UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES Class List No. 2] >^ [May I, 1893 ■S BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS BEING A LIST OF BOOKS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS, WRITTEN BY WISCONSIN AUTHORS, IN THE LIBRARY OF t^HE STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF REUBEN GOLD THWAITES AND ISAAC SAMUEL BRADI,EY, BY EMMA ALETHEA HAWLEY Ihiblisheb bn ^utboritij of f afa MADISON, WISCONSIN DEMOCRAT PRINTING COMPANY. STATE PRINTERS i«93 1 . > c • • • • € • e c « * « • , fn 1 -J CONTENTS. Page. Library Service, 1893 iv Preface , v Explanatory viii Bibliography 1 Addenda: Titles received too late for classification , . . 251 158018 LIBRARY SERVICE -1893. SECRETARY. REUBEN GOLD THWAITES Madison LIBRARIAN. ISAAC SAMUEL BRADLEY Madison ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. MINNIE MYRTLE OAKLEY Madison LIBRARY ASSISTANTS. EMMA ALETHEA HAWLEY Madison ANNIE AMELIA NUNNS Madison FLORENCE ELIZABETH BAKER . Madison JANITORS. JOSEPH MALEC (library) Watertown SALMON HOPKINS TUTTLE (gallery and museum) . Whitewater Library Open — From 9 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Portrait Gallery and MusEuai Open — Morning, 9 to 12:30; Afternoon, 1:30 to 5. PREFACE The Society had fi'oni its earliest days striven to obtain books and pamphlets by Wisconsin authors, in the fields of local history and description. Six years ag'o, however, it undertook the task of making as complete a collection as possible of all the pub- lished works of Wisconsin writers in every department. This collection is not yet complete, but is nearly so, and far sur- , passes iu extent and variety the anticipations of its pi'ojectors. flit is but forty-five years ago since Wisconsin became an Ameri- ^can state. Commonwealth builders are not as a rule inclined to 'literature, and among them the leisure class is small, yet the J" literary output " of Wisconsin, both amateur and professional, .^has been considerable; it is doubtful if many Western states can 5 make so goodly a showing. r Primarily designed as a mere inventory to accompany the ^exhibition of bound books by Wisconsin authoi's to be made by _^the Society at th? Columbian Exposition of 1893, the present "publication has, in due process of evolution, grown into a full- fledged Bibliography of AYisconsin Authors. It will be noticed that this Bibliography, following well-established precedents, includes not only books and pamphlets by Wisconsin writers, but their articles in magazines, papers in the published transac- tions of learned and industrial bodies, contributions to collected works, etc., whether in the library or not. Contributions to news journals have not been included, for, although much good literary work has been done in Wisconsin by newspaper writ- ers, the form of publication is ephemeral; moreover, the number engaged therein is so large, that to adequately trace their writ- ings would lead the bibliographer far afield, and require the exercise of a more than mortal nicety of discrimination. Whei^e, however, a writer who already appears in the catalogue has, to VI I'REFACK. our kii(>\vl('(l<>-,\ also dour lU'Wspapi'r woi-k of some iiiH)ortance, till' fact is noted. IJiicollec'ted jjoimiis upj)earing" in tlio poriod- icals have not boeu catalotrued, but thi' fact that a writci- lias had such published is ineideutally mentioned, pi'ovided he has other entries in the list. In the selection of those who may appropriately be styled "Wisconsin authors, discretion has been freely used. Authors born or reared uitlun the state — like Hamlin Garland — but achieving litcraiy reputation after leaving Wisconsin, have not been included; in the case of many authors who lived but for a short time in the state — as James G. Percival — we give only such of their writings as were published while residents ; in the case of men who have done the largest part of their work in the state, but have since removed from it — John Bascom, for instance — we have given all of their writings until they left, even those pub- lished before coming to Wisconsin ; another class of writers, recently arrived and still living here — State University pro- fessors, for example, — are represented in this list by all of their publications to date. It is, however, impossible to apply hard-and-fast rules here; spec-ial i-(>asons have tended to inter- rupt a strictly logical treatment. It is perhaps needless tdv the editors to p.)in1 out that they have in no wise been influenced by personal predilections in the selection either of authors or of titles; neither has the quality of the matter in any degree determined its choice: form of publica- tion was the sole consideration. A library catalogue is a true democracy of letters, wherein all grades of fame and merit are raarshallcil uiulci- the unswerving rules of alphabetical prece- dence. It is iKit pretended that these are all the works extanl, by Wisconsin authors, even within the accej)te(i classes. The Society's efforts towards a complete collection have been earn- estly prosecuted; but 11 has not thus far succeeded in acquiring for its shelves every known woi'k, while no douhl much material has been jiublished liy Wisconsin authoi's of whom we have no record. There are, too, we feel assured after all our care, errors of commission as well as omission, particularly in the titles of Avo]-ks not in the libi'ary. The hope is. that this publication PREFACE. VI 1 may lead to thi-ir rectification: correspondciu-e rccrarding the matter, with all persons interested, is cordially invited. Authors whose works are marked with a * — indicating that they are not in the library, — as well as authors whose works have been over- looked, would confer a favor by presenting the same to the Society, that thoy may appear in future editions of the Bibliography. Reuben G. Thw.mtes. Isaac S. Bradlev. Kxi^r.A.XA.'roRv. The size of each book or pamphlet is iiulicated by the last letter fol- lowing^ the title, aucl deuotes height only, as follows: Fe (48^) up to 10 Tt (32^) 10 to 12.5 T (24") 12.5 to 15 S (IG'^) 15 to 17.5 D (12=') 17.5 to 20 O ( 8°) 20 to 25 Q ( 4°) 25 to 30 F ( f°) 30 to 35 F4 35 to 40 F5 -10 to 50 centimeters, nearly centimeters, nearlj' centimeters, nearly centimeters, nearly centimeters, nearly centimeters, nearly centimeters, nearlj' centimeters, nearly centimeters, nearly centimeters, nearly 4 inches. 5 inches. 6 inches. 7 inches. 8 inches. 10 inches. 12 inches. 14 inches. 16 inches, 20 inches. Ibid. Id. Ports, n. d. n. J). * signifies: signifies: signifies: signifies: signifies: signifies: The same volume as that referred to in next pre- ceding reference. The same series as that referred to in next pre- ceding reference. With portraits. No date of publication given. No place of pul)lication given. That the publication is not in the library. include words or dates not in the title. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. Abbelex, Peter Mathias. In memoriam. John Lawler of Prairie du Chien. Born May 4th, 1832. Died Feb. 24th, 1891. Portrait. Milwaukee, 1891. 21p. O. Abbey, Mrs. Mathilda O. Genealogy of the family of Lt. Thomas Tracy, of Norwich, Conn. Milwaukee, 1888. 1.38p. O. Adams, Benjamin Franklin. The ideal and the real in horticulture. Transactions Wisconsin State Horticultural Society, v. 1!, 1880-81, pp. • Adams, Charles Kendall. Outlines of lectures on the growth of liberty in England. 1870. * Democracy and monarchy in France, from the inception of the great revolution to' the overthrow of the second empire. 2d ed., re- vised. New York, 1875. \iii+.311. p. O. Demokratie und monarchic in Frankreich, vom beginn der groszen revolution bis zum sturz des zweiten kaiserreichs. Stuttgart: Aug. Berth. Auerbach, 1875. viii+lUp- D. The relations of higher education to national prosperity. An ora- tion delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa society of the University of Vermont, June 27, 1876. Burlington: The Society, 1876. 27p. O. Historical sketch of the University of Michigan. Ann Arbor: The University, 1876. iv-f 56p. O. Outlines of lectures on the English govei*nment and the rise of Prussia. 1876. * Higher education and the state: the lesson of Colonial days 1878. 22p. O. Reprinted from Xeir Englander, 3Iay, 1878. Questions and notes on the constitutional history of England, for the use of advanced students and post-graduates in the historical seminary. Revised edition. Ann Arbor: Sheehan »\: Company, 1879, 35p. O. 2— Bib. 2 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Adams, Charles Kexdall. Rehitious of political science to national prosperity. Address, University of Michigan, Oct. 3, 1881. Ann Ar- bor, ISSI. O. * A manual of historical literature; comprising brief descriptions of the most important histoi'ies in English, Pi-ench, and (rerman; to- gether with practical suggestions as to methods und courses of his- torical study. New York: Harper iV: Bros., 188'J. xxxviii-f-G55p. O. 3d edition, revised and enlarged, 1889. xx.wiii -f-r-^'Oi). O. Representative British orations. With introductioQs and explan- atory notes. By Charles Kendall Adams. New York: G. P. Put- nam's Sons, 1885. 3v. S. The ideals of university life; introductorj' address before the students of Cornell University, September 25, 1835. * Cornell Em, v. 18, p. 17. The part of the University of Michigan in the work of higher ed- ucation. 1885. D. * The development of higher education in America. Inaugural address. Proceedings and addresses at the inauguration of Charles Kendall Adams to the preside ncji of Cornell University, November 19, 188.5, Ithaca. N. Y., ISSij, p. 51. O. On methods of teaching history. In llcdVs Methods of Teach iii. 1887, \'ip. 335-341. The dairy in Wisconsin. Id., V. 26, 1888. pp. 177-187. The rights of farmers' wives and daughters. Transactions Wisconsin State Horticultural Society, v. 18, 1888, pp. 208-215. Farmers as business men and citizens. ]yisconsin Farmers' Institutes, Bulletin No. 2, 1888, pp. 206-213. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 5 Adams, Leslie H. Silo building and filling. University of Wisconniu, Ayricnltiiral E.rpfrimoit Station, Bulletin No. 19, April, 1889, pp. 5-15. Shall I build a Silo? Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 28, 1890, pp. 193-199. Adams, Miss Xora F. Prize essay: Native trees and shrubs of Wis- consin. Transactions ^^'isconsin State Horticultural Society, v. 20, 1890, pp. 160-166. Albee, George Sumner. The practical in edvication. Paper read be- fore the annual meeting of the Wisconsin teachers' association, at Appleton, July 8, 1881. Wisco)tsin Journal of Education, v. 11, I881, pp. 527-535. Address at the annual session of Wisconsin teachers' association, at Jauesville, July 6, 1S82. Id., V. 12, 1882, pp. 379-388. Physical conditions in school-life. /(/., V. 19, 1889, pp. 1-8. Alden, Levi. Education of farmers' sons. Transaction.'^ Wi.'iconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 12, 1873-74, pp. 271-279. Allen, H. Horticulture and health. Transactions Wisconsin State Horticulturcd Society, v. 8, 1878, pp. 40-48. Allen, Mrs. Margaret Andrews. School government. * Illinois Teacher, v. 14, 18(58, p. 380 Our five little kittens and their relations. * Our Young Folks, November, 18C8, p. 538. How Bunny built her nest and what we found in it. * The Nurse'-y, June, 1870, p. 16G. A family camp in Yellowstone Park. * Outing, November, 1885, p. 157. Industrial education for girls; a public cooking school. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 10. 1886, pp. 489-491. Lay of the Last Minstrel. By Walter Scott. Edited by Mar- garet Andrews Allen. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1888. 139p. C* My success in introducing good reading in a country school. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 18, 1888, pp. 483-485. Mrs. Allen has also written articles in Babyhood, as follows: A mother's jour- nal, March, 1885; Baby travellers, March, 18S6; ChiMren"s fancies, November, 1885; Nursery literature, December, 1887; Home instruction for little children, January, 1889; The ideal nursery maid in America, December, 1890; Nursery literature, December, 1886; One way of making the summer useful to our children, June, 1891. 6 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Allen, Nelson Elisha. Gypsum, or land-piaster, aad how to use it. Tninsnctinng Wisconsin State Ayriciiltimtl Society, v. l.'i 1874-75, pp. 2til -•JOV. Utilization of the wastes of the farm. Id., V. 15, 18rft-77, pp. iHi-i-i-i. Allen, Thomas Scott. The Second Wisconsin at the first battle of Bull Run. War Papers, Cominanderj/ of Wisconsin, Militunj Order of Loyal Leyion of United States, v. 1, 1891, pp. 374-393. Allen, William Francis. Politics of early Rome. Christian Examiner, v. G7, 1859, pp. 379-390. Rawlinson's Herodotus. M., V. CO, 1859, pp. 183-201; v. 09. 1800, p. 149. Slavery in Rome. Xorth American Review, v. 91, 1800, pp. 90-107. Hand-book of classical geography, chronology, mythology, and antiquities. Prepared for the u^e of schools by T. P. Allen and W. F. Alien. Boston, 1861. r2:{p. O. * Future of the South. Christian Examiner, v. 73, 1862, pp. 435-454. Democracy on trial. Id., V. 74, 1863, pp. 262-294. — — Freedmen and free labor in the South. Id., V. 76, 1804, pp. 344-374. A trip in South Carolina. The Xaiion, v 1, 1805, p. 106. State of things in South Carolina. Ibid., p. 172. Feeling of the South Carolinians. Ibid , p. 237. Basis of .suffrage. Ibid., p. 303. The feelings of the Southern negroes. Ibid., p. 393. Free labor in Louisiana. Cliristian Examiner, v. 78, 1805, pp. 383-399. The negro dialect. The Nation, v. 1, 180.\ pp. 744. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 7 Allen, William Francis. The Southern whites. Ihid., p. 331. South Carolina. Christian Examiner, v. 79, 1865, pp. -^KG-aSl. The American executive. Id., V. 80, isr,6, pp. 174-196. Town meetings for great cities. The Xafion, v. 2, 1866, p. 684. Dangers of the republican party. IcL. V. 6. 1867, p. 232. Our colleges. Christ! (HI Examiner, v. 83, 1867, pp. 47-63. Slave songs of the United States. Compiled in connection with Charles P. Ware and Lucy M. Garrison. Xew York. 1867. 115p. O. The use of Mr. Johnson's folly. The yatinii, v. .5, 1867, p. 170. Impeachment. Id., V. G, 1S68. p. 490. The mob spirit. Id., V. 7, 1868, p. 410. The caucus system. Christian E.raminer, t. 87, 1869, pp. 137-153. The coming administration. Id., V. 86, 1869, pp. 30-40. Minority representation in Illinois. Tlie Xafioii, v. 9, 1869, p. 556; v. 43, 1886, p. 229. Religion of Ancient Greece. Xorfli American Revien: v. 109. 1869, pp. 106-121. The rural population of England as classified in Domesday Book. Transactions M'i.'iconsin Academy of Sciences. Arts and Letters, x. 1, 1870-72, pp. 167-177. The sexes in colleges. The Xation, r. 10, 1870, p. 134. A day with a Roman gentleman. Hours at Home, v. 10, 1870, pp. o80-402. Latin lessons. Edited with J. H. Allen. Boston: Ginn Brothers, 1871. l.Sip. D. 8 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Allen, Willl\m Francis. Religiou of the Ancient Romans. North American Review, v. 113, isri, pp. 30-63. Text-books in United States history. Wisconsin Joiirndl of Educntion. v. 1, ISM, pp. ir.)-irO, ■.J13-tJU, -.ii.'j-iJ??. University of Wisconsin. Old and Xew, v. 4, 1871, p. 137. Postmasters by election. The Nation, v. 14, 187>', p. 302. How the Xetherland provinces became a nationality. Univcrxit;/ Press, October 3, 1872. Manual Latin grammar. With J. H. Allen. Boston: Ginn Brothers 1872. Uop. D. Two dangers threatening our schools. The Nation, v. 13, 1873, p. 103. Latin selections. Edited with J. H. Allen and J. B. Greenough. Boston: Ginn Brothers, 1873. 64p. D.* Shorter course of Latin prose. Edited with J. H. Allen and J. B. Greenough. Boston: Ginn Brothers, 1873, G4p. D.* Ranks and classes among the Anglo-Saxons. Madison, 1874. 7p. O. Reprinted from Trans((ctions Wisconsin Acudemij of Sciences, Arts and Letters, V. 3, 1873-74. The rural classes of England in the thirteenth century. A paper read before the Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts and letters, Madisou, 1871. lOp. O. ihiii. Csesar's Gallic war. Edited with J. H. Allen and J. B. Greenough. "Soston: Ginn Brothers, 1871. xv-|-(57p. D. Instruction in American history. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 4, 1874, p. 380. — — Study of history. Unirersitji Press, 1874. Utility of classical studies as a means of mental discipline. ■Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 4, 1874, pp. 11-10. ■ Latin Reader. Edited witli J. H. Alien. 5th edition. Boston: Ginn Brothers, 1875. 205p. D. Virgil. Edited with .T. H. Allen and J. B. Greenough. Boston: Cinii P.rnther.s, 187r). viii-(-188p. D. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. Q Allen, William Francis. Preparatory Latin course. Edited with J. H. Allen and J. B. Greenough. Boston: Ginn Brothers, 1875. 301p. D. * United States sovereignty, whence derived and where vested. Madison, 187G. 8p. O. Reprinted from Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences. Arts and Letters, V. 3, 1875-76. Also in Transartions Wisconsin Slate Ac/ricultural Suciety, v. 16, 1877-78, pp. 467- 474. Agriculture in the middle ages. 12p. O. Reprinted from Transactions Wisconsin State Agricnltural Society, v. 15, 1876-77. The origin of the freeholders. Tran.-iactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 4. 1876-77, pp. 19-24. Peasant communities in France, and the origin of the freeholders. 14p. O. Reprinted from Ihid. Practical education. Address before the University of Nebraska, June 19, 1876. Lincoln, 1876. 22p. O. The question of tenure in civil service reform. The Nsition, v. L':J, 1876, p. 37. The English cottagers of the middle ages. lip. O. Reprinted from Transactions Wisconsin Aanleniy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, V. 5, 1877-1881. Latin composition. Boston: Ginn Brothers, 1877. - 40p. D. Iq memoriam. Prof. Stephen Haskins Carpenter, LL. D. Read before the State historical society, December 17, 1878. Wisconsin Hixliirical Collections, v. 8, pp. 103-105. A survival of land community in New England. The Xfition, v. ','6, 1878, p. 52. The " Man on horseback " in the United States. International Review, v. 7, 1879, pp. 33-38. Mr. Morgan upon early Roman history. Penn Monthly, v. 10, 1879, pp. llo-l^o. Mr. Morgan's classificatory sy.stem of relationships. Id.. V. 11, 1880, pp. 487-495. The battle of Mons Grapius. 9p. O. Reprinted from Transactions of American Philolocjical AssiKintian, ISSO. lO WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Allen, Willlam Francis. International copyright. Lii>j)incotVs Mimthln .\(agazine, v. 25, 1880, pp. 102-108. Select orations of Cicero, chronologically arranged, with a full vocabulary, by R. F. Pennell Edited with J. H. Allen and J. B. Greenough. Boston: Ginn & Heath. 1880. .\v+91-f lUp. D. Address before the Free religious association of the University of Wisconsin, November 17, 1881. Madison, 1881. 20p. D. The life of Agricola and Germany, by P. Cornelius Tacitus. Ed- ited by William F.Allen. Boston: Ginn. Heath A- Company, 1881. vifGSp. D. City government in Massachusetts. The Xation, v. 33, 1S81, p. 169. The primitive democracy of the Germans. Transactions Wisconsin Acaclemi/ of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. C, 1881-83, pp. 28 -42. The pronunciation of Latin. Wisconsin Journal of E:lucatiiiii, v. 11, ISSI, pp. 106-109. Emerson. The Dial, v. 3, 1882, p. j. Reader's gviide to English history. Boston: Ginn, Heath & Com- pany, 1882. 33p. ob. T. Same, with supplement, 1883. 49p. Same, witb snpplenieut, 1888. -IDp. The village community and serfdom in England; and, Town, town- ship and tithing. 24^p. O. Two articles, rejii-inteil from Transactions Wiseaii^in Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 7, 1883-87. Primitive communities. Science, v. 3, 1884, pp. 786-789. How the Roman spent his year. Li]i))incott\t Mo)itlih/ Maaazine. v. 33, 18S1, pp. 34",-3.")l, 447-156. Caesar's Gallic war. Editf^d with J. H. Allen and J. B. Greenough. Revised with notes by H. P. Judsou. Boston: Ginn Sc Company, 1885. xix4-18B-fl%p. D. The conspiracy of Cataline as related by Sallust. Edited with J. H. Allen and J. B. Greenough. Boston: Ginn, Heath & Company, 1885. xii-l-84p. D. BIBLIOGRAniV OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. II Allex, William Fraxcis. Gradation aud the topical method of his- torical study. Id Hall's Methods of Teaching and Studying History. Boston, 1885. D. Selections from the poem of Ovid, chiefly the metamorphoses. Edited with J. H. Allen and J. B. Greenough. Boston: Ginn & Companj', 1885. x4-'2824-20.5p. D. Select orations of Cicero, chronologically arranged, covering the entire period of his public life. ErJited with J. H. Allen and J. B. Greenough. Boston: Ginn »lt Company, 1886. xvii-t-lOlp. D. Cicero de Senectute. Edited with J. H. Allen and J. B. Green- ough. Boston: Ginn A: Company, 1886. xvii+2504-194:p. D. Historical introduction to Giun's Plutarch. Boston, 1886. 9p. D. * Introduction to Latin composition. Revised and enlarged. Bos- ton: Ginn & Company, 1886. vii + 181p. D. - — — On laying foundations in Latin. Wisconsin Jonrncd of Education, v. lU, 1886, pp. 135-144. History topics; for the use of high schools and colleges. Boston: D. C. Heath i Company, 1886. 121p. S. Mommsen. Tlie Xation, v. 45, 1887, p. 41i. The monetary crisis in Rome, A. D. 33. Transactions American Philological Association, 1887, pp. 5-18. OafcUne studies in thg history or Iralan 1. Chicago, 1837. 7p. T. Lex curiata de Imperio. Transactions American I'ltilological Association, 1888, pp. 5-19. Higher education in Wi'^consin. By Wm. F. Allen and David E. Spencer. 6Sp. O. United States Bureau of Education, ^"ircular Xo. 1, 18S9. The place of the northwest in general history. Papers of American Historical Association, v. .3, Xo. 3, 1889, pp. 87-104. Preparation for the English course. Objects of the course. IVisconsin Journal of Education, v. 19, 1889, pp. 95-105. Annals of Tacitus. Books i-iv. Boston, 1890. xi-|-li4p. D. * 12 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Allen, William Francis. Short history of the Roman people.' Boston: Giun & Company, 1800. xiv + .'iTOp. D. Essays and monojjrraphs. Memorial volume. [Edited by Da^•id B. Fraiikenhur^er, Reuben G. Thwaites, Frederick J. Turner, and Joseph 11. Crooker.] Portrait. Boston: The editors, 1890. vi-f- 392p. O. The abovf list includes only I'rofessor Allen's books, pamphlets, anil lending inajrazine articles. He was also a frequent contributor to the periodicals, his articles being chiefly reviews of new iniblications, most of which appeared in The Xation. For a comi)lete list of Professor Allen's writings, see Kssay.i p. 10'.)-116. Physical education. [d., V. 12, 1SH,>, pp. :iii--«-2. Waste in elementary work. Id., V. ir, pp. 3t;4- 373. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 1 7 Andersox, William Edwin. The physical side of education. Eleventh Annitai Report, State Board of Health of Wisconsin, 1887, pp. 99-116. English in elementary schools. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 18, 1888, pp. 428-433. Ansox, Charles Hexry. Assault on the lines of Petersburg, April 2, 1865. War Papers, Commandery of Wisconsin. MiUtary Order of Loyal Legion of United States, v. 1, 1891, pp. 85 98. General Robert E. Lee. Ibid, pp. 241-2.50. Abmitage, William Edmuxd. The German Sunday. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 1, 1870-72, pp. 22-71. Memorial before the legislature of the state of Wisconsin, against taxation of church property. Milwaukee, 1873. 4p. D. Armsby, Hexry Prextiss. One aspect of soil exhaustion. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 2'2, 1883-84. pp. 333-350. Composition and digestibility of feeding stuffs. University of Wisconsin, Agricultural Experiment Station, Second Annual Re2)ort. 1884, pp. 67-77. Analysis of feeding stuffs. Id., Third Annual Report, 1885, pp. 86-90. Analyses of fertilizers. Ibid., pp. 124-134. On the influence of the nutritive ratio upon milk production. Id., Fourth Annual Re^wrt, 1880, pp. 147-159. Tests of dairy cows. Id.. Bulletin Xo. lit, October, 1886, 14p. The oil test for cream. By H. P. Ai-msby and F. G. Short. Id., Bulletin Xo. 12, October, 1887, lop. Armstroxg, William Ayres. Miracle Hill. A legendary tale of Wis- consin. Illustrated. Milwaukee, 1889. 73p. O. 3— Bib. 1 8 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Arnett, William W. ''The faithful are miuished." A sermon occa- sioned by the death of the Rev. Stephen G. Gassaway, late rector of St. Paul's church, St. Louis. Preached in St. Paul's church, Mil- waukee, February 26, 1854. Milwaukee, 1854. 13p. O. The faithful steward. A sermon preached in St . Paul's church, Milwaukee, Wednesday, June lith, 1854, at the opening of the eighth annual convention of the Protestant Episcopal church in the diocese of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, 1854. 17p. O. Arnold, Alexander Ahab. Poetry of the farm. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Societi/, v. 17, 1878-711, pp. 10J-3!), 1889, pp. 346-332, 364-370. Prohibition against other insurance. Annotation by J. R. Berrj^man. American Lair Kcf Wisconsin. 1881, pp. 7-15. BiNTLiFF, James. Ventilation of public buildings and dwelling houses. 'Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Socictij, 187(3-77, v. 15, pp. 290-293. Ventilation. I. Ventilation of public buildings. II. Inspec- tion of public buildings. Second Anniail h'cport, State Board of Health of M'isconsin. 1877, pp. .38-61. Homes for the people. Jd., 1879. pp. 1-13. Bird, Claire Brayton. Evidence in mitigation of damages. * Central Law Journal, v. 33, 1891, pp. 379-382. BiRQE, Edward Asahel. Notes on cladocera. Plates. Transactions Wisconsin Academij of Sciences, Arts and T^etters, v. 4, 1870-77, pp. 77-109. On the motor ganglion cells of the frog's spinal cord. Plates. Id., V. 0, pp. 51-81. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 35 BiRQE, Edward Asahel. Disease germs and germ diseases. Eleventh Annual Report, St((t<' Hoard of Health of Wisconsin, 18b7, pp. 68-82. The study of bacteria. Tr(ins7 BoLTOx, Frederick Elmer. Importance of higher education lor teachers. Wisconsin Journal of Ediiratioii, v. 20, 1890, pp. 396-400. BoNDUEL, Florimoxd J. Xakam et son fils Xigabia-Nong, ou Tenfant perdu. Portrait. lUust. Touruai, 1855. 44p. O. Tableau comparatif entre la condition morale des tribus Indiennes de I'etat du Wisconsin, consideree sous Tinfluence du paganisme et celle de leur etat acbuel envi.sagee sous I'influence du Catholicisme: ou memoii-e partiel de Tetat des missions Indiennes du diocese de Milwaukee. Tournai. 1855. 27p. O. Booth, Sherman M. Speech in the assembly chamber, before the legislature, April 3, 1867, on his claim and its opponents. Madison, 1867. 16p. O. BooTHBY, Eugene Leigh. Leprosy Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin. 18S6, pp. 20:3-211. BOPPF, Carl Hermann. Monarchic und aristokratie in unserer republik. Milwaukee: Freidenker Pub. Co., [1887]. 29p. D. Unser Bundessenat. Milwaukee: Freidenker Pub. Co., [1887]. 27p. D. Der .staat nnd seine Widersacher. Milwaukee: Freidenker Pub. Co., [1888]. 19p. D. Die demokratische republik im gegenlatze zu communismus und anarchismus. Milwaukee: Freidenker Pub. Co., [1889]. 19p. D. Das Tiirnlehrerseminar des Xordamerikanischen turnerbundes. In Fextschrift Zur Einiveihungsfeier, Milwaukee, 1891. pp. 45-04. I). BORCHARDT, FRANCIS J. Training the national guard. Proceedings of Seventh Anmtal Convention, Officers of Wisconsin National Guard. 188S, pp. .31-33. Born, Charles. The march of Company C, Second infantry. Proceedings Eighth Annual Convcntiun, Officers of li'isconsin National Guard, 1880, pp. 75-79. Bracken, Charles. Pekatonica battle controversy. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 2, pp. 30.5-392. Further strictures on Gov. Ford's history of the Black Hawk war. Id., V. 3, pp. 402-414. 158018 38 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bradley, George S. The star corps or notes of au army chaplain during Sherman's famous " March to the sea." Port. Milwaukee, I8G0. 304p. D. Bragg, Edward Stuyvesaxt. Address before the Society of the Army of the Potomac, at Detroit, Mich., June 14, i882. Washiiif^ton, D. C, 1882. 19p. O. - Fitz-Johu Porter. Speech in the house of representatives, Feb- ruary 18, 188(5. Washiuffton. D. C, 188G. i:5p. O. - Pensions for soldiers, but no pay to coffee-coolers and substitutes. Speech in the house of representatives, February 24, 1887. Wash- ington, D. C, 1887. 13p. O. Braley, Arthur Brigos. Memoir of Hon. John Catlin. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 7, pp. 144-151. - Inmemoriam. George B.Smith. Address before the State his- torical society, November 10, 1879. Id., V. 8. pp. 120-130. A sketch of the character of Hon. Levi B. Vilas. Jd., V. 9, pp. 431-4-.25. Judge Bralpy contributed a series of articles on the characters in Shakespeare's drauuis, to the Wisconsin State Journal [Madison], and MiUraukee Sunday Tele- graph, 1878-81. Brayton, Orville. Facts for the immigrant, concerning Barron county, Wisconsin. Map. Menomonie, Wis., 1871. Tip. O. Bredesen, Adolf. Mod Bennett-loven. [1890]. 8p. O. - Saloonerne maa bort; tale holdt-paa Opera hall, Stoughton, Wis. Stoughton. 1890. 20p. S. Breese, J. T. Oswald Grey; a poem. Milwaukee, 1873. G.3p. S. Brett, Ben.jamix Cyrus. The physician as teacher of hygiene. Transnctions state Mi'dic(d Socict ij nf Wisconsin, 1880, pp. 244-246. . BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 39 Brier, Warren Judson. A soldier of fortune. A modern comedy - drama in five acts. Chicago: T. S. Denison, 1881. 50p. D. - Jedediah Judkins, J. P. A drama in four acts. Chicago: T. S. Denison, 1888. G2p. D. Beiggs, Lydon W. An experiment. ^Visr(lllsi)l JiiiiriKil of Ednattioii, v. 13, 1883, pp. 2G'6-257. Brinton. BrLAH. Behold the woman. Parable sequel to Man is Love. Milwaukee: Pub. by author, 1886. ITlp. D. Brisbane, William Henry. Address delivered at the anti-slavery con- vention, in Hamilton, Ohio, July 3, 1840. Hamilton, 1840. 3p. O. The constitution of the United States versus slavery. Philadel- phia, 1846. 24p. T. Duty of the Northern States in relation to the future of slavery; a sermon delivered at the Baptist church in Madison, Wis., Sun- day, March 3, 1860. Madison, 1860. 8p. O. Bristol, M.\ry Ann. Reminiscences of the Northwest. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 8, pp. 293-308. Bristol, Sherlock. The pioneer preacher: An autobiography. Intro- duction by Rev. J. H. Fairchild, D. D. New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1887. viii4-330p. D. Brockmann, J. H. Kleiner Liederschatz fiir jung und alt. Milwaukee: North-Western Pub. House, [1882]. 9Gp. D. Brockway, William Stevens. Genealogical record of Thomas and Har- riet Clapp McKnight, Charles and Almira Clapp McKnight, and descendants, here styled the McKnight family circle. Milwaukee, 1889. 98p. O. BRO^VN, Edward. The pictured cove of La Crosse valley near West Salem, Wisconsin. Illust. IVisconsin Historical Collections, v. 8, pp. 174-183. American Antiquarian, v. 2, 1879-80, pp. 2.57-265. 40 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Brown, James. Neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion. Tr((iisricfin)is State Mrtticiil Sitcivttj of Wisrintsiu. 1S78, pp. lOli-llS. Bruce, William H. Communication from William H. Bruce, late sub- Indian agent at Green Bay, Wis., to Hon. Luke Lea. Washington, 1851. 39p. S. Brucker, Josetii. Die zwei hauptparteiu in den vereinigten staaten ihre Geschichte uud ihi-c Lehre. Milwaukee, 1880. 90p. O. Brunson, Alfred. Upper Mississippi Missions. From The Christian Advocuta and Junnid!. XDveiiiher-Ootolier. ]S:W. Auirust, 1839. 26p. O. Communication relating to his travels in the northwestern wilder- ness of Wisconsin. 1843. l'2p. D. Reprinted ivom Journal uf the Wisconsin House of Repr senfufiri's'. 184:?-44. Wisconsin geographical names. Wisconsin Historical Collections'' v. 1. pp. lIO-ll.'j. Memoir of Hon. Thomas Pendleton Burnett. Id., V. 2, pp. 233-32.0. Ancient mounds or tumuli in Crawford county, Wis. Read before the Wisconsin State historical society at its annual meeting, Jan- uary, 1850. Id., V. 2, pp. 178-184. Northwestern Journal (Madisou, Wis.), v. 1, 1850, pp. 61-65. Prairie du Chieu. Its present position and future prospects. Milwaukee, 1857. 12p. D. Death of Tecumseh at the battle of the Thames in 1813. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 4, jip- 3(;0-374. - Early liistory of Wisconsin. Ibid., pp. 223-251. - Sketch of Hole-in-the-day. Id., V. 5, pp. .387-309. - Memcnr of Rev. Jacob Ward, a local elder in the Methodist Epis- copal church. La Crosse, 1870. 20p. S. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 4I Beunson, Alfred. A western pioneer: or, incidents of the life and times of Rev. Alfred Branson, A. M., D. D., embracing a period of over seventy years. Written by himself. Cincinnati: Hitchcock & Walden, 1872, 2v. D. Key to the Apocalypse: or, revelation of Jesus Clirist to St. John in the Isle of Patmos. Portrait. Cincinnati: Walden & Stowe, 1881. 215p. D. Bryant, Edwin Eustace. Laws of Wisconsin relating to the organiza- tion and government of towns and the powers and duties of town officers, with practical forms. By J. C. Spooner and E. E. Bryant. Madison: The State, 1869. 227p. O. Co operation among farmers. Transactions IVisconsin State Aijrlrultiiral Society, v. 11, lS7;2-~3, pp. 275-287. The Badgers in battle. From Falling Waters to Appomattox. Fond du Lac, 1880. lu Wisconsin Solrliers'' and Sailors'' Reunion Roster, pp 947-258. Q. A treatise on the civil and criminal jurisdiction of justices of the peace, and the powers and duties of constables in executing process in the state of Wisconsin. Chicago: Callaghan & Co., 1884. xi-f- lOlOp. O. -" Tliird edition, adapted to tlie legislation of 1887, Chicago, 183S. O. * The postal laws and regulations of the United States of America. Washington: The Government, 1887. 178p. O. Forms in civil actions and proceedings in the courts of record of Wisconsin. Madison: Democrat Printing Co., 1893. 351p. O. * Farewell address to the senior [law] class of '91. Madison, 1891. lOp. O. History of the Third regiment of Wisconsin veteran volunteer in- fantry, 1861-1865. With maps by Wm. F. Goodhue, and a complete roster of all who were members of the regiment. Portraits. Madi- son, 1891. xvii-|-445p. O. Senator William F. Vilas. * BelforcTs Magazine, September. 1891. A summary of pleading and practice in equity in the federal courts. Madison, 1892. D. * 42 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Buck, James Smith. The farmer's song of the year. Words and music by J. S. Buck. Milwaukee: H. N. Hempsted, 1872. op. F. Au historical poem. Milwaukee's early days. Read before Old Settlers' club, January 5, 1874. Milwaukee, 1874. IGp. O. - The chronicles of the land of Columbia, commonly called America. From the lauding of the Pilgrim fathers to the second reign of Ulysses the I., a period of two hundred and fiftj'-two years. By the prophet James. Book I. Milwaukee, 187G. ir2-|-v p. O. - Pioneer history of Milwaukee from the first American settlement in 1833 to 1860, inclusive. Portraits. Milwaukee, 1876 80. 4v. O. Vols. 3 and 4 have the additional title, "Milwaukee under the Charter."' Are- vised edition of Vol. 1 was issued iu 1890. - The address with which Ichabod explains his post-centennial posi- tion. Milwaukee, 1877. 8p. O. - Sentence: We do fade as the leaf; and hymn - Shall I be remem- bered ? Words and music by J. S. Buck. Milwaukee: H. N. Hemp- sted. 1879. 3p. F. BucKMASTER, S. B. Illustrlous insane. A case of mysophobia. Papers read before the Wisconsin state medical society, at Milwaukee, June 3, 1885. 14+ 4p. O. Rei)riuted from TranMictions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, 1885. Importance of a careful examination of the alleged insane before their committal to a hospital. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, 1888, iip. 143-150. Our insane. Thirteenth Annual Report, State Board of HeaUh of Wisconsin, 1889-90, pp. 84-91. BuEL. Ira M. The corals of Delafleld. Transactions Wisco)Lsin Acudenty of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 5, 18~~-81, pp. lS.i-193. Notes on the boulder distribution iu Wisconsin. Wisconsin Joiirncd of Education, v. 15, 1885, pp. 4G0- 105. Effigies on the Fox river. American Antiquarian, v. 11, 1888-89, pp. 185, 186. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 43 BuNDY, Will F. A list oi' Crustacea of Wisconsin, with notes on some new or little known species. TransactiiDix ]\'isci>iisiH AnuUiiiu of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 5, 1877-81, pp. 177-184. BuNN, RoMANZO. King Henry V. A paper read before the Literary club of Madison, Wis., November 12, 1883. Madison, 1883. .35p. O. BcRBAXK, W. J. The American farmer. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 21, 1882-83, pp. 3.32-34G. BuRCHARD, George Wheelock. " Prisons are for the protection of so- ciety." Indeterminate sentences a necessity. A paper read before the National conference of charities and corrections at Madison, Wis., Aug. 9, 1882. Madison. 1882. 8p. O. Reprinted from Twelfth Axniinl Report. Wisconsin State Board of Charities and Reform, 1883. BuRDiCK, C. R. Before the dawn: a poem; with introductory lectures on prophetic symbols. Buffalo, 1872. 311p. D. Who shall wear the crown? A colloquy in three parts. By Ernest. Chicago, 1886. 118p. D. BuRDicK, W. J. Our grasses; adaptation to the various soils, cultiva- tion and analytical value. Illust. Transactions Wisconsin State Aipicultural Society, v. 26, 1888, pp. 382-435. Renovating grass land by surface culture. A paper prepared for the annual convention of the Northwestern Dairymen's association, held at Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, February 8th. 9th and 10th. 1876. Whitewater. 1876. 8p. O. BuRNELL, George W. Supplement to Starr's digest of the Wisconsin Reports, embracing the decisions of the supreme court of Wiscon- sin from volumes 55 to 73, both inclusive. Chicago: Callaghan &, Co., 1889. 272p. O. * Burnett, T. P. Reports of the supreme court of the Territory of Wis- consin for 1842 and 1813. Madison: The Territory, 1844. 237p. D. Burrows, George Baxter. Government depositories for the savings of the industrial classes. Speech in the Wisconsin state senate, Thurs- day, February 11, 1878. Madison, 1878. 15p. O. - — Forestry. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 20, 1888, pp. 218-240. 44 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. BuRTOX, John Edgvr. Birth and death of relifjioiis; a lecture delivered at Geneva Lake, Wis., June 2, 1881. Geneva Lake, 1882. 22p. O. - The golden mean in temperance and relip;ion; or, common sense in eatin":, drinkititi:. thinking, and living-. Geneva Lake, 1881. 22p. O. The inspiration of bibles. A lecture delivered at Geneva Lake, Wis., March 17, 1881. Geneva Lake, 1881. 28p. O. BuKTOX, Robert W. Industrial education. Read at the meeting of the Wi-consin Teachers' association, Madison, Decern V)er 28, 1882. Wisconsin Jonrnal of Education, v. 13. i8S3, pp. 4G-58. BuSHXELL, Allex Ralph. Free coinage of silver. Speech in the house of representatives, Wednesday, March 23. 1S02. Washington, 1892. Up. O. The tariff, cost of protective tariff taxation. Speech in the house of representatives, Saturday, June 18, 1892. Washington, 1892. 48p. O. Butler, Anna Bates. Centennial records of the women of Wisconsin. Edited by Anna B. Butlor, Emma C. Bascom. and Katharine F. Kerr. Madison: The Editors, 1876. viii+223p. O. Butler, James Da\ie. Address delivered before the Vermont historical and antiquarian society, at Montpelier, October IG, 184G. Mont- pelier, 1846. 3Gp. O. Funeral discourse at Norwich, Vermont, during the obsequies of Truman B. Ransom, February 22. 1818. Hanover, 1848. 20p. O. An address delivered in the representatives hall in Montpelier, Vt., October 20, 1848. Burlington, 1849. G8p. O. Remarks at the dinner of the semi-ceuteunial celebration of Mid- dlebury college, Vei*mont, August, 1850. Proceedings Semi-cent (' n II iai Ccti'bration of Middlcbunj College, 1850, pp. 125-131. Farewell discourse delivered before the Second Congregational church and society in Danvers, Mass.. July 18, 1852. Portrait. Salem, 1852. 23p. O. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 45 Butler, James Davie. Incentives to mental culture among teachers. Boston, 1803. 3:3p. D. Scenes in the life of Christ, and the Catholic hierarchy of the United States. Chicago, [1866]. Up. O. Addresses at the Centennial celebration of the settlement of Pait- land, Vt., October 5, 1870. Centennial Celebration 0/ the Settlement of Rutland. Vt. Rutland, 1870, pp. 46- 00, 83-93. — - Nebraska. Its characteristics and prospects, n. p., 1873. 36p. O. ■ The naming of America. Transactio)is Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 2, 1873-74, pp. 203-219. Westphalia medal. 1648. Report to Wisconsin state historical so- ciety on a Holland medal found in Buffalo county, Wisconsin. Wisco)tsin Historical Collections, v. 7, pp. Iii2-110. How dead languages make live men. A defense of classical stud- ies. A paper read before the National educational a.ssociation, at Detroit, August, 1874. Worcester, Mass., 1874. iOp. O. Poematia: Blood drops. Birthday lines, and other verses of society. Madison. 1874. 18p. O. Catalogue of coins and medals, ancient and modern, from the collection of James Hill. MadLson, 1874. 18p. O. Copper tools found in the state of Wisconsin. Tr(in.';ctctions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 3, 1875-76, np. 99-101. Pre-historic Wisconsin. Annual address before the Wisconsin state historical society in the Assembly chamber, Feb. 18, 1876. Plates. 31p. O. Reprinted from Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 7, pp. 80-101. Governmental patronage of knowledge. Bibhotheca Sacra, v. 34, 1877, pp. 88-138. A September scamper. Nebraska after a three years' absence. Burlington, la., 1877. .32p. D. 46 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Butler, James Davie. The uses of refuse; let the tramps be march- ing on. 'Pfdiisacfioiis;/i.s-(/i Stall' Ai/ri<-iiltiinil Socicti/, v. 16, 1877-78, pp. .369-372. Early historic relics of the Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 8, pp. 195-20G; v. ii. pi> 97-1'JU. The hapax legomena in Shakespeare. Transactions Wisconsin Acmlfiii n of Sciences, Arts and Lctterti, v. 5, 1877-81, pp. 161-174. First French foot-prints beyond the lakes; or, vvi at brought the French so early into the northwest. IhuL. pj). S5-14.'). American pre revolutionary bibliography. Bibliotheca Sacra, v. 36, 1879, pp. 72-104. Aboriginal vise of copper in war and peace. American Aittiqiairian. v. 3, 1880-81, pi). 33-35. A Shakespeare among the Indians, earlj' in the history of the west. Ibid., pp. lOI-lOi. French foot-prints in Northwestern Wisconsin. Ibid., pp. 244-246. • French fortifications near the mouth of the Wisconsin. '' Hold the fort I " Wisconsin Historicid Collections, v. 9, pp 54-6S. Address at the Barron county [Wis.] fair. Transactions Wisconsin State Afiricidfnral Societ!/, v. 20, 1881-82, pp. 421-434. Mediaeval German schools. Bibliotheca Sacra, v. 39, 1882, pp. 401-417. Address on the life and character of Hon. C. C. Washburn, LL. D. Memorial (oldresseson the life and chararter of Hon. C. C. Washburn, before the State Hi.itorical Society, 1882, pp. .32-30. The school life of Wallafred Strabo. Translated by Prof. J. D. Butler Bibliotheca Sacra, v. 40, 188.3, pp. 152-172. BIBLIOGRAl'IIY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 47 Butler, James Davie. The portraits of Columbus. Madison, 188.3. 23p. O. Reprinted from Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 9. Tay-cho-pe-rah; the Four Lake country. First white foot-prints there. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 10, pp. 64-89. Commonplace books; why and how to keep them. Bibliotheca Sacra, v. 41, 1884, pp. 478-505. The once-used words in Shakespeare. Read before the New York Shakespeare society, April 22, 1886. New York, 1886. .31p. D. Portraits of Columbus in Havana. American Antiquarian, v. 9, 1887, pp. 354-359. Our revolutionary thunder. Magazine of American History, t. 18, 1887, pp. 203-203. Alexander Mitchell, the financier. Address delivered before the State historical society of Wisconsin, January 5, 1888. Portrait. 24p. O. Reprinted fi'om Proceedings of Thirtij-fifth Annual Meeting of the Society, 1888. Also in abridged form in Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 11, pp. 435-450. Butleriana, genealogica et biographica; or, genealogical notes concerning Mary Butler and her descendants, as well as the Bates, Harris, Sigourney, and other families, with which they have intermarried. Portraits. Albany: Joel Munsell's Sons, 1888. 162p. O. The French two-barred cross. American Antiquarian, x. 10, 1888, pp. 44, 45. Wisconsin at the Marietta centennial. Address at Marietta, Ohio, July 16, 1888. Uy. O. From Report of the Connnissioners of the National Centennial Celebration, 1888. William Francis Allen. In memoriam. TYansactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 8, 1888-91, pp. 4.39-441. An early decade of Wisconsin university. 8p. O. Reprinted from The Badger, 1889. 48 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL socip:tv. BrxLER, James Davie. Li^ht on Etruscan darkness. American Aiitiijiiariitii, v. 14, IBO'-i, pp. 100-107. Professor Butler has for many years been a prolific contributor to the press, — chiefly The Xation (New York), Wisconsin Stiite Juuruiil (Mailisou), and Boston, Cincinnati, and Cliieajjo journals,— on a great variety of subjects, chiefly iu the lines of literature, history, antiquities, art, and travels. Butler, William T. A treatise on the probate jurisdiction and prac- tice of the county courts of the state of Wisconsin, with an appendix of forms framed in accordance with the revi.sed statutes, and subse- quent session laws. Madison: The author, 1853. 222p. O. * BuTTERFiELD, CONSUL WiLLSHiRE. History of Seneca county; contain- ing a detailed narrative of the principal events that have occurred since its first settlement down to the present time; a history of the Indians that formerly resided within its limits; geographical sketches, &c., &c. With an introduction containing a brief history of the state, from the discovery of the Mississippi river down to the ypar 1817, to the whole of which is added an appendix containing tabular views, &c. Sandusky, Ohio: D. Campbell & Sons, 1848. 251p. D. Comprehensive system of grammatical and rhetorical punctua- tion, designed for the use of scliools. Cincinnati: Longley Brothers, 1858. Tl'p. D. — — Historical account of the expedition against Sandusky under Col. Will. Crawford, in 1782; with biographical sketches, personal reminiscences, and descriptions of interesting localities. Including also, details of the disastrous reti'eat, the barbarities of the savages, and the awful death of Crawford by torture. Portrait. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co., 187.3. x-|-4n.3p. O. - The Washington-Crawford letters. Being the cori'espondence between George Washington and William Crawford, from 1767 to 1781, concerning western lands. With an appendix containing later letters of Washington on the same subject; and letters from Valen- tine Crawford to Washington, written in 1774 and 1775, chronologic- ally arranged and carefully annotated by C. W. Butterfleld. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co., 1877. xi-i-107p. O. A system of punctuation, for the use of schools. Madison: Wm. J. Park & Co., 1878. 32p. D. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 49 BuTTERFiELD, CoxsuL WiLLSHiRE. History of Wisconsin. Snyder, Van Vechten & Go's. Illustrated Historical Atlas of Wisconsin, 1878. F. Also in numerous county liistories of Wisconsin published bj^ Western Histor- ical Company, 1879-82. The sketch was revised and improved by him for the his- tories of Veruon, Crawford, and Green . Also in Descriptive America, v. 1, 1884, pp. 140-142. History of the Uuiversity of Wisconsin from its first organization to 1879; with biographical sketches of its chancellors and presidents, and professors. Portraits. Madison, 1879. viii+233p. O. Literary and biographical sketch of Prof. Rasmus B. Anderson. Madison, 1879. lip. O. Reprinted from i/jsf Off/ of the University of Wisconsin. History of the discovery of the Northwest by Jean Nicolet in 1634:, with a sketch of his life. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co., 1881. llSp. O. Washington-Irvine correspondence. The official letters which passed between Washington and Brig. Gen. WiUiam Irvine, and be- tween Irvine and others, concerning military affairs in the West from 1781 to 1783. Arranged and annotated with an introduction containing an outline of events occurring previously in the trans- Alleghanj^ country. lUust. Madison: David Atwood, 1882. vi-f- 430p. O. A short biography of John Leith, ^^'ith a brief account of his life among the Indians. A reprint, with illustrative notes by C. W. But- terfleld. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co., 1883. 90p. O. Cadwallader C. Washburn. Biographical sketch. Northwest Review, v. 1, 1883, pp. 9-18. The Dells of Wisconsin. Ibid., pp. 38-45. William E. Smith. Biographical sketch. Ibid., pp. 99-108. John Bascom. Biographical sketch. Ibid , pp. 108-110. The French fort at Prairie du Chien a myth. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 10, pp. 307-320. The primitive north-west. American Antiquarian, v. 5, 1883, pp. 318-322. 5-Bib. 50 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. BuTTERFiELD, CONSUL WiLLSHiRE. The public school System in Wis- consin. Descriptive America, v. 1, 1884, pp. 119-121. Journal of Capt. Jonathan Heart on the march with his company from Connecticut to Fort Pitt, in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, from the seventh of September to the twelfth of October, 1785, inclusive. To which is added the Dickensou-Harmar correspondence of 1781-5^ the whole illustrated with notes aud preceded by a biographical sketch of Captain Heart, by C. W. Buttertield. Albany: Joel Mun- sell's Sons, 1885. . xv+94p. O. Chicago. Magazine of Western Histori/, v. .3, 1885-80, pp. 393-410, 445-456, 509-574. History of Ohio. Id., V. 4-8, 1886-88. Fifty years of Wisconsin history. Id., V. 5, 1880-87, pp. 100-113. Edgar Cowan. Ibid., pp. 144-156. University of Michigan. Portraits. , Ibid., pp. :e-,'4-268. Mortimer Melville Jackson. Ibid., pp. 421-128. Milwaukee. Ibid., pp. 40&-483, 630-643, 757-771. Lucius Fairchild. Portrait. Ibid., pp. 4a3-493. Voyages aud explorations leading to the discovery of California. Ibid., pp. 024-630. Jeremiah McLain Rusk. Portrait. Ibid., pp. 043-672. The bench and bar of Milwaukee. Ibid., pp. 695-706, 817-830. Edward George Ryan. Portrait. Ibid., pp. 830-846. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 5 1 BuTTEEFiELD, CoxsuL WiLLSHiRE. William Penn Lyon. Portrait. Ibid., pp. 846-853. - Simeon Mills. Portrait. Id., V. 0, ISSr, pp. 17-20. - Bibliography of Jean Nicolet. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 11, pp. 23-25. - Omaha. Magazine of Western History, v. 8-9, 1888-89. - John Henry Knight. Portrait. Id., V. 9, 1888-89, pp. 27-32. - Thomas Bardon. Portrait. Ibid., pp. 32, 33. - First civilized establishment on the Wisconsin. Ibid., pp. 92-97. - Chicago, the metropolis of the West. Ibid., pp. 427-437. - History of the Girtys. Being a concise account of the Girty brothers, also of the part taken by them in Lord Dunmore's war, in the Western border war of the Revolution, and in the Indian war of 1790-95. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co., 1890. xiii+425p. O. Mr. Biitterfield has edited illustrated quarto histories of Columbia, Crawford and Richland, Dane, Fond du Lac, Rock, and Vernon counties, Wisconsin, published by the Western Historical Company, Chicago, 1879-84. He is the author also of numerous biographical sketches of western business and professional men in The Magazine of Western History, v. 9, in addition to those of Wisconsin men, cited above. BuTTRiCK, Edwin L. Laws of Wisconsin and of the United States, in relation to the militia in actual service. Madison, 1861. dSp. O. * Btees, Frederick W. Battle of Franklin. Read October 7th, 1885. War Papers, Commandery of Wisconsin, Military Order of Loyal Legion of United States, v. 1, 1891, pp. 228-240. Physical culture. Proceedings of Fifth Annual Convention, Officers of Wisconsin National Guard, 1886, pp. 6-12. 52 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY Calkins, Elias A. Eulogy on Prof. James G. Percival. Tr/'d Ilistoriad CoUectiotis, v. 3, pp. 06-72. - Tribute to William C-ulleu Bryant. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 16, 1877-78, pp. 496-198. - Biof?raphical sketch of Philo Wliite, of Whitestown, New York. Milwaukee, 1880. 16p. O. - Two men of note: Wm. Hull and Satterlee Clark. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 9, pp. 413-420. Calkins, Hieaji. Indian nomenclature of northern Wisconsin, with a sketch of the manners and customs of the Chippewas. Id., V. 1, pp. 119-126. Campbell, Florence M. " Jack's afire;" or, the Burton torch. Chicago: J. L. Regan, 1887. 42op. D. Campbell, Vie Howard. How to educate our girls. Transactions Wisconsin State Horticultural Society, v. 16, 1886, pp. 216-234. A plea for a better parentage. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 25, 1887, pp. 334-335. The moral influence of fruits and flowers. Transactions Wisconsin State Horticultural Society, v. 20, 1890, pp. 77-82. Canfield, William Harvey. Outline sketches of Sauk county, includ- ing its history from the first marks of man's hand to 18(31; and its topography, both written and illustrated. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7. Maps and portraits. Baraboo, 18G1. 6 pamphlets. O. a series of pamphlets, issued at different times. No. 1 only, bears date of publi- cation. Pen and pencil sketches of Devil's Lake, near Baraboo, Sauk county, Wisconsin. Map. Madison, 1871. 23p. O. Baraboo and its water-powers. Baraboo, 1871. 34p. O. - Guide book to the wild and romantic scenery in Sauk county, Wisconsin. Map. Baraboo, 1873. 14p. O. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 53 Canfield, William Harvey. Catalogue of birds that inhabit or visit Sauk county. Baraboo, 1873. 4p. O. - Outline sketches of Sauk county, Wisconsin, including its history from the first marks of man's hand to 1891; and its topography, both written and illustrated. Volume 2, Baraboo. Ninth sketch. Bara- boo, 1891. 53p. F. Carpenter, Albert von Haller. Uses and abuses of railways. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 19, 1880-81, pp. 395-415. Carpenter, Matthew Hale. Reconstruction and equal suffrage. Speech delivered at Music Hall, Milwaukee, Oct. 4th, 1866. ip. O. - Argument in the supreme court of the United States, March 3 and 4, 1868, in the matter of William H. McCardle, with extracts from the brief where necessary to explain the argument. Washing- ton, 1868. 83p. O. - Speech at the dedication of the memorial hall, Beloit college, July, 1869. Milwaukee, 1869. 36p. O. - Speech in United States senate, December 15, 1869, on neutrality between Spain and Cuba. Washington, 1869. lip. O. - Laws of neutrality. Speech in the United States senate, Febru- ary 3, 1870. Washington, 1870. 16p. O. - State of Mississippi. Remarks in the United States senate, Feb- ruary 14 and 16, 1870. Washington, 1870. 8p. O. - Admission of Georgia. Speech delivered in the senate of the United States, April 5, 1870. Washington, 1870. 15p. O. - Address to graduating class of the Columbian law college, June 8, 1870. Washington, 1870. 15p. O. - Speech in the United States senate, January 4, 1871, on the claim of J. Milton Best. Washington, 1871. 8p. O. - Speeches in the United States senate, May 17 and 26, 1871, on recusant witnesses. Washington, 1871. 16p. O. 54 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Carpenter, Matthew Hale. Power of appointment. Speech delivered in the senate of the United States, January 18, 1872. Washington, 1872. 15p. O. Speech in the United States senate, February 29, 1872, on sales of arms to French agents. Washington, 1872. 16p. 0. - Speech in the senate of the United States, April 12, 1872. Wash- ington, 1872. 22p. O. - Speech in reply to the speech of Hon. A. G. Thurman, of Ohio, delivered in the senate of the United States, April 23, 1872. Wash- ington, 1872. 14p. O. - Speech vindicating the constitution of the committee to invest! gate sales of arms by the war department . . . and replying to Senator Sumner's attack on President Grant, delivered in the senate of the United States, June 3, 1872. Washington, 1872. 31p. O. - Speech on the back-pay bill; delivered at Janesville, June 26, 1873. Milwaukee, 1873. 31p. O. - Speech before the Agricultural society of Winnebago county, 111., delivered at Rockford, September 18, 1873. Washington, 1873. 27p. O. - Speech on the power of the legislature to govern corporations of its own creation, delivered at Ripon, September IG, 1874. Milwaukee, 1874. 30p. O. - Speech at New Orleans on Louisiana political affairs. Washing- ton, 1874. 15p. O. - Civil rights. Speech in the United States senate, February 27, 1875. Washington, 1875. 12p. O. - Speech in the senate of the United States on the bill for the relief of Fitz-John Porter, March G, 1880. Washington, 1880. 23p. O. - Addresses by Hon. Edward G. Ryan delivered before the Wiscon- sin law school, 1873, and Hon. Matthew H. Carpenter, delivered be- fore the Columbian law school, 1870. Madison, 1882. 38p. O. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 55 Carpenter, Stephen Decatur. Logic of history. Five hundred polit- ical texts; being concentrated extracts of abolitionism; also results of slavery agitation and emancipation . . . 2d ed. Madison: S. D. Carpenter, ISCi. 3op. O. Production and consumption. Transportation, population, and taxation. Address delivered before the state board of agriculture in the assembly chamber, February 5, 1874. Transactions Wisconsin State AgvirnUural Society, v. 12, 1873-74, Appendix A., pp. 1-47. Interest, currency, and the public debt. Address at the capitol, in Madison, Wis., October 21, 1875. Washington, 1875. lOp. O. . Dollars and sense. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 14, 1875-76, pp. 230-281. . Statement submitted to the joint committee on printing, of Wis- consin legislature, on his printing claim for 1858-60. Madison, 1881. 16p. O. Carpenter, Stephen Haskins. Songs for the Sabbath school; a new collection of Sabbath school melodies. Part I. Madison: Wm. J. Park & Co., 1867. 40p. Ob. T. - Reading, xlddress delivered before the Wisconsin state teachers' association at Madison, July 13, 1871. lOp. O. Reprinted from Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 1, 1871. - From the common school to the state university. Wisconsi7i Journal of Education, v. 2, 1872, pp. 49-51. - The relations of skepticism and scholarship. Madison, 1873. 16p. O. Reprinted from The Baptist Quarterly, v. 7, 1873. - The philosophy of evolution; together with A preliminary essay on the metaphysical basis of science. Two papers read before the Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts and letters at the annual meetings of February, 1873, and February, 1874. Madison, 1874. 32p. O. Reprinted from Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, V. 2, 1873-74. 5 6 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Carpenter, Stephen Haskins. Industrial educatiou. A paper read be- fore the Wisconsin state agricultural societj', Februai'y 5, 1874. lip. O. Reprinted from Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 13. 1873-74. - An introduction to the study of the Anglo-Saxon language, com- prising an elementary grammar, selections for reading, with ex- planatory notes and a vocabulary. Boston: Ginn Bros., 1875. iv-|-212p. D. - An historical sketch of the University of Wisconsin, from 1849 to 1876. Madison, 1876. 66-f31p. O. - John Baptist Feuling, Ph. D. In memoriam. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 4, 1876-77, pp. 316-388. - Moral forces in education. A lecture. Madison, 1878. 22p. O. - English of the XlVth century, illustrated by notes, grammatical and philological, on Chaucer's Prologue and Knight's Tale. De- signed to serve as an introduction to the study of English liter- ature. Boston: Ginn, Heath & Co., 1882. xiv-l-313p. D. - From Saxon to English, [n. p., n. d.] 15p. D. Carr, Ezra S. An inaugural address, delivered in the senate chamber of the capitol at Madison, Wis., before the board of regents of the State university, January 16, 1856. Madison, 1856. 21p. O. Eulogy on Dr. John W. Hunt, Dec. 20, 1859. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 5, pp. 39-45. - Child culture. Address before the State agricultural society of California, at Sacramento, Sept. 23, 1875. New York: E. Steiger, 1877. 19p. D. - A brief sketch of La Crosse, Wisconsin, showing the location of the place, its surrounding scenery, commercial advantages, early history, etc. La Crosse, 1854. 28p. O. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 57 Carter, George B. Laws of Wisconsin concerning the organization and government of towns and the powers and duties of town officers and boards of supervision, with practical forms. Madison: The State, 1885. 582p. O. Case, F. W. Entomological notes. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 19, 1880-81, pp. 430-494. Caspar, Carl Nikalaus. The city of Milwaukee. Guide to the " Cream City " for visitors and citizens, giving a history of the settlement, de- velopment and present importance of the city, with a chronology of interesting events. A souvenir of the 2ith siingerfest of the N. A. Siingerbund at Milwaukee, July 21-25, 1886. Map. Illust» Milwau- kee: Caspar ct Zahn, 188G. 119p. O. Same in German. — — Directory of the antiquarian booksellers, with supplement. Mil- waukee, 1887. * Caspars directory of the American book, news, and stationery trade, wholesale and retail. Portrait. Milwaukee: C. N. Caspar, 1889. xiii+ltt31p. O. - Map and guide of the city of Milwaukee. 3d ed. Milwaukee, 1892. * - Driving guide and map of Milwaukee county, with plans of Pe- waukee, Oconomowoc, Soldiers' Home, Wauwatosa, and Waukesha. Milwaukee, 1892. * Castleman, Alfred L. An essay on horticulture, written for the prize offered by the State agricultural society for 1853. 2d ed. Delafield, 1859. 27p. D. Army of the Potomac. Behind the scenes. A diary of unwritten history, from the organization of the army by General George B. McClellan to the of the campaign in "Virginia, about the first day of January, 1863. Milwaukee, 1863. 288p. D. Chadbourne, Paul Ansel. Lectures on natural history; its relations to intellect, taste, wealth, and religion. New York: A. S. Barnes & Burr, 1860. IGOp. D. 58 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chadbourne, Paul Axsel. Lectures on natural theology; or, nature and the bible from the same author. Delivered before the Lowell Institute, Boston. New York: G. P. Putnam & Sons, 18G7. xi4- 320p. D. - The influence of history on individual and national action. An- nual address before the State historical society of Wisconsin, Jan. 30, 1868. Madison, 1808. 22p. O. Address before Wisconsin horticultural society, 18*38. Transactions of Wisconsin Agricultural Society, v. 7, 18G8, pp. 549-554. Annual address at State agricultural exhibition, Wisconsin, 1867. Ibid., pp. 811-313. - Natur-videnskabernes forhold til religionen. En forelasning af P. A. Chadbourne. Oversat af R. B. Anderson. Madison, 1869. 18p. O. Chamberlain, Mrs. M. H. Wayside flowers. By Carrie Carlton [pseud.] Milwaukee: Strickland & Co., 1862. 163p. D. Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder. Suggestions as to a basis for the gra- dation of the vertebrata. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 1, 1870-72, pp. 138-150. Outline of a course in oral instruction. Whitewater, 1872. 19p. O. - Mental faculties neglected in the school room. Paper read before the State teachers' association, July 10, 1872. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 2, 1870-72, pp. 301-306. - Some evidences bearing upon the upheaval of the quartzites of Sauk and Columbia counties. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 2, 1873-74, pp. 129-132. - On fluctuations in level of the quartzites of Sauk and Columbia counties. Ibid., pp. 133-138. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 59 Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder. The bearing of some of the work of the geological survey upon agricultural interests. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 12, 1873-74, pp. 320-328. - The educational value of the geological survey. Paper read be- fore the Wisconsin teachers' association, July iG, 1864. IViscunsin Juurnal uf. Education, v. 4, 1874, pp. 330-.333. - Soils of eastern Wisconsin. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 13, 1874-75, pp. 309-318. - On the extent and significance of the Wisconsin kettle moraine. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 4, 1870-77, pp. 201-234. - In memoriam. Prof. James H. Eaton, Ph. D., late professor of chemistry and physics in Beloit college. Ibid., pp. 314-316. - Annual reports of progress and results of the Wisconsin geolog- ical survey for the years 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879. Madison, 1877-80. 4 pamphlets. O. - The natural agricultural resources of the Fox river valley. Transactions Xoi'thern Wisconsin Agricidtural and. Mechanical Association, V. 5, 1877-78, pp. 108-133. - On a proposed system of lithological nomenclature. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 5, 1877-81, pp. 284-247. - Observations on the recent glacial drift of the Alps. Ibid., pp. 258-270. - Geology of Wisconsin. Survey of 1873-1879. Accompanied by an atlas of maps. lUust. Madison, 1877-1883. 4v. Q., and atlas F'. The state of Wisconsin. Topography and geology. Historical Atlas of Wisconsin, 1878, pp. 148-151. La moraine terminal du Amerique du nord. * Proceedings of International Congress of Geologists, Paris, 1878. 6o WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chamberlin, Thosias Chrowder. The adulteration of foods. Fourth Annual Report, State Board of Health of Wisconsin, 1879, pp. 79-107. The bearing of some recent determinations on the correlation of the eastern and western terminal moraines. 5p. O. Reprinted from American Joiaiial of Science, v. 124, 1882, pp. 93-97. Preliminary paper on the terminal moraine of the second glacial epoch. Illust. Third Annual Report, United States Gzological Survey, 1881-82, pp. 291-292. Genetic classification of the stony drift-clays. Proceedings American Association for the Advancement of Science, 32nd meeting, Minneapolis, August, 1883. The copper-bearing series of Lake Superior. Science, v. 1, 1883, pp. 453-455. Hillocks of angular gravel and disturbed stratification. Illust. 13p. O. Reprinted from American Journal of Science, v. 127,1884. ■ — — The requisite and qualifying conditions of artesian wells. Wash- ington, 1885. 42p. Q. Reprinted from Fifth Annual Report, United States Geological Survey, 1883-84. • Preliminary paper on the driftless area of the Upper Mississippi valley. By T. C. Chamberlin and R. D. Salisbury. Illust. Sixth Annual Rejmrt, United States Geological Survey, 1884-85, pp. 205-258. Observations on the junction between the eastern sandstone and the Keweenaw series, on Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior. By R. D. Irving and T. C. Chamberlin. Illust. Maps. United States Geological Survey, Bulletin No. 22, v. 3, 1885, 124p. An inventory of our glacial drift. An address before the American association for the advancement of science, at the Buffalo meeting, August, 1886. Salem, Mass., 1886. 16p. O. Reprinted from Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, v. 3.5, 188R. ■ The rock-scorings of the great ice invasions. Washington, 1888. 102p. Q. Reprinted from l^cveuth Annual Report, United States Geological Survey, 1885 8G. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 6l Chamberlin, Thosias Chrowder. Note respecting the term Agnotozoic. American Journdl of Science, v. 135, 1888, pp. 254-255. - The crystalline schists of the Lake Superior district. By R. D. Irv- ing, T. C. Chamberlin, and C. R. Van Hise. * Etudes sur les Schists CnjstalUna, International Geological Congress, 4th ses- sion. London, 1888, pp. 92-106. - The ethical function of scientific study. An address delivered at the annual commencement of the University of Michigan, June 28, 1888. Ann Arbor, 1888. 22p. O. - The new relations of the university to agriculture. T)-ansactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 26, 1888, pp. 84-91. - Reorganization of the weather service. Wisconsin Farmers'' Institutes, Bulletin No 2, 1888, pp. 31-35. - Roland Duer Irving, former president of the Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts and letters. In memoriam. Portrait. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 8, 1888-91, pp. 43.3-437. Also in American Geologist, January, 1887. - Boulder belts distinguished from boulder trains — their origin and significance. 5p. O. Bulletin of Geological Society of America, v. 1, 1889, pp. 27-31. - The glacial boundary in Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois; by G. F. Wright, with an introduction by T. C. Chamberlin. United States Geological Survey, Bulletin No. 58, 1890. - Some additional evidences bearing on the interval between the glacial epochs. Reprinted from Bulletin of Geological Society of America, v. 1, 1890, pp. 469^80. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 8, 1892. - The coming of age of state universities. A charter-day address delivered on the twenty-first anniversary of the University of Ne- braska, February 18, 1890. 22p. O. 62 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chajiberlin, Thomas Chrowder. The appropriate moral field of public educational institutions. A baccalaureate discourse delivered be- fore the class of 1890 of the University of Wisconsin, June 22, 1890. Madison, 1890. 21p. O. University extension. An address delivered before the Wisconsin teachers' association, at Madison, December 29, 1890. Madison, 1891, 27p. O.* - Proposed genetic classification of pleistocene glacial formations. Submitted to the International congress of geologists, Washington, D. C, August, 1890. 4p. O. - On the relationship of the pleistocene to the pre-pleistocene for- mations of the Mississippi basin, south of the limit of glaciation. By T. C. Chamberlin and R D. Salisbury. 18p. O. Repriuted from T)ie American Journal of Science, v. 41, 1891, pp. 359-377. - The coming evolution in farming. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 29, 1891, pp. 167-175. - The attitude of the eastern and central portions of the United States during the glacial period. Read before the American associ- ation for the advancement of science, Washington, D. C, August, 1891. 9p. O. Reprinted from The American Geologist, November, 1891, pp. 267-275. - On a proposed system of chronologic cartography on a physio- graphic basis. With the geological dates of origin of certain topo- graphic forms on the Atlantic slope of the United States, by William Morris Davis. Rochester, 1891. dTp. O. Reprinted from Bulletin of Geological Society of America, v. 2, 1891. - Religious work in connection with the university. Baccalaureate address, June, 1892. In Commencement Annual, University of Wisconsin, June, 1892, pp. 5-25. Dr. Chamberlin, in conjunction with Dr. F. J. Turner, prepared the article " Wis- consin" in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th ed., 1888, v. 24, pp. GlO-619. Chandler, Charles H. Notes and a query concerning the ericaceae. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 8, 1888-91^ pp. 161-162. BIBLIOGRAl'IiY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 63 Chandler, Willard H. Supervision of schools. Paper read before the State teachers' association, December 28, 1878. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 8, 1878, pp. 125-131. - Address delivered before the State teachers' association at La Crosse, July 9, 1879. Id., V. 0, 1888, pp. 310-339. - Signs of the times. A paper read before the Wisconsin teachers' association in Madison, December 29, 1881. Id., V. 12, 1882, pp. 47-57. - How can the schools secure better supervision? Read at the meeting of the Wisconsin teachers' association, Madison, Decem- ber 27, 1883. Id.,\. 14, 1884, pp. 189-153. - Rural population and the educational policy of the state. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 36, 1888, pp. 318-328. Chapin, Aaron Lucius. Address and discourse at inauguration as pres- ident of Beloit college, July 24, 1850. Milwaukee, 1850. 52p. O. The object of punishment in the government of God. Congregational Review, v. 8, 1868, pp. 43-52. - Christ's death a substitute for punishment in the moral govern- ment of God. Id., V. 51, 1870, pp. 25-3-268. - The relations of labor and capital. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 1, 1870-72, pp. 45-61. - Frederic W. Robertson. Congrejfational Review, v. 57, 1871, pp. 23-34. - Self discipline as means and end of education. Lecture before the State teachers' association, on Thursday, July 16, 1874. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 4, 1874, pp. 459-464. - Review of the autobiography of J. Stuart MilL New Englander, v. 33, 1874, pp. 605-623. 64 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chapin, Aaron Lucius. Historical sketch of the colleges of Wisconsin, prepared for the National centennial exposition for 18TG. Madison, 187G. 120p. O. The nature and functions of credit. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts a)id Letters, v.' 5, 1877-81, pp. 57-65. ^ Wayland's Elements of political economy. Recast and revised by Aaron L. Chapin. New York: Sheldon & Co., 1879. 4-25p. D. * The nature and method of science, with thoughts on teaching science. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 10, 1880, pp. 277-393. First principles of political economy, concisely presented for the use of classes in high schools and academies. New York: Sheldon & Co., 1880. xvi + 213p. S. Baccalaureate sermon before Beloit college, Sunday, June 27, 1880. Gp. O. Beloit College. Descriptive America, October, 1884, p. 123. F. The chief incentive to Christian mission. Sermon before the American board of commissioners for foreign missions at the seventy- fifth annual meeting, held at Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 7, 1884. Boston, 1884. IGp. O. Dr. Chapin has contributed numerous reviews to The New Englander, The Congregational Ncvieic, ant! The Dial (Chicago), and has published sermons and addresses delivered on various occasions. He was also one of the editors of The Congregational Review during the years 1867 to 1871. Chapin, Emmons E. Address delivered at the Fond duLac county fair, September 28, 187G. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Socicti/, v. 15, 1870-77, pp. 370-882. Address delivered at the Washington county fair, 1878. Id., V. 17, 1878-79, pp. 394-406. Chapin, John E. Neenah church history. Two historical sermons- 48p. D. Appendix to Cunningham's History of Neenah, 1878. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS, 65 Chapman, Chandler Burnell. Early events in the Fom- Lake country. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 4, pp. 343-349. Chapman, Silas. Hand book of Wisconsin. Second edition, enlarged and improved. Milwaukee: S. Chapman, 1855. llTp. T. The Forest Home cemetery, Milwaukee, Wis. With a map of the grounds. Milwaukee, 1871. 42p. S. Charlton, Mrs. Helen Holmes. The power of an idea. Transactions Wisconsin State Horticultural Society, v. I'J, 1889, pp. 214-221. Chase, Enoch. Address to the Old Settlers' club [Milwaukee], July 4th, 1872. Milwaukee, 1872. lOp. O. Chase, George X. Some of the modern conditions of war. Proceedings of Third Annual Convention, Officers of Wisconsin National Guard, 1884, pp. 14-22. Chase, Warren. The American crisis; or, trial and triumph of democ- racy. Boston: Bela March, 1862. 82p. D. - The life-line of the lone one; or, autobiography of Warren Chase, (the world's child). 9th edition. Boston: Colby & Rich. 310p. D. - Forty years on the spiritual rostrum. Portrait. Boston: Colby & Rich, 1888. 321p. D. Cheney, Rufus. The inportance of manufacturing, with the peculiar advantages in Wisconsin for such branch of industry. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 12, 1873-74, pp. 201-206. Childs, Ebenezer. Recollections of Wisconsin, 1820. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 4, pp. 153-195. Chittenden, Thomas W. Water; and the water supply of the state. Second Annual Report, State Board of Health of Wisconsin, 1877, pp. 8»-91. Chittenden, Thomas W. An investigation of the drinking water of a city. /(/., Third Annual Report, 1878, pp. 106-122. 6-Bib. 66 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY School buildings. Ibid., pp. 123-1S7. - Our school house.s. Fourth Annual Report, State Board of Hcaltli of Wigronain, 1879, pp. 41-68. - School hygiene. What can teachers do to promote it? Paper prepared for the State teachers' association. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 9, 1879, pp. 411-421. - Nostrums. Seventh Annunl Report, State Board of Health of Wisconsin, 18801. New system of philo.sophy. * Id., V. 40. 1883, p. 60. The new orthodoxy. * Id.. V. 42, 1885, p. ir. Primitive Egypt. * Ibid., p. 411. Religious terminology. * Id.. V. 43, 1886, p. 40. Protestantism and the people. * Ibid., p. 4-37. The nature of thought. Journal of Speculative Philosophij, v. 20, 1886, pp. 113-150. Two tracts for the times. Chicago, 1886. * Vicarious sacrifice. Andover Review, v. 6, 1886, pp. 264-267. History of Wisconsin under the dominion of France. Madison: Midland Pub. Co., 1890. 178p. D. Heise, Paul Edgar Alexander. Handy lists of technical literature. Reference catalogue of books printed in English from 1880 to 1888 inclusive; to which is added a select list of books printed before 1880 and still kept on publishers' and jobbers' lists. Compiled by H. E. Haferkorn and Paul Heise. I., II., III. Milwaukee, 1889-91. 3v. O. Il6 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hemmexway, Willard Roscoe. Manual training in the schools of the United States. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 19, 1889, pp. 323-335. Hendrickson, George Lincoln. On the authenticity of the commenta- riolum petitionis of Quintus Cicero. American Journal of Pliitolo;/!/, v. 13, 1893, pp. 200-212. Henry, William Arnon. Amber cane in Wisconsin. A circular from the agricultural department of the State university. Madison, 1881- r2p. O. Experiments with amber cane and the ensilage of fodders at the experimental farm, 1881. Madison, 1882. 78p. O. Experiments with amber caue and the ensilage of fodders, at the experimental farm. University of Wisconsin, 1882. Madison, 1883. 102p. O. The University farm. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 20, 1881-82, pp. 286-292. A simple earth closet. Seventh Annual Report, State Board of Health of Wisconsin, IsSfe.pp. 189-192. Stock breeding and feeding. Transactions Northern Wif:consin Agricultural and Mechanical Association, 1883-84, pp. 254-272. The factors which govern the value of barnyard manures. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 26, 1888, pp. 127-136. Agricultural education. Wisconsin Fanners' Institutes, Bulletin No. 2, 1888, pp. 128-132. The chemist and the dairyman. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 28, 1890, pp. 275-278. Wisconsin system of agricultural in.struction. Wisconsin Farmers'' Institutes, Bulletin No. 5, 1891, pp. 144-148. Professor Henry has been a voluminous writer on experiments in scientific agri- culture, especially in regard to live stock, his articles ana announcements appearing chiefly in the Bulletins and Annual Reports of the Agricultural Experiment Station at the University of Vl'isconsin, 1883-92. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. II 7 Heritage, Lucius. The German gymnasium and real-school. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 15, 1885, pp. 96-98. About German universities. Ifl.. V. 15, 1885, pp. 505-509; V. 16, 1886, pp. 1-5, 53-55. Herdegex, Robert. Zur Verhiitung des Kindbettsiebers. Vortrage gehalten fixr hebammen. Milwaukee, 1883. 21p. O. Bilder aus der Geschichte des arztlichen standes. Ein fur Laien bestimmter vortrag gehalten im Vereine " Germania " zu Milwaukee, am 24 Januar, 1884. Milwaukee, 1884. 30p. O. Ignaz, Philip Semmelweiss. A biographical sketch. New York, ]885. lOp. O. Reprinted from Tlie American Journal of Obstetrics, v. 18, No. 3, 1886. Hicks, John. The Latin and the Saxon. An address delivered on Memorial Day, May .30, 1892, at Xeenah, Wisconsin. Oshkosh, 1892. 15p. O. HiGLEY, W. K. Reptilia and batrachia of Wisconsin. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 7, 1883-87, pp. 155-176. The northern pitcher-plant; or, the side-saddle flower, sarracenia purpurea, L. Lake Geneva, Wis., 1885. 55p. O. Bidletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences, v. 1, No. 5. — A paper on elephas primigenius. Chicago, 1886, 7p. O. Ibid., No. 10. HiNSON, J. Teachers; their qualifications and duties. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 13, 1883, pp. 177-185. HiXTON, John W. Workingmen and the tariff. Address to the work- ingmen of Bay View, January 31, 1880. Milwaukee, 1880. 16p. O. Memorial address on Edward G. Ryan, late chief justice of Wis- , cousin, delivered before the Moot court of Milwaukee, Xov. 4, 1880. 6p. Q. /l8 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. HiNTON, John W. An address on the death of Hon. William Blair, of Waukesha, Wisconsin. Delivered in the school grove, Sunday after- noon, July 18, 1880. Milwaukee, 1880. 15p. O. Address before the tariff commission. Milwaukee, 1882. 7p. O. - Tariff on wool and wheat. Its benefits to the farmers of the west. Milwaukee, 1882. 8p. D. - Celebration of the emancipation of tlie slaves in the British W^est Indies, at Miller's Garden, Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 1, 1882. Milwau- kee, 1882. lOp. O. - Address on eloquence, its good and evil effects upon students, through selections and compositions for rhetorical exercises. De- livered before the senior class of the Markham academy, and Mil- waukee high school lyceum, February, 1882. Milwaukee, 1882. lop. O. - Necessity of the tariff, to wheat and wool growers. Milwaukee, 1882. lip. S. - The tariff. Speech in reply to Gov. Morton, of Nebraska, deliv- ered before the American agricultural society, in the Grand Pacific hotel, Chicago, Dec. 13, 1882. Milwaukee, 1882. 8p. O. - Tariff speech before the National wool-growers' association, Chi- cago, Illinois, Sept. 25. 1883, in reply to Hon. Joseph MedilFs free trade speech before the National agricultural association, Dec. 14, 1882. Milwaukee, 1883. 16p. O. - Tariff debate between John W. Hinton, of Milwaukee, and Pro- fessor J. B. Parkinson of the Wisconsin University, held in the as- sembly chamber at Madison, Wis., March 1, 1883. Milwaukee, 1883. 32p. O. - Blaine and Logan, the friends of American labor and the faithful guardians of the colored peoijle. Milwaukee, 1884. lip. O. - Address before Wnol-growers' meeting. Grand Pacific hotel, Chi- cago, Illinois, Mondav, May 19, 1884. Waukesha, 1874. 3p. O. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. II 9 HiNTOX, John W. Free trade and southern rebellion. Milwaukee, [1884?] 4p. O. - The tariff. A replj'^ to a Chicago free trader. Milwaukee, 1886. 9p. O. - Protective tariff f:ersns free trade. Discussion before the Chicago Bankers" club, April 18, 1886, between Gen. M. M. Trumbull, of Du- buque, Iowa, and John W. Hiuton, of Milwaukee, Wis. Waukesha, 1886. 8p. O. - The humanity of the American protective tariff". A lecture deliv- ered before the Wisconsin legislature. Grand Army hall, Rockford' 111., etc., etc. Waukesha, Wis., 188G. 21p. O. - American protective tariff and American political economy, in re- ply to a Wisconsin University student. Chicago, 1887. 8p. O. - The past, present, and future mission of the American protection- ist. Papers based on an address delivered before the Chicago Philo- sophical society, January 8, 1887. Milwaukee, 1888. 31p. O. - American tariff lesson, in the life and death of John Bright. Mil- waukee, 1889. 23p. O. - English free trade. Failure resulting in great misery and ruin. Milwaukee, 1889. 8p. O. - The tariff. Address to American students. Milwaukee, 1890. 4p. O. - The tariff on iron and steel beneficial to American workingmen. Milw-aukee, 1890. 8p. O. - Prayers at sea. A sketch from my log-book, forty years ago on the Atlantic. [ 1890.J 8p. O. I20 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. HiNTON, John W. The circle on the prairie; or, fetching the doctor. A tale of early Wisconsin life. [1890.] 8p. O. The tariff. A letter to a \vorkinj?man. Protection to Amei'ican industries insures free and well-paid labor. Free trade enslaves and pauperizes American labor. [ 1890.] IGp. O. The tariff. From the Chicago Inter-Ocean, Dec. 15, 1891. Reply- to a free trade Methodist minister. Milwaukee, 1891. 8p. 0. The above list inckules only the more important publicatious of Mr. Hinton on the tariff question. He has also issued numerous leaflets and circulars on the same subject. Hoard, Willl-SiM Dempster. The farmer as a citizen . Transactions Northern Wisconsin Agricultural and Mi'i-hunical Association, V. 4, lsrO-77, pp. 104-112. Agricultural education. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 27, 1889, pp. 99-108. Governor Hoard has been a voluminous writer on agricultural subjects, chiefly in his paper, Hoard's Dairyman (Ft. Atltinson, Wis.). HoBART, Carrie S. A few words for wom3n. Transactions Wisconsin State Horticultural Society, v. 21,'1891, pp. 37-42. HoB.\RT, Harrison Carroll. Libby prison; the escape. War Papers, Commandery of Wisconsin, Military Order of Loyal Legion of United States, v. 1, 1891, pp. 394-409. HoBBiNS, Joseph. Annual address before the Wisconsin state horticult- ural society, Feb. 9, 1869. Transactions Wisconsin State Horticultural Society, 1809, pp. 14-18. Registration. The necessity and advantages of a registration of the vital statistics of Wisconsin. First Annual Report State Board of Health of Wisconsin, 1876, pp. 72-79. The health of Wisconsin. Historical Atlas of Wisconsin, 1878, iip. 110, 111. Annual address delivered before the Central Wisconsin medical society, June 29, 188G. Madison, 1886. 17p. O. Dr. Hobbins has written much for the public journals, chielly upon horticultural and sanitary subjects. Many short articles upon these topics appeared from his pen in Field. Lawn, and Garden, a monthly — of which he was assistant editor — published at Madison, Wis., between October, 1874, and .January, 1875. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 121 HoBBS, William Herbert. On the petrographical characters of a dike of diabase in the Boston basin. Plate. * Hulletin of Museum of Comparative Zonlooy, Harv(u-d College, v. 17, March, 1888, p. 1. - On the rocks occurring in the neighborhood of Ilchester, Howard county, Maryland. (Preliminary notice of a dissertation for the de- gree of doctor of philosophy.) * Johns Hopkins University Circulars. Xo. C5, April, 1888. - On the use of the microscope in petrography. * American Monthly Microscopical Journal, v. 9, April, 188S, p. 70. - On the paragenesis of allanite and epidote as rock-formiug min erals. American Journal of Science, v. 138, 1889, pp. 223-228. - Ueber die verwachsung von allanit (orthit.) und epidot in ges teinen. Wien, 1889. 6p. O. Reprinted from Tschermalc's Miner alogischen und Petrographischen Mitther lungen, 1889, v. 11, pp. 1-6. - On some metamorphosed eruptives in the crystalline rocks of Maryland. Plate. 6p. O. Reprinted from Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences. Arts and Letters V. 8, 1883-91. - On a little-known region of northwestern Montana, by G. E. Culver [Petrographical notes by Wm. H. Hobbs.] 19p. O. Reprinted from Ibid. - On new occurrence of olivine diabase in Minnehaha county, South Dakota. Field notes by G. E. Culver, and petrographical notes by Wm. H. Hobbs. op. O. Reprinted from Ibid. - Note on a cerussite from Illinois and Wisconsin. Ii)id., pp. 399-400. - On a remarkable case of secondary banding in gneiss. Read be- fore the Geological society of America, Dec. 30th, 1891. * Bulletin of Geological Society of America, v. 3, 1892. 122 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hodgson, Albert James. Therapeutics of oxygen. Transactiotis State Medical Society of Wixconxin, 1888, pp. 201-205. HoEGH, Knut. Hints conceruinsr infantile hygiene and dietetics. Seventh Annual Report, State Board of Health of Wisconsin, 1882, pp. 151-163. Some points about neurasthenia. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, 1886, pp. 184-193. Leprosy, with special reference to its existence in Wisconsin. Twelfth Annual Report, State Board of Health of Wisconsin, 1888, pp. 154-162. HoLBROOK, Arthur. Practical information about the teeth. A book for the people. Milwaukee, 1879. 200p. T. — — Plain talk and practical suggestions about the teeth. Milwaukee, 1884. 16p. T. Hay fever vacations; or, jaunts and camps in Northern Wisconsin for health and recreation. Milwaukee, 1886. 23p. T. Practical suggestions on personal care of .the teeth. Milwaukee, 1889. 18p. T. HoLBROOK, D.wiD Leverett. The higher sphere of sanitary science. Twelfth Annual Report, State Board of Health of Wisconsin, 1888, pp. 185-191. HoLBROOK, John C. Prairie breaking; or, .scenes in the work of a western pastor. Boston: Henry Hoyt, 1863. 89p. T. HoLDEN, Edward Singleton. Studies in Central American picture-writ- ing. 1881. 38p. O. Reprinted fri)iii First Annual Report, United States Bureau of Ethnology 1879-80. A synopsis of the scientific writings of Sir William Herschel, pre- pared by Edward S. Holden and Charles S. Hasiings, 1881. 114p, O. Reprinted from Smithsonian Report, 1880. An account of recent progress in astronomy [for the years 1879- and 1880.] 1881. 37p. O. Reprinted from Ibid. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 1 23 HoLDEN, Edward Singleton. Sir William Herschel; his life and works. Portrait. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1881. vi + 238p. D. - An account of progress in astronomy in the year 1881. Washing- ton, 1883. 40p. O. Reprinted from Smithsonian Report, 1881. - An account of the progress in astronomy in the year 1882. Wash- ington, 1883. 48p. O. Reprinted from Id., 1882. - Report of the eclipse expedition to Caroline Island, May, 1883. Plates. Memoirs of National Academy of Sciences, v. 2, 1883, pp. 16-14G. - An account of the progress in astronomy in the year 1884. Wash- ington, 1885. 54p. O. Reprinted from Smithsonian Report, 1884. Auxiliary table for computing refractions, n. p., n. d. 3p. Q. The above list includes only Professor Holden's writings while he was a resident of Wisconsin, 1881-85. Holland, Frederic May. Vexed questions in ethics. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 2, 1873-74, pp. 35-38. Records of marriages. Ihid., pp. 73-76. Industrial education. Id., V. 3, 1875-76, pp. 1.30-14:3 The boa constrictor of politics. Ibid., pp. 151-160. Were the stoics utilitarians? Ibid., pp. 179-195 124 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. HoLMAX, J. W. The Wisconsin problem. Remarks made before the Northwestern association of fire underwriters, at its tenth annual meeting, September, 1879. Milwaukee, 1879. 19p. O. Holmes, Mead. A soldier of the Cumberland: memoir of Mead Holmes, Jr., by his father. With an introduction by John S. Hart. Por- trait. Boston: American Tract Society, 18Gi. 240p. S. HoLTON, Edward Dwight. Commercial history of Milwaukee. Open- ing of the chamber of commerce. Address, November 22, 1858. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 4, pp. 253-285. - Travels with jottings. From Midland to the Pacific. Letters written for, and published chiefly as souvenirs, to personal acquaint- ances and friends. Portrait. Milwaukee, 1880. 94p. O. Report as United States commissioner to the Industrial and cot- ton centennial exposition at New Orleans, December IG, 1884, to June 1,1885. Milwaukee, 1885. 38p. O. Our claims to the Pacific coast. An address delivered before the Young men's association of Milwaukee. Portrait. Milwaukee, 1889. 23p. O. Horn, Fred W. Speech before the Agricultural society of Ozaukee cou.nty, Wisconsin, delivered at Cedarburg, Oct. 2d, 1873. Cedar- burg, 187.3. 7p. O. HosKixs, William John. The relation of high schools to district schools. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 19, 1889, pp. 141-148. Houghton, Jacob. The ancient copper mines of Lake Superior. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 6, pp. 140-151. Howe, Timothy Otis. The state and the national governments. Their mutual political relation. Speech, Marcli 29, 1860. Madison, 1860. 16p. O. - Speech on the joint resolution to approve and confirm certain acts of the president of the United States, delivered in the senate of the United States, August 2, 18G1. Washington, 1861. 7p. O. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 1 25 Howe, Timothy Otis. Speech on the issue of United States notes; de- livered in the senate of the United States, February 12, 18G'J. Wash- ington, 1862. Up. O. Speech on the bill to confiscate the propertj^ and free the slaves of rebels, delivered in the senate of the United States, May 5, 18G2. Washington, 1862. 12p. O. - Amendment to the constitution. Speech in the United States senate, April 4, 1861. Washington, 1861. 20p. O. - Address before the American iron association, delivered in Chi- cago, May 24, 1865. Chicago, 1865. 18p. O. - Address delivered before the Wisconsin state teachers' association at its thirteenth annual meeting at W^hitewater, Wednesday even- ing, August 2, 1865. Madison, 1865. 20p. O. - The authority of the nation supreme and absolute; that of the state subordinate and conditional. Speech in the senate of the United States, January 10, 1866. W^ashington, 1866. 20p. O. - Speech on reconstruction, delivered in the senate of the United States, June 5 and 6, 1866. Washington, 1866. 22p. O . - Reconstruction. Speech delivered in the senate of the United States, January 31, 1868. Washington, 1868. 15p. O. - Impeachment of the president. Opinion of Mr. Howe in the sen- ate of the United States, May 11, 1868. Washington, 1868. 26p. O. - The currency; resumption without contraction. Speech delivered in the senate of the United States, January 24, 1870. Washington, 1870. 14p. O. - Laws of neutrality. Speech delivered in the senate of the United States, February 2, 1870. Washington, 1870. 14p. O. - San Domingo. Speech in the senate of the United States, March 27 and 28, 1871. Washington, 1871. 14p. O. 126 WISCONSIN. HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Howe, Timothy Otis. Horace Greeley in 1872. Green Bay, Wis., 1872. 12p. O. A national university the first step in civil service reform. Speech delivered in the senate of the United States, March 8, 1872. Wash- ington, 1872. 14p. O. National education. Speech delivered in the senate of the United States, June 30, 1872. Wisconsin Journal of Educdtion, v. 3, 1873, pp. 201-204. - Speech in the senate of the United States, February 17. 1875. Washington, 1875. 31p. O. - Speech delivered before the International monetary conference at Paris, May 17, 1881. Paris, 1881. 16p. Q. - The tariff. An address delivered before the American Iron and Steel association, at Chicago, May 24, 1865. Milwaukee, 1882. 18p. O. HoxiE, Ben-jamin Sargent. The why and what to build; or, our house and home. TrnnHdctions Wisconsin State Horticulfural Society, v. 16, 1886, pp. 195-307. Forestry. Id., V. 17, 1887, pp. :(W-i7; Hoy. Philo Romayne. Woods of Wisconsin. Transactions WiscoJisin State Agricultural Sociefi/, ^- 2, 1852, pp. 410-434. The nature and analyses of soils. Jd., V. 3, 18.53. pp. 183-195. Deep water fauna of Lake Michigan. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 1. 1870-72, pp. 98-101. — Insects injurious to agriculture. Aphides (plant lice i. lOid., pp. 110-110. — Some of the peculiarities of the fauna near Racine. Id., V. 2, 187.3-74, pp. 120-122. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 1 27 Hoy, Philo Romayne. Natural history as a branch of elementary edu- cation . i6i(/., pp. 105,100. Fish culture. Id., V. 3. 1875-76,'pD. 37-39. On the extent of the Wisconsin fisheries. Ibid., pp. 65 S7. On the catocalae of Racine county. Jbid., pp. 90-98. Increase A. Lapham, LL. D. [In memoriam.] Ibid., pp. 204-207. How did the aborigines of this country fabricate copper imple- ments? Id., V. 4, 1870-77, pp. 133-137. Why are there no upper incisors in the ruminantia? Ibid., pp. 147-150. Flora and fauna. Historical Atlas of Wisconsin, 1878, pp. 153-150. — — Water puppy. (Menobranchus lateralis say.) Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts aiid Letters, v. 5, 1877-81, pp. 248-250. • The larger wild animals that have become extinct in Wisconsin. Ibid., pp. 255-257. — — Who built the mounds? Id., V. 0, 1881-83, pp. 84-100. Who made the ancient copper implements? Ibid., pp. 101-106. Fisheries and fish culture. Descriptive America, v. 1, 1884, pp. 110, 117. How and by whom were the copper implements made? Who built the mounds? Racine, 188G. .30p. O. - Cases of injury of the brain involving speech. n.p.,n.d. ip. O. 128 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. HoYT, John Wesley. Gypsum as a fertilizer. Immense beds of it in this country. Transnc.titDis Wisconsin State Ayricnltural Society, v. 4, 1854, pp. 94-101. Industrial education. Id., V. G, I860, pp. 249-257. Glimpses of western Europe. Id., V. 7, ISG'J, pp. 113-141. Through continental Europe. Ibid., pp. 337-352. Agricultural .schools. Id., V. 8, pp. 390-4ir). - An American university. From the records of the National teachers' association. Delivered at Trenton, New Jersey, on the 20th of August, 1869. 15p. O. - Reports on the London and Paris International exhibitions of 1862 and 1867. Madison, 1869. 108p. O. - Draft of a bill to incorporate a National university. Madison, 1872. 8p. O. ft * - Eeqaisites to a reform of the civil service. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 2, 1873-74, pp. 89-104. - A national university: review of Dr. Eliot's paper read before the National educational association, 1873. Madison, [187i?] 26p. O. - On the formal commendation of government officials. Transactions Wisconsiii Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 3, 1875-76, pp. 1.3.3-135. - Address upon woman suffrage in Wyoming, delivered at Associa- tion Hall, Philadelphia, April 3, 1882. Philadelphia, 1882. 22p. O. — — Concerning the foundation of the future state of Wyoming. Paper read before the Wyoming academy of sciences at its semi- annual meeting for 1889. n. j)., n. d. 4p. O. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. * 1 29 Hunt, John Warren. Wisconsin gazetteer, containing the names, loca- tion, and advantages, of the counties, cities, towns, villages, post- offices, and settlements; together with a description of the lakes, water courses, ... in the state of Wisconsin. Map. Madison, 1853. 2.5.3P. O. The Wisconsin almanac and annual register for the year 1857. No. -2. Milwaukee: Rufus King & Co., 1857. 119p. D. Hunter, Edward M. The civil services and character of Gov. Wm. A. Barstow. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v . (i, pp. 93-122. Huntley, Mrs. Helen Britell. Farm life; its hardships and pleasures. TfdnsactiDii.s ^Viscoiisin State Agricultural Socicti/, v. 12, 1873-74, pp. 238-246. Farmers' boys and girls. Id., V. 15, 1876-77, pp. 410-418. The farm and common schools. Transactions Xorthern Wisconsin Agricultural and Mtrhanical Association, V. 9, 1881-83, pp. 60-68. Hulburt, F. D. Erysipelas. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, v. 26, 1892, pp. 279-286. Hutchinson, K. M. Notes on the geology of northern Wisconsin. Transactions Northern Wisconsin Agricultural and Mechanical Association, V. 4, 1876-77, pp. 167-173. HuTTON, Andrew J. Reminiscences of Scotch schools. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v, 15, 1885, pp. 269-274, 313-316, 325-360. - Address as president, at annual session of the Wisconsin teach- ers' association, 1886. Id., V. 16, 18S6, pp. 315-323. Hyatt, Alanson Xenophon. Common sense in farming. Wisconsin Farmers^ Institutes, Bulletin No. 5, 1891, pp. 226-231. Hyzer, Edward M. The insanity of child birth in its relation to in- fanticide. * The Medico-Legal Journal, v. 1, 1889, pp. 1-18. 10-Bib. 130 ' WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ide, George Hexrt. Progress of missions. [Sermon] delivered in the Grand Avenue Congregational church, October 25, 1885. Milwaukee, 1885. 16p. O. Christian education. Milwaukee, 1885. Ingraham, J. P. T. Sermon in memory of Captain F. A. Root, and Lieu- tenant R. J. Chivas, of the 24th regt. Wisconsin vol. infantry, de- livered December 20th, 1863. Milwaukee, 1804. 14p. O. Irish, J. E. National centennial sermon preached at Hudson, Wis., October 7th, 1875, before the West Wis. conference of the M. E. church. Baraboo, 1875. 17p. O. Irons, Le Roy. Centennial Columbia: poems. Columbus, Wis., 1876. 56p. D. Irving, Roland Duer. On the age of the quartzites, schists, and con- glomerates of Sauk county, Wisconsin. Plate. 1872. 7p. O. Re]irinted from The American Journal of Science, v. 103, 1872. Republished in Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, V. 1, 1870-72. Note on the age of the metamorphic rocks of Portland, Dodge county, Wisconsin. American Journal of Science, v. 105, 1873, pp. 283-280. On some points in the geology of northern Wisconsin. Map. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Ai-ts and Letters, v. 2, 1873-74, pp. 107-119. - On the age of the copper-bearing rocks of Lake Supei-ior; and on the westward continuation of the Lake Superior synclinal. Plates. 1874. lip. O. Reprinted from American Journcd of Science, v. 108, 1874. - Note on some new points in the elementary stratification of the primordial and Canadian rocks of south central Wisconsin. 4p. O. Reprinted from American Journal of Science, v. 109, 1875. - On kaolin in Wlscon.sin, Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 3, 1875-76, pp. 3-30. 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 131- Irving, Roland Duer. Geology of central Wisconsin. Geology of Wisconsin, v. 2, 1877, pp. 408-636. Mineral resources of Wisconsin. Historical At his of Wisconsin, 1878, pp. 1G3-1C5. Note on the stratigraphy of the Huronian series of northern Wis- consin; and on the equivalency of the Huronian of the Marquette and Penokee districts. American Journal of Science, v. 117, 1879, pp. 393-398. The mineral resources of Wisconsin. 1880. 30p. O. Reprinted from Transactions American Institute of Mining Engineers, v. 8, 1880. Geological structure of northern Wisconsin. Map. Geology of Wisconsin, v. 3. 1880. pp. 1-25. Geology of the eastern Lake Superior district. Ibid., pp. 53-214. Microscopical examination of archaean rocks. Id., V. 4, 1882, pp. 61G-621. - Copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior. Plates. Washington: The Government, 1883. 98p. Q. Reprinted from Third Annual Report, United States Geological Survey, 1881-82. - Crystalline rocks of the Wisconsin valley. By R. D, Irving and C. R. Van Hise. Plates. Geology of Wisconsin, v. 4, 1882, pp. 023-714. - The copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior. Plates. lUust. Washington: The Government, 1883. xvi-l-464p. Q. United States Geological Survey Monographs, v. 5, 1883. - On the nature of the induration in the St. Peters and Potsdam sandstones, and in certain archaean quartzites in Wisconsin. 1883. lip. O. Reprinted from American Journal of Science, v. 125, 1883. - On the paramorphic origin of the hornblende of the crystallin« rocks of the northwestern states. 1883. Gp. O. Reprinted from American Journal of Science, v. 126, 1883. 132 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Irving, Roland Duer. Minerals of Wisconsiu. Geology of Wisconsin, v. 1, 1883, pp. 309-339. Lithology of Wisconsin. //(/-/.. pp. .340-8ul. Iron ores of Wisconsin. 76/(7., pp. 613-630. - Preliiniuary paper on the investigation of the archaean forma- tions of the northwestern states. Fifth Annual Report, United States Geological Survey, 1883-W, pp. 175-242. - On secondary enlargements of mineral fragments in certain rocks. By R. D. Irving and C. R. Van Hise. lUust. Plates. United states Geological Survey, Bulletin No. S, v. 2, 1884. .56p. O. - Supplement to the paper on the paramorphic origin of the horn- l>lende of the northwestern states. American Journal of Science, v. 127, 1884, pp. 130-134. - Divisibility of the archaean in the northwest. Id., V. 129, 1885, pp. 237-249. - The copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior. [Explanatory note.] Ihid., pp. 258, 259. - Observations on the junction between the eastern sandstone and the Keweenaw series on Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior. By R. D. Irving and T. C. Chamberlin. lUust. United States Geological Survey, Bulletin No. 2:3, v. 3, 1885. 124p. O. - Origin of the ferruginous schists and iron ores of Lake Superior region. 1886. 18p. O. Reprinted from American Journal of Science, v. 132, 1886. - Tornebohm on the formatiou of quartzite by enlargement of the quartz fragments of sandstone. American Journal of Science, v. 131, 1886, pp. 225-226. - Classification of the early Cambrian and Pre-Cambrian forma- tions. United States Geological Survey, Seventh Annual Report, 1885-80, pp. 371-454. I BIBLIOGRAl'IIV UV WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 1 33 Irving, Roland Duek. Is there a Huronian group? American Jonnwl of Science, v. 134, 1887, pp. 204-216, 249-263, 365-;^74. - The Penokee iron-beariug series of Michigan and Wisconsin. By- Roland Duer Irving and Charles Richard Van Hise. Maps. Plates. Washington, 1890. 163p. Q. Reprinted from Tenth Anniial Report. United States GeoloyicalSurvey, 1888-89. - The crystalline schists of the Lake Superior district. By R. D. Irving, T. C. Chamberlin, and C. R. Van Hise.* Etudes snr les Schists Cri/slalliiis Internationitl (ieuloyical Congress, ith session, London, 1888, pp. 92-106. Professor Irving also wrote an explanatory and historical note of twenty pages, being an introduction to a worlt entitled. On the greenstone schist areas of the Me- nominee and Marquette regions of Michigan, by George H. Williams, and printed as Bulletin No. 62. United States Geological Survey. He wasalso the author of nu- merous geological notes in The Aufrican Journal of Science, and other technical publications. Jackson, James Albert. Litholapaxy. Transactions State Med'cal Society of Wisconsin. 1888, pp. 201-216. A few thoughts on the surgery of to-day. Madison, 1891. O. Reprinted from Transactions State Medii at Society of Wisconsin, 1891. Jackson, Mortimer Melville. Daniel Webster. A paper read before the Madison Literary club, June 8, 1885. Madison, 1885. ITp. O. James, Garth W. The assault on Fort Wagner. War Papers, Commandery of Wisconsin, Militari/ Order of Loyal Legion of United States, v. 1, 1891, pp. 6-30. James, Henry F. Early reminiscences of Janesville. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 6, pp. 426-435. Jastrow, Joseph. On small differences of sensation. 1881. lip. Q. Reprinted from Memoirs of National Academy of Sciences, v. 3, 1884. Some peculiarities in the age statistics of the United States. Science, v. 5, 1885, pp. 461-464. On the existence of a magnetic sense. P'-oceedings of American Society for Psychical Research, v. 1, 18!H6. pp. 116-126. 134 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jastkow, Joseph. An easy method of measuring the time of mental processes. Science, v. 8, 1880, pp. 237-541. Revue Scientifique, Oct. 9, 1886. The perception of space by disparate senses. 188G. IGp. O. Reprinted from Mind, v. 11, 1886. The lonf^revity of great men. Science, v. 8, 1886, pp. 2'J4-2'.)6. Nature, v. 35, 1886, p. 10. Studies of rhythm. 188G. 8p. O. Reprinted from Mind, v. 11, 1886. On the symbolic system of Lambert. Joutnal of Speculative Philosophy, v. 20, 1880, pp. 194-206 The psycho physic law, and star magnitudes . American Journal of Psi/choloi/i/, v. 1, 1887, pp. 112-127. The dreams of tlie blind. X^ir Princeton Review, v. 5, 1888, pp. 18-34. A critique of psycho-physic methods. American Journal of Psychology, v. 1, pp. 271-309. Genius and precocity. * Jonrnal of Ediication (London), July, 1888. Eye-miudedness and ear-mindedness. Popular Science Monthh/, v. 33, 1888, pp. 597-608. Psychology of deception. Id., V. 34. 1888, pp. 145-157. The story of Laura Bridgman. Illust. .S'^ Nicholas, August. 1881). The psychology of spiritualism. Popular Science Monthh/, v. 34. 1889, pp. 721-732. The problems of psychic research. Harix-rs Monthh/, v. 711, 18811, pp. 76-82. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 1 35 Jastrow, Joseph. Aspects of modern psychology. In Epitomes of Three ficiences, Chicago, 1890, pp. 5?-l(X1. D. The Open Court, v. 3, 1889-90. The time-relations of mental phenomena. New York: X. D. C Hodges, 1890. GOp. D. Also in Science v. 16, 1890. The p.sychological study of children. Educational Revieu;v. 1, 1891, pp. 253-264. A statistical study of memory and association. Id., V. 2, 1891, pp. 442-452. A study in mental statistics. Xetr Rerieiv, v. 5, 1891, p. .559. The natural history of analogy. Address before the American as- sociation for the advancement of science, at the "Washington meeting, August. 1891. Salem. Mass., 1891. 23p. O. Reprinted from Proceedings American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1891. — — Involuntary movements. Illust. Popidar Science Monthly, v. 40, 189:i, pp. V43-750. Studies from the laboratory of experimental psychology of the University of Wisconsin. American Journal of Psycholotju, v. 3, 1890, pp. 43-58, 275, 276; v. 4, 1892, pp. 198-22.3, 381-428. Further study of involuntary movements. Illust. Popular Science Monthly, v. 41, 1892, pp. 636-643. The problems of comparative psychology. * Id., V. 42, 1892, pp. 35-49. Some optical illusions. Illust. Xature, v. 40, 1892, pp. 590.592. Dr. Jastrow conducted the column of •' Mental science " in Science, for several years; and the departments of reviews, and notices of literature, in The American Journcd of Psychology. He has also contributed a large number of book-reviews, notices, letters, discussions, etc., to Science, The Xation, The Christian Union, The Open Court, The Monist, The Educational Review, The Dial (Chicago). The American Journal of Psychnlorjy, Johns Hoplcins^ University Circdars, The Jour- nal of Xerrous and Meidnl Diseases, etc. He has an article on Reaction times, in the Dictionary of Psychological Medicine, edited by Dr. D. Hoch Tuke; and sev- eral articles in a medical dictionary recently issued under the editorship of Dr. J. S. Bilhngs, U. S. A. 136 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jenkins, George W, Eclampsia. Transacf inns state Medical Society of IVisconniii. 188S, pp. lSo-l',):j Jenkins, James G. Address delivered before the frraduatinj^ class of the law department of the state university, 1881. Madison, 1881. lip. O Johnson, Daniel Harris. Our Paris letter. Atlantic Mvntlihj. v, -^3, 1868, pp. 7^3-74:1 The fat girl's jump. Milwaukee Monthly, v. 6, 1873, pp. 430-434. Muggins' holidays. Id.,\. 7, 1S74, pp. (i-13. Rankin Bros. A remarkable passage in the history of the firm. Ihiil., pp. 90-93 Widow Wortley. Ibid., pp. 174-179. Mr. Bridge's nightmare. Id.. V. 8, 1874, pp. 479-483. The Hazel Green man's story. Id., V. 9, 1875, pp. 59-66. Broke jail. Atlantic Monthly, v. 36, 1875, pp. 12-37. Capt. Crosier retires from the lakes. Milwaukee Monthly, v. 11. 1876, pp. 49-53. Johnson, Electa Amanda. The Wisconsin industrial school. Milwaukee Monthly, v. II, 1876, pp. 118-120. Milwaukee home for the friendless. Ibid., pp. 216-250. Mrs. Johnson has also written essays, short stories, sketches of travel, etc., for the daily papers of Milwaukee. IJIBLIOGRAI'IIV OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 1 37 Johnson, Emory Richard. English literature in high schools. Wiscounin Jdurniil of Eihu-ation, v. 19, 1889, pp. iiOS-SOi". Pedagogy in the high schools. Id., V. 20. 1890, pp. 131-136. History in public education. Ibid.. PI). 3111-390. River and harbor bills. Annalxiif American Acadeiiu/ of Political and .Social Science, v. .3, 1892, pp. .50-80 Johnson, John Andy. Det Skandinaviske regiments historie (15de Wis consin regiment). La Crosse, 1869. 13i+27p. O. Johnson, Thomas Scott. Moral drill. Proceedinc/a Si.rfh An^iiiid Convention. Officciit of M'i.tconsin iS'dfional Guard, 1887. pp. 49-51. Johnson, Warren S. Drawing in the public schools. Wisconsin Jourmd of Education, v. 11, 1881, pp. 147-151. Johnston, John. Speech as director of Milwaukee chamber of com- merce, on installation of new officers. April, 1872. 3p. O. Currency. Transactions Wisconsin State A, pp. 406-417. Early days in Jefferson county. Edited and annotated by Reuben G. Thwaites. [1888.J 20p. O. Reprinted from Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 11. King, Charles. The 5th cavalry in the Sioux war of 1876: campaigning with Crook. Milwaukee, 1880. O. * Ropes on Gainesville. United Service, v. 6, 1882, pp.38'J-:M5. 142 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. King, Charles. The worst man in the troop. LippincoWs Magazinv. v. :«, 1HM3, pp. 287-300. - Customs of the service. Ptoceeding/! Second Ann u(d Convention, Officers of Wisconsin National Guard' 188:5, pp. .5-10 - The suppression of riots. Third Annual Convention, 1884, Id., pp. 1-13. - Guard and sentry duty. Foiirtli .^nllll/ll Convention. 1885, Id., pp. 3-12. - "Van." IjippincotVs Magazine, v. 30, 198.5, pp. 512-522. - Famous and decisive battles of the world; or, history from the battle-field. Illust. Philadelphia: J. C. McCurdy & Co., 1885. 752p. O. - Marion's faith: a sequel to The colonel's daughter. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1886. 446p. D. - On the manual of the sword. Proceeedmgs Seventh Annual Convention, Officers of Wisconsin National Guard, 1886, pp. 38-44. - Major General Winfield S. Hancock. War Papers, Commandery of Wisconsin, Military Order of Loyal Legion of United States, v. 1, 1801, pp. 294-298. - The deserter. LippincotVs Magazine, v. .39, 1887, pp. 699-828. - From the ranks. Id., V. 40, 1887, pp. 763-879. - The colonel's daughter; or, winning his spurs. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1887. 440p. D. - Kitty's Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1887. 302p. D. - Cadet life at West Point. Harper^s Magazine, v. 75, 1887, pp. 196-219. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 1 43 King, Charles. Captain Santa Claus. Id., V. 70, 188T-88, pp. 107-120. - A war-time wooing. A story. New York: Harper A.- Bros., 1888. 195p. D. The Leavenworth school. Harper's Magazine, v. 70, 1887-88, pp. 777-792. Dunraven ranch. Portrait. LippiiicotVs Magazine, v. 42, 1888, pp. 751-835. George Washington. * United Service Magazine, v. 2, 1888, pp. 9, 179. The deserter; and From the ranks. Two novels. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1888. D. * From the Point to the plains. Cosmopolitan Magazine, v. 7, 1889, pp. 61.3-649. Laramie; or, the queen of Bedlam: a story of the Sioux war of 1876. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1889. 27Tp. D. Between the lines; a story of the war. Illust. Xew^ York: Harper & Bros., 1889. iv-(-.3r2p. D. Sheridan. * Journal of United States Cavalry Association, 1889. Two soldiers. Illust. LippincotVs Magazine, v. 4.5, 1890, pp. 29.3-388. An army Portia; sequel to Two soldiers. Id., V. 46. 1890, pp. 721-843. Campaigning with Crook, and Stories of army life. Illust. New York: Harper & Bros., 1890. v+295p. D. Custer's last battle. Harper's Magazine, v. 81, 1890, pp. 378-387. 144 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. King, Charles. The tvviu cities of the uorthwest. Cosntopolitan Magazine, v. 9, 1890, pp. 750-759. Cavalry tilts in the sunny south. * (Mdinxj, V. 16, 1890, p. 385. - Rancho del Muerto. * /(/., V. 17. 1890, pp. 3-121. - Starlight ranch, and other stories of army life on the fi'outier. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1890. D. * Includes: Well won; or, from the plains to "The Point."— From "The Point" to the plains. — The worst man in tlie troop.- Van. - Sunset pass; or,runniugthegauntletthrough Apache land. Illust. New York, 1890. D. * - Captain Blake. Illust. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1891. xix+-±95p. D. - Trials of a staff officer. Philadelphia: L. R. Hamersly & Co., 1891. 214p. D. - The colonel's Christmas dinner. Edited by Capt. Charles King. Philadelphia: L. R. Hamersly & Co., 1891. 182p. D. - Two soldiers; and Dunraven ranch. Two novels. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1891. iOOp. D. * By land and .sea. Philadelphia: L. R. Hamersly X- Co., 1891. 198p. D. Major-General George Crook. War Papers, Commanileri/ of iVis(M>ixiii, Mililns. v. '2, pp. 450-47!t. Love, William De Loss. Smitten, but not as our enemies. " Special humiliation and prayer, in consequence of the assassination of Abra- ham Lincoln." A sermon delivered at the Spring street Congrega- tional church, Milwaukee, June 1, 1865. Milwaukee, 1865. 8p. O. Wisconsin in the war of the rebellion; a history of all regiments and batteries the state has sent to the field. lUust. . . . Chicago 1866. xxi-fll44p. O. The relation of amusements to the education of the sensibilities. Congregational Review, v. 51, 1870, ijp. 237-24o. Luce, Hannah (tale. Poems. By S. S. and H. G. Luce, Trempealeau: Charles A. Leith, 1876. 207p. D. LuoE, Samuel Slayton. Poems. By S. S. and H. G. Luce. Trempealeau: Charles A. Leith, 1876. 207p. D. Echoes of the past. , [Poem.] Galesville: S. S. Luce & Son, 1881. 200p. D. The woodman and other poems. Galesville, Wis., 1887. 198p. D. LucHSiNGER, John. The Swiss colony of New Glarus. With additional notes by J. J. Tschudy. Madison, 1879. 35p. O. Reprinted from Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 8. The planting of the Swiss colony at New Glarus, Wis. Madison, 1892. 47p. O. Reprinted from Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 12. LfrDLOFF, K. Amerikanische reisebilderskizzen iiber den staat Wiscon- sin. Milwaukee, 1881. 124p. O. LuEDERS, Frederick George Jacob. A memorial to the representatives of physical astronomy and the friends of the progress of this science. Submitted March 1, 1887. Madison, 1877. 12p. Q. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 1 63 Lenders, Frederick George Jacob. List of six hundred and eight auroras observed at Sauk City. Madison, 1884. 20p. O. Reprinted from Washburn Observntorij Fiihlicatioiis,v. 2, 1883. LuENixG, D. C. The articulate method to teach deaf mutes to speak. A pamphlet issued in the interests of deaf mutes by the board of directors of the Wisconsin phonological institute for deaf mutes located at Milwaukee. Milwaukee, 1879. 30p. O. LuNX, James T. Reading for teachers. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 11. pp. 10-15. Lessons learned in introducing the grading system into country schools. Ibid., pp. :i58-.365. ■ Influence of examinations on teaching. Id.,v. 13, 188.% pp. 355-362. The compulsory attendance law. Id.. V. 16. 1886, i)p. 277-2:9. Lyjiax, William A. Address at the thirteenth anniversary of the Hes- perian society of the University of Wisconsin, with poem by Fred. W. Coon, June 6, 187.3. Madison, 1873. 16p. O. Lynde, Mary Elizabeth Blaxchard. Representation of women upon boards of charities supported by taxation. Read before the Associ- ation for the advancement of women, at its annual congress, held at Boston, October, 1880. Boston: New England Pub. Co., 1881. 15p. O. llints on hygienic education. Sixth Annual Report, State Board of Health of Wisconsin, 1881, pp. 1-6. McAtee. William Alfred. The outlook for labor in America. A Thanksgiving sermon preached in Madison, Wis., November 25, 1886. Madison, 1886. 20p. O. The shadow of the saloon. Sermon preached at the Presbyterian church, Madison, Wis., Dec. 8, 1889. Madison, 1889. 14p. O. Must the Bible go ? A revie>v of the decision of the supreme court of W^isconsin in the Edgerton Bible case. Madison, 1890. 72p. O. The truth about Presbyterianism. A sermon preached in the Pres- byterian church, Madison, Wis., March 16, 1890. Madison, 1890. 16p. O. 1 64 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. McBride, David. The Lemonweir river. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 3, pj). 500, 501. The capture of Black Hawk. Id., V. 5, pp. 293-397. McBride, James Harvey. Report of committee on nervous system. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, 1887, pp. 133-1'14. Some circulatory and sensory disorders of neurasthenia. 8p. O. Reprinted from Alienist a)id Neurologist, January, 1889. MacConnell, Charles C. Service with Sheridan. War Papers, Commandery of Wisconsin, Military Order of Loyal Legion of United States, v. 1, 1891, pp. 285-293. McGregor, John P. Some considerations upon the financial policy of the government. Milwaukee, 1862. IGp. O. Banking in Wisconsin. Historical Atlas of Wisconsin, 1878, pp. 171-173. Alexander Mitchell. A memorial address by John P. McGregor, president of the Milwaukee county pioneer association, at its an- nual meeting, February 22, 1888 . Milwaukee, 1888. lop. D. McKay, Augustus Frank. The climatic and picturesque features of the Lake Superior region. The coming sanitarium for the south- east, south, and southwest, lllust. Duluth, Minn., 1888. 3Gp. O. McKenna, Maurice. Elva Lee, and other poems. Chicago, 18(58. * Poems, rhymes, and verses. Portrait. Fond du Lac, Wis., 1890. 477p. D. McKenney, Jefferson Clark. Laws relating to Milwaukee county, with references, showing the time of the enactment of each section. Milwaukee: The City, 1880. 9Gp. O. * McKenney, Thomas. The Winnebago war of 1827. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 5, pp. 178-204. Mackie, William. Clinical observations on the healing of aseptic bone cavities by Senn's method of implantation of antiseptic decalcified bone. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, 1890, pp. 12^150. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 1 65 McLeod, Donald. History of Wiskonsan from its first discovery to the present period. lucludiug a geological and topographical descrip- tion of the territory, with a correct catalogue of all its plants. Buf- falo, 1846. 310p. D. McMiLLAX, Morrison. Early settlement of La Crosse and Monroe counties. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 4, pp. :i83-392. McMuLLEN, Joseph F. The new Wisconsin form book: a compendium of legal and practical forms, inclusive of probate practice, with principles of law adapted to the statutes of Wisconsin. To which are added complete official forms and instructions under the recent patent, bounty, and homestead acts. 4th edition, revised. Milwau- kee: West & Co., 1881. 422p. O. * The same: 5th ed., revised aad enlarged by William W. Wight, 1884. vi-h.395p. McMuRPHY, J. G. Rotation as a factor of motion. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 4, 1876-77, pp. 235-240. Macmcrray, Thomas J. The legend of Delaware valley, and other poems Toronto: William Briggs, 1877. vii-(-132p. O. McMyler, James J. History of the 11th Wisconsin veteran volunteer infantry; giving a reliable account of its marches, hardships, and battles, from its organization to October, 1864. Xew Orleans, 1865. 32-|-63p. O. McMynn, John Gibson. Address of welcome at the Wisconsin teachers association — thirty-third annual reunion, July, 1885. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 15, 1885, pp. 318-32J. McNaught, John Smith. Some notes on field service. Proceedings Seventh Annual Convention, Officers of Wisconsin Nationa Gnard, 1888, pp. 19-25 The Madisou benevolent society. Proceedings of Wisconsin Conference of Charities and Corrections, 1888 pp. 59-B3. McW^RiGHT, A. The sin of slaveholdiug; in two sermons, preached in the Methodist Episcopal church, Madison, Wis., April loth and 22d, 1860. Madison, 1860. 59p. O. 1 66 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Maerklix, Edmcxd. Familien-Bilder. Ein poetischei- blumenstrausz fur die doutseh-amerikanisclien fraiien. Milwaukee, 1877. 29p. T. Sattel iind meei-esgruad. Schilderiingen aus dem amerikanischen Burgerkrieg vou 18G0-1865. Milwaukee, 1880. lup. T. In strome der zeit. Dichtungen. 2d ed. Portrait. Milwaukee, 1886. 22.3p. D. Magdeburg, Frederick Henry. Worden's battalion; paper read at the first annual reunion of the llth Wisconsin veteran volunteer in- fantry, held at Fond du Lac, Wis., Wednesday and Thursday, June 16-17, 1886. Milwaukee, 1886. lOp. O. Main, Willet Stillman. Speech in the State senate, April 1, 1891, on bill No. 1, A., "To punish habitual criminals." Madison, 1891. 7p: O. Manville, Helen A. Heart-echoes. New York: Samuel R. Wells & Co., 1875. xii+169p. D. Manville, Marion. Over the divide, and other verses. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1888. 190p. D. Mapel, John Jamison. Elementary education. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 17, IHSr, pp. 543-551. The Slojd training school at Naas, Sweden, I(}., V. 19, 1889, pp. 439-44t). The success of Slojd in Sweden. Ibid., pp. 481-487. Mapes, David P. History of the city of Ripon, and of its founder, David P. Mapes, with his opinion of men and manners of the day. Portrait. Milwaukee, 1873. 281p. D. Marks, Solon. Sewerage and drainage. Transactions Wiscoiisin State AgricuUural Society, v. 15, 1876-77, pp. 278-290. Hydrophobia. Second Annnal Report, State Board of Health of Wisconsin, 1877, pp. 31-37. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 1 67 Marks, Solon. The prevention of typhoid fever. Third Annual IJiport. ISrS, Id., pp. ■•22-29. Fractures of the skull; reports and observations on three cases. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, 1887, pp. 88-93. Marston, S. L. Public highways. Wisconsin Farmers' Institutes, Bulletin No. 5, 1891, pp. 231-243. Martin, Charles I. History of Door county, Wisconsin, together with biographies of nearly seven hundred families, and mention of 4,000 persons. Portrait. Sturgeon Bay, Wis., 1881. viii-|-136p. D. Martin. Morgan Lewis. Address delivered before the State historical society of Wisconsin, at Madison, January 21, 1851. Green Bay, 1851. lip. D. Sketch of William Farnsworth. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 9, pp. 3*i7-400. Sketch of Moses Hardwick. Ibid., pp. 401-404. Mason, R. Z. The duty of the state in its treatment of the deaf and dumb, the blind, the idiotic, the crippled and deformed, and the insane. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 4, 187&-77, pp. 25-30. Masse, J. B. A. Les Beiges en Amerique. Green Bay et la colonie Beige. Par J. B. A. Masse et A. Guesnier. Chicago, 1870. 15p. O. Maxson, Henry Doty. Sentential analysis. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 9, 1879, pp. 46:J-467 The pedagogical superlative. Id., V. 15, 1885, pp. 316-318. A bunch of school-room logomachies. Id., V. 16, 1886, pp. 491-493. l68 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Mayer, Charles. Mayer's mercantile manual; a compendium of the history and methods of trade. . . . Milwaukee, 1880. 360p. O. Grundziige eiuer rationellen Erziehung. Milwaukee, 1881. 18p. O. Institutions of law and forms, with a compendium of political economy. Portrait. Milwaukee, 1886. 433p. Q. Mercantile correspondence, business forms, and principles of writing. Milwaukee, 1886. 65p. Q. A manual of questions designed to accompany " Mayer's institu- tions of law and forms." Compiled for the use of students and teachers. Milwaukee, 1887. 29p. O. Manners and morals. Rules of conduct which will assist young men to succeed in business and in life. Milwaukee. 1889. 52p. O. Mayers, Charles George. Mendota, the spirit of the lakes. [Poem.] Madison, 1881. 26p. D. - The songs of Taychobera; or, romances of the four lakes. Madi- son, 1889. 75p. D. Meaohem, J. G., Jr. Report on new medical literature. Transactionn State Medical Society of Wisconsin, 1878, pp. 132-147. New and improved instruments. Id., 1879, pp. 9-2-115. — — Unusual case of gall stones with remarks upon that disease. Id., 1891, pp. 257-268. , Puerperal eclampsia. W., V. 26, 1892, pp. 162-182. Meagher, William. Dislocations of the shoulder. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsiii, v. 2B, 1892, pp. 365-373. Hears, Elizabeth Farnsworth. Voyage of Pere Marquette and ro- mance of Charles de Langlade; or, the Indian queen. An histor- ical poem of the 17th and 18th centuries, by Nellie Wildwood [pseud.]. Fond du Lac, 1860. 57p. D. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 1 69 Meeker, Moses. Early history of the lead region of Wisconsin. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 0, pp. 371-396. Meinecke, Adolph. Europaische reise briefe und skizzen. Milwaukee, 1887. 169p. O. Reports on the proposed libraiy and museum bviilding for the city of Milwaukee, December, 1890. By K. A. Linderfelt and Adolph Meiuecke. Milwaukee, 1890. 67 4- [lip. plans]. O. Merbill, Edward H. What we owe to the state. A baccalaureate ser- mon, Ripon College, 1881. Ripon, 1881. r2p. D. Merrill, Henry. Pioneer life in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 7, pp. 36~-402. Merrill, Sereno T. Savings institutions: a paper read before the Agri- cultural society of Wisconsin, at its annual meeting, February 6, 1883. Portrait. Madison, 1883. 20p. O. Relief measures for pauperism. Madison, 1889. 22p. O. Reprinted from Proceedings of Wisconsin Conference of Charities and Correc- tions, 1888. Metzler, S. N. Is all the world insane? Ibid., pp. 25-32. Meyer, B. H. An open letter to a farmer boy. Wisconsin Farmers'' Institutes, Bulletin No. 5, 1891, pp. 215-235. Meyer, Georg. Die deutschamerikaner. Festschrift zur feir des deutschamerikanischen tages in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, am 6 Okto- ber, 1890. Illust. Milwaukee, 1890. 55p. S. Midgley, John W. Effect of restrictive legislation upon the railways of Wisconsin and the material interests of the state. Discussed by J. W. Midgley. Chicago, 1876. 20p. O. I/O WISCONSIN HiPSTORICAL SOCIETY. Miller, Andrew G. Opinions in the United States court in the case of Bronson & Scatter against the La Crosse & Milwaukee railroad company. And in the case of Bronson, Soutter ifc Knapp against the La Crosse ifc Milwaukee railroad company. Milwaukee, 1861. 40p. O. « Paper on the judicial and legal condition of the territory of Wis- consin at and after its organization. By Andrew G. Miller, D. A. J, Upham, and W. A. Prentiss. Read before the Old Settlers' club,^ Milwaukee, July 4, 1870. Milwaukee, 1870. 17p. O. - Annual address before the Old Settlei-s' club of Milwaukee county, January 6, 1873. Milwaukee, 1873. 14p. O. - Annual addi-ess before the Old Settlers' club of Milwaukee county, January 5^ 187i. Milwaukee, 1874. 12p. O. Miller, William G. Historical sketch of Milwaukee. Methodism from 18.35 to 1873. Milwaukee, 1873. 76p. O. Thirty years in itinerancy. Milwaukee, 1875. viii -|-304p. D. Mills, Joseph T. Filing contracts for the sale of personal property. Annotation by J. T. Mills and John B. Uhle.* American Lino Register, v. -27, 1888, pp. 580-003. Mills, Simeon. The four lakes: how they were named. In Park's Hi.ftorj/ of Madison, 1877, pp. 204, 205. The first sermon in Dane county. In Ilistonj of Dane County, Wisconsin {Western Historical Co.), 1880, pp. 414-417. - The Moonlight papers. Part first. Read before the Moonlight scientific club at its July meeting on Lake Monona, 1890. Madison, 1890. 61p. D. - A new theory on combustion; with a synopsis of all previous theo- ries upon that subject. Madison, 1891. 24:p. D. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 171 Mills. Simeon. New theories. Two prizes for students. Madison, 1891. ip. S. Ponderable and imponderable matter, with objections to the wave theoiy regarding light, heat, electricity, and colors. Paper read be- fore the Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts and letters, at the annual meeting in 1891. Madison: The Author, 1892. .32p. D. - Elementary water, and organic hydrogen and oxygen gases. Illust. Madison: Wm. J. Park .t Sons, 1892. 22p. D. Primer of natural philosophy and mechanics. A text book for children in common schools. By Uncle John [pseud.]. Illust. Mad- ison, 1892. 96p. D. General Mills has for flftj- years past been a frequent contributor to the Madison newspapers, chiefly on political topics and matters of local history. MiTCHEL. Martin. History of the county of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Fond du Lac. 1851. 96p. D. Geographical and statistical history of the county of Winnebago, . . . with twelve ilhistrations, to which is prefixed a general view of the state of Wisconsin. . . . Pviblished by Martin Mitchel and Joseph H. Osborn. Oshkosh, 1856. 120p. D. Mitchell. Alexander. American shipping and shipbuilding. Speech delivered in the house of representatives, April 6. 1872. Washing- ton, 1872. 8p. O. Currency and free banking. Speech in the house of representa- tives, March 27, 1874. Washington, 1874. 16p. O. The same in German. 18p. Mitchell, John. Poetical works. Portrait. Chicago, 1883. 210p. O. Mitchell, John Lendrum. Description of a trip to California with the board of managers of the ]S'ational home for disabled volunteer soldiers. Delivered to the Northwestern branch, Milwaukee, Wiscon- sin. Milwaukee, 1888. 20p. D. The National home. War Papers, Commandery of Wisconsin, Military Order of Loyal Legion of United States, v. 1, 1891, pp. 140-148. 172 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MiTNER, John J. Moral iufluence of horticulture. Transactions Wisconsin State Ayricultaral Society, v. 3, 1853, pp. 240-351. MoLLER, C. P. T. Stateu Wisconsin, beskreven med saerli^t henson til denne stats fortrinlige stilling soni et fremtidigt hjem for emi- granter fra Danmark, Norge og Soerrig. Madison, 1865. 14p. O. MoNTEiTH, Robert. Battle of the wilderness, and death of General Wadsworth. War Papers, Commandery of Wisconsin. Military Order of Loyal Legion of United States, v. 1, 1891, pp. 410-41o. Moore, Aubertine Woodward. (Auber Forestier, pseud.) Sphinx; or, striving with destiny. From the German of Robert Byr. Phila- delphia, New York, and Boston: George Maclean, 1871. 400p. D. * — Samuel Brohl & Co. Translated from the Fi-ench of Victor Cherbuliez. New Y'ork: D. Appleton iS: Co., 1871. 271p. D.* - The struggle for existence. After the German of Robert Byr. Philadelphia: H. N. McKinney A- Co., 1873. ;566p. D. * - Above tempest and tide. From the German of Sophie Verena. Philadelphia: H. N. McKinney & Co., 1873. 395p. D. * - Echoes from Mist-Land; or, the Nibelungen Lay revealed to lovers of romance and chivalry. W^ith elaborate introduction. 2d ed. Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co., 1877. 5i+218. D. - The Norway music album. A selection for home use, from Nor- way's folk songs, dances, etc., national airs, and recent compositions, arranged for pianoforte and solo singing, with a few four-part songs. Edited and furnished with English text by Auber Forestier and Rasmus B. Anderson. With an introduction by Auber Fores- tier. Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1881. 260p. Q. The spell-bound fiddler. A Norse romance by Kristofer Janson Translated from the original by Auber Forestier. With an intro- duction by Rasmus B. Anderson. 2d ed. Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co., 1884. lG3p. D. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. I73 Moore, Aubertine Woodward. Voice culture, by Theo. Hauptner. A new theoretical and practical school of singing for the use of all voices, according to the most approved principles. Authorized English translation from the 3(1 edition, by Auber Forestier, English and German text. Milwaukee: Wm. Rohlflng & Co., 1886. liOp. D. —^ Columbus (81,000 prize song). Cantata for male chorus, solos, and orchestra, by Joseph Brambach. Words by Wm. Von Waldbriihl; English text by Auber Forestier. Milwaukee: Wm. Rohlflng & Co., 1886. 89p. O. The lance knight. A cantata by Wilhelm Taubert. English text by Auber Forestier. Milwaukee: Wm. Rohlflng & Co., 1886. llOp. Q. The erl king. An essay, containing an original translation of Goethe's poem and of the Danish ballad on which it was founded. Delivered before the Milwaukee literary school in 1886. In Poetry and Philosophy of Goethe, edited by Marion V. Dudley. Chicago, 1887. D. pp. 283-298. Koschat album. A selection of the most popular Carinthian songs, by Thomas Koschat. English text by Auber Forestier. So- prano or tenor; alto or baritone. Milwaukee: Wm. Rohlflng & Co., 1888. 2v. Q. * Vol . 1 also published as a duet album. Song album. By Anton Sbrelezki. Op. 58, German version by Ernst Catenhusen; op. 59, English version by Auber Forestier, Milwaukee: Wm. Rohlflng & Co., 1888. 72p. Q. * Mrs. Moore has contributed essays, slfetches, stories, poems, and translations in English and German, to LippincotVs Monthly. Meyer'' s Musical Lexicon (Berlin, Germiny), The Unitarian Review, The Christian Register, The Index, Dwight's Journal l/ Music, The Musical Recorl, Brainerd^s Musical Monthly, The Liter- ary IVarld, The American, The Critic, The Died, The Illustrated Christian Weekly, The New York World, The New York Home Journal, Forney^s Press, Lapok (a polyglot journal of comparative literature, published in Kolozsvar, Hun- gary), Robinson's Epitome of Literature, To-Day, Daughters of America. Prac- ticed Housekeeper, Scandinavia, The North, Unity, Saturday Evening Post, DemoresVs Monthly, Godey^s Lady^s Book, Arthur^s Home Mageizine, Lady^s Friend, Once (i Month, Western Meigazine, and many Philadelphia, Cincinnati Chicago, Milwaukee, San Francisco, etc., news journals. She assisted Rasmus B. Anderson in translating from the Norse, the Bjornson novels and Brandes's Eminent Authors. She has furnished English text, both original and translated, to a large number of songs published by Wm Rohlflng & Co., Milwaukee, and by several Philadelphia music-publishing houses. 174 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Moore, Martin T. Natioual guard encampments. Proceeditujs Third Annual Convention, Officers of Wisconsin National Guard, 1884, pp. 33-36. Morris, Charles Marcius. The formality of .sealing. American Law Revieto, v. 20, 1892, pp. 120-122. Morrison, William Henry. Opening address as president of the Wis- consin dairymen's association. February 24, 1885. Thirteenth Annual Report, IVisconxin Dairi/nien'n Association, 1885, pp. 7-11. Annual address, as president of the Wisconsin dairymen's asso- ciation, February 8, 1887. Fifteenth Annual Report, 1887, Id., pp. l-t-18. Status of Wisconsin agriculture. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 26, 1888, pp. 201-207. Farm in.stitute work. Transactions Wisconsin State Horticultural Society, v. 18, 1888, pp. 67-77. Mr. Moi-ri-soH is editor of the annual Bulletins of the Wiscoasia Farmers' Institutes. Mower, Samuel C. A plea for the proper support of the state troops. Proceedings Fourth Annual Convention, Officers of Wisconsin Nat iotial Guard, 188,5, pp. 2:^-31. Mueller, Karl Leonhard. Der landesgemeinde-beschluss fom jahre 1387. Eine urkunde fiir Wilhelm Tell's existenz. Milwaukee: Jacob Spucher, 1877. 94p. O. Munro, Sarah R. Massage. Transactions state Medical Society of Wisconsin, 1891, pp. 233-242. MuRRiSH, John. Report on the geological survey, 1871. 65p. O. The relations Ijetween the vegetable and mineral kingdoms. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 11, 1872-73, pp. 3.58-£6j. - Report of the geological survey of the mineral regions. Ibid., pp. 469-491. - Nature's method of soil- formation, and the process of culture which these methods suggest. Id., V. 13, 1874-75, pp. 299-309. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 1 75 Muzzy, Jennie. History taught to children. Wixronsin JouriKtl of Education, v. 11, 18SI. pp. 1-10. Mtgatt, Wallace. Some account of the first settlement of Kenosha. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 3, pp. 305-420. Mter, William G. Vested rights. Selected cases and notes on retro- spective and arbitrary legislation affecting vested rights of prop- erty. St. Louis: The Gilbert Book Co., 1891. .39+734p. Q. * Federal decisions. Cases argued and determined in the supreme, circuit, and district courts of the United States. Comprising the opinions of those courts from the time of their oi-ganization to the present date, together with extracts from the opinions of the court of claims and the attorneys-general, and the opinions of general im- portance of the territorial courts. St. Louis : The Gilbert Book Co., 1881-89. 30v. Q.* Nader, John. The strength of material as applied to engineering. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 2, 1873-74, pp. 153-160. Leveling, and use of the barometer. Id..\. 3, 1875-76, pp. 68-76. Improvement of the mouth of the Mississippi. Ibid., pp. 84-95. Also in Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 16, 1877-78 pp. 330-341. A chapter on foundations. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 5, 1877-81, pp. 282-289. The tides. Madison, 1879. 31p. O. Reprinted from Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, V. 5, 1877-81. Nagle, John. Country schools. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 16, 1886, pp. 323-339. The culture which the common school gives. Id., V. 20, 1890, pp. 247-354 176 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Neff, Addie. Library books iu country schools. Why the children need them. Jd., V. 19, 1889, pp. 57-62. Neilson, W. H. Nasal reflexes. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, v. 26, 1892, pp. 300-364. Neville, Ella Hoes. Fashion vs. flowers. Transactions Wisconsin State Horticultural Society, 1890, pp. 43-47. Sacred and historic trees. Ibid., pp. 203-210. Newman, Melvin A. Some experiences of a national ^uard officer. Proceedings Second Annual Convention, Officers of Wisconsin National Guard, 1883, pp. 30-:i8. Newton, W. H. Peat: a cheap fuel in the near future. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 13, 1874-75, pp. 75-92. Nicodemus, William Joseph Leonard. Telegraphy. University Press, October, 1871 . Tunneling. Id., Novemljer, 1871. History of the .science of hydraulics. Madison, 1874. 12p. O. Reprinted from Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Let- ters, V. 2, 1873-74. The Wisconsin river improvement. Madison, 187-i. 13p. O. Reprinted from Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, V. 2, 1873-74. Railway gauges. Madison, 1874. 19p. O. Reprinted from Transactions Wisco7isin Acadimy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, V. 2, 1873-74. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 1 77 NicODEMUs, William Joseph Leonard. Haud-book for charcoal burners, by G. Svedelius. Translated from the Swedish by R. B. Anderson. Edited with notes, by W. J. L. Nicodemus. Illust. New York: John. Wiley & Son, 1875. xv+217p. D. On the ancient civilization of America. Ti-an suctions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, ▼. 3. 1875-76, pp. 58-64. ^ Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 10, 1877-78, pp. 874-380. Index guide to new sectional wall map of Wisconsin; containing new and useful tables. Compiled by W. J. L. Nicodemus and Allan D. Conover. Madison, Wis., 1878. 48p. S. Also New Sectional Map of Wisconsin, hy yVm. J. L. Nicodemus and Allan D. Conover, 1878. Noes, Julius. The regulation of medical practice by the state. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, v. 26, 1892, pp. 323-335. Noonan, Josiah A. Recollections of Wisconsin in February, 1837. Wisconsin Historical CoUections, v. V, pp. 409-412\; NoKTH, Alexander Feederic. On the study of the English language in our common schools. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 14, 1884, pp. 120-125. Courtesy among members of the fraternity. Id., V. 15, 1885, pp. 91-96. Indian education in Wisconsin. Ibid., pp. 412-415. A few words in defense of the natural method. Id., V. 16, 1886, pp. 279-281. Norton, Minerva Brace. In and around Berlin. Chicago: A. C. McClurg&Co., 1889.* NowELL, WiNSLOw Allen. A cavalry march. Proceedings Ninth Annual Convention, Officers of Wisconsin National,Chiard, 1890, pp. 45-48. ].3— Bib. 178 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NovES, George Henry. How should the boards of control of state universities be constituted? Address before the Alumni associa- tion, university of Wisconsin, June 22, 188G. Madison, 188G. 24:p. O. Notes, Luther B. Decoration day poem, composed for May 30, 1892. Marinette, Wis., 1892. lOp. O. Oldenhage, H. Remarks on the descent of animals. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 4, 1876-77, pp. 138-146. Climatology of Wisconsin. Historical Atlax of Wisconxin, ISTS. Olson, Julius Emil. The original Hamlet. 4p. O. From The Transcript Magazine (Ft. Wortb, Texas), v. 1, 1886. Harold Haarfager; his connection with the Norman conquest. 5p. O. From Ibid. Karl Von Linne (Linnaeus). A biographical sketch. Gp. O. From Id., v. 3, 1886. The Leif Erikson monument. The Nation, v. 45. 1887, pp. 395, .390. - Vitus Bering, the discoverer of Bering strait. By Peter Laurid- sen. Revised by the author, and translated from the Danish by Julius E. Olson. With an introduction to the American edition, by Frederick Schwatka. Maps. Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co., 1889. lG-(-223p. D. - The problem of the Northmen, and the site of Norumbega. The Dial, v. 11, 1890, pp. 112-115. The finding of W^ineland. Ibid., I)]). 371-374. Professor Olson has had the following in The North (Minneapolis): Nov. 20, 1890, Sever Duva, a poem translated from the Swedish of Johan Ludvig Runeburg; Dec. 3, 1890, Henrik Ibsen; March 25, and April 1, 1891, Works on the Vineland voyages; July 15, 1891, Vitus Bering. In Norden (Chicago), May 14, 1880, he had an article on Dr. Gustav Storm's Oplysninger am Nordinsendenes Opdagelse af Amerika. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 1 79 Oppenhaim, Josie. Personal immortality, and other papers New York: Charles P. Somerby, 1877. 98p. D. Orledge, William. The farmer in politics. Paper read before the >, is- consin state agricultural .society on Wednesday, February 9, 1876. 7p. O. Ortox, Harlow South. Address before Wisconsin state agricultural society, October, 1855. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 4, 1854-57, pp. 116-130. - The history and development of races. Annual address before the State historical society of Wisconsin, February 23, 1869. Madi- son, 1869. 32p. O. In memoriam. Cadwallader C. Washburn, LL. D. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 9, 1880-92, pp. .350-352. OsBORN, Joseph Horatio. Geographical and statistical history of the county of Winnebago, . . . with twelve illustrations, to which is prefixed a general view of the state of Wisconsin . . . Published by Martin Mitchel and Joseph H. Osborn. Oshkosh, 1856. 120p. D O'Sheridan, Mary Grant. Conata; a collection of poems. Madison, 1881. D. * Owen, Edward Thohas. Notes on the Roman d'un jeune homme pauvre of Octave Feuillet. Madison, 1883. lOp. O. - Notes on the Petite Fadette of George Sand. Assisted by Arsene Darmesteter. Madison, 1885. 35p. D. Page, Harlan M. Patience. An address before the alumni of Beloit college, commemorative of the first decade. Delivered July 10, 1861. Madison, Wis., 1861. 25p. O. Paine, Halbert E. Bankrupt bill. Speech in the house of representa- tives, March 27, 1866. Washington, 1866. 8p. O. Speech on reconstruction, delivered in the house of representa- tives, January 31, 1866. Washington, 1866. 8p. O. l80 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Paine, Halbert E, Payment of soldiers' bouuties. Speech in the house of representatives, January 6, 1868. Washintfton, 1868. 8p. O. Reconstruction. Speech in the house of representatives, January 16, 1868. Washington, 18G8. 8p. O. Palmer, Henry. What to do, and how and when to do it. Proceedings Seventh Anmial Convention, Officers of Wisconsin National Guard, 1888, pp. 4-12. Seventeen recent consecutive cases of abdominal section. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, 1890, pp. 17.3-180. Parker, Benjamin Franklin. Officers' schools, in connection with reg- imental encampments. Proceedings Fifth Annual Convention, Officers of Wisconsin National Guard, 1886, pp. 25, 20. Pahker, Warren Downes. A separate agricultural college. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 24, 1886, pp. 113-121. Some means of health in school houses. Illust. Thirteenth Annual Report, State Board of Health of Wisconsin, 1889-90, pp. 78-83. Parkinson, Daniel M. Pioneer life in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 2, pp. 326-364. Parkinson, John Barber. Production and consumption; demand and supply. Transactions Wisconsin Agriculturcd Society, v. 11, 1873-73, pp. 288-301. Wealth, capital, and credit. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, x. 5, 1877-81, pp. 4t>-56. - Tariff debate between John W. Hinton, of Milwaukee, and Professor J. B. Parkinson of the Wisconsin University, held in the assembly chamber, at Madison, Wis., March 1, 1883. Milwaukee, 1883. 32p. O. - Syllabus of a course of six lectures on practical economic ques- tions. Madison, 1891. lip. O. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. l8l Parkinson, Peter, Jr. Strictures upon Governor Ford's history of the Black Hawk war. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 2, pp. 39:i-t01. Notes on the Black Hawk war. /c/., V. 10, pp. 184-212. Parsons, Edwin B. Missionary ridge. War Papers, Commandery of Wisconsin, Military Order of Loyal Legion of United States, v. 1, 1891, pp. 189-200. Sheridan. Ibid., pp. 275-284. Patchin, Hannah E. Notes taken at the Wisconsin veteran's home. "With reports of officers. lUust. Waupaca, Wis.: S. L. Stinchfleld, 1891. 48p. O. Paul, Edward Jot. The part borne by Sergeant John White Paul, of Col. Jx)hn Topham's regiment of the Rhode Island brigade, in the capture of Brigadier General Richard Prescott, commander of the British forces near Newport, R. I., 1777. Milwaukee, 1887. 22p. O. Payne, Alford. Art as education. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v . 4, 1876-77, pp. 31-43. Peck, George Wilbur. Adventures of one Terance McGrant. A brevet Irish cousin of President Uly.sses S. Grant. ... lUust. New York: James H. Lambert, 1871. 261p. D. - Annual address delivered September 26, 1878, at^the fair grounds. Transactions Northern Wisconsin Agricultural and Mechctnical Association, V. 6, 1878-79, pp. 74-85. - How Private George W. Peck put down the rebellion; or, the funny experiences of a raw recruit. Illust. Chicago: Belford- Clarke Co., 1890. 316p. D. - Peck's bad boy and his pa. Illust. Chicago: Belford-Clarke Co., 1890. 2v. D. 1 82 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Peck, George Wilbur. Peck's boss book. Illust. Chicago: Belford- ClarkelCo., 1890. 2o2p. D. Peck's fun. Comprising all the choice gems of wit, humor, sar- casm, and pathos, from the prolific pen of George W. Peck. Edited by Thomas W. Handford. Illust. Chicago: Belford-Clarke Co., 1890. 276p. D. - Peck's sunshine. Being a collection of articles written for Peck's Sun, Milwaukee, Wis. Illust. Chicago: Belford-Clarke Co., 1890. 296p. D. Peck, Mrs. Roseline. Reminiscences of the first house and first resi- dent family of Madison. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 6, pp. 34:i-365. Peckham, George W. The growth of children. Madison, 1881. 46p. O. Reprinted from Si.vth Annual Rcjjort, State Board of Health of Wisconsin, 1881. Various observations on growth. Seventh Annual Re}jort, Id., 1882, pp. 185-188. Peckh.\m, George W., and Elizabeth G. Peckham. Temperature of Pine, Beaver, and Okauchee lakes, Waukesha county, Wisconsin, at differ- ent depths, extending from May to December, 1879; also particulars of depths of Pine lake. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences. Arts and Letters, v. 5, 1877-81, pp. 27;i-275. Genera of the family Attidae: with a partial synonymy. Id., V. 6, 1881-83, pp. 255-342. Attidae of North America. Plates. Id., V. 7, 1883-87, pp. 1-104. Spiders of the sub-family Lyssomanae. Ibid., pp. 221-250. - Observations on sexual selection in spiders of the family Attidae. Plates. Milwaukee, 1889. 113p. Q. Occasional Papers, Natural History Society of Wisconsin, v. 1. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 1 83 Peet, Stephen. History of the Presbyterian and Congregational churches and ministers in Wisconsin. Including an account of the organization of the convention and the plan of union. Milwaukee: Silas Chapman, 1851. 208p. T. Peet, Stephen Denison. The Ashtabula disaster. lUust. Chicago: J. S. Goodman &. Louis Lloyd & Co., 1877. 208p. D. - Primitive architecture in America. The different stages and modes of life exhibited in the prehistoric works of America. II- lust. Trnnfiactions ]Vi$con>iin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 5, 1877-81, pp. 290-330. The discovery of the Ohio. American Antiquarian, v. 1, 1878-79, pp. 21-35. - The location of the Indian tribes in the northwest territory, at the date of its organization. Ibid., V. 1, 1878-79, pp. 85-98. - Recent explorations of mounds and their lessons. Editorial notes. 8p. O. Reprinted from American Antiquarian, v. 1, 1878-79. The bible narrative and heathen traditions. American Antiquarian, v. 1, 1878-79, pp. 150-160. - A comparison between the archaeology of Europe and America. Jbid., pp. 211-324. - The sources of information as to the prehistoric condition of America. /(/., V. 2, 1879-80, pp. 33-t8. - The Delaware Indians in Ohio. The location of their villages at the time of the revolutionary war. Read before the state archaeo- logical association of Ohio, September, 1878. 13p. O. Reprinted from American Antiquarian, v. 2, 1879-80. 184 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Peet, Stephen Dexisox. The mound builders. Read before the Cou- gres de Americanistes, at Luxembourg, September, 1876. IbiiL, pp. 185-200. - The emblematic monnd.s and the totem system of the Indian tribes. Prepared for the Wisconsin Association of Arts and Sci- ences, and read before the French Association for Advance of Sci- ence, September, 1880. Id., y. 3, 1880-81, pp. 1-13. I The military architecture of the emblematic mound builders. Ibid., pp. 81-101. - The tribal condition of the American races a clue to the condition of society in prehi-storic ages. Ibid., pp. 202-217. Ancient temple architecture. Id., , pp. 152-161. Robinson, George I. With Kilpatrick around Atlanta. War Papers, Commandery of Wisconsin, Military Order of Loyal Legion of United States, v. 1, 1891, pp. 201-227. Robinson, Warren. The Wisconsin school for the deaf. Columbian History of Education in Wisconsin, 1893, pp. 322-332. Rogers, Ch.arles E. The sanitary conditions of camps. Proceedings Fourth Annual Convention, Officers of Wisconsin National Guard, 1885, pp. 32-36. ig6 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Rogers, Earl Waldex. With the volunteers in camp and field. Proceedings Fifth Annual Convention, OJJivi'rs of Wisconsin Xational Gtturd, 18S0, pp. ir-23. MeClellan's candidacy with the army. Century Maijuzine, v. 40, IS'JO, p. i)59. KoLFE, Ellex M. Likeness of character to objects of thoii;;ht. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. Id, 1882, pp. Sid-JilS. Rood, Hosea Wuitford. Tlie personal influence of the teacher. Ibid., V. 19, 188U, pp. 357-364. RosEXSTEXGEL, WiLLiAJi Hexry. Hilfs uud Uebuugsbuch beim unter- richt in der Deutschen Sprache. St. Louis: C. Witter, 1879. 92p. D. - German irregular verbs. Madison: W"m. J. Park & Co., 1880. 20p. D. - Die enstehung der neuhochdeutschen sprache. Martin Luther. Milwaukee, 1883. 23p. O. - German reader for high schools, with vocabulary and questions. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. St. Louis, 1883. ix-f-191p. O. — ■— Das lieben und wirken der gebriider Grimm. Milwaukee, 1885. 8p. O. Ludwig Uhland. Milwaukee, 1886. 31p. O. Veniuderungen, vergehen und eustehen deutscher wurter. Mil- waukee, 1889. 19p. O. - A reader of German literature; prepared for high schools, col- leges, and German-American schools, with notes. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1891. ix-|-102p. D. Deutsche .sprachlehre. Madison, Wis., 1891. 41p. D. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 1 97 RosENSTENGEL, WiLLiAM Hexry. Kurze Geschichte der ersten deutschen Ansiedler Madisous. 1891. Kurzgefaszte Geschichte des Nationalen Deutsch-Amerikanischen Leh rersemi n ars . In Ftstschrift zur Einweihiuu/sfeier. Milwaukee, 1891, pp. 29-44. Professor Rosenstengel wrote all the articles on literature, in L. R. Klemm'g Liferof in-f/ (New York,1877): aud contributed largely to Brockhaus's Conver- satzione-lexikon (Leipzig, 1835 ff.J), vols. 12-17. He has also had numerous articles in leading German- American journals. Ross, Charles H. Old memories. War Papers, Comnntndenj of Wisconsin, Military Order of Loyal Legion of United States, v. 1, 1891, pp. 149-163. Ross, James. From Wisconsin to California, and return. By James Ross and George Gary. Madi.son, 1863. 13'2p. O. Wisconsin, and her resources for remunerating capital and sup- porting labor. Madison, 1871. 27p. O. - The two warnings, and the triumph; being the experiences of one lost and found. Madison, Wis., 1871. O. ?Ir. Ross was a proUflc writer for the press, chiefly on tsmpirancs topics. Rounds, Erle Douglas. The public schools of Florence. Columbian History of Education in Wisconsin, 1893, pp. 562-569. RowE, Nicholas Augustine. University school, Kenosha. Ibid., pp. 225-226. Rowley, J. B. Wisconsin and the city of Racine; its advantages, busi- ness, and prospects. By Witbeck and Rowley. Racine, 1856. 16p. O RuBLEE, Horace. Eulogy on Prof. James G. Percival. Wisi;onsin Historical Collections, v. 3, pp. 73-79. Early times in Sheboygan county. Id., V. 4, pp. 335-342. - Catalogue of the state library of Wisconsin, 1858. Madison, Wis., 1859. 122p. O. IqS WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. RcBLEE Horace. Gcsthe as writer, savanr, and citizen. In Poctr;/ mid Philosophy of Goethe, edited by Marion V. Dudley, 188r, pp. 259-268. Ml-. Kiil)lee is editor of The Milwaukee Sentinel, ami lias fur nearly fortj- years been a constant contributor to western journals, chiefly on political subjects. Rusk, Jeremiah McLaix. The tarifl' in its relation to agriculture. Speech in the house of representatives, August 11, 18 7G. Washing- ton, 18TG. 8p. O. The duty of the hour. Xorth American Revit ir, v. 152. ISOl, pp. 423-430. American farming a hundred years hence. Id., V. 1.50, ISiW, ijp. 257-204. While governor of Wisconsiti, 18S2-8n, General Rusk was tlip author of numerous state papers. His reports as secretary of agriculture, iu President HaiTison's cab- inet, 1889-93, should also be mentioned, although not coming within the scope of this catalogue. Ryan, Edward George. Argument on the trial of Levi Hubbell, before the senate of Wisconsin, on an impeachment preferred by the as- sembly for high misdemeanors in office. Madison: Beriah Brown, 1853. 154p. D. - Railway injunction suits. Opinion in Wisconsin supreme court, delivered at Madi.son, Wis., September, 1874. Madi.son, 1874. 8"2p. O. Rei)rinted from Wincoasiii Supreme Court Reports, v. 36. - An address delivered before the law class of the University of Wisconsin, June 16, 1873. Madison, 1873. ^Gp. O. - Addresses by Hon. Edward (i. Ryan, delivered before the Wiscon- sin law school, 1873; and | by j Hon. Matt. H. Carpenter, delivei-ed before the Columbian law school, 1870. Madison, 1882. 38p. O. Judge Tlyan's opinions, while chief justice of the Wisconsin supreme court, 1874-80, were man.y of them eutillec! to rank as literary work of a superior character, but do not come wliliiii the scope of this catalogue. SackeTj.Hobaet H. Speech on the question of taxing life insurance companies, delivered in the .senate of Wisconsin, March 9, 1878. Madison, 1878. 12p. O. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. IQQ Salisbury, Albert. Green county pioneers. Wiscoitshi Historical Collections, v. (i, pp. 401-415. Rhetorical exercises. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 2, 1872, pp. SOIi-HlS. Natural science and graded certificates. Id., V. 3. 1873, pp. 41-17. Academic culture in the state sy.stem. Id., V. 4, 1874, pp. 413-416. The flistrict school curriculum. Id., V. 5, 1875, pp. 391-390. Historical sketch of normal instruction in Wisconsin. 1846-1876. Illust. Madison, 1876. 103p. O. Geography of Wisconsin. ]\ ew York, 1877. 8p. F. 8upple.menc to Montaith's Geograph;/. History of Wisconsin Teachers' Association, from 185.3 to 1878. Whitewater, 1878. 36p. O. The function and value of orthoepy in education. Wisconsin Journal of Elucation, v. 9, 1879, pp. 457-4(33. The Louisiana purchase. Id., V. 10, 1880, pp. 190-19.5. The subject continued in v. 11, pp. 451-454. Chautauqua. Id.. V. 11, 1881, np. 451-454. - Language work. Ibid., pp. 535-539. - Phonology and orthoepy; an elementary treatise on pronuncia- tion, for the use of teachers and schools. 3d ed. Madison: Wm. J. Park & Co., 1881. 64p. D. - Course of study for the schools of the American missionary asso- ciation, with general suggestions to teachers. Atlanta, Ga., 1883. 21p. O. - The supplementing of the war. Paper read before the National Educational Association at Madison, Wis., July 19, 1884. 12p. O. 200 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Salisbury, Albert. Industrial education. Wisconsin Journal 0/ Education, v. M, is&l, pp. 4(;i-4f>C. Education at the New Orleans exposition. J,l., V. 15, ISSr,, pp. 139-1J.5. Educational systems in the south. Id., V. 10, 1886, pp. 96-100, 144-149. Some conclusions concerning the education of the American negro. Andover Review, v. 6, 1886, pp 256-264. The limitations of the inductive method.;(.s/;( .Juurnal of Education, v. 17, 1887, pp. 399 405. Some phases of our problems. Id., V. 18, 1888, pp. 348-357. Economy in public education. Id., V. 20, 1890, pp. 215-224. The duty of the state to the feeble minded. 1890. 16p. O. * Historical sketch of normal schools in Wisconsin. Coluinbiiin Histonj of Education in Wisconsin, 1893, pp. 231-293. Salisbury, Rollin D. Notes on the dispersion of drift copper. Map. TrcDisactiuiis Wisconsin Academu of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. C, 1881-83, pp. 42-50. Geology, soil, and zoology of Wisconsin. Descriptive Aiiierira, v. I, 1884, pp. 107-110. Mines, quarries, and mineral springs in Wisconsin, Ibid., pp. n.")-l!6. Preliminary paper on the drif tless area of the upper Mississippi valley. By T. C. Chamberlin and R. D. Salisbury. Sixth Annual Report. United States Geological Survey, 1884-85, ]jp. 199-.322. Neue beobachtuugeu til)or die (puirtarbildungen der Magdeburger borde. Von R. D. Salisbury and P. Wahnschaffe. Separat-abdruck a. d. zeit.schrift der Deutschen geolog. Gesellschaft, Bd. XL., Heft 2, 1888. l.'Jp. O. Terminal moraines in Northern Germany. American, Jonrnid of Science, v. 135, 18SK, pp. 401-407. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 201 Salisbury, Rollin D. Mr. Forster on earthquakes. * American Geologist, 188it. On the relationship of the pleistocene to the pre-pleistocene for- mation of Crowley's ridge, and adjacent areas south of the limit of glaciation. * Annifd Report, Arkansas Geological Siirvei/, v. 2, 1889. • On the relationship of the pleistocene to the pre-pleistocene for- mation of the Mississippi basin, south of the limit of glaciation. By T. C. Chamberlin and R. D. Salisbury, 1891. 19p. O. Reprinted from American Journal o' Science, v, 141, 1891. Syllabus of a university extension course of six lectures on land- scape geology. Madison, 1891. 8p. O. A prelimiQary paper on drift or plei.stocene formations of New- Jersey. Illust. Trenton, X. J., 1892. 73p. O. Reprinted from Annual Report, New Jersey State Geologist, 1891. The drift of the North German lowlands, 1892. 125p. O. Reprinted from American Geologist, v. 9, 1892. Certain extra-morainic drift phenomena of New Jersey, on the northward and eastward extension of the pre-pleistocene gravels of the Mississippi basin. Rochester, 1892. 14p. Q. Bulletin Geological Societn of America, v. 3, 1892. S.A.LOMOX, Edward. Addresses of Hon. I. A. Lapham, LL. D., and Hon. Edward Salomon, at the dedication of the rooms in the south wing of the Capitol, for the State historical society of Wisconsin, Jan. 24, 18G6. Madi-son, 1866. 31p. O. Sanborn, Arthur Loomis. Supplement to the revised .statutes of the state of Wisconsin, 1878, containing the general laws from 1879 to 1883, with the revisers' notes to the statutes of 1878, and notes to cases construing and applying these and similar statutes by the supreme court of Wisconsin, and the courts of other states. Com- piled and annotated by A. L. Sanborn and J. R. Berryman. Chicago: Callaghan & Co., 1883. xlii + lOlap. Q. - Annotated statutes of Wisconsin, containing the general laws in force October 1, 1889. Also the revisers" notes to the revised statutes of 1858 and 1878, notes of cases construing and applying the consti- tution and statutes, and the rules of the county and circuit courts and of the supreme court. By Arthur L. Sanborn and John R. Ber- ryman. Chicago: Callaghan & Co., 1889. 2v. Q. * 202 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIKTV. Sanford, Alfred Hart. State sovereiguty in Wisconsin. l!)p. O. Reprinted fmiii Annual Rejxirt of American Historical Association, 1891. Savage, John A. Baccalaureaie address of President Savage to the graduating class of 1859, in Carroll college, Waukesha, Wis. Milwau- kee, 18.7.). 7p. O. Sawyer, Wesley C. Letters an embarrassment to literature. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 4, 1870-77, pp oO-.'j.'j. F. II. Jacobi. I'Jp. O. Reprinted from Methodist Qiunti/rh/ Review, v. 40, 1880, pp. 480-504. Also in Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 5, 1877-«I, pp. 140-100. ' Practical German gramma,r, Chicago, 1883. D. * The duty of the school to the community. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 15, 1885, pp. 51)-G0. Sayers, B. F. The tariff and farmers. 'Jransaclions Wisconsin State Agr'cidtaral Society, v. 2i, 1880, pp. 134-147. ScANLAN, Charles M. Law of hotels, boarding houses, and lodging houses, particularly adapted to the state of Wisconsin. Milwaukee: The author, 1890. xxiv-flaOp. D. * Schmidt, Carl H. Des Nord-Westen premium buch f iir das yahr 1882, Manitowoc, 1882. GOp. O. The same for 1884 and 1880. 7U). each. Schmidt, George. Buffalo county schools. Columbian History of Education in Wisconsin, 189}, pp. 0-.*S-0 H . Schneider, Joseph. Vesicular neoplasm in the anterior chamber of the human eye. Madison, W'is., 1892. 7p. O. Reprinted frum Transactions State Mediial Society of Wisconsin, 180:i. Neoplasm of the limbus conjunctiva. Portrait. Madison, 1892. 7p. O. Repi'inti'd from Ihitl. Influence of ear diseases upon the mental and physical develop- ment of a child. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, v. j.'0, 1893, pp. 48-59. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 203 ■ScHOYEN, David Monrad. Bennett-loven. Wisconsins og Illinois's love om tvuDgea skolegang m. m. i Driginals proget saint oversatte til- foiede Anmoerkniuger og Oplysiiiuger. Stoughton, 1800. 32p. O. SoHULz, W. H. Sauk county schools. Columbian History of Education in Wisconsin, 18',):5, pp. 599 -G14. Schwartz, Julius A. Heimatskunde. Stoff fur deu geographischen unterricht fiber den Staat Wisconsin. Milwaukee: Brunquell & Rohde, 1887. xxi+4p. S. Das weihnachts-hosianna der k'einen. Eiue sammlung von 76 zwei-und dreistimmigen weihnachtsleidern fiii- ainderchorzum gebrauche bei der Christfeier in schule vind kirche. Milwaukee: George Brumder, 1890. 86p. ob. T. Scott, William Amasa. The study of history in college. Vermillion, S. D.,1887.* The University of South Dakota. * Tiie Dakota Educator, October and November, 18S8. - Modern socialism and its demands. * Christian at Work, February 5, 1891. - The state and higher education, Vermillion, S. D., 1892. * - Economic problems of the present day. Syllabus of a course of six lectures. Madison, 1892. 8p. O. Universit II Extension Department, University of Wisconsin, Syllabus No. 1. Searing, Edw^ard. President Lincoln in history. Address delivered in the Congregational church, Milton, Wis., on Fast day, June 1, 1865. Janesville, Wis., 1865. 20p. O. Failure in wheat crop. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 10, 1871, pp. 240-249. Recreation in horticulture. Transactions Wisconsin State Horticultural Society, v. 14, 1874, pp. 22-29. Free high schools, with comments on the high school law of 1875. Madison, 1875. 25p. O. 204 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Searing, Edward. Education and the state system. Wisconsin Journal tif Eiluciitiun. v. 5, 1875, pp. 42)-4:Jf>. Educational history and condition of Wisconsin. Wo.lling^s Atiii-i <>/ Wisconsin, 1876. pp. l-'i-lo. Educational history of Wisconsin. llisturical Atlaa . Id., 188i, pp. 43-75. Recent progress in surgery. Ibid., pp. 7'6-119. Fractures of the neck of the femur, with a special reference to bony union after intra-capsular fracture. Philadelphia, 1883. 113p. O. The treatment of fractures of the neck of the femur by immediate reduction and permanent fi.Kation. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, 1889, pp. 96-122. Away with Koch's lymph! A paper read befora the Chicago medi cal society. May 18, 1891. Chicago, 1891. 3Sp. O. Reprinted fro.n The Chicago Medical Recorder, 1891. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 205 Sewell, Robert. A discourse delivered on Thanksgiving day, Novem- ber 21th, 1853. Jauesville, 1851. 18p. D. Seymour, Charles. Historical address at the Northwestern centen- nial celebration, in La Crosse, Wisconsin, Tuesday, July 4th, 1876, La Crosse, 1877. 32p. O. Shaw, John. Personal narrative. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 2, 1853, pp. 19r-2.33. Shaw, Samuel. Address delivered before the State teachers' association at Madison, July 10, 1872. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 2, 1872, pp. 280-234. Machinery. /(/., V. 8, 1873, pp. 288-292. Reading. Id., V. 13, 1883. pp. 91-93. The normal work in the high school. ll.,v. 14, 1884, pp. 125-128. Sheffield, William E. Complete digest of the decisions of the supreme court of the state of W^isconsin, in law and equity, from its organiza- tion down to and including the cases reported in vol. xiv., Wiscon- sin reports. Chicago: E. B. Mayers & Co., 1365. 6J3p. O. * Shepard, Charles E. A digest of the Wisconsin reports from Burnett to 57 Wisconsin inclusive, together with tables of cases. By Charles E. Shepard and Thomas R. Shepard. New York: Banks & Brothers, 1883-81. 2v. Q. * Shepard, Thomas R. A digest of the W^isconsin reports from Burnett to 57 Wisconsin inclusive, together with tables of cases. By Charles E. Shepard and Thomas R. Shepard. New York: Banks & Brothers, 1883-84. 2v. Q. * Sherman, Lewis. Directory of the homeopathic physicians in the state of Wisconsin, 1874. Milwaukee, 1874. 24p. O. 206 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sherman, Samuel Sterlixc;. Increase Alleu Lapham. LL. D. A bio- ^'raphieal sketch read before the Old Settlers' club, Milwaukee, Wis., December 11, 1875. Portraits. Milwaukee, 1876. 80p. O. SniELLs, Robert. The story of the token, as belonging to the Lord's Supper. New York: John Ireland, 1892. 170p. D. Short, Frederick Garland. The oil test for cream. By II. P. Armsby and F. G. Short. Universitij of IVinconsiii, A. from the year 1884 to 1890. Albany, 18;i2. 60.5p. Q. * Mr. Simn^.ons also ediled volumes 29, 09 and 79 of the Wisconsin Supreme Court Reports. SLArcrHTER, William Bank. Madison as a summer resort. An ad- dress. Madison, 1876. 3p. O. Oration delivered at Middleton, Wis., July 4, 1876. 1876. 8p. O. - Reminiscences of distinguished men. With an autobiography. Madison: The author, 1878. iv+295p. D. Colonel S!auo:hter was a frequet:t contributor to the newspaper press, and wrote numerous addresses and Kctures on a variety of subjects. 20S WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIKTV. 1 Slighter, Charles Si'mne^, and C. A. V.w Velzer. Advanced algebra. Parts I. and II. Madison and Evauston: The authors, 1888. v+212+75. 2v. O. Logaritlimif and trigonometric tables. Madison: Tracy, Gibbs & Co., 1891. :r)p. • Manual of four-place logarithms. Madison: Tracy, Gibbs & Co., 1891. Ten fokling sheets, 7xU in. School algebra. Madison: Tracy, Gibbs & Co., 1892. ix+iOlp. D. Higher algebra. Madison: Tracy, Gibbs & Co., 1892. 471p. D. University algebra. Madison: Tracy, Gibbs & Co., 1892. D. In two editions, (iOHand 7.'Kp., respectivel3-. Sloan, Ithabiar Conkey. Speech onthe right of representation and tax- ation; delivered in the house of representatives, January 23, 1866. Washington, 18(50. 7p. O. Farming as an occupation. Transactions Wisconsin Staff AyriciiltiDXll Society, v. 1?, 18r8-7'.l, pp. 2.51-26?. Ensilage. Id., V. 10, 1880-81, pp. 100-212. Agricultural education. Id., V. 21, 1882-83, p.j 271-^80. Management of university farm. Ibid., pp. 31!-;3ir. Management of university farm and experiment station. Id., V. 22, 1883-84, pp. 180-198. Agricultural education. Id., V. 23, 188,5, pp. 273-280. Smith, Abra.m D. Reports of cases argued and determined in the su- preme court of the state of Wisconsin, at the June term, A. D. 1853. vol.111. Milwaukee and Madison, 1^54 01. llv. O. Speech delivered in the assembly hall at Madison, March 22, 1860, on states rights. Madison, 1800. i:5p. O. BIBLIOGRArHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 2O9 Smith, Emily B. Some glimpses of California as it appeared to a Wis- consin woman. Transactions Wisconsin State Horticultural Society, v. 1!), 1889, pp. 71-82. Woman's mission. Id.,v.20, 1890, pp. 83-85. Smith, Er.\stus G. Sanitary problems. Transactions Wisconsi7i State Agricultural Society, v. tiS, I8.S.5, pp. 189-903; v. 24, 1886, pp. 211-29.3. Smith, Edwix Ruthvex. Some attempts at nature study. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 13, 18Sl3, pp. 321-330. Smith, George Baldwin. Remarks on the bill to allow the treasurer to receive the taxes in the currency of the state, delivered in the as- sembly, February 2d and 3d, 1859. Madison, 1859. 8p. O. - Oration delivered at Marshall, Dane county, Wisconsin, July 4, 1863. Madison, 1863. lOp. O. - Speech delivered at a democratic mass meeting, at the capitol in Madison.Wis., October 30, 1867. Madison, 1867. 8p. O. - Speech delivered at Prairie du Chien, Wis., March 27, 1868, on the power of impeachment under the constitution, and on the McCardle case. Madison, 1868. 15p. O. - Argument before senate judiciary committee of Wisconsin legisla- ture, Feb. 15, 1871, on the Chippewa river improvement and boom- ing company. Madison, 1871. 16p. O. - Monopolies in their relation to the industrial interests of the country. An address delivered at Janesville, Wisconsin, Oct. 2, 1874. Madison, 1875. 18p. O. - Historical address before the Wisconsin pioneer association and the surviving members of the constitutional convention of 1816-47, delivered July 16, 1879. Madison, 1879. 22p. O. 15 -Bib. 2IO WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Smith, Hikam. The dairy. rrnnsactions Norfheni iVisconsin Aaricitltund and Mechanical Association, V. 4. 1876-77, pp. 85-90. The fallacy of farmers traveling in old ruts. 2'ransactions W'iscoitaiti State Agricultural Society, v. 18, 1879-80, pp. 195-198. Smith, Isaac T. Early settlement of Rock county, Wis. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. (J, pp. 410^25. Smith, Joseph Albert. The manufacture of cheese, and curing it. Tra)isacti<>ns Xorthern Wisconsin Ayricultural and Mechanical Association, V. 7, 1880-81, pp. 208-277. Smith, John Mills. General intelligence in farming. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 13, 1873-74, pp. 281-289. Agriculture; a glimpse of its past, present, and future. 7(7., V. 13, 1874-75, pp. 208-2:30. - Better and happier homes for our farmers. Id., V. 1.5, 1870-77, pp. 172-183. - The work of the day. Transactions Wisconsin State Horticultural Society, v. 8, 1878, pp. 94-99. - Address at the summer meeting of the Wisconsin state horticult- ural society, held at Baraboo, June 12 and 1.3, 1878. Id., V. 9, 1878-79, pp. 17-22. — Political education of the farmer. Traiisactiuns I\'orthern Wiscoushi Afiricultiiral and Mcclianictd As.sociatio7i, V. 0, 1878-70, pp. 14S-157. — Shall the farmer connect horticulture with farming? Id.. V. 7, 1879-80, pp. 148-100. — The gentleman farmer. Jd., V. 8, 1880-81, i)p. 179-187. I — Horticulture as an educating influence. Transactions Wisconsin State Horticultural Society, v. 11, 1880-81, pp. 232-241. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 211 Smith. John Mills. Some of the qualifications necessary for the coming farmer. TrdHsactions Xorthern ^\lsconsin Ayricuttiiml and Mtchanical Association, V. \), 1881-83, pp. 85-94. What shall be done for the boys upon the farm? ItL, V. 10. 1883-84, pp. 98-107. Smith. Jennie Milton. The schools of Iowa county, and the city of Mineral Point. • Columbian History of Education in Wisconsin, 189.3, pp. 585-598. Smith, John Yates. The usury laws. Democratic Review, v. 27, 1850, pp. 221-2:30, 328-339. Origin of the AmeriL-an Indians. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 4, pp. 117-151. Address on the state of the country, at the assembly chamber, Madison, Wis., March 14, 1861. Madison, 1861. lop. O. Depreciation of the currency. A short essay on the financial con- dition and prospects of the country. Madison, 1864. 14p. O. Review of Senator Doolittle's speech at Madison, Sept. .30, 1865, on the reconstruction of rebel states. Madison, Wis., 1865. 24p. O. Historv of Madison. Madison, 1866. 88p. D. Eleazer Williams and the lost prince. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 6, pp. 208-342. The effect of duties oti imports, upon the value of gold. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 2, 1873-74, pp. 77-88. Smith, Reeder. Appeal in behalf of Lawrence University, of Wiscon- sin, founded in 1848 by Hon. A. A. Lawrence and Hon. Samuel Appleton, of Boston, Mass. With a correct map of Wisconsin. Boston: John P. Jewett & Co., 1859. 24p. O. Importance and claims of the Lawrence University, of Wisconsin, founded in 1848 by Hon. A. A. Lawrence and the late Samuel Apple- ton. A lecture delivered at New Haven, Ct. With a correct map of Wisconsin. Boston, 1860. 28p. O. 212 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Smith, Thomas Alexander. Mathematics iu our public schools. Wisconsin Jiiunial of Education, v. 18, 1888, pp. 205-210. Smith, William Ridolimi. Observations ou the W^iscousin territoi-y; chiefly on that part called the " Wisconsin land di.strict." With a map exhibiting the settled parts of the territory. Philadelphia, 1838. viii+131p. D. Discourse delivered before the State historical society of Wiscon- sin, at its first annual meeting, on Tuesday, Jan. 15, 1850, at the capitol in Madison. Madison, 1850. 43p. O. Reprinted iti Xortliwentern Journal (Madison, Wis ), v. 1, 1850. - History of W^isconsin. In three parts: historical, documentary, and descriptive. Vol. I., historical; vol. III., documentary. Madi-son, 1854. 2v. 6. VoL 2 not published. - Report of Wm. R. Smith, state historian of the state of Wisconsin, for the year 1854. Madison, 1855. 5p. O, Snelling, William J. La Butte des Morfcs; the hillock of the dead. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 5, pp. 9.5-103. Early days at Prairie du Chien, and the Winnebago outbreak of 1827. Ibid., pp. 123-153. Somers, a. N. Prehistoric cannibalism in America. Ptipnlnr Science Montlihj, v. 42, 1892, pp. 203-207. SouTHWORTH, Edward. Ecce ecclesia, or an examination of the pam- phlet entitled, "The action of the councils vindicated i n the case of Olivet church." Milwaukee, 1871. 107p. O, Spalding, Er.\stus W. The incarnation: the source of life and immor- tality. A doctrinal and practical e.ssay. Milwaukee: The Young Churchman Co., 1884. 15p. O. - — The church in her relation to sectarianism. An essay read before tlie Milwaukee convocation iu St. Luke's church, Whitewater, Wis., ou Wednesday, November 12, 1884. Milwaukee: The Young Church- man Co., 1885. 19p. O. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 213 Sparling, Samuel Edwin. lufluence ol" American revolution on the French revolution. The Aegis, v. 7. 18<.«. pp. 8-11. Co-operative book-buying. Ibid., pp. 77-78. Spencer, David Ellsworth. Local government in Wijconsin. Madi- son, 1888. lOp. O. Reprinted from Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 11. Also iu Jolins H02jkins University Studies, v. 8, 1890. - Higher education in Wisconsin. By Wm. F. Allen and David E. Spencer. Washington, 1889. 68p. O. United States Bureau of Education, Circular of Information No. 1, 1889. Spencer, Eli A. A digest of the laws of Wisconsin from the year 1858 to the year 1868, both years inclusive; to which is added an appen- dix giving a list of all the laws and provisions of the constitution passed upon by the supreme court. Madison: The author, 1868, 56-2p. O. Spencer, Robert Closson. Letter to Hon. Edward Salomon, in rela- tion to a commercial department of the University of Wiscon.sin. Madison, 1866. 4p. O. Spencer family history and genealogy. Illust. Milwaukee, 1889. 26p. ob. O. The Wisconsin system of public day schools for deaf mutes. Cjlunthian Hi'itory of Educatijn in Wisconain, 1893, pp. 354-37.5. Sperrt, Johnson. Diabetes mellituacher. Ibid., pp. 3U3-310. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 221 Tanner, Herbert B. New synthetic drugs. Transactions State Medical Societu of Wisconsin, 1889, pp. 171-178. Tascher, Julia M. Arbutus and dandelions. A novel. New York J. J. Little & Co., 1883. 400p. D. Tatlock, John, Jr. Occultations observed at Beloit, Wis., in 1884-85. 5p. O. Reprinted from Month! y Xoticcx of the Roi/al Astronoinical Society, v. 46, No. 5. Taylor. David. The revised statutes of the state of Wisconsin, as altered and amended by subsequent legislation, together with the unrepealed statutes of a general nature passed from the time of the revision of 1858 to the close of the legislature of 1871; arranged in the same manner as the statutes of 1858, with references to judicial decisions in relation to and explanatory of the statutes. St. Louis: W. J. Gilbert, 1871. 2v. Q. Taylor, Horace Adolphus. To regulate railroad traffic in Wisconsin. Speeches made in the Wisconsin senate [March, 1889J, together with statistics showing comparative rates of freight in Wisconsin and Illinois. Madison, 1889. 46p. O. Farming in Europe and Africa. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 27, 1889, pp. 200-207 Taylor, Henry J. Suggestions on the reading of our boys and girls and directed to the pupils, patrons, and teachers of our common schools. Black Earth, Wis., 1883. 12p. O. The function of the high school. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 18, 1883, pp. 483-487 Taylor, Stephen. Description of ancient remains, animal mounds and embankments, principally in the counties of Grant, Iowa, and Rich- land, in Wisconsin territory . Plates. American Journal of Science, v. 44, 1842, pp. 21-40. Wisconsin; its rise and progress, with notices of Mineral Point and Richland county. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 2, pp. 480-490. 222 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY'. Tex Broeck, William P. The genesis and the exodus of the gospel; or^ the two eminent days of our Lord Jesus Christ. A treatise wherein it is shown that Dec. 25, B. C. 8, was the day of the nativity; Mar. 20, A. D. 28, was the day of the passion. La Crosse: W. J. Boycott, 1889. 80p. O. Tenney, Daniel Kent. Memorial on assessment reform, to the Wiscon- sin legislature. Madison, 1885. KJp. O. Memorial concerning railway licenses, to the Wisconsin legislature. Madison, 1885. 15p. O. Tenney, Henry Cadle. W^ritings of Henry Cadle Tenney, compiled after his death. January, 1890. Chicago, 1890. ITOp. D. Tenney, Horace A. Early times in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Historical CuUections, v. 1, pp. OHO-J. Sketch of the character of Hon. George Hyer. Id., V. G, pp. 150-153. Genealogy of the Tenney family, more particularly of the family of Daniel Tenney and Sylvia Kent, his wife, from 16.34 and 1638 t» - 1875. Madison, 1875. 76p. O. , Original creation of the soil of Wisconsin; its past compared with its present condition; means of improved futvire fertility. Transactions IVisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 14, 1875-70, pp. 3-18-358. Town of Madison. In Park's Ili.itori/ of Madison. 1S77. pp .')30-50-2. Memorial record of the fathers of Wisconsin; containing sketche.s of the lives and career of the members of the constitutional conven- tions of 1816 and 1847 8. With a history of early settlement in Wis- consin. Prepared by.H. A. Tenney and David Atwood. Madison: The State, 1880. 400p. O. >Ia.ior Tenney lias for many years been a frequent contributor to the Madison press, upon toijics of the ilay ami matters of interest in Wisconsin history. He was in earlisr (lays editor of The Wi.^consin .flcf/us (M ulison), ri,e Wiiconsia Patriot (Madison), and The St. Paul Pioneer. Terry, J. H. Our high schools; their merits and defects, Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 13, 1883, pp. 8-10, BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS- 223 Terry, J, L. Pupil and l.eacher. Paper read at the meeting of the Wisconsin teachers' association, Sheboygan, July 12, 1883. Ibid., pp. 3:W-336. Thayer, Mason A. The farmer's four-acre fruit-garden. Wisconsin Farmers'' Institutes, l^iillctin No. 5, 1891, pp. 67-72. Thom, Henry Cassius. Summer feeding. Id., Bulletin No. 2, 188S, pp. 'IG-lOl. Can we grow beef profitably on high-priced land? Id , Bulletin No .3, 1^89. pp. 81-83. The needs of our public schools. Ibid., pp. 114-117. Food adulteration. Id., Bulletin No. 4, 1890, pp. 63-67. Can beef be produced in "Wisconsin? Ibid., pp. 149-152. Shall we have pure food? Id., BulletiQ No. 5, 1S91, pp. 209-21.5. Thomas, George Francis. Legends of the land of lakes; or, history, tra- ditions, and mysteries, gleaned from years of experience among the pioneers, voyageurs, and Indians; with descriptive accounts of the many natural cuiiosities met with from Lake Huron to the Columbia river, and the meaning and derivation of names of rivers, lakes, towns, etc., of the northwest. By George Francis [pseud.]. Chicago, 188i. v-}-180pp. O. - The .sportsman's guide to the northern lakes; with hints on fishing and trapping. By George Francis [pseud.]. Chicago, 1885. 99p. D Thomas, John E. Thoughts by the wayside, wise and otherwise. Transactions Wi.scon.sin State Horticultural Society, v. 10, 1879 80, pp. 75-81. Pioneer settlement of Sheboygan county. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 9, ])p. 389-396. Thomas, Sebastian. Schools and schoolmasters of Germany. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 13, 1883, pp. 277-281. 224 WISCONSIN lirSTOKICAL SOCIETY. Thomson, Alexander McDonald. The natural resources and manu- lat'turiuK interests of Wisconsin. M'dlliiifi'K Alias of Wixconstn. ISTii, iip. iO-'^i. Asahel Finch. Memorial sketch. Proceedings state Hintorical Society of Wisconsin, December, 1801, pp. 96-!00. Thwaites, Reuben Gold. A history of Winnebago county, Wisconsin. Oshkosh, Wis., 1876. 28p. F. Reprinted in broadsides from The Oshkosh Daily Times. - Historical sketch of the public schools of Madison, Wisconsin, 1838-1885. Madison: Board of Education, 1886. 84p. O. The same, condensed and brought down to date, in Coluinhian History of Educa- tion, 18113. pp. 4ri)-4yo. The Black Hawk war. Magazine of Western History, v. 5, 1880-8", pp. 32-45, 181 1!6. Biographical sketch of Lyman C. Draper. Portrait. 37p Q. Reprinted from Magazine of We.stcDi History, v. 5, ]88ti-S7. - The record of the Madison Literary club, of Madison, Wisconsin, 1877-1887. Compiled by the secretary. Madison, 1887. 42p. O. Biographical sketch of David Atwood. Portrait. 37p. Q. Reprinted from Magazine of Western History, v. 5, 188d-8r. Boundaries of Wisconsin. Magazine of Western History, v. 0, 1887, pp. 4'^0-r)ni, .V^O-Sll. The State historical society of Wisconsin. Id., V. r, 1887-88, pp. 549-.560 The same, condensed and brought down to date, in Columbian History of Educa- tion. IHO.-i. pp. 305-40.-J. - Historic waterways; six liuudred miles of canoeing down the Rock, Fo.x, and Wisconsin rivers. Maps. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1888. 2'J8p. D. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 225 Thwaites, Retben Gold. The study of local history in the Wisconsin schools. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 18, 1888, pp. 465-470. Collections of the State historical .society of Wisconsin. Edited and annotated by Reuben G. Thwaites. Vol. 11. Portrait. Maps. Madi-sou: The State, 1888. xiii-|-548p. O. Narrative of Andrew J. Vieau, Sr., in an interview with the editor [Reuben G. Thwaites]. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 11, pp. ~'18-^3~. George P. Delaplaine's statement, in an interview with the editor [Reuben G. Thwaites]. Jbid , pp. 24:^246. Reminiscences of Morgan L. Martin, 1827-1887. Edited and anno- tated, with biographical sketch, by Reuben G. Thwaites. Madison, 1888. 37p. O Reprinted from Ibid. The boundaries of Wisconsin; with a general historical survey of the division of the Northwest Territory into states. Illustrated b; eleven maps. Madison, 1883. 59p. O. Reprinted from Ibid. Early days in Jefferson county. By Elisha W. Keyes. Edited and annotated by Reuben G. Thwaites. Madison, 1888. 19p. O. Reprinted from Ibid First triennial catalogue of the portrait gallery of the State his- torical society of Wisconsin. Compiled by Reuben G. Thwaites, secretary, and Daniel S. Durrie, librarian. Madison: The State, 1889. 56p. O. Essays and monographs. By William Francis Allen. Memorial volume. [Edited by David B. Frankenburger, Reuben G. Thwaites, Frederick J. Turner, and Joseph H. Crooker.] Portrait. Boston: The Editors, 1890. vi-f 392p. O. The story of Wisconsin. lUust. Map. Boston: D. Lothrc^ Co.' 1890. 389p. O. Stoi'y of the States iSeries. David Atwood. Memorial address presented to the State histor- ical society of Wisconsin, January 2, 1 890. Proceedings State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1890, pp. 101-113. 16 - Bib. 226 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Preliminary notes on the distribution of for- eign groups in Wisconsin. Tp. O. Keprintel rniiii Ihid. The colonies. 1492-1750. Maps. Xew York and London: Long- mans, Green & Co., 1891. xviii+JJOlp. S. Epochs of American Hiatury Series. 3J eil . i-'vUvl, isri-i; 4tli eil., IS'.rj. The library of the State historical society of Wisconsin. Library Journal, v. 1(5, 1891, pp. 203--^?. A western historical collector [Lyman C. Draper]. The JSTationctl Magazine, v. 15, 1803, pp. 4:8-487. - Village life in old England. Illust. Neio England Magazine, v. 0, n. s., 1892, pp. 275-289. - Collections of the State historical society of Wisconsin. Edited and annotated by Reuben Gold Thwaites. v. 12. Portraits. Maps.. Madison, Wis.: The State, 1892. xix+i9Sp. O. - The Wisconsin Winnebagoes. An interview with Moses Paquette^ by the editor, Reuben G. Thwaites. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 13. pp. .''0<)-433. - Lyman Copeland Draper. A memoir. Portrait. Madison, 1892. 22p. O. Reprinted from Ibid. - The story of the Black Hawk war. Madison, 1892. 51p. O. Reprinted from Ibid. - The Spaniards in North America. Wisconsin Columbian Circular, Madison, 1892, pp. 34-37. - Second triennial catalogue of the portrait gallery of the State- historical society of Wisconsin. Compiled by Reuben Gold Thwaites, secretary. Madison: The State, 1892. xii-f74p. O. - Onr cycling tour in England; from Canterbury to Dartmoor for- est, and back by way of Bath, Oxford, and the Thames valley. Illust- Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1892. 315p. D. Early schools in Wisconsin. Columbian History of Education in Wisconsin, 1893, pp. 78-83. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 22; TiLSON, Ida E. Recreation and employment for women . Transactions Wisconsin titute Horticultural Socicti/, v. 14, ISKJ, pp. 40-44. The northern and the southern home Ibid., pp. 1~'.)-186, Nature's .suggestiveness. /(/., V. 15, 18».5, pp. 114-122. Home adornment. Id., V. It), l.SS(i, pp. 208-21(3. The slaughter of the innocent. Id., V. 17, 1887, pp. 122-130. Looking backward, in Wisconsin. Id., V. 21, 1891, pp. 184-190. TiLTON, Frank. Sketch of the great fires in Wisconsin at Peshtigo, the Sugar Bush, Menekavme, Williamsonville, and generally on the shores of Green Bay; with thrilling and truthful incidents by eye witne.sses. lllust. Green Bay, 1871. 116p. O. ToBEY, Charles H. M. Anita; or, the innkeeper's daughter. [Operetta.] Milwaukee, 1875. IGp. O. Todd, James E. A description of some fossil tracks from the Potsdam sandstone. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v, 5, 1877-81, pp. 2713-281. Tolman, Albert Harris. The laws of tone-color in the English lan- guage. [Philosophical criticism.] - Andover Review, v. 7. 1887, pp. 320-337. The style of Anglo-Saxon poetry. 31p. O. Reprinted from Transact ions and Proceedings, Modern Lanc/uaye Association of America, v. 3, 1887. The pronunciation of initial cl and gl in English words.* Modern Languac/e Notes, v. 2, 1887, p. 222. 228 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ToLMAN, Albert Harris. Not. . .nor or not. . .Or? or both? Id , V. 4, 1889, p. 143. Shakespeare's part in " The Taming: of the Shrew." | Ph. D. disser- tation.] 82p. O. Reprinted from Id., v. 5, 1890. Morris-Skeat's Chaucer: The proloj?Tie, the knighte's tale, the nonne preestes tale. [Review.] 4p. Q. Reprinted from Ibid. The dactylic hexameter in English prose. Id., V. 0, 1891, p. 1-J4. Studies in Macbeth. 5p. O, Reprinted from Atlantic Monthly, v. 09, 1892. Obituarj' sketch of Prof. Bernhard ten Brink [Strassburg], * Ibid., p. 191. Prof. Tolmaii has had numerous shorter articles in Modern Lanauage Notes; and wrote of " Lanier"s Science of English Verse " in Memorial of Sidn«!/ Lanier, Baltimore, 1888. He lias also had articles in The New York Independent . ToLMAN, Herbert Gushing. Eight books of Ca?sar's Gallic war. By William Rainey Harper, Ph. D., and Herbert Gushing Tolman, Ph. D. Illust. Maps. New York: American Book Co., 1891. viii+502p. D. - The cuneiform inscriptions on the monuments of the Acheemeni- des. Madison, 1891. 33p. O. Reprin'ed fro:u Transactions Wisconun Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, V. 8, 1888-91. - A grammar of the old Persian language; with the inscriptions of the Achsemenian kings, and vocabulary. Boston, 1892. 55p. ob. T. The gospel of Matthew in Greek. Edited by Alexander Kerr and Herbert Gushing Tolman. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Co., 1892. XXV -f- ll''P- 1>- Should the study of Hebrew be begun in college? The JEgis, v. 7, 1893, pp. 201-202. Toole, William. Ferns. Tranitactions Wisconsin State Horticultural Society, v. 10, 1879-80, pp. 294-302. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 229 ToRREV, Return D. Fairs, and what I know of them. Transactions Norihern Wisconsin Agricultural and Mechanical Association, V.8, 1880-81, pp. 170-178. Essentials to prosperous communities. Id., V. 10, 1883-84, pp. 117-123. TowEB, Franklyn James. Milk infection. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, 1891, pp. 302-310. Townsend, E. H. Locomotor ataxia. Tra7isactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, v. 2G, 1892, pp. 133-139. Tract, Ira. Infant baptism; when and where should the ordinance be administered. Congregational Review, v. 8, 1858, pp. 53-66. Trelease, William. The onion mould. (Peronospora schleideniana. De Bary.) First An7iual Report, Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Wiscon- sin, 1883, pp. 38-44. The apple scab and leaf blight. (Fusicladium dendriticum. Wall- roth.) Ibid., pp. 45-56. Preliminary list of the parasitic fungi of Wisconsin. Madison, 1884. 40p. O. Reprinted from Transactions of Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Let' ters, V. 6, 18il-63, pp. 106-144. The spot disease of strawberry leaves. Illust. 20p. O. Reprinted from Second Annual Report, Agricultiwal Experiment Station, Uni- versity of Wisconsin, 1884. - Observations on several zoogloeae and related forms. 1884. 24p. O. Reprinted from Studies from Biological Laboratory, Johns Hopkins Univer- sity, V. 3, No. 4, 18a3-84. - The genus cintractia. 1885. 2p. O. Reprinted from Bulletin of Torrey Botanical Club, July, 1885. - A yellow opium mould. (Eurotium aspergillusglacus, Lk.) n. p.y 1885. 4p. O. 230 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Trelease, William. The " working " of the Madison lakes. Plates. Transactionx Wiaconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 7, 1883-87, pp. 121-129. The morels and puff-balls of Madison, Wis. Plates. Madison, 1887. IGp. O. Reprinted from Ibid . Only such of Professor Trelease's work is given above as appeared (liiring his resi- dence in Wisconsin, 18M3-8.J. He has since published much in the department of botany. He is now director of the Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis. TscHUDY, J. Jacob. The Swiss colony of New Glarus, by Hon. John Luchsin^er. With additional notes by J. J. Tschudy. Madison, 1879. 35p. O. Reprinted from Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 8. Turner. Andrew Jackson. The gerrymander of Wisconsin. A review of the legislative apportionment act of 1891. n. p., 1891. 47p. O. 2ded., 1891, 26p. O. Turner, Frederick Jackson. Outline studies in the history of the northwest. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr &. Co., 1888. 12p. S. Unity Club Leaflets, No. 7. Wisconsin, historical and statistical. Eiicyclop72, 31S-31'.I, 3.V.»-:5G2, 400-403,. 454-450, 504-507. Elementary lessons in manual training. New York: E. L. Kel- logg, 1892. * Uph.\m, Don Alonzo J. A paper on the judicial and legal condition of the Territory of W^isconsin, at and after its organization, by Andrew G. Miller, D. A. J. Upham, and W. A. Prentiss, a committee of the Old Settlers' club of Milwaukee county. Read before the club, July 4, 1870. Milwaukee, 1870. 17p. O. Vahey, John W. Science and revealed religion; and, Total abstinence. Milwaukee, 1875. 22p. O. Vance, James Ward. Bee keeping. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 2], 1883, pp. 287-295. Honey. Ihid., pp. 337-340. Van Cleef, Frank Louis. De attractiouis in enuntiationibus relativis usu Platonico. Bonnae, 1890. 54p. O. The pseudo-Gregorian drama Xp/'^roi nd6xooy, in its relation to the te.xt of Euripides, Madison, 1892. IGp. O. Reprinted from Transactions Wisconsin Acadimy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, y. 8, 1888-yi. Van Hise, Charles Richard. Cry.stalliue rocks of the Wisconsin val- ley. By R. D. Irving and C. R. Van Hise. Plates. Oeology of Winconsin, v. 4, 18H2, pp. 623-714. On secondary enlargements of feldspar fragments in certain Ke- weenawan sandstones. American Journal uf Science, v. 127, 1884, pp. 399-403. - On secondary enlargements of mineral fragments in'certain rocks. By R. D. Irving aud C. R. Van Hise. Illust. Plates. 5Gp. O Bulletins United States Geological Survey, v. 2, 1884-85. I BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 233 Van Hise, Charles Richard. Enlarf,'ements of hornblende fragments^ 5p. O. Reprinted from Amei-ican Journal of Science, v. 130, 1885. - Upon the origin of the mica-schiBts and black mica-slates of the Penokee-Go?ebic iron-bearing series. 9p. O. Reprinted from Id., v 131, 1886. - Note on the enlargement of hornblendes and augites in frag- mental and eruptive rocks. 4 p. O. Reprinted from American Journal of Science, v. 135, 1887. - The crystalline schists of the Lake Superior district. By R. D. Irving, T. C. Chamberlin, and C. R. Van Hise. * International Geological Congress, 4th session, London, 1888, pp. 156-170. - Administrative report of the Lake Superior division, United States geological survey, for the year 1887-88. Ninth Annual Report, United States Geological Survey, 1887-88, pp. 79-84. The same, for 1888-89, Tenth Annual Report, Id., pp. 123-128. - The iron ores of the Penokee-Gogebic series of Michigan and Wis- consin. 16p. O. Reprinted from American Journal of Science, v . 137, 1889. The chemical origin of the Vermillion lake iron ores. * Am^erican Geologist, v. 4, 1889, pp. .382-383. The pie-Cambrian rocks of the Black Hills. Plate. 42p. O. Reprinted from Bidletin of Geological Society of America, v. 1, 1890. - The Penokee iron-bearing series of Michigan and Wisconsin. By Roland Duer Irving and Charles Richard Van Hise. Plates. Maps. Washington, 1890. 163p. Q. Reprinted from Tenth Annual Report, United States Geological Survey, 1888-89. - An attempt to harmonize some apparently conflicting views of Lake Superior stratigraphy. 21p O. Reprinted from American Journal of Science, v. 141, 1891. 234 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Van Hise, Charles Richard. Lake Superior stratigraphy. * American Utuloyist, v. 7, 1891, pp. 38:^-3SG. Origiu of the irou ores of the Lake Superior region. Plates. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Scitnces, Arts and Letters, v. 8, 1888-91, pp. 210-229. - The iron ores of the Marquette district of Michigan. ITp. O. Keiirinled from Antcrican Jtmriutl of Science, v. 143, LSy:>. - Observations upon the structural relations of the Upper Huronian, Lower Huronian, and Basement Comple.x on the north shore of Lake Huron. By Raphael Pumpelly and C. R. Van Hise. lOp. O. Reprinted from American Journal of Science, v. 143, 1892. - Correlation papers— Archaean and Algonkian. Maps. Washing- ton, 1892. 549p. O. Bulletin, United States Geological Survey, No. 813, 1892. - The Penokee iron-bearing series of Michigan and Wisconsin. By Roland Duer Irving and Charles Richard Van Hise. Illust. Plates. Maps. Washington, 1892. 53Up. Q. Monographs United States Geological Stirvey, No. xi.v. - An historical sketch of the Lake Superior region, to Cambrian time. Map. Journal of Geology, v. 1, 1893, pp. n3-l-J8. - The pre- Cambrian rocks of North America. International Geological Congress, 5th session, Washington, 1891 . (In press.) * - Sketch of the pre-Cambrian geology south of Lake Superior, with reference to illustrative localities. Jl/id. (In press. J * Van Slyke, David O. On baptism; the ordinance, subjects, and spiritual significance; or, why christians should observe this ordinance of the church; La Crosse, 1878. GTp. T. Found at last; the veritable garden of Eden, or a place that an- swers the bible description of that notable spot better than anything yet discovered. Galesville, 188G. 40p. T. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 235 Van Velzer, Charles A., and Chas. S. Slichter. Advanced algebra. Parts I. and II. Madison and Evanston: The Authors, 1888. 2v. O. Logarithmic and trigonometric tables. Madison: Tracy, Gibbs & Co., 1891. 35p. Manual of four-place logarithms. Madison: Tracy, Gibbs & Co., 1891. Ten folding sheets, 7x14 in. School algebra. Madison: Tracy, Gibbs & Co., 1892 ix + 401p. D. Higher algebra. Madison: Tracy, Gibbs & Co., 1892. 471p. D. University algebra. Madison: Tracy, Gibbs & Co., 1892. D. In two editions, 668 and 732 p., respectively. Van Wyck, Anthony. History of the people as illustrated by their monuments. Annual address before the State historical society of Wisconsin, Jan. 23, 1867. Madison, 1867. 23p. O. Verwtst, Chrysostom. Missionary labors of fathers Marquette, Me- nard and Allouez in the Lake Superior region. Milwaukee, 1886. 262p. D. Mikana gi jigong enamog. [Chippewa prayer book.] * Geographical names in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan, hav- ing a Chippewa origin. Wisconsin Historical CoUections, v. 12, pp. .390-.398. Viebahn, Charles Frederick. Some defects in our gi-ade systems. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 12, 1882, pp. 389-399. Vilas, Levi Baker. Speech before union mass meetings held at La Crosse, October 1, 1862, and at Madison, October 13, 1862. 8p. O. Vilas, William Freeman. An address delivered before the law class of the University of Wisconsin, at the assembly chamber, June 19, 1876. Madison, 1876. 28p. Q. 236 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Vilas, William Freeman. The American soldier. Transactions ]Vi.iconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 17, 1878-i'9, pp. 455-471. Address at the Minnesota state fair at Rochester, 1881. Id., V. liO, 1881-82, pp. 375-392. - Speech at Milwaukee, Wis., September 5th, 1888. Milwaukee, 1888. 31p. O. The state of Wisconsin. Portraits, lllust. Harper's Magazine, v. 82, 1801, pp. G77-69G. The threat of the present coinage law. Forum, v. 1.3, 1892, pp. 28.5-294. The " Bennett Law " in Wisconsin. Portrait. The Columbian (Chicago), v. 1, 1892, pp. 14-17. ViNJE, Aad John. Civil liability of physicians for malpractice. * Central Law Journal, v. 27, 1868, pp. 5G7-574. Admissibility of telegrams. * The Adcocate, v. 2, 1890, pp. 207-209. VoGT. Casimir. Gete-dibadjimowin tchi bwa ondadisid Jesus Christ gaie Jesus o bimadisiwin gaie o nibowin. lllust. St. Louis, 1885. 140p. S. Gijigong ababikaigan. Katolik anamie-masinaigan. St. Louis, 1891. xi+386p. T. VosBURG, H. J. Wayland academy, Beaver Dam. Columbian History of Education in Wisconsin, 1893, pp. 216-221. Wakefield, Josephus. History of Waupaca county, Wisconsin. Por- trait. Waupaca, 1890. 12l9p. D. Walber, Albert. Die Deutsch-Englische akademie. F'stxclirift zur Einu-eihuntisfcii r. 181I1, pp. 7-28. Walbbidoe, Fr.anklin Eugene. Railway spine. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, v. 20, pp. lO'y-UH. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 237 Wabeen, Mary Evalix. Our laurels, gathered from King Bibler's kingdcui. Portrait. Milwaukee: 1. L. Hauser & Co., 1880. 33p. O. Compensation. A tale of temperance. New York, 1887. 275p. D. - A woman's idea of kindness to animals. TransactioHS Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 35, 1887, pp. 317-323. - Little Jakie, the bootblack. Mauston, Wis.: Western Good Tem- plar Publishing House, 1888. 19p. O. - Farmers and farmers' wives. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 26, 1888, pp. 211-218. Forty years ago and now. Id., V. 27, 1889, pp. 314-330. "Warren, Seth K. Evolution theory of the origin of worlds; embracing the causes which produced the peculiarities and motions of the solar system, including the asteroids, rings of Saturn, moons of Uranus, meteors and comets. Lake Geneva, Wis., 1888, 84p. S. Washburn, Cadwallader Golden. Speech at the Gayoso House, on the occasion of his reception by the citizens of Memphis on his resum- ing command, March 8, 1865. Memphis, 1865. 20p. S. - Speech delivered in the house of repres entatives, March 20, 1868, on the joint resolution providing for the regulation of fares and freights over the Pacific railroads. Washington, 1868. 16p. O. - Postal telegraph. Speech delivered in the house of representa- tives, December 22, 1869. Washington, 1869. 29p. O. - Address delivered before the Northern Wisconsin fair, at Oshkosh, October 3, 1872. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 11, 1872-73, pp. 220-236. Washburn, William Henry. Causes and prevention of diphtheria in cities. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, v. 25, 1891, pp. 271-281. 23S WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Watrous, Jerome Anthony. The eagles and stars — Wisconsin. ]\'((r Fajtcrs, Coinmandery of Wisconsin, Military Order of Loyal Legion of United States, v. 1, IS'.il, pp. 125-139. ■ Major General Winfleld S. Hancock. Ibid., pp 298-301. Webster, Imoiiene S. Dowuer college, Fox Lake, Wis. Columbian Hittory of Education in Wi.-icnnsin. 1S'.»3. p)). li)7-:J01. Welles, Edw.vrd Randolph. The A merican cathedral system. A sermon before the clerical association, Cleveland, O., April 25, 1880. Cleve- land. O., 1880. 21p. T. Sermons and addresses. With portraits and memoirs. Edited by his son. Rev. E. S. W^elles. Milwaukee, 1889. 8t+237p. D. Wells, Charles Kimball. Genealogy of the Wells family, of Wells,. Maine. Milwaukee, 1874. 4;^-[-,38p. O. Wells, Oliver E. Purpose and extent of the law relating to approval by the state superintendent of high school principals and assistants. A paper read before the W^iscon.sin teachers' association at Madison, Tuesday, December 29, 1891. Madison, 1892. 8p. O. As state superintendent of pulilic instruction, Mr. "Wells should be credited with the biennial reports ..f his di'iartinent. and the editorship of its miscellaneous publications. Wentworth, Joiix Theodore. The interstate commerce law; being the act to regvxlate commerce, which was approved February 4, 1887, and in effect April 5, 1887; as amended by act approved and in effect March 2, 1889, and an act approved and in effect February 10, 1891;. with rules and forms adopted by the commission, together with annotations of cases construing the law decided by the interstate commerce commission, U. S. supreme court, and federal courts. Chicago: T. H. Flood ct Co., 1891. xxiii+114p. O. * Wenzel, Henry P. Diseased meat, and its relations to health. F^ifth A)in ual Report, State Board of Health of Wisconsin, 1880, pp. 76-90. The relation of diphtheria and erysipelas to puerperal fever. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, v. 17, 1883, pp. 00-74. West, G. M. Metomen, Springvale, Alto, and Waupun, Wis., during the war. Brandon, 18G7. IGp. O. West, Hattie E. The study of nature. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 20, 1890, pp. 273-275. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 239 West, Theresa Hubbell. Systematic catalogue of the public library of the city of Milwaukee; with alphabetical author title, and sub- ject indexes, 1885. By K. A. Linderfelt and T. H. West. Milwaukee: Board of Trustees, 1885-86. clx+87]p. Q. - Quarterly index of additions to the Milwaukee public library. By K. A. Linderfelt and T. H. West. v. 1, 1886-87; v. 2, 1888-89; V. 3, 1890-91. Milwaukee: Board of Trustees, 1888-92. 3v. Q. - Bibliographical list of books, essays, and articles on political econ- omy, with special reference to the labor question and allied topics^ contained in the Milwaukee public library. Milwaukee 1887. 16p. O. Repriuted from Quarterly Index of Additions, v. 1, 1886-87. - Reading notes on topics in English literature, for Professor J. C Freeman's course of lectures. Qua rttrhj Index of Additions, Milwaukee Public Library, v. 3, 1801, pp. 188-190. Whist literature of the Milwaukee public library, prepared for the use of the First American Whist congress. 4p. In Proceedings First American TF/usi Congress, held at Milwaukee, April 14-17, 1891 . Milwaukee public library. Columb an History of Education in Wisconsin, 1893, pp. 4i2-Ai7 West, W. B. How out-door relief propagates pauperism. Proceedings Wisconsin Conference of Charities and Corrections, 1888, pp. 5-2-58. Westcott, Oliver S. The economy of practical entomology. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 19, 1880-81, pp. 280-295. Wettstein, Theodore. Der nordamerikanische freistaat Wisconsin^ in seiner physischen, sozialen und politischen gestalt ziir belhrung^ und warnung fiir deutsche auswanderer, nebst einer ausfilhrlichen darstellung aller gewerb, fabrik, Industrie und handelszweige. El- berfeld, 1851. D. * Weyerhorst, F. Farming in Germany compared with fai-ming in Amer- ica. Transactions Northern Wisconsin Agricultural and Mechanical Association, v . 4. 1876-77, pp. 79-a3. 240 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Wheeler, Andrew C. The chronicles of Milwaukee; being a narrative history of the town from its earliest period to the present. Milwau- kee, 1861. 303p. D. Wheeler, X. M. The machine in education, Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 11, IKHl, pp. 435-442. Forest culture. Transactions Wisconsin State Horticultural Society, v. 12, 1881-82, pp. 90-100. Wheeler, Nelson W. Old Thunderbolt in justice court. Portrait. Baraboo, Wis., 1883. lG3p. D. Wheeler, William H. Spiders of the sub-family lyssomanae. By G. W. and E. G. Peckham, and W. H. Wheeler. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 7, 188:^-87, pp. 222-256. Wheelock, Kate I. The fundamental principles and rules of modern American whist. Milwaukee: Chicago, Milwaukee \' St. Paul Ry., 1888. 28p. T. - Rules and tables for whist, drive whist, and progressive hearts. Mil- waukee: Wisconsin Central Ry., 1889. 8p. T. Whirry, William T. The town of Randolph, Columbia county. Wis. Its first settlement, first settlers, incidents, etc., including its transac- tions during the war of the great rebellion. Randolph, 1873. 24p. O. White, James W. Responsibility of public schools in the formation of character. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 18, 1888. pp. 1-9. White, Philo. Agricultural statistics of Racine county, Wisconsin Racine, 1852. IGp. O. " Pinchincha." Extracts from a discourse delivered in the chapel of Racine college. Racine, 1862. 24p. O. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 24I Whitford, William Clarke. Early history of education in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Historical Collections, v. 5, pp. 3^1-351. History of school supervision in Wisconsin. /6td., pp. 352-368. Conditions of success in the school room. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 1, 1871, pp. 331-326, 366-370. Top dressing. Tr(in!i<(ctions IVisconyiin State Horticultural Society, 1874, pp. 106-115. Co-education of the sexes in our schools. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 5, 1875, pp. 8&-95. Historical sketch of education in Wisconsin. Madison: The State, 1876. 127p. O. Historical sketch of Milton college. Historical Sketches of the Colleges of Wisconsin, 1876, pp. 67-05. A biographical sketch of Hon. Joseph Goodrich. United States Biographical Dictionar// (Wisconsin vol.), 1877, pp. 492-497. ') Our country schools. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 8, 1878, pp. 1-9. The self-reporting system in our schools. Ibid., pp. 239-244. Education of work. Madison, 1879. 19p. O. Reprinted from Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Societij, v. 17, 1878-79. The teachers instructed in our institutes. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 9, 1879, pp. 330-335. In memoriam. Hon William Starr. Ibid., pp. 421-427. The present condition of the schools of the .state. Id., V. 10, 1880, pp. 1-13. Circular on the free high schools of Wisconsin; with comments on the high school law. Madison: The State, 1879. 23p. O. * Text-book legislation in the different states. Report of Te.rt-Book Commission to the Legislature of Wisconsin, Jan. 8, 1879, pp. IO-.35. Circular on the grading system for the country schools of Wis- consin. Madison: The State, 1880. 3Gp. O. 17— Bib. 242 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WniTFORD, William Clarke. The importance of organized work for the students of our state. Minnies of Sixth An)nial Convention of YoKug il/oi's Christian Associations of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 3880, pp. 50-58. - Circular on the adoption of text-books. Madison: The State, 1881. 8p. O.* - Future work in the gradation of county schools. Wisconsin Journal of Kclucation, V . 11, 188], pp. ^89-295. - Examination in the theory and art of teaching. Ibid., pp. .34.3-349. - Education of the intellectual powers by work. Ibid., pp. 4M-488. - Circular on plans and specifications of school houses for the country districts, villages, and smaller cities of Wisconsin. Madi- .son: The State, 1882. 199p. O. - The principles of church discipline. * Seventh-Day Baptist Quarterly (Alfred Center, N. Y.), li^Sl, pp. 8(j-]01. - Effectiveness of preaching.* Ibid., pp. 278-294. - Prominent ideas illustrated in the history of the Milton Seventh- day Baptist church, Wisconsin. * Ibid., pp. 334-368. - Christ, the student's model. * Ibid., pp. 482-.501. - lli.storical sketch of the Seventh-day Baptist institutions ["of learning in America. * Seventh-Day Bajdist Hand Book (Alfred Center, N. Y.), 1887, pp. 47-.')5. - A review of our educational progress in the last third of a "cen- tury.* Minutes of the Seventh- Day Baptint Education Society, 1888, pp. ir-20. - The effects of the culture of a college upon its graduates. * Id , 188il, pp. 18-2o. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 243 Whitford, William Clarke. Christianity in the higher schools. * /(/., 181111. pp. w-2:>. - Historical sketch of the Seventh day Baptist denomination in America. * lliid . , \)\). (p-l-73. Lessons from a European trip. * III ,1801. Milton college. ColiiiiihiKii Hisliiri/ (if K.liiraliDii in ir/s'C;)ii.s/(i, ISlli, pp. is;)^]'.iil. Professor Whitford was state superintendent of puldie instriu'tion. 1878-1882, and should be credited with tlie annual reports of his department foi' that period. Pie was also, ilurino: years, one of the editors of Tin- Wiscfiiisin Joiiriuil of Ed- iicfttion. Whitxey, H. M. Beloit college. Columbian Histoi'!/ of Kdiicufion hi ^\'isconnin, 1S93, pp. l.'):5-l.")o. WiGGiNGTOX, Richard Myles. Notes on in'-anity, and the improper ad- mission in certain cases, and the relation of the medical profession to the insane of the state, with cases. TniKsuciions State Medical Socicfij of Wisconsin, v. 19, ISS."), pp. 1:i8-133. Cerebral hypergemia and its pathological importance. Id., V. -i?,, ISSl), pp. :J.j4--301). Wight, Orlando Williams. What is a nation? An oration delivered on the 4th of July, 1874, at Beaver Dam, Wis. Milwaukee, 1874. 16p. O. The presidential count. An address to the representatives of the people of Wisconsin, in convention assembled at the city of Mil- waukee, on the 18th day of .January, 1877. Milwaukee, 1877. 39p, O. The management of contagious diseases in the city of Milwaukee. Fif/h Annual Report, Statu Board of Health of M'isronsin, If^Kl, pp. tU-73. Dr. Wight was an a\ithor of considerable reputation before coming' to Wisconsin (1808). He was for a time an editor of The Milwaukee Sentinel. As health officer .•)f Milwaukee his reports attracted national attention (1878-8:i). Removed to De- troit in 1882, dying there in 1888, these last years being more fertile in literary Viroduct than those spent in Wisconsin. 244 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Wight, William Ward. Table of cases decided by the supreme court of the state of Wisconsin. Chioaso: Calla-jhan A- Co.,18T(J. ;U8p. O.* Catalogue of books belonging to the library of the Young Men's associationof the city of Milwaulsee, 1877. Milwaukee, 1877. 208p. O. Catalogue of the art depirtmeuts, Milwaukee industrial exposi- tion, September October, ISSl. Milwaukee, 1881. lOlp. O. The new Wisconsin form b;)ik; a compen lium of le.i^al and prac- tical foi-ms, inclusive of prolate practice, with principles of law adapted to the late revised statutes of Wisconsin. To which are added complete offici'-d forms and instructions under the recent patent, bonnty. and homestead acts. Bj'^ Joseph F. McMul- len, revised by William W. Wight. 5th erlition. revised and en- larged. Milwaukee: West & Co.. 1884. vi4-393p. O.* Same, Milwaukee: AVest Book & Stationary Ca, 18S9 * The Wights. A record of Thomas Wight of Dedham and Med- field, and of his descendants, 1G35-1890. Milwaukee, 1890. xi+357p. Q. Auaalsof Milwaukee colle.^e, 1348-1831. lUust. Milwaukee, 1891. 49p. Q. The courtship of Miles Standish. A paper read before the Current Topic club, Milwaukee, October 5, ISJl. Milwaukee, 1S91. lip. O. WiLBER, George Densmore. Diphtheria. Transactions Slate Mtdival Suciety of Wisconsin, v. 13, 1879, pp. Il)i-'32i3. Wilcox, Ella Wheeler. Shells. Milwaukee, 1873 D * Drops of water. New York: The Xationxl Temperance Society- Pub. House, 1884. 132p. S. Maurine, and other poems. 4th ed. Chicago: A. C McCiurg & Co., 188G 254p. D. Perdita, and other stories. New York: J S Ogilvie & Co , 1836. 118p. D. Mai moulee, a novel. Xew York: G. X. Dillingham, 1886. D.* BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 245 Wilcox, Ella Wheeler. Poems of pleasure. New York: Belford Company, 1888. 158p D. Adventures of Miss Volney; and, A double life. New York: J. S. Ogilvie, 1889.* Poems of passion. Chicago: Belford-Clarke Co., 1890, i5Gp. D. Arthur B. Braley. Memorial address presented to the State his- torical society of Wisconsin, January 2, 1890. Proceedings state Historical Socieiy of Wisconsin, \SQO, pp. 80-94. An erring woman's love. lUust. New York: Lovell, Coryell & Co., 1892. 15Tp. D. The beautiful land of Nod. Poems, songs, stories, allegories. Illust. New York: Morrill, Higgins & Co., 1892. lllp. O. Mrs. Wilcox has had poems, stories, and slietches in a large number of American journals and magazines, chief among them being Scribner''s, Atlantic, Century, Arena, Lippincott's, Cosmopolitan, North American Review, Review of Reviews, Manhattan, Home Maker, Ladies' Home Journal, St. Nicholas, Wide Aivake, and Harper^s Young People. WiLLARD, Frances P. .Esthetics in horticulture. Transactions Wisconsin State Horticultural Society, v. 13, 1831-S-.3, pp. 2U-222. The distribution of seeds by nature. Id., V. 14. 1884, pp. 144-151. WiLLARu, JosLiH F. History of Rock county, and transactions of the Rock county agricultural society and mechanics* institute. Edited and compiled by Orren Guernsey and Josiah F. Willard. Janes- ville, 1S5G. xii+350p. O. Willard, Samuel Weils Migration and distribution of North Ameri- can birds in Brown and Outagamie counties. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 6, 1881-83, pp. irr 100. Williams, Charles Grandison. Address delivered September 27, 1877, at the Northern Wisconsin fair, Tran.^actions Northern Wisconsin Agricultund and Mechanical Association, V. 5, 1877-78, pp. 59-74. Williams, G. Mott. The old theology and the new. Being the steno- graphic report of a sermon by the Very Rev, G. Mott Williams. Delivered at the close of his ministry as dean of All Saints cathe- dral, Milwaukee. Milwaukee: The Young Churchman Co., 1891. 17p. D. 246 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Williams, Irene H. Insects in flower and plant culture. Transactions Wisconsin State Horticultural Society, 1875, v. 5, pp. 94-07. Our wiiulow plants. Id., isri'i, V. PI). G, '.lO-'JS. Summer treatment of winter-blooming plants. /(/., V. 7, IKrr, pp. 26-29. Garden vases and hanging baskets. Ibid., pp. 85-88. Ornamental foliage beds. /(/., V. 8, inr>s, pp. 70-73 Our girls. Ibid., pp. i;54-1.3(;. Williams, John Melvin. The Eagle regiment: 8th Wis. infty vols. A sketch of its marches, battles, and campaigns, from 1861 to 1865. By "Non-Vet "of Co. "H." Illust. Belleville, Wis., 1890. 166p. O. Wilson, Joseph G. Two lectures on the Inquisition, delivered in Spring St. Church, Milwaukee, March, 1853. Milwaukee, 1853- 80p. O. WiLTROUT, Irving David. Clinical study of exophthalmic goitre. Transactions State Medical Societi/ of Winconiii)i, 1888, v. 22, pp. 1.31-1I2. Multiple neuritis. Id., 18K'.t, pp. 247-253. 1 WiNCHELL, S. Robertson. The true function of the high school. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 4, 1874, pp. 301-307. Wingate, Uranus Owen Br.vckett. Advances in sanitation. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, v. 25, 1891, pp. 48-62. Relation of sanitation to municipal government of Wisconsin. Id.,\. 26, 1892, pp. 268-278. WiNSLOw, Horatio Gates. Racine city, and her schools. Cotitiiibian History of Education in Wisconsin, 1893, pp. 496-510. Winter, Frank. The high school curriculum and the high school teacher. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 16, 1886, i)p. 179-180. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 24/ WiswALL, Elvix Clark. The county superintendent; what diflQculties does he meet? Ibid., pp. 445-451. Some elements of waste in our common schools. Id . , V. 20, 1890, .pp. 136 -143 . WiTBECK, H. P. Wisconsin, and the city of Racine: its advantages, business, and prospects. By Whitbeck and Rowley. Map. Racine, 1856. 16p. O. Witter, George Franklix. Water: and the water supply of Wisconsin. Second Annual Report, State Board of Health of Wisconsin, 1877, pp, 63-71 . Third Annual Report, 1878. Id., pp. 79-100. Ground air, in its relations to health. Fourth Annual Report, 1879. Id., pp. 69-78. Tobacco and its effects. Sixth AnniMl Report, 1881, Id., pp. 74-105. Heredity. Tenth Annual Report, 1886, Id., pp. 167-181. Sanitary survey and report of the school buildings and grounds of the leading schools of the state of Wisconsin. Thirteenth Annual Report, 1889, Id., pp. 50-77. Some of the modern achievements and problems of sanitary sci- ence. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, v. 24, 1890, pp. 2J)7-248. WOLL, Fritz Wilhelm August. Methods of butter analysis. Fourth Annual Report, Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Wis- consin, 1886, pp. 173-179. Notes on Baron Hiibl's method of analysis of fats. Ibid , pp. 179-185. Corn ensilage versus field-cured Indian corn, for milk and butter production. Fifth Annual Report, 1888, Id., pp. 28-63; Ibid., pp. 82-92; Si.vth Annual Re- port, pp. 69-122; Seventh Annual Report, pp. 80-97, 215-237; Eighth Annual Report, pp. 49-60, 227-231. 248 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WOLL, Fritz Wilhelm August. Composition of feeding stuffs. Fifth Annual Report, Id., 1888, pp. 164-172; Sixth Annual Report, pp. 215-223; E/(jhth Annual Report, pp. 193-202. Prickly comfrey versus red clover. Sixth Annual Report. 1889, Id., pp. 207-211. Ground oats versus bx'uu, for milk and butter production. Seventh Annual Report, 1890, id., pp. 05-79. The number and size of fat globules in cows' milk. Ibid., pp. 238-247. Inve,stigation of sugar-beet culture in Wisconsin. Eighth Annual Report, Id., 1891, pp. 170-192. Analysis of feeding stuffs. Ibid., pp. 203-219. Wood, Joseph Warren. Poison in horticulture. Ti-ansactions Wisconxin State Horticultural Society, v. 10, 1879-80, pp. 174-182. Wood, Lewis N, Third annual address delivered in the assembly hall of the capitol at Madison, on Tuesday, the 16th day of March, 1852, before the State historical society of Wisconsin. Madison, 1852. 17p. O. Woodman, Edwin Ellis. The pipestone of Devil's Lake. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 5, 1877-81, pp. 251-2.58. Weight, Albert Orville. The .science of history. Congrerjational Review, v. 9, 1809, pp. 43H-1J9. - Shall the state of Wisconsin adopt a uniformity of text books? Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 3, 1873, pp. 2(M-207. - A brief history of Wisconsin. Compiled from the original docu- ments. Ibid., pp. 329-333. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 249 Wright, Albert Orville. The philosophy of histoiy. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 5, 1877-81, pp. 12-20. Distribution of profits; anew arrangement of that subject. Ibid., pp. 38-45. The increase of insanity. Id., V. 6, 1881-«3,pp. 20->8. The same, reprinted from Report Wisconsin State Board of Charities and Reform, 188:i-84. General Grant's military services. Memorial address delivered at New Lisbon, Wis., Aug. 9, 1885. Madison, 1885. Ip. O. Jails: their construction and management. l'2p. O. ReprinteJ from Rej^ort Wisconsin State Board of Charities and Reform, 1885-86. Composition writing in an orphan asylum. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 16, 1886, pp. 272-274. Socialism ; an address at Xew Lisbon, Decoration Day, 1886. Madi- son, 1886. 7p. O. School libraries. Wisconsin .Journal of Education, \ . Ifi, 1886, pp. 186-189. Small asylums for the chronic insane. Their construction and management. Madison, 1887. 12p. O. American constitutions. Madison: Midland Pub. Co., 1888. 188p. D. Social Science Series, Xo . 1 . I • An exposition of the constitution of the United States. 35th ed. Madison: Midland Pub. Co., 1888. 303p. D. An exposition of the constitution of the state of Wisconsin. 44th ed. Madison: Midland Pub. Co , 1888. 174p. D. Old English agriculture. Transactions Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, v. 26, 1886, pp. 329-337. Constitution in the public schools. A paper read at the South- western Wisconsin teachers' association, at Madison, Aug. 28, 1890. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 20, 1890, pp. 443-449. 250 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Wright, Albert Orvilie. The defective classes. Transactions Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v 8, 1890 pp. 170- ISO. Vroli-ssor Wright \va.s for a. long tfi-iii of years secretary of the State Board of Charities and Keforni, and editor of its pubHcations. He was also editor and founder of The Midland School Journal (Madison), lately merged into The Wis- consin Journal of Education, of whi ch hs is now an editor. Wright, Pl.vtt M. Omi-o, Wisconsin. A brief sketch of its past and present. Omro, 1876. 22p. O. WiJRDEMANN, Harry Vanderbilt. Some syphilitic lessons of the eye. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, v. 35, 1891, pp. 137-151. Cauterization in hyperthopic rhinitis. Id., V. 30, 1893. pp. 183-180. Condylomata of the auditory canal. Ibid., pp. 310-331. WymaN, O. B. Compulsory educational law. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. 9, IH79, pp. ;:i65-:371. Yenowine, George H. Louisville [Kentucky]. A sketch. lUust. Cosmopolitan Magazine, v. 14, 1893, pp. 179-180. Zeininger, August. Catholic schools and institutions, Columbian History of Ed neat ion in Wisconsin, 1893, pp. 000-090. Zeininger, Carrie F. Teaching history. Wisconsin Journal of Education, v. £0, 1890, pp. 310-317. Zeit, F. Robert. Recent progress in diseases of the brain and nervous system. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, v. 30, 1892, pp. 223-234. Two cases of conservative surgery. Ibid., pp. 29!, -300. ZiEMER, Archer Romeo. A fated race. The jKijis, v. 7, 1893, pp. 33-.33. Zimmerman, Charles. The eye-symptoms of brain disease. Id., V. 25, 1891, pp. 311-324. The relation of the ocular nerves to the brain. /(/., V. 30, 18y3, pp. .347-359. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 25 1 ADDENDA. Additional titles, to May 10, 1893, received too late for proper classifica- tion. Abbelex, Peter Mathias. Die ehrwurdige mutter Maria Carolina Friesz, erste general commissiirin der schulschwestern von Notre Dame. Ein lebens-und charakter-bild. Portrait. St. Louis: B. Herder, 1882. 275p. D. Adams, Charles Kendall. French and German diplomacy after Sadowa. JVbef/i Aiiieyican Review, v. 113, 1871, pp. 374-414. The German mission of Count Benedetti, Id., V. 114, 1872, up. 333-272. The rise of Napoleonism. Id., V. IIG, 1873, pp. 1-44. Universal suffrage under Napoleon III. Id., V. 117, 1873, pp. 341-382. ress." Ten Brook's " American State Universities, their origin and prog- 3." Id., V. 131, 1875, pp. 365-408. The educational system of Germany. Lansing, Mich., 1882. 20p. O. Some recent discoveries concerning Columbus. Annual Report of Americaii, Historical Association, 1891, pp. 89-99. The university and the state. Addresses at Inauyuration of Charles Kendall Adams, LL. D., to Pi'esidency of University of Wisconsin, January 17, 1893, pp. 45-G'.). Also in TheJEgis, v. 7, 1893, pp. 100-111. 252 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Allen, Katharine. The Harvard Annex. The .-Kgis, v. 7. 18i«, pp. l:W-141. Allen, Stanton. Early diagnosis of spinal caries. Tfansactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, v. 28, 1892, pp. 336-346. Asp, Carrie. Polk county .schools. Columbian lliatory of Education in Wisconsin, 1893, pp. C15-G2.3. Barnes, Charles Reid. Modern botany. Science, v. 20, 1892, pp. 02-04. The relation of botany to some modern biological problems. The Mgis, v. 7, 1892, pp. 61-63. Barnett, James R. Air pressure an available force in retentive dress- ings for fracture of the upper dental arcade. Traiixacfioi)^ S/a/,' }r('dical Society of Wisconsin, v. 20, 1892, pp. 317-322. Beebe, D. C. Hemophilia, with mention of a case. Ibid., pp. 244-249. Beers, Mary L. The Janesville public schools. Columbian History of Education in Wisconsin, 1893, pp. 524-536. Bennett, Charles Edwin. The work and aims of the ArchfBological Institute of America. Archa'ological Institute of America, Report of First Annual Meetinq of Wiscon- sin Society, 1890, pp. 15-24 . Bill, B. J. Typhlitis and perityphilitis. Transactions state Medical Society of Wisconsin, v. 20, 1892, pp. 104-1 !0. BiRGE, Edward Asahel. Pond life. The JSgis, v. 7. 1K98, pp. 135-137. Bacteriology. Syllabus of a course of six lectures. Madison, 1892. 12p. O. Univc'sity of Wisconsin. Extension Departjnent, Syllabus No. 3. Blair, Emma Helen. General sketch of the history of education in Wisconsin. Columbian II tat or y of Education in Wisconsin, 1893. pp. 9-77. Blood, H. N. Oshkosh, Wis., illustrated. With views of the city and Lake Winnebago. Milwaukee 1892. ob. D. BIBLIOGRAPny OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 253 Bradley, Is.--AC Samuel. Bibliography of Wisconsin authors. Being a list of books and other publications, written by Wisconsin authors, in the library of the State historical society of Wisconsin. Prepared under the direction of Reuban Gold Thwaites and Isaac Samuel Bradley, by Emma Alethea Ilawley. Madison, Wis.: The State, 1893. viii + 2G3p. O. Brande, S.\muel Yates. The evolution of the free school at Kenosha. Columbian Histori/ of Education in Wisconsin, ISiii, i)]). oil -5-23. Braun, Herman A. Audersonville an object lesson on protection. A critical sketch. Milwaukee: C. D. Fahs9l Pub. Co., 1892. 16±p. S. Burgess, J. A. Complications of the puerpei-ium. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, v. i), 180i, pp. :iO;' ;^10, Bushnell, Allex Ralph. Pensions. Speech iu the house of represent- atives, Friday, February 17, 1893. Washington, 1893. ]3p. O. Butler, James Davie. A day at Delphi. Archaeological Institute of America, R''port nf First Annual Meetinrma'iiin Nii. 3, 1800. Caldwell, Margaret. Care of the patient during the lying-in period. Transactions State Medical Society of Wisconsin, v. 20, 1832, pp. 2.50-207. Carver, X. E Barron county schools. Columbian Histnry of Education in Wisconsin, 1803, pp. 052-033. Cary, John W. Railroads of Wisconsin. Walling^s Atlas of Wisconsin, 1870, pp. 23-27. Caswell, B. S. The people's own book of recipes; and information for the million, containing directions for the preservation of health . . . for the treatment of the sick, and the conduct of the sickroom; . . . also, 1,000 practical and useful recipes; . . . collected, collated, ar- ranged and edited by S. S. Schoff and B. S. Caswell, M. D. Kenosha, Wis.: Schoff .. to Pre-Hid-incy of Uiiiversit!/ of U'isconxin. .Tainiary 17, W):\ pp. 11-17. Gale, George. The Gale family records iu England aud the Uaited States; to which are added the Tottingham family of New England, aud some account of the Bogardus, Waldron, and Young families of New York. Portrait. Galesville, Wis., 18GG. 25ip. D. Gallagher, Charles Wesley. Lawrence university, at Appleton. Columbian liistunj of K hicnfion in ^\'i>ll■nnsla, 1895, pp. Il7-13'i. Gmeiner, John. Pre-historic America. The. Literary Northwest , v. 2, 1893, pp. 18.5-140. GradTON, Ch-Vrles C. The consecration sermon. A living temple of Christ's church, and the two witnesses of the word written, and the sacraments. A sermon preached in St. Mark's church, Philadelphia, on the feast of SS. Simon aud Jude, 1891, at the consecration of the Rev. Isaac Lea Nicholson, D. D., as bishop of Milwaukee. Milwau- kee: The Young Churchman Co., 1891. 30p. D. Gregory, Charles Noble. The corrupt use of money in politics, and laws for its prevention. A paper read before the Historical and po- litical science association of the University of Wisconsin. Madison: 1893. 2r)p. O. Haight, Tuerox Wilder. Waukesha public .school library. Columbian History of Education in Wisconsin, 1893, pp. 547-533. Hammond, Matthew Brown. C. G. Conn's plan of dividing profits. Employ -r and Employed (Boston), v. 1, 1803, pp. 45-47. Harders, J.F. G. Christoph Columbus und die Entdeckung Ameri- kas. Portrait. Milwaukee, 1892. 75p. D. Harris, Thomas LeGraxd. The evolution of the college curriculum in the United States. The Mgis, v. 7, 1892, pp. 2^24. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 257 Hawley, Emma Alethea. Bibliography of Wisconsin authors. Being a list of books and other publications, written by Wisconsin authors, in the library of the State historical society of Wisconsin. Pre- pared under the direction of Reuben Gold Thwaites and Isaac Samuel Bradley, by Emma Alethea Hawley. Madison, Wis.: The State, 1893. viii + 2G3p. O. HiLE, CHARr Es Harvey. The relative efficiency of street railway motors. The .-Kgis, v. 7, l«!t3, pp. '.»2-'.l5. HoBBS, William Herbert. Notes on a trip to the Lipari islands. Plate. r2p. O. Reprinted from Transactions Winconsiii Academy of Sciences, Ai-ts and Let- ters, V. 9, 180^'. Phases in the metamorphism of the schists of southern Berk- shire. Rochester, 1893. 12p. O. Reprinted from i?it//e?j";i, Geological Society of America, v. 4, 18(13. The United States geological survey. The JEgis, v. 7, 1893. pp. 19-23. The Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts and letters. Columbian History of Education in Wisconsin, 1893, pp. 406-409. Notes on some pseudomorphs from the Taconic region. 5p. O. American Geologist, v. 10, 1892, pp. 44-48. — •— Ofl intargrowths of hornblenie with augite, in crystalline rocks. Science, v. 20, 1892, p. 354. On a rose-colored lime- and alumina-bearing variety of talc. American Journal of Science, v. 45, 1893, pp. 404-407. HosKiNS, Leasder Miller. The elements of graphic statics; a text book for students of engineering. Plates. New York: McMillan & Co., 1892. 8-fl91p. O. HoTTON, John Sidney. The fourth gospel. The ^gis, v. 7, 1893. pp. 214-218. HuTCHiNS, Frank Avery. School libraries in Wisconsin. Columbian History of Education in Wisconsin, 1893, pp. 410-412. Free city libraries. Ibid., pp. 41.3-421. 18 -Bib. 25S WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jacobs, Herbert Henry. Address 011 behalf of the students. Addresses at Inancjurntion uf Charles Kendall Adams, LL. 1)., to Presidency of Universitij of Wisconsin, January 17, 1893, pp. V.)-2-i. Jackson, Dugald C. The position of the engineering course in college. The JEgis, v. 7, 181)3, pp. 33-<--J!0. Jastrow, Joseph. The science of man, at the World's Fair. The ^gis. v. 7, 1892, pp. 34-35. Jegi, John Isaac. The Arcadia public schools. Columhian History of Education in Wisconsin, 1803. pp. .575-.57(5. Jewell, Frederick S. The intermediate state variously styled Para- dise or Purgatory; or, point 9 of " Beliefs and objects." A tractate. Milwaukee: The Young Churchman Co., 1887. 29p. O. . Holy baptism: head I., part IV.. of " Special beliefs and objects of Catholic churchmen" fully considered. Milwaukee: The Young Churchman Co., 1891. 24p. O. Johnson, Amanda Marie. A chapter in philauthropy. The Aiyis, v. 7, \mi, pp. 17-1'J. Johnson, William W. Records of the descendants of David Johnson, of' Leominster. Portraits. [To which is added "Poems by Rev. Wm. W. Johnson."] Milwaukee, 1876. 8()+5p. O. Clarke-Claik genealogy. Records of the descendants of Thomas Clarke. Plymouth, 1(;23 1G97. Portraits. North Greenfield, Wis.: The Author, 1884. lG8+xivp. O. Johnson geaealogy. Records of the descendants of John John- son, of Ipswich and Andover, Mas.^,, 1G35-1893. With an appendix containing records of descendants of Timothy Johnson, of An- dover, and poems of Johnson de.scendants. Portraits. North Greenfield, Wis.: The Author, 1892. 200p. O. Johnston, John. Banks and bankers of Milwaukee. Portraits. Milwaukee Illustrated Annual, 1892-93, pp. 7-16. Adrlress on^bobalf of the regents. Addresses aljnauynration of CJiarles Kendall Adams, LL. l>., to Presidency of University of Wisconsin, January 17, 1893, pp. 41-44. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 259 Kexnax, Kent K. Pessimism; an oration delivered at Ripon college commencement, 1890. Kerr, Alexander. The gospel of Matthew in Greek. Edited by Alex- ander Kerr and Herbert Gushing Tolman. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Co., 1892. 24+117p. D. KiDDEK, Alberoni. The Eau Claire public schools. Columbian Hisfori/ of Education in Wisconsin, 1893, pp. 554-561. King, Charles. Waring's peril. LippincotVs Magazine, v. 51, 1893, pp. 259-3.39. Kino, Franklin Hiram. Observations and experiments on the fluctua- tions in the level and rate of movement of ground water on the Wis- consin agricultural experiment station farm, and at Whitewater, Wisconsin. Washington, 1892. Top. O. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, Bulletin No. 5. KiNLEY, David. The justification of social legislation. The ^gis, V. 7, 1892, pp. T9-80. The ethical basis of labor legislation, 1893. 33p. S. Reprinted from Bulletin of Christian Social Union, March, 1893. Kremers, Edward. Phamaceutical education. TheJEgis, v. 7, 1893, pp. 187-189. Krez,Konrad. AusWiskonsin. New York: F.Steiger, 1875. v+139p. S. Lester, Charles Stanley. Sermon, Easter Sunday, April 9, 1882. Mil- waukee, 1882. 20p. O. Lewis, Henry Martin. Wisconsin. In Allen R. Foote's Laiv of Incorporated Companies operating under Municipal Franchises. Cincinnati, 1892. 2v. O. LiiBBY, Orin Grant. The early history of the Erie canal. TheMgis, v. 7, 1893, pp. 189-192. Lynde, Mary Elizabeth Blanchard. Wisconsin industrial .school for girls. Columbian History of Education in Wisconsin, 1893, pp. 350-353. 260 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. McBride, Jam p:s Harvey. The mental status of Guiteau. Milwaukee, 1883. 2.3p. O. Re])rinteil from The Alienist and Neurologist, October, 1883. McGregor, Duncan. Sketch of the early educational history of Grant county . Columbian History of Education in Wisconsin, 1M93, pp. .578-584. McLaughlin, Edward. The Pond du Lac public schools. Ibid., pp. 541-54G. Mallory, Lilian Bacon. Milwaukee college for women . ll>id., pp. G91-712. Layton art gallery. ihid., pp. 718-rir. Marshall, Charles Andrew. The whaleback. The ^(jis, V. 7, 1892, pp. 75-77. Mason, Eveleen L. The lost name. Washington, 1883. 24p. S. Merrell, Edward H. Ripou college. Columbian History of Education in Wisconsin, 1893, pp. 1.54 188. Miller, William Snow. The lung and its lobule. * Anatomische Anzeiger, v. 7, No. 0. The structure of the lungs. Journal of Morphology, April, 1893. The so-called " Incas' eyes." Science, v. 21, 1893, p]). 71-75. The anatomy of the lungs. * In Wood's Reference Handbook of Medical Sciences, supp\ementa,ryvo\vime,lS93. Mills, Simeon. Force. Madison: W. J. Park .t Sous, 1893. 33p. D. Moorehouse, George Wilton, At Caddo George's. The JEgis, v. 7, 1892, pp. 5-7. Morehouse, Frederic Cook. Some American churchmen. Milwaukee: The Young Churchman Co., 1892. 240p. D. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 26 1 Morrison, William Henry. The Wisconsin farmers' institutes. Columbian Hietory of Education in Wi/sconsin, 1803, pp. 378-390. MosHER, LoviLA. M. St. Croix county schools. Ibid., pp. 634-6'27. Mueller, G. W. Concordia college, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Ibid., pp. t)51-6.")7. Nehrling, Henry. Milwaukee public museum. Ibid., pp. 428-429. Our native birds of song and beauty. Plates. Milwaukee : Geo. Brumder, 1891. 1 + 638p. Q. Norton, Helen Sarah. The development and importance of the Ha- waiian islands. The uSSgis, v. 7, 1893, pp. 203-906. NOTZ, F. W. A. The parochial school system of the Evangelical Luth- eran church in the state of Wisconsin. Columbian History of Education in Wisconsin, 1893, pp. 640-646. Ott, John Henry. Northwestern university, Watertown, Wisconsin. Ibid., pp. 647-650. Page, Sarah Eliza. Hans among the mermaids; or, in the tempter's toils. Madison, 1876. 31p. O. Parkinson, John Monroe. Legal history, and the study of Roman law. The JEyis, v. 7, 1892, pp. 90-92. Paul, George Howard. The alphabet of the future. A paper read be - fore the Fortnightly club of the city of Milwaukee, March 18, 1882. Milwaukee: Fortnightly club, 1882. 12p. O. r Pease, Lynn Spencer. Wisconsin school for the blind at Janesville. Columbian History of Education in Wisconsin, 1893, pp. 333-347. Peck, George Wilbur. Address in behalf of the state. Addresses at Inawjuration of Charles Kendall Adams, LL. D., to Presidency of University of Wi.sconsin, January 17, 1893, pp. 31-35. 262 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Peckham, George W., and Elizabeth G. Peckham. Ant-like spiders of the family Attidaj. Plates. Milwaukee: Natural History Society of Wiscousiu, 1892. 83p. Q. Occasional Papers of Natural History Society of Wisconsin, v. 2, 1892. Peet, Stephen Denison. Historical address. In History of Congregational Church, Clinton, Wis., Beloit, 1883, pp. 1-13. Peterson, Isaac. The Jefferson public schools. Columbian HiUory of Educntitta in Wisconsin, ISO!, pji. .')~0-5V4. Powell, Lyman Pip:rson. American politics, from the confederation to the close of the war of 1812. Syllabus of a course of six lectures. Madison, 1892. 23p. O. Rankin, Walter Lowrie. Carroll college, Waukesha. Columbian History of Education in Wisconsin, 1893, pp. 202-215. ScHOFF, S. S. The people's own book of recipes; and information for the million, containing directions for the preservation of health . . . for the treatment of the .sick and the conduct of the sick-room; . . . also, 1,000 practical and useful recipes; . . . collected, collated, ar- ranged and edited by S. S. Schoff and B. S. Caswell, M. D. Kenosha, Wis.: Schoff & Winegar, 18G7. 408p. D. Scott, William Amasa. The repudiation of state debts; a study in the financial history of Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Minne- sota, Michigan, and Virginia. Boston and New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., 1893. 325p. D. Library of Economics and Politics. Stewart, Isa.\c Newton. A hand-book for teachers. Madison, Wis.: The Midland Pub. Co., 1889. 238p. D. Teetzel, Frances Grant. Report. International copyright. Conven- tion of authors. Chicago, 188 . Milwaukee: The Author, 1888. 22p. S. The dynamite cartridge. Boston: McDonald & Co., 1885. lOlp. D. Poems. Vagrant fancies. Milwaukee: The Author, 1893. 70p. D. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN AUTHORS. 263 Thomson, Alexander McDonald. The poems of a day; a collection of fuj?itive poems written amid the cares and labors of daily jour- nalism. Milwaukee: The Author, 1873. 174p. D. Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Bibliography of Wisconsin authors. Being a list of books and other publications, written by Wisconsin au- thors, in the library of the State historical society of Wisconsin. Prepared under the direction of Reuben Gold Thwaites and Isaac Samuel Bradley, by Emma Alethea Hawley. Madison, Wis.: The State, 1893. viii + 263p. O. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below AUG 1 y 125^ I .nu r.-9-35»i-8,'28 J553 WiaiLQiif W75b State hls- ciety. Library * Bibliography q£ AA 000 481 942 1 Wisconsin authors • UNIVERSITY r-f rALIFOllNI/ LOS Ai\Gii:LES LIBRARY