QBS5 Bibliography Publications Herbert Stanley Shuey iLOS- ANGELES, CALIF. Bibliography of ForeignTrade Publications By Herbert Stanley Shuey Lecturer in Commerce University of California ') J) y ^ i ' ■> i } i First Edition The tenBosch Company San Francisco, California 32336 Copyright 1918 BY Herbert Stanley Shuey Published September, 1918 ■•• • •, • « • • • • • • • • • • • •• • t • • • • •• . . . . , • • • • ,• • V • • • • • •••••••• • •• • « INTRODUCTORY NOTE Business houses, commercial organizations, banks, libraries, students of commerce and others have felt ? the need of a short bibliography of publications deal- ing with foreign trade subjects. That fact, coupled with my own difficulties in readily finding authoritative references, has convinced me of the advisability of undertaking the publication of such a compilation. In these pages will be fovind, (under their proper headings), only those publications — regardless of their j' nature — that are recognized as authoritative . Com- 4 pleteness is not claimed ; that would be impossible in a ^ compilation of this size. It is believed, however, that enough references have been listed under each division 3 to give the reader ample opportunities to extend his ? knowledge. The list of Government publications, while not entirely complete, will indicate the extent of the ^ voluminous and varied information that can be de- ^ rived from an investigation of official reports. Although R many of those listed are now out of print, a large ji number may still be obtained and new reports are constantly being published. In this connection it is appropriate to acknowledge my great indebtedness to the catalogue of publications of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce re- cently issued. This valuable compilation has been re- ferred to constantly and the reader will surely find it an indispensable key to Government publications in the foreign trade field. In the use of this bibliography it is suggested that the reader make a personal examination of those publica- IV INTRODUCTORY NOTE tions whose title appears to cover the field in which he is interested. If they cannot be found in a library that is within reach, the publishers will in a great many cases be glad to send books to a prospective buyer for inspection. Sample copies of magazines, etc., may be secured by writing the publishers. Discretion, of course, must be used in selecting the references listed in this bibliography that will best serve the reader's individual purpose. It is my pleasure to express grateful appreciation for the assistance rendered by the Foreign Trade Depart- ment, National Association of Manufacturers, New York ; Professor Lincoln Hutchinson of the University of California, now with the War Trade Board, Wash- ington ; Professor Ira B. Cross, University of California, and Robert L. Johnson. It is hoped that this guide may prove to be of real practical value to whomever refers to it. Herbert Stanley Shuey. Berkeley, California, June, 1918. CONTENTS PAGE ATLASES 22 COMMEECIAL POLICIES AND TAEIFFS General 16 United States Government Publications Commercial Policies 18 Tariffs 19 DIRECTOKIES General 24 United States Government Publications 25 EXPORT JOURNALS 33 FINANCING General 44 (Under these references will be found books containing tables for computing Foreign Exchange. See page 46) United States Government Publications 47 FOREIGN MARKETS General 50 Australasia 51 Europe 51 The Americas 52 The Orient 54 Governmental Information General 55 By Geographic Divisions Asia 55 Australasia 55 Central America 56 Europe 56 Latin America 56 North America 57 South America 57 West Indies 58 NOTE : When the name of a publication begins with "an," "the," etc., it will be found alphabetically under "a," "t," etc. VI CONTENTS FOEEIGN MARKETS Governmental Information (continued) By Industries page Agricultural Implements and Machinery 58 Buttons 59 Canned Goods 59 Cocoa and Chocolate 60 Construction Materials and Machinery. . 60 Cooking Fats 60 Cordage and Twine 60 Cotton and Cotton Goods 61 Drugs, Patent Medicines, etc 64 Dyestuffs 64 Electrical Goods 65 Fish 65 Flour and Wheat 66 Fruit 66 Fuel 66 Furniture 66 Glass Industry 67 Hardware 67 Industrial Chemistry 68 Iron and Steel 69 Jewelry and Silverware 69 Lace and Embroidery, 69 Lumber 70 Machinery and Machine Tools 71 Mining 71 Motor Vehicles 71 Musical Instruments 72 Oilseeds and Products 72 Optical Goods 73 Paints and Varnishes 73 Paper 73 Railways and Supplies 74 Rattan 74 CONTENTS VII FOREIGN MARKETS Governmental Information By Industries (continued) page Salt 74 Shoe and Leather Trade 74 Soap 76 Stoves 76 Sugar 76 Textiles 76 Tobacco 77 Wool, Linen, Jute, Hemp 77 GEOGRAPHY AND COAOIERCE 12 HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE 10 HOUSE PUBLICATIONS 36 INSURANCE 48 INTRODUCTORY 7 MAGAZINES 34 PUBLICATIONS OF CO:\IMERCIAL ORGANI- ZATIONS 37 STATISTICS General 26 Supplementary Official Sources 28 United States Government Publications 28 TECHNIQUE General 38 United States Government Publications Cost of Production 43 General 42 THEORY OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE 8 TRANSPORTATION AND TRADE ROUTES General 14 United States Government Publications 15 YEAR BOOKS 31 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications INTRODUCTORY Ideals in International Relations F. A. Vanderlip, National City Bank, New York. International Trade after the War 0, P. Austin, National City Bank, New York. Opportunities for Young Men in the Foreign Field W. S. KiES, National City Bank, New York. Our Trade after the War W. S. KiES, National City Bank, New York. Proceedings of the First, Second, Third and Fourth (1915, 1916, 1917, 1918) National Foreign Trade Conventions National Foreign Trade Council, New York. Proceedings of the International Trade Conference (1915) National Association of Manufacturers, New York. The Trade of the World J. D. WiiELPLEY. Century Co., New York, 1913. 436 pages. Training for World Service W. S. KiES, National City Bank, New York. World Trade Conditions after the War National Foreign Trade Council, New York, 1918. BihliograpTiy of Foreign Trade Publications THEORY OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations i Adam Smith. E. P. Button & Co., New York, 1914. 2 volumes. Industrial and Commercial Geography ^ J. Russell Smith. Henry Holt & Co., New York, 1913. 914 pages. International Trade and Exchange H. G. Brown. Macmillan Co., New York, 1914. 197 pages. Introduction to the Study of Economics i C. J. Bullock. Silver, Burdett & Co., Boston, 1908. 619 pages. Principles of Commerce H. G. Brown. Macmillan Co., New York, 1916. 207 pages. Principles of Economics ^ F. W. Taussig. Macmillan Co., New York, 1911. 2 volumes. Principles of Political Economy i J. S. Mill. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1908. 2 volumes. ^ Only a few chapters of this book deal with the theory of inter- national trade. The numbers of these chapters will be found in the table of contents of the book. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 9 THEORY OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE— Continued Some Aspects of the Tariff Question F. W. Taussig. Harvard University Press, Cam- bridge, 1915. 374 pages. Theory of International Trade C. F. Bastable. Macmillan Co., London, 1903. 4th Edition. 197 pages. 10 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE A History of Commerce Clive Day. Longmans, Green & Co., New York, 1916. 626 pages. A Short Account of England's Foreign Trade in the Nineteenth Century A. L. BowLEY. S. Scribner's Sons, New York, 1905. 165 pages. Economic History of the United States E. L. BoGART. Longmans, Green & Co., New York, 1916. 597 pages. General History of Commerce W. C. Webster. Ginn & Co., New York, 1903. 526 pages. Growth and Vicissitudes of Commerce John Yeats. G. Philip and Son, London, 1887. 619 pages. History of Domestic and Foreign Commerce of the United States Emory Johnson and others. Carnegie Institute, "Washington, 1915. 2 volumes. Industrial History of the United States Katharine Coman. Macmillan Co., New York, 1905. 343 pages. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 11 HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE— Continued The History of Commerce in Europe H. de B. GiBBiNS. Macmillan Co., New York, 3rd Ed., 1915. 233 pages. Trade and Trade Centers of History W. H. Benham. de Vine Press, New York, 1907. 63 pages. 12 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications GEOGRAPHY AND COMMERCE Commerce and Industry J. Russell Smith. Henry Holt & Co., New York, 1916. 596 pages. Commercial Geography C. C. Adams. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1902. 505 pages. Commercial Geography A. P. Brigham. Ginn & Co., New York, 1911. 469 pages. Commercial Geography E. C. K. GoNNER. Macmillan Co., New York, 1900. 205 pages. Commercial Geography E. V. D. Robinson. Rand, McNally & Co., New York, 1910. 455 pages. Commercial Raw Materials Charles R. Toothaker. Ginn & Co., Boston, 1905. 108 pages. Economic Geography J. McFarlane. I. Pitman & Sons, New York, 1914. 560 pages. Geography of Commerce S. Trotter. Macmillan Co., New York, 1911. 410 pages. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publicatiotis 13 GEOGRAPHY AND COMMERCE — Continued Handbook of Commercial Geography G. G. Chisholm. Longmans, Green & Co., New York, 1913. 666 pages. Industrial and Commercial Geography J. Russell Smith. Henry Holt & Co., 1913. 914 pages. Modem Geography M. I. Newbegin. Henry Holt & Co., New York, 1911. 265 pages. Physical and Commercial Geography Gregory, Keller & Bishop. Ginn & Co., New York, 1910. 469 pages. The International Geography H. R. Mill. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1909. 1088 pages. The World's Commercial Products Freeman & Chandler. Ginn & Co., Boston, 1908. 391 pages. 14 BihliograpTiy of Foreign Trade Publications TRANSPORTATION AND TRADE ROUTES GENERAL Elements of Transportation Emory R. Johnson. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1916. 360 pages. Handbook of Commercial Geography George PI. Chisiiolm. Longmans, Green & Co- New York, 1913. 666 pages. Industrial and Commercial Geography J. EussELL Smith. Henry Holt & Co., New York, 1913. 914 pages. Ocean and Inland Water Transportation Emory R. Johnson. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1906. 395 pages. Ocean Traffic and Trade Olney B. Hough. La Salle Extension University, Chicago, 1914, 432 pages. Principles of Ocean Transportation Emory R. Johnson and G. G. Huebner. D. Ap- pleton & Co., New York, 1918. 513 pages. The Ocean Carrier J. Russell Smith. G. P. Putnam & Sons, New York, 1908. 344 pages. The Organization of Ocean Commerce J. Russell Smith. Published for University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1905. 155 pages. The Panama Canal and Commerce Emory R. Johnson. D, Appleton & Co., New York, 1916. 295 pages. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 15 TRANSPORTATION AND TRADE ROUTES — Continued The Panama Canal and International Trade Competi- tion Lincoln Hutchinson. Macmillan Co., New York, 1915. 283 pages. Various Publications of "The Panama Canal" Washington, D. C. U. S. GOVERNMENT PUBUCATIONS The Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Washington, D. C, has issued the following publications relating to Transportation and Trade Routes: Government Aid to Merchant Shipping Special agents series No. 119 ; 1916 ; 265 pages. Navigation Laws Special agents series No. 114; 1916; 190 pages. Pilotage in the United States Special agents series No. 136 ; 1917 ; 102 pages. Ports of the United States Miscellaneous series No. 33; 1916; 431 pages. Shippers' Export Declarations and Export Procedure Treasury decision 35969 ; November 15, 1915 ; 12 pages. Trans-Pacific Shipping Miscellaneous series No. 44; 1916; 30 pages. Transportation Rates to the West Coast of South America Special agents series No. 72; 1913; 99 pages. 16 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications COMMERCIAL POLICIES AND TARIFFS GENERAL Awakening of Business Edward Nash Hurley. Doubleday, Page & Co., New York, 1916. 240 pages. Combination in Export Trade Under the Webb Law Guaranty Trust Co., New York, 1918. 28 pages. Commercio Argentine KiCARDO PiLLADO. Juau H. Kidd y Cia, Buenos Aires, 1910. 191 pages. Commerce of Nations C. F. Bastable. Methuen & Co., London, 1899. 216 pages. Commercial Federation and Colonial Trade Policy John Davidson. Chas. Scribner's Sons, New York, 1900. 155 pages. Customs Tariffs of the World Kelly Publishing Co., New York. Elements of the Fiscal Problem L. G. Chiozza Money. P. S. King & Son, London, 1903. 237 pages. Federal Trade Commissions' Reports Washington, D. C. (Especially "Co-operation in Foreign Trade.") Industrial History of the United States Katharine Coman. Macmillan Co., New York, 1905. 343 pages. BihUography of Foreign Trade Publications 17 COMMERCIAL POLICIES AND TARIFFS — Continued International Commercial Policies George Fisk. Macmillan Co., New York, 1911. 288 pages. Modem Tariff History P. W. L. Ashley. J, Murray Co., London, 1904. 367 pages. New Internationalism Harold Bolc. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1907. 309 pages. Retaliatory Duties H. Dietzel. T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1906. 128 pages. Shipping World Year Book Shipping World Office, Effingham House, Arundel St., London. Some Elements of National Foreign Trade Policy F. A. Vanderlip. National City Bank, New York. Strength of Nations J. W. Welsford. Longmans, Green & Co., Lon- don, 1907. 327 pages. The Commonweal Alfred Peter Hillier. Longmans, Green & Co., New York and London, 1909. 162 pages. The Most Favored National Clause Stanley K. Hornbeck. University of Wisconsin Cron. Bulletin, Vol. 6, 1910. 18 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications COMMERCIAL POLICIES AND TARIFFS — Continued The Tariff History of the United States F. W. Taussig. Gt. P, Putnams Sons, New York, 1910. 418 pages. The Trade Policy of Great Britain and Her Colonies Carl J. Fuchs. Macmillan Co., New York, 1905. 413 pages. United States Customs Tariff and the Free List Act of Congress, August 5, 1909. The Customs Administrative Law, Act of Congress, August 5, 1909. G. W. Sheldon & Co., Chicago, 1909. 172 pages. U. S. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS The Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Washington, D. C, has issued the following publications relating to Commercial Policies and Tariffs: COMMERCIAL POLICIES Commercial Courts in Europe Special consular reports No. 41, part 3 ; 1909 ; 29 pages. Commercial Laws of England, Scotland, Germany, and France Special agents series No. 97 ; 1915 ; 127 pages. Commercial Laws of Switzerland Special agents series No. 150 ; 1917 ; 52 pages. Commercial Organizations Special agents series No. 60; 1912; 48 pages. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 19 COMMERCIAL POLICIES AND TARIFFS — Continued Commercial Organizations in France Special agents series No. 98 ; 1915 ; 75 pages. Commercial Organizations in Germany Special agents series No. 78 ; 1914 ; 170 pages. Commercial Organizations in Southern and Western Cities Special agents series No. 79 ; 1914 ; 54 pages. Commercial Organizations in Switzerland Special agents series No. 101 ; 1915 ; 28 pages. Commercial Organizations in the United Kingdom. Special agents series No. 102 ; 1915 ; 53 pages. Commercial Organizations of the United States Miscellaneous series No. 61 ; 1917 ; 116 pages. Commercial Travelers in Latin America Tariff series No. 35 ; 1916. Consular Regulations of Foreign Countries Canada and Latin America (revised edition). Tariff series No. 24 ; 1915. German Foreign-Trade Organization Miscellaneous series No. 57 ; 1917 ; 182 pages. TARIFF SERIES Customs Tariff of Australia Tariff series No. 37. (In press.) Customs Tariff of Chile Tariff series No. 36 ; 1917. 20 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications COMMERCIAL POLICIES AND TARIFFS— Continued Customs Tariff of Cuba Tariff series No. 27 ; 1911. Customs Tariff of France Tariff series No. 25 ; 1910. Customs Tariff of Italy Tariff series No. 15 ; 1908. Customs Tariff of Japan Tariff series No. 28 ; 1912. Customs Tariff of New Zealand Tariff series No. 8 ; 1908. Customs Tariff of Venezuela Tariff series No. 33 ; 1916. Foreign Import Duties on Motor Vehicles and Acces- sories Tariff series No. 30; 1914. Foreign Import Duties on Office Appliances Typewriters, typewriter ribbons, carbon paper, manifolding apparatus, adding machines, and cash registers. Tariff series No. 29 ; 1914. Foreign Trade Notes Chiefly notes on foreign tariff changes reprinted from Commerce Reports ; issued quarterly. Nos. 1 to 27 have been issued. Import Duties on Textiles in South America: Part I — Argentina Tariff series No. 32 ; 1916. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 21 COMMERCIAL POLICIES AND TARIFFS — Continued Registration of Trade-marks in Latin America Tariff series No. 31 ; 1916. Supplement to Foreign Import Duties on Motor Vehicles and Accessories Tariff series No. 30a; 1917. Supplement to No. 24 Tariff series No. 24a ; 1916. Supplement to No. 24 Tariff series No. 24b ; 1917. Supplement to Tariff of Cuba Tariff series No. 27b; 1914. (Includes 27a.) Supplement to Tariff of France Tariff series No. 25a; 1912. Supplement to Tariff of Italy- Tariff series No. 15e ; 1913. Supplement to Tariff of Japan Tariff series No. 28b ; 1914. Tariff Relations between Germany and Russia Tariff series No. 38. (In press.) Tariff Relations of Canada Tariff series No. 26; 1911. Tariff Systems of South American Countries Tariff series No. 34; 1916. 22 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications ATLASES American Commerce Association — Traffic Library American Commerce Association, Chicago, 1915. 25 volumes. An Atlas of Economic Geography J. G. Bartholomew. Oxford Press, London, 1914. 82 pages. Atlas of the World's Commerce J. G. Bartholomew. G. Newnes & Co., London, 1907. 176 pages. Blue Book of American Shipping Penton Press, Cleveland, 1900. Commercial Atlas of America (Annually.) Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago. Geographical Manual and New Atlas C. 0. Sylvester Mawson. Doubleday, Page & Co., Garden City, New York, 1917. 380 pages. Handy Reference Atlas of the World J. G. Bartholomew. John Walker & Co., Ltd., London, 1904. 76 plates. Latin America G. H. Blakeslee. G. E. Stechert & Co., New York, 1914. 388 pages. Library Atlas of the World Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 2S ATLASES — Continued Philips Mercantile Marine Atlas George Philips. Geo. Philips and Son, Ltd., London and Liverpool, 3rd Edition, 1909. Reference Atlas Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago. Statistical Atlas and Gazetteer of China (New edition in press.) Far Eastern Geographi- cal Establishment, Shanghai. The English Imperial Atlas and Gazetteer of the World J. G. Bartholomew. T. Nelson & Sons, New York and London, 1891. 107 pages. 24 BibliograpTiy of Foreign Trade Publications DIRECTORIES ' GENERAL Chinese Directory and Far East Business Guide for 1917 Published by J. R. Flynn Anderson, Hongkong, China. Directory and Chronicle for China, Japan, Korea, Indo- china, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, India, etc. Hong Kong Daily Press, Ltd., Hong Kong and London, 1918. Directory of Merchants, Manufacturers and Shippers of the World Kelly Publishing Co., London and New York. Exporters Encyclopedia (Annual) Exporters Encyclopedia Company, New York. Export Register Export Manufacturers of United States, Inc., New York. » NOTE : In addition to this list, business directories are published for — Argentina Europe (nearly all countries) Australia (one for each state) India Brazil Mexico (in peace times) Canada New Zealand Chile Philippine Islands Cuba Portuguese East Africa Dutch East Indies Union of South Africa Egypt Uruguay A business directory of the world in French Is: "Annuaire du Commerce," Didot-Bottin (Edition Etranger) Paris. A business directory of Latin- American countries in Spanish is: "America Latina" — Barcelona, Spain. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 25 DIRECTORIES — Continued Export Trade Directory American Exporter, New York. Mercantile Year Book and Directory of Exporters in England, Italy, etc. Edited by Walter Lindley Jones. Published by Lindley Jones & Bro., Bishopgate, E. C, London. Pacific Ports Edited by Welford Beaton. Terminal Publish- ing Co., Seattle, 1917. U. S. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS The Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Washington, D. C, has issued the following publications relating to Directories : Commercial Organizations of the United States Miscellaneous series No. 61 ; 1917 ; 116 pages. Supplement to Trade Directory of South America Trade Directory of South America Miscellaneous series No. 13; 1914; 428 pages. Trade Directory of West Indies and Central America Miscellaneous series No. 22 ; 1915 ; 256 pages. 26 Bihliography of Foreign Trade Publications STATISTICS GENERAL i Official Trade Statistics of: Argentina JEstadistica de Argentina. Australia Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue. Austria Statistik des Auswartigen Handels. Belgium Statistique de la Belgique. Bolivia .Comercio Especial de Bolivia. Brazil Importacao e Exportacao. Canada Trade and Navigation. Ceylon Customs Returns. Chile Anuario Estadistico. China Annual Returns of Trade. Colombia Gaceta Oficial. Costa Rica Anuario Estadistico. Cuba Estadistica General, Comercio Ex- terior. Ecuador ^oletin Estadistico Comercial. France JDirection des Douanes Commerce et Navigation. Germany Auswartigen Handel. Statistik des Deutschen Reichs. Guatemala Boletin de la Direccion General de Estadistica. Holland Statistek Nederland. Honduras JRevista Economica. India Sea-Borne Trade and Navigation. 'For methods of valuations by specific countries see Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Miscellaneous Series No. 59, Wash- ington, D. C. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 27 STATISTICS— Continued Italy JMovimento Commerciale, Japan Annual Returns of Trade. Mexico Comercio Exterior y Navigaeion. New Zealand Trade and Shipping. Nicaragua JReport of the Collector of the Ports. Panama JBoletin de Estadistica. Paraguay Anuario Estadistico. Peru JEstadistica del Comercio Especial. Philippine Islands ...Annual Report of the Bureau of Customs. Portugal Comercio y Navigacao. Russia Obzor Unieshnei Torgovli Rossii. Salvador Anuario Estadistico, Siam Poreign Trade and Navigation of the Port of Bangkok. Spain Comercio Exterior. Straits Settlements.. .P,etums of Imports and Exports. Sweden Sveriges Officiella Statistik (Han- del). Switzerland Handel Statistik. Union of South Africa Annual Statement of Trade and Shipping. United Kingdom Trade with Foreign Countries. United States Commerce and Navigation. Uruguay Anuario Estadistico. Venezuela Anuario Estadistico. Reports are also issued by various Crown Colonies and Protectorates such as the Dutch East Indies, Egypt and West Indies, either by the governments of those regions or by their home governments. 28 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications STATISTICS — Continued SUPPLEMENTARY OFFICIAL SOURCES Each country publishes, in addition to the foregoing annual publications, bulletins and reports. Of these the follow- ing are typical: France Minister de Finance Bulletin de Statistique de Legislation Com- paree. Germany Auswartigen Handel Ausser Euro- paische Landern. Auswartigen Handel Europaische Stadten. Italy Ministero di Agricoltura, Indus- trio, e Commercio, Ufficio del La- voro. United Kingdom Statistical Abstracts and Monthly Bulletins of the Different Admin- istrative Departments. United States Statistical Abstracts and Monthly and Weekly Reports Issued by the Different Administrative Depart- ments. U. S. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS The Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Washington, D. C, has issued the following publications relating to Statistics: Commerce and Navigation (Published annually.) Consumption Estimates Miscellaneous series No. 26 ; 1915 ; 12 pages. Consumption Estimates Miscellaneous series No. 40 ; 1916 ; 12 pages. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 29 STATISTICS — Continued Consumption Estimates Miscellaneous series No. 56 ; 1917 ; 12 pages. Imports Entered for Consumption (Published quarterly.) Monthly Summary of Foreign Commerce of the United States Statistical Abstract of the United States (Published annually.) Trade of the United States with the World, 1912-13 Miscellaneous series No. 15 ; 1914. Trade of the United States with Other American Coun- tries, 1913-14 Miscellaneous series No. 23 ; 1915 ; 143 pages. Trade of the United States with the World, 1914 and 1915 Miscellaneous series No. 38 ; 1916 ; 247 pages. Trade of the United States with the World, 1916-17 Miscellaneous series No. 63 ; 1917. Wholesale Prices of Leading Articles in United States Markets Miscellaneous series No. 19; 1914; 16 pages. Wholesale Prices of Leading Articles in United States Markets, 1913-14 Miscellaneous series No. 30 ; 1916 ; 14 pages. 30 BibliograpTiy of Foreign Trade Publications STATISTICS— ConUnued Wholesale Prices of Leading Articles in United States Markets, 1914-1916 Miscellaneous series No. 52 ; 1917 ; 14 pages. Wholesale Prices of Leading Articles in United States Markets, 1917 Miscellaneous series No. 64. (In press.) Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 31 YEAR BOOKS Argentina — The Argentine Year Book Buenos Aires Argentina Robert Grant & Co., Buenos Aires. Australia — Official Year Book Melbourne. Brazil — Museu Commercial do Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro. Brazil — Brazil in 19- J. C. Oakenfull, Frome, England. Brazil Year Book Robert Atkinson, London. Brazilian Year Book G. R. Fairbanks, New York, Canada — Official Year Book Census Office, Ottawa. Canada — Imperial Year Book for Dominion of Canada Montreal. Chile — Anuario Estadistico de la Republica de Chile (Official), Santiago. China — Year Book Button, New York. Indian Year Book Bennett, Coleman & Co., Bombay. Indian Imperial Gazetteer (Irregular.) 32 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications YEAR BOOKS — Continued India — Moral and Material Progress (Annual.) Indian Office, London. Jamaica — General Statistical Information Stanford, London. Japan — Year Book (Official.) Tokyo. Mexican — Year Book Brentano, New York. Mexican Year Book MeCarquodale & Co., London. New Zealand Year Book "Wellington. New South Wales — Government Printer Gullick, Sydney. Russian Year Book Macmillan Co., New York. Russian Year Book (Official.) Eyre & Spottiswoode, London. South Africa Year Book Button, New York, South Australia — Official Year Book Adelaide. South American Year Book Louis Casier & Co., London. Statesmen's Year Book Macmillan Co., New York and London. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 33 EXPORT JOURNALS Commercial America (English and Spanish.) Published by Philadel- phia Commercial Museum, Philadelphia, Pa. El Commercio J. Shepherd Clark Co., New York. Export and Finance Export and Finance Publishing Co., New York. Export American Industries America e Industrial Americanas (Monthlies in English and Spanish.) Published by Steven de Csesznak, Inc., New York, as inter- national organs of the National Association of Manufacturers. Export Register of New York Commission Houses Export Manufacturers of the United States, Inc., New York. Exporters Review Exporters Encyclopedia Co., New York. International Review Published by R. G. Dun & Co., New York. La Hacienda La Hacienda Co., Buffalo, New York. The American Exporter (Editions in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French and German.) Johnston Export Publishing Co., New York. The Export World and Commercial Intelligence The Export World and Commercial Intelligence, London, 1914. 34 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications MAGAZINES American Industries ( Monthly. ) National Association of Manufacturers, New York. America e Industrias Americanas (Spanish Monthly.) Steven de Csesznak, Inc. (For National Association of Manufacturers), New York. Asia Asia Publishing Co., New York. Eastern Commerce S. H. SoMERTON. Yokohama. Economic World Chronicle Company, New York. El Norte Americano South American Publishing Co., New York. Export American Industries (English Monthly.) Steven de Csesznak, Inc. (For National Association of Manufacturers), New York. Finance and Commerce Monthly publication of the Association for Inter- national Conciliation, New York. Far Eastern Review J. Roland Kay Co., Chicago. Millard's Review of the Far East Millard's Publishing Co., Shanghai. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 35 MAGAZINES — Continued Publications of the International Commerce Association New York. Pan American Magazine Board of Trade Bldg., New Orleans. Pan American Review Pan American Publishing Co., New Orleans. Pan American Union Washington, D. C. Pictorial Guide and Business Directory of Porto Rico F. E. Piatt & Co., New York. South American South American Publishing Co., New York. Suplemento Ilustrado de California Suplemento Ilustrado de California, San Fran- cisco. The Nation's Business U. S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington, D. C. Mid-Year Foreign Trade Review Inteniational Bureau, New York Evening Post, New York. Pan-Pacific The Pan-Pacific Corporation, San Francisco. 36 BibUograpny of Foreign Trade Publications HOUSE PUBLICATIONS Exporters and Importers Journal Henry W. Peabody & Co., New York. Foreign Trade Bulletin American Express Co., New York. Publications of Guaranty Trust Company New York. Publications of Irving National Bank New York. Publications of National City Bank New York, Russia R. Martens & Co., New York. Semi-Monthly Bulletin National Association of Manufacturers, New York. The Americas National City Bank, New York. The Export World and Herald American Trading Co., New York. The World's Markets R. G. Dun & Co., New York. Weekly Bulletin — American Exporter New York. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 37 PUBLICATIONS OF COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS American Manufacturers Export Association New York. Chambers of Commerce of many cities Chamber of Commerce of the United States. Washington, D. C. Journal of the American Chamber of Commerce (Monthly.) American Chamber of Commerce, Mexico City. National Association of Manufacturers (Foreign Trade Department.) New York. National Foreign Trade Council New York. Philadelphia Commercial Museum Philadelphia, Pa. 38 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications TECHNIQUE GENERAL An Export Order Foreign Trade Department, National Associa- tion of Manufacturers, New York, 1917. Combination in Export Trade Under the Webb Law Guaranty Trust Company, New York, 1918. Commercial Correspondence in French I. Pitman Co., New York, 1910. 232 pages. Commercial Correspondence in Spanish I. Pitman Co., New York, 1913. 267 pages. Co-operation in Export Trade W. S. KiES, National City Bank, New York. Correspondencia Comercial M. A. LuRiA. Silver, Burdett & Co., New York, 1917. 300 pages. Development of Our Export Trade W. S. KiES, National City Bank, New Jerkr— Elementary Lessons in Exporting ^ (Including Exporters Gazetteer of the World.) B. Olney Hough. Johnston Export Publishing Co., New York, 1909. Essentials in Exporting Austin, Baldwin & Co., New York, 1918. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 39 TECHNIQUE — Continued Exporting to Latin America E. B. FiLSiNGER. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1916. 565 pages. Foreign Trade Course (Correspondence) Business Training Corporation, New York. (Subjects: (1) Economics of World Trade. (2) The World's Markets. (3) Export Policies. (4) Export Houses. (5) Direct Exporting. (6) The Export Salesman. (7) Export Shipping (8) Export Financing. (9) Export Technique. (10) Foreign and Home Law. (11) Importing, (12) Factors in Trade Building.) French Commercial Practice Connected with French Import and Export Trade James Graham. Macmillan Co., New York, 1907. 2 volumes. Galeno Correspondence Course of Spanish A Spanish Course for Business Men, 12 Geary St., San Francisco. German Foreign Trade Organization Chauncey D. Snow. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Washington, D. C, 1917. 40 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications TECHNIQUE— Continued Handbook for Exporters to Argentina H. E. Brown and R. C. Tort. Spanish- American Bureau, New York. International Business Library International Law and Business Institute, Min- neapolis, 1910. 10 volumes. International Competition and the Necessity for Organ- ization W, S. KiES, National City Bank, New York. Manual of Russian Commercial Correspondence Mark Sieff. E. P. Dutton Co., New York. 232 pages. Molesworth's Metric Tables Guilford L. Molesworth. Spon & Chamberlain, New York, 1917. 95 pages. On the Relation of Imports to Exports J. T. Peddie. Longmans, Green & Company, New York, 1916. 148 pages. Practical Exporting B. Olney Hough. American Exporter, New York, 1915. 623 pages. Ratings on Foreign Firms Communicate with: (1) Philadelphia Commer- cial Museum, Philadelphia, Pa. ; (2) National City Bank, New York. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 41 TECHNIQUE— Continued Rules and Regulations of the War Trade Board No. 2 War Trade Board, Washington, D. C, 1918. 112 pages. Selling Latin America Wm. E. Aughinbaugh. Small, Maynard & Co., Boston, 1915. 408 pages. Spanish Commercial Correspondence H. A. Kenyon. G. Wahr, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1907. 145 pages. Spanish Commercial Practice Connected with Export and Import Trade James Graham. Macmillan Co., New York, 1906. 2 volumes. The Commercial Laws of the World, Comprising the Mercantile, Bills of Exchange, Bankruptcy and Maritime Laws of All Civilized Nations The Boston Book Co., Boston, 1911. 35 volumes. The Foreign Traders' Dictionary James GrxUiam. Macmillan Co., New York, 1906. 283 pages. Things to Know About Trade Marks J. W. Thompson Co., Chicago, 1911. 85 pages. Trading with Latin America E. B. FiLsiNGER, Irving National Bank, 'New York, 1917. 183 pages. 42 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications TECHNIQUE — Continued U. S. GOVERNMENT PUBUCATIONS The Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Washington, D. C, has issued the following publications relating to Technique : Daily Commerce Reports (Published daily with Supplements containing annual reviews of trade by consuls covering all countries in the world.) Commercial Organizations in the United States Miscellaneous series No. 61 ; 1917. Exporting to Australia Miscellaneous series No. 45 ; 1916 ; 29 pages. Export Trade Suggestions Miscellaneous series No. 35 ; 1916 ; 141 pages. Factors in Foreign Trade Miscellaneous series No. 7 ; 1912 ; 56 pages, with index. Foreign Publications for Advertising American Goods Miscellaneous series No. 10 ; 1913 ; 236 pages. Packing for Export Miscellaneous series No. 5 ; 1911 ; 170 pages. United States Official Postal Guide (Supplements published monthly), The Post Office Department, Washington, D. C, 1918. 830 pages. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 43 TECHNIQUE — Continued In addition to the foregoing Governmental reports, the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Washington, D. C, has issued the following reports on the cost of production: Cost of Production in the Pottery Industry : Summary of Results Miscellaneous series No. 16; 1914; 43 pages. The Cane-Sugar Industry Miscellaneous series No. 53 ; 1917 ; 462 pages. The Cotton-Spinning Machinery Industry Miscellaneous series No. 37 ; 1916 ; 99 pages. The Glass Industry Miscellaneous series No. 60 ; 1917 ; 430 pages. The Hosiery Industry Miscellaneous series No. 31 ; 1915 ; 258 pages. The Knit-Underwear Industry Miscellaneous series No. 32 ; 1915 ; 217 pages. The Men's Factory-Made Clothing Industry Miscellaneous series No. 34; 1916; 300 pages. The Pottery Industry Miscellaneous series No. 21 ; 1915 ; 709 pages. The Shirt and Collar Industries Miscellaneous series No. 36 ; 1916 ; 178 pages. The Women's Muslin Underwear Industry Miscellaneous series No. 29 ; 1915 ; 184 pages. 44 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications FINANCING GENERAL Acceptances H. R. Eldridge. National City Bank, New York. American Banking in Foreign Trade Irving National Bank, New York. American Banks in Foreign Trade E. A. Groff. National City Bank, New York. Bank Extension through Foreign Branches W. S. KiES. National City Bank, New York, Commercial Letters of Credit J. E. Gardin. National City Bank, New York. Domestic and Foreign Exchange ' E. L. S. Patterson. Alexander Hamilton Insti- tute, New York, 1917. 298 pages. Eastern Exchange, Currency and Finance W. F. Spaulding. Pitman & Sons, New York, 1917. Elements of Foreign Exchange Franklin Escher. Bankers Publishing Com- pany, New York. 7th Edition, 1917. 160 pages. Foreign Exchange and Foreign Bills W. F. Spaulding. Pitman & Sons, Ltd., London, 1915. 216 pages. Foreign Exchange Explained Franklin Escher. Macmillan Co., New York, 1917. 219 pages. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 45 FINANCING— Continued How Business with Foreign Countries is Financed Guaranty Trust Co., New York. International Exchange A. W. Margraff. Fergus Printing Co., Chicago, 1904. 190 pages. International Trade and Foreign Exchange H. G. Brown. Macmillan Co., New York, 1914. 153 pages. Latin American Monetary Systems and Exchange Con- ditions J. T. Cosby. National City Bank, New York, 1915. 31 pages. Modem Foreign Exchange V. Gonzales. National Association of Manufac- turers, New York. Money Changing H. Withers. Dutton Co., New York, 1913. 183 pages. Our National Policy as to Investments Abroad Samuel McRoberts. National City Bank, New York. Progress in the Development of Trade Acceptances E. D, Harris. National City Bank, New York. Text-book on Foreign Exchange H. R. Brooks. Foreign Exchange Publishing Co., Chicago, 1906. Revised 1908. 46 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications FINANCING— ConUnued The A B C of Foreign Exchange G. Clare. Macmillan Co., New York, 1893. 160 pages. The Theory of the Foreign Exchanges G. J. GoscHEN. Effingham Wilson, London, 1879. 152 pages. War and Lombard Street H. Withers. Button & Co., New York. Smith, Elder & Co., London, 1915. 171 pages. The following references contain tables, etc., for the computing of Foreign Exchange: Arbitration and Parties of Exchange C. A. Stern. Renze, Stern & Schmidt, New York, 1901. 73 pages. Foreign Exchange Tables E. D. Davis. E. D. Davis, Minneapolis, 1912. 195 pages. International Exchange A. W. Margraff. (See above.) International Finance H. Withers. E. P. Dutton, New York, 1916. 186 pages. Tate's Modem Cambist (Revision) H. Schmidt. E. Wilson, London, 1903. 249 pages. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 47 FINANCING — Continued Text Book on Foreign Exchange H. R. Brooks. (See above.) The Making of Money H. Withers. Smith, Elder Co., London, 1910. 307 pages. Universal Cambist J. H. Norman. E. Wilson, London, 1897. 275 pages. U. S. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS The Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Washing- ton, D. C, has issued the following reports relating to Financing : Banking and Credit in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Peru Special agents series No. 90; 1914; 72 pages. Banking Opportunities in South America Special agents series No. 106 ; 1915 ; 156 pages. Financial Developments in South American Countries Special agents series No. 103 ; 1915 ; 42 pages. Foreign Credits Special agents series No. 62; 1913; 421 pages, with index. Investments in Latin America and British West Indies (In press.) 48 BiMiography of Foreign Trade Publications INSURANCE A Treatise on Maritime Law Theophilus Paesons. Little, Brown & Co., Bos- ton, 1859. 2 volumes. 1457 pages. Carriage of Goods by Sea Thomas Gilbert Carver. 5th Edition. Stevens & Sons, London, 1909. 961 pages. Charter Parties and Bills of Lading Thomas Edward Scrutton. Tth Edition. The Carswell Co., Ltd., Toronto, 1914. 418 pages. Declaration of War Douglas Owen. Stevens & Sons, London, 1889. 488 pages. Digest of the Law of Marine Insurance M. D. Chalmers and Douglas Owen. William Clowns & Sons, Ltd., London, 1903. 177 pages. General Average Richard Lowndes. 4th Edition. Stevens & Sons, London, 1888. 682 pages. General Average Ernest W. Congdon. Baker, Voorhis & Co., New York, 1913. 220 pages. Marine Insurance William Gow. Maemillan Co., London, 1900. 403 pages. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 49 INSURANCE— Continued Marine Insurance F. Templeman. Chamber of Commerce, London, 1903. 124 pages. Marine Insurance and Average Joseph Arnould. 9th Edition. The Boston Book Co., Boston, 1909. 2 volumes ; 1641 pages. Maritime Law Albert Saunders. Effingham Wilson, London, 1903. 309 pages. Principles of the Law of Insurance William Barber. Sumner, Whitney & Co., San Francisco, 1882. 418 pages. Sea Insurance Wn^LiAM Gow. Macmillan Co., London, 1914. 478 pages. 50 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications FOREIGN MARKETS GENERAL America's Interests after the War Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Science. Vol. LXI, 1915. Commerce and the War A. S. Johnson. American Association for Inter- national Conciliation. New York, 1914. 14 pages. Foreign Trade Requirements with Quarterly Supple- ments Lewis Scribner & Co., New York, 1900. Publications of the British Board of Trade Eyre & Spottiswoode, Ltd., East Harding St., Lon- don, E. C. Publications of Foreign Trade Department : National Association of Manufacturers, New York. (1) Report of International Trade Conference, 1915. (2) Special Foreign Trade Bulletins (describing conditions in all foreign countries; issued at various intervals, 1915-1918.) (3) America e Industrias Americanas (Spanish monthly). (4) Export American Industries (English monthly). (5) Commercial Report on Australia and New Zealand (1914). The Trade of the World J. D. Whelpley. Century Co., New York, 1913. 436 pages. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 51 FOREIGN MARKETS— Continued AUSTRALASIA Trade Possibilities between Australia and the United States National Educational Association of the United States. Journal of Proceedings and Addresses, 1915. Australian Government Publications Official Publications of the Bureau of the Census and Statistics of Australia and especially a re- port entitled "Trade and Customs of the Com- monwealth of Australia. ' ' EUROPE Changing Russia Stephen Graham. John Lane Co., New York, 1913. 309 pages. Government Publications of Great Britain Annual Series of Departmental and Consular Reports and Miscellaneous Series Reports. Foreign Office Publications. Great Britain Customs Establishment. Statistical Office Annual Statement of Trade of United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions. Russia in 1916 Stephen Graham. Macmillan Co., New York, 1917. 191 pages. Russia Samuel McRoberts. National City Bank, New York. 52 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications FOREIGN MARKETS — Continued The Russian Empire of Today and Yesterday N. 0. Winter. H. C. Page Co., Boston, 1913. 487 pages. Through Siberia the Land of the Future Fridtop Nansen. Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York, 1914. 465 pages. THE AMERICAS A Guide to South America W. A. Hirst. Macmillan Co., New York, 1915. 340 pages. Argentina Geo. J, Mills. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1914. 209 pages. Argentina and Her People of Today N. O. Winter. H. C. Page Co., Boston, 1911. 421 pages. Brazil and Her People of Today N. 0. Winter. H. C. Page Co., Boston, 1910. 388 pages. Chile and Her People of Today N. 0. Winter. H. C. Page Co., Boston, 1912, 411 pages. Chile Geo. J. Mills. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1914. 193 pages. Cuba Before the World Souvenir Guide of Cuba, New York, 1915. 223 pages. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 53 FOREIGN MARKETS — Continued El Libro Azul de Guatemala (Blue Book of Guatemala) Searcy and Pfaff Ltd., New Orleans, 1915. 406 pages. Guatemala and Her People of Today N. 0. Winter. H. C. Page Co., Boston, 1909. 307 pages. Latin American Monetary Systems and Exchange Con- ditions J. T. Cosby. National City Bank, New York, 1915. 31 pages. Mexico and Her People of Today N. 0. Winter. H. C. Page Co., Boston, 1907. 405 pages. Practical Guide to Latin America Albert Hale. Small Maynard & Co., Boston, 1909. 249 pages. The Argentine Republic A. S. Pennington. F. A. Stokes & Co., New York, 1910. 340 pages. The Future of South American Commerce R. W. Babson. Little Brown & Co., Boston, 1915. 407 pages. The International Book of South America Alberto, iMarquez B. Association of the Inter- national Propaganda of Chile, San Francisco. The Republics of South and Central America — Their Resources, Industries, etc. C. R. Enoch. C. Scribners Sons, New York, 1913. 544 pages. 54 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications FOREIGN MARKETS — Continued The South Americas A. B. Hale. Bobbs Merrill & Co., Indianapolis, 1907. 361 pages. The South American Series Edited by Martin Hume. Argentina, by W. A. Hirst, 1910. 308 pages. Bolivia, by Paul Walle, 1914. 407 pages. Brazil, by P. Denis, 1911. 388 pages. Chile, by G. F. S. Elliot, 1907. 363 pages. Colombia, by P. J. Eder, 1913. 312 pages. Ecuador, by C. R. Enoch, 1914. 375 pages. The Guianas, by James Rodway, 1912. 318 pages. Latin America, by F. Garcia Calderon, 1915. 406 pages. Mexico, by C. R. Enoch, 1909. 362 pages. Paraguay, by W. H. Koebel, 1917. 348 pages. Peru, by C. R. Enoch, 1908. 320 pages. Uruguay, by W. H. Koebel, 1911. 350 pages. Venezuela, by L. V. Dalton, 1912. 320 pages. C. Scribner's Sons, New York. The Tropics — Their Resources C. R. Enoch. C. Scribner's Sons, New York, 1915. 466 pages. THE ORIENT Commercial Relations Between the United States and Japan Annals American Academy of Political and So- cial Science. Vol. 36, 1910. The Trade and Administration of China H. B. Morse. Longmans Green & Co., New York, 1913. 466 pages. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 55 FOREIGN MARKETS— Continued GOVERNMENTAL INFORMATION GENERAL The Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Washington, D. C. has issued the following publications relating to Foreign Markets: Trade of the United States with the World Miscellaneous Series No. 63; 1917 (in press). BY GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS ASIA British India, with Notes on Ceylon, Afghanistan, and Tibet Special consular reports No. 72 ; 1915 ; 638 pages. Trade Conditions in Asiatic Turkey Special agents series No. 12 ; 1907 ; 45 pages. Trade Conditions in China Special agents series No. 7 ; 1906 ; 130 pages. Trade Conditions in India Special agents series No. 10; 1907; 39 pages. Trade Conditions in Japan and Korea Special agents series No. 6 ; 1906 ; 48 pages. Trade in China Special agents series No. 3 ; 1906 ; 113 pages. AUSTRALASIA Australia: Its Resources, Industries, and Trade, with Suggestions as to Its Development as a Mar- ket for American Merchandise Special consular reports No. 47; 1911; 126 pages. 56 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications FOREIGN MARKETS— Continued (Governmental Information) New Zealand: Its Resources, Industries, and Trade, with Suggestions as to Its Development as a Market for American Merchandise Special consular reports No. 57 ; 1912 ; 220 pages. Trade Conditions in Australasia Special agents series No. 17 ; 1908 ; 48 pages. CENTRAL AMERICA Central America as an Export Field Special agents series No. 113 ; 1916 ; 229 pages. Trade Conditions in Central America and on the West Coast of South America Special agents series No. 9 ; 1906 ; 113 pages, EUROPE German Trade and the War Miscellaneous series No. 65 (in press). Russia: A Handbook of Commercial and Industrial Conditions Special consular reports No. 61 ; 1913 ; 255 pages. LATIN AMERICA Statements on the Latin-American Trade Situation Miscellaneous series No. 18; 1914; 39 pages. Trade Developments in Latin America Special agents series No. 45 ; 1911 ; 56 pages. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 57 FOREIGN MARKETS — Continued (Governmental Information) NORTH AMERICA Commerce and Industries of Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands Special agents series No. 67; 1913; 116 pages. Commerce and Industries of Canada and Newfound- land Special agents series No. 76 ; 1913 ; 95 pages. Trade Conditions in Canada Special agents series No. 2 ; 1906 ; 33 pages. Trade Conditions in Mexico Special agents series No. 22 ; 1908 ; 23 pages. SOUTH AMERICA Consular Recommendations on South American Trade. Miscellaneous series No. 20 ; 1914 ; 29 pages. South America as an Export Field Special agents series No. 81; 1914; 216 pages. Trade Conditions in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay Special agents series No. 8 ; 1906 ; 101 pages. Trade Conditions in Brazil Special agents series No. 1 ; 1906 ; 116 pages. Trade Conditions in Colombia Special agents series No. 16 ; 1907 ; 53 pages. Trade Conditions in Ecuador Special agents series No. 19 ; 1908 ; 39 pages. 58 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications FOREIGN MARKETS — Continued (Governmental Information) Trade Conditions on the West Coast of South America Special agents series No. 21; 1908; 82 pages. Trade Development in Argentina Special agents series No. 43 ; 1911 ; 94 pages. WEST INDIES Cuba as a Buyer and Seller Special agents series No. 61 ; 1912 ; 32 pages. Development of the Dominican Republic Special consular reports No. 65 ; 1914 ; 36 pages. The Danish West Indies Special agents series No. 129 ; 1917 ; 38 pages. Trade Conditions in Cuba Special agents series No. 5 ; 1906 ; 45 pages. West Indies as an Export Field Special agents series No. 141 ; 1917 ; 378 pages. BY INDUSTRIES AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY Agricultural Implements and Machinery in Australia and New Zealand (In press.) Agricultural Machinery in European Countries Special consular reports, No. 43, part 2; 1910; 38 pages. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 59 FOREIGN MARKETS— Continued (Governmental Information) American Agricultural Implements in Europe, Asia and Africa Special agents series No. 28 ; 1909 ; 88 pages. Markets for Agricultural Implements and Machinery in Argentina Special agents series No. 125 ; 1916 ; 86 pages. Markets for Agricultural Implements and Machinery in Brazil Special agents series No. 140 ; 1917 ; 59 pages. Markets for Agricultural Implements and Machinery in Peru and Chile Special agents series No. 142; 1917; 48 pages. Markets for Agricultural Implements and Machinery in South Africa Special agents series No. 146; 1917; 231 pages. BUTTONS Foreign Trade in Buttons Special consular reports No. 75; 1916; 184 pages CANNED GOODS Canned Foods Miscellaneous series No. 54 ; 1917 ; 79 pages. Canned-Goods Trade in the Far East Special agents series No. 92; 1915; 78 pages. Canned-Tomato Industry in Italy Special agents series No. 93 ; 1915 ; 23 pages. 60 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications FOREIGN MARKETS— Continued (Governmental Information) Foreign Trade in Canned Goods Special consular reports No. 54; 1912; 192 pages. Pineapple-Canning Industry of the World Special agents series No. 91; 1914; 36 pages. South American Trade in Canned Goods Special agents series No. 87; 1914; 36 pages. COCOA AND CHOCOLATE Cocoa Production and Trade Special consular reports No. 50 ; 1912 ; 51 pages. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND MACHINERY Construction Materials and Machinery in Colombia Special agents series No. 160; 1918; 74 pages. Markets for Construction Materials and Machinery in Cuba Special agents series No. 139 ; 1917 ; 61 pages. Markets for Construction Materials and Machinery in Venezuela Special agents series No. 144 ; 1917 ; 57 pages. COOKING FATS Cooking Fats in South America Special consular reports No. 67 ; 1915 ; 15 pages. CORDAGE AND TWINE Cordage and Twine Trade in Foreign Countries Special consular reports No. 45 ; 1911 ; 47 pages. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 61 FOREIGN MARKETS — Continued (Governmental Information) COTTON AND COTTON GOODS Cotton Fabrics in British India and the Philippines Special agents series No. 13 ; 1907 ; 117 pages. Cotton Fabrics in Middle Europe Special agents series No. 24; 1908; 171 pages. Cotton Goods in the Balkan States Special agents series No. 53 ; 1912 ; 47 pages. Cotton Goods in British East Africa, Uganda, Zanzibar and German East Africa Special agents series No. 80; 1914; 91 pages. Cotton Goods in British India; Part I, Madras Presi- dency Special agents series No. 124 ; 1916 ; 50 pages. Cotton Goods in British India; Part n, Bengal Presi- dency Special agents series No. 127 ; 1917 ; 88 pages. Cotton Goods in British India; Part III, Burma Special agents series No. 138 ; 1917 ; 88 pages. Cotton Goods in British India; Part IV, Bombay Presi- dency Special agents series No. 149 ; 1917 ; 132 pages. Cotton Goods in British India; Part V, Summary of Trade, and Part VI, Cotton Manufacturing Special agents series No. 157 ; 1917 ; 57 pages. 62 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications FOREIGN MARKETS— Continued (Governmental Information) Cotton Goods in Canada Special agents series No. 69 ; 1913 ; 50 pages. Cotton Goods in Ceylon Special agents series No. 123 ; 1916 ; 39 pages. Cotton Goods in China Special agents series No. 107 ; 1916 ; 242 pages. Cotton Goods in the Dutch East Indies Special agents series No. 120; 1916; 55 pages. Cotton Goods in Egypt Special agents series No. 64 ; 1912 ; 24 pages. Cotton Goods in Italy Special agents series No. 48 ; 1912 ; 55 pages. Cotton Goods in Japan and their Competition on the Manchurian Market Special agents series No. 86 ; 282 pages. Cotton Goods in Latin America^ Part I — Cuba, Mexico and Central America Special agents series No. 31 ; 1909 ; 79 pages. Cotton Goods in Latin America, Part II — Brazil, Col- ombia and Venezuela Special agents series No. 36 ; 1910 ; 96 pages. Cotton Goods in Latin America, Part III — Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay Special agents series No. 40; 1910; 52 pages. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 63 FOREIGN MARKETS— Continued (Governmental Information) Cotton Goods in Latin America, Part IV — Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Jamaica and Porto Rico Special agents series No. 44; 1911; 118 pages. Cotton Goods in Portugese East Africa Special agents series No. 82; 1914; 35 pages. Cotton Goods in the Red Sea Markets Special agents series No. 71; 1913; 64 pages. Cotton Goods in Russia Special agents series No. 51; 1912; 48 pages. Cotton Goods in South Africa Special agents series No. 83 ; 1914 ; 60 pages. Cotton Goods in Spain and Portugal Special agents series No. 46; 1911; 60 pages. Cotton Goods in the Straits Settlements Special agents series No. 115; 1916; 57 pages. Cotton Goods in Turkey Special agents series No. 54; 111 pages. Cotton Textiles iliscellaneous series No. 58; 1917; 19 pages. Cotton Textile Trade in the Turkish Empire, Greece and Italy Special agents series No. 18 ; 1908 ; 105 pages. Cotton-Goods Trade in China Special consular reports No. 44; 1911; 32 pages. 64 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications FOREIGN MARKETS— Continued (Governmental Information) England's Cotton Industry Special agents series No. 15 ; 1907 ; 51 pages. Foreign Markets for Cotton Linters, Batting and Waste Special consular reports No. 80. (In press.) Foreign Markets for the Sale of American Cotton Prod- ucts Special agents series No. 11 ; 1907 ; 215 pages. Japanese Cotton Goods Industry and Trade Special consular reports No. 74; 1915; 12 pages. Packing and Marketing of Cotton Special agents series No. 58 ; 1912 ; 39 pages. Terms Used in the Cotton Industry Special agents series No. 105 ; 1915 ; 22 pages. DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. Proprietary Medicine and Ointment Trade in China Special consular reports No. 76 ; 1917 ; 12 pages. South American Markets for Drug Products, Patent and Proprietary Medicines, Surgical Listru- ments and Dental Supplies Special agents series No. 85; 1914; 75 pages. DYESTUFFS Artificial Dyestuffs Used in the United States Special agents series No. 121 ; 1916 ; 254 pages. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 65 FOREIGN MARKETS — Continuea (Governmental Information) Dyestuffs for American Textile and Other Industries Special agents series No. 96 ; 1915 ; 57 pages. Dyestuff Situation in the United States, November, 1915 Special agents series No. Ill ; 1916 ; 19 pages. ELECTRICAL GOODS Electrical Goods in Australia Special agents series No. 155. (In press.) Electrical Goods in Bolivia and Chile Special agents series No. 167. Electrical Goods in Cuba Special agents series No. 128 ; 1917 ; 40 pages. Electrical Goods in New Zealand Special agents series No. 147 ; 1917 ; 47 pages. Electrical Goods in Porto Rico Special agents series No. 134 ; 1917 ; 16 pages. Electrical Instruments in England Special agents series No. 55; 1912; 38 pages. Electrical Instruments and Meters in Europe Special agents series No. 66; 1912; 88 pages. Markets for Electrical Goods in Ecuador and Peru Special agents series No. 154; 1917; 51 pages. FISH European Markets for Fish jMiscellaneous series No. 25; 1915; 36 pages. 66 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications FOREIGN MARKETS— Continued (Governmental Information) FLOUR AND WHEAT Flour Trade in Latin America— Part I— Porto Rico Special agents series No. 35 ; 1910 ; 30 pages. Flour and Wheat Trade in European Countries and the Levant Special agents series No. 30; 1909; 168 pages. FRUIT Markets for American Fruit Special consular reports No. 62 ; 1913 ; 54 pages. Olive Growing in Spain Special consular reports No. 79 ; 1918 ; 34 pages. South American Markets for Dried Fruits Special agents series No. 148 ; 1917 ; 35 pages. South American Markets for Fresh Fruits Special agents series No. 131 ; 1917 ; 163 pages. FUEL Coal Trade in Latin America Special consular reports No. 43, part 1; 1910; 32 pages. Foreign Markets for Coal Special consular reports No. 69 ; 1915 ; 24 pages. FURNITURE Colombian Markets for American Furniture Special agents series No. 162; 1918; 34 pages. BibliograpJiy of Foreign Trade Publications 67 FOREIGN MARKETS — Continued (Governmental Information) Furniture Imports of Foreign Countries Miscellaneous series No. 66. (In press.) GLASS INDUSTRY The Glass Industry Miscellaneous series No. 60; 1917. HARDWARE Australian Markets for American Hardware Miscellaneous series No. 42 ; 1916 ; 105 pages. Brazilian Markets for American Hardware Miscellaneous series No. 47 ; 1916 ; 89 pages. East African Markets for Hardware and Agricultural Implements Special consular reports No. 78 ; 1917 ; 27 pages. Far Eastern Markets for Hardware Miscellaneous series No. 50; 1917; 131 pages. Markets for American Hardware in Argentina, Urugnay and Paraguay Miscellaneous series No. 43 ; 1916 ; 64 pages. Markets for American Hardware in Chile and Bolivia Miscellaneous series No. 41 ; 1916 ; 190 pages. Markets for American Hardware in France, Algeria and Morocco Miscellaneous series No. 49; 1917; 61 pages. 68 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications FOREIGN MARKETS — Continued (Governmental Information) Markets for American Hardware in Germany, the Neth- erlands and Scandinavia Miscellaneous series No. 48 ; 1917 ; 126 pages. Markets for Hardware in Italy, Spain and Portugal Miscellaneous series No. 55; 1917; 110 pages. Peruvian Markets for American Hardware Miscellaneous series No. 39 ; 1916 ; 64 pages. Russian Market for American Hardware Miscellaneous series No. 46 ; 1916 ; 111 pages. Turkish Markets for American Hardware Special consular reports No. 77 ; 1917 ; 48 pages, INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY Camphor Industry in Foreign Countries Special consular reports No. 43, part 3 ; 1910 ; 15 pages. Chemical Industries in Belgium, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden Special agents series No, 65 ; 1912 ; 85 pages. Foreign Trade in Denatured Alcohol Special consular reports No. 51 ; 1912 ; 36 pages. Manufacture of Air-Nitrate Fertilizers Special consular reports No. 41, part 6; 1909; 16 pages. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 69 FOREIGN MARKETS — ConUnued (Governmental Information) Production and Use of Denatured Alcohol in Principal Countries Special agents series No. 77 ; 1914 ; 32 pages. Utilization of Atmospheric Nitrogen Special agents series No. 52 ; 1912 ; 178 pages. Utilization of Potatoes in Europe Special consular reports No. 64; 1914; 44 pages. IRON AND STEEL British Iron and Steel Industry; Luxemburg Iron and Steel Industry; British Chain Manufacture Special agents series No. 29 ; 1909 ; 37 pages. German Iron and Steel Industry Special agents series No. 27 ; 1909 ; 73 pages. Some Aspects of the Iron and Steel Industry in Europe Special consular reports No. 71 ; 1915 ; 48 pages. JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE South American Market for Jewelry and Silverware Special consular reports No. 70; 1915; 23 pages. LACE AND EMBROIDERY Lace Industry in France and England Special agents series No. 23 ; 1909 ; 59 pages. Swiss Embroidery and Lace Industry Special agents series No. 20; 1908; 43 pages. 70 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications FOREIGN MARKETS— Continued (Governmental Information) LUMBER Australasian Markets for American Lumber Special agents series No. 109 ; 1915 ; 48 pages. By-Products of the Lumber Industry- Special agents series No. 110; 1916; 70 pages. China and Indo-China Markets for American Lumber Special agents series No. 104 ; 1915 ; 39 pages. Japanese Markets for American Lumber Special agents series No. 94; 1915; 16 pages. Lumber Industry of the United States Miscellaneous series No. 67. (In press.) Lumbering Industry in the Philippines Special agents series No. 88; 1914; 23 pages. Lumber Markets of the East Coast of South America Special agents series No, 112 ; 1916 ; 121 pages. Lumber Markets of the Mediterranean Region and the Near East Miscellaneous series No. 51 ; 1917 ; 31 pages. Lumber Markets of the West and North Coasts of South America Special agents series No, 117 ; 1916 ; 149 pages. Philippine Markets for American Lumber Special agents series No. 100; 16 pages. Teak in Siam and Indo-China Special agents series No. 108 ; 1915 ; 21 pages. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 71 FOREIGN MARKETS— Continued (Governmental Information) MACHINERY AND MACHINE TOOLS Machine-Tool Trade in Austria-Hungary, Denmark, Russia and Netherlands Special agents series No. 34; 1910; 179 pages. Machine-Tool Trade in Belgium Special agents series No. 32 ; 1909 ; 93 pages. Machine-Tool Trade in Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy and the United Kingdom Special agents series No. 26 ; 1909 ; 246 pages. Machine Tools in Latin America Special consular reports No. 58; 1913; 32 pages. Markets for Machinery and Machine Tools in Argentina Special agents series No. 116; 1916; 64 pages. Markets for Machinery and Machine Tools in Peru, Bolivia and Chile Special agents series No. 118 ; 1916 ; 88 pages. MINING Mining in the Federated Malay States Special agents series No. 59 ; 1912 ; 25 pages. Zinc Industry in Mexico Special consular reports No. 41, part 2; 1909; 14 pages. MOTOR VEHICLES Argentine Market for Motor Vehicles Miscellaneous series No. 62; 1917; 27 pages. 72 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications FOREIGN MARKETS— Continued (Governmental Information) Development of Motor- Vehicle Trade Abroad Special consular reports No. 59 ; 1913 ; 70 pages. Foreign Markets for Motor Vehicles Special consular reports No. 53 ; 1912 ; 143 pages. Motor Machines Special consular reports No. 40, part 1, 80 pages ; part 2, 144 pages ; 1907-1908. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Foreign Trade in Musical Instruments Special consular reports No. 55 ; 1912 ; 102 pages. OILSEEDS AND PRODUCTS Cottonseed Industry in Foreign Countries Special agents series No. 99 ; 1915 ; 73 pages. Cottonseed Products and their Competitors in Northern Europe — Part I, Cake and Meal Special agents series No. 84; 1914; 93 pages. Cottonseed Products and their Competitors in Northern Europe— Part II, Edible Oils Special agents series No. 89 ; 1914 ; 31 pages. Edible Oils in the Mediterranean District Special agents series No. 75 ; 1913 ; 32 pages. Oilseed Products and Feed Stuffs Special agents series No. 39; 1910; 32 pages. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 73 FOREIGN MARKETS — Continued (Governmental Information) Soya Beans and Products Special consular reports No. 41, part 5 ; 1909 ; 35 pages. OPTICAL GOODS Optical-Goods Trade in Foreign Countries Special consular reports No. 46 ; 1911 ; 94 pages. PAINTS AND VARNISHES Foreign Trade in Paints and Varnishes Special consular reports No. 56 ; 1912 ; 72 pages. PAPER Chilean Market for Paper, Paper Products and Printing Machinery Special agents series No. 153 ; 1917 ; 72 pages. Paper, Paper Products and Printing Machinery in Ar- gentina, Uruguay and Paraguay Special agents series No. 163. (In press.) Paper, Paper Products and Printing Machinery in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador Special agents series No. 143 ; 1917 ; 77 pages. Paper and Printing Machinery in Cuba and Panama Special agents series No. 132 ; 1917 ; 44 pages. Paper and Stationery Trade of the World Special consular reports No. 73; 1915; 458 pages. 74 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications FOREIGN MARKETS— Continued (Governmental Information) RAILWAYS AND SUPPLIES Foreign Markets for Railway Supplies and Equipment Special consular reports No. 60 ; 1913 ; 224 pages. Elailway Materials, Equipment and Supplies in Australia and New Zealand Special agents series No. 156; 1918; 164 pages. Railway Situation in China Special consular reports No. 48 ; 1911 ; 32 pages. RATTAN Rattan Supply of the Philippines Special agents series No. 95 ; 1915 ; 40 pages. SALT Foreign Salt Market and Industry Special consular reports No. 52 ; 1912 ; 82 pages. SHOE AND LEATHER TRADE Leather and Boots and Shoes in European Markets Special agents series No. 14; 1907; 60 pages. Market for Boots and Shoes in Cuba Special agents series No. 133 ; 1917 ; 46 pages. Market for Boots and Shoes in Jamaica Special agents series No. 145 ; 1917 ; 24 pages. Market for Boots and Shoes in Peru Special agents series No. 152 ; 1917 ; 89 pages. Bibliograpfiy of Foreign Trade Publications 75 FOREIGN MARKETS — Continued (Governmental Information) Market for Boots and Shoes in Porto Rico Special agents series No. 135 ; 1917 ; 28 pages. Shoe and Leather Trade in Argentina, Chile, Peru and Uruguay Special agents series No. 37; 1910; 72 pages. Shoe and Leather Trade in Australia Special agents series No. 159 ; 1918 ; 39 pages. Shoe and Leather Trade in Belgium, Spain, and Egypt Special agents series No. 73; 1913; 31 pages. Shoe and Leather Trade in Brazil, Venezuela and Bar- bados Special agents series No. 41; 1910; 43 pages. Shoe and Leather Trade in Cuba and Mexico Special agents series No. 33 ; 1909 ; 24 pages. Shoe and Leather Trade in France and Switzerland Special agents series No. 57 ; 1912 ; 44 pages. Shoe and Leather Trade in Germany Special agents series No. 50 ; 1912 ; 48 pages. Shoe and Leather Trade in Italy and Austria-Hungary Special agents series No. 70; 1913; 60 pages. Shoe and Leather Trade in New Zealand Special agents series No. 151; 1917; 31 pages. Shoe and Leather Trade in the Philippine Islands Special agents series No. IGl ; 1918; 23 pages. 76 Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications FOREIGN MARKETS — Continued (Governmental Information) Shoe and Leather Trade in Russia Special agents series No. 68 ; 1913 ; 23 pages. Shoe and Leather Trade in Scandinavia Special agents series No. 63 ; 1912 ; 38 pages. Shoe and Leather Trade in the United Kingdom Special agents series No. 49 ; 1912 ; 80 pages. Tanning Materials of Latin America Special agents series No. 165. (In press.) SOAP South American Market for Soap Special consular reports No. 66 ; 1915 ; 16 pages. STOVES Cooking and Heating Stoves in Foreign Countries Special consular reports No. 63; 1914; 63 pages. SUGAR The Sugar Industry Miscellaneous series No. 9 ; 1913 ; 127 pages. TEXTILES Textiles in Cuba Special agents series No. 126; 1917; 56 pages. Textiles in Porto Rico and Jamaica Special agents series No. 137 ; 1917 ; 31 pages. Bibliography of Foreign Trade Publications 77 FOREIGN MARKETS — Continued (Governmental Information) Textile Markets of Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru Special agents series No. 158 ; 1918 ; 106 pages. Textile Market of Chile Special agents series No. 164. (In press.) TOBACCO Tobacco Trade of the World Special consular reports No. 68 ; 1915 ; 48 pages. WOOL, UNEN, JUTE, HEMP Development of an American Linen Industry Special agents series No. 122 ; 1916 ; 23 pages. Linen, Jute and Hemp Industries in the United King- dom Special agents series No. 74; 1913. Manufacture of Woolen, Worsted and Shoddy in France and England and Jute in Scotland Special agents series No. 25 ; 1909 ; 144 pages. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below Form L-fl 23m-2,'«(3205) L \ y 7164 Shuey - j C8S5 BiblisgraphjL """^ of foreign i cat ions . AA 000 485 259 Z 7164 C8S5