^ y THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE Gift of THIi HONNOLD LIBRARY PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA A CHECKLIST OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS RELATING TO THE HISTORY OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST COMPILED BY CHARLES W. SMITH Associate Librarian, Universitg of Washington Library Edition 2, Revised and Enlarged NEW YORK THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY London; Grafton fli Company 1921 Published April 1921 PREFACE In 1909, a union checklist of books and pamphlets relating to the Pacific Northwest was published by the Washington State Library. That list represented the combined resources of thirteen representative libraries and was cooperatively prepared. The present list is based directly upon the former edition and is similar to it in all essential features. It includes descriptive material relating to the his- tory of the region lying north of California and west of the Rocky Mountains, comprising the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana, together with British Columbia, Alaska and the Yukon. The word history has been used in its broadest sense including a wide range of literature bearing upon the region. The following classes of material have been excluded : 1. Manuscripts. 2. State documents, because listed in Bowker and the Monthly List of State Publications. 3. Federal documents, for which there are government indexes also the Subject Index compiled by Katharine B. Judson. Exception to the rule has been made in the case of some few state and federal docu- ments of rarity and importance. 4. Periodicals published in the region, except those devoted mainly or wholly to history. Serials, however, as year-books and publications of societies have been included as a part of the institutional history of the Pacific Northwest. 5. Maps, except those independently issued and bound in book form. City documents have been largely omitted on the assumption that each city library will have specialized in its own local publications. Directories have been omitted if published after 1900. Reprints and excerpts from magazines, when of historical importance, have been included. The checklist is of date January 1, 1920. Of the thirteen libraries represented in the first edition, the following three ^ have withdrawn : Montana State Library, the Library of Pacific University, and the Library of Washington State College. Unique items from these libraries, however, are retained in the present edition. The new edition is greatly strength- ened by the cooperation of the following additional libraries : University of Brit- ish Columbia Library, Library of the Oregon Historical Society, Oregon State Librart, and the public libraries of Boise, Idaho, and Tacoma, Washington. The edition of 1909 was intended primarily as a librarian's handbook for use in a cooperative development of library resources. How well it served that purpose may be judged from the present survey disclosing more than twice the number of distinct items and a still greater increase in the total number of vol- umes reported. vi PREFACE III the belief that the present hst may prove of more general service as a bibliography of Pacific Northwest Americana, its publication has been placed with a house whose bibliograi)hicaI works are widely known and used. It may not be amiss to mention that certain changes in style, such as deletion of punc- tuation, have been made to conform to the standards established by this house. The work has been prepared with the endorsement of the Pacific Northwest Library Association. Acknowledgment is here made of the prompt and enthusi- astic assistance of the staflP members who furnished the data from each library. Charles W. Smith University of Washington Library, Seattle, Washington, October 25, 1920. DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF LIBRARIES B Carnegie Public Library, Boise, Idaho. Contains 26,000 volumes. Open from 10 A.M. to 9:30 P. AI. Established in 1S93 and occupied rooms in City Hall until June, 1905, when it was moved into the present building, a gift of Air. Carnegie. The library has two branches and foui stations. In addition to the books herein listed, the library has a collection of manu- scripts, clippings, and pamphlets relating to the Pacific Northwest. Librarian: Ruth Cowgill. Ecu University of British Columbia Library, Vancouver, British Columbia. Contains 34,800 volumes, and is growing at an average rate of 5,000 volumes a year. Also contains 9,000 pamphlets. Located in temporary quarters in the city of Vancouver. Financial arrangements have been made by the British Columbia Government to enable it to move to its per- manent site at Point Grey, eight miles west of Vancouver, and it is hoped to occupy the new premises by 1922. While primarily a reference Hbrary for faculty and students, its privileges are available to others on application. The library is open daily from 9 A.M. to 9:30 P. M. during the term, and from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. during vacation. Loans are for a period of two weeks. Librarian : John Ridington. L Library of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, Vic- toria, British Columbia. A reference library only, being principally for the use of legislators and govern- ment officials. It may, however, be used by the public when the house is not in ses- sion. It contains about 100,000 volumes, including pamphlets. The Dewey Decimal classification is used. The Library of the Legislative Assembly was established in 1893. The subject matter of the library is in the main of a legal and parhamentary nature. It em- braces, however, a comparatively large and valuable collection of early discoveries and historical works relating to the Northwest Pacific Coast of America and the North- west Territories of Canada. The reading room is open to the public during government hours. — viz., from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M., Saturday 9 A. M. to i P. M., every day that the legislature is not in session. Librarian : John Forsyth. M Montana State Library, Helena, Montana. Mu University of AIontana Library, Missoula, AIontana Contains 50,000 volumes and 20,000 pamphlets. Open daily, except Sunday from , 7 :55 A. M. to 5 130 P. M. and from 7 to 9 -.30 P. M. ; on Saturday, from 8 A. M. to 12 M and from i to 5 P.M. Its use is free. Books are loaned for one week. Ref- erence books, reserved books and current periodicals do not circulate. The library started with a collection of books donated at the organization of the University in September, 1895. It is now housed in a two-story brick building, lo- cated on the north side of the main oval. Librarian : Gertrude Buckhous. viii DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF LIBRARIES O Univkrsity of Oregon Library, Eugene, Oregon. Contains aI)Out 92,500 volumes. Open daily during term time from 7:45 A.M. to 10 P. ^^., and on Sundays from 2 to 6 P. M. Vacation hours are from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Users of the Library are allowed to draw books for a period of the cal- endar month, with renewal privileges. The University of Oregon Library may be said to have been founded in 1882, when Henry Villard, President of the Northern Pacific Railroad, contributed to the University $1,000 for books. During the four preceding years the library needs were served by the two literary societies. In 1883, Mr. Villard gave to the University an endowment fund of $50,000 one of the conditions of the gifts being that not less than $4,000 a year should be expended for books. The annual appropriation for books, periodicals and binding is now about $10,000. Librarian: M. H. Douglass. Oh Library of the Oregon Historical Society, Portland, Oregon. Located in the Auditorium, Third and Market Streets. Open from 9 A. M. to 5 P. ^L Contains 14,460 volumes and 12,365 pamphlets, only a part of which are included in the "Checklist." The library has important files of local newspapers and of Oregon documents. Most noteworthy, is the manuscript material which includes the diaries of S. R. Thurston, first Delegate to Congress, Jason Lee, Mrs. H. H. Spalding, and many of the early missionaries and pioneers ; the complete file of Judge M. P. Deady's corre- spondence and journals from his appointment as Federal Judge; Mrs. Eva Emery Dye's correspondence in the preparation of her books, and other important collections. Curator: George H. Himes. Librarian : Nellie B. Pipes. Os Oregon State Library, Salem, Oregon. Contains about 180,000 volumes in the following sections: General lending collec- tion, reference library, document collection and traveling library. Open daily from 8 130 to 5 P. M. Books are loaned by mail upon request to any citizen of Oregon, being sent when possible through established public and travelling library centers. The library contains a special collection of books on Oregon history and books by Ore- gon authors. The library has been in existence since territorial days and was a document and law collection until 1913 when the title of "State Library" was given to the Oregon Library Commission which was established in 1905. At this time the law books were transferred to the Supreme Court Law Library, the documents and general literature remaining in the State Library. Both libraries are housed in the Supreme Court Building, and supported by State appropriations. Librarian : Cornelia Marvin. DESCRirTn'E LIST OF LTr>RARIES ix P Library Associatiox of Portlaxd, Portland, Oregox. Contains about 295^000 volumes, the reference library comprisinc: nearly 40,000 of these. The central building is open from 9 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. on week-days and on Sundays and holidays from 2 P. M. to g :30 P. M. for reading only. The Library Association of Portland was founded in 1863, and until 1902 was a ^bscription library. In 1891 the library was moved into the building on the cor- ner of Broadway and Stark Street, and again in September 1913, to the present building which occupies the block bounded by Tenth, Eleventh, Yamhill and Taylor Streets. On March 10, 1902, the library became free and since that time has made rapid strides, both in the acquisition of books and in the increase of membership and circulation. There are at the present time, 17 branches; 22 stations; libraries in 682 schoolrooms, institutions, etc.; in all there are 211 distributing points. The collection of Oregoniana contains in addition to the items listed, an almost complete collection of Oregon state documents, a considerable number of early news- papers printed in the state including almost complete files of the Oregonian and the Oregon Daily Journal besides many periodicals published in the state. The library has been a depository for United States documents since 1863 and in addition to its very full file from that date, has added complete sets of the Congressional Record under its various names, the American Archives, American State Papers, and also many individual early documents dealing with Northwest history. It has indexed the Portland daily papers for local material since 1910, and has also included in this index the names given in death notices in the Oregonian from 1865 to 1910. I Librarian : Mary Frances Isom. Pu Library of Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon. S Seattle Public Library, Seattle, Washington. A free public librarv- of 319,394 volumes, founded in 1891. The central library is located at 4th Avenue and Madison St., and occupies a $300,000 building, erected with funds provided largely by Andrew Carnegie. In addition to the general cir- culation and reference departments, this building also contains separate rooms for art and technology, for periodicals, newspapers, work with schools, and children's work, besides special divisions for municipal reference work, work with foreigners, and work with the blind. The library also operates nine branch libraries (seven in permanent buildings, of which six were provided by Mr. Carnegie) and four drug store deposit stations. The central library is open from 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. on week days and 2 P.M. to 10 P. M. on Sunda\-s aad holidays. The branch libraries are open from 2 to 9 P. M. on week daj's and are closed on Sundays and holidays. The use of books for reading and consultation at the library is free to all. The privilege of borrowing books for home use is free to all residents of Seattle, and to those non-residents who are Seattle taxpayers, have places of business or attend school in Seattle. In addition to the 319,394 volumes mentioned above, the library has several thousand volumes of municipal, state, and federal documents and a large number of pamphlets. Librarian: Judson T. Jennings. X DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF LIBRARIES Sc LinRARY OF THE StaTE CoLLECE OF WASHINGTON, PULLMAN, WASHINGTON. Sp Sl-OKANE Pl'Bl-lC LlBRAKY, Si'OKANE, WASHINGTON. Contains 95,000 volumes. The main building is open from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. on week days and from 2 to 9 P. M. on Sundays. The Spokane Library was organized by a group of women in 1884 and united witli the library of the labor unions in 1891 under the name of the Union Library Association. The city took over the library in 1894 and in 1901 made it a free pub- lic library by abolishing the membership fee of $1.00 per year. A Carnegie building was occupied in December, 1905, and the institution was placed under the state law in 1907. Three Carnegie branch buildings were opened in 1914. Five stores are rented by the library and are operated as branches. The main reference collection, besides being well equipped with public docu- ments and periodical sets, includes one of the few large art collections in the west, an extensive bibliographical library and an important Northwest history collection. Nearly all the material in these groups has been purchased by the librarian from public funds. Librarian : CiKORGE W. Fuller. T Tacoma Public Lihrarv, Tacoma, Washington. A free public library of 98,885 volumes, first incorporated in 1889. The central library is located at Tacoma Avenue and South 12th Street and occupies a $75,000 Carnegie building. The library consists of a well rounded collection of reference, circulating and children's books and provides special facilities for investigations in Pacific Northwest history and patents. Special attention has been paid to the se- curing and making quickly and easily accessible all publications of the United States Government. The main library is open from 9 A. AL to 9:45 P.M. on week days and from 2 to 9 P.M. Sundays and certain holidays. The use of books for reading and con- sultation at the library is free to all. The privilege of borrowing books for home use is free to all residents, taxpayers and those attending school or employed in Tacoma, and to non-residents on the payment of an annual fee of $1.00. Librarian: John Bovnton Kaiser. W \\ ASHINCIOX SlATF. LllSKAKY, OlYMPI.V, WaS H 1 XG TON. Contains 38,550 bound volumes and over 8,000 pamphlets, with 1,350 bound files and 1,700 rolls of newspapers, covering the whole period of statehood and all parts of the state. Located in the Temple of Justice, lower floor. Occupies five large rooms devoted to (i) General Library, (2) Newspaper files, (3) Government docu- ments, (4) State documents and general issues and (5) clearing house and store- room. The State Library is the sales agent for all state publications and for the dis- tribution of all State departmental and periodical issues. It is the medium of ex- change with all state libraries and institutions. The library supplies clubs, public li- braries, high schools, and individuals with reference material, which is sent to all parts of the state. All service is free to the public. The hours of opening are from 9 to 12 A. M. and from i to 5 P. M. daily ex- cept Sunday, and from 9 A. W. to 10 P. M. during sessions of the legislature. LibrariiDi : T. "Nf. HiTT. DESCRIPTIVE LISTS OF LIBRARIES xi Wa Walla Walla Public Library, Walla Walla, Washington. The library building is situated at the corner of Alder, Palouse and Poplar streets. It is open from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. daily, and on Sundays and all holidays from 2 to 6 P. M. Contains about 13,000 volumes. The first library movement in Walla Walla was started in 1865, when the Walla Walla Library and Literary Association was incorporated. It was a subscription li- brar}' and interest in this first movement soon died; the library revived, however, at two different times previous to 1897, when it was established for the first time as a free public librar}'. It was moved into the present building, the gift of Mr. Car- negie, in November, 1905. Librarian : Ellen Garfield Smith. Wh Whitman College Library, Walla Walla, Washington. Contains 29,625 bound volumes and several thousand pamphlets. Open during term time from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. daily except Sunday. Located in Whitman Me- morial building. While primarily for the faculty and students of the college, the privileges of the library are extended to all citizens of Walla Walla and to visitors from outside the city. Whitman College- Library had its beginning in 1882 with the gift of Rev. Alyron Eells of twenty-five dollars, fourteen bound volumes and fifteen pamphlets. The li- brary contains a special collection of books relating to the Pacific Northwest, in- cluding valuable material bearing on the life of Marcus Whitman. Librarian : Harriet L. Carstensen. Wu University of Washington Libr.\ry, Seattle, Washington. Contains 94,444 volumes. Open Monday to Friday from 8 A. AI. to 10 P. M. ; on fijLA^ Saturday from 8 to 5 P. M. ; during vacation recesses from 9 A. M. till noon. / 'sC/ Its collection of material relating to the Pacific Northwest has been recently augmented by the purchase of the Clarence B. Bagley Collection. It is now strong in manuscripts and earlj' newspapers of the territory and state of Washington. Con- tains much pliotostat material, including records of the activities of the Hudson's Bay Company, and the Frank A. Colder Collection of material in Russian Archives relating to the historj- of Alaska. This library is a depository for the historical materials of the Washington Uni- versity State Historical Society and from this source receives the publications of various historical societies af the United States and Canada. Librarian : William E. Henry. l-l EXPLANATIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS The initials after each entry indicate the libraries in which the book or pamphlet may be found. For key, see the "Descriptive list of libraries." "Same" denotes the same author and title as last previously cited. For the sake of brevity, the collation and imprint items are not given for diflferent editions of the same book, except to show variations. Size oi books is indicated onlj- for quartos and folios, as follows: Q quarto, from 25 to 30 centimeters in height. F folio, over 30 centimeters in height. F4 from 35 to 40 centimeters in height. F5 from 40 to 50 centimeters in height. F6 from 50 to 60 centimeters in height. The following signs and abbreviations have been used: . . . denotes omissions. f J enclose material not on title page, supplied by cataloger. c copyright date, comp. compiler, ed. editor, edition, facsim. facsimile, fold. folded. govt. government printing office, pr. of ports. group of portraits, illus. illustrated, illustrations. 1. leaf, leaves, n. d. no date. n. p. no place of publication given, n. pub. no publisher, n. t. p. no title page, pi. plate, plates, port, ports. portrait, portraits, pub. publisher, tab. table, tables, unp. unpaged. V. volume, volumes. V. d. various dates. V. p. various places. Pacific Northwest Americana Abbot, Henry L. Reminiscences of the Oregon war of 1855. P436-442 (Reprint) Oh 1 Abbott, John Stephens Cabot Christopher Carson, familiarly known as Kit Carson. 34Sp N" Y Dodd 1873 O 2 Same Ipl 1901 Os,P,S,Sp,T 3 Given for trapping and Fremont expedition to the Columbia Abbott, Twyman Osmand Real property statutes of Washington terri- tory from 1843 to 1889. . . 1232p Olympia Wash State printing and pub co 1892 S.Wu 4 Contains much valuable material relating to the Ter- ritory of Washington, including treaties, proclamations and special laws of Congress, such as the donation acts, private acts and Indian treaties Abel, Annie Heloise A new Lewis and Clark map. p329-345 lUus map [N Y 1916] Wu 6 From the Geographical review, t 1, no 5, May 1916. Facsimile map facing p344 Aberdeen, Ishbel Maria (Marjorlbanks) Gordon, countess of Through Canada with a kodak. 249p lllus Edin White 1893 L 6 Abruzzi, Luigi Amedeo, duke of the. See No. 2262 Account and history of the Oregon Territory; together with a journal of an emigrating party across the western prairies of Amer- ica, and to the mouth of the Columbia river. Ed 2 160p Lond William Lott 1S16 L 7 Across the continent; Atlantic and Paciflc rail- way. Portland and Rutland railroad. Of- ficial record of the corporators, April 30, 1868 59p Portland (Me) Brown, Thur- ston & CO 1868 P 8 Includes project for connection with railroads to Pacific Coast Bound with International commercial convention. Pror^eedings, August 4th and 5th, 1868 Adair, Mrs. Bethena Angelina (Owens) Di-. Owens-Adair; some of her life ex- periences. 537p 7 ports [Portland, Or Mann & Beach printers 1906] B,0,Oh, Os,P,S,Wh,Wu 9 Half-title no t p Story of an Oregon pioneer Adam, Graeme Mercer Canadian North-west; its history and Its troubles. . . 390p front(port) 11 ports Toronto Rose 1885 L.Wu 10 Same 408p S 11 At head of title: From savagery to civilization p 391-408 Apx. Trial of Louis Kiel Adams, Charles Francis Address on the life, character and services of William Henry Seward. April 18. 1878 77p front (port) Albany N Y Weed 1873 S.Wu 12 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Adams, Emma H. To and fro, up and down in Southern Cali- fornia, Oregon and Washington territory . . . COSp CliicaRO Cranston [clS88] Wii 13 Adams, Green Sptich on the Oregon bill; delivered in the House of representatives, July 27, 184S 16p Wash Towers 1848 P 14 Adams, Harrison The pioneer boys of the Columbia; or. In the wilderness of the great northwest. 8-f345p front illus npl Boston Page 1916 P 15 Adams, J. Orville Cruiser: a romance of tlie Idaho timber land frauds. 283p illus front Spokane Wa.sh J. O. Adams 1909 Sp 16 tAdams, John Qulncyi Oregon question: war and peace. pll3-128 (ileprintod from tho American review v 3, Kebrnary 1S46) Oh 17 Adams, Joseph Ten thousand miles • through C-anada; the natural resources, commercial industries, fish and game, sports and pastimes of the great Dominion. Ed 2 310p front 40pl Imap Lond Mothuen [1912] S 18 Adams, William L. Lecture on Oregon and the Pacific coast. 39p Bost May 1869 P 19 Melodrame, entitled "Treason, stratagems, and spoils," in five acts, by Brealcspear. 32p illus Portland Or Dryer 1S.=>2 Oh 20 Oregon as it is; its pi-est-nt and future: by a resident for twenty-five years, being a rtrply to inquirers. 61p tab Portland Or Bulletin 187:1 I'.Wu 21 Additon, Mrs. Lucia H. Faxon Tutnl.\ L-vt-ntful years of the Oregon Wo- man's Christian temperance union. 1S80- 1900, statistical, historical and biographical . . . 112p illus 29ports tab Portland Or Gotshall 1904 P,"\Vu 22 Addresses on the death of Hon. Edward D. Baker, delivered in the Senate and House of representatives on Wednesday, Dec. 11, 1861 87p Wash Govt 1862 Wu 23 Addresses \ipon the life and character of John J. McGilvra. 78p illus Ipl Iport Seattle Lowman 1904 Wu 24 CoDfUns many -full page Illustrations of paily Seattle Adney, Tappan Klondike stamped.-. 417p illus 4i>l 2 map.«! X Y Harper 19nii T,W,Wu 25 Advocate of peace and universal brotherhood. V l.no 4,6 Apr & June 1846 AVorooster Ma.S'('e No 1154 Aldrlch, Herbert L. Arctic Alaska and Siberia; or. Eight months with the Arctic whalemen. 234p illus 24pl Chic Rand 1889 S,T,Wu 45 Alexander, Philip Frederick (ed> North-west and North-east passages, 1576-1611. 211p front illus Cambridge [Eng] Univ pr 1915 (Cambridge travel books) S 46 Allan, Alexander Hunting the sea otter; by Alexander Allen ISSp front illus Lond Cox 1910 L 47 Allen, A. J. (comp) Ten years in Oregon. Travels and adventures of Doctor E. White and lady west of the Rocky mountains; incidents of two sea voyages via. Sandwich islands around Cape Horn; containing also a brief history of the missions and settlement of the country — Origin of the provisional gov- ernment — Number and customs of the In- dians — Incidents witnessed. . . in the territory — Description of the soil, produc- tion and climate of the country. Compiled by Miss A. J. Allen 399p Iport Ithaca N Y Mack 1848 L,P,S,Wa, Wu 48 Same 430p Ithaca Andrus 1850 Bcu,T, Wh.Wu ' 49 (comp) Thrilling adventures, travels and ex- plorations of Dr. Elijah White, among the Kocky mountains and in the far West. . . 430p N Y Yale 1859 Wh 50 Allen, Edward Frank (comp & ed) Guide to the national parks of America. 286p 7pl 4maps N Y McBride 1915 S 51 Allen, Edward Tyson Practical forestr>- in the Pacific Northwest; protecting existing forests and growing new ones, from the standpoint of the public and that of the lumberman, with an outline of technical methods. 130p Portland Or Western forestry & conservation assoc 1911 P,S,Sp,Wu 52 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Allen, Grenvllle F. Forests of Mount Rainier national park. Dept. of the interior Office of the secretary 32p illus [Wash Gfovt] 1916 S - 53 Alien, Henry Tureman Report of an expedition to the Copper, TananS,, and K6yukulc rivers, in the terri- tory of Alaska, in the year 1885, "for the purpose of obtaining' all information which will be valuable and important, especially to the military branch of the government." Made under the direction of General Nelson A. Miles, commanding the Department of the Columbia, by Lieut. Henry T. Allen, Second United States cavalry. 172p 29pl Wash Govt 1887 (U S Congress, 49-2 Sen Ex doc 125) S,Wu 54 cAllen, Lucius Ho Judge O. C. Pratt, of San Francisco, as a Pacific coast pioneer and as an early as- sociate justice of the supreme and district courts of the United States, territory of Oregon. 14p [San Fran] n pub [1887] Os 56 Allen, William A. Adventures with Indians and game; or. Twenty years in the Rocky .mountains 302p 4ports 22pl Chic Bowen 1903 Mu 56 Alien, Willis Boyd Gulf and glacier; or. The Percivals in Alaska. 243p 8pl Boston Lothrop fl892] Wu 57 (The) red mountain of Alaska. 348p illus Ipl Bost Estes [n889] 0,Wu 58 Aiier, Curtis Cosmos Industrial survey of Seattle. 64p Seattle Univ of Wash 1918 S.Wu 59 (University of Washington Bureau of industrial re- search RuUetin no 3) Alley, B. F. Description and resources of Lane county, Oregon, and its cities and towns. . . 59p front Portland D Steel 1890 O 60 Alley, B. F. and Fraser, J. P. Munro Washington territory, descriptive and his- torical. Thurston county. 142p tab Olympia Cavanaugh 1886 P,Wu 61 p 131-142. advertising matter Allgemeine deutsche unterstiitaungs gesell- schaft in Portland, Oregon. Jahresbe- richt, 1890, 1891, 1894 P 62 Ailing, Horatio Why we vote; a discussion of the government of the state of Washington. 163p 1 map Olympia Westland 1900 Wh 63 Same Seattle 1903 Sp 64 Alston, E. Graham Hand-book of British Columbia and Van- couver Island. 41p map Lond Algar 1870 L 65 Alta California. Pacific coast and trans-con- tinental rail-road guide. . . J. C. Fergus- son editor. illus 1 map tab San Fran MacCrellish [-■1871] P 66 p 132-8 Oregon, and Washington territory p 106-7 Idaho territorr PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Altowan; or. Incidents of life and adventure in the Rocky mountains. By an amateur traveler; ed by J. Watson Webb 2v X Y Harper lS4t5 p 67 Alvarez, Nicolas Xoticias sagradas. . . .'li'p l.os Angeles Fernandez de Leon n d P 68 Ambler, Charles Henry The life and diary of Jolui Floyd, governor of Virginia, an apostle of secession and the father of the Oregon country. . . 248p front (port) [Richmond Richmond press inc printers ""1018: 0,Wu 69 "Mr. Kloyil's 'Dlarj'' covers Uio period from March 18:?1. to February 1834"— Pref America across the seas; our colonial empire, described by Hamilton Wright, C. H. Forbes-Lindsay [and others] 106p illus Smaps Q NY Hammond 1000 S 70 p 59-71 Alaska by W. W. Atwood American agriculturist. . . Apr-Dec, 1843 V 2 illus tab N Y Saxton 1843 P 71 I) 273-27.'i Products of the OrcKon territory American association for the advancement of science. Pacific coast committee (ed) N'ature & science on the Pacific coast; a guide book for scientific travelers in the West. 302p illus 42pl 14maps tab San Fran Elder c<:1915: B,Oh,Os,P,S,Sp,Wu 72 American bankers' association American banker's guide to the forty-first annual convention. . . to be held at Seattle, Wash September 6th to 10th, 1915 OGp illua X Y" Steurer [1015?] S 73 American board of commissioners for foreign missions Annual report. v 25-41 1834-1850 Cost A li C F M 1834-1850 Wu 74 Same v 25-26, 30, 32-33. 35-3C, 38. 40, 42-43, 1S34-1852 W 75 Contains offlclal accounts of the Orecon mission of the .\merican Board Mai).s and illustrations of the missions of the American board of commissioners for foreign missions, 1843. [2fipl] [Post -V IJ C F M 1843?] Wu 76 flate 20 Is a map of the Oregon mission American book company Geography of Oregon. . . and a brief outline of the history of the "Oregon Country"; based on McMaster's school history of the T'nited States; handbook for the use of Oregon teachers. 17p X Y .\mor bk co 1807 Oh 77 American British Joint high commission Confidential memorandum for tlie use of the commissioners on the part of the United States. 154p 2map.s F Wash Govt 1871 Oh 78 p 57-74 Northwest water houinlary and the island of San Juan American Catholic historical researches v 16 p 187-197 Oct 1S90 Beadle, H. M. "The story of Marcus A\liitman' refuted P 79 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA American journal of progress Special extra number descriptive of and il- lustrating- Spokane. 33p illus NY? Amer Jour of progress [190-1] Sp 80 Atnerlcan museum of natural history Anthropolog'ical papers. v 2, pt 2 Jan 1!)09 illus pi P,"Wu 80a Bulletin, v 32, pt 6 1913 Shufeldt, R. W. Review of the fossil fauna of the desert region of Oregon, with a description of additional material collected there. 3.5pl P,Wu 81 Ethnographical album, of the North Pacific coasts of America and Asia. Jesup North Pacific expedition Pt 1 28pl F NY American museum of natural history 1900 O 82 Jesup North Pacific expedition. v 1-10 illus pi maps Leiden Brill N Y Stechert 1898- 1908 L.PAVu 83 Contained in the Jlemoirs of the American museum of natural history, v 2-14. This publication Is not yet complete. It covers the etlinology and archaeology of tlie coasts of the Xortli Pacific ocean between the Amoor river in Siberia, and the Columbia river in North America American political science association Pi-oceedings at its fourth annual meeting. . . 1907 P,S,Wu 84 P193-197 XJ'Ren, W. S. Results of tlio initiative and referendum in Oregon P198-221 Tliatcher, Geor,;e A. Initiative and ref- erendum in Oregon . . . American protection to American pioneers; or. Shall Oregon be surrendered to Great Britain? 7p [n p 1S4-?] ^Wu 85 Caption title At head of title: No. 10. Oregon Published by order of a committee of the Demo- ciiitic membsrs Oi Congress American review Feb. 1846 v 3 pll3-128. The Oregon question: war and peace P,S,Wu 86 March, 1846. v 3 p 227-238 The administration and the country. [Oregon question: P,S, Wu 87 Ami, Henry M. (ed) North America, v. 1- Canada and New- foundland: 2d ed rev 1069p front illus maps Lond Standford 1915 (Standford's compendium of geog^raphy and travel, new issue) O 88 Northwest British Columbia, Yukon Amoretti, Carlo, tr. .S'ee Ferrer Lorenzo, Xos. 1224-1226 Maldonado, Amundsen, Roald Engelbregt Gravning "The northwest passage"; being the record of a voyage of exploration of the ship "Gjoa" 1903-1907. 2v illus Iport 44pl 3 maps tab N Y Dutton 1908 Bcu,P,S,T 89 Roald Amundsen's "The North AVest pas- sage"; being the record of a voyage of ex- ploration of the ship "Gjoa" 1903-1907, by Roald Amundsen, w^ith a supplement by First Lieutenant Hansen, vice-commander of the expedition; with about one hundred PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Amundsen, Roald E. G.—ContiiiueJ and thirty-nine illustrations and three maps. 2v fronts illus Smaps Lond Constable 1908 L.S 90 Half title: The •■Gj8a" eipcdltlon 1903-190T Anderson, Ada Woodruff Tho heart of the red firs; a story of the Pacific Northwest 313p front 3pl Boat Little 1908 P.S,Wu 91 Rim of the desert 402p front Best Lit- tle 1915 B.S.Sp 92 Strain of \Vhite. Illustrated by Frances Rogers. SOOp front 3pl Bost Little 190D S.Wu 93 Anderson, Alexander Caulfield The Dominion of the W'^st; a brief descrip- tion of the Province of British Columbia, its climate and resources; the government prize essay 1872. 112p Victoria Govt print office 1872 Ecu. L M Hand-book and map to the gold region of Fraser's and Thompson's rivers, with table of distances; to which Is appended Chinook Jargon — language used etc., etc. 31p fold map San Fran Le Cotint 1858 L 9B Anderson, James Sawney's letters and Cariboo rhymes. 49p Toronto Johnston 1895 L 96 Anderson, James S. M. The history of the Church of England In the colonies and foreign dependencies of the British Empire. 3v Lond Rivington 1S56 L 97 Anderson, John J. Did the Louisiana purchase extend to the Pacific ocean? and Our title to Oregon. 8p Imap N Y Clark [1881] P.Wh.Wu 98 Andr6e, Karl Theodor Norcl-.\merika in geographischen und ge- schictlichen umrissen, mit besonderer beriJcksichtigung der lingeborenen und der indianischen Alterthiimer, der einwanderung und der ansiedelungen des ackerbaues, der gewerbe, der schifffahrt und des handels. 810p illus Braunschweig Westermann 1S51 S 99 Same Ed 2 1S54 P 100 tAndrews, Ellsha Benjamlnj How Oregon entered the union. p37-39 (From the Book-keeper, September, 1900) Wu 101 Angle, Grant C. (pub) Lumbering in the northwest and the logger at his work. 30p illus Shelton Wash Journal press '1905 Wh 102 Annual register; or, a View of the history, politics and literature, for the year 1790. Lond Dodsley 1793 Bcu,P,S,Wu 103 p 285-306 State papers relatlre to Nootka Sound con- troTersy. See No. 2650 Anton, George A supplement to Lord Anson's voyage round the world, containing a discovery and description of the Island of Frivola by the PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Abbe Coyer, to which is prefix'd an in- troductory preface by the translater. 63p Lond Millar, 1752 L 104 A true and impartial journal of a voyage to the South-Seas, and round the globe in His Majesty's ship the Centurion, under the command of Commodore George Anson, wherein all the material incidents during the said voyage, from its commencement in the year 1740 to its conclusion in 1744, are fully and faithfully related, having been committed to paper at the time they happen'd. Together with some historical accounts of Chili, Peru, Mexico, and the Empire of China; exact descriptions of such places of note as were touch'd at; and variety of occasional remarks, to which is added a large and general table of long- itudes and latitudes. . . by Pascoe Thomas, Teacher of the mathematicks on board the Centuiion. [16]+347+39p tab D Lond Birt, 1745 L, 105 Anson, George. See also Walter, Richard, com- piler Apperson, John T. and Wilson, A. K. Brief history of the Apperson family in Oregon. 32p Iport n p n pub cl908: Oh 106 Applegate, Jesse Recollections of my boyhood. 99p Rose- burg Or Review pub co 1914 0,0h,0s,P, Sp,W,Wu 107 Architect and engineer of California Mar 1919 V .^)C no 3 Notable examples of architecture, landscape architecture and sculpture In Portland. Oregon; report of the jury to the Oregon chapter of the American institute of architects. P 108 Arctander, Karl Johan Ludwig Wllhelm August The apostle of Alaska; the story of William Duncan, of Metlakahtla. 395p front (port) 27pl 4ports Imap N Y Revell [^909] S,Wu 109 riates include several portrait groups Arctic miscellanies; a souvenir of the the late Polar search; by the officers and seamen of the expedition. 347p illus Lond Col- burn 1852 L 110 Arctic travels; or. An account of the several land expeditions to determine the geography of the northern part of the American con- tinent. 173p front 2pl I.iOnd Rivington 1831 S 111 "Originally prepared and published by the Society for promoting the education of the poor in Ireland . reprinted ... for the use of the So- ciety for promoting Christian knowledge" Argonaut, pseudonym. See Etches, John Cod- man An Argument upon the justice and ex- pediency of the order issued by govern- ment, for the detaining all ships bound to the ports of Spain, freighted with treasure or warlike stores. 63p Lond Stockdale 1805 S 112 Treats of Nootka Sound controversy 10 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Argus, .Mount Vernon, Wash. See Mount Winon Argus Argus [Seattle weekly] Men behind the Seattle spirit; the Argus cartoons. 365p illus Q [Seattle Chad- wick 1906] S 113 KJ by U. A. ClmcUvlck Argus [Seattle weekly] Alaska-Yukon Pacific ulition. illus F Seattle Feb 20 190;i S.AVu 114 Argus [Seattle weekly] Christmas number, illus F Seattle 1899-1907; 1909; 1911-1918. S.Wu 115 Argyll, John George Edward Henry Douglas Campbell, nth duke of Ytsterday and to-da> in Canada. 429p Imap tab Load Allen 1910 (The British Empire) S 116 prM-C9 Rrillsh Columbia Armstrong, A. N. Oregon: comprising a brief history and full description of the territories of Oregon and Washington. . . the Indian tribes of the Pacific slope, their manners, etc., in- terspersed with incidents of travel and ad- venture. H7p Chic Scott 1857 L,Os, P.S.Wh,Wu 117 Army and navy chronicle, Jan. 1-Dec. 26, 1839. New ser v 8-9, 2v in 1 Wash Homans 1839 P 118 Conulns editorial on Oregon territory, also "K.x- peilition to the Oregon territory" from the St. Louis Itepiibllcan Articles of agreement, for carrying on an ex- pedition, by Hudson's Streights for the dis- covery of a North-West passage to the western and southern ocean of America, dated March 30, 1745. 16p Dublin n pub 1746 I. 119 Artigue, Jean de Six years in the Canadian North-West trans, from the French by L. C. Corbett and Uev. S. Smith. :206p Toronto Hun- ter 1882 1. 120 Ashland, Oregon Valley Record. See Valley Record Associated chambers of commerce of the Pacific coast \'isit to China of tlie Honorary commercial commissioners representing the .Vssociated chambers of commerce of the Pacific coast, iinp illus 16pl 2maps n p n pub 1910 S 121 Descriptions of I'aclflc coast cities, biographical ske.tches. etc., witli KnglisU and Chinese in parallel fiiUimn>( Association de la propagation de la fol Notice sur les missions du diocese de Quebec; Jan 1839-May 1874 nos 1-21 3v Quebec v pub 1839-1874 P,S,Wu 122 Inc'lniles Mission de la Colomble Astor, William Waldorf John Jacob Astor pl71-184 (Excerpt from Pall Mall magazine, v 18, 1899) Wu 123 Astoria, Oregon (The) Astoria centennial Aug 10 to Sept 9, 1911 r.lp illus port [Astoria?] 1911 O 124 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 11 Astoria, Oregon. Chamber of Commerce Annual report of the president, 1879, 1880. Astoria (Or) Astorian print 1880-1881 P 12b Astoria, Oregon, and surrounding' district tributary thereto. 24p illus fold map Portland Or Lewis & Dryden 1887 "Wu 126 A story of the gateway. . . Astoria and Clatsop County, Oregon. 47p illus cAs- toria Author] 1919 Os 127 Map on inside of back cover Astoria, Oregon. Charter Charter of the town of Astoria, and rules and regulations for the government of the comrnon council. 15p [Astoria] "As- torian office" 1873 Wu 128 Astoria, Oregon, at the mouth of the great Columbia river; best harbor on the Pacific coast... c28p: illus Astoria Or Del- linger 1896 Oh 129 Astorian. See Morning Astorian Atl. Siioqualmlp Kails and White River power dpvclopnirtits Baker, Edward Dickinson .Masliipiece.'^: dary of the rnited States. 18.57-01. 78p map (U S Geol Survey Bull no 174) Mu.Wu 173 Baker City, Oregon. Chamber of Commerce t.'omniercial report of the Baker City gold fields of Oregon. 38p illus fold map and other verses 143p Salem Or O 170 Balver City Lentz ISOO Oh S'tnir .")."ip T.ltlii Oil Baker City, Oregon. Charter Charter City of Baker [1910j Baker City Or Herald print tlOlO] 174 175 484-13P O.Wh 176 Baker Herald The land of opi)orUinity : Baker CoiuUy. Oregon, and adjacent territory. Coming west e'lition illus Raker (Or) Maker Herald 191.". V 177 Balch, Edwin Swift fed) Letters and papers relating to the Alaska frontier. 134p 2 maps Q Phil Allen 1904 L.S.Wu Map< In text ^fount McKinley aixl proofs. 142p illus Q Os.S.Wu Balch, Frederick Homar Bridge of the God.s; a Oregon. 28ftp Sawr ■^^^th l.-iter imprints W.Wa.Wu 178 mountain climbers' Phil Campion 1914 179 romance of Indian Chic McCIurg 1890 Wh 180 O.Os.P.S.Sp.T. 181 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 15 Balch, Thomas Willing Alaska frontiei". 19Sp Imap Allen 1903 L.Os.S.Sp.'VVu Maps in text Alasko-Canadian frontier. 45p Q len 1902 L,Oh,Os,P.S,Wu Maps in text rhii 182 Phil Al- 183 Balch, William Raiston (comp) Mines, niiners and mining interests of the United States in 1882. 1191 illus pi map Q Phil Mining industrial pub- lishing bureau S.Sp 184 See index under Alaska. Idaho. Montana, Oregon, Wasliington Baldwin, George Partridge (comp) Anacortes illustrated; containing a general description of the state of Wash- ington and a review of resources, terminal advantages, general industries and climate of Anacortes and its tributary country. c403P illus Anacortes Allmond and Boyn- ton printers [18—?] Wu 185 Ballantyne, Robert IVIichael (ed) Handbook to the new gold fields: full account of the richness and extent of the Fraser and Thompson River gold mines, - with a geographical and physical account of the country and its inhabitants, routes, etc., etc. 116p front (map) Edin Stra- han 1858 Bcu.Li.Oh.S 186 Hudson's Bay; or, Every-day life in the wilds of North America, during six years' residence in the territories of the honour- able Hudson's Bay company. 328p front illus 3pl Edinburgh Blackwood 1848 AVu 187 Same ed 2 32Sp illu 3 1 pi 1 map 0,S 188 Same ed 3 322p i lus Lond Nelson IS.^,7 M^i 183 Same ed 4 367p Lond Nelson 1870 i>.o.« 190 .90 111 r 298p front 3pl Bost Philips 1859 Wu 191 Same 367p 1 port Lond Nelson 1897 Mu.P,T 192 (The) pioneers, a tale of the western wilder- ness, illustrative of the adventures and dis- coveries of Sir Alexander Mackenzie. 12Sp Lond Nisbet 1SS3 Wa.Wu 193 Twice bought; a tale of the Oregon gold fields. 2nSp illus Lond Nisbet n d P 19t Ballantyne, Robeit iVlichael, joint author. Tytler, Patrick Eraser Xrc rBaMard, D. P.^ Washington territory and the far Northwest. Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. . . Facts V»y an old settler, not in the interest of rail- roads or localities. 60p Chic Ballard [pief 1889] AVii 195 Ballou, Howard M. and Carter, George R. History of the Hawaiian mission pres.^i, with a bibliography of the earlier publications. 1) 9-44 (Hawaiian historical .society Papers no 14 Honoluhi Paradise of the Pacific 1908) Oh.Wu 196 16 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Ballou, Maturin Murray New Eldorado; a summer journey to Alaska. 355p Bost Houghton [aSSSj L.P.S.T, Wu 197 Same cd 2 352p 1890 Bcu.S 198 DlfTrrs from edition 1 only In omission of index Baltz, John D. Hon. Edward D. Baker, U. S. senator from Oregon. . . Colonel. . . Baker's defense in the battle of Ball's Bluff, fought October 21f.t, 1861, in Virginia, and slight biograph- ical sketches of Colonel Baker and Generals Wistar and Stone. illus 2ports 1 map Lancaster Pa Inquirer print, co ISSS I'.S.Sp 199 iBancroft, A. L. and co.] Hislorical works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, in their relation to the progress and destiny of the Pacific states. 14-|-llp 1 map [San F'ran Bancroft] n d P.Wu 200 Bancroft, Frederic The life of William H. Seward. 2v fronts ports N y Harper 1900 S,Wu 201 Bancroft, George. .S'tc Is'o. 4149 Bancroft, Hubert Howe Chronicles of the builders of the common- wealth; historical character study. 8v 122ports 1 map tab San Fran History co 1891-92 0,P,Wh 202 Same vol 1 only Oh 203 ibstory of Alaska, 1730-1885. 775p illus 1 map San Fran Bancroft 1886 Bcu.L, Mu,0,Os,P,S,Sp,T,W,Wh,Wa,Wu 204 History of British Columbia, 1792-1887. 792p illus 1 map San Fran History co 1S87 Bcu,L,0,Os,P.S,Sp,W,Wh,Wu 205 Same 1890 L.Mu.Wa 206 History of Oregon 2v illus 1 map San Fran History co 1886 Bcu.L,Mu,0,0h,08, P.S.Sp,T,W,Wa,Wh,Wu 207 History of the life of Matthew P. Deady. . p 603-653 Iport San Fran History co 1890 P 208 From Chronicles of the builders History of the life of William S. Ladd. 60p 2ports San Fran History co 1890 P 209 From Chronicles of the builders History of the Northwest coast. 2v illus 1 map San Fran Bancroft 1884 L,M,P, .S,W,Wh,Wu 210 Same History co 1886 [^884] Bcu.Mu, 0,0h,0s,Sp,Wa,AVu 211 History of Washington, Idaho and Montana, 1845-1889 836p illus San Fran History co 1890 Bcu,L„M,Mu,0,Os,P,S,Sp.W, Wa.Wh,Wu 212 Literary industries. 808p Iport San Fran History co 1890 Bcu,L,0,P,S,Sp,W,Wa, W'h,Wu 213 p.lSft-ei. Historic erplorations northward Native races of the Pacific states of North America. 5v Illus lOmaps tab N Y Appleton 1874 Os,P 214 Same 1875 0,0h, 215 Same Bancroft 1882 0,P,S 216 Same Bancroft 1883 L.Wh 217 Same History co 1886 Bcu.Mu, Sp,T,W, W'a.Wu 218 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 17 New Pacific. 738p (front) map N T Bancroft 1900 Oh,P,S,Wu 219 Same Ed 3 rev 549p 1915 Sp 220 Popular tribunals. 2v Imap 6fac-sim San Fran History co 1887 Bcu,L,Mu,0,Os, P,S,Sp,W,Wa,Wh,Wu 221 V 1 P622-721 Popular tribunals of OrSKon, Wash- ington. British Columbia, Alaska, Idaho and Montana Retrospection political and personal 562p front (port) N Y Bancroft 1912 O.F, S,Sp,Wu 222 Bancroft, Hubert Howe and campany (pub) Guide for travellers in the Pacific states, No.l2 144p 2maps tab San Fran Bancroft 1869 P 223 Bancroft's hand-book almanac for the Pacific states. . . ed. by Wm. H. Knight, 1862. 191p San Fran Bancroft 1862 Oh.P 224 Same 420p 1863 P 225 Same 440p 1864 P 226 Banks, Louis Albert Censor echoes; or. Words that burned. 162p illus ports tab Portland Or Himes 1882 0,P,Wu 227 Live boys in Oregon; or. An Oregon boy- hood. 173p 8pl Bost Lee 1900 O.Os, S,Sp,T,Wu 228 Oregon boyhood. 173p Bost Lee 1898 ["^1897] Os,P,S,Sp,T,Wh 229 Same as his Live boys in Oregon Baptist general associations, Oregon Proceedings of a convention to organize the Oregon Baptist general convention. . 18.57 cand] of first annual meeting 1858 P 230 Proceedings of annual meeting. Organization, 1868 and 1-7, 1868-1874 P 231 From 1871-1874 called Baptist convention of Oregon and the territory of Washington Baptist associations, Oregon Proceedings of the. . . annual session of the Oregon Baptist state convention, and ac- companying anniversaries. . . 9th, 21st-32d 1S94 1906-1917 ports tab Portland Kern pr house Multnomah pr co 1894-1917 P 232 Same 15th 1900 O 233 Contains also Directory of ministers and churches, and associational minutes For proceedings of earlier meetings see Baptist as- sociations. Oregon Minutes Baptist associations. Oregon, Central Minutes of anniversaries. Organization, 1857 and 1-22, 1858-1879 P 234 39 p89fi and 48-00, 1905-1917 in Proceedings of State convention Baptist associations. Oregon, Corvaills Minutes of annual meeting. Organization, 1856, and 1-21, 23, 1857-1877, 1879 P 235 Baptist associations. Oregon, Grand Ronde Proceedings of the first annual session . . . 1874 P 236 36-44, 1908-1917 in Proceedings of the State con- vention Baptist associations. Oregon, Mount Pleasant Minutes of annual sessions 2d-12th, 1869-1879 P 237 Baptist associations. Oregon, Rogue River Minutes of annual meeting, 2d, 1878 P 238 19th-20th. 30th-40th, 1895-96. 1907-1917 Included in Proceedings of State convention 18 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Baptist associations. Oregon, Umpqua Minutes of anniversaries lst-4th, 6th-13th, 1864-67. 1869-76 P 239 19116-1907. 1910-1917 included in Proceedings of ^?tate convention Baptist associations. Oregon, Willamette Minutes of anniversaries lst-31st, 1848-1879 p 240 47th-48th. 57th-69th. 1895-1896, 1905-1917 published In Proceedings of State cunventioa Baptist associations. Puget Sound Minutes of the convention, organization, 1871, and 2d-7th, 1872-1877, annual meetings P 241 From 1876 to 1877 called Puget Sound and British Columbia Baptist missionary and educational society of Oregon, W. T., Idaho and 8. C. Minutes; lieins an account of the reorgani- zation of the Baptist convention of Oregon and Washington, and of the Oregon Bap- tist Sunday school convention; synopsis of minutes of first annual meeting; and minutes of the second annual meeting of the Baptist missionary and educational society of Ore., Wash., Idaho and B. C. 1S78 r 242 Baptist Sunday school convention of Oregon and Washington territory Proceedings 1S73 P 243 Bards and company Bards and co.'s classified business directory of 01>Tnpia, Tacoma, Puyallup, Seattle, Everett, Port Townsend, Fairhaven, New Whatcom and Port Angeles for the years 1898-1899. containing a classified list of the representative men engaged in professional and commercial pursuits 157p N Y Bards n d S 244 Barneby, William Henry Life and labour in the far, far West; being notes of a tour in the western states. British Columbia, Manitoba, and the north- west territory. 432p Imap tab Lond Cassell 1884 Bcu.L.Mu.O.Oh.P.S.T.W.Wu 245 New far West and the old far East, being notes of a tour in North America, Japan, China. Ceylon, etc. 316p illus pi 3maps Lond Stanford 1889 Bcu,L,O.P,S.T,Wu 246 Barnes, A. H. Our greatest mountain and Alpine regions of wonder. 69p front illus Q n p n pub [<^1911] (Rainier national parlt art series) S.Wu 247 Barnett, James Duff Forestalling the direct primary in Oregon. . . 22p N Y Ginn 1912. Reprinted from Political science quarterly v. 27 no 4 p648- 68 O 248 Operation of the initiative, referendum and recall in Oregon 114-295p Ipl N Y Macmillan 1915 L,0,Os,S.Wu 249 Operation of the recall in Oregon. 13p Q n pub 1912 Reprinted from the Political science review, v 6 no 1 p41-53 O 250 Presidential primary in Oregon. p81-104 (Re- printed from Political science quarterly v 31 no. 1 Mar 191G) 0,P, 251 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 19 Reorganization of state government in Ore- gon. 7p n pub 1915 Reprinted from The American political science review v 9 no 2 O 252 Barnum, Francis Grammatical fundamentals of the Innuit lan- guage as spoken by the Eskimo of the western coast of Alaska. 384p Bost Ginn 1901 S 253 Barrett, Samuel Alfred Material culture of the Klamath Lake and Modoc Indians of northeastern California and southern Oregon. p239-92 16pl Berkeley Cal University press 1910 (Uni- versity of California publications in Amer- ican archaeology and ethnologj'. v 5 no 4 June 27 1910) 0,Os,S,"Wu 254 Barrett- Lennard, C. E. Travels in British Columbia with the nar- rative of a yacht voyage round Van- couver's Island. 307p Ipl Lond Hurst 1862 O.L.S.Wu 255 Barrington, Dalnes Miscellanies. . . 558p 2ports 2maps tab sq Q Lond Nichols 1781 0,Oh.L,P,S,W, Wu 256 P469-534. Journal of a voyage in 1775 to explore the coast of America, northward of California, by the second pilot of the fleet, Don Francisco Antonio Maurelle, in the king's schooner called the Sonora, and commanded by Don Juan Francisco de la Bodega Possibility of approaching the north pole as- serted. . . with an appendix containing papers on the same subject and on a" north- west passage by Colonel Beaufoy. Ed 2 258p Imap Lond AUman 1818 Oh.Wu 257 Barrow, Alexander Speech of Mr. Barrow, of Louisiana, on the Oregon question; delivered in the Senate of the U. S., on the 30th of Mar., 1846. 16p n p n pub n d P 258 Barrow, Sir John Chronological history of voyages into the Arctic regions; undertaken chiefly for the purpose of discovering a north-east, north- west, or polar passage between the Atlan- tic and Pacific: from the earliest periods of Scandinavian navigation, to the de- parture of the recent expeditions, under the orders of Captains Ross and Buchan. 379-l-48p illus Imap Lond Murray 1818 0,L,P,S,Wu • 259 (ed) Cook's voyages of discovery. 417p illus Lond Black 1893 L 260 Voyages of discovery and research within the Arctic regions, from the year 1818 to the present time. . . in search of a north- west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific; with two attempts to reach the North pole. Abridged and arranged from the official narratives, with occasional re- marks. 530p Iport 2maps Lond Murray 1846 S 261 Same 359p X Y Harper n d Wu 262 Barrows, Benjamin H. The Columbia river, "briefest of the mighty streams of earth." 94p illus 2 maps Omaha Union Pacific railroad en 910] P,Wu 263 20 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Barrows, William Do thf Amcric-nn Indians inoitase or de- crcaso? t7p (Reprinted from the An- dover Iteview for August 1886.) Wh 264 Indian's side of the Indian question. 20Gp Bost Lothrop c'lS87j Oh.Wu 265 plll-lJS. British Columbia and Its Indians Ortgon; the struggle for possession. 363p 2niaps Bost Houghton 1884 (American com- nionwealth 3) 0,Os,P,T,Wh,Wu 266 Same Ed 3 1885 P 267 Same Ed 5 1888 Bcu 268 Same Ed 6 1890 Sc 269 Same Ed n 1896 Mu.Wa 270 Same K(i lu 1898 S.AVu 271 Same I'.tOl O.S 272 Barstow, W. S. and company, inc. engineers OrtKon electric railway system. 24p illus maps N Y Barstow >1'J09 (Bulletin no 21) p 273 Barsukov, Ivan Ivanovich [Biography of Innocent, Metropolitan of Mos- cow] 769p front (port) Iport Ipl Moscow 1883 Wu 274 In Russian. Covers missionary work In Alaska Bartlett, John Russell Memoirs of Rhode Island officers who were engaged in the service of their country dur- ing the great rebellion of the South. 452p Ipl 34ports Q Providence Rider 1867 S 275 plG5 70 Is.iac Ingalls Stevens Bartlett, Mrs Laura Belle (Downey) Chinook-English songs: translated and ar- ranged by Laura B. Downey-Bartlett. 39p [Portland Or Kubli-Miller co 1914] Oh, Os,P,Sp,AVu 275 Bashford, Herbert Beyond the gates of care lOOp Sari Fran Whitaker 1901 S 277 Same aa his Songs from Puget Sea Songs from Puget Sea lOOp San Fran Whitaker 1898 S,Wu 278 Bashford, James Whitford Oregon missions; the story of how the line was run between Canada and the United States. Slip map N Y Abingdon press «1918 B,L,,0,Os,S,Sp,T,Wa.Wu 279 Bastlan, Adolf t)ber die Haidas. . . aus den Verhandlungen der Berliner anthropologischen Gesell- schaft. Sitzung am 22 April, 1882 p278- 298 n p n pub n d L 280 Bates, Emily Katharine Kaleidoscope; shifting scenes from east to West. 275p Lond Ward 1889 S,Wu 281 P222-262 A trip to Alaska Tear in the great republic; by E. Catherine Bates. 2v Lend Ward 1887 S 282 V 2 P144-95 Vancouver Island, Yellowstone park, Wyoming Bates, Henry Walter (ed) Illustrated travels; a record of discovery, geography, and adventure, with engravings PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 21 from original drawings by celebrated art- ists. 6v in 3 fronts illus maps F Lond Cassell n d S 283 Same 378p Lond Cassell n d L. 284 Includes articles on Alaska. British Columbia, Cana- dian Pacific railway. Mount Rainier, etc. Bates, Mrs. Josephine (White) Bunch-grass stories 268p Phila Lippin- cott 1895 Wu 285 Stories with local color of Oregon, Washington and California Bates, Mrs. Linden W. See Bates, Mrs. Joseph- ine (White) Bayly, Thomas Henry Speech of Mr Bayly, of Virginia, on the Oregon question; delivered in the House of representatives, Jan. 27, 1846 15p Wash Union office 1846 P 286 Beach, Rex Eliingwood The barrier: a novel. 309p 4pl N Y Harper 1908 P,Os,S,Sp,T,Wa 287 A novel of the Klondike region Iron trail: an Alaskan romance. 390p illus N Y Harper 1913 Sp 288 Same front 3pl N Y Burt -^1913 S 289 Pardners. 278p front 7pl N Y McClure 1905 S,Sp 290 Ten stories of life in Alaska and the West Silver horde; a novel; illus. by Harvey T. Dunn. 389p front 7pl N Y Harper 1909 S.Sp 291 A tale of the Alaskan salmon fisheries The spoilers. 313p 4pl N Y Harper 1906 Os,P,S,Sp,T,Wa,Wh 292 A novel of the Klondike region Winds of chance. 521p front 3pl N Y Harper 1918 0,S 293 Story of Alaska Beadle, Charles Trip to the United States in 1887. 210p Pr. for private circulation [Lond Virtue n d] L,S 294 pn8-144. The Northwest. Of doubtful value, thoush his account of tlie "place called Tracona" which "will be made into a port and watering-place" and tha "Mountain, now called Tracona, after the town," ara not lacking In Interest C. S. B. Beadle, John Hanson Undeveloped west; or. Five years in the ter- ritories, being a complete history of that vast region between the Mississippi and the Pacific... 823p illus pi Phil Na- tional pub CO [<^1873] 0,P,S,Sp,T,W.Wu 295 Western wilds and the men who redeem them... 624p illus Imap Cin .Tones 1879 Os,Wu 296 Same San Fran Bancroft 1878 S 297 Beard, E. C. and company Directory of East Portland, Oregon, 1884... East Portland Or Beard 1884 Oh 298 Beaton, Welford City that made itself; a literary and pictorial record of the building of Seattle. 275p front (port) 21pl 8port Imap tab F Seat- tle Terminal pub co [<^1914] S,Wu 299 22 PACIFIG NORTHWEST AMERICANA Beaugrand, H. Melanges; trois conferences; I. De Mont- real a. Victoria: II. Le journal: son origine et son histoire; III. Anita: souvenirs d'un contre g-ufirillaj. 149p front illus Mon- treal La Patrie 1888 1. 300 Beckwourth, James P. The life and adventures of. . . mountaineer, scout, pioneer, and chief of the Crow na- tion of Indians. Written from his own dic- tation by T. D. Bonner. 535p front (port) lllus N Y Harper 1856 Wu 301 Banie new ed 440p front (port) 7pl Lond Unwin cpref 1891: Iv,Mu,Wu 302 Beebe, Mrs. Ida True life story of Swlftwater Bill Gates, by his mother-in-law. 139p illus ports n p n pub [<^1908] L 303 story of gold mining In the Klondike Beecham, R. K. Sacajawea and other poems. Souvenir edi- tion L^wis and Clark centennial fair Port- land Oregon 1905 24p 2pl [Everett Wash Ray 1905?] Wu 304 Beechey, Frederick William Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Beering's straight, to co-operate with the polar expeditions: ^>erformed in his Ma- jesty's ship Blossom... in the years 1825. 26, 27, 28. 2v Sports pi 3maps Q Lond Colburn 1831 L,Oh,S,Sp,Wu 305 Bame 493p Phil Carey 1832 P 306 A voyage of discovery towards the North Pole performed in His Majesty's ships Dorothea and Trent, under the command of Captain David Buchan, R.N., 1818; to which is add- ed a summary of all the early attempts to reach the Pacific by way of the Pole. 351p front pi chart (in pocket) Lond Bentley 1843 L 307 Beechey and Back. See Huish, Robert Bee- Nugget, Chehalis, Wash. JSee Chehalis Bee- Nugget Beeson, John Plea for the Indians; with facts and features of the late war in Oregon. 143p N Y Beeson 1857 Oh,P,Wh,Wu 308 Same 1858 Sp.Wu 309 Begg, Alexander "Dot it down"; a story of life in the Northv West 381p Toronto Hunter 1871 L Wh 310 The Great Canadian North West: its past history, present condition and glorious pros- pects. 135p Montreal Lovell 1881 L Mu 311 History of British Columbia from its earliest discovery to the present time. 568p illus Iport Imap Toronto Briggs 1894 Ecu, L,0,Os,P,S,W,Wu 312 Same Lond Sampson '1894 Wa 313 History of the North-west. 3v 33ports Toronto Hunter 1894-95 Bcu.L,S,T,Wu 314 much material relating to the Pacific Contains Northwest Review of 32p n t L the Alaskan boundary question. P [Victoria B C Cusack n d] 315 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 23 Behring Sea. See Bering Sea Belcher, Sir Edward Narrative of a voyage round the world, p^- formed in her majesty's ship Sulphur, dur- ing the years 1836-1842; including details of the naval operations in China from Dec. 1840 to Nov. 1841. . . 2v illus pi maps Lond Colburn 1843 L,P,S,Wu 316 Belden, Albert Lord The fur trade of America and some of the men who made and maintain it, together with furs and fur bearers of other con- tinents and countries and islands of the sea. 591p front illus pi 13 ports N" T Peltries pubhshing co c<^1917: Wu 317 Bell, Archie Sunset Canada, British Columbia and be- yond; an account of its settlement; its progress from the early days to the pres- ent, including a review of the Hudson's Bay company; its amazing variety of cli- mate; its charm of landscape; its unique cities and attractive towns and their in- dustries, a survey of the different peoples to be found there, including the Japanese and Doukhobors; an analysis of what it offers in opportunity to the home seeker, the agriculturist, the business man, the sportsman and the traveller. With a map and fifty-six plates, of which eight are in colour. 320p front 53pl 2ports Imap Bost Page 1918 S,Sp,Wu 318 Bell, Joshua Fry Speech on the Oregon question, delivered in the House of representatives of the U. S., Feb. 4, 1846 14p Wash Gideon 1846 P 319 Bell, William S. Old Fort Benton, what it was and how it came to be. 31p Helena Montana Author 1909 Sp,Wu 320 Bellingham, Charter The charter of the city of Bellingham with amendments, published by authority of the city council July 1910. 95p Bellingham Parker cl910] S.Wh 321 Bellingham Bay railway and navigation com- pany Articles of incorporation; together with the by-laws, and so much of the acts of Con gress as affects the same. Names of trustees, officers, etc. Printed for the use of the Company, but not published. 20p Imap Olympia Partisan steam printing house 1886 S 322 Bendire, Charles Notes on some of the birds found in south- eastern Oregon, particularly in the vicinity of Camp Harney, from November, 1874 to January, 1877. pl09-149 Boston 1877 (Reprinted from Boston Society of natural history. Proceedings, v 19, pt 1 Oct 1876- Mar 1877) P 323 Benjamin II, J. J. pseud, of Joseph Israel Reise in den nordwestgegenden Nord- Amerika's. 69p Hanover Benjamin II 1862 P 324 Bound with his Reise im innern Ton Callfornien 24 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Bennett, Edward H. Greater Portland plati; cd. !>> M. X. Dana. 45p illus Portland n pub 1912 P.S 325 Bennett, Emerson Prairie flower; oi-. Adventures in the far west. 461p N V Carleton 1881 P 326 Benoist, Charles Les I'Yangais et la Nord-Ouost Canadien. 128p Bar-le-Duc, Imprinierie de Toeuvre de Saint Paul. ISOf) L. 327 Benton, Thomas Hart Speech of Mr. Benton, of Missouri, on the Oregon question, delivered in the Senate of the United States, May 22. 25 and 28. 1846. 39p Wash Blair 1S4G Oh.P.Sp Wu 328 Thirty years view; or. A lii.stoi-y of the work- ing of the American government for thirty years, from 1S20 to 1850. Chiefly taken from the congress debates, the private papers of General Jackson. and the speeches of ex-senator Benton. . .. with historical notes - of a ranch-feud between "cattle-rusUers'' in Idaho Across the continent; a summer's journey to the Rocky mountains, the Mormons, and the Pacific states. 452p Imap Spring- field Bowles 1865 Mu.Sp.W 339 Same 1866 L,0,Oh,Os,P,S,Wh.Wu 390 Our new west: records of travel between the Mississippi river and the Pacific ocean. PACIFIC NORTHWEST A^IERICANA 29 Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, IMontana, Nevada, California, Oregon. Washington and British Columbia. . . 524p illus Ipl Hartford Ct Hartford pub co 1869 0,0h, P,S,T,W,Wu 391 Bowles, Samuet Pacific railroad — open; how to go; what to see; gruide for travel to and through western America. 122p Bost Fields 1869 O, P.Wh.Wu 392 Bowlin, James Butler Speech of Mr. Bowlin, of Missouri, on the Oregon question, delivered in the House of representatives, January 6, 1846. 8p n p n pub n d Oh 393 Bowman, Jacob Neibert The archives of the state of Washington P367-398 Wash Govt 1910 S,Wu 394 Ninth report of the Public archives commission. Ap- pendix C Reprinted from the annual report of the American historical association for 190S, t 1 Bcvyce, J. R. Facts about Montana and the way to get there... 24p Q Helena? n pub 1872 Reprint from the Helena (Montana) Rocky mountain gazette O 395 Boyce, William Dickson United States colonies and dependencies, illustrated; the travels and investigations of a Chicago publisher in the colonial pos- sessions and dependencies of the United States, with 600 photographs of interesting people and scenes. 638p front (port) illus Imap Chic Rand [n914] S 396 . pl-129. Alaska Boyd, Stephen Gill Indian local names with their interpretation. 70p York Pa The author 1885 Sp 397 Boyle, James Initiative and referendum; its folly, fallacies and failure. Ed 3 120p Columbus (Ohio) Smythe [^912] P,S,Wu 398 P90-104. The muddle in Oregon Brabant, A. J. Vancouver Island and its missions 1874-1900; reminiscences of the Rev. A. J. Brabant. 89p illus n p n pub [«1900] L 399 Copyrighted by Apostleshlp of Prayer Bradbury, John Travels in the interior of America, in the years 1809, 1810, and 1811; including a description of upper Louisiana, together with the states of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Tennessee, with the Illinois and west- ern territories. . . Ed 2 346p front map Lond Sherwood Neely, and Jones. 1819 P 400 Same In Thwaites ed Early western travels v 5 B,S,Wu 401 Bradford, A. H. The voice from the Northwest, a paper pre- pared for the national anniversary of the American Home Missionary Soc, in Chicago, June 7-10, 1881. 8p n p n pub n d Wh 402 30 PACIFIC NORTH\\'EST AMERICANA Bradford, T. W. (pub) [Map of the] United States. 25xl9i/2 cm [Phil Bradford 1835] P 403 From Bradford's atlas Bradford, Thomas LIndsley The bibliographer's manual of American historj'. . . Ed and rev by Stan. V. Henkels. 5v Phil Henkels 1907-19 P.S.Wu 404 Bradley, Arthur Granville Canada. 256p N Y Holt n d (Home university library of modern knowledgre no 34) S 406 Same London Williams [1912] Wu 406 P21S-27. BrIUsh Cnlumbla Canada in the twentieth century. 428p front 49pl Imap N Y Dutton [pref 1903] S 407 Same 50pl Westminster Constable 1905 Wu 408 Chapters 14-16 deal with British Columbia Bradley, Glenn Danford The story of the pony express; an account of the most remarkable mail service ever in existence and its place In history. 175p illus Chic McClurg 1913 P.S.Wu 409 Bradley, Lawson G. Official gruide to the Lewis and Clark centennial exposition, Portland, Oregron June 1 to October 15, 1905. . . 62p front (fold map) illus Imap [Portland On '1905 O 410 Brady, Cyrus Townsend Indian fiphts and fighters; the soldier and the Sioux; illustrated with original drawings by Remington, Schreyvogel, Blumenscheln, Crawford, Elwell, Deming and Zogbaum . . . 423p front illus lOpl 5port3 lOgr of ports Imap X Y McClure 1904 S,Wu 411 Same N Y Doubleday 1913 Mu 412 Northwestern fights and fighters. 373p 19 ports lopl N Y McClure 1907 Oh Os P S,Sp,T.Wa,Wu 413 Nez Perc6 war. Modoc war Bradley, Thomas Henry O'TooLi's mallot; or, The resurrection of the second national city of the United States of America. By Thomas H. Bradley. 2d ed 65p [Seattle Wash The Calvert company] 1894 Wu 414 Relates to Port .Angeles, Wash. Brain, Belie M. True story of Marcus N Y Willet n d Wh Whitman. lop 415 Bralnerd, Erastus (comp) Bibliography of the name Bralnerd. 18p Seattle priv print 1904 Wu 416 [Lake Washington canal] 57p Ipl tab [Wash n pub 1902] S 417 No title- pa„'e In S roples Bramble, Charles A. Klondike; a manual for goldseekers. 313p llpl Iport Imap N Y Fenno ['1897] S 418 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 31 Breese, Sidney Speech of Mr. Breese of 111., on the Oregon territory, delivered in the U. S. Senate, Feb 27 1844. 23p Wash Govt 1844 P 419 Speech of Hon. S. Breese, of Illinois, on the Oregon question; delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 2, 1846. 22p Wash Blair 1846 Oh.P.Sp.Wu 420 Brenna, Paulo Interessi dell' emigrazione Italiana negli stati di Washington, Oregon, Idaho e Montana . . . 40p Rome Tipografia Cartiere Centrali 1916 P,S 421 Brereton, Robert Maitland Question: Did Sir Francis Drake land on any part of the Oregon coast? 24p Smaps Portland Or Gill cpref. 1907: Oh,P,Wu 422 Reminiscences of an old English civil en- gineer, 1858-1908. lllp illus port maps fac- sim tab Portland Or Irwin 1908 Oh 423 Bridges, Robert Public ownership and operation of water and rail terminal facilities produce the greatest dispatch and economy. 15p Seattle Pigott 1915 S 424 Prepared for the 6th annual convention, League of Washington municipalities. North Taklma Oct 6-8 1915 Public ownership of docks and railway terminal facilities means the industrial and commercial supremacy of the city of Seattle. 15p [Seattle 1912?] S 425 ■ Rail and water terminal facilities. 16p [Seattle Port commission] 1916 S 426 Paper prepared for 5th annual meeting of the Ameri- can association of port authorities, Montreal, Sept 1916 Seattle's public terminals and their relation to northwest wheat. Pigott [1916] S lOth annual convention of 23p the [Seattle] 427 Washington state grain growers, shippers and millers' association, Pull- man, Washington, Jan 4, 5 and 6, 1916 A Brief notice of the recent outrages committed by Isaac I. Stevens, governor of Washing- ton territory; the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, the breaking up of courts, and the kidnapping of courts, and the kid- napping of judges and clerks. 32p Olympia 1856 Wu 428 Contents: A brief notice of the recent outrages com- mitted by Isaac I. Stevens. — Proceedings of the meet- ing of the bar. Third judicial district, Washington ter- ritory, on the arrest of the Hon. Edward Lander, and .T. M. Chapman; together with the proceedings of a mass meeting of citizens of Pierce Co. W. T. — Vindica- tion of Governor Stevens A Brief sketch of the life of General Hazard Stevens. 19p Bost Ellis 1908 Oh,P, Wu 429 Bplnkerhoff, J. Speech of Hon. J. Brinkerhoff of Ohio, on the Oregon question, delivered in the House of representatives. . . January 5, 1846 8p Wash Blair 1846 Oh 430 Bristol, Sherlock Pioneer preacher: an autobiography. 330p Iport 5pl N Y Revell [<^1887] P,Sp,T. Wh 431 32 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Bristol, Sherlock — Continued I'ioiifcr i)roacher; incidfnts of interest, and experiences in the author's life. . . 330 p front (port) 5pl Chic Revell ['1887] S 432 Same Iport 6pl N Y Re Veil 1898 P.Sp 433 British America. E4.")p 2maps tab N Y l-'nniv 1900 (British Empire series v 3) S 434 pl.'>3 71 Jlrllisli Coluiubla; by \V. S. S. Greeii pl72-7.'i. The Northwest territories of Canada; by S. 0. K. Conn British American guide book: being a con- densed gazcteer directory and guide to Canaiia, the western states and principal cities on tlie seaboard. . . 4pts in Ivol illu.s port N Y Bailliere 18.'.9 Sp 435 British and American Joint commission for the final settlement of the claims of the Hud- son's Bay and Puget's Sound agricultural companies [Papers] 14v Wasli Govt Montreal Lovcll 1865-1869 No general title page. Volume numbers suppuea ny tlie Library of Congress. V 1. Memorials presented to tlie commission- ers [by the Hudson's Bay Company and the PuKTi't's Sound agricultural company] April 17. 1865. 21p Wash Govt 1865 Oh.Wu 436 Same Containing officers of the commis- sion and added half title 30p Wash Govt 1865 (Photostat copy) Wu 437 V 2. Evidence on the part of the Hudson's Bay company 490p Montreal Lovcll 1868 (P423-90 photostat) Wu 438 Same pl-422 W 439 V 3. Evidence on the part of the Puget's .Sound agricultural company. 188p Montreal Lovell 1868 (pl73-88 photostat) Wu 440 V 4. Memorial and argument on the part of the Hudson's Bay company. 239p Montreal Lovell 1869 W.Wu 441 Same Index 22p (photostat) W')i 442 V 5. In the matter of the claim of the Hud- son's Bay company, closing argument of the claimants, in reply to the responsive argument of the United States. 39p Montreal Lovell 1869 (8 apx pages photo- stat) Wu 443 V 6. Memorial and argument on the part of the Puget's Sound agricultural company. vii-|-117p Montreal Lovell 1868 (photo- stat) Wu 444 V 7. In the matter of the claim of the Puget's Sound agricultural company, closing argu- ment of the claimants in reply to the re- responsive argument for the United States. lip Montreal Lovell 1869 (photostat) W^u 445 V 8-9. Evidence for the United States In the matter of the claim of the Hudson's Bay company. 399-|-562p Wash M'Gill and Witherow prs 1867 W.Wu 446 V 10. Evidence for the United States in the matter of the claim of the Puget's Sound agricultural company. 350p W^ash M'Glll & Witherow 1867 Wu 447 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 33 V 11. Evidence for the United States in the matter of the claims of the Hudson's Bay and Puget's Sound agricultural companies. 397p Wash M'Gill & Witherow 1867 W, Wu 448 V 12. Indexes to the evidence [for the claim- ants and for the United States]. 15+8+ 20+27+9+11+4+lp cWash M'Gill & Witherow [186?] (photostat)] Wu 449 V 13. Arguments in behalf of the United States, with supplement and appendix. C. Gushing-, counsel. 24 + 156+74p Wash M'Gill & Witherow 1868 Wu 450 V 14. Opinions and award of the commission- ers. . . Pronounced September 10, 1869. Sip Montreal Lovell 1869 W^u 451 Same 32p Montreal Lovell 1869 Wu 452 The 32p edition has added title page and the opin- ion of the U.S. commissioner precedes that of the British commissioner W has folio containing 17 maps and ten photo- graphs, marked with the name of Edward Lander, counsel for the Hudson's Bay company. These were used in the trial but not printed in the foregoing papers. British Association for the Advancement of Science Handbook of Canada. 415p pis fold map Toronto Published by the publication com- mittee of the local executive 1897 Li,Wu 453 British Association for the Advancement of Science. Committee appointed to Investigate the physical characters, languages, and in- dustrial and social condition of the north- western tribes of the Dominion of Canada. 3d-12th report, and final report. 2v n p n pub cl885?]-1898 L, 454 Same 5th-6th report 1889-1890 London Spottiswoode 1889-1890 Wh 455 Same 6th report 1890 163p front (map) illus London Association 1890 Wu 456 British colonist in North America; a guide for intending emigrants. 320p 2map3 tab Lond Sonnenschein 1890. S 457 Chapters oTi British Columbia, Oregon, Washington British Columbia Archives department Annual report for the year ended Dec 31st, 1913. 135p Victoria 1914 Bcu.L.O, S,Wu 458 British Columbia. Commission to enquire Into the condition of the Indians of the North- west coast Papers relating to the Commission appointed to enquire into the condition of the Indians of the north-west coast. p415-462L Victoria Government [1888?] "Wu 459 British Columbia. Lands and works department Papers connected with the Indian land ques- tion. 1850-1875. 170 + 16P Victoria Wolfenden 1875 L.S.Wu 460 British Columbia. Legislative council . . . Debate on the subject of confederation with Canada. Reprinted from the Govern- ment gazette extraordinary of March, 1870. 160p Victoria, Wolfenden 1870. Bcu 461 34 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA British Columbia. Metlakatlah commission Metlakatlah infiuiry, 1884; report of the com- missioners, together with the evidence. P131-3G Ixxxiip F Victoria Wolfonden 1885 S 462 British Columbia. Minister of agriculture I'rovince of British Columbia, Canada; Its climate and resources with information for emigrants. i:?6p 1 fold map Victoria IJ C Richard Wolfenden govt printer 1883 British Columbia. Royal commission on tax- ation Synopsis of report and full report. 1911 38p Victoria B C 1912 S 464 British Columbia, its present resources and future possibilities; a brief attempt to demonstrate the value of the province. 109p illus Imap Ipl Victoria B C Pub- lished by direction of the Provincial govt. 1893 Wu 465 British Columbia mining record, Christmas 1899. lOlp front illus Victoria Mining record 1899 S 466 Includes: Alasltan anestion; by Sir C. H. Tiipper. PrehlBlarlc races of B. C. ; by C. HUl-Tout. British {'nlumhia before coiifederiition ; by K. O. S. Scbole- fleld. Indians of Itritisb Columbia: by .T. W. MacKay. Last Indian haltle; by C,. .Sheldon-Williams. Victoria: its natural advantages; by C. H. Gibbons. Introduc- tion of capital in new countries ; by D. R. Boyle British Columbia mountaineering club Northern Cordilleran. 50p front illus 8pl 3maps Vancouver B C Mountaineering club 1913 S 467 British North America: comprising Canada, British Central America, British Columbia, Vancouver's Island, Nova Scotia and Cape Breton, New Brunswick, Prince Edward's Island. Newfoundland and Labrador. 370p front (map) illus 2maps London Reli- gious tract society n d Bcu,L,Wu 468 P'.i71 -oil. British Tolumbia and Vancouver's Island British North American, pseudonym Reply to letter of "Old Settler," pnbli.shed in the "Times" newspaper, on the selection of a terminus on the Pacific coast for the proposed Canadian Pacific railway 34p Lond Sulman n d L 469 British Northwest; pen and sun sketches in the Canadian wheat lands, the illustrations from photographs taken upon the spot. 85p front illus St Paul Pioneer pr 1882 S 470 Recast from letters printed in the St. Paul pioneer press 18S1 Broadhead, James O. Louisiana puiciiase; extent of territory ac- ({iiircd by the purchase 1897. (Mi.ssotiri historical sooii-ty no 13 p.")-31) Oh.Wu 471 Brockett, Linus Pierpont Our western empire; or. The new West be- yond the Mis.=!i.>5sippi. . . 131 2p l.Spl 12 maps tab l»hil Bradley 1881 [M880] P.S.T.W.Wu 472 pl 091-11 m. Orewn PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 35 Brockett, Norwood Waite Lumberman's review and guide of western Washington; a complete gazetteer of the lumber and shinsle industry in the entire western portion of this state. 98p illus Seattle Lumberman's review co n d Wu 473 Broderick, David Colbreth Speech. . . in the Senate of the United States, on the Pacific railroad bill, de- livered. . . January 13th 1859 14p San Fran Sullivan n d Oh 474 Broke, Horatio George With sack and stock in Alaska. 158p Imap Lond Longmans 1891 L,P,S,T,Wu 475 [Brooke, Robert] Remarks and conjectures on the voyage of the ships Resolution and Discovery, in search of a northerly passage from Kampschatka to England, after the death of Capt. James Cook: with reasons to imagine that those ships have wintered in Siberia, ISTova Zembla, or Lapland. . . 48p Lond Bew 1780 L,S 476 Brooks, Alfred Hulse The geography and geology of Alaska; a summary of existing knowledge; with a section on climate, by Cleveland Abbe, jr. and a topographic map and description thereof, by R. U. Goode. 327p illus 23pl lOmaps Itab Wash Govt 1906 (U S Qeol survey lYofcssional paper no 45) S,Wu 477 1 map in pocket in list of illus., but not In Seattle Public Library copy pl04-;;2. History of exploratious and surveys; Rus- sian occupation ; American occupation Mining and mineral wealth of Alaska. 46p Imap Wash Judd 1909 S 478 Brooks, Alfred H. joint author. See Schroder, Prank C. Brooks, Noah First across the continent; the story of the exploring expedition of Lewis and Clark in 1803-4-5. 365p front Sports (Iplate) 22pl 1 fold map N Y Scribner 1901 Oh.Oa, P.Sp,T,Wa.Wu 479 Same 1902 Mu,S 480 Brosnan, C. J. History of the State of Idaho. 237p illus llmaps N Y Scribner 1918 B,W,Wu 481 Brougham, and Vaux, Henry Peter Brougham lut haron Letters and speeches. 2v Phil Carey 1840 O 482 T 2 Upon the affairs of Canada Broughton, William Robert Entdcckungsreise in da.=! ,StilIc meer und vorziiglich n.ich der Nord-ostkiiste von Asien, gethan in den jahren 1795, 1796, 1797 und 1798. 352p Ipl 2maps tab Weimar Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs 1805 P 483 Voyage de d6couvertes dans la partie sep- tentrionale de I'ocean Paciflque. . . pendant les ann§es 1795, 1796, 1797 et 1798. . . traduit. . . par J. B. B. E. 2v 7pl (3 maps) tab Par Dentu 1807 P 484 36 PACIFIC NORTH\\'EST AMER ICANA Broiighton, William Robert —Couthnicil Voyage of discovery to the north Pacific ocean. . . in the years 1795. 1796. 1797. 1798. 393p 7pl 9maps tab sq Q I.ond Cadell 1804 licu.L.Oh.S.P 485 Brouillet, Jean Baptlste Abraham Account of the murder of Dr. Whitman and the ungrateful calumnies of H. H. Spalding, protestant missionary. 107p N Y Coz- ans 1853 UOh.Wh 486 Authentic account of the murder of Dr Whit- man and other missionaries, by the Cayuse Indians of Oregon, in 1847. and the causes which led to that horrible catastrophe. Ed 2 108p Portland Or McCormick 1869 Oh.P.Wu 4S7 [Brouillet. Jean Baptlste Abraham] Dix ans sur la cote du Pacifique par un missionnaire canadien. lOOp Quebec Brousseau 1873 L.P.Wu 488 Brown, Mrs. Dazie M. (Stromstadt) Metlakahtla. cBOpj .Seattle Hill 1007 Wu 4«S Brown, J. Henry (conip) The Salem directory v. 1-2. 1871-72 and the history of Salem. Salem (Ore) Waite 1871-72 Oh.P 490 Brown. James Henry Brown's political history of Oregon. . . vl 2ports Imap 2facsim tab Portland Or Allen 1892 L.Oh.Os.P.Wh.Wu 491 Brown, John The North-West passage, and the plans for the search for Sir John Franklin; a review. 463p front 2 fold maps I>ond B Stan- ford 1858 L 492 I.lst i<( works on .\rctic subjects p448-452 Brown, John W. An abridged history of Alaska. 96p illus Seattle Author Press of Gateway pr co 1909 S.Wu 493 Brown, R. C. Lundin British Columbia; an essay. 644-33p New Westminster Royal engineer press 1863 L 494 Klatsassan. and other reminiscences of mis- sionary life in British Columbia. 199p 3pl fold map Lond Soc for promoting Chris- tian Knowledge 1873 L 495 Brown, Robert On the formation of fjords, caiions. benches, prairies, and intermittent rivers; read. March 8. 1869. Fold map [Lond J. Murray 1869] L, 496 Royal Keigraphlcal societ}' Journal pl21-131 Fold-map of Vancouver Island and part of British Columbia On the physical geography of the Queen Charlotte Islands. From Royal Geographical Society p381-392 L 497 Vancouver Island. Exploration 1864 27p Victoria Harries [1865] S 498 Printed by order of the government Report of the Vancouver Island exploring expedition Brown, Robert, editor. Sec Jewitt, John Rogers. Adventures. . . PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Z7 Brown, Valentine The chieftain and satires. 190p Port- land Author 1903 Wu 499 Local color Brown, William Carlos Early Okanog-an history. Gives an account of the first coming- of the white men to this section and briefly narrates the events lead- ing- up to and attending the establishment of the first settlement in the state of Wash- ington under the American flag, an event which occurred at the mouth of the Okan- ogan River, September 1st, 1811. 27p front (port) Ipl Okanogan Pr. of Okanogan In- dependent cl911: Oh,S,Sp,Wu 500 Browne, Belmore (comp) Camp Lewis; history of the develop- ment of the largest permanent military can- tonment in the United States. unp illus ports maps Tacoma Commercial bindery & print CO <=1918 P 501 Conquest of Mount McKinley; the story of three expeditions through the Alaskan wilderness to Mount McKinley, North Amer- ica's highest and most inaccessible moun- tain; appendix by Herschel C. Parker; with 100 illustrations from original drawings by the author and from photographs and maps. 381p front 62pl Imap N Y Putnam 1913 S,Sp 502 Quest of the golden valley; a story of adven- ture on the Yukon; illus from original drawings by the author. 279p front 7pl N Y Putnam 1916 S 503 The white blanket; the story of an Alaskan winter, with illustrations from original drawings by the author. 317p front 4pl N Y Putnam 1917 S 504 Browne, John Ross Crusoe's Island: a ramble in the foot-steps of Alexander Selkirk, with sketches of adven- ture in California and Washoe 436p illus New York, Harper 1864 Bcu.L 505 Same Lond Low 1864 S 506 p27n-83 "Tlie Oreat Port Townseud controversy. showing how whiskey built a city" cPreliminary] report upon the mineral re- sources of the states and territories west of the Rocky mountains. 321p 1867 (U S 39th Cong 2d sess House exec doc 29) P 507 Report on the mineral resources of the states and territories west of the Rocky moun- tains. 674p Wash Govt 1868 O.P,Sp. Wh 508 Resources of the Pacific slope; a statistical and descriptive summary of the mines and minerals, climate, topography, agriculture, commerce, manufactures and miscellaneous productions of the states and territories west of the Rocky mountains, with a sketch of. . . Lower California. 678-|-200p N Y Appleton 1869 0,S,T,W,Wu 509 Includes Idaho. Montana. Oreiion, Washington and Alaska Browne, Peter A. Lecture on the Oregon territory; I, Title of the United States to its sovereignty, II, its 38 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Browne, Peter A. — Continued capabilities and value to our country, III, and the necessity of an immediate settle- ment of it from the states. 20p Phil U S Book & job print off 1843 P,Wu 510 Brownell, Charles De Wolf Indian r;ices of north and south America: comprising- an account of the principal aboriginal races:- a description of their national customs, mythology and religious ceremonies. . . 720p illus in colors photo (part col) ports Bost Wentworth 1853 Sp 511 Same N Y American Subscription House 1857 Wh 512 p4.'?7-86 Tribes between Missis.sippi and Taclflc Ocean Brownson, T. G. Trials and triumphs of fifty years of Baptist work in Oregon. 18p Portland Or Chronicle pub co 1894 Oh.P 513 Brownsville, Oregon. Commercial club Brownsville and the Calapooia valley. 16p illus Bi'ownsville Or n d "Wh ' 5l4 Brownsville, Oregon. First Presbyterian church Historical souvenir of the semi-centennial jubilee, Apr. 11, 1907. 31p illus ports Brownsville (Or) Session of First Presby- terian church 1907 Oh,P 515 Bruce, Henry Addlngton Bayley Romance of American expansion. 246p front (port) 5pl lOports N Y Moffat 1909 O, P,S 516 pKKi-.'?.") Tlioniii.s Hart nentnii and tlie occupation of (ircRon pliifi-8fi William Henry Seward and the Alaska cession Bruce, Miner W. Alaska; its history and resources, gold fields, routes and scenery. 128p Imap illus Seattle Lowman 1895 S,T.W,Wu 517 Same Ed 2 237p illus 36pl 6 fold maps+ Imap in pocket N Y Putnam 1895 L. Sp.Wu 518 Bryant, Edwin Rocky Mountain adventures, bristling with animated details of fearful fights of Amer- ican hunters with savage Indians. . . ac- counts of the awful fate of hundreds of overland emigrants amid the snowdrifts of the Truckee peaks. . . to which is added a full account of the Bear conquest of Cali- fornia. . . 452p front N Y Hurst m d: Wu 519 "What I saw in California; being the journal of a tour, by the emigrant route and south pass of the Rocky Mountains. . . in. . . 1846, 1847, with appendix. 455p N Y Appleton 1848 0,P,T 455p N Ed 3 Same O Bame Ed 4 480p N Y O, Oh.P.S OKes notices uf parties going to Oregon 520 Appleton 1849 521 Appleton 1849 522 and returning from PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 39 Bryant, William Cullen (ed) Picturesque America; or, The Land we live in. . . 2v illus 47pl sq F N Y Ap- pleton [01872-74] 0,P,W,Wu 523 V 1 pl!l-51 Up and down the Columbia by L. J. G. Runkle with illustrations by R. Swain Gifford Bryce, George Mackenzie, Selkirk, Simpson. 305p front (port) 4pl 2ports Toronto Morang 1912 (Makers of Canada ed by D. C. Scott & others Univer.sity ed v 5 pt 1) Bcu,S 524 Remarkable history of the Hudson's Bay company, including- that of the French traders of north-western Canada and of the North-We^t, X Y, and Astor fur companies. 501p pi port 5 maps Lond Low 1900 L.Oh.P.S 525 Same Ed 2 18pl 12 ports 5 maps 1902 0,Sp 526 Same Toronto Briggs 1900 L 527 Same 501p front 16 plates 3 ports 4 gr of ports 1 port gr 5 maps 1 facsim N Y Scribner 1900 T,Wu 528 Same Ed 3 503p front (port) 15 pi 9 ports 5 maps 1 facsim cpref 1910: S,Wa 529 Buchanan, Charles Milton and others Chirouse number 48p illus Wash Bureau of Catholic Indian missions 1918 (Indian sentinel, v 1, no 7, January 1918) Wu 530 Buchanan, James Last letter of Mr. Buchanan to Mr. Paken- ham on the American title to Oregon. 16p Bait Constitution office 1845 Oh 531 Speech of Mr. Buchanan of Penn., on the Oregon question, delivered in the Senate of the U.S., Mar. 12, 1844 15p n p n pub n d P 532 Buchanan, John A. Indian legends and other poems. Souvenir edition of the Lewis and Clark fair. 140p front 5pl San Fran Whitaker 1905 Wu 533 Buchanan, Laura D. Souvenir of Chief Seattle and Princess An- geline; gleaned from Indian traditions and historic sources of Puget Sound. [ll]p front (port) 6pl Iport n p n pub ['■1909] S 534 Buckingham, James Silk Eastern and western states of America. 3v pi Lond Fisher cpref 1842: Bcu,Oh 535 V 3 plU'J-113 Ori'ffon tei'iitory Buel, James William America's wonderlands; pictorial and descrip- tive history of our country's scenic marvels as delineated by pen and camera. . . 503p illus Vancouver MacGregor "^1893 S 536 Chap 7 Regions of the Northwest, including Oregon. .Maska. etc. Bulfinch, Ellen Susan The life and letters of Charles Bulflnch, archi- tect. . . 323p front (port) 7pl 4ports Imap Ifacsim Boston Houghton 1896 "Wu 537 p64-69 Outfitting and voyage of the ship Columbia 40 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Bulflnch, Thomas Orepon and lOldorado: or, Romance of the rivers. 4G4p Best Tilton 1866 Bcu. L.O.P.Sp.Wu 538 Bureau of municipal research, New York Orpanization and business methods of the city povernment of Portland, Oregron. 118p N Y 1913 Os.P.S. 539 Burges, Sir James Bland. Nic Xo. 21i53 Burleson, Hugh Latimer The lOiuiuost of the continent. [3d ed] 212p front (map) 12pl 13ports 2f!:r of ports Iport gr Imap N Y Domestic and foreigrn missionary society c'^lOHi Wu 540 pl.".4-182 Ml.ssiDiiary work In (IreBOii, Washiiiuton and Alaska Burnett, Peter Hardeman Recollections and opinions of an old pioneer. 448p N Y Appleton 1880 P.Wh.Wu 541 Burney, James Chronological history of north-eastern voy- ages of discovery; and of the early eastern navigations of the Russians. SlOp map Lond Murray 1819 L,\Vu 542 Chronological history of the discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean. . . 5v fronts (maps) 13pl 22maps F Lond Nlcol 1803- 1817 Bcu.L.S 543 Title of V 4-.'i. ClironiiloKical liistory of the voyaRea and disroverles In the Soiitli Sea or Pacific Ocean "Brief review of various reports concerning the dis- covery of a Northwest passage to the Pacific Ocean": T 2 p 110-17 "Poubtful relation of a voynse by Bartholomew de Fonte" (In search of a Northwest passage) v 3 p 184- Burpee, Lavt/rence Johnstone Chapter in the literature of the fur trade. p45-60 Chic n pub 1911 S 544 Reprinted frnm volume 5 of the Papers of the Bib- liographical .loclety of America Chicago 1911 Highways of the fur trade. pl83-92 Ot- tawa 1914 S 545 From the Transactions of the Royal society of Can- ada third series 11)14 v 8 Influence of the war of 1812 upon the settle- ment of the Canadian West. 9p Ot- tawa n pub n d S 546 Sandford Fleming, empire builder. 288p front (port) lOpl 4ports Iport gr Ifacsim London Oxford univ press 1915 Wu 547 ItllilliiTnpliy: [i,'2"!),2S4 The search for the western sea; the story of the exploration of north-western America. 651p front 45pl Sports 6maps N Y Apple- ton 1908 Bcu,P,S 54a Scouts of empire; the story of the discovery of the great North-west. 104p Toronto Musson [1912] S 549 Burr, Agnes Rush Alaska, our beautiful northland of opportu- nity. 428p front 53pl Imap Bost Page 1919 Os,S,Wu 560 Burrts, Martin True sketches of the life and travels of Martin Burrls, on the western plains, the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific coast, U.S.A. 67p front (port) [Salina Kan Padgett] 1910 S Ml PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 41 Burroughs, John Far and near. 288p Iport Boat Hough- ton [1904] ^901 P.S.Sp.T 552 Same New Westminster, Constable 1004 L 553 pl-127. In green Alaska Burry, Bessie Pullen-. See Pullen-Burry, Bessie Burton, Sir Richard Francis City of the Saints, and across the Rocky Mountains to California. 707p illus front pi fold map fold plan N Y Harper 1862 Sp 554 Includes a chapter giving a description of a journey tlirough Green River valley and the southeastern part of Oregon Business directory of the city of Seattle for the year 1876, comprising- a his- tory of the first settlement, after develop- ment, and present population and business of the city; comp. by K. C. Ward. 106p Seattle N"orthup 1876 S,Wu 555 Business directory of the Pacific states and tenitories for 1878. . . 869p San Fran Ktnney 1878 P 556 Busk, Charles Westly Notes of a journey from Toronto to British Columbia, via the Northern Pacific railway (June to July, 1884) : being letters to his sister and mother. 48p Lond Taylor 1884 L 557 Butler, James Davie New found journal of Charles Floyd, a sergeant under Captains Lewis and Clark. 30p Worcester Hamilton 1894 P,Wu 558 From proceedings of the .American Antiquarian So- ciety 1894 P225-252 Butler, Sir William Francis Great lone land: a narrative of travel and adventure in the Northwest of America. o88p Cpl Ifold map Lond Low 1872 W 559 Same Later imprints L.O,S,Sp,T,Wa,Wu 560 Wild northland, being the story of a winter journey, with dogs, across northern North America. 358p front (port) 15pl Imap Lond Low 1873 T,W 561 Same Later imprints L,P,S,Wu 562 Same 360p front (map) N Y New Amsterdam Book co. 1903 0,Wu 563 Butterworth, Hezekiah Log school-house on the Columbia; a tale of the pioneers of the great northwest. 250p illus 12pl N Y Appleton 1890 L,Os,P, T.Wh,Wu 564 Same with later imprints 0,S,Sp,Wa,Wu 565 Zigzag journeys in the great northwest: or, A trip to the American Switzerland. 319p illus Ipl 2ports Bost Dana [<^1890] S,T 566 Cairne, W. S. A trip around the world in illus Lond Routledge 1888 p.52-118. Selkirk Mountains pn9-31. British Columbia 1887 L 398p 567 42 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Calrnes, De Lorme Donaldson . . .The Yukon; Alaska international boun- dary, between rorcupine and Yukon Rivers. 161p front ilhis l.'^pl 2fold maps (in pocket) fold tab Ottawa Govt 1914 (Canada. Geological survey. Memoir 67 Geological series no 49) Bcu.Wu 568 Calhoun, John Caldwell Speech of Mr. (,'alhoun. of South Carolina, on the Oregon bill, delivered in the Senate of the T'nited States, Jan. 24. 1843. 8p Wa.-^h Govt ISI.T r.Wu 569 Speech of Mr. Calhoun, of South Carolina, on the Oregon bill; delivered in the Senate of the United States. June 27, 1848. IGp tWash?l Govt 1848 P,Sp 570 Calhoun, John Caldwell and Buchanan, James Oregon; the claim of tlie United States to Oregon, as staled in the letters of the Hon. J. C. Calhoun and the Hon. J. Bucha- nan, (American secretaries of state) to the liight Hon. R. Pakenham, with an apx. containing the counter statement of Mr. Pakenham to the American secretaries of state. . . 55 + 16p Ifold map I^ond Wiley 1846 L,Oh,P,S,Wu 571 Calhoun, Scott, and Parkin, Joseph lUioposal of the recei\eis of the Seattle, Kenton & Southein lailroad.] to the citizens and taxpayers of the city of Seattle, and especially the taxpayers and residents of Rainier Valley. 12p Seattle n pub [July 22, 1913] S 572 California mailbag. v 1 no 3 August 1871 San I'raii Marriott 1871 Oh 573 ( uiitiiiiis sketch of Bcnj. HoUaday Calvert, Elizabeth H. Sealth; the city by the inland sea. unp front 13i)l Iport Q n p n pub [^1897] S 574 Calvert, Frank (ed) Cartoon; a reference book of Seattle's successful men, with decorations by the Seattle cartoonists' club. unp illus F n p n pub 1911 S.Wu 575 Campbell, Albert H. Report upon the Pacific wagon roads con- structed under the diiection of Hon. Jacob Thompson. . . 1857-18.59 125p 6map3 cWash Govt 1859?] (35th Congress 2d Sess Senate Ex doc no 36) B,S,\Vu 576 Campbell, Archibald Voyage round the world, from 1S06 to 1812; in which Japan. Kam.<5chatka. the Aleutian islands and the Sandwich islands were visited, including a narrative of the author's shipwreck on the island of Sannack and his subsequent wreck in the .ships long boat, with an account of the present state of the Sandwich islands. . . 288p Imap Edin Constable 1816 L,,Mu,P,S,Wu 577 Campbell, Colin (comp) The While pass and Yukon route to the golden North 104p illus Seattle Piess of the Trade register 1901 Wu 578 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 43 Campbell, J. L. Idaho and Montana gold regions: the emi- granfs guide overland. . . 1864. 52 + 16p illus n p n pub '1865 P 579 Idaho: six months in the new gold diggings. The emigrant's gtiide overland. . . 62p front (map) illus NY J L Campbell 1S64 O 580 Campbell, John The origin of the Haidahs of the Queen Charlotte Lslands. Ottawa Durie 1897 (From Royal Geographical Society of Canada. Transactions ser 2 1897-98 p91-112) L,P, Wu 581 Campbell, John Francis My circular notes. Extracts froin journals, letters sent home, geological and other notes, written while travelling westwards round the world, from July 6, 1874, to July 6, 1875. 2v in 1 fronts pi Lond Mac- millan 1876 P 582 1)91-150 Oregon and Washington Campbell, John Lyie The great agricultural and mineral west; a hand-book and guide for the emigrant, to the most inviting agricultural fields of the western states, and to the richest gold and silver regions of the Rocky mountains and Pacific slope. Itinery(!) of the routes, features of the country and journal of residence in Idaho and Montana. 3d an- nual ed 79p illus map Chic Church, Goodman & Donnelley 1866 P 583 Campbell's foreign monthly magazine. . . My- Ag 1843 V 3, 464p illus 2ports Ipl tab Phil Campbell 1843 P 584 Contains article on British settlement on the Eastern Coast of the Pacific — Oregon territory. From Fisher's Colonial ma,;azine Canada; the country, its people, religions, politics, rulers, and its apparent future, be- ing a compendium of travel from the At- lantic to the Pacific, the Great Lakes, Manitoba, the North-West, and British Columbia, by Captain "Mac" cpseud: ' 363p illus iC.P.R. CO] 1900 Wu 585 Canadian Pacific railway company British Columbia. . . its position advantages, resources and climate. . . 64p 1 fold map illus [C.P.R. CO] 1900 Wu 586 Eame 1902 Wu 587 Southern British Columbia; the garden of Canada; Kootenay, Boundary, Okanagan and Columbia river districts. . . 78p illus Calgary Canadian Pacific railway co n d Oh 588 Cane, Claude Summer and fall in western Alaska: the rec- ord of a trip to Cook's Inlet after big game. 191p front illus Lond Horace Cox 1903 L 589 Canestrelli, Phillppo Linguae Ksanka (Kootenai) ; elementa gram- maticae. 144p Santa Clara Cal Down- ing 1894 Wu > 690 An elementary grammar of the Kootenai language issued for the Society of Jesus 44 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA early horticulture n pub 1906 Os Ore- 594 unp illu3 Q [Seattle n pub 595 Cannon, Miles Wailatpu, its rise and fall 1836-1847; a story of pioneer days in the Pacific northwest based entirely upon historical research. 171p illus port Boise (Idaho) Capital news 1915 B.O.P.Sp.Wu 591 Cantwell, John C. Report of the operations of the TT.S. revenue steamer Nunivak on the Yukon River sta- tion, Alaska, 1888-1901 325p 146pl Iport pr Wash Govt 1902 Wu 592 Carbutt, Mrs. E. H. Five months' fine weather in Canada Western U.S., and Mexico. 243p Lond Low 1889 L. 593 Cardwell, J. R. Brief history of Kon. 37p Carlow, Philip Seattle spirit. ^909] S Verses Carlson, Frank Chief Sealth. 35p [Seattle Pioneer print- ing CO 1903] (Bulletin of the University of Washington series 3 no 2). Oh,P,S,Wu 596 Carmlchael, Dean A holiday trip Montreal to Victoria and return via the Canadian Pacific Railway. Mid- summer, 1888. 32p illus Q Montreal Gazette Printing Company n d L 597 Privately printed Carmlchael-Smyth, Robert The employment of the people and the capital of Great Britain in her own colonies. . . a letter containing thoughts on the subject of a British colonial railway communication between the Atlantic and the Pacific. . . 68p 2 fold maps London W P Metchim 1849 L 598 A Carnival of waters. Portland, Oregon. June, 1894. 13p illus Portland (Ore) Lewis & Dryden 1894 P 599 Carpenter, Edmund J. The American advance; a study In territorial expansion. 9-|-331p front (fold map) Lond Lane 1903 P,Sp,Wu 600 piriS-2.-,S Oic>;riii Carre, William H. (pub) Art work on British Columbia, Canada. 21p pi F n p Carre 1900 L 601 Text by R. K. Gnsnell Carrire, John F. Spokane Falls, Washington Territory, and Its tributary country. . . 40p illus Ipl [Spokane Falls Wash] City council and board of trade 1889 Wu 602 [Carrlngton, Henry B.] Ab-sa-ra-ka. Home of the Crows; being the experience of an oflflcer's wife on the plains, and marking the vicissitudes of peril and pleasure during the occupation of the new route to Virginia City, Montana, 186G-7. and the Indian hostility thereto. . . 2S4p Illus Imap Phil Lippincott 1868 Mu 603 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 45 Carroll, Anna Ella Star of the West; or. National men and na- tional measures. Ed 3 rev 561p port N Y Miller 1857 Oh 604 plo7-186 raciflc raUroad Carver, Hartwell Proposal for a charter to build a railroad from Lake Michigan to the Pacific ocean. 39p Wash Gideon 1847 P,Wu 605 Proposed plan for building a railroad to Oregon with analj'sis and criticism of the plans of Wilkes and Whitney Carver, Jonathan Three years' travels through the interior parts of North America, for more than five thousand miles; containing an account of the great lakes, and all the lakes, islands, rivers, cataracts, mountains, minerals, soil and vegetable productions of the North- w^est regions of that vast continent; with a description of the birds, beasts, reptiles, insects, and fishes peculiar to the country. Together with a concise history of the genius, manners and customs of the In- dians inhabiting the lands that lie ad- jacent to the heads and to the westward of the great river Mississippi; and an ap- pendix, describing the uncultivated parts of America that are the most proper for form- ing settlements. 360p Phil Key 1796 Oh,S,Wu 606 Same 312p Bost West 1797 Wu 607 Same 380p Edin Key 1798 P 608 Same Fourth American from the last Lon- don edition. 312p Bost West 1802 Oh, Wu 609 Same 282p Phil Crukshank 1792 W 610 Same as his TraTels through the interior parts of North America Travels in Wisconsin, from the 3d London ed. 376p Iport 5pl 2maps N Y Harper 1S38 P,Wa 611 American ed. of Travels through the interior parts of North America Travels through the interior parts of North- America, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768 . . . 544p 4pl 2maps Lond author 1778 L,0,Oh,P 612 Same 508p 2pl Imap Dublin Price 1779 L. 613 Voyage dans les parties intgrieures de I'Amgrique septentrionale, pendant les an- n6es 1766, 1767 & 1768. . . traduit sur la troisieme Edition Angloise, par M. de C. avec des remarques & quelques additions du traducteur. 451p Imap Par Pissot 1784 P 614 Case of Baptiste Cadien, for murder; tried at Three Rivers, in the March session 1838. 24p Throe Rivers G Stobbs 1838 L 615 This is the first report of a trial for a crime (mur- der) committed west of the Rocky Mountains, now British Columbia Cass, Lewis Speech of Hon. Lewis Cass of Michigan on the Oregon question, delivered in the Senate of the United States, Monday, March 30, 1846. 16p n t p Wh,Wu 616 46 PACIFIC NORTHWEST A^IERICANA Cass, Lewis— (oiitiniied Speech of Hon. I^cwis Cass of Michigan, In reply to Mr. Benton, of Mi.ssouri, with some additions, delivered in the Senate of the I'nited States. . . April 2, 1846 Sp n p n pub 184C. Oh, Wu 617 Oregon controvorsy Speerh on the bill to protect the rights of American settlers in Oregon; delivered in the Senate of the U. S., Mon.. June 1, 1846. Mp Wash Blair & Rives 1S46 L.P.S 618 Sub.slance of .a speech delivei-ed b.v Hon. Lewis Cass, of Michigan, in secret session of the Senate of the United States, on the ratification of the Oregon treat.v, with ad- ditions. Jul.v 1846 IGp Detroit Bagg & Harmon n d L 619 Cassin, John Illustrations of the Birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America. In- tended to contain descriptions and figures of all North American bii'ds not given by former American authors, and a general synopsis of North American ornithology. 298p 50 colored pi Q Phila Lippinc-ott 1856 S 620 [Cataldo, Joseph M.i A Xuniliiu or Nez-fcrce grammar, by a mis- sionary of the Society of .Tesus in the Kocky mountains. 255p Desmet, Idaho Indian bo.\ s' press 1801 Wu 621 Catholic church; its condition on the Pacific Coast forty years after its establishment, lip n p n pub cl879?i Oh 622 Origin of Catliolic missions in Oregon Catholic clergy of the Province of Oregon Address. . . to the Catholics of the United States, on President Grant's Indian policy, in its bearings upon Catholic interests at large. Ifip Portland Or Catholic sen- tinel 1874 P 623 Catholic Indian Missions Bureau, Washington, D. C. Annals of tlie Catholic Indian missions of America, January, 1877 28p Washing- ton, D. C. Bureau il877?i Wu 624 p 13-15 Alaska p 15-24 Oregon p 24-23 WashinKtnn Catholic northwest p'ogress. Diamond jubilee number v 15 no 35 June 7, 1912 S 625 Catholic northwest progress: issue complimen- tary to the Supreme convention of the Knights of Columbus, Seattle, August, 1915. 76p lllus S 626 Catlln, George The boy's Catlin: my life among the Indians, by George Catlin; ed. with biographical sketch by Mary Gay Humphreys. 380p front 15pl N Y Scribner 1909 Os 627 Last rambles amongst the Indians of the Rocky mountains and the Andes. 361p illus 7pl N Y Appleton 1867 O 628 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 47 Author 18 41 Same Ed 2 Same Ed 3 Same 2v in isr^T P Same 2v in Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and conditions of the North American In- dians. . . 2v illus 180pl 3maps Q Loud L,P,Wu 629 Lond Author 1841 L,W 630 N Y Wiley 1844 Sp 631 4 illus 1 port Phil Hazard 632 1 Phil Hubbard 1891 \Vh 633 Same . 2v illus Imap Edin Grant 1903 Mu,Wu 634 Same 2v 2fronts 176pl 2maps Phil Leary 1013 S 635 Catlin's Indians A folio atlas, F6, containing 31 lithograph plates. n p n pub n d L,Wu 636 Cavana, Violet Virginia Alaska basketry. :50]p front ilhis Q Portland Beaver Clul) of Oregon 1917 O, Os.Wu - 637 Cawston, George and Keane, A. H. The early chartered companies. (A D 1296- 1S58) 329p front Lond Edward Arnold 1896 L 638 Cayton, Horace Roscoe (comp & pul>) Cayton's campaign compendium of Washington, 1908. 96p illus (ports) Q Seattle Caytori nl908?a S 639 Cecil, Evelyn Notes of my journey round the world. 207p front 14pl Lond Longmans 1889 Wu 640 p 20-30. Description of the Pacific Northwest Centenaire de la mort de Cook celebr6 le 14 fevrier 1879 S. I'hotel de la Society de geog- raphie. p 401-540 map cMartinet 1879] P 641 Same Separate 140p map Wu 642 p 81-138 Cartographle et bibliographle Centenaire de la mort de Laperouse celebre le 20 avril 1888 en seance solennelle a la Sor- bonne. p ul53]-393 port map [Paris: La societe de geographic 1888 Wu 643 Separate from the Bulletin de la Sociote fie geographle 2. trimestre 1888 Bibliographie: p 325-351 Chadwick, H. A. editor, ^ce Argus [Seattle weekly] Chamberlain, S. Belle Early History of Idaho. cpref 1909] B ISp n p n pub 644 Chamberlin, Ellen J. (I'd) In the beginning, 1634, 1834; a souvenir of old Willamette days, in memory of I^ucy Anna Maria Lee, 1905. 38p illus n p n (1 Os 645 Chambers, Mrs. Elizabeth Harrison Incidents in the life of Elizabeth Harrison Chambers, collected from memory's pages . . . [13p: n p n pub 1910f Oh 646 Chambers, Ernest John The unexploited West; a compilation of all the authentic information available at the present time as to the natural resources of the unexploited regions of northern Canada; 48 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Chambers, Ernest John— Continued published under the direction of. . . the tlailway lands branch, Department of the Interior. 361p illus Ottawa [Govt] 1914 Bcu.S,Wu 647 p 1-8 Bibliography Chambers, Mrs. Margaret (White) Reniiniscences. -iSp n p n pub written ISOI printed 1903 Oh 648 Chambers' miscellany of useful and entertain- ing tracts. lOv illus Edin Chambers [1845-1846] S 649 V 3 no 4U Life of raptaiii Cook V 5 no 45 Excursion to the Oregon Chambers' repository of instructive and amus- ing tracts. 6v illus Edin Chambers [1853-1854] S 650 T 5 no 65 The fur-trade and the Hudson's Baj company Champness, W. To Cariboo and back; an emigrant's journey to the gold fields of British Columbia. illus Q (From the "Leisure Hour" 1862 p203-260) L 651 Chandler, George Text book of civics for the state of Wash- ington. 418p front illus N Y Amer book CO [-^1910] S,Sp,Wu 652 Chandler, Katherine Bird-woman of the Lewis and Clark ex- pedition. . . 109p front (port) illus K Y Silver '^1905 Os,P,S,Sp,T,\Vu 653 In the reign of coyote: folk-lore from the Pacific coast. . . 161p illus front Boston Ginn ["^1905: S,Sp 654 Chapman, Charles Hiram The story of Oregon and its people. 176p pi ports maps Chic Barnes [<^1909] O, Oh,Os,P,Wh,Wu 655 Chapman, Charles Hiram and others Introductory letter, additional explanation, bill for a law and suggested amendments to the constitution of Oregon. . . 40p Portland Or Allied printing trades coun- cil 1909 P,S 656 Charges against Victor Smith and the evi- dence upon which they ai e based. 24p [n p 1864?] Wu 657 Relates to controTersy over removal of custom house of Pu,:et Sound district from Port Townsend to Port Angeles. Charity organization society of Seattle Annual report. 1902, 1903. 1904. 1906, 1908. 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912 S 658 Chase, Lucien B. History of the Polk administration. 512p N Y Putnam 1850 P 659 ch 2 Adjustment of Oregon Question p 458-60 Territorial government for Oregon Chateaubriand, Frangois Auguste Ren6, vicomte de Recollections of Italy, England, and America, with essays on various subjects in morals and literature. 364p Phil Carey 1816 P 660 P 148-175 On Mackenzie's travels in the interior of North America PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 49 Chehalis Bee-Xugget: Historical souvenir edi- tion. 48p illus F May 14, 1915 Magazine section Chehalis Wash Bee-Nugget puh co 1915 S.Sp 661 Chehalis (Wash) high school. Graduating class of 1904 Brief history of Lewis county, state of ^Vash- ington. c20p: n p n pub n d Wu 662 Chelan Leader: Special edition 16p illus F V 13 no 32 Chelan Wash Mar 4, 1904 S 663 Cheney, Charles Henry General report on city planning and hous- ing survey of Portland, Oregon, for the City planning commission. illus maps Port- land Or City planning commission 1919 P 664 Cheney, W. D. Central Oregon. Ivy pr 1918 149p S,Wu front (map) n p 665 Cheney, Warren The way of the North; Alaska-Baranof. 320p N T Doubleday 1906 S,Wu 666 Chesson, F. W. The Hudson's Bay question. 2S+8-|-12+52p Lond W Tweedie 1857 L 667 "From the Colonial Intelligencer" The Hudson's Bay question (two articles) — The Hudson's Bay Co Canada West, and the Indians of Upper Canada Chicago World's Columbian exposition gress of women Congress of women building. World's Chicago. . . 1893, and addresses. . . Con- held in the woman's Columbian exposition, with. . . biographies ed. by Mary Kavanaugh Oldham Eagle. . . 824p 126ports 2pl sq Q Chic International pub co 1895 P 668 p 90-96 Tacific Northwest Chicago, World's Columbian exposition. Oregon commission Report. . . to the Legislative assembly, eighteenth reg^ilar session, 1895. 74p 2pl Salem Or Frank C. Baker State printer 1S94 Os 669 Chicago and North- Western railway Pacific Northwest; a description of the nat- ural resources, scenic features and com- mercial advantages of Oregon, W^ashington and Idaho. 51p illus 1 map Chic Chi- cago and North-Western ry 1905 Oh.P, Wu 670 Chicago and North-Western railway company. Traffic dept The Indian, the Northwest, 1600-1900; the red man; the war man; the white man, and the North-western line. 114p illus Imap Chic C & N railway co tl901] Oh,S.Wu 671 Chicago Record Klondike. The Chicago Record's book for gold seekers. 413p front illus Chic Chi- cago Record 1897 L,W^u 672 Same 555p Chic Monroe Book co [1897] 0,Oh,S 673 50 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA cChllde, Edward Vernoni Letters to tlie London "Times," and New York '•Courier and Inquirer" by a "States" '- man ipseudi 259p Boston Bazin 1857 Wu 674 Chirouse Eugene Casimir. .SVe No. 530 Chittenden, Hiram Martin The American fur trade of the far West; a history of the pioneer trading posts and early fur companies of the Missouri Valley and the Rocky Mountains and of the over- land commerce with Santa Fe. 3v fronts (V 1 2) 4pl Imap Iplan 3facsims X Y Harper 1902 L,Mu,Oh,Os,P,S.Sp,T,\V,Wa, \Vh,Wu - 675 I'agi-d continuoiislj Map in pocket History of early steamboat navigation on the Missouri river. Life and adventures of Joseph LaJBarge, pioneer navigator and In- dian trader, for fifty years identified with the commerce of the Missouri valley. 2v 4ports 12pl N Y Harper 1903 O.Oh.P.S, Wu 676 Hji.o some material relating to Montana Lake Washington canal: what it will mean to the people. c4p] Q Seattle Chamber of commerce [191-] S 677 Puget Sound and Inland Empire railway: "Cascade tunnel route." cByi Itothe Phucher [pseud: 31p front illus (map) Imap Se- attle Harriman cn909] S 678 Report of an investigation by a board of engi- neers of the means of controlling floods in Duwamish-Puyallup valleys and their trib- utaries in the state of Washington. 32p 9pl fold- map Seattle Lowman 1907 S, Wu 679 Yellowstone National Park, historical and descriptive; illustrated with maps, views and portraits. Ed 5 rev & enl 355p front 31pl Imap Cin Clarke 1905 S,Wu 680 Chittenden, Hiram Martin, and Richardson, Alfred Talbot. jSee Smet, Pierre-Jean de. Life, letters and travels Chittenden, Newton H. Health seekers', tourists' and sport.smen's guide to. . . the Pacific coast. Ed 2 311p illus tab San Fran n pub 1884 P 681 Official report of the exploration of the Queen Charlotte Islands for the government of British Columbia. 80p illus Victoria B C Govt 1884 L,S 682 Settlers', prospectors' and tourists' guide; or, Travels through British Columbia. . . 84p Victoria B C n pub 1882 Wu 683 Choate, Rufus Speech of Mr. Choate of Massachusetts on the question of annulling the convention for the common occupation of the territory of Oregon: and in reply to Mr. Buchanan: delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 21, 1844. 34p Wash Gales 1844 P,Wh 684 Choir, Melody Choir's pioneer directory of the city of Seattle and King county: history, business directory and immigrant's gxiide to and throughout PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 51 Washington territory and vicinity. . . 124p Pottsville Pa Miners' journal book and job rooms 1878 c'^1876: S,Wu 685 Same 124p Seattle Choir 1882 Wh 686 Christmas, Walter Canada. 304p illus tab K0benhavn, Guldendalske boghandel, Nordisk forlag', 1904. (Walter Christmas Fremtidslande 3bd) S 687 p 2"7-"04. British Columbia Christy, IVIIIIer The voyages of Captain Luke Foxe of Hull, and Captain Thomas James of Bristol in search of a north-west passage, in 1631-32; with narratives of the earlier northwest voyages of Frobisher, Davis, Weymouth, Hall, Knight, Hudson, Button, Gibbons, Bylot, Baffin, Hawkridge, and others. 2v ports maps facsims Lond Printed for the Hakluyt Society 1894 L 688 Church missionary society Historical notice of the formation of the Church missionary society's north-west America mission, and its progress to Aug- ust, 1848. 87p Lond Seeleys 1849 S 689 Rupert's Land Metlahkatla; ten years' work among the Tsimsheean Indians. 135p map uLondi Church Missionary House 1869 L 690 Circumnavigation of the globe and progress of discovery in the Pacific Ocean from the voyage of Magellan to the death of Captain Cook. 423p front (port) illus Lond Nelson 1852 L 691 City directory, 1884-'85, of Seattle, Washington, embracing a street, business, residence, and church directory, list of city and county officials, secret and benevolent organiza- tions, wharf directory, etc. Also a complete classified business directory. v 1 248p Seattle Industrial world 1884 S 692 P 241-48 Advertisements (The) City of Everett, state of Washington, U.S.A.; a souvenir edition of the Daily In- dependent. . . 65p illus Everett Wash Daily Independent 1900 Wu 693 "The City of Smokestacks"; Everett, the new manufacturing and commercial city at the end of the Great Northern railway on Puget Sound. . . 46p illus map [Everett Everett land co 1893?] Wu 694 Clallam county immigration association Port Angeles, the gate city of the Pacific coast. . . Ed 2 40p illus n p Clallam county immigration association ['^1896] Wu 695 Clapp, Arthur W. compiler. See No. 2447 Clampitt, John Wesley , Echoes from the Rocky Mountains: reminis- cences and thrilling incidents of the ro- mantic and golden age of the great west, with a graphic account of its discovery. settlement and grrand development. 671p . front illus pi ports facsim Chicago Belford Clarke and co 1889 B,Mu,Sp.Wu 696 S2 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Clark. Henry Selby Speech of Mr. Clarke, of North Carolina, on the Oregon question, delivered in the House of representatives, Feb. 6, 1816. 14p Wash Union office 1846 P 697 Clark, James E. Appeal for teachers' institutes and proceed- ings of the Washington teachers' institute and educational association. 67p O- lympia [Wash] J. E. Clark [at the] Courier book printing office 1880 S,Wu 698 .\ii edition of less tlinn 200 copies was piliiU>Ir. r. li. RaRley, then etlitor and proprietor of tile I'liget Sound <'ourler. I*roceedings of the Washington teachers' institute at the fifth annual meeting; and Washington school law. 04-l-24p O- lynipia [Wash] J. E. Clark at the Coiii-ier printing office 1881 S,Wu 699 This with tlie precedintt item is of rare interest In the educational liistory of tlie state Clark, John B. Speech of Hon. John B. Clark, of Missouri, on the admission of Oregon; delivered in the House of representatives February 11, 1859. 8p AVash Congressional globe 1859 Oh 700 Clark, Joseph Bourne l.,ea veiling the nation; the story of American home missions. 362p 8ports Imap N Y Baker ['•1903] P,S,Sp,T,Wu 701 A cliapter on Pacific Xortliwest; Oregon and Wash- ington Clark, Joseph G. Lights and shadows of sailor life, as ex- emplified in fifteen years' experience, in- cluding the more thrilling events of the U. S. exploring expedition and reminis- cences of an eventful life on the "moun- tain wave." 324p front 5pl Best Mus- sey 1848 O.P.Wii 702 p 209-242. Northwest coasi Clark, Robert Carlton How British and American subjects unite in a common government for Oregon territory in 1844. 22p (Reprinted from the quar- terly of Oregon historical society v 13 no 2) O 703 Last step in the formation of a provisional government for Oregon in 1845. l"p Portland Or Ivy press 1915 (Reprinted from quarterly of the Oregon historical society vl6 no 4) O 704 Clarke, S. A. Pioneer days of Oregon history. 2v llpl 2ports Imap Portland Or Gill 1905 Bcu, Mu,0,Oh.Os.P,S,Sp,W,Wa.Wh,Wu 705 Same Cleveland Clarke 1905 T 706 Clarke, Sidney A. The prune industry in the Pacific North- west: history of the prune, best varieties, how to cultivate, picking, curing and pack- ing, also brief treatise on stone fruits, and in full, orchard work of all kinds! 97p illus Portland Posson's seed store tl89-?j Oh.Os 707 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 53 Clason map company Index to map of Oregroii; Clason's commer- cial index of Oregon towns, gives railroads, population, elevations, banks, hotels and industries. 32p fold map Denver Clason map co ^1911: Oh 708 Clayson, Edward, sr Historical narratives of Paget Soimd: Hoods Canal, 1865-1885. The experience of an only free man in a penal colony. 106p front (port) [Seattle Davis] '1911 S, Wu 709 Clayton, John M. Speech upon the Oregon question, delivered in the Senate, of the U. S. Feb. 12, 1846 16p Wash Gales & Seaton 1846 P 710 Cleveland, Richard Jeffry A narracive of voyages and cominercial en- terprises. 2v 2-19+240P Cambridge, Owen 1842 P 711 V 1 1)69-94 .Voithwest coast Same 123p Lond Moxon 1842 I^ 712 Same Ed 3 407p Bost Pierce 1850 Wu 713 Contiiiis apx not in ed. 1. Describing tlie illtficiilties of enterins the Columbia river Voyages and commercial enterprises of the sons of IVew England. 407p N Y Leavitt 1858 S 714 p 90-108 Alaska Previously published under title: A narrative of Tojages and commercial etiterprises Clifford, Henry B. Masterly address of Hon. Henry B. Cliffoid on- the resources and future of the state of Washington, delivered at the Boston Music Hall, January 14, 1890. 28p n p Published by the Northern Syndicate for circulation in New England cl890?] Wh. Wu 715 (The) Climate of Puget Sound and custom house statistics. 8p Seattle Clarence Han- ford printer 1883 Wu 716 The Coast; an illustrated monthly of the West, illus Q (vl9-20 F) Seattle Coast pub CO V 1-20 1901-1910 S,Wu 717 Coats, Robert Hamilton and Gosnell, R. E. Sir James Douglas. 369p front (port) Ipl Toronto Morang 1912 (Makers of Canada; ed by D. C. Scott & others University ed V 5 pt 2) Bcu,S 718 Cobb, John Nathan Pacific cod fisheries. Hip front 8pl Imap tab Wash Govt 1916 (Appendix 4 to the report of the U. S. commissioner of fisheries for 1916) S,Wu 719 Pacific salmon fisheries. 255p front 14pl tab W^ash Govt 1917 (Appendix 3 to the report of the I'. S. commissioner of fisheries for 1916) S,Wu 720 Salmon fisheries of the Pacific coast. 179p tab Wash Govt 1911 (Bureau of fisheries document no 751) S.Wu 721 Cochran, William H. Washington's state institutions. 87p port n p n pub cl915?] S 722 54 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 726 memoirs of the Carpenter Bom- Cochrane, Clark B. and Stanton, Benjamin Admission of Oregon: speeches of Hon. Clark B. Cochrane of New York, and Hon. Ben- jamin Stanton of Ohio, delivered in the House of Representatives, February 11 and 12 1859. 8p Wash Buell 1859 Oh, AVh 723 Cocke, William M. Speech of Mr. Cocke, of Tennessee, on the Oregon ciuestion, delivered in the House of representatives of the United States, Jan. 15. 1846. 14p Wash Gideon 1846 P.Wa.AVh 724 Codd, D. (comp) Laurie's map of the North-West Territories shewing the surveys now made, and the railway and other routes thereto. Ottawa c"=1870: L 725 Folding map sheet 49V4" x 24V4" In cloth covers Codman, John Round trip by way of Panama through California, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, and Colorado with notes on railroads, com- merce, agriculture, mining, scenery, and people. 331p tab N Y Putnam 1879 0,Os,P,S.Wu Cody, Hiram Alfred An apostle of the North; Right Reverend William pas, D. D., first bishop of Athabasca, 1874- 1884, first bishop of Mackenzie River, 18S4- 1891, first bishop of Selkirk (Yukon) 1891- 1006; with an introduction by the Most Rev. S. P. Matheson. 385p front (port) 35pl 4ports N Y Dutton 1908 Bcu.S 727 Coe, Alice Rollit Lyrics of fir and foam. Seattle Alice Harriman 1908 Coeur d 'Alene commercial club (pub) Pan handle of Idaho. Coeur d'Alene Idaho [1909d Coffin, Charles Carleton Great commercial prize: addressed to every American who values the prosperity of his country. 23p Bost Williams 1858 Sp 730 An arcount of the Puget Sound Region, Frazcr Miver and Oregon; exposing the attempt of Great Britain to g.iin control of the Nc rthwest and an Impassioned appeal to all Americans to "wake np" The seat of empire. 232p 5pl Bost Fields 1870 S,Sp 731 Same 232p Ipl n p Edge wood n d Wu 732 Considerable attention is paid to the Pacific Northwest Cogswell, O. H. History of British Columbia. lOlp Vic- toria B C "Colonist" 1893 L 733 Coke, Henry John Ride over the Rocky moimtains to Oregon and California; with a glance at some of the tropical islands, including the West Indies and the Sandwich isles. 388p Iport Lond Bentley 1852 L,0,Oh,P,S,T,Wu 734 Cole, George E. Early Oregon: jottings of personal recollec- tions of a pioneer of 1850. 95p Iport [Spokane Shaw '•1905] Bcu,Mu,0,0h,0s. P.S,Sp,T,Wa,Wh,Wu 735 ip front 14pl S,Wu 728 32p fold map Sp 729 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 55 Coleman, Arthur Philemon Canadian Rockies; new and old trails. 383p front 32pl Imap N Y Scribner 1911 S 736 Satrie Lond Unwin 1911 Sp 736a Same Toronto Frowde 1912 Bcu 737 Considerable material on tlie Columbiii IJiver Coleman. E. T. <'^Ve No. 3219 Colliery Engineer Company Placer mining. A hand-book for Klondike and other miners and prospectors with in- troductory chapters regarding the recent gold discoveries in the Yukon valley, the routes to the gold fields, oiftflt required, and mining regulations, of Alaska and the Canadian Yukon. Also a map of the Yukon valley, embracing all the information ob- tainable from reliable sources up to Decem- ber 1st 1897. 146p illus fold map Scran- ton (Pa) The Colliery Engineer Company 1897 1. 738 Collis, Septima M. A woman's trip to Alaska, being an account of a voyage through the inland seas of the Sitkan archipelago in 1890. 194p illus Iport 1 fold pi Imap N Y Cassell ['■1890] Bcu.Wu 739 Collison, William Henry In the wake of the war canoe: a stirring record of forty years' successful labour, peril and adventure amongst the savage Indian tribes of the Pacific coast, introduction by Lord Bishop of 351p front 15pl Imap N S,Sp,^Vu Colnett, James Voyage to the south Atlantic and round Cape Horn into the Pacific ocean for the purpose of extending the spermaceti whale fisheries and other objects of commerce. . . 179p Iport 6maps 2pl Q Lond Printed for the author by W. Bennett 1798 L,0,P,Wu 741 DtiG-l7 22, 1915; reported by Earl E. Richards HTp Olympia Lamborn [1915?] Mu,S, Wu 762 Congdon, Mary Alice Mt. Hood, our Indians' Pah' -to. [t7:p illus Portland Or [Gibson pub co ^911] O 763 Conger, Harmon S. Speech of Mr. Conger, of Kew York, on the bill organizing- a government in the ter- ritory of Oregon. Delivered in the House of representatives of the U. S., July 25, 1S4S 16p Wash Gideon pr 1848 Wu 764 Congregational association of Oregon Minutes of the annual meeting. 9-12. 16-.34, 36-37, 39-40, 50-58, 63, 1857-1911 Wh 765 Same 9, 16-18, 20, 22-70, 1857-1918 O 766 Same 9-12, 16-17,- 19, 23, 27-32, 34-36, 38- 53, 55-64, 66, 68, 1857-1916 Oh 767 Same Partial set 1866-1918 P 768 Same 35, 38-40, 1883-1888 S 769 Same 32-40, 1880-1888 Wu 770 18T7-18S8, sesslHUs called Congregational association of Oregon and Washington. In 1909. name changed to Congregational conference of Oregon Congregational association of Washington Minutes of the annual session. 1-date, 1889-date Wh 771 Same 1, 2, 5, 6, 10. 12, 1889-1900 S 772 Same 12-27, 1900-1915 W 773 Same 1-17, 1889-1905 Wu ' 774 Congregational association of Washington ter- ritory Minutes of the annual session. 1-7, 1879-1885 Wh 775 Sav\e 6. 1884 Wu 776 At the last meeting name changed to Pnget Sound association of Congregational churches Conkey company (comp) Official guide to the Klondyke coun- try and the gold fields of Alaska, with the official maps, vivid descriptions and thrilling experiences; the most complete and thoroughly exhaustive collection of ever.v known information necessary to a full realization of the immense resources of the gold fields of Alaska. . . 296p illus pi maps Chic W. B. Conkey co 1897 L 777 Conkling, Roscoe and Shipman, W. D. Central Pacific railroad company in equitable account with the United States, growing out of the issue of subsid.v bonds in aid of construction. . . 134+256 + 70p N Y Beseey 1887 P 778 Includes Oregon line. Connor, Ralph, pseudonym. Hvv Gordon, Charles William Conover, Charles Tallmadge . . .In the matter of the proposal to change the name of Mount Rainier; statement of Charles Tallmadge Conover, representing numerous citizens of the state of Wash- ington in favor of retaining the present name, and oral presentation by C. T. Conover and Victor J. Farrar. The deci- sion. 58p illus Q n p n pub [1917: O.Oh,P,S,Sp,W,Wu 779 At head of title: Before the United States geo- graphic board 58 PACIFIC NORTHWEST A^IERICAXA Consumers' League of Oregon. Social survey committee Report on the wages, hoiii-s and conditions of work and cost and .standard of living of women wagre earners in Oregon. . . Tip Portland Or Consumers' league 1913 I'.P.Wu 7S0 Contributions to North American ethnology. N.c xop. ssfi, 13S1. i39fi. ns; Cook, Frederick Albert To the top of the continent: discovery, ex- ploi-ation and adventure in subarctic Alaska. The first ascent of Mt. McKinley, 1903-1006. . . 321p front illus 23pl Iport N Y Doubleday 1908 0,S,Sp 780a nates printed on both sides Maps in paKing Cook, James Authentic nariative of a voyage performed b.v Captain Cook and Captain Clerke in His Majesty's Ships Resolution and Discovery during the years 1776, 1777. 1778, 1779 and 1780; in search of a north-west passage between the continents of Asia and Amer- ica, including a faithful account of all their discoveries, and the unfortunate death of Captain Cook. Illustrated with a chart and a variety of cuts. B.v "\V. Ellis, Assist- ant Surgeon to both vessels. 2v 21pl 1 map Lond Robinson 1782 L,S 781 Same Ed 2 1783 P 782 ^nine Ed 3 cl784] L.P. 783 Captain Cook's third and last voyage to the Pacific Ocean in the years 1776, 1777, 1778. 1779, and 1780. Faithfully abridged from the quarto edition, published by order of His Majesty. 372p front (port) illus Lond John Fielding cl785] L 784 Captain Cook's voyages round the world, with an introductory life by M. B. Synge. 512p front (port ) Iport 16pl 4maps Ifac- sim Lond Nelson 1897 S 786 Dritte entdeckungs-reise nach dem Nordpol hinauf unternoinmen und mit den schiffen Resolution und Discovery wahrend der jahre 1776 bis 1780 ausgefiihrt. . .; aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von Georg Forster. 2v 37pl tab Iport 7maps sq Q Ber Haude 1787 P 786 Journal of Captain Cook's last voyage to the Pacific ocean, on the Discovery: performed in the years 1776, 1777, 1778. 1779. and 1780. illustrated with cuts, and a chart, showing the tracks of the ships employed in this expedition. New edition 376p Lond Newbery 1785 L 787 A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, undertaken by the command of His Majesty. . . in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779. 1780. Compiled from the various accounts of that voyage hitherto published. 2v fronts (ports) pi Phila Desilver 1818 Wu 788 The voyages round the world. 2v illus map Q Lond Tallis n d P 789 Cook, James. See also Nos. 2046-50, 4026 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 59 Cook, James, and King, James "Voyage to the Pacific ocean undertaken. . . for making discoveries in the northern hemi- sphere. . . performed under the direction of Captains Cook, Gierke and Gore in His Majesty's ships the Resolution and Disco-s'- ery in the years 1776, 1777, 1778. 177^ and 1780. 3v 6pl ISmaps tab sq Q Load Nicol 1784. Bcu,L,0,Oh,P,Wu 790 Also plate volume F6. containing map and plates. Wu l.as i;l plates. I, reports 78 plates. Same Ed 2 1785 Oh,'V\" 791 Same 3v Iport Ipl 20maps tab Dublin Chamberlaine 1784 S,\Vu 792 Wu ropy has separate atlas containing 26 plates and maps Cooke, C. (pub) New and accurate map of North Amer- ica including Nootka Sound with the new discovered islands on the North East coast of Asia. 14i^inxl8in Lond Cooke [1790?] L 793 Cooke, George Alexander Modern and authentic system of universal geography. . . v2 28pl 18maps Lond Wright n d Wu 794 P 83-131 Xortliwest coast of America F'nkled map. plO. "New map agreeable to tlie latest discoveries." shows Biver Oregan flowing into "River of the West" Cooke, Jay, and company The Northern Pacific railroad; its route, re- sources, progress and business; the new Northwest and its great thoroughfare. 48p [Phil: Jay Cooke & co [1871: 0,S, Wh.Wu 795 Includes two unnumbered pages of advertising The Northern Pacific railroad's land grant and the future business of the road. 28p cPhil?] Jay Cooke and co [1870?] Mu. Wh,Wu 796 p 27 Letter of endorsement from W. Milnor Roberts. who conducted the reconnoissance of the proposed route of the Northern Pacific railroad, made in the sum- mer of 1869. Special report of a reconnoissance of the route for the Northern Pacific railroad between Lake Superior and Puget Sound, via the Columbia River, made in 1869 by W. M. Roberts, under the direction of Messrs. Jay Cooke & CO. 51p Phila McLaughlin 1869 P,Wu 797 Cooke, Philip St. George Scenes and adventures in the army; or, Romance of military life 432p Phil Lindsay & Blakiston 1859 P 798 Cooley, William Desborough The history of maritime and Inland discovery. 3v Lond Longman 1830-31 (The cabinet cyclopedia. Conducted by. . . D. Lardner . . . Geography v 80-82) P 799 T 82 Cook La Perouse etc. Coolidge, L. A. Klondike and the Yukon country; a descrip- tion of our Alaskan land of gold from the latest official and scientific sources and personal observations; with a chapter by r.o PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Coolidge, L. A. — Vontinued John F. Pratt, Chief of the Alaskan Bound- ary Expedition of 1894. 213p illus map I'hila Henry A. Altemiis 1897 L 800 Cooper, J. C. Military history, Yamhill counts illus t p w Oh.P Yamhills, an Indian romance. McMinnville Or Cooper 1904 n22pi 801 187p illu.s P.T.Wh.Wu 802 Copley, Josiah Kansas and the of the Union vision, from Ocean. 1867 coimtry beyond, on the lino Pacific railway, eastern di- the Missouri to the Pacific MM 86p 1 map Phil Lippincott 803 Copping, Arthur E. Canada, the golden land; the story of present day occupation of the great West; with twenty-four illustrations in colour by Harold Copping-. 263p front 23pl N Y Hodder n d S 804 Scvenil chapUTs deal with British Columbia Slime as his (Jnlden land. Golden land; the true story and experiences of British settlers in Canada; with twenty- four illustrations in colour by Harold Cop- ping. 263p front 23pl N Y Hodder Iflll S 805 Same as his raiiada. the golden land. Coqulna, pseudonym. Hee Shields, George O. Corbett and company Corbett and co.'s first annual Seattle direct- ory, containing a complete list of the inhab- itants, institutions, incorporated companies, manufacturing establishments, business, business firms, etc., etc., in the city of Seattle for 1890. 976p Seattle ['1890) S,Wu Same 2nd annual 1891-92 Same 3rd annual 1892-93 1891 1892 Corbett 806 S,Wu 807 S.Wu 808 Corey, Theron B. The coal fields of western Washington. p 14-30. (From the Journal of the Illinois mining institute, v 2. May, 1893) Wu 809 Corney, Peter Voyages in the northern Pacific; narrative of several trading voyages from 1813 to 1818, between the north-west coast of America, the Hawaiian islands and China, with a description of the Russian estahlishirients on the northwest coast. . . I38p Hon- olulu Thrum 1896 0,Oh,L,P,Sp,T,Wu 810 Paiilni: irregular: supplemental paces 75a-84a inserted between paces r«4l «r,. Iteprlnted from the London lit- erary E.izette (if 1821 Cornish, Vaughan On snow-waves and snow-drifts in Canada with notes on the "snow-mushrooms" of the Selkirk Mountains. p 137-17.5. (From the Geographical Journal, August 1902) L ^'^\ Cornwallis, Kinahan Xew Kl Dorado; or. British Columbia. Ed 2 405p pi map I.ond Newby 1858 ^""'^ 812 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 61 Corser, Harry Prosper Legendary lore of the Alaska totems. unp ilhis Spl Q Juneau Purity pharmacy 1010 S 813 Corvallis, Oregon. Board of trade Benton county, Oregon; the heart of the famous Willamette valley. 24 p illus map Portland Lewis 1890 Oh 814 Costello, J. A. (The) Siwash, their life, legends and tales; Puget Sound and Pacific Northwest. 169p illus Ipl Seattle Calvert 1895 Oh,P,S, T,Wh,Wu 815 Cotsworth, Moses Bruine British Columbia's supreme advantages in climate, resources, beauty, and life. 77p front illus Ipl [Victoria Wolfenden 1909: S 816 Cotton, Sam J. Stories of Nehalem. 147p front 4pl Iport Chic Donohue tpref 1915j Oh,Os,P 817 Coues, Elliott. .^Ve Nos. 1268. 2117, 2181 Courier-Herald, Oregon City Souvenir Clackamas co. Oregon, New 'fear number. 28p illus [Oregon City: Courier Herald 1901 P 818 Coutant, Charles Giffin History of Wyoming from the earliest known discoveries. In three volumes. Vol 1 712p front illus lOpl 4ports lOgr of ports Imap I-aramie Wyoming Chaplin, Spofford & Mathison, printers 1899 W^Wu 819 The present volume carries the history to tlie year 1869. No more published. Cowan, Robert Ernest A bibliography of the history of California and the Pacific West, 1510-1906, together with the text of John W. Dwinelle's ad- dress on the acquisition of California by the United States of America. 318p San Fran Book club of California 1914 Wu 820 Cowles, B. K. Alaska; interesting and reliable information relating thereto. Containing also the organic act of the territoi-y. 16p Mad- ison Wis Democrat co 1885 Wu 821 Cox, Ross Adventures on the Columbia River, includ- ing the narrative of a residence of six years on the western side of the Rocky Mountains. 2v Lond Colburn 1831 L, P,Wh,Wu 822 Same 335p N Y Harper 1832 Mu.P,S, T.Wh.Wu 823 The Columbia River; or. Scenes and adven- tures during a residence of six years on the western side of the Rocky Mountains. Ed 2 2v tab Lond Colbuin 1832 L,M. Os,P 824 Same Ed 3 2v tab Lond Colburn 1832 L,Wu 825 Coxe, William Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America, to which are added, the 62 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Coxe, William — Continued conciuest of Sil)eria, and the history of the transactions and commerce between Rus- sia and China. 344p Ipl 4 fold maps sq Q Lond Cadell 1780 L.P.S.Wu 826 name Kd 2 1780 I' 827 Same Ed 3 rev 4r)6p 1787 L.P.Wu 828 Same Ed 4 enl oOOp 1803 L, 829 Comparative view of the Russian discoveries with those made by Captains Cook and Clerke; and a sketch of what remains to be ascertained by future navigators. 31p Q Lond Cadell 1787 L,S 830 rontained nlso In ed 3 of tlia .Account, p 413-456 Die neuen entdeckungen der Russen zwischen Asien und Amerika; nebst der geschichte der erobcrung' Siberiens und des handels der Russen und Chineser; aus dem Engrlischen iibersetzt. 409p Ipl 4maps F^rankfurt Fleischer 1783 P S31 Les nouvelles d^couvertes des Russes, entre I'Asie et rAmSrique, avec I'histoire de la conquete de la Sibgrie, & du commerce des Russes & des Chinois; traduit de TAnglois. 314p Ipl 4maps sq Q Par Thou 1781 L, P 832 Coyner, David H. Lost trappers; a collection of. . . scenes and events in the Rocky mountains. . . with a short description of California; also some account of the fur trade. James 1847 Oh Same Cin Truman 1850 Same Cin Anderson 1859 Same N Y Hurst [''1847] P219-240. Fur trade on the Columbia Cradlebaugh, J. H. Nyeena kloshe illahee (Songs of the good country). 67p front (port) 8pl Salem Or cpriv print] 1913 0,Wu 837 Craig, David Scheetz (ed) Music and musicians: Puget Sound year book. 1914, 1916. 1919 illus (inc ports) Seattle Craig 1914-1919 S 838 Same 1916 0,P,Sp 839 Title v:i iie' and reminiscences. . . 63p front (port) La Grande Or La Grande printing co :<^1914] P.Wu 862 Curtin, Jeremiah Myths of the Modocs. 3S!tp Cost Little 1012 Oh.P.S, 863 Curtis, Edward S. In the land of the head-hunters: illustrated with photographs by the author. 112p front illus Yonkers N Y World book co 1915 (Indian life and Indian lore) S 864 Full-page plates included in paging . . .Indian days of the long ago. . . illus- trated with photographs by the author and drawings by F. X. Wilson. 221p incl front illus Ipl Yonkers N Y ^Vorld book co 1915 S,Sp 865 The North American Indian; being a series of volumes picturing and describing the In- dians of the United States and Alaska, written, illustrated, and published by Ed- ward S. Curtis; ed. by Frederick Webb Hodge, foreword by Theodore Roosevelt; field research conducted under the pat- ronage of J. Pierpont Morgan. Q v 1-11 pl [Seattle] E. • S. Curtis 1908-1916 S, Sp,Wu 866 Curtis, Natalie (ed) The Indians' book; an offering by the American Indians of Indian lore, musical and narrative. . . 572p front illus ISpl X Y Harper 1907 0,Sp 867 Curwood. James Oliver Danger trail. 305p front illus pl In- dianopolis Bobbs 1910 S 868 Same N Y Grosset 1911 Sp 869 Honor of the big snows. 317p front illus Indianapolis Bobbs 1911 S,Sp 870 Philip Steele of the Royal Northwest mounted police. 307p front illus Indianapolis Bobbs 1911 S.Sp 871 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 65 Gushing, Caleb. Report on Oregon territor)-. .SYe No. 4093 Speech of Mr. Ciishing of Mass., on the sub- ject of the Oregon territory; delivered in the House of representatives. May 17 and 22, 1838. 13p Wash Gales & Seaton 1838 P,S 872 Contained also in Oregonian and Indians Advocate Treaty of "Washington; its negotiation, ex- ecution, and the discussions relating there- to. 280p K Y Harper 1873 Bcu,L,0,P, S,T,Wu 873 p 203-225 Nortluve.'stern boundary line Cushman, Francis W. Sec No. 4128 Custer, George Armstrong Wild life on the plains and horrors of In- dian warfare, by General G. A. Custer, U. S. A., with a graphic accovmt of his last fight on the Little Big Horn, as told by his wily foe Sitting Bull. A reprint with additional chapters of Custer's "My Life on the Plains." 528p plate 188.5 St Louis Mo Sun Pub Co Mu 874 Same 592p front (port) illus Iport St Louis Excelsior pub co i:<^1891: S 875 Cyr, Paul Chanson de Montana; compose en 1867 par Paul Cyr. Sur air de la charmante erie. n t p 2p Iport Mu 876 Daily World, Vancouver, B.C. A.Y.P. book of Vancouver, B.C. 99p illus F Vancouver, B C World pr & pub co 1909 S 877 Dale, Harrison Clifford (ed) The Ashley-Smith explorations and the discovery of a central route to the Pacific 1822-1829; with the original journals. 352p 3pl map Cleveland Clark 1918 B,0,Os, P,S,Sp,Wu 878 Organization of the Oregon emigrating com- panies. 23p Portland Or Ivy press 1915 (Reprint from the quarterly of the Oregon historical society v 16 no 3) O 879 Dall, William Healey Alaska and its resources. 627p illus 15pl Imap Bost Lee 1870 L,T,Wu 880 Same 1897 S 881 Same 628p illus 14pl Lond Low 1870 0,Wu 882 Critical review of Bering's first expedition, 1725-30,. . . with a translation of his orig- inal report upon it. p 111-169 map tab n d (Reprinted from the National Geo- graphical magazine) Oh, 883 Notes on Alaska and the vicinity of Bering strait, with a cfolded] map. . . Wu 884 Reprinted from the American .Tonrnal of .Science V 21 p 104-111 Feb 1881 Remains of later pre-historic man obtained from caves in the Catherina archipelago, Alaska territory, and especially from the caves of the Aleutian Islands. 40p lOpl F Wash Smithsonian Institution 1878 P.S.Wu 885 Smithsonian contributions to knowledge No. 318 66 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Dalt, William Healey — Continued Tribes of the extreme Northwest. By W. H. Dall. Tribes of western Washington and northwestern Oregon. By George Gibbs. 361p illus lOpl 2maps Q Wash Govt 1S77 P.S.Wu 886 .\t liead of title: Dopt of the Interior. U. S. geo- graphical and ge'>logioal survey of the Rocky Mountain region. J. W. rowell. geolo^-lst In charge Dall, William Healey and others The Yukon territory. 438p Lond Downoy 1808 Bcu.Wu 887 Dall and Baker, Bibliography of Alaska. See No. 40S1 Dalrymple, Alexander Memoir of a map of the lands around the North Pole, 1789; scale one tenth of an inch to 1 degree of latitude. 20p port map s(i K Loud Bigg 17S9 L 888 Plan for promoting the fur-trade, and secur- ing it to this country, by uniting the oper- ations of the East-India and Hudson's Bay Companies. 32p Sq Q Lond George Bigg 1789 L 889 Spanish memorial of 4th June considered. 21p Lond Elmsly 1790 L 890 Spanish pretentions fairly discussed. 19p Iport ISmaps facsim F Lond Elmsly 1790 L 891 Damon, Samuel C. Trip from the Sandwich islands to lower Ore- gon, and upper California; or, Thirty leaves selected from "Our log-book." Honolulu Polynesian office 1849 (Reprinted from The Friend v 7 nos 6-12 p 41-91) 0,0s 892 Dampier, William Dampier's voyages; consisting of a new voy- age around the world, a Supplement to the Voyage around the world, Two voyages to Campeachy, a Discourse of winds, a Voyage to New Holland, and a Vindication, in an- swer to the Chimerical relation of William Funnell: ed. by John Masefield. 2v Iport 15pl llmaps N Y Dutton 1906 0,P,S, Sp 893 ■•New vo.vage" quoted in Bancroft's Northwest Coast for Strait of Aiilau cDana, C. W.j Garden of the world; or. The great West; its history, its wealth, its natural advan- tages, and its future. Also, comprising a complete guide to emigrants, with a full description of the different routes westward. By an old settler. With statistics and facts, from Hon. Thomas H. Benton, Hon. Sani Houston, Col. John C. Fremont, and other "old settlers." 396p illus Bost Went- worth 1856 0,P,S,W 894 P 27S-!ifi Oreiinn and Washington Same as his fireat West: or. The garden of the world Great West; or. The garden of the world; Its history, its wealth, its natural advan- tages, and its future. Also comprising a complete guide to emigrants, with a full do.«cription of the different routes westward. With statistics and facts, from Hon. Thomas H. Benton, Gen. Sam Houston, and Col. PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 67 John C. Fremont. 396p illus Bost Wentworth 1857 S,Sp,W,Wu 895 Same as his Garden of the world; or The great West (published anonymtiusly 1856) Dana, E. Geographical sketches on the western coun- try; designed for emigrants and settlers. 312p tab Cin Looker 1819 0,Oh,P 896 p 303-306 Sketches of the country watered by the Columbia river and its tributary streams Darby, William View of the United States, historical, geo- graphical and statistical. . . 634p 14maps tab Phil Tanner 1828 P 897 p 326-330 Basin of Columbia, or. Territory of Oregon Daring adventures of Carson and Fremont. 493p NT Hurst n d Sp 898 Davenport, Homer Calvin The country boy; the story of his own early life. . . embellished with sixty-two illustra- tions made from his original drawings. 191p front (port) illus N Y Dillingham [<^1910] Oh,Os,P,Wu 899 Davenport (Wash) high school. Junior class The bunch grass, v 1, 1908 c61p: illus Davenport, Wash cDavenport Tribune: 1907 Wu 900 Davidson, George (The) Alaska boundary. 235p Iport Imap Q San Fran. Alaska packers' association 1903 L,Oh,P,S,W,Wu 90,1 Directory for the Pacific coast of the United States, reported to the superintendent of the U. S. coast survey. 171p cWash Govt 1863] "Wu 902 Identifications of Sir Francis Drake's an- chorages on the coast of California in the year 1579 [Extract from California his- torical society publication] 58p maps Q P 903 The name "Mt. Rainier." (Reprinted from Sierra club bulletin No 35 p 87-99 January 1907) Wu 904 Tracks and landfalls of Bering and Chirikof on the northwest coast of America. . . 1741. Private publication 44p [San Fran Partridge] 1901 L 905 Same pl-44 In transactions of the geograph- ical society of the Pacific series 2 v 1 1902 Wu 906 Davidson, George. See ■also Nos. 4079-80 Davidson, Gordon Charles The North West company. 349p front (fold map) 4fold maps Berkeley University of California press 1918. (University of Califor- nia publications in history v 7) Mu,0,Os, S,Wu 907 Davies, John F. and John F. Civics of Montana. 128p Butte, Mont In- ter Mountain 1896 Mu.Wu 903 p 20-24 History of Montana p 116-24 Bibliography Davis, Ellis A. ■ Davis' new commercial encyclopedia; Wash- ington, Oregon and Idaho; the Pacific north- west. 190p illus port maps F Berkeley Davis 1909 Oh.Sp 909 68 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Davis, Horace Oregon trail. tl7ip map Liost Wilson i;iUi (From riocoedings Alassacluisetls liistorioal -sociftv Oct lOOO) O 910 Dawes, Henry L. Admission of Orepoii: speech of Hon. Henry I.. Dawes, of Massachusetts, delivered in the House of representatives, February 11, 1!>59. 7p Wash Buell 1859 Oh.Wh 911 Dawson, Charles I'ioneer tales of the Oregon trail and of Jeffei - son county. 4S8p front (port) il ports map.-^ Topeka Crane & co 1912 P.Sp.Wu 912 Dawson, George Mercer Notes and observations on the Kwakiool people of Vancouver Island. Sfip Ipl F Montreal Dawson 1888 (Royal society of Canada Transactions v 5 Section II 1S87) l',S.Wu SI 3 Notes on the Shuswap people of British Columbia. 44p illus Imap Q (Royal society of Canada Transactions Section II 1891) L,0,P,S,Wu 914 Report on a geological examination of the northern part of Vancouver Island and ad- jacent coasts. 129p illus Ipl Montreal Dawson 1S87 (Fi'om Geological Survey of Canada, Reports, 1885.) L 915 Report on an exploration from Tort Simp- son on the Pacific coast, to Edmonton on the Saskatchewan, embracing a portion of the northern part of British Columbia and the Peace River country; 1879. 177p 7pl Ifold map tab Montreal Dawson 1881 (Geological survey of Canada) Oh 916 Report on an exploration in the Yukon dis- trict, N.W.T., and adjacent northern por- tion of British Columbia. 1887. Published by authority of Parliament 277p front illus 4pl Imap Montreal Dawson 1888 (Geological and natural history survey of Canada, A. R. C. Selwyn, director) S.Wu 917 Report on the Queen Charlotte Islands, 1878. Pub. b.v authority of Parliament 239p front (map) illus 14pl 2niaps Montreal Dawson 1880 L.S 918 Dawson, George M., joint author. Sec Tolmie, W. Fraser Dawson, John William Canadian ice age. . . 301p Ipl illus Montreal Dawson 1893 Mu,S 919 Dawson, William Leon Preliminary list of the birds of Okanogan county, ^Vashington. p 168-182 (Reprinted from The Auk v 14 April 1897 as Laboratory Bulletin Ko 6 Oberlin College) Wh,Wu 920 Dawson, William Leon, and Bowles, J. H. The birds of Washington; a complete, scientific and popular account of the 372 species of birds found in the state. 2v illus pi sq Q Seattle Occidental pub co 1909 P,S,Sp,Wh,"V^'u 921 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 69 Dayton, William Lewis Speecli of Mr. Dayton, of New Jersey, on the subject of Oregon, &c., delivered in the Senate of the United States, Februaiy 23 and 26, 1844. 25p Wash Gales 1844 S 922 Deane, Charles I. (pub) Walla Walla cit.v and county directory . . . 1898. 298p rWalla Walla. Wash] Statesman office :1898: Wh 923 Deans, James (conip) Tales from the totems of the Hidery; ed. by Oscar Lovell Triggs. 96p 6pl Chic International Folk-lore assoc 1889 L 924 Decalves, Alonso. pseudonym New travels to the westward; oi;. Unknown parts of America, being a tour of almost foui'teen months, containing an account of the country, upwards of two thousand miles, west of the Christian pai'ts of North Amer- ica: with an account of white Indians, their manners, habits, and many other par- ticular*?. 43p Bost n d S 925 Book incomplete DeCourcy, Bolton W. On the straits of Juan de Fuca, Puget Sound: and government impi'ovements on the Pacific coast. 22p illus n p n pub n d (American Society of Civil Engineeis Tran- sactions v 2.S Oct 1891) P.S 926 De Courcy, Henry, and Shea, J.D.G. History of the Catholic church in the United States: from the earliest settlement of the country to the present time. W'ith bio- graphical sketches, accoimts of religious orders, councils. . . with the approbation of His Eminence, John, Cardinal McCloskey. 701p front (port) Ipl 9ports N Y Kenedy 1904 S 927 pf..'2-Cl. I(l;ilio. Oregon. Wasliin;;ton DeGroot, Henry British Columbia; its condition and prospects, soil, climate and mineral resources, con- sidered. 24p San Fran Alta Cal job office 1859 S 928 Dela/io, A. Life on the plains and among the diggings: being scenes and adventures of an over- land journey to California. 384p illus Auburn Miller 1854 B 929 A journey into Idaho, as far as old Ft. Hall, tlienoe to California Delano, Columbus Speech on the Oregon question: delivered in the House of representatives, I'.S. Feb. 5, 1846. 15p Wash Gideon 184G L.Wh 930 Delessert, Edouard. translator. ^e<> No. 2002 De L'Isle Explication de la carte des nouvelles decou- vertes au Nord de la Mer du Sud; par M. De L'Isle. 18p Q Paris Desaint et Saillant 1752 L 931 Dell, Sidney Astoria and Flavel, the chief seaport of the Columbia river watershed. 32p illus n p n pub c''1893] P 932 70 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Dell, Sidney — Continued Book of Clatsop county; its farms and timber lands in detail. . . 49p Astoria Ander- son 1899 Oh 933 Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel Breaking the wilderness. The story of the conquest of the far west, from the wander- ings of Cabeza de Vaca, to the first descent of the Colorado by Powell, and the comple- tion of the Union Pacific railway, with particular account of the exploits of trap- pers and traders. . . 360p illus Ipl N Y Putnam 1905 Os,P,S.Sp.T,Wa.Wu 934 Frfemont and '49; the story of a remarkable career and its relation to the exploration and development of our western territory, especially of California. 547p front illus 53pl Sports Smaps N Y Putnam 1914 O.S.Wu 935 Demers, Modeste Chinook dictionary, catechism, prayers and hymns, composed in 1838 & 1839: revised, corrected and completed in 1867 by F. N. Blanchet; with modifications and additions by L. N. St. Onge. G8p illus Montreal n pub 1871 P,Wh 936 Democratic national convention Proceedings. . . June 1-5, 1852, for the nomi- nations of candidates for president and vice president of the United States. 78p Wash Armstrong 1852 Oh 937 Joseph Lane of Ore,;on was candidate for nomination for PreRident Democratic reviev.': v 12 no 18 p339-448 April 1843: v 17 no 89 p323-4C0 Nov 1845 N Y V pub 1843, 1845 S 938 Articles on the Oregon Territory [Democratic review] Oregon war. 8p n p n pub cl856] P 939 Denny, Arthur Armstrong Pioneer days on Puget Sound. 83p Se- attle C. B. Bagley 1888 L,Oh,S,Sp,Wh, "Wu 940 Same Edited by Alice Harriman 103p 26ports lOpl Imap Seattle Alice Harriman CO 1908 Bcu,L„M'u,0,Oh,Os.P,S,Sp,W,Wa. Wu 941 Denny, Christopher Columbus Genealogy of the Denny family in England and America, descendants of John Denny of Combs, Suffolk, England, in 1439. 265p front 3ports Leicester, Mass Priv print 1886 Wu 942 p 233-240 Statement of Robert Denny of Indian- apolis coTerini! the ancestry of John Denny, father of Arthur A. Denny, founder of Seattle Denny, Emily Inez Blazing the way: or, True stories, songs and sketches of Puget Sound and other pioneers. 504p front 12pl 7ports Seattle Rainier printing co 1909 Os,P,S,T,W,Wu 943 Denys, Ferdinand Les Californies, I'Orggon, et les possessions Russes en Am4rique, les lies Noutka et de la Reine Charlotte. 108p Bound with Regnault, filias, Histoire des Antilles. . . Par Didot 1849 P,S 944 p 47-64 L'Orfigon PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 71 Depew, Chauncey Mitchell Currency question and the Alaska-Yukon- Paciflc exposition; speeches. . . in the Senate of the United States, February 6 and 10, 1908. 15p Wash n pub 1908 S,Wu ■ 945 p 12-13 Alaska -Yukon-Pacific exposition Derby, George Horatio The Squibob papers, by John Phoenix cpseud] 247p front illus llpl N Y Carleton 1867 Wu 946 p 109-115 A trip to Oregon De Roos, Frederic Fitzgerald Personal narrative of travels in the United States and Canada in 1826 with remarks on the present state of the American Navy. 207p front illus Lond William Harrison Ainsworth 1827 L 947 Description of the coast, tides, and currents, in Button's Bay, and in the Welcome: be- ing- the North-West coast of Hudson's Bay, from Chiuchill river. . . taken from Scrog's, Crow's, Napier's and Smith's journals, made in the years 1722, 1737, 1740, 1742, 1743, and 1744; also from the dis- coveries made in 1742, in the voyage in the Furnace Bomb, and Discovery Pink, com- manded by Captain Middleton and Captain Moor; shewing from these journals a prob- ability, that there is a passage from thence to the western ocean of America, 27p Dublin, n pub 1746 L 948 Description of Oregon and Californra. See No. 2528 De Smet. See Smet, Pierre Jean de Deutscher almanach fiir Oregon und Wash- ington territorium, 1888, 1894. Portland, Or. V pub 1888-1894 Oh 949 Same 1891 P 960 Devine, E. J. Across wildest America, Newfoundland to Alaska. . . 307p 2fold maps N T Ben- ziger 1906 Mu 951 Dewar, J. Gumming Voyage of the Nyanza, R. N*. Y. C; being the record of a three years' cruise in a schooner yacht in the Atlantic and Pacific, and her subsequent shipwreck. 18-|-466p illus pi map O Edin Blackwood 1892 L 952 Dewey, Henry B. See no 9269 De Windt, Harry From Paris to New York by land; with illus- trations from photographs by the author and maps of the route. Slip front (port) 40pl iport 2maps Lond Newnes 1904 S 953 P197-275 Alaska Through the gold fields of Alaska to Bering N Y 954 Lond 955 straits. 314p Iport 31pl Imap Harper 1898 P,S,Sp,T,W,Wu Same 312p 2ports 29pl 2maps Chatto 1898 L,0,Wa Deynoodt, Francois Le Reverend Pere P. J. De Smet. . . esquisse biographique. oOp Bruxelles Vromant 1878 Wu 956 72 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Dickinson. Daniel Stevens Speech in the Senate of the U. S., July 22. 1848. on the bill from the House to estab- lish teiritorial governments in Oregon. C.ilifomia anil New Mexico. "p n p n pub n d 1' 957 Speech of Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, of New- York, on the OreROti question. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, Tuesday, February 24, 1846. lup Wash Blair 1846 S 958 Speech of Mr. Dickinson, of N. Y., on the Oregon question, delivered in the Senate of the U. S. Feb. 24 & 2.5. 1846. 14p Wash Tnion office 1816 P 959 Dickinson, Jacob M. The .Maskan Doundary Case. .V paper read by J. M. Dickinson of Chicago, Illinois be- lore the American Bar Association at the twenty-seventh aimual meeting' St. Louis, Missouri. September 26th 1904. 32p n p M pub n d I., 9€0 Dictionary of the Chinook jargon as spoken on Puget Sound and the Northwest, with original Indian names for prominent places and localities with their meanings; his- torical sketch, etc. 38p Seattle Low- man n d P 961 Dictionary of the Chinook jargon; or, Indian tiade language of the North Pacific coast. 29p Victoria. B C T. N. Hibben and co n d (Bears autograph dated May 12. 1875.) Wu 962 Same 33p ['-1877] Oh 963 Same 1S83 Wh 964 .Vamr 35p 1 S99 P.S.Sp 965 Dictionary of the Kallspel or Flathead Indian language. See Giorda. Joseph Dictionary of the Numipu or Nez Perce lan- guage by a missionary of the Society of Jesus in the Rocky Mountains. Pt 1, English-Nez Perce (all that is published) 242p Montana St. Ignatius' Mission print 1895 Sp 966 Dietz, Arthur Arnold Mad rush for gold in frozen N'orth; illus- trated from photographs by W. A. Sharp. 2Slp front (ports) illus Los Angeles Times-Mirror 1914 S 967 Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth Problems of Greater Britain. Lond Macmillan 1890 L,Wu p 81-88 Hrltish Columl.ia Dimsdale, Thomas Josiah The vigilantes of Montana; or. Popular jus- tice in the Rocky mountains, being a correct and impaitial narrative of the chase, trial, capture and execution of Henry Plummers road agent band. . . Life in the mining camps of the far West. . . 228p Virginia City Mont Montana Post press 1866 M,Sp,Wh 969 Same Ed 3 290p front lOpl 1 Sports 4fac- sims Helena Mont. State pub co c^lOloj Mu.O.S.AVu 970 Same "Third printing" 276p Butte Mont \V. F. Bartlett 1915 Wu 971 738p 5maps 963 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 72> Direct legislation league of Washington Revie^^■ of legislative proceedings of session of 1911 by Joint legislative committee of Direct legislation leagaie of Washington, State federation of labor, Farmers' union, State Grange, on laws and measures of im- portance. 19p illus Olympia Blanken- ship :1911?] S,Wu 972 Dix, John Adams Speech of Hon. John A. Dix, of New York, the Oregon question, delivered in the Senate of the United States Feb. 18 and 19. 1S46. 20p Wash Blair 1846 P,Sp, Wu 973 Speech of Mr. Di.x, of New York, on the resolution giving the twelve months' notice for the termination of the joint occupancy of the Oregon territory, delivered in the Senate of the United States, Feb. 18 and 19, 1846. 16p [Wash] n p 1846 Oh, P.Sp 974 Speech on the bill to establish a territo;«al government in Oregon; delivered) in the Senate of the U. S., June 26, 1848. 14p Wash Cong'l Globe off 1848 P.Wu 975 Speech on the bill to establish governments in the territories; delivered in the Senate of the United States, July 26, 1 Wash Cong'l Globe 1848 Oh Speeches and occasional addresses. N Y Appleton 1864 0,P,S,T,W Oregon question vol 1 p 1-59 8. Sp 976 2v port 977 Dixon, George Further remarks on the voyages of John Meares, in which several important facts, misrepresented in the said voyages, rela- tive to geography and commerce, are fully substantiated, to which is added, a letter from Captain Duncan, containing a decisive refutation of several unfounded assertions of Mr. Meares, and a final reply to his answer. 80p F Lond Stockdale 1791 D 978 Remarks on the voyages of John Meares. Esq., in a letter to that gentleman. 37p F Lond Stockdale 1790 I> 979 Voyage autour du monde, et principalement a la cote nord-ouest de I'AmeriQue, fait en 17S5, 1786, 1787 et 1788. a bord du King- George et de la Queen-Charlotte, par les capitaines Portlock et Dixon: traduit de I'Anglois par M. Lebas. 2v 17pl 5maps 13 tab Par Maradan 1789 P 980 "Voyage round the world; but more par- ticularly to the north-west coast of Amer- ica, performed in 1785, 1786, 1787 and 1788, in the King George and Queen Charlotte, Captains Portlock and Dixon. . . .360+ 47p 17pl 5maps tab sq F Lond Goulding 1789 Bcu,L,P,S,Sp,W,Wu 981 Same Ed 2 Lond Goulding 1789 Oh.Wu 982 Dixon, James -Methodism in America; with the personal narrative of the author, during a tour through a part of the United States and Canada. 498p Imap tab Lond Author 1849 P.Wu 983 pn66-367 Oregon 74 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Dixon, Joseph Kossuth Vanishing race; the last great Indian coun- cil; a record in picture and story of the last great Indian council, participated in by eminent Indian chiefs from nearly every Indian reservation in the United States, together with the story of their lives as told by themselves — their speeches and folk- lore tales — their solemn farewell and the Indians' story of the Custer fight. Written and illustrated by Joseph K. Dixon, Ka- ra-kon-tie — Flying Sun — Mohawk; the con- cept of Rodman Wanamaker. 231p front 57pl 21ports Iniap Garden City Double- day 1914 S 984 Dixon, William Hepworth La nouvelle Am6rique; traduction de I'anglais avec une preface et la biographie d'Hep- worth Dixon; par PhilarSte Chasles. 42Gp Paris Lacroix 1874 L 985 WTiite conquest. 2v Lond Chatto 1876 Mu 986 Dobbs, Arthur Account of the countries adjoining to Hud- son's bay in the northwest part of Amer- ica; with an abstract of Captain Middle- ton's journal, the whole intended to show the great probability of a northwest pas- sage. 211p Lond Robinson 1744 L,P 987 Letter from a Russian sea-officer, to a per- son of distinction at the court of St. Petersburgh, containing his remarks upon Mr. de L'Isle's chart and memoir, rela- tive to the new discoveries northward and eastward from Kamschatka, together with some observations on that letter. Sip Lond n d Linde 1754 L 983 Remarks upon Captain Middleton's defense; wherein his conduct during his late voyage for discovering a passage from Hudson's Bay to the South-Sea is impartially ex- amined. . . 171p Lond Jacob Robin- son 1744 L 989 Reply to Capt. Middleton's answer to the remarks on his vindication of his conduct ... to which is added, a full answer to a late pamphlet published by Capt. Middle- ton, called Forgery detected. 128p Lond Robinson 1745 P 990 Documentary history of the Oregon and Cali- fornia railroad, Oregon Central, and North- ern Pacific railroad company: — articles of incorporation, annual reports, mortgages, deeds, leases, maps, etc. 1867-1886 Oh 991 A coUecUon of highly Important documents and printed pamphlets relating to the history of raUroads In the Pacific Northwest Documentary history of the Oregon Central and Oregon and California railroad com- pany. 121p n p n pub n d Oh,P 992 Dodds, James Hudson's bay company, its position and pros- pects; the substance of an address, de- livered at a meeting of the shareholders, in the London tavern, on the 24th Jan- uary, 1866. 77p Imap Lond Stanford 1866 P,S 993 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 75 Dodge, Augustus C. Speech on the Oregon question; delivered in the House of representatives, Sat., Feb. 7, 1846. 12p Wash Blair & Rives 1846 P 994 Dodge, Grenville M. Biographical sketch of James Bridger, moun- taineer, trapper and guide. Kansas City Author n d M 995 Union Paciflc railroad; report of G. M. Dodge, chief engineer, to the board of directors, on a branch railroad to Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Puget's Sound. 13p fold map Wash D C Philips & Solomons 1868 Mu 996 Dodge, Orvil (ed) Heroes of Battle rock; or, The miners' reward. . . Port Orford, Oregon, the scene of the great tragedy. . . 21p [Myrtle Point (Or): n pub 1904 P 997 Pioneer history of Coos and Curry counties, Or.; heroic deeds and thrilling adventures of the early settlers. 468+103p illus 94ports tab Salem, Or Capital print co 1898 0,0h,0s,P ■■ 998 Dodge, Richard Irving Plains of the great west and their inhab- itants. . . 448p illus map N Y Putnam 1877 Oh 999 p 441-448 Location of Indian tribes In the United States Dodson, W. D. B. Official history of the operations of the Sec- ond Oregon infantry, U.S.V. in the cam- paign in the Philippine Islands. 11 9p illus :San Fran Hicks-Judd co 1899: Os 1000 Bound with Campaigning in the Philippines, by Karl Irving Faust Doflein, Franz Von den Antillen zum fernen westen; reise- skizzen eines naturforschers. . . 180p illus Jena G. Fischer 1900 P 1001 pl55-166 Der Kolumbia-fluss and seine flschereien Dolph, Joseph N. Admission of the state of Washington; speech in the senate of the U.S. March 31 and April 1, 1886. 37p Wash Govt 1886 Oh.Wh.Wu 1002 Domenech, Emmanuel Henri Dieudonn6 Seven years' residence in the great deserts of North America. 2v 58pl Imap Lond Longman 1860 0,P,S,Sp,T, 1003 Voyage pittoresque dans les grands deserts du nouveau monde. 608p 39pl tab Q Par Morizot 1862 P 1004 Donaldson, Thomas Corwin . . .The George Catlin Indian gallery In the U.S. National museum. . . 939p 144pl (incl ports maps facsims) cWash? 1886?] (U S National museum Annual report 188.5 pt 5) Wu 1005 Donan, P. Astoria; the peerless maritime metropolis of the golden northwest. i:36p: illus n p n pub n d Oh.Wu 1006 y(^ PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Donan, P. — Continued Gold fields of Baker county. Eastern Oregon. 35p illus Ifold map Portland (Or) Oregon railroad and navigation co n d Oh.W.Wh 1007 Issued between 1897 .ind 1000 The new bonanzaland; with a brief disserta- tion on booms. 68p illus fold map. Portland, Or Oregon railroad & navigation CO 1897 Wh 1008 'Where rolls the Oregon." The Columbia river empire, some hurried glimpses of a region where all glories of scene, all charms of climate and all riches of resource meet and shake hands. [72p] illus map Portland Or, Oregon railroad and navigation CO. cl898] Oh,Os.S,Wu 1009 Samr 68p [189!)] S,Wa,"\Vh 1010 Dorr, Joseph W. On the sunset shore; a book of poems and rhymes. 211p front (port) illus 104pl Seattle Souvenir pub co 1908 S,Wu 1011 .Miiny of the verses are descriptive of the Northwest Dorris, Jonathan Truman The Oregon trail. c82:p map Springfield, Illinois historical society 1918 (Being p467- 547 of the Journal of the Illinois historical society v 10 no 4 Jan 1918.) 0,P 1012 Dougherty, John Hampden Electoral system of the United States. . . N Y Putnam 1906 O,0s,P,S,Sp,T,Wu 1013 P1S4-202 ()re','oii case. Douglas, David Journal kept during his travels in North America, 1823-1827, together with a particu- lar description of thirty-three species of American oaks and eighteen species of Pinus. with appendices containing a list of the plants introduced by Douglas and an account of his death. . . 364p front (port) Q Lond William Wesley & son 1914 Bcu,O.Oh.Os,P,S,Sp,"W^u 1014 Douglas, George Mellis Lands forlorn: a story of an expedition to Hearne's Coppermine River. Introduction by James Douglas LLD. 2S5p front illus port 2fold maps N Y Putnam 1914 S. Sp 1015 Douglas, Sir James Report of a canoe expedition along the East coast of Vancouver Island. p 245-48 map. (From Journal of (Geographical Society 1853) I. 1015a Douglas, Stephen Arnold and others Nebraska question, comprising speeches in the T'nited States Senate: together with the history of the Missouri compromise, Daniel Webster's memorial in regard to it. history of the annexation of Texas, the organization of Oregon territory, and the compromise.'! of 1850. N Y Redfield 1854 P 1016 Douthit, Mary Osborn (ed) Souvenir of western women. 200p front illus Ipl Q Portland. Or .\nderson 1905 0,Oh,Os.P,S,T,Wh,Wu 1017 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 77 Dowell, Benjamin Franklin Letter. . . to Hon. Jas. A. Carclwell and Hon. Wm. Bybee, with a brief of the evidence sent by B.- F. Dowell to the Secretary of "War showing the Oregon Indian war claims, of W. C. Griswold, assignee of Wm. F. Wood. M. G. Kennedy and others, are new, ficti- tious and fraudulent; but they have recently been paid to W. C. Griswold. lOp Jacksonville Or Oregon sentinel 1874 P 1018 Dowell, Benjamin Franklin and daughter Heirs of George W. Harris and Marry A. Harris, Indian depredation claimants, vs. the Rogue river Indians, Cow creek Indians and the United States. . . petition and argu- ment. . . . tab [Portland Dowell 1888: Oh,P 1019 tDowell, Benjamin Franklin and Dowell, Anna E.] cBrief and argument for payment of Indian claims] 64p n p n pub n d P 1020 Dowell, Benjamin Franklin and others B. F. Dowell, plaintiff, vs. W. C. Griswold. defendant. . . brief and argument. 68p Jacksonville Or Oregon sentinel 1877 Oh 1021 Petition. . . asking pay for two companies of Oregon volunteers and their expenses, called into service in 1854. 14p Jack- sonville Or Oregon sentinel 1869 P 1022 Downie, William Hunting for gold: reminiscences of personal experience and research in the early days of the Pacific coast from Alaska to Panama. 407p illus llports gr of ports fac-sim San Fran Cal pub co 1893 Bcu,L,P,Wu 1023 Drake, Sir Francis Sir Francis Drake revived: calling upon this dull or effeminate age, to follow his noble steps for gold and silver, by this memorable relation, of the rare occurrences (never yet declared to the world) in a third voyage, -made by him into the West-Indies, in the yeeres 72 and 73 ■when Nombre de Dios was by him and fiftie two others onely in his companie surprised; Faithfully taken out of the report of M. Christopher Ceely, Ellis, Hixom, and others, who were in the same voyage with him, by Philip Nichols, preacher; Reviewed by Sir Francis Drake himself before his death, and much holpen and enlarged by divers notes, with his own hand here and there inserted; set forth by Sir Francis Drake, Baronet (his nephew) now living. 80p Lond Bourne 1618 L 1024 Drake, Samuel Adams Making of the great west. 1512-1883. 339p illus N T Scribner 1887 L,Mu,Os,Wu 1025 Bame With later imprint dates P,S,Sp, T,W,Wa,Wu 1026 Drake, Samuel Gardner Aboriginal races of North America. . . Ed 15 788p N T Hurst c<-1880: 0,P,Wu 1027 p 748-763 Indian languages of the Pacific states and territories, by Albert S. Gatschet. (Reprinted from the Magazine of American History, for March, 1877.) 78 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Drannan, William F. Capt. W. F. Drannan, chief of scouts, as pilot to eniigrrant and government trains, across the plains of the wild West of fifty, years ago, as told by himself as a sequel to his famous book "Thirty-one years on the plains and in the mountains." 407p front (port) illus 1 port Chic Rhodes & McClure i^lOlOj Os 1028 Thirty-one years on the plains and in the mountains; or, The last voice from the plains; an authentic record of a life time of hunting, trapping, scouting and Indian fighting in the far West. . . 568p illus ports Chic Rhodes 1899 Oh 1029 Same c<'1900] 57pl 1.5ports I.,Os 1030 Draper, Lyman Copeland Sketch of Hon. Charles H. Larrabee. 25p cMadison State historical society of Wis- consin 1882?] Wu 1031 Mr. Larrabee was an early regent of the University of Washington. Drew, C. S. Communication. . . giving an account of the origin and early prosecution of the Indian war in Oregon. 48p [Wash Govt: 18G0 Oh 1032 Ducl<, Simeon Finances of the Province of British Columbia: budget speech delivered by the Hon. Simeon Duck, minister of finance, in the Provincial Legislature, on Monday, March 29th, 1886. 47p Victoria Miller 1886 L 1033 Dufferin and Ava, Harlot Georglana (Hamilton), ^(aychionciiH of My Canadian journal, 1872-78; extracts from my letters home while Lord Dufferin was governor-general. 456p 2ports 8pl Ifold map N T Appleton 1891 L,0,P,Wu 1034 Same 422p 2ports 5pl Lond Murray 1891 L.S. 1035 Duflot de IVIofras, Eugene Exploration du territoire de I'Or^gon. des Californies et de la Mer Vermeille, ex6cut6e pendant les ann§es 1840, 1841 et 1842. . . 3v 12pl ISmaps tab v3. F6. Par Ber- tiand 1844 L,P,S.W,Wu 1036 T 3 is the atlas. Same 2v In 4 without atlas Oh 1037 L'Oregon. 44p Paris Plon Frdres 1846 L> 1038 L'Oregon. From Revue Nouvelle. p 175-214 L 1039 Begins "La question relative i, I'imraense contro" nommre territoire de I'Oregon, qui se trouve comprise entre les Montagnes-Rocheuses et I'ocfan Paclfique" etc. Society Royale de Geographic, assembl^e g4n4ral pr6sid6e par M. Cunin-Gridaine; Fragment d'un voyage en Californie, lu a la s§ance annuelle du 30 d^cembre 1842. 24p cParis Bailly] n d L 1040 Dufur, A. J. Report of the centennial commissioner, A. J. Dufur, to the legislative assembly 1878. IGp Salem Or Carter 1878 "UTi 1041 (comp) Statistics of the state of Oregon; con- taining a description of its agricultural de- velopment and natural and industrial re- PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 79 sources together with the physical, geo- graphical, geological and mineral statistics of the state. 128p tab Salem Or "Wil- lamette farmer" office 1869 0,P,S,Sp,Wh 1042 Dugas, George The Canadian West; its discovery by the Sieur de la Verendrye; its development by the fur trading companies down to the year 1822; tr. from the French. 320p Montreal Beauchemin 1905 Wu 1043 Legfindes du Nord-Ouest. 141p front Montreal Cadieux & Derome c'^1883] L 1044 La premiSre Canadienng du Nord-Ouest; ou Biographie de Marie-Anne Gaboury, arrivee au Nord-Ouest en 1806, et d6c§d6e k Saint- Boniface a I'age de 96 ans par M. I'abbS G. Dugas. 108p front Montreal Cadieux & Derome c<^1883: L 1045 Dumbell, Kate Ethel Mary California and the far West; suggestions for the west bound traveler. 198p map N Y J Pott & CO [-=1914] P 1046 Dun, R. G. and company Trade review, Pacific northwest. 77p Portland Or Dun 1914 Oh 1047 Dunbar, Seymour History of travel in America, showing the development of travel and transportation ... 4 V col fronts illus (incl facsims) col pi maps Indianapolis Ind Bobbs- Merrill f^inSz 0,Oh,P,Wu 1043 Duncan, Alexander Speech of Mr. Duncan of Ohio, on the Ore- , gon bill; delivered in the House of repre- sentatives, .Tan. 29, 1845 15p n p n pub n d P 1049 Duniway, Mrs. Abigail (Scott) Captain Gray's company; or. Crossing the plains and living in Oregon. [342:p Portland S J McCormick 1859 Oh,Os,Wu 1050 Some pa,5es Inserted irregularly From the West to the West; across the plains to Oregon. Slip Ipl Chic Mc- Clurg 1905 Os.P.Sp.Wh.T^'u 1051 Oregon, land of promise. 12p Portland, Or Rhodes 1907 c''1876] P 1052 Path breaking: an autobiographical history of the equal suffrage movement in Pacific coast states 291p front (port) illus [Portland Or James <:1914: 0,Oh,P,S,Wu 1053 Same Ed 2 29 7p Os 1054 Dunn, George G. Speech on the Oregon bill, delivered in the House of representatives of the U. S., July 27. 1848. 16p n p n pub n d P 1055 Dunn, Jacob Piatt, Jr. Massacre of the mountains; a history of the Indian wars of the far West. 784p illus Ipl Imap N T Harpers 1886 Oh.S.Sp, Wu 1056 Dunn, John History of the Oregon territory and British North-American fur trade; with an account 80 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Dunn, John — Continued of the habits and customs of the principal native tribes on the northein continent. 359p Imap London Edwards 1844 L,r, Wh 1057 Same Kd 2 1846 Bcu.L.Os.P.Sp.AV.Wh 1058 Same 236p Phil Zieber 1845 Oh.P.S. Wu 1059 Dunn, Robert The shameless diary of an explorer; with il- lustrations from photograplis by the author. 297p front lOpl Imap X Y Outing puh co 1907 S 1060 .\\ith(ir was a numlur i.f tlir Cook expedition "to rcaih tin- top of Mt. McKinlt-y" Dunning, William Archibald Paying for Alaska; some unfamiliar incidents in the process. . . p385-398 N Y Ginn 1912 (Reprinted from Political science quarterlv, v 27 no 3 September 1912) M'u 1061 Durham, Nelson Wayne History of the city of Spokane, and Spokane country, Washington, from its earliest settlement to the present time. 3v front (port) illus pi ports Q Spokane Clarke 1912 S,Sp,W,Wu 1062 V 2-3: BioRTapliical. Cover-title: Spokane and the Inland Empire Durleu, Rt. Rev. Bishop Practical Chinook vocabulary. 16p St. Louis IMIssion Kamloops 1886 "\Vh 1063 Durkee, Charles C. (ed) A paving jackpot vs. good roads; a stir- ring expose of startling facts. 16p Portland Or author n d P 1064 Reprint from Journal of tlie Oregon society of En- gineers DuRoss, Harry (comp) Directory of the city of Vancouver and Clarke county, Washington. 290p [Vancouver Wash: DuRoss 1907 W^u 1065 Duthie, Rev. D. Wallace (ed) Bishop in the rough. With preface by the Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Nor- wich. 386p illus front port X Y Dutton 1909 Sp 1066 Dye, Mrs. Eva (Emery) Conquest: the true story of Lewis and Clark. 443p Ipl Chic McClurg 1902 Bcu.O.Oh. Os,P,Sp.Wh.Wu 1067 Same With later imprints Mu,S,T,"VVa 1068 Hudson's bay company regime in the Oregon country. p50-56 (Bulletin of the University of Oregon, Historical Series, v 1 no 2 Kugene, Or University 1898) 0,0h. Os,P,Wu 1069 McDonald of Oregon; a tale of two shores. 395p 6pl Chic McClurg 1906 O.Oh.Os.P. S,Sp.T,W,Wa.Wu 1070 McLoughlin and old Oregon, a chronicle. 391p Iport Chic McClurg 1900 Bcu.L.M. P,Pu,Sp,T,W,Wu 1071 Same Later imprints L,0,S,Wa,Wu 1072 Stories of Oregon. 203p illus Ipl San Fran Whitaker 1900 0,0h,0s,P,S,T,Wh, Wu 1073 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 81 Dyer, E. Jerome The gold fields of Canada and how to reach thein. Behig an account of the routes and mineral resources of North-AVestern Canada. 268p front (map) fold map Lond George Philip & Son 1898 L 1074 Authorities consulted. 6p [Dyott, Luther Ro Memorial church in memory of Rev. Dr. George H. Atkinson. 12p port Port- land n pub n d P 1075 Eastern star. Oregon. Grand chapter Report of proceedings. 27th. 1916. Port- land Auterson-Bradley co 1916 Os 1076 Eastern Washington state historical society . History, constitution and annual report 1918. 16p Spokane Shaw clOlS] O.Sp.MTi, Wu 1077 Eaton, Allen Hendershott The Oregon system, the story of direct legis- lation in Oregon: a presentation of the methods and results of the initiative and referendum, and recall in Oregon, . with studies of the measures accepted or re- jected, and special chapters on the direct primary, popular election of senators, ad- vantages, defects and dangers of the sys- tem. 195p Chic McClurg 1912 0,0s, P,S,Sp,Wu Educational publishing company John Charles Fremont and Kit Carson, front (port) Bost n d O 1078 29p 1079 Edwards, George (ed) Pioneer work of the Presbyterian church in Montana. 213p illus Helena Inde- pendent pub CO 1907 B,Mu 1080 Edwards, Jonathan Illustrated history of Spokane county, state of Washington. 726p port pi Imap Q [Spokane: Lever 1900 S,Sp,Wh 1081 Marcus "Whitman, M. D. the pathfinder of the Pacific Northwest and martj'red missionary ot Oregon. 48p Spokane Union print CO 1892 Oh,P,Wa,"\Vh,Wu 1082 Edwards, Philip L. California in 18.37; diary. . . containing an account of a trip to the Pacific coast 47p Sacramento Johnston 1890 Oh 1033 Edwards, William Seymour In to the Yukon. 319p 60pl 2maps N Y Clarke 1904 P.Sp 1084 Eells, Myron Alioriginal geographic names in the state of Washington. p 27-35 (From the Amer- ican anthiopologist for January, 1892) O, P.Wh.Wu 1085 Chinook jargon. p 300-312 (From the American anthiopologist for July. 1894) P,Wu 1086. The Congregational church of Forest Grove, Oregon: 1859-1901. not paged Shelton Wash Journal print 1901 Oh.^Vh 1087 Father Eells; or. The result.s of fifty-five years of missionary labors in Washington and 82 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Eells, Myron — Continued Oivgon; ;i biography of Ilev. Cushing Eells, D. D. . . 3-l2p 2ports 7pl Best Con- gregational pub society [■^1894] 0,Oh,P,S, Sp.T.Wh.Wu 1088 Hand of God in the history of the Pacific coast. .'. lap np n pub ntp P,S, Wh.Wu 1089 Commencement address at Whitman college, June 1 1888. History of Indian missions on the Pacific coast:, Oregon "Washington and Idaho; with an introd. by G. H. Atkinson. 270p front 4pl Iport Phil Amer Sunday-school union [•^1882] 0,0h,0s,P,Pu,S.T, Wh.Wu 1090 History of the Congregational Association of Oregon, and Washington territory; the Home Missionary Society of Oregon and adjoining territories; and the Northwestern Association of Congregational ministers. 124p tab Portland Or Himes 1881 Oh, P,S,Wh,Wu 1091 (comp) Hymns in the Chinook jargon lan- guage. 30p Portland Or Himes 1878 Wh 1092 Same Ed 2 40p Portland Or Steel 1889 Oh,S,AMi.Wu 1093 In memoriam, Rev. S. H. Marsh, D. D. first president of Pacific University; born August 29, 1825, died February 2, 1879. 58p Portland Or Himes 1881 Pu.Wh.Wu 1094 Marcus Whitman, M. D. Proofs of his work in saving Oregon to the United States, and in promoting the immigration of 1843. 34p Portland Or Himes 1883 Oh,Os,P,S,Sp, W,WTi,"\Vu 1095 Marcus Whitman, pathfinder and patriot. 349p 15pl 6ports Imap Seattle Alice Har- riman co 1901 Bcu,0,Os,P,Wu 1096 Memorial of Mrs. Mary R. Walker [the dis- course preached at Forest Grove, Oregon, at the funeral of Mrs. Mary Richardson Walker, Dec. 7, 1897, by Rev. M. Eells, D. D.]. 12p n p cHatchet printery: n d Oh,P,Wu 1097 Reply to Professor Bourne's "The Whitman Legend." 122p W^Ua Walla Statesman pub CO 1902 Oh,Os,P,S,W,Wh,Wu 1098 Stone age of Oregon. p 283-295 n p n pub n d (From Sniithsonian Report, 1886) L,,0,P,S,T,Wh,Wu 1099 Ten years of missionary work among the In- dians at Skokomish, Washington Territory, 1874-1884. 271p front illus 2ports Ipl Bost Congregational pub soc c'^1886: Oh.P, Pu,S,Sp,Wh,Wu 1100 The thunder bird. p 329-336 (From the -Vmerican anthropologist for October, 1899) P,Wu 1101 The Twana, Chemakum, and Klallam Indians, of Washington Territory. p 605-681 (From the Smithsonian report for 1886-87) Wh.Wu 1102 The Twana Indians of the Skokomish reser- vation in Washington Territory. Author's ed p 57-114 Wash Govt 1877 (Reprinted from vol. 3 of the Bulletin of the U. S. geologrical and geographical survey.) Sp, Wh 1103 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 83 Worship and traditions of the aborigines of America; or, Their testimony to the religion of the Bible. 40p n p n pub n d P 1104 Egerton, Hugh Edward A short history of British colonial policy. 503p Lond Methuen Epref. 1897: (Re-issue with supplementary chapter) 0,P,Sp 1105 See British Columbia and Vancouver Eggleston, Charles H. Helena's social supremacy... Helena Mon- tana 1894 48p illus cAnaconda Mont Anaconda capital committee 1894: Mu 1106 Eggleston, William G., and U'Ren, W. S. Clackamas county assessments and taxes in 1910; showing the difference between assess- ments and taxes under the general property tax system and the land value or single tax and exemption system proposed in the Clackamas county tax and exemption bill to be voted on at the Nov. 1912 election. 159p tab Q Portland Or Multnomah pr CO [1912] P 1107 Eggleston, William G., Cridge, A. D., and U'Ren, W. S. People's power and public taxation. Ed 2 128p illus Portland Or Multnomah print CO 1910 P,S 1108 Electric journal. Souvenir edition; published by the Puget Sound Traction, Light and Power CO., Seattle division, showing some views of Seattle and of the power plants of the publishing co. 90p illus Ipl v 2 no 5 June 1912 [Seattle. P.S.T.L. & P. CO] 1912 S 1109 Eliot, Samuel A. Report upon the conditions and needs of the coast. 28p 1110 Frazar. 28p 1111 239p front .31pl S 1112 Indians of the Northwest Wash Govt 1915 Wh,Wu Elliot, Thomas Lamb In memoriam: Mary E, [Portland Or 1886] P Elkington, Ernest Way Canada, the land of hope. Imap Lond Black 1910 riiapters 14-19 are on British Columbia Ellensburg dawn Historical and descriptive history of the city of Ellensburg, Kittitas county. Souvenir edition [of] Ellensburg Dawn, December 28, 1900. [56p] illus 1 fold pi [Ellensburg Wash Dawn 1900] Wu 1113 Elliott, Henry Wood Our arctic province; Alaska and the seal islands. 473p illus pi 5maps N T Scrib- ner 1886 P 1114 Same Later imprints L,Sp,T,Wu 1115 Report upon the condition of affairs in the territory of Alaska. 277p Wash Govt 1875 L,S 1116 Elliott, Howard The people and the railroads; official facts concerning the transportation situation in the country in general and in the northwest in particular. 28p n p n pub 1907 P 1117 84 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Elliott. Howard — Coiitinucd The rtlation of the niiUvay to comnumity and state-wide advertising; address before the Oregon development league. Salem, Or. Nov 211, 1910 14p n p n pub 1910 ,. 1118 Elliott, Simon G. Anti-monopoly speech delivered at Knox Butte, Linn county, Oregon; March 11, 1882. rOregon Central railroad] 32p Albany Or Watts & Godfrey, printers n d P 1119 In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Multnomah; Ben Holladay and C. Temple Kmraet, plaintiffs, vs. Simon G. Klliott, et al., defendants, deposition of Simon G. Elliott, taken before J. C. More- land, referee. . . 518p Portland Or Himes 1871 P ''■'20 Report on the preliminary survey of the California and Oregon railroad, by the chief engineer. 41p Imap Bost Rand n d p 1121 Till' company organized Dec. 1. 1863 Elliott, Thompson Colt The Dalles-Celilo portage, its history and in- fluence. 42p 6pl Portland Ivy press 1915 Os.Wu 1''22 Reprinted from Oretion historical Quarterly, t 16 no 2 .Tune liH.'i. David Thompson, pathfinder, and the Colum- bia River. 9p Kettle Falls, Wash Scimitar press 1911 Os,Wa,Wu 1123 Earliest travelers on the Oregon trail. 16p port Portland Or Ivy press 1912 Oh, Os,Wa,Wu 1''24 Reprinted from Oregon historical quarterly, v 13 no 1 March 1012. The fur trade In the Columbia river basin prior to 1811. 16p front Portland Or Ivy Press 1915 Oh,Os,Wu 1125 Peter Skene Ogden, fur trader. 50p Portland Or Ivy press 1910 L,Os,S,Sp,Wa, Wh.Wu . 1126 Reprinted from Ore.;on historical Quarterly, v 11 no 3 Sept. 1910. [Historical Addresses] v p v pub v d 1910-1915 B,P,S,Wa,Wu 1127 A collection of the five preceding items bound in one volume. Ellis, Edward S. Indian wars of the United States from the first settlement at Jamestown, in 1607, to the close of the great uprising of 1890-91. . . 484p Q Chic Kenyon 1892 O 1128 Same 516p Ipl illus N Y Cassell [n892i P,S,T,Wu 1129 Modoc War, Custer, and Chief Joseph. Ellis, Harriett Warner Toils and triumphs; or, Missionary work in the world's dark places. 285p 6pl Lond Seeley 1862 Wu 1130 p 118-130. Northwest .\merican missions. Ellis, Henry Voyage to Hudson's bay, by the l!>obbs galley and California, in the years 1746 and 1747. PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 85 for discovering' a northwest passage. . . 336p 9pl Imap Lend Whitridge 1718 L, P,Wu 1131 Same 152p Imap Dublin Ewing 1749 P,S 1132 164p Toronto 1133 1134 -Authentic Ellis, T. Mullett Tales of the Klondyke •Copp Clark Co 1898 I. Same Lond Bliss 1898 \Vu Ellis, William. See Cook, James narrative Ellison, W. G. H. Settlers of Vancouver Island; a story for emi- grants. 154p 2pl Lond Chilvcr n d L 1135 Elrod, Morton John . . .Pictured rocks. Indian writings on the rock cliffs of Flathead Lake, Montana. . . lOp illus (incl maps) lOpl (Bulletin Uni- versity of Montana, no 46) Missoula I'niv of Montana 1908 O.Mu 1136 Vacation in Montana. 12p illus Bloom- ington, 111 University press 1899 O 1137 Emblem club. Bend, Oregon Seattle contrasts; dedicated to the Seattle ad. club. [24p of views: Bend Or Emblem club cl91-] S,Wu 1138 No text. Each page contains 2 pictures of same section of city, taken at intervals of from 2 to 28 years. Emerson company Efficiency reports on the cit.\' of Seattle. 2v Seattle cl913?: S 1139 Emmerson, John British Columbia and Vancouver Island. Voyages, Travels, and Adventures. 154p Durham Ainsley 1865 L 1140 Emmons, George Thornton Copper neck-rings of Southern Alaska p" 644-650 illus Lancaster Pa New Era Printing Co 1908 (Reprinted from the Amer- ican Anthropologist, n s 10, No 4 October- December 1908) L 1141 Petroglyphs in .Southeastern Alaska p 221- 230 illus Lancaster Pa New Era Printing Co 1908 (Reprinted from the American Anthropologist, n s 10 No 2 Apiil-.Iune. 1908) L 1142 The Tahlton Indians, illustrated by specimens in the George G. Heye collection. 120p illus 19pl map Phila Pennsylvania univ museum 1911 (University of Pennsjlvania. Museum Anthropological publications, v 4 no 1) Wu 1143 Employment of the people and the capital of Great Britain, in her own colonies, at the same time assisting emigration, coloniza- tion and penal arrangements, by under- taking the construction of a great national railway between the Atlantic and the Pacific, from Halifax harbour, Nova Scoti-a to Frazer's River, New Caledonia. 75p Iplan Lond W P Metchim 1849 L 1144 En route to the Klondike. Frank Sec La Roche, Engel, Samuel Extraits raisonnes dcs voyages faits dans les parties septentrionales de I'Asie et de 8'' PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Engel, Samuel — Continued TAni^rique ou nouvelles preuves de la posibilit6 d"un passage aux Iiidos par le Nord; d^montr^es par Mr Engel, avec deux grandes cartes g^ographiqiies. 268p 2maps Lausanne Jules Henri Pott 1779 L 1145 Memoirs et observations g^ographiques et critiques sur la situation des pays septen- trionaux. . . auxquelles on a joint un essai sur la route aux Indes par le nord. . . 268p 2maps Lausanne Chapuis 1765 L, P 1146 Engelhardt, Lisa von Ftidinand v. Wrangel und seine Reise langs der Nordkilste von Sibirien und auf dem Eismeere. 212p front (port) fold map Leipzig Duncker 1S85 L 1147 Enock, C. Reginald Farthest west; life and travel in the United States. 332p front 31pl Imap N Y Ap- pleton 1910 S 1148 Same Lond Long 1910 O 1149 Great Pacific coast; twelve thousand miles in the golden West; being an account of life and travel in the western states of North and South America, from California, British Columbia, and Alaska: to Mexico, Panama, Peru and Chile; and a study of their physical and political conditions. 356p front 63pl Lond Richards 1909 L.P.S 1150 Same X Y Scribners 1910 S,Sp 1151 p 195-255. Oregon and Wiishinglon; British Colum- bia: Alaska and the Yukon Errors of the British minister, in the negotia- tions with the court of Spain. 130p Lond Debrett 1790 L 1152 rontalns material on Xootka; also Meares' Me- morial Erskine, Charles Twenty years before the mast: with the more thrilling scenes and incidents while circumnavigating the globe under the com- mand of the late Admiral Charles Wilkes 1S38-1842. 311p illus col fiont port Phil .Jacobs 1806 Sp II53 cEspinosa y Telle, Josei Relacion del viage hecho por las goletas Sutil y :Nrexicana en el aiio de 1792, para reconocer el estrecho de F\ica: con una in- troduccion en (lue se da noticia de las ex- pediciones executadas anteriormente por los espanoles en busca del paso del noroeste de la America. De 6rden del rey. 2v 8pl 9maps V 2 F Atlas Madrid Imprenta real 1802 L.Oh,P,S,Wu 1154 Same Lacking Atlas Bcu 1155 •■By some bibliographers tlie author is wrongly sup- posed to be Dionisio Alcali Gallana. commander of the expedition; MeiUna and T.ederc ascribe the his- torical introduction to Alcala (;aUano. commander of the Sum. and Cayetano Valdes. commander of the Mexu-ana. Nav.irrete (Bibl. mar. esp.. t. 2. p. 65) states that Espinosa wrote the 'nelaclon' and that he himself wrote the introducUon."— Library of Congress notation Essays in American history dedicated, to Frederick Jackson Turner. 293p N Y Holt 1910 Mu,0,Wu *ii56 Edited by Guy SWnton Ford P 35-55 Oregon pioneers, by Joseph Schafer PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 87 Estes, George The rawhide raihoad. 54p illus port Canby Or Clackamas co new? "^lOlC P 1157 LEtches, John Cadman: Authentic statement of all the facts relative to Xootka sound; its discovery, history, settlement, trade, and the probable ad- vantages to be derived from it; in an ad- dress to the king [by Argonaut]. 26p Lond Debrett 1790 L,O.P 1153 Continuation of an authentic statement of all the facts relative to Nootka Sound, its discoveiT, history, settlement, commerce, and the public advantages to be derived from it, with observations on a libel, which has been traced to a foreign ambassador; in a second letter, by Argonaut 34p Lond W S Fores 1790 L 1159 Ethnological Society of London Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London, Vol. IV. New Series. 360p Lond John Murray 1866 L 1160 Report on the Indian tribes inhabitin? the country in the vicinity of the forty-ninth parallel of north latitude, by Capt. Wilson, p 275-332 Etshitt thlu sitskai thlusiais thlu sitskaisitlinish 16p Swoodcuts Lapwai [Mission press] 1842 Pu 1161 An Indian primer in the Spokane dialect Eugene, Oregon. Commercial club City of radiation: Eugene, Oregon. 32p illus Eugene, Or Commercial club n d O 1162 The truth about the T\'^illamette valley, its soils, crops, climate and resources: a collec- tion of signed articles by practical farmers and business men. 31p Eugene [1916] O 1163 Eugene, Oregon. Ordinances Laws of the city of Eugene including the amended charter and forms, April 9, 1883. 92-I-18P Salem E. M. Waite 1883 O Same with amendments Same with amendments Same with amendments Eugene library association Constitution and by-laws of the Eugene li- brary association, organized Feb. 18th, 1874. 18p Eugene City Or 1874 O 1168 European and Oregon Land Company, San Fran- cisco Eisenbahn-landereien im westlichen Oregon werden zu billigen preisen und liberalen hedingungen verkauft; ausserordentliche vortheile fiir einigranten. 34p fold map San Fran Bosqui 1872 Os 1169 Railroad lands in western Oregon for sale at low rates and on liberal terms: extraordi- nary inducements to emigrants. 38p fold map San Fran Bosqui 1872 Wu 1170 European Magazine and London Review. Vol 31 January to June, 1797 Lond J Sewell Cornhill 1797 L 1171 Contains part of a review of Hearne's "Journey from Prince of Wales Fort" etc. p. 30; Life and portrait of Hearne. p. 370 : Account and picture of Prince of Wales Fort. p. 374. 1164 1894 O 1165 1905 O 1166 1918 o 1167 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Euwer, Anthony Henderson Rhymes of our valley. 9op front X Y J B Pond 191G O 1172 IIiioil liivcr valley rhymes Evans, Elwood Historical review of the Oreg-on question. 42p Wash Govt 1871 P.Wh 1173 Memoir of Tyrus Hiines. boin at Troy, Brad- ford Coimty, Pennsylvania. April 14, ISIS, died on his farm, Ave miles east of Olympia, WashinKton Territory, April 24, 1879. Ijjp n pub [1879?! Os 1174 Oration, July 4th, 1S6.5. 16p [Portland Committee on invitations 1865] Wu 1175 Some allusions to OreKon lilstory. Puget Sound; its past, present and future. 16p ■ :n p n di Wu 1176 Bears inscription "ComDliment? of the autlior to \Vm. I. Marshall. Kitchluirg. Mas"8." Pupet Sound, its past, present and future. An address delivered at Port Townsend. Washington territory, Jan. 5th, 1869. 16p Olympia 1869 Wh 1177 Washington territory; her past, her present, and the elements of wealth which ensure her future: address delivered at the Centen- nial exposition, Philadelphia, Sept. 2, 1876. and in joint convention of the legislature of Washington territory. Oct. 13, 1877. 51p Olympia Bagley 1877 Oh,P,S,W, Wh.Wu 1178 [Evans, Elwood, and Meany, Edmond Stephenj State of Washington; a brief history of the discovery, settlement and organization of Washington, the evergreen state. . . 224p illus [Tacoma World's fair commission of the state of Washington 1893] O.Oh.S.W. %Vh,Wu 1179 Evans, Elwood. .sVe also No. 2684 [Everett, Wash. Chamber of Commerce] City of Everett and Puget Sound. 48p illus Everett Wash Chamber of commerce [19021 Wu 1180 Everett, Wash. Charter Charter of the city of Everett, adopted Nov. 26. 1907. Pub. by authority. 19p Q Everett Tribune job print [1907?] S 1181 Evergreen state souvenir, containing a review of the resources, wealth, varied industries and commercial advantages of the state of Washington. Published for free distribution at the World's Columbian exposition by J. O. Hestwood. Tacoma and Seattle, Wash. Ed 1 72p illus Imap Q Chic Conkey ISO.'i S 1182 Everts, Henry H. Oregon almanac. . . 1848. . . calculated for Oregon City in equal or clock time. 24p tab Oregon City Hudson n d P 1183 Explorers. . . i7ip front (port) illus N Y Doubleday 1902. (Little masterpieces of science: ed. by George lies) S 1184 P 29-oi. "Lewis and Clark reach the Pacific" (The) Exposition; a magazine devoted to the Lewis and Clark centennial, American Pacific exposition and oriental fair, Port- land, Oregon, 1905. and to the manufactur- PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 89 ing- and commercial industries of the great Northwest. Nov. 1902- July 1903 v 1 no 1- 8 P 1185 Xos. 2 and 4 missing Extracts from the treaties between Great Britain and other kingdoms and states of such articles as relate to the duty and con- duct of the commanders of His Majesty's ships of war. 379p sq Q Lond n puh 1792 L 1186 XootUa StiiiMd controversy Fagan, David D. (puh) History of Benton county, Oregon. . . 532p 35pl Q Portland Or Walling 1885 1187 0,Os,S,Wu Fairbanks, Harold Wellman Western United States; a geographical 302p front illus Bost Heath 1904 P.S.Sp.T,Wa Fairbanks Times. Industrial edition nient to the Fairbanks Sunday Times, Fair- banks, Alaska, April 3, 1910. 28p illus S 1189 eader. Os, 1188 Supple- Fairchild, Harry Anson: memorial. 1S52 .See No. Fairhaven illustrated; containing a general review of the state of M^ashington and a compilation of the resources, terminal ad- vantages, general industries and climate of the "Focal city," and the countiy tributary to it. r60p] front illus Chicago Bald- win '1890 Wu 1190 Falconer, Thomas On the discovery of the Mississippi and on the southwestern, Oregon, and northwestern boundary of the United States, with a translation from the oiiginal ms. of memoirs, etc. relating to the discovery of the Mississippi, by Robert Cavelier de La Salle and the Chevalier Henr.v de Tonty. 100+lOOp Imap Lond Clarke 1844 L,P, S 1191 Oregon question; or, A statement of the British claims to the Oregon territory, in opposition to the pretensions of the gov- ernment of the United States of America. Kd 1 46p Lond Clarke 1845 P.S,Wu 1192 Same Ed 2 50p Lond Clarke 1845 1^. 0,Oh.P.S,Sp,T 1193 8 copy of edition 2 contains a 4-pa?e postscript liy Thomas Falconer dated May 28. 184.'i. Far Xorth-west; being the record, with pic- t\ires. of a journe.v over the Canadian Pacific to Alaska, to California, to the Yel- lowstone, and home by the Northern Pacific, in July, 1905. 40p 63pl Imap Q Newark n pub 1906 P.S.Wu 1194 A. I,. .\. post-conference trip Faris, John Thomson Winning the Oregon country. 241p front illus 15pl Tports Imap Ifacsim N Y Literature dept Presbyterian home missions [•■1911] B.O.Os,P.S,Wu 1195 90 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Farmer, E. J. The resources of the Rocky mountains, be- ing a brief description of the mineral, graz- ing agricultural and timber resources of Colorado. Utah, Arizona. New Mexico, Wyoming. Idaho, Montana, and Dakota. lyOp illus Cleveland Leader 1885 B 1196 Farmers' educational and co-operative union of America. Dept. of Oregon and southern Idaho. Minutes of the annual meeting. 4th. 6-8th. litis, 1915-18. :C!"orvallis Or Benton County courier 1913-17?] Os 1197 Farnham, Mary Frances (Catalogue of the rare books from the library of Pacific University exhibited at the Lewis and Clark fair, 1905. 24p illus n p n pub [1905?] Oh,Os,P,Sp.Wh,Wu 1198 Contains portrait and sketch of Professor Joseph Walker Marsh, librarian of Pacific University; also, an historical sketch of the library. Farnham, Thomas Jefferson History of Oregon territory, it being a dem- onstration of the title of these United States of North America to the same. 80p Imap N Y Winchester 1844 L.Oh. r.S.Wa.Wh.Wu 1199 Same Ed 2 NY Taylor [<^1844] O 1200 Same 83p X Y Taylor 1845 P 1201 Life, adventures, and travels in California to which are added the conquest of California and travels in Oregon. 468p 44pl 7ports 1202 1203 N Y 1204 1205 N Y Nafis 1849 L.Sp.Wh Same K Y Sheldon 1855 P.T Same Pictorial ed 51 4p 43pl Sports Nafis 1850 0,T Same N Y Cornish 1852 Os Life and adventures in California, and scenes in the Pacific Ocean. 416p 2pl New York Wm H Graham 1847 L 1206 Travels in the Californias, and scenes in the Pacific ocean. 96p N Y Saxton 1844 L, P 1207 Travels in the great western prairies, the Anahuac and Rocky mountains, and in the Oregon territory. 197p Poughkeepsie Killey 1841 W 1203 Same N Y Wiley 1843 L.P.T. 1209 Same 112p N Y Greeley 1843 O.Oh.P, S,Sp,Wh.Wu Same 2v Lond Bentley S.Wu Same In Thwaites, ed Earlj- travels, v 28 p 21-380 and v 29 p Bcu,L,Mu,0,P,S,Sp,W,Wu AVanderimgen fiber die felsengebiige in das Oregongebiet, aus dem Englishen von FY. Gerstacker. Lpz Mayer 1846 P 1213 Farrand, Livingston Basketry designs of the Sali.^h Indians. 3pl F N Y Knickerbocker press 1900 (From Jesup North Pacific expedition, v 1 p 393- 399) P,W 1214 Tradition of the Chilcotin Indians. F Hol- land Brill 1900 (From Jesup North Pacific expedition, v 2 p 1-54) P,W 1215 Traditions of the Quinau'.t Indians. F K Y Knickerbocker press 1902 (From Jesup North Pacific expedition, v 2. p P,W Farrar, Victor John. Sec No. 779 1210 1211 western 11-102 1212 77-132) 1216 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 91 n p Wliitman 1219 Farrell, John D. Is the Lake Washington canal a general ne- cessity at this time?. . . \^Tiat will be the cost to the taxpayers of King County? "What is their ability to bear the burden which will be imposed? [16p Seattle n pub 1909?] S 1217 Farrow, Edward Samuel Mountain scouting; a hand-book for officers and soldiers on the frontiers. Profusely illustrated and containing numerous notes on the art of travel. 248-|-36p illus N Y The author 1881 S,Sp 1218 Chinook jargon: Appendix, p 23-36 Father Eells, 1810-1893. 13p college n d P Fawcett, Edgar Some reminiscences of old Victoria. 294p lUus front Toronto Briggs 1912 Sp.Wu 1220 Featherstonhaugh, Capt. Narrative of the operations of the British North American boundary commission, 1872- 76. p 23-72 3pl Imap tab "Woolwich Jackson 1876 (From the "Professional papers" of the Corps of Royal engineers, V 23) S 1221 Fedix, P. A. L 'Oregon et les c5tes de I'oc^an Pacifique du nord, apergu geographique, statistique, et politique. 258p Imap Par Amyot 1846 L,Oh,P,S, 1222 Felch, Alpheus Explorations of the North-west coast of the "United States; report on the claims of the heirs of Captains Kendrick and Gray. p 155-175 (Reprinted from Historical mag- azine 1870) Oh 1223 Ferrer Maldonado, Lorenzo "Viaggio dal mare Atlantico al Pacifico per la via del Nordouest fatto dal capitano Lo- renzo Ferrer Maldonado I'anno MDLXXX- VIII; tradotta da un manoscritto Spagnuolo inedito della Biblioteca Ambrosiana di Milano de Carlo Amoretti. . . 1810. 72p 3maps sq n p n pub 1810 L 1224 Same 98p 3maps Milano Silvestri 1811 L 1225 Voyage de la mer Atlantique a I'ocean Pacifi- que par le Nord-Ouest dans la mer glaciale par le Capitaine Laurent Ferrer Maldonado, I'an' 1588, traduit d'un manuscript espagnol . . . 84+19p 2fold maps Plaisance Majno 1812 L 1226 Field, Claud Herbert Alwyn Heroes of missionary enterprise. 334p Phil Lippincott 1908 ^Vh 1227 p 75-82. WUIiani Duncan of Ifetlalikatlah. Field, David Dudley Speeches, arguments, and miscellaneous papers; ed. by A. P. Sprague. 3v N Y Appleton 1884-90 0,P,S, 1228 V 2. p 1-38. Oregon Question and the I'.ritish Quarterly reviews Field, Henry Martyn Our western archipelago. 250p 12pl N Y Scribner 1895 Os,P,"^Vu 1229 Same 1896 Oh.S 1230 Chapters 8-20 deal with the Pacific Northwest 92 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Field, Thomas Warren An essay towards an Indian bibliograi)li\ . . 430p N y Scribner 1873 \Vu 1231 Valuahle for Its blblloitraphlcal notes on many of the Imoks llsteil In this Chwkllst Fifty years of PaciHc University. 1818-1808. 86p n p n pub n d Wh 1232 Kxerclsi's of the seiiii-pentennlal anniversary of 'Piialalin Academy and I'aclflc University held at Forest Crnvp. (»rei!on. July !). 18it8 Final report: the Coluinlila River lnterstat»> Bridge, Vancouver, Washington to I'ort- land, Oregon for IMiiltnoniah county, Oregon and Clarlte County, Washington. Glp Kansas City, Mo John Lyle Harrington and Ernest E. Howard, consulting engineers [1918] Sp 1233 Finck, Henry Theophilus Pacific coast scenic tour; from southei-n Cal- ifornia to Alaska, the Canadian Pacific rail- way, Yellowstone parlt and tlie Grand can- yon. 309p 20pl Imap N Y Scribner 1890 0,Os,P,Sp,T,Wu 1234 Same 1907 S,Sp 1235 Santc Lond Low 1891 L, 1236 Firemen's association of Oregon Proceedings of annual meeting. lst-3d, 5th 1882-1884, 1886 P 1237 Same 4th Portland Himes 188."5 Os 1238 Fireman's fund insurance company County atlas of Oregon and Wasiiington, showing all towns, post offices, railroad.s, county roads, stage lines carrying passen- gers, mail and express, and distances i)e- tween points. . . drawn by Edward E. Eitel. 19p maps San Fran Stanley ^1894 Oh 1239 Fish, Carl Russell Path of empire; a chronicle of the United States as a world power. 305p front (ports) Sports New Haven Yale univ pr 1919 (Chronicles of America series;' Allen Johnson, editor v 46) S,Wu 1240 p an-.'jS. .\laska and Its iiiohlenis Fisher, Ezra Correspondence of the Reverend Ezra Fisher, pioneer missionary of the American Baptist home mission society in Indiana. Illinois. Iowa and Oregon: ed. by Sarali Fislier Henderson, Nellie Edith Ijatoui'ette, Ken- neth Scott Latourette. 492p [Portland Or pub 1919] 0,0h,0s,Wu 1241 Secured from Freda Latourette, S25 Cliamber of commeroe building, I'urtland. Reprinted from qnarterly of the OreRon Hlstmical Sot-iety. ' v. 1". 19-20. iniG. 1918-19111 Fisher, Walter Lowrie Alaskan coal problems. 32p Imap Wash Govt 1911 (Dept of the interior Bureau of mines Bulletin 36) S.Wvi 1242 Fisher, William Interesting account of the voyages and travels of Captains Lewis and Clark, in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806. . . 326p 2ports tab Bait Printed by Anthony Miltenberger for the purchasers 1812 Mu,P,Wu 1243 Counterfeit publication. PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 93 (conip) New travels among' tlie Indians of North America: being a compilation, taken partly from the communications already published, of Captains Lewis and Clark, to the President of the United States; and partly from other authors who travelled among' the various tribes of Indians. Con- taining a variety of very pleasant anec- dotes, remarkably calculated to amuse and inform the mind of every curious reader; with a dictionary of the Indian tongue. 300p 2fronts (ports) Phil Sharan 1812 S 1244 Fiske, John Unpublished orations: "the discovery of the Columbia river, and the "Whitman contro- versy". . . 118p front (port) Bost Bibliophile soc 1909 P 1245 Fitzgerald, James Edward Examination of the charter and proceedings of the Hudson's bay company, with refer- ence to the grant of Vancouver's island. 293p Imap Lond Saunders 1849 L,Oh, P,S,Wu 1246 Vancouver's Island; the new colony. 16p Lond Simmonds 1848 (Reprinted from the Colonial Magazine for August, 1848) L 1247 Flandrau, Charles Eugene State-building in the West. p 463-494 port en p 1898?: Wu 1248 Reprinted from the Minnesota historical society Collections, v 8, 1898 p 476-480. "How we gut Oregon, Washington and Idaho" Flathead scenery. Views of the mission moun- tains, Flathead lake and valley, Montana. 21pl Brooklyn N Y Albertype co n d O 1249 Fleming, John Canada and the United States, via Vancouver. illus pi [Aberdeen n pub 1907] L 1250 Fleming, Samuel E. Civics (Supplement) Seattle; King County. 7Gp Seattle Public schools 1918. S.Wu 1251 Same new ed 80p 1919 S,Wu 1252 A supplementary text to A. W. Dunn's The com- munity and the citizen Fleming, Sir Sandford Canada and ocean highways. Royal Co- lonial Institute Journal, July 1896 L 1253 Canadian Pacific railway; report of progress on the explorations and suiveys up to January, 1874. 286p 8pl Imap Ottawa MacLean 1874 L,S 1254 Later report has title: Report on surveys. . . . England and Canada; a summer tour between Old and New Westminster, with historical notes. Il-f449p map Lond Low 1884 Bcu,L 1255 Report and documents in reference to the Canadian Pacific Railway, 1880. 373p 8 maps Q Ottawa Maclean 1880 Bcu.L 1256 Report in reference to the Canadian Pacific Railway by Sandford Fleming, . . 1879. 142p maps Ottawa printed by Maclean Roger & Co 1879 Ecu 1257 94 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Fleming, Sir Sandford — Continued Iteport on surveys and preliminary operations on tlie Canadian Pacific railway up to January 1877. -ISlp 4pl 3maps Ottawa Maclean 1877 Bcu.S 1258 Earlier report has title: Canadian Taclflc railway; report of progress. . . . Reports and documents in reference to the location of the line and a western terminal harbour. 1878. 104p Ottawa printed by Maclean Koger & Co 1878 Bcu 1259 Planner, J. D. Syringa blossoms. 2v illus pi ports Cald- well, Idaho The Caxton printers cpref 1912] B 1260 Fleurieu, Charles Pierre Claret, comte tie Voyage autour du monde, pendant les annfies 1790, 1791 et 1792, par fitienne Marchand, pr6c6d6 d'une introduction historique; auquel on a joint des recherches sur les terres australes de Drake, et un examen critique du voyage de Roggeween. 4v Ipl lomaps tab sq Q Par L'imprimerie de la i-6publique 1798-1800 L,P 1261 Imperfect copy; 8 p missing in v 2 Same 5v O+v 6 Q cl797-1799] S 1262 Voyage round the world performed during the years 1790, 1791, and 1792, by Etienne Marchand, preceded by a historical intro- duction. . . 2v+atlas 2pl 6maps sq Q Lond Longman 1801 L,Oh,P,S,"W,Wu 1263 Atlas volume not reported by P. S. and W. A translation of tlie autlior's Voyage autour { Uie United States P 4S-172. Oregon. Washington, Idalio and Mon- tana Fox, Captain Luke, and James, Captain Thomas \'o>affes of Captain Fox, of Hull, and Captain James, of Bristol, in search of a north- west passage, in 1631-32, with narratives of the earlier northwest xoyages of Frobisher, Davis, etc.; ed. by Miller Christy. 2v fronts (ports) illus Ipl 3 charts Lond Hakhiyt soc 1S94 (in Hakluyt society. Works. V88-89) S 1288 Frachtenberg, Leo Joachim Coos texts. 6+21GP Leydcn Brill 1913 (Columbia university contributions to an- thropology V 1) 0,P,Wu 1289 I..ower Unipqua texts and notes on the Kusan dialects. ]56p Leyden, Brill 1914 (Colum- bia University contributions to anthropology v4) 0,P 1290 France, George W. Struggles for life and home in the noith- west, by a pioneer homebuilder: Life, 1865- 1889. . . 607p illus Iport 2facsims N Y Goldmann 1890 S,Wh,Wu 1291 France-Amerique; revue mensuelle du Comit§ France-Amgrique. Sept. 1911 p 129-92. 2pl Q n p n pub 1911 S 1292 SeatUe et I'etat de Waslilngton (letter from tlie Itotar.v dull) p 144-48 Franchere, Gabriel Xanative of a vo.\age to the Northwest coast of America in the year 1811, 1812, 1813 and 1814; or. The first American settlement on the Pacific. Tr. and ed. by J. V. Hunting- ton. 376p 3pl N Y Redfleld 1854 [pref 1819] Bcu,L,Oh,P,Os,S,Sp,T,W,Wa,Wh, Wu 1293 Same in Thwaites, ed. Early western travels. V 6 p 167-410 Mu,0,Os,P,S,Wu 1294 Relation d'un voyage a la cote du Nord-ouest de I'AmferiQue septentrionale dans les an- nees 1810. 11, 12, 13 et 14. 284p Montreal Pasteur 1S20 L.Sp.Wu 1295 Frank Waterhouse and company's Pacific ports. Krr Xo. 2966-68 Frankfurter, Felix and Goldmark, J. C. The case for the shorter work day. . l-Yanklin O. Bunting, plaintiff in error, vs. The state of Oregon, defendant in error. Brief for defendant in error. 2v NY Reprinted by Nat consumers' league [1916] P.S.Wu 1296 Oregon minimum wage cases; Supreme court of the U. S., Oct. term, 1916, nos. 25 and 26; Frank C. Stettler, plaintiff in error, vs. . . the Industrial welfare commission: Elmira Simpson, plaintiff in error vs. . . the Industrial welfare commission; brief for defendants in error upon reargument. 783p N Y National consumers' league 1916 P.S.^Vu 1297 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 97 Fraser, Agnes Jjritish Columbia for settleis; its mines, trade and agriculture, by Frances Macnab cpseud: 36!)p front 2niaps Chapman 1898 L,Wu Fraser, John Foster Canada as it is. 303p front 46pl Cassell 1905 L,S Some iiuiterial on British Columbia London 1298 Lond 1299 Fraser, Mrs. Mary (Crawford) and Fraser, H. C. Seven years on the Pacific slope; by Mrs. Hugh Fraser and Hugh C. Fraser. 391p front 15pl K Y Dodd 1914 Oh,Os,P,S, Sp.T,W,Wu 1300 Fraser, Simon Journal of a voyage from the Rocky moun- tains to the ' Pacific coast 1808. Contained in Masson, L. R. Les Bourgeois de la com- pagnie du Nord-Ouest; recits de voyages, lettres et rappoits inedits relatifs au Nord- Ouest Canadien. 1889. v 1 p 155-221. Sec No. 2395 Transcript of the original manuscript is on file in the Provincial library of British Columbia. Frazler, Mrs. R. (ed) Mosaic gleanings; a souvenir for 1875 352p San Fran Bacon 1875 Wu 1301 p 87-104. Oregon and Washington. Freeman, Harry C. A brief history of Butte, Montana; the world's greatest mining camp. 123p Ipl Chic Shepard 1900 W 1302 Freemasons. Montana. Grand lodge Constitution and code of statutes. . . 127p State pub co Helena, Mont 1912 Mu 1303 Freemasons. Oregon. Grand commandery of Knights templars Proceedings. . . 1887-1917. ports Portland, Or 1887-1917 P 1304 1807. 1900-1'JOl lacking Freemasons. Oregon. Grand lodge By-laws of Salem lodge no. 4, A. F. & A. M.; to which is annexed the constitution of the R. W. Grand lodge. Portland, Or Dryer 1852 Oh 1305 Constitution, standing orders and resolutions of the Grand lodge of Oregon, A. F. & A. M. 15p N Y Milnor 1857 Oh 1306 Proceedings of the M. W. Grand lodge of Ancient free and accepted masons of Ore- gon. . . Annual communication. . . lst-67th 1851-1917 lllus n p 1851-1917 P 1307 Same 1853-59, 1861, 1863, 1873, 1877, 1883, 1885, 1889-90, 1897, 1905, 1908, 1911 Oh 1308 Same 1903 Os 1309 Proceedings of the. . . special communication held in the city of Salem, Oct. 8, A. D. 1873, for the purpose of laying the corner-stone of the state capitol. 47p Portland, Or n pub 1873 , Oh,P 1310 Report on foreign correspondence, 1916. Al- bany, Or n pub 1916 Os 1311 Freemasons. Oregon. Grand royal arch chap- ter Proceedings lst-57th 1861-1917 P 1312 98 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Freemasons. Oregon. Royal and select masters Proceedings of the Grand council lst-2Gth 1886-1911 P 1313 Freeport, Andrew The ca.se of the Hudson's Bay company; in a letter to Lord Paiinerston. 18p Lond Stanford 1857 1. 1314 Fremont, Elizabeth Benton Recollections of Elizabeth Centon Fremont. . . and Jessie Benton Fremont. . . compiled by F. J. Martin. 184p front (port) 4pl Sports N Y F H Hitchcock 1912 O 1315 Fremont, Jessie Benton Biographical sketch of Senator Benton in connection with western expansion. See No. 1320. p 1-17 Fremont, John Charles Die Felsengebirge, Oregon und Nord-Califor- nien; aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von Dr. Kottenkamp. 324p Stuttgart Franck 1847 P,S 1316 Translation of hl3 Kxplorliig expedition to the Itiicky mount-iins. Geographical memoir upon upper California, in illustration of his map of Oregon and California; addressed to the Senate of the United States. 67p tab Wash "Wendell 1848 Oh,P,Sp,Wu 1317 Issued as a government document. U. S. Congress. 30-1. Senate Misc. l>oc. Xo. US. Geographical memoir upon Upper California, addressed to the senate of the United States; to which are now added, extracts from Hakluyt's collection of voyages. La Peyrouse's voyage. . . Letter from Com. Jones to the secretary of the navy, Oct. 25, 1848, Editor of the Oregon Spectator — His account of Oregon, by William McCarthy. 80p Phil McCarthy 1849 L 1318 Life of Fremont and his narrative of explora- tions and adventures in Kansas, Nebraska, Oregon and California. . . memoir by S. M. Smucker. 493p Iport 8pl tab N Y Miller 1856 L,0,P,S,W 1319 Memoirs of my life, including in the narrative five journeys of western exploration, dur- ing the years 1842, 1843-4. 1845-6-7, 1848-9, 1853-4; together with a sketch of the life of Senator Benton, in connection with west- ern expansion, by .Jessie Benton Fremont. . . V 1 r>55p front (port) 72pl 9ports 7maps Q Chic Belford 1887 B,Bcu,Mu,0,Os.S, Sp.Wu 1320 No more piiblislied. Narrative of the exploring expedition to the Rocky mountains in the year 1842 and to Oregon and North California in the years 1843-44. . . Ed 2 278p 2maps Wash Taylor 1845 Wu 1321 Same Wa.sh Polkinhorn 1845 Oh 1322 324p Lond Wiley 1846 L.Oh 1323 185p N Y Appleton 1846 L.O.P 1324 N Y Appleton 1849 Wu 1325 Oregon and California: the exploring expedi- tion to the Rocky mountains, Oregon and California. 456p 2ports Buffalo Derby 1849 Os.Wu 1326 Same 1850 Wh 1327 Same Same Same PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 99 Same Ipl 1851 P.Wh Same Iport 1852 P,T Batne Iport Auburn Miller 1328 1329 1854 Wu 1330 Report of the exploring: expedition to the Rocky mountains. . . [with apx. ] 693p 22pl 3maps tab Wash Gales and Seaton 1845 Mu,Oh,Os,P,S,T,W,Wh,Wu 1331 Published also under the following titles: Narrative of the exploring expedition to the Rocky mountains Oregon and California Exploring expedition to the Rocky mountains Life of Fremont and his narrative of explorations. . . Memoir by S. JI. Smucker Topographical map of the road from Missouri to Oregon, commencing at the mouth of the Kansas in the Missouri River and end- ing at the mouth of the Wallah Wallah in the Columbia; in seven sections; from the field notes and journal of Capt. J. C. Fre- mont and from sketches and notes made on the ground by his assistant, Charles Preuss; comp. hy Charles Preuss by order of the Senate of the U. S. Weber 1846 Oh.P 1332 Scale: 10 miles to the inch Fremont, John Charles and Emory, W. H. Notes of travel in California. . . also, the route from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California, including parts of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila rivers, from the official reports of Col. Fremont and Maj. Emory. 29-f-83p Imap N Y Appleton 1849 L,.P,S 1333 Bound with his Narrative of the exploring expe- dition to tlie Rocky mountains. S copy separately bound French, Hiram Taylor History of Idaho; a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its prin- cipal interests. 3v fronts illus plates ports Chic Lewis pub co 1914 B,Mu.P 1334 French, Leigh Hill Nome nuggets. Some of the experiences of a party of gold seekers in northwestern Alaska in 1900. . . 102p front illus 13p1 N Y Montross Clarke & Emmons 1901 O 1335 Friend; a semi-monthly jovirnal devoted to temperance, marine and general intelli- gence; edited. . . by Samuel C. Damon. V 2, V 4-16. 1844-1859. Honolulu Damon 1844-1859. Oh 1336 Same v 9-14 1852-57 Wu 1337 Contains much material relating to the Orejon country. Friends' review. Volume 3, 1849-1850. Phil Tatum 1849-50 Wu 1338 A weekly religious, literary and miscellaneous jour- nal containing valuable material relating to the Pacific Northwest. See Washington historical quarterly 11: 250-5.". Fries, George Speech. . . on the Oregon question, delivered in the House of repre.sentatives, Saturday, February 7, 1846. 7p n p n pub n d P 1339 100 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Frizzell. Mrs. Lodisa Aiioss ihe plains to California in 1852: jour- nal ed. from the original nuiniiscript in the NfW York Public library by Vic-tor Paltsits. 30p 3pl Iniap N Y Public library 1915 Os.P.Wu 1340 Covers Irlp from tlie Little Wabash lliver iu Illinois t(i tlie raclHc Springs in Wynnilng. KeprlnteUton 181,'. Sp 1341 Fry, F. Traveler's guide and descriptive journal of the great northwestern territories of the United States cf America; comprising the territories of Idaho. Washington, Montana, and the state ef Oregon, with sketches of Colorado, Utah. Nebraska, and British America. . . 264p Cin Applegate 1865 P.Wh 1342 Fry, James Barnes Army sacrifices; or. Briefs lion official pigeon-holes. . . 2-|-254p N Y Van Nostrand 1879 P 1343 p 70-95. Soldiers afloat (a voyage to Oregon in 1848) p 185-2.54. Modor treachery (the Canby Massacre) Fuller, Archimedes Edward (comp) Hand-book o" Wa.shington. 1901. lUlp illus Seattle Daily bulletin [<-1901] S 1344 Full'ir's yearbook of the greater northwest; a record of the active concerns and indi- viduals who have been identified with the progress of the year 1910; com p. and ed. by Clance.v Montana Lewis. 112p Seattle Fuller pub co ['■1910] P 1345 Fulton, Charles W. Brief on behalf of plaintiffs in error. Supreme court of the U. S. Oct. term, 1914, no. 507, Frank C. Stettler plaintiff in error vs. . . the Industrial welfare commission of. . . Oregon, defendants in error; and no. 508 Elmira Simpson, plaintiff in error vs. . . the Industrial welfare commission of. . . Oregon, defendants in error. Error to the Supreme court of the state of Oregon 87p tl915] P 1346 Oregon country — Lewis and Clark exposition, Portland, Oregon 1905; Speech of Hon. Charles W. Fulton, of Oregon, in the senate of the United States, December 18, 1903. 8p Wash n pub 1904 Oh 1347 Funeral services in memory of Mrs. F. M. Eells, one of the pioneer missionaries of the A. B. C. F. M. to the Spokane Indians of Oregon, in 1838. Held at Skokomish and Seattle, W. T.. August 11 and 13. 1878 9p Portland Himes 1878 Wu 1348 Contents. The Christian's future assured, by G. H. Atkinson. — Address at Skokomish cimrcli, by Myron Eells. PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 101 Gagnon, Phileas Kssai de Bibliographie Canadieiine. Inven- taiie d'une bibliotheque comprenant ini- primes, manuscrits, estampes. etc. relatifs a I'histoire du Canada et des pays ad- jacents avec des notes bibliographiques. 711 p facsim Qu6bec Imprime pour I'auteur 1895 L. Wu 1349 Same V 2 462p Iport Montreal I'ublie par la cite de Montreal 1913 Wu 1350 A bibliography of great value to students of the Pacific Northwest. [Gaines, Franklin Wllks: Faults of the Oregon politician and how to cure them; how our tax commission and our railroad commission are selling us into slavery to the corpoiations. . . 22p [Portland, Or Clarke- Kundret print co '■1914j P 1351 Gallano, Dionislo Alcala. See Espinosa y Tello. Jose Gallatin, Abraham Alfonse Albert Letters. . . on the Oregon question, originally published in the National Intel- ligencer, January, 1846. oOp Wash Gideon 1846 L.S.P.Wh.Wu 1352 Oregon question. 7.5p N Y L,Oh.Os,P,S,Sp,W.\^'h,Wu Same 75p n pub n d O Writings; ed. by Henry Adams Phil Lippincott 1879 0,P,Wu V .■?, p 489-553. Oregon question. No. 1353 Galloway, C. F. J. Call of the West; letters from British Colum- bia. 328p front E5pl Imap Lond Un- win, [1916] S Same Ed 2 1917 L Gammell, I. E;iementar>- history of Canada, troduction by C. W. Colby, i.^ih Columbia supplement, (port) ilKis Imap book CO [1907] S Bartlett 1846 1353 1354 3v tab 1354a eprint of 1355 1356 with an in- With Brit- 319p front Toronto Educational 1357 p 29r-.S19. British Columbia Gantenbein, Calvin U. compiler. See Nos. 277"- 76 Garden of the World. .SVe Dana, C. W. Gardiner, A. Paul The House of Cariboo and other tales from Arcadia; illus. by Robert A. Graef. illus pi N Y Gardiner 1900 L 1358 {'arlboo, flction Gardiner, Oliver Cromwell The great issue: or. The three presidential candidates; being a brief historical sketch of the free soil question in the U. S. from the congress of 1774 and '87 to the present time. 176p N Y' Bryant, 1S48 P 1359 Includes discussion of the organiz.ation of Oregon territory Garfielde, Selucius Cliniates of the Xorthwest; being condensed notes of a lecture. 18p (Map on inside of front cover) Phil Ringwalt and Brown 1871 Wu 1360 Satne 20p P) il n pub 1872 P 1361 Same 2r,p Phil n pub 1872 V 1362 102 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Garfield, Selucius — Continued The Xorth-west coast, a lecture delivered in Lincoln Hall, Washington city on Monday, November 15th, 1869. . . 26p Wash Pearson 1869 Wh.Wu 1363 Garland, Hamlin Long trail; a story of the northwest ■wilder- ness. 262p front 7pl N Y Harper 1907 S,Sp 1364 story ft a boy's journey over tlie Old Telegraph Trail to the Klondike The trail of the goldseekers; a record of travel in prose and verse. 264p N Y Macmillan 1899 L 1365 Same with later imprints Os,P,S,Sp,AV. Wu 1366 Contains material on B. C. and Alaska Garrett, I. W. (comp) OfTicial manual of the state of Idaho . . . 1895-96. llOp n p Garrett n d O 1367 Garrett, Robert Max A word list from the Northwest. 6p New Haven Amer. Dialect Society 1919 Wu 1368 Garrison, George Pierce Westward extension; 1841-1850. 366p Iport 9maps N Y Harper 1906 (Hart, A. B. ed American nation, v 17) 0,Os,P,S,Sp,T, "Wh.AVu 1369 Gass, Patrick Gass's journal of the Lewis and Clark expedi- tion, by Sergeant Patrick Gass, one of the persons employed in the expedition. Re- printed from the edition of 1811. . . Introd. by James Kendall Hosmer. 53+298p Iport 6pl Chic McClurg 1904 L,0,P,S.Sp,Wu 1370 Journal of the voyages and travels of a corps of discovery, under the command of Capt. Lewis and Capt. Clarke of the army of the United States, from the mouth of the river Missouri through the interior parts of North America to the Pacific ocean, during the years 1804, 1805 and 1806. . . 262p tab Pittsburgh M'Keehan 1807 P,W 1371 Bame 381p? 1808 L,Oh,S 1372 Same Ed 2 6pl Phil Carey 1810 L.P 1373 Same Ed 3 6pl Phil Carey 1811 Wh. Wu 1374 Lewis and Clarke's Journal to the Rocky mountains in the years 1804-5-6. . . New ed 238p illus 2ports Davton Ells 1847 Oh.P 1375 Voyage des capitaines Lewis et Clarke. . . traduit en Frangais par A. J. N. Lallemant . . . 443p Imap Par Bertrand 1810 P 1376 Translation of his Journal of the Lewis and Clark expedition Gaston, Joseph Centennial history of Oregon, 1811-1912. . . 4v front (port) illus 63pl 644ports 13maps 12facsim Chic S J Clarke publishing co 1912 Oh.Os.P.Sp, Wh.Wu 1377 Portland, Oregon; its history and builders in connection with the antecedent explora- tions, discoveries and movements of the PACIFIC NORTHWEST AAIERICANA 103 pioneers that selected the site for the great city of the Pacific. 3v illus ports maps Q Chic Clarke 1911 0,Oh,P,Sp,Wu 1378 Gatschet, Albert Samuel Indian languages of the Pacific states and territories. p 145-170 (Reprinted from the Magazine of American History, v 1, no 3. March 1877) "VVh 1379 Indian languages of the Pacific states and territories and of the Pueblos of New JMexico. n. p. N Y Barnes 1882 (Reprinted from the Magazine of American History, April 1882.) Wh 1380 Klamath Indians of southwestern Oregon. 2v front (map) Q Wash Govt 1890 (Con- tributions to North American ethnology, V 2, pts 1-2) P,S,Sp,Wu 1381 At head of title: Dept. of the interior. U. S. geo- graphical and geological survey of the Rocky Mo"".- tain region. Geary, Edward R., memorial of; containing biographical sketches, memorial discourse and tributes of respect. 62p Iport San Fran Occident print house 1887 Oh.P.Wh 1382 Gebhard, Elizabeth L. Life and ventures of the original John Jacob Astor. 3+321p. port 20pl Hudson N Y Bryan print co 1915 P 1383 Gear, Theodore Thurston Fifty years in Oregon; experiences, observa- tions, and commentaries upon men, meas- ures, and customs in pioneer days and later times. 536p front (port) 12pl N Y Neale 1912 B,Bcu,0,Oh,Os,P,S,Sp,T,W, Wu 1384 Geijsbeek, S. Clay deposits of Washington. 16p (Re- print from the Transactions of the Amer- ican ceramic society v 13 1911) P,Wu 1385 A general collection of treatys, declarations of war, manifestos, and other publick papers, relating to peace and war, among the potentates of Europe, from 1648 to the present time. 35+[9]-|-448p Lond Bell 1710 L 1386 General strike committee. History committee Seattle general strike; an account of what happened in Seattle and especially in the Seattle labor movement during the general strike, Feb. 6 to 11, 1919. 63p [Seattle Author 1919] S,Wu 1387 Gentry, Meredith P. Speech of Mr. M. P. Gentry, of Tennessee, on the Oregon question. Delivered in the House of representative.«, February 5. 1846. 16p Wash Gideon 1846 Wu 1388 George, Marian M. A little journey to Alaska for intermediate and upper grades. 95p illus Chic Flanagan ['1901] (Plan book series) Os,S,Sp 1389 104 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Gerrish, Theodore Life in tlie world's wonderland. . . A graphic description of the great Northwest, from the Mississippi River to the Land of the midnight sun. . . beauties of the Oregon and Cohimbia lliveis. and the famous in- land pass.ige from Tacoma. Washington Territory, to Sitka. Ala.ska. Descriptions of the old Indian battle fields. . . stories of old trappers, freighters, miners, and In- dian fighters. . . 421p front illus n p n pub tintrod. 1S86] Mu.P.S 1390 Same Biddeford. Me Biddeford .Toiirnal L.Sp 1391 Gibbs, George Alphabetical voc;ibular\- of the Chinook language. 23p F N Y Cramoisy press 1863 (. Shea's librarj -u American linguistics 13) L.P.S.Wu 1392 Alphabetical vocabularies of the Clallam and Lummi. 40p New York Cramoisy piess 1863 (.Shea's library of American linguistics 11) L.\Vu 1393 Dictionary of the Chinook jargon, or trade language of Oregon. 43p N Y Cramoisy 1863 L.Wu 1394 Same 43p "Wash Govt 1863 (Smithsonian miscellaneous collections 161) Oh.P.S.Wh. Wu 1395 ""Bibliography of tlie Chinook jargon": p xiii-xiv Tribes of western Washington and north- western Oregon. p 157-361 Q Wash Govt 1877 (Contributions to North Ameri- can ethnology, v l.pt. 2) P.S.Wu 1396 At head of title: Dept. of the interior. U. S. ceo- ttraphical and geological survey of the Rocky Mountain region. Gibson, J. W. (Watt) Recollections of a Pioneer 216p [Pri- vately printed in Idaho pref date 1912] B 1397 Gilbert. Frank T. Historic sketches of Walla Walla, Whitnian. Columbia and Garfield counties, Washing- ton territory, and L'niatilla county, Oregon. 488-f [12]-l-66p illus .58pl Portland Or Walling 1882 Oh.S,W,Wa,Wh 1398 447 pages reported by Os and S Resources, business and business men of Montana, 1888. illus Historic pub co ['•1888] Mu 1399 Gilbert. James Henry Development of banking in Oregon. 30p Eugene. Or University 1911 (Bulletin of the I'niversity of Oregon, n s v 9. no.l) O. Os.Wu 1400 Single-tax movement in Oregon. 30p X Y Ginn 1916 (Reprinted from Political -science quarterly, v 31, no 1 March. 1916) O 1401 Trade and currency in early Oregon; a study in the commercial and monetary history of the Pacific northwest. 126p Ipl tab N Y Columbia university press 1907 (Colum- bia university studies, v 26. no. 1) O.Oh. Os.P.Wu 1402 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 105 33p 1404 Gilbert, John Failing Greater Spokane's builders: containing car- toons of one hundred business and profes- sional men of Spokane, Washington. 205p Spokane Walton-Gilbert pub co [1006] Sp 1403 [Gilbert. William S.j Oregon in the Philippines. . n pub 1899 Oh Giles, Harry F. Sir No. 4259-60 Gllfry. Henry H. An address delivered at the building, Phil. Friday, Aug. 11 o'clock, A. M., on the growth, history, etc., of Oregon. 62p Salem. Or Carter 1S7S Wh 1405 Gill, J. K. and company County and township map of Washington territory. 67x43cm. folding into cloth covers. Portland, Or Gill 1878 Wh 1406 1407 1408 Pacific Coast 4th, 1876. at Same Same 70x54 cm 1884 Wh 70x54 cm 1889 Wu Gill, John Kaye. Jfiee No. 1413 Gillespie, G. L. Report upon the construction of Tillamook rock light station sea coast of Oregon. 3Sp 12pl tab Wash Govt 1881 Oh 1409 Gill's dictionary of the Chinook jargon. . . Ed illus 60p Portland, Or Gill 1887, 1889 Os,P,Wu 1410 Same Ed 13 63p 1891 P,Wh 1411 Same Ed 14 63p 1902 Oh.P.Wh 1412 Same Ed 15 84p 1909 0,0h,0s,S,Wu 1413 Edition 15 compiled by .Tnlin Kaye Gill. Others are anonymous Gilliam, Albert M. Travels in Mexico, during the years 1843 and '44; including a description of California, the principal cities and mining districts of that republic; the Oregon territory, etc. 312p Aberdeen Clark 1847 0,P,S.Wu 1414 Gillilan, James David Trail tales. lS2p 2pl 2ports X Y Abing- don press ['1915] P,Sp,Wu 1415 Gilman, Daniel Colt The life of James Dwight Dana, scientific explorer, mineralogist, geologist, zoologist, professor in Yale university. 409p front 2ports 2pl Imap N Y Harper 1899 S. Wu H16 Wilkes U.S. exploring expedition, p 4.')-ni Gilman, Isabel Ambler Alaskaland; a curious contradiction: by Isabel Ambler Gilman (of the Washington and Alaska bar) llOp front N Y Alice Harriman co ['1914] S.Wu 1417 Gillmore, Parker Prairie and forest; a description of the game of North America, with personal adventures in their pursuit; by "Ubique." 378p illus N Y Harper 1874 P,Wh 1418 Same 383p illus pi Lond Chapman 1874 L,S 1419 Deals considerably with Oregon and British Columbia 106 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Gilpin, William Central gold region, the grain, pastoral and gold regions of North America, with some new views of its physical geography; and observations on the Pacific railroad. 194p 6fold. maps Phil Sower 1860 O.Wu 1420 Included for maps and other material relating to the Pacific Northwest Gilstrap, W. H. (comp) Sketches of the Wasliington state historical society and Ferry museum. 25p illus [Tacoma] Washington state his- torical society 1912 Oh 1421 cGiorda, Josephi Dictionary of the Kalispel or Flathead Indian language; compiled by the Missionaries of the Society of Jesus. 644+456+36p Mont St. Ignatius print 1877-8-9 Mti.S, Wh.Wu 1422 Part 1: Kalispel -EnnUsh Part 2: Enslish-Kallspel Part 3: Appendix Gleason, C. fee No. 4270 Glimpses of the Lewis and Clark exposition, Portland, Oregon, and the golden West; official views. ISOp illus Chic Laird & Lee '1905 P 1423 Glisan. Rodney Journal of army life. 511p 21pl San Fran Bancroft 1874 L,0,Oh,Os,P,S,Sp,T,W,Wa, Wh, Wu 1424 Treats of "Oregon and Wasliington territorial Indian wars from 1855 to 1858" Goddard, Frederick Bartlett Where to emigrate and why; homes and for- tunes in the boundless West and the Sunny South. . . with a complete history and des- cription of the Pacific railroad. 591p 2pl 19maps tab Phil People's pub co 1869 p 1425 Bame N Y Goddard 1869 S 1426 Chapters on Ore.jon, Washington, Alaska, Idaho, Pacific railroad , Goddard, Henry Herbert The criminal imbecile; an analysis of three remarkable murder cases. 9-|-157p ports N Y Macmillan 1915 P,S 1427 Included for Case of Fred Tronson, Portland, Oregon Golder, Frank Alfred The attitude of the Russian government toward Alaska. p269-275 [N Y Macmillan 1917] Wu 1428 Reprinted from Tlie Pacific Ocean In history, by H. M. Stephens and H. E. Bolton Father Herman, Alaska's saint. 20p front Pullman Wash n pub [191-?] W^u 1429 Guide to materials for American history in Russian archives. 177p Wash Carnegie Institution of Washington 1917 (Carnegie institution of Washington Publication no. 239) P.S.Wu 1430 <"overs Russian archives material relating to Alaska. Photostat copies of much of this material is aTailable in the University of Washington library. Russian expansion on the Pacific. 1641-1850; an account of the earliest and later ex- peditions made by the Russians along the PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 107 Pacific coast of Asia and North America; including some related expeditions to tiie Arctic reg-ions. 368p front illus Cleve- land Clark 1914 L,0,Oh,P,S,Sp,Wu 1431 Goldson, William Observations on the passage between the At- lantic and Pacific oceans, in two memoirs on the straits of Anian, and the discoveries of De Fonte. . . 162p Portsmouth n pub 1793 L,P 1432 Golovnin, Vasilii Mikhailovich Memoirs of a captivity in Japan during the years 1811, 1812, and 1813, with observa- tions on the country and the people. Ed 2 3v Lond Colburn 1824 Wu 1433 Same Russian edition with biography of the author 200+148+120p front (port) 2 fold map St. Petersburg 1851 Wu 1434 London edition, v 3, p 253-302, contains account of the voyages of Lieutenants Chvostoff and Davidoff to the Northwest Coast of America Good, J. B. Vocabulary and outlines of grammar of the Nitlakapamuk or Thompson tongue. . . to- gether with a phonetic Chinook dictionary adapted for use in the Province of British Columbia. 46p Victoria B C St. Paul's mission press 1880 L,,Oh,Wh 1435 [Goodrich, Samuel Griswold: The manners, customs, and antiquities of the Indians of North and South America: by the author of Peter Parley's tales. 336p Bost Rand 1849 "WTi 1436 The last chapter deals In part with the Indians of the Oregon territory Goodwin, Carroll Charles As I remember them. . . Pub. by a special committee of the Salt Lake commercial club. . . 360p front (port) Salt Lake City 1913 Os,P 1437 Includes sketches of E. D. Baker, H. W. Scott, .Toaquln Miller [Goodwin, Joseph] The North-West America Mission [of the Church Missionary Society.] 20+24p 2maps [Lond Johns 1856?] L 1438 Goodyear, C. Speech of Hon. C. Goodyear, of New York, on the Oregon question, delivered in the House of representatives. . . January 16, 1846. 8p Wash Blair 1846 Oh 1439 Goodyear, Watson Andrews Coal mines of the western coast of the United States. 152p San Fran Bancroft 1877 P,T,Wu 1440 Same N Y Wiley 1879 0,S 1441 Coal mines of Oregon, p 83-98; of Washington ter- ritory, p 99-129 Gordon, Charles William Corporal Cameron of the Northwest mounted police; a tale of the Macleod trail, by Ralph Connor [pseud] 454p N Y Grosset [«1912] Sp 1442 Satne Hodder ['^1912] S 1443 Patrol of the Sun Dance trail, by Ralph Con- nor [pseud] 363p N Y Doran 1914 S.Sp 1444 108 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Gordon, Daniel Miner Mountain and prairie; a journey from Victoria to Winnipeg. . . 310p 4maps 8pl Lond Low 1880 Bcu.L 1445 Gordon, IVIrs. E. A. "Clear 'round!" Seeds of story from other countries; A chronicle of links and rivets in this world's girdle. New ed. with intro- ductory letter from F. Max Muller. xii,-|- 332p front pi 5maps (4 fold) T^ond Low n d L 1446 Trip across TS. C Gordon, George Byron In the Alaskan wildeiness. 247p front (port) 44pl Iport 3maps 2facsims 2diaffrs Phil Winston 1917 S 1447 Gordon, Lord Granville Armyne Nootka; a tale of Vancouver island. 24.5p 12pl Imap Lond Sands 1899 L,P,T,Wu 1448 Gordon, James Bentley Historical and greosraphical memoir of the North American continent, its nations and tribes; with a summary account of his life, writing's and opinions. civ-f305p Iport sq. Q Dublin Jones 1820 P 1449 p H.i-l.'i9. Xortluvestern America Gordon, John In memoriam. Douglas Wright Williams. 45p Iport n p n pub [1891] P 1450 Gosnell, R. Edward [British Columbial, compiled from the year book of British Columbia and manual of provincial information to which is added a chapter containing much special information respecting the Canadian Yukon and north- ern territory generally. 285p illus 2pl Imap Victoria Govt 1897 L 1451 Same With later imprints L 1452 British Columbia; a digest of reliable informa- tion regarding its natural resources and industrial possibilities. 18p Vancouver News-advertiser 1890 L 1453 The story of confederation, with postscripts on Quebec situation. 156p B.C. 1918 Bcu Goulder, William Armistead Reminiscences; incidents in the pioneer in Oregon and Idaho, (port) Boise Timothy Regan Oh,Os,P,Sp Gowen, Herbert Henry Church work in British Columbia; being a memoir of the episcopate of Acton Win- deyer Sillitoe, first bishop of New West- minster. 232p front (port) 9pl Iport Lond Longmans 1899 Bcu,L,S 1456 Same as liis I'iuiieer chureli «orl5 in Britisli rolumbia Pioneer church work in British Columbia; be- ing a memoir of the episcopate of Acton Windeyer Sillitoe first bishop of New West- minster. 232p front (port) 9pl Iport Lond Mowbray [1899] S 1457 Same as liis Church work in Hritisli rulumbia Grace Methodist Episcopal church, Portland, Oregon Souvenir program, twenty-fifth anniversary, 1884-1909, 12p Portland Or n pub 1909 Oh 1458 Vi c tori a 1454 life of a 376p front 1909 B, 1455 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 109 Graham, John W. and Company Beauties of Spokane, Wash. ]f>i)l Spo- kane Graham '1892 Wh 1459 Grand army of the republic. Department of Oregon Journal. 1st— 30th 1882-1911 Oh 1460 Same 9, 10, 14, 27-38 1890-1919 Os 1461 Same 1, 2, 6, 8-10, 12-13, ],'^-27, 35-37 1882- 1918 O 1462 Same 18. 27, 34-37 1899-1918 P 1463 Roster. 1914, 1915, 1919. [Salem, Or. .State printer, 1914-19] Os 1464 Grand army of the republic. Department of Washington and Alaska Journal. 1-4, 6-19 1883-1901 Wu 1465 T 1-11. called Proceedings of the annual encampment Official roster, January 1, 1891. 116p 3ports Seattle Dearborn [1891] Wu 1466 Grant, Frederic James (ed) History of Seattle, Washington, with illvistrations and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers. 526p 53ports N Y American pub and eng CO 1891 S,W,Wu 1467 Grant, George Monro Ocean to ocean: Sandford Fleming's expe- dition through Canada in 1872. . . 371p pi maps I^ond Low 1873 Bcu.]L,,S 1468 Same 371p Toronto 1873 L 1469 Same Ed enl and rev 394p 7pl Lond Low 1877 P,Wu 1470 Same Toronto, Rose Belford pub co 1879 L 1471 Has considerable material upon British Columbia (ed) Our picturesque northern neighbor; his- torical and descriptive sketches of the scenery and life in and around Toronto along the Canadian shore of Lake Huron, in the Northwest territories, and in British Col- umbia. 280p front illus F Chic Bel- ford 1899 S 1472 Grant, W. Colquhoun Description of Vancouver Island, by its first colonist. . . map n p n pub 1857 L 1473 From Royal Geographical .Tournal, 1857 Grasserie, Raoul de la Cinq langues de la Colombie Britannique Haida, Tshimshian, Kwagiutl, Nootka et Tlinkit. Grammaires. vocabulaires textes traduits et analyses par Raoul de la Grass- erie. 530p Paris Maisonneuve 1902 L 1474 [Graves, Kizer and Graves: . . .Original application: State ex rel Davis Smith company, plaintiff, vs. C. W. Clausen, State auditor, defendant. 150p n p n pub [191-] S 1475 At head of title: In the Supreme Court of the Slate of Washington Constitutionality of Industrial insurance act, passed by Legislature of 1911 Graves, Jackson Alpheus Out of doors, California and Oregon. 122p front (port) pi Los Angeles Grafton 1912 P,S 1476 Graves, Walter H. (comp) Some facts and near facts relative to the logged-off lands of western Oregon. 4p Portland Or n pub n d P 1477 110 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Gray, John Hamilton Confederation; or, the political and parlia- mentary history of Canada, from the Con- ference at Quebec, in October, 1864, to the admission of British Columbia, In July, 1871. Iv Toronto Copp 1872 L 1478 [Gray, William Henryi Did Dr. "Whitman save Oregon? ]9p n p n puh n d P,Wh,\Vu 1479 Circular no. 8. Reprints from dally and weekly Astorlan History of Oregon, 1792-1849. . . 624p Ipl Portland, Or Harris 1870 Bcu,L,Mu,0,Oh. Os,P.Pu.S,Sp,T.W,"WTi,Wu 1480 Letter [in regard to the Wliitraan monument prefacing an article by Mrs. C. S. Pringle from the Oregon Journal,. Jan. 21, 1882] Olney n pub 1882 P 1481 Moral and religious aspect of the Indian ques- tion. 32p Astoria Astorian book and job print 1879 W 1482 Unpublished journal. . . from December, 1836, to October, 1837. 79p front (port) Walla Walla Whitman college 1913 (WTiitman col- lege quarterly, v.16,no.2, .Tune, 1913) R, Wh.Wu 1483 Great Britain Offlcial papers relative to the dispute between the courts of Great Britain and Spain, on the subject of the ships captured in Nootka Sound, and the negociation that followed thereon. . . lOOp London printed for .1. Debrett [1790] Wu 1484 Great Britain. Colonial office British Columbia: Papers relative to the af- fairs of British Columbia. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty, 18 Feb. 1859. 83+93-1-110 + 80p. (4v in 1) Ipl lOmaps tab F Lond Eyre 1859-1862 L,S 1485 Parts 3-4 have title: Further papers relative to the affairs of British Columbia Hudson's Bay company: papers presented. . . to the House of Commons. . .that such means. . . be taken to ascertain. . . in re- spect to territory. . . claimed. . . by Hud- son's Bay company on the continent of North America. . . 26p map Lond n pub 1850 O 1486 cGreat Britain. Colonial office: Hudson's Bay company: Return to an ad- dress of the Honourable the House of Com- mons, dated 19 February 1857;-for, "Copy of a despatch from Her Majesty's Secre- tary of State for the colonies to the Gover- nor-general of Canada, dated the 4th day of December 1856, together with a copy of the Reply from the Governor-general, dated the 17th day of January 1857, in- closing a Minute of the council on the subject of the Hudson's Bay company's territories." 3p F n p n pub 1857 S 1487 Hudson's Bay company; return to an ad- dress of the Honourable the House of Com- mons, dated 16 February 1858: -for "copies or extracts of any correspondence that has taken place between the Colonial office and the Hudson's Bay company, or the Gov- ernment of Canada, in consequence of the PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 111 report of the select committee on the af- fairs of the company which sat in the last session of parliament." 7p F [Lond Govt] 1858 L 1488 Papers on the union of British Columbia with the Dominion of Canada. Colonial office, 2 August, 1869. W. Monsell. (Sir Harry Vemey) Ordered, by the House of Com- mons, to be printed, 3 August, 1869. 31p F n p n pub 1869 L 1489 With which Is bound Government gazette extraord- inary. British Columbia. Victoria, B. C. 1870. 27p At head of title: British Columbia, etc. Return to an address. Papers relative to the proposed union of British Columbia and Vancouver Island. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty, 31st May, 1866. 44p F Lond Eyre 1866 S 1490 With which are bound: Further despatch relative to the proposed union . . . 25th June, 1866. 2p: and: Further papers relative to the union. . . May. 1867. 47p Vancouver's Island. Return to an Address of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 7th August, 1848;-for "Copy of cor- respondence between the chairman of the Hudson's Bay Company and ,the Secretary of State for the Colonies relative to the colonization of Vancouver's Island." 17p F Oidered by House of Commons to be printed. 10th August, 1848. L 1491 Vancouver's Island. Return dated 17th June, lS52;-for, "Return made since 1849 by the Hudson's Bay Co. to the Secretary of State for the Colonies in conformity with the grant of Vancouver Island to the said Com- pany; of the acres of land sold, and the number of colonists settled in the said Island, and of all monies which have been received by the said Company for the pur- chase of such lands; and also from all payments which may have been made to them for or in respect of coal or other minerals obtained in the said Island, to- gether with the amount applied to colo- nization and improvement of the Island." Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 23rd December, 1852. 4p F [Lond.] House of Commons [1852] L 1492 Vancouver's Island. Return dated 25th June, 1857; for "Copies or extracts of any despatches that have been received by Her Majesty's Secretaries of State for the Colonies on the subject of the establish- ment of a Representative Assembly at Vancouver Island." Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed. 3rd August, 1857. 20p F [Lond] House of Com- mons [1857] L 1493 Vancouver's Island. Return dated 24th June, 1858;-for, a "Return of all lands in Van- couver Island, sold to any individual or company with the names of the persons or company to whom such lands have been sold, the extent to which such lands are under cultivation, and the localities in which they are situated." Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 2nd August, 1858. 3p F [Lond] House of Commons [1858] L.S 1494 112 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA [Great Britain, Colonial office] — Continued \':tiicoiivers Island. Retiiins to three Ad- dresses dated respectively, 16th August, 1S4S, 6lh February, and 1st Maich 1849; viz.. Address, IGth August, 1848:-for "Copies of extracts of a despatch to the Admiralty, from Rear Admiral Sir George Seymour, dated H. M. S. VolUngicood Valparaiso, the 8th day of Kebriiary, 1847." "Of a despatch from Commander Gordon, dated H. M. Steam Sloop Cormorant Xesqually. the 7th day of October. 1846 to Capt. J. A. Duntze. of H. M. S. Fis- i/iKird, being an enclosure in the last'': "Of a letter, dated Fort Vancouver, the 7th day of September, 1S46, signed I'eter Skeene Ogden and James Douglas, addressed to Capt. Duntze of H. M. S. Fisguard": "Copies or extracts of a report by I^ieutenants Warre and Vavasour, dated the 1st day of November ]S4,'>: addressed to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, relating to soil, climate, minerals, and har- bours" : "Copies or extracts of a report by Lieut. Vavasour, dated March 1846, ad- dressed to Colonel Holloway. of the Royal Engineers. Canada, to the same effect"; "And of the instructions sent by the Ad- miralty to the Commanding Officer or any other Offlcer on the Pacific Station, relative to the coals in Vancouver's Island; and of the correspondence between the Colonial Office and the Admiralty on the same sub- ject." Address, 6th February, 1849; for "Copy of Charter of Grant of Vancouver's Island to the Hudson's Bay Co. and copies of any correspondence which ha.<5 passed between the Colonial Office, and the Hud- son's Bay Co. on that subject — since the last papers were laid upon the table." Ad- dress, (1) March. 1849;-for, "Copy of any Report from the Commissioner of Her Majesty's Privy Council for Trade, and Plantations, on the Grant of Vancouver's Island to the Hudson's Bay Co." Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, 7th Alarch, 1894. 20p F Lond Govt 1S49 L 1495 Great Britain. Foreign office Correspondence relative to the negotiation of the question of disputed right to the Oregon territory on the northwest coast of America; subsequent to the treaty of Washington of August 9, 1842; presented to both Houses of Parliament, 1846. 71p F Lond Har- rison 1846 L.O.P.S.W.Wh 1496 Correspondence respecting the Alaska bound- ary. 88p 1 fold map F Lond Govt 1904 (United States, nos 1. 2) S.Wu 1497 Correspondence respecting the determination of the northwest boundary between Canada and the T'nited States; presented to both Houses of Parliament. 2-|-10p F Lond Govt 1875 (North America no. 1. 1875, no. 8, 187(.) P 1498 Title rif No. 8 reads: Further correspondence re- specting the determination of the boundary between Canada and the United States Correspondence respecting the island of San Juan. Presented to both Houses of Parlia- ment by coiumand of Her Majesty. 4p F Lond Harrison 1860 S 1499 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 113 Memoranda respecting- the Island of San Juan. V p F [Lond Foreign ofllce 1859-60] L 1500 • onteius. — Jfcnioraiiflum respecting the Island of S:iii .luaii. — rorrespcindence relative to the occupation uf the Island of !P i<" [Lond Eyre 1893] L 1507 RiLssia. No 1 (1S9.5). Corre.spondenciB respect- ing the agreement with Russia relative to the seal fishery in the North Pacific. (In continuation of "Russia No 3. (1893.); C7029) Presented to both Houses of Parliament, June, 1895. 52p F [Lond Eyre 1895] L 1508 Great Britain, Foreign office, tier Bering Sea tribunal of arbitration Great Britain. Hydrographic office Vancouver Island i)ilot. cont.-iining directions for the coast of Vanc'r. and part of Britisli Columbia. . . Lond Hydrographic ofiice 1864 Same Supplement 172p Iniajj sailing Island, 270p Bcu.L 1509 1883 S 1510 114 ■ PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Great Britain. Laws, statutes, etc. Bill for regulating- the fur trade, and estab- lishing' a criminal and civil jurisdiction within certain parts of North America. 6p F n p n pub 1821 P 1511 Great Britain. Parliament Review of the principal proceedings of the Parliament of 1781. 178p Lond Ed- wards 1792 S 1512 nispiite witli Spain i Nootka Sound) p 112-22 Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Select Committee on the Hudson's Bay com- pany [Papers relative to the Hudson's bay com- pany, vol. 1]. F vp [Lond Govt] V d n t p Wu 1513 Suwe No 2 547p 1857 P,S 1514 No. 1. Report from the committee appointed to In- quire Into the slate and condition of the countries ad- joining to Hudson Ray, and of the trade carried on tliere. p2I7-82. 1749 No. 2. Report from tlie select committee on the Hudson's Ray company; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and Index. 547p. 18r)7 No. 3. Two large folded maps accompany the fore- going report. 1857 No. 4. Copies or extracts of any correspondence that has talten place between the Colonial ofBce and the Hndsiin's Ray company, or (lie government of Canada. In consequence of the report of the select committee on the affairs of the company which sat in the last session of Parliament. 7p. 1858 Papers relative to the Hudson's Bay company's cliarter and license of trade. 26p. IS.'iO The numbers ahove used for the different parts of this volume are those supplied by the binder, printed in red and black upon heavy vellum thumb index guides. The title clven is tlie binder's title Great Britain. Treaties, 1846 Treaty between Her Majesty and the T'nited States of America, for the settlement of the Oregon boundary: signed at "Washington, .Tune 15, 1846. 2p F Lond Harrison 1846 L,P 1515 Great Britain. Treaties, 1863 Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of America, for the settlement of the claims of the Hudson's Bay and Puget's Soimd agricultural companies. Signed at Washington, July 1, 1863. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her M'ajesty, 1864. 2p F Lond Harri- son 1864 S 1516 Great northern railway Across America: sights and scenes from the car windows. Ed 4 125p illus [St. Paul, Minn Randall '1904] S,Wu 1517 Alaska, the land of gold and glacier, 189S. 59p illus 2foUl maps [Chic Poole "^1898] Wu 1518 Annual Report 9th, 10th, 12th-13th, 15th, 17th- 31st. 1898-1919 [St Paul Great Northern railway Co] 1898-1919 Wu 1519 Camera journey to the Lewis and Clark cen- tennial exposition, Portland, Oregon. 48p n p Great northern railway [19057] Wu 1520 Oregon, the twentieth century state. . . 32p illus map St. Paul, Minn n pub n d 0,Wh 1521 Valley, plain and peak, scenes on the line of the Great northern railway. 94p illus St. Paul, Minn Great northern railway 1898 [^894]. Wh,^Vu 1522 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 115 Great northern railway and northern steam- ship company The great northern country; being the chronicles of the happy travellers club in their pilgrimage across the American con- tinent as traversed by the Great North- ern railway line and Northern steamship company from Buffalo to the Pacific coast. 169p illus 14pl Imap Great northern railway n d T 1523 [Greeley, Horace] / Life of Col. Fremont. 32p illus N Y Greeley & M'Elrath «1856 Wu 1524 Greely, Adolphus Washington Explorers and travellers 373p front illus pi ports maps facsims N Y Scribner 1893 (Men of achievement) P,S 1525 Includes Jonathan CarTer, Robert Gray, Lewis & Clark, John C. Fremont, etc. Handbook of Alaska; its resources, products, and attractions, with maps and illustra- tions. 280p front 22pl 8maps in paging N Y Scribner 1909 B,0,S,Sp,^Vu 1526 Same 9maps in paging 1914 Os,S 1527 Green, Jonathan S. Journal of a tour on the north west coast of America in the year 1829, containing a description of a part of Oregon, California and the north west coast, and the numbers, manners and customs of the native tribes. 105p N Y Repr for C. F. Heartman 1915 Bcu,L,P,S,Sp,\Vu 1528 Reprinted from the Missionary Herald, Nov. 1830, together with extracts from earlier issues. 1821-1830 Green, William Spotswood Among the Selkirk glaciers, being the ac- count of a rough survey in the Rocky mountain regions of British Columbia. 251p 8pl Imap Lond Macmillan 1890 Bcu,L,0,S,Sp,T,Wu 1529 Greenhow, Robert Answer to the strictures of Mr. Thomas Falconer of Lincoln's Inn on the history of Oregon and California. 7p Wash n pub 1845 Oh 1530 Falkland islands; a memoir de.'fcriptive, his- torical ^nd political. pl05-151 (Reprinted from Hunt's Merchant's magazine February, 1842) Oh 1531 Contains references to the Nootka treaty Geography of Oregon and California and the other territories on the northwest coast of North Ainerica. 42p Imap N Y New- man 1845 P.Wu 1532 History of Oregon and California and the other territories of the northwest coast of North America. . . 482p illus Imap Lond Murray 1844 L,Oh,W,AVu 1533 Same Bost Little 1844 Mu,0,P,S,Sp.T 1534 Same Ed 2 492p Bost Little 1845 Oh, P,S,Wa,Wh,Wu 1535 Same Ed 3 492p N Y Appleton 1845 Oh,P 1536 Same Ed 4 492p Bost Little 1847 Wh 1537 Same Ed 4 491p Bost Freeman 1847 Wh.Wu 1538 116 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Greenhow, Robert — Continued Mvi\uni-. Jiistoiical and political. on tli<' iioilliwcsl coast or N'ortli Ainciica, ami llio atljacciit leriilories. . . 228p liuap N V Wiley 1810 UP,W,Wh,\Vu 1539 auiiiv 22Sp Wash Ulair 1810 (L'. S. C'on- Ki cs.s L'ti-1, St-nalo Docimiciil, no 17-1) J-, Mn.O.Oh.S.T.Wu 1540 Grewingk, C. licitiay zuf Kenntniss dor oiographischen und Kt OKMOstischen bescliaffenheit der Noid- Wcst-Kiislo AmciiUas niit den anlicgenden inseln. :!r>li) 4pl .'(maps St. Pcteisburg Kia.v isr.d L 1541 Griffin, John Smith A historic sketch dcsciiplivc ol' .Icsuit war- fare, together with a derensi\e appeal ad- dressed to the vounRcr ministers and in- telligent laymen of the Congregational ohlirches of Dregon and Washington iUy) Hill.sboro, Or n pub i^kl I'.Wh 1542 Grinnell, George Bird lieyond the old frontier; adventures of In- dian fig-hters, hunteis, and furtraders. :',~i\) front Upl 4porls Imap N Y Scrib- ner lOlS I'.S 1543 Indians of to-da.\ ; illustrated with full-pagu portraits of living Indians. l!S5p 2.5ports F Chic Stone 19C0 S,Wu 1544 Same Lond Pearson 1900 Mu 1545 Sutiie Ed rev. 426p front (port) 54ports N Y Duffleld 1911 0,S,Sp 1546 Includes consideioble material on liulians of the Northwest Tiails of the pat>ifinders. 4G0p front illus 14pl Iport N Y Scribner 1911 li.Os.S, Sp 1547 Map 111 i)aKiiiK Grinnell, Joseph Cold liunting in Alaska; ed. by Elizabeth Grinnell iMip ilhis Elgin, 111 Cook [■=1901] Oh 1548 Grisson, Irene Welch A daugbler of the Northwest. 225p iSost Cornhill company ["^lOlS] Os,S 1549 The superintendent. 288p Seattle Alice Harrinuin co 1910 S ' 1550 A talc of a Nortlnvest lumber mill. Griswold, W. C, Stetson, W. S. and company vs. Dowell, B. F. J{. I-". Dowell's biief, before the Solicitor- of the Treasury, on charges of fraud in ob- taining powers of attorney, with assign- mcnts. Up np n pub nd 1^ 1551 Grohman. Src Uaiilie-Grohman Grover, Lafayette F. Oregon archives: including the journals, governor's messages and public papers of Oregon, from the earliest attempt to form a government, down to. . . 1853. 333p Salem, Or Bush 1853 Oh,P,Wh,Wu 1552 Report. . . to Gen. Schofield on the Modoc war, and reports of Maj. Gen. John F. Miller and Gen. John E. Ross to. . .Gov. [Grover]; also letter of the governor to the Secretary of the Interior on the Wallowa valley Indian question. Salem, Or State print 1874 0,Os,P 1553 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 117 Speech of Hon. T-. F. Grover, of OicKon, on the Indian w;ii- cxiiensts of ()iet;on and "Washing^ton. delivered in llie Hon.si' , of i-opiesentatives Kebiu:ii\ 21. ISfiD. Iti]) LWash] Tower's 1859 Oh 1554 cGrubbs, Francis Herrom (od) Memorial services at i-e-interinent of re- mains of Tvev. Jason Tjee, Salem, Oregon, I'^riday. .June If,. 190(i. 78r> Ipoit OpI 11 p n pull n d Oh,Os,P,Sp,AVu 1555 The Guard, Eugene, Oregon Souvenir year book of lOu^ene and l.ane county, Oregon. . . I12p illus iOug-f-ne 1909 O . 1556 Guide map of tlu' province of IJritish Colum- bia, with short geogiaplncal description of the counti.N'. 16p Imap Victoiia Wol- tendei- n d L 1557 Guide to the province of llrilisli (.'oluniliia, for 1877-8. compiled fioin the latest and most authentic sources of informal ii)ii. llOii illus Victoria, B. C. flibhen 1,S77 ]>,S,Wu Dictiniiary i Wii I'lipies 1m if the CliiiHiok ck t.p. atul :i pL'-J r.cu Bcu. 1558 paKi- -Jlfl Gundry, Hamilton D, Chips from a rou,:;h lot,' j 1564 Ccinl. litis ilcKcriritinn i.f I'.. ('. iikI Hale, Horatio Halc-'s Indians of Xoilli-wist Aimiii vocabularies of Xortli Amtrica. willi .in Intiod. by .\lbeit Gallatin. ( .\nu licaii ethnological societ.x'. 'rrans;i 1565 International idiom trade lan.guage oi I.ond ^Vhittaker (d-i a m.inu.al of tin ■'('hinook jargon." f;.'lii 189(1 1..0.r\S.T.\Vli.\\'ii 1566 Halkett, John Historical notes respecting the Indians of Xorth Anieiica. with I'emarks on the at- tempts made to convert and civilize them. 408p Edin Constable 1825 I. '1567 118 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Hall, Edward Hepple The Kioat west: einiprants: settlers: and travellers' guide and hand-book to the states of California and Oregon,. . . with a full and accurate account of their climate, soil, resources and products. . . 89p map N Y Tribune Office 1864 O 1568 The great west; traveler's, miners' and emi- grants' guide and hand-book to the west- ern, northwestern and Pacific states and territories, with a map of the best routes to the gold and silver mines. . . 108p Imap N Y Appleton 1865 S.-'^p 1569 Same 181p 1866 P,Wu 1570 Lands of plenty. British North America for health, sport and profit. 192p 2maps I.ond Allen 1879 Bcu,L.,S,Wu 1571 ront.iins description of British Columbia Hall, James Notes on the western states: containing de- scriptive sketches of their soil, climate, re- sources and scenery. 304p tab Phil Hall 1838 0,P 1572 Hall, Rinaldo M. Oregon, Washington, Idaho and their re- .«ources. 88p illus Ifold map tPortland, Or] Oregon railroad and navigation co 1003 .S.Wh,Wu 1573 Same Later imprints Os.S.Wu 1574 Haller, Granville Owen Dismissal of Major Granville O. Haller, of the regular army of the United States. . . also a brief memoir of his military serv- ices. . . 84p Paterson, N.J. Daily guardian 1863 Oh 1576 Contains record of services on the Pacific coast San Juan and secession; possible relation to the war of the rebellion; — Did General Har- ney try to make trouble with English to aid tlie con.sipiracy?- — A careful review of his orders and the circumstances attending the disputed possessions during the year 1859. 16p n p n pub n d Reprinted from Tacoma Sunday Ledger of Jan. 19, 1896. Oh.Wu 1577 Hallock, Charles Our new Alaska; or. The Seward purchase vindicated. 209p illus 2pl Ifold map N Y Forest and stream pub co 1886 P. T.Wu 1578 Same 206p 1894 S 1579 Peerless Alaska, our cache near the pole; illustrated from sketches by George G. Cantwell. 224p front illus 6pl Iport N Y Broadway pub co 1908 S 1580 Hallock, Leavitt Homan Why our flag floats over Oregon: or. The conque.st of our great northwest. 77p illus ports Portland, Me Smith 1911 O, P.Wu 1581 Hamilton, Edward S. : memorial frr No. 4276 Hamilton, William Thomas My sixty years on the plains trapping, trad- ing, and Indian fighting, by W. T. Hamilton ("Bill Hamilton") ed. by E. T. Sieber; with eight full-page illustrations by Charles M. Russell. 244p front (port) 7pl N Y Forest and stream pub co 1905 S.W^u 1582 P133-40. Washington Territory PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 119 Hammond. C. S. and company (pub) Hammond's atlas of the state of W^ash- ington; pub. for D. A. Hollowell. 104+ 16+7p illus maps F NY Hammond 1909 S 1583 State of Wasliijigtoii : 16p following pl04 Hammond, Isaac B. Reminiscences of frontier life. 134p illus Iport Portland n pub 1904 O.P.Wu 1584 Haney, Lewis Henry A congressional history of railways in the United States to 1850. 272p Madison Univ of Wisconsin 1908 (Univ of "Wisconsin Bulletin no 211) P,Wu 1585 A congressional history of railways in the United States, 1850-1887. 335p illus tab Madison Univ of Wisconsin 1910 (Univ of Wisconsin Bulletin no 342) P,Wu 1586 Hanford, Cornelius Holgate General Claxton, a novel. 263p front (port) N Y Neale 1917 S,Wu 1587 A story of tlie Pacific Nortliwest written by a resi- dent of Seattle . . .Report. . . in the matter of the impeach- ment of Cornelius H. Hanford, United States circuit judge for the western district of the state of Washington, with transcript of testimony taken and exhibits offered in the city of Seattle, Wash., from June 27 to July 22, 1912. 1761p Sfacsims Wash Govt 1912 (62d Congress, 2d sess House report no 1152) S.Wu 1588 San Juan dispute. 16p Iport Seattle Dilettante pub co Feb 1900 Wu 1589 A paper read before the Washington State Teachers' association, Dec. 28. 1899 Statement of his case. 17p m p 1912?] S.Wu 1590 Handsaker, Samuel Pioneer life. 104p port Eugene, Or au- thor 1908 0,Wu 1591 The articles, in the main, are reprinted from the Junction City Times, Eugene Guard, Eugene Kegister, and the Oregonian Hanly, J. Frank A day in the Siskiyous: an Oregon extrav- aganza. 154p incl pi Q cindianapolis The Art press ^1916] 0,Os,P 1592 Hanna, J. A. Dr. Whitman and his ride to save Oregon. 8p [Los Angeles Presbyterian ass'n 1903: 0,Oh,T 1593 Hanson, Joseph Mills Conquest of the Missouri; being the story of the life and exploits of Captain Grant Marsh. 458p front (port) 21pl Sports Imap Ifacsim Chic McClurg 1909 Mu, S 1594 Haralson, Hugh Anderson Speech on the Oregon question, delivered in the House of representatives, Feb. 9, 1846. 8p n p n pub n d P 1595 Harmon, Daniel Williams Journal of voyages and travels in the interior of North America, between the •t7th and 58th degrees of N. lat. extending from Jlon- treal nearly to the Pacific. . . 432p Iport Imap Andover Flagg 1820 Mu.L.Oh, Wu 1596 120 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Harmon. Daniel Williams — VonVimad .s„„n :iS2|) X y Raines 10(i3 S II Hie I. 3S2i) Toionlo ^ro^alu T^.I'.S 1597 JJcii, 1598 Harney, W. D., photogravure company Art work of Seattl.' mikI Alaska. 2G niinili U'uvt's 78i)l F Uaciiif, Wis niKl llarn^y i;»07 1b99 Alaska, slKiied ami lux. wfsteni WasliiiiK- of photof^raviuos. Cacine, \V Harnoy 1600 gri'at rouiitiy, sigiuul Introductory text: Seattle Tlionias S. .Nowell .\rl work of Sea It toil. Edition il unp illiis TSpl I MM (I S Text: Hlstor.v of ; Bayles Printed on side of leaf only Art work of tho Inland I'^mpiie, Eastern Wa.shing-ton, Northern Idaho. 9v \)\ In portfolio. Ilacinc. Wi.s TIainey photo- sravure co 190C Sp 1601 Art work of the state of Oregon L'v illus V 1 Oshkosh Wis. Art Photogravure co. I'lOO; V. 2, Portland Or Harney photo- Kiaxiiio CO liinri O.Oh,P 1602 Harriman, Mrs. Alice Souks o" tho Olymiiios; illu.stratfd !)> ]!. (". IJubb. 70p front llliis 13pl Seattle Alice Harriman co 1!)()0 .S -1603 Song's o' the Sound; illustrations by FianK Calvert. unp front illus Seattle Stuff printing: concern 1906 Os.S.Wu 1604 Harriman Alaska expedition. , . ]3v illus 1)1 maps (} S Y Doubleday 1902-0;'. L, i\Iu.O.P,S,T.A\u SlllllV O.S vl4 Wash Smithsonian Inst 1605 lit! 4 1606 Harris, A. C. Alaska and the Klondiko goldfields. . . Prac- tical instructions for fortune seekers, etc. . . Including- Mrs. Eli Gages tx- peiicnces of a year among the Yukon inin- ing camps; Mrs. Schwatka's recollections of her husband as the Alaskan pathfind(>r. I'rosaic side of gold hunting, as seen h.v .loaquin Alillcr. . . .-,2Sp front illus maps Phil National pub co [18971 S.Wu 1607 Siiiiit .^.,'ir.p Cin Ferguson i' 1897i O 1608 Harris. John Navigaliuni atque itinerantium bibliodicca ; or, A complete collection of voyages and travels. . . 2v j)! ma),s l.ond AVood- vvard 1711-171S U.Oh . 1609 I'lntered for acrniint of Uus.sian Uisroverlos, incliul- iiF',' voyaKes of Captain I'.eliriiiK Harris, Lawrence T. Histoid of the Judicial \ of Oregon. . . a paper read before the Oregon bar a.ssocia- lion on November 19, 3 917. 16p San Fran liender-Moss co 1918 O.Os 1610 Contained also In B. M. Co.'s Cumulative code niinotations, cnrrent digest and fltator: Oresoii v 1 no 1. Oct. mis [Harris, Martha Douglasi (tr) History and folklore of the Cowichan Indians. 89p front illus Victoria B C <'olr)nisl piii.l .v^- pub co 1901 l.,Oh,S,Wtl 1611 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 121 [Harris, Morris Charlesj . . .Walla Walla valley, Washinston Tt-r- ritorx': its resoui-ce.s, cliinatc, river and lailroacl sjstenis, cities and town.s, land and land-law.s. and Beiieral advantages as a jiiace of residence, together with pen-sket- ches of prominent business houses. . . canon. 1 36p ilhis Walla Walla tAVa.shi •Slatesman hook .•iny .Mex. 1. ( 'li.'inibeilairi ; piefator.v note (by editoi) p ]'Si-'22C> Ottawa Durie 1S!),"> P,S,Wu 1613 I-'roin the Tiansactlmis of the Koyal society of Can- .■iila. 2d series ]S95-96 v 1. section i; Old Testament stories in the llaida lan- .uuafve. 92p Lond ."^oc. for ))iomotinK Christian Knowledge ISO."? 1, 1614 Harrison, Edward Sanford Indiistriat progress in Alaslva. 32p illus II p II pub i;i09 Oh 1615 Xoiiie and Seward jjeniiisiila : a hook of in- formation about Xort'nvestern jMaska. ni'p illns Ifold map [.'■Jejiltle IMetropo- litan press 'lOOr/J S.AVii 1616 "There is no exaj-'geiatiou in llicse iiattes. ami if reftieiiees to iiulivlciual enterprise is marked with a suKgestioii of corumcrcialism 1 want the reader to ktiow at the outset that there is not a line In tlie text of this, hook for wliich the publisher has been paid. " — Foreword Nome and Seward Peninsula : descriiition, biographies and stories. 3r)2p illns ports Q Seattle Author '100.") AVti 1617 Harrison. Edward Sanford, compiler, .^ee Xo. 2r» Harrison. Jonathan Baxter T,;itest studies op Indian reservations. 233p I'hil Indian rights as.^oe ISST Sp.Wh.Wu 1618 Conlaiiis articles on the reservations at Xisqnally. Skokoiiilsh and Yaklnia in Washinuton. and Klamatli Hart. Albert Bushnell (ed) American nation: .-i history. vl-27 illns )>ort maps facsims .V Y H.irper i:tfi|-,S 0,Os,P.S,Sp,T.Wh.AVii 1619 V I I Itise of the new West V 17 Westward extension The obvious Orient. ^fiilp 1911 S I*21-S2 contains niateiial on tlie i the Canadian northwest, .ind Alaska .X 'I' .\l)lileton 1620 -tern states. Harvey, Arthur (comp) Statistical account of IJritish Colum- bia. 41p Ottawa Desbarats 1S(!7 I.. S 1621 Haskell, William B. Two \eais in the Kloudikt- .-iiid .\Iaskan gold fields. . . Personal e.\i)erionces and adven- Inros in the wonderftil gold regions of Alaska and the Klondike, with observations of travel and exploration along tlie Yukon . . . "With a faithftil description of life and scenes in .gold mines and cami>s. . . .".."iSp 2,")i)l 2niaps Hartford 14.n)t ford inib co IS:;s i..Wh.Wu 1622 < i.|.> ill Wii lacks maps 122 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA iHassell, Susan Whitcomb] (comp) A hundred and sixty books by Wash- ington authors. Some other writers who are contributors to periodical literature. Lines worth knowing by heart. 40p Printed for the compiler [Seattle Lowm.Tn •1916] O.S.Sp.Wu 1623 Hastings, Lansford W. Emigrants guide to Oregon and California. . . a description of Oregon. . . and a descrip- tion of California, with a description of the different routes to those countries. . . 152p Cin Conclin 1845 Oh 1624 New decription of Oregon and California: containing complete descriptions of those countries, together with the Oregon treaty and correspondence, and a vast amount of information relating to the soil, climate, productions, rivers and lakes, and the vari- ous routes over the Rocky Mountains. Also an account by Col. R. B. Mason, of the gold region, and a new route to California. K.Op front Cin Ruli.son 1857 Oh.P.S, Wh.Wu 1625 Haswell, Robert Voyage on the discoveries in the ship Colum- bia Rediviva. P 1626 A mamiscrlpt copy of the original with six phnto- sraphlc facsimiles: copied hy W. L. Eddy, Portland. 18% Voyage round the world on board the ship Columbia Rediviva and sloop Washington. 82p F P 1627 A typewritten copy of what was doubtless the original book of 144 manuscript pages Hautton directory of Portland, Oregon; a residence address, visiting, club, theater and shopping guide. 134pl Portland (Or) C. H. Mclsaac 1888 P 1628 Hawkes, Ernest William Dance festivals of the Alaskan Eskimo. 41p 5pl Q Phil Univ museum (ITnlv. of Pennsylvania. Univ. museum. Anthropo- logical publications, v. 6, no. 2) 1914 S, Wu 1629 Hawthorne, Harry Leroy Military careers of officers of the army and navy in honor of whom coast artillery posts and batteries in the Department of the Columbia have been named. 26p [Van- couver Barracks, Wash: 1908 P 1630 Hawthorne, Julian Story of Oregon. . . 2v 147ports llpl N Y Anier. historical pub co 1892 Oh.Os.P, Wu 1631 Hawthorne, Julian and Brewerton, G. Douglas History of Washington, the evergreen state, from early dawn to daylight. . . 2v illus 2ports Q NY American historical pub CO 1893 Oh,S,T,W,Wu 1632 Contains many full-page portraits paced as text Hayden, Ferdinand Vandlveer The great west: its attractions and resources. Containing a popular description of the marvellous scenery, physical geography, fossils, and glaciers of this wonderful re- gion: and the recent explorations in the Yellowstone Park 528p Tports illus 3maps Bloomington, 111 C. R. Brodix 1880 Mu 1633 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 123 Haydon, Arthur Lincoln Riders of the plains; adventures and romance with the North-west mounted police, 1873- 1910. 385p front (port) illus 24pl 2ports Imap Idiag-r tab Chic McClurg- [pref 1910] B.S.Sp 1634 Hayes, Jefferson W. Looking backward at Portland: devoted to the old timer of the early 'SO's, with humor- ous and interesting stories and historical data. [lOOp] front (port) illus Port- land Kilham stationery & printing co 1911 Oh.Os.P 1635 Portland, Oregon, A.D. 1999, and other sketch- es. 112p front (port) Portland, Or Baltes and co 1913 Os 1636 Tales of the Sierras. 136p illus Ipl Portland, Or Baltes 1905 0,0h,0s,P 1637 Partly Oregon Haymond, Creed The Central Pacific railroad; its relations with the government. It has performed all its obligations. Argument made to a select committee of the U.S. Senate., Mar. 17th and 26th and Apr. 7th, 1888. . . 181p Wash Judd & Detweiler print [1888] P 1638 Has references to the Oregon and California railroad Hayne, M. H. E. and Taylor, H. West The pioneers of the Klondyke; being an ac- count of two years police service on the Tukon; narrated by M'. H. E. Hayne. . . and recorded by H. West Taylor. Illustra- ted by photographs taken on the spot by the narrator. 184p front (port) 15pl Imap Lond Low 1897 L.S.Wu 1639 Haywood, William H. Speech of Hon. William H. Haywood of Xorth Carolina on the Oregon question, delivered in the Senate of the United States March 4 & 5, 1846. 22p Wash Blair 1846 L. P,Wh 1640 Hazard, Samuel Hazard's United States commercial and stat- istical register. . . from July, 1839 to Jan. 1840. tab Q Phil n pub 1840 P 1641 p369-71. Oregon expedition. Reprint from Peoria Northwestern Gazetteer Hazlitt, William Carew British Columbia and Vancouver Island; com- prising a historical sketch of the British settlements in the northwest coast of America. . .compiled from official and other authentic sources. 247p map Lond Routledge 1858 Bcu,L,0,Os,P,S,T,Wu 1642 Great gold fields of Cariboo; with an authen- tic description, brought down to the latest period, of British Columbia and Vancouver island. lS4p Imap tab Lond Koutledge 1862 L.P.Wu 1643 Hazzard, George The proposed soldiers' home; some facts for the voters of Washington to consider. 14p Tacoma 1890 Wu 1644 Head, Lewis M. Neah-Kah-Nle mountain. . . being a brief narrative of an actual trip to Neah-Kah- 124 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Head. Lewis M. — t'diiliniiiil Xitj luovmtain, made by the aiithoi- in llii> siimtutT of 1!»0!I. 20p illus niJip I'ort- laiKl n pill. '1:110 1' 1645 Heald-Menery Company, Inc. Xi'W auDifiitic Ki'OKiapliical ami imlii.'^tiial sui-vey of state of Wa.shin.uton i.ssin-tl in connoctioii with our luw .-iiid compU-tt' cla.s- sifit' . L'\ iniip Portland Or Author •IIUS I'.S 1646 Ownei'ship direcloi-.N ; nortli\\<-.st Oickoii. coni- prisiufc (Mat.sop. Coluinbia. Tillamook. ■\Va.«!hini;lreaUi'is from rivir to ocean: (lie stoi\- of the Ki"Pat W'e.st from the tinn^ of C'oronado to the present. 2B.'ip front illus ports maijs Chicago l.,akeside i)rrs.'< V.MI H.S..Sp 1648 Stiiiir Later imprint.'^ .Mu.Oh, r.'Wu 1649 Heclawa. pseudonym. S(r I I imnielw rit;lit. A. \ .. .\rl man Hedges, Gilbert L. AVlure the people rul<-; oi-. 'I'lu' initial i\c .ind refeiendmn. diicct i>rim:ir\ law and the i-ecnll in \ise ill llie slate of ()ret,'ou. lillp San P'ran Bend, i -Mo.«.s .-o i:ill O.O.s.l' 1650 Hegardt, Gustave B. lli.«lor\- of the mouth ol the Coluinliia Ui\iT and the clianKcM in ch.iniiel conditions re- sullinn from the <'ons( ruction of ixTinanenl works .and 1).\ dred.t;iii.u. Tp map liip front (porl » illus ilpl T.'iconi.a Parr i'i;ilS| S.T.Wn 1653 (The) rainbow's eii]> illus ("hie .stone IS!t,S Os.P.S.Si).T. \Vh 1654 Henderson publishing company Hendeison's cit.\' of \'ancou\er direclorv, \. 13 \'MH\ 7;Mp \';tncoU\ el-. P, C II.Midersori PiOC W'u 1655 Henry, Alexander and Thompson. David Xe\v li^ht on the earl.\- histoi\ of the KrealiT noithucsl; the manuscript journals of .\le.\- ander Henr\. . . and of l>.i\id Thompson . . . 17!i;i-ISli; l';xi)loralions .and adventures ■ .•imonu the Indi.aiis on Ihe Ped. Saskatcli- ewan. .\lisso\n-i .and <''.luinliia ri\: I ;eri, I ..\l ir.< ).l »h. r.S.Sp.T.W .W II 1656 Henry. Arisen G. Uot;u ■ ri\ir- war; speech. . . delixeieil he- fore Ihe ciliy.ens of Cors.illis on. . . I >ei-. 3d. lS.'.r>. oil the suhieel of Ihe )i, ndiii- IJcjnie river war-. llji i)reL;oii <'il\. Or-. «)r-euoii Ari,Mis nd Oh.P 1657 PACIFIC NORTHWEST A^IKRTCANA 125 Henry, David (coinp) All liistorical iiccmiiit ol' all the \ o.N'afjes round l}ic woild, |>( rrornicd !•>■ lOnglish navigators. . . ^v I'lont iil maps l^ond Newberry 1773-7 1 Includes Took 1658 Hermann, Binger Centennial anniversary ol' tlie exploration o. Lewis and Clark, and an industrial ex- position at Portland City, Oreg., in 1905; speech of Hon. Binger Hermann of Oregon, in the House of representatives of the United States: March 4, 1!)01. 16p Wa.sh n pub 1904 Oh 1659 The Louisiana purchase and our title west of the Rocky mountains, with a review of annexation by the United States. S7p 7ports 5maps Q Wash Govt 1898 L,0, Oh,Os,P,S,Sp,T,W,Wh,Wu 1660 Herndon, Sarah Raymond Days on the road. Crossing- the plains in 1S65. 270p Iport X Y LJurr 1902 Mu 1661 Herring, Frances E. Among the people of Biitish Columbia: rt-d, white, yellow and brown. 2!t9p front illus London Unwin 1903 L.Sp 1662 Heuston, B. F. The law of the state of Washington relating to real estate transfer. 58p Tacoma Commonwealth title & trust co [18981 Wu 1663 Heuston, Benjamin F. nice mills of Port Mystery. Ed 2 and 3 206p Chic Kerr 1892 S,Sp 1664 A work of Action, descriptions of tlie country and its resources are generally quite accurate. Scene laid on Hood's Canal Hewitt, Randall H. Across the plains and ovei' the divide; a mule train journey from east to west in 1862. 521p illus Iport 51pl Iniap N Y Broad- way pub CO. [^906: Oh,P,Sp 1665 Notes by the way; memoranda of a Journey across the plains from Dundee, 111. to Olympia, W. T., May 7 to November 3, 1862. 58p Olympia Washington Standard 1863 Oh 1666 Heyden, Joseph van der The Louvain American college 1857-1907. 412p illus pi port Louvain Ceuterick 1909 Wu 1667 Has considerable material relating to Catholic mis- sionaries in tlie Pacific Northwest Heylyn, Peter Cosmographie in four books; containing the chorographie and historic of the whole world, and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and isles thereof. 4pts in one volume 3maps Lond Seile 1G52 O 1668 Same Ed 2 1098+(1089— 1095)-f 21 un- numbered pages 4maps F Lond Seile 1657 P 1669 <8a»«e 1011+1095-1- [20p] Fold map F Lond Chetwind n d L 1670 126 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Hiatt, Isaac Thirty-one years in Baker County: a history of the county from 18G1 to 1893. 208p Baker City. Or Abbott & Foster 1893 Oh. Os 1671 Hibben, Tertius Napier Guide to the Province of B.C. ."^ee No. 1558 Hicks, Uerban E. Yakima and Clickitat Indian wars. 1855 and 1856: personal recollections. 20p I'ort- land. Or [Himes 1885] Oh,P 1672 Hidden, Maria L. T. Oicpron pioneer.s: illu.strated by Calista Mur- ray Dowling:. [10 leaves] illus ['^19101 O.Wu 1673 Verse Higday, Hamilton Port of Seattle; its history and progrress. p 41-102 [Seattle Port commission 1914] S.Wu 1674 Excerpt from it.'! Annual report, 1913 Higgins, Beth Bell ^fcmory pictures of Puget Sound rcpion. 53p N T Dod^e ["=1900] Wu 1675 Higgins, David Williams The mystic spring-, and other tales of west- ern life. 407p front (port) illus Toron- to Briggs 1904 L 1676 S((iiir Now and rev. ed 312p front (port) 7pl N Y Broadway [-^^igOS] L.Wu 1677 T.iles of early mining days In B. C. The N.Y. pflition contains tliree stories not in tlie Toronto edi- tion The passing of a race, and more tales of western life. 304p front 6pl Toronto Brigrgs 1905 L,,"Wu 1678 HIgginson, Mrs. Ella (Rhoads) Alaska, the g-reat country. 537p front (port) 47pl Imap N Y Macmillan 1908 B.O. Os.S.Sp.Wu 1679 Same New ed with new matter 583p 1917 S 1680 The flower that grew in the sand, and other stories. 256p Seattle Calvert 1896 Wu 1681 A forest orchid and other stories. 242p N Y Macmillan 1902 Wu 1682 From the land of the snow-pearls; Tales from Puget Sound. 268p N Y Macmillan 1897 Oh.S 1683 Same 1902 O.P.Sp.T.Wh.Wu 1684 Mariella; of out-west. N Y Macmillan 1902 O.P.S.Sp.T.Wu 1685 A story of the Puget Sound country The voice of April-land and other poems. 121p N Y Macmillan 1903 Wu 1686 When the birds go north again. 175p N Y Macmillan 1902 AVu 1687 High school salary commission, Seattle Report and recommendations. . . Seattle. n pub 1st. 3rd, 4th; 1910. 1912, 1917 S 1688 Hill, Alexander Staveley From home to home: autumn wanderings in the North-west, in the years 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. Illustrated from sketches by Mrs. Staveley Hill, and photographs by A. S. H. 432p front illus 24pl Imap N Y Judd 1885 L.S 1689 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 127 Hill, Edgar Preston Desdemona Sands. 118p front (port) facsiin Portland (Or) n pub 1906 P 1690 Hill, George W. Vocabulary of the Shoshone langxiage. 36p Salt Lake City Desert News steam print est 1877 Wh 1691 Hill, James Jerome Address at the opening of the Alaska- Yukon- Pacific exposition, Seattle, Wash., June 1, 1909. 26p n pub 1909 O.Wu 1692 Highways of progress. 354p N Y Doubleday 1910 S,Wu 1693 Includes considerable material on the Northwest Hill, Mrs. Josephine (Day) (eomp) Seattle society addresses and wo- men's club roster. 118p Seattle Low- man 1904 S 1694 Hill-Tout, Charles British North America: The far "West, the home of the Salish and Dene. . . 263p front 32pl fold map (The native races of the British empire) Bcu,0,Wu 1695 Hilliard, Henry Washington Speech of Mr. Hilliard , of Alabama on the Oregon question, delivered in the House of representatives of the U.S., Jan. 6, 1846. 15p Wash Gideon 1846 P.Wa.Wh 1696 Speeches and addresses. N Y Harper 185.5 P,S 1697 p."?!-?". Oreson question: pl2n-50. Government for OreKon Himes, George H. Ewing Young — first white settler in Yamhill county. Ip (Reprinted from Newherg Graphic, Jan. 28, 1915) Oh 1698 Some historical events of Oregon and Wash- ington. 6p 1910 (Reprint) Oh 1699 History of the Washington Standard cHimes, George H.: — Continued (comp) Wallamet or Willamette. 66p n t p [Portland, Or Himes 1875] Oh.Os.P, S,"VVh,Wu 1700 [Himmelwright, A. L. Artman: In the heart of the Bitter-root mountains; the story of "The Carlin hunting party." September-December. 1893 by Heclawa cpseud] 259p illus port llpl Ifold map N Y Putnam 1895 Mu,S,Sp 1701 The appendix contains a reprint of portions of v 2 and 3 of the History of the Lewis and Clark expedi- tion, edited by Elliott Coues Hinds, William Alfred American communities and co-operative colo- nies 608p illus ports Chic Kerr 1908 P 1702 p327-39. I$ethel-.\iirnra rommiinity Mines, Gustavus Life on the plains of the Pacific: Oregon, its history, condition and prospects, containing a description of the geog'raphy, climate and productions, with personal adventures among the Indians. . . 437p Iport Buffalo Derby 1851 Bcu,L.O.Oh,P,S,Sp, T.Wu 1703 Same 1852 ["^ISSO] P 1704 Same N Y Miller 1857 Oh,Wh 1705 Same Ipl N Y Saxton 1859 Oh,Wa 1706 128 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Hines, Gustavus — Cuntinucd ifuiiii N Y Hurst t'18Sl] I'.Wh 1707 Tlie first eing a stirring recital of actual scenes of daring and peril among the gigantic forests and terrific rapids of the Columbia liver (the :Mississippi of the I'acific slope) and giving life-like pictures of terrific encounters with savages as fierce and relentless as its mighty tides, includ- ing a full, fair and reliable history of the state of Oregon its crops, timber lands, soil, fisheries: its present greatness, and future vast capabilities, and paramount position. 437p Ipl N Y Hurst ['1881] Bcu,Mu. 0,Os,S,T,W 1710 Same N Y Worthington ['1881] P 1711 8ame Without plate N Y Worthington • 1S89 Wu 1712 Hines, Harvey Kimball (comp) At sea and in poit; oi , Mfe and experience of William S. Fletcher, for thirty years seaman's missionary in Port- land, Oregon. . . with an introd. by Bishop Earl Cranston. 251p Portland Gill 189S P,Wu 1713 Illustrated history of the state of Oregon. . . ISOOp 21ports 8pl sq Q Chic l.ewis pub co 1893 Oh,P,Sp,AVu 1714 Illustrated history of the state of Washing- ton: containing a history of the state of Washington from the earliest period of its discovery to the present time, together with glimpses of its auspicious future; illustra- tions and full-page portraits of some of its eminent men and biographical mention of many of its pioneers and prominent citizens of today. 933p illus 31 ports 8pl Q Chic Lewis pub co 1893 S,Sp,T,W, Wu 1715 Samv 771p Chic Lewis 189! Oh 1716 Jason Lee the pioneer of Methodism and civilization on the Pacific coast. 43p San Fran Hammond 1896 WTi 1717 Missionary history of the Pacific Northwest, containing the wonderful story of Jason Lee. . . olOp 17ports 2pl Portland Hines [«1899] Os.P,S,T,Wh,Wu 1718 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 129 Mines, Joseph Wilkinson Touching incidents in the life and labors of a pioneer on the Pacific coast since 1853. lf»8p front (port) San Jose, Cal Eaton & CO 1911 Wu 1719 Oregon and California Historical account of the circumnavigation of the globe and of the progress of discovery in the Pacific ocean, from the vo.\age oi Magellan to the death of Cook. 366p illus X Y Harper 1859 P 1720 A Historical, descriptive and commercial direc- tory of Owyhee County, Idaho, January 1898. 140p front illus 4pl Iport 22gr of ports Silver City, Idaho Owyhee Ava- lanche pr 1898 B.Wii 1721 Historical publishing company History of the bench and bar of Oregon. 2SCp port Portland Or Histoiical pub co 19U) Oh,Wu 1722 Historical sketch of the first Baptist church of Poitland, Oregon. 20p n p n pub n d Oh 1723 History of Idaho Territory, showing its re- sources and advantages; with illustrations descriptive of its scenery, residences, farms, mines, mills, hotels, busine.'*.'; houses, schools, churches, &c., from original draw- ings. 302p front illus 62pl Gports 2maps 2facsims tab F San Fran Elliott, 1884 B,S 1724 History of the wrongs of Alaska: an appeal to the people and press of America. 43p San Fran printed by order- of the Anti- Monopoly Association of the Pacific Coast 1875 Sp ^ 1725 Hitchcock, Ethan Allen Fifty years in camp and field; diary of Major-general Ethan Allen Hitchcock, U. S. A., edited by W. A. CrofEut 51 4p port X Y Putnam 1909 Oh.Wu 1726 Brief reference to a visit to Oregon territory Hitchcock, James Ripley Wellman Louisiana purchase and the exploration, early history and building of the West. 349p illus Sports IBpl 4maps tab Bost Ginn 1903 Mu,Os,P,S,T.W,Wu 1727 Hitchcock, Mary E. Two women in the Klondike; the story of a journey to the gold fields of Alaska. 485p illus Ipl map (in pocket) N Y Putnam 1899 L,P,S,Sp,Wu 1728 HIttell, John Shertzer Commerce and industries of the Pacific coast of North America. Ed 1 819p illus 28pl 2maps tab Q San Fran Bancroft 1882 S.T.W.Wu 1729 Same Ed 2 Os,P 1730 Hlttell's hand-book of Pacific coast travel. 263p illus 2maps San Fran Bancroft 1885 S 1731 Same Ipl 2maps 1887 Wu 1732 1J189-9".. Oregon, Washington and Alaska Mining in the Pacific states of North Amer- ica. 224p San Fran Bancroft 1861 Oh 1733 130 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Hittell, John Shertzer — Continued Resources of California; comprising: agrricul- ture, mining', geography, climate, commerce, etc. . . . with apx. on Oregon and Washing- ton territory. Ed 2 494p tab San Fran Roman ISfiG [-"ISeS] Oh,P,T, 1734 Same Ed 3 461p 1867 P 1735 Hittell, Theodore Henry Adventures of .lames Capen Adams, moun- taineer and grizzly bear himter, of Califor- nia. 378p Iport llpl San Fran Towne 18G0 Oh Savie Bost Crosby 18G1 P Same 373p N Y Scribner 1736 1737 1911 S.Sp 1738 Hodges, A. C. Memorial slietches of Rev. Asa B. Smith, Sarah G. Smith, and Harriett E. Smith. 27p Bost Beacon pr 1889 Wh 1739 Kev. Asa 15. Smith and his wife Sarah G. Smith were of the same party with Marcus Whitman and wife in coming West Hodges, Lawrence K. Mining in the Pacific Northwest; a complete review of the mineral resources of Wash- ington and British Columbia. 192p 28maps Seattle Post-Intelligencer 1897 L.S.'U^u 1740 Hodglns, Thomas The Alaska boundary tribunal and Interna- tional law; a review of the decisions. 24p 2maps Toronto Carswell 1904 S 1741 The Alaska-Canada boundary dispute. . . an historical and legal review. Ed 2 26p Imap Toronto Tyrrell 1903 L,S 1742 'Krom the Cotitemporary review) British and American diplomacy affecting Canada. 1782-1899. A chapter of Canadian history. 102p 2maps Toronto Rowsell- Hutchison press Publishers' syndicate, ltd 1900 S 1743 .Maska boundary question Hodgkin, Frank E. and Galvin, J. J. Pen pictures of representative men of Ore- gon. 199p 2 gr of ports Portland, Or Farmer and dairyman pub house 1882 O, Oh.Os.P.Wh,Wu 1744 Hodson, John Milton and others Masonic history of the Northwest: a graphic recital of the organization and growth of Freemasonry in the Northwest states. . . 574+43+8P illus ports sq Q San Fran History pub co c''1902j Oh 1745 Hoffman, W. J. Vocabulary of the Selish language. p361- 72 (.\nierican philosophical society. Pro- ceedings, 1886) Sp 1746 Read before the Society, March 19. 1886 Hogan, James Francis Sister dominions; through Canada to Austra- lia by the imperial highway. 234p I>ond Ward 1896 L. 1747 Contains material upon Rritiah Columbia Hoge, Joseph Pendleton Speech on the Oregon question, delivered in the House of representatives, Friday, Jan. 30, 1846. 12p Wash Blair & Rives 1846 ^ 1748 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 131 I hand-book for 122p front illus 1750 N Y Put- 1751 Holcombs; some account of their origin, settle- ment and scatterment. . . 33p Port- land, Or Himes 1887 Oh 1749 p25-29. Pacific coast descendants. . . by George H. Himes p30-33. Memiiir of Tyrus Himes; by Ehvood Evans Holder, Charles Frederick Fishes of the Pacific coast sportsmen and tourists. N Y Dodge ['=1912] S P112-22 blank for memoranda Recreations of a sportsman on the Pacific coast. 399p front 55pl ports nam 1910 Sp.Wu Holladay, Benjamin. See No. 573 Hollingsworth, Charles Mahlon The "Oregon plan": is it a political panacea? 21p Wash D C Author 1911 \Vu 1752 Holman, Frederick Van Voorhies Dr. John McLoughlin, the father of Oregon. 301p 2ports Cleveland Clark 1907 Ecu, Mu,L„0,Oh,Os,P,S,Sp,T,W,Wa.Wh,Wu 1753 Qualities of the Oregon pioneers: an address at the unveiling of the statue "The pioneer" on the campus of the University of Oregon at Eugene, Oregon, May 22, 1919. 14p front Portland 1919. (Reprinted from the Oregon historical society. Quarterly, v. 20, September 1919) 0,Wu 1754 Some instances of unsatisfactory results im- der initiative amendments of the Oregon con.=titution. 46p Portland, Or n pub 1910 P.Wu 1755 Holman, Woodford C. Twenty-four years' residence in California and Oregon. 25p tab St. Louis 1870 P 1756 Home industry league, Portland, Or. Classified directory of Oregon products. 191S P 1757 Homes, Henry A. Our knowledge of California and the n west coast one hundred years since: before the Albany Institute, Feb. 15. 20p Albany N Y Munsell 1870 P Hood, Margaret Graham Tales of discovery on the Pacific slope, front illus San Fran Whitaker (Western series of readers: ed. by Wagner, v.4) S P109-72. Xorthwestein explorations Hood River, Oregon. Charter Charter and ordinances of the city of River state of Oregon, 1913. n p n pub 1913 O.WTi orth- read 1870. 1758 172p 1898 Harr 1759 Hood 277p 1760 Hood River, Oregon. Commercial club Brief description of the Hood river valley; finest fruit growing district in the world. 30p illus Hood River Commercial club 1907 P 1761 Hood's canal land and Improvement co (pub) Union City, its resources and prospects. 19p Port Townsend Morning leader print- ing house 1890 Wh 1762 Hooker, William Francis The prairie schooner. 156p illus pi Chic Saul 1918 P 1763 132 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Hooper, Calvin Leighton A report on the sea-otter banks of Alaska. . . 35p fold map Wash Govt 1897 (r.S. Treasury dept Document no. 1077) Wu 1764 Hopkins, Murphy and Hopkins, Attorneys In the matter of the Mission of St. James at Vancouver, Washington, under the act of August 14, 1848. 2Gp :n pi Ander- son & CO prs en dj Wu 1765 Uilef in favor of a bill before ("oii^'ress making ap- pmpriatloii fnr relief of tlie Mission of St. James Hopkins, Mrs Sarah (WInnemucca) Life amonj; the Piutes; their wrongs and claims; ed. by Mrs Horace Mann. . . 2fi8p Bost Cupplcs 1883 P.Wh.Wu 1766 Horetzky, Charles Canada on the Pacific; being an account of a journey from Kdmonton to the Pacific by the Peace river valley, and of a winter' voyage along the western coast of the Dominion; with remarks on the physical features of the Pacific railway route and notices of the Indian tribes of British Col- umbia. 244p Ipl Imap Montreal Daw- son 1874 Bcu,I..S.Sp 1767 Horn, Hosea B. Horn's overland guide, from the U.S. Indian sub-agency. Council Bluffs, on the Missouri river, to the city of Sacramento, in Cali- fornia; containing a table of distances. . . 83p map tab N Y Colton 1852 Oh 1768 p9-;!8. Oregon trail 1)(;7. M'alile of distances from Council Bluffs to Oregon City Horn, Paul Whitfield Report of supplementary survey of Portland public schools. 64p Portland, Or Jeff- erson H S press 1917 P 1769 Hornaday, William Temple Camp-fires in the Canadian Rockies; illus- trations by John M. Phillips. 353p front illus 53pl 2maps N Y Scribner 1907 S, T,W ■'''^° gowi'e Lond Lounfe 1906 L 1771 Hornby, Edmund Report of the proceedings of the mixed com- mission on private claims, established un- der the convention between Great Britain and the United States of America, of the 8th Feliruary, 1S.53: with the judgments of the commissioners and umpire; comp. from the original by Edmund Hornby. 485p Lond Harrison 1856 L 1772 Horner, Ellas Ruark Life of Elias Ruark Horner, pioneer circuit rider in the Pacific northwest. . . published by the family of the deceased for gratuitous distribution among. . . friends and relatives. tl9]p illus 4pl n pub 1915 O 1773 Horner, John B. Oregon; her history, her great men, her liter- ature; written and published by John B. Horner. . . 408p front illus Corvallis Or Gazette-Times 1919 B,L,0,0h,0s,P,S, Sp,Wu 1774 Oregon literature. 104p 3ports Igr. of ports 9pl Corvallis n pub 1899 L,Oh,Os.P,S. Wu 1775 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 133 Same Ed 2 253p ISpoits 4g:r. of ports. 17pl Oh,P,S,Wh,Wu 1776 Horowitz, Herman A. editor. See N'o. 4296 Hoskins, John The narrative of a voyage to the north west coast of America and China on trade and discoveries by John Hoskins, performed in the ship Cohimbia Rediviva, 1790, 1791, 1792 & 1793. 20G+r48]p en p n d] Wu 1777 Typed m.niuispript. the original of which is In the liihrary of the Massachusetts historical society Leaves typed on one side only Hosmer, Hezekiah L. Montana. An address before the travelers Club. N. Y. City, January 1880. 2.'?p N Y l9-84 .M\- life and experienc-js among our hostile Indians. .V record of personal observations, adventures, and campaigns among the In- dians of the great West; with some ac- count of their life, habits, traits and religion, ceremonies, dress, savage instincts and customs in peace and war. 570p illus 2pl-|-29pl incl in paging Sfacsim Hart- ford Worthington ['1907] Oh,Os,P,S,Sp 1793 Nez Perce Joseph; an account of his an- cestors, his lands, his confederates, his enemies, his murders, his war, his pursuit and capture. 274p 2pottR 2maps Post I.ee 1881 Os,l',S,T,Wh.Wu 1794 Howard, Tilghman A. Remarks on the settlement of Oregon, de- livered before the Monroe County lyceum, May 24, 1841 14p Bloomington, la Printed by A. E. Drapier 1841 Os 1795 Discusses "the practicability ami the advantages of tlie settlement of Oregon by the people of the United States" Howay, Frederic William Woik of the Royal Engineers in Briti.sh Columbia 18.58 to 1863; being an address delivered before the Art, historical and scientific association of Vancouver on 9th February, 1909. 17p 7pl Iport Igr of ports Victoria Govt 1910 Ccu,I^ 1796 Howe, Henry Historical collections of the great West [with]. . . sketches of Oregon, New Mex- ico, Texas, Minnesota, Utah and California • • • 2v in 1 440p illus pi Cin Howe 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 Howell, Thomas Catalogue of the known i)lant.<;. . . of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho 2Si) Arthur, Or n pub 1887 Oh 1803 Flora of northwest America, containing brief descriptions of all the known indigenous and naturalized plants growing without cultivation north of California, west of Utah, and south of Priti.sh Columbia, vl : Phanerogamae 7n2p Portland Or n pub 1897 P,T 1804 Same 1903 0,Oh,S.Wa,Wh,Wu 1805 Howison, Neil M. Oregon. P.eport to the commander of the Pacific squadron; being the result of an examination in the year 1846 of the coast. ]s.-,i O.T Same 1852 P tiame 1853 Wu te'fliwe 456p 1854 Oh,S Same 448p 1856 W Same 464p 1873 Os PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 131 harbors, rivers, soil, productions, climate and population of the territory of Oregon February 29, 1818 36p [Wash] Tippin & Streeper, prs [1848?] ^ (30th Congress, 1st session. House miscellaneous doc no. 29) S,Wu 1806 Hudson's Bay company Copy of the existing charter or grant by the crown to the Hudson's bay company; to- gether with copies or extracts of the cor- respondence whicla took place at the last renewal of tlie charter between the gov- ernment and tile company, or of individuals on behalf of the company; also, the dates of all former chaiters or grants to that company. 32p F n p House of Com- mons, 1842 L.P 1807 Correspondence between Her Majesty's gov- ernment and the Hudson's Bay Company. 228p Lond Causton 1869 L 1£08 Itelative to the building of a telegr,iph liiie .across the continent Note for one pound sterling. No. 1200, issued at Fort Garry, May 2, 1870, cancelled at Red River Settlement, May 5, 1870 1^ 1£09 Royal charter for incorpoiating the Hudson's Bay Company, granted by His Majesty King Charles the Second, in the twenty- second year of his reign, A. D. 1670. 24p I.ond Causton 1865 L 1810 The Hudson's Bay company; "'a million" shall we take it? addressed to the shareholders of the company, by one of themselves. 3Sp London Bally 1866 L 1811 Hudson's Bay company, what is it? Sip I.ond Baily ISOi I.,S 1812 Britlsli Columbia material included. Hugh Clifford; or. Prospective missions on the northwest coa.st and .it the Washington island.s. . . 102p Bost Mass Sa))})ath school union 1832 L.Wu 1813 Hughes, James Speech of Hon. James Hughes of Indiana on the admission of Oi'egon, delivered in the House of repiesentatives, February 10, 1859. 15p Wash Towers 1859 Oh.P.Wh 1814 Hughes, Katharine Father Lacombe, the Black-robo vo.\agGur. 467p front (port) 14pl Imap N Y Moffat 1911 S 1815 Huish, Robert Narrative of the vo.vages and travel.^ of Cap- tain Beechey to the Pacific and Behring's straits performed in the years 1825, 20, 27 and 28. . . and of Captain Back to the Thlewee-choh river and the Arctic sea. . . heing the conclusion of the series of voy- ages instituted for the discovery of the northwest passage. . . 704p 2ports 7p! Lond Wright 1830 0,Wu 1816 Hulbert, Archer Butler Pilots of the republic; the romance of the pioneer promoter in the middle west. . . 368p Imports Ijil Chic McClurg 1906 O. P.S.Sp.T.Wu 1817 • 'ontains a chapter each on "Astor: the promoter if Astoria," and "Marcus Wliltman, the hero of Oregon" 136 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Hume, Harry (conip) I'l-osperoiis Washington: a series of articles descriptive of the Kvergreen state, its niagrnificent resources, and its present and prohable development. . . 160p illus F Seattle Post-Intelligencer 1906 S.Wu 1818 Hume, M. Seattle architecturally. 1902. 2p 41pl 9x12 in Seattle. Bebb and M'endel, Saunders and T.awton and DeNeuf and Heide [1902] "Wu 1819 Hume, R. D. Salmon of the Pacific coast; with engraving.s showing the apparatus used for their arti- ficial propagation, and the operations of salmon fishing and canning as conducted at Gold Beach. Curr.v co.. Oregon, I'.S.A. 52p ilULs ports n p n pub 1893 P.Wh, Wu 1820 Humphrey, Seth King Indian dispossessed. 298p ISports Ipl Bost Little 1905 Os,P,S,T,Wu 1821 fmatillas. Story of ttie Bitter Root, Xez Perces. Same "ed rev" 298p 1906 Sp 1822 Humphreys, Mary Gay (ed) Missionary explorers among the Ameri- can Indians. 306p front (port) 8pl Sports N Y Scribner 1913 S.^Vu 1823 l)ll!)-8". Marcus Wliitni:in Hungerford, Edward Personality of American cities. 344p front 32pl N Y McBrfde 1913 S 1824 p2Sn-S7. •■Two rivals of the North Paflfic— and a thhil" (rorllMiiil. Hoattk'. 'racoina) Hunt, Herbert Tacoma. its history and its builders; a half century of activity. 3v illus ports Chi- cago Clarke 1916 T,W,Wu 1825 Hunt, Herbert, and Kaylor, Floyd C. Washington west of the Cascades. 3v illus ports Chicago Clarke 1917 Sp.T.W. Wu 1826 Hunter, George Reminiscences of an old timer; a recital of the actual events, incidents, trials, hard- ships. . . of a pioneer, hunter, miner, and scout of the Pacific northwest. . . 454p Iport 15pl San Fran Crocker 1887 Oh. Os,P.S.Sp.Wh.Wu 1827 Same ed 3 Battle Creek, Mich. Mu 1828 S'litu' ed 4 .508p Battle Creek, Review and Herald 1889 Hcu 1829 Hunter, J. D. Memoirs of captivity among Indians of North America, from childhood to the age of nine- teen: with anecdotes descriptive of their manners and ou.stoms. 447p I.ond Longman 1823 Mu 1830 Hunter, Robert M. T. Speech of R. M. T. Hunter of Virginia on the resolution of notice of Great Britain to abrogate the convention of joint occu- pancy relative to the Oregon territory, de- livered in the House of representatives, January 10, 1848. 8p t page missing. Wh 1831 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 137 [Hunts Point, Wash, property owners] Some features of the proposed Lake Wash- ing-ton canal which will interest you. [9p Seattle Times Dec 15, 1908] S 1832 Hyde, John Northern Pacific tour: the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, with a description of the coun- try traversed by the Northern Pacific rail- road. 94p illus St. Paul, Minn Kiley 1889 Wu 1833 Idaho. World's fair commissioner Idaho, gem of the mountains. imp illus map Q St Paul Pioneer press 1893 B 1834 Ide, Arthur W. and Rumsey, W. D. Helena. Montana; its past, present and future. 125p illus Imap N Y South pub co n d Mu 1835 An illustrated history of central Oregon em- bracing Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Wheeler, Crook. Lake and Clamath counties, state of Oregon. 1097p front (port) 32pl 27ports 34gr of ports 1 port gr Spokane Western historical publishing co 1905 Wu 1836 Illustrated history of Klickitat, Yakima and Kittitas Counties: with an outline of the early history of the state of Washington. 941p front illus ports n p Interstate pub CO 1904 Sp 1837 Illustrated history of North Idaho, embracing Nez Perces, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties. State of Idaho. 1238p front 255ports (2 groups) l'2pl F n p Western hist pub co 1903 B,Sp,Wu 1838 Illustrated history of Skagit and Snohomish counties; their people, their commerce and their resources, with an outline of the early history of the state of Washington. Endorsed as authentic by local committees ot pioneers. 1117p illus Q n p Inter- state pub CO 1906 S,Sp,Wu 1839 M.iny fiill-pa,4e portraits and other plates Inoliuled in paging Illustrated history of southeastern AVashing- ton. including Walla "VValla. Columbia, Gai-- field and Asotin counties. Washington. 874p 19pl 40ports Q n p Western his- torical pub CO 1906 S.Sp.W^u 1840 Compiled by F. A. Siiaver, in collaboration with Tt. F. Steele and A. P. Rose, cf Foreword Illustrated history of Stevens. Feri-y. Okano- gan and Chelan counties. State of Washing- ton. 867p 86ports 13pl F [Spokane] Western hist pub co 1904 Sp.Wu 1841 On cover: History of North Wasliington Illustrated history of the Big Bend country, embracing Lincoln, Douglas, Adams and Franklin Counties, state of Washington rwith contributions V)y R. F. Steele and othersi. 1024p 23pl 29ports 6port grs 34 grs of ports Spokane Western his- torical pub CO 1904 Sp.Wu 1842 Illustrated history of the state of Idaho — con- taining a history of the .«tate from the i-arliest period of its discovery to the present time, together with glimpses of its 138 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Illustrated liistory, Idaho — Continued auspicious future; including full-page por- traits of some of its prominent men. and biographical mention of many pioneers and prominent citizens of today. 72Gp pi ports illus Chicago Lewis pul) co 1899 B 1843 Immigration Aid Society of North- Western Washington Norili-western Washington; it.s soil, climate, productions and general re.sources. . . .')2p front (map) Port Townsend Society 18S0 AVu 1844 Imray, James Frederick Sailing directions for the West coast of North America; embracing the coasts of Central America. California. Oregon, Fuca Strait. I'uget Sound, Vancouver Island, and the islands and rocks off the coasts of Central America and California, with an appendix, containing various remarks on the winds, tides, currents, etc. . . . 232p illus Load Imray 1853 L, 1845 Hume Ed 2 380p 1808 L.O.r 1846 Hauie Ed 4 512p 1885 S 1847 In memoriam: Mrs. E. R. Phelps. . . 25+4p n p n pub n d P 1848 In memoriam. Rev. George H. Atkinson, born May 10. 1819, died Feb. 25, 1889. 51p n p Atkinson 1889 Oh,P,\Vh,AVu 1849 In memoriam. Rev. John AV. Sell wood. 24p front (port). Portland, Or Lewis & Dryden 1890 I' 1850 In memoriam; the stoiy of the Second regi- ment, Oregon volunteers in the I'hilipplne wars. . ■. illus ports I'ortland Or In memoriam pub co 1899 P 1851 In memory of Harry Anson I'aiichild. 15p front (port) n p n pub [1911] S,Wu 1852 In memory of John Franklin Boyer, 1824-1897. 18p AValla Walla Privately printed 1897 AVli 1853 Portland, 1855 Independent order of Good Templars Proceeding.s of the annual session, 3. 5-8, 1867. 1869-72. tab v p v pub 1869-72 p 1854 Indian war veterans of the North Pacific coast. Multnomah camp. no. 2 Roster. Nov. 15. 1892. [7jp Or Anderson, print 1892 P Indians of North America. [12p] fipl n t p T. 1856 Cohtaiiis material nn Chindok Imliaiis, B.C. Ingersoll, Ernest Golden Alaska; a complete account to date of the Yukon valley, its history, geography, mineral and other resources, opportunities and means of access, 278p front illus Ifold map Chic McNally 1897 L 1857 In richest Alaska and the gold fields of the Klondike. . . 512p illus Ipl Chic Do- minion company [<1897] Wu 1858 Same text with plates slightly altered, with title of "Gold fields of the Klondike and the wonders of Alaska. . ." 512p illus Ipl n p Edgewood pub co [-1897] L,S,Wu 1859 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 139 Inland empire horticultural and floricultural association Fruit growing- in Eastern Washington. Re- port of the third annual convention. . . 88p illus Spokane Inland printing co 1903 S,Sp 1860 Inman, Henry and Cody, William F. Great Salt lake trail 529p illus Iport 7pl Imap Topeka Crane 1899 P.S.Sp.T 1861 Gives some accoiuit nf the expeondon Seeley 1900 J., W. of Bayswater Perils, pastimes, and pleasures of an emi- grant in Australia, Vancouver's Island and California. 404p Lend Newby 1849 1- 1901 Jackson, Charles Ross Sheriff of Wasco. 318p 4pl N Y Dilling- ham [1907] P 1902 Jackson, Mrs. Helen Maria (Fiske) Hunt Century of dishonor; a sketch of the United States government's dealings with some of the Indian tribes. 4.57p N Y Harper 1881 0,P,Wh 1903 Same New ed .514p Bost Rol)eits 1886 Wh 1904 Same 514p Bost Little 1900 and later dates Os,P.S,Sp,T,W,Wu 1905 IiKlians 514p Bost Little If Os,P.S,Sp,T,W,Wu Appendix contains material relatin of tlie Pacific Nortliwest Glimpses of California illus 24pl Ifacsim tab Os,P,S,Sp,T,Wu p261-92. Chance days in Glimpses of three coasts. 1891 S Same 1886 0,P,Wu Ft. 1. California and Oregon, another edition Glimpses of California and the missions the and the missions. Bost Little 1902 1906 Oregon 41 8p Bost Roberts 1907 1908 her [Jackson, Jamesi (conip) Basketry of the coast and islands of the Pacific, etc., exhibited April, 1896, at the Portland library. 31p [Portland, Or Gill n d] P Jackson, Sheldon Alaska, and missions coast. 327p front N Y Dodd [•■1880] Same 400p Iport 1909 on the north Pacific (port) illus Imap S 1910 Bcu,S,T,Wa,Wh,Wu 1911 The 400p edition includes added chapter: Population in 1880. Schools and mission stations in 1883 Facts about Alaska; its people, villages, mis- sions, schools. 23p illus linap N Y Woman's executive committee of hoine mis- sions of the Presbyterian church [1894] Wu 1912 Same 29p N Y'' Woman's board of home missions of the Presbyterian church [1900?] Wu 1913 Report on education in Alaska, 1886. 93p llpl port 2gr of ports (incl front) 2maps Wash Govt 1886 (49th Congre.ss, 1st session. Senate Ex doc no 8.5) Wu 1914 Jacob, J. G. Life and times of Patrick Gass. . . together with Gass' journal of the expedition con- densed; and sketches of. . . events occur- ring during the last century in the upper Ohio country. 280p Iport 3pl tab Wellsburg, Va Jacob 1859 Mu.P 1915 142 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Jacobs, Orange Memoirs of Oranpc Jacobs: written by him- self, containing many interesting-, amusing and instructive incidents of a life of eighty years or more, fifty-six years of which were spent in Oregon and Washington. 234 p front (port) Seattle. Lowman 1008 S, Wii 1916 James, Bushrod Washington Alaska, its neglected past, its brilliant future. 441p front 32pl ICmaps Phil Sunshine pub CO 1807 Bcu,L,S Alaskana; or, Alaska in legendarx- poems. [Ed Phil Porter 1892 Wu Same Ed 2 402p 17pl Sawf Ed 3 41 Op pi James, George Wharton 1804 1917 descriptive and 1] 368p 13pl 1918 Sp,W.Wh 1919 1920 1893 S Indian ba.sketry. 238p illus N Y Malkaii 1901 S 1921 Same Ed 2 274p Portland, Frohman trading co 1902 Wh 1922 Same Pasadena, Author 1902 "Wu 1923 Our American wonderlands. 297p front 55pl Chic McClurg 1915 S 1924 Maps on end-papers p2n3-S:i. Yellowstone. Ol.ncier. llainier. Crater Lake nntionni park.s Reclaiming the arid West; the story of the United States reclamation service. 411p front (port) 47pl N Y Dodd 1917 S 1925 Includes reclamation projects In Idalio, ifontana, Oregon. WashinKtnn tJames, Thomas Hortonj Rambles in the United States and Canada during the year 1845, with a short account of Oregon, by Rubio cpseud] 259p Ipl London Ollivier 1846 0,S,W,Wh 1927 Same Ed 2 Lond Ollivier 1847 Oh.P 1928 fitimr 2.')9p Ipl Lond Clarke 184G Wu 1929 The plate in the Clarke edition differs from the one in the OlUrier edition Behind the protection of a nom de plume, our Hritlsh traveler here proceeds to roast America and the Amer- icans in a most amusinK, though sarcastic fashion Jason I^ee memorial church, Salem, Oregon. 8p port Salem. Or Elliott n d Oh 1930 Jefferson, Thomas Life of Captain Meriwether Lewis, See no. 2759 Writings. Alonticello ed. 20v 65ports 7pl 15 facsims Wash Issued under the aus- pices of the Thomas Jefferson memorial ■ assoc. of the U. S. 1903-05 Oh,P,S,Sp.T 1931 T IS pl40-ri]. nires account of Lewis Same Ford ed O.S.Wu 1932 Same other eds O.W 1933 Jefferys, Thomas Great prob.ability of a North we.st passage: deduced from observations on the letter of Admiral de Fonte. who sailed from the Callao of Lima on the discovery of a com- munication between the South Sea and the Atlantic Ocean: and to intercept some navi- gators from Boston in New England, whom he met with, then in search of a North PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 143 west passag'e. Proving the authenticity of the Admiral's letter. With three explan- atory maps. . . With an appendix, contain- ing the account of a discovery of part of the coast and inland country of Labrador, made in 1753. The whole intended for the advancement of trade and commerce. 153p front (map) 2maps Q Lond Jefferys 1768 L,Oh,S 1934 Jefferys, Thomas and others American atlas; or, A geographical descrip- tion of the whole continent of America; chiefly the British colonies. SOmaps F.5 Lond Sayer 1776 P.S 1935 Xo flescriptive matter Jeffreys, Thomas, translator. See Miiller, Ger- hard Friedrich Jenkins, Henry D. (oomp) Supplement; being additional informa- tion respecting the west coast of North America, which has come to hand since the publication of the North Pacific pilot: in- cluding a full description of the routes to the Klondyke goldflelds and the navigation of the ocean route to the Yukon River. Comp. from various recent authorities. 84p Q Lond Imray 1898 (North Pacific pilot: Part 1, Supplement) S 1936 Round with Imray. .T. F. West coast of North .America Jenkins, John Stilwell Explorations and adventures in and around the Pacific and Antarctic oceans; being the voyage of the U. S. exploring squadron, commanded by Captain Charles Wilkes of the U. S. navy, in 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841 and 1842; together with explorations and dis- coveries made by Admiral D'Urville, Cap- tain Ross, and other navigators and travel- ers; and an account of the expedition to the Dead sea, under Lieutenant Lynch. 517p N Y Hurst n d Sp 1937 First part of chapter 17 contains a description of Oregon James Knox Polk, and a history of his admin- istration. . . 395p Auburn Beardsley [=1850] P 1938 Recent exploring expeditions to the Pacific and the Soutli seas, under the American, English, and French governments. .GOSp front Lond Nelson 1853 Wu 1939 Added t p engr: Expeditions to the South Seas and the Pacific Voyage of the IT. S. exploring squadron com- manded by Captain Charles Wilkes. . . in 1838. 1839, 1840, 1841 and 1842; together with explorations and discoveries made by . . . other navigators and travellers. . . 517p illus Auburn Beardsley c'^lSSOi P 1940 S. 29p N Y Alvord 1869 P.S.Wu 1981 Jones, Thomas Lewis From the gold mine to the pulpit; story of a backwoods Methodist preacher in the Pacific Northwest, during the closing years of the nineteenth century. 169p front 8pl lOports 6 port grs Cin Jennings [<^1904] Oh,P.Wh,Wu 1982 Jordan, David Starr Imperial democracy; a study of the relation of government by the people, equality be- fore the law, and other tenets of democ- racy, to the demands of a vigorous foreign policy and other demands of imperial do- minion. 293p N Y Appleton 1899 O, S,Sp,W,Wu 1983 P183-214. Colonial lessons In Alaska PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 147 Jordan, David Starr, and Starks, Edwin Cliapin Fishes of Puget Sound. p.785-855+pl Palo Alto, Cal Leland Stanford Jr Univ 1895 (Leland Stanford Junior University publica- tions. Contributions to biology from the Hopkins laboratory of biology III). 0,0h, S,Wu 1984 Jordan, David Starr. See also No. 4161 Journal Military service institution. July/Aug.- Sept./Oct. 1904. V 35 p 69-78, 267-279. Vancouver Barracks — past and present; by Thomas M. Anderson. P 1985 All published but the series has never been com- pleted Journal of geography Washington nunilier; under the editorial di- rection of Prof. E. J. Saunders, University of Washington. p309-72 front (relief map) Madison. Wis Univ. of Wisconsin May, 1916 vl4, no9. S,Wu 1986 Journal of the journey of His Excellency the Governor-General of Canada from Govern- ment House, Ottawa, to British Columbia and back. 87p pi Lond Webster 1877 L. 1987 [Judge, Charles J.] An American missionary; a record of the work of Rev. William H. Judge, S. J. by a priest of St. Sulplce. . . 293p Iport pi Bait Murphy [<=1904] S 1988 Same Ed 2 308p 2ports 17pl Imap Cath- olic foreign mission bureau [=1907] Wu 1989 Alaska Judson, Katharine Berry Dr. John McLoughlin's last letter. pl04-34. (Reprinted from the American historical re- view, v21, nol, Oct 1915.) Os,P,S,Wu 1990 Early days in old Oregon. 263p front illus 12pl Chic McClurg 1916 Mu,0,0h.0s. P,S.Sp,T,W,Wa,Wu 1991 Maps In paging Montana, "The land of shining mountains." 244p front illus 24pl Imap Chic McClurg 1909 B,Mu,Oh.P,S.W,Wu 1992 Myths and legends of Alaska, selected and ed by Katharine Berry Judson 148p front 31pl Chic McClurg 1911 S.Wu 1993 Plates printed on both sides (ed) Myths and legends of British North America. 211p front 17pl Chic McClurg 1917 0,Os,P,S,Wu 1994 Includes Britlsli Columbia Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest, especially of Washington and Oregon, se- lected by Katharine Berry Judson. . . With 50 illustrations from photographs. 144p front 24pl Chic McClurg 1910 Tj,Mu,0, Oh,Os,S,Sp,Wu 1995 Plates printed on both sides (comp) Pacific Northwest; a brief descriptive list of books, with suggested outline of study. 12p Seattle Public library May, 1910 (Reference list,no.3) P,S,Wu 1996 Subject index to the history of the Pacific and of Alaska as found in the United States government, congressional series, in the American state papers and in other docu- 148 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Judson, Katharine Berry — Conlinuril merits. 178!I-1S,S1. 341p Olyiiipia, AVash. Wash, state library 19i:5 AIu,P,S,Si).\V. "Wii 1997 "When the foiests are ablaze. Ulu.strated liom photographs. 380p front .")pl Cliic ArcCIiirg 1012 r.S.Wu 1999 Justice to the mountain committee Brief submitted to the United States kco- graphical board, urging the oflicial removal from America's most sublime mountain of the name Uainier, and the perpetuation b>' oflicial adoption of the original Indian name tluMtfor, in its nio.>]899] (Supplenient'to Bowen, James A. The Rand- M'cNally grammar school geography) Wu 2094 Lane, Joseph Circular of Hon. Joseph Lane, delegate from Oregon in reference to the settlement, soil and climate of Oregon territory. 8p Wash J. T. Townes, 1852 O 2095 156 ■ PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Lane, Joseph — Cimtinued Spotch of Hon. Joseph Lane, of Oregon, on the admission of Kansas; delivered in the House of representatives. March 27. 1858. Sp rWash: Towers 1858 Oh 2096 pi-:! refers to Oreiioii affairs Lane, Joseph, and Stevens, \. I. Speeches on the payment of the Oregon and Washington Indian war debt, delivered in the House of representatives. May 18. 1858. 16p Wash Towers pr 1858 Wu 2097 Lane. Joseph. Nee «/.«< Xo. 43-17 Lang, Herbert O. (ed) Hi.'story of tho Willamette valley, being a description of the valley and its resources. with an account of its discovery and settle- ment by white men and its subsequent his- tory; together with personal reminiscences of its early pioneers. 902p Iport 5pl Ifac- sim tab Portland. Or Himes 1885 O, Oh.P.S.TV.Wh.Wu 2098 Lange, Henry Atlas von Nord-Amerika nach den neuesteti materialien. . . 28p Q ISmaps Braun- schweig Westremann 1854 W 2099 Map 13, OreKoii. Map H. Brltlsli North .\nierloa Langevin, H. L. British Columbia; report of the Hon. H. I-. Langevin, Minister of Public works. 24Gi) Ottawa Taylor 1872 L.Wu 2100 pir.l 82. nicliimary of tlie ("liinonk jargon Langford, Nathaniel Pitt Louisiana purchase and preceding Spanisli iiurigiie.s for disiiieinl>erinent of the union. (From the Minnesota historical society col- lections vO 1!)00 P453-508) Oh 2101 p."in(i-08. l>isriission of the Western l>oundary Vigilante days and ways. The pioneers of the Rockies. The makers and making of Montana, Idaho. Oregon, Washington and Wyoming. 2v ISports 2pl Bost Cupples 1890 P.S.Wu 2102 Bame 2v in 1, 426+485p illus Imports 2pl N Y Merrill 1893 [=1890] Mu.T.Wu 2103 Same [abridged ed] 554p front (port) 2pl 12ports Chic McClurg 1912 Os.S 2104 Langley. Henry G. Compiler. Krr Nos. 29 K'.- 44 Langsdorff. Georg Heinrich Bemerkungen auf einer reise um die welt in der jahren 1803 bis 1807. 2v fronts (ports) 41pl Frankfort Wilmans 1812 S 2105 V 2: TSeise voii Kamt-schatka nacli der liisel St. Paul. Unalaska. Kodlak. SitcIi,T. Xeii-Alliion. Kanit schatka, Oehotsk iind durdi SiMrien nach St. Teters- burg Reis rondom de wereld in de jaren 1803 tot 1807. 4v pi Amsterdam Kesteren 181S- 1819 L 2106 Voyages and travels in various parts of the world, during the years 1803. 1804, 1805. 1806 and 1807. . . Illustrated by engravings from original drawings. 2v 19pl Iniap sq Q Lond Colburn 1813-14 L. P.S.Wu 2107 Lansdowne, William FItzmaurice, 1st marquis of The substance of the speech of the Marquis of Lansdowne. in the House of Lords, on the 14th of December, 1790; on the subject PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 157 of the convention with Spain, whic h was signed on tHe 28th of October, 170(i. By one present. 23p Lond Delirett n d S 2108 LaPerouse, Jean Frangois Galaup, cointr dc Treats of the Xo^tka Somul controversy Voyage de LaPerouse autour du monde; publie fonformenient au decret du 22 Avril, 1791; et redige par M. L. A. Milet-Mureau. Iv Iport tab F Par L'imprinierie de la Uepubliqiie 1797 P,Wu 2109 Rare ofHclal edition, but witliout folio atlas. Same 4v Par Plassan 1798 L 2110 Voyage round the world, in the year 1785, 1786, 1787 and 1788. . . published conform- ably to the decree of the National assembly of the 22d of April, 1791, and edited by M. L. A. Milet-Mlireau. . . 3v Iport 31pl lOmaps Lond Johnson 1798 L,P,S,Wu 2111 Same 3v 2ports 38pl SOmaps sq F I^ond Robinson 1799 P,W 2112 Same Ed 3 3v+F atlas Lond Lacking- ton 1807 0,Sp 2113 Same abridged ed 333p Bost Bumstead 1801 Mu 2114 Translation of his Voyage de La Terouse autour du monde LaPerouse, Jean Francois Galaup, comte dr. See No. 643 La Roche, Frank En route to the Klondike; a series of photo- graphic views of the picturesque land of gold and glaciers, photographed by F. La Roche; picturing. . . the actual places trav- eled over by gold seekers en route to the land of treasure, presenting to the eye its beauties, its grandeurs and its dangers. Al- so showing many camps, and parties of Argonauts going to the gold fields. . . 6 v. in 1 illus maps Chic Conkey [''1898] S 2115 Larowe, Mrs. Nina (Churchman) An account of my life's journey so far; its prosperity; its adversity; its sunshine and its clouds. 68p port [Portland Pub. by the author 1917?] Oh,Os,P 2116 Reprinted from articles which appeared in tlie Port- land Orejonian Larpenteur, Charles Forty years a fur trader on the upper Mis- souri. The personal narrative of Charles Larpenteur, 1833-1872, edited with many critical notes, by Elliott Coues. 2v 473p 7ports 5pl 6maps N Y F. P. Harper 1898 Mu,0,Oh,P.S,Wa,Wu 2117 Paged continuously Last resting place of first pioneers rededicated; Ruddell cemetery; [reminiscences of pioneer days: (Reprinted from Tacoma News- Ledger, June 3, 1917) Oh 2118 The Last spike; 1850-1883; a historical and descriptive review of the industries and re- sources of Oregon and Washington, their trade, commerce and manufactures. . . to- gether with the principal business houses and manufacturing establishments. 124p front (port) illus 4pl map Portland Or von Otterstedt 1883 Wu 2119 Published to c(immemorate the completion of tlie Northern Pacific railroad. 158 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Latham, Robert Gordon Ethnology of the British colonies and depen- dencies. 264p Lond Van Voorst 1851 L,Wu 2120 Opuscula; essays chiefly philological and eth- nogrraphical. 418p Lond Williams 18G0 L.O.Oh.P.S.Wu 2121 p210-6r). On the IniiguaKes of the Oregon territory |)2t;(l-"). On tlie ethno;;raphy of Russian America Laurldsen, Peter Vitus Bering; the discoverer of Bering Strait ... tr. from the Danish by Julius E. Olson; with an introd. . . by Frederick Schwatka. 223p 2fold maps Chic Griggs 1889 L.Wu 2122 Laurie, Thomas The Whitman controversy. 24p Astoria Snyder print 1886 (Reprint from Missionary herald. Feb. & Sept. 1885) P.Wh.Wu 2123 Laut, Agnes Christina Canada, the empire of the North; being the romantic story of the new Dominion's growth from colony to kingdom. 446p front (map) illus 5pl Imap Bost Ginn 1909 S 2124 Considerable scattered material on British Columbia Canadian commonwealth. 343p Indian- apolis Bobbs [1915] (Problems of the na- tions) Oh,S 2125 Includes consklernble material on the Northwest The Cariboo trail; a chronicle of the gold- fields of British Columbia 115p col front (port group) 9p! 2ports fold map Toronto Glasgow 1916 Bcu 2126 Conquest of the great Northwest; being the story of the adventurers of England known as the Hudson's Bay company. New pages in the history of the Canadian Northwest and western states. 2v 2fronts (ports) 12pl llports 9maps 6facsims N Y Outing pub CO 1908 O.S,Sp,T,W 2127 Same 2v in 1 front Imap N Y Moffat 1914 S 2128 Same 2v in 1 3maps N Y Doran 1918 B,Mu 2129 Freebooters of the wilderness. 443p N Y Moffat 1910 B,S 2130 Story of timber thefts, etc., in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Jlontana Pathfinders of the West; being the thrilling story of the adventures of the men who dis- covered the great Northwest. . . 380p illus 12pl 2maps N Y Macmillan 1904 Mu,Oh.Os.P.S,Sp.T,Wa,Wu 2131 Pioneers of the Pacific coast; a chronicle of sea robbers and fur hunters. 1339p 5pl (incl col. front) 4ports fold map Toronto Glasgow 1915 Bcu 2132 Story of the trapper. 284p 8pl N Y Ap- pleton 1902 Mu,P,Os,S,Sp,T.Wa,Wu 2133 Of value in connection with the study of tlie fur trade In the Pacific Northwest Vikings of the Pacific, the adventures of the explorers who came from the West, east- ward. Bering the Dane; the outlaw hunters of Russia; Benyowsky, the Polish pirate; Cook and Vancouver, the English naviga- tors; Gray of Boston, the discoverer of the Columbia; Drake, Ledyard, and other soldiers of fortune on the West coast of PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 159 America. 349p illus Tports 9pl N Y Macmillan 1905 Bcu,Mu,0,Os,P,S,Sp,T,Wa, Wu 2134 Lavellle, E. Life of Father de Smet, S. J. (1801-1873) au- thorized translation by Marian Lindsay, in- troduction by Charles Coppens. 400p front (port) 2pl Sports Imap N Y Kenedy 1915 P,S,Sp,T,Wu 2135 LaVerne's Klondike songster Season 1897-1898 Price 25 cents 16p n p n pub [1897?] Wu 2136 An Interesting side liglit upon the life of tlie miner anil adventurer in tlie days of the Klondike gold fever Lawson, Maria, and Young, Rosalind (Watson) History and geography of British Columbia. 156p front illus map Toronto Educational bk CO [<^1913] L 2137 Lazaref, Andrei Petrovich Voyage around the world on the sloop Ladoga in 1822, 1823, and 1824. . . 275p Ifold map St Petersburg Marine press 1832 Wu 2138 III Itiisslan piri2-76. Sketch of the Russian settlements at Kodiak and Sitka. Wu copy lacks p238-75 League of Pacific Northwest municipalities Proceedings of the. . . annual conference. lst-3d 1912-1914 Walla Walla, Wash The League, 1912-1914. P,Sp 2139 Same 1st, 3rd Wu 2140 Same 3d, 1914 S 2141 League of Washington Municipalities Municipal problems; proceedings of the 4th- 7th convention, 1913, 1915-1917. 4v in 3 Seattle Univ of Wash 1913-1917. Sp,Wu 2142 No convention held in 1914 Proceedings for the 6th and 7th annual conventions, 1916-17 contained in Washington municipalities, the quarterly publication of the League Ledyard, John Journal of Captain Cook's last voyage to the Pacific Ocean, and in quest of a North- West passage, between Asia and America: performed in the years 1776, 1777, 1778 and 1779. . . faithfully narrated from the orig- inal ms. of Mr. John Ledyard. 208p Hartford N. Patten 1783 L 2143 Travels and adventures of John Ledyard; comprising his voyage with Capt. Cook's third and last expedition. . . Ed 2 428p Lond Bentley 1834 P,Wu 2144 Lee, Charles A. (comp) Aleutian Indian and English diction- ary; common words in the dialects of the Aleutian Indian language as spoken by the Oogashik, Egashik, Egegik, Ananga.shuk and Misremie tribes around Sulima river and neighboring parts of the Alaska penin- sula 23p Seattle Lowman & Hanford 1896 P 2145 Lee, Daniel and Frost, J. H. Ten years in Oregon. 344p Imap N Y J. Collard for the authors 1844 Mu,Oh,Os,P. S.Sp,T,WWh.Wu 2146 Leech, William H. (ed) 1834-1909; diamond jubilee of Methodism of the Pacific. . . 80p illus port Seattle Methodist Alaska-Yukon-Paciflc commission 1909 Oh 2147 160 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Leehey, Maurice Daniel The piililic land policy of the United States in Alaska: an address befoie the Northwest mining convention, Spokane, February IGth, 1912. 16p Spokane Franklin pr 1912 S 2148 Lees, James Arthur, and Clutterbuck, W. J. 15. C. 1887; a ramble in British Columbia: with map and 75 illustrations from sketches and photographs by the authors. 387p front illus 17pl Imap I^ond Longmans 1888 Bcu.Oh.S.Wu 2149 Same Lond Longmans 1892 Ucu.L.Wu 2150 Leighton, Mrs. Caroline C. Life at Puget Sound, with sketches of travel in Washington territory, British Columbia, Oregon and California, 1865-1881. 258p Bost Lee 1884 Bcu,L,Mu,0,Os,P,S,Sp,T, "W.Wh.M'n 2151 Leighton, Morris M. Country about Camp Lewis. 105p 2maps Olympia Lamborn 1918 .At hen>l I I. ancles title: Wasliiiigton eeological State geologist illus S.Wu 2152 survey. cLeisher, J. J.i The decline and fall of Samuel Sawbones, M.D., on the Klondike, by his next best friend. 197p illus N Y Neely <1900 Wh 2153 Lemmon, John Gill Handbook of west- American cone bearers; ap- proved English names with brief popular descriptions of the cone-hearing trees of the Pacific slope. . . 24p Oakland, Cal n pub 1892 Oh 2154 Same Ed 3 104p 17pl 1895 Wu 2155 Same Ed 4 116p ITpl 1900 P 2156 How to tell the trees and Forest endowment of the Pacific slope: also some elements of forestry with suggestions, by Mrs. Lem- mon; 1st ser. The cone-bearers. 66p front illus 2pl Oakland, Cal 1902 P 2157 Leng, John America in 1876. . . 346p Dundee Scot- land Dundee advertiser 1877 Wu 2153 pi 04 -52. Pacific Northwest Lennard. See Barrett-Lennard Lenox, Edward Henry Overland to Oregon, in the tracks of Lewis and Clarke; history of the first emigration to Oregon in 1843, edited by Robert Whita- ker. 69p illus Iport Oakland, Cal. [Dowdle press] 1904 L,Oh,Os,P,S,Sp,Wh. Wu 2159 Leonard, John W. The gold fields of the Klondike; fortune seek- ers' guide to the Yukon district of Alaska and British America; the story as told by Ladue, Berry, Phiscator, and other gold finders. 216p front illus fold map Lond Unwin ["^1897] L 2160 Leonard, Zenas Leonard's narrative; adventures of Zenas Leonard, fur trader and trapper, 1831-1836; reprinted from the rare original of 1839; ed. PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 161 by W. B\ Wagner. 317p 2ports 1 facsim Imap Cleveland Burrows 1904 Bru.L. Os.P.Wli 2161 Letter from the Methodist missionary society to the Superintendent-General of Indian af- fairs respecting- British ColumViia troubles, with affidavit, declarations, etc. 77p n p Govt? n d L 2162 Letters lately published in the diary, on the subject of the present dispute with Spain, by Verus rpseud] lOlp London Kears- ley 1790 L 2163 Authorship attributed to Sir James ISIatul Burges. uiuler-secretiiry of state, 1790 Leupp, Francis Ellington In Red man's land; a study of the American Indian. 161p front 8pl N Y Revell [C1914] s 2164 At head of title: Issued under the direction of tlie Council of women for home missions pl0.'')-24: "Ahorigines who arc not red men" (Alas- Uans) Lever, W. H. (comp) Illustrated history of Whitman county, state of Washington. 469p 75ports llpl Q n p Lever 1901 Sc 2165 Levin, Lewis Charles Speecli of Hon. L. C. Levin, of Penn., on the Oregon question. 8p n p n pub n d P 2168 Levis, Marquis de Visits au Canada suivie d'une course aux Montagnes-Rocheuses et k I'ocean Paciflque en 1895. par le Marquis de L4vis. 194p Chateaudun La soci6t6 typographlque 1896 L 2167 Lewis, Albert Buell Tribes of the Columbia valley and the coast of Washington and Oregon. (Memoirs of the American anthropological association, vol 1, pt 2, p.149-209) Lancaster, Pa New Era printing co Sept 1906 0,0h,0s,P,S.T, Wu 2168 Lewis, John H. State and national water laws, with detailed statement of the Oregon system of water titles p637-758. (From American so- ciety of civil engineers Transactions v76. 1913) P 2166 Lewis, Meriwether and Clark, William Note. The following editions of Lewis and Clark's journals are arranged chronologically by imprint date See also. Fisher, William, and Gass, Patrick Travels in the interior parts of America, com- municating discoveries made in exploring the Missouri, Red river and Washita, by Captains Lewis and Clark, Doctor Sibley, and Mr. Dunbar, with a statistical account of the countries adjacent; as laid before the Senate, by the president of the United States, in February, 1806, and never before published in Great Britain. 116p I.,ond Phillips 1807 L,P,S 2170 Travels of Capts. Lewis and Clarke, from St, Louis, by way of the Missouri and Columbia rivers, to the Pacific ocean; performed In the years 1804, 1805, and 1806, by order of the government of the United States, con- taining delineations of the manners, cus- toms, religion, etc., of the Indians, compiled 162 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Lewis, and Clark — Coniinucd from various authentic sources, and orig- inal documents, and a summary of the statistical view of the Indian nations, from the official communication of !\Icriwether Lewis. Illustrated with a map of the coun- try, inhahited by the Western tribes of Indians. 309p Imap l.ond Longman 1809 L.Oh.r.S 2171 Counterfeit pubUcatlon History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clark, to the source of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky mountains and down the River Columbia to the Pacific ocean, performed during the years 1804-5-G. . . 2v 6maps Phil Bradford 1814 Oh.P.W 2172 Travels to the source of the Missouri river and across the American continent to the Pacific ocean. Made by the order of the government of the United States in the years 1804. 1805 and 1806 by Captains Lewis and Clark. Republished from the original records. G63p 4maps Q Lond Long- man 1814 M 2173 Same "Published from the oflicial report, and illustrated by a map of the route and other maps" 6G3p 4maps Q Lond Longman 1814 Oh 2174 Travels to the source of the Missouri river and across the American continent to the Pacific ocean. . . 1804, 1805, and 1806. . . published from the official report. . . New ed 3v 6maps Lond Longman 1815 P 2175 Travels to the source of the Missouri river and across the American continent to the Pacific ocean. . . 1804, 1805, and 1806. . . published from the official report. . . New ed 3v 6maps Lond Longman 1817 P 2176 History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clark to the sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rock>- mountains, and down the river Columbia to the Pacific ocean; performed during the years 1804, 1805. 1806. . . [ed. by Nicholas I'.iddle], prepared for the press by Paul Al- len, rev. by Archibald M'Vickar. 2v Imap tab N Y Harper ['•18421 P.W.Wh.Wu 2177 Same v2 1868 Wu 2178 Same 1871-72 Wu 2179 Same 1901 S.Wu 2180 History of the expedition under the command of Lewis and Clark, to the sources of the Missouri river, thence across the Rocky mountains and down the Columbia river to the Pacific ocean. . . 1804-5-6. . .; ed. by Elliott Coues. New ed 4v 2ports 8maps 2facsims tab N Y Harper 1893 L.Mu. O.Oh.P,S,W,Wh,Wu 2181 History of the expedition under the command Of Captains Lewis and Clark, to the sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky mountains, and down the river Colum))ia to the Pacific ocean; performed during the years 1804, 1805, 1806, by order of the gov- ernment of the United States; prepared for the press by Paul Allen; rev. and abridged PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 163 by the omission of unimportant details with an introd. and notes by Archibald M'Vickar. 2v front (fold map vl) NY Fowle 1900 Sp 2182 Same N Y Harper 1901 S 2183 History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clark to the sources of the Missouri, across the Rocky moun- tains, down the Columbia river to the Pacific in 1804-6. . . 3v 2ports 5maps tab N Y New Amsterdam bk co 1902 P.^Vu 2184 Keprint of tlie edition of 1814 History of the expedition of Captains Lewis and Clark. 1804-5-6; reprinted from the edi- tion of 1814; with introduction and index by James K. Hosmer. 2v 2ports 6maps Chic McClurg 1902 Mu.S,W,Wa 2185 Same Ed 2 1903 P,S.T,\Va,\Vu 2186 Same 1905 Sp 2187 History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clark to tlie sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky mountains and down the river Columbia to the Pacific ocean; performed during the years 1804-5-6, by order of the government of the United States; a complete reprint of the Biddle edition of 1814, to which all the members of the expedition contributed with an account of the Louisiana purchase, liy Prof. John Bach McMaster and notes upon the route, with illustrations and maps. 3v 2ports 5maps N Y Barnes 1904 P,S,Wu 2188 History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clark to the sources of the Missouri, across the Rocky moun- tains, down the Columbia river to the Pa- ciflc, in 1804-6; a reprint of the edition of 1814 to which all the members of the ex- pedition contributed. 3v ports facsim maps Toronto Morang n d L 2189 "In the Rocky mountains"; great difficulties and dangers encountered liy Captains Lewis and Clarke; discoveries of the headwaters of the Columbia river graphically told, by Paul Allen. n p Superior pr co l<'1'j15] P 2190 Original journals of the Lewis and Clark ex- pedition, 1804-1806; printed from the orig- inal manuscripts. . . ed. ... by Iteuben Gold Thwaites. 7v + atlas ilUis 2ports 8pl Slmaps fifacsims N Y Dodd 1904-5 Bcu, L,Mu,0,Oh,Os,P,S,Sp,Wu 2191 Sniiir vl-7, each in two parts, bound sep- arately; v8, atlas. N Y Dodd 1904-05 Os,P,S,Sp 2192 Message from the president of the United States, communicating discoveries made in exploring the Missouri, Red river, and Washita, by Captains Lewis and Clark, Doctor Sibley, and Mr. Dunbar, with a sta- tistical account of the countries adjacent; read in Congress, February 19. 1806. 12Sp tab N Y Hopkins 1806 Oh 2193 Lewis, Meriwether, and Ordway, John Journals of Captain Meriwether Lewis and Sergeant John Ordway, kept on the ex- pedition of western exploration, 1803-1806; ed., with introduction and notes, by Milo M. Quaife. 444p front 6pl 3maps Sfacsims ir,4 PACIFIC XORTHWTST AMERICANA Lewis, and Ordway — Vontiiiueil Madison, Wis State hist soc 191 fi (Publica- tions of the State historical society of Wis- consin. Collections, v22) U.Os.P.S,Wa, Wu 2194 Lewis, Sinclair Big timber: a story of the northwest. .^21p front Boston Little 1916 Sp 2195 Lewis, William S. The case of Spokane Garry. 68p 8pl 3ports (Spokane bi.-itorical society. Bulletin, vl, nol, January 1917) Oh,S,Sp,Wa,Wu 2196 Lewis and Clark centennial exposition. See Portland, Or. T.,ewis and Clark centennial exposition. 1905 Lewis and Clark journal. 4v Jan. 1904- Dec. 1905 P,Wu 2197 Official publication of the Lewis ami Clark fair Dec. 1904 and Jan. 1905 lacking Lewis and Clark review and gazetteer. vl, no 1-3 July-Sept. 1901 Portland. Par. review pub co. 1901 P 2198 Lewis and Dryden's marine history of the Pacific Northwest. See Wright, E. W. editor Lewis publishing company. See No. 4211 Lewisiana; or, The Lewis letter; a monthly in- ter-family paper v4-17 July 1893-1907. Guilford, Conn Lewis 1894-1907 Oh 2199 Sept 23, 1904 and Aug. 12, 1905 are Lewis day numbers and contain material relating to Merinether I>€wis Lewlston, Idaho. Charter Charter and code of the city of Lewiston, Idaho. Issued by authority of the Mayor and Council, 1908. Comp by Eugene A. Cox, City attorney, & Fred. E. Butler, As- sistant city attorney. 539p n p n pub 1908 S 2200 Library association of Portland Annual report. 5th-56th, 1869-1919. Port- land, Or Library assoc 1869-1920 P.Wu 2201 Same 23d-24th, 32d-53d 1886-1916 Os 2202 Same 45th-53d 1908-1916 S 2203 Tlie Library Association of Portland lias the Dally Oregonian of March 6. 1865. which conuins tlie first report. Xo reports were made between 1864 and 1869. Constitution and by-laws. 18p Portland, Or Library assoc 1864 P 2204 In memorium Henry Failing, president of the Library association of Portland. 6p cLibrary Assoc 1898] P 2205 Public library of Multnomah county, central building, Portland, Oregon. c38]p illus Q cPortland. Library Assoc: 1913 P,Wh, Wu 2206 cLIebenstein, Charlesj Sumpter gold fields; their history, big mines and the opportunities for profitable invest- ment. c48:p illus n p n pub n d P 2207 Life and labors of. . . Francis Norbert Blan- chet; together with funeral sermons by Charles J. Seghers. . . 16p port cPort- land, Or Catholic sentinel 1883] Oh 2208 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 165 Life and work of Innocent the archbishop of Kamchatka, the Kuriles and the Aleutian Islands, and later the metropolitan of iMos- cow. 23p San Fran n pub 1879 Wu 2209 "Translated fioni the Russian and printed for dis- tribution among tlie people Ijy request of the Most Iteverend Bishop Nicholas" Life of Captain James Cook. New ed 170p front pi Lond Cock 1831 L 2210 Lighten, William Rheem Lewis and Clark: Meriwether Lewis and Wil- liam Clark. l.'59p 2ports tab Bost Houghton 1901 P,S,T,Wh,\Vu 2211 Lindley, Harlow William Clark — the Indian agent. 13p (Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Mississippi valley historical association, 1908-09.) Oh.AVu 2212 Lindsay, Batterman Derelicts of destiny: being a few short annals of a vanishing people: limited ed. re-ar- ranged by Harry S. Stuff. 76p Seattle Ivy press 1901 Wu 2213 Lindsay, David Moore Camp Are reminiscences: or. Tales of Inmting and fishing in Canada and the West. 233p front 37pl Bost Estes ['19121 S 2214 Includes chapters on Idaho and .Montana Lindsay, Douglas Alaska: a complete book of reference and guide to Alaska with. . . tiie latest mining laws and all necessary information in re- gard to outfits, distances, rates of fare, etc. 24p front (map) illus Stockton. Cal Hum- mel pub house 1897 Wu 2215 Lindsley, Aaron L. Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska. 73p n p n pub [1879?] O.Oh 2216 Linn, Mrs. Elizabeth A. (Relfe) and Sargent, Nathan Life and public services of Dr. Lewis !•'. Linn. . . 441p Iport Ipl N Y Appleton 1857 P,T,Wu 2217 Linn, Lewis Fields Speech of Mr. Linn of Missoini. in repl.v to Mr. McDuffle, on the Oregon bill: delivered in the Senate of the United States. ,Tan. 2B. 1843. 15p Wash Govt 1843 P.Wu 2218 Lionnet, Jean Chez les Frangais du Canada, les emigrants — Quebec — Montreal — Ottawa — le grand Ouest — Vancouver. 284p Paris Nourit 1908 L 2219 [Lionnet, Perei Vocabulary of the jargon or trade language of Oregon. 22p [Wash Smithsonian in- stitution 1853i Oh.Wu 2220 Vocabulary is in Krencli. Kn^lisli and (hinouk. Submitted for critical examination to W. W. Tiirnir. and in accordance with his suggestion printed for distribution in Oregon Lisiansky, Urey Voyage around the world in the year 1803. 4, 5, and 6; performed by order of His Im- perial Majesty, Alexander the first, emperor \(>6 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Iport L.r, 2221 islaiuls. lich ac- imniniid :i. He arrativi' Ltslansky, Urey — Continued of Russia, in the ship Neva. 388p 5pl 8maps sq Q Lond Booth 1814 S.Wu An Important account of the Kusslan-Araerican Captain Llslansky commanded the ship Neva wl conipanleil tlie expedition under the general <•< of Captain ICnisenstern of the ship Xadeshd wintered at Kadialc Island and much of his n is devoted to a description of native customs List Of booiS'p3p front(port) -Ipl Imap Lond Longman 1857 S 2298 McConnel, John Ludlum AVestern characters; or. Types of border life in the western states. 378p 5pl N V lUdlield 1853 Oh,P,S.T 2299 P383-97. Columbia rirer and Oregon McConnell, William John Early history of Idaho. . . 420p Ifront Iport Caldwell, Ida Ca.xton printers 1913 B,Mu.O.Sp,AVa,\Vu 2300 McCormick, Robert Laird Address of gieeting delivered on behalf of the State historical society of Wisconsin to the Washington university state historical society at the unveiling of monuments on iian Juan Island. October 21. 1904, the an- PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 171 niversaiy of the date in 1870 when Em- peror WiUiam I. of Germany handed down his decision fixing the boundary Hne be- tween the U. S. and the British provinces. 7p en p Washington univ hist soc? Iti04?] Wu 2301 McCormlck, S. J. (comp) Almanac. . . 8-9, 11-12, 11-25. X 1802-63, 18G5-6G, 18G8-80 Portland Or Mc- Cormlck r 2302 Same 1870 Wh 2303 Contains useful statistics relative to the population and resources of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Mon- tana (comp) Comprehensive explanatory, correct pronouncing dictionary, and jargon voca))U- lary; to which is added numerous conversa- tions. . . Ed 2 39p Portland Or Mc- Cormlck 1853 Oh 2304 Includes a general account of tlie Indians of Uie„on McCullagh, J. B. Nisg'a primer. Part. I, spelling and read- ing, Anspelsquon sim algiuk Rev. J. B. McCullagh; for use in the day school at Aiyansh Mission, Naas River, British Co- lumbia. 32p Lond Soc. for promoting Christian Knowledge 1897 L 2305 (trans) A Nishga version of portions of the Book of Common Prayer. 79p Lond Soc. for promoting Christian Knowledge n d L, 2306 IVlcCulloch, Harry Lawrence Life of John Robert Monaghan, the hero of Samoa. . . 415p incl maps front pi port fold map Spokane Shaw & Borden CO 1906 Sp 2307 John Robert Monaghan was born at f'hewelah. Wash- ington and was later a resident of Spokane. His statue is in a public square in Spokane McDonald, Archibald Peace River; a canoe vo.\age from Hudson's Bay to Pacific, )>y the late Sir George Simpson (Governor, Hon. Hudson's Bay company) in 1828; Journal of the late Chief fa.ctor, Archibald McDonald (Hon. Hudson's Bay company), who accompanied him; edited with notes, by Malcolm McLeod. 119p fold map Ottawa Durie 1872 L 2303 Contains description of 11. C. Macdonald, Augustin Sylvester List of books, Californiana and the Pacific, in the library of Au.gustin S. Macdonald. 76p Oakland, Cal Enquirer pul) co V.ufi P.S 2309 Macdonald, Duncan George Forbes British Columbia and Vancouver's island. . . also an account of the manners and cus- toms of the native Indians. 524p tal) map Lond Longman 1862 Bcu,L,S, 2310 Lecture on British Columliia and Vancouver's island, delivered at the Royal United Ser- vice Institution, on March 27, 1863. 59p Lond Longman 18G3 L 2311 McDonald, Joseph Lane Hidden treasures; or. Fisheries around the northwest coast. llOp Gloucester, Mass Advertiser office 1871 I' 2312 Same Photostat copy Wu 2312a Tliis contains descriptlTe and historical matter 172 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Macdowell, Lloyd W. Alaska glaciers and ice fields. Seattle Alaska steamship co IGp 190G illiis Oh 2313 ilhis Oh.S. 2314 2315 Indian Alaska 2316 Alaska Indian basketry. tl6p] Seattle .\laska steamship co 1005 Wu Same rllpi lOOC S Tlie totem poles of Alask.i and mythoIOKy. [IGp] Seattle steamship co 190.'. Oh.Wh.Wu McElroy, Robert McNutt Winning of the far West: a history of the regaining of Texas, of the Mexican war, and the Oregon question, and of the suc- cessive additions to the territory of the United States. . . 1829-1867. 384p front 3pl 8fold maps 2plans N Y Putnam 1914 O.Oh.Os.P.y.Wu 2317 McEvoy, Bernard From the Great Lakes to the wide West; impressions of a tour between Toi-onto and tlie raciflc. 288p 20pl Toronto Briggs 1902 L,S 2318 Same Lond Low 1902 L 2319 Contains B.C. material Macfarlane, James (ed) American geological railway guide, giv- ing the geological formation at every rail- way station, with notes on interesting places on the routes, and a description of each of the formations. 216p Imap N Y Appleton 1879 S 2320 Same Ed 2 rev & enl 426p N Y Apple- ton 1890 0,P,S 2321 Includes Idaho, Montana. Oregon anini:j] P,S,Sp,T,W,Wu 2348 Maelen, Philippe Marie Gulllaume van der Carte de I'AmSrique septentrionale d'apres les meilleurs mat§riaux Bruxelles stablisse- ment g6ographique. 141xlllcni 4pts • Brussels Vandermaelen n d S 2349 Covers .NorthHe.«t eoast an eventful journey of to the gold fields of in 1862. 176p illus Briggs 1896 Bcu.I.,P 2347 .S'ce Nos. 2177-80, 2182- PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 17: Maguire, Amy Jane Indian girl who led them, Saoajawea. 87p Portland, Or Gill 1905 Oh,Os,P,S,Sp,T, Wh.Wu 2350 Maguire, Henry N. The coming- empire; a complete and reliahle treatise on the Black Hills, Yellowstone and Big Horn regions. 177p illus 7pl Sioux City Watkins 1878 M 2351 Major, William Alexander Seattle, her opportunity, her duty, her des- tiny; a sermon at the Bethany Presbyterian church, Seattle. Sunday morning, July 16, 1905. 14p n p n pub n d S 2352 Malaspina, Alessandro Viaje politioo-cientiflco alrededor del mundo por las corhetas Descubierta y Atrevida. . . fiSlp pi port fold map Madrid Impr de la viuda e hijos de Ahienzo 1885 Bcu,L 2353 Cover title: La vuelta al mundo por las Corhet^na nescuhlerta y Atrevida al mando del capitan de iiavio n. Alejandro Malaspina desde 18894 1894. . . An important exploration coverint; the Nortiuvest eoast Maldonado, Lorenzo Ferrer, donado, Lorenzo See Ferrer Mal- Mallandaine, Edward Fir.st Victoria directory. 84+5.3p V I Mallandaine March 1860 toria, Wu Same Same Same Same British Second issue 82p Third issue 82p Fourth issue 95p Fifth issue 103p 1868 1869 1871 1874 Columbia directory. L L L 1887. Victoria B C Mallandine 1887 Vic- L,P. 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 308p 2359 Mallinson, Mrs. Florence Lee My travels and adventures in Alaska; by Mrs. Florence Lee Mallinson. for nine yeai-s ■A resident in the northland. 200p fiont (port) 9pl Seattle Seattle-Alaska co 1914 S 2360 Manning, William Ray Nootka sound controversy. p281-478 "Wash Govt 1905 (Reprinted from the annual report of the American Historical associa- tion, 1904) Mu,P,Sp,Wu 2361 An extremely valuable study. Bibliiigraphy. p472- 78 Manning, Benjamin Franklin Conquest of the Coeur d'Alenes, Spokanes and Palouses. The expeditions of E. J. Steptoe and George Wright against the "Northern Indians" in 1858. 280p 2fronts (ports) 7pl 12ports Imap Ifacsim Spo- kane Graham [1912] Mu,Oh,P,S,Sp,Wa, Wu ' 2362 Includes hlograpliical slsetclies of E. .T. .Steptoe, O. H. P. Taylor. William Gaston Manual company (comp) Voters' manual for Spokane county, state of Washington, 1900. 80p Spo- kane Wereship [1900] Wu 2363 A republican campaign document containing bio,;- raphles and statistics 176 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA and resorts and tlie Pacific coast edi- San Fran !\Iaplcs 2366 Manufacturers' association of Seattle Manufacturers' directory; commodity index: manufactures made in "Washington. I'.S.A. Kd 5 IT'.p Seattle The assoc 1919 S.Wu 2364 Manypenny, George W. Our Indian wards. 436p Cin Clarke ISSO Os.P.AVh.Wu " 2365 Contains an account of the military operations in Montana In 1869-1870 Maples, Edward (ed) American hotels men wlio run them. . . tion. c82]p illus port Q n d Oh Marcel, Gabriel Reproductions dc cartes et de globes relatifs ;\ la dtcoiiverts de I'AnK'^riqiie du XVIe au XVIIIe siecle avec texte explicatif. 14Gp F Paris Leroux 1894 also atlas 40 sheets. unbound, 1893 L 2367 Marchand, ^tienne. See Fleurieu, Charles Pieire Claret dc Marcy, Randolph Barnes Border reminiscences. 396p illus 12pl N Y Harper 1872 0,P,S,Wu 2368 f'liapter 10 deals with tlie Nortliwest Prairie traveler; a hand-book for overland expeditions with. . . itineraries of the prin- cipal routes between the Mississippi and the Pacific. . . 340p Illus Ipl Imap tab N Y Harper 1859 O.Oh.P.S.Sp.Wu 2369 Same 251p Lond Trubner ISfiS Mu.Oh. Wh.Wu 2370 Thirty years of army life on the border, comprising- descriptions of the Indian nom- ads of the plains; explorations of new ter- ritory; a trip across the Rocky movmtains in the winter; descriptions of the habits of different animals found in the West, and the methods of hunting them; with incidents in the life of different frontier men. 442p illus 13pl tab N Y Harper 18CG Bcu.O.P.S 2371 Margry, Pierre M6moires et documents pour servir a I'his- toire des origines frangaise des pays d'out- re-mer; d^couvertes et fetablissements des frangais dans I'Ouest et dans le sud, de Tam^rique septentrionale (1614-1698). 6v ports niap.s facsim Paris Maisonneuve 1879 L, 2372 Volume 6 contains: Exploration des affluents du Missis- sippi et d^couverts des Montagues Rocheuses (1679- 1754) [Marietta college. Society of alumni] Addresses on the death of Hon. Joseph G. Wilson, representative in Congress from Oregon, July 2-3, 1873, including the reso- lutions of the alumni and other memorial contributions, together with his own ora- tion. . . 64p Columbus Nevins & Myers, print 1873 P 2373 Maris, Omer Sketches from Alaska. 63p illus [Chi- cago Chicago record 1897?: Wu 2374 Markham, Clements R. The threshold of the unknown region. Ed 3 348p pi 6maps (5 fold) I^ond Low 1875 L 2375 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 177 Markham, Edwin California the wonderful. . . with glimpses of Oregon and Washington, her nortnern neighbors 400p front (map) pi ports N Y Hearst's international library co Cfl914] O.r.Wu 2376 Marks, A. (comp) Alercantile guide to cities and suburbs of the United States of America: Northwest and San Francisco edition, 1892. lG3+224p San Fran Mercantile guide [-^1890] S.Wu 2377 Marshall, Logan Seeing America; including the Panania ox- positions; a descriptive and picturesque journey through romantic and historic cities and places, natural wonders, scenic marvels of national pride and interest. 352p front illus 44pl Phil Winston [^1915] S 2378 Chapters 22-25 are on the Northwest Marshall, Robert Bradford Retracement of the boundary line between Idaho and Washington, from the junction of Snake and Clearwater rivers, north- ward to the international boundary. 39p illus 6pl folding map in pocket on back cover. AVash Govt 1911 B,Mu,Wu 2379 Marshall, Thomas Maitland History of the western boundary of the Louisiana purchase 1819-1841. 266p 30 maps Berkeley Univ of Cal press 1914 Mu,Wu 2380 Marshall, William Isaac Acquisition of Oregon and the long sup- pressed evidence about Marcus Whitman. 2v front (port) Seattle Lowman 1911 B,Bcu,0,Os,P,S,Sp,T,W,Wa,Wu 2381 History vs. the Whitman saved Oregon story; three essays towards a true history of the acquisition of the old Oregon ter- ritory. . . 92p P219-36 Chic Blakely 1904 Oh,Os,P, S,Sp,T,AV,Wa,Wh,Wu 2382 Includes his Marcus Whitman: a discussion of Prof. Bourne's, paper. (From the Annual report of the Amer- ican historical association for 1900, v 1. p219-36. Wash Govt 1901) The Hudson's Bay company's archives furnish no support to the Whitman saved Oregon story. 3Gp Chic Blakely 1905 Oh,S, Sp,T.W,Wa,Wh,Wu 2383 Marcus Whitman; a discussion of Professor Bourne's paper. [18] p n pub [<^1901?i O.Wu 2384 Pages 219-36 of the Report of the American histor- ical association for 1900. Contained in No 2382 Martin, Archer The Hudson's Bay company's land tenures and the occupation of Assinil)oia by Lord Selkirk's settler. . . 238p Iport 2maps 2plans Lond Clowes 1898 L,0,Wu 2385 Has but slight direct bearing upon the Pacific North- west, but is valuable in connection with tlie history of the Hudson's Bay company Martin's mining and water cases of British Columbia, with statutes. ■ v2,pt2 269-4- 572p Toronto Carswell 1908 L 2386 178 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Martin, Archer — Continued The Porcupine-Chilkat districts. Report under the Porcupine district commission act. 1900. . . with observations on the P. and C. districts. 13p Victoria Wolfen- den 1901 L.S 2387 Reports of mining cases decided by the courts of British Columbia and the courts of ap- peal therefrom to the 1st. of October 1902; with an appendix of mining statutes from 1S53 to 1902; and a glossary of mining terms. 898p Toronto Carswell 1903 L 2383 Martin, George Washington How the Oregon trail became a road. 52p 2ports Salt Lake City Deseret news 190G Ob.P 2389 Martin, Robert Montgomery Hudson's Bay territories and Vancouver's island, with an exposition of the chartered rights, conduct, and policy of the hon'ble Hudson's Bay corporation. 175p illus Imap Lond Boone 1849 Bcu,L,,Mu.Oh, Os.P.S.T,"\V,Wu 2390 Martindale, Thomas Hunting in the upper Yukon. 320p front 23pl Imap Phil Jacobs ['1913] S.Sp 2391 Marvel among cities: Spokane Falls. . . See No. SS80 Mason, Allen C. Compendium of information concerning the city of Tacoma and Washington territory. llOp Portland, Or Anderson 1888 W, Wh 2392 Mason, Otis Tufton Indian basketry; studies in a textile art without machinery. 2v 2fronts 246 pi Q N T Doubleday 1904 S 2393 Same Lond Heinemann 1905 L. 2394 P.iged continuously T 2. P29R-3S0. .Alaskan region T 2. p/iSn-6". Fraser-rnlumhia recion T 2. PS63-431. California-Oregnn resion Masson, Louis Francois Rodrlgue Les bourgeois de la compagnie dvi Nord- Ouest, rScits de voyages, lettres et rapports inedits relatifs au Nord-Ouest Canadien, publies avec une esquisse historiques et des annotations. Ser 1 154+413p Ifold map Quebec Cote 1889 Bcu,L,S,Sp,Wu 2395 Sonic ser 2 499p Quebec Cot4 1890 Bcu.S.Wu 2396 Tontalns much valuable material including tlie Journal of Simon Fraser Mathies. H. G. compiler. See Oregon blue book Mattoon. Charles Hiram Baptist annals of Oregon. vl 464p illus Iport McMinnville, Or Press of the Telephone register pub. co [<^1905] P 2397 Maurelle, Francisco Antonio Journal of a voyage in 1775, to explore tlie coast of America, northward of California, by the second pilot of the fleet, in the king's schooner, called the Sonora, and com- manded by Don .luan Francisco de la Bo- dega. p471-538 Imap tab sq Q n p n pub n d P 2398 I'rom '.lie pa^iIlg and notes, this appears to be part PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 179 authoress" P543-44. of a larger work, the name of which cannot be found. Maurelle's journal is contained also in -Barrington's Miscellanies, p469-534 Maury, Mrs. Sarah Mytton (Hughes) Statesmen of America in 1846. 548p Lond Longman 1847 P,S 2399 Same 261p Phil Corey 1847 Wu 2400 Includes extracts from speeches by W. H. Haywood, T. H. Benton, E. A. Hannegan, and Albert Gallatin, on the Oregon question p.SOl-12. ■•Remarks on Oregon and Canada, by the 'Tlie Catholic church in Oregon" Mayne, Richard Charles Four years in British Columbia and Vancouver island; an account of their forests, rivers, coasts, gold fields and resources for colon- ization. 468p 18pl Imap Lond Murray 1862 Bcu,L,Oh,S,T,Wu 2401 Route in exploring a road from Albernie Canal to Nanaimo in "Vancouver Island, in May, 1861, with a track chart. p529-535 (From Royal Geographical Society journal, 1862.) L 2402 Sketch of the country between Jervis Inlet and Port Pemberton, on the Lilloet River, a branch of the Fraser River, British Col- lumbia; with a map. p297-302 (From Royal Geographical Journal 1860-61) Es- quimalt (B.C.) n pub 1860 L 2403 Mazama; a record of mountaineering in the Pacific Northwest. vl-5. illus maps Portland Or Mazamas 1896-1919. 0,P,S, AVu 2404 Partial sets reported by Os.Sp.W.Wh Meacham, A. B. Wigwam and war-path; or. The royal chief in chains. . . 700p Sports 12pl Bost Dale 1875 Bcu,0,Oh,P,T,Wu 2405 Wi-ne-ma (the woman-chief) and her people. 168p 6ports 8pl Hartford Amer pub co 1876 0,P,S 2406 cMeany, Edmond Stephen] (ed) Art work of the state of "Washington. [122]p pi F Oshkosh, "Wis Art photo- gravure CO 1900 S,Wu 2407 Mainly composed of full paged plates, but a few pages of text are scattered through the boolt Governors of "Washington, territorial and state. 114p illus Ipl Seattle Univ. of Washington 1915 0,0h,0s,S,Sp,Wu 2408 Full-page portraits are included in paging History of the state of Washington. 406p front (port) 12pl 34ports 2maps N T Mac- millan 1909 Bcu,0,Oh,Os,P,Sp,Wa,Wu 2409 Same Reissue 1910 B.S.Wu 2410 Indian geographic names of Washington. 20p Seattle Hyatt-Fowells school [1908] P,S,T,Wu 2411 Marcus "Whitman. 7p front (port) :n p n pub 1913] Wu 2412 A poem, dedicated to the class of 1913. University of Washington (ed) Mount Rainier; a record of exploration. 325p front 16ports N Y Macmillan 1916 0,Oh,Os,P,S,Sp,T,W.Wu 2413 (comp) Mountain campfire. [16p] illus n p n pub n d S.Wu 2414 Verses dedicated to and composed for the Mountain- eers Introduction describes outing of the Moiuitaineers for 1909 First edition of liis Mountain camp fires 180 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Seattle 2415 Macniillan 2418 1915 2419 See also Nos. 1179, iMeany, Edmond Stephen i — Continued Mountain camp fires. 90p front Lowman 1911 S.Wu Verses written for the Jlountalnetrs Later cilition of )ii9 Mountain ramp flics (ed) New Vancouver journal on the discovery of Puget Sound; by a member of the Chatham's crew. 43p Q Seattle n pub 1915 P.S.Wh.Wu 2416 A portion of an anonymous ms. jnurnni b)' a member of the Chatham's crew, covering the period April to Seiitcmber, 1792 From Internal evidence the Journal lias been ascrilied to Kdward Bell, clerk of tlie Chatham, and to William Wall 2476 Middleton, Christopher Reply to the remarks of Arthur Dobbs, Esq. on Capt. Middletort's vindication of his conduct on board his majesty's ship the Furnace, when sent in search of a north- west passage by Hudson's Bay to the west- ern American ocean. 192-|-93p Lond Brett 1744 L.P 2477 A vindication of the conduct of Captain Christopher Middleton, in a late voyage on board His Majesty's ship Furnace, for dis- PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 185 covering a North ^Vest passage to the AVestern American ocean, in answer to cer- tain objections and aspersions of Arthur Dobbs, with an appendix. . . 206+ 48p map Lond Robinson 1743 L, 2478 Mikron, Beta British Columbia and Vancouver's Island, n p n pub 1858 L 2479 I'^rora Fraser's magazine, Oct. 1858. p493-504 Miles, Nelson Appleton Pei-.«:onal recollections and observations; or, From New Kngland to the Golden Gate . . . 591p illus Chic Werner 1896 P,S,Sp,T,Wa,Wh,Wu 2480 Chapters 30-34 treat of the history of Oregon, Wash- ington, and Alaska Serving the republic: memoirs of the civil and military life of Nelson A. Miles. 340p front (port) 7pl 7ports map N Y Harper 1911 Os.Wu 2481 Largely devoted to Indian campaigns Miller, Cincinnatuis Heine An illustrated history of the state of Mon- tana. . . 822p 94ports 4pl Chicago Lewis pub co 1894 Mu 2482 Joaquin, et al. 112p Portland, Or Mc- Cormick 1869 Oh,P,Wu 2483 The second volume of Miller's poems to be published Life amongst the Modocs; unwritten history. 400p Lond Bentley 1873 L,S,Wu 2484 Same "With title Unwritten history; life amongst the Modocs. . . 445p Iport 23pl Hartford Amer pub co 1874 0,P,Sp,T,Wu 2485 Memorie and rime. N Y Funk 1884 Sp.Wh P43-140. In Oregon My own story. 253p 8pl P Covers Modoc war Songs of the Sierras. 301p mans (for the author) 1871 Some 299p Bost Roberts O.P, 2486 Chic Clarke 1890 2487 N Y Ecu 1871 54p [Portland, Or Long- 2488 Wu 2489 Himes 2490 Specimens. 1868] Oh This Is the first published volume of Miller's poems Poems. Bear edition 6v San Fran Whit- aker 1909-10 S,Wu 2491 Contains poem relating to Oregon, and a play "An Oregon Idyl." v 6, pl69-244 Miller, D. Allen (comp) Eastern "Washington directory. . . 1883, containing everything found in a com- plete directory. 218p "Walla Walla, W T Harris 1883 Wa.Wh 2492 (comp) Walla Walla country directory. . . for 1881. . . 218p Walla Walla, W T Harris, the printer 1881 Wa 2493 Miller, G. W. Battle of Walla Walla. 8p [Walla Walla Walla Walla union 1905] Oh,Sp 2494 Miller, Joaquin, pseudonym. See Miller, Cin- cinnatus Heine [Miller, Wallace J.] Trip along the Columbia river, from British Columbia to the sea, with numerous illus- trations by the author and from photo- 186 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA [Miller, Wallace Jo — Continued graphs, to which are appended brief sketch- es of several important cities and towns along the river in Oregon and Washington. 142p n p n pub 1890 S 2495 Miller, Wallace J. Compiler. See No. 2969 Mllllcan, Ada B. Heart of Oregon: legend of the Wascos. [15p] illus Millican, Or n pub n d Oh 2496 Bamc 17p illus Q [Bend Bend Bulletin '1914: O 2497 Mills, David Canadian view of the Alaskan boundary dis- pute. . . in an interview with the corre- spondent of the Chicago Tribune on the 14th August. 1899. 23p Ottawa Govt 1899 L 2498 Mills, Enos Abijah, and Schmeckebler, L. F. Your national parks; by Enos A. Mills, with detailed information for tourists by Law- rence F. Schmeckebler. 5.3p front (port) 33pl 5maps Bost Houghton 1917 0,S, Wu 2499 At head of title: A guide to the national parks Mills, Robert Memorial respecting a new route to the Pa- cific Ocean, with a plan for the transporta- tion of despatches to Astoria in fifteen days. February 15, 1848. . . 7p front (map) [Wash Tippin & Streeper prs 1848?] (30th Congress, 1st sess Senate Mis doc no 51) Wu 2500 Milton, William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, ris- count History of the San Juan water boundary ques- tion, as affecting the division of territory between Great Britain and the United States. . . 446p 2maps Lond Cassell 1869 Bcu,L,Oh,P,S,W,Wu 2501 Milton, William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, vis- count and Cheadle, W. B. Northwest passage by land. . . an expedition from the Atlantic to the Pacific, imdertaken with the vieAV of exploring a route across the continent to British Columbia through British territory, by one of the northern passes in the Rocky mountains. 397p 22pl Imap Lond Cassell [pref 1865] Bcu.L, 0,P,Sp 2502 Bame Ed 2 400p Lond Cassell 1865 L 2503 Same Ed 5 400p Lond Cassell 1865 Bcu.L 2504 Bame Ed 6 400p 23pl Imap+lmap in pocket Lond Cassell [1865] Wu 2505 Same Ed 7 394p 8pl Imap Lond Cassell [1865] L.Oh.S 2506 Same Ed 9 397p Lond Cassell 1900 T 2507 Minor, W. G. Speech on the resolutions relating to the territory of Oregon, delivered in the House of representatives of the state of Missouri. Dec. 28. 1842. 7p .Tefferson City Lusk print 1842 P 2508 Minto, John Paper on forestry interests of Oregon. 28p Salem, Or Moores 1909 Oh 2509 (Reprinted from a publicatiou of the state of Oregos in 1898) PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 187 Rhymes of early life in Oregon, and histor- ical and biographical facts. 32p front (port) Salem, Or Statesman publishing CO [191-?] Os 2510 Rhymes on life in Oregon. 26p front (port) Salem, Or Ross B. Moores & co 1909 Oh, Os.Wu 2511 Minto, John, and Pennoyer, Sylvester Speeches of presentation and acceptance of the oil painting of Dr. John McLoughlin . . . February 5, 1889. 20p Salem State pr 1889 Os 2512 Missionary herald v. 14-97, lSlS-1901 Bost vpub 1818-1901 Oh 2513 Same v 24-46 1828-1850 Wu 2514 Issued by the A.B.C.F.M. Contains much material relating to the Oregon Mission Missisisippi valley historical association. Pro- ceedings. P,Wu 2515 1907/08. P43-55. The explorations of Verendrye and his sons; by Warren TJpham 1908/09. P63-T5. William Clark— the Indian agent: by Harlow Lindley. p76-92 The story of Sergeant Charles Floyd; by Frank Harmon Garver 1912/13. P276-86. The Indian policy of the colony of British Columbia in comparison with that of adjacent American territories; by W. J. Trimble Mr. J. G. Norris, and the visit to Canada of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales. 31p Ottawa Private circulation [pref. 1876] L 2516 Cariboo gold mining Mitchell, John Hippie Lewis and Clark centennial exposition; speech of Hon. John H. Mitchell, of Oregon, in the senate of the United States, June 27, 1902. 8p Wash n pub 1902 Oh 2517 ^he Northern Pacific railroad; an open let- ter to Harvey W. Scott, editor of the Ore- gonian, in answer to his editorial in the Dally Oregonian, of Dec. 1, A. D. 1880 14p Wash Nat Repub print house 1880 P 2518 Oration. . . delivered at Olympia W. T. July 5th, 1869. 19p Olympia Prosch 1869 Oh.Wu 2519 Importance of Washington and Oregon, from a physical and commercial point of view The Oregon and California railroad co. ; grant of July 25, 1866, and May 4th, 1870, in aid of the construction of railroads in Oregon; brief and synopsis of an oral argupient before the committees of public lands of the Senate and House of the first session of the forty-eighth Congress, Jan. 12 and 22, 1884. 75p Wash McGill n d P 2520 Oregon country — Lewis and Clark exposition Portland, Oreg. 1905; speech of Hon. John K. Mitchell, of Oregon, in the Senate of the United States, Thursday, December 17, 1903. 40p Wash [Govt: 1903 Oh.Wu 2521 Oregon, its history, geography and resources. p239-84. Wash National geographic so- ciety 1895. (Reprinted from the National geographic magazine, v6, 1894.) Oh.Os, P,Wh,Wu 2522 188 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Mitchell, John Hippie — Continued Pacific railroad; speech of Hon. John H. Mitchell of Oregon, in the senate of the United States, March 20. 1878 39p Wa.sh n pub 1878 Oh 2523 Speeches delivered in the Senate of the United States, 1874-1903. 1874-1903 P 2524 Includes. — Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake Railroad. — Indian depredations in Orcgcm.^ — Oregon presidential elec- toral vote. — Pacltlc railroad acts. — Nortliem PaclHc and Portland. Salt Lijitc and South Pass railroads. — Xortli- crn Pacific railroad. — Columbia river.— ImprOTcment of rivers and harbors. — The Pacific Northwest. — Canal and locks at Cascades of the Columbia. — Oregon country. Lewis and Clark exposition, Portland. Oregon. 1905 Same Suppl vol 1887-1893 P 2525 Includes. — Columbia River Imnt railway. — Pacific Railroad indebtedness Mitchell, R. H. Resources of CoIuinl)ia county, Oregon, gem of the Pacific. . . 19p illus Rainier, Or Mitchell 1902 Oh 2526 Mitchell, Mrs. Rebecca Historical sketches; pioneer characters and conditions of eastern Idaho. t96pi illus port [Idaho Falls Mill 1905] Oh 2527 cMitchell, Samuel Augustus] Description of Oregon and California, em- bracing an accoiuit of the gold regions; to which is added, an appendix, contain- ing descriptions of various kinds of gold, and methods of testing its genuineness. With a large and accurate map of Oregon and California, compiled from the latest authorities. 76p illus Imap Phil Thomas 1849 I^,S,Wh 2528 Mitchell's new map of Texas, Oregon and California, with the regions adjoining, [with] accompanintent. 4Gp Imap F Phil Mitchell 1846 0,P,S,Wu 2529 The interesting map marks the emi„Tant route to Oregon and shows the extreme limits of the Oregon territory Mitchell's reference and distance map of the United States; accompaniment. . . 324p tab Phil Mitchell 1834 P 2530 Moberly, Walter Early history of C. P. R. road. 15p n p n pub n d I., 2531 Rocks and rivers of British Columbia. 104p pi illus map I>ond Blacklock 1885 L 2532 Mock, F. G. Blue- eye. A story of the people of the plains, by Ogal Alia cpseud] 245p Portland Irwin-Hodson 1905 B 2533 A romance of the Sawtooth, by Ogal Allah tpseud] 153p Nampa, Idaho Author 1917 B 2534 Mock, Horace J. and Pace, J. W. The Montana blue book; a biographical, his- torical and statistical book of reference. 184p illus Helena .lournal pub co 1S91 M 2535 Mock, Lucy Byrd Seattle spirit. p23-46 front illus (Excerpt from Progress magazine, .lune, 1910.) S.Wu 2536 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 189 Seattle spirit. Overcoat pocket ed. A primer on Puget Sound; a bird's-eye view of western Washington, past, present and future. 13Gp front illus Imap Seattle Sign of the mocking-bird ^911 S.Wu 2537 Modjeski, Ralph A report with plans and estimates for the proposed bridge across the Columbia river between Portland, Oregon, and Vancouver, Wash. lOp Ipl front maps Chic n pub 1912 P, " 2538 Mohr, N. Ein streifzug durch den nord-westen Amer- ikas; festfahrt zur Northern Pacific-bahn im herbste 1883. 394p Ber Oppenhelm 1884 P 2539 Monette, John Wesley History of the discovery and settlement of the valley of the Mississippi, by. . . Spain, France and Great Britain, and the subse- quent occupation, settlement and extension of civil government by the United States until the year 18-46. 2v 2pl 3niaps tab N Y Harper 1848 P 2540 V 2, ch 17. Extension of tlie federal union west of the Mississippi. . .A. D. 1803 to 1846. This includes Lewis and Clark exploration and emigration Monroe, Anne Shannon Happy Valley. 347p front illus Chic Mc- Clurg 1916 0,Os,P 2541 Story of pioneer life in the cattle country of Oregon Monroe, James Message from the president of the United States, communicating the letter of Mr. Pre- vost, and other documents relating to an establishment made at the mouth of Col- umbia river. 65p tab Wash Gales 1823 Oh 2542 Contains inventory of goods delivered to the North- west company. 1813 Monroe, L. G. City of Spokane. 21p front illus (Re- printed from the New England magazine, Oct. 1905). Sp 2543 Montague, Richard Ward The Oregon system at work. p256-283 (Reprinted from the National municipal re- view, v3, no2, April 1914.) Wu 2544 Montana. Board of World's fair commissioners cReport] 82p illus map St Louis Corran [1904: Mu 2545 Montana. Historical Society Contributions to the historical society of Montana. 1-8, 1876-1917 Helena v pub 1876-1917 Mu,S,Sp,W,Wu 2546 Sa»ie v3, 6, 8, 1900-1917 Os 2547 Montana. Historical society. Library Catalogue, also the report of the librarian for the years 1891-92, being the first biennial report and catalogue. 128p Helena, • Wells 1892 Mu 2548 Montana. Society of pioneers Constitution, members and officers, with por- traits and maps. Vol 1 262p Akron, Ohio 1899 Mu 2549 Montana. Society of the framers of the con- stitution First reunion, Helena, Montana, Saturday, November 8, 1890. . 25p n t p Mu 2550 190 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Montana. Society of the framers of the con- stitution — Continued Same Second reunion, 1891 202p In- dianapolis Baker-Randolph n d Mu 2551 Montana bar association Proceeding's from its org-anization, January 8, 1885, to January 14, 1902, with addresses, obituaries, constitution, list of officers, mem- bers, etc. edited by Edward C. Russel, sec- retary. 447p 19ports Helena State pub CO n d Mu 2552 Montana; its climate, soil, scenery, resources and industries. 32p N Y 1883 Wh 2553 [Montanus, Arnold] America; being the latest and most accurate description of the new world, containing the original of the inhabitants and the re- markable voyages thither, the conquest of the vast «mpires of Mexico and Peru. . . collected. . . by John Ogrilby. . . 2v illus Gports 32pl 20maps F5 Lond Author 1671 P 2554 Quoted by Bancroft for Straits of Anian tMontelth, John B.i The status of young Joseph and his band of Nez-Perce Indians under the treaties be- tween the United States and the Nez-Perce tribe of Indians, and the Indian title to land. 49p Portland, Or Assistant adju- tant general's odice Dept of the Columbia 1876 Os 2555 Monthly Chronicle The Oregon territory p337-384 map (From the Monthly chronicle, August 1842) Wu 2556 Moore, John Bassett History and digest of the international ar- bitrations to which the United States has been a party, together with appendices containing the treaties relating to such ar- bitrations, and historical and legal notes. 6v maps facsims Q Wash Govt 1898 S, Wu 2557 V 1, P196-236. San .Tuan water boundary T 1. p237-7n. Claims of the Hudson's Bay and Pnget's Sound agricultural companies V 1. p755-9Gl. Fur seal arbitration Moore, O. M. (comp) Washington illustrated, including views of the Puget sound country and Seattle, the gateway of the Orient, with glimpses of Alaska. [113p] illus Seattle Puget sound bureau of information [1901] Wu 2558 An album of views alternating with description Moorehead, Warren King American Indian in the United States, period 1850-1914; the present condition of the American Indian; his political history and other topics; a plea for justice. 440p front 5. 107p front port illus Spokane AVashington 1908 Sp 2587 Morris, William Gouverneur Report upon the customs district, public service, and resourecs of Alaska territory. 163p lOpl Imap Wash Govt 1879 L, Oh,Os,P,W,Wu 2588 Issued as Senate Executive document, no 59, 45th Congress, 3rd session Morse, Jedidiah Report of the secretary of war of the United States, on Indian affairs, comprising a narrative of a tour performed in the sum- mer of 1820. . . for. . . ascertaining. . . the actual state of the Indians in our coun- b n d 2582 Domestic PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 193 try. 400p Iniap Ipl New Haven Con- verse 1S22 0,Oh,S,W.Wu 2589 This valuable report seems not to have been issued as a government document It is important as show- ing the Imowledge at that time of the Indians of the Pacific Northwest. The author was the father of S. F. B. Murse of telegraph fame Mortimer, George Ohservations and remarks made during a voyage to the Islands of Teneriffe, Amster- dam, Maria's Islands near Van Diemen's Land Otaheite, Sandwich Islands, Owhy- hee, the Fox Islands on the North-West coast of America, Tinian and from thence to Canton, in the brig Mercury, commanded by John Henry Cox. . . 71p pi 2maps F Lond Cadell 1791 L 2590 Moseley, Henry Nottidge Oregon; its resources, climate, people and productions. 125p Imap tab Lond Stanford 1878 Bcu,L,0,Oh,Os,P,S.Wu 2591 Moser, Jefferson F. Salmon and salmon fisheries of Alaska. . . 178p illus 61pl 2fold maps Q Wash Govt 1899 Bcu,0,P.Wh,Wu 2592 Same In Bulletin of V. S. Fish Commission for 1S98. pl-lTS Mount Vernon Argus: Illustrated annual. unp illus F Mount Vernon, Wash Apr 17, 1908 S 2593 [Mountain, George Jehoshaphat] Journal of the Bishop of Montreal, during a visit to the church missionary society's northwest America mission. . . Ed 2 166p 4pl Imap Lond Seeleys 1849 L.S 2594 Songs of the wilderness; being a collection of poems written in some different parts of the territory of the Hudson's Bay company and in the wilds of Canada, on the route to that territory in the spring and summer of 1844. . . 153p 4pl Lond Rivington 1846 L,P,S 2595 Mountaineer. v 1-12, 1907-1919. Seattle The Mountaineers, 1907-1919 Wu 2596 Same 1-9 1907-1916 S 2597 Same 4-10 1911-1917 Sp 2598 Mowry, William Augustus Marcus Whitman and the early days of Ore- gon. . . 341p 2ports 5pl 2maps N Y Oh,Os,P,Pu,S,Sp,T,W.Wh, 2599 the United States. Y Silver 1902 P.Sp, 2600 of N Silver [<^1901] Wu Territorial growth 237p ISmaps tab T,^V,Wh,Wu pll2-6.'^ Oregon P164-76. Alaska Territorial growth of the United States; our title to Oregon. Imap (Reprinted from the Magazine of American history, vl6 P333-341, October, 1886) P,S,Sp.W, Wh.Wu 2601 Mowry, William Augustus and Mowry, Arthur May American heroes and heroism. 223p illus N Y Silver €"^1903] Oh,Os,P,S,Sp,W,Wh 2602 Contains a chapter on the work of Father Eells and Whitman college, pir6-81 194 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Mowry, William Augustus and Mowry, Blanche S. American pioneers. 363p illus N Y Sil- ver [^905] Os.P.Wh 2603 Contains some of the history of Oregon In the account of the Uves of J. A. Sutter. A. L. Lovejoy anJ P. H. Burnett. pl87-215 Mudge, Z. A. Missionary teacher; a memoir of Cyrus Shep- ard, embracing a brief sketch of the early history of the Oregon mission. 221p N Y Carlton ['1848] Wh 2604 Mulr, John Our national parks. 382p front lOpl Imap Bost Houghton [>^1901] S,Wu 2605 (ed) Picturesque California and the region west of the Rocky mountains, from Alaska to Mexico. 2v fronts illus pi F NY Dewing [^887-1888] S,Wu 2606 Same 3v 'ISSS S 2607 Paised continuously. pl9S-218. Alaska: p263-2S8. Washington and Pugot Sound: p.'!85-414. Basin of the Columbia River: p415-20. Montana Steep trails. . . ed. by "William Frederic Bad$. 390p front llpl Bost Houghton c'1018: 0,Os,P,S 2608 Travels in Alaska. 326p front llpl N Y Houghton 1915 B,O.Os,S,Sp,T.W,Wu 2609 Prepared for publication by Mrs. Marlon Kandall Parsons Mullan, John Before the Secretary of the interior. Northern Pacific railroad co. vs. Lyonell J. Kimber- land. . . Reply of counsel for the N. P. R. R. CO. . . 42p [Washington Mullan 1888?: Wu 2610 Miners and travellers' guide to Oregon, Wash- ington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Colorado via the Missouri and Columbia rivers. . . 153p Imap? N Y Franklin 1865 L,Mu,0,Oh,Os,S.Sp,T,W,Wu 2611 Report on the construction of a military road from Fort Walla Walla to Fort Benton. 363p lOpl 4maps' tab Wash Govt 1863 Mu,Oh,P,S,Sp,T,Wa,Wu 2612 Mijller, Gerhard Friedrlch Voyages et d^couvertes faites par les Russes le long des cotes de la mer glaciale & sur r ocean oriental, tant vers le Japon que vers rAm§rique; on y a joint, L'histoire du fleuve Amur et des pays adjacens, depuis la con- quete des Russes; avec le nouvelle carte qui presente ces d§couvertes & le cours de I'Amur, dress§e sur des m6moires authen- tiques, publi6e par I'Academie des Sciences de St. PStersbourg, & corrigee en dernier lieu: ouvrages traduits de I'Allemand. . . par C. G. F. Dumas. 2v in 1 388-l-207p Imap Amsterdam Rey 1766 0,P,S 2613 Translated into English under the title. Voyages from Asia to America Voyages from Asia to America for completing the discoveries of the northwest coast of America, to which is prefixed, a summary of the voyages made by the Russians on the frozen sea, in search of a northeast pas- sage; tr. from the high Dutch. . . by Thomas JefEerys. 43+76p 3maps tab sq Q Lond Jefferys 1761 Bcu.L.P.S.Wu 2614 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 195 Same Ed 2 120p 1764 L,S 2615 Translated into French tinder the title, Vuyages et d^couvertes faites par les Russes Edition 2 contains also a history of Kamtchatka Mijller, Hermann Gerhard Oregon und seine zukunft; ein beitrag zur entwicklungs geschichte des fernen westens. 42p Coin Mayer 1872 O.Wu 2616 Multnomah County, Oregon Report of the survey of the public school system of School district no. 1. . . Report of committee appointed at the taxpayers' meeting. . . Dec. 27, 1912, submitted Nov. 1, 1913. 317p n p n pub 1913 P,S, Wu 2617 Director of the survey : E. P. Cubberley Same as Cubberley, E. P., & others. Portland survey. . . Munoz, Juan Bautista Historia del nuevo-mundo. v. 1. 364p Iport Imap Q Madrid LaViuda de Ibarra 1793 P 2618 No more published Munro, Wilfred Harold Tales of an old sea port; a general sketch of the history of Bristol, Rhode Island, in- cluding, incidentally, an account of the voyages of the Norsemen, so far as they may have been connected with Narragan- sett Bay: and personal narratives of some notable voyages accomplished by sailors from the Mount Hope lands. 292p 4pl Princeton Princeton univ pr 1917 S,Wu 2619 Xorwest John and the voyage of the Juno to tlie north Pacific, 1804-1808. p95-173 Munson, Lyman E. Montana as it was, and as it is. 23p New Hav'en Yale review Aug. 1899 M 2620 Murdock, William D. C. Our true title to Oregon, n pub 1845 P Murphy, Harry Daniel Leading business men of Portland in cartoon. 78pl [Portland Or Irwin-Hodson<^1912: P 2622 Murphy, John C. Facts concerning the government Palouse project; an appeal to the people and to Congress for rights, for fair play, for irrigation, for electric power. 34p 4pl n p [Pasco Express 1912] S 2623 Murphy, John Mortimer (comp) Oregon business directory and state gazetteer. . . first year of publication. ,382p illus 5pl Portland, Or McCormick 1873 Oh,P,S 2624 (comp) Oregon hand-book and emigrant's guide. 136p 4pl tab Portland, Or Mc- Cormick 1873 P 2625 Rambles in northwestern America from the Pacific ocean to the Rocky mountains. 364p Imap Lond Chapman 1879 0,L, P,S,T,W 2626 Sporting adventures in the far West. 404p Lond Low 1879 Oh,P 2627 Same 469p front illus N Y Harper 1880 S,Wh 2628 12p Georgetown 2621 196 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Murphy. Thomas Dowler Oregon the picturesque, a l)Ook of rambles in the Oregon country and in the wilds of northern California: descriptive sketches and pictures of Crater and Klamath lakes, the Deschutes River canyon, the new Columbia Highway, the Willamette and Rogue River valleys and the cities and towns of Oregon; also of the little-known lakes, rivers, mountains and . vast forests of northern California, to which is added a trip to the Yosemite and to the Roose- velt Dam and the Petrified Forest of Arizona, by motor car. 317p front 39pl Imap Boston Page 1917 0,Os,P,S,Sp 2629 Murphy and Harned, compilers. See No. 3240 Murray, Alexander Hunter Journal of the Yukon, 1SI7-4S. Edited with notes by L. J. Burpee. Published by authority of the Minister of agriculture under the direction of the Archivist. 125p 14pl Imap Ottawa Govt 1910 (Publica- tions of the Canadian archives, no. 4) S, Wu 2630 Murray, Hugh Historical account of discoveries and travels in North America. . . with observations on emigration. 2v Imap Lond Longman 1829 0,Oh,P,S 2631 Historical and descriptive account of British America. . . 3v illus 3pl 6maps Edin Oliver 1839 L,S,Wu 2632 Volume 3 contains considerable material upon the Hudson's Bay company and their work in the region of the Columbia valley Same 2v illus N Y Harper 1841, 1S55, C1840 P 2633 Murray, Thomas Holt The land of gold (Alaska) 219p front (port) Gpl cClearfield Pa? 1913?: Wu 2634 Myers, John Life, voyages and travels of Capt. John Myers, detailing his adventures during four voyages round the world; his various en- terprises on the coast of South America and exhibiting a most instructive descrip- tion of the North-West trade. 410p Lond Longman 1817 L,Wu 2635 Narrative of the negotiations occasioned by the dispute between England and Spain, in the year 1790. n t p 307p L 2636 Nash, Wallls Farm, ranch and range in Oregon. 32p illus Salem, Or Lewis and Clark centen- nial exposition commission for the state of Oregon 1904 Oh,Os,Wu 2637 A lawyer's life on two continents. 212p front illus 6pl 2ports Bost Badger ['•1919] Os 2638 Oregon; there and back in 1877. 285p illus lOpl Imap Lond Macmillan 1878 L,0, Oh,P,S,Sp.T.Wu 2639 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 197 Selected chapters from "The settler's hand- book to Oregon:" "The six districts of Oregon" and "The farm and its industries." 157p Portland, Or Gill 1905 S 2640 Settler's hand-book to Oregon. 190p Portland, Or Gill 1904 0,0h,0s,P,S,Wu 2641 Two years in Oregon. Slip 8pl tab N Y Appleton 1S82 L,0,Os,P,S,Sp,T.W,\Vh.Wu 2642 National board of fire underwriters. Commit- tee on fire prevention Report on the city of Portland, Oregon. 41p map Author 1910 P 2643 Same (super-seding that of 1910) 47p map Author [1917] P 2644 National board of fire underwriters, N. Y. Com- mittee of twenty Report on the city of Seattle, Washington. 45p Imap N Y 190G S 2645 Nature and science on the Pacific coast, See No. 72 Naval sketch-book; or, the service afloat and ashore; with characteristic reininiscences, fragments and opinions, by an officer of rank. Ed 2 2v Lond Colburn 1826 L 2646 T 2 contains a chapter nn the North West passage Navarrete, Martin Fernandez, de Noticia historica de las expediciones hechas por los espanoles en busca del Paso del Noro este de la America, para servir de in- troduccion a, la relacion del viage executedo en 1792 por las goletas Sutil y Mexicana con il objets de reconnocer el Estrecho de Fuca. 168p Madrid La imprenta real 1802 L 2647 Navigator: directions for navigating the Mon- ongahela, Allegheny, Ohio and Mississippi rivers,. . . with an appendix containing an account of Louisiana, and of the Missouri and Columbia rivers, as discovered by the voyage under Capts. Lewis and Clark. Ed 11 28maps tab Pitts Cramer 1821 P 2648 Nelson, E. W. A sledge journey in the delta of the Yukon, Northern Alaska. p660-670 fold map (Proceedings of the Royal Geographical So- ciety 1882) L 2649 New annual register; or. General repository of history, politics, and literature for the year 1790; to which is prefixed a continuation of the history of knowledge, learning, and taste, in Great Britain, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. 604p Lond Robinson 1791 L 2650 Contains account of Nootka controversy. See No. 103 New Englander, pseudonym Scenes in the Rocky mountains, and in Ore- gon, California, New Mexico, Texas, and the grand prairies; or. Notes by the way, during an excursion of three years, with a description of the countries passed through, including their geography, geology, resources, present conditions, and the differ- ent nations inhabiting them. 303p Phil Carey 1846 L 2651 198 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA New map of the state of California, the terri- tories of Oregon and Utah, and the chief part of New Mexico. n p n pub [<^1850] p 2652 The new West extending from the Great Lakes across plain and mountain to the golden shores of the Pacific; wealth and growth: manufacturing and commercial interests, historical, statistical, biographical. 205p front (port) illus pi fold maps Q AVin- nlpeg Can Hist pub co 1888 L 2653 New York (state) Legislature. Committee to the Alaska-Yukon-Paclflc exposition. > Report of the legislative committee from the state of New York to the Alaska-Yukon- Paciflc exposition, 1909. Transmitted to the Legislature January 25, 1910. 197p llpl 23ports Q Albany Lyon 1910 S,Wu 2654 Cover-title: New York at the Alaska-Yukon-Paciflc exposition. . . New York (state) Lewis and Clark exposition commission New York at the Lewis and Clark exposition, Portland, Oregon, June 1 to October 15, 1905. 127p 9ports 7pl tab sq Q Albany Bran- dow pr CO 1906 P 2655 New York Tribune New empires in the northwest, the Dakotas, Montana and Washington. 84p N Y Tribune association 1889 (Library of Trib- une extras). Wu 2656 Newberg, Oregon, Enterprise Progress edition, October 11, 1912. 32p illus Wh 2657 Newcastle, Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham Clinton, 5th Duke of, and Langford, E. E. Correspondence respecting certain officials in the colonies of British Columbia and Van- couver Island. lip Lond West 186.3 L 2658 Newcombe, Charles Frederic First circumnavigation of Vancouver Island. 69p 8maps Victoria Govt 1914 (Archives of British Columbia- Memoir no 1) Ecu, L,0,Oh,P,S,Wu 2659 Victoria, British Columbia; guide to anthro- pological collection in the provincial muse- um. 69p illus map Q Victoria Govt 1909 L 2660 Newell, Bernice E. editor. Sec No. 3745 Newton, Harry L. Hiram Birdseed at the Lewis and Clark cen- tennial exposition. The funniest book of its kind ever written. ISOp illus N Y Rossiter c'1904] 0,P,W^u 2661 Niblack, Albert Parker Coast Indians of Southern Alaska and North- ern British Columbia; based on the collec- tions in the U. S. National Museum, and the personal observations of the writer in the seasons of 1885, 1886 and 1887. p225- 386 illus 70pl 2fold maps Wash Govt n d (From U. S. National Museum. Annual re- port for 1888) L,Mu 2662 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 199 Nicol, John Life and adventures of John Nicol, mariner. 215p Iport Edin Blaclcwood 1822 L 2663 Xootka Sound Nicolay, Charles Grenfell Oregon territory; a geograpliical and physical account of that country and its inhabitants, with outlines of its history and discovery. 226p illus front Imap Lond Knight 1846 L,Mu,0,Oh,Os,P,S,Sp,W,"Wa,Wh,Wu 2664 Same 157p Lond Renny 1886 L,T 2665 Proposal to establish a missionary college on the northwest coast of British America, in a letter to the Right Honourable William Bwart Gladstone. . . 28p Lond Saun- ders 1853 L,S 2666 Vancouver Island Nicolet, John. See Butterfield, Willshire Niedieck, Paul Cruises in the Bering sea; being records of further sport and travel. Tr. from the orig- inal German by R. A. Ploetz. With 73 full- page plates, a map, and 56 illustrations in the text, reproduced from original photo- graphs. 252p front (port) illus 72pl Imap Lond Ward 1909 S 2667 Mes croisieres dans la mer de Behring, nou- velles chasses et nouveaux voyages, par I'auteur de Mes chasses dans les cinq par- ties du monde; traduit de I'allemand par L. Roustan. 296p front (port) illus fold map Paris Plon-Nourrit 1908 L 2668 Nlles, John Milton Speech of Mr. Niles of Conn, on the Oregon question; delivered in the Senate of the U.S., Thurs., Mar. 19, 1846. lip Wash Union office 1846 P 2669 NImmo, Edward (pub) Advantages of Oregon. . . giving infor- mation concerning the state and its re- sources. . . 215p tab Portland, Or Nimmo c<'1913?] P 2670 Nixon, Oliver Woodson How Marcus Whitman saved Oregon . . . 339p front illus 7pl Sports Imap Chic Star pub CO 1895 L,Mu,0,Oh,Os,P,S,Sp,T,W, Wa.Wh.Wu 2671 Whitman's ride through savage lands with sketches of Indian life. 186p 4ports 12pl [Chic] Winona pub co 1905 Mu,0,Os,P,S, Sp,T,WTi,Wu 2672 Nordhoff, Charles Communistic societies of the United States . . . illus 2ports 14pl linap tab N Y Harper 1875 0,P,S,T,Wu 2673 P305-23. .\urora (Oregon) community Northern California, Oregon, and the Sand- wich islands. 256p illus Iport 2maps tab N Y Harper 1874 L,0,P,S,Sp,T,Wu 2674 Same 1875 Oh 2675 Same 1877 O 2676 Norman, Francis Martin "Martello Tower" in China and the Pacific in H. M. S. "Tribune" 1856-60. 299p front illus Lond Allen 1902 L 2677 Contains material on Vancouver Island, and Kicking Horse Pass, B. C. 200 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA North American transportation and trading company Alaska and the sold fields of Nome, Golovia Bay. Forty Alile, the Klondike and other districts. 136p illiis [Seattle] N A T and T co [1900?] Sp.Wu 2678 North Bend, Oregon. Charter Pamphlet containing a copy of the city cliar- ter of the city of North Bend, Coos coun- ty. OroKOn. . . i:5(!p n pub clOOS] O 2679 North British Mercantile Insurance company Golden West: an historical sketch of tlie states and territories of the Pacific slope ... 61p NY North British Mer- cantile Insurance co 1911 Oh.Sp 2680 North Pacific coast. Indian war veterans Constitution and by-laws. (:16p] Port- land, Or Steel 1890 Oh 2681 Memorial to congress. l,5p Salem, Or Moores 1886 Oh 2682 Review of the origin and cause of the Indian »ar In Oregon and Washington territory, 1855-56 Roster of Multnomah camp. No. 2. t4p] I'ortland, Or Anderson 1892 Oh 2683 (conip) History of the Pacific northwest. Oregon and Washington. . . also biogra- pliies of the earliest settlers. . . of the Pacific northwest. . . 2v illus ports sq F Portland North Pacific history co 1889 O.Oh,Os,P.S,Sp,T,W,Wa,W'h,Wu 2684 Largely the work of Elwood Kvans North Pacific pilot. See Nos. 1845-47, 1936 North Pacific ports. ISce Nos. 2966-68 North Pacific publishing company North Pacific alm.inac and statistical liand- book for 1890, containing valuable infor- mation about Oregon, Washington, Idaho. Alaska, and British Columlua; compiled from the latest and most reliable resources. Ed 2 224p Portland, Or Steel 1890 Wh 2685 iSawie Ed 3 1890 Oh 2686 North Yakima High School 1913 Wigwam: published b.v the students of the North Yakima High School eight months of the school year. Commencement number edited by the senior class. May 1913 240p illus n p 1913 Sp,Wu 2687 Northern Pacific railroad Alaska-Yukon-Paciflc exposition, Seattle, June 1-October 16, 1909. 45p illus Imap St. Paul, Minn N P railway General pas- senger dept [1909?] S 2688 Charter and amendments approved July 2d 1864. 61p map tab BurUngton Styles 1870 Wu 2689 Charter, organization and proceedings, l)y- laws and appendix. 62p Bost Mudge 1865 Wu 2690 Communications. . . in reply to a committee of citizens of the Northwest. IGp cHartford Case 1867: Wu 2691 The fertile and beautiful Palouse country in eastern Washington. 32p St. Paul Northwest magazine 1889 Wh 2692 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 201 The great Northwest; a guide-book and itinerary for the use of tourists and trave- lers over the lines of the Northern Pacific railroad. 439p illus St Paul Riley 1889 M'u 2693 The land grant of the Northern Pacific rail- road as described in debate in the Senate of the United States, and the House of Representatives, by those who felt con- strained to vote against its increase. 23p tCanibridge Univ press 1870: Wh, Wu 2694 Last spike ceremonies; program of exercises. cl3:p Portland, Or Himes 1883 Oh,Wu 2695 Memorial of the board of directors, Nov. 1867. ll-|-16p map Hartford Case, Lockwood & CO 1867 P,Wh,Wu 2696 Includes communications from Gen. Grant. Gen. Meigs and Gen. Ingalls In reply to a committee cf citizens of the northwest Official directory and shippers' guide. 2v St Paul 1900-03 Wu 2697 Official guide for the use of tourists and travelers over the lines of the Northern Pacific railroad and its branches. . . 442p illus St. Paul Riley [^897] S 2698 Opening excursion; list of guests. 20p Portland, Or Himes 1883 Oh 2699 Opportunities; optenings for business loca- tions on the line of the Northern Pacific railway. 78p n t p n d S 2700 Portland and The Columbia river. 24p illus n pub n d O 2701 Reorganization. . . 29p N Y n pub 1896 P 2702 Report of Edwin F. Johnson, engineer-in- chief, to the Board of directors, November 1867. 56p 2maps Hartford Case 1867 Wu 2703 Report of Edwin F. Johnson, engineer-in- chief, to the Board of directors, April 1869, and reports of surveys executed in 1867 by Gen. Ira Spaulding, and Gen. James Tilton. 77p 5pl tab Hartford Case 1869 Wu 2704 Report of the president and directors to the stockholders. 1876-77, 1879-1886. N Y V pub 1876-1886 Oh 2705 Statement of its resources and merits as pre- sented to the Pacific railroad committee of Congress, H. R. . . . 24p Wash Intelli- gencer print house 1868 P 2706 United States and state legislation. 3-lp Wash Polkinhorn 1884 P 2707 Acts authorizing building of the Xorthern Pacific The western empire tributary to the Northern Pacific railroad unp n p cl89?: AVu 2708 (pub) Wonderland 1885, 1892. 1894-1906 St. Paul, Northern Pacific R R cn885-1906i Wu 2709 Same 1886, 1895, 1896. 1898-1906 P,W 2710 Same 1894 Wh 2711 1885. No author 1892. By A. E. GuptiU Others by O. D. Wheeler 202 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Northern Pacific Railway Company — Continued All about fruit and hop raising, dairying and general farming, lumbering, fishing and mining in Western Washington. 39p illus n p [1905] Sp 2712 Annual Report 1-22, 1897-1918. St. Paul, Northern Pacific Railway co 1897-1918 Wu 2713 Same 1st 1897 P 2714 Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. 54p illus fold map Northern Pacific Rail- way 1910 Sp 2715 Official Northern Pacific railway guide for the use of tourists and travelers over the lines of the Northern Pacific railroad and its branches. . . embracing facts relating to the history, resources, population, indus- tries, products and natural features of the great Northwest. 442p front illus St. Paul, Riley [^897] S 2716 Washington — Northern Idaho. 64p illus map St. Paul McGill n d Wh 2717 Northwest boundary: discussion of the water boundary question: geographical memoir of the islands in dispute: and history of the military occupation of San Juan island. . . 270p 2fold maps Wash Govt 1868 L.Wu 2718 Northwest coast of America, being results of recent ethnological researches from the col- lections of the Royal museums at Berlin; published by the directors of the ethno- logical department; trans, from the German. 12p 13pl F NY Dodd n d L 2719 Northwest development league [Report] containing annual address of the president, annual report of the secretary, resolutions of the Northwestern develop- ment congress, articles of organization. 29p St. Paul McGill [1911-1912] S 2720 Has "for its object the development of the states of Ulinnesota, North Dakota. South Dakota, Montana. Washington. Idaho, Oregon and the territory of wilaska" Northwest electric light and power association Proceedings, 1912-16 P 2721 Northwest fruit growers' association Proceedings of the annual convention. 13th, 1906. La Grande, Or Observer print tl906: Os 2722 Northwest homeseeker and Investor (pub) Inland empire, and what it compre- hends, together with a sketch of the prin- cipal cities and surrounding country. . . 67p illus Q Spokane Northwest home- seeker and investor 1905 Sp 2723 Northwest mines handbook; a reference book of the mining industry of Idaho, Wash- ington, British Columbia, western Montana and Oregon. . . vl, 1918-}- 3G6p illus map Spokane, Wash. S. Norman under avispices of Northwest mining assoc 1918 0,P,Sp, Wu 2724 Northwest mining association Proceedings of the first annual convention, held at Spokane, Wash. October 2d and 3d, 1895. 76p [Spokane, Wash Published by assoc 1896] P.Wu 2725 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 203 Northwestern law journal and real estate re- porter, vl 1881 Portland, Or Himes 1881 Oh 2726 Notable men of Washington. 65p illus Q Tacoma Perkins 1912 S.Wu 2727 Portraits and brief biographical notes Notice sur le territoire et sur, la mission de rOregon, siiivie de quelques lettres des soeurs de Notre-Dame etablie & Saint Paul du Wallamette. ISOp Imap Bruxelles Bibliotheque d'education 1847 L.P.Wu 2728 Novo y Colson, Pedro de Historia de las exploraciones articas hechas in busca del Paso del Nordeste. Ed 2 260p front fold map Madrid Fortanet 1882 L 2729 .Sobre los viajes apocrifos de Juan de Fuca y de Lorenzo Ferrer Maldonado. Recopilacion y estudio. Contiene tambien este liho la disertacion del mismo autor titulada Ultima teoria sobre la Atlantide. 223p Q Mad- rid Fortanet 1881 L, 2730 Oak, Henry Lebbens "Literary industries" in a new light; a state- ment on the authorship of Bancroft's Native races and History of the Pacific states. . . 89p San Fran Bacon print co 1893 P 2731 Oakleaf, Howard B. The wood-using industries of Oregon, with special reference to the properties and uses of Oregon woods. 46p Portland, Or 1911 Oh.P 2732 Oakly, Obadiah Expedition to Oregon. 19p N Y 1914 (Re- printed from the Peoria register) O.Oh, Sp 2733 The original from which this is reprinted is undated ; however, the Peoria register was published under this name only during the years 1842-1845 Obituary addresses on the occasion of the death of the Hon. William R. King, of Alabama, Vice-president of the United States: de- livered in the Senate and House of repre- sentatives, and in the Supreme court of the United States, eight and ninth December, 1853. 63p front (port) Wash Arm- strong, 1854 Wu 2734 Manuscript note by Thomas W. Prosoh recording the facts and dates in the naming of King County, Washington after Vice-president William Rlifus King O'Connor, James The Flathead Indians Wu P85-110 en p n d] 2736 "Read by title before the American Catholic histor- ical society" In 1891 f O'Connor, Mary Hamilton The "vanishing Swede"; a tale of adventure and pluck in the pine forests of Oregon. 209p illus Ipl N Y Cooke 1905 0,P, 2737 O'Connor, Michael Souvenir of Olympia, Wash. cl6]pl N Y Albertype co ^^1898 Wu 2738 204 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Odell, Mrs. W. H. Semi-centennial offering to the members and friends of the Methodist Episcopal church, Salem, Oregon. 109p 14ports Portland, Or Swope cpref 1883: Oh,\Vh,Wu 2739 Odd fellows, Independent order of Grand lodge of Oregon Journal of proceedings of the lst-62d annual sessions. 1856-1917. v p v pub. 1857-1917 P 2740 ProoeediiiKS for 1868, 1874, 1877-1885, 1887 Licking. 1856-1876 title reads: Proceedings of annual com- munication Odd fellows, Independent order of. Samaritan lodge, No. 2. Oregon Constitution, I)y-laws and rules of order. 48p I'ortland Or 1853 Oh 2741 Odd fellows, Independent order of, Seattle, and Knights of Pythias, Seattle Lodge history of the Independent order of odd fellows and the Knights of Pythia.s of Seattle, with a short history of their organization in the State of Washington. Biographical sketches of members. . . pul>- lished by the Order publishing company. 131p Seattle Calvert pr 1895 Wu 2742 Official automobile load book of Western Wash- ington. 150p 52maps Seattle Lowman 1909 W 2743 Official guide to the Klondike country and the gold fields of Alaska, with official maps. 296p illus Imap Chic Conkey 1897 Wu 2744 Official papers relative to the dispute between the courts of Great Britain and Spain on the subject of the ships captured in Nootka sound. . . with the proceedings in both houses of Parliament on the king's mes- sage; to which are added the report of M. de Mirabeau, and the subsequent decrees of the national asseml)ly of France on the family compact. lOOp Lond Debrett n d L,P,S 2745 Ogden, Peter Skene, supposed author Traits of American Indian life and character, by a fur trader. 218p Lond Smith 1853 L,0,S,Wu 2746 On Question of authorship see T. C. Ellintt in Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society 11:268-69, and Father A. G. Morice in his History of tlie Northern interior of Britlsli Columbia. Ed 3. p349-52 Ogilvie, William Early days on the Yukon & the story of its gold finds. 306p front (port) 25pl 5 ports N Y Lane 1913 Bcu,S,Sp,Wu 2747 Information respecting the Yukon district from the reports of Wm. Ogilvie, Dominion land surveyor, and from other sources. 65p lOpl 3maps Ottawa Govt 1897 Wu 2748 The Klondike offlcial guide, Canada's great gold field, the Yukon district. 153p illus Ipl Q Toronto Hunter 1898 S,Wu 2749 Lecture on the Klondike mining district, de- livered at Victoria, British Columbia, November 5th, 1897. 14p Victoria, B C Wolfenden 1897 W 2750 Ogle, George A. and co. (pub) Standard atlas of Klickitat County, Washington, including a plat book of the PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 20- villages, cities and townships of the Coun- ty, patrons directory, refei-ence 'business directory and departments devoted to general information, analysis of the sys- tem of U. S. land surveys, digest of the system of civil government etc. . . 99 + 23p incl illus maps ports Chicago Ogle 1913 Wu 2751 O'Hara, Edwin Vincent Catholic history of Oregon. Ed, 2 front (port) Sports maps Portland, Or Catholic book CO 1916 B,Os,P,Wu 2752 Karlier ed. pub. in 1911 under title: Pioneer Cath- olic history of Oregon Dr. John McLoughlin; the Father of Oregon. 22p Bait n pub 1908 P 2753 Beprinted from The Catholic University Bulletin, v 14, no 2 Francis Norbert Blanchet, the apostle of Oregon. p735-760 Baltimore, Furst 1910 P 2754 Beprinted from The Catholic University bulletin, v 16, no 8 A living wage by legislation; the Oregon ex- perience, together with the Code of rulings of the Oregon industrial welfare commis- sion, effective September 1, 1916; text of the minimum wage law and extracts from the decisions of the Oregon Supreme court, upholding the constitutionality of the act. 57p Salem State pr 1916 S 2755 Pioneer Catholic history of Oregon. 236p illus Portland, Or [Glass] 1911 Bcu.O. Oh,P,S,Sp,Wu 2756 O'Hara, Frank Unemployment in Oregon; its nature, extent and remedies. A report to the Oregon com- mittee on seasonal vmemployment. 39p Portland, Or Keystone pr [1914] S 2757 Old mission church of the Coeur d'Alene In- dians. [15p] illus n p n d Sp 2758 Old South leaflets. [General series]. Bost Directors of the Old South work [1896-date] 0,Oh,P,S,Sp,T,Wu 2759 No. 44. Jefferson's Life of Meriwether Lewis No. 131. E. G. Porter's account of the discovery of the Columbia river No. 133. Seward's Address on Alaska, 1869 No. 219. The Northwest fur trade and the Indians of the Oregon country, by William Sturgis Oldmixon The British Empire in America, containing the history of the discovery, settlement, progress and state of the British colonies on the continent and islands of America. Ed 2 2v maps Lond Brotherton 1741 L 2760 Oliver, Edmund Henry (ed) Canadian North-west; its early develop- ment and legislative records, ininutes, of the Red River colony and the Northern department of Rupert's Land. 2v 6maps (in pocket) Ottawa Govt 1914-1915 (Canadian archives. Publications, No. 9) S,Sp,Wu 2761 Deals chiefly with the prairie provinces, but Included for its light upon Hudson's Bay company Olympia, Wash. Chamber of commerce Olympia, the capital city of the state of Washington. 62p illus Olympia Re- corder n d \Vh 2762 206 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Olympia, Wash. Chamber of commerce — Cont. Kesources and industries of Olympia and Thurston county, state of Washington. ICp illus Olympia Crosby 1898 \Vu 2763 Olympia, Wash. Chartens Charter and ordinances. 103p Olympia Cavanaush 1886 W,Wu 2764 Same 1891 Wu 2765 SuTiic 1004 T,Wu 2766 Olympia, Wash. First Presbyterian church History of the organization and directory of worship. . . 1854-1904. [30p] illus n p n pub n d "Wu 2767 On the origin and progress of the North West Company of Canada, with a history of the fur trade, as connected with that concern; and observations on the political importance of the Company's intercourse with, and in- fluence over the Indians or savage nations of the interior, and on the necessity of maintaining and supporting the system from which that influence arises, and by which only it can be preserved. 38p fold map Lond Cox 1811 L 2768 Onderdonk, James L. Idaho; facts and statistics concerning its mining, farming, stock-raising, lumbering, and other resources and industries. . . 150p San Fran Bancroft 1885 Oh.Wu 2769 One of themselves, pseudonym. See No. 1811 Ontario. Department of agriculture Dominion of Canada; comprising the provinces of Prince Edward island. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, British Columbia, northwest territories: a handy book for emigrants. 140p 2pl Imap tab Ottawa Dept. of agriculture 1880 P 2770 Open river association Report of the executive committee. . . October 9, 1907. lip n p cOpen river associa- tion 1907?] Os 2771 Opening of lands within the diminished Colville Indian Reservation authorized by the Act approved Mar. 22, 1906. . . 24p front map n p n d Sp 2772 Oppenhelmer, D. Mineral resources of British Columbia, prac- tical hints for capitalists and intending set- tlers, with appendix containing the mineral laws of the Province and the Dominion of Canada. 50p Vancouver B C 1889 L 2773 The Optimist: the city of Eugene and its tribu- tary resources. vl, nol, Feb. 1916 24p illus Q Eugene, Or 1916 O 2774 Published by C. L. Green Oregon. Adjutant-general's office Official records of the Oregon volunteers in the Spanish war and Philippine insurrection; comp. by Brigadier-general C. U. Ganten- bein. 700p front (port) 12pl 18ports 3fac- sims Imap Salem Leeds 1902 0,0h,0s. P.S 2775 Same Ed 2 647p Salem, Or Whitney 1903 Oh,P,Wu 2776 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 207 Oregon. Agricultural college O. A. C. and U. S. A. 64p illus Q [Cor- valHs 1918] O 2777 Oregon agricultural college; the trail blazers. 7Gp illus Q [Corvallis. Or 1915] O 2778 Oregon. Agriculture, State board of The resources of the state of Oregon, revised; a book of statistical information treating upon Oregon as a whole, and by counties. 1888, 1892, 1899 P 2779 Same 1898 Oh 2780 Same 1888, 1892 Wu 2781 Oregon. Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition com- mission Oregon; a booklet on the resources of a won- derful state; comp. by M. D. Wisdom. 96p illus n p n pub [1909?] 0,S 2782 Oregon. Circuit court (Multnomah County) In the Circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Multnomah. Frank C. Stettler, plaintiff, vs. Edwin V. O'Hara, Bertha Moores and Amedee M. Smith, con- stitutirig the Industrial welfare commission of the state of Oregon, defendants. Opinion of Hon. T. J. Cleeton, judge of the above entitled court, delivered upon sustaining the demurrer of the defendants to the com- plaint, lip Portland, Or Glass [1913?] P,S 2783 In relation to "establishing a minimum wage of $S.64 for women when employed in manufacturing estab- lishments in the city of Portland" Proceedings and eulogies in memory of Wil- liam T. Muir. 15p front (port) n p n pub n d P 2784 Oregon. Constitutional convention, 1857 Constitution for the state of Oregon; passed by the convention, Sept. 18, 1857. 23p Salem Bush 1857 Oh 2785 Same 24p Portland McCormick 1857 Oh 2786 Same 24p Portland McCormick 1859 Oh 2787 First edition in pamphlet form Journal of the constitutional convention of the state of Oregon, held at Salem, com- mencing August 17, 1857, together with the constitution adopted by the people, Novem- ber 9, 1857. 130p Salem, Or Byars 1882 0,0h,0s,P,W,Wu 2788 Oregon. Consumers' league. See Consumers' league of Oregon [Oregon. Governon cMessage transmitting] correspondence and official proceedings, relating to the expedi- tions against the Indians. 68p Salem, Or Bush 1855 Oh,P 2789 Correspondence relating to the massacre of immigrants by the Snake Indians, in Aug- ust, 1854. 25p Salem, Or Bush 1854 Oh 2790 [Oregon Immigration Board: Der Neue nordwesten; Oregon und Washing- ton territory; zur belehrung fiir auswander- er. 32p illus map NY NY Zeitung 1882 Oh 2791 208 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA LOregon Immigration Boardj — Vuntinucd Der staat Oregon; eine schildering- von Klima, boden - und mineral - reichthun), handel und Industrie, verkehrsniitteln, ges- etzen, zum gebrauch fiir einwanderer. 48p maps Boston Oregon state bd. of immi- gration 1875 P 2792 The new empire. Oregon, Washington, Idaho . . . 104p Q Portland. Or Ellis & sons print [1888] P 2793 Same 126p Q Portland, Or Baltes [1889] Wu 2794 Oregon as it is. Published for gratuitous dis- tribution. . . A brief description of the state, containing accurate and trustworthy information for those seeking new homes in a mild and healthful climate, or the best fields for investment of capital. 64p front Portland, Or State board of immigration 1885 S 2795 Oregon as it is; solid facts and actual re- sults for the use and information of immi- grants. 63p illus Portland, Or D. C. Ireland & co print n d P 2796 Oregon und der nordwesten der vereinigten staaten, seine bodenbeschaffenheit, seine naturlichen hilfsquellen und die vortheile die er dem einwanderer und capitalisten gewiihrt. 85p illus tab Portland, Or 1800 P 2797 Pacific nortliwest, its wealth and resources; Oregon, Washington, Idaho; the city of Portland. 158p illus Ipi Portland, Or Immigration board [1891] Oh,P,S 2798 Portland, the country of which it is the metropolis, Oregon, Washington, Idaho. . . 32p Portland, Or immigration board n d P 2799 Portland, Oregon, the metropolis of the Pacific noi-thwest. c24p: illus pi Q Portland West Shore print n d P 2800 Oregon. Immigration Bureau Pacific Northwest; facts lelating to the his- tory, topography, climate, soil, agriculture, forests, fisheries, mineral resources, com- merce, industry, lands, means of communi- cation, etc. of Oregon and Washington ter- ritory. 8Sp llpl fold map tab N Y n pub 1882 Oh,Wu 2801 Oregon. Immigration Commission Oregon; facts regarding its climate, soil, mineral and agricultural resources. . . 43p maps Portland, Or 1875 O 2802 Oregon: facts regarding its climate, soil, mineral and agricultural resources, means of coinmunication, commerce and indus- try, laws, etc. . . . 48p map N Y 1878 O 2803 Oregon album. . . 190 pictures illustrating the agricultural resources. . . of the state of Oregon. 143p illus map Portland, Or [1913] O 2804 Cover title in German: title pa«e in both German and English Oregon farmer; what he has accomplished in every part of the state; a preliminary agricultural survey under the direction of an advisory committee from the faculty of the Oregon agricultural college; conducted by the Oregon statistical bureau. 136p PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 209 maps Portland Immigration commission 1013 0,Os,P,S,Wu 2805 The state of Oregon, its resources and op- portimities. 144p illus Salem, Or Willis S Dunivvay State printer 1912 0,Os,P,S, Wu 2806 Same 320p 1914 0,0s,P,S,Sp,Wu 2807 Known as the Oregon almanac Oregon. Immigration commission. German de- partment Puljlications. Bd 1-3. 3v 71pl Port- land Oregon state immigration commission [1913?] Os 2808 Contents: Bd. 1. Statistlsches jalirbuch des staates Oregon fiir das jahr 1912. — Bd. 2. Auskunftsbuch fur deutsche einwanderer. — Bd 3. Oregon album: einhuudert- undneunzig biJder aus der landschaft und landwirt- schaft des staates Oregon Oregon. Legislative assembly Proceedings of the fiftieth anniversary of the admission of the state of Oregon to the Union, held under the auspices of the twenty-fifth biennial session of the Leg'is- lative assembly and the Oregon historical society, at the capital, Salem, Monday, February 15, 1909. 53p Salem Duniway 1909 L,0,Oh,Os,P,S,Sp,W,Wa,Wu 2809 Oregon. Lewis and Clark centennial exposition commission Report. 65p 2ports 39pl tab Q Salem State printer 1906 Os,P 2810 Oregon. Peoples' power league. See Peoples' power league of Oregon Oregon, University Dedication of The Pioneer, an heroic statue in bronze erected on the camjjus of the University of Oregon by Joseph N. Teal of Portland, May 22, 1919. 31p front [Eugene University press 1920] (Uni- versity of Oregon Bulletin v 17, no 1) O 2811 Contains an address by F. V. Holman on the Qualltiee of the Oregon pioneer and other speeches on the same subject General register of the oflicers and alumni, 1873-1904. lOOp [Eugene, Or] Uni- versity 1904 Os,P 2812 In memory of Thomas Condon, born March 3, 1822, died February 11, 1907. 64p pi 2ports (incl front) E^ugene University 1907 (Its Bulletin, n s v 4, no 8) O.Oh, Os,P.S,Sp,Wu 2813 Mineral resources and mineral industry of Oregon for 1903, compiled by the depart- ment of chemistry. 112p 4pl Imap tab Eugene, Or University 1904 Os,P,Wu 2814 Oregon, Woman's relief corps Proceedings, 1885-1888, 1892, 1894-1904, 190G- 1907. v p V pub 1885-1907 P 2815 Oregon almanac. . . calculated for Oregon city in equals or clock time by Henry H. Everts. . . 1848. Oregon City Hud- son [1848] Oh 2816 The Oregon American and evangelical unionist [bi-weekly] vl, nol-8, [June 7?, 1848]-May 23, 1849. 127p Tualatin Plains C F Putnam pr 1848-49 Wu 2817 Nos. 7 and 8 published irregularly * Ceased publication with v 1, no 8. May 23, 1849. Contains much material relating to the Whitman mas- sacre 210 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Oregon and California railroad Bericht des delegirten des comite zum schutze der besitzer der bonds der Oregon und California eisenbahn. 1874. 1876-78. 1880. Frankfort. Germany Osterrieth 1S74-S0. Oh 2818 Extract from the annual report of the com- mittee for the protection of holders of the 7% Oregon & California railroad bonds. 1876- 1880. Frankfort, Germany v pub 1877-1880 Oh 2819 Mittheilungen uber die gegenwartige lage der Oregon und California eisenbahn; veroffent- lich von dem comite zum schutze der besit- zer 7% Oregon and California mortgage bonds 1874-1875. Frankfort Adelmann 1876 Oh 2820 Report of the president to the stockholders. 1881-1885. N Y V pub 1881-85. Oh 2821 1883 Is Manager's report Oregon and California railroad co., at al. de- fendants and appellants. (U.S. appellee) Suit brought under the joint resolution of Congress, approved Apr. 30. 1908, to have it judicially determined whether about 2,300,000 acres of granted lands in Oregon had been forfeited by the grantees and their successors through breaches of certain con- ditions. Transcript of record, vl-19 18v 1915 Oh,P 2822 Oregon and the Pacific Northwest: glimpses of pretty spots along the valley of the Colum- bia River from Northern- Montana to the Pacific Ocean, scenery along the line of the Northern Pacific Railroad, showing the new trans-continental route in process of con- struction. . . 41p illus photos Port- land, Or Himes n d Sp 2823 Oregon and transcontinental company Record of the recent injunction proceedings; facts for the stockholders. 63p N Y n pub 1889 P 2824 Report to the stockholders with copies of resolutions passed at the special meeting held Nov. 5th. 1889 14p N Y Searing 1889 P 2825 Second annual report of the board of directors to the stockholders for the year ending June 30th, 1883. 35p N Y Sackett & Ran- kin, printers 1883 P 2826 Oregon and Washington almanac. . . 1st- 26th; 1855-1874, 1876-1881. Portland, Or M'Cormick 1855-81. Oh 2827 inth-26th. 18R4-1881 called McCnrmick's almanac and contain information relative to Idaho and .Mon- tana Oregon and Washington Sunday school conven- tion Minutes 6th-8th. 1878-1880. Portland, Or Himes 1879-'80 Oh 2828 Title varies Oregon association of Congregational and new school Presbyterian ministers and churches Minutes of their annual meeting held at Port- land. 1857 15p Portland 1857 P 2829 Oregon Baptist State Convention Minutes 15th-32d annual sessions, 1901- 1917. Portland v pub 1901-1917 O 2830 Same 13th. 1898 Os 2831 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 211 Oregon bar association Proceedings lst-16th, 18th-19th, 23d, 1891- 1913. Portland, Or 1891-1913 P 2832 Same 1-9, 1891-1903 Oh 2833 Same 14-16, 1904-1906 Os 2834 Same 1-3, 10-16, 1891-1906 Wu 2835 Oregon blue book, 1895, describing the Oregon state government, Oregon legislators and prominent men. . . compiled from official sources by H. G. Mathies. Sold by subscrip- tion only. 190p illus Iport Portland, Or Mathies 1895 P,Os,Wu 2836 Oregon central and Oregon and California rail- road company. Documentary history. Se« No. 992 Oregon Central Military Road Company Report. . . Nov. 29. 1865. 62p [Author 1865: Os 2837 tp missing Oregon central railroad company The inside history of the Oregon central rail- road companies, with the reasons showing the Portland (or West side company) to be entitled to the U. S. land grant. 39p Portland Walling 1869 P 2838 Oregon city, Oregon. Board of trade Willamette Falls, the Niagara of the Pacific. c32p] 16pl Iport map Oregon city Board of trade 1895 Oh 2839 Oregon city, Oregon. Ordinances Charter of Oregon City, Oregon, together with the ordinances and rules of order. . . 255p Oregon City Enterprise 1910 O 2840 Oregon country. v24-date Jan. 1916-date * P.S 2841 Continuation of Portland, (Or) Chamber of com- merce. Bulletin Oregon; facts regarding its climate, soil, min^ eral and agricultural resources, means of communication, commerce and industry, laws, &c. for the use of immigrants maps 1875, 1876, 1877, 1879 P 2842 Same 1875 Oh 2843 Same 1879 Os 2844 Same 1880 Wh 2845 Same 1876 Wu 2846 Oregon farmer's year book. . . with can: ac- count of the agricultural, commercial and manufacturing interests of Oregon and Washington territory. vl-2, 1874-1875. Portland, Or Himes 1874-75 Oh 2847 Oregon federation of women's clubs Year book. 1903/04-1904/05, 1906/07, 1910/ 11-1917/18 n pub [1903-17] Os 2848 Same 1910/11, 1912/13 O 2849 Oregon firemen's association Proceedings of the annual meeting 1st, 1SS2. Salem, Or Waite 1883 Oh 2850 "Oregon first"; excursion to San Francisco to select site at Panama-Pacific international exposition, 1915. cl3:p n p n pub 1912 Oh 2851 (Das) Oregon-gebiet, "der rechtstitel der Verein. Staaten klar und unbestreitbar"; offlzielle correspondenz des Britischen 212 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA (Das) Oregon -gebiet — Continued bevollmachtigien ministers in Washington und des staatssecretars der Vereinigten Staaten (uebersetzung). 11 4i) Bremen Schunemann 1846 P.AVu 2852 Oregon historical and descriptive, containing a full and accurate description of the country, a narrative of the discoveries and settle- ments connected with it, and also of the disputed claims of Great Britain and Amer- ica. 12p map Lond Gilbert n d Oh 2853 Published 1845 or 1846 Oregon historical society Articles of incorporation, b>-laws, prospectus and oflicers. 23p Portland, Or Himes 1899 Oh 2854 Brief review of its work up to September 30, .1016, for presentation to the members of the twenty-ninth legislative assembly of lip n p n pub n d Os, 2855 V 1-7 1899-1905 O.Oli, 2856 1903, 1904 and 1905 are bound Oregon. . Wh Proceedings. Os,P,Sp,Wu The years 1902, together Quarterly. v 1-20 1900-1919 0,0h,0s, P,S,Sp.W,Wa,Wh,Wu 2857 Quarterly: Harvey W. Scott memorial num- ber. V 14, no 2, June, 1913. pS7-210. front (port) llports 3pl Ifacsim Portland, Or Oregon hist soc 1913 0,S,Wu 2858 Oregon improvement company Annual report to the stockholders. 2d 1882, 1886-1889. N Y v pub 1883- P 2859 Oregon; its resources, soil, climate and produc- tions. 47p Jacksonville, Or Oregon sentinel 1871 Wh " 2860 Oregon Journal 1917 classified directory; containing the names, addresses and phone numbers of representative manufacturing, business and professional interests of Portland and vicinity. llOp Portland Or Or journal 1917 p 2861 Oregon journal; 5th anniversary number, Sep- tember 8, 1907. 96p illus ports maps F4 Portland, Or Journal 1907 P,S,Sp 2862 Oregon legislative album. lOlp ports Sa- lem, Or Statesman job office 1899 Oh 2863 Oregon musicians' directory, including dramatic and kindred arts; seasons 1916-1917. 80p ports Portland, Or H. A. Horowitz <;1916 O 2864 n p Or n pub n d 2865 Wheeler n d 2866 Oregon native daughters Proceedings. 1st, 1900 Oh Ritual 42p Portland, Oh Oregon native son, devoted to the history, in- dustries and development of the original Oregon. . . May, 1899-March, 1901. v 1- 2. illus ports [Portland, On Native son pub CO 1899-1901 Oh,Os,P,S,T,Wh,Wu 2867 Same v 1 O 2868 Last number, March, 1901. United with Pacific monttal;. May, 1901 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 213 Tyrrel 2869 1880-81 Wh 2871 Wu 2872 P 2873 Oregon Pacific railroad company Prospectus. . . 12p map N print n d P Oregon Pioneer and historical society Proceedings. Issued by the Society in Astoria. Oregon. 4th, 1875 Os 2870 Same 4-6, c9-10:; 1875-77, Same 4-5, 14: 1S75-7G. 1884 Same 5-6, 11; 1876-77, 1882 Oregon pioneer association Constitution and quotations from the legister . . . [^vith Transactions of the annual reunion, 3rd-14th]. ports Salem, Or Waite 1875-87 L,0,Oh,Os,P,S,Wh,Wu 2874 Transactions of the ]st-44th annual reunions 1873-1916. Salem Or 1875-1886; Portland Or 1887-1919 Oh,Os,P,Wa,Wu 2875 Same Broken Sets 0,S,Wh 2876 Oregon press association Annual reports of the Oregon press associa- tion held at Astoria, Oregon. . . Aug. 21- 22, 1899; Ashland, Oregon. . . Sept. 22, 1900: Buffalo, N.Y. . . . July 13, 1901; New- port, Oregon. Aug. 13-17. 1902 28p Rainier, Or The Gazette 1903 P 2877 Probably all issued Constitution and by-laws. . . also announce- ments for 1890, together with list of of- ficers and standing committees. 18p Salem, Or State printer 1889 Os 2878 Oregon railroad and navigation company Annual report. 1st 1896/97; 2nd 1897/98 P 2879 Karlier reports under Oregon railway and novisation company Eastern AVashington ' territory and Oregon : facts regarding the resources, productions, industries, soil, climate, healthfulness. com- merce and means of communication. . . particularly describing the prolific Palouse country and Powder river valley. . . 48p fold map [Farmington, "W T O R & N 1888] Sp 2880 Map of the Pacific North-west, showing rail, river and stage lines. 59x55cm, folding into board covers Portland, Or Oregon R R & Nav Co 1904 AVh 2881 Restful recreation resorts of the Pacific north- west, where they are and how to reach thera. . . 48p illus map Portland, Or Oregon railroad and navigation co 1903 Oh 2882 Oregon railroad and navigation company. See also Oregon-Washington railroad and navi- gation company Oregon railway and navigation company Annual report. v p v pub 3d 1881/82; 1SS3/84; 1884/85; 1887/88 P 2882a Same 1881/82; 1884/85; 1885/86 Oh 2883 Later reports under Ore^'on railroad and navigation company Articles of incorporation, by-laws, mortgages, etc. . . . 207p Portland, Or Himes 1880 Oh 2884 First mortgage to the Farmers loan and trust company, trustee, dated .July 1. 1879, and mortgages of further assurance, dated Sept. 1, 1880 73p n p n pub n d P 2885 214 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Oregon railway and navigation company, Com- mittee to visit Oregon and Washington Report to the stockholders. 8p cN Tj n pub [1880: P 2886 Oregon railway and navigation company, Ore- gon short line railway company & Union Pacific company Indenture 1886. 24p n p n pub n d V 2887 Oregon railway and navigation company, Ore- gon short line railway company, Union Pacific railway company, & Northern Pacific railroad company Indenture. Jan. 20, 1888. 39p n p n pub 1888 P 2888 Oregon railway and navigation company and Northern Pacific railroad Summer saunterings. . . 35p 6pl Port- land Himes 1882 Oh 2889 Oregon. Republican league Republican league register; a record of the Republican party in the state of Oregon. 286+38P ports tab Portland, Or Register pub CO 1896 Oh,P 2890 Oregon. Republican state central committee Democratic state government compared with Republican rule; facts and figures compiled from the official records of the Executive, state and treasury departments 32p n p n pub n d P 2891 Oregon short line and Utah northern railway company Plan and agreement for the reorganization, dated Feb. 20, 1896 29p n p n pub 1896 P 2892 Oregon state bankers association Proceedings of the annual convention. 5th 1910. Portland Irwin-Hodson company [1910?] Os 2893 728p Portland, 2894 Oregon state directory 1881. Or Gill 1881 Oh,P Oregon state drainage association Biennial report. 1st, 1916-17, [Portland James, Kerns & Abbott co 1917?] Os 2895 ContalDS proceedings of 1st and 2nd annual conven- tions, 1916-17 Oregon state federation of labor Proceedings of the. . . annual session 2d, 7-lOth, 18th, 1905, 1910-13, 1918. [Port- land 1905-1918] Os 2896 Same 6th-12th 1909-1915 P 2897 Proceedings of the 13tli and later conventions con- tained in its yearbook. 1916-)- Tearbook, 1916-17 Portland, Or Oregon La- bor press 1916-17. P 2898 Oregon state grange Grange list of the state of Oregon, Washing- ton and Idaho, for the year 1876. 12p Salem Waite 1876 Oh 2899 Proceedings of the annual session. 1st, 31st- 33d, 35-40th, 42d-45th 1873, 1904-06, 1908-13, 1915-18 V pub [1873-1918: Os 2900 Bame 4, 11, 13, 14, 20, 32, 34 1877-1907 Oh 2901 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 215 Oregon state horticultural society Proceedings and papers of the 24th-30th an- nual meeting, 1909-15 n p v pub 1909-16 P 2902 Oregon state medical society Proceedings of annual meetings. 2nd-12th, 16th-21st, 24th, 33d, 1875-85, 1889-94, 1897, 1907. Portland, Or v pub 1875-1907 Oh 2903 Same 2, 5-6, 11-12, 16, 18 1875-1891 Os 2904 Same 2-6, 9, 13-14 1875-1887 P 2905 Oregon state pharmaceutical association Proceedings of the 4th annual meeting, 1894. 115p Portland, Or Longshore printing co 1894 P 2906 Oregon state Sunday-school convention Proceedings. 2d 1871 14p Portland, Or Walling 1871 P 2907 Oregon state teachers' association Report of the proceedings. . . held in the leg- islative hall, capitol building, Salem, Ore- gon June 26-29th, 1883. 77p Salem, Or E. M. Waite 1883 Os 2908 Oregon territory, consisting of a brief descrip- tion of the country and its productions; and of the habits and manners of the na- tive Indian tribes. . . 78p Imap Lond Nattali 1846 L,,Mu,P,S,Wh,Wu 2909 Oregon; the cost, and the consequences, "Sic vos non vobis," by a disciple of the Wash- ington school. 14p Phil n pub 1846 L,,P,S,Sp 2910 Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and their resources. 4v in 1 illus 4maps Portland, Or Passen- ger depts. of Oregon railroad & navigation CO. Southern Pacific co. (lines in Oregon) 1898, 1903. 1905, 1906 S,Wu 2911 1898 by P. Donan; 1903, 1905. 1906. by Rinaliio M. Hall Oregon woman's Christian temperance union Minutes of the 32d annual convention, held at Newberg, Oct. 4-7, 1915. 127p n pub 1915 O 2912 [Oregon-Washington railroad and navigation company] Astoria and its centennial, Aug. 10 to Sept. 9, 19U. 31p illus Portland, Or Oregon- Washington railroad and navigation co 1911 Oh 2913 Land that lures; summer in the Pacific Northwest. [Ed 4] 45p front illus Ipl Imap [Portland, Or O W R & N co] n d S 2914 First published: 1911 The Oregonlan Handbook of Portland and tributary country. 64p illus map Portland Oregonian pub co 1901 O 2915 Lewis and Clark centennial exposition num- ber. 52p illus F v 44, no 13,749 Jan. 2, 1905 S 2916 Oregonian's handbook of the Pacific North- west. 631p illus tab Portland Oregon- ian pub CO :n894: 0,Oh,P,S,Sp,Wu 2917 Souvenir. 1850-1892. 200p illus maps tab ob F Portland Author 1892 O.Oh.P,Wu 2918 216 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Oregonian and Indian's advocate; our object, the elevation of the Indian race — our means, a Christian settlement in Oregon. Imap tab vl nosl-11. Oct 1838-Aug 1839. Bost Oregon provisional emigration soc 1838-1830 O.S 2919 Same vl, nos 1, 5 Oct. 1838, Feb. 1S3!I p 2920 O'Reilly, Bernard Greenland, the adjacent seas, and the North- west passage to the Pacific Ocean, illus- trated in a voyage to Davis's Strait, during the summer of 1817. 293p pi maps I.ond Baldwin 1818 L 2921 O'Reilly, Henry Memorial proposing a system of intercom- munication by mail and telegraph, along a military road through our own territories, between the Atlantic and Pacific states, (being the plan approved by the St. Louis national convention in 1849) April 6, 1852. 34p Wash Govt tl852?: (32d Congress, 1st sess Senate Misc no 67) Wu 2922 The "Peoples highway" between the Atlantic & Pacific states, with postal and tele- graphic facilities, incidental to the protec- tion of settlers and emigrants between the Mississippi valley and the Pacific ocean. . . proposed by Henry O'Reilly to the Congress of the United States. 4p cWash Govt 1856] L ' 2923 Original drawings of the Northwest coast of America. 8pl ob F n t p L 2924 Cover title Contains sketch of Spanish fort and Friendly Cove. Nootka Sound, drawn, 20 Feb. 1793 Osborn, Edward Bolland Greater Canada; the past, present and future of the Canadian Northwest; together with a new map especially prepared for this volume from the latest governmental sur- veys. 243p Imap N Y Wessels 1900 S 2925 pi- 18. Yukon discoveries p7n-91. Far West p!)2-107. Far West of to-day P108-21. Far North (Yukon) Osborn, Sherard Discovery of the North West passage by H. M. S. "Investigator," Capt. R. M'Clure, 1850, 1851. 1852, 1853, 1854. . . from the logs and journals of Capt. Robert M'Clure. 405p front illus fold map. Lond Longman.s 1856 L 2926 Otis, Elwell Stephen Indian question. 283p N Y Sheldon 1878 S 2927 Otis, James, pseudonym. See Kaler, James Otis Our country west. 256p illus Bost Mass Perry Mason co 1902 (Companion series.) Sp 2928 Our northern domain: Alasita, picturesque, his- toric and commercial 237p front 15pl Boston Estes [«1910] Wu 2929 Our Pacific railroads: the Union and Central Pacific and Northern routes; their character and relative merits. 32p N Y n pub 1868 P 2930 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 217 Outram, James In the heart of the Canadian Rockies. 447p Iport 3maps N Y Macmillan 1905 L, Os,P,S,Sp,T 2931 Owen, Robert Dale Oregon and the Nootka convention; speech of Mr. Robert Dale Owen, of Indiana, de- livered in the House of representatives, Jan. 28, 1846, in vindication of the course pur- sued by the government of the United States, in relation to the territory of Ore- gon. 8p n p n pub n d Oh 2932 Speech delivered in the House of represen- tatives of the U.S., Jan. 23 and 24, 1844. on the question of the joint occupancy by Great Britain with the United States of the ter- ritory of Oregon. 8p n p n pub n d P 2933 Owens, George (comp) A general directory and business guide of the principal towns east of the Cascade Mountains. . . 1865 with a map of the Boise Basin. 210p map San Fran Owens 1865 P 2934 Pace, John W. and Mock, H. J, The Montana blue book. A biographical his- torical and statistical book of reference. 184p illus Helena, Mont Journal publish- ing CO 1891 M 2935 Pacific builder and engineer Camp Lewis, Tacoma, construction number. v22, no51, Dec. 21, 1917. 84p illus Se- attle 1917 S 2936 Pacific clipper line Seattle to the Nome gold coast. 44p illus [Seattle] Richardson February, 1900 Wu 2937 Pacific Coast association of fire chiefs Proceedings, 8, 10-11, 14-23; 1902-1915 S 2938 Same 8-10, 16, 18, 21-23 Wu 2939 Pacific coast association of port authorities Annual meeting: proceedings. lst-5th 1914-18 V p v pub [1914-18: Os 2940 Same 1914 Wu 2941 Pacific coast automobile blue book: California, Washington, Oregon, British Columljia. V 6 maps San Fran Pacific coast blue book pub CO 1915 O 2942 Pacific coast business directoiy for 1867; con- taining the name and postofflce address of each merchant, manufacturer and profes- sional [man] residing in the states of California, Oregon and Nevada; the terri- tories of Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Utah; and the colony of British Colum- bia. Also, a gazetteer of the counties, cities and towns, and an exhibit of the resources of the Pacific coast. First year of publication. . . price five dollars, gold coin. 192-I-568-I-194P San Fran Langley 18G7 L,S,W,Wu 2943 Same for 1876-78. 812p San Fran Langley 1875 Wu 2944 Same for 1878 894p San Fran Mc- Kenney 1878 Wu 2945 218 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Pacific coast business directory — Continued Same for 1880-81 1496p San Fran Mc- Kenney c'1880j Oh.Wh.AVu 2946 Same for 1883-84 1489p San Fran Mc- Kenney 1882 S 2947 Pacific coast congregational alliance for the promotion of education Christian education by Congregationalists in the seven Pacific coast states. Theological seminary, colleges and academies asso- ciated with the churches in the Pacific coast Congregational alliance. September, 1893. 55p front 14pl Iport Igr of ports [San Fran Cubery & co printers 1893] O, P,S,Wh. 2948 Pacific coast steamship company All about Alaska. 32p San Fran Pacific coast steamship co 1887 Oh.AVh 2949 Same 64p illus 4pl 1894 Wu 2950 Pacific fisherman Year book. 1914, 1915, 191G, 1918, 1919. Seattle Freeman S 2951 Same 1906, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917 Wu 2952 Pacific logging congress Proceedings of the annual session. 2d-4th, 6-9th 1910-12, 1914-17. [Portland] The Timberman [1910-17: Os 2953 Same 2-8, 10 1910-1919 Wu 2954 Pacific magazine, v 1-4, no 3, Sept. 1889- Sept. 1891 Seattle 1889-1891 Wh 2955 Same v 1-4, no 7; Oct 1889-April 1892 (lacking 7 nos) Wu 2956 Same v 1, no 2-4, no 6; Oct 1889-Dec 1891 (lacking 5 nos) S 2957 Same Nov 1889-Dec 1890 Oh 2958 V 1-3, no 3. title reads Washington magazine Pacific monthly. Nos 1-4, Oct Dec 1879, Jan P>b 1880 Edited by H. M. Clinton. Port- land, Or D. H. Stearns 1879-1880 Wu 2959 Continuous paging begins with the second number Der Pacific nordwest einwanderungs-gesells- chaft. Portland Or Der Pacific nordwesten; sein reichthum und seine hilfsquellen. Oregon, Washington, Idaho. 128p illus Portland, Or Author n d P 2960 The Pacific northwest; facts relating to the history, topography, climate, soil. . . etc. of Oregon and Washington territory; also an appendix containing suggestions to emigrants. . . 88p front lOpl Imap N Y n pub 1882 P,S,Wu 2961 Pacific Northwest immigration board (The) Pacific Northwest, its wealth and re- sources, Oregon, Washington, Idaho. 128p illus pi Portland, Or Pacific Northwest Immigration board n d Wu 2962 Pacific northwest; information for settlers and others. Oregon and Washington Territory. 32p Imap N Y Rankin 1883 Mu,W 2963 Same X Y "The Northwest" 1883- P 2964 Pacific northwest library association Proceedings, 1-9, 1909-1918. v p v pub 1909- 1919 0,P,S.Wh,Wu 2965 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 219 Pacific Northwest musical year book. See No. 83S Pacific ports manual, lst-6th annual ed. of Frank Waterhouse & company's Pacific ports, 1914-1920. 6v illus Seattle Pacific ports inc 1914-[;n920] S.Wu 2966 Savie 2d ed 1915 O 2967 Same lst-3d, 5th ed 1914-17, 1919 P 2968 Title varies: 1914, Terminal facilities of North Pacific ports; 1915, North Pacific ports; 1917-18, Frank Waterhouse & company's Pacific ports; 1919, Annual number of Pacific ports; 1920, Pacific ports manual Pacific publishing company Southwestern Washington; its topography, climate, resources, productions, manufac- turing advantages, wealth and growth, with illustrated reviews of the principal cities and towns and pen sketches of their representative business men, also bio- graphical sketches of prominent state, county and municipal officials. 210p Q illus Olympia, Wash Pacific pub co 1890 S,W,Wu 2969 Compiled by Wallace J. Miller ^Pacific railway report. See United States war /\^ department Pacific states telephone and telegraph com- pany vs. Oregon [Initiative legislation not unconstitutional] Supreme court of the United States, October term, 1908, no 8222; brief of de- fendant in error. 156p Salem, Or n pub n d P 2970 Initiative legislation unconstitutional; in the Supreme court of the United States; October term, 1908 no. 8222; brief for plaintiff in error. 74p San Fran Pernau pub co [•=1911] P 2971 Pacific telephone and telegraph company Telephone directories of various cities and counties of Oregon. P 2972 Pacific tourist. See Williams, Henry T. editor Pacific university, Forest Grove, Oregon Fifty years of Pacific University 1848-1898: exercises of the semi-centennial anniversary of Tualatin Academy and Pacific University held at Forest Grove, Oregon, July 9, 1898. 86p n p n pub n d 0,Oh,P 2973 Service in memory of Harvey Whitefield Scott, under the auspices of Pacific univer- sity, Thursday, September twenty-nine, nineteen hundred and ten. Marsh Hall, For- est Grove, Oregon. 37p Iport [Portland, Or Ivy pr] 1911 0,P,S,Wh,Wu 2974 Pague, B. S. Mild temperature of the Pacific Northwest and the influence of the "Kuro Siwo." lip Scharts Portland, Or Weather bureau print 1899 W 2975 Pague, B. S. and Blandford, S. IVI. Weather forecasting and weather types on the North Pacific slope. 29p Scharts Portland, Or Weather bureau print 1897 Oh 2976 220 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Paine, J. A. plaintiff and appellant, vs. Seattle. Port commission, defendants and respond- ents [Port district act] In the Supreme court of the state of Washington. Appeal from the Superior court of the state of Washington for King County, before Hon. H. A. P. Myers. 2v in 1 Seattle n pub 1912 S 2977 Brief of appellant. Brief of respondents Paine, Ralph Delahaye Greater America. 327p front 44pl X Y Outing pub CO 1907 S,Sp 2978 pl58-7r. "The heart of the big timber country" (Oregon to Alaska) Pl92-2n3. "A breath from Alaska" Palladino, Lawrence B. Indian and white in the Northwest; or, A history of Catholicity in Montana, with an introduction by the Right Reverend John B. Brondel. . . 411p 55ports 90pl Imap Ifac- sim Baltimore Murphy 1894 Wu 2979 Palliser, John Papers relative to the exploration by Captain Palliser of that portion of British North America which lies between the northern branch of the river Saskatchewan and the frontier of the United States; and between the Red River and the Rocky Mountains. Presented to both Houses of Parliament. . . June, 18.59. 2v in 1 llmaps tab F Lond Govt 1859 1860 L,.P,S 2980 Title of T 2 reads Further papers relative to the exploration by the e.fpedltion under Captain Palliser Palmer, Frederick In the Klondyke, including an accoimt of a winter's journey to Dawson. 218p front 24pl N Y Scribner's 1899 L.P.S.Sp.Wu 2981 Palmer, Henry Spencer Briti.sh Columbia, Williams Lake and Cariboo. Report on portions of the Williams Lake and Cariboo districts, and on the Fraser River, from Fort Alexander to Fort George. 25p 3maps (2 fold) diagr New Westmin- ster Royal engineer press 1863 L 2982 Remarks upon the geography and natural capabilities of British Columbia, and the condition of its principal gold-fields. pl71- 195, map (From Royal geographical so- ciety journal. 1864.) L 2983 Report of a journey of survey from Victoria to Fort Alexander, via North Bentinck Arm. 30p New Westminster Royal engineer press 1863 L 2984 Palmer, Howard Mountaineering and exploring in the Selkirks . . . 439p front illus ISOpl 4fold maps diagr N Y Putnam 1914 L,0 2985 Palmer, Joel Journal of travels over the Rocky mountains, to the mouth of the Columbia river; made during the years 1845 and 1846. . . descrip- tions of the valleys of the Willamette, Umpqua, and Clamet; a general description of Oregon territory. . . tab Cin James 1847 L.Oh.P 2986 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 221 Suiiic Reprinted in Thwaites, R. G. editor. Early western travels, v30 Slip Cleve- land Clark 1906 Bcu.L,Mu.O,Os,P,S,Sp. W.Wu 2987 Same Separate publication from Early western travels S.T.'UTi 2988 Palmer, William Harry Pages from a seaman's log; being the first eighteen months of the cruise of H. M. S. Warspite, in the Pacific. 64p Victoria 1891 L 2989 Has material on the Northwest coast Panama-Pacific historical congress Pacific Ocean in history; papers and address- es presented at the Panama-Pacific histor- ical congress held at San Francisco, Berke- ley and Palo Alto, California, July 19-23, 1915; ed. by H. Morse Stephens, Herbert E. Bolton. 535p N Y Macmillan 1917 0,Oh,P,S,Wu > 2990 p267-."07. "The northwestern states, British Columbia, and Alaska in their relations with the Pacific Ocean" Pandosy, Marie Charles Grammar and dictionary of the Yakama lan- guage. . . tr. by Greorge Gibbs and J. G. Shea. 59p Q X Y Cramoisy press 1862 S,Sp 2991 Papers relating to the negotiation, in London, between the British plenipotentiaries and the plenipotentiary on the part of the United States of America, January to August, 1824. 108p [Bond Govt 1824] L 2992 Parish, Elijah New system of modern geography; or, a general description of all the considerable countries in the world. . . Ed 3 266p maps tab Newburyport Little 1814 Oh 2993 P28-30. Nortliwest coast Parker, David W. Guide to the materials for United States history in Canadian archives. 10-f-339p Wash Carnegie inst 1913 (Carnegie inst of AVash Pub no 172. Papers of the Dept of historical research) Bcu,P,Wu 2994 Calendar of papers in Washington archives relating to the territories of the United States (to 1873). 476p Wash Car- negie inst 1911 (Carnegie inst of Wash Pub no 148 Papers of the Dept of his- torical research) P,Wu 2995 Parker Frank J. (ed) AVashington territory; the present and prospective future of the upper Columbia country, embracing the counties of Walla Walla, Whitman, Spokane and Stevens, with a detailed description of northern Idaho. 17p Walla Walla Parker tl881(?)] Oh 2996 Parker, Henry W. Dr. Marcus Whitman, pioneer missionary to Oregon. 5p n pub n d Wh 2997 How Oregon was saved to the United States. lOp [N Y Funk] 1901 Oh,Wh,Wu 2998 Reprinted from Homiletic review, July. 1901 Rev. Samuel Parker, missionary to Oregon, 1835. 6p n p n pub 1895 Wh 2999 222 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Parker, Samuel Journal of an exploring tour beyond the Rocky mountains under the direction of the A. B. C. F. M. performed in the years 1835, '36, and '37. . . 371p Ipl Iniap Ithaca Author 1838 L,P,S,Sp,Wu 3000 Satnc Ed 2 384p Ipl Imap Ithaca Au- thor 1840 L.,Mu,P 3001 Satne Ed 3 408p Ipl Imap Ithaca Mack Mu.Os.P.Wa.Wh 3002 Same Ed 4 416p Ithaca Andrus 1S14 O.AV.Wh.Wu 3003 Same Ed 5 422p illus Imap Auburn Derby 184G Oh,P,S,Wh,Wu 3004 Same 78p Edin Chambers 1841 L.P.T 3005 Parkin, George Robert The great dominion; studies of Canada. 251p 3fold maps Lond Macmillan 1895 Li 3006 Contains material on industries and resources of B. C. Parkinson, Edward S. Wonderland, or twelve weeks in and out of the United States. Brief account of a trip across the continent, short run into Mexico, ride to Yosemite Valley. . . Visit to great Shoshone Falls. . . 259p Trenton, N J MacCrellish & Quigley 1894 Mu 3007 Parkman, Francis California and Oregon trail; being sketches of prairie and Rocky Mountain life. 448p N Y Putnam 1849 Sp 3008 First edition Same Ed 3 448p Ipl N Y Putnam 1852 P 3009 Published also under the title, Oregon trail, and Prairie and Rocky mountain life Same Ed 4 rev SSlp Bost Little 1872 P 3010 Same Later editions 381p Bost Little Bcu,0,Os,P,S,Sp,T,W,Wu 3011 Published under title of Oregon Trail Same Ed by E. E. Hale 320p N Y New- son ["-igiO: Os 3012 Same Ed by W. E. Leonard 361p Bost Ginn (;^1910: Sp 3013 Same Ed by O. B. Sperlin 363p N Y Longmans c''1910: Os 3014 Same Ed by H. G. Paul 397p N Y Holt [<^1910] Wu 3015 Half-century of conflict. 2v maps Bost Little 1892 Mu,Oh,P,S,Sp,T,Wh,Wu 3016 V 2. p3-43. Search for the Pacific Parrlsh, Randall Great plains; the romance of western Amer- ican exploration, warfare, and settlement, 1527-1870. Ed 2 399p 5ports 27pl Chic McClurg 1907 Os,P,S,Sp,T,Wa,Wu 3017 Gives explorations and fur trade Parrish, Rob Roy McGregor Echoes from the valley. 156p front (port) Portland, Or Himes 1884 O 3018 Contains some poems on Oregon Parsons, William, and Shiach, W. S. An illustrated history of Umatilla County by Colonel William Parsons, and of Morrow County by W. S. Shiach, with a brief out- line of the early history of the state of Oregon. 581p ]2pl 29ports 14gr of ports en pa Lever 1902 S.Wu 3019 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 223 Paterson, Arthur The daughter of the Nez Perces. 2v Lond Bentley 1894 Wu 3020 A novel based upon Incidents In the life of Chief Joseph Paterson, James Venn Workmen's compulsory compensation system, state of Washing-ton; a proved failure and a business menace, review, by an employer, of the First annual report of the Industrial insurance commission. 24p Seattle n pub [1913] S 3021 Patterson, Samuel Narrative of the adventures and sufferings of Samuel Patterson, experienced in the Pacific Ocean, and many other parts of the world, with an account of the Feegee, and Sandwich Islands. 144p From the press in Palmer May 1, 1817 P,S,Wu 3022 P53-78. Three voyages to the northwest coast of America Pattison, Robert E. Extracts from the report of the U. S. Pacific railway commission, 1888. 16p [Wash author 1887: P 3023 Paullin, Charles Oscar, and Paxson, F. L. Guide to the materials in London archives for the history of the United States since 1783. 642p Wash Carnegie inst 1914 (Carnegie inst. of Wash Pub no 90-B Papers of the Dept of historical research) P.Wu 3024 Paxson, Frederick Logan Last American frontier. 402p front illus pi maps N Y Macmillarf 1910 (Stories from American history) B,Mu,0,Os,P,S, Sp,Wu 3025 P70-85. Oregon trail Pearne, Thomas Hall Sixty-one years of itinerant Christian life in church and state. 491p front (port) Ipl Iport Cin Curts (pr for the author) 1898 Oh.Os,S 3026 P109-268. Oregon Peck, John Mason New guide for emigrants to the West. . . 374p Boston Gould Kendall and Lincoln 1836 Sp 3027 Pemberton, J. Despard Facts and figures relating to Vancouver island and British Columbia. . . 171p 4maps tab Lond Longman 1860 Bcu,L,0,P,S,Wu 3028 [Pen pictures from the garden of the world: history of Oregon] 1300p 8pl 20ports Os 3029 Lacks tp. Table of contents and pl295-98 mutilated Pendleton, John Strother Speech on the Oregon question delivered in the House of representatives, U. S., Jan 26, 1846. 16p Wash Gideon 1846 P.Wh 3030 Pendleton, Oregon. Charter Charter and ordinances of the town of Pen- dleton, Umatilla County, Oregon. 210p Pendleton, Or Fast Oregonian publishing co 1890 Os 3031 Pengra, P. J. and Cummins, H. Oregon branch of the Pacific railroad. 19p Wash n pub cl868a P 3032 224 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Penrose, John Lives of Sir Charles Vinicombe Penrose and Captain James Trevenen. 301p 2ports Lond Murray 1850 Wu 3033 P185-202. Captain Trevenen on board the Resolution and niscovery with Captain Cook on his last voyage round the world People's Pacific railroad company Charter, organization, address of the pres- ident, Josiah Perham, with the hy-laws of the Board of commissioners. 24p Bost Mudg-e print 1860 P 3034 People's power league of Oregon Introductory letter: Draft of sug-gested amendment to the constitution of Oregon for people's representative government: — The short ballot; Proportional representa- tion in the legislature of all the voters; Ma- jority election of governors and other chief officers by the first, second and other choices; Method of voting. 32p Port- land, Or n pub 1911 P,S 3035 Perkins, James A tour around the globe; letters to the "City press." 76p London Collingridge 1891 Wu 3036 P13-16. Vancouver and Victoria; pr3-76. Port Angeles Peron Memoires, sur ses voyages aux cotes d'Afrique, en Arabic, a I'ile d' Amsterdam, aux lies d'Anjouan et de Mayotte, aux cotes Nord-Ouest de TAm^riciue, aux lies Sand- wich, a la' Chine, etc. 2v in 1 3pl 3maps Par Brissot-Thivars 1S24 Bcu.L 3037 Same in 2 volumes S 3038 Perouse. See La Pfirouse Perrine, F. A. C. Power plants of the Pacific coast. [24p] Q illus N Y N Y electrical society 1902 Wu 3039 A paper read before the 220th meeting, Jan. 15. 1902. Transactions of the N. Y. electrical society, No 7 Peters, DeWItt C. Kit Carson's Hfe and adventures. 604p Tports 28pl Hartford Dustin 1874 B.Oh. P.Wu 3040 Life and adventures of Kit Carson, the Nestor of the Rocky mountains. . . 534p Iport 9pl N. Y. Claris, 1858 P 3041 Same 1859 Wu 3042 Pioneer life and frontier adventures, an au- thentic record of the romantic life and daring exploits of Kit Carson and his com- panions, from his own narrative. 567p illus port Bost Estes 1881 Oh 3043 Petitot, Emile Monographic des Dene-Dindji6. 109p Paris Leroux 1876 L 3044 Quinze ans sous le cercle polaire: Maclvenzie, Anderson, Youkon. 322p illus lOpl map Par Dentee 1889 L 3045 Traditions Indiennes du Canada Nord-Ouest; textes originaux et traduction litt^rale. 446p AlenQon Broise 1887 L 3046 Vocabulaire frangais - Esquimau, dialecte des Tchiglit des bouches du Mackenzie et de I'Anderson, pr6c6d6 d'une mongraphie de PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 225 3051 Serrice 3, vol 3052 cette tribu et de notes grammaticales. 64+75P sq Q Paris Leroux 1876 L 3Q47 Petley, W. H. (conip) Bi-itish Columbia pilot, second edition, including- the coast of British Columbia from Juan de Fuca Strait, to Portland Can- al, together with Vancouver and Queen Charlotte Islands; comp. from Admiralty surveys. 606p fold map Lond Lords commissioners of the Admiralty 1898 L 3048 Pettit, John Speech of Hon. John Pettit, of Indiana, on the bill to establish a territorial government in Oregon, delivered in the House of Repre- sentatives, Jan. 14, 1847. 8p Wash Blair 1847 P,Sp 3049 Pfeiffer, Ida A lady's second journey roimd the "world. . . 500p N T Harper 1856 P 3050 p310-21. Excursion to tlie Rogue river Phelps, Thomas Stowell Reminiscences of Seattle, Washington terri- tory, and the U. S. sloop-of-war "Decatur," during the Indian war of 1855-56; ed. by Alice Harriman. 48p Seattle Alice Harriman co 1908 Oh,P.S,Wh,Wu Reprinted from the first series of United Magazine Reprinted also in United Service, series 2, P464-505 (November, 1905) Wu Philips, Frederic Verse from a Western Isle. Victoria Cusack n d L 3053 Phillips, Walter Shelley Chinook book; a descriptive analysis of the Chinook jargon in plain words, giving in- structions for pronunciation, construction, expression and proper speaking of Chinook with all the various shaded meanings of the words. By El Comancho. 118p Seattle [Davis pr co] 1913 Oh,P,S,Wu 3054 S has the orisinal manuscript also Indian fairy tales; folklore — legends — myths. Totem tales, as told by the Indians, gather- ed in the Pacific northwest, with a glossary of words, customs and history of the In- dians. Fully illustrated by the author. 326p front illus Chic Star pub co [<;1902] S 3055 ^l-so published under title: Totem tales Totem tales; Indian stories Indian told, gathered in the Pacific Northwest. Fully illustrated by the author. .326p front illus Chic Star pub co 1904 P,S,Sp,Wh 3056 Also published under title: Indian fairy tales Phillips, William Crossing the plains in '46. 32p Oregon City, Or Courier-Herald 1900 Wh 3057 Phillipps-Wolley, Clive Songs from a young man's land. IGOp Toronto Thomas Allen [1917] Bcu 3058 Sportsman's Eden. 261p Lond Bentley 1888 Bcu,L,S 3059 Chiefly British Columbia and Alaska Trottings of a tenderfoot: a visit to the Col- umbian fiords. . . 350p Lond Bentley 1884 L.P.Wu 3060 pi -252. British Columbia and the Pacific North- nest 226 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Phoenix, John, pseudonym. See No. 94G Photographic business and professional direct- ory, 1916, Portland, Oregon. 43p port Amer pub co cl916] P 3061 Picket!, M. City of Vancouver, terminus of the Canadian Pacific railway; British Columbia hand book. 64p fold map Vancouver (B C) Daily News 1887 I^ 3062 Pickett, Mrs. LaSalle (Corbell) Pickett and his men. 439p front (port) Atlanta Foote 1899 Wu 3063 Same 2d ed 439p front (port) plate 1900 S.Wu 3064 p99-125. San .Tuaii Pictures of missionary life in the nineteenth century; the Western world. 216p front pi Lond Burns 1858 Tj 3065 Contains account of Father De Smet and the Flat- head Indians Picturesque Seattle. 62p illus Seattle E.sh- ehnan [«1901] S 3066 Pierce, Henry H. Report of an expedition from Fort Colville to Puget Sound, Washington Territory, by way of Lake Chelan and Skagit River, dur- ing the months of August and September, 1882, made by First Lieut. Henry H. Pierce, Adjutant 21st Infantry, under the orders of Brig. Gen. Nelson A. Miles, commanding the Department of the Columbia. 25p Imap Wa.'sh Govt 1883 S 3067 Pierce, W. E, and company Boise City, Idaho, illustrated. 27p ilhis [Boise Pierce 1893: Wu 3068 Pierce, W. H. Thirteen years of travel and exploration in Alaska. . . 223p lillus Lawrence, Kan .lournal pub co 1890 Wu 3069 Pierce County Pioneer Association Commemorative celebration at Sequalitchew Lake, Pierce county, Washington, July .Sth, 1906. . . lOlp 14ports 4pl Imap cTacoma, Wash n pub 1906: Oh,P,S,Sp. T,W,Wa.Wh,Wu 3070 Largely published fioni funds contributed by U. L. McCormick while president of the Washington state historical society, and now ranks as volume 1 of the PulilicatioMs of that body Pierrepont, Edward Fifth avenue to Alaska. . . with maps by Leonard. Forbes. Beckwith. 339p 4maps N Y Putnam 1884 L.Oh,P,Wu 3071 Same Ed 3 188.5 S 3072 Pigott, Henry C. (ed) History and progress of King County. Washington.- ,'i3p illus F Seattle Hutfli- inson 1916 Os,P.S, 3073 Legislation affecting the Port district; mostly facts, and a few fancies, and recollections /rom his own and other memories that are better. lip [Sfattle Pigott] n d S 3074 On cover: Referendum measure no. 8 Pike, Warburton Mayer Through the subarctic forest; a record of a canoe journey from Fort Wrangel to the PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 227 Pelly lakes and down the Yukon river to the Behring sea. 295p illus Ipl 2maps Lend Arnold 1896 Bcu,L,P,S 3075 Piles, Samuel Henry Alaska-Tukon-Paciflc exposition. Speech. . . in the Senate of the United States, Monday, February 3, 1908. 28p Wash [Govt] 1908 S,Wu 3076 Pilling, James Constantine Bibliography of the Athapascan languages. 125p Wash Govt 1892 (Smithsonian insti- tution, bureau of ethnology) Li,0,Os,P,S, ^Vh.Wu 3077 Bibliography of the Chinookan languages (in- cluding the Chinook jargon). 81p illus W'ash Govt, 1893 (Smithsonian institution, bureau of ethnology) L,Mu,0,0h,0s,P,S, Sp,T,Wh,Wu 3078 Bibliography of the Salishan languages. 86p Wash Govt 1893 (Smithsonian insti- tution, bureau of ethnology, L,0,Os,P,S, Wh,Wu 3079 Bibliography of the Wakashan languages. 70p Wash Govt 1894 (Smithsonian insti- tution, bureau of ethnology) L,0,Os,P,S, P,Wh,Wu 3080 PInart, Louis Alphonse A few words on the Alaska Dene in answer to Father Morice, aceoinpanied by a short vocabulary of the A' tana or Copper River Indian language. 7p n p n pub n d L, 3081 "Voyage a la cote nord-ouest d'Amerique, d'Ounalashka a Kadiak (lies Algoutiennes et pfeninsule d'Aliaska). 24p Imap Par Delagrave 1874 P 3082 Extrait du Bulletin de la Societe de geograplile, Becembre, 1793 Pinckney, Gustavus IVI. Life of John C. Calhoun. Being a view of the principal events of his career and an account of his contributions to economic and political science. 251p front (port) 2ports Imap Charleston, S C Walker 1903 S 3083 pi 12-39. Texas and Oregon Pine, George W. Beyond the West; containing an account of two years' travel in that other half of our great continent far beyond the old West, on the plains, in the Rocky Mountains, and picturesque parts of Colorado. Also, charac- teristic features of New Mexico, Arizona, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Eastern and ■western Oregon, Utah, Nevada, and the sunset land, California, the end of the West . . . 444p front 5pl I'tica, N Y Grif- fiths 1870 B,O.S 3084 Piper, Charles Vancouver P^lora of the state of Washington. G37p front 19pl 3maps (Ifold in pocket) Wash Govt 1906 (Smithsonian institution. U. S. national museuin. Contributions from the U. S. national herbarium, v. 11) O.Os, P,S,Sp,T,W,Wa,Wh,AVu 308.5 Piper, Charles Vancouver, and Seattle, R. K. Flora of the northwest coast, including the area west of the summit of the Cascade Mountains, from the forty-ninth parallel 228 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Piper, Charles Vancouver, and Seattle, R. K. — Coiitiinicil south to the Calapooia Mountains on the south border of Lane County, Oregon. 41Sp Lancaster, Pa New era pr co 1915 Bcu,0,Os,P,S,\Vu 3086 Flora of southeastern Washington and ad- jacent Idaho. 296p Imap Lancaster, Pa New era pr co 1914 Os,r,S,Sp,\Vh,Wu 3087 Flora of the Palouse region: containing description of all the spermatophytes and puridophytes known to grow wild in the area within thirty-five kilometers of Pull- man, \\'ashington. 208p Pullman AVa.shington state college 1901 Sp 3088 Pittmon, E. J. Portland street and street car directory with map of city. . . 12Gp map Portland, Or n d O 3089 Pittmon's Portland guide, with map of city; what to see and how to see it. 1911, 1913, 1915 illus maps Gill <;1911, ''1913. 1915 P 3090 Plummer, George H. (pub) Plummer's business and professional di- rectory of Seattle; comprising a list of Seattle business and professional firms arranged in alphabetical and classified form, together with information of Interest to business and other people. 472p illus Seattle Plumber '=1909 S 3091 Polk, James Knox Approval of the Oregon bill; Message notify- ing the House of representatives of his approval of the bill "to establish the terri- torial government of Oregon." 5p [Wash Govt] 1848. (U. S. Congress 30-2. House Ex. doc. no 3) Oh.Wu 3092 Message. . . communicating a proposition on the part of the British government for the adjustment of the Oregon question. lip cWash Govt] 1846. (U. S. Congress 29-1. Sen. Ex. doc. 8). Oh 3093 Ordered to be printed In confidence for the use of the senate Polk, R. L. and company Baker City, Sunipter, Huntington, Haines, Rock Creek and Union, La Grande and Pendleton directory, also. . . tax lists of Baker, Umatilla and Union coimties v 1 1893, Portland, Or Polk n892 P 3094 Directory of Olympia, Port Townsend, Fair- haven, New Whatcom and "VVhatcom, 1890 ... Iv cDetroit?: Polk tlS90?] Wu 3095 Everett city directory and Snohomish county directory, 1894-95, Tacoma and Seattle, Polk 1894 S,T,Wu 3096 Inland Empire directory 1885, including direc- tories of Adams, Venterville, Cheney, Col- fax, Dayton, Palouse, Pataha City, Pend- leton, Pomeroy, Spokane Falls, Sprague, W^aitsburg, Walla Walla and Weston. . . v 1 323p Portland, Or Polk 1885 Sp,Wh 3097 Oregon, Washington and Idaho gazetteer and business directory. v. 1, 3-5 1884/85, 1888. 1889/90-1891/92 Seattle Polk 1884-92 P 3098 Same 1. 2, 5 1884-1892 Wh 3099 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 229 Same 2, 4-5 1886-1892 S 3100 Same 4-5 1889-1892 Wu 3101 Same 4 1886 Os 3102 Puget Sound directory. . . Coupeville, Friday Harbor, La Conner, Mount Vernon, New- castle, New Dung-eness, Olympia, Port An- g'eles. Port Blakeley, Port Discovery, Port Gamble, Port Ludlow, Port Madison, Port Townsend, Puyallup, Renton, Seattle, Se- home, Shelton, Whatcom, Snohomish, Ta- coma, Tenino, Tumwater, and Victoria, B. C, also. . . Clallam, Island, Jefferson, King-, Kitsap, Mason, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston and Whatcom coun- ties, vl 1887 [Seattle] Polk 1887 S, T,W,Wu 3103 Same v2, 1888 Seattle Polk 1888 Wu 3104 Salem city and Marion County directory. 1893 Portland, Or Polk [1893] P 3105 Same 1896 0,0s 3106 Seattle city directory vl-33, 1889-1919 Seattle Polk 1889-1919 Wu 3107 Same 2-33 1890-1919 S 3108 . . . Seattle street directory and car line guide. 249p Imap Seattle Polk [^914] S 3109 Spokane City directory (including- Hillyard) 1890-1919 Spokane Polk 1890-1919 Sp 3110 Tacoma city directory. v3, 1890. 704p Ta- coma Polk 1890 Wu 3111 Walla Walla city and county directory, 1893- 4. No 1 234p Ifolded map of Washington Portland, Or Polk 1893 Wa,Wh 3112 Poole, Francis Queen Charlotte islands; a narrative of dis- covery and adventure in the north Pacific: ed. by John W. Lyndon. 347p 3pl 2maps tab Q Lond Hurst 1872 Bcu,L,P,S,Wu 3113 [Poor, Henry Varnum] The Pacific railroads and the relations exist- ing between them and the government of the United States. 16p NY n pub 1879 P 3114 Port Angeles Illustrated, containing a complete description of the location, attractions, re- sources, climate and advantages of the "Gate City" and its contributary country; comp. for the Citizens association of Port Angeles, Wash. 30p illus Seattle, Pa- cific Magazine =1889 Wh 3115 Port of Seattle year book: history and resources of the Port of Seattle. Annual reports of the Port Commission, Port Warden, harbor map and miscellaneous information 256p illus maps [Seattle] Northwest pub co, 1914 0,S,Sp,Wu 3116 Porter, Edward Griffin Discovery of the Columbia river. See No. 2759 The ship Columbia and the discovery of Ore- gon. p472-88 illus (From the New England magazine, n.s. v6, June 1892) Wu 3117 Porter, Robert Percival, and others The West: from the census of 1880, a history of the industrial, commercial, social and political development of the states and ter- 230 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Porter, Robert Percival and others — Continued ritories of the "West from 1800 to 1880. By Robert P. Porter, assisted by Henry Gan- nett and Wm. P. Jones. 630p front (map) illus Chic Rand 1882 S,Wu 3118 Includes chapters on Idaho. Montana, Oregon, Wash- ington [Portland, Oregon] Address from the people of Oregon and Wash- ington territory to the congress of the United States, showing the reasons why liberal appropriations should V)e made for the improvement of the navigation of the Columbia and "Willamette rivers. 14p tab n p n pub [1881] P 3119 Portland-Oregon and the Columbia river. . . "S'iews of the city and Mounts Hood, Adams and St. Helens in the distance. . . 48p illus Buffalo, N Y "W. G. MacFarlane n d O 3120 Portland, Oregon. Board of park commissioners Report of the park board, 1903; with the report of Olmstead bros. . . outlining a sys- tem of parkways, boulevards and parks. 7.5p Portland, Or Schwab 1903 Oh,P 3121 Report of the park board 1904, with report on a system of parks and boulevards, by Olmstead bros. . . (reprinted from the park report of 1903). 84p 6pl n p n pub [1904] P 3122 Portland, Oregon. Board of public schools Annual report of the superintendent, 1874-'92, no. 1-19. 2v illus tab Portland, Or 1884- 92 P 3123 Portland, Oregon. Board of statistics, Immigra- tion and labor Oregon, its advantages as an agricultural and commercial state. Statistics, climate, con- dition of the people, market.?, price of land, wages, cost and routes of travel, etc. 62p Portland, Or "Walling 1870 Oh,P,Wh 3124 Portland, Oregon. Board of trade Annual report. 3d; 8th-14th, 1876; 1881-88. Portland, Or v pub 1877-1888 Oh 3125 Same 3, 9-15 1876, 1882-1889 P 3126 Review of the commercial, financial and indus- trial interests of the state of Oregon for the year 1877, taken from the annual re- view of the "Commercial reporter." 64p fold tab Portland "Commercial reporter" book and job printing establishment 1878 Os 3127 Review of work undertaken and accomplished during 1901. . . clOp: Portland, Or n pub 1901 Oh 3128 Portland, Oregon. Chamber of commerce Annual report. 10-20 1890-189.J. Portland, Or 1890-189.'") P 3129 In 1890 Portland ISoard of trade was changed to Portland Chamber of commerce. The numbered series of reports is a continuation of those of the Board of trade Book of facts and information about Poi't- land. 31p maps Portland, Or F. V. Parsons c'^1917] O 3130 Bulletin. v 2 no 4, v 3-23 Oct. 1903, July 1904-Dec. IDl.T P.S 3131 Consolidated witli Board of Trade journal, Apr. 1908 Continued under title Oregon country PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 231 Emergency bulletin about those Oregon- California R. R. grant lands. 8p tPoi't- land, Oregon development bureau of the Portland chamber of commerce 1917] Os 3132 General survey of the Columbia River gate- way country. 23p illus maps Portland, Or Author 1919 P 3133 Memorial. . . in answer to the protest of the Astoria chamber of commerce against improvement of the channel of the Colum- bia river. 16p Portland, Or Schwab 1892 Oh 3134 "Men of Oregon"; a gallery of likenesses of representative men, together with brief sketches of their lives. unp illus Q Portland, Or Chamber of commerce bulletin 1911 S,Wu 3135 Consists chiefly of portraits, most of whicli are full-page Oregon, the land of opportunity. 62p front illus Portland, Or Chamber of commerce promeso. O 24p 3136 illus 3137 [^■1902] Portland, Os ^■1911 B.Oh.Os 'Oregono, lando de Portland, Or 1910 Esperanto text Portland guide book; general guide to the city, miscellaneous information and street map. 96p Imap Portland, Or Mclsaac P 3138 Oregon. 32p illus n puli n d 3139 What to .see and how to see it; land book and guide, containing valuable information about Portland and vicinity. . . 12Sp illus fold map Portland, Or Multnomah printing co 1905 Oh,Os,P,S,Wh,Wu 3140 Proposed charter of the city of Portland. . . to be voted on at election in June, 1902. 16Sp Portland Schwab n d Oh,Os,P,S 3141 Approved, filed and became tlie law Jan. 23, 1903 Portland, Oregon. City board of charities Constitution and a directory of the charitalile and beneficent societies and institutions of the city; with annual reports of officers. 1S89-1909. Portland, Or 1S89-1909 Oh 3142 1889-92, published annually; 1S9.3-97 biennially; 1898-19U0. triennially: 1901-09 quadrennially Portland, Oregon. Common council Charter and general ordinances of the city of Portland, Oregon in force April 15, 1910. 1362p Portland, Or Common Council 1910 Wh 3143 Charter of the city of Portland, 1872. 83p Portland, Or Availing 1872 Oh,Wu 3150 Same 1874 Wu 3151 P 3152 Oh,r,AVu 3153 Oh.P 3154 0,0s 3155 0,0s,Wh 3156 I..aws and ordinances of the city of Portland. Oregon; comprising the i-ule.s and order of business of the common council, rules and regulations governing the police and paid fire departments; chartei- of the city. . . together with chronological indexes of ordi- nances passed by the conmion councils of , Same 1879 Same 1884 Same 1886 Same 1910 8a m e 1913 232 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Portland, Oregon. Common council — Continued Portland, Kast Portland and Albina from the date of the incorporation of said cities up to the date of this publication; rev. conip. . . by W. T. Hume. 1332p Portland, Or Common council 1892 Oh, P 3157 General ordinances of the city of Portland, Oregon (in force January 2d, 1005). 678p tab Portland, Or Common council 1905 Oh.P.S.AVu 3158 Portland, Oregon. Fire department Souvenir, Portland fire department, published in the interests of the firemen's relief fund. 304p illus F I'ortland, Or Irwin-Hodson CO 1905 Oh,P,Wu 3159 Portland, Oregon. Lewis and Clark centennial exposition 1905 By-laws, rules and regulations of the. . . commission for the .state of Oregon. 18p Salem, Or Whitney 1003 Oh 3160 Lewis and Clark exposition illustrated. 28p illus Portland, Or R. A. Reed 1905 O 3161 Official catalogue of the Lewis and Clark centennial and American-Pacific exposition and oriental fair, Portland, Oregon, June 1 to October 15, 1905. 160p illus fold map Portland, Or He.ss [1905] Os,P,Sp,Wa,Wu 3162 Western world's fair-Official daily program, no. 1-137; June 1, 1905-Oct. 15, 1905 5v [Portland, Or A. Hess & co] 1905 P 3163 Portland, Oregon. Lewis and Clark centennial exposition, 1905. Committee on congresses Program, organization and addresses, Lewis and Clark educational congress, Aug. 28 to Sept. 2, 1905. 121p [Portland, Or Anderson 1905?] Oh,Os,P.Wa.Wh,Wu 3164 Portland, Oregon. Library association. See Li- brary association of Portland Portland, Oregon. Mayor Mayor's mes.sage and annual reports. 96, 1S98-1912, 1914-17. [Portland, 1917] Os Satiic 1911 Portland Schwab [1912j 1894- 1894- 3165 Wh 3166 Portland, Oregon. Port of Portland commission Columbia river, Oregon, U. S. A.; entrance to and navigation of, 1895. 24p map Portland, Or Glass 1895 Oh,Os 3167 Data regarding the Columbia river bar, and the lower Willamette and Columbia rivers. [4p] [Portland, Orj n pub [1901] Oh 3168 Portland, Oregon. Vice commission Report to the mayor and City council of the city of Portland, Ore., Jan. 1913. . . 216p map Portland Or «1913 P 3169 Fourth and final report. Includes the First-Third reports, which are also pub. separately Portland, Oregon. Young men's christian asso- ciation First annual report. 1869 [29]p Port- land, Or Himes and Daly 1869 Oh.Wu 3170 Contains constltutioa and list of charter members PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 233 Portland architectural club Yearbook and catalogue; lst-3d, 5th annual exhibition. . . 1908-10, 1913. Portland, Or Author 1908-13 P 3171 1909 yearbook and catalojiie Issued separatelj Portland art association Annual report. 18th-25th 1909/10-1916/17 p 3172 Portland automobile club Oregon's scenic highways. 64p illus Ifold map [Portland James, Kerns & Abbott co 1915: 0,Os,P 3173 Portland block book, showing sizes of lots and blocks and names of owners, comp. from latest official records. 2v Portland block book co 1907 P 3174 Portland blue book and Pacific coast elite di- rectory; being the fashionable private ad- dress directory and ladies' visiting and shopping guide, containing the names, ad- dresses, reception days of the society people of Portland, East Portland, Albany, Albina, Salem, etc. Season 1890-1891. 431p Ipl San Fran Bancroft 1890 S 3175 Same S Same Same 1893 1894 1895 Portland, Or Portland pub co 3175a Oh 3176 Portland, Or Polk P 3177 maps Portland 3178 1863-1917 Port- Oh 3179 P 3180 Portland blue print company Portland realty atlas. blue print co [1914] P Portland directory. vl-55 land, Or v pub 1863-1918 Same 2-55 1863-1917 T 1-19 published by McCormick V 20-22 published by Gill V 23-55 published by Polk Portland directory company Eastern Oregon directory; v], 1899-1900. A complete directory for Umatilla, Union and Baker counties. . . with a Portland business directory. Portland, Or Portland direc- tory CO 1899 P 3181 Wasco County directory, alphabetical and classified, together with Portland business directory. 1895. Portland, Or Portland directory company [1895] Os 3182 Portland, Oregon. First baptist ciiurch Directory of the First Baptist church, the \Vhite temple. . . 60p [Portland, On 1912 P 3183 Contains historical sketch of tlie church Portland free kindergarten association and Oregon Froebei union Review of the kindergartens from their or- ganization Nov. 10th, 1884, to April 17th, 1888, and of the Froebei union, an organiza- tion of all the kindergartens of Oregon. 32p Portland, Or Baltes 1888 P 3184 Portland grade teachers' association Bulletin. v2 no6 Feb 1916 Oh 3185 Contains Origin of the word Oregon, by George H. Hlmes Portland municipal association Reports. P Four years ending Sept. 30, 1907 Year ending Sept. 30, 1908 Three years ending Sept 30, 1911 Portland Oregonian. Sec Oregonian 3186 234 PACIFIC N ORTHWEST AMERICANA Portland press club Pictorial Oregon, the Avonderland. 167p front illus Portland, Or Portland press club 1915 B.O.Os.P 3187 Portland railway, light and power company Brief before the Public service commission of Oregon No U-F-47. in the matter of electric light, heating and power rates, Griffith, Leiter & Allen, Leslie Craven, attorneys. 347p tl916] P 3188 Gives valuation of properties of Portland Railway, Liglit and Power company [Portlandj relief committee Relief of sufferers by the fire in Portland, Oregon, Aug. 2, 1873; report of relief com- mittee. 62p Portland, Or Himes print 1874 Oh,P 3189 Portland seamen's friend society History and financial report. . . 52p I'oitland. Or Himes 1880 P 3190 Portland, the rose city; pictorial and biograph- ical. 2v ports Chic Clarke 1911 Oh 3191 Portlock, Nathaniel Voyage round the world; but more particu- larly to the northwest coast of America: performed in 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, in the King George and Queen Charlotte, Cap- tains Portlock and Dixon. . . 384+40p 2ports 13pl 5maps tab sq Q Lond Stock- dale 1789 Bcu,L,0,Oh.P,S,T.W,Wu 3192 Portlock, Nathaniel and Dixon, George Voyage round the world in the years 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, performed in the King George, commanded by Captain Portlock; and the Queen Charlotte, commanded by Captain Dixon; under the direction of the incorporated society for the advancement of the fur trade. 151p Ipl Lond Randal 1789 L 3193 Same 144p Dublin Whitworth 1789 L 3194 Reis naar de Noord-West kust van Amerika gedaan in de jaren 1785, 1786, 1787 en 1788. 265p 9pl Imap Amsterdam Schalekamp 1795 L 3195 Portrait and biographical record of Portland and vicinity, Oregon. 883p 149ports sq Q Chic Chapman pub co 1903 Oh,Os,P 3196 Portrait and biographical record of the Wil- lamette Valley, Oregon, containing original sketches of many well known citizens of the past and present. 883p port.s Chic Chapman 1903 Oh,P,Wu 3197 Portrait and biographical record of western Oregon. . . 1033p ports sq Q Chic Chapman pub co 1904 Oh 3198 Post, Mae Celeste Loitering in Oregon. 64p 2pl d'ortland, Or Gotshall pr co] <^1914 Oh,P 3199 Post-Intelligencer (Seattle daily). New Yoar'.s souvenir edition. 44p illus F V 27. no 47 .Ian 1, 1895 S 3200 Post- Intelligencer classified directory. . . of representative manufacturing, business and professional interests of Seattle and vicinity. 128p Seattle Allied printing trades council 1917 S 3201 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 235 Poussin, Guillaume Tell Question of I'Oregon, 1846. lOOp Par Coquebert 1846 S 3202 The United States; its power and progress . . . 488p Phil Lippincott 1851 P 3203 P227-84. Oregon territory Powell, Addison Monroe Trailing and camping in Alaska. 379p front 27pl Iport N Y Wessels 1909 Os, S.Wu 3204 Powell, Edward Alexander End of the trail; the far West from New Mexico to British Columbia. 462p front 47pl Imap N Y Scribner 1914 L,Os,P. S,Wu 3205 Road to glory. 323p front 3pl N Y Scribner 1915 S 3206 pl95-23o. "The preacher who rode for an empire" (Marcus Whitman) Powell, Fred Wilbur Hall Jackson Kelley, prophet of Oregon. 185p front (port) 2maps plan Portland, Or Ivy press 1917 Wu 3207 Reprinted from Oregon historical quarterly, v 18, no 1-4, 1917 Powell, Lyman Pierson (ed) Historic towns of the western states. 702p illus N Y Putnam 1901 (American historic towns) 0,P,S,Sp,T,Wu 3208 Contains chapters on Spokane and Portland Prentiss, A. M. Spruce helped win the war: a portrayal of the personnel, railroad construction, timber cutting, and shipping, camp life and kindred subjects necessary to the produc- tion of airplane spruce in unlimited quanti- ties for the United States and her allies. 32p illus Portland, Or A. M. Prentiss 1918 Os,P 3209 No text Presbyterian church. Portland, Oregon Dedication services. . . historical sketch and list of members. 40p n p n pub 1899 Oh 3210 History and directory of the First Presby- terian church. 17p n p Printed by order of the Session 1889 Oh 3211 Presbyterian church in the U.S. Synod of Ore- gon Minutes: 1899-1900, 1908-191S P 3212 .•j'ffi/ff 1901-1919 O 3213 Presbyterian church in the U.S. Synod of Ore- gon Presbytery of Portland Minutes. 1907-1909 P 3214 Presbyterian church in the U. S. Synod of the Columbia Minutes of the synod of the Columbia, in ses- sion at Corvallis, Oregon, October, 1880, with an appendix; containing important in- formation relating to the missionary opera- tions in the new settlements of Idaho, Washington and Oregon, and among the aborigines of Idaho, Washington and Alaska. lOlp Portland, Or Swope 1881 Wh 3215 Same 1888 38p Seattle Pres Ch 1889 Oh 3216 236 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Price, Julius IVIendes From Euston to Klondike; the narrative of a journey through British Columbia and the North-west territory in the summer of 1898. With map and illustrations from sketches by the author, and photographs. 301 p front illus Imap Lond Low 1898 L.S, Wu 3217 Priest, Josiah American antiquities and discoveries in the West; being an exhibition of the evidence that an ancient population of partially civilized nations differing entirely from those of the present Indians peopled Amer- ica many centuries before its discovery by Columbus, and inquiries into their origin ... 5th ed 400p fold ' map front pi Albany Hoffman & White 1835 Sp 3218 Includes a chapter entitled "Voyages and shipping of the Mongol Tartars and settlements on the western coast of America" Prize essay and poem of the literary institute, Victoria. V. I. on the beauties of the scenery as surveyed from Beacon Hill. 15p Victoria. V I McMillan 1868 Wu 3219 The essay Is signed by E. T. Coleman and the poem by W. H. Parsons Proceedings commemorative of the life and services of Edward D. Baker, late United States senator for Oregon; addresses, re- solutions, etc. 19p Portland, Or Ore- gon farmer 18C1 Oh 3220 Proceedings of a railroad meeting held. . . Jan. 27, 1868, on the subject of the Columbia branch, to commence at Umatilla City and tap. . . the Union Pacific railroad north- west of Salt Lake City; together with the report, memorial and resolutions submitted by the chairman of the Committee of twenty-five. 7p Umatilla, Or. Colum- bia press 1868 P 3221 Progressive men of Bannock, Bear Lake, Bing- ham, Fremont and Oneida Counties, Idaho. 664p front illus Q Chic Bowen 1904 S. Wu 3222 Many full-page portraits are included in paslng Progressive men of southern Idaho. 952p front illus Q Chic Bowen 1904 B,Oh, S,Wu 3223 Many full-page portraits are included in paging state of Montana. Chic Bowen cl901?] 3224 Progressive men of the 18S6p 201ports Ipl Q Mu.Wu Prosch, Charles Reminiscences of Washington territory; scenes, incidents and reflections of the pioneer period of Puget sound. 128p Iport 2pl Seattle n pub 1904 O.Os.P.S. T,W,Wa,Wh,Wu 3225 Prosch, Charles, compiler. See No. 4308 Prosch, Thomas Wickham Conkling-Prosch family, with some reference to the Dotter, Roe, Reynolds, Brooks, Mapes, Elder, McCarver and other connec- tions. 141p illus (inc ports) Seattle Pr of the General lithographing and printing CO 1909 0,Oh,P.S.Wu 3226 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 237 David S. Maynard and Catherine T. I\Ia>-nard; biographies of two of the Oregon immi- grants of 1S50 ...■ SOp illiis Seattle Low- man 1906 Oh,Os,P,S,W,Wu 3227 Dr. D. S. Maynard, the pioneer physician of Seattle. 6p port (Reprinted from Northwest Medicine, v2, no4, 1904) Oh,W. Wli.Wu 3228 General McCarver named Tacoma. Address by Thomas W. Prosch to the "Washington his- torical society, at Tacoma, October 4, 1905. (In Meeker, Ezra. Who named Tacoma? p 4-8) P,Wu 3229 Insane in Washington Territory. 8p Se- attle Northwest Medicine 1914 S,Wu 3230 McCarver and Tacoma. 198p illus 2ports Seattle Lowman 1906 ■Bcu,L,,0,Oh,Os,P,S, T,W,Wa,Wh,Wu 3231 Prosser, William Farrand History of the Puget Sound country; its re- sources, its commerce and its people. . . 2v port pi Q NT Lewis publishing co 1903 S.T.W.Wu 3232 Protestant Episcopal church in the U.S. Abstracts of addresses made by the mis- sionary bishops. . . before the board of missions. . .Oct. 1880. 40p np n pub 1880 P 3233 p8-10. Oregon; by Benjamin Wister Morris, Bp Protestant Episcopal church In the U.S. Oregon Journal of the. . . annual convention. 1st- 31st 1889-1919 ports v pub 1890-1919 P 3234 1898 (10th) and 1902 (14th) lacking Proceedings of annual convocation. 28th- 35th, 1881-88 tab Portland, Or Swope lSSl-88 P 3235 Bound with Protestant Episcopal church in the U.S. Oregon and Washington. Proceedings of annual con- vocation lst-27th, which see, for earlier proceedings. Diocese of Oregon organized In 1889 Protestant Episcopal church in the U. S. Ore- gon and Washington Proceedings of annual convocation. 1st- 27th, 1853-1880 2v v pub [1853-1880] P 3236 1861 Is lacking 1879 is lacking; no convocation held that year Protestant Episcopal church In the United States. Washington Proceedings of the annual convocation, 1st- 24th, 1881-1904 2v v p v pub 1881-1904 Wu 3237 From 1893-1904, 13th-24th, limited to the missionary jurisdiction of Olympla Same vl, 1881 P 3238 Puget mill company and South Seattle land company, relators, vs. King County, Wash., respondents [Washington shorelands] In the Supreme court of the state of Washington. Com- bined causes. Brief of respondents. 72p n p n pub [1912?] S 3239 Puget Sound business directory, and guide to Washington Territory, 1872; comprising a correct history of Washington Territory. . . and a thorough directory of Olympia, Steila- coom, Seattle, Port Madison, Port Gamble. 238 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Puget Sound business directory — Continued Port Ludlow, Port Townsend, and every town and hamlet on Puget Sound. c72 + II61P Olympia Murphy & Harned t'=1872: S.Wu 3240 In two parts, the first being descriptive and historical, the second being the actual directory Puget Sound electric railway Facts concerning the Puget Sound electric railway as to the matter of rates as brought out in correspondence between representa- tives of the Puyallup Commercial club and the Public service commission of the state of Washington. Sp n t p [191.5] S 3241 Puget Sound power company Description of water-power development and transmission plant on the Puyallup River. Pierce County, Washington. 69p illus Boston Ellis pr 1904 Wu 3242 On cover: PuRet Sound power company. Puyallup plant Puget Sound tractisn. light and power company, Seattle Xo contract between two parties can be changed without the consent of both. To protect our rights we are compelled to apply to the courts. 8p [Seattle Sherman printing and bindery co 191-] S.Wu 3243 Puget Sound year book. See No. 838 Pullen- Burry, Bessie From Halifax to Vancouver. 3.52p front 39pl Lond Mills [1912] L.S 3244 Chapters 18-21 are on British Columbia Purdy, Will E. Sixteen years in Oregon. 126p 2ports Portland n pub 1912 Os.P.Wu 3245 Puter, Stephen A. Douglas and Stevens, Horace Looters of the public domain. . . embracing a complete exposure of the fraudulent sys- tem of acquiring titles to the public lands of the United States. . . c495:p illus front (port) Portland, Or Portland print house [^907] 0,0h,0s,P,S,Wu 3246 Putnam, George Palmer In the Oregon country: out-doors in Oregon. Washington, and California, together with some legendary lore, and glimpses of the modern West in the making. 169p front 32pl N Y Putnam 191.5 E!,0,0h,0s.P,S. Sp,Wu 3247 Smiting of the rock; a tale of Oregon, by Palmer Bend, cpseudi 328p front X Y Putnam 1918 0,P,S,Wu 3248 Questions and answers in Shoshone. n d Oh n p n pub cQuigg, L. E.: New Empires in the northwest. 81p The Tribune A.ssoc 1889. Mu 23p 3249 N Y 3250 A Race for empire and other true tales of the Northwest. 48p illus Spokane Morning Spokesman-Review 1896 Wh.Wu 3252 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 239 Radclyffe, C. R. E. Big- game shooting in Alaska. 292p front illiis fold map Lond Ward 1904 L 3253 Radebaugh, Randolph Foster Pacific metropolis; where and why. 94p ilUis 2pl Imap tab [Tacoma] The author [South Tacoma press] 1913 S 3254 Commercial advantages and prospects of San Fran- cisco, Portland, Seattle and Tacoma; author's predic- tion in favor of Tacoma Raine, William MacLeod Yukon trail; a tale of the North; with illus- trations by George Kills Wolfe. 323p front 3pl Bost Houghton 1917 O.S.Sp 3255 Rainier Valley Citizen Supplement (The Citizen Christmas annual) V 8. no 52. December 25. 1915. 48p front illus Ipl Q Seattle 1915. S 3256 Ralph, Julian On Canada's frontier; sketches of history, sport and adventure, and of the Indians, missionaries, fur-traders, and newer settlers of Western Canada. 325p front illus N Y Harper 1892 L.S 3257 Oui- great west; a study of the present con- ditions and future possibilities of the new commonwealths and capitals of the United States. [478p] illus Ipl N Y Harper 1893 b,P,S,T, 3258 Ralphson, G. Harvey Boy scouts in a motor boat; or, Adventures on the Columbia river. 246p front Chic Donohue [^912: P 3259 Ranck, Glenn N. Legends and traditions of northwest history. Souvenir edition. 152p front llpl Iport Imap Vancouver Wash American pr & stationery CO cpref. 1914: Oh,Os,P,S,T,Wu 3260 Includes biographical sketches of pioneers of Clarke County, Washington Pictures from Northwest history. 38p Vancouver, Wash Independent print 1902 Wu 3261 A series of eleven disconnected sketches covering various phases of Pacitic Northwest history. Written by an ex-sergeant of Co. G of the Washington volun- teers [Rand, Olivei Vacation exciu'sion, from Massachusetts Bay to Puget Sound; by O. R. 203p front Manche.ster N H Clarke 1884 S 3262 Rand-McNally guide to the great Northwest . . See No. 3757 Rathbun, J. C. History of Thiu'ston county, Washington. 131p Olympia 1895 Oh,W,Wu 3263 Rathbun. Richard A review of the fisheries in the contiguous waters of the state of Washington and British Columbia. p251-350 Gpl 3mnps Wash Govt 1899 ^Vu 3264 Extract from XJ. S. Fish cnmmission's report for 1899 Rattan, Volney Analytical key to West coast botany, con- taining descriptions of sixteen hvmdred species of flowering plants, growing west of 240 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Rattan, Volney — Continued the Sierra Nevada and Cascade crests, from San Diego to Puget Sound. 12Sp San Fran Bancroft 1887 AVh 3265 Same 221p illus San Fran AVliitaker 189S P.Wu 3266 Rattray, Alexander A'ancoiiver island and British Columbia, where they are; what they are; and what tlicy may become: a sketch of their history, topography, climate, resources, capabilities, and advantages, especially as colonies for settlement. 182p 3pl 2maps Lond Smith 1862 I.,0,P,S,Sp,Wu 3267 Rattray, W. J. The Scot in British North America 4 v 931 + 1197P front (port) Toronto Maclean ['•1880] I. 3268 V 4, deals with British Columbia Rawllngs, Thomas Die auswanderung mit besonderer peziehung auf Minnesota und British Columbia; aus dem Englischen iibertragen und eingeleitet von Eduard Pelz. 61p Hamburg Hoff- man 186C L 3269 Confederation of the British North American provinces; their past history and future prospects, including also British Columbia and Hudson's Bay territory; with a map and suggestions in reference to the true and only practicable route from the Atlan- tic to the Pacific ocean. 240p 4pl Ifold map Lond Low 1865 Bcu,L,Oh,Sp,Wu 3270 Two of tlie plates give full page views of Victoria, B. C. Raymer, Charles D. Raymer's dictionary of greater Seattle, an encyclopaedic dictionary of the state of Washington, LT. S. A. In general and the city of Seattle in particular. 128p illus map Seattle Raymer [-^lOOT] Os,S,T, Wu 3271 Same 128p [^910: P,S 3272 Same 128p c'1907] Imprint of 1913 Os, Sp 3273 Raymer s dictionary of Spokane, an ency- clopaedic-dictionary of the state of Wash- ington, U. S. A. in general and the city of Spokane in particular. 152p illus map Spokane Raymer [<^1906] Os,S,Sp,Wu 3274 Raymond, Rosslter Worthington The mines of the west: a report to the Secretary of the Treasury. 256p map tab diag N Y Ford 1869 B,0 3275 Mining industry of the states and territories of the Rocky mountains, including descrip- tions of quartz, placer, and hydraulic min- ing; amalgamation concentration; smelting, etc. 550p illus pi maps N Y Ford 1874 S 3276 Raymond, Rossiter Worthington. See also Nos. 4156-60 tRead, John B.] (ed) Montana, its progress and prosperity, resources and industries, opportunities for homeseekers and capitalists; mining, stock raising, agriculture, horticulture. 82p illus Imap St. Louis, Mo Curran n d Mu 3277 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 241 Reagan, Albert B. Birds of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington. P241-72 Topelia 1910 S 3278 From Transactions of the Kansas academy of science, T 24 Some notes on the Olympic peninsula, Wash- ington. pl33-238 illus map en p n d: Wu 3279 From the Geological papers of the Kansas academy of science Reasons to shew, that there is a great pro- bability of a navigable passage to the western American ocean, through Hudson's Streights, and Chesterfield Inlet; from the obesrvations made on board the ships sent upon the late discovery; supported by af- fidavits, which coincides with several former accounts. . . 23p Lond Robin- son 1749 L 3280 Reavis, Logan Uriah The life and military services of Gen. Wil- hani Selby Harney. . . 477p front illus 2ports St Louis Bryan 1878 Wu 3281 P280-314. Service In Oregon P315-46. San Juan difficulties explained Red Cross. U. S. California Record of the Red Cross work on the Pacific slope, including California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, with their aux- iliaries; also reports from Nebraska, Ten- nessee, and far-away Japan. 458p illus Q Oakland, Cal Pacific press pub co 1902 S,T,Wa 3282 The Red man; an illustrated magazine printed by Indians, v7, no6, February 1915 P[187]-217 pi ports Carlisle Pa U. S. In- dian school 1915 Wu 3283 P189-204. Chief Joseph, the Nez Perce, by C. E. S. Wood Redfield, Edith Sanderson Verses. 5Sp Bost Published for the au- thor by Lothrop, Lee & Shepard co ['^1907]. S,Wu 3284 Mt. Rainier. p9-16; changing the site of the Uni- versity of Wasliington, p39-40 Reed, Mrs. Anna (Yeomans) Seattle children in school and in industry, with recommendations for increasing the efficiency of the school sy.stem and for decreasing the social and economic waste incident to the employment of children 14 to 18 years of age. 103p Seattle n pub 1915 S,Wu 3285 (comp) Study of the Lewis and Clark ex- pedition for the use of the eighth grade of the Seattle public schools; selections from the sources; by Mrs. J. A. Reed, under the auspices of the Art and travel depart- ment of the Woman's century club. 24p Seattle n pub 1904 S 3286 Reed, Charles Bert Masters of the (map) 3pl Imap [1914] (Chicago Dearborn series) wilderness. 144p fiont Chic Univ of Chicago pr historical society. Fort B,S,Wu 3287 "A study of the Hudson's Bay company from its origin to modem times" 242 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Reed, Henry E. (conip) Oregon, a story of progress and de- velopment, together with an account of the Lewis and Clark centennial exposition to be held in Portland, Oregon, from June first to October fifteenth, nineteen hundred five. 96p illus Portland, Or Bushong & CO printers 1904 0,Oh,Wu 3288 Reed, S. G. Objections to the passage of Senate bill no. III. to amend the act entitled "An act granting lands in aid of a railroad and telegraph line from the Central Pacific rail- road in California to Portland in Oregon, approved July 25, 186fi. 15p n p n pub n d P 3289 Remonstrance against extending the time for filing assent to the act granting lands to the Oregon central railroad company. 4p n p n pub n d P 3290 Rees, John E. Idaho, its meaning, origin and application. Keprinted from Oregon Historical qviarterly vl8 no2, 1917. 12p Portland, Or 1917 Sp,Wu 3291 Regnault, Ellas Georges Soulanges Oliva Histoire des Antilles et des colonies. . . Les Californies. L'Oregon, et les possessions russes en Amerique. Les isles Noutka et de la reine Charlotte; par M. Ferdinand Denys 160+164-H158-l-108p pi port map Paris Didot 1849 P,S, 3292 Reld, Robert A. Pugct Sound and western Washington; cities- towns-scenery; comp. & written by the publisher. 192p 2fronts illus Q Seattle Reid '1912 Os.S.Wu 3293 (pub) Sights and scenes at the Lewis and Clark centennial exposition, Portland, Ore- gon; very completely illustrating the fair . . . 94pl Portland, Or Reid n905 Wh 3294 Reld, William The progress of Oregon and Portland from 1868 to 1878. 40p Portland, Or D. H. Stearns & co 1879 Oh,P 3295 Relaclon del viage liecho por las goletas sutil y Mexicana. See Espinosa y Tello, Jos^ Religious progress on the Pacific slope; ad- dresses and papers at the celebration of the semi-centennial anniversary of Pacific school of religion, Berkeley, California. 32Gp front (port) Sports Bost Pilgrim pr [^917] S 3296 Editors: Charles Sumuer Xasli; John Wright nuck- ham Remarks and conjectures on the voyage of the ships Resolution and Discovery. See No. 476 Renfro, Alfred T. and others . . .Washington state legislature and state officials,- caricatured. . . 3v illus Seattle v pub 12th session, 1911; 13th session, 1913; 14th session. 191.5 S 3297 Same lith Session 1915 Wu 3298 Republican party. Washington (territory). Cen- tral committee Address to the people of Washington territory for the campaign of 1886. 14p [Seattle 1886?] Wu 3299 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 243 Residence and business directory of the city of Seattle for the year 1882, comprising a brief sketch of the settlement, develop- ment, and present business of the city. 87p cSeattlej Elliot & Sweet cl882] Wu 3300 Resolutions and memorial addresses on the life and character of Cyrus A. Dolph, delivered at a meeting of the bench and bar. . . Portland. Oregon. . . July 11th, 1914. 5.5p ports Portland, Or cBeach] 1914 Oh 3301 Resources of Oregon and Washington. v3, no 11-v 4, no 5. June 1880-Mar. 1882. Port- land, Or 1880-1882 Oh 3302 Same v 3, no 12-v 4. no 4 July 1881-Feb. 1882 Wu 3303 Issued by David and W. G. Steel and C. B. Watson Rev. Peter John De Smet. IGp n p [De Smet memorial league: n d Oh 3304 Represents an effort of the Alumni Association of St. Louis University to raise funds for the erection of a De Smet statue at the St. Louis Exposition Review of the principal proceedings of the Ed- 3305 178p Lond parliament of 1784. wards 1792 L,S P112-22. Nootka Sound Rhett, Robert Barnwell Speech of the Hon. R. B. Rhett, of South Carolina, on the Oregon territory bill ex- cluding slavery from that territory — the Missouri compromise being proposed and rejected. Delivered in the House of repre- sentatives of the U.S., Jan. 14, 1846. 14p Wash Gideon pr [1846?: Wu 3306 Rice, Alfred Ernest An Oregon girl: a tale of American life in the new West. 362p front 5pl Portland Glass & Prudhomme co 1914 Os,Wu 3307 Rice, David Perry The faces of our judges unmasked. Shall the people rule and shall the laws be obeyed by the courts; an analysis of conduct and decisions of the King County superior court and of state and federal supreme courts w^hich overrule the people and the legisla- ture. [15p] illus (port) Seattle Met- ropolitan pr [191-] S 3308 Rich, Olive Verne, pseud of Mrs Olive Verne Roe Prophecy of Yah-Ma-Sun illus by B. C. Bubb. c26p: illus Seattle Alice Harriman co 1909 (Puget Sound Indian series) S,Sp 3309 Ridley, William, Bishop of Caledonia Vancouver I.sland pilot, containing sailing directions for the coasts of Vancouver Island, and part of British Columbia; conip. from the surveys made by Captain George Henry Richards in H. M. ships Plumper and Hecate, between the years 1858 and 1864. 270p Lond Admiralty 1864 L 3310 Richardson, Albert Deane Beyond the Mississippi; from the great river to the great ocean; life and adventure on the prairies, mountains, and Pacific coast . . . 1857-1867. 572p illus 14pl Imap Hartford Amer pub co 1867 Bcu.L.Mu, Oh,P,S,Sp,T,Wu 3311 244 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Richardson, Albert Deane — Cotitinucd Same new ed. written down to the summer of 1869. 620p Hartford Anier pub co 1873 O.L 3312 Our new states and territories, being notes of a recent tour of ol>servation through Col- orado, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Mon- tana, Washington territory and CaUfornia. Illustrated from sketches and photographs, taken on the spot, of towns, mining opera- tions, persons, incidents, scenery, etc. 80p illus N Y Beadle [^866] S,Sp,Wu 3313 Rlckard, Thomas Arthur Through the Yukon and Alaska. 392p illus San Fran Mining and scientific press 1909 Bcu,0,S,Wu 3314 Riddle, Jeff C. cDavIs] The Indian history of the Modoc war, and the causes that led to it. 295p front (port) illus tSan Fran D. L. Moses <^]914] Os. P.Wu 3315 RIdger, Arthur Loton A wanderer's trail, being a faithful record of travel in many lands. 403p front (port) pi Lond Richards 1914 P,S,Wu 3316 P39-113. Pacific Northwest Ridley, William, Bishop of Caledonia Snapshots from the North Pacific. . . ed. by Alice J. Janvrin. Ed 2 192p front (port) illus Lond Church missionary soc 1904 Bcu,L 3317 Right Reverend John B. Brondel. Bishop of Helena; a memorial. 54p front (port) 4ports Ipl Helena State publishing com- pany 1904 Wu 3318 ReT. J. B. Brondel was for fourteen years a mis- sionary In the state of Washington RInehart, Mrs. Mary (Roberts) Tenting to-night; a chronicle of sport and adventure in Glacier Park and the Cascade Mountains. 187p front 23pl N Y Houghton 1918 0,S 3319 RItzville Times. See Washington State Journal and Ritzville Times Rives, George Lockhart The United States and Mexico; a history of the relations between the two countries from the independence of Mexico to the close of the war with the United States. . . 2v maps N Y Scribner 1913 P.AVu 3320 T 2. pi -21. Oregon question Roberts, Browne H. E. History of the colonial empire of Great Bri- tain. 313p Lond Longman 1861 L 3321 Contains material on British Columbia Roberts, Charles George Douglas Canadian guide-book, complete in one volume; a guide to Eastern Canada and Newfound- land. . . and western Canada to Vancouver's Island including the Canadian Rocky moun- tains and national park. 318p illus maps N Y Appleton 1895 L 3322 Roberts, Edwards Shoshone and other western wonders. . . with a preface by Charles Francis Adams. 275p illus 22pl N Y Harper 1888 0,P,S,Sp, Wu 3323 Roberts, Morley The mate of the Vancouver. 268p Lon- don Lawrence 1892 Wu 3324 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 245 Western Avernus; or, Toil and travel in fur- ther North America. 307p Imap Lend Smith 1887 Bcu,L,0,S 3325 Same new ed 277p Iport 22pl Imap Westminster Constable 1896 P,T 3326 Same new • ed 277p Lond Brown 1904 L,Oh,Sp 3327 Roberts, William Milnor. .S'ee Nos. 796-97 Robertson, James Rood A paper upon the development of civil gov- ernment in Oregon. . . 43p Forest Grove, Or Thompson 1899 Oh,Os,P,Wu 3328 Robertson, Wyndham Oregon, our right and title, containing an ac- count of the condition of the Oregon ter- ritorj'. . . together with a statement of the claims of Russia, Spain, Great Britain and the United States. . . 203-|-24p Imap tab AVash n pub 1846 Oh,P,Wu 3329 Robinette, Allen M. Facts about Cape Nome and its golden sands . . . 64p illus Seattle Cape Nome in- formation and supply bureau [1900] Wu 3330 Robins. Elizabeth Come and find me. . . illus. by E. L. Blu- menschein. 531p front lOpl N Y Cent- ury 1908 S 3331 The magnetic north; by Elizabeth Robins (C. E. Raimond) With a map 417p Imap N Y Stokes ['=1904] S,Wu 3332 A novel of the Yukon trail Robinson, Henry Martin Great fur land: or, Sketches of life in the Hudson's bay territory. 348p illus N Y Putnam 1879 Bcu,0,P.Wh,Wu 3333 Same Lond Low 1879 L 3334 Robinson, Noel, and Moberly, Walter Blazing the trail through the Rockies; the story of Walter Moberly and his share in the making of Vancouver. 117p illus [Vancouver?] News advertiser pr [19 — ?] L.Wu 3335 Roby, Charles W. Portland postoffice, its history and growth. 88p illus tab ob T Portland [Baltes] 1889 Oh,P,S,Wh,Wu 3336 Roche, A. R. View of Russian America in connection with the present war. 70p Montreal Lovell 1855 P 3337 Rockwell, John Arnold Speech of Mr. Ftockwell, of Connecticut, on the Oregon question. Delivered in the House of Representatives, U. S., January 16. 1846. 16p n p n pub 1846 S,Wh 3338 Roe, Mrs. Frances Marie Antoinette (Mack) Army letters from an officer's wife, 1871- 1S88; illustrated by I. W. Taber from con- temporary photographs. 387p front (port) illus N Y Appleton 1909 S 3339 P166-364. Idaho and Montana Roe. Mrs. Olive Verne. See No. 3309 246 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA chronological his- with chronological Roe, Vingie E. The heart of Night Wind: a story of the great North West. 395p front 3pl N Y Dodd 1913 Os.P 3340 Story of the Siletz country In Oregon Roebuck, John Arthur Colonies of England: a plan for the govern- ment of some portion of our colonial pos- sessions. 24Sp Imap L,ond Parker 1849 S 3341 Appendix A: An act to establish the territorial gov- ernment of Oregon. p227-43 Rogers, Sir John Godfrey Sport in Vancouver and Newfoundland. 275p front illus pi maps Toronto Musson 1912 L,Sp 3342 Rogers, Thomas H. Nehalem, a story of the Pacific. A. D. 1700. lS2p Iport 2pl McMinnville Heath [<^1898] 0,Oh,P,Wh 3343 Rohrabacher, C. A. (comp) Seattle spirit, tory of Seattle, IT. S. illustrations. 104p illus Q Seattle Roh- rabacher [1907?] S 3344 Rollins, Alice Wellington From palm to glacier, with an interlude: Brazil, Bernmda, and Alaska. 145p ISpl N Y Putnam 1892 Sp 3345 Rolph, Thomas Emigration and colonization; embodying the ref--ults of a mission to Great Britain and Ireland, during the years 1839, 1840, 1841 and 1842; including a correspondence with many distinguished noblemen and gentle- men, several of the governors of Canada, etc.; de.'^criptive accounts of various parts of the British American provinces, with observations, statistical, political, etc. 376p Lond Mortimer 1844 P,S 3346 P320-26. Oregon Ronan, Peter Historical sketch of the Flathead Indian na- tion from the year 1813-1890. . . 80p 4port 8pl Helena,. Mont Journal pub co [pref. 1890] Mu.P,S,Sp,Wu 3347 Roper, Edward By track and trail; a journey through Canada. 45.')p front illus 44pl map London Allen 1891 Bcu,L,,S,Wu 3348 Contains material on B. C. A claim on Klondyke, a romance of the Arctic El Dorado. 312p front illus Edin Blackwood 1899 L.Wu 3349 Roquefeuil, Camile de Journal d'un voyage autour du monde pen- dant les ann6es 1816, 1817, 1818 et 1819. 2v 2maps v 1, Par I'onthieu; v 2, Par Lesage 1823 L,,S,Wu 3350 Same English ed 112p Lond Philips 1823 L,P.Sp,Wu 3351 Infludes ni.iterial on Northwest roast of North Amer- ica [Rosalia, Wash. Chamber of commerce] On the battle ground, Rosalia, Wash. 32p illus [Spokane Inland printing co 1905?] Sr,Wu 3352 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 247 Rose, Clinton Emmett Civil government of Idaho. Syms-York 1912 B 151p Boise 3353 Ross, Alexander Adventures of the first settlers on the Ore- gon or Columbia river; being a narrative of the expedition fitted out by John Jacob Astor to establish the "Pacific Fur Com- pany"; with an account of some Indian tribes on the coast of the Pacific. 352p Imap Lond Smith 1849 Bcu.L.Oh.P.S, Sp,W,Wh,Wu 3354 Same Reprinted in Thwaites, R. G. ed. Early western travels, v 7. Cleveland Clark 1904 L,Mu,0,Os,P,S,Sp,T,Wu 3355 Fur hunters of the far west; a narrative of adventures in the Oregon and Rocky moun- tains. 2v Iport 2pl tab Lond Smith 1855 L,P,S,W,Wu 3356 Ross, Edward C, Eells, Myron and Gray, W. H. The Whitman controversy: articles. . . in reply to Mrs. F. F. Victor and Elwood Evans whose contributions appeared in the Oregonian of November 7th and Decem- ber 26th, 1884, respectively. 70p Port- land, Or Himes 1885 0,Os,Wu 3357 Ross, Sir John Memoir of the celebrated Admiral Adam John de Krusenstern. . . tr. from the German by his daughter, Madame Charlotte Bern- hordi. . . 75p Iport Lond Longman 1856 L,S 3358 Ross, Patrick Hore Warrlner Western gate. 153p 2maps N Y Dodd 1911 P,S,Wu 3359 Sub-title: Maritime district of western Washington and a new American mercantile marine Rossi, Louis Abbe Six ans en Amerique. Californie et Oregon ... Ed 2 322p 2maps Par Dentu 1863 L,P.S 3360 Published also under the title Souvenirs d'un voyage en Oregon et en Californie Souvenirs d'un voyage en Oregon et en Californie. 322p 2maps Par Martin- Beaupr6 1864 P 3361 Published also under the tiUe: Six ans en AmfriQue Californie et Oregon. Rotary club, Seattle. Lettre des fitats-Unis. . . Sec No. 1292 Rouhaud, Hippolyte Les region.s nouvelles; histoire du commerce et de la civilisation au Nord de I'Ocean Pacifique. 404p Paris Center 1868 L 3362 Royal society of Canada Proceedings and transactions. P,Wu 3363 Ser 1, T 5. 1887. sec. 2. p63-98. Notes and observations on the Kwaklool people of the northern part of Vancouver Island and adjacent coasts, made during the summer of 1885, with a vocabulary of about 700 words; by G M. Dawson Ser 1. V 6. 1888. sec 2, p47-57. The Indians of British Columbia, by Franz Boas Ser 1. V 6. 1888. sec. 2, p59-106. A grammar of the Kwagiutl language. [British Columbia]; by Alfred J. Hall Ser 1. V 7. 1889. sec 2, P89-141. Expeditions to the Pacific. . .by .Sandford Fleming map Ser. 1. V 9. 1891. sec. 2, p3-44. Notes on tlie Shuswap people of British Columbia; by George M. Dawson 248 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Royal society of Canada — Continued Ser 1. V 9. 1891. sec. 2. p45-59. Descriptive notes on certain Implements, weapons, etc., from Gra- ham Island, Queen Charlotte Island, B. C. ; by Alex- ander MacKenzie Ser 2, T 1. 1S9.5. sec. 2. pl03-122. Later pre- historic man in British Columbia; by Charles Hill- Tout, il Ser 2. T 1. 1893. sec. 2. pl23-226. Haida grammar; by C. Harrison; ed. by A. F. Chamberlain Ser 2, T 3. 1897. sec. 2, p 85-90. Notes on the cosmogony and history of the Sauamish Indians of Urillsh Columbia; by C. Hill-Tout, sec 2. p91-n2. Tlie origin of the Haldahs of the Queen Charlotte Islands ; by .Tohn Campbell Ser 2. T 4. 1898. sec 2. p2,^-42. The Kootcna.v and Tsimshian languages of British Columbia; by John Campbell Ser 2. V 4. 1S98. sec. 2. p:87-231. Oceanic origin of the Kwaklutl-Nootka and Sallsh stocks of British Columbia and fundamental unity of same, with additional notes on the Dune; by Charles Hill-Tout Ser 2. V 6. 1901). sec 2. p75-204. Diary of Nicholas Garry, deputy-governor of the Hudson's Bay company from 1822-1835 Ser 2. T 6. A detailed narrative of his travels in the Northwest territories of British North America In 1821 Ser 2. V 7. 1901. sec. 2. p3-13. The origin of the totemlsm of the aborigines of British Columbia ; by Charles Hill-Tout Ser 2, V II. 190.'.. sec 1. p9-57. Pierre Gaultier de Varennes. Sleur de la V^rendrye. Capitalne dea troupes de la marine. Chevalier de I'ordre mllltalre de Saint-Louis, decouvreur du Nord-Ouest. 1685-1749; par L. -A. Prud'homme Ser 3. V 6. 1912. sec 2. p67-132. Edward Krmatinger's York factory express Journal being a record of journeys made between Fort Vancouver and Hudson Bay In the years 1827-28 Ser 3. V 7. 1913. sec. 2. P67-80. A girl's puberty among the Nootka Indians; by Edward Sapir Sit 3. V 8. 1914. sec. 1. pl37-175. Le rfgiie de la Compagnle de la Bale d'Hudson, 1821-1869; par L. .\. Prud'homme. sec 2. P183-92. Highways of the fur trade: by Lawrence J. Burpee Ser 3. V 9. 1915. sec. 2. p65-77. Treaty of 1825-correspondence respecting the boundary between Russian America (Alaska) and British North America; by James \^'hite Royer, Edgar Benaiah Lonpley Whitman, 1862-1911. unp Iport np n pub 1911? S 3364 Reprinted from the Northwestern freemason. Decem- ber, 1911 Royer's financial record: issued five times a year, after each call of the comptroller of the currency. Q Seattle, Royer 1-12, 1908-19 S.Wu 3365 Record of Washington. Oregon. Idaho and Alaska Rublo pseudonym. See James, Thomas Horton Rudimenta cosmographica. [60p] 3pl 12map Ticruri apud Froscho-kerum anno 1546 L 3366 Ruffner, William Henry Report on Washington territory. 242p 13pl 5maps tab N Y Seattle, Lake Shore and Eastern railway 1889 Bcu,P,S,Sp,T,W, Wu 3367 Rush, Richard Memoranda of a residence at the court of London. . . from 1817 to 1825. 460p Phil Carey 1833 L,P 3368 Same Ed 2 rev & enl 501p Phil Key and Riddle 1833 Wu 3369 Memoranda of a residence at the court of London. . . from 1819 to 1825, including negotiations on the Oregon question. . . 640p Phil Lea 1845 L,0,P,W,T,Wa,Wu 3370 Residence at the court of London. Ser 1 420p Lond Bentley 1833 Bcu.S.Sp 3371 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 249 Residence at the court of London, compris- ing incidents, official and personal, from 1819 to 1825; amongst the former, negotia- tions on the Oregon territory, and other unsettled questions between the United States and Great Britain. Ser 2 2v Lond Bentley 1845 Bcu,L,Oh,S,\Vh,\Vu 3372 Rusling, James F. Across America; or. The great west and the Pacific coast. 503p Iport 7pl Imap N Y Sheldon 1874 0,P,T, 3373 Great West, and Pacific coast. . . 515p Iport 7pl tab N Y Sheldon [''1877] P, S,Wu 3374 Contains map in pocket Russell, Israel Cook Alaska: its physical geography, [with folded map]. (Reprinted from the Scottish geographical magazine, v 10, p 393- 413, August, 1894) Wu 3375 Glaciers of Mount Rainier; with a paper on the Rocks of Mount Rainier, by George Otis Smith, p 349-423 16pl Imap Q no title page (U. S. Geological survey 18th an- nual report Part 2) S,Wu 3376 Russell, Osborne Journal of a trapper; or. Nine years in the Rocky mountains: 1834-1843. . . 105p Boise Syms-Y'ork co 1914 B,L,Oh,Wu 3377 Ruxton, George Frederic Life in the far west. 235p N Y Harper 1849 Sp 3378 (Kit Carson and the U.S. exploring expeditions under Fremont across the Rocky 'Mts. and to all parts of Oregon and California) Sabin, Edwin Legrand Boys' book of Indian warriors and heroic In- dian women. 349p front (port) 2pl 5ports Phil Jacobs c'^1918] 0,0s 3379 The Bird-woman guide. Search for the Book of heaven. Chief Joseph goes to war: p202-14, 228-34, 309-2» Opening the west with Lewis and Clark. . . 278p front pi ports map Phil Lippincott 1917 0,P,\Vu 3380 With Carson and Fremont; being the ad- ventures, in the years 1842-43-44. . . of . . . Christopher Carson and Lieutenant John Charles Fremont. . . 302p illus port Phil Lippincott 1913 Oh 3381 Sabine, Edward (ed) Narrative of an expedition to the polar sea, in the years 1820, 1821, 1822 and 1823; commanded by Lieutenant now Admiral Ferdinand von Wrangell. . . Ed 2 525p front (port) fold map Lond Madden 1844 L 3382 Sage, Rufus B. Rocky mountain life; or. Startling scenes and perilous adventures in the far west, during an expedition of three years. 363p Bost Thayer 1859 [^857] Wu 3383 Same 363p Bost Wentworth 1859, Oh 3384 250 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Sage, Rufus B. — Continued Same 363p Dayton, Ohio Canby n d O 3385 Included for the descriptions of Westport and Inde- pendence. Missouri, rendezvous for Oregon immigrants. The author arrived here in May, 1841, too late to accompany the Oregon party of that year, as he had intended Scenes in the Rocky mountains and in Ore- gon, California, New Mexico, Texas, and the Grand prairies; or. Notes by the way ... by a New Englander. 303p Imap rhil Carey 1846 0,P 3386 Sailing directions for the west coast of North .Vmerica, embracing the coasts of Central America, California, Oregon, Fuca Strait, Puget Sound, Vancouver Island, and the islands and rocks off the coasts of Central America and California, with an appendix containing various remarks on. . . care- fully comp. from the most recent surveys made by order of the British, United States, Spanish and French governments. 232p Lond Imray 1853 L 3387 Salnt-Amant, Pierre Charles de Voyages en Californie et dans 1' Oregon. . . 651p illus 2maps Par Maison 1854 Bcu, L,0,P,S,Wu 3388 St. John, H. (pub) Souvenir [of] Northwest Washington and the Bellinghani bay country. . . 96p illus ob O n p St John 1900 Wu 3389 St. John, Molyneux The province of British Columbia, Canada, its resources, commercial position and climate, and description of the new field opened up by the Canadian Pacific rail- way, with information for intending set- tlers. . . 56p pi fold map n p n pub n d L, 3390 Sea of mountains; an account of Lord Duf- ferin's tour through British Columbia in 1876. 2v Iport facsim Lond Hurst 1877 Bcu,L,S,Wu 3391 St. Johns, James Diary, now printed for the first time; pre- pared by George H. Himes. (Reprinted from St. Johns (Or) review. Mar. 16, 1906) Oh 3392 St. Maur, Mrs. Algernon Impressions of a tenderfoot during a journey in search of sport in the far west. 279p 6pl Imap Lond Murray 1890 Bcu,L,P, S,Wu 3393 St. Onge, Louis N. Alphabet Yakama, contensint les prieres, les cantiques et le catechisme dans la meme langue. . . lOlp Montreal Providence 1872 \Vh 3394 cSalem, Oregon. Board of trade: Salem, the capital city of Oregon; the cherry city of the world. illus [Salem, Or. Statesman pub co] n d Os,P 3395 Same 4Sp Later imprints Os.Wu 3396 Salem, Oregon. Charter Charter and general ordinances of the city of Salem, Oregon. 310p cSalemj Coun- cil 1909 Os 3397 Same 503p 1912 0,0s 3398 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 251 Salem, Oregon. Commercial club Annual reports 1916/1917 [Salem, On n pub cl917: Os 3399 Samuel, L. (pub) Portland and vicinity. "Willamette valley, Columbia river, Puget sound. [92p] illus Portland, Or Samuel 1887 0,Wh 3400 (pub) Samuel's directory of Portland and East Portland. 1873-75. Oh.Os.P 3401 Same 1873 "VVu 3402 Sanborn, John Bell Congressional grants of land in aid of rail- ways. 130p Madison Univ of Wiscon- sin 1899 (Univ of Wisconsin Bulletin no 30) ^Vu 3403 Sanborn-Ferris map co Seattle, Washington. 2v [of maps] F NY Sanborn-Ferris 1893 S 3404 Real estate plat book; scale; 50ft. to 1 Inch Sanders, Helen Fitzgerald History of Montana 3 v illus ports Lewis 1913 Mu Chic 3405 Trails through western woods 310p front illus 7pl N Y Alice Harriman co 1910 S 3406 Western Montana and Its aborigines Sanders, W. F. The pioneers; Fourth of July address read at the dedication of the capital of Montana at Helena, July 4th, 1902. 23p n p n pub 1902 P 3407 Sandpoint Commercial Club Idaho, panhandle. 32p illus fold pi [Sand- point Northern Idaho News 1907] Sp 3408 Sapir, Edward Wishram texts; together with Wasco tales and myths, collected by Jeremiah Curtin and ed. by Edward Sapir. 314p Leyden? Brill 1909 (Am ethnological soc publica- tions) P 3410 Sargent, Aaron Augustus . . . Remarks of Hon. A. A. Sargent upon the occasion of the announcement of the death of Senator Edward D. Baker of Oregon. 8p [Wash (5ovt 1862] Wu 3411 Sarytschew, Garvrlla. Andreevich See Sarychef, Garvrila [Sarychef, Garvrila Andreevich: Account of a voyage of discovery to the north- east of Siberia, the frozen ocean, and the northeast sea, by Garvrila Sarystchew, Rus- sian imperial major-general to the exped- ition, translated from the Russian, and embellished with engravings. 2v bd in 1 5pl Lond Phillips 1806-07 L,P,S 3412 Sauer, Martin Account of a geographical and astronomical expedition to the northern parts of Russia ... by Commodore Joseph Billings, in the years 1785 &c to 1794. . . narrated from the original papers. 3324-56p 14pl Imap sq Q Lond Cadell 1802 L,S,Wu 3413 Same Interleaved and annotated with mss. notes P 3414 252 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Sauer, Martin — Continued Reise nach Siberien, Kamtschatka und zur untersuchung der Mundung' des Kow-ima- Flusses, der ganzen Kiiste der Tschutschken und der zwischen den festen Lande von Asien und Amerika befindlichen Inseln, auf Besehl der Kaiserin von Russland, Cathari- na der Zwenten, in den jahren 1785 bis 1794, unternommen von Kapitan Joseph Billings und nach den original papieren heraus ge- geben. 334p map (folded) Berlin n pub 1803 L 3415 Voyage fait par ordre I'imperatrice de Russie Catherine II, dans le nord de la Russie Asiatique, dans la mer glaciale, dans la mer d'Anadye, et sur les cotes de I'Amerique, depuis 1785 jusqu' en 1794, par le Commo- dore Billings; traduit de 1' Anglais avec des notes, par. J. Castgra. 3v 14pl Imap v 3 Q Par Buisson 1802 P 3416 Trans, of his Account of a geographical and astrono- mical expedition Saunders, Arthur C. The history of Bannock County, Idaho. 143p Pocatello Idaho The Tribune co Ltd 1915 B 3417 Les Sauvages de la mer Paciflque, tableau pour decoration en papier peint. 48p A Macon, de I'imprimerie de Moiroux rue franche, An XIII L 3418 Has chapter on Inhabitants of Nootka: another on the Inhabitants of Prince William Sound, discovered by Capt. Cook In 1778 Sawtelle, Mrs. Mary P. The heroine of '49; a story of the Pacific Coast. 248p illus 7pl cSan Fran? <=1891i Wu 3419 Scene laid In Oregon Saxton, Charles The Oregonian; or. History of the Oregon territory: containing the laws of Oregon, with a description of the political condition of the country; as well as its climate, re- sources, soil, productions, and progress in education, with a map. No 1 48p Wash Ward 1846 Wu 3420 Photostat copy. Map wanting In original Saylor, Frederick Hampton Oregoniana. 229p P 3420a Reprints from various periodicals covering Oregon history and Indian legends Scammon, Charles Melville Marine mammals of the northwestern coast of North America, described and illustrated; together with an account of the American whale-fishery. 319p pi F San Fran Carmony 1874 P,S 3421 Scenic tours company. Portland, Or. Columbia highway tour. Portland, Hood River, The Dalles. 2nd annual ed. 52p illus Portland, Or <=1916 O 3422 Same 3rd ed. 64p cl918 O 3423 Schafer, Joseph Acquisition of Oregon territory. Part 1. Dis- covery and exploration. 31p Eugene, Or University 1908 (University of Oregon bulletin. n s v 6, no 3) L,0,0h,0s.Wu 3424 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 253 British attitude toward the Oregon question, 1815-1846. p 273-99 Q Reprinted from the American historical review, v 16, no 2, Jan. 1911. Os.P.Wu 3425 An historical survey of public education in Eugene, Oregon. 23p cSalem, Or 1901] O 3426 History of the Pacific Northwest. 321p illus Imap N T Macmillan 1905 Bcu,L,,0,0h,0s, Mu,P,S,Sp,T,W,Wa,Wh,Wu 3427 Same Rev ed 323p front (map) 12pl Iport N Y Macmillan 1918 Bcu,L,0,Oh,Os,P,S, Sp.Wu 3428 Jesse Applegate, pioneer and state builder. 13p (Bulletin of the University of Ore- gon, n s. V 9 no 6 February 1912) Oh,Wu 3429 Oregon pioneers and American diplomacy. t21:p Q [NT Holt 1910] O 3430 Being an extract from Essays in American history, dedicated to F. J. Turner The Pacific slope and Alaska. 442p front illus pi ports map facsim Phil Barrie [<=1904] (History of North America; ed by G. C. Lee. v 10) 0,Sp,T,Wu 3431 Western ocean as a determinant in Oregon history. lip N Y Macmillan ndll (Reprinted from "The Pacific Ocean in his- tory" by H. M. Stephens and H. E. Bolton.) O.Wu 3432 Schaffer, Mary Townsend Sharpies Old Indian Trails; Incidents of camp and trail life, covering two years' exploration through the Rocky Mountains of Canada. 364p front illus ifold map N Y Putnam 1912 L,0,T,W 3433 Schiel, J. Reise durch die Felsengebirge und die Hum- boldtgebirge nach dem Stillen ocean; eine skizze. 139p tab Schaffhausen Brodt- mannische Buchhandlung 1859 L 3434 Schmolder, B. Neuer praktischer wegweiser fiir auswanderer nach Nord-Amerika. . . erste abtheilung enthalt; Oregon und Calif ornien und all- genieines iiber das Mississippi und Missouri- thai. . . 120p Iport 4pl tab Mainz Roux 1849 P 3435 Schmucker, Samuel Mosheim Arctic explorations and discoveries during the nineteenth century. . . 517p illus Iport 13pl N Y Miller 1858 P 3436 Scholefield, Ethelbert Olaf Stuart and Gosnell, R. E. A history of British Columbia. Part one, be- ing a survey of events from the earliest times down to the union of the crown colony of British Columbia with the Dominion of Canada tby] E. O. S. Schole- field. Part two being a history, mainly political and economic, of the province since confederation up to the present time [by] R. E. Gosnell. . . 210,226p front 390ports Vancouver, British Columbia historical association. Bcu,L,,Wu 3437 Half-title: Sixty years of progress. British Columbia I 254 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Scholefield, Ethelbert Olaf Stuart, and Howay, F. W. British Columbia, from the earliest times to the present. 4v fronts illus pi ports maps Vancouver Clarke 1914 Bcu.L.S, Sp,\Vu 3438 V 1-2. Historical T 3-4. Biographical "LiBt of authorities": pref. pl5-46 Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe American Indians, their history, condition and prospects, from original notes and manus- cripts. Rev ed 493p illus 3pl Buffalo Derby 1S51 I.,P 3439 Archives of aboriginal knowledge, containing all the original papers laid before congress respecting the history, antiquities, lan- guage, ethnology, pictography, rites, super- stitions and mythology of the Indian tribe.? of the United States. . . 6v ports pi maps Phil Lippincott 18C0-1S68 S,Sp 3441 Same as his Information respecting the history, condition and prospects, of the Indian tribes of tlie United States Information respecting the history, condition and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States. . - 6v ports pi maps Phil Lippincott 1852-1857 P,T,W,Wu 3440 Half title, V 1-5. Ethnological researches respecting the red man of America ; half title, v 6. General history of the North American Indians Contains considerable material relating to the lan- guage and customs of the Indians of the Pacific Northwest Same as liis Archives of aboriginal knowledge Schouler, John Observations on the indigenous tribes of the N. W. coast of America. p216-251 (From the Journal of the Royal geographical society, 1840.) L.AVu 3442 Schrader, Frank C. and Brooks, Alfred H. Preliminary report on the Cape Nome gold region, Alaska. 56p pi 3maps Wash Govt 1900 0,Os,P,S,"\V,Wh,Wu 3443 Contained also In U. S. Congress, 56-1 Senate docu- ment 238 Schulenbury, A. C. graf von der Die sprache der Tzimshian-Indianer in Nord- west-America. 372p Q Braunschweig Sattler 1894 L 3444 Schultz, James Wlllard Bird "Woman (Sacajaweat the guide of Lewis and Clark; her own story now first given to the world. 235p front 3pl Boston Houghton 1918 B,Oh,Os,P,S,Sp,Wu 3445 Schultze, Augustus A brief grammar and vocabulary of the 'Es- kimo language of north-western Alaska. 21p Bethlehem Pa Society for propa- gating the Gospel among the heathen 18S9 Wu 3446 tSchwabacher bros. and company: Vest pocket wholesale busines.s directory of Seattle, Wa.'shington, for 1904-05; a ref- erence book for the out-of-town merchant. 54p n p n pub [190-] S 3447 Schwatka, Frederick Along Alaska's great river; a popular account of the travels of the Alaska exploring ex- pedition of 1883, along the great Yukon River, from its source to its mouth, in PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 255 the British Northwest territory, and the territory of Alaska. 3G0p illus Ipl 2maps N Y Cassell cl885] L,P,S,T 3448 Same 426p Chic Henry 1S98 Wu 3449 Saine 426p Chic Hill 1900 [.nSOS: Wu 3450 Nimrod in the North; or, Hunting and fish- ing adventures in the Arctic regions. 19Sp illus Bost Educational pub co [nSSS] S 3451 "Adventures. . .in the region north of Hudson's Bay, and. . . in the interior of Alaska" Report of a military reconnaissance in Alaska, made in 1883, by Frederick Schwat- ka, 1st Lieut., 3d regt. cavalry, U. S. Army. With maps and illustrations. 121p illus 20maps Wash Govt 1885 S,Wu 3452 Summer in Alaska, a popular account of the travels of an Alaska exploring expedition along the great Yukon river, from its source to its mouth, in the British Northwest teri-itory, and in the territory of Alaska. 418p illus St. Louis Henry 1893 O.S, Sp,T,Wu 3453 Wonderland; or, Alaska and the inland pas- sage; with a description of the country traversed by the Northern Pacific Railroad, by John Hyde. . 96p illus St. Paul Northern Pacific R. R. "^1886 L,Wh 3454 Scaife, Arthur H. As it was in the fifties, by "Kim Bilir" 2S7p Victoria Province pub co 1895 L 3455 B. C. fiction Gemini and lesser lights, by "Kim Bilir" lS7p Victoria Province pub co 1895 L 3456 B. C. fiction Three letters of credit, and other stories, by "Kim Bilir." 123p Victoria Province pub CO 1894 L 3457 E. C. fiction Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah Alaska, its southern coast and the Sitkan archipelago. 333p illus Imap Bost Lothrop [^885] Bcu,L,0,S,Wh,Wu 3458 Guide-book to Alaska and the Northwest coast, including the shores of Washington, British Columbia, southeastern Alaska, the Aleutian and Seal Islands, the Bering and the Arctic coasts. 156p illus 15pl 7maps Lond Heinemann 1893 L,S,Wu 3459 Scott, Harvey Whitefield (ed) History of Portland, Oregon, with. . . biographical sketches of prominent citizens and pioneers. 651p ports tab Q Syra- cuse Mason 1890 0,0h,0s,P,S,Wu 3460 The pioneer character of Oregon progress. 26p Ivy pr 1918 (Reprint from Oregon historical quarterly v 18. no. 4, 1917) P 3461 Scott, Harvey Whitefield. See •also Nos. 2858, 2974 Scott, Leslie M. Catalogue of public addresses and lectures of Harvey W. Scott, forty years editor-in-chief Morning Oregonian. Portland, Or lip port n pub 1915 P 3462 Pioneer stimulus of gold in the Pacific north- west. 20p Portland, Or Ivy press 1917 (Reprint from Oregon historical quarterly v IS, no 3. 1917) P 3463 256 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Scudder, Doremus "A national hero"; sermon at the First Con- gregational Church, Woburn, Mass., Sun- day, November twenty-eighth, 1897. 10.30 A.M. 19p n p n pub n d Wh 3464 Frnntisrlece is tlie statue of Marcus Whitman, in tlie Witlierspoon building, Pliiladelpliia, Pa. .Marcus Whitman is the subject of the sermon Scull, E. Marshall Hunting in the Arctic and Alaska; with 13(5 illustrations from photographs and 11 maps. 304p front illus (maps) 45pl 2maps Phil Winston 1914 S 3465 Plates and maps printed on both sides; maps on Terso of some plates Sears, Alfred F. Report upon a system of sewers for the city of Portland, Oregon, to the Mayor and common council, Dec. 1883. 44p [Port- land] n pub n d P 3466 Sears, Robert New and popular pictorial description of the United States. . . Ed 4 608p illus tab N Y Sears 1849 P 3467 P601-08. Oregon territory Seatco manufacturing company Douglas fir as applied to railroad bridge building. 19p 2pl Bucoda, Wash Seatco manuf co [1890?] Wu 3468 Seattle. lOpl cSeattle? 1892?] Wu 3469 Ribbon pasted on Hy-leaf reads: Seattle. . . to the . . . National editorial association, June 1st and 2d, 1892 Seattle. Alaska-Yukon-Paciflc exposition, 1909 Report of the Alaska-Tukon-Pacific exposition commission of the state of Washington. 157p front illus Q Seattle The Commis- sion [1910?] S,Wu 3470 Secretary's report of the Alaska-Yukon- Paciflc exposition, held at Seattle, June 1 to October 16, 1909. 83p [Seattle Gate- way pub CO 1911] S 3471 Seattle. Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition. Ore- gon commission Oregon: a booklet on the resources of a won- derful state. . . comp. by W. D. Wisdom. 9Gp illus [Salem, Or State printer 1909] Os 3472 Report. 7p Salem, Or [State printen 1909 Os 3473 Seattle. Board of education Annual report, 1885, 1889, 1891, 1892, 1894. Wu 3474 Same 1891-1894 S 3475 Seattle. Board of park commissioners Parks, playgrounds and boulevards of Seattle, Washington. 160p front illus Seattle Pacific pr 1909 S,Wu 3476 Report, 1892 S,Wu 3477 Same 1893 Wu 3478 Same 1884-1904 S,Wu 3479 Called the "First annual report" Seattle. Board of public works Report for the fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 S.Wu 3480 Sawe 1892 S 3481 Seattle. Board of trade Annual report, 1890. 23p illus [Seattle 1890] Wu 3482 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 2't^7 Seattle. Candidates' committee Statement of candidates, Seattle city election, 1912. Primary, February 20. Election, March 5. 32p illus (ports) Seattle Pr of R. L. Davis [1912] S,\Vu 3483 Seattle. Chamber of commerce Cession, of American territory; a Pacific coast protest against the yielding by the United States of any portion of Alaska to the Dominion of Canada. 8p tSeattle Chamber of commerce 1899j "Wu 3484 City of Seattle, 1900, compiled by A. S. Allen. [80p] Seattle Metropolitan [1900?] Wu 3485 City of Seattle, the county of King, state of Washington. 32p illus Seattle Calvert 1898 Oh,Wh 3486 A few facts about Seattle. [32p] illus Seattle Jackson, 1898 Wh.Wu 3487 In memoriam: John Harte McGraw; a tribute to his memory, embodying addresses de- livered at various ceremonies, and resolu- tions adopted by civic, educational and commercial organizations of the Pacific coast. 84p front (port) Ipl Iport Seattle Chamber of commerce 1911 S,Wh, Wu 3488 The Lake Washington canal, Seattle, Wash- ington; a resume of the project and its re- lation to Seattle and Puget Sound as the most important entrepot for the commerce of the Pacific. c24p: 10 mounted photos tab Seattle 1901 Wu 3489 Special edition for members of the Chamber of commerce Picturesque Seattle and Puget Sound. C4p illus Seattle Chamber of commerce Pub- licity and industrial bureau [1915?] S, Wu 3490 Illustrations, with brief descriptive text. Report 1890 Wu 3491 0,S,Wu 3492 Wu 3493 Os,Wu 3494 S.Wu 3495 S,Wu 3496 Report prepared for the Publicity and indus- trial bureau. . . by Paul Page Whitham. 32p illus Seattle [Industrial bureau Seattle Chamber of commerce: 1916 Ov-, S.Wu 3497 Cover title: Seattle, an industrial city i Seattle; a great shipping and commercial center. Prepared by W. A. Mears 27p tab Seattle Chamber of commerce July 15, 1913 S,Wu 3498 Seattle and King county, Washington, 1904. 40p illus Seattle Metropolitan press tl904?] Wh.Wu 3499 Seattle and King County, AVa.shington ter- ritory; statistical and descriptive report ... to the Governor of Washington ter- ritory. 16p front Seattle Hanford pr 1884 Wu 3500 Seattle illustrated; containing a careful com- pilation and review of the resources, terminal advantages, climate and general industries of the "Queen city". . . 76p front illus Chicago Blakely '1890 S, Wh,Wu 3501 Same 1891 Same 1897 Same- 1898 Same 1901 Same 1914 58 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Seattle. Chamber of commerce — Continued Seattle, one of the freest ports in the world . . . prepared by W. A. Mears. 32p illus cSeattle Chamber of commerce, 1915] Os, S,Wu 3502 Seattle, state of Washington. . . the neces- sity for a public building illustrated by facts and figures of convincing character, February, 1890. lip Seattle Dearborn 1S90 AVu 3503 Seattle, the Puget Sound country and western Washington, 1901, their resources and op- portunities. 36p illus Seattle Trade re- gister [1901] Wu 3504 Semi-centennial celebration of the founding of Seattle, under auspices of the chamber of commerce, July 30. 1903 61p Iport Seattle Lowman [1903] Oh,Os,S,"W'h,Wu 3505 Souvenir of Seattle, 1899. 24p illus [Seattle?] l^cComb [1899?] Wu 3506 Washington, the evergreen state and Seattle, its chief city, a souvenir for 1893-94, com- piled by Thos. W. Prosch and C. T. Conover. [GOp] illus Seattle T. P. Kane [1893?] Wu 3507 Wonderful city, leading all others in 'SA^ash- ington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho and Brit- ish Columbia; Seattle; its past history, re- cent progress and present advanced posi- tion; comp. by J. W. Dodge. 48p illus Seattle Lowman 1890 S 3508 Cover title: Washington, the Sound state, and its chief city [Seattle. Chamber of commerce. Committee on taxationi Reasons for the reasonable. More bonds and more taxes. Why you should vote against higher taxes. 32p [Seattle 1911] S 3509 Seattle. Charters Charter of the city of Seattle, adopted October 1, 1890, commonly known as the "freeholders' charter." lllp Seattle Northwestern ptg co 1890 S.Wu 3510 Same with amendments. Arranged by im- print date 1892 S,Wu 3511 1893 S,Wu 3512 1896 S 3513 1900 T,Wu 3514 1904 S,Wu 3515 1907 S,Wu 3516 1908 S,Wu 3517 1911 Wu 3518 1912 0,Os,S,Wh 3519 1919 S,Wu 3520 Compiled charters of the city of Seattle, be- ginning with the original charter of 1869 and embracing all subsequent charters with each and every amendment thereto; comp. and arranged chronologically. . . by C. B. Bagley. 127-f-lll-h95+134-hl32p Seattle record pub co 1910 Wu 3521 Some with amendments to 1886 127p S 3522 Seattle. Children's orthopedic hospital Annual report. . . 1909: 1911-1915. S 3523 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 259 Seattle. City engineer Plans, specifications and contract for hydro- electric machinery and appurtenances in the Seattle municipal light and power plant 69p Seattle Acme pub co 1903 Wu 3524 Report on water works for city of Seattle. 36p Seattle Lowman 1890 S.Wu 3525 Seattle. Civil service classification commission Report, 1917 S,Wu 3526 Seattle. Comptroller Report of the city comptroller for 1890-1917. V p V pub 1891-1918 S.Wu 3527 Same 1901-1907, 1912-1915 Os 3528 Same 1914-1915 O 3529 The financial transactions of Seattle before Oct 1890 are to be found in the report of the city clerk, bound with the mayor's message Seattle. Fire department Twentieth century souvenir. . . published for the benefit of the Seattle fire department relief association. 216p illus port Seat- tle Lowman 1901 Oh.Wu 3530 Seattle. High school salary commission. See High school salary commission, Seattle Seattle. Manufacturers' association. See Manu- facturers' association of Seattle [Seattle. Marine engineers' beneficial associa- tion: Souvenir manual and directory of members, 1900. 118p [Seattle, Denny-Coryell, 1900?] Wu 3531 Seattle. Mayor Annual message. 1883-1884, 1886-1890, 1892, 1895, 1905-1906, 1912-1914 Wu 3532 Same 1886-1887, 1889-1890, 1892-1894, 1896, 1905-1906, 1909-1910, 1912-1913 S 3533 Same 1912-1914 Os 3534 Same 1912 Wh 3535 Messages 1891-1893 in Seattle. Municipal reports, 1891-1893 Seattle. Municipal plans commission Plan of Seattle; report of the Municipal plans commission, submitting report of Virgil G. Bogue, engrineer. 1911. 235p illus 31pl 20maps F [Seattle Ivy pr] 1911 O.Os, S.Wu 3536 Seattle. Municipal reports Seattle municipal reports for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1891, published by order of the mayor and city council. 354p 2fold maps attached to covers. Seattle Koch 1892 S,Wu 3537 Same 454p 13pl Seattle Koch 1893 S, Wu 3538 Same 361p 3pl Seattle Koch 1894 S 3539 Seattle. New chamber of commerce. See Seattle. Chamber of commerce Seattle. Ordinances, etc. Ordinances of the city of Seattle; comp. by Hall & Osborne 176p Hanford 1880 Wu 3540 Same revised with additions. Arranged by imprint date. 1884 Wu 3542 1888 Wu 3543 1889 Wu 3544 260 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Seattle. Ordinances, etc- —Conlinucd 1S93 S,Wu 3545 1!)02 AA'il 3546 1907 \\-U 3547 1908 S,-\Vii 3548 Seattle. Police relief association History of the Seattle police department. SOp illus Seattle 1900 Oh.S.Wu 3549 Seattle. Port commission Progress report. Aug. 15. 1914-Dec. 26, 1914 S.Wu 3550 Properties of the port district and financial reports for the years 1915, 1916 and 1017. 77p [1917] S.Wu 3551 Seattle. Port commission. See also Nos. 424-27, 1674, 3074, 3116 Seattle. Press committee Official souvenir program. [Reception to First Washington U. S. Volunteer Regi- ment], Nov. 5, 6 and 7, 1899. [64p] illus [Seattle] Metropolitan printing and binding CO [1899] Wu 3552 Seattle. Public library Annual report, lst-2nd, 5th-9th, 13th-28th. 1891-1918. Seattle 1891-1919 S.W.Wu 3553 No reports printed for 1893, 1894. 1900-1902. The first, second and fifth reports are called. Report of the libr.iry commission Same 17-27 O 3554 Same 16-2.5, 27-28 Os 3555 Same 16, 18-27 Wh 3556 Seattle. Salvation army Fifteen years; a monograph by Mrs. Staff Captain McAbee. . . For private circulation only. 16p Seattle [Yerkes printing co] Feb. 12, 1903 Wu 3557 [Seattle. Water department: Seattle municipal water plant, historical, descriptive, statistical. L. B. Youngs, sup- erintendent. Written by John Lamb, chief clerk and auditor. 316p illus 3maps tab [Seattle Moulton pr co] 1914 O.S.Wu 3558 Full-page portraits included in paging Seattle and Lake Washington waterway com- pany History and advantages of the canal and har- bor improvement project now being execut- ed by the Seattle and Lake Washington waterway company, with an appendix con- taining pertinent historical documents. 69p illus Seattle Lowman 1902 Oh.S. Wu 3559 Lake Washington ship canal. 15p Seat- tle [Pioneer printing and publishing co] [1894?] S.Wu 3560 Seattle and Lake Washington waterway co. and Morris & Whitehead, bankers, respondents, vs. Seattle dry dock co., appellant, and W. D. Hofius, defendant [On the foreclosure of liens for tideland im- provements] Appeal from the Superior court of King County: Brief of appellant. At head of title: In the Supreme court of the state of Washington. 228p Seattle n pub n d S 3561 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 261 Seattle and Walla Walla Railroad and Trans- portation company Report of the chief engineer to the trustees and stockholders, November, 1874. 47p map Seattle Intelligencer book and job pr office 1874 Wu 3562 Seattle bar association Annual report. 1907-191.5. "^Vu 3563 Same 1914 S 3564 The report for the year ending .Tune 27, 190". is the first Issued Recall of judicial decrees by bureaucratic dictation: the Olsson case before Judge C. H. Hanford. 62p Seattle [Author] [191-] S,Wu 3566 Seattle blue book; a fashionable residential ad- dress directory and ladies' visiting and shop- ping guide. . . 162p Seattle Northern pub CO 1898 Wu 3566 Same 1912-13 T 3567 Seattle business directory, classified and alpha- betically arranged, including Fremont and Ballard, for the year 1900. 76p Seattle Haigh pub co 1900 S 3568 Seattle commercial club Bulletin. Weekly. v 1-7 1911-1916 S 3569 V. 3-7: F. Roster, constitution, by-laws. 47p rse- attle 1911] S 3570 Seattle commercial club, 1913. unp illus [Seattle 1013] S,Wu 3571 Seattle; containing a compilation and review of the resources, terminal advantages, cli- mate and general industries of the Queen City and the country tributary to it. 74p Illus Seattle Baldwin [^890] Wh 3572 Seattle daily bulletin Handbook of Washington, 1901. 191p illus Seattle daily bulletin [<^1901] Wu 3573 New Year's edition. 24p illus F v 9, no 12, Jan. 12, 1903 S 3574 25th anniversary number. 44p illus F v 25, no 40, Feb. 16, 1918 S 3575 Seattle electric company Annual report. . . to the Public service com- mission of the state of Washington, for the year ending June 30, 1911. 73p tab Q n p n pub 1911 S 3576 Seattle general strike. See No. 1387 Seattle hardware company Atlas of the Pacific coast and United States acquisitions with large scale maps of China and the Philippine Islands. 16p 28x36 cm [Chicago?] Rand [^900] Wu 3577 Seattle Mail and Herald: Progress edition (annual) illus F 1902, 1903, 1904 S 3578 Seattle Masonic board of relief Annual report. 1907-1914 S 3579 Seattle ministerial federation. Committee on Orientals Report. [8p] Adopted and ordered print- ed by the Seattle ministerial federation. June 4, 1917 S 3580 Report signed: Sydney Strong. U. G. Xfurphy 262 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Seattle playgrounds association Address [by Austin E. Griffiths] on play- grounds and legislation in relation thereto, ■with special reference to the "Washington playground bill vetoed. 19p Seattle Kriedt pr co [1908?] S 3581 Seattle press club Fourth Wuxtra, the journal in which news- paper men write what they think, and not what the public thinks they think. Sou- venir edition. 116p illus Q Seattle [Author] 1913 S 3582 The Periscope; being the annual book of the Seattle press club. Ed 7 72p illus Q Seattle [Author] 1916 S 3583 TlUes of earlier editions: The Wuxtra, .The Expose, The Masque Seattle real estate association Reports on city real estate values. 115p 5pl Seattle Pacific press Dec. 1907 S, Wu 3584 Same Rev ed 77p Seattle Lownaan 1914 S,Wu 3585 Seattle society blue book. Seattle v pub 1910; 1911. S 3586 Formerly Issued under title: Our Seattle society blue boot Seattle Star Classified directory. . . containing the names, addresses and telephone numbers of manu- facturing, business and professional inter- ests of Seattle and vicinity, as published in the Seattle Star, November 19, 1917. 48p [1918?] S 3587 Seattle-Tacoma blue book (Householders' di- rectory) 1905-1906. Private address direct- ory, ladies' calling and shopping guide; arranged alphabetically and classified by streets. v 1 371p Seattle Polk 1905 S 3588 Seattle Times: Silver jubilee number, the Se- attle Sunday Times. 96p illus F Feb. 25, 1906 S 3589 Seattle Union record American federation of labor convention annual; supplement to the Seattle Union record. . . November 8, 1913. 132p illus Q Seattle Trade register pr 1913 S 3590 Seattle woman's club Tear book. 1910/11-1916/17 n p n pub S 3591 Seattle writers' club Tillicum tales. 306p illus 12pl Seattle Lowman 1907 S,Wu 3592 Sebring, Al. (comp. & pub) Sebring's Skagit county illus- trated; historical and pictorial edition of Skagit County, Washington. December, 1902. 38p illus F Mount Vernon, Wash. Sebring 1902 3593 Secretan, J. H. E. To Klondyke and back; a journey down the Yukon from its source to its mouth. . . 260p front (port) illus Lond Hurst 1898 L.Wu 3594 Semler, Heinrich Oregon nach eigenen beobachtungen. 128p Imap tab Lpz Weltpost 1883 P 3595 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 263 Senator; or. Clarendon's Parliamentary chron- icle containing- a weekly register recording . . . the proceedings and debates of the Houses of Lords and Commons. . . v 1 472p ISports Lond Symonds n d P 3596 P106-128. Debate on Nootka Sound Senex, John Universal geographer; or, Compleat atlas, con- taining all the known countries in the world, laid down from the latest observa- tions and discoveries. . . 34maps nar F6 [Lond] Sayer n d P 3597 Has been included In Oregon material for maps of the Northwest coast [Sengstacken: Mrs. Agnes Ruth (Lockhart) A legend of the Coos. 36p front San Fran. Philopolis press 1909 Os.Wu 3598 Senior, Nassau William Historical and philosophical essays. Lond Longman 1865 P,Wu T. 2, p. 3-44, Oregon Service, Robert William Ballads of a cheechako. 13 7p [=1909] S Same Phil Stern 1909 2v 3599 Wu Same Toronto Briggs 1913 N Y Barse 3600 3601 Ecu 3602 Rhymes of a rolling stone. 172p N Y Dodd 1912 S 3603 Same 195p Toronto Briggs 1912 Ecu 3604 Songs of a Sourdough. 109p Toronto Briggs 1916 Ecu 3605 Same as his Spell of the Yukon Spell of the Yukon; and other verses. 126p N T Barse [<=1907] S 3606 Same 99p Phil Stern 1909 S 3607 Same as his Songs of a Sourdough Trail of '98; a northland romance; with illus- trations by Maynard Dixon. 514p front 3pl N Y Dodd 1911 S 3608 Sessions, Francis C. From Yellowstone park to Alaska. 186p pi N Y Welch Fracker company 1890 S,T, Wu 3609 p40-2 Montana, p42-55 Washington and Oregon, p56-186 .\Iaska Seton-Karr, Sir Henry My sporting holidays. 367p pi Lond Ar- nold 1904 L 3610 Contains material on Vancouver Island Seton-Karr, Heywood Walter Alpine regions of Alaska. p. 269-285, fold map (From Royal Geographical soc. Pro- ceedings, read March 14, 1887) L 3611 Bear hunting in the White mountains or Alaska and British Columbia revisited. 156p illus 5pl Imap Lond Chapman 1891 Bcu,L,S 3612 Shores and alps of Alaska. 248p front illus Imap Lond Low 1887 L.S.Wu 3613 Ten years' wild sports in foreign lands; or. Travels in the eighties. 333p Lond Chapman 1889 L 3614 Settlement and early settlers of Coos Bay; per- sonal sketches, eccentric characters, and historical reminiscences; written by a pion- eer resident of the Bay. 38p Marsh- field Coast mail book and job pr off 1879 Oh 3615 264 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Sevier, Ambrose Hundley Speech on the Oregon question; delivered in the Senate of the U. S.. Wed., Mar. 25, 1846. 13p Wash Blair & Rives 1846 P.Wu 3616 Seward. William Henry Alaska. Speech at Sitka, August 12, 1SG9. 31 p Washington, D C Philp & Solomons 1869 Wu ♦ 3617 ConUins also his Speech at Victoria, p. 17-20; and his Speech in Salem, Oregon, p. 21-31 Speech on Alaska, p. 1-16, has been reprinted .as an Olfl Soutli leaflet. See No. 2759 Pacific railroad; speech. . . delivered in the Senate of the United States, December 21, 1858. 6p cWash Buell 1859: Oh 3618 [Seymour, Silasi Incidents of a trip through the great Platte Valley to the Rocky Mountains and Laramie Plains, in the fall of 1866 with a synoptical statement of the various Pacific railroads, and an account of the great Union Pacific railroad excursion to the one hundredth meridian. 129p ed 2 NY Van Nos- trand 1867 Mu 3619 Sharp, Dallas Lore Where rolls the Oregon. 251p front 17pl Iport Bost Houghton c<^1914] 0,0h,0s, P,S,Sp,Wu 3620 Shaver, F. A. and others, compilers. See No. 1840 Shaw, Campbell A romance of the Rockies. Br>'ce, [1888] L B. C. fiction. 102p Toronto, 3621 Shaw, Flora Klondike; paper read before the Royal Co- lonial Institute, Jan. 31, 1899. (Royal Co- lonial Institute journal, 1899, p. 186-204; Discussion of paper p. 227-235.) L, 3622 Shaw, George Coombs Chinook jargon and how to use it: a complete and exhaustive lexicon of the oldest trade language of the American continent. 65p Seattle Rainier print co 1909 L,Oh,P,S, Sp,Wh,Wu 3623 Contains valuable bibliographic notes Shaw, Thomas A farmer's paradise; the Columbia river valley as a land of grain and fruit; what a learned professor saw in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. 31p Portland, Or O R & N co 1898 Wh,Wu 3624 Consists of articles reprinted from the Tioneer Press of St. Paul Shaw, William T. The China or Denny pheasant in Oregon; with notes on the native grouse of the Pacific northwest. 24p 15pl Phil lAp- pincott 1908 P 3625 Shea, John Dawson Gilmary History of the Catholic missions, among the Indian tribes of the United States, 1529- 1854. 514p 3ports tab N Y Kenedy [<=1854] P,S 3626 Same Later imprints 0,Sp 3627 ch. 26, The Louisiana missions revived — the Oregon misaloQ PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Sheldon, Charles Wilderness of the north Pacific coast islands; a hunter's experiences while searching for wapiti, bears, and caribou on the larger coast islands of British Columbia and Alaska. 246p front illus 44pl Imap N Y Scribner 1912 S,Sp 3623 Some Lond Unwin 1912 L 3629 Wilderness of the upper Yukon; a hunter's explorations for wild sheep in sub -arctic mountains. 354p front 51pl 4maps N Y Scribner 1911 Os,S 3630 Same Toronto Copp 1911 L 3631 Sheldon, Edmund P. Forest wealth of Oregon. . . 32p front 5pl 2ports map Salem, Or State printer 1904 O 3632 Shelekhof, Gregory Voyage of a Russian merchant from Okhotzk, on the Eastern ocean, to the coast of Amer- ica, in the years 1783, 1784, 1785, 1786, 1787, and his return to Prussia; from his own journal. 42p ntp L,P 3633 Shelton, Don Odell Heroes of the cross in America. 304p illus N Y Young people's missionary movement ['^1904] T,Wh,Wu 3634 P133-73, Marcus Whitman Shelton, William Indian totem legends of the Northwest coast country; by one of the Indians. 17p illus Q n p n pub n d S,Wu 3635 Colophon: This pamphlet was executed in the print- ing department of the Chllocco Indian school; by students Shepard, Isabel Sharpe Cruise of the U. S. steamer "Rush" in Behr- ing Sea, summer of 1889. 257p front illus San Fran Bancroft co 1889 Bcu,L 3636 Sheperd, William Prairie experiences in handling cattle and sheep. 266p front 7pl Imap Lond Chap- man 1884 T.Wu 3637 Same N Y Judd 1885 S 3638 Sheridan, Philip Henry Personal memoirs. 2v illus 2ports llmaps N Y Webster 1888 0,Os,P,S,Sp,T,Wu 3639 Tl. p38-12r). Oregon and Washington Shields, George O. Battle of the Big Hole. A history of General Gibbon's engagement with the Nez Perce Indians in the Big Hole valley, Montana, Augxist 9th, 1877. 120p Sports 2pl Chic Rand 1889 P,S,T,Wu 3640 Cruisings in the Cascades; a narrative of travel, exploration, amateur photography, hunting, and fishing. . . by "Coquina" ipseud]. 339p illus Iport Chic Rand 1889 L.P.S.Sp.T.AVu 3641 Shields, Robert My travels; visits to lands far and near, Ku- ropean, British, American and Canadian. 326p pi port facsim Toronto Hunter 1902 L, 3642 266 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Shirreff, Patrick A tour through North America, together with a comprehensive view of the Canadas and United States as adapted for agricultural emigration. 473p Edin Oliver 1835 L 3643 Short, John Thomas The North Americans of antiquity; their origin, migrations and type of civilization considered. Ed 2 544p illus Ipl N Y Harper 1880 0,S,Sp,T 3644 A short narrative and justification of the pro- ceedings of the committee appointed by the adventurers, to prosecute the discovery of the passage to the western ocean of Amer- ica: and to open and extend the trade, and settle the countries beyond Hudson's Bay, with an apology for postponing at present their intended application to parliament, to which are annexed the report and petitions referred to in the narrative, and the papers prepared to be delivered to the Lords and Commons, upon presenting the petition, as the foundation for a parliamentary enquiry, and the facts they were prepared to sup- port: Now laid before the publick for their future consideration. 30p Lond Robin- son 1749 L 3645 Short statement of the countries and trade of North America claimed by the Hudson's Bay company, under pretence of a charter for ever, of lands without bounds or limits. and an exclusive trade to those unbounded seas and countries; shewing the illegality of the said grant, and the abuse they have made of it. . . 44p Lond Robinson 1749 L 3646 Shortt, Adam, and Doughty, A. G. (eds) Canada and its provinces; a history of the Canadian people and their institutions, by one hundred associates. Edinburgh edi- tion. 22v. [& index] pi ports maps fac- sims tab diagrs Toronto Constable 1914- 1917 Bcu,P,S 3647 T. 21-22. The Pacific province. Considerable Infor- mation on the Northwest In other volumes Shuck, Oscar Tully (ed) Representative and leading men of the Pacific. . . 702p 23ports Ipl San Fran Bacon 1870 Oh,P,S,Wu 3648 Shuck, Oscar Tully, editor. See also Baker, Edward Dickinson. Signal fires on the trail of the pathfinder. 162p Iport N Y Dayton 1856 P 3649 SIkes, F. A. History of the Farmers' union movement in Oregon and southern Idaho. Ed 2 30p Milton, Or Author cl914?: Os 3650 Silver, S. W. and company Handbook to Canada; a guide for travellers and settlers in the provinces of Ontario. North-West Territory, Manitoba, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, British Co- lumbia. . . with new map, showing the rail- way system etc. 288p map Lond Silver 1881 L 3651 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 267 Simpson, Alexander Life and travels of Thomas Simpson, the Arctic discoverer. 424p Iport Imap Lond Bentley 1845 L,P,S 3652 Included for Northwest passage Oregon territory; claims thereto of England and America considered; its condition and prospects. 60p Lond Bentley 184G S 3653 Simpson, Sir George Letters, 1S41-1843; ed. by Joseph Schafer. p. 71-94 (Reprint from Am. historical review, v 14. no 1 Oct. 1908) O.Oh.P.Wu 3654 Narrative of a journey "round the world, dur- ing the years 1841 and 1842. 2v Iport Imap tab Lond Colburn 1847 Bcu.L, Mu,0,Oh,P,S,Sp,Wu 3655 V 1, oh 4. From Vancouver to Sitka, v 1. ch 5, From Sitka to Vancouver, v 2, ch 4, Sitka Overland journey round the world during the years 1841 and 1842. 230p tab Phil Lea 1847 L,Os,P,Wh 3656 Peace river; a canoe voyage from Hudson's bay to Pacific, in 1828. Journal of the late Chief Factor, Archibald McDonald, (Hon. Hudson's Bay company), who accompanied him, edited with notes by Malcolm McLeod. 19-|-119p map Ottawa Durie 1872 L,Oh, S,Sp 3657 Simpson, Samuel Leonidas The gold-gated West; songs and poems, edited with an introductory preface by W. T. Burney. 308p (front port) Phil Lippincott 1911 0,Wu 3658 Sims, Alexander Drumgoole Speech of Mr. Sims of South Carolina, on the Oregon question; delivered in the House of representatives, U. S. Feb. 7, 1846. 15p Wash Gideon 1846 P 3659 Sinclair, Bertrand William Big timber; a story of the Northwest; with a frontispiece by Douglas Duer. 321p pi Toronto Copp [^916] L 3660 B. C. fiction North of fifty-three; with illustrations by Anton Otto Fischer. 345p front 3pl N Y Grosset ['=1914] S,Sp 3661 Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. Oregon province. Gleanings of fifty years; the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary in the Northwest, 1859-1909. 230p illus port [Portland, Or 1909] P 3662 SItarstedt, Ernst Teofil Oregon och dess Svenska befolknung. 220p illus port Washington pr co 1911 P 3663 Vagabond och redaktor: lefnadsoden och tids- bilder. . . med forord af Jakob Bonggren. Teckningar af Olof Grafstrom, portratter ni.m. samt titelplansch af G. N. Malm. 409p front (port) illus Seattle Washing- ton pr CO 1914 S 3664 Includes considerable material on the Nortliwest Washington och dess Svenska befolkning: med en farglagd karta ofver Washington. 300 portratt och 87 andra illustrationer. Fk forf:s forlag under medverkan af F. W. Lonegren. 588p front (port) illus Imap Seattle Washington pr co 1908 S 3665 268 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Sketch of the reign of George the Third, from 1780 to the close of the year 1790. 206p Lond Debrett 1791 L,P,S 3666 P152-1GG. Noota Sound Same Dublin Smith 1791 L 3667 Sketches of mission life among the Indians of Oregon. 229p 5pl N Y Carlton ['^1854] L,Oh,P,Wh,Wu 3668 Sketches of Washingtonians. containing brief histories of men of the state of "Washington engaged in professional and political life, In manufacture, commerce, finance and re- ligion; with a summary of the cities of the state containing upwards of 5,000 population. A reference volume of value to libraries, newspapers, magazines and colleges. 1907. 320p Seattle "Wolfe '^1906 S,Wu 3669 Sladen, Douglas On the cars and off; being the journal of a pilgrimage along the Queen's highway, from Halifax in Nova Scotia to "Victoria in Van- couver's Island, with additional matter on the Klondike by P. A. Hurd. 512p 19pl illus Lond n pub 1894 L.T 3670 Same Lond "Ward n d S 3671 Same Ed 2 447p Lond "Ward 1895 Bcu 3672 Slater, J. H. Speech of Hon. J. H. Slater, of Oregon de- livered in the Senate of the "United States, February 14, 1882, on the Improvement of the Columbia river. 14p "Wash [Govt] 1882 Oh 3673 Small, Hugh A home for the industrious of all nations: Oregon and her resources; from personal observation and investigation. . . 130p Imap San Fran Bancroft 1872 Oh,Os, P.S.Wu 3674 The map shows railroads completed .ind r.iilroails projected Smalley, Eugene Virgil History of the Northern Pacific railroad. 437p 48pl 5maps plus 1 map in pocket. N Y Putnam 1883 Mu,0,Oh,P,S,Sp,T."W,"Wh, Wu 3675 Seattle; the beautiful and prosperous Queen City of Puget Sound. p 9-20. illus F S 3676 1 4. April, 1888 Northwest are included Nnrtliwest magazine, t G. r Ottier articles on the Pacific Smart, Ephraim K. Speech of Mr. E. K. Smart, of Maine, on the Oregon territorial bill delivered in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, March 28, 1848. "Wash Congressional Globe office 1848 L 3677 Smead, William Henry Land of the Flatheads; a sketch of the Flat- head reservation, Montana, its past and present, its hopes and possibilities for the future. 142p illus Iport St. Paul Pioneer press infg depts [''1905] Mu,P,S, Sp 3678 Same 144p 2 fold maps Missoula, Mont Daily Missoulian [<^1905: T,"Wu 3679 Smet, Pierre Jean de Cinquante nouvelles lettres. . . 504p Par Casterman 1858 P 3680 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 269 Letters and sketches; with a narrative of a year's residence among the Indian tribes of the Rocky mountains. 252p llpl I'liil Fithian 1843 L,Mu,r,Sp 3681 Same Reprinted in Thwaites, R. G. ed Early western travels. 1906 v 27 p 127- 411 L„0,Os,P,S,Sp,W,Wu 3682 Lettres choisies 1849-1857. Ed 3 405p front (port) 1 facsim Bruxelles Closson 1875 L.Wu 3683 Wu copy lacks facsim Same 1855-1861 416p Bruxelles Clos- son 1876 L.Wu 3684 Same [1860-18673 416p Bruxelles Clos- son 1877 L,Wu 3685 Same [1867-1873] 408p Bruxelles Clos- son 1878 L.Wu 3686 Life, letters and travels of Father Pierre Jean de Smet, S. J. 1801-1873; missionary labors and adventures among- the wild tribes of the North American Indians. . . ed. . . by Hiram Martin Chittenden. . . and Alfred Talbot Richardson. . . 4v 4ports 9pl Imap 3 facsims N Y Harper ]905 L, Mu,P,S,Sp,T,Wu 3687 Louise Sighouin, an Indian woman of the Coeur d'al§ne tribe, who died in tlie odor of sanctity in 1853. p. 9-59. n p Sad- lier & co(?) n d L 3688 Title page missing Bound with, Indian sketches. Short Indian catechism In use among the Flatheads, Kalispels, Fends d'OreUles, and other Rocky Mountain Indians Missien van den Oregon en reisen naer de Rotsbergen en de bronnen der Colombia, der Athabasca en Sascatshawin in 1845-46 . . . 423p 15pl Smaps tab Ghent Scheld- en 1849 P,W 3689 Flemish edition of Oregon mission and travels Missions de I'Oregon et voyages aux montag- nes Rocheuses aux sources de la Colombie, de I'Athabasca et du Sascatshawin en 1845- 46. . . 389p 15pl Smaps tab Ghent Schelden n d P,S 3690 A French translation of Oregon missions Missions de I'Oregon et voyages dans les montagnes Rocheuses en 1845 et 1846: ouv- rage traduit de I'Anglais par M. Bourlez. 408p 13pl Par Poussielque-Rusand 1848 L,P 3691 Second French edition (a different transhuion) of his Oregon missions New Indian sketches. . . 175p front illus N Y, D. & J. Sadlier & co 1863 Sp 3692 Same N Y Kenedy 1895 c«18853 Mu.P, "Wu 3693 Oregon missions and travels over the Rocky mountains in 1845-46. 408p 13pl Imap N Y Dunigan 1847 Bcu,L,Oh,P,S,Sp,W, "Wa,Wh,Wu 3694 Same Reprinted in Thwaites, R. G. ed Early western travels 1906 v 29, p [103]- 424 Bcu,L,0,P,S 3695 Voyages aux montagnes Rocheuses, chez les tribus Indiennes du vaste territoire de 1' Oregon, dependant des Etats-Unis d'Amer- ique. 268p front (plate) Lille Lefort 1845 Wu 3696 Same Ed 2 258p front Lille Lefort 1850 L 3697 Same Ed 4 239p front Lille Lefort 1859 O 3698 270 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA de — Continued 239p front Lille Smet, Pierre Jean Same Ed 5 n d P Same Ed 8 237p front Lille S Lefort 3699 Lefort n d 3700 French edition of the Letters and sketches Voyages aux monta&nes Rocheuses et s6jour chez les tribus Indiennes de I'Orggon, nou- velle ed. 405p port map facsim Brux- elles Devaux 1873 L 3701 Voyages dans TAmSrique septentrionale; Ore- gon. Ed 3 406p front (port) 1 fold map Bruxelles Closson 1874 L,Wu Western missions and missionaries, of letters. 532p Iport N Y [=1859] Mu.S.Wu Same N T Strong [nSSD] P Same N T Kirber 1863 [=1859] 3702 a series Kenedy 3703 3704 P.Sp.Wu 3705 Smet, Pierre Jean de. See No. 3304 Smiimii tel kaimintis kolinzuteu; narratives from the Holy Scripture in Kalispel. 140p Montana St. Ignatius print 1876 Wu 3706 Of interest In connection with the language of the Ealtspel Indians [Smith, Amelie de Fonfride] Oregon's official roster 106p illus ports fac- sim Portland Lewis & Dryden [=1898] O.Oh 3707 Same Ed 2 [=18983 P 3708 Smith, Carl and Edward, H. P. Behind the scenes at Salem ... a synopsis of the twenty-sixth legislative session, with some inside facts gathered by two legisla- tive correspondents. 78p illus n pub [1911?] Oh.Os.P 3709 Smith, Charles Wesley (comp) Check-list of books and pamphlets relating to the history of the Pacific North- west to be found in representative libraries of that region. 191p Olympia, Wash Published by Washington State library 1909 All 3710 Same "Presented by the Washington state commission, Alaska-Yukon-Paciflc Exposi- tion." Differs from above in title page only. A contribution toward a bibliography of Mar- cus Whitman. 62p Seattle 1909 (Bul- letin of the University of Washington. Uni- versity studies, no. 2) 0,P,S,Sp,Wu 3711 Expansion of the Dewey decimal classification for the history of the Pacific Northwest, p. 146-160. (Reprinted from the Wash- ington Historical Quarterly, January 1908) L,0,Os,P.S,^V,Wu 3712 Naming of counties in the state of Washing- ton. 15p Seattle 1913 (Bulletin of the University of Washington. University studies, No 6) 0,Oh,P,S,Wa,Wh,Wu 3713 Reprinted from Magazine of history, 10:!)-16, 79-85 (1909) Smith, Delazon Speech of Mr. Smith of Linn county delivered in the House of representatives January 11, 1855, upon the bill providing for the removal of the territorial university to Jacksonville. 8p n p n pub n d Oh 3714 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 271 Smith, Elijah In reply to statements published by Mr. Henry Villard, May, 1889. 25p cN Y] n pub :1889] P 3715 Smith, Harlan Ingersoll Archeological investigations on the North Pacific coast of America. lOp (Re- printed from Science, n. s. v 9, p 535-539, Apr. 14, 1899). L,Wu 3716 Archaeology of Lytton, British Columbia, [illus.] An abstract from memoirs of the American museum of natural history, v 2, pt 3, May 25, 1899. (Reprinted from Mon- umental records, March 1900, p 76-88) L, Oh,W,Wu 3717 Archaeolog-y of the Gulf of Georgia and Puget Sound. N Y Stechert 1907 (From Jesup North Pacific expedition, v 2, p 301-442). P,W 3718 Archaeology of the Thompson river region, British Columbia. 3pl F NY Knicker- bocker press 1900 (From Jesup North Pacific expedition, v 1, p 401-442) W 3719 The archaeology of the Yakima Valley. 171p illus 16pl map N Y American museum of natural history 1910 (American museum of natural history. Anthropological papers, V 6, pt 1) Wu 3720 P149-151. Bibliography Noteworthy archaeological specimens from lower Columbia valley. (Reprinted from the American anthropologist, n s v 8, no 2. p .298-307, April-June, 1906) Oh 3721 Recent archaeological discoveries in north- west America. (Extracts from Bulletin of American Geographical Society, May 1906 p 287-295) Sp 3722 Shell heaps of the lower Fraser river, British Columbia. 7pl F NY Knickerbocker press 1903 (From Jesup North Pacific ex- pedition, v 2, p 133-192) P,W 3723 Stone hammers or pestles of the Northwest coast of America. (Reprinted from the American anthropologist, n s v 1, p 363- 368, April. 1899) Wu 3724 Smith, Harlan Ingersoll and Fowke, Gerard Cairns of British Columbia and "Washington. 5pl 2maps F NY Knickerbocker press 1901 (From Jesup North Pacific expedition, V 2, p 55-75) L,P,T.W 3725 Smith, Sidney Settler's new home; or, The emigrant's loca- tion. 144p Lond Kendrick 1849 L,P 3726 pl29. Oreson, Vancouver's Island. "From Texas to Oregon, the emigrant would ilnd a fall analogous to that of, 'out of the frying-pan Into the Are.' The climate and soil are unobjeofinnable — but everything else Is." Smith, Susan Williamson Legend of Multnomah Falls. i26p: pi port Portland, Or Irwin 1905 Oh 3727 Smith, Truman Speech of Mr. Truman Smith of Connecticut on the Oregon question, delivered in the House of Representatives, U. S., February 7, 1846. 19p Wash Gideon 1846 Oh. Wh 3728 Smith, V. Amp. (pub) Walla Walla city directory 1889. 178p Walla Walla Author 1889 Wa 3729 272 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Smith, Walker C. The Everett massacre; a history of the class struggle in the lumber industry. 302p illus Chic I. W. W. pub bureau :ini8] Wu 3730 [Smith, Wilfrid Robert] Under the northern lights. By "Platinum Bill" cpseudj. 95p front illus Portland. Or Columbia printing co <^1916 O 3731 Smith's weekly volume; a select circulating li- brary for town and country, containing the best popular literature. v 1-2, Jan. -Dec. 1845 F Phil Smith 1845 P 3732 Contains Dunn's Oregon territory Smucker, S. M. See Fremont, John Charles. Life. . . Smyth, Morris H. Supplement, 1899, relating to the British Columbia Pilot. Ed 2 1898, corrected to Aug. 1899. 33p Lond Admiralty 1899 L 3733 Smyth, Nathan A., and Pinchot, Amos Brief on the Cunningham coal entries in Alaska, submitted to the President in behalf of Mr. Gifford Pinchot. 127p en p n pub 1911] S,Wu 3734 Smythe, William Ellsworth Conquest of arid America. 325p front 5pl 3maps N Y Harper 1900 Mu.S.Sp.Wu 3735 P174-84 '•Crude strength of Idaho" P185-93 "Arid Washington and Oregon" p222-27 "Prosperity of Montana" Snelling, William J. Oregon Territory. See No. 2015 Snelling, William Joseph Polar regions of the western continent ex- plored. . . a geographical account of Ice- land, Greenland, the islands of the frozen sea, and the northern parts of the American continent. . . with the adventures, discov- eries, dangers and trials of Parry, Franklin, Lyon, and other navigators, in those regions. 501p 4pl Imap Bost Reed 1831 P 3736 P478-484. Kotzebue's voyage Sniffen, Matthew K., and Carrington, T. S. The Indians of the Yukon and Tanana Val- leys, Alaska. 35p front 4pl Phil Indian rights association 1914 Wu 3737 Snow, H. J. In forbidden seas; recollections of sea-otter hunting in the Kurils. 303p front illus map Lond Arnold 1910 L 3738 Snow, William Parker British Columbia, emigration, and our colon- ies, considered practically, socially, and politically. 108p Lond Piper 1858 L 3739 Snowden, Clinton A. History of "Washington; the rise and progress of an American state; advisory editors: Cornelius H. Hanford, Miles C. Moore, Wil- liam D. Tyler, Stephen J. Chadwick. 6v pi ports maps N Y Century hist co 1909- 1911 S 3740 Same v 1-5 Sp 3741 Bamc V 1-4 P,W,Wa,Wu 3742 t 5-6. Biograpliical PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 273 Social register, Seattle, 1914. v 28, no 17 31p N Y Social reg-ister assoc January 1914 Wu 3743 Same 1918 v 33, no 12 40p November 1918 S 3744 Contains also: Social register, Portland, 1918. in- verted, with separate tp Society blue book: Tacoma and Olympia. 1908- 09. Bernice B. Newell, editor. Anna M. Fletcher, publisher. 26Gp [Tacoma Blue book company of "Washington ^igos] ' S 3745 Cover- title: Te olde blue book. . . Society for promoting Christian Knowledge A Kwagutl version of portions of the Book of Common Prayer. 62p Lond Soc for promoting Christian Knowledge n d L 3746 Society of California pioneers Misrepresentations of early California history corrected; proceedings of the Society of California Pioneers in regard to certain misrepresentations of men and events in early California history made in the works of Hubert Howe Bancroft and commonly known as the Bancroft histories. 37p Soc of Cal pioneers 1894 P 3747 Sola, A. E. Ironmonger Klondyke: truth and facts of the new El Dorado. 102p front (port) 21pl Smaps Sports Ifacsim Q Lond Mining and geo- graphical institute [pref 1897] L,S,Wu 3748 Some account of the Tahkaht language as spoken by several tribes on the "Western coast of "Vancouver Island 80p Lond Hatchard 1868 L 3749 Some account of the work of Stephen J. Field as a legislator, state judge, and judge of the Supreme court of the United States; with an Introductory sketch by J. N. Pomeroy. n p 1881 P 3750 P432-439, Oregon case Somerset, H. Somers Land of the Muskeg, with a preface hy A. Hungerforce Pollen. 248p illus 4maps Lond Heinemann 1895 L 3751 Somerset, Susan Margaret (McKinnon) Saint Maur, duchess of Impressions of a tenderfoot during a journey in search of sport in the far "West. 27np front 6pl fold map Lond Murray 1890 Bcu,L,"Wu 3752 B. ('. m.nterial Sommer, Johann Gottfried (ed) Taschenbuch zur verbreitung geograph- ischer kenntnisse; eine uebersicht des neu- esten und wissenswiirdigsten im geliiete der gesammten lander - und volkerkunde; zu- gleich als fortlaufende erganzung zu Zim- mermanns Ta.schenbuch der reisen. 2. jahrgang 406p front 3pl map diagr Prag Calve 1824 "Wu 3753 P36-72. "Neiderlassungen an der Miindung des Columlna Fliisses in Xordamerika" Sons of the American revolution. Oregon and Washington society Year book 1894/95. S 3754 274 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA V 7. P, 3761 illus Sons of the American revolution. Oregon society Year hook. 1903 Os,.'^ 3755 Sons of tlie American revolution. Washington State society Register. . . 1895-1900. S.Wu 3756 Same 1895-1916 Sp.Wu 3757 Tear book. . . 1902. S 3758 Soule, Sidney Howard Rand-McNally guide to the great Northwest . . . information regarding. . . Montana, Idaho. Washington, Oregon, Minnesota, North Dakota, Alaska, also western Canada and British Columbia. . . 366p illus Imap Chic Rand [■^1903] P,S,Sp,Wu 3759 Sources of the history of Oregon. v 1, pt 1-G Eugene cUnivj 1897-99 O.Wu 3760 No. 1. .Tniirnal of iredorem Cra^vford No. 2. Indian council at Walla Walla, May and .Tune. 185,5. by Lawrence Kip No. 3-6. Correspondence and journals of Captain Nathaniel J. Wj-etli. 1831-36 South Dakota. State historical society South Dakota historical collections. Aberdeen, S. D. News printing co 1914 Wu p!ic)-4n2. La Verendrye Southern Pacific company Camping, fishing and hunting. 54p Portland General passenger dept.. Southern Pacific lines [1918?] Os 3762 "This pamphlet primarily covers the national forests of western Oregon." Crater lake, Oregon's mountain playground. 13p illus n pub n d O 3763 Oregon for the settler. . . 63p illus Port- land, Or General passenger dept. Southern Pacific company 1919? Os 3764 The road of a thousand wonders, the coast llne-Shasta route of the Southern Pacific company from Los Angeles through San Francisco, to Portland, a journey of over one thousand three hundred miles. . . 72p illus San Fran Southern Pacific co irt07 ■Wh 3765 Souvenir commemorative of the journey of the Oregon pioneer excursionists. . . October, 1883 6p illus n p n pub n d Oh 3766 First excursion to tlie East of the Oreson picmeer association Spalding, Mrs. Eliza Hart Diary, 1836-1840. 126p Oh 3767 Typewiitten copy of the original manuscript Spalding. Henry Hart. See No. 4123 Spanish war; an enquiry how far Ireland is bound, of right, to embark in the impending contest on the side of Great Britain? Ad- dres.=;ed to the members of both houses of parliament. 44p Dublin P. Byrne 1790 L 3768 Xi.ntka Sparks, Edwin Erie Expansion of the American people, social and territorial. 4Glp illus Ipl Chic Scott 1901 Mu,Os,P.S,T,Wu 3769 pr!01-309. Oregon expansion Sparks, Jared Life of John Ledyard, the American traveller; comprising selections from his journals and correspondence. 325p Camb Hilliard 1828 Oh.P.Sp.Wu 3770 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 275 Same Ed 2 310p Camb Hilliard 1829 L.Oh.Wu 3771 Memoirs of the life and travels of John Led- yard, from his journals and correspondence. 428p Lend Colburn 1828 L.S 3772 Travels and adventures of John Ledj'ard; comprising' his voyage with Capt. Cook's third and last expedition; his journey on foot 1300 miles round the Gulf of Bothnia to St. Petersburg:, his adventures and resi- dence in Siberia, and his exploratory mis- sion in Africa. Ed 2 428p Lond Col- burn 1834 P,\Vu 3773 Spence, Thomas The settler's giaide in the United States and British North American provinces. 472p illus map N T Davies & Kent 1862 P 3774 P271-277 Oregon P277-280 Wasliiiigt"n P445-449 Britlsli Columbia and Vancouver's island Spencer hall. Milwaukee, Oregon Family boarding school for girls, ccatalogue] lst-4th 1861-18G5. Portland, Or v pub 1863-65. Oh 3775 Spike, W. D. C. and company Spike's illustrated description of the city of Tacoma. Washington. 12p 16pl Ta- coma, Wash Spike 1891 T,Wh,Wu 3776 Spinden, Herbert Joseph Nez Perce Indians. plG5-274 illus Q Lancaster, Pa New era pr co 1908 (Memoirs of the American anthropological association. V 2, pt 3) P,S,Sp,Wu 3777 Splawn, Andrew Jackson Ka-mi-akin; the last hero of the Yakinias. 43S+r6]p illus [Portland, Or Kilham sta- tionery & printing co 1917] Mu,Oh,Os,S, Sp,W,Wa,Wh,Wu 3778 Biography and eulogy of author: 6p. at end Spokane. Board of health Annual report, 1894, '95, 1900-2, 1905, 1906, 1907. 8v illus Spokane Dyer 1894-1908 Sp 3779 Spokane. Blue book Blue book: a social and club register of Spo- kane, 1914-15. 124p Spokane Blue book pub CO n d Sp 3780 Spokane. Chamber of commerce Annual report of the secretary, 1891. 28p Spokane Knight 1892 Wh 3781 This is the First annual report Reasons for a new state between the Rocky and the Cascade Mountains. . . :12pi illus (map) tSpokane 19 — ?] Os.Wu 3782 Spokane, a modern city. Various editions Spokane v pub v d Sp.Wu 3783 Spokane- midst nature's summer home. 16p illus Spokane Shaw cl912] Wh 3784 Spokane. Charters Charter of the city of Spokane, state of Wash- ington. Commission form of government, adopted Dec. 28, 1910. Pub. by authority of the Commissioners of the city of Spo- kane. 40p illus [Spokane] Quick print [191-] 0,S 3785 Cover title: A model of commission form govern- ment: Spokane and her new charter 276 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Spokane. City council Official gazette. v 1-0, 1911-1919 Spokane City council 1911-1919 Sp.Wu 3786 Published weekly by the authority of the council liiirsii.iiit til provisions of the city charter Spokane. City comptroller Annual report, 1901-1907. 7v Spokane Inland print co 1902-S Sp 3787 Sayue 190G Os 3788 Spokane. Civil service commission Civil service charter provision, ordinance, rules and classification. 1913. . . 40p Spokane 1913 O 3789 Spokane. Code Municipal code of the city of Spokane, Wa.sh- ington. . . compiled by Rose M. Denny. 594p [Spokane Knight] 1896 S,Sp,"SVu 3790 Same Revised by E. O. Connor 630p Spokane Inland printing co 1903 Sp,Wu 3791 Spokane. Lewis and Clark High School Alumni directory [1S91-1911] 94p front Spokane Shaw & Borden [1912] Sp 3792 Spokane. Manual Manual, 1900-1901, city of Spokane, Washing- ton, compiled by L. F. Boyd, city clerk. 31p Spokane Alexander [1900?] ^Vu 3793 Spokane. Mayor Message to the city council of the city of Spokane Falls, Wash, by Hon. C. F. Clough, mayor. May 7th, 1890. 18p Spokane Falls Daily globe 1890 Sp 3794 Spokane. Northwestern industrial exposition City of Spokane Falls, and its tributary re- sources; issued by the Northwestern indus- trial exposition, Spokane Falls, Washington, Oct. 1st to Nov. 1st, 1890. 56p front illus F NY Matthews 1890 S 3795 C1890 by C. W. Robinson, manager Spokane. Public Library Annual report. 14th-22nd 1908-1916 Sp.Wu 3796 Same 1908-1913 S 3797 Same 1913-1916 0,'W'Ti 3798 Spokane. Public schools Annual report, 1892. 206p front pi Spo- kane Spokane print co 1892 Sp 3799 Biennial report, 1897-8, 1899-1900, 1904-6, 1907- 8. 4v fronts pi Spokane Union print CO 1898-1908 Sp 3800 Spokane and Inland Empire Railroad Company Traffic Department (pub) Fruit growing in Eastern Washington. Designed and written by the Department of Publicity, Inland Empire System. 16p illus front (colored) map Spokane, Author n d Sp 3801 Spokane and the Spokane country: pictorial and biographical. 2v illus Chic Clarke 1912 Sp 3802 (De Luxe supplement) Spokane district directory company (pub) Spokane district directory comprising a complete and accurate business guide of thirty-five cities and towns in eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. . . v 1 1890 Spokane Falls Wash Sp 3803 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 277 Spokane Falls. Charter Amended charter of Spokane Falls. . . [and ordinances of the city of Spokane Falls, Washington territory]. 2v Spokane Falls Chronicle, 1886, 1891. Sp 3804 Spokane historical society. Bulletin. Sec No. 2196 Spokane perfect pocket guide No. 7, Sept. 1906. 96p 1 fold map Spo- kane Shaw 1906 Wu 3805 Spokane, Portland and Seattle railway Along the Columbia river to the sea. 42p illus n pub n d Sp 3806 Spokane, Portland and Seattle railway and others Oregon and Washington. 48p illus maps n p author n d P 3807 Spokane -Spokesman Illustrated annual, Jan. 1, 1892. 64p illus Wh 3808 Spokesman -review quarterly. v 1 no 2 illus Spokane, Spokesman-review, Dec. 1899 Sp 3809 Gives an account of the 6th annual Spokane indus- trial exposition in detail Sprague, William Cyrus Boy pathfinder; a story of the Oregon trail. 316p front 7pl illus Bost Lee tl905j O, Oh 3810 [Sproat, Gilbert Malcolmj British Columbia; information for emigrants issued by the agent-general for the province. 96p illus 1 fold map Lond [Sproat] pref 1873 Bcu.L.Wu 3811 Same lOOp Lond Clowes 1875 Ecu 3812 Scenes and studies of savage life. 317p front Lond Smith 1868 Bcu.L.S 3813 Sproule, William Southern Pacific's position in the Oregon- California land controversy. 4p n p n pub n d P 3814 Spurr, Josiah Edward Through the Yukon gold diggings; a narrative of personal travel. 276p illus Ipl Bost Kastern pub co 1900 L,P,S,T 3815 Squire, Watson Carvosso Military post on Puget Sound. Speech in the Senate of the United States, February 28, 1893. 8p Washington 1895 Wu 3816 Contained also In No 3817 Speeches in the senate of the United States, 52d congress. v p Wash n pub 1893 S 3817 A collection of 11 speeches bound in one volume. Many of them relate to the Pacific Northwest. Speeches in the senate of the United States, 53d congress. v p Washington n pub 1895 S,Wu 3818 A collection of 18 speeches bound in one vohnne. Many of them relate to the Pacific Xortlnvest Stacy, James N. Sage of Waha; the mountain gem humorist on land and on sea; by Uncle Jim. . . 205p illus pi port Portland, Or White 1902 Oh.Wu 3819 278 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Staehling and Storcksburg, Jacobs von Account of the new northern archipelago, lately discovered by the Russians in the seas of Kamtschatka and Anadir; translated from the German. 20+118p Imap Lond Heydinger 1774 L,P,Wu 3820 Stanley, E. J. Life of Rev. L. B. Stateler: a story on the old frontier, containing incidents, anecdotes and sketches of methodist history in the West and Northwest. Introduction by Bishop B. R. Hendrix. Rev ed 356p front illus Nashville, Tenn Publishing House of the M. E. Church 1916 Sp 3821 Stanley, Hiram Alonzo Rex Wayland's fortune; or. The secret of the thunderbird. 391p illus Chic Laird [•^1898] S,Wh 3822 Stannard, M. Memoirs of a professional lady nurse. 239p front illus Lond Simpkin 1873 L,S 3823 Chapters 20-22 deal with British Columbia Starks, Edwin Chapin List of fishes collected at Port Ludlow, Wash- ington. 2pl (Extract from proceedings of the California academy of sciences, series 2, v 6, p. 549-562, December, 1896). P,Wu 3824 "This paper records the ichthyological results of the last annual dredging expedition made by the Young Naturalists" association of Seattle, Washington, and the second in which the author, as an honorary mem- ber, has taken part " A Statement of the facts, pertaining to the proclamation of martial law over Pierce County, W. T. by Gov. Isaac I. Stevens and the proceedings of the court martial in the attempt to try citizens for treason, containing the governor's vindication and the trial and discharge of these citizens. 16p Steilacoom 1856 Wu 3825 "States" '-man pseudonym. See No. 674 Statement of the Oregon and Washington dele- gation in relation to the war claims of Oregon and Washington. 67p n p n d Oh,P,Sp 3826 The citizens of Oregon and Washington called upon Congress to make immediate provision for the payment of their claims as adjusted by law, for expenses incur- red in the years 1855 and 1856, in repelling Indian hostilities Stearns, D. H. (comp) The official gazette and travelers' and immigrants' guide to Oregon and Washing- ton territory. 192p Portland, Or Stearns 1876 P 3827 Steedman, Charles John Bucking the sage brush; or. The Oregon trail in the seventies. illus Iport Ipl Imap N Y Putnam 1904 P,S 3828 Steel, William Gladstone IMountains of Oregon. 112p Portland, Or David Steel 1800 0,Oh,S,Wh,Wu 3829 Same With 2ports and 2pl 0,Os,P,T 3830 Steel points. v 1, no 1 - v 2, no 1 Oct, 190G- ]Mar. 1907 Portland, Or William Glad- stone Steel pub 1906-1917 0,Os,r,Wu 3831 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 279 Same V 1, nos. 1-4 S,Sp 3832 No 1. Portland; no 2, Crater Lake; no 3, Mount Hood; no 4, The Olympics; no 5, (v 2. no 1) Oregon place names Steele, Samuel Benfleld Forty years in Canada; reminiscences of the great North-west, with some account of his service in South Africa; ed. by M. G. Nib- lett, with an introduction by J. G. Colmer. 428p front (port) 8pl Tports N Y Dodd 1915 Bcu,S 3833 Includes considerable material on the Yukon Steilacoom library association Constitution, by-laws, and rules and orders of the Steilacoom library association. . . organized in March, 1858. 12p Steila- coom Puget Sound herald pr 1860 \Vu 3834 Stein, Robert The defense of Alaska, a plea for the protec- tion of American labor. 23p map "Washington Judd and Detweiler 1910 Wu 3835 Stephens, Alexander Hamilton Admission of Oregon; speech of Hon. Alex- ander H. Stephens, of Georgia, in the House of Representatives, Feb. 12, 1859. 8p [Wash] 1859 Oh,P,Sp 3836 Stephens, Mrs. Ann Sophia (Winterbotham) Esther; a story of the Oregon trail. 128p N Y Beadle [^862: Wu 3837 Stephens, Henry Morse, and Bolton, H. E. editors. See Panama-Pacific historical con- gress Stephens, L. Dow Life sketches of a jayhawker of '49; actual experiences of a pioneer told by himself in his own way. 68p pi 2 ports 3 gr of ports n p n pub 1916 L 3838 Relates to the Klondyke [Stephens, Louise G.: Letters from an Oregon ranch, by "Kathar- ine." 212p 12pl Chic McClurg 1905 0,Oh,P.S,T,Wh,Wu 3839 Same 210p Chic McClurg 1916 Os 3940 1916 edition issued under the title. From an Oregon ranch Stephenson, William B. Land of to-morrow. 240p front 7pl Doran [^919] S,Sp Alaska N Y 3841 Sternberg, Charles Hazelius 'i'he life of a fossil hunter. . . 13-t-286p front plates ports facsim N Y Holt 1909 P 3842 P144-204 K.\pedition to tlie Oregon desert in 1877; Kxpcdition to the John Day river in 1878 Stettler, Frank C. vs. Oregon Industrial welfare commission [Briefs for the appellant and respondents! in the supreme court of the state of Oregon, Oct. term, 1913; Frank C. Stettler, appellant, vs. . . the Industrial welfare commission of the State of Oregon, respondents: appeal from a judgment of the Circuit court for ^tultnolnah co. . . 3v in 1 Portland. Or [Author, 1913] P 3843 280 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Stevens, Hazard Life of Isaac Ingalls Stevens. . . 2v illus 20ports 18pl 14maps Ifacsim tab Bost Houghton 1900 B,Bcu,0,Oh,Os,P,S,Sp,T, W.Wa.Wh.Wu 3844 Stevens. Hazard. See also No. 403G Stevens, Mrs. Helen (Norton) Memorial biography of Adele M. Fielde, hu- manitarian. 377p front (port) illus 3pl Sports N Y Fielde memorial committee [^918] S,Wu 3845 Stevens, Isaac Ingalls Address on the Northwest before the Amer- ican geographical and statistical society, delivered at New York, Dec. 2, 1858. 55p Wash Gideon 1858 P,Wu 3846 Pacific railroad. Speech in the House of rep- resentatives. May 25, 1858. 7p [Wash Office of the Congressional globe 1858?] Wu 3847 Pacific railroad — northern route; letter to the Railroad convention called to meet at "Van- couver, W.T., May 20, 1860. 24p Wash McGill print 1860 P,Wu 3848 Speech on the Indian war expenses of Wash- ington and Oregon delivered in the House of representatives, February 21, 1859. . 16p Wash Towers 1859 Wu 3849 Speech on the Washington and Oregon war claims, delivered in the House of Repre- sentatives of the United States, May 31, 1858. 16p Wash Towers 1858 P.Sp, Wu 3850 Stevens, Isaac Ingalls. Sec (ed) Traditions of the Thompson River In- dians of Briti-sh Columbia. . . with intro- duction by F. Boas. 137p Bost Hough- ton 1898 (American folk-lore society. Mem- oirs, v 6) L.S 3957 (Temple, Josiah Howard History of the town of Palmer, Massachusetts, early known as the Elbow tract: including records of the plantation, district and town, 1716-1889, with a genealogical register. 602p front (port) lOpI ISports 4maps facsim Palmer 1889 S,Wu 3958 p2P2. 265-fin. n.ill .T. Kelley 288 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Terminal facilities of North Pacific ports. See No. 296G-68 Terry, James Sculptured anthropoid ape heads found in or near the valley of the John Day river, a tributary of the Columbia river, Oregon. 15p 5pl F NY 1891 0,Sp 3959 Tessan, Frangois de. Promenades au Far-West. Ed 2 337p Par Plon-Nourrit 1912 S 3960 Chapters 20-22 are about Oregon and Seattle Testimonials. Dr. W. F. Tolmie. lip [Vic- toria: A^ictoria daily standard pr 1871 Wu 3961 Thacher, George A. The initiative and referendum in Oregon. pl98-221 (Reprint from Proceedings of the American Political Science Assoc. 1907) P 3962 Why some men kill; or, Murder mysteries revealed. . . 4+121p front pi ports Portland. Or i;<^1919: P 3963 Included because it Is a study of a number of murders committed In Oregon Thayer, Eli Admission of Oregon; speech of Hon. Eli Thayer of Massachusetts, delivered in the House of Representatives, February 11, 1859. 7p Wash Buell 1859 Oh,Wh 3964 Thayer, Emma Homan W'ild flowers of the Pacific coast from orig- inal water color sketches drawn from na- ture. 64p front col illus N Y Cassell [1887] 0,Sp 3965 Thayer, William IVIalcu,L,0,0h,0s, P,S,Sp,T,W,Wh,Wu 4192 Atlantis arisen; or. Talks of a tourist about Oregon and Washington. 412p illus ISpl tab Phil Lippincott 1S91 0,0h,0s,P,S, T,W.Wu 4193 ISarly Indian wars of Oregon, compiled from the Oregon archives and other original sources; with muster rolls. 719p tab Salem. Or Daker 1894 Bcu,0,0h,0s,P,S, T,W,\Va.Wh,Wu 4194 Eleven years in the Rocky mountains and life on the frontier; also a history of the Sioux war, and a life of Gen. George A. Custer. . . 425+156p 2v in 1 illus Iport 23pl Hartford Columbian book co 1877 P,S 4195 Same Hartford Bliss 1881 L,S, 4196 Contains material on Oregon ICew Penelope and other stories and poems. 349p San Fran Bancroft 1877 0,0h,0s, T,P,Wu 4197 The scenes of most of tliese stories are in the North- west Poems. 109p front (port) Ipl en p] Author 1900 Wu 4198 p34-51 The popples of Wa-ii-)at-pu, commemornt- ing the Whitman massacre River of the West; life and adventure in the Rocky mountains and Oregon . . . with the early history of the northwestern slope. 602p illus Iport 12pl Hartford Bliss 1870 UP.S.Sp 4199 Same Hartford Columbian book co 1870 Oh,Os,W,Wh,Wu 4200 Savie Hartford Columbian l^ook co 1871 0,T,Wu 4201 Victoria, B. C. Board of trade Annual report, 11-25, 27-34, 1889-1904, 1905- 1913. illus Victoria 1890-1913 S 4202 Victoria development and tourist association An outpost of empire, Victoria, British Co- lumbia . . . 48p illus [Victoria, B C "The Colonist" print 1907] Wu 4203 Villard, Henry Statement to the stockholders of the Northern Pacific railroad company. 24p N Y Rankin print 1884 Oh,P,Wu 4204 Villard, Henry Hilgard A journey to Alaska, 1899. 48p (Reprint from N. Y. Evening Post) O 4205 Memoirs of Henry Villard, journalist and financier, 1835-1900. 2v 4ports 8maps Bost Houghton 1904 0,Oh,P,S,Sp,T,W,Wu 4206 Vincent, Sydney B. Story of Columbia River highway . . . and Portland, Oregon ... I5p illus cPort- land, Or Glass & Prudhomme company^ 1919 Os 4207 VIolette, Eugene Morrow History of Missouri. 500t) illus port m.aps tab Bost Heath [<:1918: Oh 4208 Contains material relating to Oregon immigration PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 309 Visiting nurse association of Portland, Oregon Annual report. 6th, 8th, 13th. 1907/08, 1909/10, 1915/16 [Portland Pub by the as- sociation 1908-16: Os 4209 Vocabulary of the Chinook jargon; the com- plete language used by the Indians of Ore- gon, Washington territory and British pos- sessions. 8p San Fran Hutchings & Rosenfield 1860 Oh,P 4210 Volume of memoirs and genealogy of represent- ative citizens of the city of Seattle and county of King, Washington; including bi- ographies of many of those who have passed away. 773p front (port) 87ports Q N Y Lewis 1903 S,Wu 4211 Cover title: King County, Washington; vulume of memoirs Known as "King County biography " Voorhees, Charles Stewart A plea for American citizenship; speech on the admission of the state of Washington, delivered in the House of Representatives, July 28, 1888. 16p Wash Govt 1888 Wh 4212 Speech of Hon. C. S. Voorhees, of Washing- ton territory, on the bill restoring to the public domain certain lands claimed by the Northern Pacific railroad company, de- livered in the House of representatives, July 26, 1886. 16p [Wash Govt 1886?] Wu 4213 Vulcan iron works General history, Alaska -Yukon -Pacific e.x-, position. [113p] Seattle Vulcan iron works [1908] Wu 4214 Waddington, Alfred The Fraser mines vindicated; or, the history of four months. 49p Victoria P. de Garro 1858 L. 4215 On the geography and mountain passes of British Columbia in connection with an overland route. (From Royal Geographi- cal Society. Journal, 1868, p 118-128) L 4216 Wade, F. C. The Klondike; a four years' retrospect, p 437-444 (From Royal Colonial Insti- tute. Proceedings, 1902) L 4217 Wade, Mark S. The Thompson country; being notes on the history of southern British Columbia, and particularly of the city of Kamloops, for- merly Fort Thompson. 136p pi ports Kamloops Inland Sentinel print 1907 L,Wu Wade, Mrs. Mary Hazelton (Blanchard) Ten big Indians; stories of famous chiefs: pen and ink drawings by Gallagher. 256p front 9pl [c190d] S P241-56 "Seattle — last great clilef of Washington" Waggoner, George Andrew Stories of old Oregon. 292p 19pl Salem, Or Statesman pub co 1905 O.Oh.Os,P,Wh 4220 Ecu, 4218 Indian Sears Bost Wilde 4219 310 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Wagner, Harr Pacific history stories; arranged and retold for use in the public schools. Ed 7 16Sp front illus San Fran "^ATiitaker 1890 ("Western series of readers, v. 1) S 4221 Same 190p San Fran Harr Wagner pub CO 1918 O 4222 Waite, E. M. and Keady, W. P. (pub) The Salem directory; embracing a resi- dent and business directory for 1874; and the charter and ordinances of the city; together with history and law of real estate in Salem, by J. Q. Thornton. 104-l-48-t-44p Salem Waite 1874 Wh 4223 Walbran, John T. British Columbia coast names, 1592-1906; to which are added a few names in adjacent United States territory; their origin and history, with map and illustrations. 546p front pi ports Imap Ottawa Govt 1900 Bcu,L,Oh,P,S,Wu 4224 Walkem, W. Wymond Stories of early British Columbia. Illustrated by S. P. Judge. 287p front (port) illus Vancouver, B C News-advertiser 1914 Bcu, Wu 4225 Walker, Cyrus H. Blazing the Oregon trail; an epic poem. Al- bany, Oregon, August 17, 1905. 4p n pub n d Os 4226 Walla Walla County. Commissioners to the Lewis and Clark Fair Walla Walla county, Washington souvenir for Lewis and Clark Fair, Portland, Oregon, 1905; written by Prof. W. D. Lyman, comp. & illus. by D. F. Carnes. . . unp illus Salem, Or Statesman pub co n d Wh 4227 Wallace, Edward James Oregon question determined by the rules of international law. 39p Lond Maxwell 1846 L,P,S.Wu 4228 Wallace, Joseph Sketch of the life and public services of Ed- ward D. Baker, United States senator from Oregon, and formerly representative in con- gress from Illinois, who died in battle near I.,eesburg, Va. October 21, A. D. 1861. 144p Iport Springfield Wallace 1870 O.Os.P, Sp.Wu 4229 Walling, -A. G. (pub) History of southern Oregon, compris- ing Jackson, Josephine, Douglas, Curry and Coos counties, compiled from the most au- thentic sources. 545p ISports pi 4niaps Q Portland, Or Walling 1884 0,Os,S,Sp,Wh, Wu 4230 (pub) Illustrated history of Lane county, Ore- gon, compiled from the most authentic sources. 508p 2ports 48pl Imap tab sq Q Portland, Or Walling 1884 O.Oh.Os.P.S. Wu 4231 Wallowa county, Oregon. Commissioners Wallowa county, Oregpn; a short resume of the resources of this peerless county . . . 8p illus map n p pub n d Wh 4232 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 311 Walsh, John Henry Cam Claik. 309p front N T Macm 1916 Sp 4233 Scene laid In Washtucna. Washington in the days when Washington state was still a territory Walsingham, Thomas de Gray, sixth baron Pterophoridae of California and Oregon by Thomas, Lord Walsingham. 66p pi Lond Van Voorst 1880 P,S 4234 Walter, Richard (comp) Voyage autour du monde, fait dans les annees MDCCXL, I, II, III, IV, par George Anson, presentement Lord Anson . . . dans la Mer du Sud; tirg des jour- naux & autres papiers de ce Seigneur-, & publie par Richard Walter . . . orne de cartes & de figures en faille douce; traduit de I'anglois. Nouvelle edition 330p 30pl 12maps Q Amsterdam Arkst^e & Merkus 1751 L 4235 (comp) Voyage round the world in the years 1740-1-2-3-4, by George Anson, commander- in-chief of a squadron of his majesty's ships, sent upon an expedition to the South seas. 417p 34pl 8maps Q London Knap- ton 1748 L,0,Oh,S,Wa 4236 Same Ed 2 548p 3fold maps London Knapton 1748 Wu 4237 Same Ed 4 548p 3fold maps Atlas sq F Lond Knapton 1748 L 4238 Same Ed 9 417p - pi maps London Browne 1756 L 4239 Same Ed 15 417p pi maps London Bow- yer 1776 Sp 4240 Warburton, George Drought Hochelaga; or, England in the new world; ed. by Eliot Warburton. 2v in 1 NY Wiley 1846 P 4241 Same Ed 2 rev 2v front Lond Colburn 1846 L,Wu 4242 Contains considerable material upon Ore^'on Ward, Kirk C. See No. 555. Ward, Dillls B. Across the plains in 1853. 55p front (port) [Seattle n pub 1911] Oh,S,Wu 4243 Wardman, George (A) trip to Alaska; a narrative of what was seen and heard during a summer cruise in Alaskan waters. 237p San Fran Car- son [1884] T 4244 Same Bost Lee 1884 P,Wu 4245 Wardner, James F. Jim Wardner of Wardner, Idaho, by himself. 154p front (port) Ipl Iport N T Anglo American pub co 1900 B,Sp,Wu 4246 "Jim Wardner" after whom the towns of Wardner in Idaho and Wardner in British Columbia are named Warner, Beers and company (pub) History of Montana, 1739-1885; a his- tory of the discovery and settlement, social and commercial progiess, mines and miners, agriculture and stock-growing, churches, schools and societies, Indians and Indian wars. Vigilantes, courts of justice, news- paper press, navigation, railroads and sta- tistics. . . counties, cities, villages and mining camps. . . 1367p illus Q Chic Warner 1885 M 4247 312 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Warre, Henry J. Sketches of North America and the Oregon 5p 20pl Imap F L.P 20pl Imap L.P.S copy of the territory. [184G?] Same 5p [1848?! Cdmplete plates Same 5p Gp(colored) inson 1846?] I. Warren, Eliza Spalding Memoirs of the West: Dickinson, 4248 [IjOnd] Dickinson 4249 edition with colored Lond :Diok- 4250 the Spaldings. 153p front (port) 3pl fiports Portland, Or Mar.^h printing co [pref 191G) B,0,0h,0s, P.S.Sp.W'.Wa.Wh.Wn 4251 Washburn, Stanley Trails, trappers and tender- feet in the new empire of western Canada, with 80 illustra- tions from the author's photographs. 350p front illus N Y Holt 1912 L.S.Sp 4252 Inchides some material on British Columbia. Fraser Uiver, Prince Rupert Washburne, Chester W. Thomas Condon. p280-82 (Reprinted from the Journal of geology, v 1.5, no 3, .\pr-May, 1907) 0,S 4253 Washington (state) adjutant general Biennial report, for the year 1891-1892. Olympia White, 1893 Oh,Wu 4254 Contains Muster rolls of volunteers in the Territory of Washington during the Indian wars of 1855-56, apx. pll-187 Washington (state) Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Ex- position commission Report. . . l.^Tp illus [Seattle P.-^cific press 1909] S.Sp.Wu 4255 Washington (state) appellant, vs Seattle Port commission, respondents [Terminal cold storage] In the Supreme court of the state of Washington. Appeal from the Superior court of the state of Washington for King County. Hon. King Dykeman, Judge. 4v in 1 Seattle 1915 S 4256 Brief of appellant. Beply brief of .-ippellant. Brief of respondents. Supplemental brief nf respondents Washington (state) appellant, vs. Sturtevant, C. K., et. al., respondents [Water rights] [12p] n p n pub 1913 S 4257 Washington (state) Bureau of labor Special report on the .salmon canning indus- try in the state of Washington and the employment of Oriental labor. 16p Olympia Lamborn 1915 S,W,Wu 4258 Washington (state) Bureau of statistics and Immigration Beauties of the slate of Washington; a hook for tourists; by Harry F. Giles, Deputy commissioner. llOp front illus 6pl Imap Olympia Lamborn 1915 0,Os,S,Sp,W,Wu Homeseekers' guide to the state of Washing- ton; by Harry F. Giles. Deputy commis- sioner. ll2p Imap tab Olympia Lamborn 1914 S,W,Wu 4260 Same Ed 2 120p Imap tab Olympia Lamborn 1915 S,Sp,W,Wu 4261 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 313 Olym- 4263 Forest Manufacturing opportunities in the state of Washington, by Harry F. Giles. 240p Olynipia State pr 1918 S,Sp,W,Wu 4262 Statistics of the state of Washington, 1909- 1910, with a revised list of state, county and municipal officers. . . 39p pia State pr 1910 S,W,Wu Washington (state) College of forestry club Forest club annual. v 1-7 1913-1919 illus Seattle Wu 4264 Same v 2-3 1914-15 S 4265 Washington (state) Commissioner of public lands Vacant logged-off lands of the state of Wash- ington. 136p 2fronts illus lOpl Olympia 1917 S,W,Wu 4266 P133-36. Bibliography on logjed-off lands Washington (state) Constitution Constitution of the state of Washington, with marginal notes and full index by Andrew Woods. 74p Seattle Woods 1889 S 4267 Enabling act and constitution, with side notes and index. T. M. Reed, state auditor. Pub- lished by authority. 93p Olympia White 1891 S,Wu ' 4268 [Washington (state) Dept. of education] History of education in Washington; pre- liminary edition issued for distribution at the A. Y. P. exposition; comp. and issued by Henry B. Dewey, Superintendent of pub- lic instruction. 68p 15 charts tab Olympia Boardrrian 1909 S,Wu 4269 Washington (state) Industrial welfare commis- sion Report on the wages, conditions of work, and cost and standards of living of women wage-earners in Washington; prepared by C. J. Gleason. Hip tab Olympia State pr 1914 S,W,Wu 4270 Washington (state) Legislature Legislative manual. 1891/92, 1893/94, 1895/96, 1899, 1903, 1909, 1913, 1915, 1917, 1919 ports V p V pub 1892-1919 S 4271 Same 1889/90-1897/98-1899; 1905/06; 1909- 1919 Wu 4272 Same 1889-92, 1895-96 Sp 4273 Title varies: 1889-94, Barton's leKislative handbodh and manual; 1895-96. Steel and .Searl's legislative sou- venir manual; 1905-06, Kyan's legislative manual Memorial addresses in joint session of Sen- ate and House, Fourteenth legislature of the state of Washington, 1915. 149p il- lu.=! tOlympia Lamborn 1915] Wu 4274 Memorial addresses on the life and character of Gov. John Rankin Rogers, delivered in the House of representatives and Senate, eighth legislature of the State of Washing- ton. 31p Iport Seattle Metropolitan press 1903 Oh.S,Sp,Wu 4275 Memorial addresses on the life and charac- ter of Senator Edward S. Hamilton; deliv- ered in the Senate, ninth Legislature of the state of Washington. Published by author- ity of the Senate. Sip front (port) Q Tacoma Vaughan 1905 S 4276 314 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Washington (state) Legislature— Continued Memorial addresses on the life and charac- ter of Senator J. P. Sharp. Delivered in joint session, ninth Legislature of the state of Washington, Sunday, March fifth, nine- teen hundred and five. Pub. by authority of the Senate. 31p front (port) Q Ta- coma Vaughan 1905? S 4277 ... A memorial for the recognition of the services of Captains Robert Gray and John Kendrlck. masters of the Columbia and Washington, and the merchant proprietors in securing territorial rights to the nort- west (!) coast of America to the United States. [4jp [Olympia State n d] Wu 4278 At heail of title: House memorial no 11 State of Washlncton. Fourth regular session Washington (state) plaintiff, vs. McBride, John G., defendant [School section case, Tacoma] F v p v pub V d (1893-1897) S 4279 Documents, newspaper cllpplnRS. etc.. collected by .Tames P. Kimball, and bound in folio volume. Washington (state) Public service commission, complainant, vs. Puget Sound electric rail- way, Tacoma, defendant [Seattle-Tacoma interurban fares] Before the PuVilic service commission of Washington. Findings of fact and order. 37p n p n pub 1914 S 4280 Washington (state) Railroad commission Final order. The Railroad commission of Washington, ex. rel. W. H. Paulhamus, vs. Puget Sound electric railway. 19p Olympia 1910 S 4281 Washington (state) Railroad commission, com- plainant, vs. Northern Pacific railway co., Oregon railroad & navigation co., Wash- ington & Columbia River railway co., and Great Northern railway co., defendants [On rates, rules and regulations] Appeal from the Superior court of Walla Walla County: Brief of appellants. 49p n p n pub ] 90fi S '^^^ Washington (state) respondent, vs. Seattle taxi- cab and transfer co., appellant [City jitney transportation] In the Supreme court of the state of Washington. Appeal from the judgment of the Superior court of the state of Washington for King County. Hon King Dvkeman, Judge. Brief of amici curiae. 73p Seattle 1915 S 4283 Washington (state) respondent, vs. Somerville, Henrietta, appellant In the Supreme court of the state of Wash- ington: Appeal from the Superior court of the state of Washington for King County: brief for respondent. . . 30p Seattle n d S «84 In re the eight-hour law for women Washington (state) Secretary of state Pamphlet containing a copy of all measures "proposed by initiative petitions," "meas- ures passed by the Legislature and referred, by petition, to the people." "proposed to the Legislature and referred to the people," and "amendment to the constitution pro- posed by the Legislature." To be submit- ted to the legal voters of the state of Wash- PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 315 inglon. . . at the general election. . . Nov. 7, 1916, together with all arguments filed for and against such measures. Comp. and issued by I. M. Howell. . . 64p Olym- pia Lamborn [1916] S.W.Wu 4285 . . . State-wide prohibition initiative meas- ui-e no 3: the official arguments for and against as filed with the Secretary of state; a compilation of facts. 78p Seattle Sherman printing & binding co [191- ] S, W.Wu 4286 Washington (state) State commission for the Lewis and Clark centennial exposition Report. [15p] illus n p n pub 1905 S 4287 Washington (territory) [Indian war messages and documents, 1856: 406p [Wash Govt 1856 ?a Wu 4288 Consists largely of correspondence between Governor Stevens and state and federal officers, relative to Indian wars Message of the governor of Washington ter- ritory. Also; the correspondence with the secretary of war, .Major Gen. Wool, the officers of the regular army, and of the volunteer service of Washington territory. 406p Olympia Furste 1857 P 4289 Same tp lacking Wu 4290 Relates to Indian war of ISSS-.'ie Washington (territory) Constitution Constitution. 20p en p n pub 1878] Wu 4291 A proposed constitution which was never adopted Washington's first constitution, 1878, and the proceedings of the convention; ed. by E. S. Meany and J. T. Condon. 104p [Seat- tle 1919?] 0,S,Wu 4292 Reprinted from the Washington liistorical quarterly, 1918-1919 Washington and Alaska steamship company Golden Klondike; guide book to the Yukon gold fields, giving latest and reliable maps and dates. 24p Imap Tacoma Allen 1897 Wh 4293 Washington and Oregon year book. 838 See No Washington conservation association [By-laws and charter membership list] 14p Seattle The assoc [1909?] S 4294 Formerly called Washington forestry association Washington historical quarterly. See Washing- ton university state historical society Washington irrigation institute Proceedings. 3rd-6th, 1916-1918 Yakima, Wash The institute 1916-1918 Wu 4295 Washington magazine. See Nos 2955-58 Washington municipalities. Published quarterly by the League of Washington municipalities and the University of Washington extension division. v 1-2, Jan 1916-Apr 1917 Se- attle S.Wu 4295a Ceased publication Washington musicians' directory, including dramatic and kindred arts, season 1917- 1918. 54p Seattle National musicians directory co <=1917 S 4296 Herman A. Horowitz, eil & pub 316 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 1890. Washington office diary for coma Bard n d Wh Contains important dates, relating arranged 67p Ta- 4297 tlie state of Washington, chronologically Washington pioneer association Proceedings of the year 1903-1904, with his- torical slcetch of the organization. . . 51p Seattle Metropolitan press 1904 Oh.S.Wh, Wu 4298 Transactions for the years 1883 to 1889, in- clusive, with constitution and by-laws; also annual addresses and other matters of in- terest to pioneers, compiled by Chas. Prosch. 154p 2ports Seattle Lowman 1894 Oh. S,\Vh,Wu 4299 Same 1905-1910 Compiled by Thomas ^V. Prosch. 65p 2ports Seattle Lowman n d P,S,"VVh,Wu 4300 Washington publishing company History of Clarke county, Washington ter- ritory, compiled from the most authentic sources; also biographical sketches of its pioneers and prominent citizens. 399p illus port tab Q Portland, Or "VValling 1SS.5 Oh,Wu 4301 Washington state bankers' association Proceedings. 3rd, 5th-24th; 1891, 1900-1919. V p V pub 1891-1919 Wu 4302 Same 9th-10th T . 4303 Same 19 th S 4304 Washington state bar association Proceeding:.'; of the annual session. Gth- 2.Sth, 1894-1910. v p v pub 1894-1016 Wu 4305 Same 18-20. 2.5-28 1906-1916 S 4306 The proceedings for 1894 was the first volume pub- lished and contains a synopsis of the first five meetings Washington state board of trade Clippings; facts and figures about the state of Washington. 24p Seattle Washing- ton state board of trade 1892 Wu 4307 Washington state federation of labor Proceedings. 6th, 10-llth, 13-14th, 1907- 1915 V p State Federation d 907-191 5i "Wu 4308 Washington state federation of women's clubs Club stories. 94p Seattle Lowman 1915 S,Sp,Wu 4309 Washington state fishermen's association Washington salmon fisheries on the Columbia river. 13p Ilwaco, AVash .Tournal job print [1892?] Wu 4310 Washington state grange Proceeding.^. 3rd-8th, 10th-30th, 1891-96, 1898-1918. V p State grange 1891-1918 Wu 4311 Washington state historical society Publications, v 2, 1907-1914. 488p front (port) 13ports 2port groups llpl Olympia Society 1915 Sp,W,Wa,Wh,Wu 4312 For volume 1, see Pierce County pioneer association Washington historical magazine. v l,no 1, October, 1893. Taconia 1893 Oh.S.W, "Wh,Wu 4313 Xo more published Washington historian, quarterly, v 1-2, Sep- tember, 1899, to July, 1901. Tacoma 1899- 1901 Oh,S,Sp.W,WTi,Wu 4314 No more published PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 317 "Washing-ton state historical society: a state- ment of its organization: its constitution, by-laws, officeis, and '"A word to the reader." 14p Tacoma Houghton 1891 Wh 4315 Washington state horticultural association Report of the annual convention. v 1, 190.5: V 8, 1912 S 4316 Same 3, 7-9, 1903-1913 Sp 4317 Same 6-8, 1910-1912 Wu 4318 Washington state library advisory board Report on a survey of state supported library activities in the state of Washington, made by the State library advisory board to and at the request of the Washington state li- brary commission. 134p Olympia State pr 1917 S,T,W,Wu 4319 Compiled by John Boynton Kaiser Washington state pharmaceutical association Proceedings of the annual meeting. 7th- 10th, 13th-14th, 20th, 22nd-29th; 1896-1918. V p Association 1897-1919 Wu 4320 Washington state press association Annual proceedings. Ist-llth, 24th: 1887- 1898, 1910. V p V pub 1889-1910 Wu 4321 Same 1-4, 1887-1890 Oh 4322 Washington state sportsmen's association for the protection of game and fish Constitution and by-laws. . . and game laws of the state of Washington. 32p Seat- tle Corbett 1896 S' 4323 Washington tea(*hers' institute. Sec Nos 698-99 Washington university state historical society The Washington historical quarterly. v 1- 10, October 1906-October 1919 Seattle 1906-19 0,Os,P,S,Sp,T,W,Wa,Wh,Wu 4324 T 10 no i is a general index to volumes 1-10 Washingtonian, Gray's Harbor. .S'ee Gray's Harbor Washingtonian Waterhouse, Benjamin. See Nos 4478-79 Watkin, Sir Edward William Canada and the States; recollections, 1851 to 1886. 524p front (port) Imap Lond Ward [1887] L.S 4325 Considerable material on British Columbia, Canadian Pacific railway, the fur companies, etc Watson, Chandler Bruer Prehistoric Siskiyou Island and Marble Halls of Oregon. 147p illus cAshland, On n pub 1909 0,0s 4326 Watson, G. C. The commission of H. M. S. Amphion, Pacific station 1900-1904. 119p front illus Lond Westminster press 1904 L 4327 Watts and Godfrey (pub) Linn county business directory, 1882; containing a detailed description of Linn county, together with the charter and or- dinances of Albany, Brownsville and Harris - burg, and a complete list of business houses in the county. 228p Albany Or Watts & Godfrey 1882 P 4328 Weaver, Emily P. Canada and the British immigrant. 311p front 31pl Imap Lond Religious tract soc 1914 S 4329 Includes considerable material on the Northwest 318 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Webb, William Seward California and Alaska and over the Canadian Pacific railway. Ed 2 268p front illus llpl N Y Putnam 1891 S,W 4330 i)Mn-i61. P210-239. Muntana Alaska Webster, Daniel Mr. Webster's vindication of the treaty of Washington of 1812; in a speech delivered in tlie senate of the United States, on the 6th and 7th of April, 1846. 71p Wash Gideon 1846 Oh,"Wu 4331 Speech at Marshfield, Mass. delivered Sep- tember 1, 1848, and his speech on the Ore- gon bill, delivered in the United States Senate, August 12, 1848. 24p Bost Marvin 1848 L,,Oh,Os,P.Wu 4332 Speech con political events, delivered in Phila- delphia! p 2-30. ntp n p n pub cl84-?: Oh 4333 Contains remarks on the Oregon question Writings and speeches. National edition. 18v 78ports 25pl Sfacsims Bost Little 1903 0,P,S,Sp,Wa,Wu 4334 Same other editions 0,Oh,S,Wh,Wu 4335 Webster's works contain considerable material relating to Oregon Webster, Kimball The gold seekers of '49; a personal narrative of the overland trail and adventures in Cali- fornia and Oregon from 1849 to 1854, with an introduction and biographical sketch by G. W. Browne. 240p front 14pl 2ports Manchester Standard book co 1917 0,Os,Sp,Wu 4336 P182-226. Adventures in the Oregon Territory Wellcome, Henry S. Story of Metlakahtla. 483p Sports 21pl Lond Saxon 1887 Bcu,L,P,S,Wh,Wu 4337 Wells, Harry L. Alaska and the Klondike; the new gold fields and how to reach them. 72p illus 12pl 1 fold map Portland, Or Wells 1897 Oh, Wu 4338 Alaska, the new Eldorado; its history; its gold fields, its scenery, its routes of travel. 88p illus Portland, Or n pub 1898 Oh 4339 Later edition of his Alaska and the Klondike Popular history of Oregon from the discovery of America to the admission of the state into the Union. 480p 4pl 1 facsim tab Q Portland, Or Steel 1889 L,Oh,P,Wu 4340 Wells, Roger, jr. and Kelly, J. W. (comps) English-Eskimo and Eskimo-Eng- lish vocabularies; comp. by Ensign Roger Wells. . . and interpreter John W. Kelly. Preceded by ethnographical memoranda concerning the Arctic Eskimos in Alaska and Siberia, by John W. Kelly. 72p 2maps Wash Govt 1890 (U. S. Bureau of educa- tion. Circulars of information. 1890, no. 2) S,Wu 4341 Wells, Fargo and company Express directory; list of principal points in territory occupied by Wells, Fargo and com- pany. 150p map San Fran [Crocker: 1S80 Oh 4342 Included for towns in Oregon and Washington having express service PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 319 Wentworth, John Speech of Mr. Wentworth, of 111., on the Ore- g-on territory, delivered in the House of rep- resentatives, Jan. 24, 1844. 19p Wash Govt 1844 P 4343 West Shore; an illustrated journal of general information devoted to the development of the great West. v 1-17 Sept 1875-Jan 4344 1877-May 2, 1891 P 4345 -17 1875-Apr 18, 1891 4346 Portland, Or., and Spokane Falls. Monthly: weekly from Sept. 14, 1889. Contains many valuable historical articles. All sets reported incomplete 1891 Oh Sam c V 2, -no 5-17 Same v 1, no 5 Wu "Western," pseudonym Biography of Joseph Lane, pub 1852 0,P 40p Wash n 4347 Western Alaska construction company Railroad building in the Seward peninsula, Alaska. . . Ed 2 24p illus fold map [NT Western Alaska construction co 1904?] Wu 4348 Western architect, v 14 no 1, July, 1909. tOp illus 16pl F S.Wu 4349 Alaska-Yukon-Paciflc exposition number Western forestry and conservation association Proceedings 1911, 1913-14, 1916 P 4350 Same 1911-1916 Wu 4351 Same 1914 Os 4351a Western historical publishing company. Nos 1836, 1838, 1840-42 See Western states water power conference Call, resolutions and official proceedings. 279+13P n p Chapman 1915 P 4352 Western walnut association First annual report: proceedings of fourth annual meeting, 1919. n p n pub cl919] Os 4353 Western woman's outlook; a weeklj^ journal de- voted to social, educational and civic bet- terment, illus v 1-11, Dec. 1911-Oct. 1914 Seattle S,Wu 4354 Whatcom (Wash). Ordinances Whatcom city ordinances. . . compiled by authority of the city council by Henry C. Beach 716p Whatcom, Wash Parker 1903 S,Wh,Wu 4355 Whatcom became a part of tlie present city of Bellins- ham. Washington Wheeler, Arthur O. The Selkirk mountains; a guide for mountain climbers and pilgrims. 191p illus ports maps Winnipeg Stovel n d L 4356 The Selkirk range. 459p front pi ports diagr profile and atlas of 9 fold pi 4 fold maps fold profile Ottawa Govt 1905 Bcu 4357 Wheeler, James Cooper Captain Pete of Puget Sound. 275p illus front N Y Dutton [1909] Sp 4358 320 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA ', descriptive of an as- peak in the United Alaska — where Uving 68p illus St. Paul 4359 Wheeler, Olin Dunbar Climbing Mount Rainiei cent of the highest States — exclusive of glaciers are found. Kiley 1901 Wu lUley's Northern Pacific monograplis, no. 2 The Lewis and Clark exposition, Portland, Oregon, June 1 to October 15, 1905. 55p illus 1 fold map St. Paul Northern Pa- cific railway [1905?] Oh,Os,P,\Vu 4360 Trail of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1904; a story of the great exploration across the conti- nent in 1804-6, with a description of the old tiail. . . 2v illus (including facsim) 2pl 4niaps N Y Putnam, 1904 Mu,Os,P,S, Sp,T,W.Wa,AVh,^Vu 4361 Wheeler, Olin Dunbar. See also No 2709 Whetham. See Boddam-Wlietham The Whig almanac and United States register, lS4t;. (i4p N Y Creeley 1846 L 4362 Contains material on Oregon Boundary Same 1847 L 4363 p28. Text of Oreson treaty White, Arthur V. and Vick, C. J. Water powers of British Coluinbia, including a review of water power legislation. . . and a discussion of various matters respect- ing the utilization and conservation of in- land waters. G44p illus 36pl Smaps (2 in pocket) diagrs Ottawa [Canada commis- sion of co/iservation] 1919 Bcu.Wu 4364 At head of title: Commission of conservation Canada I>[C02J-620 Bibliography White, Docter E. and lady. See Allen, A. J. compiler White, F. Wallace The Sanger mine of the Sanger gold mines company. . . the richest gold mine in Union County, Oregon. Limited souvenir ed 60p 5pl 1 fold map Q n pub :«1903] Os 4365 White, Stewart Edward Conjurer's house: a romance of the free for- est. 260p N Y Grosset 1909 Sp 4366 Hudson's bay company Whitham, Paul Page Plan of the Port of Astoria; report submitting a general plan for the improvement of the Port of Astoria. 78p maps Astoria, Or Bellinger co print pref 1912 P 4367 Planning of Alaskan ports. 24p illus (maps) 6pl Imap Q Wash Govt 1916 S 4368 At head of title: Dept of the interior Port-terminal improvements on the Pacific coast. 16p illus (maps) Q San Fran Repr. from Western engineering, April-May 1915 S.Wu ■ 4369 Whitman college The story of Marcus Whitman p 7-32 illus Walla AValla, Whitman college, 1909. (Whit- ni!ui college Quarterly, v 12, no 4) P 4370 llcpriiit from T 1, no 1. Jan. 1897 Whitman college quarterly. v 1-3, January, 1897- June (?) 1900. Walla Walla Wash 1897-1900 P.Wh.Wu 4371 Contains much material relating to Marcus Whitman and bis associates in the Oregon mission. Discontinued with V 3. no 4 commencement number, 1900 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 321 n p n pub n d 4372 Whitman monument. 7p P,Wu Reprints from various papers Whitney, Asa A project for a railroad to the Pacific. "With reports of committees of Congress, resolu- tions of state legislatures, etc., with other facts relating thereto. 112p 2maps N Y Wood 1849 S,Wu 4373 Whitson, John Harvey Courier of empire; a story of Marcus Whil- man's ride to save Oregon. 315p 5pl Bost Wilde [<^1904] P,S,Sp,T,Wa,Wh.Wu 4374 Who's who in the Northwest; a biographical dictionary of notable living men and women of the Northwest. 2v ports Portland, Or Western press assn 1911, 1917 0,0h 4375 Same 1917 S,Sp 4376 Who's who on the Pacific coast; a biographical compilation of notable living contemporaries west of the Rocky mountains, ed. by Frank- lin Harper. 633p Los Angeles Harper pub CO 1913 P,S 4377 Whymper, Frederick Travel and adventure in the territory of Alaska. . . 331p illus Ipl Imap Lond Murray 1868 Bcu,L,S,Sp 4378 Same 353p illus Ipl Imap N Y Harper 1869 0,0h,0s,P,Wu 4379 Same N Y Harper 1871 T,Wu 4380 Voyages et aventures dans la Colombie an- glaise, rile Vancouver, le territoire d' Alaska et la Californie; abr^g^s par H. Vattemare. 192p illus maps Paris Hachette 1880 L 4381 Translation and abridgment of his "Travel and adventure In the Territory of Alaska," probably from Vj. Jnnveaux's translation "Voyages et aventures dans I'Alaska" 1871 Wickersham, James Alaska, its resources, present condition and needed legislation; being a synopsis of an address delivered. . . before the respective chambers of commerce of Seattle, on No- vember 5, 1902, and Tacoma, November 11, 1902. 16p Tacoma Allen 1902 Wu 4382 Is it "Mt. Tacoma" or "Rainier?" What do history and tradition say? 16p Tacoma Puget Sound pr co 1893 (Proceedings of the Tacoma academy of science, February 6, 1893) L,,Oh,T,Wu 4383 Same Ed 2 34p maps Tacoma New pub CO 1893 Wh 4384 Same 24p Tacoma Allen 1912 S 4385 Reprinted in No. 2000 Major Powell's inquiry: "Whence came the American Indians?" An answer; a study in comparative ethnology. 28p Tacoma Wash Allen 1899 Wh 4386 Wilbur, Earl Morse History of the First Unitarian church, of Portland, Oregon, 1867-1892; together with a sketch of the life of Rev. Thomas Lamb Eliot. . . 95p 2ports 3pl Portland, Or First Unitarian church 1893 Oh,P,S.Wu 4387 322 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Wllby, Thomas William Motor tour throuffh Canada. Lend Lane 1D14 S 290p front 30pl 4388 p2:;5-84. nritisli roluniliia An account of the first motor-car trip across tlie Dominion. (Halifax to Victoria. 1912. 52 days) Wilcox. Walter Dwight Camping in the Canadian Rockies; an account of camp life in the wilder parts of the Canadian Rocky mountains, together with a description of the region about Banff. . . 283p illus 25pl N Y Putnam 1896 L.P 4389 Rockies of Canada; a revised and enlarged edition of "Camping in the Canadian Rockies"; with more than forty photograv- ure and other illustrations from original photographs by the author. 309p front 42pl 2maps N Y Putnam 1900 S 4390 Same Later imprint dates L.O.'Wa 4391 Wiley. William H. and Wiley, S. K. The Yosemite, Alaska, and the Yellowstone. 230p front (port) illus maps Q Lond Ofnces of "Engineering" [pref 1893] L 4392 Wilkes, Charles Narrative of the United States exploring ex- pedition, during the years 1838. 1839, 1840. 1841. 1842. 5v4-atlas illus 12ports 52pl ISmaps tab Q Phil Lea 1845 Bcu.L, Mu.O.Oh.Os.P.S.Sp.T.Wa.Wu 4393 Same 5v illus 12ports 51pl 12maps tab Q Phil [Wilkes] 1849 [=1844] P 4394 Same 5v NY Putnam '=1844 Os 4395 Same 5v NY Putnam 1856 Wu 4396 Same 2v Lond Ingram 1852 P.Wu 4397 Same Condensed and abridged 372p Lond Whlttaker :Intro. 1844j L.Wh 4398 United States exploring expedition during the years 1838-42. . . 20v 11 atlases illus pi ports maps charts Q Phil Sherman 1844- 1874 W 4399 This rare edition was limited to 100 copies. It was planned for 24 volumes, but volumes 18, 19, 21, 22, and 24 have not been published. Volume 23 Is In two parts The set In the Washington State Library lacks the following: V 9, 11-17. Atlas for t 10 and the one for T 1.1-14 O has T 7. 8. ID. 12. 13-14 and atlas for t 7. 8, 13-14. 15 4400 Os has T 16. 20, 23 pt 2 and atlas for v 12. 15. 16. 20 4401 Western America, including California, and Oregon. 130p Smaps Phil Lea 1849 L.P.S 4402 WHkes, George Account and history of the Oregon territory; together with a journal of an emigrating party. . . 160p Lond Lott 1846 W7\ 4403 History of Oregon, geographical and political . . . and a thorough examination of the project of a national railroad from the At- lantic to the Pacific Ocean, to which is added a journal of the events of the cele- brated emigrating expedition of 1843. . . 127p Imap N Y Colyer 1845 Oh.P.Wu 4404 Proposal for a national railroad to the Pa- cific Ocean, for the purpose of obtaining a short route to Oregon and the Indies. 4th ed 24p map N Y Adee 1847 Wu 4405 Revised and re-published from his Histnry of Oregon PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA 323 Wilkeson, Samuel Wilkeson's notes on Puget Sound, being ex- tracts from notes by Samuel Wilkeson of a reconnoissance of the proposed route of the Northern Pacific railroad made in the summer of 1869. 47p n p n pub n d L,P,Sp,Wh,Wu 4406 Same abridged ed 32p Presented by Limt, Pieston and Kean, bankers, Chicago P.Wu 4407 Will congress preserve good faith with the Central Branch Union Pacific R. R. com- pany? 6+4+8+7-1-44+38-1-19+3+13+43 + 38p Imap ntp P 4408 Will there be war?. . . by an adopted citizen. 44p N Y Taylor 1846 Wu 4409 Willamette Baptist association Annual session [proceedings] 55th, 1903 n pub [1903?: Os 4410 50th, 1898. contained in Minutes of Oregon Baptist state convention, 1898 Willard, Mrs. Caroline McCoy (White) Kin-da-shon's wife; an Alaskan story. 281p front 2pl N Y Revell ['^1892: Wu 4411 William Rufus King. 12p port N Y Press association compilers inc cl914] Os 4412 Reprinted from the Cyclopedia of American biography, revised edition Williams, Edgar and company Historical atlas map of Marion & Linn coun- ties, Oregon. . . 104p illus map F San Fran Williams 1878 Oh,Wu 4413 Williams, George H. Occasional addresses. 208p Iport Port- land. Or [Williams] 1895 0,0h,0s,P,Wh, Wu 4414 P46-71. Pioneers of Oregon P129-137. Oregon and California railroad pi:i8-14S. I'ortland. Oregon 1)167-172. I'ortland exposition P173-175. Judge M. P. Deady Williams, Henry T. (ed) Pacific tourist; Adams and Bishop's illus- trated trans-continental guide of travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean. . . 355p illus N Y Adams & Bishop 1881 P,S 4415 (ed) Pacific tourist: William's illustrated trans-continental guide of travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean. . . 293p illus N Y Williams 1876 L.Wu 4416 Williams, Ira A. The Columbia River gorge: its geologic his- tory interpreted from the Columbia River highway. 130p illus Idiagr. [Corvallis. Or] Oregon Bureau of mines and geology 1916 (Oregon Bureau of mines and geology. Mineral resources of Oregon, v 2, no 3, Nov. 1916) Os 4417 Some little-known scenic pleasure places in the Cascade Range in Oregon. 114p illus [Corvallis, Or: Oregon Bureau of mines and geology 1916 (Oregon Bureau of mines and geology. Mineral resources of Oregon, v 2, no 1, May 1916) Os 4418 Williams, James Life and adventures of James Williams, a fugitive slave, with a full description of the underground railroad. 5th ed 130p illus Phil Sickler 1893 "Wu 4419 pl06, 115-122. -Mndoo Indian war 324 PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA Williams, John Harvey Guardians of the Columbia: Mount Hood, Mount Adams and Mount St. Helens. H2p front illus Tacoma Williams 1912 B,O.Oh.P,S,Sp,T,W.Wu 4420 Mountain that was "God"; being a little book about the great peak which the Indians calJed "Tacoma" but which is officially named "Rainier." lllp front illus Imap q Tacoma Williams 1910 B,L,,0,0h,0s, l',.'<.Sp.T,W,Wh.Wu 4421 Williard Mrs. Eugene S. Life in Alaska. Letters. . . edited by her sister, Mrs. Eva McClintock. 384p illus Iport Phil Presbyterian board [■^1884] Wu 4422 Willoughby, Charles Clark Indians of the Quinaielt agency, Washington territory. p2G7-2S2 illus cWash Gov't 1886] Wu 4423 Extract from Smithsonian report, 1886 Wlllson. Beckles The great company; being a history of the lionourable company of merchants-adven- turers trading into Hudson's Bay. . . 541p illus Sports 9pl Ifacsim N Y Dodd 1906 [•^1809] O 4424 /Some Toronto Copp 1899 L,S,T,Wu 4425 Same N Y Dodd 1900 P,Wa 4426 Same 2v Lond Smith 1900 L 4427 Wilmot. Mrs. Maude E. (comp) Letters from Oregon boys in France. 1st ed 1917-1918 128p front (port) Port- land, Or Glass [1917] O 4428 Same including a second series of letters 25p 4ports I'ortland.Or Glass 1918 O, Oh 4429 Wilmot. Sydney Marow Eardley (ed) Our journal in the Pacific; by the officers of H. M. S. Zealous. 333p illus 9pl Imap tab Lond Longmans 1873 Bcu,L,P,S, Wu 4430 Several chapters on British Columbia Wilson, James, joint author, rick Fraser See Tytler, Pat- Wilson, John Fleming Land claimers. 291p front 3pl Bost Little 1911 0,Oh,S,Wu 4431 Wilson. Veazie Glimpses of the Yukon gold fields and Daw- son route. 96p photos (by author) A'ancoiiver Thomson stat co [=1895] L 4432 Winchester, James D. Capt. J. D. Winchester's experience on a voyage from Lynn, Massachusetts to San Francisco, Cal. and to the Alaskan gold fields. 2.51p front illus 27pl Salem, Mass Newcomb 1900 S 4433 W.isliiriKton. pl->8-ll.i. 24T-9; .\Iasl