UC-NRLF B 4 242 SM7 a ium Rates LEY LIBRARIES OfiBDOB V _^JAN 31 1933 Premium Rates and Policy Values for United States Government Life Insurance 1920 Oi >■•■• ^. 411 TREASURY DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF WAR RISK INSURANCE WASHINGTON, D. C. FORM 740 Revised Jauuary. 192U WA8HINCTON : OOVERWMeNTPRINTINQOrnce t I«a9 PREMIUM RATES nnrl - POLICY VALUES for UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE Ci3 4 E> 1920 Treasury Department \ BUREAU OF WAR RISK INSURANCE j Washington, D. C. j 1 ■A / t>ocs UH-1 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE. INTRODUCTION. Under the war-risk insurance act every person in the active military or naval servdce was given the privilege of obtaining from the United States insurance against death and total permanent disability in amounts up to $10,000, This insurance is issued by the Bureau of War Risk Insurance of the Treasury Department, on the yearly renev.'able term plan. TERM INSURANCE ISSUED DURING THE WAR. The premiums are calculated on the basis of the Amer- ican Experience Table of Mortality with 3| per cent interest (net peace-time rates). No addition is made to these premiums to cover the cost of issuing the insurance and of its administration or for the extra cost of insurance due to the hazards of war. Furthermore, no charge is made for the additional liberal benefit whereby the in- surance is paid in case the insured becomes totally per- manently disabled. The insured therefore obtains in- surance covering the hazards of war and pays for it at the net peace-time rates. EXPIRATION OF TERM INSURANCE. Under the provisions of the war-risk insurance act the term insurance may be retained for five years after the termination of the war, as proclaimed by the President, provided the insured continues the payment of premiums. These premiums increase slightly as the insured gets older. CONVERSION OF TERM INSURANCE. The war-risk insurance act provides that before the expiration of the five years above specified any person (m) holding the war-term insurance may convert it into a permanent form of Government life insurance. If the insured does not so convert his term insurance within the five years, it will terminate at that time and he will be unable to obtain any further Government insurance. In order to convert into the permanent form the insured must continue to pay the premiums on his term insurance until he is ready to make the change. He can, however, reduce the amount of insurance by filing a request with the Bureau of War Risk Insurance. The insurance may now be converted in whole or in part, upon application to the Bm'eau of War Pdsk In- surance of the Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. The necessary application blanks will be furnished by the bureau. The following forms of policies will be issued by the bureau to persons making the conversion: (1) Ordinary life. (2) Twenty-payment life. (3) Thirty-payment life. (4) Tv/enty-year endowment. (5) Thirty-year endowment. (G) Endowment maturing at age 62. These policies mil be issued in sums ranging from $1,000 to $10,000, in multiples of $500. The insurance will be issued against death or total permanent disability. Should the i^olicy become a claim by death, pa^onent of $5.75 per month is guaranteed for 240 months, for each $1,000 insurance, and should the insured become totally and permanently disabled payment of installments will continue during his life while so totally and permanently disabled. The insurance is imassignable, except that a beneficiary may assign his interest to any other member of the per- mitted class of beneficiaries. It is also nontaxable, and free from the claims of creditors. No medical examination is necessary to make the con- version. now TO REINSTATE AND CONVERT LAPSED TERM INSURANCE. Yearly renewable terra, insurance lapsed or can- celed may be reinstated and converted, in v/hole or (IV) in part, within 13 months after the month of dis- charge from the military or naval forces, or at any time witliin one year after the date of lapsation or cancellation, upon evidence of insurabihty and pay- ment of the premium for one month (the grace period) on the amount of term insurance to be rein- stated and converted, and also of the first premium on the converted insurance. Instead of the policy being payable in 240 monthly installments at his death, the insured may select certain optional settlements under United States Government Ufe insurance (converted) policies. OPTIONAL SETTLEMENTS. The insured may select during his lifetime or by his last will and testament for a designated beneficiary or beneficiaries one of the optional settlements set forth below, but notice of the selection shall not be valid unless and until it is recorded in the Bureau of War Risk In- surance. The insured may likewise revoke his selection of the optional settlement, but the revocation shall not be valid unless and until it is recorded in the Bureau of War Pvisk Insurance. If the insured has not made an optional selection during his lifetime or by his last will and testament, at the ma- turity of the policy by death a designated beneficiary or beneficiaries may select settlement under options 2 or 3 as set forth below, but the selection shall not be valid un- less and until it is recorded in the Bureau of War Eisk Insurance. If the insured has made an optional selection during his lifetime, or by his last will and testament, at the maturity of the policy by death a designated benefi- ciary may elect to receive the insurance in monthly installments spread over a greater period of time than that selected by the insured. The A'alues shown in the following options are based on an insurance of $1,000 without indebtedness. If there is indebtedness, or if the insured has received any pa^Tnents on account of total permanent disability, the values will be decreased accordingly. If the policy provides for a larger amount of insiuance than $1,000, the values will be increased proportionately. OPTIONAL SETTLEMENTS IN LIEU OF MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS OF $5.75 PAYABLE ON THE DEATH OF THE INSURED UNDER THE TERMS OF THE POLICY. Option 1. Insurance payable in one sum. — Settle- ment under this option will be made only when selected by the insured during his lifetime or by his last will and testament. VvTien such selection has been made, the face amount will be payable in one sum at the matmity of the policy by death. Option 2. Insurance payable in limited install- ments. — ^The installments noted below will be payable for an agreed number of months to the designated benefi- ciary. If the designated beneficiary dies before the agreed number of monthly installments has been paid, the remaining unpaid monthly stallments ■«dll be paid to the estate of the beneficiary. Number of monthly installments. Amount Oi each monthly install- ment. Number of monthly installments. Amount of each monthly install- ment. 36 S29.19 22.27 18.12 15.35 13.38 11.90 . 10. 75 9.83 9.09 144 S8.46 48 156 7.94 60 168 7.49 72 180 i.Ji.?.:.. 192 7.10 84 6.76 96 204 6.47 108 216 6.20 120 228 5.97 132 (VI) Option 3. Insurance payable in continuous install- ments. — The installments noted below will be payable during the lifetime of the designated beneficiary, but if the designated beneficiary dies before 240 such install- ments have been paid, the remaining unpaid installments will be paid to the estate of the beneficiary. Age of bene- ficiary at time of death of insured. Amount of each monthly install- ment. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 S3.G7 3.69 3.70 3.72 3.73 3.75 3.77 3. 78 3. SO 3.82 3.84 3.87 3.89 3.91 3.94 3.96 3.99 4.02 4.05 4.08 4.11 4.15 4.18 4.22 4.26 Lge of bene- Amount Age of bene- ficiary at of each ficiary at time of monthly time of death of install- death of insured. ment. insured. 3S. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 48. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. Si. 30 4.34 4.38 4.43 4.48 4.52 4.57 4.a3 4.68 4.73 4.79 4.84 4.90 4.96 5.01 5.07 5.13 5.19 5.24 5.29 5.35 6.39 5.44 5.48 5.53 Amount of each monthly install- ment. 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 S5. 56 5.60 5.63 5. .65 6.68 5.70 6.71 5.73 5.74 5.74 5.75 5.75 5.75 5. 75 5.75 5.75 WHEN THE INSURANCE TAKES EFFECT. In no case does the United States Government life (con- verted) insurance take effect until a valid application for the converted insurance has been made and the first pre- mium on the converted insurance paid . The insurance wi 11 take effect on the first of the month succeeding the month in which the application is made, provided the premium on the term insurance payable on the first of the current month has been paid. If the premium on the term in- surance payable on the first of the month in which appli- cation is made has not been paid, then the converted insurance will take effect on the first dav of the current (VII) month provided the premium for the converted insurance for this month is paid. PREMIUMS. The premiums charged for the United States Govern- ment life insurance (converted) are calculated upon the American Experience Table of Mortality, with 3f per cent interest. They are net premiums without any charge for the expenses of administration; these charges will be borne by the Government. GENERAL PROVISIONS. No additional charge will be made in the premiums for the liberal total permanent disability pro%ision. The insurance will be issued at the nearest attained age of the insured on the date on which the converted insurance takes effect. The premiums are payable monthly on the first of the month. They may also be paid quarterly, semiannually, or annually. Should the insured pay quarterly, semi- annually, or annually and die, the discounted value of the premiums paid in advance beyond the calendar month in which death occurs shall be refunded. The policies will participate in gains and sa\T.ngs, and pro\dsion is made for the pa^-ment of di\TLdends as earned. Di'vddends may be taken in cash or left to accumulate at interest with the Government. Surrender values will be pro\'ided together with the other usual features contained in the policies issued by the life insurance companies. The strength of the Unitecl States is the security for these policies. The premiums are lower than those charged by any com.pany for participating insurance with similar benefits. The iusiu-ance payments will be made in monthly in- stallments, but will be paid in one sum in the following instances: (1) At the maturity of the policy by death, if the insured, during his lifetime or by his last will and testament, has selected Option 1 as set forth above under the heading "Optional settlements." (2) Wlien cash value is taken. (3) \\Tien surrendered for paid-up insurance. (\) ^Yh.ezl the policy matures as an endowment. (viii) SYNOPSIS OF PRINCIPAL FEATURES. Premiums. — Premiums are monthly premiums vvith- out any addition for the cost cf collection or administra- tion expense or for contingencies. Guaranteed values. — After the policy has been in force one year, guaranteed values are the full reserves without any deductions. Dividends. — All policies on the United States Govern- ment life insurance (converted) forms entitle the insured to participate in di^idends from gains and sa\ing8. Disability benefits. — Payment of further premiums is waived and the insurance becomes payable in monthly installments of $5.75 for each $1,000 of insm^ance, on total permanent disability of the insured. Cash loans. — The policies pro\ide for loans at any time after the fust year, equal to 94 per cent of the cash surrender value. Policy conditions. — Policies are free of conditions as to residence, travel, occupation, military or naval ser^.ice. Incontestability. — Policies are incontestable from their date except for nonpayment of premiums, and except that the discharge or dismissal of the insured from the mili- tary or naval forces of the United States on the ground that he is an alien enemy, conscientious objector, or a deserter, or as guilty of mutiny, treason, sprang, or any offense in- vohing moral turpitude, or willful and persistent mis- conduct shall terminate the insurance and bar all rights thereunder. Grace for payment of premiums. — All premiums are due on the first of the month and the insured has the remainder of that month as a gi'ace period in which to pay the premium. No interest charge is made for this grace period and the policy remains in full force during such period, the unpaid premium being deducted from any settlement under the policy. Beneficiary. — The insurance will be paid to the bene- ficiary designated by the insured, such beneficiary to be within the class permitted by the war-risk insurance act which includes the following persons: Parent, grandparent, step-parent, wife or husband, child, stepchild, adopted child, grandchild, brother, sister, half brother, half sister, brother through adoption, sister through adoption, step- (IX) brother, stepsister, parent through adoption, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, brother-in-law, sister-in-law; persons who have stood in the relation of a parent for a period of one year or more prior to your enlistment or induction, or the child or children of such persons; parent, grandparent, step-parent, or parent through adoption of your wife or husband. Change of beneficiary. — The insured may change the beneficiary or take any action on the policy without his or her consent. Heinstatement. — Policies may be reinstated under certain conditions after default upon evidence of insura- bility satisfactory to the Government and payment of arrears in 'premium with interest and the payment or rein- statement of any indebtedness which existed at the time of such default, with policy loan interest. Change of premimn payment. — The method of pay- ing premiums may be changed from monthly to quarterly, semiannually, or annually, on notice in writing to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance. The following tables show the premium rates for the six forms of insurance to be issued and also show the cash values, paid-up insurance, and extended insurance values under the different policies. The tables show the pre- mium rates, cash values, and paid-up values for $1,000 insurance pro\T.ding installments of $5.75 per month in the event of death or total permanent disability. For amounts in excess of $1,000 the premiums, cash values, and paid-up insurance values are in proportion. The period shown under the extended insurance values are the same irrespective of the amount of the insurance. R. G. Cholmeley-Jones, Director of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance. (X) WAR RISK INSURANCE— YEARLY RENEWABLE TERM ( WAR TIME) INSURANCE. Monthly ^premiums for each $1,000 of insurance with total permanent disability provision. Age. Monthly premium. A.qe. Monthly premium. 15 SO. 63 .63 .63 .64 .64 .64 .65 .65 .65 .66 .66 .67 .67 .68 .69 .69 .70 .71 .72 .73 .74 .75 .76 .77 .79 40 $0.81 16 41 .82 17 42 .84 18 43 .87 19 44 .89 20 45.. .92 21 46 .95 22 47 .99 23 4S 1.03 24 1 49 1.08 25 . . 1 59 1.14 26 i 51 1.20 27 . . . j 52 1.27 2S ! 53 1.35 29 54 1.44 30 55 1.53 31 56 1.64 32 57 1.76 33 . . .. 58 1.90 34 59 2.05 35 60 2.21 36 61 2.40 37 62 2.60 38 63 2.82 39 64 3.07 65 3.35 Yearly renewable term (war time) insurance maybe con- tinued for the period ending five years after the termina- tion of the war as declared by proclamation of the Presi- dent, but must be converted before the expiration of that period to one or more of the six forms of permanent United States Government life (converted) insurance. (XI) TABLES (1) Age 15 LIFE $1,000 POLICY. Ordinary life. .. 30 -payment life 20 -payment life PREMIUMS. Monthly. $1.04 1.30 1.63 Quarterly. 83.11 3.89 4.88 Semi- annual. $6.20 7.74: 9.71 Annual. $12.29 15.36 19.26 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE • End of policy year. 30-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insui'- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. 248 Yrs. Days. $5.03 $18. 71 1 $8.27 $30. 77 1 45 10.25 37.60 1 144 2 16.87 61.88 2 121 15.65 56.62 2 53 3 25.81 93.32 3 231 21.27 75.77 2 342 4 35.10 125. 04 5 10 27.08 95. 03 3 282 5 44.75 157. 07 6 198 33.11 114. 41 4 239 6 54.79 189. 32 8 63 39.34 133. 81 5 213 7 65. 20 221. 78 9 338 45.80 153. 32 6 204 8 75.02 254. 48 11 301 52.49 172. 86 7 211 9 87.26 287. 37 13 311 59.41 192. 43 8 237 10 98.94 320. 47 15 361 66.59 212.05 9 273 11 111.08 353. 75 18 82 74.01 231. 66 10 333 12 123. 68 387. 14 20 175 81.70 251. 29 12 35 13 136. 78 420. 71 22 244 89.66 270. 90 13 108 14 150. 39 454. 39 24 248 97.89 290. 45 14 183 15 164. 52 488. 16 26 174 106. 41 309. 98 15 249 16 179. 20 522. 02 28 20 115.23 329. 45 15 297 17 194. 45 555. 98 29 152 124. 35 348. 85 17 316 18 210. 31 590. 00 30 218 133. 77 368. 12 18 296 19 225. 77 624. 04 31 . 227 143. 52 387. 32 19 234 20 243. 38 658. 16 32 192 197. 25 481. 06 22 53 25 339. 88 828. 91 36 55 259. 80 331. 22 409. 67 569 74 22 217 30 35 40 456 00 1 000. 00 651 38 21 300 508. 49 723. 61 20 137 556. 15 20-1 >AYMEN' r LIF] S. 1 $12. 36 $45. 99 1 254 25.24 92.59 3 207 2 38.63 139. 67 5 229 3 52.56 187. 24 7 333 4 67.07 235. 36 10 168 5 82.15 283. 86 13 107 6 97.85 332. 83 16 158 7 114. 17 382. 18 19 309 8 131. 16 431. 94 23 153 9 148. 83 482. 07 26 361 10 167. 23 532. 56 30 74 11 186. 37 583. 37 33 7 12 206. 29 634. 50 35 165 18 227. 03 685. 95 37 217 14 248. 61 737. 67 39 193 15 . 271. 08 789. 68 41 133 16 294. 45 841. 89 43 93 17 318. 81 894. 38 45 165 18 344. 16 947. 08 48 161 19 370. 55 1, 000. 00 20 25 410. 03 456. 00 30 508. 49 35 40 566. 15 (2) AgeflS ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowinent Endowment at age 62 83.29 2.03 1.26 $9.84 6.07 3.77 $19.60 12.09 7. .51 838.86 23.98 14.88 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YE AR EN] Paid- DOWMENT. Extension. End of 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Paid- Extension. pol- icy year. Cash up , Pure Cash up , Pure value. insur- ance. en- dow- value. insur- ance. m >> 03 en- dow- >* Q ment. >H ft ment. $32. 71 $59. 57 4 269 1 $17. 26 $40. 66 2 146' 66.80 118. 22 10 241 o 35.24 81.01 5 41: 102. 32 175.93 17 $10. 92 3 53.97 . 121.01 8 79 139. 34 232. 68 16 90.86 4 73.46 160.601 11 285' 177. 92 288. 44 15 157. 49 5 93.76 199. 80 15 331 218. 14 343. 22 14 240. 97 6 114. 90 238. 55 20 228 260. 06 396. 97 13 311.42 7 136. 91 276. 84 23 $29. 97 303. 74 449. 67 12 378. 90 8 159. 82 314. 62 22 94.84 349. 23 501. 33 11 443. 62 9 183. 69 351. 93 21 157. 07 396. 77 551. 97 10 505. 67 10 208. 54 388. 70 20 216. 70 446.28 601. 53 9 565. 13 11 234. 43 424. 95 19 273. 83 497. 90 650. 03 8 622. 09 12 261. 39 460. 64 18 328. 61 551. 75 697. 47 7 676. 70 13 289. 48 495. 77 17 381. 09 607. 91 743. 86 6 729. 04 14 318. 75 530. 33 16 431. 41 666. 49 789. 17 5 779. 17 15 349. 24 564. 29 15 479. 59 727. 62 833. 43 4 827. 21 16 381. 02 597. 67 14 525. 78 791. 40 876. 64 3 873. 24 17 414. 13 630. 43 13 570. 01 857. 96 918. 78 2 917. 31 18 448. 64 662. 58 12 612. 38 927. 45 959. 91 1 . • • - 959. 56 19 484. 62 694. 12 11 652. 99 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 20 25 522. 13 735. 33 725. 04 870. 21 10 5 691. 87 862. 84 30 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 'l:*TVTT%/-iX VMENl r AT AGE 62. 1 Jl.iNlJO> $7.74 $24. 98 1 17 15.79 50.07 2 63 2 24.15 75.19 3 140 3 32.84 100. 35 4 247 4 41. 87 125. 54 6 25 5 * 51.25 150. 71 7 207 6 60.98 175. 83 9 64 7 71.09 200. 90 10 329 8 81.58 225. 89 12 272 9 92.48 250. 81 14 253! 10 103. 81 275. 64 16 265 11 115. 57 300. 35 18 295 12 127. 78 324. 90 20 318 13 140. 47 349. 33 22 299 14 153. 63 373. 55 24 212 15 167. 31 397. 62 26 54 16 181. 52 421. 48 27 186 17 196. 27 445. 13 28 251 18 211. 58 468. 53 28 $51. 72 19 227. 48 491. 70 27 110. 19 20 316. 58 603. 46 22 367. 31 25 423. 95 707. 41 17 573. 58 30 553. 39 802. 78 12 738. 05 35 710. 14 889.49 7 867. 61 Atl (3) Age 16 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Semi- annual. Monthly. Quarterly. Annual. Ordinan' life 81.06 1.32 83.17 $6.31 SI 2-^2 SO-payment life 3.95 7.86 ^K 15.59 20-paym< ;nt life 1.66 4.97 9.89 19.61 GUARAI^TTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End 30-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. of policy year. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $5.24 $19. 22 257 1 S8.48 $31. 11 1 54 10.68 38.61 1 153 2 17. 29 62.51 2 138 16.32 58.14 2 83 3 26.45 94.23 3 258 22.17 77.80 3 18 4 35.97 126.22 5 47 28.22 97.51 3 334 5 45.85 158. 43 6 245 34.49 117.32 4 303 6 56.12 190. 89 8 121 40.98 137. 18 5 289 7 66.78 223. 55 10 4* 47.70 157. 09 6 292 8 77.85 256. 38 12 13 54.66 177. 05 7 313 9 89.36 289.44 14 29 61.87 197. 03 8 350 10 101.31 322. 63 16 82 69.33 217.02 10 39 11 113.72 355. 96 18 158 77.06 237. 02 11 105 12 126. 62 389. 46 20 233 85.06 257. 00 12 179 13 140. 02 423. 06 22 267 93.33 276. 93 13 255 14 153. 94 456. 77 24 232 101.90 296. 84 14 329 15 168. 39 490. 53 26 118 110. 76 316.67 16 23 16 183. 41 524. 39 27 289 119. 93 336. 45 17 56 17 199. 01 558. 30 29 24 129. 40 356.09 18 53 18 215. 21 592. 23 30 60 139. 19 375. 63 19 9 19 232. 03 626. 18 31 44 149.32 395. 08 19 286 20 249. 52 660. 19 31 350 205. 03 489. 69 21 360 25 347. 54 830. 07 35 142 269. 73 578. 82 22 92 30 466. 00 1,000.00 343 12 660. 27 21 138 fiH 519.67 ' 423. 07 731.79 19 322 /in 578. 13 \ " 1 20-PAYMEN' r LIFE. 1 1 ; ., . . S12.63 $46.33 1 265 25.77 93.17 3 228 2 39.43 140. 47 5 262 3 53.66 188. 30 8 15 4 68.45 236. 52 10 229 5 83.85 285. 21 13 180 6 99.85 334. 25 16 235 7 116.51 383. 70 20 20 8 133. 83 433. 49 23 215 9 151.87 483. 65 26 363 10 170. 63 534. 10 30 17 11 190. 15 584. 86 32 257 12 210. 47 635. 92 35 5 13 231.62 687. 25 37 17 14 253. 62 738. 81 38 327 15 276. 53 790. 63 40 240 16 300. 38 842. 68 42 182 17 325. 20 894.91 44 235 18 351.04 947. 35 47 209 19 377. 95 1,000.00 20 25 30 35 40 ^ 413.69 466. 00 519.67 578. 13 1 (4) Age 16 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.29 2.04 1.29 $9.81 6.10 3.86 $19.60 12.15 7.68 $38.86 21.10 15.24 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $32. 66. 102. 139. 177. 218. 260. 303. . 349. r 396. . 446. 497. 551. 607. 666. 727. 791. 857. 927. 1,000. 71 80 32 34 92 13 03 71 24 72 22 84 69 84 43 55 33 91 42 00 Paid- . «P insur- ance. $59. 55 118. 19 175. 88 232. 62 288.38 343. 13 396. 85 449.55 501. 21 551. 83 601. 39 649.90 697. 35 743. 74 789. 07 833.33 876. 55 918. 73 959.88 1, 000. 00 Extension. 4 10 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 260 213 Pure en- dow- ment. $9.36 89.46 166. 24 239. 87 310.42 378. 06 442.88 505. 02 564.57 621. 62 676. 33 728. 73 778. 94 827. 03 873. 10 917. 24 959. 51 End of pol- icy year. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $17. 35. 54. 73. 93. 114. 136. 159. 183. 208. 234. 261. 289. 318. 349. 381. 414. 448. 484. 522. 735. 1, 000. Paid- . up Extension. insur- | S ance. I S $40. 81. 120. 160. 199. 238. 276. 314. 351. 388. 424. 460. 495. 530. 564. 597. 630. 662. 693. 724. 870. 1, 000. 67 02 99 8 58 11 76 15 49 20 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 5 03 Q Pure en- dow- ment. 142 321 60l 254 272 123 $25. 82 91.06 153. 57 213. 50 270. 93 325. 96 378. 70 429. 24 477. 67 524.04 568. 47 611.04 651. 83 690. 85 862, 47 ENDOWMENT AT AGE 62. $8.11 16.54 25.30 34.39 43.85 53.65 63.84 74.42 85.40 96.82 108. 66 120. 97 133. 76 147. 03 160.82 175. 13 190. 00 205. 43 221. 45 238. 10 331. 30 443.64 579. 05 743. 60 160i; $25. 72 51.49 77.31 103. 11 128. 95 154. 69 180. 42 205. 06 231. 61 257. 08 282. 39 307. 58 332. 65 357. 50 382. 19 406. 65 430. 91 454. 91 478. 67 502. 18 615. 28 720. 21 816. 18 903. 49 7°— 20- 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 26 27 28 27 26 21 16 11 6 35 i 99 1 195 1 323 126' 332 218; 145 115 121 150 186' 198 150 30 198 297 $27. 42 87.37 144.86 . 397.28 ! 599. 60 760. 55 I 886. 98 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 (5) Age 17 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life $1.08 1.34 1.68 $3.23 4.01 5.03 $6.43 7.98 10.01 $12.76 30-payinent life 15.83 20-payment life 19.85 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE • End of policy year. 30-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $5.47 $19. 78 267 1 $8.70 $31. 45 1 62 11.14 39.69 1 184 2 17.73 63.16 2 157 17.01 59.69 2 114 3 27.11 95.13 3 283 23.10 79.82 3 60 4 36.85 127. 37 5 85 29.40 100. 00 4 23 5 46.98 159. 80 6 292 35.92 120. 24 5 3 6 57.49 192. 45 8 180 42.68 140. 56 6 2 7 68.41 225. 29 10 113 49.67 160. 88 7 18 8 79.74 258. 28 12 90 55.92 181. 27 8 52 9 91.52 291. 46 14 108 64.42 201. 65 9 102 10 103. 76 324. 79 16 160 72.19 222. 04 10 166 11 116. 46 35&21 18 225 80.24 242. 44 11 240 12 129. 67 391. 79 20 277 88.55 262. 74 12 319 13 143. 37 425. 41 22 274 97.16 283. 03 14 33 14 157. 61 459. 13 24 200 106. 07 303. 27 15 101 15 172. 40 492. 91 26 47 115. 29 323. 43 16 148 16 187. 76 526. 74 27 181 124. 81 343. 46 17 162 17 203. 71 560. 58 28 249 134. 65 363. 38 18 135 18 220. 27 594. 44 29 258 144. S3 383. 20 19 66 19 237. 47 628. 31 30 217 155. 34 402. 85 19 319 20 255. 33 662. 16 31 138 213. 11 498. 36 21 289 25 355. 43 831. 18 34 225 ?7Q 98 587 87 21 324 30 35 40 476 25 1 000. 00 ^^5 29 669 05 20 336 531 04 436. 64 739. 79 19 144 590. 22 20-1 >AYMEN' r LiF] 3. 1 $12. 90 $46. 64 1 276 26.31 93.73 3 250 2 40.27 141. 31 5 296 3 54.78 189. 29 8 62 4 69.88 237. 70 10 288 5 85.59 286. 51 13 251 6 101. 92 335. 65 16 312 7 118. 91 385. 16 20 89 8 136. 60 435. 02 23 255 9 154. 99 485. 15 26 347 10 174. 14 535. 62 29 309 11 194. 06 586. .34 32 132 12 214. 78 637. 29 34 199 13 236. 36 688. 53 36 176 14 258. 80 739. 94 38 90 15 282. 17 791. 59 39 344 16 306. 49 843. 42 41 267 17 331. 80 895. 43 43 301 18 358. 16 947. 64 45 260 19 385 60 1.000. 00 20 427. 62 25 476. 26 30 531. 04 35 590. 22 40 (6) Age 17 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endov/ment at age 62 $3.30 2.04 1.32 $9.87 6.10 3.95 $19.66 12.15 7.86 $38.98 24.10 15.59 GUAILANTEED VALUES. 20 -YEAR ENDOWMENT. End of pol- icy year. 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Extension. Extension. Paid- Paid- Cash value. up insur- ance. tn 03 c3 Pure en- dow- Cash value. . "P insur- ance. CO 03 Pure en- dow- >^ « ment. >H W ment. $32. 71 $59. 53 4 250 1 $17.3 $40. 67 2 139 66.80 118. 15 10 181 2 35.3 1 81.00 5 22 102. 32 175. 83 17 $7.68 3 54.0 6 120. 97 8 40 139. 33 232. 54 16 87.93 4 73.5 8 160. 55 11 217 177. 91 288. 29 15 164.89 5 93.8 9 199. 69 15 209 218. 10 343. 01 14 238. 64 6 115.0 4 238. 41 20 16 260. 00 396. 73 13 309. 35 7 137.0 5 276. 64 23 $21. 25 303. 67 449.42 12 377. 12 8 159.9 8 314. 42 22 86.85 349. 20 501. 07 11 ... - 442.07 9 183.8 5 351. 68 21 149. 72 396. 67 551. 69 10 504. 32 10 208.7 1 388. 43 20 209. 98 446.16 601. 24 9 563. 97 11 234.5 9 424. 64 19 267. 69 497. 79 649.77 8 621. 14 12 261.5 6 460. 32 18.... 323. 03 551. 61 697. 20 7 . . - . 675. 90 13 289.6 5 495. 43 17 376. 07 607. 77 743. 60 6 728. 39 14 318.9 529. 96 16 426. 85 666. 35 788.94 5 778. 67 15 349.3 8 563. 91 15 475. 53 727. 48 833. 23 4 826. 84 16 381.1 4 597. 27 14 522. 14 791. 27 876. 47 3 872. 97 17 414.2 3 630. 03 13 ... . 566. 79 857. 87 918. 69 2 917. 17 18 448.7 2 662. 17 12 ■ - . - 609. 57 927. 39 959. 85 1 959. 48 19 484.6 7 693. 70 11 650. 53 1, 000. 00 1,000.00 20 25 522.1 735. 1 5 724. 61 8 869. 88 10 5 689. 75 862. 05 30 1, 000. 1, 000. 00 ENDOWMENT AT AGE 62. 1 $8.50 $26. 46 1 52 17.33 52. 96 2 136 2 26.50 79. 46 3 251 3 36.03 105. 9G 5 37 4 45.91 132. 37 6 229 5 56.18 158. 77 8 98 6 66.85 185. 10 10 10 7 77.92 211.32 11 331 8 89.43 237. 46 13 327 9 101. 38 263. 47 15 354 10 113. 79 289. 33 18 34 11 126. 68 315. 04 20 68 12 140. 06 340. 55 22 57 13 153. 95 365. 87 23 341 14 168. 39 391. 00 25 185 15 183. 38 415. 89 26 320 16 198. 93 440.52 28 $1.74 17 215. 09 464.92 27 • • ■ . 63.30 18 231. 87 489.04 26 .... 122. 28 19 249. 28 512. 87 25 .... 178. 68 20 346. 82 627. 37 20 426. 67 25 464. 39 733. 27 15 .... 625. 20 30 606. 16 829. 94 917. 96 10 5 782. 87 906.17 35 40 779. 19 (7) Age 18 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monttdy. Quarterly. Senii- annual. Annual. Ordinary life ^1.10 1.36 171 $329 4.07 5. 12 ^6.55 8. 10 10.19 ^12. 99 SO-oavment life 16.07 20-payment life 20. 20 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. 1 End of policy year. 30 -PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Daj^s. $5.70 $20. 31 278 1 $8.91 $31. 7-: 1 71 11.60 40.71 1 204 2 18.17 63.76 2 174 17.73 61.26 2 145 3 27.79 96.03 3 311 24.06 81.84 3 103 4 37.77 128. 47 5 123 30.62 102. 50 4 79 5 48.14 161. 15 6 340 37.41 123. 20 5 72 6 58.90 193. 97 8 237 44.45 143. 98 6 83 7 70.08 226. 99 10 179 51.74 164. 77 7 113 8 81.70 260. 18 12 163 59.28 185. 56 8 158 9 93.76 293. 49 14 184 67.09 206. 35 9 220 10 106. 29 326. 93 16 231 75.18 227. 15 10 292 11 119.30 360. 46 18 283 83.54 247. 88 12 7 12 132. 81 394. 07 20 305 92.20 258. 59 13 91 13 146. 84 427. 76 22 266 101.16 289. 23 14 168 14 161.41 461. 49 24 152 110.42 309. 77 15 227 15 176. 54 495. 26 25 325 119.99 330. 20 16 257 16 192. 24 529. 02. 27 62 129. 89 350. 53 17 249 17 208. 55 562. 81 28 99 140. 13 370. 76 18 198 18 225. 49 596. 81 29 82 150. 69 390. 79 19 103 19 243. 07 630. 37 30 20 161.61 410. 71 19 332 20 261. 33 664. 13 30 285 221. 49 507. 06 21 206 2.5 363. 55 832. 28 33 308 290. 55 595. 89 21 184 30 486. 77 1, 000. 00 367. 71 677. 71 20 169 35 542. 58 450. 37 747. 64 18 326 40 602. 39 20-1 >AYMEN' r LIF] S. 1 $13. 17 $46. 92 1 286 26.87 94.29 3 270 2 41.12 142. 09 5 330 3 55.94 190. 28 8 110 4 71.35 238. 84 10 346 5 87.38 287. 77 13 319 6 104. 06 337. 06 17 18 7 121. 40 386. 61 20 148 8 139. 45 436. 50 23 277 9 158. 23 486. 68 26 317 10 177. 77 537. 12 29 222 11 198. 09 587. 77 31 359 12 219. 24 638. 66 34 21 13 241. 25 689. 76 35 328 14 264. 16 741. 06 37 215 15 287. 99 792. 51 39 83 16 312. 80 844. 15 40 350 17 338. 62 895. 94 43 1 18 355. 50 947. 87 45 303 19 393. 49 1, 000. 00 20 25 30 35 40 436. 81 486. 77 542. 58 602.39 (8) Age 18 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.30 2.05 1.36 $9.87 6.13 4.07 $19.66 12.21 8.10 $38.98 24.22 16.07 GUARANTEED VALUES. AR ENDO^ End of pol- icy year. 30-YEAR ENDOWIW 20-YE WMENT. [ENT. Extension. Extension. Paid- Paid- Cash value. up insur- ance. • • >> a Pure en- dow- Cash value. up insur- ance. 2 C3 Pure en- dow- >^ M ment. >* tt ment. $32. 71 $59. 50 4 240 1 $17. 32 $40. 67 2 136 66.80 118.11 10 149 1 2 35.34 80. 98 5 11 102. 31 175. 75 17.... $5.82 3 54.10 120.92' 8 19 139. 32 232. 46 16-... 86.28 4 73.63 160. 48 11 181 177. 88 288. 16 15.... 163. 39 5 93.95 199. 61 15 144 218. 07 342. 88 14.... 237. 33 6 115.11 238. 31 19 271 259. 96 396. 58 13.... 308. 18 •7 • 137. 13 276. 53 23 $16. 18 303. 63 449. 27 12.... 376. 08 8 160. 07 314. 29 22 82.21 349. 15 500.92 11 .... 441. 17 9 183. 94 351. 54 21 145. 42 396. 61 551. 52 10.... 503. 54 10 208. 80 388. 27 20 206. 04 446.11 601. 10 9.... 563. 32 11 234. 70 424. 49 19 ... - 264. 14 497. 71 649. 60 8 620. 59 12 261. 66 460. 14 18 319. 80 551. 54 697. 06 7 675. 47 13 289. 75 495. 26 17 373. 13 607. 69 743. 47 6 .... 728. 03 14 319. 00 529. 78 16 424. 21 666. 27 788. 81 5 .... 778. 39 15 349. 47 563. 71 15'.... 473. 15 727. 40 833. 12 876. 38 4 3 826. 62 872. 83 16 17 381.22 414. 30 597. 06 629. 81 14 13 520. 03 791. 20 564. 93 857. 81 918. 61 2 .... 917.07 18 448. 77 661. 94 12 607. 92 927. 36 959. 82 1 959. 45 19 484. 71 693. 47 11 649. 09 1, 000. 00 1,000.00 20 25 522. 17 735. 11 724. 39 869. 70 10 5 683. 52 861. 60 30 1,000.00 1,000.00 ENDO\ VMENl ' AT AGE 62. 1 $8.90 $27. 20 1 71 18.15 54.42 2 173 2 27.76 81.64 3 309 3 37.74 108. 82 5 122 1 4 48.09 135. 91 6 337 5 58.85 162. 95 8 234 6 70.02 189. 90 10 175 7 81.63 216. 75 12 158 8 93.67 243. 43 14 178 9 106.19 270. 00 16 224 10 119. 19 296. 41 18 275 11 132. 69 322. 63 20 297 12 146. 70 348. 64 22 258 13 161.26 374. 44 24 143 14 176. 38 400. 02 25 316 15 192. 07 425. 33 27 54, 16 208. 36 450. 37 27 $37. 84 17 225. 29 475. 17 26 98.44 18 242. 85 499. 64 25 .... 156. 38 19 261.09 523. 82 24 . > • • 211.89 20 363. 20 639. 73 19 455. 62 25 486.29 746. 66 14 650. 52 30 634.83 844. 05 9 804.95 35 817. 16 932. 95 ' 925. 18 40 (9) Age 19 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinarv lifd 81 12 138 1.73 83. 35 4. 13 6.18 86. 67 8.22 10. 31 813-23 30-oavnient lifs 16. 30 20-payinent life 20.44 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. 1 End of policy year. 30-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $5.94 $20. 84 287 1 $9.14 $32. 07 1 80 12.10 41.81 62.83 1 2 224 177 2 3 18.63 28.49 64.37 2 192 18.47 96.91 3 339 25.06 83.89 3 148 4 38.71 129. 58 5 160 31.90 105. 06 4 135 5 49.34 162. 49 7 23 38.97 126. 23 5 142 6 60.37 195. 54 8 295 46.30 147.45 6 166 7 71.83 228. 75 10 245 53.89 168. 69 7 208 8 83.72 262. 06 12 234 61.74 189. 90 8 266 9 96.08 295. 52 14 255 69.88 211.14 9 336 10 108. 91 329. 06 16 295 78.29 232. 30 11 52 11 122. 23 362. 68 18 329 87.00 253. 44 12 139 12 136. 06 396. 35 20 318 96.00 274. 47 13 222 13 150. 42 430. 07 22 241 105. 32 295.46 14 292 14 165. 33 463. 81 24 89 114.95 316.33 15 339 15 180. 81 497. 56 25 22'/ 124.91 337. 09 16 348 16 196. 88 531.32 26 297 135. 20 357. 72 17 318 17 213.57 565. 07 27 306 145. 83 378. 19 18 241 18 230. 89 598. 78 28 264 156.80 398. 49 19 122 19 248. 86 632. 44 29 180 168. 12 418. 59 19 328 20 267. 51 666. 06 30 63 230. 19 515.80 21 112 25 371. 90 833. 33 33 23 301 43 605 87 21 39 30 497. 52 1 000.00 380 36 685. 20 19 360 3.5 554. 30 464 25 755. 33 18 146 40 614. 63 20 -r >AYMEN' r LiF] S, 1 $13. 45 $47. 20 1 297 27.45 94.85 3 293 2 42.00 142. 86 6 3 57.13 191. 24 8 158 4 72.87 239. 98 11 41 5 89.24 289. 06 14 20 6 106. 27 338.43 17 83 7 123.98 388. 08 20 198 8 142.41 438. 02 23 286 9 161.58 488. 20 26 269 10 181.52 538. 60 29 121 11 202. 27 589. 23 31 213 12 223. 85 640. 01 33 200 13 246. 31 690. 99 35 109 14 269. 68 742. 12 36 335 15 294. 01 793. 44 38 183 16 319.32 844. 87 40 68 17 345.67 896. 45 42 68 18 373. 09 948. 16 44 347 19 401.63 1.000.00 20 25 446. 28 497. 52 30 554. 30 35 614. 63 40 (10) Age 19 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.30 2.05 1.40 $9.87 6.13 4.19 $19.66 12.21 8.34 $38.98 24.22 16.54 GUARANTEED VALUES. ■i 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. End of 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Paid- Extension. Paid- Extension. 1 I pol- icy year. Cash value. up insur- ance. CO 03 > c3 Pure en- dow' >^ P ment. >^ w ment. $32.71 $59. 48 4 229 1 $17. 34 $40. 66 2 131 66.79 118.05 10 116 2 35.38 80.96 5 102. 31 175. 69 17 • « . . $3. 84 3 54.15 120. 89 7 362 139. 30 232. 35 16 .... 84.-18 4 5 73.69 160. 43 11 142 177. 86 288. 05 15 .... 161. 80 94.02 199. 53 15 77 218.04 342. 74 14 - • • . 235. 89 6 115. 19 238. 21 19 156 259. 93 396.44 13 306. 92 n • 137. 23 275. 43 23 $16. 58 303. 59 449. 12 12 374. 97 8 160. 17 314. 17 22 77.00 349. 10 500. 75 11 440. 21 9 184. 05 351. 40 21 140. 67 396. 56 551. 37 10 * ■ • . 502. 72 10 208. 93 388.15 20 201. 71 446.04 600. 93 9 • • ■ . 562. 62 11 234. 82 424. 33 19 260. 17 497. 64 649.44 8 620. 00 12 261. 78 459. 97 18 316. 20 551. 45 696.90 7 674. 97 13 289. 86 495. 05 17 369. 85 607. 60 743. 31 6 727. 62 14 319. 11 529. 56 16 421. 26 666. 19 788. 69 5 778. 08 15 349. 58 553. 50 15 470. 50 727. 32 833.00 4 ... 826. 40 16 381. 32 596. 85 14 517. 70 791. 13 876. 29 3 - . - - 872. 68 17 414. 39 629. 58 13 562. 86 857. 75 918. 55 2 916. 97 18 448. 85 661. 72 12 605. 10 927. 32 959. 78 1 959. 40 19 484. 78 693. 27 11 647. 52 1,000.00 1,000.00 20 25 30 522. 20 735.04 1 (M\n no 724. 15 869. 51 1 Ann nn 10 5 - • - • 687. 13 861. 11 VMENl ' AT AGE 62. 1 ENDO'V $9.33 $27. 97 1 eo' 19.03 55.96 2 212, 2 29.09 83.88 4 6; 3 39.54 111. 74 5 207 4 50.39 139. 53 7 86 5 61.66 167. 22 9 9 6 73.37 194. 82 10 343 7 85.53 222. 28 12 354 8 98.16 249. 59 15 32 1 9 111.28 276. 74 17 93 1 10 124. 89 303. 67 19 141 11 139.04 330. 43 21 142 12 153. 72 356. 93 23 71 13 168.98 383.24 24 287 14 184. 81 409.25 26 61 15 201. 25 435.00 27 $10. 94 16 218. 32 460. 46 26.-.. 73.19 17 236. 05 485 65 25 132. 79 18 254. 45 510. 50 24 189. 84 19 273. 55 535. 04 23..-. 244.49 20 380. 50 652. 40 18-.-- 484.19 25 509.42 760. 37 13-... 675. 59 30 665. 20 858. 59 948. 56 a!.--- 826. 82 35 '. 857. 83 3 944. 05 40 (11) Age 20 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life $1.15 1.40 1.76 $3.44 4.19 5.26 $6.85 8.34 10.48 $13.58 30-paynient life 16.54 20-payinent life 20.79 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. 1 End of policy year. 30 -PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $6.19 $21. 39 298 1 $9.38 $32.41 1 89 12.60 42.86 1 246 2 19.10 64.97 2 210 19.24 64.41 2 211 3 29.20 97.75 4 1 26.11 85.99 3 193 4 39.69 130. 71 5 199 33.23 107. 63 4 194 5 50.58 163. 83 7 72 40.61 129.33 5 213 6 61.89 197. 10 8 351 48.24 151.00 6 249 7 73.63 230. 48 10 309 56.14 172. 67 7 304 8 85.82 263. 96 12 303 64.32 194. 34 9 7 9 98.48 297. 55 14 322 72.78 215.95 10 89 10 111.62 331. 20 16 351 81.54 237. 53 11 177 11 125. 26 364. 89 18 359 90.60 259. 03 12 265 12 139. 43 398. 64 20 316 99.98 280. 48 13 345 13 154. 13 432. 39 22 201 109. 66 301. 77 15 40 14 169. 39 466. 14 24 12 119.68 322.98 16 68 15 185. 23 499. 88 25 116 130. 03 344. 04 17 57 16 201. 68 533. 62 26 155 140. 72 364.94 18 1 17 218.74 567. 27 27 139 151.77 385. 70 18 265 18 236. 45 600. 90 28 75 163. 15 406. 22 19 123 19 254. 82 634. 46 28 337 174.90 426. 55 19 307 20 273. 89 667. 98 29 202 239. 19 524. 54 21 9 25 380. 48 834. 39 32 105 312.60 393. 24 478.23 614.76 694 59 20 253 30 508. 49 1,000.00 19 188 566. 15 762. 82 17 327 40 626.92 20-1 •aymen: r LiF] 5^ 1 $13. 75 $47. 51 1 306 28.05 95.41 3 315 2 42.91 143. 64 6 35 3 58.36 192. 19 8 204 4 74.44 241.12 11 99 5 91.16 290. 31 14 83 6 108. 55 339. 78 17 142 7 126. 64 389. 52 20 234 8 145.46 439. 50 23 275 9 165. 03 489. 67 26 206 10 185. 39 540. 05 29 8 11 206. 58 590. 63 31 55 12 228. 62 641.36 33 7 13 251.54 692. 20 34 251 14 275. 39 743. 19 36 87 15 300. 22 794. 34 37 320 16 326. 05 845. 57 39 149 17 352. 93 896. 92 41 134 18 380. 91 948.41 44 29 19 410. 03 1,000.00 20 456. 00 25 508. 49 30 35 40 566. 15 626. 92 (12) Age 20 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20 -year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.31 2.06 1.44 $9.90 6.16 4.31 $19.72 12.27 8.58 $39.10 24.33 17.01 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. End of pol- icy year. 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Extension. Extension. Paid- Paid- Cash up , Pure Cash up Pure value. insur- ance. ® en- dow- value. insur- ance. e3 en- dow- >^ W ment. >H H ment. $32. 71 $59. 45 4 217 1 $17.36 $40. 65 2 126 66.79 118.00 10 81 2 35.42 80.95 4 354 102.29 175. 60 17 $1.66 3 54.20 120. 84 7 339 139.29 232. 25 16.... 82.55 4 73.76 160. 37 11 101 177. 84 287.93 15 160. 05 5 94.11 199.47 15 6 218. 02 342. 61 14 234. 35 6 115. 29 238. 13 19 38 259. 90 396. 30 13 - • . . 305. 56 7 137. 34 276. 33 23 $4.29 303. 55 448. 96 12 . . . - 373. 79 8 160. 29 314.05 22 71.23 349. 05 500. 58 11 .... 439.15 9 184. 19 351. 29 21 135. 39 396. 50 551.19 10 501.82 10 209. 06 388. 00 20 196. 84 445. 97 600. 75 9 561.84 11 234.96 424. 18 19 255. 73 497. 56 649.26 8 619.35 12 261.93 459. 81 18 312. 17 551.38 696. 73 7 674.45 13 290. 01 494. 88 17 366. 21 607. 52 743. 16 6 .... 727.21 14 319.25 529. 37 16 417.98 666. 10 788. 55 5 777.76 15 349. 71 563. 29 15 467. 56 727. 23 832.88 4 826.16 16 381.44 596. 62 14 515. 04 791. 05 876. 19 3 872.50 17 414.50 629. 36 13 560. 53 857. 69 918.47 2^ 916.88 18 448.94 661.48 12 604. 04 927. 28 959. 74 1 • • - • 959. 35 19 484. 84 693. 00 11 645.74 1,000.00 1; 000. 00 20 522. 25 723. 90 10 685. 61 25 734. 97 869. 30 5 860.56 30 1,000. OO! 1,000. 00 ENDOWMENT AT AGE 62. 1 $9.79 $28. 79 1 109 19.95 57.52 2 253 2 30.49 86.17 4 72 3 41.45 114.77 5 297 4 • 52.83 143. 28 7 205 5 64.65 171.66 9 158 6 76.92 199.90 11 155 7 89.66 227. 97 13 190 8 102.91 255. 92 15 253 9 116.65 283. 63 17 320 10 130.93 311.16 19 357 11 145. 75 338. 43 21 329 12 161.15 365. 48 23 224 13 177. 13 392. 25 25 42 14 193. 72 418.73 26 150 15 210. 96 444.94 26 $46.52 16 228. 85 470.84 25 107.81 17 247. 43 4%. 42 24 166. 53 18 266. 70 521.64 23 222. 72 19 286. 71 546. 52 22 276. 47 20 398. 78 665. 41 17 512.38 25 533. 86 774. 45 12 700. 42 30 697. 47 873. 62 7 848. 60 35 901.55 964. 86 2 962. 79 40 (13) Age 21 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinarv li^e ... $1.17 1.43 1.79 $3.50 4.28 6.35 $6.97 8.52 10.66 $13.82 Ifi 84 30-Dayment life 20 -payment life 21.14 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE End of policy year. 30-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $6.45 $21. 94 309 1 $9.61 $32.69 1 98 13.13 43.95 1 268 2 19.59 65.58 2 229 20.04 66.00 2 244 o 29.95 98.63 4 30 27.21 88.14 3 239 4 40.70 131. 83 5 238 34.63 110. 28 4 253 5 51.87 165. 19 7 120 42.31 132. 44 5 285 6 63.46 198. 64 9 44 50.26 154. 59 6 333 7 75.49 232. 19 11 6 58.49 176. 72 8 35 8 87.99 265. 85 13 67.00 198. 80 9 115 9 100. 96 299. 57 15 15 75.82 220. 87 10 205 10 114. 43 333. 34 17 29 84. 94 242. 85 11 297 11 128. 40 367. 11 19 10 94.37 264. 74 13 19 12 142. 91 400. 91 20 297 104. 12 286. 52 14 93 13 157. 96 434.68 22 145 114. 19 308. 16 15 138 14 173. 58 468. 44 23 287 124. 61 329. 70 16 146 15 189. 80 502. 18 24 360 135. 37 351. 06 17 111 16 206. 63 535. 87 26 6 146. 48 372. 26 18 31 17 224. 08 569. 47 26 329 157. 94 393. 25 18 273 18 19 242. 19 603. 02 21 244 169. 76 414. 02 19 108 260. 97 636. 47 28 122 181. 94 434. 55 19 271 20 280. 45 669. 83 28 336 248. 52 533. 30 20 261 25 389. 28 835. 36 31 185 324. 05 623 57 20 97 30 519. 67 1,000. 00 406 32 702 82 19 11 fi?i 578 13 492. 31 770. 15 17 146 40 639. 24 >AYMEN' r LiF] 1. i 20-1 $47. 79 1 317 $14. 05 28.65 95.91 3 338 2 43.84 144. 38 6 69 3 59.64 193. 18 8 251 4 76.07 242. 25 11 156 5 93.15 291. 58 14 142 6 110. 92 341.17 17 194 7 129. 40 390. 97 20 258 8 148. 61 440. 95 23 253 9 168. 60 491. 14 26 130 10 189. 40 541. 51 28 248 11 211.03 592. 02 30 253 12 233. 53 642.64 32 171 13 256. 94 693. 40 34 22 14 281. 29 744. 25 35 200 15 306. 63 795. 20 37 9 16 333. 00 846. 27 38 227 17 360. 43 897. 42 40 197 18 338. 98 948. 66 43 76 19 418. 69 1,000.00 20 466. 00 25 519. 67 30 578. 13 35 '40 639. 24 (14) Age 21 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.31 2.06 1.48 $9.90 6.16 4.43 $19.72 12.27 8.82 $39.10 24.33 17.48 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. | End of pol- icy year. 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Extension. Extension. Paid- Paid- t Cash up • Pure Cash up • Pure value. insur- ance. ce o 05 C3 e?j- dov:- value. insur- ance. S c3 en- dow- >H H- 1 ment. >* tt ment. $32.71 $59.43 4 205 1 $17.38 $40. 64 2 122 66.78 117.93 10 44 2 35.45 80.89 4 343 102. 28 175.51 16 340 3 54.26 120.80 7 317 139.27 232.13 16 $80. 42 4 73.83 160. 30 11 59 177.82 287. 80 15 158.15 5 94.21 199. 41 14 298 217. 99 342.46 396. 13 14 13 232.65 304.05 6 7 115.41 137.47 238. 06 276. 24 18 22 283 294 259. 86 303. 50 448.77 12.... 372.44 8 160. 44 313. 96 22 $64. 75 349. 00 500. 41 11.... 438.01 9 184. 34 351.16 21 129.41 396. 43 551.00 10.... 500. 81 10 209. 22 387. 85 20 191.40 445.90 600. 56 91.-.. 560.99 11 12 235. 13 424.02 19 250.77 497. 49 649. 08 8.... 618.65 262. 10 459. 64 18 307.64 551.29 696. 56 1 .... 673.86 13 290. 18 494. 70 17 362. 13 607. 43 743. 00 6.... 726. 74 14 319.42 529. 18 16 414.29 666. 00 788.38 5l.... 777.39 15 349.87 563.08 15 464. 24 727. 14 832.75 4i.... 825.89 16 381.59 596. 39 14 512.09 790. 97 876.08 3 872.33 17 414.64 629. 13 13 557.92 857.62 918.40 2 916. 76 18 449.06 661. 24 12 601.77 927.24 959. 70 1 959. 30 19 484.93 692.75 11 643. 72 1,000.00 1,000.00 20 25 30 522.32 734. 90 1, 000. 00 723. 65 869. 09 1,000.00 10 5 683.89 859.91 ... * * * " ENDO-^ VMENl ? AT AGE 62.| 1 $10.26 $29.58 1 130 20.91 59.09 2 295 2 31.97 88.52 4 139 3 . 43.46 117.86 6 26 4 55.40 147. 10 7 327 5 67.79 176. 17 9 309 6 80.67 205. 12 11 334 t 94.04 233. 87 14 28 8 107.92 262.41 16 106 9 122.34 290. 75 18 172 10 137.31 318.83 20 187 11 152. 86 346. 68 22 130 12 169. 00 374. 24 23 356 13 185. 75 401.50 25 141 14 203. 16 428. 49 26 $1S. 26 15 221.23 455. 16 25 81.38 16 239. 99 481.49 24 141.82 17 259.45 507. 46 23 199. 68 18 279. 66 533. 08 22 255.03 19 300.64 558. 34 21 308. 07 20 418.13 673. 79 16 540. 33 25 559. 75 788. 98 11 725.12 30 731.85 889. 21 6 870.27 35 948. 76 981.97 1 981.43 40 (15) Age 22 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual, Ordinary life ^1.20 1.45 1.82 ^3.59 4.34 6.44 ^7.15 8.64 10.84 $14.18 30-Daviiient life 17.13 20-oavnient liie 21.50 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. 1 End of policy year. 30 -PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $6.72 $22. 50 318 1 $9.86 $33. 01 1 107 13.68 45.05 1 290 2 20.10 66.19 2 247 20.89 28.36 67.66 90.32 2 3 280 288 3 4 30.72 41.76 QQ SO 4, 59 276 132. 99 5 36.09 112.97 4 313 5 53.21 166. 56 7 168 44.09 135. 61 5 358 6 65.10 200. 23 9 100 52.38 158. 26 7 56 7 77.44 233. 98 11 66 60.95 180. 85 8 134 8 90.24 267. 76 13 59 69.82 203. 39 9 223 9 103. 54 301. 62 15 67 79.00 225. 87 10 318 10 117. 34 335. 49 17 62 88.49 248. 25 12 47 11 131. 66 369. 35 19 13 98.30 270. 51 13 131 12 146. 51 403. 18 20 264 108. 44 292. 65 14 194 13 161. 93 437. 00 22 77 118. 93 314. 67 15 221 14 177. 93 470. 78 23 185 129. 76 336. 51 16 207 15 194. 53 504. 49 24 227 140. 94 358. 18 17 148 16 211.74 538. 11 25 212 152.47 379. 63 18 44 17 229. 59 571. 65 26 147 164. 37 400. 87 18 263 18 248. 11 605. 10 27 42 176. 63 421. 86 19 78 19 267. 31 638. 44 27 268 189. 28 442. 64 19 220 20 287. 22 671. 67 28 102 258. 17 542. 08 20 140 25 398. 30 836. 31 30 262 335. 76 419. 58 •lOfi 45 632 27 19 302 30 531. 04 1, 000. 00 710 89 18 201 35 590 22 777. 30 16 326 40 651. 55 20-1 >AYMEN' r lifj E. 1 $14. 36 $48. 07 1 329 29.29 96.46 3 359 2 44.81 145. 14 6 104 3 60.96 194. 13 8 295 4 77.75 243. 37 11 208 5 95.21 292. 85 14 197 6 113. 37 342. 54 17 237 7 132. 24 392. 38 20 267 8 151. 88 442. 44 23 214 9 172. 30 492. 62 26 41 10 193. 54 542. 95 28 113 11 215. 63 593. 38 30 80 12 238. 61 643. 93 31 329 13 262. 51 694. 58 33 154 14 287. 38 745. 28 34 310 15 313. 25 796. 08 36 101 16 340. 15 846. 92 37 303 17 368. 15 897. 86 39 256 18 397. 29 948. 89 42 122 19 427 62 1 000.00 20 476. 26 25 531.04 30 590. 22 35 40 651. 55 (16) Age 22 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.31 2.07 1.53 $9.90 6.19 4.58 $19.72 12.33 9.11 $39.10 24.45 18.07 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. | End of pol- icy year. 30 -YEAR ENDOWMENT. Extension. | Extension. Paid- 1 Paid- 1 Cash up . Pure Cash up Pure value. insur- ance. en- dow- value. insur- ance. C3 en- dow- >^ a ment. i» Q ment. $32.71 $59. 40 4 193 1 $17.40 $40.62 2 117 66.77 117.86 10 5 2 35.50 80.88 4 330 102.27 175.41 16 249 3 54.33 120.76 7 293 139.26 232.02 16 .... $78.12i 4 73.93 160.27 11 15 177.80 287.66 15 .... 156.09 5 94.32 199. 34 14 223 217.97 342.31 14 230.82 6 115.54 237.98 18 160 259.83 395. 96 13 302.42 7 137.62 276. 16 22 101 303. 46 448.59 12 371.03 8 160.60 313.85 22 $57.45 348.95 500. 22 11 436. 79 9 184.52 351.05 21 122.73 396.38 550.81 10 499. 76 10 209. 42 387.74 20 185.27 445.83 600. 36 9 560.09 11 235.33 423.88 19 245. 17 497.41 648.89 8 . . 617.89 12 252.30 459.47 18 302.56 551.20 696. 36 7 ....i673.23| 13 290. 38 494.51 17 357.52 607. 34 742.82 6 726.24 14 319.63 529.00 16 410.15 665.91 788. 23 5 777.00 15 350. 07 562.88 15 460. 54 727.05 832.61 4 825. 60 16 381.79 596. 19 14 508. 80 790. 88 875.96 3 ... .1872. Ill 17 414.81 628.90 13 554.99 857.54 918.30 2 « • • * 915.63 18 449.21 660. 99 12 599. 19 927.20 959.66 1 • • > « 959. 24 19 485. 06 692.50 11 641.50 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 20 522.42 723.38 10 681.96 25 734. 84 868.86 5 859.22 30 1, 000. 00 1,000.00 ENDOWMENT AT AGE 62. j 1 $10.76 $30.41 1 151 21.94 60.75 2 340 2 33.55 90.99 4 211 3 . 45.61 121.11 6 127 4 58.13 151.07 8 90 5 71.14 180. 88 10 101 6 84.65 210.51 12 153 7 98.67 239.92 14 233 8 113.24 269. 12 16 318 9 128.37 298.07 19 9 10 144. 08 326. 76 20 364 11 160. 38 355.15 22 273 12 177.32 383.28 24 103 13 194. 90 411.07 25 221 14 213.16 438.56 25 $53.39 15 232.11 465.68 24 115.66 16 251.78 492.46 23 175.31 17 272.20 518.86 22 232.35 18 293. 39 544. 88 21 286.97 19 315.39 570.51 20 339.20 20 438. 61 692. 57 15 568.00 25 587.21 803.99 10 749.74 30 768. 56 905. 43 5 891.85 35 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 40 ■ (17) Age JiS LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary liie $1.23 1.48 1.85 $3.68 4.43 5.53 $7.33 8.82 11.02 $14.53 30-oavin8nt life 17.48 20-payment life 21.85 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE End 30-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. of policy year. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $7.01 $23. 09 331 1 $10. 12 $33. 33 1 116 14.27 46.22 1 315 2 20.63 66.82 2 267 21.79 69.39 2 316 3 31.53 100. 41 4 88 29.57 92.56 3 337 4 42.85 134. 13 5 314 37.62 115.71 5 10 5 54.60 167. 94 7 216 45.97 138. 89 6 69 6 66.80 201. 83 9 154 54.59 161.98 7 144 7 79.45 235. 74 11 123 63.52 185. 04 8 232 8 92.59 269. 72 13 115 72.76 208. 03 9 327 9 106. 21 303. 67 15 110 82.32 230. 94 11 62 10 120. 36 337. 65 17 82 92.20 253. 72 12 156 11 135. 03 371. 58 19 1 102. 41 276. 37 13 234 12 150. 25 405. 48 20 216 112. 97 298. 90 14 280 237 13 165. 04 439. 32 21 361 123. 87 321.24 15 14 182. 42 473. 08 23 71 135. 13 343. 41 16 250 15 199. 41 505. 77 24 86 146. 74 365. 36 17 167 16 217. 02 540. 35 25 46 158. 72 337. 09 18 41 17 235. 28 573. 81 25 324 171. 06 408. 56 18 239 18 254. 21 607. 16 26 200 183. 79 429. 80 19 33 19 273. 84 640. 33 27 44 196. 90 450. 77 19 158 20 294. 18 673. 47 27 228 268. 14 550. 86 20 12 25 407. 54 837. 23 29 337 347. 73 433. 01 520. 63 640. 88 718 82 19 18 139 22 30 35 40 542 58 1 000 00 602 39 784. 28 16 145 663. 83 >AYMEN': r LiFi 2. 20-1 1 $14. 68 $48. 35 1 339 29.95 97.01 4 18 2 45.83 145. 95 6 139 3 62.33 195. 10 8 340 4 79.50 244. 53 11 259 6 97.34 294. 11 14 246 6 7 115.90 343. 90 17 270 13.S. 19 393. 82 20 263 8 155. 26 443. 90 23 161 9 176. 12 494. 08 25 303 10 137. 82 544. 37 27 333 11 220. 38 594. 74 29 263 12 243. 86 645. 22 31 117 13 268. 27 695. 72 32 282 14 293. 66 746. 30 34 52 15 320. 06 796. 90 35 190 16 347. 53 847. 57 37 11 17 376. 11 898. 30 38 316 18 405. 86 949. 11 41 166 19 436 81 1 000.00 20 486 77 25 542 58 30 602. 39 35 663 83 40 (18) Age 23 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.32 2.07 1.58 $9.93 6.19 4.73 $19.78 12.33 9.41 $39.22 24.45 18.66 GUARANTEED VALI JES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. End of pol- icy year. 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Extension. Extension. Paid- Paid- Cash up , Pure Cash up « Pure value. insur- ance. C3 en- dow- value . insur- ance. a C3 en- dow- >^ M ment. >^ ,q ment. $32. 70 559.35 4 178 1 S17.4 3 $40. 61 2 112 66.77 117.80 91 330 2 35.5 5 80. 87 4 319 102.27 175.33 161 152 3 54.4 2 120.75 7 270 139.25 231.91 16 575.60 4 74. C 5 160. 26 10 336 177.79 287. 53 15 .... 153.84 5 94.4 6 199.31 14 146 217.95 342. 16 14 .... 228.81 6 115.7 1 237.95 18 33 259.80 395. 79 13 300. 64 7 137.8 1 276.11 21 272 303. 43 448.42 12 369.48 8 160.8 1 313.79 22 ^ $49.28 343.91 500.04 11 435.43 9 184.7 4 350.96 21 115.22 396.32 550.61 10 498. 59 10 209.6 5 387. 63 20 178.39 445. 76 600. 16 9 .... 559.10 11 235.5 7 423.76 19 238. 90 497.33 648.69 8 .... 617.06 12 262.5 5 459. 34 18 296.86 551.12 696. 18 7 .... 672.56 13 290.6 4 494. 37 17 352.38 607.24 742.63 6 725.70 14 319.8 8 528.82 16 405.50 665.81 788.06 5 776.58 15 350.3 2 552.70 15 456.37 725.94 832.45 4 825. 28 16 382.0 2 595.99 14 505.09 790.78 875.83 3 . « > . 871.89 17 415.0 2 628.67 13 551.70 857.47 918.22 2 .... 916.51 18 449.4 660. 76 12 .... 596. 32 927.15 959.60 1 959. 18 19 485.2 3 692.26 11 639.00 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 20 25 30 522.5 734.7 1,000.0 6 723. 14 9 868.62 1,000.00 10 5 679.82 858.47 .... ENDOWMENT AT AGE 62. 1 $11.30 $31.29 1 174 23.03 62.46 3 23 2 'i 35.23 93.55 4 285 3 • \ 47.88 12t.43 6 229 4 ^ 61.03 155. 18 8 224 5 74.69 185.75 10 262 6 83.87 216.09 12 339 7 103.59 246.19 15 70 8 118.88 276.04 17 156 9 134.76 305. 63 19 192 10 151.25 334.94 21 153 11 168.36 363.91 23 31 12 186.14 392. 59 24 194 13 204.59 420.92 25 $23.66 14 223.76 448.93 24 87.93 15 • 243. 64 476.54 23 149. 44 16 264. 28 503. 76 22 208.26 17 285.70 530. 60 21 254. 60 18 307.94 557.03 20 318.46 19 331.03 583.07 19 370.01 20 450. 33 705.80 14 595.54 25 616.38 819.52 9 774.27 30 807.92 922.40 4 913.40 35 (19) Age 24 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life $1.26 1.51 1.88 $3.77 4.52 5.62 $7.51 9.00 11.20 $14.88 SO-oavment life 17.84 20-payiaent life 22.21 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE End of policy year. 30 -PAYMENT LIFE. ision. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extei Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extei ision. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $7.31 $23. 68 342 1 $10. 39 $33. 65 1 126 14.88 47.39 1 338 2 21.18 67.45 2 286 22.72 71.12 2 352 3 32.38 101.36 4 118 30.83 94.83 4 21 4 43.99 135. 30 5 353 39.23 118.53 5 75 5 56.05 169. 35 7 262 47.92 142. 19 6 146 6 68.56 203. 43 9 206 56.91 165.78 7 232 7 81.54 237. 53 11 177 66.22 189. 33 8 328 8 95.01 271.64 13 162 75.85 212.79 10 66 9 108. 99 305. 76 15 143 85.79 236. 08 11 167 10 123. 48 339. 80 17 88 96.08 259. 29 12 256 11 138.52 373. 82 18 339 106. 71 282. 34 13 322 12 154. 12 407. 78 20 155 117.69 305. 21 14 350 13 170. 29 441.62 21 266 129. 02 327. 89 15 335 14 187. 07 475. 41 22 313 140.72 350. 37 16 275 15 204. 45 509. 05 23 300 152.78 372.61 17 170 16 222. 47 542. 57 24 237 165. 21 394. 59 18 22 17 241.15 575.96 25 131 178. 03 416.33 18 198 18 260. 50 609. 19 25 353 191.23 437. 79 18 340 19 280. 57 642.32 26 182 204. 82 458. 95 19 83 20 301.36 675. 27 26 352 278. 41 559. 60 19 241 25 416.98 838. 12 29 49 359 95 649. 38 18 337 30 554. 30 1, 000. 00 446.60 726. 62 17 210 35 614.63 534. 82 791.07 15 324 40 676. 07 20-F AYMENl [• LIF] E. 1 $15.02 $48. 65 1 351 30.64 97.58 4 41 2 J vlwJ 46.88 146. 74 6 173 3 .. t A 63.75 196. 08 9 19 4 *•'". f^ 81.30 245. 64 11 306 5 99.55 295. 38 14 290 6 118.51 345. 23 17 291 7 - 1- 138. 24 395. 24 20 244 8 158.75 445. 35 23 92 9 t 180. 07 495. 53 25 190 10 L ,■ 202. 24 545. 78 27 177 11 t. 225. 29 596. 08 29 74 12 W ^ \ 249. 27 646.45 30 265 13 14 r\ \ I- 274. 20 696. 84 32 41 ^ \ \ t^ 300. 13 747. 28 33 156 15 I 327. 09 797. 72 34 278 16 355. 13 848. 19 36 86 17 384. 31 898. 72 38 8 18 ^^-^: V 414.67 949.31 40 208 19 446.28 1, 000. 00 20 497. 52 25 r- . 554. 30 30 614. 63 35 40 / 676. 07 (20) Age 24 ENDOWMENT $1, S. 000 POLICY. PREMIUM Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment «3..^2 §9.93 6.22 $19.78 12.39 539.22 24.57 30-year endowment 2.08 1 Endown lent at age C .2 1.63 4.88 9.71 19.25 GUARAN TEED VALUES. 20-Y:5 AR ENDOWMENT. End of pol- icy year. 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Extension. Extei nsion. Paid- Paid- Cash up , Pure Cash up Pure value. insur- ance. C3 C3 en- dow- value. insur- ance. C3 en- dow- >^ W ment. >H ment. $32. 71 66. 7S 102. 27 139. 25 S59. 33 117.75 175. 25 231.80 4 166 1 2 3 4 $17.46 35.63 54.52 74.18 $40.60 80.87 120.75 160. 24 2 4 7 10 108 306 244 289 9 290 16 53 16 .... $72.87 177. 78 287. 39 15 .... 151.38 5 94.63 199.31 14 67 217.93 342. 00 14;.-. - 226.62 6 115.90 237. 92 17 270 259. 78 395. 62 13--.. 298. 73 7 138. 02 276. 06 21 77 303. 40 448.23 12.... 367. 80 8 161.05 313.74 22 $40. 05 348. 87 499.84 11-... 433. 96 9 185. 00 350. 90 21.... 106. 73 396. 27 550.41 10 - . . . 497. 34 10 209. 93 387. 55 20.... 170. 67 445.70 599.96 9 • * > • 558. 04 11 235. 86 423. 66 19-... 231.84 497. 25 648.47 8 - * > - 616.16 12 262. 85 459. 22 18 290. 42 551.03 695.97 7 .... 671.82 13 290. 94 494. 23 17 346. 55 607. 14 742. 43 6 .... 725.11 14 320. 18 528. 66 16 400. 27 665. 70 787. 88 5 776. 12 15 350. 61 562. 52 15 451.68 726.84 832. 30 4 824.95 16 382. 30 595. 79 14 500. 92 790. 68 875.70 3 871.66 17 415. 28 628. 45 13 548. 02 857. 38 918.11 2 916.37 18 449.65 660. 53 12 593. 09 927. 10 959. 55 1 . • • • 959. 12 19 485. 44 692. 00 11 636. 18 1,000.00 1, 000. 00 20 522. 75 722. 89 10 677. 39 25 734. 75 868. 37 si.--- 857. 60 30 1, 000. 00 1,000.00 1 ENDO\ ^TMENT AT AGE 62. 1 2 3 d 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 - $11.87 24.20 37.00 50.30 64.11 78.45 93.35 108. 81 124. 87 141. 55 158. 86 176.84 195. 50 214.88 $32. 19 64.26 96.16 127.90 159. 43 190. 75 221.85 252. 65 283. 20 313.45 343. 38 372. 98 402. 22 431.11 1 3 4 6 8 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 24 24 198 73 361 335 360 62 162 268 347 3S9 • 288 135 268 $58. 44 234.99 459. 62 23 121.95 15 255. 87 487. 73 22 182.68 16 277. 54 515.44 21 240. 86 17 300. 03 542. 73 20 296. 45 18 323. 38 569. 59 19 349. 65 19 347.62 596. 03 18 400. 53 20 483. 33 721.51 13 622.97 25 647. 44 835. 67 8 793. 75 30 850. 28 940. 21 3 934. 97 35 160 177°— 20 3 (21) LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life $1.29 1.53 1.91 $3.86 1.58 5.71 $7.68 9.11 11.38 $15.24 30-Da vment life 18.07 20-payinent life 22.56 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End of policy year. 30-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. [ Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $7.63 $24. 30 355 1 $10. 68 $34. 01 1 136 15.52 48.58 1 362 2 21.75 68.08 2 304 23.70 72.90 3 26 3 33.25 102.27 4 147 32.16 97.17 4 74 4 45.18 136.51 6 26 40.91 121.39 5 140 5 57.55 170. 76 7 307 49.97 145.57 6 222 6 70.39 205. 05 9 255 59.35 169. 69 7 319 7 83.71 239. 34 11 225 69.04 193. 68 9 57 8 97.53 273. 61 13 203 79.06 217.56 10 165 9 111.86 307. 82 15 164 89.42 241.32 11 265 10 126.72 341.98 17 80 100.13 264.93 12 346 11 142. 14 376. 08 18 298 111.19 288. 36 14 31 12 158.12 410.06 20 81 122.61 311.60 15 39 13 174.69 443.95 21 161 134.39 334.61 16 3 14 191.86 477.70 22 179 146.54 357. 39 16 284 15 209. 66 511.33 23 142 159.07 379.92 17 156 16 228. 09 544. 77 24 57 171.98 402 18 17 353 17 247. 19 578.06 24 296 185.23 424. 17 18 146 18 266.99 611.23 25 137 198.97 445.84 18 269 19 287.50 644.21 25 316 213.04 467.19 18 362 20 308. 73 677. 04 26 109 288. 97 568. 29 19 101 25 426. 59 838.93 28 127 372. 38 460. 30 657. 74 18 169 30 566. 15 1,000.00 734. 22 17 30 35 626.92 549. 00 797. 69 15 143 40 688. 24 1 20-1 'aymen: r LiFi S. 1 $15.37 $48.95 1 362 31.35 98.13 4 64 2 47.96 147.51 6 206 3 65.22 197. 06 9 60 4 83.17 246.78 11 350 5 101.82 296. 61 14 324 6 121.22 346. 58 17 300 7 141.39 396. 65 20 210 8 162.35 446. 77 23 12 9 184. 14 496.94 25 65 10 206. 80 547. 16 27 14 11 230. 35 597. 38 28 243 12 254. 85 647. 67 30 42 13 280.31 697. 93 31 161 14 306. 79 748. 21 32 258 15 334.32 798. 49 33 363 16 362.96 848. 79 35 159 17 392. 75 899.13 37 68 18 423.75 949. 52 39 250 19 456 00 1 000.00 20 508. 49 25 566. 15 30 626.92 35 40 688. 24 I (22) Age 25 ENDOWMENT $1,000 POLICY. PREMIUMS. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.33 2.09 1.68 $9.96 6.25 5.03 $19.84 12.45 10.01 $39.34 24.69 19.85 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $32. 66. 102. 139. 177. 217. 259. 303. 343. 396. 445. 497. 550. 607. 665. 726. 790. 857. 927. 1, 000. Paid- up insur- ance. 559.29 117.68 175.15 231.68 287.25 341.83 395. 43 448.04 499. 61 550.18 599. 73 648. 25 695. 75 742.23 787. 68 832.12 875.56 918.02 959. 49 00 1, 000. 00 Extension. to a 4 9 15 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 151 247 316 Pure en- dow- ment. $69.85 148.70 224.23 296.60 365.92 432.33 495.93 556.84 615.16 671.01 724.47 775.62 824.56 871.40 916.21 959. 05 End of pol- icy year. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $17. 35. 54. 74. 94. 116. 138. 161. 185. 210. 235. 263. 291. 320. 350. 382. 415. 449. 485. 522. 734. 1,000. Paid- up insur- ance. $40. 80. 120. 160. 199. 237. 276. 313. 350. 387. 423. 459. 494. 528. 562. 595. 628. 660. 691. 722. 868. 1, 000. Extension. 2 4 7 10 13 17 20 22 21 20 19 IS 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 5 CO ft 103 293 218 241 349 138 246 Pure en- dow- ment. $29.67 97.22 161.92 223.86 283. 19 340.00 394.40 446.41 496.23 543.85 589.44 633.01 674.69 855. 64 ENDOWMENT AT AGE 62. | 1 $12.48 $33. 14 1 223 25.43 66.09 98.88 131.48 163. 83 195.97 227.81 259.36 290.62 321.55 352. 14 382.35 412.19 3 5 7 9 11 13 16 18 20 22 23 24 126 78 84 137 232 348 94 156 139 39 219 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 38.89 52.87 67.38 82.46 98.11 114.36 131.24 148.76 166.96 185.84 205.45 $27. 13 225.81 441.66 23 - > ■ ■ 92. 77 14 246.93 470. 69 22 • « > « 155. 50 15 268.86 499. 32 21 215. 60 16 291.62 527.51 20 273.041 17 315.25 555.27 19 > • • • 328. 01 18 339. 79 582.60 18 « • • • 380.61! 19 365. 25 609. 46 17 430 84 20 507.88 736.76 12 650 37 25 680. 60 852.49 7 > • • • 823 28 30 896.06 958. 99 2 956 57 35 (23) Agu 26 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life $1.32 1.56 1.95 $3.95 4.67 5.83 $7.86 9.29 11.62 $15.59 30-t)avment life 18.43 20-Davment life 23.04 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End of policy year. 30-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $7.96 $24.92 1 2 1 $10. 97 $34. 34 1 145 16.19 49.80 2 23 2 22.35 68.74 2 324 24.72 74.69 3 66 3 34.16 103.21 4 177 33.54 99.52 4 126 4 46.40 137. 68 6 64 42.67 124.30 5 205 5 59.11 172.19 7 351 52.12 149. 02 6 299 6 72.29 206.68 9 301 61.89 173. 62 8 39 7 85.96 241.15 11 267 71.98 198.08 9 149 8 100.14 275. 57 13 235 82.42 222.43 10 259 9 114.84 309. 92 15 173 93.21 246.62 11 354 10 130.08 344. 17 17 59 104.36 270.64 13 60 11 145. 88 378. 32 18 243 115.87 294. 47 14 91 12 182.26 412.36 19 361 127. 74 318.05 15 77 13 179. 23 446. 26 21 45 139. 98 341.39 16 17 14 196.81 479. 99 22 37 152. 60 364. 47 16 276 15 215.02 513.55 22 342 165.61 387. 28 17 128 16 233. 89 546.96 23 238 179. 02 409. 83 17 395 17 253. 43 580. 18 24 92 192.81 432. 04 18 80 18 273. 67 613.22 24 282 206. 99 453.93 18 188 19 294. 62 646. 10 25 82 221.57 475. 47 18 267 20 316.31 678. 78 25 228 299. 80 576. 90 18 319 25 436. 36 839. 69 27 203 385. 02 665. 97 17 352 30 578. 13 1,000.00 474. 10 741.66 804. 10 16 14 217 322 35 40 639. 24 700. 30 563. 11 20-1 >AYMEN'] r LIFE. 1 $15.73 $49. 24 2 8 32.08 98.67 4 86 2 49.07 148. 26 8 239 3 66.73 198. 00 9 99 4 85.09 247. 87 12 23 5 6 104. 18 297. 86 14 351 124.01 347. 89 17 296 7 144. 63 398. 00 20 161 8 166. 06 448. 14 22 283 9 188. 34 498. 32 24 294 10 211.50 548. 50 26 207 11 235. 57 598. 67 28 41 12 260. 59 648. 83 29 179 13 286. 60 698. 97 30 276 14 313.65 749. 12 31 355 15 341.77 799. 24 33 83 16 ' 371.01 849. 36 34 230 17 401.43 899. 50 36 126 18 433. 08 949. 74 38 291 19 466. 00 1,000.00 20 519.67 25 30 578. 13 639. 24 35 700. 30 40 (24) Age 26 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 §3.33 2.10 1.74 §9.96 6.28 5.21 §19.84 12.51 10.37 §39.34 24.81 20.55 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. End of pol- icy year. 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Extension. Extension. Paid- Paid- Cash up , Pure Cash up . Pure value. insur- ance. 03 c3 en- dow- value. insur- ance. c3 en- dow- >H W ment. >^ « ment. $32.71 $59.25 4 135 1 $17.55 $40. 63 2 98 66.78 117.61 9 201 2 35.80 80.89 4 230 102.28 175.06 15 211 3 54.78 120. 79 7 191 139.25 231.55 16 $56.52 4 74.51 160. 26 10 192 177.77 287. 09 15 145.70 5 95.03 199.31 13 266 217.91 341.65 14 221.57 6 116.37 237.91 17 2 259. 74 395.23 13 294. 24 7 138.57 276.06 20 48 303. 34 447.82 12 363. 87 8 161.65 313.69 22 $17.91 348. 78 499. 39 11 - - - . 430. 55 9 185.65 350.83 21 86.43 396. 16 549.95 10.... 494. 39 10 210.63 387.46 20 152.05 445.56 599. 49 9 .... 555. 53 11 236. 60 423.53 19 214.88 497. 09 648.01 8 614.07 12 263. 62 459. 06 18 275.04 550. 84 695.51 7 670. 11 13 291.72 494. 01 17 332.61 606. 92 741.99 6 723.74 14 320. 96 528.41 16 387. 74 665. 46 787. 46 5 775.06 15 351.37 562. 19 15.... 440. 45 726. 60 831.94 4 824.16 16 383. 03 595.41 14L... 490. 91 790. 45 875. 40 3 871.11 17 415.99 628. 04 13'.... 539. 18 857.19 917.90 2 916.02 18 450.31 660. 09 12 585. 33 926.98 959. 43 1 .... 958.97 19 486. 04 691.53 11 629. 45 1,000.00 1, 000. 00 20 523 27 722 37 10 671 63 25 30 734. 68 1,000.00 867. 79 1,000.00 5 855. 57 ENDOT VMENl r AT AGE 62. 1 $13.12 $34. 10 1 248 . 26. 75 68.02 3 180 2 40.90 101.71 5 163 3 55.60 135. 19 7 199 4 70.86 168. 40 9 282 5 86.71 201.34 12 35 6 • 103.17 233.98 14 166 7 120.26 266.31 16 272 8 138.00 298. 29 18 312 9 155.43 329.93 20 265 10 175.55 361.18 22 135 11 195.41 392.05 23 289 12 216.02 422.52 23 $61.66 13 237.42 452.56 22 126.57 14 259.62 482. 16 21 188.72 15 282.67 511.32 20 248.14 16 305. 60 540. 04 19 304.99 17 331.44 568.28 18 359.36 18 357.23 596. 08 17 411.34 19 384.00 623.39 16 461.04 20 533.93 752.59 11 677.71 25 716. 12 870. 10 6 847.88 30 945. 75 978. 85 1 978.23 35 (25) Age 27 LIFE $1,000 POLICY. Ordinary life . . . 30-paj'ment life 20-payinent life PREMIUMS. Monthly. $1.35 1.59 1.98 Quarterly. 84.04 4.76 5.92 Semi- annual. $8.04 9.47 11.80 Annual. $15.95 18.78 23.39 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE End of policy year. 30-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash ■\'-alue. Paid-up insur-" ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. S8.30 $25.53 1 15 1 S11.27 $34.66 1 155 16.90 51.06 2 50 2 22.97 69.40 2 343 25.79 76.52 3 105 3 35.10 104. 15 4 205 34.99 101.93 4 179 4 47.68 138. 90 6 101 44.51 127.26 5 270 5 60.74 173. 66 8 28 54.36 152.50 7 9 6 74.27 208.35 9 343 64.54 177.61 8 123 7 88.30 242.99 11 305 75.06 202.56 9 238 8 102.85 277.56 13 257 85.94 227.38 10 346 9 117.93 312.03 15 170 97.17 252.00 12 69 10 133.56 346. 37 17 25 108. 77 276.42 13 123 11 149. 76 380. 59 18 177 120. 74 300. 62 14 134 12 166.54 414.66 19 263 133. 09 324. 59 15 98 13 183.92 448.55 20 286 145.81 348. 25 16 17 14 201.92 482. 27 21 251 158.92 371.64 16 254 15 220.56 515.79 22 169 172.43 394.75 17 86 16 239.87 549. 14 23 44 186.34 417.54 17 245 17 259.86 582.28 23 249 200. 63 439. 98 18 4 18 280.54 615.22 24 59 215.33 462. 08 18 97 19 301.94 647. 94 24 211 230.40 483. 77 18 162 20 324.07 680. 45 24 345 310.89 585.44 18 169 25 446.27 840.37 26 278 397. 85 487.97 577.14 674. 07 17 191 .30 590. 22 1,000.00 748.94 16 36 35 651.55 . 810.33 14 142 40 712.23 20-1 •AYMEN' r LiF] 3. 1 $16.10 $49.52 2 19 32.84 99.22 4 109 2 50.23 149.04 6 270 3 68.30 198.96 9 136 4 87.09 249.00 12 57 5 106.61 299.08 15 3 6 126-90 349.21 17 279 7 147.98 399. 35 20 99 8 169.90 449. 53 22 177 9 192.67 499. 66 24 148 10 216.35 549.82 26 28 11 240.94 599.91 27 198 12 265.51 649. 98 28 313 13 293. 08 699.99 30 24 14 320. 70 749.96 31 87 15 ■ 349. 42 799. 94 32 166 16 379.29 849. 89 33 298 17 410.35 899.89 35 183 18 442.65 949. 89 37 328 19 476.26 1,000.00 20 25 30 35 40 531.04 590.22 651.55 712.23 (26) Age 27 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20 -year endowment 30 -year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.34 2.11 1.80 $9.99 6.31 5.38 $19.90 12.57 10.72 $39.45 21.93 21.26 GUARAN TEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. End of pol- icy year. 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Extension. Extension. Paid- Paid- Cash value. up insur- ance. • OQ Pm-e en- dow- Cash value. insur- ance. 2 CO c3 Pure en- dow- >^ O ment. >H « ment. $32. 72 $59. 23 4 120 1 $17. 60 $40. 63 2 92 66.79 117. 54 9 153 ....... 2 35.91 80.93 4 267 102. 28 174. 95 15 101 3 54.93 120. 81 7 16;^ 139. 26 231. 43 16 $62. 84 4 74.72 160. 31 10 140 177. 78 236. 94 15 . - - . 142. 42 5 95.29 199. 37 13 179 217.91 341. 48 14 .... 218. 63 6 115. 68 237. 98 15 230 259. 73 395. 04 13 .... 291. 65 7 138. 91 276. 09 19 214 303. 31 447. 59 12 .... 351. 59 8 162. 03 313. 73 22 .... S4. 63 348.75 499.16 11 428.57 9 186.07 350.85 21 74.24 396. 11 549. 70 10 492. 69 10 211. 07 387. 45 20 140. 90 445. 50 599. 24 9 554. 10 11 237. 07 423. 51 19 204. 72 497.00 647.75 8 612. 86 12 254. 10 459. 01 18 255. SO 550. 73 695. 25 7 . - - . 669. 11 13 292. 21 493. 94 17 324. 27 606. 80 741. 75 6 .... 722. 94 14 321. 45 528. 30 16 380. 23 665. 34 787. 24 5 .... 774. 44 15 351. 87 552. 08 15 433. 76 726. 46 831. 72 4 823. 70 16 383. 52 595. 27 14 484. 95 790. 33 875. 24 3 870. 81 17 416. 46 627. 88 13 533. 90 857. 09 917. 77 2 915. 84 18 450. 75 659. 89 12 5S0. 73 926. 91 959. 36 1 958. 87 19 485. 45 691. 30 11 625. 46 1, 000. 00 1,000.00 20 25 523. 62 734. 65 722. 11 857. 47 10 5 668. 20 854. 38 30 1, 000. 00 1,000.00 ENDOWMENT AT AGE 62. 1 $13. 81 $35. 11 1 275 28.15 70.01 3 237 2 43.04 104. 65 5 251 3 58.51 139. 05 7 318 4 74.57 173. 15 10 65 5 91.25 206. 95 12 205 6 108. 56 240. 40 14 344 7 126. 54 273. 52 17 71 8 145. 21 306.27 19 84 9 164. 59 338. 63 21 11 10 184. 71 370. 58 22 215 11 205. 60 402. 14 23 $28. 54 12 227. 28 433. 24 22 95.74 13 249. 77 463. 87 21 160. 06 14 273. 13 494. 07 20 221.59 15 297. 38 523. 80 19 280. 45 16 322. 55 553.04 18 336. 74 17 348. 68 581. 81 17 390. 55 18 375. 81 610.09 16 442.01 19 403. 96 637. 86 15 491. 13 20 561. 73 769. 10 10 705. 20 25 754. 28 888. 61 5 872. 61 30 1, 000. 00 1,000.00 35 C27) Age 2S LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary lifs $1.39 1.62 2.02 $4.16 4.85 6.04 $8.28 9.65 12.03 $16.42 30-payment life 19.14 20-oavnient life 23.86 GUARANTEED VALUE S. ORDINARY LIFE. End of policy year. 30-PAYMENT LiFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $8.67 $26. 20 1 29 1 $11. 60 $35. 05 1 165 17.63 52.31 2 77 2 23.62 70.08 2 364 26.91 78.39 3 146 3 36.09 105. 13 4 235 36.52 104. 41 4 233 4 49.02 140. 15 6 138 46.45 130. 31 5 336 5 62.42 175. 11 8 67 56.71 156. 06 7 84 6 76.32 210. 02 10 17 67.32 181. 68 8 204 7 90.72 244. 83 11 335 78.29 207. 14 9 322 8 105. 65 279. 56 13 263 89.62 232. 42 11 60 9 121.13 314. 13 15 154 101.31 257. 47 12 135 10 137. 17 348. 60 16 343 113. 38 282. 30 13 171 11 153. 77 382. 86 - 18 99 125. 83 306. 88 14 162 12 170. 97 416. 97 19 155 138. 66 331. 18 15 104 13 188. 77 450. 86 20 151 151. 88 355. 18 16 1 14 207. 20 484. 54 21 94 165. 50 378. 88 16 218 15 226. 29 518. 05 21 356 179. 53 402. 28 17 32 16 246. 04 551. 31 22 212 193. 94 425. 31 17 172 17 266. 47 584. 36 23 36 208. 76 447. 98 17 281 18 287. 61 617. 19 23 197 223. 95 470. 23 17 362 19 309.45 649. 75 23 336 239. 53 492. 08 18 50 20 332. 03 682. 11 24 96 322. 23 593. 88 18 13 25 458. 31 841. 00 25 351 410 85 682 03 17 17 30 602. 39 1, 000. 00 501 89 756 05 15 224 35 663. 83 591 06 816. 37 13 322 40 724. 01 20-r •AYMEm r LIFE. 1 $16. 49 $49. 82 2 30 33.62 99.76 4 130 2 51.42 149. 79 6 299 3 69.92 199. 91 9 168 4 89.15 250. 10 12 84 5 109. 12 300. 28 15 10 6 129. 87 350. 48 17 248 7 151. 44 400. 69 20 25 8 173. 85 450. 86 22 60 9 197. 14 501. 00 23 360 10 221. 33 551. 08 25 206 11 246. 47 601. 10 26 350 12 272. 59 651. 05 28 77 13 299. 74 700. 95 29 135 14 327. 96 750. 81 30 182 15 357. 30 800. 62 31 247 16 » 387. 79 850. 42 33 17 419. 50 900. 21 34 238 18 452. 47 950. 05 37 2 19 486. 77 1,000.00 20 542 58 25 602. 39 30 35 40 663. 83 724. 01 __ (28) Age 28 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.34 2.12 1.87 $9.99 6.34 5.59 $19.90 12.63 11.14 $39.45 25.04 22.09 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. End of pol- icy year. 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Extension. Extension. Paid- Paid- Cash value. up insur- ance. CO w C3 C3 Pure en- dow- Cash value. up insur- ance. 2 Pure en- dow- >^ W ment. >< M ment. $32.73 $59. 20 4 103 1 $17.67 $40. 68 2 87 65.80 117.47 9 103 2 36.03 80.97 4 252 102.30 174.86 14 354 3 55.12 120.89 7 134 139. 27 231.29 16 558. 73 4 74.96 160.38 10 87 177.79 286. 78 15 138. 74 5 95.59 199. 45 13 90 217.91 341.29 394.82 K 215.36 288. 76 6 7 117.02 139.30 238.04 276. 15 16 19 90 15 259.72 13 303. 30 447.37 12 359. 06 8 162.47 313.79 21 191 34S.72 498.91 11 426.36 9 186. 55 350.90 21 $60. 44 395. 06 549.44 10 490.801 10 211.59 387.49 20 128.28 445.43 598.97 9 552.47 11 237.61 423.52 19 193.22 496.91 647.47 8 611.51 12 264. 66 458. 99 18 . . . - 255.36 550.63 694. 99 7 668. 03 13 292. 79 493.91 17 . - - - 314.86 606. 68 741.48 6 722.07 14 322.03 528.23 16 371.74 665. 20 786.99 5 773.75 15 352.45 561.99 15 426.15 726.32 831.51 4 823.19 16 384. 10 595. 15 14 478.21 790. 19 875.05 3 870. 46 17 417.02 627. 73 13 527.98 856.97 917. 63 2 915.63 18 451.28 659. 72 12 575.55 926.84 959. 28 1 958. 78 19 486.92 691.08 11 620.95 1,000.00 1, 000. 00 20 25 524. 04 734.62 721.87 867. 12 10 5 664. 35 853.05 30 1, 000. 00 1.000.00 ... ENDOWMENT AT AGE 62.| 1 $14.55 $36. 18 1 303 29.64 72.07 3 295 2 45.33 107.73 5 342 3 61.61 143.06 8 76 4 78.52 178.08 10 214 5 96.08 212.76 13 1 6 114.31 247.08 15 145 7 133.24 281.02 17 219 8 152.89 314.56 19 205 9 ■ 173. 30 347. 69 21 103 10 194.48 380. 39 22 282 11 216.46 412.61 22 $62.83 12 239.27 444.37 21 129.51 13 262.96 475.67 20 193.28 14 287.54 506.46 19 254.26 15 313.07 536. 79 18 .... 312.62 16 339. 56 566. 59 171.... 368.37 17 357.07 595. 90 16 .... 421.71 18 395.62 624.69 15.... 472.62 19 425.26 652.95 14 .... 521.26 20 591.44 786. 36 9 732.79 25 795. 44 908. 15 4!.... 897. 50 30 (29) Age 29 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life $1.43 1.66 2.06 §4.28 4.97 6.16 88.52 9.89 12.27 $16.89 30-payment life 19.61 20-paynient life 24.33 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. ! End of policy year. 30-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $9.04 $26.82 1 42 1 $11.92 $35. 37 1 175 18. 40 53.50 2 104 2 24.28 70.73 3 18 28.09 80.31 3 187 3 37.10 106. 07 4 262 38.11 106.91 4 285 4 50.40 141.39 6 170 48.46 133.36 6 34 157 5 64.17 176. 59 8 104 59.16 159 65 7 6 78.44 211.69 10 49 70.23 185.82 8 282 7 93.24 246. 70 11 355 81.66 211.77 10 33 8 108. 57 281.56 13 268 93.46 237. 52 11 129 9 124. 45 316. 27 15 124 105.63 263. 00 12 190 10 140. 89 350. 80 16 283 118.18 288. 22 13 205 11 157.92 385. 14 18 9 131.13 313.19 14 174 12 175. 54 419. 26 19 38 144. 47 337. 85 15 95 13 193. 78 453. 16 20 9 158.21 362. 19 15 336 14 212.65 486. 82 20 294 172. 35 386. 19 16 169 15 232. 19 520. 28 21 171 186.90 409. 87 16 330 16 252. 39 553. 49 22 11 201.84 433. 13 17 90 17 273. 27 586. 42 22 185 217. 17 455. 99 17 185 18 294. 85 619. 09 22 333 232. 88 478. 42 17 252 19 317.15 651.54 23 96 248. 95 500.38 17 294 20 340. 15 683. 69 23 210 333. 81 602. 22 17 220 25 466. 46 841.53 25 63 424. 00 689. 85 16 209 30 614. 63 1,000.00 515.83 762. 98 15 44 35 676. 07 604. 80 822. 19 13 143 40 735. 60 20-r >AYMEN1 r LiFi S. 1 $16. 88 $50. 09 2 41 34.43 100. 30 4 151 2 52.66 150. 56 6 327 3 71.60 200. 86 9 197 4 91.27 251.16 12 104 5 111.71 301.47 15 5 6 132. 95 351.77 17 204 7 155. 01 402. 00 19 303 8 177.93 452. 18 21 298 9 201. 74 502. 30 23 196 10 226. 47 552. 33 25 14 11 252.16 602. 26 26 132 12 278. 85 652.10 27 202 13 306. 59 701.88 28 243 14 335. 42 751. 59 29 273 15 365. 38 801. 27 30 325 16 ' 396. 52 850. 90 32 70 17 18 19 428. 88 900. 52 33 292 462. 53 950. 20 36 46 497. 52 1,000.00 20 554. 30 25 614.63 30 35 676. 07 735. 60 40 (30) Age 29 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20 -year endowment 30-year endov/ment Endowment at age 62 §3.35 2.13 1.94: $10.02 6.37 5.80 819.96 12.69 11.56 839.57 25.16 22.92 GUARAN' PEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT, j End of 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Paid- Extension. Paid- Extension. pol- icy year. Cash value. up insur- ance. to >> c3 Pure en- dow- Cash value. up insur- ance. TO it c3 o C3 Pure en- dow- >■ ^ ment. >^ M. ment. S32. 73 S59. 14 4 85 1 $17.74 $40. 71 2 82 66.81 117. 39 9 51 2 36.17 81. 031 4 239 102. 32 174. 75 14 238 $54. 'l4 3 55.33 120. 97i 7 104 139. 29 231. 15 16' 4: 75.24 160.49 10 32 177. 80 286. 60 15 134. 62 5 95.92 199. 55 12 363 217.92 341.09 14 211. 73 6 117. 42 238. 16 15 312 259. 73 394. 61 13 285. 56 7 139. 76 276. 27 18 179 303. 29 447. 13 12 356. 23 8 162. 98 313. 90 20 303 348. 69 498. 65 11 423. 89 9 187. 11 351. 00 21 • ■ . . $44. 84 396. 01 549. 16 10 488. 67 10 212. 18 387. 56 20.... 114. 02 445. 36 598. 67 9 550. 68 11 238. 24 423. 58 19'.... 180. 24 496. 82 647.18 8.... 610. 01 12 265. 31 459. 02 18.... 243. 58 550. 52 694. 70 1 .... 666. 79 13 293. 46 493. 91 17.... 304. 19 606.55 741. 20 6.... 721. 06 14 322. 72 528. 21 16.... 362. 17 665.06 785. 73 5|.... 772.99 15 353. 14 561. 93 15.... 417. 61 726. 17 831. 27 4 822. 62 16 384. 78 595. 07 14-... 470. 63 790. 05 874. 86 3 870. 07 17 417. 67 627. 59 13-... 521. 28 856. 85 917. 50 2 915. 40 18 451. 89 659. 54 12!-... 569. 68 926. 76 959. 20 1 .... 958. 68 19 487. 48 690. 86 11 • « ■ * 615. 89 1,000.00 1,000.00 20 25 524. 53 734. 59 721. 61 in 660. 01 866. 72! 5 851. 56 30 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 ENDOT VTMENl : AT AGE 62. 1 $15. 32 $37. 25 1 332 31.24 74.24 3 357 2 47.76 110. 90 6 72 3 64.92 147. 23 8 201 4 82.74 183.22 10 364 5 101. 24 218. 83 13 170 6 120. 45 254.04 15 299 7 140. 39 288.84 17 350 8 161. 10 323. 21 19 310 9 182. 59 357. 13 21 179 10 204.89 390. 56 22!.... $27. 64 11 228.04 423. 51 21 .... 96.83 12 252. 08 455.99 20i..-. 163. 00 13 277. 03 487. 95 19;.... 226. 29 14 302. 93 519. 40 18;.... 286. 82 15 329. 82 550. 34 17.... 344. 69 16 357. 73 580. 74 16.... 400. 01 17 386. 70 610. 60 15l.... 452. 83 18 416. 77 639. 91 14'...- 503. 28 19 447.99 668. 68 13!.... 551. 46 20 623. 29 804. 49 8 . « • * 760. 59 25 840.03 928.88 1 ' 922.64 30 (31) Age oi) LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life ei.47 1.69 2.10 $4.40 5.06 6.28 88.76 10.07 12.51 $17.36 30-payinent life 19.96 20-payment life 24.81 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End of policy year. 30-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Exter .si on. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $9.45 $27. 53 1 56 1 $12. 27 $35. 74 1 186 19.22 54.95 2 133 2 24.99 71.45 3 38 29.33 82.28 3 227 3 38.17 107. 08 4 288 39.78 109. 47 4 339 4 51.83 142. 63 6 202 50.58 136. 50 6 97 5 65.99 178. 09 8 136 61.74 163. 35 7 227 6 80.66 213.41 10 77 73.27 190. 02 8 354 7 95.86 248.60 12 4 85.18 216. 47 10 102 8 111.60 283. 62 13 255 97.46 242. 66 11 186 9 127. 89 318. 43 15 83 110.14 268. 61 12 229 10 144. 76 353. 05 16 212 123. 20 294. 25 13 224 11 162.21 387.42 17 274 136. 65 319.58 14 171 12 180. 27 421.57 18 276 150.52 344. 59 15 71 13 198.96 455. 48 19 224 164.80 369. 27 15 294 14 218. 29 489. 13 20 124 179. 47 393. 57 16 108 15 238. 27 522.52 20 348 194. 56 417.51 16 252 16 258. 93 555. 64 21 171 210. 02 440. 98 16 364 17 280. 26 588. 46 21 331 225. 88 464. 04 17 80 18 302. 29 621.01 22 102 242. 09 486. 59 17 135 19 325. 01 653. 26 22 219 258. 64 508. 64 17 168 20 348. 44 685. 24 22 323 345. 61 610.46 17 59 25 476. 69 841.99 24 141 437. 28 697. 51 16 34 30 626.92 1,000.00 529. 76 769. 73 14 232 35 688. 24 618. 37 827.83 12 323 40 746. 98 20-1 >AYMEN1 r LIFI :. 1 $17.30 $50. 40 2 52 35.27 100. 84 4 171 2 53.94 151.32 6 351 3 73.32 201.77 9 221 4 93.46 252. 22 12 116 5 114.39 302. 66 14 353 6 136.12 353. 01 17 147 7 158. 69 403. 29 19 205 8 182.12 453. 45 21 161 9 206. 47 503. 55 23 26 10 231.75 553.51 24 180 11 258.01 603. 36 25 274 12 285.29 653. 12 26 325 13 313.63 702. 77 27 347 14 343. 07 752. 35 28 364 15 « 373. 67 801.87 30 39 16 405. 45 851.32 31 138 17 438. 48 900. 79 32 344 18 472.81 950. 33 35 87 19 508.49 1 000.00 20 566.15 25 626.92 30 688. 24 35 746.98 i 40 (32) Age 30 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 83.36 2.15 2.01 810.05 6.43 6.01 $20.02 12.81 11.97 839.69 25.40 23.74 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. End of pol- icy year. 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Extension. Extension. Paid- Paid- Cash value. . up insur- ance. i m C3 Pure en- dow- Cash value. up insur- ance. >-• 03 Pure en- dow- >H « ment. >H (A ment. $32.74 $59.11 4 66 1 $17.82 $40. 75 2 77 66.84 117.34 8 362 2 36.33 81.11 4 224 102. 35 174. 65 14 118 3 55.57 121.08 7 72 139. 32 231.02 16 $49. 01 4 75.55 160.61 9 339 177.83 286. 44 15 130. 02 5 96.31 199. 69 12 268 217.95 340.90 14 207. 62 6 117.88 238.31 15 167 259. 74 394. 38 13 281.91 7 140.29 276. 44 17 345 303. 29 446. 88 12 353. 03 8 163. 57 314.06 20 52 348. 67 498. 37 11 421.13 9 187.75 351.14 21 $27.14 395. 98 548.87 10 486.31 10 212.87 387. 69 20 97.84 445. 29 598. 36 9 548.65 11 238. 96 423. 68 19 165.51 496. 74 646. 87 8 608. 32 12 266. 07 459.10 18 230.21 550.41 694. 38 7 665. 40 13 294. 24 493.96 17 292. 12 606.42 740. 90 6 719.96 14 323.52 528. 23 16 351. 34 664. 91 786. 44 5 772.14 15 353. 94 561.91 15 407.92 726.02 831.02 4 822.00 16 385.57 595. 02 14 462.05 789. 89 874.64 3 869. 64 17 418.44 627.51 13 513.73 856.71 917.33 2 915.13 18 452.61 659. 39 12 563. 10 926.67 959.11 1 953. 55 19 488. 14 690. 67 11 610.19 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 20 25 525.09 734.56 721.35 866.30 10 5 655. 13 849. 90 30 1, 000. 00 1,000.00 ENDO\ VMENl ' AT AGE 62. 1 $16.16 $38. 40 1 354 32.94 76.49 4 55 2 50.37 114.24 6 169 3 68.47 151.62 8 325 4 S7.25 188. 59 11 150 5 106. 77 225.19 13 325 6 127.02 261.33 16 74 7 148.05 297.03 18 101 8 169.87 332.25 20 34 9 192.52 366.98 21 243 10 216.03 401.21 21 . • . • $61.89 11 240. 44 431.93 2o;.... 130.61 12 265. 78 468. 14 19!.... 196.35 13 292.09 500. 81 18 259. 24 14 319.39 532.94 17 .... 319.33 15 347. 74 564.52 16 376. 80 16 377.15 595.52 15 431.64 17 407. 70 625.99 14 . * . ■ 484. 07 18 439. 40 655.86 13 .... 534. 10 19 472.32 685. 18 12 581.85 20 657.52 823.58 7 788.65 25 888. 55 950.95 2 . . . . 943.06 30 (33) Age 31 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Se-mi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life ei.51 1.73 2.14 ^4.52 5.18 6.40 $9.00 10.31 12.75 $17.84 30-oavinent lUe 20.44 20-oavinent life 25.28 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE End of policy year. 30 -PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $9.87 $28.22 1 71 1 $12.63 $36.11 1 195 20.08 56.33 2 160 2 25.72 72.15 3 56 30.62 84.26 3 268 3 39.28 108.09 4 315 41.52 112.05 5 25 4 53.33 143.92 6 232 52. SO 139.70 6 159 5 67.89 179.63 8 166 64.44 167.12 7 294 6 82.97 215.17 10 98 76.46 194.31 9 56 7 98.58 250.53 12 7 88.86 221.25 10 161 8 114.74 285. 69 13 232 101.65 247.91 11 230 9 131.46 320.61 15 31 114.84 274.28 12 254 10 148. 76 355. 30 16 129 128.43 300. 34 13 228 11 166.66 389. 74 17 165 142.42 326. 05 14 155 12 185.17 423.91 18 142 156.84 351.44 15 36 13 204.32 457.83 19 68 171.65 376.43 15 238 14 224.10 491.45 19 313 186.88 401.03 16 37 15 244. 55 524. 79 20 155 202.49 425.17 16 165 16 265.65 557. 78 20 329 218.50 448.88 16 263 17 287.43 590. 48 21 110 234.87 472.08 16 333 18 309. 89 622.87 21 234 251.57 494. 74 17 13 35 19 333.03 654. 94 21 340 268.59 516.85 17 20 356.86 685.71 22 71 357.61 618.56 16 260 25 487.00 842.37 23 218 450.66 704. 99 15 226 30 639. 24 1,000.00 543.64 776. 30 14 53 35 700. 30 631.71 833. 25 12 147 40 758. 13 20-F 'AYMEN' r LiFi S. 1 $17.73 $50. 69 2 63 36.14 101.39 4 189 2 55.25 152.04 7 9 3 75.11 202.70 9 241 4 95.73 253.29 12 120 5 117.15 303.81 14 324 6 139.38 354.21 17 77 7 162.47 404.53 19 95 8 186. 44 454. 70 21 16 9 211.33 504. 74 22 214 10 237. 18 554.65 23 342 11 264.02 604. 43 25 48 12 291.90 654.07 26 78 13 320.85 703. 62 27 85 14 350.92 753.05 28 89 15 « 382.15 802. 40 29 118 16 414.59 851.72 30 204 17 448. 28 901.03 32 33 18 483. 29 950.44 34 129 19 519.67 1, 000. 00 20 578. 13 25 639. 24 30 700. 30 35 758. 13 40 (34) Age 31 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20 -year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 02 $3.37 2.16 2.09 $10.08 6.46 6.25 $20.08 12.87 12.45 $39.81 25.52 24.69 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. End of pol- icy year. 30 -YEAR ENDOWMENT. Errtension. Extension. Paid- Paid- Cash up , Pure Cash up , Pure value. insur- ance. 03 en- dow- value. insur- ance. TO C3 en- dow- >■ tt ment. >H p ment. $32. 76 $59. 08 4 47 1 $17.92 $40. 82 2 72 66.87 117.27 8 305 2 36.53 81.24 4 208 102. 38 174.54 13 361 3 55.85 121.23 7 40 139. 35 230. 86 16 S43. 18 4 75.92 160. 79 9 283 177. 87 286. 26 15 124.82 5 96.77 199. 91 12 173 217. 98 340. 68 14 202.97 6 118.42 238. 54 15 21 259. 77 394. 15 13 277.82 7 140.90 276. 67 17 146 303. 30 446. 61 12 349. 45 8 164. 24 314.26 19 168 343. 66 498. 08 11 418.00 9 188.49 351.36 21 - • - - $7.05 395. 94 548. 55 10 483. 61 10 213.66 387. 88 20 - * . . 79.50 445. 24 598. 05 9 546. 38 11 239. 80 423. 85 19 - • • - 148. 79 496. 65 646. 54 8 606. 40 12 266. 95 459. 25 18 215.08 550. 30 694. 05 7 663. 83 13 295. 16 494. 03 17 278. 48 606. 29 740. 58 6 718.71 14 324. 45 528. 32 16 339. 07 664. 76 786. 14 5 771.16 15 354. 88 561.95 15 397. 00 725. 85 830. 74 4 821.28 16 386. 48 594. 99 14 452. 33 789. 73 874. 41 3 869. 15 17 419.31 627. 42 13 505. 17 856. 57 917.16 2 914.85 18 453. 43 659. 25 12 555. 64 926. 58 959. 01 1 958.44 19 488. 87 690. 46 11 603. 75 1, 000. 00 1,000.00 20 25 525.72 734. 52 721.06 865. 81 10 5 649. 66 848. 02 30 1,000.00 1,000.00 ENDOWMENT AT AGE 62. 1 • $17.06 $39. 61 2 32 34.78 78.88 4 123 2 53.17 117.74 6 269 3 72.26 156. 19 9 93 4 92.09 194. 23 11 296 5 112.68 231.83 14 104 6 134. 05 268.94 16 200 7 156. 23 305.57 18 202 8 179. 26 341.70 20 108 9 203. 16 377. 29 21 $24. 44 10 227.96 412.36 20 95.88 11 253.72 446. 89 19 164. 26 12 280. 46 480. 87 18 229. 65 13 308.21 514.28 17 292. 14 14 337. 02 547. 12 16 351.90 15 366. 92 579. 37 15 408. 95 16 397. 97 611.05 14 463. 47 17 430. 20 642. 13 13 515.51 18 463. 65 672. 60 12 565.14 19 498. 39 702. 49 11 ! 612.46 20. 694. 47 843. 80 6 817. 08 25 941. 62 974. 58 1 \" " 973. 82 30 (35) Age i2t LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life ^1.55 1.77 2.19 $1.64 5.29 6.55 $9.23 10.51 13.05 $18.31 30-oavtnent life 20.91 20-payment life 25.87 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End of policy year. 30-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. 1 Days. Yrs. Days. $10. 31 S28. 92 1 84 1 $13. 01 $36. 50 1 204 20.96 57.68 2 189 2 26.48 72.87 3 75 31.97 86.28 3 308 3 40.43 109. 11 4 339 43.36 114. 72 5 77 1 54.89 145. 23 6 260 55.11 142. 92 6 217 5 69.86 181. 17 8 189 67.26 170. 93 7 355 6 85.36 216. 93 10 111 79.78 198. 64 9 114 7 101.40 252. 47 11 364 92.70 226. 08 10 208 8 117. 99 287. 76 13 197 106. 01 253. 19 11 260 9 135. 15 322. 79 14 332 119. 74 280. 01 12 265 10 152. 90 357. 56 16 38 133. 88 306. 49 13 219 11 171. 26 392. 07 17 47 148. 43 332. 59 14 125 12 13 190. 24 426. 28 18 1 163. 39 358. 31 14 352 209. 84 460. 18 18 270 178. 77 383. 63 15 172 11 230. 10 493. 78 19 132 194. 54 408. 47 15 320 15 250. 99 527. 00 19 323 210. 71 432. 87 16 70 IG 272. 55 559. 92 20 117 227. 24 456. 75 16 155 17 294. 77 592. 48 20 251 244. 11 480. 07 16 213 18 317. 64 624. 67 20 333 261. 30 502. 82 16 248 19 341. 18 656. 53 21 96 278. 79 524. 99 16 262 20 365. 40 688. 08 21 184 369.80 626. 55 16 94 25 497. 35 842. 65 22 295 464. 12 712. 33 15 50 30 651. 55 1,000.00 557. 44 782. 67 838. 46 13 11 242 329 35 40 712.23 769. 04 644. 81 20-1 >aymen: r LiFi S. 1 $18. 17 $50. 97 2 72 37.03 101. 90 4 207 2 56.61 152. 77 7 29 3 76.95 203. 60 9 255 4 98.06 254. 30 12 113 5 119.99 304. 94 14 283 6 142. 74 355. 40 16 363 7 166. 36 405. 73 18 342 8 190. 88 455. 90 20 226 9 216. 34 505. 92 22 31 10 242. 76 555. 76 23 132 11 270. 20 605. 45 24 182 12 298. 68 655. 00 25 195 13 328. 26 704. 42 26 187 14 358. 95 753. 68 27 178 15 390. 82 802. 88 28 195 16 423. 91 852. 05 29 269 17 458. 27 901. 24 31 88 18 • 493. 95 950. 51 33 169 19 531. 04 1,000.00 20 590. 22 25 30 651. 55 712. 23 35 769. 04 40 1 (36) Age 32 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.38 2.18 2.18 eio.ii 6.52 6.52 §20.14 12.99 12.99 $.39.93 25.75 25.7.5 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT, j End of pol- icy year. 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Extension. Extension. Do;-! 1 Paid- JraiCl- f Cash up Pure Cash up Pure value. insur- ance. c3 en- dow- value. insur- ance. c3 en- dow- >^ M ment. >^ a ment. $32.78 S59. 04 4 26 1 $18.0 2 $40. 87 2 65 66.90 117.19 8 247 2 36.7 3 81.34 4 193 102. 42 174.42 13i 234 3 56.1 6 121.39 7 7 139. 41 230. 73 16.... $36. 62 4 76.3 4 161.01 9 224 177. 92 286. 08 15 ... . 118.94 o 97.2 8 200. 14 12 75 218. 03 340. 47 14 • - ■ - 197. 74 6 119.0 2 238. 79 14 238 259. 80 393. 89 13 273.18 7 141.5 9 276. 94 16 313 303. 32 446. 32 12 345. 38 8 165.0 1 314.54 18 289 1 348. 66 497. 77 11 .... 414.47 9 189.3 2 351.60 20 171 395.92 548. 22 lO'.... 480.57 10 214.5 6 388. 12 20 $58. 58 445. 19 597. 69 9,.... 543. 80 11 240.7 7 424. 08 19 129. 79 496. 58 646. 18 8.... 604. 26 12 267.9 7 459. 46 18 197. 87 550. 20 693. 70 7.... 662. 08 13 296.2 494. 24 17 262. 94 606. 16 740. 23 6,.... 717.30 14 325.5 1 528. 43 16 325. 16 664. 60 785.81 5.... 770.07 15 355.9 3 562.02 15 384.55 725.68 830. 45 4.... 820.49 16 387.5 2 595. 00 14 441.33 789. 55 874. 16 3.... 858. 60 17 420.3 1 627.37 13 495. 52 856. 40 916.96 2.... 914.51 18 454.3 4 659.091 12 547. 21 926.47 958. 90 1.... 958. 29 19 489.6 9 690. 23 ll!.... 595. 49 1,000.00 1,000.00 20 526.4 1 720. 74 10 643. 46 25 30 734.4 1,000.C 8 865. 29 1,000.00 5 845.93 ,"■"1 i ENDO\ VMENT AT AGE 62. 1 $18. 02 $40. 87 2 65 36.73 81.34 4 193 2 56.16 121.39 7 7 3 76.34 161.01 9 224 4 97.28 200. 14 12 75 5 119.02 238. 79 14 238 6 141. 59 276. 94 16 313 7 165. 01 314.54 18 289 8 189. 32 351.60 20 171 9 214. 56 388. 12 20 $58. 58 10 240. 77 424. 08 19 129.79 11 267.97 459. 46 18 197.87 12 296. 20 494. 24 17 262.94 13 325.51 1 528. 43 16 325.16 14 355. 93 562.02 15 384. 56 15 387. 52 595. 00 14 441.33 16 420.31 627.37 13 495. 52 17 454. 34 659. 09 12 547.21 18 489. 69 690. 23 11 596. 49 19 526.41 720.74 10 643. 46 20 734. 48 865. 29 5 845. 93 25 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 30 16017: -20- (37) Age 0«5 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life $1.60 1.81 2.23 $4.79 5.41 6.67 $9.53 10.78 13.28 $18.90 30-oavni8nt life 21.38 20 -oavment life 26.34 GUARANTEED VAXUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End of policy year. 30 -PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $10. 76 S29. 61 1 98 1 $13. 39 $36. 85 1 214 21.89 59.07 2 216 2 27.27 73.59 3 93 33.39 88.35 3 347 3 41.64 110. 17 4 361 45.27 117. 40 5 126 4 56.51 146. 55 6 282 57.54 146. 23 6 273 5 71.91 182. 75 8 208 70.19 174. 76 8 47 6 87.84 218. 71 10 115 83.25 203. 03 9 164 7 104. 32 254. 42 11 345 96.70 230. 96 10 244 8 121. 36 289. 86 13 151 110. 57 258. 57 11 278 9 138. 99 325. 03 14 258 124. 86 285. 85 12 262 10 157. 20 359. 88 15 301 139. 56 312. 72 13 195 11 176. 03 394.44 16 286 154. 68 339. 21 14 83 12 195. 48 428. 68 17 217 170. 22 365. 28 14 291 13 215. 55 462. 55 18 103 186. 15 390. 86 15 95 14 236. 26 496. 07 18 313 202. 49 415. 99 15 229 15 257. 62 529. 24 19 123 219. 19 440.57 15 331 10 279. 61 562. 01 19 269 236. 24 464. 59 16 39 17 302. 25 594. 41 20 26 253. 61 488. 02 16 87 18 325. 52 626. 40 20 129 271. 28 510. 85 16 113 19 349. 45 658. 05 20 217 289. 22 533. 05 16 119 20 374. 05 689. 39 20 296 382. 15 634. 39 15 292 25 507. 72 842. 84 22 7 477. 62 719. 49 788. 86 843. 51 14 13 11 242 63 155 30 35 40 663. 83 724. 01 779. 72 1,000.00 571. 14 657. 70 20-F 'AYMEN1 r LIFE. 1 ?18. 62 $51. 24 2 82 37.94 102. 39 4 222 2 58.02 153. 51 7 45 3 78.85 204. 49 9 261 4 100. 47 255. 33 12 96 5 122. 91 306. 03 14 230 6 146. 20 356. 56 16 270 7 170. 36 406. 89 18 213 8 195. 45 457. 06 20 65 9 221. 48 507. 04 21 206 10 248. 50 556. 83 22 284 11 276. 53 606. 43 23 313 12 305. 63 655. 86 24 308 13 335. 82 705. 12 25 285 14 367. 16 754. 28 26 265 15 399. 67 803. 32 27 270 16 433. 40 852. 33 28 332 17 « 468. 42 901. 38 30 142 18 504. 78 950. 55 32 208 19 542 58 1 000. 00 20 602. 39 25 663. 83 30 724. 01 35 779. 72 40 (38) Age 33 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.39 2.20 2.27 $10.14 6.58 6.79 $20.19 13.11 13.52 $40.05 25.99 26.82 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. | End of pol- icy year. 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Extension. Extension. Paid- up ! Cash Paid- up Cash Pure Pure value. insur- ance. 03 <0 en- dow- value. insur- ance. oi (-1 c3 to >> 03 en- dow- ;h M ment. >^ fi ment. $32.79 $58.98 1 4 4 1 $18.14 $40.95 2 60 66. 93 117.10 8 184 2 36.97 81.49 4 177 102.47 174.30 13 103 3 56.52 121.60 6 338 139.47 230.57 16-... $29. 18 4 76.81 161.26 9 161 177.98 285.88 15.... 112.26 5 97.86 200.43 11 338 218.09 340.24 14-... 191.81 6 119.71 239.11 14 88 259.85 393. 62 13-... 267.93 7 142.37 277.26 16 115 303. 35 446. 02 12.-.- 340. 79 8 165.89 314.88 18 47 348. 68 497.45 11 .... 410.48 9 190. 29 351.95 19 255 395.91 547.87 10.-.- 477.13 10 215.60 388. 45 20 $34.80 445. 17 597. 34 9 - - • - 540. 89 11 241.88 424.40 19 108. 19 496. 52 645.81 8 601.82 12 269. 12 459. 72 18 178.28 550. 10 693. 32 7 660. 07 13 297. 40 494. 48 17 245. 31 606.03 739. 86 6 715.72 14 326. 73 528.63 16 309.35 664. 44 785. 46 5 768.87 15 357. 14 562. 13 15 370. 50 725.49 830. 12 4 819.59 16 388. 69 595. 04 14 428.86 789. 35 873. 87 3 868. 00 17 421.42 627.31 13 484. 58 856.23 916.74 2 914.16 18 455. 36 658. 95 12 537. 68 926.35 958.78 1 958. 13 19 490. 59 689. 97 11 588. 28 1, 000. 00 1,000.00 20 25 527. 18 734. 43 720.41 864. 70 10 5 636. 47 843. 57 30 1,000.00 1, 000. 00 VMENl ^ AT AGE 62. 1 ENDO-V $19.05 $42.19 2 102 38.83 83.93 4 264 2 59.38 125. 24 7 112 3 80.71 166. 05 9 352 4 102.85 206. 35 12 2081 5 125.83 246.11 14 359 6 149. 69 285. 34 17 46 7 174. 44 323.97 18 364 8 200. 15 362.05 20 $18.48 9 226. 83 399. 53 19 92.69 10 254.53 436.41 18 163.68 11 283.28 472.68 17 231.52 12 313.14 508. 35 16 296.42 13 344.11 543. 35 15 358. 34 14 376. 28 577. 75 14 417.53 15 409. 66 611.47 13 474. 00 16 444. 33 644.57 12 527.92 17 480. 32 677.02 11 579.29 18 517.72 708. 85 10 628.27 19 556.62 740. 07 9 674.89 20 778.01 888. 25 4 875. 30 25 (39) Age 34 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life §1.65 1.85 2.28 $4.94 5.53 6.82 g9.83 11.02 13.58 §19.49 30-payiiient life 21.85 20-payrri8nt life 26.93 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End i of policy year. 30-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Bays. $11.25 $30. 36 1 113 1 $13.80 $37. 24 1 224 22.88 60.54 2 244 22 2 28.10 74.35 3 110 34.89 90.48 4 3 42.90 111.26 5 17 47.29 120. 18 5 174 4 58.21 147.93 6 303 60.08 149.59 6 325 5 74.05 184.37 8 221 73.27 178.69 8 97 6 90.43 220.54 10 110 86.87 207.48 9 204 7 107.37 256. 44 11 316 100. 90 235.96 10 267 8 124.88 292.03 13 94 115.34 264. 05 11 282 9 142.97 327.30 14 174 130. 20 291.75 12 246 10 161.67 362.26 15 192 145. 48 319.04 13 160 11 180.97 396. 86 16 153 161.19 345.90 14 30 12 200. 90 431.12 17 64 177.30 372.28 14 221 13 221.43 464. 94 17 296 193. 81 398. 16 15 10 14 242.61 498.41 18 125 210.70 423. 50 15 129 15 264.41 531.45 18 286 227.93 448. 25 15 219 16 286. 83 564. 08 19 54 245. 49 472.40 15 282 17 309. 86 596.25 19 165 263. 35 495.91 15 321 18 333.53 628.07 19 257 281.49 518.80 15 339 19 357.84 659.52 19 336 299. 88 541.01 15 337 20 382.79 690. 58 20 43 394. 66 642.11 15 124 25 518.11 842.96 21 90 491.17 726.51 14 68 30 676.07 1,000.00 584.68 794.83 848.44 12 10 253 337 35 40 735. 60 790. 18 670.42 20-F •AYMEN1 C LIFI :. 1 $19.09 38.91 $51.52 2 91 102.95 4 235 2 59.47 154.23 7 58 3 80.82 205. 39 9 262 4 102.95 256.33 12 69 5 125.93 307. 12 14 166 6 149.76 357.69 16 168 7 174.49 408. 05 18 75 8 200. 15 458.21 19 262 9 226.77 508.13 21 12 10 254.38 557.85 22 66 11 283.03 607. 36 23 77 12 312.74 656.66 24 55 13 343. 56 705. 80 25 18 14 375.52 754.78 25 350 15 408-67 803. 69 26 345 16 443. 04 852.54 28 32 17 478.72 901.48 29 195 18 * 515.77 950.59 31 247 19 554.30 1,000.00 20 25 30 35 40 614.63 676.07 735.60 790. 18 (40) Age 34 ENDOWMENT $1,000 POLICY. 20-year endowment. . 30-year endowment. . Endowment at age 62 PREMIUMS. Monthly. Quarterly. $3.40 2.22 2.37 $10.17 6.64: 7.09 Semi- annual. $20.25 13.23 14.12 Annaal. $40.16 26.22 28.00 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. End of pol- icy year. 30-YE.\R ENDOWMENT. Extension. Extension. Paid- Paid- Cash value. up insur- ance. CO C3 Pure en- dow- Cash value. up insur- ance. a 9 Pure en- dow- >^ « ment. >< P ment. $32. 82 $58. 95 3 347 1 $18. 28 $41.05 2\ 55 65.99 117.04 8 121 2 37.25 81.68 4 159 102. 54 174. 19 12 335 3 56.93 121.86 6 302 -•>■>>>• 139. 55 230. 42 16 $20. 78 4 77.36 161. 60 9 99 178. 07 285. 69 15 104. 74 5 98.53 200. 80 11 234 218. 17 340.00 14 185. 11 6 120. 49 239. 50 13 303 259. 92 393. 34 13 262. 02 7 143. 27 277. 68 15 284 303. 42 445. 72 12 335. 60 8 166. 89 315. 30 17 173 343. 72 497. 11 11 405. 96 9 191. 39 352. 38 18 345 395. 94 547. 53 10 473. 25 10 216. 80 388. 88 20 - • • * $7.72 445. 16 596. 97 9 537. 61 11 243. 14 424. 79 19 .... 83.56 455. 48 645. 43 8 599.09 12 270. 45 450. 10 18 156. 02 550. 02 692. 93 7 657. 84 13 298. 76 494. 80 17 225. 27 605. 91 739. 47 6 713. 96 14 328. 10 528. 87 16 291. 41 664. 28 785. 08 5 767. 50 15 358. 51 562. 32 15 354. 53 725. 29 829. 77 4 818. 60 16 390. 01 595. 11 14 414. 76 789. 14 873. 56 3 857. 32 17 422. 65 627. 26 13 472. 17 856. 03 916. 51 2 913. 75 18 456. 49 658. 79 12 526. 89 926. 22 958. 64 1 957.94 19 491. 59 689. 71 11 579. 00 1,000.00 1, 000. 00 20 25 528. 03 734. 37 720. 03 864. 05 lo;.... 5;-... 628. 55 840. 92 30 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 1 ! ENDOT VMENI " AT AGE 62. 1 $20. 17 $43. 60 2 139 41.11 86.71 4 336 2 62.85 129. 31 7 219 3 85.43 171.40 10 114 4 108. 85 212. 90 12 335 5 133. 17 253. 85 15 102 6 158. 41 294. 20 17 131 7 184. 61 333. 94 19 61 8 211.81 373. 03 19 • • . . $52. 72 9 240. 06 411.60 18 • > - • 125. 86 10 269. 36 449. 46 17 197. 67 11 299. 80 486. 70 16 265. 43 12 331. 38 523. 25 15 330. 09 13 364. 16 559. 14 14 391. 86 14 398. 20 594. 36 13 - ■ * . 450. 85 15 433. 54 628. 92 12 507. 13 10 470. 22 662. 79 11 560. 74 17 508. 36 696. 03 10 611.90 18 548. 01 728. 62 9 650. 57 19 589. 30 760. 62 8 705. 86 20 825. 60 912.92 3 905. 28 25 (41) Age 35 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- apnual. Annual. Ordinary life §1.70 1.90 2.33 §5.09 5.68 6.97 §10.13 11.32 13.88 §20.08 30-paytnent life 22.44 20-paynient life 27.52 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. Cash value. 311.76 23.91 36.45 49.39 62.73 76.49 90.67 105. 27 120.31 135. 76 151.65 167.94 184. 64 201.72 219. 15 236. 91 254. 97 273. 31 291.92 310.75 407. 30 504. 71 598. 04 683. 02 Paid-up insur- ance. $31.12 62.01 92.63 122.97 152.99 182. 69 212.03 241.00 269. 58 297. 72 325. 43 352.62 379. 32 405. 45 430. 98 455. 89 480. 13 503.72 526. 65 548. 88 649. 68 733. 33 800. 61 853. 26 Extension. Yrs. Days. 1 2 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 13 12 10 End of policy j year. 127 270 59 220 6 138 231 278 273 217 114 330 141 281 23 101 154 185 195 187 320 261 77 166 30-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash value. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 ^0 $14. 24 28.97 44.21 59.97 76.28 93.12 110.53 128.53 147.11 166. 29 186.08 205. 48 227. 49 249. 12 271.35 294. 17 317.60 341.65 366.31 391.61 528.47 688. 24 746. 98 800. 48 Paid-up insur- ance. $37. 68 75.13 112.35 149. 32 186. 04 222.41 258. 48 294. 25 329. 64 364. 67 399. 31 433. 54 467. 35 500.72 533. 64 566. 07 598. 07 629. 68 660. 85 691.71 842.96 1,000.00 Extension. Yrs. Davs. 1 3 5 6 8 10 11 13 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 233 126 36 320 227 97 276 28 81 75 15 270 120 298 81 202 303 21 93 158 173 20 -PAYMENT LIFE. $19.58 $51.81 2 99 1 39.90 103. 48 4 247 2 60.97 154. 95 7 65 3 82.83 206. 23 9 252 4 105.51 257.32 12 31 5 129. 03 308. 18 14 91 6 153.42 358. 78 16 56 7 178. 73 409. 17 17 295 8 204. 98 459.31 19 88 9 232. 19 509. 19 20 177 10 260.41 558. 82 21 211 11 289. 67 608. 22 22 203 12 320. 00 657. 39 23 166 13 351.44 706. 38 24 116 14 384. 02 755. 22 25 72 15 417. 79 803. 95 26 56 16 452.81 852. 69 27 99 17 489. 15 901. 53 28 248 18 526.90 950. 57 30 287 19 566. 15 1, 000. 00 20 626 92 25 688. 24 30 746. 98 35 800. 48 40 (42) Age 35 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 83.41 810.20 2.24 6.70 2.48 7.42 820.31 13.34 14.77 840.28 26.46 29.30 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. End of pol- icy year. 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Extension. Extension. Paid- Paid- Cash value. up insur- ance. m M >> C3 Pure en- dow- Cash value. up insur- ance. w 03 03 Pure en- dow- >^ w 323 ment. >^ M ment. $32. 86 $58. 93 3 1 $18. 45 $41. 19 2 50 67.06 116.98 8 54 2 37.57 81.91 4 142 102. 63 174. OS 12 198 3 57.40 122.17 6 266 139. 65 230. 27 16 $11.27 4 77.97 161.97 9 33 178. 18 285. 50 15 . 96.23 5 99.28 201. 23 11 128 218.28 339. 77 14 177.54 6 121.38 239. 98 13 152 260. 03 393. 07 13 . 255. 30 7 144. 29 278. 18 15 89 303. 51 445. 41 12 , 329. 72 8 168. 03 315.82 16 303 348. 80 496. 77 11 . 400. 86 9 192. 65 352.91 18 75 395. 99 547. 16 10 . 468. 89 10 213.15 389. 39 19 143 445. 17 596. 57 9 . 533. 89 11 244. 58 425. 28 19 ... - $55. 44 496. 45 645. 02 8 . 596. 01 12 271.95 460. 55 18-.-- 130.62 549.94 692. 50 7 655.30 13 300. 29 495. 18 17--.. 202. 40 605. 78 739. 04 6 711.94 14 329. 64 529.17 16' -- 270. 94 664. 10 784.65 5 765.96 15 360. 02 562. 50 15-.-. 336. 35 725.07 829. 36 4 817. 48 16 391.46 595. 19 h!-.-- 398. 69 788. 89 873. 21 3 866. 55 17 424.01 627.22 13'--.. 453.09 855.81 916. 24 2 . . 913.30 18 457. 73 658. 61 12.-.. 514.65 926. 07 958. 49 1 . . 957. 74 19 492. 69 689. 41 llj.--. 568. 47 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 20 528.96 719 62 10 619. 59 837.93 25 734. 30 863. 32 5 30 1,000.00 1,000.00 VMENT AT AGE 62. 1 aviiJKjy $21.38 $45.09 2 178 43.57 89.64 5 48 2 66.61 133. 64 7 326 3 90.51 177.03 10 236 4 115.33 219. 84 13 84 5 141.09 262. 03 15 199 6 167. 83 303. 59 17 206 7 195. 59 344. 51 19 $9.55 8 224.41 384. 77 18 - - . . 87.04 9 254. 33 424.38 17 .... 161.12 10 285. 38 463.29 16 231.93 11 317.61 501.51 15 - . . . 299.54 12 351. 08 539. 05 14 364. 16 13 385. 81 575. 87 13 425.81 14 421.88 612. 01 12 - - - . 484. 66 15 459. 32 647. 42 11 540.73 16 498. 24 682.17 10 594.21 17 538. 71 716.26 9 .... 645.10 18 580. 85 749. 72 8 693. 51 19 624. 79 782. 58 7 739. 54 20 877.89 939. 54 2 935.98 25 (43) Age 36 LIFE $1,000 POLICY. PREMIUMS. Monthly. Ordinary life 30 -payment life. 20-payment life. §1.76 1.95 2.38 Quartcrh'. §5.26 5.83 7.12 Semi- annual. $10.48 11.62 14.18 Annual. §20.79 23.04 28.11 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End of policy 30 -PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up Extension. Cash Paid-up Extension. value. insui- ance. Yrs. Days. year. value. insur- ance. Yrs. Days. $12. 29 $31. 87 1 142 1 $14. 68 $33. 07 1 242 24.98 63.48 2 296 2 29.87 75.91 3 140 38.07 94.79 4 96 3 45.57 113. 46 5 53 5L58 125. 80 5 261 4 61.81 150. 75 6 332 65.50 156. 44 7 47 5 78.58 187. 68 8 225 79.84 186. 71 8 169 6 95.92 224. 31 10 73 94.62 216. 62 9 247 7 113. 83 260. 59 11 227 109. 84 246. 12 10 276 8 132. 32 296. 50 12 318 125. 48 275. 18 11 252 9 151. 40 332. 02 13 346 141. 55 303. 76 12 177 10 17L 08 367. 12 14 316 158. 04 331. 84 13 56 11 191. 35 401. 78 15 235 174. 93 359. 37 13 255 12 212. 23 436. 00 16 107 192. 22 386. 36 14 52 13 233. 71 469. 75 16 306 209. 85 412. 69 14 178 14 255. 77 503. 00 17 105 227. 82 438. 39 14 274 15 278. 41 535. 74 17 240 246. 10 463. 43 14 342 16 301. 64 568. 02 17 350 264. 66 487. 78 15 21 17 325. 45 599. 82 18 75 283. 49 511.44 15 44 18 349. 86 631.17 18 150 302. 54 534. 38 15 47 19 374. 86 662. 12 18 214 321. 80 556. 62 15 33 20 400. 48 692. 72 18 272 420. 04 657. 09 14 153 25 538. 78 842. 84 19 256 518. 20 739. 97 806. 17 858. 05 13 11 9 89 268 347 30 35 40 700. 30 758. 13 810. 62 1, 000. 00 611. 18 695. 55 20-r AYMENT LIFE. 1 2 $20. 08 40.91 $52. 07 103. 97 2 105 4 256 62.51 155. 64 7 68 3 84. 91 207. 08 9 236 i 108. 13 258. 26 11 347 .132. 22 309. 20 14 6 6 157. 19 359. 86 15 301 7 183. 08 410. 24 17 143 8 209. 92 460. 35 18 272 9 .237. 75 510. 19 19 338 10 .266. 57 559. 72 20 352 11 .296. 44 608. 99 21 326 12 327. 39 658. 04 22 274 13 359. 44 706. 88 23 212 14 392. 64 755. 56 24 158 15 427. 03 804. 14 25 132 16 462. 69 852. 76 26 164 17 499. 70 901. 50 27 300 18 538. 14 950. 53 29 325 19 578. 13 1, 000. 00 20 639. 24 25 700 30 30 758. 13 35 40 810. 62 (44) Age 36 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. annual. '^""^^^I- • 20 -year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.43 2.60 $10.26 6.79 7.78 $20.43 $40.52 13.52 26.82 15.49 30.71 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. End of pol- icy year. 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Extension. Extension. Paid- Paid- Cash up , Pure Cash up Pure value. insur- ance. 3 CO >> C3 en- dow- value. insur- ance. CO 03 en- dow- >H W ment. ^^ M ment. $32. 90 $58.89 3 299 1 $18.61 $41.29 2 42 67.13 116.90 7 350 1 2 37.92 82.16 4 124 102. 73 173.97 12 59 3 57.92 122.52 6 230 139.77 230.11 16 $0.47 4 78.65 162.39 8 329 178. 30 285.28 15 86.54 5 100. 12 201.71 11 20 218.41 339. 52 14 168.92 6 122.38 240.52 13 260. 16 392.78 13 247.70 7 145.44 278. 78i 14 260 303. 64 445.09 12 _ . 323.06 8 169.32 316.44 16 73 348. 90 496.41 11 395.07 9 194.06 353.52 17 176 396. 07 546. 77 10 463. 94 10 219.67 390. 00 18 215 445. 20 596. 14 9 529.69 11 246. 18 425.84 19 $23. 22 496. 43 644. 56 8 592.48 12 273.61 461.05 18 101.50 549. 87 692.03 7 652.46 13 302.00 495.62 17 175.25 605.64 738. 57 6 709. 69 14 331.34 529.50 16 247.57 663.89 784.17 5 764.22 15 301.67 562.70 15 315.53 724.82 828.92 4 816.21 16 393.04 595.25 14 380. 33 788.62 872.82 3 865. 70 17 425.49 627.14 13 442.01 853.56 915.94 2 912.78 18 459.08 658.41 12 500. 69 925.90 958.31 1 957. 52 19 493. 88 689.07 11 556. 47 1, 000. 00 1,000.00 20 529.98 719.17 10 609. 42 25 734.22 862.52 5 834. 56 30 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 ENDO-^ VMENl ' AT AGE 62. 1 $22.67 $46. 64 2 216 46.22 92.73 5 126 2 70.65 138.19 8 68 3 96.01 183.01 10 351 4 122.33 227. 19 13 190 5 149. 65 270. 70 15 285 6 178.02 313.56 17 272 7 207. 47 355. 73 18 $43. 94 8 238. 04 397. 20 17 121.51 9 269.77 437. 95 16 195.66 10 302. 71 477.98 15 266.48 11 336. 90 517.28 14 334.12 12 372.40 555. 85 13 398. 71 13 409.25 593. 68 12 460. 33 14 447.51 630. 78 11 519.05 15 487. 28 667.17 10 575.05 16 528. 63 702.85 9 628.34 17 571.70 737.91 8 679.05 18 616.59 772.31 7 727.24 19 663. 48 806. 14 6 772.99 20 935.70 968. 45 1 967.52 25 (45) Age 37 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life $1.81 2.00 2.44 $5.41 5.98 7.30 $10.78 11.91 14.54 $21.38 23.63 28.82 30-payment life 20-paynient life GUARANTEED VALUES. OR BINARY LIFE End of policy year. 30-1 »AYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insiu-- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $12.85 $32. 66 1 155 1 $15.15 $38. 50 1 249 26.10 64.99 2 321 2 30.81 76.71 3 153 39.78 97.02 4 130 3 47.00 114.63 5 67 53.87 128.66 5 298 4 63.72 152.19 6 339 68.40 159.96 7 80 5 81.00 189.42 8 215 83.36 190. 84 8 190 6 98.84 226.28 10 40 98.76 221.30 9 252 7 117.26 262.75 11 168 114.60 251.32 10 262 8 136.26 298. 82 12 233 130. 87 280. 84 11 219 9 155.85 334. 44 13 237 147.56 309. 83 12 126 10 176.03 369. 61 14 186 164.67 338.29 12 354 11 196.80 404. 30 15 85 182. 17 366. 16 13 173 12 218.15 438.47 15 306 200. 02 393. 36 13 321 13 240.07 472.12 16 124 218.22 419.92 14 70 14 262.55 505.22 16 274 236. 72 445. 77 14 155 15 285. 60 537.81 17 32 255.52 470.94 14 214 16 309.22 569.91 17 13?. 274.57 495. 35 14 249 17 333. 40 601.48 17 213 293.87 519.07 14 264 18 358. 15 632.61 17 279 313.37 542.04 14 261 19 383. 48 663.31 17 336 333. 04 564. 26 14 243 20 409.40 693.64 18 22 432.86 664. 35 13 348 25 549.02 842.64 18 339 531 63 746 43 12 284 30 712.23 1, 000. 00 fiZ4 OQ 811 52 11 95 35 769 04 708 08 862.84 9 177 40 820.64 20-PAYMENT LIFE. | $20. 60 $52.35 2 111 1 41.96 104.47 4 263 o 64. 10 156.33 7 66 3 87.05 207.91 9 211 4 110.84 259.20 11 288 5 135.50 310.20 13 277 6 161.07 360. 92 15 173 7 187.55 411.29 16 350 8 215.00 461.37 18 88 9 243. 42 511.11 19 131 10 272. 86 560. 55 20 125 11 303. 35 609. 72 21 83 12 334. 89 658. 60 22 17 13 367. 54 707. 26 22 307 14 401.35 755. 78 23 243 15 436. 37 804. 25 24 208 16 472.67 852.73 25 229 17 510.34 901.42 26 352 18 549.49 950.46 28 362 19 590. 22 1, 000. 00 20 . 651.55 25 30 712.23 769. 04 35 1 820. 64 40 1 1 (46) Age 37 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endov/ment Endowment at age 62 $3.44 2.30 2.72 $10.29 6.88 8.14 $20.49 13.70 16.20 $40.64 27.17 32.13 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20 -YEAR ENDOWMENT. | End of 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Paid- Extension. Paid- Extension. pol- icy year. Cash value. up insur- ance. o 03 Pure en- dow- Cash value. up insur- ance. 2 e3 Piire en- dow- ^ P ment. >^ Pi ment. $32.95 $58. 86 3 273 1 $18. 82 $41.47 2 36 67.22 115.83 7! 278 2 38.31 82.44 4 106 102.85 173.85 111 282 3 58.50 122.91 6 190 139.91 229. 94 15 153 4 79.42 162.88 8 260 178. 47 285.09 15.... $75. 60 5 101.08 202. 30 10 274 218.59 339. 28 14i.... 159.18 6 123.51 241.17 12 213 260. 34 392. 50 13].... 239.10 7 146. 74 279. 47 14 69 303. 80 444.76 12.... 315.52 8 170.78 317.18 15 212 349. 05 495. 04 11.... 388.55 9 195.66 354. 27 16 283 396. 17 546. 35 10!..-. 458. 33 10 221.38 390. 71 17 295 445. 26 595. 69 9i.... 524.96 11 247. 99 425.52 18 255 496. 43 644.08 8.... 588. 58 12 275. 48 461.66 18 $68. ii 549. 79 691.52 7 .... 649. 27 13 303. 88 496. 11 17 146. 27 605. 48 738. 03 6.... 707. 13 14 333. 21 529. 87 16 220. 79 663. 66 783. 64 5 762. 28 15 363. 49 562.93 15 291.78 724. 54 828.42 4 814.79 16 394. 78 595. 33 14 359. 39 788. 32 872. 38 3 864. 73 17 427.12 627. 08 13 423. 67 855. 28 915. 60 2 912.20 18 460. 57 658. 20 12 484. 81 925. 72 958. 12 1 957. 27 19 495. 19 688. 70 11 542. 83 1,000.00 1, 000. 00 20 25 531.08 734. 12 718. 65 851.63 10 5 597. 85 830. 76 30 1,000.00 1,000.00 VMENI ' AT AGE 62. 1 ENDO^ $24. 09 $48.33 2 259 49.08 96.00 5 207 2 75.04 143.04 8 173 3 101.97 189. 38 11 95 4 129.93 235. 03 13 285 5 158. 95 279. 97 15 361 6 189. 08 324. 19 17 330 7 220. 36 367. 70 17 $78. 52 8 252. 83 410.44 16 .... 156.31 9 286. 53 452. 43 15 230. 59 10 321.52 493. 67 14 301.55 11 357. 84 534. 12 13 • « • • 369. 29 12 395. 54 573. 80 12 433.91 13 434. 70 612.72 11 . • . . 495. 53 14 475. 38 650. 88 10 554. 25 15 517. 70 688.32 9 610. 16 16 561.76 725. 08 8 • ■ . . 663. 34 17 607. 69 761.16 7 713.88 18 655. 67 796. 65 6 761.87 19 705. 87 831. 58 5 . • . • 807. 38 20 1,000.00 1,000.00 1 ' 25 (47) Age 38 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life ai.88 2.0,T» $5.62 6.13 7.48 $11.20 12.21 14.89 $22.33 24 23 30-oavnient life 20-oaviiient life 2.50 2Q .^3 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE • End of policy year. 30-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $13. 43 $33. 44 1 168 1 S15. 63 $38. 92 1 257 27.28 65.53 2 345 2 31. 79 77.53 3 154 41.55 99.24 4 160 3 48.48 115. 79 5 77 56.27 131. 59 5 329 4 65.72 153. 69 6 339 71.43 163. 53 7 105 5 83.52 191. 20 8 196 87.03 195. 01 8 200 6 101. 89 228. 31 9 362 103. 07 226. 03 9 245 7 120. 83 264.98 11 101 119. 56 256. 57 10 237 8 140. 35 301. 18 12 141 136. 47 286. 55 11 175 9 150. 45 336. 90 13 123 153. 79 315. 94 12 66 10 181. 14 372. 13 14 51 171. 52 344. 75 12 277 11 202. 39 406. 80 14 297 189. 61 372. 89 13 82 12 224. 21 440.93 15 135 208.04 400. 33 13 217 13 246. 56 474. 45 15 304 226. 78 427. 05 13 320 14 259. 46 507. 42 16 77 245. 82 453. 05 14 30 15 292. 91 539. 85 15 189 265.13 478. 31 14 80 16 316. 90 571. 71 16 279 284.68 502. 83 14 108 17 341. 42 603. 06 16 350 304.43 526. 58 14 117 18 366. 50 633. 94 17 44 324. 36 549. 56 14 108 19 392. 14 664. 40 17 93 344.43 571. 77 14 85 20 418. 35 694. 48 17 141 445. 73 671. 45 13 182 25 559. 16 842. 32 18 64 544. 95 752. 68 12 114 30 724. 01 1, 000. 00 636 80 816. 70 10 287 .35 779. 72 720. 60 867.63 8 356 40 830. 54 20-F •AYMEN^ r LiF] E. 1 $21. 13 43.03 $52. 61 104. 94 2 116 4 255 2 65.73 156. 99 7 57 3 89.25 208. 71 9 176 4 113. 63 260. 14 11 220 o 138. 88 311. 19 13 173 6 165. 04 361. 93 15 37 7 192. 14 412. 32 16 185 8 220. 19 462. 33 17 264 9 249. 22 511.99 18 285 10 279. 27 561. 32 19 261 11 310. 34 610. 32 20 203 12 342.48 659. 03 21 124 13 375. 73 707. 54 22 38 14 410. 14 755. 91 22 327 15 445.78 804.22 23 283 16 482. 72 852. 64 24 294 17 521. 06 901. 29 26 43 18 560. 90 950. 32 28 42 19 602. 39 1, 000. 00 20 663. 83 25 30 724. 01 779. 72 35 830. 54 40 (48) Afire OO ENDOWMENT $1,000 I PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.46 2.33 2.86 $10.35 6.97 8.56 $20.61 13.88 17.04 $40.87 27.52 33.78 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. End of 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Paid- Extension. Paid- Extension. pol- icy year. Cash value. up insur- ance. CO to =3 Pure en- dow- Cash value. up insur- ance. CO C3 ^ 245 ment. >^ (A ment. $33.00 S58. 82 3 1 $19. 04 $41.64 2 3C 67.32 116.75 7 204 2 38.75 82.76 4 87 102.99 173. 73 11 137 3 59.16 123.38 6 15C 1 140.09 229.79 14 299 4 80.29 163.46 8 187 178. 67 284. 89 15 $63. 15 5 102.16 202. 99 10 163 ........ 218.81 339. 04 14 148.12 6 124. 79 241.93 12 62 260. 56 392. 21 13 229. 36 7 148. 20 280.28 13 24€ ) 304. 01 444. 43 12 307. 00 8 172.41 318.01 14 35f » 349. 23 495. 66 11 381.17 9 197. 43 355.10 16 32 » 396. 31 545.92 10 452.02 10 223. 29 391.54 17 17 r 445.34 595. 21 9 519.63 11 249. 98 427. 27 17 31? i 496. 43 643. 54 8 584. 15 12 277. 53 462.32 18 $29. 73 549. 70 690. 94 7 645. 67 13 305.94 496.64 17 111.80 605. 30 737. 43 6 704.28 14 335. 25 530. 26 16 190. 03 663. 40 783. 05 5 760.09 15 365. 48 563. 18 15 264. 51 724. 22 827. 86 4 813.19 16 396. 68 595.42 14 335. 35 787. 98 871.90 3 863. 65 17 428. 89 627.00! 13 402. 67 854. 96 915.22 2 911.55 18 462. 18 657.94 12 466. 63 925. 51 957.91 1 956. 99 19 496.61 688.29 11 527. 23 1,000.00 1, 000. 00 20 25 532. 28 734.00 718.09 860. 65 10 5 584. 66 826. 46 30 1,000.001,000.00 ■ 1 • ENDOT VMENT AT AGE 62. 1 $25. 61 $50,091 2 301 52.20 99. 50: 5 287 79.80 148. 20 8 276 o 108. 45 196.18 11 196 4 138. 19 243.40; 14 7 6 169. 07 1 289.89 16 65 6 201. 12 ' 335.59 17 $31.73 7 234. 39 380. 51 16 113.47 8 268. 92 424. 63 15 .... 191.52 9 304.77 467.95 14 266. 08 10 341.99 510. 46 13 337. 26 11 380. 63 552.17 12 405. 18 12 420. 74 593. 04 11 469.90 13 462.43 633. 14 10 531.61 14 505. 79 1 672.49 9 590. 36 15 550. 94 ' 711.11 8 646.24 16 598. 01 749.04 7 699. 36 17 647.17 786. 33 6 749. 78 18 698. 61 823. 03 5 797. 60 19 752. 56 859. 19 4 842.87 20 (49) Age 39 LIFE 1 POLICY. Ordinary life . . . 30-payment life 20-payment life PREMIUMS. Monthly. $1.94 2.11 2.56 Quarterly. 85.80 6.31 7.66 Semi- annual. fll.56 12.57 15.25 Annual. $22.92 24.93 30.24 GUAP-ANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE 1 End of policy year. 30-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $14. 04 $34. 24 1 181 1 $16. 15 $39. 39 1 264 28.51 68.09 3 .3 2 32.82 78.39 3 175 43.43 101. 56 4 189 3 50.04 117. 02 5 83 58.79 134. 59 5 356 4 67.82 155. 26 6 332 74.61 167. 18 7 120 5 86.16 193. 06 8 169 90.87 199. 28 8 200 6 105. 07 230. 42 9 312 107. 58 230. 86 9 228 7 124. 55 267. 27 11 26 124. 71 261. 85 10 201 8 144. 60 303. 62 12 43 142. 28 292. 29 11 122 9 165. 23 339. 44 13 3 160. 25 322. 10 11 362 10 186. 41 374. 68 13 276 178. 58 351 20 12 192 11 208. 14 409. 33 14 140 197. 26 379. 59 12 349 12 230. 40 443. 36 14 329 216. 26 407. 24 13 107 13 253. 19 476. 78 15 119 235. 56 434. 15 13 200 14 276. 50 509. 60 15 245 255. 13 460. 27 13 265 15 300. 32 541. 80 15 345 274. 94 485. 63 13 307 16 324. 67 573. 47 16 61 294. 96 510. 20 13 328 17 349. 53 604. 59 16 125 315. 16 533. 97 13 331 18 374. 91 635. 20 16 177 335. 51 556. 96 13 318 19 400. 83 665. 40 16 221 355. 97 579. 16 13 291 20 427. 31 695. 23 16 261 458. 64 678. 39 13 13 25 569. 18 841 90 17 157 558. 13 758. 74 11 309 30 735. 60 1,000.00 649 35 821. 77 10 118 35 790. 18 733 14 872. 45 8 186 40 840. 32 1 20-1 >aymen: r LIF] 2. 1 $21. 69 $52. 90 2 120 44.15 105. 45 4 266 2 67.42 157. 66 7 41 3 91.53 209. 54 9 132 4 116. 51 261. 07 11 142 5 142. 36 312. 19 13 62 6 169. 13 362. 94 14 260 7 196. 83 413. 28 16 16 8 225. 49 463. 24 17 71 9 255. 13 512. 80 18 72 10 285. 76 561. 98 19 31 11 317. 42 610. 81 19 323 12 350. 14 659. 35 20 231 13 383. 98 707. 69 21 135 14 418.99 755. 89 22 48 15 455. 24 804.10 22 357 16 492. 82 852. 44 23 358 17 531. 82 901. 05 25 100 18 572. 38 950. 18 27 86 19 614 63 1 000. 00 20 676. 07 25 735. 60 30 790. 18 35 840. 32 40 (50) Age 39 ENDOWMENT $1,000 • PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30 -year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.48 2.36 3.01 $10.41 7.06 9.00 $20.73 14.06 17.93 $41.11 27. SS 3.5.56 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $33. 67. 103. 140. 178. 219. 260. 304. 349. 396. 445. 496. 549. 605. 663. 723. 787. 854. 925. 1, 000. Paid- up insur- ance. $58. 116. 173. 229. 284. 338. 391. 444. 495. 545. 594. 642. 690. 736. 782. 827. 871. 914. 957. 1,000. Extension. 3 7 10 14 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CO 217 128 356 81 Pure en- dow- ment. $49. 08 135. 62 218. 35 297. 37 372. 83 444. 88 513. 60 579. 14 641. 59 701. 05 757. 63 811. 39 862. 42 910. 83 956. 66 End of pol- icy year. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $19. 39. 59. 81. 103. 126. 149. 174. 199. 225. 252. 279. 308. 337. 367. 398. 430. 463. 498. 533. 733. 1, 000. Paid- up insur- ance. $41. 84 83.15 123. 94 164. 14 203. 79 242. 82 281. 24 318. 97 356. 07 392. 45 428. 11 463. 03 497. 21 530. 67 563. 44 595. 50 626. 91 657. 68 687. 85 717. 48 859. 57 1, 000. 00 Extension. Pure m en- C8 >> dow- ft ment. 2 23 4l 67 6 108 8 111 10 50 11 276 13 60 14 137 15 151 16 111 17 26 17 268 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 5 $72.06 154. 60 233. 13 307. 75 378. 61 445. 78 509. 41 569. 56 821. 62 ENDOWMENT AT AGE 62. | $27 29 55.61 85.01 115.54 147. 23 180. 12 214. 27 249. 70 286. 50 324. 69 364.34 405. 51 448. 30 492. 80 539. 14 587.44 637.90 690.68 746. 05 804.29 $52.02 2 346 , 103. 28 6 4 2 153. 78 9 9 3 203. 51 11 290 4 252.44 14 85 5 300. 55 16 128 6 347.85 16 $66. 72 7 394.28 15 148. 87 8 439. 90 14 227. 38 9 484.64 13 302. 30 10 528. 53 12 373. 80 11 571. 58 11 441. 94 12 613. 80 10 506. 91 13 655. 21 9 568. 76 14 695.88 8 627. 59 15 735. 80 7 683. 50 16 775.06 6 736. 59 17 813.68 5 786. 91 18 851. 76 4 834. 58 19 889.36 3 879. 65 20 (51) Age 40 LIFE $1,000 POLICY. Ordinary life 30-payinent life. 20 -payment life. PREMIUMS. Monthly. 62.01 2.17 2.62 Quarterly. §6.01 6.49 7.84 Semi- annual. §11.97 12.93 15.61 Annual. $23.74 25.63 30.95 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE End of policy 30 -PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up Extension. Cash Paid-up Extension. value. insur- ance. Yrs. Days. year. value. insur- ance. ITrs. Days. $14. 68 $35. 06 1 193 1 $16. 68 $39. 84 1 270 29.80 69.69 3 24 2 33.90 79.28 3 183 45.39 103. 91 4 212 3 51.68 118.31 5 85 61.43 137. 65 6 8 4 70.02 156.90 6 320 77.92 170. 88 7 125 5 88.92 195. 00 8 134 94.87 203. 58 8 190 6 108.38 232. 58 9 253 112.25 235. 69 9 199 7 128.41 269. 62 10 308 130. 06 267. 19 10 155 8 149. 00 306. 10 11 303 148. 29 298. 06 11 60 9 170. 15 342. 00 12 243 166. 89 328.21 11 283 10 191.82 377. 23 13 133 185. 83 357. 59 12 100 11 214. 01 411.82 13 345 205. 10 386. 22 12 244 12 236. 72 445.77 14 155 224. 68 414. 10 12 357 13 259.93 479. 06 14 297 244. 52 441. 13 13 74 14 283. 63 511.69 15 46 264. 62 467. 40 13 132 15 307. 83 543. 73 15 137 284. 92 492. 83 13 166 16 332.52 575.16 15 209 305. 41 517. 45 13 181 17 357. 69 606. 03 15 265 326. 04 541. 24 13 179 18 383. 37 636. 41 15 311 346.80 554. 24 13 162 19 409. 55 666. 34 15 348 367. 63 586. 41 13 132 20 436. 26 695. 88 16 18 471.56 685.17 12 215 25 579. 06 841.36 16 250 571.14 764. 60 11 142 30 746. 98 1, 000. 00 661.80 825. 75 9 311 35 800. 48 745. 69 877. 31 7 361 40 849. 97 20-PAYMENT LIFE. $22. 25 45.30 69.17 S3. 88 119.46 145. 93 173. 31 201.62 230. 88 261.10 292.31 324. 55 357.85 392. 27 427.87 464. 74 502.94 542.61 583. 89 626.92 688. 24 746. 98 800. 48 849. 97 $53. 14 105.94 158. 35 210.36 261.97 313.15 363. 90 414.20 464.06 513.48 562. 49 611.16 659.53 707. 69 755.75 803. 87 852.12 900. 76 949. 99 1,000.00 2 4 7 9 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 122 262 19 79 56 309 112 207 240 221 163 77 336 230 136 71 62 157 131 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 (52^ Age 40 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 93.51 2.41 3.18 910.50 7.21 9.51 920.91 14.36 18.94 941.46 28.47 37.56 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT, j End of pol- icy year. 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Extension. | Extension. Paid- I Paid- i Cash up Pure Cash up , Pure value. insur- ance. CO en- dow- value. insur- ance. 1 en- dow- >H Q ment. >^ Q ment. $33. 15 $58. 78 3 188 1 $19.57 $42.07 2 17 67.59 116.62 7 48 2 39.81 83.59 4 47 103. 38 173.55 10 208 3 60.74 124.55 6 64 140. 58 229. 53 13 229: 4 82.38 164. 93 8 34 179. 23 284. 54 15 $33.06 5 104. 73 204. 68 9 301 219.41 338. 60 14 121.44 6 127.83 243.82 11 126 261.16 391.64 13 205.83 7 151.67 282.30 12 242 304. 57 443. 71 12 286.45 8 176.26 320.07 13 290 349. 71 494. 81 11 363.37 9 201.61 357. 14 14 278 396. 66 544.92 10 436.79 10 227. 70 393. 43 15 214 445.52 594. 06 9 .... 506. 80S 11 254. 57 429.00 16 107 496. 40 642.25 8 573.501 12 282.21 463.80 16 330 549. 46 689. 55 7 637.02 13 310.64 497. 83 17 $26.05 ■ 604. 86 736. 00 6 .... 597.441 14 339.90 531.14 16 113.64 662. 78 781.64 5 754.87 15 370. 00 563.71 15 196.88 723.45 826. 52 4 809. 36 16 401.00 595.60 14 275.93 787. 16 870. 73 3 861.07 17 432.92 626. 79 13 350. 88 854. 21 914.32 2 910.01 18 465.85 657. 39 12 421.86 925.01 957. 39 1 956.30 19 499. 85 687.37 11 488. 95 1, 000. 00 1,000.00 20 25 535.01 733. 73 716.82 858.40 10 5 552.29 816.09 30 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 ENDO\ VMENl 'AT AGE 62. 1 1 $29.12 $54. 08 3 27 1 59.34 107. 34 6 86 2 90.72 159. 79 9 101 3 123.30 211.41 12 11 4 157.11 262.16 14 158 5 192.22 312.05 16 $15. 50 6 228.65 361.04 15 102.17 7 266.48 409. 16 14 184.98 8 305.74 456. 36 13 264.01 9 346.51 502.67 12 339.44 10 388. 83 548. 06 11 411.31 11 432.82 592. 60 10 479. 85 12 478. 57 636. 29 9 545.09 13 526. 21 679. 19 8 607.15 14 575.87 721.31 7 666. 14 15 627.74 762. 72 6 722.13 16 682.01 803. 47 5 775.23 17 738.93 843. 63 4 825.51 18 798. 80 883.29 3 873.05 19 861.97 922.50 2 ....1917.94 20 160177'"— 20- (53) Age 41 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life ?2.09 2.23 2.69 86.25 6.67 8.05 812.45 13.28 16.02 $24.69 26.34 SO-paj^ment life SO-oavment life 31.78 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE End of policy 30-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. year. Yrs Days. $15. 36 $35. 92 1 205 1 $17. 25 $40. 34 1 276 31.17 71.36 3 43 2 35.05 80.24 3 188 47.45 106. 32 4 231 3 53.41 119. 68 5 82 64.19 140. 77 6 19 4 72.32 158. 60 6 298 81.39 174. 66 7 122 5 91.80 197. 00 8 92 99.03 207. 93 8 170 6 111. 83 234. 81 9 187 117.11 240. 59 9 162 7 132. 42 272. 04 10 220 135. 60 272. 55 10 100 8 153. 55 308. 63 11 193 154. 48 303. 80 10 354 9 175. 21 344. 57 12 113 173. 71 334. 27 11 198 10 197. 36 379. 78 12 352 193. 26 363. 93 12 2 11 220. 02 414. 32 13 183 213. 13 392. 81 12 134 12 243. 16 448. 16 13 345 233. 27 420. 84 12 236 13 266. 78 481. 29 14 109 253. 66 448. 04 12 310 14 290. 87 513. 77 14 213 274. 27 474. 41 12 360 15 315. 43 545. 60 14 295 295. 06 499. 92 13 23 16 340. 44 576. 80 14 358 316. 01 524. 59 13 32 17 365. 91 607. 43 15 4i 337. 07 548. 41 13 24 18 391. 86 637. 55 15 82 358. 21 571. 38 13 3 19 418. 28 667. 20 15 116 379. 39 593. 50 12 336 20 445. 20 696. 45 15 146 484. 44 691. 76 12 49 25 588. 74 840. 70 15 344 583. 93 770. 22 10 337 30 758. 13 1, 000. 00 674. 22 831. 73 9 145 35 810. 62 758 14 882. 17 7 194 40 859. 40 20-F »AYMEN1 r LiF] S. 1 - $53. 44 2 123 $22. 85 46.50 106. 45 4 254 2 70.98 159. 05 6 354 3 96.30 211. 18 9 19 4 ^ 122. 50 262. 88 10 328 5 149. 59 314. 09 12 184 6 177. 58 364. 81 13 324 7 206. 49 415. 04 15 30 8 236. 34 464. 79 16 41 9 267. 13 514. 04 17 5 10 298. 92 562. 90 17 296 11 331. 72 611. 38 18 195 12 365. 59 659. 55 19 79 13 400. 59 707. 57 19 326 14 436. 77 755. 49 20 224 15 474. 23 803. 48 21 151 16 513. 07 851. 72 22 132 17 553. 41 900. 40 23 214 18 595. 40 949. 72 25 175 19 639. 24 1,000.00 20 700. 30 25 758. 13 810. 62 30 35 859. 40 40 (54) Age 41 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterlv. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.53 2.45 3.36 $10.56 7.33 10.05 $21.03 14.60 20.02 $41.70 28.94 39.69 GUARANTEED VALUES. AR ENDOWMENT. End 30 -YI DOWIS 20-YE :ar en fENT. Extension. Extension. Paid- up nf Paid- up Cash . Pure pol- ' Cash Pure value. insur- 12 m en- icy value. insur- ti CO c3 en- ance. ^ c3 dow- year. ance. 'S dow- >^ l-H 157 ment. i» « ment. $33. 25 $58. 77 3 1 $19.89 $42.34 2 10 67.78 116.60 6 330 2 40.44 84.10 4 25 103. 65 173.50 10 59 3 61.68 125.27 6 17 140. 89 229. 42 13 16 4 83.61 165.81 7 319 179. 59 284. 38 15 - • - . Si 4. 91 5 106. 26 205. 73 9 186 219. 78 338. 35 14 .... 105. 30 6 129. 61 244. 95 10 343 261. 53 391. 33 13 - * . . 191.63 7 153. 68 283. 47 12 63 304.92 443. 33 12 - - - - 274. 06 8 178. 48 321. 26 13 83 349. 99 494. 31 11 . ■ . _ 352. 68 9 203. 99 358. 28 14 46 396. 85 544. 31 10 . . - - 427. 66 10 230. 21 394. 50 14 325 445. 60 593. 35 9 . - - - 499. 10 11 257. 17 429. 96 15 198 496. 37 6^1.48 8 567.13 12 284. 86 464.61 16 37 549. 31 688. 73 7 .... 631. 85 13 313.31 498. 50 16 214 604. 58 735. 15 6 .... 693. 35 14 342. 53 531.62 16 $66. 16 662. 39 780. 79 5 ... - 751.73 15 372. 56 564. 01 15 154.93 722.99 825. 73 4 807.09 16 403. 43 595. 68 14 239. 11 786. 67 870. 04 3 859.53 17 435. 20 626. 69 13 318.84 853. 77 913.79 2 909. 10 18 467.92 657. 05 12 394. 23 924.71 957. 08 1 .... 955. 90 19 501.68 686. 85 11 465.42 1 000.00 1,000.00 20 25 536. 56 733. 56 716.10 857. 10 10 5 532. 45 809. 85 30 1, 000. 00 1,000.00 7MENT ' AT AGE 62. 1 KWLMJV $31. 13 $56. 31 3 75 63.48 111.78 6 167 2 97.01 166.33 9 190 3 131.84 219.99 12 92 4 168. 00 272. 73 14 227 5 205. 52 324. 52 15 $50. 85 6 244. 48 375. 38 14 138. 39 7 284. 92 425.28 13 221.94 8 326.91 474. 24 12 301.68 9 370. 50 522. 23 11 377. 66 10 415.81 569. 31 10 450. 12 11 462. 94 615.51 9 519.10 12 512.00 660. 85 8 584. 69 13 563. 15 705. 37 7 647. 05 14 616. 57 749. 15 6 706. 24 15 672. 47 792. 23 5 762. 38 16 731. 10 834. 69 4 815.53 17 792. 77 876. 62 3 865. 80 18 857. 83 918. 07 2 913.24 19 926. 73 959. 17 1 957. 95 20 (55) Aee 42 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. 1 Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life $2.16 2.30 2.76 $6.46 6.88 8.26 $12.87 13.70 16.44 $25.52 SO-oavment life 27.17 20-paj'inent life 32.60 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End of policy year. 30 -P Cash value. AYMENl Paid-up insur- ance. r LiF] Extei E. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. ision. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $16. 06 $36. 77 1 215 1 $17. 85 $40. 86 1 281 32.60 73.05 3 59 2 36.25 81.23 3 191 49.59 108. 75 4 244 3 55.20 121.05 5 73 67.06 143. 91 6 21 4 74.72 160. 34 6 270 84.98 178. 43 7 109 6 94.79 199. 03 8 43 103. 34 212. 30 8 140 6 115. 41 237. 09 9 115 122. 12 245. 46 9 115 7 136. 56 274. 48 10 125 141. 29 277. 86 10 37 8 158. 23 311. 18 11 78 160. 82 309. 47 10 275 9 180. 38 ■ 347.10 11 345 180. 68 340. 24 11 105 10 203. 02 382. 31 12 202 200. 86 370. 19 11 262 11 226. 14 416. 79 13 20 221. 32 399. 28 12 20 12 249. 71 450. 50 13 168 242. 02 427. 48 12 111 13 273. 73 483. 49 13 287 262. 96 454. 85 12 177 14 298. 20 515. 80 14 16 284. 07 481. 30 12 219 15 323. 09 547. 41 14 89 305. 34 506. 88 12 242 16 348. 41 578. 38 14 145 326. 73 531. 59 12 246 17 374. 17 608. 77 14 188 348. 20 555. 41 12 235 18 400. 36 638. 61 14 222 369. 72 578. 37 12 212 19 426. 99 667. 97 14 250 391. 22 600. 45 12 177 20 25 30 35 40 454. 08 696. 92 14 274 497. 24 698. 15 11 253 598. 22 839. 93 15 83 596. 50 775. 64 836. 72 887. 03 10 8 7 175 336 1 769. 04 820. 64 868. 65 1, 000. 00 686. 65 ...... 770. 52 20-1 'AYMENI r LIFE. 1 $23. 46 $53. 71 2 122 47.73 106. 95 4 241 2 72.83 159. 71 6 316 3 98.79 212. 00 8 316 4 125. 61 263. 74 10 227 5 153. 31 314. 95 12 53 6 181. 91 365. 63 13 166 7 211.41 415. 76 14 213 8 241. 84 465. 37 15 205 9 273. 20 514. 46 16 151 10 305. 54 563. 12 17 62 11 338. 91 611.42 17 313 12 373. 34 659. 44 18 187 13 408. 90 707. 28 19 59 14 445. 66 755. 07 19 311 15 483. 71 802. 98 20 230 16 523. 17 851. 19 21 202 17 564. 18 899.92 22 271 18 606. 90 949. 41 24 220 19 651. 55 1,000.00 20 25 712. 23 769. 04 30 820. 64 35 868. 65 40 (56) Age 42 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.56 2.50 3.56 $10.65 7.48 10.65 $21.21 14.89 21.21 $42.05 29.53 42.05 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $33. 67. 103. 141. 179. 220. 261. 305. 350. 397. 445. 496. 549. 604. 661. 722. 786. 853. 924. 1,000. 36 99 94 26 99 20 95 28 28 04 67 31 11 25 94 46 11 26 38 00 Paid- up insur- ance. $58. 76 116.57 173. 44 229. 32 284.21 338. 10 390. 99 442. 86 493. 73 543. 61 592.55 640.60 687. 79 734. 18 779. 83 824. 83 869. 25 913.18 956. 74 1, 000. 00 Extension. 3 6 9 12 14 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 to 125 246 275 168 294 Pure en- dow- ment. $86. 96 175.52 260. 00 340. 54 417.31 490. 38 559.89 625.98 688. 71 748. 19 804. 52 857. 79 908. 06 955. 45 End of pol- icy year. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 30 -YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $20. 41. 62. 84. 107. 131. 155. 180. 206. 232. 259. 287. 316. 345. 375. 406. 437. 470. 503. 538. 733. 1, 000. Paid- up insur- ance. 24 15 72 98 92 56 89 89 57 93 98 72 18 37 32 07 66 17 66 23 38 00 $42. 64 84.68 126.07 166.81 206. 85 246.18 284. 76 322. 53 359. 49 395. 63 430.97 465. 48 499. 19 532.13 564. 31 595. 79 626. 56 656.72 686. 29 715.32 855. 70 1,000.00 Extension. CO Q Pure en- dow- ment. 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 15 16.. 151.. hL. 13:.. 12j.. ii!.. 10.- 5|.. 3 2 333 239! 196 252! 245 185 79 298 120 280 $10. 85 106. 14 196.42 281.74 362. 32 438. 24 509.62 802. 77 ENDOWMENT AT AGE 62. $33. 67. 103. 141. 179. 220. 261. 305. 350. 397. 445. 496. 549. 604. 661. 722. 786. 853. 924. 1, 000. 36 $58. 99 116. 94 173. 26 229. 99 1 284. 20, 338. 390. 442. 493. 543. 592. 640. 687. 734, 779. 824. 869. 913, 956, 1,000, 76 57 44 32 21 10 99 86 73 61 55 60 79 18 83 83 25 18 74 00 3 125 6 246 9 275 12 168 14 294 14 13. ...1 12 ....| 11 10 9 8.... 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 $86.96 175.52 260. 00 340. 54 417.31 490. 38 559. 89 625. 98 688. 71 748. 19 804. 52 857. 79 908. 06 955. 45 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^ 8 9 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (57) Age 43 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. MontMy. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life $2.25 2.38 2.83 $6.73 7.12 8.47 $13.40 14.18 16.86 $26.58 30-oavnient Hie 28.11 20-paj'nient life 33.43 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. 1 End of )olicy year. 30-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension, jj Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $16.81 $37.67 1 224 1 $18.48 $41.41 1 28,'. 34.08 74.74 3 71 2 37.50 82.24 3 190 51.84 111.24 4 250 3 57.09 122.51 5 58 70.04 147.06 6 15 4 77.22 162. 14 6 236 88.70 182.22 7 87 6 97.90 201.12 7 351 107. 79 216.65 8 101 6 119.11 239.41 9 36 127.28 250. 31 9 60 7 140.82 276.94 10 26 147.12 283. 10 9 331 8 163.01 313.68 10 325 167.31 315.06 10 190 9 185.67 349. 63 11 209 187.81 346. 14 11 7 10 208.80 384. 83 12 51 208. 61 376. 35 11 152 11 232.37 419.21 12 220 229. 65 405. 63 11 265 12 256.37 452.83 12 356 250.93 434. 04 11 348 13 280. 78 485. 67 13 100 272.39 461.51 12 41 14 305.60 517.77 13 184 294. 00 488. 06 12 77 15 330. 82 549. 18 13 249 315.74 513.71 12 94 16 356. 44 579. 93 13 298 337. 57 538. 46 12 94 17 382.45 610.05 13 334 359. 43 562. 28 12 79 18 408. 86 639. 60 13 362 381.29 585. 20 12 53 19 435.67 668. 67 14 21 403. 10 607. 23 12 17 20 462.91 697. 33 14 41 509. 95 704. 34 11 91 25 607. 45 839.01 14 190 608. 86 699.11 782.92 780.87 841.75 891.97 10 8 5 30 35 40 779. 72 1, 000. 00 174 830. 54 6 204 877. 74 ) 20-F AYMEN1 ["LIFI C. 1 $54.00 2 119 $24. 10 49.00 107.46 4 223 2 74.74 160.39 6 271 3 101.33 212.76 8 240 4 128.78 264. 56 10 120 5 157.10 315.77 11 283 6 186.29 366. 36 13 6 7 216.37 416.36 14 31 8 247.36 465.80 15 3 9 279.28 514.73 15 297 10 312.18 563. 20 16 194 11 346. 09 611.30 17 67 12 381.07 659. 14 17 294 13 417.18 706. 82 18 159 14 454.50 754. 49 19 36 15 493. 14 802. 34 19 310 16 533. 22 850. 54 20 272 17 574.89 899. 33 21 329 18 618.35 949. 04 23 264 19 663. 83 1,000.00 20 724.01 25 779. 72 30 830. 54 35 877 74 40 O / / • / ' 1 (58) Age 43 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20 -year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.60 2.55 3.79 $10.77 7.63 11.34 $21.45 15.19 22.58 $42.53 30.12 44.77 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $33. 68. 104. 141. 180. 220. 262. 305. 350. 397. 445. 496. 548. 603. 661. 721. 785. 852. 924. 1,000. Paid- insur- ance. $58. 78 116.55 173. 38 229. 21 284. 03 337. 82 390. 57 442.32 493. 05 542. 81 591.65 639. 59 686. 72 733. 08 778. 75 823. 82 868. 37 912.52 956. 34 1,000.00 Extension. 03 3 6 9 11 14 14. 13 .. 12 .. ll!.. 10.- 7|.. Ij:; 4.- 3|.. 2 1 91 158 124 324 34 Pure en- dow- ment. $65. 11 157. 18 244. 03 326. 76 405. 55 480. 50 551.72 619. 35 683. 48 744. 20 801.62 855. 82 906.91 954. 93 End of pol- icy year. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $20. 41. 63. 86. 109. 133. 158. 183. 209. 235. 263. 290. 319. 348. 378. 408. 440. 472. 505. 540. 733. 1, 000. Paid- .up insur- ance. $42. 97 85.30 126. 94 167. 88 208. 08 247. 51 286. 11 323. 86 260. 76 396. 82 432.01 466. 37 499.93 532. 66 564.64 595. 88 626. 42 656. 35 685. 67 714. 49 854. 14 1,000.00 Extension. 1 3 5 7 8 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 14 15 15 14 13 12 11 10 5 CO 359 343 281 155 321 51 79 49 331 205 42 212 357 119 Pure en- dow- ment. $49. 38 146. 76 238. 72 325. 36 406. 85 483. 34 794. 73 ENDOWMENT AT AGE 62. $35. 73. 111. 151. 193. 236. 281. 327. 376. 426. 478. 533. 590. 650. 712. 778. 848. 921. 1,000. $61.43 121.84 181.22 239. 52 296. 78 352.96 408. 09 462. 11 515.12 567. 13 618.18 668. 30 717.59 766. 09 813. 89 861.09 907. 77 954. 04 1,000.00 3 6 9 12 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 175 322 355 243 $29.97 124.03 213.82 299.36 380.93 458. 58 532. 44 602. 63 669. 29 732.48 792. 32 848.91 902. 33 952. 67 1 2 <> 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 (59) Age 44 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life $2.34 2.46 2.91 $7.00 7.36 8.70 $13.94 14.65 17.34 • $27.64 30-Davtnent life 29.06 20-paynie^t life 34.38 GUARANTEED VALUES.-' ORDINARY LIFE. 1 End 30 -PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. of policy year. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $17. 57 $38. 53 1 232 1 $19. 13 $41. 95 1 286 35.63 76.46 3 78 2 38.81 83.28 3 184 54.15 113. 70 4 248 3 59.04 123. 97 5 37 73.13 150. 24 6 4 79.81 163. 96 6 194 92.54 186. 00 7 56 5 101. 11 203. 23 7 287 112. 36 220. 97 8 55 6 122. 90 241. 70 8 317 132. 54 255. 05 8 362 7 145. 17 279. 35 9 286 153. 08 288. 26 9 253 8 167. 90 316. 17 10 202 173. 93 320. 56 10 98 9 191. 07 352. 15 11 71 195. 08 351. 94 10 268 10 214. 68 387. 30 11 263 216. 49 382. 39 11 38 11 238. 69 421. 60 12 54 238. 12 411. 88 11 141 12 263. 11 455. 11 12 180 259. 95 440. 43 11 216 13 287. 91 487. 80 12 278 281. 93 468. 02 11 267 14 313. 08 519. 73 12 354 304. 05 494. 69 11 297 15 338. 61 550. 92 13 46 326. 24 520. 39 11 309 16 364. 50 581. 41 13 89 348. 48 545. 15 11 305 17 390. 74 611.26 13 121 370. 71 568. 97 11 289 18 417. 34 640.53 13 145 392. 90 591. 87 11 262 19 444. 31 669. 31 13 164 415. 00 613. 84 11 225 20 471. 67 697. 66 13 180 522. 51 710. 32 10 295 25 616. 41 837. 97 13 297 621 08 786 00 9 213 .^0 790 18 1 000. 00 711 62 846 84 7 361 3.5 840. 32 795 52 897. 10 6 13 40 886. 77 20-1 >AYMEN': r LiFi E. 1 $24. 74 $54. 25 2 113 50.30 107. 94 4 199 2 76.68 161. 00 6 219 3 103. 92 213. 49 8 156 4 131. 99 265. 30 10 8 5 160. 91 316. 45 11 142 6 190. 69 366. 94 12 206 7 22L34 416. 80 13 210 8 252. 89 466. 09 14 164 9 285. 36 514. 81 15 77 10 318. 80 563. 10 15 325 11 353. 25 611. 02 16 187 12 388. 75 658. 65 17 38 13 425. 40 706. 19 17 259 14 463. 28 753. 75 18 129 15 502. 49 801. 52 19 26 16 543. 18 849. 73 19 342 17 ■ 585. 52 898. 66 21 25 18 629. 73 948. 63 22 309 19 676. 07 1,000.00 20 735 60 25 790. 18 30 840.32 35 886. 77 40 (60) Age 44 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. aS. ^— '■ 20-year endowment oO-year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.63 2.62 4.04 $10.86 7.84 12.09 $21.62 15.61 24.07 $42.88 30.9.5 47.72 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $33. 68. 104. 142. 180. 221. 262. 306. 350. 397. 445. 496. 548. 603. 660. 721. 784. 852. 923. 1, 000. Paid- up insur- ance. $58. 75 116. 55 173. 32 229. 09 283. 80 337. 46 390. 09 441. 67 492. 26 541. 89 590.60 638. 45 685. 51 731.83 777. 53 822. 67 867. 37 911. 74 955. 91 1, 000. 00 Extension. to C3 ft 3 6 8 11 13 14 13 12 lit 10 9 8 r» / 6 5l. 4 3 2 1 55 68 340 118 143 Pure en- dow- ment. $42.35 136. 31 225. 84 311.11 392. 20 469. 26 542. 45 611. 84 677. 54 739. 68 798. 33 853. 60 905. 59 954. 35 End of pol- icy year. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 30-YEAR ENDOV/MENT. Cash value. $21. 42. 65. 88. 111. 135. 160. 186. 212. 238. 266. 294. 322. 351. 381. 411. 443. 475. 508. 541. 732. 1, 000. 06 77 11 10 73 97 83 28 34 99 25 12 60 72 50 97 18 20 09 99 91 Paid- up insur- ance. $43. 34 85.99 127. 89 169. 04 209. 39 248. 88 287. 52 325. 25 362. 10 398.04 433. 12 467. 33 500. 69 533. 23 564. 98 595. 99 626. 29 655. 95 685.03 713. 60 852. 46 00 1,000.00 Extension. 1 3 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 13:.. 12.. 11 .. 10.. 5.. m c3 ft 352 315 226 70 206 273 275 222 119 340 159 315 81 194 294 Pure en- dO'A'- ment. S38. 95 188. 73 282. 58 370. 59 453. 03 785. 64 ENDOWMENT AT AGE 62 $38. 78. 120. 163. 208. 254. 302. 351 405. 459. 516. 575. 637. 702. 770. 842. 918. 1, 000. $64.36 127. 62 189. 75 250. 75 310. 62 369. 34 426. 92 483.39 .'i38. 80 593. 18 646.59 699. 10 750. 77 801. 71 851.99 901.73 951. 02 1,000.00 3 7 10 12 13 12 .. 11 .. 10.. 9 .. 8.. 7 .. 6.. 5.. 4L. 3.. 2 .. ll-- 227 32 68 318 $66. 70 162. 35 253. 51 340.41 423. 15 501. 83 576. 63 647. 63 714. 96 778. 72 839. 01 895. 94 949.57 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 (61) Age 45 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life $2.43 2.54 2.99 $7.27 7.60 8.94 $14.48 15.13 17.81 $28.71 .SO. 00 30-payment life 20-payment life 35.32 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. Cash value. $18.38 37.23 56.55 76.32 96.48 117.03 137. 93 159.16 180. 68 202. 47 224. 50 246. 71 269. 09 291. 60 314. 19 336. 83 359. 46 382. 04 404. 54 426. 90 534. 89 633. 22 724. 20 808. 42 Paid-up insur- ance. $39. 44 78.17 116.17 153.40 189. 74 225. 20 259. 74 293. 34 325. 96 357. 63 388. 32 418. 00 446. 70 474. 43 501. 16 526.92 551.70 575. 51 598. 37 620. 28 716. 07 791. 05 852. 03 902. 48 Extension. Yrs. 1 3 4 5 7 8 8 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 9 7 5 Days. End of policy year. 238 81 241 343 18 291 168 1 160 285 14 82 127 152 160 153 135 106 68 138 48 201 220 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 30-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash value. $19. 82 40.18 61.08 82.50 104. 41 126, 78 149.62 172. 89 196. 58 220. 66 245. 13 269. 95 295. 12 320. 63 346. 45 372. 59 399. 04 425. 80 452. 89 480. 34 625.05 800. 48 849. 97 895. 78 Paid-up insur- ance. $42.53 84.37 125. 48 165.82 205. 33 243. 96 281.75 318. 64 354. 65 389. 76 424. 00 457. 37 489. 92 521. 66 552. 62 582. 86 612.45 641.43 669. 89 697. 93 836. 77 1,000.00 Extension. Yrs. 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 Days. 285 174 10 147 219 227 178 77 296 110 254 4 93 161 212 249 275 294 308 320 45 20-PAYMENT LIFE. | 1 $25. 41 $54. 53 2 105 51.63 108.41 4 169 2 78.67 161.62 6 161 3 106.54 214. 14 8 68 4 135. 23 265.94 9 255 5 164. 74 317.01 10 364 6 195. 10 367. 39 12 39 7 226. 31 417.10 13 23 8 258. 41 466. 19 13 324 9 291.42 514.74 14 222 10 325.39 562. 83 15 92 11 360.35 610. 53 15 307 12 396.37 658. 00 16 150 13 433. 55 705. 38 16 359 14 471.96 752. 82 17 223 15 511.74 800. 54 18 113 16 553. 03 848. 79 19 53 17 596. 04 897. 88 20 91 18 641. 01 948. 14 21 355 19 688. 24 1,000.00 20 746. 98 25 800. 48 30 849. 97 35 40 895. 78 (62) Age 45 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-vear endowment $3.68 2.68 4.31 $11.01 8.02 12.89 $21.92 15.97 25.68 $43.47 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 31.66 60.91 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $33. 68. 105. 142. 181. 221. 263. 306. 351. 397. 445. 495. 548. 602. 660. 720. 783. 851. 923. 1, 000. 80 81 06 60 45 66 29 42 14 54 74 91 21 88 17 40 96 33 10 Paid- up insur- ance. $58.77 116.53 173. 24 228.91 283.50 337. 02 389. 47 440.90 491.35 540. 83 589. 40 637. 15 684. 13 730.44 776. 17 821.40 866. 26 910. 88 955.41 00 1,000.00 Extension. 3 5 8 10 12 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 en 18 341 189 280 258 Pure en- dow- ment. $15. 20 112.48 205. 12 293. 26 377.02 456. 52 531.94 603.34 670.84 734. 59 794. 64 851.12 904.11 953. 69 End of pol- icy year. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $21. 43. 66. 89. 113. 138. 163. 189. 215. 242. 269. 297. 326. 355. 384. 415. 446. 478. 510. 544. 732. 1,000. 54 69 47 87 86 43 57 27 54 36 74 67 17 25 94 26 26 00 57 09 61 Paid- . "P insur- ance. $43. 75 86.72 128.91 170.28 210.76 250. 34 288.98 326. 69 363. 49 399.34 434. 29 468. 33 501.51 533. 83 565. 36 596.12 626. 16 655.55 684. 36 712.67 850. 62 001,000.00 Extension. 1 3 5 6 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 131 12| 4 m a Q 342 285 169 349 92 132 111 36 279 117 287 63 181 281 3 Pure en- dow- ment. $21.53 130.59 232.91 328. 69 418.07 775.37 ENDOWMENT AT AGE 62. | 1 $41.65 $67. 61 3 278 84.87 134.01 7 106 2 129.75 199.22 10 147 3 176. 33 263. 19 13 .... $2.51 4 224. 70 325.96 12 .... 104. 74 5 274.91 387. 49 11 202. 16 6 327. 10 447. 86 10 ... . 295. 04 7 381.38 507. 07 9..-. 383. 47 8 437. 89 565. 19 81.... 467. 56 9 496. 81 622. 28 7].... 547.51 10 558. 35 678. 41 6 .... 623.40 11 622. 73 733. 63 5.... 695. 36 12 690. 27 788. 08 4i..-. 763.51 13 761. 30 841.82 3i.... 827.95 14 836. 24 894. 97 2.... 888. 77 15 915.61 947. 66 iL... 946. 10 16 1,000.00 1,000.00 1 17 (63) Age 46 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- anrsual. Annual. Ordinary life §2.53 2.61 3.08 a7.57 7.90 9.21 ^15.07 15.73 18.35 ^29.89 31.19 36.38 30-paynient life 20-p3yment life GUA RANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End of policy year. 30 -PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $19. 20 $40.31 1 241 1 $20. 52 $43.09 1 282 38.89 79.89 3 78 2 41.59 85.44 3 159 59.02 118. 63 4 226 3 63.17 126. 97 4 342 79.57 156. 48 5 313 4 85.24 167. 63 6 94 100. 50 193. 39 6 337 5 107. 77 207. 38 7 145 121. 79 229. 34 7 303 6 130. 75 246. 21 8 134 143. 41 264.31 8 214 7 154. 16 284. 12 9 68 165. 34 298. 29 9 78 8 177. 98 321.09 9 316 187. 54 331. 25 9 264 9 202. 17 357. 10 10 155 209. 98 363. 21 10 48 10 226. 74 392. 20 10 321 232. 61 394. 11 10 163 11 251. 64 426. 35 11 89 255. 41 423. 99 10 249 12 276. 87 459. 62 11 194 278. 34 452. 86 10 311 13 302. 40 492. 00 11 275 301. 35 480. 68 10 349 11 328. 23 523. 56 11 335 324. 41 507. 49 11 5 15 354. 33 554. 30 12 14 347. 46 533. 28 11 9 16 380. 69 584. 28 12 46 370. 47 558. 08 10 364 17 407. 31 61.1 58 12 68 393. 39 581. 88 10 345 18 434. 21 642.26 12 84 416. 17 604. 69 10 315 19 461. 40 670. 41 12 94 438. 76 626. 53 10 278 20 488. 88 698. 10 12 102 547. 07 721. 60 9 343 25 633. 35 835. 41 12 167 645. 35 796. 12 8 255 30 810. 62 1,000.00 736 71 857. 24 7 23 35 859. 40 821. 50 908. 06 5 34 10 904. 68 >AYMEN1 r LiFi ., lisO-1- it. 1 $26. 09 $54. 78 2 94 52.98 108. 84 4 135 2 80.68 162. 16 6 98 3 109. 17 214. 69 7 339 1 138. 47 266. 46 9 133 5 168. 57 317. 43 10 216 6 199. 49 367. 67 11 235 7 231. 27 417. 23 12 200 8 263. 90 466. 13 13 119 9 297. 44 514. 49 14 3 10 331. 91 562. 35 14 225 11 367. 37 609. 85 15 65 12 403. 90 657. 14 15 263 13 441. 58 704. 36 16 101 11 480. 51 751. 69 16 317 15 520. 84 799. 39 17 201 16 562. 73 847. 70 18 131 17 606. 41 652. 15 896. 96 947. 56 19 21 158 43 18 19 700. 30 1,000.00 20 758. 13 25 810. 62 30 859. 40 35 904.68 10 (64) Age 46 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-vear endowment 83.72 2.76 4,63 811.13 8.26 13.85 822.16 16.44 27.58 843.94 32.60 Endowment at age 62 54.69 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-yEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $33. 69. 105. 143. 181. 222. 263. 306. 351. 397. 445. 495. 547. 602. 659. 719. 783. 850. 922. 1,000. Paid- up insur- ance. Extension. $58. 116. 173. 228. 283. 336. 388. 440. 490. 539. 588. 635. 682. 728. 774. 819. 865. 909. 954. 1,000. 76 49 14 68 12 47 76 02 28 62 05 69 60 88 61 95 01 92 86 00 ft 2 5 8 10 12 13 13 12 11 10 9 8 7; 6; 5 i 343 248 41 81 16 227 Pure en- dow- ment. $85.27 181.48 272.90 359. 70 442.00 519.06 593. 65 663. 24 728. 78 790. 44 848. 30 902.43 952. 98 End of pol- icy year. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. Paid- up insur- ance. $22. 44. 67. 91. 116. 141. 166. 192. 218. 245. 273. 301. 329. 359. 388. 418. 449. 481. 513. 546. 732. 1,000. 03 68 93 74 11 03 48 i 46 i 941 95; 45! 451 98 02 61 77 54 00 22 32 22 Extension. $44.14 87.48 129. 97 171.52 212.14 251.80 290. 48 328. 19 364. 91 400. 69 435. 50 469. 37 502. 36 534. 47 565. 76 596. 26 626. 02 655. 13 683. 66 711.68 848. 60 00 1,000.00 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 12 11 10 5 ft 330 251 110 261 343 359 315 220 80 267 57 185 291 14 93 164 Pure en- dow- ment. $62. 65 175. 08 280.01 377. 69 763. 76 ENDOWMENT AT AGE 62 $45. 91. 140. 191. 243. 297. 354. 413. 474. 539. 606. 676. 750. 829. 911. 1,000. $71.21 141.15 209. 77 277.09 343. 08 407. 82 471.32 533. 66 594.89 655. 08 714. 32 772. 70 830.34 887. 36 943. 86 1,000.00 3 7 10 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 329 180 227 $39. 144. 243. 338. 428. 514. 596. 673. 746. 815. 880. 942. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 (65) Age 47 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life $2.64 2.73 3.18 $7.90 8.17 9.51 $15.73 16.26 18.94 $31.19 32.25 30-payment life 20-oavnient life 37.56 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. Cash value. $20. 07 40.60 61.54 82.89 104. 59 126. 64 149. 00 171. 63 194. 51 217. 58 240. 83 264. 21 287. 67 311. 18 334. 68 358. 14 381. 51 404. 74 427. 77 450. 55 559. 02 657. 54 749. 21 834. 49 Paid-up insur- ance. $41. 23 81.60 121. 02 159. 51 196. 95 233. 40 268. 81 303. 15 336. 45 368. 64 399. 79 429. 87 458. 86 486. 80 513. 67 539. 51 564. 31 588. 08 610. 84 632. 59 726. 91 801. 25 862. 50 913. 69 Extension. Yrs. Days End of policy year. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 8 6 4 241 70 204 276 285 235 132 348 158 297 39 118 173 207 223 225 215 194 164 125 190 97 227 242 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 30-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash value. $21. 27 43.05 65.32 88.05 111.22 134. 82 158. 81 183. 16 207. 88 232. 91 258. 25 283. 87 309. 76 335. 88 362. 23 388. 80 415. 58 442. 58 469. 81 497. 29 641. 28 820. 64 868. 65 913. 32 Paid-up insinr- ance. $43. 70 86.53 128. 46 169. 43 209. 44 248. 48 286. 51 323. 52 359. 57 394. 62 428. 71 461. 86 494. 10 525. 44 555. 95 585. 69 614. 70 643. 06 670. 87 698. 22 833. 87 1,000.00 Extension. Yrs. Days. 1 3 4 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 278 140 304 37 68 39 320 187 13 167 290 21 94 148 187 214 232 243 250 253 289 20-PAYMENT LIFE. 1 $26. 78 $55. 02 2 79 54.35 109. 24 4 94 2 82.69 162. 62 6 29 3 111.81 215. 16 7 241 4 141. 70 266. 83 9 8 6 172. 39 317. 72 10 68 6 203. 88 367. 82 11 66 7 /' 236. 19 417. 19 12 12 8 269. 35 465. 90 12 280 9 303. 39 514. 03 13 150 10 338. 35 561. 68 13 359 11 374. 31 609. 00 14 190 12 411.32 656. 10 15 12 13 449. 48 703. 15 15 208 14 488. 91 750. 38 16 51 15 529. 77 798. 05 16 289 16 572. 26 846. 45 17 211 17 616. 61 895. 92 18 226 18 663. 14 946. 94 20 99 19 712. 23 1,000.00 20 25 769. 04 820. 64 30 868. 65 35 813. 32 40 (66) Age 47 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.78 2.84 4.98 $11.31 8.50 14.90 $22.52 16.92 29.67 $44.65 33.55 58.83 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $34. 69. 105. 143. 182. 222. 264. 307. 351. 397. 445. 495. 547. 601. 658. 718. 782. 849. 921. 1,000. 17 48 95 62 51 70 24 19 66 75 60 38 29 57 52 52 03 61 97 00 Extension. Paid- up insur- ance. $58. 116. 172. 228. 282. 335. 387. 439. 489. 538. 586. 634. 680. 727. 772. 818. 863. 908. 954. 1,000. 77] 44 97 39 65 83 94 01 08 23 52 05 88 90 35 62 85 24 00 2 5 7 9 11 12 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ft 301 153 258 251 143 319 Pure en- dow- ment. $54. 11 154.42 249. 66 339. 96 425. 47 506. 32 582. 67 654. 61 722. 24 785.71 845. 12 900. 56 952. 14 End of pol- icy year. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $22. 45. 69. 93. 118. 143. 169. 195. 222. 249. 277. 305. 334. 363. 392. 422. 453. 484. 516. 548. 731. 1,000. 59 75 47 73 51 80 58 84 57 76 40 50 04 04 52 51 04 19 04 69 73 00 Paid- insur- ance. $44.60 88.29 131.04 172. 81 213.57 253. 32 292. 03 329. 72 366. 40 402. 08 436. 76 470,49 503. 28 535. 16 566. 19 596. 43 625.90 654. 71 682. 93 710. 64 846. 38 1,000.00 Extension. 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 10 5 ft Pure en- dow- ment. 318 216 49 174 230 222 158 45 253 60 202 317 47 126' 194 254 310 $107.41 223. 32 330. 79 750. 56 ENDOWMENT AT AGE 62. 1 $49.04 $75. 30 4 17 99.95 149. 19 7 256 2 152. 79 221.65 10 314 3 207. 67 292. 72 11 $78. 71 4 264. 69 362. 41 10.... 185.95 5 324.00 430. 78 9.... 288. 04 6 385. 76 497.91 8.... 385. 17 7 450. 14 563. 82 7...- 477. 48 8 517.38 628. 63 6.-.. 565.11 9 587. 74 692. 41 5.... 648. 21 10 661.54 755. 28 4.... 726.91 11 739. 16 817. 34 3.... 801.32 12 821. 06 878. 72 2.... 871.57 13 907. 78 939. 56 1 .... 937. 76 14 1, 000. 00 1,000.00 1 15 (67) Age 4o LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life $2.76 2.84 3.28 $8.26 8.50 9.81 $16.44 16.92 19.54 $32.60 33.55 30-t)avment life 20-payinent life 3S.7.5 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE End of policy year. 30 -PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Y^rs. Days. $20. 95 542.11 1 238 1 $22.03 $44. 28 1 269 42.33 83.25 3 57 2 44.54 87.59 3 117 64.10 123.35 4 177 3 67.51 129.91 4 262 86.26 162.44 5 233 4 90.92 171.21 5 340 108.76 200. 45 6 226 5 114.74 211.47 6 353 131.57 237.36 7 161 6 138.95 250. 68 7 304 154.67 273. 20 8 46 7 163.53 288.85 8 204 178.01 307.91 8 250 8 188. 44 325.95 9 58 201.56 341.50 9 49 9 213.66 362. 00 9 236 225.28 373.98 9 178 10 239.17 397. 04 10 15 249. 14 405.35 9 277 11 264.94 431.06 10 128 273.09 435.61 9 350 12 290.95 464.09 10 215 297.08 464. 74 10 34 13 317.17 496. 17 10 280 321.05 492.76 10 64 14 343. 57 527.31 10 328 345. 00 519.71 10 77 15 370. 15 557.60 10 361 368.84 545.56 10 77 64 16 396.90 587.07 11 19 392.55 570. 37 10 17 423.81 615.79 11 33 416.05 594. 10 10 42 18 450.87 643. 82 11 41 439. 30 616.80 10 11 19 478. 10 671.27 11 44 462.25 638. 46 9 337 20 505. 53 698. 24 11 43 570. 79 732. 04 9 32 25 648. 84 832.15 11 51 669.82 806. 49 867. 90 919.20 7 6 4 303 52 61 30 35 40 830. 54 877.74 921.49 1,000.00 761.79 847.03 Of\ "C >AYMEN' r LiFi 2. 1 ^O-ir $27.48 $55.23 2 61 55.72 109.58 4 51 2 84.70 162.99 5 320 3 114.44 215.50 7 140 4 144.93 267.11 8 245 5 176.20 317.88 9 282 6 208. 24 367.82 10 260 7 241.08 417.00 11 189 8 274. 74 465.49 12 77 9 309. 27 513.40 12 299 10 344.71 560. 84 13 132 11 381.12 607.92 13 316 12 418.59 654. 82 14 133 13 457.21 701.73 14 317 14 ' 497.13 748. 88 15 155 15 538.51 796. 53 16 15 16 581.58 845. 03 16 292 17 626. 60 894. 76 17 295 18 673.92 946.21 19 155 19 724.01 1,000.00 20 25 30 35 40 779.72 830. 54 877.74 921.49 (68) Age 48 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POT TPV Semi- annual. Monthly. Quarterlj\ Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.84 2.93 5.39 $11.49 8.76 16.12 $22.88 17.45 32.11 $45.36 34.61 63.67 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $34. 69. 105. 144. 183. 223. 264. 307. 351. 397. 445. 495. 546. 600. 657. 717. 780. 848. 921. 1,000. Paid- up insur- ance. $58. 75 116.34 172.75 228.00 282. 10 335. 10 386. 99 437.85 487. 73 536. 70 584. 83 632. 23 678. 97 725. 17 770.99 816.57 862. 05 907.64 953. 55 1, 000. 00 Extension. 2 5 7 9 10 12 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 03 ft 257 58 113 61 279 55 Pure en- dow- ment. $18.35 123.42 223. 04 317.39 406. 60 490. 82 570. 18 644.79 714.79 780. 35 841.51 898. 43 951.21 End of pol- icy year. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $23. 46. 71. 95. 121. 146. 172. 199. 226. 253. 281. 309. 338. 367. 396. 426. 456. 487. 519. 551. 731. 1,000. 17 88 10 83 04 73 86 44 42 81 61 79 35 31 68 48 76 57 00 17 13 00 Paid- UD insur- ance. $45. 05 89.12 132. 13 174. 11 215.01 254. 87 293. 63 331.34 367. 96 403. 54 438. 11 471.67 504.25 535.91 566. 69 596. 63 625. 81 654. 28 682.16 709. 52 843.96 1, 000. 00 Extension. 1 3 4 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 10 5 CO 03 302 179 351 86 118 89 6 239 68 226 355 94 179 248 306 356 39 Pure en- dow- ment. ENDOWMENT AT AGE 62. $53. 109. 166. 226. 289. 354. 421. 492. 566. 644. 725. 811. 903. 1,000. $79.90 158. 28 235.11 310. 50 384. 43 457. 03 528.31 598. 40 667. 37 735. 35 802.47 868.84 934.63 1,000.00 4 7 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 71 338 $3.67 119.67 230.07 335.11 434.94 529. 71 619.57 704.68 785. 14 861.11 932. 69 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 t I Oi. " e/ c 0!; . ?e , . i»8 , . 4 4- M leOlTT"— 20- (69) Age 49 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life $2.88 2.95 3.38 $8.62 8.82 10.11 $17.16 17.57 20.14: $34.02 SO-oavment life 34.85 20-payment life 39.93 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. Cash value. $21. 84 44. C8 66.71 89.69 112.99 136. 58 160. 42 134. 48 208. 71 233. 07 257. 53 282. 04 306. 53 330. 98 355. 34 379. 55 403. 56 427. 30 450. 74 473. 81 582. 44 682. 21 774. 66 859. 09 Paid-up insur- ance. $42.95 84.82 125.62 165. 30 203. 84 241.24 277. 48 312.56 346. 47 379. 20 410. 79 441.21 470. 46 498. 59 525. 60 551.48 576. 27 599. 95 622. 56 644. 11 737. 10 811.85 873. 57 924. 55 Extension. Yrs. Days End of policy year. 232 40 146 185 163 84 321 149 303 58 150 216 260 286 297 294 282 260 230 191 247 149 256 266 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 30 -PAYMENT LIFE. Cash value. $22.80 46.05 69.74 93.85 118. 33 143. 17 168. 34 193.81 219. 55 245. 53 271. 73 298. 10 324. 63 351. 30 378. 09 404.99 431.98 459. 06 486. 25 513.58 656. 08 840.32 886. 77 929.20 Paid-up insur- ance. $44.84 88.61 131.33 172.97 213.48 252. 88 291. 18 328. 37 364. 46 399.48 433. 44 466.34 498. 24 529. 20 559. 25 588. 44 516. 85 644.54 671. 61 698. 18 830.29 1,000.00 Extension. Yrs. Davs. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 259 89 216 275 268 204 89 294 95 228 332 47 106 148 178 196 208 212 211 207 188 20-PAYMENT LIFE. $28. 17 57.07 86.70 117.05 148. 14 179. 97 212. 56 245. 91 280. 06 315. 06 350. 96 387. 80 425. 70 464. 76 505. 14 547. 02 590. 65 636. 34 684. 48 735. 60 790. 18 840.32 886. 77 929. 20 $55. 40 109.82 163. 26 215.73 267. 26 317.88 367.67 416.64 464.91 512. 60 559. 82 606. 66 653. 37 700. 12 747. 17 794.81 843.42 893.45 945. 40 1,000.00 2 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 16 16 18 40 2 243 36 116 131 90 2 240 84 272 82 254 66 260 114 10 364 213 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 (70) Age 49 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Sami- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 $3.90 3.03 5.86 $11.67 9.06 17.53 $23.23 18.05 34.91 $46.07 35.79 69.22 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. S34. 57 70. 19 106. 89 144.69 ■ 183.65 ' 223.80 265.21 ; 307.95 i 352.13 i 397.87 1 445.31 i 494.63 ; 546.06 i 599.87 ; 656.43 716.16 ' 779.61 847. 46 920. 56 1,000.00 Paid- insur- ance. $58. 69 115. 17 172. 45 227. 53 281. 45 334. 23 385. 91 436. 55 486.21 534.99 582. 95 630. 20 676. 85 723. 01 768. 87 814. 58 860. 32 906.31 952. 78 1,000.00 Extension. 2 4 6 8 10 11 12 12 11 10. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ft 213 329 337 240 56 164 214 Pure en- dow- ment. End of icy year. S87. 78 192. 51 291. 52 385.00 473. 08 555. 93 633. 63 706. 38 774. 26 837. 45 896. 05 950. 19 1 2 ■. 5 6 v8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $23. 48. 72, 98. 123. 149. 176. 203. 230. 258. 286. 314. 342. 371. 401. 430. 460. 491. 522. 553. 730. 1,000. 77 05 81 05 73 83 34 23 49 11 06 33 92 83 08 69 69 13 12 75 45 00 Paid- .up insux- ance. $45.49 89.91 133. 22 175.44 216. 52 256. 47 295. 29 332.99 369. 58 405.09 439. 53 472. 92 505. 30 536. 72 567. 23 596.88 625. 73 653. 85 681.37 708. 35 841.37 1,000.00 Extension. 1 3 4 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 5 w a ft Pure en- dow- ment. 285 140 288 9 324 222 75 254 35 152 246 320 15 66 110 149 186 $77. 67 211. 10 718.02 ENDOWMENT AT AGE 62. 1 $58. 72 $85. 18 4 130 119. 68 168. 69 8 62 2 183.04 250. 61 10 $43.21 3 248.94 330. 98 9 163. 22 4 317. 55 409. 87 8 277. 36 5 389.08 487.34 7 385. 86 6 463. 80 563. 53 6 488.87 7 541. 97 638. 49 5 586. 54 8 623.96 712. 37 4 679. 03 9 710. 20 785. 32 3 766. 49 10 801.18 857. 45 2 849.04 11 897.54 928.96 1 926.84 12 1,000.00 1,000.00 13 ' 3 a I tt.CCf. • «. r t (71) Age 50 LIFE $1,000 POLICY. Ordinary life . . . 30-payment life 20-payment life PREMIUMS. Monthly. $3.01 3.08 3.50 Quarterly. $9.00 9.21 10.47 Semi- annual. $17.93 18.35 20.85 Annual. $35.56 36.38 41.34 GUARANTEED VALUES. NARY LIFE, End of policy year. 30-PAYMENT LJ ORDI [FE. Cash ^. aid-up usur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up Ex tension. value. Yrs. Days. insur- ance. Yr s. Days. $22.74 $43.76 1 224 1 $23. 59 $45.39 1 246 45.87 86.38 3 19 2 47.61 89.65 3 60 69.37 127. 85 168. 12 4 5 109 133 3 4 72.05 96.86 132.79 174.74 4 167 93.19 5 207 117. 31 207. 21 6 96 5 122.02 215.53 6 183 141. 68 245. 07 7 4 6 147. 50 255. 13 7 102 166. 27 281.71 7 227 7 173. 27 293. 57 7 338 191. 04 317. 14 8 45 8 199.29 330. 83 8 165 215.96 351. 37 8 189 9 225.55 366. 97 8 321 240.96 384. 36 8 302 10 252. 00 401.97 9 79 266. 01 416.13 9 21 11 278. 61 435. 85 9 174 291.05 446.70 9 82 12 305.34 468.64 9 247 316. 05 476. 10 9 122 13 332. 18 500. 40 9 299 340. 95 504.31 9 145 14 359.09 531.14 9 336 365. 70 531. 36 9 154 15 386.07 560.95 9 361 390. 24 557. 25 9 151 16 413.07 589.85 1 11 414. 52 582. 00 9 137 17 440.10 617.92 1 19 438. 48 605. 63 9 115 18 467. 16 645. 24 1 20 462. 07 628. 15 9 83 19 494.26 671.91 1 15 485. 23 649. 59 9 43 20 521.44 698. 06 ] 6 594. 06 742. 13 8 96 25 663. 06 828. 33 9 322 694. 75 817.38 6 350 30 849. 97 1.000.00 787. 96 879. 64 5 89 35 895. 78 J* • \^ \^ \* • \^ \^ * • * • " 871. 08 930. 01 3 91 40 936.64 20-PA' nviENi PLIFI S. 1 $28.87 $55. 55 2 17 58.43 110.03 3 316 2 88.70 163. 48 5 164 3 119. 68 215.91 6 294 4 151. 35 267. 33 7 352 5 183.74 317.82 8 346 6 216.84 367.39 9 285 7 250.70 416. 18 10 181 8 285.33 464.23 11 41 9 320. 77 511.66 11 238 10 357.08 558. 60 12 49 11 394.34 605. 23 12 216 12 432.64 651. 73 13 14 13 472. 11 698.32 13 185 14 512.92 745. 26 14 1 15 555. 27 792.90 14 214 16 599.45 841. 65 15 103 17 645. 80 891.98 16 82 18 694. 78 944. 51 17 270 19 746. 98 1 ,000.00 20 25 30 35 40 800.48 .. 849.97 .. " 895.78 .. 936.64 .. (72) Age 50 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 83.98 3.14 6.41 811.91 9.39 19.17 823.71 18.71 38.19 847.03 37.09 75.72 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. Paid- up insur- ance. $34. 70. 107. 145. 184. 224. 255. 308. 352. 397. 445. 494. 545. 598. 655. 714. 778. 846. 919. 1,000. $58. 63 115. 99 172. 10 227. 02 280. 73 333. 28 384. 73 435. 14 484. 58 533. 14 580. 90 627. 99 674. 52 720. 66 766. 55 812. 39 858. 40 904. 82 951. 91 1, 000. 00 Extension. 2 4 6 8 9 10 11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 167 236 197 61 206 283 304 Pure en- dow- ment. $46.84 157. 45 261. 90 360. 30 452. 85 539. 68 620. 96 696. 81 767. 40 832. 88 893. 37 949. 02 End of pol- icy year. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $24. 49. 74. 100. 126. 153. 180. 207. 234. 262. 290. 319. 347. 376. 405. 435. 464. 494. 525. 556. 729. 1,000. 41 29 63 40 57 12 03 27 83 67 79 15 77 63 75 14 83 88 37 44 75 00 Paid- up insur- ance. $45.94 90.73 134. 36 176. 82 218. 08 258. 15 297.04 334. 77 371. 34 406.75 441. 08 474. 29 506. 47 537.64 567. 87 597. 21 625. 71 653. 45 680. 55 707. 13 838. 64 1,000.00 Extension. Pure en- dow- >H O ment. 1 267 3 100 4 224 5 278 6 266 7 197 8 79 8 282 9 82 9 216 9 322 10 41 10 108 10 162 10 204 10 240 10 271 10 298 10 324 10 • * > • $i33. 74 5 697. 69 ENDOWMENT AT AGE 62. 1 $64.77 $91. 29 4 194 132.09 180. 85 8 164 2 202.09 268. 69 9 $85. 31 3 274. 99 354. 94 8 210. 10 4 350. 98 439. 62 7 ■ • « • 328. 69 5 430. 35 522. 88 6 441. 28 6 513. 40 604. 83 5 548. 05 7 600.50 685. 59 4 • • * * 649.14 8 692. 12 765. 32 3 .... 744. 74 9 788. 78 844.17 2 834.99 10 891. 15 922. 34 1 920. 03 11 1,000.00 1,000.00 12 (73) Age 51 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly, Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life ^3.15 3.62 $9.42 10.83 ei8.77 21.57 ^37.21 SO-pavment life 42.76 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE • End of policy year. 20-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $23. 67 $44. 57 1 214 1 $29. 56 $55. 66 1 357 47.71 87.93 2 359 2 59.80 110. 21 3 264 72.09 130. 06 4 69 3 90.72 163. 67 5 83 96.77 170. 93 5 78 4 122. 30 216. 02 6 188 121. 71 210. 52 6 26 5 154. 56 267. 34 7 222 146. 87 248. 84 6 285 6 187. 48 317. 64 8 195 172. 22 285. 89 7 132 7 221. 10 367. 04 9 118 197. 71 321. 67 7 304 8 255. 44 415. 60 9 363 223. 30 356. 19 8 75 9 290. 51 463. 39 10 209 248. 93 389. 42 8 180 10 325. 38 510.58 11 29 274. 56 421. 40 8 258 11 363. 08 557. 26 11 197 300. 13 452. 12 8 313 12 400. 71 603. 63 11 353 325. 61 481. 62 8 349 13 439. 38 649. 90 12 146 350. 94 509. 91 9 4 14 479. 23 696. 31 12 306 376. 05 536. 98 9 11 15 520. 43 743. 15 13 118 400. 90 562. 88 9 7 16 563. 23 790. 80 13 316 425. 42 587. 59 8 358 17 607. 94 839. 68 14 197 449. 55 611. 13 8 335 18 654. 95 890. 36 15 165 473. 25 633. 55 8 304 19 704.79 943. 52 16 329 496 46 654. 85 747. 24 8 7 265 311 20 25 758. 13 810. 62 1,000.00 605. 73 707. 29 823. 00 6 201 30 859. 40 801. 56 886. 01 4 291 35 904. 68 1 883 27 935. 74 2 297 40 943. 93 1 • (74) Age 51 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 62 84.06 3.26 7.05 912.15 9.75 21.09 924.19 19.42 42.00 947.96 38.51 83.28 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $35. 70. 107. 145. 184. 225. 266. 308. 352. 397. 444. 493. 544. 597. 653. 713. 776. 844. 918. 1,000. 01 98 94 90 92 02 29 80 65 96 90 67 53 81 88 28 64 80 80 00 Paid- up insur- ance. $58. 53 115.77 171.74 226.44 279.94 332. 25 383. 46 433. 62 482.81 531.12 578. 67 625. 58 671.99 718.09 764.00 810.00 856. 29 903. 17 950. 96 1,000.00 Extension. 2 4 6 7 9 10 11 11 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CO 123 144 63 253 46 41 362 Pure en- dow- ment. $117.10 227. 82 331.97 429. 70 521.15 606. 52 685.96 759. 65 827.71 890. 34 947. 72 End of pol- icy year. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $25. 50. 76. 102. 129. 156. 183. 211. 239. 267. 295. 324. 352. 381. 410. 439. 469. 498. 528. 559. 729. 1,000. 08 61 56 89 59 61 94 55 41 50 79 25 89 71 68 83 19 81 78 22 09 00 Paid- up insur- ance. $46.40 91.60 135. 56 178. 27 219. 73 259. 94 298. 91 336. 65 373. 19 408. 55 442.74 475. 78 507. 75 538. 69 568. 62 597. 61 625. 74 653. 08 679. 75 705. 86 835. 81 1,000.00 Extension. 1 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 to 248 59 161 192 161 75 1 305 129 282 40 137 212! 27l! 316 352 16 40 60 78 Pure en- dow- ment. 10... 5 ... ..i. $39.65 673. 60 ENDOT) VMENT ' AT AGE 62. 1 $71. 98 $98. 55 4 269 146. 83 195. 22 8 284 2 224. 77 290.12 8 $130. 72 3 306. 03 383. 32 7 261. 24 4 390.90 474. 95 6 385. 15 5 479. 69 565. 12 5 502.63 6 572. 83 654.00 4 613. 89 7 670. 80 741. 75 3 719. IC 8 774. 16 828. 53 2 818. 42 9 883.61 914.54 1 912. OC 10 1,000.00 1,000.00 11 (75) Age 52 LIFE m $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary liie $3.30 3.75 $9.87 11.22 $19.66 22.34: $38.98 4-4 30 20-paynient life GUARANTEED VALUE! 3. ORDINARY LIFE. End of policy year. 20-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $24. 62 $45. 38 1 202 1 $30. 27 $55. 79 1 332 49.59 89.46 2 332 2 61.19 110.39 3 209 74.87 132. 24 4 26 3 92.74 163.81 5 2 100.42 173. 70 5 19 4: 124.93 216.09 6 81 126. 19 213.80 5 318 5 157. 75 267. 27 7 93 152.15 252.58 6 199 6 191.21 317.42 8 47 178. 26 290. 03 7 36 7 225. 33 366.61 8 318 204. 47 326. 15 7 198 8 260.12 414.92 9 183 230.72 360. 93 7 325 9 295. 62 462. 46 10 16 256. 97 394. 40 8 58 10 331.86 509.34 10 190 283.16 426. 55 8 130 11 368. 93 555. 76 10 347 309.26 457. 44 8 181 12 406. 90 601. 86 11 133 335. 21 487. 05 8 215 13 445.91 647. 90 11 281 360. 93 515.39 8 233 14 486.09 694. 12 12 69 386. 37 542. 48 8 239 15 527. 65 740. 84 12 237 411.49 568. 35 8 235 16 570. 86 788. 47 13 60 436. 20 592.99 8 221 17 616. 07 837. 51 13 292 460. 48 616. 46 8 197 18 663. 74 888.56 14 249 484. 25 638. 76 8 165 19 714.47 942. 41 16 29 507. 51 659. 93 8 124 20 769. 04 1,000.00 617.54 752.51 7 169 25 820. 64 719.91 828. 77 6 37 30 868. 65 S15. 16 892. 52 4 137 35 913.32 894. 96 941. 33 2 153 40 950. 74 ■ ■■ (76) Age 52 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment Endowment at age 63 $4.15 3.39 7.83 $12.41 10.14 23.42 $24.72 20.19 $49.02 40.05 92.49 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. | End of pol- icy year. 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Exten ision. Exte . ision. Paid- Paid- Cash value. up insur- ance. C6 Pure en- dow- Cash value. up insur- ance. 2 03 >> 03 Pure en- dow- >^ P ment. IH M ment. $35.26 $58. 45 2 79 1 $25.80 $46.90 1 229 71.43 115.56 4 56 2 52.02 92.52 3 18 108.53 171.35 5 298 3 78.60 136.81 4 98 146. 58 225.84 7 87 4 105. 54 179.81 5 109 185.63 279.11 8 167 5 132. 78 221.47 6 59 225.71 331.16 9 185 6 160. 31 261.84 6 321 266.90 382. 10 10 155 7 188. 09 300. 91 7 171 309. 28 431.99 11 88 8 216.09 338. 69 7 347 352.93 480. 90 11 $70.47 9 244. 27 375.21 8 124 398.01 528.97 10 188.60 10 272.61 410.49 8 236 444. 67 576.28 9 * > * * 299.43 11 301.08 444. 56 8 324 493. 13 622.99 8 403. 16 12 329. 66 477. 46 9 26 543. 67 669. 27 7 499. 99 13 358. 33 509. 22 9 79 596. 62 715.28 6 590. 09 14 387. 07 539. 88 9 120 • 652.41 761.23 5 .... 673. 65 15 415.88 569. 49 9 150 711.61 807. 36 4 .... 750.85 16 444. 77 598.12 9 174 774.92 853. 96 3 821.88 17 473.77 625.85 9 191 843. 25 901.35 2 886. 95 18 502. 93 652. 76 9 203 917.77 949. 90 1 946. 25 19 532.34 678. 96 9 211 1,000.00 1, 000. 00 20 562.14 704.60 q ?18 25 728. 58 832.98 5 $644. 79 30 1, 000. 00 1,000.00 ENDOWMENT AT AGE 62. 1 $80.66 $107.24 4 355 164.65 212.52 8 $35.70 2 ^ 252.21 315.91 7 180.48 3 343.65 417.54 6 317.92 4 439. 34 517.58 5 448. 26 5 539. 70 616. 17 4 571.68 6 645. 27 713.52 3 688. 40 7 756. 64 809.78 2 798. 56 8 874. 58 905. 19 1 902.37 9 1,000.00 1, 000. 00 10 (77) Age 53 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life $3.46 3.88 $10.35 11.61 $20.61 23.11 $40.87 45.83 20-paym.ent life GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End of policy year. 20-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. S25. 60 $46. 18 1 188 1 $30. 99 $55. 91 1 304 51.52 91.00 2 303 2 62.58 110.54 3 153 77.71 134, 42 3 346 3 94.78 163. 94 4 284 104.13 176. 43 4 323 4 127. 56 216. 12 5 340 130. 74 217.04 5 243 5 160. 94 267. 17 6 331 157. 52 256. 28 6 112 6 194. 93 317. 15 7 266 184. 38 294. 10 6 303 7 229. 52 366. 11 8 155 211. 30 330. 55 7 90 8 264. 75 414. 16 9 6 238. 21 365. 61 7 210 9 300. 63 461. 41 9 192 265. 07 399. 30 7 301 10 337. 23 508. 01 9 355 291. 83 431. 66 8 3 11 374. 62 554. 11 10 140 318. 42 462. 66 8 50 12 412. 90 599. 94 10 280 344. 79 492. 35 8 81 13 452. 19 645. 71 11 56 370. 88 520. 73 8 98 14 492. 66 691. 71 11 203 396. 63 547. 82 8 104 15 534. 54 738. 30 11 357 421. 97 573. 64 8 98 16 578. 13 785. 93 12 176 446. 86 598. 22 8 83 17 623.83 835. 14 13 28 471. 24 621. 58 8 59 18 672. 15 886. 59 13 335 495. 08 643.76 8 24 19 723. 81 941. 19 15 104 518. 42 664. 88 7 346 20 779. 72 1, 000. 00 629. 53 757. 98 7 19 25 830. 54 732 72 834 78 5 252 .^O 877. 74 828 37 898. 95 3 330 3.5 921. 49 904 45 945. 79 1 335 40 956. 30 F ■i" (78) Age 53 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment $4.25 3.5i $12.71 10.59 $25.32 21.09 $50.20 41.82 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOV/MENT. Cash value. $35. 71. 109. 147. 186. 226. 267. 309. 353. 398. 444. 492. 542. 595. 650. 709. 773. 841. 916. 1,000. 53 91 17 32 40 47 58 80 25 07 43 55 73 32 80 78 Q2 54 63 00 Paid- . up insur- ance. $58,36 115.33 170. 94 225. 22 278. 22 330.02 380. 67 430. 26 478.88 526. 66 573.72 620. 22 666. 32 712.23 758. 19 804. 48 851. 899.35 948. 72 1,000.00 Extension. 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 oa >> 03 ft 36 334 172 292 342 333 279 190 Pure en- dow- ment. $16.63 143.42 262.05 372.77 475. 81 571.38 659. 68 740.94 815.35 883. 18 944. 63 End of pol- icy year. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $26. 53. 80. 103. 136. 164. 192. 220. 249. 278. 306. 335. 364. 392. 421. 449. 478. 507. 536. 565. 728. 1,000. Paid- up insur- ance. $47.41 93.47 138. 14 181.41 223.32 . 263.85 303.04 340. 87 377. 38 412.60 446.55 479. 28 510. 83 541.21 570. 50 598. 76 6^6. 07 652.52 678. 24 703. 43 830. 22 1,000.00 Extension. ft 209 342 36 27 325 206 43 206 337 75 155 216 262 2971 322i 339' 349 354 353 350 Pure en- dow- ment. $610.13 (79) Age 54 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Semi- annual. Monthly. Quarterly. Annual. Ordinary life $3.63 4.03 $10.86 12.06 $21.62 24.01 $42.88 20-payTnent life 47.61 ORDINARY LIFE. Cash value. $26. 59 53.48 80.59 107.91 135. 38 162. 95 190. 58 218. 20 245. 76 273. 22 300. 52 327. 58 354. 35 380. 78 406. 78 432.32 457. 34 481. 81 505. 76 529. 25 641. 73 745. 96 841. 14 913. 66 Paid-up insur- ance. $46.97 92.51 136. 54 179. 14 220. 26 259. 92 298. 14 334. 89 370. 22 404. 13 436. 65 467. 77 497. 52 525. 93 552.99 578. 76 603. 25 626. 51 648. 64 669. 78 763. 67 841.21 905. 23 950. 22 Extension. Yrs. Days 173 271 298 260 167 25 205 348 95 181 243 287 315 331 335 329 314 289 255 212 247 95 189 234 End oi policy year. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 20-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash value. $31. 71 63.98 96.82 130. 20 164. 14 198. 62 233. 67 269. 29 305. 54 342. 47 380. 15 418. 68 458. 20 498.91 541.06 584.99 631.15 680. 15 732. 81 790. 18 840. 32 886. 77 929. 20 961.52 Paid-up insur- ance. $56. 01 110.67 164. 04 216. 14 267. 05 316.82 365. 54 413.31 460. 27 506. 56 552. 35 597. 86 643. 33 689.09 735. 54 783. 14 832. 51 884. 41 939. 84 1, 000. 00 Extension. Yrs. 1 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 13 14 Days. 276 98 202 235 205 122 361 198 7 161 301 69 203 338 124 293 140 66 178 (80) Age 54 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. 20-year endowment 30-year endowment $4.37 3.69 $13.07 11.04 $26.03 21.98 $51.62 43.59 GUARANTEED VAXUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $35. 72. 109. 148. 187. 227. 268. 310. 353. 398. 444. 491. 541. 593. 649. 707. 770. 839. 915. 1,000. Paid- up insur- ance. S58.27 115.10 170. 52 224. 58 277. 32 328.83 379. 18 428. 44 476. 75 524. 22 571.00 617. 24 663. 15 708. 95 754.90 801.33 848.59 897.12 947.41 1,000.00 Extension. 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 358 251 52 139 160 126 50 305 174 Pure en- dow- ment. $91. 33 219.09 338.00 448.26 550. 16 643.89 729.76 808. 01 878.95 942.83 End of pol- icy year. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 26 30 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $27. 55. 83. 111. 139. 168. 197. 225. 254. 283. 312. 341. 370. 398. 427. 455. 483. 511. 540. 568. 728. ,000. ] Sxte nsion. Paid- . "P • Pure insur- 2 ^ .^ en- ance. ^ dow- >H « ment. $47.96 1 189 94.48 2 300 139. 53 3 339 183. 12 4 312 225. 28 5 228 266. 01 6 95 305. 31 6 284 343. 19 7 71 379. 71 7 192 414. 87 7 286 448.73 7 358 481. 28 8 49 512.61 8 91 542. 71 8 121 571. 66 8 142 599. 54 8 155 626. 41 8 160 652. 40 8 158 677. 67 8 151 702.44 8 139 827. 61 5 .... $568. 09 1,000.00 (81) Age 55 LIFE ^"^ $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. AnnuaL Ordinai'V life §3.82 4.19 fll.iS 12.53 S22.76 24:.98 f45.l3 20-payinent life 49.50 GUARANTEED VALUES. OB DINARY LIFE • End of policy year. 20-PAYMEN': r LIF] E. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. yrs. Days. $27.62 $47.77 1 157 1 $32.44 $56. 11 1 247 55.47 93.98 2 238 2 65.40 110.81 3 42 83.53 138.66 3 249 3 98.87 164.13 4 121 in. 76 181.83 4 196 4 132.85 216. 15 5 131 140.08 223.44 5 90 5 167.32 266.89 6 81 168.46 263.53 5 301 a 202.29 316.45 6 347 196.84 302.11 6 106 7 237.76 364.91 7 205 225.15 339.17 6 241 8 273.77 412.41 8 29 253.36 374.75 6 346 9 310.35 459.05 8 193 281.41 408.88 7 61 10 347.56 505.00 8 336 309.21 441.54 7 120 11 385.47 550.44 9 104 336. 71 472.75 7 162 12 424.20 595.59 9 230 363. 86 502.56 7 189 13 463.91 640.75 9 353 390.53 530.97 7 204 14 504.80 686.24 10 120 416.82 558.01 7 208 15 547. 18 732.52 10 259 442.52 583.70 7 201 16 591.40 780.08 11 51 467.66 608. 11 7 185 17 638.02 829. 63 11 252 492.26 631.33 7 158 18 687.73 882.02 12 167 516. 39 653.51 7 121 19 741.48 938. 37 13 252 540 11 674. 73 7 75 20 800. 48 1,000.00 654 1» 769. 65 6 105 25 849. 97 759 78 848. 18 4 304 30 895. 78 85^ O*) 911 72 2 359 35 936. 64 922. 06 954. 34 348 40 966. 18 (82) Age 55 ENDOWMENT $1,000 POLICY. 20-year endowment. 30-year endowment. PREMIUMS. Monthly. ?4.49 3.86 Quarterly. ?13.43 11.55 Semi- annual. $26. 75 22.99 AnnuaL 853.04 45.60 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. End of 30-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Paid- up Extension. Paid- up Extension. Cash • Pure pol- icy year. Cash Pure_ value. insur- ance. ^' >> e3 en- dow- value. insur- ance. M >> en- dow- l>^ M ment. >^ ft ment. S36. 13 $58. 17 1 316 1 $28.22 $48.53 1 168 73.00 114.85 3 170 2 56.71 95.51 2 259 110.62 170. 09 4 302 3 85.45 140.98 3 279 149. 01 223. 92 5 359 4 114.39 184. 93 4 234 188. 19 276. 39 6 352 5 143.48 227.35 5 134 228. 21 327. 60 7 295 6 172. 69 268. 29 5 353 269. 12 377. 61 8 196 7 201.95 307.72 6 164 311.02 426.55 9 67 8 231. 22 345. 68 6 306 354.01 474. 51 9 283 9 260.47 382. 21 7 52 398. 25 521.65 10 S31. 20 10 289. 66 417.34 7 140 443.91 568. 10 9 169.71 11 318.73 451.09 7 206 491. 25 614.05 8 298.16 12 347.63 483.47 7 257 540. 58 659.73 7 416.82 13 376. 35 514. 57 7 294 592.34 705.38 6 526. 02 14 404.83 544. 38 7 319 547.08 751.31 5 626.04 15 433. 08 572.99 7 335 705.50 797.87 4 717.19 16 461.10 600.47 7 342 768.57 845.49 3 799. 81 17 488.92 626.92 7 342 837. 52 894. 66 2 874. 21 18 516.65 652. 48 7 333 913.98 945.97 1 940. 81 19 544. 48 677. 37 7 319 1,000.00 1,000.00... 20 25 572. 60 728.85 701. 78 825. 22 7 5 300 ^516. 22 30 1, 1 (83) Age 56 Ti LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. $12.00 13.04 §23.89 25.97 Ordinary life .- §4.01 4.36 847.37 20-t)ayment life 51.50 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. Cash value. $28.65 57.51 86.53 115.66 144. 85 174. 03 203. 15 232. 16 261. 00 289. 59 317. 88 345. 79 373. 27 400. 25 426. 68 452. 54 477. 84 502. 65 527. 05 551. 10 666. 73 774. 06 867. 10 Paid-up insur- ance. $48. 54 95.47 140.78 184. 49 226.60 267. 10 306. 03 343. 40 379. 23 413.52 446.32 477. 60 507.44 535.82 562.81 588. 45 612.84 636.12 658.42 679. 85 775. 81 855.62 918.61 Extension. Yrs. Days. 140 204 198 131 12 212 8 135 234 308 363 38 64 78 81 73 55 25 351 306 325 162 244 End of policy year. 20-PAYMENT LIFE. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 Cash value. $33. 17 66.82 100.93 135.49 170. 49 205.92 241.79 278.15 315.03 352. 46 390. 56 429. 44 469. 27 510. 29 552.83 597.33 644. 41 694.90 749. 85 810.62 859. 40 904. 68 943. 93 Paid-up insur- ance. $56. 20 110.92 164.21 216.12 266.71 316.05 364. 23 411.42 457. 73 503.30 548. 36 593. 14 637.94 683. 14 729.20 776.72 826.46 879. 42 936. 75 1,000.00 Extension. Yrs. Days 1 2 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 12 219 352 41 29 326 209 53 230 17 153 277 30 149 269 32 183 364 268 326 (Si) Age bt ► ENDOWMENT $1,000 Monthly Quarterly PREMIUMS. S4.63 Semiannual 13.85 Annual 927.58 5i.69 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $36. 73. 111. 149. 189. 229. 270. 311. 354. 398. 443. 490. 539. 590. 644. 702. 765. 835. 912. 1,000. Paid- up insur- ance. $58. 08 114.61 169. 66 223. 24 275. 43 326. 33 376. 00 424. 57 472. 16 518.92 565.00 610. 63 656.04 701.50 747. 38 794. 07 842. 08 891.96 944. 37 1, 000. 00 Extension. 276 93 192 219 188 108 354 8 207 9 9 9 .. 8 -. 7 .. 6 -. 5 .. 4 .. 3 .. 2.. 1 .. 40 231 Pure en- dow- ment. $112.77 252. 40 380. 90 498. 55 605. 82 703. 04 790. 57 868. 92 938. 57 End of pol- icy year. 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 li 15 16 17 18 19 20 160177'— 20- (85) Age Di LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life $4.22 4.55 $12.62 13.61 $25.14 27.11 $49.85 20-oavnient life 53.75 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. Cash value. S29. 71 59.59 89.58 119.63 149. 67 179. 65 209. 51 239. 20 268. 64 297. 76 326. 50 354. 78 382. 57 409. 78 436. 39 462.44 487. 98 513. 10 537. 86 562.31 679. 46 788. 46 879. 79 Paid-up insur- ance. $49. 32 96.95 142. 89 187. 14 229. 71 270. 63 309. 89 347. 55 383. 61 418. 07 450.95 482. 30 512.16 540. 51 567. 45 593. 08 617.56 640. 99 663. 52 685. 21 782. 20 863. 29 925. 37 Extension. Yrs. 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 3 2 Days. End of policy year. 122 168 146 66 299 124 275 30 123 194 246 284 308 321 322 314 294 264 225 178 191 360 79 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 20-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash value. $33. 92 68.27 103.01 138.14 173. 64 209. 51 245. 78 282. 45 319.56 357.18 395. 41 434. 36 474. 25 515.33 557. 99 602. 76 650. 36 701. 69 757. 93 820. 64 868. 65 913.32 950. 74 Paid-up insur- ance. $56. 31 111.07 164. 31 216.10 266. 50 315.61 363. 54 410. 39 456. 32 501. 50 546. 14 590. 48 634. 89 679. 74 725. 57 773. 05 823. 05 876. 59 935. 00 1, 000. 00 Extension. Yrs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 11 12 Days. 190 297 327 295 207 75 271 71 214 340 93 205 313 60 181 315 128 3 44 (S6) : — os: Aie 57 , ENDOWMENT PREMIUMS. Monthly S4.78 I Semiannual. Quarterly 14.30 I Annual GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOV/MENT. Cash value. Paid- . up insur- ance. $36. 74. 112. 151. 190. 230. 270. 312. 354. 398. 443. 489. 537. 588. 642. 700. 763. 832. 910. 1,000. 84 29 34 00 29 25 96 48 92 44 25 61 91 63 42 19 09 63 73 00 Extension. $58. 00 114.41 169. 26 222. 59 274. 49 325.03 374. 35 422.53 469. 70 516.04 561.72 606. 97 652. 05 697. 30 743. 08 789. 91 838. 33 889. 00 942. 61 1,000.00 Pure en- dow- ment. 238 20 87 87 32' 295 158 357 176 349 S46. 85 199. 68 339. 65 467.24 582.83 686.98 780. 17 863. 00 936. 07 End of pol- icy year. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 20 //• (87) Age 58 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary life $4.44 4.74 $13.28 14.18 $26.45 28.24 $52.45 20-t)avnient life GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE End of policy year. 20-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash ^ value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $30. 80 $50. 11 1 104 1 $34. 68 $56. 42 1 162 61.71 98.43 2 132 2 69.72 111.21 2 242 92.67 144.97 3 95 3 105.10 164.41 3 250 123. 63 189.75 4 1 4 140. 78 216.07 4 197 154. 53 232. 79 4 221 5 176.77 266. 29 5 93 185. 31 274. 10 5 36 6 213.07 315.16 5 310 215.91 313.71 5 179 7 249. 69 362. 80 6 128 246. 24 351.62 5 291 8 286. 62 409. 28 6 282 276. 26 387. 88 6 13 9 323.93 454.81 7 50 305. 88 422. 48 6 81 10 361. 67 499. 54 7 171 335. 03 455. 45 6 132 11 399. 95 543. 71 7 280 363. 66 486. 84 6 169 12 438. 92 587. 59 8 17 391.70 516. 67 6 193 13 478. 79 631.54 8 120 419. 13 545. 00 6 204 14 519. 89 676. 02 8 223 445.98 571.97 6 205 15 562. 66 721.62 8 329 472. 31 597. 72 6 194 16 607. 73 769. 10 9 93 498. 19 622.36 6 172 17 655. 87 819. 35 9 256 523. 71 646. 06 6 139 •IS 708. 10 873. 53 10 . 121 548.91 668. 88 6 98 19 765. 74 933. 10 11 136 573. 81 690. 89 788.98 870. 93 6 I 47 43 235 20 25 30 830. 54 1 877.74 .. , 000. 00 692. 52 802. 55 921.49 .. 890.09 930. 76 1 310 35 955.30 .. (88) Age 58 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. Monthly 94^.95 \ Semiannual. Quarterly 14.81 I Annual 929.19 58.17 GUARANTEED VALUES, 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $37. 75. 113. 152. 191. 231. 271. 313. 355. 398. 442. 488. 536. 586. 639. 697. 759. 829. 908. 1,000. Paid- up insur- ance. $57. 95 114.21 168. 85 221. 93 273. 51 323. 72 372.64 420. 38 467. 11 512.99 558. 20 603. 02 647. 73 692. 69 738.40 785. 37 834. 26 885. 74 940. 67 1,000.00 Extension. ft 201 314 353 327 249 128 337 157 324 120 277 Pure en- dow- ment. $138. 43 291. 98 431. 14 556. 48 668.66 76a 37 856.31 933. 26 End of pol- icy year. 1 O «^ 3 1 o 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 (89) Age 59 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly, ^^emt Annual. Ordinary life ^4.68 4.96 $14.00 $27.88 14.84 29.55 $55.28 20-paynient life 68.59 GUARAKTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End of policy year. 20-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up E:s tension. value. Yrs. Days. insur- ance. Yr s. Days. $31.89 $50. 87 1 85 1 $35. 44 $55. 53 1 134 63.84 99.87 2 96 2 71.18 111.35 2 189 95.78 147. 00 3 43 3 107. 18 164. 50 3 175 127. 66 192.31 3 300 4 143.41 216.03 4 103 159. 42 235. 80 4 144 5 179.88 266. 07 4 347 190.99 277. 50 4 313 6 216.58 314. 69 5 185 222. 29 317.42 5 83 7 253. 49 361.97 5 354 253. 26 355. 59 5 190 8 290. 65 408. 08 6 134 283. 82 392. 01 5 273 9 328. 10 453.17 6 259 313.90 426. 73 5 337 10 355. 89 497. 40 7 4 343. 44 459. 77 6 20 11 404. 17 541.07 7 109 372.37 491. 17 6 56 12 443. 08 584.44 7 205 400. 68 521.01 6 78 13 482. 88 627. 90 7 297 428. 38 549. 40 6 89 14 523.97 672. 00 8 23 455. 54 576. 50 6 87 15 566. 87 717.39 8 125 482. 25 602. 45 6 73 16 612. 26 764. 87 8 240 508. 57 627. 38 6 47 17 660. 98 815.40 9 20 534. 58 651.42 6 12 18 714.16 870. 25 9 237 560. 27 674. 59 5 336 19 773. 26 931. 03 ] LQ 226 585.64 696. 92 5 289 20 840. 32 1,000.00 ... 706 18 796 35 4 272 25 886. 77 816 27 878. 47 3 82 30 929. 20 900. 14 936. 16 1 197 35 961.52 (90) Age 59 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. Monthly 85.14 Quarterly 15.38 Semiannual. Annual 830.62 60.72 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. $37. 75. 114. 153. 192. 232. 273. 314. 355. 398. 442. 487. 534. 583. 635. 693. 756. 826. 905. 1,000. Paid- up insur- ance. $57. 88 114. 01 168. 45 221. 25 272. 54 322. 38 370. 87 418. 16 464. 40 509.74 554. 45 598. 76 643. 05 687. 74 733. 36 780. 49 829. 84 882. 21 938. 54 1, 000. 00 Extension. a ft 165 247 258 208 109 333 162 331 122 268 45 Pure en- dow- ment. $66. 62 236. 32 389. 22 326. 02 647. 59 754. 86 848. 69 930. 10 End of pol- icy year. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (91) Age 60 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. POLICY. Monthly. Quarterly. Semi- annual. Annual. Ordinary lii? 20-oavnient iAq §4.94 5.19 ^14.78 15.53 029.43 30.92 $58.36 fil-31 GUAPJ^NTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End of policy year. 20-PAYMENT LIFE. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. Cash value. Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Yrs. Days. $33.00 $51. 62 1 66 1 $36. 22 $56. 66 1 107 66.00 101. 30 2 59 2 72.64 111. 49 2 137 98.93 149. 03 2 356 3 109. 26 164. 59 3 102 131. 73 194. 85 3 234 4 146. 04 216. 01 4 12 164.34 238. 78 4 68 5 182. 97 265. 85 4 239 196. 67 280. 84 4 227 6 220. 01 314. 17 5 64 228. 66 321. 05 4 354 7 257. 19 361. 11 5 222 260. 23 359. 43 5 91 8 294. 52 406. 79 5 356 291. 30 396.00 5 171 9 332. 04 451. 39 6 109 321. 81 430. 81 5 233 10 369. 84 495. 11 6 215 351. 70 463. 90 5 279 11 408. 03 538. 21 6 309 380. 93 495. 33 5 312 12 446.82 581. 01 7 31 409.55 525. 25 5 332 13 486. 54 623. 99 7 117 437. 60 553. 80 5 340 14 527.64 667. 75 7 201 465. 19 581. 14 5 335 15 570. 69 712. 93 7 287 492. 38 607. 41 5 320 16 616. 41 760. 42 8 23 519. 24 632. 73 5 294 17 665. 73 8n. 23 8 164 545. 78 657. 14 5 261 18 719. 86 866. 74 8 349 571. 99 680.68 5 220 19 780. 47 928. 78 9 314 597. 84 703. 37 5 169 20 849. 97 1, 000. 00 720. 65 804. 49 4 136 25 895. 78 830. 16 83o. 32 2 300 30 936.64 909.35 941. 19 344 35 966. 18 (92) Age 60 ENDOWMENT $1,000 PREMIUMS. Monthly $5.34 Quarterly 15.97 Semiannual. Annual f31.81 63.08 GUARANTEED VALUES. 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT. Cash value. Paid- up insur- ance. $38. 76. 115. 154. 194. 233. 274. 314. 356. 398. 441. 486. 532. 581. 633. 690. 752. 823. 904. 1, 000. 131 60 41 561 05! 91 17 93 29 42 55 03 36 22 47 22 90 44 54 $57. 84 113. 84 168. 08 220. 64 271. 58 321. 03 369.06 415. 84 461. 53 506.32 550.44 594. 22 638. 05 682. 46 727.99 775. 29 825. 12 878. 37 936. 20 001,000.00 Extension. 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 03 ft 132 184 168 96j 341' 184 361 154 295 64 194 320 Pure en- dow- ment. $170. 65 339. 96 490. 41 623. 16 739. 27 839.99 926. 52 End of pol- icy year. 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I 93) Age Dl LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. Monthly .,.,.. S5.22 Semianaual $31.10 Quarterly 15.62 Annual 61.66 •■"" ------- - . . GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End of policy Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. year. $34. 12 $52. 37 1 46 1 68.17 102. 69 2 23 2 102.10 151.02 2 305 3 135. 82 197. 34 3 170 4 169. 26 241. 70 3 357 5 202. 33 284. 03 4 143 6 234.98 324. 55 4 264 7 267.11 363. 12 4 359 8 298. 67 399. 84 5 71 9 329. 57 434. 71 5 132 10 359. 81 467. 87 5 177 11 389. 40 499. 41 5 209 12 418.41 529. 51 5 227 13 446.94 558.34 5 232 11 475. 06 586.05 5 226 15 502. 84 612.74 5 208 16 530. 28 638. 48 5 181 17 557. 38 663. 29 5 145 18 584. 12 687. 22 5 100 19 610. 28 710.12 5 44 20 735. 79 813.32 3 352 25 844. 59 894. 76 2 172 30 . (94) Age 62 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. Monthly $5.52 Semiannual $32.88 Quarterly 16.51 Annual 65.21 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End of policy Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. Mr J year. $35.26 $53. 12 1 27 1 70.38 104. 10 1 352 2 105. 30 153. 00 2 253 3 139. 91 199. 79 3 106 4 174. 16 244. 53 3 283 5 207. 96 287. 23 4 60 6 241. 22 327. 92 4 175 7 273. 89 366. 66 4 267 8 305. 89 403. 48 4 340 9 337. 19 438. 46 5 33 10 367. 82 471. 73 5 76 11 397. 86 503. 51 5 106 12 427. 40 533. 93 5 122 13 456. 51 563. 16 5 125 14 485. 27 591. 33 5 115 15 513. 69 618. 50 5 95 16 541. 74 644. 68 5 66 17 569. 43 669. 94 5 27 18 596. 51 694. 10 4 344 19 623. 04 717. 25 4 291 20 751. 23 822. 53 3 236 25 858. 64 903. 13 1 358 30 ;95) Age 63 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. Monthly $5.8i Semiannual 834.79 Quarterly 17.47 Annual 68.99 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End of policy year. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. $36.41 $53. 86 1 8 1 72.60 105. 49 1 315 108. 48 154.91 2 203 3 143. 98 202.15 3 44 4 179. 01 247. 25 3 211 5 213. 49 290. 23 3 345 6 247. 36 331.15 4 90 7 280. 53 370. 03 4 179 8 312.97 406. 96 4 250 9 344. 72 442. 11 4 304 10 375. 86 475. 66 4 344 11 406.48 507. 80 5 5 12 436. 65 538. 66 5 17 13 466. 46 568. 41 5 16 14 495.92 597. 11 5 4 15 525. 00 624. 76 4 348 16 553. 69 651.42 4 320 17 581. 76 676. 94 4 283 18 609. 27 701.40 4 235 19 636. 32 724. 95 4 174 20 766. 46 831.76 3 103 25 870. 01 909. 77 1 276 30 (96) Age 64 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. Monthlv afi.18 Semiannual $36.82 Quarterly 18.49 Annual 7.'?. 00 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End of policy year. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. $37. 56 $54. 57 354 1 74.80 106.81 1 280 2 111.63 156. 73 2 153 3 147. 99 204. 40 2 347 4 183.77 249. 82 3 140 5 218.92 293. 07 3 268 6 253. 34 334. 16 7 7 287. 01 373. 21 94 8 319. 96 410. 35 163 9 352. 28 445. 82 215 10 384. 05 479. 77 253 11 415. 37 512.41 276 12 446. 30 543. 84 285 13 476. 87 574. 17 282 14 507. 05 603. 40 270 15 536. 83 631. 59 248 16 565. 96 658. 55 217 17 594. 51 684.41 A 175 18 622. 58 709.30 t 119 19 650. 46 733. 52 46 20 781. 43 840. 97 2 329 25 881. 20 916. 47 1 145 30 (97; Age 65 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. Monthly $6.55 Semiannual $39.02 Quarterly 19.59 Annual 77.37 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End of policy Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. - value. Yrs. Days. year. S38. 69 $55. 25 334 1 76. 96 108. 05 1 244 2 114. 74 158. 48 2 104 3 151.92 206. 53 2 287 4 188. 44 252. 27 3 72 5 224. 20 295. 73 3 195 6 259. 19 337. 03 3 295 7 293. 43 376. 33 4 11 8 327. 00 413. 83 4 78 9 360. 01 449. 74 4 128 10 392. 55 484. 26 4 163 11 424. 70 517. 52 4 183 12 456. 46 549. 59 4 190 13 487. 81 580. 51 4 185 14 518. 75 610. 32 4 171 15 549. 02 638. 84 4 147 16 578. 68 666. 18 4 111 17 607. 85 692. 52 4 60 18 636. 82 718. 13 3 358 19 665. 71 743. 16 3 294 20 796. 75 850. 65 2 216 25 891. 53 922. 74 337 30 (98) Age 66 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. Monthly. i $6.£ >5 1 Se ^9 1 A] smiancual 841.40 Quarterlj 20.'3 anual 82.10 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End of policy year. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. $39. 82 $55. 91 316 1 79.11 109.27 1 210 2 117.79 160. 13 2 57 3 155. 78 208. 55 2 230 4 192. 98 254. 55 3 6 5 229.37 298. 25 3 125 6 264.99 339. 85 3 222 7 299.91 379. 55 3 300 8 334.26 417.57 3 360 9 368.11 454.11 4 43 10 401.54 489.30 4 74 11 434. 58 523. 25 4 90 12 467. 20 555 98 4 95 13 499. 39 587. 54 4 89 14 530. 87 617.72 4 72 15 561.72 646. 66 4 42 16 592. 07 674. 54 3 362 17 622. 20 701.65 3 313 18 652. 26 728. 15 3 252 ly 681.96 753.81 3 182 20 812.92 861.21 2 70 2r, (99) Age 67 LIFE $1,00C PREMIUMS. Monthly $7.38 Semiannual... $43.9 i Quarterly 22.08 Annual 87.1 ; GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End of policy year. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. value. Yrs. Days. $40.93 $56. 53 297 1 81.21 110.40 1 176 2 120. 77 161.68 2 10 3 159. 52 210.41 2 175 4 197. 42 256.71 2 310 5 234. 51 300. 76 3 58 6 270. 88 342. 81 3 153 7 306. 65 383. 08 3 228 8 341. 90 421.78 3 286 9 1 326 10 1 376. 73 459. 07 3 411.14 495. 03 3 351 11 445.10 529. 68 3 363 12 478. 63 563.11 4 13 511.42 595. 09 3 357 14 543. 55 625. 74 3 339 15 575. 15 655. 26 3 308 16 606. 53 683. 98 3 264 17 637. 84 712.05 3 208 18 668. 77 739. 23 3 140 19 698. 77 765.09 3 60 20 828. 83 871.77 1 315 25 (100) Age 68 LIFE $1,000 PREMIUMS. Monthly 87.84 I Semiannual. Quarterly 23.15 I Annual ^46. 70 92.61 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End of policy year. Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. ^,■-^ value. Yrs. Days. $42.00 $57. 10 280 1 83.25 111.45 1 144 2 123. 65 163. 10 1 331 3 163. 17 212.17 2 123 4 ( 1 201.84 258. 86 2 253 5 239. 77 303. 44 2 360 6 277. 06 346. 12 3 86 7 313.82 387. 14 3 158 8 350. 13 426. 65 3 212 9 386. 01 464.77 3 249 10 421.43 501.51 3 272 11 456. 38 536. 94 3 283 12 490. 57 570.83 3 284 13 524. 07 603. 32 3 273 14 557. 02 634.61 3 249 15 589. 74 665.04 3 211 16 622. 39 694. 80 3 160 17 654. 63 723. 60 3 96 18 685. 92 751.02 3 17 19 715. 54 776. 50 2 314 20 1 ^ 841.66 880. 12 1 227 25 1 . 160177"— 20 8 (101) Age by Monthly.-. Quarterly. LIFE $1,000 PREMroMS. $8.33 ! Semiannual. 24.92 1 Annual..... $49.62 98.40 GUARANTEED VALUES. ORDINARY LIFE. End - policy year. , ,.. ;. f Cash Paid-up insur- ance. Extension. . . value. Yrs. Days. $43. 06 $57. 65 262 1 vr.£ 85.23 112. 42 1 113 2 -- 126. 48 164. 46 1 291 3 -- 166. 85 213. 99 2 75 4 ■- i Xi.iii 206. 44 261. 25 2 201 5 >i i d3.jt