-NRLF B ^ sot, 112 '■,'.<:.',v;:''AW?;,,vi; OsJ o Q — Catilo? room IvIBRARV OF THIC University of California. Glt^^T OF- ^-y^zL^r-^ , ^iy^--^r^ ^^^ . Class / THE Boston Book Company's CHECK LIST OF American ^ English Popular Periodicals COMPILED BY FREDERICK W. FAXON COPYRIGHT, 1899, BY THE BOSTON BOOK COMPANY BOSTON The Boston Book Company I 5 y-2 Beacon Street " 1899 THE BOSTON BOOK COMPANY'S CHECK LIST OK American &* Rnglish Periodicals. THIS COPT LOANED TO FOR DESK USE^ONLT. This check list is printed by the LIBRARY DEPARTMENT of the BOSTON BOOK COMPANY for use in its special work of supplying perfect sets of periodicals to libraries. It will not be sold^ but a copy will be loaned to such libraries as desire it, for use in completing their serial sets through the Boston Book Company. {See also fourth page of corer.) . THE BOSTON BOOK CO., 15)4 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass., U. S. A. Charles C. Soule, President. Frederick W. Faxon, Manager of the Library Department . Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. OF THE Or .'^^3o -7 CHECK-LIST AMERICAN AND ENGLISH Jl/o. PERIODICALS. f (TO DECEMBER 31, 1899.) iodicalsAvhich liave [Note. — The titles of /fll perioc been indexed in Poole and supplements are in black- faced type, also the abbreviation used in Poole. The + sign means that the periodical is now current. A running number is given for convenience of reference at right of each title, except cross-references. An asterisk (*) before the running number signifies that all or a portion of the periodical has been indexed in the Review of Reviews Annual Index to Periodicals.] Academy. Lond. 1869-99, v. 1-57 (Poole, Acad. V. 21-57; V. 1-20, 1869-81, not indexed). -|- 1 Academy. Syracuse, N. V., and Boston. 1886-92, 7 V. (Poole, Acad. (Syr.) v. 1-7)- 2 Ainsworth's magazine, a miscellany of ro- mance, general literature and art. Lon- don. 1S42-54, 26 V. 3 All the year round. Lond. I. 1859-68- 20 V. (Poole, All the Year, v. 1-20) : II. 1868-88, 43 V. (Poole, v. 21-63): III. 1889-95, 13 V. (Poole, V. 64-76). 4 American. Phila. 1881-99, v. 1-31 (Poole, Amer. v. 1-21 ; v. 22-31 not in- dexed). -|- 5 Note: Not published from Jan. 10, '91-Jan. 5, '95, American academy of political and social science. See •' Annals of the American academy." American almanac and repository of useful knowledge. Bost. I. 1830-39, 10 v. (Poole, Am. Alma. v. 1-10) : II. iJ^40- 49, 10 V. (Poole, V. 11-20): III. 1850- (Copyright, 1899, by The Boston Book Co.) 332. c^ 117711 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. f^/ ^- r. 59, lov. (Poole, V. 21-30) : IV'. 1860-61, 2 V. (Poole, V. 31-32). 6 Amkrican almanac and treasury of facts [Spofford's]. N.Y. 1878-89, 12 v. 7 American annual register. N.Y. 1825-33, 8 V. (Poole, Ann. Reg. v. 1-8). 8 American anthropolo(ust. Washington and N. Y. I. 1888-98, II V. II. 1S99, V. I. + 9 American antiquarian. Chic. 187S-99, v. 1-21 (Poole, Am. Antiq. v. i- 21). + 10 American architect and building news. Bost. 1876-99, V. 1-66 (Poole, Am. Arch. V. 1-66). + 11 American art re\'ie\v. Boston. 1879-80, 2 V. 12 American biblical repository. Andover and N. Y. I. Biblical repository, 1831-36, v. 1-8 (Poole, Am. Bib. Repos. v. 1-8) : American biblical repository, 1837-38, v. 9-12 (Poole, V. 9-12): II. American biblical repository, 1839-44, 12 v. (Poole, " 2nd sen" v. I-12) : III. Biblical reposi- tory, 1845-50, 6 V. (Poole, Am. Bib. Repos. "3rd ser." v. 1-6). Merged in " Bibliotheca sacra." 13 American bibliopolist. X. Y. 1869-77, 9 V. (Poole, Am. Bibliop. v. 1-8; v. 9 not indexed). 14 American catholic quarterly review. Phila. 1876-99, V. 1-24 (Poole, Am. Cath. Q. V. 1-24). + American chemical journal. Bait. 99, V. 1-22. + American church monthly. N. Y. 15 1879- 16 1857- 58, 1-3)- American church review N. Y. Church review (Poole, Am. Church R (Poole, Am. Church Mo. v. 17 New Haven & 848-58, V. I-IO V. i-io) ; Ame- lV7c UOc ac sn rican quarterly church review, 1858-71, 11-23 (I^oole, Am. Church R. v. 11- Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. 23); American church review, 1872-81, V. 24-[36] (Poole, v. 24-36). Continued rtj "Church Review." 18 American eclectic. X. Y. and Boston. 1841- 42, 4 V. (I'oole, Am. Eel. v. 1-4). Unit- ed tvith Museum under name of "Eclec- tic Museum." 19 American economic association publica- tions. ISalt. and N. V. I. 1886-96, v. i-ii (Poole, Am. Econ. Assoc. Pub. v. l-il): II. 1897-99,110. 1-2 (IVxile, V. 12- 13).+ AVfrtA^) " Economic studies." 20 American historical record. Phila. 1872- 74, V. 1-3 (Poole, Am. Hist. Rec. v. i- 3). Continued as "Potter's American monthly." 21 American historical register. Phila. and B()stt)n. 1894-96, 4 V. (Poole, Am. Hist. Reg. V. 1-4) : II. 1897, I V. (not in Poole). 22 American historical review. X. Y. 1895- 99, V. 1-4 (Poole, Am. Hist. R. v. 1-4). + 23 American institute of instruction. Boston. 1830-59 (1830-48, Poole, Am. Inst, of Instruc. V. 1-18; after 1848 not in Poole). 24 American journal of archaeology. Bait., Princeton; N. Y. and Norwood, Mass. I. 1885-96, I IV. (Poole, Am. J. Ar- chasol. V. i-ii): II. 1897-99, V. 1-3 (Poole, V. 12-14). + *25 American journal of education [Barnard's]. Hartfonl. 1855-80, v. 1-24, 26-30, (Poole, Am. J. Educ. v. 1-30). Vol. 25 was never issued. 26 American journal of philology. Bait. 18S0-99, V. 1-20 (Poole, Am. J. Philol. v. 1-20). -f 27 American journal of politics. X. Y. 1892- 94, V. 1-5 (Poole, Am. J. Pol. V. 1-5). Continued as " American magazine of civics." *28 3)irc sore Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. /V^^. / - -0 l^> ^ICOl-iL American journal of psychology. Bali, and f q Worcester. 1.S87-99, v. i-io (Poole, ^ Am. J. Psychol., v. i-io). + *29 American journal of science [SilHman's]. - N. Y. and New Haven. I. i8i8-4;,49v. ^^^i and Index, v. 50 (Poole, Am. J. Sci., v. 1-49) : II. 1846-70, 50 V. (Poole, V. Sl- ice) : III. 1871-95, 50 V. (Poole, V. loi- 150): IV. 1896-99, V. 1-8 (Poole, V. 151-158). + 30 [Americani Journal of social science. N. Y. 4 .«g^ and Boston. 1869-99, nos. I-37 (Poole, •''' Am. Soc. Sci. J. and Am. J. Soc. Sci. v. 11-34; V. I -10, 35-37 not yet indexed). 4- 31 American journal of sociology. Chicago. 1895-99, V. 1-4 (Poole, Am. J. Sociol., V. 1-4). + *32 American journal of theology. Chicago. 1897-99, V. 1-3. -f- 33 American kitchen magazine. Boston. 1894- 99, V. i-ii, + 34 Note : v. 1-3, no. 5, called New England kitchen magazine. American law review. Boston and St. Lt)uis. 1866-99, V. 1-33 (Poole, Am. Law R. vol. 1-33)- + 35 American literary magazine. Albany and Hartford. 1847-50, 4 v. (Poole, Am. Lit. M. V. 1-2; V. 3-4 not indexed). 36 American magazine. Brooklyn and N. Y. 1884-88, 9 V. (Poole, Am. M., v. 7-9; V. 1-6 not indexed). 37 Note : v. 1-5 called " Brooklyn magazine." American magazine of civics. N. Y. 1895-97, V. 6-9 (Poole, Am. M. Civics, V. 6-9). Continuation of "American journal of politics." 38 [American] Methodist magazine. N. Y. I. 1818-28, II V. (Poole, Am. Meth. M. V. i-ll): II. 1830-40, II V. (Poole, v. 12-22). Continued as "Methodist quarterly." 39 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. Li.^%o f-zfji^"?^ 'n-u. A // /-- .0^ A.....^^ ')^\r^v. American monthly. See " Knickerbocker magazine." American monthly magazine. X. Y. and Bust. I. 1833-36, 6 V. (Toole, Am. Mo. M. V. 1-6) : II. 1836-38, 6 V. (Poole, v. 7-12). 40 American monthly magazine. Wash. 1892-99, V. 1-15. -f- 41 American monthly review. Bost. 1832-33, 4 V. (Poole, Am. Mo. R. v. 1-4). Merged in "New England magazine," 1834. 42 American monthly review of reviews. See " Review of reviews," N. Y. American museum. See " [Carey's] Ameri- can museum." American naturalist. Salem, Bust., and Phila. 1867-99, v. 1-33 (Poole, Am. Natural, v. 1-33). + 43 American NOTES AND QUERIES. Phila. 1888- 92, 9 V. 44 American presbyterian review. Phila. and N. Y. I. Presbyterian quarterly review, 1852-62, V. i-ii (Poole, Am. Presb. R. V. i-ii) : II. American presbyterian and theological review, 1863-68, v. 1-6 (Poole, V. 12-17) : III. American presbyterian review, 1869-71, v. 1-3 (Poole, v. 18-20). Follo~ved by " Presbyterian quarterly." 45 American quarterly observer. Bost. 1833- 34, 3 V. (Poole, Am. Q. Obs. v. 1-3). i'niUd in 18^^ with "American biblical repository." 46 American quarterly register. Andover and Bust. 1827-43, 15 V. (Poole, Am. Q. Reg. V. 1-15). 47 Note. — v. 1-3 called "Quarterly register and journal of the American Ediiciition Society." American quarterly review. Phila. 1827- 37, 22 V. (Poole, Am. Q. v. 1-22). 48 American review. See " American whig re- view." See ■' [Walsh's] .\merican review." American statistical association publica- tions. Bust. 1888-99, V. 1-6 (Poole, Am. Statis. Assoc, v. 1-6). + 49 w Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. "*^- ■ ' - American unitarian association. Best. I. Quarterly journal, 1853-59, 7 v. II. Monthly journal, 1S60-69, 10 v. Fol- lowed by "Old and neiv." 50 American university magazine. See " Uni- versity magazine." American whig review. X. V. I. 1845-47, 6 V. (Poole, Am. Whig R. v. 1-6) : II. 1848-52, 10 V. (Poole, V. 7-16). 51 NOTB. — V. i-io called "American review, a whig journal." Analectic magazine. Phila. I. 1813-19, 14 V. (Poole, Anal. M. v. 1-14) : II. 1S20, 2 V. (Poole, V. 15-16). 52 Andover review. Bost. 1884-93, '9 '^■ (Poole, And. R. v. 1-19). *53 Anglo S.vxon review. Lond. 1899, v. 1-2. + 54 Annals of the American academy of politi- cal and social science. Phila. 1890- 99, V. 1-14 (Poole, Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. V. 1-14). 4- *55 Annuaire des deux mondes. See " Revue des deux mondes." Annual of scientific discovery. Bost. 1850-71, 21 V. 56 Annual record of science and industry- N. Y. 1871-78, 8 V. 57 Annual register. Lond. 1 758-1899, 141 V. + 58 Anthropological institute journal. Lond. I. i87i-9!5, V. 1-27 (Poole, Anthrop. J. V. 1-25; V. 26-27 ^'^t y^'^ indexed): II. 1898-99, V. I (not yet indexed in Poole). -I- 59 Anthropological review. Lond. 1863-70, 8 V. (Poole, Anthrop. R. v. 1-7; v. 8 not indexed). Followed by "Journal of the anthropological institute." 60 Antiquarian magazine and bibliographer. Sec "[Walford's] Antiquarian." Antiquary [Jewitts]. Lond. 1873-74, 4 v. (Poole, Antiquary, v. 1-4). 61 C\^ Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. ^C/^ "; L- D i »^c_ n u:r>i_^ ^-7 ; - v_ > 6 ^ ' UC Antiquary. Lend. 1880-99, v. 1-35. (Poole, Antiquary, n. s., and Antiq. n. s. v. i- 32; V. 33-35 not yet indexed). -{- *62 Appalachia, journal of the .\ppai.achian MOUNTAIN CLUB. BoSt. 1 876-98. V. I- 8. + 63 Appleton's journal. N. Y. I. 1869-76, 15 v. (I'oole, Appleton, V. 1-15): II. 1876-81, II V. (Poole, V. 16-26). 64 Appleton's popular science monthly. See " Popular science monthly." Archaeologia. Lond. 1 770-1899, v. 1-56 (Poole, Arch. V. 1-47; V. 4S-56 not in- dexed). + 65 Arch^ological JOURNAL. See " Pjriush ar- chaeological institute." Arch.«olo(;ical review. Lond. 1888 — 90, 4 V. Iticorporated in 1890 -i'ilh " Folk Lore Journal" under title "Folk lore." 66 Architectural record. N. V. 1S91-99, v. 1-8. (Poole, Archit. Rec). + *67 Architectural review. Bost. I. 1891-98, 5 V. II. 1899, V. I. -f- 67a Architectural review. Lond. 1896-99, v. 1-6. + *68 Architecture. Lond. 1896-98, v. 1-3. *69 Arena. Bost. 1889-99, v. 1-22 (Poole, Arena, v. 1-22). + *70 Argosy. Loud. 1S65-99, v. 1-69 (Poole, Argosy, v. 1-69). + *71 Arminian magazine. Lond. I. 1778-1797. 20 V. Continued as " Methodist maga- zine." Lond. 72 Around the world. N. V. 1893-95, ~ ^'• (Poole, Around World, v. 1-2). 73 Art(l'). Paris. 1S75-94, 59 v. 74 Art journal. Lond. I. Art union. 1839-48, 10 V. (not in Poole) : II. Art journal. 1849 -54, 6 V. (Poole Art J. v. 1-6): III. 1855-61, 7 V. (Poole V. 7-13) : IV. 1862 -80, 19 V. (Poole, V. 14-32) : V. 1881-99, V. i-[i9j (Poole, V. 33-51). 4- *75 353, Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. '^> l^ V K^i Paris. V^ ■u/ 1897-99, V. I- 76 97- Artist. Lond Artist. N. V. 1898 -99. ^ 'VA.vJUr^- 1'^ Art et decoration. 6. + Arthur's home macazine. Phila. and N. Y. 1852-98, 67 vols. 77 Note. No numbers issued from Feb. 1896-Jan. 1879-99 V. 1-26. + *78 (American edition of above.) 23-25 (Poole, Artist, v. 23- 25). + . 79 Note : This contains same matter as English edi- tion and an 8 to 16 page American supplement additional. Asiatic quarterly review. Lond. and Wok- ing. I. 1886-90, 10 V. (Poole. Asia R.v. i-io): II. Imperialand Asiatic quar- terly review, 1891-95, 10 V. (Poole, Asia R. v. 11-20) : 111. 1896-99, v. 1-8 (Poole. V. 21-22; v. 3-8 not yet in- dexed). + *80 Astronomy and astro-physics, Northtield, Minn. 1892-94, v. 11 -13 (Poole,Astron, V.II-I3). Continued frotn "Sidereal messenger." Folloived by " Astrophysical journal.'" 81 Astrophysical journal. Chic. 1895-99, V. i-io. -f- /(7//ost. 1857-99, v. 1-84 (Poole, Atlan. v. 1-84). -f- *85 Author. Bost. 1889-91,3 v. (Poole, Author, V. 1-3). 86 Author, organ of the incorporated society of authors. Lond. 1890-99, v. I- 9. 4- *87 Bachelor of arts. N. Y. 1895-98, 5 v. (Poole, Bach, of Arts, v. 1-3; v. 4-5 not indexed). 88 0^ O /^' u Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. yt^^^iC Vr^. /?. 4 77-99; '^'- 76 not indexed). *97 Bentley's miscellany. I ondon. 1837-68, 64 V. (Poole, Bentley, v. 1-64). /«- corporaled in "Temple Bar." 98 Bentley's quarterly review. Lond. 1859- 60, 2 V. (Poole, Bent. Q. v. 1-2). 99 BiBLiA. Meriden, Conn. 1S88-99, v. i-ii. -f- 100 Biblical repertory. See " Princeton review." 330c 33ftc n- Of Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. ?. • 7-/^; /- n.'^^Ltx) 6^ Cj Y-tM) >->(/bMA^ ff. Biblical repository. Andover and N. Y. See " American Ijiblical repository." Biblical review. Lend. 1846-50. 6 v. (I'uole, Bib. R. v. 1-6). Preceded by " Congregational magazine," Lond. 101 Biblical world. Chic 1893-99, v. 1-14 (I'oule, Bib. World, V. 1-14).+ Pre- ceded by "Old and new testament stu- dent." 102 Bibliographer. Lond. 1881-84, 6 v. ( Poole, Bibliog. V. 1-6). Follo~Med by " Buok-lore." 103 Bibliographica. Lond. 1895-97, 3 v. (Poole, Bibliographica, v. 1-2; v. 3 not yet indexed). 104 Bibliotheca sacra. Andover, Mass. and Oherlin, O. 1844-99, v. I-56 (Poole, Bib. Sac. v. 1-56). -\- *105 Blackwood's magazine. Edin. and Lond. 1817-99, V. 1-166. (Poole, Blackw. V. i_i66). + *106 Note: vols. 1-152 called " Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine." Book buyer. N. Y. I. 1867-76, 9 v. (Not in Poole) : XL 1884-99, V. I -18 (Poole, Bk. Buyer, v. 1-18). -f 107 Book-lore. Lond. 1884-87, 6 v. (Poole, Book-lore, v. 1-4; v. 5-6 not indexed). Coiilinitatioii l^crrx^ vi--? >^^C r British library association. See " Monthly notes." Sec " Lilirmy association of the United Kingdom." British quarterly review. Lond. 1845-86, 83 V. (I'oole, Brit. Q. V. 1-83). In- corporated in 1S87, with "Congregation- alist," Lond., as " Congregational review." 128 Broadway. Lond. L Broadway Annual, 1867-68, I V. (not in Poole) : II. Broad- way, 1868-70, 4 V. (Poole, Broadw. v. i- 4) : III. 1870-72, 5 V. (Poole, V. 5-9) : IV. 1873, I V. (Poole, V. 10). 129 Brochure SERIES. Bost. 1895-99, v. 1-5. -f- 129a Brooklyn magazine. .SV^ " American maga- zine." Brownson's quarterly review. Boston and N. Y. I. 1844-46, 3 V. (Poole, Brown- son, V. 1-3) : II. n. s., 1847-52, 6 v. (Poole, V. 4-9): III. 1853-55, 3 V. (Poole, V. 10-12): IV. N. V. series, 1856-59, 4 V. (I'oole, V. 13-16) : V. 3d N. Y. series, 1860-63, 4 v. (Poole, v. 17- 20): VI. National series, 1864, I v. (Poole, V. 21): VII. Last series, 1873- 75, 3 V. i^Poole, V. 22-24'*. Preceded by "Boston quarterly review." 130 Brush and pencil. Chic. 1897-99, v. i- • 4- + 131 Builder. Lond. 1842-99, v. 1-77. -\- 132 Calcutta review. Calcutta. 1844-99, v. 1-109. + *133 Californian illustrated magazine. San Fran. 1S91-94, 5 v. *134 Californian. San Fran. 1880-82, 6 v. Followed by " Overland monthly," new series, in 18S3. 135 Canadian journal of industry. Montreal. 1856-78, 15 V. (Poole, Canad. J. v. 1- 12; V. 13-15 not indexed). Continued as " Proceedings of the Canadian insti- tute." 136 r Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. ">*-*Hi-*r4» '-V 0. "YViryxJi- >l^-vi-«^ lulls'- V^^ 13 V. Ill- Cassell's family magazine, 1874-96 [23 V.]; IV. Cassell's magazine, 1896-99 [v. 1-6]. -\- Preceded by '^ Cdi'i- sell's family paper, 1853-67. *140 Note ; American edition, v. 1-17. 1884-99. + Cassier's magazine. N. Y. or London. 1-Q9, V. 1-16 (Poole, Cassier, v. i- ■►141 ^'Rr 16). -I- Catholic presb3rterian ID V. (Poole Cath. Lond. Presb., Catholic world. N. Y. 1865-99, (Poole, Cath. World, v. i -^7 1879-83, V. I-IO). 142 , V. 1-69 -69). + *143 Century illustrated monthly magazine. N. Y. 1881-99, V. 23-58, being n. s. v. 1-36 (Poole, Cent., v. 1-36). -\- Con- tinuation of" Scril)ner"s monthly." *1 44 Note : v. i has been indexed in Poole partly as Cent., v. 23, and Cent., v. i. Chamber's journal. Edin. I. 1832-43, 12 V. (not in Poole) : II. 1844-50, 20 v. (Poole, Chamb. J. v. 1-20): III. 1854- 63,20V. (Poole, V. 21-40): lY. 1864- 83, 20 V. (Poole, V. 41-60) : Y. 1884-97, 14 V. (Poole, V. 61-74) : VI. 1S97-99, V. 1-2 (Poole, V. 75-76). + *\45 Zi- A M Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. ; / 1' J. I-M i>>-S. /-C 3v 7o- 71 ''^^ lo i : ■*- -^-^ Charities review. N. Y. (Toule, Char. R., v. i- 1891-99, V. 1-8 i). + *146 Chautauquan. Meadville, Pa. I. 1880-89, 9 V. (Poole, Chaut. v. 7-9; v. 1-6 not indexed") : II. 18S9-99, v. 1-20 (Poole, V. 10-29). + *147 Christian disciple. Boston. I. 1813-18, 6 V. (not in Poole) : II. 1819-23, 5 v. (Poole, Chr. Disc. v. 1-5). Continued /y " Christian examiner."' 148 Christian examiner. Bost. 1824-69, 87 v. (Poole, Chr. Exam. v. 1-87). Pre- ceded by '• Christian disciple." Followed by"0\(.\ and new." 149 Christian literature. N. Y. 1893-97, v. 10- 17 (Poole, Chr. Lit. V. 10-15; V. 16- 17 not indexed). Continuation of "Thinker," N. Y. United in 1897, with " Expository times." 150 Note: v. io-ii, called "Christian literature and review of the churches," contain in addition to Ame- rican matter complete contents of the " Review of the churches," Lend., v. 5-6. Christian [monthly] spectator. New Haven. I. 1819-26, 8 v. (Poole, Chr. Mo. Spec. V. 1-8) : II. 1827-28, 2 vol. (Poole, V. 9-10). Co7ttinued as "Chris- tian quarterly spectator." 151 Christian observer. Lond. I. 1802-37, 36 V. (Poole, Chr. Obs., V. 1-20, 22-37): II. 1838-74, 37 V. (Poole, V. 38-74) : III. 1875-76, 2v. (Poole, V. 75-76) : IV. 1877, I V. (Poole, V. 77). 152 Note : v. 21 was to have been an index of v. 1-20, but was never published. 1859-74 were called v. 58-73 (Poole, v. 59-74). 1835-58, 1S74-77 have no vol. number given. £M/t-£^ W-^ijYp Qjitiuj Christian quarterly. Cincinnati. 1869-76, ^^ ^^ '^ ^ 8 V. (Poole. Chr. Q. v. 1-8). 153 Christian Quartkrlv. n. s. Columbia, Mo. 1897-99. V. 1-3. 4- *154 NoTB : A new series of " New Christian quarterly.'" ^ 'i on 15 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. yuryuz. (^w><>-uAAjr" lA^ yury^^ l^^'W Christian quarterly review. Columbia, Mo. 1882-89, 9 V. (I'oole, Chris. Q. v. 1-8; V. 9 not indexed). 155 Christian quarterly spectator. New Haven. 1829-38, 10 V. (I'uole, Chr. Q. Spec. v. i-io). Coiitiitttatioii of " Christian monthly spectator." Merged in 1839 in " Amer. biblical repository." 156 Note: The title-page reads "Quarterly christian spectator." Christian remembrancer. Lond. I. 1819- 40, 22 V. (not in Poole) : II. 1841-68, 56 V. (Poole, Chr. Rem. v. 1-56). 157 Christian review. Host., N. Y., Bait, and Rochester. 1836-63, 28 v. (Poole, Chr. R. V. 1-28). J/(?;-_f6'(/ /« " Bibliotheca sacra." 158 Christian spectator. 6tv " Christian [month- ly] spectator." Christian union. N. Y. 1870-93, 47 v. (Poole, Chr. Un. v. 45-47). Continued rtj" Outlook." 159 Church quarterly review. Lond. 1S75-99, V. 1-48 (I'oole, Church Q. V. 13-48; v. 1-12 not indexed). -|- *160 Church review. N. Y. American church review, 1882-84, v. [37J-44 (Poole, Church R. v. 37-44) ; Church review, 1885-91, V. 45-60, 63 (Poole, V. 45-60, 63). Vols. 61, 62 never published. Conlinuation of " Amer. church re- view." 161 Citizen. Phiia. 1895-98, 4 v. (Poole, Citizen v. 1-4). 162 Classical rkvikw. Lond. 1887-99, v. i- 13 + 163 Clergyman's magazine. Lond. I. 1875- 86,23 V. II. 1887-90, 8 v. III. 1891- 98,16 V. *164 [Colburn's] New monthly magazine. Lond. I. 1814-20, 14 V. (not in Poole) : II. 1821-71, 149 V. (Poole, Colburn v. i- Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. \>-.'c'; Vvr ImjJ^^v^ Vu>^ V^f- \/^^M vw^- ' - 149) : III. 1872-79, 15 V. (Poole, V. 150-164): IV. 1879-83, 7 V. (v. 116- 122) (Poole, 165-171). 165 Note : From July, 1879, the volumes are num- bered from V. 116 on, an attempt to count the volumes issued from 1821 allowing 2 to a year, tliough in fact 1821-67 have 3 V. to each year. Colburn's united service magazine. See " United service magazine." CoLUMBi.v University qliarterlv. N. Y. 1898-99, V. I. + 165a Columbia Umversitv' studies in history, economics and public law. 189i-99, V. i-ii. -I- 165b Note : Early vols, called " Columbia college studies in political science." Coming AGE. Bost. 1899, v. 1-2. -\- 166 COM.MERCIAL AND FINANCIAL CHRONICLE. N. Y. 1865-99, V. 1-69 -f- 167 Commercial review. See " De Bow's review." Congregational magazine. Lond. I. Lon- don christian instructor, 1818-24, 7 v. (Poole, Cong. M. v. 1-7): II. Congre- gational magazine, 1825-36, 12 v. (Poole, V. 8-19): III. 1837-45, 9 V. (Poole, V. 20-28). Continued by "Biblical re- view.'' 168 Congregational quarterly. Bost. I. 1859- 68, 10 V. (Poole, Cong. Q. v. i-io) : II. 1869-78, 10 V. (Poole, V. 11-20). 169 Congregational review. Bost. and Chic. 1867-71, V. 7-11 (Poole, Cong. R. V. 7-1 1 ). Continued from " Boston review." 170 Congregational review. Lond. 1887-91, 5 V. (Puole. Cong. R. v. 1-5). Coft- tinnalion of '■ Congregationalist " and " British iiuarterly review." 171 Congregationalist. Lond. 1872-86, 15 v. (Poole, Cong. v. 1-15). Incorporated with "British quarterly" in 1887 as " Congregational review." 1 72 Connecticut m.u;azine. Hartford. 1895- 99, v. 1-5. -|- Early volumes called " Connecticut quarterly." 173 b' % ' 9 17 Have. Check List of Periodicals. W^ant. -K/OW^^ U^' V-v'^ r '^-tr^ v.. l^i t.« Bost. 1879-99, V. 194 ■>:) Donahoe's magazine. 1-42. -I- Dublin review. Lond. I. 1836-63, 52 v. (Poole, Dub. R. V. 1-52): II. 1863-78, 31 V. (Poole, V. 53-83): III. 1879-91, 26 V. (Poole, V. 84-109) : IV. 1S92-99, V. 110-125 (Poole, V. 110-125). -|- *195 Dublin university magazine. Dublin and Lond. I. 1833-77, 9" ^'- (Poole, Dub. Univ. V. 1-90) : II. University magazine 1878-80, 6 V. (Poole, Dub. Univ. v. 91- 96). 1 96 190 Phila. C(5. ;o4. Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. n i U^-L^ i ^ ^ \ >.ii- /- 7 EcCLESioLOGiST. Caiiib. [Eng.] I. 1841-44, 3 v.: TI. 1845-68, 26 V. 197 Eclectic engineering magazine, Van Nos- Irand's. X. Y. 1869-S6, 35 v. (Poole, Ecl. Engin. v. 1-35). Combined Jan. 1887 with " American railroad journal " as " Railroad and engineering journal." 1 98 Eclectic magazine. N. Y. I. 1844-64, 63 v. (Poole, Ecl. M. V. 1-63): II. 1865-9S, V. 1-68 (Poole V. 64-131) : III. 1899, V. 1-2 (Poole 132-133). -H 199 Eclectic museum of foreign literature. N. Y. 1843, 3 ^'- (I'oole, Ecl. Mus. v. i- 3). Preceded by "American eclectic," and'''' Museum." FoUo%oed by " Eclectic magazine " and " Littell's living age." 200 Eclectic review. Lond. I. 1805-13, 9 v. each in two parts (Poole, Ecl. R. v. 1-18) : II. 1814-28, 30 V. (Poole, V. 19- 48) : III. 1829-36, 16 V. (Poole, V. 49- 64): IV. 1837-50, 28 V. (Poole, V. 65- 92): V. 1851-56, 12 V. (Poole, V. 93- 104) : VI. 1857-58, 4 V. (Poole, v. 105- 108) : VII. 1859-61, 5 V. (Poole, v. 109- 113): VIII. 1861-68, 15 V. (Poole, V. 114-125; V. 13-15 not indexed). 201 Economic journal. Lond. 1891-99, v. i- 9 (Poole, Econ. J. V. 1-9). -f *202 Economic review. Lond. 1891-99, v. i- 9 (Poole, Econ. R. v. 1-9). + *203 Economic studies. N. Y. 1896-99, v. 1-4 (Poole, Econ. stud. V. 1-4). -(- See also "American economic association publications." ECONO.MIST. Lond. 204 i843-99> V. 1-57. 4- 205 in. 1808- 206 Edinburgh .\nnual register. E 26, 19 V. Edinburgh monthly review. Edin. 1S19- 21 Poole, Ed. Mo. V. 1-5). 207 Edinburgh new philosophical journal. Edin. I. 1S26-54, 57 V. (Poole, Ed. New oa 'Gl O^ A/A>XiU^S, Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. ^ 1 r 1 f Philos. J. V. 1-57) : II. 1855-64, 19 V. (Poole, V. 58-76). Continuation oj " Edinburgh philosophical journal." 208 Edinburgh philosophical journal. Edin. 1S19-26, 14 V. (Poole, Ed. Philos. J. V. 1-14). Followed by '•Edinburgh new- philosophical journal." 209 • Edinburgh review. Edin. 1802-09, v. i- 190 (Poule, Ed. R. V. 1-190). -f *210 Education. Post. 18S0-99, v. 1-19 (Poole, Education or Educa. v. 1-19). + 211 Education. Lond. 1890-91, 2 v. Incor- porated in " Educational Review," Lond. *212 Educational Review. N. Y. 1 89 1-99, v. 1-18 (Poole, Educa. R. v. 1-18). -f- *213 Educational review. Lond. I. 1891-98, V. 1-16. II. 1899, V. I. + *214 Electrical engineering. Chic. 1893-99, V. 1-14. + 215 Note : v. i called " World's Fair electrical engineer- ing." Emerson's magazine. See " United States magazine." Engineer. Lond. 1856-99, v. 1-8S. -|- 216 Engineering. Lond. 1866-99, v. 1-68. -\- 217 Engineering magazine. N. Y. 1 89 1-99 V. 1-17 (Poole, Engin. M. v. 1-17). -\- *218 English historical review. Lond. 1886-99 V. 1-14 (Poole, Eng. Hist. R. v. i- 14). + *219 English illustrated magazine. Lond. 1883 -99, V. 1-21 (Poole, Eng. lUust. v. i- 21). + *220 Note : The American edition, lately re-named ''New illustrated," varies from the English. English mechanic. Lond. 1865-99, v. i -69.+ 221 OGl Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. .^v ,1 i English review. Lond. 1844-53, 19 v. (Poole, Eng. R. v. 1-18; v. 19 not in- dexed). 222 Englishwoman's domestic magazine. Lond. I. 1852-59,8 V. (nutin Pook-): II. i860 -64, 9 V. (not in Poole) : III. 1865-79, 27 V. (Poole, Eng. Dom. M. v. 1-26 ; v. 25 and 26 being indexed as v. 25). Continued as " Illustrated household journal" 1880-81,3%'. 223 Englishwoman. Lond. 1895-99, v. i- 9. + *224 Ethical record. Phila. 1888-90, 3 v. (Poole, Eth. Rec. V. 1-3) Folloived by "Inter- national journal of ethics." 225 Evangelical review. Gettysburg, Pa. 1849 -70, 21 V. (Poole, Evang. R. v. i- 21). 226 Note: v. 14-21 called "Evangelical quarterly review." Every Saturday. Bost. I. 1866-69, 8 v. (Poole, Ev. Sat. V. 1-8) : II. 1870-71,3 v. (Poole, V. 9-11): 111. 1872-73, 4 V. (Poole, V. 12 -15) : IV. 1874, 2 V. (Poole, v. 16-17). 227 Exeter hall lectures to young men. Lond. 1845-67, 21 V. (Poole Ex. H. Lec. v. i -20 ; V. 21 not indexed). 228 Expositor. Lond. I. 1875-79 10 v. II. 1880-84, 10 V. III. 18S5-89, 10 V. IV. 1890-94, 10 V. V. 1895-99. V. I -10. -)- *229 Expositor. N. Y. 1897-99, v. 1-5 (Poole, Expos. V. 3-5; V. 1-2 not yet indexed), + 230 Note: Same as Lond. edition, V. v. 5-9, only | dated one montli later. 1 Fetter's southern magazine. See " Southern magazine," Louisville, Ky. Field naturalist. Lond. 1882-3, i v. 23 1 Note: Although called for in Poole's index conspec- i tus as 2 vols., only i vol. was published, and it is not indexed in Poole. I O Q i^^MnnM/J^ %^\^^. Q OQ, - Q^ 22 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. "^l t) LC. S^y/ Fine arts quarterly review. Lond. I. 1863 -65, 3 V. (Poole, F. Arts Q. v. 1-3) : II. 1866-67, 2 V. (Poole, V. 4-5). 232 P'OLK-I.ORE SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. Lond. I. Folk-lore record, 187S-82, 5 v. in 6 ( Poole, Folk-Lore Rec. v. 1-5) : II. Folk- lore journal, 1S83-S9, 7 v. (Poole, Folk- LoreJ.v. 1-7) : in. Folk-lore, I S90-99, V. i-io (Poole, Folk lore, v. i-io). -|- MlSCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS. 1 879-98, 21 V. + *233^ Foreign quarterly review. Lond. 1827-46, 37 V. (Poole, For. Q. V. 1-37). Merged ill " Westminstei- review." 234 Foreign review. Lond. 1828-30, 5 v. (Poole, For. R. v. 1-5). 235 Forester. Wash. 1895-99, v. 1-5. + 236 Note : Early title was " New Jersey forester." Forestry. Lond. and Edin. 1877-86, 11 v. (Poole, Forestry, v. 6-1 1; v. 1-5 not indexed). 237 Note : v. i-6 called "Journal of forestry." Fortnightly review. Lend. I. 1865-66, 6 V. (Poole, Fortn. v. 1-6): II. 1867-99, v. 1-66 (Poole, V. 7-72). + *238 Forum. N. Y. 1886-99, v. 1-27 (Poole, Forum, v. 1-27). +' *239 [Foster's] Monthly reference lists. Prov. 1881-S3, 4 V. (Poole, Foster Mo. Ref. V. 1-4). 240 Frank Leslie's popular monthly. N. Y. 1876-99, V. 1-48. + *241 Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper. N. Y. 1853-99, V. 1-89. + 242 Note : Late vols, called " Leslie's [illustrated] weekly." Franklin institute, and Franklin journal. See "Journal of the Franklin institute." Fraser's magazine. Lond. I. 1830-69, 80 V. (Poole, Fraser, v. 1-80) : II. 1870- 82, 26 V. (Poole, V. 81-106). 243 OX, ^ 6.1?. 23 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. WS. 13-V6- 1 - 1 c >U0 --<^^ "iu-cr\- 12 -/VAu^ ©AAJL AJaMx t^^ >«-M3 ZS-lz itT'iy t 'tcr ^o^ /-s Good government. Wash, and N. Y. 1892- 99, V. 12-17 (Poole, Good Govt. v. 12-15; V. 16-17 ""'^ indexed^. -\- 256 Note: A continuation of "Civil service record," Boston, V. i-ii, 1881-92, which, witli " Civil service re- former," IJalt., was merged into " Good government." Good housekeeping. Springfield, Mass. 1885-99, V. 1-29. 4- 257 Good words. Lend. 1860-99, V. 1-40 (Poole.GoodWords, V. 1-40). -(- *258 Great republic monthly. X. V. 1859, 2 v CoudmuUion of " Emerson's magazine." 259 Granite monthly. Concord, N. H. 1877- 99, V. 1-27 (Poole, Granite Mo. v. 1-13; V. 14-27 not indexed). 4" 260 Graphic. Lond. 1869-99, v. 1-60. -|-261 Green bag. Bost. 1S89-99, v. i-ii (Poole, Green Bag, v. i-ii). -j- 262 Gunton's magazine. N. Y. 1896-99, v. 10- 17 (I'oule, Gunton's M. v. 10-17). + Conlinued from "Social economist." 263 Lond. 1 898-99, *264 Harmsworth magazine, V. 1-2. -f- Hardwicke's science gossip. Lond. L 1865-93, 29 V. IL Science gossip, 1894- 99, V. 1-5. -h Harper's bazar. N. Y ^265 1867-99, V. 1-^2. 266 / _J 77 -Harper's new monthly. X. Y. 181^0-99, v. / '-vi'c. 1-99 (Poole, Harper, V. 1-99). 4- *267 X. Y. 1S57-99, V. i- 268 Harper's weekly 43- + Harper's young people. X. Y 18 V. n. 1897-99, V. 1-2. Note : with v. i6 name changed to " Harper's round table." Hartford seminary record. Hartford, I. 1879-97, 269 Conn. -99, V. 1-9. -|- 270 ^~\ Ha^e. Check List of Periodicals. Want. -lAjruL ■»-cU-0 — \^><.j-*Ar^^ Harvard graduates' magazine. Host. 1892- 99, V. 1-7 d'oole, Harv. Grad. M. v. i- 7). + *271 Harvard monthly. Camb., Mass. 1885- 99, V. 1-28 (Poole, Harv. Mo. v. 1-18; V. 19-28 not indexed^. -)- 272 Hazell's annual, a cyclojxxjdic record of men and topics of the day. Lend. 1886 -99, 14 V. + 273 Hebrew student. See " Old and new testa- ment student." Hesperian. Columljus, O. (I'oole, Hasp. V. 1-3). Historical magazine [Dawson's] Bost. and Morrisania, X. Y. I. 1857-66, 10 v. (Poole, Hist. M. V. i-io) : II. 1867 71,10 V. (Poole, v. 11-20) 75,3 V. (Poole, V. 21-23). Historical register. Lond. 2 v.: H. 1716-3S, 23 V. Hogg's instructor. Edin. and Lond. 1845-48, 6 V. (not in Poole) : H. 1848- 53, 10 V. (Poole, Hogg, V. 1-9; v. lo not indexed) : HI. 1853-56, 6 v. (Poole, v. 10-15) = 1^'- Titan, 1856-59, 7 v. (not in Poolei. 277 Home and foreign review. Lond. 1862- 64, 4 V. (Poole, Ho. & For. R. v. 1-4). 278 Homiletic review. N. Y. 1877-99, v. i- 38. -h *279 Note: v. 1-2 called " Metropolitan pulpit"; v. 3- 5 called "Preacher and Homiletic monthly," combin- ing the " Complete pre.ncher," with the " Metropolitan pulpit." Vols. 6-8, called " Homiletic monthly." Horticultural society of London. I. Transactions, 1812-29, 7 V. II. 1831-48, 3 V. HI. Journal, 1846-55, 9 v. 280 Hours at home. X. Y. 1865-70, 11 v. (Poole, Hours at Home, v. i-ii). Merged in " Scrihner's monthly." 281 H(rj.SE keautiful. Chic. 1896-99, v. 1-6. + 282 1838-9, 3 V. 274 HI. 1872- 275 I. 1714-16, 276 I. >1 .X D \ r Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. -oj u/^Jj-c) Household narrative. Lond. 1850-55, 6 V. A Supplement to " Household words." 283 Household words. Loud. 1850-59, 19 v. (Poole, House. Words, v. 1-19). Merged ill " All the year round." 284 -jf^.jL^ Howitt's journal. Lond. 1847-48, 3 v. (Poole, Hewitt, V. 1-3). Followed by " People's and Howitt's journal." 285 ./ j~^0 I Hunt's merchant's magazine. N. Y. 1839- ^ ' 70, 63 V. (Poole, Hunt, V. 1-63). Merged in " Commercial and financial chronicle." 286 Idler. Lond. 1892-99. v. 1-15 (Poole, Idler, V. 1-15). + *287 /Vvcr,^,_jt Igdrasil, organ of the Ruskin reading guild. Lond. 1890-92, 3 V. *288 /^^U>^^JL. P Y^^.0^ /L-'-^-^_-(>_<^ ^ iL^/tC. 7t- }-l7 Journal of American folk-lore. Uost. iSS8- 09, V. 1-12 (I'oole, J. Am. Folk-Lore, v. 1-121. -I- 306 Journal of biblical literature. Bust. 1S81- 99, V. 1-18 (Poole, J. Bib. Lit. v. 1-15; V. 16-18 not yet indexed.) + 307 Note. : v. i-8 called " Journal of the society of bibli- cal literature." ~Kf - 1 'iAj^AAJrk Journal of christian philosophy. N. Y. •-M^ L/K^ 1881-S4. 3 V. (I'oole, J. Chr. Philos. v. 1-3). 308 JOIRN.VL OF EDUCATION. Bosl. 1 875-99, V. 1-50. + 309 Note ; V. 1-12 called " New England journal of education." JOURNAl, OF KDUCATION. Lond. 1 879-99, n.s. V. I-2I. -\- Preceded by ".Scholastic register," 1878; "Journal of education," 1876-77; "Quarterly [later monthly "| journal of education," 1867-75. *310 Journal of forestry. See "Forestry." 99. V. 1-7. *311 Journal of Hellenic studies. Lond. 1880- 99, V. 1-19 (Poole, J. Hel. Stud. v. i- 16; V. 17-19 not yet indexed). -)- .Supple- mentary papers, 2 nos., 1892. 312 Journal OF MICROSCOPY. Lond. 6"^^ "Jour- nal of the ])ostal microscopical Society." /-zs Journal of geology. Chic. i{ + Lond. 1868-99, V. 313 Journal of i'hilology 1-26. -I- Journal of political economy. Chic. 1892- 99, V. 1-7 (Poole, J. Pol. Econ. V. 1-7). 4- *314 Journal of sacred literature. See " [Kitto's] Journal of sacred literature." Journal of science. Lond. L Quarterly journal of science, 1864-70,7 v. (Poole, J. Sci. V. 1-7): II. 1871-1878, 8 V. (Poole, V. 8-15) : III. Journal of science, 1879-85, 7 V. (Poole, V. 16-22). 315 o t 29 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. -L Ctrl V V. Journal of social science. See " [American] jounml of social science." Journal of speculative philosophy. St. Louis and N. Y. 1S67-95, 22 v. (Poole, J. Spec. Philos. v. 1-22). 316 Journal of the Anthropological institute. Sec " Anthropological institute." Journal of the Franklin institute. Phila. I. I'ranklin i(jurnal, 1826-27, 4 ^'- (l'"'K ^K o 1^ Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. Tv^i^^ 1 1 e>i I c. llcryuL - /(^, 1^9^ >r-o. II. Transactions, 1878-84, ist to 8th meet- ing) 7 V. III. Reports of proceedings, 1892-94, 3 V. IV. Year books, 1891-93, 1895, '^99- ~l~ ■^''^ "^■^" "Monthly notes." 336 Library association record. Official organ of the L. A. U. K. Lond. 1899, v. I. + *337 Library chronicle. Lond. 18S4-88, 5 v. (I'oole, Lib. Chron. v. 1-3; v. 4-5 not indexed). /•(7//o7<:'f(/ /m' " Library." P/t- rtv/d'(('/y' "Monthly notes." ' 338 Library journal. N. Y. 1876-99, v. 1-24 (Poole, Lib. J. V. 1-24). + 339 Library WORLD. Lond. 1898-99, v. i. + *340 Life. N. Y. 1883-99, v. 1-34. -f- 340a Lippincott's magazine. Phila. 1S68-99, v. 1-64 (Poole, Lippinc. v. 1-64). -f- *341 Literary and theological review. N. Y. 1834-39, 6 V. (Poole, Lit. & Theo. R 342 1890-99, V. 1-19. 343 1880-99, V. 1-20. 344 V. 1-6). Literary digest. N. Y. + Literary news. N. Y. + Literary world. Post. 1870-99, v. 1-30 (Poole, Lit. W. (Bost.) v. 13-30; v. 1- 12 not indexed). + ^'^S Literary world. N. Y. 1847-53, 13 v. 346 Ln'ER.vTURE. Lond. 1897-99, V. 1-5. -f- 347 Literature. X. Y. I. 1897-98, 3 V. II. 1899, V. 1-2. -\- 348 Note : 1897-98 were identical with English ed., ex- cept outside cover. 1899 is largely new matter. Littell's living age. Bost. I. 1S44-53, 36 V. (Poole, Liv. Age, v. 1-36) : 11. 1853- O 71 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. 58, 20 V. (Poole, V. 37-56) : III. 1858- 66,32 V. f Poole, V. 57-88): IV. 1866- 72, 27 V. (Poole, V. 89-115): V. 1873-93, 84 V. (Poole, V. 1 16-199) : VI. 1894-98, 19 V. (Poole, V. 200-218) : VII. 1898-99, V. 1-5 (Poole, V. 219-223). -+- 349 Note: With January, 1897 name became "Living age." S^e^JL. London christian instructor. Sc\' "Congrega- tional magazine," Lond. HcnvC London magazine. Lond. I. 1820-24, 10 V. (I'oole, Lond. M. v. i-io) : 11. 1825- 28, ID V. (I'oole, V. I i-20j: III. 1828- 29, 3 V. (Poole, V. 21-23). ^50 /- ffo London quarterly review. Lond. I. 1853- S^, 60 V. (Poule, Lond. Q. v. 1-60) : II. 1S83-98, 30 V. (Poole, V. 61-87; V. 8S-90 not yet indexed) : III. 1899, v. i- 2 (not yet in Poole). + *35l yuryifi London quarterly review. The misleading title of a portion of the American reprint of " Quarterly review," London. Totally distinct from " London quarterly review," Lond. vS-eA-- London review. .Vftf " Westminster review." ^/-X^ London society. Lond. 1862-98, v. 1-74 (Poole, Lond. Soc. v. 1-58; v. 59-74 not indexed). 352 0^ /- cLoLtk. Longman's magazine. Lond. 1S82-99, v. 1-34 (Poole, Longm. v. 1-34). + *353 ^S ytvrx^ LUDG.\TE MONTHLY. Lond. 1. 189I-95, 9 v. II. Ludgate, 1895-99, v. 1-8. + *354 yiyCn'LK Lutheran quarterly review. Gettysburg, Pa. 1871-99, V. 1-29 (Poole. Luth. Q. v. i- 29). + 355 Note : v. 1-7 entitled " Quarterly review of the Evangelical Lutheran church." r I„ Lf — oLoL^tC McClure's magazine. N. Y. 1893-99, v. i- 13 (Poole, McClure, v. 1-13). + *356 °0 33 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. / — cLqM^ >4iviKi.e^)^i-ce^ V ?t'<5W.fe«?r. ^{A^. 7Melr(^<^ Macmillan's magazine. Lend. 1859-99, V. 1-80 (Poole, Macmil. v. i-So^. + *357 "yt^W^iJi — Magazine of American history. \. V. 1877-93, 30 V. (Poole, Mag. Am. Hist. V. 1-30). *358 Magazine of art [CasseU's]. Lund. 1878-99, V. i-[22] (Poulf, M. of Art, V. 1-22). + *359 '^-^"*'*"^-Magazine of christian literature. N. Y. 1889-92, 7 V. (Poole, M. Chr. Lit. v. i- 7). Continued as "■T\\m\it:r,'''' ^.Y . 360 Magazine OF I'OETRY. Buffalo, X. V. 1889- 96, 8 V. Merited in " Poet lore." 361 Magazine of western history. Cleveland and X. V. 1884-91, 14 V. (Poole, Mag. West. Hist. V. 1-13; V. 14 not indexed). Condnued as " National magazine " N. Y. 362 Manchester literary club. Manchester, [Fng.] Transactions, 1875, V. I. Papers 1876-99, V. 2-25. + 363 Note: "Manchester quarterly" v. i-iS form a part of " Papers," v. S-25 respectively. See below. Manchester quarterly. Manchester, [Kng.] 1882-99, V. 1-18 (Poole, Manch. Q. v. 1-3; V. 4-18 not indexed). + *364 Note: also issued as a part of the annual vol. of " Papers of ihe Manchester literary club," 1882-99. Manhattan. X. Y. 18S3-84, 4 v. (Poole, Manhat. v. 1-4). 365 Massachusetts quarterly review. Best. 1847-50, 3 V. (Poole, Mass. Q. V. 1-3). 366 monthly. Canil). Mass. •. (Poole, Math. Mo. V. I- 367 VUTJ-A^-Meliora, a quarterly journal of social sci- ence. Lond. 1858-69, 12 V. (Poole, Meliora. v. 1-12). 368 >'t-U- I Mathematical i8^8-6i, T, 4 s c 9 34 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. -UmM nto, Mercersburg review. Mercersburg, Pa. I. 1849-61, 13 V. (Poole, Mercersb. v. i- 13) : II. 1867-78, 12 V. (Poole, V. 14- 25). Con/hiueti as " Reformed quarterly review." 369 Merchant's magazine. chant's maga/ine." T'lfrTt-C^ See " Hunt's mer N. \ Metaphysical mac;azine. V. i-io. + Note : Called " Intelligence " from June '97 -March 1895-99, *370 yury^ yUnxJS^ ^^ Methodist magazine. N. Y. See " [Ameri- can] Methodist magazine." Methodist magazine. Lond. II. 1798- 182 1, V. 21-44, 24 V. (Poole, Meth. M. V. 21-44) : III. Wesleyan methodist mag- azine, 1822-44, V- 4S~67, (Poole, Meth. M. V. 45-59; 60-67 ^^^ indexed) : IV. 1845-54, 10 V. (from commencement v. 68-77) ■ ^'^- 1855-76, 22 V. (V. 78-99) : VI. 1877-99, V. 1-23 (IOO-I22 from be- ginning). 4" Conti)nied froDi "Arminian magazine." 371 Note : 1837-99 not indexed in Poole. Methodist quarterly review. N. Y. III. 1841-48, V. 23-30 or 3d ser. 1-8 (Poole, Meth. Q. V. 1-8) : IV. 1849-84, V. 31- 66 or 4th ser. v. 1-36 (Poole, v. 9-44). Continuation of" [American] Methodist magazine." Continued as " Methodist re- view." 372 Methodist review. N. Y. V. 1885-99, v. 67-81, or 5th ser. v. I-15 (Poole, Meth. Q.v.45-46; Meth. R.v. 47-56; V. 79-81 not yet indexed). -\- Contiiiuation of " Methodist Quarterly review." 373 Metropolitan, published in the interests of Catholicism. Baltimore. I. 1S53-58, 5 V. (Poole, Metrop. v. 1-5) : II. 1858- 59, 1 V. (Poole, V. 6). 374 Metropolitan pulpit. See " Homiletic re- view." 0^ ,^ 35 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. 1ajp{hL . 71^ L.C^ Mid-continent. Louisville, Ky. 1895, v. 6, (Poole, Mid-Cont. v. 6). Continued from "Southern Magazine." Louisville. 375 Midland monthly. Des Moines, la. and St. Louis. 1894-99, II V. (Poole, Midland V. 7-1 1; V. 1-6 not indexed). 376 Mind. Lond. L 1876-91, 16 v. (Poole, Mind, V. 1-16) : II. 1892-99, V. 1-8, (Poole, V. 17-24). -|- *377 Minster. Lond. 1895-96, 3 v. Preceded by "Newberry house magazine." *378 Missionary review. Princeton and N. Y. I. 1878-87, 10 V. II. Missionary review of the world, 1888-99, v- I-I2. + *379 Modern language association of America, Publications. Bait. I. 1884-92, 7 v. II. 1893-99, V. 1-7. + 380 Note; v. 1-3 entitled "Transactions," etc. Modern language notes. Bait. 1886-99, V. 1-14. + 381 Modern review. Lond. 1880-84, 5 v. (Poole, Mod. R. V. x-5). *382 Monist. Chic. 1890-99, v. 1-9 (Poole, Monist, V. 1-9). -j- *383 Monitor. Dublin. 1879, 2 v. (Poole, Moni- tor, V. 1-2). 384 Month. Lond. I. 1864-69, 11 v. (Poole, Month, V. i-ii): II. 1870-73, 8 V. (Poole, V. 12-19) : HI- 1^74-99) v. i- 24, and V. 44-94 (Poole, v. 20-88; v. 89- 94 not yet indexed), -|- *385 Monthly illustrator, N. Y. 1895-97, v. 3- 5, 11-14 ( Poole, Mo. lUust. V. 3-5, II- 12; 13-14 not indexed). Continued from " Quarterly illustrator." *386 Note : at end of v. 5 absorbed " Home and coun- try" and took its vol. numbering. Vol. 14 was called " Home and country." Monthly notes of British library associa- tion. Lond. iSSo-83, 4 V. (Poole, oS .5 oS 9 b 36 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. >tOU« /- s^f 6 o - 2 v / — cLoJtL ■>v6-v\jt< Brit. Lib. assoc. V. 1-14). FollorveJ by " Library chronicle." 387 Note : real title is " Montlily notes of the library association of the united kingdom." Monthly religious magazine. P)Ost. 1844- 74, 51 V. i^Puole, Mo. Rel. M. v. 1-5 1). followed by " L'nilarian review."' 388 Note: v. 43-44 called " I\Io!ithIy review and religi- ous magazine," v. 4^-51 called " Religious magazine and monthly review." Monthly review. Loml. 1.1749-89,81 v. (not ill Foole) : II. 1790-1825, loS v. (Poole, Mo. R. 82-108; V. I-81 not in- dexed) : III. 1826-30, 15 V. (Poole, V. 109-123) : IV. 1831-45, 45 V. (Poole, v. 124-165; V. 43-45 not indexed). 389 Municipal afkairs. X. Y. 1897-99, v. 1- 3 + 390 Munsey's magazine. N. Y. 1891-99, v. 6-21 (Poole, Munsey, v. 6-21). -|- Con- tinued from " Munsey's weekly,'' 1889- 91, V. 1-5. 391 Murray's magazine. Lend. 18S7-91, 10 V. (Poole, Murray, v. i-io). *392 Museum of foreign literature [Littell's] Phila. I. 1822-36, 28 V. (Poule, Mus. V. 1-28): II. 1836-42, 17 V. (Poole, V. 29-45). United in 1843 w?'//i "American Eclectic" under title" Eclectic museum." 393 Note : vols. 8-12, 1826-28, were also called n. s. 1-5. Music. Chicago. 1891-99, v. 1-16 (Poole, Music, V. 1-16). -t- *394 Narragansett historical register. Hamil- ton, R. I. 1883-91, 9 V. (Poole, Narrag. Reg. V. 1-9), 395 Nation. X. Y. 1865-99, v. 1-69 (Poole, Nation, v. 1-69). -|- 396 X^ATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF SOCIAL SCIENCE. Transactions. Lond. 1 85 7-84, 1886, and extra v. i860, 30 v. 397 9 "^ ^ oS 37 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. National geographic magazine. Wash. 1888-99, V. i-io (Poole, Nat. Geog. M. V. i-io). + 398 National magazine. lioston. 1S06-99, v. 4-10 (Poole, Nat'l. M. (Bos't.) V. 4- 10). -|- Coiiliiiuation (?/' " IJostonian." 399 National magazine. N. Y. 1891-94, v. 15-19 (I'oole, Nat'l M. (N. Y.) v. 15- 19). Continued from " Magazine of western history." 400 Note : Copies of this magazine exist in 1S95, '96 and '97 but were probably never sold. National magazine. N. Y. 1852-58, 13 v. (Poole, Nat. M. V. 1-13). 401 National quarterly review. N. \. 1. 1860- 77, 34 V. (Poole, Nat. Q. V. 1-34) : II. 1877-80, 7 V. (Poole, V. 35-41). 402 National review. Lonrl. 1855-64, 19 v. (Poole, Nat. R. v. 1-19). 403 National review. Lond. 1883-99, v. 1-33 (Poole, National, v. 1-33). + *404 Nationalist. Bost. 18S9-91, 3 v. *405 Natural science. Lond. and Edin. 1892- 99, V. 1-15 (Poole, Nat. Sci. V. 1-15). 4- *406 Nature. Lond. 1869-99, v. 1-60 (Poole, Nature, v. 1-60). -j- 407 Naval magazine. N. Y. 1836-37, 2 v. (Poole, Nav. M. v. 1-2). 408 New ANNUAL REGisTKU. Lond. 1 780-1825, 46 v. 409 New CENTURY REVIEW. Lond. 1897-99, V. 1-6. -I- *410 New CHRISTIAN (QUARTERLY. St. Louis. 1892-96, 5 V. Continued as "Christian quarterly." 411 New church review. Bost. 1894-99, v. i- 6 (Poole, N. Church R.v. 1-6). + 412 New church review. Chic. 1882-83, 2 v. (Poole, New Church R. v. 1-2). 413 S^ S c? 5 38 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. V. / New dominion monthly. Montreal. 79, 21 V. (Poole, New Dom. v. 1876- 1-21). 414 New eclectic. Rait. 1868-70, 7 v. (Poole, N. Eel. V. 1-7). Continued as " South- ern magazine," Bait. 415 New England historical and genealogical register. Host. 1S47-99, v. 1-53 (Poole, N. E. Reg. v. 1-53). + 416 New England journal of educ.-vtion. See "Journal of education." New England kitchen magazine. See " American kitchen magazine." New England magazine. Bost. 9 V. (Poole, New Eng. M 5%> <^/-. 1831-35. V. 1-9). 417 New England magazine. Bost. 1886-88, V. 4-6 (Poole, New Eng. M. v. 4-6). Contintiation of"- Bay state monthly : II. 1889-99, V. 1-20 (Poole, New Eng. M. n. s., V. 1-20). 4- *418 New Englander. New Haven. I. 1843-77, 36 V. (Poole, New Eng. v. 1-19, 21-36) : II. 1878-92, 20 V. (Poole, V. 37-56). Followed by "Yale review." 419 Note: v. 20 is an index to v. 1-19. New era. N. Y. 1871-76, 6 v. (Poole, New Era, V. 1-6- L New Jersey forester. See " Forester." 42iL/ New monthly magazine. See "Colburn's new monthly magazine." New Peterson magazine. See " Peterson magazine." New Princeton review. N. Y. 1 886-88, 6 V. (Poole, New Princ. and N. Princ. v. 1-6). Conclusion of Princeton review." 421 New quarterly review. Lond. 1852-61, 10 V. (Poole, New Q. v. i-io). 422 New review. Lond. 1889-97, 17 v. (Poole S r 02 S 39 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. +~ua) New R. V. 1-17). Sttcceeded by " Out- ! look," London, weekly. *423 /{/>^AA)^'C'^"' New science review. Phila. 1894-96, 2 v. (Poole, New Sci. R. v. 1-2). *424 f ^- \ - ,L I New world. Bost. 1892-99, v. 1-8 (Poole, "^ I New World, V. 1-8). -I- *425 New York quarterly. N. Y. 1852-55, 4 v. (Poole, New York Q. v. 1-4). 426 New York review. N. Y. 18^7-42, 10 v. (Poole, New York R. v. i-ioj. 427 'Vr^rv-vC. Iv.A-v'^t, Newberry house magazine follo'cocd by " Minster." lilt' sj?! '"iVt^v''- 18S9-94, II V. *428 Niles' weekly register. Bait., Wash, and Phila. I. 1811-17, 12 V. (Poole, Niles's Reg. v. i-)2): II. 1817-23, 12 v, (Poole, V. 13-24) : III. 1823-29, 12 v. (Poole, V. 25-36): IV. 1829-36, 14 V. (Poole, V. 37-50) : V. Niles' national re- gister, 1836-48, V. 51-73 (not in Poole) : VI. 1848-49, V. 74-76 (not in Poole). 429 Note : I, v. i-6 called " Weekly register." Nineteenth century. Lond. 1877-99, v. i- 46 (Poole, 19th Cent. v. 1-46). + *430 North American review. Bost. and N. Y. 1815-99, V. 1-169 (Poole, No. Am. v. 1-169). + *431 Note : v. lo was also called n. s. v. i, and this double numbering was continued for some volumes. North British review. Edin. 1844-71, 53 V. (Poule, No. Brit. V. 1-53). 432 Norton's literary letter. N. Y. I. 1857- 59, 4 V. (Poole, Norton, v. 1-4) : II. i860, 2 V. (Poole, V. 5-6). 433 Notes AND QUERIES. Lond. I. 1849-55, 12 /6 -a •s %XJ\.H~i>[*^.-Sis\^Ak^\.: II. 1856-61, 12 v.: III. 1862-67, ^^ \r\0 \ ' \.: IV. 1868-73, 12 V. : V. 1874-79, 12 ' OO VI. 1880-85, 12 v.: VII. 1886 91, 12 v.: VIII. 1892-97, 12 v.: IX. 1898-99, V. 1-4. + 434 Note: There is a separate index vol. for each series. 40 Have. Check List of Periodicals. \A^ant. vi-7, 10. wlH-i-H, -cj-iJi. ^^^^Cu) ■\Ay\/Jj-d ' T^UjJ M? '^ ^ Si" Novel review. See " Tinsley's magazine." Old and new. Bost. 1870-75. 11 v. (Poole, 0. & N. V. i-ii). 435 Old and nkw tkstament stldent. Chic.» New Haven, N. V. and Hartford. 1882- 02. i; V. Followed l>v "Biblical world." 436 Note: v. 1-2 entitled " Hebrew student; " v. 3-8, entitled " Old testament student." Olden time (Craig's reprint). Cincin. 1876 (Poole, Olden Time, v. 1-2). 437 Oliver Oitic's magazine: Our boys and GIRLS. Bost. 1867-75, 18 V. 438 Once a week. Lond. I. 1859-65, 13 v. (Poole, Once a Week, v. 1-13) : H . 1866-67, 4 V. (Poole, V. 14-17): HI. 1868-74, 13 V. (Poole, V. 18-30): IV. 1874-79, II V. (not in Poole) : V. 1880, I V. (not in Poole). 439 Open court. Chic. 1887-99, v. 1-13 (Poole, Open Court, v. 1-13). -|- 440 Our boys and girls. See "Oliver Optic's magazine." Our continent. See " Continent." Our day. liost. and Chic. 1888-99, 19 ^• (Poole, Our Day, v. 1-17; v. 18-19 "ot indexed). *441 Our young folks. Bost. 1S65-73, 9 v. Merged in " St. Nicholas." 442 Outing. N. Y. 1882-99, V. 1-34 (Poole, Outing, v. 9-34; V. 1-8 not indexed). + ^ 443 Note : In January, '84, absorbed "Wheelman," and took its vol. numbers. Outlook. N. Y. 1893-99, V. 48-63 (Poole, Outl. V. 48-63). -|- Continued from " Christian Union." 444 Note : Changed to octavo size in January, 1897. Overland monthly. San Francisco. I. 1868-75, '5 '''• (f'oole. Overland, v. i- 15): II. 1883-99, V. 1-34 (Poole, Over- land, n. s. V. 1-34). -f- *445 Note : II. is really a continuation of " Californian." s s 4' Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. ^L^-:: V 1 - Z 6~ '>^-€>'^,v.C^ Oxford prize essays. Oxford, Eng. 1830- 36, 5 V. (I'oole, Ox. Prize Ess. v. 1-5). 446 Pall mall magazine. London. 1893-99, V. 1-19 (Poole, Pall Mall M. v. 11-19; V. I- 10, not yet indexed). + *447 Note : The American edition is identical in every way with the English. Pamphleteer. Lond. 1813-2S, 29 v. (Poole, Pamph. V. 1-29). 448 Patrician. Lond. 1846-48, 6 v. 449 Lond Pearson's magazine. 1-8. + 1896-99, V. 450 Note: An American edition began in 1899, varying from the English. Pedagogical seminary. Worcester. 1891- 99, V. 1-6 (Poole, Pedagog. Sem. v. i 6). -I- 451 Penn monthly. Phila. 1S70-82, 14 v. (Poole, Penn Mo. v. 1-12; v. 13-14 not indexed). 452 Pennsylvania magazine of history and bi- ography. I'hila. 1S77-99, V. 1-22 (I'oole, Pennsyl. M. v. 1-22). -|- 453 Penny magazine. Lond. I. 1832-40, 9 v. (Poole, Penny M. v. 1-9) : II. 1841-45, 5 V. (Poole, V. 10-14) : III. Knight's penny magazine, 1846, 2 v. (not in Poole). ■ 454 People's journal. Lond. I. 1846-49, 7 v. (Poole, Peop. J. V. 1-7) : II. People's and Ilowitt's journal, 1849-51, 4 v. (Poole, Peop. J. V. 8-1 1). 455 Peterson's magazine. Phila. and X. Y. I. 1842-92, 102 V. II. 1893-98, 8 V. Merged in " Argosy," N. Y. 456 Note : First two years called " Ladies' World," then until 1850 " Ladies' National magazine." Pnii.oiiiBLioN. X. V. 1861-63, 2 V. 457 Philosophical review. LSost. 1892-99, v. 1-8 (Poole, Philos. R. V. 1-8). 4- *458 O S S ^ oS ,s Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. 1^'% ^ Avi Ac Photographic QUARTERLY. Lend. 1889-92, 3 V. *459 Physical review. N. V. 1893-99, v. 1-9. -t- *460 Pioneer. San Francisco. 1S54-55, 4 v. (I'oole, Pioneer, v. 1-4). 461 Poet-lore. Best. I. 1889-96, 8 v. (Poole, Poet-Lore, v. 1-8): II. 1897-99, v. 1-3 ( I'oole, V. 9-11). + *462 Political science quarterly. X. Y. 1886- 99, V. 1-14 (I'oole, Pol. Sci. Q. V. I- 14). + *463 Poor's manual of railroads of the united states. x. y. 1868-99, 3~ '^'- ~(~ 464 Popular astronomy. X'orthheld, Minn. 1893-99, ^'- 1-7 (Poole, Pop. Astron. V. 1-7). 4- 465 Popular science monthly. X. Y. 1872-99, V. x-55 (Poole, Pop. Sci. Mo. V. I- 55). + See also " Supplement to Popular Science monthly." 466 Note: from vol. 2S called "Appleton's popular science monthly." Popular science review. Lond. I. 1862- 76, 15 V. (Poole. Pop. Sci. R. V. 1-15): II. 1877-81, 5 V. (Poole, V. 16-20). 467 Portfolio [Hamerton's] . Lond. I. 1870-93, 24 V. (Poole, Portfo. V. i-io, 13-24; v. II-12 not indexed): II. 1S94-98, num- bers 1-39 (Poole, nos. I -24; 25-39 "<^t indexed. *468 Note ; with i8v4, it became a series of monographs. Portfolio [Dennie's]. Phila. I. 1 801-5, 5 V. (not in Poole) : II. 1806-8, 6 v. (not in Poole): III. 1809-12, 8 v. (Poole, Port- fo. (Den.) V. 1-8): IV. 1813-15, 6 v.! (Poole, V. 9-14): V. 1816-25, 20 V. (Poole, 15-34) : VI. 1826-27, 2 V. (not in Poole). 469 Potter's American monthly. Phila. 1875- 82, V. 4-19 f I'oole, Potter Am. Mo. v. o %(U^ /{.) 43 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. 4-19). Vol. i-j called " American histori- cal record." 470 Practical magazine. Lend. 1873-77, 7 '^• (Poole, Pract. M. v. 1-7). 471 Preacher. See " Ilomiletic review." Presbyterian and reformed review. X. Y. 1S90-99, V. i-io (Poole, Presb. & Ref. R. V. i-ioi. -|- /VdY-M'(/ /y " Presbyter- ian review." *472 Presbyterian quarterly and Princeton re- view. SiC " Princeton review." Presbyterian quarterly review. See " American prcsl^yterian review." Presbyterian review. N. Y. 1880-89, 10 v. (Poole, Presb. R. v. i-io). Folloiued by " Presbyterian and reformed review." 473 Princeton review. Princeton A: Phila. I. j Biblical repertory, 1825-28, 4 v. (not in Poole) : II. Biblical repertory and Prince- ton review, 1829-71, 43 V. (Poole, Princ. v. 1-43): JII. Presbyterian quarterly and Princeton review, 1872-77, 6 v. (Poole, Presb. Q. v. 1-6) : IV. Princeton review, 187S-84, 14 V. (Poole, Princ. n. s. v. i- 14). Followed bv "New Princeton re- 474 Lond. 1896-97, 2 v. *475 Prospective review. Lond. 1845-55, ^^ v. (Poole, Prosp. R. v. i-io; v. 11 not indexed). 476 Psychical review. Bost. and (Grafton, Mass. 1892-94, 2 V. (Poole, Psychic R. v. i- 2). 477 view. Progressive re\ie\v. Psychological review. Pa. 1894-99, ^'^ I R. V. 1-6). 4- N. Y. and Lancaster, -6 (Poole, Psychol. *478 PL'I'.I.IC i.ihraries. Chic. 1896-99, v. 1-4. 479 44 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. ■^t <-^ -d^-\ Public opinion. Wash, and N. Y. 1886- 99, V. 1-27 (Poole, Pub. Opin. v. 1-23; V. 24-27 not indexed). + 480 Public school magazine. Lond. 1898-99, V. 1-4. -f- *481 Plblisheks' weekly. X. V. 1872-99. V. 1-56. + 482 I Punch. Lond. 1S41-99, v. 1-117. -|- 483'- Puritan. X. Y. 1897-99, v. 1-6. -|- 4844 Putnam's historical magazine. Salem and [ Danvers, Mass. 1892-99, v. 1-7. + i Preceded by " .Salem press historical and \ genealogical record," 2 v. 1890-92. 485 1 Putnam's monthly magazine. N. Y. I. ! 1 85 3-!; 7, 10 V. ( Poule, Putnam, v. i-io) : \ II. 1868-70, 6 v. (Poole, 11-16). 486 ! Note : After September, 1857, the first series was merged in " Emerson's magazine"; but up to June, | 1858, some nos. of Emerson's were issued with a cover, " Putnam's magazine, nth vol." See " United States magazine." Quarterly christian spectator. See " Chris- tian quarterly sjiectator." Quarterly illustrator. N. Y. (Poole, Q. must. V. 1-2). " Monthly illustrator." Quarterly journal of economics. r>ost 99, V. 1-13 (Poole. Q. J. Econ. v. i- 13). + *488 Quarterly journal of science. See " Journal of science." Quarterly register and journal of the Am- erican education society. See '■ Ameri- can quarterly register." Quarterly re(;ister of current history. See " Cyclopedic review." Quarterly review. Lond. 1809-99, v. i- 190 (Poole, Quar. V. 1-190, except v. 20, 40, 60, So, 100, 121, 140, 160, 181, which were index volumes). -|- *489 Quarterly review of the evangelical Luther- an church. See " Lutheran quarterly re- rr 1893-94. 2 V Continued as *487 18S6- ^ -^S OS 06. 45 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. / - V •'\ 1 1 ^_*- Lond. l?ost. 1896-98, 4 V. Quarto. Radical. Radical, v. i-io) Radical review. New Bedford. I V. (Poole, Radical R. v. i). Rkckkai'ion. N. Y. 1894-99, \ »490 1865-72, 10 V. (Poole, 491 1877-78, 492 -II + 492a Recreative science. Lond. 1860-62, 3 v. (Poole, Recr. Sci. v. 1-3). Conlinued as " Intellectual ol)server." 493 Reformed church review. Phila. and Lan- caster. IV. 1897-99, V. 1-3 (Poole, Ref. Q. V. 44; Ref. Ch. R. v. 45-46). -j- Coii/inucd from " Reformed quarterly review." 494 Reformed quarterly review. Phila. III. 1879-96, 18 V. (Poole, Ref. Q. v. 26-43). Continued from " Mercersburg review." Conlinued as " Reformed church re- view." 495 Religious cabinet. Bait. 1S42, i v. (Poole, Rel. Cab. v. l). Continued as " United States catholic magazine." 496 Religious magazine and monthly review. See " Monthly religiijus magazine." Reliquary. Lond. I. 1860-86, 26 v. (Poole, Reliquary, v. 1-26) : II. 1887-94, 8 v. (Poole, 27-34): III. Reliquary and illus- trated archaeologist, 1895-99, v. 1-5 (Poole, v. 35-36; v. 3-5 not yet in- dexed). + *497 Republic. Wash. 1S73-77, 8 v. (Poole, Republic, v. 1-7; v. 8 not indexed). 498 Retrospective review. Lond. I. 1820-26, 14 V. (Poole, Retros. v. 1-14) : II. 1827- 28, 2 V. (I\jole, V. 15-16) : III. 1853-54, 2 V. (Poole, v. 17-18). 499 Review of revikws for .A.ustralasia. Mel- l)ourne and Brisbane. 1892-99, v. i- 15. 4- *500 Note : Until 1895 this edition was like the London, with certain additional pages of Australian matter. 46 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. /-d^ t- ' 'W^ Lond. 1890-99, V. ♦501 Review of reviews. 1-20. + Review of reviews. N. Y. 1890-99, v. i- 20 (I'oole, R. of R's. V. 1-20). -j- *502 NoTF ; Since July, iSy;, called " American monthly review of reviews." v. 1-2 and v. 3, nos. 1-2, were the same as English edition. Review ov the ciUKCiits. Lond. 1S91- 96, 8 V. *503 Revuk des deux mo.ndes. Paris. L 1829- 55, 102 v.: II. 1856-73, 108 v.: III. 1874-93, V. i-l 20: IV. 1894-99, V. 121- 156. -I- 504 Annuairedesdeux mondes, 1850-67, 14V, Rhodes' JOURNAL OF BANKING. N. Y. 1873- 95, 22 V. Merged in " Banker's maga- zine, N. Y." 505 Note: 1873-78, called " Banker's safeguard." Ruekside magazine. Best. 1867-70, 4 V. 506 Rose Belford's Canadian monthly. See " Canadian monthly." Royal agricultukal society, Journal. Lond. I. 1839-64, 25 V. II. 1865-89, 25 V. III. 1890-99, V. i-io. -)- *507 Royal arch.^:oi.ogical institute. See " Brit- ish archreological institute." Royal geographical society. Lond. I.a- Journal, 1831-80, 50 v. I. b. Proceed- ings, 1855-78, 22 V. II. Proceedings, 1 879-92, 14 V. Followed by " Geographi- cal journal." 508 Royal historical society. Transactions. Lond. I 1872-82, 10 V. (Poole, Roy. Hist. SOC. V. i-io) : II. 1884-98, V. I- 12 (Poole, V. 11-14; V. 15-22 not in- dexed). -I- 509 Royal magazine. Lond. 1898-99, v. i- 2. -I- *510 Royal statistical society. See " Journal of the statistical society." OS 0^ OS. 47 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. 1v:t JI\ ^'~ lid ^ Royal united service institution. Journal. 1857-99, V. 1-43. + *5n .St. James MAGAZINE [l!urke"sj. Loml. 1840- 50, 2 V. 512 St. James magazine. T.ond. I. 1861-6S, 21 V. (I'oole, St. James, V. 1-21) : II. 1868-75, 14 V. (I'oole, V. 22-35): III. 1875-76, 4 V. (Poole, V. 36-39) : IV. 1877-82, V. 31-42 (Poole, V. 40-49; last two vols, not indexed). 513 Note : A curious attempt of the publisher to use the whole series vol. led lo his calling 1877-82 v. 31-42, when they were really v. 40-51. St. Nicholas. N. Y. 1873-99, v. 1-26. -|- *514 Note : After v. 6, each volume is to be bound in two parts, each having title and index. St. Paul's magazine. Lond. 1867-74. 14 V. (Poole, St. Paul's, v. 1-14). 515 Sartain's magazine. Phila. 1847-52, 10 v. 516 Note : v. 1-3 called " Union magazine." Saturday review. Lond. 1855-99, v. 1-88 n,_;-(Poole, Sat. R. v. 53-88; v. 1-52 not indexed). -|- 517 Scandinavia. Chic. 1S84-86, 3 v. (Poole, Scand. v. 1-3). 518 School and college. Host. 1892, i v. (Poole, School & Col. V. i). Fo//o7C'ef " School review.'' 519 School review. Ithaca and Chic. 1893-99, V. 1-7 (Poole, School R. V. 1-7). -f- 520 Science. Camb. [Mass.] and N. \'. I. 1883- 94, 23 V. (Poole, Science, v. 1-23) : II. 1895-99, V. i-io (Poole, Science, n. s. V. i-io). + 521 .Science ahstkacts. Lond. 1898-99, v. i- 2. -I- 521a Science gossii'. gossip." Set' " Ilarduicke's science I'i 48 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. IV ^^ 11- i'^ n-^i 9- I Science progress. Lend. I. 1894-96, 5 v. (Poole, Sci. Prog. v. 1-5) : II. 1896-98, 2 V. (Poole, n. s. V. I, and v. 7. -522 Scientific Amkkican. N. Y. I. 1845-59, 14 V. II. 1859-99, V. 1-81. -|- 523 ■ ■ SUI'I'LKMKM. 1876-99, V. I- 524 48. + Bun. dim; kdii wn. 18S5-9S, v. i- 28. -I- 525 Scots magazine. Pertli and Edinburgh, 1888-99, V. 1-24- + *526 Scottish geogkaphicai. magazine. Edin. 1885-99, V. 1-15. -)- *527 Scottish review. Paisley, Scotland. 1882- 99, V. 1-34 ( Poole, Scot. R. V. 1-34). -|- * •■H.^i *528 Scritner's magazine. X. Y. 1887-59, v. 1-26 (Poole, Scrib. M. v. 1-26). -|- *529 Scribner's monthly. N. Y. 1S70-81, 22 V. (Poole, Scrib. v. 1-22). Continued as "Century." 530 Select journal of foreign periodical litera- ture. Best. 1833-34, 4 V. (Poole, Select J. V. 1-4). 531 Selections from the Edinburgh review. Paris. i83i;-36, 6 v. (Poole, Selec. Ed. R. V. 1-6)." 532 Self culture.'^ Chicago, Akron, O., and N. Y. 1895-99, V. 1-9. -I- 533 Sewanee re\iew. Sewanee, Tenn., and N. Y. 1892-99, V. 1-7. -j- SHAKESI'EARIANA. 93. 10 V. Pliila. and N. Y, *535 Sharpe's London magazine. Lond. 1. 1845-52, 15 V. (Poole, Sharpe, v. i-iO : 11. [1852-70], 37 V. (Poole, 16-52). 536 Note : v. 9-15 of ist series called " Sharpe's London journal " jr 49 'THIYB CMr Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. .,^A^^^"^. 'y-j \^ .iV. -VvV vxv^'^;; ''-'^ "'::i^l'rr: ti/yJUKV*' Sidereal messenger. Northfield, Minn. 1882-91, 10 V. (Poole, Sid. Mess. v. l-io). Continued as " Aslronuiny and astro-physics. ' 537 Silliman's journal. A'^ "American journal of science." Social economist. N. Y. 1891-95, 9 v. (Poole, SOC. Econ. v. 1-9). Continueil (7j' " Gunton's magazine." 538 Society of arts. Tkans.a.ctions. Lond. 1 783-1845, 55 V. and supplemental vol. 1846-7-8, I V. Folloived by "Journal of the society of arts," ivhick sec. 539 Society of biblical literature. See " Journal of l)il)lical literature." I Southern bivouac. Louisville, Ky. I. 1884- 85, 4 V. (Poole. So. Biv. V. 1-4) : II. 1885-87, 2 V. (Poole, V. 5; n. s. v. 2 not indexed). 540 Southern historical society papers. Rich- mond. 1S76-98, V. 1-26 (Poole, So. Hist. Pap. V. 1-24; V. 25-26 not yet indexed), -f- 541 Southern literary journal. Charleston, S. C. 1835-37, 4 V. (Poole, So. Lit. J. V. 1-4). 542 Southern literary messenger. Richmond. 1834-64, 36 V. (Poole, So. Lit. Mess. v. 1-36). 543 Southern magazine. Kalt. 1871-75, v. 8- 17 (Poole, So. M. V. 8-17). Continued from " New eclectic." 544 Southern magazine. Louisville, Ky. 1892- 95> 5 ^- (I'oole, So. M. v. 1-5). Con- tinued as " Mid-continent." 545 Note: vols. 1-2 entitled " Fetter's southern maga- zine." Southern quarterly review. New Orleans, La., Charleston and CoJuniliia, S. C. I. 1842-50, 16 V. (Poole, So. Q. V. I-16) : II. 1S50-55, 12 V. (Poole, 17-28): III. 1856-57, 2 V. (not in Poole). 546 ') I so Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. To- iaU 0* Southern review. Bait, and St. Louis. 1867-79, 25 V. (Poole, So. R. n. s. v. i- 24; V. 25-26 not indexed). 547 Southern review. Charleston, S. C. 1828- 32, S V. (Poole, So. R. V. 1-8). 548 Spark's library of American biography. Bost. 1839-48, 25 V. (I'Dole, Spark's Am. Biog. V. 1-25). 549 Speaker. Lond. L 1890-99, 20 v. II. 1899, V. I. -I- 550 Spectator. Lond. 1828-99, v. 1-83 (Poole, Spec. V. 55-83; V. 1-54 not indexed^. + 551 Spirit of the pilgrims. Bost. 1828-33. 6 V, (Poole, Spirit Pilg. v. 1-6). 552 Statesman's year book. Lond. 1864-99, 36 V. + 553 Statistical society. Lend. See "Journal of the statistical society." Strand magazine. Lond. 1891-99, v. 1-18 (Poole, Strand, v. 13-1S; v. 1-12 not yet indexed). -|- *554 Note: Since November, 1895, tlie American edition has varied from the English. Student and intellectual observer. Lond. 1S68-71, 5 V. (Poole, Stud. & Intel. Obs. V. 1-5). CoiitiiiucJ from "Intel- lectual observer." 555 Studio. Lond. 1893-99, v. i-i 7. -|- *556 Studio, International. N. Y. 1S97-99, v. 1-8 (Poole, Studio (Internat.), v. 3-8; V. 1-2 not yet indexed). -|- 557 Note : v. 1-8 correspond to v. 10-17 of Studio, Lond., and have in addition supplementary American notes. Subjects of the day. Lond. 1890-91, 4 nos. (Poole, Subj. of Day, nos. 1-4). *558 Sun. Lond. 1888-91, 4 v. *559 SUND.VY AT HOME. Lond. 1854-99, 46 V. -(- *560 0\ 51 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. 7/>v \\ ^\ I- I Sunday magazine. Lond. I. 1864-71, 7 V. ('not in Poule) : II. 1871-99, v. 1-28 (v. i-io not indexed; Toole, Sunday M. V. 11-20, Sund. M. V. 2i-2cSj. + *561 Supplement to popular science monthly. N. Y. 1876-79, 4 V. and i no. (Poole, Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. V. 1-4; last no. not intlexed). .Vtv ir/so "Popular science monthly.'" 562 Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Kdin. I, 1832-34, 4 V. (Poole, Tait, v. 1-4): II. 1834-01, 28 V. (Poole, Tait, n. s. v. 1-28). 563 Technolocv qu.'^rtekly. Best. 1887-99, V. I-I2. + 564 Technoi.o(;y review. Bost. 1899, v. i. -f- 565 Temple Bar. Lond. 1860-99, v. 1-118 (Poole, Temp. Bar, v. 1-99, v. loi- 118). -I- *566 Note : v. 100 was an index of v. i-gg. Temple magazine. Lond. 1S96-99, v. 1-3. -f- *567 Theatre. Lond. I. 1877-78, 3 v. (not in Poule) : II. 1878-79, 3 V. (Poole, Thea- tre, '78, 2— '79. 2): III. 1880-82, 6 V. (Poole, '80, I— '82, 2) : IV. 1883-97, 30 V. (Poole, '8^, I — '86, 2, and v. 18-^9.) *568 Theological and literary journal. N. Y. 1848-61, 13 V. (Poole, Theo. & Lit. J. V. 1-13). 569 Theological eclectic. Cincin. 1864-70, 7 V. (Poole, Theo. Eel. V. 1-7). Merged in " Bil)liotheca sacra." 570 Theological monthly. Lend. 1889-91, 6 V. ( I'nole, Theo. Mo. V. 1-6). Continued as " Ihinker," Lond. Preceded by " Brit- ish and foreign evangelical review." 571 Theological repository. Lond. V. (Theo. Repos. v. 1-6). 1769-8S. 572 0> 52 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. >1. ^ Lond. 1864-79, 16 V. V. 1-16). 573 Theological review. (Poole, Theo. R. Thinker. N. Y. Jan'y-Oct., 1893, v. 8-9 (Poole, Thinker, v. 8-9). Coittimied in Nov., 1 893, by" Christian literature." Pre- ceded by " Magazine of christian litera- ture." 574 Note : Contents same as " Thinker," Lond., v. 3-4, 1893, with addition of American book reviews. Nov.- Dec, 1893, of " Thinker," Lond., v. 4, are indexed by Poole here as part of v. 9, " Thinker," N. Y. Thinkkr. I.ond. 1892-95, 8 v. by "Theological monthly." Preceded *575 Time. Lond. I. 1879-84, 11 v. (Poole, Time, v. i-ii): H. 1885-91, 13 v. (Poole, V. 12-23; last v. not indexed.) *576 Tinsley's magazine. Lond. L 1867-91, 47. V. ( P(jole, Tinsley, v. 1-39, 41-47; V. 40 not inde.xed): II. Novel review, 1892, 2 V. (not in Poole). *577 Titan. See " Hogg's instructor." To-day. Lond. I. 1883, 2 v. (not in Poole) : II. 1884-89, II V. (Poole, To-Day, v. i-ii). 578 Union mag.^zine. See " Sartain's magazine." Unitarian review. Best. 1874-91, 36 v. (Poole, Unita. R. v. 1-36). Precededby " Monthly religious magazine." 579 United service. N. V. and Phila. I. 1879- 86, 14 V. (not in Poole): II. 1889-97, 17 V. (Poole, Un. Serv. (Phila.) v. 1-16; V. 17 not indexed). *580 United service magazine. I. United service journal, 1829-41, 37 v. United service magazine, 1842-43, 4 v. Colburn's united service magazine, 184^88. 1 3° v. (Poole, Un. Serv. M. '82, i— ^'88, i ; 1829-81 not indexed) : II. Colburn's united service magazine, 1888-90, v. I-4, 4 v. (Poole, '88, 2 and v. 2-4) : III. United service 53 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. Ov^ I- ^ magazine, 1890-99, v. 1-19, or old series, V. 107-125 (Poole, n. s. V. 1-13; 14-19 not indexed). + *581 Note: 1886— April, 188S, May, 18S8— March, 1890, are called on outside covers vols. 115-iig, and iig-:22 respectively. United States catholic magazine. Bait. 1S43-49, V. 2-8 (Puole, U. S. Cath. M. V. 2-7; V. 8 not indexed). Continued from " Religious cabinet." 582 United States literary gazette. Host. I. 1824-26, 4 V. (Poole, U. S. Lit. Gaz. v. 1-4) : II. United States review and literary gazette, 1826-7, 2 v. (Poole, U. S. Lit. Gaz. v. 5-6). 583 United .States iviagazine. N. Y. 1854-58, 7 V. y'(3//07«'«/(^j' "Great republic." 584 Note: Title changed in 1858 to " Emerson's maga- zine." In October, 1858, "Putnam's monthly" was absorbed, and v. 5-7 were called " Emerson's magazine and Putnam's monthly." United States magazine and democratic review. See " Democratic review." United States service magazine. N. V. 1864-66, 5 V. (Poole, U. S. Serv. M. v. 1-5). 585 United States review and literary gazette. Sec " United States literary gazette." United States review ; United States democratic review. .SVt- " Democratic Universal review. Pond. 1888-90, 8 v. (Poole, Univ. R. v. 1-8). *586 Universalist quarterly. Post. I. 1844- 63, 20 V. (Poole, Univ. Q. v. 1-20) : II. 1864-91, 28 V. (Poole, V. 21-48). 587 University Magazine. See " Dublin univer- sity magazine." University magazine. N. Y. I. 1888-94 II V. II. American university magazine 1894-97, 6 V. 588 54 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. J^ -^^^ ^^ University magazine and free review See " Free review." University quarterly. New Haven. iS6o- 6i, 4 V. (^ Poole, University Q. v. 1-4) 589! I University of Pennsylvania publications in 1 political economy. I'liila. 1886-93,12 nos. (Poole, Univ. of Pa. Pub. Pol. 1 Econ. nos. i-io; nos. 11-12 not in- dexed). 590 Note: no. r called "Wharton school annals of political science." Van Nostrand's eclectic engineering maga- zine. -See " Eclectic engineering maga- zine." Victoria magazine. Lend. 1S63-80 (Poole, Victoria, v. 1-36). 591 ViRi;iMA magazine of history and biogra- phy. Richmond. 1893-99, v. 1-6. -j" 592 Walford's antiquarian. Lond. 1882-87, 12 V. (Poole, Walford's Antiq. v. i- 12). 593 [Walsh's] American review. Phila. 181 1- 12, 4v. (Poole, Walsh's R. v. 1-4). 594 Weekly register. See " Niles" weekly re- gister." Wesleyan methodist magazine. See " Meth- odist magazine,'' Lond. Western. St. Louis. IL 1875-S1, 7 v. (Poole, Western, V. 1-6; v. 7 not indexed). 595 Note: Early series was called "Western educa- tional review," to April, 1S72, when name became " Western." Western journal and civilian. St. Louis. L Western journal of agriculture, 1848- 51, 6 V. (Poole, West. J. V. 1-6) : IL Western journal and civilian, 1851-56, 9 V. (Poole, V. 7-14; V. 15 not indexed). 596 Western law journal. Cincin. L 1843-48, 5 v. (Poole, West. Law J. v. 1-5) : IL 1848-52, 5 V. (Poole, V. 6-10). 597 O 55 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. CAWi) Western literary journal. Cincin. 1836, i V. (Poole, West. Lit. J. V. i). Merged in " Western monthly magazine." 598 Western monthly magazine, t'incin. I. 1833-36, 5 V. (Poole, West. M. v. 1-5) : II. 1S37, I V. (not in Poole). Preceded by " Illincjis monthly magazine." 599 Western monthly review. Cincin. 1827- 30, 3 V. (Poole, West. Mo. R. V. \-X). 600 Note : nos. 1-3 called " Western quarterly review." Western review. Lexington, Ky. 1819-22, 4 V. (Poole, West. R. v. 1-4). 601 Western review of science and industry. Sec " Kansas City review." Westminster review. Lend. I. 1824-51, 56 V. including as v. 30-31 London re- view, V. 1-2 (Poole, Westm. v. 1-56) : II. 1852-87, 71 V. (Poole, 57-127) : 111. 1887-99, V. 128-152 (Poole, V. 128- 152). + *602 Wharton school annals of political science. Sec '• University of Pennsylvania studies in political science." Wheelman. N.Y. 1882-83, 3 v. In January, 1884, united until " Outing " under name of " Outing and the Wheelman." 603 Whitaker's almanac. Lond. 1869-99, 31 V. + Wideawake. I5ost in " St. Nicholas." 605 604 1875-93, 37 V. Merged 1895-99, V. *607 Wide world mac;azine. Lond. 1898-99, V. 1-3. + *606 Windsor magazine. Lond i-io. + Worcester magazine. Worcester, Mass. 1825-26, 2 V. (Poole, Wore. M. v. 1-2). 608 World's fair electrical engineerim.;. See. " Electrical engineering." oT .T 56 Have. Check List of Periodicals. Want. I -1 2 (Poole, 609 Writer. Bost. 1887-99, v, Writer, v. 1-12). -j- Yale review. New Haven. 1892-99, v. 1-7 (Poole, Yale R. v. 1-7). -f- Preceded /y " New Englander." *610 Youth's companion. Bost. 1827-99, v. i- 73+ 611 Zoist. Lond. 1843-56, 13 V. (Poole, Zoist, V. 1-13). 612 T •■i. ■,v^-'.v:(.«,'. -' THE BOSTON BOOK COMPANY'S CHECK LIST AND WHAT IT COVERS. This check-list covers every periodical in Poole's Index, its three supplements, and the Annual Literary Indexes to date. Also every title in the Cumulative Index and most of those in the Re- view OF Reviews AnIstual Index to Periodicals, as well as nearly all periodicals referred to in the Contents-Subject Index now in course of publication by the West Ham Public Libraries, London. It also includes the one hundred and thirty-four general periodical sets indexed in Jones' Index to Legal Periodicals and the supple- ment (1899) ; and manj' other titles not as yet in any of the existing indexes. In giving years, the date of the first and last number is used with- out regard to the imprint on the title page. This will cause the date of many sets to vary a year from Poole's Index Conspectus which fol- lows imprint only. In the case of current periodicals (marked -|-)i the end volume is the last that will be fully completed in the year 1899, no account being taken of volumes which will not end until January, 1900 or after. The ' ' Poole ' ' abbreviations are given and all " Poole ' ' volumes have been placed in the alphabet where Poole's Index calls for them, with cross references from all other titles they may have had. Where sev- eral series have been issued the * ' Poole ' ' volume numbers are in every case added. Thus sets wrongly lettered can easily be made available for use. ' ' Poole ' ' titles are in black type. Sets all or partially covered by the "Review of Reviews Annual Index" have an asterisk (*) be- fore the running numbers which hav^e been given all sets for conve- nience of reference. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. OCT 28 193y APR 17 ^9A1 U APR P 1943 i SfcP 9 1944 i SEP 18194:^ ' LD 21-100m-7,'39(402s. > '-, ' • '. Mi-