UC-NRLF B 3 fl7i ^bfl GIFT OF •lonn PS 2. (August, 1916.) BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE DEPOSIT OF POSTAL SAVINGS FUNDS IN BANKS AND THE ACCEPTANCE OF BONDS AS SECURITY THEREFOR ISSUED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES UNDER AUTHORITY OF ACTS OF CONGRESS EDITION OF AUGUST, 1916 // CI if UN IV V 1 • WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFHCE 1916 p**?!' .■*yp?: ''^S^e allowed ^^f^.^^^^^^^^lf^^^ postmasters at post offices of the fourth class for the^^^ff^^^yj^^ tran^saction of postal savings depository business. Such^-^^^^- seepage compensation shall not exceed one-fourth oj one per centum on the average sum upon which interest is paid each calendar year on receipts at such post office, and shall he paid from the postal revenues; hut postmasters, assistant postraasters, clerics, or other eraployees at post offices of the presidential grade shall not receive any additional compensation ior such service.] Sec. 14. That the sum of one hundred thousand dollars Appropriation, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to enable the Postmaster General and the board of trustees to establish postal savings depositories in accordance with the provisions of this act, including the reimbursement of the Secretary of the Treasury for Reimburse- . "^ . f ment of Secre- expenses incident to the preparation, issue, and registra- 1 a r y of the tion of the bonds authorized in this act: and the Post- ^Postmaster ' General may re- master General is authorized to require postmasters and quire postal em- ^ -^ . plovces to trans- other postal officers and employees to transact, in con- act" postal sav- ■t^ . , . mgs busmess. nection with their other duties, such postal savings depository business as may be necessary: and he is also ^Postmaster ^ •^ -^ 1 e 1 1 General may authorized to make, and with the approval of the board make rules and ' « . . regulations sub- of trustees to promulgate, and from time to time toject to approval 1 11 t r • -I 1 1°^ hoard of trus- modify or revoke, subject to the approval of said board, tees, such rules and regulations not in conffict with law as he 24 POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM. may deem necessary to cany the provisions of this act into effect. crSiMlf St a 't*l Sec. 15. That all the safeguards provided by law for the pH^bte to postal protection of public moneys, and aU statutes relatmg to savings funds. ^]^q embezzlement, conversion, improper handluig, reten- tion, use, or disposal of postal and money-order funds and the punishments provided for such offenses are hereby extended and made appHcable to postal savmgs deposi- tory fmids, and all statutes relating to false returns of postal and money-order business, the forgery, counter- feiting, alteration, improper use or handling of postal and money-order blanks, forms, vouchers, accounts, and rec- ords, and the cUes, plates, and engravings therefor, with the penalties provided in such statutes, are hereby ex- tended and made apphcable to postal savings depository busmess, and the forgery, counterfeiting, alteration, im- proper use or handling of postal savmgs depository blanks, forms, vouchers, accounts, and records, and the dies, plates, and engravings therefor. paySt ^f" &t Sec. 16. That the faith of the United States is solemnly posits. pledged to the payment of the deposits made in postal savings depository offices, with accrued interest thereon as herein provided. of^^JrfsM'iu'be Sec. 17. That the final judgment, order, or decree of rfghts'^^in^ posta°i ^^J court of Competent jurisdiction adjudicatmg any savings funds, piglit or interest in the credit of any sums deposited by any person with a postal savings depository if the same shall not have been appealed from and the time for appeal has expired shall, upon submission to the Postmaster General of a copy of the same, duly authenticated in the manner provided by the laws of the United States for the authen- tication of the records and judicial proceedings of the courts of any State or Temtorj" or of any possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, when the same are proved or admitted within any other court within the United States, be accepted and pursued by the board of trustees as conclusive of the title, right, interest, or possession so adjudicated, and any payment of said sum in accordance with such order, judgment, or decree shall operate as a full and complete discharge of the United States from the claim or demand of any person or persons, to the same. Approved, June 25, 1910. REGULATIONS GOVERNING DEPOSIT OF POSTAL SAVINGS EUNDS. 25 AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE SERVICE OF THE POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE THIRTIETH, NINETEEN HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assernbled, Sec. 10. * * * And provided further, That all expendi- -^"*^*- tures in the postal savings system shall be audited by the Auditor for the Post Office Department: And pro- vided further, That the Postmaster General shall select 0^^°^^!:°^'*^^®'^ and designate the post offices which are to be postal sav-ofj^^^^^'snate ings depository offices, and shall appoint and fix the tj.'^^^^^o/s "gl compensation of such superbitendents, inspectoi's, and'^™- other employees as may be necessary hi conducting, su- pervising, and directiag the business of such offices, in- cluduig the employees of a central offioo at Washington, District of Columbia, and shall prescribe the hours drn'-ho^Efb^k/es* ing which postal savhigs depository offices shall remain open. He shall also from time to time make rules and latTonT^^o^dB^ regulations with respect to the deposits in and with-Siir*^ ''"^' drawals of moneys from postal savings depositories and the issue of pass books or such other devices as he may adopt as evidence of such deposits or withchawals. The provisions of the Act approved June twenty-fifth, nine- i^fofamend^d.^' teen hundred and ten, are hereby modified accordingly. n* 'P T* ▼ T* T» •1* Approved, August 24, 1912. AN ACT TO AMEND THE ACT APPR0\T:D JUNE TWENTY- FIFTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED AND TEN, ENTITLED "AN ACT TO ESTABLISH POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORIES FOR DEPOSITING SAVINGS AT INTEREST WITH THE SECURITY OF THE GOVERNMENT FOR REPAYilENT THEREOF, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of fJie United States of America in Congress assembled, That sections two and thirteen of the act approved June twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and ten, entitled "An act to establish postal savings depositories for depositing savings at interest with the security of the Government for repayment thereof, and for other pur- poses," be hereby amended to read as follows: 26 POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM. otheTofficiari^fi "Sec. 2. That provisions of section three of the act ™^*^ostaF savta"s °^ J^^J ^^^^' cightoon hundxcd and eighty-four, entitled matter. <^Yn act making appropriations for the service of the Post Office Department for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundi'ed and eighty-five, and for other purposes,' are hereby extended and made applicable to all official mail matter pertaining to the business of Cost of carrying t}ie postal savings svstem ; and hereafter the board of postal savings ^ id ^ 7 ^ ^ ,-.. mail no longer to trustccs f or the control, supervision, and administration be reported to . . Congress. of the postal savings depository system shall not be required to show in the annual report prescribed by section one of the act of June twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and ten, estabhshing such system, the amount of work done for that system by the Post Office Depart- ment and postal service in the transportation of free mail. No extra com- "Sec. 13. Postmastcrs, assistaiit postmasters, clerks, pensation to post- ■" rvci •i-i masters or postal or Other employees at post offices of the presidential employees for j. ^ j. x tr ansae tingo;rade, and postmasters at post offices of the fourth class, postal savings® ^ sr r^ _ ^ 7 business. shall not be allowed or paid any additional compensa- tion for the transaction of postal savings depository business." Approved, September 23, 1914. AN ACT TO AMEND THE ACT APPR0\T:D JTNE TWENTY- FIFTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED AND TEN, AUTHORIZING THE POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM, AND FOR OTHER PUR- POSES. Be it enacted ly the Senate and House of Representatives oj tJie United States of America in Congress assemhled, That such part of section six of the act approved Jime twenty- fifth, nineteen hundred and ten, authorizing a system of postal savings depositories, as reads " but no one shall tauonlemoved!'" t>e permitted to deposit more than $100 in any one cal- endar month" is hereby amended to read as follows: ''but the balance to the credit of any person, upon which teYe?t"?b?aring interest is payable, shall not exceed $1,000, exclusive of cfidft'^^of^'a d*^ accumulated interest"; and said act is further amended positor. gQ ^]^g^^ ^j-^g proviso in section seven thereof shall read as follows: ''Provided, That the board of trustees may, in their discretion, and imder such regulations as such intel-'^Jt-beaJin""^*^^^^ ^^^ promulgate, acccpt additional deposits not to deposits. exceed in the aggregate $1,000 for each depositor, but upon which no interest shall be paid." EEGULATIOXS GOVERNING DEPOSIT OF POSTAL SAVINGS FUNDS. 27 Sec. 2. That postal savings funds received under 'the ^^^gP°si*<'^y provisions of this act shall be deposited in solvent banks, whether organized under National or State laws, and whether member banks or not of the Federal reserve system established by the act approved December twenty-third, nineteen hundred and thirteen, being sub- ject to National or State supervision and examination, and the sums deposited shall bear interest at the rate of of^m^s™ ^^^^ not less than two and one-fourth per centum per annum, which rate shall be uniform throughout the United States ^^^^^ *» ^« inl- and Territories thereof; but five per centum of such funds ^^^'^ p^^ <^^^^ ' -1 reserve. shall be withdrawn by the board of trustees and kept with the Treasurer of the United States, who shall be boa/d '^ o"i' Yrus- treasurer of the board of trustees, in lawful money as a ^^*^" reserve. The board of trustees shaE take from such banks such security in public bonds or other securities, iiished"*ybai^' authorized by act of Congress or supported by the taxing power, as the board may prescribe, approve, and deem sufficient and necessary to insure the safety and prompt payment of such deposits on demand. The funds re- ceived at the postal savings depository offices in each Postal savings city, town, village, and other locahty shall be deposited j^^js^^^jon in in banks located therein (substantially in proportion to the capital and surplus of each such bank) willing to receive such deposits under the terms of this act and the regulations made by authority thereof: Provided, how- ever, If one or more member banks of the Federal reserve Member tanks ' of the Federal system established by the act approved December ^^s"^'® system "^ . . '' ^^ , given preference. twenty-third, nineteen hundred and thirteen, exists in the city, town, village, or locality where the postal sav- ings deposits are made, such deposits shall be placed in such qualified member banks substantially in proportion to the capital and sui'plus of each such bank, but if such member banks fail to qualify to receive such deposits, then any other bank located therein may, as hereinbefore provided, qualify and receive the same. If no such member bank and no other qualified bank exists in any baSk e^?s '°*^ city, town, village, or locality, or if none where such deposits are made will receive such deposits on the terms prescribed, then such funds shall be deposited under the terms of this act in the bank most convenient to such locality. If no such bank in any State or Territory is willing to receive such deposits on the terms prescribed, then such funds shall be deposited with the treasurer of Deposits with treasurer. 28 POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM. the board i>l ti"U3tees and shall be counted in making up the reserve of five per centum. Such funds may be All funds avail- withdrawn from the treasiu'er of said board of trustees, mint of' deposi' and all Other postal savings funds, or any part of such *""• funds, may be at any time withdrawn from the banks and savings depository offices for the repayment of postal savings depositor when required for that purpose. If at Excess deposits any time the postal savings deposits in any State or Ter- bo invested in ritorv shall excecd the amouut which the qualified banks United States , ^ .„. . i i r i • bonds. therein are wilhng to receive under the terms oi this act, and such excess amount is not required to make up the re- serve fund of five per centum hereinbefore provided for, the board of trustees may invest all or any part of such excess amount in bonds or other securities of the United States. All funds ex- When, in the j udgment of the President, the general welfare be invested by and interests of the United States so require, the board of direction of the . , ^■, , «• ,i , i • President. ti*ustees may invest all or any part oi the postal savmgs funds, except the reserve fund of five per centum herein provided for, in bonds or other securities of the United Board of trus- States. The board of trustees may in its discretion ct^ ^olt&i ?iv- purchase from the holders thereof bonds which have been hoiders!^*^ ^^°^ 01" niay be issued under the provisions of section ten of the act of June twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and ten. Interest and Interest and profit accruing from the deposits or invest- payment of inter- ment of postal saviugs fuuds shall be applied to the pay- ment of interest due to postal savings depositors, as here- Excess to beinbefore provided, and the excess thereof, if any, shall tai revenue. be covercd iiito the Treasury of the United States as a Unauthorized part of the postal rcveuue : Provided further, That postal fimds forbidden, saviugs fuuds in the treasury of said board shall be sub- ject to disposition as provided in this act, and not other- wise: And provided furtlier, That the board of trustees Di.sposai of in- may at any time dispose of bonds held as postal savings vestment bonds. , , i .-i i, j._-j.ii ^ c to meet with- mvestmcuts and use the proceeds to meet withdrawals or deposits by depositors. For the purposes of this act the MeaninR ofword ''Territory" as used herein shall be held to include ern orj . ^^^ District of Columbia, the District of Alaska, and Porto Savings banks Rico, and the word ''bank" shall be held to mdude sav- and trust com- . ■, -, iij_ • ^ • ii't_" panies. lugs banks and trust companies doing a banking business. Repeal of con- Sec. 17. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approved, May 18, 1916. O '^MBM^m m II '}'Xo ojjjlj W: li^ Syracuse, N. Y. PATJW.21,W0B U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDmfil7E7D UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY