLATO. CEuvres. COUVRET, Auguste. 11 Calembours et Jeux de Mots des Hommes illustres, anciens et modernes. Precedes d un Eloge historique. * * * Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1806. 8 (4.8X3). COWLEY, Abraham, M.D., an English Poet ; b. 1618. d. 1667. 12 "Works ; with an Account of his Life and Writings by Bishop Sprat. [Portrait. ] London, 1681. 2 (9.2X4.6 irr.). NOTE. Divided into five portions, with independent pagings, &c. General title-page is wanting. COWPER, William, Esq., an English Poet; b. 1731. d. 1800. 13 Life of William Cowper. See SOUTHEY, R. 14 Life of William Cowper. See TAYLOR, T. 15 Life and posthumous Writings. See HAYLEY, W. 16 Memoir of Cowper. See (Poetical Works, post. Vol. 1, pp. vii.-xc.). 17 Poems. . . . Vol. 1, 2. * * * [Portrait.] Boston, 1802. 12 (4.9X2.9 irr,),. ^ Poems. . . . Vol. 1-3. [Plates.] New York, 1812- 16. 24 (4X2.5 irr.), *9 Poetical Works, , . . Vol. 1-3. [Portrait.] Boston, 1854. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.).- 160 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. COWPER, William, Esq., continued. 1 Sketch of the Life of Cowper, by J. Johnson. See (Poems (N.Y. Ed.), ante. Vol. 3, pp. 11-76). Translator. See HOMERTJS. Iliad. Cox, Francis Augustus, D.D., LL.D., of London. 2 Life (The) of Philip Melancthon, comprising an Account of the most important Transactions of the Reformation. ... Boston, 1835. 12 (5.5X3.2). 3 Life of Philip Meiancthon. See (CHRISTIAN Library, vol. 3). Translator. See ULLMANN, C. Gregory of Nazianzum. COXE, Tench, Esq., of Philadelphia ; d. 1824, cut. 68. 4 Enquiry into the Principles on which a commercial System for the United States of America should be founded . . . [By T. Coxe.~\ [Philadelphia] 1787. 8, pp. 52. 5 View (A) of the United States of America, in a Series of Papers, writ ten between 1787 and 1794 ... Philadelphia, 1794. 8 (6X3.4), pp. 513. 6 VieAV (A) of the United States of America, &c. London, reprinted, 1795. 8 (6.2X3.3), pp. 512. COXE, William, Archdeacon of Wilts, Eng.; b. 1747. d. 1828. 7 Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America. . . . [With] the Conquest of Siberia, and History of the Transactions and Commerce between Russia and China. 4th ed., considerably enlarged. [Maps, &c] London, 1803. 8 (5.6X3.2), pp. 500. 8 Travels in Denmark, Norway, and Russia. See PINKERTOX, J. (Voy ages and Travels, vol. 6.) 9 Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark. Illustrated . . . Vol. 1-5. 4th ed. London, 1792. 8 (5.9X3.3). 10 Travels in Switzerland and in the Country of the Orisons. See PlNK- ERTON, J. (Voyages and Travels, vol. 5.) COYER, Gabriel Frangois, I Abbe; b. 1707. d. 1782. Translator. See BLACKSTONE, W. Commentaire, etc. CRABB, George, an English Barrister and Philologist ; b. 1778. d. 1854. 11 English Synonyms, with copious Illustrations and Explanations . . . New ed. enlarged. London, 1826. 4 (8.4X6.4), 2 cols., pp. 688. 12 Universal technological Dictionary . . . and illustrated by Plates, &c. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1823. 2 (9.1X6.1), 2 cols. CRABBE, Rev. George, an English Poet; b. 1754. d. 1832. 13 Poetical Works: with his Letters and Journals, and his Life, by his Son. . . . Vol. 1-8. [Portraits and Plates.] London, 1834. 12 (4.8X2.6). NOTE. Also with second title-pages, engraved, " Life and Poems," &c. w Poetical Works (The) of Crabbe, Heber, and Pollok . . . [3 paging*.] Philadelphia, 1855. 8 (7.2X4.6). CRAIK, George Lillie, Prof, of Eng. Lit. and Hist, at Belfast, Eng.; b. 1799. 15 Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties ; its Pleasures and ReAvards. Illustrated by Memoirs of eminent Men. [By Q-. L. Graik.] . . . Vol. 1, 2. (Harper s Family Library, Nos. 94, 95.) * New York, 1839. 18 (4.5X2.7). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 161 CRAKANTHORP, Richard, D.D. ; b. 1569. d. 1624. 1 Defence (The) of Constantino : with a Treatise of the Pope s temporall Monarchic. ... [2 pagings.~] London, 1621. 4 (5.9X3.3), m. r. CRAMER, Ch. Fr., Prof, of Greek at Kiel, and Copenhagen; b. 1748. d. 1807. Translator. See FISCHER, C. A. Voyage en Espagne. CRAMER, Jean Andre; b. 1710. d. 1777. 2 Elements of the Art of assaying Metals. In two Parts. . . . Trans lated from the Latin. Illustrated with Copper-plates. . . . London, 1741. 8 (6.6X3.5). CRAMP, John Mockett. 3 Text-Book (A) of Popery ; comprising a brief History of the Council of Trent, a Translation of its doctrinal Decrees, &c. with Notes and Illus trations : &c. New York, 1831. 12 (5.7X3). CRANCH, William, Chief Justice of U. S. Court for D. C. ; b. 1769. d. 1855. 4 Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, in August and December Terms, 1801 February Term, 1815. Vol. 1-9. *** Washington, 1804- 17. 8 (6.5X3.4). CRANMER, Thomas, D.D., Archbishop of Canterbury ; b. 1489. d. 1555-6. 5 Life. See FORSTER, J. (Lives of British Statesmen, vol. 1.) 6 Memorials of Cranmer. See STRYPE, J. CRAUFURD, George, Esq. 7 Doctrine (The) of Equivalents; or an Explanation of the Nature, Value and Power of Money : together with their Application in organizing public Finance. ... Rotterdam, 1803. 8 (5.6X2.8). CRAYON, Geoffrey, Gent., pseudon. See IRVING, W. CREASY, Edward Shepherd, Prof, of Hist, in Univ. Coll., London ; b. 1812. 8 Rise (The) and Progress of the English Constitution. 2d ed., revised and with Additions. London, 1854. 12 (5.6X3.3). CREECH, Thomas, an English Poet; b. 1659. d. 1700. Translator, &c. See LUCRETIUS CARUS, T. The Nature of Things. CRELL, Loreutz. 9 Beytrage zu den Chemischen Annalen. Band 1-2, Stiick II. Helmstadt und Leipzig, 1785- 86. 8 (5.2X3). 10 Crell s Chemical Journal . . . translated from the German, with occa sional Additions. Vol. 1-3. London, 1791- 93. 8 (5.4X3.2). n Chemische Annalen ... Bd. 1,2. 1784. Bd. 1,2. 1785. Bd. 1, 2. 1786. [Gvols."] Helmstadt und Leipzig, !784- 86. 8 (5.4X3). CRESSEY or CRESSY, Hugh Paulin de or Serenus de, Cation of Windsor, aft. a Roman-Catholic; b. 1605. d. 1674. 12 Church-History (The) of Brittany from the Beginning of Christianity to the Norman Conquest. ... By R. F. S. Cressy. * * * [No imprint] 1668. 2 (10*9X6), m. r., pp. 1002. CREUZER, Georg Friedrich, Prof, of Anc. Lit. at Heidelberg ; b. 1771. d. 1858. 13 Symbolik und Mythologie der alten Volker, besonders der Griechen von F. Creuzer. Th. 1-4. Dritte verbesserte ausgabe. [Plates. ] Leipzig und Darmstadt, 1836- 43. 8 (6.2X4). CREVIER, Jean Baptiste Louis, Prof, of Rhetoric at Paris ; b. 1693. d. 1765. 14 Roman History (The) from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium . . . Vol. 13-15. By Mr. Crevier, being the Continuation of Mr. RoUin s Work. Translated from the French. 2d ed. Illustrated ... London, 1754. 8(6X3.1), m.b. 21 162 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. CRICHTON, Andrew, LL.D. 1 History (The) of Arabia. Ancient and modern. . . . With a Map and Engravings. . . . Vol. 1, 2. (Harper s Family Library, Nos. 68, 69.) New York, 1834. 18 (4.5X2.7). 2 Scandinavia, ancient and modern ; being a History of Denmark, Swe den, and Norway ... By A. C. ; and H. Wheaton, LL.D. With a Map, and 12 Engravings. . . . Vol. 1, 2. (Harper s Family Library, Nos. 136, 137.) New York, 1841. 18 (4.5X2.7). CRIMES 3 (Les) de la Philosophic . . . Paris, 1804. 8 (5.6X3.2). CRINESIUS, Christoph., Prof. -in University ofAUdorf; b. 1584. d. 1629. 4 Discursus de Confusione Linguarum . . . statuens Hebraicam omnium esse primam, etc. *** Noribergge, 1629. 4 (5.7X3.8). CRISP, Tobias, D.D., of Wiltshire, Eng. ; b. 1600. d. 1643. 5 Christ alone exalted : being the compleat Works of T. Crisp, D.D., con taining . . . [52] Sermons . . . London, 1690. Thick 4 (7,1 X4.9). NOTE. Formed of four volumes ; YO!. 1-3 are paged continuously. CRITICAL Review (The) : or, Annals of Literature. By a Society of Gentlemen. 6 * * * Sept., Nov., 1760; Jan. Nov., 1761 ; Feb., April August, Oct. Dec., 1762; Feb., March, May Oct., Dec., 1763; April, 1764 - f July Dec., 1771; Sept., 1774; Jan., March, 1782; Jan. June, 1783; Jan., June, 1786; April, June, July, 1787; App. to Vol. 68; March, April, 1788 ; Sept., 1792 ; Feb., March, May, Sept., 1794 ; March, April, 1796; Sept., 1797. London, 1760- 97. 8 (6.6X3.6). 7 Critical Review (The) : &c. Vol. 37-39. London, 1803. 8 (6.8X3.7). CROFT, Herbert, D.D., Bishop of Hereford; b. 1603. d. 1691. 8 Fourth Part (The) of Naked Truth : or, The Complaint of the Church to some of her Sons for Breach of her Articles. . . . [by H. Croft*] London, 1682. 2 (9.9X5.1), pp. 42. CROKER, fiev. Temple Henry. 9 Complete Dictionary (The) of Arts and Sciences. . . . The theologi cal, philological, and critical Branches, by Rev. T. H. C. ; the medicinal, anatomical, and chemical, by T. Williams, M. D. ; the mathematical by S. Clark; &c. [Illustrated.] Vol. 1 [A-D~\. 2 [E-P~\. 3 [$-]. London, 1773-75. 2 (11.6X6.6), 2 cols. CROKER, Et. lion. John Wilson, a British Statesman ; b. 1780. d. 1857. Editor, and Annotator. See BOSWELL, J. Life of Samuel Johnson. CROLY, Sec. George, LL.D., of London; b. in Dublin, 1780. 1 Apocalypse (The) of St. John, or Prophecy of the Rise, Progress, and Fall of the Church of Rome ; the Inquisition ; the Revolution of France ; the universal War ; and the final Triumph of Christianity. Being a new Interpretation. Philadelphia, 1827. 12 (5.2X3.2). 1 1 Life and Times of ... George the Fourth. With Anecdotes of dis tinguished Persons of the last fifty Years. New and improved ed. (Harper s Family Library, No. 15.) New York, 1831. 18 (4.5X2.7). CROMBIE, Rev. Alexander, LL.D., of London, aft. of Greenwich; b. 1760. d. 1842. 12 Etymology (The) and Syntax of the English Language, explained and illustrated. 3d ed., corrected and enlarged. London, 1830. 8 (5.8X3.5). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 163 CROMBIE, Rev. Alexander, LL.D., continued. 1 Gymnasium sive Symbola critica. ... * * * ... 4th ed., corrected and enlarged. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1830. 8 (6.1X3.5). 2 Natural Theology ; or Essays on the Existence of Deity and of Provi dence, on the Immateriality of the Soul, and a Future State. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1829. 8 (6X3.2). CROME, A. F. W., Prof, in the University of Giessen ; b. 1753. d. 1833. 3 Europens Produkte. Zweyter Versuch. . . . Th. 1, welcher Portu gal und Spanien . . . enthalt. Hamburg, 1784. 16 (5.1X2.9). CROMWELL, Oliver, Lord-Protector of the Eng. Commonwealth; b. 1599. d. 1658. 4 Letters and Speeches: with Elucidations. By T. Carlyle. . . . Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1845. 12 (5.5X3.5). [2 copies.] JX T OTE. Each volume consists of two parts, with independent title-pages. One copy is bound in four volumes. Also with half-titles, "Wiley and Putnam s Library of choice Reading-," &c. 5 Life of Oliver Cromwell. See FORSTER, J. Lives of British States men. Vol. 6. 7. Also, Statesmen of the Commonwealth. Vol. 4, 5. 6 Life of Oliver Cromwell. See RUSSELL, M. CROOKSHANK, William, D.D., of London; d. 1769. 7 History (The) of the State and Sufferings of the Church of Scotland, from the Restoration to the Revolution. With an Introduction . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1749. 8 (6.8X3.6), m. b. CROSBY, Hon. Nathan. 8 Annual obituary Notices of eminent Persons who have died in the United States. For 1857, 1858. [2 vols.~\ * * * [Pot-traits. } Boston, 1858, 59. 8 (7X4.1), 2 cols. CROSS, Jeremy L. 9 True Masonic Chart (The) . . . \wiih} Illustrations, Charges, Songs, &c. 4th ed., with Additions, &c. New Haven, 1826. 12 (5.3X2.9). CROSTHWAITE, John Clarke, Rector of St. Mary-at-Hill. M Ecclesiastical History of the first Half of the sixteenth Century. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitan, vol. 13). CROSWELL, Rev. Andrew, of Groton, Conn., aft. of Boston; b. 1709. d. 1785. 11 Testimony (A) against the Prophaneness of some of the publick Dis putes, on the last Commencement-Day ; with Letters to the President of Harvard College ... his Letter of Defence, and Remarks upon it. Boston, 1760. 8, pp. 20. CROUCH, Nathaniel. See BURTON, R. CROUSAZ, Jean Pierre de, Prof, of Math, at Groningen; b. 1663. d. 1750. 12 Examination (An) of Mr. Pope s Essay on Man. Translated from the French of M. Crousaz. London, 1739, 12 (5X2.8). CROWE, Rev. William. 13 Treatise (A) on English Versification. * * * London, 1827, 8 (4,4X2.9). CROWTHER, Rev. Samuel, a native Missionary among the Yorubas. Translator. See BIBLE, Portions of the New Testament. Gospel according to St. Luke, &c. CRUDEN, Alexander, of London; b. 1704. d. 1744. 14 Complete Concordance (A) to the Holy Scriptures . . . [with"] a Con cordance to the Apocrypha ... oth ed. ... * * * [Portrait.] London, 1794. 4 (9.1X6.6), 3 cola. 164 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. CRUISE, William, Esq. 1 Digest (A) of the Law of Real Property. Revised and considerably enlarged by H. H. White. Further revised and abridged, with Addi tions and Notes ... by Simon Greenleaf, LL.D. . . . Vol. 1-7 . . . Boston, 1849- 50. 8 (7X4). NOTE. Bound in three volumes. CRUISE (The) of the Somers ... 3d ed. With an Appendix, containing 2 three Letters from Hon. W. Sturgis. * * * New York, 1844. 12 (5.2X3.1). CRUNDEN, John. 3 Convenient and ornamental Architecture, consisting of original Designs, for Plans, Elevations, and Sections . . Engraved on 70 Copper Plates. ... New ed. London, 1793. 2 (6.7X4.5). CRUQUIUS, J>, Prof, of Greek and Latin at Bruges ; fl. about 1550. Editor, &c. See HORATIUS FLACCUS, Q,. Q. Horativs Flaccvs, etc. CRUSIUS, Gottlieb Christian. 4 Complete Greek (A) and English Lexicon of the Poems of Homer and the Homeridse. . . . From the German : translated with Corrections and Additions by Henry Smith. Hartford, 1844. 8 (7.4X4.5), 2 cols. CRUTTWELL, Rev. Clement. 5 Concordance (A) of Parallels, collected from Bibles and Commentaries ... *** London, 1790. 4 (9.8X7.7), 3 cols. 6 New universal Gazetteer (The) ; or, Geographical Dictionary . . With . . . Maps. . . . Vol. 1 [4-0]. 2 [H-P]. 3 [#-]. London, 1798. 8 (7.7X4.3), 2 cols. ? Atlas to Cruttwell s Gazetteer. 2 (13.5X17.5). CRYBBACE, Rev. Thomas Tully. 8 Essay (An) on moral Freedom. . . . [with"] A Review of the Princi ples of Dr. Whitby and Pres. Edwards on Free Will ; and of Dr. Brown s Theory of Causation and Agency. * * * Edinburgh, 1829. 8 (5.7X3.3). CUDWORTH, Ralph, D.D., Prof, of Hebrew at Cambridge, Eng. ; b. 1617. d. 1688. 9 Life and Writings of Cudworth, by T. Birch. See (True intellectual System (Ed. 1845), post. Vol. 1, pp. vii.-xxvii.). JO Treatise (A) concerning eternal and immutable Morality. Preface by Edward [Duresme ], Lord Bishop of Durham. [Portrait.] London, 1731. 8 (5.8X3.3). i True intellectual System (The) of the Universe, &c. London, 1678. 2 (9.4X5), m. r., pp. 899-}-. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. 12 True intellectual System (The) of the Universe . . . with a Treatise concerning eternal and immutable Morality. . . . [With] the Notes and Dissertations of Dr. J. L. Mosheim, translated by J. Harrison. ... Vol. 1-3. London, 1845. 8 (6.8X4). CULLEN, E., M.D. Translator, &c. See BERGMAN, T. Physical and chemical Essays. CULLEN, William, M.D., Prof, of Medicine, Univ. of Glasgow; b. 1712. d. 1790. 13 Synopsis and Nosology, being an Arrangement and Definition of Diseases. First Translation from Latin . . . Hartford, 1792. 16 (4.2X2.3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY, 165 CULLEY, George ; b. 1734. d. 1813. Joint Author. See BAILEY, J. Agricultural Survey of Cumberland. CULLUM, Capt. George W., Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army. 1 Register of the Officers and Graduates of the U.S. Military Academy, at West Point, N.Y., from March 16, 1802 to Jan. 1, 1850. . . . New York, 1850. 12 (5.8X3.7). CULPEPPER, Nicholas, " Student in Physic and Astrology ;" b. 1616. d. 1654. 2 Pharmacopoeia Londinensis . . . London, 1720. 8 (6.3X3.7), 2 cols. CUMBERLAND, Richard, D.D., Bishop of Peterborough ; b. 1632. d. 1718. 3 Traite philosophique des Loix naturelles . . . Traduit du Latin, par M. Barbeyrac. Avec des Notes du Traducteur . . . Amsterdam, 1744. 4 (7.4X4.9). CUMBERLAND, Richard, LL.D., an English Dramatist; b. 1732. d. 1811. 4 Calvary ; or, The Death of Christ. A Poem in eight Books. 2d Ame rican ed. Boston, 1796. 12 (5.1X2.8 irr.). 5 Character of the Late Lord Viscount Sackville. [By R. Cumberland.] * * * London, 1785. 8, pp. 24. 6 Memoirs of Richard Cumberland. Written by himself. . . . New York, 1806. 8 (6.2X3.6). 7 Observer (The). A Collection of Essays. New ed. . . . Vol. 1-3. London, 1822. 12 (4.8X2.8). 8 Observer (The). See BRITISH Essayists. Vol. 32-34. CUMINGS, Rev. Henry, of Billerica, Mass. ; d. 1823. 9 Election Sermon, May 28, 1783. Boston, 1783. 8, pp. 55. GUMMING, Rev. Alexander, of Boston, Mass. ; d. 1763. 10 Animadversions on the Rev. Mr. Croswell s late Letter, &c. * * * Boston, 1763. 8, pp. 40. 11 Sermon, preached Feb. 25, 1761, at his Installment. [Ch., by Dr. Sew- all ; R. H., by Rev. E. Pemberton.] Boston, 1761. 8, pp. 58. GUMMING, Rev. John, of London; fl. 1719. 12 Discourse (A) to a Society of young Men in London . . . Boston, 1805. 8, pp. 40. CUMMINGS, Asa, D.D., Editor of 11 Christian Mirror," Portland, Me. ; d. 1855. 13 Memoir (A) of the Rev. Edward Payson. * * * [Portrait.] (EVAN GELICAL Family Library. Vol. 12.) New York, n.d. 24 (4.4X2.8). 14 Sermon (A) delivered in Gorham, June 25, 1828, before the Maine Missionary Society . . . Portland, 1828. 8, pp. 40. CUN.EUS, Petrus, Prof, of Law at Leyden; b. 1585. d. 1638. 15 Republica (De) Hebraorum Libri III. Lugd. Batavor., Ex Off. Elzevir., 1632. 24 (3.4X 1.6). CUNN, Samuel. Editor. See EUCLID. Elements. CUNNINGHAM, Allan, a Scottish Poet and misc. Writer; b. 1785. d. 1842. 16 Lives (The) of the most eminent British Painters and Sculptors. . . . Vol. 1-5. [Portraits.] (Harper s Family Library, Nos. 17-19, 66, 67.) New York, 1831- 34. 18 (4.5X2.7). CUNNINGHAM, James William, Vicar of Harrow. n World without Souls. * * * ... Boston, 1808. 12 (5.7X3.3). CUNNINGHAM, Timothy, Esq., of London. l 8 New and complete Law Dictionary ... 3d ed., corrected, &c. Vol. 1 [A-E]. 2[F-Z]. *** London, 1783. 2 (11.2X6.6), 2 ools. Editor, &c. See BACON, M. New Abridgment of the Law. 166 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. CURRIE, James, M.D., F.E.S., &c., of Liverpool ; b. 1756. d, 1805. 1 Medical Reports on the Effects of Water ... as a Remedy in Fever, and other Diseases. 3d ed. Vol. 1, 2. Liverpool, 1804. 8 (6X3.3). 2 Medical Reports on the Effects of Water ... as a Remedy in Fever, and other Diseases. 4th ed. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1805. 8 (5.9X3.4). CURSUNIC 3 Prayer-Book, in Manuscript. 12 (4.3X2.3). CURTIS, George Ticknor; b. in Watertown, Mass., 1812. 4 History of the Origin, Formation, and Adoption of the Constitution of the United States ; with Notices of the principal Framers. . . . Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1854, 58. 8 (6.1X3.6). 5 Letters of Phocion. See MASSACHUSETTS. Discussions, &c. CURTIUS, Ernst, Prof, of Philology at Berlin, and Gottingen; b. 1814. 6 Griechische Geschichte Bd. 1 . . . Berlin, 1857. 8 (6X3.5). 7 Peloponnesos Eine historisch-geographische Beschreibung der Hal- binsel Bd. 1, 2 Mit Karten und eingedruckten Holyschnitten Gotha, 1851. 8 (6.5X3.8). GUSHING,- Hon. Caleb, Attorney- General of U.S. ; b. in Salisbury, Mass., 1800. 8 Review, historical and political, of the late Revolution in France, and of the consequent Events in Belgium, Poland, Great Britain, and other Parts of Europe. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1833. 12 (4.9X2.8). Translator, and Biographer. See POTHIER, R. J. Treatise on mari time Contracts. GUSHING, Mrs. Caroline W., Wife of the preceding. 9 Letters, descriptive of public Monuments, Scenery, and Manners in France and Spain. . . . Vol.1, France. 2, Spain. [Portrait.] Newburyport, 1832. 12 (4.8X2.7). GUSHING, William, Chief Justice of the U.S.; b. in Scituate,Mass., 1733. d. 1810. 10 Life. See FLANDERS, H. (Lives of the Chief Justices, vol. 2.) CUSHMAN, David, of Warren, Me. 1 1 Weymouth s Voyage to the Coast of Maine, in 1605. See MAINE His torical Society. (Collections, vol. 6.) CUSHMAN, Rev. Robert, a Founder of Plymouth Colony, b. ab. 1580. d. 1625. 12 Discourse. See YOUNG, A. (Chronicles of the Pilgrims.) 13 Sin (The) and Danger of Self-Love, described in a Sermon preached at Plymouth, in New England, 1621 ; with a Memoir of the Author [by Hon. J. Davis]. Boston, 1846. 8, pp. 32. CUTLER, Manasseh, LL.D., of Hamilton, Mass. ; b. 1744. d. 1823. 14 Account of American Plants and other Papers. See AMERICAN Acade my, &c. (Memoirs, vols. 1 and 3, P. I.) CUVIER, George Chretien Leopold Frederic Dagobert, Baron, a French Natural ist; b. in Montbeliard, 1769. d. in Paris, 1832. 15 Animal Kingdom (The) arranged in Conformity with its Organization, by Baron Cuvier. With additional Descriptions ... by E. Griffith, and Others. Vol. 1-16. [Plates.] London, 1827- 35. 8 (6.3X3.7), CONTENTS. Vol. I.-V. Mammalia. VI.-VIII. Aves. IX. Reptilia. X. Pisces. XL Supplementary volume on the Fossils. XII. Mollusca & Radiata. XIII. An nelida Crustacea & Araclmida. XIV., XV. Insecta. XVI. Classified Index and Synopsis. 16 Essay on the Theory of the Earth. By Baron G. Cuvier. With geolo gical Illustrations, by Prof. Jameson. 5th ed. . . . [Plates.] Edinburgh, 1827, 8 (5.8X3.2), pp. 550. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 167 CuviER, George Chretien Leopold Frederic Dagobert, continued. 1 Historical Eulogium on Joseph Priestly, read at ... the National In stitute ... the 5th of Messidor, Year 13. Translated by D. B. Warden. Paris, 1807. 8, pp. 39. CYPRIAN, St. Thascius Caecilius, Bishop of Carthage ; d. 258. 2 Genuine Works (The) of St. Cyprian. Together with his Life, written by ... Pontius. All done into English . . . and illustrated with diverse Notes. . . . [PFiYA] A Dissertation upon . . . the Council of Carthage, held in 256. ... By N. Marshall. [2 pagings. Plate. } London, 1717. 2 (10.5X5.8), m.r. [2 copies.] 3 Traite de Saint-Cyprien, de ceux qui sont tombes pendant la Persecution ... * * * Paris, an. in. [1795]. 8, pp. 40. D. D . 4 Guide (Le) de 1 Histoire, ou Recueil choisi des Traites les plus courts et les meilleurs sur la Verite et FUtilite de cette Science, etc. ; extrait de Lucien, de Voltaire, etc. *** Paris, 1806. 8 (5.4X3.2). 5 Tableau de 1 Histoire universelle ancienne et moderne, depuis I Origine du Monde . . . precede de Notions elementaires sur la Chronologic, extrait de Bossuet, etc. *** Paris, 1806. 8 (5.6X3.1). 6 Considerations sur 1 Etat present de la Colonie Franchise de Saint- Domingue. ... Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1776, 77. 8 (5.5X3.1). DACIER, Andre, Sec y of the French Academy, b. 1651. d. 1722. Translator, &c. See HORATIUS FLACCUS, Q. (Euvres. Translator, &c. See PLUTARCHUS. Les Vies de Hommes illustres. DAILLE [Latin, DALIJEUS], Jean, Prot. Eef. Min. of Paris ; b. 1594. d. 1670.. 7 Fidei ex Scriptvris Demonstratione . . . Dispvtatio ; ab Auctore recog- nita, etc., & Latine ex Gallico reddita. . . . Geneva?, 1660. 8 (5.4X2.7). 8 Melange de Sermons . . . sur differens Sujets. Seconde ed., reveue et corrigee. Geneve, 1666. 8 (5.4X2.9), pp. 769. 9 Sermons sur 1 Epistre de Saint Paul aux Colossiens. Troisieme Partie, qui contient 1 Exposition des deux derniers Chapitres . . . Geneve, 1662. 8 (5.3X2.7), pp. 653. NOTE. The preceding- two entries are bound together. 10 Treatise (A) concerning the right Vse of the Fathers, in the Decision of the Controversies ... in Religion. Written in French. * * * [2 pag ings. ] London, 1651. 4 (5.9X3.3). DALE, Eev. Thomas. 11 Introductory Lecture (An) [on the English Language and Literature} delivered in the University of London, Oct. 24, 1828. London, 1828. 8, pp. 32. DALLAS, Alexander James, an American Statesman & Jurist; b. 1759. d. 1817. 12 Reports of Cases ruled and adjudged in the Courts of Pennsylvania before and since the Revolution. Vol. 1-4. 2d ed., with additional Notes, &c. *** Philadelphia, 1806- 07. 8 (7X4). 168 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. DALLAS, Robert Charles, a British Author, Brother of A. J. I).; 1. 1754. d. 1824. Translator. See ORDINAIRE, C. N. Natural History of Volcanoes. D ALEMBERT, Jean le Rond. See ALEMBERT, J. le R. d . DALRYMPLE, Capt. Clarence, East-India Company s Service. Joint Author. See MURRAY, H. Account of British India. DALRYMPLE, Sir David, Lord HAILES, a Scottish Lawyer, &c.; b. 1726. d. 1792. 1 Annals of Scotland. From the Accession of Malcolm III., to the Ac cession of Robert I. Edinburgh, 1776. 4 (7.1X5). DALRYMPLE, John, 5th Earl of Stair; d. 1789. 2 Address to, and Expostulation with the Public. * * * London, 1784. 8, pp. 48. 3 Attempt (An) to balance the Income and Expenditure of the State : &c. * * * London, 1783. 8, pp. 19. 4 Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, from the Battle off La Hogue till the Capture of the French and Spanish Fleets at Vigo. Vol. 2. * * * Edinburgh, 1788. 4 (7X4.7). 5 State of the public Debts, and of the annual Interest and Benefits paid for them ... * * * 2d ed. London, 1783. 8, pp. 45. D ALTON, John, Teacher at Manchester, Eng. ; 6. 1767. d. 1844. 6 Meteorological Observations and Essays. * * * London, n. d. 8 (5.5X3.2). 7 Meteorological Observations and Essays. * * * London, 1793. 8 (5.7X3.2). 8 Meteorological Observations and Essays. * * * 2d ed. Manchester, 1834. 8 (6.3X3.5). DALTON, John C., Jun., M.D., Prof, of Physiology, &c. at New York. 9 Treatise (A) on human Physiology . . . With 254 Illustrations. * * * Philadelphia, 1859. 8 (7.2X4.2), pp. 608. DAMBERGER, Christian Frederick, a German Traveller. 1 Travels through the Interior of Africa, from the Cape of Good Hope to Morocco . . . between 1781 and 1797. . . . Map and . . . Plates. Faithfully translated from the German. London, 1801. 8 (5.5X3.3). 11 Travels through the Interior of Africa . . . between 1781 and 1797. Translated from the German. Vol. 1, 2. Illustrated . . . London, 1801. 8 (5.5X3.3). DAMIRON, Jean Philibert, a French eclectic Philosopher; b. 1794. 12 Essai sur 1 Histoire de la Philosophie en France, au XVIIe Siecle Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1846. 8 (6.3X3.4). 13 Essai sur 1 Historie de la Philosophie en France, au XIXe Sieele. Trois- ieme ed., revue, corrigee et augmentee d un Supplement. Tom. l r 2. Paris, 1834. 8 (6.3X3.4), Editor. See JOUFFROY, T. S. Cours d Esthetique. DANA, Rev. Daniel, D.D., of Newburyport, Mass. ; b. 1771. 14 Character (The), &c. of the Perfect and Upright. Sermon delivered March 7, 1802, on the Death of Benj. Moody. * * * Newburyport, 1802. 8, pp. 23. 15 Connection (The) between moral and intellectual Improvement. Ad dress delivered . . . [before] the * B K Society, Dartmouth College, Aug. 26, 1817. Exeter, 1&17. 8, pp. 20. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 169 DANA, Rev. Daniel, D.D., continued. 1 Discourse on the Character and Virtues of George Washington : deliv ered Feb. 22, 1800 . . . Newburyport, [1800]. 8, pp. 31. 2 Memoirs of eminently pious Women . . . Abridged from the large 1 Work of Dr. Gibbons, London. Newburyport, 1803. 12 (5.2X3.1). 3 Sermons on John vi. 29. and Eph. IV. 30. Delivered Lord s Dav, March 24, 1799. Newburyport, 1800. 8, pp. 53. DANA, Israel T., M.D., Prof, of Materia Medico, at Bowdoin College. 4 Actual value (The) of Medicines. An introductory Lecture, delivered before the Medical Department of Bowdoin College, Feb. 14, 1861. Portland, 1861. 8, pp. 22. DANA, James, D.D., of Wallingford, and New-Haven; d. 1812. 5 Examination (An) of ... Pres. Edwards s Enquiry on Freedom of Will ... [By J.Dana. ] *** Boston, 1770. 8 (6.1X3.2). [2 copies.] 6 Examination (The) of ... Pres. Edwards s Enquiry on Freedom of Will, continued. . . . [With] Strictures on Rev. Mr. West s "Essay on moral Agency," &c. * * * New Haven, 1773. 8 (6.7X3.8). DANA, James Dwight, LL.D., Prof, of Nat. Hist, at Yale Coll. ; b. 1813. 7 Crustacea. See UNITED STATES. Exploring Expedition. Vol. 13. 8 Structure and Classification of Zoophytes. . . . Philadelphia, 1846. 4 (7.4X4.9), NOTE. Compare UNITED STATES. Exploring Expedition. Atlas of Zoophytes. 9 Synopsis of the Report on Zoophytes of the U.S. Exploring Expedition around the World, under C. Wilkes, U.S.N. Commander, in the Years 1838-1842. New Haven, [1859]. 8 (6.2X4). 10 System (A) of Mineralogy . . . with an Appendix, containing the Ap plication of Mathematics to crystallographic Investigations, and a mineralogical Bibliography. With 250 Wood Cuts and 4 Copper Plates ... * * * [2 pagings.] New Haven, 1837. 8 (6.7X4). Joint Editor. See AMERICAN Journal of Science, &c. Second Series. DANA, James Freeman, M.D., Prof. Chemistry, &c., Dartmouth Coll. ; d. 1828, 11 Epitome (An) of chymical Philosophy ... * * * Concord, 1825. 8 (6.7X3.6). 12 Outlines of the Mineralogy and Geology of Boston, with a geological Map. By J. F. D., M.D., and S. L. Dana, M.D. See AMERICAN Aca demy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 4.) DANA, Richard Henry, Jun., Esq., of Boston. 13 Two Years before the Mast. A personal Narrative of Life at Sea. [By R. II. Dana.] (Harper s Family Library, No, 106.) New York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7). Editor. See ALLSTON, W. Lectures on Art, and Poems. DANCER, Thomas, M.D., of Jamaica. 14 Catalogue of Plants ... in the Botanic Garden, Jamaica. [By T, Dancer.] St. Jago de la Vega, 1792. 4 (8.3X6), pp. 16. 15 Medical Assistant (The) ; or Jamaica Practice of Physic. Kingston, Ja., 1801. 4 (6.3X4.6), D ANCOURT, Florent Carton, a French comic Author; b. 1661. d. 1726, 16 Trois Cousines (Les), Comedie-Ballet . . . Par Mr. D Ancourt. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1761. 8, pp. 88, 22 170 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. DANE, Nathan, LL.D. ; b. at Ipswich, Mass., 1752. d. 1834. 1 General Abridgment (A) and Digest of American Law . . . Vol. 1-9, Boston, 1823- 29. 8 (7X3.7), m. r. DANFORTH, Thomas, of Boston ; d. 1817, cet. 42. 2 Discourse, before the Humane Society of Massachusetts, Boston, July 14, 1808. [Boston } 1808. 8, pp. 39. DANGEAU, Philippe de COURCILLON, Marquis de; b. 1638. d. 1704. 3 Memoirs of the Court of France, from 1684 to 1720. Now first trans lated from the Diary of the Marquis de Dangeau, with Notes. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1825. 8 (6X3.5). DANIEL, Gabriel, a French Jesuit; b. 1649. d. 1683. 4 Voyage (A) to the World of Cartesius. Written originally in French [by G. Daniel], and now translated . . . [by T. Taylor]. London, 1692. 8 (5.9X3.1). DANIEL, Jesse Cato, of Ckesnut College, Cambridge, Eng. Translator. See COUSIN, V. The Philosophy of the Beautiful. DANIELL, John Frederic; b. in London, 1790. d. 1845. 5 Chemistry. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Li brary, &c. (Natural Philosophy, vol. 4.) DANTE, Alighieri, an Italian Poet; b. 1265. d. 1321. 6 Divina Commedia (La) Vol. 1-3 Milano, 1825. 8 (5.8X3.5). 7 Divina Commedia (La) Col Comento del P. B. Lombardi . . . Vol. 1-5 [Portrait.] Firenze, 1830. 8 (6.4 irr.XS.S irr.). D ANVERS, Henry. 8 Treatise (A) of Baptism ... 2d. ed. . . . * * * London, 1674. 12 (5.7X2.7). DANVERS, Town of, Massachusetts. 9 Proceedings at the Reception and Dinner in Honor of George Peabody, Esq., of London, by the Citizens of the old Town of Danvers, Oct. 9, 1856. . . . [With] An historical Sketch of the Peabody Institute, &c. [Portraits and Engravings.] Boston, 1856. 8 (6.7X3-9). D ANVILLE, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon, a French Geographer; b. 1697. d. 1782. 10 Compendium of ancient Geography, by M. D Anville. Translated . . . Illustrated with Maps . . . and with Prolegomena and Notes by the Translator. ... Part [Vol.] 1, 2. *** London, 1791. 8 (6X3.5). 11 Complete Body (A) of ancient Geography. . . . Engraved on thirteen Plates. ... London, 1800. 2 (15-19X19.5-25). 12 Geographic ancienne et historique composee d apres les Cartes de D Anville ... * * * Tom, 1, 2. Paris, 1807. 8 (6X3.2). DAQUIN, Joseph, Physician of the Royal University at Turin. 13 Analyse des Eaux thermales d Aix en Savoye ... * * * Chambery, [1773]. 8 (5.3X3.4). DARCET or D ARCET, Jean, a French Chemist, &c. ; b. 1725, d. 1801. 1 4 Discours en Forme de Dissertation sur 1 Etat actuel des Montagnes de Pyrenees, et sur les Causes de leur Degradation : prononce par M. D Arcet. ... Paris, 1776. 8 (5.7X3.5). 1: Second Memoire sur 1 Actione d un Pen egal, violent, et continue . . . sur un grand Nombre de Terres, de Pierres & des Chaux metalliques \.. Par D Arcet. Paris, 1771. 8 (5.5X3.2). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 171 DARD, Henri Jean Baptiste, Prof, of Law at Paris. 1 Code civil des Fran^-ais, avec des Notes indicatives des Lois Romanies, Coutumes, etc., qui ont Rapport a chaque Article; ou Conference du Code civil avec les Lois anciennes . . . Paris, 1805. 4 (7.5X5.5), pp. 670. D ARGENSON, Marquis. See, VOTER, R, L. de, Marquis D Argenson. D ARNAY, . 2 Private Life (The) of the Romans. Translated from the French of D Arnay. Edinburgh, 1761. 12 (4.8X2.6). DARROW, David ; MEACHAM, John and YOUNGS, Benjamin S. 3 Testimony (The) of Christ s Second Appearing ; containing a general Statement of ... the Faith and Practice of the Church of God in this Latter-Day. Published by order of the Ministry ... * * * 2d ed., corrected and improved. Albany, 1810. 12 (5.7X3.1), pp. xxx., 620+. 4 Testimony (The) of Christ s Second Appearing, &c. * * * 3d ed., corrected and improved. Union Village, 0., 1823. 12 (5.9X3.1), m. r., pp. xvii., 573+. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE, at Hanover, N.H. ; chartered 1769. 5 Candid, analytical Review (A) of the " Sketches of the History of Dartmouth College and Moor s Charity School," &c. * * * [No imprint.] 8, pp. 32. 6 Catalogues of the Officers and Students of Dartmouth College, for 1839, 1841-1861. [Occasional Plate.] Hanover, &c., 1839- 61. 8 and 12, pamps, ? Catalogus Universitatis Dartmuthensis, M.DCCC.XIII. Leuphanse, 1813. 8, pp. 28. 8 Catalogus Collegii Dartmuthensis, M.DCCC.LVIII. Hanoversc, 1858. 8, pp. 79, 34. 9 Documents relative to Dartmouth College. Published by order of the Legislature, 1816. [No imprint] 1816. 8, pp. 37. 10 Sketches of the History of Dartmouth College and Moors Charity School, with a particular Account of some late remarkable Proceedings of the Board of Trustees, from 1779 to 1815. [No imprint.] 8, pp. 88. 11 Statutes of Dartmouth University relating to medical Graduation. Passed August 25, 1812. [No imprint.] 8, pp. 8, 12 Vindication (A) of the official Conduct of the Trustees of Dartmouth College, in answer to " Sketches of the History of Dartmouth College," and " A Candid analytical Review of the Sketches," &c. . . . Concord, 1815. 8 (6.6X3.5). DARWIN, Charles. 13 Origin (On the) of Species by Means of natural Selection, or the Pre servation of favored Races in the Struggle for Life. New York, 1860. 12 (5.7X3.5). DARWIN, Erasmus, an English Physiologist and Poet ; b. 1731. d. 1802. 14 Botanic Garden (The) ; a Poem, in two Parts . . . [By E. Darwin.] With philosophical Notes. [Plates.] London, 1791. 4 (6.9X4.5 irr.). 15 Temple (The) of Nature ; or, The Origin of Society. A Poem, with philosophical Notes. *** Baltimore, 1804. 8 (5.6X3.5 irr.). 172 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. DARWIN, Erasmus, continued. 1 Zoonomia ; or the Laws of Organic Life. Vol. 1. London, 1794. 4 (6.9X5.1), pp. 586. 2 Zoonomia; or the Laws of Organic Life. Vol. 1. New York, 1796. 8 (6.2X3.4). DATHIUS, Joannes Augustus, Prof, of Hebrew at Leipsic; b. 1731. d. 1791. Translator, and Annotator. See BIBLE, Portions of the Old Testament. Libri historic! Vet. Test. Pentateuchus. Prophetae Minores. Psalmi. DAUBENTOX, Louis Jean Marie, a French Naturalist; b. 1716. d. 1800. 3 Advice to Shepherds and Owners of Flocks . . . Translated from the original French of M. Daubenton. 1st ed. Boston, 1810. 8 (6.3X3.5). 4 Advice to Shepherds and Owners of Flocks . . . Translated from the original French of M. Daubenton . . . \_Plates.~] Boston, 1811. 8 (6.3X3.5). 5 Discours sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de Daubenton, par Lacepede. See (Instruction, etc., post. Pp. v.-lxiv.). 6 Instruction para Pastores y Ganaderos escrita en Frances por el C. Dau benton. Traducida . . . y adicionada por F. Gonzalez. Madrid, 1798. 8 (5.2X3). 7 Instruction pour les Bergers et pour les Proprietaires de Troupeaux ; avec d autres Ouvrages sur le Moutons et sur les Laines ; par Dau benton. Troisieme ed. ; avec des Notes. [Plates. ,] Paris, an X. [1802]. 8 (5.5X3.3), pp. Ixiv., 536. D AuBiGXE, Jean Henri MERLE. See MERLE D AUBIGXE, J. H. D AvAUX, Jean Antoine, Comte ; d. at Paris, 1709, cet. 69. 8 Negotiations (The) of Count D Avaux . . . Containing besides the secret History of the ... Duke of Monmouth s Rebellion, the Steps taken by the Prince of Orange to ascend the Throne of Great Britain ; and the Intrigues of the Court of France to counteract his Measures . . . Translated from the French. . . . Vol. 1-4. London, 1754- 55. 12 (5.2X2.9). DAVEIS, Hon. Charles S., LL.D., of Portland , b. 1788. 9 Address delivered before the Alumni of Bowdoin College on the Eve ning before Commencement. September 1, 1835. Portland,. 1835. 8, pp. 67. DAVEXANT, John, Bishop of Salisbury; b. 1576. d. 1641. 10 Expositio Epistolae D. Pauli ad Colossenses, per Joannem Sarisburien- sem Episcopum in Lucem edita : olim ab eodem dictata. Ed. secunda. Cantabrigisp, 1630. 2 (9.5X4.9), m. r. 11 Pnelectiones de duobus in Theologia controversis Capitibus: de Judice Controversiarum, primo ; de Justitia habituali et actuali, altero. * * * Cantabrigise, 1631. 2 (8.4X4.5), m. r., pp. 641-J-. DAVID, the Prophet, and King of Israel ; b. 1085 B.C. d. 1015 B.C. 12 Historical Account of Life and Reign. See DELANY, P. 13 Psalms of David in Hebrew, Latin, &c. See BIBLE, passim. DAVID, . 14 History (A) of the Campaigns of Gen. Pichegru . . . from March 1794 to March 1795: with Anecdotes . . . and Memoirs of Generals ... Translated from the French. *** London, 1796. 8 (5.3X3.2). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBKARY. 173 DAVIDS, Arthur Lumley ; d. at London, 1832, cet. 25. 1 Grammaire Turke : precedee d un Discours preliminaire sur la Langue et la Litterature des Nations orientales ; avec un Vocabulaire volumineux, etc., et enrichie de plusieurs Planches . . . Traduite de 1 Anglais par S. Davids. Londres, 18.36. 4 (6.7X5). DAVIDS, Mrs. Sarah, Mother oftlie preceding. Translator. See DAVIDS, A. L. Grammaire Turke. DAVIDSOX, Lucretia Maria, a Poetess; b. at Plattsburg, N.Y., 1808. d. 1825. 2 Life, by C. M. Sedgwick. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 7.) DAVIDSON, Samuel, D.D., LL.D. 3 Sacred Hermeneutics developed and applied ; including a History of Biblical Interpretation from the earliest of the Fathers of the Reforma tion. Edinburgh, 1843. 8 (6.8X3.9), pp. 747. 4 Treatise (A) on Biblical Criticism exhibiting a systematic View of that Science. Vol. 1, The Old Testament. 2, The New Testament. Boston, 1853. 8 (6.2X3.8). DAVIE, William Richardson, an American Revolutionary Officer; b. 1756. d. 1820. 5 Life, by F. M. Hubbard. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, 2d Se ries, vol. 15.) DAVIES, Charles, LL.D., Prof, at West Point; b. at Washington, Conn. 6 Elements of descriptive Geometry, with their Application to spherical Trigonometry, spherical Projections and warped Surfaces. Philadelphia, 1826. 8 (6.6X4.3). DAVIES, David, Rector of Barkliam, Berks, Eng. 7 Case (The) of Labourers in Husbandry stated and considered . . . Bath [Eng.~], 1795. 4 (7.2X4.3). DAVIES, John Llewelyn, of Trinity College, Cambridge, Eng. Joint Translator, &c. See PLATO. The Republic of Plato. DAVIES, Rev. Samuel, Pres. of College of New Jersey; b. 1724. d. 1761. 8 Memoir of Rev. S. Davies . . . Boston, 1832. 12 (4.2X2.7). 9 Curse (The) of Cowardice. Sermon to the Militia of Hanover County, Va., at a general Muster, May 8, 1758 . . . London, 1758. 8, pp. 36. 10 Sermons . . . 6th ed. ... With Memoirs and Character of the Au thor ; and two Sermons on Occasion of his Death, by Drs. Gibbons and Finley. Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1794. 8 (6.6X3.5). DAVILA or D AviLA, Enrico Caterino, an Italian Historian; b. 1576. d. 1631. 11 History (The) of the civil Wars of France. Translated from the origi nal Italian [by Roger I Estrange ]. Dublin, 1760. 2 (9.8X5.4), m. b., pp. 733+. 12 Istoria (Dell ) delle Guerre civili di Francia Tom. 1-11 Torino, 1830. 24 (4X2.4). DAVIS, Rev. Asahel, of Massachusetts ; b. 1791. 1 3 Antiquities of Central America, and the Discovery of New England by the Northmen ... A Lecture . . . 9th ed. Boston, 1842. 8, pp. 24. DAVIS, Daniel, Esq. of Boston; b. 1773. d. 1835. 14 Oration (An) delivered at Portland, July 4, 1796. ... * * * Portland, 1796. 8, pp. 20. 15 Practical Treatise (A) upon the Authority and Duty of Justices of the Peace in criminal Prosecutions. Boston, 1824. 8 (6.1X3.8), pp. 687. 174 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. DAVIS, Edwin Hamilton, M.D., Prof, in N.T. Med. College ; b. in Ohio, 1811. Joint Author. See SQUIER, E. G. Ancient Monuments of the Missis sippi Valley. DAVIS, Henry, D.D., Pres. of Middlebury College, Vt., &c. 1 Sermon (A) delivered before the A.B.C.F.M. . . . Sept, 18-20, 1816. . . . Boston, 1816. 8, pp. 36. DAVIS, Henry, of King s College, Cambridge, Eng. Translator. See PLATO. Works. Vol. 2. DAVIS, Hon. Jefferson, LL^D., Senator from Miss. ; b. in Kentucky, 1808. 2 Obituary Address. See QUITMAX, J. A. 3 Speech ... on the French Spoliation Bill, delivered in the Senate of the United States, Jan. 6 and 10, 1859. Baltimore, 1859. 8, pp. 16. 4 Speeches during 1858. Baltimore, 1859. 8, pp. 56. DAVIS, Hon. John, LL.D., Judge of U.S. Circuit Court-, b. 1761. d. 1847. 5 Discourse. See MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society. (Collections, 2d Se ries, vol. 1.) 6 Eulogy on Gen. Washington. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 2, P. II.) 7 Memoir of, by C. Francis, D.D. See MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 10.) 8 Sermon on the Death of Hon. J. Davis. See GANNETT, E. S. Biographer. See CUSHMAN, R. Sin and Danger of Self-Love, &c. Editor, and Annotator. See MORTON, N. New England s Memorial. DAVIS, Sir John Francis, Governor of Hong Kong. 9 Chinese (The) : a general Description of the Empire of China and its Inhabitants. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Illustrated . . . (Harper s Family Library, Nos. 80, 81.) New York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7). DAVIS, Matthew L. ; b. 1776. d. at Manhattanville, N.T., 1850. 10 Memoirs of Aaron Burr. With miscellaneous Selections from his Cor respondence. * * * ... Vol. 1, 2. [Portraits. } New York, 1836, 37. 8 (6.1X3.4). DAVIS, William. Biographer, and Editor. See SIMPSON, T. Doctrine, &c. of Fluxions. Editor. See NEWTON, I. Natural Philosophy. DAVY, Sir Humphry, Bart., LL.D., Pres. of Royal Society, &c. ; b. at Pen- zance, Cornwall, Eng., 1778. d. at Geneva, 1829. 11 Consolations in Travel, or the last Days of a Philosopher. With a Sketch of the Author s Life, and Notes, by J. Green, M.D. Philadelphia, 1830. 12 (4.2X2.7). 12 Elements of Chemical-Philosophy. Pt. I. Vol. 1. [Plates. ] Philadelphia, 1812. 8 (6.3X3.7). 13 Life of Sir H. Davy. See PARIS, J. A. 14 Researches, chemical and philosophical . . . [Plate.~\ London, 1800. 8 (5.5X3.2), pp. 580. DAWES, Sir William, Bishop of Chester, aft. of York; b. 1671. d. 1724. 15 Sermon preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in foreign Parts, Feb. 18, 1708-9. London, 1709. 4 (6.4X4), pp. 24, DAWSON, John. 16 Lexicon Novi Testament! alphabeticum ... Ed. duodecima . . . Londini, 1805. 8 (6.8X3.9), 2 cols. CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY. 175 DAY, Jeremiah, D.D., LL.D., Pres. of Yale College, 1817- 46 ; b. 1773. 1 Examination (An) of Pres. Edward s Inquiry on the Freedom of the Will. [Portrait of Author.] New Haven, 1841. 12 (5.6X3.4). 2 Inquiry (An) respecting the self-determining Power of the Will ; or Contingent Volition. *** New Haven, 1838. 12 (4.4X3.1). 3 Mathematical Principles (The) of Navigation and Surveying ; with the Mensuration of Heights and Distances. . . . [Plates.] New Haven, 1817. 8 (6X3.5). 4 Practical Application (A) of the Principles of Geometry to the Mensu ration of Superficies and Solids. . . . [Plates.] New Haven, 1811. 8 (6.3X3.6), pp. 96. 5 Treatise (A) of plane Trigonometry. . . . [With] View of the Nature and Use of Logarithms. . . . [Plates.] New Haven, 1815. 8 (6.3X3.6). DAY, Thomas, an English Politician, &c. ; b. in London, 1748. d. 1789. 6 Letters (The) of Marius : or, Reflections upon the Peace, the East-India Bill, and the present Crisis. *** London, 1784. 8 (5.7X3.2), 7 Speech at the general Meeting of the Freeholders of the County of Es sex, April 25, 1780. London, 1780. 8, pp. 24. s Two Speeches at the general Meetings of the Counties of Cambridge and Essex, March 25, and April 25, 1780. [London] 1780. 8, pp. 19. DAY, Hon. Thomas, of Connecticut; b. 1777. d. 1855. 9 Reports of Cases, argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Er rors, of the State of Connecticut, in the Years 1802, 1803, and 1804. * * * Vol. 1. Hartford, 1806. 8 (6.5X3.5). DAZILLE, Jean Barthelemi, a French Physician ; b. 1732. d. 1812. 10 Observations sur le Tetanos, etc. Paris, 1788. 8 (5.5X3). DE BEAUMONT ; DE BOSCH ; DE CALLIERES ; DE CALONNE ; etc. See BEAU MONT; BOSCH ; CALLIERES; CALONNE; etc. DEAN, James, A.A.S., Prof, of Mathejnatics, &c. in University of Vermont. 11 Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 3, P. II.) DEANE, Eev. Paul, of Boston. 12 Artillery-Election Sermon, June 3, 1816. Boston, 1816. 8, pp. 22. DEANE, Rev. Samuel, D.D., of Portland; b. 1733. d. 1814. 13 Election Sermon, May 28, 1794. Boston, 1794. 8, pp. 31, 6. 14 Funeral Discourse on the Death of Rev. Th. Smith, delivered at Port land, May 31, 1795. Portland, 1795. 8, pp. 24.. 15 Journal and biographical Notice of. See WILLIS, W. 16 National-Thanksgiving Sermon, Feb. 19, 1795. Portland, 1795. 8, pp. 20. 17 New England Farmer (The) : or Georgical Dictionary. ... 2d ed. ... Worcester, 1797. 8 (6.7X3.8), 2 cols. [2 copies.] DEANE, Silas, U.S. Minister to France; b. at Groton, Conn. d. 1789. !8 Address to the United States of America ; with a Letter to Hon. R. Morris, and Notes. New London, 1784. 8, pp. 88. NOTE. Imperfect, Avanting title-page, and from p. 88. 19 Diplomatic Correspondence, &c. See SPARKS, J. (Diplomatic Cor respondence of the American Revolution, vol. 1.) 176 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. DEARBORN, Benjamin, of Taunton, Mass. 1 Columbian Grammar (The) ... Boston, 1795. 12 (5X3.2). 2 Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vols. 1, 2, 3.) DECANDOLLE, Alphonse, Son of ilie following. 3 Geographic botanique raisonnee . . . Tom. 1, 2. [I paging. Chart. ] Paris, 1855. 8 (7.1X4.1). DECANDOLLE, Augustin Pyramus, a Swiss Botanist ; b. 1778. d. 1841. 4 Elements of the Philosophy of Plants . . . with a History of the Sci ence, and practical Illustrations by A. P. D. and K. Sprengel. Trans lated from the German. [Plates.] Edinburgh, 1821. 8 (6.4X3.6). DECANVER, H. C. 5 Catalogue of Works in Refutation of Methodism, from ... 1729 to the present Time. Philadelphia, 1846. 8, pp. 54. DECATUR, Stephen, Commodore U.S. Navy, b. at Newport, R. I., 1751. d. 1808. 6 Life of Stephen Decatur, by A. S. Mackenzie, U. S. N. See SPARKS, J. American Biography. Vol. 11. DEFINITIVE Treaty (The) of Christian universal and perpetual Peace, Friend- 7 ship and Union, concluded at Aix-la-Chapelle, Oct. 7-18, 1748. Between . . . Great Britain and France, &c. Boston, reprinted, 1749. 16, pp. 23. DEFOE, Daniel; b. in London, 1661. d. 1731. 8 Religious Courtship . . . New ed. [By D. DeFoe] London, 1794. 12 (5.3X2.8). DEGERANDO, Joseph Marie, Baron; b. in Lyons, 1772. d. in Paris, 1842. 9 Generation (De la) des Connoissances humaines. . . . Berlin, 1802. 8 (5.8X3.2). 10 Histoire comparee des Systemes de Philosophic, consideres relativement aux Principes des Connaissances humaines ; par Degerando. Deuxieme ed., revue, etc. Tom. 1-4. Paris, 1822- 23. 8 (5.4X3-1). DE LA, etc. See LA, etc. DELABECHE, Sir Henry Thomas, an English Geologist; b. 1796. d. 1855. 11 Geological Manual (A). 3d ed., considerably enlarged. [Illustrated.]. London, 1833. 8 (6.6X3.7), pp. 629. 12 Researches in theoretical Geology. London, 1834. 12 (4.9X2.8). 13 Selection (A) of geological Memoirs contained in the Annales des Mines, together with a synoptical Table of Equivalent Formations, and M. Brongniart s Table of the Classification of mixed Rocks. Translated, with Notes. [Maps and Plates.] London, 1824. 8 (6X3.3). DELACROIX, Jacques Vincent, Prof, of Law at Paris; b. 1743. d. 1832. 14 Review (A) of the Constitutions of the principal States of Europe, and of the United States of America. Given ... as Lectures by M. Dela croix. Translated from the French . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1792. 8 (5.6X3.4). [2 copies.] 15 Spectateur (Le) Francois pendant le Gouvernement revolutionnaire, par Delacroix . . . Paris, an 3e [1795]. 8 (5.4X3.1). NOTE. A continuation of the preceding. DELAFIELD, Major Richard, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army. 16 Report on the Art of War in Europe in 1854, 1855 and 1856. See UNITED STATES. Report on the Art of War, &c. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAIIY. 177 DELAMOTTE, Philip H., Prof, of Draiving, King s College, London. 1 Practice (The) of Photography. ... 3d ed., revised. . . . [Photo graph.] London, 1857. 12 (5.3X3). DELANY, Patrick, Dean of Down; b. 1686. d. 1768. 2 Historical Account (An) of the Life and Reign of David King of Israel. Interspersed with various Conjectures, Digressions, and Disquisitions. ... [By P. Delany.] Vol. 1,2. * * * London, 1752. 8 (6.1X3.4). DELAUNAY, Louis, a French Mineralogist ; b. about 1740. 3 Essay sur 1 Histoire naturelle des Roches, precede d un Expose syste- matique des Terres et des Pierres. . . . Par De Launay. Bruxelles, 1786. 12 (4.5X2.5). DELILLE, Jacques, a French Poet ; b. 1738. d. at Paris, 1813. 4 Homme (L ) des Champs, ou les Georgiques Frangoises. . . . Avec Figures. Paris, 1805. 8 (6X3.8 irr.). DELISLE, Claude, a French Geographer and Historian ; b. 1644. d. 1720. 5 Abrege de 1 Histoire universelle Tom. 1-7. . . . [Maps and Plates.] Paris, 1731. 12 (4.7X2.4). DELISLE DE SALES, J. B. Claude ISOARD; b. at Lyon, 1745. d. 1816. 6 Philosophic (De la) de la Nature, ou Traite de Morale . . . [By J. B. (7. Isoard, Delisle de Sales.] Troisieme ed. * * * Tom. 1-6. [Pieces.] Londres, 1777. 8 (5.1X2.9). DELL, Rev. William, Master of Caius College, Cambridge) Eng. 7 Trials (The) of Spirits, in Teachers and Hearers. . . . [With] A brief Testimony against divinity Degrees, &c. Charlestown, 1809. 24 (4.4X2.5). DE LOLME, Jean Louis ; b. at Geneva, 1740. d. in Switzerland, 1806, 8 Constitution de 1 Angleterre . . . par De Lolme. * * * Nouv. ed., revue, etc. Amsterdam, 1778. 8 (5.2X3.2). 9 Constitution (The) of England . . . New ed. . . . Vol. 1, 2. * * * London, 1796. 12 (5X3). NOTE. The two volumes are bound together. DELRIO, Martinius Antonius, a learned Jesuit; b. at Antiverp, 1551. d. 1608. 10 Cl. Clavdiani (Ad) V. C. Opera Notae. Antverpia?, 1685. 24 (3.9X2.4), pp. 80. DE Luc, J. A., Prof, of Geology at Gottingen; b. at Geneva, 1727. d. 1817. 11 Idees sur la Meteorologie. Tom. 1, 2. Londres, 1786, 8 (6.4><3.1). 12 Recherches sur les Modifications de I Atmosphere. . . . Avec Figures ... Tom. 1, 2. *** Geneve, 1772. 4 (7.4X4.7), m.b. !3 Recherches sur les Modifications de I Atmosphere , . . avec Figures ... Nouv. ed. Tom. 1-4. *** Paris, 1784. 8 (5.5X3.5), DEMADES, an Athenian Orator; d. 318 B.C. 14 Demadis Interpretatio Latina. See ISOCRATES. Isocratis Issei etc. 15 Demadis qua? exstant. See ISJEUS. Isrei Dinarchi etc. DEMESTE, Jean, a Physician of Liege; d. 1783, cat. 38. !6 Lettres du Dr. Demeste au Dr. Bernard, sur la Chymie, la Docimasie, la Crystallographie, la Lithologie, la Mineralogie & la Physique en general, Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1779* 12 (4,7X2.6), DEMOCRATIC 17 Review. See UNITED STATES Magazine, &c. DEMOCRITUS Junior, pseudon. See BURTON, R. 23 178 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. DEMONSTRATIONS elementaires de Botanique, contenant les Principes generaux, 1 les Fondemens des Methodes, & les Elemens de la Physique des Vege- taux ; la Description des Plantes . . . rangees suivant la Methode de Tournefort & celle de Linne ; etc. Quatrieme ed., revue, etc. . . . Figures de pres de 400 Plantes . . . Lyon, 1796. 8 (5.5X3.1). 2 Demonstrations elementaires de Botanique. Partie des Figures. Tom. 1,2. [With Descriptions. ] Lyon, 4 1796. 4 (7.4X5.3). DE MORGAN, Augustus, Prof, of Math., Univ. Coll., London; b. 1806. 3 Arithmetic and Algebra. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. (Mathematics, vol. 1.) 4 Calculus of Functions. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitan, vol. 2). 5 Examples of the Processes of Arithmetic and Algebra. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion, &c. Library, &c. (Mathematics, vol. 1.) 6 Remarks on elementary Education in Science. Introductory Lecture, delivered in the University of London, Nov. 2, 1830. London, 1830. 8, pp. 25. 7 Study and Difficulties of Mathematics. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion, &c. Library, etc. (Mathematics, vol. 1.) 8 Theory of Probabilities. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA, Metropolitan, vol. 2). DEMOSTHENES, an Athenian Orator; b. 380 B.C. d. 322 B.C. 9 Demosthenis et ^schinis Interpretatio Latina Londini, 1828. 8 (6.9X3.7). 10 Demosthenis qua3 exstant omnia Indicibus . . . continua Interpretatione Latina Varietate Lectionis etc. illustravit G. S. Dobson Accedunt Ani- madversiones Reiskii Dounaci Weiskii etc. Necnon Adversaria P. P. Dobree Tom. 1-7 Londini, 1828. 8 (6.9X3.7). 11 (Euvres completes de Demosthene et d Eschine, en Grec et en Francois [facing ]. Traduction de 1 Abbe Auger. Nouv. ed., revue et corrigee par J. Planche. ... * * * Tom. 1-10. [Portrait of D.~] Paris, 1819- 21. 8 (6X3.4). 12 Opera Recensuit Greece et Latine cum Indicibus edidit J. T. Vcemelius Parisiis, Ed. A. F. Didot, 1857. 4 (7.7X5.4), par. cols., pp. 820. 13 Oration (The) on the Crown. With Notes, by J. T. Champlin. * * * 2d ed., improved. Boston, 1847. 12 (5.8X3.4). 14 Orations of Demosthenes, translated by Rev. Mr. Francis, with critical and historical Notes. Vol. 1, 2. [Map. ] London, 1757, 58. 4 (7.6X5.4). NOTE. Title of rol. 2 reads,." Orations of Demosthenes and ^Eschines," &c. 15 Selectse Orationes [Or. and Lat.~\. Ad Codices MSS. recensuit, Textum, Scholiasten, & Versionem . . . castigavit, Notis insuper illustravit R, Mounteney. . . . Ed. quarta . . . [MapJ] Londini, 1764. 8 (5.8X3.4). NOTE. Containing Philippic I., Olynthiace I., II., and III. 16 Select popular Orations, with Notes and a chronological Table, by J. T. Champlin. Boston and Cambridge, 1848. 12 (5.8X3.5). NOTE. Containing Olynthiacs I., II., and III., Philippic I., On the Cherronesus, and For the Liberty of the Rhodians. DEMPSTER, Thomas, a Scotchman, Prof, at Bologna ; b. 1579. d. 1625. i ? Antiqvitatvm Romanarvm Corpvs absolvtissimvm ... * * * Geneuae, 1632. 4 (7.7X4.5), 2 cols., pp. 1063-f, Annotator., See ROSINI, J. Antiqvitatvm Ramanarvm Corpvs. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 179 DENIIAM, Lieut.-Col. Dixon, Gov. of Sierra Leone; b. in London, 1786. d. 1828. 1 Narrative of Discoveries in northern and central Africa, in 1822, 1823, and 1824, by Major Denham, Capt. Clapperton, and Dr. Oudney. . . . By Major D. Denham, and Capt. H. Clapperton. [4 payings. Map.} Boston, 1826. 8 (6.3X3.7). DENINA, Giacomo Maria Carlo, an Italian Historian; b. 1731. d. 1813. 2 Essay (An) on the Revolutions of Literature. Translated from the Italian of C. Denina. By J. Murdoch. * * * London, [1771]. 12 (4.7X2.6). 3 Revolutions d ltalie, traduites de 1 Italien de Denina, par FAbbe Jardin, Tom. 1-8. Paris, 1770- 75. 12 (4.7X2.4), m.b. 4 Rivoluzioni (Delle) d ltalia Libri venticinque di C. Denina . . . Vol. 1-10. Firenze, 1826- 27. 24 (3.7X2.3). DENON, Dominique Vivant, Baron, a French Archaeologist; b. 1747. d. 1825. 5 Travels in upper and lower Egypt, during the Campaigns of Gen. Bona parte. By V. Denon. Translated from the French. . . . [With] An historical Account of the Invasion of Egypt by the French. By E. A. Kendal, Esq. Illustrated . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1802. 8 (6.1X3.3). 6 Travels in upper and lower Egypt, during the Campaigns of Gen. Bona parte ... By V. Denon. Translated from the French. . . . [ With ] An historical Account of the Invasion of Egypt by the French. By A. Aikin. Embellished... Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1803. 8 (6.1X3.5). DEPLORABLE State (The) of New-England . . . with a Vindication of Mr. Hig- 7 ginson, Mr. Mason, and Others. . . . [Also} An Account of the shameful Miscarriage of the Port-Royal Expedition. [Boston], reprinted, 1720. 16, pp. 36. DE QUINCEY, Thomas ; b. in Manchester, Eng., 1786. d. 1861. 8 Autobiographic Sketches. Boston, 1853. 16 (5.4X3.2). 9 Avenger (The), a Narrative ; and other Papers. Boston, 1859. 16 (5.2X3.1). JO Biographical Essays. Boston, 1851. 16 (5.1X3). H Caesars (The). Boston, 1851. 16 (5.2X3). 12 Confessions of an English Opium-Eater, and Suspiria de Profundis. Boston, 1851. 16 (5.2X3). 13 Essays on philosophical Writers and other Men of Letters. Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1854. 16 (5.6X3.2). 14 Essays on the Poets, and other English Writers. Boston, 1853. 16 (5.2X3). 15 Historical and critical Essays. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1853. 16 (5.3X3). 2 copies.] 16 Letters to a young Man and other Papers. Boston, 1854. 16 (5.2X3.1). 1 7 Life and Manners ; from the Autobiography of an English Opium-Eater. [Portrait. } Boston, 1851. 16 (5.1X3.2), 18 Literary Reminiscences ... Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1851. 16 (5.6X3.2). 19 Logic (The) of political Economy, and other Papers. Boston, 1859. 16 (5.6X3,2). 180 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. DE QUINCEY, Thomas, continued. 1 Memorials and other Papers [containing Klosterheim]. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1856. 16 (5.2X3). 2 Miscellaneous Essays. Boston, 1851. 16 (5.2X3). 3 Narrative and miscellaneous Papers. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1853. 16 (5.2X3). 4 Note Book of an English Opium-Eater. Boston, 1856. 16 (5.2X2.3). 5 Theological Essays and other Papers. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1854. 16 (5.2X3). DERHAM, William, D.D., Canon of Windsor; b. 1657. d. 1735. 6 Physico-Theology : or, A Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, from His Works of Creation. . . . [Boyle s Lecture Sermons, 1711 and 1712.] * * * llth ed. Glasgow, 1745. 12 (5.2X2.9). 7 Physico-Theology . . . New edition ; with additional Notes ; a Trans lation of the . . . Notes ; and a Life of the Author. Illustrated . . . *** Vol. 1, 2. London, 1798. 8 (5.4X3.3). 8 Physico-Theology. See (BoYLE s Lecture Sermons, vol. 2). DERBY, Elias Haskett, Esq., of Boston, Mass. 9 Catholic (The). Letters addressed by a Jurist to a young Kinsman proposing to join the Church of Rome. Boston, 1856. 12 (5.5X3.2). DERNIERE Campagne des Frangais en Egypte. 10 Paris, an X. [1802]. 12 (5.3X3.1). DESAGULIERS, J. T., Prof, of Physic, Oxford, Eng.; b. atRoclielle, 1683. d. 1743. 11 Course (A) of experimental Philosophy. Vol.1. ... {Plates. ] London, 1734. 4 (7.5X4.9). Translator, and Editor. See GAUGER, N. Fires improved, &c. DESAIX DE VEYGOUX, Louis Charles Antoine; b. 1768. d. 1800. 12 Histoire des Generaux Desaix et Kleber, avec des Notes et Remarques ... * * * [Portrait of D."] Paris, an. X. [1802]. 16 (4.6X2.6). DES BARRES, Joseph Frederic Wallet, an English Soldier, &c.; b. 1722. d. 1824. Hydrographer, and Compiler. See GREAT BRITAIN. The Atlantic Nep tune. DESBREST, ., Prof, of Medicine in University of Montpellier, France. 13 Lettre a les Auteurs des Journal de Medicine, par Desbrest. Clermont-Ferrand, 1779. 12 (4.9X2.7,) pp. 35. 14 Traite des Eaux minerales de Chateldon, de celles de Vichy et Haut-Rive. . . . Par Desbrest. Moulins, 1778. 12 (5X2.7). DESCARTES, Rene [Latin, Renatus], a French Philosopher , b. 1596. d. 1650. 15 Eloge de Rene Descartes, par Thomas. See ((Euvres, post. Tom. 1, pp. 1-117). !6 (Euvres de Descartes, publiees par V. Cousin. Tom. 1-11. [Foe-simile."] Paris, 1824- 26. 8 (5.6X3.3). 17 Passiones Animae : Gallice ab ipso conscripts ... * * * Amstelodami, Apud L. & D. Elzevir., 1644. 4 (6.4X4), pp. 92. 18 Principia Philosophise. Ultima ed. . . . * * * [Illustrated. ] Amstelodami, Apud D. Elzevir., 1664. 4 (6.4X4), m. b. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 181 DESCARTES, Rene, continued. 1 Specimina Philosophise : sev Dissertatio de Methodo recte regendse Ra- tionis, & Veritatio in Scientiisf investigandffi ; Dioptrice, et Meteora. Ex Gallico translata, etc. Ultima ed. . . . * * * [Illustrated.] Arristelodami, Apud D. Elzevir., 1664. 4 (6.4X4). NOTE. The preceding- three entries are bound together; -with a portrait of Descartes, and half-title, " Opera philosophica. Ed. qvarta ..." DESERRES-LATOUR, . 2 Lettre a De Calonne, en Reponse a son Ouvrage sur 1 Etat de la France, present et a venir. *** Paris, 1790. 8 (5.5X3.2). DESESSARTS, Nicolas LE MOYNE, a Bookseller at Paris; b. 1744. d. 1810. 3 Galerie des Orateurs Grecs et Latins, ou Tableau des Effets de 1 Elo- quence chez les Anciens. . . . Paris, 1806. 8 (5.4X3.1). DESHLER, Charles D. 4 Selections from Chaucer ; with Life, &c. See CHAUCER, G. DES LAURIERES, Laurent PC-TIER. See PC-TIER DES LAURIERES, L. DES LOZIERES, Baudry. 5 Voyage a la Louisiane, et sur le Continent de PAmerique Septentrionale, fait dans les Annees 1794 a 1798 ... ParB***D*** ... [Map.] * * * Paris, 1802. 8 (5.4X3.1). 6 Second Voyage a la Louisiane, faisant suite au premier de PAuteur de 1794 a 1798. ... *** Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1803. 8 (5.6X3.2). DESMOULINS, Camilla, a French Revolutionist ; b. at Guise, 1762. exec. 1794. 7 History (The) of the Brissotins ; or, Part of the secret History of the Revolution ; and of the first six Months of the Republic, in answer to Brissot s Address to his Constituents. ... * * * London, 1794. 8, pp. 68. DESPORTES, Jean Baptiste POUPPE ; d. at St. Domingo, 1748. 8 Histoire des Maladies de S. Domingue, par Pouppe Desportes. Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1770. 12 (4.6X2.6). NOTE. Vol. 3 has title, "Traite ou Abrege des Plantes . . . de S. Dominigue." DE VERB, Maximilian Schele, of Univ. of Virginia; b. in Sweden, 1820. 9 Outlines of comparative Philology, with a Sketch of the Languages of Europe . . . and a brief History of the Art of Writing. New York, 1853. 12 (5.3X3.3). DEVILLE, A., Director of Museum of Antiquities at Rouen, &c. i Histoire de Chateau d Arques. * * * [Plates.] Rouen, 1839. 8 (5.2X3.1). DEWAR, Daniel, LL.D., late Prof, of Moral Philosophy at Aberdeen. 11 Elements of moral Philosophy, and of Christian Ethics. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1826. 8 (6.5X3.7). DE WETTE, Wilhelm Martin Leberecht ; b. near Weimar, 1780. d. at Basel, 1849. 12 Historico-critical (An) Introduction to the canonical Books of the New Testament. Translated from the fifth . . . edition by F. Frothingham. Boston, 1858. 8 (6.5X3.8). 13 Human Life ; or, Practical Ethics. Translated from the German of De Wette. ByS. Osgood. ... Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1842. 12 (5.1X3). 14 Theodore ; or, The Skeptic s Conversion. . . . Translated from the German of De Wette. By J. F. Clarke. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1841. 12 (5.1X3). Joint Translator. See BIBLE, The Old Testament. Die Schriften, etc. Joint Translator. See BIBLE, The New Testament. Die Schriften, etc. 182 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. DEWEY, Rev. Chester, D.D., LL.B., Prof, of Math, and Nat. Phil, at Williams Coll., now Prof, of C hem., &c., at Univ. of Eochester, &c. ; b. 1784. 1 Meteorological Observations at Williamstown, Mass. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 4, P. II.) 2 Report on the herbaceous Plants of Massachusetts. See MASSACHU SETTS. Report, &c. DEWEY, Orville, D.D., an Amer. Unit. Clergyman; b. in Sheffield, Mass., 1794. 3 Address (An) delivered before the American Peace Society, Boston, May, 1848. Boston, 1848. 8, pp. 24. 4 Brief Statement (A) and Explanation of the Unitarian Belief. (AMERI CAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 96.) Boston, 1835. 12, pp. 24. 5 Erroneous Views (On) of Death. (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 70.) Boston, 1833. 12, pp. 32. 6 Experimental Religion (On). (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 183.) Boston, 1842. 12, pp. 13. 7 Law (The) of Retribution. (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 192.) Boston, 1843. 12, pp. 42. 8 Nature and Province (On the) of Natural and Revealed Religion. (AME RICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 182.) Boston, 1842. 12, pp. 26. 9 Profession (On) of Religion. (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 109.) Boston, 1836. 12, pp. 42. l Remarks on the Sacred Scriptures and on Belief and Unbelief. (AMERI CAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 142.) Boston, 1839. 12, pp. 28. 11 Unitarian s Answer (The). 4th ed. (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 7.) Boston, 1826. 12, pp. 47. 12 Uses (On the) of the Communion, &c. (AMERICAN Unitarian Associa tion. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 172.) Boston, 1841. 12, pp. 24. 13 Voices (The) of the Dead. (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 230.) Boston, 1846. 12, pp. 19. 14 Why I am a Unitarian. See (PlTTS-STREET Chapel Lectures). DEXTER, Aaron, M.D., F.A.A., of Boston. is Account of a locked Jaw. Also, The Manufacture of Potash. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 2.) DEXTER, Hon. Samuel, LL.D., Sen. from Mass., &c.; b. in Boston, 1761. d. 1816. 16 Mr. Dexter s Address to the Electors of Massachusetts, in Favour of his Election. . . . [With] Examination of the said Address . . . Boston, 1814. 8, pp. 38. DE ZACII, Francois Xavier, Baron ; b. at Presburg, 1754. d. at Paris, 1832. 17 Attraction (L ) des Montagnes, et ses Effets sur les Fils a Plomb ou sur les Niveaux des Instrumens d Astronomie, constates et determines par des Observations . . . ; suivis de la Description geometrique de la Ville de Marseille et de son Territoire. Par De Zach. Tom. 1, 2. Avignon, 1814. 8 (5.5X3.1). NOTE. The two volumes are paged continuously. DIALOGUE (A) between a Christian and a Deist. (AMERICAN Unitarian Asso- 18 ciation. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 23.) Boston, 1829. 12, pp. 24. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 183 DIALOGUE (A) on some of the Causes of Infidelity . . . (AMERICAN Unita- 1 rian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 21.) Boston, 1831. 12, pp. 24. DIAZ DEL CASTILLO, Bernal, a Follower of Cortes ; b. in Spam, about 1490. 2 True History (The) of the Conquest of Mexico. Written in 1568. Translated out of the original Spanish, by M. Keatinge, Esq. [Map.] London, 1800. 4 (7.2X5). DlBDIN, Thomas Frognall, D.D., an English Bibliographer ; b. 1775. d. 1847. 3 Introduction (An) to the Knowledge of rare and valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics . . . preceded by an Account of Polyglot Bibles, and the best Editions of the Greek Septuagint and Testament. 2d ed., enlarged and corrected. \_Fac-simile.~] London, 1804. 8 (7.3X3.3). DlCK, Thomas, LL.D., a Scottish scientific Writer; b. 1772. d. 1857. 4 Celestial Scenery ; or, The Wonders of the Planetary System displayed. . . . (Harper s Family Library, No. 83.) New York, n. d. 18 (4.5X2.7). 5 Christian Philosopher (The) ; or, The Connection of Science and Philoso phy with Religion. Illustrated . . . Brookfield, 1828. 8 (5.4X3.1). 6 Christian Philosopher (The) . . . Illustrated . . . 4th American ed. New York, 1829. 12 (5.5X3.3). 7 Improvement (On the) of Society by the Diffusion of Knowledge . . . * * * Illustrated . . . (Harper s Family Library, No. 59.) New York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7). 8 Mental Illumination (The) and moral Improvement of Mankind . . . Illustrated . . . New York, 1836. 8 (8.1X4.9), 2 cols. NOTE. Forms portion of CHRISTIAN Library Vol. 6. 9 Philosophy (The) of Religion ; or, An Illustration of the moral laws of the Universe. * * * 1st American ed., with Corrections and Notes. Brookfield, 1829. 12 (5.5X3.2). [2 copies.] 10 Siderial Heavens (The) and other Subjects connected with Astronomy ... * * * [Illustrated.] (Harper s Family Library, No. 99.) New York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7), DICKIE, George. Joint Author. See M Cosn, J. Typical Forms, &c. DICKINSON, Adam. Editor. See SCHLEUSNER, J. F. Lexicon Grseco-Latinum in Nov. Test.. DICKINSON, John, a Member of the first colonial Cong.^ b. in Md., 1732. d. 1808. 11 Essay (An) on the constitutional Power of Great-Britain over the Colo-, nies in America ; with the Resolves of the Committee for the Province of Pennsylvania, and their Instructions to their Representatives in Assembly. [By J. Dickinson.] Philadelphia, 1774. 8 (5.7X3.1). 12 Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. [By J. Dickinson. ] Boston, 1768. 8, pp. 80. DICKINSON, Rev. Pliny, of Walpole, N.H. 13 Election Sermon, N.H., June 6, 1816. Concord, 1816. 8, pp. 24., DICKSON, William, LL.D. Editor, and Translator. See MASSILLON, J. B. Sermons. DICTIONNAIRE historique de Cultes religieux, etablis dans le Monde . . . [Plates.] 14 Tom. 1 [A-D]. 2[E-M]. 3 [N^-Z]. Paris, 1770. 8 (5.2X2.7). 184 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. DIDEROT, Denis ; b. in Langres, 1713. d. in Paris, 1784. 1 Fils (Le) naturel ou les Epreuves de la Vertu, Comedie . . . Par Di derot. * * * Amsterdam, 1771. 8, pp. 57. 2 Pere (Le) de Famille, Drame. Paris, 1774. 8, pp. 110. Editor. See ENCYCLOPEDIE, ou Dictionnaire . . . des Sciences. DIDOT, Firmin, a celebrated French Type-founder ; b. 1764. d. 1836. Translator, and Editor. See VIRGILIUS MARO, P. Les Bucoliques. DIEFENBACH, Dr. Lorentz. 3 Vergleichendes Wb rterbuch der Gothischen Sprache. Bd. 1, 2. Frankfurt am Main, 1851. 8 (7X4). DIETERICH, Dr. Waldemar. 4 Runen-Sprach-Shatz, oder "Wb rterbuch liber altesten Sprachdenkmale Skandinaviens, in Beziehung auf Abstammung, und Begriffsbildung. Stockholm & Leipzig, n. d. 8 (6.1X3.7). DIETSCH, Rudolph, Professor in Grimma. Editor. See NEUE JAHRBUCIIER f iir Philologie, etc. DIEZ, Friedrich. 5 Etymologisches Worterbuch de Romanischen Sprachen Bonn, 1853. 8 (6.9X3.7), pp. 782. 6 Grammatik der Romanischen Sprachen. Th. 1-3. Bonn, 1836- 44. 8 (6.5X3.6). DIGGS or DIGGES, Thomas ; d. 1595. 7 Englands Defence. A Treatise concerning Invasion . . . [with] An Ac count of such Stores of War, and other Materials as are requisite for the Defence of a Fort, &c. Collected by T. Adamson . . . London, 1680. 2 (7.6X5.2), pp. 16. DILLON, John Talbot. 8 Travels through Spain, with a View to illustrate the natural History and physical Geography of that Kingdom . . . [Map and Plates.] . . . Dublin, 1781. 8 (5.8X3.2). DINARCHUS, a Greek Orator; flourished about 840 B.C. 9 Dinarchi Interpretatio Latina. See ISOCRATES. Isocratis Isgei etc. 10 Dinarchi quae exstant. See ISJEUS. Iseei Dinarchi etc. DlNDORF, Lud., Prof, at Leipsic. Editor. See DIODORUS SICULUS. Bibliothecae historicae qua? supersunt. DIODATI, Giovanni [English, John], Prof, of Hebrew and Theology at Geneva: b. 1576. d. 1649. n Pious and learned Annotations upon the Holy Bible ... 3d ed. ... London, 1651. Thick 2 (9X5.7), 2 cols., n. p. NOTE. Also with second title-page, embellished ; and with portrait. 12 Pious and learned Annotations upon the Holy Bible. ... 4th ed. London, 1664. Thick 2 (9.7X5.9), 2 cols., n. p. Translator. See BIBLE, The Old and New Testaments, &c. La Sacra Biblia. DIODORUS SICULUS, a Sicilian Historian of the 1st century. 13 Bibliotheca3 historicae quae supersunt. Ex nova Recensione L. Dindorfii. Greece et Latine. Perditorum Librorum Excerpta et Fragmenta ad inte- gri Operis Seriem accommodare studuit, Rerum Indicem . . adiecit C. Mullerus. Vol. 1, 2. Paris, Ed. A. F. Didot., 1842, 44. 4 (7.8X5.4), par cols. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 185 DIOGENES LAERTIUS, a Creek Historian of Cilicia ; fl. probably 200-250. 1 Aristotelis Vita, Gr. et Lat. See ARISTOTELES. (Prefixed to Opera omnia, vol. 1.) 2 Vitis (De), Dogmatibus et Apophthegmatibus clarorum Philosophorum Libri X. Greece et Latine. Cum . . . Annotationibus Is. Casauboni, etc. Latinam Ambrosii Versionem complevit & emendavit M. Meibomius. [Vol. 1, 2.] ... JEg. Menagii in Diogenem Observations auctiores habet Vol. II. Ut & ejusdem Syntagma de Mulieribus philosophis ; et J. Kiihnii ad Diogenem Notas. . . . [Portraits. ] Amstelsedami, MDCvmC. 4 (7.9X5.4), par. cols. NOTE. Vol. 1 has also second title-page, embellished. Vol. 2 has only title express- 3 Life of Plato" See PLATO. Works (Ed. 1848- 59). Vol. 6, pp. 175-228. 4 Platonis Vita. See PLATO. Platonis quae exstant. Vol. 1, pp. i.-lx. Dio or DION CASSIUS COCCEIANUS, a Greek Historian,/, at Rome ; b. 155. 5 Rerum Romanarum Libri octoginta ab I. Bekkero recogniti. [Greek.] Tom. 1, 2. Lipsiae, 1849. 8 (6.9X3.9). DIONYSIUS, of Thrace, a Greek Grammarian; fl. probably 60 B.C. 6 Grammatica et in earn Scholia. See BEKKEH, I. (Anecdote Graeca, vol. 2.) DIONYSIUS, of Halicarnassus ; fl. at Rome about the time of Christ. 7 Antiquis Oratoribus (De) Commentarii. Recensuit E. R. Mores. Oxonii, 1781. 8 (6X3.6). 8 Compositione (De) Verborvm Liber Graece et Latine [facing] Cvm priorvm Editorvm svisqve Annotationibvs edidit G. H. Schaefer Acce- dvnt eivsdem Melemata critica in Dionysii Art. rhetor. Cap. i-iv. Lipsiae, 1808. 8 (6.3X3.5), pp. 515, 168. DIONYSIUS PERIEGETES, a Poet & Geog. ; fl. about the time of Christ. 9 Geographia [Greek & Latin] emendata & locupleta, Additione scil. Geographic hodiernse Grocco Carmine pariter donate, cum XVI Tabulis geographicis. Ab Edv. Wells. Ed. quinta. Londini, 1738. 8 (6X3.6). 10 Orbis Descriptio [in Greek], cum Veterum Scholiis, et Eustathii Com- mentariis. [Maps.] Accedit Periegesis Prisciani, cum Notis A. Papii. Oxonise, 1697. 8 (5.9X3.6). NOTE. The : Periegesis Prisciani" has half-title and independent paging-. DIPLOMATIC Correspondence of the American Revolution. See SPARKS, J. DISNEY, John, D.D., Vicar of Swinderly, &c., aft. of London ; b. 1746. d. 1816. 11 Attempt to restore Scripture Forms of Worship. See UNITARIAN So ciety, &c. (Tracts, 2d Series, vol. 4.) 12 Reasons for quitting the Church of England. See UNITARIAN Society, &c. (Tracts, 2d Series, vol. 4.) DISRAELI or D !SRAELI, Isaac ; b. at Enfield, near London, 1766. d. 1848. 13 Curiosities of Literature. In 3 Vols. Vol. 2, 3. Boston, 1833. 12 (5.4X3.1). 14 Curiosities of Literature. Second Series. Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1834. 12 (5.4X3.1). is Curiosities of Literature [1st and 2d Series], and The literary Character illustrated. By I. C. D Israeli. With Curiosities of American Litera ture, by R. W. Griswold. ... [2 pagings.] New York, 1849. 8 (8X4.7), 2 cols. 24 186 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. DISSERTATION on the Subject of a Congress of Nations, for the Adjustment of 1 international Disputes without Recourse to Arrrrs. ... * * * New York, 1837. 12 (5.5X3.3), DISTINGUISHED Men of modern Times. ... Vol. 1,2. [Portraits. ] (Har- 2 per s Family Library, Nos. 123, 124.) New York, 1840. 1 8 (4.5X2.7), DITTOX, Humphrey, an eminent Mathematician ; b. 1675. d. 1715. 3 Discourse (A) concerning the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. . . . *** 4th ed. London, 1727. 8 (6X3.5). 4 Discourse (A) concerning the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. . . . * * * 5th ed. London, 1740. 8 (6.1X3.6).. DIXON, James Henry. Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs of the Peasantry of England , . ... Collected, and edited by J. LL Dixon. * * * London, 1846. 12 (5X3 irr.), DIXON, William Hepworth, Editor of the AfJienceum ; b. 1821. 6 Personal History of Lord Bacon. From unpublished Papers. Boston, 1861. 12 (5.7X3.5). DIVINE Authority (The) of the Christian Revelation acknoAvledged. . . . 7 (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 25.) Boston, 1829. 12, pp. 24.. DIVINE Revelation advocated and illustrated. . . . (AMERICAN Unitarian 8 Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 24.) Boston, 1829. 12, pp. 24. DIZIONARIO della Lingua Italiana. Tom. 1-7. 9 Bologna, 1819- 26. 4 (8.1X5.8), 2 cols. CONTENTS. Vol. I. A-AZ. II. B-CU. III. D-F. IV. G-M. V. N-R. VI. S-SU.. VII. T-Z. DOBBS, Francis. 1 Letter to Lord North and Mr. Fox. London, 1784. 8, pp. 62.. n Thoughts on the present Mode of Taxation in Great Britain . . . London, 1784. 8, pp. 21. DOBSON, Gulielmus Stephanus. 12 Oratores Attici et quos sic vocarat Sophistse Tom. 1 Antiphon et An- docides 2 Lysias 3 Isocrates 4 Isscus Dinarchus etc. 5-11 De mosthenes 12 JEschines- 13-16 [Latin Versions ] Londini, 1828. 8 (6.9X3.7). NOTE. Each -volume- has also independent title-page. DOCTRINAL Tract and Book Society. 13 Tracts. Vol. 1, 2. Boston, n. d. 12 (5.5X3.1). NOTE. Containing No. 1-45; paged separately. DOCTRINE (The) of the blessed Trinity stated and defended. By some London 14 Ministers. 2d ed. London, 1719. 8 (5.7X3.1). DODDRIDGE, Sir John, an English Lawyer; 6. 1555. d. 1628. 15 Treatise of Estates. See NEY, W.. Grounds, &c. DODDRIDGE, Philip, D.D., of Northampton, Eng.; b. 1702.. d. 1751. 16 Course (A) of Lectures on ... Pneumatology, Ethics, and Divinity ... 3d ed. ... [With] References, &c. * By A. Kippis, D.D. Vol.1. London, 1794. 8 (6,6X3.3). i~ Course (A) of Lectures on ... Pneumatology, Ethics, and Divinity . . . 4th ed.. . . . [With] References, &c. By A. Kippis, D.D. Vol. 1,2, London, 1799. 8 (6.6X3.3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 1ST DODDRIDGE, Philip, D.D., continued. 1 Family Expositor (The) : or, A Paraphrase and Version of the Xew Tes tament: with critical Notes; and a practical Improvement of each Section. Vol. 1-6. ... * * * London, 1700. 4 (7.7 irr.X4.8), m. r. 2 Family Expositor (The) . . . Vol. 1-6 ... 8th ed. . . . * * * [Portrait. ] London, 1799. 8 (6.6X3.5). 3 Family Expositor (The) ... In 6 Vols. Vol. 5, containing the Epistles of Paul . . . Charlestown, 1808. 8 (7X4). 4 Life of Dr. Doddridge, by A. Kippis, D.D. See. (Family Expositor (Ed. Lond., 1799), ante. Vol. 1, pp. iv.-clxxxii.). 5 ... Life of Hon. Col. James Gardiner . . . [with] The Sermon occa sioned by his . . . Death. * * * Exeter, 179.3. 18 (4.9X2.9). e Memoirs of Rev. Philip Doddridge. See ORTON, J. 7 Plain and serious Address ... on ... Family Religion. * * * Northampton, 1804. 8, pp. 35. 18 Practical Discourses on Regeneration ... * * * 6th ed. . . . With the Scripture Doctrine of Salvation . . . [London] 1799. 8 (5.2X3). 9 Practical Discourses on Regeneration ... * * * 7th ed. . . ... [With] The Scripture Doctrine of Salvation . . . Boston, 1822. 12 (4.9X3). 10 Rise (The) and Progress of Religion in the Soul . . . (EVANGELICAL Family Library. Vol. 1.) New York, n. d. 24 (4.4X2.9). 11 Rise (The) and Progress of Religion in the Soul . . . New York, n. d. 12 (5.4X3.2). 12 Rise (The) and Progress of Religion in the Soul ... * * * 14th ed. London, 1803. 12 (5.6X3). 13 Sermons to Young Persons . . . 5th ed. London, n. d. 12 (5.3X2.9). 14 Ten Sermons on the Power and Grace of Christ, and on the Evidences of his glorious Gospel . . . 6th ed. * * * London, n. d. 12 (5. IX 3). DODERLEIN, J. C. W. L. 15 Handbook of Latin Synonyms. Translated from the German by H. H. Arnold. 2d ed., revised. London, 1852. 12 (5.6X3.2). DODSLEY, Robert, a Bookseller in London , b. 1703. d. 1764. 16 Collection (A) of Poems ... by various Hands. [Edited by It. Dods- ley. Vol. 1-6.] *** London, 1770. 12(4.6X2.9irr.), DODSOX, Michael, an English Lawyer ; b. 1732. d. 1799. 17 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Rev. Hugh Farmer ... * * * London, 1804. 8 (5.7X3.3). Editor, &c. See FOSTER, M. Trial of the Rebels in 1746. DODWELL, Henry, Prof, of History at Oxford, Eng.; b. in Dublin, 1641. d. 1711. 18 Distinction (The) between the Soul and Spirit, &c. 2d ed., corrected. London, 1706. 8 (5.9X3.1), m, b. DOGHERTY, Thomas, an English Lawyer $ d. 1805. 19 Crown Circuit (The) Companion . . . 7th ed., considerably enlarged, &c. London, 1799. 8 (6.3X3.4), m. k, pp. 869. 188 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. DOLOMIEU, Deodat Guy Silvain Tancrede GR-ATET de, a French Geologist; b. 1750. d. 1801. 1 Earthquakes in Calabria. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyages, &c., vol. 5.) 2 Voyage aux lies de Lipari, fait en 1781 . . . pour servir a 1 Histoire des Volcans ; suivis d un Memoire sur une Espece de Volcan d Air, etc. par D. de Dolomieu. Paris, 1783. 8 (5.5X3.1). DOMESDAY 3 Book. See GREAT BRITAIN. Record Commission. DON, George. 4 Horticulture. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 6). DOMESTIC Portraiture ; or, The successful Application of religious Principle in 5 the Education of a Family, exemplified in the Memoirs of three deceased Children of the Rev. Legh Richmond. New York, 1833. 12 (5.4X3). DONALDSON, Rev. John William, D.D., (Jlass. Lect. of Trinity Coll., Camb., Eng. 6 Comparative Grammar (A) of the Hebrew Language . . . London, 1853. 12 (6.1X3.5), pp. 96. 7 New Cratylus (The) ; or Contributions toward a more accurate Know ledge of the Greek Language. 2d ed., revised, &c. London, 1850. 8 (6.7X4). 8 Varronianus : a critical and historical Intruduction to the Ethnography of ancient Italy and to the philological Study of the Latin Language. 2d ed., revised, &c. London, 1852. 8 (6.7X3.9). DONATO, Nicolo. 9 Homme (I/) d Etat, Ouvrage traduit de 1 Italien en Francois . . . Tom. 1-3. Liege, 1767. 12 (4.5X2.4). DONATUS, Alexander, a Jesuit, Prof, of Rhetoric at Rome; b. 1584. d. 1640. 10 Roma vetvs ac recens vtrivsqve JEdificiis ad ervditam Cognitionem ex- positis. Tertio edita . . . [Plates.] * * * Romce, 1655. 4 (7.2X4.6), m. b., pp. 537+. DONNE, John, D.D., Dean of St. Paul s; b. 1573. d. 1631. 11 Life of Donne. See (Poetical Works, post. Pp. xi.-xxii.). 2 Life, by I. Walton. See WALTON, I. Lives of Donne, Wotton, &c. 13 Poetical Works. ... Boston, 1855. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). DOOLITTEL or DOOLITTLE, Thomas, a Nonconformist Divine ; b. 1630. d. 1707. 14 Young Man s (The) Instructer, and old Man s Remembrancer . . . London, 1672. 8 (5.7X3.2). DORCHESTER Controversy. Memorial (The) of the Proprietors of the New 15 South Meeting House in Dorchester, to the Ministers of the Boston Association ; with their Report. Boston, 1813. 8, pp. 48. 16 Proceedings of the Second Church and Parish in Dorchester . . . 2(1 ed. Boston, 1812. 8 (6.5X3.6). DORNFORD, Josiah, Esq. 17 Two Memorials to the Committee . . . and two Letters to the Common Council . . . with some Remarks respecting the Expenditure of the City Revenue ; the Reforms of the Gaols : &c. * * * London, 1784. 8, pp. 67. DOROTHEUS, St., a Priest of Tyre ; b. 255. d. 362. 18 Lives and Ends of the Prophets, Apostles, and LXX. Disciples ; transl. by Hanmer. See ANCIENT Eccl. Histories, &c. Also, AVNCIENT Eccl. Histories, &c. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 189 DORR, James A., Esq., of New York. 1 Justice to the South ! An Address. October 8, 1856. New York, [1856]. 8, pp. 12. Translator. See BONAPARTE, C. L. N. Napoleonic Ideas. DOTTEVILLE, Jean Henri; b. near Versailles, 1716. d. 1807. Editor. See TACITUS, C. C. Traduction de la Vie d Agricola. Translator, &c. See TACITUS, C. C. Annales. Also, Histoires. DOUGLAS, James, Esq., of Clavers, Scotland. 2 Advancement (The) of Society in Knowledge and Religion. 1st Ameri can, from 2d Edinburgh ed. Hartford, 1830. 12 (5.2X3). 3 Errors regarding Religion : and Thoughts on Prayer at the present Time. New York, 1831. 12 (5X3). 4 Truths (The) of Religion. Boston, 1831. 12 (5.6X3.2). DOUGLAS, Robert, D.D., Minister at Galashiels. 5 General View of the Agriculture of the Counties of Roxburgh and Sel kirk ; with Observations on the Means of their Improvement. Drawn up for . . . the Board of Agriculture, &c. \_Maps. ~\ London, 1798. 8 (6.1X3.5). DOUGLAS, Rev. Walter, Minister at Lintoun, Scotland. 6 Eleven Sermons preached before and after the Celebration of the Lord s Supper. Edinburgh, 1725. 8 (5.8X3.3). NOTE. Lettered, " Sacramental Sermons. Vol. II." 7 Five Sermons preached before and after the Celebration of the Lord s Supper. Edinburgh, 1721. 8 (5.8X3.3). NOT R. Lettered, " Sacramental Sermons. Vol. I." DOUGLASS, William, M.D., of Boston-, d. 1752. 8 Practical Essay concerning the Small Pox. * * * London, 1730. 8, pp. 99. DOVER, Lord. See ELLIS, G. J. W. A., Lord Dover. BOWLING, Rev. John Coulter. 9 Ecclesiastical History, from A.D. 1548 to A.D. 1700. See (ENCYCLO PAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 13). DOWNAME {Latin, DOUNAMUS], George, D.D., Bishop of Derry ; d. 1634. 10 Commentarii in P. Rami Dialecticam . . . Londini, 1669. 8 (5.6X3.1), m. r., pp. 501+. DOWNES, John, an eminent Mathematician ; b. in Brooklyn, 1799. 11 Occultations visible in the U.S., &c. in 1851, 1852, and 1853. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. (Contributions, vols. 2, 3, and 6.) DOWNING, Andrew Jackson, a Native of Newburgh, N.Y.; b. 1815. d. 1852. 12 Cottage Residences ... * * * Part. I. Illustrated ... 3d ed. New York and London, 1847. 8 (6.2X3.8). 13 Fruits (The) and Fruit Trees of America ... * * * llth ed., revised. [Illustrated.] New York, 1849. 12 (6.3X3.5), pp. 594. Editor. See LOUDON, J. W. Gardening for Ladies ; &c. DRAKE, Nathan, M.D., a Native of York, Eng. ; b. 1766. d. 1836. 1 4 Essays, biographical, critical, and historical, illustrative of the Rambler, Adventurer, & Idler, &c. * * * Vol. 1, 2. London, 1809, 10. 8 (4.3X2.6). 15 Essays, biographical, critical, and historical, illustrative of the Tatler, Spectator, and Guardian. * * * ... Vol. 1-3. London, 1 805. 8 (4.5 X 2.6). 190 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. DKAKE, Nathan, M.D., continued. 1 Literary Hours : or Sketches, critical, narrative, and poetical. * * * 4th ed. , corrected. ... Vol. 1-3. London, 1820. 12 (4.9X2.7), DRAPER, John William, M.D., LL.D., Prof, of Chem., Univ. ofN.Y. ; b. 1811, 2 Human Physiology statical and dynamical . . . Illustrated . . . New York, 1856. 8 (7.2X4.3), pp. 650. 3 Indebtedness of the City of New York to its University. Address to the Alumni, June 28, 1853. New York, 1853. 8, pp. 30. DRAPER, Warren F., of Andover, Mass. 4 Index to the Bibliotheca Sacra and American Biblical Repository, Vol. 1-13. ... Andover, 1827. 8 (6.3X3.8), DRAPER, Sir Willliam, Lieut.-Gen., &c. ; b. 1721. d. 1787. 5 Answer to the Spanish Arguments, claiming the Galeon, and refusing Payment of the Ransom Bills, for preserving Manila ..." London, 1764. 8, pp. 43, DRAPER, William. 6 Life of Adam Smith. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion, &c. Library, &c. Lives, &c. DRUMMOND, James L., Jf.7), 7 Letters to a young Naturalist on the Study of Nature and natural The ology. London, 1831. 16 (4.6X2.8). DRUMMOND, Sir William ; d. 1828. 8 Academical Questions. * * * Vol.1. London, 1805, 4 (6.8X3.8). 9 Review (A) of the Governments of Sparta and Athens. London, 1794. 8 (5.8X3.2). DRUSIUS, J., Prof, of orient. Lang, at Oxford, Ley den, &c. ; b. 1550. d. 1616. 10 Litteris (De) ^31 ,-jEfc Libri duo. Lvgdvni Bat., 1589. 8, pp. 37. DRYDEN, John, an English Poet; b. 1631. d. 1700. 11 Critical and miscellaneous prose Works . . .: with Notes and Illustra tions : an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author . . . ; and a Collection of his Letters ... By E. Malone, Esq. Vol. 1-3. [Por traits. ] London, 1800. 8 (6X3.2). NOTE. Vol. 1 has two parts, bound and paged separately ; "Account of the Life," &c. forming part 1. 12 Fables ancient and modern ; translated into Verse, from Homer, Ovid, Boccace, and Chaucer ; with original Poems. London, 1700. 2 (9X5 irr.), pp. 646. 13 Life, by J. Mitford. See (Poetical Works, post. Vol. 1, pp. i.-cli.). 14 Poems on various Occasions : and Translations . . . London, 1701. 2 (10.8X4,4 irr.). 15 Poetical Works. Vol. 1-5. [Portrait. ] Boston, 1854. 16 (4.8X2,8 irr.). DUBOTS, Jean Baptiste ; b. 1753. d. 1808. 16 Commerce (Du) Fran^ais dans PEtat actuel de PEurope, ou Observa tions sur le Commerce de la France en Italic, dans le Levant, etc. Paris, 1806. 8 (5.4X3.1). Du Bosc, Pierre, a Protestant Minister at Rotterdam ; b. 1623. d. 1692. 17 Vie (La) de Pierre Du Bosc ; enrichie de Lettres, Harangues, etc ... Rotterdam, 1694. 8 (6X3.2), pp. 610-J-. DUBOSIAN.E 18 Bibliothecae Catalogus. 8(5.6X3) PP- 1046. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 191 Du CALVET, Pierre, Justice of the Peace at Montreal. 1 Appel a la Justice de 1 Etat : ou Recueil de Lettres au Hoi, au Prince de Galles, et aux Ministres ; avec une Lettre a les Canadiens . . . sur le Bill de Quebec, etc. . . . Londres, 1784. 8 (5.6X3.1). Du CHAILLU, Paul B. 2 Explorations and Adventures in equatorial Africa . . . With ... Il lustrations. New York, 1861. 8 (6.7X3.9), pp. 531. DUCIIE, Jacob, D.D., an Episcopal Clergyman of Phila. ; d. 1798, cet. 60. :i Discourses on various Subjects. 3d ed. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Plates.} London, 1790. 8 (5.4X3). 4 Letter to Gen. Washington on the Declaration of Independence. See WASHINGTON, G. Letters to ... Friends, &c. DUCK, Arthur, LL.D., Chancellor of London, &c. ; b. 1580. d. 1649. 5 Usu (De) et Authoritate Juris civilis Romanorum, in Dominiis Principum Christianorum, Libri duo. Lipsiae, 1676. 24 (4X2.2). DUCLOS, Charles PINEAU, a French Historian; b. 1704. d. 1772. 6 Histoire de Louis XL Par M. Duclos. Tom. 1-3. [Portrait.] Paris, 1745. 12 (4.8X2.4). 7 Recueil de Pieces pour servir de suite a PHistoire de Louis XI. Par M. Duclos. LaHaye, 1746. 12 (4.8X2.4). NOTE. Lettered, "Histoire de L. XI. Tom. IV." DUFF, Rev. Alexander, D.D., Missionary at Calcutta. 8 India and India Missions . . . 2d. ed. Edinburgh, 1840. 8 (6.6X3.6), pp. 708.. DUFIEF, N. G., Teacher of French in Phila. ; d. at Pentonville, Eng., 1834. 9 Dufief s Nature displayed in her Mode of teaching Language to Men . . . adapted to the Spanish; by La Cadena, Hargous, and Torres. . . . Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1825. 8 (6.6X4), 2 cols. 10 Nature displayed in her Mode of teaching Language to Men . . . Adapted to the French. * * * 2d ed. . . . Vol. 2. ... Philadelphia, 1806. 8 (6.7X4). Du HALDE, Jean Baptiste, a Jesuit of Paris ; b. 1674. d. 1743. 11 General History of China. Containing a geographical, historical, chro nological, political and physical Description of China, Chinese Tartary, Corea and Thibet. . . . Vol. 1-4. Done from the French of P. Du Halde [by R. Brookes}. 3d ed., corrected. [Maps and Plates. } London, 1741. 8 (6X3.4). DUHAMEL, J. M. C. 12 Siemens de Calcul infinitesimal; par M. Duhamel. Tom. 1, 2. [Plates.} Paris, 1856. 8 (5.9X3.5). DUHAMEL DU MONCEAU, Henri Louis, a French Agriculturist; b. 1700. d. 1782. 13 Suite des Experiences et Reflexions relatives au Traite de la Culture des Terres public en 1750. Par M. Duhamel du Monceau Avec Figures ... Paris, 1752. 12 (4.6X2.4). 14 Traite de la Culture des Terres suivant les Principes de M. Tull, Ang- lois ; par M. Duhamel du Monceau Avec Figures . . . Tom. 1, 2. Nouv. ed. . . . Tom. 3-6. Paris, 1753- 61. 12 (4.7-4.9X2.4). DUKER or DUCKER, Car. Andreas; 6, in Westphalia, 1670. d. 1752. Editor. See FLORUS, L. A. Epitome Rerum Romanarum. BOWDOIN COLLEGE. DUMAS, Mathieu, a French General and Count; b. 1752. d. 1837. 1 Memoirs of his own Time ; including the Revolution, the Empire, and the Restoration. ... Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1839. 8 (6X3.4). DUMMER, Jeremy, Agent of Mass, in Eng. ; b. in Boston, d. 1729. 2 Defence (A) of the New-England Charters. * * * Boston, reprinted, 1745. 8, pp. 43. 3 Disputatio philosophica inauguralis de Animorum METAFFIEM&. ... * * * Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1703. 4 (6.2X4.2), pp. 23. 4 Disputatio theologica de Christ! ad inferos Decensu. ... * * * Lugduni Batavorum, 1702. 4 (6.4><4.3), pp. 24. 5 Dissertatio theologica-philologica. Continens Integritatis Codicis S. adversus nuperas in eum Censuras Defensionem. Pars. I. Lugduni Batavorum, 1703. 4 (6.2X4.3), pp. 20. 6 Jure (De) Judaeorum Sabbati. Brevis Disquisitio. * * * Lugduni Batavorum, 1 703. 4 (6.2X4.2), pp. 20. > T OTE. The preceding four entries are bound together with half-title, " Miscellanea Dis- putationes." DUMONT DE COURSET, George Louis Marie, a French Agricult. ; d.IS24, cd,. 78. 7 Botaniste Cultivateur (Le) . . . par M. Dumont de Courset. Tom. 1-5. Paris, 1802- 05. 8 (6.1X3.7). DUMOURIEZ, Charles Francois DUPERRIER, a French General; b. 1739. d. 1823. 8 Memoirs of Gen. Dumourier. Written by himself. * * * Trans lated by J. Fenwick. Part [Vol.] 1, 2. London, 1794. 8 (5.8X3.3). 9 Memoirs of Gen. Dumourier, written by himself. * * * Translated by J. Fenwick. Part 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1794. 8 (6.5X3.3). 10 Political View (A) of the future Situation of France. Translated from the French of Gen. Dumouriez. * * * ... London, 1795. 8, pp. 94. 11 Vie (La) du Gen. Dumouriez. * * * Tom. 1-3. Hamburg, 1795. 8 (4.6X2.5). DUNCAN, Andrew, M.D., of Edinburgh; b. 1745. d. 1828. 12 Edinburgh new Dispensatory (The) . . . [Plates] Edinburgh, 1791. 8 (6.9X3.9), 2 cols., pp. 656. DUNCAN, John Shute. J3 Botanical Theology ... * * * 2d ed. [Plates] Oxford, 1826. 8, pp. 90. DUNCAN, William, Prof, of Philos. at Aberdeen; b. 1717. d. 1760. 14 Elements (The) of Logic. ... * * * 1st American ed. Philadelphia, 1792. 12 (5.5X3.1). Translator. See CICERO, M. T. Select Orations. DUNHAM, S. Astley, LL.D. ; d. in London, 1858. 1 5 Annals of the Netherlands. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA, Metrop., vol. 13). 16 Annals of Switzerland. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metrop., vol. 13). i? Annals of the United States of North America, from A.D. 1497 to A.D. 1814. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metrop., vol. 13.) DUNLAP, S. F. i Vestiges of the Spirit-History of Man. * * * New York, 1858. 8 (6.1X3.7). DUNLAVY, John. 91 Manifesto (The), or a Declaration of the Doctrine and Practice of the Church of Christ. *** New York, 1847. 8 (6.9X3.8). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 193 DUNLOP, John. 1 History of Roman Literature, from its earliest Period to the Augustan Age.... 2ded. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1824. 8 (5.8X3.5). DUXTON, John, a Bookseller of London, aft. of Boston ; b. 1659. cL about 1725. 2 Journal in Massachusetts, 1686. See MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society. (Collections, 2d Series, vol. 2.) Du PAN, Jacques Mallet. See MALLET Du PAN, J. Du PATY, C. M. J. B. MERCIER, Attorney-General of France; b. 1744. d. 1788. 3 Lettres sur FItalie, par Du Paty. * * * Tom. 1, 2. Rome, 1789. 12 (4.6X2.4). Du PIN, Louis [English, Lewis] ELLIES, Pro/, of Phil, at Paris ; b. 1657. d. 1719. 4 New History (A) of ecclesiastical Writers . . . [Ist-I5th Century]. Written in French. Vol. 1-13 . . . London, 1696- 99. 2 (9.9X5.7), m. b. NOTE. Bound in five volumes. Titles differ slightly. Vol. 1 is third edition. 5 New ecclesiastical History (A) of the sixteenth Century. Vol. 2. Con taining . . . History of the Council of Trent, &c. &c. Written in French. ... [2 payings.] London, 1706. 2 (9.9X5.5), m. b. DUPLESSIS-MORNAY, Madame Charlotte ARVALESTE de, Wife of ilie following. 6 Memoires sur la Vie de Duplessis-Mornay, son Mari. See DUPLESSIS- MORNAY, P. de. Memoires, etc. Tom. 1. DUPLESSIS-MORNAY, Philippe de ; a French Soldier, &c., b. 1549. d. 1623. 7 Memoires et Correspondence de Duplessis-Mornay, pour servir a FHis- toire de la Reformation et des Guerres civiles et religieuses en France . . . depuis FAn 1571 jusqu en 1623. Ed. complete, publiee sur les Manuscrits originaux, et precedee des Memoires de Mad. de Mornay sur la vie de son Mari . . . Tom. 1-4. Paris, 1824. 8 (6.1X3.4). 8 Worke (A) concerning the Trunesse of Christian Religion . . . Writ ten in French. Begunne to be translated ... by Sir P. Sidney and . . . finished by A. Golding. . . . [4th ed.~]. London, 1617. 4 (6.4X4.1), m. b., pp. 605. NOTE. Printed in 33lacfe lUtttr. DUPONT, . 9 Physiocratie, ou Constitution naturelle du Gouvernement le plus advan- tageux au Genre humain. Public par Du Pont * * * Pekin, 1767. 8 (4.8X2.5), pp. 520. DUPPA, Richard, Educ. at Trin. Coll., Oxford, Eng.; d. 1831, cet. 64. 10 Brief Account (A) of the Subversion of the Papal Government. 1798. 2ded. [Map and Plates.] London, 1799. 8 (5.6X3.3). Du PRATZ, LE PAGE. See LE PAGE DU PRATZ. DURAND, David, Pastor of a French Church in London; b. 1679. d. 1763. 11 Sagesse (La) de Dieu dans la Vicissitude des Biens & des Maux : ou Sermon sur Ps. xxx. 6. Prononce ... a FOccasion de la Mort inopi- iiee du George I., etc. London, 1727. 8, pp. 33. Editor. See JUSTINUS. Justinus de Historiis Philippicis. DURANDE, Jean Frangois, a French Physician and Botanist; d. 1794. 12 Flore de Bourgogne . . . Part. [Vol.] 1, 2. Dijon, 1782. 8 (5.5X3.2), pp. 520, Ixxviij. Joint Author. See GUYTON DE MORVEAU, L. B. Elemens de Chymie. 25 194 UOWDOIN COLLEGE. DURANT, Thomas, a Dissent. Minister of Pooh, Dorset, Eng. 1 Memoirs and select Remains of an only Son ... 1st American from 2d London ed. Andover, 1823. 12 (5X3.2). DURHAM, James, Prof, of Divinity at Glasgow; d. 1658. 2 Law (The) unsealed, or, A practical Exposition of the Ten Command ments. ... * * * 4th ed. ... Edinburgh, 1776. 8 (5.3X3.2). DUKIVAGE Francis Alexander; b. at Boston, 1814. Joint Translator. See LAMARTINE, A. de. French Revolution of 1848. DUSAULX, J., Member of Academic des Belles-Lettres. 3 Insurrection (De 1 ) Parisienne, et de la Prise de la Bastile ; Discours historique, prononce . . . dans 1 Assemblee Nationale ; par M. Dusaulx. *** Paris, 1790. 8 (5.5X3). DUTRONE DE LA COUTURE, Jacques Francois, a French Physician ; d. 1814. 4 Precis sur la Canne et sur les Moyens d en extraire le Sel essential, suivi de plusieurs Memoires sur le Sucre, sur le Vin de Canne, sur 1 In- digo, sur le Habitations & sur 1 Etat actuel de St-Domingue. * * * 2e ed. [Plates.] Paris, 1791. 8 (5.4X3). DUVAL, Guillaume, Royal Prof, of College of France; d. 1646. Editor, &c. See ARISTOTELES. Opera omnia. DUVALLON, B 5 Vue de la Colonie Espagnole du Mississippi, ou des Provinces de Louis- iane et Floride occidentale, en 1 Annee 1802 ... * * * B . . . . Duvallon, Ed. Paris, 1803. 12 (5.3X3.4). DUYCHINCK, Evert A., and George L., of New York City. Editors. See The LITERARY World. DWIGHT, Benjamin W., Teacher of Class. List., Clinton, N.Y. 6 Higher Christian Education (The). New York, 1860. 12 (5.5X3.2). 7 Modern Philology : its Discoveries, History and Influence, with Maps, tabular Views, and an Index. New York, 1859. 8 (6.1X3.7). DWIGHT, Rev. H. G. 0. a Christianisme (Le) en Turquie au XIXe Siecle . . . Ouvrage traduite de 1 Anglais. Paris, 1855. 16 (5.5X3.3). DWIGHT, Henry E., of New Haven, Conn. ; d. 1832. 9 Travels in the North of Germany, in ... 1825 and 1826. New York, 1829. 8 (6.3X3.7). DWIGHT, John Sullivan. Translator, &c. See GOETHE, J. W. von. Poems from G. and Schiller. DWIGHT, Sereno Edwards, D.D., Pres. of Hamilton Coll., N.Y.; b. 1786. d. 1850. 10 Sermon delivered at the Funeral of Rev. Joshua Huntington . . . Sept. J13, 1819. . . . Boston, 1819. 8, pp. 44. 1 Thy Kingdom Come ; Sermon . . . before the Foreign Mission Society of Boston and the Vicinity, Jan. 3, 1820. Boston, 1820. 8, pp. 40. DWIGHT, Theodore, Scc y of the Hartford Convention. 12 History of the Hartford Convention: with a Review of the Policy of the U.S. Government, which led to the War of 1812. New York, 1833. 8 (6.1X3.5). DWIGHT, Theodore, Jim. u History (The) of Connecticut, from the first Settlement to the present Time. (Harper s Family Library, No. 133.) New York, 1841. 18 (4.5X2.7). CATALOGUE OF THE LIIUIAIIY. 195 DWIGIIT, Timothy, D.D., LL.D., Pres. of Yale College; b. 1752. d. 1817. 1 Greenfield Hill : a Poem . . . New York, 1794. 8 (5.9X3 irr.). 2 Life, by W. B. Sprague. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 4.) 3 Memoir of the Life of Pres. D wight. (Prefixed to Theology, &c.) 4 Sermon, delivered in Boston, Sept. 16, 1813, before the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 2d ed. Boston, 1813. 8, pp. 34. 5 Sermon preached at the Opening of the Theological Institution in An- dover ; and at the Ordination of Rev. Eliphalet Pearson, LL.D., Sept. 28, 1808. Boston, 1808. 8, pp. 38. 6 Sermons. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait.] New Haven, 1828. 8 (6.3X3.9). 7 Theology; explained and defended in a Series of Sermons. . . . Vol. 1-5. [Portrait.] Middletown, 1818- 19. 8 (6-4X4). 8 Theology ; explained and defended in a Series of Sermons ... 2d ed. Vol. 1-4. [Portrait.] New Haven, 1823. 8 (6.7X3.9). 9 Travels ; in New-England and New- York. . . . Vol. 1-4. [Maps.] New Haven, 1821- 22. 8 (6.6X3.8). DYCE, Sec. Alexander; b. at Edinburgh, 1797. 10 Life of Akenside. See AKENSIDE, M. Poetical Works. Pp. 9-110. 11 Memoir of Shakspeare. See SHAKESPEARE, W. Poems. Pp. vii.-xcix. 12 Some Account of Skelton and his writings. See SKELTOX, J. Poetical works. Vol. 1, pp. xiii.-cxlvii. DYER, William, a Nonconformist Divine ; d. 1696, cet. 60. 13 Christ s famous Titles ; the second Part. ... In seven Sermons . . London, 1701. 12 (5.5X2.8). DYMOND, Jonathan, an English-Quaker, and Linen-draper ; b. 1796. d. 1828. 14 Applicability (On the) of the pacific Principles of the New Testament to the Conduct of States : &c. . . . Brooklyn, 1832. 8, pp. 19. 15 Essays on the Principles of Morality, and the private and political Rights and Obligations of Mankind. . . . Vol. 1, 2. 2ded. London, 1830. 8 (6.3X3.5). 16 Enquiry (An) into the Accordancy of War with the Principles of Chris tianity, &c. * * * [% J- Dymond.] 3d ed. London, 1824. 12 (5X2.9). 17 Inquiry (An) into the Accordancy of War with the Principles of Chris tianity : &c. With . . . Notes by T. S. Grimke. . . . Philadelphia, 1834. 12 (5.7X3.2). [2 copies.,] 18 Inquiry (An) into the Accordancy of War with the Principles of Chris tianity, &c. *** New York, 1847. 8 (6.5X4.1). 19 Inquiry (An) into the Aecordancy of War with the Principles of Chris tianity, &c. *** Philadelphia, n. d. 12 (6.5X3.8). 20 Observations on the Applicability of the Principles of the New Testa ment to the Conduct of States : and the Limitations which those Princi ples impose on the Rights of Self-D-efence. 2d ed. London, 1825. 8, pp. 28. 196 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. E. EAMES, John; d. 1744. 1 Abridgment. See ROYAL SOCIETY of London. Phil. Trans., 17l9- 33. EARNSHAW, Samuel. 2 Dynamics, or a Treatise of Motion ; . . . [with] a short Treatise on Attractions. * * * 3d ed., revised. Cambridge, 1844. 8 (6.5X3.9). EAST-INDIA Company A short History of the East India Company . . . Also 3 Remarks on the Danger and Impolicy of Innovations, &c. 2d ed., with some Additions. ... Xondon, 1793. 4 (7.6X5.3), pp. 95. EASTLAKE, Sir Charles Lock, an eminent English Painter ; b. 1793. Editor, and Annotator. See KUGLER, F. Schools of Painting in Italy. Translator, &c. See GOETHE, J. W. von. Theory of Colours. EASTMAN, Major Seth, U.S. Army ; b. at Brunswick, Me. 4 Illustrations. See UNITED STATES. Misc. Doc s. Historical and sta tistical Information, respecting the History, &c. of the Indian Tribes. EASTON, James, of Salisbury, Eng. 5 Human Longevity : recording the Name, Age, Place of Residence, and Year, of the Decease of 1712 Persons, who attained a Century, & Up wards, from A.D. 66 to 1799 . . . with Anecdotes ... * * * Salisbury, 1799. 8 (5.5X3.2). EATON, Amos. 6 Geological (A) and agricultural Survey of the Rensselaer County, in the State of New York. . . . [With] a geological Profile . . . Albany, 1822. 8, pp. 70. 7 Manual (A) of Botany for the Northern and Middle States. ... 2d ed., corrected and enlarged. Albany, 1818. 12 (5.3X3), pp. 524. EATON, William, aRevolu. Soldier, aft. Gen. U.S. Army, &c. ; b. 1764. d. 1811. 8 Life, by C. C. Felton. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 9.) EBRARD, Dr. John Henry Augustus. 9 Continuation. See OLSHAUSEN, H. Commentary on the New Test. ECCLESIASTES, Book of. See BIBLE. ECCLESIASTICAE Historiae Avtores. Eusebij Pamphili Historian ecclesiasticae, l Lib. X. Vu. Musculo Interprete. Ruffini Historic ecclesiasticae, Lib. II. Eusebij Pamphili de Uita Constantini, Musculo Interprete, Lib. V. Socratis, eodem Interprete, Lib. VII. Theodoriti, I. Camerario Inter prete, Lib. V. Hermij Sozomene, Musculo Interprete, Lib. IX. Theo- dori Lectoris Collectaneorum ex Historia ecclesiastica, eodem Interprete, Lib. II. Euagrii, eodem Interprete, Lib. VI. Index . . . Basileae, 1553. 2 (9.5X6), pp. 806+. ECHARD, Laurence, Archdeacon of Stoioe, &c. ; b. 1671. d. 1730. 11 General ecclesiastical History (A) from the Birth of Christ to the Estab lishment of Christianity under Constantine, in the Year 313. Vol. 1, 2. [1 paging] 3d ed. London, 1710. 8 (6.4X3.5). K. Both volumes arc imperfect, wanting title-pages. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 197 ECHAKD, Laurence, continued. 1 History (The) of England. From the first Entrance of Julius Csesar and the Romans, to ... the Establishment of King William and Queen Mary upon the Throne, in the Year 1688. ... 3d ed., with Additions. [Portrait of E.~\ London, 1720. 2 (11.8X6.8), 2 cols., pp. 1150-]-. ECKERMANN, Johann Peter; b. in Winsen, Hanover, 1792. d. in Weimar, 1854. 2 Conversations with Goethe in the Last Year of his Life, translated from the German of Eckermann. By S. M. Fuller. Boston, 1839. 12 (5.1X3). ECKERMANN, Dr. Karl. 3 Lehrbuch der Religionsgeschichte und Mythologie der vorziiglichsten Volker des Alterthums. ... 2te auflage. Band 1-4. Halle, 1848- 49. 8 (6.4X3.7). NOTE. Boumd in two volumes. Vol. 4 is divided into Abth. 1, 2 ; with independent title-pages, &c. Edition of vol. 4 is not designated. ECKLEY, Rev. Joseph D.D., of Boston; b. in London, 1750. d. 1811. 4 Discourse delivered before the Members of the Boston Female Asylum, Sept. 24, 1802. . . . Boston, n. d. 8, pp. 22. 5 Sermon (A) delivered at the Installation of Rev. Horace Holley, Boston, March 8, 1809. [Ch., by J. Lathrop, D.D. ; E. H., by J. T. Kirk- land, D.D.] Boston, 1809. 8, pp. 53. ECLECTIC Review (The). . . . New Series, Vol. 23-30. Third Series, Vol. 61-8. [Quarterly. ] London, 1825- 32. 8 (6.6X3.7). EDDOWES, Rev. Ralph. 7 Unity (The) of God, and the Worship that is due to Him alone. Dis course delivered at the Opening of the First Unitarian Church in Phila delphia, Feb. 14, 1813. Philadelphia, 1813. 8, pp. 39. EDDY, Samuel, of Providence, R.L ; d. 1839, cet. 68. 8 Reasons offered by S. Eddy for his Opinions [on God and Clirisf], to the First Baptist Church in Providence, from which he was compelled to withdraw for Heterodoxy. 2d Baltimore ed. Baltimore, 1821. 12, pp. 23. 9 Reasons offered for his Opinions [on God and Christ] . . . 6th ed. (AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Tracts, 1st Series, No. 164.) Boston, 1841. 12, pp. 28. EDEN, Sir Frederic Morton, Bart., Director of Globe Ins. Co., London, 1809. 10 State (The) of the Poor : or, An History of the labouring Classes in England from the Conquest to the present Period . . . Vol. 1-3. London, 1797. 4 (7.5X5.3). EDERSHEIM, Rev. Alfred, Ph. D., of Old Aberdeen. 11 History of the Jewish Nation after the Destruction of Jerusalem under Titus. [Map of Palestine.] Edinburgh, 1856. 8 (5.6X3.4), pp. 580. Translator, &c. See KURTZ, J. H. History of the old Covenant. Vol. 1. EDINBURGH, London, &c., Philosophical Magazine, &c. See LONDON, &*c. 198 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. EDINBURGH Review (The), or Critical Journal . . . Vol. 1-115. 1 [Quarterly. Continued. ] Vol. 1-15, 70-115, Edinburgh; 16-31, New York, reprinted ; 32-59, Boston, reprinted, 1803- 62. 8 (6.6X3.8). [2 copies of vol. 1-13, 17, 20, 21, 23, and no. XXXIL, XXXVII.] NOTE. Vol. 1-13 are of various editions. This publication was commenced in Oct., 1802 : edited, in the first number, by Rev. Sydney Smith ; 1802- 27 by Lord Jeffrey ; 1827- 47 by M. Napier ; 1847- 54 by Prof. Empson ; 1854- 55 by Sir G. C. Lewis j subsequently by Henry Reeve. 2 General Index to the Edinburgh Review, from its Commencement in 1802, to the End of Vol. 20 ... Edinburgh, 1813. 8 (6.7X3.8), pp. 544. 3 General Index . . . from Vol. 21-50 . . . Edinburgh, 1832. 8 (6.9X4), 2 cols. 4 General Index . . . from Vol. 51-80 . . . London, 1850. 8 (7X4.1), 2 cols. 5 Edinburgh Review (The) and the West Indies ; with Observations on the Pamphlets of Messrs. Stephen Macaulay, &c. and Remarks on the Slave Registrv Bill. * * * By Colonist. Glasgow, 1816. 8 (6.7X3.8). EDWARD IV., King of England-, b. in Rouen, 1441. d. 1483. 6 Historie of Edward IV. See HABINGTON, T. ED WARDS, Bela Bates, D.D., Andover TheoL Sent.; 6.1802. d. 1852. 7 Memoir, by E. A. Park. See (Writings, post. Vol. 1, pp. 1-370). 8 Missionary Gazetteer (The) . . . Illustrated . . . Boston, 1832. 12 (6.4X3.6). 9 Missionary Gazetteer. See BROWN, J. N. Fessenden & Co. s Encyclo pedia, &c. 10 Selections from German Literature. [Translated, &c.~] by B. B. Ed wards and E. A. Park. Andover, 1839. 8 (6.2X3.6). 11 Writings, [edited} with a Memoir by E. A. Park. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Andover, 1858. 12 (5.6X3.3). Editor. See AMERICAN Education Society. American Quarterly Reg ister. Vol. 6-13. Editor. See BIBLICAL Repository, &c. Vol. 5-10. Joint Editor. See BIBLIOTHECA Sacra, &c. Vol. 1-9. Translator. See KUHNER, R. Greek Grammar. EDWARDS, Bryan; I. in Wiltshire, Eng., 1743. resided in W.I. d. 1800. 12 Historical Survey (An) of the French Colony in the Island of St. Do mingo . . . London, 1797. 4 (6.4X4.6). 13 History (The), civil and commercial of the British Colonies in the West Indies. In 2 Vols. 2d ed. ... [Maps, c&c.] Vol. 2. London, 1794. 4 (6.2X2.6). 14 History (The) civil and commercial of the British Colonies of the West Indies. 4th ed., with . . . Additions. . . . Vol. 1-3. [Portrait, Maps,&c.~} London, 1807. 8 (6X3.1). 15 Thoughts on the late Proceedings of Government, respecting the Trade of the West India Islands with the United States of North America. 2d ed., corrected, &c. *** London, 1784. 8, pp. 91. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 199 EDWARDS, Jonathan, Minister at Northampton, Mass., aft. Prcs. of College of New Jersey ; b. at Windsor, Conn., 1803. d. 1850. 1 Careful and strict Inquiry (A) into the modern prevailing Notions of that Freedom of Will, which is supposed to be essential to moral Agency, &c. * * * 3d ed. London, 1768. 8 (6.3X3.3). NOTE. Consult DANA, J. ; DAY, J. ; TAPI-AN, H. P. 2 Careful and strict Enquiry (A) into the modern prevailing Notions of that Freedom of Will, which is supposed to be essential to moral Agency, &c. *** London, 1790. 8 (6.1X3.3). 3 Divine and supernatural Light (A), immediately imparted to the Soul by the Spirit of God, shown to be both a Scriptural and rational Doc trine. Sermon preached at Northampton, . . . 1734. Boston, n. d. 8, pp. 24. 4 Faithful Narrative (A) of the surprising Work of God in the Conversion of many hundred Souls in Northampton, &c. . . . Preface by Rev. Dr. Watts and Dr. Guyse ... 3d ed. Boston, 1738. 12, pp. 79. 5 Great Scripture Doctrine (The) of Original Sin defended . . . [against] Dr. John Taylor ... * * * Boston, 1758. 8 (6.2X3.5). 6 Great Scripture Doctrine (The) of Original Sin defended . . . [against] Dr. John Taylor ... 4th ed. ... * * * London, reprinted, 1789. 8 (6.3X3.4). 7 History (A) of the Work of Redemption. Containing the Outlines of a Body of Divinity ... 3d American ed. Worcester, 1792. 8 (6.6X3.7). 8 Letter to Mr. Clap in reply to his Letter, concerning Mr. Whitefield. Boston, 1745. 16, pp. 16. 9 Life (The) and Character of Rev. Jonathan Edwards. Together with Extracts from his private Writings and Diary. And also eighteen select Sermons ... * * * Edinburgh, 1799. 12 (5.6X3.2). 10 Life of Rev. David Brainerd. Chiefly extracted from his Diary. Some what abridged. (EVANGELICAL Family Library. Vol. 7.) New York, n. d. 24 (4.6X2.8). 11 Life of Rev. Jonathan Edwards. 8, pp. 98. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting- title-page. 12 Life, by S. Miller. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 8.) 13 Life. See (Works, N.Y. Ed., post. Vol. 1, pp. 9-625). 14 Memoirs of. See (Works, Worcester ~Ed.,post. Vol. ix.-xl.). 15 Treatise (A) concerning religious Affections, in three Parts. Boston, 1794. 12 (5.4X3.1). [3 copies.] 16 Treatise (The) on the religious Affections. Somewhat abridged. (EVAN GELICAL Family Library, vol. 3.) New York, n. d. 24 (4.6X2.8). !7 Works . . . [Published by 8. Austin, D.D.] Vol. 1-8. . . . [Por trait.] Worcester, 1808- 09. 8 (6.1X3.4). 18 Works. . . . Vol. 1-10. [Portrait.] New York, 1830. 8 (6.8X3.8). EDWARDS, Jonathan Jun., D.D., Son of the preceding, Minister at New Haven, Pres. of Union College ; b. 1745. d. 1801. !9 Observations on the Mohegan Language. Edited, with Notes, by J. Pickering. Sec MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society. (Collections, 2d Se ries, vol. 10.) 200 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. EDWARDS, Jonathan Jim., D.D., continued* 1 Salvation (The) of all Men strictly examined, and the endless Punish ment of those who die impenitent, argued and defended against the Objections and Reasonings of Rev. Dr. Chauncy, in ... " The Salva tion of all Men," &c. New Haven, 1790. 8 (6X3.5). 2 Works. [Edited] with a Memoir of his Life and Character, by T. Ed wards. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait.] Boston, 1850. 8 (6.6X3.8). EDWARDS, Rev. Justin, D.D., Pres. of Andover TJieol. Seminary. 3 Address on Pulpit Eloquence. See BURDER, H. F. Mental Discipline. EDWARDS, Thomas. 4 Botany. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitan*, vol. 7). EDWARDS, Tryon, D.D., Great-grandson of the 1st Pres. Edwards , b. 1809. Editor, and Biographer. See EDWARDS, J., Jim. Works. EDWARDS, W. F., F.R.S., &c. 5 Recherches sur les Langues Celtiques ... * * * Paris, 1844. 8 (6X3.7), pp. 538. EGERTON, Francis, E.G., Earl of EUesmere; b. 1800. d. 1857. Editor. See ROYAL Society of Northern Antiquaries of Copenhagen. Guide to Northern Archeology. EGYPT. Memoirs relative to Egypt, written in that Country during the Cam- 6 paigns of Gen. Bonaparte, in the Years 1797, and 1799, by the learned and scientific Men who accompanied the French Expedition. Published in Paris by Authority. [Map.] London, 1800. 8 (5.9X3.4). EICHHORN, Johann Gottfried, Prof, at Jena and Gottingen; b. 1756. b. 1827. 7 Antiqua Historia ex ipsis veterum Scriptorum Graecorum Narrationibus contexta. Tom. 1-4. Lipsiae, 1811- 12. 8 (6.2X3.3). NOTE. Each volume has also independent title-page. CONTENTS. Vol. I. Historia Asiae. II. Historia Africae. III., IV. Historia Italiae. Pars 1, 2. 8 Litterargeschichte. Halfte 1, 2. Gottingen, 1812, 14. 8 (5.7X3.2). Editor, &c. See SIMONIS, J. Lexicon manvale Hebraicvm. EICHSTADT, Henr. Carol. Abr., Prof, of Eloquence at Jena-, b. 1772. 9 Preface and Additions. See MoBUS, S. F. N. Svper Hermenevtica Novi Testament! Acroases academicae. EIKOX 10 BASILIKE. See CHARLES I. (Works, vol. 2.) EIKONOKAA2THS, an Answer to EIKON BASILIKE. See MILTON, J. Prose 11 Works. Pp. 435-530. EIKC5N BAZIAIKH. The Pourtraicture of his sacred Majestic [K. Charles L] 12 in his Solitudes and Sufferings. * * * [Plate.] Hague, 1648. 8 (5.5X3). NOTE. Forms a portion of Reliquiae sacrse Caroline. See CHARLES I. For the controversy upon the authorship of " this admirable work" consult ALLIBONE, S. A. Critical Dictionary of English Literature (art. GAUDEN, J.). EKEBERG, Carl Gustav. 13 Ostindische Eeise in den Yahren 1770 und 1771. . . . Aus dem Schwe- dischen iibersetzt. ... Dresden und Leipzig, 1785. 8 (6X3.3). ELDER, William, M.D. of Philadelphia. 14 Biography of E. K. Kane. [Portrait.] Philadelphia, 1858. 8 (6.4X3.8). ELDON, Lord. See SCOTT, J., Earl of Eldon. ELEMENTAL Latina . . . Warrington. 1777. 12, pp. 87. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 201 ELEMENTS of natural History ; being an Introduction to the Systema Naturae 1 of Linnaeus . . . [P&fc*.] Vol. 1, 2 ... London, 1801, 02. 8 (6.4X3.5). ELIOT, Rev. Andrew, D.D., of Boston; b. 1719. d. 1778. 2 Election Sermon, Mass., May 29, 1765. Boston, 1765. 8, pp. 59. 3 Episcopacy in the Colonies. See MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society. (Collections, 2d Series, vol 2.) 4 Inordinate Love (An) of the World inconsistent with the Love of God. A Sermon preached at the Thursday Lecture in Boston, August 2, 1744. Boston, 1744. 8, pp. 31. 5 Letters to T. Hollis. See MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society. (Collec tions, 4th Series, vol. 4.) 6 Twenty Sermons . . . Boston, 1774. 8 (6.2X3.4). ELIOT, Rev. Jared, of Killingwortli, Conn.; b. 1685. d. 1763. 7 Essays upon Field-Husbandry in New-England ... * * * Boston, 1760. 8 (6X3.3). [2 copies.] ELIOT, Sir John, a British Statesman ; b. 1590. d. 1632. 8 Life. See FORSTER, J. (Lives of British Statesmen, vol. 2.) Also, (Statesmen of the Commonwealth, vol. 1.) ELIOT, Eev. John, of Roxbury, the "Apostle of the Indians;" b. 1604. d. 1690. 9 Account of. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 1st Series, vol. 8.) 10 Christian Commonwealth (The). See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 9.) 11 Indian Grammar (The) begun. See MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society. (Collections, 2d Series, vol. 9.) 12 Life, by C. Francis. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 5.) is Memoirs of Rev. John Elliot. See MOORE, M. 14 Progress of the Gospel among the Indians in New England. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 4.) 15 Wame Ketoohomae uketoohomaongash David [Psalms of David, in Indian Verse]. Annexed to: Mamvsse Wunneetupanatamwe, etc. See BIBLE, The Old and New Testaments, &c. Translator. See BIBLE, The Old and New Testaments, &c. Mam vsse Wunneetupanatamwe Up-Biblum God, etc. ELIOT, John, D.D., Son and Successor of Dr. A. E. ; b. 1754. d. 1813. 16 Biographical Dictionary (A), containing a brief Account of the first Settlers and other eminent Characters ... in New-England. * * * Salem, 1809. 8 (6.6X3. 5), pp. 511. 17 Ecclesiastical History of Massachusetts. See MASSACHUSETTS Histori cal Society. (Collections : 1st Series, vol. 7, 8, 10 ; 2d Series, vol. 1.) 18 Sermon (A) before the New North Religious Society, Boston, May 2, 1804, on the Completion of their House of Worship. Boston, 1804. 8, pp. 31. 19 Sermon (A) preached in Milton, Nov. 1, 1797, at the Ordination of Rev. Joseph M Kean. [Ch., by Rev. J. Haven; R. H., by Rev. T. M. Harris.] Boston, 1797. 8, pp. 54. 20 Sermon (A) on the Propriety of attending public Worship, &c. Boston, 1800. 8, pp. 36. M Thanksgiving Sermon, Nov. 20, 1794. Boston, 1794. 8, pp. 26, 26 202 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. ELIOT, Samuel, of Boston; b. 1821. 1 Liberty (The) of Rome : a History. With an historical Account of the Liberty of ancient Nations. * * ** ... Vol. 1, 2. [Plates.] New York, 1849. 8 (6 X 3.5). ELIOT, Rev. William G., D,D., of St. Louis, Mo. 2 Religious and moral Wants of the West. Boston, 1837. 12, pp. 20. ELLENDT, Fridericus, Prof, of Anc t Lang, at Univ. of Prussia. 3 Lexicon Sophocleum adhibitis veterum Interpretum Explicationibus Grammaticorum Notationibus recentiorum Doctorum Commentariis Vol. 1, 2 Regimontii Prussorum, 1835. Th. 8 (6.6X3.7). ELLERY, William, a Signer of the Declaration ; b. in Newport, E.I., 1727. d. 1820. 4 Life, by E. T. Charming. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 6.) ELLESMERE, Earl of. See EGERTON, K, Earl of Ellesmere. ELLICOTT, C. J., Prof, of Divinity, King s College, London. 5 Critical and grammatical Commentary (A) on St. Paul s Epistle to the Galatians, with a revised Translation. London, 1854. 8 (6.7X3.7). 6 Critical and grammatical Commentary (A) on St. Paul s Epistles to the Philippians, Colossians, and to Philemon, with a revised Translation. London, 1857. 8 (6.7 irr.X3.7). 7 Critical and grammatical Commentary (A) on St. Paul s Epistle to the Ephesians, with a revised Translation. London, 1855. 8 (6.7X3.7). 8 Critical and grammatical Commentary (A) on the Pastoral Epistles, with a revised Translation. * * * London, 1856. 8 (6.7X3.7). 9 Critical and grammatical Commentary (A) on St. Paul s Epistle to the Thessalonians, with a revised Translation. London, 1858. 8 (6.7X3.7). 1 Historical Lectures on the Life of ... Christ, being the Hulsean Lectures for the Year 1859, *** London, 1860. 8 (6.6X3.5). ELLIOT, Thomas. Translator, &c. See FOURCROY, A. F. de. Lectures on Chemistry. ELLIOT, John, M.D. ; d. 1786. 11 Account (An) of the Nature and medicinal Virtues of the principal mineral Waters of Great Britain and Ireland, &c. . . . London, 1781. 8 (6.1X3.3). 12 Medical Pocket Book (The) ... Boston, 1795. 24 (3.7X2.4). ELLIOT, Jonathan. 13 Debates (The), Resolutions, and other Proceedings, in Convention, on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, as recommended by the Gene ral Convention at Philadelphia, Sept. 17, 1787 . . . Vol. 1. Debates in Massachusetts and New York. 2. ... Virginia. 3. ... North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Washington, 1827-30. 8 (5.9X3.4). !4 Journal and Debates of the Federal Convention held at Philadelphia, from May 14, to Sept. 17, 1787. With the Constitution of the United States... Washington, 1830. 8 (5.9X3.4). NOTE. Designated also, " Vol. 4. [Supplementary to the STATE CONVENTIONS, in 3 vols. on adopting the Federal Constitution.] " ELLIOTT, Charles W. 15 New England (The) History, from the Discovery of the Continent by the Northmen, A.D. 986, to the Period when the Colonies declared their Independence, A.D. 1776. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Portraits."] New York, 1857, 8 (6X3.5). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 203 ELLIS, George, Esq.; b. 1745. d. 1815. 1 Specimens of the early English Poets. . . . \WitJi] an historical Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the English Poetry and Language ... 4th ed. corrected. Vol. 1-3. London, 1811. 8 (4.7X2.8). ELLIS, Rev. George E. ; b. in Boston, 1815. 2 Life of Anne Hutchinson. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 6.) 3 Life of John Mason. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 3.) 4 Life of William Penn. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 12.) 5 Relative Obligations (The) of Christians to the Heathen. . . . Boston, 1844. 12, pp. 22. ELLIS, George James Weldore Agar, Lord Dover, &c. ; b. 1797. d. 1833. 6 Life (The) of Frederic II., King of Prussia. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Por trait.] (Harper s Family Library, Nos. 41, 42.) New York, 1832. 18 (4.5X2.7). Editor. See WALPOLE, H. Letters to Sir H. Mann. ELLIS, Sir Henry, K.H., &c., Prin. Librarian of the British Museum ; b. 1777. 7 Introduction to Domesday Book. See GREAT BRITAIN. Record Comm. 8 Original Letters illustrative of English History . . . from Autographs in the British Museum, &c. With Notes and Illustrations. . . . Vol. 1-3. Second Series. . . . Vol. 1-4. Third Series. . . . Vol. 1-4. London, 1824-^46. 12 (5.6X3.2). ELLIS, John, D.D., Vicar of St. Catharine s, Dublin. 9 Knowledge (The) of divine Things from Revelation, not from Reason or Nature. ... * * * Vol. 1. 2d ed. London, 1771. 8 (6.3X3.4). ELLIS, John, an English Naturalist; b. about 1710. d. 1776. 10 Directions for bringing over Seeds and Plants, from the East Indies, and other distant Countries in a State of Vegetation: &c. [Plates. .] London, 1770. 4, pp. 41. ELLIS, Rev. William, a Missionary, aft. For. Sec y, of the London Society. 11 Polynesian Researches . . . Vol. 1-4. [Plates ] New York, 1833. 12 J (5.1X2.8). [2 copies.] ELLSWORTH, Oliver, LL.D., Chief Justice of U.S.; b. 1745. d. 1807. 12 Life. See FLANDERS, H. (Lives of the Chief Justices, vol. 2.) ELLYS, Anthony, D.D., Bishoi? of St. David s; b. 1693. d. 1761. 13 Spiritual and temporal Liberty (The) of Subjects in England. . . . [Zpagings.] London, 1765. 4 (7.5X4.8). NOTE. Also with second title-pages, " Tracts on the Liberty, &c. . Part I., II." ELY, Rev. Zebulun, of Lebanon, Conn. ; d. about 1824. 14 Death (The) of Moses the Servant of God. Sermon preached at the Funeral of Jonathan Trumbull, Governor of Connecticut, Aug. 19, 1785. Hartford, 1786. 8, pp. 28. 15 * * * Sermon preached at the Ordination of Rev. E. S. Ely, in Col chester, Oct. 1, 1806. [Ch., by Rev. E. Parsons.] Hartford, 1806. 8, pp. 23. EMERSON, George Barrell, a Teacher and Naturalist; b. at Kennebunk, Me., 1797. !6 Advancement (The) of the Common School. Address delivered Aug. 23, 1843, before the Normal School at Bridgewater. Boston, 1844. 12, pp. 38. i 7 Moral Education. Lecture at New Bedford, Aug. 16, 1842, before the American Institute of Instruction. Boston. 3842,. 8. pp. lf>. 204 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. EMERSON, George Barrell, continued. 1 Report on the Trees and Shrubs growing naturally in the Forests of Massachusetts. See MASSACHUSETTS. 2 Schoolmaster (The). See POTTER, A. The School, &c. Part II. EMERSON, Rev. Joseph, of Beverly, Mass.; b. 1777. d. 1833. 3 Female Education ; a Discourse . . . Boston, 1822. 12, pp. 40. 4 Lectures on the Millennium. Boston, 1818. 24 (4.7X2.7). 5 Life of Rev. J. Emerson. See EMERSON, R. EMERSON, Ralph, D.D., Prof, of Eccl. Hist, in Andover Tlieol. Seminary. 6 Life of Rev. J. Emerson. Boston, 1834. 12 (5.7X3.2). EMERSON, Ralph Waldo, an American Poet and Essayist ; b. in Boston, 1803. ? Memoirs of S. M. F. D Ossoli. See OSSOLI, S. M. F. d . EMERSON, William; b. near Darlington, Eng., 1701. d. 1782. 8 Arithmetic (The) of Infinities, and the differential Method ... * * * [Also] The Elements of the conic Sections ... * * * [Also] The Nature and Properties of curve Lines. ... * * * London, 1757. 8 (6.3X3.5). NOTE. Imprint upon first treatise only. Lettered " Conic Sections." 9 Doctrine (The) of Fluxions . . . 2d ed., corrected, &c. * * * [Plates.] London, 1757. 8 (6.1X3.4). 10 Elements of Geometry . . . Also, The Doctrine of Proportion . . . Newed. [Plates] London, 1794. 8 (6X3.3). 11 Elements of Optics. ... *** [Plates] London, 1768. 8 (6.3X3.3). 12 Elements of Trigonometry. ... * * * [Plates] London, 1749. 8 (6.3X3.4). J3 Method (The) of Increments. ... *** London, 1763. 4 (7.2X5). 14 Principles (The) of Mechanics. ... 4th ed., corrected and illustrated London, 1794. 4(7.1X4.1). 15 System (A) of Astronomy. . . . [Plates.] * * * London, 1769. 8 (6.3X3.3). EMERSON, Rev. William, of Boston, Mass.; b. 1769. d. 1811. 16 Discourse, delivered in Boston, on the Anniversary of the Massachu setts Humane Society, June 9, 1807. Boston, 1807. 8, pp. 39. !7 Historical Sketch of the First Church in Boston, from its Formation to the present Period . . . [with] two Sermons. Boston, 1812. 8 (6.1X3.3). 3 Memoir of. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 2d Ser., vol. 1.) 9 Oration, delivered in Boston, July 5, 1802. Boston, 1802. 8, pp. 23. 20 Sermon (A) delivered in ... Boston, on the Sunday after the Inter ment of Madam Elizabeth Bowdoin . . . Boston, 1803. 8, pp. 20. EMLYN, Thomas, a learned English Divine; b. 1663. d. 1743. :1 Humble Inquiry (An) into the Scripture-Account of Jesus Christ : or, A short Argument concerning His Deity and Glory, according to the Gos pel. 5th ed. ... Boston, 1756. 8, pp. 56. EMMONS, Ebenezer, M.D., Prof, of Natural History at Williams College. Geology of New York. Part II. Comprising the Survey of the second geological District. [Plates] Albany, 1842. 4 (7.3X5.5). Report on the Quadrupeds of Massachusetts. See MASSACHUSETTS. EMMONS, Rev. Nathanael, D.D., of Franklin, Mass. ; b. 1745. d. 1840. 4 Discourse, addressed to the Norfolk Auxiliary Society for the Education of pious Youth for the Gospel Ministry, at Dorchester, June 11, 1817. Appendix. Dedham, 1817. 8, pp. 39. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 205 EMMONS, Rev. Nathanael, D.D., continued. 1 Fast Sermon, April 9, 1801. Salem, 1802. 8, pp. 38.. 2 Memoir of, by Prof. E. A. Park. See (Works, post. -Vol. 1). 3 National Fast Sermon, May 9, 1798. Newburyport, n. d. 8, pp. 24. 4 Sermons, on various important Subjects of Christian Doctrine and Prac tice. Boston, 1812. 8 (6.8X3.7). 5 Works. With a Memoir of his Life. Edited by J. Ide, D.D. Vol. 1-4. [Portrait.] Boston, 1860- 61. 12 (6.7X4). EMORY, John. Editor, Annotator, &c. See WESLEY, J. Works. EMORY, Major William H., U.S. Army ; b. in Maryland. 6 Notes of a military Reconnoissance, from Fort Leavenworth, Mo., to San Diego, Cal., made in 1846-7. [Plates, &c.~] (U.S. Pub. Doc.) Washington, 1848. 8 (7.5X4.5). 7 Report on the U.S. and Mexican Boundary Survey . . . Vol. 1, 2. [3 vols. Maps, Plates, <fcc.] (U.S. Pub. Doc.) Washington, 1857. 4 (8.6X6.1). ENCYCLOPAEDIA Americana. See LIEBER, F. ENCYCLOPAEDIA Britanica ; or, A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and miscella- 8 neous Literature ... 3d ed. . . . Vol. 1-18. * * * Edinburgh, 1797. 4 (9.1X6.2). CONTENTS. Vol. I. A-Ang. II. Ang-Bar. III. Bar-Bzo. IV. C-Cic. V. Cic-Dia. VI.Dia-Eth. VII. Eth-Goa. VIII. Gob-Hyd. IX. H 5 d-Les. X. Les-Mec. XI. Med-Mid. XII. Mie-Neg. XIII. Neh-Pas. XIV. Pas-Pla. XV. Pla-Ran. XVI. Ran-Sco. XVII. Sco-Str. XVIII. Str-Zym. 9 Supplement to the third Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britanica . . . Illustrated ... By G. Gleig. * * * Vol. 1 [Aba-Imp]. 2 \lnd-Zein\. Edinburgh, 1801. 4 (8.7X6.5). ENCYCLOPAEDIA ; or, A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and miscellaneous Litera- 1 ture ... 1st American ed. . . . Vol. 1-18. * * * Philadelphia, 1798. 4 (9X6.7). NOTE. A reprint of the preceding-, and contends of volumes the same. 11 Supplement to the Encyclopaedia . . . Illustrated . . . Vol. 1 A-Ele. 2 Ele-Phi. 3 Phi-Zon. Philadelphia, 1803. 4 (8.8X6.2). NOTE. A reprint of the supplement of the preceding. ENCYCLOPAEDIA 12 Edinburgh. Vol. 3-8. 4 (8.4X6). NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-pages. ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana ; or, Universal Dictionary of Knowledge . . . 13 Edited [successively ] by Rev. E. Smedley ; Rev. Hugh James Rose ; and Rev. Henry John Rose. Vol. 1-30. ... London, 1849. 4 (8.6X6). CONTF.NTS. Vol. I., II. Pure Sciences. III.-VIII. Mixed Sciences. IX.-XIII. His tory and Biography. XIV.-XXVI. Miscellaneous and lexicographical. Vol. 1. A-Asc. 2. Asc-Bri. 3. Bri-Coh. 4. Coh-Dif. 5. Dif-l al. 6. Tam-Gue. 7. Gue- Ins. 8. Ins-Mar. 9. Mas-O/o 10. Pac-Rel. 11. Rel-Squ. 12. Squ-Tra. 13. Tra- Zyg. XXVII. General Index. List of Plates and Maps. XX VI 1 1. -XXX. Plates. ENCYCLOPEDIE, ou Dictionnaire raisonne des Sciences, des Arts et des Metiers, 14 par une Societe de Gens de Lettres. Mis en ordre & public par Diderot ; & quant a la Partie mathematique, par D Alembert. * * * Nouv. ed. Tom. 1-36. [Portraits. ] Recueil de Planches . . . Tom. 1-3. Geneve, 1777- 79. 4 (8X5.3). CONTENTS. Tom. I. A-Akr. II. Al-Aou. HI. Apa-Att. IV. Au-Bez. V. Bi-Cal. VI. Cam-Cha. VI!. ( ha-Chr. VIII. Chu-Con. IX. Cor-Cri. X. Cri-Din. XI. Dio- Elh. XII. Klc-Esp. XIII. Esp-Fer. XIV. Ftr-For XV. For-Gen. XVI. Geo-Hal. XVII. Hal-Hyv. XVIII. I-.Iol. XIX. Jon-Lie. XX. Lig-Maq. XXI. Mar-Mui. XXII. Moa-Nla. XXIII. Noa-Orf. XXIV. Org-Pau. XXV. Pau-Piz. XXVI. 1 la- Por. XXVII. Pos-Pyx. XXVIII. Q-Ret. XXIX. Ret-Sap. XXX. Saq-Shu. XXXI. Si-Suf. XXXII. Sug-Tem. XXXIII. Ten-Tra. XXXIV. Tra-Vep. XXXV. Vep- Vdy. XXXYI. i:p-rva. 206 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. ENCYCLOPEDIE 1 methodique. [162 vols.] Paris, 1782- 92. 4 (8.2X5.2). NOTE. Xot complete, containing: Agriculture. Tom. 1-2, pt. I. : -Antiquites, my- thologie, etc. Tom. 1-4, pt. 1.: Architecture. Tom. 1-2, pt. I.: Art militaire. Tom. 1-3 : Arts academiques. 1 vol.: Arts et metiers mecaniques. Tom. 1-5, pt. I.; 6, pt. II.-8, pt, I. : Atlas. 2 vols. : Beaux-arts. Tom. 1-2, pt. I.: Botanique. Tom. 1-3 ; Chirurgie. Tom. 1 ; Clrymie. Tom. l,pt. I.: Commerce. Tom. 1-3 : Economie. Tom. 1-4: Finances. Tom. 1-3 : Forets et bois ; etc. Tom. 1. pt. I.: Geographic ancienne. Tom. 1-3, pt. I.: Geographic moderne. Tom. 1-3: Histoire. Tom. 1-3, pt. I.; 4-5, pt. I.: Histoire naturelle des Animaux. Tom. 1-6: Histoire naturelle des Vers. Tom. 1: Logique et metaphysique et morale. Tom. 1,2, 4: Manufac tures, etc. Tom. 1-3 : Mathematiques. Tom. 1-3 : Medecine. Tom. 1-3, pt. I.; 4, pt. 1.: Musique. Tom. 1, pt. I.: Philosophic. Tom. 1, pt. I.: Eecueil de planches. Tom. 1-8 : Tableau des trois regnes de la nature. Ichthyologie. 1 vol. ENGELSKT 2 och Svenskt Handlexikon. ... Stockholm, n.d. 8 (4.3X2.9)* ENFIELD, William, LL.D., a Socinian Minister at Liverpool; b. 1741. d. 1797. 3 History (The) of Philosophy . . . drawn up from Brucker s Historia critica Philosophise. * * * ... Vol. 1, 2. London, 1791. 4 (7.3X5.1). 4 Speaker (The) ... 1st American ed. Boston, 1795. 12 (5.6X3.3), 5 Speaker (The) ... * * * Philadelphia, 1799. 8 (6.7X3.8), pp. 503. ENGLAND. See also GREAT BRITAIN. 6 Collection of [15] Papers relating to the present Juncture of Affairs in England. ... 3d ed. London, 1789. 8, pp. 34. 7 Memoires et Observations faites par un Voyageur en Angleterre . . . [Illustrated.] La Haye, 1698. 12 (4.7X2.3). ENGLEFIELD, Sir Henry Charles, an English Astronomer, &c. ; b. 1752. d. 1822. 8 Determination (On the) of the Orbits of Comets, according to the Methods of Boscovitch and La Place . . . London, 1793. 4 (6.3X4.3). ENGLISH Cyclopedia. See KNIGHT, C. ENGLISH Hexapla (The). See BIBLE, The New Testament. ENGLISH Review (The) . . . June, 1787 ; July, Oct., Dec., 1788 ; May, June, 9 August, Sept., Oct., 1789; Jan., Feb., April, 1790; August, 1792. London, 1787- 92. 8 (6.6X3.6). ENGLISH and Scottish Ballads. See CHILD, F. J. ENQUIRY (An) into the Nature of the human Soul ; wherein the Immateriality 10 of the Soul is evinced from the Principles of Reason and Philosophy. Vol.2. 3ded. ... *** London, 1745. 8 (5.5X3.1). ENTICK or ENTINCK, Rev. John, of Stepney, Eng. ; b. 1713. d. 1773. 11 Entick s new Latin-English Dictionary ... To which is prefixed, A new English-Latin Dictionary . . . New ed., revised, &c. By W. Cra- kelt. London, 1792. 8 (8.1X4.7). 12 Tyronis Thesaurus: or Entick s new Latin-English Dictionary . . . New ed., revised, &c. By W. Crakelt. London, 1800. 12 (4.7X4.6). ENTIRE new System of mercantile Calculation by the Use of universal arbiter 13 Numbers. . . . London, 1795. 4. ENTRETIENS des Ombres aux Champs Elise es . . . VII.-XIII. Entretien. 14 Juil.-Dec., 1722. ... * * * [1 vol. ] Amsterdam, 1722- 23. 8 (4.7X2.7). ENTWURF ernes allgemeinen Gesetzbuchs fur die Prussischen Staaten. Th. 1. 15 Berlin und Leipsig, 1784. 8 (5.8X3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 207 EPICTETUS, a Stoic Philosopher, lived at the end of the 1st century. 1 EFXEIPIAION (TO). Ex Editione J. Upton . . . Glasguae, 1751. 32 (2.1X1-2), pp. 95. 2 EFXEIPIAION (TO). Ex Editione J. Upton . . . Philadelphia, 1792. 16 (4.3X2.5), pp. 22. EPICURUS, a Greek Philosopher; b. in Island of Samos, 342 B.C. d. 270 B.C. 3 Physiologia Epicuro-Gassendo-Charltoniana : or A Fabrick of Science natural, upon the Hypothesis of Atoms, founded by Epicurus, repaired by P. Gassendus, augmented by W. Charleton. Part I. * * * London, 1654. 2 (9.5X5). EPISTELN und Evangelia auf alle Sonntage und vornehmsten Feste durchs 4 gantze Yahre. Nebst der Historic von dem Leiden und Sterben unsers Heylandes Jesu Christi ; wie auch von der Zerstb hrung der Stadt Jeru salem. Hamburg, [1788]. 8 (5.6X3.2). EPISCOPACY, Collection of Essays on. See HOBART, J. H. EPISCOPAL Magazine. For 1820, 1821. [Vol. 1, 2. Monthly. ] 5 Philadelphia, 1820, 21. 8 (7.6X4.5). ERASMUS, Desiderius, D.D., Prof, of Theology and of Greek at Cambridge, Eng. ; b. at Rotterdam, 1467. d. at Basel, 1536. 6 Adagiorvm Chiliades qvatvor, cvm Sesquicenturia . . . Quibvs adiectae svnt H. Stephani Animadversiones . . . His accesservnt, Appendix ad Chiliades Erasmi. Hadrani lunii Centurioe octo cum Dimidia, etc. etc. Coloniae Allobrogvm, 1612. 2 (12X6), pp. 1609-J-. 7 Adagiorum Epitome . . . Oxonioe, 1666. 12 (4.2X2.4), pp. 622-J-. 8 Colloquies (The) of E. ... London, 1671. 8 (5.6X3.4), pp. 555. 9 Colloquiorum familiarium Opus aureum. Cum Scholiis . . . Londini, 1791. 8 (5.8X3. 2). 10 Complaint (The) of Peace . . . [and] Antipolemus ; or, The Plea of Reason, Religion, and Humanity against War. Translated from the Latin of ... Erasmus. 1st American ed. * * * Boston, 1813. 12 (5.5X3). 11 Conscribendis Epistolis (De) Opus. * * * Lvgdvni, 1556. 8 (5X2.8). 12 Ecclesiastes, sive Concionator evangelicus. Liber primus. . . . Cui praefigitur Dissertatio pra?liminaris. ... Londini, 1730. 8 (5.8X3). 13 Extracts from the Writings of Erasmus, on the Subject of War. * * * . . . London, 1835. 12, pp. 42. 14 Opus de conscribendis Epistolis . . . Parisiis, 1523. 8 (4.8X2.7). 15 Twenty select Colloquies, out of Erasmus . . . Made English by Ro. L Estrange. *** London, 1680. 8 (5.8X3.4). 16 Twenty-two select Colloquies out of Erasmus ... By Sir R. L Es trange. . . . [With ] seven more Dialogues, with the Life of the Author. By T. Brown. *** [Portrait. ] London, 1725. 8 (5.9X3.1). ERCKER or ERCKERX, Lazarus, "Assay-Master-General of Germany ." 17 Assays of Metals. See PETTUS, J. Fleta minor. 18 Aula subterranea . . . das ist : Untererdische Hoff haltung . . . Zuin viertermahl gedruckt. [Illustrated.] Francfurt am Mayn, 1703. 2 (10.5X5.5). XOTE. Also with second title-page, embellished. xy, CarL Translator. See CAREY, M. Nachricht von dem bosartigen Fieber. 208 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. ERDMANN, Johann Eduard, Professor in University of Halle. Editor. See LEIBNITZ, G. W. Opera philosophica. ERENNIUS l in Oppianum. [Greek Manuscript. ] 4 (5.3X3.6). ERIZZO, Sehastiano, a Venetian Antiquary and Philosopher ; b. 1525. d. 1585. 2 Sei Giornate (Le) [Portrait. ] Firenze, 1832. 8 (6.6X4). .ERNESTI, Johann August, Prof, of Tlieol. at Leipsic ; b. 1707. d. 1781. 3 Elements of Interpretation Translated from the Latin and accompanied by Notes; with . . . Extracts from Morus Beck and Kiel By M. Stuart Andover, 1822. 8 (5.3X3.1). 4 Index Latinitatis philologico criticus in Opera Ciceronis. See CICERO, M. T. Opera. Vol. 13. Annotator. See XENOPHON. Memorabilium Socratis Lfbri IV. ERPENIUS or VAN ERPEN, Thomas, Prof, at Lei/den; b. 1584. d. 1624. 5 Grammatica Arabica. ... Amstelrodami, 1636. 4 (5.5X4). Translator, and Annotator. See LOKMAN. Fabvlae, etc. ERSKINE, Rev. Ebenezer., founder of the Scotch Seceders ; b. 1680. d. 1754. 6 Collection (A) of Sermons . . . Preach d, some by Rev. E. E. ; and others by Rev. R. Erskiue. With a Preface by Rev. T. Bradbury. Boston, 1744. 4 (6.9X4.1), pp. 688. [2 copies.] ERSKINE, Rev. John, D.D., of Edinburgh; b. 1721. d. 1823. ? Dissertation on ... Christian Faith. Edinburgh, 1804. 12 (5.4X3.1). ERSKINE, Rev. Ralph, a Scotch Seceder, Brother of Rev. E. E.; b. 1685. d. 1752. 8 Collection (A) of Sermons . . . Newburyport, 1802. 8 (6.6X3.7). Joint Author. See ERSKINE, E. Collection of Sermons. ERSKINE, Thomas, Bart., Lord-Chanc. of England; b. in Edinb., 1750. d. 1823. 9 Speeches, at large, in Defence of Thomas Hardy and John Home Tooke, Esq. ... on a Charge of High Treason. London, 1795. 8, pamps. NOTE. Each speech has also independent title-page, &c. Lettered " State Trials." l View (A) of the Causes and Consequences of the present War with France. From 24th London ed. Boston, n. d. 8, pp. 100. [3 copies.] ERSKINE, Thomas, Esq., of Edinburgh. 11 Unconditional Freeness (The) of the Gospel: in three Essays. From 2d Edinburgh ed. Boston, 1828. 12 (4.6X2.7). ERXLEBEN, Johann Christ. Polycarp, Prof, at Gottingen; b. 1744. d. 1777. 12 Anfangsgriinde de Naturgeschichte. Aufs neue herausgegeben von J. F. Gmelin. Mit Kupfern. Gottingen, 1762. 12 (5X2.8), pp. 756. ESCIIELS-KROON, Adolph, a Danish Voyager; b. 1736. d. 1793. 13 Beschreibung der Insel Sumatra . . . Herausgegeben . . . von G. B. von Schirach. Hamburg, 1781. 8 (5.4X2.7). ESCHENBURG, Johann Joachim, Prof, in Oymna. at Brunswick ; b. 1743. d. 1820. 14 Manual of classical Literature. From the German; with Additions. By Prof. N. W. Fiske. Philadelphia, 1836. 8 (6.6X3.8), pp. 664. ESPINASSE, Isaac, Esq., of Gray s Inn, London. is Digest (A) of the Law of Actions and Trials at Nisi Prius. 2d ed., cor rected, with considerable Additions ... * * * London, 1793. 8 (7X3.5), pp. 79 1+. 16 Reports of Cases argued and ruled at Nisi Prius, 1794 and 1795. London, 1796. 8 (6.6X3.5). >OTii.- - Imperfect,, wanting- title paje. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBIIA11Y. 209 ESPRIT de 1 Histoire generale de 1 Europe. Depuis 1 An 476, jusqu a la Paix 1 de Westphalie. *** Londres, 1783. 8 (6.4X3.5). ESPY, Prof. James P. ; b. in Pennsylvania, 1785. 2 Meteorological Report (2d and 3d). See UNITED STATES. Pub. Doc. 31st Cong. 1st Sess. Sen. Doc. 39. 3 Meteorological Report (4th). See UNITED STATES. Pub. Doc. 34th Cong. 3d Sess. Sen. Doc. 65. ESSAYS. 4 Essay on Matter. . . . Philadelphia, 1784. 8, pp. 26. 5 Essay (An) on the Principle of Population . . . With Remarks on the Speculations of Mr. Godwin, M. Condorcet, &c. London, 1798. 8 (5.7X3.1). 6 Essays of Anatomy. Translated by J. Scougall. 12 (4.8X2.8). NOTE. Imperfect, wanting- title-page. 7 Essays on Religion, Passion, The Variety of Opinions, &c. 12 (5X2.5). NOTE. Imperfect, wanting to p. 5. 8 Essays on Slavery ; republished from the Boston Recorder and Tele graph, for 1825. By Vigornius. and others. Amherst, 1826. 8, pp. 83. 9 Essays on the Spirit of Legislation, in the Encouragement of Agricul ture, Population, Manufactures, and Commerce. . . . Translated from the original French, which gained the Premiums offered by the Society of Berne . . . London, 1772. 8 (5.9X3.1). ESSEX Institute, Salem, Mass. 10 Historical Collections of the Essex Institute. Vol. 1-3. Salem, 1859- 6L 4 (9X4.8). 11 Proceedings of the Essex Institute. Vol. 1. 1848 to 1856. 2. 1856 to 1859. [Plates.] Salem, 1856, 59. 8 (6.4X3.6). 12 Weal-Reaf (The). A Record of the Essex Institute Fair, held at Salem, Sept. 4-11, 1860. [Salem., I860.] 4, pp. 56. ESTRADES, Godefroid, Comte d , a French Marshal ; b. 1607. d. 1686. 13 Lettres, Memoires et Negociations de Comte D Estrades . . . pendant . . . 1663. jusques 1668. inclus. Tom. 1-5. . . . Bruxelles, 1709. 12 (4.9X2.6). ESTWICK, Nicholas, B.D., of Warkton, in Northamptonshire, Eng. ; fl. 1650. 14 Learned and godly Sermon (A) preached Dec. 19, 1631, at the Funerall of Mr. R. Bolton. Revised, &c. * * * London, 1633. 4, pp. 72. ETHERIDGE, J. W., Ph. D. 15 Jerusalem and Tiberias ; Sora and Cordova : a Survey of the religious and scholastic Learning of the Jews ; designed as an Introduction to the Study of Hebrew Literature. London, 1856. 12 (5.8X3.2), pp. 507. ETON, William, long a resident in Turkey. 16 Survey (A) of the Turkish Empire. 2d ed. London, 1799. 8 (6.2X3.3). [2 copies.] i? Survey (A) of the Turkish Empire. 3d ed. London, 1801. 8 (6X3.2). ETYMOLOGICON magnvm sev Magnvm Grammaticae Penv . . . repvrgatvm i g perpetvis Notis illvstratvm . . . adavctvm Opera F. Sylbvrgii vet. [Greek. ] ... Lipsiae, 1816. 4 (9X6.8). 19 Etymologicvm Graecae Lingvae Gvdianvm et alia Grammaticorvm Scripta . . . [Greek.] Accedvnt Notae ad Etymologicon magnvm ineditae E. H. Barkeri, I. Bekkeri, etc. qvas digessit et vna cvm svis- edidit F. G. Stvrzivs Cvm Indice . . . Lipsiae, 1818. 4 (9X6.8). NOTE. Compare under ODIOX. Etymologicon, etc. 210 BOWJDOIN COLLEGE. EUCLID or EUCLIDES, tlie Geometer; fl. at Alexandria, 3d century B.C. 1 Elements (The) of Euclid, viz. the first six Books, with the eleventh and twelfth. . . . Together with the Elements of plane and spherical Trigonometry, and a Treatise on practical Geometry. By A. Ingram. Edinburgh, 1799. 8 (6.7X3.7). 2 Elements of Geometry, from the Latin Translation of Commandine. . . . [Also] A Treatise of ... Logarithms ; likewise another of the Elements of ... Trigonometry ; with a Preface . . . By J. Keill. . . . [Edited] by S. Cunn. 9th ed., carefully revised, &c. [Plates.] London, 1762. 8 (6.3X3). 3 Elements ; the whole fifteen Books . . . with Archimedes s Theorems . . . By I. Barrow. . . . [Also] Euclid s Data, and a brief Treatise of regular Solids. The whole revis d ... By T. Haseldon * * * [Portrait of S.] London, 1732. 8 (5.6X3.4). [2 copies.] EUGENE, Francois, Prince of Savoy, an eminent General; b. 1663. d. 1736. 4 Historic du Prince Frangois Eugene de Savoye. Enrichie de Figures ... Tom. 1-5. Vienne, 1755. 12 (4.9X2.4). EULER, Leonhard ; b. in Basel, Switz., 1707. d. in St. Petersburg, 1783. 5 Elements of Algebra. Translated from the French, with the ... Notes of Bernoulli ... the Additions of La Grange ; &c. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1797. 8 (5.9X3.2). 6 Eulogium on Euler. See (Letters, London Ed., post. Vol. 1, pp. xxxiii.-lxvii.). 7 Introduction (An) to the Elements of Algebra . . . Selected from the Algebra of Euler. Cambridge, N.E., 1818. 8 (6.3X2.8). 8 Letters of Euler on ... Physics and Philosophy. . . . Translated from the French by H. Hunter, with original Notes, and a Glossary . . . 2ded. ... Vol. 1, 2. [Plates.] London, 1802. 8 (6X3.5). 9 Letters of Euler on ... natural Philosophy . . . [Translated by H. Hunter.] With Notes and a Life of Euler, by D. Brewster. Con taining a Glossary . . . With additional Notes by J. Griscom. . . . Vol. 1, 2. (Harper s Family Library, No. 55.) New York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7). EURIPIDES, a Greek Tragedian; b. about 480 B.C. d. cet. about 75. u Tragedies (The) of E. translated [by R. Potter]. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Plate.] London, 1781, 83. 4 (7.4X5 irr.). " Tragnedisc, Greece et Latine. Pars I., II. Acceduht J. Brodsei Annota- tiones, et C. Stiblini Preefationes Annotationesque. Edidit P. Stepha- nus. [4pagings.] Geneva?, 1602. Th. 4 (7.4X4.4). NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. 2 Tragoediae Fragmenta Epistolae [Or. and Lot.] ex Editione I. Barnesii nvnc recvsa et aveta Appendice . . . Tom. 1. 2. Accedvnt Fragmenta ex Recensione S. Mvsgrave. 3. Continens S. Mvsgravii Notas integras etc. Cvravit C. D. Beckivs. [Portrait.] Lipsiae, 1778- 88. 8 (7.5X6), par. cols. !3 Tragoedia [Or.] ex Recensione A. Navckii Ed. Altera Vol. 1, 2 Lipsiae, 1857. 8 (5.4X3.3 irr.). EUSEBIUS Pamphilus, Bishop of Ccesarea, in Palestine ; b. 270. d. 338- 40. Ecclesiastics Historic Lib. X. See (ECCLESIASTICAE Historiae Avtores). 5 Ecclesiastical history ; translated by Hanmer. See ANCIENT Ecclesias- ticall Histories. <S:c. Also, AVNCIENT Ecclcsticall Histories. &c. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 211 EUSEBIUS Pamphilus, continued. 1 Ecclesiastical History ; translated and abridged. See PARKER, S. 2 Life of Constantine in fovr Books. With Constantines Oration to the Clergie. *** London, 1649. 2 (9.2X5.4). 3 Uita (De) Constantini Lib. V. See (ECCLESIASTICAE Historiae Avtores). EUSTATHIUS, Archbishop of Tliessalonica ; lived in the 12th century. 4 nAPEKBOAAI EIS AIONTSIOT IIEPIHrEZIN. See DlONYSIUS PERIEGETES. Orbis Descriptio, etc. EUTROPIUS, Flavius, a Latin Historian ; fl. 370. 5 Eutropii Breviarium Historiae Romana?, ab Urbe condita ad Annum ejus- dern Urbis M.D.XIX. Londini, 1705. 24 (4.1X2.1). Eutropii Historian Romanre Breviarium ; eum Versione Anglica . . . Notis quoque & Indice ... By J. Clarke, llth ed. London, 1784. 8 (6.7X3.8), par. cols. EVAGRIUS Scholasticus, of Epipkania, in Syria ; fl. in the 4th century. 7 Ecclesiastical History ; translated by Hanmer. See ANCIENT Ecclesias- ticall Histories, &c. Also, AVNCIENT Ecclesiasticall Histories, &c. 8 Euagrii Lib. VI. See (ECCLESIASTICAE Historiae Avtores). EVANGELICAL Family Library. See AMERICAN Tract Society, New York. EVANGELICAL 9 Tracts . . . Vol.2. Boston, 1813. 12 (5.7X3.2). EVANS, Charles. 1 Report of the Trial of the Hon. Samuel Chase, before the High Court of Impeachment ... for high Crimes & Misdemeanors . . . Baltimore, 1805. 8 (7.6X4.5). EVANS, John, D.D., a Dissenting Divine, of London; b. 1680. d. 1730. 11 Practical Discourses . . . [witli] Life of the Author, by J. Erskine. Vol. 1, 2. Edinburgh, 1802. * 12 (5.6X3). 12 Sermons . . . to young People. [No imprint] 1742. 12 (4.6X2.8). EVANS, John, LL.D., a Baptist Minister, of London-, b. 1767. d. 1827. 13 History of all Christian Sects and Denominations . . . With an intro ductory Account of Atheists, Deists, Jews, &c. From loth London ed. Revised and enlarged ... * * * 2d ed. New York, 1844. 12 (5.5X3.3). 14 Sketch (A) of the Denominations into which the Christian World is divided; accompanied with a Persuasive to religious Moderation . . . [and] a short Account of Atheism, Deism, &c. 4th ed. ... * * * Philadelphia, 1797. 14 (4.3X2.2). 15 Sketch (A) of the Denominations of the Christian World ; &c. 1st Boston, from 9th London ed., with Corrections, &c. * * * [Portraits. ] Boston, 1807. 12 (4.9X2.9). [2 copies.] EVANS, Marian. Translator. See FEUERBACH, L. Essence of Christianity. EVANSON, Edward, Eect. of Tewkesbury, aft. considered infidel; b. 1731. d. 1803. 16 Letter to Dr. Priestley s young Man ; with a Postscript concerning Rev. D. Simpson s Essay, &c. in answer to Evanson s Dissonance and Volney s Ruins. *** Ipswich \_Eng.~], 1794. 8 (5.8X3.3). EVELYN, John, an English Author; b. in Surrey, 1620. d. 1706. 17 Diary and Correspondence. . . . [With] the private Correspondence between K. Charles I. and Sir E. Nicholas, and between Sir E. Hyde and Sir R. Browne. Edited ... by W. Bray. New ed., corrected, &c. Vol. 1-4. [Portraits. ] London. 18. r >0- 57. 8(Gx3.o). 212 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. EVERETT, Hon. Alexander Hill, LL.D., of Boston, U.S. Foreign Envoy, &c.; b. 1792. d. 1847. 1 Life of Patrick Henry. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 1.) 2 Life of Gen. Joseph Warren. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., vol. 10.) 3 New Ideas on Population : with Remarks on the Theories of Malthus and Godwin. Boston, 1823. 8 (5.7X3.3). Editor. See NORTH AMERICAN Review. Vol. 31-42. EVERETT, David, Editor of Boston Patriot; d. 1813. 4 Common Sense in Dishabille ; or, The Farmer s Monitor . . . [with ] a perpetual Calendar ... * * * Worcester, 1799. 12 (4.5X2-8). EVERETT, Hon. Edward, Prof, of Greek, Harv. Coll., Oov. of Mass, and U.S. Senator, Sec ij of State of U.S., &c. ; b. in Dorchester, Mass., 1794. 5 Address, pronounced Oct. 21 [1814], at the Funeral of Rev. John L. Abbott, in Boston. * * * Boston, 1814. 8, pp. 20. 6 Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 4.) 7 Defence (A) of Christianity, against the work of Geo. B. English, enti tled The Grounds of Christianity examined, by comparing the New Tes tament with the Old. Boston, 1814. 12 (5.6X3.2). 8 Eulogy on the Life and Character of John Quincy Adams, delivered . . . in Faneuil Hall, April 15, 1848. * * * Boston, 1848. 8, pp. 71. 9 Eulogy on Th. Dowse. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Proceedings, 1855- 1858.) 10 Eulogy on Lafayette, delivered in Faneuil Hall . . . Sept. 6, 1834. Boston, 1834. 8 (6.1X3.7). 11 Life of John Stark. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 1.) 12 Life (The) of George Washington. New York, 1860. 12 (4.8X3). 13 Memoir of Mr. John Lowell, Jun., delivered as the Introduction to the Lectures on his Foundation . . . Dec, 31, 1839, repeated . . . Jan. 2, 1840. Boston, 1740. 8, pp. 74. 14 Memoir of D. Webster. See WEBSTER, D. Works. Vol. 1 , pp. xiii.-clx. !5 Orations and Speeches . . . Boston, 1836. 8 (6.5X3.8), pp. 637. 16 Speech in Support of the Memorial of Harvard, Williams, and Amherst Colleges, delivered before the Joint Committee on Education, in the Hall of the House of Representatives, Boston, Feb. 7, 1849. Cambridge, 1849. 8, pp. 28. 1 7 Stability and Progress. Remarks made on the Fourth of July, 1853, in Faneuil Hall. Boston, 1753. 8, pp. 11. Editor. See NORTH AMERICAN Review. Vol. 10-17. Editor. See WEBSTER, D. Works. EVERETT, Oliver, Esq. 18 Eulogy on Gen. George Washington . . . pronounced at Dorchester, Feb. 22, 1800. . . . Charlestown, 1800. 8, pp. 22. EVIDENCE (On the) necessary to establish the Doctrine of the Trinity. Boston, 1828. 12, pp. 16. EWBANK, Thomas, U.S. Commissioner on Patents ; b. in Eng., 1792. 20 Descriptive and historical Account (A) of hydraulic and other Machines for raising Water, ancient and modern ; with Observations on the ... mechanic Arts ; including the progressive Development of the Steam Engine . . . Illustrated by nearly three hundred Engravings. 14th ed. New York, 1857. 8 (7.2X4), pp. 608. 21 Indian Antiquities brought from Chile and Peru. See UNITED STATES. (U.S. naval astronomical Expedition, vol. 2.) CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 213 EWIXG, Alexander, Teacher of Mathematics at Edinburgh; d. 1804. 1 Practical Astronomy ... [2 payings.] Edinburgh, 1797. 8 (5.5X3.2). EWING, Ron. Thomas, LL.D., Senator from Ohio ; b. in Virginia, 1789. 2 Speech ... at Chilicothe, Ohio, before a Republican Mass Meeting, Sept. 29, 1860. Cincinnati, 1860. 8, pp. 24. 3 Speech on Mr Bradbury s Resolutions, relative to Removals from Office [by Gen. Taylor] ; in Senate, Jan. 7, 1851. Washington, n. d. 8, pp. 15. EWING, Rev. John, D.D., Provost of Univ. of Penn. ; b. 1732. d. 1802. 4 Plain, elementary and practical System (A) of natural experimental Philosophy ; including Astronomy and Chronology. . . . Illustrated . . . Revised, &c. with . . . Notes, by R. Patterson. With a bio graphical Sketch of the Author. Philadelphia, 1809. 8(6.3X3.6)*pp. 538. EWIXG, Thomas, a Teacher in Edinburgh. 5 Principles of Elocution ... 21st ed. Edinburgh, 1837. 12 (5.7X3.2). EXAMINATION (An) of the British Doctrine which subjects to Capture a neutral 6 Trade not open in Time of Peace. 2d ed. . . . London, reprinted, 1806. 8 (6.3X3.7). [2 copies.] EXCERPTA quaedam e Scriptoribus Latinis Probationibus, Notis illustrata. 7 ... Bostonii, 1810. 8 (6X3.5), pp. 512. EXODUS, Book of. See BIBLE. EXPERIENCED Bee-Keeper (The) ... * * * 8 London, 1783. 8, pp. xiv., 66. EXPERIMENTAL 9 Religion (On). Boston, 1827. 12, pp. 19. EXPILLY, Jean Joseph, 1 Abbe ; 6. 1719. d. 1793. 10 Geographic (Le) manuel, ou le Voyageur universel . . . Par 1 Abbe Expilly. Tom. 1,2. Paris, 1766. 12 (4.5X2.5). EXPLANATION (An) of the Words By Nature Children of Wrath ; Ephes. 11 XL 3. Boston, 1831. 12, pp. 12. EXPOSITION 12 of the Condition of the Church ; in Arabic. 8 (5.9X3.4). F. FABER, Rev. George Stanley, Prebendary of Salisbury, Eng. ; b. 1773. d. 1854. 13 Dissertation (A) on the Prophecies . . . relative to the great Period of 1260 Years ; the Papal and Mohammedan Apostacies ; &c. ... Vol. 1,2. *** Boston, 1808. 8 (6.8X3.8). NOTE. The two volumes are bound together. 14 Dissertation (A) on the Prophecies . . . 2d American from 2d London ed. ... Vol. 1,2. New York, 1811. 8 (6.8X3.8). !5 Inquiry (An) into the History and Theology of the ancient Vallenses and Albigenses ; as exhibiting ... the Perpetuity of the sincere Church of Christ. *** London, 1838. 8 (6X3.5). 214 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. FABLE (The) of the Bees : or, Private Vices, public Benefits. With an Essay 1 on Charity and Charity- Schools. And a Search into the Nature of So ciety. 3d ed. ... [With] A Vindication of the Book . . . London, 1724. 8 (5.6X3.4). FABRE, Jean Claude, a Eoman-Catliolic Priest ; b. at Paris, 1668. d. 1753. 2 Continuation. See FLEURY, C. Histoire ecclesiastique. FABRICIUS, Johann Albert, a German Bibliographer; b. 1668. d. 1736. 3 Bibliotheca Latina . . . {Plate. } Hamburgi, 1708. 8 (5.2X3), pp. 924. 4 Bibliothecse Latinse, Vol. 1-3. . . . Hamburgi, 1721- 21. 8 (5.3X3.1). FACCIOLATI, Jacobo, an Italian Philologist ; b. 1684. d. 1769. 5 Totius Latinitatis Lexicon. See FORCELLINI, E. FAIRBAIR.N, Rev. Patrick, of Salton, Eng. 6 Typology (The) of Scripture : viewed in Connection with the entire Scheme of the divine Dispensations. * * * 2d ed., much enlarged and improved. Vol. 1, 2. Edinburgh, 1854. 8 (6.5X4). F AIRFIELD, John, Esq. Reporter. See MAINE. Reports of Cases, &c. Vol. 1-3. 1833- 35. FAIRHOLT, F. W., F.S.A. 7 Costume in England : a History of Dress from the earliest Period till the Close of the eighteenth Century. . . . [With ] an illustrated Glos sary of Terms for all Articles of Use or Ornament worn about the Per son. With above 600 Engravings drawn on Wood . . . London, 1846. 8 (6.4X3.7), pp. 618. FAIRMAN, William, Life- Accountant of Ins. Co., London. 8 Stocks (The) examined and compared : or, A Guide to Purchasers in the public Funds. ... 5th ed. ... London, 1808. 8 (6X3.3). FALCONER, William, a British Poet-, b. at Edinb., 1730. perished at sea, 1769. 9 Life, by J. Mitford. See (Poetical Works, post. Pp. ix.-xxxv.). 10 Poetical Works. ... Boston, 1854. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.)> FAMIN, Pierre Noel, 1 Abbe ; b. at Paris, 1740. d. 1830. 11 Cours abrege de Physique experimentale a la Portee de tout le Monde : par 1 Abbe Famin. Paris, 1791. 8 (5.5X3.1). FANTIN-DESODOARDS, Antoine Etienne Nicolas ; b. 1738. d. 1820. 12 Histoire philosophique de la Revolution de France depuis la premiere Assembler des Notables, jusqu a la Paix de 1801 ; par A. Fantin-Deso- doards. 4me ed. . . . * * * Tom. 1-9. [Portrait.] Paris, 1801. 8 (5.8X3.2). FARIA, Francisco de, Portuguese Ambassador to England. 1 3 Narrative, &c. of Popish Plot. See GREAT BRITAIN. Popish Plot. FARMER, Hugh, a Dissenting Minister, of Essex, Eng.; b. 1714. d. 1787. 14 Dissertation (A) on Miracles ... * * * 2d ed. London, 1804. 12 (5.6irr.X3.2). 15 Essay (An) on the Demoniacs of the New Testament. * * * 2d ed. London, 1805. 12 (5.6irr.X3.2). 16 Inquiry (An) into the Nature and Design of Christ s Temptation in the Wilderness. *** 2d ed. London, 1805. 12 (5.6 irr.X3.2). 17 Memoirs of the Life, &c. of Rev. H. Farmer. See DODSON, M. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 215 FARMER, John, an Amer. Genealogist ; b. in Chelmsford, Mass., 1789. d. 1838. 1 Churches and Ministers in New Hampshire. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections: 2d Series, vol. 8, 10; 3d Series, vol. 2, 3, 4.) 2 Genealogical Register (A) of the first Settlers of New-England . . . [with ] genealogical and biographical Notes ... * * * Lancaster, 1829. 8 (6.6X3.7). NOTE. Compare under SAVAGE, J. Genealogical Register, &c. FARNARY or FARNABIE, Thomas ; b. in London, 1575. d. 1647. 3 Index rhetoricus et oratorius . . . [and~\ Formula oratorio? et Index poeticus. ... *** Londini, 1696. 12 (4.8X2.9). Annotator. See JUVENALIS, D. J. 1. 1. et A. Persii Flacci Satyrse sex. Annotator. See OVIDIUS NASO, P. Metamorphoseam Libri XV. Annotator. See SENECA, L. A. L. & M. A. Seneca Tragoedia3. FARNHAM, Luther. 4 Glance (A) at private Libraries. Boston, 1855. 8, pp. 79. FARRAR, Rev. Frederic W., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Eng. 5 Essay (An) on the Origin of Language, based on modern Researches, and especially on the Works of Renan. London, 1860. 16 (5X3). FARRAR, John, LL.D., Prof, of Math. & Nat. Phil, Harv. Coll.-, b. 1779. d. 1853. 6 Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 3, 4.) 7 Elements of Electricity, Magnetism, and Electro-Magnetism . . . [Plates. ] Cambridge, 1826. 8 (6.6X3.8). 8 Elementary Treatise (An) on Astronomy . . . [Plates."] Cambridge, 1827. 8 (6.9X3.9). 9 Experimental Treatise (An) on Optics. [Plates. ] Cambridge, 1826. 8 (6.9X3.9). [2 copies.] FARRELL, M., M.D. Translator. See BERTHOLLET, C. L. Laws of Chemical Affinity. FATHERS, Apostolical, Genuine Epistles of. See WAKE, W. FAUCHET, Claude, a French Priest; b. 1744. d. 1793. 10 Eulogium on Franklin. See FRANKLIN, B. Private Life, &e. FAUCHET, Joseph, French Minister to the U.S. 11 Sketch (A) of the present State of our political Relations with the United States of North America. Translated . . . [ from the French], Philadelphia, 1797. 8, pp. 31. FAUJAS DE SAINT-FOND, Barthelemi, a French Geologist; b. 1741. d. 1819. 12 Description des Experiences de la Machine aerostatique de Mongolfier, et celles auxquelles cette Decouverte a donne Lieu : etc. Par M. Faujas de Saint-Fond. 2e ed. Paris, n. d. 8 (5.3X3). 13 Mineralogie des Volcans . . . Paris, 1784. 8 (5.4X3.2), pp. 511. 14 Travels in England, Scotland, and the Hebrides . . . With Plates. Translated... Vol. 1, 2. London, 1799. 8 (5.9X3.3). FAUST or FAUSTUS, Dr. Johann, in German tradition apracticer of the Black Art, the original of the character of "Faust;" reputed b. about 1480. 15 History (The) of the Life and Death of Dr. John Faustus. * * * London, 1827. 8 (4.5X2.8). FAVOUR, John, LL.D., Vicar of Halifax, Eng.; d. 1623. !6 Antiqvitie trivmphing over Noveltie . . . [or] that Antiqvitie is a true and certaine Note of the Christian Catholicke Church and Verity . . . London, 1619. 4 (5.8X3.5), pp. 602. FAWCETT, Rev. Benjamin, a Dissenter, of Kidderminster, Eng. , b.Ttlo.d. 1780. 17 Abridgment. Sec BAXTER, H. Dying Thoughts. Saints Rest. 216 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. FEARNE, Charles, Esq. of London; b. 1749. d. 1794. 1 Essay (An) on the Learning of Contingent Remainders and Executory Devises. * * * ... Vol. 1. Of Contingent Remainders. 6th ed. ... 2. Of Executory Devises. 4th ed,, with Notes and Comments, by J. J. Powell. London, 1801, 1795. 8 (6.3X3.5, 5.9X2.9). FEATHERSTONHAUGH, George William, U.S. Geologist. 2 Geological Report, made in 1834, of the elevated Country between the Missouri and Red Rivers. . . . Washington, 1835. 8, pp. 97. 3 Report of a geological Reconnoissance made in 1835, from the Seat of Government by the Way of Green Bay and the Wisconsin Territory, to the Coteau de Prairie. . . . Washington, 1836. 8 (6.2X3.8). FEDERAL Farmer, Letters from. See OBSERVATIONS, &c. FEDERALIST (The) : a Collection of Essays [by Hamilton, Jay, and Madison], 4 written in Favour of the new Constitution, as agreed upon by the Fede ral Convention, Sept. 17, 1787. . . . Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1788. 12 (5X2.8). FEDERALIST (The), on the new Constitution. By Publius {Hamilton, Jay, and 5 Madison}. . . . [With ] Pacificus, on the Publication of Neutrality. . . . Likewise, The Federal Constitution, with all the Amendments, Revised and corrected. . . . Vol. 1, 2. ... New York, 1802. 8 (6.1X3.5). FEDERALIST (The) : containing some Strictures upon a Pamphlet, entitled, " The 6 Pretensions of Thomas Jeiferson to the Presidency, examined, and the Charge against John Adams, refuted ". . . [by] " Phocion." Part II. Philadelphia, 1796. 8, pp. 27. FEINAIGLE, Gregor von, a German Mnemonist ; b. about 1765. d. 1820. 7 New Art (The) of Memory, founded upon the Principles taught by G. von F. : and applied to Chronology, History, &c., &c. . . . [With] Account of the principal Systems of artificial Memory . . . Illustrated by Engravings. 3d ed., corrected and enlarged. * * * 12 (5.2X2.8). FELICITE (De la) publique, ou Considerations sur le Sort des Hommes dans les 8 differentes Epoques de PHistoire. * * * Tom. 1, 2. Amsterdam, 1776. 8 (5.8X3.1). FELIX FAULCON, J. 9 Traite de POrthographie Franchise, en Forme de Dictionnaire, enriche de Notes critiques, etc. . . . Nouv. ed. . . . Poitiers, 1770. 8 (5.9X3.8), pp. 811. FELLOWES, Rev. Robert, A.M., of Oxford, Eng. ; b. 1770. d. 1847. 1 Religion without Cant ... * * * London, 1801. 8 (5.1X3.3). FELLTIIAM or FELTHAM, Owen, a Native of Suffolk, Eng. ; d. about 1678 ? 11 Account of Felltham, by A. Young. See (Resolves, post. Pp. xi.-xx.). 12 Resolves, divine, moral, political. . . . Cambridge, 1832. 16 (4.6X2.6). FELT, Bev. Joseph, B. ; b. at Salem, Mass., 1789. 13 Ecclesiastical History (The) of New England ; comprising not only religious, but also moral, and other Relations. * * * Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1855. 8 (6.8X3.8). 14 Historical Account (An) of Massachusetts Currency. * * * Boston, 1839. 8 (6,9X3.6). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 217 FELTON, Cornelius Conway, LL.D., Pres. of Harv. Univ.; b.inNewbury, 1807. 1 Continuation and Notes. See SMITH, W. ; b. 1814. History of Greece. 2 Discourse (A) pronounced at the Inauguration of the Author as Eliot Professor of Greek Literature in Harvard University, August 26, 1834. Cambridge, 1834. 8, pp. 27. 3 Inaugural Address. See HARVARD COLLEGE. Addresses, &c. 4 Life of William Eaton. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., vol. 9.) Editor. See POPKIN, J. S. Memorial of Rev. J. S. Popkin, D. D. Editor, and Annotator. See ARISTOPHANES. The Clouds of A. Joint Translator. See MUNK, E. Greek and Roman Metres. Translator. See GUYOT, A. Earth and Man. Translator. See MENZEL, W. German Literature. FELTON, Henry, D.D., Principal of Edmund Hall, Oxford, Eng.; b. 1679. d. 1740. 5 Dissertation (A) on reading the Classics, and forming a just Style. . . . 5th ed., with . . . Alterations and Additions. London, 1753. 12 (4.4X2.6). FENELON, Francois de SALIGNAC DE LAMOTHE, Archbishop and Duke of Cam- brai ; b. 1651. d. 1715. 6 Avantures (Les) de Telemaque Fils d Ulysse. Nouv. ed., conforme au Manuscrit original. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1755. 8 (5X2.7). 7 Avantures (Les) de Telemaque, Fils d Ulysse. Nouv. ed., revue . . . [Map, &c.~\ * Londres, 1778. 8 (5.2X3). 8 Life of Fenelon. See BAUSSET, L. F. de. 9 Lives of the Ancient Philosophers ; translated from the French of Fenelon, with Notes, and a Life of the Author. By Rev. J. Cormack. (Harper s Family Library, No. 140.) New York, 1841. 18 (4.5X2.7). 10 CEuvres [Selection of] de Fenelon. Precedees d Etudes sur sa Vie, par Aime-Martin. Tom. 1-3. *** [Portrait.] Paris, 1835. 8 (8.2X5.3). 11 Personal History and religious Opinions of Fenelon. See UPHAM, T. C. Life of Mme. Guyon, &c. 12 Proper Heads of Self-Examination for a King. . . . Together with the Author s Life, a complete Catalogue of his Works, &c. Translated from the French. London, 1747. 12 (4.8X2.8). FENN, Sir John, an English Antiquary ; b. at Norwich, 1739. d. 1794. !3 Paston Letters. Original Letters, written during the Reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III. . . . With Notes . . . [and] En gravings of Autographs and Seals. New ed., in which the less impor tant Letters are abridged; &c. by A. Ramsay. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1840, 41. 8 (5.5X4.1). NOTE. The two volumes are bound together. FENN, Joseph, Prof, of Philosophy in University of Nantz. 14 Complete Accountant (The) . . . Dublin, n. d. 4 (6X4.2). 1 5 History of Mathematics . . . [and] A Plan of the System of the phy sical and moral World. ... * * * Dublin, n. d. 4 (6.2X4.2), m. b. FERBER, Johann Jacob, a Swedish Mineralogist; b. 1743. d. 1790. 16 Bergmannische Nachrichten von den merkwiirdigsten mineralischen Ge- genden der Herzoglich=Zweybriickischen, Chur=Pf alzischen,Wild= und Rheingraflichen und Nassauischen Lander. * * * Mietau, 1776. 8 (5.7X3), pp. 94. 17 Beschreibung des Quecksilber=Bergwerks zu Idria in Mittel=Crayn. *** [Plates.] Berlin, 1774. 8 (5.7X3.2), 28 218 BOWD01N COLLEGE. FERBER, Johann Jacob, continued. 1 Beytrage zu der Mineral=Geschichte von Bohmen. * * * [Plates.] Berlin, 1774. 8 (5.8X3.2). 2 Lettres sur la Mineralogie et sur divers autres Objects de 1 Histoire naturelle de 1 Italie, ecrites par M. Ferber a Le Chev. de Born. Ouvrage traduit d 1 AIlemand, enrichi de Notes & d Observations . . . par le B. de Dietrich. Strasbourg, 1776. 8 (5.7X3.5), pp. 507. 3 Mineralogical History of Bohemia. See BORN, I. Travels through Temeswar, &c. 4 Neue Beytrage zur Mineralgeschichte verschiedener Lander. Band 1 ... * * * [Plates.] Mietau, 1778. 8 (5.8X3.1). [2 copies.] 5 Oryctography of Derbyshire. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyages, &c., vol. 2.) 6 Physikalisch=metallurgische Abhandlungen iiber die Gebirge und Berg- werke in Ungarn. Nebst einer Beschreibung des Steirischen Eisen- schmelzens und Stahlmachens von einem Ungenannten. Mit Kupfern. Berlin und Stettin, 1780. 8 (5.6X3.4). 7 Travels through Italy, in ... 1771 and 1772. . . . Letters to Baron Born, on the natural History, particularly the Mountains and Volcanoes, of that Country. Translated from the German ; with explanatory Notes, and a Preface . . . By R. E. Raspe. * * * London, 1776. 8 (5.9X3.2). 8 Versuch einer Oryktographie von Derbyshire in England. * * * [Plates.] Mietau, 1776. 8 (7X3.2). Editor. See BERGMAN, T. Manuel du Mineralogiste. Editor. See BORN, I. Briefe iiber mineralogische Gegenstande. FENNER, Rev. William, a Puritan Divine; b. 1600. d. about 1640. 9 Divine Message (A) to the elect Soul : delivered in eight Sermons . . . *** [Portrait.] London, 1645. 8 (5.2X3), m. b. FEN WICK, John. Translator. See DUMOURIEZ, C. F. DUPERRIER. Memoirs. FERDINAND, the Catholic, V. of Castile, II. of Ar agon, &c.; b. 1452. d. 1516. 10 Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. See PRESCOTT, W. H. FERGUSON, Adam, LL.D., Prof, of Moral Phil., Univ.ofEdinb.; 6,1724. d. 1816. 11 Essay (An) on the History of civil Society. Dublin, 1767, 8 (5.9X3.2). 12 Essay (An) of the History of civil Society. New ed. Basil, 1789. 8 (5.7X3.4). 13 Essay (An) on the History of civil Society. 5th ed. London, 1793. 8 (6X3.3). 14 History (The) of the Progress and Termination of the Roman Republic. New ed. . . . revised and corrected. With Maps. Vol. 1-5. Edinburgh, 1799. 8 (6.2X3.5). *5 History (The) of the Progress and Termination of the Roman Republic. 1st American ed. Vol. 1-3. [Maps.] Philadelphia, 1805. 8 (6.5X3.7). 16 Principles of moral and political Science ... * * * Vol. 1, 2. Edinburgh, 1792. 4 (6.8X4.9), CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 219 FERGUSON, James, L L.D., a Scotch Philosopher & Astronomer; b. 1710. d. 1776. 1 Astronomical Part. See GUTIIRIE, W. New geographical, &c. Grammar. 2 Astronomical Tables and Precepts, for calculating the true Times of new and full Moons, and . . . Eclipses . . . to A.D. 7800. . . . [With] Theory of the solar and lunar Motions. [Plates*] London, 1763. 8, pp. 63. 3 Astronomy explained upon Sir I. Newton s Principles ... * * * 3ded. [Plates.] London, 1764. 4 (7.6X5). 4 Autobiography. See (Select Exercises, post. Pp. i.-xliii.). 5 Dissertation (A) upon the Phenomena of the Harvest Moon. Also, The Description and Use of a new four-wheel d Orrery, and an Essay upon the Moon s turning round her own Axis. [Plates.] London, 1747. 8, pp. 72. 6 Ferguson s Astronomy, explained upon Sir I. Newton s Principles. With Notes, and supplementary Chapters. By D. Brewster. In 2 vols. ... Vol. 1,2. Philadelphia, 1817. 8 (6X3.5), 7 Plates illustrative of Ferguson s Astronomy ; and of the twelve supple mentary Chapters, by D. Brewster. Philadelphia, 1817. Folded sheets. 8 Lectures on select Subjects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, and Optics. With the Use of the Globes, the Art of Dial ing, &c. * * * 8th ed. [Supplement and Plates.] London, 1793. 8 (6.9X3.1). 9 Lectures on select Subjects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, and Optics. With the Use of the Globes, the Art of Dial ing, &c. * * * 10th ed. [Supplement and Plates.] London, 1803. 8 (6.2X3.1). 10 Select mechanical Exercises : showing how to construct Clocks, Orre ries, and Sun-Dials . . . Illustrated ... 3d ed. London, 1790. 8 (5.3X3.1). FERGUSSON, James, a British Architect ; b. in Ayr, Scotland, 1808. 11 Palaces (The) of Nineveh and Persepolis restored ; an Essay on ancient Assyrian and Persian Architecture. [Illustrated] London, 1851. 8 ( ). FERGUSSON, Robert, a Scotch Poet; b. at Edinburgh, 1750. d. 1774. 12 Sketch of Life. See (Works, post. Pp. 11-76). 13 Works. ... London, 1807. 8 (6.3X3.5 irr.). FERNANDEZ, Rev. Don Felipe, Founder of the Society of Xerez de la Frontera. 14 New practical Grammar (A) of the Spanish Language . . . [and] an English Grammar . . . [in Spanish]. 2d ed. . . . London, 1800. 8 (6.3X3.5). 15 N ew practical Grammar (A) of the Spanish Language. 1st American, . . . from 2d London ed. . . . Philadelphia, n. d. 8 (6.5X3.6). FERRALL, James Stephen, and REPP, T. G. 16 Danish-English Dictionary (A) Copenhagen, 1845. 8 (5.4X4.1). FERRARI, Giuseppe, Prof, of Philos. at Strasbourg, &c. ; b. in Milan, 1811. Editor. See Vico, G. B. Opere. FERRARI, Hieronymo, an Italian Priest; b. 1501. d. 1542. 17 P.. Manvtivm (Ad) Emendationes in Philippicas Ciceronis. Parisiis, Ex Off. R. Stephani, 1543. 8 (5X2.3), 220 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. FERRERIO, Pietro, an Italian Architect and Painter. 1 Palazzi [41-J-62 Plates ] di Roma di piv. celebri Architetti disegnati da P. Ferrerio. . . . [Rome, ab. 1575.] Large oblong folio. FERRIER, Francois Louis Auguste, Inspector of Duties at Bayonne. 2 Government (Du) considers dans ses Rapports avec le Commerce. Paris, 1805. 8 (5.6X3.2). FERRIER, James F., Prof, of Moral Pliilos. & Polit. Economy, St. Andrew s. 3 Institutes of Metaphysics The Theory of Knowing and Being Edinburgh and London, 1854. 12 (5.4X3.1), m. b., pp. 530. FESSENDEN, Thomas Green, Editor of New-England Farmer ; b. 1771. d. 1837. 4 Complete Farmer (The) and rural Economist ... * * * Boston, 1834. 12 (5.6X3.2). FEUERBACH, Ludwig. 5 Essence (The) of Christianity. Translated from the 2d German ed., by M.Evans. New York, 1855. 12 (5.4X3.3). FICHTE, Johann Gottlieb, a German Philosopher; b. 1716. d. 1816. 6 Memoir of, by W. Smith. See (Popular Works, post. Vol. 1, pp. 1-168). 7 Popular Works. Translated from the German ... by W. Smith. Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait. ] London, 1748, 49. 12 (5.4X3.2). FIDDES, Eeo. Richard, V.V., of Yorkshire; b. 1671. d. 1725. 8 Practical Discourses . . . Vol. 1-3. London, 1714- 15. 8 (5.8X3.2). FIELD, Rev. William. 9 Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Opinions of Rev. Samuel Parr, LL.D. ; with biographical Notices of many of his Friends, &c. . . . Vol. 1, 2. *** [Portraits.] London, 1828. 8 (6.3X3.4). FIELDING, Henry, an English Novelist and Dramatist; b. 1707. d. 1754. 10 Memoir of, by T. Roscoe. See (Miscel. Works, post. Vol. 1 , pp. 5-44). 11 Miscellaneous Works. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Tom Jones. 3. Amelia. 4. Jo seph Andrews. Jonathan Wild. [Portraits. ] New York, 1857. 12 (5.8X3.5). FIELDING, Sarah, 3d sister of the preceding; b. 1713. d. 1768. Translator. See XENOPHON. Memoirs of Socrates, &c. FIGUEIREDO, Antonio PEREIRA DE, a Portuguese Scholar. Translator. See BIBLE, Old and New Testaments, &c. A Biblia Sagrada. FILANGIERI, Gaetano, an Italian Publicist; b. at Naples, 1752. d. 1788. 12 Science (La) de la Legislation. Ouvrage traduit de FItalien . . . Tom. !- 7 - Paris, torn. 1, 2, 1799 ; 3-7, 1788 - 91. 8 (5.3X3.1). NOTE. Vol. 1, 2 are " 2e ed., revue," etc. Compare under CONSTANT. B. !3 Scienza (La) della Legislazione e gli Opuscoli Scelti. Tom. 1-5. Capolago, 1834- 35. 12 (4.4X2.7). FILMER, Sir Robert, a Native of Kent, Eng. ; d. 1647. 14 Observations concerning the original and various Forms of Government . . . [with] The Power of Kings. . . . [Also] An Advertisement con cerning Witches. [Portrait of Charles II.] London, 1696. 8 (5.4X3.2). 1 5 Patriarchia ; or The natural Power of Kings. * * * London, 1680. 8 (5.2X2.8). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 221 FINDLATER, Rev. Charles, Minister of Newlands, Peebles, Eng. 1 General View of the Agriculture of the County of Peebles ; with various Suggestions as to the Means both of the local and general Improvement of Agriculture. With a Map . . . and other Engravings. * * * Edinburgh, 1802. 8 (6.4X3.6). FINLAY, George, has long resided in Athens ; b. in Scotland, about 1800. 2 Greece under the Romans . . . B.C. 146 A.D. 717 * * * Edinburgh and London, 1844. 8 (6X3.5), pp. 554. 3 History of the Byzantine and Greek Empires from DCCXVI to MCCCCLIII * * * Vol. 1, 2 Edinburgh and London, 1853, 54. 8 (6.4X3.6). NOTE. Each volume has also independent title-page. 4 History (The) of Greece from its Conquest by the Crusaders to its Conquest by the Turks And of the Empire of Trebizond 1204-1461 *** Edinburgh and London, 1851. 8 (6.4X3.6), pp. 519. FIORENTINO, Giovanni, an Italian Novelist. 5 Pecorone (II) nel quale si contengono cinquanta Novelle antiche d ln- venzione e di Stile [Portrait.] Eirenze, 1833. 8 (6.6X4). FlOTT, John, a Merchant of London. 6 Address (An) to the Proprietors of East-India Stock, and to the Public : containing a Narrative of the Cases of the Ships Tartar and Hartwell . . . With Remarks on the Conduct of the Company s shipping Con cerns, &c. *** London, 1791. 8 (5.5X3. 2). [2 copies.] FIRE-SIDE 7 Piety . . . New York, 1834. 12 (4.5X2.9). FIRMICUS MATERNUS, Julius, a Christian Writer of the 1th century. 8 Liber de Errore profanarum Religionum : Joan, a Wower recensuit. See MINUCIUS FELIX, M. Octavius, etc. FIRMIN, Thomas, an English Philanthropist ; b. 1632. d. 1697. 9 Life (The) of Th. Firmin. . . . With a Sermon . . . preached on the Occasion of his Death. London, 1791. 12, pp. 99. FISCHER, Chretien Auguste, a German Scholar-, b. at Leipsic, 1771. d. 1829. 10 Voyage en Espagne. . . . Traducteur, Ch. Fr. Cramer. . . . Avec Figures. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1801. 8 (5.2X3). FISCHER, Dr. Kuno. 11 Francis Bacon of Verulam. Realistic Philosophy and its Age. Trans lated from the German by J. Oxenford. * * * London, 1857. 8 (5.2X3), pp. 502. FISH, Rev. Henry Clay, of the First Baptist Church, Newark, N.J.; b. inVt., 1820. 12 History and Repository of Pulpit Eloquence . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Por traits.] New York, 1856. Th. 8 (7X4.1). 13 Primitive Piety revived, or The aggressive Power of the Christian Church. Premium Essay. Boston, 1855. 12 (5.6X3.8). FISHER, Edward, a Calvinistic Divine ; d. in Ireland, about 1620. 14 Marrow (The) of modern Divinity : in two Parts. Pt. I. The Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace. II. An Exposition of the Ten Commandments. With Notes, by Rev. T. Boston. New ed. London, 1837. 12 (5.8X3.3). FISHER, Jonathan, A.M., of Bluehill, Me. 15 Scripture Animals, or Natural History of the living Creatures named in the Bible . . . Illustrated ... * * * Portland, 1834. 12 (5.5X3.2). 222 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. FISHER, Richard Swainson, M.D. 1 New and complete statistical Gazetteer of the United States of America, founded on and compiled from official federal and state Returns, and the seventh national Census. New York, 1853. 8 (7.7X4.7), pp. 960. FISHLAKE, Rev. J. R. Translator, Editor, &c. See BUTTMANN, P. C. Lexilogus. FISK, Rev. Pliny, Missionary to Palestine; b. 1792. d. 1825. 2 Memoirs of Rev. Pliny Fisk. See BOND, A. FISK, Rev. Samuel, of Salem, Mass. ; d. 1770, cet. 81. 3 Election Sermon, Mass., May 26, 1731. Boston, 1731. 8, pp. 50. 4 Just and impartial Narrative of the Controversy between Rev. S. Fiske, the Pastor, and a Number of the Brethren of the First Church in Salem. Boston, 1735. 4 (5.6X3.4). FISKE, Rev. Nathan, D.D., of Brookfield, Mass. ; b. 1733. d. 1799. 5 Character (The) and Blessedness of a diligent and faithful Servant : a Sermon, at Brookfield, Oct. 19, 1779, at the Funeral of the Hon. J. Foster ... * * * Providence, [1779]. 8, pp. 30. 6 Moral Monitor, (The) : or a Collection of Essays on various Subjects. ... * * * Vol. 1, 2. Worcester, 1801. 12 (5.2X2.9). ? Twenty two Sermons . . . Worcester, 1794. 8 (6.3X3.3). FISKE, Nathan W., Prof, at Amlierst College; d. in Palestine, 1847. 8 Translation of Eschenburg s Manual, with large Additions. See Es- CHENBURG, J. J. Manual of classical Literature. FITCH, Asa, M.D. 9 Reports (lst-5th) on the Insects of New York. See NEW YORK. FITCH, John, " The Pioneer in American Steam-navigation;" b. 1743. d. 1798. 1 Life, by C. Whittlesey. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 6.) FITZ-GERALD, David, Esq. 11 Narrative of the Popish Plot. See GREAT BRITAIN. Popish Plot. FITZHERBERT, Sir Anthony, an eminent English Lawyer ; d. 1538. 12 New Natura Brevium (The). . . . [ Witli] Commentary, supposed to be written by Lord Chief Justice Hale. 9th ed., collated with former Editions, and corrected ; some Notes and References added ; &c. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1794. 8 (7 irr.X3.5), m. b. FLANDERS, Henry ; b. in Plainfield, N.H. 13 Lives (The) and Times of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. ... Vol. 1. John Jay John Rutledge. 2. Wil liam Gushing Oliver Ellsworth John Marshall. Philadelphia, 1858. 8 (6.7X3.8). FLATT, Carl Christian von, Prof, of Theol. at Tubingen ; b. 1772. Joint Author. See STORE, G. C. Course of Biblical Theology. FLAVEL, Ilev. John, a Nonconformist ; b. 1627. d. 1691. 14 Touchstone (The) of Truth. . . . New York, n. d. 24 (4.8X2.8). 15 Whole Works. ... 4th ed., corrected. Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait.] London, 1740. 2 (12.1X6.7). FLECKEISEN, Alfred, Prof, in Frankfort on the Main. Editor. See NEUE JAHRBUCHER f iir Philologie, etc. FLEET, Thomas and John, Booksellers in Boston. 16 Pocket Almanac (A) for the Years, 1789-1799. . . . [With] The Mas sachusetts Register, &c. [10 vols.] Boston, [17S8- 98]. 16 (4.8X2.5). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 223 FLEETWOOD, William, D.D., Bishop of St. AsapJi, aft. of Ely; b. 1858. d. 1721. 1 Chronicon preciosum : or, An Account of English Gold and Silver Money ; the Price of Coins and, other Commodities ; and of Stipends, Salaries, &c. in England, for six hundred Years last past . . . By Bp. FleetAvoocl ... London, 1745. 8 (6.1X3. 2). 2 Appendix (An) to Chronicon preciosum : containing an historical Ac count of Coins . . . [Plates. ] London, 1745. 8, pp. 30. FLEMING, Robert, a Scotch Minister, aft. at Rotterdam, 1662- 94; b. 1630. d. 1694. 3 Fulfilling (The) of the Scripture ... 7th ed., corrected, &c. * * * Glasgow, 1753. 16 (5.3X3), pp. 530. [2 copies.] 4 Faithfulness (The) of God, considered and cleared in the great Events of His Word. . . . Second Part of the Fulfilling of the Scripture. ... Glasgow, 1753. 16 (5.3X3), pp. 507. FLETCHER, James, Assistant in a School at London ; b. 1811. d. 1832. 5 History (The) of Poland; from the earliest Period to the present Time. . . . With a Narrative of the recent Events . . . (Harper s Family Library, No. 24.) New York, 1846. 18 (4.5X2.7). FLETCHER or FLECHERE, John William de la, Vicar of Madely ; b. 1729. d. 1785. 6 Checks to Antinomianism. . . . Vol. 1,2. ... By Rev. J. Fletcher. 3d American ed. New York, 1819- 20. ? Life of Rev. John W. de la Flechere. See BENSON, J. FLEURET, , Prof, of Architecture, Royal Milit. School of Paris. 8 Art (L ) de composer des Pierres factices aussi dures que le Caillou, et Recherches sur la Maniere de batir des Anciens, etc. . . . Par Fleu- ret. Paris, 1807. 4 (7.5X5.3). FLEURY, Claude, Abbot of Argenteuil, France; b. 1640. d. 1723. 9 Histoire ecclesiastique. Par Fleury. Tom. 1-20 . . . jusques a 1 an 1414. . . . [With] Continuation [by J. C. Febre and C. P. Ooujet]. Tom. 21-36 . . . jusques a 1 an 1595. Paris, 1719- 51. 4 (7-7.2X4.1-.4), m. r. FLINT, Rev. Jacob, of Coliasset, Mass. ; b. 1769. d. 1835. l Discourse delivered at Cohasset, June 9, 1816, the Lord s Day after the Interment of Mrs. Sylvia Flint, his Wife. * * * Boston, 1816. 8, pp. 16. 11 History of Cohasset. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 3d Ser., vol. 2.) 12 Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. J. Bates, Dedham, March 16, 1803. [Ch., by Rev. T. Prentiss ; R. H., by Rev. J. C bickering.] Dedham, 1803. 8, pp. 40. !3 Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. James Flint, Oct. 29, 1806. [Ch., by Rev. E. Stone ; R.H., by J. Reed, D.D.] [Boston] 1806. 8, pp. 31. FLINT, Rev. James, D.D., of Bridgewater and Salem, Mass.; b. 1781. 14 Christian Ministry (The) . . . considered in two Sermons, at Bridge- water, Nov. 9, 1806. [Boston] 1807. 8, pp. 31. 15 Discourse at Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1815. Boston, 1816. 8, pp. 24. 16 Election Sermon, Mass., May 31, 1815. Boston, 1815. 8, pp. 23. i? God a Refuge, &c. Discourse, Nov. 6, 1814, before the Bridgewater Light Infantry. Boston, 1814. 8, pp. 20. 18 Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. N. Whitman, Billerica, Jan. 26, 1814. [Ch., by Dr. Gumming s ; R.H., by Rev. S. Stearns.] Cambridge, 1814. 8, pp. 39, 224 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. FLINT, Timothy, a Minister in Mass., aft. a Missionary, &c.; b. 1780. d. 1840. 1 Recollections of the last ten Years, passed ... in the Valley of the Mississippi ... * * * Boston, 1826. 8 (6.4X3.6). FLORE des jeunes Personnes, ou Lettres elementaires sur la Botanique, ecrites 2 par une Anglaise . . . et traduites . . . par O. Segur. Avec douze Planches . . . 2eed., revue, etc. Paris, 1802. 24 (4.7X2.6). FLORES Doctorvm pene omnivm, qui turn in Theologia, turn in Philosophia clar- 3 uerunt. Per Thomam Hibernicvm . . . collecti, ac Ordine alphabetico digesti. ... Ex. typ. lac. Stoer, 1614. 24 (3.8X2), m.r., pp. 1054. FLORES 4 illustrium Poetarum. 16 (3.7X2.2), pp. 730-[-. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting to p. 17. FLORIAN, Jean Pierre CLARIS de, a French Author ; b. 1755. d. 1794. 5 Gonzalo de Cordoba, 6 la Conquista de Granada, escrita por Florian : publicala en Espaiiol Don J. Lopez de Pefialver. Tom. 1, 2. Nueva ed. Madrid, 1821. 24 (4.2X2.5). FLORIDA. Histoire de la Conqueste de la Floride, par les Espagnols, sous F. 6 de Soto. Ecrite en Portugais par un Gentil-homme de la Ville d Elvas. [Translated] par M. D. C. Paris, 1685. 12 (4.5X2.2). [2 copies.] FLORUS, Lucius Anna?us, prob. of Spanish birth ; ft. at Rome about 100. 7 Epitomee. See Livius, T. Latinae Historiae Decades tres, etc. 8 Epitome Rerum Romanarum. Cum integris Salmasii, Freinshemii, Graevii, et selectis aliorum Animadversionibus. Recensuit, suasque Adnotationes addidit C. A. Dukerus. Lugduni Batavorum, 1722. 8 (5.9X3.4), pp. 960-J-. NOTE. Bound in two volumes. Annexed is " L. Ampelii Liber memorialis." 9 Epitome Rerum Romanarum, cum Versione Anglica ... By J. Clarke. 6th ed. London, 1743. 8 (6.3X3.6), par. cols. FLOYER, Sir John, Kt., M.D. ; b. 1649. d. 1734. 1 Medicina Gerocomica ; or, The Galenic Art of preserving old Men s Healths explain d ... 2d ed., corrected. . . . London, 1725. 8 (5.5X3. 2). FLUGEL, Johann Gottfried, Prof, at Leipsic, U.S. Consul, &c. ; b. 1788. d. 1851. 11 English and German Dictionary. See COMPLETE Dictionary, &c. FOLLEN, Rev. Charles Theodore Christian, Prof, at Harv. Coll. ; b. 1790. d. 1846. 12 Deutsches Lescbuch fur Anfanger. [% C. T. C. Follen. In English type- } Cambridge, 1826. 8 (5.5X3-2). 13 Deutsches Lescbuch fur Anfanger. [By C. T. C. Follen. ] Boston, 1831. 12 (5.7X3.3). 14 Life of Charles Follen. See FOLLEN, E. L. 15 Practical Grammar (A) of the German Language. By C. Follen. 3d ed. Boston, 1835. 12 (5.8X3.3). Translator. See BIBLE, Portions of the New Testament. Luther s German Version of the Gospel of St. John. FOLLEN, Mrs. Eliza Lee, Wife of the preceding; b. in Boston. 16 Life (The) of Charles Follen. [Portrait. ] Boston, 1844. 12 (5.5X3.4). FOLSOM, Hon. George, of New York; b. about 1800. 17 Catalogue (A) of original Documents in the English Archives, relating to the early History of Maine. * * * [By (7. Folsom. Arranged by date -~\ New- York, 1858. 8 (6.6X3.9). 8 Discourse. See MAINE Historical Society. (Collections, vol. 2.) CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 225 FOLSOM, Hon. George, continued. 1 History of Saco and Biddeford, with Notices of other early Settlements, and of the proprietary Governments, in Maine . . . [Plate] Saco, 1830. 8 (5.6X3.2). [2 copies.] Translator, &c. See CORTES, H. Despatches of H. C. to Charles V. FONTAINE, James, of French-Huguenot descent ; b. 1658. 2 Tale (A) of the Huguenots, or Memoirs of a French Refugee Family. Translated and Compiled ... by one of the Descendants. With an Introduction by F. L. Hawks, D.D. * * * * New York, 1838. 12 (4X2.8). FONTAINE, Jean Claude, Prof, of Philosophy at Annecy ; b. 1715. d. 1807. 3 Accord de la Liberte d etre moral, avec PEmpire absolu, les Decrets immuables, & PAction irresistible de PEtre Supreme ; ou Refutation de la Necessite et du Fatalisme. Par M. Fontaine. Tom. 1, 2. Lausanne, 1790. 8 (5.6X3). FONTAINE-DES-BERTINS, Alexis, a French Geometer; b. 1725. d. 1771. 4 Traite de Calcul differentiel et integral. (Memoires de PAcademie des Sciences.) Par M. Fontaine. [Plates.] Paris, 1770. 4 (6.7X4.1), pp. 588. FONTANINI, Giusto or Juste, Archbishop of Ancyra ; d. at Rome, 1736. 5 Biblioteca dell Eloquenza Italiana con le Annotazioni del Signer Apos- tolo Zeno. Tom. 1, 2. *** Venezia, 1753. 4 (6.9X4.8). FONTENELLE, Bernard le BOUYER de ; b. at Rouen, 1657. d. 1757. 6 Elemens de la Geometric de PInfini. [Par B. le B. de Fontenelle.~\ Suite des Memoires de PAcademie Royale des Sciences. [Plate.] Paris, 1727. 4 (6.7X4.3), pp. 548. 7 History (The) of Oracles, in two Dissertations. ... By Fontenelle. Translated . . . Glasgow, 1753. 12 (5.4X2.8). 8 (Euvres de Fontenelle. Nouv. ed., augmentee de plusieurs Pieces rela tives a PAuteur, etc. Tom. 1-8. [Portrait.] Paris, 1790- 92. 8 (5.5X3.3). FONVIELLE, Bernard Frangois Anne ; b. at Toulouse, 1759. d. 1837. 9 Situation de la France et de PAngleterre, a la Fin du 18me Sicle, ou Conseils au Gouvernement de France et Refutation de PEssai sur les Finances de la Grande Bretagne, par F. Gentz. . . . Par Fonvielle. * * * Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1800. 8 (5.5X3.2). FORBES, Charles S., Comm. R. N. of Great Britain. 10 Iceland ; its Volcanoes, Geysers, and Glaciers. [Engravings. ] London, 1860. 8 (5.6X3.2). FORBES, Rev. Eli, D.D., of Brookfield, and Gloucester, Mass. ; b. 1726. d. 1804. 11 Family Book ; containing Discourses . . . Salem, 1801. 12 (5.5X3.2). 12 Inoffensive Ministry (An) described, in a Sermon before the Conven tion of Clergy, Boston, May 30, 1799. Charlestown, 1799. 8, pp. 22. FORCE, Peter, Pres. of the National Institute, Washington, D.C. 13 Record of Auroral Phenomena observed in the higher northern Latitudes. Pp. iv., 118. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 8.) Joint Editor. See UNITED STATES. American Archives. 29 BOW DO IN COLLEGE. FORCELLINI, Egidio, of the Univ. of Padua; b. near Padua, 1688. d. 1768. * Totius Latinitatis Lexicon Consilio et Cura J. Facciolati Opera et Studio M. Forcellini lucubratum edidit Anglicam Interpretationem in locum Itali cs substituit Appendicem Patavinam Lexico passim intertexuit pauca . . . sparsit Auctarium denique et H. Tursellini de Particulis Latins Oratio- nis Libellum etiam Gerrardi Siglarium Romanum et Gesneri Indicem ety- mologicum adjecit J. Bailey. Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait of Forcellinus.] Londini, 1828. Th. 4 (10.2X7.6), 3 cols. FORDYCE, David, Prof, if Moral Philosophy at Aberdeen; b. 1711. d. 1751. 2 Elements (The) of Moral Philosophy. In three Books. ... 3d ed. London, 1758. 12 (4.6X2.6). FORDYCE, George, M.D., F.JR.S., of London ; b. 1736. d. 1802. 3 Five Dissertations on Fever. * * * 1st American ed. ... Boston, 1815. 8 (6.3X3.6). FORDYCE, Rev. James, D.D., of London; b. in Aberdeen, 1720. d. 1796. 4 Addresses to young Men. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [1 paging.] 2d Ameri can ed. Boston, 1795. 12 (5.2X3). FOREIGN Evangelical Association, New Tori . 5 Annual Report (1st, and 2d), 1838, 1839. New York, 1838, 39. 8, pamps. FOREIGN Evangelical Society, New York. 6 Annual Report (2d, and 5th), 1841, 1844. New York, 1841/44. 8,pamps. FOREIGN Quarterly Review (The). Vol. 1-37. . . . 7 London, 1827- 46. 8 (6.3X3.9).. NOTE. Afterwards incorporated with the WESTMINSTER Review. FORSTER, George, in the civil service of the E. I. Company; d. 1792. 8 Journey (A) from Bengal to England, through the northern Part of India, Kashmire, Afghanistan, and Persia, and into Russia, by the Caspian-Sea. In2vols. Vol.1. [Map.] London, 1798. 4 (6.6X4.9). FORSTER, Johann Reinhold, a German Traveller & Naturalist; b. 1729. d. 1798. 9 History of the Voyages and Discoveries made in the North. Translated from the German, and elucidated by ... Maps. * * * London, 1786. 4 (7.6X5.2). Annotator, &c. See PAOLINO DA S. BARTOLOMEO, F. Voyage to the E. I. FORSTER, John, A.M., an eminent English Journalist; b. 1812. 10 Lives of eminent British Statesmen. Vol. 1-7. [Portraits.] London, n. d. 16 (5X2.8). NOTE. Vol. 1 was by Sir J. Mackintosh ; 5 by I. P. Courtenay. No cross-reference was made from Courtenay, as the volume has been missing. 11 Statesmen (The) of the Commonwealth of England; with a Treatise on the popular Progress in English History. . . . Vol. 1-5. [Portraits,^ London, 1860. 16 (5X2.7). FORSTER, Thomas. 12 Observations on the brvmal Retreat of the Swallow. . . . [With] a copious Index to many Passages relating to this Bird in the Works of ancient and modern Authors. 3d ed., corrected and enlarged. London, 1813. 8, pp. 46. 13 Researches about atmospheric Phaenomena. 2d ed., corrected, &c. ; with . . . Engravings ... * * * London, 1815. 8 (6X3.3). Editor, &c. See ABATUS. Diosemea. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. FORSTER, W. E. 1 William Penn and Thomas B. Macaulay; being brief Observations on the Charges made in Mr. Macaulay s History of England, against the Character of William Penn. Revised for the American Edition. Philadelphia, 1850. 8, pp. 48. FORSYTH, William, Supt. oftheEoyal Gardens , b. at Aberdeen, 1737. d. 1804. 2 Epitome (An) of Mr. Forsyth s Treatise on the Culture and Manage ment of Fruit-Trees. Also, Notes on American Gardening and Fruit : &c., &c. By an American Farmer \_W. Cobbett. Plates]. Philadelphia, 1803. 8 (5.5X3.4). 3 Treatise (A) on the Culture and Management of Fruit-Trees . . . [and] " Observations on the Diseases, Defects, and Injuries, in all Kinds of Fruit and Forest Trees "... [Plates. ] London, 1802. 4 (6.7X4.8). 4 Treatise (A) on the Culture and Management of Fruit Trees . . . [and] Observations on the Diseases, &c. in all Kinds of Fruit and Forest Trees . . . [with ] an Introduction and Notes ... By W. Cobbett. [Plates, reduced. ] Philadelphia, 1802. " 8 (6.5X3.7). FORTIA DE PILES, A. T. J. A. M. M. Comte de ; b. at Marseilles, 1758. d. 1826. 5 Travels in Sweden. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyages, &c., vol. 6.) FORTIS, Jean Baptiste [called Alberto], 1 Abbe ; b. at Padua, 1741. d. 1803. 6 Travels into Dalmatia . . . [by] the Abbe Alberto Fortis. . . . [With] Observations on the Island of Cherso and Osero. Translated from the Italian . . . With an Appendix . . . Illustrated ... * * * London, 1778. 4 (7X4.7), pp. 584. FOSDICK, Rev. David, Jim., of Boston. Translator. See HUG, J. L. Introduction to the New Test. Translator, and Annotator. See OLSHAUSEX, H. Commentary, &c. Vol. 1 (Proofs of the Genuineness of the Writings of the New Test.). Foss, John. 7 Journal of the Captivity and Sufferings of John Foss ; several Years a Prisoner in Algiers : &c. * * * 2d eel. Newburyport, n. d. 12 (5.1X3.2). FOSTER, Eev. Edmund, of Littleton, Mass. Election Sermon, Mass., May 27, 1812. Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 22. 9 Husbandry, an ancient, honorable and useful Employment. Oration, delivered before the Western Society of Middlesex Husbandmen, at . . . Littleton, Oct. 28, 1799. Amherst, N.H., 1800. 8, pp. 38. FOSTER, J. W., and WHITNEY, J. D., U.S. Geologists. 10 Report on the Geology and Topography of the Lake Superior Land District. . . . Part I. Copper Lands. H. The Iron Region, with the general Geology. (U.S. Pub. Doc.) [2 vols. Maps and Plates.] Washington, 1850, 51. 8 (7.3X4.5). FOSTER, James, D.D., a Nonconformist; b. 1697. d. 1755. 11 Essay (An) on Fundamentals, with a particular Regard to the Doctrine of the Trinity. With an Appendix . . . Boston, [1809]. 8, pp. 45. - FOSTER, Eev. John, D.D., of Brighton, Mass. ; b. 1783. d. 1829. 12 Artillery-Election Sermon, June 5, 1809. Boston, 1809. 8, pp. 27. 13 Sermon, Dec. 10, 1806, at the Ordination of Rev. S. Veazie, Freeport, Me. [Ch., by Eev. S. Eaton; E. If., by Eev. W. Jenks.] Portland. LS07- 8.. pp. 21. 228 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. FOSTER, Rev. John, D.D., continued. 1 Sermon preached 6th November, 1817, in Boston, before the Society for propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North Ameri ca. [Report.] Cambridge, 1817. 8, pp. 44. FOSTER, John, a Baptist Preacher, of Bristol, Eng. ; b. 1770. d. 1843. 2 Character of Robert Hall as a Theologian, and a Preacher. See HALL, R. (Works, Ed. 1832, Vol. 1.) 3 Essay (An) on the Evils of popular Ignorance. 2d American ed. . . . New York, 1821. 12 (5.6X3.3). 4 Essay (An) on the Importance of considering the Subject of Religion. ... Boston, 1827. 12 (5.3X3.1). 5 Essays ... I. On a Man s writing Memoirs of Himself. II. On Deci sion of Character. III. On the Application of the Epithet Romantic. IV. On some of the Causes by which evangelical Religion has been ren dered less acceptable to Men of cultivated Taste. 2 vols. in 1. ... 1st American from 3d London ed. Hartford, 1807. 12 (5.4X3.2). 6 Glory (The) of the Age : an Essay on the Spirit of Missions . . . Boston, 1832. 12 (4.3X2.7). FOSTER, Michael, an eminent English Lawyer; b. 1689. d. 1763. 7 Report (A) of some Proceedings on the Commission for the Trial of the Rebels in the Year 1746, in the County of Surrey; and of other Crown Cases : . . . [and] Discourses upon a few Branches of the Crown Law. 3d ed., with an Appendix containing new Cases. With additional Notes and References by M. Dobson. London, 1792. 8 (6.1X3.6), m. r. FOTHERGILL, John, M.D., an English Quaker; b. in Yorkshire, 1712. d. 1780. 8 Works ; with Life and Notes. 1781. 8 (6.2X3.1), pp. 661. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. FOTJLKE, William Parker, of Philadelphia. 9 Remarks on cellular Separation. Read by Appointment of the American Association for the Improvement of penal and reformatory Institutions, at ... New York, Nov. 29, 1860. Philadelphia, 1861. s (5.9X3.6). FOUQUE, Fr. H. K., Baron de LA MOTTE. See LA MOTTE-FOUQUE, Fr. H. K., Baron de. FOUR theological Tracts ; namely I. Seven Sermons on the Reformation ; by ]0 Zollikofer. II. Practical Inquiry into the Authority, &c. of the Lord s Supper, by W. Bell, D.D. III. On the Difficulties and Discourage ments, which attend the Study of the Scriptures ... by Bp. Hare. IV. An Essay on Fundamentals ... by Rev. J. Foster. Boston, 1809. 8 (6.3X3.6). FOURCROY, Antoine Francois, Compte de, a French Chemist; b. 1755. d. 1809. Jl Elementary Lectures on Chemistry and natural History. . . . Trans lated from the French of Fourcroy, by Thos. Elliot. With many Addi tions, Notes, and Illustrations by the Translator. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Edinburgh, 1785. 8 (6.1X3.6). 12 Elements of natural History and of Chemistry ; being the second Edi tion of the Elementary Lectures on those Sciences . . . greatly enlarged and improved, by the author, Fourcroy. Translated . . . With . . . Notes, and historical Preface by the Translator. Vol. 1-4. London, 1788. 8 (5.9X3.4). [2 copies.] * 3 Supplement to the Elements of natural History and Chemistry of Four croy. ... London, 1789. 8 (5.9X3.4). [2 copies.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 229 FOURCROY, Antoine Francois, Compte de, continued. 1 Lemons elementaires d Histoire naturelle et de Chimie . . . Par Four- croy. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1782. 8 (5X3.2). 2 Systeme des Connaissances chimiques, et de leurs Applications aux Phenomenes de la Nature et de 1 Art. Tom. 1-10. Paris, an IV. [1801]. 8 (6.2X3.9). 3 Table alphabetique et analytique des Matieres contenues dans les dix tomes du Syteme des Connaissances chimiques, redigee par Mme. Du- piery, et revue par Fourcroy. Paris, an X. [1802], 8 (6.4X4). FOURIER,, Francois Marie Charles; b. in Besangon, 1772. d. in Paris, 1837. 4 Social Destiny (The) of Man, or Theory of the four Movements, by C. Fourier. Translated by H. Clapp, Jr. With a Treatise on the Functions of the human Passions, and an Outline of Fourier s System of Social Science. By A. Brisbane. [Portrait of F.~\ New York, 1857. 8 (6.4X3.9). FOWLER, Edward, D.D., Bishop of Gloucester; b. 1632. d. 1714. 5 Design of Christianity, &c. See WATSON, R. (Theol. Tracts, vol. 6.) FOWLER, Richard. 6 Experiments and Observations relative to the Influence lately discovered by Galvani, and commonly called Animal Electricity. Edinburgh, 1793. 8 (5.6X3.1). FOWLER, William Chauncey, Prof, of Rhetoric in Amherst College. 7 English Grammar. The English Language in its Elements and Forms. With a History of its Origin and Development. . . . New York, 1850. 8 (6.5X3.7), pp. 675. Fox, Et. Hon. Charles James; b. in London, 1759. d. at Chiswick, 1806. 8 Beauties (The) of Fox, North, and Burke, selected from their Speeches, from . . . 1774, down to the present Time [and designed to show the Insincerity of the Coalition between tliem~\. ... * * * [Plate.] London, 177 [8 ?]4. 8, pp. 92+. [2 copies.] 9 Deformities (The) of Fox and Burke, faithfully selected from their Speeches [from 1770 to 1774]. . . . [Also~\ Copies of Addresses pre sented to the King on the Rejection of the East India Bill, &c. [Plate. } London, 1784. 8, pp. 68. 10 Letter (A) to the . . . Electors of the City and Liberty of Westminster. 13th ed. London, 1793. 8, pp. 43. 11 Speech in the House of Commons. March 24, 1795, on a Motion ". . . to consider of the State of the Nation." ... 2d ed. London, 1795. 8, pp. 45. Fox, George, Founder of the Society of Friends ; b. 1624. d. 1690. 12 Popular Life of George Fox. See MARSH, Jos. FOXCROFT, Rev. Thomas, Pastor of First Church in Boston; b. 1696. d. 1769. 13 Discourse concerning Kindness. Sermon preached in Boston, Feb. 28, 1719-20. Boston, 1720. 16, pp. 32. 14 Discourse preparatory to the Choice of a Minister. Two Sermons preached to the First Church in Boston, June 11, 1727. Boston, 1727. 8, pp. 67. 230 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. FOXE or Fox, Bev. John, Martyr olo gist, Prebend, of Salisbury; b. 1517. d. 1587. 1 Actes and Monuments of Matters most speciall and memorable, happen- yng in the Church, with an universal History of the same. [Illustrated.] London, 1583 P 2 (13.1X7.1), 2 cols., m.b. NOTE. Printed in JSIacft ILcttn. Imperfect, wanting- to The Kalendar, and from p. 707. 2 Acts (The) and Monuments of the Church ; containing the History and Sufferings of the Martyrs . . . With a preliminary Dissertation, on the Difference between the Church of Rome that now is, and the ancient Church of Rome that then was. With a Memoir of the Author, by his Son. New ed., with five Appendices, containing Accounts of the Mas sacre in France : the Destruction of the Spanish Armada : the Irish Rebellion in the Year 1641 : the Gunpowder Treason ; and a Tract, showing that the Executions of Papists in Q,. Elizabeth s Reign, were for Treason and not for Heresy. The whole carefully revised, corrected, and condensed. By Rev. M. H. Seymour. [Portraits and Engravings.] London, Edinburgh, and Dublin, [1850]. 8 (5.5X5.2), pp. 1082. 3 Acts and Monuments of Matters most speciall and memorable, happen ing in the Church, with an universall Historic of the same. . . . Vol. 1, 3. Now ... the eight time newly imprinted. ... * * * [Illustrated. ] London, 1641. 2 (10.9X6.1), 2 cols., m. b. NOTE. Printed in JSlack ILettcr. Vol. 3 is imperfect, wanting- to p. 13, and from PIG. of The Table. 4 Ecclesiasticall Historic . . . Recognized and enlarged by the Author. Vol. 2. [Illustrated, ] London, 1631. 2 (11.1X6), 2 cols., m. b. NOTE. Printed in 33ladt 3Lfttcr. Completes the preceding-. 5 Ecclesiasticall History, conteyning the Actes & Monumentes of Martyrs, with a generall Discourse of these latter Persecutions, &c. Newly re cognized and enlarged by the Author. Vol. 1, 2. [I paging. Illus trated. ] London, lolm Daye, 1576. 2 (10.4X5.8), 2 cols., m. b. NOTE. Printed in 33lack Hotter. Imperfect, wanting to " The Names of the Mar tyrs," &c. and from p. 1558. Contains autograph, " M Byles." 6 Fox s Book of Martyrs. . . . Originally composed by Rev. John Fox, and now corrected throughout, with . . . Additions relative to the recent Persecutions in the South of France. . . . Vol. 1, 2. New ed. ; embellished with . . . Engravings. Philadelphia, 1832. 8 (7.6X4.4). FOXTON, Thomas. Translator, &c. See BURNET, T. ArchaBologia? Philosophic. FRAMERY, Nicolas Etienne, a French Musician and Poet; b. 1710. d. 1745. Joint Translator. See ARIOSTO, L. Roland furieux. FRANCE. Public Documents. t Agriculture Franaise, par MM. les Inspecteurs de 1 Agriculture. . . . Departement de la Haute-Garonne. . . . Departement du Nord. . . . Departement des Hautes Pyrenees. . . . Departement de 1 Isere. . . . Departement des C6tes-du-Nord. * * * [5 vols. Maps. ] Paris, 1843- 44. 8 (5.1X3.1). 8 Assemblee Nationale. Journal des Debats et des Decrets. 29 Aout 1789-23 Juillet 1791. No. 1-794. [19 vols.] Paris, [1789- 91]. 8 (5.9X3.6). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 231 FRANCE. Public Documents, continued. 1 Code de Commerce collationne, pour le Texte, sur 1 Edition officielle . . . precede des Discours de MM. les Orateurs du Conscil d Etat, et suivi d une Table . . . Paris, 1807. 8 (5.9X3.5). 2 Code civil des Fran^ais. Edition originale et seule officielle. * * * Paris, 1804. 8 (6X3.7). 3 Code Francois ; ou Recueil general des Decrets de 1 Assemblee Nation- ale; sanctionnes par le Hoi. Partie [FoZ.] 1-10. Paris, 1790- 91. 8 (5.8X3.2). 4 Code municipal ou Breviaire des Officiers municipaux . . . 3me ed. Paris, 1793. 12 (5.2X3). 5 Collection generale des Decrets rendus par 1 Assemblee, et sanctionnes ou acceptes par le Hoi. Pte. 1-34. [9 vols.] * * * Paris, 1791. 8 (5.9X3.4). 6 Collection generale des Decrets rendus par 1 Assemblee Nationale, avec la Mention des Sanctions & Acceptations donnees par le Hoi, depuis . . . Mais, jusques . . . Dec. 1789. Tom. 1, 2. Sept. 1789 12 Fevr. 1790; Juin Sept. 1790. [8 vols. ] Paris, n. d. 8 (5.8X8.5). 7 Compte general de 1 Administration de la Justice civile et commerciale en France, pendant FAnnee 1842 . . . Paris, 1844. 4 (8.7X6.5). 8 Compte general de 1 Administration de la Justice criminelle en France pendant 1 Annee 1842 . . . Paris, 1844. 4 (8.7X6.5). 9 Comptes generaux du Tresor public. Recettes et Depenses pendant 1 AnXII. Paris, an XIII. [1805]. 4 (8.4X6.4). l Constitution de la Republique Franchise, proposee an Peuple Frangais, par la Convention Nationale. Boston, reimprimee, 1796. 8, pp. 72. n Convention Nationale. Opinion de P. Bailie, C. A. Balland, [and forty others] sur le Jugement de Louis XVI. Paris, 1792. 8, pamps. 12 Convention Nationale. Rapports de la Commission des Finances, et Lois sur la Dette publique, sur la Consolidation, sur 1 Emprunt volon- taire & sur 1 Emprunt force. Suivis de [Instruction sur 1 Emprunt force. ... Paris, 1793. 8 (5.8X3.5). 13 Correspondance du General Dumourier avec Pache, Ministre de la Guerre, pendant la Campagne de la Belgique, en 1792. Paris, 1793. 8 (5.7X3.1). 14 Edits, Ordonnances, Arrets et Reglemens, sur le Faict des Mines & Minieres de France. Paris, 1728. 12 (4.8X2.4). 15 Etiquette du Palais Imperial. Annee 1806. Paris, 1806. 4 (7X4.6). 16 Journal des Mines, ou Recueil de Memoires sur 1 Exploitation des Mines, et sur les Sciences et les Arts qui s y rapportent. . . . Public par le Conseil des Mines de I Empire. Vol. 1-21. 1795-1807. Paris, [1795-1807]. 8 (5.6X3.3). 17 Memoire contenant le Precis des Faits, avec leurs Pieces justificatives, pour servir de Reponse aux Observations envoyees par les Ministres d Angleterre, dans les Cours de 1 Europe. * * * Paris, 1756. 4 (6.7X4.3). 18 Memoires des Commissaires du Roi et de ceux de sa Majeste Britannique, sur les Possessions & les Droits respectifs des deux Couronnes en Ame- rique ; avec les Actes publics & Pieces justificatives. Tom. 1-4 . . . Paris, 1755- 57. 4 (6.7X4.3), 232 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. FRANCE. Public Documents, continued. 1 Memorial (A) containing a summary View of Facts with their Authori ties. In Answer to the Observations sent by the English Minister to the Courts of Europe. Translated from the French. New- York, 1757. 8 (6.4X3.7). 2 Ministere de 1 Instruction publique. Rapport au Roi sur 1 Instruction secondaire. Paris, 1843. 4 (8.8X6.6). 3 Notices sur les Objects envoyes a PExposition des Produits de Plndus- trie Franchise. An 1806. Paris, 1806. 8 (5.7X3.5). 4 Official Papers, relative to the definitive Treaty of London, and the Treaty of Amiens. ... London, 1803. 8 (6.9X3.7). 5 Proces-Verbal de 1 Assemblee des Communes et de 1 Assemblee Nation- ale ... Tom. 1-74. * * * Paris, [1789- 91]. 8 (5.8X3.5). 6 Proces-Verbal des Conferences sur la Verifications des Pouvoirs, tenues par MM. les Commissaires du Clerge, de la Noblesse & des Communes, tant en la Salle du Comite des Etats-Generaux, qu en Presence de MM. les Commissaires du Roi . . . Paris, 1789. 8 (5.1X3). 7 Proces-Verbal des Seances et Deliberations de 1 Assemblee generate des Electeurs de Paris, reunis . . . le 14 Juillet 1789. Redige depuis le 26 Avril jusqu au 21 Mai 1789, par M. Bailly ; et depuis le 22 Mai jusqu au 30 Juillet 1789, par M. Duveyrier. Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1790. 8 (5.2X3.1). 8 Reglement sur PAdministration et le Regime de 1 Hospice Royal des Quinze-vingts. Paris, 1834. 4 (7. 6X5.1), pp. 17. 9 Seances des Ecoles Normales, recueillies par des Stenographes, et revues par les Professeurs. Premiere Partie. Lemons. Tom. 1-5. Paris, n. d. 8 (5.5X3.2). [2 copies of vol. 1, 2.] 10 Tarif des Douanes nationales de France decrete par 1 Assemblee Na- tionale le 31 Janvier 1791, avec les Notes . . . Paris, 1791. 8 (5.5X3.3). 11 Tarif des Droits de Douane et de Navigation maritime, et Etat des Pro hibitions a PEntree et a la Sortie ; suivi d Observations . . . Paris, 1806. 4 (8X6.3). . Anonymous Publications. 12 Collection (A) of some Letters, &c. that have passed during the late contests in France concerning the Regale. London, 1681. 8 (5.6X3). 13 Comparative Display (A) of the different Opinions of the most distin guished British Writers on the Subject of the French Revolution. . . . Vol. 1, 2. * * * London, 1793. 8 (6.6X3.3). 14 Considerations sur la France. * * * Londres, 1797. 8 (5. 5X3). 15 Essai sur PAdministration des Colonies Francoises, et particulierement d une Partie de celles de Saint-Domingue. Avec deux Cartes & deux Tableaux geographiques & politiques. * * * Antonina, 1788. 8 (5. 1X3.2). 16 Essai sur PAdministration des Finances de la France, et la Liberation des Dettes de 1 Etat. ... *** [Paris] 1789. 8 (5.4X2.9). 17 Essai sur la Constitution et les Fonctions des Assemblies provinciates. Tom. 1. [Pan s] 1788. 8 (5.3X2.9). 18 Etats (Les) provinciaux compares avec les Administrations provinciates, suivi s des Principes relatifs aux Etats-Generaux . . . Paris, 1789. 8 (5.6X3.1). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 233 FRANCE. Anonymous Publications, continued. 1 Histoire de la Revolution de 1789, et de 1 Etablissement d une Constitu tion en France ; precedee de 1 Expose rapide des Administrations succes- sives qui ont determine cette Revolution memorabile. Par deux Amis delaLiberte. Tom. 2-7. Paris, 1790- 92. 8 (5.3X3). 2 Idea (An) of the present State of France, and of the Consequences of the Events passing in that Kingdom. ... 2d ed., with Additions. London, 1795. 8, pp. 53. 3 Impartial History (An) of the late Revolution in France, from its Com mencement to the Death of the Queen, and the Execution of the Depu ties of the Gironde Party. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1794. 8 (8.6X3.1). 4 Impartial Review (An) of the Causes and Principles of the French Revolution. By an American. Boston, 1798. 8 (5.9X3.3). 5 Memoires sur 1 Administration de la Marine et des Colonies ... * * * Paris, 1789. 8 (5.4X3). 6 Plan (A) of Constitution for the French Republic. [In French & Eng lish, on opp. pages. ~\ Boston, 1795. 8 (5. 5X3.2). 7 Revolution (The) in France, considered in respect to its Progress and Effects. By an American. ... * * * New York, 1794. 8, pp. 72. 8 Satyres, ou Choix des meilleures Pieces de Vers qui ont precede et suivi la Revolution. * * * Paris, 1793. 8, pp. 32. FRANCIS, Rev. Convers, D.D., of Boston. 9 Christ the Way to God. ... Boston, 1842. 12, pp. 12. 10 Christian Change (The) described by the Apostle Peter. . . . Boston, 1832. 12, pp. 24. 11 Christianity as a purely internal Principle. . . . Boston, 1836. 12, pp. 24. 12 Life of John Eliot, the Apostle to the Indians. See SPARKS, J. Ameri can Biography. Vol. 5. 13 Life of Sebastian Rale. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 7.) FRANCIS, Rev. Philip ; b. in Dublin, resided in England, d. 1773. Translator. See DEMOSTHENES. Orations. FRANCIS, William, Ph.D., F.L.S., &c. Joint Editor. See London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Mag azine, &c. Fourth Series, 1851 - 61. FRANCKE, H., Director of Hydropathic Institution, Alexander sb ad, Bavaria. 14 Outlines of a new Theory of Disease, applied to Hydropathy . . . With Observations on the Errors committed in the Practice of Hydropathy ; &c. . . . Translated from the German, by R. Baikie, M.D. * * *" New York, 1849. . 12 (6.1X3.5). FRANCKLIN, Thomas, D.D., Prof, of Greek at Cambridge, Eng.; b. 1721. d. 1724. 15 Dissertation (A) on ancient Tragedy [with Plan of Greek Theatre ]. [No imprint ] 1768. 8, pp. 82. 6 Dissertation on Greek Tragedy. See SOPHOCLES. Tragedies. Pp. 5-61 . Translator. See SOPHOCLES. Tragedies. FRANCKLIN, Capt. William. i? Observations made on a Tour from Bengal to Persia, in the Years 1786-7. With . . . Account of the Remains of the . . . Palace of Persepolis; &c. 2d ed. London, 1790. 8 (5.3X2.9). 30 234 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. FRANCOEUR, L. B., Professor at Paris, &c. 1 Astronomie pratique. Usage et Composition de la Connaissance des Temps. ... 2eed. [Plates. } Paris, 1840. 8 (5.9X3.5), pp. 528. FRANKLIN, Benjamin, LL.D., b. in Boston, 1707. d. in Philadelphia, 1790. 2 Autobiography. See (Works, London Ed., post. Vol. 1, pp. 1-164). 3 Autobiography, and Continuation by J. Sparks. See (Works, Boston Ed., post. Vol. 1). 4 Collection (A) of the familiar Letters and miscellaneous Papers of B. F. ... Boston, 1833. 12 (5.4X3.2). 5 Complete Works, in Philosophy, Politics, and Morals, now first collected and arranged, with Memoirs of his early Life, written by himself. . . . Vol. 1-3. [Portrait. and Plates.] London, 1806. 8 (6X3. 3). 6 Correspondence. See UNITED STATES. (Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, vol. 3, 4.) 7 Examination (The) of B. F. before an august Assembly, relating to the Repeal of the Stamp-Act, &c. [No imprint. ] 8, pp. 23. 8 Life (The) of Dr. B. F. ; written by himself. 2d American ed. [Por trait. } Philadelphia, 1794. 12 (5.3X2.9). 9 Memoirs of B. F. ; written by himself. With his most interesting Essays, Letters, and miscellaneous Writings . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait."} (Harper s Family Library, No. 92, 93.) New York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7). 10 Plain Instructions for Inoculation in the Small Pox . . . [By B. Frank lin. } London, 1759. 4, pp. 12. 11 Private Life (The) of B. F. Originally written by himself, and now translated from the French. ... [ With] some Account of his public Life . . . Anecdotes concerning him, by Brissot, Condorcet, &c. &c. and the Eulogium of M. Fauchet. *** London, 1793. 8 (6.2X3.5). 12 Some Account of the Success of Inoculation for the Small Pox in Eng land and America. . . . [By B. Franklin. ] London, 1759. 4, pp. 8. 13 Two Tracts ; Information to those who would remove to America. And, Remarks concerning the Savages of North America. London, 1784. 8, pp. 39. [2 copies.] 14 Works; consisting of his Life, written by himself, [the Eulogium of the Abbe Fauchet, and] . . . Essays, humorous, moral, & literary . . . Vol. 1,2. [Portrait.] 2d American ed. New York, 1794. 12 (5.7X3.3). NOTE. The two volumes are bound together. 35 Works ; containing several political and historical Tracts not included in any former Edition, and many Letters . . . not hitherto published ; with Notes, and a Life of the Author. By J. Sparks. Vol. 1-10. [Por traits and Plates.] Boston, 1836- 40. 8 (6.4X3.6). FIIAXKLIX, Walter S. Joint Editor. See UNITED STATES. American State Papers. FRANKLIN Institute of the State of Pennsylvania, &c. JG Journal of the F. I. &c. Devoted to mechanical and physical Science, civil Engineering, the Arts and Manufactures, and the Recording of ... Inventions. Vol. 1-4. New Series. Vol. 1-26. Third Series. Vol. 1-42. [Monthly. Plates.] Philadelphia, 1826- 61. 8 (6.7-7.1X3.7-4.2). NOTE. Vol. 1-4 are titled " The Franklin Journal, and American Mechanic s Maga zine," &c. This publication was edited, Jan. 1826 -Jan. 1848 (Jan. 1841 -July, 1842 jointly with Prof. J. J. Mapes) by T. P. Jones, M.D. j Jan. 1848- Jan. 1850 by Com mittee on Publications ; subsequently by Prof. J. F. Frazer, assisted by Committee on Publications. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 235 FRANZIUS, Joannes. 1 Elementa Epigraphices Graecae. Berolini, 1840. 4 (7. 5X5. 5). ERASER, James Baillie, a Scotch Traveller, a native of Inverness-sliire. 2 Historical and descriptive Account of Persia, from the earliest Ages to the present Time . . . including a Description of Afghanistan and Be- loochistan. Illustrated . . . (Harper s Family Library, No. 70.) New York, 1834. 18 (4.5X2.7). 3 Mesopotamia and Assyria, from the earliest Ages to the present Time ; with Illustrations of their natural History. . . . (Harper s Family Li brary, No. 157.) New York, 1845. 18 (4.5X2.7). FRAZER, Prof. John F. Editor. See FRANKLIN Institute, &c. Journal, 3d Ser., vol. 19-42. FREDERIC II. the Great, 3d King of Prussia; b. in Berlin, 1712. d. 1786. 4 Life. See MACAULAY, T. B. (Essays, vol. 4.) 5 Life of Frederic II., King of Prussia. See ELLIS, G. J. "VV. A., Lord Dover. 6 Life of Friedrich the Second. See CARLTLE, T. ? Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg from the earliest Accounts, to. the Death of Frederic I. ... [With] Four Dissertations . . . London, 1758. 12 (4.5X2.7). 8 Oeuvres posthumes. Tom. 1-13. [No imprint ] 1789. 8 (5. 8X3.5). NOTE. Half-titles as above. Titles of volumes express respective contents, viz. Vol. I.-III. Memoires sur le Regne de Frederic II., Merits par lui-meme. Tom. 1-3. IV. -X. Correspondancc. Tom. 1-7. XI.-XIII. Melanges en vers et en prose. Tom. 1-3. 9 Vie de Frederic II, Roi de Prusse. . . . Nouv. ed., revue, corrigee, etc. Tom. 1-4. [Portrait. ] Strasbourg, 1788. 12 (4.7X2.3). FREEDOM (The) of Speech and Writing upon public Affairs, considered ; with 10 an historical View of the Roman imperial Laws against Libels . . . &c. *** London, 1766. 4 (7.5X4.5). FREEMAN, Rev. James, D.D., of Boston; b. 1759. d. 1835. 11 Remarks on the [Morse s] American universal Geography. By. J. F[reeman]. Boston, 1793. 8, pp. 61. 12 Sermons on particular Occasions. [By J. Freeman. ] Boston, 1812. 8 (5.8X3.2). [2 copies. ] FREEMAN, Samuel, of Portland, Me., Judge of Prolate-, b. 1743. d. 1831. 13 Valuable Assistant (A) to every Man; or, The American Clerk s Maga zine. ... 4th ed., revised, &c. Boston, 1800. 12 (5.3X3.1). FREE Masonry. Its Pretensions exposed in faithful Extracts of its standard 14 Authors ; with a Review of Town s Speculative Masonry : &c. By a Master Mason. * * * New York, 1828. 8 (6.4X3.5), FREESE, A. G. F., Court-Preacher, and Director of Lyceum, at Stockholm. 15 Schwedisches Lesebuch. Herausgegeben von Freese und Lappe. Pro- saischer Theil. Mit . . . Wortregister. Stralsund, 1830. 8 (5.6X3.4). 16 Schwedisches Lesebuch. Zweiter, oder poetischer Theil. Stralsund, 1834. 8 (5.6X3.4). FREIND, John, M.D., a distinguished classical Scholar ; b. 1675. d. 1728. 17 History (The) of Physick ; from the Time of Galen, to the Beginning of the sixteenth Century. Chiefly with regard to Practice. . . . Part [Vol.] 1. Containing all the Greek Writers. 3d ed. 2. [The Arabic Writers. ] 2d ed., corrected. London, 1726, 27. 8 (6.1X3.2). 236 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. FREMONT, Major-Gen. John Charles, U.S. Army; b. in Savannah, Ga., 1813. 1 Geographical Memoir upon Upper California, in Illustration of his Map of Oregon and California. (U.S. Pub. Doc.) Washington, 1849. 8, pp. 40. 2 Report of an Exploration of the Country lying between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains . . . [Map and Plates. } (U.S. Pub. Doc.) Washington, 1843. 8 (7.4X4.4). 3 Report of an exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in 1842, and to Oregon and North California in 1843- 44. [Map and Plates. ] (U.S. Pub. Doc.) Washington, 1845. 8 (7.5X4.5), pp. 693. FRENCH Convert (The) . . . [and] a brief Account of the present . . . Per- 4 secutions of the French Protestants. Walpole, 1794. 12 (4.8X2.8). FRESCHOT, Casimir, of French protestant parentage ; fl. about 1815. 5 Nouvelle Relation de la Vilie & Republique de Venise . . . Par M. Freschot. [2 payings. Plate. } Utrecht, 1709. 12 (4.6X2.6). FREUND, Dr. Wilhelm. 6 Worterbuch der Lateinischen Sprache, nach historisch-genetischen Prin- cipien, mit steter Beriicksichtigung der Grammatik, Synonymik und Alterthumskunde. Nebst mehreren Beilagen linguistischen und archa- ologischen Inhalts. Bel. 1-4. Leipzig, 1834- 40. Th. 8 (7.4X4.3), 2 cols. CONTENTS. Vol. I. A-C. 11. D-K. III. L-Q. IV. R-Z. FREYTAG, Georg Wilhelm, Prof, of Orient. Lang, at Bonn, since 1819 ; b. 1788. 7 Lexicon Arabico-Latinum praesertim ex Djeuharii Firuzabadiique et aliorum Arabum Operibus adhibitis Golii quoque et aliorum Libris confectum. Accedit Index Vocum Latinarum . . . Tom. 1-4. Halis Saxonum, 1830- 37. 4 (8.6X7.4), 2 cols. FREZIER, Amedee Francois, a French Engineer and Traveller; b. 1682. d. 1773. 8 Voyage to the South-Sea, and along the Coasts of Chili and Peru, in the Years 1712, 1713, and 1714. ... By M. Frezier. Illustrated . . . With a Postscript, by Dr. E. Halley. And an Account of ... the Jesuits in Paraguay. London, 1717. 4 (6.6X4.2). FRIEND (The) of Peace. See WORCESTER, N. FRIENDLY Dialogue, (A) ... between Philalethes & Toletus, upon the Nature 9 of Duty. * * * Newbury-port, 1784. 12 (4.8X3.6). FRIENDS, Society of. Ancient Testimony (The) of the Religious Society of Friends . . . respecting some of their Christian Doctrines and Prac tices- Philadelphia, 1843. 12, pp. 84. 11 Brief Statement (A) of the Rise and Progress of the Testimony of the Religious Society of Friends, against Slavery and the Slave Trade. . . . Philadelphia, 1843. 12, pp. 59. 2 Declaration (A) of the Yearly Meeting of Friends, held in Philadel phia, respecting the Proceedings of those who have lately separated from the Society : and also, shewing the Contrast between their Doctrines and those held by Friends. Philadelphia, 1828. 8, pp. 32. *3 Summary (A) of the History, Doctrine, and Discipline of Friends . . . 1st American ed. . . . New York, 1805. 12, pp. 28. H Testimony of the Religious Society of Friends against Slavery . . . Boston, 1847. 12, pp. 12. 15 Testimony (The) of the Society of Friends on the Continent of America. Philadelphia, 1830. 8, pp. 39. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 237 FRINK, Pei\ Thomas, of Rutland, Mass. 1 Election Sermon, Mass., May 31, 1758. Boston, 1838. 8, pp. 93. F-RlsviE,Rev.Levi, Prof, of Lat.,aft.of Moral Phil., ffarv. Coll.; b. 1784. d. 1822. 2 Inaugural Address delivered in the Chapel of the University at Cam bridge, Nov. 5, 1817. Cambridge, 1817. 8, pp. 28. FRITHIOF S Saga, a Legend of the North. See TEGNER, E. FROTHING HAM, Frederick. Translator. See DE WETTE, W. M. L. Introduction to the New Test. FROTHINGHAM, Rev. Nathaniel Langdon, D.D., of Boston-, b. 1793. 3 Funeral Sermon, on the Death of Rev. Joseph McKean, D.D., delivered April 19, 1818. Boston, 1818. 8, pp. 19. 4 Memoir of T. M. Harris, D.D. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 4th Ser., vol. 2.) FROUDE, James Anthony, Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford, Eng. ; b. 1818. 5 History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth. *** Vol. 1-6. London, 1856- 60. 8 (6.4 irr.X3.4), m. b. FRUITS (The) of Endowments ; being a List of Works of upwards of two thou- 6 sand Authors, who have, from the Reformation to the present Time, enjoyed prebendal or other non-cure Endowments of the Church in England. *** London, 1840. 8 (7.5X4.5), 2 cols. FULLER, Rev. Andrew, D.D., an English Baptist Theologian; b. 1754. d. 1815. 7 Calvinistic and Socinian Systems (The) examined and compared, as to their moral Tendency ... * * * Boston, 1815. 12 (5.4X3.2). 8 Complete Works. . . . In 2 vols. Vol. 2. ... Boston, 1833. Th. 8 (7.5X4.5), 2 cols. 9 Gospel (The) worthy of all Acceptation : or, The Duty of Sinners to believe in Jesus Christ. ... *** Otsego, 1809. 12 (5.3X3.1). 10 Memoirs of Rev. Andrew Fuller, D.D. See MORRIS, J. W. 11 Memoirs of Rev. Samuel Pearce ; with Extracts from some of his ... Letters. *** Boston, 1801. 12 (5.4X3). 12 Memoirs of Rev. Samuel Pearce, with Extracts from some of his ... Letters. . . . [With] an Oration, delivered at the Grave, by Rev. J. Brewer ; a Sermon on his Death, by Rev. J, Ryland, and a brief Me moir of Mrs. Pearce. * * * [Portrait."] 5th American ed. Boston, 1828. 12 (4.6X2.7). 13 Memoirs of Rev. Samuel Pearce, with Extracts from some of his ... Letters. (CHRISTIAN Library, vol 3.) New York, 1835. 8 (8.1 X4.9). FULLER, Rev. Samuel, D.D., Prof, at Berkeley Div. School, Middletown, Conn. 14 Confirmation ; or Laying on of Hands : its Authority and Nature. New York, 1857. 12, pp. 35. 15 Education in the two Andovers. Address at the Dedication of the Pun- chard Free School, Sept. 12, 1858. Andover, 1856. 8, pp. 42. 16 Rome self-convicted of Error. The Church of Rome self-convicted of Error with regard to the Course of Canon of Scripture and Tradition. Andover, 1851. 8, pp. 20. FULLER, Sarah Margaret. See OSSOLI, S. M. F. d . FULLER, Thomas, Rector of Broad Windsor, Dorsetshire, Eng.; b. 1608. d. 1661. 17 Holy State (The). * * * [Portraits.] Cambridge, 1642. 2 (8.4X4.2). NOTE. In two parts, titled "The Holy State," and "The Profane State 5" with independent title-pages. General title-page is embellished. 238 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. FULLER, Thomas, M.I)., an English Philanthropist; b. 1654. d. 1734. 1 Pharmacopoeia extemporanea : or, A Body of Medicine. ... 3d ed., with Additions. *** London, 1719. 8 (5.8X3.4), pp. 536+. FULTON, Robert, the Inventor, of Irish descent ; b.inPa., lIGo.d.inN.Y., 1815. 2 Life, by J. Renwick. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 10.) 3 Treatise (A) on the Improvement of Canal Navigation . . . Illustrated with 17 Plates. London, 1796. 4 (7.2X4.9). [2 copies.] FURSTLICIIE Schatz- und Rent-Kammer . . . 4 Leipzig, 1686. 8 (5.3X2.8), pp. 661. G. G.,F. 5 ONOMAZTIKON BPAXT . Sive, Nomenclatura brevis Anglo-Latino- Grseca. . . . Ed. decimaseptima. . . . London, 1685. 8 (5. 8X4). GAGE, THOMAS, a Roman- Catholic Missionary, aft. became protestant. 6 New Survey (A) of the West-Indies : or, The English American his Travail by Sea and Land . . . With a Grammar ... of the Indian Tongue ... 2d ed. enlarged . . . [and] with Maps. London, 1655. 2 (9.4X5.3). GAGE, Major-Gen. Thomas, the last royal Gov. of Mass. ; d. in England, 1787. 7 Gen. Gage s Instructions of 22d February, 1775, to Capt. Brown and Ensign D Bernicre ; with a Narrative of the Occurrences of their Mis sion, and an Account of the Transactions of April 19, 1775, &c. Boston, 1779. 8, pp. 20. 8 Letters to the Ministry. See BERNARD, F. Letters, &c. GAILLARD, Gabriel Henri, Member of the French Academies ; b. 1726. d. 1806. 9 Histoire de Charlemagne, precedee de Considerations sur le premiere Race, etc. Par M. Gaillard. Tom. 3. Paris, 1782. 12 (4.6X2.4). GAILLAEDUS, Jacobus, Minister and Professor at Lei/den. . 10 fciriDS VISES* hoc est Specimen Qusestionum in novum Instrumentum, de Filio Hominis. * * * Lugduni-Batavorum, 1684. 4 (6.2X4.3). GAIMAR, Geoffrey; wrote his Chronicle about 1150. 11 Gaimar, Havelock et Herward. The Anglo-Norman metrical Chronicle of Geoffrey Gaimar, printed for the first time in entire from the MS. in the British Museum. With Illustrative Notes and an Appendix con taining the Lay of Havelock, the Legend of Ernulf and the Life of Herward. Edited by T. Wright. London, 1850. 8 (5.7X2.7 irr.). GAISFORD, Thomas, D.D., Prof, of Greek at Oxford, Eng.; b. 1780. d. 1855. 12 Adnotationes W r esselingii, Valckenaerii, Larcheri, Schweighaeuseri ali- orumque in Herodoti Historiarum Libri IX. Edidit T. Gaisford. Tom. 1,2. Lipsiae, 1826. 8 (6.8X3.8). GAJANI, Guglielmo, Prof, of Law at Rome. 13 Roman Exile (The). 4th thousand. Boston, 1856. 12 (5.8X3.4). GALE, Benjamin, A.M. 14 Calm and full Vindication (A) of a Letter, wrote to a Member of the Lower House of Assembly . . . Being a full Answer to a Letter . . . in Vindication of Yale-College, with some further Remarks on the Laws and Government of that Society ... * * * New Haven, 1759. 4 (6.4X3.9), pp. 32. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 239 GALE, Benjamin, M.D., b. in Long Island, 1715. d. 1780. 1 Brief Essay (A), or, An Attempt to prove, from the prophetick Writings of the Old and New Testaments, what Period of Prophecy the Church of God is now under ; &c. * * * New Haven, n. d. 8, pp. 63. GALENUS, Claudius, a Physician of antiquity ; b. in Mysia, 130. d. about 200-. 2 Opera omnia, Latine. Vol. 1-4. Venetiis, 1525. 2 (10.8X6.3), m.n. NOTE. Title-page and portions of each volume are wanting. GALES and Seaton s Register of Debates. See UNITED STATES. GALIANO, Don Antonio Alcala, Prof, of Spanish at Univ. of London. 3 Introductory Lecture [on the Spanish Language and Literature ] de livered in Univ. of London, Nov. 15, 1828. London, 1829. 8, pp. 33.. GALILEI, Galileo, an Italian Phil, and Math. ; b. in Pisa, 1564. d. 1642. 4 Life of Galileo. See BREWSTER, D. The Martyrs of Science. 5 Life of Galileo, by J. E. D. Bethune. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. Lives, &c. 6 Siderius Nuncius . . . [Plates.] London, 1853. 8 (6X3.4), pp. 80. GALLATIN, Hon. Albert, LL.D., U.S. Rep., 1796, Sec y of Treasury, 1801- 13, foreign Envoy, &c. ; b. in Geneva, Switzerland, 1761. d. 1849. 7 Notes on the semi-civilized Nations of Mexico, Yucatan, and Central America. See AMERICAN Ethnological Society. (Transactions, vol. 1.) 8 Sketch (A) of the Finances of the United States. New- York, 1796. 8 (5.6X3. 2). 9 Speech on the British Treaty. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Eloquence of the United States, vol. 1.) 10 Synopsis of the Indian Tribes in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains, and in the British and Russian Possessions in North Ame rica. See AMERICAN Antiquarian Society. (Archreologia Americana, vol. 2.) GALLAUDET, Rev. Thomas Hopkins, LL.D., Founder of the Connecticut Asylum for the Dtafand Dumb ; b. in Phila., 1787. d. at Hartford, 1851. 11 Discourses on various Points of Christian Faith and Practice . . . de livered in Paris, in . . . M.DCCC.XVI. Hartford, 1818. 8 (6.2X3.6). 12 Discourses ... in Paris . . . New York, 1818. 8 (6.2X3.6). 13 Sermon at the Opening of the Connecticut Asylum for . . . deaf and dumb Persons, April 20, 1817. Hartford, 1817. 8, pp. 15. GALLISON, John, Esq., a native of Marblehead, Mass. ; b. 1788. d. 1828. 14 Address delivered at the Fourth Anniversary of the Massachusetts Peace Society, Dec. 25, 1819. Cambridge, 1820. 8, pp. 18. OALLOIS, Jean Antoine GAUVAIN, Member of French Insti., &c.; b. 1755. d. 1828. Translator. See FILANGIERI, G. La Science de La Legislation. GALLON, . 15 Machines et Inventions approuvees par 1 Academie Royale des Sciences, depuis son Etablissement jusqu a present ; avec leur Description. Des- sinees & publiees . . . par M. Gallon. Tom. 1-6. . . . [Plates.] Paris, 1735. 4 (6.9X4.3). GALT, John, Esq., a native of Ayrshire, Eng. ; b. 1779. d. 1839. 16 Critical Dissertation. See MACKENZIE, H. Works. Pp. 3-20. 17 Life (The) of Lord Byron. (Harper s Family Library, No. 9.) New York, 1831. 18 (4.5X2.7), 240 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. GALT, John M., M.D., Sup t of Eastern Lunatic Asylum, Williamsburg, Va. 1 Essays on Asylums . . . Richmond, 1850. 8, pp. 22 2 Essays on Asylums . . . 2d Series. Richmond, 1853. 8, pp. 44 3 Political Essays. [% J. Gait. No imprint. ] 8, pp. 38 GALVANO, Antonio, a Portuguese Writer. 4 Progress of maritime Discovery to A.D. 1555. See CLARKE, J. S Progress of maritime Discovery. Appendix, pp. 3-74. GAMBIER, James Edward, Rector of Langley, Kent, &c. 5 Introduction to the Study of moral Evidence . . . With an Appendix on debating for Victory, and not for Truth. 3d ed. enlarged. London, 1824. 8 (5.9X3.4) GAMMELL, William, Prof, of Hist, and Polit. Econ. at Brown Univ. ; b. 1812 6 Life of Samuel Ward. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 9. 7 Life of Roger Williams. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 4. GANILH, Charles, a French Economist ; b. 1758. d. 1836. 8 Essai politique sur le Revenu public des Peuples de lAntiquite, di moyen Age, des Siecles modernes, et specialement de la France et d( 1 Angleterre, depuis la milieu du 15e Siecle jusqu au 19e. Tom. 1, 2 * * * Paris, 1806. 8 (5.6X3.2) 9 Inquiry (An) into the various Systems of political Economy . . Translated from the French by D. Boileau. * * * New York, 1812. 8 (6X3.5) GANNETT, Caleb, Tutor and Steward at Harvard College ; b. 1745. d. 1818. 10 Papers on Astronomy, &c. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs vol. 1, 2.) GANNETT, Ezra Stiles, T).T).,Min. ofFederal-St.Church,Bost.,since!824; 6.1801, 11 Address (An) delivered at the Funeral of Rev. Wm. E. Charming, D.D. Oct. 7, 1842. Boston, 1843. 12, pp. 30 12 Atonement (The). Boston, 1839. 12, pp. 30 13 Comparison (A) of the Good and the Evil of Revivals. 2d ed. Boston, 1831. 12, pp. 28, 14 Faith (The) of the Unitarian Christian explained justified and distin guished. 2d ed. Boston, [1845]. 8, pp. 36, 15 Good Old Age (A). Sermon occasioned by the Death of Hon. John Davis, and preached in Boston, Jan. 24, 1847. Boston, 1847. 8, pp. 42, 16 Righteousness the central Principle of Christianity and the true Basis of the Unitarian Denomination. Boston, 1842. 12, pp. 34. 17 Unitarianism not a negative System. Boston, 1835. 12, pp. 26, 18 Useful Man (The). Sermon delivered at the Funeral of Hon. Ch. Paine, at Northfield, Vt., Sept. 1, 1853. Northfield, 1853. 8, pp. 63, GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA, [surnamed] El Inca; b. at Cuzco, in Spain, 1530. d. 1568, 19 Histoire de la Floride, ov Relation de ce qvi s est passe au Voyage de Ferdinand de Soto pour la Conqueste de ce Pays. Composee en Espagnol, et traduite en Frangois par Richelet. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1670. 12 (4.4X2.3), 20 Royal Commentaries (The) of Peru . . . Illustrated with Sculptures. Written originally in Spanish, and rendered into English, by Sir Paul Rycaut, Kt. [Portrait of Rycaut.} London, 1688. 2 (9.8X5), pp. 1019-f. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 241 GARDENER, Lieut. Lion, Engineer in New England. 1 Pequot Wanes. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 3d Series, vol. 3, 10.) GARDIN-DUMESNIL, JeanBaptiste.Pro/. ofRhet.,Univ. of Paris; b. 1720. d. 1802. 2 Latin Synonyms, with their Significations, and Examples . . . Trans lated into English, with Additions and Corrections, by J. M. Gosset. *** London, 1809. 8 (6.1X3.5), pp. 675. GARDINER, Capt. Allen, of the British Navy. 3 Narrative of a Journey to the Zoolu Country, in South Africa. ... In 1835. (CHRISTIAN Library, vol. 7.) New York, 1836. 8 (8.1X4.9). GARDINER, Hon. Col. James, a Scottish Soldier; l>. 1688. slain 1745. 4 Life of Col. Gardiner. See DODDRIDGE, P. GARDINER, John, M.D., Member of Chemical Society, New York. Editor. See LIEBIG, J. Familiar Lectures on Chemistry. GARDINER, John Sylvester John, D.D., Rector of Trin it y Church, Boston; b. 1765. d. 1830. 5 Christian s Victory (The), &c. Sermon, delivered Nov. 5, 1809, on the Decease of Elizabeth Lady Temple. Boston, 1809. 4, pp. 22 . 6 Fast Sermon, at Boston, April 7, 1808. Boston, 1808. 8, pp. 22. ? Fast Sermon, at Boston, April 6, 1810. Boston, 1810. 8, pp. 24. 8 Fast Sermon, in Boston, April 9, 1812. Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 19. 9 Preservative (A) against Unitarianism : a Sermon preached at Trinity Church, June 9, 1811. Boston, 1811. 8, pp. 23. 10 Sermon delivered before the Humane Society of Massachusetts, June 14, 1803. [Appendix.] Boston, 1803. 8, pp. 43. 11 Sermon, delivered Sept. 23, 1809, before the Members of the Boston Female Asylum. Boston, 1809. 8, pp. 23. 12 Sermon, delivered at Trinity Church, Dec. 25, 1810, on the Divinity of Jesus Christ. Boston, 1811. 8, pp. 21. 13 Sermon, preached at Trinity Church, Nov. 22, 1812, the Sunday after the Interment of Th. C. Amory, Esq. Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 20. 14 Sermon, delivered at Trinity Church, March 21, 1812, on the Decease of Mr. George Higginson. Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 19. GARENCIERES, Theophile de, a French Physician of Caen, aft. of London. Translator, and Annotator. See NOSTREDAME, M. de. True Prophecies. GARNER, John. 15 Nouveau Dictionnaire (Le) universel, Fran^ois-Anglois, et Anglois- Frangois . . . Tom. 1. The New universal Dictionary, English and French, and French and English . . . Vol. 2. Rouen, 1802. 4 (8.5X6), 3 cols. GARNETT, Rev. Richard, of the British Museum; b. 1789. d. 1850. 16 Christian Church (The) from the Death of Julian, to the End of the fourth Century. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 11). 17 Philological Essays. Edited by his Son. London, 1859. 8 (6.6X3.9). GARNIER, Jean Jacques, a French Historian; b. 1729. d. 1805. is Histoire de France. See VELLY, P. F. Histoire de France. Tom. 17-30. GARRISON, William Lloyd ; b. in Newhuryport, Mass., 1805. 19 Thoughts on African Colonization : or an impartial Exhibition of the Doctrines, Principles and Purposes of the American Colonization So ciety. . . . With the Resolutions, Addresses and Remonstrances of the Free People of Color. *** Boston, 1832. 8 (6.8X3.9). [2 copies.] 31 242 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. GASSENDI, Pierre, a celebrated French Philosopher; b. 1592. d. 1655. 1 Institutio Astronomica, juxta Hypotheses tarn veterum quam recentio- rum. Cui accesserunt G. Galilei Nuntius Sidereus et J. Kepleri Diop- trice. 2da ed. . . . [Plates.] Lcndini, 1653. 8 (6X3.3). 2 Institutio Astronomica, juxta Hypotheses tarn veterum, quam Copernici & Tychonis. 6ta ed. . . . [Plates. ] Cantabrigiae, 1702. 8 (5.9X3.6). GASTOX, Rev. Hugh, of Antrim County, Ireland; fl. 1760. 3 Scripture Account (A) of the Faith and Practice of Christians ; con sisting of an extensive Collection of pertinent Texts of Scripture, illus trative of the various Articles of revealed Religion . . . Philadelphia, 1830. 8 (6.7X4). GASTRELL, Francis, D.D., Bp. of Chester ; i>. 1662. d. 1725. 4 Certainty (The) and Necessity of Religion in general. See (BOYLE S Lecture Sermons, vol. 1.) GATCHEL, Samuel, Deacon of Id Cong. Church, Marblehead, Mass. 5 Contrast (A) to- the Rev. Nathaniel Whitaker, D.D. his Confutation of the Rev. John Wise, Vindication of the New-England Churches ; and the Churches Quarrel espoused. * * * Danvers, 1778. 8, pp. 70. GATTEL, Claude Marie, Prof, of Philosophy at Lyons; b. 1743. d. 1812. 6 New Pocket Dictionary of the English and Spanish Languages . . . English and Spanish. Paris, 1803. 8 (4.7X3.3), 3 cols. 7 Nouveau Dictionnaire Espagnol et Francois, Francois et Espagnol, avec 1 Interpretation Latine de chaque Mot. Fidellement redige d apres le Dictionnaire de 1 Academie Royale Espagnole & celui de 1 Academie Franchise. ... Par 1 Abbe Gattel. Tom. 1. A-F. 2. G-Z. 3. A-K. 4. L-Z. Lyon, 1790. 8 (6.9X4.2). 8 Nouveau Dictionnaire de poche Frangois-Espagnol . . . enrichi des Conjugaisons des Verbes Espagnpls . . . par 1 Abbe Gattel. Paris, 1798. 12 (4.2X4.1), 3 cols. 9 Nuevo Diccionario portatil Espagnol y Frances . . . Enriquecido de las Conjugaciones de los Verbos Espailoles . . . por lo Abate Gattel. Paris, 1798. 12 (4.2X4.1), 3 cols., pp. 550. 10 Nuevo Diccionario portatil, Espafiol e Ingles . . . Espafiol e Ingles. Paris, 1803. .8 (4.7X3.3), 3 cols. GATTERER, Christoph Wilheim Jacob. 11 Anleitung den Harz und andere Bergwerke mit Nuzen zu bereisen. Th. 1, 2. Gottingen, 1785, 86. 16 (5X2.9). GAUGER, Nicolas, a French Physician ; b. 1680. d. 1730. 12 Fires improv d : being a new Method of building Chimneys . . . Written in French by M. Gauger: made English and improv d, by J. T. Desaguliers. [Plates. ] London, 1715. 12 (4.8X2.8). GAY, Rev. Ebenezer, D.D., of Hingham, Mass.; b. 1696. d. 1787. 13 Natural Religion, as distinguished from Revealed. Dudleian Lecture, May 9, 1759 ; with Character of Judge Dudley. Boston, 1759. 8, pp. 34, 4. GAY, John ; b. in Devonshire, Eng., 1668. d. in London, 1732. Poetical Works. With a Life of the Author, by Dr. Johnson. ... Vol. 1.2. [Portrait. ] Boston. 1854. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.> CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 243 GAY-LussAC, Nicolas Francois, a French Chemist, &c. ; b. 1778. d. 1850. 1 Annales de Chimie et de Physique, par MM. Gay-Lussac et Arago. Tom. 4-12. Paris, 1817- 19. 8 (5.9X3.4). GAZETTE of Maine. Vol. 1-3. See PORTLAND Gazette. GELENIUS, Sigismund, a learned Critic, &c., at Bale; b. 1498. d. 1555. Aunotator. See LIVIUS, T. Latinae Historiae Decades tres, etc. Editor. See PLINIUS SECUNDUS, C. Historiae Naturalis Libri triginta septeui. Translator. See PHILO. Opera exegetica in Libros Mosis. GELL, Sir William, an English Antiquary ; b. 1777. d. in Naples, 1836. 2 Topography (The) of Rome and its Vicinity. . . . Vol. 1,2. [Map.] London, 1834. 8 (5.8X3.3). GELLERT, C. E., Prof, of Mineralogy at St. Petersburg, &c. ; b. 1713. d. 1795. 3 Metallurgic Chemistry. Being a System of Mineralogy in general and of all the Arts arising from this Science. . . . Translated from the original German by I. S[eifurth]. With Plates. London, 1776. 8 (5.8X3.3). GELLERT, Christian Fiirchtegott, a German Poet and Moralist; b. 1715. d. 1769. 4 Briefe, nebst einer praktischen Abhandlung von dem guten Geschmacke inBriefen. Berlin, 1779. 12 (5.1X3). 5 Briefe, nebst einigen damit verwandten Briefen seiner Freunde ; nach seinem Tode herausgegeben von. J. A. Schlegeln und G. L. Heyern. Bd. 1, 2. Leipzig, 1774. 12 (5.2X2.9). 6 Eloge de Gellert. See (Lettres familieres, post. Pp. xvii.-xcvi.). 7 Fables & Contes de M. Gellert. Partie [Vol.] 1, 2. 2e ed. [Plate.] Francfort sur le Mayn, 1773. 8 (4.6X2.6). y Lemons de Morale, ou Lectures academiques, faites dans 1 Universite de Leipsick, par M. Gellert ... Le tout traduit d Allemand. Nouv. ed., revue et corrigee. [Portrait.] Utrecht, 1775. 8 (5. 6X3.1). 9 Lettres familieres de M. Gellert, traduites d Allemand, par M. Huber. ... Nouv. ed. augmentee. Leipzig, 1777. 8 (4.3X2.4). 10 Sammtliche Schriften. Th. 1-7. Leipzig, 1769- 70. 8 (4.5X3 irr.). GELLIUS, Aulus, a Roman Grammarian ; fl. about the middle of the 2d century. 11 Noctes Atticse, sev VigiliaB Attica? ... H. Stephani Noctes aliqvot Parisinae Atticis A. Gellii Noctibus seu Vigiliis inuigilata?. . . . Francofvrti, 1624. 8 (4.9X2.7). [2 copies.] GENERAL Association of Connecticut. J2 Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of Connecticut; prepared ... to commemorate the Completion of one hundred and fifty Years since its first Assembly. New Haven, 1861. 8 (6.9X3.9), pp. 562. GENERAL Atlas (A), being a Collection of Maps of the World and Quarters, the principal Empires, Kingdoms, &c. ... London, 1800. 4 (11X8-8). GENERAL Collection (A) of Voyages and Discoveries, made by the Portuguese 14 and the Spaniards during the fifteenth and sixteenth Centuries. . . . Plates, Maps, &c. London, 1789. 4 (7.9X5.6), pp. 518. GENERAL Conference of New York, Methodist. 13 Collection (A) of [21] interesting Tracts explaining several important Points of Scripture Doctrine. ... New York, 1825. 12 (5.5X3.2). GENERAL History (A) of Quadrupeds. The Figures engraved on Wood by 16 T. Bewick. 3d ed. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1792. 8 (5.7X3.4). 244 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. GENERAL History (The) of the World, being an Abridgment of Sir Walter 1 Raleigh. With a Continuation ... to the present Time. . . . Vol. 1-4. London, 1708. 8 (6.4X3.4). GENERAL Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States. 2 Catalogue of the Officers and Students, with Catalogue of the Alumni ; 1837-8, 1841-42, 1852- 53, 1856-57, 1858- 59, 1859- 60. New York, 1837- 60. 8, pamps. GENESEE Consociation. Reply of the Genesee Consociation to the Letter of 3 the Rev. J. Emerson, on Masonry. Rochester, 1829. 8, pp. 43. GENESIS, Book of. See BIBLE. GENESIS (The) of the Earth and of Man : a critical Examination of the Hebrew 4 and Greek Scriptures, chiefly with a view to the Solution of the Ques tion, whether the Varieties of the human Species be of more than one Origin ; with a supplementary Compendium of ... Observations, re lating to Ethnology. Edited by R. S. Poole. Edinburgh, 1856. 12 (4.9X3.1). GENIN, F., Professor at Strasburg. 5 Variations (Des) du Langage Frangais depuis le XHe Siecle ... * * * Paris, 1845. 8 (5.8X3.4), pp. 553. GENLIS, F. S. D. de S. A., Comtesse de, a French Authoress; b. 1746. d. 1830. 6 Monumens (Les) religieux, ou Description . . . des Monumens reli- gieux, Tableaux et Statues des Grand Maitres ; Gravures sur Pierres, etc. etc. ... Par Mme. de Genlis. Paris, 1805. 8 (5.7X3.4). 7 Veillees (Les) du Chateau, ou Cours de Morale . . . par 1 Auteur d Adele et Theodore \_Mme. de Genlis]. Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1786. 12 (4.7X2.5). GENTH, Frederick Augustus. Joint Author. See GIBBS, W. Ammonia Cobalt Bases. GENTIUS, George, an Oriental Traveller; b. 1618. d. 1667. Translator. See SOLOMON Ben Alma. Historia Judaica. GENTLEMAN S Magazine (The) and Historical Chronicle. Vol. 15, 16 8 1745, 46; March, 1747; vol. 18 1748; March, Dec., 1750, vol.23, 24 1753, 54; Jan., 1756; Aug., 1758; May, July-Dec., 1761; Jan., Feb., Dec., 1762; Feb., March, May-July, 1763; Dec., 1770; Jan., June, Nov., 1771 ; Jan., 1772 ; July, 1781 ; May, 1787 ; Sept., 1792 ; Jan., Feb., 1794 ; Feb., 1799 ; May, 1804. * * ** By Sylvanus Urban, Gent. London, 1745-1804. 8 (7.1X4.1), 2 cols. GEOFFREY of Monmouth, Arch-deacon of Monmouth, aft. Bp. of St. Asaph ; d. 1154. 9 British History. In twelve Books. Translated from the Latin, by A. Thompson. New ed. revised and corrected. By J. A. Giles. London, 1842. 8 (6.3X3.4). GEORGE IV., King of Great Britain, 1820- 30 ; b. 1762. d. 1830. 1 Life and Times of George IV. See CROLY, G. GEORGETOWN COLLEGE, D.C. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory, of 11 Georgetown College, D.C. No. I. Containing the Description of the Observatory, and the Description of the Use of the Transit Instrument, and Meridian-Circle. *** [Plates.] New York, 1852. 4 (7.1X5). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 245 GEORGETOWN COLLEGE, D.C., continued. 1 Catalogue of the Officers and Students, for the Year, 1853- 54, 1854- 55. [Plates.] Georgetown, 1854, 55. 8, pamps. 2 Theses of Rational Philosophy publicly defended by four Students of the graduating Class, July 11, 1853. Georgetown, 1853. 8, pp. 39. 3 Theses defended during the scholastic Year, 1853- 4, by the Students of Rational Philosophy. Georgetown, 1853. 8, pp. 52. GEORGIA Scenes, Characters, Incidents, &c. in the first half Century of the 4 Republic. . . . Augusta, 1835. 12 (5.5X3.1). GEORGiusof Trebizond, Apostolic Sec y under Pope Eugene IV.-, b. 1396. d. 1486. 5 Liber de Constructione Verborum. [Greek.] See THEODORUS. Gram- matices Introcluctionis Libri qvatvor. GERANDO, Joseph Marie DE. See DEGERANDO, J. M. GERARD, Alexander, D.D., Prof, of Divinity at Aberdeen; b. 1728. d. 1795. 6 Essay (An) on Taste. . . . 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1785. 8 (5.6X2.9). GERARD, Gilbert, D.D., Son and Successor of the preceding ; d. 1815. ? Institutes of Biblical Criticism ; or Heads of the Course of Lectures on that Subject, read in the University and King s College of Aberdeen. 1st American ed. Boston, 1823. 8 (5.9X3.6). GERHARD, Carl Abraham, a German Naturalist ; b. 1738. d. 1821. 8 Versuch einer Geschichte des Mineralreichs. Th. 1, 2. ... [Plates.] Berlin, 1781, 82. 8 (5.8X3.4). Translator, and Annotator. See JARS, G. Metallurgische Reisen. GERHARD, Johann, Prof, of Theology at Jena; b. 1582. d. 1637. 9 Commentarius in Harmonies Hist. Evangelica? de Passione, Crvcifixione, Morte et Sepvltvra Christi. See CHEMNITZ, M. Harmonia3 Evangeli- ca3 Libri. GERMAIN, George, Lord Sackville, Colon. Sec y during the Amer. Revolution ; b. 1716. d. 1785. 10 Reply (A) to Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne s Letter to his Constituents. [By Lord Sackville] * * * London, 1779. 8, pp. 46. GERMAN Miscellany (The) ; consisting of Dramas, Dialogues, Tales and Novels. Ji Translated . . . by A. Thomson. Perth, 1796. 12 (5. 1X3). GERMANY. Droit (Le) public Germanique. Ou Ton voit 1 Etat present de 12 1 Empire, ses principales Loix & Constitutions, 1 Origine & 1 Agrandisse- ment des plus considerables Maisons d Allemagne . . . Tom. 1, 2. Amsterdam, 1749. 16 (4.5X2.3). 13 Groans (The) of Germany, or, the Enquiry of a Protestant German into the original Cause of the present Distractions of the Empire ; &c. &c. Translated from the original ... 3d ed. London, 1741. 8, pp. 26. 14 Important Secret come to Light, or the States General s Reasons for refusing to guaranty the E e of H r, and to act offensively against France in the Netherlands ... * * * 2d ed. London, 1742. 8, pp. 64. GERRARD, Johannes. 15 Siglarium Romanum, sive Explicatio Notarum et Literarum in Marmor- ibus, Lapidibus, Nummis, etc. See FORCELLINI, E. Latinitatis Lexi con, etc. GERYINUS, Georg Gottfried, Extrao. Prof, of History at Heidelburg ; b. 1805. 16 Han buch der Geschichte de poetischen National-Literatur der Deut- schen, Leipzig, 1842. 8 (6.5X3.8). 246 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. GEHTINUS, Georg Gottfried, continued. 1 Historische Schriften. Bd. 1-4. Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung I-IV. Leipzig, 1S33- 40. 8 (6.6X3.8). GESS, Wolfgang Friedrich, Prof, of Theol. at Basel. 2 Lehre (Die) von der Person Christi entwickelt aus dem Selbstbewusst- sein Christi und aus dem Zeugnisse der Apostel. Basel, 1856. 8 (6.1X3.7). GESSNER, Salomon, a Swiss Painter and Poet-, b. 1730. d. 1788. 3 (Euvres complettes de Gessner. Tom. 1-3. \_Portrait and Engravings. ] [No imprint. ] 24 (3.2X1-9). GIB, Bev. Adam, a Scotch Seccder, of Edinburgh ; b. 1713. d. 1788. 4 Address (An) to the Associate Synod, met at Edinburgh, Oct. 11, 1759, concerning a Petition and Reasons laid before them by Rev. Alex. Mon- crifF . . . [witli] Mr. Moncriff s Petition and Reasons. Edinburgh, 1763. 8, pp. 64. GIBBON, Edward, Esq. ; b. in Surrey, Eng., 1737. d. in London, 1794. 5 History (The) of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. \_In 6 vols.~\ Vol. 1. * * * 3d ed. 2. 2d ed. 3. 3d ed. [Portrait and Mops.-] London, 1777, 81, 82. 4 (7.3X5), m. b. 6 History (The) of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. . . . Vol. 1-12. New ed. [Portrait and Maps.] London, 1802. 8 (6.2X3.5), m. b. 7 Miscellaneous Works. With Memoirs of his Life and Writings, com posed by Himself : illustrated from his Letters, with . . . Notes and Narrative, by John Lord Sheffield. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait. ] London, 1796. 4 (7.4X5). 8 Miscellaneous Works. With Memoirs of his Life and Writings com posed by himself: illustrated from his Letters, with . . . Notes and Narrative, by John Lord Sheffield. . . . Vol. 1-3. [Portrait.] Dublin, 1796. 8 (6.3X3.3). GIBBON, Lieut. Lardner, of the U.S. Navy. 9 Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon. Part II. See HERNDON, W. L. GIBBS, Josiah Willard, LL.D., Prof, of Sac. Lit. at Yale Coll. ; b. 1790. 10 Hebrew and English Lexicon (A) of the Old Testament including the Biblical Chaldee from the German Works of Prof. W. Gesenius. Andover, 1824. 8 (7.2X4.3), 2 cols., pp. 715. 11 Manual Hebrew and English Lexicon (A) including the Biblical Chal dee. . . . Andover, 1828. 8 (7.2X4.2). [8 copies.] 12 Philological Studies with English Illustrations. New Haven, 1857. 12 (5.5X3.4). GIBBS, Philip. 13 Essay (An) toward a farther Improvement of Short-hand. [London, 1736.] 8, pp. 56. 14 Historical Account (An) of compendious and swift Writing. London, 1736. 8, pp. 62. GIBBS, Wolcott, M.D., of New York. 15 Researches on the American Cobalt Bases. By W. G. and F. A. Genth. Pp. 72. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 9.) Joint Editor. See AMERICAN Journal of Science and Arts, Second Series, vol. 11-32. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 247 GIBSOX, Edmund, D.D., Bishop of Lincoln, aft. of London ; b. 1669. d. 1748. Editor. See QUINTILIANUS, M. F. De Institutione Oratoria. GIESELER, Johann Karl Ludwig, Prof, at Bonn, aft. at Gottingen; b. 1792. d. 1854. Joint Editor. See THEOLOGISCHE Studien, etc. 1834-54. GIFFORD, William, an English Author and Critic; b. 1756. d. 1820. Editor. See QUARTERLY Review (The). Vol. 1-30. GILBERT, Sir Jefferay, Chief Baron of the Exchequer ; b. 1674. d. 1726. 1 Law (The) of Evidence. Considerably enlarged by Capel Lofft. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait. ] London, 1791. 8(7 irr.X3.5), m.iv GILES, Rev. J. A., D.D., Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, Eng. 2 Writings (The) of the early Christians of the Second Century ; namely, Athenagoras, Tatian, Theophilus, &c., &c. Collected together and first translated complete by Rev. Dr. Giles. London, 1857. 8 (6.2X3.7). Editor. See GEOFFREY of Monmouth. British History. GILL, John, D.D., an English Baptist Divine ; b. 1697. d. 1771. 3 Gill s Complete Body of practical and doctrinal Divinity . . . Abridged by W. Staughton. *** Philadelphia, 1810. 8 (6.1X3.6).. GILLESPIE, Rev. George, of Edinburgh, Comm. to Westminster Assembly ; d. 1648. 4 Treatise (A) of miscellany Questions . . . [upon"] Questions and Cases of Conscience . . . Edinburgh, 1649. 4 (6.1X4.2). GILLIES, Rev. John, D.D., of Glasgow; b. 1712. d. 1796. 5 Memoirs of the Rev. George Whitefield. . . . With an Introduction, by C. E. Stowe. . . . [Also ] Collection of his Sermons, &c. * * * [Illustrated.^ Hartford, 1853. 8 (6.5X3.7), pp. 666. GILLIES, John, LL.D., Historiographer to the King of Scotland; b. 1747. d. 1836. 6 Collection (A) of ancient and modern Gaelic Poems and Songs . . . Perth, 1786. 8 (5.7X2.3 irr.). 7 Discourse upon the History, Manners, and Character of the Greeks, from the Conclusion of the Pelopponesian War to the Battle of Chseronea. See LYSIAS. Orations of L. and Isocrates. Pp. i.-cvi. 8 Histoire de Pancienne Grece, de ses Colonies, et de ses Conquetes ; de- puis les premiers temps, jusqu a la Division de PEmpire Macedonian, dans POrient. . . . Traduite de PAnglois, par M. Carra. . . . [Maps.] Tom. 1-6. Paris, 1787- 88. 8 (5.4X2.9), m. b. 9 History (The) of ancient Greece, its Colonies, and Conquests ; from the earliest Accounts till the Division of the Macedonian Empire in the East. ... * * * 2d ed. ... Vol. 1-4. [Portrait and Maps.] London, 1792- 93. 8 (6X3.3), m. b. [2 copies.] 10 History (The) of the World, from the Reign of Alexander to that of Augustus . . . with a preliminary Survey of Alexander s Conquests, &c. *** ... Vol. 1-3. Philadelphia, 1809. 8 (6.2X3.5), m. b. 11 Life of Aristotle and Analysis of his Works. See ARISTOTELES. Ethics, and Politics. Translator. See ARISTOTELES. Ethics and Politics. Translator, and Biographer. See LYSIAS. Orations of L. and Isocrates. GILLISS, James M., LL.D., Lieut. U.S. Navy. 12 Account of the total Eclipse of the Sun on Sept. 7, 1858, as observed near Olmos, Peru. Pp. 22 and Plates. See SMITHSONIAN Institution.. (Contributions, vol. 11.) 248 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. GILLISS, James M., LL.D., continued. 1 Astronomical Observations made at the Naval Observatory, Washington . . . [1838-42]. (U.S. Pub. Doc.) Washington, 1846." 8 (7.3X4.5). 2 Chile : its Geography, Climate, Earthquakes, Government, Social Con dition, mineral and agricultural Resources, Commerce, &c., &c. See UNITED STATES. U.S. naval astronomical Expedition. Vol. 1. 3 Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at Washington . . . [1838-42]. (U.S. Pub. Doc.) Washington, 1846. 8 (7.3X4.5), pp. 645. GILLY, William Stephen, D.D., Canon of Durham, and Vicar ofNorham; d. 1855. 4 Memoirs of Felix Neff, Pastor of the high Alps. * * * From the London ed., with Notes. Boston, 1832. 12 (5X2.8). GILPIN, Henry D., Attorney-General of the U.S., &c. ; b. 1801. Editor. See UNITED STATES. The Papers of James Madison. GIOBERTI, Vincenzo, an Italian Priest, &c. ; b. in Turin, 1801. d. 1852. 5 Introduzione allo Studio della Filosofia. ... * * * Tom. 1-3. Losanna, 1846. 8 (6X3.9). GIORDANI, Pietro. 6 Raccolta di Opuscoli. Italia, 1831. 24 (4X2.5). GIUALDI, Giovanni Battista, Prof, of PJiilos. at Ferrara ; b. 1504. d. 1575. 7 Gli Ecatommiti ovvero cento Novelle. Firenze, 1833. 8 (6.6X4). GIRARD, Charles, M.D. 8 Icthyology of the Mexican Boundary. See EMORY, W. H. (Report on the U.S. and Mexican Boundary Survey, vol. 2.) 9 Monograph of American Cottoids. Pp. 80. See SMITHSONIAN Institu tion. (Contributions, vol. 3.) 10 Reports upon the Fishes collected upon the Survey. See UNITED STATES. (Explorations for a Pacific Railroad, vol. 6, 10.) n Publications of learned Societies and Periodicals in the Library of S. I. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 7, 8.) 12 Reptiles, Fishes, Crustacea of the Southern Hemisphere. See UNITED STATES. (U.S. naval and astronomical Expedition, vol. 2.) GlRAULT-DuvivlER, Charles Pierre, a French Lexicographer; b at Paris, 1765. : 13 Grammaire des Grammaires, ou Analyse raisonnee des meilleurs Traites sur la Langua Frangais . . . Nouv. ed., revue, etc. * * * Tom. 1, 2. [I paging.] Paris, 1836. 8 (5. 7X3.3). GISBORNE, Rev. Thomas, of Staffordshire, Eng.; b. 1785. d. 1846. J4 Principles (The) of Moral Philosophy investigated and briefly applied to the Constitution of Civil Society: together with Remarks on the Principle assumed by Mr. Paley as the Basis of all moral Conclusions, &c. 2d ed., corrected and enlarged. London, 1790. 8 (5. 6X3-3)- GLADSTONE, William Ewart, a British Statesman; b. in Liverpool, 1809. 15 Studies on Homer and the Homeric Age. . . . Vol. 1-3. * * * Oxford, 1858. 8 (6.6 irr.X3.8). GLASGOW. The former and present State of Glasgow contrasted, a Dream. 16 . . * * * Glasgow, 1787. 8, pp. 16. GLASS, Francis, A.M., of Ohio. i? Life (A) of Washington, in Latin Prose. Edited by J. N. Reynolds. *** New York, 1835. 8 (5.4X3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 249 GLEANER (The). A Miscellaneous Production. ... By Constantia. * * * 1 Vol. 1-3. Boston, 1798. 12 (5.2X2.9). GLEIG, George, LL.D., Bishop of Brechin, Scotland. 2 Supplement. See ENCYCLOPAEDIA Britannica. GLEIG, Rev. George Robert, Chaplain-General of the British Army, b. 1809. 3 History (The) of the Bible. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Maps.] (Harper s Family Library, No. 12, 13.) New York, 1831. 18 (4.5X2.7). GLEIZES, J. A. 4 Thalysie, ou la Nouvelle Existence. * * * Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1840- 42. 8 (5.4X3). GLIDDON, George R., U.S. Consul at Cairo; b. 1807. d. 1857. Joint Author. See NOTT, J. C. Types of Mankind. GLISSON, Francis, M.D., Prof, of Medicine at Cambridge, Eng.; b. 1597. d. 1677. 5 AnatomiaHepatis. Cui pra3mittuntur quaedam ad Rem Anatomicam . . . Amstetedami, 1659. 12 (4.2X2), pp. 552+. GLOAG, Rev. Paton J. 6 Primeval World (The) : a Treatise on the Relations of Geology to The ology. Edinburgh, 1859. 8 (5.6X3.5). GLOUCESTER, Mass. An Answer to a Piece, entitled, "An Appeal to the impartial 7 Publick," by an Association calling themselves " Christian Independents, in Glocester." Salem, 1785. 8, pp. 23. 8 Appeal (An) to the impartial Publick by the Society of Christian Inde pendents congregating at Glocester. Boston, 1785. 8, pp. 39. GMELIN, Johann Friedrich, Prof. ofChem. & Med. at Gottingen; b. 1748. d. 1804. 9 Einleitung in die Mineralogie . . . Niirnberg, 1780. 12 (5.4X3.1). Editor. See ERXLEBEN, J. C. P. Anfangsgriinde de Naturgeschichte. GODDARD, Thomas H. 10 General History (A) of the most prominent Banks in Europe : particu larly the Banks of England and France ; the Rise and Progress of the Bank of North America ; a full History of the late and present Bank of the United States ; &c. Also, Hamilton s Report to Congress on Cur rency . . . and McDuffie s Report on Currency . . . New York, 1831. 8 (5.8X3.5). GODDARD, William, Editor of Providence (E.L) Gazette, &c. ; d. 1807, cet. 78. u Partnership (The) : or the History of the Rise and Progress of the Pennsylvania Chronicle, &c. * * * No. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1770. 8, pp. 72. GODDARD, William Giles, Prof, of Belles-Lettres at Brown Univ. ; d. 1846, cet. 52. 12 Address in commemoration of the Death of William H. Harrison. Delivered at Providence, May 14, 1841. Providence, 1841. 8, pp. 30. GODIN, Louis, a French Astronomer; b. 1704. d. 1760. Editor. See ACADEMIE Royale des Sciences. Table alphabetique, etc. GODOLPHIN, John, Judge of Admiralty and King s Advocate; b. 1617. d. 1678. 13 Holy Arbor (The), containing a Body of Divinity : or the Sum and Substance of Christian Religion . . . London, 1651. 2 (8.7X4.8). GODOWIN, Jean, Prof, of Hebrew at Paris; d. 1700. Translator, and Annotator. See CAESAR, C. J. C. J. Ca3saris qua? extant. 32 250 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. GODWIN, William, a dissent. Min., oft. a Bookseller in London ; b. 1756. d. 1836. 1 Enquiry (An) concerning political Justice, and its Influence on general Virtue and Happiness. ... Vol. 1, 2. Dublin, 1793. 8 (6.3X3.5). 2 History of the Commonwealth of England. From its Commencement, to the Restoration of Charles II. * * * Vol. l^t. London, 1824- 28. 8 (5.5X3.3). GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von ; b. at Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1749. d. 1832. 3 Characteristics of Goethe, from Talk, Von Mliller, &c. See AUS TIN, Mrs. S. 4 Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann. Sec ECKERMAN, J. P. 5 Correspondence with Schiller. See SCHILLER, J. C. F. von. 6 Faust. A Tragedy. Pt. II. as completed in 1831, translated into Eng lish Verse. *** 2d ed. London, 1842. 12 (4.7X2 irr.). 7 Goethe s Werke. Vollstandige Ausgabe letzter Hand. Bd. 1-40. Stuttgart und Tiibingen, 1828- 30. 16 (4.2X2.7). 8 Life and Works of Goethe. See LEWES, G. H. 9 Select minor Poems, translated from the German of Goethe and Schiller. With Notes by J. S. Dwight. Boston, 1839. 12 (5.1X3). 10 Theory of Colours. Translated from the German; with Notes by C. L. Eastlake. *** London, 1840. 8 (6.2X3.5). 11 Wilhelm Meisters Apprenticeship and Travels. [Translated] from the German of Goethe [by. T. Carlyle]. . . . Vol. 1, 2. New ed., revised. Boston, 1851. 12 (5.5X3.2). GOGUET, Antoine Yves, Counsel to the Parliament of Paris ; b. 1716. d. 1758. 12 Origin (The) of Laws, Arts, and Sciences, and their Progress among- the most ancient Nations. Translated from the French of M. de Goguet. . . . Vol. 1-3 ... [Plates. ] Edinburgh, 1775. 8 (6.5X3.5). GOLDING, Arthur, a Poet of the 16th century, a native of London. Translator. See DuPLESSis-MoRNAY, P. de. Trunesse of Christian Religion. GOLDONI, Carlo, the Italian Moliere; b. in Venice, 1707. d. in Paris , 1793. 13 Commedie Scelte Tom. 1-6 Prato, 1826- 27. 8 (5.4X3.2). GOLDSMITH, Eev. J., of Trinity Coll:, Comb., Eng., oft. Vicar of Dunnington. 14 General View (A) of the Manners, Customs and Curiosities of Nations ; including a geographical Description of the Earth. . . . [Maps and Engravings.] Vol. 1, 2. New Haven, 1822. 12 (5.4X3.2). GOLDSMITH, Oliver, M.B. ; b. in the Hamlet of Pallas, Ireland, 1728. d. 1774. i: - Difference (The), between Words, esteemed Synonyms, in the English Language; &c. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [By 0. Goldsmith?] London, 1766. 12 (5. 1X3). I G History (The) of the Earth and animated Nature. . . . Vol. 1-4. [Plated. ] Philadelphia, 1795. 8 (6.3X3.5). !7- History (The) of England from the earliest Times to the Death of George II. A Continuation ... to the Peace of Amiens in 1802 by Manly Wood. ... 1st American . . . ed., corrected. Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1814. 8 (6.4X4.3). is Life of Oliver Goldsmith. See IRVING, W. Works. Vol. 11. 19 Life of Thomas Parnell. See PARNELL, T. Poetical Works. Pp.v.-xliv. 20 Miscellaneous Works. New ed. . . . [with] Account of his Life and Writings. Vol 1-4. [Portrait.] London, 1821. 8 (6.3X3.4). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 2ol GOLDSMITH, Oliver, M.S., continued. 1 Poetical Works. Edited, with a Life, by Rev. J. Mitford. [Portrait.] Boston, 1853. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). 2 Roman History (The) ... to the Destruction of the Western Empire. Newed. Vol." 1, 2. *** London, 1793. 8 (5.6X3.1). 3 Vicar (The) of Wakefield : a Tale. New York, 1845. 12 (5.5X3.5). GOOD, John Mason, M.D. ; b. in Essex, Eng., 1764. d. 1827. 4 Book of Nature (The). . . . Vol. 1-3. London, 1826. 8 (6X3.3). Translator, &c. See LUCRETIUS CARUS, T. The Nature of Things. GOODALE, Stephen L., Secretary of Maine Board of Agriculture. 5 Reports of Agriculture of Maine. See MAINE. GOODRICH, Rev. Charles Augustus, of Hartford, Conn. 6 Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. [Portraits.] 4th ed. Boston, 1834. 8 (5.9X3.4). GOODRICH, Chauncey Allen, D.D., Prof. ofShet. at Yale Coll.; b. 1790. d. 1859. 7 Select British Eloquence ; embracing the best Speeches entire, of the most eminent Orators of Great Britain for the last two centuries ; with Sketches of their Lives . . . and Notes . . . New York, 1853. 8 (7.8X4.5), 2 cols., pp. 947. GOODRICH, Samuel Griswold, alias Peter Parley; b. in liidgefteld, Conn., 1793. 8 Parley s Cabinet Library for Schools and Families. Illustrated. 20 vols. Boston, 1848. 16 or 18 (4.8X2.9). NOTE. The works composing 1 the above series have no general title-page. The serial number occurs on signature-pages only of each volume. Titled. Vol. I. Famous men of modern times. II. Curiosities of human nature. III. Eccentric and won derful persons. IV. laves of benefactors. V. Tamous American Indians. VI. Ce lebrated women. VII. American history. VIII. European history. IX. Asiatic history. X. African history. XI. History of the indians. XII. Customs of the Indians. XIII. A glance at the sciences. XIV. Wonders of geology. XV. The animal kingdom. XVI. A glance at philosophy. XVII. Book of literature. XVIII. Enterprise and art of man. XIX. Customs of all nations. XX. The world and its inhabitants. 9 Recollections of a Life Time, or Men and Things I have seen . . . Vol. 1,2. [Portrait and Engravings.] New York and Auburn, 1857. Th. 12 (5.6X3.2). GOODWIN, Rev. Ezra Shaw, of Sandwich, Mass. ; d. 1833, cet. 46. l Address (An) delivered at the third Anniversary of Barnstable Peace Society, Dec. 25, 1830. Barnstable, 1831. 12, pp. 23. 11 Some Scripture Readings compared with some unscriptural Sayings. Boston, 1833. 12, pp. 24. GOODWIN, Harvey, Mathemat. Lecturer at Cambridge, Eng. 12 Doctrines (The) and Difficulties of the Christian Faith contemplated from the standing Ground afforded by the Catholic Doctrine of the Being of our Lord Jesus Christ. . . . Hulsean Lectures for the Year 1855. Cambridge, 1856. 8 (6.6X3.6), m. b. GOOKIN, Daniel, Major-Gen, of Mass.; b. in Kent, Eng., 1612. d. 1687. 13 Account of the Doings and Sufferings of the Christian Indians in New- England, 1675- 77. See AMER. Antiq. Society. (Archseol. Amer., vol. 2.) 14 Historical Collections of the Indians in New England. See MASS. Hist, Society. (Collections, 1st Series, vol. 1,6.) 252 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. GORDON, Thomas, a noted religious and political writer , b. 1684? d. 1750. 1 Political Discourses upon Tacitus. See TACITUS, C. C. (Works, Ed. 1728, vol. 1.) Joint Author. See TRENCIIARD, J. Cato s political Letters. Translator. See TACITUS, C. C. Works, Ed. 1728. GORDON, Thomas F. 2 Digest (A) of the Laws of the United States, including an Abstract of the judicial Decisions relating to Constitutional and Statutory Law. With Notes explanatory and historical. Philadelphia, 1827. 8 (7.5X4), pp. 884. [2 copies.] GORDON, William, of Edinburgh, aft. of Glasgow. 3 Institutes of Arithmetic ... * * * Edinburgh, 1779. 12 (5.3X3.2). 4 Universal Accountant (The), and Complete Merchant, new modelled. In 2 vols. 5th ed. ... * * * Vol. 2. Edinburgh, 1787. 8 (6.4X3.6). GORDON, William, L.D., of England, aft. of Eoxbury, Mass.; b. 1729. d. 1807. 5 History (The) of the Rise, Progress, and Establishment, of the Inde pendence of the United States of America : including an Account of the late War ; and of the Thirteen Colonies "... * * * Vol. 1-4. [Maps.] London, 1788. 8 (6.4X3.6). [2 copies of vol. 1-3.] 6 History (The) of the Rise, Progress, and Establishment, of the Inde pendence of the United States of America : with an Account of the late War ; and of the Thirteen Colonies ... * * * Vol. 1-3. [Maps. } New York, 1789. 8 (6.3X3.6). 7 Plan (The) of a Society for making Provision for Widows by Annuities . . . Boston, 1772. 8, pp. 35. [3 copies.] 8 Thanksgiving Discourse, Dec. 15, 1774. Boston, 1775. 8, pp. 32. 9 Thanksgiving Sermon, preached at Boston, Dec. 15, 1774. See THORN TON, J. W. (The Pulpit of the American Revolution.) GORE, Hon. Christopher, LL.D., Oov. of Mass., U.S. Sen., &c.; b. 1758. d, 1827. 1 Memoir of. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 3.) 11 Oration (An) delivered ... in Boston, before the ... Society of Free and Accepted Masons, at the Installation of John Warren, Grand Mas ter, June 24, 1783. Boston, [1783]. 4, pp. 22. GORGES, Sir Ferdinando, Gov. of Plymouth and Proprietor of Maine ; d. 1647. 12 Briefe Narration of the originall Undertakings of the Advancement of Plantations in America. See MAINE Hist. Society. (Collections, vol. 2.) Also, MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 6.) 13 Life. See BELKNAP, J. (American Biography, vol. 1.) GORTON, John. 14 Life of Admiral Robert Blake. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. Lives, &c. GORTON, Samuel, first settler of Warwick, E.L; b. in Eng., 1600. d. 1677. 15 Life, by J. M. Mackie. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 5.) GOSPEL Tragedy (The) ; an Epic Poem. In four Books. * * * ... lfi Worcester, 1795. 12 (5.3X3 irr.). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAKY. 253 GOSSET, Bev. J. M., Teacher of French and Latin in London. Translator, &c. See GARDIN-DUMESNIL, J. B. Latin Synonyms. GOUGE, Rev. Thomas, a Nonconformist, of London ; b. 1605. d. 1681. 1 Works. . . . Albany, 1815. 8 (6.6X3.9), pp. 540. GOUGH, Strickland, Vicar of Swinstead in Lincolnshire, Eng. 2 Sermons ... [and] Diss. on I. Cor. XL 10. London, 1751. 8 (5.6X3). GOUJET, Claude Pierre, a French Savan ; b. 1697. d. 1767. 3 Continuation. See FLEURY, C. Histoire ecclesiastique. Gozzi, Gasparo ; b. at Venice, 1713. d. 1786. 4 Osservatore (L ). Nuova ed. corretta ed economica. Tom. 1-4. Milano, 1833- 34. 24 (4.1X2.3). GOULD, Augustus Addison, M.D., of Boston , b. in New Ipswich, N.H., 1805. 5 Catalogue of the Recent Shells, with Descriptions. See BLAKE, W. P. (Geological Reconnaissance in California. Appendix.) 6 Invertebrate Animals of Massachusetts. See MASSACHUSETTS. JEditor. See BINNEY, A. Terrestrial Air-breathing Mollusks. Joint Author. See KIDDER, F. History of New Ipswich, N.H. GOULD, Benjamin Apthorp, Jun. i Report on the Discovery of Neptune. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. GRABE, John Ernest, D.D. ; b. in Konigsberg, Prus., 1666. d. in Eng., 1712. Editor. See BULL, G. Opera omnia. GRACIAN, Baltasar, a Spanish Jesuit ; b. 1584. d. 1658. 8 Hero (The). From the Spanish ; with Remarks ... of Father J. de Courbeville. By a Gentleman of Oxford. * * * London, 1726. 4 (6.7X5). GRAEVIUS, Johann Georg, a German Scholar and Critic; b. 1622. d. 1703. Editor. See SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, C. C. Suetonius Tranquillus. GRAHAM, James, M.D. 9 General State (The) of Medical and Chirurgical Practice exhibited. 6th ed. London, 1779. 12 (5.1X2.8). 10 Thoughts on the present State of the Practice in Disorders of the Eye and Ear. . . . London, 1775. 8, pp. 22. GRAHAM, Lieut.-Col. J. D., of the U.S. topographical Engineers. 11 Lunar Tidal Wave (A) in Lake Michigan, demonstrated. With [3] Plates. Philadelphia, [I860]. 8, pp. 7. 12 Report on the Mexican Boundary. See UNITED STATES. 32d Cong. 1st Sess. Sen. Doc. 121. 13 Reports on Lake Harbors, 1854- 57. See UNITED STATES. 34th Cong. 2d Sess. Sen. Doc. 16 ; 35th Cong. 1st Sess. Sen. Doc. 42. GRAHAM, Sylvester, the founder of the Grahamites ; b. in Conn., 1794. d. 1851. 14 ^Esculapian Tablets (The) of the Nineteenth Century. * * * Providence, 1834. 8, pp. 96. 15 Lecture (A) on Epidemic Diseases generally, and particularly the Spas modic Cholera. . . . New York, 1833. 8, pp. 80. GRAHAM, Thomas, F.B.S., Prof, of Chemistry in University College, London. 16 Elements of Chemistry. Including the Application of the Science in the Arts. With numerous Illustrations. With Notes and Additions by R. Bridges, M.D. Philadelphia, 1843. 8 (7.2X4.2), pp. 749. 254 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. GRAHAME, James, LL.D. ; b. in Glasgow, 1790. d. in London, 1842. 1 History (The) of the United States of North America, from the Planta tion of the British Colonies till their Assumption of National Indepen dence. . . . Vol. 1, 2. 2d ed., enlarged and amended. . . . till their Revolt and Declaration of Independence. . . . Vol. 3, 4. [Portrait.] Vol. 1, 2, Philadelphia, 1845 ; 3, 4, London, 1836. 8 (6.5X3.7). 2 Memoir of. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol 9.) GRAMMAR^ an d Rhetoric. ... London, 1776. 8 (5.5X2.8), GRANT, Sir Alexander, Bart., Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 4 Ethics (The) of Aristotle, with Essays and Notes. See ARISTOTELES. GRANT, Robert Edmund, M.D., Prof, at Lond. Univ, ; b. in Edinburgh, 1793. 5 Essay (An) on the Study of the Animal Kingdom. Being an Introduc tory Lecture [on Comparative Anatomy and Zoology, ~\ delivered in the Univ. of London, Oct. 23, 1828. 2d ed. London, 1829. 8, pp. 35. GRASSI, Giuseppe, a Piedmontese Philologist ; b. in Turin, 1779. d. 1831. 6 Saggio intorno ai Sinonimi della Lingua Italiana lla ed. coll aggiunta di nuovi Articoli Torino, 1832. 8 (4.5X2.7). GRATIUS, Orthwinus ; b. at HoltwicJc, in Prussia, in 15th century, d. 1541. 7 Fascicvlvs Rervm expetendarvm ac fugiendarvm. In quo primum conti- netur Concilium Basiliense . . . quod Aeneas Syluius . . . conscripsit. Insunt prseterea . . . summorum aliquot Virorum Epistola?, Libelli, Tractatus, & Opuscula LXVI. . . . [No imprint"] 1535. 2 (9.7X5.3), m. b. NOTE. Title-page is embellished- GRATIUS Faliscus, a Latin Poet ; contemporary with Ovid. 8 Cynegeticon. See BURMANN, P. Poetae Latini minores. GRAVES, J. T., F.B.S., Prof, of Jurisprudence, University College, London. 9 Canon Law. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitan, vol. 2). 10 Roman Law. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitan, vol. 2). GRAVINA, Giovanni Vicenzo, a Jurist & Man of Letters , b. in Sicily, 1664. d. 1718. 11 Opere Scelte. Firenze, n. d. 24 (4.3X2.5). GRAY, Asa, M.D., Prof, of Nat. Hist, at Harv. Coll; b. in Paris, N. Y., 1810. 12 Botanical Text-Book (The) . . . Illustrated . . . New York, 1842. 12 (5.4X3.2). 13 Account of a Collection of Plants made in the Vicinity of Santa Fe, New Mexico. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, New Series, vol. 4.) 14 Catalogue of Plants collected east of the Rocky Mountains. See UNI TED STATES. (Explorations and Surveys for Pacific Railroad, vol. 12, P. II.) 15 Illustrations of Interesting Plants of North America. 10 Plates. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, New Series, vol. 3.) 16 Plantoe "VVrightiaiiGe Texano-Neo-Mexicana3. See SMITHSONIAN Insti tution. (Contributions, vol. 3, 5.) Joint Editor. See AMERICAN Journal, &c. Second Series, vol. 15-32. GRAY, Edward, Esq., of Boston. 17 Address before the Members of the Massachusetts Charitable Fire Soci ety, June 4, 1804 ; with Odes, &c. Boston, 1804. 8, pp. 31. 1 8 Oration, delivered in Boston, July 5, 1790. Boston, 1790. 8, pp. 16. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. GRAY, Hon. Francis Calley, LL.D., of Boston; b. in Salem, 1790. d. 1856. 1 Prison Discipline in America. Boston, 1847. 8 (6X3.8). GRAY, James, of the County of Longford, Ireland. 2 Dissertation (A) on the Book of Revelation ... * * * Newburgh, 1818. 12 (5.4X3.1). GRAY, Robert, D.D., Prebend, of Durham, aft. Bp. of Bristol; b. 1764. d. 1834. 3 Connection (The) between the Sacred Writings and the Literature of Jewish and Heathen Authors . . . illustrated, principally with a view to Evidence in Confirmation of the Truth of the Christian Religion. . . . Vol. 1, 2. 2ded. London, 1819. 8 (5.4X3.2). GRAY, Thomas, Prof, of History at Cambridge, Eng. ; b. 1716. d. 1771. 4 Poetical Works. Edited, with a Life, by Rev. J. Mitford. [Portrait. ] Boston, 1854. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). 5 Notes on Plato. See PLATO. (Works, Ed. 1848-59, vol. 6.) GRAY, Rev. Thomas, D.D., of Boston. 6 Sermon before the African Society, delivered in Boston, July 14, 1818 ; the Anniversary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade. Boston, 1818. 8, pp. 16. 7 Value (The) of Life and Charitable Institutions. Discourse before the Humane Society of Massachusetts, June 11, 1805. * * * Boston, 1805. 8, pp. 46. GREAT BRITAIN. Act of Parliament for the better Securing the Duties pay- 8 able on Tobacco. London, 1785. 16 (4.7X2.5). 9 Act (An) for the Encouragement of the Trade to America, Oct. 23, 1707. [No imprint. ] 8, pp. 24. 10 Acts (Fifteen) of Parliament, passed in 1660. London, 1660. 2 (8.2X4.3). NOTE. These acts have no general title-page, and are printed in Ulacfe ILcttcr. 11 Acts (Ninety-three) of Parliament, passed from 1734 to 1796, and re lating to the British Colonies in America. 2 vols. London, 1737- 97. 2 (8.2X4.3). NOTE. These acts have no general title-page, and are printed in Black ILcttrr. 12 Atlantic Neptune (The) published for the Use of the Royal Navy of Great Britain by J. F. W. Des Barres. * * * Vol. 2. London, 1777. Folded sheets. (29X16-60). NOTE. This volume consists of charts of the eastern coast of North America. 13 Collection (A) of Public Acts and Papers, relating to the Principles of armed Neutrality . . . London, 1801. 8 (5.9X3.3). 14 Collection (A) of Treaties, Alliances, and Conventions, relating to the Security, Commerce, and Navigation of the British Dominions, made since . . . [1714]. [2 payings.] London, 1717. 4 (7.3X4.9). 15 Copies and Translations of the Royal Charters ... by which the Ter ritories of Nova Scotia and Canada, &c. were granted, in 1621, 1625, and 1628, to Sir William Alexander. London, 1831. 2 (9.8X5.1). J 6 Exact Abridgment (An) of all the Statutes in force and use, from Magna Charta 9. H. 3. to the eleventh year of K. George. Vol. 1, 2, 4-6. London, 1725. 8 (6.5X3.8). 17 Instructions by the Commissioners for managing and causing to be levied and collected, His Majesty s Customs, Subsidies and other Duties in England . . . [No imprint. ] 2, pp. 49, 256 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. GREAT BRITAIN, continued. 1 Laws (The), Ordinances, and Institutions of the Admiralty of Great Britain, civil and military. ... In 2 vols. Vol. 1. London, 1767. 8 (6.1X3.2). 2 Magna Charta cum Statutis, turn antiquis, turn recentibus, maximopere, animo tenendis, nunc demum ad vnum, tipis adita, per Rich. Tottill. London, 1587. 16 (3.9X2.3). y Minutes of the Evidence taken at the Bar of the House of Lords, upon the Order for taking into consideration the . . . Trade to Africa, and particularly the Trade in Slaves, &c. [London] 1792. 2 (7.9X4.8). 4 Minutes of the Evidence taken before a Committee of the House of Commons . . . appointed to take the Examination of Witnesses respect ing the African Slave Trade. [May, 1789 March, 1791.] 4 vols. ILondori] 1789- 91. 2 (8.2X4.9). 5 Minutes of the Evidence taken before a Committee of the House of Lords ... to take into consideration the Resolutions come to by the Commons, relative to the Adjustment of the Commercial Intercourse between Great Britain and Ireland. [London] 1785. 2 (7. 7X4.8). 6 Official Correspondence (The) between Great Britain and France, on the Subject of the late Negotiation ; with his Majesty s Declaration. . . . [_Also~\ the preliminary and definitive Treaties of Peace . . . [and} Col. Sebastian s Report to the First Consul, &c. 2d ed. London, 1803. 8 (6.5X3.6). 7 Papers relative to the Rupture with Spain, laid before both Houses of Parliament, 29th Jan. 1762 ... London, 1762. 4 (7.1X5.1), pp. 71. 8 Report (Eighth -Eleventh), and Appendix to the Eleventh Report, of the Commissioners appointed to examine, take, and state, the Public Accounts of the Kingdom. London, 1784. 8, pamps. 9 Report of the Committee of the Board of Agriculture, appointed to ex tract Information from the County Reports, and other Authorities, con cerning the Culture and Use of Potatoes. London, 1795. 4 (6X4.5). 10 Tractatus Foederis ad Pacem publicam stabiliendam. Signatus Londini Jul. 22 Aug. 2, 1718. . . . [Lot. and Eng.~] London, 1718. 4, par. cols., pp. 76. 11 Treaty of Mutual Defence between Charles VI. Emperor of Germany, &c. and George, King of G. Britain, France and Ireland, concluded at Westminster, 25th May, 1716. \_Lat. and Eng.~] London, 1718. 4, par. cols., pp. 45. Documents relating to tlie Popish Plot. NOTE. The following, with a large collection of shorter confessions, speeches, trials, messa ges of the king, votes and debates of Parliament, &c., pertaining to this event, arc bound in two volumes, and lettered " Popish Plot." 19 Abstract of several Examinations, reported by Sir J. Trevor ; with the Account given to the House of Commons, 12th April, 1678, by J. Arnold and J. Scudamore. London, 1680. 2, pp. 21. 13 Character (The) of a Popish Successor, and what England may expect from such a one. ... 3d ed. corrected. London, 1681. 2, pp. 22. 14 Collection (A) of the Substance of several Speeches, and Debates made in the honorable House of Commons, relating to the horrid Popish Plot. . . . London, 1681. 2, pp. 20. [2 copies.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 257 GREAT BRITAIN. Popish Plot, continued. 1 Exact and faithful Narrative (An) of the horrid Conspiracy of T. Knox, W. Osborne, and J. Lane, to invalidate the Testimonies of T. Gates, and W. Bedlow . . . London, 1680. 2, pp. 36. 2 Examination (The) of Capt. W. Bedlow deceased, relating to the Popish Plot . . . with the Narrative of Sir F. North, &c. * * * London, 1680. 2, pp. 16. 3 Free and voluntary Confession of J. Holloway ; with an Account of his Trial, and Execution. London, 1684. 2, pp. 16. 4 Impartial Account (An) of Richard Duke of York s Treasons, &c. ; with the True Picture of a Popish Successor. London, 1682. 2, pp. 21, 5 Information of Hubert Bourk . . . London, [1679]. 2, pp. 27. 6 Information of Eustace Comyne . . . London, 1680. 2, pp. 7 7 Information of Thomas Dangerfield . . . London, 1680. 2, pp. 15. 8 Information of Stephen Dugdale . . . London, 1680. 2, pp. 11. 9 Further Information of S. Dugdale . . . London, 1680. 2, pp. 20. 10 Information of Francisco de Faria < . , London, 1680. 2, pp. 12. 11 Information of Robert Jenison . . . London, 1680. 2, pp. 32. 12 Information of William Lewis . . . London, 1680. 2, pp. 31. 13 Information of John Macnamara . . . London, 1680. 2, pp. 23. 14 Information of Edward Turbervill . . . London, 1680. 2, pp. 12. 15 List of Parliament, 26th Jan., 1679. London, 1679. Broadside. 16 Information (The) of Capt. H. Wilkinson of what hath passed between him and some other Persons, who have attempted to prevail with him to swear High Treason against the Earl of Shaftsbury. London, 1681. 2, pp. 11. 17 Instrument (The) ; or, Writing of Association ; that the true Protestants of England entered into, in the Reign of Q. Elizabeth, while her Life and the Protestant Religion . . . was attempted. . . . London, 1679. 2, pp. 12. 18 Last Confession (The), Prayers and Meditations of Lieut. J. Stern, de livered . . . before his Execution . . . Together with the last Confes sion of G. Borosky . . . Written by G. Burnet and A. Horneck. London, 1682. 2, pp. 26. 19 Malice defeated : or a brief Relation of the Accusation and Deliverance of Elizabeth Cellier ... * * * London, 1680. 2, pp. 46, 20 Narrative of Francisco de Faria . . . London, 1680. 2, pp. 38. 21 Narrative of the Irish Popish Plot, for the betraying that Kingdom into the Hands of the French, &c. . - . By D. Fitz Gerald. London, 1680. 2, pp. 35. 22 Papists (The) bloody Oath of Secrecy, and Letany of Intercession for the carrying on of this present Plot, &c. by R. Bolron. London, 1680. 2, pp. 23. [2 copies.] 23 Popish damnable Plot (The) against our Religion and Liberties ... in Breviats of threescore and four Letters and Papers of Intelligence past betwixt the Pope, Duke of York, Card. Norfolk, Card. Cibo, &c. &c, London, 1680. 2, pp. 31. [2 copies.] 24 Prance s Answer to Mrs. Collier s Libel, and divers other false Asper sions cast upon him : containing likewise a Vindication of Sir W. Waller from Popish Scandals: &c. London, 1680. 2, pp. 18, 33 258 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. GREAT BRITAIN. Popish Plot, continued. 1 Proceedings in the Old-Baily, London, upon the Bill of Indictment for High Treason against Anthony Earl of Shaftsbury . . . London, 1681. 2, pp. 48. 2 Proceedings (The) against the Earl of Shaftsbury, at the old Baily, 4th November, 1681. . . . London, 1681. 2, pp. 16. 3 Second Part (The) of the Collection of Letters and other Writings, re lating to the horrid Popish Plot . . . London, 1681. 2, pp. 34. 4 Several Informations (The) of J. Mac-Namarra, M. Fitzgerrald and J. Nash : relating to the horrid Popish Plot in Ireland, together with the Resolutions of the Commons in Parliament . . . Jan. 6, 1680. London, 1680. 2, pp. 15. [2 copies.] 5 Speech of the Lord High Steward, in Westminster Hall at the time of his pronouncing the Judgment of the House of Peers, against Lord Viscount Stafford, 7th December, 1680. * * * London, 1680. 2, pp. 12. 6 Triumphs (The) of Justice over unjust Judges : exhibiting the Names and Crimes of four and forty Judges hang d ... as Murderers for their corrupt Judgments, &c. London, 1681. 2, pp. 36. 7 True Narrative of the horrid Plot and Conspiracy of the Popish Party against the Life of His Sacred Majesty, the Government, and the Pro testant Religion : with a List of ... the Conspirators . . . By T. Otes. London, 1679. 2, pp. 68. 8 True Narrative and Discovery of several very remarkable Passages re lating to the horrid Popish Plot , . . [by] M. Prance. London, 1679. 2, pp. 40. 9 True Speeches of T. Whitebread, W. Harcourt, J. Fenwick, J. Gavan, and A. Turner, all Jesuits and Priests ; before their Execution at Tyburn, June 20th MDCLXXIX. With Animadversions thereupon . . . London, 1679. 2, pp. 8, 24. 19 Tryal of Edward Coleman, for conspiring the Death of the King and the Subversion of the Government of England, and the Protestant Re ligion . . . London, 1678. 2, pp. 104. 11 Tryals of Sir G. Wakeman, W. Marshall, W. Rumley, and J. Corker for High Treason for conspiring the Death of the King, Subversion of the Government and Protestant Religion, 18th July, 1679. London, 1679. 2, pp. 84. 12 Votes of the House of Commons, passed 21st Oct. 10th Jan. 1680, and relating to the Popish Plot. London, 1680. 2, pp. 146. Geological Survey. W Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, and of the Museum of Practical Geology in London. Vol. 1 , 2, P. I. [Plates and En gravings. } London, 1846, 48. 8 (7. 1X4.2). Observations at Royal Observatories. Cape of Oood Hope. Observations made ... at Cape of Good Hope. 14 Printed . . . under the superintendence of E. Sabine. Vol. 1 . Mag- netical Observations, 1841 to 1846. With Abstracts of Observations from 1841 to 1850 . . . London, 1851. Large 4. 1 5 Bissel s Refraction Tables, Large 4, pp. vii. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 259 GREAT BRITAIN. Royal Observatories, continued. 3 Transits observed, and Calculation of the apparent Right Ascensions. [London] 1834. Large 4. 2 Zenith Distances observed with the Mural Circle, and Calculation of Geocentric South Polar Distances, 1836, 1837. 2 parts. [London] 1836, 37. Large 4. Edinburgh. Astronomical Observations made at ... Edinburgh. By T. 3 Henderson. Vol. 1-5. For 1834-39. By T. Henderson. Reduced and edited by C. P. Smyth. Vol. 6-10. For 1840-48. By C. P. Smyth. Vol. 11. For 1849-54. [Plates.] Edinburgh, 1838- 57. Large 4. Greenwich. Astronomical Observations made at ... Greenwich, in the 4 years 1828, 1829- 31, by J. Pond : 1833- 35, under the Direction of J. Pond : 1836- 47, under the direction of G. B. Airy. Also, Appendix for 1836, 1837, 1842, and 1847. [Plates. ] 29 parts and 12 vols. London, 1828- 49. Large 4. 5 Astronomical and Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at . . . Greenwich, in the years 1848-58 : under the direction of G. B. Airy k 11 vols. London, 1S50- 60. Large 4. 6 Catalogue (A) of 1112 Stars, reduced from Observation made at ... Greenwich from . . . 1816 to 1833. London, 1833. Large 4, pp. 19. ? Catalogue of the Places of 1439 Stars, referred to 1st Jan., 1840; de duced from the Observations made at ... Greenwich, from 1836, Jan. 1, 1841, Dec. 31. London, 1843. Large 4. 8 Catalogue of 2156 Stars, formed from the Observations made . . . from 1836 to 1847, at ... Greenwich. London, 1849. Large 4. 9 Magnetical and Meteorological Observations, made at ... Greenwich, in the years 1840- 47 : under the direction of G. B. Airy. 7 vols. London, 1843-49. Large 4. 1 Reduction of the Observations of the Moon, made at ... Greenwich from 1750 to 1830 : computed under the superintendence of G. B. Airy. . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1848. Large 4. 11 Reduction of the Observations of the Moon, made at ... Greenwich, from 1831 to 1851 : computed under the superintendence of G. B. Airy. London, 1859. Large 4. 12 Reduction of the Observations of Planets, made at ... Greenwich, from 1750 to 1830 : computed . . . under the superintendence of G. B. Airy. London, 1848. Large 4, pp. 671+- 13 Sum (The) of the three Equations of Aberration, Solar Nutation, and Precession of 40 principal fixed Stars for ... 1824- 39> [No imprint. ] Large 4. 14 Tables containing the Sum of the three Equations of Aberration, Solar Nutation, and Precession, for 23 principal fixed Stars for . . . 1824- 39. [No imprint. ] Large 2, pp. 48. Hobarton. Observations made ... at Hobarton, in Van Diemen Island and 15 by the Antartic Naval Expedition. Printed . . . under the superinten dence of E. Sabine. Vol. 1. - Commencing with 1841. With Abstracts of the Observations from 1841 to 1848 . . . London, 1850. Large 4. Markee. Catalogue of Stars near the Ecliptic, observed at Markee, during 16 the years 1848-1856, and whose places are supposed to be hitherto unpublished. Vol. 1-4 , . , Dublin, 1851- 56. 8 (7X3.8), 260 BOWDOIX COLLEGE. GREAT BRITAIN. Royal Observatories, continued. Paramatta. Catalogue of 7385 Stars . . . prepared from Observations 1 made in the years 1822-1826, at ... Paramatta, New South Wales . . . The Computations made, and the Catalogue constructed by W. Richardson. [Plan.] London, 1835. 4. Publications of the Record Commission. 2 Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland. Vol. 2-11. A.D. MCCCCXXIV. A.D. MDCCVII. London, 1814- 24. 2 (12.5X7.5), 2 cols. 3 Ancient Laws and Institutes of England ; comprising Laws enacted under the Anglo-Saxon Kings from -^Ethelbirht to Cnut, with an English Translation of the Saxon ; the Laws called Edward the Confessor s ; the Laws of William the Conqueror, and those ascribed to Henry I. : also Monumenta Ecclesiastica Anglicana, from the seventh to the tenth cen tury : and the ancient Latin Version of the Anglo-Saxon Laws. With a compendious Glossary, &c. [Edited by B. Thorpe.] [London ] 1840. 2 (11.6X6.9), 2 cols., pp. 548-J-. 4 Ancient Law r s and Institutes of Wales . . . with an English Translation of the Welsh Text. . . . [Also] a few Latin Transcripts, containing Digests of the Welsh Laws, principally of the Dimetian Code. With Indexes and Glossary. [London] 1841. 2 (11.5X7), 2 cols., pp. 1005. 5 Antient Kalendars and Inventories of the Treasury of H.M. s Ex chequer, together with other Documents illustrating the History of that Repository. Vol. 1-3. Collected and edited by Sir F. Palgrave. . . . [London ] 1836. 8 (7X3.7). fi Calendarium Inquisitionum post mortem, sive EscsBtarum. Vol. 1-4. Temporibus Reguin Hen. III. Ric. III. Cum Appendice de quam- plurimis aliis Inquisitionibus a Regno Hen. IILusque Jac. I. ... [London] 1806- 28. 2 (12.3X7.2), 2 cols. 7 Calendarium Rotulorum Chartarum et Inquisitionum ad quod Damnum. [London] 1803. 2 (12X7.5), 2 cols. 8 Calendars of the Proceedings in Chancery, in the Reign of Q. Elizabeth ; to which are prefixed Examples of earlier Proceedings in that Court . . . From the originals in the Tower. Vol. 1-3. . . . [London] 1827- 32. 2 (13.7X8). 9 Catalogue of the Harleian Manuscripts in the British Museum. With Indexes . . . Vol. 1-4. . . . [London] 1808- 12. 2 (12.5X8), 2 cols. 10 Catalogue of the Lansdowne Manuscripts in the British Museum. With Indexes . . . [London] 1819. 2 (12.2X7.8), 2 cols. 31 Catalogue (A) of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library, deposited in the British Museum. . . . [London] 1802. 2 (13X7-5), 2 cols. 12 Documents and Records illustrating the History of Scotland, and the Transactions between the Crowns of Scotland and England. Preserved in the Treasury of H.M. s Exchequer. Vol. 1. Collected and edited by Sir F. Palgrave. ... [London] 1837. 8 (7X3.3). J3 Domesday-Book, seu Liber censualis Willelmi primi R. AngliaB, inter Archives Regni in Domo Capitulari Westmonasterii asservatus. Vol. J, 2. ... [London] 1783. 2 (14.7X9.5), 2 cols. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 261 GREAT BRITAIN. Record Commission, continued. 1 Domesday-Book, seu Libri censualis . . . Additamenta ex Codic. anti- quiss. Exon Domesday. Inquisitio Eliensis. Liber Winton . Boldon Book. ... [London] 1816. 2 (12.5X7.5 irr.), pp. 635. 2 Domesday-Book, seu Libri censualis . . . Indices. Accessit Disser- tatio generalis de Ratione hujusce Libri. . . . \_London~] 1816. 2 (13.5X8.5), pp. 579. 3 General Introduction to Domesday Book ; accompanied by Indexes . . . [With] Notes and Comments. By Sir H. Ellis. . . . Vol. 1, 2. ... [London] 1833. 8 (6.1X3.3). 4 Ducatus Lancastrite Pars I. Calendarium Inquisitionum post mortem, &c. temporibus R. Edw. I. Car. I. II.-IV. Calendar of the Pleadings, &c. in the Reigns of Hen. VII. Q. Elizabeth. 4 vols. . . . [London] 1823- 34. 2 (12.6X8.4). 5 Excerpta e Rotulis Finium in Turri Londinensi asservatis, Hen. III. R., A.D. 1216-1272. Cura C. Roberts. Vol. 1. 2. ... [London] 1835, 36. 8 (7X4). 6 Fines, sive Pedes Finium : sive Finales Concordiae in Curia D. Regis ... A.D. 1195 A.D. 1214. Edente J. Hunter. Vol. 1 ... [London] 1835. 8 (7X4). 7 Foedera, Conventiones, Litters, et . . . Acta Publica, inter Reges Anglise et alios quosvis Imperatores, Reges, Pontifices, Principes, vel Communitates ; ab Ingressu Gulielmi I. in Angliam A.D. 1066, ad nos- tra usque tempora habita aut tractata. . . . Cura et Studio T. Rymer, et R. Sanderson, denuo aucta, et multis locis emendata ... A. Clarke, et F. Holbrooke. Vol. 1-3 . . . M.LXY.-M.CCCLXXVI. [Plates] Londini, 1816-30. 2 (12.5X8.4). NOTE. Each volume is in two parts, with independent title-pages, &c. 8 General Report . . . from the Board of Commissioners on the Public Records. [London] 1837. 8, pp. 55. 9 General Report . . . from the Board of Commissioners on the Public Records ; with an Appendix and Index. [London] 1837. 2 (13.1x7.5), 2 cols. 10 Inqvisitionvm ad Capellvm Domini Regis, Retornatarvm, qvae in pvbli- cis Archivis Scotiae adhvc servantvr, Abbreviatio. Vol. 1-3. . . . [London] 1811- 16. 2 (12.5X8.2), 2 cols. 11 Inquisitionum in Officio Rotulorum Cancellaria? HiberniaB asservatarum Repertorium. Vol. 1,2. ... [London] 1826, 29. 2 (12X8.3), 2 cols. 12 Magnum Rotulum Scaccarii, vel Magnum Rotulum Pipee, de Anno tricesimo-primo Regni Henrici I., (ut videtur;) quern plurimi hactenus laudarunt pro Rotulo quinti anni Stephani R. ; nunc primum edidit J. Hunter. ... [London] 1833. 8 (7.5X4.3). 13 Nonarum Inquisitiones in Curia Scaccarii. Temp. R. Edwardi III. [London] 1807. 2 (12.3X7.9), 2 cols. 14 Parliamentary Writs and Writs of Military Summons, together with the Records and Muniments relating to the Suit and Service due and per formed to the King s High Court of Parliament and the Councils of the Realm . . . Collected and edited by F. Palgrave. Vol. 1, 2. Div. I., IL, HI. ... [London] 1827- 34. 2 (13X9.5). NOTK. Bound in four volumes. 262 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. GREAt BRITAIN. Record Commission, continued. 1 Placita de quo Warranto temporibus Edw. I. II. & III. In Curia recep-- tse Scaccarij Westm. asservata. . . . [London"] 1818. 2 (12.5X7.6), 2 cols., pp. 966, 2 Placitorum in Domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensi asservatorum Abbre-- viatio. Temporibus R. Hie. I. Edw. II. ... [London] 1811. 2 (12.4X7.5), 3 Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England. Vol. l-j| 10 Ric. II. MCCCLXXXVI. to 38 Hen. VIII. MDXLII. Edited by Sir H, Nicolas. ... {London} 1834- 37. 8 (7X4). 4 Registrvm Magni Sigilli Regam Scotorvm in Archivis pvblicis asserva- tvm. A.D. MCCCVI. A.D. MCCCCXXIV. . . . [London] 1814. 2 (12.5X7.5), 2 cols. 15 Registrum vulgariter nuncupatum " The Record of Caernarvon " ; e Codice MSto Harleiano 696. descriptum. . . . [London} 1838. 2 (11.9X7.7), 6 Rotuli Chartprum in Turri Londinensi asservato. Accurante T. D. Hardy. Vol. 1. Pars I. Ab anno MCXCIX. ad MCCXVI. . . . [London] 1837. 2 (14.4X8), 2 cols, 7 Rotuli CuriaB Regis. Rolls and Records of the Court held before the King s Justiciars or Justices. Vol. 1. From sixth year of K. Rich. I: to Accession of K. John. 2. First Year of K. John. Edited by Sir F. Palgrave. . . . [London] 1835. 8 (7.4X4.3), 8 Rotuli Hundredorum temp. Hen. III. & Edw. I. in Turri Lond et in Curia receptae Scaccarij West, asservati. Vol. 1,2. ... [London] 1812, 18. 2 (12.5X7.6), 2 cols. 9 Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum in Turri Londinensi asservati. Accurante 1 T. D. Hardy. Vol. 1. Ab anno MCCIV. ad MCCXXIV. . . . [London] 1833. 2 (13.2X8), 2 cols. 10 Rotuli Litterarum Patentium in Turri Londinensi asservati. Accurante T. D. Hardy. Vol. 1. Pars I. Ab anno MCCI. ad MCCXVI. . . . [London"] 1835. 2 (14.3X8), 2 cols. 11 Rotuli NormannitB in Turri Londinensi asservati, Job. et Hen. V. Ang- lise Regibus. Accurante T. D. Hardy. Vol. 1. De Annis 1200-1205, necnon de Anno 1417. ... [London] 1835. 8 (7X4). 12 Rotuli de Oblatis et Finibus in Turri Londinensi asservati tempore Regis Johannis. Accurante T. D. Hardy. . . . [London] 1835. 8 (7X4.3), pp. 780. 13 Rotuli Scotia? in Turri Londinensi et in Domo Capitulari Westmonaste riensi asservati. Vol. 1,2. Temporibus Regum Anglia? Edw. I. Hen. VIII. ... [Londoii] 1814- 19. 2(12.8><7.7). 14 Rotuli selecti ad Res Anglicas et Hibernicas spectantes, ex Archivis in Domo Capitulari West-Monasteriensi, deprompti. Cura J. Hunter. . . . [London ] 1834. 8 (7.3X4.3). 15 Rotulorum Originalium in Curia Scaccarii Abbreviatio. Vol. 1, 2. Tem poribus Regum Hen. III. Edw. III. . . . [London] 1805, 10. 2 (12.5X7.7), 2 cols. 16 Rotulum Patentium et Clausorum Cancellariae Hibernia3 Calendarium. Vol.1. Pars. I. Hen. II. Hen. VII. ... [London] 1828. 2 (12X8.3), 2 cols. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 263 BRITAIN. Record Commission, continued. 1 Rotulus Cancellarii, vel Antigraphum Magni Rotuli Pipae, cle terlio Anno Regni R. Johannis. . . . [London] 1833. 8 (7.4X4.4). 2 Statutes of the Realm. . . . From original Records and authentic Manuscript^ Vol. 1-9. [London] 1810- 22. 2 (14.5X7.7), m. b. NOTE. Vol. 4 is in two parts, bound separately. 3 Alphabetical (The) Index to the Statutes of the Realm, from Magua Carta to the end of the Reign of Q. Anne. [London ] 1824. 2 (14.6X9-2), 2 cols. 4 Chronological Index (The) to the Statutes of the Realm, from Magna Carta to the end of the Reign of Q. Anne. [London] 1828. 2 (15X9-5), 2 cols., pp. 938. 5 Taxatio Ecclesiastica Anglia? et Walliae Auctoritate P. Nicholai IV. Circa A.I). 1291. ... [London] 1802. 2 (12.6X9). 6 Testa de Nevill sive Liber Feodorum in Curia Scaccarii. Temp. Hen. III. & Edw. I. [London] 1807. 2 (12.4X8), 2 cols., pp. 599. 7 Valor Ecclesiasticus temp. Henr. VIII. Auctoritate regia institutus. Vol. 1-6. Appendix et Indices. [Map.] . . . [London] 1810- 34. 2 (13X8.3), 2 cols. Pamphlets relating to the Record Commission. 8 Commission (La) des Archives d Angleterre aux Savans et Antiquaires Francis. Paris, 1834. 8, pp. 58. [2 copies.] 9 Essay (An) on the original Authority of the King s Council. By Sir F. Palgrave. [London] 1834. 8 (6.2X3.5). 10 Leaf (Another) omitted out of the Record Report ; or some Remarks upon the Proceedings of the recent Committee upon the Public Records . . . London, 1837. 8, pp. 18. 11 Leaf (Third) omitted out of the Record Report ; or some Remarks upon the Evidence given by the principal Witnesses adverse to the Record Commission ... . London, 1637. 8, pp. 20. 12 Letter addressed to C. P. Cooper, upon the Report of the recent Record Committee. By B. Montagu. * * * London, 1837. 8, pp. 16. 13 Letters from eminent historical "Writers relating to the Publications of the Board of Commissioners on the Public Records. London, 1836. 8, pp. 76. [2 copies.] 14 Memoria da Commissao dos Arquivos da Gran-Bretanha dirigida aos Cartorarios, Bibliothecarios, e Antiquaries de Portugal . . . 1834. Lisboa, 1835. 8, pp. 25. !5 Observations, Letters and Opinions of the Commissioners, on the Con stitution and Duties of the Record Commission. London, 1836. 8, pp. 35. [2 copies.] 16 Papers and Documents relating to the Evidence of certain Witnesses examined before the Select Committee of the House of Commons ap pointed " to inquire into the Management and Affairs of the Record Commission," &c. ... [London] 1837. 8 (6X3.9). 17 Papers relating to the Project of building a General Record Office. With Plans. London, 1835. 8, pp. 81. 18 Proposal for the Erection of a General Record Office, Judges Hall and Chambers, and other buildings on the Site of the Rolls Estate, together \rith some particulars. respecting the Suitors Fund. [Plan.] London, 1832, 8 (6X3.3), 264 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. GREAT BRITAIN. Record Commission, continued. 1 Questions circulated under the authority of H.M. s Commissioners of the Public Records of the Kingdom . . . London, 1833. 2, pamp. Anonymous Historical and Political Publications. 2 Account of the Views and Principles of that Connexion of Whigs, called the Rockingham Party. * * * [London] 1782. 8, pp. 60. [3 copies.] 3 Address (An) of the People of Great Britain to the Inhabitants of Ame rica. London, 1775. 8, pp. 60. 4 Address (An) to the Representatives in Parliament, upon the State of the Nation. * * * London, 1779. 8, pp. 38. 5 Apology (An) for the Royal Party. . . . [London ] 1659. 4, pp. 14. 6 Appendix to the Canada Papers. [No imprint.~\ 8, pp. Ixxxvii. 7 Arms of the Peers, Peeresses, &c. of the United Kingdom. * * * London, [1807]. 16 (6.2X3.2). 8 Authentic Account (An) of our last Attempt upon the Coast of France. By an Officer . . . London, 1758. 8, pp. 46. & Authentic Copies of the provisional and preliminary Articles of Peace signed between Great Britain, France, Spain, and the United States of America. . . . London, 1783. 8, pp. 28. 10 British Fisheries (The). London, 1784. 8, pp. 60. 11 British Opinions on the Protecting System . . . From the North American Review for Jan., 1830. 2d ed. Boston, 1830. 8, pp. 43. 12 Belligerent Rights asserted and vindicated against Neutral Encroach ments. . . . London, 1806. 8, pp. 91. 13 Candid and impartial Considerations on the Nature of the Sugar Trade ; the comparative Importance of the British and French Islands in the West-Indies; &c. Illustrated . . . London, 1763. 8 (6X3). 14 Case of G. B. and America. 2d ed. London, 1769. 8, pp. 43. 15 Cause (The) of the heavy Burdens of Great Britain, and of her National Debt ... [Peace Tract.} London, 1836. 12, pp. 20. 16 Coalition (The) : or, An Essay on the present State of Parties. * * * London, 1783. 8, pp. 39. Cocoa Tree. Address to the Cocoa Tree. From a Whig. 4th ed. * * * London, 1772. 4, pp. 21. 18 True Whig (The) displayed. Comprehending cursory Remarks on the Address to the Cocoa Tree. ... * * * London, n. d. 4, pp. 21. 19 Letter to the Whigs with some Remarks on a Letter to the Tories. London, 1762. 4, pp. 16. 20 Letter from the Cocoa Tree to the Country Gentleman. 3d ed. London, 1763. 4, pp. 14. 2 1 Comments on the proposed War with France, on the State of Parties, and on the new Act respecting Aliens. ... * * * London, 1793. 8 (5.5X3.2). 22 Concessions to America the Bane of Britain; or the Cause of the present distressed Situation of the British Colonial and Shipping Interests ex plained ... * * * London, 1807. 8, pp. 63. 23 Conduct (The) of the Opposition, and the Tendency of modern Patriot ism . . . review d and examin d. * * * London, 1734. 8, pp. 62. 24 Considerations on the Attorney-General s Proposition for a Bill for the Establishment of Peace with America. ... * * * London, 1782. 8. pp. 58. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 265 GREAT BRITAIN. Historical and Political Publications, continued. 1 Considerations on the National Debt, and the Nett Produce of the Reve nue : &c. London, 1784. 8, pp. Go. 2 Considerations on the present German War. 3d ed. London, 1760. 8 (5.9X3.3). 3 Considerations on the present Situation of Great Britain and the United States . . . with a view to their future Commercial Relations . . . [against] Lord Sheffield s " Observations on the Commerce of the United States "... London, 1784. 8 (5.7X3.2). [2 copies.] 4 Considerations on the provisional Treaty with America, and the prelimi nary Articles of Peace with France and Spain. London, 1783. 8 (5.4X3). 5 Constitutional Right of the Legislature of Great Britain to tax the British Colonies in America impartially stated. * * * London, 1768. 8, pp. 60. 6 Contrast (The), a Political Pasticcio ; or an Estimate of the Coalition- Ministry : with Recitative, Cantatas, &c. London, 1784. 8, pp. 70. 7 Dangers (The) of the Country. By the Author of War in Disguise. 2ded. London, 1807. 8 (6.5X3.6). s Dangers (The) of Court Differences : or the unhappy Effects of a Mot ley Ministry . . . London, 1717. 8, pp. 47. 9 Debates and Proceedings of the House of Commons, during the Sixth Session of the Sixteenth Parliament. Vol. 1. London, 1789. 8 (6.4X3.6). 10 Debates in the House of Commons, Jan. 12-16, 1784 . . . upon the moving for, and first Reading of Mr. Pitt s Bill for regulating the Terri torial Concerns of the East India Company : together with . . . the Bill. London, 1784. 8 (5.9X3.2). 11 Debt (On the) of the Nation, compared with its Revenues ; and the Im possibility of carrying on the War without Public Oeconomy. London, 1781. 8 (6X3.3). 12 Declaration (The) of the Officers of the Army opened, examined and condemned, and the Parliament vindicated . . . London, 1659. 4, pp. 58. 1 3 Defence of the Earl of Shelburne ... in a Letter to Sir George Sa- ville ... 5th ed. London, 1783. 2, pp. 96. 14 Defence of the Rockingham party in their late Coalition with . . . Lord North. London, 1783. 8, pp. 53. 15 Definitive Treaty (The) of Peace and Friendship, between H.B.M., the most Christian King, and the King of Spain. Concluded at Paris, 10th Feb., 1763. . . . [Fr. and Eng.] London, 1763. 4, par. cols., pp. 48. 16 Dialogue (A) on the actual State of Parliament. * * * London, 1733. 8, pp. 56. i ? Dick and Tom: a Dialogue about Addresses. * * * 2d ed. London, 1710. 8, pp: 24. is Dutch Faith : being an Enquiry, founded on Facts into the Probability of the Success of the British Arms, on the Continent, next Campaign, &c. \_No imprint. ] 8, pp. 56. 19 Epistle (An) from Timoleon to all the honest Free-Holders, and other Electors ... * * * London, 1768. 4, pp. 23, 34 266 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. GREAT BRITAIN. Historical and Political Publications, continued. 1 Evident Advantages (The) to Great Britain and its Allies from the ap proaching War . . . Northampton, 1737. 8, pp. 35. 2 Examination (An) into the Principles, Conduct, and Designs, of the Minister. * * * London, 1783. 8, pp. 62. [2 copies.] 3 Extermination, or an Appeal to the People of England, on the present War with France. * * * London, n. d. 8, pp. 31. 4 Five Minutes Advice to the People preparatory to the ensuing General Election. London, 1784. 8, pp. 23. 5 Four pleasant Epistles, written for the Entertainment and Gratification of four unpleasant Characters ... By Albion. * * * London, 1789. 4, pp. 39. 6 Fox s Martyrs ; or a new Book of the Sufferings of the Faithful. * * * London, 1784. 8, pp. 70. 7 Free Briton s Manual (The), to all the Freeholders, Citizens and Bur gesses . . . presented in order to the effectual Defence of their injured Right of Election. * * * London, 1769. 4, pp. 35. 8 Freeholders Catechism (The) . . . [No imprint.] 2, pp. 4. 9 Full and accurate Account of the Debates on the East India Bill, in the House of Lords, Dec. 1783. . . . London, 1784. 8 (5.9X3.3). 10 Full and candid Answer (A) to a Pamphlet, entitled, Considerations on the present German War. * * * London, 1760. 8, pp. 86. 11 Golden Passage (The) in the Great Charter of England, called Magna Charta . . . [London] 1775. 8, pp. 16. 12 Grand Question (The) concerning the Judicature of the House of Peers stated and argued. ... * * * London, 1669. 16 (4.8X2.7). ly Historical View of the Plans, for the Government of British India, and Regulation of Trade to the East Indies. And Outlines of a Plan of Foreign Government, of Commercial Oeconomy, and of Domestic Ad ministration, for the Asiatic Interests of Great Britain. London, 1793. 8 (6.5X4.6), pp. 632. [3 copies.] 14 Honest Man s (An) Reasons for supporting the present Ministry. In an Address to the People. London, 1782. 8, pp. 36. J5 Inadequacy (The) of Parliamentary Representation fully stated : its per nicious Consequences enlarged on, and the Objections to a Reform an- sM-ered. . . . London, 1783. 8, pp. 70. !6 Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the present Disputes between the British Colonies in America and their Mother-Country ... * * * London, 1769. 8, pp. 76. 17 Justice and Policy (The) of the late Act of Parliament for making more effectual Provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec, ar rested and proved: &c. London, 1774. 8, pp. 32. 18 Killing, no Murder : with some Additions ... By William Allen I pseudonym ]. * * * London, 1657. 2, pp. 16. NOTE. A celebrated tract, written against Cromwell, and attributed to Col. Sexby. See GODWIN S History of the Commonwealth. Vol. 4, pp. 388-390. T9 Legal Means (The) of Political Reformation, proposed in two small Tracts, viz. " Equitable Representation " and " Annual Parliaments the ancient and most salutary Right of the People." London, 1 780. 8, pp. 59. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 26 GREAT BRITAIN. Historical and Political Publications, continued. 1 Letter from an American now resident in London, to a Member of Par liament, on the Subject of the Restraining Proclamation ; and containing Strictures on Lord Sheffield s Pamphlet on the Commerce of the Ameri can States. London, 1784. 8, pp. 52. 2 Letter to a Country Gentleman. London, 1784. 8, pp. 64. 3 Letter (2d) to a Country Gentleman. London, 1784. 8, pp. 64. 4 Letter (Second) to Mr. D Anvers concerning the Liberty of the Press. * * * London, 1729. 8, pp. 24. 5 Letter in Defence of Mr. Fox and others ; in answer to Cicero, Lucius Catiline, or the American Deputy. . . . [With] Letters to the Prince of Wales, &c. 2d ed. London, [1784?] 8, pp. 31. 6 Letter to the Earl of Hillsborough on the present Situation of Affairs in America . . . with an Appendix in answer to " The Constitutional Eight of Great Britain to tax the Colonies." * * * London, 1769. 8 (5.4X3.1). 7 Letter to a late noble Commander [Lord Sackville] of the British Forces in Germany London, 1759. 8, pp. 74. 6 Letter ... on the Peace. * * * 2d ed. London, 1783. 8, pp. 40. 9 Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Viscount H E, on his Naval Conduct in the American War. London, 1779. 8, pp. 50. 10 Letter to the Rt. Hon. W. Pitt, upon the Nature of Parliamentary Rep resentation ; its Use and Abuse. . . . London, 1784. 8, pp. 77. 11 Letters from a Country Clergyman, to a Member of Parliament, on the present State of the Nation. 3d ed. London, 1784. 8, pp. 72. 12 Letters on the Impolicy of a Standing Army, in time of Peace, and on the unconstitutional and illegal Measure of Barracks . . . London, 1792. 8, pp. 90. 13 Letters of Sulpicius, on the Northern Confederacy. . . . [With~\ the Treaty of Armed Neutrality, &c. London, 1801. 8, pp. 48, xxiii. 1 4 London Calendar, or, Court and City Register, for England, Scotland, Ireland, and the Colonies, for the year 1808. . . . London, n. d. 8 (5.8X3.4). 15 Low Church (The) Lottery . . . London, 1710. 8, pp. 8. 16 Loyal Advice to disaffected Subjects. London, n. d. 8, pp. 32. 17 Lucubrations during a short Recess. London, 1782. 8, pp. 65. 18 Ministerial Almanack (A) : addressed to the Rt. Hon. Lord Thurlow ... By Recos Jepphi. London, 1783. 8, pp. 53. 19 Naked Truth (The Fourth Part of) : or the Complaint of the Church to some of her Sons for Breach of her Articles. In a friendly Dialogue between Titus and Timothy ... * * * London, 1682. 2, pp. 42. 20 Narrative in justification of injured Innocence; with Causes of the Aversion of Seamen to the Royal Navy, &c. ; and Chart of the Straits ofGibralter. London, 1749. 8 (6.1X3.5). 21 Narrative (Second) of the late Parliament . . . With some Quseries sadly proposed thereupon. . . . [London ] 1658. 4, pp. 12, 36. 22 National Dispute (The) ; or, The History of the Convention Treaty . . . London, 1739. 8(6.4X3.4). 23 New Catechism (A), with Dr. Hickes s Thirty Nine Articles. * * * 2d ed. corrected. London, 1710. 8, pp. 28. 268 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. GREAT BRITAIN. Historical and Political Publications, continued. 1 New Companion (A) to the London and Royal Calendars . . . for the year 1808. ... London, [1807]. 8 (5.5X3.4). 2 New High-Church turn d Old Presbyterian. Utrum Horum. Never a Barrel the better Herring. London, 1709. 8, pp. 20. 3 New and Old Principles of Trade compar d, or a Treatise on the Prin ciples of Commerce between Nations ... * * * London, 1788. 8 (5.9X3. 3). 4 Observations on the Conduct of the Tories, the Whigs, and the Dissen ters ; with Advice to the latter. London, 1739. 8, pp. 44. 5 Observations on ..." A Dialogue on the actual State of Parliament," and also on ... "Free Parliaments." London, 1783. 8, pp. 20. 6 Observations and Reflections on the Origin of Jacobin Principles ; the leading Dissenters Politics; &c. London, 1794. 8, pp. 79. 7 Observations on the Review of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies. London, 1769. 8, pp. 43. 8 Occasional Observations on a Double-Titled-Paper, about the clear Pro duce of the Civil-List Revenue, from ... 1727 to ... [1760]. London, 1761. 8, pp. 32. 9 Parliament of 1784, considered. London, 1790. 8, pp. 64. 10 Permanent and effectual Remedy (A) suggested for the Evils under which the British West-Indies now labour. . . . London, 1808. 8, pp. 48. 11 Plan (A) for finally settling the Government of Ireland upon constitu tional Principles ; and the chief Cause of the unprosperous State of that Country explained. * * * London, 1785. 8, pp. 79. 1 2 Political Disquisitions : or, An Inquiry into public Errors, Defects, and Abuses... London, 1774. 8 (5. 9X3.2). 13 Political Essays concerning the present State of the British Empire . . . London, 1772. 4 (7.5X5.4). [2 copies.] 14 Political Fox Hunt (The) ; or the Pursuers of Reynard fallen into a Pitt. ... *** London, [1783?] 8, pp. 24. 15 Political Letters written in ... 1784. London, 1785. 8, pp. 85. 16 Political Theatre (The). London, 1774. 4, pp. 38. 17 Present Claims (The) and Complaints of America briefly and fairly con sidered. London, 1806. 8, pp. 56. 18 Present Peerage (The) of the United Kingdom, with the Arms of the Peers and Baronets ... the established Order of Precedency, and an English Translation of the Mottoes. London, 1807. 16 (5.5X3.4). 19 Present State (The) of Liberty in Great Britain and her Colonies. * * * . . . London, 1769. 8, pp. 72. 20 Proceedings (The) and Tryal in the Case of William [Bancroft], and . . . [six other Bishops ; for Libel in petitioning against the King s Declarations for Liberty of Conscience ], in the Court of Kings-Bench at Westminster . . . A.D. 1688. [Plate of Portraits. .] London, 1689. 2 (9.6X5.2). 21 Proposal (A) for the Liquidation of the National Debt ; the Abolition of Tithes ; and the Reform of the Church Revenue. 2d ed. * * * London, 1783. 8, pp. 39. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 269 JREAT BRITAIN. Historical and Political Publications, continued. 1 Proposal for a Tax for the Supplies of the War . . . London, 1748. 8, pp. 37. 2 Reasons (The) of the Absenting Clergy, for not appearing at St. Paul s, August 21, 1710, when the Address from the Bishop and Clergy of Lon don was propos d and sign d. . . . London, 1710. 8, pp. 26. 3 Reform in Parliament. An Address to the People of England on the absolute Necessity of a Reform in Parliament. . . . [With] Copies of the Magna Charta, and the Bill of Rights. ... * * * London, n. d. 8, pp. 64. 4 Remarks on the new Sugar-Bill, and on the National Compacts respect ing the Sugar-Trade and Slave-Trade. * * * London, 1792. 8, pp. 82, 17. 5 Remarks upon the Report of a Peace, in consequence of Mr. Secretary Townshend s Letter to the Lord Mayor of London, &c. By the Author of the Defence of the Earl of Shelburne. London, 1782. 8, pp. 38. 6 Reply to the Defence of the Earl of Shelburne ... London, 1783. 8, pp. 35. 7 Report of the Lords of the Committee of Council appointed for the con sideration of all Matters relating to Trade and Foreign Plantations ; submitting ... the Evidence and Information they have collected . . . concerning the present State of the Trade to Africa, and particularly the Trade in Slaves . . . [London] 1789. 2 (10.8X6.5). 8 Rights (The) of the Colonies, and the Extent of the Legislative Autho rity of Great Britain, briefly stated and considered. London, 1769. 8, pp. 20. 9 Rights (The) of Great Britain asserted against the Claims of America . . . London, 1776. 8, pp. 92. 10 Scheme for equipping and maintaining sixteen Men of War ... * * * London, reprinted, 1747. 8, pp. 60. 11 Seasonable Enquiry after the sure way to Peace in England : directed principally to the Army. [London] 1659. 4, pp. 17. 12 Secret History of the White Staff, being an Account of Affairs under . . . some late Ministers, &c. Part. III. London, 1715. 8, pp. 80. 13 Seldom comes a Better : or, a Tale of a Lady and her Servants. * * * "London, 1710. 8, pp. 16. 14 Selection (A) from the Harleian Miscellany of Tracts, which principally regard the English History . . . London, 1793. 4 (8.5X6.3), 2 cols., pp. 571. 15 Serious Enquiries into the Motives and Consequences of our present Armament against Russia. * * * London, 1791. 8, pp. 30. 16 Short and Serious Address (A) to the Manufacturers, Yeomanry, and Tradesmen of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1791. 8, pp. 35. 17 Sky-Rocket (The) ; or Thoughts during the Easter Recess of Parlia ment, on several very important Subjects, and on several recent Events. * * * ... London, [1783]. 8, pp. 58. 18 Softly, Brave Yankees! ! ! or, The West Indies rendered independent of America; and Africa civilized . . . London, 1807. 8, pp. 43. 19 State of the Nation for the year 1747, and respecting 1748. ... 2d ed. London, 1747. 8, pp. xvi., 64. 270 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. GREAT BRITAIN. Historical and Political Publications, continued. 1 State-Anatomy (The) of Great Britain. ... * * * 4th ed. London, n. d. 8 (5.8X3.3). 2 Thoughts on the Causes of the present Failures. 4th ed. London, 1793. 8, pp. 30. 3 Thoughts on the Origin and Nature of Government. Occasioned by the late Disputes between Great Britain and her American Colonies. Written in 1766. * * * London, 1769. 8, pp. 64. 4 Thoughts on a Reform in the Representation of the People in the Com mons House of Parliament, addressed to the Hon. W. Pitt. London, 1783. 8, pp. 54. 5 Thoughts on the relative State of Great Britain and of France ... in 1806. London, 1806. 8, pp. 63, 6 Trade (The) and Navigation of Great Britain. 12 (5.1X2.8). NOTE. Imperfect, wanting- title-page. 7 Treatise (A) upon the Trade from Great Britain to Africa ; humbly re commended to the Attention of Government. . . . London, 1772. 4 (7.6X5.3). 8 Twelve seasonable Quaeries proposed to all true zealous Protestants and English Free-Men : occasioned by our late and present Revolutions. [London] 1659. 4, pp. 6. 9 Vindication (A) of the Conduct of the present War, in a Letter to * * *. [London] 1760. 8, pp. 43. 10 Vindication (A) of the Earl of Shelburne, from the ... Aspersions in a Pamphlet, intitled, "A Defence of the Earl of Shelburne". . . London, 1782. 8, pp. 53. 11 Vindication (A) of the Peer s Right to advise the Crown. * * * London, 1784. 8, pp. 8. 12 War in Disguise ; or the Frauds of the Neutral Flags. 2d ed. London, 1805. 8 (5.9X3.3). [2 copies.] 13 Wooden World (The) dissected, in the Character of a Ship of War . . . 3d ed. London, 1744. 8, pp. 77. 14 Word (A) against a New Election. That the People may see the happy Difference between English Liberty and French Slavery . . . [London] 1710. 8, pp. 23. 15 Word (A) at Parting to the Earl of Shelburne. London, 1782. 8, pp. 43. GREAT 16 Controversy (The) of State and People. Boston, 1851. 8, pp. 45. GREECE. The History of Modern Greece, with a View of the Geography, An- 17 tiquities, and present Condition of that Country. From London Edi tion, with a Continuation ... to the present Time. [Map] Boston, 1827. 8 (6.3X3.5). GREEK 18 DRAMA. Theatre of the Greeks. See BUCKHAM, P. W. GREEK GRAMMAR. Grammar (A) of the Greek Language : originally com- 19 posed for the College-School at Gloucester. . . . Boston, 1805. 12 (5.8X3.5). 2 Gra?C3D Grammatices Rudimenta . . . Londini, 1720. 8 (5.8X3.5). 2 1 Institutio Graecae Grammatices . . . Dublinii, 1784. 12 (4.8X2.7). 22 Linguae Greece Institutiones Grammaticae. . . . Ed. ota. Edinburgi, 1782. 8 (6X3.6). 23 Tirocinium Linguae Grasoae . . > Parish s, 1648. 24 (4.1X2.3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 271 GREEN, Ashbel, D.D., LL.D., Pres. of Princeton College; b. 1762. d. 1848. 1 Discourses delivered in the College of New-Jersey . . . with Notes and Illustrations, including a historical Sketch of the College . . . Philadelphia, 1822. 8 (6.3X3.7). 2 Life (The) of Ashbel Green, V.D.M. Begun to be written by himself in his eighty-second year and continued to his eighty-fourth. Prepared for the Press . . . by J. H. Jones. [Portrait.] New York, 1849. 8 (6.5X3.8), pp. 628. GREEN, Benjamin R. 3 Numismatics. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 5). GREEN, Rev. James D. 4 Unitarianism not a new Doctrine, but genuine Christianity. . . . Boston, 1843. 12, pp. 40. 5 Virtue, not Happiness, the End of Man s Creation. . . . Boston, 1837. 12, pp. 15. GREENE, Rev. Benjamin, of Medway, Mass. 6 Farewell Discourse to the First Church and Society in Medway, March 17, 1793. . . . Boston, [1793]. 8, pp. 33. GREENE, George Washington, U.S. Consul at Rome ; b. 1811. ? Life of Major-Gen. Nath. Greene. See SPARKS, J. American Biogra phy, 2d Series. Vol. 10. GREENE, Nathanael, Major-Gen. U.S. Army ; d. 1788, cet. 47. 8 Life, by G. W. Greene. See SPARKS, J. Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser. Vol. 10. 9 Sketches of the Life and Correspondence. See JOHNSON, W. GREENE, Nathaniel, Editor of Concord Gazette, Boston Statesman, &c.; b. 1797. Translator. See SFORZOSI, . Compendious History of Italy. GREENHOW, Robert, M.D., Transl. & Libr. to Dep t of State; b. 1800. d. 1854. 1 History (The) of Oregon and California, and other Territories of the North-west Coast of North America ; accompanied by a geographical View and Map, and a number of Documents . . . Boston, 1844. 8 (6.8X3.9). 11 Memoir, historical and political, on the North-west Coast of North America, and the adjacent Territories ; illustrated by a Map and a geo graphical View . . . (U.S. Pub. Doc.) Washington, 1840. 8 (6.7X4). GREENLEAF, Rev. Jonathan, of Wells. 12 Sketches of the Ecclesiastical History of the State of Maine . . . Portsmouth, 1821. 12 (5.3X3.1). GREENLEAF, Moses, Esq. ; d. at Williamsburg, 1834, cet. 55. 13 Statistical View (A) of the District of Maine, more especially with refe rence to the . . . Interior. Boston, 1816. 8 (6.3X3.5). 14 Survey (A) of the State of Maine, in reference to its Geographical Fea tures, Statistics and Political Economy. . . . Portland, 1829. 8 (6.2X3.5). 15 Atlas accompanying Greenleaf s Map and Statistical Survey of Maine Portland, [1829]. Folded sheets.. GREENLEAF, Rev. Patrick Henry, D.D., of Cincinnati, Ohio. is Consolatio : or Comfort for the Afflicted. [Edited, ] with a Preface and Notes, by Rev. P. H. Greenleaf. * * * Boston, 1849, 12 (4.9X3). 272 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. GREENLEAF, Simon, LL.D., RoyallProf. of Law inHarv. Univ.; b. 1783. d. 1853. 1 Abridgment of Cruise s Digest of the Law of Real Property, with Addi tions and Notes. See CRUISE, W. 2 Brief Inquiry into the Origin and Principles of Free Masonry. * * 4 [% S. Greenleaf.] Portland, 1820. 8 (6.3 irr.X3.8) 3 Discourse (A) commemorative of the Life and Character of Hon. Josepl Story, LL.D. ; pronounced on the 18th of September, A.D. 1845. . . , * * * Boston, 1845. 8, pp. 45 4 Examination (An) of the Testimony of the Four Evangelists, by th< Rules of Evidence administered in Courts of Justice. With an Ac count of the Trial of Jesus. Boston, 1846. 12 (6.8X3.8) 5 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Courl of Maine. For 1820-1832. Vol. 1-8. [Author s Manuscript.] 6 Treatise (A) on the Law of Evidence. * * * Vol. 1. 4th ed. 2. 2d ed Boston, 1848. Th. 8 (6.7 irr.X3.8) Reporter. See MAINE. Reports of Cases, &c. Vol. 1-9 ; for 1820- 32 GREENWOOD, Rev. Francis William Pitt, D.D., of Boston : b. 1797. d. 1843. 7 New Testament (On the) conformed to Griesbach s Text. . . . Boston, 1829. 12, pp. 24 8 Recollections of. A Sermon preached after his Death [by Rev. N. L, Frothinghcan], and Selections from his Writings. . . . Boston, 1845. 12, pp.46, 9 Remarks on a popular Error respecting the Lord s Supper. 2d ed. Boston, 1827. 12, pp. 12 10 Theology (The) of the Cambridge Divinity School. 2d ed. Boston, 1830. 12, pp. 20 GREGOIRE, Henri, a French Ecclesiastic and Statesman; b. 1750. d. 1831. 11 Essay (An) on the physical, moral, and political Reformation of the Jews ... By the Abbe Gregoire. * * * Translated from the French. London, n. d. 8 (5.3X3), GREGORIE or GREGORY, John, Prebendary of Salisbury ; b. 1607. d. 1646. 12 Life, by J. Gurgany. (Prefixed to Pt. II. of Works.) 13 Works. In two parts : the first containing Notes and Observations upor several Passages in Scripture ; the second his Posthuma . . . [or] Tracts upon various Subjects. 4th ed. corrected. London, 1684. 4 (5.8X3.6), NOTE. Each part and tract has also independent title-page. Autograph, " Charles Chauncy." GREGORIUS Nazianzenus, St., Bishop of Constantinople ; b. 324. d* 389. 1 4 Life. See ULLMANN, C. Gregory of Nazianzum. GREGORIUS I. Magnus, St., Pope of Rome; b. 544. d. 604. is Cvra (De) Pastorali Liber vere aureus : accurate emendatus & restitutiu e vet. Mss. . . . Editus a ler. Stephano. Londini, 1629. 24 (4.5X2.5), m. r, GREGORY, Duncan Farquharson, Lect. at Trin. Coll., Camb.,Eng.; d. 1844,^30. 16 Examples of the Processes of the Differential and Integral Calculus. 2d ed., edited by W. Walton. [Plates.] Cambridge, 1846. 8 (6.4X3.9), pp. 579, CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE V. 273 GREGORY, George, D.D., of London; b. 1754. d. 1808. 1 Economy (The) of Nature explained and illustrated on the Principles of Modern Philosophy. . . . With fifty-six Plates. 2d ed., with . . . Additions. Vol. 1-3. London, 1798. 8 (6.5X3.5). 2 Economy (The) of Nature explained and illustrated on the Principles of Modern Philosophy. . . . With Plates. 3d. ed., with . . . Additions. Vol. 1-3. London, 1804. 8 (6.3X3.5). 3 History (An) of the Christian Church, from the earliest periods to the present time. . . . Vol. 1, 2. New ed., corrected and enlarged. * * * London, 1795. 8 (6X3.4), Editor. See STAXHOPE, P. D. Elements of a Polite Education. Translator. See LOWTH, R. Lectures on Hebrew Poetry, GREGORY, John, M.D., Prof, of Physic at Edinburgh, &c. ; b. 1724. d. 1773. 4 Comparative View of the State and Faculties of Man with those of the Animal World. New ed. London, 1785. 8 (4.5X2.6), 5 Life. See SMELLIE, W. Literary and Characteristical Lives, &c. GREGORY, Olinthus Gilbert, LL.D., Prof, of Math, at Woolwich ; b. 1774. d. 1841, 6 Letters to a Friend, on the Evidences, Doctrines, and Duties, of the Christian Religion, by O. Gregory. Vol. 1,2, * * * New-York, 1826. 8 (4,9 irr.Xo), 7 Mathematics, for Practical Men : being a Common-place Book of Princi-* pies, Theorems, Rules, and Tables ,,. By 0, Gregory. *** [Plates.~] London, 1825. 8 (6.3X3.7). 8 Treatise (A) of Mechanics ... By 0. Gregory. 2d ed., with Improve ments. Vol. 1. Containing the Theory of Statics, Dynamics, Hydro- statics, Hydrodynamics, and Pneumatics. * * * \_Plates*~] London, 1807, 8 (6.6X3.7), Editor, &c. See HALL, R. Works, Ed. 1832. GREIVE, James, M.D. Translator, and Annotator. See CELSUS, A, C. Of Medicine. GRELLIER, J. J., Cashier of the Royal Exchange Company, London. 9 History of the National Debt, from . . . 1688 to ... 1800; with a pre liminary Account of the Debts contracted previous to that sera. London, 1810. 8 (6.4X3.6), [2 copies.] GREPPO, J. G. H., Vicar^General of Belley, 10 Essay on the Hieroglyphic System of M. Champollion, Jun. and on the Advantages which it offers to Sacred Criticism. Translated from the French by I. Stuart, with Notes and Illustrations. * * * Boston, 1830. 12 (5.5X3.2). GRETRY, Andre Ernest Modeste, a French Composer; b. 1741. d. 1831. 11 Memoires ou Essais sur la Musique, par Gretry. Nouv. ed., augmentee de Notes et publiee par J, H. Mees. * * * Tom. 1-3, [Portrait of Author.] Bruxelles, 1829. 16 (4.5X2.8), GREYILLE, Robert Kaye, LL.D, Joint Author. See MURRAY, II, Account of British India, GREY, Richard, D.D., Prebendary of St. Paul s, London; b. 1694. d. 1771. 12 Memoria Technica, or Method of Artificial Memory . . . [_with~\ Lowe s Mnemonics delineated . . . New ed. Oxford, i 81 9. 12 (5.3X2.9), GREY, Zachary, LL.D., Vicar of St. Peter s, &c., Camb.,Eng.; b. 1687, d 1766, Annotator. See BUTLER, S. Hudibras, 274 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. GRIESBACH, Johann Jakob, a German Biblical Critic & Prof. ; b. 1745. d. 1812. Editor. See BIBLE, The New Testament. Novvm Test. Graece. GRIFFIN, Rev. Edmund Dorr; 6. in Wyoming, Pa., 1804. d. 1830. 1 Remains of Rev. E. D. Griffin, compiled by F. Griffin: with a bio graphical Memoir ... by J. M Vickar. . . . Vol. 1 , 2. [Portrait.] New-York, 1831. 8 (6.4X3.5). GRIFFIN, Edward Dorr, D.D., Prof, of Sacred Bhet., Andover, Pastor of Park St. Church, Bost., Pres. of Williams Coll., 1821- 36; b. 1770. d. 1837. 2 Humble Attempt (An) to reconcile the Differences of Christians respect ing the Extent of the Atonement . . . New York, 1819. 12 (5.8X3.3). 3 Series (A) of Lectures, delivered in Park Street Church, Boston, on Sabbath Evening. Boston, 1813. 8 (5.8X3.4). 4 Series (A) of Lectures, delivered in Park Street Church, Boston, on Sabbath Evening. 2d ed. Boston, 1813. 8 (5.8X3.4). 5 Series (A) of Lectures, delivered in Park Street Church, Boston, on Sabbath Evening. 4th ed. Boston, 1813. 12 (5.3X3.2). 6 Sermon preached Jan. 10, 1810, at the Dedication of the Church in Park Street, Boston. Boston, [1810]. 8, pp. 34. 7 Sermon preached Aug. 11, 1811, for the benefit of the Portsmouth Female Asylum; &c. 2d ed. Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 24. GRIFFIN, Francis, a brother of Rev. Edm. D. G. Editor. See GRIFFIN, Edm. D. Remains. GRIFFIN, Rev. John, of Ports ea, Eng. ; b. 1769. d. 1834. 8 Memoirs of Capt. J. Wilson . . , Boston, 1822. 12 (5.2X3.2). GRIFFIN, William N. 9 Theory (The) of Double Refraction. Cambridge, 1842. 8, pp. 29. GRIFFITH, Edward, F.L.S., A.S., &c. Translator, &c. See CUVIER, G. C. L. F. D. Animal Kingdom. GRIFFITH-, William, an English Physician and Naturalist; b. 1810. d. 1845. Posthumous Papers, bequeathed to ... the East India Company, and printed by order of the Government of Bengal ; [viz.] 10 Itinerary Notes of Plants collected in the Khasyah and Bootan Moun tains, 1837-38, in Afghanistan and neighbouring Countries, 1839 to 1841. Arranged by J. M Clelland. [Map and Plates.] Calcutta, 1848. 8 (6X3.7). * J Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bootan, Afghanistan and the neighbouring Countries. Arranged by J. M Clelland. [Map.] Calcutta, 1847. 8 (6.4X3.7), pp. 529. 12 Notulse ad Plantas Asiaticas. Pt. I.-IV. . . . Also, Icones [DCLXI.] Plantarum Asiaticarum. Pt. I.-IV. . . . Arranged by J. M Clelland. 8 vols. Calcutta, 1847- 54. 8 (6.3X3.6) ; plates large 4. re Palms of British East India. [Plates.] Calcutta, 1850. Large 2. GRIMALDE or GRIMBOLD, Nicholas, an English Poet; d. about 1563? Translator. See CICERO, M. T. Three Bookes of Dueties. GSIMKE, Hon. Frederick ; b. in Charleston, S.C. 14 Considerations upon the Nature and Tendency of Free Institutions. Cincinnati, 1848. 8 (8.4X3.7), pp. 544. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 275 GIUMKE, Thomas Smith, an eminent Lawyer of Charleston, S.C.; b. 1786. d. 1834. 1 Address on the Character and Objects of Science ; and, especially, the Influence of the Reformation on the Science and Literature ... of Protestant Nations ... * * * Charleston, . 8, pp. 80. 2 Address on the Truth, Dignity, &c. of Peace, and on the unchristian Character and Influence of War and the Warrior : delivered at New Haven . . . [before ] the Connecticut Peace Society, May 6, 1832. * * * Hartford, 1832. 8, pp. 56. 3 Argument delivered in the Court of Appeals of the State of South Carolina . . . April 2 and 3, 1834 ... on the Constitutionality of the Oath in the Act for the Military Organization of this State, passed Dec. 19, 1833. . . . Charleston, 1834. 8, pp. 28. 4 Letter to the People of South Carolina. Charleston, 1832. 8, pp. 15. 5 Oration on the Advantages, to be derived from the Introduction of the Bible and of Sacred Literature, as essential parts of all Education, in a literary point of view merely . . . delivered before the Conn. Alpha of the * B K Society, Sept 7, 1830. New Haven, 1830. 8, pp. 76. Oration on the principal Duties of Americans ; delivered before the Washington Society, and other Citizens of Charleston . . . July 4th, [1833]. With the Farewell Address of Hon. Wm. Drayton to the Washington Society . . . Charleston, 1833. 8, pp. 39. Annotator. See DYMOND, J. Accordancy of War with Christianity. Translator. See MERLE D AUBIGNE, J. H. Study of Christianism. GRIMESTOX or GRIMSTON, Edward. - 7 Continuation of the History of France, from 1610 to 1622. See SERRES, J. de. Generall Historic of France. Translator. See POLYBIUS. The History of Polybius. GRIMM, Jacob Ludwig, a German Philologist and Antiquary ; b. 1785. 8 Deutsche Grammatik. Th. 1-4. Gottingen, 1826- 40. 8 (6.4X3.6). 9 Deutsche Mythologie. 3te ausg. Bd. 1, 2. Gottingen, 1854. 8 (6.6X3.7). 10 Deutsches Worterbuch von J. Grimm und W. Grimm. Bd. 1,2. [ Vol. 1 contains Portraits of Authors. ] Leipzig, 1852, 59. 4 (7.7X5.7), 2 cols. NOTE. The above portion of the work carries it through the letter D. 11 Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache. Bd. 1, 2. 2te ausg. Leipzig, 1853. 8 (6.7X3. 9). 12 Kinder und Hausmarchen gesammelt durch die Briider Grimm. Bd. 1-3. 3te auflage. [Portrait.] Gottingen, 1853. 16 (4.5X3.1). GRIMM, Wilhelm Carl, a German Philologist and Antiquary ; b. 1786. 13 Deutsche Runen (Ueber). . . . [Plates. ~] Gottingen, 1821. 16 (4.3X2.5). Joint Author. See GRIMM, J. L. Deutsches Worterbuch. Also., Kin der und Hausmarchen. GRINDAL, Edmund, D.D., Bp. of London, York, & Canterbury, b. 1519. d. 1583. 14 History of the Life and Acts. See STRYPE, J. GRISCOM, John, LL.D., an eminent Chemist, and Teacher; b. 1774. d. 1852. Annotator. See EULER, L. Lectures on Natural Philosophy. HOW DO IN COLLEGE. GiusroM, /Vo/ 1 . John Hoskins, M.I)., Him of the preceding ; b. in N.Y., 1800. 1 Animal Mechanism and Physiology ... * * Illustrated . . . ( Harper s Family Library, No. 85.) New York, 1839. 18 (4.5X2.7). GRISWOLD, Alexander Viet*, />./>., /ty. /"///. Kaatc-m Diocese; d. 1843, <//. 70. s Sermon delivered in Hoston, at the First Meeting of the Convention of the Eastern Diocene, Sept,. 10, 1H10. With Constitution of the Prot estant Kpiscopal Cliurch of the Eastern Diocese, <S:c. Boston, 1811. 8, pp. 10, 15. GuiswoM), Hufus Wilmot, I). I)., I), in Jlmmon, I ?., 1815. d. in, .N.I . (lily, 1857. :| Curiosities of American Literature. DISHAKLI, I. Curiosities, &a 4 I ocjts (The) and Poetry of America, to the Middle of the Nineteenth Century. * * * llth cd., revised with Illustrations. Philadelphia, 1851. 8 (7.5X4.5), pp. 550. Joint- Kditor, and Biographer. MM POM, V,. A. Works. OIIONOVIUS, Jacobus, I m/ , of Greek, History, &c., at Ley den ; 6.1045. <l. 171 !. Annntator, &c. Hc.c. HARPOCRATION, V. Lexicon. GHONOVIUH, Johann Frederic, /Vo/ . nfdm-ktil. /,rydni ; l>. 1013. <L 1072. 5 Sestertii s (I )e) sev Svbsecivorvm 1 ecvnim veteris Gnrcm <fe .Roni:iii;e Libri IV. ... * * * Amstelodami, Khnnr., 1050. 8 (-1.0X2.7), pp. 015-f-. Editor, fie.e PLAIITUH, T. M. Comoediae. OnoHlKR, Jean Bajitist Gabriel Alexandre, l Al)l)6; l>. 17 1. J. d. 1823. 6 General Description (A) of China . . . Illustrated . . . Vol. 1, 2. Translated from the French of the Abbe Grosicr. London, 178N. Th. 8 ((5.1 X- >.:>). OEOSVENOR, Benjamin, />./>., j i,<>u<i<i ; i>. 1075. d. 1758. 7 Mourner (The) ... * * * Kxeter, n. d. 18 (4.1X2-7)- QBOTE| George, /// kixlor ntn of ( I recce ; /;. in Ken/, Kin/., 170-1. H History of Greece. Vol. 1-12. With Portrait, Maps and Index. London, ISIO- 50. 8 (0.3X3,5), m. h. GllOTIUH, Muf> o, [Dul c.h, CillOOT, Hui^ I >!:,] ////./>.,rm nninndjiirin/ <nnl an ///or; l>. at I )clj l, 1583. d. af Hnxlirk, 1(},")-I. Droit (Lc) de la (iuerre el, dc hi Paix, par M. Grotivs . . . Tradnit du Latin . . . par M. de Courtin. Tom. 1,2. * * * Paris, 1087. 4 (7.5X4.3), m. r. 10 Droit (Lc) do la Guerre, et dc la Paix. Nouvelle Traduction, p;ir .1. Marbeyrac, avcc Ics Notes do 1 auteur rn^.mc ... & de nouvrlles Notes du Traducteur. Tom. 1,2. | I nrh-di/. \ Amsterdam, 1721. 4 (7.7X3.2), m. r. 11 Imperio (Dc) Summarum Potestatum circa Sacra. . . . Kd. novissima. Amstelodami, 1077. - 24 (4.2X2). 12 Life of lingo Grotius. Hce. HTJTLKR, C. i- J Hcbus Helgicis (Dc) : or, The Annals, and History of the Low-Countrey- Warrs. . . . Faithfully rendered into Knglish, by T. M[</w/r?/]. London, 1005. 8 (5.5X^.4), pp. 071-J-. 1/1 Ilights (Of the) of War and Peace . . . Done into English by severij Hands. ... Vol. 1-3. London, 1715. 8(5.8X3.3)i is Kights (Of the) of War and Peace . . . [With ] . . . Notes of, I. llar- beyrnr. London, 1738. 2 (10.0X5.8), m. r., pp. 814> CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. , Hugo, LL.D., continued. 1 Truth (The) of the Christian Religion. In six Hooks. Corrected and illustrated with Notes, by Mr. LeClcrc. . . . \_\Villt~\ a seventh Hook . . . by Mr. LeClerc. 3d eel., with Additions. Done into English by J.Clarke. London, 1720. 12 (5.2X2.0). 2 Vcritate (Dc) Religionifl Christiana*. Cum Notulis J. Clcrici ; acccsse- runt ejusdem dc eligenda inter Christianos disscntientcs Sententia, & contra Indift erentiam Retigionum Libri duo. Bostonii, 1809. 8 (5.2X3). Annotator. ftce LUCANUS, M. A. Pharsalia. Ti-aiifilttl-or. Nee Boscn, II. dc. Anthologia Graeca. GROVE, Rev. Henry, a Nonconformist, of l\mnton., Kmj. ; b. 1083. d. 1735. 3 Discourse (A) concerning the Nature and Design of the Lord s Supper . . . ed. . . . [HY///J I. A Discourse on the Obligations to com municate, c. II. Devotional Exercises relating to the Lord s Supper. Boston, 170(5, 70. 12 (5,2X2.8), [2 copies.] 4 System of Moral Philosophy. . . . Vol. 1,2. London, 1740. 8 (5.9X3.1). GllUNT), Francis J. ; b. in Germany, resided in, the United States* 5 Americans (The) in their Moral, Social and Political Relations. . . . 2 vols. in 1. Boston, 1837. 12 (5.5X3.2). GEYNJEUS, Job. Jac., Prof. of ThcoL at, /if,-/ in; b. 1540. d. 1018. 6 Exegesis Epistolae Pavli Apostoli ad Uomanos . . . Vna cvin Epistola, dc optimo Genere Defensionis Euangelij. Basilcu , [1591]. 4 (5.GX3.0), pp. 590. (Ji MiniAN 7 (The) ; with Preface. NP.C (BRITISH Essayists. Vol. l. J-15). GUARINI, Giovanni Battista, an Italian I oel ; l>. in Ferrara, 1537. d. 1012. 8 Pastor Fido (II) *** Firenze, 1820. 24 (3.7X2 irr.). Gn>iN f DK LA BRENKLLKRIK, Paul Philippe; b. at /Vm, 1738. d. 1812. 9 Supplement au Contract Social. * * * Paris, 1791. 12 (5X2.7). GUENKE, Antoinc, 1 Abbu, Prof, of Rlu-l. at Coll. of / /.rum ..* ; b. 1717. d. 1803. 10 Letters of certain Jews to M. Voltaire. Containing an Apology for their own People, and for the Old Testament ... 2 vols. [Edited l)\i A. Guenec.~\ Translated by 1*. Lef anu. Philadelphia, 1795. 8 (0 irr.X3.5). GuERIN, Francois, Prof, of llltct. at Univ. of Paris; b. 1081. d. 1751. Translator. See Livius, T. Ilistoire Ilomaine. GUERRY, A. M., Court- Advocate of Paris. 1 1 Essai sur la Statistique Morale dc la France, precede d un Rapport a 1 Academie des Sciences, par MM. Lacroix, Silvestre et Girard. * * * [Mate.] Paris, 1833. 4 (8.8X0.2), pp. 09. GUICCIARDIM, Francesco; b. at Florence, 1482. d. tlicre, 1540. 12 Maxims. Translated by E. Martin. With parallel Passages from . . . Machiavclli, Lord Bacon, &c. [/ or/7 aiY.] London, 1845. 4 (3.0X2.0). 13 Sketch of Life. Hw. (Maxims, ante. Pp. v.-xxxvi.). 14 Storia D ltulia Alhi miglior Lezionc ridotta dal Prof. G. Rosini Con una Prefa/ione di C. lioita Tom. 1-8 Capolago, 1832- 34. 8 (5X3). GUICCIARDIM, Ludovico, Minister of Jn.Jir, >,i l< /,orence, about 1578. 15 Belgicoe, sive Inferioris Germuni.-i-, l)cscri])tio. ... [2 par/ings. Maps and Platen.} Amatelodami, 1052. Th. 12 (4.4X2.4). 278 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. GUILD, Reuben A., Librarian of Brown University ; b. 1822. 1 Librarian s Manual (The) ; a Treatise on Bibliography, comprising a se lect and descriptive List of Bibliographical Works : to which are added Sketches of Public Libraries. Illustrated with Engravings. * * * New York, 1858. 4 (5.6X3.7). GUILDFORD, Nicholas de ; lived about the beginning of the l 3th century. 2 Owl (The) and the Nightingale : an early English Poem attributed to Nicholas de Guildford, with some shorter Poems from the same MS. Edited by T. Wright. London, 1843. 8, pp. 84. GUIZOT, Francois Pierre Guillaume, a French Statesman; b. 1787. 3 Cours d Histoire moderne, par M. Guizot. Histoire de la Civilisation en France, depuis la chute de FEmpire Romain jusqu en 1 789. Tom. 1-4. Paris, 1829- 30. 8 (5.2X3.2). 4 Essay on the Character and Influence of Washington in the Revolution of the United States of America. By M. Guizot. Translated from the French [by 0. S. Hillard]. 2d ed. " [Portrait.] Boston, 1851. 16 (4.7X2.6). 5 General History of Civilization in Europe, from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. By M. Guizot. Translated from the French. ... New York, 1838. 8 (5.5X3.3). 6 History of Civilization from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. By F. Guizot. Translated by W. Hazlitt. Vol. 1-4. New-York, 1857. 12 (5.6X3.5). GULLY, James Manby, M.D., of London. 7 Water Cure in Chronic Diseases ... * * * New-York, 1849. 12 (6.1X3.5). GUMMERE, John, an eminent Teacher; b. in Willoio Grove, Penn., 1784. d. 1845. 8 Elementary Treatise on Astronomy . . . [with] Astronomical Tables. [Plates.] Philadelphia, 1822. 8 (6.6X3.6). GURDON, Brampton, M.A., Archdeacon of Sudbury ; fl. 1720- 25. 9 Pretended Difficulties in Religion no Excuse for Infidelity. See (BOYLE S Lecture Sermons, vol. 3). GURNEY, Joseph John, an English Quaker, and philanthropist ; b. 1788. d. 1847. 1 Four Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity; delivered in Southwark, 1834... 2d American ecL Philadelphia, 1857. 12 (4.6X2.8). 11 Memoirs of J. J. Gurney ; with Selections from his Journal and Corres pondence. Edited by J. B. Braithwaite. ***... Vol. 1,2. [Foe-simile.] Philadelphia, 1854. 8 (6.4X3.7). 12 Observations on the distinguishing Views and Practices of the Society of Friends. * * * 2d American, from 7th London ed. New York, 1856. 8 (6.6X3.8). GUTHRIE, William, Minister at Finwick ; b. 1620. d. 1665. 13 Christian s Great Interest (The). . . . [With] Memoirs of the Author; a Preface by R. Traill, &c. *** Andover, 1815. 12 (5.4X3.2). GUTHRIE, William, a Schoolmaster in Aberdeen, Scotland; b. 1708. d. 1780. 14 New geographical, historical and commercial Grammar ; and Present State of the several Kingdoms of the World. . . . Astronomical Part by J. Ferguson . . . 14th ed., corrected, &c. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1794. 8 (7.3X3.9). 15 Atlas to Guthrie s Geographical Grammar. 8, folded sheets. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 279 GUTHRIE, William, continued. 1 New System of modern Geography : or, A geographical, historical and commercial Grammar . . . Astronomical Parts corrected by Dr. Rit- tenhouse. . . . Vol. 1,2. 1st American ed. Philadelphia, 1794, 95. 4 (8.4X5.4). Translator, &c. See QUINTILIANUS, M. F. Institutes of Eloquence. GUTZLAFF, Rev. Charles, D.D., a Missionary in Java, Singapore, and China; b. 1803. d. 1851. 2 Sketch of Chinese History, ancient and modern . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Maps and Portrait.] New York, 1834. 12 (5.3X3.1). GUYON, Mme. Jeanne Marie BOUVIER DE LA MOTTE, a French mystical teacher and author; b. 1648. d. 1717. 3 Life and Religious Opinions and Experience. See UPHAM, T. C. GUYOT, Arnold, Prof, of Physical Geography, Neufchatel, Sivitz. ; b. 1807. 4 Earth (The) and Man : Lectures on Comparative Physical Geography, in its Relations to the History of Mankind. Translated from the French by C. C. Felton. * * * 3d ed., revised. [Map.] Boston, 1851. 12 (5.5X3.3). GUYTON DEMORVEAU, Louis Bernard, a French Chemist; b. 1737. d. 1816. Translator, &c. See BERGMAN, T. Opuscules chymiques et physiques. GWILLIM, Sir Henry, Chief-Justice of the Isle of Ely. 5 Appendix (An) to [Matthew] Bacon s New Abridgment of the Law . . . [Forming] Vol. 6, 7. Dublin, 1801. 8 (7.2X3.8), m. b. GWILT, Joseph, an English Architect; b. in Surrey, 1784. 6 Music. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 5). H. H., S. Practical Treatise on Planting, and the Management of Woods and 7 Coppices. ... [Plates.] Dublin, 1794. 8 (5.4X3.1). H . . . . n, P. E. Conquetes des Frangais en Egypte . . . Avec une nouvelle 8 Carte . . . Paris, an VII. [1799]. 8 (5.4X3.2). HABINGTON, Thomas ; d. 1674. 9 Historie of Edward IV. of England. London, 1640. 2 (8X4). NOTE. Imperfect, wanting- signature A. HACKETT, Horatio B., Prof, of Hebrew, &c. at Newton Theol. List., Ms.; b. 1808. 10 Commentary (A) on the original Text of the Acts of the Apostles. Boston, 1852. 8 (6.5X3. 6). Annotator. See PLUTARCHUS. On the Delay of the Deity in the Pun ishment of the Wicked. HACKLEY, Rev. Charles W., Prof, of Math., Columbia Coll., N.T.; b. 1808. 11 Elements of Trigonometry, plane and spherical . . . [with] their Ap plication to ... Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. . . . New York, 1838. 8 (6.5X3.6). HADLEY, Mass. Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Settle- 12 ment of Hadley, Massachusetts, at Hadley, June 8, 1859 ; including the- Address by Prof. F. D. Huntington, Poem by E. C. Porter, &c. 280 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HAGENBACH, Karl Rudolf, Prof, of Theol. at Basle ; b. 1801. 1 Text-Book of the History of Doctrines. The Edinburgh Translation of C. W. Buch, revised with large Additions ... By H. B. Smith, D. D. [In 2 vols.] Vol. 1. New York, 1861. 8 (7.4X4.1). HAILES, Sir David Dalrymple, Lord. See DALRYMPLE, D. HAKEWILL, George, D.D., Archdeacon of Surrey; b. 1579. d. 1649. 2 Apologie (An) of the Power and Providence of God in the Government of the World. ... By G. R[akeiviU]. Oxford, 1627. 2 (8.9X4.7), m. r. HALDANE, Rev. James Alexander, of Edinburgh ; b. 1768. d. 1851. 3 Foundation (The) of the Observance of the Lord s Day, and of the Lord s Supper, vindicated . . . Edinburgh, 1807. 8, pp. 24. 4 View of the Social Worship and Ordinances observed by the First Chris tians, drawn from the Sacred Scriptures alone : being an Attempt to en force their divine Obligation, &c. 2d ed., corrected. Edinburgh, 1806. 12 (5.4X3). HALE, David, Editor of N. Y. Journal of Commerce, 1827- 49 ; b. 1791. d. 1849. 5 Memoir of David Hale. See THOMPSON, J. P. HALE, Sir Matthew, Lord Chief-Justice of England; b. 1609. d. 1676. 6 Analysis (The) of the Civil Part of the Law. 4th ed. [Dublin, 1792.] 8 (6.8X3.9). 7 History of the Common Law. 4th ed. corrected ; with Notes, Referen ces, and . . . Life of the Author. By C. Runnington. Dublin, 1792. 8 (6.8X3.9). 8 Memoir of Sir Matthew Hale. Philadelphia, 1833. 12, pp. 8. HALE, Salma, Member of Congress for New Hampshire. 9 History of the United States, from their first Settlement as Colonies to the Close of the Administration of Mr. Madison, in 1817. . . . Vol. 1,2. (Harper s Fam. Libr., No. 119, 120.) New York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7). HALE, William Hale, Archdeacon of London. 10 History of the Jews. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitan, vol. 9, 10). HALES, Stephen, D.D., E.E.S.; b. in Kent, Eng., 1677. d. 1761. 11 Account of a useful Discovery to distil . . . Sea-Water . . . and an Account of . . . Ventilators, &c. 2d ed. ... London, 1756. 8, pp. 72. HALIFAX, Samuel, D.D., Bp. of Gloucester, aft. of St. Asaph ; b. 1733. d. 1780. Editor, and Biographer. See BUTLER, J. HALL, Rev. Edward B., D.D., of Northampton, Mass., aft. of Providence, R. I. 12 Atonement (On the). . . . Boston, 1839. 12, pp. 56. 13 Scriptural Doctrine of God s Works. Boston, 1836. 12, pp. 22. 14 What is it to be a Unitarian ? Boston, 1832. 12, pp. 24. HALL, Col. Francis, Hydrographer in the Service of Colombia. 15 Colombia; its present State . . . Philadelphia, 1825. 8 (5. 4X3). HALL, Gordon, Missionary at Bombay ; b. in Mass., 1784. d. 1826. JG Memoir of Rev. G. Hall. See BARDWELL, H. HALL, James, Judge of Circuit Court, in Illinois ; b. in Phila., 1793. 17 Life of Gen. Th.Posey. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 9.) 18 Wilderness (The) and the War Path. New York, 1845. 12 (5.5X3.5). HALL, James, an eminent Geologist ; b. in Hingham, Mass., 1811. 19 Address delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Harvard Natural History Society, May 24, 1848. . . . Cambridge, 1848. 8, pp. 39, CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 281 HALL, James, continued. 1 Geology of New- York. Pt. IV. Comprising the Survey of the Fourth Geological District. [Plates. ~] Albany, 1843. 4 (7.5X5.4), pp. xxii., 683. 2 Palaeontology of New-York. Vol. 1-3. [Plates. } Albany, 1847, 52, 59. Th. 4 (7.3X5.5). 3 Paleontology and Geology of the Mexican Boundary. See EMORY, W. H. (Report on the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey, vol. 1.) 4 Papers on Geology. See ASSOCIATION of American Geologists and Natu ralists. (Reports of lst-3d Meetings.) HALL, Joseph, D.D., Bp. of Exeter, oft. of Norwich; b. 1574. d. 1656. 5 Autobiography. See (Works, post. Pp. i.-xviii.). 6 Christian (The) ... * * * Newport, 1744. 12, pp. 24. 7 Works. . . . [2 paging s. Portrait.} London, 1714. Th. 2 (11.3X6.9), 2 cols. XOTE. Several portions of the above have independent title-pages, dated 1708. HALL, Robert, an English Baptist Divine ; b. 1764. d. 1834. 8 Modern Infidelity considered, with respect to its Influence on Society : in a Sermon, preached at the Baptist Meeting, Cambridge, Eng. * * * 1st American ed. Charlestown, 1801. 8, pp. 54. [2 copies.] 9 Modern Infidelity considered, with respect to its Influence on Society : in a Sermon ... * * * From 6th London ed. New-Haven, 1811. 8, pp. 34. 10 Polemical and other Miscellanies. Consisting of Articles originally in serted in the London Eclectic Review. . . . Boston, 1827. 8 (5.3X3.1). 11 Reflections on War. Sermon, preached June 1, 1802, Day of Thanks giving for a general Peace. From 2d Lond. ed. New-Haven, 1811. 8, pp. 37-55. 12 Sentiments proper to the present Crisis. General Fast Sermon, preached at Bristol, Eng., Oct. 19, 1803. * * * From Lond. ed. New-Haven, 1811. 8, pp. 59-81. 13 Works. . . . With a brief Memoir. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Edited by W.Adams. Portrait.} New York, 1830. 8 (6.5X3.8). 14 Works. With a brief Memoir, and a Sketch of his Literary Character by ... Sir J. Mackintosh, and a Sketch of his Character as a Theologian and a Preacher by Rev. J. Foster. Published under the superintend ence of O. Gregory. . . . Vol. 1-3. New- York, 1832. 8 (6.5X3.7). HALL, Rev. T. G., A.M., Prof, of Math, in King s College, London. 15 Calculus of Finite Differences. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metrop., vol. 2). !G Calculus of Variations. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 2). HALLAM, Henry, LL.D., an eminent English historical writer ; b. 1777. d. 1859. 17 Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Centuries. * * * Vol. 1-4. Paris, 1837- 39. 8 (6.9X3.6). 18 View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages. * * * From f>th Loncl. ed. ... New York, 1843. 8 (7.2X4.2),, 2 cols, 36 282 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HALLECK, Fitz-Greene, an American Poet; b. in Guilford, Conn., 1795. 1 Selections from the British Poets. Vol. 1, 2. (Harper s Family Li brary, No. 112, 113.) New-York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7). HALLECK, Capt. H. Wager, of the U.S. Army. 2 Elements of Military Art and Science ... 2d ed. . . . \flates.~] New York, 1860. 12 (5.3X3.2). HALLER, Albrecht, Baron von, an eminent Swiss Physiologist ; b. 1707. d. 1777. 3 First Lines of Physiology. ... Troy, 1803. 8 (6.4X3.4). 4 Memoirs of Albert de Haller. See HENRY, T. HALLEY, Edmund, LL.D., an English Astronomer; b. 1656. d. 1742. 5 Mathematical Tables. See MATHEMATICAL Tables, &c. HALLIWELL, James Orchard, an English Archaeologist; b. 1820. 6 Catalogue of the Contents of the Codex Holbrookianus. * * * (Not published.) London, 1840. 8, pp. 8. ? Connexion of Wales with the early Science of England. London, 1840. 8, pp. 16. 8 Dictionary (A) of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Customs, from the fourteenth century. . . . Vol. 1. A-I. 2. J-Z. 3d ed. London, 1855. 8 (7.1X4.5), 2 cols. 9 Introduction (An) to Shakespeare s Midsummer Night s Dream. * * * London, 1841. 8 (6.4X3.6). 10 Manuscript Rarities (The) of the University of Cambridge. * * * London, 1841. 8 (6.4X3.6). 11 Kara Mathematica ; or, A Collection of Treatises on the Mathematics and Subjects connected with them, from ancient inedited Manuscripts. *** 2ded. London, 1841. 8 (6.6X2.5). 12 Two Essays. I. An Inquiry into the Nature of the Numerical Contrac tions, found in a Passage of the Abacus, in some Manuscripts of the Geometry of Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus Boetius. II. Notes on early Calendars. 2d ed. London, 1839. 8, pp. 18. Editor, and Biographer. See MARSTON, J. Works. Joint Editor. See REHQULE Antiquae. HALLOCK, Rev. William A., Corresp. Sec y of Amer. Tract Society. 13 Memoir of Harlan Page. [Portrait. ~* New-York, 1835. 12 (4.5X2.8). HALYBURTON, Thomas, Prof, of Div., St. Andrew s, Scotland; b. 1674. d. 1712. 14 Memoirs. With an introductory Essay by R. Burns, D.D. ; and a Pre face by A. Alexander. Princeton, 1833. 12 (5.6X3.2). 15 Sermons (Five) preached before and after the Celebration of the Lord s Supper. Edinburgh, 172,1. 8 (5. 8X3.3). !6 Sermons (Other five) preached before and after the Celebration of the Lord s Supper . . . Edinburgh, 1723. 8 (5.8X3.3). HAMBERGER, Georg Christoph, a German Bibliographer; b. 1726. d. 1773. 17 Gelehrte Teutschland (Das) oder Lexikon der jetztlebenden Teutschen Schriftsteller. Angefangen von G. C. Hamberger. Fortgesetzt von J. G. Mensel. Bd. 1-4. 4te . . . ausg. [Alphabetical. ] Lemgo, 1783- 84. 8 (5.8X3.3). HAMILTON, Alexander, M.D., F.E.S., Prof, in Univ. of Edinburgh. is Outlines of the Theory and Practice of Midwifery. ... 1st Worces ter ed. Worcester, 1794. 8 (5.6X3.4). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 283 HAMILTON, Alexander, LL.D., Maj-Gen. in the Revolution, 1st Sec y of TJ. S. Treasury, &c. ; b. in island of Nevis, W. L, 1757. d. 1804. 1 Letters of Pacificus on the Proclamation of Neutrality. See (The FEDERALIST, Ed. 1802, vol. 2). 2 Life. See HAMILTON, J. C. 3 Life, by J. Renwick. See RENWICK, H. B. Lives of John Jay and Alexander Hamilton. 4 Report on Currency. See GODDARD, T. H. History of Banks, &c. 5 Reports on Public Credit and the Revenues. See UNITED STATES. 6 Sketch (A) of the Character of Alexander Hamilton. * * * Boston, 1804. 8, pp. 15. 7 Speeches on Federal Constitution, &c. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Elo quence, &c., vol. 1,4.) 8 Works, exclusive of the Federalist. See UNITED STATES. Joint Author. See The FEDERALIST on the new Constitution. HAMILTON, Rev. Henry Parr, F.R.S., &c., Fellow of Trinity Coll., Camb.,Eng. 9 Analytical Geometry. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 1). 10 Conic Sections. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 1). 11 Principles (The) of Analytical Geometry . . . [Plates.] Cambridge, 1826. 8 (6.3X3.9). HAMILTON, Hugh, D.D., Bp. of Clonfert, aft. of Ossory ; b. 1729. d. 1805. 12 Philosophical Essays ... I. ... Phoenomena of Air and Water. II. ... The Aurora Borealis, and the Tails of Comets. III. On the Principles of Mechanicks. 4th ed. . . . [Plate.] London, 1783. 12 (5X2.6). HAMILTON, John Church, son of Gen. A. H. ; b. in Phila., 1792. 13 Life (The) of Alexander Hamilton. * * * Vol. 1. 2. 2d ed. [Por trait] New- York, 1834, 41. 8 (6.3X3.4). Editor. See UNITED STATES. Works of Alex. Hamilton. HAMILTON, Robert, LL.D., Prof, in Marischal Coll., Aberdeen ; b. 1742. d. 1829. 14 Progress (The) of Society. London, 1830. 8 (5.3X3.2). HAMILTON, Rev. William, Rector of Fanet, aft. of Donegal , d. 1797. 15 Letters concerning the Northern Coast of the County of Antrim. Con taining a Natural History of its Basaltes : with an Account of ... the Antiquities, Manners and Customs . . . [Map.] London, 1786. 8 (5.4X3.1). !6 Letters concerning the Northern Coast of the County of Antrim. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyages and Travels, vol. 4.) HAMILTON, Sir William, Bart., Prof, of Logic & Metaphysics, Univ. of Edin burgh; b. in Glasgow, 1788. d. in Edinburgh, 1856. 17 Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, Education and University Reform. Chiefly from the Edinburgh Review . . . With an introduc tory Essay by R. Turnbull. * * * New York, 1853. 8 (6.8X3.8), pp. 764. 18 Lectures on Metaphysics and Logic. Edited by H. L. Mansel, and J. Veitch. . . . Vol. 1. Metaphysics. 2. Logic. Boston, 1859, 60. 8 (7><4). !9 Philosophy of Sir W. Hamilton. Arranged and edited by O. W. Wight. ... * * * New York, 1853. 8 (5.8X3.4), pp. 530. s Preface, Notes and Dissertations. See REID, T. Works. 284 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HAMILTONIAD (The) : or, An Extinguisher for the Royal Faction of New-Eng- 1 land. With copious Notes ... By Anthony Pasquin, Esq. * * * [Canto /.] Boston, [1804]. 8, pp. 32. HAMMOND, Henry, D.D., an English Divine ; I. 1605. d. 1660. 2 Schisme (Of). A Defence of the Church of England against the Ex ceptions of the Eomanists. . London, 1654. 12 (4.7X2.2). HAMONIERE, G. 3 Grammaire Portugaise . . . suivie d un Cours de Themes, et d un Traite de Versification. 2de ed. . . . Paris, 1829. 8 (4.8X2.9). HAMPDEX, John, an English Statesman ; b. in London, 1594. d. 1643. 4 Life. See FORSTER, J. (Lives of British Statesmen, vol. 3.) Also, (Statesmen of the Commonwealth of England, vol. 2.) 5 Life. See MACAULAY, T. B. (Essays, vol. 2.) HAMPDEN, Renn Dickson, D.D., Prof, at Oxford, aft. Bp. of Hereford. 6 Essay (An) on the Philosophical Evidence of Christianity : or, The Cred ibility obtained to a Scriptural Revelation, from its Coincidence with the Facts of Nature. London, 1827. 8 (5.8X3.2). 7 Life (The) of Thomas Aquinas : a Dissertation on the Scholastic Phi losophy of the Middle Ages. ... London, 1848. 16 (4.6X2.8). 8 Thomas Aquinas The Scholastic Philosophy. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 11). HAMPTON, Eev. James ; d. 1778. Translator. See POLYBIUS. General History. HANCOCK, John, D.D., Prebend, of Canterbury ; b. 1697. d. 1739. 9 Proof of the Being of God. See (BOYLE S Lecture Sermons, vol. 2). HANCOCK, Thomas, M.D. 1 Address (An) delivered at the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Promotion of Permanent and Universal Peace. London, 1828. 8, pp. 25. 11 Elegy, supposed to be written on a Field of Battle. [By T. Hancock. } * * * London, 1818. 8, pp. 36. 12 Law (The) of Mercy, a Poetical Essay on the Punishment of Death . . . [% T. Hancock.} London, 1819. 8, pp. 70. 13 Principles (The) of Peace exemplified in the Conduct of the Society of . Friends in Ireland, during the Rebellion of the year 1798 . . . London, 1825. 12 (4.7X2.7). 14 Principles (The) of Peace exemplified in the Conduct of the Society of Friends in Ireland, during the Rebellion of the year 1798 . . . Boston, 1838. 12 (5.2X3.1). 15 Principles (The) of Peace. Exemplified in the Conduct of the Society of Friends in Ireland, during the Rebellion of the Year 1798 . . . Boston, 1843. 12 (5.1X3). HANMER, Meredith, D.D., of Oxford, aft. of Dublin; b. 1543. d. 1604. 16 Cronographie (A) continevved from the Birth of Christ . . . vnto the twelf yeare of the Raygne of Mauricius the Emperour ... by M. H[anwicr]. * * * London, 1576. 2, pp. 56. Translator. See ANCIENT Ecclesiasticall Histories, &c. Translator. See AYNCIENT Ecclesiasticall Histories, &c. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 285 HANSON, Rev. A. "W., Chaplain of Cape Coast Castle. Translator. See BIBLE, Portions of the New Testament. The Gos pels of St. Matthew and St. John, in the Accra Language. HARDY, Rev. R. Spence, a Wesleyan Missionary in Ceylon. 1 Travels in the Holy Land and other Places mentioned in the Scriptures ; in 1832-33. (CHRISTIAN Library, vol. 7.) New York, 1836. 8 (8.1X4.9), 2 cols. HARDY, Thomas. 2 Trial of T. Hardy for High Treason. . . . London, 1794. 8 (6X3.3). HARDY, Thomas Duffus, Ass t Keeper of the Public Records of Great Britain. Editor. See GREAT BRITAIN. Record Commission. HARDWICK, Charles, Archdeacon of Ely ; b. 1821. d. 1859. 3 Christ and other Masters : an historical Inquiry into some of the chief Parallelisms and Contrasts between Christianity and the Religious Sys tems of the Ancient World. Pt. I. [Introduction. ] II. Religions of India. III. Religions of China, America and Oceanica. IV. Religions of Egypt and Medo-Persia. 4 vols. Cambridge, 1855- 59. 8 (6.6X3.5), m. b. NOTE. This work is left incomplete ; two more parts were intended. HARE, Francis, D.D., Bishop of St. Asaph, aft. ofChicJiester; d. 1740. 4 Difficulties (The) and Discouragements, which attend the Study of the Scriptures in the way of private judgment . . . 6th ed. Boston, 1749. 12, pp. 42. 5 Difficulties (The) and Discouragements, which attend the Study of the Scriptures in the way of private judgment. [By F. Hare. ] Boston, 1809. 8, pp. 37. 6 Sermons (Two) on Romans XIII. 1, 2. I. Concerning the Duty of the Subject. II. Setting forth the Sin and Folly of entring into Conspi racies against the present Government. Preached in the Cathedral at Worcester, on Nov. 18, and 25. 1722. London, 1723. 4, pp. 60. HARE, Julius Charles, Chaplain to the Queen, &c. ; d. 1855, cet. 59. 7 Vindication of Luther against his recent English Assailants. 2d ed., reprinted and enlarged from the Notes to The Mission of the Comforter. Cambridge, 1855. 8 (6.2X3.5). Joint Translator. See, NIEBUHR, B. G. The History of Rome. HARE, Robert, M.D., Prof, of Chemistry in Univ. of Pa. ; b. 1781. d. 1858. 8 Memoir on the Explosiveness of Nitre, with a view to elucidate its Agency in the tremendous Explosion of July, 1845, in New York. Pp. 20. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 2.) HARGRAVE, Francis, an eminent English Lawyer ; b. 1741. d. 1821. 9 Argument (An) in the Case of James Sommersett, a Negro, lately de termined by the Court of King s Bench ... to demonstrate the present Unlawfulness of Domestic Slavery in England. . . . [With] State of the Case. By Mr. Hargrave. Boston, reprinted, 1774. 8, pp. 56. Joint Annotator. See COKE, E. First Part of the Institutes, &c. Joint Editor. See COMPLETE Collection of State Trials, &c. HARLEIAN Manuscripts in the British Museum, Catalogue of the. See GREAT BRITAIN. Publications of the Record Commission. HARLEIAN Miscellany of Tracts, Selection from the. See GREAT BRITAIN. Historical and Political Publications. 286 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HARPE, Jean Frangois LA. See LAHARPE, J. F. HARPER, Robert Goodloe, LL.D., U.S. Sen. from Md.; Va., 1765. d. 1825. 1 Letter to his Constituents. Portsmouth, 1801. 8, pp. 16. [2 copies.] 2 Observations on the Dispute between the United States and France, addressed to his Constituents, in May, 1797. Philadelphia, 1797. 8 (6X3.2). 3 Observations on the Dispute between the United States & France. Addressed to his Constituents, in May, 1797. . . . [With] his Speech in Congress, on the Foreign Intercourse Bill . . . March 2, 1798. Boston, 1798. 8 (7X3.9). 4 Speech at the Celebration of the recent Triumphs of the Cause of Man kind in Germany: delivered at Annapolis, Jan. 20, 1814 ... * * * Boston, 1814. 8, pp. 81. [2 copies.] 5 Speeches in Congress. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Eloquence, &c., vol. 1,2.) HARPOCRATION, Valerius, a Rhetorician of Alexandria ; prob. of the 4th cent. 6 Harpocrationis Lexicon cum Annotationibus Interpretum [Gronovius, Maussac, and Valerius Henricus] Lectionibusque Libri MS. Vratislavi- ensis. Vol. 1, 2. Lipsiae, 1824. 8 (6.2X3.5). HARRINGTON, James, an English political writer-, b. 1611. d. 1677. 7 Common- Wealth (The) of Oceana. [By J. Harrington.] * * * London, 1656. 2 (8.5X4.3). 8 Life. See (Works, post. Pp. xiii.-xliv.). 9 Oceana ; and his other Works : with an Account of his Life prefix d, by J. Toland. . . . [TFitf/*] Plato Redivivus : or, A Dialogue concerning Government. * * * [Portrait."} Dublin, 1737. 2 (9.5X5), m. r., pp. xliv., 642. 10 Oceana, and other Works, collected, methodiz d, and review d, with an exact Account of his Life prefix d, by J. Toland. ... 3d ed. : with an ... Index . . . [Portrait and Plates. ] London, 1747. 2 (8.8X5), m. r., pp. xlvi., 632-J-. HARRIS, James, M.P., Sec y to the Queen, &c. ; b. 1709. d. 1780. 11 Hermes or a Philosophical Inquiry concerning Vniversal Grammar *** 5th ed. London, 1794. 8 (5.6X3.1). 12 Hermes or a Philosophical Inquiry concerning Universal Grammar *** 7th ed. London, 1825. 8 (5.7X3.3). 13 Philological Inquiries . . . Part I.-III. 2 vols. [Portrait of Harris.] London, 1781. 8 (5.4X3.1). 14 Three Treatises The first concerning Art the second concerning Mvsic Painting and Poetry the third concerning Happiness 5th ed. revised and corrected [Plate.] London, 1792. 8 (5.3X3). HARRIS, John, D.D., thejirst of English encyclopedists, &c. ; b. 1667. d. 1719. 15 Lexicon Technicum ; or, An Universal English Dictionary of Arts and Sciences . . . Vol. 1, 2. 2d ed. [Plates. ] London, 1708. 2 (10.5X6), 2 cols. 16 Supplement to Dr. Harris s Dictionary of Arts and Sciences ... By a Society of Gentlemen. * * * [Plates.] London, 1744. 2 (10X5.9), 2 cols. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 287 HARRIS, John, D.D., continued. 1 Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca. Or, A complete Collection of Voyages and Travels. . . . Illustrated by proper Charts, Maps, and Cuts. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1744, 48. Th. 2 (13.1X7.6), 2 cols. 2 Sermons against Atheism. See (BOYLE S Lecture Sermons, vol. 1). HARRIS, John, D.D., a Dissenter, Princ. of New College, London ; b. 1804. d. 1856. 3 Great Commission (The) : or, The Christian Church constituted and charged to convey the Gospel to the World. With an introductory Essay by W. R. Williams. Boston, 1842. 12 (5.6X3.3>. 4 Mammon : or, Covetousness the Sin of the Christian Church. 2d Ame rican, from 10th London, ed. Boston, 1837. 12 (4.3X2.8). HARRIS, Joseph, Assay-Master of the British Mint; d. 1764. 5 Essay (An) on Money and Coins. [By Jos. Harris.] Pt. 1, 2 . . . 2 vols. in 1. r London, 1757, 58. 8 (5.9X3.2). HARRIS, Rev. Thaddeus Mason, D.D., of Dorchester, Mass. ; b. 1768. d. 1832. 6 Address delivered before the Washington Benevolent Society, in Dor chester, Feb. 22d, 1813. ... * * * Boston, 1813. 8, pp. 15. 7 Approved Minister (The). Sermon preached at the Ordination of Rev. Enoch Pratt, in Barnstable, Mass. [Ch., by Rev. P. Fobes ; R. H., by Rev. J. Burr.] Boston, 1807. 8, pp. 32. 8 * * * Constitutions of the ... Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons ; collected and digested from their old Records, faithful Tradi tions, and Lodge Books . . . Together with the History and General Regulations of the Grand-Lodge of Massachusetts. * * * 2d ed., revised and corrected, with large Additions. . . . [Plate.] Worcester, 1798. 4 (6.1X4.4). 9 Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 3.) 10 Discourse (A) addressed to the Religious Society of Young Men in Dorchester, on the Termination of 100 Years from the Time of its Establishment. * * * Charlestown, 1799. 8, pp. 24. 11 Discourse before the Humane Society of Massachusetts, June 10, 1806. [With The Life Boat, a Poem by 13. Davis, and Appendix of Proceed ings.] Boston, 1806. 8, pp. 40. 12 Discourse delivered at Dorchester, Dec. 29, 1799, on the Death of Gen. George Washington. Charlestown, 1800. 8, pp. 16. 1 3 Discourse delivered before the Society for propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America, 6th Nov., 1823. With Re port of the Society. Cambridge, 1823. 8, pp. 50. 14 Good Wishes for Youth, expressed in a Discourse delivered at Dorches ter, Jan. 1, 1804. Boston, 1804. 8, pp. 30. 15 Historical and Geographical Account of Dorchester. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 1st Series, vol 9.) 16 Journal (The) of a Tour into the Territory northwest of the Alleghany Mountains ; made in ... 1803. With . . . Account of the State of Ohio. Illustrated with original Maps and Views. * * * Boston, 1805. 8 (5.8X3.1). [3 copies.] 1 7 Masonic Emblems explained. In a Sermon, preached before the Mem bers of King Solomon s Lodge, in Charlestown, June 24, 1796. . . . * * * Boston, 1796. 8, pp. 24. 288 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HARRIS, Rev. Thaddeus Mason, D.D., continued. 1 Memoir of Dr. Harris, by N, L. Frothingham, D. D. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 4th Series, vol. 2.) 2 Memoir of Father Rasle. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 2d Series, vol. 8.) 3 Minor Encyclopedia (The), or Cabinet of General Knowledge ... * * * ... Vol. 1-4. Boston, 1803. 12 (5.4X3). 4 Natural History (The) of the Bible . . . Collected from the best au thorities, and alphabetically arranged. * * * Boston, 1820. 8 (6.4X3.8). [2 copies.] 5 Sermon preached at Milton, and Dorchester, on the National Fast, May 9, 1798. Boston, 1798. 8, pp. 24. [2 copies.] 6 Sermon preached at the Ordination of Rev. John Pierce, at Brookline, March 15, 1797. \_Cli., by Rev. J. Gushing , R.H., by Rev. E. Porter. ] -+ Boston, 1797. 8, pp. 39. 7 Tribute (A) of Filial Respect to the Memory of his Mother, in a Dis course delivered at Dorchester, Feb. 8, 1801. Charlestown, 1801. 8, pp. 20. 8 Tribute (A) of Respect to the Memory of Hon. James Bowdoin, in a Sermon, preached at Dorchester, Oct. 27, 1811. With Extract from a Discourse of Rev. J. S. Buckminster, &c. Boston, 1811. 4, pp. 32. 9 Tribute (A) of Respect to the Memory of Mrs. Sarah Bowdoin Dearborn, delivered in Boston, June 4, 1826. [ With Memoir.] Boston, 1826. 8, pp. 24. HARRIS, Thaddeus William, M.D., Libr. of Harv. Coll.; b. 1795. d. 1856. 10 Report on Insects of Massachusetts injurious to Vegetation. See MAS SACHUSETTS. 11 Treatise (A) on some of the Insects of New England, which are injuri ous to Vegetation. Cambridge, 1842. 8 (7X3.9). Compiler. See HARVARD COLLEGE. Catalogue of the Library. First Supplement. Editor. See HARVARD COLLEGE. Catalogue of the Maps and Charts- in the Library. HARRISON, Rev. Matthew, Fellow of Queen s College, Oxford, Eng. 12 Rise (The), Progress, and present Structure of the English Language. Philadelphia, 1850. 8 (5.7X3.3). HARRISON, Gen. William Henry, 9th Pres. of the U.S.; 6, in Va., 1773. d. 1841. 13 Biographical Sketch. See WILLIAMS, E. (Presidents Messages, vol. 2.) 14 Inaugural Address. See WILLIAMS, E. (Presidents Messages, vol. 2.) HARTFORD Convention. The Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates . . . 15 convened at Hartford)- Conn., Dec. 15, 1814. 2d ed., corrected and im proved. Boston, 1815. 8, pp. 32. HARTLEY, David, an English Physician; b. 1705. d. 1757. 16 Observations on Man, his Frame, his Duty, and his Expectations. . . . Pt. [Vol. ] 1, 2. 4th ed. London, 1801. 8 (6.3X3.5). NOTE. Compare under PISTORIUS, II. A. Notes and Additions, &c. I? Sketch of Life. See PISTORIUS, H. A. Notes and Additions, &c. Pp. v.-xix. 18 Truth (The) of the Christian Religion. From "Observations on Man, >r &c. Pt. II. London, 1798. 12 (5.2X3). 19 Truth of the Christian Religion. See WATSON, 11. (Tracts, vol. 5.) CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 289 HARTLEY, David, Esq., M.P., son of the preceding ; d. in Bath, 1813, cet. 84, 1 Considerations on the proposed Renewal of the Bank Charter. London, 1781. 8, pp. 32. 2 Letters on the American War. Addressed to the Mayor and Corpora tion, &c. of Kingston-upon-Hull. 6th ed. London, 1779. 8 (6.8X3.7). 3 Letters (Two) addressed to the Committee of the County of York. London, 1790. 8, pp. 21. 4 Life of D. Hartley, M.D. See PISTORIUS, H. A. Notes and Additions, &c. HARTLEY, Thomas, D.D., Rector of Winwick, Northamptonshire; b. 1707. d. 1784. 5 Sermons . . . with a Prefatory Discourse on Mistakes concerning Re ligion, Enthusiasm, Experiences, &c. London, 1754. 8 (5. 7X3). HARVARD COLLEGE, at Cambridge, Mass.; instituted 1639. Divinity School. Catalogue of the Alumni of the Divinity School of the 6 University of Cambridge. Cambridge, 1844. 8, pp. 18. 7 Report of the Committee of the Overseers . . , appointed to visit the Divinity School in 1849. Cambridge, 1850. 8, pp. 14. 8 Report of the Committee of the Board of Overseers ... in relation to the Theological Department, &c. &c. Boston, 1846. 8, pp. 14. Law School. Catalogue of the Law Library of Harvard University . . . 9 * * * [Compiled, with Historical Sketch, by Charles Sumner. Alpha* betical of authors.] Cambridge, 1834. 8, pp. viii., 80, 1 Catalogue of the Law Library of Harvard University ... * * * 2d ed. [By W. R. Woodward. Alphabetical of authors ; with Syste matic Index. ] Cambridge, 1844. 8 (6X3.4), 11 Catalogue of the Law Library of Harvard University ... * * * 4th ed. [Alphabetical of authors ; with Index. } Cambridge, 1846. 8 (6,9X3.9). 12 Catalogue of the Law School of the University at Cambridge for the Aca demical Year 1848^49, Second Term; 1849-50, First Term ; 1852-53, First Term ; 1853-54, First Term ; 1857-58, First Term. Cambridge, 1849- 58, 12, pamps. 13 Catalogue of the Students of Law in Harvard University, from the Es tablishment of the Law School, to the end of the second term in the Year 1845. Cambridge, 1845. 12, pp. 65. 14 Catalogue of the Students in the Law School of the University at Cam bridge, from the Establishment of the School to the end of the Year 1 858. Cambridge, 1859. 12 (5.7X3.5). 1 5 Report of the Committee of the Overseers of Harvard College, appoint ed to visit the Law School in 1849. Boston, 1850. 8, pp. 16. Lawrence Scientific School. Report of the Committee of the Overseers . . , 16 appointed to visit the Lawrence Scientific School in 1849. Cambridge, 1850. 8, pp. 27, Library. Catalogue (A) of the Library of Harvard University in Cambridge, 17 Mass. [Compiled by B. Peirce.~] * * * Vol. 1,2. [Alphabetical of authors.] 3. [Systematic Index.] Cambridge, 1830. 8 (5.8X3.4). 18 Catalogue (A) of the Library of Harvard University . . . First Sup plement. [Compiled by T. W. Harris.] Cambridge, 1834. 8 (6X3.5). 19 Catalogue (A) of the Maps and Charts of the Library of Harvard Urn-, versity ... * * * [Compiled by B. Peirce; edited by T. W. Harris^ Arranged by countries.] Cambridge, 1830.. 8 (5,9X3.4), 37 290 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HARVARD COLLEGE, continued. 1 Catalogus Librorum BibliothecsB Collegij Harvardini quod est Cantabri gian in Nova Anglia. Bostonii, 1723. 4 (7X6). 2 Catalogus Librorum in Bibliotheca Cantabrigiensi selectus, frequentiorem in usum Harvardinatum, qui Gradu Baccalaurei in Artibus nondum sunt donati. Bostonise, 1773. 8, pp. 27. 3 Report of the Committee of the Association of the Alumni of Harvard College, appointed to take into consideration the State of the College Library . . . July 16, 1857. Cambridge, 1858. 8, pp. 44. 4 Report of the Committee of the Overseers . . . appointed to visit the Library for the year 1859. . . . Boston, 1860. 8, pp. 32. 5 Report of the Committee of the Overseers . . . appointed to visit the Library for the year 1860. . . . Boston, 1861. 8, pp. 40. 6 Report of the Committee of the Overseers . . . appointed to visit the Library, the Philosophical Apparatus, the Medical, Chemical and Ana tomical Departments, during the year 1859 ; together with the Reports submitted to the Committee. . . . Boston, 1859. 8, pp. 28. Miscellaneous. Addresses at the Inauguration of C. C. Felton, LL.D., as 7 President of Harvard College, and at the Festival of the Alumni, Thurs day, July 19, 1860. *** Cambridge, I860. 8 (5.9X3.7). 8 Addresses at the Inauguration of Jared Sparks, LL.D., as President of Harvard College, June 20, 1849. Cambridge, 1849. 8, pp. 60. 9 Arrangement of the Lectures and Recitations in Harvard University, 1st Term, 1838- 39 ; 2d Term, 1838- 39 ; 1st Term, 1839-40; 2d Term, 1839-40; 2d Term, 1840-41. Cambridge, 1841. 8, pamps. 10 Catalogues of the Officers and Students of Harvard University, 1833-4 1861-62. \3lpamps. ] Cambridge, 1833- 61. 12. 11 Catalogus eorum qui in Collegio Harvardino . . . alicujus Gradus Lau rea donati sunt. [1776, 1779.] Bostoniai, 1776, 79. 8, pamps. 12 Catalogus eorum qui in Universitate Harvardiana . . . alicujus Gradus Laurea donati sunt. [1782 - 1788, 1797.] Bostonise, 1782- 97. 8, pamps. 13 Catalogus eorum qui in Universitate Harvardiana . . . alicujus Gradus Laurea donati sunt. [1803,1821-1860. lo pamps. ] Cantabrigian, 1803- 60. 8. 14 Laws of Harvard College. Boston, 1798. 8, pp. 67. J5 Laws of Harvard College. . . . Cambridge, 1814. 8, pp. 67, 15. 16 Letter to the Corporation and Overseers of Harvard College on the pro posed Change in the Constitution of that Seminary. By an Alumnus. Boston, 1835. 8, pp. 24. 17 Order of Performances for Exhibition, Oct. 15, 1833 ; May 1, 1838 ; July 16, 1838 ; May 7, 1839 ; July 17, 1839 ; May 5, 1840 ; "Oct. 20, 1840 ; May 4, 1841 ; June 12, 1843 ; Oct. 17, 1843 ; July 10, 1844 ; May 6, 1845. Cambridge, 1833-45. 8, pp. 3 each. 18 Order of Exercises for Commencement, 1838, 1839, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1845, 1853, 1857. 4, and 8, pamps. 19 Plea (A) for Harvard : showing that " The University at Cambridge " was not the Name established for this Seminary by the Constitution of Massa chusetts, but that the Name authorized by that Instrument was " Harvard University." By an Alumnus [7. Quincy]. Boston, 1849. 8, pp. 29. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 291 HARVARD COLLEGE, continued. 1 Proceedings of the Overseers of Harvard University, the Report accept ed, and the Resolutions adopted by them 25th August, 1834, relative to the late Disturbances in that Seminary. Boston, n. d. 8, pp. 47. 2 Remarks on the Nature and probable Effects of introducing the Volun tary System in the Studies of Latin and Greek, proposed in certain Res olutions of the President and Fellows . . . and also on the present State of the Latin Department in that Institution. By J. Quincy. Cambridge, 1841. 8, pp. 29. 3 Report of a Committee of the Overseers . . . Jan. 6, 1825. [With Docu ments : ] I. Statement of the Treasurer ; II. Foundations and Statutes ; III. Answers of the immediate Government ; IV. Revised Code of Col lege Laws. Cambridge, 1825. 8, pamps. 4 Report of the Committee on the College Studies, Dec. 23, 1839. [No imprint. ] 8, pp. 12. [2 copies.] 5 Report of the Committee of the Overseers . . . appointed to visit the University in 1849. Cambridge, 1850. 8, pp. 13. 6 Annual Report (Twenty-second, Twenty-fourth, and Twenty-fifth) of the President of Harvard College to the Overseers . . . 1846-47, 1848-49, 1849-50. Cambridge, 1848- 51. 8, pamps. 7 Report and Resolutions of the President and Fellows of Harvard Uni versity, respecting the Introduction of the Voluntary System in the Studies of the Mathematics, &c. and also the Report of the Visiting Committee . . . January, 1841. Cambridge, 1841. 8, pp. 16. 8 Report on the Rights and Duties of the President and Fellows of Har vard College in relation to the Board of Overseers. Cambridge, 1856. 8 (6.5X3.7). 9 Report of the Visiting Committee of Harvard University, made to the Overseers. January, 1849. Boston, 1849. 8, pp. 39. 10 Review of Dr. Morse s "Appeal to the Publick," principally with refer ence to that part of it, which relates to Harvard College. . . . [No imprint. ] 8, pp. 42. 11 Review of Prof. Palfrey s Sermon, entitled " The Claims of Harvard College upon its Sons." [From " The Christian Examiner " for Sept., 1834.] [No imprint.] 8, pp. 35. J2 Revised Code of College Laws . . . [Cambridge, 1825.] 8, pp. 23. 13 Statement of the Course of Instruction, Terms of Admission, Expenses, &c. at Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Cambridge, 1823. 8, pp. 23, 14 Statement of Faculty to Parents and Guardians of Students, relative to late Disturbances in College, June 4, 1834. [No imprint.] 8, pp. 8. 15 Statement of Senior Class relative to the late Disturbances in College ; with Statement of Pres. Quincy, June 4, 1834. [No imprint.] 8, pp. 12. [2 copies.] 16 Statement of the Treasurer of Harvard College, for 1847, 1848, and 1849. [No im.print. } 8, pamps* HARVEY, George, F.E.S., &c. i? Meteorology. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitan, vol. 5). 18 Naval Architecture. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitan, vol. 6), 292 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HARVEY, Rev. Joseph, Agent of the Amer. Educ. Society. 1 Examination (An) of the Pelagian and Arminian Theory of Moral Agency, as recently advocated by Dr. Beecher in his " Views in The ology." New York, 1837. 12 (5.4X3). HARVEY, William Henry, M.D., Prof, of Botany to Royal Dublin Society, &c. 2 Nereis Boreali- Americana, or Contributions to a History of the Marine Algae of North America. Pt. I. Melanospermese. II. Rhodospermea?. III. Chlorospermes?. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 3, 5, 10.) HASE, Karl August, Prof, of Theol at Jena, since 1829 ; 5. 1800. 3 History (A) of the Christian Church. By Dr. C. Hase. Translated from the 7th . . . German edition, by C. E. Blumenthal, and C. P. Wing. New- York, 1850. 8 (6.6X3.8), pp. 720. HASSE, Johann Godofried, D.D., Prof, of Theol. at Konigsburg; b. 1759. d> 1806. 4 Libri IV Regvm Syro-heptaplaris Specimen. E Manvscripto Parisiensi Syriace edidit, Textvm Versionis Alexandrinae hexaplarem restitvit, No- tisque illustravit I. G. Hasse. lenae, 1732. 8, pp. 46. HASSELL, J. 5 Tour of the Isle of Wight. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyages, c., vol. 2.) HASSLER, F. R. 6 Elements of Analytic Trigonometry, plane and spherical. [Plate. ] New-York, 1826. 8 (6.3X3.7). HASTINGS, Warren, first Governor- General of British India , b. 1732. d. 1818. ? Life. See MACAULAY, T. B. (Essays, vol. 4.) 8 Present State of the East Indies. With Notes by the Editor. London, 1786. 8 (6.7X3.7). HATFIELD, R. G. 9 American House-Carpenter (The) : a Treatise upon Architecture, Cor nices and Mouldings, &c. Together with the most important Principles of Practical Geometry, 3d ed. Illustrated with more than three hun dred Engravings. New York, 1849. 8 (6.5X3.7). HATTON, Edward. 10 Intire System (An) of Arithmetic . . . London, 1721. 4 (6.7X4.4). HAUPT, Moritz, pro/. of Philology at Leipsic, aft. at Berlin; b. 1808. Joint Editor. See MINNESANGS (Des) Friihling. HAUY, Rene Just, a French mineralogist ; b. in St. Just, 1743. d. in Paris, 1842. 11 Biographical Notice of Haiiy. See (AMERICAN Journal of Science and Arts, vol. 8). 12 Traite elementaire de Physique, par M. Haiiy. 2de ed., revue et . . . augmentee. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1806. 8 (5.8X3.5). 13 Traite de Mineralogie, par le Citoyen Haiiy. Public par le Conseil des Mines. En 5 vols., dont un contient 86 planches. Tom. 1-5. Paris, 1801. 8 (5.8X3.4) ; plates oblong 4, HAVEN, Rev. Jason, of Dedham, Mass. ; b. 1733. d. 1803. 14 Election Sermon, Mass., May 31, 1769. Boston, 1769. 8, pp. 55. HAVEN, Joseph, D.D., Prof, of Intel, and Moral Philos. at Amherst College. 15 Mental Philosophy : including the Intellect, Sensibilities, and Will. Boston, 1857. 12 (5.9X3.4), pp. 590, 16 Moral Philosophy : including Theoretical and Practical Ethics. Boston, 1859. 12 (5.9X3.4). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 293 HAVEN, Samuel, D.D., of Portsmouth, N. H. ; b. 1727. d. 1806. 1 Sermon on the Knowledge of Christ as the Believer s ever-living Re deemer, at Cambridge, Oct. 15, 1768. Boston, 1768. 8, pp. 35. HAVEN, Samuel F. 2 Archaeology of the United States, or, Sketches, historical and biblio- graphical, of the Progress of Information and Opinion respecting Vesti ges of Antiquity in the United States. 1855. Pp. 72. See SMITHSO NIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 8.) HAWAII, Island of. A Journal of a Tour around Hawaii . . . By a Deputa- 3 tion from the Mission on those Islands. [Map and Engravings. ] Boston, 1825. 12 (5.6X3.1). HA WES, Rev. Joel, D.D., of Hartford, Conn.; b. in Medway, Mass., 1789. 4 Lectures to Young Men, on the Formation of Character . , . 3d ed., with an additional Lecture on Reading. . . . Hartford, 1829. 12 (4.5X2.7). 5 Lectures to Young Men, on the Formation of Character. . . . With an Introduction .by R. S. Storrs. Boston, 1856. 12 (5.1X3.1), 6 " Looking-Glass (A) for Ladies," or the Formation and Excellence of the Female Character. An Address, delivered at Hartford . . . Aug. 24, 1845. Boston, 1845. 12, pp. 28. " Tribute (A) to the Memory of the Pilgrims, and a Vindication of the Congregational Churches in New England. 2d ed. Hartford, 1836. 12 (5.7X3.4). HAWKESWORTH, John, LL.D.; b. in London, 1715 or 19. d. there, 1773. 8 Adventurer (The), a periodical paper, (publ. Nov. 7, 1752 -March 9, 1754) by Hawkesworth, Johnson, and others : chiefly written and edited by Hawkesworth. See (BRITISH Essayists. Vol. 19-21). HAWKS, Rev. Francis Lister, D.D., LL.D., b. in Newbern, N. Car., 1798. 9 Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, 1852- 54. Compiled from the Notes and Journals of Comm. Perry, and Officers. See UNITED STATES. 33 Cong. 2d Sess. Ex. Doc. 97 ; Sen. Doc. 79. Joint Annotator. See PROTESTANT-EPISCOPAL Church in the United States. Journals of the General Conventions. Translator. See RIVERO, M. E. Peruvian Antiquities. HAWN, F. Joint Author. See SWALLOW, G. C. Rocks of Kansas. HAYES, Isaac L, Surgeon to the Orinnell Expedition. 1 Arctic Boat Journey (An), in the Autumn of 1854. [Charts."] Boston, 1860. 12 (5.5X3.3). HAYES, Richard, teacher of a mercantile school in London. 11 Negotiator s Magazine . . . 8th ed. London, 1754. 8 (6.3X3.6). HAYLEY, William, Esq., of Eastham, in Sussex, Eng. ; b. 1745. d. 1820. 12 Life and posthumous Writings of William Cowper, Esq. With an in troductory Letter to Rt. Hon. Earl Cowper. * * * Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1803. 12 (5.6X3.1). 13 Poetical Works. . . . Vol. 1-3. Dublin, 1785. 12 (5.3X3.6 irr.). HAYNES, James, a clerk at Cairo. 14 Travels in several Parts of Turkey, Egypt, and the Holy Land. * * * London, 1774. 12 (5.3X2.9). 294 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HAYWARD, Abraham, Q. C., on English writer and translator; 6. about 1800. Editor, &c. See PIOZZI, H. L. Autobiography, Letters, &c. HAYWARD, Charles, Jun. 1 Life of Sebastian Cabot. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., vol. 9.) HAYWARD, John. 2 New England Gazetteer (The) . . . Alphabetically arranged. 2d ed. {Engravings. ] Concord, 1839. 12 (5.4X3.4), 2 cols., n. p. HAYWARD, Samuel, apparently of London, 1756. Joint Author. See PIKE, S. Cases of Conscience answered. HAZARD, Ebenezer, Postmaster- General of U.S., l782- 89; d. 1817, ad. 79. 3 Historical Collections ; consisting of State Papers, and other authentic Documents ; intended as Materials for an History of the United States of America. Vol. 1, 2. *** Philadelphia, 1792, 94. 4 (7.6X5.4). HAZLITT, Rev. William, A.M. 4 Thanksgiving Sermon, preached at Hallowell, 15th Dec., 1785. Boston, 1786. 8, pp. 19. HAZLITT, William; b. in Maidstone, 1778. d. in London, 1830. 5 Essays on the Principles of Human Actions ; on the Systems of Hartley and Helvetius ; and on Abstract Ideas. Edited by his Son [W. Hazlitt]. * * * London, n. d. 8 (5.2X3.1). 6 Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth. New York, 1849. 12 (5.6X3.5). 7 Lectures on the English Comic Writers. From 3d London ed., edited by his Son [W. Hazlitt]. * * * New York, 1849. 12 (5.9X3.4), 8 Life (The) of Napoleon Buonaparte. . . . Vol. 1-3. New York, 1847. 12 (5.6X3.5). HAZLITT, William, Jun., Esq., son of the preceding. Editor. See HAZLITT, W., ante. Essays on the Principles of Human Actions. Also, Lectures on the English Comic Writers. Translator. See GUIZOT, F. P. G. History of Civilization. HEAD, Sir Francis B., Bart., K.C.H., Lieut.-Gov. of Upper Canada ; b. 1793* 9 Life and Adventures of Bruce, the African Traveller. * * * ... [Portrait.] (Harper s Family Library, No. 128.) New-York, 1841. 18 (4.5X2.7). 10 Rough Notes taken during some rapid Journeys across the Pampas and among the Andes. Boston, 1827. 12 (5X3). HEADLEY, Rev. Joel Tyler; 6. at Walton, N.Y., 1813. n Alps (The) and the Rhine; a Series of Sketches. New York, 1845. 12 (5.5X3.5), HEADRICK, Rev. James. 12 View of the Mineralogy, Agriculture, Manufactures and Fisheries of the Island of Arran. With Notices of Antiquities, and Suggestions . . . [Map.] Edinburgh, 1807. 8 (5.6X3.3). HEARNE, Samuel, a native of London, Midshipman in R. N.; b. 1745. d. 1792. 13 Journey (A) from Prince of Wales s Fort in Hudson s Bay to the North ern Ocean. Undertaken by order of the Hudson s Bay Company, for the Discovery of Copper Mines, a North West Passage, &c. In the years 1769, 1770, 1771, & 1772. [Maps and Plates.] London, 1795. 4 (6.5X5.1). [2 copies.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 295 HEATH, Robert. 1 Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly. See PINKER- TON, J. (Voyages and Travels, vol. 2.) HEATH, Hon. "William, a major-general of the Revolution ; b. in Roxbury, Mass., 1737. d. there, 1814. 2 Letter on the Darkness in Canada, in October, 1785. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 2, pt. I.) 3 Memoirs of Major-Gen. Heath. Containing Anecdotes, Details of Skir mishes, Battles, and other Military Events, during the American War. Boston, 1798. 8 (6X3.4). HEBER, Reginald, D.D., Rector ofHodnet, aft. Bp. of Calcutta; b. 1783. d. 1826. 4 Life of Jeremy Taylor ; with a critical Examination of his Writings. 1st American, from 3d London ed. [Portrait. ] Hartford, 1832. 12 (5.8X3.4). 5 Memoir of Bp. Heber. See (Palestine, &c., post. Pp. v.-lxxi.). 6 Palestine, and other Poems. ... Philadelphia, 1828. 12(4.4X2.6irr.). 7 Poetical Works. See CRABBE, G. Poetical Works of Crabbe, &c. 8 Sermons preached in India. Philadelphia, 1829. 12 (5.4X3.2). HEDERICH, Benjamin, of Orossen-hayn, inMisnia; b. 1675. d. 1748. 9 Gra?cum Lexicon manuale, primum aB. Hederico institutum: mox assi- duo labore S. Patricii auctum . . . : postremo innumeris vitiis repur- gatum, plurimisque novis significationibus verborum locupletatum cura J. A. Ernesti : atque iterum recensitum et . . . auctum a T. Morell. . . . Nunc prodeat . . . emendatus, etc. a T. Taylor. Londini, 1803. 4 (9.2X6.4), 3 cols., n. p. HEDGE, Rev. Frederic Henry, D.D., Prof, at Camb. Div. School ; b. 1805. 10 Gospel Invitations. . . . Boston, 1846. 12, pp. 13.. n Memoirs of S. M. F. D Ossoli. See OSSOLI, S. M. F. d . Editor, &c. See RECENT Inquiries in Theology, &c. HEDGE, Levi, LL.D., Prof . of Logic, &c. atEarv. Univ.; b. 1767. d. 1843. 12 Elements of Logic . . . Cambridge, 1816. 12 (5.5X3). 13 Eulogy on Rev. Jos. McKean, delivered before the University, Cam bridge, April 22, 1818. ... Cambridge, 1820. 8, pp. 20. HEEREBOORD, Adrian, Prof, of Philos. at Leyden. 14 EPMHNEIA. Logica, seu Synopseos Logicse Burgersdicianee Explica- tio, turn per notas turn per exempla. . . . Accedit ejusdem authoris Praxis Logica. Londini, 1676. 8 (5X3), 2 cols. 1 5 Meletemata Philosophica . . . Ed. nova . . . ; cui . . . accedunt Phi- losophia Naturalis ... & Pneumatica. * * * Amstela?daim, 1680. 4 (6.3X5.4), 2 cols., pp. 1007-J-. HEEREN, Arnold Hermann Ludwig, Prof, of Hist, at Gottingen; b. 1760. d. 1842. 16 Historical Researches into the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Carthaginians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians. Translated from the Ger man. Vol. 1,2. *** [Plates.] Oxford, 1832. 8 (6.1X3.3). NOTE. Also with second title-pages " Reflections on the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Ancient Nations of Africa. ..." 1 7 Historical Researches into the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the principal Nations of Antiquity. Translated from the German. Vol. 1-3. Asiatic Nations. ... [Plates.] Oxford, 1833. 8 (6.1X3.3). 2 ( JG BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HEEREN, Arnold Hermann Ludwig, continued. l Manual (A) of the History of the Political System of Europe and its Colonies, from its Formation at the close of the fifteenth century, to its Re-establishment upon the Fall of Napoleon. Translated from 5th Ger man ed. ... Vol. 1, 2. *** Oxford, 1834. 8 (6.1X3.3). % Reflections on the Politics of Ancient Greece. Translated from the Ger man. By G. Bancroft, Boston, 1824. 8 (6.2X3.6). HEGEL, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Prof, of Philos. at Berlin; b. 1770. d. 1831. 3 Encyclopadie der Philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse. Th. 1. Die Logik. Herausgegeben . . . von L. v. Henning. 2. Die Philoso phic des Geistes. Herausgegeben von L. Bonmann . . . Berlin, 1840, 45. 8 (6.4X3.6). 4 Lectures on the Philosophy of History. Translated from 3d German ed. by J. Sibree. London, 1757. 12 (5.3X3.3). 5 Phanomenologie des Geistes. Herausgegeben von J. Schulze. * * * 2te unverwandeter auflage. Berlin, 1841. 8 (6.4X3.5). 6 Subjective Logic (The) of Hegel. Translated by Dr. H. Sloman and J. Walton. Revised by a Graduate of Oxford. . . . \_Witli] Remarks by H. S. London, 1855. 12, pp. 96, I Vorlesungen liber die Naturphilosophie als der Encyclopadie der Philo sophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse. Th. 2. Herausgegeben von C. L. Michelet. *** Berlin, 1842. 8 (6.5X3.6). 8 Vorlesungen liber die Aesthetick. Herausgegeben von H. G. Hotho. Th. 1-3. 2te auflage. ... Berlin, 1842- 43. 8 (6.5X3.6). 9 Vorlesungen liber die Philosophic der Geschichte. Herausgegeben von Dr. E. Gans. 3te auflage besorgt von K. Hegel. Berlin, 1848. 8 (6.5X3. 5). HEINECCIUS, Johann Gotlieb, Prof, of Pliiliosopliy and Laic, at Halle, aft. at Frankfort-on-the-Oder ; b. 1681. d. 1741. 10 Elementa Philosophiae Rationalis . . . Praemissa est Historia Philo- sophica. Edinburgi, 1757. 8 (5.4X3.4), m. b. HEINRICHS, Johann Heinrich, Superint. at Burgdorf in Hanover ; b. 1765. Annotator. See BIBLE, Portions of the New Testament. Epistola ad Hebraeos Graece. HEINSIUS, Daniel, Prof, of Greek at Leyden; b. 1580. d. 1655. I I Praefatio in Acta Synodi Dordrechti. See ACTA Synodi, etc. HEISTER, Lawrence, Prof, of Med. at Altorf, aft. at Helmstddt ; d. 1758, cet. 73. 12 Compendium of Anatomy . . . Translated from . . . the original Latin . . . With Notes by M. Henault, and the Editor. Illustrated . . . London, 1752. 8 (6.1X3.2), pp. 508. HELIODORUS, Bp. of Tricca in Tliessaly ; b. at Emesa in Syria in 4th century. 13 ^Ethiopicorvm Libri X. [Gr. and Lat.~\ Collatione Bibliotheca? Pala tine & aliorum, emendati & ... aucti, H. Commelini opera. Apud H. Commelinum [Geneva], 1596. 8 (5.9X3.1), pp. 519, 48. HELOT, L. and H. 14 Dictionnaire . . . Frangais-Arabe & Arabe-Frangais . . . 3me tirage. Alger, n. d. 24 (4X2.7), pp. 531. HELPER, Hinton Rowan, of North Carolina. 15 Impending Crisis (The) of the South : how to meet it. * * * 100th thousand. New-York, I860. 12 (5.4X3.3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 297 HELVETIUS, Claude Adrien, a French philosopher; b. in Paris, 1715. d. 1771. 1 Esprit (De L ). * * * [By C. A. Hdvetius.~] Paris, 1758. 4 (6.9X4.4), pp. 643. NOTE. Compare under LAHARPE, J. F. Refutation, etc. 2 Esprit (DeL ), par M. Helvetius. * * * Tom. 1, 2. [Portrait. } Liege, 1774. 8 (5.4X3.2). 3 Homme (De L ), de ses Facultes intellectualles, et de son Education. Ouvrage posthume de M. Helvetius. * * * Tom. 1, 2. Liege, 1774. 8 (5.4X3.2). NOTE. Two preceding entries have half-title, and lettered, " CEuvres complettes. Tom. 1-4." 4 Poesies de M. Helvetius. [Portrait."} Londres, 1781. 24 (3.5X2 irr.). HELVETIUS, Crisp. Editor, Annotator, &c. See OVIDUS NASO, P. Epistolarum Heroidum Liber. HELVETIUS, Janus. 5 Poemata,edenteL.Santenio. LvgdvniBatavorvm, 1782. 8(4.8X2.6irr.). HELVICUS, Christoph, D.D., Prof. o/Div., &c. at Giessen Univ.; b. 1581. d. 1617. 6 Historical and Chronological Theatre . . . Faithfully done into Eng lish . . . And inlarg d . . . and continued down to the present times. London, 1685. 2 (9irr.X6.8). HEMANS, Mrs. Felicia Dorothea BROWNE ; b. in Liverpool, 1794. d. 1835. 7 Forest Sanctuary (The) and other Poems. Boston, 1827. 8 (4.9X3 irr.). [2 copies.] 8 League (The) of the Alps, The Siege of Valencia, The Vespers of Paler mo, and other Poems. Boston, 1826. 8 (4.9X3 irr.). [2 copies.] 9 Memorials of Mrs. Hemans. See CHORLEY, H. F. 10 Records of Woman : with other Poems. * * * Boston, 1828. 8 (5X3 irr.). HEMMENWAY, Eev. Moses, D.D., of Wells; d. 1811, cet. about 75. H Election Sermon, Mass., May 26, 1784. Boston, 1784. 8, pp. 52. 12 Vindication (A) of the Power, Obligation and Encouragement of the Unregenerate to attend the Means of Grace. Against the Exceptions of Rev. S. Hopkins, in ..." The true State and Character of the Unre generate," &c. * * * Boston, 1772. 12 (5.9X3.3). HEMMING, G. W., Fellow of St. John s College, Cambridge, Eng. 13 Elementary Treatise (An) on the Differential and Integral Calculus . . . 2d ed., with Corrections and Additions. Cambridge, 1852. 8 (6.7X3.9). HEMMINGIUS, Nicolaus. 14 Commentarii in S. lohannis Apostoli Epistolas scripti. * * * VVitebergge, 1569. 8 (4.5X2.4). 1 5 Commentarivs in Vtramqve Epistolam Pavli ad Thessalonicenses, scrip- tvs. *** WitebergaB, 1566. 8 (4.5X2.4). HEMSTERHUYS, Tiberius, Prof, at Amsterdam, Franeker, &c.; b. 1685. d. 1766. Annotator. See LUCIANUS. Colloquia et Timon. HENCKEL, Johann Christoph, a physician at Arnstddt. 1 6 Einige Neuentdeckter chemisch-physicalische Wahrheiten, denen Ken- nern der Natur-Lehre und Arzenen-Bereitungs-Kunst zur Beurtheilung und Anwendung. Leipzig, 1769. 8, pp. 80. 38 208 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HENDERSON, Alexander, a Scotch divine; b. 1583. d. 1646. 1 Fast Sermon preached before the House of Lords, 28th May, 1645. London, 1645. 4, pp. 31. HENDERSON, Thomas, Astron.-Royal for Scotland ; b. at Dundee, 1798. d. 1844. 2 Astronomical Observations. See GREAT BRITAIN. Edinburgh Observa tions. HENGSTENBERG, Ernst Wilhelm, Prof, of Philology at Berlin; b. 1802. 3 Christology of the Old Testament, and a Commentary on the Predictions of the Messiah by the Prophets. Translated from the German, by R. Keith. Vol. 1-3 ... Alexandria, and Washington, 1839. 8 (6.3X3.8). 4 Egypt and the Books of Moses, or the Books of Moses illustrated by the Monuments of Egypt ; with an Appendix. From the German by R. D. C. Bobbins. Andover, 1843. 12 (5.6 irr.X3.3). HENLEY, Col. David. 5 Proceedings of a General Court-Martial, at Cambridge, Jan. 20 -Feb. 25, 1778: upon the Trial of Col. D. Henley. Boston, 1778. 8, pp. 88. HENNEPIN, Louis, a Franciscan missionary to Canada; b. 1640. d. aft. 1699. 6 Description de la Louisiane, nouvellement decouverte au Sud Oiiest de la Nouvelle France, par ordre du Roy. Avec la Carte du Pays : les Moeurs & la Maniere de vivre des Sauvages. Paris, 1688. 12 a (4.5X2-2). 7 Nouvelle Decouverte d un tres grand Pays situe dans 1 Amerique, entre la Nouveau Mexique, et la Mer Glaciale, avec les Cartes, & les Figures necessaires . . . Amsterdam, 1698. 16 (4.2X2.4). HENRIETTA ANNA, of England, Duchess of Orleans ; Exeter, 1644. d. 1670. 8 Histoire de. See LAFAYETTE, M. M. P. de la V. de. HENRY, Caleb Sprague, D.D., a Cong., aft. Prot.-Episc. clergyman, Prof, of Philos.,Hist., &c. in Univ. of City of New York; b. in Rutland, Ms., 1804. 9 Epitome (An) of the History of Philosophy. Being the Work [prepared by the Abbe Bautain] adopted by the University of France for Instruc tion . . . Translated from the French, with Additions, and a Continua tion of the History from the time of Reid to the present day. By C. S. Henry. . . . Vol. 1, 2. (Harper s Family Library, No. 143, 144.) New-York, 1841. 18 (4.5X2.7). 10 Principles and Prospects of the Friends of Peace. A Discourse pro nounced before the Hartford County Peace Society, Dec. 25, 1833. Hartford, 1834. 8, pp. 31. 11 True idea (The) of the University and its Relation to a complete System of Public Instruction. An Address before the Association of the Alumni of the University of the City of New York, June 28, 1852. . . . New York, 1853. 8, pp. 27. Editor. See The NEW YORK Review. Translator, Annotator, &c. See COUSIN, V. Elements of Psychology. HENRY, Rev. Matthew, of Chester, a Nonconformist; b. 1662. d. 1714. 12 Commentary on the Bible. See JENKS, W. Comprehensive Commen tary, &c. 13 Communicant s (The) Companion . . . Glasgow, 1772. 8 (5.5X3.1). 14 Exposition (An) of the Old and New Testaments . . . with practical Re marks and Observations. [Completed from Acts to Revelations by others. ] Edited by G. Burder, and J. Hughes. With the Life of the Author by S. Palmer. Vol. 1-6. New York, 1830. 8 (8.2X5.3), 2 cols. CONTENTS. Vol. I. Gen.-Deut. II. Josh.-Esth. III. Job-Sol. IV. Isa.-Malai-hi. V. Math.-John. VI. Acts-Rev. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 299 HENRY, Patrick, the dist. orator and statesman ; b. in Va., 1736. d. 1799. 1 Life, by A.H. Everett. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d. Ser.,vol. 1.) 2 Life and Character of Patrick Henry. See WIRT, W. 3 Speeches. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Eloquence, &c., vol. 1, 4.) HENRY, Paul, D.D., Minister and Seminary Instructor in Berlin* 4 Life (The) and Times of John Calvin . . . Translated from the Ger man. By H. Stebbing. ... Vol. 1,2. [Portrait.] New York, 1854. 8 (7X4). HENRY, Robert, D.D., a Scotch Presbyterian divine; b 1718. d. 1790. 5 History (The) of Great Britain, from the first Invasion of it by the Ro mans under Julius Caesar. ... 2d ed. Vol. 1-6. [Maps and Plates."] Dublin, 1789- 94. 8 (5.9X3.2), m. b. 6 History (The) of Great Britain, from the first Invasion of it by the Ro mans under Julius Caesar. . . . 3d ed. Vol. 1-12. [Portrait, Maps and Plates.] London, 1799-1800. 8 (6X3.3), m. b. 7 Life of Dr. Henry. See (History of Great Britain, Dublin Ed., ante. Vol. 6, pp. vii.-xix.). HENRY, Thomas, F.E.S., &c., an apothecary of Manchester, Eng. 8 Memoirs of Albert de Haller, M. D. Compiled, chiefly, from the Elo- gium spoken before the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, and from the Tributes paid to his memory by other foreign Societies. [Portrait. ] "Warrington, 1783. 24 (3.8X2.3). HENRY, "William, M.D., an English chemist; b. in Manchester, 1775. d. 1836. 9 Epitome (An) of Chemistry . . . 4th ed. : much enlarged and illustrated with Plates. Edinburgh, 1806. 8 (6.1X5. 6). 1 Epitome (An) of Experimental Chemistry . . . 5th ed., illustrated with Plates, engraved by Lowry. London, 1808. 8 (6.2X3.5), pp 502. 11 Epitome (An) of Experimental Chemistry . . . 2d American, from 5th English ed., illustrated with Plates. To which are added, Notes on various Subjects ; Observations on Metals ; Mines ; &c. ; &rc. By B. Silliman. Boston, 1810. 8 (6.8X3.6). HERALD (The) of Peace . . . Vol. 1-3. Vol. 1-9 New Series. 12 vols. 12 London, 1819- 34. 8 (7.1X4.2), 2 cols. HERBART, Johann Friedrich, Prof, of Philos. at Gottingen ; b. 1776. d. 1841. 13 Lehrbuch zur Einleitung in die Philosophie. 3te verbesserte ausgabe. Konigsberg, 1834. 8 (6.1X3.4). HERBELL, J. E. M. Translator, &c. See CAMPER, P. Sammtliche kleinere Schriften. HERBERT, Rev. George, an Eng. clergyman and poet; b. in Wales, 1593. d. 1632. 14 Life, by I. Walton. See WALTON, I. Lives of Donne, Wotton, &c. 15 Life (The) [abridged from Isaac Walton] and Writings of George Her bert : with the Synagogue, in imitation of Herbert. * * * Lowell, 1834. 12 (4.2X2.6). 16 Poetical Works. With a Memoir of the Author, and Notes. By Rev. R. A.Willmot. [Portrait.] Boston, 1855. 16 (4.8X2.8). HERDER, Johann Gottfried von, Court-preacher, &c. at Weimar; b. 1744. d* 1803. 17 Erinnerungen aus dem Leben. See HERDER, M. C. v. 300 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HERDER, Johann Gottfried von, continued. 1 Sammtliche Werke. [Edited by J. G. Mutter, Heyne, and J. v. Mutter.] Zur Religion und Theologie. Th. 1-18. Zur Schonen Literatur und Kunst. Th. 1-20. Zur Philosophic und Geschichte. Th. 1-22. GOvols. Stuttgart und Tiibingen, 1827-30. 18 (4.3X2.7). NOTE. Bound in thirty volumes. Each volume has also independent title-page. 2 Spirit (The) of Hebrew Poetry. Translated from the German, by J. Marsh. ... Vol. 1, 2. Burlington, 1833. 12 (5.6X3.4). [2 copies of vol. 1.] HERDER, Maria Carolina von, prob. ivife of the preceding. 3 Erinnerungen aus dem Leben J. G. v. Herder. Herausgegeben durch J. G. Miiller. Th. 1-3. Stuttgart und Tiibingen, 1830. 18 (4.3X2.7). NOTE. This work forms last three volumes of HERDER S Sammtliche Werke, ante. HERIOT, George, Postmaster- General of British North America. 4 Travels through the Canadas, containing a Description of the picturesque Scenery on some of the Rivers and Lakes ; with an Account of the Pro ductions, Commerce, and Inhabitants of those Provinces. . . . {Part II.~\ A Comparative View of the Manners and Customs of several of the Indian Nations of North and South America . . . [Map and Plates.] London, 1807. 4 (6.8X4.5), pp. 602. HERMANN, Benedikt Franz. 5 Beschreibung der Manipulation, durch welche in Steyermark, Karnten und Krain der beriihmte Brescianerstahl verfertigt wird. Mit einer Kup- fertafel. Wien, 1781. 16 (4.1X2.6). HERMANN, Johann Gottfried Jakob, Prof, of Greek at Ldpsic ; b. 1772. 6 Dissertationes Pindaricae. See PINDARUS. (Carmina, vol. 3.) HERMANN, Karl Friedrich, a German antiquarian, Prof, at Heidelberg; b. 1804. 7 Manual (A) of the Political Antiquities of Greece, historically considered. From the German. *** Oxford, 1836. 8 (6.1X3.3). 8. Geschichte und System der Platonischen Philosophic. Th. 1, die histor- isch-kritische Qrundlegung enthaltend. Heidelberg, 1839. 8 (6.5X3.5). HERMAS or HERMES, St., a Christian at Rome-, d. about 81. 9 Shepherd (The) of Hernias, translated by Wake. See WAKE, W. HERMOGENES, a rhetorician of Tarsus ; fl. in the 2d century. 10 Ars Rhetorica, Greece. See WALZ, C. (Rhetores Graeci, vol. 3.) 11 Progymnasmata, Grace. See WALZ, C. (Rhetores Graeci, vol. 1.) HERNDON, Lieut. William Lewis, of the U.S. Navy ; b. in Fredericksburg, Va., 1813. d. 1857. 12 Explorations of the Valley of the Amazon, made under direction of the Navy Department, by W. L. Herndon and L. Gibbon. Pt. I. By Lieut. Herndon. II. By Lieut. Gibbon. 2 vols. [Atlas to each part, and Engravinys.~] (U.S. Pub. Doc.) Washington, 1853, 54. 8(6.6X3.8). HERODOTUS, the Greek Historian, styled the father of history ; b. in Halicar- nassus in Asia Minor, 484 B.C. d. about 424 B.C. 13 Egypt (The) of Herodotus : being the Second and Part of the Third Book of his History. With Notes and preliminary Dissertations, by J. Kendrick. London, 1841. 8 (6.2X3.9). 1 4 Harangues tirees d Herodote. See AUGER, A. (Harangues, etc., vol.1.) CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 301 HERODOTUS, continued. 1 Herodotus Greece & Latine. Accedunt Annotationes selectse necnon Index Latinus, ex Editionibus Wesselingii et Reizii. Tom. 1-5, 7. Edinburgi, 1806. 12 (4.9X2.9). 2 Historiarvm Libri IX. ... EjusdemNarratiode Vitallomeri. [Greek] Cum Vallae Interpret. Latina Historiarum, ab H. Stephano recognita : & Spicilegio F. Sylbvrgii. Item Iconibus Structurarum Babyloniarum ab Herodoto descriptarum. Excerpta e CtesiaB Libris de Rebus Persicis & Indicis, & ex iisdem Fragmenta . . . Cum Indice ... * * * Oliva P. Stephani, 1618. 2 (11.2X9.4), par. cols., pp. 708+. 3 Historiarum Libri IX. [Greek.] Codicem Sancrofti Manuscriptum de- nuo contulit necnon reliquam Lectionis Varietatem commodius digessit T. Gaisford. Tom. 1-4. , Lipsiae, 1824- 26. 8 (6.6X3.4), m. b. NOTE. Vol. 1, 2 are paged continuously. Vol. 3, 4 have also title " Adnotationes Wesselingii, Valckanaerii, aliorumque in Herodoti Historiarum Libros IX. Edidit T. Gaisford. Tom. 1, 2." 4 History (The) of Herodotus. A new English Version, edited with co pious Notes and Appendices, illustrating the History and Geography of Herodotus, from the most recent sources of information ; and embody ing the chief Results, historical and ethnographical, which have been ob tained in the Progress of Cuneiform and Hieroglyphical Discovery. By G. Rawlinson. Assisted by Sir H. Rawlinson, and Sir J. G. Wilkinson. . . . Vol. 1-4. With Maps and Illustrations. New York, 1859- 60. 8 (6.6 irr.X3.9). 5 History (The) of Herodotus, translated from the Greek. With Notes. By Rev. W. Beloe . . . Vol. 1-4. London, 1791. 8 (6.3X3.4). 6 Life and Travels of Herodotus. See WHEELER, J. T. HERON, Robert. 7 Elements of Chemistry . . . London, 1800. 8 (5.6X3.3), pp. 628+. HERON, Robert, a name assumed by Pinkerton in some of Ids earlier works and translations. See NIEBUHR, C. Travels through Arabia, &c. HERRICK, Robert, an English clergyman and poet ; b. in London, 1591. d. 1674? 8 Biographical Notice of. See (Hesperides, post. Vol. 1, pp. 1-22). 9 Hesperides : or the Works both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick, Esq. ... Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait.] Boston, 1856. 16 (4.8X2.8irr.). HERSCHEL, Sir John Frederic William, Bart., an English astronomer; b. 1790. 10 Light. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitan, vol. 4). 11 Outlines of Astronomy. With Plates and Wood Cuts. Philadelphia, 1849. 8 (6.5X3.8), pp. 620. 12 Outlines of Astronomy. 6th ed. [Plates and Diagrams] London, 1859. 8 (6.3X3.6), pp. 712. 13 Physical Astronomy. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 3). 14 Preliminary Treatise (A) on the Study of Natural Philosophy. New ed. [Portrait of Bacon] London, 1835. 12 (5X2.8). !5 Sound. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 3). 16 Treatise (A) on Astronomy. New ed. [Illustrated] London, 1837. 12 (5X2.8). 17 Review of Herschel s Outlines of Astronomy. From the Christian Ex aminer for September, 1849. Cambridge, 1849. 8, pp. 29. 302 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HERVEY, James, an English divine; b. 1713. d. 1758. 1 Meditations and Contemplations . . . [witJi] Account of the Life, Char acter, and Writings of the Author. Philadelphia, 1809. 12 (5.5X3.2). 2 Meditations and Contemplations . . . Together with the Life of the Author. ... Vol. 1, 2. New-York, 1824. 24 (4.5X2.8). HERZOG, Christian Gottlob. 3 Protestant (The) Theological and Ecclesiastical Encyclopedia ; being a condensed Translation of Herzog s Real Encyclopedia. With Additions from other Sources. By Rev. J. H. A. Bomberger, assisted by dis tinguished Theologians of various Denominations. In 3 vols. Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1858, 60. 8 (8.1X4.9), 2 cols. HESIODUS, a Greek poet; fl. about 850 B.C. 4 Eoy. ** Hp-ipo.*. See BRUNCK, R. F. P. (Gnomici Poetse Grscci.) HESSEY, Rev. James Augustus, D.C.L. 5 Sunday. Its Origin, History, and present Obligation, considered in Eight Lectures preached before the University of Oxford in the year MDCCCLX. On the Foundation of the late Rev. John Bampton. London, 1860. 8 (6.4X3.6), pp. 504. HESYCHIUS, a grammarian of Alexandria ; fl. in the 4th or 5th century. 6 Lexicon [Greek], cum Notis doctorum Virorum integris . . . Ex Auto- graphis partim recensuit, partim mine primum edidit, suasque Animacl- versiones perpetuas adjecit J. Alberti, cum ejusdem Prolegomenis, et Adparatu Hesychiano. Tom. 1, 2. Lugduni Batavorum, 1746. 2 (12.5X6.7), 2 cols. HEURES Antiques. Romish Breviary. See ROMAN-CATHOLIC Church. HEUSDE, Philippus AYilhelmus van, a Dutch philosopher ; b. 1778. d. 1839. 7 Initia Philosophiae Platonicae. Vol. 1. Philosophia Pulcri. 2. Pt. I. Philosophia Veri. De Veri Amore. II. Philosophia Veri. De Discipli- nis. III. Philosophia Veri : de Veri sive rov ovros Scientia. 3. Philoso phia Justi, Platonis de Rebus divinis efFata, Epilogus. 6 vols. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1827- 36. 8 (5.9X3.2). HEXAPLA, The English. See BIBLE, The New Testament. HEY, John, D.D., Prof, of Divinity, Univ. of Cambridge, Eng.; b. 1734. d. 1815. 8 Lectures in Divinity . . . Vol. 1-4. Cambridge, 1796- 98. 8 (6.2X3.3). HEYLYN, John, D.D., Prebend, of Westminster ; d. about 1760. 9 Theological Lectures at Westminster- Abbey. With an Interpretation of the Four Gospels. . . . [Also] Select Discourses upon the principal Points of Reveal d Religion. [2 pagings.] * * * London, 1749. 4 (7.3X4.9). HEYLYN, Peter, D.D., Prebend, of Westminster, &c. ; b. 1600. d. 1662. 1 Cosmography in four Books. Containing the Chorography and History of the whole World ... * * * [Maps.] London, 1677. 2 (11.5X6.8), 2 cols. NOTE. Has four pagingrs. Also with second title-page, embellished, and dated 1669. 11 Cyprianus Anglicus : or, The History of the Life and Death of ... William [Laud] Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. ... * * * London, 1771. 2 (9X4-9), m. b. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 303 HEYNE, Christian Gottlob, Prof, of Eloquence at Gottingen; b. 1729. d. 1812. 1 OpvscvlaAcademicacollectaetAnimadversionibvslocvpletata. Vol. 1-6. Gottingae, 1785-1812. 8 (6.2X3.6). Editor. See PINDAEUS. Carmina et Fragmenta. Editor. See VIEGILIUS MARO, P. Opera, Ed. Londini. Joint Editor. See HERDER, J. G. von. Sa mmtliche Werke. HEYWOOD, John, one of the earliest English dramatic writers ; d. 1565. 2 Mery Play (A) betwene the Pardoner and the Frere the Curate and Neybour Pratte. See CHILD, F. J. Four old Plays. HIBBARD, Rev. Freeborn Garrettson, of the Meth.-Episc. Church; b. 1811. 3 Psalms (The) chronologically arranged ; with historical Introductions ; and a general Introduction ... 3d ed. New- York, [1856]. 8 (6.5X3.8), pp. 589. HICKEEINGILL, Edmond or Edmund, Hector of Colchester ; b. 1630. d. 1708. 4 Curse ye Meroz, or the Fatal Doom. Sermon, preached in London, be fore the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, May 9th, 1680. London, 1680. 4, pp. 36. 5 Late famous Tryal of Mr. Hickeringill. London, 1681. 2, pp. 14. HICKEY, William. 6 Constitution (The) of the United States of America, with an Alphabeti cal Analysis ; the Declaration of Independence ; the Articles of Confede ration ; the prominent political Acts of Geo. Washington ; &c.; &c. 7th ed. Philadelphia, 1854. 12 (5.1X3.3). HICKIE, Rev. D. B., LL.D., Head-Master at Haickshead, Eng. Editor, Annotator, &c. See XEXOPHOX. Memorabilia of Socrates. HICKOK, Laurens Perseus, D.D., Prof, and Vicc-Pres. of Union Coll.; b. 1798. 7 Rational Cosmology : or the Eternal Principles and the Necessary Laws of the Universe. New York, 1858. 8 (5.7X3.4). 8 Rational Psychology ; or the Subjective Idea and the Objective Law of all Intelligence. Auburn, 1849. 8 (6.2X3.7), pp. 717. 9 System (A) of Moral Science. Schenectady, 1853. 8 (6.2X3. 6). HICKS or HICKES, Francis. Translator. See LUCIANTJS. Certain select Dialogues : &c. HIEROCLES, a Platonic philosopher, of Alexandria ; fl. in the oth century. J0 Aurea (In) Carmina [of the Pythagoreans ] Commentarius. Grace et Latine [on opp. pages ]. Gra?ca . . . una cum Notis subjunctis, eclidit R.W[?re]. S. T. P. Londini, 1742. 8 (6.2X3.5). HIERONYMUS. See JEROME. HIGGINS, Bryan, M.D. 11 Experiments and Observations made with the view of emproving the Art of composing and applying Calcareous Cements and of preparing Quick lime : Theory of these Arts ; &c. London, 1780. 8 (6X3.4). 12 Experiments and Observations relating to ... Subjects of Chemical Philosophy. London, 1786. 8 (5.8X3.3). 13 Minutes of the Society for Philosophical Experiments and Conversations. \_By B. Hi ff gins.] London, 1795. 8 (6X3.3). HIGGINS, W. Mullinger, Lect. on Exper. Philos. at Guy s Hospital) London. J4 Earth (The): its Physical Condition and most remarkable Phenomena. (Harper s Family Library, No. 78.) New-York. 1810. 18 (1.5X2.7). 304 130WDOIN COLLEGE. HIGGINSON, Rev. Francis, 1st minister of Salem, Ms.; b.inEng.,1598. d. 1630. 1 New-England s Plantation, or a short and true Description of the Com modities and Discommodities of that Country, in 1629. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 1st Series, vol. 1.) Also, YOUNG, A. (Chronicles of Massachusetts.) 2 True Kelation of the Last Voyage to New-England. See YOUNG, A. (Chronicles of Massachusetts.) HILDRETH, Richard, a lawyer, aft. a journalist , b. in Deerfield, Mass., 1807. 3 History (The) of the United States of America, from the Discovery of the Continent to the Organization of Government under the Federal Constitution. 1497-1789. Revised ed. In 3 vols. Vol. 1. Colonial, 1497-1688. 2. Colonial. 1663-1773. 3. Revolutionary, 1773-1789. New York, 1854. 8 (6.3X3.5). 4 History (The) of the United States of America, from the Adoption of the Federal Constitution to the End of the Sixteenth Congress. 1788-1821. Revised ed. In 3 vols. Vol. 1. Administration of "Washington. . . . 2. John Adams and Jefferson. 3. Madison and Monroe. New York, 1855. 8 (6.3X3.5). NOTE. A continuation of the preceding. The two works have also common title " The History of the United States of America. Vol. 1-6." 5 Japan as it was and is. [Jlfop.] 12 (5.8X3.5), pp. 576. HILL, Sir John, M.D., an English writer; b. 1716. d. 1765. 6 Useful Family-Herbal (The) . . . Illustrated with Figures of the most useful English Plants. . . . New ed., corrected. London, 1789. 8 (6.4X3.5). HILL, Eev. Rowland, an English clergyman; b. 1744. d. 1833. 7 Life. See SIDNEY, E. HILL, Eev. Thomas, Pres. of Antioch College; b. at Neiv. Brunswick, N.J., 1801. 8 Elementary Treatise (An) on Curvature. Also, A fragmentary Essay on Curves. Boston and Cambridge, 1850. 8, pp. 30. 9 Integral Education. An Inaugural Address, delivered at Antioch Col lege, . . . September 8, 1859. Boston, 1859. 8, pp. 31. 10 Liberal Education. An Address delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard College, July 22, 1858. Cambridge, 1858. 8, pp. 33. HILL, Eev. W. A., A.M., of Worcester College, Oxford, Eng. Editor, and Biographer. See CAMPBELL, T. Poetical Works. HILLARD, George Stillman, Esq., of Boston, Mass.; b. in Machias, Me., 1808. n Eulogy on Daniel Webster. See WEBSTER, D. (Memorial, &c.) 12 Letters (The) of Silas Standfast. First published in the Boston Courier and Atlas. See MASSACHUSETTS. Discussions on the Constitution, &c. 13 Life and Adventures of Capt. John Smith. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 2.) 14 Oration (An) pronounced before the Inhabitants of Boston, July the Fourth, 1835 . . . Boston, 1835. 8, pp. 30. 15 Six Months in Italy. ... Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1853. 12 (5.2X3). Editor. See WEBSTER, D. Memorial of Daniel Webster. Translator. See GUIZOT, F. P. G. Character and Influence of Wash ington. HILLIARD, Rev. Timothy, of Cambridge, Mass.; b. 1746. d. 1790. 16 Sermon (A) delivered Sept. 3, 1788, at the Dudleian Lecture in . . Harvard College . , . Boston, 1788. 8, pp. 30. CATALOGUE 01? THE LIBRARY. 305 HILLIARD, Rev. Timothy, continued. 1 Sermon, delivered Dec. 10, ,1788, at the Ordination of Rev. John An drews, in Newburyport, Mass. [ Ch. , Ity Mr. Slnde ; 11. H. , by Dr. Tucker."] Newburyport, 1779. 8, pp. 52* HILPERT, Dr. J. L. 2 Dictionary (A) of the English and German, and the German and English Language. With a Preface by Dr. E. Ka?rcher. Vol. 2. German and English. Ft. I. A-K. II. L-Z. 2 vols. * * * Carlsruhe, 1846, 4 (9,1X6.8), 3 cols. NOTE. Title-pages in German also. HIND, John, Fdlow and Tutor of Sidney Sussex College, Eng> 3 Elements (The) of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, with the Kature and Properties of Logarithms, &c. ... 3d ed. Cambridge, 1837. 12 (5.7X3.3)* 4 Principles (The) of the Differential Calculus ; with its Application to Curves and Curve Surfaces. ... 2d ed. Cambridge, 1831. 8 (6.2X3.8). HINDMARSH, Robert, a printer, of Manchester, Eng. 5 Seal (A) upon the Lips of Unitarians, Trinitarians, and all others who refuse to acknowledge the sole supreme and exclusive Divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. ... * * * Philadelphia, 1815. 8 (6.3X3.6), HINDS, Samuel, D<D<, Bp. of Norwich, 1849. 6 History of the Rise and Early Progress of Christianity. See (ENCYCLO PAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 10). HINTON, John Howard, A.M., a Baptist minister, of London. I History (The) and Topography of the United States of North America, brought down from the earliest period . . . By J. H. Hinton, A.M., assisted by several Gentlemen in England and America. With Addi tions and Corrections, by S. L. Knapp ; and a Continuation to the pres ent time, by J. 0. Choules. 2d ed. Illustrated with numerous Engra vings. Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1846. 4 (8.5X6.6), 2 cols. HIPPOLYTUS, St., an Italian bishop and martyr, of the 3d century. 8 Hippolytus and his Age. See BUNSEN, C. K. J. HIRTIUS, Aulus, a soldier under Ccesar, aft. consul at Rome; killed 43 B. C 9 Commentariorum de Bello Alexandrine Liber unus. See CJESAR, C. J. Commentariorum de Bello Gallico Libri, etc. HISTOIRE abregee de la Campagne de Xapoleon-le-Grand, en Allemagne et en 10 Italic, jusqu a la Paix de Presbourg . . . Par # # # * * * Paris, 1806. 12 (5X2.9). HISTOIRE des Deeouvertes faites par divers savans Voyageurs, dans plusieurs I 1 Contrees de la Russie & de la Perse, relativement a 1 Histoire civile & naturelle, a 1 Economie rur ale, au Commerce, etc* Tom. 1, 2. Avec Figures enluminees. Berne, 1779. 4 (6.6X5. 2).- HISTOIRE des Xegociations, et du Traite de Paix des Pyrenees. Tom. 1, 2. 12 Amsterdam, 1750. 12 (4.7X2.3), HISTOIRE philosophique et politique des Etablissemens et du Commerce des Eti- 13 ropeens dans les Deux Indes. . . . Nouv. ed., corrigee. Tom. 1-7. [Maps and Plates. ] Paris, 1778. 8 (5,7X3.2). 39 306 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HISTOIRE philosophique et politique des Revolutions d Angleterre, depuis la 1 Des*cente de Jules-Cesar jusqu a la Paix de 1783. Par le Citoyen * * *. Tom. 1-3. Paris, an vn. [1799]. 8 (5.2X3). HISTOIRE des Revolutions, arrivees dans la Gouvernement, les Loix et 1 Esprit 2 Humain, apres la Conversion de Constantin jusqu a la Chute de 1 Empire d Occident. La Haye, 1783. 8 (5.5X3.1), pp. 670. HISTORICAL Account (An) of the Circumnavigation of the Globe, and of the 3 Progress of Discovery in the Pacific Ocean, from the Voyage of Magel lan to the Death of Cook. Illustrated by numerous Engravings. (Har per s Family Library, No. 82.) New- York, 1839. 18 (4.5X2.7). HISTORICAL (An) and Descriptive Account of Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe 4 Islands. (Harper s Family Library, No. 131.) New- York, 1841. 18 (4.5X2.7). HISTORICAL Law-Tracts. See HOME, H., Lord Names. HISTORICAL Society of Maine ; of Massachusetts ; &c. See MAINE historical Society ; MASSACHUSETTS historical Society ; c. HISTORICAL Society of Pennsylvania. Memoirs of the Historical Society of 5 Pennsylvania. *** \Vol. 1.] Philadelphia, 1826. 8 (5.8X3.4). HISTORIEN (L ). No. 536-551, 562, 564, 565, 569-580. 6 Paris, Fan V. [1797]. 8 (6.1X3). HISTORISCHES Portefeuille. Zur Kenntniss der gegenwartigen und vergange- 7 nen Zeit. Stuck 1-9. Jan.-Sept. 1788. [Portraits.] Wein, Breslau, etc., 1788. 8 (5X3). LIlSTORY (The) of the Campaign of 1796, in Germany and Italy. Vol. 1-5. 2ded. London, 1801. 8 (5.8X3.3). HITCHCOCK, David. 9 Shade (The) of Plato : or, A Defence of Religion, Morality & Govern ment. A Poem ... * * * Hudson, 1805. 12 (4.4X2.4 irr.). HITCHCOCK, Edward, D.D., LL.D., Prof, of Chem. & Nat. Hist., 1825- 45, aft. Pres., and Prof, of Nat. TheoL& Geol. at Amherst Coll.; b. 1793. 10 Dyspepsy forestalled & resisted : or Lectures on Diet, Regimen, & Em ployment ; delivered to the Students of Amherst College ; Spring Term, 1830. *** Amherst, 1830. 12 (5.5X3.1). 11 Dyspepsy forestalled and resisted ... * * * 2d ed. Corrected and enlarged by the Addition of an Address delivered before the Mechanical Association in Andover Theological Institution, Sept. 21, 1830; and an Appendix of Notes. Amherst, 1831. 12 (5.5X3.4). 12 Elementary Geology. New ed., revised, &c. With an introductory No tice, by J. P. Smith. 30th ed. [Illustrated.] New York, 1856. 12 (6X3.6). 13 Final Report on the Geology of Massachusetts. See MASSACHUSETTS. 14 Fossil Footmarks of the United States. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, New Series, vol. 3.) 15 Illustrations of Surface Geology. Pp. 164. See SMITHSONIAN Institu tion. (Contributions, vol. 9.) 1 6 Papers upon Geology. See ASSOCIATION of American Geologists and Naturalists. (Proceedings of lst-3d Meetings.) 17 Religion (The) of Geology and its connected Sciences. [Plate.] Boston, 1851. 12 (5.5X3.3), pp. 511. 18 Report on the Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, and Zoology of Massachu setts. See MASSACHUSETTS. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 30* HITCHCOCK, Enos, D.D., of Beverly, Ms., aft. of Providence, R.L; d. 1803, cet. 59. 1 Memoirs of the Bloomsgrove Family. . . . Containing Sentiments on a Mode of Domestic Education . . . : and on the Dignity and Impor tance of the Female Character. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1790. 12 (4.7X2.7). HITCHCOCK, Rev. Gad, of Pembroke, Mass.; d. 1803, ceL 85. 2 Election Sermon, Mass., May 25, 1774. Boston, 1774. 8, pp. 56. 3 National Religion aided by Revelation and perfected in Christianity. Dudleian Lecture, Sept. 1, 1779. Boston, 1779. 8, pp. 32. HITCHCOCK, Roswell D., D.D., of Exeter, N.H., Prof, of Nat. & Rev. Religion at Bowd. Coll., now Prof. ofEcd. Hist, at Union Theol. Sem. N.Y. City. 4 Charge (The) and Inaugural Address delivered on Occasion of the In duction of Rev. Roswell D. Hitchcock, D.D. into the Washburn Profes sorship of Church History, in the Union Theological Seminary, New York, May 6, 1856. . . . New York, 1856. 8, pp. 48. 5 Eulogy (A) on Daniel Webster, delivered before the Students of Bow- doin College, Nov. 12, 1852. Brunswick, 1852. 8, pp. 44. 6 Laws (The) of Civilization. The Substance of an Address delivered on several Occasions during . . . 1860. New-York, 1860. 8, pp. 24. 7 Our National Sin : a Sermon, preached on the Day of the National Fast, Sept. 26, 1861, in New York City. New York, 1861. 8, pp. 24. 8 Sermon (A) delivered at the Dedication of the New Chapel of Bowdoin College, Thursday, June 7, 1855. Brunswick, 1855. 8, pp. 24. HITT, Thomas. 9 Treatise of Forest-Trees. 3d ed. [Plates.] London, 1768. 8 (5.7X3.2). HIVE (The) : or a Collection of Thoughts on civil, moral, sentimental & religious 10 Subjects . . . Worcester, 1796. 12 (5.1X3). HOADLEY or HOADLY, Benjamin, D.D., Bp. of Bangor, &c.; b. 1676. d. 1761. 1 1 Answer (An) to Rev. Dr. Snape s Letter to the Bishop of Bangor. By Benjamin [Hoadly~\, Bp. of Bangor. Belfast, 1717. 8, pp. 22. 12 Happiness (The) of the Present Establishment, and the Unhappiness of Absolute Monarchy. Sermon preached at the Assizes, at Hertford, March 22d. 1707-8. . . . London, 1708. 8, pp. 16. 13 Humble Reply (An) to the Lord Bishop of Exeter s Answer. . . . 2d ed., corrected. London, 1709. 8, pp. 72. 14 Plain Account (A) of the Lord s Supper. Extracted from the Writings of Bp. Hoadley. Philadelphia, 1818. 12, pp. 24. 15 St. Paul s Behaviour towards the Civil Magistrate : a Sermon preach d at the Assizes at Hertford, July 26, 1708. . . . London, 1708. 8, pp. 16. 6 Some Considerations humbly offered to the Lord Bishop of Exeter [Dr. Blackall~]. Occasioned by his Lordship s Sermon before Her Majesty, March 8, 1708. London, 1709. 8, pp. 16. HOBART, Sir Henry, Lord Chief Justice, Court of Common Pleas, about 1600. 17 Reports [temp. Q. Elizabeth and James 7.]. 5th ed. Review d and cor rected . . . [and] new References, by E. Chilton. . . . London, 1724. .2 (10.3X5.7), nur. 308 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HOBART, John Henry, D.D., Prot.-Episc, Bp. of New York; 1. 1775. d. 1830. 1 Collection (A) of the Essays on the Subject of Episcopacy, which origin ally appeared in the Albany Centinel, and which are ascribed principally to Rev. Dr. Linn, Rev. Mr. Beasley, and Th. Y. How. [Edited] With ad ditional Notes and Remarks [by J. II. Hobarf]. New-York, 1806. 8 (6.3X3.5). HOBBES, Thomas, an English philosopher ; 1. at Malmesbury, 1588. d. 1679. 2 Letter (A) about Liberty and Necessity : written to the Duke of New castle, with Observations upon it, by a learned Prelate of the Church of England . . . London, 1676. 24 (3.9X2.2). 3 Leviathan, or The Matter, Forme, & Power of a Common-Wealth eccle- biasticall and civill. [Frontispiece and Portrait."] London, 1651. 2 (8.8X4.5), m. r. [2 copies.] HODGE, Rev. Charles, D.D., Prof. ofBibl. Lit., Princeton, N.J.; b. in Phila. 1797. 4 Commentary (A) on the Epistle to the Romans, designed for Students of the English Bible. Philadelphia, 1835. 8 (6.7X3.7), 5 Exposition (An) of the First Epistle to the Corinthians. New York, 1858. 12 (5.7X3.5), 6 Two Articles from the Princeton Review, concerning the Transcendental Philosophy of the Germans and Cousin, and its Influence on Opinion in, this Country. [By C.Hodge. ] Cambridge, 1840. 8, pp. 100. [2 copies.] Editor. See BIBLICAL Repertory, &c. HODGSON, John. Reporter. See BOSTON !Vf assacre. The Trial of William Wemms, &c. HODGSON, Rev. Robert, D.D., F.R.S., Dean of Carlisle; b. 1844. i Life of Rt. Rev. B. Porteus, D.D. New-York, 1811. 12 (5.2X3). HOESCHELIUS, David, an eminent Greek scholar ; b. in Augsburg, 1556. d. 1617. Editor. See HORAPQLI/). JJieroglyphica. Joint Editor. See PHJLO. Opera exegetica in Libros Mosis. HOFFMAN, Charles Fenno ; b. in the city of New York, 1806. 8 Administration (The) of Jacob Leisler, a Chapter in American History. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, 2d Series, yol f 3.) Editor, See The LITERARY World. Vol. 1, 2. HOFFMANN, A., Prof, of Languages at Paris. 9 Vices (Les) de 1 Education Publique . . . ou Considerations sur 1 Edu- cation en general, et sur 1 Etude des Langues en particulier ; d apres Locke, Montaigne, Condillac, etc. etc. *** Paris, 1832. 8 (6X3.5). HOGARTH, William, the great satirical Painter of England; b. 1697. d. 1764. l Analysis (The) of Beauty. Written with a view of fixing the fluctuating Ideas of Taste. * * * [2 Plates, folded sheets.] London, 1753. 4 (7.2X4.7). HOGREWE, J. L. 11 Beschreibung der in England seit 1759, angelegten . . . schiffbaren Kanale . . . Nebst einem Versuch einer Geschichte der inlandisch^n SchifFahrt, und aller, bis jetzt, in- und ausserhalb Europa bekannten pphiff barpn Kanale. Mit 10 Kupfertafeln. Hannover, 1780. 4 (7.1X5.4). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 309 HOLBACII, Paul Henri THIRY, Baron d , a leader oftlie aiJieistico-philosopliical school, in France, etc.; b. in the Palatinate, 1723. d. in Paris, 1789. 1 Common Sense : or, Natural Ideas opposed to Supernatural. * * * Translated from the French [of P. IL Thiry, Baron d HolbacJi?]. New-York, 1795. 8 (6X3.3). NOTE. Copyrighted in Massachusetts by I. Thomas, 3d. 2 System (The) of Nature ; or, The Laws of the Moral and Physical World. Translated from the French of M. Mirabaud [pseudonym]. Vol. 1-4. London, 1797. 8 (5.2X3). HOLEY, Rev. William, of Reading, Mass.; d. 1765, cet. 57. 3 Inquiry (An) into the Itineracy, and the Conduct of the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield ... * * * Boston, 1745. 4, pp. 38, HOLCOMBE, Henry, D.D., Pastor of First Baptist ChurcJi, Pliila. 4 Advocate (The) of Peace. * * * Philadelphia, 1823. 12, pp. 60. 5 Martial (The) Christian s Manual. Philadelphia, 1823. 12, pp. 22. 6 Reply (A) to Objections against his Performance on Primitive Theology. Philadelphia, 1822. 12, pp. 12. HOLLAND. ? Le Voyageur en Hollande . . . Amsterdam, 1804. 12, pp. 60. HOLLAND, John. 8 Treatise (A) on the Progressive Improvement & Present State of the Manufactures in Metal. [By J. Holland. In 3 vols.] Vol. 1. Iron and Steel. [Illustrated. ] London, 1831. 12 (5.1X2.8). HOLLAND, Sir Henry, PJiysician-in-Ordinary to the Queen; b. 1788. 9 General View of the Agriculture of Cheshire ; with Observations drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture, &c. * * * [Map and Plates.] London, 1808. 8 (6.3X3.4). HOLLAND, Henry Richard VASSALL, 3d Lord, an Eng. statesman ; 6.1773. d!840. 10 Some Account of the Life and Writings of Lope Felix de Vega Carpio. [Portrait.] London, 1806. 8 (5.4X3.1). HOLLAND, Philemon, M.D., Master of Coventry Free-School; d. 1636, cet. 84. Translator. See PLINIUS SECUNDUS, C. The Historic of the World. HOLLAND, Saba SMITH, Lady, wife of Sir H. II. 11 Memoir (A) of the Rev. Sidney Smith. By his Daughter, Lady Holland. With a Selection from his Letters, edited by Mrs. Austin. . . . Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1856. 12 (5.6X3.3). HOLLMAN, Sam. Christian. 12 Nothiger Unterricht von Barometern, und Thermometern. . . . Mit vier Kupfertafeln. Gottingen, 1783. 8 (5.4X3). HOLMES, Rev. Abiel, D.D., LL.D., of Cambridge, Mass.; b. 1764. d. 1837. 13 Annals (The) of America, from the Discovery by Columbus in the year 1492, to the year 1826. * * * 2d ed. ... Vol. 1, 2. Cambridge, 1829. 8 (6.7X3,7), m. b. 14 History of Cambridge. * * * Boston, 1801. 8, pp. 67. 15 History of Cambridge. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 1st Ser., vol. 7.) 16 Life (The) of Ezra Stiles, D.D., LL.D. * * * [Portrait.] Boston, 1798. 8 (5.7X3.1). 17 Memoir of, by W. Jenks. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 3d Ser., vol. 7.) * 8 Memoir of the French Protestants who settled at Oxford, Mass., 1686. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 2.) olO BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MOLMES, Rev. Abiel, D.D., LL.D., continued. 1 Memoir of the Moheagan Indians. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 1st Series, vol. 9.) 2 Meteorological Observations made in Georgia and South Carolina. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 3, pt. I.) 3 National-Fast Sermon, April 25, 1799. Boston, 1799. 8, pp. 31. 4 Sermon at Cambridge, 30th September, 1804, after the Interment of Rev. Joseph Willard, S.T.D., &c. Cambridge, 1804. 8, pp. 23. 5 Sermon preached at Cambridge, after the Interment of Gov. Increase Sumner ; who died June 7, 1799. Boston, [1799]. 8, pp. 24. 6 Sermon at the Funeral of Prof. Tappan. See TAPPAN, D. Sermons, &c. HOLMES, Ezekiel, M.I)., Prof, of Nat. Science at Waterville Coll. 7 Report of an Exploration and Survey of the Territory on the Aroostook River, in 1838. See MAINE. HOLMES, George. 8 Sketches of some of the southern Counties of Ireland, collected during a Tour in the Autumn of 1797. In a Series of Letters. With coloured Engravings. London, 1801. 8 (5.3X3.1). HOLMES, John, a schoolmaster in Holt, Norfolk, Eng. 9 Art (The) of Rhetoric made easy ... In two Books. The first com prehending the Principles . . . The second containing the Substance of Longinus s . . . Treatise on the Sublime. ... 3d impression . . . London, 1766. 8 (6.2X3.2). HOLMES, John, Esq.,Eepr.aft. 1st Senator from Maine; b. 1773. d. 1843. 10 Statesman (The), or Principles of Legislation and Law. Augusta, 1840. 8 (6.4X3.7), pp. 510. HOLROYD, John Baker, 1st Earl of Sheffield. 11 Observations on the Commerce of the American States. By John Lord Sheffield. With an Appendix ; containing Tables . . . 6th ed., enlarg ed. ... London, 1784. 8 (6.3X3.3). [2 copies.] 12 Brief Examination of Lord Sheffield s Observations on the Commerce of the United States. . . . With two supplementary Notes on American Manufactures. [Anonymous.} Philadelphia, 1791. 8 (5. 7X3. 2). w Observations on the Manufactures, Trade, and present State of Ireland. * * * Pt. I. London, 1785. 8, pp. 56. 1 4 Strictures on the Necessity of inviolably maintaining the Navigation and Colonial System of Great Britain. New edition ... enlarged, with an Appendix, &c. By Lord Sheffield. London, 1806. 8 (6.1X3.2), m. b. Editor, &c. See GIBBON, E. Miscellaneous Works. HOLT, Sir John, Lord Chief-Justice of England ; b. 1642. d. 1710. 15 Report (A) of all the Cases determined by Sir John Holt, from 1688 to 1710 ... containing many Cases . . . taken from an original Manuscript of Th. Farresley . . . With three Tables . . . In the Savoy [London], 1738. 2 (8.5X4.7), m. r., pp. 762-J-. HOLT, Rev. Peter, of Epping, N.H.; d. 1851, cet. about 80. 16 Election Sermon, N. H., June 2, 1814. Concord, 1814. 8, pp. 30. HOLWKLL, John Zephaniah, of the Calcutta Council ; b. in Dublin, 1711. d. 1798. 17 India Tracts. By Mr. Holwell, and Friends. ... 2d ed., revised and corrected, with Additions. London. 1764. 4 (8X5.3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 311 HOLWELL, William, Prebendary of Exeter; d. 1798. 1 Mythological (A), Etymological and Historical Dictionary; extracted from the Analysis of Ancient Mythology [of Jacob Bryant~\. London, 1793. 8 (6.3X3.4).. HOLYOKE, Edward Augustus, M.D., of Salem,, Mass.; b. 1728. d. 1829. 2 Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 1, 2, 3; New Series, vol. 1.) HOME, Henry, Lord Names, a Scotch judge; b. 1696. d. 1782. 3 Decisions (The) of the Court of Sessions, from its first Institution to the present time. Abridged and digested ... in form of a Dictionary. [By H. Home, Lord Kames.~\ . . . Vol. 1, 2. Edinburgh, 1741. 2 (9.4X4.8), m. b. 4 Elements of Criticism. [By If. Home.~\ ... Vol. 1-3. 2d ed. With Additions and Improvements. Edinburgh, 1774. 8 (5.5X3.1). 5 Elements of Criticism. [By H. Home. ] Vol. 1, 2. 5th ed. Edinburgh, 1774. 8 (5.9X3.2). 6 Elements of Criticism. [By H. Home. } ... 1st American from 7th London ed. Vol.2. Boston, 1796. 8 (5.9X3.4). 7 Historical Law-Tracts. [By H. Home, Lord Names.] 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1761. 8 (6.1X3.3). 8 Life. See SMELLIE, W. Literary and Characteristical Lives, &c. 9 Loose Hints upon Education, chiefly concerning the Culture of the Heart. [By H. Home. ] *** Edinburgh, 1781. 8 (5.4X3.1). Sketches of the History of Man. [By H. Home. ] . . . 3d ed. ... Vol. 1, 2. Dublin, 1779. 8 (6.4X3.5). 11 Sketches of the History of Man. [By H. Home. ] Considerably en larged ... Vol. 1-4. Edinburgh, 1788. 8 (5.9X3.2). HOMER, Rev. Jonathan, D.D., of Newton, Mass.; d. 1843, cet. 84. 12 History of Newton. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 1st Ser., vol. 5.) HOMERUS, the Father of Greek Poetry ; generally placed about 900 B.C. 13 Enquiry into the Life and Writings of Homer. See BLACKWELL, T. 14 Homeri Ilias Greece et Latine. Annotationes . . . scripsit atque edidit S. Clarke. Vol. 1. Cum Annotationibus S. Clarke . . . Vol. 2. Edi dit, atque imperfecta supplevit S. Clarke, Fil. Ed. 2da. * * * [Maps.] Londini, 1754. 4 (7. 7X5.6), par. cols. 15 Homeri Ilias, Gra?ce et Latine. Annotationes . . . scripsit atque edidit S. Clarke. Vol. 1. Cum Annotationibus S. Clarke. 2. Edidit, atque imperfecta supplevit S. Clarke, Fil. Ed. lima. * * * Londini, 1740. 8 (6.9X4). 16 Homeri Odyssea Greece et Latine, item Batrachomyomachia, Hymni, et Epigrammata, Homero vulgo ascripta. Edidit, Annotationesque . . . adjecit S. Clarke. Vol. 1,2. * * * [Maps. ] Londini, 1740. 4 (7. 5X^.4), par. cols. 17 Hymns (The) of Homer ; the Batrachomyomachia ; and two original poetical Hymns. By G. Chapman. With an introductory Preface by S.W. Singer. [Portrait of Chapman.] Chiswick, 1818. 12 (4.2X2.7 irr.). !8 Iliad (The) of Homer. Translated into English blank verse. By W. Cowper. Vol. 1-4. [London, 1837.] 16 (4.8X2.9 irr.). NOTE. Vol. 11-14 of " The Life and Works of William Cowper, by R Southey." 312 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HOMERUS, continued. 1 Iliad, Translations from the. See DRYDEN, J. (Poetical Works, vol. 5.) 2 Iliade (L ) Poeme. Avec un Discours sur Ilomere. Par M. De La Motte. *** [Plates. } Amsterdam, 1714. 12 (4.8X2.5). 3 Iliade di Omero Traduzione del Cav. V. Monti Tom. 1-3 Bologna, 1825- 26. 24 (3.8X2.4 irr. j. 4 Narratio de Vita Homeri. See HERODOTUS. Historiarvm Libri IX. 5 OMHPOT TAIAS KAI OATSSEIA. . . . [Cura Grenvilliorum. Odyssece accedit Porsoni Collatio Codicis Harleiani 5674.] Ev OSONIA, "Era *<u [1800]. 4 (5.7X4.5 irr.). HOMES, Nathanael, D.D., a Fifth-Monarchy divine, ejected 1662; d. 1679. 6 Ecclesiastica Methermeneutica, or Church-Cases cleered. . . . By N.- H[omes]. *** London, 1652. 24 (4.6X2.7). 7 Resurrection Revealed (The) . . . [vindicated] in Ten Exercitations. ... * * * London, 1661. 2 (8.9X4.5), m. r. HOMILIES of the Church of England. See CERTAIN Sermons, &c. HOOD, Samuel, a Comm. of the British Navy ; b. in Somersetshire, 1724. d. 1816. 8 Letters to the Ministry. See BERNARD, F. Letters, &c. HOOD, Thomas, an English poet; b. in London, 1798. d. 1845. 9 Poetical Works. With some Account of the Author. . . . Vol. 1-4. [Portrait.} Boston, 1854. 12 (4. 7X2. 7 irr.). NOTE. Vol. 1,2 are titled "Poems. In 2 vols. Vol. 1, 2." HOOGEVEEN, Heinrich, a Dutch philologist; b. at Ley den, 1712. d. at Delft, 1794. 1 Doctrina Particvlarvm Graecarvm. Recensvit, breviavit, et avxit C. D. Schiitz. ... Dessaviae et Lipsiae, 1782. 8 (6X3.5), pp. 822+, 11 Hoogeveen s Greek Particles, abridged and translated into English by Rev. J. Seager. London, [1840]. 8 (6.8X4). Annotator. See VIGER, F. De Praecipvis Graecae Dictionis IdiotismiiJ. HOOGIIT, Everard van der, a preacher at Nieuwendam, Holland; d. 1716. Editor, and Annot. See BIBLE, The Old Testament. Biblia Hebraica. HOOGSTRATEN, David van, Pro/, of Belles-Lettres at Amsterdam; b. 1658. d. 1724. Annotator. See PIL.EDRUS. Fabularum JSsioparum Libri V. HOOKER, Rev. Herman, D.D., now a bookseller in Phila.; b. 1804. 12 Family Book of Devotion. ... Philadelphia, 1840. 8 (7.3X4.2). HOOKER, Richard, "The Judicious Hooker," an English divine; b. 1553-4. d. 1600. 13 Life. See WALTON, I. Lives of Donne, Wottori, &c. 14 Life, by Isaac Walton. (Prefixed to Works, post.) 15 Works . . . London, 1723. 2 (11.6X6.3), m. r., pp. Ixxxviii., 518-f-. 16 Works . . . Vol. 1-3. Oxford, 1793. 8 (6.3X3.5), m.r. HOOKER, Eev. Thomas, of Cambridge, Mass., 1833- 36, aft. " The Renowned Pastor of Hartford Church, and Pillar of Conn. Colony"; b. 1586. d. 1647. 17 Briefe Exposition of the Lord s Prayer. London, 1645. 4 (5.6X3.5). NOTE. Imperfect, wanting from p. 86. HOOKER, Sir William Jackson, K.H., LL.D., &c., an English botanist; b. 1785. 18 British Flora (The) ; in two vols. Vol. 1 ; comprising the Phsenogamous, or Flowering Plants, and the Ferns. 3d eel., with Additions and Correc tions. *** London, 1835. 8(.6.4X-3.6> CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY. 313 HOOKER, Sir William Jackson, K.H.. LL.D., continued. 1 Icones Plantarum ; or Figures, with brief descriptive Characters and Re marks of new or rare Plants, selected from the Author s Herbarium. Vol. 1-4. [400 Plates. ] London, 1837-M1. 8 (4.6X3.8 irr.). HOOLE, John, a clerk in the East India House, London, 1744- 83 ; b. 1727. d. 1803. Translator. See TASSO, T. Jerusalem delivered. HOOPER, Robert, M.D., of London. 2 Quincy s Lexicon-Medicum. A new Medical Dictionary . . . [wiiti] a Glossary of Obsolete Terms . . . London, 1802. Th. 8 (6.5X4), 2 cols., n. p. HOOPER, Rev. William, of Boston ; b. in Scotland, d. 1768. 3 Apostles (The) neither Imposters nor Enthusiasts. A Sermon on Acts xxvi. 25. ... Boston, 1742. 8, pp. 48. HOORN, Timotheus ten. 4 Hollandtse Trouw-gevallen. Amsterdam, 1678. 24 (4.1X2.4). NOTE. Imperfect, wanting- to *5 of Opdracht. HOPPIN, Rev. James M., of Salem, Mass., Prof, of Pastoral Tlieol. at Tale Coll. 5 Hints to the Reform of Literature : an Address. See PLUMMER HALL. Proceedings upon the Dedication. HOPE, Thomas, of Amsterdam, aft. of London , 1). about 1770. d. 1831. 6 Historical Essay (An) on Architecture. Illustrated from Drawings made by him in Italy and Germany. Vol. 1. 2. Illustrations. 3d ed. London, 1840. 8 (6.2X3.6). HOPKINS, Rev. Daniel, of Salem, Mass.; b. 1734. d. 1814. 7 Sermon, preached at the Dedication of the New South Meeting House, in Salem, Jan. 1, 1805. Salem, 1805. 8, pp. 24. HOPKINS, John, admitted A.B. at Oxford, in 1544. aft. perhaps, a clergyman. Joint Author. See STERNHOLD, T. Whole Booke of Psalmes. HOPKINS, Mark, D.D., M.D., Pres. of Williams Coll.-, b. 1802. 8 Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity, before the Lowell Institute, January, 1844. Boston, 1846. 8 (6.5X3.7). HOPKINS, Rev. Samuel, of West- Springfield, Mass.; ordained 1720. d. 1755. 9 Historical Memoirs relating to the Housatunnuk Indians ... * * * Boston, 1753. 4 (6.3X4). HOPKINS, Rev. Samuel, D.D., a dist. New-England divine; b. 1721. d. 1803. 10 Inquiry (An) concerning the Future State of those who die in their Sins ... * * * Newport, 1783. 8 (5.7X3.5). 11 Life and Character of Miss Susanna Anthony . . . Consisting chiefly in Extracts from her Writings ... 2d ed. Portland, 1810. 12 (5.7X3.2). 12 Memoir of, by Prof. E. A. Park. See (Works, post. Vol. 1, pp. 9-266). 13 System (The) of Doctrines, contained in Divine Revelation, explained and defended. . . . [Witli] A Treatise on the Millennium. . . . Vol. 1,2. Boston, 1793. 8 (6.7X3.7). 14 System (A) of Doctrines, contained in Divine Revelations, explained and defended. . . . [With] A Treatise on the Millennium. . . . Vol. 1,2. 2ded. Boston, 1811. 8 (6.8X3.7). ^ Works. ... [Edited by Prof. & A. Park]. ... Vol. 1-3. [Por trait.] Boston, 1854. 8 (6.8X3.8). 40 314 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HOPKINS, Samuel, formerly a clergyman, at Saco, Me. 1 Puritans (The) : or The Church, Court, and Parliament of England, during the Reigns of Edward VI. and Queen Elizabeth. . . . Vol. 1-3. Boston, 1S59- 61. 8 (6.6X3. 7). HOPKINS, Stephen, a signer of tlie Declaration, Chief-Justice of Superior Court and Governor of R.I., &c.; c#uofe, ./., 1707. d. 1785. 2 Account of Providence. tfeeMASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 2d*Ser., vol. 9.) HOPKINS, W., Esq., M.A. y . . . Elements of Trigonometry. Published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. London, 1833. 8, pp. 68. HOPKINS, William, a clergyman of the Church of England; b. 1706. d. 1786. 4 Friendly Dialogue (A) between a common Unitarian Christian and an Athanasian . . . Or, An Attempt to restore Scripture Forms of Wor ship, [By W. Hopkins. Edited by J. Disney. ,] London, 1784. 12, pp. 31. NOTE. Much altered by Dr. Disney, who was afterwards considered its author. 5 Serious Address (A) to Christians of Trinitarian and Calvinistic Senti ments [on the Doctrine of the Trinity ]. By ... [W. Hopkins ]. London, reprinted, 1800. 12, pp. 23. HOPPUS, Rev. John, Prof, of Mental Philos. and Logic, Univ. of London. 6 Study (On the) of the Philosophy of the Mind and Logic. An Intro ductory Lecture . . . Univ. of London, Nov. 8, 1830. London, 1830. 8, pp. 34. HORAPOLLO, or HORUS APOLLO, an ^Egyptian grammarian ; lived about 400. 7 Hieroglyphica, a D. Hoeschelio fide Codicis Augustani MS, correcta, suppieta, & in lucem edita. . . . [Francoforti, 1613.] 4, pp. 21+. NOTE. r. Appended to " Valeriani Hieroglyphica." HORATIUS FLACCUS, Quintus, the Roman poet ; b. in Venusia, 65 B.C. d, 8 B.C. 8 CEuvres (Les) d Horace, traduites en Francois [facing the original ]. Par M. Binet. Tom. 2. Paris, 1783. 12 (3.8X2.4). 9 Oeuvres d Horace en Latin et en Francois [facing], avec des Remarques critiques et historiques. Par M. Dacier. 4me ed., revue, corrigee & aug- mentee considerablement par 1 auteur. Tom. 1-10. Amsterdam, 1727. 12 (5 irr.X2.8). 1 Q,. Horatii Flacci Poemata. Scholijs ... a loan. Bond illustrata. 3tia ed. recognita & . . . repurgata. * * * Londini, 1611. 8 (4.5X3). 11 Q,. Horatii Flacci Sermonvm . . . Libri dvo : Epistolarvm Libri toti- . dem. A D. Lambino . . . emendati, ab eodemque Commentariis copi- osissimis declarati. ... *** Lvtetiae, 1567. 2 (9.9X5.9), 2 cols. * 2 Q,. Horatius Flaccus, ex recensione & cum Notis atque Emendationibus K. Bentleii. Ed. altera. * * * [Index I. Verburgii.pp. 239, and Plate. ] Amstelaedami, 1713. 4 (7.1X5.4), pp. 717. 1 3 Q,. Horativs Flaccvs : cvm Commentariis & Enarrationibus Commenta- toris veteris, et lae. Crvqvii. Accesserunt, lani Dovsa? in eundem Com- mentarioius . . . Item, Avctarivm Commentatoris veteris, a Cruquio editi. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, Ex. Off. Plant., M.D.IIIC. 4 (7.3X4.7), 2 cols., pp. 695+. 14 Q. Horativs Flaccvs [Odes and Epodes~] . . . opera D. Lambini emen- datus : ab eodemque Commentariis copiosissimis explicatus, etc. * * * Lvtetise, 1567. 2 (9.9X5.9), 2 cols. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 315 HORDYNSKI, Joseph, an officer in tlie Polish revolution. 1 History of the late Polish Revolution, and the Events of the Campaign. Boston, 1832. 8 (5.9X3.5). HORN, George, Prof, of History, &c. at Heidelberg and Ley den; b. 1620. d. 1670. 2 Compleate Body (A) of Ancient Geography, both sacred aud profane . . . [with ] Introduction to Ancient Geography . . . Now first translated from* the Latin. 3d ed., enlarged . . . The Hague, 1741. 2 (text 15X8-3 ; maps, folded sheets). HORX, Thomas, Hector of Hartley. 3 Sermon preached at the Anniversary Meetings of the Eton-Scholars, Nov. 18, 1679. London, 1680. 4, pp. 33. HORNE, George, D.D.,Dean of Canterbury, Bp. of Norwich, &c.; b. 1730. d. 1792. 4 Commentary (A) on the Book of Psalms. . . . Vol. 1, 2. 7th ed. By George, Lord Bishop of Norwich. *** London, 1802. 8 (6X3.6). 5 Commentary (A) on the Book of Psalms. . . . By George, Lord Bishop of Norwich. *** New- York, 1813. 8 (6.7X3.7), pp. 620. HORNE, Melville, Curate of West Thurruck, Essex. 6 Letters on Missions ; addressed to the Protestant Ministers of the British Churches. *** Bristol, 1794. 8 (5.5X3.3). HORNE, Thomas Hartwell, D.D., Prebend, of St. Paul s, London; b. 1780. 7 Introduction (An) to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. 2d ed., revised, corrected, and enlarged. Illustrated with numerous Maps and Fac-similes of Biblical Manuscripts. Vol. 1-4. London, 1821. 8 (6.7X3.9). 8 Introduction (An) to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. 3d American ed. Illustrated with numerous Maps and Fac similes of Biblical Manuscripts. Vol. 1-4. Philadelphia, 1827. 8 (6.8 irr.X3.9). Translator. See BEAUJOUH, F. View of the Commerce of Greece. HORNE TOOKE, John. See TOOKE, J. H. HORNECK, Anthony, D.D., Prebend, of Exeter, &c.; b. in Germany, 1641. d. 1696. Joint Author. See GREAT BRITAIN. Popish Plot. Last Confession, &c. HORNER, Francis, M.P., an English statesman and essayist ; b. 1778. d. 1817. 9 Memoirs and Correspondence of Francis Horner, M.P. Edited by his Brother, L. Horner, F.R.S. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait. ] Boston, 1853. 8 (6.6X3.9). HORNER, Leonard, F.R.S. Editor. See HORNER, F. Memoirs and Correspondence. HORSFORD, Eben N., M.D., Prof, of Chemistry at Harvard College. 10 Analysis of Grains and Vegetables, distinguishing the nitrogenous from the non-nitrogenous Ingredients, for the purpose of estimating their sep arate Values for Nutrition. Also on Ammonia found in Glaciers ; and on the Action and Ingredients of Manures. Boston, 1846. 12, pp. 68. i* Investigation of Glycocoll and some of its Effects of Decomposition. From American Journal, &c. 1847. New Haven, 1847. 8, pp. 48. 12 Service-Pipes for Water: an Investigation made at the suggestion of the Board of Consulting Physicians of Boston. From the Proceedings of the American Academy, &c. Cambridge, 1849. 8, pp. 48"* 316 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HORSLEY, Samuel, LL.D., Bp. of St. David s, Rochester, & St. Asaph ; b. 1733. 1 Rising of the Pleiades. See VINCENT, W. Voyage of Nearchus. 2 Tracts in Controversy with Dr. Priestley upon the Historical Question of the Belief of the First Ages in Our Lord s Divinity. Originally pub lished in the years 1783, 1784, and 1786. Now revised and augmented with . . . Notes, and supplemental Disquisitions by the Author, Samuel, Lord Bishop of St. David s. * * * Glocester, 1789. "8 (5.6X3). HOSPITAL, Michel de LA. See L HOSPITAL, M. de. HOTOMANUS, Franciscus. 3 Francogallia ... * * * Francofvrdi, 1586. 8 (5X2.6). HOUGH, James, Chaplain to the E. I. Company, at Madras. 4 History (The) of Christianity in India from the Commencement of the Christian Era. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1839. 8 (6.2X3.3), m. b. 5 History (The) of Christianity in India from the Commencement of the Christian Era. Second Portion : comprising the History of Protestant Missions. 1706 to 1816. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1845. 8 (6.3X3.6). HOUSTON, Gen. Samuel, Gov., Ex. Pres., and Sen. of Texas ; b. 1793. 6 Nebraska Bill Indian Tribes. Speech . . . delivered in the Senate of the United States, Feb. 14 and 15, 1854, in favor of maintaining the Public Faith with the Indian Tribes. Washington, 1854. 8, pp. 15. HOVEY, Rev. Ivory, of Plymouth, Mass.; d. 1803, cet. 89. 7 Farewell Sermon (A). A Sermon, preached at Rochester, Oct. 15th, 1769. Boston, 1770. 8, pp. 32. HOWARD, Benjamin C., Esq., Cleric of the Supreme Court of the U. S. 8 Report (A) of the Decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the Opinion of the Judges thereof, in the Case of Dred Scott versus John F. A. Sandford. December Term, 1856. New York, 1857. 8 (6.6X4). HOWARD, Henry, Earl of Surrey ; b. 1518 ? beheaded 1546-7. 9 Memoir of. See (Poetical Works, post. Pp. vii.-lxxii.). 10 Poetical Works. ... [Portrait.] Boston, 1854. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.).. HOWARD, John, LL.D., the philanthropist ; b. about 1727. d. 1790. 11 Memoirs of Howard, compiled from his Diary, &c. By J. B. Brown. Abridged . . . from the London quarto Edition. * * * Boston, 1831. 12 (4.5X2.7). 12 View of the Life, &c. of John Howard. See AIKIN, J. HOWARD, John C., A.M. 13 Discourse delivered before the Humane Society of Massachusetts, June 12, 1804. Boston, 1804. 8, pp. 64. [2 copies.] HOWARD, Rev. Simeon, D.D., of Boston; b. 1733. d. 1804. 14 Election Sermon, Mass., May 31, 1780. Boston, 1780. 8, pp. 48. 1 5 Election Sermon, preached at Boston, 1780. See THORNTON, J. W. (The Pulpit of the American Revolution.) w Sermon on Brotherly Love, preached in Boston, Dec. 28, 1778, before the Society of Free-Masons. Boston, [1778]. 8, pp. 27. [2 copies.] 17 Sermon preached to the Ancient and Honorable Company, in Boston, June 7, 1773. Boston, 1773. 8, pp. 43. 18 Sermon, preached in Boston, Nov. 18, 1791 ; at the Ordination of Rev. Thomas Adams, to the care of a Society in Camden, S. C. [Ch., by J. Jackson; R. H., by E. Porter.] Boston, 179L 8, pp. 36. [3 copies.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 317 HOWE, Henry; b. at New Haven, Conn., 1816. 1 Historical Collections of Virginia ; containing a Collection of the most interesting Facts, Traditions, &c. relating to its History and Antiquities, together with geographical and statistical Descriptions. To which is ap pended, An Historical and Descriptive Sketch of the District of Colum bia. Illustrated by over 100 Engravings ... * * * [Map.] Charleston, 1845. 8 (6.8X4), pp. 544. HOWE, Eei\ John, a Nonconformist-, b. 1630. d. 1705. 2 Carnality (The) of Religious Contention. In two Sermons preach d at the Merchant s Lecture . . . London, 1693. 8, pp. 88. 3 Charity (Of) in reference to other Men s Sins. London, 1681. 8, pp. 56. 4 Complete Works. With Memoirs of his Life, by E. Calamy. . . . [Por trait. ] London, 1734. 8 (8.6X5.5), 2 cols., pp. lii., 1272-f. 5 Discourse concerning the Redeemer s Dominion over the Invisible World, and the Entrance thereinto by Death. . . . London, 1699. 8 (5.2X2.7). 6 Discourse relating to the Expectation of Future Blessedness. With an Appendix. London, 1705. 8, pp. 91. 7 Funeral Sermon. See BATES, W. Works, &c. 8 Memoirs of Life, by Calamy. See (Complete Works, ante. Pp. i.-lii.). HOWE, Nathanael, a Cong, clergyman, of Hopkinton, Mass.; b. 1765. d. 1807. 9 Century Sermon delivered in Hopkinton, Mass., on Lord s Day, Dec. 24, 1815. *** 2ded. ... Andover, 1817. 8, pp. 31. HOWE, Samuel Gridley, M.D.; b. in Boston, 1801. 10 Essay (An) on separate and congregate Systems of Prison Discipline ; being a Report made to the Boston Prison Discipline Society. Boston, 1846. 8, pp. 90. HOWEL, William, LL.D., Fellow of Magdalen College, Cambridge, Eng. 11 Institution (An) of General History, or the History of the World. Pt. II.-IV. ... London, 1680- 85. 2 (11.8X6), m. r. NOTE Each part has independent title-page and paging. 12 Institution (An) of General History, or the History of the Ecclesiasti cal Affairs of the World. Contemporary with the Second Part. . . . London, 1685. 2 (12X5.9), m. r. IIOWELL, James, Esq., a voluminous writer ; b. in Wales, 1596. d. 1666. 13 S. P. Q. V. A Survay of the Signorie of Venice. . . . London, 1651. 2 (8.7X4.8). HOYT, Joseph G., LL.D., formerly teacher at Exeter Academy, N.H. 14 Address (An) at the Inauguration of Joseph G. Hoyt, LL.D. as Chan cellor of Washington University, St. Louis, Oct. 4, 1859. . . . St. Louis, 1859. 8, pp. 84. HOWSON, Rev. John Saul, Principal of Liverpool Collegiate Institution. Joint Author. See CONYBEARE, W. J. Life and Epistles of St. Paul. HUBBARD, Rev. Ebenezer, of MarUehead, Mass.; d. 1800, cet. 42. 15 Sermon, preached in Marblehead, June 12, 1796, occasioned by the Death of the Hon. Azor Orne. . . . Salem, 1796. 8, pp. 31. HUBBARD, Fordyce M., teacher of a classical school in Boston. 16 Life of W. R. Davie. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 15.) 318 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HUBBARD, John, Esq. 1 American Reader (The) ... 4th ed. Walpole, 1808. 12 (5.5X3.1). 2 Rudiments (The) of Geography . . . 6th ed., revised and corrected. *** Barnard, 1814. 12 (5.3X2.9). HUBBARD, M. F. Editor. See AMERICAN Annals of Education. Vol. 9. HUBBARD, Rev. William, of Ipswich, Mass.; b. 1621. d. 1704. 3 General History of New-England from the Discovery to M.DC.LXXX. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 2d Series, vols. 5, 6.) 4 Narrative of the Discovery and First Planting of the Massachusetts Colony. See YOUNG, Alex. (Chronicles of Massachusetts.) HUBER, Michel, Prof, of the French, Language at Leipzig; b. 1727. d. 1804. 5 Choix de Poesies Allemande, par M. Huber. * * * Tom. 1-4. Paris, 1766. 8 (4.9X2.6). Translator. See GELLERT, C. F. Lettres familieres. HUBNER, Johann ; b. 1668. d. at Nambourg, 1731. 6 Kurtze Fragen aus der politischen Historia biss auf gegenwartige Zeit, etc. Th. 2. 1703. 12 (4.3X2.6). HUDSON, Henry, a celebrated English naval discoverer ; d. prob. 1611. 7 Henry Hudson the Navigator. The original Documents in which his Career is recorded collected, partly translated, and annotated, with an Introduction, by G. M. Asher. [Maps.] London, 1860. 8 (6.4X3.7). 8 Life, by H. R. Cleveland. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biography, vol. 10.) HUDSON, Peter. 9 New English Introduction (A) to the Latin Tongue . . . 4th ed., improved. London, 1756. 8 (5. 6X3. 6). HUG, Johann Leonhard, Prof, of TJieol. at Freiburg; b. 1765. d. 1846. 10 Hug s Introduction to the New Testament. Translated from 3d Ger man ed. by D. Fosdick, Jr. With Notes by M. Stuart. Andover, 1836. 8 (6.7 irr.X3.8), pp. 778. HUEN-DUBOURG, J. 11 Life (The) of Cardinal Cheverus. . . . Translated from the French by E.Stewart. [Portrait.] Boston, 1839. 12 (5.3X3.1). HUET, Pierre Daniel, Bp. of Poissons, aft. of Avranclies ; b. 1630. d. 1721. 12 Ilistoire du Commerce et de la Navigation des Anciens. Par M. Huet; 3e ed., revue. Paris, 1727. 8 (4.4X2.3). HUGHES, Rev. Griffith, F.R.S., Minister of St. Lactfs Parish, Barbadoes. 13 Natural History (The) of Barbados. . . . [Map and Plates.] London, 1750. 2 (10.4X6.4). HUGHES, John, Esq., A.M., of Oriel College, Oxford. 14 Poetry. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 5). HUGHES, Rev. Joseph, Seer, to British and Foreign Bible Society. Joint Editor. See HENRY, M. Exposition of Old and New Testaments; HUGO, Marie Victor, a French poet and novelist ; b. in Besancon, 1802; is Cromwell. Drame. By V. Hugo. Paris, 1828. V (5.5X3,2 irr.); is Life. See (SKETCHES of Conspicuous Living Characters of France.) HULL, William, General in the Revolution; b. in Derby, Conn. d. 1825. 17 Oration delivered to the Society of the Cincinnati in ... Massachu setts, July 4, 1788. Boston, 1788. 4, pp. 22. J8 Revolutionary Service s and Civil Life, of Gen. Hull. See CAMPBELL, M. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 319 HULSIIOFF, Maria Aletta. 1 Peace-Republican s Manual; or, The French Constitution of 1793, and The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizens, according to the Moniteur of June 27th, 1793, in ... French, together with a Transla tion in English. . . . [Also] Debates on this Constitution, in the Na tional Convention ; &c. &c. New-York, 1817. 8 (5.6X3.4). HUMANE Society of Massachusetts. Description (A) of the Eastern Coast of 2 the County of Barnstable, from Cape Cod to Cape Malebarre, pointing out the Spots on which the Humane Society have erected Huts, &c. . . . Boston, 1802. 8, pp. 15. 3 Institution (The) of the Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Mas sachusetts. With the Rules, &c. Boston, 1788. 8, pp. 27. [10 copies.] HUMBOLDT, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander, Baron VON ; b. 1769. d. 1859. 4 Cosmos : a Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe. By A. v. Humboldt. Translated from the German, by E. C. Otte, B. H. Paul and W. S. Dallas. * * * Vol. 1-5. [Portrait.] London, 1849- 58. 8 (5.3X3.3). 5 Life of Alex, von Humboldt. See KLENCKE, P. F. H. 6 Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, during the years 1799-1804, by A. v. Humboldt and Aime Bonpland. Written in French by A. v. Humboldt : translated and edited by T. Ross. . . . Vol. 1-3. London, 1852- 53. 8 (5.3X3.3). 7 Travels and Researches of A. v. Humboldt. See MACGILLIVRAY, W. 8 Views of Nature : or Contemplations on the Sublime Phenomena of Cre ation ; with Scientific Illustrations. By A. v. Humboldt. Translated from the German by E. C. Otte, and H. G. Bohn. . . . [Plates, Fac simile and Index.] London, 1850. 8 (5.3X3.3). HUMBOLDT, Karl Wilhelm, 2?ronvON, a German scholar and statesman, broth er of the preceding ; b. 1767. d. 1835. 9 Lettre a M. Abel-Remusat, sur la Nature das Formes grammaticales en general, et sur le Genie de la Langue Chinoise en particulier, par G. v. Humboldt. Paris, 1827. 8 (5.5X3.3). 1 Life of W. von Humboldt. See SCHLESIER, G. HUME, David, Esq., a native of Edinburgh; b. 1711. d. 1776. 11 Autobiography. (Prefixed to vol. 1 of History of England.) 12 Dialogues concerning Natural Religion. 2d ed. London, 1779. 8 (5.2X2.9). 13 Essays and Treatises on several Subjects. Vol. 1-4. . . . New ed. London, 1760. 12 (4.8X2.8). 14 History (The) of England, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in MDCLXXXVIII. . . . Illustrated with Plates. New ed. ... Vol. 1-6. Philadelphia, 1795- 96. 8 (6.5X3.3), m. b. 15 History (The) of Great Britain. Vol.1. Containing the Reigns of James I. and Charles I. 2. ... The Commonwealth, and the Reigns of Charles II. and James II. 2d ed. corrected. London, 1759. 4 (7.3X5.2), m.b. 16 Life. See SMELLIE, W. Literary and Characteristical Lives, &c. HUMPHREY, Heman, D.D., Pres. of Amherst College, 1823- 45. 17 Great Britain, France and Belgium : a short Tour in 1835. . . . Vol. 1,2. New York, 1838. 12 (5.3X3.2). 320 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HUMPHREY, Heman, D.D., continued. 1 Kingdom (The) of Christ a Sermon preached before the Annual Con vention of the Congregational Ministers of Massachusetts, in Boston, May 29, 1830. Boston, 1830. 8, pp. 36. 2 Miscellaneous Discourses and Reviews. Amherst, 1834. 12 (5.6X3.3). 3 Promised Land (The). Sermon delivered at Goshen, Conn, at the Or dination of Hiram Bingham & Asa Thurston, as Missionaries to the Sandwich Islands, Sept. 29, 1819. [Ch., by D. Perry ; R.H., by N. Por ter.] Boston, 1819. 8, pp. 40, xvi. HUMPHREYS, David, LL.D., a colonel in the Revolution; b. 1753. d. 1818. 4 Essay (An) on the Life of the- Hon. Major-Gen. Israel Putnam. Middletown, 1794. 12 (4.4X2.7). HUNT, Isaac, a native of the W. Indies,, father of the succeeding. 5 Sermons on public Occasions, London, 1781. 8 (5. 3X3. 2). HUNT, James Henry Leigh, an English poet and essayist; b. 1784. d. 1859. 6 Stories from the Italian Poets : being a Summary in prose of the Poems of Dante, Pulci, Boiardo, Ariosto and Tasso ; with Comments through out, occasional Passages versified, and critical Notices of the Lives and Genius of the Authors. By L. Hunt. . . . New York, 1846. 12 (5.6X3.5), pp. 564. [2 copies.],, HUNT, Rev. John, of Boston ; d. 1771, cet. 31. i Sermon (A) occasioned by the Death of Mrs. Sarah Gill ... * * * Boston, 1771. 8, pp. 79. HUNTER, Alexander, M.D., F.R.S.; b. in Edinburgh, 1729. d. 1809. a Georgical Essays. *** York, 1777. 8 (5.8X3.1). HUNTER, Henry, D.D., Pastor of Scotch Church, London-Wall; 6.1741. d 1802. 9 Sacred Biography; or the History of Jesus Christ ... 1st American ed. *** Walpole, 1803. 8 (6.6X3.6). 10 Sacred Biography; or, the History of the Patriarchs. . . . [With] the History of Deborah, Ruth, and Hannah. ... 1st American ed. . . . Vol. 1-6. *** Boston, l794- 95. 8 (6.5X3.6). 11 Sacred Biography; or, the History of the Patriarchs. . . . [With] the History of Deborah, Ruth, and Hannah, and also the History of Jesus Christ. ... * * * [Illustrated. } Philadelphia, 1832. 8 (7.6X4.4), 2 cols., pp. 596. Translator. See EULER, L. Letters on Physics, &c. Translator. See SAINT PIERRE, J. H. B. de. Botanical Harmony. Stu dies of Nature. Vindication of Divine Providence. Translator. See SAURIN, J. Sermons. Vol. 6. Translator. See SONNINI DE MANONCOURT, C. N. S. Travels in Egypt. HUNTER, John, Admiral, Royal Navy. 12 Historical Journal (An) of the Transactions at Port Jackson and Nor folk Island, with the Discoveries which have been made in New South Wales and in the Southern Ocean, since the Publication of Phillip s Voyage . . . ; including the Journals of Gov.s Phillip and King and of Lieut. Ball ; &c. Illustrated . . . [Portrait of //.] London, 1793. 4 (7.5X5.2), pp. 580. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 321 HUNTER, John, continued. 1 Historical (An) Journal of the Transactions at Port Jar^son and Nor folk Island, including the Journals of Gov.s Phillip and King- . . . with an abridged Account of the New Discoveries in the Sorth Seas. . . . Illustrated. ... [Portrait of H.] London,1793. S(5. v JX3.3),pp.525. HUNTER, John, M.D., F.E.S. 2 Observations on the Diseases of the Army in Jamaica, and on the best Means of preserving the Health of Europeans in that Climate. London, 1788. 8 (5.2X3). HUNTER, Rev. Joseph, Asst.-Keeper of the Public Records of Great Britain. 3 Collections concerning the Early History of the Founders of New Eng land. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 4th Series, vol. 1.) 4 Suffolk Emigrants. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 3d Ser.,vol. 10.) Editor. See GHE AT BRITAIN. Record Commission. Fines. Magnum Rotulum. Rotuli selecti ad Res Anglicas spectantes. HUNTER, Thomas, Vicar of Weaverham in Cheshire ; d. 1777. 5 Reflections critical and moral on the Letters of the late Earl of Ches terfield. *** 3d. ed. Boston, 1780. 12 (5.4X2.7). HUNTER, William, Esq., of London. 6 Travels in the year 1792 through France, Turkey and Hungary, to Vienna ... * * * 2d ed., corrected and enlarged. . . . Vol. 1,2. [Map.] London, 1793. 8 (5.4X3). HUNTINGDON, Selina SHIRLEY, Countess of; b. 1707. d. 1791. 7 Life (The) and Times of Selina Countess of Huntingdon. By a mem ber of the Houses of Shirley and Hastings. 6th thous. with copious Index. Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait. } London, 1844. 8 (6.5X3.7). HUNTINGFORD, George Isaac, D.D., Bp. of Hereford-, b. 1748. d. 1832. 8 Introduction (An) to the Writing of Greek, in two parts. . . . Oxford, 1800. 8 (6.1X3.5). NOTE. Each part has independent title-page, and dated 17i;9. Ft. I. is 6th ed. ; pt. II. is 4th ed. 9 Part First of an Introduction to the Writing of Greek ... 5th ed., with... Improvements. Oxford, 1793. 8 (6.1X3.5). 10 Part Second of an Introduction to the Writing of Greek : being Exam ples of Greek Prepositions in composition ; and Select Sentences from Xenophon s Cyropsedia. 3d ed. improved. Oxford, 1791. 8 (6.1X3.5). HUNTINGTON, Frederic Dan, D.D., Preacher and Plummer Prof . at Harvard Col lege, now a Prot.-Episc. clergyman ; b. in Hadley, Mass., 1819. n Bi-centenmal Address. See HADLEY. Celebration, &c. 12 Discourse (A) in behalf of the Ministry at Large, delivered in Boston, April 16, 1854. Boston, 1854. 8, pp. 27. J3 Lord s Day (The). . . . Boston, 1848. 12, pp. 22. 14 Signification, (The) and Value of "A Good Life." . . . Boston, 1844. 12, pp. 14. 15 What do ye more than others ? . . . Boston, 1847. 12, pp. 20. KURD, Rev. Isaac, of Exeter, N.H. ; d. 1856, cet. 70. 16 Discourse delivered in Boston, June 11, 1799, before the Humane So ciety of Massachusetts. Boston, 1799. 4, pp. 23. [2 copies.} 41 322 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. KURD, Richard, D.D., Bp. of Litclifield and Coventry ; b. 1720. d. 1808. 1 Introduction (An) to the Study of the Prophecies concerning the Chris tian Church ; and, in particular, concerning the Church of Papal Rome : in twelve Sermons, preached at the Lecture of the Rt. Rev. W. War- burton. *** 5th ed. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1788. 8 (4.5X2.9). 2 Introduction (An) to the Study of the Prophecies concerning the Chris tian Church, and, in particular, concerning the Church of Papal Rome ; in twelve Sermons ... * * * 1st American from 3d London ed. Boston, 1809. 8 (5.6X3.4). HURDIS, James, D.D., Prof, of Poetry at Oxford; b. 1763. d. 1801. 3 Lectures shewing the several Sources of that Pleasure which the Human Mind receives from Poetry. Sussex, 1797. 4 (6.8X3 irr.). 4 Village Curate (The), a Poem. [By J. Hurdis. ] * * * 1st American ed. Newburyport, 1793. 12 (5.7X3.1 irr.). HURWITZ, Hyman, Prof, of Hebrew in Univ. of London. 5 Essay on the still existing Remains of the Hebrew Sages, of a Later Peri od than the Maccabees, and on the Character and Merit of the uninspired ancient Hebrew Literature generally. London, 1826. 12 (4.7X2.6), pp. 84. 6 Hebrew Tales selected and translated from the Writings of the ancient Hebrew Sages. London, 1826. 12 (4.7X2.6). 7 Introductory Lecture [on tlie Hebrew Language and Literature, ] de livered at the University of London, Nov. 11, 1828. 3d ed. London, 1829. 8, pp. 32. HlTSSEY, Samuel F. 8 Brief Examination (A) of Asa Rand s Book, called a Word in Season ; with a Refutation of some of his erroneous Statements an.d Charges against the people called Quakers ... * * * Salem, 1821. 12 (5.4X3.1). HUSSON, . 9 Report on the Magnetical Experiments made by the Commission of the Royal Academy of Medicine, of Paris, read . . . June 21 and 28, 1831, by Mr. Husson . . . Translated . . . and preceded by an Introduc tion, by C. Poyen St. Sauveur. * * * Boston, 1836. 8 (4.8X2.9). HUTCHESON, Francis, LL.D,, Prof, of PTiilos. Univ. of Glasgow; 6.1694. d. 1777. 1 Short Introduction (A) to Moral Philosophy, in three books : contain ing the Elements of Ethics and the Law of Nature. Translated from the Latin. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1753. 12 (4.8X2.7). HUTCHESON, George, a minister, of Edinburgh. u Briefe Exposition (A) on the XII. Small Prophets ... * * * London, 1657. 2 (8.7X5.4), 2 cols. NOTE. General title page reads "The first volume." Two other title-pages occur, expressing respective contents of the following portions of the work. HUTCHINS, Capt. Thomas, Royal Army; b. in Monmouih, N.J., 1780? d. 1789. J2 Topographical Description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina . . . [Plates. ] London, 1778. 8, pp. 67. HUTCHINSON, Arme, founder of the Antinomian party in New England; d. 1653. 13 Life, by G. E. Ellis. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d. Ser., vol. 6.) HUTCHINSON, Enoch. Translator. See UHLEMANN. F. Syriac Grammar, &c. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 323 HUTCHINSON, Francis, D.D., Bp. of Down and Connor ; d. about 1739. 1 Historical Essay (An) concerning Witchcraft . . . And also Two Ser mons : one in Proof of the Christian Religion ; the other concerning good and evil Angels. * * * 2d ed., with . . . Additions. London, 1720. 8 (6X3. 5). HUTCHINSON, Rev. John, of Trentham, Eng., grandson of Gov. T. II. Editor. See HUTCHINSON, T. History of Massachusetts Bay. HUTCHINSON, Thomas, LL.D., Governor of Mass. ; b. 1711. d. 1780. 2 Case (The) of the Provinces of Massachusetts-Bay and New-York, re specting the Boundary Line between the two Provinces. [By T. Hutch inson. ] Boston, 1764. 2, pp. xxx. 3 Collection of original Papers relative to the History of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay. \_Publ. by T. Hutchinson. ] Boston, 1769. 8 (6.3X3.6). 4 History (The) of Massachusetts, from the First Settlement thereof, in 1628, until the Year 1750. *** ... Vol. 1,2. 3d ed. With addi tional Notes and Observations. Salem, 1795. 8 (6.6X3. 8). 5 History (The) of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, from 1749 to 1774, comprising a detailed Narrative of the Origin and Early Stages of the American Revolution. Edited ... by Rev. J. Hutchinson. London, 1728. 8 (6.2X3.6), pp. 551. 6 Representations (The) of Gov. Hutchinson and others, contained in certain Letters . . . laid before the General-Assembly of the Massa chusetts-Bay. With the Resolves of the Two Houses thereon. Boston, 1773. 8, pp. 94. 7 Speeches to the General Assembly. See MASSACHUSETTS, Colony of. HUTCHINSON, Thomas, Prebendary of Chichester, &c. Editor. See XENOPHON. De Cyri Institutione Libri octo. HUTTON, Charles, LL.D., Math. Prof, at Woolwich, Eng. ; b. 1737. d. 1823. 8 Course (A) of Mathematics ... 3d eel. enlarged, &c. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1800, 01. 8 (6.3X3. 5). 9 Elements of Conic Sections ; with Select Exercises in various Branches of Mathematics and Philosophy. . . . London, 1787. 8 (6.4X3.4). 1 Mathematical (A) and Philosophical Dictionary . . . with an Historical Account of ... these Sciences : also Memoirs of the Lives and Writings of the most eminent Authors . . . With many Cuts and Copper-plates. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1796, 95. 4 (8.2X6), 2 cols. [2 copies.] 11 Mathematical Tables . . . 2d ed. London, 1794. Th. 8 (6.9X4), n. p. 12 Mathematical Tables . . . 3d ed. London, 1801. 8 (7.1X4). HUTTON, James, M.D., author of Plutonian theory of Geology ; b. 1726. d. 1797. 13 Dissertation (A) upon the Philosophy of Light, Heat and Fire. . . . Edinburgh, 1794. 8 (6.5X3.2). 1 4 Dissertations on different Subjects in Natural Philosophy. Edinburgh, 1792. 4 (7.3X5), pp. 696. HUXLEY, Thomas Henry, F.R.S., &c., a dist. Engl. naturalist. 1 5 Oceanic Hydrozoa (The) ; a Description of the Calycophorioke and Phy- sophoridas observed during the Voyage of H.M.S. " Rattlesnake," in the years 1846-1850. With a General Introduction. [12 Plates. ] London, 1859. 4 (9X6.4), 324 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HYDE, Rev. Alvan, D.D., of Lee, Mass. ; b. 1768. d. 1833. 1 Memoir of Rev. A! Hyde. [Portrait.} Boston, 1835. 12 (5.6X3.2). HYDE, Edward, Earl of Clarendon ; b. 1608. d. 1673. 2 History (The) of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England . . . Writ ten by ... Edward Earl of Clarendon. * * * Vol. 1-3. [Portraits. 1 ] Oxford, 1707. 8 (6.3X3.4), m. b. NOTTT. Each volume is in two parts, wilh independent title pages. HYMERS, J., Fellow of St. John s College, Cambridge, Eng. 3 Treatise (A) on Differential Equations, and on the Calculus of Finite Differences. Cambridge, 1839. 8 (6.4X3.8). 4 Treatise (A) on the Integral Calculus . . . 2d ed. altered and enlarged. Cambridge, 1835, 8 (6,2X3,8), I. IBBOT, Benjamin, D.D., Prebend, of Westminster-, b. 1680. d. 1725. 5 Sermons on Free-thinking. See (BoYLE s Lecture Sermons, vol. 2). IDE, Rev. Jacob, D.D., of Medway,Mass. Editor. See EMMONS, N. Works. IDLEK (The). See JOHNSON, S. IGNATIUS, St., Bp. of AntiocJi, a disciple of the apostle John ; d. 108. 6 Epistles translated by Wake. See WAKE, W. Genuine Epistles, &c. IGNORANCE, Falsehood and Malice exposed : or, Remarks upon a Pamphlet, 7 intituled, A Warning, &c. read by Mr. Alex. Ferguson to his Congrega tion at Kil winning. . . . Glasgow, 1759. 8, pp. 54. ILLINOIS, State of. Illinois Geological Survey. Abstract of a Report on Illi- 8 nois Coals ; with Descriptions and Analyses, and a general Notice of the Coal Fields. By J. G. Norwood, M. D. [Map.] Chicago, 1857. 8, pp. 93+. 9 Reports (Biennial) of the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, to the Twenty-second General Assembly. Springfield, 1861. 8 (7.4X4.4). 10 Report of the Bank Commissioners of the State of Illinois, for the year 1858. Springfield, 1859. 8, pp. 24. 11 Reports of the Superintendent of the Illinois State Penitentiary, made to the Twenty-first General Assembly, Jan. 5, 1859. Springfield, 1859. 8, pp. 29. 12 Reports of the Illinois State Penitentiary, by the Commissioners, for the years 1859 and 1860. [Plan.] Springfield, 1861. 8, pp. 92. 13 Report (Third Biennial) of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of Illinois, 1859-1860. [No imprint.] 8 (7.2X4.4). 14 Report (Biennial) of the Treasurer of the State of Illinois to the Twen ty-second General Assembly. Springfield, 1861. 15 Report (Seventh Biennial) of the Trustees and Principal of the Illinois Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, for the years 1857 and 1858. Alton, 1858. 8, pp. 64, ILLINOIS COLLEGE, at Jacksonville, III. Catalogue of the Officers and Stu- J6 dents of Illinois College for ... 1854-5, 1856-7, 1857-58, 1858-59. Jacksonville, 1855- 5S. 8, pamps. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 325 ILLINOIS State Medical Society. Transactions of the Illinois State Medical 1 Society for the year 1858. Chicago, 1859. 8, pp. 82. 2 Tenth Annual Meeting of the Illinois State Medical Society, held in Paris, 111., May 8th and 9th, 1860. Chicago, 1860. 8 (6.6X3.8). ILLUSTRATED Book (The) of English Songs from the sixteenth to the nineteenth 3 century. 3d ed. London, n. d. 12 (5.8X3.3 irr.). ILLUSTRATIONS of Northern Antiquities from the earlier Teutonic and Scan- 4 dinavian Romances ; being an Abstract of the Book of Heroes, and Ni- belungen Lay ; with Translations of Metrical Tales, from the Old Ger man, Danish, Swedish, and Icelandish Languages, with Notes and Dis sertations. Edinburgh, 1814. 4 (7.6X5), pp. 522. IMPARTIAL Relation of the Hail-Storm, July 15, and the Tornado, August 2, 5 1799 ... in the Towns of Bozrah, Lebanon, and Franklin, Conri. . . . Norwich, 1799. 8, pp. 30. INDEPENDENT Chronicle (The) and Universal Advertiser. Jan. 2 Dec. 29, 1794. 6 The Independent Chronicle. Dec. 21, 1801 Dec. 29, 1808. Jan. 2, 1812 May 29, 1817. Independent Chronicle and Boston Patriot. June 4, 1817 Dec. 29, 1821. 17vols. [Semi-weekly.] Boston, 1794-1821. 8 (18.5X13.7), 6 cols. INDEX in Tragicos Graccos. Vol. 1-3. 7 Cantabrigian, 1830. 8 (7.2X4.2), 2 cols. CONTENTS. Vol. I. In Euripidem. II. In Sophoclem. III. In JEschylum. INFERNAL Conference ; or, Dialogues of Devils ; by the Listener. 8 Leominster, 1828. 12 (5.6X3.2). INFIDELITY : comprising Jenyn s Internal Evidence, Leslie s Method, Lyttel- 9 ton s Conversion of Paul, Watson s Reply to Gibbon and Paine, a No tice of Hume on Miracles and an Extract from West on the Resurrec tion. (EVAN. Fam. Libr., vol. 14.) New York, n. d. 24 (4.4X2.8). INGEN-HOUSZ, Johannes, a Dutch physician and naturalist ; b. 1730. d. 1799. 10 Experiences sur les Vegetaux, specialement sur la Propriete qu ils pos- sedent . . . soit d ameliorer 1 Air quand ils sont au soleil, soit de la corrompre la Nuit . . . Traduit de 1 Anglois, par 1 auteur. Nouv. ed., revue et augmentee. Tom. 1, 2. [Plates.] Paris, 1787, 89. 8 (5.6X3.1). [2 copies of torn. 1.] 1 1 Nouvelle Experiences et Observationes sur divers Objets de Physique. [Plates.] Paris, 1785. 8 (5.7X3). INGERSOLL, Rev. George G. 12 Death (The) of Christ. . . . Boston, 1841. 12, pp. 36. 3 Unitarianism the " Way of the Lord." Boston, 1845. 12, pp. 46. INGERSOLL, Joseph Reed, a member of the Philadelphia Bar. 14 Address delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Alpha of Maine, in Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Sept. 7, 1837. Brunswick, 1837. 8, pp. 40. [2 copies.] INGLIS, Charles, D.D.^Bp. of Nova Scotia; d. 1816, cet. 82. 15 Proceedings of the Board of Commissioners in the Case of the Rt. Rev. C. Inglis against the United States, 1799. [No imprint.] 4, pp. 63. INGRAHAM, Edward D., a member of the Phila. Bar ; d. 1854. Editor. See STARKIE, T. Treatise on the Law of Evidence. Editor. See TOLLAR, S. Laws of Executors and Administrators. 326 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. INGRAM, Alexander, a teacher of mathematics at Leith, Eng. 1 Elements of Euclid, &c. See EUCLID. INGRAM, Rev. James, D.I)., Pres. of Trinity Coll, Oxford ; b. 1774. d. 1850. 2 Saxon Chronicle (The), with an English Translation, and Notes. . . . To which are added Chronological, Topographical, and Glossarial Indi ces ; a short Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Language, a new Map of England during the Heptarchy ; Plates of Coins, &c. By Rev. J. In gram. *** London, 1823. 4(8 irr.X 5.5), par. cols. INNES, William, an Independent minister, of Edinburgh. 3 Advice to Church Members : or Sketches of Human Nature . . . Re vised from the Edinburgh ed. Boston, 1833. 24 (4.6X2.8). INQUIRY (An) into the alleged Tendency of the Separation of Convicts, one 4 from the other, to produce Disease and Derangement. ... * * * Philadelphia, 1849. 8 (6.5X3.7). INQUIRY (An) into the Nature and Uses of Money ... [ With] Reply to the 5 Essay on Silver and Paper Currencies. Boston, 1740. 8, pp. 78. INQUIRY (An) into the Powers of Ecclesiastics. By a Minister of the Church 6 of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1807. 12 (5.2X3.1). INSTITUT National des Sciences et Arts, at Paris. Base du Systeme Metrique 7 Decimal, ou Mesure de 1 Arc du Meridien compris entre les Paralleles de Dunkerque et Barcelone, executee en 1792 et annees suivantes, par MM. Mechain et Delambre. Redigee par M. Delambre. Suite des Memoires de 1 Institut. Tom. 1. [Plates.] Paris, 1806. 4 (6.7X4.5). 8 Memoires . . . pour 1 an IV de la Republique. Litterature et Beaux- Arts. Tom. 1-5. Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques. Tom. 1-6. Sci ences Morales et Politiques. Tom. 1-5. 15 vols. [Plates.] Paris, an vi. [1798]. 4 (6.7X4.5). 9 Memoires de la Classe des Sciences Mathematiques . . . Premiere . Semestre de 1806. [Plates.] Paris, 1806. 4 (6.7X4.5). 1 Memoires presentes a 1 Institut des Sciences, Lettres et Arts, par divers Savans, et lus dans ses Assemblees. Sciences Mathematiques et Phy siques. Tom. 1. [Plates.] Paris, 1806. 4 (6.7X4.5). INQUISITION of Barcelona. Records of the Spanish Inquisition, translated from n the original Manuscripts. Boston, 1828. 8 (6X3.5). INTRODUCTION 12 (An) to the Bible, in Arabic. 8 (6X3.4). IRELAND. A Philosophical Survey of the South of Ireland, in ... Letters to 13 J. Watkinson, M.D. Dublin, 1778. 8 (5.8X3.2). 14 Report from the Committee of Secrecy of the House of Lords of Ire land, appointed to take into consideration the Matters of the sealed-up Treasonable Papers received from the Commons, the 23d day of July last ; with all the Appendixes : by the Rt. Hon. John Earl of Clare. ... [Plan of Dublin.] London, 1790. 8, pp. 52. 15 Sketches of Irish Political Characters of the present day ... * * * Londop, 1799. 8 (6.5X3.4). IRENJEUS, St., a Gallic bishop of the 2d century ; b. in Asia Minor. 16 S. Irenaei adversus Valentini, & similium Gnosticorum Hsereses, Libri quinque . . . Praeterea omnibus . . . Fragmentis Graecis ac Latinis ; item, quibusdam S. Polycarpi Scrip tis . . . Accessit quoque Arnobii & Serapionis Conflictus, de Deo trino & uno, & duabus in Christo Natu- ris . . . Cum Indice . . . Lutetiee Parisiorum, 1675. 2 (11X5.8), m. r., pp. 569-f. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 327 IRVING, David, LL.D., a dist. biographical and legal writer. 1 Elements of English Composition. London, 1801. 12 (5.3X3.1). IRVING, Rev. Edward, founder of the Irvingites ; b. in Scotland, 1792. d. 1S34. 2 Oracles (For the) of God, four Orations. For Judgment to Come, an Argument, in nine parts. New York, 1825. 8(7X3.9). IRVING, Rev. Theodore, LL.D., Prof, of History, &c. at Geneva Coll. ; b. 1809. 3 Conquest (The) of Florida, by Hernando de Soto. * * * ... Vol. 1,2. Philadelphia, 1835. 8 (4.8X3). IRVING, Hon. "Washington ; 6. in N. Y. City, 1783. d. near Tarrytown, N. Y., 1859. 4 Alhambra (The) : a Series of Tales and Sketches of the Moors and Spaniards. By . . . [W. Irving }. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1832. 12 (4.8X2.9). 5 Astoria, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains. ... Vol. 1,2. [Map.} Philadelphia, 1836. 8 (5.5X3.3). 6 Bracebridge Hall ; or the Humourists. By Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. * * * New eel. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Paris, 1827. 12 (4.5X2.8). 7 Chronicle (A) of the Conquest of Granada. From the MSS. of Fray Antonio Agapida. ... Vol. 1, 2. Paris, 1829. 12 (4.5X2.8). 8 History (The) of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. * * * ... Vol. 1-4. [Maps.] Paris, 1829. 18 (4.5X2.8). 9 Life (The) of Oliver Goldsmith, with Selections from his Writings. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait.] (Harper s Family Library, No. 121, 122.) New- York, 1847. 18 (4.5X2.8). 10 Life of George Washington. Vol. 1-5. [Portraits. ] New-York, 1856- 59. 12 (5.5X3.6). 11 Mahomet and his Successors. . . . Vol. 1, 2. New- York, 1850. 12 (5.2X3.3). 12 Wolfert s Hoost and other Papers. . . . New- York, 1855. 12 (5.2X3.5). 13 Works. New ed., revised. Vol. 1. Knickerbocker s New-York. 2. The Sketch Book. 3-5. Life and Voyages of Columbus. 6. Brace- bridge Hall. 7. Tales of a Traveller. 8. Astoria. 9. Crayon Miscel lany. 10. Bonneville s Adventures. 11. Oliver Goldsmith. 12, 13. Mahomet and his Successors. 14. Conquest of Granada. 15. The Al hambra. New-York, 1853- 54. 12 (5.4X3.6). NOTE. Each volume has also independent title-page. IRWIN, Eyles, of the E. India Co. ; b. in Calcutta, 1748. d. 1817. 14 Series (A) of Adventures in the course of a Voyage up the Red-Sea, on the Coasts of Arabia and Egypt ; and of a Route through the Deserts of Thebais ... in the year M.DCC.LXXVII. . . . Illustrated ... * * * London, 1780. 4 (6.9X4.8). ISABELLA, the Catholic/ Queen of Castile and Leon; b. 1451. d. 1504. 15 Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. See PRESCOTT, W. H. ISJEUS, a Greek orator, b. at Chalcis ; lived between 420 and 348 B. 0. 16 Issei Dinarchi Lycurgi Demadis et Sophistarum quse exstant omnia [Greek.} Indicibus ... continua Interpretatione Latina Annotationibus variorum . . . et suis illustravit G. S. Dobson Praefiguntur Adversa ria ... P. P. Dobree Londini, 1828. 8 (6.9X3.7), pp. 692. 17 Isaei Interpretatio Latina. See ISOCRATES. Isocratis Isaei etc. 328 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. ISJEUS, continued. 1 Speeches of Isams in Causes concerning the Law of Accession to Pro perty at Athens. See JONES, Sir W. (Works, vol. 4.) ISAIAH, Prophecy of. Hebrew and Translations. See BIBLE, in loco. ISOCRATES, a Greek rhetorician; b. at Athens, 436 B.C. d. 338 B.C. 2 Isocratis Issei Dinarchi Lycurgi Demadis et Sophistarum Interpretatio Latina Londini, 1728. 8 (6.9X3.7), pp. 516. % Isocratis quae exstant omnia [Greek.] Indicibus Varietate Lectionis con- tinua Interpretatione Latina Scholiis Graecis Annotationibus variorum . . . et suis illustravit G. S. Dobson Prsefiguntur Adversaria ... P. P. Dobree Londini, 1828. 8 (6.9X3.7), pp. 884. * Orationes et Epistolce. [Greek. } ... * * * Londini, 1615. 8 (5X2.8). 5 Orationes et Epistolae : cvm nova Interpretatione, qva verbvm de verbo expressum effertur. Cura I. T. A. ... * * * Parisiis, 1621. 8 (5.9X3), pp. SSO-f-. ITALIAN GRAMMAR. Teorica dei Verbi Italiani . . . Compilata sulle Opera 6 del Cinonio, del Pistolesi, del Mastrofini, et d altri . . . Ed. sesta. Firenze, 1835. 12 (5.5X3). ITALY. 7 Itinerario d ltalia. Venetia, 1673. 12 (4.5X2.3), pp. 706. 8 Voyage d un Francois en Italie, fait dans les A*nnees 1765 & 1766 . . . Tom. 1-6, 8. Venise, 1769. 8 (4.8X2.5). IZARD, Ralph, an American statesman; b. near Charleston. S.C., 1742. d. 1804. 9 Correspondence. See UNITED STATES. (Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, vol. 2.) J. JACKSON, Gen. Andrew, ItJi Pres. of the U. S.; b. in N. C., 1767. d. 1845. 10 Addresses and Messages. See WILLIAMS, E. (Addresses, &c., vol. 1, 2.) n Biographical Sketch of. See WILLIAMS, E. (Addresses, &c., vol. 1.) ]2 Life of Andrew Jackson. See PARTON, J. JACKSON, Charles Thomas, M.D.; b. in Plymouth, Mass., 1805. *3 Remarks on the Mineralogy and Geology of Nova Scotia ; by C. T. Jack son and P. Alger. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, New Se ries, vol. 1.) NOTE. Originally published in vols. 14 and 15 of Silliman s American Journal, See.; in which comp ire also at vol. 22, p. 167. 14 Report on the Geological and Agricultural Survey of Rhode Island. See RHODE ISLAND. 15 Report on the Geological and Mineralogical Survey of the Mineral Lands of the United States in Michigan. See UNITED STATES. 31st Cong,, 1st Sess., Exec. Doc. No. 5 (Vol. 3, pt. III.). !6 Reports on the Geology of Maine. See MAINE. 17 Reports on the Geology of the Public Lands of Maine and Massachu setts. See MASSACHUSETTS. JACKSON, Robert, a physician in the English army ; b. 1751. d. 1827. 18 Treatise (A) on the Fevers of Jamaica, with some Observations on the Intermitting Fever of America ... * * * London, 1791, 8 (5.9X3.3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 329 JACKSON, Samuel. Translator. See SPANGENBERG, A. G. Life of Zinzendorf. JACOB, Giles, Esq., of Hampshire, Eng. ; b. 1686. d. 1744. 1 Law-Dictionary (The) : explaining the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the English Law . . . ; defining and interpreting the Terms or Words of Art ; and comprising Copious Information on the Subjects of our Law, Trade, and Government. Originally compiled by Giles Jacob . . . Now greatly enlarged and improved ... by T. E. Tomlins. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1797. 4 (8.6X6.3), 2 cols. JACOB, Samuel, of Trinity College, Dublin. 2 Annals of the Greek Empire during the Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Centuries ; of the Khalifate from the Rise of the Abassides to the end of the Eleventh Century. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 11). JACOB, William, M.P., F.R.S., a London merchant ; d. 1851, cut. 89. 3 Historical Inquiry (An) into the Production and Consumption of the Precious Metals. Philadelphia, 1832. 8 (6.3X3.8). JACOBI, Moritz Hermann, a German savan, resident in Russia , b. 1790. 4 Galvanoplastik ; or the Process of cohering Copper into Plates, or other given Forms, by means of Galvanic Action on Copper Solutions. Translated from the German, by Wm. Sturgeon. [Plate. } Manchester, 1841. 8, pp. 39. JACQUES or JAQUES, William. Editor. See ARNDT, J. True Christianity. JAHX, Johann, a German ecclesiastic and orientalist : b. 1750. d. 1816. 5 Dissertation on the Importance and Best Method of Studying the Ori ental Languages of the Bible. See STUART, M. Dissertations, &c. 6 Introduction (An) to the Old Testament. Translated from the Latin and German Works of J. Jahn : with additional References and Notes, by S. H. Turner and W. R. Whittingham. New-York, 1827. 8 (6.1 X3.8). 7 Jahn s Biblical Archaeology, translated from the Latin, with Additions and Corrections, by T. C. Upham. [J/ap.] Andover, 1823. 8 (6.3X3.7). 8 Jahn s History of the Hebrew Commonwealth ; translated from the Ger man by C. E. Stowe. Andover, 1828. 8 (6.4X3.8), pp. 692. [2 copies.] JAHRBUCHER f iir Philologie, etc. See NEUE Jahrbiicher, etc. JAMAICA, Island of. Acts of Assembly, passed in the Island of Jamaica ; from 9 the year 1681 to the year 1768*. . . Vol. 1,2. * * * St. Jago de la Vega, 1769. 2 (10.6X5.6). 10 Interesting Tracts, relating to the Island of Jamaica, consisting of State Papers, Councils of War, Letters, Petitions, Narratives, &c., &c., which throw great light on the History of that Island, from its Conquest, down to the year 1702. St. Jago de la Vega, 1800. 4 (7.1X5.4). 11 Journals of the Assembly of Jamaica. Vol. 1-8. Erom Jan. 20, 1663 ... to March 13, 1791 " . . Jamaica, 1805- ! 1. 2 (12.8X7.6), 2 cols. 12 Index to Second-Twelfth {eacli} Volume of Journals of Assembly of Jamaica. Jamaica, 1805- ! 7. 2, pamps. 42 330 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. JAMAICA, continued. 1 Report from the Committee of the Hon. House of Assembly appointed to inquire into the State of the Colony as to Trade, Navigation, and Culture, &c. &c. Since . . . Nov. 1792. St. Jago de la Vega, 1800. 2, pp. 48. 2 Votes of the Hon. House of Assembly of Jamaica . . . Oct. 25, 1791- Dec. 22, 1803 ; Oct. 31-Dec. 14, 1809 ; Oct. 27-Dec. 19, 1816 ; Oct. 27, 1818-Dec. 13, 1821. 19 vols. St. Jago de la Vega, 1792-1822. 2 (8.5X5 irr.). JAMES VI. of Scotland, I. of England , b. 1566. d. 1625. 3 Memoir of the Court of James I. See AIKIN, L. JAMES, Edwin, an American botanist and geologist. 4 Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, per formed in the years 1819 and 20, by order of the Hon. J. C. Calhoun, Sec yof War; under the command of Maj. S. H. Long. From the Notes of Major Long, Mr. T. Say, and other Gentlemen of the Explor ing Party . . . With an Atlas. Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1823. 8 (6.2X3.6) ; maps 4. NOTE. Known as Long s First Expedition. Compare under KEATING, W. H. Editor. See TANNER, J. Captivity and Adventures. JAMES, George Payne Rainsford, an English novelist ; b* in London, 1801. 5 History (The) of Chivalry. . . . (Harper s Family Library, No. 20.) New-York, 1847. 18 (4.5X2.7). JAMES, John Angell, an English Cong, clergyman ; b. 1785. d. 1859. 6 Anxious Enquirer (The) after Salvation, directed and encouraged. * * * New York, 1834. 12 (4.4X2.7). 7 Christian Charity explained ; or The Influence of Religion upon Temper stated; in an Exposition of I. Cor., Chap. xni. * * * [Portrait. ] New-York and Boston, 1829. 12 (5.7X3.2). 8 Christian Charity explained . . . New-York, 1836. 8 (8.1X4.9), 2 cols., pp. 77. 9 Christian Father s (The) Present to his Children. * * * New-York, 1836. 8 (8.1X4.9), 2 cols., pp. 82. 10 Christian Fellowship ; or the Church Member s Guide. * * * Edited by J. O. Choules. Stereotyped ed. Boston, 1831. 12 (4.6X2.8). 11 Family Monitor (The), or a Help to Domestic Happiness. * * * From 3d London ed. ... Boston, 1830. 12 (5X2.9). I 2 Family Monitor (The) ; or, A Help to Domestic Happiness. * * * New-York, 1836. 8 (8.1X4.9), 2 cols., pp. 63. JAMES, John Thomas, D.D., Bp. of Calcutta, 1827 ; b. 1786. d. 1829. J3 History of Painting. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitan, vol. 5). JAMESON, Mrs. Anna MURPHY; b. in Dublin, 1797. i 4 Legends of the Madonnas, as represented in the Fine Arts. Forming the Third Series of Sacred and Legendary Art. By Mrs. Jameson. Illus trated by Drawings and Woodcuts. London, 1852. 8 (6.1 X3.7), m. b. A 5 Legends of the Monastic Orders, as represented in the Fine Arts. Form ing the Second Series of Sacred arid Legendary Art. By Mrs. Jameson. 2d ed., corrected, enlarged, and with additional Illustrations. London, 1852. 8 (6.3X3.9), m. b. ATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 331 JAMESON, Mrs. Anna MUHPIIY, continued. 1 Memoirs of Celebrated Female Sovereigns. By Mrs. Jameson. * * * . . . Vol. 1, 2. (Harper s Family Library, No. 33, 34.) New-York, 1832. 18 (4.5X2.7). 2 Sacred and Legendary Art. By Mrs. Jameson. 2d ed., complete in one volume : containing Legends of the Angels and Archangels, the Evange lists, the Apostles, the Doctors of the Church, St. Mary Magdalene, &c., as represented in the Fine Arts. [Illustrated."] London, 1850. 8 (6.7X4.7), 2 cols. JAMESON, Robert, F.B.S., &c., a Scottish naturalist ; b. 1774. d. 1854. Editor, &c. See CUVIER, G. C. L. F. D. Theory of the Earth. Joint Author. See MURRAY, H. Account of British India. Joint Author. See MURRAY, H. Discovery and Adventures in Africa. Joint Author. See MURRAY, H. Discovery and Adventure in the Polar Seas and Regions. JAMIESON, Alexander, LL.D., of Edinburgh, aft. of London. 3 Dictionary (A) of Mechanical Science, Arts, Manufactures and Miscel laneous Knowledge. Illustrated with . . . Engravings. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1827. 4 (8.8X6.6), 2 cols. 4 Grammar (A) of Rhetoric and Polite Literature; comprehending the Principles of language and Style, the Elements of Taste and Criticism ; with Rules for the Study of Composition and Eloquence . . . 31st ed., stereotyped. New Haven, 1851. 18 (5.8X3.4). JAMIESOX, John, D.D., a Scotch clergyman; b. 1759. d. 1839. 5 Use (The) of Sacred History ; especially as illustrating and confirming the great Doctrines of Revelation. .. . . [With] Two Dissertations ; the first, on the Authenticity of the History contained in the Pentateuch and in the Book of Joshua ; the second proving that the Books as cribed to Moses were written by him, and ... by Divine Inspiration. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Hartford, 1810. 8(6.6.X3.7)u JANEWAY, James, an English Nonconformist divine ; b. 1636. d. 1674. 6 Heaven upon Earth ... Boston, reprinted, 1760. 8 (5.8X3.7). JAPAN. Manners and Customs of the Japanese, in the Nineteenth Century. 7 From the Accounts of recent Dutch Residents in Japan, and from the German Work of Dr. Ph. Fr. von Siebold. (Harper s Family Library, No. 132.) New-York, 1841. 18 (4.5X2.7). JAQUELOT, Isaac, a French pastor and theologian-, b. 1647. d. 1708. 8 Traite de la Verite et de 1 Inspiration des Livres du Vieux et du Nou- veau Testament. Par Mr. Jaquelot. Rotterdam, 1715. 12 (5X2.8). JARDIN, , I Abbe. Translator. See DENINA, G. M. C. Revolutions d ltalie. JARDINE, David. 9 Life of Lord Somers. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Know ledge. Library, &c. Lives, c. JARRETT, Rev. Thomas, Prof, of Arabic, Univ. of Cambridge. 10 Essay (An) on Algebraic Development, containing the principal Expan sions in Common Algebra, in the Differential. and Integral Calculus, and in the Calculus of Finite Differences . . . Cambridge, 1831. 8 (6.2X3.7). 332 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. JARS, Gabriel, a French mineralogist; b. 1732. d. 1769. 1 Metallurgische Reisen zur Untersuchung und Beobachtung tier vornehn- sten Eisen-Stahl-Blech-und Steinkohlen-Werke in Deutschland, Schwe- den, Norwegen, England, und Schottland, vom jahr 1757 bis 1769. Aus dem Franzb sischen iibersetst und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von C.A.Gerhard. Bd. 1, 2. *** Berlin, 1777. 8 (5.7X3.1). JARVES, James Jackson, of Massachusetts. 2 Art-Hints. Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting. New York, 1855. 12 (5.5X3.2). 3 Art Studies : the " Old Masters" of Italy ; Painting. Copperplate Il lustrations. *** New York, 1861. 8 (6.2X3.7), pp. 504. JAUYIS or JERVAS, Charles, a printer ; d. about 1740. Translator. See CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, M. de. Don Quixote. JAUBERT, Pierre, I Abbe; b. at Bordeaux, 1715. d. 1780. 4 Dictionnaire raisonne universe! des Arts et Metiers . . . Nouv. ed., corrigee et considerablement augmentee . . . ; revue et mise en ordre par 1 Abbe Jaubert. Tom. 1-5. Lyon, 1801. 8 (5.7X3.1). NOTE. Vol. 5 is titled, " Vocabulaire technique, ou Dictionnaire raisonnS de tous les Termes usites dans les Arts et Metiers. Tom. 5 . . . " JAUFFRET, JesmRa.])tiste,Dir.Inst. of deaf-mutes, St. Petersburg; &.1771. dUS2S. Joint Translator. See KARAMSIN, N. M. Histoire de 1 Empire de Russie. JAUFFRET, L. F., a French lawyer. 5 Histoire impartiale du Proces de Louis XVI . . . ; ou Recueil complet et authentique . . . de toutes les Pieces qui entreront dans 1 Instruc- tionde ce grand Proces . . . Tom. 1-8. Paris, 1792- 93. 8 (5.7X3.1). JAY, John, LL.D., 1st Ch.- Justice of U.S. ; b. in N.Y. City, 1745. d. 1829. 6 Diplomatic Correspondence. See UNITED STATES. (Diplomatic Cor respondence of the American Revolution, vol. 7, 8.) 7 Life. See FLANDERS, H. (Lives and Times of the Chief Justices, vol. 1.) 8 Life. See REN WICK, H. B. Lives of Jay and Hamilton. 9 Life : with Selections from Correspondence, &c. See JAY, "VV., Judge. Joint Author. See The FEDERALIST on the New Constitution. JAY, Rev. William, a Cong, clergyman of Bath, Eng. ; b. 1769. d. 1853. 10 Christian (The) contemplated, in a Course of Lectures, delivered in Ar- gyle Chapel, Bath. New-York, 1835. 8 (8.1X4.9), 2 cols. 11 Sermons. 1st American . . . ed. Boston, 1805. 8 (5.9X3.4). 12 Standard Works. . . . Vol. 1-3. ... Baltimore, 1832. 8 (7.6X4.3), 2 cols. JAY, William, Judge, 2d son of Ch.- Justice Jay ; b. 1789. d. 1858. 13 Life (The) of John Jay ; with Selections from his Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers. . . . Vol. 1, 2. \_Portrait.~] New-York, 1833. 8 (6.2X3.5). 14 War and Peace ; the Evils of the First, and a Plan for preserving the Last. *** New York, 1842. 12 (5X3). JEANNIN, Pierre, a French statesman; b. 1540. d. 1622. 15 Negotiations (Les) de M. le Pres. leannin. * * * [Portrait.] [Amsterdam] 1659. 12 (4.5X2.2), pp. 944. 16 Suite de la Negotiation de M. le Pres. leannin. [Amsterdam, 1659.] 12 (4.5X2.3), pp. 713-f. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 333 JEBB, John, an Irish clergyman, aft. a physician ; b. 1736. d. 17S6. 1 Excellency of the Spirit of Benevolence. Sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, Dec. 28, 1772. * * * London, reprinted, 1780. 8, pp. 20. 2 Letters addressed to the Volunteers of Ireland on the Subject of a Par liamentary Reform. London, 1784. 8, pp. 16. JEBB, Richard, a lawyer, of London. 3 General Principles of Law. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metrop., vol. 2). JEFFERSON, Thomas, LL.D., 3d Pres. of the U.S. ; b. in Va., 1743. d. 1826. 4 Addresses and Messages. See WILLIAMS, E. (Addresses, &c. vol. 1.) 5 Authentic Copies of the Correspondence of Mr. Jefferson, Sec y of State to the United States of America, and Geo. Hammond, Minister Pleni potentiary of Great-Britain, on the Non-execution of existing Treaties, &c. London, reprinted, 1794. 8 (6.5X3.5). 6 Biographical Sketch of. See WILLIAMS, E. (Addresses, &c., vol. 1.) 7 Eulogy on Adams and Jefferson. See KIRKLAND, J. T. 8 Inaugural Addresses. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Eloquence, &c., vol. 2.) 9 Life of Th. Jefferson. See RANDALL, H. S. 1 Life of Th. Jefferson ; with Correspondence, &c. See TUCKER, G. 11 Notes on the State of Virginia. With an Appendix. 3d American ed. [Portrait.-] New-York, 1801. 8 (5.9X3.4). 12 Writings of Th. Jefferson. See UNITED STATES. JEFFREY, Erancis, Lord, a Scottish judge, critic and essayist ; b. 1773. d. 1850. 1 3 Eulogium of James Watt. See ARAGO, D. F. J. Life of James Watt. JEFFRIES, David, a jeweller ; apparently of London. 14 Traite des Diamants et des Perles . . . Ouvrage traduit de 1 Anglois surla2deed. ... [Plates.] London, 1753. 8 (5.8X3.1). JEFFRIES, John, M.D.; b. in Boston, 1744. d. 1819. 15 Narrative (A) of Two Aerial Voyages of Dr. Jeffries with Mons. Blan- chard ; with Meteorological Observations and Remarks. The First Voy age, Nov. 30, 1784, from London into Kent: the Second, Jan. 7, 1785, from England into France. By Dr. Jeffries. Presented to the Royal Society . . . [Portrait and Plate.] London, 1786. 4, pp. 60. [2 copies.} JELLETT, Eev. John Hewitt. *6 Elementary Treatise (An) on the Calculus of Variations. * * * Dublin, 1850. 8 (6.7X3,9). JELF, William Edward, B.D., of Christ College, Oxford. 17 Grammar (A) of the Greek Language, chiefly from the German of R. Kiihner. 2d ed. Vol. 1. Accidence. 2. Syntax. Oxford, 1851. 8 (7.1X4.1). JENKINS, Eev. Charles, a Cong, clergyman, of Portland; b. 1786. d. 1831. 18 Sermons. [Portland] 1832. 12 (5.4X3.2). JENKINSON, Charles, Earl of Liverpool; b. 1727. d. 1808. 19 Discourse (A) on the Conduct of the Government of Great Britain, in respect to Neutral Nations. Written in the year 1758. New ed. London, 1801. 8 (6.8X3.7). [2 copies.] JENKS, Pev. Benjamin, of Harley,in Shropshire, Eng ; b. 1646. d. 1724. Translator, &c. See BELLARMIN, R. Ouranography. O 3 4 F, \\ D 1 N COLL E G E . JENKS, Rev. William, D.D., Prof. Orient. Lang., Bowd. Coll.; now of Boston. 1 Account of Massachusetts Historical Society. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 7.) 2 Comprehensive Commentary (The) of the Holy Bible; containing the* Text according to the Authorized Version ; with marginal references ; Matthew Henry s Commentary, condensed . . . ; the Practical Observa tions of Rev. T. Scott. With extensive explanatory, critical, and philo logical Notes, selected from Scott, Doddridge, Gill, &c. &c. . . . Em bellished with Engravings . . . Psalm LXIV. Malachi. Brattleboro, 1847. 8 (8.9X5.7), 3 cols. 3 Eulogy at Funeral of Pres. McKeen. See McKEEN, J. Inaugural Address, &c. 4 Eulogy (An) illustrative of the Life, and commemorative of the Benefi cence of Hon. James Bowdoin, Esq., with Notices of his Family ; pro nounced in Brunswick at the request of the Trustees and Overseers of Bowdoin College, on the Annual Commencement, Sept. 2d, 1812. * * * Boston, 1812. 4, pp. 40. [2 copies.] 5 Memoir of Dr. Holmes. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 3d Ser., vol. 7.) JENTY, Charles Nicholas, M.D. 6 Course (A) of Anatomico-Physiological Lectures on the Human Struc ture and Animal Oeconomy . . . Illustrated with an Historical Com pendium of the Rise, Progress and Discoveries, which have been made in the Animal Oeconomy . . . Vol. 1-3. * * * London, 1757. 8 (6.2X3.3). JENYNS, Soame, M.P.; b. 1704. d. 1787. 7 Internal Evidence of the Christian Religion. See INFIDELITY ; &c. 8 Lectures supposed to have been delivered by the Author of ... In ternal Evidence of the Christian Religion ... * * * Boston, 1793. 12 (5.1X3). 9 Sketches of Jenyns, by C. N. Cole. (Prefixed to vol. 1 of Works.) 10 Works. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait. ] Dublin, 1791. 8 (6X3.5). [2 copies.] JEPHSON, Thomas, B.D. 11 Fluxional Calculus (The). ... London, 1826. 8 (6.3X3.5). JEREMIAH, Prophecy of. Hebrew and Translations. See BIBLE, in loco, JEREMIE, James Ameriaux, D.D., Prof, of Div. at Cambridge, Eng. 12 History of the Christian Church in the Second and Third Centuries ; and of Rome from the Foundation of Constantinople to the Death of Julian. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitan, vol. 11). JEROME [Latin, HIERONYMUS], Eusebius, St. ; b. in Stridonium, 342. d. 420. is Account of Jerome. See Du PIN, L. E. (Ecclesiastical History, vol.3.) 14 CEuvres de S. Jerome publiees par M. Benoit Matougues, sous la direc tion de M. L. Aime-Martin. Paris, 1838. 8 (7.9X5.4), 2 cols., pp. 680. 15 S. Jerome et son Siecle. (Prefixed to CEuvres.) JESSE, John Heneage. is Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts, in cluding the Protectorate. New ed., revised ... Vol. 1-3. [Portraits. ] London, 1855. 16 (5.4X3.1). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 335 JESUS CHRIST, the Saviour of tlie World. 1 Divinity (The) of Jesus Christ. . . . Boston, 1838. 12, pp. 28. 2 That Jesus Christ is God by Nature ; of the same Essence with the Father, proved to be the Doctrine of Christianity. Two Letters . . . 3d ed. Boston, reprinted, 1756. 8, pp. 83. JEWETT, Prof. Charles Coffin, Superint. of Public Library of Boston; b. 1816. 3 Catalogue of Library of Brown University. See BROWN UNIVERSITY. 4 Construction of Catalogues of Libraries. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. 5 Facts and Considerations relative to Duties on Books ; addressed to the Library Committee of Brown University. Providence, 1846. 8, pp. 2-1. 6 Notices of the Public Libraries in the United States. See UNITED STATES. Smithsonian Reports. JEWETT, Isaac Appleton. 7 Memorial of Samuel Appleton, of Ipswich, Mass. ; with Genealogical Notices of some of his Descendants. [Engravings. ] Boston, 1800. 8 (6X3.6). 8 Passages in Foreign Travel. * * * ... Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1838. 12 (5X3). JEWS. Course of Lectures on the Jews ; by Ministers of the Established Church 9 in Glasgow. Glasgow, 1839. 12 (5.5X3). 10 History (The) of the Jews, from the Taking of Jerusalem by Titus, to the Present Time . . . 4th American from the Edinburgh ed. Greatly enlarged... Preface by W. Jenks. Boston, 1846. 12 (5.2X3). 11 Letters of certain Jews to Voltaire. See GUENEE, A. JEWSBURY, Maria Jane, a native of Warwicksliire, JEng.; b. 1800? d. 1833. 12 Letters to the Young. * * * From 3d London ed. Boston, 1834. 12 (4.5X2.8). IOAN OF ARC. See ARC, Jeanne d . IOANE, Q. of Navarre ; poisoned at Paris, 1572, cet. 44. 13 Life of Joane, Q. of Navarre. See CLARKE, S. Martyrologie, &c. JOANET, J. 14 Traite des Reciproques de la Geometric Elementaire de Legendre, suivi des Notes et d un Appendice . . . Paris, 1847. 8 (6.3X3.5). IOB, Book of. Hebrew and Translations. See BIBLE, in loco. JOCKEY Club (The) : or, A Sketch of the Manners of the Age. * * * ... 15 Copied from 10th London ed. New York, 1793. 8 (6.4X3.5). JOHNSON, Alexander, M.D. 16 Relief from Accidental Death . . . London, 1789. 12, pp. 16. JOHNSON, Alexander Bryan, an American banker ; b. in Gosport, Eng., 1786. 1 7 Treatise (A) on Language : or the Relation which "Words bear to Things. In four parts. New York, 1836. 8 (6.2X3.6). JOHNSON, Eev. Anthony, of London, about 1730. 18 Historical Account of the several English Translations of the Bible. See WATSON, R. (Theol. Tracts, vol. 3.) JOHNSON, Eev. Arthur, Prof, of Anglo-Saxon in Univ. of Oxford. Translator. See TENNEMANN, \V. G. Manual of Hist, of Philosophy. JOHNSON, Copt. Edward ; b. in Kent, Eng., ab. 1600. emigrated to Mass. d. 1672. 19 History of New England from the English Planting in 1628 to 1652 : or Wonder-working Providence of Zion s Saviour. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 2d Series, vol. 2, 3, 4, 7, 8.) 136 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. JOHNSON, Edward, M.D. 1 Domestic Practice (The) of Hydropathy : with fifteen engraved Illus trations . . . New York, 1849. 12 (6X3.5). JOHNSON, George, M.D. 2 Materia Medica and Pharmacy. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metrop., vol. 7). JOHNSON, James, M.D., Court-Physician to William IV. 3 Economy (The) of Health . . . with Reflections moral physical and philosophical on the Successive Phases of Human Existence ... 2d ed., enlarged & improved. * * * London, 1837. 8 (6.6X3.8). 4 Tour (A) in Ireland ; with Meditations and Reflections. * * * [Por trait. ] London, 1844. 8 (6X3.4). JOHNSON, Samuel, LL.D.; b. in Liclifield, 1709. d. 1784. 5 Dictionary (A) of the English Language . . . Abstracted from the Fo lio Edition, by the author. ... In 2 vols. Vol. 2. 2d ed., corrected. London, 1760. 8 (6.7X4-1), 2 cols., n. p. 6 Dictionary (A) of the English Language . . . Abstracted from the Fo lio Edition, by the author. To which is prefixed, A Grammar of the English Language . . . Vol. 1, 2. 5th ed., corrected. London, 1773. 8 (6.8X4.1), 2 cols., n. p. 7 Dictionary (A) of the English Language : in which the Words are de duced from their Originals, and illustrated in their different Significa tions by Examples from the Best Writers. To which are prefixed, A History of the Language, and An English Grammar. . . . Vol. 1, 2. 8th ed.; corrected and revised. * * * [Portrait. ] London, 1799, 4 (9.3X6.9), 3 cols., n. p. Idler (The). See (BRITISH Essayists. Vol. 27). 9 Johnsoniana, by Hawkins, Piozzi, Murphy, and others. See Bos WELL, J. Life of Samuel Johnson. Vol. 9, 10. 10 Life (The) [by A. Murphy ] and Writings of Samuel Johnson. Se lected and arranged by Rev. W. P. Page. . . . Vol. 1, 2. {Portrait. } (Harper s Fam. Libr., No. 109,110.) New York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.8). 11 Life of Dr Johnson. See BOSWELL, J. 12 Life of Roger As cham. See ASCHAM, R. English Works. Pp. i.-xvi. 13 Life of John Gay. See GAY, J. Poetical Works. Vol. 1, pp. ix.-xxiii. 14 Lives (The) of the most Eminent English Poets ; with critical Observa tions on their Works. . . . New ed., corrected. Vol. 1-4. [Por trait of author. ] London, 1793. 12 (5.1X3.1). [2 copies.] 15 Lives (The) of the most Eminent English Poets ; with critical Observa tions on their Works. . . . Vol. 1-3. Philadelphia, 1819. 12 (5.5X3). 1 6 Papers in the Adventurer. See (BRITISH Essayists, vol. 19-21). i? Rambler (The). . . . Vol. 1,2. * * * [Portrait. ] London, 1791. 8 (6.9X3.6). 18 Rambler (The). See (BRITISH Essayists. Vol. 14-18). !9 Works. New ed. ... With an Essay on his Life and Genius, by Arthur Murphy. Vol. 1-12. [Portrait. ] London, 1801. 8 (5.8X3.5). [2 copies.] JOHNSON, Mrs. Susanna. 20 Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. Johnson . . . during Four Years with the Indians and French. Walpole, 1 796. 12 (4.6X2.3). CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY. 337. JOHNSON, Thomas, Fellow of Eton College, Cambridge, Eng. 1 Queestiones Philosophic^ in justi Systematis Ordinem disposita? ; Auc- toribus adductis, et singulis in proprias Hypotheses dispertitis. Ed. Stia ... * * * Cantabrigian, 1741. 8 (5.9X3.3). Editor, and Translator. See SOPHOCLES. Tragcedias septem. JOHNSON, William, judge of Supreme Court, U.S.; b. in S. C., 1771. d. 1834. 2 Sketches of the Life and Correspondence of Nathaniel Greene, Major General of the Armies of the United States in the War of the Revolu- tion. Compiled chiefly from original Materials. ... Vol. 1, 2. [Por trait and Plans.] Charleston, 1822. 4 (7.5X5.2). JOHNSTON, Arthur, M.D., a dist. Scotch Latin scholar , b. 1587. d. 1641. 3 Paraphrasis Poetica Psalmorum Davidis. Accesserunt ejusdem Cantica. Evangelica, Symbolum Apostolicum, Oratio Dominica, Decalogus. Loudini, 1657. 24 (4.5 irr.X2.7). JOHNSTON, William. Translator. See BECKMANN, J. History of Inventions and Discoveries. Translator. See PAOLINO DA SAN BARTOLOMEO, F. Voyage to the E. I. JOMINI, Henri, a French baron and military officer-, b. in Switz., 1779. 4 Traite de grandes Operations Militaires, on Relation critique et com parative des Campagnes de Frederic et de L Empereur Napoleon ; avec un Recueil des Maximes les plus importantes de I Art de la Guerre . . . Par le Col. Jomini . . . Avec Cartes et Plans. Part. I., II., V. ... 4 vols. Paris, 1807. 8 (5.2X2-9) ; maps, &c. 4, folded sheets. JONES, David, Actuary to the Universal Life Assurance Company of London. 5 Value (On the) of Annuities and Reversionary Payments, with nu merous Tables. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [1 paging. ] London, 1843. 8 (6.8X3.9). JONES, Eev. Elijah. 6 Address delivered at the Fifth Anniversary of the Peace Society of Mi- not, Nov. 5, 1828. Portland, 1828. 8, pp. 23. [2 copies.] 7 Sermon delivered in Hallowell, June 24, 1840, before the Maine Mis sionary Society, at its Twenty-third Anniversary. Portland, 1840. 8, pp. 46. JONES, Eev. George, chaplain U. S. Navy ; b. near York, Penn., 1800. 8 United States Japan Expedition. Observations on the Zodiacal Light, from April 2, 1853, to April 22, 1855, made chiefly on board the United States Steam-Frigate Mississippi, during her late Cruise in Eastern Seas, and her Voyage homeward ; with Conclusions from the Data thus obtained. * * * Vol. 3. (U. S. Pub. Doc.) [Charts.] Washington, 1856. 4 (8.7x7.4), pp. 750. JONES, Henry. , 9 Philos. Trans., 1700-1720, abridged, &c. See ROYAL Society of London. JONES, John, LL.D., a Unit, minister, aft. a teacher in London ; d. 1827. 10 Ecclesiastical Researches ; or, Philo and Josephus proved to be Histo rians and Apologists of Christ, of His Followers, and of the Gospel. London, 1812. 8 (5.9X3.3), pp. 564. 11 Sequel to Ecclesiastical Researches, in which the Origin of the Intro ductory Chapters in Matthew and Luke is brought to light from Jose* phus, and in which the peculiar Articles of the Orthodox Faith are traced to the System of the Gnostics ... * * * London, 1813. 8 (5,9X3,3). 43 ,338 BOWUUIN COLLEGE. JONES, John, LL.D., continued. 1 Illustrations of the Four Gospels, founded on Circumstances peculiar to our Lord and the Evangelists. London, 1808. 8 (6.6X3.6), pp. 644. JONES, John, LL.D., a barrister-at-law, of London; b. 1772. d. 1838. Translator. See BYGGE, T. Travels in the French Republic. JONES, John Paul, a commodore in tlie U.S. Navy ; b. 1747. d. 1792. 2 Life and Character of Chev. John Paul Jones. See SHERBURNE, J. H. JONES, Joseph H., a Presbyterian clergyman of Pliila. Editor. See GREENE, A. The Life of Ashbel Greene, V. D. M. JONES, Joseph, M.D., Prof, of Chem. in Savannah Medical College. 3 Investigations, Chemical and Physiological, relative to certain American Vertebrata. Illustrated. Pp.150. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Con tributions, vol. 8.) JONES, Stephen; b. 1763. d. 1827. 4 Sheridan improved. A General Pronouncing and Explaining Dictionary of the English Language . . . 9th ed., revised, and very considerably enlarged ... * * * London, 1804. Th. 8 (7X4.4), 2 cols., n. p. JONES, Rev. Thomas, of Gloucester, Cape Ann ; d. 1846, cet. 83. 5 Sermon delivered at the General Convention of Universalists, Septem ber, 1813, at Winchester, N.-H. Boston, 1813. 8, pp. 20. JONES, Thomas P., M.D., Sup t of the U. S. Patent Office; d. 1848, cet. 75. Editor. See FRANKLIN Institute, &c. Journal Jan., 1826-Jan., 1846. JONES, Thomas Rymer, Prof, of Comp. Anatomy in King s College, London. 6 General Outline of the Organization of the Animal Kingdom, and Manual of Comparative Anatomy. * * * 2d ed., illustrated by four hundred Engravings. London, 1855. 8 (6.8X3.8), pp. 842. 7 Natural History (The) of Animals ; being the substance of Three Courses of Lectures delivered before the Royal Institution of Great Britain. * * * ... Vol. 1, 2. [Many Engravings. ] London, 1845, 52. 12 (5.4X3.2). JONES, William, F.A.S., a mathematical-instrument maker in London. Editor. See ADAMS, G. Astronomical and Geographical Essay. Es say on Electricity. Geometrical and Graphical Essays. Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy. JONES, Rev. William, F.R.S., Curate of Nayland, Eng. ; b. 1726. d. 1800. 8 Course (A) of Lectures on the Figurative Language of the Holy Scrip tures . . . To which are added, Four Lectures on the Relation between the Old and New Testaments, as it is set forth in the Epistle to the He brews. Also, A Lecture on the Natural Evidences of Christianity . . . London, 1787. 8 (5.8X3.1). JONES, Sir William, an English orientalist ; b. in London, 1746. d. 1794. $ Contributions to the Asiatic Researches. See (ASIATIC Researches). 1 Dissertations and Miscellaneous Pieces relating to the History and An tiquities, the Arts, Sciences, and Literature, of Asia . . . Vol. 1, con taining Dissertations by Sir W. Jones. 2, containing the Miscellaneous Pieces, by Sir W. Jones, W. Chambers, C. Wilkins, &c. London, 1792. 8 (5.9X3.4). n Essay (An) on the Law of Bailments. * * * Boston, 1796. 12 (4.4 irr. X2.9). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 339 JONES, Sir William, continued. 1 Memoirs of the Life, Writings, &c. of Sir W. Jones. See SHORE, J. 2 Works. . . . Vol. 1-6. [Portrait.] London, 1799. 4 (7.4X5.2). JONES, Rev. William Basil, A.M., Fellow of Queen s College, Oxford, Eng. 3 Vestiges of the Gael in Gwynedd. * * * London, 1851. 8, pp. 85. JORDAN, Charles Etienne, Privy-councillor to Frederic II. ; b. 1700. d. 1745. 4 Correspondance. See FREDERIC II. (OEuvres posthumes, vol. 9.) JORDAN, G. W., Esq., F.Pi.S., Colonial Agent for Barbados. 5 Claims (The) of the British West India Colonists to the Right of ob taining necessary Supplies from America, and . . . under admitted and duly regulated Intercourse, stated and vindicated, in Answer to Lord Sheffield s Strictures. London, 1804. 8 (5.9X3. 3). [2 copies.] JORDAN S Parliamentary Journal, for the Year 1795. Being an accurate and 6 Impartial History of the Debates and Proceedings of both Houses of Parliament; from . . . Dec. 30, 1794 to June 27, 1795. . . . Vol. 1-3. London, 1795. 8 (6.7X3.7). JORTIN, John, D.D., Archdeacon of London, &c. ; b. 1698. d. 1770. 7 Account of Life and Writings. (Prefixed to vol. 1 of Remarks, &c.) 8 Discourses concerning the Truths of the Christian Religion. [By J. Jorlin.~] 2d ed. London,, 1747. 8 (5.5X3), 9 Remarks on Ecclesiastical History. [By J. Jortin.] * * * London, 1751. 8 (5.4X3). 10 Remarks on Ecclesiastical History ... * * * Vol. 1-3. London, 1805. 8 (6.4X3. 7). JOSEPH II., Emperor of Germany; b. 1741. d. 1790. 11 Skizen aus den Karakter und Handlungen Josephs des Zweiten . . . Erste Sammlung, von A. F. Geisler. Halle, 1783. 8 (4.6X2.6). JOSEPHINE, Marie Joseph Rose Tascher de la PAGERIE, Empress of the French, 1st wife of Napoleon I.; b. near St. Pierre, Martinique, 1763. d. 1814. 12 Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. See MEMES, J. S. JOSEPHUS, Flavius, a Jewish historian; b. in Jerusalem, 37. d. about 100. 13 Famous (The) and Memorable Workes of losephus . . . Faithfully translated out of the Latin and French, by T. Lodge. * * * London, 1620. 2 (10.4X6.4), m. b., pp. 812-f-. 14 Genuine Works. Translated from the Original Greek, according to Hav- ercamp s accurate Edition. . . . Together with proper Notes, Obser vations, Contents, Parallel Texts of Scripture, five . . . Indexes, and a true Chronology ... To this Book are prefixed Plight Dissertations . . . [and] An Account of Jewish Coins, Weights and Measures. By W. Whiston. Illustrated . . . London, 1727. 2 (10.5X5.5), m. b., pp. clii., 1021. 15 Genuine Works. Translated from the Original Greek . . . Together with large Notes, proper Observations and an Index. . . . [With] Three Dissertations . . . Vol. 1-6. By W. Whiston. Worcester, 1794. 12 (5.7X3.2). [3 copies.] 16 Genuine Works ; translated by W. Whiston. To which are prefixed, Three Dissertations . . . Vol. 1-6. [Engravings.] Bridgeport, 1828. 16 (5. 3X3), i? Jewish War (The). A New Translation, by R. Traill. Edited, with Notes, by I. Taylor. Boston. &c., 1858. 8 (7. 2X4.1), pp. 340 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. JOSEPHUS, Flavins, continued. 1 Life of Josephus, by himself. (Contained in his Works.) 2 Wars (The) of the Jews. With . . . History of the Siege and De struction of the City of Jerusalem. . . . Epitomiz d from the Works of F. Josephus, translated into English by Sir R. L Estrange. 8th ed. Glasgow, 1760. 12 (5.4X3.3). JOSHUA, Book of. Hebrew and Translations. See BIBLE, in loco. JOSSE, Augustine E., a teacher of languages in London. 3 Elemens de la Grammaire Espagnole. Avec un Cours de Themes, des Regies sur la Pronunciation . . . une Liste des Verbes irreguliers . . . & des Extraits des meilleurs Ecrivains Espagnols. Par M. Josse. Londres, 1799. 8 (5.5X3.4). 4 Grammar (A) of the Spanish Language, with Practical Exercises. . . . By M. Josse. Revised, amended, improved, and enlarged by F. Sales. 6th American ed. *** ... Boston, 1834. 12 (5.4X3.4). JOSSELYN, John, resided in New England several years. 5 Account of two Voyages to New-England ; with Chronological Observa tions of America, to the year 1673. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collec tions, 3d Series, vol. 3.) JOUFFROY, Theodore Simon, a French eclectic philosopher ; &. 1796. d. 1842. 6 Cours d Esthetique Par Jouffroy Suivi de la These du meme auteur sur le Sentiment du Beau et de deux Fragments inedits et precede d une Preface Par Ph. Damiron Paris, 1843. 8 (6.3X3.6). 7 Introduction to Ethics, including a Critical Survey of Moral Systems, translated from the French of Jouffroy. By W. H. Channing. . . . Vol. 1,2. Boston, 1840. 12 (5.1X3). 8 Philosophical Miscellanies. See PHILOSOPHICAL Miscellanies, &c. JOURDAIN, Yves-Claude, a lawyer at Eennes. 9 Extrait alphabetique de tous les Decrets de L Assemblee Nationale, ser vant de table generate . . . Rennes, 1791. 8 (5. 8X3.3), pp. 556. JOURNAL (The American) of Education. See AMERICAN Journal, &c. JOURNAL (The American) of Science and Arts. See AMERICAN Journal, &c. JOURNAL (Boston) of Natural History. See BOSTON Society, &c. JOURNAL (The) of Classical and Sacred Philology. Vol. 1-4. 10 Cambridge, 1854- 60. 8 (6.3X3.9). JOURNAL du Commerce ; de Politique et de Litterature. Juin, 1808-Oct., 1809. H 2 vols. Paris, 1808- 09. 2 (12.5X7.7), 3 cols. JOURNAL of Franklin Institute. See FRANKLIN Institute, &c. JOURNAL General de la Litterature de France . . . Annee 1817-1819. 3 vols. 12 Paris, 181 7- 20. 8 (5.9X3.9), 2 cols. JOURNAL (A) of the Landing of His Majesty s Forces on the Island of Cape- J3 Breton, and of the Siege and Surrender of Louisbourg ; extracted from Maj.-Gen. Amherst s and Adm. Boscawen s Letters ... 3d ed. Boston, [1758]. 8, pp. 22. JOURNAL (The) of a Naturalist. * * * [Plates. ] 14 Philadelphia, 1831. 12 (5.3X3). JOURNAL de Paris. No. 1-212, 222-242, 332-353. Annee 1790. No. 115- 15 288, 325-365. Annee 1791. No. 1-136. Annee 1792. 4 vols. Paris, 1790- 92. 4 (7.2X5), 2 cols. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 341 JOURNAL of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. See CHEEVER, G. B. Editor. JOURNAL (The Quarterly) of Sciences, &c. See ROYAL Institution, &c. JOUTEL, . 1 Journal historique du dernier Voyage que feu M. de la Sale fit dans le Golfe de Mexique pour trouver I Embouchure & le Cours de la Riviere de Missicipi . . . Par M. Joutel, 1 un des Compagnons de ce Voyage, redige & mis en ordre par M. de Michel. \_Map.~] Paris, 1713. 12 (4.8X2.3). JOWETT, Rev. William, Sec y of Church Missionary Society of England. 2 Christian Researches in Syria and Palestine, in 1823 & 1824 . . . New- York, 1836. 8 (8.1X4.9), 2 cols. JOYCE, JRev. Jeremiah, a Unitarian minister ; b. 1764. d. 1816. 3 Subserviency (The) of Free Enquiry and Religious Knowledge, among the Lower Classes of Society, to the Prosperity and Permanence of a State . . . Discourse delivered before the Unitarian Society for pro moting Christian Knowledge, March 29, 1816. * * * 2d ed. London, 1816. 8, pp. 40. JUAN Y SANTACILIA, Don Jorge, a Spanish naval captain; b. 1712. d. 1774. 4 Voyage (A) to South America ; describing at large the Spanish Cities, Towns, Provinces, &c. on that extensive Continent ; the Genius, Cus toms, Manners and Trade of the Inhabitants ; together with the Natural History of the Country, and an Account of their Gold and Silver Mines. Undertaken by command of ... the King of Spain by Don George Juan, and Don Antonio de Ulloa. Translated from the Original Span ish. Illustrated with Copper-plates. 2d ed. Vol. 1, 2. Dublin, 1765. 8 (8.5X3.5). 5 Voyage (A) to South America. Describing at large the Spanish Cities, Towns, Provinces, &c. on that . . . Continent. Undertaken by com mand of the King of Spain, by Don George Juan, and Don Antonio de Ulloa. Translated from the Original Spanish. 3d ed. : to which are added, by J. Adams, occasional Notes and Observations ; &c. [Maps and Plates.] Vol. 1, 2. London, 1772. 8 (6.2X3.5). JUDGMENT (The) of Hercules. A Poem. By a Student of Oxford . . . [With] 6 The Golden Verses of Pythagoras. Translated from the Greek by Mr. Rowe. Glasgow, 1743. 8, pp. 28. JUDSON, Rev. Adoniram, D.D., an American Bapt. missionary ; b. 1788. d. 1850. ? Memoir of Rev. Dr. Judson. See WAYLAND, F. JUDSON, Rev. Everton, of Milan, 0. ; b. 1799. d. 1848. 8 Memoir of E. Judson. See BARROWS, E. P. JURGENS, Karl, a German historian and publicist ; b. 1801. 9 Luther s Leben. Erste Abtheilung. Luther von Seiner Geburt bis zum Ablassstreite. 1483-1517. Bd. 1-3. Leipzig, 1846- 47. 8 (6.5X3.8). JULIANUS, Flavius Claudius, the Apostate, a Roman emperor ; b. 331. d. 363. 10 Two Orations of the Emperor Julian ; one to the Sovereign Sun, and the other to the Mother of the Gods ; translated from the Greek. With Notes and a copious Introduction [by T. Taylor] ... * * * London, 1793. 8 (4.6X2.6). JULIUS CJESAR, Cains. See C/ESAR, C. J. 342 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. JUNCKER, Johann, Prof, of Chemistry at Univ. of Halle; b. 1680. d. 1759. 1 Conspectvs Chemiae theoretico-practicae in forma Tabvlarvm repraesen- tatvs ... * * * [Portrait.] Halae, 1730. 4 (6.3X4.4), pp. 1086+. JUNIUS, the signature of an anonymous English political writer. 2 Genuine Letters (The) of Junius, to which are prefixed Anecdotes of the Author. London, 1771. 8 (6.4X3.4). 3 Junius : including Letters by the same writer, under other signatures . . . To which are added, his Confidential Correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, and his Private Letters addressed to Mr. H. S. "Woodfall. With a Pre liminary Essay [by J. M. Good], Notes, Fac-similes, &c. . . . Vol. 1-3. London, 1812. 8 (5.9X3.3). JUNIUS, Francis. 4 Sacrorvm Parallelorvm Libri tres : id est, Comparatio Locorum Scrip- turse Sacra?, qui ex Testamento Vetere in Novo adducuntur . . . Ed. 2da. Londini, [1588?] 8 (5.2X2.8). JUNKIN, D. X., D.D., an American Presbyterian divine. 5 Oath (The) a divine Ordinance, and an Element of the Social Constitu tion: its Origin, Nature, Ends, &c. New York, 1845. 12 (5.2X3). JURIEU, Pierre, a French Protestant theologian; b. 1637. d. 1713. 6 History (The) of the Council of Trent. . . . [With] Historical Reflex- ions on Councils . . . Written in French. . . . [Plate.] London, 1684. 8 (5.9X3), m. b., pp. cxx., 608. 7 Lettres Pastorales addressees aux Fideles de France, qui gemissent sous la Captivite de Babylon . . . 2de Annee. [By P. Jurieu.] Rotterdam, 1688. 12 (4.7X2.5), pp. 578. 8 Pastoral Letters (The) of ... Jurieu, directed to the Protestants in France groaning under the Babylonish Tyranny, translated . . . Unto which is added, A brief Account of the Hungarian Persecution. London, 1689. 8 (5.9X3.3), pp. 648. Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici ; or, The Divine Right of Church-Govern- 9 ment, asserted and evidenced by the Holy Scriptvres . . . 2d ed., cor rected and augmented ... By sundry Ministers of ... London. * * * London, 1647. 4 (5.9X3.7). 10 Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici ... 3d ed. corrected and augmen ted ... By sundry Ministers of ... London. * * * London,. 1654. 4 (5.9X3.7). Jus Populi vindicatum, or the People s Right to defend themselves and their 11 Covenanted Religion, vindicated. ... By a Friend to true Christian Liberty. *** [London] 1669. 8 (5.3X3.2). JUSTICE, Sir James, Bart., F.R.S., Clerk of Session in Scotland. 12 British (The) Gardiner s New Director . . . With ... a Dissertation on the Culture of Forest-Trees. . . . Illustrated with Copper Plates. 5th ed., augmented and improved. Dublin, 1771. 8 (6.1X3.3). JUSTIN MARTYR, St., b. in Samaria; martyred at Borne about 165. 13 Apology for the Christian Religion. See REEVES, W. Apologies, &c. JUSTINIAN I., Flavius Amicus Justinianus, a Byzantine emperor ; b. 482. d. 565. 14 Institutes (The) of Justinian. [Latin and English.] With Notes by T. Cooper. Philadelphia, 1812. 8 (7X4.4), par. cols., pp. 714. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBIIAIIY. 343 JUSTINUS, a Latin historian, of uncertain date, prob. Id or 3d century. 1 Historice Phillippica? ; cum Versione Anglica, ad verbum, quantum fieri potuit, facta. ... By J. Clarke. 9th ed. Glocester, 1790. 8 (6.7X4), par. cols. 2 Historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio Libri XLIV. [Plate.] Londini, 1713. 12 (4.5X2.4). 3 Ivstinvs Trogi Pompeii Historiarvm Philippicarvm Epitoma : ex manu- scriptis codicibus emendatior ; & Prologis auctior. In eandem Notse. Excerptiones Chronologies : et variorum Lectionum Libellus. Parisiis, 1581. 8 (5.3X2.9). NOTE. " Notre" etc. has independent title-page and paging. 4 Juniani Justini ex Trogi Pompeii Historius externis Libri XLIIII. Om- nia ... ex variorum Exemplarium Collatione recensita & castigata. Londini, 1686. 12 (5.2 irr.X2.6), m. b. 5 Justinus de Historiis Philippicis, et totius Mundi Originibus, Interpre- tatione & Notis illustravit P. J. Cantel ... in usum Delphini. Ed. 4ta, ex nova recensione D. Durandi. Accessere J. Bongarsii Excerptiones Chronologicse ad Justini Historiaa accomodata?. London, 1774. 8 (6.5 irr.X3.7). JUVEXALIS, Decimus Junius, a Roman satirical poet ; fl. about 100. 6 1). J. Juvenalis et A. Persii Flacci Satirac. Interpretatione ac Notis illustravit L. Prateus ... in usum Delphini. Ed. lOma . . . Londini, 1783. 8 (6.8X4. 2). ~ D. J. Juvenalis et A. Persii Flacci Satyrsc. [Edited by M. Maittaire. Plate. ] Londini, 1716. 12 (4.5X2.5 irr.) 8 I. Ivvenalis et A. Persii Flacci Satyra?: cum Annotationibus [ofTh.Far- naby] . . . *** London, 1612. 12 (4.5irr.X3.1). 9 Satirae XVI Ad optimorvm Exemplarivm fidem resensitae varietate Lectionvm perpetvoqve Commentario illvstratae et Indice vberrimo in- strvctae a G. A. llvperti Vol. 1, 2. Ed. altera et emendatior. [Plate and Portrait. ] Lipsiae, 1819, 20. 8 (6.3X3.6). 10 Satyrce ex Manvscriptis restitvta?. Et in eas Commentationes, Observa- tiones, & Paralipomena B. Avtvmni. Parisiis, 1614. 2 (7.6X4.2). 1 1 Index omnivm fere Vocabvlorvm qva3 in omnibvs D. Ivnii Ivvenalis Satyris reperiuntur, vna cvm Rervm, Episthetorvm, ac Phrasivm singv- larivm Annotatione ... * * * Parisiis, 1614. 2 (7.6X4.2), n. p. NOTE. This index forms an appendix to the preceding work. 12 Traduction des Satires. See PERSIUS FLACCUS, A. Traduction, etc. JUVIGNY, Rigoley de. 13 Decadence (De la) des Lettres et des Moeurs, depuis les Grecs et les Romains jusqu a nos Jours. . . . Paris, 1787. 8 (5.2X3.3). K. K., II. An Exposition of the whole Book of Revelation. ... * * * 14 London, 1689. 4 (6.8X4.6). K., J. Curieusen (Der) Kunst und Werk Schul . . . Th. 1,2. [With Indices.] 15 Niirmberg, 1705, 07. Th. 4 (6.5X4.9). K., J., /< 7 .7?.,S . First Part (The) of a Dictionary of Chemistry. 16 Birmingham, 1789. 4 (8.5X^.9), 2 cols. 344 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. K., P. Nomenclatura trilinguis Anglo-Latino- Greeca ... * * * 3d ed., care- 1 fully revised . . . London, 1697. 8 (6X4), 3 cols., pp. 94. KAINH AIA0HKH ( H). See BIBLE, The New Testament. KAMES or KAIMES, Lord. See HOME, H., Lord Kames. KANE, Elisha Kent, M.D., Comm. U.S.N., b. in Pliila., 1820. d. 1857. 2 Arctic Explorations : the Second Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin, 1853, 54, 55. Illustrated by upwards of three hundred Engravings, from Sketches by the Author. . . . Vol. 1,2. [Portrait. } Philadelphia, 1856. 8 (6.5X3.8). 3 Biography of Dr. E. K. Kane. See ELDER, W. 4 Magnetic Observations in the Arctic Seas. Reduced and discussed by C. A. Schott. Pp. 72. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 10.) 5 Meteorological Observations in the Arctic Seas. Reduced and discussed by C. A. Schott. Pp. 120. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contribu tions, vol. 11.) 6 U. S. Grinnell Expedition (The) in Search of Sir John Franklin. A Per sonal Narrative. \_Illustrated.~] New-York, 1854. 8 (6.3X3.7), pp. 552. KANE, Sir Robert John, M.D. ; b. in Dublin, 1810. Jo int Editor. See LONDON, Edinburgh, &c. Philosophical Magazine, &c. KANMACHER, Frederick, F.L.S.. Editor. See ADAMS, G. Essays on the Microscope. KANT, Immanuel, a German metaphysician, of Scotch descent; b. 1724. d. 1804. 7 Critick of Pure Reason. Translated from the Original. * * * London, 1838. 8 (6.2X3.6), pp. 655. 8 Critik der practischen Vernunft. Riga, 1788. 8 (5.7X3.3). 9 Critik der reinen Vernunft. 6te aufl. Leipzig, 1818. 12 (6.2X3.5), pp. 651. 10 Critik der Urtheilskraft. 3te aufl. Berlin, 1799. 12 (6X3.3). 11 Metaphysic (The) of Ethics. Translated out of the Original German, with an Introduction and Appendix, by J. "VV. Semple. Edinburgh, 1836. 8 (5.9X3.5). 12 Metaphysische der Naturwissenschaft. 3te aufl. Leipzig, 1800. 8 (6X3.3). KASTNER, Abraham Gotthelf, a Q-emnan metaphysician & poet ; b. 1719. d. 1800. Translator. See ROYAL Academy of Sweden. Abhandlungen. KARAMSIN, Nikolai Mikhaeloviteh, a Russian statesman, &c. ; b. 1765. d. 1826. 13 Histoire de 1 Empire de Ilussie, par M. Karamsin ; traduite par MM. St. -Thomas et Jauffret. Tom. 1-8. Paris, 181 9- 20. 4 (5.3X3.2). KATER, Capt. Henry, an English mathematician; b. 1777. d. 1835. J4 Nautical Astronomy. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 3). KAUFMAN, Abram, an American Prot.-Episc. clergyman. Translator. See THOLUCK, F. A. I). Commentary on Gospel of St. John. KAY, Stephen. 15 Travels and Researches in Caffraria . . . : with historical and topographi cal Remarks, illustrative of the State and Prospects of the British Set tlements in its borders, the Introduction of Christianity, and the Pro gress of Civilization. [Illustrated.] New-York, 1834. 12 (5.2X2.8). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 345 KEACH, Benjamin, a Baptist minister of London; b. 1640. d. 1664. 1 Travels (The) of true Godliness. Revised and improved ; with occa sional Notes, and a Memoir of his Life ; by EL Malcom. 2d ed. Boston, 1831. 24 (4.5X2.6). KEATING, William H., Prof, of Mineralogy and Chemistry, Univ. of Penn. 2 Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of the St. Peter s River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, &c., &c., performed in the year 1823, by order of J. C. Calhoun, Sec y of War, under the command of S. H. Long, Major U. S. T. E. Compiled from the Notes of Major Long, Messrs. Say, Keating and Colhoun. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Illustrated.] Philadelphia, 1824. 8 (5.8X3.5). NOTE. Known as Long- s Second Expedition. Compare under JAMES, E. KEATINGE, Maurice, Esq. Translator. See DIAZ DEL CASTILLO, B. Conquest of Mexico. KEATS, John, an English poet ; b. in London, 1795. d. 1821. y Memoir of Life. See (Poetical Works, Bost. Ed., post. Pp. vii.-xxxiv.). 4 Poetical Works. ... [Portrait.] Boston, 1854. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). 5 Poetical Works. ... Pt. I., II. New-York, 1846. 12(5.5X2.9irr.). KECKKRMAN, Bartolomeus, Prof, of Pliilos. at Dantzic; b. 1570- 71. d. 1609. 6 Resplvtio Systematis Logici Maioris in Tabellas pleniores, quam qua3 ante hac fuerunt. * * * Hanovisc, 1614. 8, pp. 47. 7 Systema Logicae, tribvs libris adornatvm, pleniore Praeceptorvm Metho- do, & Commentariis scriptis . . . , & Collationem cum Doctrina Aristo- telis, atque aliorum . . . Ed. 6ta, prioribus correctior. * * * Hanovia?, 1613. 8 (5.4X2.8), pp. 594-J-. KEIGHTLEY, Thomas, an Irish author; b. about 1800. 8 History (The) of England, from the Earliest Period to 1839. From 2d London ed. With Notes, &c., by the American Editor. . . . Vol. 1-5. (Harper s Earn. Libr., No. 114-118.) New-York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7). 9 Mythology (The) of Ancient Greece and Italy ... * * * With twelve Plates . . . , by W. H. Brooke. London, 1831. 8 (6.3X3.5). KEIL, Karl Friedrich, D.D., Ph.D., Professor at Dorpat and Leipzig. 1 Commentary on the Book of Joshua. Translated by J. Martin. Edinburgh, 1857. 8 (6.6X3.8), pp. 501. 11 Handbuch der biblischen Archaologie. Ha lfte 1. Die gottesdienstlichen Verhaltnisse der Israeliten. Mit vier . . . Tafeln. 2. Die biirgerlich- socialen Verhaltnisse der Israeliten. Frankfurt a. M. und Erlangen, 1858, 59. 8 (6.4X3.9). KEILL, John, M.D., F.E.S., Prof, of Astronomy at Oxford; b. 1671. d. 1721. 12 Euclid s Elements of Geometry ; with Treatises on Logarithms and Trigonometry. See EUCLID. 13 Examination (An) of Dr. Burnet s Theory of the Earth. Together with some Remarks on Mr. Whiston s new Theory of the Earth. Oxford , 1698. 8 (5.5X2.9). 14 Introduction (An) to Natural Philosophy : or, Philosophical Lectures read in the University of Oxford, A. I). 1700. . . . [Also] The Demon strations of E. Huygens s Theorems, concerning the Centrifugal Force and Circular Motion. Translated from the last Edition of the Latin. 2d ed. [Diagrams. ] London, 1726. 8 (6.1X3.4). 44 34G BOW DO IN COLLEGE. KEITH, Rev. Alexander, of Kincard uiesliire, Scotland. 1 Evidences of the Truth of the Christian Keligion, derived from the Literal Fulfilment of Prophecy : particularly as illustrated in the His tory of the Jews, and by the Discoveries of Recent Travellers. From 6th Edinburgh ed. *** New- York, 1832. 8 (5.1 in. X 2.9). KEITH, Rev. George Skene, Minister of Keith- Hall and Kinkell, Aberdeenshire. 2 Life and Writings of Dr. George Campbell. See CAMPBELL, G. Lec tures on Ecclesiastical History. Vol. 1, pp. v.-lxxx. KEITH, Reuel, D.D., Prof, in Prot.-Episc. Theol Sem. at Alexandria ; d. 1842. Translator. See HENGSTENBERG, E. W. Christology of Old Testa., &c. KEITH, Sir William, Gov. of Perm., 1717-26; d. 1749, cet. about 80. 3 Collection (A) of Papers and other Tracts . . . [with] An Essay on the Nature of a Public Spirit. London, 1740. 12 (5.2X3). KELLAND, Rev. P., F.R.S., Prof, of Mathematics, &c., Univ. of Edinburgh. Editor, &c. See YOUNG, T. Lectures on Natural Philosophy, &c. KELLOGG, Rev. Ezra B., a Prot.-Episc. clergyman, of Connecticut. 4 War contrary to the Gospel. Sermon, preached before the Peace Society of Windham County, Feb. 4, 1830. Providence, 1830. 8, pp. 32. KELLY, P., LL.D., Master of Fmsburu- Square Academy, London. 5 Elements (The) of Book-Keeping . . . With an Appendix on Ex changes, Banking, and other Commercial Subjects. 9th ed. London, 1828. 8 (6.7X3.9). 6 Practical Introduction (A) to Spherics and Nautical Astronomy. . . . 2d ed., augmented and improved. *** London, 1801. 8 (6.5X3.8). KELSALL, Carlo. 7 Idea of a Constitution for Italy. * * * London, 1814. 12 (5. 1X3). KEMPIS, Thomas a, a German monk of St. Agnes ; b. about 1379. d. 1471. 8 Christian s Pattern (The) : or, A Treatise of the Imitation of Jesus Christ. In four books. Written originally in Latin by T. a Kempis. Now rendered into English. . . . By G. Stanhope. New ed. Charlestown, 1812. 8 (6.5X3.1). NOTE. The authorship of this work is doubtful. Most generally attributed to John Gerson, Chancellor of the University of Paris, who died 1429. KEMBLE, John Mitchell, an eminent English Anglo-Saxon scholar; b. 1807. 9 Saxons (The) in England. A History of the English Commonwealth till the Period of the Norman Conquest. * * * Vol. 1, 2. London, 1849. 8 (6.2 in.XS.5). 10 Translation of Beowulf, with Preface and Notes. See BEOWULF, Tale of. KENDAL, E. A. 11 Account of the Writing on Dighton Rock in Taunton River. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 3, pt. I.) 12 Historical Account of the Invasion of Egypt by the French. See DE- NON, I). V. Travels in Egypt, &c. KENDAL, Rev. Samuel, D.D., of Weston, Mass. ; d. 1815, cet. 60. 13 Discourse delivered at Mendon, June 14, 1810, at the Interment of Hon. Samuel Dexter. Boston, 1810. 8, pp. 24. 1 4 Love an Essential Attribute of Deity. Sermon, delivered in Roxbury, Nov. 16, 1794. Boston, 1795. 8, pp. 29. KENDRICK, Prof. Asahel C., D.D., an Amer. Bapt. clergyman ; b. in Vt., 1809, Editor. See OLSHAUSEN, H. Commentary on the New Testament. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 347 KENDRICK, W., LL.D. Joint Translator. See BUFFON, G. L. L. de. Natural History, c. KENNEDY, John, Rector of Bradley in Derbyshire. 1 Complete System (A) of Astronomical Chronology, unfolding the Scrip tures. ... *** London, 1762. 4 (7.3X5.5), pp. 708-J-. KENNETT, Basil, D.D., Princ. of Corpus Christi Coll, Oxford; b. 1674. d. 1714. 2 Romae Antiqua} Notitia : or, The Antiquities of Rome. In two parts. .. . "With Copper cuts ... To which are prefix d Two Essays ; concerning the Roman Learning, and the Roman Education. * * * 12th ed. cor rected and improved. [Portrait.] London, 1764. 8 (6.2 irr.X3.7). [2 copies.] KENNICOTT, Benjamin, D.D., Keeper of Eadcliffe Libr., &c.; b. 1718. d .1783. 3 Dissertatio generalis in Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum ; cum variis Lectionibus, ex Codicibus manuscriptis et impressis. Oxonii, 1780. 2 (13.2X7.5). [2 copies.] NOTE. One copy is annexed to vol. 2 of Vetus Testamentum, edited by Kennicott. Editor. See BIBLE, The Old Testament. Vetus Testamentum, etc, KENRICK, Rev. John, A.M., Prof, at Manchester College, York, Eng. 4 Egypt of Herodotus, with Notes and Dissertations. See HERODOTUS. Editor. See MATTHIA, A. H. A Copious Greek Grammar. KENT, James, LL.D., an Amer. jurist; b. in Philippi, N. Y., 1763. d. 1847. 5 Commentaries on American Law. Vol 1-3. New-York, 1826- 28. 8 (6.4X3.5). 6 Commentaries on American Law. Vol. 1-4. 3d ed. New-York, 1836. 8 (6.6><3.6), m. b. KENT, John. Joint Author. See CAMPBELL, J. Biographia Nautica. KENTUCKY, State of. Report of the Board of Managers and Superintendent 7 of the Kentucky Eastern Lunatic Asylum, at Lexington, for the year 1856-7 ; 1858-9. Frankfort, 1858, 59. 8, pamps. KENT, Nathaniel, of Fulkam, Middlesex, Eng. 8 General View of the Agriculture of the County of Norfolk ; with Ob servations on the Means of its Improvement. Drawn up for ... the Board of Agriculture, &c. ... * * * [Map and Plates. ] London, 1796. 8 (5.9X3.4). 9 Hints to Gentlemen of Landed Property. London, 1775. 8 (5.2X3). KEPLER, Johann, a German astronomer ; b. in Wurtemberg, 1571. d. 1630. 10 Dioptrice . . . London, 1653. 8 (6X3.4). 11 Life of Kepler, by J. E. D. Bethune. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. Lives, &c. 12 Life of Kepler. See BREWSTER, D. The Martyrs of Science. KER, Henry Bellenden. 13 Life of Sir C. Wren. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Know ledge. Library, &c. Lives, &c. KERGUELEN-TREMEREC, Y. J. de. 14 Voyage to the North, 1767, 68. $eePlNKERTON, J. (Voyages, &c., vol. 1.) KERN, Johann Henrich. 15 Eine liber Fein-Silber zu Marck, Loth und Grenen, gantz genau und accurat abgefasste Neue Aussrechnung . . . Franekfurt am Mayn, 1736. 16 (5.3X2.3). 348 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. KERR, Robert, F.R.S., &c. Translator. See LAVOISIER, A. L. Elements of Chemistry. KERRISON, Robert, of the Royal College of Surgeons in London. Translator. See RICHERAND, A. B. L. C. M. Elements of Physiology. KETT, Henry, Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford; b. 1761. d. 1825. 1 Elements of General Knowledge, introductory to Useful Books in the principal branches of Literature and Science. ... 2 vols. in 1. Baltimore, 1812. 8 (6.5X3.7). 2 History the Interpreter of Prophecy, or, A View of Scriptural Prophe cies and their Accomplishment . . . Vol. 1,2. 4th ed., with additional Notes. London, 1801. 8 (6.2X3.3). 3 Sermons preached before the University of Oxford ... in the year MDCCXC., at the Lecture founded by the Rev. John Bampton. 2d ed., with Corrections and Additions. London, 1792. 8 (6.1X3.3). KETTELL, Thomas Prentice. Editor. See The UNITED STATES Magazine, &c. Vol. 18-28. KEY, Francis Scott, an American lawyer and song-writer; b. 1779. d. 1843. 4 Power (The) of Literature and its Connexion with Religion : an Oration, delivered at Bristol College, July 23, 1834, before the Philologian Society. Bristol, 1834. 8, pp. 19. KIDD, John, M.D., F.B.8. 5 Adaptation (On the) of External Nature to the Physical Condition of Man Principally with reference to the Supply of his Wants and the Exercise of his Intellectual Faculties London, 1834. 8 (6X3-5). NOTE. Half-title, " The Bridgewater Treatises . . . Treatise II. . . . 3d ed." 6 Outlines of Mineralogy. Vol. 1, 2. Oxford, 1809. 8 (5.8X3.5). KIDDER, Frederic. 7 History (The) of New Ipswich from its First Grant in MDCCXXXVI. to the Present Time : with Genealogical Notices of the principal Families, and also the Proceedings of the Centennial Celebration, Sept. 11, 1850. [By F, Kidder and A. A. Gould. Maps, Portraits, c&c.] Boston, 1852. 8 (6.4X3.8). KIDDER, Richard, D.D., Bivliop of Batli and Wells; d. 1703. 8 Demonstration of the Messias. See (BOYLE S Lecture Sermons, vol. 1). KIENER, L. C., Curator of Museum of Natural History at Paris. 9 General Species and Iconography of Recent Shells, comprising the Mas- sena Museum, the Collection of Lamarck, &c. Translated from the French by D. H. Storer. [Genera Pyramidella, Thracia, Harpa, Buc- cinum and Dolium. 5pagings.~\ Boston, 1837. 8 (5. 9X3-5). 10 Species General et Iconographie des Coquilles Vivantes, comprenant la Collection du Museum d Histoire Naturelle de Paris, la Collection La marck, celle du Prince Massena . . ., et les Decouvertes recentes des Voyageurs. ... 10 vols. [Colored Plates."] Paris, n. d. 8 (5.9X3.6). NOTE. Each genus has independent paging- and numbering of plates. KlLLRN, W. D., D.D., an Irish Presbyterian clergyman. 11 Ancient Church (The) : its History, Doctrine, Worship, and Constitu tion, traced for the First Three Hundred Years. * * * New York, 1859. 8 (6.5 irr.X4), pp. 656. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 349 KILLING, no Murder. By William Allen [pseudonym]. See GREAT BRITAIN. Historical and Political Publications. KIMBALL, Jacob, Jun. 1 Essex Harmony (The) ... * * * Exeter, 1800. 4(4.4X7.9). KIMBALL, Joseph Horace. Joint Author. See THOME, J. A. Emancipation in the West Indies. KING, David, M.D. 2 Historical Sketch (An) of the Redwood Library and Athenaeum, in Newport, Rhode Island. Boston, 1860. 8, pp. liii. KING, John. 3 Thoughts on the Difficulties and Distresses in which the Peace of 1783, has involved the People of England . . . Addressed to Rt. Hon. C. J. Fox. * * * 3d ed. London, 1783. 8, pp. 48. KING, Rev. Jonas, an American missionary at Athens. 4 AIA*OPA ... Ev A$D*I, 18-59. 8 (6X3.5), pp. 813. 5 OMIAIAI ... *** TV jt*. ,/3. [Photograph.] Eir AVi, 1859 - 8 (6X3.4). KING, Sir Peter, an English chancellor; b. 1669. d. 1734. 6 History (The) of the Apostles Creed : with Critical Observations on its several Articles. \_Dy Sir P. King.] 2d ed. London, 1703. 8 (5.7X2.5), m. r. 7 Thoughts on the Restriction of the Payments in Specie at the Banks of England and Ireland. By Lord King. London, [1803]. 8 (5.9X3.3). KING, Rev. Thomas Starr, an American Unitarian clergyman ; b. in N. Y., 1824. 8 Lecture (A) on Hildebrand, delivered before the Young Men s Christian Union, in Boston. Boston, 1857. 8, pp. 34. 9 Spiritual Christianity. See (PiTTS-STREET Chapel Lectures). KING, William, D.D., Archbp. of Dublin; b. 1050. d. 1729. 10 Essay (An) on the Origin of Evil. Translated from the Latin, with large Notes. . . . [Also] Two Sermons by the same author, the former concerning Divine Prescience, the latter on the Fall of Man. 3d ed. corrected. By E. Law r . Cambridge, 1839. 8 (6.2X3.2), m. b., pp. 517, 82. NOTF. Sermons are paged independently, and are 6th ed. and 2d ed. respectively. KING, Hon. William Rufus, U.S. Sen. from Alabama; b. 1786. d. 1823. 11 Addresses on the Death of Hon. W. R. King. See UNITED STATES. KINGS, Books of. Hebrew and Translations. See BIBLE, in loco. KINGSLEY, Rev. Charles, an English clergyman, novelist and poet ; b. 1819. 12 Alexandria and her Schools. Four Lectures delivered at the Philoso phical Institution, Edinburgh. . . . Cambridge, 1854. 8 (5.4X3.2). KINGSLEY, James Luce, LL.D., Prof, of Latin, &c., Yale Coll. ; b. 1778. d. 1852. 13 Life of Ezra Stiles, D.D. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 6.) KINGSTON, Elizabeth CHUDLEIGII, Duchesse de. See CHUDLEIGH, E. KIP, William Ingraham, D.J)., Bp. of California; b. in N. Y., 1811. 14 Catacombs (The) of Rome as illustrating the Church of the First Three Centuries. * * * 3d ed. [Engravings.] New-York, 1854. 12 (5.3X3.2). KIPPIS, Andrew, D. D.,F.R.S., an Eng. dissenting clergyman; 6.1725. d. 1795. 15 Life of Butler, prefixed to Analogy, Ed. 1819. See BUTLER, J. *6 Life of Doddridge. <?* DODDRIDGE, P. Family Expositor, Ed. 1799. Vol. 1 , pp. iv.-cbcnaL 350 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. KIPPIS, Andrew, D.D., F.B.S., continued. 1 Life of Dr. Lardner. See LARDNER, N. Works. Vol. 1 , pp. i.-clxviii. 2 Observations on the Coronation. Sermon, Sept. 20, 1761, the Lord s Day before the Coronation of K. George III. and Q. Charlotte. London, 1761. 8, pp. 36. Editor. See DODDRIDGE, P. Lectures on Pneumatology, Ethics, &c. KIRBY, Rev. William, F.R.8., &c., an English naturalist; b. 1759. d. 1850. 3 Power (On the) Wisdom and Goodness of God as manifested in the Crea tion of Animals and in their History Habits and Instincts Vol. 1, 2 [Plates. } London, 1735. 8 (6X3.5). [2 copies of vol. 1.] NOTE. Half-title, "Bridgewater Treatises ... Treatise VII. ... 2d ed." KIRKLAND, Caroline Matilda STAXSBURY, an American authoress ; b. in N. Y. 4 Selections from Spenser ; with Life, &c. See SPENSER, E. KIRKLAND, John Thornton, D.D., LL.D., Pres. Harvard Coll. ; b. 1770. d. 1840. 5 Artillery-Election Sermon, June 1, 1795. Boston, 1795. 8, pp. 35. 6 Discourse in commemoration of John Adams and Th. Jefferson. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, New Series, vol. 1.) " Election Sermon, in Mass., May 29, 1816. Boston, 1816. 8, pp. 27. 8 Sermon before the Massachusetts Society for the Suppression of Intem perance, in Boston, May 27, 1814. Boston, 1814. 8, pp. 14. 9 Life of Maj.-Gen. B. Lincoln. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 2d Series, vol. 3.) 10 Notices of the Life and Character of Fisher Ames. See AMES, F. Works. Pp. iii.-xxxi. KIRKLAND, Samuel, a missionary among the Indians ; d. 1806, cet. 66. 11 Life, by S. K. Lothrop. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 15.) KIRWAN, Richard, M.D., &c., an Irish chemist ; b. about 1750. d. 1812. !2 Elements of Mineralogy. London, 1784. 8 (5.7X3.3). 13 Essay (An) on the Analysis of Mineral Waters. London, 1799. 8 (6X3.3). 14 Essay (An) on Phlogiston, and the Constitution of Acids. London, 1787. 8 (5.9X3.5). 15 Geological Essays. London, 1799. 8 (6X3.1), pp. 502. KLAPROTH, Martin Heinrich, a German chemist; b. 1743. d. 1817. 16 Analytical Essays towards promoting the Chemical Knowledge of Min eral Substances. Translated from the German. London, 1801. 8 (6.4X3.4), pp. 591. [2 copies.] KLEBER, Jean Baptiste, a French general; b. 1753. assas. at Cairo, 1800. 17 Histoire des Gen x Desaix et Kleber. See DESAIX DE VEYGOUX, L. C. A. KJLENCKE, Prof. . l Alexander von Humboldt : a biographical Monument. By Prof. Klencke. Translated from the German by J. Bauer. New York, 1853. 12 (5.7X3.2). KNAPP, Samuel Lorenzo, an American author ; b. 1784. d. 1838. 19 Lectures on American Literature, with Remarks on some Passages of American History. *** [New-York] 1829. 8 (6X3.3). Editor. See HINTON, J. H. History, &c. of the United States. KNIGHT, Charles, an English publisher and author; b. 1791. 20 English Cyclopedia (The). . . . Conducted by C. Knight. Geogra phy. Vol. 1-4. Biography. Vol. 1-6. Arts and Sciences. Vol. 1-7. 17 vols. London, 1854- 62. 4 (9.5X6.7), 2 cols. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 351. NIGHT, Charles, continued. 1 Half-Hours with the Best Authors. Selected and arranged with short biographical and critical Notices. Vol. 1-4. New-York, 1849. 12 (5.6X3.5). NOLLES, Richard, Master of Sandwich School, Eng. ; d. 1610. 2 Generall Historic (The) of the Turks, from the First Beginning of that Nation to the year 1638. With the Lives of the Othoman Kings and Emperors. 3d ed. . . . [Portraits.] London, 1620. 2 (7.9X5.9), m. b., pp. 1396-f. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting to p. 1 and from Polinus of Table, &c. The Lives, &c. has independent title-page. Continued by Kycaut See RYCAUT, P. Translator. See BODIX, J. Six Bookes of a Commonweale. NOWLEDGE, Pursuit of, under Difficulties. See CRAIK, C. L. NOWLES, James Davis, Prof, at Newton Tlieol. List. ; b. 1798. d. 1838. 3 Memoir of Roger Williams, the Founder of the State of Rhode-Island. *** [Fac-simile.] Boston, 1834. 12 (5.5X3.2). NOX, Rev. John, the Scotch Protestant Reformer ; b. 1505. d. 1572. 4 History (The) of the Reformation in Scotland. To which are appended, Several other Pieces of his Writing ; including The First Book of Dis cipline, complete, and his Dispute with the Abbot of Crossraguel . . . With a Memoir, Historical Introduction, and Notes, by W. M Gavin. ... [Portraits.] Glasgow, 1831. 8 (7.3X4.4), 2 cols., pp. Ixxi., 581. NOX, Vicesimus, D.D., an English clergyman , b. 1762. d. 1821. 5 Elegant Extracts ... in Prose. [By V. Knox.] * * * London, 1790. 8 (7. 6X4.5), 2 cols., pp. 512. 6 Essays, moral and literary. New ed. . . . Vol. 1,2. * * * London, 1782. 12 (5.3X3). 7 Essays, moral and literary. . . . Vol. 1-3. 13th ed. * * * London, 1793. 8 (5.8X3.3). 8 Liberal Education ; or, A Practical Treatise on the Methods of acquiring . . . Learning. . . . Vol. 1, 2. 10th ed. ... * * * London, 1789. 8 (5.8X3.3).. 9 Poetry Elegant Extracts . . . [By V. Knox.] * * * [London, 1790.] 8 (7.6X4.5), 2 cols. Sermons ... Dublin, 1792. 8 (5.9X3.3), pp. 510. 11 Winter Evenings : or, Lucubrations on Life and Letters. * * * 2d ed., corrected and enlarged. ... Vol. 1,2. London, 1790. 8 (6X3.3).. 12 Winter Evenings : or, Lucubrations on Life and Letters. * * * 3ded., corrected and enlarged. ... Vol. 1, 2. London, 1795. 12 (5.3X3). .OBELL, Franz von, Prof, of Min., Univ. of Munich. 13 Instruction for the Discrimination of Minerals by simple Chemical Ex periments. Translated from the German, by R. C. Campbell. Glasgow, 1840. 8, pp. 51. .OCH, Christophe Guillaume de, a French publicist ; b. 1737. d. 1813. 14 Abrege de ITIistoire des Traites de Paix entre les Puissances de 1 Eu- rope depuis la Paix de Westphalie. Par M. Koch. Tom. 1-4. . . . Basle, 1796- 97. 8 (6X3.6). .OLLNER, WilhelmHeinrich Doroth. Eduard, D.D., Ph.D., Prof, at Gottingen. 15 Symbolik aller christlichen Confessionen. Von Dr. E. Kollner. Th. 1. Symbolik der Lutherischen Kirche. 2. Symbolik der heiligen aposto- lischen katholischen romischen Kirche. Hamburg, 1837, 44. 8 (6.8X3.8). NOTE. Each volume has also independent title-page. 352 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. KOPPE, Johann Benjamin, D.D., Prof, of TheoL, Gottingen; b. 1750. d. 1791. Editor, and Annotator. See BIBLE, The New Testament. Novvm Testamentvm Greece. KOPPIER, Peter Henry. 1 Observata Philologica in Loca quondam Antiphanis ; Theocriti ; Pavli Apostoli ; Erastosthenis ; et Propertii. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, 1771. 8 (5. 5X3. 2). KORAN (The), or Alcoran. See MOHAMMED. KORNER, Karl Theodor, a German poet ; b. in Dresden, 1791. d. 1813. 2 Songs and Ballads ; translated by C. T. Brooks. See BROOKS, C. T. KRAYENHOFF, C. R. T., a physician at Amsterdam; b. 1759. d. 1838. Joint Author. See PAETS VAN TROOSTWYK, A. Application de 1 Elee- tricite a la Physique et a la Medecine. K.ROHNY, Franz. 3 Ausziige der Gesetze liber die aussere Kirchenverwaltung der das soge- nannte Publico Ecclesiasticum vom Jahre 1669 anzufangen bis zum. Schlusse des 1782 . . . Wien, 1784. 8 (6X3.4). KROIIN, Bartholdus Nicolans. 4 Catalogus Bibliotheca? praestantissimorum, qui ad Theologiam, Philolo- giam atque Historiam spectant, Librorum Selectum complectentis. . . . [Classed, with Index. Manuscript Notes of author.] Hamburg!, 1793. 8 (5.8X3.3). KRONSTEDT, Axel von, a Swedish mineralogist, &c. 5 Versuch einer Mineralogie. Aufs neue aus dem Schwedischen iiber- setzt und . . . mit aussern Beschreibungen der Fossilien vermchrt von A. G. Werner. Bd. 1 Th. 1. Leipzig, 1780. 8 (6X3.4), KUHNER, Dr. Raphael, Corrector of the Lyceum, Hanover ; b. 1802. 6 Grammar of the Greek Language . . . Translated from the German by B. B. Edwards and S. II. Taylor. Andover, 1844. 8 (6.2X3.8), pp. 603. 7 Greek Grammar ; chiefly from Kiihner. See JELF, W. E. KUGLER, Franz Theodor, Prof, of Art., Univ. of Berlin , b. 1808. d. 1858. 8 Kugler s Hand-Book of Painting. The Schools of Painting in Italy. Translated, from the German of Kugler, by a Lady. Edited, with Notes, by Sir C. L. Eastlake. With upwards of one hundred Illustra tions ... 2d ed., thoroughly revised, with much additional matter. ... Pt, L, II. 2 vols. London, 1851. 12 (5.9 irr.X3.4). KUNCKEL, Johann, an eminent German chemist; b. 1630. d. 1782. 9 Ars Vitraria Experimentalis, oder volkommene Blasmacher-Kunft, lehren- de in einem . . . herfliessendem Commentario, iiber die von dergleichen Arbeit beschriebene sieben Biicher P. Ant. Neri, und denen dariiber ge- thanen gelehrten Ammerckungen C. Merretti. . . . I Plates. ] Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1689. 4 (6.2X4.6). 10 Chymische Anmerckungen . . . Wittenberg, 1677. 12 (5X2.6). 11 Collegium Physico-Chymicum Experimentale . . . Nebst der Trans mutation und Verbesserung der Metallen . . . herausgegeben von J. C. Engelleder. [Portrait.] Hamburg und Leipzig, 1716. 8 (3.4X3.2), pp. 737-}-. Joint Author. See NERI, A. Art de la Verrerie. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 353 KURTZ, J. H., D.D., Prof, of Theol. at Dot-pat. 1 History of the Old Covenant, from the German. Vol. 1. Translated, annotated, and prefaced by a condensed Abstract of Kurtz s " Bible and Astronomy," by A. Edersheim. 2, 3. Translated by J. Martin. Edinburgh, 1S59- 61. 8 (6.6X3.9). KURTZ E Nachricht von den Metallischen Glassern und der Vitrification des 2 Goldes in Amausen . . . Leipzig, 1767. 8 (5. 3X2.9). KUSTER, Ludolph, Prof. & Libr. at Berlin, aft. a Jesuit; b. 1670. d. 1716. 3 L. Kusterus de vero Usu Verborum Mediorum eorumque Differentia a Verbis activis & passivis. Item Veteres PoetaB citati . . . sive Index Vocabularum in quibus anceps vocalis pro longa hatc ida est. Opera & curaE. Leedes . . . Londini, ITiO. 12 (5.2X2.9). KYD, Stewart, a lawyer, of London. 4 Treatise (A) on the Law of Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes. 1st American, from 3d London ed. With . . . Additions. Boston, 1798. 12 (5.3X2.8). L. LA BAT, Jean Baptiste, a Frencli Dominican missionary ; b. 1663. d. 1738. 5 Nouvelle Relation de L Afrique Occidentale . . . Ouvrage enrichi de quantite de Cartes, etc. Tom. 1-5. Paris, 1728. 12 (4.9X2.5). LA BECHE, Henry T. DE. See DE LA BECHE, H. T. LABORIE, P. J., LL.D., a resident planter of St. Domingo. 6 Coffee Planter (The) of Saint Domingo ; with an Appendix, containing a View of the Constitution, Government, Laws, and State of that Colo ny, previous to the year 1789. ... * * * [Plates.] London, 1798. 8 (6.2X3.4), m. b. [2 copies.] LA BRUYERE, Jean DE ; a French moralist; b. 1644. d. 1696. 7 Caracteres (Les) de Theophraste, avec les Caracteres ou les Moeurs de ce Siecle, par M. de la Bruyere. Nouv. ed., augmentee de quelques Notes sur ces deux Ouvrages, & de la Defense, de la Bruyere & de ses Caracteres, par M. Coste. Tom. 1,2. Paris, 1740. 12 (4.8X2.4). 8 Caracteres de la Bruyere, nouv. ed., revue par M. B. de B., a laquelle on a ete ajoute differens Morceaux . . . Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1790. 8 (5.8X3.2). 9 Characters ; or, The Manners of the Age. With the Moral Characters of Theophrastus. Translated from the Greek. . . . [With] An Ac count of his Life and Writings. By M. de la Bruyere. . . . 5th ed. To which is added, An original Chapter, of the Manner of living with Great Men. With some of the most Eminent Characters in the Court, Army, &c. of Great Britain. [Plates.] London, 1, 09. 12 (5.8X3.3). NOTE. The Characters of Theophrastus, &c. has independent title-page, &c. LA C. * * * *, Mr. DE. 10 Conformite des Coutumes des Indiens orientaux,- avec celles des Juifs & des autres Peuples de PAntiquite. [Illustrated.] Brusselles, 1704. 12 (4.4X2.2). LACEPEDE, Bernard Germain Etienne DE LA VILLE-SUR-!LLON, Count DE, a French naturalist ; b. 1756. d. 1825. u Discours sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de Daubenton. See DAVBENTON, L. J. M. Instruction pour les Bergers, etc. Pp. v.-lxiv. 45 354 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. LACEPEDE, Bernard Germain Etienne de LA VILLE-SUR-!LLON, &c., continued. 1 Histoire naturelle des Quadrupedes ovipares et des Serpens ; par le Comte de Lacepede. Tom. 1-4. Paris, 1788- 90. 12 (4.3X2.5). NOTE. Uniform with BUFFON S CEuvres completes ; being a sequel. LACHER, Carl. 2 Dichtungen in althochdeutscher Spracher. Mit eiiiiuterndem Worter- buche. [Zpagings.] Speier, 1836. 8(6.2X4irr.). LACHMANN, Karl, a German philologist ; b. 1793. d. 1851. 3 Mensvra (De) Tragoediarvm Liber singvlaris. Berolini, 1822. 8, pp. 86. 4 T. Lucretii Cari (In) de Rerum Natura Libros Commentarius Iterum editus Berolini, 1855. 8 (6.6X3.7). Joint Editor. See MINNESANGS (Des) Friihling. LACOMBE, J. 5 Dictionnaire portatif des Beaux-Arts . . . Par M. Lacombe. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1759. 8 (5X3), 2 cols., pp. 686+. LA CONDAMINE, Charles Marie DE, a French mathematician, &c.; b. 1701. d. 1774. 6 Extract (An) from the Observations made in a Tour to Italy by the Chev. de la Condamine. ... London, 1768. 12 (4.8X2.8). LACONICS ; or, Instructive Miscellanies, selected from the Best Authors, ancient 7 and modern. *** ... Philadelphia, 1827. 12 (5.1X3). LA COUDRAYE, Francois Celestin de LOYNES, Chev. DE; b. 1750. d. 1815. 8 Theorie des Vents, Piece couronnee, en 1785, par 1 Academie Royale . . . de Dijon ; par M. le Chev. de la Coudraye. Fontenay, 1786. 8, pp. 97. LACRETELLE, Pierre Louis, a French jurist and author; b. 1751. d. 1824. 9 Etablissement (De 1 ) der Connoissances humanes, et de 1 Instruction pub- lique, dans la Constitution Francais. Paris, 1791. 8 (5.4X3. 3). LA CROIX, J. V. DE. See DELACROIX, J. V. LACROIX, Silvestre Francois, Prof, of Math, at Eochcfort ; b. 1765. d. 1843. 10 Elementary Treatise (An) of Arithmetic, taken principally from the Arithmetic of S. F. Lacroix, and translated into English with . . . Al terations and Additions [by John Farrar] . . . Cambridge, 1818. 8 (6.3X3.8). 11 Elements of Algebra. Translated from the French [by John Farrar] ... Cambridge, 1818. 8 (6.9X3.8). 12 Essais sur 1 Enseignement en general, et sur celui des Mathematiques en particulier. 4me eel., revue et corrigee. Paris, 1838. 8 (5.3X3). 13 Traite du Calcul Differentiel et du Calcul Integral. 2de ed., revue et corrigee. * * * Tom. 1-3. [Plates. } Paris, 1810- 19. 4 (7.5X5). LADD, William, an American philanthropist ; b. 1778. d. 1841. H Address (An), delivered at Portland, Feb. 6, 1824, before the Peace So ciety of Maine. Portland, 1824. 8, pp. 15. 15 Address delivered at the Tenth Anniversary of the Massachusetts Peace Society, Dec. 25, 1825. Boston, 1826. 8, pp. 27, 4. 16 Brief Illustration (A) of the Principles of War and Peace ... By Philanthropes [W. Ladd]. *** Albany, 1831. 12 (6X3.3). 17 Dissertation (A) on a Congress of Nations. By Philanthropes [JF. Ladd]. [Boston] 1832. 8, pp. 28. [2 copies.] 1 8 Duty (On the) of Females to promote the Cause of Peace. * * * By Philanthropes [W. Ladd]. Boston, 1836. 8, pp.48. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 355 LADD, William, continued. 1 Essay (An) on a Congress of Nations, for the Adjustment of Inter national Disputes without resort to Arms. Containing the substance of the Rejected Essays on that Subject. With original Thoughts and a copious Appendix. Boston, 1840. 8 (6X3.6). 2 Essay on a Congress of Nations. See AMERICAN Peace Society. Prize Essays, &c. 3 Essays (The) of Philanthropes [W. Ladd] on Peace and War. Which first appeared in the Christian Mirror, Portland, Me. ... * * * Portland, 1825. 12 (4.4X2.5). 4 Solemn Appeal (A) to Christians of all Denominations in favor of the Cause of Permanent and Universal Peace. * * * Stereotype ed. By Philanthropes [W. Ladd ]. Boston, 1836. 8, pp. 38. LA FAYE, M. DE. 5 Recherches sur la Preparation que les Remains donnoient a la Chaux dent ils se servoient pour leurs Constructions, & sur la Composition & 1 Emploi de leurs Mortiers. Paris, 1777. 8, pp. 83, xi. LAFAYETTE, Marie Joseph Paul Roch Yves Gilbert DE MOTIER, Marquis DE, a French statesman, and a general of the Amer. Bevol. ; b. 1757. d. 1834. 6 Eulogy on Lafayette. See EVERETT, E. 7 Private Life of Gen. Lafayette. See CLOQUET, J. 8 Correspondence. See UNITED STATES. (Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, vol. 10.) LAFAYETTE, Marie Madeline PIOCHE de la VERGNE, CountessVE ; b. 1632. d. 1693. 9 Historic de M. Henriette d Angleterre . . . Par Mme. de la Vergne Mar- quesse de la Fayette. *** Amsterdam, 1720. 12 (4.2X2.2). LA FONTAINE, Jean DE, a French fabulist ; b. 1621. d. 1695. 10 Amours (Les) de Psyche et de Cupidon; par M. de la Fontaine. Londres, 1782. 24 (3.5X2.1). 11 Contes et Nouvelles en verse, de La Fontaine. Tom. 1. Amsterdam, 1776. 8(5X3irr.). LAFOSSE, J. F., a French physician; b. 1742. d. 1775. 12 Avis aux Habitans des Colonies, particulierement a ceux de 1 Isle S. Do- mingue, sur les principales Causes des Maladies qu on y eprouve le plus communements, et sur les Moyens de les prevenir. Paris, 1767. 8 (5.7X3.2). LAGRANGE, Joseph Louis, a French geometer; b. in Turin, 1736. d. 1813. 13 Mecanique Analytique. Nouv. ed., revue et augmentee par 1 auteur. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1811/15. 4 (7X4.7). 14 Theorie des Fonctions Analytiques, contenant les Principes du Calcul Differentiel, degages de toute consideration d infmiment petits, d evanouis- sans, de limites et de fluxions, et reduits a 1 Analyse algebrique des Quantites fmies. Nouv. ed., revue et augmentee par 1 auteur. Paris, 1813. 4 (6.7X4.7). LAHARPE, Jean Francois DE, a French critic; b. 1759. d. 1803. 15 Lycce ou Cours de Litterature ancienne et moderne. Eel., classique et complete. *** Tom. 1-5. ... Paris, 1817- 18. 8 (6.6X3.6). 16 Refutation du Livre de 1 Esprit [of C. A. Helvetius~\, prononcee en Lycee Republican! ... * * * Paris, 1797. 8 (5.4X3.1). 356 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. LAHOXTAN, N., Baron DE. 1 Nouveaux Voyages de M. le Baron de Lahontan, dans 1 Amerique Sep- tentrionale. Qui contient une Relation des differens Peuples qui y habitent . . . Enrichi de Cartes & de Figures. Tom. 1, 2. LaHaye, 1715. 12 (5X2.8). LA HOUSSAIE, Amelot DE. Editor, &c. See OSSAT, A. D . Lettres. LAING, Samuel 2 Journal of a Residence in Norway during the years 1834, 1835, & 1836 ; made with a view to enquire into the Moral and Political Economy of that Country, and the Condition of its Inhabitants. 2d ed. London, 1837. 8 (6X3.5). LAIR, Pierre Aime. 3 Rapport general sur les Travaux de la Societe d Agriculture et de Com merce de Caen. * * * Caen, 1806. 8, pp. 59. LA JONCHERE, C, DE. 4 Nouveau Dictionnaire abrege et portatif des principales Langues de T Europe. Pte. I. Contenant le Frangois explique par le Latin et traduit dans les Langues du midi. Paris, 1805. 12 (4X4), pp. 580. LAKE, John Neal, A.M., Curate of EotherJiithe, Eng. Translator, and Editor. See MAURY, J. L. Principles of Eloquence. LALANDE, Joseph Jerome LE FRANCAIS DE, a French astron. ; b. 1732. d. 1807. 5 Astronomie par J. le F. de la Lande. 3me ed., revue et augmentee. Tom. 1-3. [Plates.] Paris, 1792. 4 (7.4X8). LA MARCHE, C. F. S. DE. 6 Anecdotes Russes ou Lettres d un Officier Allemand . . . ecrites de Petersbourg en 1762, Terns du Regne & du Detronement de Pierre III., recueillies & publiees par C. F. S. de la Marche. Londres, 1764. 12 (4.6X2.7). LAMARCK, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine DE MONET, CJiev. DE ; b. 1744. d. 1829. 7 Systeme analytique des Connaissances positives de 1 Homme, restreintes a celles qui proviennent . . . de 1 Observation. Par M. le Chev. de Lamarck. Paris, 1830. 8 (5.4X3.2). LA MARTINIERE, Antoine Augustin BRUZEN DE ; 6. 1662. d. 1746. 8 Grand (Le) Dictionnaire geographique et critique. Par M. Bruzen la Martiniere. Tom. 1-9. 10 vols. La Haye, etc., 1726- 29. 2 (1 L4X5.7), 2 cols., m. b. NOTE. Tom. 1 is in two parts, with independent pagings, &c. LAMARTINE, Alphonse DE, a French statesman and poet ; L in Macon, 1792. 9 History of the French Revolution of 1848. * * * Translated by F. A. Durivage and W. S. Chase. 1st American ed. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait of author. .] Boston, 1851. 12 (5.6X3.4). [2 copies.] 1 History of the Girondists : or, Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution, from unpublished sources. . . . Vol. 1-3. Trans lated by H. T. Ryde. [Portraits.] New York, 1850. 12 (5.8X3.2). 11 History (The) of the Restoration of Monarchy in France. Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1852. 12 (5.5X3.3). 12 Pilgrim?, rje (A) to the Holy Land ; comprising Recollections, Sketches, and Reflections, made during a Tour in the East, in 1832-1833. 2d ed., revised and corrected. ... Vol. 1-3. [Translated by Miss Hill ; the Poems by L. E. L. Portrait of author.] London, 1836. 12 (5.2X3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. LAMB, Anthony. Translator, &c. See BOECKH, A. Public Economy of the Athenians. LAMB, Charles, an English essayist & poet ; b. in London, 1775. d. 1834. 1 Literary Sketches and Letters : being the Final Memorials of C. Lamb, never before published. By T. N. Talfourd. 2d ed. New-York, 1849. 12 (5.4X3.3). 2 Specimens of the English Dramatic Poets, who lived in the Time of Shakspeare. With Notes. Pt. 1,2. 2 vols. New- York, 1845. 12 (5.5X3.5). 3 Works. New ed. [Edited, with Life, by T. N. Talfourd. 6 payings. Portrait. } London, 1846. 8 (7.5X4.6), 2 cols. LAMBERT, B. Translator. See VILLERS, C. F. D. DE. Spirit, &c. of the Reformation. LAMBERT, William. 4 Abstracts of Calculations, to ascertain the Longitude of the Capitol, in the City of Washington, from Greenwich Observatory, in England. Washington City, 1817. 4, pp. 20. LAMEXNAIS, Hugues Felicite Robert DE, a French Romish priest, aft. a revolu tionist-, b. 1782. d. 1854. 5 Biography of. See (SKETCHES of living Characters of France). 6 Defense de 1 Essai sur 1 Indifference en matiere de Religion. Par M. le Abbe F. de la Mennais. *** 3me ed. Paris, 1828. 8 (5.2X3.1). 7 Essai sur 1 Indifference en matiere de Religion, par M. PAbbe F. de la Mennais. *** 8me ed. Tom. 1-4. Paris, 1829. 8 (5.2X3.1). LA MOTTE, Guillaume Man quest DE, a surgeon at VaUgnes ; b. 1655. d. 1737. 8 Traite corhplet de Chirurgie. 2de ed., revue, corrigee et augmentee. Tom. 1-4. Paris, 1732. 12 (4.8X2.4). LA MOTTE FOUQUE, Friedrich Heinrich Karl, Baron DE, a German novelist & poet-, 6.1777. d. 1843. 9 Thiodolf the Icelander, and Aslauga s Knight, from the German of the BarondelaMotteFouque. New- York, 1848. 8 (5.6X3.4). [2 copies.] LAMPE, Friedrich Adolph, a German Protestant theologian; b. 1683. d. 1729. 10 Commentarius analytico-exegeticus tarn literalis quam realis Evangelii secundum Joannem . . . Tom. 1-3. . . . Amstelodami, 1724- 26. 4 (7.6X5). LAMPREDI, G. M., Prof, of Law, Univ. of Pisa. 11 Commerce (Du) des Neutres en Terns de Guerre . . . Traduit de Pltal- ien de Lampredi. Par J. Peuchet. Paris, 1802. 8 (5.5X3.1), pp. 527. LAMSON, Rev. Alvan, D.D. 12 Discourse (A) delivered at West Dedham, Feb. 4, 1852, at the Funeral of Rev. John White. Boston, 1852. 8, pp. 23. 13 Doctrine (On the) of Two Natures in Jesus Christ. . . . Boston, 1828. 12, pp. 36. 14 Earnestness in Religion. . . . Boston, 1843. 12, pp. 20. 15 Foundation (The) of our Confidence in the Saviour. Sermon at Ordi nation of Rev. C. C. Sewall, Danvers, 1827. Boston, 1834. 12, pp. 28. LANCASTER, Rev. Thomas William, Vicar of Eanbury. !G Popular Evidence (The) of Chemistry : stated and examined. [Bampton Lectures, for 1831.] Oxford, 1831. 8 (6.5X3.5). 358 BOWDOTN COLLEGE. LANCELOT, Claude, a French ecclesiastic; b. in Paris, about 1615. d. 1695. 1 New Method (A) of learning with Facility the Greek Tongue . . . Translated from the French of . . . [C. Lancelot], by Mr. Nugent. 3d ed. ... London, 1777. 8 (6.8X3.7). 2 New Method (A) of learning with Facility the Latin Tongue . . . With a Treatise on Latin Poetry. Translated from the French of ... [(7. Lancelot], and improved, by T. Nugent. New ed. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1803. 8 (6.5X3.5), Joint Author. See ARNAULD, A. Grammaire . . . de Port-Royal. LANDAIS, Peter, a captain in U.S. navy ; b. at St. Malo, in France, ab. 1745. 3 Memorial, to justify Peter Landai s Conduct during the Late War. Boston, 1784. 4 (6 X5.1), pp. 115. 4 Second Part (The) of the Memorial to justify Peter Landai s Conduct during the Late War. New-York, n. d. 4 (6X5.1), pp. 52. LANE, Edward William. 5 ... An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyp tians, written in Egypt during the years 1833,-34, and -35 . . . Vol. 1,2. ^Illustrated. ] London, 1836. 8 (5X3). LANGDON, Samuel, D.D., Pres. Harv. Coll. ; d. 1794, <xt. 74. 6 Government corrupted by Vice, and recovered by Righteousness. Elec tion Sermon, before Provincial Congress, Watertown, May 31, 1775. See THORNTON, J. W. (Pulpit of the American Revolution.) LANGIIORNE, John, D.D., an English pod, & clergyman; b. 1735. d. 1779. Joint Translator, &c. See PLUTARCHUS. Plutarch s Lives. LANGHORNE, Rev. William, Curate of Folkeston, Eng. ; b. 1721. d. 1772. Joint Translator, &c. See PLUTARCHUS. Plutarch s- Lives. LANJUINAIS, Joseph DE, a French ecclesiastic; b. 1730. d. 1808. 7 Monarque (Le) accompli, ou Prodiges de Bonte, de Savoir et de Sa- gesse, qui font 1 Eloge de S. M. I. Joseph II. ... Par Mr. de Lan- juinais. *** Tom. 1-3. Lausanne, 1774. 8 (5. 2X3). LANMAN, James H. 8 History of Michigan, from its Earliest Colonization to the Present Time. (Harper s Earn. Libr., No. 139.) New-York, 1841. 18 (4.5X2.7). LANSDOWNE Manuscripts in the British Museum, Catalogue of the. See GREAT 9 BRITAIN. Publications of the Record Commission. LANTEIRES, M. . 10 Tableau abrege de 1 Antiquite Litteraire . . . , ou Dictionnaire histo- rique et litteraire des Poetes Grecs et Latins, suivi . . . de courtes Notices des Philosophes, Auteurs, Musiciens, Architectes, Sculpteurs, etc. celebres & autres Personnages renommes chez les Anciens. Par M. Lanteires. *** Lausanne, 1791. 8 (5.7X3.1). LANZI, Luigi, an Italian writer on art, and archaeologist; b. 1732. d. 1810. 11 Storia pittorica della Italia dal Risorgimento delle belle Arti fin press al Fine del XVIII. Secolo Ed. 5ta Tom. 1-6 ... Firenze, 1834. 8 (6.6X3.8). LA PEROUSE, Jean Frangois DE GALAUP, Count DE, an eminent French naviga tor; b. 1741. d. 1789. 12 Voyage (A) round the World, in the years 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, . . . , and edited by M. L. A. Milet-Mureau. . . . Translated from the French. Vol. 1-3. [Maps and Plates. .] London, 1798. 8 (6X3.3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 359 LA PEYRONIE, Gauthier, Chevalier DE ; d. in Paris, 1804. Translator. See PALLAS, P. S. Voyages dans Russie et dans 1 Asie. LAPHAM, Increase A., an American naturalist and civil engineer ; b. 1811. 1 Antiquities of Wisconsin. Pp. 108, and fifty-five Plates. See SMITH SONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 7.) LAPIDE, Cornelius a, properly CORNELIUS de la Pierre, a French Jesuit, Prof. at Louvain and Pome; b. 1566. d. 1637. 9 Commentaria in Quatuor Prophetas Majores. Parisiis, 1626. 2 (11.8X6.1), 2 cols.,m.b. NOTE Imperfect, wanting- title-page. The commentary upon each prophet has in dependent title-page and paging-. 3 Commentaria in Sacram Scripturam, exceptis in Libros Job et Psalmo- rum ; cum Indicibus. 6 vols. Parisiis, 1630- 31. 2 (11-11.4X6-6.4), 2 cols., m. b. NOTE. Each vol. was an independent work, but is imperfect, wanting title-page. LA PLACE, Pierre Simon, Marquis DE, a French astronomer ; b. 1749. d. 1827. 4 Exposition du Systeme du Monde. 6me ed. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1836. 8 (5.6X3). 5 Mecanique celeste. By the Marquis de la Place. Translated with Com mentary, by N. Bowditch. Vol. 1-4. Boston, 1829- 39. 4 (7.7X5.4). LAPPENBERG, Johann Martin, a German historian-, b. 1794. 6 History (A) of England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, translated from the German, by B. Thorpe. With Additions and Corrections ... by the author and the translator. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1845. 8 (6.4X3.7). LAHDNER, Rev. Dionysius, LL.D.; b. in Dublin, 1793. d. 1859. ? Algebra. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 1). 8 Discourse (A) on the Advantages of Natural Philosophy and Astrono my, as a Part of a General and Professional Education. . . . Intro ductory Lecture, delivered in the Univ. of London, Oct. 28, 1828. London, 1829. 8, pp. 36. 9 Geometrical Analysis. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 1). 10 Mechanics, Three Treatises on. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Use ful Knowledge. Library, &c. (Natural Philosophy, vol. 1.) 1 l Newton s Optics. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. (Natural Philosophy, vol. 2.) 12 Pneumatics. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Li brary, &c. (Natural Philosophy, vol. 1.) 13 Popular Lectures on the Steam Engine, in which its Construction and Operation are familiarly explained ; with an Historical Sketch of its In vention and Progressive Improvement. Illustrated with Engravings. 2d ed., corrected and improved. London, 1828. 12 (5.2X3.2). 14 Treatise (A) on Algebraic Geometry. London, 1831. 8 (6.3X3.5), pp. 512. LARDNER, Nathaniel, D.D., an English Unitarian divine..; b. 1684. d. 1788. is Argument for the Truth of Christianity, arising from the Fulfilment of our Saviour s Prophecies. See WATSON, R. (Theol. Tracts, vol. 5.) !6 Letter (A) written in 1730, concerning the question, Whether the Logos supplied the Place of an Human Soul in the Person of Jesus Christ. ... London, 1793. 12 (5.3X3). 360 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. LARDNER, Nathaniel, D.D., continued. 1 Life of, by Dr. Kippis. See (Works, post. Vol. 1, pp. i.-clxviii.). 2 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the late Rev. N. Lardner, D. D. containing a Catalogue of his Works, with several Letters relating t them, and other original Papers. Also Eight Sermons . . . [Portrait. London, 1769. 8 (5. 8X3.2) 3 Supplement to the Credibility of the Gospel History, or History of th Apostles and Evangelists. See WATSON, R. (Theol. Tracts, vol. 2.) 4 Works . . . Vol. 1-11. London, 1788. 8(7irr.X4.r LA RUE, Charles DE, a Benedictine of Saint-Maur ; b. 1685. d. 1739. Editor. See ORIGENES. Opera omnia. LA RUE, Gervais DE, VAWe, Prof, of History at Caen, &c.; 1). 1751. d. 1835. 5 Essais historiques sur les Barcles, les Jongleurs et les Trouveres Nor- mands et Anglo-Normands, suivis de Pieces de Malherbe qu on ne trouve dans aucune edition de ses (Euvres. Par 1 Abbe de la Rue. Tom. 1-3. Caen, 1834. 8 (5.3X3.1)*! LA SALLE, Robert Cavelier, Sieur DE, a French navigator; b. 1635. d. 1687. 6 Life of, by Sparks. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 1.) LATHAM, Robert Gordon, M.D., an English philologist and ethnologist; b. 1812. 7 English Language (The). London, 1841. 8 (6.2X3.5). 8 English Language (The). 3d ed., revised and greatly enlarged. London, 1850. 8 (6.4X3.9), pp. xlii., 609. XATHROP, John, D.D., of Boston; b. in Norwich, Conn., 1740. d. 1816. 9 Comforts (The) of Religion at Seasons when they are most needed. Dis course occasioned by the Death of his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Lathrop, Jan. 28, 1809. Boston, 1809. 8, pp. 27. 10 Connection (The) between Knowledge, Faith and Salvation. Discourse before the Society for propagating the Gospel among the Indians arid others in North America, delivered Jan. 19, 1804. Boston, [1804]. 8, pp. 44. 11 Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 2, 3.) 12 Discourse on his Birthday, May 17, 1812. Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 24. 13 Discourse delivered in Boston, April 13, 1808, at the Interment of Rev. Samuel West. Boston, 1808. 8, pp. 21. 14 Discourse delivered in Boston, April 13, 1815, the Day of National Thanksgiving in consequence of the Peace. Boston, 1815. 8, pp. 28. 15 Discourse before the Humane Society in Boston, June, 1787. With Appendix. Boston, 1787. 8, pp. 34, xiii. [3 copies.] 16 Discourse on the Law of Retaliation, delivered in Boston, Feb. 6, 1814. With Appendix. Boston, 1814. 8, pp. 20. 17 Discourse before the Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society, in Boston, May 27, 1796. Boston, 1796. 8, pp. 19i 18 God our Protector and Refuge in Danger and Trouble. Discourse at the Public Lecture in Boston, on Thursday, March 16, 1797. With an Appendix . . . Boston, 1797. 8, pp. 30. [2 copies.] 19 Gracious Appointment (The) of God, a sure Foundation of Comfort and Hope. Discourse, preached at Boston, Feb. 21, 1813, occasioned by the Death of Rev. John Eliot, D. D. Boston, 1813. 8, pp. 28. [2 copies.] 20 Memoir of Rev. J. Lothropp. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 2d Series, vol. 1.) CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 361 LATHIIOP, John, D.D., continued. 1 Peace and War, in relation to the United States of America. A Dis course, delivered in Boston, on the Day of Public Thanksgiving, Nov. 21, 1811. Boston, 1811. 8, pp. 18. 2 Present War (The) unexpected, unnecessary, and ruinous. Two Dis courses delivered in Boston, July 23, 1812, the State Fast, and Aug. 20, the National Fast Day. Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 42. 3 Sermon, delivered at the Dedication of the New South Meeting House in Dorchester, Oct. 6, 1813. Boston, 1813. 8, pp. 20. 4 Sermon, delivered at the Interment of the Rev. Joseph Eckley. Boston, 1811. 8, pp. 20. 5 Thanksgiving Discourse, Dec. 15, 1774. Boston, 1774. 8, pp. 39. 6 We rejoice with Trembling. Thanksgiving Discourse, delivered in Bos ton, Dec. 1, 1808. Boston, 1808. 8, pp. 20. LATHE.OP, John, Jun., A.M., son of the preceding ; b. 1772. d. 1820. 7 Address (An), delivered before the Associated Instructors of Youth in Boston and its Vicinity, . . . Aug. 19, 1813. Boston, 1813. 8, pp. 20. 8 Address (An), delivered before King Solomon s Lodge, Charlestown, on the Anniversary of St. John the Baptist, June 24 A.L. 5811. * * * Boston, 5811. 8, pp. 23. LATHIIOP, Rev. Joseph, D.D., of West-Springfield, Mass.; b. 1731. d. 1820. 9 Christ s Warning to the Churches to beware of False Prophets, and the Marks by which they are known : illustrated in Two Discourses. * * * 2d Springfield ed., with an Appendix. Springfield, 1791. 8, pp. 54. 10 Church (A) of God described: the Qualifications for Membership stated; and Christian Fellowship illustrated ; in Two Discourses. 3d ed. Charlestown, 1804. 12, pp. 56. 11 Discourse on the Mode and Subjects of Christian Baptism. . . . 5th ed., revised, corrected, and greatly enlarged. Boston, 1811. 12 (5.4X3.1). 12 Discourse delivered at Springfield, Oct. 30, 1805, on occasion of the Com pletion and Opening of the Great Bridge over Connecticut Iliver . . . Springfield, [1805]. 8, pp. 16. 13 Funeral Sermon (A), delivered Oct. 25, 1796, at the Interment of Mrs. Mary Gay. Suffield, 1797. 8, pp. 23. 14 God s Challenge to Infidels to defend their Cause. General-Fast Ser mon at Springfield, May 4, 1797. 3d ed. Cambridge, 1805. 8, pp. 24. 15 Illustrations and Reflections on the Story of Saul s consulting the Witch of Endor. A Discourse. Springfield, 1806. 8, pp. 16. [2 copies.] 16 Ministers set for the Defence of the Gospel ; and how they are to defend it. Sermon, delivered at Harvard, June 3, 1801 ; at the Ordination of the Rev. S. Bemis. Harvard, 1801. 8, pp. 34. 17 Sermon (A) on the Dangers of the Times, from Infidelity and Immorali ty, and especially from a lately discovered Conspiracy against Religion and Government. Springfield, 1798. 8, pp. 24. 18 Sermon preached to the Hampshire Missionary Society, at their Annual Meeting, August, 1802, in Northampton. Northampton, 1802. 8, pp. 22. 19 Sermon containing Reflections on the Solar Eclipse, which appeared on June 16, 1806. ... 2d ed. Springfield, n. d. 8, pp. 20. 46 BOW DO IN COLLEGE. LATIIROP, Rev. Joseph, D.D., continued. 1 Sermons ... Vol. 1, 2. Worcester, 1796. 8 (5.9X3. 2). [2 copies.] 2 Sermons . . . Worcester, 1806. 8 (6X3.4). 3 Stedfastness in Religion explained and recommended in a Sermon, preach ed Aug. 25, 1796. To which is added, An Aged Minister commending his People to God; a Half-century Sermon, delivered Aug. 26, 1806. Springfield, n. d. 8, pp. 40. * Thanksgiving Discourse, Dec. 14, 1786. Springfield, 1787. 8, pp. 24. 3 Two Sermons on the Atrocity of Suicide, and on the Causes which lead to it ; preached at Suffield, Feb. 24, 1805. 2d ed. Springfield, n. d. 8, pp. 36. 6 Two Sermons on the Christian Sabbath, for Distribution in the New Set tlements of the United States. Northampton. 1 803. 8, pp. 28. 7 View (A) of the Doctrines and Duties of the Christian Religion, in Forty-nine Discourses on St. Paul s Epistle to the Ephesians. With a preliminary Discourse on the Evidences of the Gospel. ... 2d ed., revised and corrected. Worcester, 1810. 8 (6.2X3.7), pp. 587. 8 Works (The) of God in relation to the Church in general, &c., consider ed in a Sermon, delivered at West-Springfield on the 1st Day of the Nineteenth Century. Springfield, 1801. 8, pp. 26. LA TIMER, Hugh, D.D., an English bishop and reformer ; b. 1470. burned, 1555. 9 Life and Writings, by Young. See (Select Sermons, post. Pp. xi.-xlvii.). itf Select Sermons. ... Boston, 1832. 16 (4.6X2.7). n Sermons, preached, 1549- 53. London, 1571. 8 (6X3.5), m. b. NOTE. Printed in iJIacft 3Lrtter. The leaves are numbered in two portions. Imper fect, wanting to fol. 4, arid from fol. 215 of second numbering-. LATIN LANGUAGE. 12 Elementa Latina . . . Warrington, 1777. 12, pp. 87. 13 Gate (The) of the Latine Tongue unlocked. [Latin and English. ] . . . With an Etymological Index of the Words . . . by W. D. London, 1656. 8 (5.4X3). 14 Gradus ad Parnassum ; sive Novus Synonymorum, Epithetorum, Versu- um, ac Phrasium Poeticarum, Thesaurus . . . Ab uno e Societate Jesu. ... London, 1817. 8 (6.6X3.5), pp. 596. 15 Short Introduction (A) to the Latin Tongue . . . Being the Accidence, abridged and compiled . . . 18th ed. Boston, 1785. 12, pp. 79. LATINA Catechesis in Quaestiones redacta ; cum Pracfatione M. Lutheri. 16 Francoforti, 1546. 12 (4.3X2.7). NOTE. Imperfect, wanting to Prsefatio. LATINA Majora. See ANALECTA Latina Majora. LATIIOBE, Christian Ignatius. Translator. See LOSKIEL, G. II. Missions of the United Brethren. LATTER-DAY Luminary (The). See BAPTIST Board of Foreign Missions, c. LAUD or LAWD, William, Archbp. of Canterbury ; b. 1573. executed, 1645. n Breviate of the Life of William Laud. See PRYNNE, W. is Life and Death of Laud. See HEYLYN, P. Cyprianus Anglicus. 19 Relation (A) of the Conference, betweene William Lawd, then Lrd. Bishop of St. Davids . . . ; and Mr. Fisher the Jesuite ... 2d ed. revised, with a Table annexed. By the sayd William [Laud] . . . London, 1639. 2 (8.1X5.2). C A T A L G U E F THE LI K 11 A R Y. 3 6 3 LAUD or LAWD, William, continued. 1 Labyrinthvs Cantvariensis ; or Doctor Lawd s Labyrinth. Beeing an Answer to the late Archbishop of Canterbvries Relation of a Conference between himselfe and Mr. Fisher, etc. Wherein the true Grounds of the Roman Catholique Religion are asserted, the principall Controuersies be twixt Catholiques and Protestants thoroughly examined, &c. ... By T. C. Paris, 1658. 2 (8.9X4.3), m. r. LAUDERDALE, Earl of. See MAITLAND, J., Earl of Lauderdale. LAURENS, Henry, an American merchant and statesman; b. 1724. d. 1792. 2 Correspondence. See UNITED STATES. (Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, vol. 2.) LAURENS, Lieut.-CoL John, son of the preceding ; b. 1756. d. 1782. 3 Correspondence. See UNITED STATES. (Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, vol. 9.) LAUTERBACH, Dr. Antonius. Editor. See LUTHER, M. Lutheri Colloquia Mensalia. LAVALLETTE, Antoine Marie CHAMANS, Count DE, aFr. officer-, b. 1769. d. 1833. 4 Memoirs of Count Lavallette. Written by himself. . . . Vol. 1.2, London, 1831. 8 (5.6X3.4). LAVATER, Johann Kaspar, a Swiss mystic, and physiognomist ; b. 1741. d. 1801. 5 Essays on Physiognomy . . . ; written in the German Language, abridged from Mr. Holcroft s Translation. [Plates.] London, n. d. 12 (5X3). LAVAUX, P. A. 6 Traite d Arithmetique . . . Paris, 1845. 8 (5.9X3.4). LAVEAUX, Jean Charles THIBAULT DE, Prof, of French at Bade ; b. 1749. d. 1827. 7 Nouveau Dictionnaire de la Langue Franchise . . . 2de ed., revue, etc. Tom. 1 [A-K]. 2 [L-Z~\. Paris, 1828. 4 (8.8X6.5), 3 cols. LAVERGNE, Leonce DE. 8 Rural Economy, (The) of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Translated from the French with Notes by a Scottish Farmer. Edinburgh, 1855. 8 (6.6X3. 8). LA VILLE-SUR-ILLON, B. G. E. DE, Count de Lac epede. See LACEPEDE, etc. LAVOISIER, Antoine Laurent, a French natural philosopher ; b. 1743. d. 1794. 9 Elements of Chemistry . . . containing all the Modern Discoveries. Illustrated ... By Mr. Lavoisier. Translated from the French by R. Kerr. From the Edinburgh ed. with Notes, Tables, and considerable Additions. ... Vol. 1, 2. New-York, 1806. 8 (6.2X3. 6). 10 Traite elementaire de Chimie . . . Avec Figures ; par M. Lavoisier. 2deed. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1793. 8 (5.6X3.1). [2 copies.] LAW of Nature (The) defended by Scripture ... * * * 11 Edinburgh, 1760. 8, pp. 75. LAW, Edmund, D.D., Ep. of Carlisle-, b. 1703. d. 1787. Translator, &c. See KING, W. Essay on the Origin of Evil. LAW, John, a noted financier ; b. in Edinb. 1671. d. in Venice, 1729. 12 Proposals and Reasons for constituting a Council of Trade in Scotland . . . Glasgow, 1751. 12 (4.6X^.7). LAW, Thomas, Esq., member of Council of Revenue in Fort William. 13 Sketch (A) of some late Arrangements, and a View of the rising Resources in Bengal. *** London, 1792. 8 (6.7X3.9). LAW, Rev. William, an English religious and mystical author ; b. 1686. d. 1761. 14 Account of Law. (Prefixed to Serious Call.) 364 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. LAW, Rev. William, continued. 1 ... Notes and Materials for an adequate Biography of the celebrated Divine and Theosopher, William Law. Comprising an Elucidation of the Scope and Contents of the Writings of J. Bb hme, and . . . D. A. Freher; ... * * * London, 1854. 8 (6.7X3.9), pp. 688. 2 Practical Treatise (A) upon Christian Perfection . . . \Witli} Account of the Author. * * * 1st American ed. Portsmouth, 1822. 12 (5.4X3.1). 3 Serious Call (A) to a Devout and Holy Life ... 17th ed. ... * * * Boston, 1818. 1-2 (5.5X3.2). 4 Serious Call (A) to a Devout and Holy Life ... 18th ed. * * * Boston, 1821. 12 (5.5X3.2). 5 Spirit (The) of Prayer . . . Portland,. 1815. 12 (5.7X3.3). LAW, William John, A.M. 6 Reply to Mr. Ellis s Defence of his Theory [on tlie Route of Hannibal ] ... * * * London, 1856. 8, pp. 35. ? Reply to the Second Part of Mr. Ellis s Defence of his Theory . . . London, 1856. 8, pp. 43. LAWRENCE, Amos, an eminent Boston merchant; b. 1786. d. 1852. 8 Extracts from the Diary and Correspondence of the late Amos Law rence ; with a Brief Account of some Incidents in his Life. Edited by his Son, W. R. Lawrence. [Portraits and Engraving.] Boston, 1855. 8 (6.1X3. 7). LAWRENCE, John. 9 General Treatise (A) on Cattle, the Ox, the Sheep, and the Swine ; com prehending their Breeding, Management, Improvement, and Diseases. London, 1805. 8 (6X3.4), pp. 639+. 10 Modern Steward (The) . . . Including . . . Information on Rural and Economical Affairs. By ...[/. Lawrence ]. London, 1801. 8 (6.1X3.3). 1 1 Modern Steward (The) . . . Including . . . Information on Rural and Economical Affairs. 2d ed., with Additions. London, 1806. 8 (6.1 X3.3), pp. 494+. LAWRENCE, Rev. Robert F., of Claremont, N.H. 12 New Hampshire (The) Churches ; comprising Histories of the Congre gational and Presbyterian Churches in the State, with Notices of other Denominations: ... *** Claremont, 1856. 8 (6.6X3.7), pp. 624. LAWRENCE, Sir Thomas, an English portrait painter ; b. 1769. d. 1830. 13 Life. See CUNNINGHAM, A. (Lives of British Painters, &c., vol. 5.) LAWRENCE, William R., M.D., of Boston. Editor. See LAWRENCE, A. Extracts from Diary, &c. LAWRENCE Academy, Groton, Mass. Catologue of the Library of Lawrence 14 Academy, Groton, Mass., 1850. [Plate.] Lowell, 1850.* 8 (6.4X3.6). LAWSON, John, D.D., Lecturer at Trinity College, Dublin. 15 Lectures concerning Oratory. Delivered in Trinity College, Dublin. Dublin, 1759. 8 (6X3.3). [2 copies.] LAWSON, Thomas, Surgeon- General U. S. Army. 16 Meteorological Register . . . from 1831 to 1842 inclusive: compiled from Observations made by the Officers of the Medical Department of the Army at the Military Posts of the United States. Washington, 1851. 8 (7X4.1). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 365 LAYAMOX, a priest at Ernley on the Severn; wrote about 1200. 1 Layamons Brut, or Chronicle of Britain ; a Poetical Semi-Saxon Para phrase of the Brut of Wace. ..." From the Cottonian Manurcripts in the British Museum ; accompanied by a literal Translation, Notes, and a Grammatical Glossary. By Sir F. Madden. Vol. 1-3. * * * [Fac simile of MS.~\ London, 1847. 8 (6.6 irr. X4 irr.), 2 cols. LAYARD, Austen Henry, M.P., an English traveller & archaeologist; b. 1817. 2 Discoveries among the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon ; with Travels in Armenia, Kurdistan, and the Desert : being the Result of a Second Ex pedition undertaken for the Trustees of the British Museum. * * * With Maps, Plans, and Illustrations. New York, 1853. 8 (6.7 X4), pp. 686. 3 Nineveh and its Remains : with an Account of a Visit to the Chaldsean Christians of Kurdistan, and the Yezidis, or Devil- Worshippers ; and an Inquiry into the Manners and Arts of the Ancient Assyrians. * * * ... Vol. 1, 2. [Map, Plans, &c.] New-York, 1849. 8 (6X3.7). LEACH, Edmund. 4 Treatise (A) of Universal Inland Navigations, and the Use of all Sorts of Mines. ... [Plates. ] London, 1791. 8 (5. 8X3.3). LEAKE, William Martin, F.R.S.,Lieut.-Col. in the British army ; b. 1777. d. 1860. 5 Travels in Northern Greece. . . . Vol. 1-4. [Map, Plans, &c.] London, 1835. 8 (6.2X3.5). LEBLOND, Nicolas Francois, a French lawyer-, b. 1744. Translator. See VIRGILIUS MARO, P. Traduction nouv. des (Euvres. LE CAT, Claude Nicolas, an eminent French surgeon; b. 1700. d. 1768. 6 Physical Essay (A) on the Senses. Translated from the French of M. LeCat. Illustrated . . . London, 1750. 8 (6X3.1). LECIIEVALIER, Jean Baptiste, Libr. of St. Genevieve, Paris; b. 1752. d. 1836. 7 Voyage de la Propontide et du Pont-Euxin ; . . . [Maps, &c.] Paris, 1800. 8 (4.8X2.8). LECHFORD, Thomas, a lawyer, from London, resided in Boston, 1637- 41. 8 Plain Dealing ; or, Nevves from New-England. London, 1642. See MASS. Hist Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 3.) LECLERC, Georges Louis, Count de Buffon. See BUFFON, G. L. L., Count DE. LE CLERC, Jean, Prof, of Hebrew, Philos., &c. at Amsterdam ; b. 1657. d. 1736. 9 Account (An) of the Life and Writings of John Locke. [By J. Le Clerc.~] 3d ed., enlarged. London, 1714. 2, pp. 34. 10 Choice of our Opinion amongst the different Sects of Christians. See GROTITJS, H. (Appended to The Truth of the Christian Religion.) 11 Liber de eligenda, inter dissentientes Christianos, Sententia ; et contra Indifferentiam Religionum, Liber. See GROTIUS, H. (Appended to De Veritate Religionis Christiana?.) 12 Life (The) of ... Cardinal-Duke de Richelieu. [By J. Le Clerc. Trans lated by T. Brown. Portrait and Plan.] London, 1695. 8 (5.8X3.2), m. b. 13 Vie (La) du Cardinal Due de Richelieu. [By J. Le Clerc. ] Tom. 1, 2. [Portrait and Plan.] Cologne, 1694. 12 (4.8X2.4), m. d. Annotator. See GROTIUS, H. De Veritate Religionis Christian*. Editor. See GROTIUS, H. Truth of the Christian Religion. Editor, and Annotator. See Livius, T. Historiarum quod exstat. 366 BOWDOIX COLLEGE. LE CLERCQ, Chretien, a French Jesuit missionary to Canada; b. 1630. 1 Etablissement de la Foy dans la Nouvelle France, contenant L llistoirej des Colonies Francoises, & des Decouvertes, qui s y sont faites jusquesj a present. Avec une Relation exacte des Expeditions & Voyages en-i; trepris pour la Decouverte du Fleuve Mississipi jusques au Golphe de Mexique. . . . Ensemble les Victoires remportees en Canada sur les Anglois & Iroquois en 1690 ... Par le P. C. L. C[lercq]. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1691. 12 (4,4 X 2.1). LE CONTE, John L., M.D., an American naturalist; b. in N. Y., 1825. 2 Coleoptera of Kanzas and Eastern New Mexico. Pp. 66, and three Plates. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 11.) 3 Coleopterous Insects of the 47th Parallel. See UNITED STATES. (Pa cific Railroad Explorations and Surveys, vol. 12, pt. II.) 4 Notes on the Classification of the Carabidoc of the United States. See AMERICAN Philos. Society. (Transactions, New Series, vol. 10). 5 Platygonus compressus ; a new Fossil Pachyderm, with four Plates. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, New Series, vol. 3.) 6 Revision of the Elateridne of the United States. See AMERICAN Philos. Society. (Transactions, New Series, vol. 10.) LE DRAN, Henri Francois, a French surgeon; b. 1685. d. 1770. 7 Consultations on most of the Disorders that require the Assistance of Surgery. Translated by A. Reid. London, 1766. 8 (5.8X3.1). LEDWICH, Edward, LL.B., Vicar of Aghaboe, Queen s Co., Ireland. 8 Dissertation on the Round Towers in Ireland. See VALLANCEY, C. (Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis, vol. 2.) 9 Essay on the Study of Irish Antiquities. See VALLANCEY, C. (Col lectanea de Rebus Hibernicis, vol. 2.) 10 History (The) and Antiquities of Irishtown and Kilkenny . . . See VALLANCEY, C. (Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis, vol. 2.) LEDYARD, John, an American traveller; b. in Oroton, Conn., 1751. d. 1789. 11 Life, by J. Sparks. See SPARKS, J. American Biogr., 2d Ser. Vol. 14. LEE, Arthur, M.D., U.S. Min. to Court of Versailles ; b. in Va., 1740. d. 1782. 12 Correspondence. See UNITED STATES. (Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, vol. 2.) LEE, Charles, major-general in the Revolution; b. in Eng., 1738. d. 1782. 13 Life, by J. Sparks. See SPARKS, J. (American Biogr., 2d Series, vol. 8.) 14 Strictures on a Pamphlet, entitled a " Friendly Address to all Reasona ble Americans, on the subject of our Political Confusions." . . . [By Maj.-Gen. C. Lee. } * * * Boston, reprinted, 1775. 8, pp. 20. LEE, Charles A., M.D., Prof, of Materia Medica, Univ. of Buffalo, Bowd.Coll.,&c. 15 Catalogue (A) of the Medicinal Plants, indigenous and exotic, growing in the State of New-York. With a brief Account of their Composition and Medical Properties. New-York, 1848. 8, pp. 64. LEE, Eev. Chauncey, D.D., of Colebrook, Conn. ; d. 1842, cct. 79. IG Government (The) of God the true Source and Standard of Human Government. Election Sermon, Hartford, Conn., May 13, 1813. Hartford, 1813. 8, pp. 56. LEE, Mrs. Eliza BUCKMINSTER ; b. about 1800, in Portsmouth, N.H. n Memoirs of Rev. J. S. Buckminster, D.D., and of his Son, Rev. J. S. Buckminster. [Portraits.] Boston, 1849. 12 (5.7X3.3). CATALOGUE OP THE LI B 11 A it V. 3G7 EE, James. J Introduction (An) to Botany. Containing . . . the Theory of that Sci ence ; extracted from the Works of Dr. Linnaeus ; with twelve Copper plates, two explanatory Tables, an Appendix and Glossary. 5th ed., corrected. London, 1794. 8 (5. 4X3.1). EE, Samuel, D.D., Prof. Arabic & Hebrew, Camb. Univ., Eng.; b. 1 783. d. 1852. 2 Prolegomena in Biblia Sacra Polyglotta Bagsteriana. See BIBLE, The Old and New Testaments, &c. Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, etc. EE, William, a brother of Arthur Lee-, b. about 1737. 3 Correspondence. See UNITED STATES. (Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, vol. 2.) EE, William, Fellow & Tutor of Trinity College, Dublin. 4 Inspiration (The) of Holy Scripture, its Nature and Proof: Eight Dis courses, preached before the University of Dublin. London, 1854. 8 (6.6X4), pp. 539. EECKMAX, William, D.D., Princ. of Univ. of Glasgow; b. 1706. d. 1785. 5 Life, by J. Wodrow. See (Sermons, post. Vol. 1, pp. 1-102). 6 Sermons. ... Vol. 1,2. [Portrait.] London, 1789. 8 (5.4X3.1). EEMS, Prof. Knud. 7 Account of Danish Lapland. See PINKERTOX, J. (Voyages, &c., vol. 1.) EFANU, Rev. Philip, D.D. Translator. See GUENEE, A. Letters of certain Jews to Voltaire. EFEVRE, A. 8 Guide pratique et memoratif de L Arpenteur . . . \_Plates.~\ Paris, 1833. 12 (4.6X2.8). 9 Nouveau Traite geometrique de L Arpentage . . .; 4meed., entitlement refondue et augmentee d un Traite de Geodesie pratique. . . . Tom. 1,2. [Plates.] Paris, 1826. 8 (5.2X3.5). EFEBURE, Guillaume Rene, Baron DE ST. ILDEPHONT ; b. 1744. d. 1809. 10 Itineraire historique, politique, geographique, &c. des VII Provinces- Unies des Pays-Bas, de leur Territoire et Colonies. Enrichi de Cartes. Tom. 1, 2. La Haye, 1782, 81. 12 (4.6X2.3). EGENDRE, Adrien Marie, a French mathematician ; b. 1752. d. 1833. 11 Elements of Geometry. Translated from the French [by John Farrar] ... [Plates.] Cambridge, 1819. 8 (6.7X3.8). 12 Traite des Fonctions elliptiques et des Integrates Euleriennes, avec des Tables . . . Tom. 1-3. . . . Paris, 1825- 2S. 4 (7.3X5). EGER, Johann, pastor of a church in Leyden ; b. 1625. d. about 1670. 13 Histoire generale des Eglises evangeliques des Vallees de Piemont ; ou Vaudoises. Divise en deux Livres. . . . [Portrait, Maps, &c.] Leyden, 1669. 2 (10.8X6), m. b. NOTE. Maps and illustrations are identical with those of MORLAND S History. E GRYS, Sir Robert, Kt. Translator. See BARCLAY, J. Argenis. EHMAls N, Johann Gottlob, an eminent German mineralogist; d. 1767. 14 Abhandhmg von den Metall-Miittern und der Erzeugung cler Metalle. ... [Plates.] Berlin, 1753. 12 (5.3X3), m. b. > 5 Kurtze Einleilimg in einige Theile ber Bergwercks-Wissenschaft . . . [PI***?*.] Berlin, 1751. 12 (5.3X3), m. b. 368 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. LEIBNITZ, Gottfried Wilhelm, a German philosopher ; b. inLeipsic, 1646. d. 1716 1 Life of Leibnitz. See MACKIE, J. M. 2 Opera Philosophica qusc exstant Latina Gallica Germanica omnia. Edit. recognovit e temporum rationibus disposita pluribus ineditis auxit In troductione critica atque Indicibus instruxit J. E. Erdmann. . . . Cun Leibnitii Effigie. Berolini, 1840. 4 (7.9X5.5), 2 cols., pp. 808 3 Papers between Mr. Leibnitz and Dr. Clarke. See CLARKE, S., D.D. 4 Virorum celeberr. G. G. Leibnitii et J. Bernoulli! Commercium philoso phicum et mathematicum. Tom. 1, ab 1694 ad 1699. 2, ab 1700 ad 1716 * * * [Portrait of Leibnitz and Plates. ] Lausannoe & Genevse, 1745. 4 (6.8X4.7) LEIDY, Joseph, M.D., Prof, of Anatomy, Univ. of Penn. ; b. 1823. 5 Ancient Fauna of Nebraska, or a Description of Extinct Mammalia an< Chelonia, from the Mauvaises Terres of Nebraska. Pp. 124, andtwen ty-five Plates. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 6.) 6 Contributions. See AMERICAN Philos. Society. (Transactions, New Se ries, vol. 10, 11.) 7 Description of the Remains of Extinct Mammalia and Chelonia, froi) Nebraska Territory. See UNITED STATES. Report of a Geologica Survey of Wisconsin ; by D. D. Owen. Pp. 539-572. * Flora (A) and Fauna within Living Animals. Pp. 68, and ten Plates See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 5.) 9 Memoir on the Extinct Sloth Tribe of North America. Pp. 70, an< sixteen Plates. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 7. 10 Memoir upon the Extinct Species of Fossil Ox. Pp. 20, and five Plates See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 5.) LEIGH, Sir Edward, M.P., a learned English writer ; b. 1602. d. 1671. 11 Critica Sacra in two parts : I. containing Observations on all the Radice or Primitive Hebrew Words of the Old Testament ... II. Philologi cal & Theological Observations upon all the Greek Words of the Ne~v Testament... 4th ed. . . . London, 1664. 2 (9.1X4.3), 2 cols., m.i 12 Supplement (A) to the Critica Sacra. ... * * * London, 1662. 2 (9.1 X4.3), 2 cols., m. r 13 Treatise (A) of Religion & Learning, and of Religious & Learned Men ... *** London, 1656. 2 (9X4.8), m. n LEIGH, Edward, M.D. 14 Philosophy (The) of Medical Science, considered with special referenci to Dr. E. Bartlett s " Essay on the Philosophy of Medical Science. Boylston Prize Essay, 1849. * * * Boston, 1853. 8, pp. 23 15 Respiration subservient to Nutrition. Thesis presented to the Medica Faculty of Harvard University, March, 1850. Boston, 1853. 8, pp. 20. [2 copies.; LEIGHTON, Robert, D.D., Arclibp. of Glasgow; b. 1611. d. 1684. 16 Select Works. . . . With an introductory View of the Life, Charac ter, and Writings of the Author. By G. B. Cheever. [Portrait. ] Boston, 1832. 8 (6.3X3.6), pp. 569. [2 copies. 17 Whole Works. . . . New ed., in 2 vols. Vol. 2 [containing Lee tures on St. Matthew s Gospel, Sermons, Theological Lectures, Exhorta tions, <fcc.]. London, 1828. & (6.3X3.9) CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 369 LEIPZIGER Adress-Post-und Reise-Calender, auf das jahr Christi MDCCLXXXIV. 1 ... Leipzig, n. d. 8 (5. 2X3.1). LEISLER, Jacob, an American political adventurer ; b. in Frantyort-on-the-Main, German)/, executed in New York, 1691. 2 Administration (The) of Jacob Leisler, a Chapter in American History, by C. F. Hoffman. See SPARKS, J. (American Biogr., 2d Series, vol. 3.) LEISNER, John Frederic. 3 Additiones & Observationes. See Bos, L. Elipses Graecae. LE K.EUX, John and Henry. Joint Authors. See PuciN, A. Architectural Antiquities of Normandy. LELAND, John, D.D., an English Presbyterian divine; b. 1691. d. 1766. 4 Defence (A) of Christianity. In two parts. . . . Vol. 1,2. 2d ed., corrected. London, 1753. 8 (6X3. 2). 5 Divine Authority (The) of the Old and New Testament asserted : with a particular Vindication of the Characters of Moses, and the Prophets, our Saviour Jesus Christ, and His Apostles, against the ... Book en titled, The Moral Philosopher [by T. Morgan], * * * London, 1739. 8 (6.3X3.2). 6 View (A) of the principal Deistical Writers that have appeared in Eng land in the Last and Present Century ; with Observations upon them, and some Account of the Answers that have been published against them. . . . Vol. 1. 2d ed. with Additions. 2. 3d ed., improved. London, 1755. 8 (5. 6X3. 3). 7 Supplement (A) to the First and Second Volumes of the View of the Deistical Writers. Containing Additions and Illustrations. . . . [ With ] Reflections on Lord Bolinbroke s Letters on the Study and Use of His tory, as far as relates to the Holy Scriptures. 3d ed., corrected and en larged. With Index to the three vols. London, 1756. 8 (6X3.2). 8 View (A) of the principal Deistical Writers that have appeared in Eng land in the Last and Present Century. With Observations upon them, and some Account of the Answers . . . against them. 5th ed. ... [With] An Appendix, containing a View of the Present Times ... by W. L. Brown. . . . Vol. 1,2. London, 1798. 8 (6.5X3.7). NOTE. Vol. 2 contains the Reflections on Lord Bolinbroke s Letters, &c. and Index. LE MAITRE, Jean Henri, a French Protestant pastor. 9 Nouveau Recueil de Sermons . . . prononcez dans des Occasions ex- traordinaires. Utrecht, 1741. 8 (5.8X3), pp. 535-J-. LE MASCRIER, Jean Baptiste, I Abbe; b. in Caen, 1697. d. 1760. 10 Description de 1 Egypte . . . Composee sur les Memoires de M. de Mail- let, par 1 Abbe Le Mascrier. . . . Enrichi de Cartes et de Figures. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1740. ^12 (5X2.6). LEMERY, Nicolas, a French chemist and physician ; b. 1645. d. 1715. 11 Course (A) of Chymistry, containing an easie Method of preparirg those Chymical Medicins which are used in Physick. ... 3d ed., translated from 8th ed. in the French . . . [by J. Ke dl~\. London, 1698. 8 (5.5X3), m. b., pp. 815-J-. 12 Vollstandiges Materialen-Lexicon, darinnen alle mid jede Simplicia, vorgestellet sind, welche aus denen so genannten drey Ilichen, der Thiere, der Kr miter und der Mineralien, hauptsachlich zu Dienste der Medicin und Apothecker-Kunst genommen und gebrauchtwerden. . . . [Illus trated]. Zu erst in Frantzosischer Sprache entworfTen . . . und auf begehren ins Hochteutsche iibersetzt von C. F. Richtern. * * * [Leipzig:, about 1700.] 2(10.9X6.3), 2 cols., pp. 61 2+. 47 370 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. LEMERCIER, Rev. Andrew, a Protestant French minister in Boston; d. 1762. 1 Church History of Geneva. Boston, 1732. 8 (5.9X3.4). NOTE. Imperfect, wanting to page 33. 2 Geographical and Political Account of the Republic of Geneva. . . . By ... [Rev. A. Lcmercier~\. Boston, 1732. 8 (5.9X3.4)* LEMPRIERE, John, D. I)., Master at the Free- Grammar- School, Exeter; d. 1824. 3 Bibliotheca Classica ; or A Classical Dictionary ; containing a copious Account of the principal Proper Names mentioned in Ancient Authors, the Value of Coins, Weights, and Measures, used among the Greeks and Romans; and a Chronological Table. New ed., enlarged, remod elled, and ... improved, by C. Anthon. * * * ... Vol. 1,2. [1 paging. ] New-York, 1833. 8 (7.5X4.3), 2 cols., pp. 1635. 4 Lempriere s Universal Biography. . . . Together with Selections of Foreign Biography, from Watkins s Dictionary . . . and about eight hundred original Articles of American Biography. By E. Lord. . . . Vol. 1, 2. New-York, 1825. 8 (6.9X3.9), 2 cols. LENG, John, D.D., Bp. of Norwich; b. 1665. d. 1727. 5 Natural Obligations to believe the Principles of Religion and Divine Revelation. See (BOYLE S Lecture Sermons, vol. 3). LENNARD, Samson, a friend of Sir Philip Sydney ; d. about 1630. Translator. See CHARRON, P. Charron of Wisdome. LENNEP, David Jakob VAN, Prof, of Ancient Languages, &c. at Amsterdam. 6 Continuation of Bosch s " Observations et Nota3 in Anthologiam Grae- cam," and Memoir of Bosch. See BOSCH, H. de. Observationum, etc. Vol. altera. LENNOX, Mrs. Charlotte, an English authoress ; b. in N. Y. City, 1720. d. 1804. Translator. See BETHUNE, M. de, Duke of Sully. Memoirs. LENOBLE, Eustache, Baron de St. George, etc. : b. 1643. d. 1711. 7 Ecole (L ) du Monde, nouvelle, ou les Promenades de Mr. Le Noble. Tom. 1-4. 2de ed., revue et corrigee. Amsterdam, 1709- 10. 12 (4.3X2.2). LENOIR, Alexandre, Founder of Musee des Monumens Franpais ; b. 1 762. d, 1 839. 8 Description historique et chronologique des Monumens de Sculpture reunis au Musee des Monumens Francois ; suivie d une Dissertation sur le Barbe et les Costumes de chaque Siecle, et d un Traite de la Peinture sur verre . . . 8me ed., revue et augmentee. Paris, 1806. 8 (5.9X3.3). [2 copies.] LEO X., Pope, [Giovanni DE MEDICI] ; b. at Florence, 1475. d. 1521. 9 Life and Pontificate of Leo X. See ROSCOE, W. LEOPOLD I., Emperor of Germany, &c. ; b. 1640. d. 1705. 10 Life (The) of Leopold, late Emperor of Germany, &c. ... 2d ed. London, 1708. 8 (6X3.1), m. b. LEOPOLD II., Emperor of Germany, &c. ; b. 1747. d. 1792. 11 Edict of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, for the Reform of Criminal Law in his Dominions : translated from the Italian : together with the Original. Warrington, 1789. 8 (6.3X3.6), pp. 66, Iv. [2 copies.] LE PAGE DU PRATZ, M. . 12 Histoire de la Louisiane, contenant la Decouverte de ce vaste Pays ; sa Description geographique ; un Voyage dans les Terres ; L Histoire natu- relle, etc. ; ornee de deux Cartes & 40 Planches . . . Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1758. 12 (4.8X2.8), m. b. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 371 LE PAGE DU PRATZ, M. , continued. 1 History (The) of Louisiana or of the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina : containing a Description of the Countries that lye on both sides of the River Missisipi . . . Translated from the French . . . ; with some Notes and Observations . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Maps.] London, 1763. 12 (4.8X2.6). LE Hoi, M. , Prof, of Rhetoric at Univ. of Paris. 2 Principes generaux tires des Elemens de la Langue Grecque . . . , ac- compagne du Recueil complet ou nouyeau Choix des Fables d Esope . . . Par M. Le Roi. Bruxelles, 1783. 8 (6.2X3.5). LE ROY, Prof. P. L. 3 Narrative of four Russian Sailors, cast upon the Island of East Spitz- bergen. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyages, &c., vol. 1.) LESAGE, A., an assumed name. 4 Atlas historique, genealogique, chronologique et geographique, par A. Lesage [M. J. E. A. D. de Las Cases ]. Paris, n. d. 2(17.5X24.6J. LE SAGE, Alain Rene, a French novelist and dramatist; b. 1668. d. 1747. 5 Contes moraux, histoires, divertissantes & romans. Tires des CEuvres de M. Le Sage. Londres, 1779. 12 (5.2X3). 6 Gil Bias de Santillano del Le Sage tradotto dal Dottor Crocchi Sanese 2da ed. di Londra, pubblicata e corretta da S. E. Petronj Giusta le Osservazioni critiche del J. A. Llorente sulP Originalita dell Autore. Tom. 1-5. Londra, 1823. 24 (4.2X2.8). 7 Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane, par M. Le Sage. 5me ed., avec Figures. Tom. 1-4. Amsterdam, 1740. 8 (4.8X2.8). 8 Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane, par Lesage. Tom. 1-3. Ed. stereo type. Paris, 1824. 24 (4.1X2.5). 9 Historia de Gil Braz de Santilhana, por Lesage, Portugueza. Nova ed. revista e emendada. . . . Tom. 1-4. Paris, 1819. 12 (4.8X2.9). LESKE, Nathanael Gotfried, 10 Reise durch Sachsen in Riiksicht der Naturgeschichte und Oeconomie. [Illustrated.] Leipzig, 1785. 4 (6.1X4.6), m. b., pp. 548. LESLIE, Rev. Charles, an Irish theological & political writer ; d. 1722. 11 Leslie s Short and Easy Method with the Deists ; wherein the Certainty of the Christian Religion is established by four infallible Marks . . . [and ] Four additional Marks from . . . The Truth of Christianity demonstrated. Compressed by F. Wrangham. New-Haven, 1807. 16, pp. 30. 12 Method with the Deists. See INFIDELITY : &c. 13 Short (A) and Easy Method with the Deists . . . [with] a Preface by Rev. W. Jones. New ed. London, 1801. 12 (5X3.1). 14 Truth (The) of Christianity demonstrated, in a Dialogue betwixt a Christian and a Deist. . . . New ed. London, 1801. 12 (5X3.1). LESLIE, Sir John, a Scottish mathematician and physicist; b. 1766. d. 1832. 15 Experimental Inquiry (An) into the Nature and Propagation of Heat. [Plates. ] London, 1804. 8 (5.8><3.3), pp. 562. w Philosophy (The) of Arithmetic, exhibiting a Progressive View of the Theory and Practice of Calculation, with Tables . . . 2d ed., improved and enlarged. Edinburgh, 1820. 8 (6X3.5). Joint Author. See MURRAY, H. Polar Seas and Regions. 372 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. LESSER, Friedrich Christian, a German theologian & naturalist , b. 1692. d. 1754. 1 Insecto-Theology ; or, A Demonstration of the Being and Perfections of God, from a consideration of the Structure and Economy of Insects. ... By M. Lesser : with Notes, by P. Lyonet. Edinburgh, 1799. 8 (6.2X3.4). LESSING, Gotthold Ephraim, a German critic and author; b. 1729. d. 1781. 2 Fabeln. Drey Biicher. Nebst Abhandlungen mit dieser Dichtungsart verwandten Inhalts. 2te aufl. Berlin, 1777. 12 (4X2. 7). 3 Sammtliche Werke, Poesie und Kunst. Th. 1-6. Theater. Th. 1-9. Literatur und Theologie. Th. 1-11. Brief wechsel. Th. 1-4. 30 vols. Carlsruhe, 1824- 25. 8 (5.3X3). LESSONS to a Young Prince, by an Old Statesman, on the Present Disposition 4 of Europe to a General Revolution j with five Plates delineating five Po litical Constitutions. 6th eel. London, 1791. 8, pp. 68. L EsTRANGE, Sir Roger, an English political writer-, b. 1616. d. 1704. 5 Abstract of Seneca s Morals ; with Discourse. See SENECA. L. A. Translator. See CICERO, M. T. Tully s Offices. Translator. See DAVILA, E. C. Civil wars of France. Translator. See ERASMUS, D. Select Colloquies. Translator. See JOSEPIIUS. The Wars of the Jews. LETTERS, Anonymous, on various Subjects. Answer to the Author of ... 6 An Answer to the Hampshire Narrative. Boston, 1737. 8, pp. 84. 7 Letter to a Clergyman in the Colony of Connecticut from his Friend; in which the true Notion of Orthodoxy is enquired into ; &c. New-Haven, 1757. 8, pp. 24. 8 Letter to a Layman on the Subject of Rev. Mr. Lindsey s Proposal for a Reformed English Church upon the Plan of the late Dr. S. Clarke, London, 1774. 8, pp. 29. 9 Letters from Barbary, France, Spain, Portugal, &c. By an English Of ficer. ... Vol. 1, 2. Dublin, 1789 . 8 (6.1X3.3). 1 Letters to a Friend, concerning the Septuagint Translation, and the Heathen Mythology. Edinburgh, 1759. 8 (5. 5X3.1). 11 Letters from Scandinavia, on the Past and Present State of the North ern Nations of Europe. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1796. 8 (5.5X3.1). 12 Lettre a PAuteur du Mercure Politique, par les auteurs de Traite inti tule : De la France et des Etats-Unis. Bouillon, 1787. 12, pp. 30. 13 Lettre a PEmpereur, sur PAtrocite des Supplices qu il a substitues comme adoucissement a la Peine de Mort. * * * Bruxelles, 1789. 8, pp. 19. 14 Lettre et Memoire sur le Commerce des Pays-Bas Autrichiens, adresses au Magistral de la Ville de Bruxelles, par le Comite des Negocians de la dite Ville. Bruxelles, 1787. 8, pp. 76. [2 copies.] 15 Lettre sur les Sourds et Muets . . . Avec des Additions. * * * [No imprint] 1751. 16 (4.8X2.7). 1 6 Lettres Cabalistiques, ou Correspondance philosophique, historique & critique, entre deux Cabalistes, divers Esprits elementaires, & le Seig neur Astaroth. Nouv. eel, augmentee . . . Tom. 1-7. La Haye, 1 754. 16 (4.2 X 2.2). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 373 LETTERS, continued. 1 Lettres sur la Cour de la Chancellerie d Angleterre, et sur quelques Points de la Jurisprudence Anglaise ; enrichies de Notes et Appendices par C. P. Cooper, et publiees avec une Introduction par P. Itoyer-Col- lard. Paris, 1830. 8(5.5 irr.X3). [2 copies.] 2 Lettres d un Cultivateur Americain, ecrites a W. S. Ecuyer, depuis FAn- nce 1770, jusqu a 1781. Traduites de 1 Angloia . . . Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1784. 8 (5.7X3.2). 3 Lettres Moscovites. * * * Paris, 1736. 8 (4.8X2.5). LETTSOM, John Coakley, F.R.S., an English plnjsician ; b. 1747. d. 1815. 4 Naturalist s (The) and Traveller s Companion. Containing Instructions for discovering and preserving Objects of Natural History. ... * * * London, 17*72. 8, pp. 69. LEUSDEN, Johann, Prof, of Hebrew & Antiquities at Utrecht; d. 1699. 5 Philologus Hebrteo-Gra?cus Generalis, continens Quaestiones Hebrseo- Grsccas quae circa Novum Testamentum Gra?cum fere moveri solent. Ed. 3tia. * * * Basileai, 1739. 4 (6.1X4.5). 6 Philologus Hebrseo-Mixtus, una cum Spicilegio Philologico, continente decem Qusestionum & Positionum pnrcipue Philologico- Hebraicarum & Judicarum Centuras. Ed. 4ta, item Figuris seneis ornate, & jam Argu- mentis, singulis dissertationibus praepositis, aucta. * * * Basileue, 1739. 4 (6.3X4.6). 7 Philologus Hebroeus, continens Qua?stiones Hebraicas quae circa Vetus Testamentum Hebra^um fere moveri solent. Ed. 5ta. *** [Portrait.] Basilea?, 1739. 4 (6X4.5). Editor. See BIBLE, The Old Testament. Biblia Hebraica. Editor. See BIBLE, Portions of Old Testament. Liber Psalmorum. LE VAILLANT, Francois, a French traveller ; h. 1757. d. 1824. 8 Life. See ST. JOHX, J. A. (Lives of Celebrated Travellers, vol. 3.) 9 Travels into the Interior Parts of Africa, by the way of the Cape of Good Hope; in 1780, 81, 82, 83, 84 and 85. Translated from the French of M. Le Vaillant. Dublin, 1790. 8 (5.7X3.2), pp. 534. 10 Voyage de M. Le Vaillant dans 1 Interieur de FAfrique, par le Cap de Bonne-Esperance dans les annees 1780, 81, 82, 83, 84 et 85. Tom. 1, 2. [lllusfrr/ted.] Paris, 1790. 8 (5. 2X3). 11 Second Voyage dans 1 Interieur de FAfrique, par le Cap de Bonne-Es perance, dans les annees 1783, 84 et 85 ; par F. Levaillant. Tom. 1-3. [Illustrated. ] Paris, 1795. 8 (5. 2X3. 7). LEVESQUE, Pierre Charles, a member of the French Institute; b. 1737. d. 1812. Translator. See PETRARCA, F. Choix des Poesies. LEVETT, Christopher, one of the Council of New England. 12 Voyage into New England, 1623-24. London, 1628. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 8.) LEVI, David, a Jew mechanic & scholar, of London ; b. 1740. d. 1799. 13 Letters to Dr. Priestley, in answer to those he addressed to the Jews ; inviting them to an amicable Discussion of the Evidences of Christiani ty. *** 2ded. London, 1791. 8 (5.6X3.1). 14 Letters to Dr. Priestley, in answer to his Letters to the Jews, Part II. . . . Also Letters 1. To Dr. Cooper ... 2. To Mr. Bicheno, 3. To Dr. Krauter, 4. To Mr. Swain, and 5. To Anti-Socinus, alias Anselm Bayley. ... *** London, 1791. 8 (5.6x3.1). 374 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. LEVITICUS, Book of. Hebrew and Translations. See BIBLE, in loco. LEVIZAC, Jean Pons Victor LECOUTZ, VAbb e DE; b. about 1755. d. 1818. 1 Art (L ) de parler et d ecrire correctement la Langue Franchise . . . Par 1 Abbe de Levizac. *** Londres, 1797. 8 (5.8X3.3). LEVY, Arnaud, Prof, of Mathematics in Univ. of Liege. 2 Differential and Integral Calculus. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 1, 2). LEWES, George Henry, an English author; 6. in London, 1817. 3 Biographical (The) History of Philosophy, from its Origin in Greece down to the Present Day. Library ed., much enlarged and . . . revised. New York, 1857. 12 (5.8X3.4), pp. xxxiv., 801. 4 Life (The) and Works of Goethe : with Sketches of his Age and Con temporaries, from different sources. . . . Vol. 1, 2. * * * Boston, 1856. 12 (5.5X3.3). 5 Physiology (The) of Common Life. . . . Vol. 1, 2. New-York, 1860, 61. 12 (5.5X3.2). LEWIS, Rev. Charlton T., Prof, of Math., Troy University, Albany, N.Y. Translator, &c. See BENGEL, J. A. Gnomon of the N. T. LEWIS, Sir George Cornewall, an English statesman & author ; b. 1806. Joint Translator. See MULLER, C. 0. History, &c. of the Doric Race. Translator. See BOECKH, A. The Public Economy of Athens, &c. LEWIS, Tayler, LL.D., Prof, of Greek, Union College; b. 1802. * 6 Nature, Progress, Ideas. A Discourse on Naturalism ... as opposed to the true Scriptural Doctrines of the Divine Imperium, delivered at Union College, July 24, 1849, before the New York Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. * * * Schenectady, 1850. 8, pp. 56. 7 Six Days (The) of Creation ; or, The Scriptural Cosmology, with the Ancient Idea of a Plurality of Time- Worlds, in distinction from Worlds in Space. 2d ed. *** Schenectady, 1855. 12 (5.5X3.2). LEWIS, William, M.D., F.R.S. 8 Commercium Philosophico-Technicum ; or, The Philosophical Commerce of Arts : designed as an Attempt to improve Arts, Trades, and Manu factures. * * * [Plates. ] London, 1763. 4 (6.8X4.3), pp. 646+. 9 Experiments and Observations on American Potashes ; with Method of determining their respective Qualities. London, 1767. 8, pp. 34. LEWISTON, Maine. Catalogue of Manufacturers and Mechanics Library Asso- 1 ciation of Lewiston, with the Charter, Constitution and By-Laws. * * * Incorporated 1861. Lewiston, 1861. 8, pp. 68. LEXIPHANES, a Dialogue. Imitated from Lucian, and suited to the Present 11 Times. Being an Attempt to restore the English to its Ancient Purity. ... *** 3d ed. corrected. London, 1783. 12 (5X2.8). NOTE. A malicious piece of drollery against Dr. Johnson, by A. Campbell. Lowndes. LEZAUD, P. L. 12 Platon. Aristote. Expose substantiel de leur Doctrine morale et poli- tique. * * * 3me ed., revue et augmentee. Paris, 1846. 8 (5.5X3.3). L HOSPITAL, Guillaume Francois Antoine, Marquis DE; b. 1661. d. 1704. 13 Traite analytique des Sections coniques et de leur Usage pour la Reso lution des Equations . . . Ouvrage posthume de M. de L Hospital. [Plates. ] Paris, 1776. 4 (7.2X4.2), m. b. LIBRARY of Berlin. See ROYAL Librarv of Berlin. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 375 LIBRARY Company of Philadelphia. A Catalogue of the Books belonging to 1 the Library Company of Philadelphia ; to which is prefixed, A short Account of the Institution, with the Charter, Laws, and Regulations. * * * Vol. 1,2. [Classified; with Alphabetical Index of Authors. ] 3. Containing the Titles added from 1835 to 1856. [Classified.] To gether with an Alphabetical Index to the Whole. * * * [i paging. } Philadelphia, 1835, 35, 56. 8 (7.5X4.3). 2 Second Supplement to the Catalogue of the Library Company of Phila delphia. To Jan. 1, 1849. Philadelphia, 1849. 8 (7.5X4.3). LIBRARY of the Old English Prose Writers. See YOUNG, A. LIBRARY of Useful Knowledge. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion, &c. LIDDELL, Henry G., D.D., Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, En<j. 3 History (A) of Rome from the Earliest Times to the Establishment of the Empire. ... Vol. 1, 2. London, 1855. 8 (6.4X3.8). LIEBER, Francis, LL.D., an American publicist ; b. in Berlin, 1800. 4 Civil Liberty (On) and Self-Government. Enlarged edition . . . Philadelphia, 1859.* 8 (6.3X3.8), pp. 629, 5 Encyclopaedia Americana. A Popular Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Lite rature, History, Politics and Biography . . . ; including a copious Collec tion of Original Articles in American Biography ; on the Basis of the Seventh Edition of the German Conversations-Lexicon. Edited by F. Lieber, assisted by E. Wigglesworth and T. G. Bradford. [Stereo typed.] Vol. 1-13. Philadelphia, 1829- 31. 12 (7.1X4.2), 2 cols. CONTENTS. Vol. I. A-Bat. IT. Bat-Cat. III. Cat-Cra. IV. Cra-Eve. V. Eve- Grel VI. Gre-Ind. VII. Ind-Lin. VI TI. Lin-Mon. IX. Mon-Pel. X. Pen- Reu. XI. Rev-Ste. XII. Ste-Vis. XIII. Vis-Z, & Appendix. 6 Character (The) of the Gentleman : an Address to the Students of Mi ami University, August, 1846. Cincinnati, 1846. 8, pp. 31. 7 Paper on the Vocal Sounds of Laura Bridgeman, the Blind Deaf-Mute at Boston ; compared with the Elements of Phonetic Language. Pp. 32. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 2.) Translator, &c. See BEAUMONT, G. de. U. S. Penitentiary System. LlEBlG, Justus, Baron VON, M.D., a German chemist , b. in Darmstadt, 1803. 8 Familiar Letters on Chemistry, and its Relation to Commerce, Physiolo gy, and Agriculture. Edited by J. Gardiner, M. D. New- York, 1843. 24 (4.4X2.7). 9 Organic Chemistry in its Application to Agriculture and Physiology. Edited from the Manuscript of the Author by L. Playfair. 2d Ameri can ed., with an Introduction, Notes, and Appendix, by J. W. Web ster. Cambridge, 1841. 8 (5. 9X3.3). LIGHTFOOTE, John, D.D., an English Biblical commentator ; b. 1602. d. 1675. 10 Horse Hebraica? et Talmudica?, impensrc in Evangelium S. Johannis. Prtemittitur Disquisitio Chorographica, Loca quredam terrse Israeliticse investigans. . . . Londini, 1671. 4 (6X4). 11 Horse Hebraic^ & Talmudicae, impensse in Evangelium S. Lucse. . . . *** Cantabrigian, 1674. 4 (6X3.8). LIMBOURG, Jean Phillipe DE, M.D. 12 Traite des Eaux Minerales de Spa. Leide, 1754. 12 (4.5X2-5). LINCOLN, Benjamin, a major-general in American revolution, Sec y of War, U.S., Lieut.-Gov. of Mass., &c.; Hingham, Mass., 1733. d. 1810. 13 Grafting of Trees, &c. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 1.) 376 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. LINCOLN, Maj.-Gen. Benjamin, continued. 1 Journal of a Treaty in 1703 with the Indians North-West of the Ohio. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 2d Series, vol. 5.) 2 Life, by F. Bowen. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 13.) 3 Notices of Life. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 2d Series, vol. 3.) LINCOLN, Enoch, Gov. of Maine : b. in Worcester, Mass., 1788. d. 1829. 4 I. Remarks on the Indian Languages. II. Account of the Catholic Missions in Maine. See MAINE Hist. Society. (Collections, vol. 1.) LINDLEY, John, Ph. D., F.R.S., &c., Prof, of Botany, Univ. of London ; 6.1799. 5 Botany. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Libra ry, &(. (Natural Philosophy, vol. 4.) 6 Introductory Lecture [on Botany ], delivered in the University of Lon don, April 30, 1829. London, 1829. 8, pp. 26. ? Key (A) to Structural, Physiological, and Systematic Botany, for the Use of Classes. London, 1835. 8, pp. 80. LINDSAY, Rev. John, M.A., Vicar of Stanford. 8 Engraving. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitan, vol. 5). 9 Theory and Practice of the Art of Painting. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Me- tropolitana, vol. 5). LINDSEY, Rev. Theophilus, a Unitarian minister of London ; b. 1723. d. 1808. 1 Apology (The) of T. Lindsey, M. A. on resigning the Vicarage of Cat- terick, Yorkshire. 2d eel. London, 1774. 8 (5.7X3). 11 Sequel (A) to the Apology on resigning the \ 7 icarage of Catterick, Yorkshire. *** London, 1776. 8 (5.7X3), pp. 508. 12 Conversations on Christian Idolatry, in the year 1791. London, 1792. 8 (5. 7X3. 2). 13 Conversations on Christian Idolatry, in the year 1791. 2d ed. London, 1805. 12 (5.5X3.2). 14 Conversations on the Divine Governments ; showing that every thing is from God, and for good, to all. * * * [Portrait.] London, 1802. 8 (6X3.3). 15 Conversations on the Divine Government ; showing that every thing is from God, and for good, to all. * * * 2d ed. London, 1803. 12 (5.4X3.2). !6 Historical View (An) of the State of the Unitarian Doctrine and Wor ship, from the Reformation to our own Times. . . . London, 1783. 8 (6X3.3), pp. 663+. 17 Sermon on the Death of Lindsey; with Memoir. See BELSHAM, T. Vindicice Priestleianse : an Address to the Students of Oxford and Cam bridge ; occasioned by a Letter to Dr. Priestley from . . . Dr. Home. *** London, 1788. 8 (5. 7X3.2). LINGUET, Simon Nicolas Henri, a lawyer of Paris; b. 1736. executed, 1794. 19 Memoires et Plaidoyers de M. Linguet. Tom. 1-7. Amsterdam, 1773. 12 (4.7X2-4). LlNN, Rev. John Blair, an American clergyman & poet ; b. 1777. d. 1804. 20 Letter (A) to J. Priestley, in answer to his Pamphlet entitled, Socrates and Jesus compared. Philadelphia, 1803. 8, pp. 66. 21 Letter (A) to J. Priestley, in answer to his Letter in defence of his Pam phlet entitled Socrates and Jesus compared. Philadelphia, 1803. 8 (5.8X3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 377 LINN.EAN Society of New England. Report of a Committee of the Linnsean 1 Society of New England, relative to a large Marine Animal, supposed to be a Serpent, seen near Cape Ann, Massachusetts, in August, 1817. [Plates.] Boston, 1817. 8, pp. 52. [2 copies.] LINNE [Latin LINN.EUS], Carl von, the Sioedish naturalist; b. 1707. d. 1778. 2 Life of Linnasus. See AMERICAN Journal of Science, &c. Vol. 25 Pp. 151-161. 3 Systema Plantarvm . . . Ed. novissima Novis Plantis ac Emendatio- nibvs . . . advcta cvrante I. I. Reichard. Pt. 1-4 [and Index. ~] 5 vols. Francofvrti ad Moenvm, 1779- 80. 8 (6.3X3.3). 4 Systeme des Plantes . . . : extrait et traduit des Ouvrages de Linne, par M. J. P. Mouton-Fontenille. Tom. 1-5. * * * [Portrait. ] Lyon, 1804- 05. 8 (5.8X3.5). 5 Systeme sexuel des Vegetaux, suivant les Classes, les Ordres, les Genres, et les Especes, avec les Caracteres et les Differences ; par C. Linne. Ire ed. Franchise, calquee sur celle de Murray et de Persoon, augmentee et enrichie de Notions elementaires, de Notes diverses, d une Concordance avec la Methode de Tournefort, et les Families naturelles de Jussieu, etc., etc. par N. Jolyclerc. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1803. 8 (6.1X3.8). LINNEAN Society of London. The Transactions of the Linnean Society of Lon- 6 don. Vol. 12, P. II.-14. [Plates.] London, 1818- 25. 4 (6.8X5.2). LIPPIXCOTT S Pronouncing Gazetteer. A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer, or 7 Geographical Dictionary of the World. . . . With the most recent and authentic Information, respecting the Countries, Islands, Rivers, Mountains, Cities, Towns, &c. in every Portion of the Globe. Including the latest and most reliable Statistics of Population, Commerce, etc. . . . Edited by J. Thomas, M.D. and T. Baldwin, assisted by several other Gentlemen. Philadelphia, 1855. 8 (7.8X4.8), 2 cols., pp. xviii., 2182. L IsLE, Claude DE. See DELISLE, C. LISTER, Martin, M.D., an eminent Eng. physician & naturalist ; b. 1638. d. 1711. 8 Account (An) of Paris at the Close of the Seventeenth Century. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyages & Travels, vol. 4.) LITERAEISCHES Centralblatt fur Deutschland. Herausgegeben von F. Zarncke. 9 Yahrgang 1858-1861. 4 vols. [Weekly.] Leipzig, 1858- 61. 4 (9.4X6.8), 2 cols. LITERARY Journal (A), or a Continuation of the Memoirs of Literature. 10 By the same author. ... Vol. 1-3. London, 1730- 31. 8 (6X3.2). LITERARY Memoirs of Living Authors of Great Britain, arranged according to n an Alphabetical Catalogue of their Names : and including a List of their Works, with occasional Opinions upon their Literary Character. * * Vol. 1, 2. London, 1798. 8 (9.2X3.5). LITERARY (The) Panorama. A Review of Books, Register of Events, Maga- 12 zine of Varieties. . . . Vol. 1-3. [MontMy.] London, 1807-08. 8 (7.5X4.5), 2 cols. LITERARY (The) Panorama, and National Register ; a Review of Books, Re- 13 gister of Events, Magazine of Varieties. . . . Vol. 1. [Monthly. ] Boston, reprinted, 1816. 8 (7.4X4.2), 2 cols. 48 378 BOTVDOIN COLLEGE, LITERARY and Philosophical Society of Manchester. Memoirs of the Literary 1 and Philosophical Society of Manchester. Vol. 1-4, Pt. I. London, &c., 1789- 93. 8 (5.9X3.3). NOTE. Vol. 1,2 are second edition. LITERARY (The) and Theological Review. Conducted by L. Woods, Jun. 2 Vol. 1-4. Conducted by C. D. Pigeon. Vol. 5, 6. " New York, 1834- 39. 8 (6.2X3.6). LITERARY (The) World ; a Journal of Society, Literature, and Art. Edited by 3 C. F. Hoffman. Vol. 1, 2. Edited by E. A. and G. L. Duychinck. Vol.3. [Weekly.] New-York, 1847- 4S. 4 (9.4X7), 3 cols. LlTTELL, E. 4 LitteU s Living Age. *** Vol. 16-28. Jan., 1848-March, 1851 ; 32. Jan.,-March, 1852. [Weekly.] Boston, 1848- 52. 8 (8.4X5), 2 cols. 5 Littell s Living Age. * * * Third Series. Vol. 1-5. April, 1858- June, 1859. [Weekly. ] Boston, 1858- ? 59. 12 (7.5X4.6), 2 cols. LIVERMORE, Harriet. 6 Testimony (A) for the Times. * * * New- York, 1843. 12 (5.3X3.2). LIVERPOOL, Earl of. See JENKINSON, C., Earl of Liverpool. LIVERPOOL (The) Courier and Commercial Advertiser. June, 1812-Dec., 1819. v [Occasional Numbers. ] Liverpool, 1812- 19. 2 (17.7X14.7), 5 cols. LIVES of Eminent British Statesmen. See FORSTER, J. LIVES of Scottish Poets ; with Portraits and Vignettes. * * * ... Vol. 1-3. 8 London, 1822. 18 (4.8X2.3). NOTE. Each volume is in two parts ; with independent title-pages, &c. LIVINGSTON, Edward, LL.D., an American jurist & statesman ; b. 1764. d. 1836. 9 Livingston s Criminal Codes. See LOUISIANA. A System of Penal Law, &c. LIVINGSTON, Robert R., LL.D., Chancellor of State of N.T., U.S. Sec y of Foreign Affairs, U.S. Minister to France, &c. ; b. 1747. d. 1813. 10 Correspondence. See UNITED STATES. (Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, vol. 11.) 11 Essay on Sheep, &c. See NEW YORK. LIVINGSTON, William, LL.D., Gov. of New Jersey ; b. 1723. d. 1790. 12 Philosophic Solitude ; or, The Choice of a Rural Life : a Poem. . . . [By W. Livingston. ] * * * Boston, reprinted, 1762. 8, pp. 46. LIVINGSTONE, David, M.D., a Scottish traveller ; b. near Glasgow, 1815. * 13 Dr. Livingston : his Life and Adventures. See ADAMS, H. G. 14 Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa ; including a Sketch of Sixteen Years Residence in the Interior of Africa . . . With Por trait : Maps by Arrowsmith ; and numerous Illustrations. New York, 1858. 8 (6.7X3.9), pp. 732. Livius, Titus, the Roman historian; b. in Patavium, 59 B.C. d. A.D. 17. is Histoire Romaine de Tite Live. Premiere Decade ; contenant 1 Origine de Rome, & ses premiers Progres dans 1 Italie. . . . Tom. 1-3. Se- conde Decade ; ou les Supplemens de J. Freinshemius . . . Tom. 1, 2. [Troisieme Decade] contenant FHistoire de la Seconde Guerre Punique . . . Tom. 1-3. Quatrieme Decade. . . . Tom. 1-3. Traduite en Francois par M. Guerin. 1 1 vols. Paris, 1 739- 40. 8 (5 X 2.5), m. b. 16 History (The) of Rome, by T. Livius. Translated from the Original, with Notes and Illustrations, by G. Baker. * * * ... Vol. 1-6. London, 1797. 8(6.3X3.4\ m. d, [3 copies.] NOTE. Vol. 1 , 2 of one copy are wanting. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 379 LIVIUS, Titus, continued. 1 T. Livii Historiarum Libri priores quinque : in usum Juventutis Acade mics?. Uticse, 1813. 12 (5.6X3.4). 2 T. Livii Historiarum quod exstat, cum integris J. Freinshemii Supple- mentis Emendationibus & suis locis collocatis, Tabulis Geographicis & copioso Indice. Recensuit et Notulis auxit J. Clericus. 10 vols. Amsterdam!, 1710. 12 (5.1X3). NOTE. Title-pages are engraved. Vol. 10 consists of maps and index. 3 T. Livii Patavini Decades Tres, cvm dimidia, longe qvam hactenvs emen- datiores . . . partim C. S. Cvrionis industria, partim Collatione melio- rum Codicum . . . restitutis. Eiusdem Cselii S. C. Prsefatio, Summam continens de Mensuris, Ponderibus, Reque Nummaria Romanorum & Gra?corum. . . . Ad hfcc, L. Flori Epitomes ... B. Rhenani & S. Gelenij ... in hunc auctorem Annotationes. Chronologia H. Glarea- ni . . . [and] Index. Basilea?, 1549. 2 (10.8X6.5), pp. 829-]-. 4 T. Livii Patavini Libri omnes svperstites recogniti pridem et emendati ... a Francisco Modio : nunc vero etiam ... a lano Grvtero. Cum Indi ce ... Francofurti ad Moenum, 1612. 2 (12X6.6), m. b., pp. 600-}-. 5 T. Livii Patavini Opera (In), Observationes, Emendationes, Animadver- siones, Annotationes, etc. L. Valla?, M. Antonii Sabellici, Beati Rhena ni, etc. etc. * Francofvrti, 1607. 2 (12.2X7), 2 cols., m. b., pp. 51L NOTE. To accompany the preceding, and bound with it. LLOUENTE, Don Juan Antonio, a Spanish writer ; b. 1756. d. 1823. 6 Osservazioni critiche sull Originalita dell Autore di Gil Bias. See LE SAGE, A. R. Gil Bias de Santillano. LLOYD, Edward. ? Mathematical Geography. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. (Natural Philosophy, vol. 3.) LLOYD, H. J. 8 Physical Geography. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Know ledge. Library, &c. (Natural Philosophy, vol. 3.) LLOYD, Thomas. 9 Congressional Register (The) ; or, History of the Proceedings and De bates of the First House of Representatives of the United States of America : . . . Containing an impartial Account of the most interest ing Speeches and Motions ; and accurate Copies of Remarkable Papers laid before and offered to the House. Taken in Short Hand, by Th. Lloyd. Vol. 1, 2. New-York, 1789. 8 (6.4X3.4). LOBECK, Christian Augustus, Prof, of And. Lang., &c., at Konigsberg ; b. 1781. 10 Aglaophamus sive de Theologiae Mysticae Graecorum Causis Libri Tres. Scripsit C. A. Lobeck idemque Poetarum Orpmcorum dispersas Reli- quias collegit. Tom. 1,2. [I paging.] Rigimontii, 1829. 8 (6.2X3.6). LOBEIRA, Vasco de, a Portuguese writer, of the loth or 14th century. 11 Amadis of Gaul. \_Translatedfrom the. Spanish Version of Montalvo, by R. Southey.] ... Vol. 1^4. London, 1803. 12 (4.2X2.6). LOCKE, John, the English metaphysician; b. 1632. d. 1704. 12 Essay (An) concerning Human Understanding. In four books. 7th ed., with large Additions. Vol. 1,2. * * * [Portrait.] London, 1716. 8 (6.2X4). [2 copies.] NOTE. Fecond volume* of above are dated respectively 1715, 1721. 380 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. LOCKE, John, continued. 1 History of Navigation to A. D. 1704; &c. See CLARKE, J. S. Pro gress of Maritime Discovery. Appendix, pp. 75-202. 2 Letter concerning Toleration. 3d ed. Boston, 1743. 8, pp. 77. 3 Letters concerning Toleration. [Portrait.] London, 1765. 4 (8.4X5.5). 4 Life of Locke. See (Works, Ed. 1794, post. Vol. 1, pp. xix.-xxxix.) 5 Life and Writings of Locke. See LE CLERC, J. G Reasonableness (The) of Christianity, as delivered in the Scriptures. . . . [With] An Essay on the Understanding of St. Paul s Epistles ; and a Discourse on Miracles. With a Biographical Essay, an Appen dix and Notes by a Layman. New-York, 1836. 8 (8.1 X4.9), 2 cols. 7 Reasonableness of Christianity, as delivered in the Scripture. See WATSON, R. (Theological Tracts, vol. 4.) 8 Remains (The) of John Locke, Esq. ; viz. I. Some Memoirs of the Life and Character of Dr. E. Pococke. II. Instructions for the Conduct of a Young Gentleman, as to Religion and Government, &c. III. The Best Method of Studying and Interpreting the Scriptures. IV. Senti ments concerning the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. . . . [And] Three Copies of Verses . . . London, 1714. 2 (9.5X5.2), pp. 20. 9 Works. . . . With Alphabetical Tables. Vol. 1-3. 3d ed. [Portrait.] London, 1727. 2 (10X5.2), m. b. 10 Works. . . . With Alphabetical Tables. Vol. 1-3. 4th ed. [Por trait and Frontispiece. ] London, 1740. 2 (10.9X5.6), m. b. 11 Works. ... 9th ed. Vol. 1-9. London, 1794. 8 (6.8X3.8). Translator. See NICOLE, P. Discourses : from Nicole s Essays. LOCKE, John, M.D., Prof, of Chem., &c. Ned. Coll. of Ohio. 12 Observations on Terrestrial Magnetism. Pp. 30. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 3.) 13 Papers. See ASSOCIATION of American Geologists and Naturalists. (Proceedings of lst-3d Meetings.) LODGE, G. Henry. Translator, &c. See WINCKELMANN, J. J. History of Ancient Art. LODGE, Thomas, an English author & physician ; b. 1555. d. 1625. 14 Glaucus and Silla. With other Lyrical and Pastoral Poems. Chiswick, 1819. 12 (4X2.4 irr.). Translator. See JOSEPHUS, F. The Famous and Memorable Workes, &c. LOCKHART, John Gibson, a Scottish author ; b. 1792. d. in Abbotsford, 1854. 15 Ancient Spanish Ballads ; historical and romantic. Translated, with Notes, by J. G. Lockhart. New ed., revised. With an introductory Essay on the Origin, Antiquity, Character and Influence of the Ancient Ballads of Spain; and an Analytical Account, with Specimens, of the Romance of the Cid. New-York, 1842. 4 (5. 7X3.8). 16 History (The) of Napoleon Buonaparte. . . . Vol. 1, 2. (Harper s Family Library, No. 4, 5.) New- York, 1843. 18 (4.5X2.7). 17 Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait.] Philadelphia, 1837. 8 (7.1 X4.1). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 381 LOFTUS, William Kennett, F.G.S., an English archaeologist; b. 1820. d. 1858. 1 Travels and Researches in Chaldaea and Susiana; with an Account of Excavations at Warka, the " Erech " of Nimrod, and Shush, " Shushan the Palace " of Esther, in 1849-52 ... *** [Plans and Engrav ings. ] New York, 1857. 8 (6.6X3.9). LOGANIAN Library, Philadelphia. Catalogue of the Books belonging to the 2 Loganian Library ;. . . [with ] Account of that Institution, &c. [Clas sified ; with Index of Authors. Portrait. ] Philadelphia, 1837. 8 (7.6X4.3). LOHNEYSS, Georg Engelhard von. 3 Griindlicher und aussf iihrlicher Bericht von Bergwercken . . . [Plates. } Stockholm und Hamburg, 1690. 2(10.2X5.2). LOKMAN or LOGMAN, an Arabic philosopher, of uncertain date. 4 Fabvla? et selecta quoedam Arabvm Adagia. Cum Interpretations Lati- na & Notis T. Erpenii. Amstelrodami, 1636. 4 (5.5X4). LOLME, Jean Louis DE. See DE LOLME, J. L. LONDON, City of. The Different Methods of electing Sheriffs for the City of 5 London and County of Middlesex, from the First Granting of the Char ter ... to the Present Time. . . . London, 1724. 8, pp. 62. 6 Great Metropolis (The). . . . Vol. 1,2. 2d ed. New York, 1837. 12 (5X2.8). 7 Minutes of the Committee of Council on Education ; with Appendices, and Plans of School-Houses. 1842- 43. London, 1844. 8 (6.9X3.8), pp. 853. 8 View (A) of London ; or, The Stranger s Guide through the British Metropolis. ... London, n. d. 12 (4.5X2.8). LONDON (The) Catalogue of Books, with their Sizes, Prices, and Publishers. Con- 9 taming the Books published in London and those altered in size or price since the year 1800 to 1827. [Classified.] London, 1827. 8 (7X3.8). 10 Supplement (A) to the London Catalogue of Books, published in March 1827, containing all the New Works and New Editions published in London ... to June 1829, with their Sizes, Prices, &c. London, 1829. 8, pp. 47. LONDON (The) Chronicle. Vol. 1. Jan.-June, 1757. 11 London, 1757. 4 (9.7X7.1), 3 cols. LONDON (The), Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of 12 Science. Vol. 1-37 New and United Series. . . . Vol. 1-24 Fourth Series. . . . [Continued. Monthly. Plates. ,] London, 1832- 62. 8 (6.7X3.7). NOTE. The continuation of Tilloch s Philosophical Magazine , Nicholson s Jour nal, and Thomson s Annals of Philosophy. Vol. 1-16 New and United Series are titled, The London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine, &c. Conducted by Sir D. Brewster throughout, jointly with, R. Taylor to vol. 17 Fourth Scries ; R. Phillips to vol. 1 Fourth Series ; Sir R. Kane from vol. 17 New and United Se ries ; \V. Francis from vol. 1 Fourth Series ; and J. Tyndall from vol. 7 Fourth Series. 13 General Index to the London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. . . . For Vol. 1 to 12. London, 1839. 8 (6.6X3.8), 2 cols., pp. 58. LONDON (The) Gazette. No. 1908-2011. 1 vol. n London, 1683- 84. 2 (9.9X5.3), 2 cols. LONDON Linnean Society. See LINNEAN Society of London. 382 BGWBOIN COLLEGE. LONDON Missionary Society. See MISSIONARY Society, &c. LONDON Quarterly Review. See QUARTERLY Review ; FOREIGN Quarterly. LONDON Royal Society. See ROYAL Society of London. LONDON Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. See SOCIETY, &c. LONDON University. See UNIVERSITY of London. LONG, Roger, Prof, of Astronomy, Univ. of Cambridge, Eng. ; b. 1680. d. 1770. 1 Life of Mahomet. (Pref. to Vol. 1. of Ocldey s History of the Saracens.) LONG, Major Stephen H., an American civil & military engineer; b. 1784. 2 Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains. See JAMES, E. 3 Expedition to the Source of St. Peter s River, &c. See KEATING, W. H. LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth, Prof, of Modern Languages at Bowd. Coll., 1830- 35, at Ham. Coll., 1836~ 54 ; b. in Portland, 1807. 4 Ballads and other Poems. 3d ed. Cambridge, 1842. 8 (4.2X2.5 irr.). 5 Belfry (The) of Bruges and other Poems. 4th ed. Cambridge, 1846. 8 (4.2X2.5 irr.). 6 Evangeline, a Tale of Acadie. Boston, 1848. 8 (4. 3X2. 8 irr.), 7 Poets (The) and Poetry of Europe. With Introductions and Biographi cal Notices. * * * [Portrait. ] Philadelphia, 1845. 8 (7.5X4.7), 2 cols., pp. 779. 8 Saggi de Novellieri Italiani d Ogni Secolo : . . . con brevi Notizie in terne alia Vita di ciascheduno. Boston, 1832. 12 (4.8X3). 9 Seaside (The) and the Fireside. Boston, 1850. 8 (4.2X2.7 irr.) 10 Syllabus de la Grammaire Italienne. ... Boston, 1832. 12 (5X3.1), 1 1 Translation of Coplas of Manrique, and Essay. See MANRIQUE, J. LONGINUS, Dionysius Cassius, a Greek critic; b. 213. executed at Palmyra, 273, 12 D. Longinus on the Sublime : translated from the Greek, with Notes. and Observations, and some Account of the Life, Writings, and Charac ter of the Author. By W. Smith. * * * [Plate.] 2d ed., corrected and improved. London, 1742. 8 (6.2X3.5). 13 D. Longinus on the Sublime : translated from the Greek, with Notes- and Observations, and some Account of the Life, Writings, and Charac ter of the Author. By W. Smith. * * * 3d ed., corrected and im proved. [Plate. ] London, 1752. 8 (6X3.5). 14 D. Longini de Sublimitate Commentarius, ceteraque, qua3 reperiri potue- re. [Greek] In Usum Principis Electoralis Brandeburgici J. Tollius e quinque Codicibus MSS. emendavit, & F. Robertelli, F. Porti, Gabrielis de Petra, G. Langbeenii, & T. Fabri, Notis integris suas subjecit, novam- que Versionem suam Latinam [facing the Greek], & Gallicam Boilavii, cum ejusdem, acDacierii, suisque Notis Gallicis addidit. * * * [Index.] Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1694. 4 (7.2X4.5). 15 D. Longini de Sublimitate Commentarius, quern nova Versione [facing the Greek] donavit, Notis illustravit, . . . emendavit (additis etiam om nibus ejusdam Auctoris Fragmentis) Z. Pearce. Ed. 2da . . . [Plate] Londini, 1732. 8 (6.2X3.4). [2 copies.} NOTE. One copy is dated 17G2, and the edition is not designated. 16 Longinus de Inventione, Gra?ce. See WALZ, C. (Rhetores Grseci, vol. 9.) i? Treatise on the Sublime. See HOLMES, J. Art of Rhetoric. Book II. LOOKER-ON, a periodical paper, published 1792- 94. See ROBERTS, W. LOOMIS, Elias, LL.D., Prof, of Nat. Philos., N. Y. Univ. ; b. 1811. 18 Astronomical, c. Observations. See AMERICAN Philos. Society. (Trans actions, vol. 7-10.) CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 383 LOOMIS, Elias, LL.D., continued. 1 Certain Storms in Europe and America, December, 1836. Pp. 28, and thirteen Plates. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 11.) 2 Memoirs of American Missionaries, formerly connected with the Society of Enquiry respecting Missions, in the Andover Theological Seminary : embracing a History of the Society, etc. [By E. Loomis.~\ With an In troductory Essay, by L. Woods. . . . [Portraits. ] Boston, 1833. 12 (5.6X3.2). 3 Recent (The) Progress of Astronomy ; especially in the United States. New York, 1850. 12 (5.3X3.1). 4 Recent (The) Progress of Astronomy ; especially in the United States. 3d ed., mostly re-written, and much enlarged. New York, 1856. 12 (5.7X3.5). LOPE DE VEGA. See VEGA CARPIO, Lope Felix DE. LORD, Rev. Benjamin, D.D., of Norwich, Conn. , b. 1694. d. 1784. 5 Ministers of the Gospel under special Obligations, to universal constant Purity. Sermon preached at the Ordination of Rev. J. Huntington at Saleni, Sept. 28, 1763. Ch. by Rev. P. Clark ; R. H. by Rev. T. Bar nard. Boston, 1763. 8, pp. 41. LORD, David N., a merchant of New York City. Editor. See THEOLOGICAL and Literary Journal. LORD, Eleazar, A.M., of New York City. 6 Compendious (A) History of the Principal Protestant Missions to the Heathen . . . Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1813. 12 (5.6X3.4). 7 Universal Biography : with Additions. See LEMPRIERE, J. LORD, John, M.D., of Portland. 8 Address (An) delivered before the Peace Society of Amherst College, July 4, 1839. . . . Amherst, 1839. 8, pp. 31. 9 Christian (The) Philosopher, and Metaphysician. Series of [12] Tracts . . . upon Anthroposophy, and its Connective Subjects. Portland, 1852. 12 (5.4X3.2). LORD, Nathan, D.D., Pres. of Dart. Coll.-, b. in Berwick, Me., 1792. 10 Address (An) delivered at Hanover, Oct. 29, 1822, at the Inauguration of the Author as President of Dartmouth College. Windsor, 1828. 8, pp. 28. 11 Discourse (A) commemorative of Abiel Chandler, Founder of the Chand ler School at Dartmouth College, delivered at Commencement, July 29, 1852. Boston, 1852. 8, pp. 32. 12 Eulogium on Rev. J. Smith . . . Hanover, 1809. 8, pp. 15. LORD Chancellors of England, Lives of the. See CAMPBELL, J. L. LOREDANO, Giovanni Francesco, a senator of Venice; b. 1606. d. 1661. 13 Dianea (La). 23a impr. Venetia, 1667. 12 (5X2.6). 14 Scherzi Geniali. 28a impr. Venetia, 1667. 12 (5X2.6). LORENZO DE MEDICI. See MEDICI, L. DE. LORING, James Spear, of Boston. 15 Hundred (The) Boston Orators appointed by the Municipal Authorities and other Public Bodies, from 1770 to 1852 ; comprising Historical Gleanings, illustrating the Principles and Progress of our Republican Institutions. * * * 2d ed. enlarged. Boston, 1853. 8 (6.6X3. 9), pp. 710. 384 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. LOSKIEL, George Henry. 1 History of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Indians ir North America. In three Parts. Translated from the German by C. I LaTrobc. [Map.] London, 1794. 8 (6.1X3.5) NOTE Each part has half-title, and is pag^d independently. Los Rios, Mile. Charlotte Marie DE ; b. 1726. d. 1802. 2 Encyclopedic (L ! ) enfantine, ou Magazin pour les petits Enfans, pa: Mdlle. de Los-Rios. *** Dresde, 1780. 12 (4.4X2.8) 3 Encyclopedic enfantine, ou Magazin pour les petits Enfans. [By C. M de Los Rios. ] P tie II. Histoire Naturelle. Dresde, 1787. 12 (4.4X2.8) LOSSING, Benson John, an American author & engraver ; b. 1813. 4 Life (The) and Times of Philip Schuyler. 2 vols. [Portraits. ] New York, [1860, 62]. 12 (6X3.5) 5 Outline History of the Fine Arts. . . . Illustrated by Wood En gravings. (Harper s Family Library, No. 103.) New-York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7) LoTimop, Rev. Samuel K., D.D., of Boston. 6 Life of S. Kirkland. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr.., 2d Series, vol. 15. 7 Memoir of S. Appleton. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 4th Ser., vol. 3. 8 Proceedings of the Ecclesiastical Council, in the Case of the Proprietor of Hollis-Street Meeting-House and Rev. John Pierpont, their Pasto . . . Boston, 1841. 8 (6.4X3.7) LOTHROPP, Rev. John, of Scituate and Barnstable, Mass. ; d. 1653. 9 Biographical Memoir of Rev. J. Lothropp, by John Lathrop. See MASS Hist. Society. (Collections, 2d Series, vol. ].) LOUDON, Mrs. Jane WEBB ; b. near Birmingham, Eng., 1808. d. 1858. 10 Gardening for Ladies ; and Companion to the Flower-Garden. By Mrs Loudon. First American, from 3d London ed. [Engravings.] Editec by A. J. Downing. New-York, 1848. 12 (5.6X3.3) r 2 cols Louis XL, King of France; b. 1423. d. 1483. n History of Lewis XL, &c. See COMIXES, P. de. Louis XIV. the Great? King of France; b. 1638. d. 1715. 12 Age of Louis XIV. See VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. de. J3 Louis XIV. and the Court of France. See PARDOE, J. 14 Siecle de Louis XIV. See VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. de. (Euvres. Vol. 20, 21 Louis XV., King of France, great-grandson of the preceding ; b. 1710. d. 1774 15 Age of Louis XV. See VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. de. 16 Siecle de Louis XV. See VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. de. (Euvres. Vol. 22. Louis XVI., King of France ; b. at Versailles, 1754. guillotined at Paris, 1793 1"? Histoire de Louis XVI. , precedee d un Apergu sur le Gouvernement Fran ^ais, depuis Louix XIV., jusqu a nos jours. * * * Tom. 1, 2. [For trait.] Hambourg, 1802. 12 (4.4X2.5) Louis NAPOLEON. See NAPOLEON III. Louis PHILIPPE JOSEPH, Due d Orleans. See ORLEANS, J. P. J., Due D . LOUISIANA, State of. An Account of Louisiana, being an Abstract of Docu is ments, in the Offices of the Departments of State, and of the Treasury Philadelphia, 1803. 8, pp. 50 19 Appendix to an Account of Louisiana, being an Abstract of Document in the Departments of State, and of the Treasury. Philadelphia, 1803. 8, pp. xc CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 385 LOUISIANA, State of, continued. 1 System (A) of Penal Law, for the State of Louisiana : consisting of a Code of Crimes and Punishments, a Code of Procedure, a Code of Evi dence, a Code of Reform and Prison Discipline, a Book of Definitions. . . . By E. Livingston. . . . [With ] Report on the Plan of a Penal Code, and Introductory Reports to the several Codes embraced in the System of Penal Law. Philadelphia, [1833]. 8 (7.2X4.1), pp. 745. LOUNGER (The) : a periodical Paper, published at Edinburgh in the years 1785 2 and 1786. New ed. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1822. 12 (4.8X2.8). 3 Lounger (The). 2 vols. See (BRITISH Essayists. Vol. 30, 31). LOVEJOY, Rev. Elijah Parish; b. in Albion, Mass., 1802. d. 1837. 4 Memoir of Rev. E. P. Lovejoy. See LOVEJOY, J. C. and O. LOVEJOY, Joseph C. and Owen, brothers of the preceding. 5 Memoir of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy ; who was murdered in defence of the Liberty of the Press, at Alton, Illinois, Nov. 7, 1837. "With an Intro duction by J. Q. Adams. New York, 1838. 12 (5X3.1). LOVELACE, Richard, an English poet ; b. in Woolwicli, Kent, 1618. d. 1658. 6 Lucasta. The Poems of R : Lovelace. In two parts. ... 2 vols. [Portrait and Frontispiece.] Chiswick, 1817, 18. 12 (4.2X2.6 irr.). LOVERING, Joseph, Prof, of Math. & Nat. Philos., Harvard College. 7 Magnetic Observations made at the Observatory of Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, N. S., vol. 2.) LOUVET DE COUVRAY, Jean Baptiste, a French revolutionist; b. 1760. d. 1797. 8 Narrative of the Dangers to which I have been exposed since the 31st of May, 1793. With Historical Memorandums. By J. B. Louvet. *** London, 1795. 8 (6.5X3.7). LOWE, Joseph, Esq. 9 Commerce. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitan, vol. 6). LOWELL, Rev. Charles, D.D., of Boston, Mass.; b. 1782. 10 Characteristicks (The) of a Good Soldier. Artillery-Election Sermon, at Boston, June 4, 1810. Boston, 1810. 8, pp. 24. 11 Memoir of J. Pierce, D.D. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 4th Series, vol. 1.) LOWELL, James Russell, Prof, of Mod. Lang., Harv. Coll.; b. 1819. 12 Poems. Cambridge, 1844. 8 (4.7X2.7 irr.). Joint Editor, and Biographer. See POE, E. A. Works. LOWELL, Hon. John, LL.D., Judge U.S. District Court; b. 1744. d. 1802. 13 Eulogy on Hon. James Bowdoin, LL.D., before the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Jan. 26, 1791. Boston, 1791. 4, pp. 24. 14 Eulogy on Hon. J. Bowdoin. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 2, pt. I.) LOWELL, John, Jim., Founder of Lowell Institute -, b. 1799. d. 1836. 15 Memoir of Mr. John Lowell, Jun. See EVERETT, E. LOWELL, Rev. Samuel, minister at Bristol, Eng. 16 Sermons . . . Bristol, 1801. 8 (5X3.2). LOWER, Richard, M.D., of London; d. 1691. 1 7 Tractatus de Corde. Item de Motu & Colore Sanguinis et Chyli in eum Transitu. Amstelodami, 1669. 8 (4.7X2.8). LOWMAN, Moses, a Dissenting minister, of Clapliam, Surrey ; b. 1680. d. 1752. 18 Paraphrase (A) and Notes on the Revelation of St. John . . . 3d ed. London, 1773. 8 (6.5X3.4), m. r. 49 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. LoWNDES, William, A.M., Fellow of Brazen Nose College, Oxford, Eng. 1 Plato. Lucius Anna?us Seneca. The Stoical Philosophy. See (ENCY CLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 10). LOWNDES, William Thomas. 2 Bibliographer s (The) Manual of English Literature containing an Ac count of Rare, Curious, and Useful Books, published in or relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the Invention of Printing ; . . . New ed., revised, corrected and enlarged by H. G. Bohn. Part 1-8. * * * 8 vols. [I paging.] London, 1857-62. 16 (5.4X3.4), 2 cols. LOWEIE, Walter. Editor. See UNITED STATES. American State Papers. LOWTH, Robert, D.D., Bishop of London ; b. 1710. d. 1787. 3 Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews ; translated from the Latin, by G. Gregory. . . . [With] Notes of Prof. Michaelis . . . , the Translator and others. Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait.] London, 1787. 8 (6X3.3). 4 Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews. Translated from the original Latin by G. Gregory. New ed. with Notes by C. E. Stowe. * * * Andover, 1829. 8 (6.5X3.7). 5 Short Introduction (A) to English Grammar. With critical Notes. * * * Newbury-port, 1783. 12 (4.8X3). Translator, Annotator, &c. See BIBLE. Isaiah. LOWTH, William, B.D., Prebendary of Winchester; b. 1661. d. 1732. 6 Commentary (A) upon the Three Lesser Prophets : being a Continuation of Bishop Patrick. * * * 6th ed. corrected. London, 1766. 2 (11.4X6.4), 2 cols. LOWTHOKP, John. ? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, to the year 1700, abridged, &c. See ROYAL SOCIETY of London. LUBBOCK, Sir John William, F.R.S., an English astronomer ; b. 1803. 8 Heat (On the) of Vapours and on Astronomical Refractions. [Plate. ] London, 1840. 8 (6.3X4). LUBIN, Eilhard, a learned German protestant divine; b. 1556. d. 1621. 9 Avli Persi (In) Satyras Paraphrases scholastica nova . . . Amstelredami, 1595. 8 (5X2.9). Commentator. See PERSIUS FLACCUS, A. Satyrrc VI. LUCANUS, Marcus Annseus, a Roman poet ; b. at Cordaba in Spain, 39. d. 65. 10 M. A. Lucanus de Bello Civili, cum H. Grotii, Farnalii Notis integris & variorum . . . Accurante C. Schrevelio. [Map and Indexes.] Lugd [uni] Batav[on>i], 1669. 8 (5.8X3.5 irr.), pp. 6 14+. 11 Pharsale (La) de Lucain, ou les Guerres civiles de Cesar et de Pompee. En Vers Francois. Par Mr. de Brebeuf. [Plates.] Paris, 1682. 12 (4.8X2.8 irr.). 12 Pharsalia, cum Notis H. Grotii, et R. Bentleii. * * * Glasguas, 1816. 8 (6.5X3.9 irr.). 13 Lucan s Pharsalia. Translated into English Verse by N. Rowe. * * * [Vignettes.] London, 1718. 2 (11. 7X9-5 irr.). LUCAS, Charles, M.D. J4 Essai sur les Eaux minerales et thermales d Aix la Chapelle et de Bor- set, par 1VL Lucas. Traduit de 1 Anglois par Mr. O Kean. Liege, 1762. 8 (4.9X2.6). CATALOGUE OF TUB LIBRARY. 387 LUCAS, Jean Andre Henri, a French naturalist ; b. 1780. d. 1825. 1 Tableau methodique des Especes Minerales, presentant la Serie complete de leurs Caracteres, et la Nomenclature de leurs Variete s, extrait du Traite de Mineralogie de M. Haiiy, et augmente des nouvelles Decouvertes . . . P tie I. [Portrait of Haiiy, and Plates. ] Paris, 1806. 8 (5.7X3.5). LUCAS, Richard, D.D., Prebendary of Westminster; 6. 1648. d. 1715. 2 Inquiry (An) after Happiness. . . . Vol. 1,2. ... * * * 8th ed. Edinburgh, 1754. 12 (5.2X2.9). XUCIANUS, a Greek author ; b. in Samosata, Syria, about 120. d. about 200. 3 Certain select Dialogues : together with his True History, translated from the Greek ... By F. Hickes. . . . Oxford, 1663. 2 (8.3X4.5), m. b. 4 Colloquia Selecta, & Timon. Cebetis Thebani Tabula. Menandri Sen- tentitB Morales. Groece & Latine. Colloquia Luciani & Timonem Notis illustravit T. Hemsterhuis [3 payings.] Amstelcedami, 1708. 12 (4X2). 5 Lucianus ex recensione C. lacobitz. Vol. 1-4. Accedunt Scholia . . . , Index Rerum et Verborum Lipsiae, 183G- 41. 8 (6.3X3.6). 6 CEuvres, traduites du Grec, avec des Remarques historiques & critiques ... Tom. 1-6. [Portrait. ] Paris, 1789. 8 (5.6X3.2). 7 Opera, qua? quidem extant, omnia, Greece & Latine, in quatuor tomos diuisa : vna cvm G. Cognati, et loan. Sambvci Annotationibus . . . : Narratione item de Vita & Scriptis Authoris lac. Zvingeri : adjectis . . . Indicibus. ... 4 vols. Basileae, 1563. 8 (4.7X2.8), par cols. 8 Part of Lucian made English from the Originall. In the yeare 1638. By lasper Mayne. ... * * * [Portrait.] Oxford, 1664. 2 (8.3X4.7). LUCRETIUS CARUS, Titus, a Roman philosophical poet; b. 95 B.C. d. 52 B.C. 9 Life of Lucretius. See (The Nature of Things, post. Vol. 1, pp. xix.-ciii.). 10 Nature (The) of Things : a Didactic Poem. Translated from the Latin, accompanied with the Original Text, [facing the Translation,] and illus- ted with Notes philological and explanatory. By J. M. Good. . . . Vol. 1,2. [Frontispieces.] London, 1805. 4 (7.4X5. 6). 11 T. Lucretius Carus, of the Nature of Things. Translated into English Verse, by T. Creech. 6th ed. Explained and illustrated with Notes and Animadversions ; being a Compleat System of the Epicurean Philoso phy. Vol. 1, 2. *** [Portrait.] London, 1722. 8 (6.4X3.4). 12 T. Lucretii Cari de Rerum Natura Libri Sex. [Edited by M. Maittaire. Frontispiece and Index. ] London, 1713. 12 (4.5X2.5 irr.). 13 T. Lucretii Cari de Rerum Natura Libri Sex C. Lachmannus recensuit et emendavit Ed. altera Berolini, 1853. 8 (6.4 irr. X 3. 7 irr.). NOTE. Compare under LACHMANN, K. LUDEWIG, Hermann E. 14 Literature (The) of American Aboriginal Languages. With Additions and Corrections, by Prof. Wm. W. Turner. Edited by N. Triibner. London, 1858. 8(6.5X3:8). LUDLAM, W., Felloio of St. John s Coll., Cambridge, Eng. 15 Introduction (An) and Notes on Mr. Bird s Method of dividing Astro nomical Instruments. . . . [With] Vocabulary of English and French Technical Terms. London, 1786. 4, pp. 32. 388 BOWDOIX COLLEGE. LUDWIG, Christian. 1 Dictionary (A) English, German and French ... by C. Ludwig. . . . Revised, corrected, and augmented with more than 12000 Words . . . by J. B. Rogler. 3ded. Leipzig, 1763. 4 (7.9X5.7), 2 cols., pp. 1022. LUCKE, Gottfried Christian Friedrich, a German theologian; b. 1792. d. 1855. Joint Editor. See THEOLOGISCHE Studien mid Kritiken. 1834-1855. LUNEAU DE BOISJERMAIN, Pierre Joseph Francois; b. 1732. d. 1801. 2 Cours de Langue Italienne . . . Tom. 1. Paris, 1783. 8 (6X3.3). LUNN, Eev. Francis, A.M., F.E.S., Fellow of St. John s Coll., Cambridge, Eng. 3 Chemistry. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 4). 4 Electricity. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 4). 5 Heat. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 4). LUNT, Eev. William Parsons, D.D., of Quincy, Mass. ; b. 1805. d. 1857. 6 Artillery-Election Sermon, June 7, 1847. Boston, 1847. 8, pp. 35. 7 Jesus Christ the Faithful Witness. Boston, 1846. 12, pp. 16. LUSHINGTON, W., Esq., English Agent for the Island of Grenada. 8 Interests (The) of Agriculture and Commerce, inseparable. London, 1808. 8, pp. 72. LUTHER, Martin, D.D., the leader of the German reformation, Prof, of Theol. at Wittemberg ; b. at Eisleben, Saxony, 1483. d. 1546. 9 Colloquia Mensalia ; or, Divine Discourses at his Table, &c. . . . Col lected first together by Dr. A. Lauterbach, and afterwards disposed into certain Common-places by J. Aurifaber, D.D. Translated out of the High Germane into the English Tongue by Capt. H. Bell. * * * [Por trait.] London, 1652. 2 (10.3X5.9), m. b., pp. 541. 10 Latina Catechesis, cum Pra?fatione. See LATINA Catechesis, &c. 11 Life (The) of Martin Luther, and the Reformation in Germany. [Trans lated from a German work, by G. Konig and H. Gelzer.] With an In troduction by Rev. T. Stork. . . . Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1854. 8 (6.1X3.7). 12 Life of Luther. See VILLERS, C. F. D. de. Essay, &c. Pp. 11-52. 13 Luther s Leben. 1483-1517. See JURGENS, K. 14 Opera omnia. Tom. 2. Witeberga?, about 1564. 2 (9.8X5), fol. 508. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. Autograph, S. Matheri. 15 Vindication of Luther against his English Assailants. See HARE, J. C, Translator. See BIBLE. Biblia . . . Diidesch. Translator. See BIBLE. Gospel of St. John. Translator, and Commentator. See BIBLE. Der Psalter. LYALL, Eev. Alfred, A.M., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Eng. 16 Christian Church (The) of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 11). LYALL, Eev. William Roe, A.M., Archdeacon of Colchester. 17 Greece. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 9). LYCOPHRON, a Greek poet, of Chalcis in Eubcea, of 3d century, B.C. 18 Alexandra. [Greek.] Cum ... I. Tzetzis Commentariis . . . Ad- iuncta est Interpretatio Versuum Latina, ad verbum, per G. Cantervm. Additre sunt & eiusdem G. Canteri Annotationes, necnon Epitome Cas- sandrae Grsecolatina, Carmine Anacreontio. Exc. P. Stephanus, [Geneva] 1601. 4 (7.4X4.7). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 389 LYCOSTHENES, orWoLFHABT, Conrad, aProt. minister at Bale ; b. 1518. d. 1561. 1 Apophthegmata ex probatis Graecse Latinaeqve Lingvse Scriptoribvs. . . . Accesserunt Parabola?, siue Similitudines, ab Erasmo, ab Plutarcho, & aliis [Londini] 1633. 8 (5.5X3.4), 2 cols., pp. 768, 126. [3 copies.] LYCURGUS, an Attic orator; b. in Athens about 396 B.C. d. 323 B.C. 2 Lycurgi Interpretatio Latina. See ISOCRATES. Isocratis Issci etc. 3 Lycurgi qua? exstant. See IS.EUS. Iscei Dinarchi etc. LYELL, Sir Charles, F.R.S., a British geologist; b. 1797. 4 Principles of Geology : being an Inquiry how far the Former Changes of the Earth s Surface are referable to Causes now in operation. * * * ... Vol. 1-4. 4th ed. [Plates.] London, 1835. 12 (5.4X3). LYMAN, Rev. Joseph, D.D., of Hatfield, Mass.; b. 1758. d. 1828. 5 Election Sermon, Mass., May 30, 1787. Boston, [1787]. 8, pp. 61. 6 Sermon (A), preached before the Convention of the Clergy of Massa chusetts, in Boston, May 29, 1806. Boston, 1806. 8, pp. 24. 7 Strictures upon the Comments of Rev. S. Willard, on a Pamphlet, en titled, A Counterpart, &c. Greenfield, 1814. 12, pp. 35. LYMAN, Hon. Theodore, Jim., a mayor of Boston; d. 1848. 8 Political State (The) of Italy. Boston, 1820. 8 (5.9X3.5). LYNCH, Lieut. William F., of U. S. Navy. 9 Narrative of the United States Expedition to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea. With a Map . . . New and condensed ed. Philadelphia, 1852. 12 (6X3.6). LYND, Rev. S. W., a Baptist minister, of Cincinnati, 0. 10 Memoir of Rev. William Staughton, D.D. [Portrait.] Boston, 1834. 12 (5.4X3.3). LYONET, Peter, an eminent Dutcli naturalist & engraver ; b. 1707. d. 1789. Annotator. See LESSER, F. C. Insecto-Theology. LYRA, Nicholas de. See NICHOLAS de Lyra. LYSER or LEYSER, Polycarp, D.D., Prof. Theol., Wittemberg; b. 1552. d. 1601. 11 Harmonise Evangelica? a M. Chemnitio primum inchoatee, & per P. Ly- serum continuatse Libri qvinqve. See CHEMNITZ, M. LYSIAS, an Athenian orator and rhetorician; b. 458 B.C. d. 378 B.C. 12 Lysia? Interpretatio Latina. See ANTIPHON. Antiphontis, etc. 13 Lysise qua? exstant omnia Indicibus . . . Varietate Lectionis con- tinua Interpretatione Latina Taylori Lectionibus Lysiacis Annotationi- bus variorum . . . et suis illustravit G. S. Dobson Prsefiguntur Ad versaria ... P. P. Dobree Londini, 1828. 8 (6.9X3.7), pp. 778. 14 Orations (The) of Lysias and Isocrates, translated from the Greek : with some Account of their Lives ; and a Discourse on the History, Man ners, and Character of the Greeks, from the Conclusion of the Pelopon- nesian War, to the Battle of Cha?ronea. By J. Gillies. London, 1778. 4 (6.9X4.6), pp. cxxxv., 498. LYTTELTON, George, Lord, an English historian, publicist, &c.; b. 1709. d. 1773. 1 5 Dialogues of the Dead. ... Worcester, 1797. 12 (5.2X3). 16 History (A) of England, in a Series of Letters from a Nobleman [Lord Lyttelton] to his Son. . . . [With] Two Letters on the Study and Biography of the Ancient and Modern British Historians. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1799. 12 (3.2X2.9). 17 Letters from a Persian in England, to his Friend at Ispahan. [By Lord Lyttelton.] 5th ed. Corrected & altered . . . London, 1744. 12 (4.8x2.9). )0 EO \VDOIN COLLEGE. LYTTELTON, George, Lord, continued. 1 Observations on the Conversion and Apostleship of St. Paul. See. WEST, G. Observations, &c. 2 Observations on the Conversion, &c. of St. Paul. See INFIDELITY : &c. LYTTON, Sir Edward George Earle Lytton BULWER, an English novelist and politician; b. 1805. 3 Athens : its Rise and Fall ; with Views of the Literature, &c. of the Athenian People. By E. Lytton Bulwer. Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1837. 12 (5.2X2.9), M. MABLY, Gabriel BONNET, VAb be DE, a French publicist, &c.; 6. 1709. d. 1785. 4 Destin (Le) la France, par M. 1 Abbe de Mably. * * * [Pan,?] 1790. 12 (4.6X2.6). 5 Doutes proposes aux Philosophes Economistes, sur 1 Ordre naturel et essentiel des Societes politiques. Par M. 1 Abbc de Mably. La Haye, 1791. 12 (4.7X2.5). 6 Observations sur le Gouvernement et les Lois des Etats-Unis d Amerique. Par M. 1 Abbe de Mably. Amsterdam, 1784. 16 (4.6X2.5). 7 Observations on the Romans. "Written originally in French by the Ab be de Mably. London, 1751. 8 (4.9X2.9). 8 CEuvres complettes de Mably. Tom. 1-6. Observations sur 1 Histoire de France. ... 7. Observations sur 1 Histoire de la Grece. 8. Ob servations sur les Romains. 9. Principes des Negotiations. 10-12. Droit public de 1 Europe. 13. Gouvernement de Pologne. ... 14. Observations sur les Etats-Unis d Amerique. 15. De la Legislation ou Principes des Loix. ... 16. Entretiens de Phocion. ... 17. Prin- .cipes de Morale. 18. Doutes proposes aux Economistes sur 1 Ordre naturel des Societes politiques. . . . 19. Des Droits et des Devoirs des Citoyens. 20. De 1 Etude de 1 Histoire. 21. De la Maniere d ecrire de 1 Histoire. 21 vols. Paris, 1790. 12 (4.5X2.5). 9 Vie privee de M. 1 Abbe de Mably, par M. 1 Abbe Barthelemi. (Ap pended to Le Destin de la France.) M ARTHUR, John. 10 Financial and Political Facts of the Eighteenth Century ; with Compara tive Estimates of the Revenue, Expenditure, Debts, Manufactures, and Commerce of Great Britain. * * * 3d ed. With an Appendix . . . London, 1801. 8 (5.9X3). MACAULAY, aft. GRAHAM, Mrs. Catherine SAWBRIDGE ; 6. in Kent, 1733. d. 1791. 11 Histoire d Angleterre ; depuis 1 Avenement de Jacques I, jusqu a la Revolution. Par C. Macaulay Graham. Traduite en Francais, et aug- mentee d un Discours preliminaire, contenant un Precis de toute 1 His toire d Angleterre, jusqu a 1 Avenement de Jacques I : et enrichie de Notes. Par Mirabeau. Tom. 1-5. [Portrait.] Paris, 1791- 92. 8 (5.5X3.1). 12 History (The) of England from the Accession of lames I to the Eleva tion of the House of Hanover. By C. Macaulay. Edit. III. Vol. 1-5. .[Portrait.] London, 1769. 8 (6.1X3.2), m.b. [2 copies.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 391 MACAULAY, Thomas Babington, Baron, an English statesman ; b. 1800. d. 1859. 1 Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. New and revised ed. Vol. 1-5. New York, 1856. 12 (5.4X3.2). 2 History (The) of England from the Accession of James II. By T. B. Macaulay. Vol. 1-4. By Lord Macaulay. Vol. 5. Edited by his Sis ter, Lady Trevelyan. [Portrait. ] New York, 1856-61. 8 (6.3X3.5). MCCLELLAN, George B., Major-General U. 8. Army. 3 Report on Military Operations in the Crimea, in 1855 and 1856. See UNITED STATES. Public Documents. 34th Cong., Spec l Sess., Sen. Doc., No. 1. Joint Author. See MARC Y, R. B. Explorations of the Red River of La. M CLELLAND, John, F.L.S., Surgeon in the Bengal Service. Editor. See GRIFFITH, W. Posthumous Papers, &c. M CLINTOCK, Sir Francis Leopold, LL.D., Captain in British Navy ; b. 1819. 4 Voyage (The) of the Fox in the Arctic Seas. A Narrative of the Dis covery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and his Companions. By Capt. M Clintock. [Vignette.] With Maps and Illustrations. Boston, 1860. 12 (5.8X3.4). M CLURE, Rev. David, D.D., of East Windsor, Conn.; b. 1749. d. 1820. 5 Memoirs of the Rev. E. Wheelock, D.D., Founder and President of Dart mouth College and Moor s Charity School : with a Summary History of the College and School. By D. M Clure and E. Parish. . . . [Por trait. ] Newburyport, 1811. 8 (6.4X3.4). M CoxNELL, Matthew. 6 Essay (An) on the Domestic Debts of the United States of America. . . . [With] A Statement of the Foreign Debt . . . Philadelphia, 1787. 8, pp. 90. M Cosn, Rev. James, LL.D., Prof, of Logic, &c.,Univ. of Belfast, Ir d; b. 1810. 7 Intuitions (The) of the Mind inductively investigated. New York, 1860. 8 (6.6X3.7). 8 Method (The) of the Divine Government, Physical and Moral. Edinburgh, 1850. 8 (6.5X3.7), pp. 53 1+. 9 Supernatural (The) in Relation to the Natural. New York, 1862. 12 (5.6X3.3). 10 Typical Forms and Special Ends in Creation by J. M Cosh and G. Dic kie. *** New York, 1856. 8 (5.8X3.5), pp. 539. M CniE, Thomas, D.D., a Scottish preacher ; b. 1772. d. 1835. 11 History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation in Italy in the Sixteenth Century : including a Sketch of the Reformation in the Orisons. Edinburgh, 1827. 8 (5.9irr.X3.5). M CuLLOCH, John Ramsay, Prof, of Polit. Econ., Univ. of London. 12 Essay (An) on the Circumstances which determine the Rate of Wages and the Condition of the Labouring Classes. By J. R. M C [ullocK], Edinburgh, 1826. 12 (4.5X2.6). 13 Principles (The) of Political Economy : with a Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Science. Edinburgh, 1825. 8 (6.1X3.4). [2 copies.] M DERMOT, M. 14 Critical (A) Dissertation on the Nature and Principles of Taste. * * * London, 1822. 8 (5.9X3.5). MACDONALD, Rev. James. 15 Memoirs of -Rev. J. Benson. *** New York, 1823. 8 (6.7X3.9). 392 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MACDOXNEL, D. E. 1 Dictionary (A) of select and popular Quotations . . . from the Latin, French, Greek, Spanish and Italian Languages ; translated into English with Illustrations ... 1st American ed. ... * * * Philadelphia, 1810. 12 (5.1X3.1) McDuFFiE, Hon. George, Sen. from S.C., Oov. of S.C., &c.; b. 1788. d. 1851 2 Report on Currency. See GODDARD, T. H. History of Banks, &c. 3 Speech on the Mode of electing Presidents of the U. S., &c. See WIL LISTON, E. B. (Eloquence of the U. S., vol. 4.) M EwEN, Rev. William, of Dundee, Edinburgh. 4 Grace and Truth : or, The Glory and Fulness of the Redeemer display ed, in an Attempt to explain, illustrate, and enforce the . . . Types, Fig ures, and Allegories of the Old Testament. Boston, 1796. 12 (4.2X2.7) M FARLAND, Rev. Asa, D.D., of Concord, N.H.; b. 1769. d. 1825. 5 Historical View (An) of Heresies, and Vindication of the Primitive Faith. *** Concord, 1806. 12 (4.9X2.7) 6 Signs of the Last Times. A Discourse, delivered at Concord, N.-H. Sabbath Afternoon, July 24, 1808. Concord, 1808. 8, pp. 32 MAC FARLANE, Charles, Esq. 7 Japan : an Account, geographical and historical from the Earliest Perioc . . . down to the Present Time, and the Expedition fitted out in th< United States, etc. With numerous Illustrations. New York, 1852. 12 (5.7X3.5) M GAVIN, William, Esq., a merchant of Glasgow; b. 1773. d. 1832. Editor, &c. See KNOX, J. History of the Reformation in Scotland. MACGILLIVRAY, William, A.M., a Scottish naturalist ; b. 1796. d. 1852. 8 Travels (The) and Researches of Alexander von Humboldt ; being a con densed Narrative of his Journeys in the Equinoctial Regions of America and in Asiatic Russia: together with Analyses of his more importan Investigations. . . . Map of the Orinoco and Engravings. (Harper : Family Library, No. 54.) New- York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7) McHiiXRY, L. J. A. 9 Synonyms of the Spanish language explained, and elucidated by Copiou: Extracts from the most approved Spanish Poets. . . . London, 1826. 12 (5.4X3 irr.) MACHIAVELLI, Niccolo, a Florentine statesman ; b. 1469. d. 1527. 10 Disputationum de Repvblica, quas discursus nvncvpavit. Libri III. . . Ex Italico Latini facti. Lvgdvni Batavorum, 1643. 12 (4.5X2.1), m. r n Istorie [Florentine] Vol. 1-10 [Portrait.] Firenze, 1818- 21. 8 (5X3.5), m. b 12 Princeps . . . Adjecti stint ejusdem argumenti aliorum . . . contn Machiavellum scripta, de Potestate & Officio Principum contra Tyran nos. ... Lvgdvni Batavorvm, 1 643. 12 (2.5X2), m. r 33 Works. . . . Translated into English. London, 1680. 2 (9.9X5.1) NOTE. Divided into four portions, each having independent title-pag-e. 14 Works. Translated from the Originals ; illustrated with Notes, AnnO tations, Dissertations, and . . . Plans on the Art of War, by E. Earns* worth. 2d ed., corrected. . . . Vol. 1-4. [Portrait.] London, 1775. 8 (6.5X3.5) CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 393 Me INJSCOX, John, a fisherman. 1 Principles of Political Economy, and of Population : including an Ex amination of Mr. Malthus s Essay on those subjects. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1825. 8 (6.2X3.3). MACKAY, Andrew, LL.D., F.R.S., of Edinburgh. 2 Collection (A) of Mathematical Tables, for the use of Students . . . , the practical Navigator, Geographer, and Surveyor, &c. London, 1804. 8 (6.9X3.9). 3 Theory (The) and Practice of finding the Longitude at sea or land ; to which are added various Methods of determining the Latitude of a place, and Variations of the Compass ; with new Tables. 2d ed., im proved and enlarged. . . . Vol. 1,2. * * * Aberdeen, 1801. 8 (6.6X4.1). McKEAN, Joseph, D.D., LL.D., Prof. ofRhet.,&c. at Harv.ColL; 6.1777. d. 1818. 4 Addition to Wood s Continuation of Goldsmith s History of England. [By J. McKean.~\ Boston, 1825. 8, pp. 93. 5 Life and Character of. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 2d. Ser., vol. 8.) 6 Sermon [by J. McKean], Charge [by H. Wight], and the Fellowship of the Churches [by T. Hilliard], delivered at the Ordination of Rev. J. B. Wight, at East Sudbury, xxv. January, MDCCCXV. [Historical Appendix.] Cambridge, 1815. 8, pp. 36. 7 Sermon at Boston on the Lord s Day after the Decease of John Warren, M.D., who died 4th April, 1815. Boston, 1815. 8, pp. 23. 8 Sermon preached at Dorchester, June 25, 1817, on Occasion of or ganizing the Third Church, and the Installation of Rev. E. Richmond. . . . [Ch., by J. Eeed; E.H., by T. M. Harris.] Dedham, 1817. 8, pp. 38. 9 Sermon delivered at the Ordination of the Rev. N. L. Frothingham, Boston, 15th March, 1815. [Ch., by J. Lathrop, D.D., R.H., by S. C. Thacher. With Historical Notices.] Boston, 1815. 8, pp. 43. 10 Valedictory Sermon preached at Milton, Mass., September 30th. 1804. Boston, 1804. 12, pp. 22. McKEEN, John, son of the following ; b. 1789. d. 1861. 11 Waymouth s Voyage. See MAINE Hist. Society. (Collections, vol. 5.) McKEEN, Joseph, D.D., 1st Pres. of Bowdoin College; b. 1757. d. 1807. 12 Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 2.) 13 Election Sermon, Mass., May 28, 1800. " Boston, 1800. 8, pp. 30. 14 Inaugural Address (The), delivered in Brunswick, Sept. 9th, 1802, at his Entrance on the Duties of President of Bowdoin College ; with an Eulogy, pronounced at his Funeral, by Rev. Wm. Jenks. Portland, 1807. 8, pp. 38. MACKENZIE, Sir Alexander ; b. probably in Inverness, Scotland, d. 1820. 15 Voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Laurence, through the Conti nent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans ; in the years 1789 and 1793. With a preliminary Account of ... the Fur Trade of that country. With original Notes by Bougainville, and Volney. Il lustrated with Maps. Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait. ] London, 1802. 8 (5.7X3.2). [2 copies.] 50- 394 EOWDOIN COLLEGE. MACKENZIE, Alexander Slidell, Commander U.S. navy; b. 1803. d. 1848. 1 Life (The) of Commodore O. H. Perry. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait.] (Harper s Fam. Libr., No. 126, 127.) New-York, 1841. 18 (4.5X2.7). 2 Life of Com. S. Decatur. See SPARKS, J. Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser.Vol. 11. MACKENZIE, Sir George Stewart, Bart. 3 Treatise (A) on the Diseases and Management of Sheep ; with . . . Remarks on their Anatomical Structure ; and an Appendix, containing Documents . . . [upon] the Merino Breed of Sheep. ... * * * [Plates.] Edinburgh, 1809. 8 (5.8X3.3). MACKENZIE, Henry, b. in Edinburgh, 1745. d. there, 1831. 4 Mirror (The), conducted by MacKenzie. See (BRITISH Essayists. Vol. 28, 29). 5 Works. With a critical Dissertation on the Tales of the Author, by J. Gait. Edinburgh, 1824. 24 (4X2.2), pp. 672. MACKENZIE, Lieut. Roderick, of the English army. 6 Strictures on Lt. Col. Tarleton s History " of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781,in the Southern Provinces of North America. * * *." . . . [With] Detail of the Siege of Ninety Six and the Re-capture of the Island of New-Providence. London, 1787. 8 (5.5X3.1). MACKIE, John Milton, Tutor in Brown Univ., 1834- 38 ; b. 1813. 7 Life of Godfrey William von Leibnitz. On the basis of the German Work of Dr. G. C. Guhrauer. Boston, 1845. 12 (5.1X2.9). 8 Life of S. Gorton. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Series, vol. 5.) MACKINTOSH, Hon. Sir James, LL.D., M.P. ; b. near Inverness, 1765. d. 1832. 9 General View (A) of the Progress of Ethical Philosophy, chiefly during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Philadelphia, 1832. 8 (6.5X3.6). 10 Lives of Eminent British Statesmen. Vol. 1. See FORSTER, J. 11 Memoirs of the Life of Rt. Hon. Sir James Mackintosh. Edited by his Son, R. J. Mackintosh. 2d ed. ... Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait.] London, 1836. 8 (6.8X3.8). 12 Study (The) and Practice of the Law considered, in their various Rela tions to Society. ... By ... [Sir J. Mackintosh]. London, 1798. 8 (6.4X3.5). 13 Study (The) and Practice of the Law, considered in their various Rela tions to Society. . . . By. . . [Sir James Mackintosh], 1st Ameri can ed. Portland, 1806. 8 (6.2X3.2). 14 Vindicise Gallica?. Defence of the French Revolution and its English Admirers, against the Accusations of Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke, includ ing some Strictures on the late Production of Mons. de Calonne. London, 1791. 8 (5.9X3.4). [2 copies.] NOTE. One copy is second edition, corrected. Many passages were suppressed. MACKINTOSH, Robert James, Esq., Fellow of New College, Oxford, Eng. Editor. See MACKINTOSH, J. Memoirs of his Life. MACKNIGHT, James, D.D., a Scottish clergyman; b. 1721. d. 1800. 15 Harmony (A) of the Four Gospels ; . . . With [Preliminary Disserta tions,] a Paraphrase and Notes. * * * 2d ed., corrected and greatly enlarged. [Plate. 2 paging*.] London, 1763. Thick 4 (8X5.5). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 395 MACKNIGHT, James, D.D., continued. 1 History (A) of the Life of the Apostle Paul . . . accompanied wilh Proofs and Illustrations. Edinburgh, 1795. 4(S.2Xo.5). NOTE. Annexe;! to vol. 4 of Macknight on the Epistles. Translator, Annotator, &c. See BIBLE. Apostolical Epistles. MACLAINE, Archibald, D.D., the English pastor at the Hague; b. 1722. d. 1804. 2 Mosheim s Ecclesiastical History, translated from the Latin, with Notes, and Chronological Tables. See MOSHEIM, J. L. von. MACLAURIN, Colin, Prof, of Math., Univ. of Edinburgh; b. 1698. d. 1796, 3 Account of Sir I. Newton s Philosophical Discoveries . . . Published ... by P. Murdoch. 2d ed. London, 1750. 12 (6.1X3.2). 4 Treatise (A) of Algebra . . . [and~] The General Properties of Geomet rical Lines. 3d ed. [Plates. ] London, 1771. 8 (5.6X3.1). M LAURIN, JRev. John, of Glasgow ; b. 1693. d. 1754, 5 Sermons and Essays. . . . Glasgow, 1755. 12 (5.3X3). MACLAURIN, John, a Scottish judge, son of Prof . Maciaurin; b. 1734. d. 1796. 6 Works. *** ... Vol. 1,2. Edinburgh, 1798. 8 (5.7X3.3). MACLEAN, Charles, M.D., of Calcutta. 7 View (A) of the Science of Life on the Principles ... of John Brown, M.D. with . . . Cases in Illustration . . . Dover, N. H., 1801. 8 (6.1X3.3). MACLEAR, Thomas, Esq., F.E.A.S., Royal Astronomer at Cape Good Hope. 8 Contributions to Astronomy and Geodesy . . . London, 1851. 4 (7.5X5.3). 9 Contributions to Astronomy and Geodesy . . . Second Series. London, 1853. 4 (7. 5X5.3), pp. 34. McLELLAN, Henry B., A.M., of Boston; b. in Vt,, 1810. d. 1833. 10 Journal of a Residence in Scotland, and Tour through England, France, Germany, Switzerland and Italy, with a Memoir of the Author, and Ex tracts from his Religious Papers. Compiled ... by I. McLellan, Jr. Boston, 1834.". 12 (5.5X3.2). McLELLAN, Isaac, Jun., father of the preceding. Editor, &c. See McLELLAN, H. B. Journal of Residence in Scotland, &c. MACLENAN, James, M.D. 11 Disputatio Medica Inauguralis de Febre Intermittente Tertiana quam . . . pro Gradu Doctoris subjicit ... Edinburgh, 1793. 8, pp. 45. MACLEOD, Norman, D.D. 12 Dictionary (A) of the Gaelic Language, in two Parts, I. Gaelic and Eng lish. II. English and Gaelic. . . . By N. Macleod, and 1). Dewar. London, 1845. 8 (7X4.2), 2 cols., pp. 1005. MACLURE, William, the father of American geology ; b. in Scot., 1763. d. 1840. 13 Observations on the Geology of the United States, explanatory of a Geo logical Map. See AMERICAN Philos. Society. (Transactions, 1st Series, vol. 6.) 14 Opinions on various Subjects, dedicated to the Industrious Producers. New-Harmony, Indiana, 1831. 8 (6.6X4), pp. 640+. MACNAMARA, H. T. J., of London. 15 Peace, permanent and universal : its Practicability, Value, and Consis tency with Divine Revelation. A Prize Essay. London, 1841. 12 (5.3X3). 396 KOWDOIN COLLEGE. MACPHERSON, David. 1 Annals of Commerce, Manufactures, Fisheries, and Navigation . . . Vol. 1-4. London, 1805. 4 (8X5.4). MACPHERSON, James; b. in Inverness-shire, Scotland, 1738. d. 1796. 2 History (The) of the Present Rebellion in Scotland . . . Boston, reprinted, 1746. 8, pp. 31. 3 Introduction (An) to the History of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1771. 4 (7X4.7). MACPHERSON, William, Esq., a barrister, of London. 4 Annals of France, from the Accession of Henry IV. 1589, to the Res toration, 1815. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 12, 13). MACQUART, Louis Charles Rene, a French physician; b. 1745. d. 1808. 5 Essais ou Recueil de Memoires sur plusieurs points de Mineralogie, avec la Description des Pieces deposees chez le Roi, la Figure, & 1 Analyse chimique de celles qui sont les plus interessantes, & la Topographic de Moscow. . . . Par M. Macquart. [Plates.] Paris, 1789. 8 (5.6X3.1), pp. 576. MACQUER, Pierre Joseph, Prof, of Pharmacy at Paris; b. 1718. d. 1784. 6 Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry. Translated from the French of M. Macquer [by A. Reid]. . . . Vol. 1,2. 3d ed. London, 1775. 8 (6.1X3.3). 7 Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry. Translated from the French of M. Macquer [by A. Reid]. 5th ed. [Plates.] Edinburgh, 1777. 8 (6.4X3.5), pp. 620. 8 Dictionary (A) of Chemistry. Containing the Theory and Practice of that Science ; its Application . . . Translated from the French [of P. J. Macquer]. With Notes, Additions and Plates. 2d ed. . . . Vol. 1-3. London, 1777. 8 (6.5X3.5). MACRAE, Archibald, Lieut. U.S. Navy. 9 Report of Journeys across the Andes and Pampas of the Argentine Provinces. Parti. Observations. Part II. See UNITED STATES. (The U.S. Naval Astronomical Expedition, vol. 2.) MACROBIUS, Aurelius Ambrosius Theodosius, a Latin author ; d. 415- 20. 1 A. Macrobii A. T. in Somnium Scipionis Libri II. Eivsdem Conuiuio- rum Saturnaliorum Libri VII. . . . [Index.] Parisiis, 1585. 8 (5.4X2.9), pp. 578+. McViCKAR, Rev. John, D.D., Prof, of Moral Philos., &c. Columbia Coll.; b. 1787. 11 Life of Rev. Edm. D. Griffin. See GRIFFIN, Edm. D. Remains. Vol. 1, pp. 11-91. MADAN, Martin, Chaplain of the LocJc-Hospital, Westminster; b. 1726. d. 1790. 12 Collection (The) of Psalms and Hymn Tunes sung at the Chapel of the Lock Hospital. . . . Boston, n. d. 4 (7. 9X10). MADDEN, Sir Frederic, K.H., Keeper of MSS. in British Museum; b. 1801. 13 Layamon s Brut : with Translation, Notes, &c. See LAYAMON. MADISON, James, LL.D., 4th Pres. of U.S.; b. in Va., 1751. d. 1836. 14 Addresses and Messages. See WILLIAMS, E. (Addresses, &c., vol. 1.) 15 Biographical Sketch of. See WILLIAMS, E. (Addresses, &c., vol 1.) 16 Executive Messages, Addresses, &c. See UNITED STATES. n Papers of James Madison, edited by H. I). Gilpin. See UNITED STATES. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 397 MADISON, James, LL.D., continued. 1 Speeches. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Eloquence of U. S., vol. 1.) Joint Author. See The FEDERALIST on the New Constitution. MADVIG, Johann Nicolaus, a Danish philologist & politician ; b. 1804. 2 Latin Grammar (A) for the use of Schools. Translated from the ori ginal German ... by Rev. G. Woods. 3d ed., with an Index of Au thors. Oxford, 1857. 8 (6.9X3.9), pp. 502. MAFFEI, Francesco Scipione, Marquis; b. in Verona, 1675. d. 1755. 3 Galliae Antiquitates quaedam selects atque in plures Epistolas distributee. [By F. S. MaffeL~\ *** [Plates.] Parisiis, 1733. 4 (7.3X4.5). 4 Merope[, a Tragedy ]. See ALFIERI, V. (Quindici Tragedie, vol. 3.) MAFFEI, Giuseppe, I Abate. 5 Storia della Litteratura Italiana dall Origine della Lingua sino a nostri giorni 4ta ed. emendada ed accresciuta . . . P te L, II. 4 vols. Firenze, 1835- 36. 12 (5.5X3.2). MAGAZINE (The) of Popular Science, and Journal of the Useful Arts. Vol. 1-4. 6 London, 1836- 37. 8 (7.1X4). MAGIRUS, Joannis. 7 Physiologia3 Peripatetics Libri Sex, cvm Commentariis . . . Genevse, 1621. 8 (5. 1X3), m. b., pp. 666-f-. MAGNIEZ DE WoiMONT, Louis Francois, a French savan ; d. 1749. 8 Novitius, seu Dictionarium Latino-Gallicum, Schreveliana Methodo di- gestum . . . [By L. F. Magniez de Woimont.] Tom. 1, 2. [I pag ing. } Lutetia? Parisiorum, 1721. 4 (9.1X6), 2 cols. MAGOON, E. L. 9 Living Orators in America. [Portraits. ] New-York, 1849. 12 (5.6X3.4). MAHAN, Rev. Asa, Pres. of the Oberlin Collegiate Institute. 10 System (A) of Intellectual Philosophy. * * * New York, 1845. 12 (5.7X3.3). MAHOMET. See MOHAMMED. MAHON, Earl, formerly Lord. See STANHOPE, P. H., Earl Stanhope. MAILLET, Benoit DE, French Consul- General in Egypt, &c. ; b. 1656. d. 1738. 11 Description de 1 Egypte . . . Composee sur les Memoires de M. de Mail- let, par 1 Abbe Le Mascrier. Ouvrage enrichi de Cartes & de Figures. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1740. 12 (5X2.6). 12 Telliamed, ou Entretiens d un Philosophic Indien avec un Missionnaire Frangois sur la Diminution de la Mer, par M. de Maillet. Nouv. ed., revue, & augmentee sur les Originaux de 1 Auteur, avec une Vie de M. de Maillet. Tom. 1, 2. La Haye, 1755. 12 (4.5X2.3). MAINE, District of. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the District of !3 Maine : with the Articles of Separation and Gov. Brook s Proclamation, prefixed. 1819-20. Augusta, {reprinted, ] 1856. 12 (6.8X3.8). MAINE, State of. Agriculture. Digest of Returns from the Agricultural So- 14 cieties in the State of Maine, for 1856. Prepared by S. L. Goodale. Augusta, 1857. 8 (7X3.9). 15 Abstracts of Returns from the Agricultural Societies of Maine, 1857; 1858. Edited by S. L. Goodale. 2 vols. [Plates.] Augusta, 1 8,58, 59. 8 (0.9X3.9). 398 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MAINE, State of, continued. 1 First-Fourth Annual Report of the Secretary [8. L. Goodale] of the Maine Board of Agriculture, 1856- 59. 4 vols. \_Plates.~] Augusta, 1S57- 60. 8 (6.9X3.9). Education. First-Sixth Annual Report of the Superintendent of Common 2 Schools of the State of Maine, 1855- 59. [M. PL Dunnell~] Seventh- Eighth Annual Report . . . I860, 61. IE. P. Weston. } 8 vols. [Plates.] Augusta, 1855-61. 8 (6.9X3.9). Geoloc/t/. Atlas of [XXIV.] Plates, illustrating the Geology of the State of 3 Maine, accompanying the First Report on the Geology of that State, by C. T. Jackson, M.D. Augusta, 1837. 4 (7.6X9.6). [2 copies.] 4 First Report on the Geology of the State of Maine. By C. T. Jackson, M.D. Augusta, 1837. 8 (6.8X3.7). [3 copies.] 5 Second-Third Annual Report on the Geology of the State of Maine. By C. T. Jackson, M.D. 2 vols. [Engravings.] Augusta, 1838- 39. 8 (6.4X3.7). 6 Jackson s Reports on Geology of Public Lands. See MASSACHUSETTS. Laws. Acts and Resolves, passed by the Twentieth Legislature of the State 7 of Maine, January Session, 1840. Augusta, 1840. 8 (6.5X3.5), m. b. 8 Acts and Resolves passed by the Twentieth Legislature of the State of Maine, Adjourned Session, 1840. Augusta, 1840. 8, m. b., pp. 30. 9 Acts and Resolves passed by the Twenty-first Legislature of the State of Maine, January Session, 1841. 8 (6.4X3.7), m. b. 10 Acts and Resolves passed by the Thirty-fourth Legislature of the State of Maine, 1855. Augusta, 1855. 8 (7.7X3.8), m. b. l i Acts and Resolves passed by the Thirty-fifth Legislature of the State of Maine, 1856. Augusta, 1856. 8 (7.7X3.8), m. b. 12 Digest (A) of Greenleaf s Reports of Cases, argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the State of Maine, from 1820 to 1832, inclusive. Portland, 1832. 8 (6.6X3.9). NOTE. Bound with 9th volume of Greenleaf s Reports. 13 Laws of the State of Maine, . . . June Session, 1820. . . . [With] The Constitution of the State. Portland, 1820. 8, pp.xxxvi.,48. 14 Laws of the State of Maine ; to which are prefixed the Constitution of the U. States and of said State . . . with an Appendix. Vol. 1,2. Brunswick, 1821. 8 (6.8X3.5), m. b. 15 Private and Special Laws of the State of Maine, from 1820 to 1828 in clusive. Vol.1. Portland, 1828. 8 (7X3.6), m. b. 16 Private and Special Acts of the State of Maine, passed by the Ninth- Nineteenth Legislatures, January 1829 January, 1839. 2 vols. Portland and Augusta, 1828-39. 8 (6.4X3.5), m. b. NOTE. The Acts of each Legi-laturehas independent title-page, &c. Lettered, " Spe cial Laws of Maine. 2, 3." 17 Public Acts of the State of Maine, passed by the Legislature, at its Ses sion, held in January, 1822. Portland, 1822. 8 (7X3.5), m. b. - 18 Public Acts of the State of Maine, passed . . . January, 1822-January, 1839. 2 vols. Augusta, 1822- 32. 8 (6.4X3.5), m. b. NOTE. Lettered, "Laws of Maine. 3, 4." The Acts of each Legislature has inde pendent title-page. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 399 MAINE, State of, continued. 1 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the State of Maine. By S. Greenleaf. Vol. 1-9. [1820- 32.] By J. Fail-field. Vol. 1-3. [Maine Reports. Vol. 10-12. 1833-35.] By J. Shepley. Vol. 1-6. Maine Reports. Vol. 13-18. [1836-41.] By J. Appleton. Vol. 1, 2. Maine Reports. Vol. 19, 20. [1841.] By J. Shepley. Vol. 7-13. Maine Reports. Vol. 20-26. [1842- 47.] 27 vols*. Hallowell, 1822- 48. 8 (6.2-.5X4). [2 copies of vol. 1-6.] 2 Resolves of the State of Maine, from 1820 to 1828 inclusive. Vol. 1. Portland, 1829. 8 (6.6X3.8). 3 Resolves of the Ninth-Nineteenth Legislature of the State of Maine. . , . January, 1820-January, 1839. 2 vols. Portland and Augusta, 1828-39. 8 (6.5X3.5), m. b.. NOTE. The Resolves of each Legislature h:is independent title-page, &c. Lettered " Resolves f M;iine. % J, 3. 4 Revised Statutes (The) of the State of Maine, passed October 22, 1840; to which are prefixed the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Maine . . . land] subjoined the other Public Laws of 1840 and 1841, with an Appendix. Augusta, 1841. 8 (7.6X3.9), m. b., pp. 896. Miscellaneous. Address (An) to the People of Maine, from the Convention of 5 Delegates assembled at Portland. [No imprint.] 8, pp. 7. 6 Message of Gov. Kent, with Documents relating to the North Eastern Boundary of the State. [No imprint] 1830. 8 (6.2X3. 7). 7 Peck Defalcation. The Canada Company. Statement of the Canada Company. [Augusta, I860.] 8, pp. 16. 8 Register of the Executive and Legislative Departments of the Govern ment of Maine. 1859. . . . Augusta, 1859. 8, pp. 8. 9 Report of the Joint Select Committee on the Defalcation of B. D. Peck, late Treasurer of the State of Maine. Augusta, 1860. 8, pp. 68. l Report of an Exploration and Survey of the Territory on the Aroos- took River, during . . . 1838. By E. Holmes. Augusta, 1839. 8, pp. 78. 11 Report (Third Annual) of the Directors of the Maine Insane Hospital, December, 1842. Augusta, 1842. 8, pp. 31. 12 Reports of the Trustees, Steward, and Superintendent of the Insane Hospital, 1849. . . . Augusta, 1849. 8, pp. 53. 13 Reports of the Warden and Inspectors of the Maine State Prison, and of the Physician and Chaplain. Augusta, 1859. 8, pp. 35. 14 Valuation Lists of the State of Maine, including the Number of Polls, ... for the years 1850 and 1860 . . . Augusta, 1860. 8, pp. 15. MAINE General Conference. Minutes of the Maine General Conference at their 15 Annual Meetings, 1828; 1836; 1837; 1838; 1858; 1859; I860; 1861. 8 pamps. 8. Portland and Bangor, 1838- 61. VlAlNE Historical Society. Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Vol. ic 1-6. Portland, 1831, 47, 53, 56, 57, 59. 8 (6.9X3.8). V!AINE Medical School. See BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MAIRAN, Jean Jacques DORTOUS de, a French physicist ; b. 1678. d. 1771. 17 Traite physique et historique de 1 Aurore Boreale. Par Mr. de Mairan. . . . 2de ed., revue & augmentee . . . [Plates and Index.] Fans, 17.54, 4 (6.9X4.1), m.b., pp. 570, xxil 400 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MAISTRE, Comic Xavier DE. 1 (Euvres completes. Nouv. ed., revue . . . Tom. 1. Voyage autoui cle ma Chambre. Expedition nocturne autour de ma Chambre. 2. Le Lepreux de la Cite d Aoste. Les Prisonniers du Caucase. La jeune Siberienne. Paris, 1828. 8 (4.5X2.8), MAITLAND, James, Earl of Lauderdale. 2 Inquiry (An) into the Nature and Origin of Public "Wealth, and intc the Means and Causes of its Increase. By the Earl of Lauderdale. Edinburgh, 1804. 8 (6.1X3.3), 3 Letters to the Peers of Scotland. By the Earl of Lauderdale. 2d ed. London, 1794. 8 (5.6X3.2) MAITRE (Le) de la Langue Allemande ou Nouvelle Grammaire Allemande me- 4 thodique & raissonnee, composee . . . principalement sur celui de Mr de Prof. Gottsched. 6me ed. Strasbourg, 1769. 8 (5.3X3.5), pp. 576 MAITTAIRE, Michael, an English editor & critic; b. in France, 1668. d. 1747. 5 Gra?ca3 Lingua? Dialecti, in schoke regias Westmonasteriensis usum, re- cognitse opera M. Maittaire. Pra?fationem & Appendicem ex A. Dysco- li Fragmento inedito addidit J. F. lleitzius. . Haga>Comitis, 1738. 8 (6.3X4) Editor. See JUSTINUS. Historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio Libri XLIV. Editor. See JUVENALIS, D. J. D. J. J. et A. Persii Flacci Satyroe. Editor. See LUCRETIUS CARUS, T. De Eerum Natura Libri Sex. Editor. See MARTIALIS, M. V. Epigrammata. MALCOLM, Alexander, A.M., a teacher, of Aberdeen. 6 New Rudiments of the Latin Tongue . . . With Directions in thi Method of Teaching . . . London, 1756. 8 (6.5X3.5) ~ New System (A) of Arithmetick, theoretical and practical. . . . London, 1730. 4 (7X5), pp. 623 MALCOLM, Howard, D.D., LL.D. ; b. in Philadelphia, 1799. 8 Travels in South-Eastern Asia : embracing Hindostan, Malaya, Sian and China ; with Notices of numerous Missionary Stations, and a ful Account of the Burman Empire. 10th American ed., with sixty-thre^ Engravings. Philadelphia, n. d. 12 (5.3X3.3) Editor, and Biographer. See KEACH, B. Travels of true Godliness. MALEBRANCHE, Nicolas, a French metaphysician; b. 1638. d. 1715. 9 Father Malebranche s Treatise concerning the Search after Truth. T< which is added the Author s Treatise of Nature, and Grace. Being a Con sequence of the Principles contain d in the Search : together with hi Answer to the Animadversions upon the First Volume : his Defend against . . . Mr. De la Ville, &c. ... All translated by T. Taylor ^pagings.~] Oxford, 1695. 2 (11X5.9), m. t i Malebranch s Search after Truth, or a Treatise of the Nature of tb Humane Mind. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Done out of French . . . \Jby R Saulf]. London, 1694. 8 (6X3.1), m. b MALKIN, Sir Benjamin Heath, LL.D., Prof, of History, Univ. of London. it Astronomy. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Li brary, &c. (Natural Philosophy, vol. 3.) 12 Introductory Lecture (An) on History, delivered in the University o London, March 11, 1830. London, 1830. 8, pp. 23 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 401 MALKIN, Frederick. 1 History of Greece from the Earliest Times to its Final Subjection to Rome. \_ByF.Malkin.~] ... London, 1829. 8 (7.2X4), 2 cols. MALLET, Paul Henri, a Swiss historian & antiquary ; b. 1730. d. 1807. 2 Ligue (De la) Hanseatique, de son Origine, ses Progres, sa Puissance et sa Constitution politique jusqu a son Declin au Seizieme Siecle. * * * Geneve, 1805. 8 (5.6X3). 3 Northern Antiquities : or a Description of the Manners, Customs, Reli gion and Laws of the Ancient Danes, including those of our own Saxon Ancestors. With a Translation of the Edda, or System of Runic My thology, and other Pieces, from the Ancient Icelandic Tongue. Transla ted from " L Introduction a 1 Histoire de Dannemarc, &c. par M. Mallet." With additional Notes . . . , and Goranson s Latin Version of the Edda. ... Vol. 1,2. Edinburgh, 1809. 8 (5.1X3.2). MALLET DU PAN, Jacques, apolitical winter; b. at Geneva, 1749. d. 1800. 4 Dangers (The) which threaten Europe ; the Chief Cause of the Ill- Success of the Last Campaign ; &c. From the French of M. Mallet du Pan. With, The ^Eras of Events subsequent to the Revolution of France [by E. Richard] ; and a Proclamation issued by the Generals of the Army of the Royalists in La Vendee, Brittanny, &c. New York, 1795. 8, pp. 88. MALLORY, Daniel. Editor. See CLAY, H. The Life and Speeches. MALONE, Edmond, Esq., an Irish author & critic; b. 1741. d. 1812. 5 Life of Dry den. See DRYDEN, J. Prose Works. Vol. 1, pt. I. Editor, &c. See DRYDEN, J. Prose Works. MALTBY, Brig.-Oen. Isaac, of Hatfield, Mass.; d. 1819. 6 Elements (The) of War. * * * 2d ed. [Plates. ] Boston, 1812. 8 (5X2.9). MALTBY, Rev. John, of Bangor ; b. in Northford, Conn., 1795. d. 1860. 7 Discourse commemorative of Rev. J. Maltby. See POND, E. MALTE-BRUN, Conrad [properly, BRUNN, Malthe Conrad], a French geographer; b. in Thisted, Jutland, 1775. d. in Paris, 1826. 8 Universal Geography, or a Description of all the Parts of the World, on a New Plan, according to the great Natural Divisions of the Globe ; ac companied with . . . Tables. By M. Malte-Brun. . . . Vol. 1-8. ... [Plates. ] Boston, 1824- 31. 8(6.2X3.6), m. b. MALTHUS, Thomas Robert, an English political economist; b. 1766. d. 1834. 9 Essay (An) on the Principle of Population ; or, A View of its Past and Present Effects on Human Happiness ; with an Inquiry into our Pros pects respecting the Future Removal or Mitigation of the Evils which it occasions. New ed., very much enlarged. London, 1803. 4 (7.2X5), pp. 610. J0 Essay (An) on the Principle of Population ; or, A View of its Past and Present Effects on Human Happiness ; with an Inquiry into our Pros pects respecting the Future Removal or Mitigation of the Evils which it occasions. ... Vol. 1,2. ... Washington City, 1809. 8 (5.8X3.2). 11 Principles of Political Economy, considered with a view to their Prac tical Application. Boston, 1821. 8 (6.3X3.5). 51 402 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MANDEVILLE, Bernard de, a Dutch physician ; b. about 1670. d. in London, 1733. 1 Fable (The) of the Bees : or, Private Vices, Public Benefits. With an Essay on Charity and Charity-Schools. And a Search into the Nature of Society. \Ey B. de Mandemlle.~] 3d ed. To which is added A Vin dication of the Book . . . London, 1724. 8 (5.6X3.4). MANX, Horace, LL.D., Sec y of Board of Education of Mass., 1837-49, U.S. Repr., latePres. ofAntioch Coll. ; b. in Franklin, Ms., 1796. d. 1859. 2 Common School Controversy (The) ; consisting of Three Letters of the Secretary of the Board of Education, of the State of Massachusetts, [ff. Mann), in Reply to Charges preferred against the Board, by the Editor of the Christian Witness [if. A. D Wolf Howe] and by E. A. Newton . . . ; to which are added Extracts from the Daily Press, in re gard to the Controversy. Boston, 1844. 8, pp. 55. 3 Education in Europe. Mr. Mann s Seventh Annual Report. Boston, 1844. 8 (7.4X3.8). NOTE. A portion of Common School Journal Vol. 6. 4 Massachusetts System of Common Schools. See MASSACHUSETTS. MANNING, Henry, M.D. 5 Modern Improvements in the Practice of Physic. London, 1780. 8 (6.6X3.1). 6 Modern Improvements in the Practice of Surgery. London, 1780. 8 (6.6X3.1). MANNING, James Alexander, Esq., of the Inner Temple, London. 7 Lives (The) of the Speakers of the House of Commons. London, 1850. 8 (7.2X4.7), pp. 496. MANRIQUE, Don Jorge. 3 Coplas de J. Manrique, [and Sonnets, moral and devotional. In the original, and~] translated from the Spanish ; with an introductory Essay on the Moral and Devotional Poetry of Spain. By H, W. Longfellow. Boston, 1833. 12 (5.3X3.1). 9 Coplas de Manrique. See NOVELAS Espafiolas, etc. MANSEL, Henry Longueville, B.D., Prof, of PJtilos., Oxford, Eng.; I. about 1815. 10 Limits (The) of Religious Thought examined in Eight Lectures de livered before the University of Oxford, in the year MDCCCLVIIL, on the Bampton Foundation. 1st American, from 3d London, ed. With the Notes translated. Boston, 1859. 12 (5.8X3.4). 11 Metaphysics or the Philosophy of Consciousness phenomenal and real. Edinburgh, 1860. 8 (5. 6X3.3). Joint Editor. See HAMILTON, Sir W. Lectures on Metaphysics, &c. MANT, Rev. Ri chard, D.D., Bishop of Down and Connor. 12 Book (The) of Psalms, in an English Metrical Version, . . . with Notes critical and illustrative. *** Oxford, 1824. 8 (6.1X3.5). MANTE, Major Thomas, of the British Army. 13 History (The) of the late Wars in North- America, and the Islands of the West-Indies, including the Campaigns of MDCCLXIII and MDCCLXIV against His Majesty s Indian Enemies. [Maps and Plans.~\ London, 1772. 4 (7.3X5.1), m. d., pp. 542. MANTELL, Gideon Algernon, an English geologist, &c. ; b. 1790. d. 1852. n Medals (The) of Creation ; or, First Lessons in Geology, and the Study of Organic Remains. * * * ... Vol. 1,2. ... [Plates and numer ous Engravings. ] 2d ed., entirely rewritten. London, n. d. 8(5.3 X 3.3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 403 MANTELL, Gideon Algernon, continued. 1 Petrifactions and their Teachings ; or, A Handbook to the Gallery of Organic Remains of the British Museum. * * * With numerous Illustrations. London, 1851. 8 (5. 5X3-3). MANUEL, Louis Pierre, a French revolutionist; b. 1751. executed, 1793. Editor. See MIRABEAU, H. G. RIQUETTI, Comte DE. Lettres, etc. MANUEL des Instituteurs, Professeurs et Eleves des Ecoles primaires et se- 2 condaires, des Lycees et des Ecoles speeiales, civiles et militaires. [Paris, 1802.] 8, pp. 62. MANUTIUS, Aldus, a printer, of Rome; b. 1547. d. 1597. 3 Phrases Linguae Latin* . . . Londini, 1636. 16 (4.5X2.8). MANUTIUS, Paulus, a learned printer, of Venice, aft. of Rome-, b. 1512. d. 1574. 4 P. Manutii in Epistolas [of Cicero } ad Atticum, ad Brutum, ad Quin- tum Fratrem Scholia ... *** Parish s, 1543. 8 (4.9X2.6), n. p. 5 Scholia, qvibvs Ciceronis Philosophia partim corrigitvr, partim explana- tvr. *** Parisiis, 1543. 8 (4.9X2.6), n. p. 6 Scholia, quibus & loci farniliarum Epistolarum [of Cicero] difficiliores explicantur : & Castigationum quae in iisdem Epistolis factae sint, Ratio redditur. *** Parisiis, 1550. 8 (4.9X2.6), n. p. MANZONI, Alessandro, Count, an Italian poet & novelist; b. 1784. 7 Promessi Sposi (I), Storia Milanese del Sec. XVII scoperta e rifatta. ... Tom. 1, 2. Firenze, 1833. 16 (4.7X3). 8 Tragedie. * * * [Portrait.] 8 (6.6X4), 2 cols. MAPES or MAP, Walter, an English Latin scholar & poet; lived 1150-1200. 9 G. Mapes de Nugis Curialium Distinctiones quinque. Edited, from the unique manuscript in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, by T. Wright. * * * ... [London,] 1850. 4 (5.8X4). MARAT, Jean Paul, a Frencli revolutionist; b. 1744. assassinated, 1793. 10 Recherches physiques sur le Feu. Par M. Marat, Doeteur en Medecine, etc. [Plates.] Paris, 1780. 8 (5.5X3.1). 11 Denonciation faite au Tribunal du Public, par M. Marat . . . centre M. Necker, premier Ministre des Finances. * * * [Paris, 1792.] 8, pp. 69. MARCEL, J. J., a French Romish priest. 12 Chrestomathia Chaldaica, varies textus exhibens, quos, addita eorum Lectione, subjunctoque Glossario, edidit J. J. Marcel. Lutetian Parisiorum, 1803. 8, pp. 87. MARCELLINUS, Ammianus. See AMMIANUS, Marcellinus. MARCELLUS, a physician of Side, in Pampliylia ; lived in 2d century. is Carmen de Medicina ex Piscibus. See BURMANN, P. (Poetae Latini Minores.) MARCET, Mrs. Jane HALDIMAND. 1 4 Popular Introductions to Natural Philosophy. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful KnoAvledge. Library, &c. (Natural Philos., vol. .2.) MARCY, Randolph B., Captain U.S. Army. 1 5 Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana, in the year 1850 : by Capt. R. B. Marcy ; assisted by Capt. G. B. McClellan. With Reports of the Natural History of the Country and numerous Illustrations. (U. S. Pub. Doc.) Washington, 1853. 8 .(6.6X3.8). 404 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MARGUERITE d Angouleme, Queen of Navarre ; b. 1492. d. 1549. 1 Nouvelles (Les) de Marguerite, Heine de Navarre. Tom. 1-3. [Fine Engravings, Vignettes, &c.] Berne, 17SO- 81. 8 (4.5X2.9). NOTE. Also with embellished title-pages, " Heptameron Fran^ais. Tom. 1-3." MARIA THERESA, Empress of Germany, and Queen of Hungary ; b. 1717. d. 1780. 2 Memoir of. See JAMESON, A. M. (Celebrated Female Sovereigns, vol. 2.) MARIANA, Juan, a Spanish historian & theologian ; b. 1536. d. 1623. 3 Historia general de Espaiia compuesta, emmendada y afiadida : ilustra- da con Notas historicas y criticas, y nuevas Tablas cronologicas desde los tiempos mas antiques hasta la muerte del Sr. Hey D. Carlos III por J. Sabau y Blanco. Tom. 1-20. Madrid, 1817- 22. 8 (6.6X3.6), m. b. MARIE ANTOINETTE, Queen of France ; b. in Vienna, 1755. guillotined, 1793. 4 Vie de Marie Antoinette . . . Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1802. 16 (4.6X2.5). MARLOW, Christopher, or Kit, an English dramatic poet ; b. 1516. d. 1593. 5 Hero and Leander. A Poem. By C. Marlow, and G. Chapman. . . . With a Critical Preface. * * * Chiswick, 1821. 12 (4.2X2.7 irr.). MARMION, Shakerly, A.M., an English poet ; d. 1639. 6 Cupid and Psyche. A Legend. Chiswick, 1820. 12 (4.8X2.5 irr.). MARMONTEL, Jean Francois, a French author; b. 1723. d. 1799. 7 Belisarius. By M. Marmontel. * * * Newburyport, 1796. 12 (5.5X3.1). MAROLLES, Michel de, Abbe de Villeloin ; b. 1600. d. 1681. Translator, &c. See OVIDIUS NASO, P. Fastorvm Libri Sex. MARQUETTE, Father Jacques, the first Mississippi explorer ; b. 1637. d. 1675. 8 Life of Father Marquette, by J. Sparks. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 10.) MARSDEN, William, F.E.S., a British orientalist; b. in Dublin, 1754. d. 1836. 9 History (The) of Sumatra, containing an Account of the Government, Laws, Customs and Manners of the Native Inhabitants, with a Descrip tion of the Natural Productions, and a Relation of the Ancient Political State of that Island. 2d ed. {Map. } London, 1784. 4(7.4X4.8),m.b. MARSH, to.Ebenezer Grant, Prof.ofHebreiv,&c., Yale College; 6.1777. cUS03. 10 Oration (An) on the Truth of the Mosaic History of the Creation ; de livered at New-Haven, on the Public Commencement, September, 1798. Hartford, 1798. 8, pp. 59. [2 copies.] MARSH, Hon. George Perkins, LL.D.; b. in Woodstock, Vt., 1801. 11 Camel (The), his Organization Habits and Uses considered with refer ence to his Introduction into the United States. Boston, 1856. 16 (5X3). 12 Human Knowledge : a Discourse delivered before the Massachusetts Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, at Cambridge, August 26, 1847. Boston, 1847. 8, pp. 42. 13 Lectures on the English Language. * * * New York, 1860. 8 (6.1><3.7), pp. 697. Editor, &c. See WEDGWOOD. H. A Dictionary of English Etymology. MARSH, Herbert, D.D., Bishop of Peterborough; b. 1757. d. 1839. 14 Origin and Composition of our Three First Canonical Gospels. See MICHAELIS, J. D. (Introduction to the New Testament, vol. 3.) Translator, &c. See MICHAELIS, J. D. Introduction to New Testament. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 405 MARSH, James, D.D., Pres. of Univ. of Vt.; I. 1794. d. 1842. Editor, &c. See COLERIDGE, S. T. Aids to Reflection. Translator. See HERDER, J. G. von. The Spirit of Hebrew Poetry. MARSH, Josiah. 1 Popular Life (A) of George Fox, the First of the Quakers. Compiled from his Journal and other authentic sources ; and interspersed with Re marks upon the imperfect Reformation of the Anglican Church, and the consequent Spread of Dissent. * * * London, 1847. 8 (6.4X3.6). 2 Popular Life (A) of George Fox, the First of the Quakers. Compiled from his Journal and other authentic sources ; . . . * * * Philadelphia, n. d. 8 (5.8 X 3.5). MARSHALL, Mr. . 3 Landed Property (On the) of England, an^ Elementary and Practical Treatise ; containing the Purchase, the Improvement, and the Manage ment of Landed Estates. By Mr. Marshall. London, 1804. 4 (7X5.1). MARSHALL, Humphrey, an American horticulturist; d. about 1805. 4 Arbustum Americanum : the American Grove, or, An Alphabetical Cata logue of Forest Trees and Shrubs, Natives of the American United States, arranged according to the Linnaean System. . . . Philadelphia, 1785. 8 (6X3.4). MARSHALL, John, LL.D., Chief -Just ice of the U.S.; b. in Va., 1755. d. 1835. 5 Life (The) of George Washington. Compiled under the Inspection of Bushrod Washington from Original Papers bequeathed to him ... To which is prefixed an Introduction, containing a compendious View of the Colonies planted by the English on the Continent of North America, from their Settlement to the Commencement of the War which termina ted in their Independence. Vol. 1-5. [Portrait. ] Philadelphia, 1804. 8 (6X3.2). [2 copies.] 6 Life (The) of George Washington. Maps and Subscribers Names. Philadelphia, 1807. 4, folded sheets. [2 copies.] 7 Life. See FLANDERS, H. (Lives and Times of the Chief Justices, vol. 2.) 8 Speech on adopting the Federal Constitution. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Eloquence of the U. S., vol. 1.) 9 Writings (The) of John Marshall upon the Federal Constitution. * * * Boston, 1839. 8 (6.4X3.8), pp. 728. MARSHALL, Joseph. 10 Travels through Holland, Flanders, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Lap land, Russia, the Ukraine, and Poland, in the years 1768, 1769, and 1770. . . . 2d ed. Vol. 1-3. London, 1773. 8 (5.8X3.2). MARSHALL, Nathaniel, LL.B., Chaplain to George /., in 1717. Translator, &c. See CYPRIAN, St. T. C. The Genuine Works. MARSHALL, Samuel. 11 Treatise (A) on the Law of Insurance. In four Books. I. Of Marine Insurances. II. Of Bottomry and Respondentia. III. Of Insurance upon Lives. IV. Of Insurance against Fire. 1st American, from the Englished. *** ... Boston, 1805. 8 (6.6X3.5), m.b., pp. 759. MARSHE, Witham, apparently of Maryland. 12 Journal of the Treaty with the Six Nations, at Lancaster, June, 1744. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 1st Series, vol. 7.) 406 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MARSIGLI, Luigi Ferdinando, Count, an Italian soldier & savan ; &.1658. d. 1730. 1 Danubius Pannonico-Mysicus, Observationibus geographicis, astronomi- cis, hydrographicis, historicis, physicis perlustratus . . . Tom. 1-6. Hagae Comitum, 1726. 2 (15.3X9.5). MARSTON, John, an English poet & dramatist; b. about 1570. d. about 1634. 2 Works. Reprinted from the Original Editions. With Notes, and some Account of his Life and Writings. By J. O. Halliwell. . . . Vol. 1-3. *** London, 1856. 12 (4.9X3). MARTEN, Henry, or Harry, an English statesman , b. 1602. d. 1681. 3 Life. See FORSTER, J. (Statesmen of the Commonwealth, vol. 3.) MARTENS, GeorgFriedrich von, a German publicist & diplomate ; 6.1756. J.1S21. 4 Recueil des principaux Traites d Alliance, de Paix, de Treve, de Neutrali- te, de Commerce, de Limites, etc. conclus par les Puissances de 1 Eu- rope tant entre elles qu avec les Puissances et Etats dans d autres par ties du monde depuis 1761 jusqu a present. Tire des Copies publiees par autorite, etc. Par Mr. de Martens. Tom. 1-7. Supplement . . . Tom. 1, 2. 9 vols. Gottingue, 1791-1802. 8 (6X3.3), m. b. 5 Summary of the Law of Nations, founded on the Treaties and Customs of the Modern Nations of Europe ; . . . By Mr. Martens. Translated from the French by W. Cobbett. Philadelphia, 1805. 8 (6.2 irr.X3.5). [2 copies.] MARTIALIS, Marcus Valerius, a Latin poet ; b. in Bilbilis, Spain, 43. d. after 104. 6 Epigrammata. [Edited by M. Maittaire. Frontispiece and Index.] Londini, 1716. 12 (4.5X2.5 irr.). 7 Epigrammes, Latines et Francoises [facing ] ; Nouvelle Traduction. *** Tom 1-3. Paphos, n. d. 8 (6.1X3.2). MARTIN, Benjamin, an English optician; b. 1704. d. 1782. 8 Essay on Visual Glasses, vulgarly called Spectacles . . . and Glasses of a new construction proposed. 4th ed. London, 1758. 8, pp. 32. 9 Logarithmologia ; or the Whole Doctrine of Logarithms, common and logistical, in Theory and Practice. . . . London, 1740. 8 (6. IX 3.4). 10 Miscellaneous Correspondence . . . relative to Natural and Civil His tory, Geography, Mathematics, Poetry, Memoirs of Monthly Occurren ces,^. Vol. 1-4. [Maps and Plates. ] London, 1759-64. 8 (6X4). 11 New and Comprehensive System (A) of Mathematical Institutions, agre- able to the Present State of the Newtonian Mathesis. Vol. 1, 2. ... [Plates. ] London, 1759/64. 8 (6.5X3.6). 12 New Compleat and Universal System (A) or Body of Decimal Arithme- tick . . . London, 1735. 8 (6X3.5). 13 New and Comprehensive System (A) of Philology ; or, A Treatise of the Literary Arts and Sciences . . . Vol. 1,2. ... [Maps and Plates. ] London, 1759, 64. 8 (6.5X3.5). 14 Philosophia Britannica : or, A New and Comprehensive System of the Newtonian Philosophy, Astronomy and Geography . . . ; with eighty- one Copper-plates. 3d ed. ... Vol. 1, 2. London, 1771. 8 (5. 9X3.3). [2 copies.] 15 Philosophical Grammar (The) ; being a View of the Present State of Experimental Physiology, or, Natural Philosophy. ... 7th ed., with Alterations. *** [Plates.] London, 1769. 8 (6.3X3.4). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 407 MARTIN, Benjamin, continued. 1 Young Gentleman s and Lady s Philosophy (The), in a Continued Sur vey of the Works of Nature and Art ; by way of dialogue. Vol. 1, 2. . . . [Plates. ] London, 1759, 63. 8 (6.4X3.6). MARTIN, James. Translator. See KEIL, 1C. F. Commentary on Joshua. Translator. See KURTZ, J. H. History of the Old Covenant. Vol. 2, 3. MARTIN, Louis Aime. See AIME-MARTIN, Louis. MARTIN, Luther, Esq., Attorney -General of Maryland; b. 1745. d. 1826. 2 Genuine Information, delivered to the Legislature of the State of Mary land, relative to the Proceedings of the General Convention, held at Phila delphia, in 1787. See YATES, R. Secret Proceedings, &c. MARTIN, M. 3 Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, and Voyage to St. Kil- da. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyages and Travels, vol. 3.) MARTIN, Th. Henri, Prof, of Ancient Literature at Eennes. 4 Etudes sur le Timee de Platon. Tom. 1. [Original Text, Translation, and Notes. ] 2. [Notes. ] Paris, 1841. 8 (5.8X3.4). MARTINEAU, Harriet ; 6. in Norwich, Eng., 1802. 5 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. II. The Hill and the Valley. . . . III. Brooke and Brooke Farm. . . . IV. Demarara. ... V. Ella of Garveloch. ... VI. Weal and Woe in Garveloch. . . . VII. A Manchester Strike. . . . VIII. Cousin Marshall. ... IX. Ireland. A Tale. X. Homes Abroad. ... XI. For Each and for All. . . . XIV., XV. Berkley the Banker. . . . XVI. Messrs. Vanderput and Snoek. ... 13 vols. Stereotype Edition. Boston, 1832- 33. 12 (4.3X2.5). 6 Miscellanies. ... Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1836. 12 (5.4X3.3). 7 Retrospect of Western Travel. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1838. 12 (5.6X3.1). 8 Society in America. . . . Vol. 1,2. 3d ed. New York, 1837. 12 (5.3X2.9). MARTINIUS or MARTINES, Peter, a teacher of Hebrew ; d. at RocJielle about 1594. 9 Hebrew Grammar. See UDALL, J. The Key of the Holy Tongue, &c. MARTYN, Henry, an English missionary ; b. in Cornwall, 1781. d. 1812. 10 Journal and Letters. Edited by S. Wilberforce. 1st American ed., abridged. * * * New York, 1851. 12 (5.4X3.2). 11 Memoir of Henry Martyn. See SARGENT, J. 12 Sermons. . . . Boston, 1822. 12 (5.3X3.1). Translator. See BIBLE. The New Testament, in the Hindostanee. Translator. See BIBLE. The New Testament, in the Persian. MARTYN, John, M.D., Prof, of Botany at Cambridge, Eng.; b. 1699. d. 1768. iy Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society of London, 1719- 33: abridg ed, &c. by J. Eames and J. Martyn. See ROYAL SOCIETY of London. MARTYR, Peter. See VERMIGLI, P. M., or PETER MARTYR. MARUM, Martinus van, a Dutch natural philosopher. 14 Description d une tres grande Machine Electrique, placee dans le Muse um de Teyler a Haarlem, et des Experiments faits par le moyen de cette Machine. [Dutch and French, facing. Plates. ~] Haarlem, 1785. 4 (6.5X4.3). 408 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MARUM, Martinus van, continued. 1 Premiere Continuation des Experiences faites par le moyen de la Ma chine Teylerienne. [Dutch and French, facing. Plates.~\ Haarlem, 1787. 4 (6.5X4.3). MARVELL, Andrew, M.P. ; b. in Yorkshire, 1621. d. 1678. 2 Catholick Hierarchic (The) : or, The Divine Right of a Sacred Domin ion in Church and Conscience, truly stated, asserted, and pleaded. [By A. Marvell?] London, 1681. 4 (6.4X4.1). 3 Notice of Marvell. See (Poetical Works, post. Pp. ix.-liii.). 4 Poetical Works. ... [Portrait.] Boston, 1857. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). 5 Works, Poetical, Controversial, and Political, containing many original Letters, Poems, and Tracts, never before printed, with a new Life of the Author by Capt. E. Thompson. * * * ... Vol. 1-3. [Portrait. ] London, 1776. 4 (7.1X5.3). MARY STUART, Queen of Scots; b. 1542. beheaded, 1587. 6 Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. See BELL, H. G. MASON, Rev. Ebenexer, Son of Dr. J. M. Mason. Editor. See MASON, J. M. Writings. MASON, Ebenezer Porter, M.A.; b. 1819. d. 1840. 7 Introduction to Practical Astronomy, designed as a Supplement to Olm- stead s Astronomy ;... New York, 1841. 8 (6.6X3.9). MASON, Major John, an early settler of Connecticut ; b. 1600. d. 1672. 8 Brief History of the Pequot War. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collec tions, 2d Series, vol. 8.) 9 Life, by G. E. Ellis. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Series, vol. 3.) MASON, Rev. John, a Dissenting minister ; b. 1706. d. 1763. 1 Lord s-Day Evening Entertainment (The), containing fifty-two Practical Discourses on ... Subjects in Divinity . . . Vol. 1-4. 2d ed. London, 1754. 8 (5.7X3.1). H Self Knowledge ... * * * Hartford, 1803. 12 (3.8X2.5). 12 Self Knowledge ... *** Hartford, 1814. 12 (4.2X2.7). 13 Student (The) and Pastor : or, Directions how to attain to Eminence and Usefulness in those respective Characters. 2d ed. * * * London, n. d. 12 (5.3X2.8). MASON, John Mitchell, D.D., an American Presbyt. divine; b. 1770. d. 1829. 14 Eulogy on Washington, at New York, Feb. 22, 1800. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Eloquence of the U. S., vol. 5.) 1 5 Memoirs of, with portions of Correspondence. See VAN VECHTEN, J. is Writings, consisting of Sermons, Essays, and Miscellanies . . . Select ed and arranged by E. Mason. Vol. 1-4. New York, 1832. 8 (5.9X3.5). MASON, Rev. Thomas. 17 Christ s Victorie over Sathans Tyrannie. [Or, The Acts of the Church.] ... London, 1615. 2 (8.8X4.7). NOTE. In Black Hetter. Chiefly abstracted out of Fox s Book of Martyrs. MASON, William, an English clergyman & poet ; b. 1725. d. 1797. 18 Works. ... Vol. 1-4. London, 1811. 8 (5.7X3.2). MASSACHUSETTS. Colony and Province of the Massachusetts Bay. 19 Acts and Laws of His Majesty s Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England. [1692-1731.] *** Boston, 1726. 2 (9.5X5.2), m.b. CATALOGUE O* 1 THE LIBRAUY. 409 MASSACHUSETTS. Colony and Province of the Massachusetts Bay, continued. 1 Acts and Laws of His Majesty s Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England. [1692-1745. Table, prefixed.] * * * Boston, 1742. 2 (9.6X5), m. b. 2 Acts and Laws of His Majesty s Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England. [1692-1765. Table, prefixed. ] Boston, 1759. 2 (9.5X5), m. b., pp. 24, 489. 3 Acts (The) . . . ordered to be left out of the last Impression of Tem porary Laws ... * * * Boston, 1763. 2, pp. 52. 4 Charter (The) granted by their Majesties King William and Queen Mary, to the Inhabitants of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New- England. Boston, 1742. 2, m. b., pp. 14. 5 Charter (The) granted by their Majesties King William and Queen Mary, to the Inhabitants of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New- England. Boston, 1759. 2, m. k, pp. 14. 6 Considerations on lowering the Value of Gold Coins, within the Prov ince of the Massachusetts-Bay; with Gov. Hutchinson s Proposal. [Boston, 1761.] 8, pp. 27. 7 County and Town Officer (The) : or an Abridgment of the Laws of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, relative to County and Tow r n Offi cers ... *** Boston, 1768. 8 (6.3X3.2), m. r. 8 Journal of the Hon. House of Representatives of his Majesty s Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, begun and held at Boston . . . May 29th, 1754 April 28th, 1755; May 28th, 1760 April 21st, 1761 ; May 25th, 1763 Feb. 4th, 1764. 3 vols. Boston, 1754, 60, 63. 2 (8.3-9. X4.3-.8), m. b. 9 Proceedings (The) of the Council, and the House of Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, relative to the convening, hold ing and keeping the General Assembly at Harvard- College in Cambridge : . . . Boston, 1770. 8, pp. 83. 10 Continuation (A) of the Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, relative to the convening, holding and keeping the General Assembly, at Harvard-College, in Cam bridge. Boston, 1770. 8, pp. 66. 11 Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England. . . . Edit ed by N. B. Shurtleff. Court Orders : Vol.1. 1633-1640. 2. 1641- 1651. 3. 1651-1661. 4. 1661-1668. 5. 1668-1678. 6. 1678-1691. Judicial Acts. 1636-1692. Miscellaneous Records. 1633-1689. Edit ed by D. Pulsifer. Acts of the Commissioners of the United Colonies of New England. Vol. 1. 1643-1651. 2.1653-1679. 10 vols. Boston, 1855- 59. 4 (8X4.7),. 12 Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. . . . Edited by N. B. Shurtleff. Vol. 1. 1628-1641. 2. 1642-1649. 3. 1644-1657. 4. Pt. I. 1650-1660. 4. Pt. II. 1671- 1674. 5. 1674-1686. * * * 6 vols. Boston, 1853- 54. 4 (7.9X4.6), m. b. 13 Short View (A) of the History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, with respect to their Original Charter and Constitution. London, 1769. 8, pp. 71. 52 410 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MASSACHUSETTS. Colony and Province of the Massachusetts Bay, continued. 1 Speeches (The) of Gov. Hutchinson to the General Assembly of the Mas sachusetts-Bay, at a Session begun and held Jan. 6th, 1773. With the Answers . . . Boston, 1773. 8 (5.8X3.1). 2 Temporary Acts and Laws of His Majesty s Province of the Massachu setts-Bay in New-England. [1736-1746.] * * * Boston, 1742. 2 (9.3X4.9), m. b. MASSACHUSETTS. Revolutionary Period. Acts and Laws passed by the Great 3 and General Court ... of the State of the Massachusetts-Bay in New- England . . . 1775-1780 . . . Boston, 1775- 80. 2 (9.1X5), m. b. 4 Resolves of the General Assembly of the State of Massachusetts-Bay in New-England. 1778-1780. Boston, 1778- 80. 2 (9.9X6.2). MASSACHUSETTS. Commonwealth. Acts, Laws, and Resolves. Acts and Laws 5 of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, passed by the General Court, A.D. 1780-1788. 2 vols. Boston, 1781- 88. 2 (8.5X4.6), m. b. 6 LaAvs (The) of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, from November 28, 1780, to Febiuary 28, 1807. . . . Vol. 1-3. Boston, 1807. 8 (6.9X3.6), m. b. 7 Public and General Laws (The) of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, from February 28, 1807, to February 16, 1816. Vol. 4. Boston, 1816. 8 (6.5X3.5), m. b. 8 Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. January Session, 1812; October Session, 1812 ; January Session, 1813 ; May Session, 1813 ; Janu ary Session, 1814; October Session, 1814; January Session, 1815; May Session, 1815 ; January Session, 1816 ; May Session, 1816 ; May Ses sion, 1817. 11 vols. Boston, 1812- 17. 8 (7X3.8)* m. b. 9 Perpetual Laws (The) of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, from . . . October, 1780, to ... May, 1789. To which are prefixed, The Declara tion of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution of the Commonwealth, the Treaty of Peace, between Great-Britain and America, and the Constitution of the United States. * * * \_Index.~] Boston, 1789. 2 (9.2X4.8), m. b., pp. 48, 493, vi. [2 copies.] 10 Report of the Commissioners appointed to consider as to the Practica bility and Expediency of reducing to a written and systematic Code the Common Law of Massachusetts, or any part thereof. . . . January, 1837. Boston, 1837. 8, pp. 48. 11 Resolves of the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. ... 1785-1787. 3 vols. Boston, 1785- S7. 2 (9X5.5). 12 Resolves of the General Court of Massachusetts January Session, 1812; October Session, 1812 ; January Session, 1813; June Session, 1813 ; May Session, 1814 ; October Session, 1814 ; January Session, 1815 ; May Session, 1815; January Session, 1816; November Session, 1816; May Session, 1817. 11 vols. Boston, 1812- l7. 8 (7.1X4). Agriculture. Abstract from the Returns of Agricultural Societies of Massa- 13 chusetts, for the year 1846. By J. G. Palfrey. Boston, 1847. 8 (6.7X4). 14 Abstract of Returns of the Agricultural Societies of Massachusetts, for 1855-1860. Edited by C. L. Flint. 6 vols. Boston, 1853-61. 8 (6.9X3.9). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 411 MASSACHUSETTS. Commonwealth. Agriculture, continued. 1 Report (Fourth) on the Agriculture of Massachusetts. Counties of Franklin and Middlesex. By H. Colman. Boston, 1841. 8 (6.6X3.9). 2 Report (First Eighth Annual) of the Secretary of the Board of Agricul ture [(7. L. Flint ], together with the Reports of Committees, appointed to visit the County Societies. . . . [Engravings."] 8 vols. Boston, 1S54- 61. 8 (6.9X3.9). 3 Transactions of the Agricultural Societies of Massachusetts, for ... 1848 ; 1849. Collated ... by W. B. Calhoun. 2 vols. Boston, 1848, 49. 8 (6.7X3.9). 4 Transactions of the Agricultural Societies in the State of Massachusetts, for 1851. Collated ... by A. Walker. Boston, 1852. 8 (7X3.9), pp. 676. 5 Transactions of the Agricultural Societies in the State of Massachusetts, for 1852. Also the Proceedings of the State Board of Agriculture. Col lated and prepared by A. Walker. Boston, 1853. 8 (6.9X3.9), pp. 783, Constitution. Address (An) of the Convention, for framing a New Constitu- 6 tion of Government for the State of Massachusetts-Bay, to their Con stituents. Boston, 1780. 8, pp. 18. 7 Constitution (A) or Frame of Government for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Boston, 1781. 2, pp. 24. 8 Constitution (A) and Form of Government for the State of Massachu setts-Bay. Agreed upon by the Convention . . . February 28, 1778, to be laid before the several Towns . . . Boston, 1778. 8, pp. 23. 9 Constitution (A) or Frame of Government, agreed upon by the Dele gates . . . in Convention, begun and held at Cambridge, Sept. 1, 1779, and continued ... to March 2, 1780 . . . Boston, 1780. 8, pp. 53. 10 Debates, Resolutions and other Proceedings of the Convention of ... Massachusetts . . . at Boston, 9th January, 1788, . . . for the purpose of assenting to and ratifying>the Constitution recommended by the Grand Federal Convention. ... Boston, 1788, 8 (5. 5X3.5). 11 Debates and Proceedings in the Convention of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, held in the year 1788, and which finally ratified the Con stitution of the United States. * * * [Edited ly B. K. Pierce and 0. Hale.] Boston, 1856. 8 (6.9X3.9). 12 Discussions on the Constitution proposed to the People of Massachu setts by the Convention of 1853. Boston, 1854. 8 (6.5X3. 8). 13 Report (The) of a Constitution or Form of Government for the Com monwealth of Massachusetts : agreed upon by the Committee, to be laid before the Convention of Delegates, assembled at Cambridge, Sept. 1, 1779 . . . Boston, 1779. 8, pp. 50. 14 Result of the Convention of Delegates holden at Ipswich ... to take into Consideration the Constitution and Form of Government proposed by the Convention of the State of Massachusetts-Bay. Newbury-P.ort, 1778. 8, pp. 68. Education. Massachusetts System (The) of Common Schools, being an En- 15 larged and Revised Edition of the Tenth Annual Report of the First Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education [H. Mann]. Boston, 1849. 8.(7X3.9). 412 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MASSACHUSETTS. Commonwealth. Education, continued. 1 Report (Thirteenth Nineteenth Annual) of the Board of Education, to gether with the Thirteenth Nineteenth Annual Report of the Secretary of the Board [B. Sears ]. Twentieth Twenty-Third Annual Report of the Board of Education, together with the Twentieth Twenty-Third Annual Report of the Secretary of the Board [G. S. Boutwell], 11 vols. Boston, 1850- GO. 8 (7X4). Jurisprudence. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Ju- 2 dicial Court, of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Vol. 1. From September 1804 to June 1805 ... By E. Williams. 2d ed. ... From March, 1806, to March, 1822 . . . Vol. 2-17. To which [Vol. 17] is added, A Digested Index of the Names of the Cases in the preceding Sixteen Volumes. By D. A. Tyng. * * * By O. Pickering. Vol. 1-22. Containing the Cases from September Term, 1822, to [October rerra,1839]. 39 vols. Newburyport and Boston, 1808- 40. 8 (6.3-.9X3.6), m. b. Miscellaneous Documents. Abstract exhibiting the Condition of the Banks 3 in Massachusetts . . . October, 1849. Boston, 1849. 8, pp. 54. 4 Abstract exhibiting the Condition of the Institutions for Savings, in Massachusetts . . . September, 1849. Boston, 1849. 8, pp. 23. 5 Abstract of Returns of the Keepers of Jails and Overseers of the Houses of Correction . . . November 1, 1848. Boston, 1848. 8, pp. 37. 6 Address of His Excellency, J. A. Andrew, to the Two Branches of the Legislature . . . Januarys, 1862. Boston, 1862. 8, pp. 75. ? Address from the General Court to the People of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Boston, 1786. 8, pp. 40. [2 copies.] 8 Address of the Legislature to the Inhabitants of the Commomvealth of Massachusetts. Boston, 1781. 8, pp. 22. 9 Address [of the Legislature] to the People of Massachusetts [071 the Embargo ; with Memorial to Congress], [Boston, 1809.] 8, pp. 15, 24. l Address of the House of Representatives to the People of Massachu setts [on the War with England]. [Boston, 1812.] 8, pp. 14. 11 Catalogue of the Library of the General Court. [Alphabetical of Au thors.] * * * Boston, 1846. 8 (7\4). *2 Catalogue of the State Library of Massachusetts. [Alphabetical of Au thors, with Classified Index. History of the Library, prefixed. ] Boston, 1858. 8 (6.9X3.7). 33 Communication of ... Governour [Sullivan] to the Honourable Coun cil, relative to the Removal of Sheriff Lithgow ; and the Report and Advice of Council thereon. [Boston] 1808. 8, pp. 18. 14 Documents relating to the State Reform School [in Westborough, Mass. Engraving and Plan. ] [Boston, 1849.] 8 (6.7X3.9). 15 Investigation (An) into Free Masonry by a Joint Committee of the Le gislature. Boston, 1834. 8, pp. 76, 54. 16 Report of the Committee of the Senate of Massachusetts ; comprising the President s Message of the 1st of June ; the Report of the Com mittee of Foreign Relations ; the Act declaring War ; the Proclamation of the President . . . ; and the Address of the Senate to the People of this Commonwealth. Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 28. * 7 Report (First) on the Geology of the Public Lands in the State of Maine. By C. T. Jackson. Boston, 1837. 8, pp. 47. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 413 MASSACHUSETTS. Commonwealth. Miscellaneous Documents, continued. 1 Report (Second Annual) on the Geology of the Public Lands belonging to the two States of Maine and Massachusetts. By C. T. Jackson. [9 Plates. ] Augusta, 1838. 8, pp. 100, xxxvii. 2 Report of the Joint Committee of the Legislature . . . appointed April 20, 1848, on the Subject of Insanity in the State . . . Boston, 1849. 8, pp. 28. 3 Report of the Joint Special Committee of the Legislature ... to con sider the Powers of the Legislature, under the Constitution, in regard to the Government of Harvard University. [Boston, 1849.] 8, pp. 23. 4 Report (Seventh Annual) to the Legislature relating to the Registry and Returns of Births, Marriages and Deaths in Massachusetts . . . April 30th, 1848. By W. B. Calhoun. Boston, 1848. 8, pp. 56. 5 Reports and Resolves in relation to a Congress of Nations, April 4, 1837. [Boston, 1837.] 8, pp. 18. 6 Speeches of the Governors of Massachusetts, from 1765 to 1775; and the Answers of the House of Representatives to the same ; with their Resolutions and Addresses for that period, and other Public Papers, re lating to the Dispute between this Country and Great Britain . . . Boston, 1818. 8 (6.1X3.6). Natural History. Reports [Preliminary ] of the Commissioners on the Zo- 7 ological Survey of the State. Boston, 1838. 8 (6.6X4). 8 Report [First] on the Fishes and Reptiles [of Massachusetts], by D. H. Storer. Boston, 1838. 8/pp. 18. 9 Reports on the Fishes, Reptiles [by D. H. Storer] and Birds [by W. B. 0. Peabody]. ... [Plates.] Boston, 1839. 8 (6.8X3.6). 10 Report on the Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, and Zoology of Massachu setts. . . . Illustrated by numerous Wood Cuts and an Atlas of Plates. By E. Hitchcock. Amherst, 1833. 8 (6.9X3.9), pp. 700. NOTE The Atlas of Plates is separately bound. 11 Final Report on the Geology of Massachusetts : Containing I. Econom ical Geology. II. Scenographical Geology. . . . III. Scientific Geolo gy. IV. Elementary Geology. ... By E. Hitchcock. [Map, Engrav ings, and Plates.] Amherst, 1841. 4 (8X5.4), pp! 831. 12 Report on the Herbaceous Flowering Plants of Massachusetts, arranged according to the Natural Orders of Lindley, illustrated chiefly by Popu lar Descriptions of their Character, Properties, and Uses. [By C. Dewey.~] Cambridge, 1840. 8 (6.7X3.9). [2 copies.] 33 Report (A) on the Insects of Massachusetts, injurious to Vegetation. [By T. W. Harris.] Cambridge, 1841. 8 (6.9X3.9). 14 Report (A) on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts, comprising the Mol- lusca, Crustacea, Annelida, and Radiata. [By A. A. Gould.] . . . Cambridge, 1841. 8 (6.9X3.9). 15 Report on the Quadrupeds of Massachusetts. [By E. Emmons]. . . . Cambridge, 1840. 8 (6.9X3.9), pp. 86. [2 copies.] 16 Report (A) on the Trees and Shrubs growing naturally in the Forests of Massachusetts. [By G. B. Emerson. ] . . . [Plates. ] Boston, 1846. 8 (6.7X4), pp. 534. Political Tracts. Address to the Citizens of Massachusetts on the Causes 17 and Remedy of our National Distresses. Boston, 1808. 8, pp. 28. 414 EOWDOIN COLLEGE. MASSACHUSETTS. Commonwealth. Political Tracts, continued. 1 Address to the People of Massachusetts on the Choice of Electors of President and Vice-President. [No imprint.] 8, pp. 12. 2 Address to the People of Massachusetts [, recommending Sullivan and Heath for Governor and Lieut.- Governor]. [No imprint. ] 8, pp. 22. y National Arithmetic ; or, Observations on the Finances of the Common wealth of Massachusetts. Boston, [1786]. 8, pp. 93. [2 copies.] MASSACHUSETTS Agricultural Repository, &c. See MASSACHUSETTS Society, &c. MASSACHUSETTS Agricultural Society. See MASSACHUSETTS Society, &c. MASSACHUSETTS Antimasonic Convention. See ANTIMASONIC State, &c. MASSACHUSETTS-BAY, Colony of. See MASSACHUSETTS. Colony, &c. MASSACHUSETTS Congregational Charitable Society. The Act of Incorporation, 4 Regulations, and Members of the M. C. C. S. ; with a brief Sketch of its Origin. . . . Boston, 1815. 8, pp. 24. MASSACHUSETTS General Hospital. Address of the Board of Trustees of the-. 5 M. G. H. to the Public. * * * Boston, 1814. 8, pp. 14. 6 Address of the Trustees of the M. G. H., to the Subscribers and to the Public. Boston, 1822. 8, pp. 34. 7 Report of the Board of Trustees of the Massachusetts General Hos pital . . . January 24, 1849. [Plate.] Boston, 1849. 8, pp. 29. 8 Some Account of the Medical School in Boston, and of the Massachu setts General Hospital. Boston, 1824. 8, pp. 16. MASSACHUSETTS Historical Collections. See MASSACHUSETTS Hist. Society. MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society. Catalogue of the Books, Pamphlets, News- 9 papers, Maps, Charts, Manuscripts, &c. in the Library of the Massachu setts Historical Society. Boston, 1811. 8, 2 cols., pp. 96. 10 Catalogue of the Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society. [Al phabetical of Authors and Subjects.] Vol. 1. A-L. 2. M-Z. * * * Boston, 1859- 60. 8 (6.5X3.9). 11 Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Vol. 1-10 . . . [First Series. 1792-1809.] Vol. 1-10 ... Second Series. [1814-1823.] Vol. 1-10 . . . Third Series. [1825-1849.] Vol. 1-5 ... Fourth Series. [1852-1861.] 35 vols. [Map and Plans.] Boston, 1795-1861. 8 (6.4-7X3.7-4). 12 Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 1855-1858. 1858- 1860. Selected from the Records. * * * 2 vols. [Portraits. 1 ] Boston, 1859, 60. 8 (6.5X3.9). 13 Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society in respect to the Memory of W. II. Prescott, Feb. 1, 1859. Boston, 1859. 8, pp. 53. MASSACHUSETTS Humane Society. See HUMANE Society of Massachusetts. MASSACHUSETTS Magazine (The) : or, Monthly Museum of Knowledge and 14 Rational Entertainment. June, August, 1789; April, July, September, 1790; February April, June, August, November, December, 1791; July, August, 1792; May August, October, 1793; June, 1794; May, October, 1795 ; JanuaryMarch, June August, November, December, 1796. 4 vols. Boston, 96. 8 (6.8X3.9), 2 cols. MASSACHUSETTS Medical Society. The Acts of Incorporation, together with 15 the By-Laws and Orders of the Massachusetts Medical Society. Salem, 1808. 8, pp. 27. 16 Acts of Incorporation, and Acts regulating the Practice of Physick and Surgery; with the By-Laws and Orders. Boston, 1822. 8, pp. 92. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 415 MASSACHUSETTS Medical Society, continued. 1 Acts of Incorporation, By-Laws, and Orders, of the Massachusetts Medical Society. Boston, 1816. 8, pp. 54. 2 Acts of the Legislature of Massachusetts for regulating the Practice of Physick and Surgery. With the Regulations adopted by the Massachu setts Medical Society, for carrying these Acts into Operation. And a List of the Books required and recommended by the Society. Boston, 1819. 8, pp. 21. 3 Medical Communications. Vol. 1. Medical Communications and Dis sertations. Vol. 2. Medical Dissertations delivered at the Annual Meet ings. Vol. 3. 3 vols. Boston, 1808, 13, 22. 8 (6.2X3.4). 4 Pharmacopoeia (The) of the Massachusetts Medical Society. Boston, 1808. 12 (4.6X2.7). MASSACHUSETTS Missionary Society. The Massachusetts Missionary Register 5 ... Vol. 1-5. Vol. 1, Salem; 2-5, Boston, 1803-07. 8 (6.2X3.6). 6 Thirty-Eighth Annual Report, 1837. Boston, 1837. 8, pp. 48. MASSACHUSETTS Peace Society. Catalogue of the Officers and Members ; in- 7 eluding thirteen Branches, March, 1820. Boston, 1820. 8, pp. 15. 8 Circular Letter addressed to the various Associations of the Ministers of Religion in the United States. Cambridge, 1816. 8, pp. 16. 9 Circular Letter in behalf of the Massachusetts Peace Society, to the Friends of Peace of all Denominations. Boston, 1817. 8, pp. 8. 10 Report (Seventh, [1823]; Eighth, [1824] ; Tenth, 1826 ; Twelfth, 1828 ; Sixteenth, 1832 ; Eighteenth, 1834 ; Twentieth, 1836). 7 pamps. 8. Boston, 1823- 36. MASSACHUSETTS Register, 1 789-1799. See FLEET, T. and J. Pocket Almanac, &c. MASSACHUSETTS Register (The) and United States Calendar: for the year 1801 11 -1804. 4 vols. Boston, [180()- 04]. 12 (5X2.5). MASSACHUSETTS School for Idiotic and Feeble-Minded Youth. Tenth Eleventh 12 Annual Report. 2 pamps. 8. Boston, 1858. MASSACHUSETTS Society for promoting Agriculture. Culture (On the) of Po- 13 tatoes : extracted from Communications made to the Board of Agricul ture in 6reat Britain. ... * * Boston, 1793. 8, pp. 25. 14 Inquiries by the Massachusetts Society for promoting Agriculture. [No imprint. ] 8, pp. 29. [2 copies.] 15 Laws and Regulations ; . . . Names of its Present Officers and Mem bers, List of Premiums, &c. With . . . Extracts from Foreign and Do- mestick Publications. Boston, 1793. 8, pp. 56. 16 Massachusetts (The) Agricultural Repository and Journal. Vol. 3-10. [Plates. ] Boston, 1815-28. 8 (6.2X3.5). NOTE. The series of Papers fallowing form vol. 1, 2, of this journal. 1" Natural History of the Slug Worm. * * * By W. I). Peck. [Plate. ] Boston, 1799. 8, pp. 14. 18 Papers on Agriculture ; . . . Boston, 1799. 8 (6. 5X3. 8). [2 copies.] J J Papers on Agriculture; ... Boston, 1801. 8, pp. 93. [2 copies.] 20 Papers on Agriculture; . . . Boston, 1803. 8, pp. 93. [2 copies.] 21 Papers on Agriculture ; . . . Boston, 1804. 8 (6.5X3.1). [2 copies.] 22 Papers on Agriculture ; . . . Boston, 1804. 8, pp. 61. [2 copies.] 23 Papers on Agriculture ; . . . Boston, 1807. 8, pp. 86. 24 Georgick Papers for 1809, . . . Boston, 1809. 8, pp. 91. 416 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MASSACHUSETTS Society for promoting Agriculture, continued. 1 Papers for 1810, . . . Boston, 1810. 8 (6.1X3.5). 2 Papers for 1811, . . . Boston, 1811. 8 (6.1X3.5). 3 Rules and Regulations ; . . . Names of its Present Members and Of ficers, . . . Communications, . . . Extracts from Foreign and Domestick Publications, &c. Boston, 1796. 8, pp. 78. [2 copies.] 4 Transactions of the Massachusetts Society for promoting Agriculture. New Series. Vol. 1 ... [Maps.] Boston, 1856- 61. 8 (6.4X3.9). MASSE, M. , a French lawyer. 5 Dictionnaire portatif des Eaux et Forets. Par M. Masse. [2 pagings.] Paris, 1766. 8 (5.4X2.8). MASSEY, W., a teacher, at Wandsworth, in Surrey, Eng. 6 Origin (The) and Progress of Letters. An Essay, in two parts. I. shew ing when, and by whom Letters were invented ; the Formation of the Alphabets of various Nations ; their Manner of Writing, on what Ma terials, and with what Instruments ... II. A Compendious Account of the most celebrated English Penmen ... * * * [Plate.] London, 1763. 8 (6X3.4). [2 copies.] MASSILLON, JeanBaptiste, a French prelate ; b. in Hyeres, Provence,l66 3. rf.1742. 7 Charges. . . . Also, Two Essays: the one on the Art of Preaching, from the French of M. Reybaz, and the other on the Composition of a Ser mon, as adapted to the Church of England, &c. &c. * * * By Theops. St. John. New York, 1806. 8 (6.2X3.5). 8 CEuvres de Massillon. Tom. 1. Avent.-Careme.-Petit-Careme.-Oraisons Funebres. 2. Mysteres.-Panegyriques.-Conferences.-Paraphrases sur les Psaumes.-Pensees. * * * - [Portrait.] Paris, 1848. 8 (7.5X5.3), 2 cols. 9 Sermons . . . [With] Life of the Author. Selected and translated by W. Dickson. 2d American ed. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1818. 8 (6X3.7). MASSMANN, H. F. Editor, &c. See BIBLE, Old and New Testaments. Ulfilas. MASSON, David, Prof, of Eng. Lit., Univ. Coll., London ; b. in Aberdeen, 1823. 10 Life (The) of John Milton ; narrated in connection with the Political, Ecclesiastical, and Literary History of his Time. With Portraits and Specimens of his Handwriting . . . [In 3 vols.] Vol. 1. 1608-1639. Boston, 1859. 8 (7X4). MASSON, Rev. J., of Coventry, Eng. 11 Slaughter (The) of the Children in Bethlehem, as an Historical Fact in St. Matthew s Gospel, vindicated : and the suspected Christianity of Macrobius . . . disprov d . . . With a Postscript concerning Virgil s IVth Eclogue. * * * London, 1728. 8, pp. 54. NOTE. Appended to CHANDLER S Vindication of the Defence of Christianity, &c. MASSON, Jean, a French historian & savan ; b. about 1680. d. 1750. 12 C. Plinii Secundi, Jun. Vita ... sic digesta, ut varia dilucentur Histo ric Romans puncta, qua3 Flavios Imperatores, uti Nervam Trajanumque spectant. [Frontispiece.] Amstelodami, 1709. 12 (4.9X2.8). MASVICIUS, Pancratius. Editor. See VIRGILIUS MARO, P. Opera. MATERNUS, Julius Firmicus. See FIRMICUS MATERNUS, J. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 417 MATHEMATICAL Monthly (The). Edited by J. D. Runkle. Vol. 1-3. \_Por- 1 traits and Plates. } Cambridge, 18[59]- 61. 4 (6.8X4.7). NOTE Discontinued. MATHEMATICAL Tables. See SHERWIN, Th. MATHER, Cotton, D.D.,F.R.S., of Boston, son of Dr. I. Mather-, b. 1663. d. 1728. 2 Christian Philosopher (The) ; a Collection of the best Discoveries in Na ture, with Religious Improvements. . . . Charlestown, 1815. 12 (5.5X3.3). 3 Concio ad Populum. A Distressed People entertained with Proposals for the Relief of their Distresses. Sermon before the Governour and General Assembly, 12 d. I m. 1719. Boston, 1719. 16, pp. 29. 4 Essays to do Good . . . Boston, 1808. 12 (5.5X3.1). 5 Life, by W. B. O. Peabody. See SPARKS, J. (American Biogr., vol. 6.) 6 Magnolia Christi Americana ; or, The Ecclesiastical History of New England, from its First Planting in the year 1620, unto the year 1698. In Seven Books. [Map.] London, 1702. 2 (10.7X6.3), 2 cols. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting principal title-page. Each book has independent title- page and paging. 7 Ratio Discipline Fratrum Nov-Anglorum. A faithful Account of the Discipline professed and practised ; in the Churches of New-England. ... [By 0. Mather. Preface by I. Mather. ] * * * Boston, 1726. 12 (5.4X3.2). MATHER, Reo. Increase, D.D.,Pres. of Harvard Coll., 1684-1701 ; 6.1639. d.1723. 8 Mystery (The) of Christ opened and applyed. In several Sermons, con cerning the Person, Office, and Glory of Jesus Christ. * * * [Boston] 1686. 16 (4.5X3). 9 Revolution (The) in New-England justified, and the People vindicated from the Aspersions cast upon them by Mr. John Palmer . . . [By I. Mather.] Boston, reprinted, 1772. 8, pp. 59. [2 copies.] MATHER, Eev. Richard, of Dorchester, Ms.; b. in Lancashire, Eng., 1596. d.1669. 1 Journal. See YOUNG, A. (Chronicles of Massachusetts.) MATHER, Samuel, D.D., of Boston, son of Dr. C. Mather; b. 1706. d. 1785. 11 All Men will not be saved Forever : or, An Attempt to prove, that this is a Scriptural Doctrine ; . . . \_againsf] Extracts in favor of the Salva tion of all Men. *** Boston, 1782. 8, pp. 31. [2 copies.] 12 Attempt (An) to shew, that America must be known to the Ancients ; . . . [with] An Appendix, concerning the American Colonies, and some Modern Managements against them. By . . . [S. Mather]. Boston, 1773. 8, pp. 35. 13 Dissertation (A) concerning the most venerable Name of Jehovah. * * * Boston, 1760. 8 (6.2X3.7). 14 Pastoral Care (Of the) : a Sermon, preached to the Ministers of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, at their Annual Convention in Boston, May 27, 1762. *** Boston, 1762. 8, pp. 31. MATHER, William W., Prof, of Natural History in the Univ. of Ohio. 15 Geology of New-York. Part I. Comprising the Geology of the First Geological District. [Plates.] Albany, 1843. 4 (7.2X5.4), pp. 653+. MATHEWS, J. M., D.D., Chancellor of Univ. of New York. 16 Bible (The) and Men of Learning ; in a Course of Lectures. * * * [Portrait.] New-York, 1855. 8 (6.2X3.5). 53 418 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MATHIAS, Thomas James, an English author; b. about 1750. d. 1835. 1 Pursuits of Literature. A Satirical Poem, in Four Dialogues, with Notes. * * * 1st American . . . ed., revised. Philadelphia, 1800. 8 (6X3.7). MATTHEWS, Rev. Lyman, of Braintree, Mass. 2 Memoir of the Life and Character of Ebenezer Porter, D.D. [Portrait."] Boston, 1837. 12 (5.5X3.1). MATTHIA, August Heinrich, Rector of Gymnasium, Altenburg ; b. 1769. d. 1835. 3 Copious (A) Greek Grammar by A. Matthise. Translated from the Ger man by E. V. Blomfield. ... Vol. 1, 2. [I paging.] 3d ed. ... London, 1824. 8 (6.5X3.7). 4 Copious (A) Greek Grammar by A. Matthias. Translated from the Ger man by E. V. Blomfield. . . . Vol. 1,2. [1 paging.] 5th ed., thor oughly revised and greatly enlarged ... by J. Kenrick. London, 1837. 8 (6.5X3.7). MATY, Rev. Paul Henry, F.R.S., Libr. to tlie British Museum ; b. 1745. d. 1787. 5 General Index to Vol. 1-17 of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. See ROYAL SOCIETY of London. Translator. See REISBECK, C. von. Travels through Germany. MAUDTJIT, Israel ; b. in Bermondsey, near London, 1708. d. 1787. 6 Present State (The) of the Nation ; particularly with respect to its Trade, Finances, &c. &c. ... London, 1768. 8, pp. 100. 7 Appendix (An) to the Present State of the Nation. Containing a Re ply to the Observations on that Pamphlet. * * * London, 1769. 8, pp. 68. 8 Remarks on the Appendix to the Present State of the Nation. * * * [Anonymous.] London, 1769, 8, pp. 62. MAUGER, Claude. 9 French Grammar. ... 5th ed. ... London, 1667. 8 (5. 1X3.4). MAUPERTUIS, Pierre Louis MOREAU DE, a Fr. astronomer, &c.; b. 1698. d. 1759. 1 Journey to the Polar Circle. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyages, &c., vol. 1.) 11 CEuvres de Mr. de Maupertuis. Nouv. ed., corrigee & augmentee. Tom. 1-4. [Portrait.] Lyon, 1756. 8 (5.2X2.8). MAUREPAS, Jean Frederic PHELIPPEAUX, Comte DE,; b. 1701. d. 1781. 12 Memoires du Comte de Maurepas. Tom. 1,2. Paris, 1791. 8 (5.4X3). MAURICE, Rev. Frederic Denison, Chaplain to Lincoln s Inn, London ; b. 1805. 13 History of Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 2). 14 Prophets (The) and Kings of the Old Testament. A Series of Sermons. ... Boston, 1853. 12 (5.8X3.4). 15 Religions (The) of the ^"orld and their Relations to Christianity. * * * Boston, 1854. 12 (5X3). 16 Theological Essays. *** ... New York, 1854. 12 (5.6X3.6). MAURICE, Matthias. i? Faith Encouraged, in a plain, consistent, scriptural Exposition of Heb. VI. 4, 5, 6. Heb. X. 26. 1 John V. 16. ... * * * London, 1726. 8 (6X3), m. r. MAURY, Jean Siffrein, a French cardinal, Archbp. of Paris , b. 1746. d. 1817. 18 Principles (The) of Eloquence ... By Abbe Maury. Translated from the French, with additional Notes, by J. N. Lake. * * * Dublin, 1793. 8 (5.9X2.9). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 419 MAURY, Jean Suffrein, continued. 1 Principles (The) of Eloquence; . . . By Abbe Maury. 1st American ed. Translated from the French ; with additional Notes, by J. N. Lake. Albany, 1797. 12 (5.1X3)." [2 copies.] MAURY, Comm. Matthew Fontaine, LL.D., U.S.N.; b. in Va., 1806. 2 Astronomical Observations, made at Washington, 1845- 50. See UNITED STATES. Astronomical Observations, &c. 3 Physical Geography (The) of the Sea. An entirely new ed. [Plates] New York, 1856. 8 (6.2X3.9). MAUSSAC, Phillipe Jacques DE, a lawyer of Toulouse; b. 1590. d. 1650. 4 Dissertatio critica de Harpocratione eiusque Scriptis. See HARPOCRA- TION, V. (Harpocrationis Lexicon, etc., vol. 2.) Annotator, &c. See HARPOCRATION, V. Harpocrationis Lexicon, etc. MAYOR, William, LL.D., of London. 5 British Tourists (The) ; or, Traveller s Pocket Companion, . . . Com prehending the most celebrated Tours in the British Islands. * * * Vol. 1-6. 2ded. [Maps.] London, 1800. 18 (4.5X2.6). 6 General View of the Agriculture of Berkshire. Drawn up for ... the Board of Agriculture, &c. * * * [Maps and Plates.] London, 1809. 8 (6.3X3.4), pp. 548. 7 Historical Account of the most celebrated Voyages, Travels, and Dis coveries, from the Time of Columbus to the Present Period. Vol. 1-25. [Portrait, Maps and Plates] London, 1796-1800. 18 (4.5X2.6). MAWE, John. 8 Mineralogy (The) of Derbyshire : with a Description of the most in teresting Mines in the North of England, in Scotland, and in Wales ; and an Analysis of Mr. William s Work, intituled " The Mineral King dom." Subjoined is a Glossary of the Terms and Phrases used by Miners in Derbyshire. [Plates] London, 1802. 8 (5.6X3.2). MAY, A. 9 Practical Grammar (A) of the Swedish Language, with reading and writing Exercises. 2d ed. Stockholm, n. d. 8 (6.1X3.7). MAY, Thomas, an early English dramatist & historian ; 6. 1592. dL 1650. Translator. See BARCLAY, J. His Argenis. MAYER, Brantz, an American lawyer & author ; b. in Baltimore, Md., 1809. 10 Observations on Mexican History and Archaeology, with a special No tice of Zapotec Remains. Pp. 36. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Con tributions, vol. 9.) MAYIIEW, Rev. Jonathan, D.D., of Boston; b. 1720. d. 1760. n Defence (A) of the Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel . . . against ... "A Can did Examination," &c. [by H. Caner]. * * * Boston, 1763, 8 (6.3X3.6). 12 Discourse on the Death of King George II., and the Accession of George III. Delivered January 4, 1761. Boston, 1761. 8, pp. 43. is Discourse (A), concerning Unlimited Submission and Non-resistance to the Higher Powers ; with some Reflections on the Resistance to K. Charles I. Delivered on the Lord s Day after January 30, 1749-50. JBoston, reprinted, 1818. 8, pp. 48. [2 copies.] 420 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MAYHEW, Rev. Jonathan, D.D., continued. 1 Discourse (A) concerning Unlimited Submission and Non-resistance to the Higher Powers ; &c. See THORNTON, J. W. (Pulpit of the Ameri can Revolution.) 2 Election Sermon, Mass., May 9, 1754. Boston, 1754. 8, pp. 52. 3 God s Hand and Providence to be religiously acknowledged in Public Calamities. A Sermon occasioned by the Great Fire in Boston, New- England, March 20, 1760. Boston, 1760. 8, pp. 38. 4 Letter (A) of Reproof to Mr. John Cleaveland of Ipswich, occasioned by a Defamatory Libel. Boston, 1764. 8, pp. 49. 5 Memoir of the Life and Writings of J. Mayhew. See BRADFORD, A. 6 Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propa gation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts . . . With Remarks on the Mis takes of East Apthorp ... * * * Boston, 1763. 8 (6X3.4). .? Sermons ... *** Boston, 1755. 8(5.8X3.1), pp. 510. [2 copies.] 8 Snare (The) broken. Thanksgiving-Discourse, preached May 23, 1766, on the Repeal of the Stamp-Act. Boston, 1766. 8, pp. 52. 9 Two Discourses delivered November 23, 1758; . . . Day of Public Thanksgiving : relating, more especially, to the Success of His Majesty s Arms, and those of the King of Prussia, the last year. Boston, n. d. 8, pp. 57. 10 Two Discourses delivered Oct. 9, 1760. Public Thanksgiving for the Reduction of Canada. Boston, 1760. 8, pp. 69. ] l Two Sermons on the Nature, Extent, and Perfection of the Divine Good ness. Delivered Dec. 9, 1762. Annual Thanksgiving of the Province, &c. Boston, 1763. 8, pp. 91. MAYNE, Jasper. Translator. See LUCIANUS. Part of Lucian made English. MAYO, Robert, M.D. 12 Epitome (An) of Ancient Geography, Sacred and Profane j being an Abridgment of D Anville and Wells, with Additions and Improve ments, ... 3d ed. improved. Philadelphia, 1818. 12 (5X3.1). MEACHAM, John, of the Society of Shakers. Joint Author. See DARROW, D. Testimony of Christ s 2d Appearing. MEAD, Matthew, a Non-conformist divine, near London ; b. 1629. d. 1699. is Almost Christian (The) discovered: or, The False Professor tried and cast. ... * * * London, 1675. 18 (4.7X2.4), m. r. MEAD, Richard, M.D., of London, son of the preceding ; b. 1673. d. 1754. 14 Medical Works. Newed. [Memoirs of Author s Life. Index. Plates.] Edinburgh, 1775. 8 (6.3X3.5), pp. 511. MEAD LEY, George Wilson. 15 Memoirs of Dr. Paley. See PALEY, W. Works. Vol. 1, pp. 9-110. Editor. See PALEY, W. Works. MEASE, James, M.D., of Philadelphia. w Description of old American Medals and Coins. See MASS. Hist. So ciety. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 4, 7.) 17 Inaugural Dissertation on the Disease produced by the Bite of a Mad Dog, or other Rabid Animal. Philadelphia, 1792. 8 (5.7X3.4). JEditor. See WILLICH, A. F. M. Domestic Encyclopaedia (The) ; &c. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 421 MEDE or MEAD, Joseph, B.D., of Christ s Coll., Camb., Eng ; b. 1588. d. 1638. 1 Works. ... * * * [General Preface, and Author s Life, by J. Worthington.~] London, 1664. 2 (9.9X5.1), m. r., pp. Ixxvi., 11 29+. NOTE. In five books. Each portion has independent title-pag-e, without imprint. 2 Works. ... * * * [ General Preface, and Author s Life, by J. Worthington. } London, 1677. 2 (11.5X6.1), m. r., pp. xlv., 923+. NOTE. In five books. Each portion has independent title-page, without imprint. MEDFORD, Macall, Esq. 3 Oil without Vinegar, and Dignity without Pride : or, British, American, and West-India Interests considered. 2d ed. With a Preface and Ad ditions. ...{.Chart.] London, 1807. 8 (6.1X3.3). [2 copies.] MEDICAL School in Boston, Account of. See MASSACHUSETTS General Hospital. MEDICAL School of Maine. See BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MEDICI, Giovanni DE , afterwards Pope LEO X. See LEO X. MEDICI, Lorenzo DE , the Magnificent ; b. at Florence, 1448. d. 1492. 4 Life of Lorenzo de Medici. See ROSCOE, W. MEDLEYS (The) for the year 1711. To which are prefixed the Five Whig- 5 Examiners. {% payings.] London, 1712. 8 (5.8X3.1). MEECH, L. W., A.M. 6 Relative Intensity of the Heat and Light of the Sun upon different Latitudes of the Earth. Pp. 58, and six Plates. See SMITHSONIAN In stitution. (Contributions, vol. 9.) MEES, J. H. Editor, &c. See GRETRY, A. E. M. Memoires sur la Musique. MEIBOM, Markus, a learned German. 7 Antiqvae MvsicaB Avctores Septem [viz : Aristoxenus, Euclid, Nicoma- chus Gerasenus, Alypius, Gaudentius, Bacchius Senior, Aristides Quin- tilianus, M. Capella]. Greece et Latine. M. Meibomivs restituit ac Notis explicavit. Vol. 1, 2. Amstelodami, apud L. Elzevir., 1652. 4 (6.3X4.3), par. cols. NOTE. Bound in one vol. The work of each author has independent paging. Editor. See DIOGENES LAERTIUS. DeVitis,etc.Philosophorum LibriX. MEIGS, Return Jonathan, Col. U.S.A. and Indian Agent ; b. 1740. d. 1823. 8 Journal of the Expedition against Quebec, under Col. B. Arnold, in 1775. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 2d Series, vol. 2.) MEISSNER, Dr. N. N. W. 9 German and English Dictionary. See COMPLETE Dictionary (The), &c. MELANCTHON, Philipp, the teacher of Germany ; b. 1497. d. 1560. 10 Grammatica Latina ... * * * Lvtetioj, 1550. 8 (4.9X2.9). 11 Life of Philip Melancthon. See Cox, F. A. MELANGES historiques . . . par M. * * *. Amsterdam, 1718. 12 (4.7X2.5). MELLEN, Grenville, nephew of the following ; b. 1799. d. 1841. 12 Rest (The) of the Nations : a Poem {pronounced before the Peace So ciety of Maine, May 10, 1826]. Portland, 1826. 8, pp. 28. MELLEN, Rev. John, Jim., of Barnstable, Mass. ; b. 1752. d. 1828. 13 Sermon delivered at Harwich, Jan. 21, 1791, at the Funeral of the Rev. Isaiah Dunster . . . Boston, 1791. 8, pp. 22. MELMOTH, William, an English lawyer & author; b. 1666. d. 1743. 14 Great Importance (The) of a Religious Life considered ; to which are added some Morning and Evening Prayers. New ed., with a Memoir of the Author prefixed, and four Appendices : . . . By C. P. Cooper. London, 1849. 8 (6.8X3.6). 422 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MELMOTH, William, son of the preceding ; b. in London, 1710. d. 1799. 1 Fitzosborne s Letters, on several Subjects. 12th ed. With a Dialogue on Oratory. . . . [And] Memoir of the Author. London, 1807. 16 (4.6X2.7). MELON, Jean Francois, Sec y to Academy of Bordeaux; d. 1738. 2 Essai politique sur le Commerce. Nouv. ed. . . . augmentee de sept Chapitres ... [% J. F. Melon. ] [Paris] 1736. 12 (4.8X2.5). MELVIL, Sir James, Prime Minister of France, &c. ; b. in ScotL, 1530. d. 1606. 3 Memoires de Melvil traduits de 1 Anglois avec des Additions considera bles. Tom. 1, 2. Edinbourg, 1745. 8 (4.4X2.4). NOTE. Vol. 1 imperfect, wanting to p. 97. MELVILL, John, M.D., of London. 4 Observations on the Nature and Properties of Fixible Air and on the Salutary Effects of the Aqua Salubris. London, n. d. 8, pp. 92. MEMES, John S., LL.D. 5 Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. ... [Portrait.] (Harper s Family Library, No. 28.) New York, n. d. 18 (4.5X2.7). MEMOIRE historique sur la Negociation de la France & de 1 Angleterre, depuis 6 de 26 Mars 1761 jusqu au 20 Septembre de la meme Annee, avec les Pieces justificatives. Paris, 1761. 8 (5. 1X2. 7). MEMOIRES concernant PHistoire, les Sciences, les Arts, les Moeurs, les Usages, 7 etc. des Chinois ; par les Missionnaires de Pe-kin [Amyot, Bourgeois, Cibot,&c.]. Tom. 13, 14. [Plates.] Paris, 1789. 4 (7X4.5). MEMOIRS of American Missionaries. See LOOMIS, E. MEMOIRS of Learned Societies. See INDEX. TRANSACTIONS, &c. MEMOIRS of the principal Transactions of the last War between the English 8 and French in North- America. From . . . 1744, to the Conclusion of the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle. 3d ed. Boston, reprinted, 1758. 8, pp. 80. MEMORIAL of D. Webster, by the City of Boston. See WEBSTER, D. MENANDER, an Athenian dramatic poet ; b. 342 B.C. d. 291 B.C. 9 Fragmenta. See BRUNCK, R. F. P. (Gnomica? Poeta3 Grasci.) 10 Sentential Morales. See LUCIANUS. Colloquia Selecta, &c. MENAGE, Gilles, a learned French lawyer, aft. ecclesiastic; b. 1613. d. 1692. 11 Historia Mulierum Philosophorum. See DIOGENES LAERTIUS. (De Vitis, Dogmatibus, etc. Philosophorum Libri X,, vol. 2.) Editor, Annotator, &c. See DIOGENES LAERTIUS. De Vitis, Dog matibus, etc. Philosophorum Libri X., etc. MENANT, Joachim. 12 Recueil d Alphabets pour servir a la Lecture et a ^Interpretation de Ecritures cuneiformes. Paris, 1860. 8, pp. 27. MENDELSSOHN, Moses, a German philosopher, of Jewish race; b. 1729. d. 1785. 13 Leben und Meinungen M. Mendelssohn, nebst dem Geiste seiner Schrif- ten in einem kurtzen Abrisse dargestellet. * * * [Portrait.] Hamburg, 1787. 16 (4.4 X 2.5). 14 Philosophische Schriften. Th. 1,2. * * * Wien, 1783. 8 (5.1X2.8). MENDON Association. Evidences of Revealed Religion. 15 Northampton, 1798. 12 (5.4X3.1). MENDOZA Y Rios, Joseph DE. 16 Complete Collection (A) of Tables for Navigation and Nautical As tronomy. ... London, 1805. 4 (9X5), pp. 670. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 423 VlEXNAis, Hugues Felicite Robert DE LA. See LAMENNAIS, H. F. R. BE. MENZEL, Wolfgang, a German critic & author; b. 1798. 1 German Literature, translated from the German. By C. C. Felton. ... Vol. 1-3. Boston, 1840. 8 (5.1X3). MERCANTILE Library Association of Boston. Thirty-second; Thirty-fifth An- 2 nual Report. 2 pamps. 8. Boston, 1852- 55. MERCANTILE Library Association of New York. Thirty- Seventh ; Thirty-Ninth 3 Annual Report. 1857-58 ; 1859- 60. With Report of the Trustees of of Clinton Hall Association. 2 pamps. 8. New York, 1858, 60. MERCHANTS (The) and Manufacturer s Magazine. Containing, besides . . . 4 Papers relating to the Trade and Commerce of Great Britain, a Copy of the Evidence . . . before Parliament, for and against . . . regulating the Trade with Ireland, made in 1785, to which is added, the Report of the Lords of the Committee of Council . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1786. 8 (6.3X3.6). MERCIER, Jean, Prof, of Hebrew, Univ. of Paris ; d. 1562. Editor, &c. See PAGNINUS, S. Thesaurus Lingua? Sancta3. MERCIER, Andrew LE. See LEMERCIER, A. MERCIER, Louis Sebastien, a French litterateur ; b. 1740. d. 1814. 5 An (L ) deux mille quatre cent quarante. Reve s il en fut jamais ; suivi cle 1 Homme de Fer, songe. * * * Nouv. ed. . . . Avec Figures. Tom. 1-3. Paris, an vi [1798]. 8 (5. 2X3). 6 Deserteur (Le), Drame . . . Lyon, 1721. 8, pp. 64. 7 Fragments of Politics and History. By M. Mercier. Translated from the French. ... Vol. 1, 2. London, 1795. 8 (6.2X3.5). 8 Indigent (L ), Drame . . . Paris, 1726. 8, pp. 70. 9 Jenneval, ou le Barnevelt Francois, Drame . . . Par M. Mercier. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1724. 8, pp. 60. MERIAN, Andre Adolphe, Baron DE; b. at Sale, 1772. d. at Paris, 1828. 10 Principes de 1 Etude Comparative des Langues, par le Baron de Merian. Suivis d Observations sur les Racines des Langues Semitiques ; par M. Klaproth. Paris, 1828. 8 (5.7X3.4). MERIVALE, Eev. Charles B.D., Fellow of St. John s Coll., Cambridge, Eng. 11 History (A) of the Romans under the Empire. Vol. 1-6. London, 1850-58. 8 (6.2X3.5). NOTE. This work is continuing-. MERLE D AUBIGNE, Jean Henri, a Swiss theologian-, b. 1794. 12 Discourse on the Study of the History of Christianism, and its Useful ness at this Epoch. Delivered at Geneva, Jan. 2, 1832. * * * Trans lated from the French by T. S. Grimke. Charleston, 1833. 8, pp. 22 -f-. [2 copies.] 13 History of the Great Reformation of the Sixteenth Century in Ger many, Switzerland, &c. [Translated by H. White. } Vol. 1-3. 9th ed. New York, 1843. 12 (5.8X3.3). 14 History of the Great Reformation of the Sixteenth Century in Germany, Switzerland, &c. [Translated by H. White.] Vol. 1-3. Assisted in the preparation of the English Original by H. White. Vol. 4. [Por traits.] New York, 1844- 46. 12 (5.6X3.3). MERRET, Christopher, M.D., F.R.S.; b. in Gloucestershire, 1614. d. 1695. Joint Author. See NERI, A. Art de la Verrerie. 424 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MERRICK, Rev. James L., a Missionary to Persia. Translator. See MOHAMMED. The Life and Religion of Mohammed, &c. MERRICK, John, Esq., of Hallow ell ; I), in London, 1766. d. 1861. 1 Trial of D< Lynn, J. Meigs, E. Barton, P. Cain, N. Lynn, A. Meigs, and A. Pitts, for the Murder of Paul Chadwick, at Malta, in Maine, on September 8th, 1809; . . . held at Augusta . . ., Nov. 16, 1809. Taken in short hand by J. Merrick, Esq. Hallowell, 1810. 8 (6.3X3.7). MERRICK, Hon. Pliny, LL.D. 2 Letter on Speculative Free Masonry. Answer to Gen. N. Heard, and Col. G. Burbank . . . Worcester, 1829. 8, pp. 20. MERRILL, Rev. Thomas Abbot, D.D., of Middlebury, Vt. ; b. 1780. d. 1855. 3 Essay on the Study of the Latin Language ... at the Expense of writing and speaking in English . . . New York, 1860. 8, pp. 58. MERRITT, Rev. Timothy, a Methodist minister. 4 Christian s (The) Manual, a Treatise on Christian Perfection . . . Com-^ piled principally from the Works of J. Wesley. New York, 1829. 32 (3.6X2.2). METASTASIO, Pietro Antonio Domenico Buenaventura, an Italian poet ; b. at Home, 1698. d. at Vienna, 1782. 5 Opera da P. Metastasio. Tom. 1-4. [Plates and Vignettes. ] Firenze, 1826. 12 (4.2X2.2). 6 Opere dell Abbate Metastasio, scelte de L. Nardini . . . 3za ed. Re- veduta da G. Deagostini. Tom. 1, 2. [Portrait. ] Londra, 1821. 12 (4.8X2.9). METCALF, David. 7 Inquiry (An) into the Nature, Foundation, and Extent of Moral Obli gation, involving the Nature of Duty, of Holiness, and of Sin. Being an Introduction to the Study of Moral Science. ... * * * Boston, 1860. 12 (5.8X3.4). METCALF, Hon. Theron, LL.D. Editor, &c. See STARKIE, T. Treatise on the Law of Evidence. Editor, &c. See YELVERTOX, H. Reports of Special Cases in the- King s Bench. METCALFE, Rev. Frederick, Head Master of Brighton College, Oxford, Eng. Translator. See BECKER, W. A. Gallus. METHODIST Magazine (The) and Quarterly Review. .- . . New Series, Vol. 81-5. 1830-1834. [Portraits.] New York, 1830- 34. 8 (7X3.8). METHODIST-EPISCOPAL Church, U.S.A. The -Doctrine and Discipline of the 9 Methodist Episcopal Church. New York, 1832. 24 (3.9X2.5). MEURSIUS, or DE MEUR, Johannes, a Dutch scholar, &c. ; 6.1579. d. 1639. Annotator. See MINUCIUS FELIX, M. Octavius. MEUSEL, Johann Georg, a German bibliographer; b. 1743. d. 1820. 10 Erster-Zweyter Nachtrag zu der Vietren Ausgabe des Gelehrten Teutsch- landes. 2 vols. Lemgo, 1786. 8 (5.8X3.3). Joint Author. See HAMBERGER, G. C. Das Gelehrte Teutschland. MEXICAN War, Notes for the History of. See RAMSEY, A. C. Editor. MICHAEL ANGELO. See BUONAROTTI, M. A. MICHAELIS, Sir Johann David, a Germ, biblical scholar & critic; 6.1717. d. 1791. 11 Commentaries on the Laws of Moses. Translated from the German, by A. Smith. . . . Vol. 1-4. * * * London, 1814. 8 (6.4X3.8). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 425 MICHAELIS, Sir Johann David, continued. 1 Introduction to the New Testament. Translated from . . . the Ger man, and considerably augmented with Notes, and a Dissertation . . . By H. Marsh. Vol. 1-4. 2d ed. London, 1802. 8 (6.5X3.7). [2 copies.] Annotator. See LOWTII, R. Lectures on Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews. MICHAUD, Joseph Francois. 2 History (The) of the Crusades. Translated from the French by "W. Robson. ... Vol. 1, 2. [Maps.] New York, 1855. 12 (3.2X3.2). MICHAUX, Francois Andre, a French botanist; b. in Versailles, 1770. 3 North American Sylva (The), or a Description of the Forest Trees, of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia. Considered particularly with respect to their Use in the Arts and their Introduction into Com merce ; to which is added a Description of the most useful of the Euro pean Forest Trees. [Translated from the French by A. L. Hillhouse.] Illustrated by 150 colored Engravings. * * * Vol. 1-3. Philadelphia, 1817- 19. 8 (6.7X4). MICHEL, M. DE. Editor, &c. See JOUTEL, . Dernier Voyage de M. de la Sale. MICHELET, Jules, a French historian & miscellaneous writer , b. 1798. 4 History of France, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. By M. Michelet. Vol. 1, 2. Translated by G. H. Smith. New York, 1845. 8 (7.4X4.6), 2 cols. Editor, &c. See Vico, G. B. (Euvres choisies. MICHELET, Karl Ludwig, a German philosopher ; b. in Berlin, 1801. 5 Examen critique de POuvrage d Aristote intitule Metaphysique. . . . Paris, 1836. 8 (6X3.8). Editor. See HEGEL, G. W. F. Vorlesungen iiber die Naturphilosophie. MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE, at Middlebury, Vt. ; founded in 1800. 6 Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Middlebury College, 1859- 60, with the Course of Studies, &c. Middlebury, 1859. 8, pp. 23. ? Catalogue of the Graduates, of Middlebury College ; embracing a Bio graphical Register and Directory. Prepared ... by T. S. Pearson. Windsor, 1853. 8 (6.4X3.7). MIDDLETON, Charles, an English architect. 8 Designs for Gates and Rails suitable for Parks, Pleasure Grounds, Bal conies, &c., also some Designs for Trellis Work on 27 Plates. London, n. d. 8 (7.6X5). MIDDLETON, Conyers, D.D., Libr., &c. at Cambridge, Eng.; b. 1683. d. 1750. 9 Free Inquiry (A) into the Miraculous Powers, which are supposed to have subsisted in the Christian Church, from the earliest ages through several successive centuries. ... *** London, 1749. 4 (6. 3X4. 4). 10 Life (The) of Marcus Tullius Cicero. ... * * * New ed. Vol. 1- 3. [Portrait.] London, 1801. 8 (6.3X3.5). [2 copies.] MIDDLETON, John. 11 View of the Agriculture of Middlesex ; with Observations . . . , and several Essays on Agriculture in general. Drawn up for . . . the Board of Agriculture, &c. ... 2d ed. [Map.] London, 1807. 8 (6.1X3.4), pp. 704. 54 426 BOWD01N COLLEGE. MILES, Henry H., Prof, of Math., &c. Univ. of Bishop s Coll., Lennoxville, C.E. 1 Ventilation (On the) of Dwelling-Houses & Schools, illustrated by Dia grams : with Remarks on Sanitary Improvements. Montreal, 1858. 8, pp. 66. MILES, Thomas. 2 Concise Practical Measurer (The) . . . London, 1740. 12, pp. 96. MILET DE MUREAU, Louis Aiitoine DESTOUFF, a Fr. general, &c.; 6.1756. cZ.1825. Editor. See LA PEROUSE, J. F. DE GALAUP, Count DE. Voyage round the World. MILL, David, Prof, of Theology at UtrecJit ; cl 1756. Editor. See BIBLE, The Old Testament. H TIAAAIA AIA0HKH. MILL, James, a British metaphysician & political economist , b. 1773. d. 1836. 3 Commerce defended. An Answer to the Arguments by which Mr. Spence, Mr. Cobbett, and others have attempted to prove that Com merce is not a Source of National Wealth. London, 1808. 8 (6.1X3.3). 4 Elements of Political Economy. 3d ed., revised. . . . London, 1826. 8 (6X3.5). MILL, John Stuart, an English philosopher, son of the preceding ; 6. 1806. 3 System (A) of Logic, ratiocinative and inductive ; being a connected View of the Principles of Evidence and the Methods of Scientific In vestigation. New-York, 1848. 8 (6.9X3.9), pp. 600. Editor. See BENTHAM, J. Rationale of Judicial Evidence, &c. MILLER, George, D.D., M.E.I.A., Vicar General of Armagh. 6 History, philosophically illustrated, from the Fall of the Roman Empire, to the French Revolution. 3d ed., revised by the author. Vol. 1-4. [Portrait. ] London, 1849. 8 (5.3X3.1). MILLER, Hugh, a British geologist ; b. in Cromartij, Scotland, 1802. d. 1856. 7 Autobiography (An). My Schools and Schoolmasters ; or, The Story of my Education. *** [Portrait. ] Boston, 1857. 12 (5.5X3.3). 8 Cruise (The) of the Betsey, or, A Summer Ramble among the Fos- siliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist ; or Ten Thousand Miles over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland. Boston, 1858. 12 (5.9X3.4), pp. 524. 9 First Impressions of England and its People. * * * [Portrait.] Boston, 1851. 12 (5.4X3.3). 10 Foot-prints (The) of the Creator ; or, The Asterolepis of Stromness. * * * From 3d London ed. With a Memoir of the Author, by L. Agassiz. Boston, 1850. 12 (5.4X3.3). 11 Life (The) and Times of Hugh Miller. See BROWN, T. N. 12 Old Red Sandstone (The) ; or, New Walks in an Old Field. . . . With numerous Engravings. From 4th London ed. Boston, 1851. 12 (5.5X3.4). 13 Scenes and Legends of the North of Scotland. * * * From 2d Lon don ed. Boston, 1851. 12 (5.9X3.5). 14 Sketch Book of Popular Geology. Popular Geology : a Series of Lec tures read before the Philosophical Institution of Edinburgh. With de scriptive Sketches from a Geologist s Portfolio. With an introductory Resume of the Progress of Geological Science within the last two years, by Mrs. Miller. Boston, 1859. 12 (5.8X3.4). CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY. 427 MILLER, Hugh, continued. 1 Testimony (The) of the Rocks ; or, Geology in its Bearings on the two Theologies, Natural and Revealed. \_Illustrated.~] With Memorials of the Death and Character of the Author. * * * Boston, 1857. 12 (5.9X3.4), pp. 502. MILLER, Sir John Riggs, Bart. 2 Speeches in the House of Commons upon the Equalization of the Weights and Measures of Great Britain . . . London, 1790. 8 (6.2X3.4). MILLER, Philip, of Chelsea, Eng. ; b. in Scotland, 1691. d. 1771. 3 Gardener s Dictionary (The) : containing the Methods of cultivating and improving the Kitchen, Fruit and Flower Garden, as also, the Phy- sick Garden, Wilderness, Conservatory, and Vineyard . . . Interspers d with the History of the Plants . . . Together with Accounts of the Nature and Use of Barometers, Thermometers, and Hygrometers . . . Adorn d with Copper Plates. * * * 2d ed., corrected. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1733, 39. 2 (11.4X6.3), 2 cols. MILLER, Samuel, D.D., an American Presbyterian divine; b. 1769. d. 1850. 4 Brief Retrospect (A) of the Eighteenth Century. Part First ; . . . containing a Sketch of the Revolutions and Improvements in Science, Arts, and Literature, during that period. Vol. 1, 2. New-York, 1803. 8 (6.2X3.4). [2 copies.] 5 Letters on Clerical Manners and Habits : addressed to a Student in the Theological Seminary, at Princeton, N. J. 2d ed. New York, 1827. 12 (5.2X3.1). 6 Life of Jonathan Edwards. See SPARKS, J. (American Biogr., vol. 8.) MILLET, Rev. Joshua. 7 History (A) of the Baptists in Maine ; together with brief Notices of Societies and Institutions, and a Dictionary of the Labors of each Minister. Portland, 1845. 12 (5.6X3.2). MILLINGTON, Prof. John. 8 Hydraulics. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Li brary, &c. (Natural Philosophy, vol. 1.) MILLOT, Claude Francois Xavier, a French ecclesiastic , b. 1726. d. 1785. 9 Elemens d Histoire d Angleterre, depuis son origine sous les Romains, jusqu au Regne de George II. Par M. 1 Abbe Millot. Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1769. 12 (4.6X2.2), m. b. 1 Elemens d Histoire generale . . . Histoire ancienne. Tom. 1-4. . . . Histoire moderne. Tom. 1-5. Par M. 1 Abbe Millot. Nouv. ed., aug- mentee. 9 vols. Paris, 1778- 90. 12 (5.1X2.6), m. b. 11 Elements of General History. Translated from the French of the Ab be Millot. . . . Ancient History. In 2 vols. . . . Modern History. In 3 vols. Vol. 1-5. 1st American ed. Worcester, 1789. 8 (5.4X3.2), m. b. 12 Elements of General History. Translated from the French of the Ab be Millot. . . . Ancient History. In 2 vols. . . . Modern History. In 3 vols. Vol. 1-5. 2d American ed. Salem, 1796. 8 (6.3X3.7), m.b. MILLS, Abraham. 13 Literature (The) and the Literary Men of Great Britain and Ireland. ... Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1851. 8 (7.1X3.8). 428 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MILLS, Charles, an English lawyer, aft. historical author ; b. 1788. d. 1825. 1 History (The) of Chivalry, or Knighthood and its Times. . . . Vol. 1, 2. {Illustrated Title-pages. } London, 1825. 8 (5.9 irr.X3.4), m. b. 2 History (The) of the Crusades, for the Recovery and Possession of the Holy Land. * * * ... Vol. 1, 2. [Map and Plates. ] London, 1820. 8 (6X3.3), m. b. MILLS, John, F.E.S. 3 Treatise (A) on Cattle: . . . London, 1776. 8 (6.3X3.2), pp. 498+. 4 Treatise (A) on Cattle: . . . Boston, 1795. 12 (5.4X3). NOTE. The portion upon Horses is omitted in this reprint. MILMAN, Rev. Henry Hart, Dean of St. Paul s, London ; b. in London, 1791. 5 History (The) of Christianity, from the Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire. . . . Vol. 1-3. London, 1840. 8 (6.2X3.5), m. b. 6 History of Latin Christianity ; including that of the Popes to the Pon tificate of Nicolas V. Vol. 1-6. London, 1854- 55. 8(6.6X3.8). MILNE, Colin, LL.D., a Scotch divine & naturalist ; b. in Aberdeen, d. 1815. 7 Botanical Dictionary (A) ; or, Elements of Systematic and Philosophi cal Botany. . . . 2d ed., with . . . Plates. * * * London, 1778. 8 (6X3.8), n. p. 8 Supplement (A) to the Botanical Dictionary : containing . . . Descrip tions of several curious Plants, chiefly Asiatic. . . . Illustrated . . . London, 1778. 8 (6X3.8), n. p. MILKER, Isaac, D.D., Dean of Carlisle, brother of the following ; d. 1820. 9 History of the Church of Christ, continued. See MlLNER, J. MILNER, Eev. Joseph, master of Grammar School at Kingston ; b. 1744. d. 1797. 1 History (The) of the Church of Christ. With Additions and Corrections by ... I. Milner. ... 2d American ed., comprising some Account of the Lives of the Authors, and an original Index. Vol. 1-5. . . . Boston, 1822. 12 (5.7X3.3). MILTON, John, an English statesman & poet ; b. in London, 1608. d. 1674. 11 Life of Milton. See JOHNSON, S. (Works, vol. 9) ; (Eminent English Poets, in loco.} 12 Life of John Milton ; &c. See MASSON, D. 13 Life of Milton. See (Paradise Lost, Ed. 11 54, post. Vol. 1, pp. i.-lxix.). 14 Old Looking-Glass (An) for the Clergy and Laity of all Denominations ... or, The Likeliest Means to remove Hirelings out of the Church. With Life of Milton : and Extracts from his works, concerning Bishops. Philadelphia, 1770. 12, pp. 74. 15 Paradise Lost. A Poem, in twelve books. 3d ed., with Notes of vari ous Authors, by T. Newton. Vol. 1, 2. [Engravings.] London, 1754. 4(8X6.2irr.). *6 Paradise Lost. A Poem, in twelve books. [Portrait and Engravings. ] London, 1751. 12 (5.1X2.9 irr.). 17 Paradise Regain d. A Poem, in four books. To which is added Sam son Agonistes ; and Poems on several Occasions, with a Tractate of Edu cation. 8th ed. [Engravings. ] London, 1743. 12 (5X2-7 irr.). 18 Paradise Regained. A Poem, in four books. To which is added Sam son Agonistes : and Poems upon several Occasions. New ed., with notes of various Authors, by T. Newton. [Engravings. ] London, 1752. 4 (8X^.2 irr.). CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY. 429 MILTOX, John, continued. 1 Poetical Works. With a Life of the Author, by J. Mitford. . . . Vol. 1-3. [Portrait.] Boston, 1854. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). 2 [Prose] Works. \_London~] 1697. 2 (10.3X-5.3), pp. 568. NOTE. Several of the treatises have independent title-pages. 3 Remarks on the Character and Writings of Milton. See CILA.NNING, W. E. (Works, vol. 1.) 4 Thoughts on the Trinity. Extracted from " A Treatise on Christian Dis cipline," &c. Boston, 1847. 12, pp. 94. MINNESANGS Friihling (Des) Herausgegeben von Iv. Lachmann und M. Haupt 5 Leipzig, 1857. 8 (6.4X4.1 irr.). MINOT, Hon. George Richards, an American jurist ; b. in Boston, 1758. d. 1802. 6 Continuation (A) of the [ Oov. Hutcliins oil s] History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, from the year 1748 to 1765. With an Introductory Sketch of Events from its Original Settlement. Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1798, 1803. 8 (6X3.2). [2 copies.] 7 History (The) of the Insurrections, in Massachusetts, in the year MDCC- LXXXVI, and the Rebellion consequent thereon. Worcester, 1788. 8 (5.8X3.2). 8 History (The) of the Insurrections in Massachusetts. In the year Seven teen Hundred and Eighty Six. And the Rebellion consequent thereon. 2ded. Boston, 1810. 8 (5.4X3.5). [2 copies.] NOTE. One copy imperfect, wanting 1 to p. 7. Mixucius FELIX, Marcus, a Roman Christian, a native of Africa ; fl. 220. 9 Octavius cum integris omnium Notis ac Commentariis, novaque Recen- sione J. Ouzeli. Cujus & accedunt Animadversiones. J. Meursii No- ta3. Et Liber J. Firmici Materni, de Errore profanarum Religionum. \% paging*.] *** Lugduni Batavorum, 1672. 8 (5.8X3.5). w Octavius (The) of M. Minutius Felix ; translated with Notes and pre liminary Dissertation. See REEVES, W. (The Apologies, &c., vol. 2.) MIRABAUD, M. , a pseudonym. See HOLBACK, P. H. THIRY, Baron D . MIRABEAU, Gabriel Honore DE RIQUETTI, Comte DE, a French political orator & publicist-, b. 1749. d. 1791. 11 Caisse (De La) d Escompte. Par le Comte de Mirabeau. * * * [Paris] 1785. 8 (5.6X3.2). [2 copies.] 12 Contes et Nouvelles imites des Anciens, par . . . [H. G. Eiquetti, Count de Mirabeau]. *** Tours, 1796. 8 (5.3X2.2). NOTE. Lettered " Elegies de Tibulle. Vol. 3." 13 Gallery of Portraits of the National Assembly, supposed to be written by Count de Mirabeau. Translated from the French. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1790. 8 (4.6X3). 14 \_Lettre~] aux Bataves aux le Stathouderat, par le Comte de Mirabeau. [Vignette. ] [No imprint] II 88. 8 (5.8X3.3). 15 Lettres originates de Mirabeau, ecrites du Donjon de Vincennes, pen dant les annees 1777, 78, 79 et 80; contenant tons les Details sur sa Vie privee, ses Malheurs, et ses Amours avec Sophie Ruffei ; recueillies par P. Manuel. *** Tom. 1-4. Paris, 1792. 8 (5.2X3.2). 16 Memoire a consulter et consultation pour le Comte de Mirabeau, Fils, sur sa demande en cassation de 1 Arret du Parlement de Provence, du 5 Juillet 1783, qui le separe de corps & d habitation d avec son Epouse. [Pans ] 1784. 8 (5.9X3.2). 430 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MIRABEAU, Gabriel Honore DE RIQUETTI, Comte DE, continued. 1 Secret History (The) of the Court of Berlin ; . . . In a Series of Let ters, translated from the French. . . . \Wifh~] A Memorial, presented to the present King of Prussia {Frederic William //.], on the Day of his Accession to the Throne, by Count Mirabeau. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1789. 8 (5. 8X3.2). 2 Speeches of M. de Mirabeau the Elder, pronounced in the National As sembly of France. . . . \W dli\ a Sketch of his Life and Character. * * Translated from the French Edition of M. Mejan. By J. White. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1792. 8 (5.3X3). [2 copies.] Editor, Translator, &c. See MACAULAY, Mrs. C. S. Histoire d An- gleterre ; &c. Translator. See TIBULLUS, A. Elegies de Tibulle. MIRABEAU, Victor RIQUETTI, Marquis DE, a French economist ; d. 1790. 3 (Economical Table (The), an Attempt towards ascertaining and exhib iting the Source, Progress, and Employment of Riches, with Explana tions, by ... Marquis de Mirabeau. Translated from the French. London, 1766. 8 (5.8X3.2). MIRROR (The), conducted by Mackenzie. See (BRITISH Essayists. Vol. 28, 29). MISSALE Romanvm ex Decreto sacrosancti Consilij Tridentini restitutum. Pii 4 V. Pont. Max. iussu editum, et dementis VIII. auctoritate recognitum. * * * [Engraving. ] Lvtetiae Parisiorvm, 1631. 8 (6.6X3.8), 2 cols., pp. 678, cxxviii., 8. MISSIONARY Herald (The). 1820-1845. See AMERICAN Board, &c. MISSIONARY Magazine. See PANOPLIST (The), &c. MISSIONARY Register, Massachusetts. See MASSACHUSETTS Missionary Society. MISSIONARY Register (The) for the year 1813-1815 ; containing an Abstract of 5 the Proceedings of the principal Missionary and Bible Societies through out the World. Vol. 1-3. London, 1814- 15. 12 (5.1X2.9). MISSIONARY Register (The) for MDCCCXVI ; MDCCCXVII. containing the principal 6 Transactions of the various Institutions for propagating the Gospel ; with the Proceedings ... of the Church Missionary Society. * * * 2 vols. London, 1816, 17. 8 (7.1X3.9), 2 cols. MITCHEL, Ormsby M Knight, an American astronomer; b. in Ky., 1810. 7 Planetary and Stellar Worlds (The) : a popular Exposition of the great Discoveries and Theories of Modern Astronomy. . . . Ten Lectures. \Plates. ] New York, 1851. 12 (5.5X3.3). MITCHELL, Major Charles C., Prof, of Engineering, Roy.Milit.Acad.,Woohvicli. 8 Fortification. By Major C. C. Mitchell, and Capt. Proctor. See (ENCY CLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. G). MITCHELL, S. Augustus, an American geographer. 9 Accompaniment (An) to Mitchell s Reference and Distance Map of the United States ; containing an Index of all the Counties, Districts, Town ships, Towns, &c., . . . with an Index of the Rivers; . . . [and ] a General View of the United States, and the several States and Territo ries ; . . . Philadelphia, 1834. 12 (7X4). MITFORD, Rev. John. 10 Life of Dryden. See DRYDEN, J. Poetical Works. Vol. 1, pp. i.-cli. 11 Life of Falconer. See FALCONER, W. Poetical Works. Pp. ix.-xxxv. 32 Life of Milton. See MILTON, J. Poetical Works. Vol. 1, pp. i.-cxxxiv. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 431 MITFORD, Rev. John, continued. 1 Life of Prior. See PRIOR, M. Poetical Works. Vol. 1, pp. i.-xlii. 2 Life of Swift. See SWIFT. Poetical Works. Vol. 1, pp. ix.-cxiv. 3 Life of Young. See YOUNG, Eev. A. Poetical Works. Vol. l,pp. vii.- Ixviii. Editor, and Biographer. See GOLDSMITH, W. Poetical Works. Editor, and Biographer. See GRAY, Prof. T. Poetical Works. MITFORD, John, Lord Bedesdale, brother of the following. 4 Treatise (A) on the Pleadings in Suits in the Court of Chancery, by English Bill. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1812. 12 (5.8 irr.X3.1). MITFORD, William, an English historian ; b. in London, 1744. d. 1827. 5 History (The) of Greece. 3d ed. Vol. 1-4. ... Vol. 5-8. London, 1795-1810. 8 (6.1X3.2), m. r. [2 copies.] MODEST Remarks upon the Bishop of London s Letter concerning the late Earth- 6 quakes. By a Quaker. London, 1750. 8, pp. 21. MOHLER, Johann Adam, Prof, of Theol., Univ. of Munich ; b. 1796. d. 1838. 7 Symbolism : or, Exposition of the Doctrinal Differences between Catho lics and Protestants, as evidenced by their Symbolical Writings. Trans lated from the German, with a Memoir of the Author, preceded by an Historical Sketch of the State of Protestantism and Catholicism in Ger many for the last hundred years. 2d ed. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1847. 8 (6.6X3.9). M(EURS (Les). 8 Nouv. ed. ... Amsterdam, 1777. 12 (4.6X3.4). MOHAMMED, or MAHOMET, the founder of Islamism; b. 570. d. 632. 9 Koran (The) ; commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed : translated from the Original Arabic. With explanatory Notes, taken from the most approved Commentators. To which is prefixed, A Preliminary Discourse. By G. Sale. Vol. 1, 2. New ed. * * * [Plates.] London, 1801. 8 (6.4 irr.XS.o). 10 Life of Mahomet, by J. A. Roebuck. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. Lives, &c. 11 Life of Mohammed. See BUSH, G. 12 Life (The) and Religion of Mohammed, as contained in the Sheeah Translations of the Hyat-ul-Kuloob. Translated from the Persian. By J. L. Merrick. Boston, 1850. -8 (6.1X3.5). 13 Mahomet and his Successors. See IRVING, W. Works. Vol. 12, 13. 14 Mohammed and his Successors. See OCKLEY, S. History of, &c. MOHEAU, M. . 15 Recherches et Considerations sur la Population de la France. * * * Par M. Moheau. Paris, 1778. 8 (5.5X3.1). Moi sE, Francois Xavier, a French theologian; b. 1742. d. 1813. 16 Phedon, ou Dialogues Socratiques sur I lmmortalite de 1 Ame. Ecrit en Allemande par M. Mo ise, & traduit par M. Burja. Berlin, 1772. 12 (4.3X2.6). MOISIEENKOW, Feodor. 17 Mineralogische Abhandlung von dem Zinnsteine. Leipzig, 1779. 12, pp. 91. MOLIKRE, Jean Baptiste POQUELIN, a French comic poet ; b. 1622. d. 1673. 18 Amphitryon, Comedie . . . Nouv. ed. Paris, 1775. 8, pp. 63. 19 Medecin (Le) malgre lui, Comedie . . ., par M. de Moliere. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1778. 8, pp. 47. 432 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MOLIERE, Jean Baptiste POQUELIN, continued. 1 (Euvres de Moliere, avec des Remarques grammaticales ; des Avertisse- mens et des Observations . . ., par M. Bret. [Portrait and Engrav ings. ] Tom. 1-6. Paris, 1773. 8 ^5.3X3.2). MOLLER, Henry, a Protestant Hebrew professor, at Wittemberg; b. 1530. d. 1589. 2 Enarrationis Psalmorvm Davidis, ex Preclectionibvs H. Molleri excerp- tse, novissima Editio . . . Cui accesserunt Partes Psalmorvm, Observationes Locorvm Doctrinee, Articvlorvm Note . . . Geneva?, 1603. 2 (11.1X6), 2 cols., pp. 700+. MOLLOY, Charles, an English lawyer & dramatic poet ; d. 1767. 3 Jure (De) Maritime et Navali : or a Treatise of Affairs Maritime, and of Commerce. . . . Vol. 1, 2. 9th ed., with . . . Additions. London, 1769. 8 (6.2X3), m. n. MONBODDO, Lord. See BUBNET, James, Lord Monboddo. MONBRON, Fougeret DE, a native of Peronne; d. 1760. 4 Cosmopolite (Le) ou Citoyen du Monde. Par M. de Monbron. * * * Londres, 1753. 8 (4.5X2.7). MOXGAULT, Nicolas Hubert, I Abbe de Villetreuve; b. 1674. d. 1746. Editor, Translator, &c. See CICERO, M. T. Lettres de C. a Atticus, &c. MONGE, Gaspard, a French mathematician ; b. 1746. d. 1818. 5 Geometric descriptive. 4eme ed., augmentee d une Theorie des Ombres et de la Perspective, extraite des Papiers de 1 auteur, par M. Brisson. \Plates. ] Paris, 1820. 4 (7X6). MONGEZ, Jean Andre, a French physician & naturalist; b. at Lyons, 1751. Translator, &c. See BERGMAN, T. Manuel des Mineralogiste. MONITEUR Universel (Le) ou (Gazette Nationale) ; commence le 5 Mai 1789. 6 Precede d une Introduction historique, contenant un Abrege des Anciens Etats-Generaux, des Assemblies des Notables, et des principaux Evene- mens qui out amene la Revolution. 5 Mai 1789 30 Janvier 1798 ; 23 Septembre 179931 Decembre 1807. * * * 33 vols. Paris, 1789-1807. 2 (15X9.2), 3 cols. 7 Revolution Franchise. Table Alphabetique du Moniteur, depuis 1787 jusqu a 1 an . . . 1799. Tom. 1. Noms d Hommes. 2. Noms des Vil- les et Titres des Matieres. Paris, 1802. 2 (14.4X9), 3 cols. MONK, James Henry, Bishop of Gloucester ; b. 1784. d. 1856. 8 Life (The) of Richard Bentley, 13. D. : with an Account of his Writings, and Anecdotes of many distinguished Characters ... 2d ed., revised & enlarged. ... Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait. ] London, 1833. 8 (6.3X3. 7). MONNEREAU, Elie. 9 Parfait Indigotier (Le) ou Description de PIndigo . . . ; ensemble un Traite sur la Culture de la Cafe, la Description, & de sa Manufacture. \_Plate.~] Nouv. ed., augmentee. \_Plates.~] Amsterdam, 1765. 12 (4.9X2.7). MONRO, Donald, M.D., F.E.S. 10 Treatise (A) on Medical and Pharmaceutical Chymistry, and the Ma- teria Medica : to which is added, an English Translation of the . . . Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, 1788. ... Vol. 1-3. London, 1788. 8 (5.8X3.2). MONRO, liev. Charles. 11 Parochial Lectures, on English Poetry, and other Subjects. London, 1856. 8 (5.7X3.2). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 433 MONIIO, John. 1 Nova & artificiosa Methodus docendi Linguam Latinam ; seu Institutio Grammaticse compendiaria . . . Londini, 1687. 4 (8X5), pp. 79. MONROE, James, oth Pres. of the U.S.; b. in Va., 1758. d. 1831. 2 Addresses and Messages. See WILLIAMS, E. (Addresses, &c., vol. 1.) 3 Biographical Sketch of. See WILLIAMS, E. (Addresses, &c., vol. 1.) 4 Executive Messages, Addresses, &c. See UNITED STATES. 5 View (A) of the Conduct of the Executive, in the Foreign Affairs of the United States, connected with the Mission to the French Republic, dur ing the years 1794, 5, & 6. ... Philadelphia, 1797. 8 (6.6X3.5). MONSIGNY, Madame Mary. 6 Mythology :... 1st American ed. Randolph, Vt., 1809. 12(5.5X3.1). MONTAGU, Basil, an English lawyer & author; b. 1770. d. 1851. ? Letter addressed to C. P. Cooper, upon the Report of the recent Record Committee. London, 1837. 8, pp. 16. 8 Preface to Bacon s Essay. See BACON, F. MONTAGU, Edward Wortley, an English miscellaneous author ; b. 1713. d. 1776. 9 Reflections on the Rise and Fall of the Ancient Republicks, adapted to the Present State of Great Britain. * * * 4th ed. London, 1778. 8 (5.7X3. 3). [3 copies.] MONTAGUE, Michel, Seigneur DE, a French essayist ; b. 1533. d. 1589. 1 Essais. Tom. 1-3. [Portrait.] Paris, 1793. 8 (5.6X3.1), m. n. MONTALEMBERT, Charles FORBES, Comte DE, a French statesman; b. 1810. 11 Political Future (The) of England. By the Count de Montalembert. From the French. New ed. London, 1856. 12 (5.2X3.2). MONTANUS, Benedictus Arias. See ARIAS MONTANUS, B. MONTESQUIEU, Charles DE SECONDAT, Baron DE, a Fr. publicist ; 6.1689. d.1155. 12 Esprit (De L ) des Loix, par M. de Montesquieu. Nouv. ed., augmentee parl auteur. ... Tom. 1-4. *** Amsterdam, 1770. 12(4.7X2.7). 13 CEuvres de M. Montesquieu, Nouv. ed., revue, corrigee & ... augmen tee par 1 auteur. Tom. 1-3. * * * [Portrait.] Londres, 1767. 4 (7X4.4). 14 CEuvres de M. Montesquieu. Nouv. ed., revue, corrigee & augmentee ... Tom. 1-7. *** Lyon, 1792. 12 (4.7X2.5). 15 CEuvres posthumes de Montesquieu, . . . Paris, 1798. 8 (5. 3X3.1). *6 Spirit (The) of Laws. Translated, from the French of M. de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu. By T. Nugent. Vol. 1, 2. *** 5th ed. ... London, 1773. 8 (6.1X3.8), m. r. 17 Spirit (The) of Laws. Translated from the French of M. de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu. Vol. 1,2. *** Glasgow, 1793. 12(5.4X3). MONTFAUCON, Bernard DE, a French Benedictine monk ; b. 1655. d. 1741. 18 Antiquite (L ) expliquee et representee en Figures. Tom. 1-5. . . . 2de ed., revue & corrigee. Paris, 1722. 2 (11.7 irr.X6.4). NOTE. Each volume is in two parts, with independent title-pag-es. MONTGOMERY, James, a British poet, politician & journalist ; 6. 1771. d. 1854. 1 9 Christian Poet (The) ; or, Selections in Verse, on Sacred Subjects. With an introductory Essay. * * * 3d ed. [Portrait of Cowper.] Glasgow, 1828. 12 (4.4X2.5), pp. xlviii., 500. 20 Christian Psalmist (The) ; or, Hymns, selected and original. With an introductory Essay. * * * 4th ed. [Frontispiece.] Glasgow, 1826, 12 (5.2X3 irr.), 55 434 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MONTGOMERY, James, continued. 1 Journal of Voyages and Travels by Rev. D. Tyerman and G. Bennett, ... in the South Sea Islands, China, India, &c. between the years 1821 and 1829. Compiled from original Documents, by J. Montgomery. . . . Vol. 1-3. * * * From 1st London ed., revised by an American Editor. [Portraits and Engravings. ] Boston, 1832. 12 (5.5X3.2). 2 Lectures on Poetry and General Literature, delivered at the Royal In stitution in 1830 and 1831. *** London, 1833. 12 (5.5X3.1). 3 Poetical Works. With a Memoir of the Author {by R. Carruthers}. . . . Vol. 1-5. . . . {Portrait. ] Boston, 1858. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). 4 Verses to the Memory of Richard Reynolds. See REYNOLDS, R. MONTGOMERY, Richard, an American revolutionary general ; b. 1736. d. 1775. 3 Life, by J. Armstrong. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 1.) MONTHLY Anthology (The), and Boston Review. Containing Sketches and 6 Reports of Philosophy, Religion, History, Arts, and Manners. * * * Vol. 1-10. 1804-1811. Boston, 1804- ! 1. 8 (6.6X3.6), 2 cols. MONTHLY Review (The) ; or, Literary Journal: from January to March, 1756; 7 November, 1769; March to June, 1770; July to December, 1770. Vol. 43; July to December, 1771. Vol.45; January, 1776 to December, 1777. Vol. 54-57; March, 1786; November, 1788. 7 vols. London, 1756- 88. 8 (6.7X3.6). MONTHLY Review (The) ; or Literary Journal, enlarged: from January 1792 to 8 August, 1795. Vol. 7-17 ; October, 1796 to March, 1797 ; May, 1799 to August, 1803. Vol. 23-41 ; September to December, 1804. Vol. 45 ; May to August, 1805. Vol. 47. 32 vols. London, 1792-1805. 8 (6.7X3.6). MONTI, Vincenzo, an Italian poet; b. 1733. d. 1828. 9 Aristodemo (L ). See ALFIERI, V. (Quindici Tragedie, vol. 3.) 10 Basvilliana (La) di V. Monti L Invito a Lesbia di L. Mascheroni I Se- polcri di U. Foscolo I Sepolcri di Ippolito Pindemonte Sermoni di Gasparo Gozzi II Mantino il Mezzogiorno il Vestro a la Notte di G. Parini. Inni Sacri di A. Manzoni. Lugo, 1824. 24 (4X2.4). n Poesie. Tom. 1, 2. Pisa, 1800. 8 (4.1X2.9). 12 Tragedie. {Portrait. ] Firenze, 1832. 8 (6.6X4), 2 cols. MONTJOIE, Felio Christophe GALART DE, a French litterateur; b. 1756. d. 1816. 13 Histoire de la Conjuration de Maximilien Robespierre. Par Montjoie. Nouv. ed., revue, etc. {Portrait. ] Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1801. 24 (3.5X3.1). 1 4 Histoire de la Conjuration de L. P. J. d Oiieans, surnomme Egalite. Tom. 1-6. {By F. C. Galart de Montjoie. ] Paris, 1800. 24 (3.7X2.1). MONTUCCI, Antoine, a learned Chinese-scholar; b. in Sienne, 1762. d. 1827. Editor. See ALFIERI, V. Quindici Tragedie. MONTUCLA, Jean Etienne, a French mathematician; b. 1725. d. 1799. J5 Histoire des Mathematiques, dans laquelle on rend compte de leur pro- gres depuis leur origine jusqu a nos jours ; ou Ton expose le tableau et le developpement des principals decouvertes dans toutes les parties des Mathematiques, les contestations qui se sont elevees entre les Mathema- ticiens et les principaux traits de la vie des plus celebres. Nouv. ed., considerablement augmentee, et prolongee jusque vers 1 epoque actuelle. Tom. 1-4. {Plates.] Paris, 1799 -1802. 4 (7.2X4.5). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 435 MONUMENTS of Washington s Patriotism. See WASHINGTON, G. MOODY, Rev. Silas, of Arundel, Me.; b. 1742. d. 1816. 1 Sermon, preached at Arundel, January 12, 1800 : on the Death of George Washington. Portsmouth, 1800. 8, pp. 16. MOORE, Edward, an English poet & essayist ; b. 1712. d. 1757. 2 World (The), conducted by Moore. See (BRITISH Essayists. Vol. 22-24). MOORE, Frank. 3 Diary of the American Revolution. From Newspapers and original Documents. Vol. 1, 2. [Portraits, Maps and Engravings.] New York, 1860. 8 (6.5X3.4). 4 Songs and Ballads of the American Revolution. With Notes and Illus trations. *** New York, 1856. 12 (4.5X3.1 irr.). Editor. See REBELLION Record (The). MOORE, Henry, a Methodist preacher, in England. 5 Life (The) of the Rev. John Wesley ; in which are included the Life of his Brother, the Rev. Charles Wesley ; and Memoirs of their Family ; comprehending an Account of the Great Revival of Religion, in which they were the first and chief Instruments. * * * t 9 m y o L ^ 2. [Portraits. } New-York, 1826. 8 (6.9X3.9). MOORE, J. Hamilton, of the British Navy. 6 Practical Navigator (The) and Seaman s New Daily Assistant. . . . Exemplified in a Journal kept from London to the Island of St. Maries, and back again to Falmouth : . . . London, 1772. 8 (6.7X3.9). MOORE, John, M.D., a Scottish physician & author; b. 1729. d. 1802. 7 Essay on the Causes, Nature, and Cure of Consumption. With Charter of Mass. Medical Society. Boston, n. d. 8, pp. 45. [2 copies.] 8 Journal (A) during a Residence in France, from . . . August to ... December, 1792. To which is added, An Account of the most Remarka ble Events that happened from that time to the Death of the late King of France. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1793. 8 (5.7X3.1). [2 copies.] 9 View (A) of Society and Manners in Italy ; . . . Vol. 1-3. * * * 4th ed. Dublin, 1792. 12 (5.1X2.7). 10 View (A) of Society and Manners in France, Switzerland, and Germa ny; ... Vol. 1, 2. 6th ed. * * * Dublin, 1797. 12 (5.2X2.7). 11 Zeluco. Various Views of Human Nature, taken from Life and Man ners, foreign and domestic. [By J. Moore. } * * * Boston, 1792. 8 (6.6X3.7). MOORE, Rev. Martin, of Natick, Mass. 12 Memoirs of the Life and Character of the Rev. John Eliot, Apostle of the North American Indians. Boston, 1822. 24 (4.4X3.6). MOORE, Nathaniel F., LL.D., Pres. of Columbia College; b. 1782. J3 Historical Sketch (An) of Columbia College, in the City of New- York. New- York, 1846. 12 (5.2X3). MOORE, Thomas, Esq., an Irish poet; b. in Dublin, 1779. d. 1852. 14 Epistles, Odes and other Poems. . . . [With] A Notice, critical and biographical, of the Author. Philadelphia, 1806. 8 (6.1X3 irr.). 15 Memoirs of the Life of the Rt. Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Philadelphia, 1825. 8 (6.4X3.5), pp. 602. 16 Poetical Works, collected by himself. With a Memoir. Vol. 1-6. [Portrait. } Boston, 1856. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). 436 BOWDOIX COLLEGE. MORAES, Francesco de. See PALMERIN of England. MORAL Philosopher (The). See MORGAN, T. MORAVIANS (The). See UNITED BRETHREN. MORE, Mrs. Hannah, an English authoress; b. 1745. d. 1833. 1 Memoirs of Life and Correspondence of Mrs. H. M. See ROBERTS, W. 2 Moral Sketches of prevailing Opinions and Manners . . . : with Reflec tions on Prayer. *** London, 1819. 8 (5.1X2.9), pp. 518. a Thoughts on the Importance of the Manners of the Great to General So ciety. [By H. More.] *** 4th ed. Philadelphia, 1788. 24, pp. 81. 4 Works, . . . Vol. 1-8. Philadelphia, 1813. 24 (4.6X2.7). 5 Works. With a Sketch of her Life. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait. ] Boston, 1827. 8 (7.8X4.4 irr.), 2 cols. MORE, Henry, D.D., an English Platonic philosopher ; b. 1614. d. 1687. 6 Enchiridion Ethicum, preecipua Moralis Philosophia? Rudimenta com-, plectens, . . . Londini, 1668. 12 (5.3X2.7), m. r. 7 Enchiridion Ethicum, . . . Ed. 4ta : cui accesserunt Scholia, una cum Autoris Epistola ad V. C. *** Londini, 1711. 12 (5.4X2.9). 8 Epistola ad V. C. quae Apologiam complectitur pro Cartesio, quseque In- troductionis loco esse potent ad universam Philosophiam Cartesiam. * * * Ed. 4ta . . . Londini, 1711. 8, m. r., pp. 86. 9 Modest Enquiry (A) into the Mystery of Iniquity, Part I., containing a . . . Delineation of the True Idea of Antichristianism ... * * Syn opsis Prophetica ; or, Part II. of the Enquiry into the Mystery of Iniqui ty : ... * * * The Apology of Dr. H. More. ... As well a more general Account of the Manner and Scope of his Writings, as a partic ular Explication of several Passages in his Grand Mystery of Godliness. * * * London, 1664. 2 (8. 7X4.8), m. r., pp. 567+. NOTE. Each of the three portions has only independent title-page. MORE, Sir Thomas, an English statesman & philosopher ; b. 1480. d. 1535. 10 Utopia: or, The Happy Republic. A Philosophical Romance, to which is added The New Atlantis, by Lord Bacon. With a preliminary Dis course, containing an Analysis of Plato s Republic, &c., and copious Notes, by J. A. St. John. New ed. London. 1845. 16 (5.1X2.9). u Utopia : and History of King Richard III. [Edited ] with some Ac count of the Author and his Writings [by A. Young ]. Boston, 1834. 16 (4.6X2.7). MOREAU DE MAUPERTUIS, Pierre Louis. See MAUPERTUIS, P. L. MOREAU DE. MOREAU, Jean Victor, a French general , b. 1763. d. 1813. 12 Histoire de Gen. Moreau, jusqu a la Paix de Luneville, contenant tine Notice sur la Vie de ce General, ses Campagnes sur le Rhin et en Italic, etc. *** [Portrait.] Paris, 1802. 16 (4.8X2.7). MOREAU DE SAINT-MERY, Mederic Louis Elie, a lawyer of St. Domingo, aft. Counsellor of State, &c. of France; b. 1750. d. 1819. 13 Authentic Account (An) of the Embassy of the East-India Company, to the Court of the Emperor of China, in the years 1794 and 1795 . . .; taken from the Journal of A. E. Van Braam. Translated from the Original. With .... a Chart of the Route. Vol. 1. 2. London, 1798- 8 (5.7X3.4). [2 copies.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 437 MOREAU DE SAINT- MERY, Mederic Louis Elie, continued. 1 Loix et Constitutions des Colonies Francoises de 1 Amerique sous le vent ; suivies, 1 . d un Tableau raisonne des differentes parties de 1 Ad- ministration actuelle de ces Colonies : 2. d Observations generates sur le Climat, la Population, la Culture, le Caractere et les Moeurs des Habi- tans de la partie Franchise de Saint-])omingue : 3. d une Description physique, politique et topographique des differens Quartiers de cette meme partie ; le tout termine par 1 Histoire de cette Isle et de ses dependances, depuis leur decouverte jusqu a nos jours. Par M. Moreau de Saint- Mery. Tom. 1-6. ... * * * Paris, [1784- 90]. 4 (7.4X4.8). 2 Topographical and Political Description (A) of the Spanish Part of Saint- Domingo, containing general Observations on the Climate, Population, and Productions ; on the Character and Manners of the Inhabitants ; with an Account of the several Branches of the Government: . . . [ivitft] Maps of the whole Island. Translated from the French by W. Cobbett. Vol. 1,2. Philadelphia, 1796. 8 (6.2X3.5). MOREHEAD, Rev. R., an Established clergyman, of Edinburgh. 3 Series (A) of Discourses, on the Principles of Human Belief, as connect ed with Human Happiness and Improvement. Philadelphia, 1810. 8 (6.3X3.5). MOREL DE VIXDE, Vicomte Charles Gilbert, a Fr. agriculturist ; b. 1759. d. 1842. 4 Memoire et Instruction sur les Troupeaux de progression ; suivi d un Rapport fait a 1 Institute de France, par MM. Tessier, Huzard et Silves- tre. Paris, 1808. 8, pp. 94. MORELL, J. D. 5 Historical and Critical View (An) of the Speculative Philosophy of Eu rope in the Nineteenth Century. . . . New York, 1848. 8(6.7X4.9), pp. 752. 6 Philosophy (The) of Religion. New-York, 1849. 12 (5.3X3.3). MORELL, Rev. Thomas, D.D., F.B.S., Rector of Buckland ; b. 1701. d. 1784. 7 Abridgement (An) of the last Quarto Edition of Ainsworth s Dictionary, English and Latin. . . . Designed for the use of Schools. 3d ed. 2 vols. London, 1790. 8 (7X4.1), 3 cols., n. p. Editor. See AINSWORTH, R. Thesaurus Lingua? Latinae compendiarius. Editor. See HEDERICH, B. Groecum Lexicon manuale. MORERI, Louis, S.T.&., a French priest ; b. 1643. d. 1680. 8 Great Historical, Geographical, Genealogical and Poetical Dictionary (The) ; being a curious Miscellany of Sacred and Profane History. . . . Collected . . . more especially out of L. Moreri . . . Vol. 1 [A-L~\. 2 [M-Z]. 2d ed. . . . enlarg d to the year 1688 ; by J. Collier. [Por trait of Collier. ] London, 1701. 2 (11.4X6.5), 2 cols. 9 Supplement (A) to the Great Historical, Geographical, Genealogical and Poetical Dictionary : . . . By J. Collier. Together with a Continuation from the year 1688, to 1705, by another hand. 2d ed. London, 1727. 2 (11.6X6.3), 2 cols. 10 Appendix (An) to the three English Volumes ... of Moreri s Great ...Dictionary. By J. Collier. London, 1721. 2 (11.1X6.6), 2 cols. MORES, Edward Rowe, an English antiquary ; b. at Tunstall, 1730. d. 1779. Editor. See DIONYSIUS, of Halicarnassus. De Antiquis Oratoribus. MORGAN, Augustus DE. See DE MORGAN, A. 438 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MORGAN, Lewis H. 1 League of the Ho-De-No-Sau-Nee, or Lvoquois. [Map, Portrait and Engravings. ] Rochester, 1851. 8 (6.3X3.5). MORGAN, John, M.D., F.E.S., an American physician; b. 1736. d. 1789. 2 Vindication (A) of his Public Character in the Station of Director-Gen eral of the Military Hospitals, and Physician in Chief to the American Army; anno, 1776. Boston, 1777. 8 (5.4X3.3). MORGAN, Sydney OWENSON, Lady; an Irish authoress; b. 1780. d. 1859. 3 Italy, by Lady Morgan. * * * ... Vol. 1. 2. New-York, 1821. 8 (6X3.6). MORGAN, Thomas, M.D. 4 Moral Philosopher (The). In a Dialogue between Philalethes a Chris tian Deist, and Theophanes a Christian Jew. [By T. Morgan. ] . . . * * * 2d ed., corrected. London, 1738. 8 (6X3.3). 5 Moral Philosopher (The). Vol. 2. Being a farther Vindication of Moral Truth and Reason ; occasioned by two books . . . The Divine Authori ty of the Old and New Testaments asserted. ... By Mr. Leland j . . . [and ] Eusebius : or the True Christian s Defence, &c. By Mr. Chapman. By Philalethes [T. Morgan ]. London, 1739. 8 (6X3.3). MORI, Ascanio DE . 6 Novelle. [Portrait.] Firenze, 1832. 8 (6.6X4), 2 cols. MORISON, Eeo. William, of Londonderry, N.H.; b. in Scotland, 1748. d. 1818. 7 Sermon delivered at Londonderry, January 1, 1800; on the Death of Gen. George Washington. Newburyport, n. d. 8, pp. 32. MORITZ, Carl Philipp, a German author; b. 1757. d. 1793. 8 Travels in England, in 1782. See PINKERTOX, J. (Voyages, &c., vol. 2.) MORLAND, Sir Samuel, an English statesman & mechanician ; b. 1625. d. 1695. 9 Brief Account (A) of the Life, Writings and Inventions of Sir Samuel Morland, Master of Mechanics to Charles the Second. * * * [By J. 0. HalliwelL] Cambridge, 1838. 8, pp. 31. l History (The) of the Evangelical Churches of the Valleys of Piemont, Containing a ... Geographical Description of the Place, and a faithfull Account of the Doctrine, Life, and Persecutions of the Ancient Inhabi tants. . . . [With] Relation of the late Bloudy Massacre, 1655. and a Narrative of all the following Transactions to 1658. ... * * * [Por trait, Map and Plates.] London, 1658. 2 (9X7.7), pp. Ixviii., 709. MORNAY, Philippe de, DU PLESSIS. See DUPLESSIS-MORNAY, P. de. MORNING Chronicle (The) and London Advertiser. Oct. 13, 1794 Oct. 9, 1803; n June 6, 1804 Sept. 3, 1806; July 1, 1809 Oct. 10, 1822 ; March 4, 1823- May 22, 1824. 33 vols. London, 1794-1824. 2 (20.8X14.5), 5 cols. MORNING Post (The) and Gazetteer. April 2, 1798 June 4, 1804. The Morn- 12 ing Post. Jan. 22, 1806 Nov. 16, 1809. 3 vols. [Incomplete.] [London] 1798-1809. 2 (17.5X11.5), 4 cols. MORRELL, Rev. William, a Prot.-Episc. clergyman, at Plymouth in 1623. 13 New England ; or, Enarration of the Ayre, Earth, Water, Fish, and Fowies of that Country, and of the Natives. A Poem. In Latin and English. London,1625. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 1st Series,vol.l.) MORRICE, Alexander. 14 Treatise on Brewing ... 4th ed. London, 1806. 8 (5X3.1). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 439 MORRICE, Rev. Matthias, a Dissenting minister of South Wales ; 6.1684. d. 1738. 1 Faith Encouraged, in a ... Exposition of Heb. VI. 4, 5, 6. Heb. X. 26. UohnV. 16. ... * * * London, 1726. 8 (6X3), m. r. 2 Social Religion Exemplified, in an Account of the First Settlement of Christianity in the City of Caerludd; . . . 4th ed. . . . [With] Ac count of the Author, by E. Williams. Shrewsbury, 1786. 12 (5X3). MORRIS, Gouverneur, LL.D., U.S. Senator, &c. ; b. in N.Y., 1752. d. 1816. 3 Life (The) of G. Morris, with Selections from his Correspondence and miscellaneous Papers ; detailing Events in the American Revolution, the French Revolution and in the Political History of the United States. By J. Sparks. ... Vol. 1-3. [Portrait. ] Boston, 1832. 12 (6.1X3.6). 4 Oration delivered June 29, 1814, at the request of ... Citizens of New- York, in celebration of the Recent Deliverance of Europe from the Yoke of Military Despotism. Salem, 1814. 8, pp. 16. 5 Speech on the Judiciary Establishment. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Elo quence of the U. S., vol. 1.) MORRIS, John G. 6 Catalogue of the described Lepidoptera of North America. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. * * * Washington, 1830. 8, pp. 68. MORRIS, John William, a Baptist minister of England. 7 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Rev. Andrew Fuller. . . . Edited by R. Babcock, Jun. [Portrait.] Boston, 1830. 8 (5. 9X3. 3). MORRIS, Rev. Joseph. 8 Sermons . . . London, 1743. 8 (6X3.1). MORRIS, Robert, an American financier, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence; b. in Lancashire, Eng., 1734. d. in Phila., 1806. 9 Correspondence. See UNITED STATES. (Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, vol. 11, 12.) MORRISON, Alexander J. W., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Eng. Translator. See RITTER, H. The History of Ancient Philosophy. MORSE, Jedidiah, D.D., of Charlestown, Mass. ; b. in Conn., 1761. d. 1826. 10 American Gazetteer (The), . . . Illustrated with seven . . . Maps. Boston, 1797. 8 (7X4), 2 cols., n. p. [2 copies.] 11 New Gazetteer (A) of the Eastern Continent ; . . . By J. Morse, and E. Parish. Illustrated with eighteen Maps. Designed as a Second Volume, to the American Gazetteer. Charlestown, 1802. 8 (7X4), 2 cols, n. p. 12 American Geography (The) ; or, A View of the Present Situation of the United States of America. . . . Illustrated with two Sheet Maps. To which is added, A Concise Abridgment of the Geography of the British, Spanish, French and Dutch Dominions in America, and the West In dies ; and of Europe, Asia and Africa. Elizabeth Town, 1789. 8 (6.4X3.8), pp. 534. 13 American Geography ; or, A View of the Present Situation of the United States of America ; . . . With a View of the British, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Dutch Dominions on the Continent, and in the West Indies, and of Europe, Asia and Africa. New ed., revised, corrected, and greatly enlarged, by the author, and illustrated with twenty-five Maps. London. 1794. 4 (8.1X5.8), pp. 714. 440 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MORSE, Jedidiah, fi.D., continued. 1 American Universal Geography (The), or, A View of the Present State of all the Empires, Kingdoms, States, and Republics in the Known World, and of the United States of America in particular. . . . Illus trated with Maps . . . Part I. Being a New Edition of the American Geography . . . Part II. containing a Geographical Description of the Eastern Continent and Islands. 2 vols. Boston, 1793. 8 (6.8X3.9). 2 American Universal Geography (The), . . . Illustrated with twenty- eight Maps and Charts. Part I. The Introduction revised and amended by S. Webber. 4th ed. ... Part II. ... 3d ed. 2 vols. Boston, 1800, 01. 8 (6.8X3.9). 3 Appeal (An) to the Public, on the Controversy respecting the Revolu tion in Harvard College, and the Events which have followed it ; occa sioned by the ... Complaints and Accusations of Miss Hannah Adams, against the author. * * * Charlestown, 1814. 8 (7.1X3-9). NOTE. Compare: HAKVAUD COLLEGE. Miscellnru-ous. Review of Dr. Morse s -Ap peal t > the Pullick," &c.; REMARKS on the Controversy between Dr. Morse and Miss Adams, &c. 4 Discourse, delivered in Boston, July 14, 1808, in grateful celebration of the Abolition of the African Slave-Trade, by the Governments of the United States, Great Britain and Denmark. Boston, 1808. 8, pp. 28. 5 Duty (The) of Resignation under Afflictions, illustrated and enforced ... in a Sermon preached at Charlestown, April 17, 1796, on the Death of Hon. Thomas Russel. Boston, 1796. 8, pp. 31. 6 Report (A) to the Secretary of War of the United States, on Indian Affairs, comprising a Narrative of a Tour performed in the Summer of 1820, . . . for the purpose of ascertaining, for the Use of the Govern ment, the Actual State of the Indian Tribes in our Country : illustrated by a Map . . . [and] Portrait . . . New-Haven, 1822. 8 (6.4X3.5). 7 Sermon before the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, in Bos ton, June 6, 1803, at their Election. Charlestown, 1803. 8, pp. 32. 8 Sermon at Charlestown, July 23, 1812 ; Day in consequence of a Declaration of War with Great Britain. Charlestown, 1812. 8, pp. 32. 9 Sermon, at Charleston, the Sabbath after the Interment of Mrs. Mary Russell, who died July 24, 1806. 8, pp. 18. 10 Sermon delivered before the American Board of Commissioners for For- eign Missions, at their Annual Meeting in Springfield, Mass., Sept. 19, 1821. Boston, 1821. 8, pp. 36. 11 Sermon delivered before the Convention of Congregational Ministers in Boston, May 28, 1812. Boston, 1828. 8, pp. 28. 12 Sermon delivered May 18, 1808, at the Ordination of Rev. J. Hunting- ton. [Ck., by J. Lathrop ; E.H., by W. Channing.~] Boston, 1808. 8, pp. 32. 13 Sermon exhibiting the present Dangers, and consequent Duties of the Citizens of the United States. Delivered at Charlestown, April 25, 1799, the day of National Fast. With Notes. Charleston, 1799. 8, pp. 50. 14 Sermon, preached in Boston, Sept. 25, 1810, before the Managers of the Boston Female Asylum. Boston, 1807. 8, pp. 23. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 441 MORSE, Jedidiah, D.D., continued. 1 Sermon, preached before the Humane Society of Massachusetts, June 9, 1801. Boston, 1801. 8, pp. 53. [2 copies.] 2 Sermon, preached Feb. 28, 1790, upon the Death of Richard Gary, Esq. Boston, 1790. 4, pp. 27. 3 Signs of the Times. A Sermon preached before the Society for propa gating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America, Nov. 1, 1810. With Notes and Appendix. Charlestown, 1810. 8, pp. 72. 4 True Reasons (The) on which the Election of a Hollis Professor of Di vinity in Harvard College, was opposed at the Board of Overseers, Feb. 14, 1805. Charlestown, 1805. 8, pp. 28. Editor. See PANOPLIST (The), &c. 1805-1810. Editor. See STANHOPE, P. D. Elements of a Polite Education. MORT, John, an English Unitarian; b. 1702. d. 1788. 5 Life, Sentiments and Character of John Mort. See TOULMIN, H. MORTIMER, Thomas, Esq., English Vice-Consul at Ostend. Editor. See BEAWES, W. Lex Mercatoria Rediviva. Translator. See NECKER, J. Administration of the Finances of France. MORTON, Rev. Daniel O., of Shoreham, Vt. 6 Memoir of Rev. Levi Parsons, late Missionary to Palestine. . . . [Por trait. ] Poultney, Vt., 1824. 12 (5.8X3.2). MORTON, Hon. Marcus, Governor of Massachusetts. 7 Address to the Citizens of Taunton, Nov. 4-7, 1853. See MASSACHU SETTS. Commonwealth. Constitutions. (Discussions on the Consti tution proposed by the Convention of 1853.) MORTON, Nathaniel, Sec y of Plymouth Colony ; b. in England, 1612. d. 1685. 8 New England s Memorial. 5th ed. Containing besides the original Work, and the Supplement annexed to the 2d ed., large Additions in marginal Notes, and an Appendix ; with ... an ancient Map. By J. Davis. * * * Boston, 1826. 8 (6.3X3.6). MORTON, Mrs. Sarah WENTWORTH, wife of Hon. Perez Morton, of Boston. 9 Ouabi: or the Virtues of Nature. An Indian Tale. . . . By Phile- nia, a Lady of Boston. Boston, 1790. 8, pp. 51. MORTON, Samuel George, M.D., of Philadelphia; b. 1799. d. 1851. 10 Crania Egyptiaca. Observations of Egyptian Ethnography, derived from Anatomy, History, and the Monuments. See AMERICAN Philos. Society. (Transactions, New Series, vol. 9.) 11 Inquiry into the distinctive Characteristics of the Aboriginal Races of America. See BOSTON Society of Natural History. ( Jou :nal, &c., vol.4.) 12 Memoir of the Life and Scientific Labors of S. G. Morton. By H. S. Patterson. See NOTT, J. C. Types of Mankind. Pp. xvii.-lvii. 13 Observations, on the Size of the Brain in Man ; on the Origin of the Human Race ; &c. See NOTT, J. C. (Types of Mankind : &c.) MORTON, Thomas, an English bishop, Chaplain to K. James ; b. 1564. d 1659. 14 Catholike Appeale (A) for Protestants, out of the Confessions of the Ro- mane Doctors ; particularly answering the mis-named Catholike Apologie for the Romane Faith, out of the Protestants : . . . * * * Londini, 1609. 2 (8.8X5.5), m. n., pp. 680+. MORUS, Samuel Friedrich Nathanael, S.T.D.,Prof. at Leipsic; b. 1736. d. 1792. 15 Hermenevtica (Svper) Novi Testament! Acroases Academicae. Edition! aptavit Praefatione et Additamentis instrvxit H. C. A. Eichstadt. Vol. 1, 2. Lipsiae, 1 797, 1802. 8 (5.9X3.5). 56 442 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MORVEAU, L. B. GUYTON DE. See GUYTON DE MOBVEAU, L. B. MOSCHUS, a Greek bucolic poet, of Syracuse ; fl. about 250 B.C. 1 Carmina. See THEOCRITUS. Theocriti etc. Carmina bvcolica. MOSELEY, Prof. Henry. 2 Definite Integrals. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 2). MOSHEIM, Johann Lorenz von, S.T.D., Chanc. Univ. Oottingen; 6.1694. d. 1755. 3 Cudworth s True Intellectual System of the Universe ; with the Notes and Dissertations of Dr. J. L. Mosheira. See CUDWORTH, R. 4 Ecclesiastical History (An), antient and modern, from the Birth of Christ, to the Beginning of the Present Century : in which the Rise, Progress, and Variations of Church Power are considered in connexion with the State of Learning and Philosophy, and the Political History of Europe during that period. Translated from the original Latin, and accom panied with Notes and Chronological Tables, by A. Maclaine. ... To which is added an accurate Index. New ed. Vol. 1-6. London, 1782. 8 (6.5 irr.X3.3). MOTIER, M. J. P. R. Y. G. DE, Marquis de Lafayette. See LAFAYETTE, M. J. &c. MOTLEY, John Lothrop, LL.D., D.C.L. ; b. in Dorchester, Mass., 1814. 5 History of the United Netherlands : from the Death of William the Silent to the Synod of Dort. With a full View of the English-Dutch Struggle against Spain, and of the Origin and Destruction of the Spanish Armada. Vol. 1, 2. [Portraits and Plan.] New York, 1861. 8 (6.5irr.X3.8). NOTE. Continuing-; to be completed in four volumes. 6 Rise (The) of the Dutch Republic. A History. . . . Vol. 1-3. New York, 1856. 8 (6.5X3.8). MOTTE, Andrew. Translator. See NEWTON, I. Mathematical Principles, &c. MOTTE, Guillaume Manquest DE LA. See LA MOTTE, G. M. DE. MOULLIN DE MARGUERY, M. , a physician, of Paris. 7 Traite des Eaux Minerales nouvellement decouvertes au Village de Passy, pres Paris. Par M. Moullin de Marguery. Paris, 1723. 24 (5X2.5). MOUNTER, Jean Joseph, a French publicist ; b. 1758. d. 1806. 8 Considerations sur les Gouvernemens, et principalement sur celui qui con- vient a la France. Paris, 1789. 8, pp. 54. 9 Expose de la Conduite de M. Mounier, dans I Assemblee Nationale, et des Motifs de son Retour en Dauphine. Paris, 1789. 8 (5.5X3.1). MOUNTENEY, Richard. Editor, &c. See DEMOSTHENES. Selectae Orationes. MOURT, George, supposed one of the Plymouth Colony. 10 Relation or Journal of the Beginning and Proceedings of the English Plantation settled at Plimoth in New England by certain English Ad venturers, both Merchants and others. First printed in 1622. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 1st Series, vol. 8; 2d Series, vol. 9.) MouTON-FoNTENiLLE, J. P., of the French Academy, &c. Translator, &c. See LINNE, C. von. Systeme des Plantes. MOXON, Joseph, Hydrographer to Charles II. ; b. 1627. d. 1700. n Tutor (A) to Astronomy and Geography. . . . With an Appendix shewing the Use of the Ptolemaick Sphere. 5th ed., corrected and en larged. Whereunto is added the Antient Poetical Stories of the Stars . . . ; as also a Discourse of the Antiquity, Progress, and Augmentation of Astronomy. *** [Portrait and Plates.] London, 1699. 4 (6.6X4). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 443 MUDIE, Robert, an English naturalist. 1 Popular Guide (A) to the Observation of Nature; . . . (Harper s Family Library, No. 57.) New-York, 1833. 12 (4.5X2.7). MUHLENBERG, William A., D.D., a Prot.-Episc. clergyman, of New York city. Joint Author. See WAINWRIGHT, J. M. The Choir and Family Psalter. MUHLENFELS, Ludwig von, Prof, of German, &c., Univ. of London. 2 Introduction (An) to a Course of German Literature : in Lectures to the Students of the University of London. London, 1830. 8 (5.8X3.5). 3 Introductory Lecture (An) \_on the German and Northern Languages and Literature] delivered in the University of London, Oct. 30, 1828. 2d ed. London, 1829. 8, pp. 32. MUIR, Rev. George, of Paisley, Scotland. 4 Essay (An) on Christ s Cross and Crown. To which are subjoined, Six Sermons. 2d ed. Paisley, 1769. 12 (5.3X3.9). [2 copies.] MULLER, Carl. Editor. See DIODORUS SICULUS. Bibliothecte historicse quce supersunt. MULLER, Carl Ottfreid, Prof. ofArchceol, &c., Univ.of Gottingen; 6.1 797. d.1841. 5 History (The) and Antiquities of the Doric Race. Translated from the German by H. Tufnell and G. C. Lewis. Vol. 1, 2. [Maps.] Oxford, 1830. 8 (6.1X3.5). MULLER, Johann von, a Siviss historian ; b. 1752. d. 1809. Joint Editor. See HERDER, J. G. von. Sammtliche Werke. MULLER, Johann Georg. Editor. See HERDER, M. C. v. Erinnerungen aus dem Leben J. G. von H. Joint Editor. See HERDER, J. G. von. Sammtliche Werke. MULLER, Julian, S.T.D., Prof, of Theol. at Halle-, b. 1801. Joint Editor. See THEOLOGISCHE Studien und Kritiken. 1856-1861. MULLER, John, Prof, of Artillery, &c., Royal Academy at Woolwich. 6 Appendix, or, Supplement to the Treatise of Artillery : . . . [Plates.] London, 1768. 8 (6.1X3.6). 7 Elements of Mathematics. . . . Vol. 1. 2d ed. [Plates.] London, 1757. 8 (5.9X3.1). 8 Treatise (A) containing the Elementary Part of Fortification ... Il lustrated with thirty-four Copper Plates. London, 1746. 8 (5.7X3.2). 9 Treatise (A) containing the Practical Part of Fortification. Illustrated with twenty-eight Copper Plates. London, 1755. 8 (6.3X3.6). Translator. See CLAIRAC, J. A. DE LA M. Chev. DE. The Field Engineer. MULLER, Max, a German orientalist ; b. 1823. 1 Languages (The) of the Seat of War in the East. With a Survey of the three Families of Language, Semitic, Arian, and Turanian. 2d ed., with an Appendix on the Missionary Alphabet, and an Ethnological Map, . . . London, 1855. 8 (6.3X3.4). 11 Lectures on the Science of Language delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in ... 1861. * * * From the 2d London ed., re vised. New York, 1862. 8 (5.5X3.3). MUNK, Edward. 12 Metres (The) of the Greeks and Romans. A Manual for Schools and Private Study. Translated from the German. By C. Beck and C. C. Felton. Boston, 1844. 12 (5.6X3.2). 444 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MUNOZ, Don Juan Baptista. 1 History (The) of the New World. Translated from the Spanish, with Notes by the Translator, an engraved Portrait of Columbus, and a Map of Espanola. Vol.1. London, 1797. 8 (5.7X3.3). NOTE. Only one volume was printed. MUNSTER, Sebastian, Prof, of Theol & Hebrew at Heidelberg; b. 1489. d. 1552. 2 Chaldaica Grammatica . . . non tarn ad Chaldaicos interpretes quam He- brsorum commentaries intelligendos . . . utilissima. . . . Basilea?, 1527. 4 (5.6X3.8). 3 Dictionarivm Chaldaicum, non tarn ad Chaldaicos interpretes quam Rab- binorum intelligenda commentaria necessarium. Basilea, 1527. 4 (5.6X3.8). 4 Kalendarivm Hebraicvm . . . : quod non tarn Hebraice studiosis quam Historiographis & Astronomic peritis subseruire poterit. [Plates.] Basilea?, 1527. 4 (5.6X3.8), m. n. NOTE. The three preceding works are bound together, lettered " Chaldaic Lexicon & Gram mar," and contain Autograph, M Byles. MURDOCH, James E., an American actor ; b. in Phila., 1812. 5 Orthophony : or Vocal Culture in Elocution ; a Manual of Elementary Exercises, adapted to Dr. Rush s " Philosophy of the Human Voice," . . . By J. E. Murdoch and W. Russell. With . . . Directions for the Cul tivation of Pure Tone, by G. J. Webb. Boston, 1845. 12 (5.7X3.2). MURDOCH, John. Joint Translator. See BUFFON, G. L. L., Comte DE. Natural History. Translator. See DENINA, G. M. C. The Revolutions of Literature. MURDOCH, Patrick, A.M., F.R.S. Editor. See MACLAURIN, C. Newton s Philosophical Discoveries. MURE, William; 6. in Ayrshire, Scotland, 1799. d. 1860. 6 Critical History (A) of the Language and Literature of Antient Greece. Vol. 1-5. London, 1850- 57. 8 (6.3X3.6), m. b. NOTE. Left unfinished, in consequence of the death of the author. 7 Journal of a Tour in Greece and the Ionian Islands, with Remarks on the Recent History Present State and Classical Antiquities of those countries. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Maps and Plates.] Edinburgh, 1842. 12 (5.8X3.4). MURPHY, Arthur, an Irish dramatist & author; b. 1727. d. 1805. 8 Essay (An) on the Life and Genius of Samuel Johnson. See JOHNSON, Sam. Works. Vol. 1, pp. 1-187. 9 Essay on the Life and Genius of Tacitus. See TACITUS, C. C. Works. London Ed., Vol. 1, pp. i.-xl. ; Dublin Ed., Vol. 1, pp. vii.-lxii. 10 Ode to the Naiads of Fleet-Ditch. London, 1761. 4, pp. 16. Editor. See JOHNSON, Sam. Works. Translator, &c. See TACITUS, C. C. Works. MURRAY, Hugh, Esq., F.R.S.E. 11 Historical and Descriptive Account (An) of British America ; compre hending . . . also an Account of the Manners and Present State of the Aboriginal Tribes. . . . Vol. 1, 2. (Harper s Family Library, No. 101, 102.) New-York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7). 12 Historical and Descriptive Account of British India, from the most re mote period to the present time . . . ; with Illustrations of the Zoology, Botany, Climate, Geology, and Mineralogy. Also, Medical Observa tions, an Account of the Hindoo Astronomy, the Trigonometrical CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 445 Surveys, and the Navigation of the Indian Seas. By H. Murray; J. Wilson ; R. K. Grenville ; Prof. Jameson; W. Ainslie ; W. Rhind ; Prof. Wallace ; and Capt. C. Dalrymple. . . . Vol. 1-3. With a Map and Engravings. (Harper s Family Library, No. 42-45.) New-York, 1832. 18 (4.5X2.7). 1 Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in Africa, from the earliest period to the present time ; with Illustrations of the Geology, Mineralogy, and Zoology. By Prof. Jameson, J. Wilson, and H. Murray. With a Map ; Plans . . . ; and several Engravings. (Harper s Family Library, No. 116.) New-York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7). 2 Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in the Polar Seas and Regions : with Illustrations of their Climate, Geology, and Natural History ; and an Account of the Whale-Fishery. By Prof. Leslie, Prof. Jameson, and Hugh Murray. (Harper s Family Library, No. 14.) New- York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7). MURRAY, Rev. John, ofBoothbay,Me.,aft. ofNewburyport,Ms.; 6.1743. d.1793. 3 Memoir of Rev. J. Murray. See MAINE Hist. Society. (Coll., vol. 6.) 4 Nehemiah, or the Struggle for Liberty never in vain, when managed with Virtue and Perseverance. State-Fast Discourse, delivered in Newbury- Port, Nov. 4th, 1779. Newbury, 1779. 8, pp. 56. MURRAY, John, Prof, of Chemistry, &c., Univ. of Edinburgh. 5 Elements of Chemistry. Vol. 1, 2. Edinburgh, 1801. 8 (5.9X3.3). 6 System (A) of Chemistry. ... 3d eel. Vol. 1-4. Edinburgh, 1812. 8 (6.1X3.4). MURRAY, Lindley, an English grammarian; b. in Penn., 1745. d. 1826. 7 English Exercises, adapted to the Grammar lately published by L. Mur ray ;... 1st Boston ed. Boston, 1802. 12 (4.5X2.9). 8 English Grammar, adapted to the different Classes of Learners. . . . 3d ed., improved. York, 1797. 12 (5.4X3). 9 English Grammar, . . . 2d Boston ed. Boston, 1802. 12 (5.3X3). 10 English Reader (The) ; or, Pieces in Prose and Poetry, selected from the Best Writers. . . . Greenfield, Mass., 1815. " 12 (5.5X3.1). MUSCULUS, Wolfgang, Prof, of Theol. at Berne ; b. 1497. d. 1563. Translator. See ECCLESIASTICAE Historiae Avtores. MUSGRAVE, Samuel, M.D., F.E.S., of Exeter, Engl; d. 1777. Editor, &c. See EURIPIDES. Tragoediae Fragmenta etc. MUSIC.E Antique Auctores Septem. See MEIBOM, M. Editor. MUSSCHENBROEK, Peter VAN, Prof. of Math., &c.,Univ.ofLeyden-, 6.1692. d.1761. 11 Elements (The) of Natural Philosophy. . . . Translated for the Latin byJ. Colson. Vol. 1, 2. [Plates. ] London, 1744. 8 (6X3.1), m.r. N. NAISMITH, John. 12 General View of the Agriculture of the County of Clydesdale ; with Ob servations on the means of its Improvement. Drawn up for ... the Board of Agriculture, &c. *** [Map. ] London, 1806. 8 (6.2X3.4). NANTON, Robert. 13 Remarques sur le Regne & sur les Favoris de la Reine Elisabeth. See WALSINGHAM, F. Le Secret des Cours. NAPOLEON I., Emperor of the French ; b. in Isle of Corsica, 1769. d. 1821. 14 Court (The) and Camp of Bonaparte. See COURT (The), &c. 446 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. NAPOLEON I., continued. J History of Napoleon Buonaparte. See LOCKHART, J. G. 2 Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. See HAZLITT, W. 3 Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. See SCOTT, Sir W. 4 Napoleon in Exile. See O MEABA, B. E. 5 Napoleon and his Times. See CAULAINCOURT, A. A. L. 6 Remarks on the Life and Character of Napoleon Bonaparte. See CHAN- NING, W. E. (Works, vol. 1.) NAPOLEON III., Emperor of the French ; b. at Paris, 1808. 7 Napoleonic Ideas. Des Idees Napoleoniennes, . . . Brussels: 1839. Translated by J. A. Dorr. New York, 1859. 12 (7.1X2.9). NARES, Edward, D.D., Prof, of History at Oxford, Eng.; b. 1762. Joint Author. See TYTLER, A. F. Universal History. NARRIEN, Prof. John, F.E.S.A. 8 Architecture. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitans, vol. 5). NATIONAL Institute for the Promotion of Science, Washington, D.C. Third 9 Bulletin of the Proceedings, February 1842, to February 1845 ; also, Proceedings of the Meeting of April, 1844. Washington, 1845. 8 (6.9X4). NATIONAL Lord s Day Convention. Abstract of the Proceedings of the Na- 10 tional Lord s Day Convention, held in Baltimore, November 27th and 28th, 1844. Baltimore, 1845. 8, pp. 62. NAUDE, Gabriel, a learned French bibliographer} b. 1600. d. 1653. 11 Considerations politiques sur les Coups d Btat. [No imprint] 1712. 24 (4. 1 X 2). 12 Science des Princes ou Considerations politiques sur les Coups d Etat. Avecque les Reflexions historiques, morales, Chretiennes, & politiques. De L. D[M] M[a?/]. . . . [Strasbourg] 1673. 8 (5.2X2.8), pp. 956+. NAUTICAL Almanac. The Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris. For 13 1804. ... 2d American imp. New Brunswick, N. J., 1803. 8 (6.2X3.9). 14 Nautical Almanac (The) and Astronomical Ephemeris. For the year 1807-1811, 1818, 1837, 1841-1843, 1845-1864. ... 30 vols. London, 1803- 60. 8 (7.8X4.8). 15 Nautical Almanac (The) and Astronomical Ephemeris. For the year 1812-1817, 1819-1836, 1838-1840, 1844. . . . (Blunt s Edition.) 28 vols. New York, 1809- 42. 8 (7.2X4.3). NAVY Register of the United States. See UNITED STATES. NAYLOR, Francis Hare, Esq. 16 History (The) of Helvetia, containing the Rise and Progress of the Federative Republics, to the Middle of the Fifteenth Century. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1801. 8 (5.9X3.4). NEAL, Daniel, an English Dissenting divine-, b. 1678. d. 1743. 17 History (The) of New-England. Containing an impartial Account of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Affairs of the Country to ... 1700. To which is added The Present State of New-England. With a ... Map of the Country. ... Vol. 1, 2. London, 1720. 8 (6.2X3.2), m. d. 18 History (The) of the Puritans or Protestant Non-Conformists, from the Reformation under King Henry VIII. to the Act of Toleration under King William and Queen Mary : with an Account of their Principles, their Attempts for a further Reformation in the Church ; and the Lives and Characters of their most considerable Divines. 2 vols. [Portrait of Author.] 2d ed. corrected. London, 1754. 4 (7.8X5.1), m. r. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 447 JEAL, Daniel, continued. 1 History (The) of the Puritans, or Protestant Non-Conformists, from the Reformation to the Act of Toleration . . . in the year 1688. . . . New ed., revised, corrected, and enlarged, by J. Toulmin. . . . Vol. 1-5. With an Index. *** Portsmouth, 1S16- 17. 8 (6.5 irr.X4). MEANDER, Johann August Wilhelm, Prof. Theol. at Berlin, &c.; b. 1789. d. 1850. 2 General History of the Christian Religion and Church : [translated ] from the German of Dr. A. Neander. . . . By J. Torrey. * * * Vol. 1-4. . . . Vol. 5. Published from the Posthumous Papers, by K. F. Th. Schneider. ... 5vols. Boston, 1847- 54. 12 (6.9X4). VEARCHUS, a Greek admiral, a native of Crete ; lived 4th century B.C. 3 Voyage of Nearchus from the Indus to the Euphrates, collected from the original Journal preserved by Arrian, &c. See VINCENT, W. DECKER, Jacques, a French financier & statesman ; b. in Geneva, 1732. d. 1804. 4 Administration (De 1 ) des Finances de la France. Par M. Necker. *** Tom. 1-3. [No imprint ] 1784. 8 (5.4X3.1). [2 copies.] 5 Compte rendu au Roi, par M. Necker, Directeur general des Finances, au Janvier, 1781. ... Paris, 1781. 4 (7X4.7). 6 Correspondance avec M. de Calonne. Paris, 1787. 12, pp. 76. 7 Importance (Of the) of Religious Opinions. Translated from the French of M. Necker. London, 1788. 8 (5.8X3.1). [4 copies.] 8 Revolution Franchise (De la), par M. Necker. Tom. 1-4. [No imprint] 1796. 8 (5.3X3.1). 9 Treatise (A) on the Administration of the Finances of France. . . . By Mr. Necker. * * * Translated from the genuine French Edition, 1788, by T. Mortimer. ... Vol. 1-3. London, 1785. 8 (5.9X3.3). Vie privee et ministerielle de M. Necker. Par un Citoyen. * * * [Portrait.^ Geneve, 1790. 8, pp. 80. , or NEEDHAM, Marchamont, a noted English political ivriter. it Interest will not lie. Or, a View of England s true Interest : in reference to Papist, Royalist, Presbyterian, Baptised, Neuter, Army, Parliament, City of London. In Refutation of a Pamphlet, intituled, The Interests of England stated. . . . London, 1659. 4 (7X4.5), pp. 55. NEEDHAM, Peter. Editor. See THEOPHRASTUS. Characteres Ethici. NEE DE LA ROCHELLE, Jean Francois, a French litterateur; b. 1751. d. 1838. 12 Bibliotheque historique, ou Choix des meilleurs Livres d Histoire, de Geographic, de Chronologie, de Politique et de Droit public, composes ou traduits en Francais ; precede de divers Jugemens sur les^principaux Historiens Grecs, Latins et Modernes, extraits de Lamothe le Vayer, d Argenson, du Pres. Henault et de Mably. . . . Paris, 1806. 8 (5.7X3.1). NEFF, Joseph, a teacher, near Philadelphia. Translator. See CONDILLAC, E. BONNET DE. The Logic of Condillac. NEILL, Edward I)., Sec y of the Minnesota Hist. Society. 13 Dahkotah Land and Dahkotah Life, with the History of the Fur Traders of the extreme Northwest during the French and British Dominions. Philadelphia, 1859. 8 (6.1X3.8). NEILSON, William, D.D., Minister of Dundalk, Ireland. 14 Greek Exercises, . . . Edinburgh, 1806. 8 (6.2X3.5), 2 cols. 15 Key (A) to the Greek Exercises. Edinburgh, 1806. 8 (6X3.5), pp. 86. 448 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. NELLIUS, Conrad, a German physician. 1 Ermahnung an die auffrichtige Artzt in Teutschlandt, dass sie sich in der Zubereitung und Handtreichung der Remediorum oder Artzneyen, emb- ssiger als biss anhero . . . geschehen befleissen wollen : darin die edle Wissenschafft der Distillirung . . . geleret wird, etc. Bremen, 1580. "4 (6X3.8). NELSON, Horatio, Viscount Nelson, a British admiral; b. 1758. d. 1805. 2 Life of Nelson. See SOUTHEY, R. NELSON, Robert, F.R.S., an English religious writer; b. 1656. d. 1715. 3 Companion (A) for the Festivals and Fasts of the Church of England : with Collects and Prayers for each Solemnity. 24th ed. * * * London, 1782. 8 (6.3X3.5), m. r., pp. 560+. NEMESIANUS, Marcus Aurelius Olympius, a poet of Carthage, of the 3d century. 4 Cynegeticon et Ecloga? IV. See BURMANN, P. (Poetic Latini Minores.) NEPOS, Cornelius, a Roman historian & biographer ; d. about 20 B.C. 5 Cornelius Nepos de Vitis Excellentium Imperatorum. Interpretatione & Notis illustravit N. Courtin . . . in usum Delphini. Ed. lima . . . Londini, 1780. 8 (6.5 irr.X3.9). 6 Vitae Excellentium Imperatorum ; ex editions ... A. van Staveren emendatae. Accedunt Fragmenta . . . Glasguae, 1742. 8 (4.9X2. 5). NERI, Antoine, a Florentine chemist, of the 16th century. 7 Art de la Verrerie, de Neri, Merret et Kunckel. Auquel on a ajoute le Sol sine veste D Orschall ; 1 Helioscopium videndi sine veste solem Chym- icum ; le Sol non sine veste [by C. Grummet] ; le Chapitre XL du Flora Saturnizans de Henckel, sur la Vitrification des Vegetaux ; un Memoire sur la maniere de faire le Saff re [by M. Zimmermann]; le Secret des vraies Porcelaines de la Chine & de Saxe. , . . Traduits de 1 Allemand, par M. D * * * [ Holbach]. [Plates.] Paris, 1752. 4(6.9X4.2),, 629, NESBIT, Anthony, of Manchester, Eng. 8 Complete Treatise (A) on Practical Land-Surveying, designed chiefly foi the use of Schools ... 3d ed., greatly enlarged . . . The whole il lustrated by ... Wood-Cuts, twelve Copper-plates, and an engraved Field-Book of sixteen pages. York, 1824. 8 (6.6X3.5). NETTLETON, Asahel, D.D., a revivalist preacher ; b. in Conn., 1783. d. 1844. 9 Life and Character of Rev. A. Nettleton, D.D. See TYLER, B. NEUE Jahrbiicher fur Philologie und Paedagogik. Begriindet von J. C. Jahn. 10 Gegenwartig herausgegeben von R. Dietsch und A. Fleckeisen. . . . Band 79-86. Leipzig, 1859- 62. 8(6.7X3.8). NOTE. The second volume of each year has also title, " Jahrbiicher fur classische Philologie." 11 Jahrbiicher fur classische Philologie. . . . Supplement. Band 3. Leipzig, 1857- 60. 8 (6.7X3.8), pp. 894. NEUES Hamburgisches Gesanbuch zum offentlichen Gottesdienste und zur ha us- 12 lichen Andacht ausgefertiget von dem Hamburgischen Ministerio. . . . 2te aufl. Hamburg, 1788. 8 (5.8X3.3), 2 cols. NEUES Hamburgisches Magazin, . . . Stuck CIII. 13 Leipzig, 1777. 12, pp. 95. NEUMAN, Henry. 14 Neuman and Baretti s Dictionary of the Spanish and English Langua ges ; . . . Stereotype ed., carefully revised and enlarged . . . In2vols. Vol. 2. English and Spanish. Boston, 1831. 8 (7.2X4.5), pp. 598-f. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRA II Y. 449 NEVE, Richard. 1 City (The) and Country Purchaser s and Builder s Dictionary : . . . 3d ed. corrected and improved . . . London, 1736. 8 (6.5X3.8), 2 cols. NEVILLE, Alexander. 2 Kettvs, siue, De Furoribus Norfolciensium Ketto Duce Liber unus. Ejusdem Xorvicus. *** Londini, 1582. 8 (4.8X2.7), pp. 97-}-. NEVINS, William, D.D. 3 Practical Thoughts. New-York, n. d. 24 (4.4X2.8). NEW Annual Register (The), or, General Repository of History, Politics and 4 Literature, for . . . 1806. . . . London, 1807. 8 (6.6X3.9), 2 cols. NEW BEDFORD, City of. Proceedings on the occasion of Laying the Corner- 5 Stone of the Library Edifice, for the Free Public Library of the City of New-Bedford, August 28, 1856. * * * New-Bedford, 1856. 8, pp. 64. 6 Report (First Annual) of the Trustees of the New Bedford City Library. New Bedford, 1853. 8, pp. 31. 7 Report of the Trustees of the Free Public Library of the City of New- Bedford, for the year 1853-4. New-Bedford, 1854. 8, pp. 15. NEW Catalogue (A) of Living English Authors : with complete Lists of their 8 Publications, and biographical and critical Memoirs. * * * Vol. 1. London, 1799. 8 (5.8X3.3). NEW ENGLAND Historical and Genealogical Register (The). Published quar- 9 terly, under the patronage of the New England Historical and Genealo gical Society. For the year [1847]-1862. Vol. 1-16. * * * [Por traits and Engravings. ] Boston, 1847- 62. 8 (7.2X4.1). NOTE. Continuing. Edited, vol. 1, by W. Cogswell ; 2, by S. G. Drake ; 3, by W. T. Harris ; 4-8, uncurtain ; subsequently by S. G. Drake. NEW ENGLAND Journal (The) of Medicine and Surgery, and Collateral Branches 10 of Science. ... * * * Vol. 1-15. [Quarterly. ] Boston, 1812- 26. 8 (6.6x3.8). NOTE. Vol. 6-10, are also titled " New Series, Vol. 1-5;" vol. 11-15, "Third Series, V<;1. 1-5." Conducted, vol. 1-13, by a number of physicians ; vol. 14, 15, by W. Channing, Jun., M.D. and J. Ware, M.D. NEW ENGLAND Medical Review and Journal (The). Conducted by W. Chan- 11 ning, M.D., and J. Ware, M.D. Vol.1. Boston, 1827. 8 (6.4X3.7). NOTE Lettered, "Medical Journal. 16." Consult NEW ENGLAND Journal, &c. NEW ENGLAND Patriot (The) ; being a candid Comparison of the Principles 12 and Conduct of the Washington and Jefferson Administrations. . . . * * * Boston, 1810. 8 (6.3X3. 7). [2 copies.] NEW ENGLAND Tract Society. Address (An) to Christians recommending the 13 Distribution of cheap Religious Tracts ; with the Constitution of the So ciety. Andover, 1814. 8, pp. 24. 14 Publications (The) of the N[ew] England ] Tract Society. Vol. 1-6. *** Andover, 1820- 22. 12 (5.5X3.3). NOTE. Each tract has independent paging, &c. NEW English-German and German-English Dictionary ; containing all the Words !5 in General Use, . . . Compiled from the Dictionaries of Lloyd, Noh- den, Fliigel, and Sporschil. Vol. 1. English and German. 2. German and English. Philadelphia, 1835, 34. 8 (6.8X3.7), 2 cols. NOTE Bound in one volume. Also with title-pages in German. NEW Estimate 16 (A) of Human Life. . . . London, 1754. 8, pp. 80. NEW HAMPSHIRE, State of. Address of the Convention for framing a New i 7 Constitution of Government for the State of New Hampshire, to the In habitants ; with the Constitution, September, 1781. Portsmouth and Exeter, 1781. 8, pp. 63. 57 450 BOTVDOIN COLLEGE. NEW HAMPSHIRE, State of, continued. 1 Constitution (A), containing a Bill of Rights and Form of Government, agreed upon by the Delegates of New-Hampshire, in Convention, 1783. Portsmouth, 1783. 8, pp. 47. 2 Perpetual Laws (The) of the State of New-Hampshire, from . . . July, 1776, to. . . 1789, ... * * * Portsmouth, 1789. 8 (7.2X3.7), m. b. 3 Reports of the Board of Visitors, Trustees, Treasurer and Superintend ent of the New-Hampshire Asylum for the Insane, 1844 ; 1858 ; 1859 ; 1860; 1861. 5 pamps. 8. Concord, 1844- 61. NEW HAMPSHIRE State Agricultural Society. Transactions of the New Hamp- 4 shire State Agricultural Societies, for 1850, 1851 and 1852. . . . For 1853. Compiled by J. 0. Adams. . . . For 1854-1857. Edited by J. O.Adams. [Engravings.] 6vols. Concord, 1S53- 5S. 8 (6.4X3.7). NEW Jamaica Almanack (The), and Register . . . for the year 1797-1804, 1806. * . . . * * * Ovols. [Maps.] Kingston, [1796-1805]. 12 (5X3.1). NEW Practical System (A) of Human Reason, divested of all supernatural and 6 metaphysical relations, and founded on its only true basis, Conceivability, ...*** [No imprint. ] 12 (4.6X2.9). NEW TESTAMENT. See BIBLE, in loco. NEW Treatise (A) on the Art of Inoculation and Grafting. . . . 7 Salisbury, 1780. 8, pp. vii., 52. NEW YORK, City of. The Picture of New-York ; or, The Traveller s Guide 8 through the Commercial Metropolis of the United States. New-York, 1807. 12 (4.3X2.6). NEW YORK, State of. Address (An) to the People of the State of New-York 9 on the Subject of the Constitution agreed upon at Philadelphia, Sept. 17, 1787. New-York, n. d. 4, pp. 19. 10 Constitution (The) of the State of New-York. Fish-kill, 1777. 8, pp. 33. 11 Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of New-York ; procured in Holland, England and France, by J. R. Brodhead, Agent, under and by virtue of an Act of the Legislature, ... * * * ... Edited by E. B. O Callaghan. With a General Introduction by the Agent. Vol. 1-10. [Portrait, Maps, Charts and Plans.] Albany, 1856- 58. 4 (8. 1X6). 12 Essay on Sheep ; their Varieties Account of the Merinoes of Spain, France, &c. Reflections on the Best Method of treating them, and rais ing a Flock in the United States ; together with . . . Remarks on Sheep and Woollen Manufactures. By R. R. Livingston. . . . New-York, 1809. 8 (6X3.5). 13 Laws of the State of NeAV-York, comprising the Constitution and the Acts of the Legislature, . . . from the First to the Fifteenth Session, inclusive. *** ... Vol. 1,2. *** New-York, 1792. 8 (6.9X3.8). 14 Laws of the State of New-York passed at the Sixteenth Session of the Legislature. Albany, 1792. 8, pp. 100. 15 Letter from Phocion to the considerate Citizens of New- York ; on the Politics of the day. Boston, reprinted, 1784. 8, pp. 19. 16 Second Letter from Phocion to the considerate Citizens of New- York ; containing Remarks on Mentor s Reply. New-York, 1784. 8, pp. 43. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 451 NEW YORK, State of, continued. 1 Natural History of New York. * * * By Authority. 7 vols. {Maps and Plates.-] New-York, &c., 1842- 52. 4 (7.2-.5X5.5). NOTE. Embracing, Part III. Mineralogy, by L. C. Beck ; Part IV. Geology, by W. \V. Mather, E. Emmons, L. Vanuxt-m, and J. Hall; Part VI. Palaeontology, by J. Hall. Title-pages engraved. Each volume has also independent title-page. 2 Preliminary Report on the Census of the State of New-York, for the year 1855. Albany, 1856. 8, pp. 46. 3 Annual Report of the Trustees of the State Library of the State of New York. ... March 1, 1855. Albany, 1855. 8 (7.1X4). 4 Thirteenth Fifteenth Annual Report of the Managers of the State Lu natic Asylum, at Utica. 3 pamps. 8. Albany, 1856- 58. 5 Fifty-fourth Fifty-sixth, Fifty-ninth Sixty-fourth, Sixty-sixth Seven tieth Annual Report of the Regents of the University of the State of New-York. 1841-1843, 1846-1851, 1852-1857. 14 vols. Albany, 1841- 57. 8 (7.2X4). NEW YORK Baptist Union. Sixth Annual Report of the Trustees of the New 6 York Baptist Union for the Ministerial Education ; with the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, Addresses, &c. held at Rochester, July 10, 1855, together with a Statistical Report of Institutions of Learning. Rochester, 1856. 8 (6.5X3.8). NEW YORK Herald (The). [Semi-weekly.] Jan. 30, 1808 Dec. 31, 1814. 4 vols. 7 New York, 1808- 14. 2 (17.2X 12.6), 5 cols. NEW YORK Historical Society. The Charter and By-Laws of the New York 8 Historical Society. Revised March, 1846. New York, 1846. 8, pp. 47. 9 Semi-Centennial Celebration. Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of the New York Historical Society. November 20, 1854. New York, 1854. 8, pp. 96. NEW YORK General Conference. See GENERAL Conference of New York. NEW YORK Review (The). Vol. 1-10. New York, 183 7- 42. 8 (6.4X3.8), 10 NOTE. Published quarterly. Edited successively by C. S. Henry, and J. G. Cogswell. NEWCOMB, Rev. Harvey. 11 Cyclopedia (A) of Missions; containing a Comprehensive View of Mis sionary Operations throughout the World ; with Geographical Descrip tions, and Accounts of the Social, Moral, and Religious Condition of the People. [Frontispiece and Maps.~\ New York, 1854. 8 (7.6X4.6), 2 cols., pp. 784. NEWCOME, Rev. Peter, Vicar of Aldenham, in Hartfordsliire. 12 Catechetical Course (A) of Sermons . . . Being an Explanation of the Church-Catechism, in fifty-two . . . Discourses . . . Vol. 1. 3d ed. 2. 2d ed., review d. London, 1702. 8 (5.7X3.2), m. r. NEWCOME, William, D.D., ArcKbp. of Armagh; b. 1729. d. 1800. 13 Observations on our Lord s Conduct as a Divine Instructor : and on the Excellence of his Moral Character. 1st American ed. Charlestown, 1810, 8 (6irr.X3.4), pp. 516+. [2 copies.] NEWELL, Rev. William, D. D, 14 Discourse on the Cambridge Church-Gathering in 1636 ; delivered Feb ruary 22, 1846. Historical Appendix. Boston, 1846. 8, pp. 65, NEWHALL, Rev. Fales Henry. 15 Their Works do follow them." The Life-Work of Theodore Parker ; a Discourse preached at Roxbury, June 10, and repeated at Concord, June 13, 1860. Boston, 1860. 8, pp. 24, 452 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. XETVLAND. John, Esq., of London. 1 Practice (The) of the High Court of Chancery. ... 1st American, from 2d London ed. Vol. 1. 2. Xew-York, 1826. 8 (6.3X3.5). XEWMAN. Francis William, Prof, of Latin. Univ. College, London; b. 1805. 2 Regal Rome. An Introduction to Roman History. Xew York, 1852. 12 (5.3X3.2). XEWMAN, John. Translator. See XENOPHON. History of the Affairs of Greece. XEVTMAN. John Henry. D.D., noir a distinguished Romanist ; b. in London, 1801. 3 Apollonius Tyanaeus. Miracles. Cicero. Roman Philosophy. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 10). XEWMAN, Samuel Phillips, Prof, of Oral. & Rhet., Bowd. Coll.; b. 1797. d. 1842. 4 Elements of Political Economy. *** Andover, 1835. 12 (5.5X3.3). 5 Practical Method of teaching Rhetoric. See AMERICAN Institute of In struction. (Lectures, &c.. for 1830.) 6 Practical System (A) of Rhetoric : or the Principles & Rules of Style, inferred from Examples of Writing. Portland, 1827. 12 (5.3X3.2). XEWNHAM. W. 7 Human Magnetism ; its Claims to Dispassionate Inquiry. Being an At tempt to show the Utility of its Application for the Relief of Human Suffering. *** Xew-York, 1845. 12 (5.3X3.2). XEWTON, Sir Isaac, an English philosopher ; Woolthorpe, 1642. d. 1727. 8 Chronology (The) of Ancient Kingdoms amended. To which is prefix d, A Short Chronicle from the first Memory of Things in Europe to the Conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great. London. 1728. 4 (6.4X3.9), m. r. [2 copies.] 9 Life of Sir Isaac Xewton. See BREWSTER, D. 10 Life of Sir I. Xewton, by J. B. Biot. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. Lives, &c. 11 Mathematical Principles (The) of Xatural Philosophy. Translated into English by A. Motte. To which are added. Xewton s System of the World ; a short Comment on, and Defence of, the Principia, by W. Em erson. With the Laws of the Moon s Motion according to gravity. By J. Machin. Xew ed., with the Life of the Author ; and a Portrait . . . Carefully revised and corrected by W. Davis. Vol. 1-3. [Cuts and Plates. ] London, 1803. 8 (6.3X2.6). NOTE. Compare: MACLAURIX, C Account of Newton s Philosophical Discover ies; PEMBXRTON, H. View of Newton s Philosophy; WUISTOX, W. Newton s Mathematical Philosophy demonstrated. 12 Opticks : or, A Treatise of the Reflexions, Refractions, Inflexions and Colours of Light. Also Two Treatises of the Species and Magnitude of Curvilinear Figures. [By Sir I. Newton. Plates.] London, 1704. 4 (7.5X5). 13 Opticks : or, A Treatise of the Reflections, Refractions, Inflections and Colours of Light. 3d ed., corrected. [Plates.] London, 1721. 8 (6.1X3.6). XEWTON, Rev. John, D.D., of Olney, aft. of London; b. 1725. d. 1807. l* Authentic Xarrative (An) of some . . . Particulars in the Life of * * * * [John Seicton], communicated in a Series of Letters to Rev. Mr. Haveis; ... * * * Edinburgh, 1801. 24 (4.3X2.5). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAllY. 453 NEWTON, Eei\ John, D.D., continued. 1 Cardiphonia ; or, the Utterance of the Heart ; in the course of a real Cor respondence. ... * * * 6th ed. Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1795. 12 (5.1X2.8). 2 Letters to Dr. Scott. See SCOTT, T. The Force of Truth, &c. 3 Memoirs of the Rev. John Newton. See CECIL, R. (Works, vol. 1.) 4 Messiah. Fifty Expository Discourses, on the Series of Scriptural Pas sages which form the subject of the celebrated Oratorio of Handel. In 2 vols. Vol.2. *** Whitehall, 1803. 12 (5.1X2.8). 5 Works. Containing an Authentic Narrative, etc. Letters on Religious Subjects, Cardiphonia, Discourses intended for the Pulpit, Sermons preached in the Parish Church of Olney, a Review of Ecclesiastical His tory, Olney Hymns, Poems, Messiah, Occasional Sermons, and Tracts. To which are prefixed, Memoirs of his Life, by J. [properly J?.] Cecil. . . . Vol. 1,2. Philadelphia, 1831. 8 (7.4X4.4). NEWTON, Rejoice, Esq. 6 Oration at Worcester, July 4, 1S14. Worcester, 1814. 8, pp. 24. NEWTON, Thomas, D.D., Bishop of Bristol; b. 1704. d. 1782. 7 Dissertations on the Prophecies, which have remarkably been fulfilled, and at this time are fulfilling in the world. ... Vol. 1, 2. 9th ed. Perth, 1790. 12 (5.6X3.1). 8 Dissertations on the Prophecies, . . . Vol. 1,2. From 10th European ed. New- York, 1794. 8 (6.9X3.8). 9 Life of Milton. See MILTON, J. Paradise Lost, Ed. 1754, Vol. 1, pp. i.-lxix. Editor, &c. See MILTON, J. Paradise Lost ; Paradise Regained. NEWTON Theological Institution. A General Catalogue of the Newton Theol. 10 Instit., with Annual Catalogue for 1859-60. Boston, 1859. 12, pp. 38. NlBELUNGEN-LlED, or NlBELUNGEN-NoTH, a German epic poem ; dating 1200. 11 Abstract of Nibelungen Lay. See ILLUSTRATIONS of Northern Anti quities, &c. NICCOLINI, Giovanni Battista, an Italian poet ; b. 1785. 12 Tragedie. [Portrait.] *** Firenze, 1832. 8 (6.6X4), 2 cols. NICIIOL, John Pringle. LL.D., F.R.S., a Scottish astronomer ; b. 1804. d. 1859. 13 Contemplations on the Solar System. 2d ed. [Plates.] Edinburgh, 1844. 16 (5.3X2.9). 14 Planet Neptune (The) : an Exposition and History. [Plates.] London", 1848. 16 (5.2X3). 15 Thoughts on some important Points relating to the System of the World. [Plates.] Edinburgh, 1848. 8 (5.2X3.1). 16 Views of the Architecture of the Heavens. 4th ed. [Plates.] Edinburgh, 1843. 12 (5.3X3). NICHOLS, Her. Ichabod, D.D., of Portland ; d. 1859. 17 Hours with the Evangelists. In 2 vols. Vol. 1. [Engraving.] Boston, 1859. 8 (6X3.5). NICHOLSON, Francis. 18 Practice (The) of drawing and painting Landscape from Nature, in Water Colours ; . . . with Observations on the Study of Nature, and various other matters relative to the Arts. 2d ed. London, 1823. 4 (7.4X5.1). 454 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. NICHOLSON, Peter. 1 Architectural and Engineering Dictionary (An), containing a correct No menclature and Derivation of the Terms employed by Architects, Build ers, and Workmen. Exhibiting ... the Theory and Practice of the various Branches of Architecture and Engineering, in Carpentry, Joinery, Masonry, Bricklaying, and their Dependence on each other ; the Sciences to be understood ; and Lives of the principal Architects. ... 281 Plates. Vol. 1 \_A-Lyj]. 2 [Mag-Z~\. London, 1835. 4 (8.3X6.5), 2 cols. 2 Carpentry. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 6). 3 Practical System (A) of Algebra, designed for the use of Schools . . . By P. Nicholson, and by J. Rowbotham. * * * London, 1824. 12 (5.6X3.4). 4 Key (A) to Nicholson and Rowbotham s Practical System of Algebra, ... * * * London, 1825. 12 (5.6X3.4). NICHOLSON, William, F.R.S., of London. 5 Dictionary (A) of Chemistry, exhibiting the Present State of the Theory and Practice of that Science, its Application to Natural Philosophy, the Processes of Manufacture, Metallurgy, and numerous other Arts . . . Illustrated with Engravings. . . . Vol. 1 [<4 bs- Ore }. 2 \_Ore-Zin~\. London, 1795. 4 (8.1X3.4). 6 Dictionary (A) of Practical and Theoretical Chemistry, with its Applica tions to the Arts and Manufactures, and to the Explanation of the Phe nomena ; . . . With Plates and Tables. London, 1808. Thick 8 (7.3X4.1), 2 cols., n. p. 7 Introduction (An) to Natural Philosophy. Illustrated with Copper Plates. * * * 3d ed., with improvements. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1788. 8 (6.2X3.3). NOTE. The two volumes are paged continuously and bound tog-ether. a Introduction (An) to Natural Philosophy. Illustrated with Copper Plates * * * 3d ed., with improvements. . . . Vol. 1,2. * * * London, 1790. 8 (6.1X3.4). 9 Journal (A) of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts : illustrated with Engravings. Vol. 1-5. London, 1797-1802. 4 (7.6X5.4). 10 Journal (A) of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts. Vol. 1-25. Illustrated with Engravings. London, 1802- 10. 8 (6.4X3.3), m. n. NICOLAS, Sir Nicholas Harris, an English antiquary ; b. 1799. d. 1848. 11 Memoir of White. See WHITE, H. K. Poetical Works. Pp.xi.-lvi. Editor. See GREAT BRITAIN. JRecord Commission. Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England. NICOLAS de Lyra, a converted Jew, and a Franciscan monk , d. at Paris, 1340. Annotator. See BIBLE, The New Testament.. Novum Testamentum. NICOLE, Pierre, a French moralist & theologian; b. 1625. d. 1695. 12 Discourses: translated from Nicole s Essays, by J. Locke, with im portant Variations from the original French. 1. On the Existence of a God. 2. On the Weakness of Man. 3. On the Way of preserving Peace. ... London, 1828. 12 (4.5X2.8). Joint Author. See ARNAULD, A. La Logique, etc. NlCOMACHUS Gerasenus, a celebrated mathematician of the 2d century. 13 Harmonices Manvale, Greece et Latine, cum Notis. See MEIBOM, M. (Antiqvsp Mvsicse Avctores Septem, vol. 1.) CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 455 NIEBUHR, Barthold Georg, a German historian; b. 1776. d. 1831. 1 History (The) of Rome. Translated by J. C. Hare and C. Thirlwall. Vol. 1, 2. [Map.] Cambridge, 1831, 32. 8 (6.2X3.2). 2 Lectures on Ancient Ethnography and Geography, comprising Greece and her Colonies, Epirus, Macedonia, Illyricum, Italy, Gaul, Spain, Bri tain, the North of Africa, etc. Translated from the German Edition of Dr. Isler, by L. Schmitz, with additions and corrections from his own MS. Notes. ... Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1854. 8 (6.3X3.5). 3 Lectures on Ancient History, from the Earliest Times to the Taking of Alexandria by Octavianus. Comprising the History of the Asiatic Na tions, the Egyptians, Greeks, Macedonians and Carthaginians. Trans lated from the German Edition of Dr. M. Niebuhr, by L. Schmitz, with additions and corrections from his own MS. Notes. . . . Vol. 1-3. [En graving.] London, 1852. 8 (6.7X3.7). 4 Life of C. Niebuhr, translated. See (BIBLICAL Repository, &c., vol. 2). 5 Life (The) and Letters of B. G. Niebuhr. With Essays on his Charac ter and Influence, by the Chev. Bunsen and Profs. Brandis and Loebell. [Edited and translated by Susanna Winkworth.] New York, 1852. 12 (5.9X3.4), pp. 563. NIEBUHR, Carsten, father of the preceding, a German traveller ; 6.1733. d. 1815. 6 Life of Carsten Niebuhr, by Mrs. S. Austin. See SOCIETY for the Dif fusion of Useful Knowledge. library, &c. Lives, &c. 7 Life, by B. G. Niebuhr, translated. See (BIBLICAL Repository, &c., vol.2). 8 Life of C. Niebuhr. See ST. JOHN, J. A. (Lives of Cel. Travellers, vol. 3.) 9 Travels through Arabia, and other Countries in the East, performed by M. Niebuhr. Translated into English by Robert Heron. With Notes by the Translator ; and illustrated with Engravings and Maps. . . . Vol. 1,2. Edinburgh, 1792. 8 (5.9X3.2). 10 Travels through Arabia and other Countries in the East, performed by M. Niebuhr. Translated by Robert Heron. With Notes by the Trans lator ; and illustrated with Engravings. ... 2d ed. Vol. 1 , 2. Perth, 1794. 12 (4.5X2.6). NOTE. Robert Heron was a name assumed by John Pinkerton. This translation, beside* omitting the most valuable and scientific parts, is, in other respects, very unworthy. NIEMAYER, Hermann Agathon, Prof, of Theol. at Jena, &c.; b. 1802. d. 1851. 11 Collectio Confessionum in Ecclesiis Reformatis publicatarum. Lipsiae, 1840. 8 (6.6X3.4), m. b., pp. LXXXVIIL, 851. 12 Collections Confessionum in Ecclesiis Reformatis publicatarum Appen dix, qua continentur Puritanorum Libri Symbolic!. Lipsiae, 1840. 8 (6.4X3.7). NlEUWENTYT,Bernardus, a Dutch mathematician & philosopher ; 6.1654. d.1718. 13 Religious Philosopher (The) : or, The Right Use of contemplating the Works of the Creator. ... 2 vols. . . . Translated from the Low- Dutch [by J. Chamberlayne]. ... 3d ed. Adorned with Cuts. London, 1724. 4 (7.4X5). 14 Religious Philosopher (The) : or the Right Use of contemplating the Works of the Creator. . . . Vol. 1-3. . . . Translated from the Low-Dutch, by J. Chamberlayne. . . . 5th ed., corrected. Adorned with Cuts. London, 1745. 8 (6.2X3.2). NOTE. Paley was much indebted to this treatise for the matter of his Natural Theology. NILES, Rev. Samuel, of Braintree, Mass. ; b. 1674. d. 1762. 14 History of the Wars in New England with the Indians and French. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 3d Series, vol. 6; 4th Series, vol. 5.) 456 B-OWDOIN COLLEGE. NILES, Rev. Samuel, of Abington, Mass. ; b. 1744. d. 1814. 1 Remarks on a Sermon preached before the Plymouth Association of Ministers, Sept. 26, 1810, by J. Reed. Boston, 1813. 8, pp. 62. NITZSCH, Gregor Wilhelm, a German philologist ; b. 1790. 2 Erkliirende Anmerkungen zu Homer s Odyssee. Bd. 1-3. Hannover, 1826- 40. 8 (6.8X3.9). NITZSCH, Karl Immanuel, a German theologina, brother of the preceding ; 6.1787. Joint Editor. See THEOLOGISCHE Studien und Kritiken. No FICTION : a Narrative founded on recent and interesting Facts. * * * 7th 3 eel. ... Vol. 1,2. Hartford, 1821. 12 (4.8X2.9). NOBLE, Rev. Mark, Chaplain to the Earl of Leicester. 4 Historical Genealogy (An) of the Royal House of Stuart, from the Reign of K. Robert II. to that of K. James VI. . . . London, 1795. 4 (6.9X4.4), m. b. NOBLER, Charles, a French litterateur ; b. 1783. d. 1844. Editor, &c. See BOISTE, P. C. V. Dictionnaire universel de la Langue Franoais. NOMENKLATURA : or, Nouns and Verbs in English and Latin, . . . For the use 5 of Eton-School. Eton, 1763. 16 (4.5X3), pp. 86. NORDHEIMER, Isaac, Pro/, of Arabic, Univ. of City of New York. 6 Critical Grammar (A) of the Hebrew Language. . . . Vol. 1, 2. 2d ed. New York, 1842. 8 (6.7X3.9). NORRIS, Rev. John, Fellow of All- Souls College, Oxford, Eng. 1 Reflections upon the Conduct of Human Life ; with reference to the Study of Learning and Knowledge. ... To which is annex d, a Visi tation Sermon. 2d ed. London, 1691. 8 (5X2.5). NORTH, H., a teacher, of London. Translator. See TRESSAN, LA VERGNE, Abbe DE. Mythology, &c. NORTH AMERICAN Review (The). Vol. 1-95. * * * [Quarterly. ~] 8 Boston, 1815-62. Vol. 1-58, 8; 59-95, 12 (6.5X3.5). 9 General Index to the North American Review, from its Commencement in 1815 to the End of the 25th Volume . . . Boston, 1829. 8 (6X3.6). NOTE. Vol l-!2 ave The North American Review and Mi-crllaneous Journal." Edi ted, May, 1815 Jan., 18(7 by W. Tudor ; .May, 1817 March, 1818 l.y J. Sparks ; May, 18!8--()i-t., 18.9 by E. T. Chaiming; Jan., 1820 -Oct., 1823 by E Everett; Jan., 1824 Apjil, 1830 I y J. Sparks ; July, 1830 -Oct., 1835 l.y A. II. Everett ; Jan., 1835 Jan., 1813 by J. G. Palfrey; 1813-!8. r :3 by E. B.nven ; sui.srquenth by-A. I . Fealody. NORTH BRITISH Review (The). February, 1859 November, 1862. Vol. 30-37. 10 American Edition. . . . New-York, 1859- 62. 8 (8.4X4.9), 2 cols. NORTH CAROLINA, State of. Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of H North-Carolina, convened at Hillsborough, July 21, 1788, for the purpose of deliberating and determining on the Constitution recommended by the General Convention at Philadelphia, September 17, 1787. Edenton, 1789. 8 (6.2X3.4). NORTON, Andrews, D.D., Prof, of Sacred Lit. Harvard Coll.; ft. 1786. d. 1853. 12 Additions made in the 2d Edition of the 2d and 3d Vols. of Norton s- Evidences of the Genuineness of the Gospels. Cambridge, 1848. 8, pp. 18. 13 Discourse (A) on the Latest Form of Infidelity; delivered at the request of the "Association of the Alumni of the Cambridge Theological School," July 19, 1839. With Notes. 8, pp. 64. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 45 NOHTON, Andrews, D.D., continued. 1 Discourse (A) on Religious Education ; delivered at Hingham, May 20, 1818. Annual Derby Lecture. Boston, 1818. 8, pp. 27. 2 Evidences (The) of the Genuineness of the Gospel. Vol. 1-3. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1846-48. 8 (5.5X3.2). [2 copies.] 3 Inaugural Discourse [on the Extent and Relations of Theology }, de livered before the University in Cambridge, August 10, 1819. Cambridge, 1819. 8, pp. 48. 4 Internal Evidences of the Genuineness of the Gospels. Part I. Re marks on Christianity and the Gospels, with particular reference to Strauss s " Life of Jesus." II. Portions of an unfinished Work. Boston, 1855. 8 (5. 6X3.4). 5 Letter to Mr. Ticknor on the Origin and Progress of Liberal Views of Christianity in New England, and on Mr. Buckminster s Relations to them. [No imprint. ] 8, pp. 8. 6 Poetry (On the) of Mrs Hemans. From the Christian Examiner for January, 1836. [No imprint. ] 8, pp. 34. 7 Recent Publications concerning Goethe. By A. N[or<on]. From the Select Journal for April, 1833. [No imprint.] 8, pp. 44. 8 Remarks on a Pamphlet entitled " The Latest Form of Infidelity exam ined." Cambridge, 1839. 8, pp. 72. 9 Remarks on a Report of a Committee of the Overseers of Harvard Col lege, proposing certain Changes, relating to the Instruction and Disci pline of the College ; read May 4, 1824. By . . . [ A. Norton ]. Cambridge, 1824. 8, pp. 12. 10 Review of "Men and Manners in America, by . . . [T. Hamilton]." From the Select Journal, No. I. for 1834. [No imprint] 8, pp. 21. 11 Review of a Sermon delivered at New York, December 7, 1826. By W. E. Channing. . . . Bostop, 1826. 8, pp. 8. 12 Speech delivered before the Overseers of Harvard College, February 3, 1825, in behalf of the Resident Instructors of the College. With an Introduction. Boston, 1825. 8, pp. xxiii., 35. [2 copies.] 13 Statement (A) of Reasons for not believing the Doctrines of Trinita rians, concerning the Nature of God, and the Person of Christ. Cambridge, 1833. 12 (5.7X3.3). [2 copies.] 14 Tracts concerning Christianity. Cambridge, 1852. 12 (5.5X3.2). Joint Editor. See SELECT Journal of Foreign Periodical Literature. Translator, and Annotator. See BIBLE, Portions of the New Testa ment. A Translation of the Gospels. NORTON, Rev. Jacob, of Weymouth, Mass. 15 Blessedness (The) of those who die in the Lord. Discourse at Wey mouth, Feb. 3, 1811, on the Death of his Wife. Boston, 1811. 8, pp. 26. 16 Remarks on " An Address from the Berean Society of Universalists in Boston, to the Congregation of the First Church in Weymouth, in An swer to a Sermon delivered in said Church, Dec. 18, 1808, entitled, "The Will of God, respecting the Salvation of all Men, illustrated." Also, a few Strictures, on S. Thompson s " Universal Restoration vindicated, in a Reply " to the same Sermon. Boston, 1809. 8, pp. 68. 58 458 UOWDOIN COLLEGE. NORTON, Eec. Jacob, continued. 1 Sermon (A) delivered in Weymouth, Dec. 11, 1815, at the Interment of Hon. Cotton Tufts, M.D. Boston, 1816, 8, pp. 24. 2 Things as they are ; or, Trinitarianism developed. Part II. In Reply to "A Letter, written in February, 1815, to Rev. J. Norton ... by Rev. D. Thomas;"... *** Boston, 1815. 8 (6.9X3.7). 3 Will (The) of God, respecting the Salvation of all Men, illustrated. A Sermon, delivered December 18, 1808. Boston, 1809. 8, pp. 24. NORTON, Thomas, an English barrister & dramatic writer ; d. about 1600. 4 Psalms in Metre. See STERNHOLD, T. (Whole Booke of Psalmes.) Translator, &c. See CALVIN, J. Institvtion of Christian Religion. NORTON S Literary and Educational Register, for 1854. 5 New York, 1854. 12 (5.7X3.7). NORWOOD, Joseph G., M.D. 6 Illinois Coals ; with Descriptions and Analyses. See ILLINOIS. 7 Geological Report of a Survey of Portions of Wisconsin and Minneso ta, made during 1847-1850. See UNITED STATES. NOSTREDAME, Michel DE, a French physician & astrologer , b. 1503. d. 1566. 8 True Prophecies (The) or Prognostications of Michael Nostradamus. A Work full of Curiosity and Learning. [English and French.] Trans lated and commented by T. de Garencieres. [Frontispiece of Portraits.] London, 1685. 2 (8.7X5.5), pp. 522. [2 copies.] NOTA, Alberto. 9 Commedie. Ed. lima accresciuta e corretta dall autore. Vol. 1-7. [Portrait.] Firenze, 1827- 28. 12 (4.5X2.7). NOTICE des Dessins originaux, Esquisses Peintes, Cartons, Gouaches, Pastels, 10 etc. exposes au Musee Napoleon, dans la Galerie d Apollon, en Messidor de Tan X. de la Republique. Partie II. Paris, 1804. 12 (4.2X2.2). NOTT, Eliphalet, j*Z>., LL.D., President of Union College; b. 1773. 1 1 Discourse (A) delivered in Albany, occasioned by the Death of Gen. Alex. Hamilton, July 29, 1804. Albany, 1804. 8, pp. 40. NOTT, Samuel, Jun. 12 Freedom (The) of the Mind, demanded of American Freemen ; being Lectures to the Lyceum, on the Improvement of the People. Boston, 1830. 12 (5.5X3.2). NOTT, J. C., M.I)., of Mobile, Ala, 13 Types of Mankind: or, Ethnological Researches, based upon the An cient Monuments, Paintings, Sculptures, and Crania of Races, and upon their Natural, Geographical, Philological, and Biblical History : illustra ted by Selections from the inedited Papers of S. G. Morton, M.D., and by additional Contributions from L. Agassiz ; W. Usher ; and H. S. Patterson. By J. C. Nott, and G. R. Gliddon. * * * [Portrait of Morton, Plates and numerous Engravings. ] Philadelphia, 1854. 8 (7.3X4-4), pp. Ixxvi., 45-738. NOUVEAU & Anciens Principes du Commerce, compares : ou Traite sur les Prin- 14 cipes clu Commerce entre les Nations ; . . . Ouvrage traduit de 1 Ang- lois. *** Londres, 1789. 8 (5.8X3.3). [2 copies.] NouvEAU Diable Boiteux (Le), Tableau philosophique et moral de Paris; Me- 15 moires mis en lumiere et enrichis de Notes par le Docteur Dicaculus, de Louvain. *** Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1799. 8 (5.4X2.2). CATALOGUE OF T HE LIB II A II Y. 459 NOUVEAU Dictionnaire Allemand-Fran^ois et Frangois-Allemand, a 1 Usage des 1 deux Nations. Tom. 1. Contenant 1 Allemand explique par le Francois. 2. Le Francois explique par I Allemand. * * * [Frontispieces. ] Strasbourg, 1782. 8 (7. 3X4-1). NOUVEAU Dictionnaire historique ; ou Histoire abregee de tous les Homines qui 2 se sont fait tin nom par des Talens, des Vertus, des Forfaits, des Erreurs, etc. depuis le Commencement du Monde jusqu a nos jours. . . . Avec des Tables Chronologiques . . . Par une Societe de Gens-de-Lettres. 7me ed., revue, corrigee, & ... augmentee. * * * Tom. 1-9. Paris, 1789. 8 (6X3.4), 2 cols. NOUVEAU Traite des Privileges et Hypotheques, suivant les Principes du Code 3 Civil ; avec des Modeles des difierens Actes, qui ont rapport au Regime Hypothecate. ... Paris, 1806. 8 (5.9X3.4). NOVA SCOTIA. The Present State of Nova Scotia : with a brief Account of 4 Canada and the British Islands on the Coast of North-America. 2d ed., corrected and enlarged. Illustrated with a Map. * * Edinburgh, 1787. 8 (-3.5X3.1). [2 copies.] NOVELAS Espafiolas : el Serrano de las Alpujarras : y el Cuadro Misterioso. Brunswick, 1831. 12 (5X3), pp. 80. NOVELAS Espafiolas : y Coplas de Manrique ; con algunos Pasages de Don Q,ui- 6 jote, etc. Brunswick, 1845. 12 (5.2X3.1). NOVELLE di Autori Sinesi [namely ; G. Sermini, P. Fortini, B. Ilicini, Cr. Nelli, 7 S. Bargagli, A. Sozzini, A. M. Bandiera. Frontispiece of Portraits.] Firenze, 1833. 8 (6.6X4), 2 cols., pp. 1105-1745. NOTE. Also with title-page. " Raccolta di Novellieri Italian!. Partio 2da." NOVITIUS, seu Dictionarium Latino-Gallicum. See MAGNIEZ DE WOIMONT, L. F. NOVUM TESTAMEXTUM. See BIBLE, in locis. Novus Apparatus Gra?colatinus, cum Interpret atione Gallica ex Isocrate, De- 8 mosthene, aliisque praecipuis autoribus Graccis concinnatus. . . . Ab uno e Societate Jesu. Parish s, 1681. 4 (7.8X5.4), 2 cols., pp. 1188. NOY, William, Esq., Privy-Councillor to K. Charles I.; b. about 1577. d. 1634. 9 Grounds (The) and Maxims, and also an Analysis of the English Laws. To which is annexed, A Treatise of Estates, by Sir J. Dodericlge. . . . With Notes and Additions, by C. Barton. From 7th London ed. Middletown, Conn., 1808. 12 (5.4X2.9). NOYES, George Rapall, D.I)., Prof, of Sacred Literature, Harv. Coll.; b. 1798. 10 Christian Doctrine (The) of Retribution. Boston, 1836. 12, pp. 16. J1 Collection (A) of Theological Essays from various authors. [Edited] with an Introduction, by G. R. Noyes. Boston, 1856. 12 (5.8X3.3), pp. xlvi., 512. 12 Explanation of Isaiah ix. 6, and John I. 1. 2d ed. Boston, 1833. 12, pp. 24. 13 Gospel (The) exhibited in a Unitarian Minister s Preaching. Boston, 1832. 12, pp. 36. l * Jesus Christ the chief Corner-stone. Boston, 1839. 12, pp. 16. Translator, &c. See BIBLE, Portions of the Old Testament. A New Translation of the Book of Job ; of the Book of Psalms ; of the He brew Prophets; of the Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Canticles. NOYES, Rev. Thomas, of Needham, Mass.,; b. 1768. d. 1837. 15 Two Sermons, delivered in Needham, on the Annual Fast, April 6, 1809. Dpdham, 1809. 8, pp. 34, 460 BOWD01N COLLEGE. NUGENT, Thomas, LL.D., an Irish compiler & translator ; b. 1772. 1 Grand Tour (The) ; or, A Journey through the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, and France. ... By Mr. Nugent. 3d eel., corrected and . . . improved. To which is added, The European Itinerary. Vol. 1-4. London, 1778. 12 (5.2X3), m. b. 2 New Pocket Dictionary (The) of the French and English Languages, in two Parts. I. French and English. II. English and French. . . . Stereotype ed., revised and improved. London, 1812. 12 (6><3.5), 2 cols., pp. 598. 3 Travels through Germany. Containing Observations of Customs, Man ners, Religion, Government, Commerce, Arts, and Antiquities. With a particular Account of the Courts of Mecklenburg. . . . [Engravings.] * * * ... Vol. 1,2. London, 1768. 8 (6X3.3). Translator. See BURLAMAQUI, J. J. Principles of Natural & Politic Law. Translator. See CELLINI, B. Life of B. Cellini, by himself. Translator. See CONDILLAC, E. B. DE. Origin of Human Knowledge. Translator. See LANCELOT, C. New Method of learning the Greek Tongue ; New Method of learning the Latin Tongue. Translator. See MONTESQUIEU, C. DE S., Baron DE. Spirit of Laws, &c. NUNEZ, Fernan, an eminent Spanish Greek-scholar, & soldier ; b. 1473. d. 1553. 4 Refranes, o Proverbios en Romance, que nueuamente coligio y glosso el Com. H. Nufiez. . . . Van Tambien a qui afiadidas vnas coplas hechas a su muerte. Valladolid, 1602. 12 (4.6X2.1), fol. 432, 26. NUTTALL, Thomas, F.L.S., Prof, of Nat. Hist., Ilarv. Coll. ; b. 1786. d. 1859. 5 Journal (A) of Travels into the Arkansas Territory, during the year 1819. With occasional Observations on the Manners of the Aborigines. Illustrated by a Map and other Engravings. Philadelphia, 1821. 8 (5.9X3.3). 6 Remarks and Inquiries concerning the Birds of Massachusetts. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, New Series, vol. 1.) NYTT Svenskt och Engelskt Hand-Lexicon, med Fraseologi samt geografiskt 7 och ethniskt Namnregister. New Swedish-English Pocket-Dictionary. Stockholm, 1856. 16 (4.3X3), 2 cols., pp. 844. O. OATES, or OTES, Titus, D.D., the contriver of the "Popish Plot" ; 6.1620. cZ.1705. 8 True Narrative of the horrid Plot and Conspiracy of the Popish Party, against the King, &c. See GREAT BRITAIN. Popish Plot. OBENHEIN, Christoph, a Calvinist theologian of the IQth century. 9 Virtvtvm et Vitiorvm Exempla. Ex Canonicis Libris, Veteris & Noui Testamenti (turn ex Apocryphis scriptis) . . . collecta, concinnata, & or- dine alphabetico digesta. Nona ed. priore auctior & emendatior. Ex officina I. Stoer, 1600. 8 (5.9X3.5), 2 cols., pp. 930. OBERHESSISCIIEN Gesellschaft. Achter Bericht der Oberhessischen Gesell- 10 schaft fur Natur- und Heil-Kunde. Mit clrei steindriicktafeln. Giefsen, 1860. 12 (6.7X3.9). OBERLIN, Jean Frederic, a French pastor & philanthropist , b. 1740. d. 1826. 11 Memoirs of John Frederic Oberlin. From 3d London ed. With an In troduction by the American Editor. [Portrait.] Cambridge, 1832. 12 (4.8X3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 461 OBJECTIONS to the Bank of Credit, lately projected at Boston ; a Letter to John 1 Burrill, Esq. Speaker of the House of Representatives. Boston, 1714. 16, pp. 32. OBSERVATETJR (L ) Hollandais, ou Dix-septieme- Dix-huitieme Lettrc de M. 2 Van * * a M. II * * sur 1 Etat present des Affaires de l P,urope. 2 pamps. 12. La Hayc, 1756, 37. OBSERVATIONS on the Causes of the present Discontents of the Merchants and 3 other Inhabitants of the Island of Bombay. London, 1794. 8, pp. 40. OBSERVATIONS on Government, including some Animadversions on Mr. Adams 4 Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America, and on Mr. De Lolme s Constitution of England. New York, 1787. 8, pp. 56. OBSERVATIONS politiques et morales de Finance et de Commerce. Ou Examen 3 approfondi d un Ouvrage de M. R * * *, de Geneve, sur 1 Emprunt et Tlmport. *** Lausane, 1780. 8 (5.7X3.4). OBSERVER (The), a Collection of Essays. 1785-90. See CUMBERLAND, R. O CALLAGHAN, Edward B., M.D., LL.D. Editor. See NEW YORK. Documents relative to Colonial History, &c. OciIANDO, Sotos, an instructor in the French royal family. 6 Cours de Themes et Dialogues Espagnols. 2eme ed., revue et augmen- tee par 1 auteur . . . Paris, 1834. 12 (5X3.2). 7 Grammaire Espagnole-Frangaise . . . Paris, 1834. 12 (5X3. 2). 8 Prononciation Espagnole. . . . Paris, 1834. 12 (5X3.2). 9 Traduction de 1 Espagnol. ... Paris, 1834. 12 (5X3.2). OCKLEY, Simon, B.D., Prof, of Arabic, Unto, of Cambridge ; b. 1678. d. 1720. j History (The) of the Saracens. Containing the Lives of Abubeker, Omar, Othman, Ali, Hasan, Moawiyah I. Yazid I. Moawiyah II. Ab- dalla, Merwan I. and Abdolmelick, the immediate Successors of Ma homet. Giving an Account of their most remarkable Battles, Sieges, &c. . . . Illustrating the Religion, Rites, Customs and Manner of Living . . . Vol. 1, 2. 3d ed. London, 1757. 8 (5.9X3.3), m. b. NOTE. Prefixed to vol. 1 is " The Life of Mahomet," ly Dr. R Long-. OcLAND, Christopher, Master of Southward School, aft. of Chelton School. 11 Anglorvm Praelia, ab anno Domini 1327 . . . vsque annum Domini 1588. Carmine summatim perstricta. Item. De pacatissimo Anglise Statu, im- perante Elizabetha, compendiosa Narratio. . . . Hijs A. Neuilli Ket- tvm . . . adiunximus. * * * Londini, 1582. 12 (4.8X2.6), m. b. NOTE. Each work has also independent title-page. O CoNOR, Charles, Esq. 12 Letters on the Heathen State and Antient Topography of Ireland. See VALLANCEY, C. (Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis, vol. 3.) ODIORNE, James Creighton, q/* Boston. 13 Opinions on Speculative Masonry, relative to its Origin, Nature and Tendency. A Compilation, embracing recent and important Documents on the subject, and exhibiting the Views of the most distinguished Writers respecting it. *** Boston, 1830. 12 (5.6X3.2). (ECOLAMPADIUS, Johannes, the Grcecized name of Johann HAUSSCHEIN, or properly HUSSGEN, a German reformer; b. in Sicabia, 1482. d. 1531. 14 Annotationes piisimae doctissimaeqve in loseam loelem Amos Abdiam, &c. *** Basiloae, 153.5. 8 (4.4X2.5), fol. 282+. 462 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. OERSTED, Hans Christian, a Danish natural-philosopher ; b. 1777. d. 1851. J Life of H. C. Oersted, from the Biographical Sketch by P. L. Moller, &c. See (The Soul in Nature, post. Pp. vii.-xxii.). 2 Soul (The) in Nature, with supplementary Contributions. Translated from the German by L. and J. B. Horner. [Portrait.] London, 1852. 8 (5. 3X3. 2). OGDEN, John Cosens, a Prot.-Episc. clergyman, of Portsmouth, N.H.; d. 1800. 3 Election Sermon, at Concord, N.H., 1790. Concord, 1790. 8, pp. 24. OGLE COUNTY, Illinois, Sketches of the History of Ogle County, Illinois, and 4 the Early Settlement of the Northwest. . . . Polo, 1859. 8, pp. 75. OGLETHORPE, Gen. James, the founder of Georgia; b. 1688. d. 1785. 5 Life, by W. B. O. Peabody. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, 2d Series, vol. 2.) O Halloran, Sylvester, 6 Introduction (An) to the Study of the History and Antiquities of Ire land : . . . Illustrated with Copper-plates. Also two Appendixes : con taining 1. Animadversions on an Introduction to the History of G. Bri tain and Ireland, by J. Macpherson, Esq. 2. Observations on the Me moirs of Great Britain and Ireland, by Sir. J. Dalrymple. London, 1772. 4 (6.8X4.7). OHIO, State of. Annual Report (First Fifth) of the Commissioners of Statistics 7 . . . of Ohio. 1857-1861. 5 vols. Columbus, 1858- 62. 8 (7.3X6.5). OHRLANDER, C. N. 8 Hand-Lexikon for Ofversattningar fran Svenskan till Tyska, Franska och Engelska Spraken, med Afseende pa Elementar-Laroverkens behof. Stockholm, 1853. 8 (5.9X4.4), 2 cols., pp. 1112. OIL without Vinegar, and Dignity without Pride. See MEDFORD, M. O KEAN, Mr. . Translator. SeeLtTCAS, C. Eaux minerales, etc. d Aix-la-Chapelle, etc. OLCOTT, Henry S., Reporter of the New York Tribune. 9 Outlines of the First Course of Yale Agricultural Lectures. With an Introduction, by J. A. Porter. New York, 1860. 12 (5.6X3.6). OLD TESTAMENT. See BIBLE, in locis. OLDMIXON, John, an English Whig political writer ; b. 1673. d. 1742. 10 History (The) of England, during the Reigns of the Royal House of Stuart. . . . By . . . [J. Oldmixori]. London, 1730. 2 (10.8X5), 2 cols., m. b., pp. xxi., 781-J-. 11 History (The) of England, during the Reigns of King William and Queen Mary, Queen Anne, King George I. being the Sequel of the Reigns of the Stuarts. ... By Mr. Oldmixon. London, 1735. 2 (11.2X5.7), 2 cols., m. b., pp. 808+. OLIN, Rev. Stephen, D.D., LL.D., Pres. of Wesley an Univ.; b. 1797. d. 1851. 12 Works. Vol. 1. Sermons and Sketches. 2. Lectures and Addresses. [Portrait. ] New York, 1852. 12 (5.4X3.2). OLIVER, Andrew, Jun., Judge of Common Pleas, Essex Co., Ms. ; 6.1731. d.1799. 13 Essay (An) on Comets. Part I. Explaining the Phenomena of the Tails of Comets. II. Comets may be inhabited Worlds. Interspersed with Observations and Reflections on the Sun and Primary Planets. * * * With Plate. Salem, 1772. 8, pp. 87. [2 copies.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 463 OLIVER, Andrew, Jim., continued. 1 Theory of Lightning and Thunder Storms, and Theory of Water Spouts. See AMERICAN Philos. Society. (Transactions, vol. 2.) OLIVERS, Thomas. 2 Full Refutation (A) of the Doctrine of Unconditional Perseverance ; in a Discourse on Hebrews n. 3. *** New-York, 1818. 24 (3.9X2.3). OLIVET, Joseph THOULIER, Abbe D , a French grammarian, &c.; 6.1682. d.1768. Joint Translator. See CICERO, M. T. Tusculanes de Ciceron. OLMSTED, Denison, LL.D., Prof, of Nat. Phil, Yale College; b. 1791. d. 1859. 3 Introduction (An) to Natural Philosophy : designed as a Text Book . . . Vol. 1. -Mechanics and Hydrostatics. 2.-Pneumatics, Electricity, Mag netism and Optics. Compiled from various authorities. New Haven, 1831 , 32. 8 (6.8X3.8). 4 Recent Secular Period (On the) of the Aurora Borealis. Pp. 52. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 8.) OLSHAUSEN, Hermann, S.T.D., a German Protestant theologian; d. 1839. 5 Biblical Commentary on the New Testament, by H. Olshausen. Con tinued [Vol. 5, 6] after his Death by J. H. A. Ebrard and L. A. Wiesin- ger. Translated from the German for Clark s Foreign and Theological Library. Revised after the latest German edition, by A. C. Kendrick. To which is prefixed Olshausen s Proof of the Genuineness of the Wri tings of the New Testament. Translated by D. Fosdick, Jr. Vol. 1-6. New York, 1858. 8 (7.3X4.1). NOTE. Vol. 1-4 are titled " 1st American eel., revised after 4th German t-d.," &c. 6 Biblischer Commentar iiber sammtliche Schriften des Neuen Testaments . . . Bd. 3. Abth. I. Die Briefe Pauli an die Homer und Korinthier enthaltend. Koningsberg, 1835. 8 (6.5X3.8), pp. 820. NOTE. Ea-h epistle has also independent title-page. O MEARA, Barry E., Surgeon to Napoleon at St. Helena. 7 Napoleon in Exile ; or A Voice from St. Helena. The Opinions and Reflections of Napoleon on the most important Events in his Life and Government, in his own words. . . . Vol. 1,2. [Portrait. ] New York, 1854. 12 (5.7X3.6). ORATORES Attici et quos sic vocant Sophists. See DOBSON, W. S. ORDINAIRE, Claude Nicolas, I Abbe, a French naturalist; b. 1736. d. 1809. 8 Natural History (The) of Volcanoes : including Submarine Volcanoes, and other analogous Phenomena. By the Abbe Ordinaire. Translated from the original French manuscript, by R. C. Dallas. London, 1801. 8 (5.9X3.2). ORELLI, Conrad von, Prof, of Philosophy at Zurich ; b. 1788. 9 Altfranzosische Grammatik (Formenlehre.) Mit vielen Conjecturen und Berechtigungen. 2te ganz umgearbeite aufl. Zurich, 1848. 8 (6.2X3.8). ORELLI, Johann Kaspar, a German philologist & critic ; b. 1787. d. 1849. Editor. See TACITUS, C. C. Opera qme supersunt. ORIGENES, a Christian scholar & teacher; b. in Alexandria, 175. d. 254. 10 Opera omnia qua? Greece vel Latine tantum exstant et ejus nomine cir- cumferuntur, ex variis Editiouibus, & Codicibus manu exaratis, Gallica- nis, Italicis, Germanicis & Anglicis collecta, recensita Latine versa, atque Annotationibus illustrata, cum copiis Indicibus, Vita Auctoris, & multis Dissertationibus. Opera & Studio D. C. Delarue. Parisiis, 1733~ 59. 2 (12X6.5), par. cols., m. r. 464: BOWDOIN COLLEGE. O REILLY, Jacob, M.D. 1 Tractatus de Ortu aclndole; Contentis ; Yiribus medicis ; ac debito Usu Aquarum mineralmm Stecknicensium. * * * Ponti, 1766. 8, pp. 69. ORION, of Thebes, in Egypt, a Greek grammarian, of the 5th century. 2 Etymologicon [ Greek: ] Ex Mvseo F. A. Wolfii primvm edidit Annota- tiones P. H. Larcheri eivsdem Wolfii nonnvllas et svas Indicesqve locv- pletissimos adiecit F. G. Stvrzivs . . . Lipsiae, 1820. 4(9X6.8), 2 cols. ORLEANS, Louis Philippe Joseph, Due D , a French prince of the blood; b. at. St. Cloud, 1747. guillotined at Paris, 1793. 3 Conjuration de Phillippe d Orleans, ou Details exacts et circonstancies de PAssemblee qu il tint en personne au Itinsy, le Sept de ce mois \Juil- let~], et jours suivans. [Paris ] 1780. 8, pp. 32. 4 Vie de Louis-Philippe-Joseph, Due d Orleans. Traduit de 1 Anglois, par M. K. D. W. * * * [Portrait. ] Londres, 1789. 8, pp. 96. 5 Vie politique de Louis-Phillippe- Joseph, dernier Due d Orleans. [Por trait.] Paris, 1802. 16 (4.5X2.6). ORLEANS, Pierre Joseph, le Pere D , an eminent Jesuit historian ; 6.1644. d!698. 6 Histoire des Revolutions d Espagne, depuis la Destruction de PEmpire des Goths, jusqu a 1 entiere & parfaite Reunion des Royaumes de Castille & d Arragon en une seule Monarchic. Revue et publiee par les PP. Rouille et Brumoy. Tom. 1-3. *** Paris, 1734. 4 (7X4.2), m. d. ORME, Rev. William, Sec y of the London Miss. Society ; d. 1830. 7 Bibliotheca Biblica : a Select List of Books, on Sacred Literature ; with Notices, biographical, critical, and bibliographical. * * * Edinburgh, 1824. 8 (0.9X3.5). 8 Life (The) and Times of the Rev. Richard Baxter ; with a Critical Ex amination of his Writings. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1831. 8 (6.9X3. 7). [2 copies.] 9 Memoirs, including Letters, and Select Remains, of John Urquhart. *** Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1828. 24 (4.8X2.8). OHMEROD, Rev. T. G., M.A. 10 Annals of Germany from the Diet of Worms, A.D. 1496, to the End of the Thirty Years War, A.D, 1648. See (ENCYCL. Metrop., vol. 12). 11 Sketch of the Northern Kingdoms of Europe, from the Middle of the 16th to the Middle of the 18th Century. See (ENCYCL. Metrop., vol. 12). ORRERY, Earl of. See BOYLE, J. ; BOYLE, II. ORTON, Job, an eminent English Dissenting minister; b. 1717. d. 1783. 12 Discourses to the Aged ; ... * * * Salem, 1801. 12 (4.9X2.9). 13 Letters to a Young Clergyman. * * * Shrewsbury, 1791. 12 (5.1X3.1). H Letters to a Young Clergyman. *** Boston, 1794. 8 (5.6X3.1). 15 Memoirs of the Life, Character and Writings of the Rev. Philip Dod- dridge . . . *** 2d ed. [Portrait.] Salop, 1766: 12 (4.9X2.9). 16 Religious Exercises recommended : or Discourses on Secret and Family "Worship, and the Religious Observation of the Lord s Day. . . . 2d ed. *** Shrewsbury, 1772. 12 (5X3). 1 7 Short and Plain Exposition (A) of the Old Testament, with Devotional and Practical Reflections, for the use of Families. Published ... by Robert Gentleman. 1st American, from 2d London ed. Vol. 1-6. Charles to wn, 1805- 06. 8 (6.3X3.4). [3 copies.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 465 OSBORX, Rev. Samuel, of Eastham, Mass., aft. a teacher in Boston. 1 Case (The) and Complaint of Mr. Samuel Osborn, late of Eastham ; as it was represented in a Letter to Rev. Dr. Colman, to be communicated by him to the Convention. Boston, 1743. 8, pp. 29. OSBORNE, John. 2 Indictment (An) against Tythes : or, Tythes no Wages for Gospel Minis ters:... *** London, 1659. 4 (6X3.5), pp. 32. OSBORNE, Thomas, 1st Earl of Danby, and Duke of Leeds. 3 Life, by T. P. Courtenay. See FORSTP;R, J. (Lives of Eminent British Statesmen, vol. 5.) OSBURN, William, F.8.L. 4 Monumental History (The) of Egypt, as recorded in the Ruins of her Temples, Palaces, and Tombs. Vol. 1. From the First Colonization of the Valley to the Visit of the Patriarch Abram. 2. From the Visit of Abram to the Exodus. [Maps, Plates and Engravings."} London, 1854. 8 (6.6X2.7). OSGOOD, David, D.D., of Medford, Mass.; b. 1748. d. 1822. 5 Discourse delivered at Medford, Dec. 29, 1799, on the Death of Gen. George Washington. Boston, 1800. 8, pp. 19. 6 Discourse delivered Feb. 4, 1803, at the Funeral of Rev. Joseph Roby, of Lynn. Boston, 1803. 8, pp. 26. 7 Discourse, delivered Feb. 19, 1795, the Day set apart for a General Thanksgiving through the United States. Boston, 1795. 8, pp. 30. y Discourse delivered at Cambridge, in the hearing of the University, April 8, 1810. Cambridge, 1810. 8, pp. 40. 9 Solemn Protest (A) against the late Declaration of War, in a Discourse. Cambridge, 1812. 8, pp. 20. 10 Solemn Protest (A) against the late Declaration of War in a Discourse. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1812. 8, pp. 18. u Unsearchable Riches (The) of Christ. A Sermon delivered at the In troduction of Rev. P. Thacher, to the Pastoral Care of the Church and Society in Brattle-Street, Boston, Jan. 12, 1785. [Ch., by J. Latlirop ; R.H., by J. Clarke.] Boston, 1785. 8, pp. 28. [2 copies.] 12 Validity (The) of Baptism by Sprinkling, and the Right of Infants to that Ordinance, supported, &c., in two Discourses, delivered at Maiden, in 1804. 2d ed. Charlestown, 1804. 8, pp. 83. [2 copies.] 13 Wonderful Works (The) of God are to be remembered. Annual-Thanks giving Sermon, Nov. 20, 1794. Boston, 1794. 8, pp. 29. [2 copies.] OSGOOD, Samuel, Postmaster- General of the U.S., &c.; b. 1748. d. 1813. 14 Three Letters . . . : I. To J. B. Romeyn, D.D., pointing out wherein the Author s Views of Prophecies are different from those of the Doc tor s ... II. To I. Osgood. A Review of Locke s Chapter on Power, and Edwards on the Freedom of the Will. III. To Rev. A. Armstrong. Calvinists are not in everything correct, because they disagree among themselves in some things that are very important. New-York, 1811. 8 (6X3.5). OSGOOD, Rev. Samuel, D.D., of New York city ; b. 1812. *5 Graduate s Return (The) ; an Oration before the Alumni of Harvard University, July 19, 1860. See HARVARD COLLEGE. Addresses at the Inauguration of Pres. Felton. Translator. See DE WETTE,W. M. L. Human Life : or, Practical Ethics. 59 466 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. OSSAT, Arnaud D , a French cardinal; b. 1536. d. 1604. 1 Letres du Cardinal D Ossat. Nouv. ed., corrigee sur le Manuscript original, & ... augmentee. Avec des Notes historiques & politiques de Mr. Araelot de la Houssaie. Tom. 1, 2. *** [Portrait. ] Paris, 1698. 4 (7.7X3.2). OssiAN, a traditionary Scottish hero & bard ; assigned to 2d or 3d century. 2 Poesie di Ossian Tradotte da M. Cesarotti Vol. 1-3 [Portrait of Cesarotti.~] Milano, 1820. 8(5.5X3.1). OSSOLI, Sarah Margaret FULLER, Marchioness D ; b. in Camb.,Ms., 1810. (7.1850. y Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli. [Prepared by Rev. J. F. Clarke, Rev. F. H. Hedge, W. H. Channing and R. W. Emerson. ] Vol. 1,2. * * * Boston, 1852. 12 (5.4X3.4). 4 Woman in the Nineteenth Century, and kindred Papers relating to the Sphere, Condition and Duties, of Woman. Edited by her Brother, A, . B. Fuller. AVith an Introduction by H. Greeley. [Portrait.] Boston, 1855. 12 (5.5X3.2). Translator. See ECKERMANX, J. P. Conversations with Goethe. OSTEN-SACKEN, R., Baron, Russian Consul at New York. 5 Catalogue of the described Diptera of North America. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. * * * Washington, 1858. 8, pp. 92. OsTERVALD , Jean Frederic, a Swiss Protestant clergyman; b. 1663. d. 1747. 6 Treatise concerning the Causes of the Present Corruption of Christians, and the Remedies thereof; translated by C. Mutel. See WATSON, R. (Theol. Tracts, vol. 6.) OSWALD, James, D.D. 7 Appeal (An) to Common Sense in behalf of Religion. [By J. Oswald.] Vol. [1], 2. Edinburgh, 1766/72. 8 (5.5X3.1, 6.1X3.2). OTIS, George Alexander, Esq. Translator. See BOTTA, C. History of War of Independence of U. S. OTIS, Harrison Gray, an American orator, &c. ; b. in Boston, 1765. d. 184S. 8 Eulogy on Hamilton. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Eloquence of U.S., vol. 5.) OTIS, James, a Revolutionary patriot & orator ; b. in Mass., 1725. d. 1783. 9 Life, by F. Bowen. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 2.) l Rights (The) of the British Colonies asserted and proved. * * * Boston, 1764. 8, pp. 80. 11 Vindication (A) of the Conduct of the House of Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. Boston, 1762. 8, pp. 53. OTTE, E. C. Joint Translator. See HUMBOLDT, H. F. A., Baron VON. Cosmos. Views of Nature. OURCHES, Charles D , a French agriculturist. 12 Traite general des Prairies, et de leurs Irrigations. Ouvrage orne de Planches et de Plans de diverses Machines pour elever les Eaux a peu de frais. 2de ed., augmentee. *** Paris, 1806. 8 (5. 7X3.1). OUTHIER, Reginald or Renard, a French astronomer, &c.; b. 1694. d. 1774. 13 Voyage to the North. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyages, &c., vol. 1.) OVIDIUS NASO, Publius, a Roman poet ; b. 43 B.C. d. A.D. 18. 14 Elegiac Extracts from Ovid, with Introduction, &c. See RAMSAY, W. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 467 OVIDIUS NASO, Publius, continued. 1 Epistolarum Heroidum Liber; Interpretatione & Notis illustravit D. Crisp. Helvetius ; ... ad usum Delplrini. Accessit Index locupletissimus. Londini, 1783. 8 (6.3X4). 2 Fastorvm Libri Sex. Cum Xotis & Interpretatione Gallica [facing the text} M. de Marolles. Lvtetiae Parisiorum, 1660. 8 (5.6X3). 3 Metamorphoseon Libri XV. Interpretatione & Xotis illustravit D. Crisp. Helvetius, ad usum Delphini. ... [Index.] Londini, 1765. 8(6.5X4.1). 4 Metamorphoses (Les) d Ovide gravees sur les desseins des meilleurs peintres Francois. Par les soins des Srs. Le Mire et Basan. [140 Plates.] Paris, n. d. 4 (5.2X3.5). 5 Metamorphoseon Libri XV. Cum Notis T. Farnabii. [Embellished title-page. } Amstehcdami, 1650. 12 (4.5irr.X2.2), m. n. 6 Operum Tom. 2. In quo continental Heroi des Epistoke. Libri Annorum. Artis Amatoria?. Remediorum Amoris. ])e Medicaminibus Faciei. Hali- euticon. Consolatio ad Liviam. Nux. A. Sabini Epistolee tres tribus Ovidianis respondentes. [Frontispiece.] Londini, 1715. 12 (4.5X2.5 irr.). 7 P. Ovidii Nasonis de Tristibus Libri V. Cum Annotationibus . . . Londini, 1697. 16 (5.3X2.7 irr,), m. n., pp. 97. OWEN, David Dale, M.D., an American geologist ; b. in Scotland, 1807. rf.1860. 8 Report of a Geological Exploration of Part of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois, made in the Autumn of 1839 ; with Charts and Illustrations. (U. S. Pub. Doc.) [Washington} 1844. 8 (7.5X4.5). 9 Report of a Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota ; and incidentally of a Portion of Nebraska Territory. . . . [Maps, Plates and Engravings] (U. S. Pub. Doc.) Philadelphia, 1852. 4 (8.4X5.7), pp. 634. [2 copies.] NOTF. Tn one copy the Maps and Plates form a separate volume, with indepen dent title-page. OWEX, John, D.D., an eminent Non-conformist divine; b. 1616. d. 1683. 10 Diatriba de Justitia Divina. ... * * * Oxonia?, 1653. 12 (4.4X2.3). 11 Enquiry (An) into the Original, Nature, Institution, Power, Order and Communion of Evangelical Churches. Part I. With an Answer to the Discourse of the Unreasonableness of Separation written by Dr. E. Stillingfleet ; and in defence of the Vindication of Non-conformists from the Guilt of Schisme. *** London, 1681. 4 (6.2X4.2). * 2 Exposition (An) of the Epistle to the Hebrews ; with the preliminary Exercitations. Revised and abridged ; with a ... Life of the Author, a copious Index, &c. By E. Williams. * * * ... Vol. 1-4. Boston, 1811- 12. 8 (6.8X3.7). 13 Life, by A. Thomson. See (Works, post. Vol. 1, pp. xix.-cxxii.). 14 $glri)pa TOV nvtvparo; or, The Grace and Duty of being spiritually minded declared and practically improved. Abridged by E. Porter. * Boston, 1833. 12 (5.8X3.4). !5 Seventeen Sermons : with the Dedications at Large. Together with the Doctor s Life [and a Funeral Sermon by David Clarkson]. In2vols. [Portrait.] London, 1720. 8 (5.8X3.4). NOTS. The Life, Funeral Sermon, and each sermon has independent title-paje. 468 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. OWEN, John, D.D., continued. 1 EOAOrOTMENA nANTOAAIlA Sive de Natvra, Ortv, Progressv, et Stvdio verse Theologiae Libri sex. Quibus etiam Origines & Proces- sus veri & falsi Cultus Religiosi, Casus & Instaurationes Ecclesise illus- triores ab ipsis rerum primordiis, enarrantur. Accedunt Digressiones de Gratia Universal!. Scientiarum Ortu. Ecclesiae Romance Notis. Literarum Origine. Antiquis Literis Hebraicis. Punctatione Hebraica. Versionibus SS. Ritibus Judaicis. Aliisque. * * * OxoniaB, 1661. 4 (6.2X4.2), pp. 534-J-. 2 EOAOrOTMENA IIANTOAAIIA Sive de Natura, Ortu, Progres- su, et Studio vera? Theologise Libri sex. Quibus etiam Origines & Pro- cessus veri & falsi Cultus Religiosi, Casus & Instaurationes EcclesiaB illustriores ab ipsis rerum primordiis enarrantur. Accedunt quoque Di gressiones de Gratia Universal!. Scientiarum Ortu. Ecclesioe Romanse Notis. Literarum Origine. Aliisque. Ed. novissima ... * * * Franequerce, 1700. 4 (6.1X4.6), pp. 553-f-. 3 Works. Edited by Rev. W. H. Goold. Vol.l-lG. * * * [Portrait.] New-York, 185 1- 53. 8 (6.9X4). OWEN, John J., D.D. 4 Commentary (A), critical, expository, and practical, on the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, . . . With a Map, Synoptical Index, etc. New-York, 1857. 12 (6.1 X3.9), pp. 501. OWEN, Robert Dale, an American author, &c., brother of D. D. Owen ; b. 1804. 5 Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World. With narrative Illus trations. *** Philadelphia, 1860. 12 (5.5X3.3), pp. 528. OWEN, William, F.A.S. 6 Geiriadur Cymraeg a Saesoneg. An Abridgment of the Welch and English Dictionary. London, 1806. 12 (5.8X3.2), 2 cols. OWEN S Weekly Chronicle; or, Universal Journal. From April 8, 1758, to ? June 23, 1759. 1 vol. London, 1758- 59. 4 (9.8X7.1), 3 cols. OXENFORD, John, of London; b. 1812. Translator. See FISCHER, K. Francis Bacon of Verulam. OXFORD, University of. The New Oxford Guide : or, Companion through the ** University. With, A Tour to Blenheim, Ditchley, and Stow ; with a De scription of their Tapestry, Paintings, Gardens, &c. 5th ed., enlarged. Plan of Oxford, and Engravings. *** Oxford, -n. d. 12 (5.4X3.1). P. P., G., Esq. Lex Parliamentaria : or, A Treatise of the Law and Custom of 9 the Parliaments of England. London, 1710. 16 (5X3.2). P., L. M. Memoires touchant les Ambassadeurs et les Ministres publics. * * * 10 Cologne, 1677. 24 (4.1X2.1), pp. 627. P., T. The Mischief of Impositions : or, An Antidote against a late Discourse, H partly preached at Guild-Hail Chappel, May 2, 1680, [by Dr. E. Stilling- fleet, ] called The Mischief of Separation. ... * * * London, 1680. 4 (6.4X4.4). P * * *, M. DE. Recherches philosophiques sur les Egyptiens et les Chinois. 12 Tom. 1, 2. Berlin, 1774. 12 (5.1X2.7). p * * * j * * *. The Life of Gen. James Wolfe. See WOLFE, J. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 469 PACIUS, Julius, Prof, of Law at Padua; b. 1550. d. 1635. Translator, and Editor. See ARISTOTELES. Organum. PACKARD, A lpheus Spring, D.D., Prof, of And. Lang s, &c., Bowd. Coll.; 6.1799. 1 Address (An) delivered at the Dedication of the Teachers Seminary, at Gorham, Maine, September 13, 1837. Portland, 1837. 8, pp. 24. 2 History of the Bunker Hill Monument. See MAINE Historical Society. (Collections, vol. 3.) 3 History of the Bunker Hill Monument. Portland, 1853. 8, pp. 33. 4 Memoir of Pres. Appleton. See APPLETON, J. Works. Vol. 1 , pp. 9-82. 5 Our Alma Mater. An Address delivered before the Association of the Alumni of Bowdoin College, August 5, 1858. Brunswick, 1858. 8, pp. 49. Editor. See APPLETON, J. Works. Editor, and Annotator. See XENOPHON. Memorabilia of Socrates. PACKARD, Hezekiah, D.D., of Chelmsford, Ms., aft. of Wiscasset; 6.1762. rf.1849. 6 Catechism (A), containing the First Principles of Religious and Social Duties. ... * * * Boston, 1796. 12 (4.8X2.7), pp. 87. 7 Memoir of Rev. Hezekiah Packard, D.D. ; chiefly autobiographical. [Portrait.] Brunswick, 1850. 8, pp. 68. 8 Sermon delivered, Nov. 11, 1802; at the Interment of Mrs. Betsey Wood, at Wiscasset. Wiscasset, 1803. 8, pp. 16. PAETS VAN THOOSTWYK, A., a Dutch natural-philosopher. 9 Application (De 1 ) 1 Electricite a la Physique et a la Meclecine, par A. Pacts van Troostwyk, et C. R. T. Krayenhoff. ... * * * [Plates.] Amsterdam, 1788. 4 (6.6X5). PAGE, Rev. William P. Editor. See JOHNSON, Sam. Life and Writings. PAGES, Pierre Marie Francois, Vicomte DE, a French naval officer ; 6.1748. c?.1793. 10 Travels round the World, in the years 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771. By M. de Pages. Translated from the French. Dublin, 1791. 8 (5.9X3.2). 11 Travels round the World, in the years 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, by M. de Pages. Translated from the French. Vol. 3 [ containing a Voyage towards the South Pole in 1773-74, and A Voyage towards the North Pole, in 111 Q]. London, 1792. 8 (5.8X3.2). PAGET, Rev. John. 12 Defence (A) of Chvrch-Government, exercised in Presbyteriall, Classi- call, & Synodall Assemblies ; . . . [with] Animadversions on the Che shire Remonstrance against Presbytery : by T. P. London, 1641. 4 (5.5X4.1). PAGNINUS, Sanctes, a learned Dominican ; b. at Lucca, 1466. d. 1536. 13 Epitome Thesavri Lingvae Sanctoe. Fr. Raphelengivs . . . auxit, emen- dauit, & Appendicem Dictionum Chaldaicarum addiclit. Accessit hac editione Index Dictionum Latinarum, sine Lexicon Latino-Hebraicum. *** Lugduni Batavorum, 1599. 8 (5.5X3.4), pp. 49c-j-. 14 Thesaurus Lingua? SanctaB sive Lexicon Hebraicum ; auctore S. Pagnino, auctum opera J. Merceri. Cum Indice Nominum Heemanticorum, etc. Colonise Allobrogum, 1614. 2 (12X6.6), m. r., 2 cols. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page, and from col. 3024. Translator. See BIBLE, Old and New Testaments, &c. Biblia Hebraica. 470 liOWDOIN COLLEGE. PAINE, Charles, Esq. 1 Address (An), delivered before the Members of the Massachusetts Chari table Fire Society, May 27, 1803. Boston, 1803. 8, pp. 25. [2 copies.] PAINE, Martyn, M.D., LL.D., of New York city; b. 1794. 2 Discourse (A) on the Soul and Instinct physiologically distinguished from Materialism. * * * Enlarged eel. New York, 1849. 12 (4.9X3). 3 Discourse (A) introductory to a Course of Lectures on the Institutes of Medicine and Materia Medica, delivered before the Medical Class of the University of New York, at the Session of 1841-42. Boston, 1842. 8, pp. 33. 4 Dr. Paine s Answer to Circular Letters by Drs. Carpenter and Forbes. From the " Boston Medical and Surgical Journal." Boston, 1842. 8, pp. 56. 5 Essays on the Philosophy of Vitality as contradistinguished from Chemi cal and Mechanical Philosophy, and on the Modus Operandi of Reme dial Agents. * * * New- York, 1842. 8, pp. 70. 6 Examination (An) of a Review, contained in the British and Foreign Medical Review, of the Medical and Physiological Commentaries, by the Author. New- York, 1841. 8, pp. 96. 7 Institutes (The) of Medicine. * * * [Portrait of author. ] New York, 1847. 8 (6.9X3.8), pp. 826. 8 Institutes (The) of Medicine. * * * 5th ed. [Portrait of author. ] New York, 18,39. 8 (7X3.8), pp. 1109. 9 Lecture (A) on the Improvement of Medical Education in the United States : introductory to a Course of Lectures in the University of New York. . . . New York, 1843. 8, pp. 1 Letters on the Cholera Asphyxia, as it has appeared in the City of New- York: ... New-York, 1832. 8 (6.2X3.5). [2 copies.] 11 Materia Medica and Therapeutics. * * * New- York, 1848. 12 (5X3.1). 12 Medical and Physiological Commentaries. * * * ... Vol. 1-3. New-York, 1840- 44. 8 (7X3.9). KOTF.. Vol. 3 is a collection of ten pamphlet <, dating 1832-1812. 13 Memoir of Robert Troup Paine. By his Parents \_M. Paine, M.D., and M. A. Paine ]. Printed for private distribution, especially for the Class mates of the Youth. [Portraits.] New-York, 1852. 4 (6.4X4.4), pp. 524. 14 Review (A) of Theoretical Geology. From the Protestant Episcopal Review for April, 1856. [New York, 1856.] 8 (6.5X4). PAINE, Mary Ann WEEKS, wife of the preceding ; b. 1799. d. 1852. Joint Author. See PAINE, M. Memoir of Robert Troup Paine. PAINE, Robert Treat, an astronomer, of Boston. 15 Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, N. S., vol. 1.) PAINE, Robert Treat, Jun. See PAINE, Thomas, afterwards Robert Treat, Jun. PAINE, Robert Troup, son of Dr. M. P.; b. 1829. d. 1851. 16 Memoir of, by his Parents. See PAINE, M. PAINE, Thomas, the noted political & deist leal writer, Sec y of Foreign Affairs, &c. of U.S.; b. in Norfolk Co., England, 1737. d. in New York, 1809. l ? Biographical Sketch. See (Political Works, post. Pp. vii.-xxx.). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 471 PAINE, Thomas, continued. 1 Common Sense : addressed to the Inhabitants of America. Written by an Englishman [T. Paine}. To which is added, Large Additions to Com mon Sense: &c. ; and An Appendix to Common Sense: containing An Address to the Quakers, &c. Philadelphia, 1776. 8, pp. 77. JS T OTE. Compare: BHITISH Colonies, &c. The True Interest of Ameiiua, &c. ; UNITKD STATES. Plain Truth. 2 Decline and Fall (The) of the English System of Finance. * * * New-York, 1796. 12, pp. 36. 3 Dissertation on First Principles of Government. To which is added, The Genuine Speech, translated, and delivered at the Tribune of the French Convention, July 7, 179,3. London, 1795. 8, pp. 39, 6. 4 Dissertation on First Principles of Government. To which is added, The Genuine Speech, translated, and delivered at the Tribune of the French Convention July 7, 1795. Philadelphia, 1795. 8, pp. 41. 5 Letter addressed to the Addressers, on the late Proclamation. London, 1792. 8, pp. 78. 6 Letter to the Earl of Shelburne, on his Speech, July 10, 1782, respect ing the Acknowledgement of American Independence. London, reprinted, 1783. 8, pp. 28. 7 Letter to George Washington, President of the United States. On Af fairs Public and Private. Philadelphia, 1796. 8, pp. 76. 8 Public Good, being an Examination into the Claim of Virginia to the vacant Western Territory, and of the Right of the United States to the same. By ... [T. Paine ]. Philadelphia, 1780. 8, pp. 38. 9 Rights of Man : being an Answer to Mr. Burke s Attack on the French Revolution. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1791. 8 (6.9X3.9). 10 Rights of Man : being an Answer to Mr. Burke s Attack on the French Revolution. 5th ed. London, 1791. 8 (6. 1X3.3). 11 Rights of Man. Part the Second. Combining Principle and Practice. 3d ed. London, 1792. 8 (6X3. 3). PAINE, Thomas, afterwards Robert Treat, Jim. ; b. in Taunton, Ms., 1773. cUSll. 12 Eulogy (An) on the Life of Gen. George Washington ; delivered at Newburyport, Jan. 2, 1800. Newburyport, 1800. 8, pp. 22. 13 Ruling Passion (The) : an occasional Poem, delivered before the Society of the * B K, at Cambridge, July 20, 1797. Boston, 1797. 8, pp. 32. w Works (The) of R. T. Paine, Jim., in Verse and Prose. With Notes. To which are prefixed, Sketches of his Life, Character and Writings [by C. Prentiss ]. * * * [Portrait. ] Boston, 1812. 8 (6.6X3.3), pp. Ixxxviii., 464. PALJEMOX, Q. Rhennius Fannius, a Roman slave, in the age of Tiberius. 15 Liber de Ponderibus et Mensuris. See BURMANN, P. (Poetse Latiui Minorca.) PALEY, F. A. Editor and Commentator. See AESCHYLUS. Tragedies. PALEY, William, D.D., Archdeacon of Carlisle; b. 1743. d. 1805. 16 Caution recommended in the Use and Application of Scriptural Lan guage. A Sermon. [No imprint. ] 12, pp. 11. 17 Horoe Paulina? ; or, The Truth of the Scripture History of St. Paul evinced by a Comparison of the Epistles which bear his name with the Acts of the Apostles, and with one another. 3d eel. London, 1803. 8 (5.8X3.2). [2 copies.] 472 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. PALEY, William, D.D., continued. J Horee Paulinae ; . . . Cambridge, 1808. 12 (5.9X3.2). 2 Natural Theology ; or, Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity, collected from the Appearances of Nature. Philadelphia, 1802. 8 (6.1X3.5). [2 copies.} 3 Natural Theology : . . . Hallowell, 1826. 12 (5.5X3.3). 4 Paley s Natural Theology, with illustrative Notes, &c. by Henry Lord Brougham, and Sir Charles Bell. With numerous Woodcuts. To which are added, Preliminary Observations and Notes. By A. Potter. . . . Vol. 1, 2. (Harper s Family Library, No. 96, 97.) New-York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7). 5 Principles (The) of Moral and Political Philosophy. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Dublin, 1785. 8 (5. 8X3. 2). 6 Principles (The) of Moral and Political Philosophy. 10th American ed. [Portrait.] Boston, 1821. 8 (6.3X3.5), pp. 515. 7 View (A) of the Evidences of Christianity. In three Parts. . . . Boston, 1795. 12 (4.9X3). 8 Works. . . . With a Memoir of his Life, by G. W. Meadley. Vol. 1. . . . Natural Theology. 2. ... A View of the Evidences of Chris tianity. 3. ... The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy. 5. . . . Horse Paulina? ; the Young Christian instructed ; the Clergyman s Companion, &c. To which is added, A complete and original Index. 4 vols. [Portrait. ] Boston, 1810- 12. 8 (6.3X3.6). PALFREY, John Gorham, D.D., LL.D.,a minister of Boston, aft. Prof, of Sacred Literature in Harvard College, U.S. Repr., &c. ; b. in Boston, 1796. 9 Discourse (A) on the Life and Character of Rev. Henry Ware, D.D., pronounced in Cambridge, [before tlie Faculty of Harvard College ], September 28, 1845. Cambridge, 1845. 8, pp. 37. 10 Discourse (A) on the Life and Character of Rev. Henry Ware, D.D., pronounced in Cambridge, Sept. 28, 1845, [before the Faculty of Har vard College ]. With an Appendix. Boston, 1846. 12, pp. 42. 11 Discourse (A) pronounced at Barnstable, 3d September, 1839, at the Celebration of the Second Centennial Anniversary of the Settlement of Cape Cod. Boston, 1840. 8, pp. 50. 12 Elements of Chaldee, Syriac, Samaritan, and Rabbinical Grammar. Boston, 1835. 8 (6.7X3.9), pp. 42. 13 History of New England during the Stuart Dynasty. Vol. 1, 2. [Maps and Engravings. ] Boston, 1858, 60. 8 (6.9X4). MOTE. Continuing ; several more volumes are to follow. 14 Letter to a Friend {July 3()th 1850 ; in vindication of his own Course as a Politician ]. * * * Cambridge, 1850. 8, pp. 28. 15 Life of Col. W. Palfrey. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 7.) 16 Prospects and Claims of Pure Christianity. Boston, 1830. 12, pp. 36. i? Remarks on the Proposed Constitution. See MASSACHUSETTS. Com monwealth. Constitutions. (Discussions on the Constitution proposed by the Convention of 1853.) 18 Semi-centennial Discourse before the Mass. Hist. Society, Oct. 31, 1844. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 9.) Editor. See NORTH AMERICAN Review (The). Vol. 42-55. PALFREY, Col. William, Paymaster- General in the Revolution ; b. 1709. d. 1771. 19 Life, by J. G. Palfrey. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 7.) CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 473 PALGRAVE, Sir Francis, K.H., an English antiquary & author; b. 1788. J Essay (An) on the Original Authority of the King s Council, . . . [London] 1834. 8 (6.2X3.5). 2 History of the Anglo-Saxons. [Maps and Engravings. ] London, 1854. 16 (4.5X2.6). 3 History (The) of Normandy and of England. Vol. 1. General Rela tions of Mediaeval Europe ; the Carlovingian Empire the Danish Ex peditions in the Gauls and the Establishment of Hollo. 2. The three first Dukes of Normandy ; Hollo, Guillaume-Longue-Epee, and Rich- ard-sans-Peur the Carlovingian Line supplanted by the Capets. * * * London, 1851, 57. 8 (6.2X3.4), m. b. NOTE. Not completed ; the third volume is in the press. Editor. See GREAT BRITAIN. Publications of the Record Commission. Antient Kalendars and Inventories of the Treasury, &c. Documents and Records illustrating the History of Scotland, &c. Parliamentary Writs, &c. Rotuli Curiac Regis. PALLAS, Peter Simon, a German traveller & naturalist ; b. 1741. d. 1811. 4 Account (An) of the different kinds of Sheep found in the Russian Do minions, and among the Tartar Hordes of Asia: by Dr. Pallas. . . . With six Plates. To which is added . . . The Natural and Economical History of Sheep and other Domestic Animals. By J. Anderson. Edinburgh, 1794. 8 (5.2X3.2). 5 Betrachtungen uber die BeschafFenheit der Gebiirge und Verlinderungen der Erdkugel, besonders in Beziehung auf das Russische Reich. . . . Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1778. 12 (5.1X2.9), pp. 87. 6 Reise durch verschieclene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs in einem ausf uhrlichen Auszuge. Th. 1-3. Mit vielen Kupfern. Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1776-78. 8 (5.3X3). 7 Voyages du Prof. Pallas, dans plusieurs Provinces de 1 Empire de Rus- sie et dans 1 Asie septentrionale ; traduits de 1 Allemand par le C. Gau- thier de la Peyronie. Nouv. ed., revue et enrichie de Notes par les CC. Lamarck, Langles & Billecocq. Tom. 1-8. Tom. 9, Planches. Paris, Tan II. [1794]. Vol 1-8, 8 (5.7X3.3) ; 9, 2(folded sheets). PALMER, Rev. John, a Dissenting clergyman of London; b. 1729. d. 1790. 8 Observations in defence of the Liberty of Man, as a Moral Agent : in Answer to Dr. Priestley s Illustrations of Philosophical Necessity. * * * London, 1779. 8 (6.3X3.3). 9 Appendix (An) to the Observations in defence of the Liberty of Man, as a Moral Agent ; in Answer to Dr. Priestley s Illustrations of Philo sophical Necessity : occasioned by the Dr s. Letters to the Author. London, 1780. 8, pp. 36. PALMER, Rev. Samuel. 10 Memoirs of Henry. See HENRY, M. (Prefixed to Exposition, &c.) 11 Reformed Pastor (The), written by Baxter ; abridged and reduced to a New Method, by S. Palmer. See BAXTER, R. PALMER, Rev. Stephen, of Needham, Mass. ; b. 1766. d. 1821. 12 Christ s Washing His Disciples Feet intended for a Sacramental Wash ing. Sermon, at Needham, Jan. 24, 1808. Dedham, 1808. 8, pp. 40. 1:i Sermon delivered October 23, 1812, at the Interment of Rev. Thomas Thacher, at Dedham. Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 26. 60 474 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. PALMERIN of England, by Francisco de Moraes. [Translated by R. South cy.~\ 1 Vol. 1-4. London, 1807. 12 (4.5X2.7). NOTE. Half-title, "Corrected by R. Son they, from th<- original Portuguf/u." Now discovered to be the work of a Spanish author, Louis de Uurtado, of abjut 152-3. PANCIROLLI, Guido, a famous Venetian lawyer ; b. 1523. d. 1599. 2 Rerum Memovabilium sive Deperditaruni Pars Prior Commentariis il- lustrata, et . . . aucta ab H. Salmuth. Nova Reperta sive Rerum Me- morabilium recens inventarum, & veteribus plane incognitarum Liber Secvndvs. Francofurti, 1646. 4 (7.2X4.9), 2 cols., m. r. NOTR The second book has only heading. Title-pngj of first book is embellished. PANCKOUKE, Charles Joseph, a bookseller of Lisle; b. 1737. d. 1798. Joint Translator. See ARIOSTO, L. Roland Furieux. PANGE Lingua, suite du Domine salvum fac Regem. * * * 3 Sur les Bords du Gange, 1789. 8, pp. 22. PANOPLIST (The). July, 1805 June, 1807. Vol. 1, 2. The Panoplist and Mis- 4 sionary Magazine United. July, 1808 June, 1813. Vol. 1-5. New Se ries. The Panoplist and Missionary Magazine. July, 1813 December, 1817. Vol. 9-13. The Panoplist and Missionary Herald. January, 1818 December, 1820. Vol. 14-16. 16 vols. [Monthly.] Boston, 1806- 20. 8 (6.1 X3.S 7.3X4.2). [2 copies of vol. 1-5.] NOTE. Continued in the " Missionary Herald," &c. Sss AMKIUCAN B iarJ, &c. PAOLINO DA SAN BARTOLOMEO, Fra, Prof, of Orient. Lang, at Rome. 5 Voyage (A) to the East Indies ; containing an Account of the Manners, Customs, &c. of the Natives, with a Geographical Description of the Country. Collected from Observations made . . . between 1776 and 1789, . . . With Notes and Illustrations by J. R. Forster. Translated from the German by W. Johnston. London, 1800. 8 (6.2X3.4). PARABOSCO) Girolamo, an Italian comic writer, of the IQth century. 6 Diporti (I) [Novelle. Portrait. ] Firenze, 1832. 8 (6.6X4), 2 cols. PARDOE, Julia, an English authoress: b. in Beverly, Yorkshire, 1812. 7 Louis the Fourteenth, and the Court of France in the Seventeenth Cen tury. By Miss Pardoe. * * * ... Vol. 1. 2. [Engravings. ] New York, 1847. 12 (5.7X3.2). PAREUS, Daniel, the son of J. P. P., also an eminent classical scholar. Editor. See QuiXTiLlANUS, M. F. Institvtionvm Oratoriarvm Libri. PAREUS, David, Prof, of Theol. at Heidelberg; b. 1548. d. 1622. 8 Diuinam (In) ad Romanos S. Pavli Apostoli Epistolam Commentarivs. . . . Cum Indice gemino ... * * * Geneva?, 1617. 8 (5.4X2. 7), m. r., pp. 1312-}-. Divinam (In) ad Corinthios Priorem S. Pavli Apostoli Epistolam Com mentarivs. . . . CumEpistoladedicat . . . de Origine Ca libatus cleri- calis. Necnon Indice gemino ...*** Geneva?, 1614. 8 (5.3X2.7), m. r., pp. 902-}-. 10 Divinam (In) ad Galatas S. Pavli Apostoli Epistolam Commentarivs, . . . Nunc secundum ... in lucem editus. Cvm Indice gemino . . . * * * Heidelberg, 1621. 4 (7.4X4.8), 2 cols., m. r., pp. 7 16+. 11 Genesin (In) Mosis Commentarivs . . . Cvm Indice gemino ... * * * >.7jr?v.T, 1674,. 4 (7-4X4,2), 2 cols,, m. r,, cola. 2256+ CATALOGUE OF THE LI DEARY. 475 PAREUS, ])avid, continued. 1 Libri dvo. I. Calvinvs Orthodoxvs : hoc est, Doctrina Orthodoxa I. Cal- vini de S. Trinitate & de Diuinitate Christi. II. Expositio & Vindicatio solida XXXVIII. Locorum difficilimorum S. Scriptures vna cum Dis- sertatione De recta Hatione applicandi Oracula Prophetica ad Christum. . . . Genevae, 1641. 8 (5X2.7), m. r. 2 Miscellanea Cateehetica. Hanovite, 1651. 8 (5.9X3.3), m. r. . NUTE. Arni-xid to UHSINUS Corpvs Doctrinae ChrUtianse Kcclesiarnm Reibniiatarum. 3 Opervm Theologicorvm Exegeticorvm Pars Tertia & Quarta: ex Lecy- this paternis ... a I. P. Pareo Dav. Fil. Continens Adversaria Bibli- ca . . . in eos Veteris ac Noui Testament! Libros, quorum Expositio hactenus desiderata fuerat : . . . Cum Indice ... * * * Genevae, 1650. 2 (11.1X5.8), 2 cols., m. r., pp. 930-J-. 4 S. Matthsei Evangelivm (In) Commentarivs, . . . Cui subjungitur in duas S. Petri Epistolas : necnon in loel, Amos, Haggai : Commentarius . . . Oxonine, 1631. 4 (7. 1X4.6), 2 cols., m. r., pp. 800, 120. Editor. See URSINUS, Z. Corpvs Doctrinae Christiana?. PAREUS, Johann Philip, Hector of Gymnasium, Neusiddt ; b. 1576. d. 1650. Editor, See PAREUS, Dav. Opervm Exegeticorvm, Pars III. & IV. Editor. See URSINUS, Z. Corpvs Doctrina? Christiana;. PARINI, Giuseppe, an Italian poet ; b. 1729. d. 1799. 5 Poesie. Pte. 1, 2. [Portrait.] Napoli, 1830. 12 (4.2X2.6). PARIS, John Ayrton, M.D., F.R.S., an English physician; b. 1785. d. 1856. 6 Life (The) of Sir Humphry Davy. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait.] London, 1831. 8 (6.3X3.6). PARISH, Rev. Elijah, D.D., of Byfield, Mass. ; b. 1762. d. 1825. 7 Election-Sermon, Mass., May 30, 1810. Boston, 1810. 8, pp. 24. 8 Fast-Sermon at Byfiekl, April 7, 1814. Newburyport, 1814. 8, pp. 24. 9 Fast-Sermon at Byfield, April, 8, 1818. Newburyport, 1818. 8, pp. 24. 10 Oration at Byfield, July 4, 1799. Newburyport, [1799]. 8, pp. 18. I Oration at Byfield, July 4, 1799. 2d ed. Newburyport, n. d. 8, pp. 14. 12 Ruin ; or, Separation from Anti-Christ. A Sermon preached at Byfield, April 7, 1808, on the Annual Fast. Newburyport, 1808. 8, pp. 24. 13 Sacred Geography, or, A Gazetteer of the Bible. . . . [Map.] * * * Boston, 1813. 8 (6.7X4.3), 2 cols., n. p. 14 Sermon preached before the Massachusetts Missionary Society, Annual Meeting in Boston, May 26, 1807. Newburyport, 1807. 8, pp. 26. Joint Author. See M C LURE, D. Memoirs of Rev. E. Wheelock, D.1X Joint Author. See MORSE, J. Gazetteer of the Eastern Continent. PARISIENNES (Les), ou XL. Caracteres generaux pris dans les Mceurs actuelles 15 . . . : tires des Memoires du Nouveau Lycee-des-Moeurs. Vol. 1-3. ... Neufchatel, 1787. 12 (5X2.7). PARK, James Allan, Knt., a barrister of London. 16 System (A) of the Law of Marine Insurances. With three Chapters on Bottomry ; on Insurances on Lives , and on Insurances against Fire. * * * 2d American, from latest English, edition. Boston, 1799. 8 (6X3.4), m. r., pp. 516. [2 copies.] PARK, Edwards A., D.D., Prof, of Sacred Rhet., Andover Theol. Sem. ; b. 180S. 17 Memoir of B. B. Edwards. See EDWARDS, B. B. Writings. Vol l t pp. 1-370. 18 Memoir of Dr. Emmons. See EMMONS, N. Works. Vol. L 476 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. PARK, Edwards A., D.D., continued. 1 Memoir of Hopkins. See HOPKINS, S., D.D. Works. Vol. 1, pp. 9-266. Editor. See EDWARDS, B. B. Writings. Editor. See HOPKINS, S., D.D. Works. Joint Editor. See BIBLIOTHECA Sacra, &c. Joint Translator, &c. See EDWARDS, B. B. Selections from German. PARK, Mungo, a Scottish traveller; b. 1771. perished in Africa, 1806. 2 Life (The) and Travels of Mungo Park ; with the Account of his Death from the Journal of Isaaco, the Substance of Later Discoveries relative to his lamented Fate, and the Termination of the Niger. (Harper s Family Library, No. 105.) New-York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7). 3 Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa. Performed under the di rection and patronage of the African Association, in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797. With an Appendix, containing Geographical Illustra tions of Africa. By Major Rennell. * * * 2d ed. [Portrait, Maps and Plates. ] London, 1799. 4 (6.9X4. 7). 4 Travels in the Interior of Africa, in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797. Abridged from the original work. London, 1799. 8 (5.9X3.2). 5 Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa: ... in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797. With an Appendix, containing Geographical Illustrations of Africa: by Major Rennell. * * * [Map. ] Philadelphia, 1800. 8 (6.4X3.2). PARKE, Lieut. John G., U. S. Topographical Engineers. 6 Reports of Explorations for Railroad Routes, near the 32d Parallel of North Latitude. See UNITED STATES. (Explorations and Surveys for a Pacific Railroad, vol. 2, 7, 10.) PARKER, Col. Edward G. 7 Reminiscences of Rufus Choate. * * * [Portrait and Fac-simile. ] New-York, 1860. 12 (5.9X3.6), pp. 522. PARKER, Hon. Isaac, LL.D., Chief -Justice of Massachusetts; b. 1768. d. 1830. 8 Sketch of the Character of the Late Chief-Justice Parsons, in an Ad dress to the Grand Jury, Supreme Judicial Court, at Boston, Nov. 23, 1813. Boston, 1813. 8, pp. 32. PARKER, John A. 9 Quadrature (The) of the Circle. Containing Demonstrations of the Errors of Geometry in finding the Approximation in Use, the Quadra ture of the Circle, and Practical Questions on the Quadrature, applied to the Astronomical Circles. With an Appendix. New-York, 1851. 8 (6.4X3.9). PARKER, Matthew, D.I)., 2d Protestant Archbp. of Canterbury; 6.1504. cU575. 10 Life and Acts of Matthew Parker. See STRYPE, J. PARKER, Rev. Nathan, D.D., of Portsmouth, N.fL ; b. 1782. d. 1833. 11 Discourse occasioned by the Death of Rev. Joseph Buckminster, D.D.; delivered at Portsmouth, June 19, 1804. Portsmouth, 1812. 8, pp. 22. PARKER, Samuel. l- Ecclesiastical Histories (The) of Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, and Theo- doret. Faithfully translated and abridg d from the Originals. With a brief Account of the Lives of these Historians, and several useful Notes and Illustrations, and a copious Index. By Mr. Parker. 3d ed., correct ed, improv d and enlarged. To which is added, by a Friend, an Abridg ment of the History of Evagrius Scholasticus. . . . [Portrait of Par- tier and Vignette.-] London, 1729. 2 (7.6X5), 651-}-. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 477 PARKER, Samuel, continued. 1 Scholasticall Discovrse (A) against Symbolizing with Antichrist in Cere monies : especially in the Signe of the Crosse. [By S. Parker. ] * * * [London ] 1607. 2 (9.5X5.1), m. r. PARKER, Samuel, D.D., Bishop of Massachusetts ; b. 1745. d. 1804. 2 Chanty to Children enforced in a Discourse delivered before the Sub scribers to the Boston Female Asylum, Sept. 23, 1803. Boston, 1803. 8, pp. 32. [2 copies.] 3 Election Sermon, in Mass., May 29, 1793. Boston, 1793. 8, pp. 42. PARKER, Rev. Samuel. 4 Journal (A) of an Exploring Tour beyond the Rocky Mountains, under the direction of the A. B.C. F. M., performed in the years 1835, 36, and 37 ; . . . With a Map of Oregon Territory. lthaca/1838. 12 (5.5X3.2). PARKER, Rev. Theodore, a Unitarian minister, of Boston; b. 1810. d. 1860. 5 Life- Work of Theodore Parker. See NEWHALL, F. H. PARKHURST, Rev. John, M.A., of Epsom, in Surrey; b. 172S. d. 1797. 6 Greek and English Lexicon (A) to the New Testament : . . . illustrated and confirmed by Citations from the Old Testament, and from the Greek Writers. . . . [With ] A plain and easy Greek Grammar, . . . 3d ed. corrected, enlarged, and improved. * * * London, 1798. 8 (7.3X4.5), 2 cols., pp. 87, 759. [2 copies.] 7 Hebrew and English Lexicon (An), without Points. . . . [With] An Hebrew and a Chaldee Grammar, without Points. 4th ed., corrected, improved, and . . . enlarged. * * * London, 1799. 8 (7.3X4.4), 2 cols., pp. 25, 14, 799. [2 copies.] PARKINSON, James. 8 Chemical Pocket-Book (The) ; or, Memoranda Chemica. . . . [With] an Appendix, containing the principal Objections to the Antiphlogistic Sys tem of Chemistry. By J. Woodhouse. . . . [Plates.] Philadelphia, 1802. 12 (5.4X3). PARKINSON, Richard. 9 General View of the Agriculture of the County of Rutland ; with Ob servations on the means of its Improvement , drawn up for ... the Board of Agriculture, &c. [Plates.] London, 1808. 8 (6.4X3.4). NOTE. Bound with, " Survey of Lt u-estersliire. By Pitt." Not lettered. PARKMAN, Rev. Francis, D.D., of Boston; b. 1788. d. 1852. 10 Sermon delivered in Boston, at the Interment of Rev. John Lathrop, D. I)., who died Jan. 4, 1816. Boston, 1816. 8, pp. 23. 11 Survey (A) of God s Providence in the Establishment of the Churches of New-England. Century Sermon, at New North Church, in Boston, Nov. 27, 1814. Boston, 1814. 8, pp. 25. PARKMAN, Francis, Jun., an American author, son of the preceding ; b. 1823. 12 History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac, and the War of the North Ameri can Tribes against the English Colonies after the Conquest of Canada. ... [Maps .] Boston, 1851. 8 (6.4X3.7), pp. 630. PARKMAN, George, M.D., of Boston, Mass. ; b. 1791. d. 1849. 13 Management of Lunatics, with Illustrations of Insanity. * * * Boston, 1817. 8, pp. 36. 4 Remarks on Insanity. [No imprint.] 8, pp. 12. 15 Trial of Prof. Webster for the Murder of T)r. Parkman. See BEMIS, G. 478 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. PARLEY, Peter, a pseudonym. See GOODRICH, S. G. PARLIAMENTARY Journal. See JORDAN S Parliamentary Journal. PARLIAMENTARY Register (The) ; or, History of the Proceedings and Debate 1 of both Houses of Parliament. 1775-1781. 5 vols. London, 1775- 81. 8 (6.4X3.6). NOTK. Not complete; comprising 1 scattered portions only. PAEMENTIEB, Antoine Augustin, a French physician & agrt cult.; 5.1737. d.181 3. ~ Discours prononces a 1 Ouverture de 1 Ecole gratuite cle Boulangerie, le 8 Juin, 1780. Par MM. Parmentier & Cadet de Vaux. Paris, 1780. 8, pp. 99. 3 Memoire sur les Accidens que les Bls de la Recolte de cette annee out eprouve en Poitou, & moyens d y remedier. Par MM. Parmentier & Cadet de Vaux. Paris, 1785. 8, pp. 42. 4 Recherches sur les Vegstaux nourrissans, qui dans les temps de Disette, peuvent remplacer les Alimens ordinaires. Avec de nouvelles Observa tions sur la Culture des Pommes de terre. Par M. Parmentier. * * * [Plate. ] Paris, 1781. 8 (5. 3X3), pp. 599. PARMENIUS, Stephen; b. in Buda, Hungary, about 1550. d. 15S3. 3 Poem, in celebration of the Voyage of Sir Humphrey Gilbert to con duct a Colony to the New World. Latin and English. With Memoir of Author. See MASS. Hist Society. (Collections, 1st Series, vol. 9.) PARNELL, Thomas, D. D., Archdeacon of Clogher; b. 1679. d. 1717. 6 Poetical Works. With a Life, by Oliver Goldsmith. [Portrait.] Boston, 1854. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.) PARNY, Evariste Desire DESFORGES, Chev. oft. Vicomte DE ; b. 1753. d. 1814. 7 Opuscules [viz: Poesies erotiques ; Voyage; Chansons Madecasses], 5me ed., . . . augmentee. P tie I. Loudres, 137[?]7. 16 (3. 3X2 irr.). PARR, Samuel, LL.D., an eminent English divine & scholar ; b. 1747. d. 1825. 8 Life, Writings and Opinions of Dr. Parr. See FIELD, W. PARRY, Sir William Edward, Capt. R.N., F.H.S.; b. in Bath, 1790. d. 1855. 9 Three Voyages for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage from the At lantic to the Pacific, and Narrative of an Attempt to reach the North Pole. ... Vol. 1,2. [Portrait.] (Harper s Family Library, No. 107, 108.) New-York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7). PARSONS, Reo. John U., of Westbrook, Me. 10 Biblical Analysis (The) ; or a Topical Arrangement of the Instructions of the Holy Scriptures. ... Boston, 1837. 8 (7.4X4), 2 cols. PARSONS, Rev. Jonathan, of Newburyport, Mass. ; b. 1703. d. 1776. 11 Observations on the Doctrines, and Uncharitableness of Rev. Jonathan Parsons ; as exhibited more especially in his late Discourses on I. Tim., I. 15. ... * * * Boston, 1757. 8, pp. 70. PARSONS, Rev. Joseph, of Bradford, Mass. 12 Election-Sermon, in Mass., May 31, 1759. Boston, 1759. 8, pp. 35. PARSONS, Rev. Levi, a missionary/ to Palestine; b, 1793. d. 1822. 13 Dereliction (The) and Restoration of the Jews. Sermon, preached at Boston, Oct. 31, 1819, just before the Departure of the Palestine Mis sion. Boston, 1819. 8, pp. 20. PARSONS, Rev. Robert, M.A., Chaplain to the Earl of Rochester. 14 Sermon preached at the Funeral of the Rt. Hon. John Earl of Rochester, August 9, 1680. Oxford, 1680. 4 (6.5X4.7), pp. 48. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 479 PARSONS, Theophilus, LL.D., Ch iff -Just Ice of Massachusetts ; h. 1750. d. 1813. 1 Astronomical Problems. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 2.) 2 Memoir of Theophilus Parsons, by his San. See PARSONS, Prof. Th. 3 Sketches of the Life and Character of. See PARKER. I. PARSONS, Theophilus, LL.D., Prof, of La to, Harv. Coll., son ofjtidye P.; o. 1797. 4 Address (An) delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard University, 27 August, 1835. On the Duties of Educated Men in a Republic. Boston, 1835. 8, pp. 28. 5 Memoir of Theophilus Parsons, Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts ; with Notices of some of his Contemporaries. [Portrait.] Boston, 1859. 12 (5.8X3.3). PARSONS, Pier. Thomas. 6 Christianity a System of Peace. 2d ed. Stockport, 1813. 8, pp. 47. PARSONS, Usher, M.D., of Providence, R.I. 7 Address delivered before the Providence Association for the Promotion of Temperance, May 27, 1831. Providence, 1831. 8, pp. 16. * Battle of Lake Erie. A Discourse, delivered before the Rhode-Island Historical Society, Feb. 16, 1852. Providence, 1853. 8, pp. 38. 9 Boylston Prize Dissertations on 1. Inflammation of the Periosteum. 2. Eneuresis irritata. 3. Cutaneous Diseases. 4. Cancer of the Breast. Also, Remarks on Animal and Vegetable Decomposition. Boston, 1839. 8 (6X3.5). 10 Genealogy of the Frost Family. Elliot, York County, Maine. [/>?/ U. Parsons.] [Xo imprint.] 8, pp. 27. 11 Indian Names of Places in Rhode-Island. Collected for the Rhode-Is land Historical Society. Providence, 1861. 8, pp. 32. 12 Lecture (A) on the Connexion and Reciprocal Influence, between the Brain and Stomach, delivered before the American Institute of Instruc tion, at Providence, 1840. Providence, 1841. 8, pp. 16. 13 Life (The) of Sir William Pepperrell, Bart. [Map of Louixbura.] Boston, 1855. 12 (5.9X3.5). 14 Life (The) of Sir William Pepperrell, Bart. 3d eel. [Portrait, Map of Louisburg and Engravings.] Boston, 1856. 12 (5.9X3.5). 15 Report on Medical Sciences. See AMERICAN Medical Association. !6 Sketches of Rhode Island Physicians, deceased prior to 1850; prepared for the R. I. Medical Society. Providence, 1859. 8, pp. 64. 17 Speech at Put-in-Bay Island, Sept. 10, 1858. [No imprint.] 8, pp. 4. PARTON, James. w Life of Andrew Jackson. ... * * * Vol. 1-3. [Portraits.] New York, 1861. 8 (6.1X3.7). 19 Life (The) and Times of Aaron Burr. . . . [Portraits and Engraving.] New York, 1858. 8 (5.7X3.5), pp. 696. PARUTA, Paolo, a Venetian nobleman ; b. 1540. d. 1598. 2 Alcuni Discorsi. [Portrait.] Bologna, 1831. 16 (4X2.6). ^ Storia della Guerra di Cipro Libri tre. Siena, 1827. 8 (5.6X3.5). PASCAL, Blaise, a French geometer & divine; I). 1623. d. 1662. 2:2 Provincial Letters, containing an Exposure of the Reasoning and Morals of the Jesuits. . . . Translated from the French. To which is added, A View of tho TJiakorv of *h? Jesuits, ... * * * N>* York, 1828 1 2 (5 ? 480 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. PASCAL, Blaise, continued. 1 Thoughts on Religion, and on other important Subjects ; newly trans lated from the French. To which are added, Memoirs of his Life and Writings. .[Portrait.] London, 1803. 8 (6X3.3). PASOII, Georg, Prof, of Greek at Franeker ; b. 1576. d. 1637. 2 Etyma Nominum Propriorum, itemque Analysis Hebrseorum, Syriaco^ rum, & Latinorum Vocabulorum, quse in Novo Testamento uspiam oc- curunt. * * * Londini, 1649. 8, 2 cols., pp. 88. 3 Lexicon Graeco-Latinum in Novum . . . Testamentum, . . . Cum Indice Gnrcarum N. T. Vocum ... * * * HerbDrnac Nassoviorum, 1626. 8 (5.4X3.2), 2 cols., pp. 774-}-. 4 Lexicon Grieco-Latinum in Novum . . . Testamentum, . . . Cum Indice Gra?carum & Latinarum N. T. Vocum . . . Londini, 1650. 8 (5.8X3.3), 2 cols., pp. 718+ 5 Manuale Gracarum Vocum N. Testamenti, cui accessit Tractatus de Gra?cis N. Testamenti Accentibus. [Embellished title-page. ] Lvgd : Batavorvm, Ex officina Elzevir., 1627. 24 (4X2.3), pp. 585. 6 Tractatus de Gra?cis Novi Testamenti Accentibus. Cui . . . uti comi- tem, apposuimus Ideam Graecarum N. T. Dialectorum. * * * Londini, 1650. 8, 2 cols., pp. 46. PASSOW, Franz Ludwig Karl Friedrich, a German philologist ; b. 1786. d. 1833. ~ Handworterbuch der Griechischen Sprache von F. Passow. Bd. 1. A-K. 2. A-G. Nebst einem Anhange. 4th . . . vielfach vermehrte ausgabe. Leipzig, 1831. Thick 8 (7.5X4.4), 2 cols. 8 Kandworterbuch der Griechischen Sprache begriindet von F. Passow. Neu bearbeitet und zeitgemhss umgestaltet von V. C. F. Host, F. Palm, 0. Kreussler, K. Keil und F. Peter. Bd. 1,2-Abth. I. ... 3 vols. Leipzig, 1841- 52. 8 (8.1X5.3), 2 cols. PASTON Letters (The). See FENN, Sir J. PATERCTJLUS, Caius Velleius, a Roman historian ; b. about 19 B.C. 9 Historian Notis illustrate, qvae ex Lipsio, Vossio & aliis selectas sunt. Per N. Tavernier. *** Parisiis, 1658. 12 (4.5X2.4). 10 Quae supersunt ex Historiae Romanae Voluminibus cluobus. Cum in- tegris Scholiis, Notis, variis Lectionibus, et Animadversionibus clocto- rum. CuranteP. Burmanno. Ed. 2da . . . [Prefixed is, Annales Vel~ leiani, seu Vita Velleii Paterculi pro temporum ordine disposita, ab H. Dudwello. Index and ] Lugduni Batavorum, 1744. 8 (6X3.4), pp. 746+. PATRICK, Rev. Samuel, LL.D., Master of Charter-house. 11 Graecum lexicon manuale. See HEDP:RICH, B. Editor, Translator, &c. See T ERENTIUS AFER, P. Terence s Comedies. PATRICK, Simon, D.D., Bishop of Ely ; b. 1626. d. 1707. 12 Commentary (A) upon the Historical Books of the Old Testament, . . . In 2 vols. 6th ed. corrected. ... [WitJi]. A compleat Alphabetical Ta ble. Vol. 1, 2. The Books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon, paraphrased : with Arguments to each chapter, and Annotations . . . Vol. 3. 6th ed. corrected. [Portrait."] London, 1765- 66. 2 (11.4X6.4), 2 cols. NOTF. For thn continuation of this commertary, see LOWTII, "NV., and WHITBY, D. 13 Sermon at the Funeral of Mr. John Smith ; with a short Account of his Life and Death. (Appended to Smith s Select Discourses.) CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 481 PATTERSON, Prof. Henry S., M.D., of Philadelphia. 1 Memoir of the Life and Scientific Labors of Samuel George Morton, M. D. See NOTT, J. C. Types of Mankind. Pp. xvii.-lvii. PATTERSON, Robert. Editor, Annotator, &c. See EwiNG, J. Natural Philosophy, &c. PAUL, St., the Apostle ; a Hellenistic Jew by birth & country ; b. 8-12. d. 63-68. 2 Conversion and Apostleship of St. Paul. See LYTTELTON, G. 3 Epistles of St. Paul. See BIBLE, in locis. 4 Life and Epistles of St. Paul. See CONYBEARE, TV. J. 5 Paul a Unitarian. 2d ed. Boston, 1832. 12, pp. 35. PAULDING, James Kirke, Sec ij of Navy, &c. ; 6. in N.Y., 1779. d. 1860. 6 Life (A) of Washington. ... Vol. 1,2. [Portrait and Engravings.] (Harper s Family Library, No. 75, 76.) New-York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7). PAULUS, Heinrich Eberhard Gottlob, a Germ. Prot. theologian ; b. 1761. d. 1851. Editor, &c. See SPINOZA, B. de. Opera qua? svpersvnt omnia. PAUSANIAS, a Greek topographer, wrote his work about 161-180. 7 Description (The) of Greece, by Pausanias. Translated from the Greek \_by T. Taylor"]. With Notes, in which much of the Mythology of the Greeks is unfolded . . . And illustrated with Maps and Views . . . Vol. 1-3. *** London, 1794. 8 (5.9X3.4). [2 copies.] 8 Pausaniae de Situ Graeciae Libri decem. [ Greek."] Recognovit Im. Bek- kerus. Tom. 1, 2. Berolini, 1826, 27. 8 (6.2 irr. X3.5). NOTE The two volumes are paged continuously, and bound together. PAXTON, James, M.D., a surgeon of London. 9 Introduction (An) to the Study of Human Anatomy. . . . With Illus trations. Vol. 1, 2.. 2d American ed., with Additions, by W. Lewis, Jr. Boston, 1835. 8 (6.1X3.5). PAYNE, George, LL.D., Preceptor of Blackburn Academy, Eng. J0 Elements of Mental and Moral Science : designed to exhibit the Original Susceptibilities of the Mind, and the Rule by which the Rectitude of any of its States or Feelings should be judged. New-York, 1829. 8 (6.4X3.5). PAYNE, John. 11 Epitome (An) of History; or, A concise View of the most important Revolutions and Events ... in the World : . . . with short Accounts of the Religions which prevail ; ... * * * \_Frontispiece.] London, 1794. 8 (6.1X3.3). 12 Geographical Extracts, forming a General View of Earth and Nature. . . . Illustrated with Maps. * * * London, 1796. 8 (6.7X3. 8), pp. 530. 13 New and complete System (A) of Universal Geography ; . . . To which is added, A View of Astronomy, as connected with Geography ; Of the Planetary System . . . ; c. With a copious Index to each volume. . . . With Maps and Plates. . . . Vol. 1-4. New-York, l798- 99. 8 (7X3.8). PAYSON, Rev. Edward, D.D., of Portland; b. 1783. d. 1827. 14 Address to Seamen. See ALLEN, W. Accounts of Shipwreck, &c. 15 Bible (The) above all Price. Discourse, at Portland, May 5, 1814, be fore the Bible Society of Maine. 2d ed. Boston, 1814. 12, pp. 24, 16 Memoir of Rev. Edward Payson, D.D. See GUMMING s, A. 61 482 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. PAYSON, Rev. Edward, D.D., continued. 1 Sermons. [Portrait. ] Portland, 1828. 8 (6.3X3.6), pp. 503. 2 Sermons. Boston, 1831. 12 (5.7X3.2). PAYSON, Rev. Phillips, D.D., of Chelsea, Mass. ; b. 1736. d. 1801. 3 Astronomical Observations, &c. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 1.) 4 Election-Sermon, at Boston, 1778. See THORNTON, J. W. (Pulpit of the American Revolution.) PEABODY, Andrew Preston, D.D., Prof, of Christ. Morals, Harv. Coll.; b. 1811. 5 Christian Consolations. Sermons designed to furnish Comfort and Strength to the Afflicted. Boston, 1847. 12 (5X3.1). 6 Coming (The) of Christ. Boston, 1841. 12, pp. 15. 7 Fidelity in Duty, not Accuracy in Belief, our Test of the Christian Char acter. Boston, 1838. 12, pp. 15. 8 Lectures on Christian Doctrine. Boston, 1844. 12 (5.2X3.2). 9 Nature (The) and Influence of War. An Address delivered before the American Peace Society, May 29, 1843. Boston, 1843. 8, pp. 24. 10 Oration at Portsmouth, upon the Centennial Anniversary of the Intro duction of Printing into New Hampshire. See CELEBRATION (The), &c. 11 What is Truth ? Boston, 1838. 12, pp. 15. Editor. See NORTH AMERICAN Review (The). 1852-1862. Editor, &c. See PLUMER, W., Jun. Life of William Plumer. PEABODY, Rev. Ephraim, D.D., of King s Chapel, Boston ; b. 1807. d. 1856. 12 Address, delivered at the Centennial Celebration in Wilton, N.H., Sept. 25, 1839. With Appendix. Boston, 1839. 8 (6.4X3.8). 13 Charges against Unitarianism. Boston, 1837. 12, pp. 19. 1 4 " Come over and help us." A Letter to Rev. George Putnam. Boston, 1837. 12, pp. 42. 15 Mystery, Reason and Faith. Boston, 1839. 12, pp. 16. PEABODY, George, an American merchant & banker ; b. in Danvers, Mass., 1795. 1 6 Proceedings at the Reception and Dinner in honor of Mr. Peabody, by the Citizens of Danvers, Mass., Oct. 9, 1856. See DANVERS. PEABODY, Rev. Oliver William Bourn, twin-brother ofW. B. 0. P., Prof, of Eng. Lit., Jefferson Coll., La., aft. of Burlington, Vt. ; b. 1799. d. 1847. 17 Address (An) delivered before the Peace Society, of Exeter, N.H., April, 1830. Exeter, 1830. 8, pp. 16. 18 Life of Israel Putnam. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 7.) 19 Life of John Sullivan. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biog., 2d Series, vol. 3.) PEABODY, Rev. William Bourn Oliver, D.D., of Springfield, Ms.; 6.1799. cU847. 20 Address (An), delivered before the Hampden Colonization Society, July 4th, 1828. Springfield, 1828. 8, pp. 16. 21 " Come & See," or the Duty of those who dread the Sentiments of other Christians. Boston, 1833. 12, pp. 32. 22 Life of David Brainerd. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 8.) 23 Life of Cotton Mather. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 6.) 24 Life of James Oglethorpe. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biog., 2d Ser., vol. 2.) 25 Life of Alex. Wilson. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 2.) 26 Report on the Birds of Massachusetts. See MASSACHUSETTS. PEABODY Institute, at South Danvers, Mass. Catalogue of the Library of the 27 Peabody Institute, . . . [Alphabetical of Authors.] * * * * Boston, 1855. 8 (6.6X3.9). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 483 PEABODY Institute, continued. 1 Historical Sketch of. See DANVERS. Proceedings, &c. 2 Rules and Regulations of Peabody Institute. Boston, 1854. 8, pp. 8. 3 Supplement to Catalogue of Library. Boston, 1857. 8, pp. 27. PEACOCK, George, D.D., Dean of Ely, Prof, of Math., Univ. of Cambridge. 4 Arithmetic. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 1). PEAKE, Thomas, Esq., of London. 5 Compendium (A) of the Law of Evidence. Walpole, N. H., 1804. 8 (6.3X3.1), m. r. PEARCE, Rev. Samuel, of Birmingham; b. 1766. d. 1799. 6 Memoirs of Pearce, with Extracts from his Letters. See FULLER, A. PEARCE, Zachary, D.D., Bishop of Rochester; b. 1690. d. 1774. Translator, &c. See LONGINUS, D. C. Commentarius de Sublimitate. PEARSON, Rev. Eliphalet, LL.D., Prof, of Hebrew, Harvard College; d. 1826. 7 Public Lecture, occasioned by the Death of Rev. Joseph Willard, Presi dent of Harvard College. Cambridge, 1804. 8, pp. 21. 8 Sermon, in Boston, before the American Society for educating Pious Youth for the Gospel Ministry, Oct. 26, 1815. Andover, 1815. 8, pp. 28. [2 copies.] 9 Sermon delivered before the Massachusetts Society for promoting Chris tian Knowledge, Nov. 27, 1811. Cambridge, 1811. 8, pp. 36. 10 Sermon delivered Nov. 3, 1812, at the Funeral of Madam Phebe Phil lips, of Andover. Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 24. 11 Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Ephraim Abbot, Greenland, Oct. 27, 1813. \_Ch., by H. Porter; R.H., by J. French. } Andover, 1813. 8, pp. 39. PEARSON, George, M.D. 12 Observations and Experiments for investigating the Chymical History of the Tepid Springs of Buxton ; . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1 784. 8 (6. X 3.3). PEARSON, Rev. Henry B. 13 Discourse (A) on the Immortality of the Soul, delivered at Harvard, Mass., April 30, 1848. Boston, 1848. 8, pp. 31. 14 Discourse delivered at Harvard, Mass., April 6, 1848 ; the Day of the Annual Fast. Boston, 1848. 8, pp. 22. PEARSON, Rev. Hugh, D.D., N.R.A.S., Dean of Salisbury. 15 Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Rev. Christian Frederick Swartz. To which is prefixed, A Sketch of the History of Christianity in India. 1st American ed. [Portrait. } New-York, 1835. 12 (5.7X3.1). 16 Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Rev. Christian Frederick Swartz. To which is prefixed, A Sketch of the History of Christianity in India. New-York, 1835. 8 (8.1X4.9), 2 cols, PEARSON, John, an English prelate ; b. 1613. d. 1686. 17 Exposition (An) of the Creed. By John [Pearson], Lord Bishop of Chester. 10th ed. revised and corrected. London, 1715. 2 (10.1X4.5), m. r, PEARSON, Rev. Thomas, of Eyemouth, Scotland. !8 Infidelity ; its Aspects, Causes and Agencies : being the Prize Essay of the British Organization of the Evangelical Alliance. * * * New-York, 1858. 8 (6.5X3.7), pp. 620. [2 copies.] 484 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. PECK, John M. 1 Life of Daniel Boone. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biog., 2d Ser., vol. 13.) PECK, William Dandridge, Prof, of Nat. Hist., Harv. Coll. ; b. 1763. d. 1822. 2 Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 2, 4.) 3 Natural History of the Slug Worm. By order of the Massachusetts Agricultural Society. [Plate.] Boston, 1799. 8, pp. 14. [2 copies.] PECKHAM, Harry, Esq., of Chicliester, Eng. 4 Tour (A) through Holland, Dutch Brabant, the Austrian Netherlands, and Part of France : including Paris and its Environs. 5th eel., with a Map. London, 1793. 12 (4.5X2.6). PECQUET, Antoine, of Rouen; b. 1704. d. 1762. 5 Discours sur 1 Art de negocier. [By A. Pecquet.] Paris, 1737. 12 (4.8X2.4). 6 Esprit (L ) des Maximes Politiques, pour servir de suite a L Esprit des Loix du Pres. de Montesquieu. Par M. Pecquet. Paris, 1757. 4 (6.8X4.2). PEEBLES, Rev. William, A.M., a minister at Newt on-upon- Ayr. 7 Sermons on various subjects : to which are subjoined Hymns suited to the several Discourses. Edinburgh, 1794. 8 (6. 3X3. 5). PEIRCE, Benjamin, A.M., Librarian of Harvard College ; b. about 1789. cZ.1831. 8 Catalogue of the Library of Harvard University. Catalogue of the Maps and Charts in the Library of Harvard University. See HARVARD COLLEGE. Library. 9 History (A) of Harvard University, from its Foundation, in the year 1636, to the Period of the American Revolution. [Edited by J. Picker ing. ] *** [Plate.] Cambridge, 1833. 8 (6.2X3.6). PEIRCE, Benjamin, LL.D., Prof, of Astronomy, &c., Harv Coll. ; b. 1809. J Elementary Treatise (An) on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, with their Applications to Navigation, Surveying, Heights and Distances, and Spherical Astronomy, and particularly adapted to ... Bowditch s Navigator, and the Nautical Almanac. New ed., revised, with additions. [Plates.] Boston and Cambridge, 1852. 8 (6.7X3.8). 11 System (A) of Analytic Mechanics. [Plate.] Boston, 1855. 4 (6.8X4.8). PEIRCE, Rev. James, of Exeter, Eng. ; b. 1673. d. about 1730. 12 Tractate (A) upon Church Music; being an Extract from the Vindica tion of the Dissenters. *** London, 1786. 8, pp. 31. PELLICO, Silvio, an Italian poet & patriot; b. in Saluzzo, 1789. d. 1854. 13 Francesca da Rimini, Tragedia. See (TEATRO Tragico Italiano). 14 Mie Prigioni (Le). *** Italia, 1832. 24 (3.6X2.2). 1 5 My Imprisonments. Translated from the Italian. By T. Roscoe. * * * New- York, 1833. 12 (5.6X3.2). PEMBERTON, Rev. Ebenezer, of Boston ; b. 1673. d. 1717. JG Sermons and Discourses on several Occasions. To which is added, A Sermon after his Funeral by Rev. Mr. Colman : containing some Ac count of his Life and Character. . . . [Portrait.] London, 1727. 8 (6X3.1). [2 copies.] PEMBERTOX, Rev. Ebenezer, D.D., of N.Y., aft. of Boston, son of the preceding; b. 1704. d. 1777. " Election-Sermon, in Mass., May 25, 1757. Boston, 1757. 8, pp. 32. 18 Heaven the Residence of the Saints. Sermon on the Death of White- field, preached in Boston, Oct. 11, 1770. Boston, 1770. 8, pp. 31. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 485 PEMBERTON, Henry, M.D.,F.R.S., Prof, in GresJiam College ; b. 1694. d. 1771. 1 Course (A) of Chemistry, divided into twenty-four Lectures. . . . Published from the Author s manuscript, by J. Wilson. London, 1771. 8 (5.5X3.1). 2 View (A) of Sir Isaac Newton s Philosophy. * * * London, 1728. 4 (7.4X5.1). [3 copies.] PEMBERTON, Thomas, a merchant, of Boston ; b. 1728. d. 1807. 3 Historical Journal of the American War. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 1st Series, vol. 2.) 4 Topographical and Historical Description of Boston. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 1st Series, vol. o.) PENN, William, an English Quaker, the founder of Penn. ; b. 1644. d. 1718. 5 Life. Ses BELKNAP, J. (Amsrican Biography, vol. 2.) c Life, by G. E. Ellis. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biog., 2d Ser., vol. 12.) 7 Memoirs of the Life of William Penn. See CLARKSON, W. 8 Original Letters and Documents relating to the History of Pennsyl vania, hitherto unpublished. See HISTORICAL Society of Pennsylvania. (Memoirs, vol. 1.) PENNANT, Thomas, LL.D., an English naturalist & antiquary; b. 1726. d. 1798. 9 Tour in Scotland, in 1769. Tour in Scotland, and Voyage to the Hebri des, in 1772. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyages, &c., vol. o.) PENNSYLVANIA. Miscellaneous Documents. J0 Acts (The) of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, carefully compared with the Originals. And an Appendix, con taining the Laws now in force, passed between the 30th Day of Septem ber, 1775, and the Revolution. Together with the Declaration of Inde pendence ; the Constitution of ... Pennsylvania ; and the Articles of Confederation of the United States of America. Philadelphia, 1782. 2 (8.5X4.3), m. b., pp. xxxi., 527+. 11 Brief View (A) of the Accounts of the Treasury of Pennsylvania, from the time of the Commencement of the He volution to the First of Octo ber, 1781. ... Philadelphia, 1784. 8 (6.2X3.5). 12 Constitution (The) of the Common-Wealth of Pennsylvania, as estab lished by the General Convention at Philadelphia, July 15-Sept. 28, 1776. Philadelphia, 1776. 8, pp. 32. 13 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as established by the General Convention. Philadelphia, 1786. 8, pp. 16. 14 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as altered and amen ded by the Convention. . . . Philadelphia, 1790. 8, pp. 28. !5 Cool Thoughts on the Subject of the Bank. Addressed to the Repre sentatives of the General Assembly. [No imprint.] 8, pp. 16. 16 Debates of the Convention of the State of Pennsylvania, on the Con stitution, proposed by the Government of the United States. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Taken in short-hand by T. Lloyd. * * * Philadelphia, 1788. 8 (6.1X3.6). I? Debates and Proceedings of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, on the Memorials praying a Repeal or Suspension of the Law annulling the Charter of the Bank. Mathew Carey, Editor. Philadelphia, 1786. 8 (6.4X3.6). 486 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA. Miscellaneous Documents, continued. 1 Historical Review (An) of the Constitution and Government of Penn sylvania, from its Origin ; so far as regards the several Points of Con troversy, which have, from time to time, arisen between the several Governors of that Province, and their several Assemblies. Founded on authentic Documents. *** London, 1759. 8 (6.6X3.4). 2 Laws enacted in General Assembly, Third Sitting of the Eleventh ; First Sitting of the Twelfth ; First Sitting of the Thirteenth, and First Sitting of the Fourteenth. 1787-1789. Philadelphia, 1787- S9. 2 (8.5X4.3), m. b. 3 Proceedings and Debates of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania. Taken in short-hand by T. Lloyd. Vol. 1-3. Philadelphia, 1787- 89. 8 (6.1X3.6). 4 Report of the Superintendent of the Common Schools of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, for ... 1854. {Harrisburg, 1854.] 8 (7.9X4.4). 5 View of the Principles, Operation, and probable Effects of the Funding System of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1788. 8, pp. 23. PENNSYLVANIA Historical Society. See HISTORICAL Society, &c. PENTATEUCH the Five Books of Moses. See BIBLE, in locis. PEPPERRELL, Gen. Sir William"; b. at Kittery Point, Me., 1697. d. 1759. 6 Life of Sir William Pepperrell, Bart. See PARSONS, U. PERCIVAL, James Gates, M.D.; b. in Berlin, Conn., 1795. d. 1857. 7 Report on the Geology of the State of Connecticut. [Map.] . . . New Haven, 1842. 8 (6.3X3.8). PERKINS, Elisha B., Esq. 8 Address delivered before the Peace Society of Windham County, Conn., August 20, 1828. 2d ed. Brooklyn, 1828. 8, p}>. 32. PERKINS, John. 9 Theory of Agency ; or, An Essay on the Nature, Source and Extent of Moral Freedom. [By J. Perkins. ] * * * Boston, 1771. 8, pp. 43. PERKINS, Samuel, Esq. 10 Address delivered before the Peace Society of Windham County Conn., Feb. 14, 1827. Brooklyn, 1827. 8, pp. 20. PERKINS, Simeon. 11 Address (An) delivered before the Reading Peace Society, in Minot, Dec. 21, 1825. Portland, 1826. 8, pp. 16. PERKINS, Rev. William, an English Puritan divine ; b. 1558. d. 1602. 12 Workes. Vol.3. ... * * * Cambridge, 1613. 2 (10.4X5.9), 2 cols. PEROUSE, J. F. DE G., Count DE LA. See LA PEROUSE, J. F. DE G., Count DE. PERRET, M. . 13 Abhandlung vom Stahl, . . . Eine gekronte Preisschrift. Aus dem Franzosischen ubersetzt. MitKupfern. Dresden, 1780. 12 (5.1X2.9). PERRY, Comm. Matthew Calbraith, U.S.N., brother of following; 6.1785. d.IS58. 14 Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the Command of Comm. M. C. Perry. Compiled from the original Notes and Journals of Comm. Perry and his Officers, . . . under his super vision, by F. L. Hawks. Vol. 1, 2. With numerous Illustrations. (U. S. Pub. Doc.) Washington, 1856. 4 (8.4X6.1). NOTE. For third volume, " Observations on the Zodiacal Light," &c. see JONES, G. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 487 PERRY, Comm. Oliver Hazard, U.S.N. ; b. in Newport, R.I., 1785. d. 1819. 1 Life of Comm. O. H. Perry. See MACKENZIE, A. S. 2 Oliver Hazard Perry, and the Battle of Lake Erie ; by George Ban croft. See PERRY STATUE. Inauguration, &c. PERRY, Rev. William Stevens, of Portland; b. in Providence, E.I., 1832. 3 Bishop Seabury and Bishop Provoost : an Historical Fragment. Pri vately printed. [New York] 1862. 8, pp. 20. 4 Historical Sketch of the Church Missionary Association of the Eastern District of the Diocese of Massachusetts. Boston, 1859. 8, pp. 39. Joint Annotator, &c. See PROTESTANT-EPISCOPAL Church in the Uni ted States. Journals of the General Conventions, &c. PERRY STATUE. Inauguration of the Perry Statue, at Cleveland, 10th Septem- 5 ber, 1860 ; including a History of the Battle of Lake Erie, by G. Ban croft ; Addresses and other Proceedings ; with a Sketch of W. Wal- cutt, the Sculptor. . . . [Illustrations.] Cleveland, 1861. 8 (6.4X3.7). PERSIUS FLACCUS, Aulus, a Roman satirical poet ; b. in Etruria, 34. d. 62. 6 Satirse. See JUVENALIS, D. J. D. J. Juvenalis et A. Persii Flacci Satirse. 7 Satyrse VI. Ita illustrate ut a quovis facile intelligi possint, Commen- tariis E. Lvbini. Amstelredami, 1595.* 8 (5X3). NOTE. Compare LUBIN, E. In Avli Persi Satyras Paraphrasis, etc. 8 Satyraj sex. Cum posthumis Commentarijs loan. Bond. * * * Londini, 1614. 12 (4.5 irr.X3.1), m.n. 9 Satyree VI. Cum posthumis Commentariis Joan. Bond. Londini, 1614. 12 (4.3X2.1), m. n. JO Satirarum Liber. Cum Scholiis antiquis edidit Otto lahn. [Vita A. Persii Flacci, Indices et Prolegomena. ] Lipsiae, 1843. 8 (6X3.4), pp. 408, ccxvi. 11 Traduction des Satires de Perse, et de Juvenal, par le Pere Tarteron. [Latin and French, facing.] Nouv. ed. Augmentee d Argumens a chaque Satire. *** Paris, 1729. 12 (4.9X3). PETAVIUS, Dionysius, or DENIS PETAU, a French Jesuit; b. 1583. d. 1652. 12 Geographical! Description (A) of the World. . . . With Historicall Dis courses ... London, 1659. 2 (8. 7X4.5). 13 History (The) of the World ; or, An Account of Time. Continued by others, to . . . 1659. . . . London, 1659. 2 (8.9X4.5), m.r., pp. 610-J-. PETER, St., the Apostle; b. at JBethsaida, in Galilee; suffered martyrdom, 49. 4 Apostle Peter (The) a Unitarian. Boston, 1832. 12, pp. 24. 15 Epistles of. See BIBLE, in locis. PETER I., Peter the Great, 1 Czar of Russia; b. 1672. d. 1725. 16 Anecdotes originates de Pierre le Grand. See STAIILIN, J. von. 17 Histoire de PEmpire de Russie, sous Pierre le Grand. See VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. de. CEuvres. Tom. 24. !8 Memoir of the Life of Peter the Great. See BARROW, Sir J. 19 Originalanecdoten von Peter dem Grossen. See ST^ HLIN, J. von. PETER MARTYR. See VERMIGLI, P. M., or PETER MARTYR. PETERS, Absalom, D.D. Editor. See AMERICAN Journal (The) of Education and College Review. Editor. See BIBLICAL Repository, &c. Vol. 11 2d Ser., vol. 7. 488 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. PETERS, Richard, Jun. Reporter. See UNITED STATES. Acts and Laws. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court. 1828-1835. Vol. 1-9. PETITOT, Claude Bernard, Sec y of Education in France: b. 1772. d. 1825. 1 Essai sur 1 Origine et la Formation de le Langue Franchise. See AR- NAULD, A. Grammaire g^nerale de Port Royal. PETITPIERRE, Ferdinand Oliver, a Swiss pastor ; jt. 1770- 90. 2 Thoughts on the Divine Goodness relative to the Government of Moral Agents, particularly displayed in Future Rewards and Punishments. *** Translated from the French. Walpole, 1801. 12 (5.3X2.9). PETRARCA, Francesco, an Italian poet ; b. in Arezzo, 1304. d. 1374. 3 Choix des Poesies de Petraque, traduites de 1 Italien par M. Levesque, nouv. ed. corrigee et augmentee. Tom. 1, 2. [Portrait.] Venise, 1787. 24 (3.5X2.1). 4 Rime (Le) del Petrarca Con Note letterali e critiche del Castelvetro, Tassoni, Muratori, Alfieri, Ginguene, ec. ec. Scelte, compilate, ed ac- cresciute da C. Albertini Tom. 1, 2 [Portraits and Engravings.] Firenze, 1832. 8 (6.4X3.5). PETRONJ, Stefano Egidio, a teaclier of Spanish in London. Editor, &c. See LE SAGE, A. R. Gil Bias de Santillano. PETTUS, Sir John, Deputy-Gov. of Royal Mines; a native of Suffolk, d. 1690. 5 Fleta Minor. The Laws of Art and Nature, in knowing, judging, as saying, fining, refining and inlarging the Bodies of Metals. . . . Part I. Assays of L. Erckern, in V. Books, originally written by him in the Teutonick Language ... II. Essays on Metallick Words, as a Dic tionary ... Illustrated with 44 Sculptures. * * * [Portrait of Pet- tus.] London, 1683. 2 (9.6X5.5), m. b. NOTE Part II. has also independent title-page and paging-. PEUCHET, Jacques, a French political & miscellaneous writer ; b. 1758. d. 1830. 6 Dictionnaire universel de la Geographic Commerrante, contenant tout ce qui a raport a la Situation et a 1 Entendue de chaque Etat commerrant; ... Tom. 1-5. Paris, anvil. [1799]. 4 (8X5.7), 2 cols. [2 copies.] 1 Introduction a FEtude de la Geographic CommerQante, contenant 1 His- toire des Progres du Commerce, de la Culture, de FIndustrie manufac- turiere, et FApergu des Principes et de la Theorie du Commerce. (Pre fixed to Vol. 1 of Dictionnaire universel de la Geographic Commerc. ante.) Translator. See LAMPREDI, G. M. Du Commerce des Neutres, etc. PEUCINIAN SOCIETY, at Bowdoin College. See BOWDOIN COLLEGE. PEYRARD, Francois, Prof, of Math, at Paris; b. 1760. d. 1822. 8 Miroir Ardent ; un Memoire. See ARCHIMEDES. (Euvres, etc. Translator, &c. See ARCHIMEDES. (Euvres. PEYRON, Jean Francois, a French author & translator; b. 1748. d. 1784. 9 Essays on Spain. See BOURGOANNE, Chev. DE. Travels in Spain. PEZEL, Christoph, Prof, of Theol. at Wittenberg & Bremen; b. 1539. d. 1604. 10 Argvmentorvm et Obiectionvm, de pra?cipuis Articulis Doctrines Chris tiana?, cum Responsibus, qune passim extant in Scriptis P. Melancthonis Pars I. collecta ; & ante annos septem Dialectica Methodo dictata in Academia Wittembergensi ; nunc vero ab eodem retexta & primum in lucemedita. *** Neostadii, 1580. 8 (5.2X2.9), m. r., pp. 586. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 489 PEZEL, Christoph, continued. 1 Argvmentorvm Philippicorvm Pars Vltiraa. Continens Explicationem Locorvm de Proedestinatione ; de Libertate Christiana : de Ceremonijs : de Scandalo : de Magistrate : de Coniugio. . . . Neostadii, 1597. 8 (5X2.8), m. r., pp. 599-J-. PFEIFFER, Johann Philipp, S.T.D., Librarian to the Elector of Brandenburg. 2 Libri IV. Antiqvitatum Grsecarum Gentilium Sacrarum, Politicarum, Militarium, & (Enomicarum. . . . Cum Pra?fatione, & Indicibus . . . Ed. 2da. [Embellished Title-page and Portrait. ] Regimonti & Lipsise, 1707. 4 (6.3X4.2), pp. 773-f-. PFIXGSTEN, Johann Hermann. 3 Sammlung von Nachrichten und Beobachtugen liber die Erzeugung und Verfertigung des Salpeters, herausgegeben von denen Herren Macquer, Ritter von Arcy, Lavoisier, Sage und Baume . Aus dem Franzosichen iibersetzt, und als der Zweyte Theil zu Simons Kunst Salpeter zu sieden eingerichtet, von J. H. Pfingsten. Mit Kupfern. Dresden, 1778. 8 (5.2X3), pp. 557. PILEDRUS, afreedman of Augustus , d. about A.D. 50. 4 Fabularum ^Esopiarum Libri V. Notis illustravit in usum . . . Prin- cipis Nassavii 1). Hoogstratanus. Accedunt ejusdem opera duo Indices ... * * * [ Vita Phcedri a J. Scheffero. Embellished Title-page, Por trait and many Plates.~\ Amstekedami, 1701. 4 (8X^.5 irr.) PHALARIS, Tyrant of Agrigentum, in Sicily ; assigned to 570-555 B.C. 3 Epistolas. [Greek.] Ex MSS recensuit, Versione, Annotationibus, & Vita insuper Authoris donavit C. Boyle. Oxonii, 1718. 8 (6.2X3.8). NOTK. Now believed the production of a Greek writer of the age of the Ccesars. PHARMACOPOEIA Bateana ; Arcana Goddardiana ; etc. See SHIPTON, J. PHARMACOPOEIA 6 Hermetica, . . . Londini, 1719. 12 (4.9X2.7). PHARMACOPOEIA of Massachusetts Medical Society. See MASSACHUSETTS, &c. PHELPS, Rev. Amos A., of Boston ; b. 1805. d. 1847. 7 Lectures on Slavery and its Remedy. Boston, 1834. 24 (4.7X2.8). PHI BETA KAPPA, Fraternity of. Catalogue of the Fraternity of * B K, fU- 8 pha of Maine, Bowdoin College, 1849. Brunswick, [1849]. 8, pp. 18. 9 Catalogue of the Fraternity of <fr B K, Alpha of Maine, Bowdoin Col lege, Brunswick, 1860. Brunswick, [I860]. 8, pp. 31. l Catalogue of the Fraternity of * B K, Alpha of Massachusetts, Har vard University, Cambridge, 1846. Cambridge, 1846. 8, pp. 48. 11 Catalogue of the Fraternity of cj> B K, Alpha of Massachusetts, Har vard University, Cambridge, 1849. Cambridge, 1849. 8, pp. 50. PHILADELPHIA Library Company. See LIBRARY Company of Philadelphia. PHILANTHROPOS, a pseudonym. See LADD, W. PHILEMON, an Athenian comic poet; b. in Cilicia about 360 B.C. d. 262 B.C. 12 Reliquia?. See BRUNCK, R. F. P. (Gnomici Poetse Greed.) PHILIBERT, J. C. 13 Dictionnaire universel Botanique, contenant 1 Explication detailee de tous les Termes Frangais et Latins de Botanique et de Physique vegetale. Orne de Figures. Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1804. 8 (6X3.4). !4. Introduction a 1 Etude de la Botanique, Ouvrage orne de dix Planches coloriees. ... Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1802. 8 (5.4X3.2). 62 490 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. PHILIBERT, J. C., continued. 1 Notions elementaires de Botanique, a 1 usage des Cours Publics . . . ; contenant les Principes de la Physique, vegetale, et 1 Exposition des Methodes les plus usitees et des principales Families naturelles. Paris, 1802. 8 (5.5X3.2). PHILIP II., King of Spain ; b. in Valladolid, 1527. d. 1598. 2 History of the Reign of Philip the Second. See PRESCOTT, W. H. PHILIP, Rev. Robert, an Independent minister, of London. 3 Eternity Realized : or, A Guide to the Thoughtful. * * * From Lon don ed. Boston, 1833. 12 (4.5X2.7). 4 God (The) of Glory ; or, A Guide to the Doubting. * * * New-York, 1835. 12 (4X2.6). 5 Life (The), Times, and Characteristics of John Bunyan. \_Embellislied Title-page. ] New-York, 1839. 12 (5.6X3.3). 6 Life (The) and Times of the Rev. George Whitefield. * * * New-York, 1838. 12 (5.9X3.5). 7 Love (The) of the Spirit ; traced in his Work. ... * * * New-York, 1836. 8 (8.1X4.9), 2 cols. 8 Marthas (The) ; or, The Varieties of Female Piety. * * * New-York, 1836. 8 (8.1X4.9), 2 cols. 9 Marys (The) : or, The Beauty of Female Holiness. * * * New-York, 1835. 8 (8.1X4.9), 2 cols. PHILLIMORE, John George, Esq., a barrister at law. 10 Annals of Germany and Italy during the 12th and 13th Centuries. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 12). 11 Annals of Spain, from A. D. 1407 to A. D. 1620. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 12). PHILLIPS, Edward, an English author, a nephew of Milton ; b. 1630. 12 Continuation of Baker s Chronicle of the Kings of England, from 1648 to 1664. See BAKER, R. PHILLIPS, John, an English surveyor. 13 General History (A) of Inland Navigation, Foreign and Domestic : con taining a complete Account of the Canals already executed in England, with Considerations on those projected. To which are added, Practical Observations. . . . [Map and Plates. ] New ed. corrected, with two Addendas, . . . London, 1795. 4(7.5X5.2). [3 copies.] NOTE. Each addenda has independent paging-. In one copy the work and addendas have independent title-pages, dated respectively 1792, 1793, 1795. PHILLIPS, John, F.R.S., Prof, of Geology, King s College, London , b. 1800. 14 Guide (A) to Geology. * * * 2d ed. [Plates. ] London, 1835. 12 (4.9X2.8). 15 Geology. By Prof. J. Phillips and Prof. C. G. B. Danbury. See (ENCY CLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 6). PHILLIPS, Richard, F.R.S., &c., an English chemist; b. 1778. d. 1851. Editor. See ANNALS (The) of Philosophy. New Series. Vol. 1-12. Joint Editor. See LONDON (The), Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, &c. Vol. 1-37. New and United Series. Joint Editor. See PHILOSOPHICAL Magazine (The), or Annals, &c. PHILLIPS, Willard, Esq., of Boston. 16 Manual of Political Economy, with particular reference to the Institu tions, Resources, and Condition of the United States. Boston, 1828. 8 (6.2X3.5). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 491 PHILLIPS, Willard, Esq., continued. 1 Treatise (A) on the Law of Insurance. Boston, 1823. 8 (7.5X3.8), m. r., pp. 550. PniLO, a Jewish philosopher, of Alexandria; lived about the time of Christ, 2 Philonis Ivdaei Opera exegetica in Libros Mosis, de Mundi Opificio, his- toricos & legales, qvae partim ab A. Tvrnebo, partira a D. Hoeschelio, edita & illustrata sunt. Accessere extra . . . Philonis sex Opuscula ; quorum alia sunt 7ri2ax.<nx.a, alia ^a<rx.aAca, alia denique historica, res quae ludaeis auctoris eevo contigere describentia. Nunc Gra?ce. & Latine in lucera emissa ex accuratissima S. Gelenij Interpretatione, cum Rerum Indice . . . [Embellished Title-page.] Colonise Allobrogum, 1613. 2 (10.9X6.2), par. cols., pp. 904. PHILO PACIFICUS, a pseudonym. See WORCESTER, N. PHILOSOPHIC Solitude, a Poem. See LIVINGSTON, W. PHILOSOPHICAL Magazine (The), or Annals of Chemistry, Mathematics, As- 3 tronomy, Natural History, and General Science. By R. Taylor and R. Phillips. *** Vol. 1-11. New and United Series of the Philosophi cal Magazine and Annals of Philosophy. January, 1827 June, 1832. [Monthly. Plates.] London, 1827- 32. 8 (6.7X3.7). NOTE. Continued in The London, Edinburgh and Philosophical Magazine, &c. 4 General Index to the Philosophical Magazine, or Annals of Chemistry, &c. Vol. 1-11. ... London, 1832. 8 (6.7X4.), 2 cols., pp. 50. PHILOSOPHICAL Magazine (The) and Journal : comprehending the various 5 Branches of Science, the Liberal and Fine Arts, Agriculture, Manufac tures, and Commerce. ... * * * Vol. 50-68. July, 1817-Decem- ber, 1826. [Monthly. Plates. } London, 1817-27." 8 (6.4X3.7). NOTE. Lettered " Tilloch s Philosophical Magazine." Conducted, vol. 50-. r >9 by A. Tilloch ; 60-65 by A. Tilloch and R. Taylor ; 66-68 by R. Taylor. Continued in the preceding. PHILOSOPHICAL Miscellanies, translated from the French of Cousin, Jouifroy, 6 and B. Constant. With introductory and critical Notices. By G. Rip- ley. ... Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1838. 12 (5. 1X3), PHILOSOPHY. An Epitome of the History of Philosophy, from the Abbe Baii- ? tain, translated and continued by C. S. Henry. See HENRY, C. S. PHILOSTRATUS, Flavius, a Greek sophist, of the 3d century. 8 Two First Books (The) of Philostratus, concerning the Life of Apollo- nius Tyaneus : . . . now published in English : together with philologi cal Notes . . . By C. Blount. * * * London, 1680. 2 (9.2X5.4). PHIPPS, Constantine John, Baron Mulgrave, an Eng. voyager ; b. 1744. d. 1792. 9 Voyage (A) towards the North Pole Undertaken by His Majesty s Com mand 1763 [Maps, Charts and Plates. ] London, 1774. 4 (7X5). 10 Voyage to the North Pole. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyages, &c., vol. 1.) PHIPS or PHIPPS, Sir William, Knt., Governor of Mass. ; b. 1651. d. 1695. 11 Life, by F. Bowen. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 7.) PHISICALISCH-CHEMISCHE Beschreibung des in dem Bissthum Paderborn ge- 12 legenen Gesundbnmnens zu Driburg, nebst angehangten Bemerkungen die Mineralwasser iiberhaupt betreffend. Hildesheim, 1783. 8 (5.4X3). PHOCION, Letters of. See CURTIS, G. T. NEW YORK, State of. PHOTIUS, Patriarch of Constantinople ; d. 892. 13 Photii Lexicon [Greek] e Codice Galeano descripsit R. Porsonus. . . . Lipsiae, 1823. 8 (6.3X3.6), pp. 750. 492 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. PICHEGRU, Charles, a French soldier; b. 1761. d. 1804. 1 Histoire du Gen. Pichegru, precedee d une Notice sur sa Vie politique etmilitaire; . . . *** [Portrait.] Paris, 1802. 16 (4.6X2.6). PICKERING, Hon. John, LL.D., son of Col. T.P. ; b. in Salem, 1777. d. 1846. 2 Essay on Adoption of a Uniform Orthography for the Indian Languages of North America. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 4.) 3 Essay on the Pronunciation of the Greek Language. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 4.) 4 Eulogy on Nath. Bowditch, LL.D., President of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences ; including an Analysis of his Scientific Publica tions. Delivered before the Academy, May 29, 1838. Boston, 1838. 8 (6.3X3.8). 5 Eulogy on Hon. J. Pickering, by D. A. White. See AMERICAN Acade my, &c. (Memoirs, New Series, vol. 3.) 6 Father Rasle s Abnaki Indian Dictionary ; with Introductory Memoir and Notes, by J. Pickering. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, New Series, vol. 1.) 7 Grammar of the Massachusetts Indian Language, by J. Eliot ; with Notes and Observations by P. S. Du Ponceau, and Introduction and Supplementary Observations by J. Pickering. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 2d Series, vol. 9.) 8 Language (On the) and Inhabitants of Lord North s Island in the In dian Archipelago ; with a Vocabulary. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, New Series, vol. 2.) 9 Memoir of the Present State of the English Language in the United States ; with a Vocabulary of Words and Phrases, supposed to be pe culiar to this country. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 3.) 10 Memoir of Hon. J. Pickering, by W. H. Prescott. See MASS. Hist. So ciety. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 10.) 11 Observations on the Mohegan Language, by Dr. Edwards ; edited, with Notes, by J. Pickering. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 2d Ser., vol. 10.) Editor. See PEIRCE, B., A.M. A History of Harvard University. PICKERING, Octavius, Esq. Reporter. See MASSACHUSETTS. Jurisprudence. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Judicial Court. 1822-1840. PICKERING, Col. Timothy, Sec y of State of U.S., &c. ; b. in Ms., 1745. d. 1829. 12 Interesting Correspondence between Gov. Sullivan and Col. Pickering; in which the latter vindicates himself against the Charges of the Gov- enor and others. Boston, 1808. 8, pp. 32. [2 copies.] 13 Letter, exhibiting to his Constituents a View of the imminent Danger of an Unnecessary and Ruinous War. Boston, 1808. 8, pp. 16. 14 Review (A) of the Correspondence between the Hon. John Adams, and the late William Cunningham, Esq. Beginning in 1803, and ending in 1812. Salem, 1824. 8 (6.7X3.8). PICTET, Mark Augustus, Prof, of Philosophy, at Geneva. 15 Essay (An) on Fire. ... * * * London, 1791. 12 (4.1X2.5). PIERCE, Franklin, 14th Pres. of the U.S. ; b. in Hillsborough, N.H., 1804. 16 Executive Addresses, Messages, &c. See UNITED STATES. PIERCE, fiev. John, D.D., of Brookline, Mass. ; b. 1773. d. 1849.J 17 Discourse delivered at Brookline, Nov. 24, 1805 ; a Century from the Incorporation of the Town. *** Cambridge, 1 80S. 8, pp. 22. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 403 PIERCE, Rev. John, D.D., continued. 1 Discourse delivered at the Dedication of the Meeting-house of the First Congregational Society, Burlington, Vt., Jan. 9, 1817. Burlington, 1817. 8, pp. 20. 2 Discourse delivered Nov. 9, 1817, the Lord s Day after the Completion of a Century from the Gathering of the Church in Brookline. Boston, 1818. 8, pp. 32. 3 Eulogy on George Washington, delivered on the Anniversary of his Birth, at Brookline. Boston, 1800. 8, pp. 20. 4 Memoir of J. Pierce, D. D., by Rev. C. Lowell. See MASS. Hist. So ciety. (Collections, 4th Series, vol. 1.) 5 Mystery (On the) of Godliness. A Discourse, delivered at Medfield, Oc tober, 1797. Declham, 1798. 8, pp. 22. 6 Sermon, delivered at the Gathering of the Second Congregational Church, Dorchester, Jan. 1, 1808. With the Fellowship of Churches, by Rev. E. Porter, and an Appendix. Boston, 1808. 8, pp. 38. 7 Sermon preached at the Installation of Rev. Jno. S. Popkin, at New- bury, Sept. 19, 1804. [Ch., ly Rev. T. Barnard ; R.H., Inj Rev. J. An drews. ] Newburyport, 1804. 8, pp. 32. 8 Sketch of Brookline, Mass. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 2d Series, vol. 2.) 9 Valedictory Sermon, on leaving the Old Meeting-house in Brookline, June 8, 1806 ; and Dedicatory Sermon, on entering the New House, June 11, 1806. Cambridge, 1806. 8, pp. 33. PIERCE, Josiah, Judge of Probate, of Gorham, Me. 10 History (A) of the Town of Gorham, Maine. . . . Portland, 1862. 8 (6X3.7). PIERIUS VALERIANUS, Joannes. See VALERIANUS, J. Pierius. PIERPONT, Rev. John, of Boston, &c. ; b. in Litchfield, Conn., 1785. 11 Airs of Palestine ; a Poem. * * * 2d ed. Boston, 1817. 12, pp. 58. 12 Jesus Christ not a Literal Sacrifice. Boston, 1834. 12, pp. 24. 13 Proceedings of Ecclesiastical Council, in Case of Proprietors of Hollis- Street Meeting-House, and Rev. J. Pierpont. See LOTHROP, S. K. 1 4 Substitutes for Religion. Boston, 1832. 12, pp. 23. 15 Who goeth a Warfare at his own Charges." Artillery-Election Dis course, at Boston, June 2, 1828. Boston, 1828. 8, pp. 28. [2 copies.] PlERRON, Alexis, an instructor in the Ecole Normale^ of Paris. Joint Translator, &c. See ARISTOTELES. La Metaphysique. PIERS PLOUGHMAN, a remarkable English political poem, composed about 1362. 16 Vision (The) and Creed of Piers Ploughman. Edited, from a contem porary Manuscript, with a Historical Introduction, and a Glossary, by T. Wright. ... Vol. 1,2. 2d and revised ed. *** [Fac-simile.] London, 1856. 12 (4.5X1-9 irr.). PIGANIOL DE LA FORCE, Jean Aymar DE, a Fr. geographer, &c.; 6.1673. d. 1753. I? Introduction a la Description de la France, et au Droit Public de ce Royaume. Tom. 1,2. ... Par M. Piganiol de la Force. 3me ed., corrigee & augmentee . . . [Map. ] Paris, 1752. 12 (5X2.5). 494 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. PIGANIOL DE LA FORCE, Jean Aymar DE, continued. 1 Nouvelle Description de la France ; dans laquelle on voit le Gouverne- ment general de ce Royaume, celui de chaque Province en particulier; et la Description des Villes, Maisons Royales, Chateaux, & Monumens les plus remarquables. Avec les Figures en taille-douce. Tom. 1-13. . . . Par M. Piganiol de la Force. 3me ed., corrig^e & ... augmen- tee. Paris, 1753- 54. 12 (5X2.5). PIKE, Rev. J. G., of Derby, England. 2 Guide (A) for Young Disciples of the Holy Savior, . . . forming a Se quel to Persuasives to Early Piety. * * * New York, n. d. 24 (4.4X2.8). 3 Persuasives to Early Piety. . . . New York, n. d. 24 (4.4X2.8). 4 Religion and Eternal Life, or Irreligion and Perpetual Destruction, the only Alternative for Mankind. *** New York, n. d. 24 (4.4X2.8). PIKE, Rev. Samuel, apparently of London; fl. 1755- 65. 5 Compendious Hebrew Lexicon (A), adapted to the English Language, . . . \_wifK} a brief Account of the Construction and Rationale of the Hebrew Tongue. 2d Cambridge eel. Cambridge, 1811. 8 (6.6X3.8). [2 copies.] 6 Some important Cases of Conscience answered, ... By S. Pike and S. Hay ward. * * * Vol. 1. 3d ed. Boston, reprinted, 1757. 8 (5.2X3.5). PlKE, Brig.-Gen. Zebulon Montgomery; b. in N. J., 1779. killed 1813. 7 Life, by H. Whiting. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 5.) PILLAR (A) of Gratitude humbly dedicated to the Glory of God, the Honour of 8 his Majesty, the Renown of this present, legal, loyal, full, and free Par liament : upon their Restoring the Church of England to the Primitive Government of Episcopacy. *** London, 1661. 2 (9X5.2), pp. 62. PINCKNEY, Charles, LL.D., Gov. & Sen. of South Carolina; b. 1758. d. 1824. 9 Observations on Plan of Government submitted to the Federal Conven tion in Philadelphia, 28th May, 1787. New-York, n. d. 4, pp. 27. PlNDARUS, a Greek lyric poet; b. in Thebes, about 520 B.C. d. 440 B.C. 10 Carmina [Greek ] cvm Lectionis Varietate et Adnotationibvs itervm cv- . ravit C. G. Heyne. Vol. 1. Carmina ex Interpretatione Latina emenda- tione cvm Scholiis in Pindari Carmina. Vol. 2. ... Carmina. Vol. 3. Pars I. Carminvm Pindaricorvm Fragmenta et G. Hermanni Disser- tationes Pindaricae. II. Indices . . . confecti a R. Fiorillo! ... 3 vols. Lipsiae, 1817. 8 (6X3.5). 11 Opera qvae svpersvnt. Textvm in genvina Metra restitvit et ex fide li- brorvm manvscriptorvm doctorvmqve coniectvris recensvit Annotation nemcriticam Scholia integra InterpretationemLatinam Commentarivm perpetvvm et Indices adiecit A. Boeckhivs. Tom. 1, 2. Lipsiae, 181 1- 21. 4(6.6X5.3). NOTE. Each vol. is in two parts, paged independently. Bjund in three vols. 12 Pindar in English Verse. By H. F. Gary. London, 1833. 12 (4.5X2.7). PINDEMONTE, Giovanni, an Italian poet ; b. 1751. d. 1812. i ;i Baccanali (I), Tragedia. See (TEATRO Tragico Italiano). PINDEMONTE, Ippolito, an Italian poet, brother of preceding ; b. 1753. d. 1828. 14 Arminio, Tragedia. See (TEATRO Tragico Italiano). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 495 PINEDA, Pedro, a teacher of Spanish in London. 1 Short and compendious Method for the learning to speak, rend, and write the Spanish Language : . . . London, 1726. 8 (5. 3X3.3). PINELLI, Maffei, a learned printer of Venice; d. 1785. 2 Bibliotheca Pinelliana. A Catalogue of the ... Library of M. Pinelli . . . sold by Auction, March 2-June 26, 1789, in London. [Abridged from Morelli s Catalogue. ] [London, 1788.] 8 (6.5X4), pp. 513. PINI, Hermenegild, a Barnabite priest } b. at Milan, 1741. d. 1825. 3 Memoire sur des nouvelles Cristallisations de Feldspath et autres Singu- larites renfermecs dans les Granites des Environs de Bareno. [Platen. ] Milan, 1779. 8, pp. 62. 4 Memoria mineralogica sulla Montagna e sui Contorni di S. Gottardo. [Mates.] Milano, 1783. 8 (5.3X3.3). 5 Mineralogische Beobachtungen liber das Gebirge des St. Gotthards. Aus dem Italianischen iibersetst [by A. Beyer ]. Schneeberg, 1784. 8, pp. 77. PINKERTON, John, a Scottish author; b. 1758. d. in Paris, 1825. 6 Essay (An) on Medals : or, An Introduction to the Knowledge of An cient and Modern Coins and Medals ; especially those of Greece, Rome and Britain. New ed., . . . enlarged, and illustrated with Plates. Vol. 1,2. *** London, 1789. 8 (5.5X3.1). 7 General Collection (A) of the Best and most Interesting Voyages and Travels in all parts of the World ; many of which are now first transla ted into English. . . . With numerous Engravings. Vol. 1-6. Philadelphia, 1810- 12. 4 (7.5X5.6). 8 Modern Geography. A Description of the Empires, Kingdoms, States, and Colonies ; with the Oceans, Seas and Isles ; in all parts of the World: including the most recent Discoveries and political Alterations. Digested on a New Plan. The Astronomical Introduction by S. Vince. With numerous Maps . . . Vol. 1,2. London, 1802. 4 (7.9X6), m. b. Translator. See NIEBUHR, C. Travels through Arabia, &c. PINKNEY, William, an American lawyer ; b. in Annapolis, Md., 1764. d. 1822. 9 Life, by H. Wheaton. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 6.) l Life, Writings and Speeches of William Pinkney. See WHEATON, H. 11 Speech in the House of Delegates of Maryland, [on Slavery and the Slave-Trade,] November, 1789. Philadelphia, 1790. 8, pp. 22. Piozzi, before THRALE, Mrs. Hester Lynch, an Eng. authoress ; b. 1759. d. 1821. 12 Anecdotes of Dr. Johnson. See BOSWELL, J. (Life of Johnson, vol. 9.) 13 Autobiography Letters and Literary Remains of Mrs. Piozzi (Thrale) Edited with Notes and an Introductory Account of her Life and Writ ings By A. Hayward [Portrait.] Boston, 1861. 12 (6X3.5), pp. 531. 14 British Synonymy ; or, An Attempt at regulating the Choice of Words in Familiar Conversation. ... Dublin, 1794. 8 (6.2X3.3), pp. 516. PIRIE, Rev. Alexander, of Newburgh, Scotland. !5 French Revolution (The) exhibited in the Light of the Sacred Oracles : or ... Lectures on the Prophecies now fulfilling. Perth, 1775. 12 (5X3) 496 IJOWDOIN COLLEGE. PlSTOiuus, Hermann Andrew, S.T.D., a German divine-, b. 1730. d. 1798. 1 Notes and Additions to Dr. Hartley s Observations on Man. Trans lated from the German Original, ... to which is prefixed, A Sketch o; the Life and Character of Dr. Hartley [by his son, D. Hartley, M.P.~\ London, 1801. 8 (6.3X3.5). [2 copies/ NOTE. Lettered " Hartley on Man 3," and paged continuously with vol. 2. PITKIN, Timothy, U.S. Repr., of Farmington, Conn. ; b. 1765. d. 1847. 2 Political and Civil History (A) of the United States of America, fron the year 1763 to ... 1797 ; including a summary View of the Politi cal and Civil State of the North American Colonies, prior to that Period ... Vol. 1. 2. [Portrait.] New Haven, 1828. 8 (6.3X3.8) 3 Statistical View (A) of the Commerce of the United States of America its Connection with Agriculture and Manufactures ; and an Account o: the Public Debts, Revenues, and Expenditures of the United States ... 2d ed., with Additions and Corrections. New York, 1817. 8 (6.1 X3.5] PITT, Rev. Christopher, an English poet ; b. 1699. d. 1748. Translator. See VIRGILIUS MARO, P. The ^Eneid. The Works. PITT, William, 1st Earl of Chatham, an Eng. statesman; b. 1708. d. 1778. 4 Anecdotes of the Life of the Right Hon. William Pitt, Earl of Chat ham, and of the principal Events of his Time. With his Speeches ir Parliament, from 1736 to 1778. . . . [Compiled by J. Almon. ] Vol 1, 2. Dublin, 1792. 8 (6.3X3.2), m. b 5 Life, &c. See WATERHOUSE, B. An Essay on Junius, &c. 6 Life. See MACAULAY, T. B. (Essays, vol. 2.) PITT, William, 2d son of the preceding, an Eng. statesman ; b. 1759. d. 1806 7 Speech, in the House of Commons, Jan. 31, 1799, on offering the Reso lutions which he proposed as the Basis of a Union between Great Bri tain and Ireland. 4th ed. London, 1799. 8, pp. 95 8 Speech [on the Treaties with France, Spain, and the United States ], w the House of Commons, Feb. 21, 1783. London, 1783. 8, pp. 39 PITT, William. 9 General View (A) of the Agriculture of the County of Leicester ; witl: Observations on the Means of its Improvement, published by order o; the Board of Agriculture, &c. * * * [Maps and Plates. ] London, 1809. 8 (6.4X3.4), 10 General View of the Agriculture of the County of Stafford ; with Ob servations on the means of its Improvement. Drawn up by order oJ the Board of Agriculture. 2d ed. * * * [Maps and Plates. ] London, 1808. 8 (6.4X3.4), PITTS-STREET Chapel Lectures (The). Delivered in Boston by Clergymen oi 11 six different Denominations, during the Winter of 1858. * * * Boston, 1858. CONTENTS. Lectures by W. R. Clark, T. B. Thayer, J. N. Sykes, N. Adams, G. M Randall, O. Di-wi-y, and T. R. King. Pius IX., the present Pope of Rome; b. 1792. 12 Letters Apostolic of Pius IX., September 29, 1850. See COOPER, C. P Ancient British and English Churches, &c. PLAIN 13 Reasons for being a Christian. London, 1743. 8, pp. 74 PLAIN TRUTH : a Reply to Paine s Common Sense. See UNITED STATES. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 497 PLAXCHE, J., Prof, of RJiet., College Roy ale de Bourbon, Paris. Editor, &c. See DEMOSTHENES. (Euvres completes de D. et d Eschine. PLANCHE, James Robinson, an English dramatist; b. in London, 1796. 1 Descent of the Danube, from Ratisbon to Vienna, during the Autumn of 1827. With Anecdotes and Recollections, historical and legendary, . . . [Frontispiece. ] London, 1828. 8 (6.1X3.2). PLANCK, Gottlieb Jakob, Prof, of TheoL, Gottingen; b. 1751. d. 1833. 2 Introduction to Sacred Philology and Interpretation ; translated from the original German, and enlarged with Notes, by S. H. Turner. New-York, 1834. 12 (5.7X3.2). 3 Origin and Progress of the Reformation. See (BIBLICAL Repository, &c., vol. 9, 10.) PLANTING and Rural Ornament : being a Second Edition, with large Additions 4 of Planting and Ornamental Gardening [by C. Marshall?], a Practical Treatise. ... London, 1796. 8 (5.9X3.3). [2 copies.] PLATO, a Greek philosopher ; b. in Athens, 429 B.C. d. 348 B.C. 5 Life, by W. Lowndes. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 10.) 6 (Euvres de Platon, traduites par Victor Cousin. Tom. 1-12. Paris, 1822- 39. 8 (5.4X3.2). 7 Opera omnia. [Greek.] Recensuit et Commentariis instruxit G. Stall- baum. Vol. 1-9. ... Gothae et Erfordiae, 1835- 59. 8 (6.3X3.4). NOTE. Of various editions. Each work has also independent title-page, &c. 8 Platonic Dialogues (The) for English Readers. By W. Whewell. Vol. 1. Dialogues of the Socratic School, and Dialogues referring to the Trial and Death of Socrates. 2d ed. 2. Antisophist Dialogues. Cambridge, 1860. 16 (5.4X3.1). 9 Platonis de Rebus Divinis Dialog! selecti, Grace & Latine, Socratis Apologia, Crito, Pha?do, E Libb. Legum decimus, Alcibiades secundus, de Religione, de Justo, de Animse Immortalitate, de Dei Existentia, de Precibus : in ... Sectiones dipertiti ; annexo ipsarum Indice. Ed. 2da, auctior & emendatior. Cantabrigioe, 1683. 8 (5.5X3.6), par. cols. 10 Platonis quae exstant Graece ad editionem PI. Stephani accurate expres- sa cum M. Ficini Interpretatione Praemittitur L. III. Laertii de Vita et Dogm. Plat, cum Notitia literaria Accedit Varietas Lectionis [Por trait*. ] Vol. 1-12 Biponti, 1781- 87. 8 (5.6X3.2). NOTE. Vol. 12 is titled, " Dialognrum Platonis Argumenta . . . a D. Tiedemann." 11 Republic (The) of Plato, translated into English, with an Introduction, Analysis and Notes. By J. L. Davies, and D. J. Vaughan. Cambridge, 1852. 16 (5.4X3.4). 12 Sechs auserlesene Gesprache Platons, Griechisch und Deutsch [facing], nebst des II. Dacier Vorrede und Anmerkungen, herausgegeben durch J. S. Miiller. [Frontispiece.] Hamburg, 1736. 4 (5. 7X3.9), pp. 539. *3 TIMAIOS. Text and Translation. See MARTIN, T. H. Etudes sur le Timee de Platon. 14 Works, viz. his fifty-five Dialogues, and twelve Epistles, translated from the Greek : nine of the Dialogues by the late F. Sydenham, and the re mainder by T. Taylor : with occasional Annotations on the nine Dia logues translated by Sydenham, and copious Notes, by the latter trans lator ; in which is given the substance of nearly all the existing Greek MS. Commentaries on the Philosophy of Plato, and a considerable por- 498 EOWDOIN COLLEGE. tion of such as are already published. [Prefixed to vol. 1 is General Introduction to the Philosophy and Writings of Plato, by T. Taylor, and Life by Olympiodorus.] . . . Vol.1-5. * * * London, 1804. 4 (7.5X5.5). 1 Works. A new and literal Version, chiefly from the Text of Stallbaum. Vol. 1. ... By H. Gary. 2. ... By lL Davis. [Portrait. ] 3-5. ... By G. Burges. 6. Containing the Doubtful Works : . . . With Lives of Plato, by Diogenes Laertius, Hesychius, and Olympiodorus ; Introductions to his Doctrines, by Alcinous and Albinus ; the Notes of T. Gray ; and a General Index to the entire work. By G. Burges. London, 1848- 59. 8 (5.2X3.2). PLATONISME 2 (Le) devoile. Ou Essai touchant le Verbe Platonicien. . . . Cologne, 1700. 8 (4.9X2.8). PLATT, T. P. Editor. See BIBLE. Old and New Testaments, &c. Biblia Sacra Am- harice. New Testament. Novum Testaraentum -^Ethiopice. PLAUTUS, Titus Maccius, a Roman dramatist , b. in Umbria, 254 B.C. d.184 B.C. 3 Marci Accii Piauti Comoediae. Ex editione J. F. Gronovii. Tom. 1-3. Glasguae, 1763. 8 (4.8X2.7 irr.). 4 T. Macci Plavti Comoediae. Ex recensione et cvm Apparatv critico F. Ritschelii. Accedvnt Prolegomena de Rationibvs criticis grammaticis porsodiacis metricis Emendationis Plavtinae. Tom. 1. Prolegomena Tri- nvmmvm Militem Gloriosvm Bacchides complectens. 2. Stichvm Psevdvlvm Menaechmos Mostellariam complectens. Bonnae, 1848, 50. 8 (6.3X3. 7). NOTE. Continuing. Each play has also independent title-page, paging, c. PLAYFAIR, James G., son of the following. Editor, and Biographer. See PLAYFAIR, J. Works. PLAYFAIR, John, F.R.S., a Scottish natural-philosopher, &c. ; b. 1748. d. 1819. 5< Astronomy of the Hindus. See (ASIATIC Researches, c., vol. 4). 6 Elements of Geometry. Being chiefly a Selection from Playfair s Ge ometry with additions and Improvements. From 5th English edition. [Diagrams.] Philadelphia, 1829. 8 (6.3X3.6). 7 Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth. * * * Edinburgh, 1802. 8 (5.8X3.2), pp. 528. 8 Works. With a Memoir of the Author [by J. G. Playfair]. Vol. 1-4. Edinburgh, 1822. 8 (5.8X3.3). PLAYFAIR, William, brother of the preceding ; b. 1759. d. 1823. 9 Statistical Table of Europe. See BOETTICHER, J. G. Statistical, &c. PLESCHEEF, Capt. Sergey. 1 Survey of the Russian Empire, according to its present newly regulated state, divided into different Governments : . . . illustrated with Map of Russia and an Engraving of Arms, c. 3d ed. . . . Translated from the Russian, with considerable Additions, by J. Smirnove. London, 1792. 8 (5.5X3.1). PLINIUS SECUNDTJS, Caius, Pliny the Elder, a Roman author ; b. A.D. 23. d. 79. Jl Histoire naturelle de Pline traduite en Francois [by Poiminet de Sivry], avec le Texte Latin [facing] retabli d apres les meilleurs legons manu- scrites ; accompagnee de Notes critiques [by Guettard and others] pour 1 eclaircissement du texte, & d Observations sur les Connoissances des Aneiehs ?ompnrees avec les Decouvertes des Modernes. Torn. 1-12. Paris, 1771 ~ S 2. i (7.5X5). [2 copies.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 499 PLINIUS SECUNDUS, Caius, continued. 1 Historise naturalis libri triginta septem. Castigationes S. Gelenii. In dex plenissimus. Lugduni, 1548. 2 (10.6X6), 2 cols., n. p. NOTK. Imperfc ct, wanting title-page. 2 Historie (The) of the World. Commonly called, The Natvral Historic of C. Plinivs Secvndvs. Translated into English by P. Holland. Tombe 1, 2. * * * London, 1634. 2 (10.3X6.5), 2 cols., m. b. PLINIUS CJECILIUS SECUNDUS, Caius, l Pliny the Younger, nephew of the preced ing, a Roman author; b. 61 or 62. d. about 116. 3 C. Plinii Secundi Jun. Vita, etc. See MASSON, Jean. 4 Epist. Lib. IX. Eiusdem & Traiani Imp. Epist. Amcebaeae. Eivsdem PI. et Pacati, Mamertini, Nazarii, Panegyrici. Item, Clavdiani Paue- gyrici. Adiunctae sunt I. Casavboni Notae in Epist. Variae Lectiones ... *** Geneva?, 1638. 16 (3.8X2.2), m. n., pp. 861. 5 Epistolae et Panegyricus. Londini, 1722. 12 (4.5X2.5). PLOWDEX, Edmund, an eminent English lawyer; b. about 1515. d. 1584. 6 Commentaries, or Reports, containing divers Cases upon Matters of Law, argued and adjudged in the several Reigns of K. Edward VI. Q. Mary, K. and Q. Philip and Mary, and Q. Elizabeth. Originally written in French. ... To which are added, The Quarries of Mr. Plowdcn, ... * * * London, 1779. 2 (11.6X6.4), m. r., pp. 567, 684-. PLOWDEN, Francis, LL.D. 7 Short History (A) of the British Empire during the last Twenty Months ; viz. from May 1702 to the close of the year 1793. * * * London, 1794. 8 (5.9X3.3). [2 copies.] PLUCHE, Noel Antoine, VAbbe, of Eheims ; b. 1688. d. 1761. 8 Truths (The) of the Gospel demonstrated from the Dispensations of Providence preparative to it, particularly from Prophecy ; from the Evi dence with which it was introduced ; and the public Testimonials of it since subsisting, . . . [ With] a Preliminary Discourse concerning the Necessity of a Revelation. . . . By the Abbe le Pluche. Vol. 1, 2. [Frontispieces. ] London, 1754. 8 (6.2X3.2). PLUMER, William, Gov. of N.H., U.S. Sen., &c.; b. in Mass., 1759, d. 1850. 9 Life of William Plumer, by his Son. See PLUMER, W., Jun. PLUMER, William, Jun., U.S. Repr., &c., a lawyer, of N.H. ; b. 1759. d. 1854. 10 Life of William Plumer, by his Son. Edited, with a Sketch of the Au thor s Life, by A. P. Peabody. [Portraits. ] Boston, 1856. 8 (6.1X3.6), pp. 543. PLUMMER HALL, Salem, Mass. Proceedings upon the Dedication of Plummer n Hall, at Salem, Oct. 6, 1857 : including Rev. Mr. Hoppin s Address and Judge White s Memoir of the Plummer Family. [Plate. ] Salem, 1858. 8, pp. 97. PLURALITY (The) of Worlds. With an Introduction by E. Hitchcock. New 12 ed. To which is added a Supplementary Dialogue, in which the Author s Reviewers are reviewed. * * * [Plate. ] Boston, 1856. 12 (5.5X3.4). PLUTARCHUS, a Greek philosopher, &c. ; b. in Bceotia, about 50. d. 140. 13 CEuvres (Les) morales et meslees de Plvtarqve, tradvites de Grec en Francois, reveves, corrigees, & enrichies . . . de Prefaces generates, de Sommaires au commencement de chacun des Traitez, & d Annotations en marge . . . Torn. 1,2. * * * Paris, 1655. 2 (11X5.7). 500 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. PLUTARCHUS, continued. 1 Plutarch on the Delay of the Deity in the Punishment of the "Wicked. With Notes, by H. B. Hackett. Andover, 1844. 12 (5.1 X3). 2 Plutarch s Lives, translated from the original Greek, with Notes, critical and historical, and a new Life of Plutarch. By J. Langhorne, and "VV. Langhorne. . . . Vol. 1-6. 5th ed., corrected. [Frontispieces."] London, 1792. 8 (6.3X3.4). 3 Plutarch s Lives, translated from the original Greek ; with Notes criti cal and historical, and a new Life of Plutarch. By J. Langhorne, and W. Langhorne. 6th ed., corrected. . . . Vol. 1-6. [Frontispieces. ] London, 1795. 12 (5.8X3.1). 4 Vies (Les) des Hommes illustres de Plutarche, traduites en Frangois, avec des Remarques historiques & critiques, par M. Dacier. Nouv. ed., revue & corrigee. Tom. 1-10, ... Supplement aux Vies des Hommes illustres de Plutarque, . . . traduites de 1 Anglois de T. Howe, par 1 Ab be Bellanger. Tom. 11. Tom. 12. contenant la Table generale des Mati- eres contenues dans les onze volumes . . . Paris, 1728. 12 (5X2. 9). PLYMOUTH, Colony of. A Patent for Plymouth in New-England ; with Ex- 5 tracts from the Records of the Colony, &c. Boston, 1751. 4, pp. 20. 6 Records of the Colony of New Plymouth. See MASSACHUSETTS. POCOCKE, Edward, D.D., Prof, of Hebrew, &c., Oxford, Eng.; b. 1604. d. 1691. Translator, &c. See TOGRAI, Abu-Ishmael. Lamiato 1-Ajam. POCOCKE, Edward, Esq. 7 India in Greece ; or, Truth in Mythology : containing the Sources of the Hellenic Race, the Colonisation of Egypt, the Wars of the Grand Lama, and the Budhistic Propaganda in Greece. \_Maps.~] London, 1852. 8 (6.1X3.3). POCOCKE, Richard, D.D., LL.D., F.R.S., Bisliop of Meath; b. 1704. d. 1765. 8 Description (A) of the East, and some other Countries. Vol. 1. Obser vations on Egypt. 2. Pt. I. Observations on Palestine or the Holy Land, Syria, Mesopotamia, Cyprus, and Candia. II. Observations on the Islands of the Archepelago, Asia Minor, Thrace, Greece, and some other Parts of Europe. 3 vols. [170 Plates. ] London, 1743- 45. 2 (11.7X6.5). POE, Edgar Allan; b. in Baltimore, 1811. d. 1849. 9 Works. With a Memoir by R. W. Griswold and Notices of his Life and Genius by N. P. Willis and J. R. Lowell. 4 vols. 1. Notices and Tales. 2. Tales and Poems. 3. The Literati : some honest Opinions about Autorial Merits and Demerits, . . . with Marginalia, Suggestions and Essays. 4. Arthur Gordon Pym, &c. New-York, 1850- 58. 12 (5.8X3.5). NOTE. Vol. 3 has only independent title-page. POET^E Latini Minores. See BURMANN, P. POINSETT, Hon. Joel Roberts, U.S. JRepr., &c., of S.C. ; b. 1779. d. 1851. 10 Discourse, on the Objects and Importance of the National Institution for the Promotion of Science, established at Washington, 1840; delivered . . . [January 4, 1841]. Washington, 1841. 8, pp. 52. POINSINET DE SiVRY, Louis, a Frencli author; b. 1733. d. 1804. Translator, &c. See PLINIUS SECUNDUS, C. Histoire naturelle. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 501 POISSON, Simeon Denis, Prof, in Ecole Normal^ of Paris ; b. 1781. d. 1840. 1 Traite de Mecanique. 2de ed., considerablement augmentee. Tom. 1, 2. [Plates. ] Paris, 1833. 8 (5.9X3.5). POIVRE, Pierre, a French missionary to China; b. 1719. d. 1786. 2 Travels of a Philosopher ; or, Observations on the Manners and Arts of various Nations in Africa and Asia. Augusta, 1797. 12, pp. 94. POLAND. The History of Poland, from its Origin as a Nation to ... 1795. 3 With an accurate Account of the Geography and Government ... * * * [Map and Portrait.] London, 1795. 8 (6.1X3.3), pp. 500-f-. POLAND, Amand, Prof, of Theol. at Bale: b. 1561. d. 1610. 4 Partitiones Theologicae ivxta natvralis Methodi Leges conformatoe duo- bus libris ; quorum primus est de Fide, alter de bonis Operibvs : sexta cura... Cum Indice ac Tabvlis . . . Geneva?, 1611. 8 (4.9X2.7). 5 Syntagma Theologijp Christiana?, juxta Leges Ordinis methodici confor- matum, . . . Ed. 5ta . . . Pra?fixa est Synopsis . . . Adjecti sunt . . . Indices. *** Hanovia?, 1624. 4 (7.8X4.7), 2 cols., cols. 2259+. POLANO, Pietro Soane, or Father PAUL. See SARPI, P. P. POLARIZED LIGHT. Lectures on Polarized Light, delivered before the Phar- 6 maceutical Society of Great Britain ; and in the Medical School of the London Hospital. Illustrated by ... Woodcuts. London, 1843. 8 (6.2X3.5). POLHIL, Rev. Edward, of Sussex. 7 Armatura Dei : or, A Preparation for Suffering in an Evil Day : . . . London, 1682. 12 (5.4X3). 8 Speculum Theologiae in Christo ; or, A View of some Divine Truths, . . . practically exemplified in Jesus Christ, set forth in the Gospel : . . . London, 1678. 4 (6X3.7). POLIGNAC, Melchior DE, a French cardinal & statesman; b. 1661. d. 1741. 9 Anti-Lucrece (L ), Poeme sur le Religion naturelle, compose par M. le Card, de Polignac ; traduit par M. de Bourgainville. Tom. 1, 2. [Por trait.] Paris, 1749. 8 (5.7X3.7). 10 Anti-Lucretius, sive de Deo et Natura, Libri novem. Opus posthumum ; C. d Oiieans de Rothelin cura & studio editioni mandatum. Tom. 1, 2. [Portrait.] Parish s, 1747. 8 (6.2X2.7 irr.). POLITICAL, Commercial, and Statistical Sketches of the Spanish Empire in both 11 Indies ; Reflections on the Policy proper for Great Britain at the Present Crisis ; and a View of the Political Question between Spain and the United States respecting Louisiana and the Floridas, with the Claims of Great Britain ... to the Commercial Navigation of the River Missis sippi, &c. &c. London, 1809. 8 (6.1X3.4). POLITICAL 12 Discourses. 12 (4.9X2.8). NOTE. Imperfect, containing 1 pp. 1-288. POLITICAL Magazine (The) and Parliamentary, Naval, Military and Literary 13 Journal, for ... 1780-1782. Vol. 1-3. July, 1786; March, April, November 1788 ; July, 1789. [Monthly. Maps, &c.~] London, 1780- 89. 8 (7.1X4.2), 2 cols. POLITICAL Register (The) ; and Impartial Review of New Books. For MDCC- 14 LXVII.-MDCCLXXI. Vol. 1-8. * * * [Plates. ] London, 1767- 71. 8 (6.6X3.5). POLITICAL Songs of England. See Wright, T. 502 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. POLITICAL State (The) of Europe, for the year MDCCXCII.-MDCCXCIV., containing 1 an authentic and impartial Narrative of every Military Operation of the present Belligerent Powers ; and a correct Copy of every State Paper, Declaration, Manifesto, &c. &c. together with a correct Translation of the Debates and Proceedings of the National Convention of France, and an accurate Survey of the Policy and Conduct of the Neutral Powers. Vol. 1-8. London, l792- 95. 8 (6.5X3.7). [2 copies of vol. 1-4.] POLK, James Knox, llth Pres. of U.S. ; b. in N.C., 1795. d. 1849. 2 Addresses, Messages, &c. See WILLIAMS, E. (Addresses, &c., vol. 2.) 3 Biographical Sketch of. See WILLIAMS, E. (Addresses, &c., vol. 2.) POLLOK, Robert, a Scotch poet & prose writer ; b. at Muirhouse, 1799. d. 1827. 4 Course of Time ; a Poem. See CRABB, G. Poet. Works of Crabbe, &c. PoLSON, Archer, Esq., of Lincoln s Inn, London. 5 English Law. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 2). 6 Law of Nations. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 2). POLYBIUS, a Greek historian, of Megalopolis ; b. about 204 B.C. d. 122 B.C. 7 General History (The) of Polybius. In five books. Translated from the Greek. By Mr. Hampton. 3d ed. Vol. 1-4. [Maps.] London, 1772- 73. 8 (5.5X-3.1). 8 Geschichte des Polybius. Mit den Auslegungen und Anmerkungen des Herrn von Folard. Nebst einer Abhandlung von der Vertheidigung der Platze der Alten deutlich und griindlich abgehandelt und in vielen Kupferstichen vorgestellt hat. Uebersetzt von A. L. von Oelsmitz. Th. 1-3. *** Berlin, 1755. 4 (7.9X5.5), 2 cols. 9 History (The) of Polybivs. The flue first Bookes entire. With all the Parcels of the subsequent Bookes vnto the eighteenth, according to the Greeke Originall. Also the Manner of the Roman Encamping, ex tracted from . . . Polybivs. Translated into English by E. Grimeston. [Plate. } London, 1633. 2 (9X4.8), m. b. l Polybius. [Greek.] Ex recognitione I. Bekkeri. Tom. 1,2. [1 pag ing.] Berolini, 1844. 8 (6.5X3.8). POLYCARP, St., Bp. of Smyrna; b. about 72. put to death, 167. u Epistle to the Philippians. See WAKE, W. Genuine Epistles, &c. 12 Life of St. Polycarp ; with his Epistle to the Philippians, translated. See CAVE, W. (The Lives, Acts, &c. of the Holy Apostles.) POLYDORE VERGIL. See VERGIL, Polydore. POLYGLOT BIBLES, &c. See BIBLE. POMEY, Francois, a French Jesuit, of Lyons ; b. 1618. d. 1673. 13 Indiculus universalis Rerum fere omnium quee in Mundo sunt, Scientia- rum item, Artiumque Nomina . . . colligens. [Latin, French and Dutch] ... Utrecht, 1689. 12 (4.7X2.8). POMPADOUR, Jeanne Antoinette POISSON, Marchioness DE ; Mistress of Louis XV.; b. 1721. d. 1764. 14 Lettrgs de la Marquise de Pompadour. Depuis 1746 jusqu a 1762. Tom. 2. Nouv. ed., augmentee. Londres, 1774. 12 (4.6X2.5). NOTE. Not authentic. Attributed to 13arb6-Marbois. POND, Enoch, D.D., Prof, in Bangor Theol. Sem.; b. in Wrantham, Mass., 1791. 15 Church (The). " Boston, 1837. 24 (4.3X2.7). * 6 Discourse, Commemorative of the Life and Character of Rev. John Maltby, of Bangor. Bangor, 1860. 8, pp. 24. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 503 ?OND, Enoch, D.D., continued. 1 Probation. Bangor, 1837. 24 (4.3X2.7). 2 Short Missionary Discourses, or Monthly Concert Lectures. Worcester, 1824. 2 (5.7X3.2). 3 Treatise on Christian Baptism, . . . Boston, 1833. 12 (5.5X3.2). Editor. See SPIRIT (The) of the Pilgrims. D OND, John, an English astronomer-, b. about 1767. d. 1836. 4 Observations. See GREAT BRITAIN. Greenwich Observations. PONTANUS, Johann Isaac, Historiographer of Denmark; b. 1571. d. 1640. 5 Dissertation concerning the North East Passage. See PlNKERTON, J. (Collection of Voyages, &c., vol. 1.) ?ONTECOULAUT, G. DE., a teacher in ( VEcole Poly technique of Paris. 6 Theorie analytique du Systeme du Monde. Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1829- 34. 8 (5.9X3.5). PONTIUS, Deacon in St. Cyprian s Church, at Carthage ; fl. 250. 7 Life of St. Cyprian. See CYPRIAN, St., T. C. Genuine Works.-Pp. xxix.-xliv. POOL, or POOLE, Matthew, a Nonconformist divine; b. 1624. d. 1679. 8 Annotations upon the Holy Bible ; wherein the Sacred Text is inserted, and various Readings annexed ; together with the Parallel Scriptures. ... Vol. 1-4. ... Edinburgh, 1801. 4 (9.6X6.5), 2 cols. ?OOLE, Reginald Stuart, M.R.S.L., &c. Editor. See GENESIS (The) of the Earth and of Man : &c. I OOLE, William Frederick, Librarian of Boston Athenaeum. 9 Index (An) to Periodical Literature. * * * New-York, 1853. 8 (7.4X4.6), 2 cols., pp. 521. i ooRE, Ben : Perley. 10 Early Life (The) and First Campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte, with a History of the Bonaparte Family, and a Review of French Politics, to the year 1796. Boston, 1851. 8, pp.41. [2 copies.] OPE, Alexander, an English poet ; b. in London, 1688. d. 1744. 11 Essay (An) on Man. Enlarged and improved. With the Notes of Dr. Warburton. [Frontispiece. ] London, 1760. 12 (5X-3 irr.). 12 Life of Pope. See JOHNSON, S., LL.D. (Works, vol. 11.) 13 Life, with Essay on Writings. See RUFFHEAD, O. 14 Works. Vol. 1. ... Juvenile Poems and Translations. 2. ... Imi tations, Moral Essay, Satires, etc. 3. ... The Dunciad. 4. ... Miscellaneous Pieces. 5, 6. ... Letters. 6 vols. [Frontispiece. ] London, 1788. 12 (5.2X2.9 irr.). OPE, Major-Gen. John, U.S.A. 15 Report upon a Route for a Pacific Railroad, near the 32d Parallel, lying between the Red River and the Rio Grande. See UNITED STATES. (Explorations and Surveys for a Pacific Rail Road, vol. 2.) OPERY. 16 Address [on Popery] to their Graces the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, and the Bishops of England. Boston, 1767. 8, pp. 31. 17 Candid Enquiry into the Causes and Motives of the late Riots in the Province of Munster in Ireland ; by the people called White-Boys or Levellers. With Appendix, containing other Papers on the same Sub ject. London, 1767. 8 t pp. 71. 504 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. POPERY, continued. 1 Five Letters on several Subjects, religious and historical : in which the injurious Complaints and Misrepresentations of the Popish Writers, in a book intitled, "A Free Examination of the common Methods employed to prevent the Growth of Popery," are considered. With Appendix. 2d ed. W T ith a Sixth Letter. London, 1769. 8, pp. 95. 2 Foxes and Fire-brands : or a Specimen of the Danger and Harmony of Popery and Separation. ... * * * London, 1680. 4, pp. 33. 3 Free Examination (A) of the Common Methods employed to prevent the Growth of Popery. ... Part I., II. London, 1766, 68. 8 (6.4X3.4). 4 Inquiry (An) into the Cause which obstructed the Reformation, and hath hitherto prevented its Progress : with Observations to prove the Prophe cies relative to the Corruption of the Christian Church, and the Man of Sin or Antichrist, are fulfilled in the Romish Religion and the Popes of Rome. London, 1768. 8, pp. 53. 5 Plausible Arguments of a Romish Priest from Antiquity answered ; by an English Protestant. Imprimatur, 1687. London, 1785. 8, pp. 47. 6 Plausible Arguments of a Romish Priest from Scripture answered ; by an English Protestant. Published 1686. London, 1785. 8, pp. 47. 7 Plotters Doom (The). Sermon upon the Hellish Plots which have been discovered in these Nations : and an Answer to Mr. ^.[ickeringill^ s Ser mon upon Curse ye Meroz. London, 1680. 4, pp. 36. 8 Popery and Hypocrisy detected and opened from the Holy Scriptures: as it respects Magistrates, Ministers, and People. General-Fast Sermon, December, 22, 1680. By the Author of The Plotters Doom. London, 1680. 4, pp. 36. 9 Popery : or, The Principles & Positions approved by the Church of Rome . . . dangerous to all ; and to Protestant Kings and Supreme Powers, more especially pernicious : . . . By T. Ld Bp. of Lincoln. London, 1679. 4 (6.7X3.8). 10 Short View of Popery, and its Effects on the Manners and Morality of Mankind ; with Observations on its Progress in Great Britain. London, 1767. 8, pp. 35. 11 Some Considerations about Union among Protestants, and the Preserva tion of the Interest of the Protestant Religion in this Nation. London, 1680. 4, pp. 13. POPISH PLOT, Documents relating to. See GREAT BRITAIN. POPKIN, Rev. John Snelling, D.D., Prof. Greek, Harv. Coll. ; b. 1772. d. 1852. 12 Memorial (A) of the Rev. John Snelling Popkin, D.D. Edited by C. C. Felton. *** [Portrait.] Cambridge, 1852. 16 (5.5X3.2). POIISON, Richard, Prof, of Greek, Cambridge, Eng. ; b. 1759. d. 1808. Editor. S ee PHOTIUS. Lexicon. PoRT-RoYAL, a convent of Cistercian nuns near Versailles, 1626-1709. 13 Grammaire generale et raisonnee de Port-Royal. See ARNAULD, A. 14 Logique (La), on Art de penser, de Port-Royal. See ARNAULD, A. 15 Port-Royal Greek Grammar, translated by Nugent. See LANCELOT, C. 16 Port-Royal Latin Grammar, translated by Nugent. See LANCELOT, C. PORTER, Ebenezer, D.D., Pres. Theol. Sem. Andover; b. 1772. d. 1834. 17 Analysis of the Principles of Rhetorical Delivery as applied in Reading and Speaking. 6th ed. Andover, 1835. 12 (5.1X3.3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 505 PORTER, Ebenezer, D.D., continued. 1 Analysis of the Principles of Rhetorical Delivery as applied to Reading and Speaking. Revised and enlarged by A. H. AVeld. Boston, 1849. 12 (5.7X3.5). 2 Duty (The) of Christians to pray for the Missionary Cause. Sermon, preached at Boston, November 1,1827, before the Society for propa gating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America. With Report. Andover, 1827. 8, pp. 42. 3 Fatal Effects (The) of Ardent Spirits. A Sermon. * * * Middlebury, Vt., 1812. 8, pp. 16. 4 Great Effects result from Little Causes. Sermon before the Moral So ciety in Andover, September 13, 1815. Andover, 1815. 8, pp. 23. 5 Lectures on Homiletics and Preaching, and on Public Prayer ; together with Sermons and Letters. Andover, 1834. 8 (6.2X3.7). [2 copies.] 6 Memoir of Life and Character of Dr. Porter. See MATTHEWS, L. 7 <!>goii)|t TOV Hvivpuros, by Owen ; abridged by Porter. See OWEN, J. 8 Sermon delivered Sept. 22, 1818, at the Dedication of the New Edifice of the Theological Seminary in Andover. Andover, 1818. 8, pp. 30. PORTER, Rev. Eliphalet, D.D., of Roxbury, Mass. ; b. 1758. d. 1833. 9 Discourse before the Society for propagating the Gospel among the In dians and ethers in North America, delivered Nov. 5, 1807. With Ap pendix. Boston, 1808. 8, pp. 24. 10 Discourse delivered before the Humane Society of Massachusetts, June 8, 1802. Boston, 1802. 8, pp. 46. 11 Sermon delivered in Roxbury, June 16, 1799 ; upon the Death of In crease Sumner, Governor of Massachusetts. Boston, 1799. 8, pp. 27. 12 Sermon delivered in Roxbury, Dec. 11, 1783. Public Thanksgiving after the Restoration of Peace. Boston, 1784. 8, pp. 24. 13 Simplicity (The) that is in Christ and the Danger of its being corrupted. Sermon preached in Boston at the Annual Convention of Congrega tional Ministers of Massachusetts, May 31, 1810. Boston, 1810. 8, pp. 38. [2 copies.] PORTER, Rev. J. Scott. 14 Unitarianism, a Benevolent Faith. Boston, 1842. 12, pp. 12. 15 Unitarianism, a Devotional Faith. Boston, 1841. 12, pp. 20. 16 Unitarianism the Doctrine of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Boston, 1843. 12, pp. 34. i? Unitarianism, the Faith of the Apostles. Boston, 1844. 12, pp. 46. PORTER, Jacob. is Account of Plainfield. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 2d Ser., vol. 8.) 19 Poems. * * * [Portrait.] Hartford, 1818. 8, pp. 13. 20 Serious Examination, translated from the Spanish, by J. Porter. Northampton, 1829. 8, pp. 12. 21 Summary Notice concerning Bible Societies in general, and those of of France in particular, translated by J. Porter. Northampton, 1827. 8, pp. 16. Translator. See SLAVERY. Well Spent Sou (The) ; &c. PORTER, John A., Prof, of Organic Chemistry at Yale College. 22 Introduction to Yale Agricultural Lectures. See OLCOTT, H. S. 64 506 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. POUTER, Sir Robert Ker, an English artist & traveller; b. 1780. d. 1842. 1 Travelling Sketches in Russia and Sweden. During the years 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808. Philadelphia, 1809. 8 (6.3X3.6). PORTEUS, Beilby, D.D., Bp. of London ; b. 1731. d. 1808. 2 Lectures on the Gospel of St. Matthew, delivered in ... Westminster, in the years 1798, 1799, 1800, and 1801. . . . Vol. 1, 2. 7th ed. London, 1804. 8 (5.9X3.4). 3 Life of Rt. Rev. Beilby Porteus, D. D. See HODGSON, R. 4 Sermon preached before Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 21, 1783. London, 1784. 8, pp. 34. 5 Sermons on several Subjects. Vol. 1. 8th ed. 2. 4th ed. London, 1797, 99. 8 (6X3.3). 6 Summary (A) of the principal Evidences of the Truth and Divine Ori gin of the Christian Revelation. . . . Charlestown, 1800. 18 (4.4X2.7). [2 copies.] PORTLAND Gazette. April 15, 1817 August 24, 1824. 2 vols. Gazette of 7 Maine. Jan. 1, 1823 Dee. 30, 1827. New Series. Vol. 1-3. Portland, 1817- 27. 2 (17.7X4), 6 cols. POSEY, Major-Gen. Thomas, Gov. of Indiana; b. in Va., 1750. d. 1818. 8 Memoir of Thomas Posey, by J. Hall. See SPARKS, J. (American Biog raphy, 2d Series, vol. 9.) POSIDIPPUS, of Sicily, a Greek poet ; of about 280 B.C. 9 Carmina. See BRUNCK, R. F. P. (Gnomici Poeta3 Grseci.) POSQUTER, Etienne. 10 Catechisme (Le) des Jesuistes, ou le Mystere d Iniquite, revele par ses Supposts, par 1 Examen de leur Doctrine, mesme selon la Croyance de 1 Eglise Romaine. \_By E. Posquier.~] Ville-Franche, 1677. 24 (4.3X2.4), pp. 581+. POSSELIUS, Joannes, Prof, of Greek at Rostock ; b. 1528. d. 1591. U Apophthegmata Grsecolatina. ... Francofvrti, 1616. 16 (5X2. 7). POSSIDIUS, POSSIDONIUS, or PisiDius, a pupil of St. Augustine, Bp. of Calama, near Hippo, in Africa ; fl. 430. 12 Augustini Vita. See AUGUSTINUS, St. A. (Opera, torn. 1.) POSTLETHWAYT, Malachy, a London merchant; d. 1767. 13 Great Britain s Commercial Interest explained and improved : . . . Dis sertations on the most important Branches of her Trade and Landed Interest. With an Essay, shewing the great Advantages . . . from an Union with Ireland. 2 vols. 2d ed. London, 1759. 8 (6X3.2). 14 Universal Dictionary (The) of Trade and Commerce, translated from the French of M. Sarary : with large Additions and Improvements . . . Vol. 1,2. * * * [Plates, Maps, <fcc.] London, 1751, 55. 2 (13.8X7.3), 2 cols. POTHIER, Robert Joseph, an eminent French jurist ; b. 1699. d. 1772. 1 5 Treatise (A) on Maritime Contracts of Letting to Hire ; translated from the French ; with Notes and a Life of the Author, by C. Gushing. Boston, 1821. 8 (5.8X3.5). POTIER DES LAURI&RES, Laurent, a French savan & pastor ; d. about 1810. 16 Nouvelle Decouverte sur le Flux et le Reflux des Mers, dont la cause . physique est le doable inomement du Globe. Chim&re de I Attraction XeV-tonienne. etc. [Plates.] .* * * Paris, 1806. 8, pp. 90. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 507 POTT, David Julius, D.D., Prof, of Theol at Gottingen; b. 1760. d. 1838. Annotator. See BIBLE. The New Testament. Novum Testamentum Graece. Portions of the Neio Testament. Epistolae Catholicae Graece. POTT, Johann Henrich, a learned German chemist; b. 1692. d. 1777. 1 Animadversiones Physico Chymicce circa varias Hypotheses et Experi- mentaEileri. ... [Latin and German. ] Berlin, 1756. 4 (6.4X4.5). 2 Chymische Untersuchungen welche fiirnehmlich von der Lithogeognosia, oder Erkh ntniss und Bearbeitung der gemeinen einfacheren Steine und Erden ingleichen von Feuer und Licht handeln. Potsdamm, 1746. 4 (6.5X4.7), pp. 88. 3 Fortsetzung seiner physicalisch-chymischen Anmerckungen, liber des D. Ellers verschiedene Satze und Erfahrungen . . . Berlin, 1756. 4 (5.4X4), pp. 64. 4 Fortsetzung derer Chymischen Untersuchungen welche von der Litho- geognosie, oder Erkantniss und Bearbeitung derer Steine und Erden specieller handeln. Berlin und Potsdam, 1751. 4 (6.7X4.7). 5 Zweyte Fortsetzung derer Chymischen Untersuchungen welche von der Lithogeognosie . . . Nebst Tabellen iiber alle drey Theile. Berlin, 1754. 4 (6.6X4.6). POTT, Percivall, Surgeonto St. Bartholemew s Hospital, Lond. ; b. 1713. d. 1788. 6 Treatise (A) on the Hydrocele, or, Watry Rupture, and other Diseases of the Testicle, it s Coats and Vessels. * * * London, 1767. 8 (5.9X3.1). 7 Treatise (A) on Ruptures. *** London, 1756. 8 (5.3X2.8). POTTER, Alonzo, D.I)., LL.D., Bp. of New-York-, b. 1800. 8 School (The) and the Schoolmaster. A Manual for the Use of Teach ers, Employers, Trustees, Inspectors, &c., &c. of Common Schools. . . . Part I. [The School : its Objects, Relations, and Uses With a Sketch of the Education most needed in the United States, &c.~\ By A. Potter. Part II. [ The Schoolmaster. ] By G. B. Emerson. [Plates.] Boston, 1843. 12 (5.6X3.2), pp. 538. NOTE. Each part has also independent title-page. Annotator, &c. See PALEY, W. Paley s Natural Theology. POTTER, John, Archbp. of Canterbury; b. 1674. d. 1747. 9 Archaeologia Grseca, or, The Antiquities of Greece. . . . Vol. 1,2. . . . *** Edinburgh, 1804. 8 (6.9X3.9). 10 Archaeologia Graeca ; or the Antiquities of Greece. To which is added, An Appendix, containing a concise History of the Grecian States, and a short Account of the Lives and Writings of the most celebrated Greek Authors, by G. Dunbar. . . . With Additions and Corrections by C. Anthon. *** New- York, 1825. 8 (6.9X3.9), pp. 707, 99. POTTER, Robert, A.M., Prebendary of Norwich; b. 172L d. 1804. Translator. See ^ESCHYLUS. Tragedies. Translator. See EURIPIDES. Tragedies. POWELL, Baden, F.R.S., &c., Prof. Geometry, Univ. of Oxford; &.1796. d. 1860. 11 Connection (The) of Natural and Divine Truth ; or, The Study of the Inductive Philosophy considered as subservient to Theology. London, 1838. 8 (6.2X3.5). POWELL, John Joseph, Esq., of London. 12 Essay upon the Law of Contracts and Agreements.. * * * ... Vol. 1,2. Dublin, 1796. 8 (6.2X3), ra. r. 508 BOAYDOIN COLLEGE. POWELL, John Joseph, Esq., continued. 1 Essay upon the Law of Contracts and Agreements. * * * ... Vol. 1, 2. 2d Walpole ed. Walpole, 1809. 8 (5.4X3), m. r. Annotator. See FEARNE, C. Learning of Contingent Remainders. POWER, Thomas. 2 Masonic Melodies ; adapted to the Ceremonies and Festivals of the Fra ternity. Boston, 1844. 8 (6.5X3.5). POWERS, Rev. Grant, of Goshen, Conn. ; b. 1785. d. 1841. 3 Essay upon the Influence of the Imagination on the Nervous System, contributing to a False Hope in Religion. Andover, 1828. 12 (5X3.1). POWNALL, Thomas, an English statesman, Gov. of Mass., &c. ; b. 1722. cZ.1805. 4 Memorial (A) addressed to the Sovereigns of America. * * * London, 1783. 8 (5.3X3). NOTE. Presentation copy to Mr. Temple, with the author s autograph. 5 Memoiial (A) most humbly addressed to the Sovereigns of Europe on the Present State of Affairs between the Old and New World, \_tiy T. Pownall.~] London, 1781. 8 (5.8X3.2). 6 Principles of Polity, being the Grounds and Reasons of Civil Empire. London, 1752. 4 (6X5). 7 Right (The), Interest, and Duty, of Government, as concerned in the Affairs of the East Indies. . . . Written in 1773, now revised. London, 1781. 8, pp. 39. PRAIRIES Artificielles, ou Moyens de perfectionner 1 Agriculture dans les ter- 8 reins sees & steriles . . ., & de 1 encourager dans tout le Royaume. 2de ed. augmentee ... Bruxelles, 1758. 16 (4.4X2.4). PRANCE, Miles. 9 Narrative of Popish Plot, &c. See GREAT BRITAIN. Popish Plot. PRATEUS, Ludovicus. Editor, &c. See JUVENALIS, D. J. D. J. J. et A. Persii Flacci Satirae. PRATT, Josiah, B.D., F.A.S., Sec y of Church Miss. Society, London. Editor, and Biographer. See CECIL, Eev. R. Remains, &c. Works, &c. PRATT, Phinehas, an emigrant to New England in 1622 ; d. in Mass., 1680. 10 Declaration of the Affairs of the English People that first inhabited New England. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 4th Series, vol. 4.) PRATZ, LE PAGE DU. See LE PAGE DU PRATZ. FEEBLE, Comm. Edward, U.S.N. ; b. at Falmouth, now Portland, 1761. d. 1807. 11 Life, by L. Sabine. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Series, vol. 12.) PRENTISS, Charles. 12 Sketches of the Life, Character, and Writings of Robert Treat Paine, Jr. See PAINE, T. afterwards R. T., Jun. Works, &c. Pp. xiii.-lxxxiv. PRENTISS, George Lewis, D.D., of New York City: b. at Gorham, Me. 13 Free Christian State (The) and the Present Struggle. An Address de livered before the Association of the Alumni of Bowdoin College, Aug. 8, 1861. New-York, 1861. 8, pp. 38. 1 4 Some of the Providential Lessons of 1861. How to meet the Events of 1862. Two Discourses, preached Dec. 29, 1861, and Jan. 5, 1862. New-York, 1862. 8, pp. 19. Editor. See PRENTISS, S. S. Memoir of S. S. Frentiss. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 509 PRENTISS, Hon. Seargent Smith, of Miss. ; b. in Portland, 1808. d. 1850. 1 Memoir (A) of S. S. Prentiss. Edited by his Brother [G. L. Prentiss]. Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1855. 12 (5.3X3.2). PRENTISS, Reo. Thomas, D.D., of Medfidd, Mass. ; b. 1748. d. 1814. 2 Sermon preached at Holliston, Aug. 29, 1812, National-Fast Day, in consequence of Declaration of War with Great Britain. Cambridge, 1812. 8, pp. 18. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH in the United States. The Constitution of the Pres- 3 byterian Church in the United States of America ; containing the Con fession of Faith, the Catechisms, the Government and Discipline, and the Directory for the Worship of God, ratified and adopted by the Sy nod of New-York and Philadelphia, held at Philadelphia, May 16-28, 1788. Philadelphia, 1789. 12 (5.2X3). PRESCOTT, Maj-Gen. Oliver, M.D. ; 1. at Groton, Mass., 1731. d. 1804. 4 Dissertation on the Natural History and Medicinal Effects of the Secale Cornutum, or Ergot. [Plate.] Boston, 1813. 8, pp. 16. PRESCOTT, William Hickling, LL.D. ; b. in Salem, Mass., 1796. d. 1859. 5 Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. New ed. [Portrait. ] Philadelphia, 1860. 8 (6.2X3.5), pp. 729. 6 History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a preliminary View of the An cient Mexican Civilization, and the Life of the Conqueror Hernando Cortes. * * * ... Vol. 1-3. [Portraits and Map.] New York, 1843. 8 (6.1X3.5). ? History of the Conquest of Peru, with a preliminary View of the Civil ization of the Incas. *** ... Vol. 1,2. [Portraits.] New York, 1847. 8 (6X2.4). 8 History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic. * * * Vol. 1-3. 2ded. [Portraits.] Boston, 1838. 8 (6.1X3.4). 9 History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain. Vol. 1-3. [Portraits.] Boston, 1855- 59. 8 (6.1X3.4). NOTE Not finished at death of author ; intended to compiise six volumes. l Life of Charles Vth, after his Abdication. See ROBERTSON, W. i Life of C. B. Brown. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 1.) J2 Memoir of Hon. John Pickering. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 10.) 13 Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society in respect to the Memory of W. H. Prescott, Feb. 1, 1859. Boston, 1859. 8, pp. 53. PRESENT STATE 14 of North-America. Boston, reprinted, 1755. 8, pp. 64. PRESENT STATE of the Practice and Practisers of the Law, wherein is shewn 15 the Obscurity, Uncertainty and Expensiveness thereof; with some Me thods of Remedy. * * * London, [about 1780]. 8, pp. 64. PRESTON, John, I). I)., an English Puritan divine; d. 1628. 1 6 Saints (The) Qualification : or, A Treatise I. Of Humiliation in tenne Sermons. II. Of Sanctification, in nine Sermons : whereunto is added, A Treatise of Communion with Christ in the Sacrament, in three Ser mons. * * * London, 1633. 4 (5.8X3.3), m. b. NOTE. Each treatise has also independent title-page and paging. PRETYMAN, George, D.D., F.H.S., Lord Bishop of Lincoln. I? Introduction (An) to the Study of the Bible: . . . Philadelphia, 1806. 12 (5.4X3.1). 510 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. PREVOST, Pierre Robert, I Abbe; b. 1675, d. 1733. 1 Histoire d une Grecque moderne. P tie II. Par l Abb6 Prevost. * * Amsterdam, 1741. 16 (4.1X2.2) PRICE, Richard, D.D., LL.D., F.R.S., of Hackney, Eng. ; b. 1723. d. 1791. 2 Correspondence with Dr. Priestley on the Doctrine of Materialism, anc Philosophical Necessity. See PRIESTLEY, R. 3 Discours sur 1 Amour cle la Patrie, prononce le 4 Nov. 1789, dans 1 As semblee de la Societs formse pour celSbrer la Revolution de la Grande Bretagne. Avec un Appendix. Traduit de 1 Anglois. Paris, 1790. 8, pp. 72 4 Discourse on the Death of Dr. Price. See PRIESTLEY, J. 5 Discourse on the Love of our Country, delivered Nov. 4, 1789, to the So ciety for commemorating the Revolution in Great Britain. Boston, reprinted, 1790. 8, pp. 40. [4 copies. 6 Discourse on the Love of our Country, delivered Nov. 4, 1789, to the So ciety for commemorating the Revolution in Great Britain. With th Report of the Society, an Account of the Population of France, and th Declaration of Rights by the National Assembly. 3d ed. London, 1790. 8, pp. 51, 34 7 Essay on the Population of England, from the Revolution to the presen time. With Remarks on the Account of the Population, Trade, an< Resources of the Kingdom, in Mr. Eden s Letters to Lord Carlisle. 2 ed. London, 1780. 8, pp. 85 8 Four Dissertations. I. On Providence. II. On Prayer. III. On th Reasons for expecting that Virtuous Men shall meet after Death in State of Happiness. IV. On the Importance of Christianity, the Natur of Historical Evidence, and Miracles. 2d ed., with Additions. London, 1768. 8 (5.5X3^ 9 Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution, and th Means of making it a Benefit to the World. Boston, reprinted, 1784. 8, pp. 81 10 Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution and th Means of making it a Benefit to the World. To which is added, A Lei ter from M. Turgot : with ... a Translation of the Will of M. Foi tune Ricard, . . . London, 1785. 8 (6X3.3; U Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, the Principles of Goverr ment, and the Justice and Policy of the War with America. 7th ed. London, 1776. 8, pp. 4 12 Observations on Reversionary Payments ; on Schemes for providin Annuities for Widows, and for Persons in Old Age ; on the Method c Calculating the Values of Assurances on Lives ; and on the Nation* Debt. Also, Essays on different subjects in the Doctrine of Life Ar nuities and Political Arithmetic ; a Collection of new Tables ; and Postscript on the Population of the Kingdom. . . . Newly arranged and enlarged by Algebraical and other Notes, the Solutions of seven new Problems in the Doctrines of Annuities, and a General Introdiu tion. By W. Morgan. 6th ed. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1803. 8 (6.1X3.3). [2 copies. CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY. 511 PRICE, Richard, D.D., LL.D., F.R.S., continued. 1 Review (A) of the principal Questions in Morals. Particularly those respecting the Origin of our Ideas of Virtue, its Nature, Relation to the Deity, Obligation, Subject-Matter, and Sanctions. 3d e:l. corrected, and enlarged by ... Notes, and a Dissertation on the Being and Attri butes of the Deity. *** London, 1728. 8 (5.7X3.3), pp. 512. 2 Sermons, on various Subjects. London, 1816. 8 (6.1X3.4). 3 State (The) of the Public Debts and Finances at signing the prelimina ry Articles of Peace in January 1783, with a Plan for raising Money by Public Loan and for redeeming the Public Debts. London, 1783. 8, pp. 36. [2 copies.] PRlCHARD,James.Cowles,7If.Z)., J F.7?.S ., an English ethnologist ; &.1788. d.1848. 4 Eastern Origin (The) of the Celtic Nations proved by a Comparison of their Dialects with the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, and Teutonic Langua ges, ... London, 1831. 8 (6.3X3.5). PRIDEAUX, Humphrey, D.D., Dean of Norwich; b. 1648. d. 1724. 5 Old and New Testaments (The) connected in the History of the Jews and Neighbouring Nations, from, the Declension of the Kingdoms of Is rael and Judah to the Time of Christ. Part I. 5th ed. II. With a corn- pleat Index to the whole. [Maps.] London, 1718. 2 (10.2X5.6), m. r. 6 Old and New Testament (The) connected in the History of the Jews and Neighbouring Nations, from the Declension of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah to the Time of Christ. . . . Vol. 1-4. 10th ed. [Fron tispieces, Maps and Plates.] London, 1729. 8 (6.5X3.5). 7 Old and New Testament (The) connected in the History of the Jews and Neighbouring Nations, from the Declension of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, to the Time of Christ. . . . Vol. 1-4. [Maps and Plates] Edinburgh, 1799. 8 (6.7X3.6). 8 True Nature (The) of Imposture fully display d in the Life of Mahomet. With a Discourse annexed, for the Vindicating of Christianity from this Charge ; offered to the consideration of the Deists. 2d ed. corrected. London, 1697. 8 (5.4X2.9), m. r. PRIESTLEY, Joseph, LL.D., F.R.S., an English theologian & natural-philoso pher, of Birmingham: b. 1733. d. in Northumberland, Penn., 1804. 9 Appeal (An) to the Public, on the Subject of the Riots in Birmingham. To which are added, Strictures on ... " Thoughts on the late Riot at Birmingham." *** Birmingham, 1791. 8 (5. 9X3.3). 10 Appeal (An) to the Public, on the Subject of the Riots in Birmingham, Part II. To which is added, A Letter from W. Russell, to the Author. *** London, 1792. 8(6.lX3.3). 11 Appeal (An) to the serious and candid Professors of Christianity, on the Use of Reason in Matters of Religion ; the Power of Man to do the Will of God ; Original Sin ; &c. With an Account of the Trial of Mr. Elwall. London, 1792. 12, pp. 38. [2 copies.] 12 Appeal (An) to the serious and candid Professors of Christianity, on the Use of Reason in Matters of Religion ; the PoAver of Man to do the Will of God ; &c. With an Account of Mr. Elwall s Trial. . - Philadelphia, 1794. 12, pp. 52. 512 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. PRIESTLEY, Joseph, LL.D., F.R.S., continued. 1 Comparison (A) of the Institutions of Moses with those of the Hindo< and other Ancient Nations ; with Remarks on Mr. Dupuis s Origin all Religions, The Laws and Institutions of Moses methodized, and i Address to the Jews on the Present State of the World, and the Pr phecies relating to it. *** Northumberland, 1799. 8 (5. 7X3.5 2 Continuation of the Letters to the Philosophers and Politicians of Franc on the Subject of Religion ; and of the Letters to a Philosophical U believer ; in Answer to Mr. Paine s Age of Reason. Northumberland, 1795. 8, pp. 7 3 Continuation of the Letters to the Philosophers and Politicians of Franc on the Subject of Religion ; and of the Letters to a Philosophical Unb liever, in Answer to Mr. Paine s Age of Reason. Salem, reprinted, 1795. 8, pp. 7 4 Course (A) of Lectures on Oratory and Criticism. * * * London, 1777. 4 (7. 1X4.8). [2 copies 5 Defences of Unitarianism for the Year 1786, containing Letters to D Home ; to the Young Men, who are in a course of Education for tl Christian Ministry, at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge ; Rev. Dr. Price ; and to Rev. Mr. Parkhurst ; on the Subject of the Pe son of Christ. *** Birmingham, 1788. 8 (5.5X3^ 6 Defences of Unitarianism for the Year 1787, containing Letters to Re Dr. Gaddes, to Rev. Dr. Price, Part II., and to the Candidates for ders in the Two Universities, Part II. ... * * * Birmingham, 1788. 8 (5.7X3.2 7 Defences of Unitarianism for the Years 1788 & 1789. Containing Le ters to Dr. Horsley, to Rev. Mr. Barnard, Rev. Dr. Knowles, and Re Mr. Hawkins. *** Birmingham, [1799]. 8 (5.9X3.5 8 Description (A) of a Chart of Biography : . . . * * * 3d ed., wi Improvements. London, 1767. 12 (5.2X2.8), pp. 6 9 Description (A) of a new Chart of History. Containing a View of tl principal Revolutions of Empire that have taken place in the Worl *** 8th ed., corrected. London, 1793. 12 (5.1X2.8 10 Description of a new Chart of History. ... * * * From 7th Lo: don ed. New-Haven, reprinted, 1792. 12, pp. 9 u Discourse occasioned by the Death of Dr. Price ; delivered at Hackne May 1, 1791. London, 1791. 8, pp. 4 12 Discourse on the Death of Dr. Priestley; with Vindication of certa Passages in the same. See BELSHAM, T. 13 Discourses on the Evidence of Revealed Religion. * * * London, 1794. 8 (5.7X3.1 14 Discourses on the Evidence of Revealed Religion. * * * 2d ed. Boston, 1795. 12 (5.3X2.8 15 Discourses relating to the Evidences of Revealed Religion, delivered the Church of the Universalists, at Philadelphia, 1796. ... * * * Philadelphia, 1796. 8 (5.5X3.2). [2 copies 16 Discourses relating to the Evidences of Revealed Religion, delivered Philadelphia. Vol.2. Philadelphia, 1797. 8 (5.7X3.1 17 Discourses on various Subjects, . . . Birmingham, 1787. 8 (5.5X3.2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 513 PHIESTLEY, Joseph, LL.D., F.R.S., continued. * Discourses on various Subjects, ... Northumberland, 1805. 8(5.7X3.3). 2 Disquisitions relating to Matter and Spirit. To which is added, The History of the Philosophical Doctrine concerning the Origin of the Soul, and the Nature of Matter; with its Influence on Christianity, especially with respect to the Doctrine of the Preexistence of Christ. ... 2d ed., improved and enlarged. [Frontispiece.] * * * Birmingham, 1782. 8 (6.1X3.4). 3 Doctrine (The) of Philosophical Necessity illustrated ; being an Ap pendix to the Disquisitions on Matter and Spirit. To which is added, An Answer to several persons, who have controverted the Principles of it. ... 2d ed., enlarged. Birmingham, 1782. 8 (6.1X3.4). 4 Doctrines (The) of Heathen Philosophy, compared with those of Reve lation. Northumberland, 1804. 8 (5.5X3.1). 5 Duty (The) of Forgiveness of Injuries : a Discourse intended to be de livered soon after the Riots in Birmingham. Birmingham, 1791. 8, pp. 42. 6 Essay (An) on the First Principles of Government, and on the Nature of Political, Civil, and Religious Liberty, including Remarks on Dr. Brown s Code of Education, and on Dr. Balguy s Sermon on Church Authority. 2d ed., corrected and enlarged. London, 1771. 8 (5.5X3.1). 7 Evidence (The) of the Resurrection of Jesus considered, in a Discourse at Buxton, Sept. 19, 1790. With an Address to the Jews. Birmingham, 1791. 8, pp. xxiii., 56. 8 Examination (An) of Dr. Reid s Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense, Dr. Beattie s Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth, and Dr. Oswald s Appeal to Common Sense in behalf of Religion. *** London, 1774. 8 (5.5X3.1). [2 copies.] 9 Experiments and Observations on different kinds of Air. Vol. [1.] 3d ed. corrected. 2,3. * * * 3 vols. [Plate*.] London, 1781, 75, 77. 8 (5.6X3.2). 10 Experiments and Observations relating to various Branches of Natural Philosophy; with a Continuation of the Observations on Air. Vol. 1, 2. * * * [Plates.] Vol. 1, London ; 2, Birmingham, 1779, 81. 8 (5.6X3.2). NOTE Lettered, "Observations on Air. Vi.l. 4, 5." i" 1 Familiar Illustration (A) of certain Passages of Scripture relating to the Power of Man to do the Will of God, Original Sin, Election and Reprobation, the Divinity of Christ, and Atonement for Sin by the Death of Christ. Philadelphia, 1794. 12, pp. 72. 12 Familiar Illustration (A) of certain Passages of Scripture relating to the Power of Man to do the Will of God, Original Sin, Election and Reprobation, &c. Warrington, 1795. 12, pp. 66. 13 Familiar Introduction (A) to the Theory and Practice of Perspective. *** 2d ed. corrected. [Plates.] London, 1780. 8 (5.6X3.1). 14 Familiar Letters addressed to the Inhabitants of Birmingham, in Refu tation of several Charges, advanced against the Dissenters and Unita rians. By Rev. Mr. Madari. Also, Letters to Rev. E. Burn, in Answer to his on the Infallibility of the Apostolic Testimony concerning the Person of Christ. ... 2ded. * * * Birmingham, 1790. 8(5.9X3.3). 65 514 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. PRIESTLEY, Joseph, LL.D., F.R.S., continued. 1 Forms of Prayer, and other Offices, for the use of Unitarian Societies. * * * Birmingham, 1783. 8 (5.5X3). 2 Free Address (A) to Protestant Dissenters, on ... Church Discipline ; with a preliminary Discourse, concerning the Spirit of Christianity, and the Corruption of it, by False Notions of Religion. London, 1770. 8 (5.5X3.1), 3 Free Address (A) to Protestant Dissenters, on the subject of the Lord s Supper ; and a Letter to the Author of the Protestant Dissenter s An swer to it. 3d ed., with Improvements. London, 1774. 2 (5.5X3.1) 4 Free Discussion (A) of the Doctrines of Materialism, and Philosophical Necessity, in a Correspondence between Dr. Price, and Dr. Priestley To which are added, An Introduction, by Dr. Priestley, explaining th< Nature of the Controversy, and Letters to several "Writers ... * * * London, 1778. 8 (5.6X3.2) 5 General-Fast Sermon, April 19, 1793. London, 1793. 8, pp. 36 6 General History (A) of the Christian Church, to the Fall of the "Westerr Empire. . . . Vol. 1,2. * * * Birmingham, 1790. 8 (5.7X3.3) 7 General History (A) of the Christian Church, from the Fall of th< "Western Empire to the Present Time. . . . Vol. 1-4. * * * Northumberland, 1802- 03. 8 (5.8X3.3) 8 General View (A) of the Arguments for the Unity of God ; and agains the Divinity and Pre-existence of Christ, from Reason, from the Scrip tures, and from History. Philadelphia, 1794. 12, pp. 24. [2 copies/ 9 Harmony (A) of the Evangelists in English ; with Critical Dissertations an occasional Paraphrase, and Notes for the use of the unlearned. * * London, 1780. 4 (7.4X4.8) 10 Hartley s Theory of the Human Mind, on the Principles of the Associa tion of Ideas ; with Essays relating to the subject of it. * * * London, 1775. 8 (6.1X3.4) 11 Heads of Lectures on a Course of Experimental Philosophy, particular!; including Chemistry, delivered at the New College in Hackney. London, 1794. 8 (5. 5X3. 2). [2 copies/ 12 Historical Eulogium on J. Priestley. See CUVIER, G. C. L. F. D. 13 History (An) of the Corruptions of Christianity, ... * * * Vol. 1 2. Birmingham, 1782. 8 (5.8X3.2) M History (An) of the Corruptions of Christianity, ... 3d ed. * * * Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1797. 12 (5.3X2.9) J5 History (An) of Early Opinions concerning Jesus Christ, compiled fron original writers ; proving that the Christian Church was at first Unita nan. Vol. 1-4. *** Birmingham, 1786. 8 (5.9X3.3) 16 Index to the Bible, in which the various Subjects which occur in thi Scriptures are Alphabetically arranged, with . . . References to all thi Books of the Old and New Testaments, . . . [j5y J. Priestley."] Philadelphia, 1804. 12 (4.7X2.9) 17 Inquiry into the Knowledge of the Antient Hebrews, concerning a Fu ture State. London, 1801. 8, pp. 67 * 8 Institutes of Natural and Revealed Religion. . . . [Witli] Essay or the best Method of communicating Religious Knowledge to the Mem bers of Christian Societies. 2d ed. Vol. 1,2. * * * Birmingham, 1782. 8 (5. 7X3.2) CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 515 PRIESTLEY, Joseph, LL.D., F.E.S., continued. 1 Institutes of Natural and Revealed Religion. . . . [ Witli] An Essay on the best Method of communicating Religious Knowledge . . . 4th ed. Vol. 1,2. *** London, 1808. 12 (5.7X3.2). 2 Lectures on History and General Policy ; to which is prefixed an Essay on a Course of Liberal Education for Civil and Active Life. * * * Birmingham, 1788. 4 (7X4.8). 3 Lectures on History and General Policy ; to which is prefixed, An Essay on a Course of Liberal Education for Civil and Active Life. * * * Dublin, 1788. 8 (6.4X3. 5). [2 copies.] 4 Letter to an Antipoedobaptist. Northumberland, 1802. 8, pp. 48. 5 Letter to Jacob Bryant, Esq., in Defence of Philosophical Necessity. London, 1780. 8, pp. 52. 6 Letter to Rev. J. B. Linn, in Defence of the Pamphlet, Socrates and Jesus compared. Northumberland, 1803. 8, pp. GO. 7 Letter (Second) to Rev. J. B. Linn, in Reply to his Defence of the Doctrines of the Divinity of Christ and Atonement. Northumberland, 1803. 8, pp. 42. 8 Letter to Rev. Mr. J. Palmer, in Defence of the Illustrations of Philo sophical Necessity. * * * London, 1779. 8, pp. 98. [2 copies.] 9 Letter (Second) to Rev. Mr. John Palmer, in Defence of the Doctrine of Philosophical Necessity. London, 1780. 8, pp. 64. [2 copies.] 10 Letter to Rt. Hon. William Pitt ; on Toleration and Church Establish ments ; occasioned by his Speech against the Test and Corporation Acts, March 28, 1787. * * * London, 1787. 8, pp. 54. 11 Letters to the Author of Remarks on several late Publications relative to the Dissenters. * * * London, 1770. 8, pp. 70. 12 Letters to the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, occasioned by his Reflections on the Revolution in France, &c. 3d ed. corrected. * * * Birmingham, 1791. S(5.4><3.2). [2 copies.] 13 Letters to Dr. Horsley, in Answer to his Animadversions on the History of the Corruptions of Christianity. With additional Evidence that the Primitive Christian Church was Unitarian. * * * Birmingham, 1783. 8 (5.8X3.3). 14 Letters to Dr. Horsley. Part II. containing farther Evidence that the Primitive Christian Church was Unitarian. * * * Birmingham, 1784. 8 (5.8X3.3). 15 Letters to Dr. Horsley. Part III. containing an Answer to his Remarks on Letters -Part II., and Strictures on Mr. Howe s Ninth Number of Observations on Books. * * * Birmingham, 1786. 8, pp. 64. !6 Letters to the Inhabitants of Northumberland and its Neighbourhood. Part I., II. Northumberland, 1799. 8, pp. 48, 42. l? Letters to the Inhabitants of Northumberland and its Neighbourhood. 2d ed. with Additions. Philadelphia, 1801. 8, pp. 96. 18 Letters to the Jews ; inviting them to an amicable Discussion of the Evidences of Christianity. 2d ed. Birmingham, 1787. 8, pp. 56. 19 Letters to the Jews. Part II. Occasioned by D. Levi s Reply to the former Letters. * * *. Birmingham, 1787. 8, pp. 56. [2 copies.] 20 Letters to the Members of the New Jerusalem Church, formed by Baron Swedenborg. Birmingham, 379L 8, pp. xxi., 70, 516 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. PRIESTLEY, Joseph, LL.D., F.R.S., continued. 1 Letters (Two) to Dr. Newcome, on the Duration of Our Saviour ! Ministry. *** Birmingham, 1780. 8 (5.7X3. 2) 2 Letter (Third) to Dr. Newcome, on the Duration of Our Saviour s Ministry. * * * Birmingham, 1781. 8, pp. 44 3 Letters addressed to the Philosophers and Politicians of France, on th< subject of Religion. With Observations on the Causes of the genera Prevalence of Infidelity. Philadelphia, 1794. 8, pp. 80 4 Letters to a Philosophical Unbeliever. Part I. ... 2d ed. II. . . Birmingham, 1787. 8 (5.5X3.2) 5 Letters to a Philosophical Unbeliever. Part III. containing an Answe to Mr. Paine s Age of Reason. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1795. 8, pp. 86 6 Letters to a Young Man, occasioned by Mr. Wakefield s Essay on Pub lie Worship ; to which is added, A Reply to Mr. Evanson s Objections t the Observance of the Lord s Day. *** London, 1792. 8 (6X3.3; 7 Memoirs of Dr. Joseph Priestley, to the year 1795 : with a Continuatio] to the time of his Decease, by his Son, J. Priestley : and Observation on his Writings, by T. Cooper : and Rev. W. Christie. 2 vols. Northumberland, 1806. 8 (6.1X3.3), pp. 824 8 Miscellaneous Observations relating to Education, more especially as i respects the Conduct of the Mind. To which is added, An Essay on Course of Liberal Education for Civil and Active Life. * * * Bath, 1778. 8 (5.5X3.4; 9 Notes on all the Books of Scripture, for the use of the Pulpit and Pri vate Families. * * * Vol. [l]-4. Northumberland, 1803- 04. 8 (5.9X3.3; 10 Observation on the Increase of Infidelity. 3d ed. To which are addec Animadversions on the Writings of several modern Unbelievers, an especially the Ruins of Mr. Volney. * * * Philadelphia, 1797. 8 (5.9X3.3; 11 Particular Attention to the Instruction of the Young recommended, i a Discourse, delivered at Hackney, Dec. 4, 1791, on entering on the Oi fice of Pastor. London, 1791. 8, pp. 4( 12 Present State (The) of Europe compared with Antient Prophecies General-Fast Sermon, at Hackney, Feb. 28, 1794. With a Preface cor taming the Reasons for the Author s leaving England. 4th ed. * * London, 1794. 8, pp. 4^ 13 Proper Objects (The) of Education in the present State of the World represented in a Discourse, delivered April 27, 1791, at London, to th Supporters of the New College at Hackney. London, 179] 14 Reflections on Death. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Robert Robinsor of Cambridge, July 13, 1790. Birmingham, 1790. 8, pp. 2( 15 Remarks on the Monthly Review of the Letters to Dr. Horsley ; b Rev. S. Badcock. Birmingham, 1784. 8, pp. 2i 16 Reply to the Animadversions on the History of the Corruptions c Christianity, in the Monthly Review for June, 1783 ; with addition* Observations relating to the Doctrine of the Primitive Church, concern ing the Person of Christ. * * * Birmingham, 1783. 8, pp. 55 J? Sermon on the Slave Trade ; delivered to a Society of Protestant Die senters, in Birmingham. Birmingham, 1 778. 8, pp. 4( CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 517 PHIESTLEY, Joseph, LL.D., F.R.S., continued. 1 Sermons selected from Dr. Priestly s Discourses on the Evidences of Revelation. [London ] 1799. 12, pp. 71. 2 Socrates and Jesus compared. * * * Philadelphia, 1803. 8, pp. 60. 3 Unitarianism explained and defended, in a Discourse, delivered at Phila delphia, 1796. * * * Philadelphia, 1796. 8, pp. 32. 4 Use of Christianity, especially in difficult times ; Farewell Sermon, at Hackney, March 3*3, 1794. 2J ed. London, 1794. 8, pp. 54. 5 View (A) of the Principles and Conduct of the Protestant Dissenters, with respect to the Civil and Ecclesiastical Constitution of England. 2ded. *** London, n. d. 8, pp. 91. 6 View (A) of Revealed Religion ; a Sermon preached at the Ordination of Rev. William Field, of Warwick, July 12, 1790; with a Charge by Rev. Thomas Belsham. Birmingham, 1790. 8, pp. 68. Editor. See THEOLOGICAL Repository (The). Vol 1-6. PRIESTLEY, Joseph, son of the preceding. ? Continuation of Dr. Priestley s Memoirs. See PRIESTLEY, J., LL.D. PRINCE, George, of Bath, Me. 8 Weymouth s Voyage. See MAINE Hist. Society. (Collections, vol. 6.) PRESIDENTS Messages, Addresses, &c. 1789-1846. See WILLIAMS, E. PRINCE, Rev. John, LL.D., of Salem, Mass. ; b. 1751. d. 1836. 9 Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 1 ; New Series, vol. 1.) 10 Memoir of Rev. John Prince, by C. W. Upham. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 5.) PRINCE, N. A. Editor. See PRINCE, W. R. Memoir and Select "Writings. PRINCE, Nathan, Tutor & Fellow of Harvard Callage ; b. about 1700. d. 1748. 11 Constitution (The) and Government of Harvard College ; with Reasons to prove that the Overseers have no Independent Power over the Cor poration. [Boston, 1742.] 4, pp. 43. PRINCE, Rev. Thomas, Pastor of Old South Church, Boston; b. 1687. d. 1758. 12 Account of the First Appearance of the Northern Lights, 1716. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 1st Series, vol. 2.) 13 Annals of New-England. Vol. 2, No. I.-III. Boston, 1755. See Hist. Society. (Collections, 2d Series, vol. 7.) 14 Case (The) of Heman considered. Sermon on the Death of Edward Bromfield, April 10, 1756. Boston, 1756. 8, pp. 35. 15 Character (The) of Caleb. Sermon on the Lord s Day after the Funeral of Hon. Josiah Willard. Boston, 1756. 8, pp. 30. 16 Chronological History (A) of New-England, in the form of Annals ; . . . from the Discovery of Capt. Gosnold, in 1602, to the Arrival of Gov. Belcher in 1730. With an Introduction containing a brief Epitome of the most considerable Transactions and Events abroad. From the Creation. ... *** Boston, 1736. 8 (5. 5X3.2). NOTE. Imperfect, wanting 1 title-page. In two parts, pag ecl independently. l? Chronological History (A) of New-England, in the form of Annals ; . . . from the Discovery of Capt. Gosnold, in 1602, to the Arrival of Gov. Belcher, in 1730. With an Introduction ... * * * Boston, MDCCXXXVI. New ed. Boston, 1826. 8 (6. 2X3-6). 518 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. PRINCE, Rev. William Reed; b. 1817. d. 1845. 1 Memoir and Select Writings of William Reed Prince. Edited by N. A. Prince. With a Sketch of his Qualities as a Preacher, by G. Shepard. [Portrait.] Portland, 1846. 12 (5.3X3.1). [2 copies.] PRINCETON ESSAYS. Theological Essays : extracted from the Princeton Review. 2 New-York & London, 1846. 8 (7X4), pp. 705. 3 Essays, theological and miscellaneous, reprinted from the Princeton Re view. Second Series. Including the Contributions of the late Rev. A. B. Dod. New-York and London, 1847. 8 (7X4), pp. 612. PRINCETON Review (The). See BIBLICAL Repertory (The), &c. PRINGLE, A. ^ General View of the Agriculture of the County of Westmoreland ; with Observations for the Means of its Improvement. Drawn up for . . . the Board of Agriculture, &c. [Map. London] 1805. 8 (6.3X3. 3). NOTE. Paged continuously and bound with Northumberland, by Bailey & Culley. PRINSEP, C. R. Translator. See SAY, J. B. Treatise on Political Economy. PRINSEP, J. 5 Strictures and Observations on the Mocurrery System of Landed Prop erty in Bengal. Originally written [by J. Prinsep,] for The Morning under Chronicle, the signature of Gurreeb Doss, with Replies. London, [1794]. 8 (5. 5X3.3). PRIOR, James, Esq. 6 Memoir of the Life and Character of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke ; with Specimens of his Poetry and Letters, and an Estimate of his Ge nius and Talents compared with those of his great Contemporaries. 2d eel, enlarged . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait. ] London, 1826. 8 (6.1X3.4). PRIOR, Matthew, an English poet ; b. 1664. d. 1721. 7 Poetical Works. With a Life by J. Mitford. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Por trait. ] Boston, 1853. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). PRIOR, Thomas, Esq. 8 Authentic Narrative of the Success of Tar Water, in curing Distempers ; with Remarks. Abridged and with Two Letters from the Author of Si- ris [Bp. Berkeley], and Appendix by T. Prince. * * * Boston, reprinted, 1749. 8, pp. 80. 9 Authentic Narrative of the Success of Tar Water, in curing Distempers; with Remarks. Abridged and with Two Letters from the Author of Si- ris [Bp. Berkeley], and Appendix by T. Prince. * * * Providence, reprinted, 1793. 8, pp. 75. PRIOR DOCUMENTS. See COLLECTION (A) of interesting, authentic Papers, &c. PRISCIANUS, of Ccesarea, a Latin grammarian; fl. about 500. i Periegesis,eDionysio. $eeDiONYSiusPERLEGETES. OrbisDescriptio,etc. PRISON Discipline Society. Reports of the Prison Discipline Society, Boston. H1826-1854. Vol. 1-3. Boston, 1855. 8 (6.7X3.9). PRISONER S Friend (The), a Monthly Magazine. See SPEAR, C. Editor. PRITCIIARD, Andrew. 12 Description of Optical Instruments. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. (Natural Philosophy, vol. 2.) PRIZE ESSAYS on a Congress of Nations. See AMERICAN Peace Society. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 519 PROCTOR, Col. George, of tlie Royal Military College, Sandhurst. 1 Britain, from the Descent of the Saxons, to the Deposition of Richard II. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 11, 12). 2 Crusades. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 11). 3 Feudal System (The). See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 11,12). 4 History of the Crusades : their Rise, Progress, and Results. By Major Proctor. With over 150 Illustrations. Philadelphia, 1854. 8 (6.1X3.7). 5 Middle Ages (The), from the Fall of the Roman Empire of the West, to End of Eighth Century. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 11). Joint Author. See MITCHELL, C. C. Fortification. PROFERTIUS, Sextus Aurelius, a Roman elegiac poet ; d. about 15 B.C. fi Elegiac. See CATULLUS, C. V. Catulli, etc. Opera. Catullus etc. 7 Elegiarum Libri IV. cum Commentario perpetuo P. Burmanni secundi, opus Burmanni morte interruptum L. Santenius absolvit. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1780. 4 (6.8X5.3), pp. 990+. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. PROSPER, St., of Aquitaine, a disciple of St. Augustine ; d. about 463. 8 Opera omnia. Colonue Agrippine, 1609? 8(5X2.6),m. r., pp. 903-}-. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. PPVOTESTANT DISSENTER S (The) Magazine : consisting of Biographical Memoirs ; 9 Ecclesiastical History ; Sacred Criticism ; Doctrinal and Practical Di vinity, &c. &c. . . . Vol. 1-6. . . . Embellished with Heads and other Engravings. *** London, 1794-99. 8 (6.7X3. 6). PROTESTANT System (The) : containing Discourses on the principal Doctrines 10 of Natural and Revealed Religion. Compiled from the Works of ... Protestant Dissenters, viz. Abernethy, Amory, Barker, Benson, Bulke- ley, Chandler, &c. &c. To which are added, Four Discourses . . . Vol. 1,2. London, 1758. 8 (5.4X3.5). PROTESTANT-EPISCOPAL Church in the United States. Journals of the General 11 Conventions of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, from A. D. 1785 to A. D. 1853, inclusive. . . . With illus trative historical Notes and Appendices, by Rev. F. L. Hawks, and Rev. W. S. Perry. Vol.1. Philadelphia, 1861. 8 (6.1X3.6). 12 Reception of the Delegates from the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, by the Board of Missions of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, and Speeches at the Missionary Meetings,Oct.6th,7th,and 10th. New-York, 1853. 8, pp. 37. PROTESTANT-EPISCOPAL Historical Society. Collections of the Protestant Epis- 13 copal Historical Society, for the year 1851. [ Vol. 1. For 1852- 53.] VoL 2. 2vols. [Portraits.] New-York, 1851, 53. 8 (6.6X4). PROU-DE-MONROY, Chevalier DE. 14 Foreign Agriculture : or, An Essay on the Comparative Advantages of Oxen for Tillage in competition with Horses. Selected from his Com munications, with Notes, by J. T. Dillon. London, 1796. 8, pp. 67. PROUD, Robert, a Quaker teacher in Phila. ; b. in Yorkshire, Eng., 1728. d. 1813. 15 History (The) of Pennsylvania, in North America, from the original In stitution and Settlement ... in 1681, till after the year 1742; with an Introduction, respecting the Life of William Penn . . ., &c. To which is added, A brief Description of the said Province, . . . between the years 1760 and 1770. ... * * * Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait and Map.] Philadelphia, 1797, 08, 8 (6.6X3.2), 520 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. PROUT, William, M.D., F.R.S., a Scottish physician & chemist ; b. 1786. d. 1850. 1 Chemistry Meteorology and the Function of Digestion considered with reference to Natural Theology * * * {Meteorological Map. ] London, 1834. 8 (6X3.5), pp. 570. NOTE. Half-title, " Bridg-ewater Treatises ... Treatise VIII. ... 2J ed." PROVERBES 2 Dramatiques. Tom. 1-8. Paris, 1768- 81. 8 (5.3X3). PROVERBES 3 Dramatiques, Manuel de. *** Portland, 1830. 12 (5.1X3). PROVERBS, Book of. See BIBLE, in lads. PRYNNE, William, an English lawyer & politician; b. 1600. d. 1669. 4 Brevia Parliamentaria rediviva. Conteining several Catalogues of the Numbers, Dates of all Bundles of Original Writs of Summons and Elec tions newly found, or formerly extant in the Tower of London during the Reigns of K. Edw. 1, 2, 3. R. 2. H. 4, 5, 6. and E. 4 . . . : &c. &c. *** London, 1662. 4 (5.9X3.4). 5 Breviate (A) of the Life of William Laud Arch-bishop of Canterbury : extracted (for the most part) verbatim, out of his owne Diary, and other Writings, under his owne Hand. ... * * * [Plate of Laud s Trial. ] London, 1644. 2 (8.9X5), m. d., pp. 35. 6 Brief necessary Vindication (A) of the old and new Secluded Members, from the false malicious Calvmnies ; and of the Fundamental Rights,. Liberties, Privileges, Government, Interest of the Freemen, Parliaments, People of England, from the late avowed Subversions 1. of John Ro gers, in his un-Christian Concertation with Mr. Prynne, and others. 2. of Mr. Nedham, in his Interest will not lie. ... * * * London, 1659. 4 (6.1X3.2), m. b., pp. 62. 7 Conscientious, serious, theological and legal Queries, propounded to the twice-dissipated, self-created Anti-Parliamentary Westminster Juncto, and its Members. London, 1660. 4, m. r., pp. 48. 8 Histrio-Mastix : The Player s Scourge, or Actor s Tragedie. London, 1633. 4 (5.9X3.3), m. r., pp. lOOC-f-. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-png e. 9 Moderate, seasonable Apology for indulging just Christian Liberty to truly tender Consciences, conforming to the Publike Liturgy. In, not bowing at, or to the Name of Jesus ; and not. kneeling in the Act of receiving the Lords Supper ; according to His Majesties most gracious Declaration ... * * * London, 1662. 4 (5.8X3.3), m. r. 10 New Discovery (A) of the Prelates Tyranny, in their late Persecutions of Mr. William Pryn ; Dr. lohn Bastwick ; and Mr. Henry Burton. ... *** [Portraits.] London, 1641. 4 (5.5X3.4), m. r. n Re-Publicans (The) and others supekious good old Cause. Briefly and truly anatomized. [London,] 1659. 4, m. n., pp. 18. J2 Second Part of a brief Register and Survey of the several Kinds and Forms of Parliamentary Writs. . . . London, 1660. 4 (5.9X3.4), m. r. is Second Part (The) of the signal Loyalty and Devotion of Gods true Saints and pious Christians under the Gospel, (especially in this our Island) towards their Christian Kings and Emperors, . . . Together with the various Forms of Prayers, Supplications, Collects, Votes and Acclamations used at the Coronations of Emperors and Kings, . . . London, 1660. 4 (5.9X3.5), m. r. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 521 PRYNNE, William, continued. 1 Short, legal, medicinal, usefull, safe, easie Prescription (A) ; to recover our Kingdom, Church, Nation from their present dangerous, distinctive, destructive Confusion, and worse than Bedlam Madnesse. London, 1659. 4, pp. 9. 2 Ten considerable Quseries concerning Tithes, the present Petitions and Petitions for their total Abolition. London, 1659. 4, pp. 6. PSALMS. The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testa- 3 ment. faithfully translated into English Meeter. For the Use, Edifica tion and Comfort of the Saints in public and private, especially in New England. *** London, 1697. 16 (5.3X2.9), pp. 84. NOTE. A late edition of the BAY PSALM BOOK. Imperfect, wanting from p. 84. 4 Psalms (The), Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testa ment : faithfully translated into English Metre : for the Use ... in New England. *** 26th ed. Boston, 1744. 16 (4.4X2.1 irr.). 5 Psaumes (Les) de David, mis in Rime Franchise, par C. Marot, et T. de Beze. * * * [Prefixed are, The Offices of Baptism, Marriage, &c. The Articles of Faith, &c., in French. } Amsterdam, 1699. 12 (4.9X2.7). PSALMS, Book of. See BIBLE, in locis. PUBLISHERS Circular. See AMERICAN Publishers Circular. PUFFENDORF, Samuel, Baron, a German publicist ; b. 1632. d. 1694. 6 Droit (Le) de la Nature et des Gens, ou Systeme General des Principes les plus importans de la Morale, de la Jurisprudence, et de la Politique. Traduit du Latin de M. le Baron de Pufendorf, par J. Barbeyrac. Avec des Notes du Traducteur ; & une Preface, qui sert d lntroduction . . . 2de ed., revue & augmentee . . . Tom. 1,2. * * * [Portrait.] Amsterdam, 1712. 4 (7.3X4.9), in. n. 7 Introduction (An) to the History of the Principal States of Europe. Begun by Baron Puff endorf ; continued by M. de la Martiniere. Im proved by J. Sayer. * * * ... Vol. 1, 2. New ed., revised . . . London, 1774. 8 (6.4X3.1), m. b. PUFFER, Ilev. Reuben, D.D., of Berlin, Mass. ; b. 1756. d. 1829. 8 Discourse on Revealed Religion ; delivered in University in Cambridge, May 11, 1808, at Dudley Lecture. Cambridge, 1808. 8, pp. 24. PUGIN, Augustus, an Enylish architectural draughtsman; d. 1832. 9 Pugin and Le Keux s Specimens of the Architectural Antiquities of Normandy. [80 Plate*.] London, 1841. 4 (9X7). NOTE. For " Historical an;l Descriptive Essays " to accompany, see BRITTON, J. 10 Specimens of Gothic Architecture ; selected from various Ancient Edi fices in England : consisting of Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Parts at large, calculated to exemplify the various Styles, and the Practical Construction of this admired Class of Architecture ; accompanied by his torical and descriptive Accounts, by E. J. Willson. Vol. 1, 2. [114 Plates. ] London [1823]. 4 (7.6X5.3). NOTE. Also for " Glossary of Technical Terms," &c., to accompany this work, see WILLSON, E. J. PUGNET, Jean Francois Xavier, a French army surgeon; b. 1765. d. 1830. 11 Memoires sur les Fievres de mauvais caractere du Levant et des An tilles, avec un Apertju physique et medical du Sayd, et un Essai sur la Topographic de Saint Lucie. [Plate.] Lyon, 1804. 8 (6X3.4). 66 522 HOWDOIN COLLEGE. PUISSANT, Louis, a French military engineer, &c. ; 1). 17G9. d. 1843. 1 Traite tie Geodesic, ou Exposition cles Methodes trigonometriques et astronomiques, applicables soit a la Mesurc de la Terre, soit a la Confec tion des Canevas des Cartes et des Plans topographiquea. 2me ed. Tom. 1,2. [Mates.] Paris, 1819. 4 (7.2X4.7). 2 Traite de Topographic, d Arpentage et de Nivellement. 2me ed. [Tlates. ] Paris, 1820. 4 (7. 2X4.7). PULASKI, Casimir, [Po2iffA,PULAWSKI, Kazimierz,] Count, a Polish patriot, af terwards Brig.-Ocn. in American 11 evolution ; b. 1747. d. 1799. 3 Life, by J. Sparks. See SPARKS, J. (American Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 4.) PULLEN, P. H. 4 Pestalozzi s Intellectual, or Intuitive Arithmetic : exemplifying the Doc trine of Mental Calculation, . . . London, 1821. 12 (5.5X3). PULLER, Christopher, of the Inner Temple, London. Joint Author. See BOSANQUET, J. B. Reports of Cases, c. PuLMANNUS,jf>ro/>c r/y POELMAN, Theodor, a Dutch commentator; 6.1510. cZ.1580. Editor. See CLAUDIANUS, C. Opera. PULTENEY, William, Esq. 5 Effects to be expected from the East India Bill, upon the Constitution of Great Britain, if passed into a Law. 2d ed. corrected. With a Post script. London, 1783. 8, pp. 53. 6 Thoughts on the Present State of Affairs with America, and the Means of Conciliation. 3d ed. London, 1778. 8 (6.3X3.3). PUNCIIARD, Benjamin Hanover, a merchant of Andover, Ms. ; b. 1799. d. 1850. 7 Memoir of B. H. Punchard. Andover, 1857. 8, pp. 43. PUNCHARD, Rev. George, of Pit/month, N.II. 8 View (A) of Congregationalism, its Principles and Doctrines ; the Tes timony of Ecclesiastical History in its Favor, its Practice, and its Ad vantages. With an introductory Essay, by II. S. Storrs. 3d ed., re vised and enlarged. Boston, 1850. 12 (5.6X3.3). PURITANS. Brief and impartial History of the Puritans; representing their 9 Principles and Sufferings, with Observations. London, 1772. 12, pp. 82. PURSUITS of Literature ; a Satirical Poem. See MATHIAS, J. M. PUTNAM, liev. George, D.D., of Roxbunj, Mass. 1 True Grounds of Christian Unity. Boston, 1838. 12, pp. 27. PUTNAM, George P., a book publisher, of New York City. 11 Putnam s Home Cyclopedia. Hand-Book of Chronology and History. The World s Progress, a Dictionary of Dates : with Tabular Views of General History, and a Historical Chart. 6th ed. * * New-York, 1852. 12 (5.8X3.5), pp. 692. PUTNAM, Israel, Major- Gen. in Revolution, b. in Danvers, Ms., 1718. d. 1790, u Essay on the Life of Gen. Putnam. See HUMPHREYS, D. 13 Life, by 0. W. B. Peabody. See SPARKS, J. (American Biog., vol. 7.) PUTNAM S Monthly Magazine of American Literature, Science, and Art. Vol. 14 1-3. January, 1853 June, 1854. New-York, 1853-54. 8 (7.5X4.3), 2 cols. PYCROFT, Rev. James, is Course (A) of English Reading . . . with Anecdotes of Men of Genius. With Additions by J. G. Co-gswpll. New-York, 1845. 12 (5.4X3.2). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 523 PYE, Charles, 1 New Dictionary (A) of Ancient Geography, exhibiting the Modern in addition to the Ancient Names of Places. . . . Boston, 1803. 8 (7X3.4), 2 cols. PYM, John, an English patriot & statesman ; b. 1584. d. 1643. 2 Life, by J. Forster. See FORSTER, J. (Lives of Eminent British States men, vol. 3.) (Statesmen of the Commonwealth of England, vol. 2.) PYTHAGORAS, a Greek philosopher ; b. in Samos, about 580 B.C. d. 504 B.C. :i Carmina Aurea. See BRUNCH, R. F. P. (Gnomici Poetre Gra?ci.) 4 Carmina Aurea, translated. See STANLEY, T. (History of Philosophy.) a. QUAKERS. See FRIENDS. QUARRY, Col. Robert, Judge of Admiralty in N.Y. & Perm. ; d. about 1712. 5 Memorial on the State of the American Colonies, 1703. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 7.) QUARTERLY Christian Spectator (The). Edited by a Society of Gentlemen. 6 Vol. 1-10. 1829-1838. New-Haven, [1829- 38]. 8 (6.7X3.8). [2 sets.] QUARTERLY Register (The American). See AMERICAN Education Society. QUARTERLY Review (The). Vol. 1-112. February, 1809 October, 1862. Vol. 1-21, New-York; 22-30, Boston; 31-110, London, 1809- 62. 8 (6.6X3.9). NOTE. Vol. 20 is General Index to vol. 1-19 ; vol. 40, to vol. 21-39 ; vol. 60, to vol. 41-59; vol. 80, to vol. 61-79; vol. 100, to vol. 81-93. QUARTERLY Review (The Foreign). See FOREIGN Quarterly Review (The). QUESNEL, Pasquier, I Abbe, a French theologian; b. 1634. d. 1719. 8 Ingenu(L ), Histoire veritable, tiree de Manuscrits du Pere Quesnel [by Voltaire]. Utrecht, 1767. 8 (5X3). QUICK, John, a minister, of London. 9 Synodicon in Gallia Reformata : or, The Acts, Decisions, Decrees and - % Canons of those famous National Councils of the Reformed Churches in France. . . . Collected and composed out of original Manuscript Acts ... 2 vols. [Portrait and Frontispiece. } London, 1692. 2 (10.4X5.4), m. r. [2 copies.] NOTE. Presentation copies, with autograph lines of the author, one to John Car- thew, of Boston, the other to Dr. Increase Mather. The latter copy contains also manuscript references of Dr. Mather. QUILLET, Claude, a French physician; b. 1602. d. 1661. 10 Callipe die (La), ou la Maniere d avoir de Beaux Enfans ; [in the original, and] traduite du Poeme Latin. Paris, 1749. 12 (5.1X3 irr.). QUILLET, Pierre Nicolas, French Minister of War; b. 1766. d. 1837. 11 Etat actuel de la Legislation sur 1 Administration des Troupes ; . . . Nouv. ed., revue, et augmentee. * * * Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1805- 06. 12 (5.4X3), m. b. QUINCY, Edmund, a merchant, of Boston; b. 1703. d. 1788. 12 Treatise of Hemp-Husbandry. Boston, 1765. 4, pp. 32. QUINCY, John, M.D., of London. 13 Lexicon Physico-Medicum ; or, A New Physical Dictionary ; . . . 2d ed., very much altered . . . London, l722. 8 (6.5X3.7), 2 cols. 14 Quincy s Lexicon-Medicum ; with Glossary. See HOOPER, R. 524 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. QUINCY, Hon. Josiah, Jun., a lawyer, of Boston; b. 1744. d. 1775. 1 Memoir of the Life of Josiah Qtrincy, Jun. See QUINCY, Josiah. 2 Observations on the Boston Port Bill ; with Thoughts on Civil Society and Standing Armies. *** Boston, 1774. 8, pp. 81. Note. Also, with original title-page, in Memoir of his Life, by Josiah Quincy. QUINCY, Josiah, LL.D., son of preceding, Pres. of Harv. Coll., &c.; b. 1772. 3 Address delivered at the Fifth Anniversary of the Massachusetts Peace Society, Dec. 25, 1820. Cambridge, 1821. 8, pp. 32. 4 History (The) of Harvard University. Vol. 1, 2. * * * [Engravings.] Cambridge, 1840. 8 (6.7X3.8), m. b. 5 Memoir of James Grahame, LL.l). Sec MASS. Hist. Society. (Collec tions, 3d Series, vol. 9.) 6 Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams. * * * [Portrait.] Boston, 1858. 8 (6X3. 5). 7 Memoir of the Life of Josiah Quincy, Jun. of Massachusetts. * * * Boston, 1825. 2 (5.8X3.4), pp. viii., 498. 8 Memory (The) of the late James Grahame, the Historian of the U. S., vindicated from the Charges of " Detraction " and " Calumny" preferred against him by Mr. George Bancroft, and the Conduct of Mr. Bancroft towards that Historian stated and exposed. Boston, 1846. 8, pp. 59. 9 Oration delivered before the Washington Benevolent Society of Massa chusetts, April 30th, 1813. Boston, 1813. 8, pp. 32. 1 Plea (A) for Harvard. See HARVARD COLLEGE. Miscellaneous. 11 Remarks on the Nature, &c. of the Voluntary System in the Studies of Latin and Greek. See HARVARD COLLEGE. Miscellaneous. 12 Speeches in Congress. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Eloq. of U.S., vol. 2, 3.) QUINTANA, Manuel Josef. 13 Poesias selectas Castellanas, desde el tiempo de Juan de Mena hasta nuestros dias. Tom. 1-3. Madrid, 1807. 8 (5X2.2 irr.). QUINTILIANUS, or QUINCTILIANUS, Marcus Fabius, a Roman rhetorician ; b. in Spain, about 40. d. about 118. 14 Declamationes vndevigenti, his accesserunt Fragmenta alia, hoc est, quaf ex CCCLXXXVIII. supersunt cxvi. Declamationes. . . . Item, Calpur- nii Flacci Excerptre X. Rhetorum minorum LI. vna cum Dialogo de Oratoribus siue de Causis corrupts? Eloquentiti?. ... Francofvrti, 1629. 8 (5.6X3), pp. 553-f. 15 Institutionum Oratoriarum Libri duodecim ad usum Scholarum accom- modati . . ., et brevibus Notis illustrati a C. Rollin. Tom. 1. 2. Paris, 1736, 37. 12 (5X2.5), m. b. 16 Institvtionvm Oratoriarvm Libri duodecim, . . . recogniti ac restituti. Nouse huic Editioni adiecit Fabianarum Notarum Spicilegivm subcisivvm D. Parevs. . . . Cum Indice . . . Francofvrti, 1629. 8 (5.6X3), m. n., pp. 690+. 17 M. Fabii Quinctiliani de Institutione Oratoria Libri duodecim. Cum du- plici Indice ; . . . Ex tribus codicibus MSS. & octo impressis emenda- vit, atque Lectiones variantes adjecit E Gibson. . . . OxoniER, 1693. 4 (6.8X4.2), m. b., pp. 645-J-. 18 Opera . . . Praemittitur Notitia Literaria Studiis Societatis Bipon- tinae. [Vignettes.] Vol. 1-4. Biponti, 1784. 8 (5.7X3.3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 525 QUINTILIANUS, Marcus Fabius, confirmed. 1 Quinctilian s Institutes of Eloquence : or, The Art of Speaking in Pub lic, . . . Translated . . . with Notes, critical and explanatory, by W. Guthrie. *** ... Vol. 1, 2. London, 1805. 8 (6.2X3.5). QUITMAN, Maj.-Gen. John Anthony, Gov. of Miss.; b. in N.Y., 1799. d. 1858. 2 Obituary Addresses on the Death of Hon. John A. Qnitraan, and Hon. Th. L. Harris ; delivered in the Senate of the United States, 5th and 17th of January, 1859. Baltimore, 1859. 8, pp. 16. [2 copies.] R. RABAUT DE SAINT-ETIENNE, a Protestant minister, of Nismes ; 6.1743. d. 1793. 3 History (The) of the Revolution of France. Translated from the French of M. Rabaut de Saint-Etienne [by J.WIdte]. London, 1792. 8 (5.8X3. 2). 4 History (The) of the Revolution of France. Translated from the French of M. Rabaut de Saint-Etienne [by J. White], Dublin, 1793. 8 (5.8X3.2). RABELAIS, Francois, a French physician & author; b. 14S3. d. 1553. 5 CEuvres. Nouv. ed. augmentee . . . et accompagnee de Notes explica- tives et d un Notice historique contenant les Documents originaux rela- tifs a la Vie de Rabelais par L. Jacob. Paris, 1843. 12 (5.4X3.4), pp. Ixxii., 575. 6 Works. Translated from the French. By Sir T. Urquhart and Mot- teaux ; with explanatory Notes, by Duchat, Ozell, and others. New ed., revised,... Vol. 1, 2. [Portraits.] London, 1855. 8 (5.3X3. 2). RABENER, Gottlieb Wilhelm, a German moralist; b. 1714. d. 1771. i Satiren. lOte auflage. Th. 1-3. Leipzig, 1771. 8 (5.4X3). RACCOLTA di Lirici e Satirici Italiani Vol. 1 [Portraits.] Firenze, 1835. 8 (6.6X4), 2 cols., pp. 852-J-. RACCOLTA di Novellieri Italiani Parte I.-III. 3 vols. [Portraits.] 9 Firenze. 1833-34. 8 (6.6X4), 2 cols., pp. 2502. RACINE, Jean, a French tragic poet; b. 1639. d. 1699. 10 CEuvres completes de J. Racine, precedees de son Eloge par La Harpe. Nouv. ed. Tom. 1-5. Paris, 1828. 8 (5.7X3.3 irr.). RAE, John 11 Statement of some New Principles on the subject of Political Econo my, exposing the Fallacies of the System of Free Trade, and of some other Doctrines maintained in the " Wealth of Nations." * * * Boston, 1834. 8 (6.7X3.7). RAFFLES, Rev. Thomas, D.D., LL.D., of Liverpool; b. in London, 1788. 12 Life (The) of Rev. Thomas Spencer, of Liverpool : with an Appendix, containing a Selection from his Papers, &c. New-York, 1835. 8 (8.1X4.9), 2 cols. RAFN, Carl Christian, a Danish archceologist ; b. 1796. 13 Cabinet d Antiquites Americaines a Copenhague. Rapport. See ROYAL SOCIETY of Northern Antiquaries. RAGOIS, I Abbe LE ; of about 1680. 14 Instruction sur PHistoire de France et Romaine, avec un Abrege de Geographic, des Proverbes ou Sentences, Recueil de Bons Mots & des Pensees choisies, Abrege de PHistoire poetique, & des Metamorphoses d Ovide. Nouv. ed., avec Figures. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1764. 12 (5.3X2.9). 526 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. RAILROAD Jubilee in Boston, 1851. See BOSTON, City of. Miscellaneous. BAIT, Rev. William, of Dundie, Scotland. 1 Vinlication (A), of the Reformed Religion, from the Reflections of a Romanist: ... * * * Aberdene, 1671. 12 (4.7X2.6). RALE, RALLE, RASLE, or RASLES, Sebastian, a missionary from the French Jesuits to the N.A. Indians ; b. 1658. killed at Norridgewock, Me., 1724. 2 Abnaki Indian Dictionary ; with Introductory Memoir, and Notes, by J. Pickering. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, New Ser., vol. 1.) 3 Life, by C. Francis. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 7.) 4 Memoir of Ralle. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 2d Series, vol. 8.) RALEIGH, Sir Walter, an English adventurer ; 6.1552. beheaded, 1618. 5 Abridgment of Raleigh s History, with a Continuation to 1708. See GENERAL History of the World. &c. 6 Historic (The) of the World, in five books. . . . [Chronological Ta ble, &c. Portrait, Frontispiece and Maps.] London, 1666. 2 (10.5X6.2), 2 cols., m. r., pp. 1143-f. 7 Memoirs of Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. See THOMSON, Mrs. A. T. 8 Report of the Truth of the Fight, about the Islands of Azores, August, 1591, betwixt H. M. Ship Revenge and an Armada of Spain. See PINKERTON, J. (Collection of Voyages, &c., vol. 1.) RAMBLER (The). See JOHNSON, S., LL.D. RAMOND DE CARBONNIERES, Louis Francois Elisabeth, Baron, a French savan ; b. 1753. d. 1827. 9 Journey to the Summit of Mount Perdu. See PINKERTON, J. (Collec tion of Voyages, &c., vol. 4.) RAMSAY, Andrew Michael, LL.D.; b. in Ayr, Scotland, 1688. d. 1743. 10 Discours de la Poesie epique, et de 1 Excellence du Poe me de Telemaque. See FENELON, F. de S. DE LA MOTIIE. Les Advantures de Telemaque. Paris Edition. Tom. 1. Pp. i.-xxxi. 11 Travels (The) of Cyrus. With a Discourse upon the Theology and My thology of the Ancients. By the Chev. Ramsay. Boston, 1795. 12 (5. 5X3). 12 Voyages (Les) de Cyrus, avec un Discours sur la Mythologie. Par M. Ramsay. Tom. 1, 2. [Frontispiece.] Paris, 1727. 12 (4.5X2.6). RAMSAY, David, M.D., of Charleston, S.C. ; b. 1749. d. 1815. 13 History (The) of the American Revolution. . . . Vol. 1. 2. Philadelphia, 1789. 8 (6.6X3.4), m. d. 14 History (The) of the American Revolution. New ed. ... Vol. 1, 2. London, 1793. 8 (5.8X3.3), m. d. 15 History (The) of the Revolution of South-Carolina, from a British Pro vince to an Independent State. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Map.] Trenton, 1785. 8 (5.8X3.3). RAMSAY, William, Prof, of Humanity, Univ. of Glasgow. 16 Elegiac Extracts from Tibullus and Ovid : with English Introductions and Notes. Glasgow, 1840. 12 (5.9X3.2). RAMSAY, Rev. John, of Langdon, in Kent. 17 Sermon preach d to the Protestants of Ireland, now in London, Octo ber 23, 1713. Anniversary Thanksgiving for the Deliverance of the Protestants of that Kingdom, October 23, 1641. 3d ed. Dublin, 1713. 8, pp. 24. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 52 RAMSEY, Col. Albert C. 1 Other Side (The) : or Notes for the History of the "War between Mexi co and the United States. Written in Mexico. Translated from the Spanish, and edited, with Notes, by A. C. Ramsey. With Portraits . . . , Plans of Battles, &c. &c. New-York, 1850. 12 (5.5X3.5). RAMUS, Peter, or Pierre de LA RAMEE, a French grammarian & logician ; b. 1502 or 1515. killed St. Bartholemcw s ni.</Jt.t, 1572. 2 Commentariorum de Religione Christiana, Libri quatuor, eivsdem Vita a Th. Banosio descripta. * * * Francofvrti, 1577. 8 (4. 9X2. 7). 3 Dialectics Libri duo : recens in usum Scholarum hie forma distinctius et . . . excusi. Cum Commentariis G. Dounami annexis. Londini, 1669. 8 (5.5X3.2), m. r., pp. 501-]-. RANBY, John, Esq. 4 Doubts on the Abolition of the Slave Trade. By an Old Member of Parliament [-/. Ranlnj ]. London, 1790. 8 (5. 9X3. 2). 5 Observations on the Evidence given before the Committees of the Privy Council and House of Commons in Support of the Bill for Abolishing the Slave Trade. [% J. Ranby.] London, 1791. 8 r> (6X3.3). RAND, Rev. Asa, of Gorham, Me. 6 Doctrine (The) of the Cross the only Gospel. Sermon at Ordination of Rev. Francis Brown, at North Yarmouth, January 11, 1810. [C/t., by 8. Eaton: R.H., by W. Miltimore.] Portland, 1810. 8, pp. 35. 1 Familiar Sermons. Portland, 1825. 12 (5.5X3.2). 8 Word (A) in Season, in behalf of the Holy Scriptures ; to which is ad ded, A brief Reply to the " Observations" of Friend Edward Cobb. * * * Portland, 1818. 12 (5.4X3.2). RANDALL, Rev. George M., D.D., of Boston. 9 Why I am a Churchman. See (PiTTS-STREET Chapel Lectures). RANDALL, Henry S., LL.l). 10 Life (The) of Thomas Jefferson. * * * ... Vol. 1-3. [Portrait*,, &c.] New-York, 1858. 8 (6.5X3.9). RANDALL, Hon. Samuel S., Snp t of Schools, New York City. Joint Editor. See AMERICAN Journal (The) of Education, &c. RANDOLPH, Edmund, Gov. of Va., Sec y of State of U.S., &<. ; d. 1813. u Speeches. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Eloquence of U. S., vol. 1,4.) 12 Vindication (A) of Mr. Randolph s Resignation. Philadelphia, 1795. 8 (6.0X3.8). RANDOLPH, John, of Roanoke, Va., U.S. Repr. & Sen., &c.; b. 1773. d. 1833. 13 Speech on the Increase of the Army. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Eloquence of U. S., vol. 2.) RANDOM Recollections of the House of Commons, from the year 1830 to the 14 close of 1835 : including Personal Sketches of the leading Members ... By one of no party. Philadelphia, 1836. 12 (5X3.1). [2 copies.] RANDOM Recollections of the House of Lords, from the year 1830 to 1836: in- 1 5 eluding Personal Sketches of the leading Members. By Author of Re collections of House of Lords. ... Philadelphia, 1836. 12 (5.3X3.2). RANKE, Leopold, a German historian; b. 1795. 16 Ecclesiastical and Political History (The) of the Popes of Rome during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Translated from the German by S.Austin. ... Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1841. 8 (5.7X4). 528 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. RANKE, Leopold, continued. 1 History of the Reformation in Germany. 2d ed. Translated by Sarah Austin. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1645. 8 (6X3.6). RAPIN THOYRAS, Paul DE, a French historian; b. 1661. d. 1725. 2 Histoire d Angleterre, par Mr. l)e Rapin Thoyras. Tom. 1-12. Con- tenant ce qui s est passe depuis 1 Invasion de Jule Cesar, jusqu a . . . FAvenement de George I. a la Couronne. ... * * * [Portraits, Maps, &c.~\ La Haye, 1724- 35. 4 (7.3X4.4), m. b. RASK, Rasmus Christian, a Danish philologist ; b. 1787. d. 1832. 3 Danish Grammar edited by T. G. Repp. 2d ed. Copenhagen, 1846. 8 (6.3X3.5). 4 Grammar (A) of the Anglo-Saxon Tongue, with a Praxis, by E. Rask. New ed., enlarged and improved by the author. Translated from the Danish, by B. Thorpe. Copenhagen, 1830. 8 (6.3X3.5). RASLE, or RASLES. Sebastien. See RALE, S. RASPE, Rudolph Eric. Translator, &c. See BORN, I. Travels through Temeswer, &c. Translator, &c. See FERBER, J. J. Travels through Italy, &c. RATIO Discipline, or, The Constitution of the Congregational Churches. Set s UPHAM, T. C. RATIO Discipline Fratrum Nov.-Anglorum. See MATHER, C. RAUCH, Frederick August, D.D., Pres. of Marshall Coll., Pa. ; b. 1806. d. 1841. 6 Psychology ; or, A View of the Human Soul : including Anthropology, ... New York, 1840. 8 (5.8X3.3), RAYAISSON, Felix. 7 Essai sur la Metaphysique d Aristote * * * Tom. 1, 2 Paris, 1846, 47. 8 (5.6X3.5), RAVIS, or RAVIUS, Christian, Prof, of Orient. Longs, at Utrecht ; 6.1603. d!667, Annotator. See UDALL, J. The Key of the Holy Tongue. RAVISI, Jean TIXIEE de, Prof, of Ehet. at Navarre; b. 1480. d. 1524. 8 Epistol*. ... London, 1595. 16 (4.8X2.6), RAWLE, William, an American lawyer; b. in Pkila., 1759. d. 1836. 9 Inaugural Address. See PENN. Hist. Society. (Memoirs, vol. 1.) 10 View (A) of the Constitution of the United States of America. Philadelphia, 1825. 8 (6.6X3.5), RAWLEY, William, D.D., Chaplain to Lord Bacon, &c. ; b. 1588. d. 1667. Editor. See BACON, F. Resvscitatio. Sylva Sylvarum. RAWLINS, Thomas, an English architect. 11 Familiar Architecture ; consisting of original Designs of Houses . . . Parsonages, &c. ... London, 1768. 4 (8. 9X6.5), RAWLINSON, Bev. George, brother of following. 12 Historical Evidences (The) of the Truth of the Scripture Records stated anew, with special reference to the Doubts and Discoveries of Modern Times. In eight Lectures, delivered in the Oxford University Pulpit in the year 1859, on the Bampton Foundation. From London ed., with the Notes translated, by A. N. Arnold. Boston, 1860. 1 (5.8X3.5) Translator, &c. See HERODOTUS. The History of Herodotus. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 529 RAWLINSON, Major-Gen. Sir Henry Creswicke, an Eng. archaeologist ; b. 1810. 1 Persian Cuneiform Inscription (The) at Behistun, decypliered and trans lated ; with a Memoir on Persian Cuneiform Inscriptions in general, and on that of Behistun in particular. * * * [Plates. ,] London, 1846. 8 (6.7X3.8). NOTE. Forms vol. 10, and Ft. I. of vol. 11, of Journal of lloyal Asiatic Society* Joint Editor, &c. See HERODOTUS. The History of Herodotus. RAT, Isaac, M.D., Sup t of Butler Eosp.for the Insane, at Providence ; b. 1807. 2 Treatise (A) on the Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. Boston, 1838. 8 (6.3X3.5). RAY, J. M., or M. RAY, J. 3 Synopsis, or, A comprehensive View of Philosophical, Political & Theo logical Systems, from the Creation to the Present Time, ... * * * [London, about 1792.] 8 (6.6X3.7). RAY, John, F.E.S., a distinguished English naturalist ; b. 1627. d. 1704. 4 Three Physico-Theological Discourses, concerning 1. The Primitive Cha os, and Creation of the World. 2. The General Deluge, its Causes and Effects. 3. The Dissolution of the World, and Future Conflagration. ... 4th ed. corrected. [Portrait.] London, 1732. 8 (5.6X3.4). 5 Wisdom (The) of God manifested in the Works of the Creation : . . . 7th ed., corrected. [Portrait.] London, 1717. 8 (6.1X3.5). RAYMOND, Daniel, Esq. 6 Thoughts on Political Economy. Baltimore, 1820. 8 (6.3X3.6). RAYNAL, Guillaume Thomas Frangois, I Abbe, a French pJiilos.; b. 1711. d. 1796. ? CEuvres de M. 1 Abbe Raynal. Tom. 1. ... L Histoire du Stadthou- derat. 2. ... L Histoire du Parliement d Angleterre. 3, 4. ... Me- moires Politiques. Geneve, 1784. 8 (5.4X2.9). [2 copies of vol. 1,2.] READ, Alexander, M.D. 8 Address before the New-Bedford Auxiliary Society for the Suppression of Intemperance, Jan. 6, 1817. New-Bedford, 1817. 8, pp. 27. READ, John, of Boston. 9 Latin Grammar; with Appendix. Boston, 1736. 12, pp. 34, 20. READ, John, of London. 10 Summary View (A) of the spontaneous Electricity of the Earth and Atmosphere ; . . . [with] Atmospherico-Electrical Journal, kept during two years, ... London, 1793. 8 (5.8X3.3). READING no Preaching ; or, A Letter to a Young Clergyman, concerning the 11 Practice of Reading the Gospel instead of Preaching it. Boston, 1756. 8, pp. 27. REAL, Gaspard DE, a French author; b. 1682. d. 1752. 12 Science (La) du Gouvernement, par M. de Real. Tom. 1-8. . . . *** [Portrait.] Paris, 1762- 64. 4 (6.9X4.4), m. b. REBELLION Record (The) : a Diary of American Events, with Documents, Nar- 13 ratives, Illustrative Incidents, Poetry, etc. Edited by F. Moore. With an Introductory Address, on the Causes of the Struggle, and the great Issues before the Country, by E. Everett. Vol. 1-4. With . . . Por traits on Steel, and various Maps and Diagrams. New York, 1861- 62. 8 (7.7X4.9), 2 cols. NOTE. Continuing. I RECENT Inquiries in Theology, by eminent English Churchmen ; being " Essays 14 and Reviews." 2d American, from 2d London ed. With an Appendix. Edited, with an Introduction, by F. H. Hedge. * * * Boston, 1861. 12 (5.8X3.3), pp. xiv., 498. 67 530 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. COMMISSION, Publications of. See GREAT BRITAIN. RECUEIL de Pieces interessantes concernant les Antiquites, les Beaux-Arts, 1 les Belles-Lettres, & la Philosophic, traduites de differentes langues. Tom. 1-5. * * * Paris, 1787- S9. 8 (5.5X3.1). REDESDALE, Lord. See MITFORD, J., Lord Eedesdale. REDFIELD, W. C. 2 Remarks on Tides and the prevailing Currents of the Ocean and At mosphere. From American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. 45. New Haven, 1843. 8, pp. 19. 3 Whirlwind Storms (On) : with Replies to the Objections and Strictures of Dr. Hare. [Plan, &c.~\ New- York, 1842. 8, pp. 12, 65. NOTE. Consisting- of several articles from Transactions of American Philosophical Society, London, Edinburgh, &c. Philosophical Magazine, and American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. 43. REED, Henry, Prof, of PJiet., &c. Univ. of Penn. ; b. 1808. lost at sea, 1854. 4 Life of Joseph Reed. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Series, vol. 8.) Editor. See REID, A. Dictionary of the English Language. Editor. See WORDSWORTH, C. Memoirs of William Wordsworth. Editor, &c. See WORDSWORTH, W. Complete Poetical W^orks. REED, Rev. John, of Bridgewater, Mass. ; b. 1751. d. 1831. 5 Sermon preached before the Plymouth Association of Ministers, at Mid- dleborough, Sept. 26, 1810. Boston, 1811. 8, pp. 31. REED, Joseph, Milit. Sec y of Gen. Washington; b. in N.J., 1741. d. 1785. 6 Life, by H. Reed. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Series, vol. 8.) REED, Rebecca Theresa. 7 Six Months in ... the Ursuline Convent on Mount Benedict, Charles- town, Mass., in 1831-2. . . . Boston, 1835. 12 (4X2.6). REED, Sampson. 8 Observations on the Growth of the Mind. * * * Boston, 1826. 8, pp. 44. REES, Abraham, D.D., F.R.S., a minister of London; b. 1743. d. 1825. Editor, &c. See CHAMBERS, E. Cyclopaedia : &c. REES, Evan. 9 Sketches of the Horrors of War, chiefly selected from Labaume s Nar rative of the Campaigns in Russia, in 1812. Translated with some Ob servations. 5th ed. London, 1824. 8, pp. 24. [2 copies.] REES, K. F. de. 10 Regie generale d Arithmetique ou Nouvelle Methode. . . . Ouvrage traduit du Flamand, corrige et augmente . . . La Haye, 1737. 12 (4.8X2.7). REEVES, Henry, of London. Translator. See TOCQUEVILLE, A. C. H. C. de. Democracy in America. REEVES, John, an eminent English lawyer ; b. in London, 1753. d. 1830. 11 History of the English Law, from the time of the Saxons, to the End of the Reign of Philip and Mary. 2d ed. . . . Vol. 1-4. London, 1785. 8 (6.3X3.4), m. b. 12 History (A) of the Law of Shipping and Navigation. London, 1792. 8 (6X2.9), m. r., pp. 549+. ^ 3 History (A) of the Law of Shipping and Navigation. Dublin, 1792. 8 (6.1X2.9). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 531 REEVES, William, Sector of Crancford, in Middlesex; b. 1668. d. 1726. 1 Apologies (The) of Justin Martyr, Tertullian, and Minutius Felix, in Defence, of the Christian Religion, with the Commonitory of Vincentius Lirinensis, concerning the Primitive Rule of Faith, translated from their Originals: with Notes . . ., and a preliminary Discourse upon each au thor. Together with a prefatory Dissertation about the Right Use of the Fathers. ... Vol. 1, 2. *** London, 1709. 8 (6.4X3.4). REFLECTIONS upon Learning, wherein is shown the Insufficiency thereof, in its 2 several particulars : in order to evince the Usefulness and Necessity of Revelation. 5th ed. London, 1714. 8 (5.4X2.7), m. r. REGISTER of all Officers of the United States. See UNITED STATES. REGNARD, Jean Francois, a French comic poet ; b. 1647. d. 1709. 3 Journey to Lapland, &c. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyages, &c., vol. 1.) 4 CEuvres de Regnard, avec des Avertissemens et des Remarques sur chaque piece. Par M. G * * *. Nouv. ed. Tom. 1-4. [Portraits and Engravings.] Paris, 1739- 40. 8 (5.5X3.3 irr.). 5 CEuvres de Regnard, nouv. edition, revue, exactement corrigee, et con- forme a la representation. Tom. 1-4. [Portraits and Engravings.] Paris, 1790. 8 (5.5X3.6 irr.). REGNAULT-WARIN, Jean Baptiste Joseph Innocent Philadelphe, a French poet, dramatic ivriter, &c. ; b. 1775. d. 1844. 6 Prisonniers (Les) du Temple. Tom. 1-3. Par J. J. Regnault-Warin. [Frontispieces.] Paris, 1800. 12 (4.4X2.4). REGNIER, Mathurin, a French satirist; b. 1573. d. 1613. 7 Satyres (Les) et autres CEuvres de Regnier, avec des Remarques. * * * [Frontispieces.] Amsterdam, 1730. 4 (7.2X5 irr.). REGNIER DESMARAIS, Frangois Seraphim, a French litterateur ; 6.1632. d. 1713. Translator. See CICERO, M. T. Deux Livres de la Divination. Translator. See CICERO, M. T. Entretiens de Ciceron. REICIIARD, Heinrich August Ottocar ; b. in Gotha, Upper Saxony, 1751. d. 1828. 8 Guide des Voyageurs en Europe ; . . . Par M. Reichard. 4me ed., augmentee de 250 routes . . . Avec un Atlas . . . compose de cinq grandes cartes. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1807. 8 (6.1X3.6). REICHARD, Johann Jacob, a German botanist; b. 1743. d. 1782. Editor. See LINNE, C. von. Systema Plantarum. REID, Alexander, M.D., Asst.- Surgeon of Royal Hospital at Chelsea. Translator. See LE DRAN, H. F. Consultations on Disorders, &c. REID, Alexander, Sector of Circus-place, School, Edinburgh. 9 Dictionary (A) of the English Language, containing the Pronunciation, Etymology, and Explanation of all words authorized by recent writers ; . . . With an Introduction by H. Reed ; and an Appendix, showing the Pronunciation of nearly 3000 . . . Geographical Names. New York, 1846. 12 (5.9X3.4), 2 cols., pp. 572. REID, Andrew. Translator. See MACQUER, P. J. Elements of Chymistry. REID, Thomas, D.D., F.B.S., Prof, in Univ. of Glasgow ; b. 1710. d. 1796. 10 Essays on the Intellectual and Active Powers of Man. Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1793. 8 (6.5X3.6). 11 Inquiry (An) into the Human Mind, on the Principles of Common Sense. * * * 2d ed. corrected. Edinburgh, 1765. 8 (5.9X3.2). 532 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. REID, Thomas, D.7X, F.R.S., continued. 1 Works now fully collected, with Selections from his unpublished Letters. Preface, Notes and supplementary Dissertations by Sir W. Hamilton. Prefixed, Stewart s Account of the Life and Writings of Reid ; with Notes by the Editor. Copious Indexes subjoined. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1849. 8 (6.9X4), 2 cols., pp. 914. REINHARD, Franz Volkmar, a German Prot. theologian; b. 1753. d. 1812. 2 Memoirs and Confessions of Francis Volkmar Reinhard. From the German. By O.A.Taylor. [Portrait.] Boston, 1832. 12 (5.9X3.3). REIZ, Johann Friedrich, Prof, of Philology at Utrecht ; d. 1778. Editor. See MAITTAIRE, M. Graecse Lingua Dialecti. RELATION du Voyage mysterieux de PIsle de la Vertu. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1760. 12 (4.7X2.7), m. b. RELIGIOUS 3 Decision. 2d ed. Boston, 1847. 12, pp. 12. RELIGIOUS 4 Phraseology. 3d ed. Boston, 1827. 12, pp. 36. RELIGIOUS Tract Society, London. The Fifteenth Annual Report of the Reli- 5 gious Tract Society, for circulating Religious Publications in the British Dominions and Foreign Countries. London, 1849. 8 (6.5X3. 5). RELIGIOUS Tradesman (The) ; ... * * * Charlestown, 1804. 12 (5.3X3.1). RELIQUIAE Antiquse. Scraps from Ancient Manuscripts, illustrating chiefly 6 Early English Literature and the English Language. Edited by T. Wright and J. O. Halliwell. Vol. 1, 2. * * * London, 1845. 8 (6.5X3.6 irr.). REMARKS on the Controversy between Dr. Morse and Miss Adams ; with Notice 7 of the Review of Dr. Morse s Appeal. Boston, 1814. 8, pp. 33. REMEMBRANCER (The). See ALMON, J. COLLECTION (A) of Papers, &c. REMINISCENCES of the French War. See ROGERS, Major R. REMUS AT, Francois Marie Charles DE, a French publicist, &c. ; b. 1797. 8 Philosophic (De la) Allemande Rapport a 1 Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques Precede d une Introduction sur les Doctrines de Kant, de Fichte, de Schelling et de Hegel Par C. de Remusat Paris, 1845. 8 (5.6X3.4). RENAUDOT, Eusebe, a learned French Jesuit; b. 1646. d. 1720. 9 Ancient Accounts of India and China, by two Mahommedan Travellers* who went to those parts in the 9th century ; translated from the Arabic, by E. Renaudot. With Notes, Illustrations and Inquiries ... * * * London, 1733. 8 (5.9X2.9), m. b. RENNELL, Jacob, F.B.S., Survey or- General of Bengal, &c. ; b. 1742. d. 1830. 10 General-Charte von Indien, und dessen Charten von dem Laufe des Strohmes Burramputer, und von der einlandischen Schiffahrt in Bengalen, sammt dahin gehorenden Abhandlungen. See TIEFFENTHALER, J. His- torisch-Geographische Beschreibung von Indien, etc. 11 Geographical Illustrations of Travels in Africa. See PARK, M. 12 Memoir of a Map of Hindoostan ; or the Mogul Empire : with an In troduction, illustrative of the Geography and the Present Division of that Country : and a Map of the Countries situated between the Heads of the Indian Rivers and the Caspian Sea : . . . * * * To which is added, An Appendix, containing an Account of the Ganges and Burrampooter Rivers. 3d ed. London, 1793. 4 (7.6X5). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 533 RENNIE, James. 1 Natural History (The) of Birds. Their Architecture, Habits and Facul ties. . . . Engravings. (Harper s Family Library, No. 98.) New-York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7). a Natural History (The) of Insects. [By J. Eennie and J. 0. Westwood.~] Illustrated . . . First Series. [Vol.1] . . . [Second Series. ] Vol.2. 2 vols. (Harper s Family Library, No. 8, 74.) New- York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7). 3 Natural History (The) of Quadrupeds. [By J. Eennie. } Illustrated . . . (Harper s Family Library, No. 104.) New-York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7), NOTE. The three preceding- works are abridged from the volumes upon the same subjects published in the " Library of Entertaining Knowledge," published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful KnoAvlege. RENOUVIER, Ch. 4 Manuel de Philosophic Ancienne. * * * Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1844. 12 (5.6X3.2). 5 Manuel de Philosophic Moderne. Paris, 1842. 12 (5.5X3.1). RENWICK, Henry B. 6 Lives of John Jay [by H. B. Eenwick] and Alexander Hamilton [by J. Eenwick]. [Portraits.] (Harper s Family Library, No. 129.) New-York, 1841. 18 (4.5X2.7). RENWICK, Rev. James, one of the Scottish Covenanters ; b. 1662. d. 1688. 7 Life and Death of- Mr. James Renwick. See SHIELDS, A. RENWICK, James, LL.D.,Prof. of Chemistry & Physics, Columbia Coll.; 6.1785. Life of Dewitt Clinton. [Portrait.] (Harper s Family Library, No. 125.) New-York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7). 9 Life of Robert Fulton. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 10.) 10 Life of Alexander Hamilton. See RENWICK, H. B. Lives, &c. 11 Life of David Rittenhouse. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., vol. 7.) 12 Life of Count Rumford. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 5.) is Treatise on the Steam Engine. [Plates.] New-York, 1830. 8 (6X3.6). REPERTORY (The) of Arts and Manufactures : consisting of Original Communi- i. 4 cations, Specifications of Patent Inventions, and Selections of useful practical Papers from the Transactions of the Philosophical Societies of all Nations, &c. &c. Vol. 1-16. Vol. 1-16. Second Series. 32 vols. [Monthly. Plates.] London, 1794-1810. 8 (5.8X3.3; 6.3X3.5). [2 copies of vol. 1-7.] NOTE. Title of 2d Series differs slightly. Continued in " Repertory of Patent Inventions. " 15 Analytical Index (An) to the Sixteen Volumes of the First Series of the Repertory of Arts and Manufactures : . . . [and] A General Index to the First Eight Volumes of the Second Series. London, 1806. 8 (6.2X3.4). REPERTORY (The) of Patent Inventions and other Discoveries and Improve- 16 ments in Arts, Manufactures, and Agriculture, being a Continuation, on an enlarged plan, of the Repertory of Arts and Manufactures, . . . Vol. 1-5. [Monthly. Plates.] London, 1825- 27. 8 (6.2X3.6). REPORTS of Cases determined in the High Court of Admiralty of Great Britain, 17 March-October, 1805. London, 1805. 8 (6.3X3.4), m. b. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. , 534 BDWDOIN COLLEGE. REPORTS of Cases tried in the Courts of Maine ; Massachusetts ; c. See MAINE ; MASSACHUSETTS ; &c. REPOSITORY (The) ; containing various Political, Philosophical, Literary, and 1 Miscellaneous Articles. * * * Vol. 1. London, 1788. 8 (6.7X3.7). [2 copies.] HEFP, Thorleif Gudmundsson, an eminent Icelandic scholar ; b. 1794. Editor. See RASK, R. C. Danish Grammar. Joint Author. See FERRALL, J. S. Danish-English Dictionary. REPRESENTATION of the Nature of true Religion, addressed to a Lady; first 2 published in 1697 : with a short Explanation of the End and Design of the Lord s Supper. London, 1802. 12, pp. 36. RESTAUT, Pierre, a French grammarian ; b. 1696. d. 1764. 3 Traite de 1 Orthographe Frangoise, en forme de Dictionnaire, enrichi de Notes critiques et de Remarques sur 1 Etymologie, & la Prononciation des Mots, etc. Nouv. ed., considerablement augmentee : revue & corrigee par M. Restaut. *** Poitiers, 1770. 8 (6X3.8), 2 cols., pp. 811. RESULT of an Ecclesiastical Council held at Sandwich, May 20, 1817. 4 Boston, 1817. 8, pp. 68. RESULTAT des Assemblies Provinciales, a 1 usage des etats d une province. 5*** Bruxelles, 1788. 8 (5.8X3.1). RETZ, Jean Frangois Paul de GONDI, Cardinal DE ; b. 1614. d. 1679. 6 Memoires du Cardinal de Retz, contenant ce qui s est passe de remar- quable en France pendant les premieres annees du Regne de Louis XIV. Nouv. ed. exactement revue & corrigee. Tom. 1-4. Geneve, 1777. 12 (4.9X2.6). REUSNER, Nicolas, Prof, of Law at Strasbourg, & Jena; b. 1545. d. 1602. 7 Symbolorvm Imperatorvm Classis Prima-Tertia. . . . Symbola conti- nentur Impp : CaBsarumque Romanorum . . . a C. Julio Csesare, usque ad Ferdinandum II. Opus philologicum et politicum ; . . . 6ta ed. *** 3vols. Oxonii, 1638. 24 (5X2.7). REVIEW of " The New Testament in an Improved Version, upon the Basis of 8 Archbishop Newcome s Translation ;" including a Review of Griesbach s Edition of the Greek Testament, &c. Boston, 1810. 8, pp. 55. REVIEWS. See EDINBURGH, &c. NORTH AMERICAN, &c. QUARTERLY, &c. REYIIER, Andreas, Rector of Gymnasium at Henneburg, Holland ; b. 1601. 9 Margarita) Philologicse Grammatica generalis trivm Lingvarvm Latinse, Gracca3 & Ebra3se Harmonica. [Illustrated Title-page and Portrait.^ Schlevsingee, 1639. 4 (5.6X4.2), pp. 624-J-. REYNAUD, A. A. L., Baron, Prof, in Ecole Roy ale Polytechnique, of Paris. J0 Notes sur 1 Algebre [of Bezouf], a 1 Usage des Candidates et des Eleves de 1 Ecole Royale Polytechnique ; par le Baron Reynaud. 6me ed. [Plates. ] Paris, 1823. 8 (5.9X3.5). 11 Notes sur la Geometric [of Bezouf], . . . suivies des Elemens de la Geometric Descriptive, a 1 Usage des Eleves . . . ; par le Baron Rey naud. [Plates.] Paris, 1825. 8 (6X3.6). REYNIER, Jean Louis Ebenezer, Baron, a French general ; b. 1771. d. 1814. 12 State of Egypt, after the Battle of Heliopolis ; preceded by general Ob servations on the Physical and Political Character of the Country. By Reym er. Translated from the French. With a Map of lower Egypt. London, 1802. 8 (6X3.3). [2 copies.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 535 REYNOLDS, Edward, M.D., of Boston. 1 Necessity of Physical Culture to Literary Men. Hints to Students on the Use of the Eyes. See (BIBLICAL Repository, &c., vol. 2, 3). REYNOLDS, J. N. Editor. See GLASS, F. A Life of Washington. REYNOLDS, John. 2 Triumphs (The) of Gods Revenge against the crying and abominable Sin of Adultery. Expressed in ten severall tragical Histories. . . . Illustrated with new Sculptures. London, 1679. 2 (9.5X5.7). 3 Triumphs (The) of Gods Revenge against the crying and execrable Sin of Murther. Expressed in thirty severall tragical Histories. ... In six books. London, 1678- 79. 2 (9.5X5.7). NOTE. Title-pag-e is repeated with each book. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua, an eminent English painter ; b. 1723. d. 1792. 4 Life. See CUNNINGHAM, A. (Eminent British Painters, &c., vol. 1.) 5 Literary Works ; containing his Discourses, Papers in the Idler, the Journal of a Tour through Flanders and Holland, and also his Commen tary on Du Fresney s Art of Painting. Printed fronTthe author s revis ed copies, ... To which is prefixed, Some Account of the Life of the Author, by E. Malone. 5th ed., corrected: . . . [with] Memoir of the Life, by J. Farington. * * * Vol. 1-3. [Portrait.] London, 1819. 8 (5.7X3.2). REYNOLDS, Richard, a Quaker philanthropist, of Bristol, England. 6 Verses to the Memory of R. Reynolds, by J. Montgomery and W. Ros- coe ; with Eulogy, by Rev. Mr. Thorpe. New-York, 1817. 8, pp. 44. REYNOLDS, Thomas Coute. 7 Vera Judicii Juratorum Origine (De), Natura et Indole. Dissert atio In- auguralis quam in Alma Literarum Universitate Ruperto-Carola Heidel- bergensi ad Gradum Doctoris in Jure Civile et Canonico Honores rite ob- tinendos submisit auctor. Heidelbergae, 1842. 8, pp. 33. RHENANUS, Beatus ; b. in Schlettstadt, in Alsace, 1485. d. 1547. Annotator. See LIVIUS, T. Latinae Historiae Decades tres, etc. RHETORES Groeci. See WALZ, C. RHIND, William. Joint Author. See MURRAY, H. Account of British India. RHODE ISLAND. Report on the Geological and Agricultural Survey of the 8 State of Rhode Island, made under a Resolve of Legislature, in the year 1839. By C. T. Jackson. [Plates and Maps.] Providence, 1840. 8 (6.4X3.5). RIBAULT, Jean, leader of the first French colony to Florida ; killed, 1565. 9 Life of John Ribault ; comprising an Account of the first Attempts of the French to found a Colony in North America ; by J. Sparks. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, 2d Series, vol. 7.) RICARD, Samuel. 10 Traite general du Commerce. . . . Edition entierement refaite d apres un plan nouveau, redigee & considerablement augmentee, par Mr. de M * *. Tom. 1, 2. Amsterdam, 1781. 4 (7.3X5), m. b. RICARDO, David, an English political economist; b. 1772. d. 1823. 11 Principles (On the) of Political Economy, and Taxation. 3d ed. London, 1821. 8 (6.4X3.5), pp. 538, 536 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. RICAUT, or RYCAUT, Sir Paul, an English diplomatist & author; d. 1700. 1 History (The) of the Turkish Empire from the year 1623. to the year 1677. containing the Reigns of ... Sultan Morat or Amurat IV. Sultan Ibra him, and Sultan Mahomet IV. . . . [Portrait of Eycaut.~] London, 1680. 2 (9.4X5), m. b, Translator. See GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA. Commentaries of Peru. RICE, Benjamin Holt, D.D. Joint Author. See RICE, J. H. Memoir of J. B. Taylor. RICE, John Holt, D.D., Prof, in Union Theol. Sem., Va.; b. 1777. d. 1831. 2 Memoir of James Brainerd Taylor. By J. H. Rice and B. H. Rice. . . . [Portrait.] New York, 1833. 12 (5.8X3.2). 3 Power (The) of Truth and Love. Sermon, preached at Philadelphia, Oct. 1, 1828, before the A. B. C. F. M. Boston, 1828. 8, pp. 29. RICH, Obadiah, a bookseller, of London. 4 Bibliotheca Americana Nova. A Catalogue of Books relating to Amer ica, in various languages, including Voyages to the Pacific and round the World, and^Collections of Voyages and Travels printed since the year 1700. ... Vol.2. 1801-1844. London, 1846. 8 (6X3.7). 5 Catalogue (A) of Books relating principally to America [printed 1500- 1700], arranged under the years in which they were printed. [By 0. Eicli.~\ London, 1832. 8 (6.1X3.5). RICHARD III., King of England ; b. 1452. d. 1485. 6 History of King Richard III. See MORE, T. RICHARD, , I Abbe. 7 Histoire naturelle de 1 Air et des Meteores. Par M. PAbbe Richard. Tom. 1-10. Paris, 1770- 71. 12 (4.2X2.3). RICHARD, A., M.D., Asst. Naturalist to Museum of Natural History, Paris. 8 New Elements of Botany. Containing the Characters of the Natural Families of the Vegetable Kingdom ; with Plates exhibiting the princi pal Modifications of the Organs of Vegetables. Translated, with Notes, chiefly for the use of Students in Medicine and Pharmacy, by P. Clin ton. 4th ed. Dublin, 1829. 8 (5.8X3.4), pp. 758+. RICHARD, Etienne. 9 JEras of Events subsequent to the Revolution in France, October 1793 to July 1794. See MALLET DU PAN, J. The Dangers which threaten Europe; &c. RICHARDSON, Charles, an English philologist ; b. 1775. JO New Dictionary (A) of the English Language. * * * Vol. 1 [A-K], 2 [L-Z. 1 paging. ] London, 1836, 37. 4 (9X7), 3 cols., 71, 2222. PvICHARDSON, G. F., F.G.S., &C. 11 Introduction (An) to Geology, and its associate Sciences, Mineralogy, Fossil Botany, and Paleontology. New ed., revised and considerably enlarged, by T. Wright. [Engravings.] London, 1855. 8 (5.3X3.3). RICHARDSON, Sir John, M.D., F.R.S., a Scottish naturalist & explorer; b. 1807. J2 Arctic Searching Expedition: a Journal of a Boat-Voyage through Ru pert s Land and the Arctic Sea, in Search of the Discovery Ships under command of Sir John Franklin. With an Appendix on the Physical Geography of North America. [Engravings. ] New York, 1852. 12 (5.8X3.5), pp. 516. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 537 RICHARDSON, Rev. Joseph, U.S. Ilepr., &c., of Hingham, Mass. 1 Christian Patriot (The) encouraged. Discourse, delivered before the First Parish in Hingham, Fast Day, April 8, 1813. Boston, 1813. 8, pp. 24. 2 Discourse, delivered April 3, 1814, occasioned by the Death of Mrs. H. Gill. Boston, [1814]. 12, pp. 12. 3 Oration, pronounced July 4, 1812, before the Citizens of the County of Plymouth. Boston, [1812]. 8, pp. 23. RICHARDSON, William. 4 Catalogue of 7385 Stars, from Observations, made in 1822-1826, at Para matta, New South Wales. See GREAT BRITAIN. Royal Observatories. RICHARDSON, Wilson G., Librarian Univ. of Alabama. Compiler. See UNIVERSITY of Alabama. Catalogue of Library. RICHELET, le Pere . Translator. See GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA. Histoire de la Floride. RICHELIEU, Armand Jean DurLESsis, Cardinal & Duke DE ; b. 1585. d. 1642. 5 Life of Cardinal-Duke de Richelieu. See LE CLERC, J. 6 Vie (La) du Cardinal Due du Richelieu. See LE CLERC, J. RICHER, Henri, a French litterateur; b. 1685. d. 1748. 7 Fables nouvelles mises en vers. Avec la Vie d Esope, tiree de Plutarque & d autres Auteurs. Par M. Richer. Nouv. ed., corrigee & augmentee. ^Frontispiece. ] Paris, 1748. 16 (4X2.4 irr.). RICHERAND, A. B. L. C. M., Chev., Prof, of Anatomy at Paris ; 6.1779. d!840. 8 Elements (The) of Physiology : containing an Explanation of Functions of the Human Body ; in which the Modern Improvements in Chemistry, Galvanism, and other Sciences, are applied to explain the Actions of the Animal Economy. Translated from the French, by R. Kerrison. Philadelphia, 1808. 8 (6.4X3.6). RICHTER, Johann Paul Friedrich, commonly known by his literary name, JEAN PAUL , a German author; b. 1763. d. 1825. 9 Jean Paul s Sammtlicher Werke. \_BancT] 1-60. . . . Berlin, 1826- 28. 8 (5.4X3.3). NOTE. Also with half-titles, expressing contents. Bound in twenty-four volumes. RlCOTIER, M. . Translator. See CLARKE, S., D.D. Traite de 1 Existence, etc. de Dieu. RIDDEL, S. H. Joint Editor. See AMERICAN Education Society. Quarterly Register. RIDDLE, Rev. Joseph Esmond, A.M., of Oxford, England. 1 Ecclesiastical History of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 12). RIDER, Cardanus. 11 Rider s British Merlin: for 1808. London, 1807. 16 (4.8X2.6). RIDPATH, George. 12 Appeal to the Word of God for the Trinity in Unity, or The Godhead of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. 2d ed. London, 1719. 8, pp. 42. RIESBECK, Caspar von, Baron. 13 Travels through Germany, translated from the German, by Rev. P. H. Maty. See PINKERTON, J. (Collection of Voyages, &c., vol. 6.) RIGGS, Rev. Elias, Missionary of the A.B.C.F.M., at Argos, in Greece ; b. 1810. 14 Grammar (A) of the Modern Armenian Language ... 2d ed. Constantinople, 1846. 12 (5.7X3.5). 68 538 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. RlGGS, Rev. Stephen R., Missionary A.B.C.F.M. 1 Grammar and Dictionary of the Dakota Language. Collected by the Members of the Dakota Mission. Edited by S. R. Riggs. ... 1851. Pp. xix., 64, 338. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. Contributions. Vol. 4. RIMIUS, Henry. 2 Memoirs of the House of Brunswick from the most Early Accounts of that illustrious family to the End of the Reign of King George the First. ... *** London, 1750. 4 (6.6X4.5), m.n. RINGER, Rev. Thomas. 3 Twelve Discourses upon Texts of Holy Scripture. ... * * * .London, 1734. 8 (5.8X3). RINMAN, Swen, an eminent Swedish mineralogist; b. 1720. d. 1792. 4 Versuch einer Geschichte des Eisens mit Anwendung fiir Gerverde und Handwerker. Aus dem Schwedischen iibersetzt von J. G. Georgi. Mit Kupfern. Bd. 2. Berlin, 1785. 8 (6X3.5). RIPLEY, Rev. George. 5 Specimens of Foreign Standard Literature. Edited by G. Ripley. Vol. 1-14. ... Boston, 1838- 42. 8 (5.1X3). NOTE. Each volume has also independent title-page. RIPLEY, Rev. Ezra, D.D., of Concord, Mass.; b. 1751. d. 1841. 6 Character (The) and Blessedness of those who die in the Lord. Sermon, delivered at Acton, Dec. 14, 1812, at the Funeral of Mrs. Abigail Adams. Boston, 1813. 8, pp. 19. RlPPERDA, John William, Duke DE, a Dutch political adventurer ; d. 1737. 7 Memoirs of the Duke de Ripperda. Containing a succinct Account of the most remarkable Events which happen d between 1715 and 1736. ... 2d ed. corrected with additions. . . . London, 1740. 8 (6.2X3.3). RIQUETTI, Gabriel Honore. See MIRABEAU, G. H. RIQUETTI, Comte DE. RITCHIE, Rev. William, LL.D., F.R.S., Prof, of Nat. Philos., Univ. Coll., Lond. 8 Principles of the Differential and Integral Calculus, familiarly illustra ted, and applied ... 2d ed. Revised by J. Anthony Spencer. London, 1847. 12 (5.3X3.1), RITNER, Joseph, Governor of Pennsylvania. 9 Vindication of Gen. Washington from the Stigma of Adherence to Secret Societies ; communicated to the House of Representatives of Pennsyl vania, March 8, 1837. Boston, 1841. 8, pp. 48. RITSCHL, Friedrich Wilhelm, Prof, of Philology, at Halle, &c.; b. 1806. 1 Parerga z.u Plautus und Terenz. Band 1. Leipzig, 1845. 8 (6.4X3.7). Editor, &c. See PLAUTUS, T. M. Comoediae. RlTSON, Joseph, Esq., an English critic & antiquary; b. 1752. d. 1803. 11 Ancient Songs and Ballads, from the Reign of King Henry the Second to the Revolution. . . . Vol. 1, 2. * * * London, 1820. 16 (5.1X3). 12 Annals of the Caledonians, Picts, and Scots ; and of Strathclyde, Cum berland, Galloway, and Murray. Vol. 1, 2. * * * Edinburgh, 1828. 16 (4.6X2.7). 13 Fairy Tales, now first collected : with two Dissertations : 1. On Pygmies. 2. On Fairies. *** London, 1831. 16 (4.6X2.7). 14 Letters. Edited chiefly from Originals ... To which is prefixed a Memoir of the Author by Sir H. Nicolas. . . . Vol. 1,2. * * * London, 1833. 16 (4.6X2.7). CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY. 539 RITSON, Joseph, Esq., continued. 1 Life (The) of King Arthur : from ancient historians, and authentic docu ments. *** London, 1825. 16 (4.6X2.7). 2 Memoirs of the Celts or Gauls. *** London, 1827. 16 (4.6X2.7). 3 Pieces of Ancient Popular Poetry : from authentic manuscripts and old printed copies. 2d ed. Adorned with Cuts. * * * London, 1833. 16(4.9irr.X2.7irr.). RITTANGELIUS, Johannes Stephanus. 4 Libra Veritatis et de Paschate Tractatus, prsemissa est Joh. vander Wae- yen Dissertatio de Abyv adversus J. Clericum. [3pagings.~\ Franequera3, 1698. 8 (6X3.5). 5 Veritas Religionis Christianse in Articulis de Trinitate & Christo ex Scrip- tura, Rabbinis, & Cabbala probata. Prrefixa est Joh. vander Waeyen Responsionis Discussio. [2 pagings.~\ Franequera?, 1699. 8 (6X3. 5). RITTENHOUSE, David, LL.D.,, an eminent American mathematician & astronomer ; b. in Germantoivn, Penn., 1732. d. in Phila., 1796. 6 Contributions. See AMERICAN Philosophical Society. (Transactions.) ? Life, by J. Renwick. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 7.) 8 Memoirs of David Rittenhouse. See BARTON, W. Editor. See GUTHRIE, W.; b. 1708. New System of Geography. RlTTER, Heinrich, a German author; b. in Zerbst, 1791. 9 Geschichte der Philosophic alter Zeit. Th. 1-4. 2te verbesserte aufl. Hamburg, 1836- 39. 8 (6X3.3). 10 Geschichte der Christlichen Philosophic. Th. 1-6. Hamburg, 1841- 51. 8 (6X3.3). NOTE. Two preceding works have also common title, Geschichte der Philosophic. Th. 1-10. 11 History (The) of Ancient Philosophy. Translated from the German, by A. J. W. Morrison. Vol. 1-4. London, 1838- 46. 8 (6.5X3.5). RlVERO, Mariano Edvardo, Director of National Museum, at Lima. 12 Peruvian Antiquities. By M. E. Rivero ; and J. J. von Tschudi. Trans lated into English, from the original Spanish, by F. L. Hawks. [En gravings.] New York, 1853. 8 (5.7X3.6). RIVES, Hon. William C. 13 History of the Life and Times of James Madison. Vol. 1. [Portrait and Fac-simile.] Boston, 1859. 8 (6.2X3.5). RIVET, J. Baptiste. 14 Dictionriaire raisonne de Pharmacie-Chimique, theorique et pratique. * * * Tom. 1, 2. Lyon, 1803. 8 (6X3.4). RIVET, William, Esq. 15 Attempt (An) to illustrate the Usefulness of Decimal Arithmetic, in the Revd. Mr. Brown s Method of working Indeterminate Fractions. London, 1763. 8, pp. 68. ROBBINS, Chandler, D.D., minister of Plymouth, Mass.; b. 1739. d. 1799. 16 Discourse delivered before the Humane Society of Massachusetts, June 14th, 1796. Boston, 1796. 4, pp. 36. [2 copies.] ROBBINS, Rev. Chandler, D.D., of Boston. 17 Discourse, in commemoration of the Life and Character of Rev. Henry Ware, Jun., D.D., Oct. 1, 1843. Boston, 1843. 12, pp. 38. 18 Memoir of Rev. Alexander Young, D.D. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 4th Series, vol. 2.) 19 Missionary Enterprise (The). Boston, 1844. 12, pp. 16. 540 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. ROBBIXS, Rennselaer David Chanceford, Prof, in Andover Theol. Sem. Translator. $eeHENGSTENBERG, E. W. Egypt and the Books of Moses. ROBERTS, Charles. Editor. See GREAT BRITAIN. Publications of the Record Commission. Excerpta e Rotulis Finium in Turri Londinensi asservatis. ROBERTS, Rev. Peter, A.M. 1 Christianity vindicated, in a Series of Letters, addressed to Mr. Volney, in Answer to his Book called Ruins, or A Survey of the Revolution of Empires. *** London, 1800. 8 (5.9X3.3). ROBERTS, William. 2 Looker On (The), a periodical paper, published 1792-1794, conducted by W. Roberts. See (BRITISH Essayists. Vol. 35-37). ROBERTS, William, Esq., of Lincoln s Inn, London. 3 Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Mrs. Hannah More. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait.] New-York, 1834. 12 (5.8X3.3). [2 copies.] 4 Treatise (A) on the Construction of the Statute 13 Eliz. c.,5. and 27 Eliz. c. 4. relating to Voluntary and Fraudulent Conveyances, and on the Na ture and Force of different Considerations to support Deeds and other Legal Instruments, in the Courts of Law and Equity. Philadelphia, 1807. 8 (6.1X3.7), m. r., n. p. 5 Treatise (A) on the Statute of Frauds, as it regards Declarations in Trust, Contracts, Surrenders, Conveyances, and the Execution and Proof of Wills and Codicils ; to which is prefixed, A Systematic Dissertation up on the Admissibility of Parol and Extrinsic Evidence, to explain and control Written Instruments. London, 1805. 8 (6.7X3.7), m. b., pp. 541. ROBERTSON, David, Esq. 6 Tour through the Isle of Man ; with a Review of the Manks History. See PINKERTON, J. (Collection of Voyages, &c., vol. 2.) ROBERTSON, J. P. 7 Francia s Reign of Terror. Being a Sequel to Letters on Paraguay. By J. P. & W. P. Robertson. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1 839. 12 (4.8 X 3). ROBERTSON, Rev. James, D.D. 8 General View of the Agriculture of the County of Inverness ; with Ob servations on the Means of its Improvement. Drawn up for the Board of Agriculture, &c. *** [Maps.] London, 1808. 8 (6.3X3.4). ROBERTSON, James Burton, Esq. Translator, Biographer, &c. See MOHLER, J. A. Symbolism : &c. Translator, &c. See SCHLEGEL, F. K. W, von. Philosophy of History. ROBERTSON, John, Head-Master of Royal Academy, Portsmouth. 9 Elements (The) of Navigation ; containing the Theory and Practice. . . . To which is added, A Treatise on Marine Fortification. . . . Vol. 1, 2. 6th ed., with Additions. Revised and corrected by W. Wales. [Maps and Plates.] London, 1796. 8 (7. 5X4.2). [2 copies.] ROBERTSON, W. P. Joint Author. See ROBERTSON, J. P. Francia s Reign of Terror. ROBERTSON, William, A.M., Teacher of Hebrew, at London, &c.; d. about 1690. 10 Manipulus Linguae SanctaB et Eruditorum ; in quo Grammatica Elucida te, etc. Cambridge, 1683. 8 (5.3X3.3). NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 541 ROBERTSON, William, A.M., continued. 1 Phraseologia generalis ; continent, quaecunque sunt scitu necessaria, & Praxi, usuique studiosorum Philologicorum, maxime utilia, in cunctis operibus Phraseologicis, Anglico-Latinis, seu Latinis-Anglicanis, hucus- que, hie, in lucem editis ; eaque succincte, & methodice disposita ; . . . Cambridge, 1693. 8 (6X3.6), 2 cols., pp. 1366. 2 Thesaurus, Graces Lingure, in Epitomen, sive Compendium, redactus ; et alphabetice, secundum Constantini Methodum, et Schrevelii referatus : concinnatus et adornatus, studio & industria, Gul. Robertson. . . . Cantabrigire, 1676. Thick 4 (7.9X5.5), 3 cols., n. p. Editor. See BIBLE, Portions of Old Testament. Sepher Tibillim, i. e. Liber Psalmorum ; item, Sepher Kinoth, i. e. Liber Lamentationum. ROBERTSON, Rev. William, D.D., Princ. Univ. of Edinburgh, &c.; 6.1721. cZ.1793. 3 Historical Disquisition (An) concerning the Knowledge which the An cients had of India ; and the Progress of Trade with that Country prior to the Discovery of the Passage to it by the Cape of Good Hope. With an Appendix, containing Observations on the Civil Policy the Laws and Judicial Proceedings the Arts the Sciences and Religious In stitutions, of the Indians. Philadelphia, 1792. 8 (5.7X3.5). [3 copies.] 4 History (The) of America. Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait of Author.] Dublin, 1777. 8 (6.1X3.3), m. b. 5 History (The) of America. 9th ed., in which is included . . . the History of Virginia, to the year 1688 ; and of New England, to the year 1652. ... Vol. 1-4. [Maps. } London, 1800. 8 (5.6X3.6), m. b. 6 History (The) of America. Books IX. and X. containing the History of Virginia, to the year 1688 ; and the History of Xew England, to the year 1652. London, 1796. 8 (5X3.1), m. b. 7 History (The) of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. With a View of the Progress of Society in Europe, from the Subversion of the Roman Empire, to the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century. . . . Vol. 1-4. 10th ed. [Portraits and Engraving.] London, 1802. 8(o.9X3.3),m.b. 8 History (The) of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. 9th ed. ... Vol. 1-4. [Frontispieces.] London, 1798. 12 (4.6X2.5). 9 History (The) of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. With a View of the Progress of Society in Europe from the Subversion of the Roman Empire to the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century. 10th ed. . . . Vol. 1-4. . . . [Portraits and Engraving.] Glasgow, 1800. 12 (5.6X3.1). 10 History (The) of the Reign of the Emperor Charles the Fifth. With an Account of the Emperor s Life after his Abdication, by W. H. Prescott. ... Vol. 1-3. [Portrait.] Boston, 1857. 8 (6.2X3.5). 11 History (The) of Scotland during the Reigns of Queen Mary and King James VI. till his Accession to the Crown of England. With a Review of the Scottish History previous to that period ; and an Appendix con taining Original Papers. ... Vol. 1,2. 4th ed. [Portrait of Author.] London, 1761. 8 (6.2X3.3), m. b. 12 History (The) of Scotland during the Reigns of Queen Mary and King James VI. till his Accession to the Crown of England. With a Review of the Scottish History previous to that period ; and an Appendix con taining Original Papers. To which is added, A concise State of the Con troversy respecting Queen Mary. Vol. 1, 2. [Portraits] Perth, 1793. 12 (4.9X2.8). 542 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. ROBERTSON, Rev. William, D.D., continued. 1 History (The) of Scotland during the Reigns of Queen Mary, and King James VI. till his Accession to the Crown of England. With a Review of the Scottish History previous to that period ; and . . . Original Pa pers. ... Vol. 1-3. Glasgow, 1800. 12 (4.5X2.6). 2 History (The) of Scotland during the Reigns of Queen Mary and King James VI. till his Accession to the Crown of England : with a Review of the Scottish History previous to that period ; and an Appendix con taining Original Papers. 16th ed. To which is prefixed, An Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, by D. Stewart. . . . Vol. 1-3. [Portrait of Author. ] London, 1802. 8 (5.7X3.2), m. b. 3 Recherches historiques sur la Connoissance que les Anciens avoient de L Inde et sur les Progres du Commerce avec cette partie du monde avant le Decouverte du Passage par le Cap de Bonne-Esperance; suivies d un Appendix . . . Avec deux grandes Cartes . . . Paris, 1792. 8 (4.9X3.2). ROBIN, C. C., I Abbe, a chaplain in the French Army. 4 New Travels through North- America ; exhibiting the History of the vic torious Campaign of the Allied Armies, under Gen. Washington and Count de Rochambeau in the year 1781. Translated from the French. Boston, 1784. 8, pp. 95. ROBINS, Benjamin, F.R.S. 5 New Principles of Gunnery. London, 1742. 8, pp. Ivii., 95. ROBINSON, Christopher, LL.D. 6 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Admiral ty ; commencing with the Judgments of Rt. Hon. Sir William Scott, Michaelmas Term 1798 [to 1806]. Vol. 1-5. London, 1801- 06. 8 (6.3X3.3), m. b. ROBINSON, Edward, D.D., LL.D., Prof, in Theol. Sem., N.T. City; b. 1794. 7 Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai and Arabia Petraea. A Journal of Travels in the year 1835, by E. Robinson and E. Smith. Undertaken with reference to Biblical Geography. Drawn up from the original Diaries with historical Illustrations. With new Maps and Plans ... Vol. 1-3. Boston, 1841. 8 (6.7X3.8). 8 Later Biblical Researches in Palestine, and in the Adjacent Regions. A Journal of Travels in the year 1852. By E. Robinson, E. Smith, and others. Drawn up from the original Diaries with historical Illustrations. With new Maps and Plans. 2d ed. Boston, 1857. 8 (6.9X4), pp. 664. Editor. See BIBLICAL Repository (The), &c. Vol. 1-4. Editor. See CALMET, A. Dictionary of the Holy Bible. Editor, &c. See ROBINSON, Mrs. T. A. L. v. J. Slavic Languages, &c. Joint Editor. See BIBLIOTHECA Sacra, &c. Translator, &c. See BUTTMANN, P. C. Greek Grammar. ROBINSON, Hugh, D.D. 9 Schoke Wintoniensis Phrases Latinsc. . . . llth ed., with additions. . . . London, 1685. 8 (5.4X3.5), 2 cols. [2 copies.] ROBINSON, Rev. John, an English Dissenter ; b. 1575. d. in Leyden, 1625. 10 Life. See BELKNAP, J. (American Biography, vol. 2.) 11 Memoir of. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 4th Series, vol. 1.) 12 New Essayes or Observations Divine and Morall. ... * * * [No imprint] 1628. 4 (6.1 X4), m. r. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 543 ROBINSON, Rev. John, continued. 1 Works. With a Memoir and Annotations by R. Ashton. Vol. 1-3. Boston, 1851. 12 (5.5X3.5). ROBINSON, John, of Philadelphia. 2 Description of, and Critical Remarks on the Picture of Christ Healing the Sick in the Temple ; painted by Benjamin West, and presented by him to the Pennsylvania Hospital. Philadelphia, 1835. 8, pp. 24. ROBINSON, Rev. Robert, a Baptist divine, of Cambridge, Eng.; b. 1735. d. 1790. Translator. See SAURIN, J. Sermons. Vol. 1-5. ROBINSON, Mrs. Therese Albertine Louise VON JAKOB, wife of Dr. E. Robinson ; b. in Halle, Germany, 1797. 3 Historical View of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic Nations ; with a Sketch of their Popular Poetry. By Talvi. With a Preface by Edward Robinson. New- York, 1850. 12 (5.5X3.5). ROBINSON, Rev. Thomas, A.M., Vicar of St. Mary s, Leicester. 4 Scripture Characters : or, A Practical Improvement of the principal His tories in the Old and New Testaments. 7th ed. ... [Memoir and Portrait. ] London, 1833. 8 (7.2X4.1), pp. 764. ROBISON, John, LL.D., Prof, in Univ. of Edinburgh; b. 1739. d. 1805. 5 Elements of Mechanical Philosophy; . . . Vol. 1, including Dynamics and Astronomy. [Plates. ] Edinburgh, 1804. 8 (5.8X3.3). ROBSON, W. Translator. See MICHAUD, J. F. History of the Crusades. ROCHEFORT, Guillaume DE, a French litterateur ; b. at Lyons, 1731. d. 1788. Translator, &c. See SOPHOCLES. Theatre de Sophocle. ROCHEFOUCAULD, Francois VI., Due DE LA, a French moralist ; b. 1613. d. 1680. 6 Maxims and Moral Reflections. Boston, 1794. 12, pp. 72. ROCHEFOUCAULT-LLANCOURT, Frangois Alexandre Frederic, Due DE LA, a French statesman & philanthropist ; b. 1747. d. 1829. 7 Travels through the United States of North America, the Country of the Iroquois, and Upper Canada, in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797 ; by the Duke de la Rochefoucault Llancourt. [Translated by H. Neuman.~\ With an authentic Account of Lower Canada. Three Maps, several Ta bles, &c. 2ded. Vol. 1-4. London, 1800. 8 (5.7X3.4). ROCHESTER, John, 2d Earl of. See WILMOT, J., Earl of Rochester. ROCHON, Alexis Marie, I Abbe, a French astronomer; b. 1741. d. 1817. 8 Voyage (A) to Madagascar, and the East Indies. By the Abbe Rochon. Translated from the French. Illustrated with . . . Map of Madagascar. To which is added, A Memoir of the Chinese Trade [by M. Brunei ]. London, 1792. 8 (5.4X3.1). ROCK-MAN, Constant. 9 Modest Account concerning the Salutations and Kissings in Ancient Times ; in Reply to Mr. Sandeman. Boston, 1768. 8, pp. 19. RODGERS, Rev. John, D.D., of New York; b. 1727. d. 1811. 10 Funeral Sermon. See WITHERSPOON, J. Works. Vol. 1, pp. 9-36. ROEBUCK, John Arthur, an English politician ; b. 1802. 11 Life of Mahomet. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. Lives, c. ROEDERER, Pierre Louis, Count, a French publicist ; b. 1754. d. 1835. 12 Journal d Economie Publique, de Morale, et de Politique j redige par Roederer. Tom. 1-5. Paris, an v. [1797]. 8 (5.9X3.2). 544 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. ROEDERER, Pierre Louis, Count, continued. 1 Memoires d Economic Publique, de Morale, et de Politique ; publics par Roederer. Tom. 1. Paris, [1800]. 8 (6X3.3). 2 Recueil de Lois, Reglemens, Rapports, Memoires et Tableaux, concern- ant la Division Territoriale de la Republique, et la nouvelle Organisation de 1 Administration, d apres la Constitution de 1 an vill. Par Roederer. Premier Livraison. Paris, an vm. [1800]. 8 (6X3.3). ROGERS, Rev. George, A.M., Hector of Sprougliton, in Suffolk. ;i Five Sermons ; on the Nature of the Christian Church, the Scripture Idea of Heresy, Mysteries made plain, the Scripture Doctrine of Atone ment, and the Place, Object and Manner of Christian Worship. London, 1798. 12, pp. 82. ROGERS, Rev. Isaac, of Farmington. 4 Cultivating (On) a Spirit of Universal Peace. Sermon before the Peace Society of Temple, Oct. 28, 1828. Portland, 1828. 8, pp. 19. ROGERS, Rev. Richard, of Wethersfield, in Essex. $ Seven Treatises ; containing . . . Direction : . . . ovt of the Holie Scriptures, leading and guiding to True Happiness, . . . and may be called the Practise of Christianitie. ... * * * London, 1603. 2 (8.6X4.8), m. b., pp. 599+. NOTE. Title-page is imperfect. Autograph, " Saml Adams." ROGERS, Major Robert, an early settler of Dunbarton, N.H. 6 Reminiscences of the French War ; containing Rogers Expeditions with the New-England Rangers . . . , as published in London in 1765 : with Notes and Illustrations. To which is added an Account of the Life and Military Services of Maj. Gen. John Stark : . . . \_Portrait.~] Concord, N.H., 1831. 8 (5.4X3.1). ROGERS, Samuel, an English poet ; b. near London. 1763. d. 1855. 7 Recollections of the Table-Talk of Samuel Rogers. \_By Rev. A. Dyce and W. Sharp e.~\ To which is added Porsoniana. New York, 1856. 12 (5X3.2). ROGET, Peter Mark, M.D., Sec y R.S., an eminent Eng. physiologist; b. 1779. 8 Animal and Vegetable Physiology considered with reference to Natural Theology. Vol. 1, 2. [Illustrated. } London, 1834. 8 (6X3.5). NOTE. -Half-title, " Bridgewater Treatises . . . Treatise V. . . . 2d ed." 9 Electricity. Electro-Magnetism. Galvanism. Magnetism. See SO CIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. (Natural Philosophy, vol. 2.) 10 Galvanism. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 4). 11 Outlines of Physiology : with an Appendix on Phrenology. 1st Ameri can ed., revised, with numerous Notes. Philadelphia, 1839. 12 (6.7X3.8), pp. 516. ROGLER, Johann Bartholemaus. Editor. See ARNOLD, Theod. English and German Vocabulary. Editor. See LUDWIG, C. English, German and French Dictionary. ROLAND DE LA PLATIERE, Jean Marie, a French revolutionist ; b. 1732. d. 1793. 12 Compte rendu a la Convention Nationale, par J.-M. Roland, Ministre de- rinterieur, de toutes les parties de son Departement, de son Vues d Ame- lioration & de Prosperite publique : le 6 Janvier de 1 an deuxieme de la Republique Frangoise. ... Paris, 1793. 4 (7. 1X4.8). 13 Dictionnaire des Manufactures, des Arts, et des Metiers. See ENCYCLO PEDIC methodique. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 545 ROLAND DE LA PLATTERS, Manon Jeanne PHLIPON, Madame, wife of preceding, a French revolutionist ; b. 1754. guillotined, 1793. 1 Appel a 1 impartiale Posterite, par la Citoyenne Roland, ou Recueil des Ecrits qu elle a rediges, pendant sa Detention aux Prisons de 1 Abbaye et de Sainte-Pelagie, . . . Partie I. Paris, 1795. 8 (6X3.3). 2 Works (never before published); containing her Philosophical and Litera ry Essays, written previous to her Marriage ; her Correspondence, and her Travels. To which are annexed the justificative Documents relative to her Imprisonment and Condemnation. . . . Preceded by a prelimi nary Discourse, interspersed with .Notes, ... by L. A. Champagneux. Translated from the French. *** London, 1800. 8 (6.2X3.5). KOLLIN, Charles, a French educationist & historian; b. 1661. d. 1741. 3 Ancient History (The) of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Ba bylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians, and Grecians. By Mr. Rollin. Translated from the French. . . . Vol. 1-8. 9th ed. Illus trated with Copper-plates. London, 1800. 8 (6.5X3.5), m. d. 4 Ancient History (The) of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Ba bylonians, Medes & Persians, Macedonians, & Grecians. Translated from the French. . . . Illustrated with Maps and Plates. . . . Vol. 1-8. [Portrait. ] Philadelphia, 1825. 12 (6X3.5). 5 Histoire ancienne des Egyptiens, des Carthaginois, des Assyriens, des Babyloniens, des Medes et des Perses, des Macedoniens, des Grecs. Par M. Rollin. Tom. 1-13. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1748- 52. 12 (4.8X2.3), m. r. Editor, &c. See Q.UINTILIANUS. Institutionum Oratoriarum Libri XII. HOLT, Richard. 6 New Dictionary (A) of Trade and Commerce, ... By Mr. Rolt, . . . [Frontispiece. ] London, 1756. 2 (11.4X6.8), 2 cols., n. p. RoMAGNOSI, Gian Dominico, an Italian jurist ; b. 1761. d. 1835. i Collezione degli Scritti sulla Dottrina della Ragione. P te L, II. 2 vols. Prato, 1835. 8 (5.5X3.1). 8 Indole (Del?) e Dei Fattori dell Incivilimento con Esempio del suo Ri- sorgimento in Italia. Terza ed. accresciuta d un Appendice. Prato, 1835. 8 (5.5X3.2). ROMAN-CATHOLIC Church. Heures Antiques. A Portion of the Roman-Catho- 9 lie Breviary containing the Kalendar ; the Arrest, Trial, Crucifixion and Burial of the Saviour (St. John : xvm.-xx.) ; an Introduction to " offi- ciu beate marie," etc. (post); St. John : I. 1-15; " officiu beate marie virginis secundum usum Romanum ;" " vigilie mortuorum." In all 344 pages. 12 (4.6X3). The whole is in black-letter manuscript, upon vel lum, much illuminated, and with frequent illustrations, which indicate an early date (conjecturally the 13th century). 10 Missale Romanvm ex Decreto Concilij Tridentini. See MISSALE, &c. n Roman-Catholic Prayer Book. [French. ] 24 (3.1X1-9), pp. 510-J-. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting- to p. vii. and from p. 510. ROMAN-CATHOLICISM. See POPERY. ROMANS, Bernard. 12 Annals of the Troubles in the Netherlands. From the Accession of Charles V. Emp. of Germany. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Hartford, 1778, 82. 8 (5.3X3.4). 69 546 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HOME DE L ISLE, Jean Baptiste Louis DE, a French savan ; b. 1736. d. 1790. J Cristallographie, ou Description des Formes propres a tons les corps du Regne Mineral, dans 1 etat de Combinaison saline, pierreuse et metallique, avec Figures & Tableaux synoptiques . . . Par M. de Rome de 1 Isle. 2de ed. *** Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1783. 8 (5.7X3.2). NOTE. Vols. 1 and 3 are imperfect, wanting title-pages. KOOKE, John. 2 Geology as a Science, applied to the Reclamation of Land from the Sea, the Construction of Harbours, the Formation of Railroads and the Dis covery of Coal, with an assumed outline Map of the Granite Formation of the Earth. 2d ed. With a Dissertation on Geology. London, 1840. 12 (5.5X3.1). ROPER, R. S. Bennison, Esq., of London. 3 Treatise (A) on the Revocation and Republication of Wills and Testa ments : together with Tracts upon the Law concerning Baron and Feme. ... Philadelphia, 1803. 8 (6X3.5). ROSCOE, Henry, son of Win. fioscoe ; b. 1799. d. 1836. 4 Life (The) of William Roscoe. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1833. 12 (5.6X3.3). ROSCOE, Thomas, son of Wm. Eoscoe. 5 Annals of Italy, from A. D. 1648, to A. D. 1814. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 13). 6 Annals of Portugal, from A.D. 1495 to A.D. 181 1. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 13). ? Annals of Spain from A.D. 1621, to A.D. 1814. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 13). 8 Life of Michael Angelo Buonarroti. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. Lives, &c. ROSCOE, William, an English historian; b. near Liverpool, 1753. d. 1831. 9 Considerations on the Causes Objects and Consequences of the Present War, and on the Expediency, or the Danger of Peace with France. 4th ed. London, 1808. 8 (5.6X3.2). 10 Life (The) of Lorenzo de Medici, called the Magnificent. 3d ed., cor rected. Vol. 1,2. *** \_Portrait.~] London, 1797. 4 (6.6X4.3). 11 Life (The) of Lorenzo de Medici, called the Magnificent. 4th ed., cor rected. . . . Vol. 1-3. * * * {Portrait. } London, 1800. 8 (5.6X3.1), m. b. 12 Life (The) and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. . . . Vol. 1-4. * * * {Portraits. } Philadelphia, 1805- 06. 8 (5.9X3.2), m. b, 13 Life of William Roscoe. See ROSCOE, H. Translator. See TANSILLO, L. The Nurse, a Poem. ROSE, Rev. Henry John. Editor. See ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana. ROSE Rev. Hugh James. 14 Annals of France, Germany, and Italy, from the Death of Charlemagne to the End of the Xlllth Century. See (ENCYCL. Metrop., vol. 11). 15 Ecclesiastical History from A.D. 1700 to A.D. 1815. See (ENCYCLO PEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 13). Editor. See ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana. ROSENKRANZ, Johann Karl Friedrich, Prof, of Pliilos. at Kdnic/sberg ; b. 1805. ]( - Geschiclite du Kant schen Philosophic. Von K. Rosenkranz. 8 (6.3X3.6), CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 547 ROSENMULLER, Ernst Friedrich Karl, son of following, Prof, of Arabic & Orient. Languages at Leipsic ; b. 1768. d. 1835. 1 Scholia in Vetus Testamentum. Pars I.-III. Ed. 2da emendatior. Pars IV.-VII. IGvols. Lipsiae, 1795- 20. 8 (6X3.4). ROSENMULLER, Johann Georg, Prof, of TJieol. at Leipsic ; b. 1736. d. 1815. 2 Emendationes et Svpplementa ad Scholiorvm in Novvm Testamentvm Tomvm Primvm - Tomvm Quartvm. 4 vols. Norimbergae, 1789- 91. 8 (5.6X3.5). [2 copies.] 3 Scholia in Novvm Testamentvm. Tom. 1-5. . . . Ed. 2da avctior et emendatior. *** Norimbergae, 1785- 88. 8 (5.6X3.5). 4 Scholia in Novum Testamentum. Tom. 1-5. . . . Ed. 5ta auctior et emendatior. *** Norimbergae, 1803- 08. 8 (5.8X3.4). ROSIER, James, a companion of Waymoutli in Ids voyage to N. E. 5 True Relation of the Voyage made by Capt. George Waymouth. Lon don, 1605. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 8.) ROSIXG, S. 6 Engelsk-Dansk Ordbog. Kobenhavn, 1853. 8 (5.4X4.1), 2 cols., pp. 619. ROSINI, orRossFELD, Johann, Cathedral Preacher at Naumberg; 6.1550. d.1626. 7 Antiqvitatvm Romanarvm Corpvs absolvtissimvm. Cvm Notis . . . T. Dempsteri. Huic postremae editioni accuratissima? accesserunt P. Man- vtii Libri II. de Legibvs, et de Senatv, cum And. Schotti Electis, . . . Cum Indice locupletissimo Rerum ac Verborum, & aeneis Figuris . . . Accvrante C. Schrevelio. * * * Amstelodami, 1685. 4 (7.6X5.2), pp. 934-}-. Ross, Alexander, Chaplain to Charles L, &c.; b. in Aberdeen, 1580. d. 1654. 8 HANSEBEI A : or, A View of all Religions in the World : with the sev- erall Church-Governments, from the Creation, to these times. ... 3d ed., enlarged ... * * * [Portrait* ] London, 1658. 8 (5.5X2.8), m. b., pp. 544. Ross, Thomasina. Translator, &c. See HUMBOLDT, F. H. A. von. Narrative of Travels. Ross, William Money. 9 Chemico-Physiological Inaugural Dissertation on Carbone, or Charcoal. Delivered at Columbia College, May 5, 1795. New-York,1795. 8, pp. 58. ROSSBACH, August. 10 Griechische Metrik nach den einzelnen Strophengattungen und metris- chen Stilarten von A. Rossbach und R. Westphal. Leipzig, 1856. 8 (6.5X3.7). " Griechische Rhythmik. Leipzig, 1854. 8 (6.5X3.7). ROTHE, D. . Joint Editor. See THEOLOGISCHE Studien, etc. 1855-61. ROTHMAN, Richard Wellesley, M.D. 12 History of Astronomy. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Know ledge. Library, &c. (Natural Philosophy, vol. 3.) ROUILLE, Pierre Julien, a learned French Jesuit ; b. 1681. d. 1740. Joint Author. See CATROU, F. The Roman History. ROULAND, , Prof, of Physic in Univ. of Paris. Editor. See SIGAUD DE LA FOND, J. R. Description et Usage d un Cabinet de Physique experimentale. Elemens de Physique. 548 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. llous, Francis, Esq. 1 Treatises and Meditations dedicated to the Saints, and to the Excellent throughout the Three Nations. * * * London, 1657. 2 (8.8X4.8), m. r., pp. 739+. Rous, George, Esq. 2 Letter to the lit. Hon. Edmund Burke, in Reply to his Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs. London, [179-]. 8 (6X3.1). ROUSSEAU, Jean Baptiste, a French lyric poet; b. 1670. d. 1741. 3 CEuvres. ... Tom. 1-3. Bruxelles, 1755- 57. 16 (4.5X2.6). 4 (Euvres choisies. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1770. 16 (4X2.5). ROUSSEAU, Jean Jacques, a French philosopher, &c.; b. in Geneva, 1712. d. 1778. 5 Anecdotes of J. J. Rousseau. See CORANCEZ, O. de. 6 Collection complete des CEuvres. Tom. 1,2. Politique. 3-6. Julie, ou la Nouvelle Heloise. 7-10. Emile, ou de 1 Education. 11-14. Melan ges, ou Litterature variee. 15, 16. Dictionnaire de Musique. 17. Trai- tes sur la Musique. 18. Theatre et Poesies. 19, 20. Les Confessions. 21, 22. Dialogues. 23, 24. Pieces sur divers sujets, & un Recueil de Lettres. 24 vols. Geneve, 1780- 82. 8 (5.1X2.8). NOTE. Vols. 3-18 have only independent title-pages, but are lettered as above. 7 Confessions (The) of J. J. Rousseau. Period First ; Period Second. 2 vols. [Portrait.] New York, 1856, 57. 12 (5.4X3.3). 8 Letters of an Italian Nun and an English Gentleman. Translated from the French. *** 5th ed. Philadelphia, 1796. 12 (4.9X2.9). 9 CEuvres de M. Rousseau. . . . Avec Figures. Tom. 1-5. Amsterdam, 1779. 12 (5X2.8). 10 Second Supplement a la Collection des CEuvres de Rousseau. Tom. 2 [containing " Les Confessions. Livre ix.-xii." ] Geneve, 1789. 8 (4.3X2.8). ROWBOTHAM, John, Master of the Academy at Walworth. Joint Author. See NICHOLSON, P. Algebra. Key to Algebra. ROWE, Mrs. Elizabeth SINGER, an English authoress ; b. 1674. d. 1737. 1 L Friendship in Death : in twenty Letters from the Dead to the Living. To which are added, Letters Moral and Entertaining, in prose and verse. New-York, 1795. 12 (5.3X3.1). ROWE, Nicholas, an English dramatic poet; b. about 1673. d. 1718. 12 Life of Rowe. See JOHNSON, S., LL.D. (Works, vol. 10.) Translator. See LUCANUS, M. A. Lucan s Pharsalia. ROWE, Thomas ; 6. in London, 1688. d. Ilia. 13 Supplement aux Vies des Hommes illustres de Plutarche, traduit par 1 Abbe Bellanger. See PLUTAIICHUS. Les Vies des Homines illustres. Tom. 11. ROWLEY, Alexander. 14 Scholar s (The) Companion, or, A Little Library : containing all the In terpretations of the Hebrew and Greek Words in the Bible, both in Lat- ine and English ... By A. R[ow%]. * * * London, 1673. 8 (4.8X2.9). NOTE In three parts, pag-ed independently. Imperfect, wanting from p. 400 of Part III ROWNING, John, A.M., Rector of Anderby, in Lincolnshire; b. 1699. d. 1771. J 5 Compendious System (A) of Natural Philosophy. . . . Part I.-III 3 vols. [Plates.] Cambridge, 1734- 38. 8 (5.8X3.4). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 549 ROYAL Academy of Medicine, Paris. Report on the Magnetical Experiments 1 made by the Commission of the Royal Academy. See HUSSON, M. . ROYAL Institution of Great Britain, London. The Quarterly Journal of Sci- 2 ence, Literature, and Art. Edited at the Royal Institution of Great Brit ain. * * * Vol. 1-15, 17-21, 23-29. 26 vols. [Plates. ] London, 1817- 30. 8 (6.3-.5X3.4-.7). NOTE. Vol. 1-6 are titled, " The Journal of Science and the Arts." 3 Journal (The) of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. * * * Vol. 1,2. London, 1830, 31. 8 (6.6X3.7). ROYAL Irish Academy, Dublin. The Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. 4 MDCCLXXXVII.-MDCCLXXXIX. ; Vol. 4; Vol. 12,Pt.L; Vol. 13, Pt. I. * * * 6 vols. [Plates.] Dublin, 1787-1 8 IS. 4 (6.8X5). ROYAL Jennerian Society, London. Address of the Royal Jennerian Society, 5 for the Extermination of the Small-Pox, with the Plan, Regulations and Instructions for Vaccine Inoculation. London, 1803. 8, pp. 70. ROYAL LIBRARY of Berlin. Index Prior Index Secundus Librorum in Bibli- 6 otheca Regia Berolinensi pvblica Avctionis lege divendendorvm . . . MDCCXCIII. MDCCXCVII. 2 vols. [Classed.] Berolini, [1793, 97]. 8 (5.8X3.3). ROYAL SOCIETY of Great Britain. Astronomical Observations at Greenwich, 7 from 1828-31, published by the Royal Society. See GREAT BRITAIN. Greenwich Observations. ROYAL SOCIETY of Edinburgh. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Vol. 1, 2, 6-1L * * * 8 vols. [Plates.] Edinburgh, 1788-1826. 4 (7.7X4.8). ROYAL SOCIETY, of London. Abstracts of the Papers printed in the Philosophi- 9 cal Transactions of the Royal Society of London, . . . Vol. 1. 1800 to 1814. 2. 1815 to 1830. 3. 1830 to 1837. London, 1732- 37. 8 (6.4X3.7). 10 General Index (A) to the Philosophical Transactions, from the First to the End of the Seventieth Volume. By P. H. Maty. London, 1787. 4 (7X4.5), pp. 801. 11 Continuation (A) of the Alphabetical Index of the Matter contained in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. From Vol. LXXI. to Vol. CX. inclusive. London, 1821. 4 (6.8X5). 12 List of the Royal Society, Nov. 30, 1840. London, 1840. 4, pp. 26. 13 Philosophical Transactions (The) and Collections, to the End of the year 1700. Abridg d and dispos d under general heads. Vol. 1-3. By J. Lowthorp. 2ded. [Plates.] London, 1716. 4 (7.5X4.6), m.b. 14 Philosophical Transactions (The) and Collections, to the End of the year 1700. Abridg d and dispos d under general heads. Vol. 1-3. By J. Lowthorp. 3ded. [Plates.] London, 1722. 4 (7.4X4.5), m. b. 15 Philosophical Transactions (The) from the year MDCC. ... to the year MDCCXX. Abridg d and dispos d under general Heads. By B. Motte. Vol. 1, 2. [Plates. ] London, 1721. 4 (7.6X5), m. b. NOTE. Each vol. is in two parts, paged independently. !6 Philosophical Transactions (The) from the year 1700, to the year 1720. Abridg d and dispos d under general heads. ... By H. Jones. Vol. 4. containing Part I. The Mathematical Papers. II. The Physiological Papers. 3d ed. corrected. . . . [Plates.] London, 1749. 4 (7.1 X4.7), m. r. 550 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. ROYAL SOCIETY, of London, continued. 1 Philosophical Transactions (The) (from the year 1719, to the year 1733) abridged and disposed under general heads. By J. Eames and J. Mar- tyn. . . . Vol. 6, 7. [Plates.] London, 1734. 4 (7.7X4.5), m. b. [2 copies of vol. 6.] NOTE. Each vol. is in t\vo parts, paged independently. 2 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Vol. 74- 76. For the year 1784- 86. *** London,! 784- S6. 4(6.8X4.7),m.b. NOTE. Each vol. is in two parts, paged independently. 3 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. For the year MDCCCXVII.-MDCCCXXXI. 15 vols. [Plates.] London, 1817-31. 4 (6.8X4.7), m. b. ROYAL Society of Northern Antiquaries, Copenhagen. Apergu du Fonds Per- 4 manent de la Societe Royale des Antiquaries du Nord avec la Liste de ses Membres Fondateurs. Janvier, 1860. Copenhagen, 1860. 8, pp. 12. 5 Cabinet d Antiquites Americaines a Copenhague. Rapport Ethnogra- phique par C. C. Rafn. Extrait des Memoires, &c. [Maps and Plates.] Copenhague, 1858. 8, pp. 60. 6 Guide to Northern Archaeology . . ., edited for the use of English Rea ders by the Right Honorable the Earl of Ellesmere. [Maps and Illus trations. } London, Copenhagen, 1848. 8 (6.3X3.8). 7 Kongelige (Det) Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. Aarsberetning, 1858. [Copenhagen, 1858.] 8, pp. 16. ROYAL Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm. Abhandlungen aus cler Na- * tmiehre, Haushaltungskunst und Mechanik, auf das yahre 1739-1779. Bd. 1-41. Neue Abhandlungen aus der Naturlehre, Haushaltungskunst und Mechanik, fur das yahre 1780-1782. Bd. 1-4. Aus dem Schwe- dischen iibersetzt von A. G. Klistner. [Plates.] Hamburg und Leipzig, l749- 85. 8 (6.2X3.6). NOTE. First Series is bound in 14 vols. ; Second Series is bound in 2 vols. ROYAUMONT, , Prieur de Sombreval. 9 History (The) of the Old and New Testaments, extracted out of Sacred Scripture and Writings of the Fathers. . . . Illustrated with 234 Sculptures, and three Maps. Translated from the Sieur de Royaumont, ... 4th ed., corrected. London, 1711. 4 (7X4.9), 2 cols. RUBEUS, Hieronymus, a physician of Ravenna. 10 Liber de Destillatione. ... * * * Ravenna, 1582. 4 (6.1X4.2). NOTE. Title-page contains autographs, " Ezi-a Stiles" and "A Holmes." RUCELLAI, Giovanni, a native of Florence , b. 1476. d. 1526. 11 Api (Le) ; Poema. See ALAMANNI, L. Alamanni, Ruccellai, etc. RUDDIMAN, Thomas, a learned Scotchman ; b. 1684. d. 1757. 12 Grammatics Latins Institutiones, facili, et ad puerorum captum ac- commodata, methodo perscriptae. * * * Ed. lima. Edinburgi, 1786. 12 (6X3.5). RUDIMENTS of Ancient Architecture, containing an Historical Account of the 13 Five Orders, with their Proportions and Examples of each from Antiques ; with a Dictionary of Terms. Illustrated with eleven Plates. 2d ed., much enlarged. ** * * London, 1794. 8 (6X3.3). RUDIMENTS (The) of Latin Prosody : with a Dissertation on Letters, and the 14 Principles of Harmony in Poetic and Prosaic Composition. ... * * * Boston, 1760. 8, pp. 60, 72. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 551 RUFFHEAD, Owen, Esq., an English writer ; d. 1769. 1 Life (The) of Alexander Pope, Esq. ; with a critical Essay on his Wri tings and Genius. London, 1769. 8 (6.3X3. 5). RUFINUS, or RUFFINUS, a priest of Aquileia; b. about 350. d. about 410. 2 Historiae Ecclesiasticae Libri IV. See (ECCLESIASTICAE Historiae Ay- tores). RUGGLES, Samuel B., a distinguished lawyer of New York City. 3 Duty (The) of Columbia College to the Community, and its Right to ex clude Unitarians from its Professorships of Physical Science, considered by one of the Trustees. New-York, 1854. 8, pp. 54. RULHIERE, Claude Carloman DE, a French historian & poet ; b.ll3o. d. 1791. 4 Histoire de 1 Anarchic de Pologne, et du Demembrement de cette Re- publique, par Cl. Rulhiere. Suivie des Anecdotes sur la Revolution de Russie, en 1762. Tom. 1-4. Paris, 1807. 8 (5.4X3.1). RUMFORD, Benjamin, Count. See THOMPSON, B., Count Rumford. RUNKLE, John D., of Cambridge, Mass. 5 JN T ew Tables for determining the Values of the Coefficients in the Pertur- bative Functions of Planetary Motion, which depend upon the Ratio of the Mean Distance. Pp. 64. Asteroid Supplement to New Tables, &c. Pp. 72. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 9.) Editor. See MATHEMATICAL Monthly (The). Vol. 1-3. RUNNINGTON, Charles, Esq., of Brighton, England; b. 1751. d. 1821. 6 History (The), Principles and Practice, (ancient and modern,) of the Legal Remedy by Ejectment ; and the Resulting Action for Mesne Prof its ; the Evidence (in general) necessary to sustain and defend them. With an Appendix. . . . 1st American ed. ... from last London ed. New York, 1806. 8 (6.6X3.5), m. r., pp. 537. Editor, Biographer, &c. See HALE, M. History of the Common Law. RUPERTI, George Alexander, Eector of Gymnasium at Stadt, in Bremen; 6.1758. Editor. See JUVENALIS, D. J. Satirae XVI. RUSH, Benjamin, M.D., LL.D., of Philadelphia ; b. 1745. d. 1813. 7 Oration (An) delivered Feb. 4, 1774, before the American Philosopical Society, held at Philadelphia. Containing an Enquiry into the Natural History of Medicines among the Indians in North-America, and a Com parative View of their Diseases and Remedies, with those of Civilized Nations. With an Appendix, containing Proofs and Illustrations. * * * Philadelphia, [1774]. 8 (5.6X2.8). RUSH, Richard, LL.D., son of Dr. B. Eush, Sec y of State, U.S. Minister to England, U.S. Minister to France, &c.; b. in Phila., 1780. d. 1859. 8 Oration, at Washington, July 4, 1812. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Elo quence of the U. S., vol. 5.) RUSH, James, M.D. 9 Philosophy (The) of the Human Voice : embracing its Physiological His tory ; together with a System of Principles, by which Criticism in the Art of Elocution may be rendered intelligible, and Instruction, definite and comprehensive. To which is added a brief Analysis of Song and Recitative. 3d ed., enlarged. Philadelphia, 1845. 8 (6.4X3.6), pp. 499. RUSH-WORTH, John, Esq. ; b. in Northumberland, England, 1607. d. 1690. 10 Historical Collections of Private Passages of State, Weighty Matters in Law, Remarkable Proceedings in Five Parliaments. First Part. Begin ning in 1618 and ending in 1629. London, 1659. 2 (9.5X5), m. b. NOTE. -Imperfect, wanting to The Piufaci-. 552 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. RUSHWOR.TH, John, Esq., continued. 1 Mr. Rushworth s Historical Collections abridg d and improv d. Vol. 1-6. From 1618 to 1648. [Frontispiece. ] London,1703- 08. 8(6.2X2.9),m.b. NOTE " Mr. Rushworth s" occurs in title of vol. 1 only. RUSKIN, John; b. in London, 1819. 2 Lectures on Architecture and Painting, delivered at Edinburgh, in No vember, 1853. With Illustrations drawn by the author. New-York, 1854. 12 (5.4X3.5). 3 Modem Painters. ... * * * Part I. Of General Principles. II. Of Truth. III. Of Ideas of Beauty. IV. Of Many Things. V. Of Moun tain Beauty. 1st American ed. 4 vols. With Illustrations. New-York, 1849- 57. 12 (5.6X3.5). NOTE. Title-pages are not uniform. Vol. 1, 2 (Tart I.-III.) are titled " By a Gradu ate of Oxford." Vol. 2 (Part III.) is second edition. 4 Seven Lamps of Architecture. With Illustrations drawn by the author. New York, 1849. 12 (5.8X3.5). [2 copies.] 5 Stones (The) of Venice. Vol. 1. The Foundation. 2. The Sea-Stories. 3. The Fall. With Illustrations drawn by the author. London, 1853. 8 (7.3X3.4). 6 Two Paths (The) : being Lectures on Art, and its Application to Deco ration and Manufacture, delivered in 1858-9. With two Plates. London, 1859. 16 (5.2X3.2). RUSSEL, Richard, M.D. 7 Dissertation (A) on the Use of Sea Water in the Diseases of the Glands. . . . Translated from the Latin. . . . [WOK] Translation of Dr. Speed s Commentary on Sea Water. Also, An Account of ... the Mineral Waters in Great Britain. *** 4th ed. London, 1760. 12(5.3X2.7). RUSSELL, Michael, Bp. of Glasgow. 8 Agriculture. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitan, vol. 6). 9 Annals of Britain, from the Accession of Henry IV. A.D. 1399, to A.D. 1815. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitan^ vols. 12, 13). 10 History and Present Condition of the Barbary States. . . . With sev eral Engravings. (Harper s Family Library, No. 72*) New-York, 1837. 18 (4.5X2.7). 11 Life of Oliver Cromwell. ... Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait. ] (Harper s Fam ily Library, No. 62, 63.) New-York, 1833. 18 (4.5X2.7). 12 Nubia and Abyssinia : comprehending their Civil History, Antiquities, Arts, Religion, Literature, and Natural History . . . Illustrated with a Map, and several Engravings. (Harper s Family Library, No. 61.) New-York, 1833. 18 (4.5X2.7). 13 Palestine ; or, the Holy Land. From the Earliest Period to the Present Time. With a Map and nine Engravings. (Harper s Family Library, No. 27.) New- York, 1832. 18 (4.5X2.7). 14 Philip of Macedon Alexander the Great Alexander s Successors. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 9). 15 Polynesia ; or, An Historical Account of the principal Islands in the South Sea, including New Zealand ; the Introduction of Christianity ; and the actual Condition of the Inhabitants in regard to Civilization, Commerce, and the Arts of Social Life. (Harper s Family Library, No. 158.) New-York, 1848. 18 (4.5X2.7). J6 Roman Emperors (The), from Nero to Nerva, inclusive. See (ENCYCLO PAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 10). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 553 {tusSELL, Michael, continued. 1 Roman Emperors (The), from Septimius Severus to the Extinction of the Western Empire. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 11). 2 Syria from B.C. 193, to B.C. 64. Perseus, King of Macedon. See (EN CYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 10). 3 View of Ancient and Modern Egypt : with an Outline of its Natural History. With a Map and Engravings. (Harper s Family Library, No. 23.) New-York, 1839. 18 (4.5X2.7). RUSSELL, William, LL.D., a Scottish historian; b. 1741. d. 1793. 4 History (The) of Ancient Europe. With a View of the Revolutions in Asia and Africa. In a Series of Letters, from a Nobleman to his Son. Vol. 1,2. Philadelphia, 1801. 8 (6.5X3.2). 5 History (The) of Modern Europe. With an Account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire : and a View of the Progress of Society, from the Rise of the Modern Kingdoms to the Peace of Paris, in 1763. In a Series of Letters from a Nobleman to his Son. [By W. Russell. ] New ed., carefully corrected. Vol. 1-5. * London, 1794. 8 (6.5X3.5). [2 copies of vol. 4, 5.] RUSSELL, William, an American educationist; b. in Glasgow, 1798. 6 Grammar (A) of Composition : including a Practical Review of the Prin ciples of Rhetoric, a Series of Exercises in Rhetorical Analysis, and six introductory Courses of Composition. [By W. Russell. } * * * New-Haven, 1823. 12 (5X3). 7 Pulpit Elocution : . . . Andover, 1846. 12 (5.6X3.3). Editor. See AMERICAN Journal of Education. Vol. 1-4. Joint Author. See MURDOCH, J. E. Orthophony. RUSSIA. Secret Memoirs of the Court of Petersburgh : particularly towards 8 the End of the Reign of Catharine II. and the Commencement of that of Paul I. ... Translated from the French [of C. F. P. MassonT\. ... Vol. 1,2. London, 1800. 8 (5.4X3.1). RUTHERFORD, Samuel, Prof, of Pliilos. Univ.of Edinb.; b. about 1600. d!661. 9 Examen Arminianismi. Recensitum & editum a M. Netheno. Ultrajecti, 1668. 8 (4.7X2.7), pp. 761-]-. 10 Joshua Redivivus ; or, Three hundred and fifty-two Religious Letters ; written between 1636 & 1661. To which is prefixed, A Life of the Au thor . . . New-York, 1826. 8 (6.8X3.8). RUTILIUS, Claudius, a native of Toulouse, in the 5th century. 11 Itinerarium. See BURMANN, P. (Poetae Latini Minores.) RUTLEDGE, John, Gov. of S. C., Chief -Justice of U.S., &c.; b. 1739. d. 1800. 12 Life. See FLANDERS, H. (Lives and Times of the Chief Justices, vol. 1.) RYAN, Rev. Edward, D.D., Prebendary of St. Patrick s, Dublin. 13 History (The) of the Effects of Religion on Mankind ; ancient and mod ern, barbarous and civilized. * * * London, 1788. 8 (5.8X3.8), m. b. RYCAUT. See RICAUT. RYDE, H. T. Translator. See LAMARTINE, A. de. History of the Girondists. RYLAND, John, D.D., LL.D., a Bapt. minister, of Bristol, Eng.; 6.1753. d. 1821. 14 Funeral Sermon of Rev. Samuel Pearce. See FULLER, A. Memoirs. &c. J 5 Sermon on the Death of Dr. Ryland, by Robert Hall. See HALL, II. (Works, Ed. 1830, vol. 2; Ed. 1832., vol.* 1.) 70 5 51 B O \V i) O I N C L L E G E . RYLAND, Jonathan Edwards. Translator. See THOLUCK, F. A. D. Guido and Julius. s. S., E. Description, Nature and General Use of the Sector and Plain-Scale ; 1 with Uses of Lines of Numbers, &c. London, 1746. 8, pp. 44. SAAVEDRA, Miguel DE CERVANTES. See CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, M. DE. SABBATH. Remarks on the Observation of the Lord s Day as a Moral, a Posi- 2 tive and a Civil Duty. Cambridge, 1816. 8, pp. 43. SABELLICUS, Marcus Antonius, Libr. to St. Mark s at Venice ; b. 1436. d. 1506. Joint Author. See Livius, T. Observationes, etc. in Opera T. Livii. SABINE, Edward, Major-Gen. E. A., F.R.S.; b. in England, 1790. 3 Magnetic Observations published under the superintendence of Lieut. Edward Sabine. See. GREAT BRITAIN. Eoyal Observatories. Observa tions at Hobarton. Observations at Cape of Good Hope. 4 Means adopted in the British Colonial Magnetic Observations to deter mine the Absolute Value, Secular Change, and Annual Variation of the Terrestrial Magnetic Force. From Philosophical Transactions for 1850, Part I. London, 1850. 4, pp. 18. SABINE, Rev. James, of Boston. 5 Ecclesiastical History (An), from the Commencement of the Christian Era to the Present Time. * * * Boston, 1820. 8 (5.5X3.3), pp. 648. SABINE, Eon. Lorenzo. 6 Address (An) before the New England Historic-Genealogical Society, in the Hall of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, Sept. 13th, 1859, the Hundreth Anniversary of the Death of Major General James Wolfe, with Passages omitted in the delivery, and illustrative Notes and Documents. Boston, 1859. 8, pp. 100. 7 Life of Edward Preble. See SPARKS, J. (Amer.Biogr.,2dSer., vol. 12.) SACCHETTI, Franco, an Italian novelist ; b. about 1335. d. about 1410. 8 Novelle. Vol. 1-3. [Portrait. ] Milano, 1815. 12 (4.3X2.6). 9 Novelle. [Portrait.] Firenze, 1833. 8 (6.6X4), 2 cols. SACHEVERELL, Rev. Henry, D.D., an English clergyman ; b. about 1672. d.1724. 10 Communication (The) of Sin: Sermon preach the Assizes held at Derby, August 15, 1709. London, 1709. 8, pp. 1G. 11 Defence (A) of Her Majesty s Title to the Crown and a Justification of Her Entring into a War with France and Spain : as it was deliver d in a Sermon preached before the University of Oxford, Fast Day, June 10, 1702. 2d ed. London, 1710. 8, pp. 24. 12 Dr. Sacheverell s Speech upon his Impeachment at the Bar of the House of Lords, in Westminster-Hall, March 7, 1709-10. With Re flections thereupon . . . , wherein the Charge of the Commons against him is fully justify d, from his Sermons, &c. Also, Her Present Majes ty s Letter when Princess to the Queen, &c., &c. * * London, 1710. 8, pp. 76. 13 Perils (The) of False Brethren, both in Church and State : set forth in a Sermon preach d before the Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of London, Nov. 5, 1709. London, 1709. 8, pp. 24. NOTE. The following anonymous tracts are properly inserted here. Consult also under BISSET,W.; CHAPMAN, R.; TALBOT, W.j TOLAND, J.; TRIMNELL, C.; WAKE, "NV. CATALOGUE OF Till] LIBRARY. SACUEVERELL, Rev. Henry, D.D., continued. 1 Bishop (The) of Salisbury, his Speech in the House of Lords on the First Article of the Impeachment of Dr. II. Sacheverell. London, 1710. 8, pp. 10. 2 Letter (A) to the Hev. Dr. H. Sacheverell ; on occasion of his Sermon, and late Sentence pass d on him by the House of Lords. By a Cam bridge-Gentleman. London, 1710. 8, pp. 14. 3 Letter (A) to the Eldest Brother of the Collegiate Church of St. Cathe rine [ W. Bissetf], in Answer to his scurrilous pamphlet entitul d the Mod ern Fanatick, &c. London, 1711. 8, pp. 42. 4 Managers (The) Pro & Con : or, An Account of what is said at Child s and Tom s Coffee-Houses for and against Dr. Sacheverell. * * * 2d ed. corrected. London, 1710. 8, pp. 48. 5 Peril (The) of being zealously affected, but not well : or, Reflections on Dr. Sacheverell s Sermon, preach d before the Lord Mayor, &c. of Lon don, Nov. 5, 1709. London, 1709. 8, pp. 24. 6 Picture (The) of Malice, or a True Account of Dr. Sachevejell s Ene mies, and their Behaviour with regard to him since the Fifth of Novem ber last. London, 1710. 8, pp. 16. 7 Sacheverell against Sacheverell; or, The Detector of False Brethren prov d unnatural and base to his own Grandfather and other Relations. Letter to Dr. Henry Sacheverell from his Uncle. London, 1711. 8, pp. 36. 8 Speech (A) without Doors. London, 1710. 8, pp. 20. 9 True Answer (A) to Dr. Sacheverell s Sermon before the Lord Mayor, Nov. 5, 1709, in a Letter to one of the Aldermen. London, 1709. 8, pp. 23. SACKVILLE, Lord George. See GERMAIN, G., Lord Sackville. SACY, Aritoine Isaac Silvestre, Baron DE. See SILVESTRE DE SACY, A. I., Baron. SAGE, Balthasar George, a French chemist ; b. 1740. d. 1824. 10 Art (L ) d essayer 1 Or et 1 Argent ; Tableau compare de la Coupellation des Substances metalliques, par le moyen du Plomb ou du Bismuth : precedes pour 1 obtenir 1 Or . . . Avec Figures. Par M. Sage. Paris, 1780. 8 (5.1X3). ST. DOMINGO, Island of. Assemblee Coloniale. Proces-Verbaux des Seances, H et Journal des Debats. 3 Novembre 30 Decejnbre 1791. La Senti- nelle du Peuple ou Journal des Seances et Proces-Verbaux. 1 Janvier -5 Fevrier 1792. Journal Politique de Saint-Domingue. 6 Fevrier-27 Mai 1792. Cap-Franc, ais, 1791- 92. 4 (8X5.7), 2 cols. NOTE. A portion (No. 71-269 pp. 305-1138) of Tom. 2 of " Proces-Verbaux des Stances, etc. de 1 Assemblee Coloniale de St. Domingue." SAINT-HlLAIRE, J. BARTHELEMY. See BARTHELEMY SAINT-HlLAIRE, J. ST. JOHN, James Augustus. 12 Lives (The) of Celebrated Travellers. * * * ... Vol. 1-3. (Har per s Family Library, No. 38-40.) New-York, 1832. 18 (4.5X2.7). Editor, &c. See MORE, T. Utopia, &c. ST. JOHN, Rev. Theops., LL.B., &c. supposed to be an assumed name. 13 Thoughts on the Composition of a Sermon, as adapted to the Church of England. See MASSILLON, J. B. Charges to his Clergy, &c. Translator. See MASSILLON, J. B. Charges to his Clergy. 556 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. ST. JOHN DE CRETE CCEUR, J. Hector, a farmer in Pennsylvania. 1 Letters from an American Farmer : describing certain Provincial Situa tions, Manners, and Customs, not generally known ; and conveying some Idea of the late and present Interior Circumstances of the British Colo nies in North America. Written . . . by J. H. St. John. New ed., with . . . Index. [Maps. } London, 1783. 8 (6.3X3.2). SAINT-MERY, M. L. E., MOREAU DE. See MOREAU DE SAINT MERY, M. L. E. SAINT-PIERRE, Jacques Henri Bernardin DE ; 6. in Havre, 1737. d. 1814. 2 Botanical Harmony delineated: or Application of some General Laws of Nature to Plants. Illustrated with Plates. * * * Translated by H. Hunter. 1st American ed. Worcester, 1797. 8 (6.2X3.4). 3 Chaumiere Indienne (La). Paris, 1792. 12, pp. 95. 4 Etudes de la Nature. 3me ed., revue, corrigee et augmentee. * * * Avec Figures. Tom. 1-4. Paris, 1792. 12 (5X2.6). [2 copies.] 5 Studies of Nature. *** Translated by H. Hunter. 1st American ed. ... Vol. 1-3. [Plates. ] Worcester, 1797. 8 (6.2X3.3). Studies of Nature. * * * Translated by H. Hunter. 2d ed. . . . Vol. 1-3. [Plates.] London, 1799. 8 (6.4X3.5). 7 Suite des Voeux d un Solitaire, pour servir de complement au cinquieme volume des Etudes de la Nature. * * * Paris, 1792. 12 (4.6X2.6). 8 Vindication (A) of Divine Providence ; derived from a Philosophic and Moral Survey of Nature and of Man. * * * Translated by H. Hun ter. 1st American ed. Worcester, 1797. 8 (6.1X3.4). 9 Voeux d un Solitaire, pour servir de Suite aux Etudes de la Nature. Paris, 1791. 12 (4.6X9.6). SAINT-REAL, Cesar VICIIARD, Abbe DE ; a French historian; b. 1639. d. 1692. 10 Conspiracy of the Spaniards against the Republic of Venice, in 1618. Translated from the French of the Abbe St. Real. Boston, 1838. 16 (4.5X2.6). SAINT-SAUVEUR, Charles POYEN. u Report on Magnetical Experiments made by the Commission of the Royal Academy of Medicine, of Paris ; translated with Introduction by C. Poyen St. Sauveur. See HUSSON, M. . SAINT-THOMAS, M. . Joint Translator. See KARAMSIN, N. M. Histoire de Russie. SAINTE-CROIX, Guillaume Emmanuel Joseph GUILHEM DE CLERMONT-LODERE, a learned French author; b. 1746. d. 1809. 12 Critical Inquiry (A) into the Life of Alexander the Great, by the An cient Historians: from the French of the Baron de St. Croix: with Notes and Observations, by Sir R. Clayton. Illustrated with a Map of the Marches of Alexander the Great. Bath, 1793. 4 (5.9X5). SAINTE-FOIX, Germain Francois POULAINDE, a French writer ; b. 1703. d. 1776. 13 (Euvres complettes de M. de Saint-Foix. Tom. 1-6. [Portrait. ] Paris, 1778. 8 (5.3X3.3). SAINTE-MARTIIE, Abel DE, son of following, a French Counsellor of State, Librarian at Fontainebleau, &c. ; b. 1570. d. 1652. Translator. See SAINTE-MARTHE, G. de. La Maniere de nourrir les Enfans, etc. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 557 BAINTE-MARTHE, Gaucher BE, afterwards changed to Scevole DE, a Frencli statesman, &c. ; b. 1536. d. 1623. 1 Maniere (La) de nourrir les Enfans a la Mammelle. [Text and] Tra- duction d un Poeme Latin de S. de Sainte-Marthe. Par A. de Sainte- Marthe. Paris, 1698. 12 (5.1X3.3). SALE, George, an English oriental scholar ; b. 1680. d. 1736. 2 Koran (The) of Mohammed ; translated from the Arabic, with Notes, and a preliminary Discourse, by G. Sale. See MOHAMMED. SALEM ATHENJEUM. Catalogue of the Library of the Athenasum, in Salem, 3 Massachusetts, with the By-Laws and Regulations. Salem, 1842. 8 (7X3.9). 4 Catalogue (A) of the Library of the Salem Athenaeum, . . . ; to which is prefixed a brief historical Account of the Institution, with its Charter and By-Laws. [Alphabetical. Plate.~\ Boston, 1858. 8 (6.8X3.9). SALES, Francis, Instructor in Spanish in Harvard College; b. 1772. d. 1854. 5 Seleccion de Obras Maestras Dramaticas. Por Calderon de la Barca, Lope de Vega, y Moreto. Con Notas, Indice y Heglas esenciales . . . Boston, 1828. 12 (5.2X3.2 irr.). Editor. See CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, M. DE. Don Quijote de la Mancha. Editor. See JOSSE, A. E. Grammar of the Spanish Language. SALLE, Robert Cavelier DE LA. See LA SALLE, R. C. Sieur DE. SALLUSTIUS, Caius Crispus, a Latin historian ; b. 86 B. C. d. 34 B. C. 6 Histoire de la Republique Romaine, dans le Cours du Vile. Siecle ; par Salluste : en partie traduite du Latin sur 1 original ; en partie retablie & composee sur les fragmens qui sont restes de ses livres perdus . . . [ , par G. de Brasses. Vol. 3 contains also, Vie de Salluste; Discours sur I Art Historique et les Ouvrages de Salluste, par V Abbe Cassagne; &c.~}. Tom. 1-3. * * * [Portraits and Plates.-] Dijon, 1777. 4 (7.3X4.7), m. b. 7 Opera omnia excusa ad Editionem Cortii cum Editionibus Havercampi et Gabrielis Antonii collatam. Londini, 1789. 8 (5. 6X3.3). SALMON, Thomas, an English historical & political writer; d. 1743. 8 Chronological Historian (The). Containing a regular Account of ... the English Affairs from the Invasion of the Romans to the Death of George I. ... Illustrated with Effigies ... 2d ed. with additions and corrections. London, 1733. 8 (6X3.3), 2 cols. SALTPETRE. Recueil de Memoires et d Observations sur la Formation & sur la 9 Fabrication de Salpetre. . . . Paris, 1776. 8 (5.2X3). ]0 Recueil de Memoires de Pieces sur la Formation et la Fabrication du Salpetre. Paris, 1786. 4 (6.7X4.4). SALVA, Vicente. 1 ! Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana, por la Academia Espafiola, reim- presso de la Octava Edicion publicada en Madrid en 1837, con algunas mejoras. 2da ed. mucho mas correcta ... * * * Paris, 1841. 4 (8.5X5.5), 2 cols., pp. 994. SAMARITANS (The). Account (An) of the Samaritans ; in a Letter to J 12 M , Esq. London, 1714. 8 (6.2X3.6). 558 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. SAMPSON, George R., Esq., of Boston. 1 Address delivered at the Dedication of the New Rooms of the Mercan tile Library Association, Jan. 1, 1856. Boston, 1856. 8, pp. 64. SAMPSON, William, Esq. 2 Additions to Taylor s History of Ireland. See TAYLOR, W. C. SAN BARTOLOMEO, Fra Paolino da. See PAGLINO DA SAN BARTOLOMEO, F. SANAZZARO, Jacopo. ^ Arcadia. [Portrait. } Bologna, 1830. 8 (3.8X2.3). SANBORN, Rev. Peter. 4 Three Sermons, delivered in Newburyport, February, 1801 ; being a time of Attention to Religion. Newburyport, n. d. 8, pp. 47. SANCROFT, William, Bp. of Canterbury ; b. 1616. d. 1693. 5 Trial of Sancroft and six other Bishops for petitioning against the King s Declarations for Liberty of Conscience. See GREAT BRITAIN. SANCTES PAGNINUS. See PAGNINUS, S. SANCTIUS, or SANCHES, Gaspar, of the Society of the Jesuits. 6 Commentarii in Quatuor Libros Regum, & in Duos Paralipomenon. Lugduni, 1623. 2 (11.7X6.2), 2 cols., pp. 846+. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. SANDEMAN, Robert, the founder of the Sandemanians ; b. in Perth, in Scotland, 1718. d. in Danbury, Conn., 1771. 7 Letters on Theron and Aspasia, addressed to the Author \J. Hervey. By Pi. Sandeman]. ... * * * 4th ed. With ... an Account of the Progress of the Controversey, and of the principal Pieces that have been wrote against the letters. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1768. 8 (6.3X3.3). SANDERS, Daniel Clarke, D.D., Pres. of Univ. of Vt.; b. 1768. d. 1850. 8 National Defence. Artillery-Election Sermon, in Boston, June 2, 1817. Boston, 1817. 8, pp. 25. 9 Sermon, preached November 20, 1816, at the Dedication of the New House of Worship in Medway. Dedham, 1817. 8, pp. 20. SANDERSON, or SAUNDERSON, Robert, D.D., Bp. of Lincoln-, b. 1587. d. 1663. 1 Life of Sanderson. See WALTON, I. Lives of Donne, Wotton, &c. 11 Twelve Sermons, preached 1. ad Clerum. III. 2. ad Magistratum. III. 3. ad Populum. VI. . . . [Witli} two Sermons more, the one preached at St. Paul s Crosse, the other at a Visitation, concerning the Perswasion of Conscience. 3d ed. *** London, 1637. 4 (5.7X3.1), m.r., pp. 655. NOTE. Each portion has independent title-page. Autograph " M Hemmingway." 12 XXXVI. Sermons, viz. XVI. ad Aulam. VI. ad Clerum. VI. ad Magis tratum. XII. ad Populum. With a large Preface. 8th ed. ; corrected . . . Whereunto is now added the Life of the Author, written by I. Walton. [Portrait.] London, 1686. 2 (9.7X5.1), m.r., pp. 665. SANDFORD, D. K., Prof, of Greek, Univ. of Glasgow. 13 Introduction to the Writing of Greek, for the use of the Junior Greek Class in University of Glasgow. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1826. 12 (5X3.2), 2 cols. Translator. See THIERSCH, F. W. Greek Grammar. SANE, Alexandra Marie, of Paris; b. 1773. d. 1818. 14 Tableau historique, topographique et moral, des Peuples des quatre par ties du Monde ; comprenant les Lois, les Coutumes et les Usages des ces Peuples. *** Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1801. 8 (5.5X3.2). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 559 SANTEN, Laurent van, a Latin poet & philos. ; b. in Amsterdam, 1746. d. 1798. 1 Carraina. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1780. 8, pp. 27. Editor. See HELVETIUS, J. Poemata. Editor. See PROPERTIUS, S. A. Elegiarum Libri IV. SARGENT, Epes, an American author & journalist ; b. in Gloucester, Mass., 1812. 2 Arctic Adventure by Sea and Land from the Earliest Date to the Last Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin. With Maps and Illustra tions. Boston, 1857. 12 (5.6X3.2). SARGENT, Rev. John, A.M., Rector of Lavington, Engl. ; b. 1781. d. 1833. 3 Life (The) of the Rev. T. T. Thomason, late Chaplain to the East India Company. * * * New-York, 1833. 12 (5.3X3). 4 Memoir of the Rev. Henry Martyn. * * * 1st American ed. Boston, 1820. S (5.9X3.5). 5 Memoir of the Rev. Henry Martyn. From 10th London ed., corrected and enlarged. *** [Portrait.] New-York, n. d. 24 (4.4X2.8). SARGENT, Major Winthrop, Esq., Gov. of Miss. Territory, appointed 1812. 6 Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 2, 3.) SARGENT, Winthrop, of Mississippi. 7 Life (The) and Career of Major John Andre, Adjutant-General of the British Army in America. * * * [Portrait and Map.] Boston, 1861. 12 (5.6X3.3). SARn, Fra Paolo, originally Pietro, Father Paul , an Italian monk, historian & philosopher ; b. in Venice, 1552. d. 1623. 8 Historic (The) of the Covncel of Trent. Conteining eight bookes. Written in Italian by Pietro Soave Polano, and faithfully translated into English by N. Brent. *** London, 1620. 2 (11X5.9), m. b., pp. 825. 9 Istoria del Concilio Tridentino Con Note Tomo 1-7 Mendrisio, 1835. 12 (4.9X3). SAUMAREZ, Richard, M.D., Surgeon to the Magdalen Hospital, London. 10 New System (A) of Physiology, comprehending the Laws by which Ani mated Beings in general, and the Human Species in particular, are governed, in their several States of Health and Disease. 2d ed. . . . Vol. 1,2. London, 1799. 8 (5.8X3.3). SATJLT, Richard. Translator. See MALEBRANCHE, N. Search after Truth. SAUNDERS, William, M.D., F.R.S., Physician to Guy s Hospital, London. 11 Treatise (A) on the Structure, Economy, and Diseases of the Liver : together with an Inquiry into the Properties and Component Parts of the Bile and Bilary Concretions. Walpole, N. IL, 1810. 12 (5X2.9). SAUNDERSON, Nicholas, LL.D., Prof, of Math, at Oxford; b. 1682. d. 1739. 12 Elements of Algebra, in ten Books. To which is prefixed, An Account of the Author s Life and Character. [Portrait."} Cambridge, 1740. 4 (7.8X5.2), pp. 748-J-. NOTE. Also with second title-pages, dividing the work into two volumes. SAURIN, Jacques, a French Prot. minister at the Hague; b. 1677. d. 1730. 13 Sermons, translated from the original French. By R. Robinson. Vol. 1-5. By H. Hunter. Vol. 6, 7. By J. Sutcliffe. Vol. 8. ... 2d Ameri can, from 5th London ed. 8 vols. Schenectady, 1813- 16. 8 (6X3.5). 560 r>OWDOIN COLLEGE. SAUSSURE, Horace Benedict DE, a Swiss naturalist; b. 1740. d. 1799. 1 Account of the Attempts which have been made to reach the Summit of Mont Blanc. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyages, &c., vol. 4.) 2 Defense de 1 Hygrometre a Cheveu, pour servir de Supplement aux Es- sais sur 1 Hygrometrie. [Plate.] Geneve, 1788. 8, pp. 82. 3 Essais sur 1 Hygrometrie. ... * * * [Plofe,] Neuchatel, 1783. 8 (5.4X3.1). 4 Voyages dans les Alpes, precedes d un Essai sur 1 Histoire Naturelle des Environs de Geneve. * * * Tom. 1-8. [Plates.] Geneve & Neuchatel, 1786- 96. . 8 (5.8X3), m. b. SAVAGE, Hon. James, LL.D., of Boston, Pres. of Mass. Hist. Soc. 5 Genealogical Dictionary (A) of the First Settlers of New England, showing Three Generations of those who came before May, 1692, on the basis of Farmer s Register. * * * ... Vol. 1-4. Boston, 1860- 62. 12 (6.7X3.9). 6 Gleanings for New-England History. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Col lections, 3d Series, vol. 8, 10 ; 4th Series, vol. 1.) 7 Oration (An), delivered July 4, 1811, at the Request of the Selectmen of Boston. * * * Boston, 1811. 8, pp. 21. Editor, &c. See WINTHROP, John, Gov. of Mass. History of N.E., &c. SAVAGE, Richard, an English poet : b. in London, 1697-8. d. 1743. 8 Life of Savage. See JOHNSON, Samuel. (Works, vol. 10.) SAVAGE, Timothy. 9 Amazonian Republic (The), recently discovered in the Interior of Peru. New York, 1842. 12 (5X3). SAVARY, Nicolas, a French traveller & scholar ; b. 1750. d. 1788. 10 Letters on Egypt, containing a Parallel between the Manners of its An cient and Modern Inhabitants, its Commerce, Agriculture, Government and Religion ; with the Descent of Louis IX. at Damietta. Extracted from Joinville, and Arabian Authors. Translated from the French of M. Savary. . . . 2d ed. Vol. 1, 2. [Maps.] London, 1787. 8 (6X3.3). 11 Letters on Greece ; being the Sequel of Letters on Egypt. . . . By M. Savary. Translated from the French. [Maps."] London, 1788. 8 (6X3.4). SAVIGNY, Friedrich Carl VON, Prof, of Law at Berlin, &c. ; b. 1779. d. 1861. 12 Geschichte des Romischen Rechts im Mittelalter. Bd. 1-3. 2te aus- gabe. Bd. 4-6. Erste ausgabe. 6 vols. Heidelberg, 1826- 34. 8 (5.8X3.3). !3 System des heutigen Romischen Rechts. Bd. 1-4. Berlin, 1840- 41. 8 (5.9X3.3), SAXON, Samuel. 14 English Schollar s Assistant (The) ; or, The Rudiments of the English Tongue. ... *** 2d ed. Reading, 1737. 8 (5.5X3.3), SAXON Chronicle (The). See INGRAM, J. SAY, Jean Baptiste, a French political economist; b. 1767. d. 1832. 15 Treatise (A) on Political Economy ; or the Production, Distribution, and Consumption of Wealth. Translated from ... the French, by C. 11. Prinsep. With Notes by the translator. 5th American ed. Con taining a Translation of the Introduction, and additional Notes, by C. C. Biddle. Philadelphia, 1832. 8 (6.5X3.6), pp. hi., 454. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 561 SAY, Thomas, an American naturalist; b. in Pkila., 1787. d. 1834. 1 Complete Writings, on the Conchology of the United States. Edited by W. G. Binney. [Plates.] New York, 1858. 8 (6.3X3.6). SCALIGER, Julius Caesar, an Italian philologist ; b. 1484. d. 1558. 2 Exotericarvm Exercitationvm Liber XV. De Svbtilitate, ad Hieron. Car- danvm. Duo sunt Indices. Hanovise, 1620. 8 (5.4X3. 2), pp. 1076-J-. SCAPULA, John, a printer in Geneva, in 1580 ; b. about 1550. NOTE. The following- work is an unauthorized abridgment of the Thesiurus GrsecfcLingure of H. Stcphanus ; made secretly while Scapula was employed by Stephanus upon the print ing of that work. 3 Lexicon Greeco-Latinvm Novvm : in qvo ex primitivorum & simplicivm fontibus derivata atque composita, . . . breviter & dilucide deducuntur. . . . Cvm Avctario Dialectorum omnium a lac. Zvingero. * * * Basileae, 1628. 2 (11.1X6.5), 2 cols., cols. 1844-J-, 188. 4 Lexicon Gracco-Latinum, e probatis auctoribus locupletatum, cum In- dicibvs, ex Graeco & Latino, auctis, & correctis. Additvm Avctarivm Dialectorum, in Tabulas . . . redactarum. Accedunt Lexicon Etymo- logicum, . . . et J. Meursii Glossarium contractum, ... * * * Londini, 1652. 2 (12.2X6.9), 2 cols., cols. 1788+, 366. SCARROX, Paul, a French comic dramatist & novelist; b. 1610. d. 1660. 5 Kluchtige Romant (De), of de Edelmoedige Comedianten, ... In het Fransch gestelt door Heer Scarron ; en nu vertaelt door N. Heins. Deel 1, 2. Amsterdam, 1678. 12 (4.2X2.3). 6 Roman Comique, par M. Scarron. Nouv. ed. Partie I. -III. [Portrait. ] Amsterdam, 1758. 12 (4.9X2.5), pp. 656. XOTE. Each part has title-page. Bound in two volumes. SCHAEFER, Gottfried Heinrich, Prof, of Philos. &c. at Leipsic ; b. 1764. 7 Meletemata critica in Dionysii Artem Rhetoricam. Cap. I.-IV. See DIONYSIUS, of Halicarn assus. Liber de Compositione Verborum. Editor. See DIONYSIUS, of Halicarnassus. Liber de Compositione Verborum. SCHAFF, Philip, Ph. D., D.D., Prof, in Theol. Sem. at Mercersberg, Pa.; b. 1819. 8 America. A Sketch of the Political, Social, and Religious Character of the United States of North America, in two Lectures, delivered at Ber lin, . . . Sept. 1854. Translated from the German. New York, 1855. 12 (5X3.1). 9 History of the Apostolic Church ; with a general Introduction to Church History. Translated by E. D. Yeomans. New York, 1856. 8 (7X4), pp. 684. SCHAUFFLER, William Gottlieb, Mission. A.B.C.F.M. at Constantinople; S.1798. 10 Meditations on the Last Days of Christ, consisting of ten Sermons, preached at Constantinople and Odessa. Boston, 1837. 12 (5.2X3.3). SCHEELE, Karl Wilhelm, a Swedish chemist; b. 1742. d. 1786. 11 Chemical Essays. Translated from the Transactions of the Academy of Sciences at Stockholm [by Th. Beddoes~}. With Additions. London, 1786. 8 (6X3.2). 12 Traite chimique de FAir et du Feu ; avec une Introduction de T. Berg- mann: ouvrage traduit de 1 Allemand, par le Baron de Dietrich. Paris, 1781. 12 (4.6X2.6). SCHELE DE VERB, Maximilian. See DE VERE, M. S. 71 562 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. SCHELLING, Joseph Frederic, Abbot of Monastery of MurrJiead ; b. 1737. d!812. Translator, &c. See BIBLE, Portions of the Old Testament. Salo- monis qua? supersunt, &c. SCHERMERHORN, Bev. John F. J Report, May 26, 1814, on the Indians inhabiting the Western Parts of the U. S. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 2d Series, vol. 2.) SCHICKARD, Wilhelm, Prof, of Hebrew at Tubingen; b. 1592. d. 1635. 2 Horologivm Hebrsevm, sive Consilium, quomodo Sancta Lingua spacio xxiv. horarum, a totidem Collegis . . . apprehendi queat, septies com- probatum, . . . Londini, 1639. 8 (5.2X3.2), m. n. 3 Horologium Ebrseum, . . . Londini, 1703. 8 (4.8X3). 4 Horologium Ebrseum : . . . Londini, 1722. 8 (4.8X3). 5 Rota Hebreea pro facilitate Conivngandi pridem inventa, sevlpta et ex- plicata ; Tubingre recusa. Londini, 1639. 8, pp. 14. SCHILDEUS, Joannes. Editor, &c. See SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, C. Svetonivs Tranqvillvs. SCHILLER, Johann Christoph Friedrich VON, a Germanpoet, &c.; 6.1759. d. 1805. 6 ^Esthetic Letters (The), Essays and the Philosophical Letters of Schil ler : translated with an Introduction, by J. Weiss. * * * Boston, 1845. 12 (4.8X3). 7 Correspondence between Schiller and Goethe, from 1794 to 1805. Trans lated by G. H. Calvert. Vol. 1, 2. New York and London, 1845. 12 (5.2X3.3). 8 Geschichte des Dreyssigjahrigen Kriegs von F. v. Schiller. Th. 1, 2. Carlsruhe, 1823. 8 (5.3X2.9). 9 Life of Friedrich Schiller ; comprehending an Examination of his Works. See CARLYLE, T. 10 Schiller s Sammtliche Werke . . . Mit dem Portrait des Dichters und einem Fac-Simile. Bd. 1, 2. Paris, 1836. 8 (7. 1X5), 2 cols. 11 Select Minor Poems from Goethe and Schiller. See GOETHE, J. W. von. SCHIMMELPENNINCK, Mary Anne. 12 Narrative of the Demolition of the Monastery of Port Royal des Champs, including Biographical Memoirs of its latter Inhabitants. * * * London, 1816. 12 (5X3). !3 Tour (A) to Alet and La Grande Chartreuse, by Dom Claude Lancelot, with some Account of the Monastery and Abbot Reformer of La Trappe ; also Biographical Sketches of M. Du Verger de Hauranne, Abbe de St. Cyran, Cornelius Jansenius, Bishop of Ypres ; and a brief View of the celebrated Institution of Port Royal. * * * 2d ed., considerably en larged. ... Vol. 1, 2. London, 1816. 8 (5X2.9). SCHINDLERN, Christian Carl. 14 Geheimbde Miintz-Guardein (Der) und Berg-Probierer, welcher zeiget und an Tag giebet alle geheime Hand-Grisse, so bisshero sind verschwie- gen und zurlick gehalten worden. Franckfurth, 1705. 16 (5.4X3). J 5 Metallische Probier-Kunst, . . . Dresden, 1697. 24 (5X2.8). SCHIRACH, Gottlob Benedict VON, Prof. ofPhilos. at Helmstadt ; 6.1743. d. 1804. Editor. See ESCHELS-KROON, A. Beschreibung der Insel Sumatra. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 563 SCHKUHR, Chretien, Mechanician of Univ. of Wittenberg. 1 Histoire des Carex ou Laiches, contenant la Description et les Figures coloriees de toutes les Especes connues . . . Traduite de 1 Allemand et augmentee par G. F. De la Vigne. [Portrait.] Leipzig, 1802. 8 (6X3.8). SCHLEGEL, August Wilhelm VON, a German philologist ; b. 1767. d. 1845. 2 Course (A) of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature. Translated from the original German by J. Black. Philadelphia, 1833. 8 (6.4X3.8). SCHLEGEL, Friedrich Karl Wilhelm VON, brother of preceding ; b. 1772. d. 1829. 3 Lectures on the History of Literature, ancient and modern. From the German of F. Schlegel. Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1818. 8 (5.3X3.3). 4 Lectures on the History of Literature, ancient and modern. From the German of F. Schlegel. New ed. Edinburgh and London, 1841. 16 (5.1X3.1). 5 Philosophy (The) of History ; in a Course of Lectures, delivered at Vienna, by F. von Schlegel. Translated from the German, with a Me moir of the Author, by J. B. Robertson. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1835. 8 (6X3.6). SCHLEGELN, Johann Adolph. Joint Editor. See GELLERT, C. F. Briefe. SCHLEIERMACHER, Friedrich Daniel Ernst, D.D., Prof, at Berlin; 6.1768. d.1834. 6 Christliche Glaube (Der) nach den Grundsatzen der Evangelischen Kirche im zusammenhange dargestellt von F. Schleiermacher. 3te un- veranderte ausgabe. Bd. 1, 2. * * * Berlin, 1835, 36. 8 (6.4X3.8). 7 Geschichte der christlichen Kirche. Aus Schleiermacher s handschrift- lichem Nachlasse und nachgeschriebenen Vorlesungen herausgegeben von E. Bonnell. Berlin, 1840. 8 (6.6X3.7), pp. 649. 8 Schleiermacher s Introductions to the Dialogues of Plato. Translated from the German by W. Dobson. Cambridge, 1836. 8 (6.4X3.6). SCHLESIEK, G. 9 Life of William von Humboldt. Translated and abridged from the Ger man of Schlesier, by J. Bauer. New York, 1853. 12 (5.7X3.2). SCHLEUSNER, Johann Friedrich, D.D., Prof, of Theol. at Wittemberg ; b. 1759. 10 Novum Lexicon GraBco-Latinum in Novum Testamentum. Recensue- runt J. Smith, J. Strauchon, et A. Dickinson. Ed. 5ta. Vol. 1, 2. Glasguae, 1817. 8 (7.1X4), 2 cols. NOTE. Each vol. is in two parts, with independent title-pages. Bound in 4 vols. SCHMITZ, Leonhard, D.D., F.R.S.E., Hector of the High School of Edinburgh. Translator &c. See NIEBUHR, B. G. Lectures on Ancient Ethnogra phy and Geography. Lectures on Ancient History. SCHMUCKER, S. S., D.D., Prof, of Chris. Theol. Lutheran Sem. Gettysberg, Pa. 11 Psychology, or, Elements of a New System of Mental Philosophy, on the basis of Consciousness and Common Sense. . . . New-York, 1842. 12 (5.6X3.2). SCHNEIDER, Johann Gottlob, a German philologist & naturalist , 6.1750. c?.1822. Editor. See XENOPHON. Xenophontis qua? extant. SCHNEIDEWIN, F. W. Editor. See SOPHOCLES. Sophokles. 5G4 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. SCHOEDLER, Dr. Friedrich. 1 Buch (Das) der Nature, die Lehren der Physik, Astronomic, Chemie, Mineralogie, Geologic, Physiologic, Botanik und Zoologie umfassend. . . . lOte verbesserte aufiage. Mit 378 . . . Holzschnitten, Stern- karten und einer geognostischen Tafel in Farbendruck. Braunschweig, 1856. 8 (6.8X3.9), pp. 663. SCHOELL, Maximilian Samson Frederic, a Prussian statesman ; b. 1766. d. 1833. 2 Histoire de la Litterature Grecque profane, depuis son origine jusqu a la prise de Constantinople par les Turcs ; suivie d un Precis de 1 Histoire de la Transplantation de la Litterature Grecque en Occident. 2de ed., entierement refondue sur un nouveau plan, et enrichie de la partie biblio- graphique. Par M. Schoell. Tom. 1-8. [Portrait.] Paris, 1825. 8 (5.2X3.5). SCHOETTGEN, Christian, Hector of Gymnasium at Dresden; b. 1687. d. 1751. 3 Horae Hebraicae et Talmudicae in universum Novum Testamentum. Quibus Horae lo. Lightfooti in Libris Historicis supplentur, Epistolae et Apocalipsis eodem modo illustrantur. Accedunt Dissertationes quae- dam philologico-sacrae Indicesque locorum scripturae, rerum ac verborum necessarii. * * * Dresdae et Lipsiae, 1733. 4 (5.9X4.8), pp. 1280-J-. 4 Additiones, etc. ad Ellipses Grsecas. See Bos, L. Ellipses Graecae. Editor. See THEMISTOCLES. Epistolce. SCHOLL, Gottlob Heinrich Friedrich. 5 Deutsche Literaturgeschichte in Biographien und Proben aus alien Yah- rhunderten, zur Selbstbelehrung und zum Gebrauche in hoheren Unter- richtsanstalten. Von G. II. F. Scholl, und T. F. Scholl. Stuttgart, 1841. 8 (6.7X4.3), pp. 606. SCHOLL, Traugott Ferdinand. Joint Author. See SCHOLL, G. H. F. Deutsche Literatursgeschichte. SCHOOLCEAFT, Henry Howe, LL.D., Sup t of Indian Affairs, &c.; b. 1793. 6 Information respecting the History, Condition and Prospects of the In dian Tribes of the United States. See UNITED STATES. 7 Narrative of an Expedition through the Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, the actual source of this River ; embracing an Exploratory Trip through St. Croix and Burntwood (or Broule) Rivers ; in 1832. [Map.] New-York, 1834. 8 (6.3X3.7). 8 Narrative Journal of Travels through the North Western Regions of the United States, extending from Detroit through the great chain of Amer ican Lakes to the Sources of the Mississippi. ... In the year 1820. With a Map and eight . . . Engravings. Albany, 1821. 8 (6.6X3.6). NOTE. Also with second title-page, engraved. 9 Observations respecting the Grave Creek Mound, in Western Virginia ; with Plates. See AMERICAN Ethnological Society. (Transactions, vol. 1.) 10 Travels in the Central Portions of the Mississippi Valley : comprising Observations on its Minerals, Geography, Internal Resources, and Abo riginal Population. Performed ... in the year 1821. [Map and En gravings.-] New-York, 1825. 8 (6X3.3). 11 View (A) of the Lead Mines of Missouri; including some Observations on the Mineralogy, Geology, Geography, Antiquities, Soil, Climate, Popu lation, and Productions of Missouri and Arkansaw, and other Sections of the Western Country. . . , Three Engravings. New-York. 1819. 8 (6.3X3.4). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 565 SCHOTT, Andreas, a learned German Jesuit; b. 1552. d. 1629. 1 Antiquitatum Romanarum Electa. See ROSINI, J. Antiqvitatvm Ro- manarvm Corpvs absolvtissimvm, etc. Editor. See SENECA, L. A. L. et M. A. Senecse Opera omnia. SCHOTT, Charles A., Assistant U.S. Coast Survey. 2 Magnetical and Meteorological Observations in the Arctic Seas, made by E. K. Kane, reduced and discussed by C. A. Schott. See SMITH SONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 10, 11.) SCHREVEL, Cornelius, a Dutch pliilologian ; b. 1614. d. 1664, or 1667. 3 Greek Lexicon (The) of Schrevelius translated into English with many Additions. Boston, 1826. 8 (7.3X4.2), 2 cols., pp. 896. 4 Lexicon manuale Grreco-Latinum et Latino-Graecum : studio et opera J. Hill, J. Entick, nee non Gul. Bowyer, vocabulorum undecim quasi millibus auctum ; et insuper quoque ad calcem adjects sunt Sententiae Graeco-Latinae, . . . Item Tractatus duo : alter de Resolutione Verbo- rum, de Articulis alter . . . Ed. XVI. . . . Londini, 1796. 8 (7.3X3.9), 2 cols., n. p. Editor. See LUCANUS, M. A. De Bello civili. Editor. See ROSINI, J. Antiqvitatvm Romanarvm Corpvs. SCHRODER, Jacob. 5 Compendiose in Tabellen vorgestellete Silber- und Gold-Rechnung. . . . Hamburg, 1694. 12 (5.7X2). SCHRODER, Johann Friedrich, Ph. D. 6 Hebraisches Uebungsbuch, enthaltend die Evangelischen Pericopen zum Uebersetzen aus dem Deutschen in s Hebraische, mit der nothigen Phra- seologie und bestandigen Hinweisungen auf die Grammatik von Geseni- us, nebst unpunktirten Wortern und Stiicken zur Uebung in der Vocal- setzung. Leipzig, 1821. 12 (6.4X3.5). SCHUBERT, F. T. 7 New Investigation of Kepler s Problem. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 4.) SCHULTENS, Albert, Prof, of Hebrew, &c. at Franeker & Leyden ; &.1686. d.1750. 8 Directorium. et. Clavis. Lusus Chartacei. reserans. Grammaticam. Hebraeo- Harmonicam. cum Specimine Lexici. ... [Halce, 1779.] 8(3. 8X2.7). SCIIULZE, Jean Charles, 9 Recueil de Tables logarithmiques, trigonometriques et autres necessaires dans les Mathematiques pratiques. Vol. 1, 2. Berlin, 1778. 8 (6.6X4). SCIIULZE, Johann. Editor. See HEGEL, G. W. F. Phanomenologie des Geistes. SCHUTZ, Christian Gottfried, Prof, of Eloq. &c. at Jena. 10 Animadversiones in Doctrinam Particularum Graecarum ad justam ex- aminis lancem revocatae ab H. Hoogeveen. Londini, 1786. 8, pp. 78. Editor, &c. See AESCHYLUS. Tragediae. Editor, &c. See HOOGEVEEN, H. Doctrina Particularum Graecarum. SCIIUYLER, Philip, Major-Gen, in RevoL, U.S. Sen. of N.Y.; 5.1733. d. 1804. 11 Life and Times of Philip Schuyler. See LOSSING, B. J. SCHWEGLER, Albert, Ph. D., a German theol. & historian; b. 1819. d. 1857. 12 History (A) of Philosophy in Epitome. Translated from the original German, by J. H. Seelye. New York, 1856. 12 (5.6X3.5). 566 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. SCHWEIGHAEUSER, Johann, Prof, of Greek, &c. at Strasburg ; b. 1742. d. 1830. 1 Lexicon Herodoteum quo et Styli Herodotei universa ratio enucleate explicatur et quam plurimi musarum loci ex professo illustrantur Passim etiam partim Graeca Lectio partim Versio Latina . . . Pars I., II. 2 vols. Argentorati, 1824. 8 (6.2X3.6), 2 cols. SCHWENCK, Conrad. 2 Mythologie (Die) der Homer. 2te ausgabe. Frankfurt am Main, 1855. 8 (6.8X4). SCIENTIFIC Discovery, Annual of. See WELLS, D. A. SCOBELL, Henry, Esq., Clerk of Parliament. 3 Collection (A) of several Acts of Parliament, published in the years 1648, 1649, 1650, and 1651. . . . Whereunto is added, Several Acts of Parliament made in the 17th and 18th years of the late King, and Ordinances touching Adventurers for Ireland. ... As also a Table of the principal matters in them contained. London, 1653. 2 (8. 4X4.4). SCOKESBY, William, D.D., F.E.S., an Eng. arctic explorer, &c. ; 6.1787. d.1851. 4 Magnetical Investigations. Part I., II. ... 2 vols. [Plates. } London, 1839, 43. 8 (5.9X3.3). SCOTLAND, The Government and Order of the Church of Scotland. * * * 5 Edinburgh, 1690. 24 (4.3X2.3), pp. 57. 6 Short History (A) of the Highland Regiment ; with Observations as to the Present State of the Country, Inhabitants, and Government of Scot land. London, 1743. 8, pp. 51. SCOTS Farmer (The) : or, Select Essays on Agriculture ; adapted to the Soil 7 and Climate of Scotland. Vol. 1,2. * * * [Plates and Indexes.] Edinburgh, 1773, 74. 8 (6.3X3.5). SCOTT, Daniel, LL.D., an eminent English writer ; d. 1759. 8 New Version of St. Matthew s Gospel ; with a Review of Dr. Mill s Notes on this Gospel. See BIBLE, Portions of the New Testament. SCOTT, Dred, Case of, versus J. F. A. Sandford. See HOWARD, B. C. SCOTT, Eev. John, D.D., of London ; b. 1638. d. 1694. 9 Christian Life (The), from its Beginning to its Consummation in Glory. In three Parts. With . . . Indexes. 9th ed. [Frontispiece. ] London, 1729. 2 (10.2X5.7), pp. 700+. [2 copies.] 10 Christian Life (The). Part IV. ... 5th ed. With . . . Index and Table. London, 1729. 2 (10.3X5.5). NOTE. Bound with one copy of the preceding work. 11 Christian Life (The). Wherein the Principles of Christian Duty are assigned, explained, and proved. Vol. 2-5. 12th ed. Edinburgh, 1754. 12 (5.3X2.8). NOTE. The title-pages of the several volumes are not identical. 12 Works. . . . Vol. 2. Containing ... his Sermons and Discourses. ... To which is added, A Sermon preach d at his Funeral, by Z. Is- ham. With a large Index . . . London, 1718. 2 (10.6X5.8), pp. 585. SCOTT, John, Esq. ^ 13 War inconsistent with the Doctrine and Example of Jesus Christ. 4th ed. London, 1819. 8, pp. 16. SCOTT, Eev. John, A.M., son of Eev. T. Scott; b. 1777. d. 1834. 14 Life (The) of the Rev. Thomas Scott ; including a Narrative drawn up by himself, and copious Extracts of his Letters. * * * [Portrait. ] Boston, 1822. 12 (5.8X3.3). Editor. Sec SCOTT, T. Letters and Papers. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 56 SCOTT, John, Earl of Eldon, Lord Chancellor of England; b. 1751. d. 1838. 1 Public and Private Life of Lord Eldon. See Twiss, H. 2 Narrative (A) of the Transactions in Bengal, during the Administration of Mr. Hastings. London, 1784. 8 (6.5X3.5). SCOTT, Thomas, D.D., an English clergyman; b. 1747. d. 1821. 3 Essays on the most important Subjects in Religion. 2d American ed. *** Cambridge, 1809. 12 (5.6X3.2), 4 Force (The) of Truth ; an authentic Narrative. * * * Boston, 1809. 24 (4.5X2.8). 5 Force (The) of Truth ; an authentic Narrative. To which are added Eight Letters addressed to Dr. Scott, by Rev. J. Newton. Boston, 1854. 12 (4.5X2.7). 6 Letters and Papers never before published : with occasional Observa tions. By John Scott. First American ed. [Portrait.] Boston, 1825. 12 (5.9X3.3). 7 Life of Rev. Thomas Scott. See SCOTT, John, A.M. Annotator, &c. See BIBLE. Old and New Testaments, &c. The Ho ly Bible, &c. ; New Testament. The New Testament, &c. Annotator, &c. See JENKS, W. Comprehensive Commentary of Bible. Editor. See BUNYAN, J. The Pilgrim s Progress. SCOTT, Sir Walter, Bart. ; b. in Edinburgh, 1771. d. at Abbotsford, 1832. 8 Autobiography of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. [Portrait.] Philadelphia, 1831. 12 (5.2X3), 9 Lay (The) of the Last Minstrel, a Poem. * * * 3d ed. London, 1806. 8 (5.1X2.7 irr.). 10 Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft. . . . (Harper s Family Li brary, No. 11.) New York, 1839. 18 (4.5X2.7). 1 1 Life (The) of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French. With a preliminary View of the French Revolution. By the Author of " Wa verley," &c. * * * ... Vol. 1-3. [Portrait.] New-York, 1828. 8 (7.3X4.1), 12 Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott. See LOCKHART, J. G. 13 Novels (The), Tales and Romances of the Author of Waverley. Vol. 1. Waverley. 2. Guy Mannering. 3. The Antiquary. 4. Rob Roy. 5. The Black Dwarf, and Old Mortality. 6. The Heart of Mid-Lothian. 7. The Bride of Lammermooi The Legend of Montrose. 8. Ivanhoe. 9. The Monastery. 10. The Abbot. 11. Kenilworth. 12. The Pirate. 13. The Fortunes of Nigel. 14. Peveril of the Peak. 15. Quentin Durward. 16. St. Ronan s Well. 17. Red Gauntlet. 18. Tales of the Crusaders. 18 vols. Boston, 1820- 25. 8 (6.8X3.6). NOTE. Each volume has also independent title-page. General title-pages are en graved, and with illustrations. Dates upon the two title-pages sometimes differ. 14 Poetical Works. With a Memoir of the Author. Vol. 1-9. [Portrait.] Boston, 1857. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.) SCOTT, Eev. William. 15 O Temporal Mores! or, The Best New- Year s Gift for a Prime Minis ter; being two Sermons. London, 1774. 8, pp. xvi., 32. SCOTT, William. 16 Lessons in Elocution : . . . 4th American ed. ... Prefixed, Elements of Gesture, with four Plates ; . . . New- York, 1796. 12 (5.4X3.1). 568 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. SCOUGAL, Henry, Prof, of Divinity, Univ. of Aberdeen ; b. 1650. d. 1678. 1 Works, containing the Life of God in the Soul of Man ; with nine other Discourses ... To which is added, a Sermon preached at the Author s Funeral, by G. Gairden. Boston, 1827. 24 (4.4X2.6). SCRAFTON, Luke, Esq. 2 Reflections on the Government of Indostan. With a short Sketch of the History of Bengal, from MDCCXXXVIII to MDCCLVI ; and an Account of the English Affairs to MDCCLVIII. London, reprinted, 1770. 8 (6X3.3). SCRIPTURES (The) and the Arians compar d in their Accounts of God the Fa- 3 ther, and God the Son : a Rejoinder to The Scriptures and the Athana- sians compar d, &c. London, 1722. 8, pp. 28. SCRIPTURES (The) and the Athanasians compared in their Accounts of God, 4 the Father, and of Our Lord Jesus Christ. London, 1722. 8, pp. 22. SEABURY, Samuel, D.D., Prot.-Episc. Bishop of Connecticut , b. 1729. d. 1796. 5 Sermon delivered before the Boston Episcopal Charitable Society, March 25, 1788 ; with Appendix. Boston, 1788. 8, pp. 24, 6. SEAGER, Rev. John, Rector of Welch BicJcnor, Monmouthshire. Translator, &c. See HOOGEVEEN, H. Greek Particles. SEAMAN, Valentine, M.D., Surgeon at New-York Hospital. 6 Dissertation (A) on the Mineral Waters of Saratoga. Including an Ac count of the Waters of Ballston. 2d ed. enlarged. * * * [Map.] New-York, 1809. 12 (4.3X2.6). SEARS, Barnas, D.D., LL.D., Pres. of Brown University ; b. 1802. 7 Thirteenth Nineteenth Annual Report of the Secretary of the Board of Education. See MASSACHUSETTS. Education. SEARS, Robert, a book publisher, of New York. 8 Illustrated Description (An) of the Russian Empire ; embracing its Geo graphical Features, Political Divisions, principal Cities and Towns, Popu lation, Classes, Government, etc., from the latest and most authentic sources. Embellished with numerous Engravings, and Maps . . . New York, 1855. 8 (7.4X4.5), pp. 672. NOTE. Also with illustrated title-page, engraved. 9 New and Popular History (A) of the United States : containing an Ac count of the Topography, Settlement, History, Revolutionary and other interesting Events, Statistics, &c., of each State in the Union. Illus trated with Engravings . . . Edited by R. Sears. * * * New York, 1849. 8 (7.4X4.6), 2 cols., pp. 608. SEASONABLE Antidote against the Poison of Popular Censure : a Letter relative 10 to a certain Right Hon. General. 2d ed. London, 1759. 8, pp. 18. SECCHI, Prof. A. 11 Researches on Electrical Rheometry. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 3.) SECKER, Thomas, LL.D., Archbp. of Canterbury, b. 1693. d. 1768. 12 Answer (An) to Dr. Mayhew s Observations on the Charter and Con duct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Boston, reprinted, 1764. 8, pp. 59. [2 copies.} 13 Eight Charges to his Clergy, and Instruction to the Candidates for Holy Orders. See WATSON, R. (Theological Tracts, vol. 6.) CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 569 SECKER, Thomas, LL.D., continued. 1 Epistola ad Amicum : sive Commentariolus T. Seeker Archiep. Cantuar. memorise sacer. See BURTON, J. 2 Letter to the Right Hon. Horatio Walpole, Esq., written January 9, 1750-1, concerning Bishops in America. London, 1769. 8, pp. 28. NOTE. Compare under BURTON, J. SECONDAT, Charles DE, Baron de Montesquieu. See MONTESQUIEU, C. &c. SECRET Proceedings and Debates of the Convention, at Phila., in 1787, for the 3 purpose of forming the Constitution of the U. S. See YATES, R. SECRETS concernant les Arts et Metiers, . . . Nouv. ed., considerablement aug- 4 mentee. Par une Societe d Artistes. Tom. 1-4. Paris, 1791- 92. 12 (4.7X2.5). SEDAINE, Michel Jean, a French litterateur; b. 1719. d. 1797. 5 Philosophic (Le) sans le savoir, Comedie en prose en cinq actes. Paris, 1766. 8, pp. 58. SEDGWICK, Adam, F.E.S., Prof. ofOeol., Trinity Coll., Cambridge, Eng.; S.1786. 6 Discourse (A) on the Studies of the University. 3d ed. Cambridge, 1834. 8 (5.7X3.2). SEDGWICK, Catharine Maria; b. in Stockbridge, Mass., about 1800. 7 Life of Lucretia Maria Davidson. See SPARKS, J. (American Biogra phy, vol. 7.) SEED, Rev. Jeremiah, Eector of Enham, in Hampshire. 8 Discourses on several Important Subjects. To which are added, Eight Sermons preached at the Lady Moyer s Lecture . . . 6th ed. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1766. 8 (5.7X3.1). [2 copies.] SEGNERI, Paolo, an Italian Jesuit; b. 1624. d. 1694. 9 Quaresimale Vol. 1-4 Milano, 1829. 12 (5.6X3.3). SEGUR, Louis Philippe, Comte DE, a French diplomatist ; b. 1753. d. 1830. 10 Retour (Le) du Mari, Comedie. Paris, 1796. 8, pp. 32. 11 Tableau historique et politique de 1 Europe, depuis 1786 jusqu en 1796, ou 1 an 4 ; contenant 1 Histoire des principaux Evenemens du Regne de F. Guillaume II, Roi de Prusse ; et un Precis des Revolutions de Bra bant, de Hollande, de Pologne et de France. 2de ed., revue et corrigee. *** Tom. 1-3. [Portrait. ] Paris, 1801. 8 (5.3X3). SEGUR, Philippe Paul, Comte DE, a French soldier & historian; b. 1780. 12 History of the Expedition to Russia, undertaken by the Emperor Napo leon in the Year 1812. *** ... Vol.1, 2. [Map.-] (Harper s Family Library, No. 141, 142.) New- York, 1841. 18 (4.5X2.7). SEIDELIN, K. H. 13 Events of the War between Denmark and England from March 30 to April 2, 1801 ; with Map of the Sound. Copenhagen, n. d. 12, pp. 31. SEIFERTH, John. Translator. See GELLERT, C. E. Metallurgic Chymistry. SELDEN, John, Esq., an English lawyer & author ; b. 1584. d. 1654. 14 Mare Clavsvm ; the Right and Dominion of the Sea. . . . "Written at first in Latin. ... * * * London, 1663. 2 (7.7X4.2), m.r., pp. 500. 15 Table-Talk. See SIDNEY, P. The Defence of Poetry. &c. SELECT Journal (The) of Foreign Periodical Literature. Vol. 1, 2 for 1833. 16 Vol. 1, 2 for 1834. ... 4 vols. Boston, 1833- 34. 8 (6.6X3.8). NOTE. Edited by Mr. Charles Folsom and Prof. Andrews Norton. 72 570 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. SELECTION (A) of Fables from the best English Writers, . . . ; including all 1 the Fables of Gay and Moore. New-York, 1798. 12 (4.7X1-8 irr.). SELFRIDGE, Thomas Oliver, of Boston ; d. 1815. 2 Correct Statement (A) of the Controversy between Tho. O. Selfridge and Benj. Austin ; with a brief Account of the Catastrophe in State Street, Boston, August 4, 1806. Charlestown, 1807. 8, pp. 52. SEMPLE, J. W. 3 Kant s Metaphysic of Ethics ; translated, with Introduction, and Appen dix, by J. "W. Semple. See KANT, I. SENECA, Lucius Annseus, a Roman stoic philosopher, son of following ; b. in Corduba, in Spain, about 8 B.C. d. A.D. 65. 4 Annsei Senecee tvm Rhetoris tvm Philosophi, Opera omnia, ab And. Schotto ad veterum exemplarium fidem castigata, Grsecis etiam hiatibus expletis. Tom. 1. . . . Cum Indicibus rerum memorabilium. [Vig nette. ] *** Geneva-, 1626. 8 (5.3X2.9). 5 L. & M. Annsei Seneca Tragoedia?, cum Notis Th. Farnabii. [Embel lished Title-page. ] Amsterdam!, 1645. 12 (4.2X2.5). 6 L. et M. Annsei Senecae Tragoedia9. [Embellished Title-page. ] Londini, 1675. 8 <0 (5.3X2,7). 7 Seneca s Morals, by way of Abstract. To which is added, A Discourse under the Title of an After-Thought. Adorned with cuts. By Sir R. L Estrange. Boston, 1792. 12 (5.4X3). [2 copies.] SENECA, Marcus Anneeus, a Roman rhetorician-, b. in Spain, 61 B.C. 8 Opera omnia. See SENECA, L. A. A. Seneca? Opera omnia. 9 Tragoedia?. See SENECA, L. A. L. & M. Anneei Senecee Tragoediae. SENIOR, Nassau William, Prof, of Polit. Econ. Univ. of Oxford. 10 Political Economy. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitan, vol. 6). SEPTUAGINT (The). See BIBLE, in locis. SERAPION, or SARAPION, Bp. of Thmuis, in Egypt ; d. about 358. 11 Arnobii & Serapionis Confiictus de Deo trino & uno, et de duabus in Christo Naturis. See IREN^US. S. Irensei adversus Gnosticorum Libri quinque, etc. SERENUS SANMONICUS, Q., a physician of the 3d century. 12 Medicina (De). See BURMANN, P. (Poets Latini Minores.) SERGEANT, John, LL.D., an American jurist & statesman; b. 1779. d. 1852. w Select Speeches. Philadelphia, 1832. 8 (6.1X3.4). SERMINI, Gentile. 14 Novelle dodici. See (NovELLE di Autori Simesi). SERMONS. Original and Select Evangelical Sermons by the most pious and 15 eminent, modern, as well as ancient Divines. Edinburgh, 1795. 12 (5.5X3.2). 16 Sermons choisis de divers auteurs, avec un fragment de la Vie de M. Ja- quelot, et une Oraison funebre de la Reine Marie. * * * Londres, 1726. 8 (5.4X3). SERRES, John DE, Prof, of Theol at Nimes ; b. 1540. d. 1598. 17 Generall Historic (A) of France, written by lohn de Serres vnto the yeare 1598. Contynued by P. Mathew to the Death of King Henry the Fourth, in the yeare 1610. And againe continued unto the Peace concluded before Montpellier, in the yeare 1622. By E. Grimston. [Por trait of Louis XIV. Embellished Title-page."] [London], 1624. 2 (10.4X5.9), m. b., pp. 1209, 335+. NOTE Second Continuation has independent paging. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 571 SERVETUS, Michael, the famous Socinian martyr ; b. 1509. put to deatli 1553. 1 Impartial History (An) of Michael Servetus, burnt alive at Geneva for Heresie. London, 1724. 8 (6X3). SESTINI, Benedict. 2 Observations on Solar Spots, made at the Observatory of Georgetown College, Sept. 20 to Nov. 6, 1850. Forty-four Diagrams. Washington, 1853. 4 (8.4X6.7). SEVIGNE, Marie de RABUTIN-CHANTAL, Marquise DE ; 6. in Paris, 1626. cZ.1696. 3 Lettres de Madame de Sevigne, avec les Notes de tous les Commenta- teurs. Tom. 1-6. [Portrait. ] Paris, 1843. 8 (5. 3X3.2). SEWALL, Rev. Edmund Q. 4 Human Depravity. 5th ed. Boston, 1831. 12, pp. 42. 5 Spirituality of Character. Boston, 1836. 12, pp. 48. SEWALL, Joseph, D.D., Pastor of Old South Church, Boston , 6. 1688. d. 1769. 6 Sermon preached at the Thursday Lecture, Sept. 16, 1762, before the General Court, upon the Reduction of Havannah. Boston, 1762. 8, pp. 33. 7 Tender Heart (A) pleasing to God, and profitable to Men ; a Sermon preached on the Lord s Day after the Death of Hon. Josiah Willard, Dec. 6, 1756. Boston, 1756. 8, pp. 22. SEWALL, Gen. Joseph, of Bath. s History of Bath. See MAINE Hist. Society. (Collections, vol. 2.) SEWALL, Rufus King. 9 Ancient Dominions of Maine, embracing the earliest facts, the recent discoveries of the remains of Aboriginal Towns, the voyages, settlements, battle scenes, and incidents of Indian Warfare, together with the Reli gious Developments of Society with the ancient Sagadahoc, Sheepscot and Pemaquid Precincts and Dependencies. [Engravings. ] Bath, 1859. 8 (6.3X3.6). SEWARD, W. 10 Biographiana. ... * * * Vol. 1, 2. London, 1799. 8 (6X3.1). SEWARD, William Henry, Gov. of N.Y., U.S. Sen., Sec y of State, &c.; b. 1801. 11 Freedom in Kansas. Speech, in the Senate of the United States, March 3d, 1858. Washington, 1858. 8, pp. 15, 2 cols. 12 Reaper (The) : Argument of W. H. Seward, in the Circuit Court of the United States, Oct. 24, 1854. Auburn, 1854. 8, pp. 29. SEWEL, William, the Historian of the Quakers ; b. at Amsterdam, 1650. cU726. 13 History (The) of the Rise, Increase, and Progress of the Christian Peo ple called Quakers. . . . Written originally in Low Dutch, and trans lated by himself. 6th ed. ... Vol. 1,2. London, 1834. 8 (6.8X3.9). SEWELL, William G. 14 Ordeal (The) of Free Labor in the British W r est Indies. New York, 1861. 12 (5.6X3.2). SEYBERT, Adam, M.D. ; b. in Phila., 1773. d. 1825. 15 Statistical Annals : embracing Views of the Population, Commerce, Navi gation, Fisheries, Public Lands, Post-Office Establishment, Revenues, Mint, Military and Naval Establishments, Expenditures, Public Debt and Sinking Fund, of the United States of America : founded on Offi cial Documents : commencing March 4th, 1789 and ending April 20, 1818. Philadelphia, 1818. 4 (8.3X6), PP- 803. [3 copies.] SEYER, Samuel, Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. 16 Syntax of the Latin Verb: . . . Bristol, 1798. 8 (5.7X3.1). 572 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. SFORZOSI, Signore . 1 Compendious History (A) of Italy. Translated from the original Italian by N. Greene. (Harper s Family Library, No. 79.) New-York, 1839. 18 (4.5X2.7). SGANZIN, M. J. 2 Elementary Course (An) of Civil Engineering. . . . Translated from the French. . . . With Notes and Applications adapted to the United States. [Plates.] Boston, 1827. 8 (7X4). SHAFTESBURY, 3d Earl of. See COOPER, A. A., 3d Earl of Shaftesbury. SHAKERS. " United Society of Believers in Christ s Second Appearing," com- 3 monly called Shakers. Declaration of the People, commonly called Shakers, shewing their Reasons for refusing to aid or abet the Cause of War and Bloodshed, &c. Albany, 1815. 8, pp. 20. 4 Holy, Sacred and Divine Roll (A) and Book ; from the Lord God of Heaven, to the Inhabitants of Earth : revealed in the United Society at New Lebanon, County of Columbia, State of New-York, United States of America. . . . Part L, II. 2 vols. Canterbury, N.H., 1843. 8 (6.3X3.6). 5 Testimony (The) of Christ s Second Appearing; containing a general Statement of all things pertaining to the Faith and Practice of the Church of God in this Latter Day. ... * * * 2d ed., corrected and improved. Albany, 1810. 12 (5.7X3.1), m. r., pp. xxx., 620+. 6 Testimony (The) of Christ s Second Appearing ; containing a general Statement of ... the Faith and Practice of the Church of God in this Latter Day. * * * 3d ed., corrected and improved. Union Village, 0., 1823. 12 (5.9X3.1), m. r., pp. xvi., 573+. NOTE. The preceding work is commonly known as The Shaker Bible. SHAKESPEARE, William; b. at Stratford-upon-Avon,Warwickshire,1564i. d!616. 7 Complete Concordance to Shakspere. See CLARKE, Mrs. M. V. C. 8 Dramatic Works : with a Life of the Poet, and Notes, original and se lected. Vol. 1-7. Boston, 1836. 8 (6.5X3.6 irr.). 9 Poems (The) of Shakespeare. With a Memoir by Rev. A. Dyce. [Por trait.] Boston, 1856. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). 10 Works. Vol. 1-9. Berwick, 1800. 24 (4.1X2.5 irr.). SHALER, William, American Consul- General at Algiers; b. 1778. d. 1833. n Sketches of Algiers, political, historical, and civil ; containing an Ac count of the Geography, Population, Government, Revenues, Commerce, Agriculture, Arts, &c., of that Country. Boston, 1826. 8 (5.9X3.4). SHANNON, R., M.D. 12 Practical Treatise (A) on Brewing, Distilling, and Rectification, with the genuine Process of making Brandy, Rum, and Hollands Gin, the Lon don Practice of brewing Porter, Ale and Table Beer, &c. . . . , and the making Wines, Cider, and Vinegar; the whole . . . delineated with Plates: with a copious Appendix. . . . London, 1805. 4 (7.3X5. 3). NOTE. In three books, paged independently. SHARP, Abraham. Joint Author. See SHERWIN, H. Mathematical Tables ; &c. SHARP, Granville, an English philanthropist ; b. 1734. d. 1813. J3 Legal Means (The) of Political Reformation, proposed in two Small Tracts, viz. the first on " Equitable Representation." (1777.); the Se cond on " Annual Parliaments, the ancient and most salutary Right of the People." (1774.) To which are added, a Letter in Defence of the CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 573 SHARP, Granville, continued. Eight of the People to elect Representatives for every Session of Par liament. (1780.), and a Circular Letter to the several petitioning Coun ties, Cities and Towns, to warn them against the late Proposition for Triennial Elections. (1780.) 7th ed. London, n. d. 8, pp. 95. NOTE. Each tract has also independent title-page, dated 1780. 1 Representation (A) of the Injustice and Dangerous Tendency of tolerat ing Slavery ; or of admitting the least Claim of Private Property in the Persons of Men in England. ... London, 1769. 8 (6X3.2). SHATTUCK, George Cheyne, M.D. ; b. 1784. d. in Boston, 1854. 2 Three Dissertations on Boylston Prize Questions for the years 1806 and 1807. ... *** Boston, 1808. 8 (6.2X3.5). SHATTUCK, Lemuel. 3 Report to the Committee of the City Council appointed to obtain the Census of Boston for 1845. See BOSTON, City of. SHAW, Francis George. Translator. See ZSCHOKKE, H. The History of Switzerland. SHAW, Lemuel, LL.D., Chief -Justice of Mass. ; b. in Barnstable, 1781. d. 1861. 4 Discourse delivered before the Humane Society of Massachusetts, llth June, 1811. Boston, 1811. 8, pp. 24. SHAW, Peter, M.D., F.R.S., of London; d. 1763. 5 New Practice (A) of Physic : . . . formed on the model of Dr. Syden- ham. ... Vol. 1.7th ed., corrected. London, 1753. 8 (6.4X3.2),m.r. SHAW, Rev. Samuel, A.M., of London-, b. 1635. d. 1696. 6 Works. ... Vol. 1,2. [Portrait. ] Boston, 1821. 12 (5.6X3.3). SHAW, Rev. Stebbing, A.M., of Derbyshire, Eng. ; b. 1762. d. 1803. 7 Tour to the West of England, in 1788. See PINKERTON, J. (Collection of Voyages, &c., vol. 2.) SHAW, Thomas, D.D., F.R.S., Prof, of Greek at Oxford; b. 1692. d. 1751. 8 Travels, or Observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the Levant. [Maps and Plates. ] Oxford, 1738. 2 (10.2X5.8), m.n. 9 Supplement (A) to ... Travels, or Observations, &c. wherein some Objections lately made against it, are fully considered and answered : with . . . additional Remarks and Dissertations. Oxford, 1746. 2 (10.2X5.8), m. n. SHAW, Rev. William, D.D., of Marslifield, Mass. ; b. 1743. d. 1816. 10 Folly (The) and Danger of presuming on Time to Come. Discourse de livered at Marshfield, Nov. 24, 1811, at the Funeral of Six Men who were shipwrecked on the neighbouring shore. Salem, 1812. 8, pp. 20. SHEDD, William G. T., Prof, in Andover Theol. Sem. n Discourses and Essays. Andover, 1856. 12 (5.6X3.5). 12 Lectures upon the Philosophy of History. Andover, 1856. 12 (5.2X3.4). SHEFFIELD, John Baker, 1st Earl of. See HOLROYD, J. B. SHELDON, William. 13 Aerial Navigation and the Patent Laws. Boston, 1850. 8, pp. 46. 14 Comment (A) on the Twenty-third Chapter of the Prophet Isaiah. By . . . [W. Sheldon]. Springfield, 1842. 8, pp. 36. 15 Seventh Vial (The) ; consisting of brief Comments, on various Scriptures, and of Observations on divers Topics. By ... [W. Sheldon]. * * * Springfield, 1849. 8 (6.4X3.9). 574 BOWBOIN COLLEC.E. SHELLEY, Mrs Mary Wollstonecraft GODWIN, wife of following ; 6.1798. cUSol. Editor, and Biographer. See SHELLEY, P. B. Poetical Works. SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe, an English poet ; b. in Sussex, 1792. d. 1822. 1 Poetical Works, edited by Mrs. Shelley. With a Memoir. * * * ... Vol. 1-3. [Portrait.] Boston, 1855. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). SHENSTONE, William, Esq., an English poet; b. in Shropshire, 1714. d. 1763. 2 Works, in Prose and Verse ; . . . With Decorations. * * * 3d ed. Vol. 1-3. London, 1768- 69. 12 (4.7X2.6 irr.). SHEPARD, Rev. George, D.D., Prof, in Theol. Sem. at Bangor. 3 Two Discourses on the Divinity of Christ. Delivered in Hallowell, Dec. 25th and 30th, 1832. Hallowell, 1833. 8, pp. 47. SHEPARD, Rev. Thomas, of Cambridge, Mass. ; b. in England, 1605. d. 1649. 4 Autobiography. See YOUNG, Alex. (Chronicles of Massachusetts.) 5 Parable (The) of the Ten Virgins opened & applied : being the Sub stance of divers Sermons on Matth. 25. 1,-13. . . . Now published ... by Jonathan Mitchell, Minister at Cambridge, and Tho. Shepard, Son to the Authour, Minister at Charles-Town. * * * Reprinted, 1695. 2 (8.5X4.7), m. r. NOTE. Th two parts, paged independently. 6 Works. With a Memoir of his Life and Character [by J. A. Albro]. Vol. 1-3. Boston, 1853. 12 (5.6X3.5). SHEPLEY, Hon. John, LL.D., Judge Supreme Court of Maine. Reporter. See MAINE, State of. Reports of Cases determined in Su preme Judicial Court. Vol. 13-18. 1836- 41; Vol. 20-26. 1842- 47. SHEPPARD, William, Esq. 7 England s Balme : or, Proposals by way of Grievance & Remedy ; hum bly presented to his Highness and the Parliament : towards the Regula tion of the Law and the better Administration of Justice. ... * * * London, 1657. 16 (4.5X2.1). SHERBURNE, John Henry. 8 Life (The) and Character of the Chevalier Paul Jones, a Captain in the Navy of the United States during their Revolutionary War. ... * * * [Portrait.] Washington, 1825. 8 (6.1X3.5). Annotator. See WOOD, J. History of Administration of John Adams. SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley, an English dramatist & politician, son of fol lowing ; b. in Dublin, 1761. d. 1816. 9 Memoirs of the Life of R. B. Sheridan. See MOORE, T. SHERIDAN, Thomas, an actor and elocutionist, of Dublin; b. 1721. d. 1788. 10 Complete Dictionary (A) of the English Language, both with regard to Sound and Meaning : one main object of which is, to establish a plain and permanent Standard of Pronunciation. To which is prefixed a Prosodial Grammar. * * * 4th ed., revised . . . and enlarged. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1797. 8 (7.1X4.1), 2 cols. 11 Course (A) of Lectures on Elocution. New ed. Providence, 1796. 16 (4.9X2.9). 12 Course (A) of Lectures on Elocution. 2d American ed. Troy, 1803. 16 (4.9X2.9). SHERLOCK, Thomas, D.D., Bp. of London, son of following ; b. 1678. d. 1761. 13 Several Discourses preached at the Temple Church. . . . Vol. 1-3. Edinburgh, 1789. 12 (5.5X3). n Trial (The) of the Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus. .[% T. Sherlock. ] ... Hartford, 1804. 24 (4X2.5). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 575 SHERLOCK, Rev. William, D.D., Dean of St. Paul s, London ; b. 1641. d. 1707. 1 Discourse (A) about Church-Unity : being a Defence of Dr. Stilling- fleet s Unreasonableness of Separation. In Answer to several late Pamphlets. Bat, principally, to Dr. Owen and Mr. Baxter. By . . . \W. Sherlock]. London, 1681. 8 (5.5X2.7), m. r., pp. 610. 2 Practical Discourse (A) concerning Death. 21st ed. Glasgow, 1744. 12 (4.8X2.7). 3 Preservative (A) against Popery. London, 1714. 24 (4.2X2.4). SHERMAN, Rev. Henry Beers, Rector of Christ-Church, Belleville, N.J. 4 These Three. Sermon preached at Woodbury, Conn., on occasion of its Bi-Centennial Celebration, July 5, 1859. Woodbury, 1859. 8, pp. 18. SHERMANN, J. 5 Historia Collegii Jesu Cantabrigiensis. Edidit et Notis instruxit J. O. Halliwell. Londini, 1840. 8, pp. 42. SHERWIN, Henry. 6 Mathematical Tables . . . ; with their Construction and Use by Mr. Briggs, Dr. Wallis, Mr. Halley, Mr. Abr. Sharp. [Edited, &c. by H. Sherwin.] London, 1727. 8 (7.6X4.2). SHEW, Joel, M.D., an early hydropathic practitioner ; b. 1816. d. 1855. 7 Hydropathy, or the Water-Cure : its Principles, Processes, and Modes of Treatment. ... 3d ed. New- York, 1849. 12 (6X3.5). SHIELDS, Rev. Alexander. 8 Life (The) and Death of ... Mr. James Renwick : with a Vindication of the Heads of his Dying Testimony. To which are subjoined, The Manner of Admission, or Ordaining of Ruling-Elders, by Mr. James Renwick ; and some of his Religious Letters. ... * * * Edinburgh, 1724. 16 (5X3). SHIMEALL, Rev. R. C., of New York City. 9 Age of the World, as founded on the Sacred Records, historic and pro phetic ; and the " Signs of the Times," viewed in the Aspect of Pre monitions of the Speedy Establishment on the Earth, of the Millenial State, by the Second, Personal, Pre-millenial Advent of Christ : with an Introductory Essay, ... * * * New York, 1842. 12 (5.2X3.3). SHIPLEY, Jonathan, Bishop of St. Asaph s; b. 1714. d. 1788. 10 Sermon preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 19, 1773. Boston, reprinted, 1773. 8, pp. 17. SHIPTOX, James, M.D., of London. 11 Pharmacopoeia Bateana. . . . Huic accesserunt Arcana Goddardiana ; item Orthotonia Medicorum observata : et Tabula Posologica Dosibus Pharmacorum accommodata. Ed. 3tia, cum Appendice. Londini, 1700. 12 (5.2X3.1). SHIPWRECKS and Disasters at Sea ; or Historical Narratives of the most noted 12 Calamities and Providential Deliverances, which have resulted from Mari time Enterprise : with a Sketch of various Expedients for preserving the Lives of Mariners. . . . Vol. 1-3. [Maps.] Edinburgh, 1812. 8 (5.9X3.4). SHOBERL, Frederick. Translator, &c. See THIERS, L. A. History of French Revolution. SHORE, Sir John, Lord Teignmouth, Gov.-Gen. of India, &c. ; b. 1751. d. 1834. 13 Discourse commemorative of Sir William Jones, delivered before the . Asiatick Society, in Calcutta, May 22, 1794. See JONES, Sir W. Works. Vol. 1, pp. i.-xv. 576 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. SHORE, Sir John, continued. 1 Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Correspondence of Sir William Jones. By Lord Teignmouth. [Portrait and Fac-simile.~] London, 1804. 4 (7X5.2), pp. xlv., 531. 2 Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Correspondence of Sir William Jones. By Lord Teignmouth. [Portrait and Foe-simile. ] Philadelphia, 1805. 8 (6.3X3.8), pp. xi., 521. SHUCKFORD, Samuel, D.D., Chaplain to George II. , &c. ; d. 1754. 3 Sacred and Profane History (The) of the World connected, from the Creation of the World to the Dissolution of the Assyrian Empire, . . . ; and to the Declension of the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel, under the Reigns of Ahaz and Pekah. Including the Dissertation on the Creation and Fall of Man. . . . Vol. 1-4. 4th ed., revised, . . . and greatly improved by J. Creighton. . . . Maps and Plans. London, 1808. 8 (5.7X3.4). NOTE This work is introductory to Prideaux s Old and New Testaments connected, &c. SHUMARD, B. F., M.D. 4 Geological Iteport of local, detailed Observations, in the Valleys of the Minnesota, Mississippi, and Wisconsin Rivers, made in 1848 and 1849, under D. D. Owen. See OWEN, D. D. (Geological Survey of Wis consin, &c.) SHURTLEFF, Nathaniel Bradstreet, M.D., of Boston. Editor. See MASSACHUSETTS, Colony and Province of. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth. Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay. SHUTE, Bev. Daniel, D.D., of HingJiam, Mass. ; b. 1722. d. 1802. 5 Artillery-Election Sermon, Boston, June 1,1767. Boston,1767. 8, pp. 43. SIBBS, Richard, D.D., Master of Pembroke College, Cambridge. 6 Saints Cordialls (The) ; delivered in svndry Sermons, preached at Graies- Inn . . . Whereunto is added The Saints Safety in Evill Times, preach ed at Cambridge upon speciall occasions. * * * London, 1637. 2 (8.6X4.8), m. r. NOTE. In eight divisions, with independent title-pages. SIBLEY, John Langdon, Librarian of Harvard College. 7 History (A) of the Town of Union, in the County of Lincoln, Maine, to the Middle of the Nineteenth Century ; with a Family Register of the Settlers before 1800, and of their Descendants. * * * [Portrait of Author. ] Boston, 1851. 12 (5.8X3.4). SlBREE,"j. Translator. See HEGEL, G. W. F. The Philosophy of History. SICARD, Roch Ambroise, Dir. oflnst. of Deaf -Mutes at Bordeaux; 6.1742. d!822. 8 Cours d Instruction d un Sourd-Muet de Naissance, et qui peut etre utile a 1 Education de ceux qui entendent et qui parlent. 2de ed. [Plates.] Paris, 1803. 8 (5.4X3.4). SICHEL, J., M.D. 9 Spectacles : their Uses and Abuses in Long and Short Sightedness j and the Pathological Conditions resulting from their irrational Employment. Translated from the French . . ., by H. W. Williams. Boston, 1850. 8 (6.1X3.4). SIDNEY, Sir Algernon, an English statesman & republican-, 6.1622. exec. 1683. 10 Discourses concerning Government. Publish d from an original manu script. 2d ed., corrected. ...*** London, 1704. 2(9.(>X5.1). [2 copies.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 577 SIDNEY, Sir Algernon, continued. 1 Discourses concerning Government ; with his Letters, Trial, Apology, and some Memoirs of his Life. [Portrait.] London, 1763. 4 (6.5X5.6), m. r., pp. 497, 198. SIDNEY, Rev. Edwin. 2 Life (The) of Rev. Rowland Hill. * * * 1st American ed. New York, 1834. 12 (5.5X3.1 ). SIDNEY, Mary, Countess of Pembroke; b. 1556. d. 1621. Joint Author. See SIDNEY, P. The Psalmes, translated into Verse. SIDNEY, Sir Philip, an English author; b. 1554. d. 1586. 3 Defence (The) of Poetry. By Sir P. Sidney. Table-Talk. By J. Selden. With some Account of the Authors. Cambridge, 1831. 12 (4.7X2.8). 4 Psalmes (The) of David translated into divers and sundry Kindes of Verse, . . . Begun by Sir P. Sidney, and finished by the Right Hon. the Countess of Pembroke, his Sister. Now first printed . . . [Por traits.] [London, 1823.] 12 (4.7X2.2 UT.). Translator. See DuPLESSls-MoRNAY, P. de. A Worke concerning the Trunesse of the Christian Religion. SIEYES, Emmanuel Joseph, Count, or Abbe, a French statesman ; b. 1748. d. 1836, 5 Account (An) of the Life of Sieyes. . . . Translated from the French [of C. E. Oelsner]. London, 1795. 8 (5.8X3.4). SIGAUD DE LA FOND, Jean Rene, a celebrated French physician ; 6.1740. d. 1810. 6 Description et Usage d un Cabinet de Physique experimentale, par M. Sigaud de la Fond. 2de ed., revue, corrigee, & augmentee par M. Rou- land. ... Tom. 2. [Plates.] Paris, 1784. 8 (5.4X3), m. b. 7 Elemens de Physique theorique et experimentale ; pour servir de Suite a la Description & 1 Usage d un Cabinet de Physique experimentale. Par M. Sigaud de la Fond. 2d ed., revue & augmentee par M. Rouland. Tom. 1. [Pot-trait.] Paris, 1787. 8 (5.7X3.3), m. b. SIGONIO, Carlo, an Italian classical scholar ; b. 1520. d. 1584. 8 Repvblica (De) Hebrsebrvm Libri VII, ad Gregorivm XIII Pontificem Maximvm. Cvmlndice ... * * * Francofvrti, 1583. 8 (4.8X2.7). SILLERY-BRULLART, , Madame DE. 9 Legons d une Gouvernante a ses Eleves, ou Fragmens d un Journal, qui a ete fait pour PEducation des Enfans de M. d Orleans. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1791. 12 (4.7X2.6). SILLIMAN, Benjamin, M.D., LL.D., Prof, at Yale College-, b. in Conn., 1779. 10 Visit (A) to Europe in 1851. . . . With Illustrations. Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1854. 12 (5.8X3.8). Editor. See AMERICAN Journal of Science and Arts. SILLIMAN, Benjamin, Jun., son of preceding, Prof, at Yale College; b. 1816. Joint Editor. See AMERICAN Journal of Science, &c. 1838-1862. SILYESTRE DE SACY, Antoine Isaac, Baron, a French orientalist; b. 1758. d. 1838. 11 Chrestomathie Arabe, ou Extraits de divers Ecrivains Arabes, tant en prose qu en vers, avec une Traduction Frangaise et des Notes, a 1 usage des Eleves de 1 Ecole royale et speciale des Langues orientales vivantes j 2de ed., corrigee et augmentee; par M. le Baron Silvestre de Sacy. Tom. 1-3. *** Paris, 1826- 27. Thick 8 (6.3X3.9). 73 578 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. SILVESTRE DE SACY, Antoine Isaac, Baron, continued. 1 Grammaire Arabe a 1 usage des Eleves de 1 Ecole speciale des Langues orientales vivantes ; avec Figures. Par M. le Baron Silvestre de Sacy. 2de ed., . . . augmentee, a laquelle on a joint un Traite de la Prosodie et de la Metrique des Arabes. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1831. 8 (6.4X4.1). Translator. See BIBLE, Old and New Testaments. Le Sainte Bible. SIMMONS, Rev. George F. 2 Who was Jesus Christ. . . . Boston, 1839. 12, pp. 54. SIMMS, Frederic W. 3 Treatise (A) on the principal Mathematical Instruments employed in Surveying, Levelling and Astronomy : explaining their Construction, Adjustments, and Use. With an Appendix and Tables. 2d ed. London, 1836. 8 (6.9X3.9). SIMMS, William Gilmore, of Charleston, 8.C.; b. 1806. 4 Views and Reviews in American Literature, History and Fiction. By . . . \W. G-. Simms]. First Series. New York, 1845. 12 (5.5X3.5). 5 Wigwam (The) and the Cabin. By ... \W. G. Simms]. First Se ries ; Second Series. 2 vols. New York, 1845. 12 (5.5X3.5). SIMON, Johann Christian. 6 Kunst Salpeter (Die) zu machen und Scheidewasser zu brennen. Mit Kupfern. Dresden, 1771. 8 (5.4X3.2). NOTE Compare under COHNETTE, C. M. ; PFINGSTEN, J. H. SIMON, Jules, a French philosopher ; b. 1814. 7 Etudes sur la Theodicee de Platon et d Aristote. Paris, 1840. 8 (5X3.3). 8 Histoire de 1 Ecole d Alexandrie. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1845. 8 (6.1X3.6). SIMOND, Louis. 9 Switzerland ; or, A Journal of a Tour and Residence in that Country, in the years 1817, 1818, and 1819 : followed by an Historical Sketch on the Manners and Customs of ancient and modern Helvetia, . . . Vol. 1,2. Boston, 1822. 8 (6.1X3.5). SIMONDE DE SISMONDI, Jean Charles Leonard, a French historian & political economist; b. in Geneva, 1773. d. 1842. 10 Histoire des Republiques Italiennes du moyen age. Nouv. ed., revu& et corrigee. Tom. 1-16. Paris, 1826. 8 (5.5X3.2), m. d. SIMONIS, Johann, Prof, of Eccl. Hist., &c. at Halle; b. 1698. d. 1768. 11 Lexicon Manvale Hebraicvm et Chaldaicvm ; in quo omnivm Textus S. V. T. Vocabvlorvm Hebr. et Chald. Significatvs secvndvm primitivo- rvm et derivatorvm ordinem explicantvr, . . . variantes Lectiories, qvas Kri et Kethibh vocant, enodantvr, et mvltis deniqve vocibvs locisqve obscvris nova Ivx affunditvr. Recensvit, emendavit, avxit, lo. G. Eich- horn. Ed. 3tia. [Portrait.] Halae, 1793. 8 (6.7X3.8), pp. 1766. SIMPKINS, Rev. John, of Brewster, Mass. ; b. 1768. d. 1843. 12 Oration at Brewster, July 4, 1811. Boston, 1811. 8, pp. 19. 1 3 Sermon preached at the Ordination of Rev. Seth F. Swift, in Nantucket, April 27, 1810. Boston, 1810. 8, pp. 38. 1* Topographical Description of Brewster. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 1st Series, vol. 10.) SIMPSON, Bolton, A.M., of Oxford, Eng. Editor, &-r. $< XENOPHON. Memorabillium Socratis Libri IV. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 579 SIMPSON, Joseph, Esq., of London. 1 Reflections on the Natural and Acquired Endowments requisite for the Study of the Law, and the Means to be used in the Pursuit of it. * * * 4th ed. London, 1765. 8, pp. x., 54. SIMPSON, Thomas, F.R.S., Prof, at Woolwich Academy; b. 1810. d. 1761. 2 Doctrine (The) and Application of Fluxions. . . . Pt. L, II. 2vols. 2d ed. ... [Diagrams. ] London, 1776. 8 (5.6X3.2). 3 Doctrine (The) and Application of Fluxions : containing ... a Num ber of New Improvements in the Theory, and the Solutions of a Variety of new . . . Problems in different branches of Mathematics. To which is prefixed an Account of his Life. The whole revised ... by W. Davis. [Diagrams. ] London, [1805]. 8 (6.5X3.7). SIMSON, Robert, Prof, of Math. Univ. of Glasgow; b. 1687. d. 1768. 4 Elements of the Conic Sections. Translated from the Latin Original, ... [Plates.] New-York, 1804. 8 (5.5X3.2). SlSMONDI, J. C. L. SlMONDE DE. See SlMONDE DE SlSMONDI, J. C. L. SKELTON, John, an English poet; b. about 1460. d. 1529. 5 Poetical Works : principally according to the Edition of A. Dyce. . . . Vol. 1-3. Boston, 1856. 16 (4.8X2.8). SKETCHES of Conspicuous Living Characters of France. Translated by R. M. 6 Walsh. [Portrait of Thiers.] Philadelphia, 1851. 12 (5.5X3.2). SKRINE, Henry, Esq. 7 Tours through Wales. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyages, &c., vol. 2.) SLAVERY. An Address to the Inhabitants of the British Settlements in Ameri- 8 ca, upon Slave-Keeping. Philadelphia, 1773. 8, pp. 30. 9 Remarks on the Demoralizing Influence of Slavery. By a Resident at the Cape of Good Hope. London, 1828. 8, pp. 16. 1 Substance of Speech, intended to have been made on Mr. Wilberforce s Motion for the Abolition of the Slave Trade. London, 1792. 8, pp. 56. 11 Thoughts on the Abolition of the Slave Trade, and the Colonization of Africa. London, 1816. 8 (6.1X3.4). NOTE Imperfect, wanting title-page. 12 Thoughts on the Slavery of the Negroes. London, 1784. 8, pp. 32. 13 Well-spent Sou (The) ; or, Bibles for the Poor Negroes. Translated from the French, by J. Porter. New-Haven, 1830. 8, pp. 16. SLEIDAN, or SLEIDANUS, Johann, LL.D., a German statesman & author, whose real name ivas PHILIPSON ; b. in Sleida, near Cologne, 1506. d. 1556. 14 General History (The) of the Reformation of the Church, from the Errors and Corruptions of the Church of Rome : begun in Germany by M. Luther, with the Progress thereof . . . from 1517 to 1556. Written in Latin ... To which is added, A Continuation to the End of the Council of Trent, in 1562. By E. Bohun. [Portrait.] London, 1689. 2 (10.3X5.3), m. b., pp. 638-J-. SLOMAN, Dr. H. Joint Translator. See HEGEL, G. W. F. The Subjective Logic of H. SMART, Christopher, an English poet ; b. 1722. d. 1771. 15 Eternity (On the) of the Supreme Being. A Poetical Essay. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1752. " 4, pp. 13. 580 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. SMEATON, John, F.R.S., an English civil engineer; b. 1724. d. 1792. 1 Experimental Enquiry concerning the Natural Powers of Wind and Wa ter to turn Mills and other Machines depending on a Circular Motion. And an Experimental Examination of the Quantity and Proportion of Mechanic Power necessary to be employed in giving different Degrees of Velocity to Heavy Bodies from a State of Rest, &c. With five Plates. ... London, 1794. 8 (6.5X3.6). SMEDLEY, Rev. Edward, Fellow of Sidney College, Cambridge, Eng. 2 Annals of France from the Accession of Louis X. (A.D. 1314), to the Death of Henry III. (A.D. 1589). See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 12). 3 Annals of Spain and Portugal during the Xllth and XHIth Centuries. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 12). 4 History (The) of France. Part I. From the Final Partition of the Em pire of Charlemagne, A.D. 843, to the Peace of Cambray, A.D. 1529. ... [By E. Smedley. Map.] London, 1836. 8 (6.8X3.9). 5 History of the Reformed Religion in France. Vol. 1-3. [Portraits. ] London, 1832- 34. 16 (5.3X2.9). 6 Sketches from Venetian History. [By E. Smedley. ~] . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Plates.] (Harper s Family Library, No. 43, 44.) New-York, 1832. 18 (4.5X2.7). Editor. See ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana. SMEE, Alfred, F.R.S., a surgeon, of London. 7 Potatoe Plant (The), its Uses and Properties : together with the Cause of the Present Malady ; the Extension of that Disease to other Plants ; &c. ... Illustrated . . . London, 1846. 8 (6.3X3.7). SMELLIE, William, F.R.S.E., a printer, of Edinburgh; d. 1795. 8 Literary and Characteristical Lives of John Gregory, M.D. Henry Home, Lord Kames. David Hume, Esq. and Adam Smith. To which are added, A Dissertation on Public Spirit ; and three Essays. Edinburgh, 1800. 8 (5.7X3.1). 9 Philosophy (The) of Natural History. Philadelphia, 1791 . 8 (6.6X3.9). SMILES, Samuel. 10 Life (The) of George Stephenson, Railway Engineer. From 4th Lon don Ed. [Portrait.] Boston, 1859. 12 (5.6X3.3). SMIRNOVE, Rev. James, Chaplain of Russian Embassy, at London. Translator. See PLESCHEEF, S. Survey of the Russian Empire. SMITH, Adam, LL.D., Prof, of Moral Philos. at Glasgow; b. 1723. d. 1790. 11 Essays on Philosophical Subjects. To which is prefixed, An Account of the Life and Waitings of the Author, by D. Stewart. Dublin, 1795. 4 (7.4X5.1). 12 Essays on Philosophical Subjects. To which is prefixed, An Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, by D. Stewart. London, 1795. 8 (6.2X3.3). 13 Inquiry (An) into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. ... Vol. 1-3. Newed. Philadelphia, 1789. 12 (5.2X3). [2 copies.] 14 Life. See BROUGHAM, H. (Men of Letters and Science, &c., vol. 2.) 15 Life. See SMELLIE, W. Literary and Characteristical Lives, &c. 1 6 Life, by W. Draper. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Know ledge. Library, &c. Lives, c. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 581 SMITH, Adam, LL.D., continued. 1 Theory (The) of Moral Sentiments. 2d ed. London, 1761. 8 (6.2X3.3). 2 Theory (The) of Moral Sentiments ; or, An Essay towards an Analysis of the Principles by which men naturally judge concerning the Conduct and Character, first of their neighbours, and afterwards of themselves. To which is added, A Dissertation on the Origin of Languages. 9th ed. ... Vol. 1, 2. . London, 1801. 8 (6X3.3). SMITH, Alexander, D.D., of Gariocli, Aberdeenshire. Translator. See MICHAELIS, J. D. Commentaries on Laws of Moses. SMITH, Major Amasa. 3 Short Compendium of the Duty of Artillerists : with Table to find the Distance of an Object ; &c. Worcester, 1800. 12, pp. 56. SMITH, Charlotte. 4 Rural Walks: in Dialogues. . . . Philadelphia, 1795. 12 (4.8X2.7). SMITH, Rev. Eli, D.D., Missionary A.B.C.F.M. at Beyrout, in Syria-, b. 1801. 5 Researches of Rev. E. Smith and Rev. H. G. O. Dwight in Armenia ; including a Journey through Asia Minor, and into Georgia and Persia, with a Visit to the Nestorian and Chaldean Christians of Oormiah and Salmas. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Map. ] Boston, 1833. 12 (5.4X3.3). [2 copies.] SMITH, Rev. Ethan, of Hopldnton, N.H. ; b. 1762. d. 1849. 6 Dissertation (A) on the Prophecies relative to Antichrist and the Last Times ; exhibiting the Rise, Character and Overthrow of that terrible Power : and a Treatise on the Seven Apocalyptic Vials. * * * Charlestown, 1811. 8 (6.5X3.7). [2 copies.] SMITH, G. 7 Laboratory (The) ; or, School of Arts : containing a Large Collection of Valuable Secrets, Experiments, and Manual Operations in Arts and Manufactures, . . . 6th ed. ... Illustrated with Engravings. Vol. 1,2. London, 1799. 8 (6.1X3.5). SMITH, G. H., F.G.S. Translator. See MICHELET, J. The History of France. SMITH, Gamaliel, Esq. 8 Not Paul but Jesus. London, 1823. 8 (6X3.5). SMITH, George Vance. 9 Prophecies (The) relating to Nineveh and the Assyrians. Translated from the Hebrew, with historical Introductions and Notes, exhibiting the Results of Recent Discoveries. \_Map.~\ London, 1857. 8 (5.7X3.6). SMITH, Rev. Henrie. 10 Fovrty Sermons. *** London, 1599. 4 (6.1X3.7), m. r., pp. 595. 11 Fovre Sermons. * * * London, 1599. 4 (6.1X3.7), m. r. 12 Sixe Sermons. *** London, 1599. 4 (6.1X3.7), m. r. 13 Two Sermons; with three Prayers. London, 1599. 4 (6.1X3.7), m.r. SMITH, Henry. Translator, &c. See CRUSIUS, G. C. Homeric Lexicon. SMITH, Henry Boynton. D.D., Prof, at Union Theol. Sem. ; b. 1815. Editor. See AMERICAN Theological Review. Editor, &c. See HAGENBACH, K. R. History of Christian Doctrines. 582 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. SMITH, Horatio. 1 Festivals, Games, and Amusements, Ancient and Modern. * * * With Additions, by S. Woodworth. (Harper s Family Library, No. 25.) New-York, 1839. 18 (4.5X2.7). [2 copies.] SMITH, Hugh, M.D. 2 Letters to Married Women, on Nursing, and the Management of Child ren. ... 1st American ed. Philadelphia, 1792. 12 (5.4X3.1). SMITH, Prof. J. Lawrence. 3 Report on the Minerals and Mineral Waters of Chili. See UNITED STATES. (U.S. Naval Astronomical Expedition, vol. 2.) SMITH, James. 4 Mechanic (The) ; or, Compendium of Practical Inventions ; containing 215 Articles, selected and original . . . ; illustrated by 108 Copper-plate Engravings; with a copious analytical Index. . . . Vol. 1, 2. 6th ed. London, 1824. 8 (6.5X3.9). SMITH, James, D.D. Joint Editor. See SCHLEUSNER, J. F. Lexicon Grseco-Lat. in N. T. SMITH, Sir James Edward, M.D., F.E.S., an English botanist ; b. 1759. d. 1827. 3 Introduction (An) to the Study of Botany. 7th ed., corrected; in which the Object of the " Grammar of Botany" of Sir J. E. Smith is combined with that of the " Introduction ; " by W. J. Hooker. * * * [Plates.] London, 1833. 8 (6.5X3.7), pp. xvii., 504. 6 Sketch (A) of a Tour on the Continent, in the years 1786 and 1787. ... Vol. 1-3. *** London, 1793. 8 (5.9X3.2). SMITH, Jeremiah, LL.D., Chief-Just. & Gov. of N.H.; b. about 1780. d. 1842. 7 Oration on the Death of George Washington, delivered at Exeter, Feb. 22, 1800. Exeter, 1800. 8, pp. 31. SMITH, Capt. John, the founder of Virginia; b. in England, 1579. d. 1631. 8 Advertisements for the Unexperienced Planters of New England or Anywhere. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 3.) 9 Description of New England. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 6.) Life. See BELKNAP, J. (American Biography, vol. 1.) 11 Life and Adventures of Capt. John Smith; by G. S. Hillard. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 2.) SMITH, John, Fellow of Queen s College, Cambridge; b. 1618. d. 1652. 12 Discourse on Prophecy. See WATSON, R. (Theological Tracts, vol. 4.) 13 Select Discourses ... As also a Sermon preached by S. Patrick, at the Author s Funeral : with a brief Account of his Life and Death. 2d ed. corrected. *** Cambridge, 1673. 4 (6.2X3.7), m. r., pp. 512. SMITH, John, Rector of St. Maries in Colchester. 14 Christian Religion s Appeal from the groundless Prejudices of the Scep- tick to the Bar of Common Reason. ... * * * London, 1675. 2 (9.3X4.6). SMITH, John. is Designed End (A) to the Socinian Controversy : or, A Discourse to prove that no other person but the Father of Christ is God Most High. First published in 1695. London, 1793. 12, pp. xii., 64. SMITH, John, D.D., of Campbelton. 16 General View of the Agriculture of the County of Argyll ; with Obser vations on the Means of its Improvement. Drawn up for . . . the Board of Agriculture, &c. [Plates. ] Edinburgh, 1798. 8 (6.3X3. 5). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 583 SMITH, John, D.I)., Prof, of Languages at Dartmouth College; b. 1752. d. 1809. 1 Grammar (A) of the Greek Language : . . . * * * Boston, 1809. 12 (5.8X3.4). 2 Newhampshire Latin Grammar (The) ; . . . Boston, 1802. 12 (5.7X3.3). SMITH, Rev. John, of Salem, N.H. 3 Vindication (A) of the Sentiments and Practice of those, who believe in God s Everlasting Covenant, and apply the Seal to their Infant Off spring; in six Sermons, on Romans, iv. 11-12. Exeter, 1812. 12 (5.6X3.2). SMITH, John Gordon, M.D., Prof, of Med. Jurisp. Univ. of London. 4 Claims (The) of Forensic Medicine ; being an Introductory Lecture de livered in the University of London, May 11, 1829. London, 1829. 8, pp. 28, SMITH, John Pye, D.D., LL.D., F.R.S., of Homerton, Eng. . b. 1774. d. 1831. 5 Four Discourses on the Sacrifice and Priesthood of Jesus Christ ; and on Atonement and Redemption. *** London, 1828. 8 (6.2X3.5). 6 Introduction to Hitchcock s Elementary Geology. See HITCHCOCK, E. SMITH, Peter, A.M., a teacher of composition, &c. at Edinburgh. 7 Practical Guide (A) to the Composition and Application of the English Language;... Edinburgh, 1824. 12 (5.5X3.2). SMITH, Samuel Stanhope, D.D., Pres. of Princeton College; b. 1750. d. 1819. 8 Sermon on Slander, delivered at the Church in Brattle-Street, Boston, October 24, 1790. Boston, 1791. 8, pp. 22. SMITH, Sydney, an English divine & author ; b. 1771. d. 1845. 9 Elementary Sketches of Moral Philosophy, delivered at the Royal In stitution, in 1804, 1805, and 1806. New York. 1850. 12 (5.8X3.3). 10 Memoir of Rev. Sidney Smith, by his Daughter, Lady Holland, with a Selection from his Letters. See HOLLAND, S. S., Lady. 11 Works. . . . New York, 1844. 8 (8X4.9), 2 cols. SMITH, Sir Thomas, Kt., D.C.L., an Engl. scholar & statesman ; 6.1515. d.1577. 1 2 Life of Sir Thomas Smith. See STRYPE, J. SMITH, Ilev. Thomas, first minister of Portland; b. 1702. d. 1795. 13 Journal of; with Biographical Notice, &c. See WILLIS, W. SMITH, Eev. Thomas. Translator, &c. See VINET, A. Studies on Pascal. SMITH, Thomas Southwood, M.D., an English physician ; b. 1790. d. 1861. l * Animal Physiology. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Know ledge. Library, &c. (Natural Philosophy, vol. 4.) SMITH, William, D.D., Dean of Chester; b. 1711. d. 1787. Translator. See THUCYDIDES. History of Peloponnesian War. Translator, &c. See LONGINUS, D. C. Longinus on the Sublime. SMITH, William, D.D., Provost of Univ. of Penn. ; b. in Scotl., 1727. d. 1803. 15 Sermon on the Present Situation of American Affairs ; preached in Christ Church, June 23, 1775, before the Officers of the Third Battalion of the City of Philadelphia. London, reprinted, 1775. 8, pp. 24. SMITH, Hon. William, LL.D., of Charleston, S.C. 16 Oration, delivered in Charleston, S. C., 4th July, 1796, before the Ameri can Revolution Society, &c. Charleston, n. d. 8, pp. 40.. 5 84 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. SMITH, William, LL.D., Prof of Languages, New College, London; b. 1814. 1 Dictionary (A) of the Bible ; comprising its Antiquities, Biography, Geography, and Natural History. Edited by W. Smith. . . . Vol.1. A Juttah. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1860. 8 (7.7X4.3), 2 cols. 2 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Edited by W. Smith. Illustrated by numerous Engravings on Wood. 2d ed., improved and enlarged. Boston, 1849. 8 (7.5X4.4), 2 cols., pp. 1293. 3 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Edited by W. Smith. * * * Illustrated by numerous Engravings on Wood. ... Vol. 1-3. Boston, 1849. Thick 8 (7.5X4.4), 2 cols. 4 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. Edited by W. Smith. ... Vol. 1. Abacaenum Hytanis. 2. labadius Zymethus. Illustrated by numerous Engravings on Wood. Boston, 1854, 57. Thick 8 (7.5X4.3), 2 cols. 5 History (A) of Greece, from the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest ; with Supplementary Chapters on the History of Literature and Art. With Notes, and a Continuation to the Present Time, by C. C. Felton. [Engravings.] Boston, 1855. 8 (6.8X4), pp. xxxi., 670. 6 Latin-English Dictionary (A), based upon the Works of Forcellini and Freund. London, 1855. 8 (8.1X4.6), 3 cols., pp. 1212. SMITH, William, of Edinburgh. 1 Memoir of Fichte. eeFiCHTE, J. G. Popular Works. Vol. 1, pp. 3-168. Translator. See FICHTE, J. G. Popular Works. SMITHSONIAN Institution, at Washington, D.C.; organized 1846. 8 Annual Report (Fourth Thirteenth) of Board of Regents of Smith sonian Institution, for 1849-1859. See UNITED STATES. Misc. Doc s. 9 Directions for collecting, preserving, and transporting Specimens of Natural History. Prepared for S. I. Washington, 1859. 8, pp. 40. 1 Report to the Smithsonian Institution, on the History of the Discovery of Neptune. By B. A. Gould, jr. Washington, 1850. 8, pp. 56. 11 Report of Hon. James Meacham, of the Special Committee of the Board of Regents, on the Distribution of the Income of the Smithsonian Fund, &c. Washington, 1854. 8, pp. 63. 12 Report of the Organization Committee of the Smithsonian Institution : with the Resolutions adopted by the Board of Regents ; also, the Will of the Testator, the Act accepting the Bequest, &c. Washington, 1847. 8, pp. 32. 13 Report of the Special Committee of the Board of Regents on the Dis tribution of the Income of the Smithsonian Fund, &c. Washington, 1854. 8, pp. 21. 14 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. 1-13. * * * [Plates and Engravings.] Washington, 1848- 62. 4 (8.6X5.8). NOTE Each article has half-title, and independent paging. 15 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Contributions. Vol. 1-4. * * * [Engrav ings.] Washington, 1-862. 8 (6.4X3.6). NOTE. Each article has independent title-page, and independent paging. SMOLLET, Tobias, M.D., a British author; b. 1721. d. 1771. 1 Complete History (A) of England, deduced from the Descent of Julius Csesar, to the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle, 1748. . . . Vol. 1-4. * * * [Map and Frontispieces.] London, 1757- 5S. 4 (7.8X5.1), m. r. CATALOGUE OF THE LIIMIAUY. 585 SMOLLET, Tobias, M.D., continued. 1 History (The) and Adventures of an Atom. [A Political Satire. By T. Smollet.] ... Vol. 1, 2. Dublin, 1769. 12 (5X2.6). SMYTH, Charles Piazzi, F.R.S., &c., Prof, of Astron., Univ. of Edinburgh. 2 Astronomical Observations at Edinburgh. Vol. 6-10, by T. Henderson, reduced and edited by C. P. Smyth; Vol. 11 by C. P. Smyth. See GREAT BRITAIN. Observations at Royal Observatories. SMYTH, Egbert Coffin, Collins Prof, of Religion in Boivdoin College; b. 1829. 3 Our Country not forsaken of God. Sermon preached to the Students of Bowdoin College, June 23, 1861. Brunswick, 1861. 8, pp. 26. 4 Three Discourses upon the Religious History of Bowdoin College, during the Administrations of Presidents M Keen, Appleton, & Allen. Brunswick, 1858. 8, pp. 80. SMYTH, James Carmichael, M.D., F.R.S., of London. 5 Effect (The) of Nitrous Vapour, in preventing and destroying Conta gion ; ascertained from . . . Trials made chiefly by Surgeons of Her Majesty s Navy . . . : with an Introduction respecting the Nature of the Contagion which produces the Jail or Hospital Fever ; . . . London, 1799. 8 (6X3.3). Editor. See STARK, W. Works. SMYTH, William, Prof, of Modern Hist., Univ. of Cambridge. 6 Lectures on History. Second and concluding Series. On the French Revolution. ... Vol. 1-3. Cambridge, 1840. 8 (6.5X3.6). 7 Lectures on Modern History from the Irruption of the Northern Na tions to the Close of the American Revolution. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Cambridge, 1840. 8 (6.4X3.8). 8 Lectures on Modern History, from the Irruption of the Northern Na tions to the Close of the American Revolution. . . . Vol. 1, 2. From 2cl London Edition, with a Preface, List of Books on American History, &c., by J. Sparks. Cambridge, Mass., 1846. 8 (6.6X3.6). SMYTH, William, Prof, of Math., Bowd. Coll. ; b. at Pittston, 1797. 9 Elementary Algebra: for the use of Schools. 21st ed. Portland, 1860. 12 (5.1X3.2). 10 Elements of Analytical Geometry. Boston, 1855. 12 (5.5X3.6). 11 Elements of Differential and Integral Calculus. [Diagrams.] 2d ed. Portland, 1859. 12 (5.7X3.6). 12 Elements of Plane Trigonometry, Surveying and Navigation. [Dia grams and Logarithmic Tables. ] Portland, [1855]. 12 (6X3.7). 13 Treatise (A) on Algebra, for the use of Schools and Colleges. Portland, 1859. 8 (6.1X3.6). SNELL, Rev. Thomas, of North-Brookfield, Mass. 14 Election Sermon, May 28, 1817. Boston, 1817. 8, pp. 26. 15 Sermon delivered before the General Association of Massachusetts Pro per, June, 1814. Boston, 1814. 8, pp. 22. SNOWDON, James Ross, Director of U.S. Mint at Phila. 16 Description (A) of Ancient and Modern Coins, in the Cabinet Collection of the Mint of the United States. [Plates.] Philadelphia, 1860. 8 (6.8X3.9). SOBRINO, Francois. J ? Grammaire nouvelle Espagnole et Frangoise. Nouv. ed., revue & cor- rigee . . . Avignon, 1801. 8 (5.7X3.1), pp. 624. 74 586 BOWIJ01N COLLEGE. SOCIETE de la Paix de Geneve. Recueil de Lettres adressees aux Archives de 1 la Societe de la Paix par son President. Geneve, 1832. 8 (5. 8X3.5). SOCIETY of Arts, and of the Institutions in Union. The Journal of the Society 2 of Arts, and of the Institutions in Union. Vol. 1-10. . . . [Engrav ings.] London, 1853- 62. 8 (8.3X5.5), 2 cols. SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. NOTE. For other publications of this Society, which also belong 1 to the following series, Library of Useful Knowledge, see BUSK, M. M. History of Spain and Portugal ; HOP- KINS,W., Esq Elements of Trigonometry ; JONES, D On the Value of Annuities, &c.; MALKIN, F. History of Greece ; SMEDLEY, E History of France; VAUGHAN, 11. History of England; WADDINGTON, G. A History of the Church; WAUD, S. W. Al gebraic Geometry. Library of Useful Knowledge. Geometry, Plane, Solid, and Spherical, in 3 six books. . . . [With] the Theory of Projection, so far as it is auxilia ry to Geometry ; with an Account of the Plane Sections of the Cone and Cylinder, . . . [Diagrams. ] London, 1830. 8 (7. 3X4.1), 2 cols. 4 Lives of Eminent Persons ; consisting of Galileo [by J. E. D. Bethune], Kepler [by J. E. D. Bethune], Newton [by J. *B. Biot, translated by H. Elphinstone], Mahomet [by J. A. Roebuck], Wolsey [by Mrs. A. T. Thomson ], Sir E. Coke [by E. P. Burke ], Lord Somers [by D. Jar- dine ], Caxton [by Stephensori], Blake [by J. Gorto?i~\, Adam Smith [by W. Draper], [Carsten] Niebuhr [by Mrs S. Austin], Sir C. Wren [by H. B. Ker], and Michael Angelo [Buonarotti, by T. Roscoe]. . . . London, 1833. 8 (7.3X4.1), 2 cols. NOTE. These Lives are paged independently. Originally published separately. 5 Maps of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1844. 2 (14.3XH.6). 6 Mathematics. I. Studies and Difficulties of Mathematics [by A. De Morgan]. Arithmetic and Algebra [by A. De Morgan}. Examples of the Processes of Arithmetic and Algebra [by A. De Morgan]. London, 1836. 8 (7.3X4.1), 2 cols. NOTE. Each treatise is paged independently. Originally published separately. 7 Natural Philosophy. I.-IV. ... 4 vols. [Engravings.] London, 1829- 38. 8 (7.3X4.1), 2 cols. NOTE. Appended to each of the first three volumes is an Explanation of Scientific Terms and an Index, by D. Booth, and to the fourth volume an Analytical Index. The treatises which make up the volumes are anonymous, and were at first published separately, and all have independent pagings and several have independent title- pages. Cross-references are made in the Catalogue from the respective authors. SOCIETY for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, London. * List of the Society, March 25, 1761. London, 1761. 8, pp. 54. 9- List of the Society, June 6, 1770. London, 1770. 8, pp. 59. 10 Premiums offered by the Society in 1761. London, 1761. 8, pp. 62. 11 Premiums offered by the Society in 1762. London, 1762. 8, pp. 44. 12 Premiums offered by the Society in 1768. London, 1768. 8, pp. 34. 13 Premiums offered by the Society in 1770. London, 1770. 8, pp. 40. 14 Premiums offered by the Society in 1771. London, 1771. 8, pp. 43. J5 Rules and Orders of the Society. London, 1778. 8, pp. 34. 16 Rules and Orders of the Society. London, 1784. 8, pp. 27. 17 Transactions . . . Vol. 7, 9. London, 1789/91. 8 (5.3X3.1). SOCIETY for Philosophical Experiments and Conversations, London. Minutes 18 of the Society, &c. See HIGGINS, B. SOCIETY for promoting Medical Knowledge, London. Medical Communications. 19 Vol. 1, 2. [Plates.] London, 1784/85. 8 (6X3.3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 58 SOCIETY for the Promotion of Permanent and Universal Peace, London. 1 Examination of the Principles which are considered to support the Prac tice of War. By a Lady. 2d ed. London, 1826. 8, pp. 32. 2 First Annual Report, for 1817. London, n. d. 8, pp. 16. 3 Second Annual Report, for 1818. London, n. d. 8, pp. 22. 4 Third Annual Report, for 1819. London, n. d. 8, pp. 16. 5 Fourth Annual Report, for 1820. London, n. d. 8, pp. 16. 6 Fifth Annual Report, for 1821. London, n. d. 8, pp. 24. 7 Sixth Annual Report, for 1822. London, n. d. 8, pp. 40. 8 Seventh Annual Report, for 1823. London, 1823. 8, pp. 32. 9 Eighth Annual Report, for 1824. London, 1824. 8, pp. 58. 1 Ninth Annual Report, for 1825. London, 1825. 8, pp. 48. n Tenth Annual Report, for 1826. London, 1826. 8, pp. 32. 12 Eleventh Annual Report, for 1827. London, 1827. 8, pp. 40. 13 Twelfth Annual Report, for 1828. London, 1828. 8, pp. 32. 1 4 Seventeenth Annual Report, for 1833. London, 1833. 8, pp. 67. SOCIETY for propagating the Gospel among the Indians, &c., in North America. 15 Report of Select Committee, Nov. 2, 1826. Cambridge, 1826. 8, pp. 22. 16 Report of Select Committee, Nov. 3, 1831. Boston, 1831. 8, pp. 20. 17 Report of Select Committee, Nov. 1, 1832. Boston, 1832. 8, pp. 28. 18 Report of Select Committee, Nov. 7, 1833. Boston, 1833. 8, pp. 23. 19 Report of Select Committee, Nov. 5, 1840. Boston, 1840. 8, pp. 24. 20 Report of Select Committee, Nov. 3, 1855. Boston, 1856. 8 (6.5X3. 7). SOCRATES, a Greek philosopher ; b. at Athens, 469 B.C. d. by poison, 399 B.C. 21 Life of Socrates, by C. J. Blomfield. See (ENCYCLOP. Metrop., vol. 9). 22 Memoirs of Socrates. See XENOPHON. 23 Memorabilia of Socrates. See XENOPHON. 24 Socrates and Jesus compared. See PRIESTLEY, J. SOCRATES, the scholastic, of Constantinople ; lived about 440. 25 Ecclesiastica Historia. See (ECCLESIASTICAE Historiae Avtores). 2 6 Ecclesiastical History of Socrates, translated by Hanmer. See ANCIENT Ecclesiasticall Histories, &c.; AVNCIENT Ecclesiasticall Histories, &c. 2 ? Ecclesiastical History, translated and abridged. See PARKER, S. SOLER, Mariano Cubi y. 28 New Spanish Grammar (A), adapted to every class of learners. 4th ed., revised, &c. Baltimore, 1828. 12 (5.3X3.2), pp. 542. SOLOMON Ben Alma, a Spanish physician & rabbi, of the 9th century. 29 Historia Judaica. Res Judseorum ab eversa JEde Hierosolymitana, ad hsec fere tempora usque, complexa. De Hebrseo in Latinum versa a G. Gentio. * * * Amstelodami, 1651. 4 (5. 9X4). SOMERS, or SOMMERS, John, Lord, an Engl. jurist & statesman ; b. 1650. d. 1716. 30 Judgment (The) of Whole Kingdoms and Nations, concerning the Rights, Powers, and Prerogative of Kings, and the Rights, Privileges, & Properties of the People : shewing the Nature of Government in gen eral, both from God and Man. ... By Lord Sommers. 12th ed., corrected. Newport, R. L, 1774. 8 (6.7X3.5). [2 copies.] NOTE. This tract, though printed with the name of Lord Somers, is said not to have been written by him. It has been attributed to Daniel De Foe, and to John Dunton. 3 1 Life of Lord Somers, by D. Jardine. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. Lives of Eminent Persons ; &c. SOMERS Mutiny (The). See CRUISE (The) of the Somers, &rc. 588 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. SOMERVILLE, Mrs. Mary, a British physicist ; b. at Jedburgh, about 1796. 1 Connection (On the) of the Physical Sciences. 2d ed. [Plates. ] London, 1835. 12 (5.2X2.8). 2 Mechanism of the Heavens. By Mrs. Somerville. [Plates. ] London, 1831. 8 (6.4X3.7), pp. 621. NOTE. This work is a summary of LAPLACE S Mecanique celeste. SOMERVILLE, Robert, Esq., M.D., of Haddington. 3 General View of the Agriculture of East Lothian ; drawn up for . . . the Board of Agriculture, &c., from the Papers of the late R. Somer- ville. *** [Map. ] London, 1805. 8 (6.1X3.3). SONNINI DE MANONCOURT, Charles Nicolas Sigisbert, a French traveller & naturalist-, b. 1751. d. 1812. 4 Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt : undertaken by order of the Old Government of France ; by C. S. Sonnini. Illustrated with forty En gravings ; . . . Translated from the French, by H. Hunter. . . . Vol. 1-3. London, 1799. 8 (5.9X3.3). 5 Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt : undertaken by order of the Old Government of France ; by C. S. Sonnini. Illustrated by Engravings, . . . Translated from the French [by H. Hunter ]. * * * London, 1800. 4 (7X4.9), pp. 730+. SONNTAG, August. 6 Observations on Terrestrial Magnetism in Mexico. Conducted under the direction of Baron von Miiller; with Notes and Illustrations of the Volcano Popocatepetl, and its Vicinity. Pp. 92, and one Plate. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 11.) SOPHOCLES, a Greek tragic poet; b. 496 or 495 B.C. d. probably in 406 B.C. 7 Sophokles. [Greek.] Erklaert von F. W. Schneidewin. Brendchen 1 : Allgemeine Einleitung. Aias. Philoktetes. 2 : Oedipus Tyrannos. 3 : Oedipus auf Kolonos. 4: Antigone. 5: Elektra. 6: Trachinierinnen. 3te auflage. 2 vols. Berlin, 1855- 58. 8 (5.9X3.6). 8 Theatre de Sophocle, traduit en entier, avec des Remarques et un Examen de chaque Piece ; precede d un Discours sur les difficultes qui se rencon- trent dans la traduction des Poetes tragiques Grecs, & d une Vie de So phocle. Par M. de Rochefort. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1788. 8 (5. 5X3.3). 9 Tragedies (The) of Sophocles, from the Greek. [Translated] by T. Francklin. New ed. With a Dissertation on Ancient Greek Tragedy, and a Plan of the Construction of the Greek Theatre. London, 1793. 8 (6X3.4 irr.). 30 Tragoediae septem [Greek] : nova Versione donatse Scholiisque veteribus illustratse ; accedunt Nota? perpetuse, et varia? Lectiones, opera T. John son. Accessere etiam Notre selector et Emendationes ex Codd. variorum doctorum virorum, nuper editis. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Etonre, 1799. 8 (6.1 irr. X 3.8 irr.). 11 Tragoedisc septem. [Greek.] Cum Animadversionibus S. Musgravii. Accedunt, praeter variantes Lectt. Editionum optimarum, Sophoclis Fragmenta ex Editione Brunckiana. Nee non Index Verborum. Tom. 1,2. Oxonii, 1809. 8 (6.1X3.5 irr.). SOPHOCLES, Evangelinus Apostolides, Prof, of Greek in Harvard College. 12 Romaic Grammar (A), accompanied by a Chrestomathy, with a Vocabu lary. Hartford, 1842. 12 (5.8X3.4). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 589 SOPWITH, T., a surveyor, of London. 1 Treatise (A) on Isometrical Drawing, as applicable to Geological and Mining Plans, Picturesque Delineations of Ornamental Grounds, Per spective Views and Working Plans of Buildings and Machinery, and to general Purposes of Civil Engineering ; with details of Improved Me thods of preserving Plans and Records of Subterranean Operations in Mining Districts. With thirty-four Copper-plate Engravings. * * * London, 1834. 8 (5.8X3.3). SOTHEBY, William, Esq. Translator. See VIRGILIUS MARO, P. The Georgics. SOTO, Ferdinando DE, a Spanish officer, the discoverer of the Mississippi River; b. 1500. d. 1542. 2 Account of De Soto. See BELKNAP, J. (American Biography, vol. 1.) SOULAVIE, Jean Louis GIRAUD, a French litterateur; b. 1751. d. 1813. 3 Historical and Political Memoirs of the Reign of Lewis XVI, from his Marriage to his Death ; founded on a variety of authentic documents, furnished to the author, before the Revolution . . . ; and on the Secret Papers, discovered, after the 10th of August, 1792, in the Closets of the King at Versailles and the Tuilleries. Translated from the French. . . . With explanatory Tables, and 113 Portraits. Vol. 1-6. London, 1802. 8 (5.8X3.1). 4 Memoires historiques et politiques du Regne de Louis XVI, depuis son Mariage jusqu a sa Mort. Ouvrage compose sur des pieces authentiques fournies a 1 auteur, avant la Revolution . . . ; et sur les pieces justifica- tives recueilles, apres le 10 Aout, dans les cabinets deLouis XVI, a Ver sailles, et au chateau des Tuileries. Tom. 1-6. [Portraits.] Paris, 1801. 8 (5.4X3.1). SOUTH, John Flint, F.L.S., Surgeon to St. Thomas Hospital, London. 5 Anatomy of the Bones and Muscles. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropoli- tana, vol. 7). 6 Zoology. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitan, vol. 7). SOUTH, Robert, D.D., Canon of Christ Church, Oxford, &c. ; b. 1633. d. 1716. 7 Discourses on various Subjects and Occasions. . . . With a Sketch of his Life and Character. Boston, 1827. 8 (6.3X3.6). SOUTHEY, Robert, Esq., LL.D., an English author ; b. in Bristol, 1774. d. 1843. 8 Book (The) of the Church. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1825. 8 (5.7X3.4). 9 Chronicle of the Cid, from the Spanish ; by R. Southey. [Map of Spain. ] London, 1808. 4 (7.1X5), m. r. 10 Joan of Arc, an Epic Poem. * * * Boston, 1798. 12 (4.8X2.6). 11 Letters from England : by Don Manuel Alvarez Espriella [JR. Southey]. Translated from the Spanish. 1st American ed. New-York, 1808. 12 (5.6X3.3). [2 copies.] 12 Letters written during a short Residence in Spain and Portugal. With some Account of Spanish and Portuguese Poetry. Bristol, 1797. 8 (5.6X3.1). 13 Life (The) of William Cowper, Esq. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1839. 12 (5.6X3.3). 14 Life (The) of Nelson. [Portrait. ] (Harper s Family Library, No. 6.) New- York, 1831. 18 (4.5X2.7). !5 Life (The) of Wesley ; and the Rise and Progress of Methodism. * * * [Portrait.] Vol. 1, 2. New-York, 1820. 8 (7X3.8). 590 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. SOUTHEY, Robert, Esq., LL.D., continued. 1 Memoir of Dr. Watts. See WATTS, I. Horce Lyricae, &c. Pp. xi.-lxxviii. 2 Poetical Works. With a Memoir of the Author [by H. T. Tuckerman]. ... Vol. 1-10. [Portrait.] Boston, 1860. 16 (4.8X2.8 in:.). 3 Sir Thomas More : or Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of So ciety. * * * With Plates. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1829. 8 (5.5X3.3). Editor. See HOMERUS. The Iliad : translated by "W. Cowper. Translator. See LOBEIRA, V. de. Amadis of Gaul. Translator. See PALMERIN of England. SOUTHGATE, Horatio, American Prot.-Episc. Bishop to Turkey. 4 Narrative of a Tour through Armenia, Kurdistan, Persia and Mesopo tamia, with an Introduction, and occasional Observations upon the Con dition of Mohammedanism and Christianity in those Countries. . . . Vol. 1, 2. * * * [Map and Engravings.] New- York, 1840. 8 (5.6X3.2). SOUTHGATE, Rev. William Scott, brother of preceding ; b. in Scarborough, 1831. 5 History of Scarborough, from 1633 to 1783. See MAINE Hist. Society. (Collections, vol. 3.) SOWERBY, George Brettingham, jun., F.L.S., an English engraver, &c.; b. 1812. 6 Thesaurus Conchyliorum, or Monographs of Genera of Shells. Edited by G. B. Sowerby, jun. [Text.] Vol. 1, 2. [Plates.] Vol. 1, 2. 4 vols. London, 1847- 55. 8 (text 6.4X3.7 ; plates 8X5). NOTE This work is continuing. SOWERBY, James, F.L.S., &c., an English naturalist; b. 1757. d. 1822. 7 Botanical Drawing-Book (A) ; or, An Introduction to drawing Flowers according to Nature. 2d ed. [Plates. ] London, n. d. 4 (4.2X6.5). SOZOMEN, Hermias, an advocate at Constantinople ; d. about 450. 8 Ecclesiastical History, translated and abridged. See PARKER, S. SOZZINI, Alessandro, an Italian novelist. 9 Novelle. See (NOVELLE di Autori Senesi). SPAIN. The History of Spain, from the Establishment of the Colony of Gades 10 by the Phoenicians, to the Death of Ferdinand, surnamed the Sage. By the Author of the History of France. . . . Vol. 1-3. [Map.] London, 1793. 8 (5. 8X3. 2). [2 copies.] 11 Papers relative to the Rupture with Spain, 1761. See GREAT BRITAIN. 12 Relation (A) of the Differences that happened in Spain, betwixt Don John of Austria, and Cardinal Nitard. Part L, II. 12 (5.5X3.1). NOTE. Imperfect, Wanting title-page. SPALDING, James 11., Esq. 13 Our Lesson and our Work ; or, Spiritual Philosophy and Material Poli tics. Oration at Semi-Centennial Anniversary of University of Ver mont. See UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT. SPALLANZANI, Lazaro, I Abbe, an Italian naturalist ; b. 1729. d. 1799. 14 Dissertations relative to the Natural History of Animals and Vegeta bles. Translated from the Italian of the Abbe Spallanzani. To which are added two Letters from Mr. Bonnet to the Author. . . . Vol. 1,2. [Plates.] London, 1784. 8 (5.8X3.3). 15 Travels in the Two Sicilies, and some parts of the Apennines. See PlNKERTON, J. (Collection of Voyages, &c., vol. 5.) CATALOGUE i 1 THE LIBHARY. 591 SPANGENBERG, August Gottlieb, a German Moravian divine; b. 1704. d. 1792. 1 Life (The) of Nicholas Lewis Count Zinzendorf. Translated from the German, by S. Jackson. "With an Introductory Preface, by P. La Trobe. *** [Portrait.] London, 1838. 12 (5.8X3.3), pp. xxv., 511. SPANGENBERG, Johann. 2 AnnotationesinEpistolasDominicales. Francofurti, 1570. S(4.5X2.5). NOTE. Imperfect, Avariting title-page. Bound Avith following work. 3 Festis (De) prsecipuis Evangelia, annotationibus pijs & sinceris, per qusestiones explicata. Francofurti, 1570. 8 (4.5X2. 7). 4 Hymni XII. de summis Festibus. Francofurti, 1570. 8 (4.5X2.7 irr.). NOTE. Imperfect, Avanting title-page. Bound Avith preceding work. SPANHEIM, Friedrich, D.D., Prof, of Tlieol. at Leyden; b. 1600. d. 1649. 5 Diatriba Historica de Origine, Progressu, & Sectis Anabaptistaru See CLOPPENBURGIUS, J. Gangrsena Theologica? Anabaptisticsc, etc. SPARKS, Jared, LL.D., Pres. of Harvard College ; b. at Willington, Conn., 178& 6 Addresses at the Inauguration of Jared Sparks, LL.D. as President tf Harvard College. See HARVARD COLLEGE. Miscellaneous. t Continuation of the Autobiography of Franklin. See FRANKLIN, B. (Works, Boston Ed., vol. 1.) 8 Letter to Lord Mahon, being an Answer to his Letter addressed to the Editor of Washington s Writings. Boston, 1852. 8, pp,48. 9 Library (The) of American Biography. Conducted by Jared Sparks. Vol. 1-10. Second Series. Vol. 1-15. [Maps, Portraits and Vignettes.] Boston, 1834- 3S ; Second Series, 1844- 48. 12 or 16 (5X3). NOTE. The volumes of this work have a second general title-page, engraved, and each volume has also independent title-page. Cross-references are made in the Catalogue from the respective authors and subjects. The biography of Ethan Allen (in vol. 1), of Bene dict Arnold (in vol. 3), of Robert Cavelier de la Salle (in vol. 1, 2d Series), of John Led- yard (in vol. 14, 2d Series), of Charles Lee (in vol. 8, 2d Series), of Father Marquette (in vol. 10), of Count Pulaski (in vol. 4, 2d Series), and of JolmRibault (in vol. 1, 2d Series) Avere Avritten by Mr. Sparks. 10 Life of Gouverneur Morris, with Selections from his Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers. By J. Sparks. See MORRIS, G. 11 Life (The) of George Washington. * * * [Portraits and Engrav ings.] Boston, 1844. 8 (6.6X3.7), m.b., pp.562. 12 Remarks on a " Reprint of the Original Letters from Washington to Joseph Reed, during the American Revolution, referred to in the Pam phlets of Lord Mahon and Mr. Sparks." Boston, 1853. 8, pp. 43. 1 3 Reply to the Strictures of Lord Mahon and others, on the Mode of editing the Writings of Washington. Cambridge, 1852. 8, pp. 35. Editor. See AMERICAN Almanac (The), &c., for 1830. Editor. See FRANKLIN, B. Works, Boston Ed. Editor. See NORTH AMERICAN Review (The). Vol. 5, 6, 18-30. Editor. See SMYTH, W., of Cambridge. Lectures on Modern History. Editor. See UNITED STATES. The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution. Editor. See WASHINGTON, G. The Writings of George Washington. 592 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. SPARROW, Anthony, Bp. of Exeter, aft. of Norwich ; I. about 1620. d. 1685. 1 Collection (A) of Articles, Injunctions, Canons, Orders, Ordinances and Constitutions Ecclesiastical ; with other Public Records of the Church of England, chiefly in the Times of K. Edward VI. Q. Elizabeth, K. James, & K. Charles I. published to vindicate the Church of England, and to promote Uniformity and Peace in the same. 2d ed. enlarged. [Plate. } London, 1671. 4 (6.5X4.5), m. b. NOTE. Containing twenty-six publications, with independent title-pages, dating 1 1547-1640. Many of them are printed in 13ladi 3Lcttcr, SPEAR, Charles. 2 Names and Titles of the Lord Jesus Christ. * * * 4th ed. [Frontis piece. } Boston, 1841. 12 (5.6X3.3). 3 Prisoner s Friend (The) : a Monthly Magazine, devoted to Criminal Re form, Philosophy, Literature, Science and Arts. * * * Conducted by C. Spear. Vol. 1-5. [Portraits and Plates. } Boston, 1849- 53. 8 (6.3X3.8). SPECIMENS of Foreign Standard Literature. See RIPLEY, G. SPECTATOR (The): a periodical paper, published in 1711-1713, and written 4 chiefly by Addison and Steele. See (BRITISH Essayists, vol. 5-12). 5 Spectator (The). ... *** Vol. 1-8. Edinburgh, 1785. 12 (5.6X3). SPEECHES of the Governors of Massachusetts, 1765- 75. See MASSACHUSETTS. SPZNCE, William, F.L.S. 6 Agriculture the Source of the Wealth of Britain ; a Reply to the Ob jections urged by Mr. Mill, the Edinburgh Reviewers, and others, against the pamphlet, entitled " Britain independent of Commerce." London, 1808. 8 (6.4X3.4). 7 Britain independent of Commerce. * * * London, 1 807. 8, pp. 85. 8 Radical Cause (The) of the present Distresses of the West-India Planters pointed out ; and the Inefficiency of the Measures which have been hitherto proposed for relieving them, demonstrated : with Remarks on the Publications of Sir William Young, Bart. Charles Bosanquet, Esq. and Joseph Lowe, Esq. ; relative to the Value of the West-India Trade. London, 1807. 8 (6X3.2). SPENCER, Herbert, an English author; b. 1820. 9 Education : Intellectual, Moral, and Physical. New-York, 1861. 12 (5.1X3.1). SPENCER, J. Anthony. Editor. See RITCHIE, W. Differential and Integral Calculus. SPENCER, John C., Esq. Editor, &c. See TOCQUEVILLE, A. C. H. C. de. Democracy in America. SPENCER, Rev. Thomas, of Liverpool; b. 1791. d. 1811. 10 Life of Rev. Th. Spencer. See RAFFLES, T. SPENSER, Edmund, an English poet ; b. about 1553. d. 1599. 11 Faerie Qveene (The), disposed into XII. Bookes, fashioning tAvelve Morall Vertues. *** London, 1609. 2 (7.7X5 irr.), 2 cols. 12 Poetical Works. The Text carefully revised, and illustrated with Notes, original and selected, by F. J. Child. Vol. 1-5. [Portrait and Memoir.} Boston, 1855. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). 13 Spenser and the Faery Queen. By Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. New York and London, 1847. 12 (5.4X3.5). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 593 SPIELMANN, Jacques Reinbold, Prof, of Chem. at Strasburg ; b. 1722. d. 1783. 1 Instituts de Chymie. Traduits du Latin, sur la seconde Edition par M. Cadet le jeune. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1770. 12 (4.7X2.3). SPIERS, A., Prof, of English at National College of Bonaparte, Paris. 2 General English and French Dictionary newly composed from the En glish Dictionaries of Johnson, Webster, Richardson, etc. from the French Dictionaries of the French Academy, Laveaux, Boiste, Bescherelle, etc. ... *** 3ded. Paris, 1849. 8 (7.8X4.8), 3 cols., pp. 716. 3 General French and English Dictionary newly composed from the French Dictionaries of the French Academy, Laveaux, Boiste, Bescherelle, etc. from the English Dictionaries of Johnson, Webster, Richardson, etc. ... * * * Paris, 1849. 8 (7.8X4.8), 3 cols., pp. 615. SPINOZA, Baruch, or Benedict de, a Dutch philosopher ; b. 1632. d. 1677. 4 Opera qvae svpersvnt omnia. Itervm edenda cvravit, Praefationes, Vi- tam Avctoris, nee non Notitias, qvae ad Historian! Scriptorvm pertinent, addidit H. E. G. Pavlvs. Vol. 1, 2. Cvm Imagine avctoris. lenae, 1802, 03. 8 (6.4X3.6). 5 Vie (La) de B. de Spinosa, tiree des ecrits de ce philosophe, et du te- moignage de plusieurs personnes . . . Par J. Colerus. La Haye, 1706. 12 (4.6X2.5). SPIRIT 6 (The) of Despotism. *** London, 1795. 12 (5.5X3). SPIRIT (The) of the Pilgrims, for the years 1828-1833. Vol. 1-6. [Edited by 7 E. Pond. Monthly. ] Boston, 1828- 32. 8 (6.8X3.8). SPOONER, W. C., Esq. 8 Veterinary Art. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitan, vol. 7). SPOTSWOOD, John, Archbp. of St. Andrews ; b. 1565. d. 1639. 9 History (The) of the Church of Scotland, beginning the Year of Our Lord 203, and continued to the End of the Reign of King James VI. [Portrait of Author. ] London, 1655. 2 (10.4X5.4), m. b., pp. 546+. SPRAGUE, Rev. William Buel, D.D., of Albany ; b. in Andover, Conn., 1795. 10 Annals of the American Pulpit ; or Commemorative Notices of distin guished American Clergymen of various Denominations, from the Early Settlement of the Country . . . With historical Introductions. Vol. 1, 2. [Trinitarian Congregational. ] 3, 4. [Presbyterian. ] 5. [Protes tant Episcopalian. ] 6. [Baptist. ] 7. [Methodist. ] 7 vols. [Por traits.] New York, 1857- 61. 8 (7.4X4.1). NOTE. This work will be completed in two more volumes. 11 Discourse commemorative of the Rev. Th. Chalmers, D.D., delivered in Albany, June 27, 1847. Albany, 1847. 8, pp. 47. 12 Discourse delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Bowdoin College, September 5, 1850. Albany, 1850. 8, pp. 44. 13 Lectures illustrating the Contrast between True Christianity and various other Systems. New-York, 1837. 8 (5.7X3.1). 14 Lectures on Revivals of Religion : with an introductory Essay by L. Woods ; also an Appendix, consisting of Letters from Rev. Drs. Alex ander, Wayland, Dana, Miller, &c. Albany, 1832. 8 (6.2X3.7). 15 Lectures to Young People. With an introductory Address, by S. Miller. New- York, 1830. 12 (5.7X3.2). !6 Letters from Europe, in 1828 ; first published in the New- York Ob- sarver. [By W. B. Sprague. ] New-York, 1828. 12 (5:2X3.3). 17 Life of Timothy Dwight. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 4.) 594 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. SPRAT, Thomas, D.I)., Bp. of Rochester; b. 1636. d. 1713. 1 Life and Writings of Cowley. (Prefixed to Cowley s Works.) SPRATT, L. W., Editor of Charleston Standard. 2 Series (A) of Articles on the Value of the Union to the South, lately published in the Charleston Standard. Charleston, 1855. 8, pp. 38. SPRENGEL, Kurt, Prof, of Botany, Univ. of Halle; b. 1766. d. 1833. Joint Author. See DECANDOLLE, A. P. The Philosophy of Plants. SPRING, Rev. Gardiner, D.D., of New York City, son of following. 3 Essays on the distinguishing Traits of Christian Character. * * * Boston, 1819. 12 (4.7X2.8). 4 Essays on the distinguishing Traits of Christian Character. * * * Boston, 1853. 12 (5.4X3.3). 5 Memoirs of Rev. Samuel J. Mills, late Missionary to the South Western Section of the United States, &c. * * * New-York, 1820. 12 (6.2X3.7). 6 Sermon on Death of Dr. Dwight. See (YOUTH S Companion, &c.). SPRING, Eeo. Samuel, D.D., of Newburyport ; b. 1747. d. 1819. 7 Moral Disquisitions : and Strictures on the Rev. David Tappan s Letters to Philalethes. *** 2d ed. Exeter, 1815. 12 (5X3). 8 Sermon, preached at New Haven, before the American Board of Com missioners for Foreign Missions, Sept. 10, 1818. Boston, 1818. 8, pp. 19. 9 Two Sermons, preached in Newburyport, Fast Day, April 6, 1809 ; and a Letter from Rev. S. Aiken. Newburyport, 1809. 8, pp. 36. SPRINT, Eeo. John. 10 Qualifications (The), Work and Reward of Ministers. Sermon delivered at Taunton, May 31, 1705. London, 1706. 4 (6X4), pp. 50. SPRUNER, Karl von, a Bavarian officer ; b. in Stuttgardt, 1803. 11 Atlas Antiquus. XXVII Tabulas coloribus illustrates et alias LXIV Tabellas in margines illarum inclusas continens. Ed. 2da. . . . Gothae, 1855. 2 (13X15.5). SQUIER, Ephraim George, an American archaeologist; b. 1821. 12 Aboriginal Monuments of the State of New York. Pp. 188, and four teen Plates. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 2.) w Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley. With Plates and Engrav ings. By E. G. Squier and E. H. Davis. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. 1. STACKHOUSE, Thomas, Vicar at Berks, &c. ; b. 1680. d. 1752. 14 Abridgment (An) of Bishop Burnet s History of his own Times. [Por traits.] London, 1724. 8 (6X3.4). 15 Defence (A) of the Christian Religion from the several Objections of modern Anti-Scripturists. ... * * * London, 1731. 8 (5.1X2.8), pp. 509. !6 Vana Doctrinse Emolumenta, et varia Studiorum Incommoda. In ser- monem breviter digesta et versu hexametro exarata. * * * Londini, 1752. 4 (7.1X4), pp. 51. STAHLIN, Jacob von, Member of the Imperial Society of St. Petersburg. 17 Anecdotes originales de Pierre le Grand recueillies de la conversation de diverses personnes de distinction de S. Petersbourg & de Moscow. Par M. de Stsehlin. Ouvrage traduit de FAllemand. Strasbourg, 1787. 8 (5.8X3.5). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 595 STAHLIN, Jacob von, continued. 1 Originalanekdoten von Peter dem Grossem. Aus dem Munde ange- schener Personen zu Moskau und Petersburg vernommen, und der Ver- gessenheit entrissen. *** [Portrait. ] Leipzig, 1785. 8 (5. 7X3.3). STAEL-HOLSTEIN, Anne Louise Germaine NECKER, Baroness DE ; 6.1766. d.l&ll. 2 Allemagne (Be 1 ), par Mme de Stael-Holstein. 4me ed., ornee du Por trait. Tom. 1-4. Paris, 1818. 12 (5.2X2.9). 3 Germany; by Madame de Stael. [Translated, ~\ with Notes and Appen dices, by O. W. Wight. . . . Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1859. 12 (5.6X3.4). 4 Influence (De 1 ) des Passions sur le Bonheur des Individus et des Na tions. Par Mad. Stael de Holstein. * * * Lausanne, 1796. 8 (5.4X3.1). STAHL, George Ernst, an eminent German chemist ; b. 1660. d. 1734. 5 Anweisung zur Metallurgie, oder der metallischen Schmeltz - und Pro- bier-Kunst. ... Leipzig, 1720. 8 (5.2X3). 6 Einleilung zur Grund-Mixtion derer unterirrdischen mineralischen und metallischen Corper. ... Leipzig, 1720. 8 (5.2X3). 7 Griindliche und niitzliche Schrifften ; von der Natur, Erzeugung, Berei- tung, und Nutzbarkeit des Salpeters. ... Leipzig, 1734. 8 (5. 1X2.9). STAIR, John, Earl of. See DALRYMPLE, J., Earl of Stair. STALLBAUM, G. Editor, &c. See PLATO. Opera omnia. STALLYBRASS, Rev. Edward. Joint Translator. See BIBLE, The New Testament. The New Testa ment translated out of the Greek into the Mongolian Language. STANDISH, Miles, first military commander of the Plymouth Colony; d. 1656. 8 Life. See BELKNAP, J. (American Biography, vol. 2.) STANHOPE, George, D.D., Dean of Canterbury, b. 1660. d. 1728. 9 Imitation of Christ, by Th. a Kempis ; with Meditations and Prayers for Sick Persons. See KEMPIS, T. a. 10 Paraphrase (A) and Comment upon the Epistles and Gospels appointed to be used in the Church of England on all Sundays and Holy-Days throughout the Year. Vol. 1-4. 5th ed. London, 1732. 8 (6X3.5). 11 Sermon preach d in St. Paul s Cathedral, London, Dee. 7, 1697, at the Annual Meeting of the Sons of the Clergy. London, 1698. 8, pp. 36. 12 Sixteen Sermons. See (BOYLE S Lecture Sermons, vol. 1). Translator. See AUGUSTINE, St. A. Meditations, &c. STANHOPE, Philip Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield; b. 1694. d. 1773. 13 Elements of a Polite Education. Carefully selected from the Letters of P. D. Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to his Son. By G. Gregory. Revised and improved by J. Morse. 1st American ed. Boston, 1801. 12 (5.6X3.1). 14 Letters to his Son, Philip Stanhope, Esq. ; together with his Lordship s Life, and an Account of his Son ; the Art of Pleasing, an additional Series of Letters ; some additional Poems ; and several other Pieces. - . . Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1779. 8 (5.4X3.1). 596 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. STANHOPE, Philip Dormer, continued. 1 Letters to his Son, Philip Stanhope, Esq. ; together with several other Pieces on various subjects. Published by Mrs. E. Stanhope from the Originals. ... 3d ed. Vol. 1-4. [Portrait.] London, 1784. 8 (6.1X3.8). STANHOPE, Philip Henry, 5th Earl, formerly Lord Mahon ; b. 1805. 2 Life (The) of Belisarius. By Lord Mahon. [Map of Roman Empire.] Philadelphia, 1832. 12 (5.2X3). STANIFORD, Daniel, A.M., apparently of Boston. 3 Short but comprehensive Grammar rendered easy and simple by fre quent Questions and Answers. 4th ed. Boston, n. d. 12, pp. 96. STANILAUS, Francis Alexander, Baron de Wimpffen. 4 Voyage (A) to St. Domingo, in the years 1788, 1789, and 1790. Trans lated from the manuscript, which has never been published, by J. Wright. *** [Map.] London, 1797. 8 (5.9X3.5). [2 copies.] STANLEY, Arthur Penrhyn, Canon of Canterbury. Prof. Hist, at Oxford ; 6.1815. 5 Lectures on the History of the Eastern Church With an Introduction, on the Study of Ecclesiastical History From 2d London ed. revised New York, 1862. 8 (6.7X3.9), pp. 551. 6 Life (The) and Correspondence of Thomas Arnold, D.D. 1st American, from 3d English ed. ... New-York, 1845. 12 (5.7X3.2), pp. 516. Editor, Translator, &c. See BIBLE, Portions of New Testament. The Epistles of St. Paul to the Corinthians. STANLEY, Thomas, Esq. ; b. at Herts, Engl., 1644. d. 1678. 7 History (The) of Philosophy, containing the Lives, Opinions, Actions and Discourses of the Philosophers of every Sect. 4th ed. ... To which is prefixed, An Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. London, 1743. 4 (8.5X6), 2 cols., pp. 828. STANLEY, William, D.D., Dean of St. Asaph. 8 Sermon preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 20th, 1708. London, 1708. 4, pp. 26. STANSBURY, Capt. Howard, U.S. Army. 9 Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, including a Reconnoissance of a New Route through the Rocky Moun tains. With Maps and Plates. (U. S. Pub. Doc.) Washington, 1853. 8 (6.6X3.8). STANTON, Henry B. 10 Sketches of Reforms and Reformers, of Great Britain and Ireland. New York, 1849. 12 (5.4X3.4). STANYAN, Temple. 11 Grecian History (The). From the Origin of Greece to the Death of Philip of Macedon. Vol. 1, 2. [Map.] Dublin, 1775. 8 (6.2X3.3), m. b. STAPLES, Stephen McL., A.M. 12 Gramatica completa de la Lengua Inglesa, para uso de los Espagnoles ; con un Suplemento, . . . Filadelfia, 1825. 12 (5.5X3.3). STARK, Major-Gen. John; b. in Londonderry, N.H., 1728. d. 1822. 13 Life, by E. Everett. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 1.) 14 Memoirs of Gen. Stark. See ROGERS, Rob. Reminiscences of the French War, c. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 597 STARK, William, M.D., of London; b. 1740. d. 1769. 1 Works ; consisting of Clinical and Anatomical Observations, with Ex periments, dietical and statical, revised and published from his original MSS., by J. C. Smyth. London, 1788. 4 (6.5X3). STARKIE, Thomas, Prof, of Law, Univ. of Cambridge. ~ Practical Treatise (A) on the Law of Evidence, and Digest of Proofs, in Civil and Criminal Proceedings. With References to American Decisions, by T. Metcalf. 2d American ed. Additional Notes, by E. D. Ingraham. Vol. 1-3. Boston, 1828. 8 (6.6X3.6), m. r. STATE (The) preferable to the Church ; or Reasons for making Sale of the whole 3 present Property of the Church, in England and Ireland, for the Use of the State ; with a View of the self-denying Conduct of the Popish Cler gy in Exigencies of the State. London, 1748. 8, pp. 62. STATE UNIVERSITY of Michigan. Catalogue of the Officers and Students for 4 1858; and its Organization. Ann Arbor, 1858. 8, pp. 61. STATESMAN S Manual (The). See WILLIAMS, Edwin. STAUGHTON, William, D.D., Pres. of Columbia College-, b. 1770. d. 1829. 5 Complete Body of Divinity, abridged by Staughton. See GILL, J. 6 Memoirs of Staughton. See LYND, S. W. STAUNTON, Sir George, Bart., LL.D., an English diplomatist ; b. 1737. d. 1801. 7 Authentic Account (An) of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China ; including cursory Observations made, and In formation obtained in travelling through that ancient Empire, . . . To gether with a Relation of the Voyage undertaken on that occasion . . . Vol. 1-3. [Chart of Voyage.] London, 1798. 8 (5.8X3.2). 8 Authentic Account (An) of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China ; . . . Together with a Relation of the Voyage undertaken on the occasion . . . Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1799. 8 (6.7X3.7). STAVELEY, Thomas, Esq., Steward of the Records of Leicester ; b. 1625. d. 1683. 9 Romish Horseleech (The) : or, An Impartial Account of the intolerable Charge of Popery to this Nation, in an Historical Remembrance of those prodigious Sums of Money heretofore extorted . . . during the Exer cise of Papal Power here. To which is annexed, An Essay of the Su premacy of the King of England. London, 1769. 12 (5.6X2.5), m. r. STAVEREN, Augustin VAN, of Leyden; b. 1704. d. 1772. Editor. See NEPOS, C. Vitae Excellentium Imperatorum. STAVORINUS, John Splinter, a Dutch rear-admiral. 10 Voyages to the East-Indies. Translated from the original Dutch, by S. H. Wilcocke. With Notes and Additions by the translator. . . . Il lustrated with Maps. . . . Vol. 1-3. . . . London, 1798. 8 (6X3.3). STEARNS, Asahel, LL.D., Prof, of Law at Harvard Coll.-, b. 1774. d. 1839. 11 Summary (A) of the Law and Practice of Real Actions ; with an Ap pendix of Practical Forms. * * * Boston, 1824. 8 (6.2X3.5), pp. 528. STEARNS, Rev. John G., of Paris, N.T. 12 Inquiry (An) into the Nature and Tendency of Speculative Free-Mason ry : with an Appendix. To which is added Plain Truth ; a Dialogue ; and the Author s Reasons. 5th ed. ... Utica, 1829. 12 (5.5X3.3). 598 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. STEARNS, Rev. Samuel, of Bedford, Mass. ; b. 1768. d. 1834. 1 Ministerial Fidelity illustrated and urged. Sermon delivered at Milton, Feb. 18, 1807, at the Ordination of Samuel Gile. [Ch., by B. Wads- worth; R.H., by 0. Bates.~] Boston, 1807. 4, pp. 40. STEARNS, William Augustus, D.D., Pres. of Amherst College; b. 1805. 2 Discourses and Addresses at the Installation and Inauguration of W. A. Stearns, President of Amherst College, &c. See AMHERST COLLEGE. STEBBING, Rev. Henry, D.D., F.R.S. 3 Introductory Essay to Cave s Lives of the Apostles. See CAVE, W. Translator. See HENRY, Paul. The Life and Times of John Calvin. STEBBINS, Rev. Rufus P. 4 Address on Peace, delivered Feb. 7, 1836, to the Bowdoin-Street Young Men s Peace Society. With an Appendix. Boston, 1836. 8, pp. 32. 5 Meadville Theological School. Report to the Executive Committee of the American Unitarian Association. Boston, 1845. 12, pp. 16. STEDMAN, John W. 6 Norwich Jubilee (The). A Report of the Celebration at Norwich, Conn., on the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Settlement of the Town, September 7th and 8th, 1859. With an Appendix, containing Histori cal Documents of local interest. [Map, Fac-simile, &c.~\ Norwich, 1859. 8 (6.7X4). STEELE, Joshua, of London. t Prosodia Rationalis : or, An Essay towards establishing the Melody and <** Measure of Speech to be expressed and perpetuated by peculiar Sym bols. 2d ed., amended and enlarged. London, 1779. 4 (7.1X5.4). STEELE, Sir Richard, an English dramatist & essayist; b. 1671. d. 1729. 8 Account (An) of the State of the Roman-Catholick Religion throughout the World. Written for the use of Pope Innocent XL by M. Cerri, Secretary of the Congregation De Propaganda Fide. Now first translated from an authentick Italian MS. never publish d. To which is added, A Discourse concerning the State of Religion in England. Written in French, in the Time of K. Charles I. and now first translated. With a large Dedication to the present Pope ; . . . By Sir R. Steele. London, 1715. 8 (6.2X3.3). 9 Papers in the Guardian. See (BRITISH Essayists, vol. 13-15). 10 Papers in the Spectator. See (BRITISH Essayists, vol. 5-12). 11 Papers in the Tatler. See (BRITISH Essayists, vol. 1-4). Joint Author. See SPECTATOR (The) : &c. STEFFENS, Henrich, Prof, of Nat. Science at Breslau,&c.; b. 1773. d. 1845. 12 Christliche Religionsphilosophie. Th. 1. Teleologie. 2. Ethik. Breslau, 1839. 8 (5.8X3.3). STEINTHAL, Dr. H., Private Instructor of Languages in Univ. of Berlin. 13 Classification (Die) der Sprachen dargestellt als die Entwickelung der Sprachidee. Berlin, 1850. 8 (6.3X"3.7), pp. 91. 14 Entwicklung (Die) der Schrift. Nebst einem offenen Sendschreiben an Prof. Pott. Berlin, 1852. 8 (6.1X3.4). 15 Gesammelte sprachwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Berlin, 1856. 8 (6.7X3.8). 16 Sprachwissenschaft (Die) Wilh. v. Humboldt s und die Hegel sche Phi losophic. Berlin, 1848. 8 (6X3.4). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 599 STEINTHAL, Dr. EL, continued. 1 Ursprung (Der) der Sprache, im zusammenhange mit den letzten Fragen alles Wissens. Eine Darstellung der Ansicht Wilh. v. Humboldts, ver- glichen mit denen Herders und Hamanns. * * * Berlin, 1851. 8 (6.7X3.9), pp. 74. NOTE The preceding- five works are bound together, and lettered " Steiuthal. Abhand- lungen." STEPHA NUS, Carolus, a printer, of Paris, brother of E. S. ; b. 1504. d. 1564. 2 Dictionarium historicum, geographicum, poeticum : Gentium, Hominum, Deorum Gentilium, Regiomim, Insularum, ^Equorum, etc. Nomina, quo decet ordine, complectens & illustrans. . . . Ad incudem vero revoca tion, . . . auctum & emaculatum per N. Lloydium. ... In qua His- torico-poetica & Geographica seorsum sunt Alphabetice digesta. . . . Cui accessit Index Geographicus, ubi hodierna & vernacula locorum Nomina antiquis & Latinis praeponuntur. * * * Londini, 1686. 2 (11.4X6.3), 2 cols., n. p. STEPHANUS, Henricus, a learned printer, of Paris, son of E. 8. ; b. 1528. d.1598. 3 Concordantiae Graecolatinae Testament! Novi. . . . Ed. 2da. * * * Geneva-, 1624. 2 (11.4X6.8), 3 cols., pp. 1006. 4 Nox IV. et V. Atticis A. Gellii Vigiliis invigilate ; cui adjects sunt Stephani in Gellium Conjectural & Emendationes. See GELLIUS, A. Noctes Attica?, etc. 5 Oratio de conjungendis cum Marte Musis, exemplo Xenophontis. See XENOPHON. Xenophontis quae extant omnia, etc. Annotator. See STEPHANUS, R. Thesaurus Linguae Latinae. + Editor. See APOLLONIUS. Argonauticam Libri IIII. Editor. See HERODOTUS. Historiarvm Libri IX. Translator. See XENOPHON. Xenophontis qua3 extant omnia. STEPHANUS, Paulus, a printer, of Geneva, son of preceding ; b. 1566. d. 1627. Editor. See EURIPIDES. Tragoediae. STEPHANUS, Robertus, a celebrated printer, of Paris; b. 1503. d. 1559. 6 Hebraea, ChaldaBa, Grseca et Latina Nomina virorum, mulierum, popu- loru, idolorum, vrbium, fluuiorum, montium cseterorumque locorum, quae in Bibliis leguntur, restituta, cum Latina Interpretatione. Locorum Descriptio ex Cosmographio. Index prseterea rerum & sententiarum quae in Biblio continentur. * * * Parish s, 1537. 8 (5X2.9), m. r. 7 Hebraea, Chaldaea, Grseca & Latina Nomina viroru mulierum, populoru, idoloru, vrbium, fluuioru, montiu, ea?terorumque locoru qua? in Bibliis legutur restituta cum Latina Interpretatione. Index rerum & senten tiarum qua? in iisdem Bibliis continentur. * * * Parisiis, 1538. 2 (12.5X8.5), 2 cols. 8 Hebraica, ChaldaBa, Grsecaque & Latina Nomina virorum, mulierum, populorum, idolorum, vrbium, fluuiorum, montium, caeterorumque loco- rum quae in Bibilis utriusque Testamenti sparsa sunt, restituta, cum Inter pretatione Latina. *** Parisiis, 1532. 2 (12X8.5), 2 cols. 9 Thesaurus Linguae Latinae in IV. Tomos divisus, cui post novissimam Londinensem editionem, complurium eruditorum virorum collectis curis insigniter auctam, accesserunt nunc primum H. Stephani Annotationes. . . . Nova cura recensuit, digessit, ab auctorum citationibus atque in- terpretationibus falsis, interpolationibus supervacuis, mendisque quam plurimis repurgavit, suasque passim animadversiones adjecit Ant. Bir- rius. *** 4vols. Basilia?, 1740-43. 2 (12.8X7.7), 2 cols. Editor. See BIBLE, Old and New Testaments. Biblia Latina. 600 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. STEPHEN, James, Esq., M.P. 1 Speech in the Debate in the House of Commons, March 6, 1809, on Mr. Whitbread s Motion relative to the late Overtures of the American Government : with supplementary Remarks on the recent Order in Coun cil. London, 1809. 8 (6.5X3.6). STEPHENS, Jeremiah. Editor. See GREGORITJS I. Magnus. Liber de Cura Pastorali. STEPHENS, John Lloyd, an American traveller; b. 1805. d. 1852. 2 Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. Illus trated by numerous Engravings. . . . Vol. 1, 2. New-York, 1841. 8 (6X3.3). 3 Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petroea, and the Holy Land. By an American [_J. L. Stephens^. With a Map and Engravings. . . . Vol. 1, 2. New-York, 1837. 12 (5.2X3). 4 Incidents of Travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia and Poland. By . . . \_J. L. Stephens^. With a Map and Engravings. Vol. 1, 2. New-York, 1838. 12 (5.4X3.1). 5 Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. Illustrated by 120 Engravings. . . . Vol. 1, 2. New-York, 1843. 8 (5.9X3.4). STEPHENS, Rev. Lewis, A.M., Archdeacon of Barnstaple. 6 Sermon preach d in the Chapel of Bishop-thorp near York, at an Ordi nation, 25th Sept., 1726. London, 1727. 4 (5.8X3.6), pp. 34. STEPHENS, Thomas. <* 7 Process for making Pot-Ash ; with Plates. London, n. d. 4, pp. 34. STEPHENSON, . 8 Life of Caxton. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. Lives of Eminent Persons ; &c. STEPHENSON, George, the inventor of the locomotive steam-engine ; b. at Wy- lam, in Northumberland, 1781. d. 1848. 9 Life of George Stephenson. See SMILES, S. STERNE, Rev. Laurence, Prebend, of York, &c. ; b. 1713. d. 1768. 10 Chuvstvennoc puteshestvie Sterna vo Phrantsiu. So Phrantsuzskago. Chasti 1, 2. Moskva, 1803. 24 (3.4X2.5). NOTE. The Sentimental Journey in the Buss language. Sermons (The) of Mr. Yorick. \_By L. Sterne. ] . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1794. 12 (5.3X2.8). STERNHOLD, Thomas, Groom of the Eobes to Henry VIII. ; d. 1549. 12 Whole Booke of Psalmes. Collected into English Meeter, by T. Stern- hold, lohn Hopkins, and others, conferred with the Hebrew, with apt Notes to sing them withall. ... * * * London, 1629. 4 (7.6X6.5), 2 cols. NOTE. Printed in Slack ^Lfttrr. Imperfect, wanting from p. 88. 13 Whole Booke (The) of Psalmes : collected into English Meeter by T. Sternhold, lohn Hopkins, and others, conferred with the Hebrew, with apt Notes to sing them withall. ... * * * London, 1647. 12 (5.9X3), 2 cols., pp. 92. STETSON, Eev. Caleb. 14 Domestic Worship. Boston, 1842. 12, pp. 14. 15 Piety at Home. 2d ed. Boston, 1831. 12, pp. 16. STEUBEN, Frederick William Augustus, Baron, a Major-General in the Ameri can Revolution; b. in Magdeburg, Prussia, 1730. d. 1794. ^ Life, by F. Bowen. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 9.) CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 601 STEUBEN, Frederick William Augustus, Baron, continued. 1 Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States, by Baron de Steuben. To which are prefixed the Laws and Regulations for governing and disciplining the Militia of the United States. And the Laws for promoting and regulating the Militia of the State of New Hampshire. [Plates. ] Portsmouth, 1794. 12 (5.1X3.1). STEVENS, Abel, LL.D., an American Methodist clergyman ; b. in Phila., 1815. 2 History (The) of the Religious Movement of the Eighteenth Century, called Methodism, considered in its different Denominational Forms, and its Relations to British and American Protestantism. Vol. 1-3. [Por traits. ] ... New York, [1859- 62]. 12 (6.8X3.2). STEVENS, Rev. Benjamin, D.D., of Kittery, Me. ; b. 1721. d. 1791. 3 Sermon occasioned by the Death of Sir William Pepperell, Bart. ; who died July 6, 1759. Boston, 1759. 4, pp. 24. STEVENS, Henry, Esq., of London. 4 Catalogue of my English Library collected and described. London, 1853. 12 (4.6X2.3). STEVENS, Isaac. 5 Literal Repository (The). ... Stockbridge, 1813. 12 (5X3.2). STEVENS, Major-Gen. Isaac L, U.S.A.; b. 1809. d. 1862. ^ 6 Narrative and Final Report of Explorations for a Route for a Pacific Railroad, near the 47th and 49th Parallels of Latitude, from St. Paul to Puget Sound. 1855. See UNITED STATES. Explorations and Surveys for a Pacific Railroad. Vol. 12. STEVENS, Capt. John. Translator. See VEITIA LINAGE, J. de. Rule for the Spanish Trade to the West Indies. STEVENS, Rev. John H., of StoneJiam, Mass. ; b. 1766. d. 1851. 7 Two Sermons, delivered in Newburyport, February, 1801 : being a Time of Awakening. Newburyport, n. d. 8, pp. 24. STEWART, Charles S., Chaplain U.S. Navy. 8 Visit (A) to the South Seas, in the U. S. Ship Vincennes, during the years 1829 and 1830 ; with Scenes in Brazil, Peru, Manilla, the Cape of Good Hope, and St. Helena. * * * ... Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1831. 12 (5.5X3.1). STEWART, Dugald, Esq., Prof, of Moral Philos. at Edinburgh ; b. 1753. d. 1828. 9 Account of the Life and Writings of Reid. See REID, T. Works. Pp. 1-38. 10 Account of the Life and Writings of Dr. Robertson. See ROBERTSON, W., D.D. History of Scotland, Ed. 1802. Vol. 1, pp. 1-197. 11 Account of the Life and Writings of Adam Smith. See SMITH, Adam. (Prefixed to Essays on Philosophical Subjects.) 12 Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind. 2d ed., corrected. London, 1802. 8 (6X3.5). 13 Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind. 2 vols. bound in 1. Boston, 1818. 8 (7X3.9). 14 Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind. 2 vols. bound in 1. ... Albany, 1821. 8 (6.7X3.9). [2 copies.] 15 Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind. Vol. 3. ... Philadelphia, 1827. 8 (6.3X3.6). 76 602 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. STEWART, Dugald, Esq., continued. 1 General View of the Progress of Metaphysical, Ethical and Political Philosophy, since the Revival of Letters in Europe. [Boston], n. d. 8(6X3.5). NOTE. No title-page. Reprinted from Encyclopaedia Britannica, 7th ed. 2 Philosophical Essays. ... Philadelphia, 1811. 8 (6.5X3.8), pp. 580. 3 Works. ... Vol. 1-7. Cambridge, 1829. 8 (6.8X3.8). STIBLIN, Caspar or Caspar. Editor, &c. See EURIPIDES. Tragoediae, etc. STILES, Ezra, D.D., LL.D., President of Yale College; b. 1727. d. 1795. 4 Life of Dr. Stiles. See HOLMES, A. 5 Life, by James L. Kingsley. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, 2d Series, vol. 6.) 6 United States (The) elevated to Glory and Honor. Connecticut-Election Sermon, May 8th, 1783. New Haven, 1783. 8, pp. 99. 7 United States (The) elevated to Glory and Honour. A Sermon, preached before Gov. Jonathan Trumbull and the General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, convened at Hartford, at the Anniversary Election. May 8th, MDCCLXXXIII. * * * 2d ed., corrected. Worcester, 1785. 12 (5.4X3.1). 8 United States (The) elevated to Glory and Honor. Connecticut-Elec tion Sermon, 1783. See THORNTON, J. W. (Pulpit of the American Revolution.) STILLINGFLEET, Edward, D.D., Bp. of Worcester; b. 1635. d. 1699. 9 Answer (An) to several late Treatises, occasioned by a Book entituled a Discourse concerning the Idolatry practised in the Church of Rome, &c. Part I. London, 1673. 8 (5.5X3), m. r. 10 Bishop (The) of Worcester s Answer to Mr. Locke s Letter, concerning some Passages relating to his Essay of Human Understanding, men- tion d in the late Discourse in Vindication of the Trinity. . . . London, 1697. 8 (5.4X2.8), m. r. 11 Bishop (The) of Worcester s Answer to Mr. Locke s Second Letter ; wherein his Notion of Ideas is prov d to be inconsistent with itself, and with the Articles of the Christian Faith. London, 1698. 8 (5.4X2.8), m. r. 12 Christian Magnanimity. Sermon preached at Worcester at the Time of the Assizes, Sept. 21, 1690. London, 1690. 4, pp. 36. 13 Discourse (A) concerning the Idolatry practised in the Church of Rome, and the Danger of Salvation in the Communion of it : in Answer to ... a Revolted Protestant. ... London, 1671. 8 (5.1X2.6), m.r., pp.573. 14 Second Discourse (A) in Vindication of the Protestant Grounds of Faith, against the Pretence of Infallibility in the Roman Church, in Answer to The Guide in Controversies, &c. ... London, 1673. 8 (5.4X3), m. r. 13 Independence of the British Churches proved from their Carriage to wards Augustine the Monk. See COOPER, C. P. Ancient British and English Churches. &c. 16 Irenicvm. A Weapon-Salve for the Churches Wounds. Or the Divine Right of Particular Forms of Church Government ; discussed and ex amined ... 2d ed., with an Appendix, concerning the Power of Ex communication in a Christian Church. * * * London, 1662. 4 (6.4X3.8), m. r. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 603 STILLINGFLEET, Edward, D.D., continued. 1 Mischief (The) of Separation. A Sermon preached at Guild-Hall Chap el, May 2, 1680, before the Lord Mayor, &c. [of London]. London, 1680. 4, pp. 59. [2 copies.] NOTE. Consult under P., T The Mischief of Impositions ; ANSWER (An), &c. 2 Mysteries (The) of the Christian Faith asserted and vindicated : in a Sermon preached at S. Lawrence- Jewry in London, April 7, 1691. 2d ed. London, 1691. 4, pp. 37. 3 Nature (Of the) of Superstition. A Sermon preached at St. Dunstan s West, March 31, MDCLXXXII. London, 1682. 4, pp. 46. 4 Origines SacraB. Or a Rational Account of the Grounds of Christian Faith as to the Truth and Divine Authority of the Scriptures, ... 3d ed. corrected. * * * London, 1666. 4 (6.1X3.5), m. r., pp. 619. 5 Origines Sacra3 : or, A Rational Account of the Grounds of Natural and Revealed Religion. 8th ed. To which is now added, Part of another Book upon the same Subject, written A.D. M,DC,XCVII. Published from the Author s own manuscript. [Portrait. ] London, 1724. 2 (9.8X7.1), m. r. NOTE. In two portions, with independent title-pages and pagings, and dated 1709. 6 Protestant Charity. Sermon preached at S. Sepulchres Church, on Tues day in Easter Week, A.D. MDCLXXXI. London, 1681. 4, pp. 47. 7 Reformation (The) justify d. Sermon preached Sept. 21, 1673. before the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, &c. 2d ed. London, 1674. 4, pp. 48. 8 Scripture and Tradition compared ; in a Sermon preached at Guild-Hall Chapel, Nov. 27, 1687. 2d ed. London, 1688. 4, pp. 32. 9 Sermon [on Mattli. VII. 15, 16] preached Nov. V. 1673. at St. Margarets Westminst. London, 1674. 4, pp. 50. 10 Sermon [on Hebr. m. 13] preach d before the King, Feb. 24, 1674-5. 2d ed. London, 1675. 4, pp. 44. 11 Sermon preached on Fast-Day ; Nov. 13, 1678. before the Honourable House of Commons. 3d ed. London, 1678. 4, pp. 52. 12 Sermon [on Mattli. X. 16] preached before the King at White-Hall, March 7, 1678-9. London, 1679. 4, pp. 52. 13 Sermon [on Job xxm. 15] preached before the King, Feb. 15, 1683-4. London, 1684. 4, pp. 40. 14 Sermon preached at White-Hall, Feb. 19, 1685-6, being the first Friday in Lent. London, 1686. 4, pp. 36. 15 Sermon [on /. Peter IV. 18] preached before the Queen at White-Hall, Feb. 22d, 1688-9. London, 1689. 4, pp. 36. 16 Sermon [on Eccles. XI. 9] preached before the King & Queen at White- Hall, March 23, 1689-90. London, 1690. 4, pp. 35. I? Sermon [on St. Luke VI. 46] preached before the Queen at White-Hall, March 1st, 1690-1. London, 1691. 4, pp. 37. 18 Sermon [on /. Sam. n. 30] preached before the King & Queen at White-Hall, Nov. 29th, 1691. London, 1692. 4, pp. 35. 19 Sermon [on Eom. vm. 6] preached before the Queen at White-Hall, March 13th, 1691-2. London, 1692. 4, pp. 40. 20 Sermon (A) [on S. John, ill. 17] preached before the King& Queen at White-Hall, Christmass-Day, 1693. . . . London, 1694. 4, pp. 33. 604 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. STILLINGFLEET, Edward, D.D., continued. 1 Sermon concerning Sins of Omission, preached before the King & Queen at White-Hall, March 18th, 1693-4. . . . London, 1694, 4, pp. 32. 2 Unreasonableness (The) of Separation : or, An Impartial Account of the History, Nature, and Pleas of the present Separation from the Com munion of the Church of England. . . . London, 1681. 4 (6.2X3.8), m. r. STILLMAN, Eev. Samuel, D.D., of Boston; b. 1737. d. 1807. 3 Discourse delivered before the Boston Female Asylum, Sept. 25, 1801. Boston, 1801. 8, pp. 18. 4 Oration in Boston, July 4th, 1789. Boston, 1789. 8, pp. 30. STIMPSON, William, M.D., of Boston. 5 Synopsis of the Marine Invertebrata of Grand Manan, or the Region around the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick. Pp. 68, and three Plates. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 6.) STIRLING, Eev. John, Vicar of Great Gaddesden, Hertfordshire. 6 Cursus.Theologicus: . . . 2ded. London, 1746. 12 (5.1X2.8), pp. 96. STOBJEUS, Joannes, a learned Greek of the 5th century. 7 Loci Commvnes Sacri et Profani Sententiarvm omnis generis ex avthori- bvs Greeds plvs qvam trecentis conjestarvm per lo. Stobsevm, et veteres in Graecia monachos Antonivm & Maximvm : a C. Gesnero Latinitate do- nati, & ... Gra3cis ac Latinis e regione positis coniuncti. Adjecti sunt Indices Locorum communium duo . . . Francofvrti, 1581. 2 (11.7X6.4), 2 cols., m. r., pp. 962+. STODDART, Sir John, LL.D. 8 Universal Grammar. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 1). STOKES, W., of Burton-on- Trent, England. 9 All War inconsistent with the Christian Religion, and the Best Interests of Nations ; &c. Newcastle, 1836. 8, pp. 24. [2 copies.] STONE, Eev. Edward, Fellow of Wadliam College, Oxford. 10 Whole Doctrine (The) of Parallaxes explained and illustrated by an Arithmetical and Geometrical Construction of Venus over the Sun, June 6th, 1761. ... [Plate.] Oxford, 1763. 8 (5.7X3.3). STONE, Eev. Eliab, of Beading, Mass. ; b. 1735. d. 1822. 11 Sermon at Cohasset, Jan. 10, 1798, at the Ordination of Jacob Flint. [Ch., by Gad Hitchcock.] Boston, 1798. 8, pp. 23. STONE, Thomas, of England. 12 Essay (An) on Agriculture, . . . Lynn, 1785. 8 (5X3). STONE, Eev. Thomas T., of Machias, Me., afterwards of Salem, Mass. 13 Sermons on War. Boston, 1829. 12 (4.3X2.8), pp. 92. STONE, William Leete, Sup t of Schools of New York City ; b. 1792. d. 1844. 14 Life (The) of Joseph Brant-Thayendanegea : including the Border Wars of the American Revolution, and Sketches of the Indian Campaigns of Generals Harmar, St. Clair, and Wayne, and other Matters connected with the Indian Relations of the United States and Great Britain, from the Peace of 1783 to the Indian Peace of 1795. Vol. 1, 2. [Portraits, (fee.] New York, 1838. 8 (6.5X3.6). J5 Life (The) and Times of Red- Jacket, or Sa-go-ye-wat-ha ; being the Se quel to the History of the Six Nations. * * * [Engraved Title-page and Portrait. ] New York, 1841. 8 (6.2X3.5). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 605 STOKER, David Humphreys, M.D., of Boston, grad. Bowd. Coll., 1822 ; b. 1804. 1 History (A) of the Fishes of Massachusetts ; with sixteen Plates. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, New Series, vol. 5.) 2 Reports on the Fishes and Reptiles of Massachusetts. See MASSACHU SETTS. Natural History. 3 Reports on the Ichthyology and Herpetology of Massachusetts. [Plates. } [Boston, 1839.] 8 (6.8X3.8). [2 copies.] 4 Synopsis (A) of the Fishes of North America. Cambridge, 1846. 4 (6.9X4.6). 5 Synopsis of the Fishes of North America. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, New Series, vol. 2.) Translator. See KIENER, L. C. General Species, &c. of Recent Shells. STORK, Rev. Theophilus. 6 Life of Martin Luther and the Reformation in Germany ; translated from Konig and Gelzer, with an Introduction. See LUTHER, M. STORR, Gottlob Christian, D.D., Prof, of TlieoL, Tubingen, &c.; 6.1746. d.1804. 7 Elementary Course (An) of Biblical Theology, translated from the Work of Profs. Storr and Flatt, with Additions, by S. S. Schmucker. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Andover, 1826. 8 (6 irr.X3.6). 8 Essay (An) on the Historical Sense of the New Testament. Translated from the Latin [by J. W. Gibbs]. Boston, 1817. 12, pp. 92. 9 Opuscula Academica ad Interpretationem Librorum Sacrorum pertinen- tia. Vol. 1-3. Tubingae, 1796-1803. 8 (6 irr.X3.4). STORRS, Eev. Richard S.,jun., D.D., of Brooklyn, N.Y. ; b. in Mass., 1821. 10 Sermon delivered at North Bridgewater, Oct. 31, 1821, at the Ordination of Daniel Temple, and Isaac Bird as Missionaries to the Heathen. [Ch., by D. Thomas , II. H., by S. Green]. With an Address to the Palestine Missionary Society by S. E. Dwight. Boston, 1822. 8, pp. 52. STORY, Joseph, LL.D., Assoc.-Just. U.S. Supreme Court; b. 1779. d. 1845. 11 Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws, Foreign and Domestic, in regard to Contracts, Rights, and Remedies, and especially in regard to Mar riages, Divorces, Wills, Successions, and Judgments. * * * Boston, 1834. 8 (6.4X3.7), pp. 557. 12 Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States ; with a pre liminary Review of the Constitutional History of the Colonies and States, before the Adoption of the Constitution. ... * * * Vol. 1-3. Boston, 1833. 8 (6.3X3.6). 13 Commentaries on the Law of Bailments, with Illustrations from the Civil and the Foreign Law. * * * Cambridge, 1832. 8 (6.3X3.6). 14 Discourse commemorative of the Life and Character of Hon. Joseph Story, LL.D. See GREENLEAF, S. 15 Discourse before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, at Cambridge, August 31, 1826. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Eloquence of U. S., vol. 5.) 16 Discourse delivered before the Society of the Alumni of Harvard Uni versity, at their First Anniversary, August 23, 1842, being the Close of the Second Century after the First Class was graduated. Boston, 1842. 8, pp. 40. 17 Oration, at Salem, 4th July, 1804. Salem, 1804. 8, pp. 34. 606 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. STOWE, Calvin Ellis, D.D., Prof, of Langs. Dart. Coll., Prof, of BiU. Lit. Lane Sem., 0., Collins Prof, in Bowd. Coll., now Prof, in Andover Theol. Sem., grad. Bowd. Coll., 1824; b. at NaticJc, Mass., 1802. 1 Religious Element (The) in Education. Address before American Insti tute of Instruction, Portland, Aug. 30, 1844. Boston, 1844. 12, pp. 34. Annotator. See LOWTH, R. Lectures on Hebrew Poetry. Translator. See JAHN, J. History of the Jewish Commonwealth. STOWE, Mrs. Harriet BEECHER, wife of preceding ; b. in Litclijield, Conn., 1812. 2 Sunny Memories in Foreign Lands. * * * Illustrated with Designs by H. Billings. ... Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1854. 12 (5.3X3.3). STRABO, a Greek geographer ; b. in Asia Minor, about 54 B. C. d. about A.D. 24. 3 Geographica [Greek.] Recensuit Commentario critico instruxit G. Kra mer Vol. 1-3 Berolini, 1844- 52. 8 (6.1X3.5). STRACHEY, William, Sec y of the first Virginia colony, in 1609. 4 Account of Popham s Colony at the Mouth of the Kennebec River, writ ten about 1618. See MAINE Hist. Society. (Collections, vol. 3.) ; MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 4th Series, vol. 1.) STRADA, Famiano, S. J., Prof, of Rliet. at Rome-, b. 1572. d. 1649. 5 Prolvsiones Academicae. . . . Lvgdvni, 1617. 8 (5.5X2.9), m. b. STRAFFORD, Earl of. See WENTWORTH, T., Earl of Str afford. STRANGE, Sir John, Knt., Master of the Eolls, &c.; b. 1696. d. 1754. 6 Reports of Adjudged Cases in the Courts of Chancery, King s Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer, from Trinity Term in the Second Year of K. George I. to Trinity Term in the Twenty-first Year of K. George II. * * * ... Published by his Son, John Strange, Esq. Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait. ] London, 1755. 2 (8.5X4.9), m. r. STRANGE, John, Esq., of the Middle Temple, son of preceding. Editor. See STRANGE, Sir J. Reports of Adjudged Cases, &c. STRATTEN, Thomas, of Sunderland, England. 7 Book (The) of the Priesthood ; an Argument, in three parts. 1st Ameri can from 3d London ed. New-York, 1831. 12 (5.3X3.2). STRATTON, T., of Edinburgh. 8 Illustrations of the Affinity of the Latin Language to the Gaelic or Celtic of Scotland. [Edinburgh], 1840. 8, pp. 26. STRAUCHON, John. Joint Editor. See SCHLEUSNER, J. F. Lexicon Greeco-Lat. in N. T. STRAUSS, David Friedrich, D.D.,a German theologian; b. 1808. 9 Leben (Das) Jesu, kritisch bearbeitet. Band 1, 2. 2te, verbesserte auflage. _ Tubingen, 1837. 8 (6X3.6). STRICKLAND, William, an architect & engineer of Phila. 10 Reports on Canals, Railways, Roads and other Subjects made to " The Pennsylvania Society for the Promotion of Internal Improvement." . . . [71 Maps and Plans.] Philadelphia, 1826. 2 (7XH-7). STRONG, Caleb, LL.D., U.S. Senator, aft. Gov. of Mass.; b. 1745. d. 1819. 11 Gov. Strong s Calumniator reproved, in a Review of a Democratic Pam phlet, entitled Remarks on the Governor s Speech. * * * By no Bel- Esprit. Boston, 1814. 8, pp. 21. 12 Patriotism and Piety. The Speeches of His Excellency Caleb Strong, Esq. to the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts ; with their Answers ; and other Official Publick Pa pers of His Excellency, from 1800 to 1807. [Portrait.] Newburyport, 1808. 12 (5.4X3.3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 607 STRONG, Rev. Titus, D.D., of Greenfield, Mass.; b. 1787. d. 1855. 1 Discourse, delivered in Greenfield, July 30, 1815 ; occasioned by the Death of Mr. Francis Barnard. Greenfield, 1815. 8, pp. 19. STROUD, William, M.D. 2 Treatise (A) on the Physical Cause of the Death of Christ, and its Re lation to the Principles and Practice of Christianity. London, 1847. 12 (5.6X3.1), pp. xii., 496. STROZZI, Giulio, an Italian poet ; d. 1636. 3 Venetia (La) edificata Poema Eroico Con gli Argomenti del Signer F. Cortesi [Embellished Title-page.. } Venetia, 1624. 12 (4.8X2.5 irr.), pp. 578+. STRYPE, John, A.M., Rector of Low Leyton, in Essex ; b. 1643. d. 1737. 4 Annals of the Reformation and Establishment of Religion, and other various Occurrences in the Church of England, during Queen Elizabeth s happy Reign : together with an Appendix of original Papers of State, Records, and Letters. New ed. Vol. 1-4. 7 vols. Oxford, 1824. 8 (6.6X3.5), m. b. NOTE. Vols 1, 2 and 3 are each in two parts, with independent title-pages and pag- ings, and bound separately. 5 Ecclesiastical Memorials, relating chiefly to Religion, and the Reforma tion of it, and the Emergencies of the Church of England, under King Henry VIII. King Edward VI. and Queen Mary I. with large Appen dixes, containing original Papers, Records, &c. * * * Vol. 1-3. 6 vols. Oxford, 1822. 8 (6.6X3.5), m. b. NOTE. Each volume is in two parts, with independent title-pages and pagings, and bound separately. 6 General Index (A) to the Historical and Biographical Works of John Strype. ... Vol. 1, 2. Oxford, 1828. 8 (6.6X3.5), 2 cols. 7 Historical Collections of the Life and Acts of John Aylmer, Lord Bp. of London in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Wherein are explained many Transactions of the Church of England ; and what Methods were then taken to preserve it, with respect both to the Papist and the Puri tan. New ed. [Portrait.] Oxford, 1821. 8 (6.6X3.5), m. b. 8 History (The) of the Life and Acts of Edmund Grindal, the first Bishop of London, and the second Archbishop of York and Canterbury succes sively, in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. To which is added, An Ap pendix of original MSS. ... [Portrait."] Oxford, 1821. 8 (6.6X3.5), m. b., pp. 607+. 9 Life (The) of Sir John Cheke, Kt. first Instructor, afterwards Secretary of State to King Edward VI. ... To which is added, A Treatise of Superstition, writ by the said learned Knight. New ed., corrected by the author. [Portrait. ] Oxford, 1821. 8 (6.6X3.5), m. b. 10 Life (The) and Acts of Matthew Parker, the first Archbishop of Canter bury in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. ... To which is added, An Appendix, containing various Transcripts of Records, Letters, Instru ments, Ordinances, Commissions, Discourses, Relations, Intelligences, and other secret Papers . . . [Portrait. ] London, 1711. 2 (9.7X5.3), m. b., pp. 544, 208. NOTE The Appendix has independent title-page and paging. 608 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. STRYPE, John, A.M., continued. 1 Life (The) and Acts of Matthew Parker, the first Archbishop of Can terbury, in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. To which is added, An Ap pendix, containing various Transcripts of Records, Letters, Instruments and other Papers, . . . Vol. 1-3. [Portrait.] Oxford, 1821. 8 (6.6X3.5), m. b. 2 Life (The) of Sir Thomas Smith, Kt. D. C. L. principal Secretary of State to King Edward the Sixth, and Queen Elizabeth. . . . New ed., with corrections and additions. {Portrait. ] Oxford, 1820. 8 (6.6X3.5), m. b. 3 Life (The) and Acts of John Whitgift, the ... last Lord Archbishop of Canterbury in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. ... Vol 1-3. {Por trait. ] Oxford, 1822. 8 (6.6X3.5), m. b. 4 Memorials of Thomas Cranmer, sometime Lord Archbishop of Canter bury. Wherein the History of Church, and the Reformation of it, ... are greatly illustrated ; ... New ed., with additions. Vol. 1, 2. {Por trait. ] Oxford, 1840. 8 (6.6X3.5), m. b. STUART, Andrew, Esq. 5 Letters to the Right Honorable Lord Mansfield {on the Douglass Cause]. Dublin, 1775. 8 (6.3X3.2). STUART, Gilbert, LL.D., a Scottish author; b. 1746. d. 1786. 6 View (A) of Society in Europe, in its Progress from Rudeness to Re finement : or, Inquiries concerning the History of Law, Government and Manners. 2d ed. *** Edinburgh, 1792. 8 (6.2X3.3). Editor, &c. See SULLIVAN, F. S. Constitution and Laws of England. STUART, Isaac, son of following, Prof, in College of S.C. Translator, &c. See GREPPO, J. G. H. Hieroglyphic System. STUART, Moses, D.D., Prof, of Sacred Lit. Andover Tlieol. Sem.; 6.1780. eZ.1852. 7 Commentary (A) on the Apocalypse. Vol. 1, 2. Andover, 1845. 8 (6.6X3.8). 8 Commentary (A) on the Epistle to the Hebrews. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Andover, 1827. 8 (6.2X3.7). [2 copies.] 9 Commentary (A) on the Epistle to the Romans, with a Translation and various Excursus. Andover, 1832. 8 (6.4X3.8), pp. 576. 10 Conscience and the Constitution. With Remarks on the recent Speech of Daniel Webster in the Senate of the United States on the Subject of Slavery. * * * Boston, 1850. 8 (6.2X3.7). 11 Critical History and Defence of the Old Testament Canon. Andover, 1845. 12 (5.5X3.3). 12 Dissertations on the Importance and Best Method of Studying the Ori ginal Languages of the Bible. By Jahn and others. Translated, with Notes, by M. Stuart. Andover, 1827. 8, pp. 96. [2 copies.] 13 Exegetical Essays on several Words relating to Future Punishment. Andover, 1830. 12 (5.3X3.2). 14 Grammar (A) of the Hebrew Language. 3d ed. Andover, 1828. 8 (6.7X3.9). [8 copies.] 15 Hebrew Chrestomathy (A) ; . . . Andover, 1829. 8 (6.3X3.5). 16 Hebrew Grammar (A) ; with a Praxis on select Portions of Genesis and the Psalms. New ed., revised and enlarged. Andover, 1823. 8 (6.2X4). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 609 STUART, Moses, D.D., continued. 1 Letter to William E. Charming, D.D., on the Subject of Religious Liber ty. 2d ed. Boston, 1830. 8, pp. 52. 2 Sermon preached at Salem, Nov. 5, 1818, at the Ordination of Pliny Fisk, Levi Spaulding, Miron Winslow and Henry Woodward, as Mis sionaries. Address to Missionaries, by Samuel Worcester ; R. II., by J. Huntington. Andover, 1819. 8, pp. 44. Editor, &c. See HUG, J. L. Introduction to the New Testament. Translator, &c. See ERNESTI, J. A. Elements of Interpretation. STUDIEN und Kritiken. See THEOLOGISCHE Studien und Kritiken. STURGEON, William, M.D., of Manchester, Engl. 3 Annals (The) of Electricity, Magnetism, & Chemistry ; and Guardian of Experimental Science. Conducted by W. Sturgeon. . . . Vol. 1-10. London, 1843. 8 (6.6X3.7). Translator. See JACOBI, M. H. Galvanoplastik. STURGIS, Hon. William, of Boston. 4 Three Letters on the Somers Mutiny. See CRUISE (The), &c. STURZ, Friedrich Wilhelm. Editor. See ETYMOLOGICVM Graece Lingvae Gvdianvm, etc. Editor. See ORION. Etymologicon. STUTTERHEIM, Major , of the Austrian Army. 5 Bataille (La) d Austeiiitz ; . . . Relation officielle de la Bataille d Aus- terlitz par les Autrichiens. Paris, 1806. 12 (4.4X2.5). STYLES, John, D.D., of Brighton, England. 6 Life (The) of David Brainerd, with an Abridgment of his Diary and Journal. From Pres. Edwards. ... Boston, 1821. 12 (5.9X3.2). SUCKLEY, G., M.D., Surgeon U.S.A. 7 Reports upon the Mammals, Water Birds, and Fishes. See UNITED STATES. (Explorations and Surveys for a Pacific Railroad, vol. 12, P. II.) SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, Caius, a Roman historian ; b. about A.D. 70. s C. Svetonivs Tranqvillvs. Accedit e selectis multorum observationibus . . . Commentarivs, exhibente loanne Schildio. [Embellished Title-page and Portraits.] Lvgdvni Batavorvm, 1647. 8 (6X3.4), pp. 850-J-. 9 C. Svetonivs Tranqvillvs. Ex recensione J. G. Grsevii cum ejusdem animadversionibus. [Embellished Title-page and Portraits. ] Amstelaxlami, 1697. 8 (5.1X2.9). 10 Histoire des douze Cesars de Suetone, traduite par Henri Ophellot de la Pause : avec des Melanges philosophiques & des Notes. Tom. 1-4. Paris, 1771. 8 (5.5X2.9), m. b. 1 1 Lives (The) of the first Twelve Caesars, translated from the Latin : with Annotations, and a RevieAV of the Government and Literature of the dif ferent Periods. By A. Thompson. London, 1796. 8 (6.3X3.4), pp. 622. 12 Opera omnia Notis illustrata. Oxonii, 1676. 8 (6.3 irr.X3.6). SUGDEN, Edward Burtenshaw, Esq., of London. 13 Practical Treatise (A) of the Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Es tates. * * * 1st American, from 2d London ed. Philadelphia, 1807. 8 (6.5X3.9), pp. 609. SUIDAS, a Greek lexicographer , of the llth or 12th century. 14 Lexicon \_Greek.~] Ex recensione Imm. Bekkeri Berolini, 1854. 8 (7.8X5.2), 2 cols., pp. 1158. 77 610 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. SULLIVAN, Francis Stoughton, LL.D., Prof, of Law, Univ. of Dublin. 1 Lectures on the Constitution and Laws of England : with a Commen tary on Magna Charta, and Illustrations of many of the English Stat utes. 2d ed. To which Authorities are added, and a Discourse is pre fixed, concerning the Laws and Government of England. By G. Stuart. Dublin, 1790. 8 (6X3.5), pp. 570. SULLIVAN, George, Attorney-General of N.H., U.S. Repr., &c. ; 6.1774. d.1838. 2 Address of George Sullivan and others. See UNITED STATES. 3 Oration in Boston, 4th July, 1816. Boston, 1816. 8, pp. 24. SULLIVAN, James, LL.D., Governor of Massachusetts ; b. 1744. d. 1808. 4 Altar (The) of Baal thrown down : or, The French Nation defended, against the Pulpit Slander of David Osgood. A Sermon, par Citoyen de Novion \_J. Sullivan]. * * * Boston, 1795. 8, pp. 31. 5 Correspondence with Col. Pickering. See PICKERING, T. 6 History (The) of the District of Maine. . . . With a Map of the Dis trict. Boston, 1795. 8 (6.1X3.5). 7 History (The) of Land Titles in Massachusetts. * * * Boston, 1801. 8 (6.1X3.6). 8 History of the Penobscot Indians. See MASSACHUSETTS Hist. Society. (Collections, 1st Series, vol. 9.) 9 Life, with Selections from his Writings. See AMORY, T. C. 10 Observations upon the Government of the United States of America. Boston, 1791. 8, pp. 55. SULLIVAN, John. 11 Tracts upon India ; written in the years 1779, 1780, and 1788. With subsequent Observations by him. London, 1795. 8 (5.6X3.1). SULLIVAN, John, LL.D., Major-Gen, in American Revolution ; b. 1740. d. 1795. 12 Life,byO.W.B.Peabody. See SPARKS, J. (Amer.Biogr.,2dSer.,vol.3.) SULLIVAN, T. R. 13 Sermons on Christian Communion designed to promote the Growth of the Religious Affections, by living Ministers. Edited by T. R. Sullivan. *** Boston, 1848. 12 (5.7X3.4). SULLIVAN, Hon. William, LL.D., of Boston, son of Gov. S. ; b. 1774. d. 1839. 14 Familiar Letters on Public Characters, and Public Events : from the Peace of 1783, to the Peace of 1815. [% W. Sullivan.-] * * * Boston, 1834. 12 (5.5X3.2). 15 Oration delivered before the Washington Benevolent Society of Massa chusetts, April 30th, 1812. Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 24. SULLIVANT, William S., A.M. 16 Contributions to the Bryology and Hepaticology of North America ; with ten Plates. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, New Ser., vol. 3, 4.) SULLY, M. DE BETHUNE, Due DE. See BETHUNE, M. de, Duke of Sully. SULPICIA, or SULPITTA, a Latin poetess, probably about A.D. 90. 17 Satyra. See BURMANN, P. (Poetae Latini Minores.) SUMMARY View of the Courses of Crops, in the Husbandry of England & Mary- is land ; with a Comparison of their Products ; and a System of improved Courses proposed. Philadelphia, 1784. 4, pp. 22. SuMNER, Bradford. 19 Address delivered at the Fifteenth Anniversary of the Massachusetts Peace Society, Jan. 19, 1831. Boston, 1881. 8, pp. 30. [2 copies.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 611 SUMNER, Charles, LL.D., Senator of Massachusetts; b. in Boston, 1811. 1 Argument against the Constitutionality of Separate Colored Schools, in the Case of Sarah C. Roberts vs. The City of Boston ; Supreme Judicial Court, December 4, 1849. Boston, 1849. 8, pp. 32. 2 Barbarism (The) of Slavery. * * * Speech, in the Senate of the Uni ted States, June 4, 1860, on the Bill for the Admission of Kansas as a Free State. Washington, 1860. 8, 2 cols., pp. 32. 3 Catalogue of the Law Library of Harvard University ; with a Historical Sketch. See HARVARD COLLEGE. Law School. 4 Crime (The) against Kansas. Speech in the Senate of the United States, May 19, 1856. Washington, 1856. 8, 2 cols., pp. 31. 5 Orations and Speeches. *** Vol. 1,2. Boston, 1850. 12 (5. 2X3). SUMNER, Charles Pinckney, A.M. 6 Letter on Speculative Free Masonry. An Answer to a Letter addressed to him by the Suffolk Committee. Boston, 1829. 8, pp. 20. SUMNER, George, Esq., of Boston. 7 Memoirs of the Pilgrims at Leyden. See MASSACHUSETTS Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 9.) 8 Oration (An) delivered before the Municipal Authorities of the City of Boston, July 4, 1859. 2d ed. Boston, 1859. 8, pp. 69. SUMNER, Increase, Governor of Massachusetts; b. 1746. d. 1799. 9 Memoir of Gov. I. Sumner. See SUMNER, W. H. 10 Sermons upon the Death of Gov. Increase Sumner. See HOLMES, A. ; PORTER, Eliph. ; THACHER, P. SUMNER, Hon. William Hyslop, A.M., a son of Gov. Sumner. H Memoir of Increase Sumner, Gov. of Mass. ; with a Genealogy of the Sumner Family. With Portrait. Boston, 1854. 8, pp. 70. SURE GUIDE (A) to Hell. Containing Directions to Parents, Youth, &c. By 12 Belzebub. 4th ed. Boston, reprinted, 1751. 8, pp. 63. SURENHUSIUS, Guilielmus, Prof, of Hebrew at Amsterdam; fl. 1690-1720. 13 fTTlEftn ^50 sive Bix<>5 KaTaXXay^ in quo secundum veterum Theolo- gorum Hebrasorum Formulas allegandi, & Modos interpretandi concili- antur Loca ex V. in N. T. allegata. Amstetedami, 1713. 4 (5.5X4.1), pp. 712. SURREY, Henry HOWARD, Earl of. See HOWARD, H., Earl of Surrey. SUTCLIFFE, Joseph, of Halifax. Translator. See SAURIN, J. Sermons. Vol. 8. SUTTON, Amos. 14 Narrative (A) of the Mission to Orissa, supported by the New Connexion of General Baptists in England. * * * Boston, 1833. 12 (5.1X3.1). SUTTON, Charles, Bp. of Norwich. 15 Sermon at St. James , Westminster, January 30, 1708, on his taking leave of that Parish. London, 1709. 4, pp. 27. SUTTON, H. 16 Description & Use of a large Quadrant, contrived and made by H. Sut- ton. . . . Whereunto is added, The Description and Use of a Geoda?- tical Scheme, and Gnomonical Instrument : . . . Published by R. Mor- den. London, 1669. 24 (4.1X2.3). SWAIN, liev. Joseph, of Walworth, England; b. 1761. d. 1796. " Redemption. A Poem. ... Boston, 1812. 24 (4.3X2.7). 612 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. SWAINSON, William, Esq., an English naturalist; b. in Liverpool, 1789. 1 Preliminary Discourse (A) on the Study of Natural History. [En graved Title-page, with Vignette.} London, 1835. 12 (5X2.7). 2 Treatise (A) on the Geography and Classification of Animals. [En graved Title-page, with Vignette.} London, 1835. 12 (5X2.7). SWALLOW, George Clinton, Prof, of Nat. Phil., Univ. of Missouri; b. 1817. 3 Rocks (The) of Kansas, by G. C. Swallow and F. Hawn ; with Descrip tions of new Permian Fossils, by G. C. Swallow. St. Louis, 1858. 8, pp. 27, 3. SWAN, Rev. William, an English missionary in Siberia. 4 Letters on Missions. With an introductory Preface by William Orme. Boston, 1831. 12 (4.4X2.7). Joint Translator. See BIBLE, The New Testament. The New Testa ment translated out of the Greek into the Mongolian Language. SWAN, William D., a book publisher, of Boston. 5 Critic (The) criticised, and Worcester vindicated : consisting of a Re view of an Article in the " Congregationalist," upon the Comparative Merits of Worcester s and Webster s Quarto Dictionaries. Boston, 1860. 8, pp. 67. SWARTZ, properly SCHWARTZ, Christian Frederick, a Protestant missionary to India; b. in Prussia. 1726. d. 1798. 6 Memoirs of Life and Correspondence. See PEARSON, H. SWEDENBORG, /brmer/?/ SWEDBERG, Emanuel, Baron, a Swedish natural phi losopher & religious writer; b. in Stockholm, 1688. d. in London, 1772. 7 Angelic Wisdom concerning the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom. Translated from the Latin. ... New York, 1855. 8 (6.8X3.9). 8 Angelic Wisdom concerning the Divine Providence. Translated from the Latin. ... New York, 1855. 8 (6.8X3.9). 9 Aphorisms of Wisdom, chiefly from Swedenborg. See APHORISMS, &c. l Apocalypse (The) explained according to the Spiritual Sense ; in which are revealed the Arcana which are there predicted, and have been hither to deeply concealed. From a Latin posthumous work. . . . Vol. 1-5. New York, 1846- 47. 8 (7X4). 11 Apocalypse (The) revealed, wherein are disclosed the Arcana there fore told, which have heretofore remained concealed. Translated from the Latin. ... Vol. 1, 2. New ed. New York, 1855. 8 (6.8X3.9). !2 Arcana Ccelestia. The Heavenly Arcana contained in the Holy Scrip tures or Word of the Lord unfolded, beginning with the Book of Gene sis : together with Wonderful Things seen in the W^orld of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels. Translated from the Latin. Vol. 1-6. [Gen esis.] 7-10. [Exodus."] New York, 1853- 57. 8 (6.8X3.9). 13 Conjugial Love and its Chaste Delights ; also, Adulterous Love, and its Sinful Pleasures. ... New-York, 1856. 8 (6.8X3.9), pp. 535-f. 14 Doctrine (The) of the New Jerusalem concerning the Lord. Translated from the original Latin. * * * ... Boston, 1795. 12 (4.9X2.8). 15 Doctrine (The) of the New Jerusalem concerning the Sacred Scripture. [By E. Swedenborg. .] Boston, 1795. 12 (4.9X2.8). 16 Four Leading Doctrines (The) of the New Church, signified by the New Jerusalem in the Revelation : being those concerning the Lord ; the Sa wed Scripture ; Faith; and Life. New York, 1857. 8 (6.8X3.9). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 613 SWEDENBORG, Emanuel, Baron, continued. 1 Heaven and its Wonders, the World of Spirits, and Hell : from Things heard and seen. . . . Translated by S. Noble. New York, 1855. 8 (6.8X3.9). 2 Heavenly Doctrine (The) of the New Jerusalem, as revealed from Heav en. * * * 2d American ed. Cambridge, 1820. 8, pp. 100. 3 Heavenly Arcana, which are in the Sacred Scriptures or Word of the Lord, laid open. Together with Wonderful Things which were seen in the World of Spirits, and in the Heaven of Angels. Genesis. . . . Vol. 1-8. Exodus. ... Vol. 9-12. Boston, 1837- 47. 8 (6.1X3.6). 4 Index to the Heavenly Arcana contained in the Sacred Scriptures. I. Of Words, Names, and Subjects. II. Of Passages of Scripture. Trans lated from the original Latin. . . . Boston, 1848. 8 (6.6X3.8), pp. 100, 447. 5 Life of Emanuel Swedenborg, with some Account of his Writings, to gether with a brief Notice of the Rise and Progress of the New Church. Boston, 1831. 12 (5.4X3). 6 Miscellaneous Theological Works. The New Jerusalem and its Heav enly Doctrine ; Brief Exposition ; The Intercourse between the Soul and the Body ; The White Horse mentioned in the Apocalypse, Chap. XIX. ; and Appendix to the Treatise on the White Horse ; On the Earths in the Universe ; The Last Judgment ; a Continuation concerning the Last Judgment. New York, 1857. 8 (6.8X3.9), pp. 526. NOTE. Each portion of this work has also independent title-page and paging-. 7 Principia (The) ; or, The First Principles of Natural Things, being New Attempts towards a Philosophical Explanation of the Elementary World. Translated from the Latin by A. Clissold. Vol. 1, 2. [Plates.] London, 1845, 46. 8 (6.6X3.9). 8 Principia Rerum naturalium sive novorum Tentaminum Phenomena Mundi elementaris philosophice explicandi. Cum Figuris ameis. * * * DresdaB et Lipsire, 1734. 2 (8.8X5.3). 9 Regnum Subterraneum sive Minerale de Cupro et Orichalco deque mo- dis liquationum Cupri per Europam passim in usum receptis : de secre- tione ejus ab argento : de conversione in Orichalcum : inque metalla di- versi generis : de lapide calaminari : de Zinco de vena Cupri et proba- tione ejus : pariter de chymicis prseparatis, et cum cupro factis experi- mentis &c. &c. Cum Figuris a?neis. * * * Dresda? et Lipsiee, 1734. 2 (8.8X5.3), pp. 532. 10 Regnum Subterraneum sive Minerale de Ferro deque modis liquationum Ferri per Europam passim receptis : deque conversione Ferri crudi in Chalybem : de vena Ferri et probatione ejus : pariter de chymicis pra3- paratis et cum Ferro et Victriolo ejus factis experimentis &c. &c. Cum Figuris seneis. *** Dresdae et Lipsiae, 1734. 2 (8.8X5.3). 51 Remarks on the Assertions of the Author of the Memoirs of Jacobinism respecting the Character of Emanuel Swedenborg and the Tendency of his Writings. Philadelphia, 1800. 8, pp. 37. [2 copies.] 12 True Christian Religion (The), containing the Universal Theology of the New Church, foretold by the Lord in Daniel vil. 13, 14, and in Rev. xxi. 1,2. A New Translation. . . . [Portrait. ] Boston, 1833. 8 (7.3X4.2), 2 cols., pp. 576. 614 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. SWEDENBORG, Emanuel, Baron, continued. J True Christian Religion (The) ; containing the Universal Theology of the New Church, foretold by the Lord in Daniel VII. 13, 14, and in the Apocalypse, xxi. 1, 2. Translated from the Latin. New York, 1855. 8 (6.8X3.9), pp. 982. 2 Vera Christiana Religio, continens Universam Theologiam Novae Eccle- sise a Domino apud Danielem Cap. VII : 13-14, et in Apocalypsi Cap. xxi: 1-2, praedicta?. Amstelodami, 1771. 4 (6.7X4.9), pp. 541. SWEETZER, William, M.D., Prof, of Theory & Practice of Medicine, Bowd. Coll. 3 Address, introductory to a Course of Lectures on the Theory & Practice of Medicine, in the Medical Department of Bowdoin College. Brunswick, 1860. 8, pp. 20. SWENSKA Psalm Boken (Den), med de Stycken, som da rtil hora och pa so- 4 liande sida sinnas uptecknade. *** Stockholm, 1805. 12 (4.8X2.8). SWIFT, Jonathan, D.D., Dean of St. Patrick s, Dublin; b. 1667. d. 1745. 5 Life of Swift. See JOHNSON, Samuel. (Works, vol. 11.) 6 Poetical Works. With a Life by J. Mitford. ... Vol. 1-3. [Portrait.] Boston, 1854. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). 7 Sermons. ... Glasgow, 1763. 16 (4.4X2.6). 8 Works. Vol. 1-14. London, 1751. 24 (3.8X2.2). Editor. See TEMPLE, Sir W. Letters to the King, &c. SWITZERLAND. Etat (L ) et les Delices de la Suisse, en forme de Relation crit- 9 ique par plusiers Auteurs celebres. Enrichi de Figures . . . & des Cartes geographiques tres-exactes. Tom. 1-4. * * * Amsterdam, 1740. 8 (4.8X2.4), m. r. SYDENHAM, Floyer, A.M., an English scholar; b. 1710. d. 1788. Translator. See PLATO. Works, Ed. 1804. SYDNEY. See SIDNEY. SYKES, Rev. James N., of Boston. 10 Why I am a Baptist. See (PiTTS- STREET Chapel Lectures). SYLBURGIUS, Friedrich, a learned German ; b. 1546. d. 1596. 11 Etymologicon Magnum. See ETYMOLOGICON Magnum, etc. Editor. See HERODOTUS. Historiarvm Libri IX. SYLVESTER, Rev. Matthew, a Nonconformist, of Lincolnshire ; b. 1617. d. 1705. J2 Elisha s Cry after Elijah s God consider d and apply d, with reference to the Decease of Rev. Richard Baxter. ... * * * London, 1696. 2 (10.4X5-3), pp. 18. Editor. See BAXTER, R. Reliquiae BaxteriansB. SYLVIUS, Hieronymus Varlenius, Prof, of Sacred Lit. at Utrecht. 13 Commentariorvm Libri tres in omnes Psalmos Davidicos, ... * * * Lovanii, 1558. 2 (9.5X7.1), m. b. SYMES, Michael, Esq., Major in His Majesty s IQth Regiment. 14 Account (An) of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava, sent by the Gov ernor-General of India, in the year 1795. [Maps and Plates.] London, 1800. 4 (7.7X5.5), pp. 503. SYMMES, Rev. William, D.D., of Andover, Mass. ; b. 1730. d. 1807. 15 Duty (The), and Advantage of Singing Praises unto God. Discourse, in Andover, April 6, 1779. Danvers, 1779. 8, pp. 24. 16 Massachusetts-Election Sermon, 1785. Boston, [1785]. 8, pp. 28. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 615 SYMONDS, Joseph, C.E.S. 1 Sight and Faith, or Meditations upon 2 Cor. 5. 7. London, 1651. 16 (5X2.6), m. r. SYMSON, Rev. Andrew. 2 Compleat Christian Dictionary (A) : wherein the Signification and several Acceptations of all the Words mentioned in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, are fully opened, expressed, and explained. London, . 2 (10.7X6.2), 2 cols., pp. 748. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting- title-page. SYMSON, Rev. Patrick, of Striveling, in Scotland. 3 Historic (The) of the Chvrch, since the Dayes of Ovr Saviovr lesvs Christ. ... 3d ed. inlarged. London, 1634. 2( 9.1X4.8), m. b., pp. 602-J-. SYNODICON in Gallia Reformata : or, The Acts, Decisions, &c. of the National Councils of the Reformed Churches in France. See QUICK, J. SYNTAXIS 4 Erasmiana constrictior. . . . London, 1729. 8, pp. 16. SYRIAC 5 Manuscript, on vellum. 2 vols. 4 (4.6X2.9). SYSTEM (The) occasioned by the Speech of Leonard Smelt, Esq. at the Meeting 6 at York, December 30, 1779. London, 1780. 8, pp. 23. SYSTEME v du Monde. *** Bouillon, 1770. 8 (5.1X2.7). SZEGEDINUS, Stephanus ; 6. 1505. d. 1572. 8 Loci Communes, Summa Doctrina? Papistica?, et Confessio de Trinitate. Prsefixa sunt Praefatio Joh. Jac. Grynan, et Vita Szegedini auctore M. Scarica3o. Cum Indice Locorum Scriptura? sacrse illustrium quai in hoc opere explicantur. Basiled, 1593. 2 (9.8X5.8), pp. 665+. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. 9 Tabvlae analyticae qvibvs Exemplar illvd sanorvm Sermonvm de Fide, Charitate, & Patientia, quod olim Prophetae, Evangelistae, Apostoli literis memorireque mandauerunt, fidelitur declaratur. . . . [Embellished Title-page. } Schaphvsiae, 1592. 2 (9.9X5.7). T. TABELLEN zu Ausrechnung des Silbers und Goldes nach dem seinen Gehalt, 10 ... Nebst einem Vorbericht vom Gebrauch dieser Tabellen. Auch einem Anhange von Vergleichung unterschiedener Gewichte mit dem Collnischen Marck-Gewichte. Berlin, 1752. 12 (5X4). TACITUS, Caius Cornelius, a Roman historian, of the 1st century. 11 Annales de Tacite, en Latin, et en Franchise [facing]. Regnes de Ti- bere et de Caius. Tom. 1, 2. Regnes de Claude et de Neron. Tom. 1, 2. 3me ed., revue et corrigee ; par J. H. Dotteville. 4 vols. Paris, 1793. 8 (5X2.6). 12 Histoires de Tacite, en Latin et en Fran^ais [facing ] ; avec des Notes sur leTexte. Par J. H. Dotteville. 3me ed., revue et corrigee. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1792. 8 (5X2.6). *3 Opera Supplementis, Notis et Dissertationibus illustravit Gabriel Bro- tier. Tom. 1-7. *** Parisiis, 1776. 12 (4.8X2.6). 14 Opera: ... Tom. 1, 2. Edinburgi, 1792. 12 (5.5X3). 15 Opera quae supersunt Ad fidem Codicum Mediceorum ab lo. Georgio Baitero denuo excussorum ceterorumque optimorum librorum recensuit atque interpretatus est To. Gaspar Orellius. Vol. 1, 2. Turici, 1846, 48. 8 (7.6X4.5). 616 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. TACITUS, Caius Cornelius, continued. 1 \Text and] Traduction [facing] de la Vie d Agricola, et des Moeurs des Germains, par 1 Abbe de la Bleterie. Nouv. ed., revue par le P. Dotte- ville. * * * Paris, 1788. 8 (5X2.6). 2 Works (The) of Tacitus [; translated ~by T. Gordon]. Vol. 1 : contain ing the Annals. 2.: containing the Histories. To which are prefixed, Political Discourses upon that author. * * * London, 1728. 2 (9.6X5.1). 3 Works (The) of Cornelius Tacitus ; [translated] by A. Murphy, with an Essay on the Life and Genius of Tacitus ; Notes, Supplements, and Maps. * * * ... Vol. 1-4. London, 1793. 4(7.2X4.7). 4 Works (The) of Cornelius Tacitus ; [translated] by A. Murphy, with an Essay on the Life and Genius of Tacitus ; Notes, Supplements, and Maps. *** ... Vol. 1-4. Dublin, 1794. 8 (6.3X3.3). TAFEL, Dr. Leonard, of Philadelphia. 5 Latin Pronunciation and the Latin Alphabet. By L. Tafel and R. L. Tafel. Philadelphia, 1860. 12 (5.8X3.5). TAFEL, Rudolph L., Prof, in St. John s College, Annapolis. Joint Author. See TAFEL, L. Latin Pronunciation, &c. TALJEUS, Aud. 6 Troposchematologia in vsvm tyronvm explicata, atque exemplis ... il lustrate. Francofvrti, 1596. 8 (5X2.7). TALBOT, Thomas H., of the Cumberland Bar, Maine. 7 Constitutional Provision (The) respecting Fugitives from Service or La bor, and the Act of Congress, of September 18, 1850. * * * Boston, 1852. 8 (6.4X3.8). TALBOT, William, D.D., Bishop of Oxford, of Durham, &c.; d. 1730. 8 Speech in the House of Lords on the First Article of the Impeachment of Dr. H. Sacheverell. London, 1710. 8, pp. 16. TALFOURD, Sir Thomas Noon, an English dramatic author ; b. 1795. d. 1854. Editor. See LAMB, C. Literary Sketches, &c. Works. TALLEYRAND-PERIGORD, Charles Maurice, Prince DE, a French statesman; b. 1754. d. 1838. 9 Memoir concerning the Commercial Relations of the United States with England ; with an Essay upon the Advantages to be derived from New Colonies. London, 1806. 8, pp. 87. 10 Memoir concerning the Commercial Relations of the United States with England ; with an Essay upon the Advantages to be derived from New Colonies. Boston, 1809. 8, pp. 22. n Memoire sur les Relations Commerciales des Etats-Unis avec 1 Angle- terre ; suivi d un Essai sur les Avantages a retirer de Colonies Nou- velles dans les Circonstances presentes. . . . 2de ed. Londres, 1808. 8, pp. 47. TALVI, a pseudonym. See ROBINSON, Mrs. T. A. L. V. J. TANQUY DE LA BOISSIERE, C. C. 12 Observations sur la Depeche ecrite le 16 Janvier 1797, par M. Pickering, Secretaire d Etat des Etats-Unis de I Amerique, a M. Pinkney, Ministre tre Plenipotentiaire des Etats-Unis pres la Republique Franchise. Philadelphie, 1797. 8, pp. 50. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 617 TANNER, John. 1 Narrative (A) of^ the Captivity and Adventures of John Tanner, during Thirty Years Residence among the Indians in the Interior of North America. Prepared for the press by E. James. [Portrait and Engrav ings.] New-York, 1830. 8 (6.3X3.6). TANSILLO, Luigi, an Italian poet , b. 1520. d. after 1596. 2 Nurse (The), a Poem. Translated from the Italian. By W. Roscoe. 2d ed. *** Liverpool, 1800. 12 (4.2X2.8). 3 Podere (II). See ALAMANNI, L. Alamanni, Ruccellai, etc. TAPLIN, William, Sure/eon. 4 Gentleman s Stable Directory (The) : or, Modern System of Farriery. 10th ed. [Portrait. ] London, n. d. 8 (6X ; 3.3), pp. 519. TAPPAX, Rev. David, D.D., Hollis Prof, in Harvard College ; b. 1752. d. 1803. 5 Character (The) and Death of the Servant of God considered and im proved, in a Sermon delivered at Byfield : Jan. 18, 1784 ; occasioned by the Decease of Rev. Moses Parsons. Newburyport, 1784. 8, pp. 50. 6 Discourse delivered at Andover, at the Funeral of Lieut.-Gov. Samuel Phillips, Feb. 15, 1802. Boston, 1802. 8, pp. 27. [2 copies.] 7 Discourse delivered to the Students of Harvard College, Sept. 6, 1796. Boston, 1796. 8, pp. 20. 8 Discourse delivered before the University in Cambridge, Feb. 21, 1800, in Commemoration of Gen. Washington. [Cambridge], 1800. 8, pp. 44. 9 Election Sermon, in Mass., May 30, 1792. Boston, 1792. 8, pp. 39. 10 Fast Sermon, April 11, 1793. " Boston, 1793. 8, pp. 31. 11 Lectures on Ecclesiastical History. (Annexed to the following.) 12 Lectures on Jewish Antiquities; delivered at Harvard University in Cambridge, A. D. 1802 & 1803. Boston, 1807. 8 (6.3X3.6). [2 copies.] 13 Sermon delivered at the Ordination of John T. Kirkland, in Boston, Feb. 5th, 1794. Ch. by Rev. S. Kirkland. Boston, 1794. 8, pp. 40. 14 Sermons on important Subjects. To which are prefixed a Biographical Sketch of the Author ; and a Sermon preached at his Funeral by Dr. Holmes. Boston, 1807. 8 (6.3X3.6). TAPPAN, Henry Phillip, D.D., LL.D., Chancellor Univ. of Michigan; b. 1800. 15 Doctrine (The) of the Will, determined by an Appeal to Consciousness. *** New-York, 1840. 12 (5.4X3.2). 16 Elements of Logic ; together with an introductory View of Philosophy in general, and a preliminary View of the Reason. New York, 1856. 12 (5.7X3.6). 17 Review (A) of Edwards s " Inquiry into the Freedom of the Will." ... * * * New-York, 1839. 12 (4.9X3). TARBE, S. A. 18 Manuel pratique et elementaire des Poids et Mesures, et du Calcul De cimal ; contenant les Instructions a familiariser avec la connoissance du Nouveau Systeme, etc. ... Nouv. ed. Paris, 1804. 16 (3.9X^-3). TARTERON, Jacques, a learned French Jesuit; b. 1644. d. 1720. Translator. See PERSIUS FLACCUS, A. Traduction des Satires de Perse, et de Juvenal. 78 618 I50WDOIN COLLEGE, TASSO, Torquato, an Italian poet ; b. in Sorrento, 1544. d. 1595. 1 Alcune illustri Prose. [Portrait.] Bologna, 1830. 16 (4.1X2.5). 2 Aminta favolaboschereccia si aggiungono le Poesie scelte e i discorsi sull arte poetica, del medesimo. [Vignette. ] Firenze, 1824. 24 (4X2.1). 3 Gerusalemme liberata. ... Firenze, 1824. 24 (4X2.1), pp. 548+. 4 Jerusalem delivered ; an Heroic Poem. Translated from the Italian, by J. Hoole. . . . Vol. 1, 2. 8th ed., with Notes. London, 1803. 12 (4.4X3 irr.). 5 Jerusalem delivree, Poeme du Tasse, Nouvelle Traduction. Tom. 1-5. Paris, 1785. 24 (3.3X2.1). 6 Lettere Familiari. Vol. 1, 2. *** Venetia, 1607. 8 (5.1X3.2). TATE, Nahum, an English Poet Laureate , b. in Dublin, 1653. d. 1715. Joint Author. See BRADY, N. New Version of the Psalms. TATHAM, Edward, D.D. i Chart and Scale (The) of Truth, by which to find the Cause of Error. Lectures read before the University of Oxford, at the Lecture founded by Rev. J. Bampton. Vol. 1, 2. * * * Oxford, 1790. 8 (5.7X3.3). ~ TATLER (The). See (BRITISH Essayists, vol. 1-4). TAULER, Johann, a German mystic & preacher ; b. 1290. d. 1361. 8 Institutions. See BUCHON, J. A. C. (Choix d Ouvrages Mystiques.) TA VERNIER, Nicolas, Prof. Bhet., &c., Royal College of France , 6.1620. d.1698. Editor. See PATERCULTJS, C. V. Historic. TAYLER, Eev. Thomas, of London. 9 Sermons ... * * * London, 1803. 8 (6X3.4). TAYLOR, Bayard, an American author & traveller; b. 1825. 10 Journey (A) to Central Africa ; or, Life and Landscapes from Egypt to the Negro Kingdoms of the White Nile. "With a Map and Illustrations by the author. New York, 1854. 12 (5.5X3.4), pp. 522. TAYLOR, Charles, of England; d. before 1830. Editor. See CALMET, A. Dictionary of the Holy Bible. TAYLOR, Edgar. Translator, &c. See WAGE, R. Chronicle of the Norman Conquest. TAYLOR, Isaac, an English author; b. at Lavenham, Suffolk, 1787. 11 Fanaticism. By ... [I. Taylor ]. * * * New-York, 1834. 12 (5.4X3.1). 12 Home Education. . . . New-York, 1838. 8 (5.5X3.2). 13 Natural History of Enthusiasm. [By L Taylor. } * * * 4th ed. New-York, 1834. 12(5X3). 1 4 New Model of Christian Missions to Popish, Mahometan, and Pagan Nations, explained in four Letters to a Friend, by ... [/. Taylor]. New York, 1830. 12 (4.6X2.6). ^ Physical Theory of Another Life. By ... [/. Taylor]. * * * 3d ed. New York, 1836. 12 (5X3). !6 Saturday Evening. By ... [/. Taylor]. * * * 3d American ed. Boston, 1833. 12 (5.7X3.3). 17 Spiritual Despotism. By ... [7. Taylor]. * * * New-York, 1835. 8 (5.5X3.2). Editor. See JOSEPHUS, F. The Jewish War. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 619 TAYLOR, Jeremy D.D., Bp. of Down and Connor; b. 1613. d. 1667. 1 ... Discourse (A) of Confirmation. * * * Also a Discourse of the Nature, Offices and Measures of Friendship. . . . Two Letters to Persons changed in Religion. Also Three Letters to a Gentleman that was tempted to the Communion of the Romish Church. * * London, 1673. 2 (11.4X6.1), m. r., pp. 70. 2 Discourses ... Vol. 1-3. Boston, 1816. 8 (6.1X3.6). [2 copies.] 3 Guide to Eternal Happiness, being a Treasure of Religious Wisdom, adapted to the Practical Use of Christians. ... * * * London, 1820. 12 (5.5X3.1). 4 Holy Living and Dying : with Prayers, containing the Complete Duty of a Christian. ..." Amherst, 1831. 8 (6.3X3.5). 5 Life (The) of Our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ : . . . Likewise, The Lives, Acts and Deaths of the Holy Evangelists and Apostles, . . . Greenfield, 1796. 12 (5X2.9). 6 Selections from the Works of J. Taylor. [Edited,"] with some Account of the Author and his Writings [by Rev. A. Yonng~]. Boston, 1833. 16 (4.6X2.7). 7 STMBOAON EOAOriKON or a Collection of Polemicall Discourses, wherein the Church of England, in its worst as well as more flourishing condition, is defended against the Attempts of the Papists on one hand, and the Fanaticks on the other. ... 3d ed. enlarged. London, 1674. 2 (11.3X6), m. r., pp. 1079. 8 Worthy Communicant (The): . . . London, 1683. 8 (5.8X3), m. r. TAYLOR, John, M.D., of London. 9 Treatise on the Diseases of the Crystalline Humour of a Human Eye : or, Of the Cataract and Glaucoma. London, 1736. 8, pp. 66. TAYLOR, John, D.D., of Norwich, and Warrington; b. 1694. d. 1761. 10 Hebrew Concordance (The), adapted to the English Bible ; disposed after the manner of Buxtorf, . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1754, 57. 2 (12.6X7.6), 3 cols. 11 Key to the Apostolic Writings. Set WATSON, R. (Theol. Tracts, vol. 3.) 12 Scheme of Scripture Divinity. See WATSOX, R. (Theol. Tracts, vol. 1.) TAYLOR, Nathaniel William, D.D., Prof. Theol. in Yale Coll. ; b. 1786. d. 1858. ia Lectures on the Moral Government of God. * * * Vol. 1, 2. [Por trait of Author.] New York, 1859. 12 (6.6X3.9). 14 Practical Sermons. New York, 1858. 12 (6.6X3.9). TAYLOR, Rev. Oliver Alden, of Manchester, Mass. ; b. 1801. d. 1851. Compiler. See THEOL. Seminary in Andover. Catalogue of Library. Translator. See REINHARD, F. V. Memoirs and Confessions. TAYLOR, Rev. Richard, A.M., apparently of London. 15 Two Discourses on the Divinity of Christ ; and on the Union of the Di vine and the Human Natures in his Person. London, ] 727. 8, pp. 95. TAYLOR, Richard, F.R.S., &c., an English printer & naturalist ; b. 1781. d. 1858. Joint Editor. See PHILOSOPHICAL Magazine (The), &c. Joint Editor. See LONDON, Edinburgh, &c. Philosophical Magazine, &c. TAYLOR, Samuel Harvey, D.D., Princ. of Phillips Academy, Andover. Joint Translator. See KUHNER, R. Greek Grammar. 620 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. TAYLOR, Thomas, the Platonist ; b. in London, 1758. d. 1835. 1 General Introduction to the Philosophy and Writings of Plato. See PLATO. Works. Vol. 1, pp. i.-cxv. Translator. See ARISTOTELES. The Rhetoric, Poetic, and Nicoma- chean Ethics. Translator. See BASNAGE DE BEAUVAL, J. History of the Jews. Translator. See MALEBRANCHE, N. Search after Truth, &c. Translator. See PAUSANIAS. Description of Greece. Translator. See PLATO. Works, Ed. 1804. TAYLOR, Thomas, of England. 2 Life (The) of William Cowper, Esq. compiled from his Correspondence and other authentic sources . . . New-York, 1835. 8 (8.1X4.9), 2 cols. TAYLOR, William Cooke, LL.D. ; b. in Ireland, 1800. d. in Dublin, 1849. 3 Annals of the Ottoman Empire from the Capture of Constantinople, A.D. 1453, to the Peace of Cainarje, A.D. 1774. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 12, 13). 4 Establishment of the Mohammedan Power in India. History of the Delhi Empire, and of Persia. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 12, 13). 5 History of Ireland from the Anglo-Norman Invasion till the Union of the Country with Great Britain. With Additions, by W. Sampson. . . . Vol. 1, 2. (Harper s Family Library, No. 51, 52.) New-York, 1833. 18 (4.5X2.7). TAYLOR, Maj.-Om. Zachary, I2tk Pres. of U.S.; b. in Va., 1784. d. 1850. 6 Addresses on the Death of Pres. Taylor. See UNITED STATES. TEATRO Tragico Italiano. Vol.1. *** [Engraved Title-page and Portraits.] 7 Firenze, 1832. 8 (6.6X4), 2 cols., pp. 853. TEGNER, Esaias, Bishop of Wexio in Sweden; b. 1782. d. 1846. 8 Frithiof s Saga, a Legend of the North. Translated from the original Swedish by G. S. Revised and illustrated with an introductory Letter by the Author. With XVII Engravings, XII Musical Accompaniments, and other Addenda. Stockholm, 1839. 8 (6.2X3.8). TEIGNMOUTH, John, Lord. See SHORE, J., Lord Teignmouth. TEMPLE, Piev. Daniel, Miss y of A.B.C.F.M. in Western Asia , b. 1790. d. 1851. 9 Life and Letters, by his Son. See TEMPLE, D. H. Sermon (A) preached in the Old- South Church, Boston, Dec. 16, 1821, before his Departure as a Missionary to Western Asia. With the In structions of the A. B. C. F. M. Boston, 1821. 8, pp. 40. TEMPLE, Rev. Daniel H., son of preceding. 11 Life and Letters of Rev. Daniel Temple. With an Introductory Notice, by R. S. Storrs. [Portrait. ] Boston, 1855. 12 (5.4X3.3). TEMPLE, Sir William, Bart., an English statesman; b. 1628. d. 1699. 12 Letters to the King, the Prince of Orange, the Chief Ministers of State, and other persons. ... Vol.3. [1673-1679.] Published by J. Swift. London, 1703. 8 (5.7X3), pp. 550. 13 Life and Writings. See MACAULAY, T. B. (Essays, vol. 3.) 14 Miscellanea. Part II. In four Essays. I. Upon Ancient and Modern Learning. II. Upon the Gardens of Epicurus. III. Upon Heroic Vir tue. IV. Upon Poetry. *** 3d ed. London, 1692. 12 (5.5X2.8). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 621 TEMPLE, Sir William, Bart., continued. 1 "Works. . . . Vol. 1, 2. To which is prefix d some Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. [Portrait.] London, 1720. 2 (9.6X3.1). 2 Works. . . . Vol. 1,2. To which is prefixed, The Life and Character of Sir W. Temple. ... [Portrait. ] London, 1750. 2 (9.6X3.1). TENISON, Thomas, D.D., Archbp. of Canterbury ; b. 1636. d. 1715. 3 Sermon against Self-Love, &c. ; preached before the House of Commons, on Fast Day, June 5th, 1689. London, 1689. 4, pp. 30. TENNEMANN, Wilhelm Gotlieb, Prof, of Pliilos. at Jena, &c. ; b. 1761. d. 1819. 4 Manual (A) of the History of Philosophy, translated from the German of Tennemann. By A. Johnson. * * * Oxford, 1832. 8 (6.7X3.6), pp. 502. TENNENT, Sir James Emerson, LL.D., &c., a British statesman; b. 1804. 5 Christianity in Ceylon ; its Introduction and Progress under the Portu guese, the Dutch, the British, and American Missions ; with an Histori cal Sketch of the Brahminical and Buddhist Superstitions. With Illus trations. London, 1850. 8 (6X3.5). TENNEY, Hon. Samuel, M.D., of Exeter, N.H. ; b. about 1750. d. 1816. 6 Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 2, 3.) ? Description of Exeter. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 1st Ser., vol. 4.) TERENTIUS AFER, Publius, a Roman comic poet ; b. about 195 B.C. d. 159. B.C. 8 Comoediae ad optimorum Exemplarium fidem recensitae. Accesserunt variae Lectiones, quae in Libris MSS. & eruditorum Commentariis no- tatu digniores occurrunt. Tom. 1, 2. \_Vignettes.~] London, 1751. 8 (6.5X3.7). 9 Comoedia? sex. Londini, 1729. 12 (5X3). 10 Comoedia? sex. Interpretation & Notis illustravit N. Camus ... in usum Delphini. ... Londini, 1776. 8 (7X4.1). 1 1 Terence s Comedies, translated into English Prose . . . Together with the original Latin . . . With Notes . . . , and an Index ... By S. Patrick. 2d ed. Vol. 1, 2. To which is prefixed the Life of Terence, with some Account of the Dramatick Poetry of the Antients. London, 1750. 8 (6.8X4). TERRICK, Richard, Bp. of Peterborough. 12 Sermon preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts; at their Anniversary Meeting, February 17, 1764. With the Charter and an Abstract of the Proceedings of the Society. London, 1764. 8(5.8X3.5). TERTULLIAN, Quintus Septimius Florens, one of the early Church fathers; b. in Carthage, about A.D. 160. d. between 220 and 240. 13 Apologetique de Tertullien, ou Defense des Chretiens centre les Accusa tions des Gentils. De la traduction de M. Giry. Nouv. ed., avec le texte Latin a cote. Augmentee d une Dissertation critique touchant Tertullien et ses Ouvrages. Amsterdam, 1712. 12 (4.4X2.6). TESTAMENT, Old and New. See BIBLE, in locis. TESTS 14 (On) of true Religion. 2d ed. Boston, 1832. 12, pp. 20. TEXTOR, Joannes RAVISIUS. See RAVISI, J. TIXIER DE. THACHER, Anthony, an emigrant to Boston from Wiltshire, in 1635. l 5 Narrative of Shipwreck. See YOUNG, A. (Chronicles of Massachusetts.) 622 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. THACHER, James, M.D. t of Plymouth, Mass. ; b. 1754. d. 1844. 1 Observations on Hydrophobia, produced by the Bite of a . . . Rabid Animal. With an Examination of the various Theories and Methods of Cure,... *** Plymouth, 1812. 8 (6.5X3.5). [2 copies.] 2 Observations upon Iron Ores. See MASSACHUSETTS Hist. Society. (Col lections, 1st Series, vol. 9.) 3 Observations on the Production of Marine Salts by Evaporation. See AMERICAN Academy, c. (Memoirs, vol. 2.) THACHER, Rev. Moses. 4 Address delivered before the Members of the Anti-Masonic State Con vention, at Augusta, Me., July 4, 1832. Hallowell, 1832. 8, pp. 32. THACHER, Rev. Peter, D.D., of Boston; b. 1752. d. 1802. 5 Memoirs of. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 1st Series, vol. 8.) 6 Nature and Effects of Christian Sympathy. Sermon preached Jan. 19, 1794, on the Death of S. Stillman, jun. Boston, 1794. 8, pp. 25. 7 Sermon preached to the Church and Society in Brattle- Street, Boston, Dec. 29, 1799, on the Completion of a Century from its First Establish ment. Boston, 1800. 8, pp. 18. 8 Sermon preached in Boston, Nov. 14, 1790, on the Death of Hon. James Bowdoin, Governor of Massachusetts. Boston, 1791. 8, pp. 31. 9 Sermon delivered April 6, 1798, at the Interment of Rev. John Clarke, D.D. Boston, 1798. 8, pp. 24. Sermon preached in Boston, March 25, 1798, on the Death of Madam Rebecca Gill. Boston, 1798. 8, pp. 23. 11 Sermon preached at Charlestown, June 19, 1796, on the Death of Hon. Nathaniel Gorham, Esq. Boston, 1796. 8, pp. 25. 12 Sermon preached in Boston, Oct. 20, 1793, on the Death of John Han cock, Governor of Massachusetts. Boston, 1793. 8, pp. 30. 13 Sermon preached at Charlestown, Feb. 29, 1788, at the Interment of Rev. Joshua Paine, jun. Boston, 1788. 8, pp. 21. 14 Sermon preached in Boston, April 17, 1796, on the Death of Hon. Tho mas Russell, Esq. Boston, 1796. 8, pp. 32. 15 Sermon preached before the General Court, June 12, 1799, at the Inter ment of Gov. Increase Sumner. Boston, [1799]. 8, pp. 18. 16 Sermon on the Death of George Washington; preached Feb. 22, 1800, before the General Court of Massachusetts. Boston, 1800. 8, pp. 21. 17 Sermon preached in Boston, Feb. 12, 1795, before the Massachusetts Congregational Charitable Society. Boston, 1795. 8, pp. 24. [3 copies.] 18 Sermon preached October, 1788, at the Ordination of Rev. Elijah Kel logg, at Portland. [C7t., by T. Browne; B.H., by E. Clark. ] [Portland, 1788.] 4, pp. 27. THACHER, Rev. Samuel Cooper, of Boston; b. 1785. d. 1818. 19 Apology (An) for Rational and Evangelical Christianity. Discourse at the Dedication of a New Church on Church Green, Boston. Boston, 1815. 8, pp. 43. [2 copies.] 20 Unity (The) of God, a Sermon, delivered in America, September, 1816 [by S. C. Thacher}. 3d ed. New-York, 1820. 8, pp. 23. THACHER, Rev. Thomas, of Dedham, Mass. ; b. 1756. d. 1812. 21 Biographical Memoir of Rev. Dr. West. Boston,. 1808. 8, pp. 31. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 623 THACHER, Rev. Thomas, continued. 1 Discourse delivered at Boston, June 10, 1800, before the Humane Socie ty of Massachusetts. Boston, 1800. 8, pp. 31. [2 copies.] 2 Discourse delivered March 16, 1812, at the Funeral of Rev. Jabez Chickering, of Dedham. Dedham, 1812. 8, pp. 25. 3 Discourse delivered at the Dedication of Milton Academy, Sept 9, 1807. Dedham, 1807. 8, pp. 23. 4 Fast Sermon, April 9, 1812. Dedham, 1812. 8, pp. 23. 5 Principles (The) and Maxims on which the Security and Happiness of a Republic depend. Election Sermon, 1811. Boston, n. d. 8, pp. 31. 6 Sermon at Chelsea, Nov. 4, 1801, at Ordination of Rev. Joseph Tuck&r- man. [Ch., S. West; R.H., A. Green. ] Boston, n. d. 8, pp. 40. THACHER, Rev. Thomas Gushing, of Lynn, Mass. ; b. 1770. d. 1849. 7 Sermon preached at Lynn, Oct. 5, 1800, on the Death of Mrs. Ann Carnes. Boston, 1801. 8, pp. 23. THATCHER, Benjamin Bussey, of Boston, grad. Bowd. Coll. ; b. 1810. d. 1840. 8 Indian Biography ; or, An Historical Account of those Individuals who have been distinguished among the North American Natives as Orators, "Warriors, Statesmen, and other Remarkable Characters. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait. ] (Harper s Family Library, No. 45, 46.) New-York, 1832. 18 (4.5X2.7). THAYER, Rev. John, of Boston. 9 Account of the Conversion of Rev. J. Thayer, who embraced the Roman Catholic Religion, at Rome, May 25, 1783. 5th. ed. Baltimore, 1788. 12, pp. 28. THAYER, Rev. Nathaniel, D.D., of Lancaster, Mass. ; b. 1769. d. 1840. 10 Character of St. Paul. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Samuel Wil- lard, Sept. 23, 1807. [Ch., R. Ripley ; RJL, J. Kilburn. } Greenfield, 1807. 8, pp. 29. THAYER, Rev. Thomas B., of Boston. 11 Why are you an Universalist ? See (PlTTS-STREET Chapel Lectures). THEATRE Francois, ou Recueil des meilleures Pieces de Theatre des anciens 12 Auteurs. Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1705. 12 (4.7X2.7). THEATRE Francois, ou Recueil des meilleures Pieces de Theatre. Tom. 1-12. 13 Paris, 1737. 8 (4.7X2.7). THELWALL, John. 1-1 Trial (The) of John Thelwall, on a Charge of High Treason. With Chief Justice Eyre s Charge, and Mr. ThelwalFs Address to the Jury. London, 1794. 8, pp. 90. THEMISTOCLES, an Athenian general; b. 514 B.C. d. 449 B.C. i EpistolaB, Grrece & Latine interprete J. M. Caryophilo. Recensuit, No- tis & Indicibus inlustravit, & in Pra?fatione vindicavit C. Schoettgenius. Lipsiae, 1710. 8 (5. 5X2.8), par. cols. NOTE. These letters are demonstrated by Bentley to be spurious, in his Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris. THEOCRITUS, a Greek pastoral poet, of Syracuse; fl. about 270 B.C. 16 Theocriti, Bionis et Moschi Carmina Bvcolica. Greece et Latine. Latino Carmine pleraque reddita ab Eobano Hesso, nonnulla ab E. G. Higtio sub- iecit, Greeca ex Edd. primis, Codd. & aliunde emendavit, variisque Lec- tionibus instruxit L. C. Valckanaer. Ed. altera. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, 1810. 8 (5.8 irr.X3.5 irr.), pp. 567. C24 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. THEOCRITUS, continued. 1 Theocriti quoe extant [Greek] : cum Grsecis Scholiis. * * * Londini, 1729. 8 (6X3-5 irr.). THEODORET, Bp. of Cyrus, in Syria ; b. 386. d. 460. 2 Ecclesiastical History, transl d and abridged. See PARKER, S. 3 Theodoriti Libri II. Latine. See (ECCLESIASTICAL Historiae Avtores). THEODORUS, a Eeader in the Church of Constantinople ; fl. about 518. 4 Collectanea Hist. Eccles. See (ECCLESIASTICAE Historiae Avtores). THEODORUS. 5 Theodori Grammatices Intro dvctionis Libri qvatvor. Eiusdem de Men- sibus. Georgij legapeni de Constructione Verborum. [Greek.} [Colophon] Florentiae, 1520. 8 (4.7X3), THEODOSIUS, a grammarian of Alexandria, of uncertain age. 6 Canones Graece. See BEKKER, I. (Anecdota Graeca, vol. 2.) THEOLOGICAL Essays from Princeton Review. See PRINCETON Essays. THEOLOGICAL Essays, from various authors. See No YES, G. R. THEOLOGICA Germanica: . . . Edited by Dr. Pfeiff er . . . Translated from 7 the German by S. Winkworth. With a Preface by Rev. C. Kingsley, and a Letter to the Translator by the Chevalier Bunsen. 2d ed. London, 1854. 12 (5X2.8). THEOLOGICAL and Literary Journal (The). Edited by D. N. Lord. Vol. 1-13. 8 July, 1848 April, 1861. [Quarterly. } New York, 1849- 60. 8 (6.7X3.7). THEOLOGICAL Repository (The) ; . . . [Edited by Dr. Priestley. ] Vol. 1-6. 9 * * * Vol. 1-3, London; 4-6, Birmingham, 1770- 78. 8 (5.6X3. 2). THEOLOGICAL Seminary in Andover, Mass. Catalogue of the Library of the- 10 Theol. Seminary in Andover, Mass. By O. A. Taylor. [Alphabetical of Authors.} Andover, 1838. 8 (6.7X3. 8), pp. 531. 11 Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the Theological Seminary, Andover, Mass., 1838 ; 1846; 1849; 1853; 1857-8; 1858-9. [Plates.} Andover, 1838- 59. 8, pamps. 12 Constitution (The) and Associate Statutes of the Theological Seminary in Andover ; with a Sketch of its Rise and Progress [by E. Pearson}. Boston, 1808. 8, pp. 68. [2 copies.} 13 Review of the " Constitution and Associate Statutes," &c. From the Monthly Anthology, November, 1808. Boston, 1808. 8, pp. 35. THEOLOGICAL Seminary in Bangor, Maine. Catalogue of the Theological Semi- 14 nary, Bangor, Maine. 1837; 1838; ]843; 1845; 1846; 1847; 1848 j 1849; 1850; 1852; 1855; 1856; 1858; 1859; 1860; 1861. Bangor, 1838- 61. 8, pamps. 15 General Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Bangor, Me., 1854. Bangor, 1854. 8, pp. 22. [2 copies.] THEOLOGISCHE Studien und Kritiken. Eine Zeitschrift fiir das gesammte Ge- 16 biet de Theologie. Jahrgang 1834-1862. 56 vols. 1834- 54, Hamburg; 1855- 62, Gotha; 1834- 62. 8 (6.3X3.4). NOTE This publication is continuing-, quarterly. Conducted throughout by C. Ull- mann and F. W. C. Umbreit, assisted to 1855, by J. K. L. Gieseler, G. C. F. Liicke and K. T. Nitzsch; subsequently by Jul. Miiller, K. T. Nitzsch and Dr. Rothe. 17 Register fiir die Jahrgange 1838-1847. Hamburg, 1847. 8 (6.3X3.4). i* Register fiir die Jahrgange 1848-1857. Gotha, 185S. 8 (6.3X3.4). CATALOGUE OF THE LIB11AUY. 625 THEOPHRASTUS, a Greek philosopher, successor to Aristotle; d. 285 B.C. 1 Characteres Ethici. [Greek.] Ex recensione P. Needham, et Versione Latina I. Casauboni. Glasguae, 1758. 16 (4.6X2.8). 2 Moral Characters, made English ; with a prefatory Discourse, from the French of De la Bruyere. London, 1705. 8, pp. 38. 3 Moral Characters, in the Graeca Majora, literally translated, with Notes [, by C. D. Cleveland ]. Andover, 1826. 8, pp. 36. THEORIE 4 du Paradoxe. Amsterdam, 1775. 12 (4.3X2.6). *THERON and Aspasio/ Epistolary Correspondence between S. P. and R. S. 5 relating to the Letters on Theron and Aspasio. Glasgow, 1 762. 8, pp. 96. THEVENOT, Jean DE, a French traveller; b. in Paris, 1633. d. 1667. 6 Travels (The) of M. de Thevenot into the Levant. In three parts, viz. into I. Turkey. II. Persia. III. The East-Indies. Newly done out of French [by ^ 4.. Lovell~\. ... [Portrait.] London, 1687. 2 (9.6X6.9). NOTE. Each Part has also independent title-page and paging. THIEXS, Johannes. 7 Disputationes VII. ad quinque Articvlos Remonstrantium. Quas public^ defendit, Aquisgranensis, 1645. * * * Franekerae, 1656. 4, pp. 70. THIERRY, Amedee Simon Dominique, a French historian; b. 1797. 8 Histoire de la Gaule, sous 1 Administration Romaine, par A. Thierry. Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1840- 47. 8 (5.6X3.3). 9 Histoire des Gaulois, depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu a 1 entiere Soumission de la Gaule a la Domination Romaine ; par A. Thierry. 3me ed., revue et augmentee. Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1844. 8 (5.7X3-4). THIERS, Louis Adolphe, late Prime Minister of France; b. 1797. 10 History of the Consulate and the Empire of France under Napoleon. ... By M. A. Thiers. Translated by D. Forbes Campbell. Vol. 1-17. [Portraits. ] * London, 1845- 60. 8 (7. 1X4). 11 History (The) of the French Revolution. By M. A. Thiers. Trans lated, with Notes and Illustrations from the most authentic sources, by F. Shobeii. . . . With Engravings. Vol. 1-4. New-York, 1854. 8 (6.6X3.8). 12 Sketch of Thiers. See (SKETCHES of Living Characters of France). THIERSCH, Friedrich Wilhelm, Prof, at Munich, &c.: b. 1784. d. 1860. 33 Greek Grammar (The) of F. Thiersch, translated from the German, with brief Remarks, by D. K. Sandford. Edinburgh and London, 1830. 8 (6.4X3.8), pp. 528, xxxvi., 25. 14 Protestantismus (Ueber) und Kniebengung im Konigreiche Bayern. Drei Sendschreiben an Dr. I. Dollinger von F. Thiersch. . . . Marburg, 1844. 8 (6.2X3.6). THIERSCH, Heinrich W. J., Prof, of TheoL, Univ. of Marburg. 15 Vorlesungen liber Katholicismus und Protestantismus. Abth. 1,2. 2te verbesserte auflage. Erlangen, 1848. 8 (6.3X3.6). THIERY DE MENONVILLE, Nicolas Joseph, a French botanist ; b. 1739. d. 1780. ij Traite de la Culture du Nopal, et de 1 Education de le Cochenille dans les Colonies Franchises de FAmerique ; precede d un Voyage a Guaxaca, par M. Thiery de Menonville. Auquel on a ajoute une Preface, des Notes & des Observations relatives a la Culture de la Cochenille, avec des figures colorices. ... 2 vols. Cap-Fran^ais, 1787. 8 (5.4X3.1). 626 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. THIBLWALL, Connop, D.D., Bp. of St. David s; b. 1797. 1 History (A) of Greece. Vol. 1-8. * * * [Embellished Title-pages.] London, n. d. 16 (5X2.8). Joint Translator. See NIEBUHB, B. G. The History of Rome. THOLUCK, Friedrich August 1)., Prof, of TheoL, Univ. of Halle; b. 1799. 2 Commentary (A) on the Gospel of Saint John. By A. Tholuck. Trans lated from the German by A. Kaufman. Boston, 1836. 12 (5.6X3.3). 3 Guido and Julius ; or, Sin and the Propitiator exhibited in the true Con secration of the Sceptic. Translated from the German by J. E. Ryland, with an introductory Preface by J. P. Smith. Boston, 1854. 12 (5X3). THOM, Rev. David, of Liverpool. 4 Assurance (The) of Faith, or Calvinism identified with Universalism. Vol. 1, 2. * * * London, 1833. 8 (6.1X3.6). 5 Why is Popery progressing? London, 1835. 8, pp. 50. Editor, &c. See BARCLAY, Rev. John. Without Faith, without God. THOM, Robert, Esq. 6 Esop s Fables written in Chinese by the learned Mun Mooy Seen-Shang, and compiled in their present form (with a free and literal translation) by his pupil Sloth. [By E. Thorn. ] *** Canton, 1840. 4(9X6irr.). THOMAS A KEMPIS, or Thomas HAMMEBLEIN, of Kempen. See KEMPIS, T. a. THOMAS AQUINAS, St., the "Angelic Doctor," of Aquino; b. 1224. d. 1274. 7 Life (The) of Thomas Aquinas : a Dissertation on the Scholastic Philoso phy of the Middle Ages. See HAMPDEN, R. D. 8 Svmma Totivs Theologia?. ... * * * Antverpia?, 1626. 2 (12.3X6.6), 2 cols., m. r. NOTE. Three parts and supplement, each with independent half-title and paging. 9 Totivs Theologian Svmma, in tres partes digesta, & ad Romanum exem plar collata. Cum Commentariis Thoma? de Vio. Accesserunt ad prio- res editiones Beati Dionysij de Diuinis Nominibus Liber ad eoclem D. Thoma expositus, Catechismus Catholicus, & de Sacramentis Opus A. Hunnei, Concordantise insuper Contradictionum D. Thoma3 . . . Cui addita sunt Commentaria R. F. Chrysostomi lauelli ad librorum prohi- bitorum Indicem . . . emendata. Quibus preeter sex copiosi Indices . . . * * * 3 vols. Lvgdvni, 1588. 2 (12.8X7.5), 2 cols., m. r. THOMAS, Rev. G. A., Rector of Woolwich, Kent. Editor, and Biographer. See THOMAS, John. Sermons and Charges. THOMAS, Isaiah, a printer ; b. in Boston, 1749. d. 1831. 1 History (The) of Printing in America. With a Biography of Printers, and an Account of Newspapers. To which is prefixed a concise View of the Discovery and Progress of the Art in other Parts of the World. . . . Vol. 1/2. * * * [Plates.] Worcester, 1810. 8 (6.2X3.4). [2 copies.] 11 Perpetual Laws (The) of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, from the Establishment of its Constitution, in the year 1780, to the End of the year 1800 ; with the Constitutions of the United States of America, and of the Commonwealth, prefixed [, and Washington s Farewell Address, appended }. . . . Vol. 1-3. * * * Vol. 1, 2, Worcester; 3, Boston, 1788/99, 1801. 8 (6.4X3.1 ; 6.7X3.3 ; 7.2X3.6), m. b. THOMAS, J., M.I). Joint Editor. See LIPPINCOTT S Pronouncing Gazetteer. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. G27 THOMAS, John, LL.D., Bp. of Rochester ; b. 1712. d. 1793. 1 Sermons and Charges. Published ... by G. A. Thomas. Vol. 1, 2. To which is prefixed, A Sketch of the Life and Character of the Author, by the Editor. . . . 2d ed. London, 1801. 8 (5.5X3.3). THOME, Rev. James A. 2 Emancipation in the West Indies. A six months Tour in Antigua, Bar- badoes, and Jamaica, in the year 1837. By J. A. Thome, and J. Horace Kimball. New York, 1838. 12 (5.7X3.2). THOMPSON, A., Esq. Translator. See GEOFFREY of Monmouth. British History. THOMPSON, Sir Benjamin, Count Rumford; b. in Woburn, Mass., 1753. d. 1814. 3 Account of the Life and Writings of Count Rumford, by Jacob BigeloAv. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 4.) 4 Life, by J. Renwick. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Series, vol. 5.) 5 Proposals for forming a Public Institution for diffusing the Knowledge and facilitating the General Introduction of Useful Mechanical Inven tions and Improvements, and for teaching the Application of Science to the Common Purposes of Life. [London, 1799.] 8, pp. 50. THOMPSON, Capt. Edward, II. N.; d. 1786. Biographer, &c. See MARVELL, A. Works and Life. THOMPSON, Rev. Henry, A.M., Fellow of St. John s College, Cambridge, Eng. 6 Decline of Latin Poetry. See (ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 10). ? Heraldry. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 5). 8 Horace Latin Poetry. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 10). THOMPSON, Rev. James W. 9 Christ the Image of God. Boston, 1834. 12, pp. 12. 10 Doctrine (The) of the Cross. Boston, 1840. 12, pp. 32. THOMPSON, Rev. Joseph Parish, D.D., of New-York City ; b. 1819. 11 Memoir of David Hale, late Editor of the Journal of Commerce. With Selections from his Miscellaneous Writings. [Portrait. ] New- York, 1850. 12 (6X3.5). THOMPSON, William Hepworth, Prof, of Greek, Univ. of Cambridge. Editor, &c. See BUTLER, W. A. History of Ancient Philosophy. THOMS, William John, F.R.S.A., Sub-librarian of House of Lords; b. 1803. Translator, &c. See WORSAAE, J. J. A. Antiquities of Denmark. THOMSON, A., Author tf A Poem on Whist, &c. Translator. See GERMAN Miscellany (The) ; &c. THOMSON, Rev. Andrew, D.D., of Edinburgh-, b. 1779. d. 1831. 12 Life of Dr. Owen. See OWEN, J. Works. Vol. 1, pp. xix.-cxxii. is Sermons and Sacramental Exhortations. [With a Memoir. ,] 1st Ameri can ed. [Portrait.] Boston, 1832. 12 (5.7X3.2). THOMSON, Alexander, M.D. Translator, &c. See SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, C. Lives of the First Twelve Ca3sars. THOMSON, Mrs. Anthony Todd, of London. 14 Life of Cardinal Wolsey. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. Lives of Eminent Persons ; &c. 15 Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, with some Account of the Period in which he lived. [Portrait. ] Philadelphia, 1831. 12 (4.8X2.8). 628 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. THOMSON, Rev. George. 1 Spirit (The) of General History, in a Series of Lectures, from the Eighth to the Eighteenth Century; . . . 2d ed. London, 1792. 8 (5.9X3.1), pp. viii., 527. THOMSON, James, a British poet; b. in Roxburghshire, Scotland, 1700. d. 1748. 2 Life of Thomson. See JOHNSON, Samuel. (Works, vol. 11.) 3 Poetical Works. [With a Memoir of Thomson, by Sir H. Nicolas. ] Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait.] Boston, 1854. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). 4 Works. . . . Vol. 1,2. ... [Portrait and Plates.] London, 1788. 12 (5X2.7 irr.). THOMSON, Thomas, M.D., &c., Prof, of Chem., Univ. of Glasgow; 6.1773. dl852. 5 Outlines of Mineralogy, Geology, and Mineral Analysis. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1836. 8 (7X3.7). 6 System (A) of Chemistry. . . . 2d ed. Vol. 1-4. [Plates.] Edinburgh, 1804. 8 (6X3.2). 7 System (A) of Chemistry. ... 3d ed. Vol. 1-5. [Plates.] Edinburgh, 1807. 8 (6X3.2). Editor. See ANNALS (The) of Philosophy. Vol. 10-16. THOMSON, W. M., Missionary A.B.C.F.M. in Sijria and Palestine. 8 Land (The) and the Book ; or, Biblical Illustrations drawn from the Man ners and Customs, the Scenes and Scenery of the Holy Land. Maps, Engravings, &c. ... Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1859. 12 (6.3X3.6). THORN, William, of Winton College, Oxford. 9 Tvllivs, sev Pijraig ... * * * Oxonise, 1582. 8 (5.3X2.8), m. r. THORNBURY, G. W. 10 Shakspere s England ; or, Sketches of our Social History in the Reign of Elizabeth. * * * ... Vol. 1, 2. London, 1856. 12 (5.3X3.5). THORNTON, Bonnell, an English author & poet ; b. 1724. d. 1768. Joint Author. See CONNOISSEUR (The). THORNTON, Henry, Esq., M.P. 11 Enquiry (An) into the Nature and Effects of the Paper Credit of Great Britain. London, 1802. 8 (5.7X3.5). 12 Inquiry (An) into the Nature and Effects of the Paper Credit of Great Britain. Philadelphia, 1807. 8 (6.2X3.5). THORNTON, J. 13 Repentance explained and enforced. Boston* 1818. 12 (4.6X2.7). THORNTON, John Wingate, Esq., of Boston. 14 Ancient Pemaquid. See MAINE Hist. Society. (Collections, vol. 5.) 15 Pulpit (The) of the American Revolution : or, The Political Sermons of the Period of 1776. With a historical Introduction, Notes, and Illus trations. * * * [Portrait of J. Mayhew, and Plate.] Boston, 1860. 12 (5.9X3.4), pp. 537. NOTE. Each sermon has also independent title-page, a reprint in imitation of original. THORPE, Benjamin, an English philologist ; b. about 1808. 16 Analecta Anglo-Saxonica. A Selection, in Prose and Verse, from An glo-Saxon Authors of various ages ; with a Glossary. . . . New ed. ... London, 1846. 12 (5.4X3.2). 1 7 Codex Exoniensis. A Collection of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, from a Manu script in the Library of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, with an Eng lish Translation, Notes, and Indexes. * * * London, 1842. 8 (6.7 irr.X4 irr.), par. cols., pp. 546. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 629 THORPE, Benjamin, continued. Editor, Translator, &c. See BEOWULF. Anglo-Saxon Poems, &c. Editor, Translator, &c. See CAEDMON. Metrical Paraphrase, &c. Translator, &c. See LAPPENBERG, J. M. History of England. Translator. See RASK, R. C. Anglo-Saxon Grammar. THOUIN, Andre, an Eminent French agriculturist ; b. 1747. d. 1825. 1 Essai sur 1 Exposition et la Division methodique de 1 Economie rurale, etc. See COURS complet d Agriculture. Vol. 11, pp. i.-lvi. /TlCKELL, Thomas, an English poet ; b. in Bridekirk, Cumberland, 1686. d. 1740. 2 Life of Tickell. See JOHNSON, Samuel. (Works, vol. 10.) 3 Poetical Works. With a Life, by Dr. Johnson. Boston, 1854. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). THRUSH, Capt. Thomas, R.N. 4 Apology (The) of an Officer, for withdrawing from the Profession of Arms ; contained in ... Letters ... on the Causes and Evils of War, its Un lawfulness, &c. *** 2d ed. London, 1833. 8 (6X3.6). 5 Letter (A) addressed to the King, on resigning his Commission, on the ground of the Unlawfulness of War. Cambridge, 1825. 8, pp. 24. 6 Observations on the Causes and Evils of War ; its Unlawfulness ; and the Means and Certainty of its Extinction: in a Series of Letters. Part L, II. * * * York, 1825, 26. 8, pp. 84, 57. THUCYDIDES, a Greek historian; b. about 471 B.C. d. about 400 B.C. 7 Harangues tirees de Thucydide. See AUGER, A. (Harangues, etc., vol. 2.) 8 History (The) of the Peloponnesian War, translated from the Greek. . . . Vol. 1, 2. By W. Smith. * * * [Maps.] London, 1753. 4 (6.8X5), m. b. 9 History (The) of the Peloponnesian War [Greek] : illustrated by Maps, taken entirely from actual Surveys, with Notes, chiefly historical and geopraphical, by T. Arnold. 3d ed. Vol. 1-3. Oxford, 1847. 8 (6.8X4.1). 10 Thvcydidis de Bello Peloponnesiaco Libri octo. Ad optimorvm codi- cvm fidem, adhibitis doctorvm virorvm observationibvs, recensvit, svm- mariis et notis illvstravit, indicesqve rervm et verborvm adiecit C. F. F. Haackivs. Vol. 1, 2. Lipsiae, 1820. 8 (6.3X3.7). THUNBERG, Carl Peter, M.D., Prof, of Botany, Univ. of Upsal ; 6.1743. d.l82S. 11 Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia, made between the years 1770 and 1779. . . . Vol. 1-4. ... 2d ed. [Plates. ] I London, 1795. 8 (5.3X3.1). THURSTON, Rev. Stephen, of Searsport, Me. 12 Grand Mission (The) of the Gospel. Sermon before the American Missionary Association, at Worcester, Mass., Sept. 29, 1858. New-York, 1858. 8, pp. 15. TIBULLUS, Albius, a Roman elegiac poet ; b. about 63 B.C. d. 19 B.C. 13 Carmina. See CATULLUS, C. V. Catulli, etc. Opera. Catullus, etc. 14 Elegiac Extracts from Tibullus, with Introduction, &c. See RAMSAY, W. 15 Elegies de Tibulle, suivies des Baisers de Jean Second. Par Mirabeau. Avec quatorze Figures. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1798. 8 (5.4X3.1). TICKNOR, Caleb, M.D. 16 Philosophy (The) of Living ; or, the Way to enjoy Life and its Com forts. * * * (Harper s Family Library, No. 77.) New-York, 1839. 18 (4.5X2.7). 630 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. TICKNOK, George, LL.D., of Boston; b. 1791. 1 History of Spanish Literature. . . . Vol. 1-3. New York, 1849. 8 (6.6X3.7). 2 Papers discussing the Comparative Merits of Prescott s and Wilson s Histories, Pro. and Con. [Boston] 1861. 8, pp. 8. 3 Review of Memoirs of the Rev. Joseph Buckminster, and the Rev. Jo seph Stevens Buckminster. Cambridge, 1849. 8, pp. 29. TIDD, William, of the Inner Temple, London. 4 Practise (The) of the Court of King s Bench in Personal Actions. Part I. Dublin, 1796. 8 (6.5X3.6). TIEDEMANN, Dietrich, a German philosopher ; b. 1748. d. 1803. 5 Dialogorum Platonis Argumenta exposita et illustrata. Biponti, 1786. 8 (5.6X3.2). NOTE. Lettered " Platonis Opera. 12." TIEFFENTHALER, Joseph, a Jesuit missionary to Hindostan ; b. 1715. d. 1786. 6 Historisch-geographische Beschreibung von Hindustan. Ferner Anque- til du Perron s historische und chronologische Abhandlungen von Indien, und dessen Beschreibung des Laufes der Strohme Ganges und Gagra, mit einer sehr grossen Charte. Wie auch Jacob Rennell s General-Charte von * Indien, und dessen Charten von dem Laufe des Strohmes Burramputer und von der einlandischen Schiffahrt in Bengalen, sammt dahin gehoren- den Abhandlungen. Endlich noch verschiedene andere Zusatze und viele Anmerkungen des Herausgebers. ... In Ordnung gebracht, und in Deutscher Sprache an das Licht gestellt von J. Bernoulli. Band 1-3. Mit ... Kupfertafeln. Berlin, 1785- 87. 4 (7.2X5.9), m. r. TIERNEY, George, Esq. i Letter to the Right Hon. Henry Dundas, President of the Board of Con- troul, on the Statement of the Affairs of the East India Company lately published by George Anderson, Esq. London, 1792. 8, pp. 47. TILGHMAN, William, Chief-Justice of Pennsylvania ; b. 1756. d. 1827. 8 Eulogium (An) in Commemoration of Dr. Caspar Wistar, delivered be fore the American Philosophical Society, March 11, 1818. Philadelphia, 1818. 8, pp. 47. TILLARD, J. 9 Reply (A) to Mr. Warburton s Appendix, in his Second Volume of the Divine Legation of Moses. ... * * * London, 1762. 8 (5.8X3.1). TILLOCH, Alexander, LL.D., a Scottish inventor & philosopher ; b. 1759. d. 1825. Editor. See PHILOSOPHICAL Magazine (The) and Journal. Vol. 50-65. TILLOTSON, John, D.D., Arclibp. of Canterbury ; b. 1630. d. 1694. 10 Life of Tillotson. See (Works, post. Vol. I, pp. i.-cxxxviii.). 11 Protestant Religion (The) vindicated from the Charge of Singularity & Novelty : in a Sermon [on Josh. xxiv. 15] preached before the King, April 2, 1680. London, 1680. 4, pp. 33. 12 Sermon (A) [onPs. cxix. 60] preached before the King, April 18, 1675. London, 1675. 4, pp. 34. 13 Short Animadversions upon a Sermon lately preached by the Rev. Dr. Tillotson, upon Josh. xxiv. 15. London, 1680. 4, pp. 21. 14 Works. Vol. 1. Containing fifty four Sermons and Discourses . . . Together with the Rule of Faith. Being all that were published by his Grace himself. 2, 3. Containing . . . [four] hundred Sermons and Dis courses . . . Published by R. Barker. Together with Tables to the whole:... London, 1752. 2 (10.8X5.2). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 631 TIMES (The). Jan. 1 Dec. 31, 1794; March 25 August 10, 1797; Febr. 5,, 1 1806 Dec. 31, 1807 ; and occasional Nos. to May 6, 1823. 3 vols. London, 1794-1823. 2 (17.5X12), 5 cols. TIMES Store-Hovse ; containing the learned Collections, juditious Readings, and 2 memorable Observations of sundry worthy personages, English, French, Italian, Spanish, &c. vpon diuers Subjects . . . [Embellished Title-page and Illustrations.] London, 1619. 2(10.3X5.5),2cols.,m.r.,pp.977-|-. TlMON of Athens, altered from Shakspear. A Tragedy as it is acted at the 3 Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. London, 1771. 8, pp. 62. TINDAL, Matthew, LL.D., anEngl. deistical & political writer ; b. 1657. d. 1733. 4 Christianity as Old as the Creation : or, The Gospel, A Republication of the Religion of Nature. [By M. Tindal.] Vol. 1. * * * London, 1730. 8 (6.5X3.4). NOTE. Only one volume of this work was published. Consult under CONYBEARE, J. 5 New High-Church turn d Old Presbyterian. Utrum horum. Never a Barrell the better Herring. [ByM. Tindal.~\ London, 1709. 8, pp. 20. TIHABOSCHI, Girolami, Librarian to the Duke of Modena; b. 1731. d. 1794. 6 Histoire de la Litterature d Italic, tiree de 1 Italien de Mr. Tiraboschi, et abregee par A. Landi. Tom. 1-5. *** Berne, 1784. 8(5.7X3),m.b. 7 Storia della Litteratura Italiana Nueva ed. Tom. 1-9. . . . Firenze, 1805- 13. 8 (6.5X3.7), m. b. NOTE Bound in 14 vols. Tom 9 is " Indice generale." TISSOT, Samuel Andre, a Siviss physician ; b. 1728. d. 1797. 8 Advice to the People in general, with regard to their Health : . . . Translated from the French Edition of Dr. Tissot s Avis au Peuple, &c. by J. Kirkpatrick. To which is added, The Art of Preserving Health : ... By J. Mackenzie. *** Vol. 1,2. London, 1767. 12 (5.4X3). 9 Treatise (A) on the Diseases produced by Onanism. Translated from ... the French, with Notes and an Appendix, by a Physician. * * * New-York, 1832. 12 (5.7X3.5). TITI, Filippo, VAbbate. 10 Nuovo Studio di Pittura, Scoltura, et Architettura nelle Chiese, di Ro ma, Palazzi Vaticano, di Monte Cavallo, & altri. . . . Roma, 1708. 24 (4.3X2.1). TITTMANN, Carl Christian, B.I)., Prof, of Theol. at Wittenberg ; b. 1744. d. 1820. 11 Meletemata Sacra sive Commentarivs exegetico-critico-dogmaticus in Evangelivm loannis. Lipsiae, 1816. 8 (6.2X3. 5), pp. 724. TIXIER DE RAVISI, Jean. See RAYISI, Jean TIXIER DE. TOCQUEVILLE, Alexis Charles Henri CLEREL DE, a French publicist & states man ; b. in Paris, 1805. d. 1859. 12 Democracy in America. By A. de Tocqueville. Translated by H. Reeve ; with an Introductory Preface, and Notes, by J. C. Spencer. 2d American ed. New- York, 1838. 8 ( ). 13 Memoir [by O. de Beaumont], Letters, and Remains of A. de Tocque ville. Translated from the French . . . With large Additions. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1862. 16 (5.3X3.1). 14 State (On the) of Society in France before the Revolution of 1789 ; and on the Causes which led to that Event. By A. de Tocqueville. Trans lated by H. Reeve. [Map.] London, 1856. 8 (5.9X3.4), pp. 511. Joint Author. See BEAUMONT, G. de. Penitentiary System in U. S. 632 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. TODD, Rev. John, D.D., of Pittsfield, Mass. ; b. 1800. 1 Sabbath School Teacher (The): ... Northampton, 1837. 12 (5X3.1), TODD, Rev. Jonathan, of East Guilford, Conn. ; b. 1714. d. 1791. 2 Narrative of the Proceedings of the First Society and Church in Wal- lingford, in their Calling and Settling the Rev. James Dana, and of the Doings of the several Councils relative thereto. With a Vindication of Mr. Dana, said Church and Society, &c. in a Letter from Rev. Wm. Hart. New-Haven, 1759. 4 (6.5X4), pp. 84. TOGRAI, Abu-Ishmael, an eminent Arabic poet, of the 1th century. 3 Lamiato 1-Ajam, Carmen Tograi ; una cum Yersione Latina, & Notis. Praxin illius exhibentibus : opera E. Pocockii. Accessit Tractatus de Prosodia Arabica. Oxonii, 1661. 8 (5.2X3). TOLAND, John, a controversial writer; b. in Ireland, 1669. d. 1722. 4 Christianity not mysterious : or, A Treatise shewing that there is nothing in the Gospel contrary to Reason nor above it : ... 2d ed. enlarg d. *** London, 1696. 8 (5.3X2.6), m. r.. 5 Reflections on Dr. SacheverelPs Sermon preach d at St. Paul s, Nov. 5, 1709. In a Letter from an Englishman to a Hollander. Translated from the French. London, 1710. 8, pp. 16. 6 Tetradymus. Containing 1. Hodegus ; or the Pillar of Cloud and Fire, that guided the Israelites in the Wilderness, not miraculous ; 2. Clidopho- rus ; or of the Exoteric and Esoteric Philosophy ; 3. The History of Hy- patia ; 4. Mangoneutes ; being a Defence of Nazarenus. . . . By Mr. Toland. *** London, 1720. 8 (6.2X3.3), m. r. Editor, and Biographer. See HARRINGTON, J. Oceana, and other Works. TOLLER, Sir Samuel, Kt., Advocate- General at Madras. 7 Law (The) of Executors and Administrators. With considerable Addi tions, by F. Whitmarsh. * * * 3d American from 6th London edition: with References to the Statutes of Pennsylvania, and the principal Amer ican Decisions by E. D. Ingraham. Philadelphia, 1829. 8 (7 irr.X4), pp. 623. TOLLIUS, Jacob, Prof, of Eloq. & Greek at Brandenburg; b. 1630. d. 1696. Editor, Translator, &c. See LONGINUS, D. C. Commentarius de Sub- limitate. TOMB (The) of James Molai ; or, The Secret of the Conspirators. Translated 8 by a Gentleman of Boston. Boston, 1797. 8, pp. 22. TOMBS, John, B.D. 9 Anti-psedobaptism, or the Second Part of the full Review of the Dispute concerning Infant-Baptism :... *** London, 1654. 4 (6. IX 3.7). TOMPKINS, Rev. Martin. 1 Jesus Christ the Mediator between God and Man, an Advocate for us with the Father, and a Propitiation for the Sins of the World. [ByM. Tompkins.~\ 2d ed. To which is added, by ... [J. Thompson ], An Essay to prove the Credibility of the Gospel, from the Doctrine of the Efficacy of Christ s Death for the Redemption of the World. London, 1761. 8 (6X3.3). TOMSON, Leonard, Under-Sec y to Sir Francis Walsingliam ; Jl. 1590. Translator. See CALVIN, J. Sermons on the Epistles of S. Paule to Timothie and Titus. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 633 TOOGOOD, Rev. John, of Kington-Magna, Dorset. 1 Book (The) of Nature ; Discourse on some Instances of the Power, "Wis dom and Goodness of God. 4th ed. Boston, 1802. 12, pp. 47. TOOKE, Andrew, Master of Charter-House School; b. 1673. d. 1731. 2 Pantheon (The), representing the Fabulous Histories of the Heathen Gods and most illustrious Heroes ... by way of Dialogues, for the use of Schools. 10th ed. ...[Plates.] London, 1726. 12 (5.5X3.1). 3 Pantheon (The) : . . . [Plates. ] Edinburgh, 1793. 12 (5.6X3). NOTE. A translation, without acknowledgment, of Pantheum Mysticum of F. Pomey. TOOKE, John HORSE, an English political leader & philologist ; 6.1736. d.1812. 4 Eirta. llrfgozvra,- or, The Diversions of Purley. Part I. \_Plate.~\ London, 1786. 8 (5. 5X3.1). 5 ETrsa MrsQoevru. or, The Diversions of Purley. Part I., II. ... From 2d London ed. 2vols. [Plates.] Philadelphia, 1806/07. 8 (6.5X3.4). 6 Letter to Lord Ashburton, occasioned by last Tuesday s Debate in the House of Commons, on Mr. Pitt s Motion. London, [1782]. 8, pp. 38. 7 Trial (The) of John Home Tooke, on a Charge of High Treason. . . . With Chief-Justice Eyre s Charge, and Mr. Tooke s Address to the Jury. London, 1794. 8 (6X3.3). TOOKE, Rev. William, F.B.S., English Chaplain at Cronstadt ; b. 1744. d. 1820. 8 History of Russia, from the Foundation of the Monarchy by Rurik, to the Accession of Catharine the Second. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Map and Portraits.] London, 1800. 8 (5. 8X3.1). 9 Life (The) of Catharine II. Empress of Russia. With 7 Portraits . . . , and a Map of the Russian Empire. ... * * * 3d ed., with considera ble Improvements. Vol. 1-3. London, 1799. 8 (5. 7X3.1). [2 copies.] 10 Life (The) of Catharine II. Empress of Russia. With 11 Portraits . . . , and a Map of the Russian Empire. 4th ed., with great Additions and a copious Index. ... Vol. 1-3. London, 1800. 8 (6X3.3). it View of the Russian Empire during the Reign of Catharine the Second, and to the Close of the Present Century. . . . Vol. 1-3. [Map.] London, 1799. 8 (5.7X3.1). Editor, and Biographer. See CHURCHILL, C. Poetical Works. Translator, &c. See ZOLLIKOFER, G. J. Sermons on the Reformation. TOOLY, Thomas. Editor, &c. See CICERO, M. T. De Officiis Libri tres, etc. TOPSELL, Rev. Edward. 12 Reward (The) of Religion. Sixteen Lectures on the Book of Ruth. London, 1613. 8 (5.2X2. 7). TORREY, John, M.D., F.L.S., an American botanist & chemist; b. 1798. is Botanical Report. See UNITED STATES. (Explorations and Surveys for a Pacific Railroad, vol. 7.) 14 Description of Plants. See BLAKE, W. P. (Report of a Geological Reconnaissance in California.) 15 Observations on the Batis Maritima of Linnaeus. Pp. 8, and one Plate. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 6.) 16 Observations on the Darlingtonia Californica, a new Pitcher Plant, from Northern California. Pp. 8, and one Plate. See SMITHSONIAN Institu tion. (Contributions, vol. 6.) 80 634 BOWD01N COLLEGE. TORRE Y, John, M.D., continued. 1 Plantae Fremontianae ; or, Descriptions of Plants collected by Col. J. C. Fremont, in California. Pp. 24, and 10 Plates. See SMITHSONIAN In stitution. (Contributions, vol. 6.) TORREY, Capt. William, of Weymouth, Mass. ; d. about 1663. 2 Brief Discourse (A) concerning Futurities or Things to come. 2d ed. With a Preface by Rev. Mr. Prince. Boston, 1757. 8, pp. 76. TORSELLINI, Orazio, an Italian Jesuit historian, &c. ; b. 1545. d. 1599. y F. Handii Tvrsellinvs sev De Particvlis Latinis Commentarii. Vol. 1-4. Lipsiae, 1829- 45. 8 (6.2X3.5). 4 Libellus de Particulis Latince Orationis post curas J. Thomasii et J. C. Schwarzii denuo recognitus et auctus. See FORCELLIXI, E. (Totius Latinitatis Lexicon, vol. 2.) TOULMIN, Rec. H. 5 Short View (A) of the Life, Sentiments and Character of John Mort, in an Address to the Dissenters of Atherton ; and in a Sermon preached in New Bent Chapel, Jan. 20, 1788. 2d ed. London, 1793. 12, pp. 74. TOULMIN, Joshua, D.D., a Baptist, aft. Unitarian Dissenter; b. 1742. d. 1815. 6 Review (A) of the Life, Character and Writings of Rev. John Biddle. ... * * * London, 1791. 12 (4.8X2.8). 7 Review of the Preaching of the Apostles : or, The Practical Efficacy of the Unitarian Doctrine. New ed. Boston, 1809. 12, pp. 48. Editor, &c. See NEAL, D. The History of the Puritans, Ed. 1816- 17. TOWGOOD, Rev. Micaiah, a Dissenting minister of England-, b. 1700. d. 1792. 8 Dissent (A) from the Church of England, fully justified : . . . Being the Dissenting Gentleman s three Letters and Postscript, in Answer to Mr. John White s on that Subject. With a Letter to a Bishop, &c. \_ByM.Towgood.~] 4th ed. Boston, 1768. 8 (4.9X2.9). [2 copies.] 9 Dissenting Gentleman s (The) Answer to Rev. Mr. White s three Letters ; in which a Separation from the Establishment is fully justified ; . . . \_ByM.Towgood. ] 5th ed. *** Boston, 1748. 8 (6X3.7). TOWNDROW, T. 10 Complete Guide to Stenography, or an entire New System of writing Short Hand. 2d ed. New Haven, 1832. 12, pp. 32. TOWNSEND, Rev. Jonathan, of Medfield, Mass.; b. about 1720. d. 1776. J i Ministers and other Christians exhorted to be Fellow Helpers to the Truth. Sermon preached at the Annual Convention of Ministers in Boston, June 1, 1758. * * * Boston, n. d. 8, pp. 22. TOWNSEND, Rev. Joseph, Chaplain to Lady Huntingdon; d. 1816. 12 Elements of Therapeutics ; or, A Guide to Health ; . . . designed chiefly for the Use of Students. 3d ed. * * * London, 1801. 8 (6.1X3.3), pp. 708+. 13 Journey (A) through Spain in the years 1786 and 1787 ; with particular attention to the Agriculture, Manufactures, Commerce, Population, Taxes, and Revenue . . . Vol. 1-3. 2d ed., with additions. [Map and Engravings.] London, 1792. 8 (5.7X3.1). [2 copies.] TOWNSON, Robert, LL.D., F.R.S.E., &c. 14 Travels in Hungary, with a short Account of Vienna in the year 1793. Illustrated with a Map and Plates. London, 1797. 4 (6.7X5). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 635 TRACY, Antoine Louis Claude DESTUTT, Comte DE, a French officer, publicist, & philosopher ; b. 1754. d. 1836. 1 Elemens d Ideologic. P tie I. Ideologic proprement dite. II. Gram- maire. III. Logique. IV. et V. Traite de la Volonte et de ses Effets. Par M. Destutt Comte de Tracy. 2de ed. 4 vols. Paris, 1817- 18. 8 (5.4X3.2). TRACY, Uriah, U.S. Senator, of Conn. ; b. 1754. d. 1807. 2 Speech on the Mode of Electing the President and Vice-President. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Eloquence of the U.S., vol. 2.) TRAILL, Rev. Robert, D.D., Rector of Schull, County of Cork ; b. 1793. d. 1847. Translator. See JOSEPHUS, F. The Jewish War. TRAILL, Thomas Stewart, M.D. 3 Thermometer (The), and Pyrometer. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Library, &c. (Natural Philosophy, vol. 2.) TRAITE de la Circulation et du Credit. Contenant une Analyse raisonnee des 4 Fonds d Angleterre, & de ce qu on appelle Commerce on Jeu d Actions; etc. Par PAuteur de 1 Essai sur le Luxe, & de la Lettre sur le Jeu des Cartes, qu on a ajoutes a la fin. Amsterdam, 1771. 8 (5.3X3). TRAITE de laPropriete, Usage et Effets des Eaux minerales, Bains doux et chauds 5 de Bagneres et Barage ; Observations raisonnees sur des Fontaines mine- rales, Vertus & Usages du Coclearia & des Plantes vulneraires des Pyre nees ; 4me ed. ; on y a joint, des Notes : la Definition de 1 Eau minerals en general ; etc. Toulouse, 1793. 12 (4.7X2.7). TRAJANUS, Marcus Ulpius, a Roman emperor; b. 52. d. 117. 6 Life. See ARNOLD, Thomas. The Later Roman Commonwealth, &c. TRANSACTIONS of Learned Societies. See in INDEX. TRANSACTIONS, &c. TRANSLATION of a Manuscript, found on board a French Man of War, intituled, 7 Remarques et Observations pour la Navigation de France a Quebec, ti- rees des Memoires et Journaux, qui sont en Depot d Art de la Marine. 1737. Boston, 1759. 8, pp. 27. TRAPP, Rev. Joseph, D.D., Rector of Harlington, Middlesex ; b. 1672. d. 1747. 8 Lectures on Poetry, read in the Schools of Natural Philosophy at Ox ford. Translated from the Latin, with additional Notes. London, 1742. 12 (5.4X2.9). 9 Sermon \_on 2 Kings, iv. 1, 2] preached before the Sons of the Clergy, at St. Paul s, December 8, 1720. London, 1721. 4, pp. 58. TRAVELS in the Crimea. A History of the Embassy from Petersburg to Con- 10 stantinople in 1793. ... By a Secretary to the Russian Embassy. London, 1802. 8 (5. 8X3.2). TRAVELS through Flanders, Holland, Germany, Sweden and Denmark. . . . 11 7th ed., much enlarged. Amsterdam, 1744. 8 (5.2X3). TRAVELS through Spain and Part of Portugal, with commercial, statistical, and 12 geographical Details. * * * ... Boston, 1808. 12 (5X2.9). TREADWELL, Daniel, Rumford Professor in Harvard College; b. 1791. 13 Description of a Machine, called a Gypsey, for spinning Hemp and Flax. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, 2d Series, vol. 1.) TREAT, Rev. Selah Burr. Joint Editor. See BIBLICAL Repository (The), &c. 2d Series, vol. 4-6. TREATIES of Amity and Commerce, and of Alliance, Eventual and Defensive, 14 between His Most Christian Majesty and the Thirteen United States of America. Philadelphia, 1778. 4, pp. 211 636 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. TREATISE (A) on the Faith of the Freewill Baptists : with ... a Summary of 1 their Usages in Church Government. Dover, 1834. 24 (3.4X2.7). TREATISE (A) on Government : being a Review of the Doctrine of an Original 2 Contract. London, 1750. 8, pp. 64. TREATISE (A) upon Greek Accents : translated from the Nouvelle Methode 3 Grecque, written by the Messieurs of Port-Royal ; with a Character of the most valuable Greek Authors. * * * London, 1729. 8, pp. 88. TREATISE (A) in Prose and Verse, on Virtue and Vice, chiefly regarding . . . 4 1 Peter II. 2. ... * * * London, 1783. 8 (5. 7X3.1). TREATY of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between His Britannic Majesty 5 and the United States of America, conditionally ratified by the Senate of the United States, at Philadelphia, June 24, 1795. . . . Philadelphia, 1795. 12 (5.2X2.8). TREATY (The Definitive) of Peace and Friendship, between His Britannick 6 Majesty, and the King of Spain; concluded at Paris, 10th Feb., 1763 : to which the King of Portugal acceded the same day. * * * [French and Englixh.~] London, 1763. 4, par. cols., pp. 48. TREATY of Peace between Charles VI. and Philip V. concluded at Vienna, 30th 7 April, 1725. Treaty of Commerce between Charles VI. and Philip V. concluded at Vienna May 1, 1725. Treaty between the King of Great Britain and the King of Prussia, made at Hanover 3d Sept. 1725. [Latin and English.] London, 1725. 4 (7X4.9), par. cols., pp. 50. TREDGOLD, Thomas, an English civil engineer ; b. 1788. d. 1829. 8 Illustrations of Steam Machinery and Steam Naval Architecture. Atlas to the Enlarged Edition (re-issued in an improved form) of Tredgold s Work on the Steam Engine. 125 Engravings. London, 1840. 2 (17.5X10). 9 Practical Essay on the Strength of Cast Iron, and other Metals ; . . . containing Practical Rules, Tables, and Examples ; founded on a Series of New Experiments, with an extensive Table of the Properties of Ma terials. 2d ed., improved and enlarged. ... * * * Illustrated by four Engravings and several Woodcuts. London, 1824. 8 (6.3X3. 6). 10 Practical Treatise (A) on Rail-Roads and Carriages, . . . ; with the Theo ry, Effect and Expense of Steam Carriages, Stationary Engines, and Gas Machines. Illustrated by four Engravings, and . . . Tables. * * * London, 1825. 8 (6.1X3.6). 11 Steam Engine (The) : its Invention and Progressive Improvement, an Investigation of its Principles, and its Applications to Navigation, Manu factures, and Railways. New ed., enlarged by the Contributions of eminent Scientific Men, and extended to the Science of Steam Naval Architecture. Revised and edited by W. S. B. Woolhouse. . . . [Por trait and Engravings.] London, 1838. 4 (8X5. 7), pp. 500, 250. NOTE Designated as Vol. I. Compare Illustrations of Steam Machinery, c. TREGELLES, S. P.,LL.D. 12 Jansenists (The) : their Rise, Persecutions by the Jesuits, and existing Remnant. ... * * * [View and Portraits. ] London, 1851. 16 (5.4X3.3). TREMELLIUS, Emanuel, Prof, of Hebrew at Heidelburg, &c. ; b. 1510. d. 1580. Translator. See BIBLE, Old and New Testaments. Biblia Sacra, &c. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 637 TRENCH, Richard Chenevix, D.D., Dean of Westminster; b. 1807. 1 Fitness (The) of Holy Scripture for unfolding the Spiritual Life of Man. II. Christ the Desire of all Nations, or, The Unconscious Pro phecies of Heathendom. Being the Hulsean Lectures for MDCCCXLV. and MDCCCXLVI. ... Philadelphia, 1856. 12 (6.6X3.2). 2 Lessons (On the) in Proverbs. Being the Substance of Lectures to Young Men s Societies ... New York, 1855. 12 (5.3X3.2). 3 Some Deficiencies (On) in our English Dictionaries. Being the Sub stance of Two Papers read before the Philological Society, November, 1857. London, 1857*. 8, pp. 60. 4 Synonyms of the New Testament ; being the Substance of a Course of Lectures addressed to the Theological Students, King s College, London. . . . New York, 1855. 12 (5.3X3.2). 5 Study (On the) of Words. . . . New York, 1852. 12 (5.3X3.2). TRENCHARD, John, an English political writer ; b. 1669. d. 1723. 6 Abridgment (An) of the History of Standing Armies, with a Preface upon Government. London, 1780. 8, pp. 16. 7 First-Ninth Collection of Cato s Political Letters in the London Jour nal. [By J. Trenchard and T. Gordon. ] London, 1722- 23. 8 (5.9X3). 8 First-Third Collection of Cato s Letters in the British Journal. [By J. Trenchard and T. Gordon. ] London, 1723. 8 (6.2X3.4). TRENCH, Friedrich VON DER, Baron, a German soldier, &c.; b. 1726. d. 1794. 9 Life (The) of Baron Frederic Trenck ; containing his Adventures ; his . . . Sufferings during Ten Y ears Imprisonment, at the Fortress of Magdeburg . . . ; also, Anecdotes historical, political and personal. Vol. 1-4. Translated from the German, by T. Holcroft. [Frontis piece. ] Boston, 1792- 93. 12 (5.4X3). [2 copies.] NOTE. Vol. 1-3 have only half-titles, and are bound together. TRESSAN, Louis Elisabeth DE LA VERGNE, Comte DE, a French litterateur; b. 1705. d. 1783. 10 (Euvres choisies. Traduction Libre d Amadis de Gaule, avec figures. Tom. 1-3. Roland Furieux, Poeme heroi que de 1 Arioste, avec figures. Tom. 4-6. Corps d Extraits de Romans de Chevalerie, avec figures. CEuvres posthumes. Tom. 1,2. 12 vols. Paris, 1787- 91. 8 (5.6X3.2). NOTE General title given above is found only on half title-pages. TRESSAN, LA VERGNE, Abbe DE, son of preceding ; b. 1749. d. 1809. 11 Mythology compared with History; or, The Fables of the Ancients elu cidated from historical Records. . . . [Witli] An Enquiry into the Re ligion of the First Inhabitants of Great Britain. Together with some Account of the Ancient Druids. . . . By M. 1 Abbe de Tressan. Translated from the French by H. North. London, 1797. 8 (5.2X3.3), pp. 516. TRESOR (Le) du Parnase, ou le plus joli des Recueils. * * * Tom. 1, 2. 12 Londres, 1762. 12 (4X2.5 irr.). TRIMNELL, Charles, D.D., Bp. of Norwich. 13 Bishop (The) of Oxford [Dr. Wake} * and Bishop of Norwich s Speeches in the House of Lords, March 17, at the Opening of the Second Article of the Impeachment against Dr. Sacheverell. London, 1710. 8, pp. 29. 14 Form (The) and Manner of consecrating the Chapel of St. George, Great-Yarmouth, Norfolk, Dec. 8, 1715. Norwich, [1715]. 4, pp. 26. 638 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. TRINITY COLLEGE, at Hartford, Conn. ; organized in 1824. 1 Calendar of Trinity College, 1850. Hartford, 1850. 8, pp. 27. 2 Calendar of Trinity College, 1854. Hartford, 1854. 8, pp. 32. TRIUMPHS 3 of God s Justice over Unjust Judges. Reprinted, 1732. 4, pp. 27. TROLLOPE, G. 4 NotaB philologies et grammatical in Euripidis Tragoedias ; e variis Viro- rum doctorum commentariis maxima ex parte selectee, et Textui Mat- thiaeano accommodatae. [By G. Trollope.~\ . . . Tom. 1, 2. Londini, 1828, 29. 8 (6.2X3.6). TROMMIUS, Abraham, D.D., a Protestant pastor of Groningen ; b. 1633. d. 1719. 5 Concordantiae Graecae Versionis vulgo dictae LXX Interpretum, cujus voces secundum ordinem elementorum sermonis Graeci digestae recen- sentur, contra atque in opere Kircheriano factum fuerat. Leguntur hie praeterea Voces Graecae pro Hebraicis redditae ab antiquis omnibus Ve- teris Testament! Interpretibus, quorum non nisi Fragmenta extant, . . . Tom. 1, 2. Amstelodami, 1718. 2 (10.6X5.9), 2 cols. TROOST, Gerard, M.D., Prof, of Chem,., &c., Univ. of Nashville. 6 Account of Ancient Remains in Tennessee ; with Traces of the Phallic Worship. See AMERICAN Ethnological Society. (Transactions, vol. 1.) TROOSTWYK, A. PAETS VAN. See PAETS VAN TROOSTWYK, A. TROTTER, Thomas, M.D., Physician Royal Navy. 7 Medicina Nautica : an Essay on the Diseases of Seamen ; comprehend ing the History of Health in Her Majesty s Fleet under the command of Richard Earl Howe, Admiral. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1797, 99. 8 (6.1X3.3). TROY Young Men s Association, Troy, N. T. Catalogue of the Library of the 8 Troy Young Men s Association. * * * [Alphabetical of Authors and Subjects. ] Troy, 1859. 8 (7.5X4.5), 2 cols. TRUBNER, Nicolas, a book publisher, of London. 9 Trlibner s Bibliographical Guide to American Literature. A Classed List of Books published in the United States of America during the last Forty Years. With Bibliographical Introduction, Notes, and Al phabetical Index. ... London, 1859. 8 (6.8X3.9), pp. cxlix., 554. Editor. See LUDEWIG, H. E. American Aboriginal Languages. TRUMBULL, Rev. Benjamin, D.D., of North Haven, Conn. ; b. 1735. d. 1820. 10 Complete History (A) of Connecticut, Civil and Ecclesiastical, from the Emigration of its First Planters, from England, in the year 1630, to the year 1764; and to the Close of the Indian Wars. . . . Vol. 1, 2. \_Ma.p and Portraits.^ Hartford, 1797 ; New-Haven, 1818. 8 (6.6X3.2 ; 6.8X3.4), m. b. 11 Plea in Vindication of the Connecticut Title to the Contested Lands, West of the Province of New-York. New-Haven, 1774. 8 (6.7X3.4). TRUMBULL, Jonathan, Governor of Connecticut , b. 1740. d. 1809. 12 Sermon on the Death of Gov. Trumbull. See ELY, Z. TSCHUDI, John James VON, M.D., Ph. D., &c. Joint Author. See RIVERO, M. E. Peruvian Antiquities. TUCKER, George, Prof, of Moral Philos., Univ. of Virginia. 13 Life (The) of Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States. With Parts of his Correspondence never before published, and Notices of his Opinions on Questions of Civil Government, National Policy, and Constitutional Law. * * * ... Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait. ] Philadelphia, 1837. S(6.2X3.6> CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 639 TUCKER, Rev. John, D.D., of Newbury, Mass. ; b. 1720. d. 1792. 1 Election Sermon, Mass., May 29, 1771. Boston, 1771. 8, pp. 63. 2 Validity (The) of Presbyterian Ordination argued. Dudleian Lecture in Harvard College, Sept. 2, 1778. Boston, 1778. 8, pp. 32. TUCKER, John Randolph, Esq. 3 Address delivered before the Phoenix and Philomathean Societies, of William and Mary College, July 3, 1854. Richmond, 1854. 8, pp. 27. TUCKER, Josiah, D.D., Dean of Gloucester; b. 1711. d. 1799. 4 Brief Essay on the Advantages & Disadvantages, which attend France and Great Britain, with regard to Trade. London, 1787. 8, pp. 96. 5 Four Letters on Important National Subjects addressed to the Right Hon. the Earl of Shelburne. Glocester, 1783. 8 (5.4X3.1). TUCKERMAN, Henry Theodore, an American author; b. in Boston, 1813. 6 Memoir of Robert Southey. See SOUTHEY, R. Poetical Works. Vol. 1, pp. iii.-xxxii. TUCKERMAN, Rev. Joseph, D.D., of Chelsea, and Boston; b. 1778. d. 1840. 7 Reports as Minister at Large in Boston. See AMERICAN Unitarian As sociation. (Tracts, vol. 4, 5, 6.) TUDOR, Hon. William, Esq., of Boston; b. 1750. d. 1819. 8 Gratulatory Address, delivered July 5, 1790, before the Society of the Cincinnati, of Massachusetts. Boston, 1790. 4, pp. 14. 9 Memoir of. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 2d Series, vol. 8.) TUDOR, William, Esq., son of preceding, an American author ; b. 1779. d. 1830. Editor. See NORTH AMERICAN Review (The). Vol. 1-4. TUFNELL, Henry, Esq. Joint Translator. See MULLER, C. O. History, &c. of the Doric Race. TUFTS, Rev. John, of Newbury, Mass. ; b. about 1685. d. 1750. 10 Introduction (An) to the Singing of Psalm-Tunes, . . . With a Col lection of Tunes, in three parts. 5th ed. Boston, 1726. 16 (4.4X2.3). 11 Introduction (An) to the Singing of Psalm-Tunes, . . . With a Col lection of Tunes, in three parts, llthed. Boston, 1744. 16 (4.1X2.3). TUKE, John, a land-surveyor. 12 General View of the Agriculture of the North Riding of Yorkshire. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture, &c. * * * [Map. ] London, 1800. 8 (6.1X3.3). TULK, Alfred. Translator. See CHALTBAUS, H. M. Survey of Speculative Philosophy. TULLOCH, Rev. John, D.D., Prof. Theol., St. Manfs Coll., St. Andrews ; b. 1822. 13 Theism : the Witness of Reason and Nature to an All- wise and Benefi cent Creator. *** New York, 1855. 12 (5.3X3.1). TUPPER, Martin Farquhar, an English miscellaneous author ; b. 1810. 14 Probabilities : an Aid to Faith. By ... [M. F. Tapper]. * * * New York, 1848. 12 (5.5X3.5). TURGOT, Aime Robert Jacques, Barondel Aulne, a French philos.; b. 1121. d.l 781. 15 Memoire de M. Turgot, sur les Administrations provinciales, mis en parallele avec celui de M. Necker, suivi d une Lettre sur ce Plan, etc. [Portrait. ] Lausanne, 1787. 8 (5.4X3.1). TURKISH Tale (A), in Arabic. ... 8 (5.8X3.4). TURNBULL, Robert, D.D., an American Bapt. clergyman ; b. in Scotland, 1809. Editor. See HAMILTON, Sir W. Discussions on Philosophy, &c. TURNEBUS, Adrian, Prof, at Toulouse, Paris, &c. ; b. 1512. d. 1565. Joint Editor. See PHILO. Opera exegetica in Libros Mosis, etc. 640 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. TURNER, Rev. Charles, of Dnxbury, Mass. ; b. 1750. d. 1816. 1 Election Sermon, in Mass., May 26, 1773. Boston, 1773. 8, pp. 45. TURNER, Rev. Edward, of Salem, Mass., &c. 2 Discourse (A) delivered in Boston, Aug. 19, 1813, at the Re-Installa tion of the Rev. Paul Dean ; Charge by Rev. H. Ballou, Fellowship of the Churches by Rev. R. Carrique. Boston, 1813. 8, pp. 31. TURNER, John, D.D., Vicar of Greenwich, Kent. 3 Wisdom of God, in thje Redemption of Man. Eight Sermons at Boyle s Lecture. See (BOYLE S Lecture Sermons, vol. 2). TURNER, Samuel Hurlbeart, D.D., Prof. Gen. Theol. Sem., N.Y.; 6.1790. d.lSGl. Joint Translator, &c. See JAHN, J. Introduction to the Old Testament. Translator, &c. See PLANCK, G. J. Introduction to Sacred Philology, &c. TURNER, Sharon, Esq., an English lawyer ; b. 1768. d. 1847. 4 History (The) of the Anglo-Saxons from the Earliest Period to the Nor man Conquest. . . . Vol. 1-3. 5th ed. [Map. ] London, 1828. 8 (6.2X3.5), m. b, 5 History (The) of England : from the Earliest Period to the Death of Elizabeth. . . . Vol. 1-12. . . . [Map.] London, 1839. 8(6.2><3.6), m. b. 6 Sacred History (The) of the World, attempted to be philosophically considered, in a Series of Letters to a Son. . . . Vol. 1-3. (Harper s Family Library, No. 32, 72, 84.) New-York, 1838- 39. 18 (4.5X2.7). TURNER, William Wadden, Hebrew Instructor in Union Theol. Sem., N.Y. t Librarian to Patent Office, Washington, &c. ; b. 1810. d. 1859. 7 Hymaritic Inscriptions in Southern Arabia, and the Attempts to deci pher them. See AMERICAN Ethnological Society. (Transactions, vol. 1.) 8 Literature of American Aboriginal Languages, by Ludewig, with Addi tions and Corrections by Turner. See LUDEWIG, H. E. TURRETIN, Frangois, Prof, of Theol. at Geneva; b. 1623. d. 1687. 9 Institvtio Theologize Etencticce, in qva Statvs Controversy* perspicve ex- ponitur, praecipua Orthodoxorum Argumenta proponuntur & vindican- tur, & Fontes Solutionum aperiuntur. Ed. nova, recognita & multis lo- cis aucta : cui accessit Oratio de Vita & Obitv avthoris. ... * * * 3vols. [Portrait.] Genevae, 1688- 90. 4 (7. 1X4.1), m. r. [2 copies.] 10 Necessaria Secessione (De) nostra ab Ecclesia Romana, et impossibili cum ea Syncretismo, Dispvtationes. Accessit ejusdem Dispvtationvm Miscellanearvm Decas. Ed. altera aucta. * * * Geneva-, 1688. . 4 (7.2X4.1), m. b. 11 Satisfactione (De) Christi Dispvtationes. Cum Indicibvs necessariis. Ad- iecta? svnt eivsdem dva? dispvtationes ; I. De Circulo Pontificio. II. De Concordia Jacobi & Pauli in Articulo lustificationis. * * * Geneva), 1667. 4 (7.3X4.3). TURSELLINUS, Horatius. See TORSELLINI, Orazio. Twiss, Horace, Esq. 12 Public and Private Life (The) of Lord Chancellor Eldon, with Selec tions from his Correspondence. . . . Vol. 1,2. * * * Philadelphia, 1844. 8 (7.1X4). TWISSE, William, D.D., Rector of St. Andrew s, Ilolbom ; b. 1575. d. 1646. 13 Vindiciae Gratia?, Potestatis ac Providentiae Dei ; hoc est, Ad Examen Libelli Perkinsiani, de Pra?destinationis modo & ordine, institutum a lac. Arminio Responsio, tribus Libris absoluta. ... * * * Amstelodami, 1631. 2 (11.3X6.5), 2 cols. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. Each book has independent paging. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 641 TWISSE, William, D.D., continued. 1 Vindiciyc Gratis, Potestatis ac Providentise Dei: hoc est, Ad Examen Li- belli Perkinsiani, de Praedestinationis modo & ordine, institutum a lac. Ar- minio, Responsio scholastica, III Libris absoluta. Ed. 2da. ... * * * Amstelodami, 1632. 4 (6.9X4.9), 2 cols. NOTE. Each book has independent paging. TYCHO BRAHE. See BRAKE, Tycho. TYERMAN, Rev. Daniel, of Isle of Wight ; d. in Madagascar, 1828. 2 Journal of Voyages and Travels, in the South Sea Islands, China, India, &c. See MONTGOMERY, J. Journal, &c. TYLER, Rev. Bennet, D.D., Pres. of Theol. List, of Conn. ; b. 1783. d. 1858. 3 Memoir of the Life and Character of the Rev. Asahel Nettleton, D.D. [Portrait.] Hartford, 1844, 12 (5.5X3.4). 4 Memoir of the Life and Character of Rev. Asahel Nettleton, D.D. 5th ed. [Portrait. ] Boston, 1853. 12 (5.5X3. 3). 5 Vindication of the Strictures on the Review of Dr. Spring s Disserta tion on the Means of Regeneration. Portland, 1830. 8, pp. 63. TYLER, Rev. J. Endell, B.D., Canon of St. Paul s. 6 Primitive Christian Worship : or, The Evidence of Holy Scripture and the Church, against the Invocation of Saints and Angels, and the Bless ed Virgin Mary. *** 2d ed. London, 1847. 8 (6.7X3.7). TYLER, John, IQtli Pres. of U.S.; b. in Va., 1790. d. 1862. 7 Addresses and Messages. See WILLIAMS, E. (Addresses, &c., vol. 2.) 8 Biographical Sketch of. See WILLIAMS, E. (Addresses, &c., vol. 2.) TYNDALE, William, an English reformer & martyr; b. prob. 1484. exec. 1536. Translator. See BIBLE, Old and New Testaments. The Byble ; &c. TYNDALL, John, F.R.S., &c. 9 Glaciers (The) of the Alps. Being a Narrative of Excursions and As cents, an Account of the Origin and Phenomena of Glaciers, and an Ex position of the Physical Principles to which they are related. With Il lustrations. Boston, 1861. 12 (6X3. 5). Joint Editor. See LONDON, &c. Philosophical Magazine, &c. 1853- 62. TYNG, Dudley ATKINS, LL.D., of Newburyport, and Boston ; b. 1759. d. 1829. 1 Memoir, by J. Lowell. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 3d Ser., vol. 2.) Reporter. See MASSACHUSETTS. Jurisprudence. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Judicial Court. Vol. 2-17. 1806-1822. TYRRELL, James, Esq. 11 General History (The) of England, both Ecclesiastical and Civil ; from the Earliest Accounts of Time to the Reign of His Present Majesty, King William III. . . . Vol. 1,2. London, 1697-1700. 2 (9.5X3), m. r. NOTE. Vol. 2 has Parti., II., with independent title-pages, &c., and bound separately* TYRTJEUS, a t Greek poet ; of the 1th century B. C. 12 Elegia, Gra?ce. See BRUNCK, R. F. P. (Gnomici Poetse Gracci.) TYTLER, Alexander Eraser, Lord Woodhouslee, a Scotch jurist ; b. 1747. d. 1813. 13 Elements of General History, Ancient and Modern. To which are ad ded, A Table of Chronology, and a Comparative View of Ancient and Modern Geography. [By A. F. Tytler.~] Illustrated by Maps. . . . 3ded. VoLl,2. Edinburgh, 1805. 8 (6.1X3.3). 81 642 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. TYTLER, Alexander Fraser, continued. 1 Universal History, from the Creation of the World to the Decease of George III., 1820. By A. F. Tytler, and E. Nares. Edited by an American. . . . Vol. 1-6. (Harper s Family Library, No. 86-91.) New-York, 1839. 18 (4.5X2.7). TYTLER, James, M.D., of England. 2 Treatise (A) on the Plague and Yellow Fever. With an Appendix, con taining Histories of the Plague at Athens, in the Time of the Pelopon- nesian War ; at Constantinople in the Time of Justinian ; at London in 1665; &c. *** Salem, 1799. 8 (6.6X3.7), pp. 568. [3 copies.] TYTLER, Patrick Fraser, Esq., son- of A. F. T. ; b. 1791. d. 1849. 3 Historical View of the Progress of Discovery on the more Northern Coasts of America, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. With Descriptive Sketches of the Natural History of the North American Re gions. By J. Wilson. To which is added an Appendix, containing Re marks on a late Memoir of Sebastian Cabot, with a Vindication of Richard Hakluyt. Illustrated by a Map and nine Engravings. (Har per s Family Library, No. 53.) New-York, 1833. 18 (4.5X2.7). TZETZES, Joannes, a scholar & poet, of Constantinople, of the 12th century. Commentator. See LYCOPIIRON. Alexandra. TZSCHIRXER, Heinrich Gottlieb, D.D., Prof. Theol. atLeipsic; b. 1778. d. 1828. 4 Protestantismus und Katholicismus, aus dem Standpuncte der Politik betrachtet. 4te ausgabe. Nebst einem Sendschreiben des Verfassers an Herrn Abt M. Prechtl. Leipzig, 1824. 8 (6.3X3.4). u. UDALL, John, an English Nonconformist divine ; d. 1592. 5 ttnpn "VlBlb nfitJtt that is The Key of the Holy Tongve : wherein is con- teineid, first the Hebrue Grammar (in a manner) woord for woord out of P. Martinivs. Secondly, A Practize upon the first, the twentie fift, and the syxtie eyght Psalmes, according to the Rules of the same Grammar. Thirdly, A short Dictionary conteining the Hebrue Woords that are found in the Bible ... All Englished . . . ; by J. Udall. Leyden, 1593. 8 (5X2.7). E nnBfc that is The Key of the Holy Tongue. Wherein is contained, First the Hebrue Grammer (in a manner) word for word out of P. Martinius. Englished ... By J. Udall. ... 2d ed., with the Annotations of C. R. Berlinas. Amsterdam, 1650. 12 (4.7X2.7). UHDEN, H. F. 7 New England Theocracy (The). A History of the Congregationalists in New England to the Revivals of 1740. With a Preface by Dr. Nean- der. Translated from 2d German ed. by H. C. Conant. Boston, 1858. 12 (5.7X3.4). UHLAND, Johann Ludwig, a German lyric poet; b. in Tubingen, 1787. 8 Songs and Ballads, translated, and with Notes. See BROOKS, C. T. UHLEMANN, Fr. 9 Uhlemann s Syriac Grammar, translated from the German by E. Hutchin- son. With a Course of Exercises in Syriac Grammar, and a Chresto- mathy and brief Lexicon prepared by the Translator. New-York. 1855. 8 (6X3.6). 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAIIV. ULFILAS, ULPHILAS, or WULFILAS, Bp. of the Goths; b. 311. d. 381. Translator. See BIBLE, Old and New Testaments. Ulfilas. ULLMANN, Carl, D.D., Prof, of Theol at Heidelberg; b. 1796. 1 Gregory of Nazianzum. * * * A Contribution to the Ecclesiastical History of the Fourth Century. Translated by G. V. Cox. * * * London, 1851. 12 (5. 1X3). Joint Editor. See THEOLOGISCHE Studien und Kritiken. ULLOA, Antonio DE, a Spanish mathematician & naval office: ; b. 1716. d. 1795. 2 Memoires )hilosophiques, historiques, physiques, concernant la Decou- verte de 1 Amenque, ses anciens Habitans, leurs Moeurs, leurs Usages, etc. ; par Don Ulloa. . . . Traduit par M * * *. Tom. 1 , 2. Paris, 1787. 8 (5.6X3). Joint Author. See JIAN Y SANTACILIA, J. Voyage to South America. ULRICI, Hermann, D.D., Prof, at Univ. of Halle; b. 1806. 3 Glauben und Wissen, Speculation und exacte Wissenschaft. Zur Ver- sohnung des Zwiespalts zwischen Religion, Philosophic und naturwis- senschaftlicher Empiric. Leipzig, 1858. 8 (6.4X3.8). UMBREIT, Friedrich Wilhelm Carl, D.D., Prof, a Heidelberg ; b. 1795. d. 1860. Joint Editor. See THEOLOG .SCHE Studien, etc. 1834-1860. UNDERBILL, Ce-pt. John, emigrated to Boston, 1630. d. in L.L, about 1672. 4 Nevves from America : or, A New and Experimentall Discoverie of New England ; containing a Trve Relation of Lheir War-like Proceedings these two years last past. London, 1638. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 6.) UNDERBILL, Thomas, of London. 5 Hell broke loose : or an History of the Quakers both Old and New. . . . Published to antidote Christians against Formality in Religion and Apostasie. London, 1660. 4 (5.9X 4 -!), pp. 50. UNION Bible Dictionary (The). See AMERICAN Sunday-School Union. UNION COLLEGE, at Schenectady, N.Y. ; incorporated 1795. 6 Catalogue of the Officers and Students in Union College, Sept. 1845 ; Third Term, 1847; Third Term, 1849. 2d ed. ; Third Term, 1850; Third Term, 1851. 2d ed. ; Third Term, 1852. 2d ed. ; Third Term, 1853; Third Term, 1854; Third Term, 1855; Third Term, 1856. Schenectady, 1845 - 56. 8, pamps. 7 Sixty-fifth Annual Circular and Catalogue of Union College. First Term, 1859. Schenectady, 1859. 8, pp. 48. 8 Sixty-sixth Annual Circular and Catalogue of Union College. Third Term, 1860. Schenectady, 1861. 8, pp. 48. 9 General Catalogue (A) of the Officers, Graduates and Students of Union College, from 1795 to 1854. Schenectady, 1854. 8 (6.4X4.2). 10 Laws of Union College. Schenectady, 1821. 8, pp. 24. UNION Theological Seminary, Neiv York. Catalogue of the Officers and Stu- 11 dents of the Union Theological Seminary, In the City of New York, 1846; 1847; 1848; 1849; 1850; 1851; 1852; 1853; 1854; 1859- 60. New York, 1846- 6(). 8, pamps. UNITARIAN Association, American. See AMERICAN Unitarian Association. UNITARIAN Congregational Register. See AMERICAN Unitarian Association. UNITARIAN Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, &c., London. 12 Tracts. Second Series. Vol. 1-10. London, 1805. 12 (5.4X3.2). NOTE. Each tract was published independently. (H4 BOWD01N COLLEGE. UNITARIAN Tracts. See AMERICAN Unit. Association ; UNITARIAN Society, &c. UNITARIANISM. One Hundred Scriptural Arguments for the Unitarian Faith. 1 5th ed. Boston, 1830. 12, pp. 16. 2 Serious Address to Christians of Trinitarian and Calvinistic Sentiments. By an Unitarian Christian. London, 1800. 12. pp. 23. 3 Sober Thoughts on the State of the Times, addressed to the Unitarian Community. Boston, 1835. 12, pp. 48. 4 Unitarianism defined and defended ; being Extracts from Lectures de livered in Liverpool in 1839, by three Unitarian Ministers, in answer to Lectures against Unitarianism, by thirteen Episcopal Clergymen. Boston, 1841. 12, pp. 60. 5 Unitarianism vindicated against the Charge of going too far. 2d ed. Boston, 1827. 12, pp. 24. UNITED BRETHREN, or MORAVIANS. Concise Account of the Present State of 6 the Missions of the United Brethren. 8 (6.5X3.7). NOTE. No title-page. A collection of letters, &c. UNITED COLONIES of North America. See CONGRESS. UNITED STATES. Acts and Laws. 7 Act (An) to provide for a more convenient Organization of the Courts of the United States. Washington, 1800. 8, pp. 26. 8 Acts passed at the 1st Session, 2d Congress, 1791-92; 1st Session, 5th Congress, 1797; 3d Session, 5th Congress, 1798-99; 1st Session, 6th Congress, 1799-1800; 2d Session, 6th Congress, 1800-01 ; 1st Session, 7th Congress, 1801-02; 2d Session, 7th Congress, 1802-03 (2 copies); 1st Session, 8th Congress, 1803-04 ; 2d Session, 8th Congress 1804-05 (2 copies) ; 1st Session, 9th Congress, 1805-06; 2d Session, 9th Con gress, 1806-07 (2 copies) ; 1st Session, 10th Congress, 1807-08 (2 co pies) ; 2d Session, 10th Congress, 1808-09; 1st Session, llth Congress, 1809-10; 2d Session, llth Congress, 1810-11 ; 1st Session, 12th Con gress, 1811-12; 2d Session, 12th Congress, 1812-13; 1st Session, 13th Congress, 1813; 2d Session, 13th Congress, 1813-14; 3d Session, 13th Congress, 1814-15; 1st Session, 14th Congress, 1815-16; 2d Session, 14th Congress, 1817; 1st Session, 15th Congress, 1817-18; 2d Session, 15th Congress, 1818-19. 28 vols. [No imprint. ] 8 (6.4X3.1), m. b. 9 Acts passed at the 1st Session, 16th Congress, 1819-20 ; 2d Session, 16th Congress, 1820-21; 1st Session, 17th Congress, 1821-22; 2d Session, 17th Congress, 1822-23 ; 1st Session, 18th Congress, 1823-24; 2d Ses sion, 18th Congress, 1824-25; 1st Session, 19th Congress, 1825-26; 2d Session, 19th Congress, 1826-27 ; 1st Session, 20th Congress, 1827- 28; 2d Session, 20th Congress, 1828-29; 1st Session, 21st Congress, 1829-30; 2d Session, 21st Congress, 1830-31; 2d Session, 22d Con gress, 1832-33 ; 1st Session, 23d Congress, 1834 ; 2d Session, 24th Con gress, 1837; 1st Session, 25th Congress, 1837. 16 vols. Washington, 1820- 37. 8 (7.2X3.6), m. b. 1 Acts and Resolutions passed at the 2d Session, 25th Congress, 1837-38; 3d Session, 25th Congress, 1838-39; 1st Session, 26th Congress, 1839- 40 ; 2d Session, 27th Congress, 1841-42 ; 3d Session, 27th Congress, 1842. 5 vols. Washington, 1837-42. 8 (7.2X3.8), m. b. 11 Digest of the Laws of the United States. See GORDON, T. F. 12 Laws (The) of the United States of America. . . . Vol. 1-3. * * * Philadelphia, 1796, 8 (6.2X3), m. b. [2 copies.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 645 UNITED STATES. Acts and Laws, continued. 1 Laws (The) of the United States of America. Vol. 4-6. Washington, 1797-1803. 8 (6.2X3), m. b. 2 Laws of the United States of America. Vol. 1. Containing, the Federal Constitution ; the Acts of the Three Sessions of the First Congress ; the Treaties existing between the United States and Foreign Nations, and the several Indian Tribes. . . . New-York, n. d. 8 (5.9X3), m. b. 3 Laws of the United States, of America. Vol. 1. Containing, Ifce Federal Constitution ; the Acts of the Sessions of the First and Second Con gress ; the Treaties existing between the United States and Foreign Na tions, and the several Indian Tribes. Boston, 1795. 2 (8.9X4.3), m. b. 4 Papers relating to the Territory of Kansas. (34th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. 23.) Washington, 1855- 56. 8 (7.4X4.4), pp. 822. . Army Registers and Reports. 5 Officers and Graduates of U. S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., 1802-1850. See CULLUM, G. W. 6 Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the United States, including Officers of the Marine Corps, and others, for the year 1852. Washington, 1852. 8 (6X4.2). 7 Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the United States, including Officers of the Marine Corps, and others. For the year 1854 ; 1855. 2 vols. Washington, 1854, 55. 8 (7. 2X4.5). * Military Commission to Europe, in 1855 and 1856. Report of Major Alfred Mordecai, of the Ordnance Department. [Plates.] (36th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. 60.) Washington, 1860. 4 (8.8X6.1). 9 Report on the Art of War in Europe in 1854, 1855, and 1856. By Ma jor Richard Delafield, Corps of Engineers, from his Notes and Observa tions made as a Member of a " Military Commission to the Theater of War in Europe." [Plates and Figures.] (36th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. 59.) Washington, 1860. 4 (8. 8X6.1). 1 ... Report of Capt. George B. McClellan, First Reg t U. S. Cavalry, one of the Officers sent to the Seat of War in Europe, in 1855 and 1856. [Plates and Figures.] (34th Cong., Spec. Sess., Sen. Doc. 1.) Washington, 1857. 4 (8.8X6.1). 11 Statistical Report on the Sickness and Mortality of the Army of the United States, . . . from January, 1839, to January, 1855. By Richard H. Coolidge, M.D. [Map.] (34th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. 96.) Washington, 1856. 4 (8.7X6.1), pp. 703. 12 Statistical Report on the Sickness and Mortality in the Army of the United States, . . . from January, 1855 to January, 1860. By Richard H. Coolidge, M.D. [Map.] (36th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. 52.) Washington, 1860. 4 (8.8X6.1), pp. 515. . Astronomical and other Observations. 13 Army Meteorological Register, for Twelve Years, from 1843 to 1854, inclusive, compiled from Observations, made by the Officers of the Medical Department of the Army, at the Military Posts of the United States. ... [Charts.] Washington, 1855. 4 (8.6irr.X6.4),pp. 763-f-. 14 Astronomical Observations made at the Naval Observatory, Washington, [1838-1842]. By Lieut. J. M. Gilliss, U. S. N. [Charts.] (28th Cong., 2d Sess., Sen. Doc. 172.) Washington, 1846. 8 (7.2X4.5), pp. 671. 46 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. UNITED STATES. Astronomical and other Observations, continued. 1 Astronomical Observations made during the years 1845 ; 1846; 1847; 1848; 1849 and 1850, at the U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington : under the direction of Lieut. M. F. Maury, U. S. N. Vol. 1-5. . . . Washington, 1846- 59. 4 (9.4x7.7). 2 Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at Washington, [1840- 1842]. By Lieut. J. M. Gilliss, U. S. N. [Charts.] (28th Cong., 2d Se^s., Sen. Doc. 172.) Washington, 1845. 8 (7.3X4.5), pp. 648. 3 Meteorological Register, for Twelve Years, from 1831 to 1842, inclusive, compiled from Observations made by the Officers of the Medical Depart ment of the Army, at the Military Posts of the United States. . . . Washington, 1851. 8 (7X4.1). 4 Observations at the Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory, at the Gi- rard College, Philadelphia, made under the direction of A. D. Bache, 1840-1845. 3 vols. (28th Cong., 2d Sess., Sen. Doc. 97.) Washington, 1847. 8 (7.5X4.2). 5 Second and Third Reports on Meteorology, by J. P. Espy. With Charts. 2 vols. (31st Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. 39.) Washington, 1850, 51. 4 (7.8X12.5). 6 Fourth Meteorological Report, by J. P. Espy. With Charts. (34th Cong., 3d Sess., Sen. Doc. 65.) Washington, 1856- 57. 4 (8.6X6.1). i Results of Meteorological Observations, made under the direction of the United States Patent Office and the Smithsonian Institution, from the year 1854 to 1859, inclusive, . . . Vol. 1. (36th Cong., 1st Sess., Exec. Doc. 55.) Washington, 1661. 4 (8.8X6.1), pp. 1219. . Coast Su. vey Reports. 8 Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, showing the Progress of that Work during the year ending November, 1851. [Atlas of Charts. ] Washington, 1852. 8 (7.6X4.4). 9 Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey [A. D. Bache], showing the Progress of the Survey during the year 1852: 1853; 1854; 1855; 1856; 1857; 1858; 1859; 1860. 9 vols. [Charts.] Washington, 1S53- 61. text 4 (8X6.2). NOTE. The first law providing- for the Surveyor the Coast of the United States Avas approv ed February 10, 1807. The Survey was commtnced under the superintendence of F. R. Hassler in 1816, and stopped by Act of Congress, 14 April, 1818. The papers relating to these operations are included in he American State Papers, Class Commerce and Navi gation, in Senate Document 143, 15:h Congress, 1st Session, and in Vol. 2, New Series, Transactions of the American Tiiilosophical Society of Philadelphia. The law of 1807 was renewed in 1832 and the Survey was recommenced under Mr. Hassler whose lleports extend to 1843, and are followed by those of A. D. Bache, from 1844 to the present time. These several lleports are contained in the Congressional Documents of the respective Sessions. . Congressional Debates. 10 Abridgment of the Debates in Congress, from 1789-1850 ; from Gales and Seaton s Debates, and Register of Debates, &c. See BENTON, T. H. 11 Congressional Globe (The) : containing the Debates and Proceedings of the First Session of the Thirty-Sixth Congress ; also, of the Special Ses sion of the Senate. By J. C. Paves. 4 vols. Washington, 1860. 4 (9.8X7.2), 3 cols. 12 Debates (The) and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States ; with an Appendix, containing important State Papers and Public Docu ments, and all the Laws of a public nature ; with a copious Index. First CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 647 UNITED STATES. Congressional Debates, continued. Congress-First Session Eighteenth Congress-First Session : compris ing the period from March 3, 1789, to May 27, 1824, inclusive. . . . 42 vols. Washington, 1834- 56. 8 (7.8X5.2), 2 cols. NOTE. Lettered " Annals of Congress." Vol. 1, 2 were compiled by J. Gales, Senior, The other volumes by Gales & Seaton. 1 Register of Debates in Congress, comprising the leading Debates and Incidents of the 2d Session of the Eighteenth Congress 1st Session of the Nineteenth Congress : together with an Appendix, containing the most important State Papers and Public Documents . . . Vol. 1, 2. \_By J. Gales and Seaton.~\ Washington, 1825, 26. 8 (8.2X5.6), 2 cols. . Constitutions Federal, and State. 2 Amendments proposed to be added to the Federal Constitution, by the Congress held at New-York, March 4, 1789. Boston, 1790. 8, pp. 8. 3 American s Own Book ; or the Constitutions of the several States in the Union, 1849 ; with the Constitution of the U. S., &c. See BIGELOW, J. R. 4 Commentaries on the Constitution of the U. S. See STORY, J. 5 Constitution (The) or Frame of Government, for the United States of America, as reported by the Convention of Delegates, held at Philadel phia, May 14-Sept. 17, 1787. Boston, 1787. 8, pp. 32. 6 Constitution (The) of the United States of America ; as proposed at the Convention, held at Philadelphia, September 17, 1787, and since ratified by the several States. Philadelphia, 1799. 12, pp. 27. 7 Constitutions (The) of the several independent States of America ; the Declaration of Independence ; the Articles of Confederation between the said States ; the Treaties between His Most Christian Majesty and the U. S. of America. ... 2ded. Boston, 1785. 12 (5.5X3.1). [2 copies.] 8 Constitutions des Treize Etats-Unis de 1 Amerique. [Declaration de V Independance, Articles de Confederation, Traite d Amitie et de Com merce, etc.~\ * * * Philadelphia, 1783. 4, 8 (5.5X3), pp. 540. [2 copies.] NOTE. The 4to copy is upon very large paper, richly bound, with French royal arms. 9 Constitutions (The) of the United States, according to the latest Amend ments : to which are annexed, The Declaration of Independence ; and the Federal Constitution, with the Amendments thereto. . . . Philadelphia, 1791. 8 (5.6X3.1). 10 Constitutions (The) of the United States, according to the latest Amend ments : to which are prefixed, The Declaration of Independence ; and the Federal Constitution, with the Amendments. . . . Philadelphia, 1802. 8 (6.8X3.4). 11 Dissertation on the Political Union and Constitution of the Thirteen United States of North-America : which is necessary to their Preserva tion and Happiness. By a Citizen of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1783. 8, pp. 46. 12 Examination into the leading Principles of the Federal Constitution pro posed by the late Convention held at Phila. Phila., 1787. 8, pp. 55. 13 Federalist (The) : a Collection of Essays, by Hamilton, Jay, and Madi son, in favour of the Federal Constitution of 1787. See FEDERALIST (The) { &c. 648 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. UNITED STATES. Constitutions Federal and State, continued. 1 History of the Constitution of the United States. See CURTIS, G. T. 2 Journal, Acts and Proceedings, of the Convention, assembled at Phila delphia, Monday, May 14, and dissolved Monday, September 17, 17S7 r which formed the Constitution of the United States. . . . Boston, 1819. 8 (6.2X3.3). [2 copies.] 3 Journal, Debates, &c. in the General Convention at Philadelphia, and in the State Conventions, on adopting the Federal Constitution. See EL LIOT, J. 4 Observations leading to a Fair Examination of the System of Govern ment; proposed by the late Convention. Phila., 1787. 8, pp. 40. 5 Review of the Constitution proposed by the late Convention at Phila delphia, 1787 ; by a Federal Republican. Phila., 1787. 8, pp. 39; 6 Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Convention assembled at Phila delphia, in 1787, to form the Federal Constitution. See YATES, R. 7 View of the proposed Constitution of the United States as agreed to by the Convention at Phila., Sept. 17, 1787. Phila,, 1787. 8, pp. 37. . Financial and Commercial Documents. NOTE. The Reports of the Secretary of the Treasury upon the Finances, upon the Com merce and Navigation, &c. of the country are contained in the Congressional Documents of each Session. 8 ... Commercial Relations of the United States with all Foreign Na tions. Edmund Flagg, Sup t, ... Vol. 1-4. (34th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. 107 ; Exec. Doc. 47.) Washington, 1856- 57. 4* (8.7X6.1). 9 ... Commercial Relations of the United States with Foreign Nations, for the Year ending September 30, 1857. (35th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. 53.) Washington, 1858. 4 (8.7X6.1), pp. 514. 10 ... Commercial Relations of the United States with Foreign Nations. For the Year ending September 30, 1858. (35th Cong., 2d Sess., Sen. Doc. 38.) Washington, 1859. 4 (8.7X6.1), pp. 661. 11 ... Commercial Relations of the United States with Foreign Nations, for the Year ending September 30, 1859. (36th Cong., 1st Sess., Exec. Doc. 4.) Washington, 1860. 4 (8.8X6.1), pp. 757. 12 , . . Commercial Relations of the United States with Foreign Nations, for the Year ending September 30, 1860. (36th Cong., 2d Sess., Sen. Doc. 6.) Washington, 1861. 4 (8..8X6.1), pp. 730. 13 ... Digest of the Commercial Regulations of the different Foreign Na tions, with which the United States have Intercourse: . . . Feb. 2, 1824. (18th Cong., 1st Sess., Exec. Doc. 130.) Washington, 1824. 8 (7.1X4.1), pp. 527. 14 Funding System (The) of the United States and of Great Britain, with some Tabular Facts of other Nations touching the same subject. Pre pared by Jonathan Elliot. * * * (28th Cong., 1st Sess., Exec. Doc. 15.) Washington, 1845. 8 (7.4X4.4), pp. 1299. 15 Letter from the Sec y of the Treasury, relative to the Condition of the Banks in the U. S., April 12, 1850. Washington, 1850. 8 (7.4X4.4). 16 Letter from the Sec y of the Treasury, with a Statement of Emoluments of Officers employed in the Collection of the Customs. Washington, 1806. 2, pp. 7. i? Letter from the Sec y of the Treasury, transmitting Statements shewing the Commerce and Navigation of the U. S. September 30th, 1821 ; Sep tember 30th, 1824. 2vols. Washington, 1821/24. 8 (7.1X4.1). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 649 UNITED STATES. Financial and Commercial Documents, continued. 1 ... Report of I. D. Andrews, on the Trade and Commerce of the Brit ish North American Colonies, and upon the Trade of the Great Lakes and Rivers ; also, Notices of the Internal Improvements in each State, of the Gulf of Mexico and Straits of Florida, and a Paper on the Cotton Crop of the United States. [Maps. ] (32d Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. 112.) Washington, 1853. 8 (7.6X4.4), pp. 906. 2 Report of the Officers constituting the Light-House Board . . . , [on] the Condition of the Light-House Establishment of the United States, . . . [Plates.] (32d Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. 28.) Washington, 1852. 8 (7.5X4.4), pp. 760. 3 Report of the Sec y of the Treasury, transmitting a Report from the Register of the Treasury of the Commerce and Navigation of the U. S. 1849; 1850; 1854; 1855; 1859; 1860; 1861. 7 vols. Washington, 1851- 62. 8 (7.4X4.4). 4 Report of the Sec y of the Treasury, on the State of the Finances, December 3, 1849 ; June 30, 1856. 2 vols. Washington, 1849, 56. 8 (7.4X4.4). 5 Report of the Sec y of the Treasury of the U. S., on the subject of Manufactures. December 5, 1791. Philadelphia, 1791. 2, pp. 58. 6 Report of the Sec y of the Treasury, on the Construction and Distribu tion of Weights and Measures. AVashington, 1857. 8 (7.4X4.4). 7 Reports, &c. of Commissioners appointed to investigate the Affairs of the Custom-House, New York. (27th Cong., 2d Sess., Exec. Doc. 212.) Washington, 1842. 8 (7.5X4.5), pp. 1690. 8 Reports of Alex. Hamilton, Sec y of the Treasury, January 19, 1795; containing I. A Plan for the further Support of Public Credit. II. For the Improvement and better Management of the Revenues of the U. S. London, 1795. 4 (7.7X<3-5), pp. 96. 9 Statement (A) of the Accounts of the United States of America, during the Administration of the Superintendent of Finance, commencing with his Appointment, 20th February, 1780, and ending with his Resignation, 1st November, 1784. Philadelphia, 1785. 2 (12X7). . Geological and other Explorations and Surveys. 10 Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana, in the year 1850 : by R. B. Marcy ; assisted by G. B. McClellan. With Reports of the Natural History of the Country, and numerous Illustrations. (32d Cong., 2d Sess., Sen. Doc. 54.) Washington, 1853. 8 (6.6X3.8). 11 Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, including a Reconnoissance of a New Route through the Rocky Moun tains. By H. Stansbury, Capt. U. S. A. [Atlas of Maps, and Plates.] (Spec. Sess., March, 1851, Sen. Doc. 3.) Washington, 1853. 8(6.6X3.8). 12 Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon, made ... by W. L. Hern- don and L. Gibbon. Part I. By Lieut. Plerndon. II. By Lt. L. Gib bon. [Atlas to each part, and Engravings] 4 vols. (32d Cong., 2d Sess., Sen. Doc. 36.) Washington, 1853, 54. 8 (6.6X3.8). l: * Geographical Memoir upon Upper California. By J. C. Fremont. (3()th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Misc. 148.) Washington, 1849. 8, pp. 40. 14 Geological Report, in 1834, of the Elevated Country between the Mis souri and Red Rivers, by G. W. Featherstonhaugh. (23d Cong., 2d Sess., Exec. Doc. 151.) Washington, 1835. 8, pp. 97. 82 650 BOWDOIN COLLEGE, UNITED STATES. Geological and other Explorations and Surveys, continued. 1 Journal of the Expedition of Dragoons, under the command of Col. Henry Dodge, to the Rocky Ms., in 1835. With Maps. Washington, 1836. 8, pp. 37. 2 Memoir, historical and political, on the Northwest Coast of North America, and the adjacent Territories ; illustrated by a Map and a Geo graphical View of those countries. By R. Greenhow. (26th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. 174.) Washington, 1840. 8 (6.7X4), m. d. 3 Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the com mand of Comm. M. C. Perry, U. S. N. Compiled from the original Notes and Journals of Comm. Perry and his Officers . . . , by F. L. Hawks. Vol. 1, 2. AVith numerous Illustrations. (33d Cong., 2d Sess., Sen. Doc. 79.) Washington, 1856. 4 (8.4X6.1). NOTE For third volume, " Observations on the Zodiacal Light," &c. see JONES, G. 4 Notes of a Military Reconnoissance, from Fort Leavenworth, Mo., to San Diego, CaL, made in 1846-7. By Maj. W. H. Emory. [Maps and Plates. } (30th Cong., 1st Sess., Exec. Doc. 41.) Washington, 1848. 8 (7.5X4.5). 5 Report and Charts of the Cruise of the U. S. Brig Dolphin, made . . . by Lieut. S. P. Lee, U. S. N. 2 vols. (33d Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. 59.) Washington, 1854. 8 (7.6X4.4). 6 Report upon the Colorado River of the West, explored in 1857 and 1858, by Lieut. Joseph C. Ives. [Maps and Engravings. ] (36th Cong., 1st Sess., Exec. Doc. 90.) Washington, 1861. 4 (8.8X6.1). 7 Report of an Exploration of the Country lying between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains, in 1842. By J. C. Fremont. [Map and Plates. ] (27th Cong., 3d Sess., Sen. Doc. 243.) Washington, 1843. 8 (7.4X4.4). 8 Report of an Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in 1842, and to Oregon and North California in 1843- 44. By J. C. Fremont. [Map and Plates. ] (28th Cong., 2d Sess., Sen. Doc. 174.) Washington, 1845. 8 (7.5X4.5), pp. 693. 9 Report of the Secretary of War communicating the several Pacific Rail road Explorations. [Maps.~\ 3 vols. (33d Cong., 1st Sess., Exec. Doc. 129.) Washington, 1853- 54. 8 (7.5X4.4). 10 Reports of Explorations and Surveys, to ascertain the most Practicable and Economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Made in 1853- 56. [Maps, Plates and Engravings. ] Vol. 1-10. (33d Cong., 2d Sess., Sen. Doc. 78.) 11, 12. (36th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. .) Washington, 1855- 60. 4 (8.7X6.1). 11 Report of a Geological Exploration of Part of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Il linois, made in the Autumn of 1839 ; with Charts and Illustrations. By D. D. Owen. (28th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. 407.) Washington, 1844. 8 (7.5X4.5). 12 Report of a Geological Reconnoissance made in 1835, from the Seat of Government, by the way of Green Bay and Wisconsin Territory, to the Coteau de Prairie. By G. W. Featherstonhaugh. (24th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. 333.) Washington, 1836. 8 (6.2X3.8). 13 Report of a Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota ; and incidentally of a Portion of Nebraska Territory. . . . By D. D. Owen. [Maps, Plate* and Engravings. } (30th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. 57.) Philadelphia, 1852. 4(8.4X5.7), pp. 634. [2 copies.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 051 UNITED STATES. Explorations and Surveys, continued. 1 Report on the Geology of the Lake Superior Land District : by J. "VV. Foster and J. D. Whitney. Part I. Copper Lands. (31st Cong., 1st Sess., Exec. Doc. 69.) II. The Iron Region, with the General Geology. (Spec. Sess., March, 1851, Sen. Doc. 4.) 2 vols. [Maps, Plates and Engravings. ] "Washington, 1850, 51. 8 (7X4.4; 7.3X4.3). 2 Report on the Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River ; upon the Protection of the Alluvial Region against Overflow ; and upon the Deepening of the Mouths : based upon Surveys and Investigations made under the Acts of Congress . . . Prepared by Capt. A. A. Humphreys and Lieut. H. L. Abbot. * * * [Maps and Charts. ] Philadelphia, 1861. 4 (8.6X6.1), pp. 456, cxlvi. 3 Report on the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey, made . . . by W. H. Emory. ... 3 vols. [Maps, Plates and Engravings. ] (34th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. 108.) Washington, 1857- 59. 4 (8.7X6.1). United States Exploring Expedition. During the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. Under the command of Charles Wilkes, U. S. N. 4 Vol. 13. Crustacea. By J. D. Dana. Part L, II. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1852. 4 (7.7X4.8), pp. 1618. 5 Atlas. Crustacea. By J. D. Dana. Pp. 27, and 96 Plates. Philadelphia, 1855. 2 (16.7XH.1)- 6 Atlas. Zoophytes. By J. D. Dana. Pp. 12, and 61 Plates. Philadelphia, 1849. 2 (16.7XH.1). NOTE. Compare under DANA, J. D. Structure and Classification of Zoophytes. Synopsis of the Report on Zoophytes of the U. S. Exploring Expedition. 7 U. S. (The) Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, during the years 1849- 50- 51- 52. Lieut. J. M. Gilliss, Sup t. Vol. 1-3, 6. . . . [Engravings. ] (33d Cong., 1st Sess., Exec. Doc. 121.) Washington, 1855. 4 (8.5X6.1). . History Colonial, Revolutionary, and National. 8 American Archives : Fourth Series. Containing a Documentary History of the English Colonies in North America, from the King s Message to Parliament, of March 7, 1774, to the Declaration of Independence by the United States. Vol. 1-6. Published by M. St. Clair Clarke, and Peter Force, under authority of an Act of Congress. . . . Washington, 1837- 46. 2(1 1.8X6.8), 2 cols. 9 American Archives : Fifth Series. Containing a Documentary History of the United States of America, from the Declaration of Independence, July 3, 1776, to the Definitive Treaty of Peace with Great Britain, Sep tember 3, 1783. By P. Force. Vol. 1, 3. Prepared and published under authority of Acts of Congress. . . . Washington, 1848, 53. 2 (11.8X6.8), 2 cols. 1 American State Papers, containing authentic Documents relative to the History, Politicks, Statisticks, &c. of the United States of America. Communicated to Congress by the President. [180o- 07.] Boston, 1808. 8 (6.8X3.8). 11 American State Papers. Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States, from the First Session of the First Con gress. I. Foreign Relations to March 3, 1859. Vol. 1-6. II. Indian Affairs to March 3, 1827. Vol. 1, 2. III. Finance to March 16, 1828, 652 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. UNITED STATES. History, continued. Vol. 1-5. IV. Commerce and Navigation to March 3, 1823. Vol. 1, 2. V. Military Affairs to March 1, 1838. Vol. 1-7. VI. Naval Af fairsto June 15, 1836. Vol. 1-4. VII. Post Office Department to March 2, 1833. 1 vol. VIII. Public Lands Feb. 28, 1837. Vol. 1-8. IX. Claims to March 3, 1823. 1vol. X. Miscellaneous to March 3, 1823. Vol. 1, 2. Selected and edited, under the authority of Con gress. First Series. 21 vols. By W. Lowrie, M. St. Clair Clarke, and W. S. Franklin. Second Series. 17 vols. By A. Dickins, J. C. Allen, and J. W. Forney. Washington, 1832- 34 ; 1859- 61. 2 (10.6X6.2). NOTE These volumes contain a republication of all the Congressional papers of general interest published prior to the date to which each Class is brought down, with many from the unpublished files. Furnished with minute and accurate indexes. Title-pages are not uniform. Each volume has also half-title, expressing respective contents, as specified above. 1 Authentic Copies of the Correspondence of Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State to the United States of America, and George Hammond, Min ister Plenipotentiary of Great-Britain, on the Non-Execution of Exis ting Treaties, the Delivering the Frontier Posts, and on the Propriety of a Commercial Intercourse between Great-Britain and the United States. London, reprinted, 1794. 8 (6.5X3.5). 2 Diplomatic Correspondence (The) of the American Revolution. . . . Edited by Jared Sparks. Vol. 1-12. Boston, 1829- 30. 8 (5.9X3.2). 3 Diplomatic Correspondence (The) of the United States of America, from the Signing of the Definitive Treaty of Peace, 10th September, 1783, to the Adoption of the Constitution, March 4, 1789. . . . Vol. 1-7. Washington, 1833- 34. 8 (5.9X3.2). 4 Instructions to C. C. Pinckney, J. Marshall and E. Gerry, Envoys Ex traordinary, &c. to the French Republic, July 15, 1797. Philadelphia, 1798. 8, pp. 15. 5 Journals of Congress-: containing their Proceedings from Sept. 5, 1774, to Nov. 3, 1788. ... Vol. 1-13. Philadelphia, ISOO- Ol. 8 (6.5X3.5). 6 Papers relative to Great Britain, Nov. 29, 1 791 Sept. 25, 1793, in the Of fice of the Dep t of State. Philadelphia, 1793. 8 (6.4X3.2), m. r. NOTE. No title-page. A reprint of the same collection of papers is entered above, with the title, " Authentic Copies of the Correspondence," &c. 7 Papers (The) of James Madison, purchased by order of Congress ; being his Correspondence and Reports of Debates during the Congress of the Confederation, and his Reports of Debates in the Federal Convention; now published . . . under the superintendence of H. I). Gilpin. Vol. 1-3. New York, 1841. 8 (6.4X3.5). 8 Secret Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of Congress, from the First Meeting thereof to ... the Adoption of the Constitution of the United States. . . . Vol.1. [Domestick Affairs. History of the Confedera tion.] 2-4. [Foreign Affairs. ] 4 vols. Boston, 1821. 8 (5.7X3.3). [2 copies.] 9 State Papers and publick Documents of the United States from the Ac cession of George Washington to the Presidency, exhibiting a complete View of our Foreign Relations since that time. . . . Vol. 1-10. 2d ed. ... Boston, 1817. 8 (6.1X3.5). 1 Thirty Years View ; or, A History of the Working of the American Government, from 1820 to 1850. See BENTON, T. H. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 653 UNITED STATES. History, continued. 1 Works (The) of Alexander Hamilton ; comprising his Correspondence, and his Political and Official Writings, exclusive of the Federalist, Civil and Military. Published from the original Manuscripts deposited in the Department of State, . . . Edited by J. C. Hamilton. Vol. 1-7. [Por trait.] New-York, 1850- 51. 8 (6.3X3.9). 2 Writings (The) of Thom-as Jefferson : being his Autobiography, Corres pondence, Reports, Messages, Addresses, and other Writings, Official and Private. Published . . . from the original Manuscripts deposited in the Department of State. With explanatory Notes, Tables of Con tents, and a copious Index to each volume, as well as a General Index to the whole, by the Editor H. A. Washington. Vol. 1-9. [Portrait and Fac-similes.~] Washington, 1853- 54. 8 (6.4X3.9). Law Reports. Supreme Court. Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States. January Term, 1828 January Term, 1835. By Richard Peters. Vol. 1-9. Philadelphia^ 1828- 35. 8 (6.2X3.6). Patent Office Reports and Documents. NOTE. The lists of Patents issued, &c. from 1823-1836, presented to Congress by the Sec y of State, and the Reports of the Commissioner of Patents, 1837-1860, are contained in the Congressional Documents of the respective Sessions. 4 Digest (A) of Patents, issued by the United States Government, from 1790 to January 1, 1839: published by Act of Congress, under the su perintendence of the Commissioner of Patents, H. L. Ellsworth. To which is added the Present Law relating to Patents. Washington, 1840. 8 (7.6X4.5), pp. 670. 5 Report of the Commissioner of Patents for the year 1843 ; 1844 ; 1845 ; 1846; 1847; 1848; 1849. 2 vols. ; 1850. 2 vols. ; 1851. 2 vols. ; 1852. 2 vols. ; 1853. 2 vols. ; 1854. 3 vols. ; 1855. 3 vols. ; 1856. 4 vols. ; 1857. Part II. Agriculture. 1 vol. ; 1858. Part I. Arts and Manufactures. 3 vols. ; 1859. 4 vols. ; 1860. 4 vols. [With Plates, Engravings, &c.~] 38 vols. Washington, 1844- 60. 8 (7.4X4.4). . Presidents 1 Messages. NOTE. The Presidents Messages to Congress are contained in the Congressional Documents of the respective Sessions. 6 Addresses and Messages of the Presidents of the U. S., Inaugural, An nual and Special, from 1789 to 1846. See WILLIAMS, E. 7 Message of the President of the U. S. to Congress relative to France and Great-Britain, December 5, 1793 ; with the Papers referred to, and the French Originals. Philadelphia, 1793. 8 (6.4X3.7). 8 Message from the President of the United States to Congress ; relative to the French Republic; delivered January 19, 1797, with the Papers therein referred to. Philadelphia, n. d. 8 (6.2X3.7). 9 Message of the President of the U. S. to both Houses of Congress, April 3, 1798 ; with Despatches from the Envoys to the French Repub lic. Philadelphia, 1798. 8 (6.2X3.4). 10 Message from the President of the United States, accompanying sundry Papers relative to the Affairs of the U. S. with the French Republic. 18th January, 1799. Philactelphia, 1799. 8 (6.2X3.4). n Message from the President of the United States, communicating Dis coveries made in exploring the Missouri, Red River and Washita, by Ca pt s Lewis and Clark, &c. with a Statistical Account of the Countries adjacent, February 19, 1806. Washington, 1806. 8 (6.4X3-5). 654 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. UNITED STATES. Presidents Messages, continued. 1 Message from the President of the U. S. to Congress, 2d Session, 15th Congress, November 17, 1818. Washington, 1818. 8 (6.7X4)- 2 Message from the President of the U. S. to Congress, December 3, 1818, with Documents in relation to the Seminole War. Washington, 1818. 8 (6.9X4.1). 3 Message from the President of the U. S. to Congress, 1st Session, 16th Congress, December 7, 1819. Washington, 1819. 8 (6.9X4.1). 4 Message from the President of the U. S., transmitting Information and Documents, in relation to our Affairs with Spain. December, 1818. Washington, 1819. 8 (6.9X4.1). 5 Message from the President of the U. S. to Congress, 1st Session, 31st Congress ; with Documents. 3vols. Washington, 1849. 8 (7. 3X4.4). 6 Message from the President of the U. S. to Congress, 2d Session, 31st Congress ; with Documents. Washington, 1850. 8 (7. 3X4.4). 7 Message from the President of the U. S. to Congress, First Session, 31st Congress, transmitting Information relative to California and New Mexi co. Washington, 1850. 8 (7.3X4.4), pp. 976. 8 Message from the President of the U. S. to Congress, 1st Session, 34th Congress; with Documents. 3 vols. Washington, 1855. 8 (7. 3X4.4). 9 Message from the President of the U. S. to Congress, 3d Session, 34th Congress ; with Documents. 2 vols. Washington, 1856. 8 (7. 3X4.4). 10 Message from the President of the U. S. to Congress, 1st Session, 36th Congress ; with Documents. 3 vols. Washington, 1860. 8 (7. 3X4.4). 11 Message from the President of the U. S. to Congress, 2d Session, 36th Congress ; with Documents. 3 vols. Washington, 1860. 8 (7.3X4.4). 12 Message from the President of the U. S. to Congress, 2d Session, 36th Cong. ; with Documents. Abridged. Washington, 1860. 8 (7.3X4.4). 13 Message from the President of the U. S. to Congress, 2d Session, 37th Congress ; with Documents. 3 vols. Washington, 1861. 8 (7. 3X4.4). . Smithsonian Institution Reports. 14 ... Notices of Public Libraries in the United States of America. By C. C. Jewett. ... *** Washington, 1851. 8 (7.3X4.4). NOTE. Forms Appendix to 4th Keport of Board of Regents. 15 Annual Report (Fourth Sixteenth) of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the Operations, Expenditures, and Condition of the Institution during the years 1849-1861. 13 vols. [En gravings.] Washington, 1850- 62. 8 (7.3X4.4). NOTE. These Reports form the following- Congressional Documents, viz. (1846) Sen. Doc. 211, 29th Cong., 2d Sess. ; (1847) Sen. Misc. 23, 30th Cong., 1st Sess. ; (1848) Sen. Misc. 48, 30th Cong., 2d Sess. ; (1849) Sen. Misc. 120, 31st Cong., 1st Sess. ; (1850) Sen. Doc. 1, 32d Cong., Special Sess. ; (1851) Sen. Misc. 108, 32d Cong., 1st Sess. ; (1852) Sen. Misc. 53, 32d Cong., 2d Sess. ; (1853) Sen. Misc. 73, 33d Cong., 1st Sess. ; (1854) Sen. Misc. 24, 33d Cong., 2d Sess. ; (1855) Sen. Misc. 73, 34th Cong., 1st Sess. ; (1856) Sen. Misc. 54, 34th Cong., 3d Sess. ; (1857) Sen. Misc. 272, 35th Cong., 1st Sess. ; (1858) Sen. Misc. 49, 35th Cong., 2d Sess.; (1859), House Misc. 90, 36th Cong., 1st Sess.; (1860) House Misc. , 36th Cong., 2d Sess.; (1861) House Misc. 70, 37th Cong., 2d Sess. . Statistics of Population, &c. 16 Census for 1820. ... Washington, 1821. 2 (18X8.4). [3 copies.] 17 Fifth Census ; or, Enumeration of the Inhabitants of the United States. 1830. To which is prefixed a Schedule of the whole Number of Per sons within the several Districts of the United States, taken according to the Acts of 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820. Washington, 1832. 2(20X 13.5). CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY. 655 UNITED STATES. Statistics of Population, &c., continued. ! Sixth Census or Enumeration of the Inhabitants of the United States, as collected at the Department of State, in 1840. Washington, 1841. 2 (16.3X9.7). 2 Seventh Census (The) of the United States : 1850. Embracing a Sta tistical View of each of the States and Territories, arranged by Counties, Towns, etc., under the following divisions : Population Nativities of the Population Births, Marriages, and Deaths Progress of the Popu lation Deaf and Dumb, Blind, Insane, and Idiotic Colleges, Acade mies, Schools, &c. Attending School during year Adults who cannot read and write Professions, Occupations, &c. Agriculture, Farms and Implements, Stock Products, &c. Newspapers and Periodicals Libra ries Churches, Church Property, &c. With an Introduction, embracing Tables of Comparison with every previous Census. J. D. B. l)e Bow, Sup t. Washington, 1853. 4 (9.8X7. 2), pp. cxxxvi., 1022. 3 Census (A) of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services ; with their Names, Ages, and Places of Residence, as returned . . . under the Act for taking the Sixth Census. Washington, 1841. 4 (9.4X6.7). 4 Compendium of the Enumeration of the Inhabitants and Statistics of the United States, as obtained at the Department of State, from the Re turns of the Sixth Census, by Counties and Principal Towns. ... To which is added an Abstract of each preceding Census. Washington, 1841. 2 (13 irr.X8.5). [2 copies.] 5 Digest of Accounts of Manufacturing Establishments of the United States, and of their Manufactures. Washington, 1823. 2 (17.7X8). 6 Historical and Statistical Information, respecting the History, Condition and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States : collected and prepared under the direction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs . . ., by Henry R. Schoolcraft. Illustrated by Capt. S. Eastman, and other Of ficers, U. S. A. ... Part I.-V. 5 vols. \_Plates.~] Philadelphia, 1851- 55. 4 (8.5X5.9). NOTE. Also with second title-pages, engraved, and with half-titles, " Ethnological Researches respecting the Red Man of America." 7 Register of Officers and Agents, Civil, Military and Naval, in the Ser vice of the United States, 30th September, 1855 ; with the Names, Force and Condition of all Ships and Vessels belonging to the United States, and when and where built ; together with the Names and Compensation of all Printers employed by the United States. . . . Washington, 1855. 8 (7.3X4.5), pp. 708. s Statistical Annals of the U. S., 17891818. See SEYBERT, A. 9 Statistical View of the Population of the United States from 1790 to 1830, inclusive. . . . Washington, 1835. 2 (10.6X5.2). [2 copies.] 10 Statistical View of the United States . . . ; being a Compendium of the Seventh Census, to which are added the Results of every previous Cen sus, . . . By J. D. B. DeBow. Washington, 1854/ 8 (7.5X4.3). 11 Statistics of the United States of America, as collected and returned by the Marshals of the several Judicial Districts, under the Thirteenth Sec tion of the Act for taking the Sixth Census ; corrected at the Depart ment of State. June 1, 1840. Washington, 1841. 2 (16.6X22.) [2 copies.] 656 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. UNITED STATES. Miscellaneous Documents. 1 Addresses and Recommendations to the States by the United States in Congress assembled. London, reprinted, 1783. 8, pp. 91. 2 African Colonization Slave Trade Commerce. Report of Mr. Ken nedy, from the Committee on Commerce on the Memorial of the Friends of African Colonization ; with Papers on African Colonization, and the Commerce, &c. of Western Africa, and the Diplomatic Correspondence between the U. S. and Great Britain on the African Slave Trade. [Map of Liberia.] (27th Cong., 3d Sess., House Report 283.) Washington, 1843. 8 (7.6X4.5). 3 Barbarities of the Enemy, exposed in a Report of the Committee of the House of Representatives of the United States, appointed to enquire in to the Spirit and Manner in which the War has been waged by the Enemy, and the Documents accompanying said Report. Worcester, 1814. 12 (5.5X3). 4 Catalogue of the Library of the United States. [Classed.] To which is annexed, A copious Index, alphabetically arranged. Washington, 1815. 4 (7.2X4.9). 5 Catalogue of the Library of Congress, . . . December, 1839. [Classed; with alphabetical Index of Authors, &c.~\ Washington, 1840. 8 (7X4), pp. 747. 6 Collection (A) of State-Papers, relative to the Acknowledgment of the Sovereignty of the U. S. of America, and the Reception of their Minis ter Plenipotentiary, by their High Mightinesses the States-General of the United Netherlands. At the Hague, 1782. 8, pp. 96. 7 Congressional Directory for the Second Session of the Twenty-ninth Congress of the U. S. of America. Washington, 1847. 16, pp. 53. 8 Congressional Directory for the First Session of the Thirtieth Congress of the U. S. of America. Washington, 1848. 16, pp. 54. 9 Congressional Register (The) : or History of the Proceedings and De bates of the First House of Representatives, 1789- 90. See LLOYD, T. 10 Congressional Report of Hon. E. Stanley and Hon. Alex. Evans on the Ether Discovery ; 32d Cong., 1st Sess. Washington, 1852. 8, pp. 57. 11 Correspondence on the subject of the Emigration of Indians, between November 30, 1831, and December 27, 1833, with Abstracts of Expen ditures by Disbursing Agents, in the Removal and Subsistence of In dians, &c. &c. Vol. 1-5. (23d Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. 512.) Washington; 1835. 8 (7.3X4.4). 12 Covode Investigation. Report of the Committee appointed under the Resolutions offered by the Hon. John Covode, March 5, 1860, to investi gate and inquire into alleged Corruptions, in the passage of the Law to form the Lecompton Constitution, in the Elections in Pennsylvania, in the Post Office Department, &c. (36th Cong., 1st Sess., House Report 648.) Washington, 1860. 8 (7.4X4.4), pp. 838. 13 Digested Summary and Alphabetical List of Private Claims which have been presented to the House of Representatives from the First to the Thirty-first Congress, exhibiting the Action of Congress on each Claim, with References to the Journals, Reports, Bills, &c., elucidating its Pro gress. ... Vol. 1-3. Washington, 1853. 4 (8.8X6.1). 14 Documents relative to Central American Affairs and the Enlistment Question. ... [Map.] Washington, 1856. 8 (7.4X4.4). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 657 UNITED STATES. Miscellaneous Documents, continued. 1 Letter from James Mease, transmitting a Treatise on the Rearing of Silkworms ; by Mr. De Hazzi, of Munich. With Plates. . . . Washington, 1828. 8 (7X4.2). 2 Letter from the Sec y of State, accompanying Statements of Applica tions made to the British Government in Cases of Impressments. March 5, 1806. Washington, 1806. 2, pp. 42. 3 Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the Information ... in relation to the Growth and Manufacture of Silk, adapted to dif ferent Parts of the Union. [Plates.] Washington, 1828. 8 (6.9X4.1). 4 Message of President of the U. S. communicating the Instructions to, and Dispatches from, the late and present Ministers in China, down to the pe riod of the Exchange of Ratifications of Treaty of Tientsin. (36th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. 30.) Washington, 1860. 8 (7.4X4.4), pp. 624. 5 Message of the President of the U. S., communicating Information rela tive to the Compulsory Enlistment of American Citizens in the Army of Prussia, &c. Washington, 1860. 8 (7.4X4.4). 6 Monies (On the), Coins, Weights, and Measures, proposed for the U. S. of America. Philadelphia, 1789. 8, pp. 25. 7 New American Atlas (A), designed principally to illustrate the Geogra phy of the United States of North America ; . . . 15 Maps. Philadelphia, A. Finley, 1826. folded sheets (17X27.7). 8 Obituary Addresses on the occasion of the Death of Hon. Henry Clay, delivered in the Senate and in the House of Representatives of the United States, June 30, 1852, and the Funeral Sermon of Rev. C. M. Butler,... [Portrait. ] Washington, 1852. 8 (6X3.5). 9 Obituary Addresses on the occasion of the Death of Hon. W. R. King, of Alabama : delivered in the Senate and House of Representatives, and in the Supreme Court of the U. S., 8th and 9th December, 1853. [Por trait. ] Washington, 1854. 8, pp. 63. 10 Obituary Addresses delivered on the occasion of the Death of Zachary Taylor, President of the United States, in the Senate and House of Rep resentatives, July 10, 1850 ; with the Funeral Sermon by Rev. Smith Pyne, preached . . . July 13, 1850. . . . [Plate.] Washington, 1850. 8 (6.1X3.5). [2 copies.] 11 Obituary Addresses on the occasion of the Death of the Hon. Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts : delivered in the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the United States, Dec. 14 and 15, 1852. [Portrait.] Washington, 1853. 8, pp. 86. 12 Plans of Public Buildings in course of Construction under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, including the Specifications, 1855-1856. Washington, 1854- 56. plans, 2 (18.5X34) ; text, 8 (7.4X3.6). 13 Recherches historiques et politiques sur les Etats-Unis de PAmerique Septentrionale, ou Ton traite des Establissemens des treize Colonies, de leurs Rapports & de leurs Dissentions avec la Grande-Bretagne, de leurs Gouvernemens avant & apres la Revolution, etc. Par un Citoyen de Virginie. Avec quatre Lettres d un Bourgeois de New-Heaven sur 1 Unite de la Legislation. P tie 1-4. 4 vols. Colle, 1788. 8 (5.2X3.1). 83 658 BO WHO IN COLLEGE. UNITED STATES. Miscellaneous Documents, continued. 1 Report of the Committee to whom was referred so much of the Presi dent s Speech as relates to "A Revision and Amendment of the Judiciary System." 1st May, 1800. Philadelphia, 1800. 8, pp. 44. 2 Report of the Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the Bill "making Appropriations to facilitate the Acquisition of the Island of Cuba, by Negotiation." January 24, 1849. By Mr. Slidell. Washington, 1849. 8, pp. 25. 3 Report of the Committee of Ways and Means, upon the Expediency of repealing the Laws laying Duties on Stills, Refined Sugar, &c. March 8, 1802. Washington, 1802. 8, pp. 25. 4 Report of the Sec y of War, in relation to the Pension Establishment of the U. S. 3 vols. (23d Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. 514.) Washington, 1835. 8 (7.4X4.4). 5 Report of the Select Committee upon the Abstracted Indian Trust Bonds. February 12, 1861. Washington, 1861. 8 (7.4X4.4). 6 Report of the Select Committee to whom was referred the Memorial of Dr. W. T. G. Morton, asking Remuneration from Congress for the Dis covery of the Anaesthetic or Pain-subduing Properties of Sulphuric Ether. By Wm. H. Bissell. 1852. Washington, 1852. 8 (7.5X4.5). 7 Report of the Select Committee to which was referred the various Me morials in regard to the Discovery of the Anaesthetic Properties of Sul phuric Ether. February 19, 1853. Washington, 1853. 8, pp. 39. 8 Report of the Special Committee appointed to investigate the Troubles in Kansas ; with the Views of the Minority of said Committee. (34th Cong., 1st Sess., Exec. Doc. 200.) Washington, 1856. 8 (7.4X4.4), pp. 1206. 9 Resolutions, Laws and Ordinances, relating to the Pay, Half Pay, Com mutation of Half Pay, Bounty Lands, and other Promises made by Con gress to the Officers and Soldiers of the Revolution ; to the Settlement of the Accounts between the United States and the several States ; and to funding the Revolutionary Debt. Washington, 1838. 8 (7.5X4.4), pp. 506-f. l Selection (A) of the Patriotic Addresses, to the President of the United States [John Adams]. Together with the President s Answers. Presen ted in the year 1798. Boston, 1798. 12 (5X3). [2 copies.] 11 Speeches on the Passage of the Bill for the Removal of the Indians, delivered in the Congress of the United States, April and May, 1830. Boston, 1830. 12 (6.1X3.3). 12 Statement of Transactions, Correspondence, &c. of the American Com missioners of Claims for French Spoliations, in the Convention at Paris of April, 1803. Philadelphia, 1807. 8 (6.8X4). [2 copies.] 13 Treaty (The) between the United States and Mexico, with the Papers and Proceedings of the Senate in relation thereto. (30th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. 52.) Washington, 1848. 8 (7.4X4.4). . . Congressional Documents. NOTE. Only partial indexes to the- following series of Congressional papers have been printed with them. These are entered separately. Since December, 1818, each series of Documents published has its own Index, and of late years a copy of this Index has bee! 1 , bound with each volume of the series. A quite complete topical index of the Congressional papers in the Library was prepared for this catalogue. The want of space precludes the printing of it. The omission is partly supplied by the entry in full above, under the respective heud- CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 659 UNITED STATES. Congressional Documents, continued. ings, of the more interesting of these papers. Upon any subject to which these Docu ments, from the 1st Session, l*th Congress, to the 2d Session, 35th Congress, relate, ref erence may be had to the copious Index appemkd to the heading, United States, Congres sional Document s, in the Catalogue of the Boston Public Library, of 1861. The Anvrican State Pn pcrs under the headin? History, &c. above, contain arepublication of all i he Con gressional papers of general interest, from the printed series, as also many from the un published files, prior to the date, to which each Class is brought down, and these volumes are furnished with minute and accurate indexes. The numbering consecutively the Docu ments of each Session, was commenced, wish the Documents of the House of Representa tives in December, 1811, 2d Session, 13th Congress, with the Documents of the Senate in 1815, l:-t Session, 14th Congress. 1 Index to the Executive Communications made to the House of Repre sentatives, and to the printed Committee Reports, from 1789, to the End of the Fourteenth Congress. (16th Cong., 1st Sess., Exec. Doc. 163.) Washington, 1824. 8 (7.4X4.4). 2 Index to the Executive Documents and Reports of Committees of the House of Representatives, 22nd 25th Congress, 1831-1837. Washington, 1837. 8 (7.3X4.4). 3 Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, being the First Session of the First Congress Second Session of the Thir teenth Congress: . . . 1789-1819. Vol. 1-9. Reprinted by order of the House of Representatives. Washington, 1826. 8 (7X4.1). 1st Congress, 1st Session. March 4 September 29, 1789. 4 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 2. New-York, 1789. [2 copies.] 5 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 2. New-York, 1789. [3 copies.] , 2d Session. January 4 August 12, 1790. 6 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 2. New-York, 1790. , 3d Session. December 6, 1790 March 3, 1791. 7 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 2. Philadelphia, 1791. lid Congress, 1st Session. October 24, 1791 M ay 8, 1792. 8 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 2. Philadelphia, 1791. , 2d Session. November 5, 1792 -March 2, 1793. 9 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 2. Philadelphia, 1792. Hid Congress, 1st Session. December 2, 1793 June 9, 1794. 1 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 2. Philadelphia, 1793. [2 copies.] , 2d Session. November 3, 1794 March 3, 1795. 11 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 2. Philadelphia, 1794. [2 copies.] IVth Congress, 1st Session. December, 1795 June 1, 1796. 12 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Philadelphia, 1795. , 2d Session. December, 1796 March 3, 1797. 13 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Philadelphia, 1796. Vth Congress, 1st Session. May 15 July 10, 1797. 14 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Philadelphia, 1797. , 2d Session. November 13, 1797 July 16, 1798. is Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Philadelphia, 1798. [2 copies.] , 3d Session. December 3, 1798 March 4, 1799. 16 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Philadelphia, 1799. YIth Congress, 1st Session. December 2, 1799 March 14, 1800. 17 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8, Philadelphia, 1800. is Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Philadelphia, [1799]. 660 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. UNITED STATES. Congressional Documents, continued. Vlth Congress, 2d Session. November 17, 1800 March 3, 1801. 1 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, [1800]. Vllth Congress, 1st Session. December 7, 1801 May, 1802. 2 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1801. 3 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, [1801]. Xlllth Congress, 2d Session. December 6, 1813 April 18, 1814. 4 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1813. 5 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1813. 6 Senate Documents. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1813- 14. 7 Executive Documents. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1813- 14. 8 Executive Reports, &c. 2 vols. 2. Washington, 1814. , 3d Session. September 19, 1814 March 2, 1815. 9 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1814. 10 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1814. 11 Senate Documents. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1814- 15. 12 Executive Documents. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1814- 15. 13 Executive Reports. 1 vol. 2 ; 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1815. XlVth Congress, 1st Session. December 14, 1815 April 30, 1816. 14 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1815. 1 5 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1815. !6 Senate Documents, 1-94. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1815- 16. 17 Executive Documents, 1-90. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1815- 16. ]a Executive Reports, &c. 5 vols. 2. Washington, 1816. , 2d Session. December 4, 1816 April 30, 1817. !9 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1816. 20 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1816. 21 Executive Reports. 3 vols. 2. Washington, 1817. 22 Senate Documents, 1-123. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1816- 17. 2 3 Executive Documents, 1-102. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1816- 17. XVth Congress, 1st Session. December 1, 1817 April 20, 1818. 24 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1817. 2 5 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1817. 2 6 Senate Documents, 1-193. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1817- 18. 27 Executive Documents, 1-202. 8 vols. 8. Washington, 1817- 18. , 2d Session. November 16, 1818 March 3, 1819. 2 8 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1818. 2 9 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1818. so Senate Documents, 1-102. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1818- 19. 31 Executive Documents, 1-150. 8 vols. 8. Washington, 1818-19. XVIth Congress, 1st Session. December 6, 1819 May 15, 1820. 3 2 Senate Documents, 1-135. 4 vols. 8. Washington, 1819- 20. 33 Executive Documents, 1-123. 9 vols. 8. Washington, 1819- 20. 3 4 Reports of Comm., House, 1-98. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1819- 20. XVIIth Congress, 1st Session. December 3, 1821 May 8, 1822. 35 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1821. 36 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1821. 3 7 Reports of Comm., Houee, 1-111. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1821- 22. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBHAUV. 661 UNITED STATES. Congressional Documents, continued. 1 Senate Documents, 1-95. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1821- 22. 2 Executive Documents, 1-139. 9 vols. 8. Washington, 1821- 22. 3 Treasurer s Accounts. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1822. , 2d Session. December 2, 1822 March 3, 1823. 4 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1822. 5 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1822. 6 Senate Documents, 1-43. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1822- 23. 7 Executive Documents, 1-111. 10 vols. 8. Washington, 1822- 23. 8 Reports of Comm., House, 1-105. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1822-23. XVIIIth Congress, 1st Session. December 1, 1823 May 27, 1824. 9 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1823. 1 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1823. i 1 Senate Documents, 1-80. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1822- ? 23. !2 Executive Documents, 1-163. 12 vols. 8. Washington, 1822-23. 13 Reports of Comm., House, 1-133. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1822- 23. , 2d Session. December 6, 1824 March 3, 1825. 14 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1824. 15 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1824. 16 Senate Documents, 1-45. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1824- 25. 17 Executive Documents, 1-111. 8 vols. 8. Washington, 1824- 25. 18 Reports of Comm., House, 1-90. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1824- 25. XlXth Congress, 1st Session. December 5, lS25May 22, 1826. 19 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1825. 20 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1825. 21 Senate Documents, 1-102. 5 vols. 8. Washington, 1825- 26. 22 Executive Documents, 1-184. 10 vols. 8. Washington, 1825- 26. 23 Reports of Comm., House, 1-232. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1825-26. , 2d Session. December 4, 1826 March 3, 1827. 24 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1826. 25 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1826. 26 Senate Documents, 1-72. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1826- 27. 27 Executive Documents, 1-145. 10 vols. 8. Washington, 1826- 27. 28 Reports of Comm., House, 1-98. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1826- 27. XXth Congress, 1st Session. December 3, 1827 May 26, 1828. 29 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1827. so Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1827. 31 Senate Documents, 1-207. 5 vols. 8. Washington, 1827- 28. 32 Executive Documents, 1-288. 7 vols. 8. Washington, 1827- 28. 33 Reports of Comm., House, 1-270. 4 vols. 8. Washington, 1827-28. , 2d Session. December 1, 1828 March 3, 1829. 34 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1828. 35 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1828. 36 Senate Documents, 80-106. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1829. 37 Executive Documents, 1-147. 6 vols. 8. Washington, 1828- 29. XXIst Congress, 1st Session. December 7, 1829 May 31, 1830. 38 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1829. 39 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1829. 662 I? WOO IN COLLEGE. UNITED STATES. Congressional Documents, continued. 1 Senate Documents, 1-146. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1S29- 30. 2 Executive Documents, 1-125. 4 vols. 8. Washington, 1829- 30. 3 Reports of Comm., House, 1-419. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1S29- 30. , 2d Session. December 6, 1830 March 3, 1831. 4 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1830. 5 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1830. 6 Senate Documents, 1-76. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1830- 31. 7 Executive Documents, 1-140. 4 vols. 8. Washington, 1830- 31. 8 Reports of Comm., House, 1-119. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1830- 31. XXIId Congress, 1st Session. December 5, 18317% 16, 1832. 9 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1831. 10 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1831. 11 Senate Documents, 1-182. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1831- 32. 12 Executive Documents, 1-308. 8 vols. 8. Washington, 1831- 32. 13 Reports of Comm., House, 1-513. 5 vols. 8. Washington, 1831- 32. , 2d Session. December 3, 1832 March 2, 1833. 1 4 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1832. !5 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1832. !6 Senate Documents, 1-83. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1832- 33. 17 Executive Documents, 1-148. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1832- 33. !8 Reports of Comm., House, 1-128. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1832- 33. XXIIId Congress, 1st Session. December 2, 1833 June 30, 1834. 1 9 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1833. 20 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1833. 21 Senate Documents, 1-514. 14 vols. 8. Washington, 1833- 34. 22 Executive Documents, 1-523. 6 vols. 8. Washington, 1833- 34. 23 Reports of Comm., House, 1-560. 5 vols. 8. Washington, 1833- 34. , 2d Session. December 1, 1834 March 3, 1835. 2 4 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1834. 25 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1834. 2 6 Senate Documents, 1-154. 4 vols. 8. Washington, 1834- 35. 27 Executive Documents, 1-198. 5 vols. 8. Washington, 1834- 35. 28 Reports of Comm., House, 1-142. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1834- 35. XXIVth Congress, 1st Session. December 7, 1835 July 4, 1836. 29 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1835. 30 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1835. 31 Senate Documents. 1-430. 6 vols. 8. Washington, 1836. 32 Executive Documents, 1-298. 7 vols. 8. Washington, 1835- 36. 33 Reports of Comm., House, 1-857. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1835- 36. , 2d Session. December 3, 1836 March 3, 1837. 34 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1836. 35 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1836. 3 6 Senate Documents, 1-226. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1837. 37 Executive Documents, 1-189. 4 vols. 8. Washington, 1836- 37. 3 8 Reports of Comm., House, 1-132. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1836- 37. XXVth Congress, 1st Session. September 4 October 16, 1837. S9 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1837. 40 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1837. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 663 UNITED STATES. Congressional Documents, continued. 1 Senate Documents, 1-137. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1837. 2 Executive Documents, 1-54. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1837. , ?d Session. Decer.iber 4, 1837 July 9, 1838. : * Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1837. 4 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1837. 5 Senate Documents, 1-509. 6 vols. 8. Washington, 1838. 6 Executive Documents, 1-467. 12 vols. 8. Washington, 1837- 38. 7 Reports of Comm., House, 1-1068. 4 vols. 8. Washington, 1837- 38. , 3d Session. December 3, 1838 March 3, 1839. 8 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1838. 9 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1838. 1 Senate Documents, 1-307. 5 vols. 8. Washington, 1839. 11 Executive Documents, 1-253. 6 vols. 8. Washington, 1838- 39. 12 Reports of Comm., House, 1-325. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1838- 39. XXVIth Congress, 1st Session. December 2, 1839 July 21, 1840. 13 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1839. 14 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1839. 15 Senate Documents, 1-621. 8 vols. 8. Washington, 1840. 16 Executive Documents, 1-265. 7 vols. 8. Washington, 1839- 40. 17 Reports of Comm., House, 1-716. 4 vols. 8. Washington, 1839- 40. , 2d Session. December 7, 1840 March 3, 1841. 18 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1840. 19 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1840. 20 Senate Documents, 1-238. 6 vols. 8. Washington, 1841. 21 Executive Documents, 1-124. 6 vols. 8. Washington, 1840-41. 22 Reports of Comm., House, 1-249. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1840- 41. XXVIIth Congress, 1st Session. May 31 September 13, 1841. 23 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1841. 24 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1841. 25 Senate Documents, 1-124. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1841. 26 Executive Documents, 1-63. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1841. 27 Reports of Comm., House, 1-11. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1841. , 2d Session. December 6, 1841 August 31, 1842. 28 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1841. 29 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1841. so Senate Documents, 1-444. 5 vols. 8. Washington, 1841- 42. 31 Executive Documents, 1-293. 6 vols. 8. Washington, 1841- 42. 32 Reports of Comm., House, 1-11065. vols. 8. Washington, 1841- 42. , 3d Session. December 5, 1842 March 3, 1843. 33 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1842. 34 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1842. 35 Senate Documents, 1-247. 4 vols. 8. Washington, 1842- 43. 36 Executive Documents, 1-220. 8 vols. 8. Washington, 1842- 43. 37 Reports of Comm., House, 1-296. 4 vols. 8. Washington, 1842- 43. XXVIIIth Congress, 1st Session. December 4, 1843 June 17, 1844. 38 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1843. 39 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1843. 40 Senate Documents, 1-243. 7 vols. 8. Washington, 1843-44. 664 BOWDOIN CULLKGE. UNITED STATES. Congressional Documents, continued. 1 Executive Documents, 1-280. 6 vols. 8. Washington, 1843- 44, 2 Keports of Comm., House, 1-582. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1843- 44. , 2d Session. December 2, 1844 March 3, 1845. 3 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1844. 4 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1844. 5 Senate Documents, 1-177. 13 vols. 8. Washington, 1844- 45. 6 Executive Documents, 1-239. 5 vols. 8. Washington, 1844- 45, 7 Reports of Comm., House, 1-438. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1844- 45, XXIXth Congress, 1st Session. December 1, 1845 August 10, 1846. 8 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1845. 9 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1845. 10 Senate Documents, 1-490. 9 vols. 8. Washington, 1845- 46. 11 Executive Documents, 1-228. 8 vols. 8. Washington, 1845- 46. 12 Reports of Comm., House, 1-846. 4 vols. 8. Washington, 1845- 46. , 2d Session. December 7, 1846 March 3, 1847. 13 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1846. 14 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1846. 15 Senate Documents, 1-224. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1846- 47. 16 Executive Documents, 1-124. 4 vols. 8. Washington, 1846- 47. 17 Reports of Comm., House, 1-90. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1846-47. XXXth Congress, 1st Session. December 6, 18^1 August 14, 1848. is Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1847. 19 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1847. 20 Senate Documents, 1-73. 8 vols. 8. Washington, 1847- 48. 21 Executive Documents, 1-86. 9 vols. 8. Washington, 1847- 48. 22 Reports of Comm., Senate, 1-243. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1847, 23 Reports of Comm., House, 1-840. 4 vols. 8. Washington, 1847- 48. 24 Senate Miscel. Documents, 1-155. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1848. 25 House Miscel. Documents, 1-101. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1848. , 2d Session. December 4, 1848 March 3, 1849. 26 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1848. 27 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington. 1848. 28 Senate Documents, 1-38. 4 vols. 8. Washington, 1848- 49. 29 Executive Documents, 1-69. 7 vols. 8. Washington, 1848- 49. so Reports of Committees, Senate, 244-331. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1849. 31 Reports of Comm., House, 1-145. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1848- 49. 32 Senate Miscel. Documents, 1-67. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1849. 33 House Miscel. Documents, 1-62. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1849. XXXIst Congress, Special Session. March 515, 1849. 34 Senate Documents, 1-4. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1849. , 1st Session. December, 1849 September, 1850. 35 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1849. 36 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1849. 37 Senate Documents, 1-82. 14 vols. 8. Washington, 1849- 50. 38 Executive Documents, 1-90. 14 vols. 8. Washington, 1S49- 50. 39 Reports of Comm., Senate, 1-216. 1vol. 8. Washington, 1849- 50. 40 Reports of Comm., House, 1-503. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1849- 50. 41 Senate Miscel. Documents, 1-127. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1850. 42 House Miscel. Documents, 1-57. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1850. CATALOGUE OF THE L1B11A11V. 665 UNITED STATES. Congressional Documents, continued. XXXIst Congress, 2d Session. December 2, 1850 March 13, 1851. 1 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1850. 2 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1850. 3 Senate Documents, 1-45. 5 vols. 8. Washington, 1850- 51. 4 Executive Documents, 1-55. 10 vols. 8. Washington, 1850- 51. 5 Reports of Comm., Senate, 217-320. 8. Washington, 1850- 51. 6 Reports of Comm., House, 1-109. 8. Washington, 1850- ol. 7 Senate Miscel. Documents, 1-33. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1850- 51. 8 House Miscel. Documents, 1-21. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1851. XXXIId Congress, Special Session. March 413, 1851. 9 Senate Documents, 1-4. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1851. , 1st Session. December 1, 1851 August 31, 1852. l Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1851. 11 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1851. 12 Senate Documents, 1-131. 17 vols. 8. Washington, 1851- 52. 13 Executive Documents, 1-136. 19 vols. 8. Washington, 1851- 52. 14 Reports of Comm., Senate, 1-357. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1852. 15 Reports of Comm., House, 1-176. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1852. lfi Senate Miscel. Documents, 1-111. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1852. 17 House Miscel. Documents, 1-71. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1852. , 2d Session. December 6, 1852 March 30, 1853. is Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1852. !9 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1852. 20 Senate Doc., 1-59. 1 vol. 4; 11 vols. 8. Washington, 1852-53. 21 Executive Doc., 1-69. 1 vol. 4; 12 vols. 8. Washington, 1852- 53. 22 Reports of Comm., Senate, 358-452. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1853. 23 Reports of Comm., House, 1-7. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1852- 53. 24 Senate Miscel. Documents, 1-53. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1853. 25 House Miscel. Documents, 1-24. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1853. XXXIIId Congress, Special Session. March 4 April 11, 1853. 26 Senate Documents ; Miscellaneous, 1-3 ; Reports of Committees, 1-2 ; Ex ecutive Documents, 1-8. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1853. , 1st Session. December 5, 1853 August 7, 1854. 27 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1853. 2 8 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1853. 29 Senate Doc., 1-89. 1 vol. 4; 14 vols. 8. Washington, 1853- 54. so Executive Doc., 1-129. 5 vols. 4 ; 23 vols. 8. Washington, 1853- 54. si Reports of Comm., Senate, 1-394. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1854, 32 Reports of Comm., House, 1-372. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1854. 33 Senate Miscel. Documents, 1-74. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1854. 34 House Miscel. Documents, 1-98. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1854. , 2d Session. December 4, 1854 March 3, 1855. S5 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1854. SG Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington. 1854. 37 Senate Doc., 1-79. 15 vols. 4; 11 vols. 8. Washington, 1854- 55. S8 Executive Doc., 1-98. 15 vols. 4; 14 vols. 8. Washington, 1854- 55. 39 Reports of Comm., Senate, 395-551. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1855. 4 Reports of Comm., House, 1-151. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1855. 84 666 B O W D IN COLLEGE. UNITED STATES. Congressional Documents, continued. 1 Senate Miscel. Documents, 1-27. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1855. 2 House Miscel. Documents, 1-38. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1855. XXXIVth Congress, 1st and 2d Session. Dec. 3, 1855 Aug. 18, 1856. 3 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1855. 4 Journal of the House. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1855. 5 Senate Doc., 1-108. 9 vols. 4 ; 16 vols. 8. Washington, 1855- 56. 6 Executive Doc., 1-146. 9 vols. 4 ; 17 vols. 8. Washington, 1855- 56. 7 Reports of Comm., Senate, 1-290. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1856. 8 Reports of Comm., House, 1-359. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1856. 9 Senate Miscel. Documents, 1-82. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1856. 10 House Miscel. Documents, 1-142. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1856. 11 Reports from the Court of Claims, presented to the House of Represen tatives, 1-41. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1856. , 3d Session. December 1, 1856 March 3, 1857. 12 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1856- 57. 13 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1856. 14 Senate Doc., 1-65. 3 vols. 4 ; 13 vols. 8. Washington, 1856- 57. 15 Executive Doc., 1-S8. 2 vols. 4; 16 vols. 8. Washington, 1856-57. 16 Reports of Comm., Senate, 291-447. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1857. I? Reports of Comm., House, 1-269. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1856- 57. 18 Senate Miscel. Documents, 1-56. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1857. 19 House Miscel. Documents, 1-73. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1857. 20 Reports from the Court of Claims, submitted to the House of Represen tatives, 43-81. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1857. XXXVth Congress, 1st Session. December 7, 1857 June 14, 1858. 21 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1857- 5S. 22 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1857. 23 Senate Doc., 1-73. 2 vols. 4 ; 14 vols. 8. Washington, 1857- 58. 24 Executive Doc., 1-149. 2 vols. 4 ; 18 vols. 8. Washington, 1857- 58. 23 Reports of Comm., Senate, 1-330. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1858. 26 Reports of Comm., House, 1-540. 6 vols. 8. Washington, 1858. 27 Senate Miscel. Documents, 1-273. 4 vols. 8. Washington, 1857- 58. 28 House Miscel. Documents, 1-137. 3 vols. 8.* Washington, 1857- 58. 29 Reports from the Court of Claims, submitted to the House of Represen tatives, 82-175. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1857. , 2d Session. December 6, 1858 March 3, 1859. 30 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1858- 59. 31 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1858. 32 Senate Doc., 1-48. 3 vols. 4 ; 16 vols. 8. Washington, 1858-59. 33 Executive Doc., 1-114. 2 vols. 4; 18 vols. 8. Washington, 1858- 59. 34 Reports of Comm., Senate, 331-396. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1859. 35 Reports of Comm., House, 1-255. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1859. 36 Senate Miscel. Documents, 1-55. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1859. 3V House Miscel. Documents, 1-61. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1859. 38 Reports from the Court of Claims, submitted to the House of Represen tatives, 1-198. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1859. XXXVIth Congress, 1st Session. December 5, 1859 June 25, 1860. 39 Journal of the Senate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1859- 60. 10 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1859. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 667 UNITED STATES. Congressional Documents, continued. J Senate Doc., 1-60. 3 vols. 4; 12 vols. 8. Washington, 1859- 60. 2 Executive Doc., 1-102. 7 vols, 4; 10 vols. 8. Washington, 1859- 60. 3 Reports of Coram., Senate, 1-284. 2 vols. 8. Washington, 1860. 4 Reports of Comm., House, 1-667. 5 vols. 8. Washington, 1860. 5 Senate Miscel. Documents, 1-62. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1860. 6 House Miscel. Documents, 1-100. 7 vols. 8. Washington, 1860. 7 Reports from the Court of Claims, submitted to the House of Represen tatives, 199-255. 5 vols. 8. Washington, 1860. , 2d Session. December 3, 1860 March 23, 1861. 8 Journal of the Seriate. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1860- 61. 9 Journal of the House. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1860. 10 Senate Doc., 1-9. 1 vol. 4; 10 vols. 8. Washington, 1860- 61. 11 Exec. Doc., 1-73,75-82. 1vol. 4; 9 vols. 8. Washington, 1860-61. NOTE. Exec. Doc. No. 74 was lost in the Committee of Ways and Means. 12 Reports of Comm., Senate, 285-311. 1 vol. 8. "Washington, 1861. 13 Reports of Comm., House, 1-107. 3 vols. 8. Washington, 1861. 14 Senate Miscel. Documents, 1-21. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1861. 15 House Miscel. Documents, 1-44. 1 vol. 8. Washington, 1861. . Political Tracts. 16 Address of George Sullivan and 33 others, Members of the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States, to their Constituents, on the subject of the War with Great Britain. Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 32. !7 American Candour, in a Tract lately published at Boston, entitled, An Analysis of the late Correspondence between our Administration and Great Britain and France. ... * * * London, reprinted, 1809. 8 (6.1X3. 6). 18 Brief Statement of Opinions given in the Board of Commissioners, under the Sixth Article of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, with Great Britain. Philadelphia, 1800. 8, pp. 71. 19 Candid Examination (A) of the Objections to the Treaty of Amity, Com merce, and Navigation, between the U. S. and Great Britain. By a Citi zen of South Carolina. New-York, reprinted, 1795. 8, pp. 48. 20 Commercial Conduct (The) of the United States of America considered, and the True Interest thereof attempted to be shown, by a Citizen of New-York. New-York, 1786. 8, pp. 22. [2 copies.] 21 Enquiry (An) into the Constitutional Authority of the Supreme Federal Court, over the several States, in their Political Capacity : being an An swer to Observations upon the Government of the U. S. of America, by James Sullivan. By a Citizen of South Carolina, Charleston, S.C., 1792. 8, pp. 47. 22 Enquiry (An) into the Principles on which a Commercial System for the United States of America should be founded. Philadelphia, 1787. 8, pp. 52. 23 Essay (A Fourth) on Free Trade and Finance, humbly offered to the consideration of the Public. Philadelphia, 1780. 8, pp. 16. 24 Essay (A Sixth) on Free Trade and Finance ; showing what sums of Revenue may be derived from Merchandize without injuring our Trade or burdening our People. Philadelphia, 1783. 8, pp. 32. 668 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. UNITED STATES. Political Tracts, continued. 1 Essay (A Seventh) on Free Trade and Finance ; in which the Expe diency of funding the Public Securities, striking further Sums of Paper Money, &c. are considered. Philadelphia, 1785. 8, pp. 38. 2 Essay on the Seat of the Federal Government and the Exclusive Juris diction of Congress over a Ten Miles District. Philadelphia, 1789. 8, pp. 34. [2 copies.] 3 Mr. Madison s War. A dispassionate Inquiry into the Reasons alleged by Mr. Madison for declaring an Offensive and Ruinous War against Great-Britain. By a New-England Farmer. Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 61. [2 copies.] 4 Observations on the Propriety of fixing upon a Central and Inland Situa tion for the permanent Residence of Congress. By Phocion. , 1789. 8, pp. 11. 5 Opinions respecting the Commercial Intercourse between the United States and Great Britain, including Observations upon the Necessity and Importance of an American Navigation Act. By a Citizen of Massa chusetts. Boston, 1797. 8, pp. 61. [4 copies.] 6 Peace without Dishonour War without Hope. Being a calm and dis passionate Enquiry into the question of the Chesapeake, and the Neces sity and Expediency of War. By a Yankee Farmer. Boston, 1807. 8. pp. 43. [2 copies.] 7 . Perpetual War, the Policy of Mr. Madison. Being a Candid Examina tion of his late Messages to Congress. ... * * * By a New-Eng land Farmer. Boston, 1812. 8 (6.3X3.5). [2 copies.] 8 Plain Truth ; addressed to the Inhabitants of America, containing, Re marks on a late pamphlet [by T. Paine], entitled, Common Sense. Against the Scheme of Independency, &c. By Candidus. Philadelphia, 1776. 8, pp. 84. 9 Plea (A) for the poor Soldiers ; or an Essay to demonstrate that the Soldiers and other Public Creditors have not been paid, &c. Philadelphia, 1790. 8, pp. 39. 10 Political Truth: or, Animadversions on the past and present State of Public Affairs ; with an Inquiry into the Truth of the Charges preferred against Mr. Randolph. Philadelphia, 1796. 8, pp. 44. 11 Shall I go to War with my American Brethren ; a Discourse from Judges xx. 28. London, 1769. 8, pp. 42. 12 Thoughts upon the Conduct of our Administration in relation both to Great Britain and France, more especially in reference to the late Nego tiation, concerning the Attack on the Chesapeake. Boston, 1808. 8, pp. 23. 13 Thoughts upon the Political Situation of the United States of America ; in which that of Massachusetts is particularly considered. With some Observations on the Constitution for a Federal Government. Worcester, 1788. 8 (5.9X3.2). H True Picture (A) of the United States of America. 2d ed. In which " Oil without Vinegar " [by M. Medford] is analyzed, and proved to be rancid. By a British Subject. *** London, 1807. 8 (6X3.5). UNITED STATES Agricultural Society. Seventh National Exhibition of the U. J5 S. Agricultural Society, held at Chicago, September 12-17, 1859. Chicago, 1859. 8, pp. 70. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 669 UNITED STATES Antimasonic Conventions. The Proceedings of the United 1 States Antimasonic Convention, held at Philadelphia, September 11, 1830. ... Boston, 1830. 8 (7X4.3). 2 Proceedings (The) of the Second United States Antimasonic Convention, held at Baltimore, September, 1831. Boston, 1832. 8, pp. 88. UNITED STATES (The) Literary Gazette. Vol. 1-4. From April 1824, to April, 3 1825. Boston, 1825- 26. Vol. 1,4(8.7><6.6),3 cols. ; 2-4, 8(6. 1X3.6). UNITED STATES Magazine (The) and Democratic Review. New Series. Vol. 49-28. [Monthly. Portraits. ] New-York, 1841- 51. 8 (7X4). NOTE. Vol. 18-28 were edited by T. P. Kettell. UNITED STATES Military Academy, at West Point, N.Y. See WEST POINT. UNITED STATES Naval Academy, at Annapolis, Md. Catalogue of the Library 5 of the U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, June 30, 1860. [Part I, Alphabetical Catalogue of Authors. 11. Analytical Catalogue. ] Annapolis, 1860. 8 (7. 3X4.1). UNITED STATES (The) Review and Literary Gazette. Vol. 1, 2. From October 6 1, 1826, to October 1, 1827. Boston, 1827. 8 (6.1X3.6). UNIVERSAL History (An), from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present: 7 compiled from original Authors ; and illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, Chronological and other Tables. Vol. 1,2. 2d ed. Vol. 3-7. *** London, 1737- 44. 2 (9.9X5.4), m. b. 8 Additions to the Universal History . . . [Plates and Maps. ] * * * London, 1750. 2 (9.9X5.4), m. b. UNIVERSAL History (An), from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from 9 original Authors ; and illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c., with a General Index to the whole. [Ancient Part.] * * * Vol. 1-21. * * * London, 1 747- 54. 8 (6.4X3.3), m. b. 10 Modern Part (The) of an Universal History from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from original Writers. By the Authors of the An- tient Part. Vol. 1-44. *** London, 1759- 66. 8 (6.4X3.3), m.b. UNIVERSAL Magazine (The) of Knowledge and Pleasure. June, September- 11 December, 1747; September, October, 1756; October, 1773; June, Ju ly, 1792. London, 1747- 92. 8 (7X4), 2 cols. UNIVERSITY of Alabama. Catalogue of the Library of the University of Ala- 12 bama [alphabetical of authors] ; with an Index of Subjects. By W. G. Richardson. Tuscaloosa, 1848. 8 (6.5X3.6). UNIVERSITY of London. Regulations of the University of London on the sub- is ject of Degrees in Arts. London, 1840. 8, pp. 28. 14 Regulations of the University of London on the subject of Degrees in Medicine. London 1839. 8, pp. 31. 15 Ten Introductory Lectures delivered at the Opening of the University of London, by ... Professors : Dr. Conolly, Dr. Grant, Rev. T. Dale, Dr. Lardner, Dr. Miihlenfels, Long, Hurwitz, Galiano, Lindley, Dr. Smith. Session 1828-9. London, 1829. 8 (6.3X3.5). NOTE. Each Lecture has also independent title-page and paging. UNIVERSITY of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, Mich. Catalogue of the Library of the 16 University of Michigan. 1846. [Classed; with Index of Authors.] Ann Arbor, 1846. 8, pp. 48. 17 Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the University of Michigan : 1854-5. Ann Arbor, 1855. 8, pp. 40. 670 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. UNIVERSITY of the State of New- York. College of Physicians and Surgeons. 1 Annual Catalogue of the Regents of the University ; and of the Trus tees, Fellows, Faculty, and Students of the College. 1841-42. New-York, 1842. 8, pp. 12. 2 Catalogue of the Alumni, Officers and Fellows of the College of Physi cians and Surgeons, from 1807 to 1859. New-York, 1859. 8, pp. 66. UNIVERSITY of Vermont, at, Burlington, Vt. Catalogue of the University of 3 Vermont. 1842; 1843; 1844; 1845; 1846; 1847; 1849, 1852-3; 18- 53-4; 1854-5; 1855-8; 1858-9; 1859-60. Burlington, 1842- 59. 8, pamps. 4 Catalogus Senatus Academici, et omnium qui munera et officia gesserunt, quive alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in Universitate Viridirnontana Burlingtoniie. A.D. MDCCCXLIIL, MDCCCLL, MDCCCLVIIL Burlingtonise, 1843- 58. 8, pamps. 5 Historical Discourse (A), by J. Wheeler, an Address, by J. R. Spalding, and a Poem, by O. G. Wheeler, delivered on the occasion of the Semi- Centennial Anniversary of the University of Vermont, with an Account of the Proceedings at the Celebration. Burlington, 1854. 8 (6.9X4). UNIVERSITY Quarterly (The) : conducted by an Association of Collegiate and 6 Professional Students, in the United States and Europe. * * * Vol. 1-4. January, 1860-October, 1861. New Haven, 1860- 61. 12(6.6X3.9). NOTE. Discontinued. UPHAM, Rev. & Hon. Charles Wentworth, of Salem, Mass.; b. in N.B., 1802. 7 Life of Sir Henry Vane. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 4.) 8 Memoir of Rev. John Prince, LL.D. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Col lections, 3d Series, vol. 5.) 9 Oration delivered before the New England Sodpty in the City of New York, December 22, 1846. New York, 1847. 8, pp. 40. 10 Scripture Doctrine of Regeneration. Boston, 1840. 12, pp. 40. UPHAM, Edward, Esq., M.R.A.S. n History of the Ottoman Empire, from its Establishment, till the year 1828. ... Vol. 1, 2. [Map.] Edinburgh, 1829. 12 (4.6X2.6). UPHAM, Thomas Cogswell, D.D., Prof, of Mental and Moral Philos., Bowd. Coll., since 1825 ; b. in Deerfteld, N.H., 1799. 1 2 American Cottage Life. A Series of Poems . . . 4th ed. [Engrav ings.] Portland, 1852. 12 (5.3X3.1 in*.). 13 Elements of Mental Philosophy, embracing the two departments of the Intellect and the Sensibilities. . . . Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1859. 12 (5.8X3.2). 14 Essay on a Congress of Nations. See AMERICAN Peace Society. Prize Essays on a Congress of Nations, &c. 15 Letters, ^Esthetic, Social, and Moral, written from Europe, Egypt and Palestine. [Portrait.] Philadelphia, 1857. 12 (5.4X3.5), pp. 597. 16 Life (The) of Faith ; . . . embracing some of the Scriptural Principles or Doctrines of Faith, the Power or Effects of Faith in the Regulation of Man s Inward Nature, and the Relation of Faith to the Divine Guid ance. New York, 1857. 12 (5.1X3.2). 17 Life and Religious Opinions and Experience of Madame de la Mothe Guyon : together with some Account of the Personal History and Reli gious Opinions of Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait*.] New-York, 1862, 58. 12 (5.4X3.2). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 671 UPIIAM, Thomas Cogswell, D.D., continued. 1 Manual of Peace (The), embracing I, Evils and Remedies of War, II, Suggestions on the Law of Nations, III, Consideration of a Congress of Nations. NewcYork. 1836. 8 (6.5X3.6). 2 Manual (The) of Peace ; exhibiting the Evils and Itemedies of War. Stereotype edition. Boston, 1842. 24 (4.9X2.9). 3 Outlines of Imperfect and Disordered Mental Action. (Harper s Fami ly Library, No. 100.) New-York, 1840. 18 (4.5X2.7). 4 Philosophical and practical Treatise (A) on the Will. Portland, 1834. 8 (5.8X3.6). 5 Principles of the Interior or Hidden Life, designed particularly for the consideration of those who are seeking Assurance of Faith and Perfect Love. 2d ed. Boston, 1844. 12 (5.5X3.2), pp. 520. 6 Ratio Discipline, or the Constitution of the Congregational Churches. [By T. C. Upborn.] Portland, 1829. 12 (5.5X3.2). 7 Religious Maxims, . . . Boston, 1846. 24 (4.1X2.7). 8 Treatise (A) on Divine Union, designed to point out some of the inti mate Relations between God and Man in the higher forms of Religious Experience. 5th ed. Boston, 1857. 12 (5.8X3.4). Translator, &c. See JAHN, J. Jahn s Biblical Archaeology. UPTON, John, Prebendary of Rochester, &c. ; b. 1707. d. 1760. Editor. See EPICTETUS. EFXEIP1ATON (TO). URBAN, Sylvanus, Gent., a pseudonym. See GENTLEMAN S Magazine (The), &c. URE, Andrew, M.D., F.R.S., &c., a Scottish chemist; b. 1778. d. 1857. 9 Dictionary (A) of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines ; containing a clear Exposition of their Principles and Practice. Illustrated with 1240 En gravings on Wood. From 2d London ed. New York, 1842. 8 (7.2X4), pp. 1340. URQUHART, John, of Perth, Scotland; b. 1808. d. 1827. 10 Memoirs, including Letters, &c. of John Urquhart. See ORME, W. URQUHART, Sir Thomas. Joint Translator. See RABELAIS, F. Works. URSINUS, Johannes Henricus, a Lutheran divine, Sup t at Ratisbon ; d. 1667. n Sacrorum Analectorum Volvmen altervm, varias Qua?stiones, Lectiones, Observations . . . sex Libris novis continens ad S. Literarum illus- trationem ... * * * Francofurti, 1660. 8 (5. 2X2. 9). URSINUS, Zacharias, Prof, of Theol. at lieidelburg, &c. ; b. 1534. d. 1583. ia Corpvs, Doctrinte Christianas Ecclesiarum a Papatv Romano reformata- ruin, ex ore quondam Z. Ursini in explicationibus Catecheticis rudi Mi nerva exceptum ; ac postea . . . auctum, castigatum, & consummatum : a D. Pareo. Hanc editionem . . . adcuravit Ph. Pareo. Cum Indice miscellaneis Theologicis. * * * Hanovisr, 1651. 8 (5.9X3.2), m. b., pp. 945. USHER, or USSHER, James, Archbp. of Armagh, &c.; b. 1580. d. 1656. !3 Annals (The) of the World. Deduced from the Origin of Time, and continued to the Beginning of the Emperour Vespasians Reign, and the totall Destruction and Abolition of the Temple and Common- Wealth of the Jews. Containing the Historic of the Old and New Testament, with that of the Macchabees. . . . London, 1658. 2 (11.7X5.4), m. d., pp. 907-]-. [2 copies.] NOTE. One copy has alto se<:oud title-pnge, embellished. 672 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. USHER, or USSHER, James, continued. 1 Answer (An) to a Challenge made by a lesuite in Ireland, wherein the Ivdgement of Antiquity in the points questioned is truely delivered, and the Noveltie of the now Romish Doctrine plainly discovered. * * * Dublin, 1624. 4 (6X3.5), m. n., pp. 527+. 2 Body (A) of Divinitie, or the Svmme and Svbstance of Christian Religion, catechistically propounded . . . 5th ed. ; much enlarged by the author. ... * * * London, 1658. . 2 (8.8X4.6), m. b. 3 Gravissima? Qva;stionis, de Christianarum Ecclesiarum, in Occidentis prsesertim partibus, ab Apostolorum Temporibus, ad nostram usq ; seta- tern, continua Successione & Statu, historica Explicatio. Ed. 2da. * * * Hanovise, 1658. 8 (5.4X2.4), m. r. 4 Immanuel, or, The Mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God. * * * London, 1658. 2 (8.6X4.7), m. r. USHER, William, M.D., of Mobile, Ala. 5 Geology and Palaeontology, in connection with Human Origins. See NOTT, J. C. Types of Mankind. Pp. 327-372. USTERI, Leonhard, Prof, of Greek, &c. at Berne; b. about 1795. 6 Entwickelung des Paulinischen Lehrbegriffes in seinem Verhaltnisse zur biblischen Dogmatik des Neuen Testamentes. Ein exegetisch-dogma- tischer Versuch. 4te . . . ausgabe. Zurich, 1832. 8 (6X3. 3). V. VAIL, Stephen Montfort, grad. Bowd. Coll., 1838, Prof, of Oriental Langua ges, Wesleyan Univ., Concord, N.H.; b. 1818. 7 Life in Earnest ; or, Memoirs and Remains of Rev. Zenas Caldwell. Boston, 1855. 12 (5X3). VALAZE, Charles EdouardDuFRiCHE DE, a French lawyer, &c. ; b. 1751. d. 1793. a Loix Penales, ... * * * Alengon, 1784. 8 (5.5X3). VALCKANAER, Lodewijk Caspar, Prof, of Greek at Franeker, &c ; 6.1715. d.1785. Editor. See THEOCRITUS. Theocriti, etc. Carmina Bvcolica. Joint Author. See GAISFORD, T. Adnotationes in Herodoti Libros IX. VALERIANUS, Joannes Pierius, an Italian scholar; b. 1477. d. 1558. 9 Hieroglyphica, sive de Sacris ^Egyptiorvm aliarumq ; gentium Literis Commentariorum Libri LVIII. cum duobus aliis . . . annexis. . . . * * * Colonise Agrippinae, 1614. 4 (8X5.5), m. n., pp. 760-}-. 10 Hieroglyphicorvm Collectanea, ex veteribvs et neotericis descripta, in sex libros ordine alphabetico digesta. ... * * * Francofvrti, 1613. 4 (8X5.5). 11 Sacerdotvm Barbis (Pro) . . . Declamatio. Accesserunt varia Poemata auctiora. *** Francofvrti ad Moenum, 1613. 4 (8X5. 5). NOTE. The Toemata has independent title-page. VALERIUS MAXIMUS, a Latin writer; flourished A.D. 30. 12 Dictorum ac Factorum Memorabilium Li. nouem. Addita Tabula omnes Hysterias continente. ... * * * [Colophon] Parrhysiis, M.ccccc.xm. 8- (4.8X2.8), m. n. 13 Dictorvm Factorvmqve Memorabilivm Libri IX. Infinitis mendis . . . repurgati, atque in meliorem ordinem restituti per S. Pighivm. Acce- dunt in fine eiusdem Annotationes . . . Item hac altera recognitione Fragmentum de Pramominibus antiquum incerti auctoris, quod decimi Libri locum in multis exemplaribus occupat. f" Antverpia?, 1574. 8 (5.3X-2.9), m. r. CATALOGUE OF THE LtBRAHY. 67o VALEIIY, A. C. P. 1 Voyages historiques ct litteraires en Italic, pendant les annees 1S2G, 1827 et 1828; ou FIndicateur Italien ; par M. Valery. Bruxelles, 1835. 8 (7.2X5), 2 cols., pp. GOG. VALESIUS, Henricus, or Henry cle VALOIS, Historiographer- to the Kiny of Franca; b. 1603. d. 1676. Annotator. See HARPOCRATIOX, V. Lexicon. VALIX, Rene Josue, a magistrate of Hoc/idle ; b. 1695. d. 1765. 2 Nouveau Commentaire sur FOrdonnance de la Marine, du Mois d Aout 1681. Avec des Explications . . . et des Notes historiques & critiques. ... Torn. 1,2. La Rochelle, 1760. 4 (7.4X5.1). VALLA, Laurentius, a learned Italian critic ; h. 1415. d. 1465. y Elegantiarvm Libri omnes apprime utiles Scholijs G. Longolij . . . il- lustrati, & annotationum doctorum . . . accessione locupletati. . . . Annotationes eiusdem in Errores A. Raudensis. Cum Indice copiosissi- mo. Basileir, 1554. 8(4. 6X2.5), m. r., pp. 824-f-. Joint Author. See LIVIUS, T. Observations etc. in Opera T. Livii. VALLAXCKY, Lieut.-Col. Charles, LL.D., F.H.S., &c. 4 Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis. Vol. 1-5. ... [Plates and Mnps.~\ Dublin, 1786-90. 8 (5.8X3.2). VALLI, Eusebius. : > Experiments on Animal Electricity, with their Application to Physiolo gy. And some Pathological and Medical Observations. London, 1793. 8 (5.CX >.1). VALMDXT DE BOAIARE, Jacques Christoplie, a French naturalist ; &.1734. rf.lS07. 6 Dictionnaire raisonne universel d Histoire naturelle ; . . . Par M. Vul- mont de Bomare. Nouv. ed., revue, etc. Tom. 1-9. Paris, 1775. 8 (5.8X3. 8). 7 Dictionnaire raisonne universel d Histoire naturelle, . . . Par M. Val- mont-Bomurc. 4me ed., revue & considerablement augmentce par FAu- teur. Tom. 1-15. Lyon, 1791. 8 (6X3.5). VALOIS, Henry DE, more known by liis Latin name. See VALESIUS, Henricus. VALPY, Richard, D.D., Master of Orammar School at Heading; 6.1755. (M836. 8 Elements (The) of Greek Grammar: with Notes . . . [By II. Vulpy. \ 2d cd. London, 1807. 8 (6X3.8). 9 Elements (The) of Greek Grammar, with Notes. 2d American, from last London eel. *** Boston, 1814. 12 (5X3.1). VANARSDALEX, Ilev. Cornelius C. 10 Peacemaker s (The) exalted Parentage and rich Inheritance. Sermon dslive- el at Ne r ,v Haven, Co:i;i., daring the S2ssion of the Legislature, by appointment of the Peace Society of the State, June, 1834. Hartford, 1834. 8, pp. 40. VAX BRAAM, Andre Everard, Chief of Direction of Dutch E.-I. Company. ^ Embassy of Dutch East-India Company, to China, 1794-5; taken from Journal of Van Braam. See MOREAU DE SAIXT-MKRY, M. L. E. VAX BUREN, Martin, 8th President of the U.S. ; b. in N.Y., 1782. d. 1862. 12 Addresses and Messages. See WILLIAMS, E. (Addresses, &c., vol. 2.) 13 Addresses, Messages, &c. See UXITED STATES. in loci*. 14 Biographical Sketch of. See WILLIAMS, E. (Addresses, &c., vol. 2.) VAN I>ER HOQGHT,. Everard. See Hoooirr, E. van der. 674 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. VAN DER KEMP, Francis Adrian, LL.D. ; l>. in Holland, d. in N.Y. 1829. 1 Oration, delivered at Utica, N.Y., March 11, 1814, commemorative of the Emancipation of the Dutch from French Tyranny. Utica, n. d. 8, pp. 32. VANE, Sir Henry, the Younger, a Seeker, 4.1:1), Gov. of Mass., Scc y of State to K. Charles L, &c.; b. 1612. d, 1662. 2 Life. See FORSTER. J. (Lives of Eminent British Statesmen, vol. 4) ; (Statesmen of the Commonwealth of England, vol. 3.) 3 Life, by C. W. Upham. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 4.) VANE, Lieitt.-Gen. Charles William. Marqvis of Londonderry. 4 Narrative of the War in Germany and France, in 1813 and 1814. [Map.] Philadelphia, 1831. 12 (3.3X2.9). VAN ERPEN. See ERPENIUS. VAN HEUSDE, Philippus Wilhelmus. Sec HEUSDE, P. W. van. VAN HEYTHUYSEN, F., a barrister-ctt-laic of London. 5 Equity Draftsman (The) ; being a Collection of Precedents, drawn by some of the leading men at the Equity Bar : . . . Selected and ar ranged so as to form a Companion to Mitford s Pleadings. With a co pious digested Index. 1st American ed. New-York, 1819. 8 (7X4), pp. 658, xxxii. VANIERE, Jacques, a French Jesuit, & Latin pod; b. 16G4. d. 1739. G Pnrdium Rusticum ; nova editio ctcteris emendatior, cum Indicc. . . . Accedit Vita Autoris . . . Parish s, 1786. 12 (4.13X2.4 in-.). VAN MARUM, Martinus. See MAIIUM, M. van. VANS KENNEDY, Lieut. -Col. , of the British Bombay M Hit. Extallinliment. 7 Researches into the Origin and Affinity of the principal Languages of Asia and Europe. * * * [Plates. ] " London, 1828. 4 (7.6X3.3). VAN TROOSTWYK, A. PAETS. See PAETS VAN TROOSTYVYK, A. VANUXEM, Lardner. 8 Geology of New-York. Part III. Comprising the Survey of the Third Geological District. [Engravings.] Albany, 1842. 4 (7X5. 5). VAN VECHTEN, Jacob. 9 Memoirs of John M. Mason, with Portions of his Correspondence. *** [Portrait. ] New-York, 1856. 8 (6.5X4), pp. 551. VAN WINTER, Madame . 10 Germanicus, Poeme, en seize chants. Traduit du Hollandois. [Viy- nette.] Amsterdam, 1787. 8 (4. 9X2.7). VARENIUS, Bernhardus, a Dutch physician ; flourished 1640 50. 11 Geographia generalis, in qua Affectiones generales Telluris explicantur. Ab I. Newton. Ed. 2da. *** [Plates.] Cantabrigiae, 1681. 8 (6.1X3.5), pp. 511. VARLO, Charles, Esq. 12 New System (A) of Husbandry, . . . suitable for the Land and Climate of America. ... Vol. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1785. 8 (6X3.4). VASARI, Giorgio, an Italian painter & architect; b. 1512. d. 1574. is Vile de piu celebri Pittori Scultori e Architetti dal 1200 al 1568. Con 1 Aggiunta delle altre di lui opere minori edite e inedite cice ; Descrizione dclle Pittuve del Palazzo Vecchio e della Cupola del Duomo di Firenze ; LV. Letterc pittoriche, storico-politiche ; Sonetti ; etc. . . . Con 155 Ritratti. 12 vols. Firenze, 1827. 12 (4.7X2.7). <> ^\it:h -ec-.-.n -l t.i:lo pn?os, "Opera, Vol. 1-7. rir:n/c, l3.- 23." C A T A L O G U E <) 1- T H E LID II A R V. 6 75 VATTEL, Emmerich D? M of NenfcJia-el, in Switzerland ; b. 1714. d. 1767. 1 Droit (Le) des Gens, ou Principos de la Loi naturelle, appliqu -s a la Concluite & aux Affaires des Nations & des Souverains. Par M. de Vat- tel. * * * Tom. 1, 2. Lonclres, [A cM/cM.te?,] 1758. 4 (6.8X4.0), m. b. N.TE. The pi ire of pal.licat on. i> iveii L^nJves, is fiet:t-i;>u. 2 Law (The) of Nations ; or Principles of the Law of Nature : applie:! to the Conduct and Affairs of Nations and Sovereigns. By M. de VatteL * * * Translated from the French. Dublin, 1702. 8 (6.4X3.3), m. b., pp. Ixii., 728. 3 Law (The) of Nations, or, Principles of the Law of Nature : applied to the Conduct and Affairs of Nations and Sovereigns. From the French of M. dc VatteL * * * New ed. . . . London, 1797. 8 (7. 1X3. 7), m. b., pp. Ixvi., 503. [2 copies.] VAUGHAN, Benjamin, M.D., LL.J)., b. in Jamaica, 1751. M.P. in 1792. cams to HalloweU, Maine, 1797. d. 1835. 4 Letters on the subject of the Concert of Princes,, and the Dismember ment of Poland and France ; first published in the Morning Chronicle, between July 20, 1792, and June 25, 1793. With Corrections and Ad ditions: by a calm Observer [/> . Vauglian}. 4th eel. * * * London, 1 794. 8 (6.3 X 3.4). 5 Memoir, by R. H. Gardiner. See MAINE Hist. Society. (Coll., vol. 6.) G Rural Socrates (The) ; or. An Account of a celebrated philosophical Farmer, lately living in Switzerland, and known by the Name of Kli- yogg. [Hi/ IJ. Vang kail.] *** HalloweU, 1800. 8 (6.8X3. 8). VAUGHAN, Rev. Charles John, D.D., Head Matter of Harrow School. 7 Personality (The) of the Tempter, and other Sermons, doctrinal and oc casional, . . . London, 1851. 8 (6X3.3). VAUGHAN, David James, A.M., Fell mo of Trinity Collegc, Cambridge, Eng. Joint Translator, &<:. See PLATO. The Republic of Plato. VAUGHAN, Henry, an English poet; (>. in South Walea, 1621. d. 1695. 8 Sacred Poems and Pious Ejaculations. With a Memoir by Rev. H. F. Lyte. Boston, 1856. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). VAUGHAN, Rice, Esq.* of London. 9 Discourse of Coin and Coinage: . . . London, 1675. 12 (4.8X2.7). VAUGHAN, Robert, D.D., Pros, of Independent College, at Manchester, Eng. 10 . . . History (The) of England under the House of Stuart, including the Commonwealth. [A.D. 1603-1688.] Part I. James I. Charles I. II. Commonwealth ; Charles II. ; James II. ... 2 vols. London, 1840. 8 (6.6X3.8), pp. 935. NOTE. The two volumes arc pnged con inu msly. 11 Life (The) and Opinions of John de Wycliffe, D.D. illustrated princi pally from his unpublished Manuscripts ; with a preliminary View of the Papal System, and of the State of the Protestant Doctrine in Europe, to the Commencement of the Fourteenth Century. Vol. 1, 2. 2d ed., much improved. * * * [Portraits.] London, 1831. 8 (6. 5X3. 5). VAUGHAN, Robert Alfred, A.M. 12 Hours with the Mystics A Contribution to the History of Religious Opinion 2d eel. revised and augmented by the Author . . . Vol. 1/2 London, I860. 16 (5.3X3.2). 673 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. VAUGHAN, William, F.R.S., of London, brother of B.V. ; b. 1752. d. 1840. 1 Collection (A) of [seven] Tracts on Wet Docks for the Port of London, with Hints on Trade and Commerce, and on Free-Ports. [Plans.] London, 1797. 8 (G. 3X3. 5). 2 Narrative (The) of Capt. David Woodard and Four Seamen, who lost their ship . . . [near] the Island of Celebes. . . . With an Introduc tion, and an Appendix, containing Narratives of various Escapes from Shipwrecks, ... * * * 2d eel. [Portrait and Maps.] London, 1845. S (6X3.3). [2 copies.] 3 Tracts on Docks and Commerce, printed between the years 1793 1800 . . . ; with an Introduction, Memoir, and Miscellaneous Pieces. * * * [Portrait and Plans.] London, 1839. 8 (6.3X3.5). VAUX, Roberts, Judge, of Philadelphia ; d. 1836. 4 Memoir of the Locality of the Great Treaty between William Penn, and the Indian Natives, 1682. See PENN. Hist. Society. (Memoirs, vol. 1.) VAUX, W. S. W., Ass tin the Dep t of Antiquities, British Museum. 5 Nineveh and Persepolis ; an Historical Sketch of Ancient Assyria and Persia, with an Account of the Recent Researches in those Countries. 3d ed. enlarged. [Engravings."] London, 1851. 8 (5. 7X3. 5). VEGA. Garcilasso DE LA. See GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA. VEGA-ABPIO, Lope Felix DE, an eminent Spanish poet; b. 1562. d. 1635. G Life and Writings. See HOLLAND, H. II. VASSALL, ttd Lord. VEILLEES (Les) du Chateau; Cours de Morale. See GENUS, F. S. D. de F. A. de. VEITCII, John, Prof, of Logic, &c. at St. Andrew s College, Oxford. Joint Editor. See HAMILTON, Sir W. Lectures on Metaphysics, &c. VEITIA-LlNAGE, Joseph DE. 7 Rule (The) establish d in Spain for the Trade in the West Indies. . . . Translated from the Spanish by Capt. J. Stevens. . . . London, n. d. 8 (6X3.2), in. b. VELLEIUS PATERCULUS, Caius. See PATERCULUS, C. Velleius. VELLY, Paul Frangois, a French historian; b. 1709. d. 1759. 8 Histoire de France, depuis 1 Etablissement de la Monarchic, jusqu au Regne de Louis XIV. Par M. l Abb-6 Vally. Tom. 1-7. Par M. Villa- ret. Tom. 8-16. Tom. 17. Commence par M. Villaret, & ache ve par M. Gamier. Par M. Gamier. Tom. 18-30. Paris, 1775- 86. 12 (4.9X2.5), m. b. VENEL, Gabriel Francois, a French phj/sician & chemist; b. 1723. d. 1775. 9 Examen chimique d un Eaux minerale nouvellement decouverte a Passy. Par les Srs. Venel & Bayen. Chambery, 1778. 8, pp. 32. VENERONI, properly VIGNERON, Jean, Italian Sec y to the French King, 1700. 10 Complete Italian Master (The) ; containing . . . Rules for attaining that Language. By Signer Veneroni. Translated . . . New ed. . . . London, 1772. 8 (5.4X3). n Italian and English Dictionary. [London, 1772.] 8 (5.4X3), 2 cols. NOTE. Appended to the preceding work. VENN, Eev. Henry, of Hudderxjield, Yorkshire; b. 1725. d. 1796. 12 Complete Duty (The) of Man: or, A System of Doctrinal and Practical Christianity. " New- York, 1836. 8 (8.1X4.9), 2 cols. VERB, Maximilian Schele DE. See DE VERB, M. S. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 677 VERGIL, Polydore, Archdeacon of Well*, &c. ; b. in Italy . d. about, 1550. 1 Rerum Inventoribvs (De) Libri VIII. cfc de Prodigiis Libri III. Cum In- dicibus locupletissimis. * * * Lvgclvni Batavorvm, 1844. 12 (4.2X2.2), pp. 5C5, 20C-J-. NOTK. Als;> \\itli si>< ond tit!o-] :i jc, cmlie lished. VERIIANUELINGEN uitgegeevcn door de Maatschappy ter Bevordering van dc:i 2 Landbouw tc Amsterdam. 1)1. III., Stuk 2. Amsterdam, 1784. 8 (6.7X3.2). VERMIGI.I, Pietro Martierc, known as PETER MARTYR, an Aiujus inc ni.;>uk, aft. a Protestant reformer, Prof, of Divin. at Oxford; l>. 1500. d. 1,332. Loci Communes, ex variis ipsius Libris & Commentariis callecti ; pra> fixa est Oratio de Vita et Obitu Authoris, annexa sunt Epistoke, Theses ct Orationes. Heidelberga-, 1622. 2 ( 10.8X5.5), 2 cols., ra.b., pp. Z()L-\-. NOT;-.. Im- crfoct, \\;nrii!<r title p g"c. 4 Selectissimam (In) 1). Pavli Apostoli Priorem ad Corinthios Epistolam ad Edvardum VI. Commentarii doctissirni. Ed. 3tia ... * * * Tigvri, 1579. 2 (9.3 X -3.3), m. b. VERMILYE, Rev. A. G., of Ncwburyport, Mass. 5 Memoir of Rev. L Murray. See MAINE Hist. Society. (Coll., vol. G.) VEIINON, Edward Johnston, B.A., of Magdalen Hall, Cambridge. G Guide (A) to the Anglo-Saxon Tongue : a Grammar after Erasmus Ilask ; Extracts ia Prose and Verse, with Notes, etc. . . . London, 1853. 12 (5.4X3.3 irr.). VERNOX, James, M.D., of Jamaica. 7 Dissertatio Medica Inauguralis de Diabetc ; Academic Edinburgena? pro gradu doctoris subjecta. Edinburgi, 1796. 8, pp. 34. [2 copies.] VERPLANCK, Gulian Crommelin, Esq. s Discourses and Addresses on subjects of American History, Arts, and Literature. New-York, 1833. 12 (5.5X3.2). 9 Essay (An) on the Doctrine of Contracts; being an Inquiry how Con tracts are affected in Law and Morals, by Concealment, Error, and inade quate Price. New-York, n. d. 8 (6.4X3.6). VERS a Soie, Conseils aux nouveaux Educateurs, See BOULLENOIS, F. de. VERSUCiiE 10 ausderLiteraturund Moral. Stiick4. Leipzig, 1769. 8(5.5X3.4). VERTOT D AUBCEUF, Rene AUBERT, Abbe DE, a French- hist. ; b. 1655. d. 1735. J1 Histoire des Revolutions de Portugal. Par Vertot. Paris, an 4me [1796]. 8 (5.4X3.1). 12 Histoire des Revolutions de la RSpublique Romaine. Par Vertot. Tom. 1-3. Paris, an 4me [1793]. 8 (5.5X3.3). 13 Histoire des Revolutions dc Suede. Par Vertot. Tom. 1. Histoire dc la derniere Revolution de Suede, arrivee le 19 Aout 1772. Pour servir de suite a celle de Vertot. Tom. 2. 2 vols. Paris, an 4me [1796]. 8 (5.7X3.2). H History (The) of the Knights of Malta, by M. FAbbe de Vertot. . . . Vol. 2. London, 1728. 2 (9.0X5.2), m. h. VERZEICHNISS der Biicher, welcher auf der Hamburgischen Commercien-Bib- 15 Hothek befiadlich sind. 1771. Hamburg, 1771. 4 (6. 5X4. 6). VESTIGES of the Natural History of Creation. New York, 1815. 12 (5. 1 X3.2). . Attributed to Robert Chambers. 678 BOW DO IN COLLEGE. VETROMILE, Ren. Eugene, S. J., Indi.nn Patriarch ; b. in Ma ana Grcecia. 1 Ab.ialu Indians (The). See MAINE Hist. Society. (Coll., vol. 6.) 2 Indian Good Book, made for the benefit of the Penobscot, Passamaquod- dy, St. John s, Micmac, and other Tribes of the Abnaki Indians. 1858. ... 3d ed. [English and Indian, facing. Engravings."} New York, 1858. 12 (3.8X2.8), pp. 586. 3 Vetromile s (Of) Noble Bible. Such as happened Great-Truths. For the benefit of the Penobscot, Micmac, and other Tribes of the Abnaki Indians. . . . 1858. [English and Indian, facing. Portrait and En- gravinas.] New York- Village, I860. 12 (4.6X2.8), pp. 571. VETUS TESTAMEXTUM. See BIBLE, in locis. Vico, Giovanni Battista, Prof, of li/iet. at Naples; b. 1670. d. 1744. 4 Oeuvres choisies de Vico, contenant ses Memoires, Ecrits par lui memo, la Science Nouvelle, les Opuscules, Lettres, etc. Precedees d une Intro duction sur sa Vie et ses Ouvrages par M. Michelet. Tom. 1,2. [Fron tispiece. ] Paris, 1835. 8 (5.4X3.2). 5 Opere. Ordinate ed illustrate coll analisi storica della mente di Vico in relazione alia ssienza della civilta da Giuseppe Ferrari. Vol. 1-8. [Por trait.] Geneva, 1835- 36. 8 (6X3.4). VIDUA DE GONSAVO, Charles, Comte DE, a noted voyager ; d. 1733. G Insoriptionea Antique in Turcic-D Itinere collects. [51 Plates.] Lutetise Parisiorum, 1826. 8 (5.4X3.2), pp. 50. VIES des premiers-Peintres du Hoi, depuis M. Le Brun, jusqu a present. Tom. 1. 7 Paris, 1752. 12 (4.1X2.5). VIGER, Francois, a French Jesuit ; b. at Rouen, d. 1647. 8 Praecipvis (De) Graecae Dictionis Idiotismis Liber. Cvm Animadver- sionibvs Henr. Hoogeveni, qvibvs adivnxit et svas loan. Car. Zevnivs. * * * Lipsiae, 1777. 8 (6.5 irr.X3.6), pp. 676-J-. VILLARET, Claude, a French historian; b. 1715. d. 1766. 9 Histoire de France, Tom. 8-17. See VEI.LY, P. F. Histoirc de France. VlLLEMAlN, Abel Francois, a French litterateur; b. 1791. 1 Cours de Litterature Frangaise. Par M. Villemain. Tableau du Dix- huitierae Siecle. P tie 2-4. 3 vols. [Portrait.] Paris, 1828- 29. 8 (5.5X3.1). Translator, &c. See CICERO, M. T. La Ilepublique de Ciceron. VlLLERS, Charles Francois Dominique, Cheu. DE; b. in Lorraine, 17-J4. d. 1815. 11 Essay (An) on the Spirit and Influence of the Reformation by Luther. . . . By C. Villers. Translated . . . by B. Lambert. Dover, N.H., 1807. 8 (6.1X3.5). VILMAII, A. F. C. 12 Gesahichte der deutschen National-Literatnr. Bd. 1,2. 7te vermehrte auflage. Marburg, 1857. 8 (5.8X3.6). VINALL, John, a schoolmaster of Boston. 13 Preceptor s Assistant (The) or Students Guide ; being a systematical Treatise of Arithmetic, ... * * * Boston, 1792. 12(5. 6X3.1). VlNCE, Rev. Samuel, F.R.S., Prof, of Astron., &c., Univ. of Cambridye. 14 Astronomical Introcl. to Pinkerton s Geography. See PINKEKTOX, J. 15 Complete System (A) of Astronomy. Vol. 1-3. [Plates] Cambridge, 1797-1808. 4 (7.8X5.3). 15 Principles (The) of Fluxions : designed for the use of Students in the University. 3d ed., enlarged. Cambridge, 1805. 8 (6.5X3.5). CATALOGUE OF T H E LIB Iv A II V . C 79 VINCE, 7i<f. Samuel, F.It.S.f continued. 1 Principles (The) of Hydrostatics: designed for the use of the Students of the University, 3ded. [Fii/nrcs.] Cambridge, 1806. 8 (0.5X3.5). 2 Treatise (A) on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry; with an Introduc tion, explaining . . . Logarithms. 2d eel. [Mates. ] Cambridge, 1805. 8(G.5X3.5). 3 Treatise (A) on Practical Astronomy. [Platen. ] Cambridge, 1790. 4 (7. 2X4.9). VINCENT, A. J. II., Prof, of Math., College of St. Louis, Paris. 4 Cours de Geometric elementaire. Rcvu conjointement par 1 auteur et par M. Bourdon. . . . 5me ed. [Hates. ] Paris, 1844. 8 (0X3.5), pp.516. VINCENT, Martin R., Prof, at Troy University, N.Y. Joint Translator. Sec BENGEL, J. A. Gnomon of the N. T. VINCENT, Rev. Philip, a clergyman, of England, came to America, in 1G37. 5 Memoir, by Her. J. Hunter. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 4th Series, vol. 1.) 6 True Relation of the Battle in New England between the English and the Pequots. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. G.) VINCENT, Her. Thomas, of London; u. 1G34. d. 1G78. 7 Christ s sudden and certain Appearance to Judgment. * * * Also, An Account of the Destruction of Jerusalem; an absolute and irresistible Proof of the Divine Origin of Christianity. Philadelphia, 1830. 12 (5.5X3.4). 8 True Christian s (The) Love to the Unseen Christ, a Discourse. * * * With Life of the Author. New-York, 1812. 24 (4.3X2.8). VINCENT, William, D.D., Dean of Westminster, &c. ; b. 1739. d. 1815. 9 Voyage (The) of Nearchus from the Indus to the Euphrates, collected from the original Journal preserved by Arrian, and illustrated by Au thorities ancient and modern ; containing an Account of the First Navi gation attempted by Europeans in the Indian Ocean. . . . [With~\ three Dissertations : two, on the Acronychal Rising of the Pleiades, by S. Horsley ; and by W. Wales : and one by Mr. de la Rochette, on the First Meridian of Ptolemy. * * * [Map and Port rait. ] London, 1797. 4 (6.7 X"), pp. 530. VINCENTIUS, St., a French monk, of Lcrinft ; d. before 450. 10 Commonitory concerning the Primitive Rule of Faith, translated, and with Notes. See REEVES, W r . Apologies (The) of Justin Martyr, &c. VlNET, Alexander, D.D., Prof, of TheoL, Lausanne, Switzerland. 11 Studies on Pascal. Translated from the French, with an Appendix of Notes, partly taken from the Writings of Lord Bacon and Dr. Chalmers, by T. Smith. Edinburgh, 1859. 8 (5. 5X3.5). Vio, Thomas DE, surnamed CAJETAN, Cardinal; b. in Naples, 1469. d. 1534. Commentator. See THOMAS AQUINAS, St. Totivs Theologies Svrnma. VIRGILIUS MARO, Publius, a Latin poet ; b. near Mantua, 70 B.C. d. at Briin- dusinm, 19 B.C. 12 ^Eneid (The) of Virgil. Translated by Mr. Pitt. . . . Vol. 2. [Book VIL-XIL] *** London, 1740. 4 (7.8X5.2 irr.). 13 Bucoliques (Les) de Virgile, precedees de plusieurs Idylles de Theocrite, de Bion et de Moschus ; suivies de tous les passages de Theocrite que Virgile a imites ; traduites en vers Fran^ais [with Latin, facing], par F. 3)idr>t. Paris, 180G. 8 (5.2X3 irr.). 080 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. VIUGILKTS MAIIO, Publius, continued. 1 Eneide (L ) di VirgUio tradotta da A. Caro Coi cenni sulla vita deir autore c d-1 traduttore Tom. 1,2 Fircnze, 1827. 24 (4.5X2.5 irr.). 2 Gcargics (The) of Virgil translate;!: by W. Sotheby. [Viyiitite. ] London, 1800. 8 (5.8X3). [2 copies.} 3 CEuvres (Les) de Virgile traduites en Francais, le Texte vis-a-vis la Tra duction, avec des Remarques, par M. 1 Abbe des Fontaines. Nouv. ed. Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1754. 8 (5.3X3.1). 4 CEuvres do Virgile, traduites en Francais, le Texte vis-a-vis la Traduc- tion, avec des Hemarques ; par M. 1 Abbe des Fontaines. Nouv. ed, Tom. 1-4. [Plates. } Paris, 1802. 8 (5.7X3.2). 5 Opera, cum integris Commcntariis Servii, Philargyrii, Pierii. Accedunt Scaligeri ct Liadenbrogii Notae ad Culicem, Cirin, Catalecta. Ad Cod. MS. Regium Parisiensem recensuit Pancratius Masvicius. Cum indicibus &figuiis . . . Tom. 1,2. * * * Lcovardiac, 1717. 4(7.4irr.X<3.6). NOTK. Vol. 1 lias also second title p:i j(?, cnih, llisluxl. 6 Opera, varietatc Lectionis et ])erpetua Adnotatiohe illustrata, a C. G. Hcyiie. Accedit Index uberrimus. Ed. otia emendatior ct auctior. Tom. 1. Bucnlica ct Gcorgica. 2. /Eneidos, Lib. I.-VI. 3. ^Eneidos, Lib. VII. -XII. 4. Carmina Minora. Londini, 1793. 8 (0.3X3-3). 7 P. Virgilii Maronis Codex antiqvissimvs a llvfio Tvrcio Aproniano V. C. distinctvs et emendatvs qvi nvnc Fiorentiae in Bibliotheca Mediceo-Lav- rentiana adservatvs. . . . [Vignette."] Fiorentiae, 1741. 4 (6.8X4.4 irr.), pp. 459. 8 Traduction nouvelle [ivitli the Latin, facing] des CEuvres de Virgile, avec des Notes et des Uiscours preliminaires. Par M. le Blond. Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1782- 83. 12 (5X^>)> 9 Virgile [Latin and French, facing"] de la Traduction de M. de Martig- na* Tom. 2. [L Encldc, Lib. V. -XIL ] , 16S1. 12 (4.5X2.4). NOTK. Imperfect:, Avai-ting- title p:isj J. Works (Tlvj) of Virgil, in Latin and English [facing ]. . . . The /E- r.eicl translated by C. Pitt. The Eclogues and Georgics, with Notes on the whole, by J. War ton : with several new Observations by M. Holds- worth, M. Spence, and others. Also, a Dissertation on the Sixth Book of the ^Eneid, by Mr. Warburton. On the Shield of ^Eneas, by W. Whitehead, On the Character of J apis, by Dr. Attcrbury. And, Three Essays on Pastoral, Didactic, and Epic Poetry, by the Editor. . . . Vol. 1-4. [ Portraits, Map and Plates. ] Dublin, 1753. 12 (5.5 X 2.8). VIRGINIA. Annual lleport of the Eastern Lunatic Asylum in Williamsburg, Va., I for 1844; 1846; 1851; 1852-3. Richmond, 1844- 53. 8, pamps. 12 Address of the Fifty-eight Federal Members of the Virginia Legislature- to their Fellow-Citizens, January, 1779. Augusta, 1779. 8, pp. 39. 13 Proceedings of the Virginia Assembly, on the Answers of sundry States to their Resolutions, of December, 1 798. Philadelphia, 1800. 8, pp. 59- VITJE Selectorum aliquot Virorum. See BATES, W. VCE.MELIUS, Dr. Johann Theodore, Rector of Gymnasium at Frankfort. Editor. See DEMOSTHENES. Opera, Grace et Latine. VoiGT, Johann Carl Wilheim. J * Mineralogische Beschreibung des Hochstifts Fuld und einiger mei kwiir- digen Gegenden am Rhein und Mayn. Mit einer petrographischen Land- charte. Dessau, 1783. 8 (5.9X3.4). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 681 VOIGT, Johann Carl Wilhelm, continued. 1 Mineralogische Reisen durch das Herzogthum "Weimar und Eisenach und einige angrunzende Gegenden, in Briefen. Th. 1,2. Mit VI illuminir- ten Kupfertafeln. Dessau, 1782. 8 (5.9X3.4). VOLLST \NDIG Braunschweigisches Gesang-Buch, darin nicht allein alle des H. 2 Luthevi und anderer erleuchteten Manner geistreiche Kirchen-Gesange sondern auch viele schone Lieder, so theils aus andern gezogen, theils auch vorhin nie in Druck gekommen, befindlich sind ; mit bekanten Me- lodeyen und dreyen niitzlichen Register versehen. Nebst einem andach- tigen Gebet-Buchlein. Braunschweig, 1772. 8(5.8X3.5),2cols.,pp. 714. VOLNEY, Constantin Frangois CHASSABCEUF, Comte DE, & Peer of France ; b. 1775. d. 1820. 3 Ruines (Les), ou Meditations sur les Revolutions des Empires. Par M. Volney. * * * Nouv. cd. . . . [Plates.] Paris, 1792. 8 (5.2X3.1). 4 Ruins (The) : or a Survey of the Revolutions of Empires. New Trans lation from the French. *** Philadelphia, 1799. 8 (5.7X3. 2). 5 Simplification des Langues Orientales, ou Mcthode nouvelle et facile d apprende les Languages Arabe, Persane et Turque, avec des caracteres Europeans. *** Paris, an 3 [1795]. 8 (5.6X3.5). 6 Travels through Syria and Egypt in the years 1783, 1784, and 1785. . . . Translated from the French. . . . Vol. 1,2. Dublin, 1793. 8 (6.1X3.1). 7 Travels through Egypt and Syria, in the years 1783, 1784, and 1785. . . . Translated from the French. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait. ] New- York, 1798. 8 (5.8X3.4). 8 View of the Climate and Soil of the United States of America : to which are annexed some Accounts of Florida, the French Colonies on the Scio- to, certain Canadian Colonies, and the Savages or Natives : translated from the French. With Maps and Plates. London, 1804. 8 (5.6X3.3), pp. xxiv., 491. [2 copies.] 9 View (A) of the Soil and Climate of the United States of America : with supplementary Remarks upon Florida ; on the French Colonies on the Mississippi and Ohio, and in Canada ; and on the Aboriginal Tribes of America. Translated, with occasional Remarks, by C. B. Brown. With Maps and Plates. Philadelphia, 1804. 8 (5.8X3.6). 10 Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, pendant les annees 1783, 1784, et 1785. . . . [Maps and Plates.] Tom. 1,2. * * * Paris, 1787. 8 (5.4X3.1). [2 copies.] 11 Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, pendant les annees 1783, 1784, et 1785. . . . 2de ed. revue et corrigee. * * * Tom. 1, 2. [Maps and Plates]. Paris, 1787. 8 (5.4X3.1). 12 Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, pendant les annees 1783, 84 et 85. 3me ed., augmentee. Tom. 1, 2. [Maps and Plates.] Paris, 1799. 8 (5.5X3.2). Annotator. See MACKENZIE, Sir A. Voyages from Montreal, &c. VOLTAIRE, Francois Marie AROUET DE ; b. near Pari, 1694. d. 1778. 13 Age (The) of Lewis XIV. Translated from the French of M. de Vol taire. Vol. 1, 2. ... Glasgow, 1753. 12 (5.3X2.9). Age (The) of Louis XV. . . . Translated from the French of M. die Voltaire. ... Vol. 1, 2. ... London, 1774. 12 (5X2.7). 86 682 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. VOLTAIRE, Francois Marie AROUET DE, continued. 1 Commentary on Beccaria s Essay on Crimes and Punishments. See BECCARIA, C. B. 2 Correspondance de Frederic II. Hoi de Prusse et M. de Voltaire. See FREDERIC II. OEuvres posthumes. Vol. 4-6. 3 Critical Essays on Dramatic Poetry. With Notes by the Translator. *** London, 1761." 12 (4.7X2.7). 4 Geheime Nachrichten zu Voltaires Leben von ihm selbst geschrieben. Aus dem Franzbsischen iibersetzt. Berlin, 1784. 12 (4.5X2.5). 5 Lettres a M. Bailly. See BAILLY, J. S. Lettres, etc. 6 Life, with Memoirs by himself. See CONDORCET, M. J. A. N. C. de. 7 Life. See BROUGHAM, H. (Men of Letters and Science, &c., vol. 1.) 8 Oeuvres completes de Voltaire. [Avec des Notes, et une Vie par Condor- cet. Imprimes auxfrais de Beaumarchais-par les soins de M. Decroix.~\ Tom. 1-70. [Portrait. } Societe litteraire typographique, [Kehl,~] 1785- 89. 8 (6X3.5). NOTE Each volume has also half-title, expressing respective contents. 9 Romans et Contes de M. de Voltaire. Tom. 1-3. Bouillon, 1778. 12 (4X2.2). 10 Vie de Voltaire par Condorcet ; suivi des Memoires de Voltaire ecrits par lui-meme. (Vol. 70 of Oeuvres, ante.} Editor. QUESNEL, P. Ingenu (L ), Histoire veritable. VON TROIL, Uno, D.D. 11 Letters on Iceland. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyages, &c., vol. 1.) VORST, or VORSTIUS, Johann, Librarian at Berlin ; b. 1623. d. 1676. 12 Latinitate (De) falso suspecta, deque Latina? Lingua? cum Germanica con- venientia, Liber. . . . Franequerae, 1698. 8 (4.7X2.9). 13 Latinitate (De) merito suspecta, deque Vitiis Sermonis Latini, qua? vul- go fere non animadvertuntur, Liber. FranequeraB, 1698. 8 (4.7X2.9). VOYAGE to the World of Cartesius. See DANIEL, G. VOYAGE en Sicile et dans la Grande Grece, adresse par 1 auteur a son ami Mr. 14 Winckelmann, traduit de 1 Allemand, accompagne de notes du traducteur [_F. Grassef], et d autres additions. Lausanne, 1772. 12 (4.8X2.5). VOYER, Rene Louis DE, Marquis D Argenson ; b. at Paris, 1694. d. 1757. 15 Essays . . . Written after the Manner of M. de Montague : interspers ed with Characters. By Marquis D Argenson. Translated from his ...Manuscripts. 1st American ed. Worcester, 1797. 12 (5.5X3.1). w. W ., A . The Enchantments of Jannes and Jambres discovered: or !6 the Errors and Blasphemies of the Secession, in their Principles on Magistracy, exposed. In a letter to Mr. J . H . Edinburgh, 1765. 12, pp. 48, WAAGEN, Dr. Gustav Friedrich, Director of Eoyal Gallery of Berlin ; b. 1794. 17 Treasures of Art in Great Britain : being an Account of the chief Col lections of Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures, illuminated MSS., &c. &c. By Dr. Waagen. ... Vol. 1-3. London, 1854. 8 (6.6X3.9). WABASH COLLEGE, at Craivfordsville, Indiana. Annual Catalogue of the Of- 18 fleers, Students and Alumni of Wabash College, for 1860. Indianapolis. 1859. 8, pp. 34. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. WACE, Robert, Clerk of the Chapel to Henry IL, &c. ; d. about 1184. 1 Master Wace, his Chronicle of the Norman Conquest from the Roman De Ron. Translated with Notes and Illustrations by Edgar Taylor. London, 1837. 8 (5.4X3.1). WACHSMUTH, Wilhelm, Prof, of Hist, Univ. of Leipzig. 2 Hellenische Alterthumskunde aus dem Gesichtspunkte des Staats. 2te umgearbeite und vermehrte ausgabe. Bd. 1, 2. Halle, 1846. 8 (6.4X3.7). 3 Historical Antiquities (The) of the Greeks with reference to their Politi cal Institutions Translated from the German by E. Woolrych Vol. 1, 2 Oxford, 1837. 8 (6.4X3.5). WACKERBARTH, A. Diedrich. Translator. See BEOWULF, Tale of. Beowulf. WACKERNAGEL, Wilhelm. 4 Deutsches Lesebuch. Th. 1. Altdeutsches Lesebuch. Poesie und Prosa vom IV. bis XV. Jahrhundert. 4te auflage. 2. Proben der Deutschen Poesie seit dem Jahre MD. 2te auflage. 3. Bd. I. Proben der Deutschen Prosa von MD. bis MDCCXL. 3. Bd. II. Proben der Deutschen Prosa von MDCCXL. bis MDCCCXLII. 4 vols. Basel, 1859, 47, 47, 43, 8 (6.6X4.8), 2 cols. WADDIXGTON, Eev. Edward, D.D. 5 Sermon, preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 17, 1720. London, 1721. 4, pp. 72. WADDINGTON, Rev. George, A.M. 6 ... History (A) of the Church, from the Earliest Ages to the Reforma tion. ... Vol. 1, 2. London, 1831. 8 (7.4X4). WADSTROM, C. B. 7 Essay (An) on Colonization particularly applied to the Western Coast of Africa, with some free Thoughts on Cultivation and Commerce ; also brief Descriptions of the Colonies already formed or attempted in Afri ca. ... 2 vols. Illustrated with a Map and Plates. London, 1794, 95. 4 (7.1 X4.8). WADSWORTH, Eev. Benjamin, A.M., Pres. of Harvard Coll. ; b. 1670. d. 1737. 8 Journal of a Tour to Albany, in 1694. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Col lections, 4th Series, vol. 1.) WADSWORTH, Eev. Benjamin,. D..Z)., of Danvers, Mass. ; b. 1750. d. 1826. 9 Youth a Flower. Discourse, Nov. 20, 1820, on the Death of Bethiah Sheldon and Benjamin H. Flint. Andover, 1821. 8, pp. 30. WAEYEN, Johannes vander. 10 Dissertatio de Ao yo; adversus J. Clericum. See RITTANGELIUS, J. S. Libra Veritatis, etc. n Limborgianse Responsionis Discussio. See RITTANGELIUS, J. S. Veri- tas Religionis Christiana? , etc. WAILLY, Noel Francois DE, a French philologist ; b. 1724. d. 1801. 12 Principes generaux et particuliers de la Langue Franchise, confirmes par des Exemples choises . . . des bons Auteurs. Par M. de Wailly. lOme ed., augmentee. *** Paris, 1786. 12 (5X2.9)^ pp. 567. 13 Treatise on French Versification. $eeWANOSTROCHT, N. French Gram mar, fec. Translator, &c. See C^SAR, C. J. Les Commentaires de Cesar. 684 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. WAIN WRIGHT, Jonathan Mayhew, D.D., Bp. of New-York ; d. 1854. 1 Choir (The) and Family Psalter : being the Psalms of David ; together with the Car, tides of the Morning and Evening Prayer, and occasional Offices of the Church. Arranged for Chanting. To which is prefixed a Sele2tion of Chants. By J. M. Wainwright, and W. A. Muhlenberg. New York, 1851. 4 (8.4X6.5). [2 copies.] WAKE, William, D.D., Arclibp. of Canterbury ; b. 1657. d. 1737. 2 Bishop of Lincoln s (The) and the Bishop of Norwich [_Dr. Trimnett] s Speeches in the House of Lords, March 17th, at the Opening of the Second Article of the Impeachment against Dr. Sacheverell. London, 1710. 8, pp. 29. 3 Correspondence between Dr. Wake, and certain Doctors of the Sorbonne at Paris, relative to a Project of Union between the English and Gallican Churches. See MOSHEIM, J. L. von. Ecclesiastical History. Vol. 6.- Appendix III. 4 Genuine Epistles (The) of the Apostolical Fathers, S. Barnabas, S. Ig natius, S. Clement, S. Polycarp, The Shepherd of Hermas, and the Mar tyrdoms of St. Ignatius, and St. Polycarp. . . . Translated and pub- lish d, with a large preliminary Discourse, . . . by William [Wake], Lord Bishop of Lincoln. 2d ed., corrected. London, 1710. 8 (5.9X2.8), m. r. 5 State (The) of the Church and Clergy of England, in their Councils, Synods, Convocations, Conventions and other Publick Assemblies ; his torically deduced from the Conversion of the Saxons, to the Present Times. With a large Appendix of original Writs, and other Instruments. London, 1703. 2 (10X5), m. r., pp. 622, 245. WALDECK, Johann Peter, Prof, of Law at Gottingen. 6 Institvtiones Ivris Civilis Heineccianae emendatae atqve reformatae. Ed. altera emendatior. Gottingae, 1794. 8 (6.1X3.3), m. b. WALDIE, Elizabeth. 7 Home in the Nineteenth Century ; . . . Letters written during a Resi dence at Rome, in 1817 and 1818. [% E. Waldie.~\ * * * 1st Ameri can, from 4th Edinburgh edition. . . . Vol. 1, 2. New-York, 1827. 12 (5.4X3.1). WALES, William, F.E.S., an English astronomer; b. about 1734. d. 1798. 8 Astronomical Observations, made in the Voyages which were undertaken . . . for making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, and succes sively performed by Comm. Byron, Capt. Wallis, Capt. Cartaret, and Capt. Cook. . . . Illustrated with Maps . . . London, 1788. 4 (7. 5X5.6). 9 Dissertation on the Acronychal Rising of the Pleiades. See VINCENT, W. The Voyage of Nearchus, &c. Editor. See ROBERTSON, John. Elements of Navigation. WALKER, A., of London. 1 Philosophical Estimate of the Causes, Effects, and Cure of Unwhole some Air in Large Cities ; with a Philosophical Dissertation on the Causes and Cure of Smoking Chimnies. London, 1777. 8, pp. 43. WALKER, Sir Edward, Sec y of War to K. Charles /., &c.; d. 1677. 11 Historical Discourses. ... London, 1705. 2 (10X5.2), m. b. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 685 WALKER, Sir Edward, continued. 1 Perfect Copies of all the Votes, Letters, Proposals and Answers, relating unto ... the Treaty held at Newport in the Isle of Wight, September -November 1648, between K. Charles I. and a Committee of the Lords and Commons of Parliament. London, 1705. 2 (10.3X6), pp. 98. WALKER, James, D.D., President of Harvard College. 2 Discourse on the Law of Spiritual Life. Boston, 1835. 12, pp. 14. 3 Exclusive System (The). 3d ed. Boston, 1832. 12, pp. 34. 4 " To the Law and to the Testimony." A Discourse on the Deference paid to the Scriptures by Unitarians. Boston, 1837. 12, pp. 32. 5 Philosophy (The) of Man s Spiritual Nature in regard to the Founda tions of Faith. Boston, 1834. 12, pp. 22. 6 Spirit (The) proper to the Times. Sermon, preached in King s Chapel, Boston, May 12, 1861. Boston, 1861. 12, pp. 12. 7 Unitarianism vindicated against the Charge of Skeptical Tendencies. Boston, 1839. 12, pp. 27. WALKER, Rev. James B., of Cincinnati, 0. 8 Philosophy of the "plan of Salvation. ... By ...[/. B. Walker]. With an Introductory Essay by C. E. Stowe. * * * New ed., with a supplementary Chapter. Boston, 1857. 12 (5X3). 9 Philosophy of Skepticism and Ultraism, wherein the Opinions of Rev. Theodore Parker, and other writers, are shown to be inconsistent with sound Reason, and the Christian Religion. New York, 1857. 12(5X3.2). 10 Sacred Philosophy. God revealed in the Process of Creation, and by the Manifestation of Jesus Christ ; including an Examination of the De velopment Theory contained in the " Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation." \_Plate.~] Boston, 1857. 12 (5.4X3.4). WALKER, John, a teacher of Elocution, in London, &c.; b. 1732. d. 1807. 11 Critical Pronouncing Dictionary (A), and Expositor of the English Language. ... * * * Dublin, 1794. Thick 8 (7.2X4.2), 2 cols., n. p. 12 Critical Pronouncing Dictionary (A), and Expositor of the English Lan guage : . . . * * * 3d American from last London ed. New-York, 1807. 8 (6.9X4.3), 2 cols., pp. cxxxi., 962. 13 Elements of Elocution : . . . 2d ed., with . . . additions. * * * [Por trait and Plates.] London, 1799. 8 (5.5X3.3). 14 Key (A) to the Classical Pronunciation of Greek and Latin Proper Names, . . . with References to Rules which show the Analogy of Pro nunciation. To which is added, A complete Vocabulary of Scripture Proper Names, . . . Concluding with Observations on the Greek and Latin Accent and Quantity. ... * * * [Portrait.] London, 1798. 8 (7X3.8). WALKER, John, Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. 15 Expostulatory Address (An) to the Members of the Methodist Society in Ireland. * * * Edinburgh, 1807. 12, pp. 50. 16 Expostulatory Address (An) to the Members of the Methodist Society in Ireland. With . . . Letters to A. Knox. * * * Edinburgh, 1807. 12 (5.3X2.9). WALKER, Bev. Joseph, of Paris, Me., grad. Bowd. Coll., 1818 ; 6. 1792. d. 1851. 17 Glance (A) at Dean s 120 Reasons for being a Universalist. Portland, 182S, 12 (4.3X2.7). 686 B (MY IK) IN COLLEGE. WALKER, Ralph, of Jamaica. 1 Treatise (A) on Magnetism, with a Description and Explanation of a Meridional and Azimuth Compass, for ascertaining the Quantity of Variation. . . . With Tables of Variation. London, 1794. 8 (6.2X3.3). WALKER, Rev. Robert, of Edinburgh; b. 1716. d. 1783. 2 Sermons. ..." Vol. 1, 2. Albany, 1796, 97. 8 (6.4X3.6). WALKER, Rev. Samuel, Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. 3 Christian (The). ... *** Dublin, 1758. 12 (5.4X2.8). WALKER, Sears Cook, Esq. 4 Ephemeris of the Planet Neptune. Pp. 32, 10, 10, 10. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 2, 3.) 5 Researches relative to the Planet Neptune. Pp. 60. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 2.) WALKER, Rev. Timothy, of Concord, N.H. : b. 1711. d. 1782. 6 Those who have the Form of Godliness, but deny the Power thereof, described, and cautioned against, in a Discourse, delivered May 12th, 1771, at Concord. Salem, 1772. 8, pp. 30. WALKER, Timothy, LL.D., Judge, of Cincinnati, 0; b. 1803. d. 1856. 7 Reform Spirit (The) of the Day. An Oration before the Phi Beta Kap pa Society of Harvard University, July 18, 1850. Boston and Cambridge, 1850. 8, pp. 38. WALL, Rev. William, D.D., Vicar of Shoreham, in Kent; b. 1646. d. 1728. 8 Critical Notes on the Old Testament. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1734. 8 (6.2X3.2). 9 History (The) of Infant-Baptism. Part I. ... Passages in the Writers of the four first Centuries as do make for or against it. II. ... Things that do illustrate the said History. 2vols. London, 1705. 8(6.4X3.1). WALLACE, Horace Binney, Esq., of Philadelphia; b. 1817. d. 1852. 10 Art, Scenery and Philosophy in Europe. . . . [With a Memoir. ] Philadelphia, 1855. 12 (5.6X3.2). WALLACE, Robert, D.D., of Edinburgh. 11 Dissertation (A) on the Numbers of Mankind, in Ancient and Modern Times. *** 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1809. 8 (6X3.5). WALLACE, Thomas, of Dublin. 12 Essay (An) on the Manufactures of Ireland, in which is considered, to what Manufactures her Natural Advantages are best suited ; and the best Means of improving such Manufactures. Dublin, 1798. 8 (5.9X3.3). WALLACE, William, LL.D., Prof, of Math., Univ. of Editib. ; b. 1768. d. 1843. Joint Author. See MURRAY, H. Account of British India. WALLACE, William Clay, M.D. 13 Accommodation (The) of the Eye to Distances. New York, 1850. 8, pp. 36. WALLERIUS, Johann Gottschalk, a Swedish naturalist ; b. 1709. d. 1785. 14 Hydrologie, ou Description du Regne aquatique, divisee par Classes, Genres, Especes et Varietes. ... Paris, 1753. 8 (5.3X3.1). NOTE. Appended to Vol. 2 of " MinSralogie," etc. 15 Mineralogie, ou Description gencrale des Substances du Regne mineral. Traduit de 1 Allemand. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1753. 8 (5.3X3.1). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 687 WALLERIUS, Johann Gottschalk, continued. 1 Origine (De T) du Monde, et de la Terre en particulier ; ouvrage dans lequel 1 Auteur . . . donne, en quelque maniere, un Abrege de tous ses Ouvrages : par M. Wallerius. Traduit par J. B. D * *. Varsovie, 1780. 12 (4.7X2.7). 2 Physisch-chemische Betrachtungen iiber den Ursprung der Welt beson- ders der Erdwelt und ihrer Veranderung. Aus clem Lateinischen uber- setzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen von C. F. Keller. . . . Mit einem Kupfer. Erfurt, 1782. 8 (5.5X3). 3 Systema Mineralogicum, quo Corpora mineralia in Classes, Ordines, Genera et Species . . . divisa describuntur, atque Observationibus, Ex- perimentis, et Figuris seneis illustrantur. Tom. 1, 2. ... Ed. altera correcta. [Portrait. ] Vindobonac, 1778. 8 (6X3.8). WALLIN, JRev. Benjamin, A.M. 4 Ancient Believer s (The) Transition from Mortality to Life. Sermon on Death of Mrs. Hannah Munn. London, 1779. 8, pp. 36. WALLIS, John, D.D., Prof, of Geometry, Univ. of Oxford; b. 1617. d. 1703. 5 Opervm Mathematicorvm Pars I. Qua continentur, Oratio Inauguralis. Mathesis Universalis ; sive, Arithmeticum Opus integrum. Adversus Meibomii, de Proportionibus Dialogum, Tractatus elencticus. [Figures. ] Oxonii, 1657. 4 (6.3X3.8), m. b. NOTE. Each treatise has also independent title-page and paging 1 . Joint Author. See SHERWIN, H. Mathematical Tables, &c. WALPOLE, Horace, Earl of Orford; b. 1717. d. 1797. 6 Letters to Sir Horace Mann, British Envoy at the Court of Tuscany. . . . Edited by Lord Dover. . . . Vol. 1, 2. New- York, 1833. 12 (6X3.4). WALPOLE, Robert, Earl of Orford, Lord Chancellor, &c. ; b. 1674. d. 1746. ? Short History of the Parliament. London, 1713. 8, pp. 15. WALSH, Robert, LL.D., Chaplain to Lord Strangford, at Constantinople. 8 Narrative of a Journey from Constantinople to England. Philadelphia, 1828. 12 (5.3X3.2). 9 Notices of Brazil in 1828 and 1829. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Plate.] Boston, 1831. 12 (5.8X3.3). WALSH, Robert, jun., Esq., of Philadelphia ; b. 1784. 10 American Quarterly Review (The). [Edited by E. Walsh.] Vol. 1-22. March, 1827, to December, 1837. Philadelphia, 1827- 37. 8 (6.3X3.7). 11 American Review (The) of History and Politics, and General Reposi tory of Literature and State Papers. [Edited by E. Walsh.] Vol. 1. *** Philadelphia, 1811. 8 (6.5X3.6). 12 Appeal (An) from the Judgments of Great Britain respecting the United States of America. ... *** Philadelphia, 1819. 8 (6.4X3.4). WALSH, R. M. Translator. See SKETCHES of Living Characters of France. WALSINGHAM, Sir Francis, Sec y of State to Q. Elizabeth; b. 1536. d. 15901 13 Memoires et Instructions pour les Ambassadeurs ou Lettres et Negotia tions de Walsingham, Ministre & Secretaire d Etat, sous Elisabeth. Avec les Maximes politiques de ce Ministre, & des Remarques sur la Vie des principaux Ministres & Favoris de cette Princesse. Traduite de 1 Anglois. Amsterdam, 1700. 4 (7X5.2), m. d., pp. 662. 688 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. WALSINGHAM, Sir Francis, continued. 1 Secret (Le) des Cours, ou les Memoires de Walsingham, Secret. d Etat sous la Reine Elisabeth. . . . Avec les Ilemarques de 11. Nanton sur le Regne & sur les Favoris de cette Princesse. [Frontispiece.] Lyon, 1698. 24 (4.4X2.2). NOTE. Walking-ham s authorship of this work is not authenticated. WALTER, Rev. Nathanael, of Roxbnrtj, Mass. ; b. 1709. d. 1776. 2 Thoughts (The) of the Heart the best Evidence of a Man s Spiritual State; a Discourse from Prov. xxill. 7. Boston, 1741. 12, pp. 31. WALTER, William Bicker, A.M., nmd. Bowd. Coll., 1818; b. 1796. d. 1822. 3 Sukey ; a Poem. [By W. B. Walter.^ Boston, 1821. 8, pp. 72. WALTON, Brian, D.D., Bp. of Chester; b. 1600. d. 1661. 4 Considerator (The) considered : or, A brief View of certain Considera tions [by Dr. Owen 7 } upon the Biblia Polyglotta. ... * * * London, 1650. 16 (4.8X2.8). Editor. See BIBLE, The Old and New Testaments. Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, Londini, 1655- 57. WALTON, Isaac, the Father of Angling ; b. at Stafford, 1593. d. 1683. 5 Complete Angler (The) ; or, The Contemplative Man s Recreation. By I. Walton. And Instructions how to angle for Trout or Grayling in a clear Stream, by C. Cotton. AVith copious Notes . . ., a Bibliographical Preface . . ., and a Notice of Cotton and his Writings, by the Ameri can Editor. To which is added an Appendix, including illustrative Bal lads, Music, Papers on American Fishing, and the most complete Cata logue of Books on Angling, &c. ever printed. Also, a general Index to the whole Work. Pt. L, II. \_Fac-similes and Engravings. .] New York, 1848. 12 (5.6X3.5). NOTE. Ft. II. has also independent title-page and paging. 6 Life of Hooker. See HOOKER, R. (Prefixed to Works.) 7 Lives (The) of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert, and Sanderson. [Edited,] with some Account of the Author and his Writings [by Alex. Young ]. Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1832. 16 (4.6X2.7). 8 Lives (The) of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hook er, Mr. George Herbert, and Dr. Robert Sanderson. With some Ac count of the Author and his Writings, by T. Zouch. New ed., with il lustrative Notes, etc. Pt. L, II. 2 vols. * * * New York, 1846. 12 (5.6X3.5). [2 copies.] WALTON, J. Joint Translator. See HEGEL, G. W. F. The Subjective Logic of H. WALTON, William, A.M., of Trinity College, Cambridge. Editor. See GREGORY, D. F. Examples of Calculus. WALZ, Christianus, Prof, at Tubingen. 9 Rhetores Graeci. Ex Codicibus Florentinis Mediolanensibus Monacen- sibus Neapolitanis Parisiensibus Romanis Venetis Taurinensibus et Vin- dobonensibus emendatiores et auctiores edidit suis aliorumque Annota- tionibus instruxit Indices locupletissimos adiecit C. Walz. Vol. 1-9. Stuttgartiae et Tubingae, 1832- 36. 8 (6X3.5), WANOSTROCHT, N., LL.D. 10 Grammar of the French Language, with practical Exercises. 8th Ameri can, from last London ed. . . . Also, A Treatise on French Versifi cation, by M. de Wailly. Boston, 1825. 12 (5.6X3.5). [4 copies.], CATALOGUE 01 THE LIBRARY. 689 WAR. Invitation (An) to join the Peace Society ; or, Defensive War indefen- 1 sible on Christian Principles. London, 1836. 8, pp. 20. 2 Lawfulness (The) of Defensive War upon Christian Principles, impar tially considered. 5th ed. Glasgow, 1819. 8, pp. 16. 3 Letters [on Peace] from an American. London, n. d. 8, pp. 63. 4 Obstacles and Objections to the Cause of Permanent and Universal Peace considered. Boston, 1837. 8, pp. 76. 5 Peace and War. ... *** London, 1823. 8 (6.2X3.4). 6 Reflections on the Nature and Dignity of the Enterprise for establishing Permanent and Universal Peace, Hartford, 1835. 8, pp. 16. 7 Solemn Review of the Custom of War. See WORCESTER,, N. WARBURTON, William, D.D., Bp. of Gloucester-, b. 1698. d. 1779. ** Divine Legation (The) of Moses demonstrated. In nine books. 4th ed., corrected and enlarged. By W. [Warburto7i~\. *** Vol. 1-5. [Book I.-VL Plates. ] London, 1765. 8 (6.3X3.4). 9 Julian, or, A Discourse concerning the Earthquake and Fiery Eruption, which defeated that Emperor s Attempt to rebuild the Temple at Jerusa lem. ... *** 2d ed., with additions. London, 1751. 8 (5.7X3.1). 10 Supplemental Volume (A) of Bishop Warburton s Works. . . . [Con taining, The Divine Legation, Book IX., Three Sermons, Directions for the Study of Theology, and Remarks on NeaVs History of the Puri tans. ] London, 1788. 8 (5.9X3.2). NOTE Lettered " Warburton s Divine Legation. 6." Annotator. See POPE, A. An Essay on Man. WARD, Artemas, LL.D., Judge, of Boston; b. 1763. d. 1847. 11 Speech in the House of Repr. of the U. S., March 5th, 1814, on a Bill making Military Appropriations. Washington, 1814. 8, pp. 20. WARD, Henry Dana, A.M., a renouncing Mason, of N.Y. 12 Anti-Masonic Review (The) and Magazine. . . . [Monthly.] Edited by H. D. Ward. Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1828- 30. 8 (6.3X3.6). WARD, John, Prof, of Math, at Chester; b. 1648. 13 Young Mathematician s (The) Guide. ... 3d ed. corrected. [Por trait of Author.] London, 1719. 8 (6.1X3.7). 1 4 Young Mathematician s (The) Guide : being a plain and easy Introduc tion to the Mathematics. . . . 8th ed. London, 1747. 8 (6.4X3.8). [2 copies.] WARD, John, LL.D., F.R.S., Prof, of Rhet., Gresham Coll. ; b. 1679. d. 1758. 15 Brevissima Institvtio, seu Ratio Grammatices cognoscenda?, ad omnium puerorum utilitatem perscripta. Londini, 1793. 12 (4.4X3.3). 16 Propria qvae Maribvs, qvae Genvs, as in praesenti, Syntaxis, qvi mini, construed. London, 1794. 12, pp. 80. I? Short Introduction (A) of Grammar, ... to attain to the Knowledge of the Latin Tongue. London, 1793. 12, pp. 71. WARD, Rev. Jonathan, of Plymouth, N.II. 18 Sermon delivered at the Ordination of Jonathan Ward, jr., at Bidde- ford, Me., Oct. 26, 1825. Portland, 1825. 8, pp. 27. WARD, Robert, Esq., Lord of the Admiralty, &c. ; b. 1765. d. 1846. 19 Enquiry (An) into the Foundation and History of the Law of Nations in Europe, from the Time of the Greeks and Romans, to the Age of Grotius. * * * ... Vol. 1, 2. London, 1795. 8 (6X3.3). 87 690 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. WARD, Robert, Esq., continued* 1 Treatise (A) of the relative Rights and Duties of Belligerent and Neu tral Powers, in Maritime Affairs: in which . . . the Opinions of Hub- ner and Schlegel are fully discussed. London, 1801. 8 (6.3X3.4). WARD, Samuel, Governor of Rhode Island; b. 1725. d. 1776. 2 Life, by W. Gammell. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser.,vol. 9.) WARDEN, David B., U.S. Consul at Paris; d. 1845. Translator. See CUVIER, G. C. L. F. D. Eulogium on Priestley. WARDLAW, Ralph, D.D., a minister of Glasgow, b. 1779. d. 1853. 3 Christian Ethics : or Moral Philosophy on the Principles of Divine Revelation. ... New York, 1835. 12 (5.2X3.1). [2 copies.] 4 Discourses on the principal Points of the Socinian Controversy. . . . Andover, 1815. 8 (6.6X3. 9). 5 Unitarianism incapable of Vindication : a Reply to Rev. James Yates Vindication of Unitarianism. * * * Andover, 1817. 8 (6.4X3. 9). WARE, Henry, D.D., Hollifi Prof, of I) win. at Harvard Coll.; b. 1764. d. 1845. 6 Eulogy pronounced July 20, 1810, at the Interment of Samuel Webber, D.D., Pres. of Harvard University. Cambridge, 1810. 8, pp. 19. 7 Letters addressed to Trinitarians and Calvinists, occasioned by Dr. Woods Letters to Unitarians. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1820. 8 (6. 1X3.5). 8 Sermon delivered before the Convention of Congregational Ministers of Massachusetts, May 28, 1818. Boston, 1818. 8, pp. 27. 9 Sermon, delivered Jan. 1, 1817, at the Ordination of Rev. Henry Ware, jun., in Boston. With Charge, by John Allyn ; Right Hand, by Francis Parkman. Boston, 1817. 8, pp. 35. 10 Sermon delivered at Northborough, Oct. 30, 1816, at the Ordination of Rev. Joseph Allen. With Charge, by D. C. Sanders ; Right Hand, by J. E. Abbot. Cambridge, 1817. 8, pp. 33. 11 Sermon, delivered Oct. 29, 1818, at the Ordination of Rev. Alvan Lam- son, at Dedham. [Ch., by Stephen Palmer ; li.H., by John White; and Result of Council.] Dedham, 1818. 8, pp. 39. WARE, Henry, D.D., son of preceding, Prof, of Pulpit Eloquence, &c. Divinity School, Cambridge ; b. 1794. d. 1843. 12 Duty (The) of promoting Christianity by the Circulation of Books. Boston, 1838. 12, pp. 28. 13 Formation (On the) of the Christian Character. ... 2d ed. Cambridge, 1831. 12 (4X2.5). 14 How to spend Holy Time. Boston, 1840. 12, pp. 20. 15 How to spend a Day. Boston, 1839. 12, pp. 22. 16 Nature (The), Reality, and Power of Christian Faith. Boston, 1837. 12, pp. 15. 17 Outlines of the Testimony of Scripture against the Trinity. Boston, 1832. 12, pp. 22. 18 Poem pronounced at Cambridge, Feb. 23, 1815, at the Celebration of Peace between the U. S. and Great Britain. Cambridge, 1815. 8, pp. 11. 1 9 Promise (The) of Universal Peace. Sermon preached in the Chapel of Harvard University, Dec. 5, 1833. Boston, 1834. 8, pp. 23. 20 Small Sins. Boston, 1814. 12, pp. 14. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 691 WARE, Henry, D.D., continued. J Thoughts for the New Year on the Duty of Improvement. Boston, 1840. 12, pp. 16. 2 Three important Questions answered, relating to the Christian Name, Character, and Hopes. New- York, 1822. 12, pp. 24. 3 Three important Questions answered, relating to the Christian Name, Character, and Hopes. Boston, 1834. 12, pp. 28. 4 Use (On the) and Meaning of the Phrase " Holy Spirit." Boston, 1836. 12, pp. 22. WARE, John, M. D. 5 Address delivered before the Massachusetts Peace Society, December 25, 1824. Boston, 1825. 8, pp. 24.. G Poem, delivered before the 3> B K Society of Harvard University, Au gust 28, 1817. Cambridge, 1817. 8, pp. 11. Joint Editor. See NEW ENGLAND Journal (The) of Medicine, &c. Joint Editor. See NEW ENGLAND Medical Review (The), &c. WARE, Rev. William, of N.Y., afL of Cambridge-, b. 1798. d. 1852. " 7 Antiquity, &c. of Unitarian Christianity. Boston, 1831. 12, pp. 28,. 8 Danger of Delay. 2d ed. Boston, 1831. 12, pp. 28. 9 Justification by Faith. Boston, 1840. 12, pp. 14. 10 Memoir of N. Bacon. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d5er., vol. 3.) 11 Unitarianism the Doctrine of Matthew s Gospel. Boston, 1843. 12, pp. 28. WARNER, Rev. Jonathan. 12 Church (The) of England turned Dissenter at last ... 3d ed., with additions. London, n. d. 8, pp. 87. WARNER, Rev. Richard. M History (The) of the Isle of Wight ; Military, Ecclesiastical, Civil, & Natural. ... * * * [Map.] Southampton, 1795. 8 (5.3X3.1). WARREN, John, M.D., of Boston, brother of Gen. J. W.; b. 1753. d. 1815. 14 Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 1, 2.) 15 Eulogy on Hon. Thomas Russell, Esq.; delivered May 4, 1796. Boston, 1796. 4, pp. ,31,3. [3 copies.] 16 Oration at Boston, July 4, 1783. Boston, [1783]. 4, pp. 32. WARREX, John Collins, M.D., son of Dr. J. W., Prof, of Anat., Harv. Univ. ; b. 1779* d. 1856. 17 Cases of Organic Diseases of the Heart. Read before the Counsellors of the Mass. Medical Society. [Plates. ] Boston, 1809. 8, pp. 61. 18 Description of a Skeleton of the Mastodon Giganteus of North Ameri ca. [Plates. ] Boston, 1852. 4 (8.3X6), m. b. 19 Genealogy of Warren, with some Historical Sketches. [Portraits, Fac* simile and Engravings. ] Boston, 1854. 4 (8.4X6.1), 2 cols, 20 Great Tree (The) on Boston Common. [Map and Engravings. ] Boston, 1855. 8, pp. 20, 21 Remarks on some Fossil Impressions in the Sandstone Rocks of Con necticut River. [Plate.] Boston, 1854. 8, pp. 84. WARREN, Joseph, M.D., a major-general in the American Revolution; b. at Roxburj/, Mass., 1740. killed at Bunker s Hill, 1775. 22 Life, by A, H, Everett. See SPARKS, J.. (American Biography, vol. 10.) 692 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. WARREN, Joseph, M.D., continued. 1 Orations delivered in Boston, March 5, 1772, and March 6, 1775, on Anniversaries of the " Boston Massacre." See WILLISTON, E. B. (Elo quence of the U.S., vol. 5.) WARREN, Mrs. Mercy OTIS, of Plymouth, Mass. ; b. 1727. d. 1814. 2 Poems, dramatic and miscellaneous. Boston, 1790. 12 (4.8X2.3). WARREN, Samuel, Esq., F.R.S., of London; b. 1807. 3 Popular and Practical Introduction (A) to Law Studies, and to every Department of the Legal Profession, Civil, Criminal, and Ecclesiastical ; with an Account of the State of the Law in Ireland and Scotland, and occasional Illustrations from American Law. * * * ... With an American Introduction and Appendix, by T. W. Clerke. New-York, 1846. 8 (7.1X4), pp. 674. WARTON, Joseph, D.I)., Prebend, of Wickham, &c. ; b. 1722. d. 1800. Translator, Annotator, &c. See VIRGILIUS MARO, P. The Works. WARTON, Thomas, D.I)., Prof, of Hist., Univ. of Oxford; b. 1728. d. 1790. 4 History (The) of English Poetry, from the Close of the Eleventh to the Commencement of the Eighteenth Century. To which are prefixed, Three Dissertations: 1. Of the Origin of Romantic Fiction in Europe. 2. On the Introduction of Learning into England. 3. On the Gesta Ro- manorum. New ed. . . . Vol. 1-4. [Portrait.] London, 1824. 8 (6.1X3.7). WASHBTJRN, Emory, LL.D., Governor of Mass., &c. 5 Address at the Dedication of the State Reform School, in Westborough, Mass., December 7, 1848. See MASSACHUSETTS. Commonwealth. (Documents relative to the State Reform School.) 6 Extinction of Slavery in Massachusetts. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Col lections, 4th Series, vol. 4.) WASHINGTON, George, Pres. of U.S., 1789-1797 ; b. in Fairfax Co., Va., Feb. 22, 1732. d.atMt. Vernon, Dec. 14, 1799. 7 Address on declining being considered a Candidate for the Presidency of the United States. Haverhill, [1800]. 8, pp. 21. 8 Address, when President, to the People of the United States, on declin ing being considered a Candidate for their future Suffrages. Salern, 1800. 8, pp. 32. 9 Addresses and Messages. See WILLIAMS, E. (Addresses, &c., vol. 1.) 1 Biographical Sketch of. See WILLIAMS, E. (Addresses, &c., vol. 1.) 11 Essay on the Character and Influence of Washington in the Revolution of the United States of America. See GUIZOT, F. P. G. 12 Eulogies, etc. on Washington. See ALDEN, T.; AMES, F.; ANDREWS, J.; BARNARD, T., D.D.-, BARTLETT, Josiah ; BUCKMINSTER, J.; DAVIS, John ; EVERETT, O.; HARRIS, T. M.; MASON, J. M.; MOODY, S.; MORISON, W. ; OSGOOD, D.; PIERCE, John; SMITH, Jeremiah; TAPPAN, D.; THACHER, P. ; WEST, S., D.D.; WETMORE, W. ; WILLARD, J., D.D. 13 Executive Addresses, Messages, &c. See UNITED STATES. in locis. 14 Farewell Address. Boston, [1800]. 8, pp. 24. 15 Letters to Arthur Young, Esq. and Sir John Sinclair ; containing an Ac count of his Husbandry, with his Opinions on various Questions in Ag riculture ; and some Particulars of the Rural Economy of the United States. Alexandria, 1803. 8 (6.2X3.3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 693 WASHINGTON, George, continued. 1 Letters to several of his Friends in the year 1776. On American Poli ticks. With Rev. Mr. Duche s Letter to Washington, and an Answer to it by Lieut. Col. John Parke. , 1778. 8, pp. 53. 2 Life of George Washington. See EVERETT, E. a Life of George Washington. See IRVING, W. 4 Life of George Washington. See MARSHALL, John. 5 Life of Washington. See PAULDING, J. K. 6 Life of George Washington. See SPARKS, J. 7 Life of George Washington. See WEEMS, M. L. 8 Life of Washington, in Latin Prose. See GLASS, F. 9 Monuments of Washington s Patriotism : containing a Fac-simile of his Public Accounts, kept during the Revolutionary War, and some of the most interesting Documents connected with his Military Command and Civil Administration. 3d ed. ... [Portrait and Engravings. ] Washington, 1841. 4 (10.8X6.4). 10 Official Letters to the Honourable American Congress, written during the War between the United Colonies and Great Britain. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1795. 12 (5.5X3). 11 Official Letters to the Honourable American Congress, written, during the War between the United Colonies and Great Britain. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1795. 8 (6.6X3.4). [2 copies.] NOTE. Also with second title-page, " American State Papers, being a Collection of original and authentic Documents relative to the War between the United States and Great Britain." 12 Vindication of General Washington from the Stigma of Adherence to Secret Societies. See RITNER, J. 13 Washington s Political Legacies. With Appendix, containing an Ac count of his Illness, Death, and the National Tributes of Respect paid to his Memory, with a Biographical Outline of his Life and Character. Boston, 1800. 8 (5.3X3). [2 copies.] 14 Writings (The) of George Washington ; being his Correspondence, Ad dresses, Messages, and other Papers, Official and Private. Selected and published from the original Manuscripts ; with a Life of the Author, Notes, and Illustrations. By Jared Sparks. Vol. 2-12. [Portraits and Maps. ] Boston, 1834- 37. 8 (6.5X3.6). NOTE. The Life of Washington, by Sparks, forms vol. 1 of this work. WASHINGTON, H. A. Editor. See UNITED STATES. History, &c. Writings of Jefferson. WATERHOUSE, Benjamin, M.D., Prof, at Hani. Coll. ; b. 1754. d. 1846. 15 Botanist (The). . . . With a Discourse on the Principle of Vitality. Boston, 1811. 8 (6X3.5). 16 Caution to Young Persons concerning Health, in a Public Lecture de livered at the Close of the Medical Course in the Chapel at Cambridge, Nov. 20, 1804 ; containing the general Doctrine of Dyspepsia, and Chronic Diseases ; shewing the Evil Tendency of the Use of Tobacco ; &c. 5th ed. Cambridge, 1822. 8, pp. 40. [2 copies.] 17 Essay (An) on Junius and his Letters ; embracing a Sketch of the Life and Character of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and Memoirs of cer tain other distinguished Individuals ; with Selections, historical, personal and political, relating to the Affairs of Great Britain and America, from 1763 to 1785, *** Boston, 1831. 8 (6.4X3.7). 694 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. WATERHOUSE, Benjamin, M.D., continued. 1 Oratio Inauguralia, in Academia Harvardiana Cantabrigiae Novanglorum, Nonis Octob., A. D. M.DCC.LXXXIII. Cantabrigiae, 1829. 4, pp. 8. 2 Principle (On the) of Vitality. Discourse, in Boston, June 8, 1790, be fore the Humane Society of Massachusetts. Boston, 1790. 4, pp. 24. [2 copies.] 3 Prospect (A) of exterminating the Small Pox. Part II. being a Con tinuation of a Narrative of Facts concerning the Progress of the new Inoculation in America ; together with practical Observations on the lo cal Appearances, Symptoms, and Mode of treating the Variola Vaccina, or Kine Pock ; with some Letters to the author. ... * * * Cambridge, 1802. 8 (6X3.4). [5 copies.] 4 Rise (The), Progress, and Present State of Medicine. Discourse, de livered at Concord, July 6th, 1791, before the Middlesex Medical Asso ciation. Boston, 1792. 8, pp. xii., 31. [2 copies.] WATEIILAND, Daniel, D.D., Canon of Windsor, &c. ; b. 1683. d. 1740. 5 Critical History (A) of the Athanasian Creed, representing the Opinions of the Antients and Moderns concerning it : with an Account of the Manuscripts, Versions, &c. for the determining the Age, and Author, and Value of it, &c. 2d ed. ... Cambridge, 1728. 8 (5.6X3.4). 6 Sermons on ... Subjects of Religion and Morality. To which are added, Two Tracts ; I. A summary View of the Doctrine of Justification. II. ... The Antiquity of Infant-Communion, . . . Publish d . . . with a Preface, by J. Clarke. Vol. 1, 2. 2d ed. London, 1776. 8 (6.7X3.5). WATERMAN, Rev. Jotham, of Barnstable, Mass. ; d. 1836. 7 Civility and Condescension ; or, Boaz and his Reapers. Discourse to the Brethren of Fraternal Lodge, at Barnstable, Dec. 27, A. L. 5804. Boston, 1805. 8, pp. 16. 8 Divine Goodness in Afflictions ; a Discourse delivered August 9, 1807, after the Death of Capt. John Crocker. Boston, 1808. 8, pp. 16. 9 National Righteousness National Security. Discourse, delivered Fast Day, April 5, 1804. Boston, 1804. 8, pp. 27. 1 Thanks to be given for the Lord s Mercies. Discourse, delivered Thanks giving Day, December 1, 1808. Charlestown, 1809. 8, pp. 15. u True Light to All Men. Discourse, delivered at Dennis, to Summer s Lodge, Dec. 27, A. L. 5803. Boston, 1804. 8, pp. 26. WATERSTON, Rev. Robert C., of Boston. 12 Address on Pauperism, its Extent, Causes, and the best Means of Pre vention ; delivered February 4, 1844. Boston, 1844. 8, pp. 52. 13 Thursday Lecture (The). A Discourse delivered on occasion of resum ing the Thursday Lecture, Dec. 14, 1843. Boston, 1844. 8, pp. 19. 14 Widow s Son (The) : a Sketch from Real Life. Boston, 1843. 8, pp. 14. WATERVILLE COLLEGE, at Waterville, Me. Catalogue of the Officers and Stu- 13 dents of Waterville College, Maine, for 1849-50; 1851-52; 1852-3; 1853-4; 1857-8; 1860-61; 1861-62. Waterville, 1850- 62. 8, pamps. 16 Catalogus Senatus Academici, et eorum qui munera et officia gesserunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in Collegio Watervillensi. MDCCCLVII. Watervillffi, 1857. 8, pp. 24. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 695 WATKINS, Thomas, A.M. 1 Travels through Swisserland, Italy, Sicily, the Greek Islands, to Con stantinople ; through Part of Greece, Ragusa, and the Dalmatian Isles, in a Series of Letters. ... In the years 1787, 1788, 1789. * * * Vol. 1, 2. London, 1792. 8 (5.4X2.9). WATSON, Richard, D.D., F.R.S., Bp. of Llandaff; b. 1737. d. 1816. 2 Apology (An) for the Bible ; in a Series of Letters, addressed to Thomas Paine. Philadelphia, 1796. 12 (5.2X3). 3 Apology (An) for the Bible ; in a Series of Letters, addressed to Thomas Paine. Boston, 1793. 12 (6X3. 2). 4 Chemical Essays. Vol. 1,2. 2d ed. Vol. 3-5. London, 1782- S6. 12 (4.3X2.3; 4.1X2.4). 5 Collection (A) of Theological Tracts. . . . 2d ed. Vol. 1-6. London, 1791. 8 (7. 1X4.1). 6 Sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, Feb. 4, 1780, Day of General Fast. 4th ed. Cambridge, 1780. 8, pp. 27. 7 Theological Institutes; or, A View of the Evidences, Doctrines, Morals, and Institutions of Christianity. Stereotype edition. . . . * New-York, 1831. 8 (7.3X4.2), 2 cols. WATSON, Rev. Richard, of the Wesley an Methodist Society, Eng. ; d. 1833. 8 Life (The) of Rev. John Wesley, Founder of the Methodist Societies. * * * With Notes and Translations. New-York, 1835. 8 (8.1 X4.9), 2 cols. WATT, James, F.R.S., the inventor of the Steam Engine; b. 17L6. d. 1819. 9 Life by Arago, and Eulogium by Lord Jeffrey. See ARAGO, D. F. J. Joint Author. See BEDDOES, T. Use, &c. of Factitious Airs. WATTS, Isaac, D.D., F.H.S., an English Dissenting divine; b. 1674. d. 1758. lu . . . First Principles (The) of Astronomy and Geography explain d by the use of Globes and Maps. ... 3d ed. [Plates.] London, 1736. 8 (5.8X3.1). [2 copies.] 11 Glory (The) of Christ as God-Man displayed, in three Discourses. . . . * * * Boston, 1795. 8 (6.1X3.5). 12 Horse Lyrica? and Divine Songs. With a Memoir by Robert Southey. [Portrait.] Boston, 1854. 16 (4.8X2.8). 13 Hymns and Spiritual Songs. *** Boston, 1795. 12 (4.4X2.4). NOTE. Appended to, and paged continuously with " 1 salms of David," &c. 14 Improvement (The) of the Mind : or, A Supplement to the Art of Logick : ... 2ded. London, 1743. 8 (5.8X3.1). !5 Improvement (The) of the Mind : or a Supplement to the Art of Logic. ... To which is added, A Discourse on the Education of Children and Youth. Exeter, 1793. 12 (5.5X3). 6 Life of Watts. See JOHNSON, Samuel. (Works, vol. 11.) 17 Philosophical Essays. . . . With some Remarks on Mr. Locke s Es say on the Human Understanding. To which is subjoined a brief Scheme of Ontology. ... By I. W[atfs]. London, 1733. 8 (5.9X3.2). !8 Psalms (The) of David, imitated in the Language of the New Testa ment. ... *** Boston, 1796. 12 (4.4X2.4 irr.). 19 World (The) to come ; or, Discourses on the Joys or Sorrows of De parted Souls at Death, and the Glory or Terror of the Resurrection. To which is prefixed, An Essay toward the Proof of a Separate State of Souls after Death. ... Haverhill, 1816. 8 (6.7X3.7). 696 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. WAUD, Rev. S. W., A.M., Tutor of Magdalen College, Cambridge, Eng. 1 ... Treatise (A) on Algebraic Geometry. [Figures.] London, 1835. 8 (7. 1X4). WAUGH, John Hugh Wharrie, A.M. 2 Mathematical Essays, doctrinal and critical, upon the Differential and Integral Calculus ; being in Vindication of the Newtonian Law of Indefi nite Diminution. * * * [Portrait of Newton.] Edinburgh, 1854. 8 (6.5X3.9), m. h. WAYLAND, Francis, D.D., President of Brown University. 3 Elements (The) of Moral Science. New York, 1835. 8 (6.5X3.5). 4 Limitation (The) of Human Responsibility. * * * Boston, 1838. 12 (5X3). 5 Memoir (A) of the Life and Labors of Rev. Adoniram Judson, D.D. *** ... Vol. 1,2. [Portrait.] Boston, 1853. 12 (5.6X3.4). 6 Occasional Discourses. ... Boston, 1833. 12 (5.6X3.1). WAYNE, Anthony, a major-general in American Revolution; b. 1745. d. 1796. 7 Life, by J. Armstrong. See SPAKKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 4.) WEALE, John, of London. 8 Quarterly Papors on Architecture. Vol. 1-4. With . . . Engravings. Edited and published by lohn Weale. London, 1844- 45. 4 (text, 7.6X5.8). WEALTH of Nations. The Essential Principles of the Wealth of Nations, il- 9 lustrated, in Opposition to some false Doctrines of Dr. Adam Smith, and others. * * * London, 1797. 8 (6.6X3.5). WEAVER, Thomas, F.R.S., an English geologist; b. about 1775. d. 1855. Translator. See WERNER, A. G. External Characters of Fossils. WEBBER, Samuel, D.D., President of Harvard College; b. 1759. d. 1810. 10 Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 2, 3.) 11 Eulogy on Pres. Webber. See WARE, H., Hollis Prof. &c. 12 Eulogy on Pres. Willard. See WILLARD, J., D.D. WEBER, J. A. 13 Anmerkungen iiber die Sammlungen von den Nachrichten und Beobach- tungen iiber die Zeugung des Salpeters. Nebst einem Sendschreiben iiber dessen theoretische und praktische Abhandlung von dem Salpeter- zeugen, von Z. Winzler. Tubingen, 1780. 8 (5.2X3). 14 Vollstandige theoretische und praktische Abhandlung von dem Salpe- ter, und der Zeugung desselben, nebst einer Abhandlung von der Gahr- ung, durch physische und chemische Grundsatze und Erfahrungen be- statiget. Tiibingen, 1779. 8 (5.2X3). WEBSTER, Daniel, LL.D., U.S. Sen. from Mass., Sec y of State of U.S., &c.; b. at Salisbury, N.H., Jan.lS, 1782. Marslifield, Mass., Oct. 24, 1852. 15 Address at the Laying the Corner Stone of the Bunker Hill Monument, 1825. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Eloquence of U. S., vol. 5.) 16 Eulogies, etc. on Webster. See ADAMS, N. ; ALLEN, W. H. ; CHOATE, R. (in Appendix) ; HITCHCOCK, R. D. ; WOODS, L., Pres. &c. I? Eulogy on Adams and Jefferson, at Boston, August 2, 1826. See WIL LISTON, E. B. (Eloquence of U. S., vol. 5.) 18 Memoir, by E. Everett. See (Works, post. Vol. 1, pp. xiii.-clx.) 19 Memorial (A) of Daniel Webster, from the City of Boston. [Edited by G.S.Hillard. Portrait and Engravings] Boston, 1853. 8 (6.3X3.8). CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY. 697 WEBSTER, Daniel, LL.D., continued. 1 Obituary Addresses on the occasion of the Death of Daniel Webster. See UNITED STATES.. Miscellaneous Documents. 2 Private Correspondence (The) of Daniel Webster. Edited by F. Web ster. ... Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait. ] Boston, 1857. 8 (6.6X3.9). 3 Speech at the National Republican Convention, in Worcester, Oct. 12, 1832. Boston, 1832. 8, pp. 43. 4 Speeches in Congress. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Eloq. of U. S., vol. 3, 4.) 5 Speeches and Forensic Arguments. Vol.2. Boston, 1835. 8(6.4X3.7). 6 Works (The) of Daniel Webster. [Edited, with a Biographical Me moir, by Edward Everett.] Vol. 1-6. 10th ed. [Portraits and En gravings.] Boston, 1857. 8 (6.6X4). WEBSTER, Col. Fletcher, Esq., son of preceding ; d. 1862. Editor. See WEBSTER, D. The Private Correspondence. WEBSTER, John White, M.D., Prof, of Chem. &c. at Ilarv. Coll. ; d. 1850. 7 Description (A) of the Island of St. Michael, comprising an Account of its Geological Structure ; with Remarks on the other Azores or Western Islands. . . . [Map and Plates.] Boston, 1821. 8 (5.8X3.4). 8 Trial of Prof. Webster, for the Murder of Dr. Parkman. See BEMIS, G. WEBSTER, Noah, LL.D., of Neiv-Haven, Conn. ; b. 1759. d. 1843. 9 American Dictionary (An) of the English Language : . . . To which are prefixed, An Introductory Dissertation on the Origin, History and Con nection of the Languages of Western Asia and of Europe, and a concise Grammar of the English Language. ... Vol. 1,2. *** [Portrait.] New York, 1828. 4 (8.8X7), 3 cols., n. p. 10 American Dictionary (An) of the English Language ; ... to which is pre fixed, An Introductory Dissertation on the Origin, History, and Connec tion of the Languages of Western Asia and Europe, with an Explanation of the Principles on which Languages are formed. . . . Revised and enlarged, by C. A. Goodrich. With pronouncing Vocabularies of Scrip ture, Classical and Geographical Names. [Portrait.] Springfield, 1848. 4 (9X6.6), 3 cols., pp. Ixxxiv., 1367. 11 Collection (A) of Essays and Fugitive Writings. ... * * * Boston, 1796. 8 (5.6X3.1). 12 Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 2, 3.) 13 Miscellaneous Papers, on Political and Commercial Subjects. . . . New-York, 1802. 8 (6.1X3.5). 14 Philosophical and Practical Grammar (A) of the English Language. New-Haven, 1807. 12 (5.6X3.2). Editor. See WINTHROP, John, Gov. of Mass. A Journal, &c. WEBSTER, Bev. Samuel, D.D., of Salisbury, Mass. ; b. 1718. d. 1796. 15 Ministers Labourers together with God, &c. Sermon preached Oct. 2, 1771, at the Ordination of Samuel Webster, jun., in Temple, N. H. Salem, 1772. 8, pp. 40. 16 Misery (The) and Duty of an Oppress d and Enslav d People. Sermon, Fast Day, at Salisbury, July 14, 1774. Boston, 1774. 8, pp. 31. WEDGWOOD, Hensleigh, A.M., Fellow of Christ College, Cambridge, Eng. 17 Dictionary (A) of English Etymology. Vol. 1. (A-D.) With Notes and Additions, by G. P. Marsh. New York, 1862. 8 (8.7X5.7), 2 cols. WEED, Bev. William Bouton, of Norwalk, Conn. ; b. 1811. d. 1860. i* Sermons. ... New York, 1861. 12 (5.7X3.5). 88 G98 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. WEEKLY Amusement (The). From January 5, 1765 to March 15, 1766. 2 vols. 1 London, 1765, 66. 8 (6.8X3.8), 2 cols. WEEMS, Mason L., Rector of Mt. Vernon Parish; d. 1825. 2 Drunkard s Looking-Glass (The). 7th ed. Phila., 1838. 8, pp. 67. 3 Life (The) of George Washington ; with curious Anecdotes, ... * * * 12th ed. ... *** Philadelphia, 1814. 12 (5.5X3). WEIGAND, Dr. Friedrich Ludwig Karl. 4 Worterbuch der Deutschen Synonymen. 2te ausgabe. . . . Bd. 1-3, Nachtrage und Register. Maniz, 1852. 8 (6.7X3.9), pp. 1249. NOTE The three volumes are paged coutinuously. WEIGEL, Christian Ehrenfried. 5 Grundriss der reinen und angewandten Chemie. Zum Gebrauch acade- mische Vorlesungen. Bd. 1, 2. Greifswald, 1777. 8 (5.5X3). WEISS, Rev. John, of New-Bedford, Mass. 6 Discourse occasioned by the Death of Rev. Ephraim Peabody, D.D., Pastor of King s Chapel, Boston: preached before the First Congrega tional Society, New Bedford, December 7, 1856. New Bedford, 1856. 8, pp. 28. Translator, &c. See SCHILLER, J. C. F. von. The ^Esthetic Letters, &c. WELCH, Itev. Moses C., D.D., of Mansfield, Conn. ; b. 1754. d. 1824. 7 Address (An) to the Rev. Moses C. Welch, containing an Answer to his Reply to the Correspondent, with some Observations respecting certain late extraordinary Transactions at Woodstock. By a Correspondent. * * * Windham, 1794. 8, pp. 62. 8 Reply (A) to the Correspondent ; containing an Attempt to point out certain Inconsistencies and Misrepresentations in that Publication ; to gether with some Strictures upon the Appendix. Norwich, 1794. 8, pp. 64. WELCKER, Friedrich Gottlieb, Prof, of Philology, &c. at Bonn; b. 1784. 9 Griechischen Tragbdien (Die) mit Riicksicht auf den epischen Cyclus geordnet. Abth. 1-3. Bonn, 1839- 41. 8 (6.1X3.7). WELD, Allen H. Editor. See PORTER, Eben. Principles of Rhetorical Delivery. WELLAUER, Augustus. 10 Lexicon ^Eschyleum. Tom. 1,2. Lipsiae, 1830/31. 8(6.lX3.5),2cols. WELLINGTON, Rev. Charles. 1 1 Sermon preached Sept. 1, 1811, on leaving the Old House of Worship, in Templeton. Brookfield, 1812. 8, pp. 19. 12 Sermon preached Sept. 19, 1811, at the Dedication of the New House of Worship, in Templeton. Brookfield, 1812. 8, pp. 25. WELLS, David A., A.M. 13 Annual of Scientific Discovery : or, Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art for 1859-1862. ... 4 vols. [Portraits.] Boston, 1859- 62. 12 (6.1X3.5). WELLS, Edward, D.D., Rector of Cotesbach, in Leicester; b. 1665. d. 1730. 14 Historical Geography (An) of the Old Testament. . . . Vol. 1-3. 2d ed. [Maps and Engravings.] London, 1721- 2S. 8 (5.3X2.8), m. b. 15 Historical Geography (An) of the New Testament : . . . Pt. I. The Journeyings of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. II. The Travels and Voyages of St. Paul, &c. . . . 4th ed. [Maps and Engravings.] London, 1734. 8 (5.7X3), m. b. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRA11Y. WELLS, Edward, D.D., continued. 1 Treatise (A) of Antient and Present Geography. ... 3d ed. ... [Frontispiece. ] London, 1717. 8 (6X3.6). Editor, &c. See DIONYSIUS PERIEGETES. Geographia. WELLS, Rev. William, D.D., of Brattlcboro\ VL ; b. in England, 1744. d. 1827. 2 Some Communications first published in the Brattleborough Paper ; with" Extracts from " Candid Reflections on the different Conceptions concern ing the Doctrine of the Trinity." Brattleboro , 1816. 8, pp. 40, 16. WELSCHE, John, Preacher at Aire. 3 Reply (A) against M. Gilbert Browne Priest. Wherein is handled many . . . Pointes of Controuersie betweene vs and the Papists, . . . Wherevnto is anexed a severall Treatise, concerning the Masse and An tichrist. Edinbvrgh, 1602. 4 (5.9X3.4), in. r. WELSH, Thomas, M.D., of Boston; b. 1742. d. 1831. 4 Eulogy delivered June 29, 1796, at Charlestown, Mass., in Memory of the Hon. Nathaniel Gorham, Esq.. ; with a Dirge by T. M. Harris. Boston, 1796. 8, pp. 15. WEN . . . , Paul. 5 Concise Historical Account of all the British Colonies in North- America, comprehending the Rise, Progress, and Modern State ; particularly of the Massachusetts-Bay. ... London, 1775. 8 (5.4X3). XOTE So much of the author s name as is given above is written upon the title- page. The remainder was cut off in binding 1 the work. WENTWORTH, Thomas, Earl of Strafford; b. 1594. beheaded 1641. 6 Life, by J. Forster. See FORSTER, J. (Lives of Eminent British States men, vol. 2) ; (Statesmen of the Commonwealth of England, vol. 1.) WERNER, Abraham Gottlob, Prof, of Mineral., &c. at Freiberg ; 6.1750. d.lSll. 7 Ausserlichen Kennzeichen (Von den) der Fossilien. Leipzig, 1774. 12 (4.8X2.5). 8 New Theory of the Formation of Veins ; with its Application to the Art of Working Mines. Translated from the German, . . . [with~\ an Appendix, containing Notes ; . . . by C. Anderson. * * * portrait. ] " Edinburgh, 1809. 8 (5.6X3.1). 9 Treatise (A) on the External Characters of Fossils. Translated from the German, by T. Weaver. [Plates.] Dublin, 1805. 8 (6.1X3.2). WERNERIAN Natural History Society. Memoirs. For the years 1808-38. Vol. 10 1-7. . . . [Maps and Plates. ] Edinburgh, 183 1- 3S. 8 (6X3.4). WESLEY, Rev. Charles, brother of John Wesley; b. 1709. d. 1788. 11 Life. See MOORE, H. Life of Rev. John Wesley ; &c. 12 Life. See WHITEIIEAD, J. The Life of Rev. John Wesley ; &c. WESLEY, Rev. John, A.M., the founder of Methodism; b. 1703. d. 1791. 13 Doctrine (The) of Original Sin, according to Scripture, Reason, and Ex perience : in Answer to Dr. Taylor. New- York, 1817. 12 (5.5X3.2). 14 Life of Rev. John Wesley, &c. See MOORE, H. is Life of Rev. John Wesley. See WATSON, Rev. R. 16 Life of Rev. John Wesley, &c. See WHITEIIEAD, J. 17 Life of Wesley; with a History of Methodism. See SOUTHEY, R. J8 Primitive Physic : or, An easy and natural Method of curing most Dis eases. 24th ed, London, 1792. 12 (5.5X2.7). 700 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. WESLEY, Eev. John, A.M., continued. 1 Sermons ... Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait.] New-York, 1829. 8 (6.9X3.9). 2 Works (The) of Rev. John Wesley. 1st American complete and standard edition, from the latest London edition, with the last Corrections of the Author: comprehending also numerous Translations, Notes, and an original Preface, &c. by J. Emory. . . . Vol. 1-7. [Portrait.] New York, 1839- 40. 8 (6.9X3.8). WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY, at Middletown, Conn. Catalogue of Wesleyan Univer- 3 sity. 1838-9; 1841-2; 1843^4; 1847-8; 1848-9; [1851-2]; [1852-3]; [1853-4]; [1854-5. With Catalogue of Alumni]-, 1855-6; 1856-7; 1859-60 ; 1860-61. Middletown, 1838- 60. 8, pamps. WEST, Benjamin, Pres. E.A. ; b. in Springfield, Penn., 1738. d. 1820. 4 Life. See CUNNINGHAM, A. (Eminent British Painters, &c., vol. 2.) WEST, Gilbert, LL.D., Clerk to the Privy Council; b. 1706. d. 1756. 5 Observations on the History and Evidences of the Resurrection of Je sus Christ. To which are added, Observations on the Conversion and Apostleship of St. Paul. ... By George Lord Lyttelton. London, 1785. 8 (6.3X3.4). 6 Observations on the History and Evidences of the Resurrection of Je sus Christ. See WATSON, R. (Theological Tracts, vol. 5.) WEST, John, Teacher of Math., Univ. of St. Andrews, Edinburgh. 7 Elements of Mathematics. Comprehending Geometry. Conic Sections. Mensuration. Spherics. . . . [Plates.] Edinburgh, 1784. 8 (6.1X3.5), m. r. WEST, Eev. Samuel, D.D., of New-Bedford, Mass. ; b. 1730. d. 1807. 8 Anniversary Sermon, Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1777. Boston, 1778. 8, pp. 79. 9 Election Sermon, Mass., May 29, 1776. Boston, 1776. 8, pp. 70. 10 Election Sermon, in Mass., May 29, 1776. See THORNTON, J. W. (The Pulpit of the American Revolution.) WEST, Eev. Samuel, D.D., of Boston ; b. 1738. d. 1808. 11 Biographical Memoir of Rev. Dr. West. See THACHER, T. 12 Discourse at Interment of Dr. West. See LATHROP, John. i ; * Election Sermon, Mass., May 31, 1786. Boston, [1786]. 8, pp. 32. 14 Greatness the Result of Goodness. Sermon delivered Dec. 29, 1799, occasioned by the Death of George Washington. With Washington s Farewell Address. Boston, n. d. 4, pp. 40. WESTMACOTT, Sir Richard, F.E.S., Prof. E.A., &c. ; b. 1775. d. 1856. 15 Sculpture. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitan, vol. 5). WESTMINSTER Review (The). Vol. 1-17. January, 1824-October, 1832. 16 London, 1824- 32. 8 (6.4X3.9). WESTMINSTER (The) and Foreign Quarterly Review. October, 1 846-- April, 171847. *** Vol. 46, 47. London, 1847. 8 (6.4X3.9). WESTON, Edward P., Sup t of Schools of Maine. is Bowdoin Poets (The) : edited by E. P. Western. * * * 2d ed., en larged. Brunswick, 1857. 12 (4.7X3 irr.). 19 School Reports for 1860, 1861. See MAINE, State of. Education. WESTON, Stephen, B.D., F.E.S. ; b. at Exeter, 1747. d. 1830. 20 Remains of Arabic in the Spanish and Portuguese Languages. With a Sketch ... of the History of Spain, from the Invasion to the Expul sion of the Moors. ... * * * London, 1810. 8 (6.3X3.5). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 701 WESTPHAL, R. Joint Author. See ROSSBACH, A. Griechisclie Metrik. WEST-POINT U. S. Military Academy. Annual Reports of the Board of Visitors. 1 See UNITED STATES. (In Cong. Docs, of each year.) 2 Register of Officers and Graduates, 1802-1850. See CULLUM, G. W. WESTWOOD, John Obadiah. Joint Author. See RENNIE, J. Natural History of Insects. WETMORE, William, Esq. 3 Oration (An) on the Death of Gen. George Washington, delivered at Castine, Feb. 22, 1800. Castine, n. d. 8, pp. 30. WETTE, Wilhelm Martin Leberecht DE. See DE WETTE, W. M. L. WETTENHAL, Edward, D.D., Bp. of Kilmore. 4 Graecse Grammatics Institutio compendiaria. . . . Ed. 5ta. Londini, 1739. 12, pp. 98. 5 Latin Grammar construed. 2d ed. Dublin, 1748. 12, pp. 84. WHARTON Charles Henry, D.D., Rector of St. Mary s Church, Burlington, N.J.; b. 1747. d. 1833. 6 Short Answer (A) to " A true Exposition of the Doctrine of the Catho lic Church touching the Sacrament of Penance, with the Grounds on which this Doctrine is founded." ... * * * Philadelphia, 1814. 8 (6.5X3.7). WHARTON, Francis, Prof, of History, &c. at Kenyan College,, Ohio. 7 Treatise (A) on Theism, and on the Modern Skeptical Theories. Philadelphia, 1859. 12 (5.7X3.4). WHARTON, Rev. Henry, an eminent English divine; b. 1664. d. 1695. 8 Historia de Episcopis & Decanis Londinensibus : necnon de Episcopis & Decanis Assavensibus : a prima sedis utriusque Fundatione ad annum MDXL. ... Londini, 1695. 8 (5.5X3). WHARTON, Thomas L, Esq. 9 Notes on the Provincial Literature of Pennsylvania. See HISTORICAL Society of Pennsylvania. (Memoirs, vol. 1.) WHAT becomes me ? or, The Liberal Views of Man s Nature, considered as a 10 Motive in the Formation of Character. Boston, 1848. 12, pp. 16. WHAT is Unitarianism ? With some historical and statistical Notices of the 11 Denomination. Boston, 1844. 12, pp. 32. WHATELY, Richard, D.D., Archbp. of Dublin; b. in London, 1787. 12 Elements of Logic. ... 3d ed. London, 1829. 8 (6X3.2), m. b. " Elements of Rhetoric. ... * * * London, 1828. 8 (6X3.2), m. b. 14 Logic. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 1). 15 Rhetoric. See (ENCYCLOPAEDIA Metropolitana, vol. 1). 16 Scripture Doctrine (The) concerning the Sacraments and the Points con nected therewith. London, 1857. 12 (5.2X2.9). Annotator. See BACON, F. Bacon s Essays. WHEATON, Henry, LL.D., U.S. Minister to Berlin, &c. ; b. 1781. d. 1848. 17 Elements of International Law : with a Sketch of the History of the Science. Philadelphia, 1836. 8 (6.5X3.5). *8 Life of Pinkney. See SPARKS, J. (American Biography, vol. 6.) 19 Some Account of the Life, Writings and Speeches of William Pinkney. *** [Portrait.] Boston, 1826. 8 (6.1X3.4), pp. 616. Joint Author. See CRICHTON, A. Scandinavia, Ancient and Modern. 702 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. WHEELER, J. Talboys, F.R.G.S. 1 Life (The) and Travels of Herodotus in the Fifth Century before Christ : an imaginary Biography founded on fact, illustrative of the History, Manners, Religion, Literature, Arts and Social Condition of the Greeks, Egyptians, Persians, Babylonians, and other Ancient Nations, in the Days of Pericles and Nehemiah. . . . Vol. 1, 2. \_Map.~] New York, 1856. 12 (5.4X3.1). WHEELER, John, D.D., Pres. of Univ. of Vermont. 2 Discourse. See UNIVERSITY of Vt. Semi-Centennial Anniversary. WHEELER, Rev. O. G., of South Hero, Vt. 3 Poem. See UNIVERSITY of Vt. Semi-Centennial Anniversary. WHEELOCK, Eleazar, D.D., 1st Pres. & founder of Dart. Coll. ; b. 1711. d. 1779. 4 Memoirs of Pres. Wheelock, by M Clure and Parish. See M CLUEE, D. 5 Plain and faithful Narrative (A) of the original Design, Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Indian Charity-School, at Lebanon, in Con necticut. Boston, 1763. 8, pp. 55. 6 Continuation of the Narrative of the State, &c. of the Indian Charity- School, at Lebanon, Conn.; from Nov. 27th, 1762, to Sept. 3d, 1765. Boston, 1765. 8, pp. 25. 7 Continuation of the Narrative of the Indian Charity-School, in Lebanon, Conn. ; from 1768, to its Incorporation with Dartmouth-College, and the Removal and Settlement of it in Hanover, N.H., 1771. , 1771. 8, pp. 61. 8 Continuation of the Narrative of the Indian Charity- School, now incor porated with Dartmouth-College, at Hanover, N.H. [From May 6, 1771, to Sept. 10, 1772.] New-Hampshire, 1773. 8, pp. 40. 9 Continuation of the Narrative of the Indian Charity- School, now incor porated with Dartmouth-College, at Hanover, N.H. [From Septem ber, 1772, to September, 1773.] Hartford, 1773. 8, pp. 68. 10 Continuation of the Narrative of the Indian Charity-School, now incor porated with Dartmouth-College. [From Sept. 26, 1773, to Feb. 20, 1775.] With an Account of Missions the last year. Hartford, 1775. 4, pp. 54. NOTE. The above scries lacks one number to be complete, viz. "The Continuation," &c., 1765-1768 ; published in London, in 1769. Compare under WHITAKER, N. A brief Nar rative, &c. WHEWELL, William, D.D., F.R.S., Master of Trin. Coll., Cambridge ; b. 1795. H Analytical Statics. ... [Plates. ] Cambridge, 1833. 8 (6.6X3.8). 12 Archimedes Greek Mathematics. See (ENCYCL, Metrop., vol. 9.) 13 Astronomy and General Physics considered with reference to Natural Theology. London, 1834. 8 (6X3.5). NOTE. Half-title, " Bridgewater Treatises ... Treatise III. ... 4th ed." 14 Doctrine (The) of Limits, with its Applications ; namely, Conic Sections, the first three Sections of Newton, the Differential Calculus. . . . [Figures.] Cambridge, 1838. 8 (6.3X3.8). 15 Elementary Treatise (An) on Mechanics : intended for the use of Col leges and Universities. 6th ed. ... Cambridge, 1841. 8 (7X3.8). 16 Elements (The) of Morality, including Polity. ... * * * 3d ed., with a Supplement. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1854. 12 (5.2X3). 17 Free Motion (On the) of Points, and on Universal Gravitation, includ ing the principal Propositions of Books I. and III. of the Principia; ... 3d ed. [Plates] Cambridge, 1831. 8 (6.5X3.9). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 703 WHEWELL, William, D.D., continued. 1 History of the Inductive Sciences, from the Earliest to the Present Times. ... *** Vol. 1-3. London, 1836. 8 (5.7X3.5). 2 Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy in England. * * * London, 1852. 8 (6.5X3.7). 3 Lectures on Systematic Morality delivered in Lent Term, 1846. . . . * * London, 1846. 8 (6.7X3.7). 4 Motion (On the) of Points constrained and resisted and on the Motion of a Rigid Body. . . . [Plates.] Cambridge, 1834. 8 (6.5X3.9). 5 Novum Organon renovatum. Being the Second Part of the Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences. 3d ed. ... * * * London, 1828. 8 (5.5X3.1). 6 Philosophy (On the) of Discovery, Chapters historical and critical. . . . * * * London, 1860. 8 (5.6X3), pp. 531-J-. Translator. See PLATO. Platonic Dialogues for English Readers. WHIPPLE, Lieut. A. W., U.S.T.E. 7 Reports upon the Pacific Railroad Route near the 35th Parallel. See UNITED STATES. Explorations and Surveys. (Reports of Explora tions, &c. for a Pacific Railroad, vol. 3,4, 10.) WHIPPLE, Edwin Percy, of Boston; b. in Salem, Mass., 1819. 8 Essays and Reviews. . . . Vol. 1, 2. 2d ed. Boston, 1851. 12 (5.2X3). WHISTON, William, Prof, of Math, at Cambridge, Eng. ; b. 1667. d. 1752. 9 Accomplishment of Scripture Prophecies. See (BOYLE S Lecture Ser mons, vol. 2.) 10 Astronomical Lectures read ... at Cambridge. . . . [With] Astro nomical Tables ... of Mr. Flamsteed, corrected ; Dr. Halley ; M. Cas- sini; and Mr. Street. 2d ed. [Frontispiece.] London, 1728. 8 (6X3.3). 11 Astronomical Principles of Religion, Natural and Reveal d. . . . London, 1717. 8 (5.9X3). 12 Dissertations on subjects of Jewish History, &c. Prefixed to Josephus Works. See JOSEPHUS, F. Genuine Works, &c. !3 Essay (An) towards restoring the true Text of the Old Testament ; and for vindicating the Citations made thence in the New Testament. With a large Appendix . . . London, 1722. 8 (6X3.2), m.r., pp. 335,cclxvii. 14 Historical Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Samuel Clarke. Being a Supple ment to Dr. Sykes s and Bishop Hoadley s Accounts. ... * * * 2d ed., corrected. London, 1734. 8 (5.6X3.2). 15 New Theory (A) of the Earth, from its Original, to the Consummation of all Things. ... 4th ed. [Plates.] London, 1725. 8 (6X3.2), m. r. [2 copies.] 16 Primitive Christianity reviv d : . . . Vol. 1. Containing the Epistles of Ignatius . . . , in Greek and English. 2. The Apostolical Constitu tions, in Greek and English. 3. Essay on those Apostolical Constitu tions. 4. An Account of the Primitive Faith, concerning the Trinity and Incarnation. *** 4 vols. London, 1711. 8 (6.2X3.2). 17 Short View (A) of the Chronology of the Old Testament, and of the Harmony of the Four Evangelists. Cambridge, 1702. 4 (6.1X3.9), pp. 543. 704 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. WHISTOX, William, continued. 1 Sir Isaac Newton s Mathematick Philosophy more easily demonstrated : with Dr. Halley s Account of Comets illustrated. . . . [Plates.] London, 1716. 8 (6X3.3). Translator. See JOSEPHUS, P. The Genuine Works of Josephus. WHITAKER, Rev. Nathaniel, D.D., of Norwich, Conn., &c.; b. about 1710. d.1795. 2 Brief Narrative of the Indian Charity-School, in Lebanon, Conn. : founded and carried on by Rev. Mr. Eleazer Wheelock. [By N. Whita- ker.} 2d ed., with an Appendix. London, 1767. 8, pp. 63. WHITAKER, William, D.D., Prof, of Limn., Univ. of Cambridge; 6.1548. dl595. 3 Dispvtatio de Sacra Scriptvra contra hvivs temporis Papistas, imprimis Rob. Bellarminvm & Tho. Stapletonvm : sex qvestionibvs proposita et tractata. *** Can tabrigise, 1588. 4 (6.1X4), pp. 530. [2 copies.] 4 Opera Theologica . . . Subjuncta est ad Tomi I. finem, de Auctoris Vita & Morte Descriptio. Accesserunt septem Indices. . . . Tom. 1, 2. *** Geneva;, 1610. 2 (11.1X5.8), m. r., 2 cols. WHITBREAD, Samuel, M.P., an English politician ; b. 1758. d. 1815. 5 Substance of a Speech on the Poor Laws : delivered in the House of Commons, Fub. 19, 1807. 2d ed. London, 1807. 8 (5.9X3.3). WHITBY, Daniel, D.D., Prebendary of Salisbury ; b. 1638. d. 1726. 6 Paraphrase (A) and Commentary on the New Testament [except Book of Revelations}. . . . With a Discourse of the Millenium. To which are added, A Chronology of the New Testament, a Map, &c. Vol. 1, 2. 7th ed. ... London, 1770. 2 (11.4X6.1), 2 cols. WHITE, Daniel Appleton, LL.D., of Salem, Mass. ; b. 1777. d. 1861. 7 Address delivered before the Society of the Alumni of Harvard Univer sity, August 27, 1844. Cambridge, 1844. 8, pp. 42. 8 Address to the Members of the Merrimack Humane Society, in Newbu- ryport, Sept. 3, 1805. 3d ed. Newburyport, 1805. 8, pp. 31. 9 Eulogy on John Pickering, LL.D. ; delivered Oct. 28, 1846. See AMERI CAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, New Series, vol. 3.) 10 Memoir of the Plummer Family. See PLUMMER HALL. * ] New England Congregationalism in its Origin and Purity; illustrated by the Foundation ,and Early Records of the First Church in Salem, and various Discussions. Salem, 1861. 8 (6.5X3. 9). WHITE, Gilbert, A.M., a native of Selborne; b. 1720. d. 1793: 12 Natural History (The) of Selbourne. (Harper s Family Library, No. 147.) New-York, 1855. 18 (4.5X2.7). WHITE, Henry Hopley, Esq., of London. Editor. See CRUISE, W. A Digest of the Law of Real Property. WHITE, Henry Kirke, an English poet; b. in Nottingham, 1785. d. 1806. 13 Poetical Works. With a Memoir by Sir H. Nicolas. [Portrait.} Boston, 1854. 16 (4.8X2.3 irr.). WHITE, James, Esq. Translator. See MIRABEATJ, G. H. DE RIQUETTI, Comte DE. Speeches in the National Assembly of France. Translator. See RABAUT DE SAINT-ETIENNE, J. P. History of the Revolution in France. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 705 WHITE, Rev. John, of Gloucester, Mass. ; b. 1677. d. 1760. 1 New-England s Lamentations ; with Reasons for adhering to our Plat form, etc. ; and a Vindication of the Divine Authority of Ruling Elders. Boston, 1734. 8, pp. 40, 10, 15. WHITE, Joseph, D.D., Prof, of Arabic, Univ. of Oxford; b. 1746. d. 1814. 2 Sermons preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1784, at the Lecture, founded by Rev. John Bampton. 3d ed. . . . [With] a Sermon preached before the University of Oxford, July 4, 1784. . . . London, 1789. 8 (5.5X3), pp. 526, Ixxvii. 3 Sermons, preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1784, at the Lecture founded by Rev. John Bampton. . . . [With] a Sermon, preached before the University of Oxford, July 4, 1784. . . . 1 st Ameri can ed. Boston, 1793. 8 (6.1X3.5). 4 Sermons preached before the University of Oxford in 1784, at the Bamp ton Lecture. See WATSON, R. (Theol. Tracts, vol. 5.) WHITE, Rev. Joseph Blanco, of Dublin, &c. ; b. in Seville, 1775. d. 1841. 5 Extracts from Journal and Letters. Boston, 1847. 12, pp. 52. WHITEFIELD, George, a Methodist preacher; b. in Eng., 1714. d. 1770. 6 Eight Sermons. ... Glasgow, 1741. 12 (5X2.7). NOTE. Each sermon has also independent title-page and paging. 7 Eighteen Sermons. ... New-York, 1809. 12 (5.2X3.1). 8 Further Account (A) of God s Dealings with the Rev. George White- field ; to which is annexed, A brief Account of the Orphan-House in Georgia. Philadelphia, 1746. 16, pp. 64. 9 Letter (A) to Dr. Durell ; occasioned by the Expulsion of six Students. ... * * * Boston, reprinted, 1768. 8, pp. 39. 10 Letter to the President, and Professors, &c. of Harvard-College ; in Answer to a Testimony publish d by them against Mr. Whitefield and his Conduct. Boston, 1745. 4, pp. 22. NOTE. Compare under WIGGLESWORTH, E. 11 Life and Times of Rev. George Whitefield. See PHILIP, R. 12 Memoirs, including Sermons, &c. of Whitefield. See GILLIES, Rev. J. 13 Persuasives to Religion :... Boston, 1824. 24 (4.5X2.8). WHITEIIEAD, John, M.D., a Methodist preacher ; d. 1804. 14 Life (The) of Rev. John Wesley. ... To which is prefixed some Ac count of his Ancestors and Relations ; with the Life of the Rev. Charles Wesley. ... * * * With an Introduction, by Rev. Thomas H. Stock ton. Vol. 1,2. 2d American edition : with Portraits. . . . Philadelphia, 1846. 8 (7.5X4.2). WHITEHURST, John, M.D., F.R.S., of London; b. 1713. d. 1788. 15 Attempt (An) towards obtaining invariable Measures of Length, Capaci ty, and Weight from the Mensuration of Time, independent of the Me chanical Operation requisite to ascertain the Center of Oscillation, or the True Length of Pendulums. \_Plates.~] London, 1787. 4, pp. 34. !6 Inquiry (An) into the original State and Formation of the Earth ; de duced from Facts and from the Laws of Nature. 2d ed., . . . with Plates. [Portraits.] London, 1786. 4 (6.6X4.8). [2 copies.] 17 Observations on the Ventilation of Rooms ; on the Construction of Chimneys ; and on Garden Stoves. [Plate.] London, 1794. 4, pp. 52. 89 06 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. WHITELOCK, Sir Bulstrode, an English statesman; b. 1605. d. 1676. 1 Memorials of the English Affairs, from the suppos d Expedition of Brute to this Island, to the End of the Reign of King James the First. . . . With some Account of his Life and Writings by William Penn. And a Preface by James Welwood, M.D. London, 1709. 2 (9.3X5), m. r. 2 Memorials of the English Affairs : . . . from the Beginning of the Reign of King Charles the First, to King Charles the Second His happy Res- tauration. ... By Mr. Whitelock. With a compleat Index. New ed.; with many additions. * * * London, 1732. 2 (10.7x7.2), 2 cols., m. b., pp. 702-J-. WHITFIELD, or WHITFELD, Henry, 1st Pastor of Guilford, Conn. ; b. in Eng land, 1597. d. there after 1652. 3 Light appearing, &c. or, A farther Discovery of the present State of the Indians in New England ; in Letters from Eliot, Tho. Mayhew, &c. First published, London, 1651. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 4.) 4 Strength out of Weaknesse : or a glorious Manifestation of the further Progresse of the Gospel among the Indians in New-England. First pub- lish d, London, 1652. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 3d Series, vol. 4.) WHITGIFT, John, D.D., Archbp. of Canterbury ; b. 1530. d. 1604. 5 Life and Acts of Archbp. Whitgift. See STRYPE, J. WHITING, Henry. 6 Life of Z. M. Pike. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 5.) WHITMAN, Benjamin, Esq. 7 Oration (An), pronounced at Hanover, Mass., July 4, 1803, before the Officers of the Second Regiment, First Brigade, Fifth Division, Massa chusetts Militia. Boston, 1803. 8, pp. 24. WHITMAN, Eev. Bernard, of Waltham, Mass.; b. 1796. d. 1834. 8 Christian Salvation. Boston, 1831. 12, pp. 44. 9 Denying the Lord Jesus. Boston, 1837. 12, pp. 46. 10 Reply to the Review of Whitman s Letters to Prof. Stuart in " Spirit of the Pilgrims," for March, 1831. Boston, 1831. 8, pp. 84. 11 Review of Mr. Whitman s Letters to Prof. Stuart, on Religious Liberty. 2d ed. With Appendix. Boston, 1831. 8, pp. 84. 12 Two Letters to the Rev. Moses Stuart ; on the Subject of Religious Liberty. Boston, 1830. 8 (6.7X3.7). [2 copies.] WHITMAN, Eev. Jason, of Portland, &c. ; b. 1799. d. 1848. 1 3 Discourse on Regeneration. 4th ed. Boston, 1828. 12, pp. 57. 14 Hints on Religious Feelings. Boston, 1835. 12, pp. 32. 15 Living for Heaven. Boston, 1835. 12, pp. 22. 16 Piety and Morality. Boston, 1835. 12, pp. 18. WHITMAN, Rev. Levi, of Wellfleet, Mass. ; b. 1749. d. 1839. 17 Jesus Christ the Resurrection and the Life. Discourse at Truro, on Cape Cod, April 11, 1786, at the Interment of Rev. Caleb Upham. Boston, 1786. 8, pp. 22. WHITMAN, Zachariah G., A.M. 18 Historical Sketch (An) of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com pany; . . . Boston, 1820. 8 (6. 4X3.7). WHITMARSH, Francis, Esq., a barrister, of London. Editor. See TOLLER, S. The Law of Executors, &c. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 707 WHITNEY, Eli, inventor of the cotton-gin ; b. in WestborougJi, Ms., 1766. d. 1825. 1 Memoir of "Whitney by Prof. Olmstead, with Portrait. See (AMERICAN Journal of Science and Arts, vol. 21). WHITNEY, Josiah D. Joint Author. See UNITED STATES. Explorations and Surveys. Report on the Geology of the Lake Superior Land District. WHITNEY, Rev. Peter, of Nortkborough, Mass.; b. 1744. d. 1816. 2 History (The) of the County of Worcester, in ... Massachusetts : with a particular Account of every Town from its first Settlement to the pre sent time ; including its Ecclesiastical State. . . . \_Map.~] Worcester, 1793. 8 (5.2X3.3). 3 Sermon, at Gloucester, August 7, 1805, at the Ordination of Rev. Perez Lincoln. \_GJi., by Manassefi Cutter ; R.H., by Abiel Abbott. ] Boston, 1805. 8, pp. 30. WHITNEY, Rev. Peter, of Quincy, Mass. ; b. 1770. d. 1843. 4 Discourse delivered at Quincy, Oct. 19, 1811, at the Interment of the Hon. Richard Cranch, and of his Wife. Boston, 1811. 8, pp. 19. 5 Discourse delivered in Quincy, and in Hingham, July 23, 1812, the Day of the State Fast. Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 16. WHITTINGHAM, William R., D.D., Bp. of Maryland; b. 1806. Joint Translator, &c. See JAHN, J. Introduction to the Old Testament. WHITTLESEY, Col. Charles, U.S.A. 6 Description of Ancient Works in Ohio. Pp. 20, and seven Plates. See SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 3.) 7 Geological Report of that Portion of Wisconsin bordering on the South Shore of Lake Superior. See UNITED STATES. Explorations and Sur veys. (Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota. By D. D. Owen.) 8 Life of John Fitch. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 6.) WHITWELL, Dr. Samuel. 9 Oration delivered to the Society of the Cincinnati, in Massachusetts, July 4, 1789. Boston, 1789. 4, pp. 20. WHOLE Duty (The) of Man. . . . With Private Devotions for several Occa- 10 sions. London, 1682. 16 (4.7X2.7). NOTE. This work has been attributed to Archbishops Sancroft, Frewen and Sterne ; to Bishops Fell, and Chapel ; to Dr. Allestry, Abraham Wooclhead, \V. Falman, and by many to Dorothy, wife of Sir J. Packington. Lowndes 1 Hibliog. Manual. WICKLIFFE, or WICLIFF. See WYCLIFFE. & WICQUEFORT, Abraham DE, a Bavarian diplomat ; b. in Holland, 1598. d. 1682. 11 Ambassadeur (L ) et ses Fonctions par M. de Wicquefort. Dernier edi tion, augmentee des Reflexions sur les Memoires pour les Ambassadeurs. De la Response a 1 Auteur. Et du Discours historique de 1 Election de 1 Empereur, & des Electeurs, par le mesme Auteur. P tie L, II. 2 vols. *** Cologne, 1715. 4 (7.3X4.3). WIELAND, Christoph Martin, a German poet ; b. in Suabia, 1733. d. 1813. 12 Sammtliche Wel-ke. Bd. 1-45. Carlsruhe, 1814-18. 12 (5.4X3). WIESINGER, Lie. Augustus. 13 Continuation of Olshausen s Commentary on the Ntw Testament. See OLSHAUSEN, H. Commentary, &c. Vol. 5, 6. WlGGLESWORTH, E. Joint Editor. See LIEBER, F. Encyclopaedia Americana, 708 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. WlGGLESWOETH, Edward, D.D., Prof, of Limn. Harv. Coll. ; b. 1693. d. 1765. 1 Discourse on the Death of Prof. Wigglesworth. See APPLETON, N. a Inquiry (An) into the Truth of the Imputation of Adam s First Sin to his Posterity. Boston, 1738. 8, pp. 90. 3 Letter to the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield, by way of Reply to his An swer to the College Testimony : with President Holyoke s Answer. Boston, 1745. 4 (6.4X4.6), pp. 61, 5. 4 Some distinguishing Characters of the extraordinary and ordinary Minis ters of the Church of Christ. Two Discourses, in Harvard College, Nov. 12 & 19, 1754, after Mr. Whitefield s Preaching at Cambridge. Boston, 1754. 8, pp. 34. 5 Some Evidences of the Divine Inspiration of the Scriptures of the Old Testament, from the Testimony of Jesus Christ and his Apostles in the New. Publick Lecture in Harvard-College, June 24, 1755. Boston, 1755. 8, pp. 26. 6 Some Thoughts upon the Spirit of Infallibility, claimed by the Church of Rome. Dudleian Lecture, May 11, 1757. Boston, 1757. 8, pp. 31. WIGGLESWORTH, Edward, D.D., son of preceding, Hollis Prof, of Divinity in Harvard College; b. 1732. d. 1794. 7 Calculations on American Population. Boston, 1775. 8, pp. 24. 8 Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 1, 2.) WIGHT, Danforth Phipps, M.D. 9 Wight Family (The). Memoir of Thomas Wight, of Dedham, Massa chusetts, with Genealogical Notices of his Descendants from 1637 to 1840. * * * Boston, 1848. 12 (5.5X3.1). WIGHT, O. W. Translator. See Cousix, V. Lectures on the True, the Beautiful, &c. Translator, &c. See STAEL-HOLSTEIN, A. L. G. NECKER, Baroness DE. Germany. WILBERFORCE, Samuel, D.D., Bp. of Oxford, &c. ; b. 1805. Editor. See MARTYN, H. Journal and Letters. WILBERFORCE, William, M.P., &c., an English philanthropist ; b. 1759. d. 1833. 10 Practical View (A) of the prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians, in the higher and middle classes in this Country, contrasted with real Christianity. Boston, 1799. 12 (5.4X3). [3 copies.] 11 Practical View (A) of the prevailing Religious System of professed Chris tians, in the higher andllniddle classes in this Country, contrasted with real Christianity. With an introductory Essay, by Rev. D. Wilson. Philadelphia, 1835. 12 (6X3.4). 12 Practical View (A) of the prevailing Religious System of professed Chris tians, in the higher and middle classes, contrasted with real Christianity. ... *** [Portrait."] New-York, n. d. 24 (4.4X2.8). WILCOCKE, Samuel Hull, M.D., Pastor of English Ch. at Middleburg, Zealand. Translator. See STAVORINUS, J. S. Voyages to the East-Indies. WILCOCKS, Joseph, F.S.A. M Roman Conversations ; or a short Description of the Antiquities of Rome : int^spersed with Characters of Eminent Romans ; and Reflec tions, religious and moral, on Roman History. 2d edition, corrected : with a Preface, containing some Account of the Author : also a Translation of the Quotations, a General Index, and a Plan of Rome. . . . Vol. 1, 2. *** [Portrait. ] London, 1797. 8 (5.8X3.3). [2 copies.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 709 WILCOX, Eev. Carlos, of Hartford, Conn. ; b. 1794. d. 1827. 1 Remains of the Rev. Carlos Wilcox. With a Memoir of his Life. Hartford, 1828. 8 (6.5X3.7). WILDER, Alexander, M.D., of New York City. Joint Editor. See AMERICAN Journal (The) of Education, &c. WILDER, Major Francis, of the Asiatic Society in Bengal , d. 1823. 2 Papers upon Asiatic History, &c. See (ASIATIC Researches. passim ). WlLDMAN, Thomas. 3 Treatise on the Management of Bees ; wherein is contained the Natural History of those Insects ; . . . with the Natural History of Wasps, Hornets, &c. ... 3d ed. [Plates. ] London, 1778. 8 (6X3.3). WILKES, John, Esq., an English politician ; b. 1727. d. 1797. 4 Authentick Account (An) of the Proceedings against John Wilkes, Esq. ; with an Abstract of the Habeas Corpus Act, and the North Briton, No. 45. Boston, reprinted, 1763. 8, pp. 36. WILKINS, John, D.D., Bp. of Chester; b. at Oxford, 1614. d. 1672. 5 Alphabetical Dictionary (An), . . . [to accompany "An Essay towards a Real Character," &c.]. London, 1668. 2 (9.4X5), 3 cols. 6 Essay (An) towards a Real Character, and a Philosophical Language. *** [Plate. ] London, 1668. 2 (9.4X5), m. r. 7 Mathematical and Philosophical Works. Containing, 1. The Discovery of a New World. ... 2. That tis probable our Earth is one of the Planets. 3. Mercury : or, The Secret and Swift Messenger. ... 4. Mathematical Magick. ... 5. An Abstract of his Essay towards a Real Character, and a Philosophical Language. . . . [With] the Au thor s Life, and an Account of his Works. 2 vols. [Portrait and Fig ures. ] London, 1808. 8 (6.2X3.5), m. n. NOTE. Each book has also independent title-page and paging. 8 Principles (The) and Duties of Natural Religion : two Books. To which is added, A Sermon preached at his Funeral, by W. Lloyd, Bp. of Wor cester. 9th ed. [Portrait.] London, 1734. 8 (6X3.1), m. r. WILKINSON, C. H., Lecturer on Philosop7iy in London. 9 Elements of Galvanism, in Theory and Practice ; with a comprehensive View of its History. ... * * * Vol. 1, 2. [Plates.] London, 1804. 8 (5.9X3.3). WILKINSON, Sir John Gardiner, F.R.S., &c., an English traveller; b. 1798. 10 Popular Account (A) of the Ancient Egyptians. Revised and abridged from his larger Work. ... Vol. 1, 2. Illustrated with 500 Woodcuts. London, 1854. 8 (5.5X3.5). Joint Editor, &c. See HERODOTUS. The History of Herodotus. WILKINSON, William. 11 American ready Reckoner (The), and Trader s infallible Guide ; . . . with Tables. [By W. Wilkinson.-] Baltimore, 1806. 12 (3.8X2.2). WILKINSON S General Atlas. See GENERAL Atlas (A), &c. WILKS, Eev. Samuel Charles, Editor of Christian Observer, London. 12 Christian Essays : to which is added an Essay on the Influence of a Moral Life on our Judgment in Matters of Faith. . . . Boston, 1829. 12 (5.7X3.2). WILLARD, Joseph, D.D., LL.D., Pres. of Harvard College; b. 1738. d. 1804. 13 Address in Latin, before the Univ. in Cambridge, Feb. 21, 1800, in com memoration of Gen. Washington. [Cambridge] 1800. 8, pp. 6. 710 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. WILLARD, Joseph, D.D., LL.D., continued. 1 Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 1, 2.) 2 Lecture on the Death of Pres. Willard. See PEARSON, E. 3 Prayer by Rev. Dr. Lathrop, and Eulogy by Prof. Webber, at the Fu neral of Pres. Willard ; with a Sermon, the next Lord s Day, by Rev. Mr. Holmes. Cambridge, 1804. 8, pp. 41. [3 copies.] 4 Thanksgiving Sermon, Boston, Dec. 11, 1783. Boston, 1784. 8, pp. 39. WILLARD, Joseph, A.M., son of preceding, Sec y of Mass. Hist. Society. 5 Address (An) in commemoration of the Two-Hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of Lancaster, Massachusetts. With an Appendix. Boston, 1853. 8 (6.3X3.7). 6 Address (An) to the Members of the Bar of Worcester County, Massa chusetts, October 2, 1829. Lancaster, 1830. 8 (6X3.5). 7 Memoir of William Lincoln. . . . Cambridge, 1848. 8, pp. 13. 8 Memoir of William Lincoln. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 10.) 9 Naturalization in the American Colonies, with more particular reference to Massachusetts. Boston, 1859. 8, pp. 30. 10 Willard Memoir ; or, Life and Times of Major Simon Willard. With Notices of three Generations of his Descendants, and two collateral Branches in the United States ; etc. . . . [Engravings.] Boston, 1858. 8 (6.4X3.7). WILLARD, Hon. Josiah, Sec y of Colony of Mass., 1717-1756 ; b. 1681. d. 1756. n Poem sacred to the Memory of Hon. Josiah Willard, who deceased De cember 6, 1756, J3: seventy-six. Boston, 1757. 4, pp. 16. WILLARD, fiev. Samuel, Vice-president of Harvard College; b. 1639. d. 1707. 12 Checkered State (The) of the Gospel Church. Fast Sermon, Septem ber 18th, 1701. Boston, 1701. 16, pp. 64. 13 Compleat Body (A) of Divinity in two hundred and fifty expository Lec tures on the Assembly s Shorter Catechism. ... * * * [Portrait.] Boston, 1726. 2 (11X6.4), 2 cols., pp. 914. [2 copies.] WILLARD, Eev. Samuel, D.D., of Deerfield, Mass.; b. 1776. 1 4 Address (An) to the Christian Public, in two parts ; being a Counter part to a late Publication, entitled " Results of Two Ecclesiastical Coun cils," &c. Greenfield, 1813. 12, pp. 22. 1 5 Affectionate Remonstrance (An) against a frequent Abuse of the Pulpit and the Religious Press, occasioned by a Discourse preached in Deer- field, Ms., April 29, 1855. Greenfield, 1856. 8, pp. 39. 16 Comments on a Pamphlet, entitled, " An Address to the Christian Pub lic," &c. Greenfield, 1814. 12, pp. 43. 17 Discourse (A) preached at Brattleborough, Aug. 22, 1816, on the Dedi cation of the Village Meeting-House. [No imprint. ] 8, pp. 20. 13 History of the Rise, Progress, and Consummation of the Rupture, which now divides the Congregational Clergy and Churches of Massa chusetts. Discourse, at Deerfield, Sept. 22, 1857. Greenfield, 1858. 8, pp. 42. 19 Regular Hymns, on . . . Evangelical Subjects and important Occa sions, with Musical Directions. . . . Greenfield, n. d. 12 (5.6X2.1). 20 Remarks on the Strictures of Rev. Joseph Lyrnan, D.D., on a Pamphlet entitled " Comments, &c." . . . . Greenfield, n. d. 12, pp. 36. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 711 WILLARD, Rev. Samuel, D.D., continued. 1 Results (The) of Two Ecclesiastical Councils; Rev. Samuel Willard s Confession of Faith; &c. * * * Greenfield, 1813. 12, pp. 18. 2 Sermon, preached at Northampton, Oct. 27, 1808, at the Opening of the Northampton Bridge. Northampton, 1808. 8, pp. 19. WILLARD, Samuel, A.M. y Introduction (An) to the Latin Language. Boston, 1835. 12 (5. 7X3. 3). WILLARD, Sidney, Prof, of Hebrew, &c. at Harv. Coll.; b. 1780. d. 1856. 4 Hebrew Grammar (A). Cambridge, 1817. 8, pp. 86. WILLARD, Major Simon, an early judge of Mass. ; b. about 1606. d. 1676. 5 Major Willard and his Descendants. See WILLARD, Joseph, A.M. WILLET, Andrew, D.D., Prebend, of Ely, &c. ; b. 1562. d. 1621. 6 Hexapla : that is, A six-fold Commentarie vpon the most diuine Epistle of the holy Apostle S. Pavl to the Romanes. ... * * * London, 1611. 2 (9.2X5.1), pp. 746+. 7 Synopsis Papismi, that is, A generall Viewe of Papistrie : . . . [2d ed.~\ * * * London, 1594. 4 (6.9X4.3), m. r., pp. 1058-}-. 8 Tetrastylon Papisticvm, that is, The Fovre principal Pillers of Papistrie, ... * * * London, 1593. 4 (6.7X4.3). WILLEY, Benjamin G., of East Sumner, Me. 9 Incidents in White Mountain History ; . . . [Map and Vieivs.~] Boston, 1856. 12 (5.4X3.4). WILLIAMS, Rev. Abraham, of SandwicJi, Mass.; b. 1726. d. 1784. 10 Election Sermon, Boston, May 26, 1762. Boston, 1762. 8, pp. 28. WILLIAMS, Rev. Avery, of Lexington, Mass. ; b. 1782. d. 1816. 11 Discourse delivered at Lexington, March 31, 1813 ; a Century from the Incorporation of the Town. Boston, 1813. 8, pp. 34. WILLIAMS, Daniel, D.D., a Dissenting minister of London, &c. ; b. 1644. d. 1716. 12 Catalogue of the Library in Red Cross Street, Cripplegate [London] ; founded pursuant to the Will of Rev. Daniel Williams, D. D. [Alpha betical of Authors.] . . . Vol. 1. [Larger Wor1cs.~\ 2. [Pampldets.] London, 1841. 8 (6.7X3.7). WILLIAMS, Edward, D.D., of Rotlierliam; d. about 1812. 13 Owen s Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, abridged by Williams, with Life of Author, Index, &c. See OWEN, J. Editor, &c. See MORRICE, M. Social Religion Exemplified. WILLIAMS, Edwin, of New York City, b. 1796. d. 1854. 14 Addresses (The) and Messages of the Presidents of the United States, inaugural, annual, and special, from 1789 to 1846 : with a Memoir of each of the Presidents, and a History of their Administrations ; also the Constitution of the United States, and a Selection of important Documents and Statistical Information. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Plates of Portraits.] New-York, 1847. 8 (7X4), pp. 1590. NOTE. The two volumes are paged continuously. Also with second title-page, em bellished, " President s Messages, . . . from 1789 to 1846," and half-title, "The Statesman s Manual." Lettered, "The Statesman s Manual. 3d ed. Vol. 1. Washington to Jackson. 2. Jackson to Polk." WILLIAMS, Col. Ephraim, founder of Williams College; b. 1715. d. 1755. 15 Historical Sketch of Col. Ephraim Williams, and of Williams College.. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 1st Series, vol. 8.) BOWDOIN COLLEGE. WILLIAMS, Ephraim, Esq. Reporter. See MASSACHUSETTS. Commonwealth. Jurisprudence. Re ports of Cases in Supreme Court. 1804-1805. Vol. 1. WILLIAMS, Helen Maria; b. in London, 1759. d. in Paris, 1827. 1 Letters containing a Sketch of the Politics of France from the Thirty- first of May, 1793, till the Twenty-eighth of July, 1794, and of the Scenes ... in the Prisons at Paris. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1795. 12 (4.7X2.7). 2 Letters written in France, in the Summer of 1790, . . . containing various Anecdotes relative to the French Revolution ; and Memoirs of Mons. and Mad. Du F . London, 1790. 12 (4.7X2.7). 3 Tour (A) in Switzerland ; or, A View of the Present State of the Gov ernments and Manners of those Cantons ; with comparative Sketches of the Present State of Paris. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1798. 8 (5.6X3.1). WILLIAMS, Henry W., M.D., of Mass. Ned. Society. Translator. See SICHEL, J. Spectacles : their Uses and Abuses. WILLIAMS, Rev. J., A.M., Vicar of Lampeter. 4 Life (The) and Actions of Alexander the Great. \Map and Portrait. } (Harper s Family Library, No. 7.) New-York, 1831. 18 (4.5X2.7). WILLIAMS, John, Bp. of Chichester ; b. 1634. d. 1709. 5 Sermons at Boyle s Lecture. See (BOYLE S Lecture Sermons, vol. 1). WILLIAMS, John, LL.D. 6 Concordance (A) to the Greek Testament : with the English Version to each Word ; the principal Hebrew Roots . . . ; short critical Notes, . . . and an Index . . . London, 1767. 4 (7.2X5.3), 2 cols. WILLIAMS, John, Esq. 7 Additions to Blackstone s Commentaries. See BLACKSTONE, W. 8 Rise (The), Progress, and Present State of the Northern Governments, viz. The United Provinces, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, and Poland ; ... In2vols. Vol.1. London, 1777. 4 (7X4.8). WILLIAMS, John, F.S.S.A., of Edinburgh. 9 Natural History (The) of the Mineral Kingdom. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Edinburgh, 1789. 8 (5.6X3.2). WILLIAMS, Robert, M.D., Physician to St. Thomas Hospital, London. 10 Elementary Principles of Medicine. See (ENCYCL. Metrop., vol. 7). WILLIAMS, Lieut, Robert S., U.S.T.E. 11 Reports of Explorations in California. See UNITED STATES. Explora tions and Surveys. (Explorations for a Pacific Railroad, vol. 5, 10.) WILLIAMS, Roger, Founder of Providence Plantation ; b. 1599. d. 1683. 12 Key to the Languages of the Indians of New England. First printed, London, 1643. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 1st Series, vol. 3, 5.) 13 Letters. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 1.) 14 Life, by W. Gammell. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., vol. 4.) !5 Memoir of Roger Williams. See KNOWLES, J. D. WILLIAMS, S. Wells. 16 Middle Kingdom (The) ; a Survey of the Geography, Government, Edu cation, Social Life, Arts, Religion, &c., of the Chinese Empire and its Inhabitants. . . . [Map and Engravings. ] 3d ed. ... Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1849. 12 (6X3.5). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 713 WILLIAMS, Samuel, LL.D., Prof, of Math., &c., Harvard College, eft. minister of Rutland, Vt.; b. 1743. d. 1817. 1 Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 1.) 2 Natural (The) and Civil History of Vermont. [Map.] . . . Walpole, N.H., 1794. 8 (6.2X3.5). 3 Natural (The) and Civil History of Vermont. . . . Vol. 1,2. 2d ed., corrected and much enlarged. [May."] Burlington, 1809. 8(5. 6X3.2). WILLIAMS, Rev. Solomon, of Northampton, Mass. ; b. 1752. d. 1834. 4 Historical Sketch of Northampton, from its first Settlement. Thanks giving Sermon, April 13, 1815. Northampton, 1815. 8, pp. 24. WILLIAMS, Thomas, M.D. Joint Author. See CHOKER, T. H. Complete Dictionary of Arts, &c. WILLIAMS, Thomas Walter, a barrister, of London. 5 Abridgment (An) of Cases argued and determined in the Courts of Law, during the Reign of ... King George the Third. With Tables . . . Vol. 1-5. London, 1798-1803. 8 (7X3.5), m. n. WILLIAMS, Rev. William, of Nat field, Mass. ; b. 1665. d. 1741. 6 Death (The) of a Prophet lamented and improved, in a Sermon preached at Northampton, Feb. 13, 1729 ; on the Day of the Interment of Rev. Solomon Stoddard. * * * Boston, 1729. 8, pp. 26. WILLIAMS, William Peere, a barrister, of London. 7 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, and of some Special Cases adjudged in the Court of King s Bench. Published, with Notes, and References, and two Tables to each volume ; . . . 5th ed., with additional References ... by S. C. Cox. . . . Vol. 1-3. London, 1793. 8 (7.3X3.6), m. b. WILLIAMS COLLEGE, at Williamstown, Mass. ; incorporated 1793. 8 Catalogue of Books in the Library of Williams College, 1861. * * * [Classed. ] Boston, 1861. 8, pp. 87. 9 Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Williams College, for 1860-61. Williamstown, 1860. 8, pp. 24. l Catalogus Senatus Academici, eorum qui munera et officia gesserunt, etc. in Collegio Gulielmensi. Albania?, 1817. 8, pp. 15. 11 Catalogus Senatus Academici, eorum qui munera et officia academica gesserunt, etc. in Collegio Gulielmensi. Oppidi Gulielmi, 1856. 8, pp. 52. 12 Laws of Williams College. Stockbridge, 1795. 4, pp. 42. WILLIAMS LIBRARY, London, Catalogue of. See WILLIAMS, D. WILLIAMSON, Hon. William Durkee, of Bangor ; b. 1780. d. 1846. 13 History (The) of the State of Maine ; from its first Discovery, A.D. 1602, to the Separation, A.D. 1820, inclusive. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Hallowell, 1832. 8 (7X3.8), m. b. 14 Indian Tribes in New England. Notice of the Pejepscot Chief, Orono. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 9.) WILLICH, A. F. M., M.D. 15 Domestic Encyclopedia (The) ; . . . Vol. 1-5. 1st American edition; with additions, applicable to ... the United States : by J. Mease. {Engravings and Cuts.] Philadelphia, 1804. 8 (6.5X3.8), 2 cols. 16 Lectures on Diet and Regimen: ... * * * 1st New-York, from 3d London, edition. New- York, 1801. 8 (6.4X3.6). 90 714 B W I) I N C I- L E E . WILLIS, Nathaniel Parker ; b. at Portland, 1807. 1 American Scenery. Literary Department. See AMERICAN Scenery ; &c. Joint Editor, &c. See POE, E. A. Works. WILLIS, Hon. William, of Portland. 2 History (The) of Portland, from its first Settlement : with Notices of the Neighboring Towns, and of the Changes of Government in Maine. ... 2 vols. [Maps and Plates.] Portland, 1831, 33. 8 (6.5X3.8). 3 History of Portland, Part I., with Appendix of ancient Documents. Map and Plate. See MAINE Hist. Society. (Collections, vol. 1.) 4 Inaugural Address. See MAINE Hist. Society. (Collections, vol. 5.) 5 Introductory Address before the Maine Historical Society, Feb. 2, 1855. See MAINE Hist. Society. (Collections, vol. 1.) 6 Journals of the Rev. Thomas Smith, and the Rev. Samuel Deane, Pas tors of the First Church in Portland ; with Notes and Biographical No tices : and a summary History of Portland. [Portraits, Plans, and En gravings.] Portland, 1849. 8 (6.6X3.7). 7 Language of the Abnaquies, or Eastern Indians. See MAINE Hist. So ciety. (Collections, vol. 4.) y Scotch-Irish Immigration to Maine, and a summary History of Presby- terianism. See MAINE Hist. Society. (Collections, vol. 6.) WILLISON, Ilev. John, of Dundee, Scotland; flourished 1735- 70. 9 Five Sermons preached before and after the Celebration of the Lord s Supper. Edinburgh, 1722. 8 (5.8X3. 3). 10 Sacramental Directory (A) ; or, A Treatise concerning the Sanctification of a Communion-Sabbath. ... * * * Edinburgh, 1797. 12 (5.3X3.1). l 1 Sacramental Meditations and Advices ; with a short Christian Directory. Boston, 1857. 12 (5.7X3.3). WILLISTON, E. B., Pres. of Jefferson College, Miss. ; I). 1800. rf. 1837. 12 Eloquence of the United States : compiled by E. B. Williston. . . . Vol. 1-5. Middletown, Conn., 1827. 8 (6.3X3.7). WlLLM, J., Inspector of the Academy of Strasbourg. 13 Histoire de la Philosophic Allemande depuis Kant jusqu a Hegel. Ouv- rage couronne par 1 Institut. . . . Tom. 1-4. Paris, 1846- 49. 8 (6.5X3.6). WILLMOT, Rev. Robert Arie. Annotator, and Biographer. See HERBERT, G. Poetical Works. WILLOUGHBY, Sir Hugh, an English voyager, of the 16th century. 14 Voyages of Willoughby and others to the Northern Parts of Russia and Siberia. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyages and Travels, vol. 1.) WILLSON, Edward James. 15 Accounts of Gothic Architecture. See PUGIN, A. Specimens, &c. 16 Glossary (A) of Technical Terms, descriptive of Gothic Architecture : collected from Official Records, Passages in the Works of Poets, His torians, &c. of a Date contemporary with that Style ; . . . To accom pany the Specimens of Gothic Architecture, by A. Pugin. London, [1723]. 4 (8.2X6.8), 2 cols., pp. 24. WILMOT, John, Earl of Rochester ; b. 1647. d. 1680. i? Life and Death of John Earl of Rochester. Sec BURNET, G. CATALOGUE OF THE LI BRA TIT. 715 WILSON, Alexander, M.D. 1 Some Observations relative to the Influence of Climate on Vegetable and Animal Bodies. London. 1780. 8 (5. 5X3.1). WILSON, Alexander; b. at Paisley, Scotland, 1766. d. at Philadelphia, 1813. 2 American Ornithology ; or, The Natural History of the Birds -of the United States. Illustrated with Plates engraved and colored. . . . Vol. 1-3. Philadelphia, 1808- ! 1. 4 (9.8X6). 3 Life, by W. B. O. Peabody. See SPARKS, J. (Amer. Biogr., vol. 2.) WILSON, Daniel, D.D., Vicar at Islington, aft, Bp. of Calcutta ; b. 1778. d. 1858. 4 Divine Authority (The) and Perpetual Obligation of the Lord s Day. ... 1st American ed. ... Boston, 1831. 12 (5.6X3.2). 5 Evidences (The) of Christianity : stated in a popular and practical man ner, in a Course of Lectures on the Internal Evidences of the Christian Religion, delivered in Islington. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1829, 30. 8 (6.4X3.7). 6 Introd. Essay to Wilberforce s Practical View. See WILBERFORCE, W. 7 Life of Bishop Wilson. See BATEMAN, J. y Travels on the Continent of Europe ; through Parts of the Netherlands, Switzerland, Northern Italy, and France, in the Summer of 1823. From 4th London ed. New-York, 1836. 8 (8.1X4-9), 2 cols. WILSON, Daniel, Sec y of Society of Antiquaries, of Scotland. 9 Archaeology and Prehistoric Annals of Scotland. * * * \_Plates. ] Edinburgh, 1851. 8 (7.3X4.2), pp. 714. WILSON, Horace Ilayman, F.R.S., &c., Prof.\jf Sanskrit, at Oxford; b. 1786. 10 Introduction (An) to the Grammar of the Sanskrit Language, . . . 2d ed. London, 1847. 8 (6.7X3. 9). Editor. See BOPP, F. A Comparative Grammar, &c. WILSON, James, Judge, of Penn. ; b. in Scotland, 1742. d. 1798. 11 Speech in Convention of Penn., January, 1775, in Vindication of the Colonies. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Eloquence of U. S., vol. 5.) 12 Speech in Convention of Penn., Nov. 26, 1787, on adopting the Federal Constitution. See WILLISTON, E. B. (Eloquence of U.S., vol. 1.) WILSON, James, F.R.S.E., &c. 13 Treatise (A) on Insects, general and systematic ; . .. . [Plates. ] Edinburgh, 1835. 4 (9X6.2), 2 cols. Editor. See PEMBERTON, H. A Course of Chemistry. Joint Author. See MURRAY, H. Account of British India. Joint Author. See MURRAY, H. Discovery and Adventure in Africa. Joint Author. See TYTLER, P. F. Progress of Discovery on Northern Coasts of America, with Sketches of Natural History by Wilson. WILSON, Jasper, Esq. 14 Letter to Right Hon. William Pitt, in which the real Interests of Bri tain in the present Crisis are considered, and some Observations are of fered on the general State of Europe. Dublin, 1793. 8, pp. 70. NOTE Appended to Vaughan s Calm Observer. 15 Lie Direct (The). A Refutation of the Charges in the Proclamation of President Jefferson. *** London, 1807. 8, pp. 31. "WILSON, John, Prof, of Moral Philos. at Edinburgh; b. 1785. d. 1854. 16 Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life, a Selection from the Papers of the late Arthur Austin. [By J. Wilson.] Exeter, 1827. 24 (4.5X3.2). 17 Poems. ..... Vol. 1, 2. ... Edinburgh, 1825. 8 (4.9X2.4 irr.). 16 BOWDOINCOL L E G E . WILSON, John, a printer, of Boston. 1 Scripture Proofs and Scriptural Illustrations of Unitarianism. * * * 3d ed., revised and enlarged. London, 1846. 8 (7X4). WILSON, Joseph, Esq. 2 Memorabilia Cantabrigian : or, An Account of the different Colleges in Cambridge ; Biographical Sketches of the Founders and Eminent Men ; with . . . Anecdotes. * * * [Portraits and Views. ,] London, 1803. 12 (5.2X3). WILSON, Robert, Prof, of Sacred Lit., Eoyal College, Belfast. 3 Infant Baptism a Scriptural Service, and Dipping unnecessary to its Right Administration ;... London, 1848. 8 (5.3X3.7), pp. 534. WILSON, Sir Robert Thomas, an English general; b. 1777. d. 1849. 4 History of the British Expedition to Egypt ; to which is subjoined, A Sketch of the Present State of that Country, and its Means of Defence. ... * * * [Portrait and Maps. ] London, 1802. 4 (7.1X4.9). WILSON, Rev. Thomas, of Canterbury ; d. 1621. 5 Christian Dictionary (A) : opening the Signification of the chiefs Words ... of the Old and New Testament. . . . 5th ed. Augmented . . . by J.Bagwell. *** London, 1648. 2 (9.3X5.3), 2 cols. 6 Complete Christian Dictionary : commenced by Wilson, augmented by Bagwell, afterwards by Symson. See SYMSON, A. WILSON, Thomas, D.D., Bp. of Sodor and Man; b. 1663. d. 1755. 7 Sacra Privata. ... * * * Bath, 1800. 12 (4.8X3). 8 Sacra Privata. ... *** Cambridge, 1804. 12 (5.4X3.1). 9 Sacra Privata. ... New-York, 1836. 8 (8.1X4.9), 2 cols. WIMPFFEN, F. A. STANILAUS, Baron DE. See STANILAUS, F. A., Baron de W. WINCHELL, Rev. James M., of Boston ; b. 1792. d. 1820. 10 Two Discourses, exhibiting an Historical Sketch of the First Baptist Church in Boston, from 1665 to 1818. Boston, 1819. 8, pp. 47. WINCHESTER, Elhanan, an itinerant preacher ; b. in Mass., 1751. d. 1797. 11 Process (The) and Empire of Christ ; from his Birth to the End of the Mediatorial Kingdom ; a Poem. . . . [Portrait. ] London, 1793. 8 (5.9X3.2 irr.). 12 Universal Restoration (The), exhibited in four Dialogues . . . 2d ed., with Additions. ... London, 1792. 8 (6.3X3.3). WINCKELMANN, Johann Joachim, I Abbe ; b. in Brandenburg, 1718. d. 1768. 13 Histoire de PArt chez les Anciens, par Winkelmann ; traduite de PA1- lemand; avec des Notes historiques et critiques de differens auteurs. Tom. 1, 2, 2-P. II. 3 vols. [Portraits, Vignettes, and Plates.] Paris, 1794-1803. 4 (7.2X4.8), m. b. NOTE. Half-titles, and lettered, " CEuvres de Winkelmann. Tom. 1-3." 14 History (The) of Ancient Art, translated from the German of John Winckelmann, by G. Henry Lodge. With the Life of Winckelmann, by the Editor. Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait and Plates.] Boston, 1856, 49. 8 (6.8X3.9). 15 Life of. See (History of Ancient Art, ante. Vol. 1, pp. 1-146). WINER, Georg Benedikt, Prof, of Theol. at Leipzig; b. 1789. 16 Biblisches Realworterbuch ; . . . Leipzig, 1820. 8 (6.5X3.6), pp. xlii., 801. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRATIY. 717 WINER, Georg Benedikt, continued. 1 Comparative Darstellung des Lehrbegriffs der verschiedenen Christlichen Kirchenparteien, nebst vollstandigen Belegen aus den symbolischen Schriften derselben. ... 2te . . . vermehrte auflage. [Portrait. ] Leipzig, 1837. 4 (7. 7X6). 2 Grammatik des neutestamentlichen Sprachidioms als sichere Grundlage der neutestamentlichen Exegese bearbeitet. 3te . . . vermehrte auflage. Leipzig, 1830. 8 (6.2X3.5), pp. 521. 3 Grammatik des neutestamentlichen Sprachidioms als sichere Grundlage der neutestamentlichen Exegese bearbeitet. 6te . . . vermehrte auf lage. Leipzig, 1855. 8 (6.8X4.1), pp. 590. WING, Comvay P., Pastor of First Presbyt. Churcli, Carlisle, Penn. Joint Translator. See HASE, K. A. History of the Christian Church. WINKFIELD, Unca Eliza. 4 Female American (The), or, The very extraordinary Adventures of Unca Eliza Winkfield ; compiled by herself. Newburyport, [1800]. 12 (4.6X3). WINK WORTH, Susanna. Editor, and Translator. See NIEBUHR, B. G. Life and Letters. Translator. See BUNSEN, C. K. J. Signs of the Times. Translator. See THEOLOGICA Germanica : &c. WINNING, Eev. W. B., M.A. 5 Manual (A) of Comparative Philology, in which the Affinity of the In do-European Languages is illustrated, and applied to the Primeval His tory of Europe, Italy, and Rome. *** London, 1838. 8 (6.4X3.5). WINSLOW, Edward, Governor of Plymouth Colony ; b. 1594. d. 1655. 6 Brief Narration of the true Grounds or Cause of the First Planting of New England. See YOUNG, Alex. (Chronicles of the Pilgrims.) 7 Glorious Progress of the Gospel, amongst the Indians in New England. In Letters from Eliot, Mayhew, &c. First publ d, London, 1649. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 4.) 8 Good News from New England. First printed, London, 1625. See MASS. Hist Society. (Collections, 1st Series, vol. 8 ; 2d Series, vol. 9.) 9 Life. See BELKNAP, J. (American Biography, vol. 2.) 10 New England s Salamander discovered. First printed, London, 1647. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 3d Series, vol. 2.) 11 Relation of Things remarkable in the Plantation of Plymouth, 1623. See YOUNG, Alex. (Chronicles of the Pilgrims.) WINSLOW, Eev. Miron, A.M., a missionary to Ceylon. 12 Sketch of Missions ; or History of the principal Attempts to propagate Christianity among the Heathen. *** Andover, 1819. 12 (5.6X3-3). WINSOR, Justin. 13 History (A) of the Town of Duxbury, Massachusetts, with Genealogi cal Registers. *** [Portrait.] Boston, 1849. 8 (6.7X3.7). WINTER, Eev. Cornelius. 14 Memoirs of Winter. See JAY, Eev. W. (Standard Works, vol. 3.) WINTER Evening s (A) Conversation upon the Doctrine of Original Sin, be- 15 tween a Minister and three Neighbors. Boston, 1757. 8, pp. 30. 18 B W D O I N COLLEGE. "WlNTEEBOTHAM, Rev. William. 1 Historical, Geographical, Commercial and Philosophical View of the American United States, and of the European Settlements in America and the West-Indies. . . . Vol. 1-4. [Portraits and Maps. ] London, 1795. 8 (6.7X3.7). WINTHROP, James, LL.D., Judge, son of Prof. J. W. ; b. 17,32. d. 1821. 2 Appendix (An) to the New Testament. * * * Cambridge, 1809. 8 (5.2X2.3). NOTE. Containing" the three following" works, and " Additional Remarks." 3 Attempt (An) to arrange in the Order of Time Scripture Prophecies yet to be fulfilled. Cambridge, 1803. 8, pp. 20. 4 Attempt (An) to translate the Prophetic Part of the Apocalypse of St. John into Familiar Language. Boston, 1794. 8, 2 cols., pp. 79. 5 Contributions. See AMERICAN Academy, &c. (Memoirs, vol. 1, 2.) 6 Systematic Arrangement of several Scripture Prophecies relating to Anti-christ, with their Application to History. Boston, 1795. 8, pp. 35. WINTHROP, John, 1st Gov. of Mass. ; b. in Suffolk, Eng., 1587. d. 1649. 7 History (The) of New England from 1630 to 1649. From his original Manuscripts. With Notes ... By J. Savage. Vol. 1, 2. * * * [Portrait. ] Boston, 1825, 26. 8 (6.5X3.8). 8 History (The) of New England from 1630 to 1649. From his original Manuscripts. With Notes ... By J. Savage. New edition; with Additions and Corrections by the former Editor. Vol. 1,2. * * * [Portrait and Plates.] Boston, 1853. 8 (6.8X4). 9 Journal (A) of the Transactions and Occurrences in the Settlement of Massachusetts and the other New-England Colonies, from the year 1630 to 1644. ... * * * [Published by N. Webster.] Hartford, 1790. 8 (5.7X3.3), m. d. 1 Life. See BELKNAP, J. (American Biography, vol. 2.) WINTHROP, John, F.B.S., Gov. of Conn., son of preceding; b. 1606. d. 1676. 11 Life. See BELKNAP, J. (American Biography, vol. 2.) WINTHROP, John, LL.D., F.E.S., Prof, of Math., Harv. Coll. ; b. 1714. d. 1799. 12 Cogitata de Cometis. Londini, 1767. 4, pp. 27. 13 Relation of a Voyage from Boston to Newfoundland, for the Observa tion of the Transit of Venus, June 6, 1761. Boston, 1761. 8, pp. 24. 14 Two Lectures on Comets, read in the Chapel of Harvard College, in Cambridge, New England, in April, 1759. With an Appendix. Boston, 1759. 8, pp. 44, xviii. [2 copies.] 1 5 Two Lectures on the Parallax and Distance of the Sun, as deducible from the Transit of Venus. Boston, 1769. 8, pp. 47. [2 copies.] WINTHROP, Robert Charles, LL.D., U.S. Sen. from Mass., &c. 16 Address delivered before the Maine Historical Society, at Bowdoin Col lege, September 5, 1849. Boston, 1849. 8, pp. 68. I? Address at the Opening of the Grand Musical Festival, at the Boston Music Hall, May 21, 1857. Boston, 1857. 8, pp. 24. is Addresses and Speeches . . . Boston, 1852. 8 (6.6X4), pp. 773. 19 Algernon Sidney : a Lecture delivered before the Boston Mercantile Li brary Association, December 21, 1853. Boston, 1854. 8, pp. 43. 20 Archimedes and Franklin. A Lecture, introductory to a Course on the Application of Science to Art, delivered before the Massachusetts Chari table Mechanic Association, Nov. 29, 1853. Boston, 1853. 8, pp. 47. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 719 WINTHROP, Thomas Lindall, LL.D., Lieut.-Oov. of Mass. ; b. 1760. d. 1841. 1 Memoir, by W . Jenks. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll., 4th Ser., vol. 2.) WINTHROP Papers (The). See MASS. Hist. Society. (Coll, 3d Ser., vol. 9, 10.) WINTLE, Thomas, Rector of Brightivell, in Berkshire} b. 1737. d. 1814. Translator, &c. See BIBLE, Portions of Old Testament. Daniel, &c. WIRGMAN, Thomas. 2 Principles of the Kantesian or Transcendental Philosophy. [English and French, facing. } London, 1824. 8, pp. 14. WIRT, William, LL.D., Attorney- General of U.S., &c.; b. 1772. d. 1835. 3 Eulogy on Adams and Jefferson, at Washington, Oct. 19, 1826. See WILLISTOX, E. B. (Eloquence of U.S., vol. 5.) 4 Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry. * * * loth ed., corrected. [Portraits. ] New York, 1860. 12 (5.6X3.5). 5 Speech in the Trial of Aaron Burr, for Treason, 1807. See WILLISTOX, E. B. (Eloquence of U.S., vol. 4.) WISE, Thomas, Chaplain to the Duke of Ormond, &c. 6 Confutation (A) of the Reason and Philosophy of Atheism ; being . . . an Abridgment or an Improvement of what Dr. Cudworth offer d to that purpose in his True Intellectual System of the Universe. . . . Vol. 1, 2. London, 1706. 4 (6.2X4). WISEMAN, Nicholas, D.D., Cardinal, of England; b. at Seville, 1802. 7 Pastoral Letter. See COOPER, C. P. Ancient British, &c. Churches. 8 Twelve Lectures on the Connexion between Science and Revealed Re ligion. Delivered in Rome. * * * 1st American from 1st London edition. [Ethnographic Map. .] Andover, 1837. 8 (6.4X3.7). WISHART, Rev. William, Principal of Univ. of Edinburgh; b. 1657. d. 1727. 9 Five Sermons preached before and after the Celebration of the Lord s Supper. Edinburgh, 1721. 8 (5.8X3.3). WISNER, Rev. Benjamin B., D.D., Sec y A.B.C.F.M. ; b. 1795. d. 1835. J Proper Mode (The) of conducting Missions to the Heathen. A Sermon delivered before the Society for propagating the Gospel among the In dians and others in North America, Nov. 5, 1829. [Report of Society, &c.~\ Boston, 1829. 8, pp. 44. WISTAR, Caspar, M.D., Prof, in Univ. of Penn. ; b. 1760. d. 1818. ] L Eulogium of Dr. Wistar. See TILGHMAN, W. WIT and Morals, Considerations upon. See CONSIDERATIONS, &c. WITHERING, William, M.D., F.B.S., &c., of Birmingham; b. 1741. d. 1799. 12 Systematic Arrangement (A) of British Plants ; with an easy Introduc tion to the Study of Botany. . . . [Plates.] 4th edition . . . : cor rected and enlarged by W. Withering, Esq. * * * Vol. 1-4. London, 1801. 8 (6.4X3.4). WLTHERING, William, Esq., F.L.S., &c., son of preceding. Editor. See WITHERING, W., M.D. Arrangement of British Plants. WITHERS, Rev. John. 13 Whigs (The) vindicated, and the Objections against them answer d, and the- present Ministry prov d to be the best Friends to the Church, the Monarchy, &c. 9th ed. London, 1715. 8, pp. 48. 720 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. WlTHERSPOON, John, D.D., LL.D., Pres. of Princeton College, N. J. ; b. near Edinburgh, 1722. d. 1798. 1 Absolute Necessity (The) of Salvation through Christ. Sermon preached before the Society in Scotland for propagating Christian Knowledge, Jan. 2, 1758. With a short Account of the present State of the Socie ty. Edinburgh, 1758. 8, pp. 83. [2 copies.] 2 Address to Senior Class of Princeton Coll. See ( YOUTH S Companion). 3 Miscellaneous Works.. Philadelphia, 1803. 8 (6.6X3.6). 4 Sermon on Christian Magnanimity. See ( YOUTH S (The) Companion). 5 Works. . . . [ With] a Sermon occasioned by his Death, by Rev. Dr. J. Rodgers. . . . Vol. 1-4. Philadelphia, ISOO- Ol. 8 (6.6X2.6). WITSIUS, Hermann, D.D., Prof, of Tlieol. at Franeker, &c. ; b. 1636. d. 1708. 6 Oeconomy of the Covenants, between God and Man. Comprehending a complete Body of Divinity. . . . [With] Life of the Author. A new Translation from the original Latin. . . . Vol. 1-3. New-York, 1798. 8 (6.5X3.8). WODROW, James, D.D., Minister at Stevenston, Scotland. 1 Life of Leechman. See LEECIIMAN, W. Sermons. Vol. 1, pp. 1-102. WOHLERFAHRNE 8 Scheid-Kunster (Der). Niirnberg, 1708. 16 (5. 2X3). WOLCOTT, Roger, over nor of Connecticut; b. 1679. d. 1767. 9 Account of the Agency of Hon. John Winthrop in obtaining a Charter for Connecticut, 1662. A Poem. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collec tions, 1st Series, vol. 4.) WOLF, Friedrich August, Prof, of Greek at Halle & Berlin ; b. 1759. d. 1824. 10 Prolegomena ad Homerum sive de Operum Homericorum prisca et genuina Forma variisque Mutationibus et probabili Ratione emendendi. ... Halis Saxonum, 1795. 8 (6X3.5). WOLF, Johann Christian, Prof, of Math, at Halle, &c. ; b. 1679. d. 1754. 1 1 Logic, or Rational Thoughts on the Powers of the Human Understand ing ; with their Use and Application in the Knowledge and Search of Truth. Translated from the German of Baron Wolfius. . . . [With] Life of the Author [from the German of Prof. Gottsched]. London, 1770. 8 (5.7X3. 2). [2 copies.] WOLFE, Major-Gen. James, of British Army, b. 1727. killed at Quebec, 1759. 12 Life (The) of Gen. James Wolfe ; or, The Eulogium of that renowned Hero, attempted according to the Rules of Eloquence. With a monu mental Inscription, English and Latin, &c. By J * * * * P * * *. Boston, reprinted, 1760. 8, pp. 36. WOLFHART, Conrad. See LYCOSTHENES, or WOLFHART, C. WOLLASTON, Piev. William, of London; b. 1659. d. 1724. 13 Religion (The) of Nature delineated. [By W. Wottaston.] * * * London, 1725. .4 (7X5.1). 14 Religion (The) of Nature delineated. * * * 5th ed. [Portrait of Author.] London, 1731. 4 (7X5.1). WOLLEB, Johann, D.D., of Basil-, d. 1629. 15 Christiana; Theologian Compendium. Amstelodami, n. d. 24 (3.9X2.2). 16 Compendium Theologioe Christiana?. Londini, 1647. 24 (4.5X2.3). i? Compendium Theologia? Christianas. Oxonian, 1661. 24 (4.8X2.4). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 721 WOLLSTOXECRAFT, Mary, aft. wife of William Godwin; b. 1759. d. 1797. 1 Vindication (A) of the Eights of Woman : with Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects. London, 1792. 8 (6X3.3). 2 Vindication (A) of the Eights of Woman : with Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects. Boston, 1792. 8 (6.3X3. 5). WOLSEY, Thomas, Cardinal, Min. of State under Henry VIII.; b. 1471. d. 1530. y Life, by Mackintosh. See FORSTER, J. (British Statesmen, vol. 1.) 4 Life, by Mrs. A. T. Thomson. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful IvnoAvledge. Library, &c. Lives of Eminent Men; &c. WOOD, James, Prof, of Theol. in St. Andrews, Edinburgh ; d. 1G64. 5 Litle [sic~] Stone (A), pretended to be out of the Mountain, tried, and found to be a Counterfeit. Or an Examination & Eefutation of Mr. Lock- yer s Lecture, preached at Edinburgh, anno 1651. concerning the Mater j> c] of the Visible Church : . . . Edinburgh, 1654. 4 (5.5X3.8). WOOD, James, B.D., Fellow of St. John s College, Cambridge, Eng. 6 Elements (The) of Algebra. 4th ed. Cambridge, 1806. 8 (6.3X3.5). 7 Elements (The) of Optics : ... 2d ed. Cambridge, 1808. 8 (6.4X3.6). 8 Principles (The) of Mechanics : . . . 3d ed. Cambridge, 1803. 8 (6.4X3.6). WOOD, James, perhaps the preceding. 9 Dictionary (A) of the Holy Bible : . . . forming a Body of Scripture History, Chronology, and Divinity. . . . Extracted chiefly from Calmet and others. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Portrait, Maps and Plates. } New- York, 1813. 8 (7.3X4.1), 2 cols. WOOD, John; b. in Scotland, d. at Richmond, Va., 1822. 10 History of the Administration of John Adams, Esq., late President of the United States. New- York, 1802. 8 (5.8X3.5), pp. 502. 11 Suppressed History (The) of the Administration of John Adams, (from 1797 to 1801). Eepublished with Notes, and an Appendix, by J. H. Sherburne. [Portrait of Adams. ] Philadelphia, 1846. 12 (5.8X3.5). WOOD, John, Esq., of Edinburgh. 12 Account of the Edinburgh Sessional School, and the other Parochial Institutions for Education established in that City in the year 1812 ; with Strictures on Education in general. * * * 9d ed. Edinburgh, 1830. 12 (5.6X3.4). WOOD, Piev. Manly, Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. 13 Continuation of Goldsmith s Hist, of England. See GOLDSMITH, O. WOOD, Thomas, LL.D., a barrister, of London. 14 Institute (An) of the Laws of England : or, The Laws of England in their Natural Order, according to Common Use. . . . 8th edition, with great additions. ... * * * London, 1754. 2 (9.8 X 3), m. b., pp. 692-}-.. 15 Some Thoughts concerning the Study of the Laws of England ; particu larly in the two Universities. 2d ed. London, 1727. 8, pp. 62.. AVooi), William, lived in Mass, from 1629 to 1633. !G New-England s Prospect. Being a true, lively, and experimental De scription of that Part of America commonly called New-England : . . . 3d ed. [With Introductory Essay. ] Boston, reprinted, 1764. 8 (6X3.4). NOTE. The earliest printed account of Massachusetts; well written, and amusing.. Editions were printed in London in 1634, 1635, and 1639. 91 722 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. WOOD, William, continued. 1 New-England s Prospect. See YOUNG, Alex. (Chronicles of Mass.) WOODARD, Capt. David. 2 Narrative of Capt. Woodard and Four Seamen. See VAUGIIAN, W. WOODBRIDGE, Eev. Benjamin, of Newbery, England. 3 Method (The) of Grace in the Justification of Sinners. A Reply to a Book, by William Eyre of Salisbury, entituled, Vindiciffi Justificationis gratuita?. ... * * * London, 1656. 4 (6.3X4). WOODBRIDGE, William C., A.M., of Boston. Editor. See AMERICAN Annals of Education. Vol. 1-7. WOODBURY, Conn. Second Centennial Celebration. See COTHREN, W. WOODDESON, Richard, D.C.L., Prof, of Law at Univ. of Oxford-, d. 1822. 4 Elements of Jurisprudence treated of in the Preliminary Part of a Course of Lectures on the Laws of England. Dublin, 1792. 8 (5.8X3.3). 5 Systematical View (A) of the Laws of England ; as treated of in a Course of Vinerian Lectures, read at Oxford, during a series of years, commencing in Mich. Term, 1777. * * * Vol. 1,2. Dublin, 1792. 8 (6.2X3.3), m. r. WOODEN World (The) dissected, in the Characters of a Ship of War, a Sea- 6 Captain, &c. London, [about 1740]. 16 (4.4X2.5). WOODFALL, William, Edit, of Morning Chronicle, &c., London; &.1746. c?.1803. 7 Impartial Report (An) of the Debates that occur in the Two Houses of Parliament, 4th Session, 17th Parliament of Great Britain, Jan. 21, April 17, 1794. with some Account of the Speakers, Notes, &c. . . . Vol. 1-3. London, 1794. 8 (6.4X3.5). WOODHOUSE, James, M.D., Prof, of CJiem. Univ. of Penn. : b. 1771. d. 1809. Editor, &c. See PARKINSON, J. Chemical Pocket-Book (The) : &c. WOODHOUSE, Robert, F.Pi.S., Prof, of Astron. Univ. of Camb. ; 6.1773. <U827. 8 Treatise (A) on Astronomy Theoretical and Practical. Pt. I. ... II. -Vol. 1,2. ... 3 vols. \_Plates.~] Cambridge, 1821, 23, 18. 8 (6.4X3.9). 9 Treatise (A) on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. 2d ed., altered and enlarged. Cambridge, 1813. 8 (6.8X4.8). WOODHOUSLEE, Lord. See TYTLER, A. F., Lord Woodlwuslee. WOODMAN, Cyrus, Esq. 10 Memoir and Journals of Rev. Paul Coffin, D.D. See COFFIN, P. WOODS, Rev. George, A.M., Rector of Sully, Glamorganshire. Translator. See MADVIG, J. N. Latin Grammar. WOODS, Leonard, D.D., Prof. Theol. at Andover Theol. Sem. ; b. 1774. d. 1854. 11 Artillery-Election Sermon, June 6, 1808. Boston, 1808. 8, pp. 23. 12 Contrast (A) between the Effects of Religion, and the Effects of Atheism. An Oration delivered at Commencement, Harvard University, Cambridge, July 17, 1799. Boston, 1799. 8, pp. 20. 13 Course of Study in Christian Theology. See BURDER, H. F. Mental Discipline, &c. 14 Grand Theme (The) of the Christian Preacher. Sermon, in Boston, Feb. 21, 1821, at Ordination of B. B. Wisner. Andover, 1821. 8, pp. 30. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 723 WOODS, Leonard, D.D., continued. 1 Introductory Essay. See SPRAGUE, W. B. Lectures on Revivals. 2 Mourning Husband (The). Discourse at the Funeral of Mrs. Thankful Church, April 15, 1806. Newburyport, 1806. 8, pp. 18. 3 Lectures on Infant Baptism. Andover, 1828. 12 (5.3X3.2). 4 Letters to Rev. N. W. Taylor. Andover, 1830. 8 (6.3X3.8). 5 Letters to Unitarians occasioned by the Sermon of Rev. W. E. Chan- ning at the Ordination of J. Sparks. Andover, 1820. 8 (6. 7X3. 9). 6 Letter to Unitarians and Reply to Dr. Ware. 2d ed. With an Appen dix. Andover, 1822. 8 (6.3X3.7). 7 Reply (A) to Dr. Ware s Letters to Trinitarians and Calvinists. Andover, 1821. 8 (6.7X3.9). 8 Sermon delivered May 3, 1812, at the Funeral of Samuel Abbot, Esq., in Andover. Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 19, 9 Sermon delivered before the Massachusetts Missionary Society, May 26, 1812. Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 21. 10 Sermon delivered at the Ordination of the Rev. J. W. Ellingwood, at Bath, Me., Nov. 4, 1812. Rev. J. Ide, at Medway, Nov. 2, 1814. and Rev. William Eaton, at Fitchburgh, Aug. 30, 1815. Andover, 1815. 8, pp. 18. 11 Sermon delivered in Salem, Feb. 6, 1812, on occasion of the Ordination of Samuel Newell, Adoniram Judson, Samuel Nott, Gordon Hall, and Luther Rice, Missionaries to Asia. [Ch., by S. Spring ; 11. IL, by S. Worcester. ] Boston, 1812. 8, pp. 44. 12 Works. . . . Vol. 1-5. [Portrait.] Andover, 1849- 50. 12 (6.4X3.7). WOODS, Leonard, Jim., D.D., son of preceding, Pres. of Bowd. Coll. ; b. 1807. 13 Address (An) on the Life and Character of Parker Cleaveland, LL.D., late Professor of Chemistry, &c. in Bowdoin College, delivered in Au gusta, Jan. 19, 1859, before the Maine Historical Society. 2d ed. [Por trait. ] Brunswick, 1860. 8, pp. 80. 14 Address on the Opening of the New Hall of the Medical School of Maine, Feb. 21, 1862. Brunswick, 1862. 8, pp. 24. 1 5 Eulogy on Daniel Webster, delivered by Request of the City Govern ment and Citizens of Portland, Nov. 17, 1852. Brunswick, 1852. 8, pp. 55. is Eulogy on Prof. Cleaveland. See MAINE Hist. Society. (Coll., vol. 6.) Editor. See LITERARY (The) and Theological Review. Vol. 1-4. Translator. See (in Appendix) KNAPP, G. C. Christian Theology. WOODWARD, B. B., of London. Editor. See BARCLAY, James. Universal English Dictionary. WOODWARD, Charles, F.E.S. i? Familiar Introduction (A) to the Study of Polarized Light ; with a De scription of, and Instructions for using the Table and Hydro-oxygen Polariscope and Microscope. [Engravings. } London, 1848. 8, pp. 40, WOODWARD, Josiah, D.D., Rector of Maidstone, Kent; fl. 1692. 18 Certainty (The) of God s Being and of His Universal Government. Sermons at Boyle s Lecture. See (BOYLE S Lecture Sermons, vol. 2). 724 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. WOODWARD, S. P., F.G.S., Ass t in British Museum. 1 Manual (A) of the Mollusca : or, Rudimentary Treatise of Recent and Fossil Shells. ... [Plates and Cuts. ] London, 1856. 12 (5.6X3.4). WOODWARD, AVilliam R., Esq. Compiler. See HARVARD COLLEGE. Law School. A Catalogue of the Law Library. 2d ed. WOODWORTH, Samuel, Esq. 2 Additions to Smith s Festivals, &c. See SMITH, Horatio. WOOLHOUSE, W. S. B., F.R.A.S., &c., of London. Editor. See TREDGOLD, T. The Steam Engine : &c. WOOLRYCH, Edmund, Esq. Translator. See WACHSMUTH, W. Hist. Antiquities of the Greeks. WORCESTER, Joseph Emerson, LL.D., of Cambridge, Mass. 3 Dictionary (A) of the English Language. * * * [Illustrated.] Boston, 1860. 4 (9.4X6-9), 3 cols., pp. 1854. 4 Geographical Dictionary (A), or Universal Gazetteer ; Ancient and Mo dern. ... Vol. 1,2. Andover, 1817. 8 (7.5X4.3), 2 cols. 5 Remarks on Longevity in the United States, &c. See AMERICAN Acade my, c. (Memoirs, New Series, vol. 1.) 6 Universal and Critical Dictionary (A) of the English Language : to which are added Walker s Key to the Pronunciation of Classical and Scriptural Proper Names, much enlarged and improved ; and a Pro nouncing Vocabulary of Modern Geographical Names. * * * Boston, 1846. 8 (7.9X4.7), 2 cols., pp. Ixxvi., 956. Editor. See AMERICAN Almanac, &c. 1831-1842. WORCESTER, Rev. Leonard, of Peacham, Vt. ; b. 1767. d. 1846. 7 Letters, &c. occasioned by a Sermon on Election, preached by Rev. Aaron Bancroft, Nov. 30, 1794. [Worcester, 1795.] 8, pp. 36. WORCESTER, Rev. Noah, D.D., of Brighton, Mass. ; b. 1759. d. 1837. 8 Causes and Evils of Contentions revealed in Letters to Christians. Boston, 1831. 12 (4.9X3). 9 Doctrine (The) of Pronouns applied to Christ s Testimony of Himself. 2d ed. ... Boston, 1831." 12. pp. 24. 10 Friend (The) of Peace. By Philo Pacificus [N. Worcester]. * * * Vol. 1-4. Vol. 1, Boston ; 2-4, Cambridge, [1818]- 27. 8 (6.5X3.8). 11 Review (A) of Atheism for Unlearned Christians. Boston, 1836. 12, pp. 46. 12 Solemn Review (A) of the Custom of War ; showing that War is the Effect of Popular Delusion, and proposing a Remedy. By Philo Pacifi cus [xV. Worcester]. * * * 5th ed. Cambridge, 1816. 8, pp. 32. 13 Testimonies from the Neighborhood of the Eternal World on Acceptance with God. Boston, 1834. 12, pp. 28. J4 Thoughts on the Personality of the Word of God. Boston, 1836. 12, pp. 23. 15 Tribute to the Memory of. See CHANNING, W. E. WORCESTER, Rev. Samuel, D.D., of Salem, Mass. ; b. 1771. d. 1821. 16 Drunkard (The) a Destroyer. Discourse delivered before the Massa chusetts Society for the Suppression of Intemperance, May 30, 1817. Boston, 1817. 8, pp. 24, CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 725 WORCESTER, Rev. Samuel, D.D., continued. 1 Sermons on various Subjects, Practical and Doctrinal. Salem, 1823. 8 (6.2X3.7). 2 Wisdom (The) of God. Sermon before the Massachusetts Missionary Society, in Boston, May 30, 1809. Boston, 1809. 8, pp. 43. WORCESTER, Rev. Thomas, A.M., of Salisbury, N.H. ; d. 1831. 3 Ecclesiastical Usurpation and strange Inconsistency exposed : a Letter to Rev. Seth Payson, D.D. Concord, 1815. 8, pp. 23. WORDSWORTH, Christopher, D.D., Canon of Westminster, &c. ; b. about 1808. 4 Memoir of William Wordsworth, Poet-Laureate, D. C. L. ... Edited by II. Reed. Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 1851. 16 (5.5X3.3). WORDSWORTH, William, D.C.L., Poet-Laureate, &c. ; b. 1770. d. 1850. 5 Complete Poetical Works ; together with a Description of the Country of the Lakes in the North of England, ... * * * Edited by H. Reed. [Portrait.] Philadelphia, 1837. 8 (8.5X5.4), 2 cols., pp.* 551. 6 Memoirs of Wordsworth. See WORDSWORTH, C. 7 Poetical Works. [With Sketch of Life.] Vol. 1-7. [Portrait.] Boston, 1854. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). WORLD (The), a Paper, conducted by Moore. See MOORE, E. WORRALL, John. Compiler. See BIBLIOTHECA Legum Anglian Part I. WORSAAE, Jens Jacob Asmussen, a Danish antiquary ; b. 1821. 8 Primeval Antiquities (The) of Denmark. Translated and applied to the Illustration of similar Remains in England, by W. J. Thorns. Illustrated by numerous Woodcuts. London, 1849. 8 (7X4.1). WORTHINGTON, John, D.D., Rector of Ingoldsby, Lincolnshire; b. 1618. d. 1671. Editor, &c. See MEDE, J. Works, with a Life, &c. WOTTOX, Sir Henry, Provost of Eton College; b. 1568. d. 1G39. ( J Life. See WALTON, I. The Livefflf Donne, Wotton, &c. WREN, Sir Christopher, LL.D., Pres. R.S., an Eng. architect ; b. 1632. d. 1723. 10 Life, by Henry Bellender Ker. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Use ful Knowledge. Library, &c. Lives of Eminent Men ; &c. WRIGHT, Caleb. 11 Lectures on India: also, Descriptions of remarkable Customs and Per sonages in other Pagan and Mohammedan Countries. Illustrated by numerous Engravings. Boston, 1848. 8 (7X4). NOTE. Each Lecture has also independent title-page and paging. WRIGHT, Edward, of Cambridge, England ; d. about 1620. 12 Voyage of the Right Hon. George Earl of Cumberland to the Azores, &c., in 1789. See PLNKERTON, J. (Voyages and Travels, vol. 1.) WRIGHT, John, of London. 13 Natural History (A) of the Globe, of Man, of Beasts, Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, Insects and Plants. From the Writings of Buffon, Cuvier, Lacepede, and other eminent Naturalists. . . . With 500 Engravings. ... Vol. 1-5. Boston, 1831. 12 (4.9X3). NOTE. Also with second title-pages engraved. WRIGHT, Thomas, F.S.A., &c., an English archaeologist; b. 1810. 14 Biographia Britannica Literaria ; or Biography of Literary Characters of Great Britain and Ireland, arranged in Chronological Order. Anglo- Saxon Period ; Anglo-Norman Period. 2 vols. London, 1842, 46. 8 (6.4X3.6). 726 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. WEIGHT, Thomas, continued. 1 Celt (The), the Roman, and the Saxon: a History of the Early Inhabi tants of Britain, down to the Conversion of the Anglo Saxons to Chris tianity. Illustrated by the Ancient Remains brought to light by Re cent Research. [Map and Engravings.] London, 1852. 8 (5. 7X3. 5). 2 Essays on Subjects connected with the Literature, Popular Superstitions, and History of England in the Middle Ages. . . . Vol. 1,2. * * * London, 1846. 12 (5.6X3.2). 3 Political Songs (The) of England, from the Reign of John to that of Edward II. Edited and translated by T. Wright. * * * London, 1839. 4 (5.8X3.8 irr.). Editor. See GAIMAR, G. Gaimar, Havelock et Herward. Editor. See GUILDFORD, N. de. The Owl and the Nightingale. Editor. See MAPES, W. De Nugis Curialium Distinctiones quinque. Editor. See PIERS PLOUGHMAN. The Vision and Creed of. Joint Editor. See RELIQUIAE Antique. WROTTESLEY, John, 2d Lord, A.M., Pres. R.S., &c. ; b. 1798. 4 Address delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Royal Society, Nov. 30, 1858. London, 1858. 8, pp. 26. 5 Navigation. See SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Li brary, &c. (Natural Philosophy, vol. 3.) WTJTTKE, Heinrich. 6 Jahrbuch de deutschen Universitaten. I. Sommerhalbjahr 1842. Leipzig, 1842. 8 (5.3X3.2). WYATT, Sir Francis, Gov. of Virginia from 1621 to 1626. 7 Life. See BELKNAP, J. (American Biography, vol. 2.) WYATT, Sir Thomas, an English courtier & poet; b. 1503. d. 1541. 8 Poetical Works. With a Memoir. [Portrait.] * Boston, 1854. 16 (4.8X2.8 irr.). WYCLIFFE, WICLIF, or WICKLIFF, John DE, D.D., the forerunner of Luther in the Reformation ; b. in England, about 1324. d. 1384. 9 Life and Opinions of John de AVycliffe. See VAUGHAN, Robert. WYMAN, Jeffries, M.D., Prof, of Anat. in Harvard College. 10 Anatomy of the Nervous System of Rana Pipiens. Pp.52. See SMITH SONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 5.) 11 Description of a Portion of the Lower Jaw and a Tooth of the Masto don Andium ; &c. See UNITED STATES. Explorations and Surveys. (The U. S. Naval Astronomical Expedition, vol. 2.) WYNELL, Eev. Thomas, of Cranham, in Gloucestershire. 12 Covenants (The) Plea for Infants. ... Oxford, 1642. 4 (5.8X3.5). WYNPERSSE, Dionysius van der, D.D., Prof, of Philos., &c. at Leyden. 13 Proof of the true and eternal Godhead of our Lord Jesus Christ ; against modern Attacks. . . . Translated from the Dutch, by T. Bell. Edinburgh, 1795. 12 (5. 3X3). [3 copies.] WYVILL, Eev. Christopher. 14 Summary Explanation of the Principles of Mr. Pitt s intended Bill for amending the Representation of the People in Parliament. 2d ed. London, 1785. 8, pp. 29. [2 copies.] CATALOGUE OF THE LI13RAUY. 727 X. XENOPHOX, a Greek historian, a pupil of Socrates ; d. at Corinth, 360 B.C. 1 Commentarii Dictorvm Factorvmqve Socratis ad defendendvra evm scrip- ti a Xenophonte Libris IV [Greek.] Cvm Apologia Socratis . . . Con- iectvris Annotationibvsqve post Schneidervm et Coraivm recensvit et in- terpretatvs est F. A. Bornemann Ed. maior Lipsiae, 1829. 8 (6.5X3.8). 2 Expeditione (De) Cyri Commentarii. [Greek.] Ed. 2da. Cvravit F. A. Bornemann. Additis R. Porsoni Annotationibvs integris. Lipsiae, 1825. 8 (6.5X3.8), pp. 722. 3 Harangues tirees de Xenophon. See AUGER, A. (Harangues, etc., vol. 2.) 4 History of the Affairs of Greece, in Seven Books : being a Continuation of the Peloponnesian War ; from the Time where Thucydides ends, to the Battel at Mantinea. To^vhich is prefixed an Abstract of Thucy dides, and a brief Account of the Land and Naval Forces of the An cient Greeks. Translated from the Greek, by J. Newman. London, 1685. 8 (5.5X3), m. n. 5 Memoirs of Socrates. With the Defence of Socrates before his Judges. Translated from the original Greek. By S. Fielding. 3d ed. ... London, 1788. 8 (5.4X3.2). 6 Memorabilia of Socrates [Greek], with English Notes, by A. S. Packard. Andover, 1839. 12 (5.4X3.3). 7 Memorabilia of Socrates : [Greek] from the Text of Kiihner ; with co pious English explanatory Notes, Life, Chronology, Examination Ques tions, and Indexes. By D. B. Hickie. . . . London, 1847. 12 (6X3.5). 8 Memorabilium Socratis Dictorum Libri IV. [Greek and Lathi.] Cum Notis H. Stephani, Leunclavii, JEi. Portii & Ernesti. Recensuit, suisque Annotationibus auxit B. Simpson. Ed. 3tia. [Frontispiece.] Oxonii, 1759. 8 (6X3.6). 9 Xenophontis de Cyri Instituti one Libri octo. [Greek and Latin.] Grae- ca recognovit, cum Codice MSto Oxoniensi . . ., Observationibus suis, Tabulaque Geographica auxit & illustravit, Notas H. Stephani, Leun clavii, JEi. Portii, et Meneti . . . , Indicesque necessaries adjunxit T. Hutchinson. Ed. 6ta. Londini, 1765. 8 (6.6X3.7), pp. 547. 1 Xenophontis quae extant [Greek.] Ex librorum scriptorvm fide et viro- rvm doctorvm coniectvris recensvit et interpretatvs est lo. Gottl. Schnei der Tom. 1 Cyri Discipline 2 Expeditionem Cyri continens 3 Histo- riam Graecam continens 4 Memorabilia Socratis et eivsdem Apologiam continens 5 Oeconomicvm, Convivivm, Hieronem, et Agesilavm conti nens 6 Opvscvla politica, Eqvestria et Venatica continens [Portrait.] Lipsiae, 1815- 29. 8 (6.2-.5X3.5-.8). NOTE. Vol. 2-5 have also second title-pages, expressing respective contents. li Xenophontis quee extant Opera. [Latin.] Quorum Interpretationem a diversis editam H. Stephanus partim ipse recognovit, partim per alio re- cognoscendam curauit. . . . His pra?fixa est eiusdem H. Stephani Ora- tio, De conjungendis cum Marte Musis, exemplo Xenophontis. . . . [Paris, 1581.] 2 (10.6X5.8), m. r. 728 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. Y. YALE, Rev. Cyras, of New Hartford, Conn.; b. 1789. d. 1854. 1 War unreasonable and unscriptural. Address before the Hartford Coun ty Peace Society, Nov. 11, 1832. Hartford, 1833. 8, pp. 24. YALE 2 Agricultural Lectures. First Course, 1860. See OLCOTT, J. S. YALE COLLEGE, at New- Haven, Conn. ; first class graduated, 1702. 3 Catalogue of the Officers and Students. 1842-3; 1843-4; 1844-5; 1845-6; 1848-9; 1849-50; 1854-55; 1856-57; 1858-59; 1859-60; 1860-61 ; 1861-62. New-Haven, 1842- 60. 8, pamps. 4 Catalogus Academics) Yalensis, M.DCC,LXXXI. Hartfordiae, 1781. 4, pp. 33. 5 Catalogus Senatus Academici et eorum qui munera et officia Academica gesserunt, quiquc aliquovis exornati fuerunt in Collegio Yalensi. In Novo-Portu, 1856. 8 (7.7X4.5), 2 cols. 6 Collegii Yalensis, quod est Novo-Portu, Connecticutensium, Statuta, a Preside et Sociis sancita. Novo-Portu, 1764. 4, pp. 24. 7 Laws of Yale College. New-Haven, 1787. 8, pp. 27. 8 Letter to a Friend, on the subject of Rev. Mr. Noyes s proposed Examina tion by Corporation of Yale College, &c. New-Haven, 1757. 8, pp. 32. 9 Letter to a Member of the Lower House of Assembly of Connecticut, on the Taxes, &c. of Yale College. New-Haven, 1759. 8, pp. 23. YATES, Rev, James, A.M., of Glasgow. 1 Vindication (A) of Unitarianism, in Reply to Mr. Wardlaw s Discourses on the Socinian Controversy. *** Boston, 1816. 8 (6.1X3.6). YATES, Robert, Chief -Justice of New York; b. 1738. d. 1801. 11 Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Convention assembled at Phila delphia, in the year 1787, for the purpose of forming the Constitution of the United States of America. From Notes taken by the late R. Yates, and copied by J. Lansing, jun. Including " The Genuine Information," laid before the Legislature of Maryland, by Luther Martin. Also, other Historical Documents relative to the Federal Compact of the North American Union. Richmond, Va., 1839. 12 (5.7X3.3), YELVERTON, Sir Henry, Bart., Judge of Common Pleas. 12 Reports (The) of divers Special Cases in the Court of King s Bench, as well in the latter End of the Reign of Q. Elizabeth, as in the first ten years of K. James. 1st American from 4th English ed., with Notes and References ... by T. Metcalf. *** Andover, 1820. 8 (7X4.1), m. r. YEOMANS, Edward D. Translator. See Sci-iAFF, P. History of the Apostolic Church. YORKE, Henry Redhead, Esq. 13 Annals of Public Economy: containing Reports on the State of Agri culture, Commerce and Manufactures, in the different Nations of Eu rope, for the year 1802. . . . London, 1803. 8 (6.5X3.6), pp. 543. YOUNG, Rev. Alexander, D.D., of Boston; b. 1801. d. 1854. !4 Chronicles of the First Planters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, from 1623 to 1636. ... * * * {Portrait and Map.} Boston, 1846. 8 (6.7X3.7), m. d., pp. 571. 15 Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the Colony of Plymouth, from 1602 to 1625. ... *** 2ded. [Portrait.] Boston, 1844. 8 (6.7X3.7). m. d., pp. 502. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 729 YOUNG, Bev. Alexander, D.D., continued. 1 Discourse on the Twentieth Anniversary of his Ordination, in Boston, Jan. 19, 1845. Boston, 1845. 8, pp. 32. 2 Evangelical Unitarianism adapted to the Poor and Unlearned. Boston, 1830. 12, pp. 28. 3 Library (The) of the Old English Prose Writers. [Edited, with some Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, prefixed to each se lection, by Rev. A. Young. ] Vol. 2. Sir Philip Sidney s Defence of Poetry. Selden s Table-Talk. 3. Works of Sir Thomas Browne. 4. Felltham s Resolves. 5, 6. Walton s Lives. 7. Latimer s Sermons. 8. Jeremy Taylor. 9. Works of Sir Thomas More. * * * 7 vols. Boston and Cambridge, 1831- 34. 12 (4.7X2.7). NOTE. Each volume has also independent title-page. 4 Memoir of, by C. Bobbins. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 4th Series, vol. 2.) YOUNG, Arthur, F.R.S., an eminent English agriculturist; b. 1741. d. 1820. 5 Farmer s Calendar (The) : containing the Business necessary to be per formed on various kinds of Farms during every Month of the Year. 8th ed., greatly enlarged. London, 1809. 8 (6.3X3.4), pp. 663. 6 General View of the Agriculture of the County of Essex. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture, &c. By ... [A. Young]. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Map and Plates.] London, 1807. 8 (6.3X3.3). 7 General View of the Agriculture of the County of Norfolk ; drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture, &c. By ... [A. Young]. [Map and Plates.] London, 1804. 8 (6.2X3.3), pp. 532. 8 General View of the Agriculture of the County of Suffolk ; drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture, &c. By . . . [A. Young]. 3d ed. [Map and Plates. ] London, 1804. 8 (6.1X3.3). 9 General View of the Agriculture of the County of Sussex. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture, &c. [Map, Plans, and Plates.] London, 1808. 8 (6.2X3.3). 10 General View of the Agriculture of Lincolnshire. Drawn up by order of the Board of Agriculture, &c. By. . . [A. Young]. 2d ed. [Maps and Plates.] London, 1808. 8 (6.2X3.4). 11 Six Months Tour (A) through the North of England. [By A. Young.] ... * * * 2d ed., corrected and enlarged. Vol. 1-4. [Plates.] London, 1771. 8 (6X3.2). 12 Tour in Ireland. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyages, &c., vol. 4.) 13 Travels during the years 1787, 1788, and 1789. Undertaken . . . with a view of ascertaining the Cultivation, Wealth, Resources, and National Prosperity, of the Kingdom of France. [Map.] London, 1792. 4 (7.9X5.7), pp. 566. 14 Travels in France, 1787-89. See PINKERTON, J. (Voyages, &c., vol. 4.) 15 View of the Agriculture of Oxfordshire. Drawn up for the Board of Agriculture, &c. By . . . [A. Young]. [Map and Plates.] London, 1809. 8 (6.2X3.4). YOUNG, Rev. Edward, LL.D., an English poet ; b. 1681. d. 1765, 16 Memoir, by J. Mitford. See (Poetical Works, post. Vol. 1 , pp. viL-lxviu.) 92 730 UOWDOIN COLLEGE. YOUNG, Rev. Edward, LL.D., continued. 1 Poetical Works. Vol. 1,2. [Portrait.] Boston, 1854. 16 (4.8X2.8). 2 Works. . . . Vol. 1-5. [Frontispieces.] London, 1767- 73. 12 (4.7X2.8). YOUNG, John, LL.D., of Edinburgh. 3 Mystery (The) ; or, Evil and God. *** London, 1856. 12 (5.2X3.2). 4 Mystery (The), or Evil and God. * * * Philadelphia, 1856. 12 (5.1X3.2). YOUNG, Thomas, M.D., F.R.S., Prof, at Royal Inst., London ; I. 1773. d.1829. 5 Course (A) of Lectures on Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts. New ed., with References and Notes by P. Kelland. . . . Vol. 1. Text. 2. Plates. London, 1845. 8 (6.9X2.9). YOUNG, Sir William, Bart., F.E.S., &c. ; b. 1750. d. 1815. 6 Speech delivered in Parliament on the Subject of the Slave Trade, April 19, 1791. London, 1791. 8, pp. 63. YOUNG Clerk s (The) Vade Mecum : or, Compleat English Law-Tutor. . . . i 7th ed. ... Belfast, 1763. 12 (4.8X2.8). YOUNG Man s (A) Account of his Conversion from Calvinism. A Statement of s Facts. Boston, 1838. 12, pp. 34. YOUNG Men s Association of Troy. See TROY Young Men s Association. YOUNGS, Benjamin S., of the Society of Shakers. Joint Author. See DARROW, D. Testimony of Christ s 2d Appearing. YOUTH S 9 Companion (The). ... Andover, 1820. 12 (4X2.7). z. ZACH, Frangois Xavier, Baron DE. See DE ZACH, F. X., Baron. ZANCHI, Girolamo, Prof, of Theol. at Heidelberg; b. 1516. d. 1590. 10 Opervm Theologicorvm, Tom. 1-6. ... * * * Geneva?, 1613. 2 (11X6.2), 2 cols. NOTE. Bound in two volumes. Vol. 4 is imperfect, wanting to p. 26. 11 Opervm Theologicorvm, Tom. 1-8. ... * * * Geneva, 1617- 19. 2 (11X6.2), 2 cols. NOTE. Bound in three volumes. Vol. 1,4, are imperfect, wanting title-pages. 12 Scrip tvra Sacra (De), Liber nonus. Controversias eivs Argvmenti om- nes . . . explicans. Praefixa est eiusdem Oratio gravissima de Verbo Dei puro putoque in Ecclesia & Scholiis conseruando, ... * * * Heidelberga?, 1593. 8 (4.5X2.5), m. n. ZEHN Briefe aus Oesterreich an den Verfasser der Briefe aus Berlin. * * * 13 Schlesischen Grantze, 1784. 12 (4.8X2.8). ZEUNE, Johann Carl, Prof, at Leipzig, & Wittenberg; b. 1736. d. 1788. Editor, &c. See VIGER, F. De praecipvis Graecae Dictionis Idiotis- mis Liber. ZEVORT, Charles, an instructor in tlie Ecole Normale* of Paris. Joint Translator, &c. See ARISTOTELES. La Metaphysique. ZIMMERMANN, Johann Georg von, a Swiss physician; b. 1728. d. 1795. 14 Solitude. . . . [Engravings. ] New- York, 1819. 24 (4.2X2.1). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 731 ZINZENDORF, Nicolaus Ludwig, Count VON, the founder of the sect of the " United Brethren"; b. at Dresden, 1700. d. 1760. * Life of Count Zinzendorf. See SPANGENBERG, A. G. ZOLLIKOFER, Georg Joachim, a distinguished German pulpit orator ; b. in Switzerland, 1730. d. 1788. 2 Seven Sermons on the Reformation, translated with some Account of the Author, by W. Tooke. Boston, 1809. 8, pp. 83. 3 Sermons on Education. ... Boston, 1809. 8 (6X3.5). ZOUCH, Thomas, D.D., Prebend, of Durham; b. 1737. d. 1815. 4 Account of the Life and Writings of Walton. See WALTON, I. The Lives of John Donne, &c. Vol. 1, pp. ix.-xcii. ZSCHOKKE, Emil. 5 Continuation of the History of Switzerland. See ZSCHOKKE, H. ZSCHOKKE, Heinrich, a Swiss politician, &c. ; b. in Prussia, 1771. d. 1848. 6 History (The) of Switzerland, for the Swiss People. With a Continua tion to the year 1848, by Emil Zschokke. Translated by F. G. Shaw. New York, 1855. 12 (5.6X3.5). ZUINGER, Jakob, a physician of Bale ; d. 1610. 7 Graecarum Dialectorum Hypotyposis. (Annexed to Scapula s Lexicon.) See SCAPULA, J. Lexicon Graico-Latinvm novvm. Zwo chymisch-physikalische Abhandlungen, deren die erste den Arsenik, die 8 andre aber den Salpeter. Leipzig, 1769. 8, pp. 83. 732 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. APPENDIX, OF ADDITIONS AND OMISSIONS. [Heading s in the Appendix, preceded by a dagger (f) occur in the Catalogue, and should be referred to in the latter for the full form, &c.] ALC.EUS, of Mitylene, a Greek lyric poet & warrior-, fl. about 600 B.C. i Epigrammata, Gra?ce. See BERGK, T. (Poetae Lyrici Graeci.) AMERICAN Cyclopaedia. See NEW (The) American Cyclopaedia, t ANACREON. 2 Carmina. See BERGK, T. (Poetae Lyrici Graeci.) f ARAGO, D. F. J. Autobiography. See (Biographies of Distinguished Scien- 3 tific Men, post. Pp. 1-58). 4 Biographies of Distinguished Scientific Men. By F. Arago. Transla ted by Admiral W. H. Smyth, Rev. B. Powell, and R. Grant. London, 1837. 8 (7.2X4), pp. 607. 5 Popular Astronomy : by F. Arago. Translated . . . and edited by Ad miral W. H. Smyth, and R. Grant, Esq. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Illustrated.] London, 1855. Thick 8 (7. 1X4). ARCHILOCHUS, a Greek iambic poet, of Paros ; b. about 700 B.C. 6 Reliquiae. Grreee. See BERGK, T. (Poetae Lyrici Graeci.) ASTOR LIBRARY, New-York. Catalogue or Alphabetical Index of the Astor 7 Library. . . . Parti. Authors and Books. [Compiled by J. G. Cogs well.] ... New York, 1857- 61. 8 (7.8X4.7), pp. 2110. NOTE With title-pages, to divide the work into four volumes. -J-BAILLY, J, S. 8 Life. See ARAGO, D. F. J. (Distinguished Scientific Men.) BERCHETVS, Tvss. Elementaria Traditio Christianorum Fidei aut Catechismus. 9 [Greek and Latin. ] . . . Hanoviae, 1604. 8 (4.8X2.9), m. r., par. cols., pp. 645. BERGK, Theodor. Poetae Lyrici Graeci. R,ecensuit T. Bergk. Ed. altera auc- 10 tior et emendatior. Lipsiae, 1853. 8 (6.6X3.9), pp. 1093. BERNIS, Francois Joachim DE PIERRES, Comte de Lyon, & Cardinal DE, a French statesman, &c. ; b. 1715. d. 1794. H QEuvres complettes de M. le C, de B * * *. Nouv. ed. * * * Tom. 1, 2. [Portrait.] Londres, 1786. 24 (3.5X2 irr.). f BERNOUILLI, J. Joint Author. See (in Catalogue) LEJBNJTZ, G. W. Com- 12 mercium philosophicum et mathematician. BLAVIER, Prof. . Joint Author. See GOQUILLOT, Prof. . Tarif ge- 13 neral de toutes les Contributions, etc. t BOSTON, City of. Public Library. Index to the Catalogue of Books in the 14 Upper Hall of the Public Library of the City of Boston. * * * Boston, 1861. 8 (8X5.2), 2 cols., pp. 902. BOUCHON DU B.OURNIAL, Henri, a French engineer, &c. ; b. 1749. d. 1828. 15 Considerations sur les Finances, et Idee generale d un Moyen simple doux et. facile, pour rembourser la plus grande partie de la dette fonciere de 1 Etat. .... JPar M. du Bournial. London, 1787. 8 (5.4X3.1). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 733 BOUILLON LAGRANGE, J. B., Prof, in the Central Schools of Paris, &c, 1 Manual (A) of a Course of Chemistry ; or, A Series of Experiments and Illustrations, necessary to a complete Course of that Science [Plates.] Translated from the French. ... Vol. 1, 2. London, 1800. 8 (6.4X3.4), BRAND, Adam, Commercial Agent to the King of Prussia. 2 Neu vermehrte Beschreibung seiner grosscn Chinesischen Reise, er An no 1692. ... Berlin, 1712. 12 (5.2X3).. BRIDGE, Horatio, Lieut. U.S.N. 3 Journal of an African Cruiser ; comprising Sketches of the . . . Places- of Interest on the West Coast of Africa. By an Officer of the U. S.. Navy [H. Bridge]. Edited by N. Hawthorne. New-York & London, 1845. 8 (5.7X3.5).. f BRITISH and Foreign Bible Society. Jubilee Celebration at Bombay, Decem- 4 ber 21, 1853 ; including a Historical Review of the Translation and Cir culation of the Scriptures by the Bombay Auxiliary Society. Bombay, 1854. 8, pp. 92. BRITISH MUSEUM. Department of Practical Art. Catalogue of the Articles 5 of Ornamental Art. 2d ed. London, 1852. 8, pp. 99. BRODHEAD, John Romeyn, an American politician & historian; b. 1814. 6 Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York, procured in Holland, England, and France, by J. R. Brodhead, Ag t. With a General Introduction. See (in Catalogue) NEW YORK. BROCKWAY, Deodati, of Ellington, Conn.; b. 1776. d. 1849. ? Missionary Sermon, May 19, 1812. Hartford, 1812. 8, pp. 45. BROWN, John Allan, F.E.S., Director of Observatories at Trevandrum. 8 Report on the Observatories of the Rajah of Travancore at Trevandrum, and on the Agustier Peak of the Western Ghats. \_Plates.~] Trevandrum, 1857. 8, pp. 66. BROWNE, John White, Esq., of Boston-, b. 1810. d. 1860. 9 In Memorials. J. W. B. * * * Containing Memoir of J. W. Browne, by J. A. Andrew ; Sermon at Hingham on his Death, by C. C. Shack- ford; Sermon at Salem, by E. B. Willson ; &c. Boston, 1860. 16 (5.2X3.3), pp. 90. BRUNSWICK 10 Telegraph. Vol. 5-9. Brunswick, 1857-62. 2 (21X16), 7 cols. BUNKER HILL. Sketches of Bunker Hill Battle and Monument: with illus- 11 trative Documents. [Map and Plate.] Charlestown, 1843. 12 (4.5X2.7). t BUNYAN, J. 12 Life and Times, &c. See (in Catalogue) PHILIP, R. f CALIFORNIA. State Library. Catalogue of the California State Library, pre- 13 pared by W. C. Stratton. Sacramento, 1860. 8 (7.1X4.3). f CARNOT, Lazare Nicolas Margarite, a French physicist; b. 1753. d. 1823. 14 Life. See ARAGO, D. F. J. (Distinguished Scientific Men.) CARTER, Robert. Hungarian Controversy (The) : an Exposure of the Falsifi- 15 cations and Perversions of the Slanderers of Hungary. Boston, 1852. 8, pp. 48, CAVENDISH, or CANDISH, Thomas, an English navigator ; d. 1593. 16 Life and Voyages. See LIVES and Voyages of Drake, &c. CHARLES L, or CHARLEMAGNE, Emperor of Germany, &c. ; b. 742. d. 812. I? History of Charlemagne. See JAMES, G. P. R. 734 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. CHINESE LANGUAGE. Dissertation on the Language and Characters of the Chi- 1 nese. Rules of Conduct by a Chinese Author. The Little Orphan of the House of Chao : a Chinese Tragedy. 12 (4.5X2.5). NOTE. Imperfect, wanting- title-page. t CHOATE, R. Discourse delivered before the Faculty, Students, and Alumni 2 of Dartmouth College, July 27, 1853, commemorative of Daniel Web ster. Boston and Cambridge, 1853. 8, pp. 100. CLARK, Eev. Ephraim, of Boston. 3 Discourse on Justification by Faith y the Substance of two Sermons de livered to the New Congregational Church in Boston ; with an Account of the Founding, &c. of the Church. Boston, 1751. 8, pp. 44. CLARKE, H. Operation for clearing the Apparent Distance of the Moon from 4 a Star or the Sun of the Effects of Refraction and Parallax. [Plates.] Bristol, 1800. 4, pp. 19. CLAVIS Homerica, sive Lexicon Vocabulorum omnium quse in Iliade Homeri, 5 nee non potissime Odysseae parte continentur. Opus primum in Anglia concinnatum. ... * * * Roterdami, 1662. 8 (5.2X3.1). CLAYTON, Sir Richard, Bart. Translator, &c. See (in Catalogue) SAINTE CROIX, G. E. J. GUILHEM DE CLERMONT-LODERE. Critical Inquiry into the Life of Alexander the Great. CLEMENT XIV., Pope; b. at St. ArcJiangelo, 1705. d. 1774. 6 Interesting Letters of Pope Clement XIV. (Ganganelli.) To which are added, Anecdotes of his Life : translated from the French edition, pub lished at Paris, by Lottin, jun. . . . Vol. 1, 2. Dublin, 1793. 12 (5X2.7). [2 copies.] NOTE. These Letters are generally considered unauthentic. COBB, Isaac. 7 Sylvan Poets. * * * . Boston, 1851. 8, pp. 80. COGSWELL, Joseph Greene, LL.D., Sup t of Astor Library, N.Y. Compiler. See ASTOR LIBRARY. Catalogue. Editor. See (in Catalogue) NEW YORK Review (The). COMMERELL, I Abbe DE. Memoires et Instruction sur la Culture, 1 Usage, et 8 les Avantages de la Racine de Disette. Paris, 1786. 8, pp. 44. CONANT, Rev. Sylvanus, of Middleborough, Mass.; d. 1777. 9 Anniversary Sermon, Plymouth, 1776. Boston, 1777. 8, pp. 31. CONANT, Prof. Thomas J., D.D., an American Biblical scholar ; b. 1802. 10 Defence of the Hebrew Grammar of Gesenius against Prof. Stuart s Translation. New York, 1847. 8, pp. 53. CONDIE, Thomas. History of the Pestilence, commonly called Yellow Fever, 11 which almost desolated Philadelphia, in the Months of August, Septem ber & October, 1798. By T. Condie & R. Folwell. Philadelphia, n. d. 8 (6.5X3.5). CONSIDERATIONS on the Measures carrying on with respect to the British Colo- 12 nies in North America. Boston, reprinted, 1774. 8, pp. 64. CONSIDERATIONS on two Papers published at Antwerp, respecting a Loan for 13 3,600,000 Guilders to be subscribed at the Houses of Messrs J. E. Ver- brouck and C. J. M. de Wolf, of that City. 2d ed. London, 1791. 8, pp. 74. CONTROVERSIAL Letter of a New Kind to Rev. Dr. Price, from a Clergyman of 4 the Church of England. London, 1790. 8, pp. 40. CATALOGUE OF THE LI J3 R ART. 735 COOPER, William. Report upon the Mollusca. See UNITED STATES. Explora- 1 tions and Surveys. (Reports of Explorations, &c. for a Pacific Rail road, vol. 12, P. II.) CORNUTOR (The) of Seventy-Five : a genuine Narrative of the Life, Adven- 2 tures, &c. of Don Ricardo Honey water. London, n. d. 8, pp. 29. COSTE, John Francis, M.D. 3 Oratio habita in Capitolio Gulielmopolitano in Comitiis Universitatis Vir ginia?, die xn Junii 1782. De antiqua Medico-Philosophia orbi novo adaptanda. Lugduni Batavorum, 1783. 8 (5.2X3.1). Cox, G. V., A.M., Fellow of Univ. of Oxford. Translator. See NEANDER, J. A. W. The Emperor Julian, &c. Translator. See (in Catalogue) ULLMANN, C. Gregory of Nazianzum. CRAWFORD, Adair, M.D., F.R.S., &c. 4 Experiments and Observations on Animal Heat, and the Inflammation of Combustible Bodies. 2d ed. London, 1788. 8 (6X3.3). CURRAN, John Philpot, an Irish orator; b. 1750. d. 1817. 5 Curran and his Contemporaries. See PHILLIPS, C. GUSHING, Thomas, LL.D., Lieut.-Gov. of Mass.; b. 1726. d. 1788. 6 Letters, from 1767 to 1775. See MASS. Hist. Society. (Collections, 4th Series, vol. 4.) DAMPIER, William, an English navigator ; b. about 1652. 7 Life and Voyages. See LIVES and Voyages of Drake, &c. DANA, Charles A. Joint Editor. See NEW American Cyclopaedia. D ANVERS, Caleb. The Craftsman extraordinary ; containing an Answer to the 8 Defence of the Enquiry into the Reasons of the Conduct of Great Bri tain. London, n. d. 8, pp. 66. 9 Three Letters to the Members of the present Parliament, with a Dis course on Kings and Ministers of State, and a Letter to Sir J. Philip. London, 1847. 8, pp. 54. DENT, Rev. Giles. 1 Thanksgiving Sermon, preach d May 1, 1707, on occasion of the happy Union between England and Scotland. London, 1707. 4, pp. 31. DIVINE Glory brought to View in the Condemnation of the Ungodly. In Reply 11 to [Chauncey s ] "Salvation for all Men." Boston, 1782. 8, pp. 51. DODGE, Daniel L., a merchant, of New York City ; b. 1775. d. 1852. 12 Mediator s Kingdom (The) not of this World ; but spiritual, heavenly, and divine. Illustrated in Remarks upon John, Ch. xvin. v. 36. New-York, 1814. 8, pp. 35. NOTE. The first peace tract published in America. ! * War inconsistent with the Religion of Jesus Christ, as it is inhuman, unwise, and criminal. * * * New York, 1815. 12 (5.2X3). DOVE, Henry, D.D. Sermon preached before the House of Commons at St. 34 Margaret s, Westminster, Nov. 5, 1680. London, 1680. 4, pp. 30. DRAKE, Sir Francis, an English navigator ; b. about 1540. d. 1595. 15 Life and Voyages. See LIVES and Voyages of Drake, &c. DUMONT, M. . Memoires historiques sur la Louisiane, . . . composes sur 16 les Memoires de M. Dumont, par M. L. L[e] M[osm"er]. Enrichi de Car tes et Figures. Tom. 1, 2. " Paris, 1753. 12 (4.6X2.4), EASTWICK, Lieut. . Translator. See (in Catalogue) BOPP, F. Compara tive Grammar of the Sanscrit, Zend. Greek, c. 736 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. ELLET, Charles, jun. Contributions to Physical Geography of U. S. Part I. On 1 the Physical Geography of the Mississippi Valley, with Suggestions as to the Improvement of the Ohio and other Rivers. Pp. 64, and one Plate. See (in Catalogue) SMITHSONIAN Institution. (Contributions, vol. 2.) EVENINGS with the Old Story Tellers. Select Tales from the Gesta Romano- 2 rum, etc. New York, 1845. 12- (5.5X3.5). FERRI, Paul, a learned divine ; b. at Metz, 1591. d. 1669. 3 Scholastic! Orthodoxi Specimen, hoc est, Salutis nostroe Methodus ana- lytica. ... *** Geneva?, 1616. 8 (5.2X2.6), pp. 559. FESSENDEN, William Pitt, LL.D., Senator of Maine; b. 1806. 4 Speech on the Message of the President, transmitting the Lecompton Constitution, delivered in the U. S. Senate, Feb. 8, 1858. Washington, 1858. 8, pp. 24. FISHER, Eev. Nathaniel, of Salem, Mass. ; b. 1742. d. 1812. 5 Sermon (A) : delivered at Salem, Jan. 14, 1796, occasioned by the Exe cution of Henry Blackburn. Boston, 1796. 8, pp. 21. FLINT, Charles L., Setfy Mass. Hoard of Agriculture. 6 Agricultural Reports. See (in Catalogue) MASSACHUSETTS. Common wealth. Agriculture. First Eighth Annual Report of Secretary, &c. Editor. See HARRIS, T. W. Insects injurious to Vegetation. FOLWELL, Richard. Joint Author. See CONDIE, T. History of Yellow Fe- 7 ver in Philadelphia, in 1798. FOSTER, Eev. Daniel, of New-Braintree, Mass. 8 Election Sermon, Mass., May 26, 1790. Boston, 1790. 8, pp. 35. FRADERSDORFF, J. W., Ph. D. Copious Phraseological English-Greek Lexi- 9 con (A) ; founded on a work prepared by J. W. Fradersdorff: revised, enlarged, and improved by T. K. Arnold, and H. Browne. 2d ed. London, 1860. 8 (7.5X4.3), 3 cols., pp. 654. FRANCOIS DE NEUFCHATEAU, Nicolas, a French publicist ; b. 1750. d. 1828. 10 Discours sur la Disette du Numeraire a Saint-Domingue et sur les Moyens d y remedier. . . . Metz, 1788. 8 (5.5X3.1). FRESNEL, Augustin Jean, a French physicist ; b. 1788. d. 1827. U Life. See ARAGO, D. F. J. (Distinguished Scientific Men.) FURNESS, Eev. William Henry, D.D., of Philadelphia; b. in Boston, 1802. 12 Brief Statement of the Christian View of the Atonement. . . . Boston, 1845. 12, pp. 14. 13 Genius (The) of Christianity. 3d ed. Boston, 1832. 8, pp. 24. GANGANELLI, Giovanni Vincenzo Antonio, Clement XIV. See CLEMENT XIV. GARDINER, Hon. Robert Hallowell, of Gardiner, Me. 14 History of the Kennebec Purchase. See MAINE Hist. Society. (Col lections, vol. 2.) 15 Memoir of B. Vaughan. See MAINE Hist. Society. (Collections, vol. 6.) GERARD DE RAYNEVAL, Joseph Mathias, a French diplomat ; b. 1746. d. 1812. 16 Institutions du Droit de la Nature et des Gens ; par le Cen. Gerard de RaynevaL 2de ed. Paris, 1803. 8 (5.3X3.2). GILLOT, C. L., French Minister of Safety. 17 Dictionnaire des Constitutions de 1 Empire Franc_ais et du Royaume d Italic. Par C. L. G[illot]. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1806. 8 (5*6X3.3). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 737 f GOETHE, J. W. von. Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann and Soret. I Translated from the German by J. Oxenford. . . . Vol. 1,2. London, 1850. 8 (5.4X3.1). f GOOD, J. M., M.D. 2 Memoirs of Life, &c. See GREGORY, 0. G. t GOODRICH, C. A. Editor. See (in Catalogue) WEBSTER, N. An American Dictionary of the English Language. GOQUILLOT, Prof. . Tarif general de toutes les Contributions tant di- 3 rectes qu indirectes decretees par 1 Assemblee Nationale en 1790 et 1791. Par Goquillot et Blavier. Paris, 1791. 8 (6.6X3.8). GRANT, Robert, F.R.A.S., &c. 4 History (The) of Physical Astronomy, from the Earliest Ages to the Middle of the Nineteenth Century. . . . London, [1852]. 8 (6.9X4), pp. 637. Joint Translator. See ARAGO, D. F. J. Biographies of Distinguished Scientific Men. Popular Astronomy, t GREGORY, O. G., LL.D. Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Character, literary, 5 professional, and religious, of John Mason Good, M.D. With the Ser mon occasioned by his Death, by C. Jerram. [Portrait.] Boston, 1829. 12 (5.5X3.2). fGRiswoLD, A. V., D.D., Bp. 6 Memoir of. See STONE, J. S. . GUE-TROUIN, M. DU, a French naval officer; b. 1673. 7 Memoires de M. du Gue-Trouin. Amsterdam, 1730. 12 (4.1X2.2). GUTHRIE, Charles Gardiner, M.D., Ass t Surgeon Royal Westminster Opthalmic % Hospital, London. 8 Cataract (On) : and its appropriate Treatment by the Operation adapted for each peculiar case. [Plate. ] . London, 1845. 8 (6.2X3.7). t HAGENBACH, K. R. Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte. Th. 1, 2. ... 2te 9 verbesserte auflage. Leipzig, 1847. 8 (6.6X3.8). f HALLIWELL, J. O. On the Character of Sir John Falstaff, as originally exhib- 10 ited by Shakespeare in the two Parts of King Henry IV. * * * London, 1841. 16 (4.4X2.7), pp. 55, viii. HARDENBERG, Friedrich VON, better known by Jiis pseudonym of NOVALIS, a German mystical & romantic writer; b. 1772. d. 1801. II Henry of Ofterdingen : a Romance. From the German of Novalis. Cambridge, 1842. 12 (5.2X3). HARMAR, John, Prof, of Greek, &c. at Oxford, Eng. ; b. 1595. d. 1670. 12 ... Catechesis Religionis Christiana compendiosior, a Conventu . . . Theologorum, qui Westmonasterii consederant . . . , in Linguam Gra?- cam & Latinam traducta, & in lucem edita. . . . Londini, 1698. 24 (4.6X2.5). [2 copies.] j- HARRIS, T. W., M.D. A Treatise on some of the Insects injurious to Vegeta- 13 tion. New edition, enlarged and improved, with Additions from the Author s Manuscripts, and original Notes, and illustrated by Engravings . . . Edited by C. L. Flint. Boston, 1862. 8 (6.3X3.7), pp. 640. f HARVARD COLLEGE. Astronomical Observatory. 14 Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Vol. 1 Pt.I.,II. Cambridge, 1856/55. 4 (8.3X6). HASKELL, Rev. Daniel, Pres. of Burlington College, Vt. ; 6. 1784. d. 1848. 15 Doctrine of Predestination maintained ; a Discourse delivered at Bur lington, Vt., Jan. 5, 1817. Burlington, n. d. 8, pp. 24. 93 738 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. HASKELL, Rev. Daniel, continued. ] Remarks on " Some Communications first published in the Brattlebor- ough Paper;" by W. Wells. [Burlington, 1816.] 8, pp. 16. HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel, an American author ; b. in Salem, Mass., 1804. Editor. See BRIDGE, H. Journal of an African Cruiser. tHERSCHEL,J.F.W. 2 Life. See ARAGO,D.F.J. (Dist. Scientific Men.) HEYSE, Dr. J. C. A. Leitfaden zum griindlichen Unterricht in der deutschen 3 Sprache fur hohere und niedere Schulen. . . . 19te verbersserite auf- lage. . . . Hannover, 1858. 8 (6.9X3.9). t HOLCOMBE, H., D.D. 4 Eulogium on his Life, &c. See RHEES, B. R. HUMPHREYS, H. Noel. Coin Collector s (The) Manual . . . : comprising an 5 historical and critical Account of the Origin and Progress of Coinage, from the Earliest Period to the Fall of the Roman Empire ; with some Account of the Coinages of Modern Europe, more especially of Great Britain. . . . Vol. 1, 2. [Illustrations. ] London, 1853. 16 (5.5X3.4), pp. 726. NOTE. The two volumes are paged continuously. IRELAND. Candid Enquiry into the Causes and Motions of the late Riots in 6 Minister, Ireland. London, 1767. 8, pp. 71. IRVING,. Pierre M., nephew of following. 7 Life and Letters of Washington Irving. Vol. 1-4. [Portraits.] New York, 1862- 63. 8 (5.7X3.5). t IRVING, W. Life and Letters. See IRVING, P. M. t ISOCRATES. 8 Orations. See (in Catalogue) LYSIAS. * JACKSON, Bev. William. Full Report of all the Proceedings on the Trial of Rev. 9 Wm. Jackson, at the Court of King s Bench, Ireland, on an Indictment for High Treason. London, 1795. 8 (6.3X3.3). f JAMES, G. P. R. The History of Charlemagne. [Portrait."] (Harper s Family 10 Library, No. 60.) New-York, 1833. 18 (4.5X2.7). JOHNES, Arthur James, Esq. 1 1 Philological Proofs of the Original Unity and Recent Origin of the Hu man Race. ... * * * London, 1843. 8 (6.3X3.7). t JULIANUS, F. C. 12 The Emperor Julian, &c. See NEANDER, J. A. W. JUSSIEU, Adrien DE, M.D., Prof, at Museum of Paris ; b. 1797. d. 1853. M Elements (The) of Botany. Translated by J. H. Wilson. [Illustrated. ] London, 1849. 12 (5.6X3.3), pp. 750. fKiDDER, F., of Boston. The Abenaki Indians. See MAINE Hist. Society. 14 (Collections, vol. 6.) f KIRKLAND, J. T., D.D. is Discourse on his Life, &c. See YOUNG, Alex. KNAPP, Georg Christian, D.D.,,Prof. of Tlieol. at Halle-, b. 1753. d. 1825. 16 Lectures on Christian Theology. Translated by L. Woods, jun. . . . Vol. 1,2. [Portrait.] New-York, 1831, 33. 8 (6.3X3.8). f LAPLACE, P. S., Marquis DE. Life. See ARAGO, D. F. J. (Distinguished 17 Scientific Men.) LA VILLEMARQUE, Th. Hersart DE. Barzaz-Breiz. Chants populaires de la is Bretagne recueillis et publics avec une Traduction Frangaise, des Argu ments, des Notes, et les Melodies originates, par Th. Hersart de la Vil- lemarque. 4nie ed., augmentee . . . Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1846. 12 (5.3X3.1). CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 739 f LEMASCRIER, J. B., VAbbe. Memoires historiques sur la Louisiane, composes 1 sur les Memoires de M. Dumont. See DUMONT, M. . t LEE, C. Memoirs of the Life of the late Charles Lee, Major-General, &c. To 2 which are added, his Political and Military Essays ; also, Letters to and from many Distinguished Characters. New-Yor^, 1792. 12 (5.5X3.2), LEE, Thomas J., Capt. U.S.T.E. 3 Collection (A) of Tables and Formulae useful in Surveying, Geodesy and Practical Astronomy, including Elements for the Projection of Maps. ... 2d ed., with additions. Washington, 1853. 8 (5.5X3. 3), LETTERS to the Rev. W. E. Channing, on the Existence and Agency of Fallen 4 Spirits. By Canonicus. * * * Boston, 1828. 12 (5.6X3.2). fLEVETT, C. Voyage to New England, in 1623. See MAINE Hist. Society. 5 (Collections, vol. 2.) LIVERMORE, Hon, George, of Cambridge. 6 Historical Research (An) respecting the Opinions of the Founders of the Republic on Negroes as Slaves, as Citizens, and as Soldiers. Read before the Massachusetts Historical Society, August 14, 1862. Boston, 1862. 8 (6.2X3.8), m. b. LIVERMORE, Edward St. Loe. Oration delivered at Boston, July 4th, 1813. 7 Boston, 1813. 8, pp. 40. LIVES and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier ; including an introduc- 8 tory View of the Earlier Discoveries in the South Sea, and the History of the Bucaniers. . . . [Portraits.] (Harper s Family Library, No. 30.) New-York, 1832. 18 (4.5X2.7). LOMBARD, Peter, or PETRUS LOMBARDUS, sumamed " Master of Sentences" an Italian theologian : b. about 1100. d. 1164. 9 Magistri Sententiarum Libri IV. ... * * * Lvgdvni, 1618. 8 (5.7X3,7), m. r. MAHON, Charles, Viscount. See STANHOPE, Charles, 3d Earl. MALUS, Etienne Louis, a French physicist & engineer; b. 1775. d. 1812. 10 Life. See ARAGO, D. F. J. (Distinguished Scientific Men.) MANUEL des Instituteurs, Professeurs, et Eleves des Ecoles primaires et secon- n daires, des Lycees et des Ecoles speciales, civiles et militaires. ler supple ment. [Paris, 1803.] 8, pp. 55. MANUEL lexique, ou Dictionnaire portatif des Mots Francois dont la significa- 12 tion n est pas familiere a tout le monde. . . . Nouv. ed. Tom. 1, 2. Paris, 1755. 8 (5.9X3.3), 2 cols. [2 copies.] MANUEL 13 de Proverbes dramatiques. * * * Portland, 1830. 12 (5X3). MANUFACTUREN l4 (Von) und Commercio. * * * Franckfurt,1740. 8(5. 7X3.3). MARCANDIER, M. . Abstract of Parts of a late Treatise on Hemp, trans- 15 lated from the French of M. Marcandier. Boston, 1766. 8, pp. 30. MARTIN, S. 16 Essay upon Plantership. London, 1765. 8, pp. xvii., 62. MARTINEZ DE LA ROSA, Francisco, a Spanish statesman & poet ; b. 1789. 17 Obras literarias Tomo 1-4 Paris, 1827- 28. 8 (5.1X2.8). MATTEO, Pier, Bp. of.JEsium, in Italy. is Poesie sacre, morali, e spiritvali. lesi, 1685. 12 (4.6X2.5), pp. 550. fMETASTASio, P. A. D. B., I Abbe. Memoirs of his Life and Writings. See 19 (ia Catalogue) BURNEY, C. 740 BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MEYER, Johann. Newe Landesbeschreibung der zwey Hertz ogthiimer Schles- 1 wich und Holstein . . . Chorographice elaborirt, durch C. Danckwerth zusammen getragen und verfertigt. . . . [No imprint] 1652. 2 (13.1X7.4). NOTE. Title-page is embellished. MILLER, William Alleji, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., an English chemist-, 6. 1817. 2 Elements of Chemistry : theoretical and practical. * * * Part I. Che mical Physics. II. Inorganic Chemistry. III. Organic Chemistry. 3 vols. 2d edition, with additions. London, 1860. 8 (7.2X4). t MILLS, C. History (The) of the Crusades, for the Recovery and Possession 3 of the Holy Land. * * * 1st American from 3d London ed. Philadelphia, 1826. 8 (6.6X3.7), pp. 529. t MILTON, J. Epistolarum Familiarum Liber unus : quibus accesserunt, ejus- 4 dem, jam olim in Collegio Adolescentis, Prolusiones qusedam oratoriee. Londini, 1674. 12 (4.8X2.8). MINER, Rev. Alonzo A., A.M., Pres. of Tufts College. 5 Addresses at Inauguration of Pres. Miner. See TUFTS COLLEGE. fMoLiERE, J. B. POQUELIN. La Comtesse Descarbagnes, Comedie. La Prin- 6 cesse d Elide, Comedie. Les Fetes de Versailles. Le Malade imaginaire, Comedie. [English and French, facing.] Paris, n. d. 12 (4.9X3). NOTE. Each play has only independent title-page. t NEANDER, J. A. W. The Emperor Julian and his Generation. An Historical 7 Picture, fey A. Neander. Translated by G. V. Cox. * * * London, 1850. 16 (5.1X3). NEW (The) American Cyclopaedia : a Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge. 8 Edited by G. Ripley and C. A. Dana. Vol. 1-16. New York, 1858- 63. 8 (7.8X4.9), 2 cols. NITZSCH, G. W. Historia (De) Homeri maximeque de Scriptorum Carminum 9 Aetate Metelemata. Fasc. 1,2. Hannoverae, 1830, 37. 4 (6.2X4.9). NOVALIS, a pseudonym. See HARDENBERG, F. von. ORIGIN 10 of the Material Universe. Boston, 1850. 12, pp. 83. t OXENFORD, J. Translator. See GOETHE, J. W. von. Conversations. PEACE and Reform, against War and Corruption. In Answer to a Pamphlet, 11 written by Arthur Young, Esq., entitled " The Example of France, a Warning to Britain." * * * London, 1794. 8 (6.2X3.5). PEET, Rev. Josiah, of NorridgewocJc, Me.; b. 1781. d. 1852. 12 Memoir and Sermons. See SHEPLEY, D. PETRUS LOMBARDUS. See LOMBARD, P. PHILLIPS, Charles, Esq., an Irish barrister; b. 1789. d. 1859. 13 Curran and his Contemporaries. * * * [Portrait. ] New York, 1851. 12 (5.6X3.2). PHILLIPS, Samuel, LL.D., Lieut.-Gov. of Mass., &c.; b. 1752. d. 1802. J4 Memoir of Judge Phillips. See TAYLOR, J. L. t PINDARUS. 15 Carmina. See BERGK, T. (Poetae Lyrici Graeci.) POETAE Lyrici Graeci. See BERGK, T. POLYMNERES, George. Ag|uco AyyXosXXqvHH)*. "Zwrtt&sv xai zx$o$zv Trgo? Xgij- 16 <riv TCOV 2,7rov$u. > ovr<v>> Tr^v AyyAtx-tjv TXcixra-av. Ei EgMoviroXa, 1854. 8 (6.6X4.2), 2 cols. t POPERY. 17 Rise and Fall of Papacy. 8, pp. 70. NOTE. Imperfect, wanting title-page. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 741 f POWELL, Rev. B. Joint Translator. See ARAGO, D. F. J. Biographies of Distinguished Scientific Men. t HEED, H. Lectures on English Literature, from Chaucer to Tennyson. 4th 1 ed., revised and corrected. [Portrait. ] Philadelphia, 1858. 12 (5.1X3.1). RHEES, B. Rush, M.D. Eulogium on the Life and Character of Rev. Henry 2 Holcombe, D. D. ; delivered June 29th, 1824. Philadelphia, 1824. 8, pp. 44. fRlPLEY, Rev. George. Joint Editor. See NEW American Cyclopaedia. SANGER, George P. Editor. See AMERICAN Almanac, &c. SAPPHO, a Greek lyric poetess ; b. in island of Lesbos, fl. 630-570 B.C. 3 Reliquiae, Grsec. See BERGK, T. (Poetae Lyrici Graeci.) SHEPLEY, Rev. David, grad. Bowd. Coll., 1825 ; b. 1804. 4 Memoir with Sermons, of Rev. Josiah Peet. * * * [Portrait.] New York, 1854. 8 (6X3.5). SIMONIDES, a Greek lyric poet , b. in Island of Ceos, 556 B.C. d. 467. B.C. 5 Epigrammata, Graece. See BERGK, T. (Poetae Lyrici Graeci.) 6 Epigrammata, Graece. See (in Catalogue) BRUNCK, R. F. P. (Gnomici Poetae Grseci.) t SIMPSON, T. Select Exercises for Young Proficients in the Mathematics. . . . 7Newed. Revised by J. H. Harding. London, 1810. 8 (5.8X3.3). t SMITHSONIAN Institution. Construction of the Catalogues of Libraries, and 8 their Publication by means of separate stereotyped Titles. With Rules and Examples. By C. C. Jewett. 2d ed. Washington, 1853. 8, pp. 96. SMYTH, William Henry, LL.D., F.R.S., &c., Admiral British Navy. 9 Cycle (A) of Celestial Objects, for the use of naval, military and pri vate Astronomers. Observed, reduced, and discussed. Vol. 1. Prole gomena. 2. The Bedford Catalogue. [Illustrations.] London, 1844. 8 (7X3.9). Joint Translator. See ARAGO, D. F. J. Biographies of Distinguished Scientific Men. Popular Astronomy. STANHOPE, Charles MAHON, 3d Earl, an English physicist; b. 1753. d. 1816. 10 Principles of Electricity. ... By Charles Viscount Mahon. [Plates.] London, 1779. 4 (6.8X5). STONE, John L., D.D., Rector of Christ Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 11 Memoir of the Life of Rt. Rev. Alexander Viets Griswold, D. D., Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Eastern Diocese. With an Ap pendix. To which are added a Sermon, Charge, and Pastoral Letter of the late Bishop. [Portrait.] Philadelphia, 1844. 8 (6.3X3.4), pp. 620. STRATTON, William C., Librarian of California State Library. Compiler. See CALIFORNIA. State Library. Catalogue. TAYLOR, Rev. John L., of Andover, Mass. 12 Memoir (A) of his Honor Samuel Phillips, LL.D. * * * [Portrait.] Boston, 1856. 8 (6.1X3.8). THEOGNIS, a Greek elegiac poet, of Megara; fl. about 548 B.C. 13 Sententiae, Graece. See BERGK, T. (Poetae Lyrici Gnomici.) 14 Sententiae, Graece. See (in Catalogue) BRUNCK, R. F. P. (Gnomici Poeta? Graeci.) 742 BGWDOIN COLLEGE. THORNTON, G. S. The Melodist, comprising a Selection of the most favorite 1 English, Scotch, and Irish Songs, arranged for the Voice, Flute or Violin. New York, 1820. 12 (6X3.5). t THORNTON, J. W. Landing (The) at Cape Anne ; or the Charter of the first 2 permanent Colony on the Territory of the Massachusetts Company. Now discovered and first published from the original Manuscript. With an Inquiry into its Authority and a History of the Colony. 1624-1628. ... * * * [Fac-simile and Map.] Boston, 1854. 8 (6.7 irr.X3.9). t TREMELLIUS, E. Book (A) to instruct the Chosen of Gq*L \_Hebrew.~] * * * 3 London, 1820. 12 (4.7X2.8). TUFTS COLLEGE, at Cambridgeport, Mass. 4 Addresses at the Inauguration of Rev. Alonzo A. Miner, A. M. as Presi dent of Tufts College, July 9, 1862. Boston, 1862. 8, pp. 39. UNITED STATES. Prospectus of a National Institution to be established in the 5 United States. Washington, 1806. 8, pp. 44. 6 Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States. August Term, 1801 December Term, 1815. By W. Cranch. Vol. 1-9. February Term, 1816 January Term, 1827. By H. Wheaton. Vol. 1-12. Washington, Philadelphia, New-York, 1804- 27. 8(6.9X3.6),m.b. t WATT, J. 7 Life. See ARAGO, I). F. J. (Distinguished Scientific Men.) t WHEATON, H., LL.D. Reporter. See UNITED STATES. Reports of Cases, argued and adjudged in Supreme Court, 1816-1827. f WILLIS, W. History (A) of the Law, the Courts, and the Lawyers of Maine, 8 from its first Colonization to the Early Part of the Present Century. \_Portrails.~] Portland, 1863. 8 (6.1X3.7), pp. 712. WILSON, James Hervetson, F.L.S., &c. Translator. See JUSSIEU, A. de. Elements of Botany. f YOUNG, Alex. Discourse (A) on the Life and Character of Rev. John Thorn- 9 ton Kirkland, D.D., &c. delivered in the Church on Church Green [Bos ton], May 3, 1840. Boston, 1840. 8 (6.3X3.7). t YOUNG, T. 10 Life. See ARAGO, D. F. J. (Distinguished Scientific Men.) PART II. INDEX OF SUBJECTS INDEX. [The larg-e figures refer to the pages of the Catalogue ; the small figures to the figures in the left- hand margin. Authors names, and the names of societies, &c. under which the works are entered in the Catalogue, are printed in italics. ] Abnaki Indians. See Indians. Abolition. See Slavery. Aborigines of America. See Indians. ABYSSINIA. Bruce. Travels in. 99 2 - 3 Russell. Civil history, &c. of. 552 12 Acadia. Longfellow. Evangeline. 382 6 See a j so : Nova Scotia. Acids, Composition of. Kirwan. 350 13 Acoustics. See Natural philosophy, Sound. Acts of the Apostles. See Bible. Acts of Societies. See Transactions. Administration. Toller. Law of executors (Si- administrators. 632 7 Admirals, British, Lives of. 11G l Admiralty. Laws, ordinances, & institutions of the A. of Great Britain. 256 l See also .- Maritime law, Eeports. Adultery, God s revenge against. 535 2 Adventurer, The. 95 * AERONAUTICS. Faujas de Saint-Fond. Ma chine aerostatique de Mongolfier. 215 12 Jeffries. Aerial voyages. 1784-5. 333 5 Sheldon. Aerial navigation & the Patent Laws. 573 > 3 Aerostatics. See Aeronautics. ^ESTHETICS. Hegel. Vorlesungen tiber die Aesthetik. 296 8 Jouffroy. Cours d esthetique. 340 6 Schiller. ./Esthetic letters. 562 6 See also . Beauty, Taste. Affections, Religious. Edwards. 199 15 Afflictions, Patience under. 32 4 AFFGHANISTAN, Description of. Fraser. 235 2 Griffith. Plants in. 274 10 AFRICA. Brisson. Desartsof. 93 7 Denham fy Clapperton. Discoveries in northern & central A. 179 l Du Chaillu. Explorations, &c. 191 2 Goodrich. African history. 250 8 Heeren. Politics, intercourse, & trade of ancient nations of Africa. 295 16 Murray. Discovery & adventure in. 445 l Poivre. Travels in. 501 2 Thunberg. Travels in, 1770-9. 629 . Central. Barth. Travels &, discoveries in. 45 16 Damberger. Travels through. 168 10 - 11 Gardiner. Journey to Zoolu country. 241 3 Le Vaillant. Travels into, 1780-5. 373 9 . Voyages dans 1 interieur de 1 Afrique, 1780-5. Park. Travels in. 476 3 ~ 5 Taylor. Journey to. 618 10 . Northern. Barth. Travels & discoveries in. 45 16 . Southern. Adams. Livingston s adventures. 5 15 Andcrsson. Lake Ngami. 23 3 Barrow. Travels in. 45 7 Livingstone. Travels & researches. 378 14 . Western. Bridge. Journal, &c. 733 3 Kenwdy. Commerce of. 656 2 Labat. Nouv. relation de 1 Afrique occi- dentale. 353 5 See also . .ZEgypt, Caffraria, &c. AFRICAN Colonization. American Coloniza tion Soc y. African repository, &c. 17 6 . Reports. 17 7 Garrison. Thoughts on. 241 19 Kennedy. Report on. 656 2 Wadslrom. Essay on. 683 7 institution, London. 9 l repository, The. 17 Agricultural chemistry. Liebig. 375 9 AGRICULTURE. Cours complet d A. theorique pratique, etc. 158 15 Deane. Georgical dictionary. 175 17 Duhamel du Monceau. Traite de la cul ture des terres. 191 i;M4 Everett. The farmer s monitor. 212 4 Fessenden. Complete farmer, &c. 220 4 Hunter. Georgical essays. 320 8 Kent. Hints on landed property. 347 9 Lawrence. The modern steward. 364 10 - 11 Lushington. A. & commerce inseparable. 3888 Mass. Society. Papers, &c. 415 1 3 -416 4 Olcott. Yale agricultural lectures. 462 9 94 46 INDEX. Ourches. Traite des prairies, et de leurs irrigations. 466 12 Parmentier. Recherches. 478 4 Repertory of patent inventions, &c. 533 16 Russell. Agriculture. 552 8 Spence. A. the source of the wealth of Britain. 592 6 Stone. Essay on. 604 12 Washington. Letters on. 692 15 See also . Botany, Entomology, Forest trees, Fruit trees, Gardening, Hemp, Huabandry, Vege tables, Water. Also, the public documents upon this subject, of Connecticut, France, Great Bri tain, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, United States. Aids to reflection. Coleridge. 1474 AIR. Arbuthnot. Effects on human bodies. 28 6 Boyle. Experiments on. 89 4 Hamilton. Phenomena of. 283 12 Ingen-housz. Experiences sur les vege- taux. 325 1 Melvill. Fixible air. 422 4 Priestley. Experiments, &c. on. 513 9 - 10 Richard. Histoire naturelle de Pair. 536 * Scheele. Traite chimique de Pair. 561 12 Walker. Unwholesome air in cities. 684 10 Seealso: .aeronautics, Atmosphere, Meteor ology, Pneumatics, Wind. Airs of Palestine. Pierpont. 4,93 n Albigenses, Hist. & theology of. Faber. 13 15 See also: Piedmont, Waldenses. Alchemy. Lettres cabalistiques. 372 16 Alchoholic liquors. See Intemperance. Algae, Marine, of North America. 292 2 ALGEBRA. Application de PA. a la geome tric. 84 9 Bourdon. Elemens d algebre. 85 4 Sudan. Nouv. methode pour la resolution des equations numeriques. 101 13 Lacroix. Elements of. 354 J1 DeMorgan. Algebra. 178 3 - 5 Euler. Elements of. 210 5 . Introd. to Elements. 210 7 Jarrett. Algebraic development. 331 10 Lardner. Treatise on. 359 7 Maclaurin. Treatise of. 395 4 Nicholson, fyc. Practical system of. 454 3 - 4 Reynaud. Notes sur Bezout. 534 10 Saunderson. Elements of. 559 12 Wood. Elements of. 721 6 Smyth. Elementary A. 585 9 . Treatise on. 585 13 See also . Mathematics. ALGEBRAIC geometry. Lardner. 359 14 Waud. Treatise on. 696 ALGIERS. Foss. Captivity in. 227 7 Shaler. Sketches of, 1826. 572 ALMANAC. Almanach d Alsace, 1783. 15 ! Almanach du commerce de Paris, 1803. 15 2 Almanach derdeutschen Musen, 1778. 15 3 Almanach geographique. 15 < Almanach imperial, 1805-6. 15 5 Almanach national de France. 15 6 American almanac. 16 4 Leipzigen Adress-Post, etc., 1784. 369 l Nautical almanac. 446 13 -*5 New Jamaica A., 1797-1806. 450 5 Fleet. Pocket A., 1789-99. 222 i Alphabets. Massey. Origin & progress of let ters. 416 6 See also: Cuneiform inscriptions. ALPS. Cheever. Wanderings in. 132 3 - 6 Headley. Sketches of the. 294 " Law. Route of Hannibal. 364 6 - 7 Saussure. Voyage dans les. 560 4 Tyndale. Glaciers of the. 641 9 Amadis of Gaul. 379 n, 637 10 Amazon, Exploration of the. 649 12 Amazonian Republic. Savage. 560 9 AMERICA. Bibliography. Ludewig. Literature of American abori ginal languages. 387 14 Rich. Books relating to, 1801-44. 536 4 . Books relating to, 1500-1700. 536 6 Thomas. History of printing in A. 626 10 See also .- American literature. . Geography, description, fyc. Blake. American geography. 76 8 Complete historical, chronological & geo graphical American atlas. 150 n Hicmboldt. Equinoctial regions of. 319 6 Jones. American vertebrata. 338 3 Macgillivray. Travels of Humboldt in equinoctial regions of America. 392 1 Morse. American gazetteer. 439 10 Ulloa. Memoires concernant la decouverte de PAmerique. 643 2 . Biography fy history. Allen. Amer. biogr. dictionary. 14 J ~ 3 Anecdotes Americaines. 23 16 Barton. New views of the origin of the tribes, &c. of A. 47 6 Belknap. American biography. 54 2 . Discourse on discovery of. 54 4 Cheever. God s hand in A. 131 16 Goodrich. American history. 250 8 Irving. Voyage of Columbus. 327 8 - 13 Hardwick. Anc t religions of. 285 3 Holmes. Annals of A. 309 13 Munoz. Hist, of the new world. 444 l Robertson. History of. 541 4 ~ 6 Royal Soc. of Northern Antiquaries. Cabi net d antiquites Americaines a Copen- hague. 5505 Winter botham. Historical view of Europe an settlements in. 718 l , North. Chabert. Voyage fait dans PAmerique sep- tentrionale, en 1750-1. 123 9 Charlevoix. Journal hist, d un voyage dans PAmerique septentionale. 129 3 INDEX. 747 . Voyage to. 129 a Chastellux. Voyages dans, 1780-2. 129 12 Cooper. Information respecting. 156 14 Finley. American Atlas. 657 7 Greenhow. Memoir on the N. W. coast of N.A. 6502 Ilearne. Journey from Hudson s Bay to Northern ocean. 294 13 Hcnnepin. Decouverte d un tres-grand pays situe dans PAmerique. 298 7 Lahontan. Nouv. voyages dans lAmerique septentrionale. 356 l Le Clercq. Histoire des colonies Fran coises. 366 l Leidy. Extinct sloth tribe of N. A. 368* Lettres d un cultivateur Americain, 1770- 1781. 373 2 Mackenzie. Voyages through N. A. 393 15 Mante. Late wars in. 402 13 Memoirs of English and French war. 422 8 Michaux. N. A. sylva. 425 3 de Saint-Mery. Loix, etc. des col onies Franc, de 1 Amerique. 437 l Morris. Lepidoptera of. 439 Murray. Acc t of British A. 444 " Osten-Sacken. Diptera of. 466 5 Richardson. Physical geography of. 536 12 Robin. Travels through, 1781. 542 4 Starer. Fishes of. 605 3 - 4 Sullivant. Bryology & hepaticol. of. 610 16 Warren. Mastodon giganteus. 691 18 See also: California, Canada, Indians, Mexico, United States, West Indies. /Central. Davis. Antiquities of. 173 14 Stephens. Incidents of travel. 600 2 , South. Barham. Hortus Americanus. 43 5 Head. Rough notes. 294 10 Juan y Santacilia. Voyage to. 341 4>5 American almanac, The. 16 4 archives. 651 8 - 9 bible society. 16 12 ~ 15 biography. JBelknap. 54 2 , Library of. Sparks. 591 9 candour. 667 17 colonies. 94 2 ~ 17 , 152 l ~ 6 , 264 3 - 14 - 22 -24 ; 265 3 - , 266 16 Adams. Hist, of the dispute with A. 6 14 Almon. Collection of papers relative to the dispute between Great Britain & A. 15 8 Bancroft. Review of the controversy be tween G. B. & her colonies. 40 Bollan. Colonise anglicana?. 149 5 Burck. Histoire des colonies Europeenes dans 1 Amerique. 103 10 Burke. Speech on Amer. taxation. 104 14 . Speech on moving for reconciliation with. 104 l * Clarke. French encroachments. 142 l Consideration of the measures with respect to, 1774. 73412 Dickinson. Constitutional ptfwer of Great Britain over. 183 11 * . Letters from a farmer in Penn. 183 12 Letters to the Ministry from Gov. Bernard, Gen. Gage, &.c. 60 4 Pownal. Memorials on. 508 -^ Present state of N. A., 1755. 509 " Rogers. Reminiscences of Fr. war. 544 6 St. John de Creve C<fur. Letters from an American farmer. 556 1 Two papers on taxing the. 94 16 Vindication of the. 94 17 Wen ... Historical account of. 699^ Willard. Naturalization in. 710 9 See also : American revolution, New England, United States. criminal trials. Chandler. 125 1 cyclopaedia, New. 740 journal of education. 18 3 ~ 5 journal of science, &c. 18 6 literature. Griswold. Curiosities of. 185 > 5 Knapp. Lectures on. 350 19 Truebner. Bibliogr. guide to. 638 9 monthly review. 18 8 museum, &c. 18 9 poetry. See Poetry. principles. Adams. T 1 pulpit, Annals of. Sprague. 593 10 quarterly register. 17 n review. 687 10 reader, The. Hubbard. 318 review of history, &c. 687 u revolution. 152 1-, 245 10 Almon. Prior documents. 15 8 . The Remembrancer. 15 9 Bancroft. History of. 41 3 Botta. History of. 84 a -2 . Storia della guerra dell independenza degli Stati Uniti. 84- 4 Guizot. Character & influence of Wash ington in the. 278 4 Hartley. Letters on. 289 2 Heath. Military events. 295 3 History of the origin, &c. of the war be tween G. B. & her colonies, 1764-74. 97 6 Hutchinson. Origin & early stages of. 323 5 Landais. Conduct during. 358 3 - 4 Mackenzie. Strictures on Tarleton s his tory. 394 & Moore. Diary of the. 435 s . Songs & ballads of. 435 4 Price. Importance of the. 510 9 - 10 Pulteney. Thoughts on. 522 6 Ramsay. History of. 526 13 - 14 Sparks. Diplom. correspondence of. 652 2 Stone. Border wars of. 601 14 748 INDEX. TJiornton. Pulpit of. 628 15 Washington. Official letters. 693 1(M1 See also; American colonies, New England, United Statue. state papers. 651 10 - n Americanisms, Dictionary of. 46 10 Amherst college. 21 1-4 Amsterdam, Description d , 1772. 21 Amusements, festivals, & games. 582 l Anabaptists. 1446, 591 5 Analogy of religion to nature. 109 7 ~ 9 Analysis. See Algebra, Conic sections, &c. Analytical geometry. See Geometry. Analytical mechanics. See Mechanics. Analytical statics. Whewett. 702 " ANATOMY. Essays of. 209 6 Grant. Introd. lecture on. 254 5 f leister. Compendium of. 296 12 Paxton. Introduction to the study of hu man A. 481 9 South. A. of bones & muscles. 589 5 See also . Comparative anatomy, Pathology, Physiology, Surgery. Andes, Journeys among the. Head. 294 10 ANECDOTES. A. Americaines. 23 16 A. Angloises. 23 17 A. Arabes & Musulmanes. 23 18 A. des beaux-arts. 24 l A. Chinoisies, etc. 24 2 A. Espagnoles & Portugaises. 24 3 A. Frai^aises. 24 4-6 A. Germaniques. 24 5 A. duNord. 24? A. des republiques. 24 8 Arvine. A. of lit. & the fine arts. 32 13 Angler, Complete. Walton 8f Cotton. 688 5 ANGLO-NORMANS. History, literature, SfC. Gaimar. Metrical chronicle. 238 n La Rue. Essais historiques sur les bardes, etc. Anglo-Normands. 360 5 Mapes. De nugis curialium. 403 9 Wright. Literary characters of the Anglo- Norman period. 725 14 ANGLO-SAXONS. History. Palgrave. History of the. 473? Turner. History of the. 640 4 Wright. Literary characters of the Anglo- - Saxon period. 725 14 . Early history of Britain. 726 * . Language. Bosworth. A. S. & Eng. dictionary. 83 " Ingram. Anglo-Saxon grammar. 326 2 Raspe. Anglo-Saxon grammar. 528 4 Vcrnon. Guide to the. 677^ . Literature. Beowulf, an epic poem. 59 9 ~ n Ceedmon. Metrical paraphrase on parts of the Holy Scriptures. 112 3 Ingram. The Saxon chronicle. 326 2 Thorpe. Analecta Anglo-Sax. 628 . Codex Exoniensis. 628 17 \nimal electricity, Experiments on. 673 5 Animal kingdom. See Zoology. A.NIMALS. Gregory. Faculties of man & ani mals compared. 273 4 Swainson. Geogr. & classification of. 612 2 See also .- Anatomy, Instinct, Physiology, Quadnipeds, Zoology. Animated nature. Goldsmith. 250 16 ANNUITIES. Gordon. Plan of a society, &c. 2527 Jones. Value of annuities, &c. 337 5 Price. Reversionary payments, &c. 570 12 See also.- Insurance, Probabilities. Anthology, The monthly, &c. 434 6 Anthropology. See Man. Anthroposophy. See Man. ANTICHRIST. Benson. Essay on. 57 10 Cooper. The Man of Sin. 156 9 Smith. Prophecies relative to. 581 6 Winthrop. Scripture prophecies of. 718 6 Anti-masonic publications. See Free-masonry. Antinomianism, Checks to. 223 6 /Vntioch college. 25 10 Antipsedobaptist, Letter to an. 515 4 ANTIQUITIES. Adams. Roman A. 4 10 Archaeologia Americana. 16 9 Boeckh. Public economy of Athens. 77 12 - 13 Bucke. Ruins of anc t cities. 100 u Illustrations of Northern antiquities. 325 4 Mayer. Archaeology of Mexico. 418 10 Montfaucon. 1 antiquite expliquee. 433 13 Pfeiffer. Antiquites Grscae. 489 2 Pieces concernant les antiquites. 580 l Potter. Antiquities of Greece. 507 9 - 10 Rivera. Peruvian antiquities. 539 12 Rosini. Antiq. Romanarvm corpus. 547 7 Royal Soc. of Northern Antiquaries. Guide to Northern archaeology. 550 6 Schott. Antiq. Romanarvm electa. 547 7 Smith. Dictionary of Greek & Roman an tiquities. 584 2 Tappan. Jewish antiquities. 617 12 Wilson. Archaeology of Scotland. 715 9 Worsaae. Antiq. of Denmark, &c. 725 8 See also : Architecture, Cuneiform inscrip tions, Philology. Antrim, History of. Hamilton. 283 15 Apennines, Travels in the. 590 15 Aphorisms. See Maxims. Apocalypse, The. See Bible. Apocrypha, The, See Bible. Apologues. See Fables, Morals. Apology for the Bible. Watson. 695 2 APOSTLES. Cave.. Lives of the. 122 6 Dorotheus. Lives of the. 22 3 ; 35 7 Hooper. The A. neither imposters nor en thusiasts. 313 3 APOSTLES Creed, History of. King. 349 6 Pearson. Exposition of. 483 17 INDEX. 749 Apostolical constitutions. 143 15 7 703 16 Apostolical fathers, Epistles of. 684 * See also .- Fathers of the Church. Apothegms. See Maxims. ARABIA. Geography 8? history. Anecdotes Arabes. 23 18 Burckhardt. Arabic proverbs. 103 n Crichton. History of. 162 i Niebuhr. Travels through A. 455 9 - 10 See also . Saracens. . Language fy literature. Arabic & English exercises. 28 l Church history, in Arabic. 213 Erpenius. Grammatica Arabica. 208 5 Lokman. Fab via;, etc. 381 4 Silvestre de Sacy. Chrestomathie A. 577 n . Grammaire Arabe. 578 * Tograi. Lamiato 1-ajam. 632 3 Turkish tale, in Arabic. 639 16 Turner. Hymaritic inscriptions in South ern Arabia. 6407 Volney. Methode d apprendre le language Arabe. 681 5 Weston. Remains of Arabic in the Spanish & Portuguese languages. 700 20 ARABIA Petrsea. Robinson. Biblical research es in. 542 Stephens. Incidents of travel. 60C 3 Arabic dictionary. See Dictionaries. Arcadia. Sanazzaro. 558 3 Archaeology. See Antiquities. ARCHITECTURE. Crunden. Convenient & ornamental A. 164 3 Downing. Cottage residences. 189 12 Fergusson. Essay on ancient Assyrian & Persian A. 219 Ferrerio. Palazzi di Roma. 220 l Hatfield. American house-carpenter. 292 9 Hope. Historical essay on. 313 6 Middleton. Designs for gates, &c. 4258 Jarves. Art-hints. 332 2 Narrien. Treatise on. 446 8 Nicholson. Architectural dictionary. 454 l Pugin 4- Le Keux. Architectural antiqui ties of Normandy. 521 9 Pugin. Gothic A. 521 10 Rawlins. Familiar A. 528 n Rudiments of ancient A. 550 13 Ruskin. Lectures on. 552 2 . Seven lamps of. 552 4 . Stones of Venice. 552 5 Vasari. Dell archittettura. 674 13 Weale. Quarterly papers on. 696 8 Wittson. Glossary of technical terms h Gothic A. 714 1 6 See also: Acoustics. Civil engineering, Xava architecture, Ventilation. Architecture of the heavens. 453 16 ARCTIC regions. Belcher. Exped. in search of Sir John Franklin. 53 Hayes. Arctic boat journey. 293 10 Kane. Grinnell expeditions. 344 2 - 6 . Magnetical & meteorological obser vations in Arctic seas. 344 4 - 5 Kerguelen-Tremsrec. Voy.ige to. 3t7 14 M Clintock. Voyage of the Fox. 391 4 Mackenzie. Voyages through N. A. 393 13 Parry. Voyages for the discovery of a Northwest passage. 478 9 Phipps. Voyage to N. Pole, 1763. 491 9 - 10 Richardson. Arctic searching exped. 536 12 Sargent. Arctic adventure. 559 2 Tytler. Progress of discovery on the more Northern coasts of America. 642 3 See also: Polar regions. Argyll, Agriculture of. Smith. 582 1 Arianism. 29 2 - 3 ,568 3 - 4 ARITHMETIC. Adams. Scholar s A. 5 6 Bertrand. Traite d arithmetique. 61 2 Bezout. Traite d arithmetique. 62 4 Chalosse. Arithmet. par les fractions. 124 10 De Morgan. Arithmetic. 178 3 - 5 Fenn. Complete accountant. 217 14 Gordon. Institutes of A. 252 3 . Universal accountant. 252 4 Hatton. Intire system of. 292 10 Lacroix. Elementary treatise of. 354 10 Lavaux. Traite d arithmetique. 363 6 Leslie. The philosophy of A. 371 16 Malcolm. New system of. 400 7 Martin. System of decimal A. 406 12 Peacock. Treatise on. 483 4 Pullen. Pestalozzi s mental A. 522 4 Rees. Regie general d arithmetique. 530 10 Rivet. Decimal A. 539 15 Vinall. The preceptor s assistant. 78 13 See also . Annuities, Mathematics, Numeration. Arkansas territory, Travels into. 460 5 ARMENIA. Layard. Travels in. 365 2 Smith 8p Dwight. Researches in. 581 5 Southgate. Tour through. 590 4 Armenian grammar. Riggs. 537 14 Arminianism. Rutherford. Examen A. 553 9 Arms. See Heraldry. Aroostook territory. See Maine. Arran, Island of. Headrick. Mineralogy, agri culture, &c. of. 294 12 ART. 458 10 . Allston. Lectures on. 14 14 British Museum. Catalogue of articles of ornamental A. 733 5 Cunningham. British painters, &c. 165 16 Goodrich. Art of man. 250 8 Harris. Treatise concerning. 286 14 Hillard. Six months in Italy. 304 15 Jameson. Legends of the madonnas. 330 u . Legends of the monastic orders. 330 15 . Sacred & legendary A. 331 2 Jarves. Art-hints. 332 " .Art-studies: &c. 332 3 Reynold*. Literary works. 535 5 750 INDEX. Ruskin. Lectures on. 552 6 Sopwith. Isometrical drawing. 589 l Titi. Nuovo studio di pittura, scoltura, etc. di Roma, Palazzi, Vaticano, etc. 631 10 Vasari. Vite de piu celebri pittori, scultori e architettori. 674 13 Wallace. A. in Europe. 686 10 Winckelmann. Histoire de 1 art chez les anciens. 716 13 . History of anc t A. 716 14 See also . ^Esthetics, Architecture, Arts, Beau ty, Fine arts, Painting, Sculpture, Taste. ARTILLERY. flutter. Treatise of. 443 6 Smith. Duty of artillerists. 581 3 company of Boston, Hist, sketch of. 706 18 election sermons. See Sermons. ARTS. Bailey. Advancement of. 38 14 Croker. Dictionary of. 162 9 Harris. English dictionary of. 286 15 Institut National, etc. Memoires. 326 7 ~ 10 Jamieson. Dictionary of. 331 3 Jaubert. Dictionnaire raisonne univ. des arts. 332 4 K., J. Kunst und Werk Schul. 343 Lewis. Philosophical commerce of. 374 8 Pancirolli. Res memorabiles. 474 2 Repertory of arts, &c. 533 14 Repertory of patent inventions, &.c. 533 16 .Secrets concernant les arts. 569 4 Smith. The laboratory. 581 7 Ure. Dictionary of. 671 9 See also .- Art, Encyclopaedia, Fine arts, Tech nology, Periodicals, Transactions. ASIA. Asiatic annual register, 1799-1800. 33 l Asiatic researches. 33 2>3 Bailly. Lettres sur Forigine des peuples de FAsie. 39 4 Buchanan. Christian researches in. 99 14 Goodrich. Asiatic history. 280 8 * Griffith. Plants in AfFghanistan & neigh boring countries. 274 10 . Notulse ad plantas Asiaticas. 274 12 . Travels in Assam, &c. 274 n Heeren. Politics, intercourse, & trade of ancient nations of Asia. 295 17 Jones. History, antiquities, arts, science, & literature of. 338 10 . .Works. 339 2 Macgillivray. Humboldt s travels & re searches in Asiatic Russia. 392 8 Malcolm. Travels in S. E. Asia. 400 8 Pallas. Voyages dans FAsie septentrio- nale. 473 7 Poivre. Travels in A. 501 2 Thunberg. Travels in, 1770-9. 629 See also .- the names of the several divisions of Asia. ASIA Minor. Arundell. Discoveries in. 32 12 Chandler. Travels in. 125 Smith Sf Dwight. Journey through. 581 5 Asiatic researches. 33 2>3 ASSAYING. Metallische Probier-Kunst. 562 15 Sage. L art d essayer For et Pargent. 555 10 Assurance. See Insurance. ASSYRIA. Fraser. History of. 235 3 Layard. Manners & arts of the ancient Assyrians. 365 3 Smith. Prophecies relating to. 581 9 Vaux. Sketch of ancient A. 676 5 See also: Nineveh. Astor library, Catalogue of. 732 7 Astoria, Enterprise to. Irving. 327 5 Astrology. Nostredame. Prophecies. 458 8 Astronomical instruments. 387 15 ASTRONOMY. Adams. Astron. essays. 5 8 Airy. Astronom. observations. 10 8 . Mathematical tracts. 10 n . Six lectures on. 10 12 Alembert. Recherches sur la precession des equinoxes, etc. 11 12 Arago. Popular A. 732 5 Astronomical ephemeris, 1804-64. 446 13 ~ 13 Bailly. Hist, de PA. ancienne. 39 2 . Hist, de PA. moderne. 39 3 . Traite de PAstronomie Indienne & orientale. 39 5 Barlow. Plane A. 43 22 Blundeville. Treatise on. 77 5 Bond. Observations at Harvard College observatory. 79 10 Bonnycastle. Introduction to. 80 Brewster. More worlds than one. 92 6 Cassini. Siemens d astronomie. 120 12 . Tables astronomiques. 120 13 Chalmers. Astron. discourses. 124 9 Costard. History of. 158 1 Dick. Celestial scenery. 183 4 , The siderial heavens. 183 10 Downes. Occultations, U.S., 1851-3. 189 Emerson. System of. 204 15 Ewing. Practical A. 213 1 Farrar. Elementary treatise on. 215 8 Ferguson. A. explained. 219 3 - 6 Francoeur. Astron. pratique. 234 l Galilei. Siderius nuncius. 239 6 Gassendi. Institutio astronomica. 242 1>2 Gillis. U.S. naval astronomical expedition, 1849-52. 651 7 Grant. History of physical A. 737 4 Great Britain. Observations at royal ob servatories. 258 1 4 -260 1 Gummere. Elementary treatise on. 278 8 Harvard College. Annals of the Astro nomical observatory. 737 14 Herschel. Outlines of A. 301 12 . Physical A. 301 13 .Treatise on. 301 10 Kater. Nautical A. 344 Kelly. Introd. to nautical A. 346 6 Kepler. Dioptrice. 347 vo INDEX 751 Lalande. Astronomic. 356 5 La Place. Mecanique celeste. 359 5 . Systerne du monde. 359 4 Loomis. Recent progress of. 383 3<4 Lee. Tables & formulae. 739 3 Lubbock. Astronomical refractions. 386 8 Maclear. Contributions to. 395 8>9 Malkin. Treatise on. 400 Mason. Supplement to Olmstead. 408 7 Mendoza y Rios. Tables for nautical A. 422 1 Mitchel. Planetary & stellar worlds. 430 7 Moxon. Tutor to. 442 n Nichol. The solar system. 453 13 . The planet Neptune. 453 14 . System of the world. 453 15 . Architecture of the heavens. 453 16 Plurality of worlds, The. 499 12 Robison. Elements of A. 543 5 Rothman. History of A. 547 12 Smyth. Cycle of celestial objects. 741 9 Somerville. Mechanism of heavens. 588 2 Stone. Doctrine of parallaxes. 604 10 Vince. Complete system of. 678 15 . Practical A. 679 3 Wales. Astronomical observations in south ern hemisphere. 684 8 Watts. First principles of. 695 10 Whewell. Astronomy with reference to natural theology. 702 13 Winston. Astron. lectures. 703 10 Woodhouse. Treatise on. 722 8 See also .- Attraction, Comets, Earth, Eclipses, Gravitation, Moon, Natural philosophy. Naviga tion, Neptune, Optics, .Refraction, Sun, Veiius, Zodiac. Athanasian creed. 568 3 - 4 Waterland. Critical history of. 694 5 ATHEISM. Addison. Discourses against. 7 24 Cudworth. A. confuted. 164 12 Harris. Sermons against. 287 2 Wise. Confutation of the reason & philoso phy of A. 719 6 Worcester. Review of. 724 n See also .- Christianity, Evidences of revealed religion, Theology. ATHENS. Boeckh. Public economy of the Athenians. 77 12 . Public economy of. 77 13 Lytton Bulwer. Rise & fall of. 390 3 Atlantic monthly, The. 33 7 Neptune, The. 255 2 Atlantis, The New. Bacon. 37 7 - 11 ATLAS. A. classica. 388 Las Cases. A. historique, genealogique, chronologique, etc. 371 4 See also .- Geography, and the names of vari ous countries. Atmospheric phenomena. Forster. 226 13 See also . Air, Meteorology, Wind. Atomic theory. See Chemistry. ATONEMENT. Griffin. Extent of. 274 2 Smith. Discourse on. 583 3 ATTRACTION. DeZach. L attraction des mon- tagnes, etc. 182 17 Earnshaw. Treatise on. 196 2 AURORA borealis. Force. Record of auroral phenomena in high northern lat. 225 13 Hamilton. Essay on. 283 12 Marian. Traite physique et historique de 1 aurore boreale. 399 17 Olmsted. Secular period of. 463 4 Austerlitz, La bataille d . 609 5 Australia. See New South Wales. AUSTRIA. Briefe aus Berlin. 93 * Briefe aus Oesterreich. 730 13 Gesetze ftlr die K. K. Armeen in Auszug. 35 3 Kroehny. Auszdge det Gesetze tiber die aussere Kirchenverwaltung. 352 3 Ava, Embassy to. Symes. 614 14 Azores, Voyage to the. Wright. 725 1 2 Babylon, Ruins of. Layard. 365 2 See also: Chaldsea. Bahama islands. See West Indies. BAILMENT. Jones. Essay on the law of. 338 u Story. Commentaries on law of. 605 13 BALLADS. Child. English & Scottish. 133 6 Moore. B. of the Amer. revolution. 435 4 Ritson. Anc t English B. 538 n Balloons. See JEronautics. Bampton lectures. For 1784, White. 70S 2 ; 1790, Kett. 348 3 j 1809, Carwithen. 1191"; 1831, Lancaster. 351; 1858, Mansel. 402 10 3 1859, Raiolinson. 528 12 Bank of England. 249 10 , 289 * of North America. 249 10 of the United States. 249 10 BANKS and banking. Banks in the United States, 1850. 648 Fairman. Guide to purchasers in the pub lic funds. 2148 Goddard. History of the most prominent banks in Europe. 249 10 King. Restriction of specie pay ts. 349 7 See also . Coinage, Currency. BAPTISM. Austin. Mode & subjects of. 34 10 Chapin. Mode & subjects of. 127 11 D Anvcrs. Treatise of. 170 8 Lathrop. Mode & subjects of. 361 n Osgood. Discourse on. 465 12 Pond. Christian B. 503 3 Tombs. Anti-psedobaptism. 632 9 See also . Infant-baptism. Baptist missions. See Missions. BAPTISTS. Benedict. History of. 56 5 Millet. History of B. in Maine. 427 7 New York Baptist Union. Reports. 451 6 Sykes. Why I am a Baptist. 61 4 Barbadoes. Natural history of. 318 13 702 INDEX. Barbary, Travels in. Shaw. 573 8 Barbary states, History & condition of. Rus sell. 552 10 See also .- the name of each state. Barnstable, Eastern coast of. 319 2 Barometer. 309 12 Bastile. Dusaulx. De la prise de la Bastile 1 94 Batavia. See United Provinces. Bath, History of. Seivall. 571 Bathing. See Hydropathy. BAVARIA. Thiersch. Uber Protestanisme urn Kniebeugung im Konigreiche Bayern. 6251 Beacon hill, a poem. 49 13 Beard. Lenoir. Dissertation sur la barbe de chaque siecle. 370 s BEAUTY. Cousin. Philosophy of the beauti* ful. 159 10 Hogarth. Aanalysis of B. 308 10 Bedford, Agriculture of. 47 12 BEES. Experienced bee-keeper. 2138 Wildman. Management of. 709 3 , Fable of the. Mandeville. 402 * Belgium, Tour in. Humphrey. 319 17 BELIEF. Morehead. Discourse on. 437 3 Ulrici. Glaubenund Wissen. 643 3 Belles-Lettres. Pieces concernant les belles- lettres. 530 i See also: Bibliography, Literature, Periodi cals, Poetry, &c. Beloochistan, Description of. Fraser. 235 2 BENGAL. 56 6 . Cossigny. Voyage au. 157 10 Laiv. Rising resources of. 363 13 Prinsep. Mocurrery system of landed property in B. 518 5 Berkshire, Agriculture of. 419 6 Berlin, Charakteristik von. 128 5 BIBLE, \\lwle and portions. Polyglott. 62 is, 63 ?-8, 68 b Carshun and Syriac. 68 12 French and English. 70 7 French, Greek, and Latin. 70 8 French and Latin. 70 G German and English. 72 6 Greek and English. 68 13 , 71 i 3 Greek and Latin. 71 "- 12 Hebrew and Latin. 67 ?, 68 1 Syriac, Greek, and Latin. 70 5 Accra. 72 4 English. 64 5 ~8-io-i3 ; .,-Ethiopic. 70 10 65 13 ,66 10 , 67 1 - 4 - 11 -H ; Amharice. 63 3 68 8 13 , 69 16 , 70 2 , Arabic. 62 12 ,68 3 721- Bohemian. 63 4 . Romish. 64 9 Breton. 71 9 Esquimaux. 71 8 Bulgarian. 68 u Finish. 64 2 Catalan. 70 4 French, Prot. 65-is Chinese. 62 13 . Romish. 65 10 Dajak. 65 n Gaelic. 65 2 - 3 Danish. 62? German. 62 6 -i7,66 7 -", Dutch. 644 71,73 Gothic. 65i6 Mongolian. 70 * Greenlandic. 71 1 Nagree. 69 ] 7 Greek. Ancient. New Zealandic. 69 13 66 3 -6,68i 3 ,69i- 3 -n, Persian. 70 3 70"-i3, 711-*, 71W-", Polish. 64 3 2025-9 Portuguese. 64 1 .Modern. 65i Raratonga. 62 10 Hawaiian. 65 7 Russian. 71 4 Hebrew. 66 2 -4-8-9-i2^ Samoan. 68 l * 67 -s, 68 7-9-10 Samogitian. 69 i 3 Hindustanee. 69 is Secuanan. 69 12 Hungarian. 65 Servian. 71 7 Indian. 65- Singhalese. 6414 Irish, Connaught. 654 Spanish. 62 ie Italian. 658 Swedish. 628 Judaeo- Arabic. 72 7 Syrian. 62 1* Judaeo-Persic. 72 3 Syro-Chaldaic. 72 1 Lapponian. 69 2 Tahitian. 62 9 Latin. 63i- 2 ; Tartar, Siberian. 71 5 ? 682-e ; Turco-Armenian. 7113 70 Turkish. 62 Malagasse. 71 3 Wallachian. 71 14 Malay. 70 Welsh. 62" Malayalim. 69" Wendish-Hungarian. Manchou. 69 14 70 9 Maiiks. 66i Yoruba. 72 3 . Literary history. Brett. Ancient versions. 91 l2 Buchanan. Translations of the Scriptures into the oriental languages. 99 14 Dibdin. Acc t of polyglot Bibles. 183 3 Johnson. English translations. 335 is Letters on Septuagint translation. 3721 Orme. Bibliotheca Biblica. 464 7 Translations into various languages of the East. 92i 7 . Introductions. Benson. Unity of sense of. 57 n Beausobre fy L Enfant. Introduction to the reading of the SS. 50 12 De Wette. Introduction to N.T. 181 i2 Hare. Difficulties in study of. 285 4-3 Home. Introd. to the study of. 315 7-8 Hug. Introd. to the N. T. 318 1 Introd. to the Bible, in Arabic. 326 12 Jahn. Introd. to the O. T. 329 6 Locke. Essay on the understanding of St. Paul s epistles. 380 6 Michaelis. Introd. to N. T. 425 l Pretyman. Introd. to the study of. 509 1? Taylor. Key to Apostolic writings. 619 u Usteri. Entwickelung des Paulinischen Lehrbegriffes. 672 6 . Harmonics of the Gospels. Chemnitz. Harmonia evangelica. 132 12 Macknight. Harmony of 4 Gospels. 394 Priestley. Harmony of Evangelists. 514 9 . Concordances. Butterworth. New concordance. HO 6 Cruden. Complete concordance to. 163 4 INDEX 53 Cruttwell. Cone, of parallels. 164 5 Junius. Parallelorum libri. 342 4 Priestley. Index to the B. 514 1G Stephanus. Concordantiae Graecolat. Tst. Novi. 599 3 Taylor. Hebrew concordance to. 619 10 Tromnius. C tiae Vers. LXX. 638 s Williams. C. to Greek Test. 712 6 . Dictionaries, lexicons, etc. Brown. Dictionary of the B. 97 9 Calmet. Dictionary of the B. 113 3 Castell. Lexicon heptaglotton. 121 2 Dawson. Lexicon N. T. alphab. 174 16 Leusden. Philologus Hebr.-Gr. 373 5 . Philologus Hebraeus. 373 7 Parkhurst. Gr.-Engl. L. to N. T. 477 6 Pasor. Etyma nominum propriorum, etc. inN. T. 4802 . Lex. Graeco-Lat. in N. T. 480 3>4 . Manuale Graec. vocum N. T. 480 5 . DeGraecis N. T. accentibus. 480 Rowley. Interpretations of the Hebrew & Greek words in the B. 548 14 Schleusner. Lex. Gr.-Lat. in N. T. 563 10 Stephanus. Hebr. ; Chald., Gr., et Lat. no- mina virorum, etc. in Bibliis. 599 6 ~ 8 Smith. Dictionary of the B. 584 1 Symson. Christian dictionary. 615 2 Wilson. Christian dictionary. 716 5 Union Bible dictionary. 19 10 - u Winer. Grammatik des neutestamentlich- en Sprachidioms. 717 2 - 3 . Biblisches Realworterbuch. 716 16 Wood. Dictionary of the B. 721 9 . Biblical criticism. Barrett. Synopsis of criticisms upon pas sages of the O.T. 45 3 Bliss. Spiritual interpretation of. 77 l Cartwright. Confvtation of the Rhemists, translation, glosses, &c. 119 8 Davidson. Sacred hermeneutics. 173 3 . Treatise on B. C. 173 4 Dummer. Integritas codicis S. 192 5 Ernesti. Elements of interpretation. 208 3 Gerard. Institutes of B. C. 245 ^ Kennicott. Diss. in V. T. Hebr. 347 3 Leigh. Critica sacra. 368 n - 12 Morus. Svper hermenevtica N. T. 441 15 Planck. Introduction to sacred philology & interpretation. 497 2 Review of Archbp. Newcome s translation. 5348 Storr. Hist, sense of N. T. 6058 . Opuscula academica. 605 9 Stuart. Old Test, canon. 608 . Importance & best method of study ing the original languages of. 608 12 Wall. Crit. notes on O. T. 686 8 Walton. View of certain considerations upon the Biblia polyglotta. 688 * 95 Whiston. Essay to restore the text of the O.T. 70313 . Commentaries. Alexander. The Acts explained. 12 3 . Earlier prophecies of Isaiah. 12 4 . Gospel of Mark explained. 12 5 . Later prophecies of Isaiah. 12 6 Ambrosius. C. in Pauli Epistolas. 16 * Aretius. Comm. in Romanos. 28 14 . Comm. in I. Corinthios. 28 13 . Comm. in II. Corin. 28 16 Barnes. Notes on Isaiah. 44 14 . Notes on Job. 44 1* . Notes on the Acts. 44 1S . Notes on Romans. 44 17 . Notes on the Gospels. 44 ] s Beda. Quaestiones V. T. 52 * 3 Bengel. Gnomon of the N. T. 56 7 Benson. Paraphrase & notes on the Epis tles of S. Paul. 577-8 Blayney. Jeremiah & Lament. 67 4 . Zechariah. 68 8 Bloomfield. Critical annotations on the New Test. 77 4 Brandy myllerus. Analysis Evang m. 91 4 Brown. Self-interpreting B. 66 13 Bucer. Enarratio in Evang. lohan. 99 u Burroughs. Comm. on Math. XI. 107 8 Bush. Commentary on Psalms. 108 9 . Notes upon Exodus. 108 n . Notes upon Genesis. 108 12 . Notes upon Joshua. 108 13 . Notes upon Judges. 108 14 . Notes upon Leviticus. 108 15 Bythner. Analysis Psalmorum. 1118 Calvin. Comm. in Acta. 113 7 . Comm. in Epist. canonicas. 113 9 . Comm. in Isaiam. 113 8 . Comm. in Mosis libros. 114 5 . Comm. in Epistolas Pauli. 113 9 . Opera omnia. 114 5 . Pralect. in Danielem. 114 6 . Praslect. in Jer. et Lament. 114 7 . Praelect. in XII. Prophetas minores. 1148 Cappellus. Comm., etc. in V. Test. 117 4 Caryl. Exposition of Job" . 120 4 Chalmers. Lectures on Romans. 124 9 Chrysostom. Opera omnia. 135 4 Clarke. Paraphrase on 4 Evang s. 141 10 Cleaver. Explanation of Proverbs. 143 13 Cluvier. Comm. in Apocalypsin. 144 9 Cornelius a Lapide. Comm. in 4 Prophetas majores. 359 2 . Comm. in SS. 359 3 Cotton. Comm. on I. John. 158 6 - 7 Croly. Apocalypse of St. John. 162 10 Davenant. Expos. Epist. ad Coloss. 172 10 Dathius. Libri hist. Vet. Test. 67 9 . Pentateuchus illustratus. 67 15 I N D E X . . Prophetae minores illustrati. 67 - s . Psalmi illustrati. 68 2 Diodati. Annot s upon the B. 184 n - 12 I>oddridge. Family expositor. 1ST 1 " 3 Ellicott. Comm. on Galatians. 202 5 . Comm. on Philippians, Colossians, & Philemon. 202 6 . Comm. on Ephesians. 202 7 . Comm. on Pastoral Epistles. 202 8 . Comm. on Thessalonians. 202 9 Gray. Dissertation on Revelations. 255 2 Gregorie. Works, pt. I. 272 13 Gryn&us. Exegesis Epist. ad Rom. 277 6 Hackett. Comm. on Acts. 279 10 Heinrichs. Epist. ad Hebrseos. 71 16 Hemmingius. Comm. in lohannis Episto- las. 297 14 . Comm. in I., II. Thess. 297 15 Henry* Expositor. 298 14 Hibbard. Psalms, chron. arranged. 303 3 Hodge. Comm. on Romans. 308 4 . Exposition of I. Corinthians. 308 5 Home. Comm. on the Psalms. 315 4 - 5 Hutcheson. On XII. Small Prophets. 322" Jenks. Comm. Ps. 64-Malachi. 334 2 Johnston. Paraphr. poet. Psalmorum. 337 3 K., II. Exposition of Revelations. 343 14 Kopp. N. Test, cum perpet. annot. 70 12 Lampe. Comm. Evang. Joannis. 357 10 Lightfoote. Horse Hebr. et Talm. in Evang. Johan. et Lucae. 375 10 - 11 . Horse in libris hist. N. Test. 564 3 Lowman. On the Revelations. 385 J 8 Lowth, R. On Isaiah. 67 i~ 3 Lowth, W. On the Prophets. 386 tt Macknight. On the Gospels. 72 2 , 394 15 . On the Apost. Epistles. 72 Mede. Works. 421 i- 2 Michaelis. On the laws of Moses. 424 n Matter. Enarratio Psalmorum. 432 2 Norton. On the Gospels. 72 n Noyes. Book of Job. 67 u . Book of Psalms. 67 l2 . Hebrew Prophets. 67 13 . Proverbs, Eccles., & Cant. 67 14 CEcolampadius. Annot. in loseam, loekim, Amos, Abdfain, etc. 461 13 Olshausen. Biblical comm. on N. T. 463 5 . Biblischer Commentar. 463 6 Orlgenes. Opera omnia. 463 10 Orton. Exposition of O. Test. 464 Owen, J. Exposition of Hebrews. 467 12 Owen, J. J. On Matthew & Mark. 468 4 Pareus. Comm. in Evang. Matt. 475 4 . Comm. in Genesin, Rom., I. Cor. ; et Galat. 4748-n Patrick. Hist, books of O. Test. 470 . Paraphrase on Job, Ps., Prov,, Eccles. & Cant. 470 Ph do. Opera exeg. in libros Mosis. 491 2 Poole. Annotations, &c. 5038 Porteus. Lectures on Matthew. 506 2 -+Pott. Epistolae catholics. 70 ^, 71 " Priestley. Notes on the SS. 5169 Rosenmueller,E.F.K. Schol.inV.T. 547 Rosenmueller,J. G. Schol. inN.T. 547 2 -* Sanvlius. In 4 libros Regum. 558 6 Schoettgen. Horse in Nov. Test. 564 3 Scott. Family Bible. 64 12 - 13 Sheldon. The Seventh Vial. 573 ^ Spangenberg. Annotationes in Epistolas dominicalcs. 591 2 Stanhope. The Epistles & Gospels. 595 "> Stanley. On I., II. Cor. 71 ia Stuart. On the Apocalypse, 608 7 . On Hebrews. 60as . On Romans. 608 Swedenborg. The Apocal. expl. &12" 1 - 11 . Arcana ccelestia. 612 1 2 , 613 3 Tholuck. On St. John. 626 2 Tittmann. In Evang. loannis. 631 u Topscll. Lectures on Ruth. 633 12 Vermigli. Loci communes. 677 3 . In I. Corin. 677 4 Whitby. On the New Test. 7046 Willet. Comm. on Romans. 71 1 6 Wintle. On Daniel. 66 10 . Scripture narrative. Cave. Lives of the Apostles. 122 6 Conybeare. Life & Epistles of Paul. 153 5 Delany. Life & reign of David. 177 2 Dorolheus. Lives of the Prophets, Apos tles, & 70 Disciples. 22 3 , 35 7 Ellicott. Life of Christ. 202 10 Gleig. History of the B. 249 3 Hunter. Sacred biography. 320 10 - n Macknighl. Life of Paul. 395 1 Maurice. Prophets & kings of the Old Testament. 418 ^ 4 Obcnheim. Virtvtvm et vitiorvm exempla ex V. etN.T. collecta. 460 Robinson, Scripture characters. 543 4 Royaumont. Hist, of O. & N. T. 550 9 Taylor. Lives, acts & deaths of the Evan gelists, &c. 61 9 * . Illustrative works. Bt kc. Origines Biblicas. 53 9 Burder. Oriental customs. 103 1(J Fisher. Scripture animals. 221 J5 Harris. Natural history of. 288 4 Hengstenberg. Books of Moses illustrated by the monuments of Egypt. 298 4 Jahn. Biblical archaeology. 329 7 Jones. Illustrations of the Gospels. 338 l Jowctt. Christian researches. 341 2 Kennedy. Astronomical chronology. 347 l Kurtz. Bible & astronomy. 353 l Lowth. Sacred Hebrew poetry. 386 4 I N D K X Parish. Gazetteer of the B. 475 13 Prideaux. O. & JN T . T. connected. 511 5 ~ 7 Robinson. Biblical researches. 54-2 7 -s Shuckford. The sacred & profane history of the world connected. 576 3 Tappan. Jewish antiquities. 617 12 Thomson. The Land & the Book. 628 Wells. Historical geography of. 698 is-" Whiston. Chronology of the O. T. 703 " Whilby. Chronology of N. T. 704 e . Miscellaneous works. American Bible society. Reports. 16 15 BlackwalL Sacred classics defended. 75 14 Caedmon. Metrical paraphrase. 112 3 Clarke. Survey of the B. 141 2 Corder. Christian instruction. 157 2 Fairbairn. Typology of. 214 6 Grimke. The B. as an essential part of education. 275 5 Hengstenberg. Christology of O. T. 298 3 Jones. Figurative language of. 3388 M Ewen. Types, &c. of O. T. 392 4 Mathews. The B. & men of learning. 417" Parsons. The Biblical analysis. 478 10 Rand. Defence of the B. 527 Stirenhusius. Bi&XosKaruXXa yvit. 61 1 13 Szegedinus. Loci communes. 6158 . Tabvlae analytical. 6159 Tillard. Reply to Wai-burton. 630 9 Toland. Hodegus. 632 6 Trench. Synonyms of N. T. 637 4 Ursinus. Sacra analecta. 671 n Warburton. Divine legat n of Moses. 689 8 Whitaker. Dispvtatio de Sacra Scriptvra contra Papistas. 704 3 Zanchi. De Scriptvra Sacra. 730 12 See also . Christianity, Evidences, Jesus Christ, Jews, Prophecies, Theology. Bible society, American. 16 12 ~ 15 Bible society of Mass. 72 12 - 13 BIBLIOGRAPHY. General works. Brunei. Manuel du libraire. 99 6 7 Dana. Mineralogical B. 169 V> Dibdin. Rare & valuable editions of the Classics, Bible, &c. 183 3 Guild. Treatise on. 278 1 Construct n of libr y cataPs. 741 8 Lowndes. Bibliographer s manual. 386 2 Nee de la Rochelle. Bibliotheque hist. 447 l Orme. Bibliotheca Biblica. 464 7 Rich. Bibliotheca Americana. 536 4 - 5 See also .- Books, Libraries, Periodicals, Print ing, Writing. Note. For the bibliography of various coun tries, subjects, places, or literatures, see under their several names. Catalogues of libraries, viz: American academy, &c. 16 2 American philosophical society. 19 2 Amherst college library. 21 Andover theol. seminary. 624 1(J Astor library. 7327 Athenian library. 86 1S Bohn. Catalogue of books. 788 Boston public library. 82 ", 732 14 Boston society of natural history. 83 5 Bowdoin college library. 86 1(i Brown university library. 98 10 Buckminster. Catal. of library. 101 12 California state library. 733 13 Cambridge high-school library. 114 13 Cooper. Bibliotheca Cooperiana. 154 2 Dubosianae bibliothecae catalogus. 190 18 Harvard college. Law library. 289 10 - u . University library. 289 J 7 Krohn. Catalogus bibliothecae. 352< Lawrence academy. 364 14 Library company of Philadelphia. 375 1 - 2 Loganian library. 381 2 London catalogue of books. 381-> Massachusetts hist, society. 414 10 Peabody institute. 482 ^ Peucinian library. 86 22 Pinelli. Bibliotheca Pinelliana. 495 2 Royal library of Berlin. 549 6 Stevens. C. of my Engl. library. 601 2 Troy young men s association. 638 8 University of Alabama. 669 12 United States. Congress library. 656 4 - 5 naval academy. 669 5 Williams college library. 713 8 Williams library. .711 12 Biblical repertory, &c. 72 repository, 1831- 46. 72 2251 , Index to. 72 l6 Bibliotheca sacra, 1844- 62. 73 2 , Index to. 73 :i Biddeford, History of. Folsom. Bills of exchange, law of. Kyd. 353 4 BIOGRAPHY. Collections: Arago. Scientific men. 732 4 Bates. Vitas selectorum. 47 17 Biographic universelle. 74 5 Brewster. Martyrs of science. 92 5 Brougham. Men of letters & science in the time of George III. 96- 1M2 . Sketches of public characters. 96 14 . Statesmen who nourished in the time of George III. 96 9 Caldwell. Christian biography. 112 12 Cave. Lives of the Apostles. 122* Craik. Eminent men. 160 15 Dana. Pious women. 169 2 De Quincey. Biographical essays. 179 10 The Ccesars. 179 u Dictionnaire historique. 459 2 Diogenes Laertius. De vitis, dogmatibus, etc. clarorum philosophorurn. 185 2 Distinguished. men of modern times. 186 s 756 INDEX Dorotheus. Lives of the Prophets, Apostles, & 70 Disciples. 223, 357 Fenelon. Ancient philosophers. 217 9 Goodrich. Celebrated women. 250 8 Jameson. Celebr. female sovereigns. 331 l Hunter. Sacred biography. 320 10 - 11 Lewes. Biogr. history of philosophy. 374 3 Lempriere. Universal biography. 370 4 Menage. Mulieres philosophae. 185 2 Plutarchus. Plutarch s lives. 500 2 - 3 . Vies des hommes illustres. 500 4 Priestley. Chart of B. 512 8 St. John. Celebrated travellers. 555 12 Smith. Dictionary of Greek & Roman bi ography & mythology. 584 3 Society for the Diffusion of Useful Know ledge. Lives of eminent persons. 586 4 Vasari. Vite d piu celebri pittori scultori e architetti, 1200-1568. 674 13 Note. Biographies and correspondence of individuals are entered or referred to under their respective names. See also under: America, England, France, Genealogy, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Jews, Maine, Massachusetts, Netherlands, New Eng land, Home, Scotland, United States. Biology. See Physiology. Birds. See Ornithology. Birmingham, Riots in. Priestley. 51 1 9 - 10 Bishops in America. Burton. 107 14 Blind man s, A, offering. 87 22 Blood. Lower* De motu et col ore sanguinis. 38517 BOHEMIA. Bohemiac atlas. 78 7 Ferber. Mineral-Geschichte de B. 218 l . Mineralogical history of. 80 u Bombay. 4G1 3 . See also : India. Bones, Anatomy of the. South. 589 5 Book of the Church. Southey. 5898 Book-keeping, Elements of. Kelly. 346 5 Books, Duties on. Jetoett. 335 6 BOSTON. Aristocracy of B. 82 2 B. directory, 1789. 82 14 Census of B., 1845. 828 City documents. 82 2 -i Public library. 82 1^ 2 , 732" Town documents. 81 13 82 J Bigelow. Plants of. 73 12 Bowditch. Suffolk surnames. 85 i-w Dana. Geology & mineralogy of. 169 12 Emerson. Sketch of First Church in. 204 " Loring. Hundred B. orators. 383 15 Pemberton. Description of. 485 4 Warren. Great tree on B. common. 691 2 Whitman. Artillery company of. 706 18 chronicle, The, 1768. 82 " massacre, Narrative of. 83 ] Trial of Wemms, &c. 83 2 port bill. Observations on. 524 2 weekly messenger, 1815-9. 83 Botanic garden, The. Darwin. 171 14 Botanical theology. Duncan. 192 13 BOTANY. 169 14 , 203 10 , 633 i 3 ~i, 634 Broughton. Hortus castensis. 97 l Buchoz. Manuel veterinaire de plantes. 1008 Bulliard. Dictionnaire elementaire de bo- tanique. 102 9 Decandolle, A. Geographique botanique raisonnee. 176 3 Decandolle, A. P. Philos. of plants. 176 4 Demonstrations elem. de botanique. 178 1>2 Dumont de Courset. Le botaniste cultiva- teur. 1927 Eaton. Manual of B. for Northern & Mid dle States. 1967 Edwards. Botany. 200 4 Gray. Botanical text-book. 254 12 Hill. Useful family-herbal. 3046 Hooker. Icones plantarum. 313 l Jussieu. Elements of. 738 13 Lee. Introduction to B. 367 J Lettres element, sur la botanique. 224 2 Lindley. Introd. lecture on. 376 6 . Key to structural, &c. B. 376 7 . Natural system of. 376 5 Linne. Systema plantarum. 377 3 . Systeme des plantes. 377 4 . Sys$me sexuel des vegetaux. 377 3 Milne. Botanical dictionary. 428 7-8 Philibcrt. Dictionnaire univ. bot. 489 13 . Introd. a la botanique. 489 14 . Notions botanique. 490 ! Richard. New elements of. 536 8 Saint-Pierre. Botanical harmony. 556 2 Schkuhr. Histoire des carex. 563 1 Smith. Introduction to. 582 5 Soiverby. Botanical drawing-book. 590 7 Waterhouse, The botanist. 693 15 Withering. Systematic arrangement of British plants. 719 12 See also : Algse, Fruit trees, Gardening, Trees, Vegetables* See also under . Affghanistan, America, Asia, Boston, Burgundy, East Indies, England, France, Great Britain, Hindostan, India, Maine, Massa chusetts, United States, West Indies. Bounty, Ship, Mutiny of. 45 8 Bo WDOIN college. Catalogues, &c. 86 12 -87 21 Appleton. Addresses. 26 7 -8 Daveis! Discourse bef. alumni, 1835. 172 9 Hitchcock. Sermon at dedication of the new chapel. 3078 Me Keen. Inaugural address. 393 14 Packard. Our alma mater. 469 5 Prentiss. Address bef. alumni, 1861. 508 13 Smyth. Religious history of. 585 4 Sprague. Discourse bef. *.B.K., 50. 593 12 Weston. Bowdoin poets. 700 Boyle s-lecture sermons. 89 6 INDEX. 757 Boylston-prize dissertations. 479 9 , 573 2 Brahminical religion, View of. 119 10 Brandenburg, House of. Frederic II. 235 ? Brass. Swedenborg. Minerale de orichalco. Brazily Notices of, 1828-9. Walsh. 687 Brevium, New natura. Fitzherbert. 222 12 BREWING. Morrice. Treatise on. 438 n Shannon. Practical treatise on. 572 12 BRIDGE WATER treatises, viz: Babbage. Design in the Creator. 35 15 Bell. On the hand. 54 ia Buckland. Geology & mineralogy. 101 l Chalmers. Constitution of man. 124 8 Kidd. Physical condition of man. 348 5 Kirby. Animals. 350 3 Prout. Chemistry, meteorology & diges tion. 520 l Roget. .Animal & vegetable physiol. 544 8 Whewell. Astron. & general physics. 702 13 Brights, The, of Suffolk, England. 93 4 Britain. See Great Britain. British essayists, Collection of. 95 l poets, Collection of. 133 5 treaty, The. 95 2 BRITTANY. Cressy. Church-history of. 161 12 La Villemarque. Chants populaires de la Bretagne. 738 18 Brookline, Mass. Pierce. Sketch of. 493 8 . Historical sermons. 493 1>9 Brown university. 98 10 ~ 13 Brussels. Burtin. Description des fossiles de Bruxelles. 107 10 Building. See Architecture, Ventilation. BUNKER hill. Sketches of B. H. battle & monument. 733 n Packard. B. H. monument. 469 3 Burgundy. Durande. Flore de Bourgogne. Business man s assistant. Butts. 11 9 Buxton, Tepid springs of. 483 12 Byzantine empire, 716-1453. Finlay. 221 3 Cabinet library, Parley s. 250 8 . Calebs in search of a wife. More. 436 "- 5 Caen, Agriculture et commerce de. 356 3 CafFraria, Travels, &c. in. Kay. 344 15 Calabria, Earthquakes in. Dolomieu. 188 1 CALCULUS. Airy. C. of variations. 10 n Boucharlet. Elemens de calcul differentie et de calcul integral. 84 8 Carnot. Reflexions sur la metaphysique d calcul infinitesimal. 118 9 CondiUac. Langue des calculs. 151 6 Cournot. Traite elementaire du calcul in finitesimal. 158 u Duhamel. Elemens de calcul infinitesima 191 Emerson. The arithmetic of infinities. 20< Fontaine-des-Bertins. Traite de calcul d ferentiel & integral. 225 Gregory. Examples of the. 272 16 Hall. C. of finite differences. 281 15 . C. of variations. 281 16 Hemming. Diff. & integral C. 297 13 Hind. Differential C. 3054 Hymers. Treatise on diff. equations. 324 3 . Treatise on integral C. 324 4 Jarrett. Algebraic development. 331 10 Jellett. C. of variations. 333 16 Jephson. Fluxional C. 334 n Lacroix. Traite du calcul differentiel et du calcul integral. 354 13 Levy. Differential & integral C. 374 2 Ritchie. Principles of the differential & integral C. 538 8 Smyth. Elements of differential & inte gral C. 585H Waugh. Math, essays upon. 696 2 Caledonians, Annals of the. Ritson. 538 12 Calendar. See Almanac. -, Cambridge university, 1846. 115 2 CALIFORNIA. 733 13 . School reports. 112 13 Blake. Geological reconnaissance in C. in 1853. 76 u Chappe d Auteroche. Voyage to. 128 2 Conrad. Fossil shells of. 152 12 Fremont. Geographical memoir of. 649 13 Greenhow. History of. 271 n Call to the unconverted. Baxter. 48 9 Calm observer, Letters of the. 675* CALVINISM. Channing. Moral argument against. 126 9 Osgood. Calvinists not always right. 465 n Pareus. Calvinvs orthodoxvs. 475 l Thorn. C. same with Universalism. 626 4 CAMBRIDGE university. Calendar, 1848. 115 2 Examination problems, 1801-20. 115 1 Halliwell. Manuscript rarities of. 282 Wilson. Memorabilia Cantabrigiae. 716 2 Cambridge, Mass. 114i 2 Holmes. History of. 309 14 Cambridge church-gathering, 1636. 451 " Camel, Organization, &c. of the. 404 n CANADA. Report of schools, 1851. 116 7 Tables of trade & navigation, 1854. 116 8 Heriot Travels through the Canadas, 1805. 3004 Rochefoucault-Llancourt. Travels through Upper C., 1795-7. 543 7 CANALS. Fulton. Canal navigation. 238 3 Hogrewe. Beschreibung der in England seit 1759, schiffbaren Kanale. 308 n Phillips. Canals in England. 490 13 Strickland. Reports on. 606 10 Canon law. Graves. 254 9 Cant, Religion without. Fellowes. 216 Cape Anne, Landing at. Thornton. 742 2 Carbon, Dissertation on. Ross. 547 Caribbeana. 117 14 58 IISDEX Carolina, North. See North Carolina. , South. See South Carolina. Carpentry. See Architecture. Catacombs of Rome, as illustrating the early Church. Kip. 349 14 Catalogues, library, Construction of. 7418 jV; tg t For catalogues of libraries see Bib liography : for catalogues of literary institutions see under their respective names. Cataract, On. Guthrie. 7378 CATECHISM. Bcrchetus. Elementaria traditio Christianorum fidei. 732 9 Harmar. Catechesis rel. Chr. 737 12 Latina catechesis. 3G2 16 Newcame. 52 discourses on the Church-C. 451 12 Packard. Catechism. 469 6 Pareus. Miscel. catechetica. 475 2 Tremellius. Hebrew C. Wcstm. Assembly. Catechismus. 151 ie Willard. 250 expository lectures on the Assembly s shorter C. 710 13 CATTLE. Lawrence. Treatise on. 364 9 Mills. Treatise on. 428 3 - 4 Celibacy. Pareus. De origine. 474 9 CELTS. Edwards. Recherchessur leslangues Celtiques. 200 & Prichard. Eastern origin of the Celtic na tions. 511 4 Ritson. Memoirs of the. 539 2 CEMENT. 355 a Fleuret. L art de composer des pierres factices. 223 Higgins. Experiments & observations on calcareous cements, &c. 303 n Centaur, The, not fabulous. 123 2 Central Africa. See Africa. Centrifugal force, Theorems upon. 345 14 CEYLON. Cordiner. Description of. 157 3 Tennent. Christianity in. 621 5 Chaldaea. Travels, &c. in. Loftus. 381 J CHALDEE language. Marcel. Chrestomathia Chaldaica. 403 Munstcr. Chald. grammatica. 444 2 . Dictionarivm Chald. 444 3 Palfrey. Chaldee grammar. 472 12 CHANCERY. Cooper. Tracts on the court of. 154 !, 155 2 , 156 1- 2 Mitford. Pleadings in suits in courts of. 43H Newland. Practice of the High Court of. 452 ! CHARACTERS. La Bruyere. Les caradteres. 3537-8 . Characters. 353 9 Theophrastus. Characteres ethici. 625 l . Moral characters. 625 2 - 3 Characteristicks. Cooper. 153 13 CHARITY. James. Chr. C. explained. 330 7 Mandeville. C. & charity-schools. 402 l Charlestown. Hist, sketch of. 46 14 Chateau d Arques, Hist. de. Deville. 181 10 CHEMISTRY. 351 1 3 , 388 3 , 483 12 Accum. System of. 3 12 - 13 Achard. Chymische-physische Schriften. 315 Aikin, A. 8? C. R. Dictionary of. 10 l Baume. Chymie exper. & raisonnee. 48 4 . Manual of. 48 5 Bccher. Chymischer Gltlckshafen. 51 5 . Chymisches laboratorium. 51 6 . Experimentum chym. novum. 51 7 . Nochmalicher Zusatz ttber die unter- erdischer Naturkttndigung. 51 8 . CEdipus chymicus. 51 9 Begum. Tirocinium chymicum. 53 7 Berthollet. Laws of chem. affinity. 60 10 Bouillon Lagrange. Manual of. 733 l Chaptal. Chimie appliquee aux arts. 128 3 Crett. Chemical journal, 1791-93. 161 10 . Chemische Annalen, 1784-86. 161 9 -n Dana. Epit. of chymical philosophy. 69 u Daniell. Chemistry. 170 5 Davy. Elements of cheinical-philos. 172 12 . Chemical researches. 172 14 Demeste. Lettres sur la chymie. 177 1G Fourcroy. Elementary lectures on. 228 n . Elements of. 228 12-13 . Lecons elementaires. 229 * . Systeme des connaissanceschimiques. 229 2 - 3 Gay Lussac fy Arago. Armales de chimie. 2431 Graham. Elements of. 253 16 Henry. Epitome of. 299 9 ~ n Heron. Elements of. 301 ~> Higgins. Experiments, &c. in. 303 ia Juncker. Conspectvs chemis. 342 l K., J. Dictionary of. 343 1G Klaproth. Analytical essays. 350 16 Kunckel. Chymische Anmerckungen. 352 10 .Collegium physico-chymicum. 352 n Lavoisier. Elements of. 363 9 . Traite elementaire de chemie. 363 10 Lemery. Chymical medicines. 369 u Liebig. Familiar letters on. 375 8 . Organic C. in its application to agri culture & physiology. 375 s * Macquer. Dictionary of. 396 8 . Theory & practice of. 396 6 - 7 Miller. Elements of. Monro. Medical & pharmaceutical C. 432 10 Murray. Elements of. 445 5 . System of. 445 6 Nicholson. Dictionary of. 45 1 5 -* 5 Parkinson. Chemical pocket-book. 477 8 Pcmberton. Course of. 485 l Pott. Animadversiones phys.-chem. 507 l . Chymische Untersuchungen. 507 2 ~ 5 Scheele. Chemical essays. 561 " 1 A D E X . -50 Spielmann. Instituts de chymie. 593 l Thomson. System of. 6286-7 Watson. Chemical essays. 695 4 Weigel. Grundriss der Chemie. 698 5 See aho . Crystallography, Distillation, Elec tricity, Heat, Light, Photography. Cheshire, Agriculture of. 309 9 Chief justices, Lives of the. 222 13 Children, Nursing & management of. 582 2 CHILI. Conrad. Fossil shells of. 152 13 Ewbank. Indian antiquities from. 212 21 Gilliss. Geography, climate, &c.of.,248 2 Chimneys, Method of building. 242 12 CHINA. Abeel. Residence in. 2 10 Anderson. British embassy to. 22 7 -" Anecdotes Chinoises. 24 2 Barrow. Travels in. 45 10 Brand. Chinesische Reise, 1692. 733 2 Davis. The Chinese. 1749 DuHalde. History of. 191 u Grosier. General description of. 276 6 Gutzlaff. Chinese history. 279 2 Hardivick. Anc t religions of. 285 3 Memoires concernant Fhistoire, etc. 422 7 Moreau de Saint- Mery. Embassy of E. I. Co. 436 13 P * * *. Recherches philosophiques sur les Chinois. 4681 2 Renaudot. Ancient accounts of. 532 9 Staunton. Embassy to. 597 7 - Williams. The middle kingdom. 712 Chinese language. 734 l . Plumboldt. Genie de la langue Chinoise. 319 9 repository, The. 133 Chirography. Massey. Acc t of most celebr. English penmen. 416 6 CHIVALRY. James. History of. 330 3 Mills. History of. 428 J See also .- Knights of Malta. Cholera. Byrne. Essay on. Ill 5 Paine. Letters on the cholera asphyxia, in New York. 470 10 Christ. See Jesus Christ. CHRISTIAN. Abbott. The young C. 2 5 Chandler. Plain reasons for being a C. 496 13 Mead. The almost C. discovered. 420 l3 Walker. The Christian. 686 3 biography. See Biography. character, Formation of the. 690 13 Church. See Church, Ecclesiastical history, Ecclesiastical polity. communion, Sermons on. 60 13 dictionary. 615 2 , 716 5 divinity. See Theology. doctrine. See Theology. Independents at Gloucester. 249 7<8 knowledge. See Theology. library, The. 134 10 ministry. See Ministry. nurture. Bushmtt. 108 " perfection. Law. Treatise on. 364 2 Merritt. Treatise on. 424 4 philosopher, The. Dick. 183 5 - 6 religion, Institutes of, Calvin. 113 12 Ramus. De religione Christiana. 527 a See also : Christianity, Evidences, &c. sonnets. Allen. 14 4 CHRISTIANITY. Apthorp. Prevalence of Ci before its civil establishment. 27 13 Arndt. True C. 31 2 Baxter. Nature of visible C. 48 10 Bonnet. Inquiries concerning. 79 13 Burnap. History of C. 105 5 Burnet. The sum of C. 106 3 Caldwell. C. tested by eminent men. 112 12 Cave. Primitive C. 122 ? Chateaubriand. Genie du Christianisrne. (Euvres, vol. 9-11. 130 J Cheever. Bible C. enforced. 132 9 Feuerbach. Essence of C. 220* Fowler. Design of C. 229 5 Furness. The genius of. 736 13 Hardivick. C. & anc t systems. 285 3 Hinds. Rise & early progress of. 305 6 King. Spiritual C. 349 9 Lancaster. Popular evidence of. 357 16 Masson. C. of Macrobius disprov d. 416 n Norton. Tracts concerning. 457 14 Ostewald. Present corruptions of. 466 Priestley. Corruptions of. 514 13 - 14 . Use of C. in difficult times. 517 4 Sprague. Contrast between true C. & other systems. 593 13 Toland. C. not mysterious. 631 4 Volney. Les ruines. 681 3 Whiston. Primitive C. reviv d. 70S 16 See also .- Christian, Ecclesiastical history, Evidences, Jesus Christ, Missions, Religions, Theology. Chronicle of the Cid. 380 15 , 589 9 , The London. 381 u , London morning. 438 n CHRONOLOGY. Art de verifier les dates. 32 5 ~ 10 Ball. Opus chronologicum. 40 7 Blair. C. of the world. 76 6 Hanmer. Chronographie. 284 16 Helvicus. Chronological treatise. 297 6 Las Casas. Atlas chronologique. 371 4 Newton. Ancient C. 452 8 Putnam. Hand-book of. 522" Tytler. Table of C. 641 13 CHURCH. Fish. Aggressive power of Chris tian C. 221 13 Kitten. The ancient C. 348 ll Pond. The Church. 502 Wood. Matter of the visible C. 721 5 Seea so; Church of England, &c., Ecclesias tical history, Ecclesiastical polity, Prophecies, Roman-Catholic Church. cases cleered. Homes. 312 6 of Christ, Doctrine, &c. of the. 192 19 760 INDEX. of England. 3728 Beach. Vindication of its professors against Hobart. 49 12 Bentham. Book of Church reform. 57 14 Beveridge. Exposition of articles. 61 n Book of common prayer. 136 16 Burnet. Exposition of articles. 105 13 . Reformation of. 105 9 - 14 Cade. Ivstification of. 1 12 l Croft. Naked truth, pt. IV. 1628 Fruits of endowments in. 237 6 Great Britain. Monumenta ecclesiastica Anglicana. 260 3 Homilies appointed to be read in. 123 3 Hooker. Ecc l polity of. 312 15 -ie Nelson. Companion for the festivals & fasts of. 4483 Newcome. Expl. of Ch.-Catechism. 451 12 Pearson. Expos, of the Creed. 483 17 Restoration to the primitive government of Episcopacy. 494 8 Southey. Book of the Church. 589 8 Sparrow. Articles, canons, &c. of. 592 l Strype. Reformation in. 607 4 . Ecclesiastical memorials. 607 5 . Life of Bp. Aylmer. 607 7 . Life of Archbp. Grindal. 6078 . Life of Archbp. Parker. 607 10 , 608 * . Life of Archbp. Whitgift. 60S 3 . Memorials of Cranmer. 608 4 Taylor. Polemicall discourses. 619 7 Wake. History of. 684 3 Warner. Ch. of E. turned dissenter. 691 12 WTiarton. Historia de Episcopis, etc. Lon- dinensibus; etc. 701 8 See also : Congregationalism, Episcopacy, Dis senters, Puritans. government. See Ecclesiastical polity. history. See Ecclesiastical history. member s guide. James. 330 10 of Jerusalem, Liturgy of. 22 3 of Scotland. Calderwood. History of, 1560-1625. 1121 Carson. Reasons for separating from the synod of Ulster. 119 s Crookshank. State & sufferings of. 163 7 Errors, &c. of the secession. 682 16 Government & order of. 566 5 Spotswood. History of, 203-1624. 593 9 and tate. Grotius. De imperio sum- marum potestatum circa sacra. 276 n unity, Discourse on. Sherlock. 575 l Cid, Chronicle of the. 380^, 389 9 Circle, Quadrature of the. Parker. 4768 Citizens. Mably. Desdroits etdes devoirs des citoyens. 390 8 CIVIL engineering. Barlow. 43 15 Clairac. The field engineer. 138 ? Nicholson. Engineering dictionary. 454 l Sganzin. Elementary course of. 572 2 Strickland. Reports on canals, &c. 606 10 See also: Canals, Hydraulics, Mechanics, Eail- roads, Surveying. Civil law. See Law, Roman. CIVILIZATION. Buckle. History of C. in Eng land. 101 2 Guizot. Civilization in Europe from fall of Roman Empire. 278 5 - 6 Hitchcock. The laws of C. 307 6 Romagnosi. Dell indole e dei fattori dell incivilimento. 5458 CLASSICAL literature. Ascham. The school master. 32 14 Dibdin. Introduction to rare editions of Gr. & Lat. classics. 183 3 Eschenburg. Manual of. 208 14 Fellon. Dissertation on reading the clas sics. 2175 Jahrbttcher for classische Philologie. 448 11 Lanteires. Diet. hist, et litt. des poetes Gr. et Lat. 358 1 Lempriere. Classical dictionary. 370 3 Patrick. Anc t dramatick poetry. 621 n Ramsay, A. M. Travels of Cyrus. 526 . Les voyages de Cyrus. 526 I2 Ramsay, W. Extracts from Tibullus & Ovid, with introductions, &c. 526 16 Spruner. Atlas antiquus. 594 1 l Walker. Pronunciation of Greek & Latin proper names. 685 14 Classics. See Classical literature, Greek lan guage, Greek literature, Latin language, Latin literature. Classification, Essay on. Agassiz. 9 3 Climate. Wilson. Influence of C. on vegeta ble & animal bodies. 715 l Clydesdale, Agriculture of. Naismith. 445 12 Coals in Illinois. Norwood. 3248 Coast survey reports. 646 8 9 Cochineal. Thiery de Menonville. Traite de I 7 education de le cochenille. 625 16 Coffee-planter of St. Domingo. 353 Cohasset, History of. Flint. 223 n Coinage. Harris. Essay on money, &c. 287 5 Humphreys. Origin & progress of. 738 6 Vaughan. Coin & coinage. 675 9 See aho . Metals, Money, Numismatics. Coins. See Coinage, Numismatics. College government, Letters on. 44 3 Colombia, Present state of. Hall. 280 15 Colonies of America. See American colonies. Colonization. See African colonization. Colorado river, Exploration of. 650 6 Colossians. See Bible. Colours, Theory of. Goethe. 250 10 See also .- Light, Optics. Columbia college, Duty of. 551 3 Moore. Hist, sketch of. 435 13 Columbian centinel, The. 149 10 INDEX. 761 grammar, The. 176 ] magazine, The. 149 n COMETS. Cooper. Essay on. 156 4 Englefidd. On the determination of the orbits of. 206 8 Oliver. Essay on. 462 13 Winthrop. Cogitata de cometis. 718 12 . Two lectures on. 718 14 Comfort for the afflicted. 271 18 Comic writers, English, Lectures on. 294 7 Commandments, Exposition of the. 194 2 Commentaries on the Bible. See Bible. COMMERCE. Anderson. Origin of. 22 6 Bailey. ,The advancement of. 38 14 Chalmers. Commercial discourses. 124 9 Condillac. Le commerce et le gouverne- ment. 151 3 Heeren. C. of antiquity. 295" Huet. Commerce des anciens. 318 12 Lowe. Commerce. 385 9 Lushington. Agric. &C. inseparable. 3888 Macpherson. Annals of. 396 1 Von Manufacturen und Com. 739 6 Melon. Essai politique sur le com. 421 2 Mill. Commerce defended. 426 3 Nouveau & anciens principes du commerce, compares. 458 I4 Observations polit. et morales de C. 461 5 Peuchet. Dictionnaire universel de la geog raphic commercante. 488 tf Postlethwayt. Univ. dictionary of. 506 14 Ricard. Traite general du C. 535 10 Roll. New dictionary of. 515 6 Vaughan. Tracts on. 676 1>3 Webster. Papers on. 697 13 Commercial relations of the U. States. 648 8~ 13 Common law, History of. Hale. 280 7 Common prayer, Book of. 136 16 Common school controversy, The. 402 2 Commons, House of, Recollections of. 527 14 Manning. Lives of the Speakers. 402 7 Communion, The Holy. See Lord s Supper, Sacraments. Companion for the festivals & fasts of the Ch. of England. Nelson. 448 3 Comparative anatomy, Manual of. 338 6 Composition, Grammar of. Rwsell. 553 6 Conceivability the basis of reason. 450 6 CONCHOLOGY. Adams. Shells of Vermont. 5 3 Binney. Terrestrial air-breathing mollusks of the United States, &c. 74 3 Gould. Invertebrata of Mass. 413 14 Kiener. Species general et iconographie des coquilles vivantes. 348 10 Say. C. of the U. S. 561 1 Sowerby. Thesaurus conchyliorum. 590 6 Stimpson. Marine invertebrata of Grand Manan. 604 5 Concord of ages. Beecher. 52 14 Concordances, Scripture. See Bible. CONFESSION of faith. Bahrdts. Glaubensbekenntniss. 38 4 Confessio fidei in conventu theologorum authoritate Parliamenti Angl. indicto e- laborata. 151 1 6 Corpvs et syntagma confessionvm fidei qvse ecclesiarum nomine fuerunt editae. 157 7 Niemayer. Collectio confessionum in ec- clesiis reformatis publicatarum. 455 1M2 Winer. Comparative Darstellung des Lehr- begriffs der verschiedener Christlichen Kirchenparteien. 717 l Confirmation, Authority, &c. of. 237 14 Conflict of ages. Beecher. 52 15 Congregational quarterly, The. 151 17 year-book, 1858. 17 9 CONGREGATIONALISM. Hawes. Vindication of cong. churches in N. E. 293 7 Punchard. View of. 522 8 Vhden. C. in N. E. to 1740. 642 7 Upham. Ratio disciplinae. 671 6 White, D. A. New England C. 704 n White, J. N. England s lamentations. 705 * CONGRESS, Debates of. 6 W 10 -647 1 Benton. Abridgment of debates. 58 Congress of nations, Essays on. 18 12 , 186 ! Congressional directory, 1847-8. 656 7-8 documents, U. S. 659!-667 15 globe, 1859. 646 u register, Lloyd s. 379 9 CONIC sections. Emerson. Elements of. 204 8 Hamilton. Treatise on. 283 10 Hutton. Elements of. 323 9 L Hospital. Traite analytique des sectiones coniques et de leur usage. 374 13 Simson. Elements of. 579 4 CONNECTICUT. Contributions to the eccles. history of. 243 12 Bacon. Historical discourses. 37 15 Day. Supreme-court reports. 175 3 Dwight. History of. 194 13 Percival. Geology of. 486 7 Trumbull. History of. 638 10 . Vindication of Conn, title to lands west of New York. 638 u Wolcolt. Agency of Winthrop in obtain ing a charter for C. 7208 Connoisseur, The. 1528-9 CONSCIENCE. Ames. Conscience, with the power & cases thereof. 20 9 . De conscientia, etc. 20 10 Gillespie. Questions & cases of. 247 4 Pike. Important cases of. 494 6 Consolations in travel. Davy. 174 u Constitution of England. See England. of the U. S. See United States. Constitutional law. See Government, Law, Po litical science. 762 I ^ D E X .. republicanism. Austin. 34 7 Constitutions of Europe, & the United States. Delacroix. 176 14 CONSUMPTION. Bcddoes. Causes, &c. 52 10 . Management of. 52 u Moore. Essay on. 435 7 Contagion. Smyth. Effect of nitrous vapour in. 585 & See also . Cholera, Yellow fever. CONTRACTS. Powell. Law of C. & agree ments. 507i 2 7 508 J Verplanck. Doctrine of. 677 9 Convent, Ursuline, Six months in. 530 7 CONVERSION. Alleine. Treatise on. 12 16 Bancroft. Discourse on. 40 u Conveyancing, Fraudulent. Roberts. 540 4<5 Convicts. See Prison discipline. COPPER. Jacobi. Galvanoplastik. 329 4 Swedenborg. Minerale de cupro. 613 9 Coptic manuscript. 156 16 Corinthians, Epistle to the. See Bible. CORRESPONDENCE. Ellis. Original letters il lustrative of English history. 2038 Fenn. Paston letters. 217 i Note. Correspondence of individuals will be found under their respective names. Corruptions of Christianity. Priestley. 514 13 - 14 COSMOGRAPHY. Heylin. 302 10 Blundeville. ^Treatises on. 77 5 See also: Creation, Universe, World. COSMOLOGY. Hickok. Rational C. 303? Lewis. The Scriptural C. 374 7 Maupertuis. Essai de cosmologie. 418 n Cosmopolite, Le. Monbron. 432 4 Cosmos. Humboldt. 319 4 COSTUME. Fairholt. C. in England. 214 7 Lenoir. Dissertation sur les costumes de chaque siecle. 370 s Cottage residences. Downing. 189 12 Cottonian library, Mss. in. 260 n COUNCIL of Basle. ^Eneas Sylvius. Concil ium Basiliense. 254 7 of Trent. Chemnitz. Examen decre- torum Concilii Tridentini. 132 u Cramp. History of. 161 3 Jurieu. History of. 342 6 Sdrpi. Historic of. 559 8 . Istoria del concilio Trid. 559 9 COUNCILS. Carranza. Summa conciliorum etc. 119 4 Jurieu. Hist, reflexions on. 342 6 Quick. Acts, decisions, &c. of Reformed Churches in France. 523 9 See also: Council, Synod. Counsellor, Every man his own. 110 n Country. See Rural. Course of time. Pottok. 160 14 Court & camp of Bonaparte. 158 16 Courtship, Religious. Iff Foe. 176 s >ovetousness the sin of the Christian Church. Harris. 287 4 ^ovode investigation, Report of. 656 12 CREATION, Beauties of the. 50 13 Babbage. Design in the. 35 15 M Cosh $f Dicfiie. Typical forms & spe cial ends in C. 391 19 Lewis. The six days of C. 374 7 Marsh. Mosaic history of. 404 10 Miller. Footprints of the Creator. 426 10 Ray. Wisdom of God in. 529 3 Vestiges of the natural history of. 677 16 breeds. See Apostles 7 creed, Athanasian creed, Confession of faith. Crests, Book of family. 80 2 CRIME. Beccaria. Dei delitti e delle pene. 51 1 . Essay on crimes fcpunishm ts. 50 2<s See also .- Prison discipline, Punishment. Crimea, Travels in the. 635 9 Crimean war, Reports of U. S. military com mission upon. 645 8 ~ 10 CRIMINAL law. Brissot de Warville. Theo- rie des loix criminelles. 93 13 France. Compte gencrale de 1 administra- tion de la justice criminelle, 1842. 2318 See also . Crime, Penal law, Punishment. Criminal trials, American. 125 10 Critical review, The. 162 6 CRITICISM. Home. Elements of. 31 1 4 ~e Priestley. Lectures on. 512 4 See also: Bible, Greek language, Latin lan guage, Rhetoric. Critick of pure reason. Kant. 344 7 Crosse, Signe of the, Against using. 477 x Crown circuit companion. Dogherty. 187 19 Crown law, Discourses upon. Foster. 228 7 CRUSADES. Michaud. History of. 425 2 MHO*. History of. 428 2 , 740 3 Proctor. History of. 519 4 Crustacea of U.S. explor. expd. Dana. 651 * * Crystallography. Brooke. 95 9 Rome de I Isle. Cristallographie. 546 J Cuba, Acquisition of. 56 9 Cumberland, Agriculture of. 38 CUNEIFORM inscriptions. Menant. Recueil d alphabets. 422 Rawlinson. Memoir on Persian. 529 l Curiosities of literature. 185 13 ~ 15 of American literature. 185 15 CURRENCY. Hamilton. Report on. 249 10 Me Duffie. Report on. 249 10 Traite de la circulation, etc. 635 4 See also . Coinage, Gold, Silver. CURVES. Emerson. Curve lines. 204 8 Hill. Essay on. 3048 Hind. Application of calculus to. 305 4 Newton. Two treatises on. 451 12 Customs. See Manners and customs. CYCLOPAEDIA. See also: Encyclopaedia. -, The English. Knight. 350 IXDEX. 63 of English literature. 125 5 of missions. Neivcomb. 451 u ; New American. 740 8 Cyrus, Travels of. Ramsay. 526 Dakotah land & Dakotah life. 447 13 Dalmatia, Travels into. Fortis. 227 6 Daniel, Book of. See Bible. Danish grammar. Raspe. 528 3 DANUBE. Marsigli. Danubius pannonico- mysicus. 40G l Planche. Descent of the, 1827. 497 Danvers, Mass. Peabody reception. 170 9 DARTMOUTH college. 171 5 ~ 12 , 702 5 ~ 10 Lord. Inaugural address. 363 10 Dead, Dialogues of the. Lyttelton. 389 15 . DEAF-MUTES. Lieber. Vocal sounds of Laura Bridgeman. 375 7 Sicard. Cours destruction. 576 8 Dead sea, U.S. expedition to. 389 9 Death, Discourses on. Sherlock. 575 a , Relief from accidental. 335 1 penalty. 372 12 Cleveland. Sermons on. 144 1 Hancock. Poetical essay on. 284 12 Debates of Congress, Abridgment of. 58 16 Decameron, 11. Boccacio. 77 9 Decimal arithmetic. See Arithmetic. Decision of character. Foster. 228 5 Declarations, American precedents of. 19 6 Deeds. See Conveyancing. DEISM. Leland. Principal deistical writers in England. 369 G - 7 Leslie. Method with deists. 371 * . Dialogue betwixt a Christian & a de ist. 371 14 See also-. Evidences of revealed religion, God, Infidelity. DEMOCRACY. Camp. 115 6 Tocqueville. D. in America. 631 2 Democratic review, 1841- 51. 669 4 DEMONOLOGY. Farmer. Demoniacs of the New Testament. 214 15 Scott. Letters on. 567 10 See also: Magic, Witchcraft. DENMARK. Anecdotes de la Danemarck. 24 7 Coze, Travels in. 160 9 Mallett. The ancient Danes. 401 3 Worsaae. Primeval antiquities of. 725 8 Denominations. See Sects. DERBYSHIRE. Bray. Tour into. 91 8 Ferber. Oryctography of. 218 ^ . Oryktographie von D. 218 8 Mawf. Mineralogy of. 419 8 Despotism, The spirit of. 593 6 , Spiritual. Taylor, 618 u Detroit, Surrender of. Clarke. 116 3 "Deus," Use of in Plautus & Terence. 2 1 DEVIL. Layard. D.-worshippers. 365 3 Vaughan. Personality of the. 675 7 Devils, Dialogues of. 325 8 Devotion, Family book of. Hooker. 312 12 Dialectics. Set Logic. Dialects. See English language, French lan guage, &c. DIALOGUES. Eckermann. Conversations. 197 2 Erasmus. Colloquies. 207 . Colloquia. 207 * Goethe. Conversations. 737 l Lyttelton. D. of the dead. 389 1& Lucmnus. Opera. 387 3 ~ 8 Diamants, Traite des. 333 14 DICTIONARIES. Philological. Anglo-Saxon to English. Bosioorth. 83 12 Arabic to French. Helot. 296 w to Latin. Freytag. 236 7 Danish to English. Ferrall. 219^ English to Danish. Rosing. 547* to French, Boycr. 88 10 89 2 to French. Chambaud. 124 u to French. Garner. 241 15 to French. Nugent. 460 2 to French. Spiers, 593 2 to Gaelic. Macleod. 395 > 2 to German. Adler. 8 l to German. Arnold. 31 5 to German. Hilpert. 305 2 to German. Flucgel. 1 50 8 to Greek. Fraederstorff. 736 to Greek. Polymneres. 740 16 to Italian. Baretti. 42 10 to Latin. Cole. 146 i to Spanish. Baretti. 43 J to Spanish. Gattel. 242 6 to Spanish. Newman. 448 14 to Swedish. 206 2 , German & French. Liidwig. 388 J , Latin & Greek. 238 5, 344 1 French to Arabic. Helot. 296 ^ to English, Buyer. 88 1 89 2 to English. Chambaud. 124 14 to English. Garner. 21-1 15 to English. Nugent. 460 2 to English, Spiers. 593 3 to German. 459 l , Latin, etc. La Jonchere. 356 4 to Portuguese. Constancio. 152 16 to Spanish. Gattel. 242 7 - 8 Gaelic to English. Macleod. 395 1 2 German to English. Adler. 8 ] to English. Hilpert. 305 2 to English. Meissncr. 1"50 8 to French. 459 l Greek to English. Homeric lexicon. Cru- siun. 1644 to Latin. Scapula. 561 3<4 , Latin, & French. 459 8 -Hebrew to English. Gibbs. 246 10 -u to English. Parkhurst. 477 7 Italian to English. Veneroni. 676 ll 764 INDEX. Latin to English. Cole. 146 16 to English. Entick. 206 n - 12 to French. Baudot. 84 10 - 11 to French. De Woimont. 3978 Portuguese to French. Constancio. 152 16 Spanish to English. Baretti, 43 1 to English. Gattel. 242 10 to 4 English, Newman. 448 14 to French. Gattel. 242 7- 9 Swedish to English. 460 7 to English. Ohrlander. 462 8 to French. Ohrlander. 4628 to German. Ohrlander. 4628 Welsh to English. Given. 468 6 of arts & sciences. 1629, 286 of the Bible. See Bible. , Classical. Lempriere. 370 3 ; Historical; geographical, & poetical. Moreri. 437 8~ 10 ; Mythological, etymological & histori cal. Holwell. 311i ; Purchaser s & builder s. 449 l of religions. See Religions. of theology. See Theology. Diet, Lectures on. Willich. 713 16 DIGEST. Cruise. D. of law of property. K4 1 Home. Decisions of Court of Sess. 311 3 Digestion. See Diet, Dyspepsia. Diplomacy. Se^Law of nations, Negotiations, Treaties. Diplomatic correspondence of the American revolution. 652 2 Directory, Boston, 1789. 82 14 , London, 1792. 23 Discourses. See Sermons. Discoveries. See Inventions, Voyages. Discovery, Philosophy of. Whewell. 703 6 Diseases. See Pathology. Dispensatory, Edinburgh. 192 n DISSENTERS. P., T. The mischief of impo sitions. 468 10 Priestley. Letters relative to. 515 n . Principles & conduct of. 517 5 Protestant dissenter s magazine, 1794- 7 99. 519 9 Stillingfleet. Mischief of separation. 603 J . Unreasonableness of separation. 604 ~ Towgood. Dissent justified. 6348-9 See also : Church of England, Congregation alism, Friends, Presbyterianism. Dissertations, moral & critical. 49 17 DISTILLATION. Hales. D. of sea-water. 280 n Rubeus. Liber de destillatione. 550 10 Shannon. Treatise of brewing, &c. 572 12 District of Columbia, Sketch of. 317 J Diversions of Purley. Tooke. 633 4-5 Divine government. See God. Divine sayings, Collection of, in English and Bengalee. 147 15 DIVINITY. . Ames. Marrow of. 20 12 . Medvlla theologian 20 13 ~ 13 Doddridge. Lectures on. 186 16 - 17 Fisher. Marrow of modern D. 221 14 Gill. Complete body of D. 247 3 Godolphin. The holy arbor. 249 13 Hay. Lectures in D. 302 8 Hopkins. Doctrines of Revelation. 313 13 - 14 Mason. Discourses on. 408 10 Mede. Works. 420 ** Taylor. Scheme of Scripture D. 619 12 Usher. A body of D. 672 2 Willard. Compleat body of. 710 13 See also .- Bible, Theology. degrees, Testimony against. 177 7 school, Cambridge. 289 6 ~8 Docks, Tracts on. Vaughan. 676 1>3 Doctrines. Hagenbach. History of. 280 l . Lehrbuch der Dogmengesch/te. 737 9 See also . Theology. Domesday book. 260 i 3 , 261 3 Domestic encyclopaedia. Willich. 713 15 Dorchester. Harris. Acc t of. 287 15 . Centennial discourse. 287 10 Doric race, History & antiquities of. 443 5 Dort, Synod of. See Synod. DRAMA. Patrick. Dramatick poetry of the antients. 621" Voltaire. Critical essays on dramatic poe try. 682 3 See also .- Comic writers, Stage. DRAWING. Beattie. Dissert, on. 49 17 Nicholson. D. from nature. 453 Sopwith. Treatise on isometrical D. 589 l Dred Scott, Case of. Howard. 316 8 Dress. See Costume. Druids, Acc t of. Tressan. 637 n Dunciad, The. Pope. 503 n Duty, Nature of. 236 9 DUXBURY. Bradbury. Notes on. 90 7 Winsor. History of. 717 13 DYNAMICS. Earnshaw. 196 2 Robison. Elements of. 543 5 See also: Hydrodynamics, Motion. Dyspepsia forestalled & resisted. 306 1(M1 EARTH. Airy. Figure of the. 10 9 Cuvier. Theory of the. 166 6 Goldsmith. Animated nature. 250 16 Higgins. Physical condition, &c. 303 14 Keill. Exam, of Burnet s theory, &c. 345 13 Playfair. Huttonian theory of the. 498 7 Wfhiston. New theory of. 703 15 Whitehurst. Original state, &c. of. 705 16 See also-. Creation, Geography, Geology, Globe, Latitude, Longitude, Physical geography, Tides, Volcanoes, World. Earthquakes in Calabria. Dolomieu. 188 1 East, Description of the. Pococke. 500 8 East India Co. 196 3 , 221 6 Anderson. Affairs of, 1784-92. 22 9 I SN D E X . 65 . Answer to Tierney. 22 10 de Saint-Mery. Embassy to China, 1794-5. 436 13 EAST Indies. Acosta. Historia natural y mo ral de las Indias. 4 7 Ekeberg. Ostindische Reise, 1770-1. 200 13 Hastings. State of, in 1786. 292 Paolino da San Bartolomeo. Voyage to. 474 5 Plans for the government, &c. of. 266 13 Pownall. Right, &c. of G. B. 508 7 Rochon. Voyage to. 5438 Stavorinus. Voyages to. 597 10 Thevenot. Travels into. 625 See also . India, and the names of countries beyond it. East Lothian, Agriculture of. 588 3 Ecclesiastes, Book of. See Bible. Ecclesiastical biography. See Apostles, Fa thers, Martyrs, Popes, Saints. history. Abrege de Phistoire ecclesias- tique, 1100-1700. 2 Antonius. De republica eccl. 25 13 Baxter. Church-history of the government of Bishops, &c. 48 ll Burnet. Rights of princes. 105 15 Burton. Lectures upon, to A.D. 313. 107 12 Campbell. Lectures on. 115 10 Carranza. Svmma conciliorvm, etc. 119 4 Carwithen. Hist, of Christian Ch., from Theodosius to 12th cent. 119 9 Cave. Scriptorum eccles. hist. lit. 1228 Crosthwaite. E. H., 1500-1550. 163 "> Dowling. E. H., 1548-1700. 189 9 Du Pin. Hist, of eccl. writers. 193* . E. H. of 16th century. 193 5 Ecclesiasticae historiae avtores. 196 10 Ecclesiastical histories of Eusebius, Socra tes, & Evagrius. 22 3 , 35 7 Echard. General E. H. to 313. 196 " Eckermann. Lehrbuch der Religionsge- schichte der Vdlker des Alterthums. 197 3 Fleury. Histoire ecclesiastique. 223 9 Garnett. The Chr. Church, 363-400. 241 i Gregory. Hist, of Christian Church. 273 3 Hase. Hist, of Christian Church. 292 3 Howel. E. affairs of the world. 317 12 Jeremie. 2nd & 3d centuries. 334 12 Jones. Eccl. researches. 337 1(M1 Jortin. Remarks on. 339 9 - 10 Kitten. The ancient Church. 348 Kip. The catacombs of Rome, as illus trating the early Church. 349 14 Lyall. 12th & 13th centuries. 388 16 Milman. History of Christianity to the abolition of paganism. 428 5 . History of Latin Christianity. 428 6 Milner. History of the Church. 428 10 Mosheim. E. H. anc t & modern. 442 4 Neander. Church history. 447 2 . Julian &. his generation. 740 7 Newton. Review of E. H. 452 5 Parker. Eccl. histories of Eusebius, So crates, Sozomen & Theodoret. 476 12 Priestley. General history of the Christian Church. 514 e- 7 Riddle. 13th &, 14th centuries. 537 10 Rose. E. H., 1700-1815. 546 15 Sabine. Eccl. history. 554 & Schaff. Hist, of Apostolic Ch. 561 9 Schleiermacher. Geschichte der Christlich- en Kirche. 563 7 Stanley. Hist, of Eastern Church. 596 5 Symson. Historie of the Chvrch. 615 3 Tappan. Lectures on. 617 u Turner. Sacred history of the world. 640 6 Usher. De Christianarum ecclesiarum con- tinua successione & statu historica expli- catio. 672 3 Ullmann. Gregory of Nazianzum. 643 l Waddington. Hist, of the Church. 683 6 See also . Church, Council, Heresies, History, Monastic orders, Persecution, Protestantism, Reformation, Roman-Catholic Church, and the names of the various religions and denomina tions, and of countries, localities, Sec. polity. Divine right of church-govern ment. 342 9 - 10 Hobbes. Leviathan. 308 3 Hooker. Works. 312-i . Marvell. The catholick hierarchic. 408 2 Owen. Original nature, institution, &c. of evangelical churches. 467 n Priestley. Address to Dissenters on Church discipline. 514 2 See also; Bishops, Church, &c., Congrega tionalism, Councils, Episcopacy, Papacy, Pres- byterianism, Roman-Catholic Church, Synod. Ecclesiastics, Powers of. 326 6 Eclectic review, The. 197 6 ECLIPSES. Coffin. Solar & lunar E. illustra ted. 146 1 Ferguson. Tables, &c. for calculating. 219 2 Edda, Translations of the. 401 3 Edinburgh review, The. 198 1 .Indexes to. 198 2 ~ 4 & the West Indies. 198 * sessional school, Acc t of. 721 12 EDUCATION. 203 1, 354 9 Abbott. The teacher. 2 4 American Education Society. Quarterly register, 1834- 42. 17 1J . Reports, 1832-9. 17 12 American annals of education. 16 5 American institute lectures. 17 17 18 2 journal of education. 18 3 ~ 3 Ascham. The schoolmaster. 32 14 Babington. View of Christian E. 36 3 Bache. E. in Europe. 36 8 Barnard. Letters on college gov t. 44 5 766 1 .?N D E X . Report on the plan of instruction in Univ. of Ala. 44 6 Bentham. Chrestomathia. 57 15 Bushncll. Christian nurture. 108 17 Chaining. Self-culture. 12G 16 Chavannes. Expose de la methode elemen- taire de Pestalozzi. 131 14 Chytrteus. Oratio de officiis adolescentise. 1377 Clarke. E. in grammar-schools. 140 7 Combe. Lectures on popular E. 149 16 Condillac. Cours de Tetude. 151 * Dwight. Higher Christian E. 194 6 Emerson. Female E. 20 1 3 Grimke. The Bible a part of. 275 5 Hamilton. Discussions on. 283 17 Henry. Relation of the university to a sys tem of public instruction. 298 n Hill. IntegralE. 304 . Liberal E. 304 > Hitchcock. Mode of domestic E. 307 l Hoffman. Vices de PE. publique. 308 9 Home. Loose hints upon. 311 9 Hunter. Reflections on Chesterfield s Let ters. 321 5 Jewsbury. Letters to the young. 335 12 Knox. Liberal E. 3518 Lacroix. Essais sur 1 enseignement. 354 12 Lenoble. L ecole du monde. 370 7 London. Minutes of the Committee of Council on. 381 7 LosRios. L encyclopedie enfantine. 384 2 - 3 Mann. E. in Europe. 402 3 . 10th Mass, school-report. 411 Massachusetts. School reports. 412 l Neue Jahrbttcher ftlr Philologie, etc. 448 10 Nott. Improvement of the people. 458 12 Potter &f Emerson. The school & school master. 5078 Priestley. E. for civil & active life. 515 2<3 . Miscel. observations on. 516 8 Religious principle in the education of a family. 188 & Rousseau. De F education. 548 6 Sedgivick. Discourse on the studies of the university. 569 6 Sillcry-Brullart. Le9onsd 7 une gouvernante a ses el eves. 577 9 Spencer. Education. 592 9 Stanhope. Elements of a polite E. 595 13 Taylor. Home E. 618 i 2 . Saturday evening. 618 16 Zollikofer. Sermons on. 731 3 Note. Documents upon this subject will ulso be found in the Catalogue under the names of various countries & places. EGYPT. Bunsen. Egypt s place in universal history. 102 13 Burckhardt. Arabic proverbs. 103 n Campagne des Francais en E. 180 10 Clarke. Travels in. 139 8 Denon. Travels in. 179 5 - 6 H . . . n. Conquetes des Francais en. 279 8 Hardwick. Anc t religions of. 285 3 Haynes. Travels in. 293 " Hengstenberg. E. & the Books of Moses. 2984 Herodotus. Works. 300 13 -3015 Kendal. Invasion by the French. 179 5 - 6 Lane. The modern Egyptians. 358 5 Maillet. Description de PE. 397 n Memoirs relative to E.,1797- 9. 200 6 Osburn. M onumental history of. 465 4 P * * *. Recherches philos. sur les Egyp- tiens. 468 1-2 Pococke. Observations in E. 500 8 Reynier. State of E. after the battle of He- liopolis. 534 12 Russell. Anc t & modern E. 553 3 Savary. Letters on. 560 10 Sonnini de Manoncourt. Travels in. 588 4-5 Stephens. Incidents of travel. 600 3 Upham. Letters from. 670 15 Volney. Travels through, 1785-7. 681 . Voyage en, 1783-5. 681 ~ Wilkinson. Acc t of anc t Egyptians. 7Q9 10 Wilson. British expedition to. 716 4 Eighteenth century, Retrospect of. 427 4 Eikon Basilike. Charles L 200 10 - 12 Eikonoklastes. Milton. 429 2 Ejectment, Legal remedy by. 551 6 Election, Sermons on. Fenner. 218 9 Election-sermons. See Sermons. Electrical rheometry. Secchi. 568 10 ELECTRICITY. 388*, 407 14 , 408 1 Adams. Essay on. 5 9 Cavallo. Treatise on. 122 J - 2 Farrar. Elements of. 215 7 Fowler. Animal E. 229 Pacts van Troostwyk. De la application de 1 flectricite a la physique. 469 9 Read. E. of the earth & air. 529 10 Stanhope. Principles of. 741 10 Sturgeon. Annals of. 609 3 See also .- Galvanism, Magnetism. Electro-magnetism, Elements of. 215 7 Elegant extracts in prose & verse. 351 5 - 9 ELOCUTION. Ewing. Principles of. 213 5 Murdoch. Vocal culture in. 44-1 5 Rush. Principles of. 551 9 Scott. Lessons in. 567 16 Sheridan. Lectures on. 574 u - 12 Walker. Elements of. 134 1 3 , 685 See also .- Eloquence, Homiletics, Oratory. ELOQUENCE. Brougham. Dissertation on the E. of the ancients. 96 14 Desessarts. Eloq. chez les anciens. 181 3 Goodrich. Select British eloquence. 250 7 Maury. Principles of. 418 ", 419 INDEX. 767 Quintilianus. Institutes of. 525 l Williston. E. of United States. 714 12 See also: Elocution, Oratory. , Pulpit. See Homiletics. ENCYCLOPAEDIA. E. Americana. 375 5 E. Britannica. 205 8-n E. Edinburgh. 205 12 E. metropolitans. 205 13 E. of religious knowledge. 97 7 Aisled. Scientiarum Encyclopaedia. 15 n Bayle. Dictionnaire hist, et crit. 49 7 Chambers. Cyclopaedia. 125 3 - 4 Croker. Dictionary of arts, &c. 162 9 Diderot. Encyclopedic ou dictionnaire rai- sonne des sciences, etc. 205 14 Encyclopedic methodique. 20G l Harris. Minor encyclopaedia. 288 3 Holwell. Mythological, etymological & his torical dictionary. 31 1 1 Knight. The English cyclopedia. 350 20 La Martiniere. Le grand dictionnaire geo- graphique et critique. 356 8 Moreri. Hist., geogr. ; geneal., & poet, dic tionary. 4378-io Pomey. Indiculusuniversalisrerum. 502 13 Stephanus. Dictionarium, hist, &c. 599 2 Willich. Domestic encyclopaedia. 713 15 Endowments, The fruits of. 237 6 Engineering. See Civil engineering. ENGLAND. See also: Great Britain. Historical works. Aikin. Court of James I. 10 4 Anecdotes Angloises*. 23 17 Bacon. Reigne of Henry VII. 37 4 Baker. Chronicles. 39 9 Barclay. Argenis. 42 5 Ben-Saddi. Chronicles of Kings of Eng land, to 1795. 57 3 Bisset. Reign of George III. 74 13 Buckle. Civilization in. 101 2 Burnet. Hist, of his own times. 105 8-10.11 Camden. History of Elizabeth. 115 3 - 4 Canes. Fiat Ivx. 117 1 Croly. Life, &c. of Geo. IV. 162 " Echard. Hist, of, to 1688. 197 * Ellis. Letters illust. of Engl. history. 203 8 Ellys. Liberty of subjects in. 203 13 Evelyn. Diary & correspondence. 211 17 Fenn. Paston letters. 217 13 Fonvielle. Situation de la France et de PAngleterre,alafindu 18me siecle. 225 9 Fronde.. History of. 237 5 Gaimar. Metrical chronicle. 238 n Geoffrey of Monmouth. British hist. 244 9 Godwin. Hist, of Commonwealth. 250 2 Goldsmith. History of E. 250 17 Histoire des revolutions d Angleterre. 306 l Hopkins. Church, court, & parliament, dur ing Edw. VI. &, Q. Elizabeth. 314 J Hume. History of, to 1688. 319 l4 Hyde. History of the rebellion and civil wars in. 324 2 Jesse. Reign of the Stuarts & the Protec torate. 334 1( > Keightley. History of. 345 8 Kemble. The Saxons in E. 346 9 King. The peace of 1783. 349 3 Lappenberg. History of E. under the An glo-Saxon kings. 359 6 Layamon. Chronicle of Britain. 365 ! Lyttleton. History of E. 389 16 . Letters from a Persian in. 389 17 Macaulay, C. Histoire d Angleterre, 1603 1689. 390 1 1 . Historf of, 1603-89. 390 Macaulay, T. B. History, from 1685. 391 2 Millot. Elemens de 1 hist. d Angleterre. 427 9 Montalembert. Political future of. 433 u Nedham. Interest will not lie. 447 n Neville. Kettvs. 44-9 2 Ocland. Anglorvm prselia, 1327-1588. 461 " Oldmixon. History of. 462 10 - n Palgrave. History of. 473 3 Rapin Thoyras. Hist. d Angleterre. 528 2 Raynal. L histoire du Parlement. 529 7 Salmon. Chronological historian. 557 8 Smollett. History of, to 1748. 584^ Turner. History of. 640 5 . History of the Anglo-Saxons. 640 4 Tyrrell. General history of. 641 J1 Vaughan. History of, 1603-88. 675 Wace. Chron. of Norman Conquest. 683 l Walker. Historical discourses. 684 " . Treaty at Newport, 1648. 685 1 Whitelock. Mem s of Eng. affairs. 706 1 - 2 Wright. The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon. 726 ! . Miscellaneous works. 184 7 , 206 6 - 7 Babbage. Decline of science in. 36 ! Brougham. Statesmen of E. in the time of Geo. III. 96 9 Brown. Manners & principles of the times. 9711.12 Coke. Institutes of laws of E. 146 13 Creasy. Rise & progress of the English constitution. 161 8 De Lolme. Constit n de FAngleterre. 177 8 . Constitution of E. 177 9 Eden. Labouring classes in. 197 10 Fairholt. Costume in E. 214 7 Faujas de Saint-Fond. Travels in. 21 5 14 Fleetwood. Chronicum preciosum. 223 1>2 Hogreive. Beschreibung der in E. seit 1759, schiffbaren Kanale. 308" Leland. Deistical writers of. 369 6 7 Marshall. Landed property of. 405 3 Miller. First impressions of. 426 9 Palgrave. Original authority of the King s council. 473 l 70S INDEX. Petyt. Lex parliamentaria. 468 9 Phillips. Canals in E. 490 13 Price. Population of E. 510 7 Shaw. Tour to the West, 1788. 573 1 Sheppard. England s balme. 574 7 Sullivan. Constitution & laws of. 610 J Thornbury. Shakspere s England. 628 10 Worsaae. Antiq. of Denmark, &c. 725 8 Wright. Literature & superstitions of E. in the middle ages. 726 2 . Political songs of. 726 3 Young. Tour through the North of. 729 n See also : Isle of Man, Wales, and the names of the various counties of England. ENGLISH elocution. See also* Elocution. Hubbard. American reader. 318 * Murray. English reader. 445 10 grammar. Adam. Rudiments of. 4 11 Brightland. English grammar. 93 5 Brown. Grammar of Engl. grammars. 97 6 Crombie. Etymology & syntax. 162 12 Crowe. English versification. 163 13 Dearborn. Columbian grammar. 176 l Fowler. English grammar. 229 7 Johnson. English grammar. 336 6t7 Lowth. Introduction to. 386 5 Murray. English exercises. 445 7 . English grammar. 4458-9 Saxon. English scholar s ass t. 560 14 Staniford. English grammar. 596 3 Staples. Gramatica completa. 596 12 Steele. Prosodia rationalis. 598 7 Webster. Philosophical grammar. 697 u Wedgwood. English etymology. 697 17 Hexapla, The. 68 13 lexicography and philology. Bailey. Univ. etymol. dictionary. 38 13 Barclay. Dictionary. 42 3 Behnsch. Geschichte der Englischen Spra- cher. 538 Campbell. Lexiphanes. 374 1J Crabb. English synonyms. 160 n Dale. Lecture on Engl. language. 167 u Goldsmith. English synonyms. 250 15 Halliwell. Dictionary of archaic & pro vincial words. 282 s Harrison. Rise, progress, & structure of the English language. 288 12 Johnson. Dictionary. 336 5 ~ 7 . History of English language. 336 7 Jones. Sheridan improved. 338 4 Latham. The English language. 360 7 -8 Marsh. Lectures on Engl. language. 404 13 Pickering. Words & phrases peculiar to the United States. 492 Piozzi. British synonymy. 495 14 Reid. Dictionary. 531 9 Richardson. New dictionary. 536 10 Sheridan. Complete dictionary. 574 10 Smith. Practical guide to. 583 7 Tooke. Diversions of Purley. 633 4 - 5 Trench. Deficiencies in Engl. diet s. 637 3 Walker. Pronouncing dictionary. 685 n>12 Webster. American dictionary of. 697 9<1 Worcester. Dictionary. 724 3 - 6 Wright Sf Halliwell. Scraps from ancient manuscripts. 532 6 law. Cock. 145 6 literature. Allibone. Critical dictionary of. 14 u Baillie. Collection of poems. 39 * Behnsch. Geschichte der Englischen Lite- ratur. 538 Book of English songs, 1500-1800. 325 3 Burnett. Specimens of Eng. prose. 106 7 Chambers. Cyclopaedia of. 125 5 Child. British poets. 133 5 - . Four old plays. 133 7 Catal. of living Eng. authors, 1799. 449 8 DeQuincey. Essays on Eng. writers. 179 u Dixon. Ancient poems, ballads, &c. 186 3 Dodsley. Collection of poems. 187 16 Drake. Essays illustrative of the Rambler, Adventurer, &c. 189 14 - 15 EUis. Early English poets. 203 1 Halleck. Selections from Brit, poets. 282 1 Halliwell. Character of Falstaff. 737 10 Hazlitt. Dramatic literature of the age of Elizabeth. 294 - . English comic writers. 294 7 Johnson. Eminent English poets. 336 14 - 15 Knight. Half-hours with the best authors. 351 1 Knox. Elegant extracts from the best Eng lish authors. 351 5 - 9 Lamb. English dramatic poets in the time of Shakspeare. 357 2 London catalogue of books, &c. 381 9>1 Lowndes. Bibliographer s manual. 386 2 Monro. Lectures on Engl. poetry. 432 n Pycroft. Course of Engl. reading. 522 15 Reed. Lectures on. 741 l Ritson. Anc t Engl. songs, &c. 538 n - . Anc t popular poetry. 539 3 Warton. History of Engl. poetry. 692 4 Wright. Biographia Britannica literaria. - . Literature, &c. of England in the middle ages. 726 2 Young. Library of the old English prose writers. 729 2 See also .- Anglo-Norman, Anglo-Saxon, Bal lads, Poetry, Songs. Engraving. Lindsay. 376 8 Enterprise, industry & art of man. 251 8 Enthusiasm, Natural history of. 618 13 ENTOMOLOGY. Abrege de 1 histoire des in- sectes. 2 16 Harris. Insects injurious to vegetation. 388 , 413 13 , 737 13 I N D E X . 769 Lesser. Insecto-theology. 372 l Rennie. Nat. hist, of insects. 533 2 Wilson. Treatise on insects. 715 13 Ephesians, Epistle to the. See Bible. Epicurus, Gardens of. Temple. 620 14 Epidemics. See Cholera, Contagion, Yellow fever. Epigrammata. Marlialis. 406 6 EPISCOPACY. 276 2 , 527 9 Baxter. Treatise of. 49 2 Chauncy. Compleat view of E. to close of 2d century. 130 n . Reply to Chandler s Appeal. 130 7 . 2d reply to Chandler. 131 ^ Episcopal magazine, 1820-1. 207 5 Hobart. Essays on. 308 1 Stillingjleet. Irenicvm. 602 16 See also .- Church of England, Ecclesiastical polity, Theology. Equatorial regions of America. 319 6 , 3928 Equity draftsman. Van Heythuysen. 674 5 Erudition, Elements of universal. 73 7 See also . Learning. Espriella, Letters of. Southey. 589 n Essayists, The British. 95 J ESSAYS. 209 4 ~ 9 . Adventurer, The. 95 * Bacon. Essays or counsels. 36 14-15 , 37 1>2 Cumberland. The Observer. 95 1, 165? DeQuincey. Biographical E. 179 10 . E. on philos. writers, &c. 179 13 . E. on the poets, &c. 179 14 . Historical & critical E. 179 15 . Theological E. 180 Drake. E. illustrative of the Rambler, the Adventurer, &c. 189 14 - 15 Foster. Essays. 228 3 ~ Gozzi. L Osservatore. 253 3 Hazlitt. E. on human actions, &c. 294 5 Johnson. The Idler. 95 1 . The Rambler. 95 1, 336 Knox. E. moral & literary. 351 6 7 Macaulay. E. critical & miscel. 391 l Mather. Essays to do good. 417 4 Maurice. Theological E. 418 1B Mirror, The. 95 1 Montague. Essais. 433 10 Noyes. Theological E. 459 Scott. Religious E. 567 3 Spectator, The. 95 *, 592 5 Voyer. E., civil, moral, &c. 682 ia Wilks. Christian E. 709 12 Essex, Agriculture of. Young. 729 6 harmony. Bayley. 49 8 institute. Collections, &c. 209 10 ~ 12 Estates, Law of vendors & purchasers of. 609 13 ETHICS. Abercrombie. Philosophy of the moral feelings. 2 12 AristoteUs. Ethics. 29 15 - 16 , 30 9 Beattie. Dissertations. 49 17 . Elements of moral science. 50 1 ~ 3 Brown. Manners & principles of the times. 9711.12 Buffier. First truths. 101 14 Burton. First principles of. 107 n Chalmers. Moral philosophy. 124 9 Charron. Of wisdome. 129 8 Cicero. Entretiens sur les vrais biens et sur les vrais maux. 137 10 . Deofficiis. 137 13 -i5 . Offices. 1384 . 3 bookes of dueties. 138 3 Collier. Essays on moral subjects. 148 6 Cooper. Characteristicks. 153 13 Cousin. Lectures on the true, &c. 159 7 Cudworth. Treatise on eternal & immuta ble morality. 164 10 Delisle de Sales. Traite de morale. 177 6 Dewar. Elements of moral philos. 181 u DeWette. Human life. 181" Dick. Moral improvement of mankind. 183 8 Doddridge. Lectures on. 186 16 - 17 Dymond. Essays on morality, &c. 195 15 Emerson. Moral education. 203 17 Epictetus. The enchiridion. 207 J - 2 Ferguson. Principles of moral science. 21816 Fiske. The moral monitor. 222 e Fordyce. Elements of moral philos. 226 2 Gambler. Introduction to the study of moral evidence. 240 5 Gisborne. The principles of moral philoso phy applied to civil society. 248 14 Grove. Moral philosophy. 277 4 Haven. Moral philosophy. 292 16 Hawes. Lectures to young men. 293 4 - 5 Hazlitt. Principles of human actions. 294 5 Hickok. Moral science. 303 9 Holbach. System of nature. 309 2 Hume. Principles of morals. 319 13 Hutcheson. Introd. to moral philos. 322 10 Jouffroy. Introduction to E. 340 7 Kant. The metaphysic of E. 344 10 Lezaud. Platon. Aristote. 374 12 Mably. Principes de morale. 390 8 Mackintosh. Progress of ethical philos. 394 9 Mandeville. Fable of the bees. 402 l Maupertuis. De philosophic morale. 418 n Maurice. History of moral & metaphysical philosophy. 418 13 Metcalf. Introd. to moral science. 424 7 More. Enchiridion ethicum. 436 6>7 Nicole. Discourses. 454 12 Paley. Moral philosophy. 472 5 - 6 Payne. Elements of moral science. 481 10 Plutarchus. CEuvres morales. 499 13 Price. Questions in morals. 511 l Rabener. Satiren. 525 7 Roederer. Journal de morale. 543 12 Smith, A. Theory of moral sentiments. 581 1- 2 J.ADKX Smith, S. Sketches of moral philos. 583 Spring. Moral disquisitions. 5947 Stewart. Progress of ethical philos. 602 1 Treatise on virtue & vice. 636 4 Wardlaw. Christian E. G90 3 Wayland. Moral science. 696 3 Whewell. Elements of morality. 702 16; . Hist, of moral philos. in England. 703 . Systematic morality. 703 3 Whole duty of man, The. 707 10 See also: Conscience, Duty, Evil, Good, Hap piness, Intemperance, Man, Passion, Truth, Yir tue, War. ETHNOGRAPHY. American ethnological sod* ty. Transactions. 17 13 Morton. Crania Egyptiaca. 441 10 . Aboriginal races of America. 441 n Midler. Ethnological map. 443 10 Niebuhr. Lectures on anc t E. 455 2 Nott 4- Gliddon. Ethnol. researches. 458 > Observations relating to ethnology. 244 4 Rafn. Rapport ethnographique. 550 5 Ethnology. See Ethnography. Etymologicon magnum. 209 J s Eucharist. See Lord s supper. EUROPE. History and politics. Achenwall. Staatsverfassung der vornehm sten Europaischen Reiche. 4 2 Alison. History of, 1789-1815. 12 4 . History of, 1815-1852. 12 is Ancillon. Revolutions du systeme politique de PEurope. 22 5 Barlow. Advice to the privileged orders of Europe. 43 9 Boetticher. Statistical tables of. 78 3 Bougeant. Histoire des guerres et nego- ciations qui precederent le traite de Westphalie. 84 * 2 Clarke. Disorganization of. 141 12 Coup-d ceil politique sur PEurope, a la fin du 18e siecle. 35 12 Delacroix. Constitutions of the principal states of E. 176 14 Esprit de Phist. generate de PEurope. 209 l Events in Europe, 1792-96. 1352 Goodrich. European history. 2508 Guizot. Civilization in E. from the fall of the Roman empire. 278 5 - 6 Hallam. The middle ages. 281 J 8 fleeren. Political system of. 296 l Histoire de la campagne de Napoleon en Allemagne, etc. 305 10 Histoire des negociations, et du traite de paix des Pyrenees. 305 12 Koch. Traites de paix entre les puissances de PEurope. 351 14 Lessons to a young prince, 1791. 372 4 Mably. Droit publique de PE. 3908 Mallet. De la ligue Hanseatique. 401 2 Malht dc Pan. Dangers to. 401 * Martens. Principaux traites, conclus par les puissances de PEurope, 1761-92. 406 4 Ormerod. Northern kingdoms of. 464 n Past & present state of the northern na tions of Europe. 372 n Political state of, 1792-94. 502 1 Puffmdorf. Introd. to history of. 521 7 Robertson. Progress of society in. 541 7 Russell. Hist, of anc t E. 553 * . Hist, of modern E. 553 a Segur. Tableau historique et politique de PEurope, 1786-96. 569 n Vaughan. Letters on the Concert of prin ces. 6754 Williams. History of the northern govern ments of. 712 8 Yorke. Annals of, 1802. 728 13 iscellaneous works. Anecdotes des republiques. 248 Bache. Education in. 36 8 Barrow. Excursion through the Northern parts of E. 45 n Carter. Letters from, 1825-7. 119? Cogan. Journey from Utrecht to Franc- fort. 146 3 Colman. E an life & manners. 148 " Headley. The Alps & the Rhine. 294 " Hallam. Literature of E., 15th-17th cen turies. 281 !7 Illustrations of northern antiquities. 325 4 Longfellovj. Poets & poetry of. 382 7 Mann. Education in. 402 3 Marshall. Travels through, 1768-70. 405 10 Nugent. European itinerary. 460 * . The grand tour. 460 J Reichard. Guide des voyageurs. 531 8 Silliman. Visit to, 1851. 577 1 Smith. Tour on the continent. 582 6 Sprague. Letters from, in 1828. 593 is Stuart. View of society in. 608 6 Thunberg. Travels in, 1770-9. 629 n Travels through Flanders, Holland, &c. 635 n Upham. Letters from. 670 J5 Wallace. Art, scenery, &c. in. 686 10 Walfth. Journey from Constantinople to England. 6878 Watkins. Travels through Swisserland, Ita ly, &c. to Constantinople. 695 1 Wtison. Travels, in 1823. 7158 See also .- the various divisions of Europe, usebius : or the Christian s defence. 127 14 -ia vangelical family library. 19 15 vangelists, Commentary on the. See Bible. , Harmony of the. See Bible. , Hours with the. Nichols. 453 17 venings at home. Barbauld. 41 i VIDENCE. Appleton. Rules of. 27 4 Gilbert. The law of. 247 1 Grcenleqf. The law of. 272 INDEX. f-K- t / Peake. Compendium of law of. 483 5 Slarkie. The law of. 597 2 EVIDENCES of revealed religion. Addison. Truth of Christian religion. 7 24 Alexander. Brief outline of. 11 16 Allix. Reflexions to establish the truth of Christianity. 14 13 Baxter. Reasons of Chr n religion. 48 17 Belsham. Evidence & importance of the Christian revelation. 56 2 Bennet. Truth, inspiration, &c. of Scrip ture proved. 56 n Benson. Essay on inspiration. 57 9 Berkeley. Alciphron. GO 1 Blackall. Sufficiency of a standing revela tion. 756-7 Bogue. Divine authority of the New Tes tament. 784 Bolton. E. of Christianity. 79 3 Barren. Application of metaphys. & ethi cal science to the E. of religion. 88 2 Boyle s-lecture sermons. 89 6 Bradford. Credibility of Chr n revelation from its intrinsic E. 90 8 Butler. Analogy of R. to nature. 109 7 ~ 9 Chalmers. E. & authority of the Christian revelation. 124 5 - 9 Chandler. Defence from prophecy. 125 7 Chapman. Eusebius. 127 13 - 14 Clarke. Truth & certainty of the Christian revelation. 141 9 Cleaveland. Essay against Mayhew. 143 6 Conybeare. Answer to Tindal. 153 4 Doddridge. E. of the Gospel. 187 u Duplessis-Mornay. The truenesse of the Christian religion. 193 8 Everett. Defence of Christianity against G. B.English. 212 7 Gray. Connection between SS. and He brew & heathen literature. 255 3 Greenleaf. Testimony of 4 Evangelists by the rules of evidence. 272 4 Gregory. E. of the Chr. religion. 273 6 Grotius. Truth of Chr. religion. 277 L . De veritate Chr. religionis. 277 2 Grynaus. Optimum genus defensionis E- vangelii. 277 6 Gurney. E. of Christianity. 278 10 Hampden. E. of Christianity from its co- ; incidence with nature. 284 6> Hartley. Truth of Chr. religion. 288 "s-i 9 Hopkins. E. of Christianity. 313 7 Jamieson. Use of sacred history. 331 5 Jaquelot. Traite de la verite, etc. des livres du V. et du N. T. 331 8 Jenyns. Internal evidence of the Christian religion. 325 9 , 334 10 Jones. Natural E. of Chr ty. 3388 Jorlin. Truths of Chr. religion. 339 8 Keith. Evidences fronj prophecy. 346 Lancaster. Popular E. of Chr ty. 357 16 Lardner. Argument from prophecy. 359 16 . Credibility of Gospel history. 360* Lathrop. Evidences of the Gospel. 362 7 Lee. Inspiration of Holy Scripture. 367 4 Leland. Defence of Christianity. 369 4 . Divine authority of the Bible. 369 5 Leng. Natural obligations to believe. 370 5 Leslie. Easy method with deists. 371 n-i3 Locke. Reasonableness of Chr ty. 380 6 Mendon Association. Evidences, &c. 422 16 Norton. Internal evidences of the genuine ness of the Gospels. 457 4 Paley. Evidences of Christianity. 472 7 . Horaj PavlinaB. 471 17 , 472 1 Pluche. Demonstration from prophecy. 4998 Porteus. E. of Chr. revelation. 506 6 Priestley. Discourses relating to. 512 13 ~ 16 . Institutions of Moses compared with those of the Hindoos. 512 1 . Letters to the Jews. 515 !8- 19 Rawlinson. Bampton lectures. 528 12 Reeves. Apologies of Justin Martyr, Ter- tullian, and Minutius Felix, &c. 531 l Rittangelius. Veritas religionis Chr. 539 5 Roberts. Letters to Volney. 540 1 Smith. Christian religion s appeal. 582 14 Siackhouse. Defence of Chr. religion. 594 15 Steffens. Christliche Religionsphilosophie. 598 i St&ingfleet. Origines sacra. 60S 4 Tertullian. Apologetique. 621 * 3 Tindal. Chrt y as old as the Creation. 631 4 Tulloch. Theism. 639 13 Warburton. Divine legation of Moses. 689 8 Watson. Apology for the Bible. 695 2 - 3 . Theological institutes. 695 7 . Theological tracts. 695 5 Wilson. Evidences of Chr ty. 715 See also: Bible, Christianity, Christian reli gion, Inspiration, Jesus Christ, Miracles, Pro phecy, Beligion, Eesurrection, Revelation, The ology. EVIL, Clarke. Causes & origin of. 140 5 King. Origin of. 349 10 Young. E. and God. 730 3 - 4 See also .- Original sin. Exchange. See Currency, Money, Value. . Bills of. See Bills of exchange. Executions. Fearne. Learning of contingent remainders, &c. 216 1 Exodus, Book of. See Bible. Expositions of the Bible. See Bible. Eye. 686 13 . Taylor. Diseases of the crystal line humour of. 619 9 See also . Cataract, Spectacles, Vision. Fable and romance, Dissertation on. 49 17 FABLES. Aviamis. Fabulre. 35 5 Dryden. Fables, anc t & modern. 190 12 772 INDEX. Gay. Fables. 2424, 5791 Gellert. Fables. 243 7 Lessing. Fabeln. 3722 Lokman. Fabvlae, etc. 381 4 Moore. Fables. 570 1 Phadrus. Fabulae ^Esopise. 489 4 Richer. Fables nouvelles. 537 7 Selection of, from best Engl. writers. 570 J Thorn. Esop s F. ; in Chinese. 626 6 Faerie qveene, The. Spencer. 592 u Fairy tales. Ritson. 538 13 FAITH. Cheever. Development, &c. of. 132 7 Daille. Demonstratio fidei ex SS. 167 7 Morrice. F. encouraged. 439 l Tupper. Probabilities : an aid to F. 639 14 Symonds. Sight and F. 615 l Upham. The life of F. 670 16 Vincentius. Primitive rule of. 679 10 See also : Confession of faith, Heresies. Fallen spirits, Letters on. 739 4 Family monitor, The. James. 330 u - 12 Falstaff, Character of. Halliwell. 737 10 Fanaticism. Taylor. 618 n Farm. See Agriculture. Farmer s calendar. Young. 729 5 Faroe islands, Acc t of. 306 4 Farriery. See Veterinary art. FATHERS of the Church. Blunt. Right use of the early F. 77 6 Butler. Lives of the F. 109 2 Daille. Use of in controversy. 167 10 Giles. Writings of Christians of 2d centu ry. 247 2 Reeves. Right use of the. 531 1 Fauna. See Zoology. Faust, a tragedy. Goethe. 250 6 Federal government. See United States. Federalist, The. 216-e Festivals, &c. anc t & modern. 582 l Feudal system, The. Proctor. 519 3 FEVER. Currie. Water a remedy in. 166 1>2 Fordyce. Five dissertations on. 226 3 Maclenan. De febre intermittente. 395 n Pugnet. Memoires sur les fievres du Le vant et des Antilles. 521 " See also .- Yellow fever. Fiction, Works of. See Novels, &c. Finance. Observations polit. et morales. 461 5 FINE arts. Anecdotes des beaux-arts. 24 1 Arvine. Anecdotes of the. 32 13 Lacombe. Diet, des beaux-arts. 354 5 Lossing. Outline history of the. 384 5 Pieces concernant les beaux-arts. 530 J See also .- JEsthetics, Architecture, Art, Beau ty, Engraving, Music, Painting, Sculpture, Taste. FIRE. Marat. Recherches physiques sur le feu. 403 10 Pictet. Essay on. 492 15 Scheele. Traite chimique du feu. 561 12 Fish. See Ichthyology. Fisheries, Annals of. Macpherson. 396 l Fitzosborne s letters. Melmoth. 421 13 Flora. See Botany. FLORENCE. Machiavelli. Hist. of. 392 13>1 4 . Istorie fiorentine. 392 Flores illustrium poetarum. 224 4 FLORIDA. Bartram. Travels through. 47 9 Conqueste de la Floride, par les Espagnols, sous F. de Soto. 224 6 Irving. Conquest of, by De Soto. 327 3 Vega. Histoire de Floride. 240 1! Vue de Floride occidental, 1802. 194 3 Flowers. See Botany. FLUXIONS. Emerson. Doctrine of. 204 9 Simpson. Doctrine & application of. 579 2-3 Vince. Principles of. 678 1G See also: C0culus, Mathematics. Food. See Diet, Digestion. Foot-prints of the Creator. Miller. 426 10 Foreign period, literature, Journal of. 569 16 Foreign quarterly review. 226 7 FOREST trees. Forsyth. Diseases, defects, & injuries of. 227 3 - 4 Hitt. Treatise of. 307 9 Justice. Dissertation on. 342 12 Masse. Dictionnaire des forets. 416 5 Michaux. European F. T. 425 3 See also .- Trees. FORTIFICATION, Treatise on. 430 8 Mutter. Elementary part of. 4438 . Practical part of. 443 9 Robertson. Treatise on marine F. 540 9 Fossils. See Palaeontology. FRANCE. Public documents. 230 7 -232 n Note. For the language and literature of France, see French language and French litera ture. . Agriculture, commerce fy finances. Arnould. De la balance du commerce et des relations commerciales. 31 12 . Histoire general des finances. 31 13 Bouchon du Bournial. Considerations sur les finances. 732 15 Calonne. Comptes des finances. 113 4 Dubois. Commerce en Italie, etc. 190 1G Farrier. Rapports avec le commerce. 220 2 Journal du commerce 5 etc., 1808-9. 340 n Necker. Administration of finances. 447 9 . Administration des finances. 447 4 . Compte rendu au roi. 447 d Prairies artificielles. 508 Roland de la Platiere. Compte rendu a la convention nationale, 1793. 544 12 . Biography. Conspicuous living characters, 1851. 579 6 Court & camp of Bonaparte. 158 1G Fontenelle. CEuvres, vol. 5-7. 225 8 Lamartine. Hist, of the Girondists. 356 10 Mirabeau. National assembly. 429 13 INDEX. Vies des premier-peintres. 678 7 . History, General works. Anquetil. Histoire de F. 24 1<* . Motifs des guerres et des traites de paix, 1648-1783. 24 " Dumas. Memoirs of his time. 192 l Mably. Sur 1 histoire de. 390 8 Macpherson. Annals, 1589-1815. 396 * Michelet. History of. 425 4 Serres. General! historic of. 570 17 See also . Brittany, Gaul, Normandy. . History before the revolution. Bethune,, Due de Sully. Memoires. 61 5 . Memoirs. 61 6 Burnet. Contests concerning the regale. 10512 Comines. History of Lewis XI. & Charles VIII. 15Q1- 2 Dangeau. Memoirs, 1684-1720. 170 3 Davila. Civil wars of. 173 n . Guerre civiliMi Francia. 173 12 Dudos. Historic de Louis XI. 191 6 - 7 Duplessis-Mornay. Guerres civiles et reli- gieuses. 193 7 Estrades. Lettres, memoires, etc. 209 i 3 Maurepas, Comte de. Memoires. 418 12 Melvil. Memoires. 422 3 Ragois. Sur 1 histoire. 525 n Retz, Card. de. Memoires. 534 6 Rose. Annals of, to 1400. 546 14 Smedley. Annals of, 1314-1589. 580 2 . History of, 843-1529. 580 4 Vetty, fyc. Histoire de. 676 8 Voltaire. Age of Lewis XIV. 681 1 3 . Age of Lewis XV. 681 u . CEuvres completes. 682 8 . French revolution. Abbott. The French revolution. 2 6 Adolphus. Biogr. memoirs of. 8 2 L Ami des patriotes, 1790-1. 21 5 Barlow. Advantages of. 43 !2 Biographical anecdotes of. 74 4 Bouille. Memoires sur la rev. fr. 84 14 BrissotdeWarville. A ses commettans. 93 8 . Shall the king be tried 1 93 1 Burke. Reflections on. 104 12 -i 3 Carlyle. T. The French revolution. 118 3 Christie. Letters on. 134 i g Collection des tableaux historiques de la re volution fran9aise. 147 14 Considerations sur la France. 232 14 Delacroix. Le spectateur Francois. 176 15 Desmoulins. Hist, of the Brissotins. 181 7 Dusaulx, L insurrection Parisienne. 194 3 Fantin-Desodoards. Histoire philosophique de la revolution de F. 214 12 France. Publ.docum ts upon. 230 8 -232 n Goquillot fy Blavier. Contributions decre- teee par 1 assemblee nationale. 737 3 Histoire de Louis XVI. 384 17 Histoire de la revolution de 1789. 233 l Huhchoff. Peace-republican s manual. 319 1 Idea of the state of France. 233 2 Impartial history of the revolution. 233 3 Jauffret. Proces de Louis XVI. 332 5 Lamartine. Hist, of the Girondists. 356 10 Lavallette, Comte de. Memoirs. 363 4 Louvet de Couvray. Narrative of. 3858 Mackintosh. Vindiciae Gallicee. 394 u Moniteur universel, 1787-99. 432 6 - 7 Montjoie. Conjura n de Robespierre. 43413 . Conj tion de L. P. J. d Orleans. 434 1 4 Moore, Residence in France, 1792. 4358 Mounier. Considerations sur les gouverne- mens. 442 8 . Expose de sa conduite. 442 9 Necker. De la revolution francaise. 4478 Opinions of British writers. 150 4 Paine. Rights of man. 471 9 - n Pirie. Prophecies now fulfilling. 495 1 3 Priestley. Letters to Burke. 515 J2 Progress & effects of the R. 233 7 Rabaut de Saint- Etienne. Hist. of. 525 3 - Richard. ^Eras of events, 1793-4. 401 4 Smyth. Lectures on. 585 6 Soulavie. Reign of Lewis XVI. 589 3 . Regne de Louis XVI. 589 4 Thiers. History of. 625 n Williams. Letters in France, 1790. 712 2 . Politics of France, May 31 , 1793-July 28, 1794. 712 1 . History since the revolution. Gushing. Revolution of 1830. 166 8 Lamartine. Restoration of monarchy. 356 n . Revolution of 1848. 356 9 Thiers. History of the consulate. 625 10 Politics and laws. Claviere fy Brissot de Warville. Relative situation of F. & the U. States. 142 12 . De la F. et des Etats-Unis. 142 1 3 Fauchet. Political relations with the U.S. in 1797. 215H Fonvielle. Situation de la France et de 1 Angleterre a la findu 18me siecle. 225 9 Gillot. Dictionnaire des constitutions de 1 empjf e Fra^ais. 736 17 Harper. Dispute between the United States & F., 1797. 286 2 - 3 Jeannin. Negotiations. 332 i 5 - 16 Lacretelle. Etablissement des connoissan- ces humanes, et de [ instruction publique, dans la constitution Francais. 354 9 Memoire sur la negociation de la F. & de J Angleterre,26Mars-20Sept. 1761. 422 Quillet. Legislation sur 1 administration des troupes. 523 H Rcederer. Journal d economie publique,de morale, etc. 543 12 i t INDEX . Memoires d economie publique, de morale, etc. 544 1 . Recueil des lois, reglemens, etc. con- cernant la division territoriale. 544 ~ Turgot. Memoires de M. Turgot, et M. Necker sur les administrations provincia- les. 639 13 . Miscellaneous ivorks. Anecdotes Francoises. 24 4 - 6 Bulliard. Herbier de. 102 "> . Histoire des champignons de. 102 n . Histoire des plantes de. 102 12 Bygge. Travels in the Fr. Republic. Ill 2 C. . ., P. Tableau geographique de. Ill 10 Chas. Tableau des operations milit. et ci- viles de Bonaparte. 129 9 Chaussier. Geographic de la F. 131 13 Gushing. Monuments, scenery, &c. 166 9 Damiron. Histoire de la philosophic en F. au XVIIe siecle. 168 i 2 . Histoire de la philosophic en F. au XIXe sii-cle. 168 " David. Campaigns of Gen. Pichegru. 172 14 Dumouriez. Future situation of. 192 10 Delille. L homme des champs. 177 4 Guerry. Statistique morale de. 277 n Humphrey. Tour in 1835. 319 17 Hunter. Travels through F., 1792. 321 <* Jurieu. Letters to the persecuted Protes tants in France. 3428 Letters from the army in Egypt. 156 15 Lingmt. Memoires, etc. 376 19 Mably. Le destin de la France. 390 4 Moheau. La population de. 431 15 Moore. Society & manners in. 435 10 Napoleon III. Napoleonic ideas. 446 7 Pardoe. Louis XI Vth. 474 7 Persecution of French protestants. 236 4 Piganiol de la Force. Introduction a la description de, etc. 493 !7 . Nouvelle description de. 494 l Porter. Bible societies of. 505 21 Quick. Synodicon in Gallia reform. 523 9 Segur. Napoleon s expedition to Russia, 1812. 569 12 Smedley> Reformed religion in. 580 5 Tocqueville. Society in France before the revolution of 1789. 631 14 Young. Travels in, 1787-89. 729 - Free agency. See Moral freedom. Free institutions, Nature, &c. of. 274 14 FREE-MASONRY. 25 7 - 9 ,244 3 , 361 s, 6328, 669 !- 2 Adams. Letters on. 7 7 Cross. True masonic chart. 163 9 Free masonry exposed in extracts of its stan dard authors. 235 14 Gassett. Catalogue of books, aatimasonic in arguments, &c. 121 3 Greenleaf. Origin & principles of. 272 2 Harris. Constitutions of the fraternity of free-masons. 287 8 . Masonic emblems explained. 287 17 Merrick. Letter on speculative M. 424 a Odiorne. Opinions on speculative M. 461 12 Power. Masonic melodies. 508 2 Stearns. Nature & tendency of. 597 12 Sumncr. Letter on. 611 Free-thinking, Sermons on. Ibbot. 324 5 Free-will. See Moral freedom. Freewill baptists, Faith of. 636 * Freeholder, The 5 essays. Addison. 1 16 FRENCH language. Academic Francaise. Dictionnaire. 3 2 ~ 4 Arnaidd fy Lancelot. Grammaire. 30 16 Boiste. Dictionnaire universel de la langue Francaise. 78 12 Chambaud. French grammar. 124 12 . French & Engl. idioms. 124 13 Dictionnaire portatif des mots Fran9. 739 12 Dujief. Nature displayed in teaching the French language. 191 9 Felix Faulcon. L orthographie Fr. 216 9 Genin. Variations du langage Fra^ais depuis le Xlle siecle. 244 <* Girault-Duvivicr. Analyse raisonne des meilleurs traites sur la langue Francais. 248 ^ Laveaux. Diet, de la langue Fr. 363 7 Lettre sur les sourds et muets. 372 15 Levizac. L art de parler et d ecrire la langue Fran9aise. 374 l Mauger. French grammar. 418 9 Orelli. Altfranzusische Grammatik. 463 9 Restaut. L orthographie Franc oise. 534 3 Sobrino. Gram. Espagn. & Franc. 585 17 Wailly. Principes de la langue F. 683 12 . French versification. 683 13 Wanostrocht. French grammar. 688 10 See also .- Dictionaries. literature. Ampere. Histoire litterairede France. 21 10 Journal general de la litterature. 340 12 Villemain. Cours de litt. francaise. 678 10 Sec also : Brittany, Poetry. spoliations, U. S. claims for. 658 12 war, Reminiscences of. Rogers. 541 6 Friend of peace, The, 1818-27. 724 10 FRIENDS. 236 10 - 15 . Barclay. Principles & doctrines of. 42 7 Bennst. Confutation of quakerism. 56 l3 Clarkson. Life of Penn. 142 . Portraiture of quakerism. 142 7<8 Gurney. Views & practice of. 278 12 FJancock. Conduct of F. in Ireland during rebellion of 1798. 284 ^-^ Hussey. Exam, of Rand s book. 322 8 Marsh. Popular life of Fox. 405 1>2 Sewel. History of the quakers. 571 l3 Und-wMU. Hell broke loose. 643 INDEX. Frithiofs saga. Tegner. 620 8 FRUIT trees. Downing. Fruit trees of Ameri ca. 189 13 Forsyth. Culture & management of. 227 *-* FUNCTIONS. Cournot. Traite la theo- rie des fonctions. 158 14 De Morgan. Calculus of. 178 4 Lagrange. Theorie des fonctions analy- tiques. 355 14 Legendre. Traite des fonctions elliptiques 367 12 Funding system of U. S. & G. B. 648 14 Funeral sermons. See Sermons. FUTURE punishment. Hopkins. Future state of those who die in their sins. 313 10 Stuart. Exegetical essays on words relat ing to. 608 13 state. Priestley. Knowledge of the an- tient Hebrews concerning a. 514 17 Taylor. Physical theory of another life. 618 13 Watts. The world to come. 695 19 See also . Future punishment, Universalism. Futurities, Discourse on. Torrey. 634 2 Futurity, Prospect of. Broughton. 97 2 Gaelic language. See also : Dictionaries. Gillies. Gaelic poems & songs. 247 6 Jones. Vestiges of in Gwynedd. 339 3 Galatians, Epistle to the. See Bible. GALVANISM. Jacobi. Galvanoplastik. 329 4 Roget. Galvanism. 514 10 Wilkinson. Elements of. 709 9 Seea so: Electricity, Galvanism. Games, &c., anc t & modern. 582 l GARDENING. Don. Horticulture. 188 4 London. G. for ladies. 384 10 Miller. The gardener s dictionary. 427 3 See also; Agriculture, Botany, Fruit trees, Forest trees, Trees. GAUL. Cassar. De bello Gallico. 1124-6 Hotomanus. Francogallia. 316 3 Maffei. Galliae antiquitates. 397 3 Ritson. Memoirs of the Gauls. 539 2 Thierry. Histoire de la Gaule. 6258-9 See a so .- France. Gazette nationale, 1789-1807. 452 6 GAZETTEER. Baldwin. Pronouncing G. 40 3 Edwards. Missionary G. 97 7 Fisher. G. of the United States. 221 Hay ward. New England G. 294 2 Lippincott s pronouncing G. 377 7 Morse. American G. 439 10 . G. of the eastern continent. 439 GENEALOGY. Farmer. Genealogical register of New England. 215 2 Moreri. Genealogical dictionary. 437 8 New England genealogical register. 449 9 Savage. Geneal. dictionary of N. E. 560 5 Genesis. See Bible. GENEVA. Lemercier. Church history of. 370 J . Geogr. & polit. acc t of. 370 2 Saussure. Essai suf 1 histoire naturelle des environs de Geneve. 560 4 Gentoo laws, Code of. 145 8 Gentleman s magazine, &c. 241 8 GEODESY. Lee. Tables, &c. 739 3 Maclear. Contributions to. 395 8>9 Puissant. Traite de geodesic. 522 1 GEOGRAPHY. Adams. Geogr. essays. 5 8 Atlas classica. 33 8 de la geographic ancienne et hist. 33 9 Baldwin. Universal gazetteer. 40 3 Bankes, fyc. System of universal G. 41 n Bertius. Breviarivm orbis terrarum. 144 u . Geographia vetus. 60 u Blundeville. Treatises on. 77 5 Boiste. Dictionnaire de geographic univer- selle. 78i-ii Bowen. Complete system of. 87 23 Brookes. General gazetteer. 95 u Carey. General atlas. 117 10 . Atlas of Europe & W.I. 117 " Cluvier. Introd. in univ. geographiam. 144 u Complete system of G. 150 12 Cruttwell. Universal gazetteer. 164 6 . Atlas to gazetteer. 164 7 D Anville. Compend. of anc t G. 170 10 . Complete body of anc t G. 170 11 . Geographic anc. et hist. 170 12 Dionyrius Periegetes. Geographia. 185 9 . Orbis descriptio. 185 10 Expilly. Le geographic manuel. 213 )0 Freeman. Remarks on Morse s G. 235 n Guthrie. Geogr. grammar. 278 14 15 , 279 Heylin. Cosmography. 302 10 Horn. Body of ancient G. 315 2 Hubbard. Rudiments of G. 318 2 Lloyd. Mathematical G. 379 7 Martin. Correspondence upon G. 406 10 Mayo. Epitome of anc t G. 420 12 Malte-Brun. Universal G. 401 8 Moreri. Geographical dictionary. 437 8 Morse. American G. 439 12 - 13 . American universal G. 440 1>2 Moxon. Tutor to G. 442 u Niebuhr. Lectures on anc t G. 455 2 Payne. Geographical extracts. 481 12 . Universal G. 481 ]3 Petavius. G. of the world. 487 12 Pinkerton. Modern G. 495 8 Pye. Dict y of anc t G. 523 J Smith. Dict y of Greek & Roman G. 584 * Society for the Diffusion of Useful Know ledge. Maps. 586 6 Spruiier. Atlas antiquus. 594 u Strabo. Geographica. 6C6 3 Varenius. Geographia generalis. 674 u Watts. First principles of, 695 10 776 INDEX. Wells. Anc t & present G. 699 Wilkinson. General atlas. 243 13 Worcester. Geographical dictionary. 724 4 See a so . Atlas, Chronology, Civilization, Cosmos, Earth, Ethnography, Gazetteer, Navi gation, Physical geography, Travels, Voyages, World. GEOLOGY. Association of American Geolo gists. Transactions, &c. 33 4 Ansted. Geologist s text book. 25 2 Boase. Treatise on primary G. 77 7 Buckland. G. considered with reference to natural theology. 101 l Cleaveland. Elementary treatise on. 143 n Darcet. Montagnes de Pyrenees. 170 14 . Memoire sur Factione d ; un peu egal ? etc. sur des terres, etc. 170 15 DelaBeche. Geological manual. 176 n . Researches in theoret. G. 176 12 . Selection of geol. memoirs. 176 13 Delaunay. Hist. nat. des roches. 177 3 Gloag, The primeval world. 249 6 Goodrich. Wonders of G. 2508 Hitchcock. Elementary G. 306 12 . Illustrations of surface G. 306 15 . The religion of G. 306 17 Kirwan. Geological essays. 350 15 Lyell. Principles of G. 389 4 Machire. G. of the United States. 395 4 Mantell. First lessons in. 402 14 . Petrifactions. 403 l Miller. Cruise of the Betsey. 426 8 . Footprints of the Creator. 426 10 . Old red sandstone. 426 12 . Popular G. 426 14 . Testimony of the rocks. 427 l Paine. Review of theoretical G. 470 14 Pallas. Betrachtungen tiber die Verande- rungen der Erdkugel. 473 5 Phillips. Guide to G. 490 14 $f Danbury. Geology. 490 15 Playfair. Illustrations of the Huttonian theory of the earth. 498 7 Richardson. Introduction to. 536 n Rooke. G. as a science. 546 2 Stahl. Einleitung zur Grund-Mixtion derer unterirrdischen mineralischen und metal- lischen Corper. 5956 See also . Creation, Earth, Glaciers, Mineral ogy, Palaeontology, Physical geography. See also under-. Connecticut, England, France, Germany, Great Britain, Island of St. Michael s, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Sussex, Uni ted States, Wisconsin, Yorkshire. GEOMETRY. Adams. Geometrical essays. 5 12 Barlow. Geometry. 43 16 Boucharlet. L application de Falgebre a la geometrie. 84 9 Comte. Traite elementaire de geometric analytique. 151 * Davies. Elements of descriptive G. 173 6 Emerson. Elements of G. 204 10 Euclid. Elements of G. 210 J ~ 3 Fonienelle. Elemens de la geometrie de I infini. 2256 Hamilton. Analytical G. 283 n Joanet. Reciproques de la geometrie de Legendre. 335 14 Lardner. Geometrical analysis. 359 9 Legendre. Elements of. 367 n Maclaurin. Properties of G cal lines. 395 4 Monge. Geometrie descriptive. 432 5 Playfair. Elements of. 4956 Reynaud. Notes sur Fgeometrie de Be- zout. 534 Smyth. Analytical G. 585 10 Society for the Diffusion of Useful Know ledge. Geometry. 586 3 Vincent. Cours de geometrie. el em. 679 4 Waud. Algebraic G. 696 1 See also: Conic sections, Curves, Perspective, Surveying, Trigonometry. Georgetown college. 244 245 3 GEORGIA. Bartram. Travels through. 47 9 Georgia scenes, characters, &c. 245 4 Georgical essays. See Agriculture. Germanicus, poeme. Van Winter. 674 10 GERMANY. Adam. Vitae germanorum philo- sophorum. 4 12 Anecdotes Germaniques. 24 5 Briefe eines reisenden Franzosen. 93 2 Browne. Annals of, 1648-1814. 98 16 Burney. State of music in. 106 9 Campaign of 1796, in G. 3068 Dwight. Travels in, 1825-6. 194 9 Grotius. De rebus Belgicis. 276 13 Guicciardini. Inferior Germania. 277 15 Le droit public germanique. 245 12 Moore. Society & manners in. 435 10 Nugent. Travels through. 460 3 Ormerod. Annals of, 1496-1648. 464 Ranke. Reformation in. 528 l Riesbeck. Travels through, 537 13 Robertson. Protestantism & Catholicism in G. for the last hundred years, 431 7 Rose. Annals of G. to 1400. 546 14 Schiller. Geschichte des dreyssigjahrigen Kriegs. 562 8 Stael-Holstein. De PAllemagne. 595 2 . Germany. 595 3 Voigt. Mineral ogische Beschreibungdes ei- niger merkwUrdigen Gegenden am Rhein und Mayn. 680 1 4 . Mineralogische Reisen durch dasHer- zogthum Weimar und Eisenach. 681 Wittm. Histoire de la philosophic Alle- mande. 71 4 13 Wuttke. Jahrbuch der deutschen Universi- taten, 1842. 7266 . Language. Bachmair. German grammar. 36 12 INDEX. 777 Becker. Ausftthrliche deutsehe Gramma- tik. 51 i 3 . Die deutsehe WOrtbildung. 51 " . Lehrbuch des deutschen Stiles. 51 15 . Leitfaden in der deutschen Sprach- lehre. 52 1 . Schulgrammatik der deutschen Sprache. 52 3 Fatten. Deutsches Lesebuch. 224 1 2 - 13 . German grammar. 224 15 Grimm. Deutsche Grammatik. 2758 . Deutsches Worterbuch. 275 10 . Geschichte der deutschen Sprache. 275H Heyse. Leitfaden zum grundlichen Unter- richt in der deutschen Sprache. 738 3 Nouvelle grammaire Allemande. 400 4 Weigand. Worterbuch der deutschen Sy- nonymen. 698 4 See also : Dictionaries, Gothic language. i . Literature. Brooks. Songs & ballads, translated from German lyric poets. 96 2 Edwards <$ Park. Selections from. 198 10 German miscellany. 245 n Gervinus. Handbuch der Geschichte de poet. National-Literatur. 245 16 . Historische Schriften. 246 1 Hamberger. Das gelehrte Deutschland. 28217 Heyne. Opvscvla academica. 303 l Literarisches Centralblatt ftir Deutschland. 3779 Menzel. German literature. 423 x Meusel. Das gelehrte Deutschland. 424 10 Des Minnesangs Frtihling. 429 6 Muehlenfels. Introd. to a course of. 443 2 Nibelungen-Lied. 325 4 Scholl. Deutsche Literaturgeschichte. 564 5 Vilmar. Geschichte der deutschen National- Literatur. 678i 2 Wackernagel. Deutsches Lesebuch. 683 4 Gesta Romanorum, Tales from. 736 2 Geysers of Iceland. Forbes. 225 "> Girard college, Astron. observations at. 646 4 GLACIERS. Forbes. Iceland : its G. 225 1 Tyndale. G. of the Alps. 641 Glasgow, Former & present state of. 248 ^ GLASS. Kunckel. Ars vitraria. 352 9 Neri, SfC. Art de la verrerie. 448 7 Gleaner, The. 249 1 Globe, Circumnavigation of the. 306 3 , Congr., 1st sess. 36th cong. 646 n Gloucester, Christian independents at. 249 7 -8 Glycocoll, Investigation of. 315 H Gnomici poetse Graeci. Brunch. 99 5 Gnomon of the N. Test. Bengel. 56 7 GOD. Abernethy. Being and natural perfec tions of. 2 13 Barclay. Without faith, without G. 42 6 Beecher. Moral relations of man to. 52 J Chauncey. Benevolence of G. 130 8 Clarke. Being & attributes of. 141 4-7 . L existence et attributs de Dieu. 141 n Coles. Discourse of G. s sovereignty. 147 1() Fenelon. De 1 existence et des attributs de Dieu. 217 10 Hakewill. Power & providence of G. in the government of the world. 280 2 Hancock. Proof of being of G. 284 9 Lindsey. Conversations on the divine gov ernment. 376i 4 -i 5 M Cosh. Method of divine government. 3918 Mather. Name of Jehovah. 417 1 3 Nicole. Existence of a G. 454 12 4" Owen. Diatriba de justitia divina. 467 10 Price. Being & attributes of Deity. 511 l Ray. Wisdom in the creation. 529 5 Smart. Eternity of. 579 15 Taylor. Moral government of. 619 13 Turner. Wisdom of G. in the redemption of man. 640 J Twisse. Vindiciae gratia?, potestatis ac pro- videntiae Dei. 640 13 , 641 1 Woodward. God s being & universal gov ernment. 72318 Worcester. Personality of the Word of God. 72414 Young. Evil and G. 730 3 - 4 See also: Atheism, Deism, Divinity, Theology. Godliness, Travels of true. Reach. 345 1 GOLD. Schroeder. Gold-Rechnung. 565 5 Tabellen zu Ausrechnung des Goldes. 615 ia Golden verses of Pythagoras. 341 6 Gorham, History of. Pierce. 493 1 GOSPEL. See also : Bible, Evidences. Berriman. Gradual revelation of. 60 9 Fuller. G. worthy of all acceptation. 237 9 tragedy, The. 252 i6 Gothic architecture. See Architecture. language. Diefenbach. Vergleichen des Worterbuch der Goth. Sprache. 184 3 Gout, Dissertation on the. Cadogan. 112 2 GOVERNMENT. Arcana imperii detecta. 28 8 Art of governing by partys. 32 3 Bodin. Of a commonweale. 77 n Chipman. Principles of. 133 i 2 -i 3 Cock. Essay of Christian G. 145 6 Condillac. La commerce et la G. 151 3 Dupont. Constitution nat. du G. 193 9 Filmer. Observations on. 220 u Hare. Duty of the subject. 285 6 Harrington. Oceana. 286 7 Hobbes. Leviathan. 308 3 Lieber. Civil liberty & self-G. 375 4 Locke. Letter on toleration. 380 2 - 3 Mably. Des droits et des devoirs des cjjtpy- ens. 3908 Observations on G. 461 4 98 778 INDEX. Powndtt. Principles of polity. 508 6 Paine. First principles of. 471 3 - 4 Price. Observations on. 510 n Priestley. First principles of, &c. 513 3 Real. La science du . 529 12 Sidney. Discourses on. 576 10 , 577 1 Somers. Nature of. 587 30 Spirit of despotism, The. 593 s Temple. Essay on. 621 1- 2 Treatise on government. 636 2 Note. For works relating to the govern ments of various nations, see under their seve ral names. See also : Democracy, Despotism, Kings, Leg islation, Liberty, Political science. Grace, The covenant of. Ash. 40 5 and truth. M Ewen. 3924 Grain, Use of, in distilleries. Bell. 54 14 GRAMMAR. Destutt de Tracy. G maire. 635 1 Harris. Inquiry concern g univ. G. 286 n - 12 Humboldt. Sur la nature des formes gram- maticales en general. 31 9 9 Stoddart. Universal G. 6048 See also: Etymology, Philology, and the names of various languages. GRANADA. Florian. La conquista de. 224 5 Irving. Conquest of. 327 7 - 13 Grand Manan, Marine invertebrata of. 604 5 GRAVITATION. Airy. Gravitation. 10 10 Whewell. Universal G. 702 " See also: Attraction. GREAT BRITAIN. Island and Empire. 95 2 , 96 5 -7, 117 2 , 153 14 -156 2 7 168 2 - 3 - , 175 7 -s, 213 6 ; 229 8 ~ 10 , 285 2 - 6 , 639 4 Documents relating to the Popish Plot. 256 14258 13 Hist. & polit. publications. 264 a 270 Miscel. public documents. 2558 256 n Observes at royal observatories. 258 14 260 l Pamphlets relating to Record Com. 263 8-is Publ s of Record Commission. 260 2 263 7 Note Under each of the following heads see the various divisions of Great Britain, par ticularly England. . Biography. Campbell fy Kent. Biographia nautica. 116 l Cunningham. Painters & sculptors of. 165 16 Forster. Eminent British statesmen. 226 10 . Statesmen of Commonwealth. 226 " Johnson. Eminent English poets. 336 14>15 Living authors of G. B., 1798. 377 Manning. Lives of the Speakers. 402 7 Mills. Literary men of. 427 13 Seward. Biographiana. 571 10 Wright . Biographia Brit, literaria. 725 14 Description, travels, 4*c. Baldwin. Survey of British customs. 39 13 Busted. National bankruptcy of. 93 ^ Chalmers. Comparative strength of. 124 2 Chamberlayne. Magnae Britanniae notitia, 1741. 125 1- Clarke. Strength & opulence of. 139 6 Dobbs. Mode of taxation, 1784. 186 Elliot. Mineral waters of. 202 n Grellier. History of the national debt ; from 1688 to 1800. 2739 Holroyd. Colonial system of. 310 14 Hooker. The British flora. 312 w Humphrey. G. B. in 1835. 319 " Justice. British gardener s director. 342 12 Lavergne. Rural economy of. 363 8 M Arthur. Facts of 18th century. 390 10 Mauduit. State of, 1768. 418 6 ~s Mavor. The British tourists. 419 5 Merchant s & manufacturer s magazine. 423 4 Paine. Decline & fall of the English sys tem of finance. 471 2 Postlethwayt. Commercial interest. 506 13 Price. Population of. 510 12 . Public debts, &c. in 1783. 511 3 Rider. British merlin, 1808. 537 n Russel. Mineral waters of. 552 7 Thornton. Paper credit of. 628 H - 12 Waagen. Treasures of art in. 682 17 Withering. Systematic arrangement of Bri tish plants. 719 12 . History. Care. English liberties. 117 6 Chalmers. Treaties between Great Britain and other powers. 124 l Champion. Situation of G. B. and the Uni ted States, 1784. 125 Dalrymple. Memoirs of. 168 4 D Avaux. Negotiations of D Avaux. 172 8 Erskine. Present war with France. 208 10 Hardy. Trial for high treason. 285 2 Henry. History of. 299 5 - 6 Hume. History of. 319 15 Jordan. Parliamentary journal, 1795. 339 6 Macpherson. Introd. to the hist. of. 396 3 Masson. Life of Milton. 416 10 Memoire sur la negociation de la France &. de PAngleterre, 26 Mars-20 Sept. 1761. 422 8 Noble. Genealogy of the House of Stuart. 4564 Parliamentary register, 1775-81. 478 J Plowden. History of, 1792-3. 499 7 Proctor. Britain. 519 ^ Rimius. Memoirs of the House of Bruns wick. 538 2 Roscoe. War with France, 1808. 546 9 Rushworth. Historical collections. 552 l Russell. Annals of, 1399-1815. 552 9 Scobell. Acts of Parliament, 1648-51. 566 3 Selection from the Harleian tracts. 269 14 Strype. Life of Sir J. Cheke. 607 . Life of Sir T. Smith. 60S 2 Temple. Works. 621 1- Tooke. Trial for high treason. 633 7 ISDEX. 779 Tottill. Magna Charta cum statutis. 256 2 Treaties with United States. 635 14 , 636 5 United States. Papers relative to G. B., Nov. 29, 1791, to Sept. 25, 1793. 652 1- 6 Waterhouse. Letters on Junius. 693 17 WoodfaU. Debates in Parliament, Jan. 21- April 17,1794. 722 7 See also .- American colonies, France, India, United States. . Miscellaneous works. Acherley. The Britannic constitution. 4 3 Baring. Conduct of G. B. toward the neu tral commerce of America. 43 6 Beda. Ecclesiastica historia. 52 12 Bentham. Equity dispatch court proposal. 57 1 7 . Indications respecting Lord Eldon, &c. 58i . Radical reform bill. 57 13 . Rationale of judicial evidence. 58 13 Book of family crests. 80 2 Boughton. Considerations relative to G. B. and her oriental colonies. 84 13 Carkesse. Act of tonnage, &c. 118 1>2 Carlyle. Autobiography. 118 3 Collection of state trials, &c. 150 7 Cooper. Anc t British churches. 153 15 .Tracts. 153 ^ 4 , 154 4 156 2 Day. Letters of Marius. 175 6 Du Calvet. Appel a la justice de Petat. Goodrich. British eloquence. 250 7 Humphreys. Coinage of. 738 b Jenkinson. Conduct of G. B. in respect to neutral nations. 333 19 Miller. Weights & measures of. 427 2 Mills. Literature of. 427 1 3 Peerage of G. B., in 1807. 268 is Prynne. Brevia parliamentaria. 520 4 . Tracts. 520 e-7.9-i3 ; 521 1-2 Pulteney. Effects of E. I. bill. 522 & Recollections of House of Commons, 1830 -5. 527 i 4 Recollections of House of Lords, 1830-6. 5271 5 Robinson. Admiralty reports, 1798-1806. 5426 Rous. Letter to Burke. 548 2 Spence. Agricult. the source of the wealth of Britain. 592 6 . Britain independent of commerce. 592 7 Stanton. Reforms & reformers. 596 10 Stephen. Speech on Whitbread s motion relative to the U. S. 600 1 Trenchard fy Gordon. Cato s political let ters, 1722-23. 637 7 -s Tucker. Letters on important subjects. 639 Great commission, The. Harris. 287 3 metropolis, The. Grant. 381 6 GREECE. Description, travels, 8pc. Barthelemy, Travels of Anacharsis. 46 ] ~ 3 . Voyage du Anacharsis. 46 4 Becker. Private life of the ancient Greeks. 52 s Beaujour. Commerce of. 50 9 Chandler. Travels in. 125 12 Clarke. Travels in. 139 8 Leake. Travels in northern G. 365 5 Lyall. Account of. 388 ^ Mure. Tour in. 444- 7 Pausanias. Description of. 481 7 . De situ Graeciac. 481 8 Prevost. Hist, d une Grecque mod. 510 1 Savory. Letters on. 560 H Smith. Dict y of Greek geography. 584 4 Stephens. Incidents of travel. 600 4 Wheeler. Life, &c. of Herodotus. 702 1 . History, antiquities, fyc. Clinton. Fasti Hellenici. 144 4 Creutzer. SymbolikundMythologic. 161 !3 Curtius. Griechische Geschichte. 166 8 Drummond. Review of the governments of Sparta & Athens. 190 Finlay. Byzantine & Greek empires, 716- 1453. 221 3 . G. under the Romans. 221 2 . History of, 1204-1461. 221 4 Gillies. Hist, de Fancienne G. 247 8 . History of ancient G. 247 9 Grote. History of. 276 8 Heeren. Politics of ancient G. 296 2 Hermann. Political antiquities of. 300 7 History of modern G. 270 w Keightley. Mythology of ancient G. 345 9 Mably. L histoire de la Grece. 3908 Malkin. History of. 401 1 Mitford. History of. 431 * Pf differ. Antiquitates Graecae. 489 2 Pococke. India in G. 500 7 Potter. Antiquities of. 507 9 - 10 Smith. Dict y of Greek antiquities. 584 2 . Dict y of Greek biography. 584 3 .History of. 584 5 Stanyan. The Grecian history. 596 n Thirlwall. History of. 626 Thucydides. De bello Peloponnes. 629 10 . Peloponnesian war. 629 8>8 Wachsmuth. Hellenische Alterthumskun- de. 683 2 . Historical antiquities of. 683 3 Xenophon. History of. 727 4 . Historia Graeca. 727 10 - 11 See also .- Athens. 1. Miscellaneous. Delambre. Memoire sur Farithmetique des Grecs. 28 Lobeck. De theologias mysticsa Graecorum causis. 379 10 780 INDEX. . Language. 270 19 - 23 Ahrens. De GrEecae linguae dialectis. 9 12 Astius. Lexicon Platonicum. 33 5 Beatson. Index Graecitat. ^Eschyleae. 49 15 . Index Graecitatis Sophocleae. 49 16 Beck. Index Graecitatis Euripideae. 51 n Bos. Ellipses Graecae. 81 2 Brandis. Scholia in Aristotelem. 91 3 Buttmann. Greek grammar. 110 7 . Lexilogus. 110 8 Clavis Homerica. 734 5 Crusius. Lexicon of Homer. 164 4 Dionysius, of Thrace. Grammatica. 185 8 Donaldson. New Cratylus. 1887 Ellendt. Lexicon Sophocleum. 202 3 Etymologicon magnvm. 209 18 Etymologicvm Gr. lingvae Gvdianvm. 209 19 Felton. Inaugural discourse. 217 2 Franzius. Elem. epigraphices Gr. 235 l Gaisford. Adnota. in Herodotum. 238 12 Hederich. Graecum lexicon manuale. 295 9 Hesychius. Lexicon Graecum. 302 6 Hoogeveen. Doctrina particularvm. 312 10 Greek particles. 312" Hunting ford. Writing of Greek. 321 8 ~ 10 Jelf. Greek grammar. 333 17 Kuehner. Greek grammar. 352 6 Lancelot. Method of learning the. 358 * Le Roi. Principes de la langue Gr. 371 2 Maittaire. Graecae linguae dialecti. 400 5 Martin. Etudes sur la Timee de Platon. 407 4 Matthiae. Greek grammar. 418 3 - 4 Munk. Metres of the Greeks. 443 12 Mure. Critical history of. 444 6 Neilson. Greek exercises. 447 14 - 15 Nitzsch. Anmerkungen zu Odyssee. 456 2 Orion. Etymologicon. 464 2 Passow. Handworterbuch der griechischen Sprache. 480 7-8 Photius. Lexicon. 491 13 Pickering. Pronunciation of Greek. 492 3 Robertson. Thesaurus Graecae linguae. 541 2 Rossbach. Griechische Metrik. 547 10 . Griechische Rhythmik. 547 n Sandford. The writing of Greek. 558 13 Scapula. Lexicon Graeco-Latinum. 561 4 Schrevel. Greek lexicon. 565 3 . Lexicon Gr.-Lat, Lat.-Gr. 565 4 Schutz. Animadversiones in doctrinam Graecarum particularum. 565 10 Schweighceuser. Lexicon Herodot m. 566 ] Smith. Grammar of the. 583 1 Suidas. Lexicon. 609 14 Thiersch. Greek grammar. 625 13 Treatise on Greek accents. 636 3 Trollope. Notae in Euripidem. 638 4 Vaply. Greek grammar. 673 8>9 Viger. De Gr. dictionis idiotismis. 678 8 WeUaucr. Lexicon ^Eschyleum. 698 Wettenhal. Grseca grammatica. 701 4 Wolf. Prolegomena ad Homerum. 720 10 See also .- Bible, Dictionaries. . Literature, Collections. Bekker. Anecdota Grseca. 53 10 Bergk. Poetae lyrici Graeci. 732 10 Bosch. Anthologia Graeca. 81 4 - 6 - 7 Brunck. Gnomici poetae Graeci. 99 3 Dobson. Oratores Attici. 186 12 Walz. Rhetores Graeci. 6889 -, Works relating to. Blackiaell. Enquiry into the life & writings of Homer. 75 15 Buckham. Theatre of the Greeks. 100 l2 Francklin. Greek tragedy. 233 ld Gladstone. Studies on Homer. 248 15 Mure. Critical history of. 444 6 Nitzsch. De historia Homeri. 740 9 Schcell. Histoire de la litterature Grecque profane. 564- Welcker. Die griechischen Tragodien. 698 9 Wheeler. Life & travels of Herodotus. 702 See also: Classical literature, Greek empire, reek empire. Finlay. History of. 221 3 Jacob. Annals of, 800-1100. 329 2 Greenland, Account of. 306 4 Greenwood. Cleveland. Directory for. 143 8 . Hints concerning. 143 9 Groton, Mass. Butler. History of. 109 3 Guardian, The. 95 1 Guatemala. See America, Central. Guaxaca, Voyage a. Th. de Menonville. 625 16 Guiana, Natural history of. Bancroft. 40 15 Guido and Julius. Tholuck. 626 3 Gunnery, Principles of. Robin. 542 5 Hades. See Intermediate state. Hadley, Mass. 200th anniversary. 279 12 Haggai, Commentary on. See Bible. Half-hours with the best authors. 151 1 Hamiltoniad, The. 284 1 Hampshire narrative, Answer to the. 372 6 Hand, Mechanism, &c. of the. Bell. 54 16 Handbook of chronology & history. 522 n of painting. Kugler. 352 8 Hannibal, Route of. Law. 364 6 - 7 Hanseatic league, Origin, &c. of. 401 2 HAPPINESS. Harris. Treatise on. 286 14 Lucas. Inquiry after. 387 2 Harmonies of the Gospels. See Bible. Harmony, The Essex. Kimball. 349 * , Principles of, in composition. 550 14 Hartford convention, Proceedings of. 288 15 Dwight. History of. 194 12 HARVARD college. 163", 165 w, 289 291" Bond. Astron. observatory of. 79 8 Quincy. History of. 524 4 Peirce. History of. 484 9 Prince. Constit n & government of. 517 INDEX. 781 Harvest moon, Phaenomena of. 219 5 Hawaii, Tour around. 293 3 HEALTH. See also : Therapeutics. Armstrong. Art of preserving. 30 13 Combe. Physiology applied to. 149 14<ia Johnson. The economy of. 336 3 Tissot. Advice regarding. 631 8 Waterhouse. Cautions concerning. 693 16 Hearing. See Acoustics. HEART. Lower. Tractatus de corde. 385 17 Newton. Utterance of the. 452 J Warren. Organic diseases of. 691 17 HEAT. 388 5 . Crawford. Experiments & ob servations on animal H. 735 4 Leslie. Nature & propagation of, 371 15 Lubbock. The H. of vapours. 386 8 Heaven & its wonders. Swedenborg. 613 x Heavens. See Astronomy, Planets, &c. HEBREwlanguage.110 10 . Buxtorf. Liber de Hebraicis abbreviaturis. 110 12 . Epitome grammatics Hebr. 110 13 - 14 . Lexicon Hebr. et Chald. HO 13 . Thesaurus linguae Hebr. HO^-is . Tractatus de origine. Ill l Bythner. Institutio linguae Hebr. Ills Clenardus. Tabvl.ingrammaticenH. 143 16 Crinesius. Discursus statuens Hebraicam omnium linguarum primam. 162 4 Donaldson. Comparative grammar of. 188 6 Gibbs. H. & English lexicon. 246 10 - u Leusden. Philologus Hebrseo-mixtus. 373 6 Munster. Kalendarivm Hebr. 444 4 Nordheimer. Hebrew grammar. 456 6 Pagninus. Epitome Thesavri. 469 13 . Thesaurus linguae sanctae. 469 14 Parkhurst. H. & Chald. grammar. 477 7 . H. & English lexicon. 477 7 Pike. Hebrew lexicon. 494 5 Robertson. Manipulus linguae sanct. 540 10 Schickard+ Horologium Ebraeum. 562 2 ~ 4 . Rota Hebraea. 562 5 Schroeder. Hebraisches Ubungsbuch. 565 6 Schultens. Directorium, etc. 565 8 Simonis. Lexicon H. et Chald. 578 n Stuart. Grammar of the. 608 14 - 16 . Hebrew chrestomathy. 608 13 Udall. Key of the holy tongue. 642^-6 Willard. Hebrew grammar. 71 1 4 literature. Ailing. Hebraeorum respub- lica scholastica. 15 15 Etheridge. Introd. to study of. 209 15 Herder. Spirit of Hebrew poetry. 300 2 Hurwitz. Uninspired ancient H. L. 322 5 . Hebrew tales. 322 6 . Lecture on. 322 7 Lowth. Lectures on Hebrew poetry. 386 3 Hebrews. See Jews. , Epistle to the. See Bible. HEBRIDES. Faujas de Saint-Fond, Travels Johnson. Tour to the. 83 10 , 336 19 Martin. Description of. 407 3 Helvetia. See Switzerland. Hemp. 739 15 . Quincy. Treatise on hemp- husbandry. 523 12 Henry of Ofterdingen. Hardenberg. 737 n Herald, The New York. 451 ^ Heraldry. Thompson. 627 7 Book of family crests. 80 2 Peerage of the United Kingdom. 268 J s Hercules, The judgment of. 341 <* HERESIES. Apocalypsis. 26 l Carwithen. H. of 4th century. 119 9 MFarland. Historical view of. 392 5 Servetus. History of Servetus. 571 l Herpetology. See Reptilia. Hermeneutics, Sacred. See Bible. Hexapla, The English. 68 * 3 HIEROGLYPHICS. Greppo. Essay on the sys tem of Champollion. 273 10 Horapollo. Hieroglyphica. 314 7 Valerianus. Hieroglyphica. 672 9 - 10 HINDOSTAN. Rennell. General-Charte von In- dien. 630 6 . Memoir of a map of. 532 * 2 Scrafton. Government of. 568 2 Tiejfenthaler. Historisch-geographische Beschreibung von Hindustan. 630 6 See also.- Ceylon, India. Historical discourses. Bacon. 37 15 miscellanies. Bancroft. 41 4 society, Maine. 399 16 ,Massachusetts. 414 9 ~ 13 -, New York. 451 8-9 HISTORY. Study fy philosophy of. Bunsen. Philosophy of universal H. ap plied to knowledge & religion. 103 2 Hegel. Philosophic der Geschichte. 296 9 . Philosophy of. 296 4 Jamieson. Use of sacred H. 331 5 Herder. Werke zur Geschichte. 300 l Mably. De Petude de Phistoire. 390 8 . De Fecrire de Thistoire. 390 8 Miller. Philosophy of. 426 6 Priestley. Lectures on. 515 2 - 3 Schlegel. Philosophy of. 563 5 Shedd. Philosophy of. 573 12 . Ancient history. Beke. Researches in primeval H. 53 9 Diodorus Siculus. Bibliotheca hist. 184 13 Eichhorn. Antiqua historia. 200 7 Goguct. Origin of laws, &c. 250 12 Heeren. Anc t nations of Africa. 295 16 . Historical researches. 295 17 Herodotus. Historiarum libri ix. 301 2 - 3 . History. 301 4 - 5 Niebuhr. Lectures on. 455 3 Petavius. History of the world. 487 13 Polybius. General history. 502 7 9 . Geschichte. 502 782 I N D E X . . Polybius, Greece. 502 10 Rollin. Ancient H. 5153-4 . Histoire ancienne. 545 5 Valerius Maximus. Dictorum factorumque memorabilium libri. 672 12 - 13 . Modern history. Arnold. Lectures on modern H. 31 10 Guizot. Cours d histoire moderne. 278 3 Heeren. Political system of Europe. 296 l Miller. Retrospect of 18th century. 427 4 Smyth. Lectures on modern H. 585 7 -8 See also .- Chivalry, Crusades, Middle ages, and the names of the various countries, nations, &c. of modern times. . Universal 4* miscellaneous history. Ball. Opus historicum. 40 7 Blair. H. of the world. 76 6 JBraithwaite. Survey of H. 91 l Chateaubriand. Etudes historiques. 130 ! Cluvier. Historiarum totius mundi epitome. 1441 D Le guide de Fhistoire. 167 4 . Tableau de Fhistoire universelle. 167 Delitile. Abrege de Fhistoire univ. 1775 De Quincey. Historical essays. 179)5 General history of the world. 244 l Gillies. History of the world. 247 10 Goldsmith. Manners, customs, & curiosi ties of nations. 250 14 Goodrich. Customs of all nations. 2508 Helvicus. Historical theatre. 297 6 Heylyn. Cosmography. 302 10 Hommes dans les diff. epoques de Fhistoire Howel. H. of the world. 317 " Huebner. KurtzeFragen ausderpolitischen Historia. 318 M. Ray. Synopsis. 529 3 Malkin. Introd. lecture on. 400 12 Martin. Correspondence upon. 406 10 Mercier. Fragments of history. 4237 Millot. Siemens d hist. generale. 427 10 . Elements of general H. 427 n - 12 Nee de la Rochelle. Biblioth. hist. 44712 Payne. Epitome of H. 481 ll Priestley. New chart of H. 512 9 - 10 Putnam. Handbook of H. 523 u Raleigh. H. of the world. 526 6 Sane. Tableau historique du monde. 558 14 Shuckford. Sacred & profane H. 576 3 Smyth. Lectures on H. 585 6 Thomson. Spirit of general H. 628 l Tytler. Elements of general H. 641 . Universal H. 642 1 Universal history. 669 7 ~ 9 Usher. Annals of the world. 671 13 See also: Antiquities, Biography, Chronolo gy, Civilization, Ecclesiastical history, Ethno graphy, Geography, Negotiations, Political sci ence, Treaties, &c. Note. for the histories, civil, ecclesiasti cal, military, &c. of various countries, of litera tures, of sciences, &c., see under their respective names. Holland. 3097. Peckham. Tour through. 484 4 See also: Netherlands. Hollis street meeting-house, Boston. 384 & HOLY living & dying. Taylor. 619 4 Scriptures. See Bible. Spirit. See also : Trinity. Barrington. Teaching & witness of. 455 state, The. Fuller. 237 " war, See Crusades. Homeric age, Studies on the. Gladstone. 248 lexicon. Crusius. 164 4 HOMILETICS. Campbell. Lectures on pulpit eloquence. 115 11 Christian orator, The. 134 * 3 Fish. History & repository of pulpit elo quence. 221 12 Porter. Lectures on. 505 5 Russell. Pulpit eloquence. 5537 Homilies of the church of England. 123 3 Horae Paulinae. Paley. 471 n ; 4721 Horses. See Veterinary art. Horticulture. See Gardening. Hosea, Book of. See Bible. Hospital, Massachusetts general. 414 4-8 Hot springs. Daquin. Analyse des eaux ther- malesd Aix. 170 13 Hours with the Evangelists. 453 17 with the mystics. 675 12 Housatunnuk indians, Memoirs of the. 3139 Hudibras 5 a poem. Butler. HO 1 Huguenots, A tale of the. 225 2 HUMAN life. Bowdoin. Oeconomy of. 86 5 De Wette. H. L.; or practical ethics. 181 13 New estimate of H. L. 449 ie Norm. Reflections on. 4567 nature. Burgh. Dignity of. 1047 Goodrich. Curiosities of. 260 8 Innes. Sketches of. 326 3> Moore. Various views of. 4351 1 reason. See Reason. Humane society of Massachusetts. 319 2 - 3 HUNGARY. Born. Travels through. 80 Brace. Hungary in 1851. 89 7 Hunter. Travels through, 1792. 321 6 Townson. Travels in, 1793. 634 J 4 Hungarian controversy, The. 733 ia persecution, Acc t of. 3428 HUSBANDRY. Columella. Of H. 149^2 Davies. Case of labourers in. 173 7 Foster. Oration on. 227 8 General dictionary of. 150 9 - 10 Varlo. System of, for America. 674 12 See also .- Agriculture, Gardening. HYDRAULICS. 421*, 466. Seealso: Canals. Beaufoy. Hydraulic experiments. 508 Ewbank. Hydraulic machines. 212 20 Ferguson. Select subjects in. 219 9 INDEX. 83 H. of the Mississippi river. 651 2 Hydrocele, Treatise on. Pott. 507 6 Hydrodynamics. Barlow. 43 17 Hydrology. See Hydrodynamics, Water. HYDROPATHY. Currie. Effects of water as a cure in diseases. 166 1>2 Gully. Water cure in chronic diseases. 2787 Francke. New theory of disease. 233 14 Johnson. Domestic practice of. 336 l Shew. H., or the water-cure. 575 7 HYDROPHOBIA. Mease. Dissert, on. 419 17 Thacher. Observations on. 622 l HYDROSTATICS. Bland. Elements of. 76 16 Brougham. Hydrostatics. 96 10 Ferguson. Select subjects in. 219 9 Vince. Pinciples of. 679 * Hydrozoa, Oceanic. Huxley. 323 15 Hygrometer. Saussure. Essais sur 1 hygrome- tre. 560 2 - 3 Hymaritic inscriptions in Southern Arabia. Taylor. 640 7 ICELAND. Forbes. I. : its volcanoes, geysers, and glaciers. 225 10 Historical & descriptive account of. 306 4 Mallet. Translations of the Edda. 401 3 Von Troil. Letters on. 682 n ICHTHYOLOGY. Buffon. Histoire naturelle des poissons. 102 3 Cuvier. Pisces. 166 15 Storer. Fishes of Mass. 413 9 , 605 * . Fishes of North America. 605 4 - 5 Ideology. See Mental philosophy. Idiocy, Reports on. 415 12 Idler, The. Johnson. 95 1 Idolatry, Christian, Conversations on. 376 12<13 Ignorance, popular, Evils of. Foster. 228 3>4 ILLINOIS. Public documents. 324 s~ 15 Owen. Geological explorations of. 650 n - 13 See also . Ogle county. college, Catalogues of. 324 16 Illustrations of political economy. 407 5 IMAGINATION. Akenside. 2 Beattie. Dissertations on. 49 \7 Imitation of Christ. T. a Kempis. 346 8 Imposture, True nature of. Prideaux. dlljp Incarnation, Mystery of the. Usher. 672 4 Increments, Method of. Emerson. 204 13 Index to periodical literature. 503 9 Independents. See Dissenters, Puritans. INDIA. Allen. I. anc t & modern. 13 3 Bailly. Hist, de 1 astronomie Indienne. 39 5 Boyd. The Indian observer. 88 9 Broome. Administration of Hastings. 96 5 . Impeachment against Hastings. 96 6 - 7 Buchanan. Expediency of an ecclesiasti cal establishment for. 100 Carpenter. Overland journey to. 118 14 ~ 16 Duff. I. and India missions. 191 Griffith. Palms of British East I. 274 13 Hardwick. Anc t religions of. 285 3 Holwell. India tracts. 310 17 Hough. Christianity in. 316 4 - 5 La C * * *. Coutumes des Indiens orient. Murray, SfC. Acc ? t of British I. 444 12 Renaudot. Ancient accounts of. 532 9 Robertson. Early knowledge of. 561 3 - . Recherches historiques. 542 3 Scott. Hastings administration. 567 2 Sullivan. Tracts upon. 610 n Taylor. Mahommedan power in. 620 4 Vincent. Commerce & navigation of the ancients in Indian Ocean. 679 9 Wright. Lectures on. 725 i See also: Ceylon, East Indies, Hindostan, Indies. Indian charity-school, Lebanon, Conn. 704 2 Wheelock. Narrative of. 702 5 ~ 10 INDIANS of America. 158 10 , 199 19 , 251 13 -i 4 , 310 i, 40512, 706 3 -4, 71314 Barton. Origin of the. 47 6 Eliot. Indian Bible. 65 * - . Indian grammar. 201 n Gage. Grammar of Indian tongue. 238 6 Gallatin. I. tribes in U. S. 239 10 Gardener. Pequot warres. 241 1 Goodrich. Customs of the. 250 8 - . Famous American I. 2508 - . History of the. 250 8 Hall. Wilderness & war path. 280 Hopkins. Housatunnuk I. 313 9 Johnson. Captivity among. 336 20 Kidder. The Abenaki I. 738 * 4 Loskiel. Mission of the United Brethren among the. 384 1 Ludewig. Literature of the American ab original languages. 387 14 Mason. Pequot war. 408 8 Morse. Report on, 1820. 440 6 Neill. Dahkotah land, &c. 447 13 Niles. Indian wars in N. E. 455 15 Parkman. Conspiracy of Pontiac. 477 12 Pickering. A uniform orthography for the Indian languages. 492 2 Rale. Abnaki dictionary. 526 2 Rush. Natural history of medicines among the. 551 7 Schoolcraft. History, cond n, &c. of. 655 Speeches on the bill for the removal of the, 1830. 658 n Sullivan. The Penobscot I. 6108 Tanner. Captivity & adventures. 617 l Thacher. Indian biography. 623 8 United States. Emigration of the. 656 u Vetromile. Indian good book. 678 2 - . Vetromile s noble bible. 678 3 Willis. Lang, of the Abnaquies. 714 7 84 INDEX. INDIES. Les etablissemens et le commerce des Europeens dans les deux Indies. 305 13 Sketches of the Spanish empire in both In dies. 501 11 See also : East Indies, India, West Indies. Indigo. Le parfait indigotier. 432 9 INDUCTIVE sciences. Whewell. Hist. of. 703 l . Philosophy of the. 703 & Industry. See Arts, Inventions, &c. INFANT baptism. Addington. Reasons for. 7 J5 Clark. Divine right of. 138 13 Smith. Vindication of. 583 3 Wall. History of. 686 9 Wilson. I. B. a scriptural service. 716 3 Woods. Lectures on. 723 3 INFANTS. Sainte-Marthe. La maniere de nour- rir les enfans a la mammelle. 557 l Wynett. The covenant s plea for. 726 J2 See also . Children. Infatuation, a poem. Benjamin. 56 10 INFIDELITY. Jenyns, Leslie, fyc. 325 9 Channing. Two sermons on. 127 5 Cooper. Characteristicks. 153 i3 Evanson. Letter to Priestley s young man. 211io Gurdon. Pretended difficulties in religion no excuse for I. 278 9 Hall. Modern I. considered. 281 8>9 Morgan. The moral philosopher. 438 4-5 Pearson. Aspects, causes, &c. of. 483 18 Priestley. Increase of I. 516 10 . Letters to a philosophical unbeliever. 516 4-5 See also : Atheism, Deism, Evidences of re vealed religion, Free-thinking-, Theology. Iniquity, Mystery of. More. 436 9 Inland navigation, History of. 490 13 INOCULATION. Baylies. I. in Berlin. 49 n Franklin. I. for the small pox. 234 10 - 12 Waterhouse. I. in America. 694 3 INQUISITION. 121 l Achilli. Dealings with the. 4 5 Records of the Spanish 1. 326 " INSANITY. 477 "-i* Conolly. Indications & treatment of. 152 10 Inquiry into the tendency of separation of convicts to produce derangement. 326 6 Ray, Medical jurisprudence of. 529 2 Upham. Disordered mental action. 671 3 See also .- Lunacy. Inscriptions. See Cuneiform, Hymaritic. Insects. See also : Entomology. Adams. General history of. 4 n Agassiz. Classification of I. from embryo- logical data. 9 2 Inspiration of the BibJe. See Bible, Eviden ces of revealed religion. Instinct. Paine. Discourse on. 470 2 Institute, Peabody, So.Danvers. 482 2 7 483 3 INSURANCE. Marshall. Law of. 405 H Park. Law of marine I. 475 Phillips. Law of. 491 1 See also . Annuities, Reversionary payments. Intellect. See Imagination, Insanity, Instinct, Lunacy, Mental philosophy, Metaphysics, Mind, Philosophy, Psychology, Reason, Taste, Understanding, &c. Intellectual science. See Mental philosophy. system of the universe. 164 11<12 INTEMPERANCE. Badger. Discourses on. 38 3 Beecher. Six sermons on. 53 4 Carpenter. Alcoholic liquors. 119 2 Porter. Sermon on. 505 3 INTERMEDIATE state. Blackburne. Works, vol. 3. 75 8 Burnet. De statu mortuorum. 106 3 Dummer. DescensusChristiadinferos. 192 4 Watts. Proof of a separate state of souls after death. 695 19 Intermittent fever. See Fever. International law. See Law of nations. Introduction to the Bible. See Bible. INVENTIONS. Beckmann. History of I. and discoveries. 52 8 Gallon. Inventions approuvees par 1 acad- emie royale des sciences. 239 16 Repertory of patent I. 533 14 ~ 16 Smith. Compendium of. 582 4 Vergil. De rerum inventoribus. 677 1 Wells. Annual of scientific discov y. 698 12 See also: Arts, Machines. Inverness, Agriculture of. Robertson. 540 8 Ionian islands, Tour in. Mure. 444 7 Iowa, Geological survey of. Owen. 650 11>13 IRELAND. See also : Great Britain. Archdall. Monasticon Hibernicvm. 28 9 Carr. Tour in, 1805. 119 3 Holmes. Southern counties of. 310 8 Holroyd. Manufactures, &c. of. 310 1 3 Irish political characters, 1799. 326 15 Johnson. Tour in. 336 4 Ledivich. Antiquities of. 366 9 . Round towers in. 366 8 Mills. Literature & literary men of. 427 1 3 O Hallovan. Hist y & antiquities of. 462 5 Riots in Munster, Ireland. 738 6 . Survey of the south of, 1778. 326 13 Taylor. History of. 620 * Vallancey. Collectanea Hibernica. 673 4 Wallace. Manufactures of. 686 1 2 Young. Tour in, 1776-79. 729 1 2 IRON. Holland. Manufactures in. 309 8 Rinman. Geschichte des Eisens. 538 4 Swedenborg. Minerale de ferro. 613 10 Thacher. Observations on 1. ores. 622 2 Tredgold. Strength of cast I. 636 9 IROQUOIS. La Rochefoucault. Travels thro the country of the. 543 7 Morgan. League of the. 438 1 Isaiah, Book of. See Bible. INDEX. 785 Island of St. Michael, Description of. 597 7 Isle of Man, Tour through. Robertson. 540 6 Isle of Wight. Hassell. Tour of. 2924 Warner. History of. 691 13 Isometrical drawing. Sopwith. 589 1 Israel, People of. See Jews. ITALY. Arts, history, SfC. Baird. Protestantism in. 39 6 Botta. Storia d ltalia continuata da quella del Guicciardini sino al 1789. 8i 5 . Storia d ltalia dal 1789 al 1814. 84 6 Campaign of Buonaparte in I. 115 7 Campaign of 1795 in I. 306 8 Denina. Revolutions d ltolie. 179 3 . Delle rivoluzioni d ltalia. 179 4 Donaldson. Ethnography of anc t I. 188 8 Gillot. Dictionnaire des constitutions du royaume d ltalie. 736 17 Guicciardini. Storia d ltalia. 277 14 Hittard. Six months in. 304 13 Keightley. Mythology of ancient I. 345 9 Kelsall. Constitution for I. 346 7 Kugler. Schools of painting in. 352 8 Lanzi. Storia pittorica della Italia. 358 n Lyman. Political state of. 389 8 M Crie. Reformation in, 16th cent. 391 n Romagnosi. Dell indole e dei fattori dell incivilimento. 545 8 Roscoe. Annals of, 1648-1814. 546 Rose. Annals of, to 1400. 546 14 Sforzosi. Compendious history of. 572 * Simonde de Sismondi. Histoire des repub- liques Italiennes. 578 10 . Description, travels, fyc. Addison. Remarks on, 1701-3. 7 23 Barthelemy. Travels in. 46 4 Beckford. Travels in. 52 7 Burnet. Account of. 106 l Du Paty. Lettres sur PItalie. 193 3 Ferber. Histoire naturelle de PI. 218 2 . . Travels through. 218 7 Itinerario d ltalia, 1673. 328 7 La Condamine. Tour in. 354 6 Morgan. Italy. 438 3 Moore. Society & manners in. 435 9 Spallanzani. Travels in, 1788. 590 13 Voyage d un Francois en Italie, fait dans 1765-6. 328 8 Valery. Voyages en Italic. 673 1 . . Language. Bachi. Italian grammar. 36 10 Barberi. Courscompletdelangueltal. 42 2 Baretti. Easy phraseology of. 43 2 . English & Italian dictionary. 42 10 . Italian grammar. 42 1, 43 3 Dizionario della lingua Italiana. 186 9 Grassi. Sinonimi della lingua Ital. 254 6 Longfellow. Grammaire Italienne. 382 10 Luneau de Boisjermain. Cours de langue Italienne. 388 2 Teorica dei verbi Italian!. 328 6 Veneroni. Complete Italian master. 676 10 . Ital. & -English dictionary. 676 n . Literature. Arrivabene. II secolo di Dante. 32 ] Bachi. Scelta di prose Ital. 36 n Fontanini. Biblioteca dell eloquenza Ital iana. 2255 Maffei. Storia della lett. Ital. 397 5 Raccolta di lirici e satirici Italiani. 525 8 di novellieri Italiani. 525 9 Teatro tragico Italiano. 620 7 Tiraboschi. Hist. delalitteratured I. 631 s . Storia della lett. Ital. 631 7 Itineracy, &c. of Whitefield. Holby. 309 s Jacobinism. See France. JAMAICA. 169 14 . Public doc ts. 329 9 330 * Broughton. Plants cultivated in. 97 : Dancer. J. practice of physic. 169 15 Hunter. Diseases in. 321 " Jackson. Fevers of. 328 18 James, St., Epistle of. See Bible. Jansenists, Rise, persecutions, &c. of. 636 ls JAPAIV. Anecdotes Japonoises. 24 2 Cossigny. Notice sur la Japon. 157 10 Hildrcth. J. as it was and is. 304 * MacFarlane. Account of. 392 7 Manners & customs of Japanese. 331 7 United States. J. expedition, 1852-4. 650* JERUSALEM. Barclay. The city of the great King. 424 Josephus. Siege & destruction of. 339 13 340 2 Tasso. Gerusalemme liberata. 618 3 . Jerusalem delivered. 618 4 . Jerusalem delivree. 618 5 \Varburton. Julian s attempt to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem. 689 9 , Church of, Anc t liturgy of. 22 3 , New, Church of. See New Jerusalem. JESUITS. Pascal. Provincial letters. 479 22 Posquier. Catechisme des Jesuites. 506 ia JESUS CHRIST. Abbadie. Deity of. 7 1 Barnard. Proof of His being the ancient promised Messiah. 44 6 Belknap. Dissertations on the character, death, & resurrection of. 54 5 Burr. Supreme deity of. 107 3 Calvin. Divinitie,humanitie,&c. of. 113 ia Defence of deity of. 113 2 , 335 1- 2 Doddridge. Power & grace of. 187 14 Dyer. Christ s famous titles. 195 Ellicott. Lectures on life of. 202 10 Emlyn. Deity & glory of. 204 21 Farmer. Christ s temptation. 214 16 Gaillard. Specimen quaestionum de Filio Hominis. 238 1Q 99 786 INDEX Gardiner. Divinity of. 241 12 Gerhard. Comm. de passione, etc. 132 12 Gess. Die Lehre von der Person Christi. 246 2 Gospel tragedy, The, a poem. 252 16 Greenleaf. Acc t of trial of. 272 4 Hardwick. C. and other masters. 285 3 Hengstenberg.. Christology of the Old Tes tament. 298 3 Hindmarsh. Divinity of. 305 b Histoire von dem Leiden und Sterben Jesu Christi. 207 4 Horsley. Belief of the first ages in our Lord s divinity. 316 2 Hunter. History of. 320 9 Ingersoll. Death of Christ. 325 12 Kempis, T. a. Imitation of. 34G 8 jKidder. Demonstr n of the Messias. 348 8 Lardner. Letter on the logos. 359 16 Linn. Letters to Priestley. 376 2 - 21 Mather. Sermons concerning the person, office & glory of. 417 8 Muir. Christ s cross & crown. 443 4 Newcome. Ch. as a divine instructor. 451 13 Pareus. Doctrina orthodoxa I. Calvini de S. trinitate & divinitate Christi. 475 J Polhil. Speculum theologian in C. 501 8 Priestley. Duration of His ministry. 516 1>2 . Early opinions concerning. 514 15 . Letter on the divinity of Christ and atonement. 515 7 . Socrates & J. compared. 515 6 , 517 2 Schauffler, Last days of Christ. 561 10 Simmons. Who was J. C. ? 578 2 Smith, G. Not Paul but Jesus. 581 8 Smith. J. P. Sacrifice & priesthood of. 583 5 Spear. Names & titles of. 592 2 Strauss. Das leben Jesu. 606 9 Stroud. Physical cause of the death of Christ, &c. 607 2 Taylor, J. Life of. 61 9 Taylor, R. Divinity of. 619 15 Tompkins. J. C. the Mediator. 632 10 Trench. Hulsean lectures. 637 J Turretin. De satisfactione Christi. 640 " Usher. Immanuel. 672 4 Vincent. C. s appearance to judgment. 679 7 Watts. Glory of C. as God-man. 695 n Winchester. The process & empire of C. 716 u Witherspoon. Salvation through C. 720 Wympersse. Godhead of. 726 13 See also . Anti-Christ, Lord s Supper, Resur rection, Theology, Trinity. Jesus college, Cambridge. Historia. 575 5 JEWS. 280io, 3359-10. Basnage de Beauval. Continuation of Josephus history. 47 9>1 Bertram. De politia Ivdaica. 61 l Brown. Antiquities <fc customs of. 98 ff Burnct. De Judorum restauratione. 105 5 Buxtorf. Synagoga Judaica. 110 16 Cunoeus. De republica Hebraeorum. 165 15 Edersheim. History of, after the destruc tion of Jerusalem. 197 n Gregorie. Reformation of the. 272 n Guenee. Apology for the. 277 10 Jahn. History of the Hebrew Common wealth. 3298 Josephus. Jewish antiquities & Jewish wars. 339 13 340 2 Levi. Letters to Priestly. 373 13 -!4 Sigonio. De repvblica Hebraeorvm. 577 8 Solomon Ben Alma. Hist. Judaica. 587 29 Tappan. Jewish antiquities. 617 12 See also . Hebrews, Jerusalem, Palestine. Joan of Arc, an epic poem. Southey. 589 10 Job, Book of. See Bible. Jockey club, The. 335 13 Joel, Book of. See Bible. John, St., Epistles of. See Bible. , Gospel according to. See Bible. Jordan, U. S. expedition to the. Lynch. 389 9 Journal. See Periodicals, Transactions. of a naturalist. 340 14 of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. 132 Judgment, Christ s appearance to. 679 7 Judicial evidence, Rationale of. 58 13 JUNIUS, Letters of. 342 2 - 3 Waterhouse. Essay on Junius, &c. 693 17 Jurisprudence, Elements of. Woodeson. 722 4 See also .- Government, Law, Political science. Jus divini regiminis ecclesiastici. 342 9ao populi vindicatum. 342 u Justice, Concerning political. Godwin. 250 l Justice of peace. English precedents. 147 16 Dams. Authority & duty of. 173 15 KANSAS. Benjamin. Speech. 56 8 Cass. Speech on. 120 8 Swallow fy Hawn. Rocks of. 612 3 United Stales. Papers relative to. 645 4 . Report on troubles in. 658 8 Kantesian philosophy, Principles of the. 719 2 Kennebunkport, Me., History of, 1602-1837. 89 8 Kilda, St., Voyage to. Martin. 407 3 KINGS. Fenelon. Self-examination for a king. 21712 Filmer. Natural power of. 220 14 -i5 Lanjuinais. Le monarque accompli. 358 7 Machiavelli. Princeps. 392 12 Mayhew. Discourse on non-resistance, &c. 418 3 Somers. Rights, powers &c. of. 587 30 Klosterheim. De Q,uincey. ISO 1 Knickerbocker s New York. Irving. 327 13 Knights of Malta : History of. 677 14 KNOWLEDGE. Craik. Pursuit of K. under difficulties. 160 Condillac. Origin of. 151 * . (Euvres, torn. 1. 151 9 .1 N I) E X Degerando. De la generation des connois- sances humaines. 176 9 . Systemes de philosophic, consideres relativement aux principaux de connais- sances humaines. 176 10 Elements of general K. 348 l Lamarck. Systeme analytique des connais- sances positives de 1 homme. 356 7 Leigh. Religion & learning. 368 13 Marsh. Discourse on human K. 404 12 Mason. Self knowledge. 408 n - 12 Reflections upon learning. 531 ~ Stackhouse. Vana doctrinae emolumenta. 594 ie Temple. Anc t & modern learning. 620 14 Ulrici. Glauben und Wissen. 643 3 Knox college, Hist. of. Bailey. 38 5 Koran, The, or Alcoran. 431 KURDISTAN. Layard. Travels in. 365 2 - 3 Southgate. Tour through. 590 4 Labor. See Laboring classes. Laboratory, The. Smith. 5817 Laboring classes. Eden. History of the L. C. in England. 197 10 M Culloch. Wages & condition of. 391 12 See also . Political economy. Laconics, or instructive miscellanies. 354 7 Lake Erie, Battle of. 479 8, 487 5 Lake Superior land district, Geology of. 651 l Landlord and tenant. Butts. 110 10 LANGUAGE. Beattie. Theory of. 49 17 Becker. Das Wort in seiner organischen Verwandlung. 52 4 . Organism der Sprache. 52 2 Burnet. Origin & progress of. 106 2 Dionysius. Compositio verborum. 185 8 Farrar. Origin of. 215 5 Johnson. Treatise on. 335 " Muller. The science of. 443 " Smith. Origin of. 581 2 Wilkins. Alphabetical dictionary. 709 5 . Essay towards a philosophical L. 709 6 See also .- Alphabet, Dialects, Grammar, Phi lology, Words, Writing, &c. LANGUAGES. Ascham. Perfect way of teach ing the learned L. 32 14 Bossuet. Faber s method of teaching. 81 8 Hoffmann. L etude des langues. 308 9 Sec also : Modern languages. LAPLAND. Leems. Account of. 367 7 Regnard. Journey to. 531 3 LATIN language. Grammar, lexicography, SfC. Adam. Latin grammar. 4 11 Ainsworth. Thesaurus linguae Lat. 10 6 Crombie. Gymnasium. 163 l Diez. Etymoiogisches WOrterbuch. 184 s . Grammatik. 184 6 Doederlein. Latin synonyms. 187 15 Donaldson. Introduction to the philologi cal study of the. 1888 Elemental latina. 200 ]5 Forcellini. Latinitatis lexicon. 22G Freund. Worterbuch der Lateinischen sprache. 236* Gardin-Dumesnil. Latin synonyms. 241 2 Gate of the Latin tongue unlocked. 362 13 Gellius. JNoctes Atticae. 243 Gradus ad Parnassum. 362 14 Hudson. Introd. to Latin tongue. 318 9 Introduction to the Latin tongue. 362 15 Kuster. De usu verborum mediorum. 353 3 Lancelot. Method of learning with facility the Latin tongue. 358 2 Madvig. Latin grammar. 397 2 Malcolm. Rudiments of. 400 6 Manutius. Phrases linguae Lat. 403 3 Melancthon. Grammatica Latina. 420 10 Merrill. Study of. 424 3 Monro. Methodus docendi ling. Lat. 433 l Munk, Metres of the Romans. 443 12 Read. Latin grammar. 529^ Robinson. Scholae Winton. phrases. 542 9 Ruddiman. Grammatica Latina. 550 12 Rudiments of Latin prosody. 550 14 Seyer. Syntax of Latin verb. 571 16 Smith J. -Tsewhamp. I.atin grammar. 583 2 Smith, W. Latin-English dict y. 584 6 Stephanus. Thesaurus linguaj 599 9 Tafel. Latin pronunciation. 616 5 Torsellini. De particulis Lat. 226 l , 634 3 Vorst. De Lat. falso suspecta. 682 12 . De Lat. merito suspecta. 682 13 Ward. Ratio grammatices. 689 15 . Introduction of grammar. 689 17 Wettenhal. Latin grammar construed. 701 5 Willard. Introduction to the. 71 1 3 . Critical works on authors. Delrio. Notae ad opera Claudiani. 177 1() Ferrari. Emendationes in Philippicas Ci- ceronis. 219 17 Lachmann. Comm. in libros Lucretii Cari de rerum natura. 354 4 Livius. Observationes in opera Livii. 379 5 Lubin. Paraphrasis in Persii satyras. 386 9 Manutius. Scholia in Ciceronem. 403 4 ~ b Ritschl. Parerga zu Plautus und Terenz. 583 1 See also .- Classical, Philology. literature. Collections 4 history. Analecta Latina majora. 21 13 Burmann. Poetas Latini minores. 105 l Dunlop. History of Roman literature. 193 l Excerpta e scriptoribus Latinis. 213 7 Fabricius. Bibliotheca Latina. 214 :M Flores illustrium poetarum. 224 4 Orationes ex historicis Latinis. 151 ~ Thompson. Decline of Lat. poetry. 627 e -8 See also: Classical, Philology. Latitude, Manner of finding. 393 3 Latter-day luminary. 41 ia 788 ISDEX. Laurion ; Silver mines of. 77 13 LAW. General works. Blackstone. Law-tracts. 75 12 Bacon. New abridgment of. 37 16 Bentham. Constitutional code. 57 16 . Truth vs Ashurst. 58 15 Cunningham. Law dictionary. 165 18 Education proper for the Bar. 45 6 Hale. Civil part of the. 280 6 . History of the common L. 280 7 Home. Historical law-tracts. 311 7 Jebb. General principles of. 333 3 Mackintosh. Study & practice of. 394 12 - 1:! Montesquieu. De 1 esprit des loix. 433 l2 . Spirit of laws. 433 16 -" Obscurity, uncertainty, &c. of. 509 15 Simpson. Endowments requisite for, &c. 579 i Story. On the conflict of laws. 605 n Warren. Introd. to law studies. 692 3 See also: Digests, Jurisprudence, Eeports. Trials. i Law of nature and of nations. Burlamaqui. Elemens du droit naturel. 1041J . Natural and politic L. 104 8>i9 Bynkershoek. Traitedujuge competentdes ambassadeurs. Ill 4 Cumberland. Traite philosophique des loix naturelles. 165 3 Gerard de Rayneval. Institutions du droit de la nature et des gens. 736 1G Grotius. Le droit de la guerre et de la paix. 276 9<1 . Rights of war & peace. 276 14>15 Law of nature defended by Scripture. 363 n Mably. Droit public de PEurope. 390 8 Martens. Law of nations. 406 Memoires touchant les ambassadeurs, etc. 4681 Poison. Law of nations. 502 Pitjfendorf. Le droit de la nature et des gens. 521 6 Selden. Mare clavsvm. 569 14 Stephen. War in disguise. 270 12 Vattel. Le droit des gens. 675 1 . Law of nations. 675 2 - 3 Walsingham. Memoires et instructions pour les ambassadeurs. 687 1S Ward. Foundation & history of the law of nations in Europe. 689 19 Wheaton. International law. 701 17 Wicquefort. L ambassadeur et ses fonc- tions. 707" See a so : Maritime law, Negotiations, Neu trality, Treaties. . Civil or Roman. Duck. De usu et authoritate in dominiis principum Christianorum. 191 6 Graves. Roman law. 254 10 Hotomanus. Francogallia. 316 3 Justinian. Institutes. 342 u Savigny. Geschichte des romischen Rechts im Mittelalter. 560 12 . System des heutigen romischen rechts. 560 ia Waldcck. Institvtiones ivris civilis Heinec- cianse. 684 6 See also : Crime and punishment, Criminal law, Penal law. Laws of modern nations. England. Ames. Study of Engl. law. 21 8 Bibliotheca legum angliae. 73 l Blackstone. Commentaire sur le code cri- minel d Angleterre. 75 9 .Commentaries. 75 10 - 11 Christian. Notes to Blackstone. 134 Cock. English law. 145 Compleat English law-tutor. 730 7 Jacob. Law-dictionary. 329 1 Lettres sur la Cour de la Chancellerie d Angleterre. etc. 373 * Ney. Grounds & maxims. 459 9 Poison. English law. 502 5 Reeves. History of English law. 530 Wood. Institute of the laws of England. 721H . Study of English law. 721 Wooddcson. Systematical view of the laws of England. 722* See a so .- Great Britain, Magna charta. France. Dard. Code civil des Francais. 171 l Linguet. Memoires, etc. 376 19 Valin. Commentaire sur 1 ordonnance de la marine, 1681. 673 2 Germany. Le droit public Germanique. 245 12 Leopold II. Edict for the reform of criminal law in Germany. 370 n Prussia. Entwurf eines allgemeinen Gesetz- buch far die Prussischen Staaten. 206 15 United States. Anthon. American prece dents of declarations. 19 3 Dane. Abridgment of American law. 170 1 Kent. Commentaries on Am. law. 347 5>6 See also . United States, and names of the va rious states. Law reporter, The, 1839-48. 125 " of courts, pleadings, practice. See Chan cery, Conveyancing, Equity, Executions, Nisi prius, Pleadings, of personal property and personal rights. See Bailment, Insurance, Maritime law, Penal law, Wills. Law of real property. See Conveyancing, E- jectment, Insurance, Mortgage, Real es tate, Real property, Wills. Law school of Harvard college. 289 ^ Lectures, Pitts street chapel 496 " INDEX. 89 Lecture sermons, Boyle s. 89 6 LEGISLATION. Constant de Rebecque. Comen- to sulla scienza della legislazione di G. Filangieri. 15217 Filangieri. La science de la legislation. - . La scienza della legislazione. 220 13 L. upon agriculture, population, &c. 209 9 Mably. De la legislation. 390 * See also: Government, Law, Political science. Leicester, Agriculture of. 496 9 Leipsic. Address-Post, etc. 1784 369 l Lepidoptera of North America. 439 6 Letters. See Alphabet. - . 372 6 -373 3 . See also: Correspondence. Ncte. For letters on various subjects see their respective names. Algarotli. L. military & political. 12 n Beveridge. Epistolae familiares, &c. 61 8 Clement XIV. Pope. Interesting L. 734 6 De Quincey. L. to a young man. 179 16 Erasmus. De conscribendis epistolis. L. on public characters, 1783-1815. 610 ]4 Melmoth. Fitzosborne s letters. 421 1 Milton. Epistolae familiares. 740 4 Ravisi. Epistolse. 5283 Rousseau. L. of an*ltalian nun & an Eng lish gentleman. 548 8 Rowe. L. from the dead to the living. 548 n Upham. L. from Europe, Egypt, &c. 670 1 3 TJEVANT. Shaiv. Travels in the. 573 9 Thevenot. Travels into the. 625 6 See also: Asia Minor, Palestine, Syria. LEVELLING. Adams. Description of instru ments used in. 5 i 2 Puissant. Traite de nivellement. 522 2 Simms. Instruments used in. 577 3 Lex mercatoria rediviva. Beauwes. 50 15 - 16 Lexicon. See Dictionaries. Lexington, Battle of. 238 ? LIBERTY. Clarke. Philosophical enquiry concerning human L. 141 3 Eliot. L. of ancient nations. 202 l Lieber. Civil L. & self-government. 375 Price. Nature of civil L. 510 n Seea j so: Democracy, Free government, Re publicanism, Toleration, &c. Librarian s manual. Guild. 278 l LIBRARIES. Farnham. Glance at private L 215 Guild. Sketches of public L. 278 Jewett. Public L. in U. S. 65414 See alto: Bibliography, Books, Printing. Library of old English prose writers. 729 3 - , Parley s cabinet. 250 - of useful knowledge. 586 3 ~ 7 LIFE. Bacon. Of the prolongation of. 37 u Darwin. Laws of organic L. 172 1-2 Maclean. Science of. 395 7 Paine. Philosophy of vitality. 470 5 Waterhouse. Principle of vitality. 694 2 See also .- Biography, Death, Longevity. & letters, lucubrations on. 351 n - 12 & manners. De Quincy. 179 17 time, Recollections of a. 250 9 IGHT. Bowdoin. Phenomena of. 86 3 Brewster. Refraction & polarization of. 92 z Herschel. Light. 301 1 See also . Colors, Optics, Vision, aght-house establishment of U. S. 619 2 ights & shadows of Scottish life. 715 16 .imits, Doctrine of. Whewell. 702 1* jincolnshire, Agriculture of. 729 10 ipari islands. Dolomieu. Voyage aux lies de Lipari, en 1781. 188 2 Literal repository, The. 601 5 Literary character, The. D Israeli. 185 * hours. Drake. 190 1 journal. The. 377 "> panorama, The. 377 n -i 2 reminiscences. De Quincey. 179 )8 & theological review. 378 2 LITERATURE. Aikin. Letters on. 10 2 Andres. Dell origine, progress! e stato at- tuale di ogni letteratura. 23 8 Arvine. Anecdotes of. 32 i3 Denina. Revolutions of. 179 2 Disraeli. Curiosities of. 185 13 ~i 5 Eichhorn. Litterargeschichte. 200 8 Goodrich. Book of literature. 250 8 Hamilton. Discussions on. 283 n Hoppin. Reform of. 313 5 Jamieson. Grammar of polite L. 331 4 Juvigny. Decadence des lettres. 343 1 3 Laharpe. Cours de litterature. 355 J5 Lanteires. Tableau abrege de 1 antiquite litteraire. 358 10 Mathias. Pursuits of, a poem. 418 Montgomery. Lectures on. 434 2 Poole. Index to periodical L. 503 9 Schlegel, A. W. v. Lectures on dramatic L. 563 3 Schlegel, F. K. W. v. Lectures on the his tory of L. 563 3 -4 2V c te. For the literatures of particular coun tries and languages see undertheirseveral names. SeeaJso : Anecdotes, Belles lettres, Criticism, Drama, Education, Eloquence, Language, No- vels, OratDry, Poetry, Rhetoric. LITURGIES. Ancient L. of the Church of Je rusalem. 22 3 Bennett. L. & their imposition. 57 l See a so under . Church of England, Roman Catholic Church. LIVER. Glisson. Anatomia hepatis. 219 b Saunders. Structure, economy, &c. 559 n Living, Philosophy of. Ticknor. 629 16 Living age, Littell s. 378 4 Locomotive engine. See Steam engine. Loganian library, Phila., Catalogue of. 381 2 LOGARITHMS. Babbagc. Table of. 36 2 790 I M)EX Collet. Tables portitives de. 113 * Day. Nature &. use of. 175 5 Hind. Nature & properties of. 305 3 Keill. Treatise of. 210 2 Martin. Logarithmologia. 406 9 LOGIC. Aristoleles. Logique. 30 a . Organon. 30 5 - 6 Arnauld Sf Nicole. La logique. 31 1 Burgersdicius. Institutio logica. 104 1-5 Collard. Essentials of. 147 12 . Praxis of. 147 13 Condillac. Logic. 151 7 . La logique. 151 8 Destutt de Tracy. Logique. 635 Downame. Commentarii in Kami dialec- ticam. 189 10 Duncan. Elements of. 192 " Hamilton. Lectures on. 283 Hedge. Elements of. 295 12 ffeereboord. Logica. 295 14 Hegel. Die Logik. 296 3 . Subjective L. 296 6 Keckerman. Resolvtio systematis. 345 6 . Systema logicae. 345 7 Mill. System of. 426 & Ramus. Dialectica. 527 3 Tappan. Elements of. 617 16 Whateley. Elements of. 701 i2 - 14 Wolf. Logic. 72QH See also .- Evidence, Metaphysics, Probability, Thinking. of polit. economy. De Quincey. 179 19 LONDON. 188 ", 381 5 ~ Andrews. L. directory, 1792. 23 15 Colcuhoun. Police of L. 149 7 Culpepper. Pharmacopeia Londinensis. 165 2 Grant. The great metropolis. 381 e Vaughan. Tracts on docks, &c. 676 i- 3 advertiser, The. 438 catalogue of books. 381 9 -i chronicle, The. 381 n Edinb. &c. philos. magazine. 381 i 2 gazette. 381 J3 quarterly review. 226 7 ; 523 "> university. 669 13 ~i 5 LONGEVITY. Easton. Human L. 196 5 Worcester. L. in the United States. 724 5 Longitude, Manner of finding. 393 3 Looker-on, The. 95 J LORD S day. 321 ^ 554 2 Dummer. De jure Judaeorum Sabbati. 192 6 Haldane. Observance of. 280 3 Hessey. Origin, history, &c. of. 302 5 Priestley. Reply to Mr. Evanson. 516 6 Wilson. Divine authority, &c. of. 715 * convention, National. 446 10 prayer, Exposition of. Hooker. 312 17 supper. Bell. Authority, nature & de sign of. 55 3 - 5 CTiauncey. Five sermons on the. 130 9 Grove. Discourses on. 277 3 Haldane. Observance of. 280 3 Halyburton. Sermons on. 282 1& - 16 Henry. Communicant s companion. 298 13 Priestley. Free address on. 514 3 Taylor. The worthy communicant. 6198 Willison. Five sermons on. 71 4 9 Wishart. Five sermons on. 719 9 Louisburg, Siege & surrender of. 340 13 LOUISIANA, Documents in departments of State, &c. 38418-19 Des Lozieres. Voyage a la L. 181 5 . 2d voyage a "la L. 181 6 Dumont. Memoires hist, sur la. 735 16 Duvallon. Vue de la L., 1802. 194 5 Hennepin. Description de la. 298 6 Le Page du Pratz. Historie de la. 370 12 . History of. 371 1 Livingston. System of penal law. 385 J Marcy. Exploration of Red river. 649 10 Lounger, The. 95 i, 385 2 - 3 LOVE. Bernard. L art d aimer. 60 3 Swedenborg. Conjugial love, &c. 612 ]3 of country, Discourse on. Price. 510 5 - 6 Low Countries. See Netherlands. Luke, St., Gospel of. See Bible. LUNACY. 451 4 . See also : Insanity. Gait. Essays on asylums. 240 1- 2 Parkman. Management of lunatics. 477 13 MACHINERY. Arago. Memoir on. 28 2 Babbage. Application of. 35 u Ewbank. Hydraulic machines. 212 20 Gallon. Machines approuvees par Facade- mie royale des sciences. 239 15 See also: Mechanics, Mills, Motion, Steam- engine. Madonnas, Legends of the. Jameson. 330 H Magazine, The American clerk s. 235 r3 Magazines. See Periodicals. Magic, Letters on natural. Brewster. 92 3 MAGNA charta. 117 6, 256 2 , 269 3 Sullivan. Commentary on. 610 l Grecia. Voyage dans la Grande Grcce, 1772. 68214 Magnalia Christi Americana. Mather. 417 6 MAGNETISM. Barlow. 43 18 Brewster. Treatise on. 92 3 Cavallo. Treatise on. 1224-5 Churchill. Magnetic atlas. 137 6 Farrar. Elements of. 21 5 7 Husson. Report, &c. 322 9 Kane. Observations in Arctic seas. 344 4 Locke. Observat s on terrestrial M. 380 ^ Newnham. Human M. 452 7 Scoresby. Magnetical investigations. 566 4 Sonntag. Terrestrial M. in Mexico. 588 6 Sturgeon. Annals of. 609 3 Walker. Treatise on. 686 See also . Electricity, Electro-magnetism. 1 N D E X . 791 Mahomedanism. See Mohammedanism. MAINE. Agricultural reports. 397 14 398 J Constitutional convention of. 397 13 Laws, statutes, &c. of. 398 7 399 4 Miscellaneous documents of. 399 5 ~ 14 Reports upon education of. 398 2 Supreme-court reports, 1820-47. 399 * Bollard. Prot.-Episc. Church in. 40 9 Coffin. Memoir & journals. 146 3 Folsom. Documents in English archives re lating to early history of. 224 " Greenleaf, J. Eccles. history of. 271 12 Greenleaf, M. Statistical view of. 271 13 . Survey of. 271 u-i& Jackson. Reports on geology of. 398 3-6 Lincoln. Catholic missions in. 376 4 . Indian languages in. 376 4 Merrick. Trial of Lynn, Meigs, &c. 424 Millet. The Baptists in. 4277 Sewall. Anc t dominions of. 571 9 Sullivan. History of district of. 610 6 Williamson. History of. 713 13 Willis. History of the law, the courts, and the lawyers of. 742 8 . Journals of Smith & Deane. 714 6 . Scotch-Irish emigration to. 714 8 See also: Bath, Biddeford, Camden, Gorham, Kennebunkport,Pemaquid, Portland, Saco, Scar borough, Union. general conference. 399 15 historical society. 399 16 medicai school. 85i7-ai ; 87 ^-u Malay peninsula, Trip up the. 2 9 MALTA. Bigelow. Travels in. 73 9 Brydone. Tour through. 99 10 , Knights of. History of. 677 14 Mammalia. See Animals, Man, Quadru peds, &c. MAN. Examination of Pope s essay on. 163 12 Dunlap. Spirit-history of. 192 8 Fichte. Vocation of. 2207 Gregory. State & faculties of M. & ani mals compared. 273 4 Guyot. The earth and M. 279 4 Hartley. Observations on. 288 16 Helvetius. De Phomme, etc. 297 3 Home. Sketches of history of. 311 > Johnes. Original unity & recent origin of human race. 738 n Kidd. Adaptation of nature to. 348 5 Lord. Tracts on anthroposophy. 383 9 Nicole. Weakness of. 454 12 Pope. Essay on. 503 n Ranch. Anthropology. 528 6 Shuckford. Creation & fall of. 576 3 See also : Ethnology, Mankind. of Sin. See Anti-christ. MANKIND. Nott. Types of. 458 13 Wallace. Numbers of M., in anc t & mod ern timeB. 686 n See also .- Ethnology, Man. Manners. See Morals. of the age. 335 & customs. Boemus. Mores, leges et ritus omnium gentium. 78 l & principles of the times. 97 1M2 MANUFACTURES. Bailey. Advancm t of. 38 14 Jamieson. Dictionary of. 331 a Macpherson. Annals of. 396 J Von Manufacture!! und Commercio. 739 14 Repertory of arts, &c., 1794-1810. 533 14 Repertory of patent inventions, &c., 1825- 27. 53316 Ure. Dictionary of. 671 9 See also: Arts, Iron, Metallurgy, Steel. Manuscripts, Cottonian, Catalogue of. 260 u , Harleian ; Catalogue of. 260 9 , Lansdowne, Catalogue of. 260 10 Maps. See Atlas, Geography. Marine insurance. See Insurance. Maritime discovery, Progress of. 136 12 , 140 3 " See also .- Voyages. law. ,Molloy. De jure maritime et na~ vali. 432 3 Pothier. Maritime contracts. 506 15 Mark, St., Gospel of. See Bible. Martinique, Voyage a la. en 1751. 127 10 MARTYRS. Butler. Lives of the. 109 2 Clarke. English martyrologie. 141 * Cyprian. Traite de ceux qui sont tombes pendant la persecution. 167 3 Foxe. Acts and monuments. 230 1-3 . Book of. 2306 . Ecclesiastical history. 230 4 - 3 Mason. Christ s victorie, &c. 408 IJ of science. Breivster. 92 5 Masonry, Free. See Free-masonry, MASSACHUSETTS. Colony fy province. Acts, laws, records, &c. 408 19 410 2 Barry. History of. 45 14 Bradford. History, 1764-1775. 90 3 Dunton. Journal, 1686. 193 2 Hubbard. Discovery & planting of. 318 4 Hutchinson. History, 1620-1750. 323 4 . Papers relative to history of. 323 3 Minot. History, 1748-1765. 429 6 Thornton, Planting of first colony. 742 2 Winthrop. Occurrences in, 1630-44. 718 Young. Chronicles of first planters. 728 14 - . Revolutionary period. 410 3 - 4 Bradford. History, 1775-1789. 90 4 Hutchinson. History, 1749-1774. 323 5 . Commonwealth. Acts, laws, & resolves. 410 5 ~ 12 Agricultural reports. 410 13 411 5 Constitution of. 411 6 ~ 14 Miscellaneous documents. 412 3 413 6 Natural history of. 413 7 ~ 16 Political tracts. 413 17 414 3 Reports on common-schools. 411 l 792 I JN D E X . Supreme-court reports. 412 2 Barber. Historical collections. 42 l Barry. History of. 45 14 Barllett. Progress of medical science in, to 1810. 4fi 3 Bradford. History, 1G20-1820. 90 5 Clark. Congl churches in. 138 12 Eliot. Eccl. history of. 201 17 Felt. Acc t of currency of. 216 u Fleet . Mass, register, 1789-99. 222 16 Hitchcock. Geology of. 413 10 - n Mann. Common school controversy. 402 2 Minot. Insurrections in, 1786. 429 7 -s Nuttall. Birds of, 460 6 Storer. Fishes of. 60S 1 - 2 Strong. Speeches, &c. 606 12 Sullivan. Land titles in. 610 7 Thomas. Perpetual laws of. 626 n Washburn. Extinction of slavery in. 692 6 See u so: New England, United States. See also .- Barnstuble, Boston, Cambridge, Charlestown, Cohasset, Dorchester, Duxbury, Groton, Medford, Northampton, riymouth, Sa lem, Worcester. agricultural society. 415 13 416 4 general hospital. 414 5 ~ 3 historical society. 334 1, 414 9- 13 . humane society. 319 2-3 magazine, The. 414 14 medical society. 414 15 415 4 missionary register. 415 5 -peace society. 415 7 ~ 10 register. 222 16 , 41 5 Mastodon giganteus, Skeleton of. 691 18 Materia medica. Paine. 470 n Materialism. Paine. The soul & instinct phy siologically distinguished from M. 470 2 Priestley fy Price. Discussion of. 514 4 Mathematical dictionary. Button. 323 10 geography. Lloyd. 379 7 institutions. Martin. 406 u instruments used in surveying, level ling, &c., Description of. 5 12 , 578 3 tables. See Tables. tracts. Airy. 10 n MATHEMATICS. Archimedes. CEuvres. 28 12 . Opera. 28 i 3 Bezout. Cours de math. 61 13 62 5 Budan. Resolution des equations nume- riques d un degre quelconque. 101 13 Cambridge problems, 1801-1820. 115 1 De Morgan. Study & difficulties of. 178 7 Fenn. History of." 217 Gregory. M. for practical men. 273 7 Halliwell. Kara mathematica. 282 n Hutton. Course of. 3238 Lacroix. Essais sur Penseignement des ma thematics. 354 12 Leibnitz. Cornmerciura mathemat. 368 4 Montucfa. Hist, des mathematiques. 434 15 Muller. Elements of. 443 ? Play fair. Works. 498 Simpson. Select exercises in. 741 7 Society for the Diffusion of Useful Know ledge. Mathematics. 586 6 Wallis. Opera mithematica. 687 3 Ward. Young M cian s guide. 689 13>14 West. Elements of. 700 7 Whewell. Greek M. 702 Whiston. Newton s M cal philosophy. 704 l Wilkins. Mathematical works. 709 7 See aho . Algebra, Analysis, Annuities, Arith metic, Astronomy, Calculus, Circle, Conic sec tions, Curves, Engineering 1 , Fluxions, Func tions, Geometry, Levelling, Logarithms, Mechan ics, Navigation, Numbers, Optiss, Physics, Pro babilities, Spherics, Surveying, Trigonometry. Matter, Essay on. 209 4 MAXIMS. Bartlett. Aphorisms on men, man ners, &.c. 46 u Erasmus. Adagia. 207 6 7 Guicciardini. Maxims. 277 12 Posselius. Apothegmata Graeco-lat. 506 Wolfhart. Apothegmata. 389 l MEASURING. Coggeshall. M. by the sliding rule. 146 6 Miles. Concise practical measure. 426 2 Mechanic, The. Smith. 582 4 MECHANICS. Barlow. 43 20 . Elementary principles of. 43 15 . M cal processes & manufactures. 43 19 Emerson. Principles of. 204 14 Ferguson. M cal exercises. 219 10 . Select subjects in. 219 9 Gregory. Treatise of. 273 8 Hamilton. Essay on principles of. 283 12 Jamieson. Dict y of M cal science. 331 3 Lagrange. Mecanique analytique. 355 13 La Place. Mecanique celeste. 359 5 Lardner, Three treatises on. 359 10 Pcirce. Analytic M. 484 n Poisson. Traite de mecanique. 501 ! Whewell. Elem. treatise on. 702 Wood. Principles of: 721 8 Young. Lectures on the M cal arts. 730 5 See also: Dynamics, Engineering, Hydrau lics, Hydrostatics, Machinery, Motion, Natural philosophy, Statics. Medals. See Numismatics. of creation. Mantell. 402 14 Medford, Mass. Brooks. History of. 95 Medical society, Massachusetts. 414 15 415 4 MEDICINE. 18 7 , 47 7 , 253i-i 4 -^, 414154152 448i, 449 10 - 11 , 479 9 - 12 Abbas. Dispositio regalis. 1 2 Aelius. Medicinse tetrabiblos. 8 16 Astruc. Venereal diseases. 33 6 Bcddoes. Medicinal use of factitious airs. INDEX. 793 Boerhaave. Institutions medicae. 78 2 Brown. Elements of. 97 13 - 14 Buchan. Domestic M. 99 12 - 13 Cadogan. Chronic diseases. 112 2 Celsus. Of medicine. 123 l Dana. Actual value of medicines. 169 4 Floyer. Medicina gerocomica. 224 10 Fothergill Works. 2288 Freind. History of physick. 235 17 Galenus. Opera omnia. 239 2 Graham. General state of medical prac tice exhibited. 253 9 Hooker. Quincy s lexicon medicum. 313 2 Illinois state med. soc. Transactions. 325 1>2 Leigh. Philos. of med. science. 368 14 Lemery. Materialen-Lexicon. 369 12 Manning. Modern improvements in. 402 5 Mais. med. society. Communications. 415 3 Mead. Medical works. 420 14 Paine. Institutes of. 470 7 -s . Medical commentaries. 470 12 Parsons. Boylston prize dissertations. 479 s Pott. Treatise on hydrocele. 507 6 . Treatise on ruptures. 507 7 Quincy. Lexicon pnysico-medicum. 523 13 Shattuck. Boylston prize dissert. 573 2 Shaw. New practice of physic. 573 6 Smith. Claims of forensic M. 583 * Society for promoting medical knowledge. Communications. 586 19 Stark. Works. 597 1 Trotter. Medicina nautica. 638 7 Wesley. Primitive physic. 699 Williams. Elementary principles of. 712 10 See also .- Anatomy, Materia rncdica, Patholo gy, Periodicals, Pharmacopoeia, Pharmacy, Phy siology, Surgery, Therapeutics. Medleys, The, for 1711. 421 Melancholy, Anatomy of. Burton. 107 1G Memoirs. See Biography. of societies. See Transactions. Memorials. De Quincey. 180 l Memory, Dissertation on. Beattie. 49 17 See also .- Mnemonics. MENSURATION. Day. Application of geome try to. 1754 . M. of heights and distances. 1753 Mental arithmetic. Pestalozzi. 522 4 discipline. Burder. 103 u philosophy. Ballantyne. Examination of the human mind. 40 8 Brown. Cause & effect. 98 * . Philosophy of the human mind. 98 3 ~ 7 Chalmers. Mental philosophy. 124 9 Condillac. Traite des sensations. 151 9-> Cousin. Lectures on the true, the beauti ful, and the good. 159 7 Haven. Mental philosophy. 292 u> Mahan. Intellectual philosophy. 397 10 MalebranchB. Search after truth. 400 9 - 10 Paine. Elements of mental science. 481 10 Priestley. Examination of Reid. 513 8 . Hartley s theory. 514 10 Reid. Intellectual and active powers of man. 531 1 . Inquiry into the human mind. 531 n . Works. 532 l Schmucker. .New system of. 563 u Stewart. Elements of the philosophy of the human mind. 601 12 ~ 15 Upham. Elements of. 670 " See a 1 so .- Imagination, Insanity, Logic, Memo ry, Metaphysics, Mind, Psychology, Reason. MESOPOTAMIA. Buckingham. Travels. 100 13 Fraser. History, dtc. of. 235 3 Southgate. Travels in. 590 4 Messiah, Handel s, Discourses on. 453 4 METALLURGY. Barba. Metallurgie. 41 14 Compendious system of M. ISO 5 Ferber. Physikalisch-metallurgische Ab- handlungen. 218 6 Gellert. Metallurgie chemistry. 243 3 Jars. Metallurgische Reisen in Deutsch- land, Schweden, Norwegen, England, etc. 1757-69. 321i Stahl. Anweisung zur Metallurgie. 595 5 See also : Iron, Metals, Mines. METALS. Agricola. De metallica re. 9 n Bacon. Articles of enquiry. 37 u Cramer. Art of assaying. 161 2 Erckern. Assays of metals. 488 5 . Aula subterranea. 207 8 Jacob. Production & consumption of the precious M. 329 3 Lehmann. Abhandlung vonderMetall-Mat- tern. 367 14 Pettus. Fleta minor. 488 5 Tredgold. Strength of. 636 *> See also .- Gold, Iron, Metallurgy, Mines, Sil ver, &c. METAPHYSICS. Antient M. 25 6 Aristoteles. Die Metaphysik. 30 3 . La metaphysique. 30 4 Bartholin. Enchiridion metaphysicvm phi- losophorum Aristotelis. 46 8 Burton. First principles of. 107 n Ferrier. Institutes of. 220 3 Hamilton. Lectures on. 283 18 Helvetius. De 1 esprit. 297 1 - 2 Mansel. Limits of religious thought. 402 10 . Metaphysics. 402 u Michelet. Examen critique de la metaphy sique d Aristote. 425 5 Ravaisson. Essai sur la metaphysique d r Aristote. 528 7 Stewart. Dissertation on the progress of metaphysical philosophy. 602 l See also: Intellect, Logic, Man, Mental phi losophy, Mind, Philosophy, Psychology, Reason, Spirit. 100 I JX D E X METEOROLOGY. 291 17 , 310 2 Barlow. Meteorological essays. 43 8 Dalton. Meteorolog.observ ns,&c. 168 6 ~8 De Luc. Idees sur la M. 177 u . RecherchessurFatmosphere. 177 12 - 13 Espy. Meteorological reports. 646 5-6 Prout. M. considered with reference to natural theology. 520 l United States. Army meteorological regis ters, 1831-54. 645i 3 7 646 3 See also.- Air, Climate, Electricity, Storms, Winds. METEORS. Bowditch. Meteor in Weston, Conn. 85 10 Richard. Hi stoire nat. des meteors. 536 7 METHODISM. 243 15 : Bangs. Vindication of Methodist episcopacy. 41 9 Clarke. Why I am a Methodist. 142 2 Decanver. Works in refutation of. 176 5 Doctrine & discipline of the Methodist episcopal church. 424 9 Methodist magazine, 1830-4. 4243 Moore. Life of Wesley. 435 5 Southey. Rise & progress of. 589 15 Stevens. History of. 601 2 Walker. Address to Methodist Society in Ireland. 685 ^-ic Wesley. Works. 700 2 Metres of the Greeks &. Romans. 443 18 Mexican war, History of. Ramsey. 527 l MEXICO. Clavigero. History of. 142 14 Cortes. Despatches during conquest of. 157 8 Diaz del Castillo. Conquest of. 183 2 Emory. Mexican boundary survey. 651 3 Mayer. History & archaeology of. 418 10 Prescott. History of conquest of. 509 6 Ramsey. War with U. S. 527 l MenonvUle. Voyage a Guaxaca. 625 16 United States. Treaty with. 658 13 Micah, Book of. See Bible. Michigan, History of. Lanman. 358 8 , State university of. 597 4 Microscope, Essays on the. Adams. 5 11 Microscopic examinations. Bailey. 38 17-20 Middle ages, The. Proctor. 519 5 Hallam. Europe during the. 281 13 Middlebury college. 4256-7 Middlesex, Agriculture of. 425 Midwifery. Outlines of. Hamilton. 282 > Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., Cata logue of officers & graduates. 165 l MILITARY art and science. Halleck. Elements of. 282 2 Jomini. Maximes les plus importantes de Fart de la guerre. 337 4 Maltby. Elements of war. 401 Stcuben. Regulations for U. S. troops. 601 l See also : Artillery, Engineering, Gunnery. MILLENIUM. Bush. Treatise on the. 108 16 Cogswell. Harbinger of the. 146 10 Emerson. Lectures on the. 204 4 Hopkins. Treatise on the. 313 13 - 14 Shimcall. Premonitions of the. 5758 Whitby. Discourse of the. 704 6 MILLS. Banks. Treatise on. 41 12 Smeaton. Natural powers of wind & water to turn mills, &c. 580 l See also : Machinery, Machines. MIND. Abercrombie. Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers. 2 n Condorcet. Tableau historique des progres de Pesprit humain. 151 12 . Historical view of the progress of the human mind. 151 14 M Cosh. Intuitions of the. 391 7 Reed. Observations on growth of. 530 8 Upham. Imperfect & disordered mental action. 671 3 Watts. Improvement of the. 695 14 - 13 See- aho .- Insanity, Instinct, Mental philo sophy, Metaphysics, Philosophy, Psychology, Soul, Spirit. MINERAL waters. 21 14 , 132 13 , 134 3 , 386 14 , 464 1, 491 12 , 635 &, 6769. Elliot. Mineral waters of Great Britain. 202 H Desbrest. Eaux min. de Chateldon. 180 14 Kirwan. Analysis of. 350 13 Limbourg. Eaux mineralcs de Spa. 375 12 MINERALOGY. 95 10 , 351 1 3 , 495 3 - 5 Accum. Analysis of minerals. 3 10 . Manual of analytical M. 3 10 Aikin, A. fy C. R. Dictionary of. 10 * Babington. JNew system of. 36 4 . Arrangement of minerals. 36 5 Bergman. Manuel du mineralogiste. 59 13 . Sciagraphia regni mineralis. 59 16 Born. Briefe aber mineralogische Gegen- stande auf seiner Reise. 80 8 Bournon. Traite de mineralogie. 85 7 Brochant. Traite elementaire de. 95 4 Brongniart. Traite elementaire de. 95 7 Buckland. M. considered with reference to natural theology. 101 1 Buffon. Histoire nat. des mineraux. 101 17 Caracteres exterieurs des mineraux. 117 5 Cavallo. Mineralogical tables. 122 3 Cleaveland. Elementary treatise on. 143 u Collini. Journal d un voyage. 148 9 * Compendious system of M. 150 5 Dana. System of. 169 10 Demeste. Lettres sur la mineralogie. 177 16 Gerhard. Versuch einer Geschichte des Mineralreichs. 2458 Gmelin. Einleitung in die Mineralogie. 2499 Hauy. Traite de mineralogie. 292 13 Kirwan. Elements of. 350 12 Klaproth. Analytical essays. 350 1U 795 Kronstedt. Versuch einerMineralogie. 352 Lucas. Tableau methodique des especes minerales. 387 l Macquart. Essais sur plusieurs points de mineralogie. 396 5 Pini. Memoria mineralogica sulla mon- tagna di S. Gottardo. 495 4 - 5 Richardson. Introduction to. 536 n Thomson. Outlines of. 628 5 Wallerius. Mineralogie. G86 15 . Systema mineralogicum. 687 3 Williams. Natural history of the mineral kingdom. 712 9 See also : Coal, Crystallography, Geology, Metallurgy, Metals, Mines, and the names of various countries, &c. MINES and mining. Agricola. Bergwerk Buch. 9 10 Annales des mines, 1816-17. 24 li0 Cancrinus. Exposition des mines. 116 9 Lchmann. Einleitung in einige Theile der Bergwercks-Wissenschaft. 367 l5 Lohneyss. Bericht von Bergwercken. 381 3 Schindlern. Der Mttntz-Guardein. 562 14 Werner. New theory of veins. 699 8 Ure. Dictionary of. 671 9 See also . Metallurgy. MINISTRY of the Gospel. Adams. Minister for the times. 5 2 Baxter. The reformed pastor. 48 bridges. Christian ministry. 92 15 Cogswell. Letters to young men preparing for the. 146 ll Flint. Two sermons on the. 223 14 Foxcroft. Discourses on the. 229 14 Miller. Clerical manners &. habits. 427 5 Orton. Letters to a young clergyman. 464 13 Paley. Clergyman s companion. 472 8 See also .- Homiletics, Pastoral, Sermons. MIRACLES. Campbell. Dissert, on. 115 9 Chubb. Discourse on. 135 7 Farmer. Dissertation on. 214 14 Locke. Discourse on. 380 6 Middleton. Enquiry into the time when miracles ceased. 425 9 Mirror, The. Mackenzie. 95 1 , 394 4 Missale Romanvm Fii V iussu editum. 430 4 Missionary gazetteer, &c. See Missions. herald, 1820-45. 17 3 register, London. 1813-17. 430 s-e , Massachusetts, 1803-07. 415 5 MISSIONS. 171 16 , 2035, 4156, 440 10, 4374 American board, SfC. Memorial volume of first fifty years. 17 2 . Reports, 1820, 21, 23, 23. 17 4 Bangs. Methodist-episcopal M. 41 7 Baptist board of foreign missions. The Latter-day luminary. 41 12 Baptist mission in India. 92 17 Carey. Obligations of Christians to. 117 13 Duff. India M. 1918 Edwards. Missionary gazetteer. 198 8>9 Foster. The spirit of. 228 e Harris. The great commission. 287 3 Home. Letters on. 315 6 Hough. Christianity in India. 316 4>5 Loskiel. M. of the United Brethren among the Indians. 384 l Loomis. American missionaries. 383 2 Lord. Compendious history of. 383 6 Newcomb. Cyclopedia of. 451 n Panoplist, The, 1805-20. 474 4 Sulton. Baptist mission to Orissa. 611 14 Swan. Letters on. 612 4 Taylor. New model of. 618 14 Tennent. Christianity in Ceylon. 621 5 ffinilow. History of. 717 12 Wisner. Proper mode of conducting M. to the heathen. 719 10 MISSISSIPPI river. Humphreys fy Abbot. Phy sics & hydraulics of the. 651 2 Joutel. Voyage de M. de la Sale. 341 * Le Clercq. Expeditions & voyages entre- pris pour la decouverte du fleuve Missis- sipi. 366 l Schoolcraft. Expedition to the sources of, 1832. 5647 valley. Ellet. Physical geography of the. 736 Flint. Ten years in the. 224 1 Schoolcraft. Travels in the. 564 10 Squier. Anc t monuments of the. 594 13 Missouri. 216 2 . Schoolcraft. Lead mines & productions of. 564 u MNEMONICS. Buffier. Pratique de la me- moire artificielle. 101 15 Feinagle. New art of memory. 216 7 . Principal systems of. 216 7 Gray. Memoria technica. 273 12 See also . Memory. Modern fanatick, The. JSisset. 75 1>2 languages. Anaya. Discours sur la maniere d apprendre les langues vivan- tes. 22 l painters. Ritskin. 552 3 MOHAMMEDANISM. Irving. Mahomet & his successors. 327 n - 13 Mohammed. The Koran. 431 9 White. M. compared with Christianity. 705 a~ 4 Mohawk Indians. See Indians. Mohegan language, The. Edwards. 199 19 Mollusca. See also: Conchology. Woodward. Manual of the. 724 Monarchy. See Government, Kings. Monasteries. Archdall. Abbies ; priories, &c. in Ireland. 28 9 Schimmclpenninck. Tour to Alet, &c. 562 13 Monastic orders, Legends of the. 330 ld MONEY. Crawfurd. Nature, value, & power of. 1617 796 INDEX. Fleetwood. English coins, money, &c. 223 * Harris. Essay on. 287 5 . Nature and uses of M. 326 5 See also . Circulation, Coins, Numismatics. Moniteur universe!, Le, 1789-1807. 432 6 Mont Blanc, Attempts to ascend. 560 ! Monthly anthology, The, 1804-11. 434^ review, The. 4347-8 MOON. Ferguson. Lunar tables. 219 2 . Phenomena of harvest-M. 219 5 Moor charity school, Acc t of. 702 5 ~ 1() , 704 2 Moral constitution of man, Adaptation of ex ternal nature to. Chalmers. 124 8 evidence, Study of. Gambier. 240 5 freedom. Brown. Inquiry into the re lation of cause & effect. 98 4 Crybbdce. Essay on. 164 8 Dana. Examination of Edwards. 169 5>e Day. Examination of Edwards. 175 * . Inquiry respecting. 175 2 Edwards. Freedom of the will. 199 ** Fontaine. Accord de la liberte d etre moral, avec Pempire absolu, etc. de 1 Etre Su preme. 2253 Harvey. Pelagian & Arminian theory of moral agency. 292 * Hobbes. Letter about liberty & necessity. SOS 2 Osgood. Review of Edwards. 465 u Perkins. Theory of agency. 486 9 Petitpierre. Divine goodness in the govern ment of moral agents. 488 2 Tappan. Doctrine of the will. 617 15 . Review of Edwards. 617 17 Wayland. Limits of human responsibility. 6964 See also . Philosophical necessity. philosophy. See Ethics. science. See Ethics. MORALS. See also : Ethics, Fables. Franklin. Works. 234^ 4.ib Gellert. Lecons de morale. 243 8 Genlis. Cours de morale. 244 7 More. Moral sketches of prevailing opinions & manners. 436 2 . Thoughts on the manners of the great. 4363 Parisiennes, Les. 475 13 Seneca. Morals, by way of abstract. 570 7 Moravians. See United Brethren. More worlds than one. JBrewster. 92 6 Morea. See Greece. Mortality. See also : Longevity. Corbaux. Laws concerning. 157 l Mortars. 223 8 , 355 5 . See also : Cement. Mortgage. Traite des hypotheques. 459 3 Mosaic law. See also : Jews. Priestley. Comparison of institutions oi Moses with those of anc t nations. 512 l VIoscow. Lettres moscovites. 373 3 Macquart. Topographic de. 396 5 Moses, Divine legation of. Warburton. 689 * Motion. Atwood. Rectilinear M. & rotation of bodies. 33 12 Mount Auburno ; Poemetto. II 13 Mountains. De Zach. L attraction des mon- tagnes. 182 17 Mourner, The. Grosvenor. 276 7 Murder, God s revenge against. 535 3 Muscles, Anatomy of the. South. 585 5 Music. 279 6 , 286 u Bayley. Essex harmony. 49 8 Gretry. Essais sur la musique. 273 u Kimball. Essex harmony. 349 l Meibom. Antiqvae mvsicae avctores. 420 Peirce. Tractate upon church M. 484 12 Power. Masonic melodies. 508 2 Rousseau. Dictionnaire de musique. 548 6 . Traites sur la musique. 548 6 Thornton. The melodist. 741 Wainwright fy Muhlenberg. Choir & family psalter. 684 Mutiny of the Bounty. Barrow. 45 8 , The Somers. 164 2 Mystery of iniquity, The. More. 436 9 MYSTICISM. Buchon. Choix d ouvrages mys tiques. 100 7 Butler. Essay on. 109 6 Tauler. Institutions. 618 8 Vaughan. Hours with the mystics. 675 12 MYTHOLOGY. Bell. New pantheon. 55 l Creutzer. Mythologie der alten Volker. 161 13 Eckermann. Lehrbruch der Mythologie der Volker des Alterthums. 197 3 Grimm. Deutsche Mythologie. 275 9 Keightley. Greek & Roman M. 345 9 Letters on heathen M. 372 10 Mallet. Translations of the Edda. 401 3 Monsigny. Mythology. 433 6 Ramsay. Discourse upon. 526 u Schwenck. Die Mythol. der Homer. 566 2 SmUh. Greek & Roman M. 584 3 Tooke. The pantheon. 633 2 - 3 Tressan. M. compared with history. 637 n Nahum, Book of. See Bible. NATURAL history. 280 19 . Agassiz. Essay on classification, vol. 1 of 9 3 Bacon. Sylva syJvarum. 37 n Bell. Animal mechanics. 54 15 Boehmer. Bibliotheca scriptorvm historiae natvralis. 77 14 Buffon. Histoire naturelle. 101 16 . Natural history. 102 2 . CEuvres completes. 102 3 Chadbourne. Lectures on. 123 u Cuvier. The animal kingdom. 166 15 Darwin. Origin of species. 171 l3 INDEX 97 Erxleben. Aufangsgrttnde der Natur-Ge- schichte. 208 Fourcroy. Elementary lectures on. 228 n . Elements of. 228 i 2 - 3 . Le9ons elementaires de. 229 J Humboldt. Cosmos. 319* Introduction to Linnaeus system. 201 l Jones. Natural history of animals. 338 7 Journal of a naturalist. 340 14 Kant. Metaphysiche Aufangsgrilnde der Naturwissenschaft. 344 12 Lacepede. Histoire naturelle des quadru- pedes, ovipares, et des serpens. 334 l Lettsom. Naturalist s companion. 373 4 Martin. Correspondence relative to. 406 10 Plinius Secundus. Histoire naturelle. 498 n . Historia naturalis. 499 . Natural historic. 499 2 Smellie. Philosophy of. 580 9 Spallanzani. Dissertations on. 590 14 Swainson. Study of. 612 Swedenborg. The principia. 613 7 . Principia rerum naturalium. 613 8 Valmont de Bomare. Dictionnaire raissonne univ. d histoire naturelle. 673 6 - 7 Vestiges of N. H. of creation. 577 16 Wright. N. H. of the globe. 725 3 See also .- Animals, Bible, Botany, Chemistry, Comparative anatomy, Conchology, Cosmogra phy, Entomology, Geology, Insects, Meteorolo gy, Mineralogy, Nature, Palaeontology, Periodi cals, Philosophy, Physical geography, Transac tions, Zoology, &c. Also, the names of various countries, &c. magic, Letters on. Brewster. 92 3 philosophy. Adams. Lectures on. 5 13 - 14 Bowdoin. Philosophical discourse. 86 6 ~ 8 Brook. Miscel. experiments, &c. 958 Clarke # Leibnitz. Papers upon. 141 3 Davy. Philosophical researches. 174 14 Desaguliers. Course of exper. P. 180 n Euler. Letters on subjects in. 2108-9 Ewing. System of. 213 4 Heereboord. Philosophia naturalis. 295 15 Hegel. Vorlesungen uber die Naturphiloso- phie. 296 7 Herschel. Study of. 301 14 Higgins. Minutes of the society for philo sophical experiments, &c. 303 13 Button. Different subjects in. 323 13 14 Keill. Introduction to. 345 14 Maclaurin. Newton s philosphical discov eries. 395 3 Marcel. Popular introduction to. 403 14 Martin. Philosophia Britannica. 406 14 . Philosophical grammar. 406 15 Musschenbroek. Elements of. 445 Newton. Mathemat. principles of. 452 n Nicholson. Introduction to. 454 7>8 Olmsted. Introduction to. 463 3 Pemberton. View of Newton s P. 485 Playfair. Works. 4988 Priestley. Experiments &observ. in. 513 19 . Heads of lectures on. 514 n Rowning. Compendious system of. 548 1& Society for the Diffusion of Useful Know ledge. Natural philosophy. 586 7 Young. Lectures on. 730 6 See also .- Acoustics. Astronomy, Attrition, Chemistry, Electricity, Gravitation. Heat, Light, Magnetism, Mechanics, Meteorology, Optics, Periodicals, Physics, Pneumatics, Sound, Trans actions. religion. See Theology. Naturalism. See Theology. Naturalist, Journal of a. 340 14 NATURE. Bacon. Novum organon. 37 8 Bushnell. N. & the supernatural. 108 18 D Holbach. System of. 309 2 Good. Book of. 251 4 Gregory. Economy of N., on the princi ples of modern philosophy. 273 1>2 Humboldt. Views of. 319 Martin. Study of works of. 407 l Mudie. Guide to observation of. 443 * Oersted. The soul in. 462 7 Saint-Pierre. Etudes de la. 556 4 . Studies of. 556 5 - 6 . Voeux d un solitaire. 556 7 - 9 Schoedler. Das Buch der Nature. 564 l Seealso . Natural history, Philosophy, Physi cal science, Science, Transactions. Nautical almanac, 1804-64. 446 13 ~ 15 astronomy. See Astronomy. experiments. Beaufoy. 50* Naval architecture. Harvey. 291 18 NAVIGATION. 145 7 Blundeville. Treatises on. 77 5 Day. Mathematical principles of. 175 3 Leach. Universal Inland N. 365 4 Locke. History of, to 1704. 140 3 Macpherson. Annals of. 396 l Mendoza y Rios. Tables for. 422 1B Moore. Practical navigator. 435 6 Navigation de France a Quebec. 635 7 Reeves. Law of. 530 12 - 13 Robertson. Elements of. 540 9 Smyth. Elements of. 585 12 Ward. Rights & duties of belligerent & neutral powers, in maritime affairs. 690 * Wrottesley. Navigation. 726 5 Sec also: Astronomy, Canals, Commerce. Nearchus, Voyage of. Vincent. 679 9 Nebraska, Ancient fauna of. 368 5 territory, Geological survey of. 650 13 Necromancy. Cooke. 153 9 See also: Demonolngy, Spirits. NKGOTIATIONS. Callieres. De la maniere de negocier avec les souverains, etc. 112 13 Jeannin. Les nesrociations de J. 332 16tic 798 INDEX. Mdbly. Principes des negociations. 390 8 Pecquet. L art de negocier. 484 5 See also: Law of nations, Treaties. Negroes. See Africa, Slavery. Neptune. Gould. Discovery of. 584 10 Nichol. The planet N. 453 " Walker. Ephemeris of. 686 4 . Researches relative to. 686 5 NETHERLANDS. See also : Holland. Burney. State of music in. 106 9 Butler. Minutes of history of. 109 4 Dunham. Annals of the. 192 15 Lefebure. Itineraire historique, &c. des provinces-unies des Pays-Bas. 367 10 Motley. History of the United N. 442 5 . Rise of Dutch Republic. 442 s Raynel. L histoire du Stadhouderat. 529 7 Romans. Annals of troubles in. 545 12 Temple. Observations on the. 621 1>2 Neutrality, Acts, &c. relative to. 255 J3 NEUTRALS. Lampredi. Du commerce des neutres en terns de guorre. 357 n Stephen. War in disguise. 270 12 See a 1 so: Maritime law, Navigation. New Bedford, Mass. 449 5 ~ 7 NEW ENGLAND. 138", 284 1 , 304 Adams. Summary history of. 6 3 Bradford. Distinguished men in. 89 n Chauncey. State of religion in. 131 9 Clap. Doctrines in churches of. 1388-io Deane. New England farmer. 175 17 Dummer. Defence of charters of. 192 2 Dwight. Travels in. 195 9 Eliot, Jared. Field-husbandry in. 201 ? Eliot, John. Biographical dict y of. 201 le Elliott. History of, 986-1776. 202 15 Farmer. Genealogical register of first set tlers of. 215 2 Felt. Ecclesiastical history of. 216 13 Gookin. Historical collections of the In dians in. 251 13- 4 Harris. Insects of N. E. injurious to vege tation. 288 n Hawes. Congregational churches in. 293 7 Hayward. N. E. gazetteer. 294 2 Hubbard. General history of. 318 3 Johnson. History of, 1628-52. 335 19 Josselyn. Voyages to, 1673. 340 d Letters to the Ministry from Gov. Bernard, &c. 604 Levett. Voyageto, 1623-4. 373 2, 739 5 Mather, C. Eccles. history of. 417 6 . Ratio discipline fratrum Nov-Anglo- rum. 4177 Mather, 1. The revolution in N. E. justified. 4179 Morton. New England s memorial. 441 8 Neal. History of, 1700. 446 17 Niles. Indian wars in. 455 15 Palfrey. History of N. E. during the Stuart dynasty. 472 13 Prince. Chronological history of. 517 16 1 ? Savage. Genealogical dictionary of. 560 5 . Gleanings for N. E. history. 560 6 Smith. Description of. 582 8 - 9 Uhden. The N. E. theocracy. 642 * Underhill, Nevves from America. 643 4 White. N. E. Congregationalism. 704- " Winthrop. History of, 1830-49. 718 7-8 . Transactions in, 1630-44. 718 9 Wood. New England s prospect. 721 16 See also . Plymouth, and the names of the New England states. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 449 17 450 3 Belknap. History of. 54- Celebration of the introduction of printing into N. H. 122 Farmer. Churches & ministers in. 215 * Lawrence. The N. H. churches. 364 1* Laws concerning the militia of. 601 J Perpetual laws of, 1776-89. 450 2 New Haven. Bacon. Hist cal discourses. 37 15 New Ipswich, N. H., Hist. of. Kidder. 348 7 New Jamaica almanack, 1797-1806. 450 5 New Jersey, College of, Sketch of. 271 1 NEW JERUSALEM Church. Barrett. Corner stone of the. 45 l . Doctrines of the. 45 2 Clowes. Letters on the. 1448 Priestley. Letters to members of. 515 20 Swedenborg. Doctrine concerning the Lord. 612" . Doctrine concerning the Sacred Scrip tures. 612 15 . Four leading doctrines of. 612 16 . Heavenly doctrine of. 613 2 . Theol. works. 6136 . True Christian religion. 614 l . Vera Christiana religio. 614 2 New Plymouth. See Plymouth. New South Wales, Discoveries in. 320 12 New Spain. See Mexico. New Testament. See Bible. New York. City. Picture of. 4508 . Colony and State. Documents relative to colon, hist. of. 450 n Miscel. public documents of. 450 9 , 451 5 Natural history of. 451 J Reports of Regents of the University. 451 5 Dwight. Travels in. 195 Irving. Knickerbocker s New York. 327 13 Lee. Medicinal plants in. 366 15 Squier. Aboriginal monuments of. 594 12 herald, 1808-14, 451 ? mercantile libr y association. 423 3 review, The, 1837-42. 45! > Newfoundland, Voyage to. Cassini. 128 2 Newspaper literature, American. 100 15 Newspapers. See Periodicals. Ngami, Lake. Andersson. 23 3 Nibelungen lay, Abstract of. 325* INDEX. 99 Nile, Travels to discover the source of the. 1768-72. Bruce. 99 2 - 3 NINEVEH. Botta. Discoveries at. 84 7 Buckingham. Ruins of. 100 13 Fergusson. Palaces of. 219 u Layard. Discoveries in. 365 2 . N. & its remains. 365 3 Smith. Prophecies relating to. 581 9 Vaux. N. & Persepolis. 676 5 NISI-PRIUS. Butter. Trials at. 1028 Espinasse. Digest of the law of actions & trials at. 208 15 . Cases argued at. 208 16 Nitre, Explosiveness of. flare. 285 8 Non-conformists. See Dissenters. NORFOLK. Kent. Agriculture of. 347 8 Foung. Agriculture of. 729 7 Island, Transactions at. 320 12 Norman conquest, Chronicle of. Wace. 683 l NORMANDY. Britton. Architectural antiqui ties of. 953, 5219 La Rue. Essais historiques sur les bardes, etc. Anglo-Normands. 360 5 Palgrave. History of. 473 3 North America. See America. American review, 1815-62. 456 - 9 British review, 1859-63. 456 "> Carolina, Convention of, 1788. 456 u Bartram. Travels through. 47 9 . Pole. See Arctic regions. Northampton, Mass. Allen. Address to com memorate the settlement of. 13 14 Edwards. Acc t of revival in. 199 4 Wittiams. Historical sketch of. 713 4 North-east passage, Dissertation on the. 503 5 Northern antiquities, Illustrations of. 325 4 ocean, Journey to the. 294 13 Northumberland, Agriculture of. 38 12 North-west passage. See Arctic regions. territories, History of. 271 ltM1 Northwestern territory, Journal of a tour into the, 1803. Harris. 287 16 NORWAY. Coxe. Travels in. 160 8 Laing. Residence in, 1834-6. 356 2 Norwich, Conn. Stedman. 200th anniversary of the settlement of. 598 6 NOUVELLE France. Charlevoix. Histoire et description generale de. 129 2-3 Le Clercq. Etablis mt de la foy dans. 366 See also : Acadia, Nova Seotia. NOVA SCOTIA. 459 4 . Jackson fy Alger. Mine ralogy & geology of. 328 13 Michaux. Forest trees of. 425 3 See also .- Acadia, Nouvelle France. NOVELS, tales, romances, &c. About. Le roi des montaignes. 2 14 Bandelle. Novelle. 41 5 Barbauld. Evenings at home. 41 16 Boccacio. Contes. 778 < . 11 decameron, 77 9 Cervantes- Saavedra. Don Quixote de la Mancha, translated. 123 4 . Don Quixote. 123 5 . Don Quijote. 123 . Don Quichotte. 123 7 Cheever. The hill Difficulty. 131 " De Quincey. The avenger. 179 9 . Narrative papers, &c. 180 3 De Wette. Theodore. 181 u Fenelon. Avantures de Telemaque. 217 6 - 7 Fielding. Miscel. works. 220 " Florian. Gonsalvo de Cordoba. 224 6 Gleizes. Thalysie. 249 4 Goethe. Wilhelm Meister s apprenticeship & travels. 250 Grimm. Kinder und Hausmarchen. 275 12 Heliodonis. JEthiopica. 296 13 Hunt. Stories from the Italian poets. 320 6 Hurtado. Palmerin of England. 4741 Irving. The Alhambra. 327 4 - 13 . Bracebridge Hall. 3276-13 . Knickerbocker s New York. 327 13 - . Tales of a traveller. 327 1 3 La Fontaine. Les amours de Psyche et de Cupidon. 355io . Contes et nouvelles. 355 n La Motte-Fouque. Thiodolf the Icelander. 3579 Le Sage. Contes moraux, etc. 371 & . Gil Bias de Santillane. 371 -8 . Gil Bias de Santillano. 371 . Gil Braz de Santilhana. 371 9 Longfellow. Saggi de 7 novellieri Italian* d ogni secolo. 382 8 Lobeira. Amadis of Gaul. 379 n Mackenzie. Works. 394 5 Maistre. (Euvres completes. 400 J Manzoni. I promessi sposi. 403 7 Marguerited Angouleme. Nouvelles. 404 5 Martineau. Illustrations of political econ omy. 407 5 Miller. Legends of the North of Scotland. 4261* Mirabeau. Contes et nouvelles. 429 1 2 Moore. Zelnco. 435 n Novelas Espanolas : etc. 459 5<6 Novelli di autori senesi. 459 7 Pellico. Le mie prigioni. 484 !4 . My imprisonments. 484 1 & Poe. Novels & tales. 500 Rabelais. (Euvres. 525 5 . Works. 525 Ramsay. Travels of Cyrus. 526 . Voyages de Cyrus. 526 i 2 Relation du voyage mysterieux de 1 isle de la vertue. 532 3 Ritson. Fairy tales. 538 J3 Rousseau. CEuvres. 548 6 - 9 Sacchetli. Novelle. 554 s- 9 Saint-Pierre* Chaumiere Indienne. 556 a 800 KNDEX. Scott. Novels, tales, &c. 567 13 Swift. Works. 614 Voltaire, (Euvres completes. 682 8 . Romans et contes. 682 9 Wilson. Lights, &c. of Scottish life. 715 16 Novum organon. Bacon. 37 s renovatum. Whewell 703 5 Testamentum. See Bible. Nubia, Civil history, &c. of. Russell. 552 12 Numbers, Book of. See Bible. , Theory of. Barlow. 44 2 ; Use of universal arbiter. 206 13 of mankind. Wallace. 686 n NUMISMATICS. 271 3 . Catalogue raisonne d une collection de medailles. 121 4 Cooke. Medallic history of imperial Rome. 153 12 Gronovius. De Sestertiis. 276 5 Harris. Essay on coins. 287 5 Humphreys. Coin collector s manual. 738 3 Mease. American medals & coins. 420 16 Pinkerton. Essay on medals. 495 6 Snowdon. Coins in U.S. Mint. 58516 Vaughan. Coin &. coinage. 675 9 Nutrition, Values of grains, &c. for. 315 10 OATH. Junkin. Origin, nature, &c. of. 342 5 Reynolds. De vera origine, etc. 535 7 Oceana. Harrington. 286 7 - 9 - 10 Oceanic hydrozoa. Huxley. 323 Ogle Co., Illinois, History of. 462 4 OHIO. Statistics, 1857-61. 462? Harris. Acc t of in 1803. 287 Whittlesey. Anc t works in. 707 6 OLD age. Cicero. De senectute. 137 13 ~ 15 Cohausen. Hermippus redivivus. 146 12 Old Testament. See Bible. Onanism, Diseases of. Tissot. 631 9 Oology, North American. Brewer. 92 l OPIUM. De Quincey. Confessions of an Eng lish opium-eater. 179 12 . Note book of Eng. opium-eater. 180 4 OPTICS. Airy, Undulatory theory of. 10 u Barlow. Treatise on. 43 21 Brewster. Optics. 92 ^ Emerson. Elements of. 204" Farrar. Experimental treatise on. 215 9 Ferguson, Select subjects in. 219 8>9 Lardner. Newton s optics. 359 u Newton. Opticks. 451 12 - 13 Pritchard. Optical instruments. 518 12 Wood. Elements of. 7217 See also: Colors. Light, Microscope, Polarized light, Refraction, Spectacles, Telescope, Vision. Oracles, History of. Fontenelle. 225 7 ORATIONS. See also: Speeches, &c. Adams. At Plymouth, Dec. 22, 18C2. 6 15 Aiken. At Newburyport, July 4,1810. 9 Bacon. At Dart. Coll., July 30, 1845. 37 " Brown. Alumni, Dart. Coll., 1855. 98 * Gary. At Boston, July 5, 1847. 120 3 Church. At Boston, March 5, 1773. 136 15 Dana. cj> B K, Dart. Coll., 1817. 168 * Daveis. Alumni, Bowd. Coll., 1835. 172 Davis. At Portland, July 4, 1796. 173 " Emerson. At Boston, July 5, 1802. 204 19 Everett. Orations & speeches. 212 1 Gore. Before Free Masons, at Boston, June 24, 1783. 252 Gray. At Boston, July 5, 1790. 254 Hillard. At Boston, July 4, 1835. 30414 Hull. Before Cincinnati, July 4, 1788. 318" Ingersoll, il> B K, Bowd. Coll., 1837. 32514 Loring. Hundred Boston orators. 383 13 Marsh, E. G. At Yale Coll., 1798. 404 o Marsh, G. P. * B K, Harv. Coll. 404 1 2 Morris. At New York, June 29, 1814. 439 4 Newton. At Worcester, July 4, 1814. 453 6 Packard. Alumni, Bowd. Coll., 1858. 469 5 Parish. At Byfield, 4th July, 1799. 475 - Parsons. $ B K, Harv. Coll., 1835. 479 4 Prentiss. Alumni, Bowd. Coll., 1861. 508^ Richardson. Plymouth, July 4, 1812. 539 3 Rush. Oration before American philosoph ical society, Feb. 4, 1774. 551 7 Savage. At Boston, July 4, 1811. 56Q7 Simpkins. At Brewster, July 4, 1811. 578 Smith. At Charleston, S.C., 1796. 583 Sprague. <1> B K, Bowd. Coll., 1 850. 593 Stillman. At Boston, July 4, 1789. 6044 Story. Alumni, Harv. Coll., 1842. 60516 . At Salem, July 4, 1804. 605 " Sullivan. Vt Boston, July 4, 1816 ; 610 3 Sumner, C. Orations. 611 6 Sumner, G. At Boston, July 4, 1859. 611 Upham. O. before the N. E. society of New York, Dec. 22, 1846. 670 9 Van der Kemp. Utica, Mar. 11, 1814. 674* Warren. At Boston, July 4,1783. 69116 White. Alumni, Harv. Coll., 1844. 7047 Whitman. At Hanover, July 4, 1803. 706 1 Whitwell. Cincinnati, July 4, 1789. 707 9 Williston. Eloquence of U. S. 714 12 Winthrop. Addresses & speeches. 71 8 ls Woods. Harv. Coll., July 17, 1799. 722 Oratores Attici. Dobson. 186 12 ORATORY. Adams. Lectures on. 7 5 Auger. Harangues tirees d Herodote, de Thucydide, etc. 34 Channing. Lectures on. 126 2 Cicero. De oratore. 137 19 Clarke. Formvlas oratoriae. 1408 Dionysius. De antiquis oratoribus. 185 7 Enfield. The speaker. 206 * Farnaby. Index rhetoricus, etc. 215 3 Lawson. Lectures concerning. 364 15 Priestley. Lectures on. 512 4 Quintilian, Institutiones cratoriae. 524 13 ~ ] 8 See also: Elocution, Eloquence, Horniletics, Orations, Rhetoric, Speeches. INDEX. 801 Orders in council. 600 . Baring. Causes & Palatinate of the Rhine. Cellini. Precis de consequences of. 43 6 Ordination, Presbyterian, Validity of. 131 12 OREGON. Fremont. Exploring expedition to, in 1813-4. 236 3 Grecnhow. History of. 271 10 . Memoir of. 271 n Organic chemistry. See Chemistry. Oriental customs. Burder. 103 ^ Origin of species. Darwin. 171 13 ORIGINAL sin. Belsham. Letters to Wilber- force on hereditary depravity. 55 13 Conversation upon doctrine of. 717 14 Edwards. Doctrine of, defended. 199 5 - 6 Wesley. Doctrine of. 699 13 Orissa, Baptist mission to. 611 14 Organic life, Laws of. Darwin. 172 1>2 ORNITHOLOGY. Bonaparte. American O. 79 Brooks. Elements of. 95 Cassin. Birds of soutlrn hemisphere. 120 11 Peabody. Birds of Massachusetts. 413 9 Rennie. Natural history of birds. 533 l Wilson. American O. 715 2 Orthophony. See Elocution. Oryctography. See Palaeontology. Ottoman empire, History of. Upham. 670 n See also .- Asia Minor, Egypt, Saracens, Tur key, Turkish empire. Ouabi ; a poem. Mrs. Morton. 441 9 Oxen, Comparative advantages of. 519 14 OXFORD university, Companion through. 468 8 Burrows. Pass & class. 107 9 Oxfordshire, Agriculture of. Young. 729 15 Pacific railroad survey. 650 9 - 10 Pagan religions. See Brahminical, Druids, My thology, Oracles. PAINTING. Harris. Treatise on. 286 14 James. History of. 330 13 Jarves. Art-hints. 332 2 . Art studies. 332 3 Kugler. Hand-book of. 3528 Lindsay. Theory & practice of. 376 9 Ruskin. Lectures on. 552 2 . Modern painters. 552 3 Vasari. Vite de piu celebri pittori. 674 13 PALEONTOLOGY. Born. Index fossilium. 80 9 Burtin. Oryctographie de Bruxelles. 107 10 Ferber. Oryctography of Derbyshire. 218 5 Hall. P. of New York. 281 2 Mantell. Organic remains of the British museum. 403 * Miller. Fossiliferous deposits of Scotland. 4268 Richardson. Introduction to. 536 u Warren. Fossil impressions in sandstone rocks of Connecticut river. 691 21 . Mastodon giganteus of N. A. 691 J 8 Werner. Von den ausserlichen Kennzei- chen der Fossilien. 699 7 . External characters of fossils. 699 3 1 histoire du Palatinat du Rhin. 148 10 PALESTINE. Buckingham. Travels in. 100 14 Clarke. Travels in. 139 8 Hardy. Travels in. 285 Playnes. Travels in. 293 14 Heber. Palestine & other poems. 295 s Jowett. Christian researches in. 341 2 Lamartine. Tour in, 1832-33. 356 12 Pierpont. Airs of, a poem. 493 n Pococke. Observations on. 5008 Robinson. Biblical researches in. 542 7 8 Russell. Palestine. 552 13 Stephens. Incidents of travel. 600 3 See also : Jerusalem, Jews. Palmerin of England. Hurtado. 474 l Panoplist, The, &c. 1805-20. 474 4 Pantheon. See Mythology. Papacy. See Popery, Popes, Roman catholic church. Parable of the ten virgins opened, &c. 574 5 Paradise lost. Milton. 428 15 - 16 regained. Milton. 428 17 - 1 8 Paradoxe, Theorie du. 625 4 PARAGUAY. Charleyoix. Histoire de. 129* Frezier. The Jesuits in. 236 8 Robertson. Francia s reign of terror. 540 7 PARIS. Manuel des instituteurs, professeurs, etc. des ecoles. 403 *, 739" Lister. Paris in 1700. 3778 Tableau philos. et moral de. 458 15 Parallaxes, Doctrine of. Stone. 604 10 See also: Astronomy, Moon, Sun. Parley s cabinet library. Goodrich. 250 8 Parliamentary register, 1775-81. 478 l Passion, The ruling. Paine. 471 13 PASSIONS. Brisbane. Functions of the human passions. 229 4 . Outline of Fourier s system. 229 4 Cogan. Philosophical treatise on. 146 4 - Descartes. Passiones animae. 180 17 Hume. Dissertation on the. 319 13 Stael-Holstein. De Pinfluence sur le bon- heur des individus et des nations. 595 4 Passy, Eaux minerales de. 442 7 Paston letters. Fenn. 217 13 Pastor fido, II. Guarini. 2778 PASTORAL duties. Baxter. The reformed pastor. 48 " Gregorius /., Pope. De curapastorali. 272 r5 Patent inventions, Repertory of. 533 16 PATENTS. Sheldon. Aerial navigation & the patent laws. 573 13 United States. Digest of P., 1790-1839. 653 4 . Reports of Commissioner of. 653 5 PATHOLOGY. Alpinus. Presages of life & death in diseases. 15 10 Cheyne. Natural method of cure. 133 3 Cullen. Arrangement & definition of dis eases. 164 13 See also .- names of special diseases. 101 802 I iN D E X . Patience, The art of, &c. 32 4 Patriot, The New England. 449 12 Patriotism. See Love of country. Paul, St., Conversion of. Lyttelton. 390 i- 2 , Epistles of. See Bible. Pauperism, Address on. Waterston. G94 12 PEACE. 195 u-*o, 239 ", 251 ">, 284 i -"- 13 - 15 , 29Si, 309^-3, 3376, 3464, 354 \4 f 355 4, 3833, 420 12 465 9-1() 479 6 482 9 - 17 486 8 - 10 - n American peace society. Prize essays on a congress of nations. 18 12 . Reports, 1836, 37. 18 i 3 Essays on war and peace. 80 3 Erasmus. Complaint of peace, &c. 207 10 . Extracts from his writings. 207 13 Grimke. Truth, dignity, &c. of. 275 2 Herald of peace, 1819-24. 299 12 Jay. War & peace. 33214 Ladd. Principles of war & peace. 354 16 . Essays on peace & war. 355 3 . Essay on a congress of nations. 355 1 Macnamara. Prize essay on. 395 15 Mass, peace society. Reports, &c. 415 7 ~ 10 Nicole. Way of preserving P. 454 12 Peace & reform, against war & corruption. 740H Peace-republican s manual. 319 J Recueil de lettres adresees aux archives de la societe de la paix de Geneve. 586 l Society for the promotion of permanent Sf universal peace. Reports. 587 2 ~ 14 Upham. Manual of. 671 1>2 See also .- War. Pearls. Jeffries. Traite des perles. 333 " Peebles, Agriculture of. Findlater. 221 * Peerage of Great Britain, 1807. 268 is PELOPONNESIAN war. Thucydides. History of the. 6298-9 . De bello Peloponnesiaco. 629 1 PELOPONNESUS, Anderson. Observations up on, in 1829. 23 2 Curtius. Peloponnesos. 166 7 Pemaquid, Ancient. Thornton. 628 14 Penal law. Livingston. Penal law of Louisi ana. 385 i Velaze. Loix penales. 672 8 See also: Crime, Criminal law, Penitentiary, Punishment. Penance, Doctrine of. Wharton. 701 e Peninsular war. See Spain. PENNSYLVANIA. 485 1 486 5 Dallas. Reports of cases. 167 12 Keith. Papers & tracts. 346 3 Proud. History of, 1681-1742. 519 15 Wharton. Provincial literature of. 701 9 chronicle, History of. 249 " Pension establishment of U. S. 658 4 Pentateuch, The. See Bible. People, Divine right of, vindicated. 342 " Fequot wars. Gardener. 241 1 Periodical literature, Index to. 503 9 PERIODICALS. African repository, &c., 1834-42. 17 6 American annals of education, 1831-9. 16 3 annual register, 1825-32. 16 6>7 art union, 1849. 16 10 journal of education, 1855-61. 18* journal of education, 1856-7. 18 5 journal of education, 1826-9. 18 3 journal of science & arts. 18 6 monthly review, 1832-3. 18 7 publishers circular, 1855-62. 19 6 quarterly register, 1834-42. 17" quarterly review, 1827-37. 687 10 review of history, &c., 1811. 687" whig review, 1845-51. 20 J Annales de chimie, etc., 1817-19. 243 * des mines, 1816-17. 24 1 Annals of electricity, magnetism, & chem istry, 1837-4-2. Sturgeon. 609 3 of philosophy, 1817-26. 24 J2 Annual register, 1786-96. 24 " review, 1802-08. 9 r = of scientific discov y, 1859-62. 698 14 Anti-jacobin review &magazine,1798-9. 25 6 Anti-masonic review, &c. 1828-30. 689 i2 Asiatic annual register, 1799-1800. S3 1 Atlantic monthly, 1858-59. 33 17 Biblical repertory & Princeton review. 72 14 repository, &c., 1831-46. 72 Bibliotheca sacra, &c., 1844-62. 73 2 Blatter fttr literarische Unterhaltung. 76 17 Boston chronicle, 1768. 82 i3 gazette, 1757, 1771-73. 82 medical & surgical journal. 83 3 journal of natural history. 83 4 weekly messenger, 1815-19. 83 7 Brunswick telegraph, 1857-62. 733 10 Calumet, The, 1831-6. 18 10 Chemical journal. Crell. 161 Chemische annalen. Crell 161 9 -" Chinese repository, 1833-37. 133" Christian disciple, &c., 1819,21. 1348 herald, 1817-21. ]34 9 observer, 1802-4, 1811-29. 13412 register, 1826-28. 134" spectator, 1823, 1825-28. 13415 Chronique du mois, 1791-93. 135 Classical journal, 1828-29. 142 9 Columbian centinel, 1792-1819. 149 10 magazine, 1786-91. 149" Congregational quarterly, 1859-62. 151 17 Courier & evening gazette,1794-1818. 158 " Critical review, &c. 162 6 - 7 Democratic review. See U.S. magazine,&c. Eclectic review, 1825-32. 197 Edinburgh review, &c., 1803-62. 198 1 English review, 1787-92. 206 Episcopal magazine, 1820, 21. 207 * INDEX 803 Foreign quarterly review, 1827-16. 226 7 Friend of peace, 1818-27. 724 10 Gentleman s magazine, &c. 244 8 Gleaner, The, 1798. 249 l Gospel treasury, vol. 1-4. 148 8 Harbinger of peace, 1828-31. 18 u Herald of peace, 1819-24. 299 12 Historisches portefeuille, 1788. 306 7 Independent chronicle, &c. 325 8 Journal of classical & sacred philol. 340 10 du commerce, etc. 340 u of Franklin institute, 1826-62. 234 16 de Paris, 1790-92. 340^ Latter day luminary, 1818-22. 41 13 Literarisches Centralblatt far Deutschland, 1858-61. 377 9 Literary journal, London, 1730-31. 377 10 panorama, 1807-08. 377 12 panorama, &c., 1816. 377 13 & theological review, 1834-39. 378 2 world, 1847-48. 378 3 Littell s living age 7 1848-52, 1858-59. 3784 Liverpool courier, &c., 1812-19. 378 London chronicle, 1757. 381 11 , Edinburgh & Dublin philosophical magazine, &c., 1832-62. 381 gazette, 1783-84. 381 u Magazine of popular science, &c. 397 6 Massachusetts agricultural repository, &c., 1815-28. 415 16 magazine. 414 u register. 22216, 41511 Mathematical monthly, 1859-61. 417 l Merchants &manufacturers magazine. 423 4 Methodist magazine, &c., 1830-34. 424 8 Missionary herald, 1820-45. 17 3 register, London, 1813-17. 430 3 - 6 Moniteur universe!, 1789-1807. 432 6 Monthly anthology, 1804-11. 434 6 review, &c. 434 7>s Morning chronicle, &c., 1794-1824. 438" post, &c., 1798-1809. 438 12 ISeue Jahrbucher far Philologie, etc. 448 10 New annual register, 1806. 449 4 England historical & genealogical register, 1847-62. 449 2 journal of medicine & surgery, 1812-20. 4491 med. review & journal. 449 n Jamaica almanack, &c. 1796-1805. 450 5 York herald, 1808-14. 451 7 review, 1837-42. 451 10 .Nicholson s journal of natural philosophy. chemistry, &c. 1797-1810. 4549-1 North American review, 1815-62. 456 8 British review, 1859-62. 456 10 Panoplist & missionary magazine. 474 4 Parliamentary register, 1775-81. 478 l Philadelphia med. & physical journal. 47 7 Philosophical magazine, 1827-32. 491 3 magazine & journal, 1817-27. 491 5 Political magazine, &c., 1780-82. 501 register, &c., 1767-71. 501 " Portland gazette, 1817-27. 506 7 Princeton review. See Biblical repository. Prisoner s friend, 1849-53. 592 3 Protestant dissenter s magazine. 519 9 Putnam s monthly magazine, 1853 4. 522 14 Quarterly Christian spectator, 1829-38. 523 6 journal of science, &c. 549 2 register, American, 1834-42. 17 review, 1809-62. 523 7 , Foreign, 1827-46. 226 7 Repository, The, 1788. 534 1 Repertory of arts, &c., 1794-1810. 53314 of patent inventions, 1825-7. 533 ]6 Select journal of foreign periodical litera ture, 1833-34. 569i* Spirit of the Pilgrims, 1828-33. 593 7 Theol cal & literary journal, 1848-61. 6248 repository. Priestley. 624 8 Theologische Studien und Kritiken. 624 1 6 Times, The, 1794, 1797, 1806-07. 631 l United States literary gazette, 1824-5. 669 3 magazine and democratic re view, 1841-51. 6694 review and literary gazette , 1826-27. 669 6 Universal magazine of knowl ge, <fec. 669 n University quarterly, 1860-61. 670 6 Weekly amusement, 1765-66. 698 l Westminster and foreign quarterly review, 1846-47. 700 1 7 . review, 1824-32. 700 Perry statue, Inauguration of. 487 6 PERSECUTIONS. Jurieu. Letters to persecuted Protestants in France, 1688. 342 . Lettres pastorales. 342 7 Persecutions of French protestants. 236 4 See also: Martyrs. PERSEPOLIS. Fergusson. Palaces of. 219 u Vaux. Nineveh & P. 676 6 Francklin. Observations on. 233 17 Perseverance. Olivers. Refutation of the doc trine of. 463 2 PERSIA. Fraser. Account of. 235 2 Hardwick. Religions of Medo P. 285 3 Histoire des decouvertes faites dans. 305 1J Southgate. Travels in. 5904 . Thevenot. Travels into. 625 6 Vaux. SketchofanctP. 676* Persian cuneiform inscript s. Rawlinson. 529 J language. Volney. Methode d appren- dre le langage Persane. 681 6 Personal actions. Tidd. Practice of court of king s bench in. 630 4 Perspective, Introduction to. Priestley. 513 13 See also ; Drawing. 804 I^DEX. PERU. Bayers. Reise nach Peru. 49 6 Ewbank. Indian antiquities from. 212 21 Garcilasso de la Vega. Royal commentaries of. 240 2 Prescott. Conquest of. 509 7 Rivero. Peruvian antiquities. 539 12 Savage. Amazonian republic. 560 9 Petrifactions & their teachings. 403 l See also . Geology, Palaeontology. Pharmaceutical chemistry. Monro. 432 10 PHARMACOPOEIA. P. hermetica. 489 6 Culpepper. P. Londinensis. 165 2 Duncan. Edinburgh dispensatory. 192 12 Fuller. P. extemporanea. 238 * Mass. med. society. Pharmacopoeia. 415 4 Shipton. P. Bateana. 575 n See also . Botany, Materia medica, Pharmacy. PHARMACY. 336 2 . Chorlet. Traite de Phar- macologie. 134 5 Rivet. Dictionnaire raisonne de pharmacie- chimiqe. 539 14 See also.- Botany, Chemistry, Materia medica, Pharmacopreia. Pharsalia. Lucanus. 38G 12 13 Phi Beta Kappa, Fraternity of. 489 *- Philadelphia, Library company of. 375 1>2 medical & physical journal. 47 7 PHILOLOGY. Dwight. Modern P. 194 7 Garnett. Philological essays. 241 17 Gibbs. Philological studies. 246 12 Harris,. Philological inquiries. 286 13 Journal of classic & sacred P. 340 10 Martin. System of. 406 13 Tooke. Diversions of Purley. 635 4<5 . Classical. Donaldson. New Cratylus. 188 * . Varronianus. 188 s Fabridm. Bibliotheea Latina. 214 3 - 4 Heyne. Opvscvla academica. 303 l Jahrbiicher fur classische Philologie. 448 10 Koppier. Observata philologica. 352 J . Comparative. Barnes. Philological grammar. 44 19 Bopp. Comparative grammar of the Sans crit, Zend, Greek, &c. 80 e DeVere. Outlines of comparative P.. 181 9 Illustrations of northern antiquities. 325 4 Johnes. Philological proofs of the unity & recent origin of the human race. 738 n Merian. Principes de 1 etude comparative deslangues. 423 Mutter. Languages of the East. 443 10 Prichard. Eastern origin of Celtic nations, by comparison of languages. 511 4 Reyher. Lingvarvm Latinac, Greecac et Ebraeoe harmonica. 534 9 Steinthal. Abhandlungen. 598 i 3 599 jBtratton. Aflinity of the Latin language to .the Gaelic. 606 8 Van Kennedy. Origin & affinity of langua ges of Asia & Europe. 674 7 Volney. Simplification des langues orien tates. 681 & Winning. Manual of comp. P. 717 3 See also . Language, Languages, and the names of various languages and nations. Philosophers, Lives of. See Philosophy. Philosophical magazine, London, Edinburgh, & Dublin, 1832-62. 381 12 necessity. Palmer. Answer to Priest ley s illustrations of. 4738-9 Priestley. Doctrine of. 513 3 . Letter to J. Bryant. 515 5 . Letters to J. Palmer. 515 8- 9 Priestley fy Price. Discussion of. 514 4 PHILOSOPHY. 77 2 . Ackermann. Das christ- liche im Plato. 4 6 Biese. Die Philosophic des Aristoteles. 738 Bowen. History & present condition of speculative philosophy. 87 >J4 Brucker. Historia critica philosophic. 99 4 Buffier. First truths. 101 14 Burnet. Archaeologiae philosophise. 106 4 Butler. History of anc t P. 110 b Chalybaus. Historical survey of specula tive P.,124 11 Cicero. Opera philosophica. 137 16 Comte. Positive P. 150 13 CondiUac. Traite des systemes. 151 9 Cousin. Cours de philosophic. 159 3 . Fragmens philosophiques. 159 5 - 6 -8 . Histoire de la philosophic du 18e siecle. 159 . Histoire de la philos. moderne. 159 2 Crimes (Les) de la philosophic. 162 3 Damiron. Histoire de la philosophic en France, au XVIIe sipcle. 168 12 . Histoire de la philosophic en France, au XIXe siecle. 168 Daniel. Voyage to world of Cartesius. 170 4 Degerando. Systemes de philosophic, con- sideres relativement aux principaux de connoissances humaines. 176 10 D Holbach. System of nature. 309 2 De Quincey. Essays on philos. writers, &c. 17913 Descartes. (Euvres. 180 16 . Principia philosophise. ISO s . Specimina philosophise. 181 J Diogenes Laertius. De vitis, dogmatibus, etc. clarorum philosophorum. 185 2 Drummond. Academical questions. 190 8 Enfield. History of. 206 3 Fenelon. Lives of the anc t philosophers. 217 9 Fischer. Realistic P. & its age. 221 " Flores doctorum in philosophia. 224 3 Franklin. Philosophical works. 234 5<15 INDEX. 05 Gioberti. Introduzione allo studio della filosofia. 248 5 Goodrich. A glance at. 250 8 Hamilton. Discussions on. 283 17 .Philosophy. 283 > 9 Hampden. Thomas Aquinas. 284 7 Hodge. The transcendental P. 308 6 Heereboord. Meletemata philos. 295 13 Heineccius. Elementa P. rationalis. 296 10 Helvetius. De 1 esprit. 297 1>2 Henry. History of. 298 Herbart. Lehrbuch zur Einleitung in die Philosophic. 299 13 Herder. Werke zur Philosophic. 300 * Hermann. Geschichte und System des Pla- tonischen Philosophic. 300 8 Heusde. Initia philos. Platonicae. 302 7 Hierocles. In aurea carmina. 303 10 Johnson. Quaestiones philosophies. 337 l Kingsley. Alexandria^ her schools. 349 12 Laharpe. Refutation de Helvetius. 355 16 Leibnitz. Commercium philos. 368 4 Lewes. Biographical history of. 374 3 Lowndes. Plato. Stoical P. 386 1 Lucretius Carus. Nature of things. 387 10 - 11 . De rerum natura. 387 12 - 13 Mendelssohn. Philos. Schriften. 422 14 Menage. Historia mulierum philos. 185 2 More. Apologia pro Cartesio. 436 8 Morell. Speculative P. of Europe in the 19th century. 437 5 Philosophical miscellanies, from Cousin / Jouffroy, &, B. Constant. 491 6 Pieces concernant la philosophic. 530 J Plato. CEuvres. 497 . Opera philosophica. 497 6 . Platonic dialogues. 497 7 Priestley. Doctrines of heathen P. com pared with those of Revelation. 513 4 Remusat. De la philos. Allemande. 532 8 Renouvier. Manuel de philosophic an- cienne. 533 4 . Manuel de P. moderne. 533* Ritter. Geschichte der Philosophic. 539 9 - 16 . History of anc t P. 539 J1 Rosenkranz. Geschichte der Kant schen Philosophic. 546 1G Schleiermacher. Introductions to the Dia logues of Plato. 5638 Schwegler. History of. 565 12 Seneca. Opera philosophica. 570 4 Simon. Etudes sur la Theodicee de Pla- ton et d Aristote. 578 7 . Hist, de 1 ecole d Alexandrie. 5788 Smith. Essays on philos. subjects. 580 11>12 Spinoza. Opera qvse svpersvnt. 593 4 Stanley. History of. 596 7 Stewart, Progress of metaphysical, ethi cal & political P, 602 1 . Philosophical essays. 602 2 .Works. 602 3 Tennemann. History of. 621 4 Tiedtmann. Dialogorum Platonis argu- menta. 630 b Toland. Exoteric & esoteric P. 632 6 Vinet. Studies on Pascal. 679 n Waits. Philosophical essays. 695 17 Wittm. Histoire de la philosophic Alle mande. 71413 Phlogiston, Essay on. Kirwan. 350 14 Photography, Practice of. Delamotte. 177 1 Phraseologia generalis. Robertson. 541 * Phrenology, Application of, to the treatment of insanity. Combe. 149 13 Physic. See Medicine, Pathology. Physical geography. Lloyd. 379 Guyot. Earth & man. 279 4 Maury. P. G. of the sea. 419 3 See also .- Climate, Earth, Geology, Meteorolo gy, Physics, Tides, Waves. theory of another life. Taylor. 618 15 sciences. Goodrich. Glance at. 251 8 Somerville. Connection of the. 588 J See also; Chemistry, Mathematics, Natural philosophy, Nature, Physics, Science, Transac tions. PHYSICS. Annales de chimie et physique. 243 l Bergmann. Opuscules physiques. 59 14 . Physical, &c. essays. 59 15 Demeste. Lettres sur la physique. 177 1(J Desaguliers. Exper tal philosophy. 180 11 Euler. Letters on subjects in. 210 8 Famin. Cours de physique experimentale. 214" Hauy. Traite element, de physique. 292 12 Henckel. Chemische-physicalische Wahr- heiten. 297 16 Humboldt. Cosmos. 319 4 . Views of nature. 319 s Ingen-housz, Experiences, etc. 325 n Maclaurin. Account of Newton s philo sophical discoveries. 395 3 Pemberton. Newton s philosophy. 485 2 Play fair. Works. 4988 Sigaud de la Fond. Description et usage d un cabinet de physique exper. 577 6 . Elemens de physique. 577 7 Sec also: Acoustics, Astronomy, Earthquakes, Electricity, Gravitation, Heat, Inductive sci ences, Magnetism, Mechanics, Meteorology, Natural philosophy, Optics, Physical geogra phy, Transactions. Physiognomy, Essays on. Lavater. 363 5 , a poem. Bartlett. 46 12 PHYSIOLOGY. 338 3 . Carpenter. Principles of comparative P. 119 l Combe. P. applied to health. 149 14 -is Dalton. Human P. 168 9 Draper. Human P. 190 2 AJptcvrtM. Physiologia. 207 * 806 INDEX. Hotter. First lines of. 282 3 Jenty. Anatomico-physiol. lectures. 33 Lewes. P. of common life. 374 4 Liebig. Chemistry in relation to. 3758 . Organic chemistry in its applicati to. 3759 Magirus. Physiologia peripatetica. 397 Paine. Physiological commentaries. 470 . Soul & instinct physiologically disti guished from materialism. 470 2 Richerand. Elements of. 5378 Roget. Outlines of. 54411 . Animal & vegetable P. with referen to natural theology. 5448 Rush. P. of the human voice. 551 Saumarez. New system of. 559 1 Smith. Animal P. 583 4 Seealso: Life, Medicine, Pathology. PIEDMONT. Leger. Histoire generale de Vaudoises. 3G7 13 Morland. Evangelical churches of. 438 Seealso: Albigenses, Walcknses. PIETY. Fire-side P. 221 7 Law. Serious call. 364 3 4 Owen. Grace & duty of being spirituall minded. 467" Pike. Persuasives to early P. 494 2-3 Pilgrim s progress, The. Bunyan. 1034-0 Pilgrims, Journal of the. Cheever. 132 l , Tribute to the. Hawes. 2937 Pitcairn s island, Description of. Barrow. 45 Pitt-street chapel lectures. 496 u Plague, Treatise on the. Tytler. 642 2 Planetary & stellar worlds. Mitchell. 430 7 Planejs. See Astronomy. Plantership, Essay on. Martin. 739 is Planting & rural ornament. 4974 Plants. See Botany. Platonic philosophy. See Philosophy. Platonisme devoile. 498 2 Pleiades, Acronychal rising of the. 679 9 Plurality of worlds, The. 449 12 PLYMOUTH colony. Baylies. Historical me moir of New Plymouth. 499 Bradford. History of the. 90 l - n Records of the. 409 n Young. Chronicles of pilgrim fathers. 728 1 & PNEUMATICS. Barlow. 44 l Ferguson. Select subjects in. 219 8-9 Heereboord. Pneumatica. 29513 Lardner. Pneumatics. 359 12 See also: JEronautics, Air, Winds. Pneumatology, Lectures on. Doddridgc. 186 1 6 Poetas Latini minores. Burmann. 105 1 lyrici Graeci. Bergk. 732 POETRY. 286 ", 318". Treatises, SfC. on. Aristoteles. The poetic. 30 9 Beattie. Essays on. 50 5 Harris. Treatise concerning. 286 u Hurdis Pleasure of. 322 3 Lowtk. Lectures on Hebrew P. 386 4 Montgomery. Lectures on. 434 2 Sidney. Defence of. 5773 Temple. Essay on. 620 " Trapp. Lectures on. 6358 Warton. History of English P. 6924 American poets. Allen. Christian sonnets. 144 Allston. Poems. 14 u Barlow. The Columbiad. 43 10 . Vision of Columbus. 43 i Beacon hill. 49 Bowdoin. Oeconomy of human life. 86 3 Brooks. Songs & ballads, translated from Uhland, Kohner, &c. 96 2 Browne, Mrs. Poems. 98 Bryant. Poems. 998 . Selections from American poets. 99 9 Cobb. Sylvan poets. 7347 Dwight, J.S. Select minor poems of Goethe & Schiller, translated. 250 9 Dwight, T. Greenfield hill. 195 Griswold. Poets & poetry of the United States. 2764 Hitchcock. The shade of Plato. 306 9 Livingston. Philosophic solitude. 378 12 Long/Mow. Ballads & poems. 382 4 . Belfry of Bruges, &c. 382 5 . Evangeline. 382 6 . Seaside & fireside. 382 9 Lowell. Poems. 385 12 Morton, Mrs. Ouabi. 441 9 New-England psalm-book. 521 J M Paine. The ruling passion. 471 12 . Works. 471 H Picrpont. Airs of Palestine. 493" Porter. Poems. 50519 Swain. Redemption. 611 17 Upham. American cottage life. 670 12 Warren, Mrs. Poems. 692 2 . English poets. Addison. Miscel. works. 7 9 Akenside. Poetical works. 10 2 Armstrong. Art of preserving health. 30 13 Brady fy Tale. Psalms. 90 J5 Butler. Hudibras. HO 1 . Poetical works. 110 4 Byron. Childe Harold s pilgrimage. Ill 6 Campbett, L. D. Miscel. poems. 1 16 2 Campbell, T. Poetical works. 1 16 5 Gary. Pindar in English verse. 494 1 2 Chalkhill. Thealma & Clearchus. 123i 2 Chapman. Hymns of Homer ; &c. 311 17 Chatterton. Poetical works. 130 3 Chaucer. Selections from C. 130 4 Child. English & Scottish ballads. 133 . Four old plays. 133 7 Churchill. Poetical works. 1374 . Prophecy of the famine. 137 5 IiN DEX. 807 Coleridge. Poetical works. 147 8<9 Collins. Poetical works. 148 12 Cowley. Works. 159 12 Cowper. Iliad of Homer. 311 18 . Poetical works. 159 i7-i Grata*. Poetical works. 160 > 3 - 14 Creech. Translation of Lucretius. 387 " Cumberland. Calvary. 165 4 Darwin. The botanic garden. 171 14 . The temple of nature. 171 15 Dodsley. Collection of poems. 187 16> Donne. Poetical works. 188 13 Dryden. Poems & translations. 190 u . Poetical works. 190 15 Ellis. Early English poets. 203 1 Falconer. Poetical works. 214 Fergusson. Works. 219 13 Francklin. Translation of Sophocles. 588 9 Gay. Poetical works. 242 14 Goldsmith. Poetical works. 251 * Gracian. The hero. 253 8 Gray. Poetical works. 255 4 Guildford. Owl & nightingale. 278 2 Halleck. Selections from Br sh poets. 281 1 Hayley. Poetical works. 293 13 Heber. Poems. 295 . Poetical works. 160 14 Plemans. Forest sanctuary, &c. 297 6 . League of the Alps, &c. 297 8 . Records of woman, &c. 297 10 Herbert. Poetical works. 299 1( * Herrick. Works. 301 9 Hood. Poetical works. 3129 Hoole. Translation of Tasso. 618 4 Hopkins. See Sternhold. Howard, H., Earl of Surrey. See Surrey. Hurdis. The village curate. 322 4 Jenyns. Select poems. 33 1 10 Jones, Sir W. Poetical works. 339 2 Keats. Poetical works. 345 ** Lodge. Glaucus & Sylla. 380 14 Lovelace. Lucasta. 385 6 Marlow. Hero $& Leander. 404 6 Marmion. Cupid & Psyche. 404 6 Marston. Works. 406 2 Marvell. Poetical works. 408 ^ Mason. Works. 408 is Mathias. Pursuits of literature. 418 l Milton. Paradise lost. 428 ^-^ . Paradise regained. 428 " . Poetical works. 429 1 Mitchell. Translation of Aristophanes. 29 10 Montgomery. Christian poet. 433 19 . Christian psalmist. 433 20 . Poetical works. 434 3 Moore. Epistles, odes, &c. 435 u . Poetical works. 435 16 Parnell. Poetical works. 478 6 Pitt. Translation of Virgil. 679 1? , 680 10 Pollok. Poetical works. 160 14 Pope. Essay on man. 503" .Works. 503 4 Potter. Translation of ^Eschylas. 8 9 -i<> . Translation of Euripides. 210 10 Prior. Poetical works. 518 7 Ritson. Ancient songs, &c. 538 n . Anc t popular poetry. 539 3 Roscoe. Translation of Tansillo. 617 2 Scott. Lay of the last minstrel. 567 9 . Poetical works. 567 14 Shakespeare. Dramatic works. 572 8 . Poems. 572 9 . Works. 572 10 Shelley. Poetical works. 574 * Shenstone. Works, in prose & verse. 574 z Sidney. Psalms of David. 577 4 Skelton. Poetical works. 579 5 Souihey. Joan of Arc. 589 10 . Poetical works. 590 2 Spenser. Faerie qveene. 592 u . Poetical works. 592 12 Sternhold, SfC. Psalms in metre. 600 12 - 13 Surrey. Poetical works. 316 10 Swift. Poetical works. 614<> -8 Tate. See Brady. Thomson. Poetical works. 628 3<4 Tickell. Poetical works. 629 3 Vaughan. Sacred poems, &c. 675 8 Watts. Horae lyricae, &c. 695 12 . Hymns, &c. 695" . Psalms in metre. 695 J 8 White. Poetical works. 704 13 Wilson. Poems. 715 17 Wordsworth. Poetical works. 725 3>7 Wyatl. Poetical works. 726 8 Young. Poetical works. 730 1>2 French poets. Antram. Les poemes de la mer. 35 4 Benguin. Idylles. 59 " Bernard. L art d aimer. 60 5 Bernis. (Euvres. 732 n Didot. Transl. of Virgil s Bucolics. 679 13 Fontenelle. Les poemes. 225 8 Frederic II. Melanges en vers. 235* Helvetius. Poesies. 297 4 La Fontaine. Cupid et Psyche. 355 10 . Contes et nouvelles en vers. 355 u Moliere. (Euvres. 432 l Parny. Poesies eiotiques. 478 7 Regnault- Warin. Les prisonniers du tem ple. 531 6 Regnier. (Euvres. 531 7 Rousseau, J. B. (Euvres. 548 3 - 4 Rousseau, J. J. Theatre et poesies. 548 s- 9 Theatre Fra^ois. 623 12 - 13 Tresor (Le) du Parnase. 637 12 Voltaire. Les poemes. 682 8 . German poets. Gellert. Sammtliche Schriften. 243 1( > 808 IISDKX. Goethe, Werke. 250 7 Huber. Choixde poesies Allemande. 318 5 Leasing. Sammtliche Werke. 372 3 Widand. Sammtliche Werke. 707 12 . Greek poets. sEschylus. Tragoedise. 88-11.12 Anacreon. Carmina. 21 12 Avollonius Rhodius. Argonauticom libri IIII. 26 :} Aratus. Diosemea. 28 4 Aristophanes. Comoediae. 29 1M2 Bergk. Poetae lyrici Graeci. 732 1 Bion. Carmina bvcolica. G23 16 Brunch. Gnomici poetae Graeci. 99 5 Euripides. Tragcediae. 210 u -i 3 Hesiodus. Epyo. x.t H^gpaj. 302 4 Homerus. Ilias. 311 "- 15 , 312& . Odyssea. 311 J, 312 3 Lycophron. Alexandra. 388 1S Moschus. Carmina bvcolica. 623 16 Pindarus. Carmina. 494 10 - 11 Sophocles. Sophokles. 538 7 . Tragoediae septem. 588 10 Theocritus. Carmina bvcolica. 623 1 6 , 624 1 . Italian poets. Alamanni. La coltivazione. II 3 Alfieri. Tragedie. 127-9 Arioslo. L Orlando furioso. 29 4 . Poesie varie. 29 s . Roland furieux. 29 6 7 Beolchi. Saggio della poesie Ital. 59 7 Dante. La divina commedia. 170 6 - 7 Giordani. Raccolta di opuscoli. 248 6 Goldoni. Commedie scelte. 250 13 Guarini. II pastor fido. 277 8 Manzoni. Tragedie. 4038 Metastasio. Opera. 424 & . Opere. 424 6 Monti. L Aristodemo. 127 . La Basviliana. 434 o . Poesie. 434 n . Tragedie. 434 12 Nota. Commedie. 458 9 Parini. Poesie. 475 5 Petrarca. Choix des poesies. 488 3 . Les rime. 488 * Raccolta di lirici e satirici Italiani. 525 8 Tansillo. The nurse. 617 2 . Ilpodere. 11 * Tasso. Gerusalemme liberata. 618 3 . Jerusalem delivered. 618 4 . Jerusalem ddivree. 618 5 Teatro tragico Italiano. 620 7 . Latin poets. Burmann. Poetae Latini minores. 105 J Catullus. Opera. 121 >3-i4 Claudianus. Opera. 142 10 Horatius Flaccus. CEuvres. 314 8-9 .Opera. 314> 2 - 3 - 14 Juvenalis. Satirae. 343 6 ~ 10 Lucanus. Pharsalia. 386 12 - 13 Lucretius Cams. Dererumnatura. 387 12-13 Martialis. Epigrammata. 406 6<7 Ovidius Naso. Opera. 467 2 ~7 Persius Flaccus. Satire. 343 6 -8, 487 ?- Plautus. Comoediae. 498 3 - 4 Propertius. Opera. 121 13 - 14 ; 5197 Terentius Afer. Comoediae. 621 8-10 Tibullus. Opera. 121 13 - 14 VirgiHus Maro. Opera. 679 12 680 10 . , Modern. Quillet. La callipedie. 5231 Santen. Carmina. 559 1 Varniere. Praedium rusticum. 674 6 . Portuguese Sf Spanish poets. Camoens. La Lusiade. 115 5 C., J. L. B. Coleccion de piezas. Ill 9 Quintana. Poesias selectas Castellanas. 524 13 Sales. Seleccion de obras maestras dra- maticas. 557 5 . Venetian poets. Loredano. II dianea. 383 13 . Scherzi geniali. 383 14 POINTS. Whewell. Free motion of. 702 17 . Motion of, constrained & resisted. 70S* POLAND. Anecdotes de la. 24 7 Coxe. Travels into. 160 9 Fletcher. History of. 223 5 History of Poland to 1795. 501 3 Hordynski. Late Polish revolution, 315 r Mably. Gouvernement de Pologne. 390* Rulhiere. Histoire de 1 anarchie de Po logne, et du demembrement. 551 4 Stephens. Incidents of travel. -600 4 Polar regions, JXarrative of discovery & adven ture in the. Murray, fyc. 445* I See also .- Arctic regions. Polarized light, Lectures on. 501 G Woodward. Introd. to study of. 723 1 * POLITICAL economy. 570 10 Baldwin. On the study of. 39 12 Borner. Sammtliche Kameral-Wissen- schaften. 81 l Chalmers. On political economy. 124 7-9 De Quincey. Logic of. 179 19 Ganilh. Various systems of. 240 9 M Culloch. Principles of. 391 1!i Me Iniscon. Principles of. 393 J Maitland. Nature & origin of public wealth. 400 2 Malthus. Principles of. 401 n Illustrations of. 407* Mill. Elements of. 426 * Mirabeau. (Economical table. 430 3 Newman. Elements of. 452 4 Phillips. Manual of. 490 l6 INDEX. 809 Principles of wealth of nations. 696 9 Rae. New principles on. 525 n Raymond. Thoughts on. 529 6 Ricardo. Principles of. 535 ]1 Roederer. Journal d econ. publ., etc. 543 12 Say. Treatise on. 5fi0 15 Smith. Wealth of nations. 580 13 See also .- Agriculture, Banks, Commerce, Cur rency, Finance, Free trade, Laboring classes, Manufactures, Money, Population, Precious metals, Property, Taxation, Trade, Wealth. magazine, &c., 1780-82. 501 ia register, &c., 1767-71. 501 14 science. Achenwall. Die Staatsklugheit. 4 1 Addison. Political essays. 7 16 Alberoni. Testament politique. II 5 Aristoteles. Politics. 29 16 Burlamaqui. Politic law. 104 1 8 9 Condorcet. Bibliotheque de 1 homme pub lic. 151 ii Donalo. L homme d etat. 188 9 Ferguson. Principles of. 218 Gait. Political essays. 240 3 Godwin. Political justice. 250 l Grimke. Free institutions. 274 14 Harrington. Oceana; &c. 286 7 - 9 ; 10 Heeren. Political system of Europe. 296 * . Politics of ancient Greece. 296 a Hobbes. Leviathan. 308 3 Holmes. The statesman. 310 10 Lezaud. Platon. Aristote. 374 l2 Lieber. Civil liberty & self-government. 3754 Mably. Doutes proposes. 390 5 -8 Mercier. Fragments of politics. 423 7 More. Utopia. 436 1(U1 Naude. Considerations politiques sur les coups d etat. 446 u - 12 Paley. Political philosophy. 4723-6 Paruta. Alcuni discorsi. 479 20 Pecquet. L esprit des maximes politiques. 4846 Pownall. Principles of polity. 508 6 Priestley. Lectures on gen l policy. 515 2>3 Raynal. Memoires politiques. 529 7 Roederer. Journal de politique. 543 12 Rousseau. Politique. 548 6 Wakingham. Maximes politiques. 687 13 . Le secret des cours. 688 l Webster. Papers on polit. subjects. 697 13 See also: Administration, Civilization, Con stitution, Democracy, Government, Kings, Law of nations, Legislation, Liberty, Political econo my, Republicanism, Society, State. tactics, Essay on. Bentham. 57 18 Polyglott Bibles. See Bible. POLYNESIA. Ellis. P an researches. 203 n Russell. Polynesia. 552^ Pontiac, Conspiracy of. Parkman. 477 12 Popham s colony, Acc t of. Strachey. 606 4 POPERY. 60 2 , 503i 504", 626 Cramp. Text-book of. 161 3 Duppa. Subversion of the papacy. 193 10 Rise & fall of papacy. 740" Sherlock. Preservative against. 575 3 Staveley. The Romish horseleech. 597 9 Willet. Synopsis papismi. 71 1 7 . Tetrastylon papisticvm. 711 s See also : Popes, Roman catholic church. POPES. Bower. History of the. 88 * Ranke. History of the. 527 16 Popish plot, Doc ts relative to. 256 12 258 Popular ignorance, Evils of. Foster. 228 3 POPULATION. Corbaux. Laws of. 157 l Essay on the principles of. 209 5 Everett. New ideas on. 212 3 Mclniscon. Principles of. 393 Malthus. Principle of. 401 9 - 10 Wallace. Numbers of mankind in anc t & modern times. 686 u Port Jackson, Transactions at. Hunter. 320 12 Royal, Monastery of. Schimmelpenninck. Brief view of. 562 13 . Narrative of demolition of. 562 12 grammars. 30 16 , 358 * logic. 31 1 Portland, History of. Willis. 714 2 3 -8 gazette, 1817-27. 506 7 PORTUGAL. Anecdotes Portugaises. 24 3 Beawes. History of. 50 14 Beckford. Travels in. 52 7 Busk. History of, to 1814. 109 Church. Annals of. 136 Costa. Historia de Portugal. 157 n Costigan. Society & manners in. 158 2 Crome. Produkte. 163 3 Roscoe. Annals of, 1495-1811. 546 s Smedley. Annals of, 1100-1300. 580 3 Southey. Letters written in. 589 12 Vertot d AubcEuf. Revolutions de. 677 n Portuguese language. Hamoniere. Grammaire Portugaise. 284 3 See a so .- Dictionaries. Post, London morning, 1798-1809. 438 2 POTASH. Lewis. American potashes. 374 9 Stephens. Process for making. 600 7 POTATOES. Parmentier. Observations sur la culture des pommes de terre. 478 4 Smee. Uses, properties, &c. of. 580 7 PRAYER. Cobbet. Treatise on. 144 1 2 Law. Spirit of. 364 5 Price. Dissertation on. 510 8 PRAYERS. Brooks. Family prayer book. 95 14 Priestley. Forms of prayer for the use of Unitarians. 514 l Wilson. Sacra privata. 716 7 ~ 9 Preaching. See Homiletics. Precious metals, Production & consumption of. Jacob. 329 3 See also: Gold, Silver. 102 810 stones. Achard. Bestimmung der Be- standtheile einiger Edelgesteine. 3 14 PREDESTINATION. Bangs. Doctrine of. 41 8 Clark. God s immutable purposes. 139 3 Haskell. Doctrine of. 737 15 Twisse. De modo & ordine. 640 13 Presbyterian church in U. S., Constitut n. 509 3 ordination, Validity of. Chauncy. 131 12 PRESBYTERIANISM. Bath-Kol. 48 2 Carson. Reason for separating, &c. 119 5 . Reply to Brown s vindication. 119 Paget . Defence of. 469 12 Presidents messages, &c. 653 6 4554 13 , 711 14 Priesthood, Book of the. Straiten. 606 ? Primitive Christian worship. Tyler. 641 6 faith, Vindication of the. 392 5 rule of faith, Commonitory concerning. Vincentius. 531 ! Princeton essays, 1st & 2d series. 518 a - 3 Principiarerumnaturalium. Swedenborg. 613 s PRINTING. Stephenson. Invention of. 122 9 Thomas. History of, in America. 626 10 See also: Bibliography, Books. types, Specimen of. Caslon. 120 Prior documents. 15 8 Prisoner s friend, 1849-53. 592 3 PRISONS. Beaumont, fyc. Penitentiary system in the United States. 50 J1 Foulke. Cellular separation. 2289 Gray. Prison discipline in America. 255 l Howe. Separate & congregate systems of prison discipline. 317 10 Prison discipline society . Reports. 518 n Tendency of separation of convicts to pro duce disease & derangement. 326 4 Prize essays on a congress of nations. 18 12 PROBABILITIES. De Morgan. Theory of. 1788 Tupper. P. : an aid to faith. 639 14 Probation, Doctrine of. Pond. 503 l PRODIGIES. Vergil. De prodigiis. 677 * Promissory notes, Law of. Kyd. 353 4 PRONUNCIATION. Baldwin. Pronouncing gazetteer. 40 3 Lippincott s pronouncing gazetteer. 377 * Walker. P. of Greek, Latin, & Scripture proper names. 685 14 PROPHECY. .Beverley. Scripture-line of time. 61 IZ Cambell. Illustrations of. 114 1 * Cheever. Scripture prophecies explained. 131" Faber. Dissertation on prophecies. 213 13 Fleming. Fulfilling of the Script s. 223 2 - 3 Gale. Present period of. 239 l Hensstenberg. Predictions of the Messiah 298 = Hurd. Study of the prophecies concerning the Christian Church. 322 > Kett. Scripture prophecies & their accom plishment. J4o* Newton. Dissertations on the fulfilled prophecies. 453 7-8 Osgood. Views of prophecies. 465 14 Smith, E. Prophecies relative to Anti christ & the last times, &c. 581 6 Smith, G. V. Prophecies relating to Nine veh &, Assyria. 581 9 Smith, J. Discourse of. 582 Whiston. Accomplishment of. 70S 9 Winthrop. Appendix to N. T. 71 8 2 rophets, Lives of the. Dorotheus. 22 3 , 35 PROTESTANT episcopal church in the United States. 4873-4, 519 i2 Journals of General Conventions of. 519 n Chapman. Sermons on the ministry, wor ship, & doctrines of. 127 12 PROTESTANTISM. Baird. Sketches of P. in Italy. 39 s Balmes. Le protestantisme compare au catholicisme. 40 10 Birchbeck. The protestant s evidence. 74 11 Protestant system, The. 519 10 Rait. Vindication of. 526 ! Stillingfteet. Vindication of. 602 14 Thiersch. Ueber Protestanismus und Knie- beugung im Konigreiche Bayern. 625 14 Tzschirner. Protestantismus und Katholi- cismus. 642 4 Ursimis. Co^pvs doctrinae Christianas. 671 12 PROVERBS. Burckhardt. Arabic P. 103 Nunez. Proverbios en romance. 460 4 Proverbes dramatiques. 520 2 - 3 Trench. The lessons in. 637 2 , Book of. See Bible. PROVIDENCE. Price. Dissertation on. 5108 Saint-Pierre. Vindication of. 5568 Swed^nborg. Angelic wisdom ooncerning divine P. 61 2 Providence, R. /., Acc t of. Hopkins. 314 2 PRUSSIA. Entwurf eines allgemeinen Gesetz- buch. 206 15 Carlyle. History of Friedrich II. 1186 Mirabcau. Secret history of the Court of Berlin, &c. 430 l PSALMS and Hymns. Brady Sf Tate. New ver sion of the Psalms. 90 15 Buchanan. Ps. paraphrasis poetica. 100 4 5 Collection of psalms & hymns. 148 1-2 JEHot. Wame ketoohomae uketoohomaon- gash David. 65 5 - 6 Madan. Lock chapel collection of. 396 12 Mant. Metrical version of the Ps. 402 12 Marot 4- Beza. Les Psaumes. 521 5 Montgomery. Christian psalmist. 433 20 Neues Hamburgisches Gesangbuch. 448 12 New England psalm book. 521 3>4 Sidney. Psalmes in verse. 577 4 Sternhold, ^c. Booke of Psalmes. 600 12 - 13 Swenska Psalm Boken. 614 4 INDEX, 811 Tufts. Introduction to the singing of psalm-tunes. 639 10 - 11 Vollstandig Braunschweigisches Gesang- Buch. 6812 Wainwright, fyc. Family psalter, &c. 634 l Watts. Horse lyricae, &c. 695 . Hymns. 695 . Psalms of David. 695 1 8 Willard. Hymns. 710 l9 PSYCHOLOGY. *Aristotcles. Psychologic. 30 8 Brodle. Psychological inquiries. 95 s Cousin. Elements of. 159 4 Dodwell. Distinction between soul & spi rit, &c. 187" Hickok. Rational P. 3038 Priestley. Disquisitions on matter & spirit. 513 2 Ranch. P. including anthropology. 528 6 Schmucker. Psychology. 563 ll See a j so . Instinct, Intellect, Mental philoso phy, Metaphysics, Mind, Philosophy, Pneuma- tology, Soul. Public spirit, Nature of a. Keith, 346 3 wealth. See Wealth of nations. Publishers circular, American. 19 6 Pulmonary diseases. See Consumption. Pulpit eloquence. See Homiletics. of the American revolution. 628 15 and the pew, Cheever. 1328 Pundits, Ordinations of the. 1458 PUNISHMENT. Bentham. Letters on death punishment. 58 2 . Letters to Count Toreno on the penal code of Spanish Cortes. 58 6 . Rationale of reward. 58 14 See also .- Crime and punishment. , Future. See Future punishment. Purchasers of estates, Law of. 609 13 PURITANS, Brief history of the. 522 9 Cooke. Century of puritanism. 153 "-8 Hopkins. The Puritans. 314 l Neal. History of the. 446 , 417 Warburton. Remarks on Weal s hist. 689 10 See also : Congregationalism, Dissenters. Pursuits of literature. Mathiai. 418 l Pyrometer, The. Trcdll. 635 3 Pythagorean philosophy. See Philosophy. Quadrant, Description of Button s. 61 1 16 Quadrature of the circle. Parker. 476 8 QUADRUPEDS. Buffon. Histoire naturelle des quadrupedes ovipares. 102 3 Emmons. Q. of Massachusetts. 413 15 General history of quadrupeds. 243 lfl Lacepcde. Histoire naturelle des quadru pedes ovipares. 354 l Rennie. Natural history of. 533 3 Quakers. See Friends. Quarterly Christian spectator. 523 6 register, American. 17 u review, 1809-62. 523 7 , Foreign, 1827-46. 226 7 QUEBEC. 4218. Adams. Sermon on the re duction of. 5 1 Mayhew. Discourses on reduct n of. 420 1<s Quicklime, Essay on. Anderson. 22 12 Quicksilver. Ferber. Beschreibung des Quick - silber-Bergwerks in Mittel-Crayn. 217 " QUOTATIONS. Buchlerus. Sacrarum profana- rumque phrasivm poeticarum liber. 100 6 Flores pene omnium, qui in theologia, et in philosophia claruerunt. 224 3 Macdonnel. Dictionary of foreign Q. 392 ! Stobaus. Loci commvnes. 604 } Valla. Elegantiarvm libri. 673 3 Ragusa, Travels through. Watkins. 695 1 Railroad jubilee in Boston, 1851. 82? RAILROADS. Smiles. Life of Stephenson. 580 yo Tredgold. Practical treatise on. 636 w Rambler, The. Johnson. 95 - 1 , 336" Reader, The American. 318 Real actions, Law and practice of. 597 H eatate. See Conveyancing, Estates, Mortgage. property, Digest of law of. 164 l REASON. Allen. R. the only oracle of man. 13 4 Chubb. R. with regard to religion & divine revelation. 135 - 10 Kant. Critick of pure R. 344 7 . CritikderpractischenVernunft. 344 8 . Critik der reinen Vernunft. 344 9 Practical system of human R. founded on conceivability. 450 6 Romagnosi. Collezione degli scritti sulla dottrina della ragione. 545 7 Rebellion record, The. 529 13 Recent inquiries in theology. 529 14 Recollections of a life time. Goodrich. 251 9 Record commission, Publications of. 260 2 -263 7 t Pamphlets relating to. 2638-is Re d River, Exploration of the. 649 10 Red sea, Voyage up the, 1777. 327 14 REDEMPTION. Bates. Harmony of the divine attributes in man s R. 47 16 Chubb. Enquiry concerning. 135 ll Edwards. The work of. 199 7 Smith. Discourse on. 583 5 Swain. Redemption, a poem, 611 17 Redwood library & Athenaeum, Newport,R. /., Historical sketch of. King. 349 2 Reflection, Aids to. Coleridge. 147 4 REFORMATION. 60S 7 . Duplessis-Mornay. La reformation en France. 193 7 Grimke. Influence of R. on the science & literature of Protestant nations. 275 > Knox. The R. in Scotland. 351 4 M Crie. Reformation in Italy in 16th cen tury. 391 H Merle d Aubigne. History of the R. of 15th century in Germany, &c. 423 13<w 812 INDEX Planck. Origin & progress of. 497 3 Ranke. History of the. 528 Sleidan. History of, 1517-1562. 579 u Strype. The R. in England. 607 4 Turretin. De necessaria secessione nostra ab ecclesia Romana. 640 10 Villers. Spirit & influence of. 678 Zollikofer. Seven sermons on the. 731 2 See also .- Albigenses, Protestantism, "Walden- ses. Reforms & reformers. Stanton. ^ 596 10 REFRACTION. Bissell. R, tables. 258 13 Griffin. Theory of double R. 274 9 Lubbock. Astronomical refractions. 386 8 REGENERATION. Blanchard. Christian doctrine of. 76 14 Doddridge. Discourses on. 187 8 9 Regimen, Lectures on. Willich. 713 16 Register, American quarterly. 17 J1 , Literary & educational. 458 4 , Massachusetts, 1789-99. 22216 , Parliamentary, 1775-81. 478 RELIGION. 213 , 534 2 Beveridge. Private thoughts upon. 61 9>I Browne. R.eligio medici. 99 1 Burnet. True R. demonstrated. 106 6 Butler, J. Analogy of R. 1097-9 Butler, L. R. no matter of shame. 109 14 Clarke, J. Why a Christian ? 140 9 Clarke, 8. Papers between Leibnitz & Clarke concerning R, 141 3 Chubb. Ground & foundation of. 135 9 Cogswell. Assistant to family R. 146 9 Constant deRebecque. De la religion. 152 19 DeWette. The sceptic s conversion. 181 14 Dick. Connection of science & philoso- ,.. phy with R. 183 5 - 6 . Philosophy of. 183 9 Doddridge. Address on family R. 187* . Rise & progress of R. in the soul. 18710-12 Douglas. Errors regarding. 189 3 . Truths of. 189 4 Fellowes. R. without cant. 216 10 Fichte. Doctrine of. 220 7 Fuller. The holy & profane state. 237 7 Gaslrell. Certainty & necessity of. 242 4 Herder. Werke zur Religion. 300 l Hitchcock, E. R. of geology. 306 " Hitchcock, G. National R. 3073 Hume. Natural history of. 319 13 Lamennais. Essais sur Pindifference en matiere de religion. 357 6>7 . Leigh. Religion &, learning. 368 13 Morell. Philosophy of. 437 6 Morrice. Social R. exemplified. 459 2 Oswald. Appeal to common sense in be half of R. 466 7 Pascal. Thoughts on. 480 J Pike. II. & eternal life. 494 < Powers. Influence of the imagination con tributing to a false hope in. 508 3 Priestley. Examination of Oswald. 513 8 . Institutes of. 514 , 515 . Letters to the philosophers & politi cians of France on R. 512 2 - 3 , 516 3 . Use of reason in. 511 n-i* Ryan. Effects of, on mankind. 553 13 Topsell. The reward of. 633 12 Whitefield. Persuasives to. 705 13 Wollaston. R. of nature. 720 13>14 See also-. Christian religion, Christianity, Conversion, Devotion, Evidences of revealed re ligion, Piety, Revivals, Theology. RELIGIONS. Adams. View of. 6 1>4 Carwilhen. View of the Brahminical re ligion. 119 10 Dictionnaire cultes religieux. 183 14 Evans. Hist, of all Christian sects. 211 13 -i& Genlis. Les monumens religieux. 244 6 Maurice. R. of the world. 418 15 Priestley. Institutions of Moses compared with those of anc t religions. 512 J Ross. View of all religions. 547 8 Wilbcrforce. Practical view of the pre vailing religious systems. 708 10 ~ 12 See also : Christianity, Judaism, Mohamme danism, Mythology.. Religious affections, Treatise on the. 199 15 - 16 contention, Carnality of. 317 2 contentions, Causes & evils of. 724 8 courtship. De Foe. 176 8 exercises recommended. 464 16 ideas, Progress of. Child. 133 9 knowledge, Encyclopedia of. 97 7 liberty. Adams. Discourses on. 4 15 Bunsen. Dangers to R. L. in present state of the world. 103 3 . Stuart. Letter to Channing on. 609 l Whitman. Letters to Stuart. 706 12 . Review of Letters. 706 u . Reply to Review. 706 10 life, Importance of a. Melmoth. 420 14 literature. Alleine. Godly-fear. 13 . Heaven opened. 13 2 Art of patience & balm of Gilead. 32 4 Augustine, St. Meditations. 34 4 Bartol. Christian body & form. 47 3 . Christian spirit & life. 47 4 Baxter. Call to the unconverted. 48 9 . Dying thoughts. 48 13 . Miscellaneous works. 48 16 . A saint or a brute. 48 20 Bickersteth. The Christian student. 73 4 Boston. Characters of true believers. 83 8 Brooks. Daily monitor. 95 12 Bunyan. The pilgrim s progress. 103 4 ~ 6 . Voyage du Chretien. 103 7 Coleridge. Aids to reflection. 147 4 .The friend. 147 I1SDEX. 813 Doolittel. Young man s instructor. 188 14 Evangelical family library. 19 15 Guihrie. Christian s great interest. 278 13 Harris. Covetousness. 287 4 Hervey. Meditations, &c. 302 1 - 2 James. Various works. 330 6 ~ 22 Janeway. Heaven upon earth. 331 6 Livermore. Testimony for the times. 378 6 Nevins. Practical thoughts. 449 J No fiction : a narrative. 456 3 Philip. Various works. 490 3 -4-7-9 Polhil. Armatura Dei. 501 7 Reinhard. Memoirs & confessions. 532 2 Robinson. Essays. 542 12 . Works. 543 J Ron s. Treatises & meditations. 54-8 Rutherford. Religious letters. 553 10 Scott, J. The Christian life. 566 9 ~ 12 Scott, T. Essays on rel. subjects. 557 3 . The force of truth. 567 <& . Letters & papers. 567 6 Sprague. Lectures to young people. 593 15 Spring. Traits of Chr. character. 594 3 - 4 Stanhope. Epistles & Gospels. 595 10 Symonds. Sight & faith. 615 l Taylor. Guide to eternal happiness. 619 3 . Holy living & dying. 619 4 . Selections from works. 619 6 . The worthy communicant. 619 8 Upham. The interior life. 671 5 . Treatise on divine union. 671 8 Venn. Complete duty of man. 676 l ~ Whole duty of man, The. 707 10 Wilson. Sacra privata. 716 7 ~ 9 maxims. Upham. 671 7 opinions, Importance of. Necker. 447 7 philosopher. Nieuwentyt. 455 13 - 14 systems, Prevailing. Wilberforce. 708 10 tradesman, The. 532 6 Remembrancer, The. 15 9 Reminiscences of the French war. 544 6 Rensselaer Co., N.Y., Geological & agricultu ral survey of. Eaton. 196 6 Repentance explained & enforced. 628 13 Repertory of arts, &c., 1794-1810. 533 14 , Index to. 533 15 of patent inventions, &c. 533 16 REPORTS. Appleton. Cases in supreme cour of Maine, 1841. 399 Bemis. Trial of Prof. Webster for murder of Dr. Parkman. 56 4 Bosanquet. Cases in common pleas & ex chequer, 1796-99. 81 3 Cranch. Cases in the supreme court of the United States, 1801-15. 161 4 Dallas. Cases in the courts of Penn. 167 12 Day. Cases in supreme court of Ct. 175 9 Fairfield. Cases in the supreme court of Maine, 1833-35. 399 Foster. R. of Crown cases. 228 7 Greenleaf. Cases in the supreme court of Maine, 1820-32. 272*, 399 1 Hobart. Reports. 307 ^ Holt. Reports, 1688-1710. 310 Howard. Dred Scott vs Sandford. 3168 Peters. Cases in supreme court of the U. S., 1828-35. 653 3 Pickering. Cases in supreme court of Mas sachusetts, 1822-39. 412 2 Ploivden. Cases in exchequer, king s bench, &L common pleas. 499 G Robinson. Admiralty reports. 542 6 Shepley. Cases in the supreme court of Maine, 1836-41, 1811-45. 399 Strange. Cases in chancery, king s bench, exchequer, & common pleas. 606 6 Tyn$. Cases in sup. court of Mass. 412 2 IVheaton. Cases in supreme court of U.S., 1816-27. 742 Williams, E. Cases in supreme court of Mass., 1804-05. 412 2 William?, T. W. Abridgment of cases. 713 5 Williams, W. P. Cases in chancery and king s bench. 713 7 Yelmrton. Reports. 728 12 Repository, The, 1788. 534 of history, politics, &c. 449 4 REPTILIA. Lacepede. Histoire naturelle des serpens. 354 l Storer. Herpctology of Mass. 605 3 . Reptiles of Mass. 413 9 Republic, Dutch. See Netherlands. , The happy. More. 436 1-" REPUBLICANISM. Austin. Constitutional R. in opposition to fallacious federalism. 34 7 Machiavelli. De republica. 392 10 Montagu. Reflections on the rise & fall of the anc t republicks. 433 9 Resolves, divine, moral, &c. Felltham. 216 12 Respiration subservient to nutrition. 368 15 Responsibility, Limitations of human. 696 4 Restoration, Universal. Winchester. 716 12 RESURRECTION. Belknap. Dissertation on the R. of Jesus Christ. 54 Burnet. De statu resurgentium. 106 5 Dillon. Discourse concerning the R. of Jesus Christ. 186 3 - 4 Homes. The R. revealed. 312 7 Priestley. Evidence of R. of Jesus. 513 7 Sherlock. Trial of the witnesses of the R. of Jesus. 574 * 4 West. History & evidences of the R. of Jesus Christ. 700 * Retribution, Doctrine of. Noyes. 459 10 Retrospect of the 18th century. Miller. 47* REVELATION. Baker, Usefulness &. necessi ty of. 531 2 Ellis. Knowledge of divine things from R. not from reason or nature. 203 9 Erskine. Freeness of the Gospel. 208 n See aLto: Bible, Evidences, &c. 814 I.NDEX. of St. John. See Bible. Revenue. Ganilh. Revenu public des peuples de 1 antiquite, du moyen age, etc. 240 s Reversionary payments, Observations on. 510 12 REVIEWS. See Periodicals. REVIVALS of religion. Gannett. Good & evil of. 240 13 Spragtte. Lectures^on. 593 14 REVOLUTIONS. Blanc deVolx. Causes des revolutions et de leurs effets. 76 13 Volney. Meditations sur les revolutions des empires. 681 3 Reward, Rationale of. Beniham. 58 14 Rhetores Graeci. Walz. 688 9 RHETORIC. Adams. Lectures on. 7 5 AristoteUs. Rhetoric. 30 9 Austin. Chirononiia. 31 8 Blair. Lectures on, 76 Campbell Philosophy of. 115 12 Charming. Lectures on. 126 2 Cicero. Opera rhetorica. 137 lt5 Irving, Elements of English composition. 327 He.rmogems. Ars rhetorica. 300 10 tlolmes. Art of R. made easy. 310 9 Jamieson. Grammar of. 331 4 Newman. System of. 4-52 b> Porter. Analysis of the principles of rhe torical delivery. 504 , 505 1 Schasfer. Meletemata critica in Dionysii artem rhetoricam. 561 7 Talxus. Troposchematologia. 616 s Thorn. Tvllivs, sev P/jT^g. 628 9 Whately. Elements of. 701 is-is See also: Belles lettres, Criticism, Elocution, Eloquence, Language, Oratory, Sublime, Taste, Words. Rhine, Sketches of the. Headley. 294 Rhode Island. Jackson. Geological & agri cultural survey of. 535 8 See also .- Providence. RICHES. Considerations sur les richesses et leluxe. 15214 Mirabeau. Source, progress, &c. of. 430 a Rights of princes to dispose of benefices, &c. Burnet. 105 15 Rocks, Testimony of the. Miller. 429 See also: Geology, Mineralogy. Rocky mountains, U. S. exploring expeditions to. Fremont. 650 7-8 Roi des montaignes, Le. About. 2 14 Romaic grammar. Sophocles. 588 12 ROMAN catholic church. 153 14 - 15 , 154 4 - 17 , 1551-s-i 2 , 284 2 , 477 ! f Ames. Bellarminus enervatus. 20 7 -8 . Fresh svit against human ceremonies in God s worship. 20 n Beecher. Papal conspiracy exposed. 53 l Benson. Essay on the Man of Sin. 57 10 Berkley. Works, vol. 3. 60 3 Bossuet. Exposition de la doctrine de P eglise catholique. 81 9 Crakanthorp. Defence of Constantine. 161 1 Derby. The catholic. 180 3 Fuller. Rome self-convicted. 237 1S Heures antiques. Romish breviary. 545 9 Hurd. Prophecies concerning the. 322 1>2 Laud. Conference with Fisher. 362 19 - . Answer to Laud. 363 l Missale RomanvmPiiV. iussu editum. 430 4 Morton. Appeale for protestants. 441 14 Roman-catholic prayer book, French. 545 11 Steele. State of the Roman-Catholick re ligion throughout the world. 598 8 Stillingfleet. Idolatry in the. 602 9 - 13 -! 4 Szegedinus. Summa doctrinae. 6158 Thiersch. Vorlesungen fiber Katholicismus und Protestantismus. 625 15 Tyler. Primitive Christian worship. 641 6 Usher. Answer to a lesuite. 672 l Welschc. Reply to Browne. 699 3 WShitaker. Disputatio de Sacra Scriptura contra papistas. 704 3 See also: Celibacy, Councils, Inquisition, Jesu its, Monastic orders, Papacy, Popery, Popes. Romances. See Novels. ROMANIC languages. Diez. Etymologisches Wdrterbuch der Rom. Sprachen. 181 5 - . Grammatik der Rom. Sprachen. 184 6 Romantic, Application of the epithet. 228 5 ROME. Adam. Roman antiquities. 4 11 Ammianus. Roman historic. 21 6 Arnold. History of the later Roman com monwealth, &c. 31 7 - . History of. 31 9 Bankes. Civil & constitu nal h ; st. of. 41 10 Becker. Roman scenes of the time of Au gustus. 52 6 Bever. Legal polity of. 61 7 Blair. State of slavery amongst the Ro mans. 76 7 Bunsen. Hippolytus & his age. 103 l Ctesar. De bello Gallico et de bello civili. Calrou 8f Rouillz. Roman history. 121 11 Cooks. Medallic hist, of imperial R. 153 12 Crevier. Roman history. 16 1 14 D Arnay. Private life of the Romans. 171 2 Dempster. Antiqvitatvm corpvs. 178 17 De Quincey. The Csesars. 179 u DioCassim. Rerum Rom. libri. 185 5 Donatus. Roma vetvs ac recens. 188 10 Eliot. Liberty of. 202 Eutropius. Breviarium Rom. hist. 21 1 5 - 6 Ferguson. Progress & termination of the Roman Republic. 21 8 14 Ferrerio. Palazzi di Roma. 220 l Florus. Epitome Rom. rerum. 224 8 - 9 815 Gell. Topography of. 243 2 Gerrard. Siglarium Romanum. 226 ! Gibbon. Decline & fall of the Roman Em pire. 246 56 GM smith. Roman history. 251 2 Kenmtt. Antiquities of. 347 2 Kip. Catacombs of. 349 u Liddsll. History of. 375 3 Livius. Histoire Romaine. 378 1& . History of Rome. 378 1G . Historiarum libri. 379 * 4 Lucanus. De bello civili. 38G 10 . Guerres civiles de Cesar et de Pom- pee. 386" . Pharsalia. 386 . Pharsalia, translated. 386 13 Mably. Observ s sur les Remains. 390 s . Observations on the Romans. 390 7 Maison. C. Plinii Secundi, jun. vita. 516 12 Merivale. History of the Romans under the Empire. 423 u Montesquieu. Grandeur et decadence des Remains. 433 13 - 4 Nepos. Vitse imperatorum. 448 5 - 6 Newman. Regal Rome. 452 2 Niebuhr. History of. 455 1 Orationes ex historicis Latinis. 151 2 Paierculw. Historia Romana. 480 9 - 10 Retools. Instruction sur 1 histoire Romaine. 52514 Reusner. Symbolorvm imperatorvm clas ses. 5347 Rosini. Antiqvitatvm Romanarvm corpvs absolvtissimvm. 517 7 Russell. Roman emperors. 552 , 553 J SMustius. Histoire de Rome. 557 6 . Opera omnia. 557 7 Savigny. GeschichtedesrOmischenRechts im Mittelalter. 560 12 . System des heutigen romischen Rechts. 560 13 Schott. Antiquitatum electa. 565 Schwenck. Die Mythol. der Romer. 566 2 Smith. Dictionary of antiquities. 584 2 . Dictionary of Greek & Roman biog raphy & mythology. 584 3 . Dictionary of geography. 58 1 4 Suetonius Tranquillus. Opera. 609 8<9>12 . Histoire de douze Cesars. 609 10 . Lives of the twelve Cresars. 609 J1 Tacitus. Annales. 615 u .Histories. 615 2 .Opera. 615 1 3 ^ .Works. 616 2 -4 Vertot d Aubceuf. Revolutions de la repub- lique Romaine. 677 12 Waldie. R. in 19th century. 684 7 Wilcocks. Roman conversations. 708 13 Roxburgh, Agriculture of. Douglass. 189 5 Ruaic mythology, System of. 401 3 Ruptures, Treatise on. Pott. 507 7 Rural economy of England, Scotland, & Ire land. Lavzrgn?.. 363 8 philosophy. Bates. 47 Socrates, The. Vallum. 675 <* walks, in dialogues. 581 4 RUSSIA. Anecdotes de la Russe. 24 7 Catherine II. Instruction pour le projet d un nouveau code des loix. 121 5>6 Chantreau. Travels in, 1788-9. 127 9 Clarke. Travels in. 139 3 Coxe. Russian discoveries, &c. 160 7 . Travels into. 160 9 Decouvertes faites dans la Russie. 305 !1 Karamsin. Histoire de 1 empire. 344 13 La Marche. Russes anecdotes. 356 6 Mawn. Secret memoirs of. 553 8 Pallas. Reise durch verschiedene Provin- zen des russischen Reichs. 473 6 . Voyages dans la Russie. 473 7 Porter. Travelling sketches, 1805-8. 506 Sears. Illustrated description of. 568 8 Segur. JN"apoleon s expedition to. 569 J2 Stephens. Incidents of travel in. 600 4 Tooke. History of. 633 8 . Life of Catherine II. 6339-i [Villoughby. Voyages to. 714 14 RUSSIAN empire. Pleschsef. Survey of. 498 10 Tooke. View of R. E. during the reign of Catherine II. 633" Rutland, Agriculture of. Parkinson. 477 9 SABBATH. Belknap. Institution & observance of the. 54 12 See also: Lord s day. Sabbath-school teacher, The. Todd. 632 J Saco, History of. Folsom. 225 l Sacra privata. Wilson. 716 7 ~ 9 Sacramental directory. Willison. 714 10 meditations. Willison. 714 " SACRAMENTS. Baxter. Right to. 48 10 Whately. Scripture doctrine of. 701 16 See a ao: Baptism, Lord s supper. Sacred & legendary art. Jameson. 331 2 literature, Chron l succession of. ]39 b Saga, Frithiofs. Tegner. 6208 ST. DOMINGO. Bar re de Saint- Venant. Des colonies modernes. 44 20 Colonies Francoises de St. D. 232 15 D 1. Considerations sur 1 etatdelacolo- nie Francaise de St. D., 1788. 167 Desportes. Histoire des maladies de S. Do- mingue. 181 8 Dutrone de la Couture. Habitations & sur 1 etatde St. D. 194 4 Edwards. French colony in. 198 12 Francois de Neufchateau. La disette du numeraire a St. D. 736 10 Laborie. Coffee planter of. 353 Lafosse. Avis aux habitant de. 355 1S 816 INDEX Moreau de Saint-Mery. Histoire de. 437 J . Spanish part of. 437 2 Proces-Verbaux des seances, etc. de 1 As semble Coloniale. 555 n Stanilaus. Voyage to, 1783-90. 5964 St. Michael, Island of, Geological structure of. Webster. C97 * Saints everlasting rest. Baxter. 49 * Saints, Lives of the. Butler. 109 2 SALEM. Bentley. History of. 59 3 Fisk. Controversy with 1st Church. 222 4 Athenaeum, Catalogue of the library of the. 5573^4 SALTPETRE. 157 6, 557 9 -i, 578 6 , 7318 Pfingsten. Nachrichten, etc. 489 3 Stahl. Schriften von der Nature, &c. 595 7 Weber. Abhandlung von dem S. 696 " . Nachrichten, etc. 696 13 SALVATION. Chauncey. S. for all men a Scripture doctrine. 131 8 Doddrid^e. Scripture doctrine of. 187 8 - 9 Ferri. Salutis nostrae methodus. 736 3 Edwards. S. for all men strictly examined. 200 > Reply to Chauncey s " Salvation," &c. 735 u Walker. Philosophy of plan of. 685 8 See also: Universalism. Samaritans, Account of the. 557 12 Samson agonistes. Milton. 428 17>1 8 Sandstone, Old red. Miller. 426 12 Sandwich islands. Bingham. 21 years in. 74 * See a, so Hawaii. Sanskrit language, Introduction to the grammar of the. Wilson. 715 1 See also: Philology. Saracens, History of the. Ockley. 461 10 Saratoga, Mineral waters of. 568 6 SATIRE. Juvenalis. Satire. 343 6 ~ 10 . Traduction des satires. 487 n Persius Flaccus. Satirae. 487 6 ~ 10 . Traduction des satires. 487 n Rabener. Satiren. 525 7 Regnier. Les satires. 531 7 Saturday evening. Taylor. 618 1G Saxon chronicle, with English transl. 326 2 Saxony. Leske. Reise durch Sachsen. 371 10 Scandinavia, ancient & modern. 162 2 SCANDINAVIAN language & literature. 325 4 Dieterich. Runen-Sprach-Shatz. 184 4 Tegner. Frithiof 7 s Saga. 620 8 Scarborough, History of. Southgate. 590 5 Schisme, Of. Hammond. 284 2 Scholar, Nature & vocation of the. 220 7 School & the schoolmaster. 507 8 SCIENCE. Babbage. Decline of science in England. 36 J Bailly. Lettres sur 1 origine des sciences, etc. 394 Brougham. Lives of men of science in the time of Geo. 111. 96 "-i 8 . Objects, advantages, &c. of. 96 13 Da Morgan. Element, education in. 178 6 Dick. The Christian philosopher. 183 6 - e Grimke. Character & objects of. 275 l Martin. Philosophia Britannica. 406 14 . Young gentleman s & lady s philoso phy. 407 1 Playfair. Progress of mathematical & physical science. 4988 Wiseman. Connection between S. & re vealed religion. 719 8 See a so : Inductive sciences, Mathematics, Natural history, Natural philosophy, Periodi cals, Physical sciences, Transactions. , National institute for. 446 9 Sciences, Engl. dictionary of. Harris. 286 15 Scientific discovery, Annual of. 698 14 Scilly, Islands of, Acc t of. Heath. 295 SCOTLAND. 566 6 . Acts of the parliaments of, 1424-1707. 260 2 Anderson. Observations, &c. 22 13 Beattie. Scotland illustrated. 50 e Child. Scottish ballads. 133 6 Dalrymple. Annals of, 1057-1371. 1681 Documents, &c. illustrating hist y of. 260 12 Essays on the agriculture of. 566 7 Faujas de Saint-Fond. Travels in. 215 14 Knox. The Reformation in. 351 4 Law. Council of Trade in. 363 2 Lives of Scottish poets. 378 McLellan. Residence in. 395 10 Macpherson. Rebellion of, 1745. 396 2 Maitland. Letters to the Peers of. 400 3 Miller. Fossiliferous deposits of. 426 8 . Scenes & legends of. 426 13 Pennant. Tours in, 1769, 1771. 485 9 Registrvm magni sigilli regvm Suotorvmin archivis pvblicis asservata. 262* Ritson. Annals of the Caledonians, Picts, & Scots; &c. 53812 Robertson. History of. 541 1J 542 2 Rotuli Scotiae in turri Londinensi. 262 13 Wilson, D. Archaeology & prehistoric an nals of. 715 9 Wilson, J. Lights & shadows of Scottish life. 715 See also . Arran, Hebrides. , Church of. See Church of Scotland. Scriptures. See Bible. SCULPTURE. 700 15 . Lenoir. Monumensde sculpture reunis au Musee des Monu- mens Fran9ais. 370 8 SEA. Allen. Accounts of shipwreck & dis asters at sea. 13 13 Autran. Les poemes de la mer. 35 4 Maillet. Entretiens sur la diminution de la mer. 397 J2 Maury. Physical geography of the. 419 3 Selden. Right & dominion of the. 569 14 Shipwrecks & disasters at sea. 575 l * INDEX. 817 Vaughan. Narrative of Woodard. 676 2 Sea-serpent, Report on the. 377 l Sea-water, Medicinal use of. 552 7 Sea-weeds. See Algae. SECTS. Aydelott. Benefits of denominational division. 35 8 Evans. History of all Christian S. 211 13 ~ 15 Selbourne, Natural history of. VWiite. 704 12 Self-culture, Address on. Charming. 126 16 Self-knowledge. Mason. 408 n - 12 Selkirk, Agriculture of. Douglass. 189 5 Semi tic languages. Conybeare. General gram matical principles of the. 153 5 Senses, Physical essay on the. 365 6 Sentences. Lombard. Sent rum libri. 739 9 SERMONS, Collections. 19 s , 570 15 - 16 Abbot. Sermons. 2 3 Abernethy. Discourses on the being & natu ral perfections of God. 2 13 Alford. Quebec chapel sermons. 12 10 Alison. Sermons on occasions. 12 13 Atterbury. Sermons & discourses. 33 n Austin. Seven sermons on baptism. 34 10 Ball. Sermons. 40 6 Barker. Sermons. 43 7 Beecher. Sermons on intemperance. 53 4 Bennet. Discourses on 2 Tim. in. 16. 56 n Blackall. Boyle-lecture sermons. 75 6 Blair. Sermons. 76 3 ~ 5 Bossuet. Recueildesoraisonsfunebres. 81 12 Boyle-lecture sermons, 1691-1732. 89 s Buckminster. Sermons. 101 10 - u Butler, J. Sermons at Roll s chapel. 109 12 . Sermons on public occasions. 109 13 Butle.r, L. Boyle-lecture sermons. 109 14 Charnock. Discourses. 129 6-7 Chauncy. Sermons on Lord s Supper. 130 9 Clarke. Discourses to young persons. 140 12 Codman. S. on various occasions. 145 15 Cogswell. Select discourses. 146 7 -8 Collier. Several discourses. 148 7 Crisp. Christ alone exalted. 162 5 Daille. Melange de sermons. 167 8 . Sermons sur 1 Epistre de S. Paul aux Colossiens. 167 9 Davies. Sermons. 173 10 Doddridge. Discourses on the power &- grace of Christ, &c. 187 14 . Discourses on regeneration. 187 8<9 . Sermons to young persons. 187 13 Douglass. Sacramental sermons. 187 6 - 7 Duche. Discourses on various subjects. 191 3 Dwight. Sermons. 195 6 ~s Eliot. Twenty sermons. 201 6 Erskine, E. Collection of sermons. 208 e Erskine, R. Collection of sermons. 208 8 Evans. Practical discourses. 211 11 . Sermons to young people. 21 1 12 Fiddes. Practical discourses. 220 Fiske. Twenty-two sermons. 222 7 103 Forbes. Family book. 225 Fordyce. Addresses to young men. 226 4 Freeman. Occasional sermons. 235 12 Gallaudet. Discourses in Paris. 239 n - 12 Gough. Sermons. 253 2 Green. College discourses. 271 1 Griffin. Park-street lectures. 274 3 ~ 5 Halyburton. S. on Lord s Supper. 282 15 - 16 Hartley. Sermons. 289 5 Heber. Sermons in India. 295 8 Homilies of Church of England. 123 3 Humphrey. Miscellan s discourses. 320 2 Hunt. Sermons on public occasions. 320 5 Irving. Four orations. 327 2 Jay. Sermons. 332 u Jenkins. Sermons. 333 ls Knox. Sermons. 351 > Lathrop. Sermons. 362 1-* . Doctrines & duties of the Christian religion. 362 7 Latimer. Select sermons. 362 10 . Sermons, preached 1649-53. 362 " Leechman. Sermons. 367 6 Le Maitre. Recueil de sermons. 369 9 Lowell. Sermons. 385 16 Martyn. Sermons. 407 12 Mason. Fifty-two discourses. 408 10 Massillon. Charges. 416 7 . Sermons. 416 9 Mayhew. Sermons. 420 7 Morehead. Discourses on the principles of human belief. 437 3 Morris. Sermons. 439 6 Muir. Six sermons. 443 4 Newcome. Explan. of Ch. catechism. 451 12 Newton. Disc s on Handel s Messiah. 453 4 Orion. Discourses to the aged. 464 12 . Relig. exercises recommended. 464 16 Owen. Seventeen sermons. 467 15 Payson. Sermons. 482 1<2 Peebles. S. on various subjects. 484 7 Peet. Memoir with sermons. 741 4 Pemberton. Sermons & discourses. 484 16 Pond. Short missionary discourses. 503 2 Porteus. S. on several subjects. 5C6 5 Preston. The saint s qualification. 509 1G Price. S. on various subjects. 511 2 Priestley. Discourses. 512 7 , 513 * . Selected sermons. 517 l Protestant system, The. 519 10 Ringer. Twelve discourses. 538 3 Rogers. Five sermons. 544 3 Sanderson. Twelve sermons. 558 u . XXXVI. sermons. 558 Saurin. Sermons. 559 13 Schauffler. Last days of Christ. 561 "> Scott. Sermons & discourses. 566 12 Seeker. Eight charges. 568 13 Seed. Discourses &. sermons. . 569 a Segneri. Quaresimale. 569 9 818 3 D E X . Shepard. S. on Math. 25: 1-13. 574 5 Sherlock. Discourses at Temple Ch. 574 13 Smith, H. Sermons. 531 1- 1;} Smith, J. S. on Romans iv. 11, 12. 583 3 South. Discourses. 589 7 Sterne. Sermons of Mr. Yorick. 600 u Stillingjleet. Sermons. 60S 9 604 * Stone. Sermons on war. 604 13 Sullivan. S. on Christ n communion. 610 13 Swift. Sermons. 614 7>8 Tappan. S. on important subjects. 617 14 Tayler. Sermons. 61 8 9 Taylor, J. Discourses. 619 2 Taylor, N. W. Practical sermons. 619 14 Thomas, Bp. Sermons & charges. 627 l Thomson. Sermons, &c. 627 13 Thornton. Pulpit of the American revolu tion-. 628 15 Tillotson. Works, containing 454 S. 630 14 Walker. Sermons. 686 2 Waterland. Sermons. 694 6 Wayland. Occasional discourses. 696 6 Weed. Sermons. 697 w Wesley. Sermons. 700 l White. Sermons preached before the Univ. of Oxford, 1784. 705 2 - 3 Whitefield. Collection of sermons. 247 5 . Eight sermons. 705 6 . Eighteen sermons. 705 7 Willison. Sacramental sermons. 714 9 Wishart. S. on the Lord s Supper. 719 9 Worcester. S. on various subjects. 725 l Zollikofer. S. on education. 731 3 . S. on the Reformation. 731 2 . Artillery-election sermons. Shute. 576 5 1810. Lowell. 3851 1814. Gary. 119 12 1816. Deane. 175 1817. Sanders. 558 8 1818. Colman. 14814 1847. Lunt. 388 6 1767. 1773. Howard. 310 1 7 1795. Kirkland. 350* 1803. Morse. 440 7 1807. Baldwin. 39 " 1808. Woods. 722H 1809. Foster. 227 1 2 . Massachusetts-election sermons. 1731. Fisk. 222 3 1774. Hitchcock. 307 2 1753. Cotton. 158 9 1776. VFes/. 700 s * 1754. Mayhew. 420 2 1780. Howard. 316 14 1756. Cooper. 156 10 1782. ^rfams. 7 13 1757. Pewioerton.4841 7 1783. Cummings.165^ 1758. Frink. 237 1 1784. Hemmenway. 1759. Parsons. 478 1 2 297 > 1762. WMams. 71 P 1785. Symmes. 614 1 1763. Barnard. 44 9 1786. We*. 700 3 1765. .EJioZ. 201 2 1787. Lyman. 389 * 1766. Barnard. 44 4 1789. bridge. 92 1 3 1767. iJrid-e. 92 2 1790. Foster. 7368 1769. Haven. 292 14 1792. Tappan. 617 9 1770. Coo&e. 153 10 1793. Parker. 477 3 1771. Tucfcer. 639 J 1794. Dan. 17513 1773. Turner. 640 ^ 1300. 393 13 1805. ^ZZyn. 14 15 1806. Baldwin. 40 2 1808. 4Hen. 13 12 1810. Parish. 475 7 1811. Thacher. 623 5 1812. Foster. 227 s . Connecticut-election sermons. 1783. Stiles. 602 -7 1813. Lee. 366 " 1813. ^IHen. 14 1814. Appleton. 26" 1815. FZini. 223 1 6 1816. Kirkland. 350 7 1817. Sne. 585 1 4 - . A T etw Hampshire-election sermons. 1785. Belknap. 54 1816. Dickinson. 183 13 1790. Og-den. 462 3 1818. ^4Men. 14 6 1814. H0& 310 1G - . .FasZ sermons. Adams. At Roxbury, Dec. 3, 1767. 4 14 - . At Roxbury, Oct. 26, 1769. 5i - . At Roxbury, April 6, 1769. 4 14 Anderson. Mass., April 8, 1802. 23 1 Apthorp. General Fast, Dec. 13, 1776. 27 14 Austin. National Fast, Aug. 20, 1812. 34 9 - . Worcester, July 23, 1812. 34 u Barnard. Salem, March 31, 1796. 44 1 3 Belknap. National Fast, May 9, 1798. 54 9 Brown. State Fast, July 23, 1812. 97 4 Burr. Newark, Jan. 1, 1755. 107 1 Burnet. England, Dec. 22, 1680. 105 1 7 Gary. National Fast, Sept. 9, 1813. 119 1 4 Charming. Boston, April 5, 1805. 126 10 - . National Fast, Aug. 12, 1812. 126 l2 Colman. National Fast, Aug. 20, 1812. 148 Emmons. Mass., April 9, 1801. 205 1 - . National Fast, May 9, 1798. 205 3 Gardiner. Boston, April 7, 1808. 241 - . Boston, April 6, 1810. 241 7 - . Boston, April 9, 1812. 2418 Harris. National Fast, May 9, 1798. 288 5 Henderson. England, May 28, 1645. 296 1 Holmes. National Fast, April 25, l ^9. 310 3 Lathrop, John. Mass., July 23, 1812. 361 a - . National Fast, Aug. 20, 1812. 361 2 Lathrop, Joseph. Gen l Fast, May 4, 1797. 361 1 4 Morse. National Fast, April 25, 1799. 440 t3 - . National Fast, July 23, 1812. 4408 Murray. Newburyport, Nov. 4, 1779. 445 4 Noyes. Needham, April 6, 1809. 459 ^ Parish. Byfield, April 7, 1808. 475 1 2 - . Byfield, April 7, 1814. 4758 - . Byfield, April 8, 1818. 475 9 Pearson. Harvard, April 6, 1848. 483 1 4 Prentiss. Gen l Fast, Aug. 29, 1815. 509 2 Priestley. England, April 9, 1793. 514 5 - . England, Feb. 28, 1794. 516 12 Spring. Newburyport, April 6, 1809. 594 9 Tappan. Mass., April 11, 1793. 617 10 Tenison. H. of Com ns, June 5, 1689. 621 3 Thacher. Mass., April 9, 1812. 623 4 Waterman. Mass., April 5, 1804. 694 9 Webster. Mass., July 14, 1774. 697 Whitney. Quincy, July 23, 1812. 707 3 INDEX. 819 . Funeral sermons. On Abbott, S., Esq. by L. Woods. 7238 " Amory, T. C. by J. S. J. Gardiner. 241 " " Badlam, Gen. S. by J. Codman. 145 " Barnard, F. by T. Strong. GOT 1 " Belcher, Gov. J. by A. Burr. 107 2 " Bowdoin, Gov. J. by P. Thacher. 6228 77 Bowdoin, Hon. J. by T. M. Harris. 2888 " Bowdoin, Mad. E. by W. Emerson. 204 20 77 Bromfield, E. by T. Prince. 517 14 ;7 Buckminster, J. 7 D.D. by N.Parker. 47G 11 " Byfield, Mrs. S. by C. Chauncy. 131 3 " Games, Mrs. Ann by T. C. Thacher. 623 7 " Gary, R., Esq. by J. Morse. 441 2 " Gary, T. by J. Andrews. 23 " 77 Chalmers, T. by W. B. Sprague. 593" " Channing, W. E. by E. S. Gannett. 240" " Chickering, Rev. J. by T. Thacher. 623 2 Church, Mrs. T. by L. Woods. 723 2 7 Clarke, John, D.D. by P. Thacher. 622 9 Cooper, Rev. S. by J. Clarke. 140" Cranch, Hon. L by P.Whitney. 707 4 Davis, Hon. J. by E. S. Gannett. 240 15 Dearborn, Mrs. S. B. by T. M. Harris. 288 9 Dexter, Hon. S. by S. Kendal. 346 13 Dudley, Lucy by A. Adams. 4 13 Dummer, Lt.- Gov. W. by M. Byles. 1113 Dunster, Rev. I. by J. Mellen. 421 w Eliot, Rev. John by John Lathrop. 360 19 Emerson, Rev.W. by J. S, Buckminster. 1018 Flint, Mrs. S. by J. Flint. 223 Flynt, H. by N. Appleton. 27 5 Foster, Hon. J. by N. Fiske. 222 5 Gay, Mrs. M. by J. Lathrop. 361" George II. by J. Mayhew. 419 12 Gill, Mrs. H. by J. Richardson. 537 2 "Gill, Madam R. by P. Thacher. 622 10 Gill, Mrs. S. by J. Hunt. 320 7 Gorham, Hon. JN. by P. Thacher. 622 " Gray, E. by C. Chauncy. 130 10 Greenwood, Rev. F. W. P. by N. L. Froth- ingham. 2728 Hamilton, Gen. A. by E. JNfott. 458 Hancock, Gov. J. by P. Thacher. 622 13 Hancock, Rev. J. by N. Appleton. 27 7 Higginson, T. by J. S. J. Gardiner. 241 " Hubbard, S. by S. Aiken. 9 )3 Huntington,#eu.J. by S.E.Dwight. 194 10 Kirkland, J. T., D.D. by A. Young. 742 9 Lathrop, Mrs. E. by J. Lathrop. 360 9 Lathrop, J., F. Parkman. 477 10 McKean, J. by N. L. Frothingham. 237 3 McKeen, Joseph, D.D. by W.Jenks. 393" Moody, Benj. by D. Dana. 168 " Orne, Hon. A. by E. Hubbard. 317 15 Paine, Hon. C. by E. S. Gannett. 240 ^ Paine, Rev. J. by P. Thacher. 622 13 Parker, T. by F. H. Newhall. 451 Parsons, Rev. M. by D. Tappan. 617* Peabody, E., J. Weiss. 698 6 Pepperell, Sir W. by B. Stevens. 601 9 Phillips, Madame P. by E.Pearson. 473 10 Phillips, Lt.- Gov. S __ by A. Bancroft. 40 12 -- , by D. Tappan. 617 Price, R., J. Priestley. 512 Robinson, Rev. R. by J. Priestley. 514 " Roby, Rev. J. by D. Osgood. 465 6 Russell, Mrs. M. by J. Morse. 440 9 Russell, Hon. T. by J. Morse. 440 5 -- , by P. Thacher. 622 " Sewall, J., C. Chauncy. 130 " Smith, Rev. J. by N. Lord. 383 12 Smith, Rev. Th. by S. Deane. 175 " Southgate, F. by J. Appleton. 26 10 Stoddard, Rev. S. by W. Williams. 713 6 Sullivan, Gov. J. by J. S. Buckminster. 101 9 Sumner, Gov. I. by A. Holmes. 310 5 -- , by E. Porter. 505 u -- , by P. Thacher. 622 Tappan, D., A. Holmes. 617" Temple, Lady E. by J. S. J. Gardiner. 241* Thacher, Rev. T. by S. Palmer. 473 Thayer, C by C. Chauncy. 130 1 2 Trumbull, Gov. J. by Z. Ely. 203" Tufts, Hon. C., M.D. by J. Norton. 458 1 Ware, H., J. G. Palfrey. 472 "> Ware, H.Jwn., C. Bobbins. 539 " Warren, J., M.D. by J. McKean. 393 7 Washington, George by T. Alden. 11 "> -, by T. Barnard, D.D. 44 13 - , by J. Buckminster. 101 5 - , by D. Dana. 169 l - , by T. M. Harris. 287 12 - , by S. Moody. 435 J -- , by W. Morison. 4387 -, by D. Osgood. 465 5 -, by D. Tappan. 6178 -- , by P. Thacher. 622 1 Webber, Pres. S. by H. Ware. 690 Webster, D. by ]N. Adams. 7 11 West, Rev. S. by J. Lathrop. 360 13 White, Rev. J. by A. Lamson. 357 12 Wigglesworth, E. by N. Appleton. 27 6 Wilkins, J., Bp. by Bp. Lloyd. 709 8 Willard, Pres. J. by A. Holmes. 310 4, 710 3 -- , by E. Pearson. 483 7 Willard, Hon. J. by T. Prince. 517 -- , by J. Sewall. 571 ^ Wilmot, J ., Earl, #c. by S. Parsons. 478 " Wood, Mrs. B. by H. Packard. 469 8 Worcester, S., D.D. by E. Cornelius, 157 5 - . Ordination sermons. Allen. At ordination of B.Thurston. 13 7 Appleton, J. At ordin. of E. Merrill. 26 17 - . At ordination of A. Rand. 26 12 - . At ordination of B. Tappan. 26 15 Appleton, N. At ordin. of J. Sparhawk. 27 9 Backus. At ordin. of J. Russell. 36 13 820 lA DEX. Beecher. At Inst. of B. Tyler. 53 3 . At ordin. of S. E. Dwight ; &c. 53 2 Buckminstcr. At ordination of J. S. Buck- minster. 101 3 Channing. At ordin. of J. E. Abbot. 126 19 . At ordination of J. Sparks. 126 17 . At ordination of J. Codman. 126 J 8 Chauncy. At ordin. of J. Bowman. 130 6 . At ordination of S. Howard. 131 Codman. At ordin. of L. Withington. 145 13 Colman. At ordination of D. Kimball. 148 20 Cooper. At ordination of J.Jackson. 156 n Dwight. At ordination of E. Pearson. 195 5 Eliot. At ordination of J. McKean. 201 19 Ely. At ordination of E. S. Ely. 203 15 Flint, Jacob. At ordin. of J. Bates. 223 12 . At ordination of James Flint. 223 13 Flint, James. At ord. of N. Whitman. 223 8 Foster. At ordination of S. Veazie. 227 13 Harris. At ordination of J. Pierce. 288 6 . At ordination of E. Pratt. 287 7 Billiard. At ordination of J Andrews. 305 * Howard. At ordin. of T. Adams. 316 8 McKean. At ordination of N. L. Frothing- ham. 393 9 . At ordination of J. B.Wight. 393 6 Lathrop. At ordination of S. Bemis. 361 16 Lord. At ordin. of J. Huntington. 383 5 Morse. At ordin. of J. Huntington. 440 12 Pearson. At ordination of E. Abbot. 483 n Priestley. At ordination of W. Field. 517 6 Rand. At ordination of F. Brown. 527 6 Simpkins. At ordin. of S. F. Swift. 578 13 Stearns. At ordination of S. Gile. 598 l Stone. At ordination of J. Flint. 604 n Storrs. At ordin. of D. Temple, &c. 60S 19 Stuart. At ordination of P. Fisk, &c. 609 2 Tappan. At ordin. of J. T. Kirkland. 617 13 Thacher, P. At ordin. of E. Kellogg. 622 Thacher, T. At ord. of J. Tuckerman. 623 6 Thayer. At ordination of S. Willard. 623 10 Ward. At ordination of J, Ward, jr. 689 w Ware. At ordination of J. Allen. 690 10 . At ordination of A. Lamson. 690 u . At ordination of H. Ware, jr. 690 9 Webster. At ordin. of S. Webster, jr. 697 15 Whitney. At ordin. of P. Lincoln. 707 3 Woods. At ordination of J. W.EUingwood. 723 jo . At ordination of S. Newell, &c. 723 n . At ordination of B. B. Wisner. 72214 . Thanksgiving sermons. Adams. At Roxbury, Dec. 3, 1767. 4 Appleton,J. Brunswick, Apr. 13, 1815. 26 16 Appleton,N. Cambridge, May 20,1766. 27 10 Apthorp. Cambridge, Aug. 11, 1763. 27 Austin. Worcester, Dec. 15, 1796. 34 12 Caner. Boston, August 11, 1763. 116 12 Deane. National Ths giving, Feb. 19, 1795. 175 1 Dent. Englan May 1, 1707. 735 "> Eliot. Thanksgiving, Nov. 20, 1794. 201 21 Gordon. Boston, Dec. 15, 1774. 2528 Hazlitt. Hallowell, Dec. 15, 1785. 294 4 Lathrop, John. Mass., Nov. 21, 1811. 361 . Thanksgiving, April 13,1815. 360 u Lathrop, Joseph. Th ing,Dec.l4,1786. 3624 Mayheiv. Thanksgiving, Nov. 23, 1758. 420 9 . Thanksgiving, Oct. 9, 1760. 420 10 . Thanksgiving, Dec. 9, 1762. 420 12 . Thanksgiving, May 23, 1766. 4208 Osgood. Th ksgiving, Nov. 20, 1794. 465 13 . General Thanksgiving, Feb. 19, 1795. 4657 Porter. Thanksgiving, Dec. 11, 1783. 505 12 Waterman. Th sgiving, Dec. 1,1808. 694 10 Willard. Thanksgiving, Dec. 11,1783. 710* Williams. Northampton. April 13. 1813. 7134 Serpents. See Reptilia. SHAKERS. Testimony of, for refusing to aid in the cause of war. 572 3 Christ s second appearing. 572 5>e Roll or book of the. 5724 SHAKSPEARIANA. Clarke. Complete concor dance to Shakspere. 140 15 Halliwell. Introduction to Midsummer Night s Dream. 282 9 . Character of Falstaff. 737 > Thornbury. Shakspere s England. 628 10 SHEEP. II 4 . Daubenton. Advice to shepherds & owners of flocks. 172 3 -4 . Instruccion para pastores, etc. 172 6 . Instruction pour lesbergers, etc. 172 7 Livingston. Essay on. 450 12 Mackenzie. Diseases & management. 394 a Pallas. Sheep found in the Russian domin ions. 473-* Shells. See Conchology. Shipping, Law of. Reeves. 530 12>13 Shipwrecks. See Sea. Short-hand writing. 246 13 -!4, 379 9 Towndrow. Guide to stenography. 634 10 Siam. Anecdotes Siamoises. 24 2 SICILY. Bigelow. Travels in, 1827. 73 9 Borch. Mineral ogie sicilienne. 807 Brydone. Tour through. 99 10 Voyage en Sicile, 1772. 682 u Sight. See Spectacles, Vision. Silesia. Adams. Letters on, 1800-1. 7 8 Signs of the times. Bunsen. 103 3 Silk, Growth &, manufacture of, in U. S. 657 3 SILKWORMS. Art of breeding, &c. 35 13 Boullenois. Conseils aux educateurs. 85 1 De Hazzi. Rearing of. 657 l SILVER. Kern. Eine tiber Fein-Silber neue Aussrechnung. 347 15 Schroeder. Silber-Rechnung. 565 = Tabellen zu Ausrechnung des Silbers. 615 10 Sin. See Original sin, Theology. 821 Sinai. Robinson. Biblical re, .relies in Mount Sinai. 542 7 Singing. See Music, Psalms. Six days of creation. Lewis. 374 7 months in Italy. Hillard. 304" SKEPTICISM. Walker. Philosophy of. 685 9 Wharton. Modern sceptical theories. 701 7 Sketch book, The. Irving. 327 ia SLAVE trade.. Kennedy. Report on the. 65fij| Young. Speech on the. 730 6 See also . Slavery. SLAVERY. 17 14, 2556, 256 3 -4 ; 2859, 4404, 495H, 5798-i3 ; 6926 Belknap. S. in Massachusetts. 54 3 Carey. Representation of slaves. 117 9 Channing. Slavery. 127 2 Clarkson. Essay on. 142 5 Essays from Boston Recorder, &c. 209 8 Helper. Impending crisis. 296 15 Howard. Case of Dred Scott. 316 8 Livermore. Historical research. 739 6 Phelps. S. and its remedy. 489 7 Ranby. Doubts on the abolition of. 527 4 . Observations on abolition of. 527 5 Sewell. Ordeal of free labor in the British West Indies. 571 " Sharp. Injustice & tendency of. 573 J Talbot. Fugitive slave law. 616 7 Testimony of Friends against. 236 n - 14 Thome. Emancipation in the W. I. 627 2 Slavic nations, Languages & literature of the. Mrs. Robinson. 543 3 Slug worm, Natural history of the. 484 3 SMALL pox. Douglass. Essay on. 189 8 Franklin. Inoculation for the. 234. 10 - 12 Royal Jennerian society. Address on. 549 5 Waterhouse. Extermination of the. 694 3 SMITHSONIAN Institution. Annual reports, 4th-14th. 654 15 Contributions to knowledge. 584 14 Miscel. contributions. 584 15 Miscel, reports. 584 9 - J3 SOCIAL science. Fourier. Social destiny of man. 229 4 Gudin de la Brenellerie. Supplement au contract social. 277 9 See also . Charity, Crime, Ethics, Intemper ance, Laboring- classes, Ministry, Penal law, Po litical economy, Political science, Prisons, Pun ishment, Slavery, Society, Woman. Socialism. See Social science. SOCIETY. Dick. Improvement of. 183 7 Douglas. Advancement of S. in knowledge & religion. 189 2 Ferguson. History of civil S. 218 ii~ 13 Hamilton. Progress of. 283 14 Histoire des revolutions, arrivees dans la gouvernement, les loix et Pesprit hu- main. 306 2 Southey. Progress & prospects of. 590 3 for propagating the Gospel among the Indians, &c. in North America. Reports, 1826,1831-33,1840,1855. 587 1 5 " 20 Sermon before. Codman. 145 "5 Foster. 2281 5 Harris. 287 13 j Lathrop. 360 ">j Morse. 441 3 for the propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts. Charter of the. 621 12 Sermon before. Dawes. 174 15 ; Porteus. 506 4 5 Shipley. 575 "> ; Stanley. 596 8 j Terrick. 621 1 2 ; Waddington. 683 & Apthorp. Considerations on the. 27 n Caner. Examination of Mayhew s observa tions on the charter & conduct of. 161 n Chauncy. Letter to a friend. 131 2 Johnson. Vindication of the. 116 n Mayhew. Observations on the. 420 6 . Defence of Observations. 419 n Seeker. Answer to Mayhew. 568 IZ SOCINIANISM. Fuller. Calvinism & S. ex amined. 237 7 Smith. Designed end to the Socinian con troversy. 582 15 Wardlaw. Principal points of the Socini an controversy. 690 4 Socrates & Jesus compared. 376 2 - 2 i, 515 6 - 7 , 517 2 Solids, Treatise of regular. Barrow. 210 3 Solitary confinement of convicts. 326 4 Solitude, Essay on. Zimmermann. 730 14 , Philosophic 5 a poem. Livingston. 378 12 Somers mutiny, Acc t of the. 164 2 SONGS. Brooks. Songs from German lyric poets. 96 2 La Villemarque. Chants populaires de la Bretagne. 738 is Minnesangs (Des) Frtthling. 429 5 Moore. S. of American revolution. 435 4 Ritson. Ancient English songs. 538 n Wright. Political songs of England. 726 3 See also-. Ballads. Soul in nature. Oersted. 462 2 SOUL. Baxter. Nature of the. 48 8 Hegel. Philosophic des Geistes. 296 3 . Phanumenologie des Geistes. 296 5 Helvetius. De 1 esprit. 297 1- 2 Moise. Dialogues Socratiques surPimmor- talite de Tame. 431 16 Nature of the human soul. 206 10 Paine. The soul & instinct. 470 2 Souls, World without. Cunningham. 165 l7 Sound, Treatise on. Herschel. 301 1 5 See also .- Acoustics, Natural philosophy. South America. See America. Carolina. 275 3 - 4 Bartram. Travels through. 47 9 Chalmers. Weather & diseases of. 124 3 Ramsay. Revolution of. 526 Io SOUTH sea. Earlier discoveries in the. 739 8 Frczier. Voyage to the. 236 8 822 INDEX. Hunter. Discovr s in south n ocean. 320 1 - 2 Montgomery. Voyages of Tyerman & Ben nett in South sea islands, &c. 434 l Stewart. Visit to the. 601 8 .SPAIN. Description, history, fyc. Anecdotes Espagnoles. 24 3 Annals of the peninsular campaign. 24 u Beawes. History of. 50 14 Beckford. Travels in. 52 7 Bourgoanne. Travels in. 85 5 - 6 Bowles. Introduction a 1 histoire naturelle et a la geographic physique de. 88 5 Busk. History of, to 1814. 109 " Cevallos. Usurpation of the crown of S. by Napoleon. 1238 Church. Annals of, 14th century. 136 ia Clarke. Letters upon, 1760-61. 139 7 Crome. Produkte. 163 3 Cushing. Monuments, scenery, &c. 166 9 Differences between Don John of Austria & Cardinal Nitard. 590 12 Dillon. Travels through. 1848 Fischer. Voyage en Espagne. 221 10 Great Britain. Papers relative to the rup ture with Spain. 256 7 History of, to death of Ferdinand. 590 10 Irving. The Alhambra. 327 4 - 13 . Conquest of Granada. 327 7 -i 3 Mariana. Historia general de. 404 3 Orleans. Histoire des revolutions. 464 6 Peyron. Essays on. 85 3 Phillimore. Annals of, 1407-1620. 490 n Prescott. Ferdinand & Isabella. 509 8 . Reign of Philip II. 509 Ripperda, Duke de. Memoirs. 538 7 Roscoe. Annals of, 1621-1814. 5467 Smedley. Annals of, 1100-1300. 580 s Southcy. Letters from. 589 12 Townsend. Journey through. 634 13 Travels through Spain. 635 12 . Language 8? literature. Anaya. Essay on Spanish literature. 22 2 C., J. L. B. Coleccion de piezas en proza y en versos. Ill 9 Dufief. Nature displayed in teaching the Spanish language. 191 10 Fernandez. Spanish grammar. 219 14 Introd. lecture on. 239 3 Josse. Elemens de la grammaire Espag- nole. 340 3 . Spanish grammar. 340 4 Lockhart. Anc t Spanish ballads. 380 15 McHenry. Spanish synonyms. 392 9 Ochando. Cours de themes, etc. 461 6 . Grammaire Espagnol-Francaise. 461 7 . Prononciation Espagnole. 4618 . Traduction de PEspagnol. 461 9 Pineda. Method of learning the Spanish language. 495 l Quintana. Poesias selectas. 524 13 Sales. Seleccion de obras maestros drama- ticas. 5575 Salva. Diccionario de la lengua Castellana. 557 u Sobrino. Grammaire Esp. & Franc. 585 17 Soler. Spanish grammar. 587 28 Southey. Chronicle of the Cid. 589 9 m^ Ticknor. History of Spanish literature. 630 l See also : Dictionaries. Sparta, Government of. Drummond. 190 9 Species, Origin of. Darwin. 171 15 SPECTACLES. Martin. Essay on. 406 8 Sichel. Uses &. abuses of. 576 9 Spectator, The. 95 1, 189 ^ 592 4 Speech & writing, Freedom of. 235 10 SPEECHES. Burke. On conciliation with the American colonies. 104 15 . On American taxation. 104 14 Cromwell Speeches. 163 4 Davis. On French spoliation bill. 174 3 . Speech in 1858. 174 4 Erskine. Speeches in defence of Hardy & Tooke, for high treason. 208 9 Everett. Orations & speeches. 212 15 . Speech on college memorial. 212 16 Ewing. Chilicothe, Sept. 29, 1860. 213 2 Fox. H. of Commons, Mar. 24, 1795. 229 n Goodrich. Select British eloquence. 251 6 Harper. Annapolis, Jan, 20, 1814. 286 4 Mirabeau. In national assembly. 430 2 Pitt, W. Earl of Chatham. Speeches. 496 4 Pitt, W. Speech, Jan. 31, 1799. 496 7 . Speech, Feb. 21, 1783. 4968 Sergeant. Select speeches. 570 13 Seward. Freedom in Kansas. 571 n Stephen. H. of Commons, Mar. 6, J 809. 600 l Sumner. Orations & speeches. 61 1 5 Williston. Eloquence of the U. S. 714 12 Winthrop. Addresses & speeches. 718 ^ See also .- Orations. Spherics, Introduction to. Kelly. 346 6 Spirit. See Holy Spirit, Trinity. . Disquisitions relating to. 513 2 of laws. Montesquieu. 433 17 of the Pilgrims, 1828-33. 593 7 Spirit-history of man. Dunlap. 192 18 Spirits, Trial of. Dell 111 Spiritual despotism. Taylor. 618 17 Spiritualism. Owen. Footfalls on the boundary of another world. 468 5 Stable directory, Gentleman s. Taplin. 617 4 Stafford, Agriculture of. Pitt. 496 10 STAGE. Collier. Defence of View of the pro- faneness & immorality of the English stage. 148 5 Prynne. Histrio mastix. 520 8 Stars, Catalogue of. 79 10 , 259 6 -8-i6 ; 260 See also .- Astronomy. State. See Government, Political science, &c. 1 A D E X . preferable to the Church. 597 3 & people, Controversy of. 270 16 trials. See Trials. , Uniformity in the. 4 4 Statesman, The. Holmes. 310 n Statesman s manual. Williams. 71 1 14 Statesmen of the Commonwealth. 226 n , Eminent British. 226 10 of the times of George III. 96 9 Statics, Analytical. Whewell. 702 n See also . Hydraulics, Hydrodynamics, Natu ral philosophy, Physics, &c. Statistics. See names of various countries, states, &c. STEAM engine. 61 3 . Ewbank. Progressive de velopment of the. 212 20 Lardner. Lectures on the. 359 13 Rcnwick. Treatise on the. 533 l3 Tredgold. The steam engine. 636 8 u naval architecture. Tredgold. 636 sal STEEL. Harmann. Beschreibung der Mani pulation durch welche der Brescianer- stahl verfertigt wird. 300 5 Holland. Manufactures in. 309 8 Ferret. Abhandlung vom Stahl. 486 13 See also: Iron, Metallurgy. Stenography. See Short-hand writing. Steward, The modern. Lawrence. 364 10 - 11 STORMS. Loomis. Storms in Europe & Ameri ca, December, 1836. 388 1 Redfield. On whirlwind storms. 530 3 Studies of nature. Saint-Pierre. 556 5>6 Student and pastor, The. Mason. 408 13 Style. Felton. Dissertation on forming a just style. 217 & SUBLIMITY. Beatlie. Illustrations of. 49 17 Longinus. On the sublime. 382 12 - 13 . De sublimitate. 382 14 - 15 Subtilty. Scaliger. De subtilitate. 561 2 Suffolk, Agriculture of. Young. 729 8 Sugar. 55 6 . Dutrone de la Couture. Precis sur la canne, etc. 194 4 SUMATRA. Eschels-Kroon. Beschreibung der Insel Sumatra. 208 13 Marsden. History of. 404 9 SUN. Meech. Heat & light of the^ 420 6 Sestini. Observations on solar spots. 571 2 Winthrop. Parallax & distance of. 718 15 Sunday. See Lord s day, Sabbath. Superior, Lake. See Lake Superior. Supernaturalism. See Theology. Superstition, Treatise of. Cheke. 607 9 SURGERY. Bowman. Treatise on. 88 6 Cooper. First lines of practice of. 156 8 Graham. General state of chirurgical prac tice exhibited. 253 9 La Motte. Traite de chirurgie. 357 8 Le Dran. Disorders that require S. 366 7 Manning. Modern improvements in. 402 6 See also: Medicine, Periodicals. Surnames, Suffolk. Bowditch. 85 16 ~ 18 SURVEYING. Day. Principles of. 175 3 Lee. Tables &, formula; for. 739 3 Lefevre. Guide de Parpenteur. 367 8 . Traite geom. de 1 arpentage. 367 9 Nesbit. Practical land-surveying. 448 8 Puissant. Traite d arpentage. 522 - Smyth. Elements of. 585 * 2 See also : Levelling. Susiana, Travels & researches in. 381 l Sussex, Agriculture of. Young. 729 9 Swallows, Brumal retreat of. 226 12 SWEDEN. Anecdotes de la Suede. 24 7 Busch. Reise durch einen Teil Schwedens, 1780. 180 5 Catteau-Calleville. General view of. 121 12 Charles, Prince of Hesse. Campaign of 1788, in Sweden. 128 Coxe. Travels in. 160 9 Portia de Piles. Travels in. 227 5 Porter. Travelling sketches, 1805-8. 506 l Vertot d Aub&uf. Histoire des revolutions de Suede. 677 13 . Language. Freese. Schwedisches Lesebuch. 235 15>16 May. Swedish grammar. 418 9 See also . Dictionaries. Swedenborgianism. See New Jerusalem. SWITZERLAND. Beattie. S. illustrated. 50 7 Burnet. Account of. 106 l Coxe. Travels in, 1776. 160 10 Dunham. Annals of. 192 1 L Etat et les delices de la Suisse. 614 9 Moore. Society & manners in. 435 10 Naylor. History of Helvetia. 416 16 Simond. Tour & residence in. 578 9 Watkins. Travels through. 695 l Williams. Tour in, 1798. 712 3 Zschokke. History of. 731 6 SYMBOLISM. Creutzer. Symbolik der alten Volker. 161 13 Koellnor. Symbolik aller christlichen Con- fessionen. 351 15 Moehler. Symbolism. 431 7 Synod of Dort. Acta synodi nationalis Dord- rechti habitae, 1618-9. 4 8 Synonyms. See names of languages. Syntaxis Erasmiana constrictior. 615 4 SYRIA. Burckhardt. Travels in. 103 12 Jowett. Christian researches in. 341 2 Russell. Syria, 193 B.C. 64 B.C. 553 2 Volney. Travels through, 1783-5. 681 6 - 7 . Voyage en, 1783-5. 681 10 ~ 2 Syriac grammar. Uhlemann. 642 9 manuscript, on vellum. 615 TABLE talk. Rogers. 544 7 . Selden. 569 la Luther. Colloquia mensalia. 388 9 TABLES. Cassini. Tables astron. 120 13 Hutton* Mathematical tables, 323 -i 2 824 INDEX. Lee. Tables & formulae used in surveying, geodesy & astronomy. 739 3 Mackay. Mathematical tables. 393 2 Mendoza y Rio?. Tables for navigation & nautical astronomy. 422 16 Schulze. Recueil de tables logarithmiques, trigonomiques, etc. 565 9 Sherwin. Mathematical tables. 575 6 See also: Logarithms, Moon. Tactics. See Military art, &c. TALES. See Novels, tales, &c. TAR water. Berkeley. Virtues of. 5188-9 Prior. Success of, in distempers. 518 8-9 Tartary. Clarke. Travels in. 139 8 TASTE. Alison. Nature & principles of. 12 12 Cooper. Letters concerning. 156 6-7 Gerard. Essay on. 245 6 Herder. Werke zur Kunst. 300 l Lessing. Sammtliche Werke. 372 3 M Dermot. Nature & principles of. 391 14 See also: ^Esthetics, Beauty. Tatler, The. 95 1 Taxation, American, Speech on. Burke. 104 14 , Principles of. Ricardo. 535 n TECHNOLOGY. Crabb. Universal technologi cal dictionary, 160 12 Willson. Glossary of technical terms in Gothic architecture. 714 16 Telemaque, fils d Ulysse. Fenelon. 217 6 - 7 Temeswar, Travels through. Born. 80 n TEMPERANCE. American temperance society. 4th-8th annual reports. 19 12 - 13 Carpenter. Use & abuse of alcoholic li quors. 119 2 Weems. Drunl&rd s looking-glass. 698 2 See also .- Intemperance. Tennessee, Anc t remains in. Troost. 638 6 Testament, Old and New. See Bible. Testimony of the rocks. Miller. 427 l Thalysie, ou la nouvelle existence. 249 4 Theatre of the Greeks. Buckham. 100 12 THEISM. Tulloch. 639 13 Wiarton. Treatise on. 701 7 Theologia Germanica. 624 7 Theological & literary journal, 1848-61. 624 a repository, 1770-78. 624 9 review, Literary &, 1834-39. 378 2 Theologische Studien und Kritiken. 624 ^ THEOLOGY. Doctrinal. Alstedius. Theologia polemica. 15 12 Ames. Anti-synodalia scripta. 20 6 Andrews. Defence of the great doctrines of religion. 23 > 4 Appleton. Theol. lectures. 26 13 , 27 2 - 3 Arrowsmith. StuvSguTto?. 32 2 Barclay. Apology for the true Christian divinity. 42 7 Beecher. Views in theology. 53 5 Bradwardine. Contra Pelagium. 90 14 Calvin. Institutes of Chris, religion. 132 12 . Institutio Christianae religionis. 113 u Campbell. Lectures on systematic T. 115 Catlin. Compendium of T. 121 8-9 Chubb. Tracts. 135 12 136 10 Clark. God s immutable purposes. 139 3 Clarke. Cause & origin of evil. 140 5 Conybeare. Theological lectures. 153 5 Davenant. De controversiis. 172 11 Dwight. Theology. 195 7 -8 Fletcher. Checks to Antinomianism. 223 6 Gaston. Scripture account of the faith & practice of Christians. 242 3 Hagenbach. History of doctrines. 280 l . Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte. 7379 Heylyn. Theological lectures. 302 9 Knapp. Lectures on Chr. theology. 738 ie Kurtz. History of the Old Covenant. 353 Lathrop. Doctrines of religion. 362 7 Letters on fallen spirits. 739 4 Peabody. Lectures on Chr. doctrine. 482 8 Pezcl. Argumenta et objectiones de prse- cipuis articulis doctrinse Christiana). 488 1, 489 7 Poland. Partitiones theologicae. 501 4 . Syntagma theol. Christiana?. 501 5 Pond. Probation. 503 Recent inquiries in theology. 529 14 Rutherford. Examen Arminianismi. 553 9 Schleiermacher. Der christliche Glaube. 563 6 Smith. Not Paul but Jesus. 581 8 Thicns. Disputationes VII. 625 7 Thomas Aquinas. Svmmatheologiae. G26 8 " 9 Turrelin. Institvtio theol. elencticae. 640 9 IVatson. Theological institutes. 695 7 Witsius. Oeconomy of the covenants, be tween God and man. 720 6 Wotteb. Compend. theol. Christ. 720^-17 Woodbridge. Method of grace in the jus tification of sinners. 722 3 Young. Evil and God. 730 3 - 4 See also : Apostles creed, Athanasian creed, Atonement, Catechism, Christianity, Confession of faith, Devil, Divinity ,.Evil, Faith, Free think ing, Future punishment, Future state, God, Grace, litly Spirit, Infidelity, Jesus Christ, Mil lenium, Original sin, Providence, nationalism, [Redemption, Regeneration, Resurrection, Soul, Sjmbolism. See also .- below, collected works of theologi ans, and names of particular sects. . Natural. Bridgewater treatises on the power, wis dom^ goodness of God. Babbage. 35 15 j Bell. 54 lt5 ; Buckland. 101 1 ; Chalmers. 12485 Kidd. 348 6 ; Kirby. 350 3 j Prout. 520 ij Roget. 5448; Whewell. 702 3 Bushnell. Nature and the supernatural, one system of God. 108 18 Chalmers. Natural theology. 124 9 INDEX. 825 Cicero. De natura deorum. 137 16 Clarke. Unchangeable obligations of natu ral religion. 141 9 Crombie. Natural theology. 163 2 Derham. Physico-theology. ISO 6 - 7 Dick. The Christian philosopher. 183 5 - 6 Drummond. Letters on. 190 7 Duncan. Botanical theology. 192 13 Glaag. The primeval world. 249 9 Hitchcock. Religion of geology. 306 17 Hume. Natural religion. 319 12 Kidd. Adaptation of external nature to the physical condition of man. 348 5 Lesser. Insecto-theology. 372 l Leiois. Discourse on naturalism. 374 6 M Cosh. The supernatural in relation to the natural. 391 9 Mather. The Christian philosopher. 417 2 Natural ideas opposed to supernatural. 309 l Nieuwentyt. The religious philosopher. 45513.14 Paley. Natural theology. 472 2 ~ 4 Polignac. L Anti-Lucrece. 501 9 . Anti-Lucretius. 501 10 Powell. Connection of natural and divine truth. 507 " Toogood. Book of nature. 633 * Kay. Physico-theol. discourses. 529 4 . Wisdom of God in the works of the creation. 529 5 Vestiges of nat l history of creation. 677 16 Whiston. Astron. principles of religion, natural & revealed. 703 n Wilkins. Principles & duties of natural re ligion. 7098 Wiseman. Connection between science & revealed religion. 719 8 Wollaston. The religion of nature delinea ted. 720 "" See also: Atheism, Deism, God, Infidelity, Materialism, Nature, Providence, Theism. . Miscellaneous topics. Beecher. Concord of ages. 52 u . Conflict of ages. 52 Berridge. Christian world unmasked. 60 8 Bolton. Fovre last things. 79 J Buck. Theological dictionary. 100 10 Bunsen. Hippolytus and his age. 103 * . Signs of the times. 103 3 Burton, A. First principles of. 107 n Burton, R. Wonderful prodigies of judg ment & mercy. 107 ld Casaubon. Credulity & incredulity. 120 5 Castalio. Dialogi sacri. 120 14 Chauncy. Scripture account of the Fall & its consequences. 131 l De Quincey. Theological essays. ISO 5 Fairbairn. Typology of Scripture. 214 s Favour. Antiqvitie over noveltie. 215 ie Flores doctorum qui inT. claruerunt. 224 3 Goodwin. Hulsean lectures, 1855. 251 12 Herder. Werke zur Theologie. 300 l Maurice. Theological essays. 418 16 More. Mystery of iniquity. 436 9 Norton. Extent & relations of. 457 3 Noyes. Theological essays from various authors. 459 n Owen. De natura, ortu, progressu, et stu dio verae theologise. 468 1<2 Princeton essays, 1st & 2d series. 518 2 - 3 Stillingfleet. Answers to Locke. 602 10 - 11 Stirling. Cursus theologicus. 604 6 Storr Sf Flatt. Course of Biblical theology. 605 7 Strauss. Das Leben Jesu. 606 9 Tholuck. Guido & Julius. 626 3 Walker. Sacred philosophy. 685 10 Warburton. Study of theology. 689 10 Watson. Theological tracts. 695 & Wilks. Christian essays. 709 12 See also: Bible, Evidences, Jesus Christ, Re ligious literature, &c., the names of various de nominations, heresies, &c., and the collected works of the following theological writers : Al- ting, H. ; Alting, J. ; Arminius, J. ; Augustine, St.; Bates, W. ; Beda ; Bellamy, J. ; Bellarmin, R. ; Bickersteth, E.; Bingham,J.; Blackburne, F. ; Bossuet, J. B. ; Bourdaloue, L. ; Brown, Rev. John ; Buck, C. ; Bull, G. ; Bunyan, J. ; Chalmers, T.; Channing, W. E. ; Charnock, S. ; Chillingworth, S. ; Chrysostom, J. ; Cyprian, T. C. ; Edwards, B. B. ; Edwards, J. ; Edwards, J.,jun. ; Emmons, N. ; Knelon, F. de S. de la M. ; Havel, J. ; Hall, J. ; Hall, R. j Hopkins, S.; Howe, S.; Jerome, St.; Lardner, N.; Leighton, R.; Lessing, G. E.; Luther, M.; Massillon, J. B.j Newton, J.; Owen,J.; Pareus,D.; Perkins, \V.; Prosper, St.; Swedenborg, E.; Taylor, J.; Tillot- son, J.; Wesley, J.; Whitaker,W.; Witherspoon, J.; Woods, L.; Zanchi, G. , Apologetic. See Evidences. , Critical. See Bible. -, Historical. See Ecclesiastical history. -, Practical. Sec Clergyman, Conscience, Death, Homiletics, Liturgy, Lord s day, Ministry, Religion, Religious literature, Revivals, Sabbath, Sacraments, Sermons. THERAPEUTICS. Paine. 470 n Townsend. Elements of. 634 12 See also . Homeopathy, Hydropathy, Materia medica, Pharmacopoeia. Thermometers. 309 12 , 635 3 Theron & Aspasia/ Letters on. 558 7 , 625 5 Thessalonians, Epistles to the. See Bible. Thinking. Arnauld. L art de penser. 31 * Thirty years view of the American govern ment. Benton. 58 17 war. See Germany. Thiodolf the Icelander. La Motte Fouqite. 357 9 Thirty-nine articles of the Church of Eng land. See Church of England. Thoughts on various subjects. 307 10 104 826 INDEX. TIDES. Airy. Tides & waves. 10 13 Graham. Lunar tidal waves in lake Michi gan. 253H Potliier des Laurieres. Nouvelle decouver- te sur Je flux et le reflux des mers. 50G 16 Time, Course of. Pollok. 502 4 Times, London, 1794, 1797, 1807. 631 l store-hovse. 631 2 , Testimony for the. Livermore. 378 6 Tin. Moisieenkow. Mineralogische Abhand- lung von dem Tinnsteine. 431 17 Titus, Epistle to. See Bible. Tobacco, Evils of use of. Waterhouse. 693 16 TOLERATION. Locke. Letters on. 380 2 - 3 Priestley. Letter to Pitt. 515 10 Topography. Puissant. Traitede topographic. 522 2 Touchstone of truth. Flavel. 222 14 Tract society, London religious. 532 5 TRACTS. Airy. Mathematical T. 10 Aiher. doctr. tract society. Publications. 17 10 American Unitarian assoc n. Tracts. 19 16 Chubb. Tracts on various subjects. 135 5 - 6 Doctrinal tract society. Tracts. 186 13 Evangelical tracts. 21 1 9 Gregorie. T. upon various subjects. 272 13 Norton. T. concerning Christianity. 457 u Selection from Harleian miscellany, 269 14 Unitarian tract society for promoting Chris tian knowledge, fyc. Tracts. 643 12 Watson. Theological tracts. 695 5 TRADE. Beawes. Lex mercatoria. 50 13 - 16 Child. New discourse of. 1338 Hayes. Negotiator s magazine. 293 n Posllethwayt. Dictionary of. 506 14 Roll. New dictionary of. 545 6 Trader s infallible guide. 709 n Trades. Secrets concernant les metiers. 569 4 Tradesman, The religious. 532 5 TRAGEDY. Francklin. Dissertation on ancient tragedy. 233 ", 588 9 , Lachmann. De mensvra tragrediarvm. 354 3 Trajan s pillar. Colonna Traiana. 149 6 TRANSACTIONS and publications of the follow ing learned and scientific societies, viz. Academia Theodoro-Palatina. 3 l Academic royale des inscriptions et belles- lettres, Paris, 1663-1779. 3* royale des sciences, Paris. Memoires, 1666-1787. 36 . Memoires de mathematiques, et de physique. 3 7 American academy of arts, &c. 16 3 antiquarian society. 16 9 association for the advancement of science, 1848-59. 16" ethnological society. 17 13 geographical & statistical society. 17 16 pharmaceutical association- 19 ] - philosophical society. 19 3 - 4 Association of American geologists & natu ralists, 1840-42. 33 4 Boston society of natural history, 1834-37. British association for the advancement of science, 1839-1859. 94 1 Essex institute. Proceedings. 209 u Franklin institute. Journal. 234 ! Historical society of Pennsylvania. 306 5 Institut national des sciences et arts. Me moires. 326 7-i Linnean society of London, 1818-25. 377 6 Literary & philosophical society of Man chester. 378 i Maine historical society, 1831-57. 399 16 Massachusetts historical society. 414 n - 12 - society for promoting agriculture. New Hampshire state agricult. society. 450 4 Prison discipline society. Reports. 518 u Protest.-episcopal historical society. 519 13 Royal institution of Great Britain. 549 2 - 3 - Irish academy, 1787-1818. 549 4 - society of Edinburgh. 549 8 - society of London, 1665-1733, 1784- 86,1817-31. 549 13 ^50 3 - Swedish academy, 1639-82. 5508 Smithsonian institution. Contributions to knowledge, 1848-62. 584i 4 -i5 Society of arts, and of the institutions in union, 1853- 62. 586 2 - for promoting medical knowledge. Medical communications. 586 19 Wernerian natural history. society. 699 10 TRANSCENDENTAL philosophy. Hodge. The T. P. of the Germans & Cousin. 308 6 Wirgman. Principles of the. 719-^ | Transylvania, Travels through. Born. 80 n i Travel, Consolations in. Davy. 174 u j Travellers, Lives of. See Biography. TRAVELS. Benyowsky. Memoirs & travels. 59 6 Carpenter. Journey overland to India. 11814.15 Forster. Journey from Bengal to India. 2268 Francklin. Tour from Bengal to Persia, 1786-7. 23317 Harris. Collection of. 287 1 Jewett. Passages in foreign travel. 335 8 Letters from Barbary, France, Spain, &c. 3729 McLellan. Tour through England, France, Germany, &c. 395 1 Mavor. Celebrated travels, &c. 419 7 Pages. Travels round the world. 469 1(M1 Pinkerton. General collection of the best travels. 495 7 Sloive. Sunnv memories in foreign lands. 606" INDEX. 82 See also : Voyages, and the names of countries. TREATIES. The British treaty. 95 2 Chalmers. Treaties between Great Britain & other powers. 124 l Great Britain. Treaties, &c. 255 14 Martens. Recueil des principaux traites conclus par les puissances de PEurope, 1761-1802. 4064 Rymer. Fcedera, converitiones, etc. inter reges Angliae et alios. 261 7 Treaties between Great Britain & the Uni ted States. 635 ", 636 5 Treaty between Charles VI. &Geo. 1. 256 n See also: Law of nations, Negotiations, and the names of various countries. Trebizond, History of. Firilay. 221 4 TREES. Boutcher. Forest trees. 853 Columella. Book concerning. 149 12 H., S. Management of woods, &c. 279 7 See also .- Forest trees, Fruit trees. Trent, Council of. See Council. TRIALS. Bends. Trial of Prof. Webster for murder of Dr. Parkman. 56 4 Chandler. American criminal T. 125 10 Evans. Trial of Hon. S. Chase. 211 1 Hardy. Trial for high treason. 285 2 Hargrave. Collection of state-trials. 150 7 Howard. Dred Scott vs Sandford. 316 8 Thelwall. Trial for high treason. 623 * Tooke. Trial for high treason. 633 7 Trial of British soldiers for murder of At- tucks, Maverick, Grey, &c. 88 2 TRIGONOMETRY. Airy. 10 l Day. Treatise of plane T. 175 5 Emerson. Elements of. 204 * 2 * Hackley. Elements of. 279 " Hassler. Analytic T. 292 Hind. Elements of. 305 3 Hopkins. Elements of. 314* Ingram. Elements of. 210 * Keill. Elements of. 210 2 Peirce. Elementary treatise on. 484 10 Smyth. Elements of plane T. 585 12 . Vince. Plane & spherical T. 679 2 Woodhouse. Treatise on. 722 9 TRINITARIANISM. Cheever. Review of Nor ton s Statement of reasons. 132 4 Norton, A. Reasons for not believing the doctrines of trinitarians. 457 13 Norton, J. Trinitarianism developed. 458 2 See also .- Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Trinity, Unitariariism. TRINITY. 212 19 . Arnobius fy Serapio. Con- flictus de Deo trino & uno. 326 16 Doctrine of the T. stated & defended. 186 14 Foster. Essay on fundamentals. 227 u Milton. Thoughts on the. 429 4 Szegedinus. Confessio de trinitate. 615 8 See also . Trinitarianism, Unitarianisra. Trinity college, Calendar of. 638 J- 2 True Christian religion. Swedenborg. 614 l , Philosophy of the. Cousin. 159 7 TRUTH. Beattie. Nature & immutability of. 50! 4 Brissot de Warville. Sur les moyens de parvenir a la verite. 93 14 Flavel. The touchstone of. 222 14 Malebranche. Search after. 400 !<> Priestley. Examination of Beattie. 5138 Rittangelius. Libra veritatis, etc. 539 4 Tatham. Chart & scale of. 618 7 Tufts college. Addresses at inauguration of Pres. Miner. 742 4 TURKEY. Anecdotes Musulmanes. 23 18 Busbequius. Legatio Turcica. 108 3 Clarke. Travels in. 139 8 Dwight. Le Christianisme en Turquie au XlXeslecle. 1948 Haynes. Travels in. 293 14 Hunter. Travels through, 1792. 321 6 Stephens. Incidents of travel in. 600 4 Thevenot. Travels into. 625 TURKISH empire. Eton. Survey of. 209 16 - 17 Irving. Mahomet & iiis successors. 327 n Knolles. Generall historic of the Turks, to 1638. 351 2 Ricaut. History of, 1623-77. 536 * Taylor. Annals of the Ottoman empire, 1453-1774. 620 3 See also .- Asia Minor, Constantinople, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Turkey. language. Davids. Grammaire Turke. 173 1 Vidua de Gonsavo. Inscriptiones antiquac Turcicae. 678 e Volney. Methode nouvelle d apprendre le langage Turque. 681 5 Turks. See Turkey, Turkish empire. Two years before the mast. Dana. 169 13 Types of mankind. Nott fy Gliddon. 458 i 3 , figures <fc allegories of the Old Testa ment. M Ewen. 392 4 Typography. See Printing. Typology of Scripture. Fairbairn. 214 6 UNDERSTANDING. Plume. Inquiry concern ing the human U. 319 13 Kant. Critik der Urtheilskraft. 344 10 Locke. Essay on human U. 379 12 Union, Me., History of. Sibley. 576 7 Union college, Catalogues of. 643 G ~ theological seminary. 643 n UNITARIANISM. 4 9 , 55 11 - 12 , 102 4 - 5 , 118 12 , 139 9 * 140 2 , 182 4 - 14 -i8 7 183 1 , 185H- 12 , 186 7 -s, 1978-9, 233 9 ~ n , 240 12 - 14 16 - 17 , 271 4 , 272 9 -io ; 280 12 - 1 4 , 313 4 - 5 , 325 12 - 13 , 341 3 , 357 13 , 459 12 ~ 14 , 482e-M3-i5.2i > 493 is ; 505 i 4 -i 7 , 578 2 , 634 7 , 644 1 - 5 , 685 4 ~ 7 , 690i 7 , 691 7 - 9 - n , 701 10-", 7069, 7249, 7291, 730 8 American Unit, association. Tracts. 19 16 Eddoioes. Unity of God. 197 7 828 IJSDEX. Gardiner. Preservative against. 241 9 Lindsey. Apology. 376 10 - 11 . Historical view of. 376 16 . Vindiciae Priestleianaj. 376 Norton. Statement of reasons. 457 13 Priestley. Corruptions of Christ y. 514 14 . Defences of. 512 ^-7 . General view of arguments for the unity of God. 5148 . History of early opinions concerning Jesus Christ. 514 15 . Letters to Dr. Horsley. 515 13 ~i 5 . Letters to the inhabitants of Birming ham. 513 1* . U. explained & defended. 517 3 Wardlaw. Reply to Yates. 690 5 Ware. Letters to Trinitarians. 690 7 Wilson. Scripture proofs & Scriptural il lustrations of. 716 ! Woods. Letters to Unitarians. 723 5 - 6 . Reply to Ware. 723 6 -7 Yates. Vindication of. 728 10 UNITED brethren. Missions of the. 644 6 Loskiel. Mission of the U. B. among the Indians of N. A. 384 1 Provinces. Burney. Present state of music in the. 106 9 Burrish. Batavia illustrata. 107 7 UNITED STATES. Acts & laws. 6447645* Army registers & reports. 645 5 ~ 12 Astronom l, &c. observations. 645 13 646 9 Congressional debates. 646 10 647 1 documents. 659 1 667 15 Constitutions, Federal & state. 647 9 648 7 Financial & commerc l doc ts. 6488 649 9 Geological and other explorations and sur veys. 649 10 6517 History, Colonial, revolutionary, & nation al. 6518 653 2 Presidents 7 messages. 653 6 654 13 Statistics of population, dec. 654 lb> 655 n Supreme court reports. 653 3 7 742 6 Miscellaneous documents. 656 1658 13 . Agriculture, Natural history, fyc. Agassiz. Contributions to the natural his tory of the. 9 3 Binney. Terrestrial air-breathing mollusks of the. 74 3 Bonaparte. American ornithology. 79 5 Cobbett. American gardener. 145 l Downing, Fruits and fruit trees of. 189 13 Eaton. Manual of botany for Northern & Middle States. 196? Featherstonhaugh. Geology of the. 216 2>3 Maclure. Geology of the. 395 * 3 Marshall. Arbustum Americanum. 405 4 Michaux. Forest trees of the. 425 3 Say. Conchology of the. 561 l Volney. Climate & soil of the. 681 8-9 Washington. Rural economy of. 692 1& Wilson. American ornithology. 715 " - . Biography. Allen. American biogr, dict y. 14 1~ 3 Belknap. American biography. 54 2 Crosby. Annual obituary notices. 163 8 Flanders. Chief justices of the. 222 13 Goodrich. Lives of the Signers. 250 6 Magoon. Living orators in America. 397 9 Sparks. American biography. 591 9 Sprague. Annals of the American pulpit. Sullivan. Public characters, 1783-1815. 61014 - . Constitution, politics, fyc. Adams, J. Defence of constitution of. 6 8-9 Adams, J. Q. Jubilee of the const n. 7 4 Allen. Views, principles, &c. of the lead ing men in the origination of our Union, &c. 13ii American citizen s sure guide. 17 5 Benton. View of the American govern ment, from 1820 to 1850. 58 " Bigelow. American s own book. 73 ]3 Chipman. Constitution of the. 133 1 2 Curtis. Origin, formation & adoption of the constitution of the. 166 4 Delacroix. Constitutions of the. 176 14 Elliot. State conventions on the adoption of Federal constitution. 202 13 -i4 Gordon. Digest of laws of the. 252 2 Grand. Americans in their moral, social &. political relations. 277 5 Hamilton, SfC. The Federalist. 216 4 - 5 Hickey. Constitution of the. 303 6 4 Mably. Observations sur le gouvernement et les loix des Etats-Unis. 390 <> ; Marshall. Writings on the Federal Consti tution. 405 9 Proceedings of Hartford convention. 288 15 Rawle. View of the Constitution. 528 1 Schaff. Political, social, & religious char acter of the. 5618 Story. Commentaries on the Constitution. Sullivan. Observations on gov t of. 610 10 Talbot. Fugitive-slave law of the. 6167 Thomas. Constitution of the. 626 n Tocqueville, Democracy in America. 631 J2 Washington. Letters on American poli ticks. 693 i Yates. Debates of convention at Philadel phia, 1787. 728H . Description, geography, travels, fyc. Allen. Lewis & Clark s expedition. 138 Bartlett. American scenery. 19 7 Bartram. Travels through the southern part of the. 47 9 Brissot de Warville., Examen critique des voyages de M. de Chastellux. 93" INDEX. 829 Chastellux. Voyages dans 1 Amerique sep- tentrionale. 129 12 Chevalier. Society, &c. in the. 133 l Cooper. Information respecting. 156 14 Harris. Territory northwest of the Alle- ghany Mts. in 1803. 287 Hutchins. Topographical description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, &c. 322 12 James. Long s first expedition. 330 4 Keatinge. Long s 2d expedition. 345 2 La Rochefoucaull-Llancourt. Travels thro the, 1795-97. 513 ? Retrospect of Western travel. 4077 . Society in America. 407 8 ftchell. Geography of the. 430 9 >rse. American geography. 439 12 440 2 Neill. Dahkotah land & life. 447 13 Schoolcraft. Travels in the. 564 ?-n . History. Bancroft. History of the. 41 3 Barbaroux, Histoire des Etats-Unis. 41 15 Benton. Abridgment of Debates of Con gress, 1789-1856. 58 i Bradford. History of the. 90 2 Clarke. Campaign of 1812. 116 3 Claviere fy Brissot de Warville. Relative situation of France & the U. S. 142 ia . De la France et des Etats-Unis. 142 13 Cobbett. Facts & observations relative to the peace with Bonaparte. 145 2 Dunham. Annals of, 1497-1814. 192" Dwight. Hartford convention, &c. 194 12 Gordon. Rise, progress & independence of the. 252 5 - Grahame. History of the. 254 Hale. History of the. 280 9 Harper. Dispute between the U. S. and France, 1797. 286 3 - 4 Hazard. Historical collections. 294 3 Hildreth. History of the. 3043-4 Hinton. History & topography of. 305 7 Hoffman. Administration of Leisler. 369 2 Lloyd. Congressional register. 379 9 Monroe. French mission, 1794-6. 433 5 Pickering. Review of correspondence be tween Adams & Cunningham. 492 14 Pitkin. History of the, 1763-97. 496 2 Political conduct of Aaron Burr. 107 6 Ramsey. War with Mexico. 527 l Recherches historiques etpolitiquessur les Etats-Unis. 657 13 Sears. Popular history of the. 568 9 Vindication of Mr. Randolph s resignation 527i Walsh. Appeal from the judgments of Great Britain respecting the. 687 12 Williams. Addresses & messages of Presi dents of U. S., 1789-1846. Winterbotham. Historical view of the. 71 8 * Wood. History of the administration of John Adams. 72po-n See also: American colonies, American lite rature, Indians. . Statistics, commerce, etc. Brissot de Warville. Commerce of Ameri ca with Europe. 93 9 Cotton. Public economy for the. 149 9 Coxe. Principles of a commercial system for the. 1604 . View of the, 1787-94. 160 ** Fisher. Statistical gazetteer of the. 221 l Gallatin. Finances of the. 239 8 Goddard. Bank of the. 249 10 Holroyd. Commerce of the. 310 u- 2 M Connell. Debts of the, 1787. 391 6 Pitkin. Statistical view of the commerce, debts, &c. of the, 1817. 496 3 Seybert. Statistical annals, 1789-1818. 571 15 Talleyrand- Perigord. Commercial rela tions of U. S. with England. 616 ?- 10 Wigglesworth. American population. 708 7 . Miscellaneous works. Bartlett. Dict y of Americanisms. 46 10 Beaumont fy De. Tocqueville. Penitentiary system in the. 50 n Benson. Vindication of the captors of Ma jor Andre. 57 l Buckingham. Specimens of American news paper literature. 100 15 Burton. Bishops in America. 107 14 Cheever. God s hand in America. 131 16 Goodrich. Recollections of lifetime. 251 9 Grimke. Duties of Americans. 275 6 Griswold. Curiosities of American litera ture. 185 . Poets & poetry of America. 276 4 Haven. Archeology of the. 293 2 Jcwett. Public libraries. 654 ! 4 Livermore. Opinions of the founders of the Republic on negroes. 739 6 Mease. American medals &. coins. 419 16 Morgan. League of the Iroquois. 438 l Phillips. Political economy for the. 490 16 Pickering. Words & phrases peculiar to the. 492 9 Presbyterian Church in the. 509 3 Williston. Eloquence of the. 714 12 Worcester. Longevity in the. 724 5 United States exploring expedition. 651 *- 6 literary gazette, 1825-6. 669 3 magazine, &c., 1841-51. 669 4 review, &c., 1826-7. 669 6 Unity of God. See God, Unitarianism. of the human race, Philological proofs of the. Johnes. 738 n Universal history. See History. magazine of knowledge, &c. 669 n 830 1 i\ D E X . salvation. See Universalism. UNIVERSALISM. 338% 417", 458 3 , 523" Chauncy. Salvation for all men a scripture doctrine. 1318 Edwards. Salvation of all men strictly ex amined. 200 i Norton. Remarks on. 457 36 Reply to Chauncy s " Salvation," &c. 735 n Stiiart. Essays on several words relating to future punishment. 608 13 Thorn. Calvinism identified with. 626 4 Walker. Glance at Dean s reasons. 685 17 Winchester. Universal restoration exhibit ed. 716 12 UNIVERSE. Cudworth. True intellectual sys tem of the. 164 "-I* Humboldt. Physical description of. 319 4 Origin of the material universe. 740 10 See also: World. University of Alabama. 44 6 of London. 669 13 - 15 of Michigan. 669 i-" . of Oxford. See Oxford university. reform, Discussions on. Hamilton. 283 " of the State of New York: 670 1 - 2 of Vermont. 670 3 ~ 5 : quarterly, 1860-61. 670 Urn-burial. Browne. 99 1 Ursuline convent, Six months in the. 530 7 Useful arts. See Agriculture, Chemistry, En cyclopedias, Manufactures, &c. Utah. Stansbury. Exploration of valley of Great Salt Lake of. 596 9 , 649 Utopia 5 the happy republic. More. 436 10 - 11 Valle^ses, History & theology of the. 213 15 Vegetables. Jngen-housz. Experiences surles vegetaux. 325 10 See also . Botany. Vendors of estates, Law of. 609 13 Venereal diseases, Treatise on. Astruc. 33 6 VENICE. Freschot. Relation de la ville & re- publique de Venise. 236 5 Howell. Signorie of Venice. 317 13 Ruskin. Stones of. 552 5 St. Real. Conspiracy of the Spaniards against the Republic of. 556 n Smedley. Sketches from Van hist y. 580 6 Strozzi. La Venetia edificata. 607 3 VENTILATION. Bell. Methods of ventilating buildings. 55 2 Miles. V. of dwelling-houses, &c. 426 * Whitehurst. V. of rooms, &c. 705 17 Venus, Transit of, June 6, 1761. 718 13 VERMONT. Adams. Land & fresh water shells of. 5 3 Williams. Nat l & civil history of. 713 2 - 3 Vestiges of natural history of creation. 677 16 VETERINARY art. Spooner. 593 s Buchoz. Manuel voter, de plantes. 100 8 Taplin. System of farriery. 617* Vetus Testamentum. See Bible. Vicar of Wakefield, The. Goldsmith. 251 3 Views & reviews. Simms. 578 4 VIRGINIA. 680 n ~ 13 Howe. Historical collections of. 317 * Jefferson. Notes on. 333 n Hutchins. Topogr l description of. 322 12 Robertson. History of. 541 5 - 6 VISION. Adams. Essay on. 5 10 See also . Eye, Light, Optics, Spectacles. Vitality. See Life. Voice. Rush. Philos. of the human V. 551 9 VOLCANOES. Dolomieu. Histoire des volcans. 188 2 Faujas de Saint-Fond. Mineralogi des volcans. 215 13 Ordinaire. Natural history of. 463 8 Voltaic electricity. See Galvanism. Voluntary system in study. 291 2 - 7 VOYAGES. Beechey. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, 1825-8. 53 6 Chateaubriand. Voyages. 130 1 Circumnavigation of the globe. 306 3 Clarke. Progress of maritime discovery. 140 3 - 4 ^Collection of voyages, by the French and Spaniards, 1400-1600. 243 14 Dana. Two years before the mast. 169 13 Forster. Voyages & discoveries made in * the North. 226 9 Harris. Collection of. 287 1 Irving. Voyages of Columbus. 327 - 13 Irwin. Voyage up Red Sea, 1777. 327 14 Lechevalier. Voyage de la Propontide et du Pont-Euxin. 365 7 Mavor. Celebrated voyages, &c. ^\9 7 La Perouse. Voyage round the world. 358 12 Pinkerton. General collection of the best voyages. 495 7 lllloa. Voyage to South America. 34-1 4 - 5 V. of Drake, Cavendish, & Dampier. 739 8 See also .- Arctic regions. Polar regions, South sea, Travels. Wabash college, Catalogue of. 682 w Waldenses. Baird. Origin, history & present state of the. 39 6 See also.- Albigenses, Piedmont. WALES. .Great Britain. Ancient laws & in stitutions of. 2604 Skrine. Tours through. 579 7 See also: Great Britain, Welch dictionary. WAR. 566 13 , 689 l ~i, 735 1 2 Boyle. Treatise on the art of. 89 & Channing. Sermon on. 126 20 Clarkson,J. Letter on. 142 3 Clarkson, T. Doctrines & practice of the early Christians as to. 142 4 Dodge. W. inconsistent with religion. 735 1J INDEX 831 Dymond. Accordancy of war with the prin ciples of Christianity. 195 "~ 19 .Erasmus. Plea of reason, religion, &. hu manity against. 207 10 Hall. Reflections on. 281 Hancock. Elegy on a field of battle. 284 Maltby. Elements of. 401 6 Rees. Sketches of the horrors of. 530 9 Stephen. War in disguise. 270 12 Stone. Sermons on. 604 13 Thrush. Letters against. 629 4 ~ 6 Worcester. Solemn review of. 724 12 Fale. Sermon against. 728 1 Sec also : Military art and science, Peace. Warren family, Genealogy of the. 691 19 Washington, Longitude of. Lambert. 357 4 University, St. Louis. 317 14 WATER. Brougham. Historical acc t of dis covery of composition of water. 96 8 Hamilton. Phenomena of. 283 12 Horsford. Service-pipes for. 315 12 Masse. Dictionnaire des eaux. 416 5 Wallerius. Hydrologie. 686 14 cure. See Hydropathy. Waterville college, Catalogues of. 694 15 - 6 Waverley novels. Scott. 567 13 Waves, Tides and. Airy. 10 13 Weal-Reaf, The. Essex Institute. 209 12 WEALTH. Essential principles of the wealth of nations. 696 9 Maitland. Nature & origin of public wealth. 400 2 Smith. Inquiry into nature & causes of wealth of nations. 580 13 Weather. See Meteorology. Webster trial. Report of. Bemis. 56 * Weekly amusement, 1765-66. 698 l WEIGHTS and measures. Miller. Equalization of W. & M. of Great Britain. 427 2 Tarbe. Manuel des poids, etc. 617 18 Weights and measures proposed for the United States, 1789. 657 Whitehurst. Attempt towards obtaining invariable measures. 705 15 Welch & English dictionary. Owen. 468 6 Wesleyan university, Catalogues of. 700 3 WEST Indies. Caribbeana. 117 14 Barham. Hortus Americanus. 43 5 Edwards. British colonies in the. 198 14 . Thoughts on the trade of the W. I. with the United States. 198 15 Gage. New survey of the. 238 6 Jordan. Answer to Lord Sheffield. 339 5 Sewett. Free labor in British W. I. 571 14 Spence. Distresses of the, 1807. 5928 Thome. Emancipation in the. 627 2 Veitia- Linage. Spanish trade in the. 676 7 See also; JBarbadoes, Indies, Jamaica, Mar tinique, St. Domingo. Western travel, Retrospect of. 407 7 Westminster catechism. 151 16 review, 1824-32, 1846-47. 700 16 1 7 Westmoreland, Agriculture of. 518 4 Weymouth s voyage. 393 n , 547 5 Whig Examiners, The five. 420 5 review, American, 1815-51. 20 l Whirlwind-storms, On. Redfield. 530 3 White mountains, Acc t of the. 711 9 Whole duty of man, The. 707 1 Wight family, Genealogy of the. 70S 9 , Isle of. See Isle of Wight. Wigwam & cabin. Simms. 578 WILL. Destutt de Tracy. Traite de la vo- lonte et ses effets. 635 * Upham. Treatise on the. 671 4 See also: Mental philosophy, Metaphysics, Moral freedom, Philosophical necessity. Willard memoir. 710 10 Williams college. "711 15 , 713 s-i 2 Wills. Roper. Revocation & republication of wills & testaments. 546 3 WINDS. Coffin. Winds of the northern hemi sphere. 146 2 La Coudraye. Theorie des vents. 354 8 Winter evenings. Knox. 351 n - 12 WISCONSIN. Lapham. Antiquities of. 359 l Owen. Geological survey of. 650 u - 13 WISDOM. Bacon. W. of the ancients. 37 2 Charron. Of wisdome. 129 Wit & morals, Considerations upon. 152 15 WITCHCRAFT. Brattle. , Account of. 91 7 Filmer. Advertisement concerning. 220 14 Hutchinson. Historical essay on. 323 l Scott. Letters on. 567 10 See also . Demonology, Magic. Wolfert s Roost. Irving. 327 12 WOMAN. Bland. Essay in praise of. 76 I3 Ossoli. Woman in the 19th century. 466 3 Wollstone.cra.fl. Vindication of the rights of woman. 721 J - 2 WOODBURY, Ct. Cothren. History of. 158 3 . 2d centennial celebration. 158 4 Worcester county, Mass. Whitney. History of. 707 2 Words, The study of. Trench. 637 5 WORLD. Earth. Goodrich. The W. & its inhabitants. 251 8 La Perouse. Voyage round the. 358 12 Lenoble. L ecole du monde. 370 7 Monbron. Citoyen du monde. 432 4 Pages. Travels round the. 469 1(M1 Shimeall. Age of the W., as founded on the Sacred Records. 575 8 Usher. Annals of the. 671 13 Wright. Natural history of the globe. 725 13 . Universe. Newton. System of the. 451 n Nichol. System of the. 453 Pontecoulaut. Theorie analytique du sys- teme du monde. 503 6 832 I JN D E X . Systeme du monde, 615 7 Wallerius. De 1 origine du monde. 687 : . Physisch-chemische Betrachtungen tlber den Ursprung der Welt. 687 2 to come. See Future state. without souls, A. Cunningham. 165 17 -, The literary, 1847-48; 378 3 Worlds, Plurality of. 2253, 49912 WORSHIP. Haldane. Worship & ordinances observed by the first Christians. 280 4 Priestley. Letters relative to. 516 6 WRITING. De Vere. History of art of. 181 9 Steinthal. Entwicklung der Schrift. 598 14 YALE college. Catalogues, &c. of. 728 3 " 9 Clap. Religious constitution of. 138 9 Gale. Answer to Vindication of. 238 u YELLOW fever. Bancroft. Essay on. 41 l Brown. Treatise on the. 98 2 Carey. Nachricht von dem b5sartigen Fie- ber in Philadelphia, 1793. 117 12 Condie. fy Folwell History of the Y. F. of Philadelphia, 1798. 734 u Tytler. Treatise on the. 642 2 YORKSHIRE. Bray. Tour into. 91 8 Brown. Agriculture of. 98 l Tuke. Agriculture of the North Fading of. 639 12 Yoruba. Bowen. Grammar & dict y of the Yoruba language, with description of the country & people. 88 3 Youth s companion, The. 730 9 Yucatan. Stephens. Incidents of travel in. 600 2 - 5 Zeluco. Moore. 435 Zodiac. Jones. Observations on the zodiacal light, 1853-55. 337 8 ZOOLOGY. Agassiz. JNTomenclatoris zoologici index universalis. 9 6 Goodrich. The animal kingdom, 2508 Grant. Introductory lecture on. 254 3 Jones. Natural history of animals. 338 7 . Organiz n of animal kingdom. 338 e South. Zoology. 589 6 Seealso: Animals, Comparative anatomy,Con- chology, Crustacea, Entomology, Hydrozoa, In sects, Invertebrata, Mollusca, Natural history, Palaeontology, Eeptilia, Zoophytes. Zoonomia. Darwin. 172 1>2 ZOOPHYTES. Dana. Atlas of. 651 6 . Structure & classification of. 169 8 . Synopsis of report on Z. of the U. S. exploring expedition. 169 9 ERRATA. Page 44, line 1, for Barlow, Joel, read Barlow, Peter. P. 63, 1. 42, for Pausanius read Pausanias. P. 63, 1. 46, for Artie read Arctic. P. 93, 1. 7, for Abdruk read Abdruck, for Zurickread Zurich. P. 96,1. 39, after the size of the book introduce pp.516. P. 103,1. l^or Busen read Bunsen. P. 103, 1. 2, for Hyppolitus read Hippolytus. P. 105, 1. 5, for Patercu- lus, A. V., read Paterculus,C. V. P. 107, 1.36, for Cantab, read Cantuar. P. 110,1.4, fo Pp. read Vol. 1, pp. . P. 116, dele 11. 34-38. P. 149, 1. 16, for 1576 read [1690?]. P. 151,1. 43, after Anglican! insert indicto. P. 186, 1. 32, for Dobson, Gulielmus Stephanus, read Dob- son, William Stephen. P. 189, 1. 35, for m. r., pp. 501+, read pp. 54. P. 205, after each entry Encyclopedia, etc. insert 2 cols. P. 205, 1. 18, 25, for Britanica read Britannica. P. 212. 1. 29, for 1740 read 1840. P. 216, 1. 30, before 12 insert London, 1813. P. 242, 1. 37, for Nu- zen read Niitzen. P. 250, 1. 10, for Eckerman read Eckermann. P. 296, 1. 14, for 1757 read 1857. P. 296, 1. 16, for unverwandeter read unveranderte. P. 302, 1. 49, after m. b. insert pp. 511. P.308,1. 16, after the size of the book insert pp. 588. P. 323, 1.21, for 1728 read 1828. P. 339,1.50, after the size of the book insert pp.604. P. 349, insert as 1.22, KING, Sir Peter, Lord Chancellor, fyc. ; b. 1775. d. 1833. P. 356, dele 11. 6, 7. P. 357, 1. 48, for Chemistry read Chris tianity. P. 390. 1. 12, for Le Destin la France read Le Destin de la France. P. 403 7 1. 23, in sert Firenze, 1832. P. 418, 1. 17, for 17 read 70. P. 425, 1. 9, for Vol. 1, 2 read Vol. 1-3. P. 431, 1. 21, after years insert , by J. B. Robertson. P. 463, 1. 51, insert at close Tom. 1-4. P. 495, 1. 48, for 1775 read 1795. P. 499, 1. 24, for 1702 read 1792. P. 525, 1. 9, after Rabaut de Saint- Etienne insert , J. P. P. 570, 1. 14, for Tom. 1 read Tom. 1,2. P. 571, 1. 27, for with read within. P. 609, 1. 14, for 1843 read 1837- ? 43. P. 771, first column, 1. 20, for Borren read Bowen. r UG7UQ93 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY