• •• ..*- •♦• . ^ts^. ^ \ ^^ r /(OJ -v^ « . l5< 0^ 3'^^okl\/r) .n^^k-c^'^^^i/J^ Li or. '^ r- ^ n [ijnCl'JJX D li- XflL r.J /'///// iIli'iT<'nttl(i*lt'i(uiiru DI .x\V 4.^ yyV 1»il'' ^'''«Oo, 'i'lf/ ///'//.////// /■// //// M(Mcaiii ilc Lihr.ii \' Associalioii ^ y J /y V /■///// R |id of iju0vp0vatio«. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIA TION OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. Passed March ir,, 1850. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assemhlv, do enact as follows: Section 1. The memhers of the Mercantile Library Association of the City of Brooklyn, and all persons who shall hereafter be associated with them, are hei-eby created a body corporate by the name of the "Mercantile Library AssocrATioN ok THE City of Brooklyn," for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a librarj-, reading-room, literary and scientific lectures and classes, and otiier means for ](ro- moting mutual improvement, with power for such purpose to take by purchase, devise, or otherwise, and to hold, transfer, mortgage, and convej', real and personal property; and also further to take, hold, and convey all such books, cabinets, library furniture, and apparatus as may be necessary for attaining tlie objects and carrjnng into effect the purposes of the said corporation, not to exceed in tlie aggregate of real and personal ])roperty the value or sum of one luindred thousand dollars. Section 2. The control and disposal of the funds, ])roperty, and estate, and the direction and management of tlie affiiirs of the said corporation, shall be vested in a Board of Fourteen Directors, of which Board tlie President, Vice-President, Corre- sponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer, shall be members; all of whom, and three Inspectors to serve at the next succeeding election, shall be elected annually at the time and in the manner provided for by the Constitution of the said corporation, and shall hold oflice until their successors sliall be elected. Section 3. Tlie Board of Directors, including the officers of the said Association at tlie time of the passage of this act, shall continue to hold their said respective offices of the Directors and officers of tlie corporation hereby created, until the annual election, to be held on the Thursday next succeeding the last Thursday in March, eighteen hundred and sixty: and all property, real or personal, funds, or securities now held by the said Directors or officers, or either or any of them, or any other person or persons, in trust for the said Association or for use and benefit of the same, shall, by virtue of this act, vest in and become the ^^I'opci'ty of, and may be sued for and recovered in the name of, the corporation hereby created ; and the said corporation shall assume and be liable for all contracts, agreements, and liabilities which have been entered into or incurred previous to the passage of this act by the Directors or officers of the said Association, or cither or any of them, lawfully acting in behalf of the said Association. Section 4. All vacancies in the Board of Directors or any of the officers of the said corporation, which may from time to time happen, shall be filled as the said corporation shall, in and by its Constitution, direct and appoint. Section 5. The estate, jn-operty, and funds of the said corporation shall be devoted solely to the general purposes and objects specified in the first section of this act; and while so used, all of said propertj', except the real estate of the said corporation, shall be exempt from taxation. Section 6. The said corporation shall possess the powers and be subject to the provisions and liabilities of the tliird title of the eighteenth chapter of the first part of the Revised Statutes. Section 1. This act shall take effect immediately. OFFICERS OF THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 1858-59. PKESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. LEWIS ROBERTS. HENRY HILL. 8ECRETAHIES. 0>rre/ipon'71iirj—C}IA.KhES S. FARLEY. liecordiiirj—GEOKQE R. BOWMAN. TREASUHER. HENRY P. JOURNEAY. BOARD OP DIRECTORS. WILU.\M R. BLISS, GEORGE R. BOWMAN, J. LAWRENCE BREWSTER, ALBERT B. C.\PWELL, LEBBEU3 CHAPMAN, Jr., CHARLES S. FARLEY, GILBERT L. H.\IGHT, HENRY HILL, HENRY P. JOURNEAY, JAMES RAYMOND, LEWIS ROBERTS, NORMAN D. SAMPSON, HKNKY SHELDON, GOULD H. THORP. LIBRARIAN. STEPHEN B. NOYES. Library Committee.^ALBERT B. Capwell, Henry Hill, William R. Bliss. Finance Committee. — Gilbert L. Haight, J. L. Brewster, Gould H. Thorp. Lecture Committee.— Charles S. Farley, Henry Sheldon, William R. Bliss. Committee of Superintendence. — Henry P. Journeay, Lebbeus Chapman, Jr. James Raymond, Norman D. Sampson, Lbwis Roberts. 1859-60 PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. LEBBEUS CHAl'.MAN, .In. fULBERT L. H.XKJUT. SECRETARIES. l'orreiipo)iilhii/—3A'SlKA H. FROTIIINGHAM. /,V. or smaller, will be delivered to any member, exce[iting family life-members. 4. No book can be retained from the Library longer than two weeks. .But any book (excepting new books) may be renewed for one week before it is returned to the shelves; provided it is bro.ught to the Library for this purpose, and charged again ui>oii the ledger. 5. No member can take out books on another's account, except by a written order; and if any books, thus taken out, are lost or injured, the person to whom they are charged will he held resj^onsible. 6. No smoking or loud conversation is permitted in the Library. PENALTIES. 1. Members retaining books from the Library beyond the time sjiecifled in the Regulations, will be fined three cents per day on every book so retained. 2. If any book is injured or lost, the person to whom such book is charged must replace the same, or pay an equivalent in money. If the book be one of a set, he shall receive the odd volumes at an appraisal, to be fixed by the Library Committee. 3. No member will be permitted to receive a book from the Library until he has paid all sums due from him to tlic Association, and made good all damages or losses whicli he has occasioned. REGULATIONS OF THE READING ROOM. 1. The Reading Room will be opened from 7^ o'clock A. M. to 10 o'clock P. M., daily, excepting Sundays, public holidays, the day of the Annual Election, and such other days as the Board may direct. But during the months of November, Decem- ber, January, and February, the opening hour will be 8 o'clock. 2. No member is allowed the 2>rivileges of the Reading Room, who is in arrears for dues to the Association, or fines incurred in the Library. 3. Any member of the Association may introduce to the Reading Room a friend, not a resident of Brooklyn ; whose name must be registered by the Librarian, and who will receive a card of Admission for four weeks. Persons thus introduced may consult books in the Librarj', but will not be allowed to remove anj'' books from the rooms. 4. No smoking or loud conversation is permitted in the Reading Room. Baker & Godwin, Printers pristing-hocse square, Corner Nrssau & Spruce Streets, N. Y. CATALOGUE. A Star (*) prefixed to a title denotes that the work is a Book of Reference, -which does not circulate, but may be consulted in the Librarj'. A. No. Abbot, The. Sir W. Scott. New York, 1833. 8° 3393 The same. New York, 1833. 8' 3245 The same. Boston, 1852. 12" 3797 The same. 2 vols. Boston, 1858. 16'^ 13165- Abbott. C. Lord Tenterden. On Shipping. Boston, 1854. 8° 11173 Abbott, Jacob. Fraiiconia Stories. 10 vols. New York, 1850-53. 16" 10503- Malleville, Wallace, Mary Erskine, Maiy Bell, Beechnut, Kodolphus, Ellen Linn, Stuyvesant, Caroline, Agnes. Marco Paul Series : — Adventures in Boston. New York, 1858. 16° 10502 Adventures inthe Forests of Maine. New York, 1852. 16" 10513 Adventures in New York. New York, 1852. 16" 10501 Adventures in Vermont. New York, 1852. 10" 10500 Erie Canal. New York, 1852. 16" 10502 a Springfield Armor3^ New York, 1853. 16" 10514 Summer in Scotland. New York, 1854. 12" 11033 Young Christian Series. 4 vols. New York, 1855-58. 12" 11929- I. The Youns: Christian. III. The Way to do Good. II. The Cornel- Stone. IV. Iloary Ilcad and M'Donner. Abbott, J. & J. S. C. History of Josephine. New York, 1853. 12" 3378 History of Madame Roland. New York, 1853. 12" 3381 History of Napoleon. 2 vols. New York, 1855. 8" 2532- Kings and Queens. New York, 1850. 12" 2605 History of Alexander the Great. New York, n. d. 18" 3374 History of Alfred. New York, n. d. 18" '■ 3375 History of Charles I. New York, n. d. 18" 3385 History of Charles II. New York, n. d. 18" 3386 History of Cleopatra. New York, 1852. 18" 3379 History of Cyrus the Great. New York, 1852. 18" 3376 History of Darius the Great. New York, n. d. 18" 3377 History of Hannibal. New York, n. d. 18" 3380 History of Hernando Cortez. New York, 1855. 18" 10520 History of Julius Caesar. New York, 1852. 18" 3384 History of Marie Antoinette. New York, 1857. 16° 10523 History of Mary Queen of Scots. New York, n. d. 18" 3387 History of Nero. New York, 1853. 18" 3382 History of Pyrrhus. New York, 1854. 18" 10521 History of Queen Elizabeth. New York, n. d. 18" 3388 1 2 ABB AGE {Merc. Lib. Abbott, J. & J. S. C. History of Richard I. New York, 1857. 18° 10522 History of Romulus. New York, 1852. 18" 3389 History of William the Conqueror. New York, n. d. 18" 3389 a History of Xerxes the Great. New York, 1852. 18" 3383 Abelard and Heloise, Wight's Romance of New York, 1853. 12" 1931 A'Bcckett, G. A. The Comic History of England. 2 vols. London, 1855. 8" 10592 The Comic History of Rome, London, n. d. 8° 10591 Abercrombie, J. Essay.s. New York, 1845. 12" 3610 Inquiries Concerning Intellectual Powers. New York, 1853. 18" 1964 Philosophy of the Moral Feelings. New York. 18" 2122 About, E. Greece and the Greeks of the Present Day. New York, 1857. 12" 13657 Abrantes, Ducliess d'. Memoirs of Napoleon. 2 vols. New York, 18.54. 8" 2555- Abj'ssinia, Life in. M. Parky ns. 2 vols. New York, 1854. 12" 1170- Travels in Southern. C. Johnston. 2 vols. London, 1844. 8" 10427 Actors. Anecdotes of Mrs. A. Mathews. London, 1844. 8" 12622 Memoirs of. J. P. Collier. London, 1846. 8° 10151 Acts and Monuments, by John Foxe. Ed. by S. R. Cattley. 8 v. Lond., 1839. 8" .11428- Adam, Alex. Roman Antiquities. New York, 1842. 8" 1507 Adam Blair. J. G. Lockhart. Edinburgh, 1840. 16" 12205 Adams, C. ^latilda Lonsdale. London, 1855. 16" 1 1607 Adams, John. Works. Life, by C. F. Adams. 10 vols. Boston, 1850-55. 8" 2181- Adams, Mrs. John. Letters. With a Memoir, by C. F. Adams. Boston, 1848. 12".. 2271 Adams, J. Q. Lives of Madison and Monroe. Buffalo, 1851. 12" 2262 Adams, N., D.l). Christ a Friend. Boston, 1857. 8" 13617 The Friends of Christ. Boston, 1857. 8" 13618 Addison, Joseph. Works, edited by G. W. Greene. 6 vols. New York, 1858. 12". 13780- yul. 1. Mac;iulay"s Es.<;i vs ; Tran.«lations; Poluis; Dramas, kc. 2. Dialogues on Medals: Travels ; E^iv on Virjiil's Georirics : Ancient and Modern Leamintr ; Christian Religion ; LetU-rs; Political Writings. 8. "Freeholder; Plebeian and Old AVliig: Lover. 4. Tatlcr: Guardian. 5-6. :?pect4itor. Adele. Julia Kavanagh. New York, 1858. 12' 12934,12227,11986 *Adler, G. F. Dictionary of the German and English Languages. N. Y., 1849. 8" . . 13345 .\dolphu.s, J. L. Letters from Spain in 1856 and 1857. London, 1858. 8" 13137 Adorna, Catharine, Life of T. C. Upham. New York, 1855. 16" 10630 Adventurer, The. British Essayi.sts. Vols. 19-21 11827- Adventures in the Libyan Desert. B. St. John. New York, 1849. 12" 1182 Adventures in the Wilds of America. C. Lanman. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1856. 8" . .1476- Advcntures of an Aiil-de-Camp. London, 1849. 8° 12882 Adventm-es of a .Medical Student. By R. Douglas. 2 vols. New York, 1 848. 12".. 12813- Adventures of a < luinea. 4 vols. London, 1767. 16" 12770- Adventurcs of a Roving Diplomatist. II. Wikolf. New York, 1857. 12" 1018 Adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh. C. King.sley. Boston, 1855. 8" 2747, 11922 Adventures of Sir Fri/zle I'umkin, and other Tales. Edinburgh, 1849. 16' 12260 >Escbylus. Tragedies, literally translated. London, 1849. 8" 12480 Appendix. New I'cay W. S. Rose. 8 vols. London, 1823. 8". 13510- AristiiTietus Erotica, Translated. 1854. 8' 12537 Aristophanes Comeilies. A Literal Tran.slation. 2 vols. I^ondon, is.'i.'j. 8" 12483- Aristotlc. The .Metaphysics. London, 1K57. 8' 12486 The NiconwKliean Klhirs. London, 1853. 8" 12485 The Or^nnon. 2 vols. London, 1853. 8" 12487- The Politics anri Kconomics. 2 vols. London, 1M53. K- 1248!i The Rhetoric and l'oeti<'. 2 vols. London, 1H53. 8" 12490- Armenia, Travels in. R. Cur/on. New ^'ork, 1H54. 12" I 1182 Armin, R. Kools and .festers. London, 1H12 8" (Shakspeare Society) 10154 Amistrong, L«-bbeu.H. History of The Temperance Reform, to 1852. N. Y., 1853. 12" .531 Army of the United States. C. K. <;anlner. New York, 1853. 12" 1149 Brooklyn.'] A RN A TU 7 Arnold, M. Poenis. Boston, 185G. 16" 11553 Arnold, Thomas, D.D. Lect. on Mod. History. Ed. liy Prof. Reed. N. Y., 1852. 12V2847 History of Roinc. New York, 1858. 8" 2037 Later Koniaii Commonwealth. New Y'ork, 1846. 8" 2036 Miscellaneous Works. New York, 1846. 8" 2038 Life and Correspondence. By Rev. A. P. Stanley. New York. 8" 2516 Arnold, W. D. Oakfield ; or, Fellowship in the East. IJoston, 1855. 16" 3001 *Arnot, 1). H. (iothic Architecture in Modern Residences. New York, 1851. 4t" . . . .1994 Arrowsmith, J. The Paper Hanger's Companion. Philadelphia, 1852. 12" 3667 Art, Ancient, History of. J. Winckelmann. Trans, by Lodge. 2 vols. Bost, 1856. 8".. 12068 and Industry'at Crystal Palace. H. C!reele3^ New York, 1854. 12" 170 and Nature under an Italian Sky. By M. J., M.D. Edinburgh, 1.S53. 8" 13522 Christian, Poetry of. A. F. Rio. London, 1854. s • 13687 Criticisms on. W. Ha/litt. London, 1843. 12" 3177 ^Dictionary of Science, Literature and. W. T. Brande. New York, 1852. 8" . .2722 Essays on. J. \Y. von Goethe. Boston, 1 845. 12" 3775 *rconographic Encyclopaedia of J. G. Heck. 6 vols. New York, 1 85 1-52. 8" . . 2337- Illustrated Magazine of 2 vols. New York, 1853. 8" 2713- Lectures on, and Poems. W. AUston. New York, 1850. 12" 13533 Literature and Art. S. M. Fuller. New York, 1852. 12" 116 Political Economy of. J. Ruskin. New York, 1858. 12" 12638 Lectures on Science and. D. Lardncr. 2 vols. New York, 1850. 8" 2698- Treasures in Great Britain. Dr. Waagen. 4 vols. London, 1854-57. 8".... 13206- Student at Munich. A. M. Howitt. Boston, 1854. 12" 1 178 See Fine Arts. Artillery and Infantry, Elementary Treatise on. New York, 1849. 12" 3744 Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, Dictionary of. A. Ure. New Y'ork, 1849. 8" 2912 Useful, with Applications of Science. J. Bigelow. 2 vols. N. Y., 1856. 12". 12185- Useful, Hand Book of. T. Antisell. New York, 1852. 8" 140 Art-Hints. J. J. Jarves. New York, 1855. 12" 115 Art of Prolonging Life. 0. W. Ilufeland. Ed. by E. AVilson. Boston, 1854. 12".. 12184 Artist Life; or. Sketches of Am. Painters. H. T. Tuckerman. N. Y., 1847. 12" 1534 Arthur O'Leary. C. Lever. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1 847. 16" 113C8 Arthur, T. S. Advice to Young Men. Boston, 1850. 12" 181 Advice to Young Ladies. Boston, 1850. 18° 3608 Hand but Not the Heart. New York, 1858. 12" 12945 Home Scenes. Philadelphia, 1853. 18° 2852 Lessons in Life. Philadelphia, 1851. 18" 2853 Married Life. Philadelphia, 1852. 18" 2854 Off Hand Sketches. Philadelphia, 1852. 18" 2855 Seed Time and Harvest Philadelphia, 1852. 18" 2856 Stories for Young Housekeepers. Philadelphia, 1853. 18" 2858 Tried and Tempted. Philadelphia, 1852. 18" 2859 Two Wives. Philadelphia, 1852. 180 2860 Ways of Providence. Philadelphia, 1852. 18" 2861 Arthur, W. family and Christian Names. New York, 1857. 12" 12167 Successful Merchant. New York 2413 Arvine, K. Cyclopaedia of Anecdotes. Boston, 1853. 8" 3226 Assassins, The Ansayrii, or. F. Walpole. 3 vols. London, 1851. 8" 13596- Astoria: an Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains. W. Irving. N. Y., 1852 12" . .3142 Astrology, Introduction to. W. Lilly. London, 1852. 12" 1411 Astronomical E.xped. to the Southern Hemisphere, U. S. Vols. 1-6. AYash., 1855. 4". 10331- Astronomy, Introduction to. J. Ferguson. London, 1799. 8" 859 Celestial Scenery. T.Dick. New York, 1845. 18» 2147 Outlines of, J. F. W. Herschel. Philadelphia, 1852. 8" 3057 Practical. T.Dick. New York, 1846. 12" 3771 Progress of, in United States. E. Loomis. New York, 1851. 12" 3736 Siderial Heavens. T. Dick. New York, n. d. 16" 2304 With Reference to Natural Theology. W. Whewell. London, 1852. 12" 2075 Atheism, Modern. J. Buchanan, D.D. Boston, 1857. 8" 11083 Athenaeus. The Deipnosophists. 3 vols. London, 1854. 8° 12491- Athenian Letters. 2 vols. Dublin, 1792. 8" 1 1057- Athenians, Public Economy of. A. Boeckh. Boston, 1857. 8" 10532 Athens; its Rise and Fall. E. B. Lytton. 2 vols , in one. Leipzig, 1841. 16" 10786 Athern, Anna. Here and Hereafter. Boston, 1858. 12" 10923 At Home and Abroad. M. F. OssoH. Bcston, 1856. 12" 1181 8 ATK BAG [Merc. Lib. Atkinson, J. La Secchia Rapita; or, Rape of the Bucket. (Trans.) Lond., 1827. 12" .11548 Atkinson, H. G. Letters on Man's Nature and Development. Boston, 1851. 12" ... . 12939 Atkinson, T. W. Oriental and Western Siberia. New York, 1858. 8» •. . 10680 Atkinson, E. W. Memoirs of the Queens of Pru.ssia. London, 1858. 8" 13219 ^Atlas of the World. J. H. Colton. 2 vols. New York, 185G. 4" R. R. Atlas of the Middle Ages, Hist. -Geographical. A. L. Koeppen. New York, 1855. Fol. .10307 Atonement, Doctrine 'of the. A. Carson. New York, 1853. 12" 356 and Sacrifice, Doctrines of. W. Magee. New Y'ork, 1839. 2 vol.^. 8" 965- Attache in Madrid. New York, 1856. 12" 361 Attila : a Romance. By G. P. R. Jame.s. 2 vols, in one. New York, 1855. 12° 10761 Attorney, The ; or Correspondence of John Quod. New York, 1853. 14° 3004 Attorneys and Solicitors, Moral Duties of New York, 1849. 12° 3597 Atthill, W. Collegiate Church of Middleham. Lond., 1847, (Camden Soc.) Sq. 16" .10105 Auber, P. Rise of British Power in India. 2 vols. London, 1846. 8° 10973- Aubrey, J. Miscellanies. London, 1857. 16° 11987 Aubrey, a Novel. Mrs. Marsh. New York, 1854. 8° 3410- Audubon, J. J. Adventures and Discoveries. New Y'ork, 1856. 18" 13450 Aunt Kitty's Tales. M.J.Mcintosh. New York, 1849. 12° .' 3553 Austen, Jane. Northanger Abbey, a Novel. London, 1851. 12" 3187 Emma, a Novel. London, 1851. 12° 3185 Pride and Prejudice. London, 1853. 12° 3188 Sense and Sensibilit}'. London, 1853. 12° 3189 Mansfield Park. London, 1853. 12° 3186 Australia, Boy's Adventures in. AY. Howitt. Boston, 1855. 16" 12312 Historv of R. M. Martin. London, 1839. 16" 13447 Nine Years in. Mrs. C. Meredith. New York, 1853. 12° 1199 Two Years in. W. Howitt. Boston, 1855. 12" 11234- Austria, Crimes of. Ed. bv E. P. Peabody. New York, 1852. 12° 12795 History of House ol AV. Coxe. 4 vols. London, 1847-53. 8° 12S5- in 1848-49. AV. H. Stiles. 2 vols. New York, 1852. 8° 10691- AY. R. AVilde. Dublin, 1843. 12° 10466 Authors, Calamities of I. D'Israeli. London, 1853. 8° 3222 Homes of American. New York, 1853. 8" 13104 Quarrels of. J. D'Israeli. London, 1853. 8° 3222 Autobiographic Sketches. T. De Quincy. Boston, 1850. 16" 12215 Autobiography of Lutfullah, a Mohammedan Gentleman. London, 1858. 8" 13558 Autobiography of an Actress. Mrs. A. C. Mowatt. Boston, 1854. 12° ' 2101 Autumn near the Rhine, with a Tour in the Taunus M'ts in 1820. Lond., 1821. 8" .10417 Aurora Leigh : a Poem. Mrs. E. 15. Browning. New A'ork, 1857. 12" 12954 Aurelian ; or, Rome in the Third Century. Wm. AVare. New York, 1854. 12" 11703 A va and the Burmese. London, 1 853. '8' 1 2428 Avery, S. P. Mrs. Partington's Carpet Bag of Fun. New York, 1854. 12" 3073 Avillion, and other Tales. Miss Muloch. New York, 1854. 8° 10839 Avrshire Legatees, The. By John Gait. Edinburgh, 1844. 16° 12197 Aytoun, AV. E. Book of Bal]ad.s. New York, 1854. 12" 12904 Bothwell. Bo.ston, 1856. 16° 11554 Firmiliaii. By T. P. Jones. New York, 1854. 12° 12905 Lavs of the Scotti.sh Cavaliers. New York, 1854. 12" 12903 P.abbage, C. The E.vposition of 1851. London, 1851. 8" 10579 [{acheior of tlic Albaiiv. M. AV. Savage. London, 1849. 8" 13714 Bacon, F)elia. FMiilos()i.hv of [Mavs of Sliakspeare. Boston, 1857. 8" 12969 Bacon, I). F. Lives of the .Apostles. New A'ork, 1846. 8" 2517 Baron, F. .Advancement of Learning, and Novum Organtnn. London, 1853. 8".. . .12374 Ks.says, Willi Annotations, by W. \Vh;ilcly. New York, 1857. 8° 12602 P's.savH find Hist. Works. Notes liv Joseph Devey. London, 1852. 12" 1073 AVorks. AVith Life l>y B. Mf.ntagu". 3 vols. IMiiladdphia, 1H52. 8" 1814- Baron, N. On the Goveriuiicnt of Hnglaiul. London, lfi47. 4" 10911 FJacon and I/orkc. ^'Ksays, with Introduction ))y A. Potter. New York. 18" 2695 Baconian I'hilosophy, A Misrourse of the. S. Tyler. New York, 1S50. 12" 13666 Bngfhot, U'. K'^litnates f»f .some Englishmen and Scotchmen. London, 1858. 8" . . . 13220 Broohlyn.] BAI BAR . 9 Bailey, P. J. The Angel World, and other Poems. Boston, 1856. 10" 13532 Festus, a Poem. Boston, 1853. 16" 1226 The Mystic. Boston, 1856. 16' 11555 Bailey, Samuel. Essay.s. New ed , enlarged. Boston, 1854. 16" 12221 Baillie, Joanna. Dramatical and Poetical Works. London, 1851. 8" 1345 BailHe, Rev. John. Life Studies; or. How to Live. New York, 1857. 16" 10515 Baird, Kev. Robert. Religion in America. Edinburgh, 1844. 8" 10442 Baird, Robt. H. American Cotton Spinner. Philadelphia, 1851. 12" 3679 Balbo, C. Life and Times of Dante. Tr. by F. J. Bunbury. 2 v. Lond., 1822. 12" .13675- Balboa, V. N. dc. Cortez and I'izarro, Lives of. New ^'ork, 1854. 16* 11137 Bale, John, D. D. Select Works. Cambridge, 1849, 8". (Parker Soc.) 10213 Bale, John. Kyngc Johan, a Play. London, 1838. Sq. 16". (Camden Soc.) 10120 Ballad Poetry, The Pictorial Book of 2 vols. London, 1853. 8" 13082- Ballads, Book of Edited by " Bon Gaultier." New York, 1854. 12" 12904 English and Scottish. F. J. Child. 4 vols. Boston, 1857. 10" 11715- Baldwin, J. G. The Flush Times of Alabama. New York, is.jl. 12" 3062 Party Leaders. New York, 1855. 12" 2259 ♦Baldwin, T. Gazetteer of the U. S. Philadelphia, 1854. 8" 2734 Ballou, M. M. History of Cuba. Boston, 1854. 12" 907- Bancroft, A. Life of George Washington. Boston, 1853. 12" 2418 Bancroft, George. History of the U. S. 7 vols. Boston, 1853-58. 8" 2363- The same. 7 vols. Boston, 1857-58. 8" 12973- Literary and Historical Miscellanies. New York, 1855. 8" 2910 Banished Son. By Mrs. Caroline Lee Hentz. Philadelphia, 1857. 12" 11937 Banking, History of AY. J. Lawson. Boston, 1852. 8" 2375 Banvard, Rev. J. Priscilla ; or, Trials for the Truth. Boston, 1854. 12" 2836 AYisdom, Wit, and Whims of Ancient Philosophers. New York, 1855. 12" . .12243 Baptist Churches, Principles and Practices. F. AYayland. New York, 1857. 12" . . .11915 Barbary States, History and Condition. W. Russell. New York, 1851. 18" 2137 Barbauld, Mrs A. L. Things by their Right Names. Boston, 1854. 16" 11603 Barber, J. W. Historical Collections of Massachusetts. Worcester, 1841. 8" 1826 Historical Collections of New Jersey. New York, 1845. 8" 1827 Historical Collections of New York. New York, 1851. 8" 1832 Barclay, J. T. City of the Great King. Philadelphia, 1858. 8" 10681 Bard, S. A. Waikna; or. Adventures on the Mosquito Shore. N. Y., 1855. 12" . . . .11464 Bards of the Bible. George Gilfillan. New York, 1851. 12" 526 Barham, R. Life and Times of John Reuchlin. London, 1843. 18° 12045 Barham, R. H. Ingold.sby Legends. New York, 1853. 12" ..3360 My Cousin Nicholas. London, 1856. 12" 11116 Barnaby Rudge. Charles Dickens. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1857. 12" 12701 The same. Philadelphia, 1833. 8" 3203, 3207 Barnard, H., LL.D. National Education in Europe. 2d ed. New York, 1854. 8".. 12589 Barnes, J. Green Mountain Traveler's Entertainment. New Y'^ork, 1857. 12" 12297 The Old Inn. New York, 1855. 12" 3550 Barnum, P. T. Autobiography. New York, 1855. 12" 2280 Baron, J., M.D. Life of Edward Jenner. London, 1827. 8" 10747 Baron Munchausen, The Surprising Ti-avels and Adventures of London. 16° 13635 Barrett, B. F. Doctrines of the New Christian Church. Cincinnati, 1852. 12" 547 • Barrington, Sir J. Personal Sketches. New York, 1858. 12" 12157 Barrington, A. Familiar Introduction to Heraldry. London, 1848. 18" 13658 Barrister, Experiences of a. S. Warren. New York, 1853. 12" 3433 Barrow, Isaac. Works, with Life by A. Hill. 3 vols. New York, 1845. 8" 973- Barrow, J. Life and Corresp. of Sir W. Sidney Smith. 2 vols. London, 1848. 8".. 11165- Life of Peter the Great. New York, 1848. 18" 2129 Pitcairn's Island, etc. New York, 1853. 18° 1958 Voyages within the Arctic Regions, from 1818. New York, 1846. 18° 887 Barry, J. ; J. Opie ; and H. Fuseli. Lectures on Painting. London, 1848. 8° 2088 Barry, M. J. The Songs of Ireland. Dublin, 1846. 16° 12034 Barth, PI. North and Central Africa. 3 vols. New York and London, 1857. 8" . . . 10682- The same. 2 vols. New York, 1857. 8" 10696- Barthelemy, J. J. Travels of Anarcharsis. 4th ed. 7 vols. London, 1806. 8" 10549- Bartlett, D. W. What I saw in London. Auburn, 1852. 12° 900 Life of Lady Jane Grey. Auburn, 1853. 12" 1932 Bartlett, John. A Collection of Familiar Quotations. ^ Cambridge, 1858. 16" 13661 Bartlett, J. R. Dictionary of Americanisms. New Y'ork, 8° 13828 Bartlett, W. H. C. Elements of Natural Philosophy. New Y'ork, 1852. 8° 2150 2 10 BAR BEN [Merc. Lib. Barton, K. lo, a Tale of the Olden Fane. New York, 1851. 12° 3506 Basil ; a Story of Modern Life. W. W. Collins. New York, 1853. 12° 11480 Baskerville, A. The Poetry of Germany. Philadelphia, 1856. 12" 12992 Basket of Chips. John Brougham. New York, 1855. 12° 2942, 12159 Battle Summer of 1848. Donald G. Mitchell. New York, 1850. 12° 11280 Bayard, Chevalier. Life, by W. G. Simms. New York, 1847. 12° 2656 Bayle, P. Historical and Critical Dictionary, abridged. 4 vols. Lond., 1826. 16".. 13795- Bayne, Peter. Essaj-s in Biography and Criticism. 1st series. Boston, 1857. 12".. 11911 The same. Second series. Boston, 1858. 12" 13801 The Christian Life. Boston, 1857. 12° 11912 Bayly, T. H. Songs, Ballads, and Poems. 2 vols. London, 1844. 8° 11521- Bayo'net Exercise for the Army of the U. S. G. C. McClellan. Phil, 1856. 12" . . . .11237 Beard, Rev. J. Life of Touissaint I'Ouverture. London, 1858. 12° 2655 Beatrice Cenci, a Tale. Trans, bv Mrs. Sherman. 2 vols. New York, 1858. 12°. ..11254- The same. Trans, bv E. Monte. New York, 1858. 12" 11256 Beauchampe. W. G. Simms. New York, 1856. 12° 3315 Beaumarchais and His Times. L. De Lomenie. 4 vols. London, 1856. 8" 13150- The same. Abridged. New York, 1857. 8° 2398 Beaumont and Fletcher. Dramatic Works. 2 vols. London, 1840. 8° 3837 Beaumont, G. de. Ireland. 2 vols. London, 1839. 8° 11031- Beauty, Science of. D. R. Hay. Edinburgh, 1856. 8° 13769 BeauvaUet, L. Rachel and the New World. New York, 1 846. 12° 1048 Beattie, J. Poetical Works. Boston, 1854. 16° 10714 The same. London, 1853. 12° 1080 Essay on Truth. Edinburgh, 1771. 8° 11398 Bechstein, J. M. Cage and Chamber Birds. London, 1853. 8° 12426 Beckford, P. Letters from Italy. 2 vols. Salisbury, 1805. 8° 11029- Beckford, W. The Monasteries of Alcobaca and Batalha. London, 1835. 8° 10590 Vathek, an Arabian Talc. Philadelphia, 1854. 12" 11709 Beckman, J. Historj' of Inventions. 2 vols. London, 1846. 12° 1074- Beckwourth, J. P. Life and Adventures. New York, 1856. 12° 11183 Becon, T. Catechism, with other Pieces. Cambridge, England, 1844. 8" 12067 Bedc, Venerable. Ecclesiastical I^istor3^ London, 1849. 12° 1057 Bedford, A. The Evil and Danger of Stage Plays. London, 1706. 16" .,12762 Beecher, Miss C. E. Common Sense applied to' Religion. New York, 1857. 12° 13534 Letters to the People on Health and Happiness. New York, 1856. 16° .3722, 10516 Physiology and Callisthenics. New York, 1858. 16" 10517 Beecher, Edward"; D. D. The Conflict of Ages. Boston, 1854. 12° 701 Beecher, Henry Ward. Lectures to Young Men. New York, 1851. 12° 177 Life Thoughts. Boston, 1858. 12° 12044, 13035, 13036 Star Papers. New York, 1855. 12" 166 - Beechnut ; a Franconia Story. J. Abbott. New York, 1850. 12° 10504 Behind the Scenes. By Lady Bulwer. New York, 1854. 12" 2789 Uelchor. Sir E. Last of the Arctic Voyages. 2 vols. London, 1858. 8" 12072- Voyage of H. M. S. Samarang, during 1843-46. 2 vols. London, 1848. 8" ...11659- Belford Regis. M. R. Mitford. London, 1846. 12" 12837 riclgiuin and Holland in 1830. By P. L. Gordon. 2 vols. London, 1834. 12° 10635- Belisariiis. By J. F. Marmontel. London, 1794. J 2" 11942 Ik'U, A. Historical Sketches of Feudalism. London, 1852. 16" 13653 Fkll, J. System of Geography. 6 vols. Glasgow, 1838. 8" 10594 Bill, (.'urrer. Sec BronU-, Charlotte. B.ell, Ellis. See Bronti, K Bell, Acton. See Brontr, A. Boll Smith Abroad. New York, 1855. 12" 1047 Belknai), J. Ameriurgh, |h:{8-4H. k- 13046- BrooUyn . ] BE N Blli H Bentley Ballads, The. VA. by Dr. Doran. London, 1858. IC" 13454 Benton, T. H. Abridgt. of Debates Congres.s, 1789 to 1856. 6 vols. N. Y., 1857. 8° .11871- Thirty Years' View from 1820 to 1850. 2 vols. Nevj' York, 1857. 8° 10969- The same. 2 vols. New York, 1854. 8"- 1798- Beranger. Two Hundred Lyrical Poems. By AYm. I'^oung. New York, 1850. 12".... 1234 Berber; or the Mountaineer of the Atlas. W. S. Mayo. New York, 1850. 12" 2817 Berkeley, G., D.D. Works. By Rev. G. N. Wright, M.A. 2 vols. London, 184.3. 8' . .1132 Bernadotte, C. J. King of Sweden. Memorials. By W. G. Meredith. Lond, 1829. 8" 13313 Bernard Lyle ; an Historical Romance. Hon. J. €lemen.s. Philadelphia, 1857. 12". 12229 Berncastle, Dr. A Voyage to China. 2 vols. London, 18.j1. 12" 12092- Bertha and Lily. E. 0. Smith. New York, 1858. 12" 11939 Be.sse, A. de. The Turkish Empire. Philadelphia, 1854. 12" 368 Best Hours of Life. J. P. F. Richter. Boston, 1848. 24" 12802 Betham, Sir W. Etruscan Literature and Antiquities. 2 vols. Dublin, 1842. 8".. 10854- The Gael and Cymbri. 1 vol. Dublin, 1834. 8" . 10866 Bethune, E. D. Specimens of Swedish and German Poetry, London, 1848. 8".... 11033 Betrothed, The. A. Manzoni. 2 vols. New York, 1845. 12" 11271 Beverly, R. History of Virginia. London, 1732. 8" 10475 *Bibel, Die. Philadelphia, 1852. 8" 3836 Bible, Annals of the English, C. Anderson. New York, 1849. 8" 13739 Bards of the. G. Gilfillan. New York, 1851. 12" 526 Comprehensive Commentary on. 5 vols. W. Jenks. Philadelphia, 1852. 8". 2706- Four Gospels, with Dissertations. G.Campbell. 4 vols. Aberdeen, 1803. S'.SIS- Editions of, in Enghsh, to 1850. H.Cotton. Oxford, 1852. 8" 13740 History of. G. R. Gleig. New York, 1852. 18" 1919- Illustrations of. R. Sears. 2 vols. New Y'ork, 1841. 12" 11163 Index to. Philadelphia, 1852. •S" 2711 In Spain. G. Borrow. New York, 1853. 8" 3835 In the Counting House. H. A. Boardman. Philadelphia, 1853. 12" 725 New Concordance to. J. Butterworth 2711 News, etc. N. Worcester. Boston, 1854, 12" 721 Reading and Study of. W. Carpenter. Philadelphia. 1832. 8" 2711 Rivers of. P. H. Gosse. London, 1850. 8" 13320 Society, American, History of. W. B. Strickland. New York, 1856. 8" 10694 Translation, History of the. Mr.s. H. C. Conant. New York, 1856. 12" 12110 Treatise on the Peculiarities of. Rev. E. D. Rendell. Boston, 1854. 12" 13520 Women of the. P. C. Headley. Auburn, 1851. 12° 2103 Biblical Legends of the Mussulmans." Dr. G. Weil. New York, 1846. 12" 522 Biblical Literature, Kitto's C^^clopsedia, condensed. Boston, 1852. 8" 1811 Biblical Writers, Biography of. Philadelphia, 1852. 8° 2711 Bickersteth, Rev. E. Memoir. By Rev. T. R. Birks. 2 vols. New York, 1851. 12". 12151- Bigelow, J., M.D. Nature in Disease. Boston, 1854. 12° 12185 The Useful Arts. 2 vols. New York, 1856. 12" 11267- Bigelow, John. Life of John C. Fremont. New York, 1856. 12" 13809 Biglow Papers. J. R. Lowell. Boston, 1856. 18" 11566 Bigsby, R. Visions of the Times of Old. 3 vols. London, 1848. 8° 13303 Bingham, Hiram. Residence in the Sandwich Islands. Hartford, 1848. 8° 12568 Biographia Literaria. S. T. Coleridge. New York, 1853. 12° 2052 Biographia Dramatica. 3 vols., in 4 parts. 4 vols. London, 1812. 8" 12577- *Biographical Dictionary. J. Gorton. 4 vols. London, 1851. 8" 2730- American. W. Allen. 3d edition. Boston, 1857. 8" 10975 Biographical and Historical Sketches. T. B. Macaulay. New Y''ork, 1857. 12" 12161 Biographical Essays. Thomas De Quincev. Boston, 1851. 16" 1517 Biographical Essays. H. T. Tuckerman. "Boston, 1857. 8" 12970 Biographical, Historical, and Miscel. Essays. G. R. Gleig. 2 vols. Lond. 1858. 8° . 13212- Biographical Hi.story of Philosophy. G.H.Lewes. 2 vols. New York, 1857. 8"... 10715- Biography, American. J. Belknap. 3 vols. New Y'ork, 1851. 18" 2665 Appleton's Cyclopasdia of. New Y^ork, 1856. 8" 2725 Classical Dictionary of C. Anthon. New York, 1855. 8" 2721 Classical Dictionary of. AV. Smith. New York, 18.57. 8" 10410 English Cyclopft3dia of. C. Knight. 6 vols. London, 1856-58. 8" 13071- Sparks' Library of American. lst-2d s. 25 v. Boston & N. York, 1848-53. 12° .3016- of Biblical Writers. Philadelphia, 1852. 8" 2711 Bion, Theocritus, and Mochus. Idylls. London, 1853. 8° 12555 Birks, Rev. T. R. Memoir of Rev. E. Bickersteth. . 2 vols. New York, 1851. 12°.. .12151- Bird, R. M. Nick of the Woods. New York, 1854. 12° 2978 12 BIE BOO [Merc. Lib. Birds, Familiar History of. Rev. E. Stanley. London, 1835. IS" 12035 Cage and Chamber. J. M. Bechstein. London, 1853 12426 of the British Islands. R. Mudie. 2 vols. London, 1854. 8" 12416- Ornithologv. Sir W. Jardine. 14 vols. Edinburgh, 1853. 16" 3G40 Bishop, H. E. Floral Home in Minnesota. New York, 1857. 12" 11190- Bits of Blarney. R.S.Mackenzie. New York, 1854. 12" 2806 Bivouac. AY. H. Maxwell. London, 1851. 12" 12808 Black Dwarf Sir Walter Scott. Boston, 1852. 12" 3792 The same. New York, 1833. 8° 3392, 3244 The .same. Boston, 1857. 16" 13169 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. Yols. 73-80. New York, 1853-56. 8" 88- Blair, Hugh, D.D. Lectures on Rhetoric. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1818. 8° 11059- Sermons. 5 vols. London, 1815. 8" 11062- *Blair, J. Chronological and Historical Tables. London, 1851. 8" 1991 Blackstone, Sir W. Selections from the Commentaries of R.M.Kerr. Lond., 1858. 8°. 13139 Blakey, R. History of the Philosophy of Mind. 4 vols. London, 1850. 8" 11014- " History of Political Literature. 2 vols. London, 1855. 8" 13117 Blakely, Rev. J. Theology of Inventions. New York, 1856. 12" 529 Blanc, Louis. The History of Ten Years. 1830-1840. 2 vols. London, 1844. 8". 18109- Blanche Dearwood. New York, 1853. 12" 2946- Bleak House. C. Dickens. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1857. 12" 12703- The same. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1853. 12" 3472- Blessington, Lady M. Country Quarters. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1850. 16" 11323- Marmaduke Herbert. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1847. 16° '. 1 1825- Meredith. Leipzig, 1843. 16° 11327 Memoirs of a Femme de Chambre. Leipzig, 1845. 16° 11328 Strathern. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1844. 16" ♦ 11829- The Literary Life and Corres. of, etc., by R. R. Madden. ^ v. N. Y., 1855. 12° .2653- Blind Girl ; with other Tales. E. C. Embury. New York, 1855. 16° 11189 Blithedale Romance. N. Hawthorne. Boston, 1852. 12° 3822 Block House, Nights in a. H. C. Watson. Philadelphia, 1852. 8" 10577 Blue Laws of Connecticut. Hartford, 1822. 12" 13238 Blosse, C. A. Heroines of the Cru.sades. Detroit, 1853. 8° 1472 Boaden, J. Memoirs of Mr.s. Siddons. 2 vols. London, 1827. 8" 12582- Memoirs of J. P. Kemble. 2 vols. London, 1825. 8" 12628- Boardman, A. A Defence of Phrenology. New York, 1852. 12° 3751 Boardman, H. A. Bible in the Counting House. Philadelphia, 1858. 12" 725 Boat Club, The ; or the Bunkers of Rippleton. Boston, 1825. 16" 2820 Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia. W. C. Prime. New York, 1857. 12° 364 Body in Relation to the Mind. G. Moore. New York, 1853. 12" 524 Boeckh, A. Public Economy of the Athenian.s. Boston, 1857. 8° 10532 Boethius, A. M. T. S. Of the Consolation of Philosophy. London, 1695. 8" 12792 Bohn, H. G. (iuide to Pottery, Porcelain, etc. London, 1857. 8" 12422 (Editor;. Hand-book o"f Games. London, 1850. 8" 2087 Boileau, N. S. D., CEuvrcs. Paris, 1846. 12" 1688 Boker, G. H. Plavs and Poems. 2 vols. 2d edition. Bo.ston, 1857. 16" 11558- Bolingbroke, Henry' St. John, Lord. Works. 8 vols. London, 1809. 8" 10717- Boleyn, Anne. Memoirs. By Miss Bcnger. Philadelphia, 1851. 12" 2265 Bolivar, Simon. Memoirs. Bv Gen. II. L. V. 1). liolstein. 2 vols. Lond, 1830. 12°. 13673- Bollcy, Dr. P. A., and Paul, 11. B., Manual of Technical Analy.sis. London, 1857. 8°. 12385 Bolton, Robert, jr. History uf the County of Westchester. 2 vols. N. Y., 1848. 8° .1829- Bonar. H., D.D. The Land of Promi.se. 'New York, 1858. 12" 12984 The Desert of Sinai ; Journey from Cairo to Bccrshcba, N. Y., 1857. 12".. .13034 Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Knpohon J. Charles Louis. Sec Najwleon J 1 1. Bond, J. W. Minnesota. New York, 1 853. 12" 1038 Bon Gaultier. I'.ook of Ballads. By W. K. Aytonn. New York, 1854. 12" 12904 Bonner, .1. ( 'hild's History of Greece. 2 vols. New York. 1K57. 16" 12285- Child's History of Rome. 2 vols. New York, 1856. 16" 12287- Child'H History of the United SUites. 2 vols. 1856. 16° 12289- Bonomi, J. Nineveli and its Palaces. 3d edition. London, 1853. 12" 12427 Book for a Comer. Leigh Hunt. New York, 1852. 12" 3152 of Archery, (i, A. Ilan.sanl. London, 1810. 8" 10825 ofBalladH. W. E. Ayloun. IMiiladelpliia, 1854. 12" 12904 of Chess. II. R. Agnd. New York, 1853. 12" 3626 of Family Crests. 2 vols. London, 1856. 10° 13455- BrooUyn. ] BOO B B J 1 3 Book of Martyrs. Rev. John Fox. Hartford, 1849. 8" 2515 of Nature. An Elementary Introd. to the Sciences, Phy.sics, &c. Phil., 18.03. 8". 848 of Raphael'-s Cartoons. R. Cattermole. London, 1845. 8" 1.3084 of Snobs. W. M. Thackeray. New York, 1853. 12° 83C8 of the World. R. S. Fisher. 2 vols. New York, 1852. 8" 1625- Book-keeping by Double Entry. C. C. Mar.sh. New York, 1855. 8° 972 Border Beagles : a Tale of Mississippi. W. G. Sinim.s. New York, 1855. 12" 3316 Border, Southern, Tales of C. W. AVebber. Philadelphia, 1856. 8" 11179 Border Warfare of New York. W. W. Campbell. New York, 1849. 12" 13069 Border Wars of the Revolution. W.L.Stone. 2 vols. New York, 1838. 8" 2519- Borders of Scotland, Tales of the. J. M. Wilson. 5 vols. New York, 1856. 8° 13275 Borneo, Expedition to. Capt. IL Keppel. New York, 1846. 12" 898 Borrow, Geo. Lavengro ; the Scholar, the Gipsey, the Priest. N. Y., 1851. 12" .2777, 12811 The Bible in Spain. New York, 1853. 8" 3835 The Gipsies of Spain. New York, 1853. 8" 3835 Bosphorus and ^gean : Land and Lee in. W. Colton. New York, 1851. 12" 1189 Bossuet, J. B. Sermons Choisis. Paris, 1845. 10" 1538 Di-scours Sur I'Histoire Universelle. 3me. ed. Paris, 1845. 16" 1537 Boston, History of the Siege of. R Frothingham, jr. Boston, 1851. 8" 1834 Municipal Hi.story of. J. Quincy. Boston, 1852. 8" 11159 Orators, Hundred. J. S. Loring. Boston, 1852. 8" 2553 Pilgrims of, and their Descendants. T. Bridgman. New York, 1850. 8" 10533 Boswell, James. Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. London, 1852. 8" 2535 Botanical Text-Book. Asa Gray. New York, 1853. 8° 853 Botany, Class-Book of. A. AYood. Claremont, N. H., 1851. 12" 884 Principles of, as exemplified in the Cryptogamia. H. Coultas. Phil., 1853. 12" .3728 Principles of, as exemplified in the Phaneroganiia. H. Coultas. Phil, 1854. 12°. 3729 Bothie of Toper-na-Fuosich : a Vacation Pa.storal. A. H. Clough. Camb., 1849. 16". 12909 Bothwell. W. E. Aytoun. Boston, 1856. 10" 11554 Botta, Charles. Hist, of War of Indep. of the U. S. 2 vols. Cooper.stown, 1848. 8" . .1663- Bourdaloue, or The Preacher and the King. L. Bungener. Boston, 1858. 12" 2815 Bourne, John. A Treatise on the Steam Engine. London, 1852. 4" 2895 Bourne, Vincent. Poems. London, 1840. 16" 13040 Bourrienne, L. A. F. de. Memoirs of Napoleon. 2 vols. New York, 1843. 18" 2877- Bouterwek, F. History of Spanish Literature. London, 1847. 8" 10806 Hi.story of Spanish and Portuguese Literature. 2 vols. London, 1823. 8" . . .13314- Bouvier, J. Law Dictionary. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1857. 8" 11426- Boyle, J., Earl of Cork. Letters from Italy. London, 1774. 8" 10789- Bovee, C. N. Thoughts, Feelings, and Fancies. New York, 1857. Sq. 10" 120 Bowen, T. J. Central Africa. New York, 1847. 12" 11490 Bowen, F. Lowell Lectures on Science and Religion. Boston, 1849. 8" 10978- Principles of Political Economy. Boston, 1850. 8 " 10095 Bowman, A. Esperanza. London, 1857. 10 ' 11610 Boy's Adventures in Australia. Wm. Howitt Boston, 1855. 10" 12312 Boy Hunters. Capt. Mayne Reid. Boston, 1858. 10° 12313 Boyhood and Early Life, Extraordinary Men, their. W.Russell. Lend., 1850. 8".. 11585 Boyhood of Great Men. New York, 1850. 10" 10519 Boys, History for : Nations of Modern Europe. J.E.Edgar. New York, 1855. 10°. 10629 Bowring, Sir J. Kingdom and People of Siani. 2 vols. London, 1857. 8" 13225- Matins and Vespers. Boston, 1854. 24° 11617 Bozman, John L. History of Maryland, from 1033 to 1660. Baltimore, 1837. 8" . . . . 2001 Brace, C. L. The Norse Folk. New York, 1847. 12" 12049 Home-Life in Germany. New York, 1853. 12" 1110 Bracciolini, Poggio. Life. By Rev. Wm. Shepherd. Liverpool, 1837. S" 13729 Bracebridge Hall. Washington Irving. New York, 1852. 12" 3140 Brackenridge, H. H. Modern Chivalry. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1851 . 12° 3071 Bradford, Annie C. Nellie Bracken ; a Tale of Forty Years ago. Phil., 1855. 12" . .11260 Bradford, Alexander W. American Antiquities. New York, 1843. 8" 1652 Bradford, J. Writings. Cambridge, England, 1848. 8° 1 0214 Bradford, J. A. Notes on the Northwest. New York, 1840. 12" . . . 899 Bradford, W. History of Plymouth Plantations. Boston, 1850. 8vo 10979 Braithwait, R. Drunken Barnaby's Four Journeys. York, England, 1852. 18" . . . .11015 Brakelond, J. de. De Rebus GestisSamsonisAbbatis. Loud., 1840. Sq. 10" (Cam. Soc). 10102 Brand, John. Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. 3 vol... London, 1849. 12" 1058- *Brande, Wm. Thomas. A Manual of Chemistry. 2 vols. London, 1848. 8° 2730 ^Dictionary of Science, Literature and Art. New York, 1 852. 8° 2722 14 BHA BRI [Merc. Lib. Brant, Joseph. Life of. W.L.Stone. 2 vols. New York, 1838. 8" 2519- Bravo, The. J. Fennimore Cooper. New York, 1852. 12° 3293 The same. New York, 1856. 12° 3097 Brazil and the BraziUans. Bj- Dr. D. P. Kidder and J. C. Fletcher. Phil., 1857. 8°. 12672- Bremer, Fredrica. A Diary. The H Familj^ etc. 4th ed. London, 1853. 8°. 12472 Homes of the New World. Trans, by Mary Howitt. New York, 1853. 12° 696- The Home, and Strife and Peace. London, 1853. 8° 12473- The Neighbors, and other Tales. London, 1853. 8° 12474 The Neighbors. Trans, by Mary Howitt. New York, 1850. 12° 2800 The President's Daughters ; including Nina. London, 1852. 8° 1061 Breughel Brothers, The. From the German by C. H. Lodge. Boston, 1854. 8° 11178 Brewer, The Complete. M. L. F. Byrn. Philadelphia, 1852. 12° 3670 Brewster, Sir David. Letters on Natural Magic. New York. 18° 1978 Life of Sir Isaac Newton. New York, 1852. 18° 1953 The Martyrs of Science. New York. 18° 2467 More Worlds than One. New York, 1856. 18° 12860 The Stereoscope, its History, Theory, etc. London, 1856. 8" 13678 Brewster, W., Elder. Life and Times of Rev. A. Steele. Philadelphia, 1857. 8° . . . . 10711- Brice, J. Pvevenue Laws. Baltimore, 1814. 8° 3041 Bridgeman, Th. The Pilgrims of Boston and Descendants. New York, 1856. 8° . . . 10533 Bride of Lammermoor. Sir W. Scott. New York, 1833. 8" 3393, 3244 The same. Boston, 1853. 12° 3794 The same. 2 vols. Boston, 1857. 16° 13171- Bride of Omberg. Emilie F. Carlen. New York, 1853. 12" 13810 Bridgewater Treatises. 5 vols. London, 8° . Viz. : — The Adaptation of External Nature to the Moral Const., etc. T. Chalmers 2071 The Adaptation of External Nature to the Phys. Cond., etc. John Kidd 2072 Astronomy and General Physics, etc. W. Whewell 2075 Chemistry, Meteorology, etc. W. Prout 13761 On the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness, etc. W. Kirby 2073 British America, History of. H. Murray. 2 vols. New York, 1848. 18" 2305- British and Foreign Review. 18 vols. London, 1835-44. 8" 334- British Birds. R. Mudie. 2 vols. London, 1854. 8° 12416- British Colonial Library, The. R. M. Martin. 10 vols. London, 1844. 16" 13440 Briti-sh Commerce, History of. G. L. Craik. 3 vols, in one. London, 1844. 8".... 12036 British Empire, Military Policy of. Sir C. W. Pasley. London, 1847. 8° 10848 British Drama. 2 vols! Philadelphia, 1853. 8° 1350- British Eloquence. C.A.Goodrich. New York, 1853. 8° 2911 British Essayist.s, The, with Prefaces b}^ A. Chalmers. 88 vols. Bost., 1855-57. 16° Vols. 1—4. The Tatler, 11809- Vols. 5—12. The Spectator, 11813- Vols. 13—15. The Guardian, 11821- Vols. 16—18. The Rambler, 11824- Vols. 19—21. The Adventurer, 11827- Vols. 22—24. The \Vorld, 11830- Vols. 25—26. The Connoi.sseur, 11833- Vol. 27. The Idler 11835 Vols. 28—29. The Mirror, 11836- Vols. 80—31. The F-ounger, 11838- Vols. 32—34. Tiie ( »bserver, 11840- Vols. 85—37. The Looker On, 11843- Vol. 8K. General Index, 11846 Brili.sh Hi.storians, Lives of. E. Lawrence. 2 vols. New York, 1855. 8" 12256- British Navv, liattles of. J. Allen. 2 vols. London, 1852. 8" 1742 Hiilisli IMtit'iirch, Modern. W. C. Taylor. New York, 1854, 12" 10518 British Poets, I.ccturcs on the. 2 vols. Henry Reed. Pliiladelphia, 1857. 12" 12248 British Poets, I.ittle eila. London, 1853. 8° 3105 r,ucrcJia. f^ondon, 1853. 8" 310(( My Novfl. 2 voIh. f.ondon, 1855. 8" 3107- Night and Morning. London, 1854. R" 3109 F'aul Cliirord. f-ondon, I8.t8. 8" 3110 Brooklyn.] Ji U L BUT 17 Bulwer, Sir E. L. Pelhara. London, 1855. 8" 3111 Rienzi. London, 1854. 8° 3112 The Caxtons. London, l655, 8" 3113 The Disowned. London, 1852. 8" .3114 The Last of the Barons. London, 1853. 8" 3115 The Last Days of Pompeii. London, 1854. 8" 3116 The Pilgrims of the Rhine. London, 1854. 8" 3117 The Siamese Twins, with other Poems. London, 1831. 8" 13775 What will He do with ItV Leipzig, 1857-58. 16" = 13639- Zanoni. London, 1853. 8° •. 3118 Bulwer, IL L. France — Social, Literary, and Political. 2d s. 2 v. Lond., 1882. 12" .10912- Bulwer, Lady Lytton. Behind the Scenes. New York, 1854. 12" 2789 Bungener, L. F. Julian ; or, the Close of an Era. 2 vols. London, 1854. 16" 13460 History of the Council of Trent. New York, 1855. 12" 11897 The Preacher and the King. Boston, 1852. 12° 2815 The Priest and the Huguenot. Boston, 1853. 12" 358 Bunn, A. Old England and New England. 2 vols. London, 1853. 8" 11187- Bunner, E. History of Louisiana. New York. 18" 2680 Bunsby Papers. John Brougham. Pliiladelphia, 1857. 12° 11248 Bunsen, C. C. J. Life and Letters of Barthold George Niebuhr. N. Y., 1852. 12°... 2449 Signs of the Times. London, 1856. 8" 13222 Bunyan, John. Complete Works. Philadelphia, 1850. 8" 955 Burder, Rev. Samuel. Memoirs of Eminently Pious AYomen. Phil., 1836. 8" 2514 Burdon, Wm. Materials for Thinking. 2 vols. London, 1810. 8" 11026- Burke, Sir B. Dictionary of the Peerage of the British Empire. Lond., 1856. 8".. 11650 Burke, 0. The Beauties, Harmonies, and SubHmities of Nature. N. Y., 1846. 18° . .2482 Burke, Edmund. European Settlements in Ariierica. 2 vols, in 1. London, 1700. 8°. 11423 Correspondence. 4 vols. London, 1844. 8° 10738- History of Life and Times. By T. Macknight. 2 vols. London, 1858. 8°... 13210- Life and Character. J. Prior. London, 1824. 8° 500 Works. With Introduction, by Henry Rogers. 2 vols. London, 1850. 8°...3214- Burke, J. and J. B. EncyclopEedia of Heraldry. London, 1847. 8° 11649 Burke, P. Romance of the Forum. New York, 1853. 12° 12812 Burn, Capt. R. Naval and Military French Dictionary. London, 1842. 8" 10926 Burnap, George W. Lectures to Young Men. Baltimore, 1848. 12° 179 Sphere and Duties of Woman. Lectures. Baltimore, 1851. 12" 2113 Burnett, George. Specimens of English Prose Writers. 3 vols. Lond., 1807. 8" . .10933- Burnet, Gilbert. History of Reformation of Ch. of England. 3 v. N. Y., 1843. 8° 688- Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles. Notes, &c. N. Y., 1852. 8° 2009 Burney, Miss F. Evelina. New York, 1857. 12° 11592- Burnham, G. P. History of the Hen Fever. Boston, 1855. 12" 539 Burns, Robert. Poetical Works. 3 vols. London, 1839. 12° 3708- Burr, Aaron. Memoirs. By M. L. Davis. 2 vols. New York, 1858. 8" 10539- Private Journal and Correspondence. 2 vols. New Y''ork, 1856. 8" 1377G- Life and Times. J. Parton. New York, 1858. 12" 12099 Burritt, E. Thoughts on Things. Boston, 1850. 12° 11240 Burton, Robert. Anatomy of Melancholv. Philadelphia, 1852. 8" 2908 Burton, T. Cromwelliau Diary. 4 vols.' London, 1828. 8" 10867- Burton, R. F. Pilgrimage to El Medina. New York, 1850. 12° 1164 Bush, Mrs. F. Memoirs of the Queens of France. 2 vols. Phil., 1851. 12° 2442- Bush, George. Hebrew Grammar. New York, 1839. 8" 11445 Hierophant. New York, 1844. 8" 11444 Life of Mohammed. New York, 1852. 18° 1917 Memorabilia of Swedenborg. New Y''ork, 1846. 8° 1134 New Church Miscellanies. New York, 1845. 12" .^ 12918 Reply to Dr. Wood's Lectures on Swedenborgianism. New York, 1847. 8° . . .2191 The Soul. New York, 1845. 12° 11085 Busby, Th, Concert Room and Orchestra Anecdotes. 3 vols. London, 1825. 16". 12805- BushBoys. Capt. Mayne Reid. Boston, 1858. 16°..... 12314 Bushnell, Horace. Sermons for the New Life. New York, 1858. 12" 13235 Business, Practical Treatise on. E. T. Freedley. Philadelphia, 1853. 12" 3758 Butler, C. Life of Grotius. London, 1825. 10" 10877 Butler, Fanny Kemble. A Year of Consolation. New York, 1849. 12" 1175 Butler, Joseph. Analogy of Religion. Preface by Sam. Halifax. Lond., 1852. 12°.. 1076 Whole Works. London, 1852. 12" 780 Butler, Samuel. Hudibras. With Notes and Memoir. New York, 1853. 16° 1210 8 18 • BUT CAM [Merc. Lib. Butler, Samuel. Poetical Works. 2 vols. London, 1835. 12" 1081- Poetical Works. 2 vols. Bo.ston, 18-57. 16° 11719- Butler, William A. Nothing to Wear. New York, 1857. 18° 12917 Buyers, Rev. AVilliam. Recollections of Northern India. London, 1852. 8° 1315 Byrn, M. La Fayette. The Complete Practical Brewer. Philadelphia, 1852. 12v . . .3670 The Complete Practical Distiller. Philadelphia, 1853. 12° 3G69 Byrne, Oliver. Practical Metal- Worker's Assistant. Philadelphia, 1851. 8° 2702 Byron, Lord, and his Contemporaries. Leigh Hunt. 2 vols. London. 1828. 8" . . .10574- Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. A Romaunt. Philadelphia, 1850. '8° 1269 Last Days of .Shelley and Byron. E. J. Trelawny. Boston, 1858. 16° 12949 Last Journey to Greece. P, Gamba. " London, 1825. 8° 10752 Life, Letters", and Journals. Thomas Moore. 2 vols. New York, 1853. 12°.. 2431- Life of. By J. Gait. New York, n. d. 18° 1916 Works, with a Sketch of his Life. Philadelphia, 1851. 8° 1471 C. Cabell, N. F. Reply to Rev. Dr. Pond's " Swedenborgianism." N. Y., 1848. 8° 2003 Cabinet Maker's Companion. J. Stokes. Philadelphia, 1852. 12" 3671 Caesar, C. J. Commentaries. London, 1853. 8° 12494 Commentaries. Translated bj^ William Duncan. 2 vols. New York. 18°.... 3561- History of Jacob Abbott. New York, 1852. 18° 3384 C«sars, The. T. De Quincey. Boston, 1851. 16° 1524 Cakes and Ale. Douglas Jerrold. London, 1852. 12° 3010 Calcutta Review, The. 22 vols. Calcutta, 1844-1854. 8° 13356- Caleb Field : a Tale of the Puritans. Mrs. Oliphant. New York, 1851. 12° 12931 Caleb Stukelv. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1845. 8° 13038- Caledonian Sketche.?. Sir John Carr. New York, 1809. 8° 11203 Calhoun, John C. Works. Edited by Richard K. Cralle. 6 v. N. Y., 1853-56. 8°. 2028- CaUfornia, Adventures in. Bayard Taylor. New Y''ork, 1850. 12° 1188 and its Resources. E. Seyd. London, 1858. 8° 13228 and Oregon Trail. F. Parkman, jun. New Y^ork, 1852. 12° 1 043 History of E. S. Capron. Boston, 1854. 12° 12942 Life and Adventures in. T. J. Farnham. New York, 1849. 8° 1321 Three Years in. W. Colton. New York, 1852. 12° 1042 What I Saw in. 1840-47. E. Bryant. New York, 1849. 12° 1046 Callcott, Lady. History of Spain. 2 vols. London, 1840. 12° 10469- Life of Nicholas Ponssin. London, 1820. 8" 10753 Callimachus, Hesiod, and Theognis. Works. London, 1856. 8° 12514 Calfield, J., D. D. Answer to John Marshall. Cambridge, England, 1846. 8° 10218 Calmct, A. The Phantom World. Ed. by H. Christmas. 2 vols. Lond., 1850. 8°. 13720- Calpurnius Siculus. Bucolicon. (Corpus Poet. Lat.) London, 1840. 8° 10811 Calvert, George H. Scenes and Thoughts in Europe. New York, 1852. 12° 1180 Calvin, J. Institutes of the Christian Religion. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1850. 8° 18337- Letters. Edited l)y Dr. Jules Bonnet. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1855. 8° 10828- Life and Times of. Paul Henry, D. D. 2 vols. London, 1849. 8° 13335- Camden Society. Publications, viz. : Chronica Jocolini de Brakelonda. London, 184(i. Sq. 8" 10102 Chronicle of C.-dai.s. London, 1846. Sq. 8° 10103 Chronicon Petroljurgense. London, 1849. Sq. 8° 10104 Church of Middlesex. London, 1847. Sq. 8" 10105 Correspondence of Janios Karl of Perth. London, 1845. S»|. 8" 10106 Depo.sition of Richard 11. London, 1838. Sq. 8" 10107 Diary of Hishop Cartwrighl. London, 1843. Scj. 8" 10108 Diiiry of Henry Machyn. 1550-68. London, 1848. Sij. 8° 10109 Diary of John'Dce. London, 1842. S<|. 8" 10110 Diary of Walter Yonge, Esq. London, J 848. So(»k of I'upliael's Cartoons. London, 1845. 8" 13084 ratullus and TibiilUis. Kiotica. 'I'ran.slated. London, 1854. 8" 12495 Catullus. Carinina. (Corpus Poet. Lat.) London, ]H49. 8" . 10811 <^:aucaHim, Tour to the. G. L. Ditson. New York, 1850. 12" 1017 Caudle Lectin-es. Douglas Jerrold. London, 1852. 8" 3011 Cavaliers of Kngland. H. W. Herbert. New York, 1852. H" 2987 Cavalry Tactics. \V:ir Department. 2 vol.s. Pliiladelphin, 1856. JK" 12821- C'avcndish ; or the Patrician at Sea. W. J. Nealc. New York, 1H54. 16" 2828 Caxtons ; a Family I'irture. E. L. Bulwer. London, 1855. H' 3113 Cellini, Bcnvenuto. Memoirs, by Himself. Tr. by T. Uoscoc. Lond , 1850. 12" 1077 •CcnsuH, Sevcntli, of the Ciiited States. Washington, 1854. 4" 3879, 3880 <'cntral America, SrciK's and .Arlventurcs in. F. Hardnian. Fdinburgh, 1802. 8"... 13482 Ontral Amf-rica, (Jliiapa^, and Vu.atan. Travels. J. I,. Ste[ihens. 2 v. N. Y., 1852. 8" . 1331- Central Ameriran AM'.iirs, Uocutncnls rclnlinp fo. NVasliingfon, IH52. H" 932 BrooUyn.] GEE CEA 21 Cervantes Saavedra, M. Don Quixote. New York, 1843. 8° 3422 The Same. London. 1857. 12" 11591 Exemplary Novels of. London, 1855. 8" 12391 Wanderings of Persiles and Sigismunda. London, 1854. 8" 13459 Ceylon and the Cingalese. II. ('. Sirr. 2 vols. London, 1850. 8" 13505- Chainbearcr, The. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1852. 12" 3302 The same. New York, 185(i. 12" 3267 Chalmers, Thomas, D.l)., Memoirs, by Rev. Wm. Ilanna. 4 v. N. Y., 1853. 12" 2245- Adaptation of External Natiu-c to Constitution of Man. London, 1853. 8" . . . .2071 Posthumous Works. Edited by Eev. Wm. llanna. 9 v. N. Y., 1849-51. 12" . 1864-^ Vols. 1-3. Daily Scrii^itiwo lleadiiigs. 4-5. Sabbath Scripture Readings. 0. Sermons, Illus- trative of liis Mimstry. 7-S. Iiustitutes of TheolofT)'. 9. I'etlootions on Butler's Analogy, Paloy's Kvi(len<'os, and ITill's Lectures in Divinity. Chalybccus, IL M. Speculative Philosophy, from Kant to Hegel. Andover, 1854. 12". 12740 Chambers, R. Es.says, Familiar and ITumorous. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1847. 8" . . . .13490- History of the Rebellions from 1G38 till 1600. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1828. 18" 12798- Popular Rhymes of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1847. 8" 13496 Rebellion of 1745-n. Edinburgh, 1 847. 8» 13494 Traditions of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1847. 8" .13495 Chambers, W. Things in Ainerica. Philadelphia, 1854. 12" 1203 Chambers' Cyclopaedia of English Literature. P.oston, 1853. 2 vols.. Royal 8" 3231- Hand-Book of American Literature. Philadelphia, n. d. Ki" 12281 Information for the People. Philadelphia, 1853. 2 vols. Royal 8" 3233- Miscellany. Edited by R. Chambers. 10 vols. Boston, n. d. 12" 3693- Papers for the People." 12 vols. Edinburgh, 1850-51. 12" 3119- Vol. 1. Bonaparte Family; Seiiulehres of Ktruria; Valeric Duclos; Education of the Citizen; The Myth; Sunken Rock, a Tale of the Mediterranean; Popular Cultivation of Music; Ebenezer Elliott. 2. Sanitary Movement; Washington and his Cotemporaries; Edmund Atherton. a Tale; Memorabilia of the Seventeenth Century; Ruined Cities of Cen- tral America; Ivory Mine, a Tale; Secret Societies of Modern Europe; Francis Jettrev. 3. Arctic E.xiiloraiions; Social Utopias; Speculator, a Talc of Mammon-worship: Carthage and the Carthaginians; Recent Discoveries in Astronomy; White Swallow, an Indiiiu Tale; Mcchaniis" Institutions; Thomas Campbell. 4. Bourbon Faniilv: Califoniia : Black Pocket- Book, a Tale; Fenelon ; Every- dades ; Jewish Life in Central Europe : SVilliam Wordsworth. 6. Microscope and its Marvels; Pre-Columbian Discovery of America; Ilcrnuinn. a Tale; Public Libraries; Australia and \'an Dienian"s Land; Lone Star, a Tale; Religion of the Greeks: Ileyne. .» 7. Water Supplv of Towns; Ancient Scandinavia; Lost Letter, the Somnambule : Life in an fndiaman ; Law of Storms; Santillian's Choice, a Tale ; Isthmus of Panama ; Daniel I)e Foe. 8. Ocean Routes; Cromwell and Cotemporaries; Life at Graefenburg; Black Gondola, a Tale; Ancient Philosophic Sects: Wonders of Human Folly; Mary Wortlev Mondon, 1858. 8" l.'J6'J2 Commerce of the Prairies. J. (iregg. 2 vols. New York, 1850. 12" 3749- Commercial Statistics of All Nations. J. Macgregor. 5 vols. London, 1850. 8" . . . .2887- Commercial Relations of the United States. E. Flagg. 4 v. Wash., 1856. 4" 10320- Common-Place Book. R. Southey. 2 vols. New York, 1849. 8° 2341- of Thoughts, Feelings, and Fancies Mrs. Jameson. N. Y., 1855. 12" 1525 Common Sense and Religion. C. E. Bccchcr. New York, 1857. 12" 13534 Companions of my Solitude. A. Helps. Boston, 1852. 12" 12885 Comparative Philology, Outlines of M. Scheie de Vere. New York, 1853. 12" 12196 Comparative Physiognomy. J. V(. Rcdfield. New York, 1852. 8" 13108 Comte, A. Philosophy of Mathematics. Cillespie. New York, 1858. 8" I08I8 Philosophy of the Sciences, hy G. H. Lewes. London, 1853. 8" 12376 Positive Philosophy. New York, 1858. 8" 10967 Comstock, J. L. History of the Precious Metals. Hartford, 1849. 12" 176 Conant, Mrs. H. C. History of the Translation of the Scriptures. N. Y., 1856. 12" . 12110 Concord and Merrimack Rivers, A Week on the. II. D. Thoreau. Bost., 1849. 12" . .3939 Con Crcgan, or the Irish Cil Bias. C. Level-. London, 1856. 8" 12115 Concert Room and Orchestra Anecdotes. T. Busby. 3 vols. Lond., 1825. 16" ... .12805- Conchology, Elements of. E. J. Burrow. London, 1844. 12" 13316 Conde, J. A. Dominion of the Arabs in Spain. 3 vols. London, 1854. 8" 12434- Conde, Louis, Prince of Life. By Lord Mahon. New York, 1845. 12" 2268,2272 Cone, Spencer H., Life of New York, 1850. 12" 12126 Confessions of Con Cregan. C. Lever. London, 1856. 8" 12115 Confessions of Fitz Boodle. W. M. Thackeray. New York, 1852. 16" 3363 Confessions of Harry Lorre(iuer. C. Lever. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1847. 10" 1 1303- Confessions of a Pretty Woman. Miss Pardoe. New York, 1855. 8" 3412 Confessions of an Opium Eater. T. De Quinccy. Boston, 1853. 12" 1509 Confidence-Man : his Masquerade. Herman Melville. New York, 1857. 12" 13020 Confidential Disclosures. A. Lamartine. New York, 1849. 12" 2632 Conflict of Ages. Rev. E. Beecher. Boston, 1854. 12° 701 Congress. Globe. 1st Sess. 23d Cong.— 3d Sess. 34th. 42 vols. Wash., 1837-57. 4"...6- Congress of Nations, Prize Essays on a. Boston, 1840. 8" 12567 *Congress of the U. S., Annals. Mch. 8d, 1789— May 27, 1824. 42 v. Wash., 1834-56. 8".912- *Debates. Dec, 1824— Oct., 1837. 29 vols. Washington, 1825-37. 8" 1289- Abridged Debates. T. H. Benton. Vols. I.— VI. New York, 1857-58. 8" . .11871- Reminiscences of. C. W. March. New York, 1853. 12" 12986 Congrevc, W. Dramatic Works. London, 1840. 8" 1465 Coningsby. B. Disraeli. Leipzig, 1844. 16" 1 1336 Connecticut, Code of 1050, with the Blue Laws. Hartford, 1822. 12° 1 3238 History of. T. Dwight, jun. New York, 1841. 12" 2470 Connoisseur, The. {Britiah Essmjints. Vols. 25, 26. Boston, 1825. 16") 11833- Conrad, R. T. Aylmere, and other Poems. Philadelphia, 1852. 12" 11514 Conquest and Self-Conquest. M. J. Mcintosh. New York, 1852. 16" 2873 Conspirator, The. A. E. Dupuy. New York, 1857. 12° 11481 Constantinople and Athens. W. Colton. New York, 1851. 12" 1189 A Month at. A. Smith. London, 1855. 10" 13655 Constitution of the United States. W. Ilickey. Philadelphia, 1854. 12° 3777 Commentaries on. J. Story. 2 vols. Boston, 1851. 8" 13348- Debates on the Adoption of the. Elliot. 4 vols. A\' ashington, 1854. 8° 1628- Debates on the Adoption of the. J. Madison. Washington, 1845. 8" 1632 Essays wiitten in Favor of the. Federalist. Hallowell, 1852. 8° 3940 History of the. Geo. T. Curtis. 2 vols. New York, 1854. 8" 10680- Writings on the. J. Marshall. Boston, 1839. 8° 12972 Constitutional Jurisprudence of the U. S. W. A. Duer. New York, n. d. IS" 2664 Constitutions of the United States. W. Jackson. London, 1783. 8" 11397 Consolations in Travel. Sir H. Davy. London, 1831. 16" 1 2765 Consuelo. George Sand. Philadelphia, 1851. 8" 13124 Consulate and Empire, History of A. Thiers. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1852. 8° 1076- Contarini Fleming. B. Disraeli. Leipzig, 1846. 16« 11337 28 C N GOO [Merc. Lih. Conybeare, W. J. Perversion. New York, 185G. 12° 3041 Conjbeare, W. J., and J. S. Howson. Life and Epistles of St. Paul. 2 v. N.Y., 1858. 8" 12651- Cook, Capt. J. Voyage in 1770-77-78- T'J-'SO. 4 vols. Lond., 1784. 8" 11440- Cook, Eliza. Journal. Vols. 9-11. 3 vols. London, 1853-54. 8" 1127- Cooke, J. E. Ellie ; or, the Human Comedv. Richmond, 1855. 12° 2788 The Last of the Foresters. New York, 1856. 12° 11286 The Virginia Comedians. 2 vols. New York, 1854. 11" 3469- Cooke, P. P. Froissart Ballads. Philadelphia, 1847. 18° 12022 Cooley, A. J. Cyelopfedia of Receipts. New York, 1856. 8" 2717 Cooper, A., 3d Earl of Shaftesbury. Characteristics. 3 vols. London, 1732. 8" . . . 11092- Cooper, J. F. Afloat and Ashore. New York, 1856. 12" 3264 The same. New York, 1852. 12° 3281 Homeward Bound. New York, 1856. 12° 3258 The same. New York, 1852. 12° 3297 Home as Found. New York, 1856. 12° 3259 The same. New York, 1852. 12° 3298 Jack Tier ; or, the Florida Reef. New York, 1856. 12" 3270 The same. New York, 1852. 12° 3283 Leather Stocking Tales. 1. Decrsla3cr. 2. Patliflniler. 3. Last of the Mohicans. 4. Pioneers. 5. Prairie. Lionel Lincoln ; or, the Leaguer of Boston. New York, 1856. 12° 3087 The same. New York, 1852. 12° 3291 The same. New York, 1853. 12° 2950 Mercedes of Castile. New York, 1856. 12" 3260 The same. New York, 1852. 12° 3289 Miles Wallingford : Sequel to Afloat and Ashore. New York, 1855. 12" 3265 The same. New York, 1852. 12° 3282 Ned Myers ; or, a LifQ before the Mast. New York, 1856. 12° 3273 Precaution. New York, 1 856. 12° : 3084 The same. New York, 1852. 12° 3275 Satanstoe ; or, the Littlepage MSS. New York, 1856. 12° 3266 The same. New York, 1852. 12° 3301 The Bravo. New York, 1856. 12° 3097 The same. New York, 1852. 12° 3293 The Chainbearcr ; or, Littlepage MSS. New York, 1856. 12° 3267 The same. New York, 1852. .12" 3302 The Crater ; or Vulcan's Peak. New York, 1855. 12° -. 3269 The same. New York, 1852. 12" 3304 The Dccrslayer ; or, First AVar Path. New York, 1856. 12° 3089 The same. New York, 1852. 12" 3285 The same. New York, 1853. 12" 3942 The Headsman ; or, the Abbaye des Vignerons. New York, 1856. 12° 3256 The same. New York, 1852. 12" 3299 The Ileidenmauer. New York, 1856. 12" 3255 The same. New York, 1852. 12" 3300 'J'he Last of the Mohicans. New York, 1856. 12" 3092 The .same. New York, 1852. 12" 3286 The same. New York, 1853. 12" 3076 The Monikin.s. New York, 1856. 12" 3257 'J"hc same. New York, 1S52. 12" 3290 'I'he Oak Openings ; or, the Bee Hunter. New York, 1856. 12° 3271 The same. New York, 1 852. 12" 3305 The I'athlinder. New York, 1856. 12° 3088 The same. New York, 1852. 12" 3287 The .same. Now York, 1853. 12" 3077 Tlic Pilot ; a Tale of the Sea. New York, 1856. 12" 3086 The same. New York, 1H53. 12" 3(l78 The same. New York, 1 852. 12" 3276 The Pioneers. New York, 1856. 12" 30;) 1 'I'he same. New York, 1 852. 12° 3288 The .Kamc. New York, 1 853. 12" 3943 'I he I'rairie. New York, I «55. 12" 3092 The same. New York, !H52. 12" 3289 The .same. New York, 1853. 12" 3079 Brooklyn.] COO GO U ' 29 Cooper, J. F. Tlie Red Rover. New York, 1855. 12" 3003 The same. Now York, 1852. 12° 8277 The same. New York, 1853. 12'^ 3080 The Red Skins ; the Conclusion of tlie Littlepagc MSS. New York, 1856. 12" . .3208 The same. New York, 1 852. 12" 3303 The Sea Lions ; or, the Lost Sealer.s. New York, 1850. 12" 3272 The same. New York, 1852. 12" 3284 The Spy. New York, 1856. 12" 3085 The same. New York, 1852. 12" 32'j2 The same. New York, 1853. 12" 3041 The Traveling Bachelor. New York, 1856. 12" 30'J6 The same. New York, 1852. 12" 3296 The Two Admirals. New York, 1856. 12" 3261 The same. New York, 1852. 12" 3280 The same. New York, 1853. 12° 3081 The Water AVitch. New York, 1853., 12" 3833 The same. New York, 1855. 12" 3095 The same. New York, 1852. 12" 3278 The Ways of the Hour. New York, 1856. 12" 3274 The same. New York, 1853. 12" 3082 The Wept of Wish-ton-Wish. New York, 1856. 12" 3094 The same. New York, 1852. 12" 3294 The Wing and Wing. New York, 1856. 12" 3262 The same. New York, 1852. 12" 3279 The same. New York, 1853. 12° 3083 The Wyandotte. New York, 1856. 12" 3263 The same. New York, 1852. 12". 3295 History of the Navy of the United States to 1853. New York, 1853. 8" 1802 Excursions in Switzerland. 2 vols. London, 1836. 12" 10914- Notions of the Americans. 2 vols. London, 1828. 12" 11418- Cooper, Miss S. F. Rural Hours. New York, 1850. 12" 3060 Rhyme and Reason of Country Life. New York, 1855. 8" 13085 Cooper, T., Bishop. Against Private Mass. Cambridge, 1855. 16" 10787 ^Copland, J. Dictionary of Pi-actical Medicine. 2 vols. New York, 1855. 8" 10399- Coppard, S. S. Katharine Douglas; or. Principle Developed. New York, 1850. 12" .3483 Corinne ; or, Italy. By Madame de Stael. New York, 1857. 12" 11288 The same. Philadelphia, 1854. 12" . .3059 Corkran, J. F. Hist, of the Constit. Assembly of France. 2 v. Lond., 1849. 12".. 10444- Corke, John Boyle, Earl of. Letters from Italy. London, 1774. 12° 10789 Cormenin, L, de. Orators of France. New York, 1849. 12" 2630 Corneille, P., and his Times. F. Guizot. New York, 1852. 12" 2400 Corner Stone. J. Abbott. New York, 1855. 12" 11929 Cornyn, J. K. Dick Wilson, the Rum.seller's Victim. Auburn, 1851. 12" 2937 Cornwall, Barry. See Proctor, B. W. ^Corpus Poetarum Latinorum. Ed. Walker. London, 1849. S" 10811 Catullus. Ovidius. Juvenalis. Valerius Flaccus. Lucretius. Ilor.itius. Martialis. Calpurnius Siculus. Virgilius. Pbiieilrus. Sulpieia. Ausonius. TibuUus. Lucanns. Statins. Claudianus. Propertius. Persius. Silius Italicus. Corse do Leon ; or, the Brigand. G. P. R. James. 2 vols, in 1. N. Y., 1855. 12". . 10763 Cortez, H., Balboa, and Pizarro. Lives. New York, 1854. 18" 11137 Despatches to the Emperor Charles V. New York, 1843. 12" 13007 Cosmos. A. von Humboldt. 4 vols. London, 1849. 8° 2079- Cossacks, History of. Bishop R. Hebor. (Appendix to his Life.) N. Y., 1830. 8".. 13624 Costello, L. S. Beam and the Pyrenees. 2 vols. London, 1844. 8" 11665- Jacques Coeur, the French Argonaut. London, 1847. 8° 13307 Memoirs of Eminent English Women. 4 vols. London, 1844. 8" 10237- Cottage Residences. A. J. Downing. New York, 1852. 8° 2745 Cottages, Farm Houses, and Villas. A. J. Downing. New York, 1852. 8" 2744 Villas and. C. Vaux. New York, 1857. S" 11156 Cottin, S. R. Elizabeth ; or, the Exiles of Siberia. London, 1857. 8" 12433 Cottle, J. Reminiscences of Coleridge and Southey. New York, 1848. 12° 2270 Cotton, Growth, Trade, and Manufacture of. J.G.Dudley. New York, 1853. 8".... 2174 Cotton in India, Culture and Commerce of. J. F. Roylc. London, 185L 8" 10558 Cotton Spinner, American. R. H. Baird. Philadelphia, 1851. 16" : 3679 Coultas, H. Cryptogamia. Philadelphia, 1853. 12" 3728 30 * COU CRI [Merc. Lib. Coultas, H. Phanerogamia. Philadelphia, 1854. 12" 3297 Count de Castlenew. G. P. R. James. New York, 1854. 8" 3400 Count of Monte Cristo. A. Dumas. London, 1854. 8° 13309 Count Robert of Paris. Sir W. Scott. New York, 1833. 8" 3305, 3248 The same. Boston, 1853. 12" 3810 Country Curate. G. R. Gleig. London, 1853. 12° 12874 Country Houses, Architecture of. A. J. Downing. New York, 1852. 8° 2744 Country Quarters. Lady Blessington. Leipzig, 1850. 2 vols. 16° 11323- Court Fools, History of. " Dr. Doran. London, 1858. 8° 13135 Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts. 3 voLs. London, 1851. 8° 10476- Court of France in the 17th Century. Miss Pardee. 2 vols. New York, 1851. 12°.. 2057- Court of London, Residence at. R.' Rush. Philadelphia, 1845. 8° 1333 Court of King James L Lucy Aikin. 2 vols. London, 1822. 8° 10713- Cousins, The. Miss M. J. M'lntosh. New York, 1845. 18° 2875 Cousin, V. Elements of Psychology. New York, 1855. 12". . .' 12920 History of Modern Philosophy. Wight. 2 vols. New York, 1852. 8" 851- Lectures on the True, Beautiful, and Good. New York, 1850. 12" 850 Life of Madame de Longueville. New York, 1855. 12" 13861 Cousin William. Thco. Hook. New York, 1857. 12° 13894 Covent Garden Journal, The. London, 1810. 8° 12586 Coventry Mysteries, The. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell. London, 1841. 8" 10159 Coverdale, Bishop Miles. Remains. Cambridge, 1846. 8" 10219 Cowper, AY. Poetical Works of 3 vols. Boston, 1856. 16" 11723- The same. 3 vols. London, 1843. 12" 1093- Complete Works, edited by R. Southey. 8 vols. London, 1853-55. 8" 12437- Cox, Samuel H. Interviews, Memorable and Useful. New York, 1853. 12" 122 Cox, S. S. A Buckeye Abroad. New York, 1852. 12" 1014 Coxe, Wm. History of the House of Austria. (1218 to 1792.) 3 v. Lond., 1847. 8° .1235- Continuation to the Revolution, 1848. Yol. 4. London, 1853. 8" 1238 Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough. 3 vols. London, 1847. 8" 1239- Memoirs of Horatio, Lord AValpole. 2 vols. 2d edit. London, 1808. 8" 11745- Cozzens, F. Sparrowgrass Papers. New Y''ork, 1856. 12" 2776 *Crabb, G. English Synonymes. New York, 1850. 8" 2194 Life. By his Son. Cambridge, Mass., 1834. 12" 12815 Poetical Works. Philadelphia, 1850. 8" 1347 Cradle of the Twin Giants, Science and Histor}'. H. Christmas. 2 v. Lond., 1849. 8". 13722- Ciaik, G. L. History of British Commerce. 3 vols, in 1. London, 1844. 12" 12036 Pursuit of Knowledge. 2 vols. New York, n. d. 18" 2299- The same. Ed. by AVayland. 2 vols. New York, 1847. 12" 2410- Romance of the Peerage. 4 vols. London, 1848-50. 8" 13862- Craik, G. L., and C. MacFarland. Pict. Hist, of Engl, to 1820. 8 v. Lond., 1846-49. 8".217- Cranford. By Mrs. E. C. (Ja.skell. New York, 1855. 16" 12279 Cranmer, T. 'AVritings. (Kelig. Tract Soc, London.) London, n. d. 12" 11636 Miscellaneous Writings and Letters. Cambridge, 1846. 8" 12064 Life and Times of Mrs. H. F. Lee. Philadelphia, 1855. 16" 13659 Crashaw, R. Complete Works of London, 1858. 16" 11993 Crater ; or, Vulcan's Peak. J.F.Cooper. 2 vols. New York, 1855. 12" 3269-3304- Cravcn, Hon. K. Excursions in the Abruzzi. 2 vols, in 1. London, .1838. 8° 10602- Crayon Miscellany. W. Irving. New York, 1853. 12° 3143 Crcyton, Paul. Sec Troirhriihie, J. T. Creasy, E. S. Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World. New York, 1856. 12° 1 1 186 Memoirs of Eminent P",tonians. London, 1850. 8° 12070 Rise and Progress of the iMiglisli Constitution. New York, 1856. 12" 1 1238 Creation. Med.-ils of G. A. Maiitdl. 2 vols. London, 1854. 8" 13485- I'ictorial and Descriptive Tf)ur through. T. Miiner. London, 1852. 8' 3213 Six Days of I'rof T. I-ewis. Sciicneotady, 1855. 12" 875 Vestiges of the Natural History of New York, 1H57. 16" 11138 Creator, Footprints of the. Hugh Miller IJoston, 1852. 12" 881 Crccd'of ChriHtcndom. W. K. (ircg. New York, 1K55. 8" 12107 Creole Orphans. J. S. Peacock.', M. I). New York, 1856. 12" 3435 Crescent and the Cross. Kliot Warburton. New York, 1850. 12" 2269 Crests, Book of Family. 2 vols. London, I H.-jf,. 1 (V 13455- Crichton, Andrew. History of Aral)ia, Ancient ;ind Modern. 2 v. N. Y., 1852. 18". .2132- Scandinavia, Ancient and Modern. 2 vols. New York, 1846. 18" 2473- (Viminal Trials in Scotland. J. II. Hiuton. 2 vols. London, 1852. 8" 13716- Remarkabl.'. A. R. von Feiicrbach. New York, 1846. 12" 1938 Broohlyn.-] CRO CIT N 31 Crock of Gold. M. Farquhar Tupper. Philadelphia, 1851. 12° 12895 Croly, Rev. C Life and Times of George IV. New York, n, d. 18" 1922 Tales of the Great St. Bernard. 3 vols. London, 1828. 8° 10930- Cromwell, Oliver, and His Times. T. Cromwell. London, 1821. 8° 10725 Biography of. F. L. Hawks. New York, 1857. 12" 12283 History of. M. Guizot. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1854. 12" 12058- Letters and Speeches of. T. Carlyle. 2 vols. New York, 1851. 12" 225G- Life of. J. T. Headley. New York, 1853. 12" 2435 Life of. M.Russell. 2 vols. New York, 1848. 12" 2120- Lifeof. R. Southey. New York, 1852. 18" 2881 Cromwell, T. Oliver Cromwell and his Times. London, 1821. 8" 10725 Cromwellian Diar}-. Thomas Burton. 4 vols. London, 1828. 8" 10807- Cronica Maiorum et Vice Comitum Londoniarum. London, 1840. Sq. 10" 10124 Crosland, Mrs. Newton. English Tales and Sketches. Bcston, 1853. 12° 12239 Hildred, the Daughter. London, 1857. 10" 11041 Lydia ; or. Woman's Book. Bo.ston, 1852. 10° 12212 Memorable Women. Boston, 1857. 10" 12235 My Experiences of Spiritualism. London, 1857. 16" 12280 Crotchets and Quavers. Max Maretzek. New York, 1855. 12" 2606 Crowe, C. Linny Lockwood. New York, 1854. 12° 3409 Night Side of Nature. London, 1857. 16" 12807 Seeress of Prevorst. London, 1845. 12° 12038 Cruveilhier, J. Anatomy. 3rd edition. New York, 1853. 8" 10401 Cruikshank, G. Three Courses and a Dessert. London, 1850. 8° 12429 Cruise of the Betsey. Hugh Miller. Boston, 1858. 12" 13880 Cruise of the Midge. M. Scott. Edinburgh, 1853. 16" 12208 Cruise of the North Star. J. 0. Choules. Boston, 1854. 12" 1200 Cru.sade.s, Chronicles of. London, 1848. 8" 12300 History of. C. Mills. 2 vols. London, 1828. 8" 10401- History of. J. F. Michaud. 3 vols. London, 1852. 8" 10482- Crystal Palace, N. Y., Art and Industry at. Ed. by H. Greeley. N. Y., 1853. 12" . . . .170 Crystal Palace of 1851, London. See ExMhition of 1851. Cuba and the Cubans. R.B.Kimball. New York, 1850. 12" 897 Gan Eden ; or, Pictures of. W. H. Hurlbut. Boston, 1854. 12° 12907 History of. M. M. Ballou. Boston, 1854. 12" 907 Island of. Alex. Humboldt. New York, 1850. 12" 11239 Porto Rico, and the Slave Trade. I). TurnbuU. London, 1840. 8" 1322 United States and. J. M. Phillippo. London, 1857. 12" 12758, 13520 United States, Cuba, and Canada. Miss Murra)\ New York, 1850. 12" 889 Cud worth, R, Intellectual System of the Universe. 2 vols. New York, 1837. 8' 978- Cultivator, The. Vols. I.— IV. Albany, 1838. 4" 2712- Cumberland, R. Memoirs, with Notes by H. Flanders. Philadelphia, 1850. 8" 10703 Gumming, John. Benedictions ; or, the Blessed Life. Boston, 1854. 12° 11113 Church before the Flood. Boston, 1854. 12" 11112 Daily Life. Boston, 1854. 12" 710 Lectures on Daniel. Philadelphia, 1850. 12" 11101 Lectures on the Apocalypse. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1856. 12" 11099- Lectures on the Parables. Philadelphia, 1850. 12" 11102 Lectures on Romanism. Bo.ston, 1854. 12" 11103- Scripture Readings. St. Matthew. Boston, 1855. 12" 11109^ St. Mark. Boston, 1855. 12" 11107- St. Luke. Boston, 1855. 12" 11109 St. John. Boston, 1856. 12" 11108 Genesis. Boston, 1856. 12" 11104 Exodus. Boston, 1856. 12" 11105 Leviticus. Boston, 1855. 12" 11100- Signs of the Times. Philadelphia, 1855. 12" 357 Voices of the Dead. Boston, 1855. 12° 715 Voices of the Day. Boston, 1857. 12° HHO Voices of the Night. Boston, 1854. 12" lHH Gumming, Roualeyn G. Hunter's Life in South Africa. 2 v. New York, 1852. 12°. 1204 Cummings, Maria. The Lamplighter. Boston, 1854. 12" 2779 Mabel Vaughan. Boston, 1857. 12" 2780 Cunningham, A. Lives of British Painters and Sculptor.s. 5 v. N. Y. 18" . .1944-, 2130 Cunningham, G. G. Lives of Eminent Englishmen. 8 vols. London, 1835-37. 8" .10366- Cunningham, P. Revels at Ct. in Reigns of Queen Eliz. & James I. Lond., 1842. 8" .10160 32 CUR DAN [Merc. IJh. ^Curiosities, American, Historical, and Literary. New York, 1852. 4° 3873 of Literature. L D'Israeli. London, 185L S" 3223 of Literature, New. G. Soane. 2 vols. London, 1849. 8" 11180- of Natural History. F. T. Buckland. London, 1858. IG" 13464 of the Microscope. By J. H. Wythes. Philadelphia, 1852. 4° 3609 Curran, J. P., and hi.s Contemporaries. C. Phillips. New York, 1851. 12" 2448 Currer Bell. See Bmrdt, Charlotte. Curse of C'ifton : a Tale. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. Philadelphia, 1852. 12" . . .2780 Curtis, Daniel S. Western Portraiture and Emigrant's Guide. N. Y., 1852. 12" 1037 Curtis, G. T. History of the Constitution of the U. S. 2 vols. N. Y., 1854. 8".. . . 10689- Curtis, Geo. W. Lotus Eating. New York, 1852. 12° 11283 Nile Notes of a Howadji. New York, 1854. 12° 2935 Potiphar Papers. New York, 1854. 12" 3764 Prue and L New York, 1856. 12" 2936 The Howadji in Syria. New York, 1855. 12" 11282 Curzon, R. Travels in Armenia. New York, 1854. 12" 11182 Visits to Monasteries in the Levant. New York, 1849. 12" 895 Gushing, L. S. Laws and Practice of Legislative Assemblies. Boston, 1856. 8".... 10976 Custine, Marquis de. Piussia. New York, 1854. 12" 1166 Cutter, William. Life of Gen. Israel Putnam. New York, 1847. 12" 2251 Life of General La Fayette. New York, n. d. 12" 2636 *Cyclopa?dia, English, of Biography. 6 vols. London, 1856-58. 4" 13071- *New American, Vols. I— IL [Continued.] New York, 1858. 8"... 11883- of Anecdotes. K. Arvine. Boston, 1853. 8° 3226 *of Biographv, Appleton's. New York, 1856. 8" 2725 *of Biographv. P. Godwin. New York, 1852. 12" 141 of Biblical Literature. J. Kitto. Boston, 1852. 8" 1811 *of Chronology and History. G. P. Putnam. New York, 1852. 8" 137 *of Commerce. W. Watenston. London, 1847. 8" 2735 of English Literature. Pv. Chambers. 2 vols. Boston, 1853. 8" 8231- of Literature and the Fine Arts. G. Ripley and B. Taylor. N. Y, 1852. 12° . .139 of Modern Travel. B. Taylor. Cincinnati, 1856. 8" 3932 of Political Knowledge. Standard Library (Bohn). 4 v. Lend., 1848-53. 8" .1566- of 6,000 Receipts. A. J. Coolej'. New York, 1856. 8° 2717 of Useful Arts. T. Antisell. New York, 1852. 12° 140 of Universal Geography. T. C. CaUicot. New York, 1853. 12" 142 C3-rilla : a Tale. Baroness Tautphoeus. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1853. 16" 11391- Cyril Thornton. T. Hamilton. Edinburgh, 1848. 16" 12259 Cyrus the Great. J. Abbott. New York, 1852. 1G° 3376 Czar, his Court and People. J. S. Maxwell. New York, 1848. 12" 101 1 Czar and the Sultan. A. Gilson. New York, 1853. 12" 1027 D'Abrantes, Dutchess. Memoirs of Napoleon. 2 vols. New York, 1854. 8" 2555- Dacoitce in E.xrolsis; or, the S])oliation of Uude by East India Co. Lond., 1847. 8" .10701 Dailv Life. Rev. John Cumming. Boston, 1854. 12" 710 Daisy I'.iirns ; a 'lale. Julia Kavanagh. New York, 1853. 12" 3533 Dai.sy ("bain. .Mi.ss C. Yongo. New York, 1856. 2 voK 12" 3336- Daisy's Necklace. By T. B. Aldrich. New York, 1854. 8" 11491 Dallas, R. C. History of the Maroons. 2 vols. London, 1803. 8" 11411- Dalrymple, Sir. J. Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1773. 8" 18726 Daltoiis, 'J'ho. Charles Lever. 4 vols. Leipzig, 1852. 16" 11365- Dniiinsrus, Fivf Years in. Rev. J. L. Porter. 2 vols. London, 1S55. S" 13688 Dampier, W., Drake, and Cavendish. Lives and Voyages. New York, n. d. 18" 1957 Dnriisel of Darien. W. (i. Siinm.s. London, 1K54. 8" 11177 Dana, J. D. System of .Mineralogv. New York, 1854. K" 3254 I>nna, .Mrs. M. S. B. Letters to Relatives and Friends. IJoston, 1846. 12" 182 Dann', R. II. Poems anhy of a Future State; Philosophy of Religion ; Mental Illiiiiiination ; Essay on Coveto\i.sness. 2. Christian Philosopher; Celestial Seenery ; Siderial Ueavens; Practical Astronomer; The Solar System ; The Atmosphere. Dickens, Charles. Barnaby Rudgc. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1857. 12" 12701- Bleak House. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1857. 12° 12703- The same. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1853. 12" 3472- Christmas Stories. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1857. 12" 12705- The same. Philadelphia, 1852. 12" 3471 David Coppcrfield. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1857. 12" 12707- The same. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1855. 12° 3474- Dombey and Son. 2 vols, Philadelphia, 1857. 12° 12709- (Editor.) Household Words. Vols. I-XIV. (coiit.) London, 1850-56. 8° 253- Little Dorrit. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1858. 12" 12711- The same. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1856. 12° 3476- Martin Chuzzlewit. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1857. 12" 12713- New Stories. Philadelphia, 1857. 12" 12715 Nicholas Nickleby. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1857. 12" 12716- Old Curiosity Shop. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1857. 12° 1 2718- Oliver Twist. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1857. 12° 12720- Pickwick Papers. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1857. 12° 12722- Sketches. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1857. 12" 12724- Home and Social Philosophy. New York, 1852. 12° 3153 Home Narratives. From " Plousehold Words." New York, 1852. 12" 3154 Novels and Talcs. 4 vols. Philadelphia, 1853. 8° 3202- Vol. 1. Pickwick Papers, anil Old Curiosity Shop. 2. Sketches, Oliver Twist, and Barnaby Kudge. 3. Nicholas Nickleby, and Martin Chuzzlewit, 4. Dombey and Son, David Copperfield, and Christmas Stories. Dick Wilson, the Rumseller's Victim. J. K. Cornyn. Auburn, 1853. 12" 2937 ^Dictionary, American Biographical. W. Allen. Boston, 1857. 8" 10975 Church. W. F. Hook. London, 1854. 8° 13577 "Classical. C. Anthon. New York, 1855. 8" . . 2721 *J. Lempriere. New York, 1851. 8° 2738 *W. Smith. Edited by C. Anthon. New York, 1857. 8° 10410 Historical and Critical. Peter Bayle. 4 vols. London, 1826. 16" 13795- *Military. C. James. 2d ed. London, 1805. 8" 10455 *of Architecture. Robert Stuart. Vols. 1-2 , Text. V. 3., Plates. Phila., 1854. 8° 13770- *of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. A. Ure. New York, 1853. 8" 2912 of Correspondences. E. Swedcnborg. Boston, 1847. 12" 719 *of Dates. G. P. Putnam. New York, 1852. 8° 187 *of German and English Languages. G. F. Adler. New York, 1849. 8° 13345 *of the Enghsh Language. N. Webster. Springfield, 1853. 4° R.R. *The same. Springfield, 1858. 4" R.K. *of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. W. Smith. N. Y., 1855. 8° 10410 *of Latin Quotations. H. T. Riley. London, 1856. 8° 12505 36 Dl G DON [Merc. Lib. *Dictionary of Latin and English. E. A. Andrews. New York, 1851. 8" . .' 13346 *of Machines, Mechanics, etc. Appleton's. 2 vols. New York, 1852. 8" 2723- *of Musicians. 2 vols. London, 1827. 8" 10784- *of Obsolete Enghsh. T. Wright, London, 1857. 2 vols. 8" 12563- *of Painters. M. Pilkington. London, 1852. 8" 2542- *of Practical Medicine. J. Copland. 2 vols. New York, 1855. 8" 10399- *of Science, Literature, and Art. W. T. Brande. New York, 1852. 8" 2722 *of the Army of the United States. C. K. Gardner. New York, 1853. 12" 1149 *of the Peerage of the British Empire. Sir B. Burke. London, 1856. 8" 11650 Diderot, D., & Grimm, Baron de. Cor. Mith Duke of Saxe-Gotha. 4 v. Lond., 1814. 8" 10873- Didron, A. N. Christian Iconography. 2 vols. London, 1851. 8° 12431- Dietetics of the Soul. E. Yon Feuchtersleben. New York, 1858. 16° 12843 Diogenes Laertius. The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers. Lond., 1853. 8°. 12506 Diplomatic History of Washington and Adams. W. H. Trescot. Boston, 1857. 12" .. 10611 Diplomacy of the Revolution. W. H. Trescot. New York, 1852. 12" 11690 Discarded Daughter. Mrs. South worth. Philadelphia, 1852. 12" 2784 Disgrace to the Family. W. B. Jerrold. London, 1848. 12" 12109 Disowned, The. E. L. Bulwer. London, 1852. 8" 3114 Disraeli, B. Alroy. Leipzig, 1846. 16" 11335 Coningsby. Leipzig, 1844. 16° 11336 Contarini Fleming. Leipzig, 1846. 16" 11337 Sybil. Leipzig, 1845. 16° 11340 Tancred, Leipzig, 1847. 16° 11338- AYorks of Fiction. Philadelphia. 1837. royal 8° 3421 Vi\-ian Grey ; Young Duke ; Contarini Fleming ; "Wondrous Tale of Ahoy ; Eiseoflskan- der ; Henrietta" Temple ; Yenetia. DisracH, L Amenities of Literature. 2 vols. New York, 1855. 12" 12193- Curiositics of Literature. London, 1851. 8° 3223 Literary Character. 3d ed. 2 vols. London, 1822. 8° 11089- Miscellanies of Literature. London, 1853. 8° 3222 Literary Misoellanies ; Quan-els of Authors; Calamities of Authors; Character of James I. ; The Literary Character. Miscellanies ; or. Literary Recreations. London, 1796. 8" 13501 District School as it Was. W. Barton. Boston, 1850. 12° 2418 Ditson, George L. Circassia, or a Tour to the Caucasus. New York, 1850. 12" 1017 Divine Love and Wisdom. E. Swedenborg. Boston, 1841. 12" 995- Divine Providence. E. Swedenborg. New York, 1853. 8" 993- Dix, J. A. A Winter in Madeira, and a Summer in Spain and Florence. N. Y., 1853. 16" . 3823 Dixon, E. II. Scenes in the Practice of a New York Surgeon. N. Y., 1855. 12" 3125 Dixon, II. John Howard and the Prison World of Europe. New York, 1850. 12"... 2402 London Prisons, The. London, 1850. 16" 13462 William Penn. Philadelphia, 1851. 12" 2421 Dobson, Mrs. S. Life of Petrarch. 2 vols. London, 1805. 8" 10871- Literary History of the Troubadours. London, 1779. 8" 13324 Doctor Antonio. G. Kuflini. New York, 1857. 12" 2843,12238 Doctor Birch and his Friends. W, M. Thackeray. New York, 1857. Sq. 16" 11497 Doctor Syntax, Tour of. A\^ Coombe. London, 1844. 8" 2746 Doctor, The. R. Soutliey. New York, 1856. 12° 12125 Dod, A. B. Es.says from the Princeton Review. New York, 1847. 8° 2896 Dodd, S. Revolulfonary Memorials. New York, 1852. 12" 1368 Dodd, \V. Discourses to Young Men. Philadelphia, 1848. 18° 3600 Dodd Family Al)road. C. Lever. 3 vols. Leipzig, 1854. 16° 11367- Doddridge, 1*. Correspondence and Diary. 5 vols. London, 1829. 8" 13604- H is Life and Labors. J. Stoughton. Boston, 1858. 12" 11123 Dodington, G. B. Diary, from 1748 to 1761. London, 1784. 8" 11460- F)oesticks, (^ K. P. See Thouqtxon. M. M. Dog and the Sjiortsnian. J. S. Skinner. !Miilahen. 8. John Wilson. Estimates of .some Englishmen and Scotchmen. W. Bagehot. Lond., 1858. 8" 13220 Ethiopians, Historical Researches concerning. A. H. L. Ileeren. Oxford, 1833, 8".. 10423 Ethnography, Lectures on Ancient. B. G. Niebuhr. 2 vols. Boston, 1854. 8" 10433- Ethnological Researches, or Types of Mankind. Nott <& Gliddon. Phil, 1857. 8" . . .11658 Ethnological Inquiry, New Chapters of Nott & Gliddon. Philadelphia, 1857. 8".. .10985 Etonians, Memoirs of Eminent. E. S. Creasy. London, 1850. 8" 12070 Etruscan Literature and Antiquities. Sir W. Betham. 2 vols. Dublin, 1842. 8"... 10854- Eugene Aram. E. L. Bulwer. London, 1854. 8" 3102 Euler, L. Letters on Natural Philosophy. 2 vols. New York, 1848. 18" 2119- Euripides. Tragedies, literally translated. 2 vols. London, 1854. 8" 12507- The same. Translated by R. Potter. 3 vols. New York, 1852. 18" 3569- Europe, American Merchant in. G. F. Train. New York, 1857. 12" 369 America and. A. G. de Gurowski. New York, 1857. 12° 11215 Civilization in. F. Guizot. 4 vols. New York, 1850. 12" 133- Clara, or Slave Life in. M. Haklander. New York, 1856. 12" 11921 Commercial and Financial Legislation of. J. Macgregor. Lond., 1841. 8" . . .11006 Cruise of Steam Yacht "North Star" to. Rev. J. 0. Choules. Bost., 1854. 12" .1206 Glances at. H. Greeley. New York, 1851. 12" 1198 Great Commanders of. G. P. R. James. London, 1858. 8" 12794 Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in. Grace Greenwood. Boston, 1854. 12" 1165 Hand-Book for Northern. London, 1839. 12" 10791 History of. 1789-1815. Sir A. Alison. 4 vols. New York, 1853. 8" 2215- History of. 1815-1852. Sir A. Ahson. Vols. l.-U. New York, 1855. 8" . . .2219- The same. Vols. L-HL New York, 1855-58. 8° 13620- History of Modern. Wm. Russell. Cont. by W. Jones. 3 v. N. Y., 1851-53. 8" .2212- Letters from. N. H. Carter. 2 vols. New York, 1827. 8° 1101- Letters from. Catharine M. Sedgwick. 2 vols. New York, 1845. 12" 1144- Literature and Romance of Northern. W. & M. Howitt. 2 v. Lond., 1852. r2".125- Literature of Southern. J. C. L. Sismondi. 2 vols. London, 1850. 12" 1735- The same. 2 vols. New York, 1848. 12° 127- Men and Things in. Kirwan. New York, 1854. 12° 11214 Military Resources of. L. Wraxall. London, 1856. 8° 11097 National Education in. H. Barnard. New York, 1854. 8" 12589 Notes of Things Seen in. W. C. Bryant. New York, 1851. 12" 1197 Observations in. John P. Durbin, D. D. New York, 1851. 12" 904- Physician's Vacation ; or a Summer in. Walter Channing. Boston, 1856. 12". 1157 Reminiscences of an Old Traveller in. T. Brown. Edinburgh, 1840. 8" 10363 Representative Government in. F. Guizot. London, 1852. 12" 1247 Revolutions and Conspiracies of. W.C.Taylor. 2 vols. Lond., 1843. 8"... 13318- Scenes and Thoughts in. G. H. Calvert. New York, 1852. 12° 1180 Things and Thoughts in America and. M. F. Ossoli. Boston, 1856. 12" 1181 Tour in Northern. Marquis of Londonderry. 2 vols. London, 1838. 8" 10429- Two Tours on the Continent of. J. AVilson. 3 v. London, 1820. 8° 10562- Travels in. Mrs. H. B. Stowe. 2 vols. Boston, 1854. 12" 3502- Views A-Foot. Bayard Taylor. New York, 1852. 12" 1021 44 EUR FAM [Merc. Lib. Europe, Visit to, in 1851. B. Silliman. 2 vols. New York, 1853. 12" 372- Wanderings in Europe and the Orient. S. S. Cox. New York, 1852. 12'' 1014 Europe and the East, Travels in. S. I. Prime. 2 vols. New York, 1855. 12" 362- Europe by an American. A. H. Everitt. London, 1822. 8° 10443 Europe during the Middle Ages. H. Hallam. New York, 1852. 8" 2223 European Capitals, .Sketches of. ^V. Ware. Boston, 1851. 12" 1140 European Celebrities. W. B. Sprague. Boston, 1856. 12° 11184- European Commerce, General View of. J. J. Oddy. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1807. 8" . .1053- European Literature, Hand-Book of Mrs. Foster. London, 1849. 16" 12859 European Turkey, Travels in. Capt. Spencer. 2 vols. London, 1851. 8" 13310- Eustace, J. C. Classical Tour through Italy. 3 vols. London, 1841. 18' 3702- The same. 4 vols. London, 1815. 8" 1794- Eutaw. W. G. Simms. New York, 1850. K" 3318 Eutropius, Justin, and Cornelius Nepos. Literally translated. London, 1853. 8" . . .12518 Evagrius and Theodoret. History of the Church. London, 1854. 8" 12402 Evelina. By Frances Burney. New York, 1857. 12" 11592 Evelvn, John. Diary and Correspondence. 4 vols. London, 1850. 8" 2405- Eveiiings at Donaldson Manor. Miss M. J. M'Intosh. New York, 1853. 12" 3555 Eventide. By Effie Afton. Boston, 1854. 12" 2917 Everitt, A. H. Europe by an American. London, 1822. 8° 10443 Life of Joseph Warren. New York, 1853. 10° 3025 Life of Patrick Henry. Boston, 1848. 10° 3026 Everett, Edward. Life of John Stark. New York, 1853. 10° 3016 Orations and Speeches on Various Occasions 2 vols. Boston, 1850. 8" 2179- Everts, W. AV. Childhood, its Promise and Training. New York, 1847. 8" 11091 E very-Day Book; relating the Popular Amusements, etc. W. Hone. 3 v. Lond.,n. d. 8". 3052 Ewbank, Thomas. Descriptive Account of Hydraulic Machines. N. Y., 1850. 8" . . . .2152 Exemplary Novels of M. Cervantes. London, 1855. 8" 12391 Exhibition of 1851. C. Babbage. London, 1851. 8° 105'i9 Art Journal, Illustrated Catalogue of. London, n. d. 4" 3874 Hand-Book to. Ed. by R. Hunt. 2 vols. London, 1852. 10" 10794- Exiles, The. Mrs. E. Robinson. New Y'ork, 1853. 12" 3074 Exiles of Siberia, The. Mdm«. Cottin. London, 1857. 8" 12433 Exodus, Scripture Readings in. J. Cumming. Boston, 1850. 12" 11105 Experience of Life. E. M. Sewell. New York, 1853. 12" 3703 Experiences of a Barrister. S. Warren. New York, 1852. 12" 3433 E.vpior. for R. R. Route from the Mississippi to the Pacific. 5 v. Wash., 1855-50. 4" . .10314- F. Fabens, J. W. Life on the Isthmus. New York, 1853. 12° 1360 Fable for Critics. J. R. Lowell. Boston, 1850. 10" 11507 Fable, Flowers of from Northcote and others. New York, 1847. 12" 10524 Fabl»9, yE.sop's ; illustrated. Edited by T. James. New York, n. d. 8" 3415 Fa.-ry Queen, Spenser and the. Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. New York, 1850. 12" 1373 Faggot of French Sticks. Sir F. B. Head. New York, 1851. 12" 1200 Fair .Maid of I'erth. Sir W. Scott. New York, 1833. 8" 3395, 3248 The .same. T.o.ston, 1853. 12" 3808 Fairfax Corrcsjiondence. Kdited by G. W. Johnson. 4 vol.s. London, 1848. 8" . . . .13578- I'.'iiry Hook, The, with Engravings by J. A. Adams. N. Y., n. d. 12" 12134 Fairv .Mythology, Ilhistrations of .J. O. Haliiweli. London, 1845. 8" 10170 Fairy .\lythob)gy. 'I". Keightliy. Lon2 Fortunes of l''ruiicis Croft. An Autobiography. 3 vols. London, 1852. 12" 11924- Fortuncs of .N'igel. Sir Walter Siott. New York, 1833. 8" 3246, 3394 The Haiiie. I'.oston, 1 853. 12" 3800 The same. 2 vols. Bost(»n, 1858. If," 13173- Forum and tin: Vatican, Land of. Newman Mall. New York, IH55. 10" 12H53 KoHbrokc, Kev. 'J'. I). Encyclopnrdia of Anti<|uitieH. 2 vols, London, 1H43. S' 3211- FosHil IiiipresHioiiH in Sandstone Rocks of Conn. River. J. C. Warren. Bost., 1851. K" .2177 Brooklyn.] FOS FliA 47 Fossils of the British Museum. G. A. Mantell. London, 1851. 8" 12382 Foster, J. Critical Essays. 2 vols. New York, 1856. 8" 12446- Fosteriana; consist, of Thoughts, Reflections, and Criticisms. Lond , 1858. 8". 12.355 Essays, in a Series of Letters. New York, 1835. 8" 1858 On a Man's Writing Memoirs of Himself; Decision of Ch.iraotcr ; Aiiiilication of tlie Ki>ithet Komantic; Aversion of Men of Taste to Evangelical Uelitrion. Life and Correspondence. 2 vols. London, 1852. 8" 1242- Miscellaneous Essays on Christian Morals. New York, 1846. 18" 3615 Foster, Mrs. M. E. Hand-Book of Modern P^uropean Literature. Lond., 1849. 16". 1285!) Fouche, J. Memoirs. Translated. 2d edition. 2 vols. London, 1825. 8" 12584- Fouque, F. de la Motte. Minstrel Love: a Romance. London, n. d. 10" 12202 Romantic Fiction. London, n. d. 10° 12264 The Four Seasons. London, 1856. 16" 12263 Containing — Spring, Undine; Summer, The Two Captains; Autumn, Aslauga's Knight; Winter, Sintram. Thiodolph the Icelander. London, n. d. 16" 13900 Wild Love, and other Tales. London, n. d. 16" 12261 Undine, and Sintram. Philadelphia, 1856. 12" 129(i2 Fourier, Charles. Social Destiny of Man. New York, 1857. 8" 10704 Four Sisters, The; or. Patience, Humility, Hope, and Love. London, 1858. 16" . . . .12814 Fowler, O. L. Hereditarj' Descent; its Laws and Facts. New York, 1852. 12" 3755 Memory, and Intellectual Improvement. New York, 1846. 12" 13822 Physiology, Animal and Mental. New York, 1853. 12" 3754 Religion, Natural and Revealed. New York, 1848. 8" 13601J Fox, C. J. History of the Reign of James II. London, 1846. 8" 1747 Memorials and Correspondence. Ed. by Lord J. Russell. 2 v. Phil., 1853. 12" .2444- Fox, George. Journals. 2 vols. London, 1827. 8" 12054- Foxc, John. Acts and Monuments. 8 vols. London, 1841. 8" 11428- Book of Martyrs. Hartford, 1849. 8" 2515 France. Lady S. Morgan. 2 vols. 1818. 8° 10453- France, Switzerland, and Germany, Soc. and Manners in. J. Moore. 2 v. Lond., 1800. 8" 10243- France and England, Notabilities in. P. Chasles. New York, 1853. 12" 13815 France and Italy, Sea and Sailor, Notes on. Rev. AY. Colton. N. Y., 1851. 12" 1191 France, Civil Wars and Monarchy in. L. Ranke. New York, 1854. 12" 11687 Consulate and Empire. A. Thiers. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1852. 8" 1676- History of. J. Michelet. Translated by G. H. Smith. 2 v. New York, 1845. 8" .1644- History of the Girondists. A. de Laraartine. 3 vols. London, 1849, 8" 1404- History of the Nat. Assembly, 1848. J. F. Corkran. 2 v. London, 1849. 8".. 10444- History of Ten Years, 1830-1840. Louis Blanc. 2 vols. London, 1844. 8". 13109- History of the Third Estate in. A. Thierry. 2 vols. London, 1855. 8" 10485- Journal during a Residence in. J. Moore. 2 v. Lond., 1793. 8" 10249- Lectures on the History of. Sir J. Stephen. New York, 1855. 8" 10693 Literature of. Modern. G. W. M. Reynolds. 2 vols. London, 1839. 12" 10625- Memoirs of the Queens of. Mrs. F. Bush. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1851. 12°... 2442- Orators of. L. de Cormenin. New York, 1849. 12" 2630 Restoration of Monarchy in. A. de Lamartine. 4 vols. London, 1851. 8".. 10471- Social, Literary, and Political. H. L. Bulwer. 2d Series. 2 v. Lond., 1832. 12° .10912- Sportsman in. F. Tolfrey. 2 vols. London, 1841. 12 ' 1 1965- Tour in England, Ireland, and. Prince Piickler Mu.skau. 2 v. Lond., 1832. 12". 10487- Wars of, from 1400 to 1516. E. D. Monstrelet. 2 vols. London, 1849. 8° . . .3229- Women in, in the 18th Century. Julia Kavanagh. Philadelphia, 1850. 12".. 3538 Francia's Reign of Terror. J. P. and \Y. P. Robertson. London, 1839. 12° 10448' Francis I., King of France. Court and Reign. Miss Pardoe. 2 vols. Phil., 1849. 12°.. 13000- Francis Bernan; or, the Mexican Patriot. T. Flint. London, 1841. 8" 1 1 177 Francis Croft, The Fortunes of. 3 vols. London, 1852. 12" 1 1924- Francis, C. Life of John Ehot. New York, 1849. 16° 3020 Life of Sebastian Rale. Boston, 1848. 16° 3032 Frank. Maria Edgeworth. 2 vols. New York, 1856. 18° 11119- Frank Forester. See Ilerlert, H. W. Frank Freeman's Barber Shop. B. R. Hall, D.D. New York, 1852. 12° 3151 Franklin, Benjamin. Essays, with Life, by himself. Hartford, 1847. 12° 13644 Life; contg. Autobiography with a Continuation. J. Spark.s. Bost., 1850. 8" . .2545 Memoirs, written by Himself. 2 vols. New York, n. d. 18° 2297- Works, with Notes and Life. By J. Sparks. 10 vols. Boston, 1856. 8" . . .12592- Vol. 1. Autobiographv, with conliniiation.hy Sparks. 2. Essays on Religious and Moral Sub,ject.s,an5 ; Appendix ; Fragment of Polybius on the Athenian Government ; Memoir of Sir John Dalrjinple. " 9. Correspondence: Part 3 continued; Journal of the Negotiation for Peace. 10. Correspondence : Part 3 continued. Part 4. Private Letters, from the Termination of the Author's Mission to France to the End of his Life, 1785-90 ; Supplement ; Indexes; Chronological List of the Author's AVritings. Franklin, Sir J., and the Arctic Regions. P. L. Simmonds. London, 1851. 12" 10790 Freaks of Fortune ; or, Ned Lorn. Philadelphia, 1854. 12° 2753 Frederick the Great. Life. Lord Dover. 2 vols. New York, 1848. 18° 1968- Freedlcy, E. T. Practical Treatise on Business. Philadelphia, 1852. 12° 3758 Freeman, E. A. History and Conquests of the Ssiracens. Oxford, 1856. 16° 12272 Frccmasonrv, Lexicon of A. G. Mackey. Charleston, 1852. 12° 3727 French, B. F. Ilistorical Collections of Louisiana. Part L New York, 1846. 8° . . .10380 ^French and English Dictionary. G. Surenne. New York, 1851. 12° 13667 French Literature in the 18th Century, History of A.- Vinet. Edinburgh, 1848. 8^ .13730 French Poets, Early. Rev. H. F. Cary. London, 1846. 16° 12848 French Principles, Parisian Sights and. New York, 1852. 12" 1011 French Protestant Refugees, History of C. Weiss. 2 vols. New York, 1854. 12° . 12128- Frcnch Revolution, Causes and Progress of J.Moore. 2 vols. London, 17'.t5. 8". 10245- History of T. Carlvle. 2 vols. New York, 1851. 12° 1356- History of A. Thiers. 4 vols. New York, 1854. 8" 10411- History of F. A. Mignet. London, 1856. 8° 12462 Lectures on. Prof W. Smyth. 2 vols. London, 1855. 8° 12467- Opinions of the most distinguished Writers upon. 3 vols. London, 1811. 8°. 10391- French Revolution of 1848, History of A. Lamartine. London, 1849. 8° 1403 French Society in 18th Century. (Beaumarchais & Times.) 4 v. London, 1856. 8°.. 13150- French Sticksj' Faggot of F. B. Head. New York, 1853. 12" 1200 Fresh Gleanings from the Old Fields of Contin. Europe. D. G. Mitchell. NY., 1847. 12° 13891 Friar Gerund, History of Trans, from the Spanish. 2 vols. London, 1772. 8" . . . .11046 Fricn.l, The. S.T.Coleridge. New York, 1853. 12° 2051 Frieniiilof JJvroirsOoniu.s; Ktirnczcr Kllloll; oIIv.t Col.lsnillh ; Sidritof Irish llistorv. 2. Irclnn.I an838. 8°) 3243 The same. 2 vols. Boston, 1858. 16" 13175- Guy Rivers. AV. Gilmorc Simms. New York,- 1855. 12" 3329 Guyon, Madame de la M. Life, etc. Thos. C. Upham. 2 vols. N. Y., 1853. 12" . .2450- Guyot, Arnold. The Earth and Man. Boston, 1853. 12° 3735 Gwilt, Joseph. Encvclopiedia of Architecture. London, 1850. 8" 2713 Gwyn, Nell, Story of. Peter Cunningham. London, 1S52. 12" 13808 Gwyiine, 'J'. Nannette and lier Lovers. New York, 185-1. 12" 12988 School for Fathers. An old English Story. New York, 1852. 12" 12989 (lypsios in Sjiain. George Borrow. New York, 1853. 8' 3835 H. Habits and Men. Dr. Doran. New York, 1855. 12" 11884 Mnrkett, Prof. H. B. Tour'tlirough the Holy Land. 8tli ed. Boston, 1857. 12". . .11908 Hackle, Pahncr. Hints on An<,'ling. London, IslO. S" 2192 Hagiir, Willinm, D.I). Home Life. Ni-w York, 1855. 12" 2841 Hjikldiider, M. Clara ; or, Slav.- Life in Einope. New York, 185G. 12" 11921 HhI.-, li.v. K i:. Kansas and Nebraska. IJo.ston, 1855. 12" 371 Hale, .'^abiia. History of the liiitcd States. 2 vols. New ^'oik, ISlti. 18" 2456- Hal.-, .Mrs. S. J. Noflliwood. N.w York, 1H.52. 12" 2977 Womat.'s K.cord. New York, IK55. K" 13070 Hiiic, V. B .M. Saturday KveiiingH. Moral and Religious lOssays. N. Y., 1845. 12".. 168 Haliburton, T. ('. Riil<-"and .Mi.srule of tlie Kngli.sh in America. N. Y., 1851. 12" . . 11228 Sam Slick ; the Atladir. London, 1 853. K' 13500 Sam Sli.k ; the Clorkmaker. London, 1853. 8" 13483 Half (Viilnry, History of Hie. K. DaviH. Bo.ston, 1851. 12" 2048 Broolhj».\ HA L HA N 55 Half-Hours with the Best Authors. C. Knight. 2 vols. London, n. d. 8" 2372- Half-Hours ; or Miscellanies of Art, Pictorial. C. Knight, t vols, in 2. Lond. Sq. 8" 1 1 050- Half-Sisters, The. Miss Jewsbury. 2 vols. London, 1848. 8" i;J711- Hall, Basil. Schloss Hainfeld. Edinburgh, 1830. 8" 10029 Travels in North America. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1830. 12" 10(;i3- Hall, B. V. Trial of AVilliam Freeman for Murder. Auburn, 1849. 8" 1131 Hall, B. R., D.D. Frank Freeman's Barbei- Shop. New York, 1852. 12" 3151 Teaching a Science. The Teacher an Artist. New York, 1848. 12" 114 Hall, Edwin. The Puritans and their Principles. New York, 1851. 8" 1 11 60 Hall, Rev. E. B. Memoir of Mary L. AVare. Boston, 1850. 12" 12t»29 Hall, F. K. Letters from the West. London, 1828. 8" 1 1048 Hall, James. The West ; its Commerce and Navigation. Cincinnati, 1848. 12° 8i)2 Hall, Marshall, M.D. The Two-Fold Slavery of the United States. Lond, 1854. 12" . 109G5 tLall, Mrs. Matthew, Queens of England before the Conquest. I'hiladelphia, 1854. 12". 2604 Hall, Newman. The Forum and the Vatican. New York, 1855. 10" 12853 Hall, Rev. Robert. Works. 4 vols. New York, 1857. 8" 10402- Vol. 1. Scriiions and Charges. 2. Political and MiscellaiKous Tracts ; ArticUs iVom the Eclectic Kcvicw; Miscclla- noous Pieces. 8. Memoirs, by O. Gregory; Cliaracter as a Preacher, by John Foster; Notes of Ser- mons ; Letters ; Sermons. 4. (Edited by J. IJelehor.) Keminiscences of Eev. Robert Hall, by John Greene ; Notes of Sermons; Expository Discourses on the Epistle to the Philii>pians; Letters; Gleanings. Miscellaneous Works. Memoir, by 0. Gregory. London, 1849. 8" 1249 Hall, Mrs. S. C. Tales of Woman's Trials. London, 1858. 8" 11587 Hallam, Henry. Constitutional History of England. New York, 1851. 8" 2224 Europe during the Middle Ages. New York, 1852. 8° 2223 Literature of Europe in the 15th, IGth, and I7th Centuries. 2 v. N. Y., 1851. 8". 2221- Halleck, Fitz-Greene. Poetical AVorks. New York, 1850. 8" 1334 Selections from the British Poets. 2 vols. New York, n. d. 18" 1218- Hallig, The ; A Tale. Mrs. G. P. Marsh. Boston, 1857. 12" 12899 Halliwell, J. 0. (Editor.) Letters of the Kings of England. 2 v. London, 1848. 8" 12095-90 (Editor.) Fairy Mythology of A Midsummer Night's Dream. Lond., 1845. 8". 10170 (Editor.) Autobiography and Cor. of Sir Simonds D. Ewes. 2 v. Lond., 1845. 8' 13762- Hamilton, Alexander. Life, by James Renwick. New York, 1840. 18" ^7 2400 Hist, of U.S., as traced in AVritings of. J. C.Hamilton. Vols. 1-2, N.Y., 1857. 8" 12903- Hamilton, Count A, Fairy Talcs and Romances. London, 1849. 8" 12392 Hamilton, J. C. History of the United States. A'ols. L-H. New York, 1857-58. 8° 12903- Hamilton, S. History of the American Flag. Philadelphia, 1852. 12" 11088 Hamilton, T. Cyril Thornton. Edinburgh, 1848. 10" ' 12259 Hamilton, Sir AV. Discussions on Philosophy and Literature. New Y'ork, 1850. 8". 10819 Hamlin, Mrs. H. A. L. Memoir, by Mrs. M. AA^. Lawrence. Boston, 1850. 12" 11808 Hammond, J. D. Hist, of Political Parties of New York. 2 v. ButFalo, 1850. 8" . . .1822- Hammond, S. H. Hunting Adventures in Northern Wilds. New York, 1850. 12" . .12298 Hampden, John. Life, by J. Forster. New Y'^ork, 1855, 8" 10822 Hampden in the 19th Century. 2 vols. London, 1834. 8° 12574- Hampton Heights; or, the Spinster's AYard. Caleb Starbuck. New York, 1850. 12" 11097 Hand but not the Heart. T. S. Arthur. New York, 1858. 12" 12045 Hand-Book for Denmai'k, Norway, Sweden, and Russia. London, 1830. 12" 10701 for Holland, Belgium, Prussia, and Germany. London, 1850. 12" 10792 for Readers and Students. A. Potter. New York, 1843. 18" 2000 for Y^oung Painters. C. R. Leslie. London, 1855. 8° 13149 of American Literature. Philadelphia, 185-. 10° 12281 of Anglo-Saxon Root AYords. New York, 1855. 12" '. . . . 13030 of Domestic Medicine. London, 1855. 8" 12375 of Engrafted AYords. New York, 1857. 12" 12955 of Needle AYork. Miss Lambert. Philadelphia, 1851. 8" 2100 of Proverbs, Bohn's. London, 1855. 8" , 12302 of London, (Pictorial.) London, 1854, 8" 12420 of Oil Painting, by an American Artist. New York, 1850. 12" 12037 of the Great Exhibition. Robert Hunt. 2 vols. London, 1851. 10" 10704- of Household Science. E. L. Youmans. New York, 1857. 12" 12051 Handel, G. F. Life, by V. Schoelcher. New York, 1857. 12 12153 Handy Andy, a Tale of Irish Life. Samuel Lover. New York, 1855. 8" 12070 Hanna, AV. Memoirs of Thomas Chalmers. 4 vols. New Y'^ork, 1853. 12" 2245- Hannay, J. Satire and Satirists. New York, 1855. 12" 11492 56 HA N EAR [Merc Lib. Hannibal, History of. J. Abbott. New York, n. d. 18" 3380 Campaigns of. Lieut. Col. P. L. Macdonald. London, 1858. 8" 13232 Hansard, G. A. Book of Archery. London, 1840. 8" 10825 Hanway, J. British Trade over the Caspian Sea. 4 vols. London, 1753. 4" 13280- Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe. Grace Greenwood. Boston, 1854. 12° 1165 Harbaugh, Rev. H. The True Glory of ^Vonian. Philadelphia, 1858. 12° 13487 Hardee, W. J. Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1856. 24° . . 12826- Hare, S. and J. Guesses at Truth. 2 vols. London, 1847-48. 16" 12856- Harland, Marion (Virginia Hawes). Alone. Richmond, 1854. 12° 3490, 9192 Hidden Path. New York, 1855. 12" 3493, 94 Moss Side. New York, 1857. 12° 3495, 96 Harleian Miscellany, The. Vols. 1-12. 12 vols. London, 1808. 12° 10889- Harold ; the Last of the Saxon Kings. E. Bulwer Lytton. London, 1853, 8° 3104 Harper's Family Library. New York, 1840-52. 187 vols. 12° 1908- Vols. 1-3. Milinan. II. II. History «{ tho Jews. 4, 5. Lockh.irt, J. G. Life ui' Napoleon Bonaparte. 6. Southev, E. Life of Horatio Lord Nelson. 7. Williaius. .T. Life of Alexander the Great. S, 74. Natural History of Insect*. 9. Gait, .J. Life ofBvron. 10. Bush, G. Life of Mohammed. 11. Scott. Sir W. Letters on DemonoloLTV and Witchcraft. 12,13. Glci?. G. E. History of the Bible. '^" 14. Leslie. Sir J., and others. Discovery in the Polar Se.as. 15. Croly, G. Life of George IV. 16. Mun-ay, H., and others. Discovery and Adventure in Africa. 17-10, 66.67. Cunningham, , Mian. Briti.sh Paiiiters, Sculptors, and Architects. 2it. .Tames. G. P. K. History of Chivalry and the Crusades. 21, 22. Bell, H. G. Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. 23. Eussell. M. View of Ancient and Modern Eirvpt. 24. Fletcher, -las. History of Poland. 25. Smith, H. Festivals, "Gaine.s, and Auuisement.s. 26. Brewster, SirD. Life of Sir Isaac Newton. 27. Kussell, ,M. History of P.ilesHne. 28. Monies, J. S. Memoirs of the Liiipress Josephine. 29. Court and Camp of Napoleon Bonaparte. 3»). Lives and Voyaires of Drake. Cavendish, and Dami)ier. 81. Barrow, J. Pitcairns Island ; and Mutiny of the Bountj-. 32, 72. S4. Turner, S. Sacred History of the World. ' *3, :}4. Jameson, Anna. Memoirs of Celebrated Female Sovereigns. 35,36. Landt-r, K. & J. Travels in Africa. 37. Abercrombie, J. Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Powers. 3S-4<». St. John, J. A. Lives of Celebrated Travellers. 41,42. Dover, Lord. Life of Frederick the Great. +{,44. Smodlev, E. Sketches from Venetian History. 4.\ 46. Thatcher, B. B. Indian Biography. 47-49. Murray, II., and others. Account'of British India. 50. Brewster, Sir 1>. Letters on Natural Magic. 51,52. Taylor, W. C. History of Ireland. 5-3. Tytler, P. F. DLscoyerj' on the more Northern Coasts of .\meriea. 54 .Mac-iljivray, W. Travels and Itesearehes of Humboldt. 55, .')6. Knier, L. Letters to a Princess on Natural P]iibiso]>liy. .'■>7. Mudie, K. Popidar Guide to the < llisirv.ition of Nature. 5S. Abercrombie,.!. Philo.sophy of the Moral Feeling.s. 59. Dii-k, T. Imiirovemeiit of Society by Diffusion of Knowledge. 611. Jame.i, G. P. E. Hlst.iry of Charlemagne, 61. Eu.s.sell, .M. History of Mubia and Abys.sinia. 6-.'. t«. Eu.ssell, .M. Life of Oliver Cromwell. •i4. Montgomery, J. Letters on Poetry, Literature, *e. 6.'). Barrow, J. "Life of Peter the Great. 6S69. Criehton, A. History of Arabia. 70. Fraser, J. B. History of Persia. 71. Combe, A. Pliy.'iiology uiiplied to Health and IMucalion. 73. ICuKMdi. .M. Ili.storv oftlie Barbary States. 7.% 76. Pnuliling, J. K. Life of Georce wri(7. U>^. Parry. Sir W. K. Three Wnynu'H lor IHrMovery ol NorthwcNl PiiKsnge, PIO, no. .lohn«.n. H. Lir.. of; with HeleitloMs from hU Works.. III. Hryntil, W. C. (Kdltor). Helecllons from American I'.mIs. Brooklyn.] HAR HAY 57 112,113. Hallcck, F. G. (K