^:^^2<_ MEMeRIES OF ViLLiAM N. Sherman BY HJS NEPHEW REV. HARRIS R. GREENE Press ot J.J. Little & Co. Astor Place, New York. SHU? Born Feb. 19, 1809. Died March 2, 1882. li Jaitl)ful £ifc. B E thou Faithful unto Death, and I will ofive thee a Crown of Life." INTRODUCTION. IFFERENT nations have different stan- dards of human excellence. In the view of the ancients, and, at the present time, in the view of uncivilized races, the man to be honored is the man of physical strength and power. He who has the broadest shoulders ; he who stands the tall- est, and can with the greatest vigor draw the bow — he is the man to be esteemed ; he is the hero. Indeed, this criterion of excellence has prevailed more or less among civilized nations. We are told that " Saul was a choice young man and a goodly ; and there was not among the chil- dren of Israel 2. goodlier person than he ; from his shoulders and upward he zvas higJier than any of the peopled It was no small recommendation to Saul in the view of his countrymen with reference to the posi- tion of power he was to occupy that he was Jicad and shoulders taller than any other n-jan. Among nations representing a higher type of civ- ilization and refinement, the standard of excellence becomes one of mental power, intellectnal genius. Such, in the main, is the standard in all civilized and enlightened countries to-day. The great man in Europe to-day is the man who is great in the mili- tary, the scientific, the literary, or the aesthetic world. Tlie great general, the great scientific discoverer, the great poet or historian, the great painter, sculptor, or actor, he is now, throughout Christendom, the man of fame, the man who is honored and worshipped, the man whose biography is sought and read — these are the kinds of men who are immortalized ; these the men whose ashes are permitted a place in West- minster Abbey. But the time is certainly coming when there will prevail still another standard of excellence. The time is coming, and is not far distant, when not physical stature and physical prowess, when not in- tellectual power and intellectual demonstration in whatev^er form, but when spiritual power and spirit- ual development and demonstration shall constitute and characterize the man who shall be called great. The truly great man is the man who is great in con- formity with the principles of the New Testament, the man who is developed and complete in the realm of the spiritual as well as in the realm of the mental ; and this kind of greatness will, by and by, when the world becomes better, find full recognition, even as now it finds partial recognition in Christian lands. The life which we are about to notice briefly was, like many other lives of merit and value, quiet and unobtrusive. It made no figure in the command of armies ; it was not conspicuous in the fields of science, of art, or of literature ; it was not oreat as men count greatness ; but, notwithstanding all this, it had in it elements of mental vigor, and espe- cially elements of moral and spiritual power and beauty, which makes it, in these respects at least, a life well worthy to contemplate. The life whose memoirs are here sketched ex- hibited, in some measure at least, in the lines above indicated, noble and worthy qualities of heart and soul. To bring these more freshly to the memory of friends and acquaintances is the object of these brief memoirs. BIRTH AND FAMILY. ILLIAM NORTH UP SHERMAN was born in North Kingston, R. I., February 19, 1809. His father was Nathaniel Sher- man, also of North Kingston. He was a member of that family of Shermans now represented so conspicuously by Gen. W. T. Sherman, who in the War of the Rebellion was second in rank only to Gen. U. S. Grant ; by Senator Sherman of Ohio, one of the ablest men we have now in Congress ; by Senator Hoar of Massachusetts, probably the most influential man to-day in the United States Senate ; by William M. Evarts of New York, probably the strongest advocate at the bar in the metropolis, and at present a man of power in Congress ; and by Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, President of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad. Sherman Coat of Arms. — Complicated but very handsome. Arms. — Sherman (London and Devonshire, de- scended from the Shermans of Yaxley, County Suf- folk). When displa)'ed or painted, the whole groundwork of the shield is gold color, with a lion rampant in the centre. The lion is black (an un- usual color for a lion), and is surrounded by three green oak leaves. On its shoulder rests a ring. lO CrcsL — A sea lion sejant (or sittinor) on a shield of two colors divided by a perpendicular line ; one side is gold color, the other siKcr color. This sea lion has black spots upon it, and has fins of gold ; the shoulder is a crescent moon. Motto : Conquer death by virtue. The name of Sherman is by no means a common one in England, though it is an ancient, highl)- re- spected, and honored one. Sir Henry Sherman was one of the executors of the will of Lord Stan- ley, Earl of Derby, County of Lancaster, dated May 23, 1521. William Sherman, Esq., purchased Knightston in the time of Henr)- VIIL A monu- ment to William Sherman is in Ottery, St. Mary, erected in 1542. The pedigree of the Sherman famil)' is obtained from Davy's manuscript collection relating to the County of Suffolk ( England), deposited in the British Museum.* Mr. Sherman's mother was Elizabeth Northup. the sister of Rev. William Northup, for half a century one of the most celebrated preachers in Southern Rhode Island. He was the founder of the First Baptist Church in North Kingston, and was its esteemed and honored pastor for a period of fifty- nine years. Few men, in any country, in any denomination, at any period, ha\-e held a pastorate so long. He was a man of large and commanding presence, as he was a man * For these facts I am indebted to William Cothren, Esq.. of Woodbury, Conn., who has written a history of the .Sherman family in England and America. 1 1 of capacious and powerful mind. He was truly a moral and spiritual patriarch among the prophets of Israel. The church under his grand gospel min- istry grew in strength and numbers through all these long years of his pastorate, enjoying in the course of them, in addition to their ordinary ac- cessions constantly occurring, six revivals of great power. Mr. Northup preached not science, not phi- losophy, and not literature, but the simple Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and " the people heard him gladly." He was a truly converted xwa.x\, and he spoke " as the Holy Spirit gave him utterance." It is an interesting fact in his history that his first religious impressions were received from a slave in his father's family. Religion is the same wonderful thing in the hearts of all men, of whatever color, rank, or con- dition. Mr. Northup received through and from a poor black domestic that glorious spiritual energy and life which transformed his entire nature, and made him that great apostle of God he afterwards became. After this wonderfully long and successful pastor- ate, he was gathered to his fathers at the ripe old age of seventy-nine, full of Christian graces, and full of honors, and meet for the Heavenly Kingdom. He commenced his ministry at twenty, and founded the church above referred to only two years later. We have made this somewhat detailed reference to this celebrated man, for two or three special reasons : first, because he was the ever revered and 1 2 eneratcd iiaiiiL'sakc; of Mr. Sherman ; sccoiul, be- cause he exerted ever a ver)' decided iiitliuMice over Mr. Sherman, not onlx' lUn-iiiL;" the boyhood and )oiith of the hitter, but, as the writer believes, throughout his hfe ; and third, because of one or two facts to be noted hereafter, which will be better understood and appreciated by this reference. It will be seen, then, that Mr. Sherman was descended from an ancestry which represented some of the best blood in New England. Education. — Nathaniel Sherman, the father of William N. Sherman, was a well-to-do New Engrland farmer. The country schools in his time — seventy' years a^jo — were not what they are now. Three months in the winter, and that usually under an in- different teacher, was all the " schooling " the best privileged youth of those da)'s ever received at home. These limited educational privileges did not satisfy the aspiring mind of young William. At an early age, therefore, he was sent to the Kingston Hill Academy, where the best of instruction was given, in the higher as well as the common iLngiish branches. Subsequently he was sent to another private school. In these schools he evidently made the most of his now ample privileges, turning to good account every help to education that canu! in his wa)-. The writer has examined with great pleasure and in- terest some of his school work of this time in the form of a complete transcript of the arithmetic he then used, together with a full and complete solution of all the problems given therein. The beauty of the penmanship, the order and neatness of the work, the absolute excellence of the whole, from beginning to end, was very greatly to the credit of the pupil. Little things indicate character as truly as great things. The work of the child forecasts the work of the man. Here at once was an earnest of that or- der, system, care, neatness, and accuracy which characterized the journalist in his grander work in after years, and which, indeed, was so conspicuous in all that he undertook in whatever department of effort — physical, mental, or religious — in later life. Educational institutions as such have no power, in themselves, to make the youths who are privileged to attend them good and noble men. Like many other things, thoroughly good in themselves consid- ered, they may become a saver of life unto life, or ot death unto death. The academ)-, like the college, either helps or harms, according as the student makes it a field for appropriating the good — literary, social, moral, and religious — that it yields ; or, on the other hand, makes it a place where, b)- associating with the low and the base, he absorbs only the vilest and basest moral and spiritual influences, and thus actually learning little or nothing of good, con- tracts life-lono- habits of laziness, license, and vice. So everything, in fact, in nature, in society, and in life becomes a blessing or a banc according as men's native bent and affinities lead them to appropriate the good or to imbibe the evil. Evidently Mr. Sherman found in the educational H and litcrar)' prixilcijcs ot the Kiiv^sLon Acadmiy aiul the other private school followinij' the same, the means of developiiiL;' and iinloKhiiL; his mental, moral and religious powers. Evidently his hi^ii-toned nature became here a grand absorbent of all that was useful, noble, and good, while it was utterl\- irre- sponsive to temptations and influences unhallowed and base. A Teacher. — After leaving the Academy. Mr. Sherman for some years taught in the district schools in different parts of Washington County. We may be sure, from what we know ot him in later life, that he had a model school for tliose days. As is* the man, so is the school. Indeed, the man /s the school. A man fond of order and system will have an orderly and systematic school. Such was he. So a man of refinement, of sensitive conscience, of a keen sense of justice, will impress all these beautiful sentiments more or less upon his pupils. Such a man was he. In his school, therefore, there must have been daily evidence of the influence upon his pupils of these noble jjrinciples. Above all, a man of Christian character will unconsciously induce in all around him, and especially the young, feelings and sentiments of reverence and devotion. Such a man was he, and his school, therefore, must have ielt his power in this direction. Add to all this careful, correct, and thorough and methodical instruction, and you have the elements of all excellence in a school. Learns Bl'siness Life. — But the vocation of the 15 teacher, especially in a sphere so circumscribed, promised little, either of money or of emolument, sixty years ago. Mr. Sherman, therefore, decided upon some other calling in life. Like the great ma- jority of men, he did not yet know for what busi- ness or profession he was best fitted. This he must learn by slow experience, under the revealing power of the chaneine circumstances of life. For a time, with reference to a future business life, he became a clerk in a store in Newport, R. I. Afterwards he removed to Southbridge, Mass., and re-engaged in the same kind of business. Here it was that his mind began to assert itself, and to whisi)er to him that he could do better work than to pore over ac- count books and handle the yardstick. He began to contribute occasional articles to the columns of newspapers published in that vicinity. Becoming encouraged by the reception which these maiden productions received, he began to plan for a larger and better field in this line of effort. The "Ladies' Mirror." — In connection with Mr. •George \V. H. Fiske, he commenced the publication of the Ladies Mirror, a literary paper issued every other Saturday. The circulation soon attained to the figure of about one thousand copies — a most flat- tering success, considering the comparative sparse- jiess of the population in that part of the country. This enterprise he followed up most successfirlly lor .about four years, when he thought he could see something still better ahead. Removal tu Woonsockei". — The city of W'oon- i6 sockt't was c\'cn then a most tloiirishing- town. Mr. Sherman believed that this thrivini^ manufactur- ing" village promised success in the line ot jour- nalism in the near future. . Accordingly in the year 1833 he l)Ought, at an assignee's sale, the print- ing press on which the Ladies Mirror had been previously printed. Loading the same with its conijilement of type and forms on a large team wagon, he started in person lor W'oonsocket. Ar- rived there, he immediately secured a room for an office, and on the 5th of October, 1833, published the first number of his new paper. Thk " WuoNsocKET P.\ iKioT." — It required some business courage to start a weekly paper in the little town of W'oonsocket, as it was more than fifty years dofo. But Mr. Sherman had that virtue which always and ever\\vhere is essential to success, viz. : faith i)i liivisclf. He felt that he could make this new enterprise a success. He had already proved to himself, in his brief experience at journalism in South - bridge, that he could serve up, once a week at least, to the people of Woonsocket and \icinity, the news of the day, and also that kind of intellectual rejjast which they would appreciate and enjoy. In this he was not deceived. His paper soon became very popular ; the subscription list became at once promis- ing, and constantly increased. The Woonsocket Pa- triot soon became an organ of influence and of power, and that not only in the village itself, but far out into the adjoining counties, country, and State. For more than fift\- \ears, and down to the present time. 17 this paper has been one of the leading journals of the State of Rhode Island, and has exerted an in- fluence upon morals, politics, and religion of untold value. Starting as a six-column, four-page paper, it soon grew into an eight-page paper, and circulated more or less throughout the State, and to some ex- tent in adjoining States. Mr. Noah I. Arnold, an old resident of Rhode Island, in an article in the Patriot, copied from a Providence paper on " Woonsocket Reminiscences," says : " Returning my thoughts again to those days of forty years ago, I am not forgetful of the fact that the Woonsocket Patriot was then published, and at that time enjoyed the proud distinction that it does now, and, I trust, will for many years to come, of being one of the ablest of New England newspaper sT Principle vs. Profit. — It is almost needless to say that this paper, while under the control of Mr. Sherman, was conducted upon the highest principles of justice, morality, and Christianity. As editor and proprietor, Mr. Sherman never permitted apparent immediate pecuniary interest to interfere with the claims of progress, reform, and religion. " From one learn all." In its early days the course of the editor, in advocating the cause of temperance, became to quite a number of his sub- scribers a ground of offence. Accordingly, several at once sent in their names, and demanded that^their paper be stopped forthwith. Quite probably these supporters of the rum traffic supposed, as small men are very apt to believe, that their influence thus ex- iS ertccl would be potent in crippling-, if it tlid not re- sult in utterly destroying, this daring- sheet. It is a matter of infniite satisfaction to ever\' true and good man in this world that amid all the wickedness, corruption, and ini(|uity of men there is always a large and powerful leavening of noble, moral, and even reliijious sentiment left. Mr. Sher- man, not knowing how great the defection might be in the future, should he still continue his course of hostility towards the rum power, nevertheless still pursued his way fearlessly, and regardless of con- sequences. The unexpected result was that more than two hundred new subscribers were soon added to his list. All men have a conscience ; all men love the right, the true and the good, and hate the iniquitous, the false and the bad ; and as a rule, all men, when vice is v\o\. profitable to themselves, throw the weight of their influence on the side of virtue and goodness. By its course of unflinching and steadfast advocacy of everything good and noble in reform, the Patriot strengthened constantly its hold upon the hearts of the community. It thus soon became known and recognized as a paper of high and noble aims and purposes. Mr. Sherman continued to publish this paper for some nine or ten years, witli ever-widening influence and ever-increasing circulation. Job Printing. — As this was the only printing office in an enterprising and growing community, it soon became largely patronized for job work. 19 The proprietor had never served an apprentice- ship at the business of job printing. But where there is a will there is always a way. He immediately set to work setting type, locking up forms, and working off his sheets by the power of a strong hand and a mus- cular arm. In a short time he made himself familiar with all the departments of work needful in this line, and was thus enabled to superintend and control the whole business, from the preparation of the manuscript to the carefully-printed page. It was in this office that his nephew, the late Col. A. Crawford Greene, of Providence ; John S. Sibley, of Pawtucket, and S. S. Foss, of Woonsocket, all of whom afterwards made their mark in the busi- ness world, were initiated into the "mystic" art. The first of the above, Col. A. C. Greene, was for more than thirty years a leading newspaper publisher, and probably the largest job printer in the State. Mr. Sibley was for manyyears, in company with another, the publisher of The Gazette and Chronicle in Paw- tucket, and Mr. Foss succeeded Mr. Sherman in the proprietorship of The Patriot, which he continued to publish wiih marked ability for about fort)' years. Marriage. — As before stated, Mr. Slierman lo- cated in Woonsocket in the year 1833. In 1834 he married Miss Mary M. Bliss, of Brimfield, Mass.. in whom he found an educated, cultivated, and accom- plished lady, in every way worth)- to become his lifelong partner. Miss Bliss was the daughter of Ichabod and Re- becca Holbrook Bliss. The Bliss family represented 20 an ancestry of honor and repute. The ancestral coat of arms consisted of a crest, representing an arm uphfted, with the liand grasping a bundle of arrows. (This device was commemorative of an act of prow- ess in the early history of the family). Upon the shield beneath was a bend vaire (he bearetli sable) between two fleur-de-lis. The motto of this lieraldic or escutcheon emblem was " Semper Sursuni " — "Ever Upward." Miss Bliss's mother's name was Rebecca Choate Holbrook, the name CJioate representing thus one branch of her family on her mother's side. Mrs. Sher- man has to this da)' in her possession a large pewter platter (the silver of colonial days) upon which is engraven the " Coat of Arms " of the Choate family (an exact counterpart of this heraldic device can be seen under the head of " Crest " in Webster's Dic- tionary) used more than a century ago, perhaps two centuries, for this platter belonged to her grand- mother, and her motlier would have been one hun- dred and eleven years old if she had lived until the present time. She was a sister of Judge Holbrook of Connecticut, and a cousin of Rufus Choate, the eminent lawyer of Boston. Her grandmother, Re- becca Choate, of Roxbury, Mass., was married De- cember 13, 1758, to John Holbrook of Pomfret, Conn., afterward Deacon Holbrook of the Congre- gational Church there. This platter bears the in- itials of her maiden name, " R " being engraved at the left of the crest, and "C" at the right. The motto is " Fortune De Guerre." It must have 21 become her property at the time she was a bride, or it belonf^ed to some ancestor of the same name, and has been handed down as a family heirloom. What romantic associations do we fancy belonging to an article so ancient, whose historical life may ex- tend to aofes more remote than we even dream, but whose unknown antiquity is only an added charm to its value ! The Holbrook name appears frequently in history in connection with various public services. That they were an ancient family we find from a pe- rusal of various records. I quote from one writer : " A beautiful trianofular farm borderinor on the Mash- amoquet was purchased by John Holbrook, Sr., whose son, Ebenezer (Deacon John Holbrook's father), took possession of it in 17 19. Holbrook's four hundred acres cost him as many pounds. One other farm purchased at that time cost more per acre, the others less, showing that the land and location were considered desirable. The old homestead (tradition says it was the first two-story house in town) is still standing, but modernized in appearance somewhat. The elm under which the first military company in Pomfret halted and had a lunch given them by the Holbrook family is now a venerable tree. The company was on the its way to Boston, 'the seat of war ' during the Revolution.' The sequel, embracing a period of more than half a century, showed that Mr. Sherman had not made an unwise choice. Mrs. Sherman became at once a true helpmate in all his affairs, and, what was most impor- 22 tant ot all, she at once- fell into sympathy with hini ; not in a mechanical or indifferent way, but con- scientiously and enthusiastically, and this in all his relii^ious and charitable aims and pur()Oses, throun^hout the remainder of his life. Failinc; Health. — The village of Woonsocket is a manufacturing town. The power employed was for- merly almost entirely water-power. This involved the floodincf of hundreds of acres of land. So larire an expanse of fresh water produced an atmosphere not favorable to many constitutions. After about nine years of close application to business, Mr. Sherman found his health gradually but decidedly failing. This he attributed, in no small degree, to the damp- ness of the air, caused by the immense amount of evaporation from the extended fresh water overflows mentioned above. Whether it was tliis, or whether it was his close and unremitting application to his con- stantly-growing" business, or whether it was both, it may not be easy to decide. He felt, at any rate, that his health, if not his life, depended upon his making a chanfre. He was moreover stroncrh' advised bv his physicrans to leave his business, to leave the village, and seek recreation and a complete change of life in all directions. Accordingly he felt it imperative to give up his lu- crative business, and find, if possible, some quiet re- treat by the sea-side, where a change of air and a change of life might re;store him again to health. Removal to Wickford. — He had friends and ac- quaintances in tlu- little quiet town of Wickford, in 23 the southern part of the State; thither, in 1843, he removed. By throwing off all care, by devoting himself to out-door recreations, his health began to return to him. As soon as it was measurably re-es- tablished, he accepted several offers of trust and re- sponsibility, which were tendered him — duties which occupied his time, diverted his mind, and thus aided largely in building up again his worn and weakened physical constitution. He held at different times, thus, the offices of notary public, counsellor at law, and sheriff, amus- ing himself in the intervals of active service in gar- dening and fishing, of both which he was very fond. Fond of Fishing. — The writer has a, vivid recol- lection of his extreme fondness for the piscatory art. However dignified in deportment on all proper occasions, the moment a fishing excursion was afoot he was as full of fun and frolic as a boy. And in this pastime he showed great skill and expertness. Full of life and enthusiasm himself, he seemed to have a kind of ''luitching'' power over all the com- pany who chanced to be with him. It was ever a great pleasure to accompan)- liiin on these fishing excursions. There was usually at the start an undertone of apparent discouragement as to the result, — the weather was unfavoral)le, the wind was the wrong wa\', it was too cold or too hot, the bait was not of the right kind, the fishing ground had not been well chosen, the boat was too small or too large, the hooks too large or bad in form, and nothing would be accomplished. But 2 + all this wc knew to be onl\" a kind of internal self- preparation against a possible failure, and at the first indications of success, as soon as a sinq'le fish was brought into the l)oat. instantly he became electrified himself, antl infused the same spirit of ex- hilaration into all the company. Tii.T-i r-iNG. — There was one kind of fishing which he enjoyed remarkably. It was called from the nature of the process tilt-up-i)ig. It was a winter sport- Some good fish-pond was selected, holes were cut through the ice, and baited hooks, attached by lines to short poles, were dropped down. The pole was so arranged, partly over the hole and partly lying outside on the ice, that when the fish bit, the long end would till-up and thus the angler would be made aware of the fact. Conceive thus thirty or forty holes cut in a pond where fish are plenty, and where, it being winter, the fish are himgry ; conceive your sportsman on skates and ready to glide at an)' moment to any portion of the pond covering several acres; conceive of bright, warm fires burning on the pond in a half-dozen differ- ent places ; conceive now of hungry fish biting at these lines, and the poles bobbing uj) all over the pond, ready for \ou to make your haul, at a half- dozen different places at once, and, if you are at all fond of sport, you can understand how tilt-up-ing was a rare amusement. Such it really was, as tlie writer can testify from personal experience, he having accompanied Mr. Sherman once or twice on these excursions. For 25 weeks and months, deprived of his favorite pastime in the usual method, he found rare and grand sport in this form of winter anghng. Dividing his time thus between business and amusement, neither of which taxed his strength, Mr. Sherman finally regained his health completely. He now felt like turning again to his favorite voca- tion of journalism. His old paper, The Woonsockct Patriot, however, he had sold to one of his former apprentices, Mr. S. S. Foss. This, therefore, even if so disposed, he could not now recover. Removal to East GkeExWvich — " The Pendu- lum." — A paper called The Kent County Atlas\\-2iA been established at Phcnix, R. I., during the years 1850-1851 by Mr. I. H. Lincoln. It met with in- sufficient encouragement to warrant its continued publication in that town. Accordingly in 1852 it was removed to East Greenwich, R. I. There it was published for a year and a half with scarcely bet- ter success. The paper was now placed in the hands of some interested citizens, who were greatly desirous of its success, and who became bound finan- cially for its further publication. These gentlemen, knowinL*- the rare fitness and ability of Mr. Sherman to manage such an enter- prise, urgently solicited him to purchase the office, press, materials, etc., and start a newspaper of his own, making the best use he could of the subscrip- tion list of 71ie Atlas. After a delay of some months Mr. Sherman finally decided to engage in this enter- prise, and in May, 1854. he issued the first number 26 of liis new paper, The Rhode Island J\)idului)i. Its imprint bore tlie names of Wickford and Greenwich as places of publication, while it was actually /r/V/A-rt', first in Woonsocket, and afterwards in Providence, in the office of A, Crawford Greene, to whom allusion has been made above. There was siofnificance in the name of this paper, Mr. Sherman beincr accustomed to say, that his new paper was to " jti^/;/^" between the two places of publication above named, and also " to swing for all." The muscle-poiK.'e7' press which the proprietor had purchased, and on which the old Atlas had been published, was all well enough in Atlas s day, since he had an arm and shoulder which, as we are told in classic annals, lifted and supported the world it self. But now it was no loniji'er braion but brain that must lift the world, and so Mr. Sherman, calling into service the power of steam to take the place of brute force in operating the complex machinery of printing, chose to make his paper an Atlas in mo7'al and mental vigor, and thus to move and lift the world. Mr. Sherman's name, appearing now as editor and proprietor, became at once the earnest of success. The number of subscribers immediately began to increase. It soon took a decided and influential stand among the journals of the State. Combin- ing literature and story with local news, intelli- gent, fresh, and racy, it became, almost from the first issue, a favorite in the office, the shop, and es- pecially in the family, where its influence was always 27 wholesome, high-toned, and elevating. Exceptional tact and taste was ever shown in its literary depart- ment, especially in the selection of its stories, one al- ways appearing in every issue. This paper he continued to publish for upwards of twenty-three years, or until October, 1877. Retires from Business. — At this time, having come well-nigh up to the appointed term of human life, the three-score years and ten ; having accumu- lated a sufficiently ample competence for a man of his moderate desires and economical habits ; and feeling that now he had reached the quiet Sabbath of what had been an industrious and active life, he decided to cut loose from all business connections and devote what remained of life to literary and social diversions and delights, and to the accomplishment of what he could do for the cause of education, of morals, of re- ligion, and the Church of Christ. He accordingly sold out his paper, transferring it into the hands of a gentleman who has continued its publication down to the present time. The publication of The Pendulum had, for more than a score of years, been b\- no means an irksome enterprise to Mr. Sherman. It had furnished him congenial employment, one more than an\- other in harmony with his natural inclinations. It had aflord- ed him a channel for the free expression of his own personal convictions, on all questions of morals and reform ; and thus had become to him a source of pleasure and satisfaclicjn rather than a business care and burden. 28 FeelincT that he could trust to no one the final arrangement and disposition of the various articles, and matter generally, to be published, and the " making up " of the completed forms, he himself was accustomed to go to the city of Providence every week, and give his personal attention to this business. He thus made himself acquainted with all the employees of the establishment, and by his pleas- ant social bearing and his never-failing good cheer, he soon became a general favorite with all. His periodical advent was thus always anticipated and welcomed, and soon, from the highest in position to the lowest — not in an unbecoming and graceless familiarity, but in real good-fellowship and kindly feeling — he was known and addressed as "Uncle William." Of course this method of address was first caught from the lips of the proprietor of the es- tablishment, his nephew, who would naturally address him in this way. Rose Cottage. — Up to this time Mr. Sherman had lived and entertained his friends in " his own hired house," not intending to purchase and thus fetter himself, until health, fully restored, should en- able him to fix upon a permanent locality for resi- dence. Feeling that he had now reached that point, in 1858 he purchased the beautiful cottage in Elm Street, opposite the Greenwich Academy, one of the finest residences and localities in the village. We have often visited him at this place, and have always enjoyed exceedingly tlie external as well as the internal cheer and beauty of his home. The 29 house occupies a very elevated position, and com- mands a most delightful view of the adjacent bay, with its circling coves and its larger outer ex- panse, its wooded banks and fresh green islands. Marriage of his Daughter. — Mr. Sherman had only one child, a daughter, Mary M. Sherman. She was educated mainly at East Greenwich Academy, where she passed through the prescribed curriculum, and graduated at the close of the course with valedic- tory honors. Subsequently, for the purpose of per- fecting herself in special departments, she spent about a year at the Oread Collegiate Institute, Worcester, Mass., at that time one of the most pop- ular and influential ladies' seminaries in New En- Sfland. In the year 1872 she was married to John A. Mead, M. D., a successful physician, and a solid citizen of Rutland, Vermont. This marriage took from " Rose Cottage" one of the chief attractions of their home, and after selling out business in Green- wich, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman spent much of their time at the residence of their daughter. Mr. Sherman's Death. — It was here, while on a visit, that Mr. Sherman died, March 2, 1882, aged seventy-three years. Eor some months he had been far from well. Eor a number of weeks his malady, which was a complication of disorders, constantly in- creased. He found himself unable to go back to his home, and after a severe and most painful illness died thus, not in his own home, yet in the midst of his small, but loving and devoted famil)-. ;o His sickness, protracted ami painful, was endured throLicrhout with Christian fortitude. He was, in truth, a patient sufferer, as he drew near the (-nd of life, of which he was entirely conscious. He arose, not indeed, to any grand and ecstatic contem- plations and visions of tlic future glories of the world which he was about to enter, but, what was perhaps better, he settled down into a calm, firm trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, as his only and all-sufficient Sav- iour, and in this holy, restful trust he never faltered or wa\ered to the moment oi his departure. He was remarkabl)- thoughtful of everything per- taining to his funeral, and expressed freely his wishes and preferences in regard to all the arrangements for the same. Among other things, he made a special request that there should be no contributions of flowers, saying that the kind and affectionate feelings of his friends, shown in so pronounced a way during his protracted illness, were better far than the rich- est and rarest flowers that could be heaped about his senseless body in whatever wealth or profusion. Funp:ral Services. — Accomj:)anied by his imme- diate family, his remains were taken to his home in East Greenwich, where kind friends had made ready the house for their reception, and were waiting to receive them. They reached there Saturday after- noon, and on Monday following the funeral services were held at his late resilience. The house was filled with relatives and niourning friends. A large number of citizens, embracing many of the promi- nent professional and business men of the village and vicinity, were present, desirous of paying the last tribute of respect to one whom they had so long and so pleasantly known. In conformity with the request of Mr. Sherman, there were no elaborate floral decorations, except a handsome wreath of calla leaves and wheat, a sickle of wheat and myrtle, and a few other flowers that had been affection- ately laid at the head of the casket. The Rev. Mr. Goodwin, Rector of St. Luke's Church, read por- tions of the Episcopal burial service. The h)mn, " Asleep in Jesus," was then sweetly rendered by a quartet of voices, the music being by Prof. O. L. Carter, who presided at the organ. Prayer was now offered b\' Rev. W. J. Yates. Appropriate re- marks were made by the Rev. F. J. Blakeslee, Prin- cipal of the Academy, whose attendance on this occasion had previously been requested b)- Mr. Sherman. Professor Blakeslee spoke briefly. " Death," he said, " was that dread and mysterious experience to which no reach of Christian fortitude could ever reconcile us. A hope in Christ and the consola- tions of di\ine grace did in some measure solace us in the midst of bereavement. They gave promise of a bright and better life hereafter. Death, although a necessity to secure what was obtained by it. was yet by no means an unmixc;d evil. Its shadow was cold and chilling, but was cast across a golden portal which opened to the realms of endless jo)'." Reference was made to the moral and religious life of the departed ; to the influence which, through the press and in niiiiicrous otlicr ways, he had ex- ertctl ; to liis havin;,; erected and supported a chapel for divine worship, and to his ever salutary example for good among- his fellows. He spoke also of the sweet, peaceful, and trustful composure with which he approached the end, and linall\- la\' down to his last sleej). A few remarks were made by Mrs. Lydia Ma- comber, of the Society of Friends, after which was sung the sadly joyous h\'mn, "I Come to Thee." Mr. Yates, assistetl by Professor Blakeslee, read the closing service, and then pronounced the benediction. His appearance after death was most life-like. Looking upon his calm and peaceful face, one could easily feel that "he is not dead, but sleepeth." So placid and natural did he seem that one who had heard him often in relifrious meeting's said : " It seems as if he could speak." The remains, accompanied b\- immediate friends, were borne to Elm Grove Cemetery, near Wick- fortl. and, in conformit\- witli the wishes of Mr. Sher- man, expressed before death, were deposited in the receiving tomb, to remain there for a few weeks before burial. At the tomb Mr. I. Capron, Chaplain of Harmon)- Lodge, of wliich lie was a meml)er, read the beautiful burial service of that organization. Burial. — Subsequently (in the following May), in the presence of friends, his body was taken from the receiving tomb and placed in a receptacle of masonry which had been prepared with great care and excellence by his friend E. \V. L., of Green- wich. The Rev. J. F. Jones, Pastor of the Allcnton Baptist Church, offered prayer at this, his last rest- ing place. There his sacred ashes shall doubtless sleep until comes the resurrection dawn, when, as he firmly believed, he will be "clothed upon" with a body not of corruption, but of incorruption ; with a body sown indeed in dishonor, but to be raised in glory ; a body sown in weakness, but to be raised in power ; a body sown a natural body, but to be raised an im- mortal and spiritual body. It shall be an eternal temple for the indwelling soul, of grand and beauti- ful mould, of divine workmanship, of eternal duration, and fitted for an everlasting life in the world of light ; " a temple not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." Brother, thou art gone to rest. We will not weep for thee, For thou art now where oft on earth Thy spirit longed to be. Brother, thou art gone to rest, Thy toils and cares are o'er, And sorrow, pain, and suflering now Shall ne'er distress thee more. Brother, thou art gone to rest, And this shall be our prayer, That when we reach our journey's end Thy glory we may share. 3 Mr. SIIKKMAN's ClIAKAeTKR. K r us turn away now from the tearful sur- rounding's and associations of this freshly occupied g^rave, and contemplate for a few moments the character of him whose history we have briefly sketched. Literary Turn of Mind. — In the first place, Mr. Sherman was a man of decided literary taste and bent of mind. This became evident in his boyhood and youth. He was not satisfied, as we have seen, with the acquisition of the common English branches, as tautrht in his da\' in the district school. He sought the academy, and subsequently another pri- vate school, in order to supplement what he had al- ready learned by the acquisition of the higher and nobler truths of literary and scientific knowledg-e. For a time engaged in business, as a clerk, his natural proclivities again asserted themselves, and we find him at the age of twenty-three the editor of The Ladies Mirror, at Southbridc^e. We also find him here, on occasion, tr\ing his hand at poetry, and thus furnishing the programme for F"ourth of July celebrations of the town with odes and h)mns. Later, several other poetic effusions fell from his pen. Subsequently he devoted more than thirty years of his life, and that the very strength of his manhood, 35 to journalistic enterprise, his time beingr divided between the JVoonsockct Pa/riot, about nine years, and The Pendulum, some twenty-three )'ears. For a short time, also, he had charge of a campaign paper, Republican in politics, called the Daily Na- tional Union, and published in Providence. As AN Editor and Journalist. — Mr. Sherman was always decided and pronounced in his views and utterances. He thoroughly believed what he said, and fearlessly said what he believed. No man could possibly mistake his position. He was ever a strong and unswerving adherent and advocate of whatever is worthy and noble in morals ; whatever is healthful and desirable in reform ; whatever is high-toned and true in politics and in religion. He might lose sub- scribers, as he did at Woonsocket, by denouncing the rum traffic and upholding the cause of temper- ance, but it mattered not to him when the weal of humanity was at stake. As a young publisher, he needed every subscriber, but he felt that his greatest and most imperative need was a clean conscience, and a mind that would act without fear or favor for the right, the true, and the good. Hence we find him throughout his long career in journalism ever and fearlessly, regardless of pecuniary gains or losses, promulgating what he honestly believed to be just, right, and true. His pen was ever and in the highest sense loyal to every reform, and to every movement which con- templated th(; uj)lifting and ennobling of men, whether in the realms of mind, morals, or religion. 36 A contemporary, speaking- of The J\'ndit/ii)}i, and Mr. Sherman's connection with the same, uses the folio wi nor laniTuajre : " It is not many years since that the only newspaper taken by many families in our town was 77/^- Rhode Islayid Pendi(/i(?fi, 'swinging for all,' giving the local news each week, as well as the pith of the gen- eral news of the day. It was greeted on Friday evening as a dear old household friend. This was during its thriving days, under the care and editorship of its founder, the late William N. Sherman, who took great pride in the " swings" of T/ic Pendulum^ and labored to make it an honor to the profession. Under his guidance it contained the news, and not such portions as might tickle the fancy of some pet subscriber. When William N. Sherman published an article of news, no one could say to him as w^as said to one in ancient times, 'Why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie, and to keep back part ? ' " Mr. Sherman was never a ineclianical writer. His compositions were always full of feeling and sentiment, and usually seasoned with enough of sensible humor and pleasantry to elicit and hold the attention of the reader, and to please as well as to instruct. He was himself exceedingly fond of l)Oth music and poetry, and these marked tastes of his usually left their im- press, to a greater or less extent, in the way of vi- vacity and sentiment, on his productions. One thing is especially worthy of note in connec- tion with his newspaper life — nothing was ever permitted to appear in the columns of his paper, 37 whether in tlie line of advertisement or of reading matter, that was not perfectly unexceptionable on the score of propriety and purity. There was never an issue from his press that could not be read entire, advertisements and all, b\- all the members of the most high-toned, pure and virtuous family, without the least hesitancy or unpleasant feeling. In this regard, he furnished an example in journalism which some of even our religious papers would do well to follow. Literary Associations. — We have said that Mr. Sherman was of a decided literary turn of mind. This, as we have seen, naturally led him into jour nalism. But this was not the only evidence of this strong bent in his intellectual composition. F"ond of books, he had gathered together a large library. He was especially fond of history, biography, and above all of Biblical literature. With the latter, and with the Bible itself, he made himself most familiarl)- acquainted. He was one of the original movers in the action which secured to the town of Greenwich a public library, and one of the contributors to the original establishment. He was an honorary member of the Rhode Island Press Association. This association was not formed until after he had retired from active journalism, and hence he was precluded from being a regular mem- ber. At the annual meeting succeeding his decease a committee was appointed to draft a suitable memo- rial in recognition of the same, which was forwarded 38 to his famil)' and placed upon the records of the so- ciety. During his residence at Wickford the " Wickford Literary Association " was formed in 1 853. Mr. Sher- man was elected the first president, and held the of- fice until he commenced business in East Greenwich, when he resigned. This society was composed of ladies and gentlemen from the different churches and societies, together with the clergymen of the villao-e. It res^istered more than one hundred names. He had been previously the president of a gentle- men and ladies' Literary Association in Woonsocket. He was elected an honorary member of the Phlog- nothian Society, a flourishing literary organization, in the East Greenwich Academy. He was also made an honorary member of the Rhode Island Press Association, in connection with Governor An- thony and other leading journalists of the State. A Good Business Man. — Mr. Sherman had, in many ways, very superior business qualifications. He was very careful about expenditures ; kept all his affairs snug and well in hand ; was active, ener- getic, prompt and orderl)-. He was slow to make a new move, but when he had decided to make it, he threw himself into the enterprise with all his might. determined, at all hazards, to make it a success. He made few promises, but kept to the letter and to the time those that he did make. Men always knew where to find him. A Providence gentleman, on reading several 39 newspaper notices after his death, remarked : " What! not one word about his business quahfica- tions ? Why, I think his executive abihty as a busi- ness man very great. He was ever prompt, ener- getic and methodical." Public-spirited. — Mr. Sherman took a hvely in- terest in whatever pertained to the pubHc good. Any movement contemplating the intellectual, moral or spiritual elevation of the community was sure to encrao-e his immediate attention and sympathy. He not only advocated all movements looking to prog- ress and reform with his most willing pen, but he also took hold of the actual zuork himself. Thus he was one of the constituent members in the formation of the Free Public Library of East Greenwich, and himself donated one hundred bound volumes to the same. In politics he was always on the side of law and order, temperance and freedom, justice and human- ity, education, morals, and progress. When the civil or Dorr war broke out in Rhode Island in 1842, contemplating the forcible overthrow of the legally constituted government, and of social and civil institutions as old and as venerable as the oro-anization of the State, Mr. Sherman was quick to >2> ... decide what was right, and what was his duty m the matter. Being himself incapacitated by ill-health to take his place in the law-and-order army, he volun- tarily (no one was drafted) hired a man to take his place, paying him the regular day's wages he had before been receiving, and at the close of the rebel- 40 lion turnini^ over to him the bounty granted by the State to all volunteers. He was never the man to preach to others and to do nothing himself. " If to do were as easy as to know what were good to be done, chapels had been churches and poor men's cottages princes' palaces. // is a good divine that follows his oiun instructionsy — Shakespeare. Soon after the close of the State rebellion just mentioned, the ladies of Wickford, wishing to ten- der to the Independent Company of Wickford Vol- unteers some testimonial of their respect and appre- ciation, purchased an elegant flag, and invited Mr. Sherman to make the presentation at the following Fourth of July celebration, in their behalf. This he consented to do, and in a few choice and pertinent remarks made the presentation. Capt. Thomas of the Pioneers, in fitting terms, pleasantly responded. He was ever decided and outspoken upon the great questions of the day. During the war of the slave-holders' rebellion, his age precluded him from becoming a member of the army, but his sympathies were strong, and his language unequivocal, bold, and outspoken in favor of the Union cause. No man could possibly misunderstand his position. When President Grant visited General Burnside at Bristol, on the occasion of his visit to Rhode Island, Mr. Sherman received a special invitation to join the party and dine with them. This is mentioned simply to show that he was recognized as a man who had taken a deep interest in the affairs of the nation ; for he was invited, not simply as a compli- 41 ment to the Rhode Island Pejtdiihini, but in recog- nition of his pubHc spirit, and extensive influence in the world of poHtics and reform. When President Hayes visited Rhode Island, in 1880, Mr. Sherman was invited to join the Presi- dential party, who were to have a grand dinner and speeches on the shore of Providence River. On introducing him. General Burnside, who was present, remarked, " This is one of our most substantial cit- izens." On such an occasion, and from the lips of such a man, this w^as no unmeaning tribute. On all important public occasions, when anything important was to be done in his own town, Mr. Sher- man was aKva)'s thought of and assigned to some important place or duty. Thus in Fourth of July cele- brations, on several occasions, he was represented on the programme in some honorable capacity. On the Fourth of July, 1876, the Centennial of the Nation's Independence was celebrated at East Greenwich with unusual demonstration. Mr. Sher- man was chosen as the presiding officer of the day, and likewise contributed an original hymn for the occasion. He was never ambitious of political distinction. A year or two before his death, the Republican Com- mittee of the town urged him to accept the nomina- tion for Chairman of the Town Council. He de- clined, and proposed the name of the man who was subsequently elected. He served at different times as Public Notary, Justice of the Peace of the town of North Kingston, 42 Leg^al Counsellor and Sheriff. ( )n lcL;al questions he was often consulted, and liis advice and counsel were always given gratuitously. He was also made Trial Justice, or Judge, in the town of East Green- wich, on his removal to that place, as we find by the following record, found among his papers : " At a town council, holden in and for the town of East Greenwich, on Saturday, the 2d day of July, A.I). 1 88 1, voted and declared that William N. Sherman be and he is hereby elected Trial Jus- tice in and for said town. " EnwAKD Stanhope, " Council Clerk" An Odd Fki.luw. — Mr. Sherman had an especial admiration for the principles of Odd Fellowship, holdinor thcin in tlie hiofhest recrard. He therefore united with Harmony Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F., of East Greenwich. Of this organization he was chap- lain for many years. In December, 1881. while in Greenwich, feeling that he was drawing near to the end of life, he sent for a member of the lodge, to whom he gave direc- tions with reference to the arrangrement of his grave. He also named to him whom he would prefer as his bearers, viz. : Hon. R. P. Alexander, No. 6 Office Scarlet Number ; S. A. Slocum, Past Grand ; L. Aylesworth, Past Grand ; E. M. Lowell, Past Grand. J. Capron, chaplain at the time of his funeral, read the beautiful burial service of this order at the tomb. The following memorial resolutions were passed by a sister lodge in Rutland, W'rmont, where he died : 43 " Memorial Resolutions. " At a regular meeting of Killington Lodge, No. 29, of Odd Fellows, the following resolutions were adopted : " Whereas, The death in our midst of Brother William N. Sherman, a member of Harmony Lodge, No. 5, in the jurisdiction of Rhode Island, makes it appropriate for us in our fraternal relations to ex- tend our condolence to those who were so long as- sociated with him and knew him in the bonds of friendship, love and truth, and to manifest our esteem for his useful and benevolent life ; therefore be it " Resolved, That in the death of Brother William N. Sherman the fraternity of Independent Order of Odd F'ellows has lost a member whose religious and benevolent impulses led to the elevation and im- provement of his fellow-men. A lover of his race, he provided instruction for the people ; a Christian, he remembered the needs of the poor and those seeking for a higher and better life ; a philanthropist and benefactor, he sought to relieve the downtrod- den and distressed in tlie sj^irit of Odd Fellowship. ''Resolved, That Killington Lodge, No. 29, tender their sympathy and condolence with Harmony Lodge of East Greenwich, Rhode Island, on the decease of a brother who honored them 1)\- his membership, and they have reason to take great pride in his use- ful life and benevolent deeds, so expressive ot the principles which are the groundwork of their order. " Resolved, That the members of this lodge, appre- 44 ciatinsj;' the kiiulK' lite aiul usctiil public services of their brother, and feeling a deep sense of the sor- rowful affliction that has come to their household, extend to the devoted wife and to the family of John A. Mead, M. D., our fraternal sympath)' in their ereat bereavement. " Rcsohcd, That these resolutions be entered upon the records of this lodge, and a copy thereof be sent to the Harmony Lodge, and to the family of the de- ceased. " Ri'so/i'i'd, '1 iiat these resolutions be published in the village newspapers, and in the Guide, of Albany^ N. Y." After Mr. Sherman's decease, Mrs. Sherman pre- sented the lodge with his picture. The following, will further explain : F.AST Grkknwich. R. I., Dec. 14, 1883. Mrs. II'. A. Shcrnia)t. Dear Madam : Compl)ing with your request of the loth inst., I last evening called at Miss Law- ton's and received the picture of your respected husband and our late Brother Sherman. At a proper moment, during the lodge session, I advanced to the position usually occupied on such occasions, and after some appropriate remarks presented the lodge in your behalf with the portrait, etc. The same was unanimously received, and a vote of thanks tendered the donor, of which last I hereby inform you at the request of the secretary, who duly made record accordingly. A committee was appointed to hang the picture in some suitable position in the lodge rooms. Informing Mr. Kenyon of the occur- rence, he has requested me to write a few lines for 45 publication in The Poiduluiu, Avliich I liave just complied with. I have the honor to remain, Very respectfully yours, M. M. Reynolds. A Temperanxe Man. — As was indicated on a pre" vious page, Mr. Sherman was ever a strong and de- termined advocate of temperance. Publicly and privately he threw all the weight of his pen and of his influence on the side of strict temperance. But he had contracted a habit in his younger days which, though not generally regarded as in any degree in- compatible with strict temperance principles, became to Jiim, the more he dwelt upon it, a matter of an- noyance and of self-irritation, as an injury to himself. Was the use of tobacco, strictly and in the highest sense, right, for a thorough temperance man and a Christian ? Were smoking and chewing habits proper and fitting in one who was of necessity a con- stant example to the young ? Was it not true that these habits not unfrequently led to the positive vices of drinking and dissipation ? At any rate, did any good ever come out of them ? Were they not, to say the least, more evil than good ? Questions like these arose in the mind of Mr. Sherman, after he had indulged in the use of to- bacco for many years. But (questions like these, once seriously entertained and considered, were with him raised to be settled 7'ight. He declared that this practice must cease. But a habit of )'ears is not so easily dislodged. His first attempt failed. He tried 46 ai^ain ami a^ain ; the okl ami well intrenched indul- gence conquered. He hnall\- said to himself that here was a thing that ought to be done, and that now it should be done. He would be henceforth his own master. He now conquered, and for thirty years before his tleath he was untrammelled and free. " He that governeth his own spirit is greater than he that taketh a city," and he that "keeps his bod\- under" is as great as he "that governeth his spirit." Fond ok Ciiii.i»ki:n. — Scarcely any one thing re- veals more of one's character than the disposition one manifests towards children and youth. Mr. Sherman was very fond of children. This explains in no small degree his great interest and enthusiasm during all his life in the Sabbath-school. This love for little people he showed very decidedly on all occasions. When, in the autumn of 1876, he visited Mount Vernon, Va., he gathered from the ground a quan- tity of acorns. These he dispensed among the children of his mission Sabbath-school, giving every member of it at least one, and some many more ; at the same time he most thoughtlully took advantage of so fittinofan occasion to talk to the children about the good and great Washington, who la\- entombed in the place whence these nuts were brought. It is not necessary to say that lessons thus taught and thus enforced could not soon die out of the hearts of the little listeners. Love begets love. Children have keen instincts. They are cjuick to see who love them, and as quick 47 to return the tender feeling. Children soon learned to love him. Says one who knew him intimately and well: "Little children were greatly attached to Mr. Sherman. During his sickness, several came to in- quire about him, bringing him bouquets of flowers. This always touched and greatly delighted him." On one occasion a company of children were tell- ing one another what they were going to be when grown up. One, the son of Rev. Mr. Rouse, a for- mer Rector of the Episcopal Church in Wickford, said : " Well, when I am a man I am going to be Mr. Sherman." He was exceedingly attached to his little grand- daughter, " Daisy." When he " fell asleep "and she was told that he would never waken again in this world, she ran for a book and laid it in his hands, that he might, as she said, pass his time pleasantly in reading while on his journey. She was then only a little over three years old, but she often now recalls their warm mutual afiec- tion. It was to him a moment of supreme delight when first her baby lips called him '" Bampa." Fond of Music. — It is easy to understand how a person who is fond of cliildren should also be fond of music, and of art, and indeed of nature, and of all things beautiful. All alike address the sensibilities, the tenderer, richer, sweeter faculties of the soul. Children, music, painting, statuarw flowers — tlu^y all alike belong to the same blessed category of ob- jects which elicit the best emotions of the human soul ! He who said, " Suffer little children to come 48 unto inc and lorbitl thcni not," was also lond o( so?i^, and was accustomed in company with his disciples to jr/;/^'- the sweet psalms of David. 'When they had sung a hymn they went out." It was he also, who, in his sweet admiration of Nature and Nature's works, on one occasion cried out, " Behold the lilies of the field, they toil not, neither do they spin, and yet I say unto you that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." There is a natural congruity between a fondness for music and a soft and kindly heart and disposi- tion. " The man that hath not music in himself, nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treason, stratagem, and spoils. Let no such man be trusted." Mr. Sherman was not only excessively fond of music, but he was accustomed himself not unfre- quently to engage in the delightful exercise of sing- ing, whether as pastime or as devotion. He was a good singer, and when he sang he seemed to be en- gaged to the very centre and core of his being. Singing, as an element of public worship, in the honor of God, was to him ever a peculiar and su- preme delight. Singing the sweet songs of Israel, in the conference room, was also always a great solace and a joy. One Sunday morning, during his sickness in Rutland, he remarked that he should like to hear the chapelites sing, referring to his mission church at home. He was told that the doors should be 49 opened to the parlor, that the i)iano should be opened, and that they would sino^. This beini^ done, he said to the nurse : "This is heavenly. It lifts me up." The next morning- he remarked to Mrs. Sherman that he should be very glad if she and Mr. Reed (the nurse, who was a very fine singer,) would go to the parlor and sing again. Again he was thrilled with the delightful melody of sacred song". His spirit was borne aloft as on wings of holy triumph, and he expressed the thought that if another opportunity was ever offered him, he could dilate, from joyous experience, and as never before, on the grandeur and glory of the Christian s faith and the Christian's hope — the blessed inheri- tance of the saints of God. Mr. Sherman was fond of instrumental as well as of vocal music. He keenly enjoyed the piano, and not unfrequently called for some piece of music at the skilful touch of his music-loving wife. He was himself no indifferent player on the violin and the flute; and when the labor of the day was over, and he was at liberty to sit down at home in the quiet of the evening- hour, he would accomi)any Mrs. Sherman on the piano with one of the above- mentioned instruments, entering into the perform- ance with great zeal and enthusiasm. Fond of Home. — Judge Sherman, of Pru\idence, once remarked to a gentleman who was iiKjuiring for Mr. Sherman : " If you wish to see William Sher- man, you must look for him at his home. You will never find him lounging in stores, and at street cor- 4 ;o ncrs, in([uirin^" the news, and hokling" forth on [loliti- cal questions." A gentleman, on readinj^- tlie newspaper notices of hini after his death, remarked : " And nothing about his ha{)py family relations, which were so delightful!" Having once learned that Mr. Sherman was a lover of art, music, and children, one can easily un- derstand that he would be also a lover of honic. Such he was, and as such he made it a point to make home pleasant and attractive. Everything in and about his home was neat, cleanly, and in good order. The grounds were ever nicely kept, the trees and shrub- bery always well trimmed and cared for, and every- where there was an air of order, nicety, and comfort. Within were papers and periodicals of all descrip- tions, and a large and well-filled library. Here, also, and s\'mpathizing with him in all his labors — indeed, rather, may we say, an efficient co -laborer with him in all his benevolent, charitable, and religious enter- prises — was the one spirit in whom of all earthly be- ings his soul most delighted. Here was his only child, who, educated and cultured, had in early life given herself to his own faith, his own church, and his own Lord and Saviour. Here, at evening and ready for his use, were his fiute, and his violin, and his piano, with skilful fino-ers for its touch. Having made for himself such a home, it is not hard to understand that he should richly enjo)' it. This fondness for and appreciation ot iiome ex- plains the following remark of his companionable wife, who, speaking of his confinement to the house 51 by sickness, said : " The quiet companionship en- joyed during the weeks and months after he was con- fined to his room in Rutland will ever be cherished as sacred memories." Mrs. Sherman had the entire care of hini until about a month before his death. When he became too feeble to help himself, a nurse was called in to assist, Mrs. Sherman never leavino- him for a single nieht. A Vein of Humor. — There was a decided vein o{ humor \w Mr. Sherman's character. It manifested itself constantly in his conversation and in his written productions, and added zest and sparkle to both. The popularity of his articles as a journalist was due in no small degree to this " Attic salt," which sea- soned so largely all that he wrote. Properl)' tempered by other mental forces, wit and humor are most valuable constituents of mind. Their presence has a constant leavening influence upon the dull routine of daily life, and infuses into the most dull and prosy features of it a certain positive relief and exhilaration. They add not a little to the pleasures of home and the fireside, and become thus most val- uable constituents of character. These elements of soul were present in pleasant proportion in the make-up of Mr. Sherman. A CiiRiSTi.vN Man. — Mr. Sherman was, througn and through, a Christian man. He was converted at the early age of eleven. He was at this time attcMul- ing the First Baptist Church of North Kingston, under the pastoral charge of his uncle, William Northup, to whom allusion has already been made. 52 He did iu)t inimcdiatel)- unite wiih tlu' church, think- ing, perhaps, as so nianx' persons do, that he was too young to commit himseU to responsibilities so grave. He may also have felt it best to wait until some experience in life shoukl convince him that he was truly a regenerated soul. He desired to be con- vinced of his true discipleship before he venturetl to assert himself a member of Christ's visible body. However this may be, he evidently did not lose his youthful faith by waiting. As the years went on, his religion became to him a more profound and a more precious conviction. The germ of spiritual life im- planted so early in his soul took root deeper and deeper, and its growth was constant and decided. Accordingly, in 1838, at the age of twenty-nine, he united with the First Baptist Church in Woonsocket. I'Vom this time to the day of his death he kei)t up his church connections with fc-rvor and zeal wherever he happened to live. Mr. Sherman's religion was not an empty profes- sion. It was not a form. It was not a Sunday garb. It did not consist in going to church and listening to a sermon. It did not occupy and exhaust itself in discussing theoloijical knots and Biblical- difficulties. It was not an outside show to win confidence and respectability. j\Ir. Sherman's faith was a lim:. It was a life that had rooted itself deep in his soul. It dwelt there. It absorbed the strength of his soul. When he took possession of it, it took possession of him, and ever held that possession firm and strong. By its vigorous life and growth it gradually stran- eled the native vices of a sinful nature, while it itself gradually put out the buds and blossoms of the Christian i^races and charities. He was not bisfoted, but tolerant of the religrious views of others. He believed that there was true piety represented in all faiths. He loved indeed his own denomination, because he was a man of strong- convictions, and he believed that the Baptist confes- sion of faith most nearly represented the teachings of the New Testament. But while he loved especially his own particular form of faith, he fellowshipped and loved any and every soul in whom he could discern the spiritual lineaments of the Lord Jesus Christ. To him piety was better than profession, love than creed, and charity than church, and he who truly possessed these, in whatever fold of the Shepherd, won his esteem and his affection. A religion that is a lifc\s never inactive. It e\er finds something to do. In a w^orld of ini(iuit\' it finds the bad to reclaim ; in a world, of intemperance it finds inebriates to reform ; in a world of igno- rance it finds people to educate ; in a world ot pov- erty it finds misery to relieve ; in a world of lost sinners it finds souls to save. Along all these linens, a true religion finds always and everywhere some- thing to do. Seeing everywhere these pitiable scenes among men, the true Christian can never look on, an idle beholder. I !(■ must put forth a helloing hand. Such did Mr. Sherman in all these direc- tions. " Pure reli'don and undefiled before God and the 54 I-'athcr is lliis, to \isit the fatherless and the witlow in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." It will be seen, further on, what claims Mr. Sher- man had to be reoarded, under the above rule, as one who possessed " pure religion and undetiled be- fore God and the Father." RiHLE Reading. — Mr. Sherman was a close student of the Bible. To him, from boyhood, the Bible was indeed the Book of Books. Naturally of a strong religious bent, he had, in early life, been deepl)' im- pressed by the preaching of his Uncle Northup, to whom reference bas been made. While at Wickford, and waiting for returning health, he read four entire volumes of the " Com- prcJicnsivc Commentary of t/ie Bi'b/c." The volumes contain about one thousand pages each, and all the reading matter except the text itself is printed in small type. Conversant and familiar with the Scrip- tures himself, he greatly enjoyed conversation and discussion on sacred themes. He therefore sought the society of clergymen and religious teachers and thinkers. His house was often opened for the en- tertainment of ministers. Indeed, as one acquainted with the fact has said, " His house, from the time he commenced housekeeping until the day of his death, might well be called a minister's hotel, so frequently were clergymen entertained over night and at other times." One clergyman, an agent of the Bible So- ciety, spent Sabbath da)' with him once each year, rfor twelve consecutive years. This man, as being the representative of religious service, was always welcome, and more than welcome, and would have been if the twelve had continued to twelve times twelve. These visits from men of God made red-letter days for him, because of his fondness for religious, theological, and Biblical discussions. He used to say that ministers always paid their way in the delight- ful conferences and conversations of which ihey were thus the occasion. Young clergymen, students from the colleges and theological seminaries, stopping with him over Sunday to preach at Marlboro' Chapel, often expressed themselves as pleased with an op- portunity of conversing with one so thoroughly versed in a knowledcje of the sacred writincrs. Some of the students, on leaving the neighboring academy, expressed their gratitude and obhgation to him for the encouragement and assistance he had rendered them. As the chapel was without a pastor, ]\Ir. Sherman usually conducted the regular Wednesday evening prayer-meeting. For this service he made special preparation for the opening introductory remarks. These are said, by those who listened, to have been always of a most interesting and practical character. On one occasion, at the close of an evening meet- ing, Deacon V., who was present, remarked that " Mr. Sherman's appeal that evening was one ot the strongest he ever heard," Mr. Sherman was asked to be ordained as a deacon, but he declined to accede to this request.. 56 Many people, liowever, seem to ha\e been accus- tomed to think of hini as a clerijNnian. A \'Ounof man came to his liouse one day and inquired it Elder Sherman lived there. On being told that JMr. Sherman resided there, he seemed greatly sur- prised and perplexed, sa)ing- : " W'liy, isn't he a minister ? Doesn't he preach sometimes ? He con- ducts religious serv^ices occasionally, does he not ? " And then, looking up, with eyes full of curiosity and mingled anxiety, he said : '' W'^ell, now, to whom shall I cro ? I desire to be married." Kind to the Poor and the Suffeking. — The suffering, the poor, and the needy found in him a ready and s)-mpathizing friend. He often extended the hand of help and cliarity to the unfortunate. He frequently aided by material means those who were wishinof but were unable to establish themselves in business. Long will he be missed in the streets of East Greenwich, which so many years he made his home, and which in so many wa\s he benefited alike b\- private charities to its poor, and by public benefac- tions to its educational and religious institutions, contributing ever to its needs, and endeavoring to elevate its citizenshij). alike with his j)en and his purse, and in constant personal effort in scores ol other methods. Pleasant and inspiring memories are these of a noble and unselfish life; of a soul instinct with the needs and wants of humanity, and a disposition and a will ready ever to lend a helping hand. He evi- 57 dently felt the force of Edward Everett Hale's beau- tiful motto in Toi Times Ten : " Look up and not down, Look forward and not backward. And lend a helping hand." His charities were not of the kind which occur only on great occasions and then " blow a trumpet be- fore them." But springing- from a Christian life and Christian principle, from that fountain whence only and ever they spring in purity and in moral beauty, they found their way, quietly and without demon- stration, flowing into those channels where it seemed to liim they could accomplish the most of good. Feeline. as the true Christian alone can feel, that he himself had been the subject of infinite charity, love, and grace in Christ's great redemption work for him ; feeling that all he most prized on earth, and all that he most hoped for in the lifebe)ond, was to him a pure gift of divine love and grace, his heart had been deeply and profoundly touched, and he desired to make some small return for all those infinite lov- ing favors and blessings. The Communion Service. — In this view we can easily understand how it was that the Conununic^i service, that sacred ordinance which, more than any other known to the Church, commemorates the love, condescension, the self-denial, and the self-sacrifice of our Lord, was to him an occasion of inexpressible solemnity and sacredness, and of the most tender and profound devotional experiences. He ever seemed 5 5S to feci on these occasions that the Saviour was espe- cially near to him. With him it was ever true dur- ing tliis memorial service. " As oft as ye do it, do it /;/ 7-c))ic)}ibrancc of mcy It was that remembrance deepened and inten- sified that oathered out of the streets children for O the Sabbath-school, that instituted the '' Shore meet- ings," that established the colored school at his own house, that built INIarlboro' Chapel, that extended so often to the needy the hand of charity. "As oft as ye do it unto them, ye do it unto me." The Sadbath Day. — The subject of these me- moirs believed fully in the old New England Sab- bath. He felt that the command of the old Mosaic Decalogue was still binding, and accordingly he telt it his dut)' to observe in all its fulness of mean- ing the command, " Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy." He was not superstitious. His good common sense could distinoruish between faith and credulity, between religion and superstition. But the reading of the Bible to him was clear and explicit, that Sunday is " the Sabbath of the Lord," and that it was to be divided, severed completely in character and observance, from the other days of the week. All unnecessary work, all business, all recreation and amusement was now to be put aside. The day must be devoted to quiet, to religious or instructive secu- lar reading, and to worship. As an illustration of his regard for the Sabbath, the following incident is full of significance : When livinof in Wickford. a creditor of his, who owed him 59 a sum of money, came ajourne)' of several miles on the Sabbath to make settlement. Mr. Sherman re- fused to accept the money, saying that there were other days in the week in which to settle accounts. The Sabbath-school was a fu;Id of Christian la- bor in which Mr. Sherman took very great delight. Among the very first things he did on his removal to Woonsocket was to gather up out of the streets and the lanes of the village, " out of the highways and the hedges," the idle, outcast, Sabbath-breaking children roaminir the streets listlesslv, or in search of mischief, rao-aed wretches for whom, in their deer. radation and poverty, no one seemed to have any pity or sympathy. He looked upon these little \ag- abonds, unattractive, sometimes uncleanly, and some- times even repulsive in their exterior, and looking deeper than upon the mere outside, he saw in them minds and souls made of the same material as his own — saw within tlieir rougli exteriors the germs of eternal being, germs of infinite worth, and capacities for infinite development — souls immortal ; however buried now in external unsightliness and squalor, yet. after all, souls immortal, all the same, for whom Christ died. MissioNARV Work. — He at once secured the use of a neighboring school-house, and so far as he was able he gathered therein and formed into a Sabbath- school these little neglected waifs, heretofore un- known and uncared for 1))- the Church of Christ. The school thus formed, he did not leave to the care of others, considering now his duty done. On 6o the contrar)-, callin*^^ in the aid and co-operation of his excellent mission-loving Christian wife, he care- fully tended and nursed his charge until it grew into a strong organization of some three hundred mem- bers, embodxing now ali kinds and conditions of children and youth. This organization thus com- menced was afterwards received under the . protec- tion, care and guardianship of the Baptist Church of Woonsocket, and continues to exist to-day, the flourishing Sabbath-school of that society. 1 his strong interest in the relicrious education of children, and especiall)' of the neglected classes, con- tinued to manifest itself most conspicuously in his character wherever he made his home. In Wick- ford, and afterwards at Greenwich, he showed the same intense interest in these directions. Shore Meetings. — On one occasion, while in Greenwich, happening to go of a Sunday down to the wharves along the shore, and seeing there a list- less company of men and bo)s smoking, playing, and in various ways desecrating the Sabbath, his sympathies were at once stirred within him as in Woonsocket before, and he began to cast about to see what could be done. He saw at once that many of them, bein birth, and found full and com- 66 plete forgiveness of sins in the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. It fell to the lot of the writer of these memoirs to conduct the pulpit exercises here on several occa- sions. It was to him always a most delightful task. The people were always orderly and attentive, and showed by look and manner that they had come to church for the purpose of true worship, and of receivinor religious instruction. Meetings have been sustained here for the greater part of the time since the decease of Mr. Sherman. During one year, under the preaching of a student from the academy, some twenty conversions were reported. The following extract from a report to the Baptist Convention will indicate more fully what this church, an enterprise of Marboro Chapel, was and had been accomplishing. " The tenth anniversary of our school was held Saturday evening, February 5, 1870. It was re- ported that over fifty families connected with the school since its commencement had removed from the town. Total number of baptisms in the school since its commencement, forty-two. Two of the members sfathered in had not attended church for more than twenty )'ears, and one for nearly forty years. Our oldest scholar is seventy-five years old. A beloved teacher, Mrs. Gracie D. Fish, died in March, in full hope of an abundant entrance into rest. Our last two concerts were held on Saturday evenings with large congregations, and we like it 67 better than on Sunday evenings, as it does not en- croach upon our regular Sabbath worship. We have learned ' to labor and to wait.'" The largest number of scholars at one time at the mission school at the chapel was one hundred and eleven. Daughter's Conversion. — He that giveth re- ceiveth full measure, pressed down and running over. " It is more blessed to give than to receive." Was it an illustration of this ever-beautiful and ever-true teachino- of the Gospel of Christ, so faithfully preached in this newly erected chapel, now consecrated to the worship of God, that when doing for others, we are always most effectually doing for ourselves ? Was it a most pleasant fulfilment of this Bible promise, that the only daughter of the founder of this reli- o-ious charity was the very first to find and make her own in this very chapel that Christ whom her father had worshipped for so many years, and whom he now, with a yet more consecrated faith, was trying to honor and serve within these walls, which he had erected as a loving benefaction alike to the lowly poor and to his God ? At any rate such a blessed fulfilnient there was, and as the happy father now looked upon his only child and saw her in the freshness and fervor of youth consecrating her life to the same church, to the same faith, and to the same glorious cause for which he had been laboring for well-nigh fifty years, we may well believe that he felt that he had found a reward sufficient, yes. am- ple beyond the power of language to express, for all he had done and all he had expended in the past. 68 •" He that lovctli me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love \\\va, ^nd zuiii viaiu'fcsf })iysc/f u?ito him. " The Trukst Haitinkss. — True it is beyond ques- tion that the highest and truest happiness comes from doine crood. Not when we work for ourselves, but when we labor for others, are we most truly blessed. On the occasion of the opening" of the chapel for public worship, Rev. Mr. Aldrich, who was present and took part in the services, re- marked : " How heavenly Mr. Sherman has looked all day." Many others noted the same thing, while one Christian friend remarked to Mr. Sherman : " Well, brother, this is )our coronation day, isn't it? " Yes, and that crown, a crown of unfading amaranth and gold he now wears, where now he lives, and loves, and serves as king and high priest in the eter- nal temple of his Father and his God. Newspaper Notices. — The following notices of Marlboro Chapel from the local papers will be of in- terest, in this connection : [From the Providence Journal.^ Opening of Marlboro Street Ciiapee. — This new and beautiful edifice, built solely by the liber- ality of W. N. Sherman, of The Pendulum, was opened on last Sunday afternoon as a free church. The introductory prayer was offered by Rev. G. M. Alvord, of the Methodist Church, and the introduc- tory sermon was preached b\- Rev. Justus Aldrich. The chapel was crowded with attentive hearers, and I 69 also in the evening the house was packed. The whole congregation sang some of those good old tunes and blessed words such as our fathers and mothers used to sing, accompanied by the sweet notes of a fine organ, the fruits of Mr. Sherman's liberality. The chapel is a very fine building, and under the control of its proprietor it will be not only an ornament, but a blessing to the town. The poor here have the Gospel preached to them. [From the Providence Golden Rule, under date of August i6, 1873.1 The Free Church at Greenwich. Last Sabbath we were at Greenwich, R. I., and there we found a Free Church. At an expense of some $5,000, Mr. Sherman, of The Pendnhun, about a year ago purchased a site and built upon it a church. Not far from it is his residence, and for nine months now by himself, together with Mrs. Sherman, his wife, has all the cares and responsi- bilities of even the menial labor of the same been looked after and met. They ring their own bell for services and pay all tlie bills of expense for them, whatever they may be. In speaking of it they say it is ?i Mission ChiircJi ; and the undertaking in the first place, as now, has been for the purpose of saving, if possible, those who are not much in the habit of attending the house of Divine worship, anywhere or at any time. In looking over their town they found that there 70 were many who would be glad to avail themselves of the opportunity of hearing the word of God on Sunday, but, for reasons which they would not care to give to the world perhaps, they could not do so. And so these noble-hearted Christians have taken the work in hand and prosecuted, with a zeal worthy of their hiofh callinQf in Christ jesus, the venture at a sacrifice and a cost. Concerning the fruits of their labor, so far they are well satisfied that it has not been in vain. Many have at their little church found peace in believing. Previous to starting the inissioii, however, they had made it a practice to gather in on Sabbath, into their own house and home, all such as would come to read and hear read the word of God. Here, too, they were constantly encouraged by new accessions into the fold of the Master's Kingdom. In the evening we had the pleasure of telling in our own way the story of the Cross to a full house, and on Monday morning we came away deeply im- pressed with the value of such Christian souls, and such free churches for the people. A Sabbath-school Superintendent. — Besides these private mission labors, Mr. Sherman was usu- ally connected, generally in an official capacit}*, with the Sabbath -school of the church he was accustomed to attend. Thus he was superintendent of Sabbath- schools in three different towns in which he lived, servinof thus in the aoforreo;ate for a period of about fifty years. His method of work was quiet and un- obtrusive, but not the less effective and salutary. 71 He took great pains with his Sabbath-school con- certs, to make them pleasing and profitable to the children, sometimes writing an original hymn or poem to be sung on these occasions. A gentleman from one of the village churches, on a certain occa- sion was present at one of his concerts, and ex- pressed himself as greatly surprised and delighted at what he saw and heard. The secret of it all was easy to explain. A man who loved Sabbath-schools, and who loved children, and who loved the Lord Jesus, and who loved the Church of Christ, and who saw in the Sabbath-school the nursery of the Church — a man inspired by all these kindred loves, and will- ing to expend time, money, and labor to secure the end desired, could not fail to produce something beautiful and unusual in this line. The following report, made by the minister of Marlboro Chapel to the Rhode Island Baptist Sab- bath-school Convention, will enable the reader to get a still better conception of the nature and value of Mr. Shernian's Sabbath-school services. '' In making the annual report to the Convention, it is with deeply saddened hearts, for two reasons : First, because of the death of brother William N. Sherman, who was our highly esteemed and greatly beloved superintendent for more than seventeen years, and whose loss to the school is almost irrep- arable. Secondly, because his protracted illness and consequent absence from the school have caused a oreat decline in numbers and interest. Mr. Sher- / - man was present in the school but once after the I St of July, 1881. Some three or four different persons have assumed the position of superintend- ent, but, failing to sustain an interest, have become discouraged, and to-day we are without a regular superintendent. Brother Sherman, by his benevo- lent spirit, earnest Christian zeal and warm-hearted activities for the good of others, was an example worthy of imitation. He was an indefatigable superintendent and worker in the Sunday-school for more than fifty years. The Woonsocket Baptist School was founded by him in 1833. ''A. R. Bradbury, " Minister of tJic Church^ After the reading of the above report the Presi- dent of the Convention made remarks expressive of the long and valuable services of Mr. Sherman in the Sabbath-school field. In a previous Sunday- school Convention before his death, it was remarked that he had been a Sabbath school superintendent more years than any other man in the Convention. His Real Life Work. — And now, dear reader, what does this all mean ? What is the significance of a life like that of him of whom we write, spent so lareelv in eatherinsf tos^ether, and in instruct'ncr in the principles of morals and religion, the children and youth around him ? Who shall estimate the amount of good he thus accomplished 1 Who shall tell how many of these youth, of all classes and conditions, white and colored, he may have re- claimed from ways of wickedness and vice, from Sabbath breaking, profanity, and iniquity, and by bringing them into the Sabbath-school, and into the house of God, have brought them thus also, through the agency of these hallowed influences, into the straight and narrow way of eternal life ? His long services as a public journalist were more conspicuous in the public eye ; they won to him more of reputation and social power ; they added largely to his pecuniary resources ; in the view of men, they constituted what he had of success in life. But there are realms of power and of influ- ence other than those of matter, men and money. There is a field where labor tells, not for the brief span of a life, not for the fleeting period of the quick- gone threescore and ten, but for the eternities of God ! That realm is the field of immortal mind ! That field, the field of the never-dying spirit! And in that field Mr. Sherman wrought grandly, long and well. In this field he worked when in Woonsocket he gathered the poor, the ragged, and the uncared-for children of the village into the Sabbath-school, and tauci'ht them thino-s orrander, nobler, and better than they had ever conceived or thought of before. In this field he worked, when in Greenwich he insti- tuted the wharf meetincrs, and tauijht the uncouth and unsightly frequenters of those haunts of vice — of all colors, and characters, and ages — taught these people about goodness, God, and heaven, and en- treated them to enter upon new and better lives. 7 74 In this field lie worked, when, in his own home, he opened a Sabbath-school for colored people ex- pressly ; when going out into the highways and hedges he compelled them to come in ; when thus, with a beofinninij of three little colored ijfirls, he and his worthy and sympathizing wife found themselves instructing a dark assembly of not less than eighty- one sons and daughters of ignorance and immorality and irreligion. In this field he worked, when he built and sup- ported at his own expense Marlboro Chapel, where on a large scale, and with ample accommodations, the poor of all classes, of all faiths, or of no faith, could worship without money and without price. This, dear reader, was the real life-work of Mr. Sherman. Inconspicuous indeed, little regarded of men, but in truth, and as he now contemplates it in the realms of light, where all things are estimated at their real value, this was his substantial and endur- ing life labor. " For the thinc^s that are seen are tem- poral, but the things that are not seen are eternal." Beautifully and truly writes Philip James Bailey : " We live in deeds, not years ; in thoughts, not breaths ; In feelings, not in figures on a dial ; We should count time by heart throbs. He lives longest who feels the noblest, acts the best." And Longfellow sings grandly when he says : " It is the heart and not the brain, That to the highest doth attain, And he who followeth love's behest Far excelleth all the rest." 75 " He liveth long who livclh well ; All else is life but thrown away. He liveth longest who can tell Of true things truly done each day." Last Sickness. — As has been noted on a previous page, Mr. Sherman's last sickness was painful and protracted. At times his suffering was exceed- ingly severe. All was endured, however, with Christian composure and without complaint. He gave his wife explicit directions to express, personally, his gratitude to those who had been especially kind and thoughtful during his sickness, in Greenwich and in Rutland. So numerous were these material expressions of thoughtful remem- brance that he said it almost paid for being sick to find so many friends who were willing and ready to assist, and to contribute so man)- nice things for his comfort — delicacies to tempt his appetite, rare and luscious fruit, flowers rich and beautiful. He remarked further, that he surel)^ had been greatly favored in these regards, both in Greenwich and in Rutland. He was constantly manifesting his gratitude for the care and favors he received, and said on one occasion : " No one ever had better care, or even such good care." About a week before his death he gave directions that a small gift be sent to a niece, who had been before overlooked when remeinbering others. It is a matter of comparatively little importance, in itself considered, and yet, as showing the kindly relations he sustained to his ministerial brethren, it 76 is a matter, perhaps, worth noting, that during his last sickness he was called on by no less than fifteen different clergymen of different denominations. He was always exceedingly averse to all forms of ex- ternal show and demonstration. In conformity with this disposition of his, he gave especial directions that his funeral and burial should be quietly con- ducted, without display of an)- kind. Aside from the mere physical aspects of death, in the form of sick- ness, suffering, and separation, he was accustomed to look upon it with composure and in conformity with the teachinors of his faith. It was to Imn, not an "eternal sleep — nor indeed even a ''temporary sleep," but a passage, as through a darkened cham- ber, to a realm of infinite beauty and glory. To him, " there was no night there, and they need no candle, neither light of the sun, for the Lord God giveth them light, and they shall reign for ever and ever." To him it was a place where " God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away." In his views the words of the Lord Jesus were true, as true as the event of death itself was certain, and upon them his soul reposed in a sweet and blessed restfulness. " Let not your heart be troubled : ye believe in God, believe also in me." "In my Father's house are many mansions ; if it n were not so, I would have told you. I r\', which thou hast ^ix'en me" — he said, " There is where 1 am to be." Then seeming to fear that he had spoken with too much assurance, he added, "There is where I hope to be." And, feeHng evidentl\- that the end was near, he remarked, " Ma, I have reached Beulah Land." Services Ar Rutland. — No public service was held at Dr. Mead's. The Rev. J. R. Richardson, pastor of the Baptist Church, offered prayer at five o'clock P.M., on Friday, preparator)' to the removal of the reniains next morning. There were a num- ber present, being those who had especially kindly feelings toward Mr. Sherman, and were particularly thoughtful of him, Tliis service seemed more like a family gathering for evening devotions than funeral obsequies. His Favorite Hymn. — After the prayer, his fa- vorite hymn was sung by two ladies, and most beau- tifully rendered : I come to thee, I come to thee ! Thou precious Lamb who dietl for me ; I rest confiding in thy word, And "cast my burden on the Lord." I come to thee with all my grief, Dear Saviour, help my unbelief; Thy blessed name, my only plea. With this, O Lord, I come to thee ! I come to thee, whose sovereign power Can cheer me in the darkest hour ; 79 I come to thee thro' storm and shade, For thou hast said, " Be not afraid." 1 come to thee with all my tears, My pain and sorrow, doubt and fears ; Thou precious Lamb, who died for me, I come to thee, I come to thee ! To thee my trembling spirit flies, When faith grows weak and comfort dies, I bow adoring at thy feet, And hold with ihee communion sweet. wondrous love ! O joy divine ! To feel thee near and call thee mine ! Thou precious Lamb, who died for me, 1 come to thee, I come to thee 1 As was fittingr, on the morning" when his remains were taken from his home in Greenwich, the bells of Marlboro Chapel tolled the number of his earth- life years. These solemn strokes told of the cessa- tion of a life as complete in years (^y^,) as it had been in virtues. Elm Grove Cemetery. — The place where he was laid is pleasantly laid out and ornamented, and owes its existence as a cemetery to him, he having- initiated the movement which secured the lot in the years of his Wickford life. He afterward Ijccame desirous that the corpora- tion having charge of the cemetery should establish a perpetual fund, the interest of which should be used to keep the lots in good repair, and the whole in proper condition. This he proposed to the di- rectors of the corporation, but though it was well approved, it was not accomplished. He mentioned 8o the matter a^^ain a short time before his death, re- gretting extremely tliat it had not been done. He was told that it should not be fori^f^otten. In 1886, four years after his decease, the directors succeeded in securing a charter which empowered them to es- tablish a fund for the object above named ; and now a sum of mone)-, thus raised, is regularly expended in conformity with the expressed wishes ol Mr. Sherman, the projector of this wise and excellent plan for keeping the cemetery in proper condition. A Present to the old Chikcii of his Boy- hood. — Allusion was made above to the Allenton Baptist Church. This was the Old First Baptist Church of North Kingston, to which reference has already been made, and which was for so many years under the pastoral charge of Rev. William Northup, the uncle of Mr. Sherman. It was here that, in boy- hood, he was accustomed to attend church in com- pany witli his parents, and it was here that he commenced the Christian life at the early age of eleven years, though he did not at this time unite himself with the church. A short time before the close of his life he re- quested that the fine oil portrait of his uncle, whom he had ever most highly respected and revered, should be presented to this church, and hung upon the walls of the audience-room, should the church be pleased so to do. Accordingly this was done, and most fittingly the presentation was made by Mrs. Sherman, on the occasion of the centennial celebra- tion of the church, November 12, 1882. 8i It was, altogether, a most interesting occasion. The followinor outhne of the exercises, abbreviated from one of the local papers, will be of interest to the many friends of this church, as well as to the sorrowing members of the Sherman family : **The First Baptist Church in North Kingston, established one hundred years ago, celebrated its centennial on Sunday. The service opened with an anthem song by a chorus choir — ' Praise the Lord.' The sermon was preached by Rev. F. J. Jones, re- cently pastor of the church. His discourse was a sketch of the church since its organization, its history being the history of its founder and father, Rev. William Northup, who was a native of the vicinit\\ born in i 760. He served for a time in the War of the Revolution as drum-major, but wheji converted he went at once into the preaching of the Gospel. For fifty-nine years he was pastor of this church. Six revivals of much power were enjoyed in his min- istry, bringing 400 persons into the church. He died in 1839 at the age of 79. The church was organized November 12. 1782. It began with 12 brethren and 20 sisters, converts of Mr. Northup. A short time afterwards, on the same day, a public recognition ot the church, with the ordination of Mr. NorthuiJ. took place. The next Sunday Mr. Northup bap- tized 7. "The first meeting-house was built in 1786. Another was built in 1846. In 1848 the present meeting-house was built. In 1870, the church being without a pastor, a great revival was enjoyed under s 8. the labors of the Revs. ]. Aldrich and Wheeler, neighboring pastors. In 1880 the Rev. F.J.Jones was ordained, under whose labors a revival was en- joyed and some forty members added. The church was constituted with 32 members. Its present mem- bership is 184. " When the discourse was finished, the portrait of Elder Northup, a remarkably fine one painted many years ago by Lincoln, was brought in and suspended in the rear of the pulpit. The venerable features were recognized by man)- of the older people in the audience. The portrait was then presented to the church by Mrs. W. N. Sherman, of East Greenwich, whose husband, William Northup Sherman, was the nephew of Elder Northup. The presentation was accompanied with a written note signifying that the gift was made in accordance with one of the last re- quests of her late husband, and in harmony with her own desire. Deacon J. Eldred responded in behalf of the church, in a brief and appropriate address. Mrs. Sherman appeared before the audience in deep mourning for her husband, and. with the assistance of Rev. J. Aldrich, exhibited several ancient books with quaint titles, which had been owned by Elder Northup, with other interesting relics, among tliem a manuscript sermon of the old preacher, faded and smoky, on the text, Jeremiah, xxxviii. 20 : ' Obey, I beseech thee, the voice of the Lord, which I speak unto thee ; so it shall be well unto thee, and thy soul shall live.' The volumes had a very old and smoky look. A hymn was sung, of which the two 83 last stanzas were " lined off," in the fashion of the first half century of the church. The hymn was, ' How did my heart rejoice to hear,' sung to Mear. The singing- was as old-fashioned as the words and the tune. At this point a member was received into the church by the hand of fellowship. The service was closed with the doxology, and the benediction by the Rev. Dr. Smith. The administration of the Lord's Supper followed, the Revs. J. Aldrich and Dr. Smith assisting in the service. "The choir sang another anthem, 'Crown Him Lord of All,' and the benediction closed the service.' MEMORIAL CLOCK.— After the death of her husband, Mrs. Sherman, stricken down, as onl)' those who have had a similar experience can tell, had the feeling that she would like to leave in East Greenwich, where for so many years Mr. Sherman had been so well known and so much esteemed, some appropriate reminder and memorial of his honored name. She accordini^dy decided to present the town with a memorial clock. Nothing else, certainly, could have been more ap- propriate and fitting. Nothing else could be so con- stant and so perfect a reminder to the citizens of the village of him who had for so many years mingled with them in business, and had taken so deep an in- terest in all their affairs, — educational, beneficiary, reformatory, and religious. Mrs. Sherman accordingly addressed a letter to the Town Clerk of East Greenwich, offering to pre- sent a clock, to be placed in some dome tower as a memorial of her late husband and to be known as the "Sherman Memorial Clock." At the same meeting of the town council in 1883 this proposition was accepted, a vote of thanks passed, and a committee appointed to have the mat- ter in chargre. Of this committee Professor F. D. Blakeslee was chairman. 85 The following is the preamble and vote as passed by the council : " JVhcreas, Mrs. Mary M. Sherman, of Rutland, in the State of Vermont, has at her own expense placed in the tower of the town hall of this town a very beautiful and valuable town clock to be known as the Sherma7t Memorial Clock, in memory of her late husband, William N. Sherman, for many years an honored citizen of East Greenwich, now de- ceased ; " It is therefore voted by the taxpayers in town meetinof assembled that Mrs. Sherman is entitled to the gratitude and thanks of all the people of this town for her generous, costly, and valuable gift. " And it is further voted that the town clerk be and he is hereby directed to transmit a copy of this preamble and vote to Mrs. Sherman. " Edward Stanhope.'' In due time, June, 1886, the clock was finished and placed in the dome of the new town hall just completed. The following from a Providence paper will be ot interest in this connection. " The Sherman memorial (town) clock is in its place in complete running order. It certainh' is a thing of beauty, and appears to be perfect in mech- anism. The clock itself is placed in a roc^in built on purpose for it in the new town hall, some twenty feet below the bell and dial plates. By an ingenious yet simple construction of gearing, the hands of all four 86 dial plates are connected with the clock by one shaft. On front of the clock, as one enters the door, is seen the solid silver i)late, bearing the fol- lowing inscription : In Memoriam. Placed in position and presented to the town of East Greenwich, R. I., June, 1886, B)- Mary M. Sherman, In memory of her husband, William Northup Sherman, Who died March 2, 1882. " The clock has two small dial plates, one with the minute and hour hands, the other with the second hand, and by an ingenious piece of mechanism the four dial plates in the tower above are set to a second by turning a small key which sets the two small dial plates upon the clock. The weight of the pendulum is about 125 pounds, the running weight about 100 pounds and the striking weight about 1,000 pounds. The latter raises the 40-pound hammer 8 inches. There is 100 feet of cord on the time weight, 200 on the striking weight. It has the Graham dead- beat escapement. It is an eight-day clock, will run two weeks without winding, though it is intended to be wound once a week. The running weight winds about 50 feet. The time weight is about 126. The town is to be congratulated, and Mrs. Sherman is entitled to a unanimous vote of thanks for the beautiful crift. This clock has been heard to strike at Pine Hills, a distance of ten miles far away across the bay. Conclusion. — Thus we have briefly narrated some few of the more salient points in the earth life of this good man. Early in life he " commenced doing good," and so, as the apostle Paul says, sen^ on his works before to meet him, when by and by he should pass on to the heavenly land. But now he has made the eternal passage, and the full harvest of his Christian labor is his, "and his works do follow him." E-TTERS. I^ettei'^. HE following letters, — one to himself, and others letters of condolence, some to his wife, and some to his daughter, — make many interesting references to his life and charac- ter, (From Rev. Mr. RoLbins to himself.) Cape Neddick, Nov. 4, 1879. Dear BrotJicr Sherman : I take the liberty of sending to you a picture of a man who feels greatly indebted to you for the many expressions of kindness and good will which he has received from you. I need not enumerate these acts of kindness, but they have made an indelible impression on my heart and I want, in some way, to let you know it. The interest you took in un- ease during the days of darkness and sorrow which followed the resignation of my pastorate at Green- wich, and the soothing, comforting words which your wife addressed to me just before I entered the cars when I left for Boston, will never be forgotten by me. And the delightful meetings I enjoyed in your chapel I often remember with great pleasure, and with a feeling of regret that 1 cannot enjoy ihem aorain. I have no such meetinors here. I ha\c a good congregation t(^ j)reach to on the Sabbath, and our prayer and praise meetings in tlie evenings are well attended ; but I have to do most of the talk- ing-. The church beinor small, tlic number of workers o o is small. We have not such a hive of busy bees as you have at the chapel. The Lord bless you, Brother S., and your chapel work. We shall be happy to see you at any time, and also to hear from you by letter. Fraternally. GiLlJERT RoiiBINS. (From the Rev. J. Aldrich to Mrs. Sherman.) Mrs. IV^n. A^. Sherman. Dear Sister : As I was confined to my house, on the funeral occasion of your dear husband, and denied the privilege of mingling my tears of sym- pathy for )ou in common with your many friends, you will allow me to address to you a few words with my pen. I rejoice, that while you are passing through a very heavy sorrow, which nothing less than God's grace can reconcile you to bear pa- tiently, )ou are not left to mourn as those who have no hope ; for your husband has not only died in the hope of a better resurrection, but has also left behind him, for your comfort, the record of a useful life. It is not my special office to eulogize the de- ceased ; and to you, who know so much better than I the various offices of honor which he has filled with all the details of his useful life, there is no need that I should rehearse his praise. His record is not only in Heaven, but it has been eloquently 93 chronicled by others on earth. I)Ut it is so pleas- ant to recall the deeds of our departed friends, that I cannot well forbear an allusion to a Sabbath which it was my privilege to spend at your house ten years ago last November. That beautiful day was made especially memorable to me b)- the Sun- day-school service, held at mid-day, in a convenient apartment of your own house. I had seen your husband happy on other occasions, but never so happy as that day, when the poor and neglected people of the place flocked in, and gathered around him for Bible instruction. He seemed to feel that it was his special mission to provide for that class, and to be perfectly satisfied, as to compensation for his labor ami expense, with the affectionate gratitude which they manifested on that occasion. The pleasing scenes of that Sunday-school session come to me to-day with almost as much freshness as if the}' had occurred but yesterday. My first surprise was that so large a number of that class which is so hard to interest in religious instruction had been drawn together in a private house, and that they all seemed so cheerful, and so much at home in the exercises of the school. The poor and illiterate of our larger towns are made to feel so keenly the contrast between their social condition and that of the ordinary congregation that gathers in our larcfer churches on the Sabbath, that when the few conscientious Christians do try, now and then, to bring tliem into the house of God. they suc- ceed onl)' in a very few cases. The instinctive de- 94 sire of the poor and wrctchetl to receive sympathy or kindly attentions from their superiors — whicli is one of the hopeful features of fallen humanity — was hap- pily realized that day in your cheerful and commo- dious home. I remember how I thanked God in my heart that He had provided at least one family and one home in East Greenwich to succor and ele- vate the poor and unfortunate. I cannot forget the grateful and satisfied expression which beamed with a beautiful radiance upon all their faces, as they par- ticipated in the exercises of that day. I had never before so fully appreciated the blessedness ot minis- tering- to God's little ones. I then and there felt somewhat, at least, the grave import of Christ's words, " Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my disciples, ye have done it unto me." I remember how I was impressed that evening, in conducting the introductory services of Marlbor- ough Street Chapel, to speak of that beautiful inci- dent in the life of our Saviour which is recorded in Matt. xi. 4-6, making, in my discourse, a special point of the fact that in answering John the Baptist's inquiry, " Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?" Jesus said to John's disciples: " Go, tell him the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the Gospel preached to them ; and blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in me." As I then said, " The Marlbor- ough Street Mission must prove to the churches of East Greenwich its divine commission, to undertake 95 an independent work for the salvation of sinners, by savi}ii^\\\^x\\y so noiv I believe it JiasAoVi^ this to the satisfaction of some of the best members of each of the churches. That many doubted the expediency of the mission, and others sincerely regretted its inau- guration, shows nothing, now that it has proved the birth-place of souls ; but it is clearly evident that my departed brother was divinely directed to erect this chapel to God's service ; and I sincerely pray that God will provide wise and faithful men to carry on successfully in the future what your dear husband so well commenced. I am snre that he who conse- crated his money so liberally, and gave his services with so much self-denial to this enterprise, while on earth, can but feel a deeper interest in its present and future success in saving souls, now that he knows their worth and the glorious rewards of Heaven. Regretting that I have extended these lines which I had desio-ned to limit to a brief note to so long an epistle, praying that you may be di- vinely comforted and sustained in this hour of your great sorrow, I hasten to subscribe myself J. Aldkich. (From Mrs. Clement to Mrs. Mead.) Hartford, March 8, 1882. My deal' Mrs. Mead : I have just heard of )-our sad bereavement, and desire to assure you of ni}- sincere s\-mi)ath\-. I have thought so much of )'ou and )oiir poor mother in your great loneliness which must follow 96 the loss of one to whom you were so constantly and devotedly attached. And your dear little daughter must miss so much the grandpa whose fondness for her was so remarkable. But your faith in the promises of our blessed Saviour will surely bring comfort to your stricken hearts, and the memory of such a useful life is some- thing to be thankful for. Mrs. Parker unites with me in expressions ot sympathy. ^ (From J. W. Miller to Mrs. Sherman.) Bellefonte, Pa., March i6, 18S2. Dear Mrs. Shcynian : As I read in the Philadelphia Record of a week ago last Saturday a despatch announcing the death of Mr. Sherman, both his own and your many kind words and acts came before me with increased force, and 1 felt a desire to express in some way my sympathy for you. And yet, I feel your grief is so sacred that I dare not break in upon it with my words. The music of nature may seem discordant and jarring to friends, and earth may be sorrowful ; but only to that little immediate circle from which is taken the loved one does the broken chord appear and the voices of earth seem indeed to be harsh. At such times, grief shuts out our grosser selves, and conforms us insensibly to our God-natures. How we should cherish those feelings of love which are immortal ! The sorrows of separation will multiply the joys of reunion, and we shall in the hereafter 97 bless the Father wlio permitted us to ha\e affliction in time, only that we may more fully aj^preciate Heaven's pleasures in eternity. Clara wrote me fuller with regard to your be- reavement, and, since together we shared your kindness, we likewise ma\- unite in asking our Heavenly Father to reveal unto you the deeper things of His love, and give you constant trust in the ultimate joyful meeting with your loved one in the land of Beulah. ^ J. W. Miller. (From Miss Blakeslee to Mrs. Sherman.) Cortland, N. Y., March 20, 1882. Mrs. Sherman : Our Dear Friend : I can add but little, for words at such a time are useless, but I wanted you to know that I was not unmindful of your great sorrow. You do not sorrow without hope, I am sure, and Heaven grows very near us when it holds a dear one taken from our family. If such notes as these pain you at present, wait and read them with more care later, and you may possibly be glad to know that they were prompted by sympathetic hearts. We shall all miss your husband. '■' We wept — 'twas Xaturc wept, but failli Can pierce beyond the gloom of death, And in 3-on world, so i\\ir ami bright, Behold thee in refulgent light ! We miss thee here, yet Failh would rather Know thou art with thy Heavenly Father. ID 98 XiiUirt sees the body dead — Faith beholds the spirit fled ; Xa/nre stops at Jordan's tide — Fiii/h beholds the other side ; Thai but hears farewell, and sighs, This, ///r ivelcome in the skies! Please accept my love and sympathy. (From Miss C. S. Weeks to Mrs. Mead.) New York, March 19, 1882. My dear Mary : I have just heard of the great sorrow which has recently come to you, and I cannot help writing a line to express my sympathy for your loss, though we have been so long separated as to be now almost strangers. The )ears have doubtless brought man)' changes to us both, but none which seems to me sadder than that which robs you of your good father, whose kindly and genial nature I remember well. I count among the pleasantest memories of my girlhood the days wliich I spent in your household, which he as well as your dear mother and yourself did so much to render home-like to a homeless child. I read of your father's death with so sincere a feeling of regret and so tender an appreciation of the sorrow that it must be to you, that I cannot re- frain from giving expression to it. that you may be assured that whatever comfort may be derived from the cordial sympathy of your friends is at least yours. 99 Give my warmest love to your mother. I remain with much affection and many kind re- membrances, Sincerely yours, C. S. Weeks. (From S. M. Sherman to Mrs. Mead.) Jamaica Plain, March 29, 1882. My dear Mrs. Mead: I was very sorry to learn ot your father's death. As a boy I was with him a good deal. He used to take me to ride with him very often. Some of my pleasantest recollections as a boy are associated with him. You have my deepest sympathy in your great loss. Give my most affectionate regards to \our mother. She was my Sunday-school teacher when I was a boy in Wickford. I have always cherished her memory as the first teacher who imparted to me when a boy my first knowledge of that Being whom now, as a man, I acknowledge with love and rever- ence and humility as my Master and Saviour. Very sincerely yours, S. M. Sherman. (From Rev. Mr. Stetson to Mrs. Sherman.) Providence, R. I., April — , 1882. No. 32 Gilmore Street. Sister Sherman : I hasten to do what I have been intending to do ever since the death of your dear and much respected husband. I know you feel sad and lonely since his lOO departure to the blessed spirit land. But the sweet recollections of the past, the life he lived, the earnest catholic spirit of loyalty to truth, the fervent spirit of love to Christ, the self-denial for the cfood of hu- manity, the constant, fervent spirit of prayer, the noble reaching forth after higher attainments, the manliness he maintained on every side, the sweet fragrance of love he threw around his earth home, and earth life, still remain. They are not dead. They still cheer and speak to you. Not only to you but to us all who were permitted to share his ever kindly greetings. Many have been the pleasant hours I have spent at your Rose Cottage with your husband and your- self. Pleasing recollections they indeed are to me. How pleased I would be to repeat them, but that cannot be. I cannot mourn for Brother Sherman, for he has gone to that rest we used to talk about and pray for. Pleased would I be to meet him again as I used to and see his smiling face, but I must wait in that future hope through the mercy of Christ and the Father, God, of finding him in that happy land where disease and pain and sorrow and all tears are removed. I was surprised when I heard of his death, and I should have been present at his funeral had it been that circumstances favored. I thouo-ht I would write you and try to speak some word of com- fort to you, and then I thought that I would wait till the first hours of sorrow had passed and the more lonely hour of secret sorrow had dropped its shad- owing cloud over your spirit. l)Ut I trust as the lOI bright hope of the future world with all its happy reunions is pictured on your spirit, the light from glory is so strong that the shadows are quickly re- moved, and you are led to trust all to Him "who doeth all things." " Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord." I have heard nothing of your future arrangements, but presume you will be with your daughter. What did he do with the chapel ? Is it to be con- tinued as a place of worship ? I have enjoyed many a pleasant hour of worship in that place. I hope you are enjoying a good degree of health and very much of the consolations of the Gospel of Christ. From your brother in Christ, with Christian love. (From Miss Mary Crane, daughter of Rev. S. A. Crane, D.D., who was rector ot St. Luke's Church, Greenwich, for more than thirty years, to Mrs. Sherman.) Rome, Italy, May 1 1, 1882. My dear Mrs. Shcriiui)i : I know that letters and words can only comfort those in sorrow as proofs that friends are sympathiz- ing with them, and, therefore, though perfectly con- scious that I cannot take one sorrow from )our heart, I am going to send a few lines to tell you that though so far away I do not forget you and Mar\- in the bereavement to which you have been called in the loss of husband and father. I know, too, that I02 you know in wliom )ou trust, and that He is willing and able to ])ring- )ou comfort in this hour of trial, and that He only can. It is a sad break in the home when the head is taken, and )ou know how sadly we were called to feel this. I well remember your kindly sympathy when my dear father was taken from me. and afterward when my mother followed him. )our kindness to me. In both these afflictions )ou were very kind, and I have many times said I wanted to write to you now and tell )Ou you and Mary were not forgotten, though so far away. Max- God bless and comfort you both. For Mary it is less hard, as she has her own family about her, and no doubt you will go and be with her most of the time, but wherever you are the great blank in your future must ever follow you. But in your daughter's home and in her family you will find much to occupy and interest you, and in time, God's good angel of comfort which must soften our orrief however orreat, you will find yourself looking more on the time of meeting and less back to earth and its sadness. In fact it will be but a short time before we shall all meet in that home where partings cannot come. Indeed, dear Mrs. Sherman, were it not for the blessed hope in that world to come where the Saviour will be our light and our peace, what should we do in these hours ? Oh, let us thank Him for the inestimable blessing of His love and all that He has done for us and our hopes for the future. May He bless and comfort you and )ours in your hour of trial. Will you remember me most TO kindly to Mary and accept for both my sincere sym- pathy in your bereavement. Your very truly sympathizing friend, Mary Crane. (From Miss R. H. Smiley to Mrs. Sherman, a preacher in the Society of Friends.) Lake Mohonk, March 31, 1882. Dear Mrs. Sherfuan : My thoughts often turn to thee with loving sym- pathy as I remember thee in thy loneliness, and I do pray that the " God of all comfort " may be very consciously near thee each moment. He a/ojie can fill the void that death has made and lift thy thoughts to that blessed home where the dear one gone before is "forever with the Lord." That life seems more and more to me the realYii^, and I love to dwell upon it and think of the joy of those who have entered in. Only " a little while " and we, too, shall join with them in their songs of joy and triumph. As dear friends one by one are taken, I can but rejoice for them that the trials of earth are ended and they rest with Jesus. I know there is the sorrow for those remaining — the daily missing the dear ones, but He knows all this and sympathizes with those who sorrow. I trust thou dost so enter into the joy of thy dear husband that thy own heart is uplifted with a blessed foretaste of the joy beyond. Thy dear one is with Jesus now seeing Him face to face. Oh, what joy ! satisfied forever ! He has I04 seen it best to leave thee here a httle longer to live for Him — to manifest forth the life of the Lord Jesus, and I do pray that thou mayest realize day by day that the Lord Jesus is a blessed reality, and that thou mayest be a living- witness of His love and sup- porting grace, and be anew set apart for Him. "Set apart for Jesus, Is not this enough ? Though the desert prospect Opens wild and rough ? Set apart for His delight. Chosen for His holy pleasure, Sealed to be His special treasure ! Could we choose a noble joy, And wou'd we if we might?" And then the blessedness of being set apart to serve Him. May we delight to do His will, giving Him a joyful service with praise. May the Lord bless and comfort thee. Lovingly thy friend, R. H. Smiley. (Extracts from Mrs. C. W. Ray, D.D., to Mrs. Mead.) 3214 ILWEKFORD St., Philadelphia, Pa. My dear Mary : In your family there have been sad ravages. Death has been there — rather the dear departed has been promoted to a nobler immortal career, his mor- tal life was well rounded — everything finished. Blessed rest in paradise, after so much labor. I05 Give much love to your dear mother and say to her that in my heart of hearts I have sympathized with her in her great loss — with yourself too, but you have your husband and child, while she is quite alone. Several friends sent me papers containing sketches concerning the life and labors of your father, which have been of much interest to me. It seems to me that his was a finished life. He was able to accom- plish so much good in the Master's cause, and had such a Ions: life in which to labor. Grateful is the memory of such. Mrs. C. VV. Ray. (Extracts from Rev. Gilbert Robbins to Mrs. Sherman. Mr. R. remarked to Mr|. Sherman as he left E. Greenwich for another field, " You have done for me more than any other one here unless it be Mrs. V." He lived in Mrs. V.'s house.) Cape Neddicii, March. Deal'- Airs. Sherman : Most sincerely do I sympathize with you in your bereavement. May you find the grace of God suf- ficient to sustain you under it. I feel that in the death of your husband I have lost a friend ; for dur- ing my ten years' residence in Greenwich I always regarded him in that light. One of the pleasantest trips of my life I owe to him. I refer to the trip I made with him to Washincrton, several vears 7s.^o, when our missionary anniversaries were held there. He generously furnished me with the means of going and returning, and, indeed, of defraying all the ex- io6 penses of the journey. And I remember with pleasure how I went with him down the Potomac to Mt. Vernon and visited the tomb of the immortal Washington. Oh, what thrilling emotions we had as we stood together gazing upon that sacred tomb ! It was an event to be remembered for a life-time. And I never think of it without feeling grateful to the man who gave me the opportunity of doing it. I should not have enjoyed that privilege had it not been for the kindness of Brother Sherman. And that is not the only occasion on which I was the recipient of his benefactions. I think, with pleasure, of the kind attentions I received from him during the trials through which I passed in some of the last months I lived in Greenwich. And I remember the words of sympathy uttered by you, dear sister, just as I left the village in the cars for Boston. The good Lord reward you for your good wishes and words, and may you be supported by his precious promises now that you are left alone. Man}' will lament the departure of your husband as well as yourself. The worshippers in the chapel will sadly miss the man to whose Christian liberality they are indebted for that pleasant place of worship. But you must remember, and so must they, that the builder and owner of that chapel has entered that " house not made with hands eternal in the heavens." He has gone where, often on earth, his spirit longed to be, and we shall all soon follow him. Mrs. R. sends her love and kindest sympathy. Gilbert Robbjns. I07 (Extracts from Mrs. Asenath C. Green, for more than twenty years a missionary in the Sandwich Islands, to Mrs. Sherman.) Makawas, S. I., Jan. 24, '84. Very dear Mrs. Sherman : I take a note sheet this morning to fully assure you that a well-covered letter was mailed for Green- wich long, long ago, taking my love and sympathy to a cherished friend ; perhaps had I directed to Mrs, Wm. N., instead of M. B., you would have re- ceived it. Your dear daughter Mary is located in the " Green Mountain State," making a home for her- self. I think of it as the place of her devoted father's last weariness and ^2i\w, from which his spirit took flight to an abode of rest and unending bliss. How truly it may be said of him, he lived not for self but others ! My delightful visits at your pleasant Wickford home are oases in my memory. With much love to yourself and friends, I am ever yours, Mrs. Asenath C. Green. JSemori/^l Sermon. HE Sabbath succeeding his burial, March 19, 1882, a memorial service was arranged and conducted by the Rev. Mr. Bradbury, of Providence, in Marlboro Chapel, East Greenwich. The following selections from this sermon will be read with interest : Text, Ps. cxii. 6 : " The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance." The last clause. The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, separates the human race into two large divisions. It names them the righteous and the wicked ; the saint and the sinner ; the believer and the unbeliever. It represents them as serving two masters, the righteous serving God the Father, Christ Jesus, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Great Comforter ; the wicked serving Satan, who, for sixty centuries, has been trying to rob God of his glory, and men of their souls. The Bible also represents them as walking differ- ent ways — the righteous walking in a straight, nar- row, sun-lit, star-jjaved way ; the wicked in a broad, easy, sliding-along way. They meet with opposite deaths. The righteous often triumph in death, shouting, " O, deatli, where is thy sting? " The wicked are driven awa)- in their wickedness, without hope and without God. The Bible goes still further. St. Matthew, in the I 12 25th chapter, from the 31st verse to the close of the chapter in his gospel, gives a graphic, glowing de- scription of the august scenes of the General Judg- ment, when, for the first and last time, the whole human race were ever together, or ever will be. My theme is the character and destiny of the righteous. We remark in describing- their char- ts o acter : 1. You may know the righteous, for they are right in their thoughts, meditations, plans, purposes, and motives. Their chief motives are to glorify God and do good. They can well remember when their motives were not good. But now they are. How true this was of our dear departed Brother Sherman. His aims and motives, from a little boy, were to glorify God and build up his cause. 2. You ma)- know the righteous, for they are right at heart, right in their affections. They love God supremely, and try to love their neighbors as them- selves. How true this was of our dear brother! 3. You may know the righteous, for they are right in the words which drop from their lips. They are like honey and the honeycomb. Oh, what sweet, heavenly words have dropped from our beloved brother's lips in this chapel, ever since it was built! Oh, how fresh in our memory are the heavenly ex- hortations in praise, prayer, and conference meet- ings, when his whole soul was drawn out in agonies for the conversion of sinners. They even now seem to ring in our ears. While memory remains, they will remain. 1 1 4. You may know the righteous, for they are right in their doings. The deeds of their hands are hke their words — useful, beneficial. Like their Master, thev 2fo about doinor crood. How true this was of Brother Sherman. See the work of his hands in this beautiful house of worship. 5. You may know the righteous, for they are right in their views of the atonement ; of the plan of salva- tion ; of the redemptive scheme of mercy through the Crucified. You remember, my hearers, how clear our dear brother's views were of the way of life and salvation. Very seldom do we find even ministers who can grasp these weighty truths better than Brother Sherman did, or who could expound and explain better than he could ! 6. You may know the righteous, for they are right on the great benevolent institutions of the day, such as missions, temperance, Sabbath-schools, and anti-slavery. On these institutions, without an ex- ception, our esteemed and dearly beloved brother, from a boy, took a right stand. He embraced them, brought them home to his bosom, and worked for them with an undying zeal. For all of them his ardor never waned. When the State had the pro- iiibitory law. he thought we now had a panacea for the horrible ills of intemperance. We could now demolish the Qficrantic crime of crimes, and destrov the sum of all villainies. And oh, how grieved he was when the prohibitory law was abolished. His heart seemed to sink within him. And he was an earnest friend and zealous worker 114 \n Sabbath-scliools. Wlicn he lived in Woon- socket, and was proprietor and editor of T/ic U'oon- sockei /\ilrioLhii found time to _f(0 out into the lanes and l)\\va\s and collect toi^ether the ragged, dirt)', "filthy, vicious children in the school-house, taught them the way of life and salvation, and led them to '' the lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world." And how he rejoiced when the chains fell off from the millions of slaves in our otherwise happy land ! And when the contrabands came to East 'Greenwich, he took some twelve or fifteen of them into his house, taught them to love and serve God, and. that they might feel more at home, purchased the lot on which this beautiful chapel stands, built the chapel, put in a large organ for the public services, a small one for social meetings and the Sabbath- school, at the cost of several thousand dollars. And for some eight or ten years he has seen the salvation of God in the conversion of sinners. 11. It remains to speak of the destiny of the right- eous. P'or they shall be in everlasting remembrance. We observe, then : I. To be in everlasting remembrance is to be eternally in the mind of God Almighty. As He is oninipresent and omniscient, it follows that He will hold the righteous eternally in llis meinor)-. It is impossible that they should, for one moment, be for- ofotten. " Can a woman foro^et her suckinor child ? Yea, she may forget, yet will I not forget." The righteous will be graven upon the palms of His hands. 1 1 2. To be in everlasting remembrance is to be eternally in God's great heart of affections. On the righteous He pours a flood of His love. Never, no, never, can He cease to love them. Nothing can withdraw His affections from them. " For I am per- suaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate them from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord." 3. To be in everlasting remembrance is to be eternally in God's presence. What particular part of the universe He will furnish for a home v/e are not informed. The locality of hca\en, the paradise of God, the mansions of rest, is not given us in the sacred Scrijitures. They tell us there are such places, and for whom they are prepared, viz.. saints and anofels, and that the riofhteous shall dwell in them for ever and ever. 4. To be in everlasting remembrance is to be eternally supported by him. The sacred books of the Bible only hint at what may be needed for their support. John, the Revelator, sa)s : "And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God, and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month." And in another chapter he writes : " And white robes were given unto every ii6 one of thcin." This is fiLiiiralivc lang'uao-e, but Iil-- ures have a deep and iiii|)ressi\(' meaning-. 5. To be in everlastinof remembrance is to be eternally protected by God. Just what protection is needed for the righteous does not readily appear. It cannot, for a moment, be supposed that in the future world dangers beset our paths, or that any evils will overtake the righteous. They are safe, protected by His Almight)- power. His omnijjotent hand will hold them up. 6. To be in everlasting remembrance is to be, perhaps, nearer Christ's throne eternally than any or all the holy angels of heaven. These angels never sinned, never needed the pardoning mercy of a crucified Redeemer. St. Paul writes in his first epis- tle to the Corinthians : '' Know ye not that we shall judge angels," which seems to imply we shall in some sense be superior to the holy angels of heaven. Hence the poet sings : " Earth has a joy unknown in heaven — The newborn peace of sin forgiven ! Tears of such pure and sweet delight, Ye angels ! never dimmed your sight." 7. To be in everlasting remembrance is to be eternally in the best society of the universe of God. The archangel Michael, Gabriel, all the hoh- angels, the ch(M-ubim and the seraphim, together with all the redeemed, from Abel down the long stream of time, and all the ransomed who now live, or ever will live, will compose that hap}))', hoi)-, glorified society. There, oh, there will be the righteous. There, oh, I [ there is our dearly beloved Brother Sherman. Could the curtain be removed, and we look in, what raptur- ous delight would thrill our souls ! What overpow- ering joy would fill our minds ! For aught I know, we should like to hasten our flight to join that holy, happy throng. Well, my dear hearers, we ma}-, if righteous, be nearer that glorious society than we are aware. There may be but a step between us and death. The angel may already be summoned to cut the brittle thread of life. Oh, may we see to it that we are ready, all ready, for the summons. 8. Finally, to be in everlasting remembrance is to be eternally in happiness, in bliss. Blissfulness will thrill every faculty of the mind, the intellect, the sen- sibilities, and the will. The glorified body, after the morning of the resurrection, will also be full of hap- piness. Such joy, such delight, is unknown on earth. Our earthly bodies are often full of death, sorrow, misery, pain. These, in the new body, will never be known. But unspeakable felicity will take posses- sion of our entire being. In this life it is difficult for our minds to grasp the blessedness of heaven. But as it is written : " Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them tluit love him." In review, what lessons do we learn ? 1. We may know if we are righteous. Have we their character? Are we doing their works? 2. We may know if we are not righteous. We shall not have their character, nor do their works. ii8 3. We see, although faintly, the glorious, un- speakable destiny of the righteous. Pen cannot describe it, nor pencil throw it on the canvas. With our lively imagination we can see Brother Sherman in the Holy City, walking its streets with a crown of glory on his head studded with tiazzling gems> sparkling like the sun's brilliant rays, clothed with the celestial robe of riMiteousness, more cflorious than language can picture, chanting to his infinite Redeemer heavenly pseans, loud hallelujahs, sweet doxoloo^ies, with saints and ancjels rnakino- the arches of heaven rinof- Oh! how soon, how soon, if rio-hte- ous, we shall join him, and then! fRDSS MOTICES ]\^nicei^ of the ftQ^^. EFORE and after Mr. Sherman died, many references to him appeared in the New England papers. As indicating the im- pression which he made upon those outside of his own immediate circle of relatives and friends, we make below a few selections. [From T/ie Advi'rtiser, Providence, R. I., after his retirement from the Pendulum. \ It is with very melancholy emotions of heart that we sit down to write a paragraph or two record- ing the retirement of William N. Sherman, Esq., from the proprietorship and management of The Rhode Island Pcjidu/um, published at East Green- wich for so long a period, and so well known as a very ably conducted and most respectable and excel- lent family newspaper. The Pendu/nvi was originally started by Mr. Sherman about twenty-three years ago, and has been owned and steadily conducted by him ever since, with very good success. 77/<' JVoofi- socket Patriot was also originally started by Mr. Sherman, who conducted it for about nine years, when he was afflicted with a long period of sickness and disposed of that paper to its present publisher. His subsequent residence in East (ireenwich })r()\ cd every way healthful to him, and he has long been 13 1 2 held in the lii<^-liest estimation there as a man of ex- cellent general intelligence, fine business capacity, irreproachable character and large-hearted Christian benevolence. Mr. Sherman's first enterprise as an editor and proprietor was the publication of ^hc Ladies j\Iir- ror, which lie started at Southbridge, Mass., about the year 1S31 ; and we are happy to be able to state that such has ever been his prudence, judicious man- agement, persevering industry and honorable con- duct, that he now retires from business not only '' with all his blushing honors thick upon him," but also with a very handsome amount of "real and per- sonal.'' If we had his note at six per cent, for fifty, seventy-five or a hundred thousand dollars, we should feel that we were " very well fixed." We have said that it made us feel sad to record the retirement of Mr. Sherman from The Penduhini, and the reason is that we have been in the habit, for a long time, of meeting him often, every week, in the office of The Gefieral Advertiser, and have learned to " like his ways," as the saying is. He has always proved to be a most affable gentleman as well as a most diliofent and methodical business man. (From The Advertiser and Gazette of I'rovidence, after his death.) A good man — a thoroughly upright, intelligent, respected, successful business man, and a consistent Christian man — has departed, and Rhode Island has lost another of her excellent citizens. William N. Sherman, one of the old master-printers of the State, I 2^ the original proprietor of The Woonsockct Patriot, and subsequently of The East Greenwich Pendulum, died on the 2d instant, in Rudand. Vt., at the ripe age of seventy-three. In this office — the old office of A. Crawford Greene & Son — Mr. Sherman was familiarly known as " Un- cle William," he being the uncle of the late lamented senior partner. But so much w^as he liked by all the old employees, who had been here for so many years, that they all claimed him as uncle. His last paper, The Rhode Island Pendulum, he had printed in this office up to the time when he sold it to its present proprietor ; and as we were accus- tomed to seeing him more or less every week for a long period, we learned to esteem him very highly. He was always very pleasant and sociable and often quite jocular ; and although we had not, of late, seen much of him. since he retired from business, we still find it hard to realize that he has gone for all time. He was a well-informed, sagacious man, who had been about our country considerably, and always had much to say that was interesting and instruc- tive. He was a man of high and firm moral and re- ligious principles, and no one was ever more honor- able in the fulfillment of all obligations. Being a practical and good printer, he liked to work over his paper, and did more or less, every week, in the way of what is technically called " making-up." Rather unexpectedly to us, however, he finally sold out Tlic Rhode Island Pendulum and retired — as. indeed, 124 he might well have done long before, for he had accumulated a decidedly handsome property. Although Mr. Sherman was entirely successful with TJic Patriot at Woonsocket, he told us once that he never was well there. Something- about the climate of the place did not seem to agree with him ; and after a severe fit of sickness he decided to go to East Greenwich. Here, for many years, he enjoyed good health, and here, we may say, he was greatly esteemed and respected. He was a worthy mem- ber of the Baptist Church there, and l)uilt, at his own cost, what is known as the Marlboro Chapel. Whether this was given by him, in his lifetime, or whether it has been willed, to any society, we are unable to say. Mr. Sherman leaves a widow and a married daughter, an only child ; and, as we learn, he possessed real and personal estate to a very con- siderable amount. (From TJie Boston G/ol>e.) He was a journalist of conservative views and was ever the advocate of all that tended to the improve- ment of those around him and the furtherance of the principles of justice, humanity and benevolence. A man of benevolent and religious impulses, he sought the crood of his fellow man in acts of useful benev- olence. He was one of the founders of the Free Library in 1867, and, associated with Governor Green, was one of its liberal benefactors, and con- tributed to the fund for the erection of a handsome library building. Among his last public acts was a 125 contribution of one hundred volumes to its already large collection. Honoring religion in all its forms, he had his own peculiar ideas upon creeds and tenets, — tending to liberality of religious opinion. In accordance with his views and the promptings of a benevolent nature the Marlboro Street Chapel of East Greenwich was erected in 1872 at the sole ex- pense of Mr. Sherman at a cost of $5, 000. In 1874 an Independent Baptist Church was organized ot open communion. The pulpit has been regularly supplied by various ministers of evangelical denom- ination, and the Sunday-school and library have been supported almost entirely by Mr. Sherman. The sittings are free, and at this chapel all can wor- ship whenever they choose free of expense, in all accordance with the invitation given at its dedica- tion : "Whosoever will may come." He was a member of Harmony Lodge of Odd Fellows, and for several years a prominent member of the order in Rhode Island. Thus closes a useful life full of good deeds, and an industry that brought to him comfort and ease in the sunset of life, and left to the generations that shall follow a wholesome example. (From The Rhode Island Pciidulutii.) Mr. Sherman was a man of strong prejudices, but possessed sterling traits of character. He was a man of marked individuality, condemning what he conceived to be wrong. He became united with the Baptist Church at Woonsocket in 1838, but 126 previously had induced a goodly number of children of the villaofe who seemed to need moral and relitr- ious instruction to assemble in the old Red School- house, where he conducted a Sunday-school that was afterward transferred to the Baptist Church. After his removal to East Greenwich, with a true missionary spirit he incorporated those benevolent impulses which prompted him, about the year 1872, to buy a notorious rookery at the corner of Long and Marlboro Streets and erect on the spot a chapel where there has been preaching since, with free seats, a flourishing Sunday school being connected with it, while the whole has been mainly sustained by the bounty of the subject of this sketch. (From The Providence Press.) He was the liberal patron of every good work in East Greenwich, and his effort to lift up the lower classes of society in that place deserve the most un- qualified commendation. That these might have a place of worship where they would feel entirely at home, he erected the Marlboro Street Chapel at his own cost, and sustained the greater part of the ex- pense of supplying the pulpit for many years. He was kindly, great-hearted, and the friend of every- body who deserved friendship. (From T/te Providence yournal.) William N. Sherman, of East Greenwich, died Thursday, in Rutland, Vt., aged seventy-three years Mr. Sherman was the founder of 77/r IVoofisocket Pa- 127 triot, and subsequently started The Rhode Island Pejiduluiu which he conducted for many years. Mr. Sherman was a plain, upright, conscientious man, whose daily life was devoid of reproach, and whose labors were modestly, but earnestly and intelligently, devoted to the elevation and improvement of his fellow men. (From TJic Veniiotit Baptist.') An indefatigable worker for God, his country, and his fellow men. He was greatly esteemed and respected. He was a worthy member of the Baptist Church, and built, at his own cost, what is known as the Marl- boro Chapel. Mr. Sherman leaves a widow and a married daughter, an only child ; and, as we learn, he possessed real and personal estate to a very con- siderable amount. DES, fODMS AND ^YMNS. 14 WRITTEN BY WILLIAM N. SHERMAN, ON DIFFERENT OCCASIONS. Ode. Prepared for a Fourth of July Celebration in Southbridge, Mass.y 1832. All hail to the day whose triumph was bright ! And hail to fair freedom, emerging to light, Reflecting the brilliant escutcheons of fame. From darkness, which shrouded America's name. Its lustre has circled the brow of the brave, And deck'd with green laurels the patriot's grave, Has braided its garland of vict'ry and peace, And lightened the footsteps of time in its pace. With songs and with honors let us now entwine A wreath of thanksgiving for gifts so divine ; Let hearts bright with gladness and glory rebound, Generations to come shall echo the sound. Proclaim to the world our fifty-sixth morn, Since the birth of our freedom — our new world was born; We're joyful, we're free, Independence still claim, And proud of our country we boast of our name. "United we stand, divided we fall," '' E Pluribus Utinm" America's all — United in bonds of affection and peace. May wisdom, and science, and virtue increase. 132 Oh, thus be it ever, and triumph long wave, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave ; Preserve us, defend us, oh. Power Supreme, All glory and honor we give to thy name. Written for the Same Oecasion. Hail, Freedom ! long with us abide — For thee our fathers lived and died — Thou art our boasted song and pride — Thou art our glowing fame. Years have fled since bold hearts high Beat to the sound, " Our Country ;" Swore that they'd live free, or die, And crush the oppressor's name. That proud oath, where war-smoke curled, They redeemed, and then unfurled Their banner to the western world — "Union and Liberty." Banner of the sainted dead. Wave in triumph o'er their bed Whom thy folds to vict'ry led, To immortality. Loud, long applaud each hero's name. And sing their deeds of deathless fame, Their struggle with oppression's flame. Their many a pain and toil ! For us in war-pomp, proud arrayed. They boldly fought, they bravely bled — Their sons to freedom they have led, Upon the war-ground's soil. 133 Then let Columbia's sons rejoice, Let music burst from every voice, And sound the p:lory of our choice, Our blest America. Let poor old England cry '■ Reform," We care not for the impending storm. We'll fortify in every form For Liberty's array. %-nm. Written for The MoiitJily Harvester, 1841. Ye Stars ! Ye Stars ! Ye stars, ye stars, ye burning stars — Ye heavenly hosts of light — Set round in glorious diadems For heaven and earth's delight. Say, are ye the tapers round the throne That shone on Bethlehem's plain When the only Son of God was born, And angels sang, "Amen ! " Yes ; there ye shine, and there have shone, E'en since creation's birth ; And there forever still may shine, 'Till a new heaven and earth ; And when old things are passed away, And truth and error sever. When by the throne of your own God, The saints shall shine forever. O blessed stars ! — since time began, Your glory beamed as bright ; The patriarchs and prophets found In ye much sweet delight. '34 The same our fathers looked upon — Our father's fathers praised — Are the very stars that still shine on, Above our fathers' graves. And so 'twill be when we are gone — Ye'll twinkle still as bright ; And morning stars together sing, As at creation's light. When earth and heaven dissolve and fly And ye shall " fall " away, The stars of God's eternity Shall make eternal dav. Written for The Monthly Harvester, 1841, " That Fade th Not Away." Oh 1 who would always live on earth Where sorrows ever rise ? Where cloud on cloud of anguish comes Across our brightest skies } Where gnawing cares are ever fresh, And pain oft fills the breast.^ Oh, know ye not, ye earthly ones, This is no place of rest ? Oh. who would barter gems of bliss, And joys that never tire. For earth's best glories, mutable. Which bloom but to expire.' Oh, who would brave life's scathing storms, Without a hope in heaven.' There fadeth not away that hope. If sinners are forgiven. 135 Then seek not wealth and pleasure here, Beneath a changeful sky, Where love grows cold, and friendships ebb, And bosom friends must die ; But treasure deep within the heart, A mansion bright and fair, For there immutable, unfading bliss Is — there, and only there. Oile. Prepared for the Fourth of Jiily Celebration at Wick ford, 1843. 'Tis Freedom's natal day — A nation's jubilee ; — And here our festival we pay, Sweet Liberty, to thee ! Let tuneful shouts arise. From every heart and voice ; Let paeans reach the upper skies. And echo back, " Rejoice." Nor king's nor tyrant's power, Nor monarch's haughty sway. Can dim the glory of the hour We consecrate to-day. The king upon his throne. Rules with oppression's rod ; But we no king or sovereign own. Save the Eternal God. Let tuneful shouts arise, ' From every heart and voice ; Let pagans reach the upper skies, And echo back, " Rejoice." 136 Written for the Same Occasion, Eternal God ! to thee we bend, Our fathers' God, our fathers' friend ; To thee our grateful voices raise, In humble hope and solemn praise. Thy hand sustained each bleeding breast When by a tyrant's power oppress'd, And when upon the batde-field, Thou wert their strength, and thou their shield. Thy mighty arm was bared to save Our fathers from oppression's grave ; And we, their sons, are pledged to be Heirs of their immortality. Departed sires ! we sing thy fame ! Thy valor and thy deathless name, Thy banner waves yet, sainted dead ! In triumph o'er your silent bed 1 Forever wave that banner high Through every arch of Freedom's sky ; And ever may our banner be Inscribed "To God and Liberty ! " Hvimi. Prepared for the Centennial Celebration at Greenwich, Fourth of July, 1876. Eternal God ! to Thee we raise, In humble thanks and solemn praise, Our heart and voice before Thy throne, For blessings of a century gone. 137 When our young nation was oppressed, Thine arm sustained in our distress, And when upon the battle-field Thou wert our strength, and Thou our shield. A hundred years have passed away, And on this hundredth natal day The banner of our sainted dead Floats in rich folds above our head. Forever wave that banner high, Through every arch of Freedom's sky, And North and South, and East and West, In Union be forever blest. Then God's right liaml shall shade our fears And bless the coming hundred years ; And Freedom from her mountain height Proclaim aloud that right is might. A century hence ! We shall be gone ' But generations yet unborn May float the flag — may voices raise, And sing again Centennial praise. Written for a SabluUh-sc/nwl Concert. What did Jksus Sav.^ Jesus in the temple with the doctors wise, .•\sking wondrous questions, giving wise replies ; When His parents found him, seeking night and day Jesus in the temple, what did Jesus say .' Luke, it. 49. 15 Jesus at the Jordan, coming unio John, That He miglu baj)tize him, the beloved son ; When John from His j)urpose sought to turn away, Jesus at the Jordan, wliat did Jesus say ? Matt. ill. 15. At the well of Jacob, resting by its brink, Bidding the Samaritan give to Him to drink, When she asked of Jesus where men ought to pray. At the well of Jacob, what did Jesus say? John, iv. 2\, 2 1. On the sea of Galilee, when the storm was high, "Save us. Lord, we perish ! " His disciples cry, While they marvel greatly as the winds obey, On the sea of Galilee, what did Jesus say r all. Tin. 26. Coming into Bethany, meeting full of gloom INIartha mourning Lazarus lying in the tomb ; Of the resurrection and the last great day. Coming into Bethany, what did Jesus say ? yohn, xi. 25, 26. Weeping o'er Jerusalem, city of the king, Whom He would have gathered 'neath his loving wing, Mourning for her children, going all astray. Weeping o'er Jerusalem, what did Jesus say ? A/at/, xxiii. 37. At the Lord's last supper, ere He went to die, In that upper chamber, as the end drew nigh. When He gently told them He must go away. At the sacramental supper, what did Jesus say ? jfohn^ xiv. 2. In the dark Gethsemane His disciples slept, While, exceeding sorrowful, Jesus prayed and wept, When He found them sleeping who should watch and pray, In the dark Gethsemane, what did Jesus say ? Luke, XX a. 45, 46. 139 From the Mount of Calvary, on the cross of woe, Seeing the three Marys, they who loved Him so, To the dear disciples ere he went awav, On the Mount of Calvary, what did Jesus say? yuhn, xix. 26, 27. From the cross of sorrow, ere His soul went up, As He drank the fullness of the bitter cup. Looking on His enemies, in their dark array, On the cross of sorrow, what did Jesus say ? lAike, xxiii. 34. At His home in Heaven, in the world above, Where the little children learn His wondrous love. And their sins forgiven on that blessed day. At His home in Heaven, what will fesus say ? A faff. XXV. 34. Written for a Sabbath-school Concert. Heaven. There'll be no night in Heaven ; In that blest world above Work never can bring wearines=, For Heaven's work is love. There is no grief in Heaven, For life is one glad day, And tears belong to former things Which long have passed away. There'll be no want in Heaven, Hunger and thirst no more Shall reach the followers of the Lamb On that celestial shore. I40 Tfiere'll be no sin in Heaven ; Behold that blessed throng All holy in their spotless robes ! And holy is their song. There'll be no death in Heaven, For they who gain that shore Have put on immortality And thev will die no more. [The followinor lines were suggested l^y a thrilling scene which recently transpired in our vicinity. A man was run over by a train of cars and had both legs cut off, and in a d)ing state was taken to his home. His little daughter, who, though very young, had been taught in the Sunday-school that without repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ there could be no admission into heaven, realized the situ- ation of her dear father, and bursting into tears en- treated him to pray. It was too late for audible prayer, but it is hoj^ed that he found peace and Heaven.] Pray ! Papa, Pray ! pRAV, papa, pray ! oh, quickly pray ! Heed, heed thy little daughter's cry ; Thine end is near — pray, papa, pray ! This day, dear papa, tnou must die. Pray, papa, pray ! 'tis not too late ; Oh, haste to have thy sins forgiven ; Jesus is ready to receive, And save thv soul this dav in Heaven. 141 Oh, Jesus ! love my papa dear, And gently wash his sins away ; Oh, fit him for a heavenly home Where we may meet — pray, papa, pray ! A moment more — the spirit fled, And bitter silence reigned that day ; The child still lingered near the dead, And asked in vain — Did papa pray ? UC SOUTHERN R AA 001