A I V6 Collectors, who wish to purchase the lour Illustrated Catalogues of the Sedelmeyer Gallery, published annually from [894 to 1897, each containing repoductions of one hundred pictures by Old Masters, may apply to Mr. Charles Sedelmeyer, 6, rue de La Rochefoucauld, Paris. ILLUSTRATED Catalogue of 3oO PAINTINGS bv OLD MASTERS Of the Dutch, Flemish. Italian. French, and English Schools being- some of the principal pictures which have at various times formed part of the Sedelmeyer Gallery fp- PARIS (\ RUE Hi: LA ROCHE] OUCAULD, 6 I i >< )t > Chas. Si m i mi m u. Publisher and Art dealer. Paris, has the richest stock of original pictures in Europe. lbs gallery includes over 800 works by Old Masters, selections from which are reproduced in this Catalogue, and a similar number of pictures by living artists, and painters of the Harbizon School. Chas. Si delmi ver, who imported and sold to the I nited States the two celebrated pictures by Munkacsy « Christ before Pilate » and >< Christ en Calvary ». controls the works this artist, and those of V. Brozik, Tito Lessi, Eugene Jettel, etc. He publishes annually a selection of line and important plates, of which only a small number of proofs are printed. Me has just issued the first two volumes of a most extensive book in H volumes on Rembrandt, containing reproductions of all the pictures of this master: the text by Doctor W. Bode. Director of the Berlin Gallery. Subscriptions now received. The prospectus of this book, and illustrated catalogues of other publication-, to be had at Chas. Sedelmeyer's, . rue de La Rochefoucauld, Paris. PREFACE Since the year 1894, I have published annually an illustrated catalogue of i<> 1 pictures by Old Masters, selected from those which have been in my possession during the year. The fourth issue, dated [897, has just appeared, and these four catalogues now form an interesting series of reproductions of first class pictures of the Dutch, Flemish, German, Italian. French, and Early English Schools. During the publication of these catalogues, it occurred to me that their interest and value might be considerably increased, were they supplemented by a selection from those pictures by Old .Masters, which I had owned and sold prior to 1894. I was aware that this was a more difficult task, as I had neither photographs, nor any other reproductions of many of the finest works once owned by me, particularly in the earlier part of my career. Nevertheless. 1 set to work, and succeeded in getting together 3oo reproductions, which, with the description and history of each picture, form the present « Illustrated Catalogue ». In the course of time, and as they increase in number, these catalogues will. 1 trust, prove useful looks of reference to Art students anil collectors. CHARLES SEDELMEYER Paris, May i'Jc/J. DUTCH, FLEMISH, AND GERMAN SCHOOLS BAC K B R (J acob Adriaensz) i [608 or i6c9-i65i) 1. Portrait of an Old Lady Seated, nearly full-face to the front. She wears a white linen cap with a black velvet band on the top, a small ruff, and a black velvet cloak, lined with fur. She holds a closed book in her left hand,, and spectacles in her right. Three-quarters figure. Life-size. Canvas. 36 in. by 25 1/2 in. From Ihe Collection of Lord Ilaldon. Now in the Collection of IIcit Adolf Thiem, San Rcmo. BEYEREN (Abraham H. van) (xv 11"' century) 2. Still-Life On a table covered with a green velvet cloth, fringed with gold, are a silver ewer, a basket on which is a plate containing a ham. a golden goblet, a Delft dish containing two oranges, an open watch, a plate with oysters, a half-pared lemon, a slice of salmon, grapes, etc. Signed with monogram. Canvas. 40 in. by 33 in. From the Collection of M. Van liyk, 1818. — the Karl of Clancarty, London. Now in the Collection of M. Rodolphe Kann, Paris. 10 ¥ ■¥■* \ ii { ^ 1 Ja V ■^^B BROUWER (Adriaen) i6o5or [606- p>.v"> 3. — Interior of a rustic Inn with three Peasants ( hie is seated in front on the left with a pipe in his right hand, and a poker in his left. A large jug stands on the ground near 'aim. lie turns his head to two peasants, seated at a table, apparently discussing the amount of the bill, which one of them holds in his hand. A sketch of a peasant's head is fastened against the wall on the left. Signed with monogram. Panel, 10 1/2 in. by a in. From the Collection of M. A. Schloss, Paris. Now in tlie Collection of -At. Rodolphc Kann, Paris. COQUES (Gonzales) (1618-1.684; 4. Portraits of a Gentleman, a Lady, and their two Daughters Described in Smith's Catalogue (part iv, p. 260, n" 27) as follows : -< The former, elegantly dressed in the costume of the period, is represented in a front view, standing in the centre, with his right hand placed on his hip. and a cane in the other. The lady, attired in a black silk robe, stands on his left; and behind is seated the eldest daughter, playing on a mandolin, while the youngest stands on the opposite side, holding a greyhound. The background is composed of a curtain, some architecture, and a group of figures, representing the Graces. » Panel, 20 1/2 in. by 27 1/2 in. Described in Smiih*s « Catalogue Raisonne ». part iv. p. 260, n" 27. From the Collection of David Bailey, Esq. Saltmarshe Collection, 1846. Adrian Hope Collection, London. [894. Now in the Collection of Mr. Rodman Wanamaker, Philadelphia. 12 a IB CO ( 'oql'es < lonzalcs) COQUES (Gonzales) (16 18-1684 Family Portrait Described in Smith's Catalogue (part iv. p. 25:;. n° 18) as follows : « The interior of an elegant apartment, in which arc introduced a company of persons, representing portraits of a family of distinc- tion. Most admirably painted. » Panel. 20 1/2 in. by 20 1/4 in. Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », part iv, p. 258, n" 18. Prom the Collection of the Duke of Marlborough, Blenheim Palace. 1886. Now in the Collection of M. Rodolphe Kami, Paris. CUIJP (Aelbert) ( 1620- 169 1 ) 6. — The Mussel-Eater Described in Smith's Catalogue Raisonne (part v, p. 335, n" 178) as follows : « The Interior of a Blacksmith's Shop, with a workman seated .near the middle, eating mussels, and three children looking at him. On the right of the picture are two gentlemen standing on the further side of the door, whose attention appears to be also excited. A doo" lies in front, and a smith, at work, is seen at the end of the shop. Painted in the artist's early time, and finished manner. » Signed with monogram. Panel. 19 3 4 in. by 20 1 2 in. Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne ». vol. v. p. 335, n" 178. From the Collection of M. Lormier, Rotterdam. A. Febvre, Paris, [882. Baron de Beurnonville, Paris. i883. Ch. Ilanbury Tracey. Ksq. Now in the Collection of Mr. M. C. 1). Borden, New York. '4 5. — Coques (Gonzales) '<. i uijp (Aelbert) / • C I IJ P (Aelbert) i 1620-1691 Interior of a Cow-House A large red cow, seen from the side, is standing in front, a blackcow lying down near her. Somepoultry are perched on the top of a boarded partition, and a pigeon looks in from the window-sill. Signed with monogram. Panel, 17 1/2 in. by 2.3 in. Prom die Collection of Th. Norris, Esq., ol Bury, 1873. Baron Liebig, Keichenbcrg. . in the Collection of M. Rodolphe Kann, Paris. C U [J P (Aelbert) ( 1 620-1691 ) 8. Cattle in a Meadow 1 'i the right of the foreground is an ox seen in profile, stand- ing; two others are lying down near him; beyond, in the middle tance, a peasant converses with a woman. On the opposite side arc four sheep, resting; a goat stands behind them. In the distance, the church of Dort, and a windmill. Signed with monogram. Panel, i3 in. by 18 1 2 in. Ileclion ol the Vicomte bti Bus dc Gisignies, Brussels, i8£6. \ in ilic Collection of M. Maurice Kann, Paris. iC Cuijp (Aelbert) 8. - Cuijp (Aclbcrt) ( ITIJP (Aelbert) 1620-1691' (). — The Departure for the Chase Described in Smith's Catalogue (part v. p. 334, n° 177) as follows : ■ A grand landscape, on the foreground and left or which are a lady and a gentleman arriving on horseback. The former, elegantly attired in a blue silk robe with full slashed sleeves, and a cap decked with blue and white leathers, is mounted on a beautiful white palfrey, caparisoned with costly housings. The gentleman, riding a brown horse, is on her left; his head is uncov- ered, and he wears a full flowing wig : they are accompanied by three sporting dogs, and followed at some distance oflf by a hunts- man "ii foot, leading two greyhounds in leash. Beyond these, and near a castle on the right, are two gentlemen arriving on horseback. A river traverses the middle distance, and the country i^ diversified with enclosures. A fine summer's morning adds lustre to the scene. A splendid work. » Signed : A. Cuijp Canvas, 47 in. by 66 1/4 in. Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », part v, p. 334, n° 177, and Supplement, p. 664, 11 48. a the Collection <>f Th. Emmerson, Esq. E. Higginson, Esq., Saltmarshe, i860 Adrian Hope. Esq., London, 1894. in the Collection of Mr. 1'. A. }>,. Widener, Philadelphia. - 18 — < X a ~ tj i— x u o X CU1JP (Aelbert) (1620-1691) 10. — Landscape. Evening Effect A sunny lake scene, with a high road in the foreground, bounded on the right by a lofty cliff, and skirted on the opposite side by some high trees. On the extreme left, an old man is leading an ass, on which is a woman with a child in her arms. In the centre, a woman, seated, converses with a man and a boy standing in front of her. Farther to the right are three cows passing over a rustic bridge, and another lying down. Beyond the road, a lake, bounded by high hills, stretches across the background. Signed with monogram. Panel, 18 in. by 21 1/2 in. Engraved by II. Vion. From the Collection of Mrs. Edward Romilly, London, 1878. — Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, 1881. Now in the Collection of M. Rodolphe Kann. Paris. 19 C I [J P (Aelbert) i [620-1691 1 1 . Travellers halting at an Inn le man has already mounted, and is seen riding away under projecting sign of the White Swan. A second is about to mount his horse, whilst a third, seated on a log of wood, is in the act of pulling on his boots. A girl holding a pewter jug stands waiting to offer him a glass of ale. His white horse, forming the centre and principal light of the picture, is held by a sturdy little b< •}' in a broad-brimmed hat. Signed : A. Cuijp. Canvas, 24 1/2 in. by 33 1/2 in. From Ihe Collection of the Duke of -Marlborough, Blenheim Palace, 1886. in Ihe Collection of M. Rodolphe Kann, Paris. io. - - Cuijp (Aclbert) ii. Ci up (Aelbert) GUIJP (Aelbert) i 1620- 1 691] 12. __ Cows and Sheep on the Bank of a River In the centre of the composition, on an eminence, are three -beep lying down, and three cows, one of which is standing, and >ecn in profile. Four other sheep are grouped at the foot of a soli- tarv tree to the right. Signed : A. Cuijp. Canvas, 26 in. by 3i 1/2 in. Now in the Collection of Baron Koenigswarter, Vienna. C UIJP (Aelbert) (1620-1691) 1 3. — Cavaliers halting on a Road On the right of the foreground are two gentlemen mounted on grey horses, one of whom appears to be giving directions to a man on foot, who stands near, with dogs. On the left, a shepherd, leaning on his stick, and a group of sheep and goats. Beyond, a peasant, his blue vest hanging on a stick over his shoulder, is crossing the road, and farther back, a herdsman is driving cattle. A river, and the church and other buildings of a town in the dis- tance. The principal group of figures is repeated in a picture by Cuijp from the Lyne Stephens Sale, now in the Collection of M. Maurice Kann. The figure of the >hepherd. leaning on his stick, with a dog by his side, reappears in a picture in the Museum at Frankfort. Signed on the left : A. Cuijp. Canvas, 42 in. by 33 in. Krom the Collection of M. Murann II. II. Eichmann, Leyden. Mine A. Gijsberti Hoetenpijl, Leyden, 1872. Prince Demidoff, San Donate Now in the Collection of Mrs. P. C. Ilanford, Chicago. bhbi 12. - - Cuijp (Aelbert) • .^fmBSB^^BHMM ______^ BMBiBBi^, /■ k *MBk !■; ' '#*' _ i-;-* : ' rJ *«li^ ■ """*.- V A» 5aw&'*^" — -**" ' - M 1 ■tf**r m. fm f «;d' ■A\;'iM :! - iinm ■•*."■- r ' . *M ~t iXaef^ j ■... * j^j 3 U DE \ \ E R ( Balthasar) [685-i: pi) 14. Bust Portrait of an Old Lady Turned three-quarters to the right. She wears a white linen cloth on her head, and over it a violet velvet hood; round her shoulder- agre) mantle bordered with fur. Bust, life-size. Panel, 14 1/2 in. by 12 1/2 in. \ >u in the Collection of Mr. Charles T. Ycrkcs, New York. DOU (Gerard) (161 3-i 675 1 5. « Propos de Voisin » A young woman leaning on the sill of an arched windows with a tin can in her left hand. She turns to the right nearly in profile, apparentl) speaking to some one. Her dress consists of a white itte with wide sleeves, open at the throat, and a red bodice. Signed : G. Dov. Panel, arched top, 10 3/4 in. by 7 3/4 in. at the Exposition retrospective, Amsterdam, 1072. Hague, 1 'loo. irnelis Wittert, Rotterdam, 1731. an anonymo 1 ollection, Amsterdam, 17.34. the Collection of Robert de Neuville, Leyden, 1736. Messchert van Vollenhoven, Amsterdam, 1892. Ileclion of Dr. Max Wassermann, Paris. " 2_| .• r- c r<-e < <■ f f c r f <■ f r ft f / t ( i. •<<(((< r < f f t f < < < t f { t < f t filling a glass from a tin can. The latter wears a flat cap and a loose robe; he is seated in an armchair, his back to the spec- tator, his face in profile. An open window on the left, a fire-place on the right. A gun hangs from a column in the background, near which are some shelves with books and other accessories. Panel, 25 1/2 in. by 27 in. V.u in the Collection of M. AJolphe Schloss, Paris. DOL' (Gerard) (i6i3-i6:5) 17. An old Woman peeling Apples She is seated in the centre of a homely Dutch interior, turned to the left, and wears a black cap, and wide mantle. Near her are a kettle, an armchair, and a table, on which are a piece of bread, and other objects. Some logs of wood are burning in a large fire-place on the right. Signed on the right. Panel, 14 in. by 17 1 4 in. Engraved ' ilmon. ■m the Collection of M. Salamanca. Paris, i!'r5. Baron de lieurnonville, Paris, 1881. Prince Liechtenstein. Vienna. Now in the Collection of Herr Martin Ileckscher. Vienna. 26 — 1 6 Dou (Gerard) 17. — Doi (< ierard) DOU (Gerard) (1613-1675) 18. The Hermit Described in Smith's Catalogue part 1. p. 28, ir 84) as follows : A venerable hermit in a cell, perusing a large book, which lies on a bench before him; in his left hand he holds a pair of spec- tacles, and with his right is raising the leaves of the book, as if about to turn over the page : the trunk of a withered tree fills up the left of the subject. This picture has been considerably enlarged, its original size being merely the head of the hermit, which is painted with extraordinary care and line effect; this no doubt induced the artist to increase its size. » Panel, 1') in. by 12 in. :ribed in Smith's « Catalogue Kaisonne ». part 1, p. 28, n" 84. :ii the Collection of M. Tronchin des Deliccs, 1801. M. Sereville, [81 1. — .Messrs. Woodburn. N w in the Collection of Mr. Charles T. Ycrkes, New York. D Y C K (Sir An t i i x y v a n ) 1 1 599-1641) 19. — Portrait of a young Prince A boy of about six, standing, turned slightly to the right, his ice towards the spectator. lie wears a purple silk doublet and trunk hose, a small ruff, and a string of coral beads across it. He holds a red Hag in his left hand, his right rests on his hip. Full-length figure. Life-size. ' anvas, 43 in. by 32 in. Exposition de Portraits de Femmes et d'Enfants, Paris, 1897. From the I ollectioo of the .Marquis de Gropallo, Genoa. v in the Collection of Baroness Ilirsch de (icreuth, Paris. — 28 - s-, o a O CO > DYCK (Sir Anthony van) (1S99-1641) 20. — Portrait of the Marchesa Spinola Doria Standing, turned to the left, looking towards the spectator, and in the act of ascending some steps. She wears a black satin robe, relieved by a large lace ruff and ruffles, and a black mantle of bro- caded velvet; a pearl diadem with black feathers in her fair hair. She has a flower in her right hand, and holds up the folds of her dress with her left. Full-length figure. Life-size. Canvas, 89 in. by 59 in. From the Collection of the Marquis of Spinola-Defornari, Genoa Now in the Collection of Herr Adolf Thiem, San Remo. 3o DY ANTHONY VAN ) PORTRAIT OF ■' <\ SPINOLA DO DYCK (Sir Anthony van) ( i 590-1641) 21. — Portrait of a Gentle man Standing, full-face, with beard and moustaches; he wears a dark dress, with cloak and ruff. Three-quarters length figure. Life-size. Canvas, 44 1/2 in. by 37 3/4 in. .Mentioned in Dr. Waagen's, « Art Treasures in Great Britain ». vol. in, p. 429. From Sir Andrew Fountaine's Collection. Now in the Collection of Mr. M. C. D. Borden, New York. 3 1 DYCK (Sir Anthony van) ( 1 599-1 641) 22. — Portrait of the Marchesa Gropallo Standing, turned three-quarters to the right, looking to the front, her dark hair adorned with jewels. She wears a black dress, and a collar c^.\y;L\\ with pearfo. A double chain of pearls is passed n mnd her neck, descending to her waist, where she holds it with her right hand, while her left, partly gloved, hangs beside her. Three- quarters figure. Life-size. Canvas, 48 in. by 32 1/2 in. From the Collection of Girolamo Gropallo, Genoa. Now in the Collection of Herr James Simon, Berlin. - 32 — c > < o > Q c c3 to Li c L- Q n CI o o DYCK (Sir Anthony van) ( 1 599-1 641) Portrait of the Marchesa Gropallo Standing, turned three-quarters to the right, looking to the front, her dark hair adorned with jewels. She wears a black dress, and a collar c.litcd with pearls. A double chain of pearls is passed round her neck, descending to her waist, where she holds it with her right hand, while her left, partly gloved, hangs beside her. Three- quarters figure. Life-size. Canvas, 43 in. by 32 1/2 in. From the Collection of Girolamo Gropallo, Genoa. Now in the Collection of Herr James Simon, Berlin. 32 — c > < ■— ^> o Q o Q n DY C K i Sir Anthony van) ( i 599-1 641) 25. — Portrait of the Family of the Duke of Buckingham I '. ►rtrail 1 >f Catherine, Duchess of Buckingham, with her two Sons and a Daughter. The duchess, dressed in black silk, is seated in an armchair, pressing a miniature to her bosom with one hand, and h ilding the hand of her son in the other; the youth is habited in white satin. The portrait of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, appears as an oval picture suspended in the background. The miniature which the Duchess holds is the portrait of an aged man, ecorated with the blue ribbon of the Garter, and probably represents her father. Francis, 6th Karl of Rutland. Canvas, go 3/4 in. by 77 in. :ribed in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », part Hi, p. 79, 11" 26. Dr. Waagen's « Art Treasures in Great Britain », vol. in, p. 12.3. e Duke 1 if Marlbi >r< tugh's ( ". Election, Blenheim Palace. (Sold privately). Election of Baroness Ilirsch de Ciereuth, Paris. 36 - DYCK ( SIR ANTHONY VAN ) PORTRAIT OF THE FAMILY OF THE DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM DYCK (Sir Anthony van) ( i 599- 1 641) 26. — The Virgin, the Infant Christ. and St. Anna To the right, the little Saviour, standing naked on the lap of the Virgin, bends eagerly forward toward St. Anna, who holds out her hands to receive Him. Landscape background. Panel, 27 in. by 21 1/2 in. From the Collection of Count Eugene d'Oultremont, Brussels. Now in the Collection of Professor Ludwig- Knaus, Berlin. DYCK (Sir Anthony van) ( i 599-1641) 28. — Portrait of the Duke of Pom fret Seen from behind, his head and eyes turned towards the spec- tator. He wears a rich lace collar, and a white satin mantle, which he holds with his right hand. Bust. Life-size. Canvas, 20 in. by 24 1/2 in. From the Collection of Freiherr von Fechenbach, Laudenbach. Now in the Collection of Ilerr Alfred Strasser, Vienna. DYCK (Sir Anthony van) (1599-1641) 29. — Portrait of a Lady Turned slightly to the left, looking at the spectator. Round her neck, she wears a white transparent ruff. Her right hand is placed against her breast. Half-length. Life-size. Canvas, 29 in. by 23 in. From the Collection of M. Rattier. Paris. Now in the Collection of Mr. R. Hall McCormick, Chicago. 40 — CO o rt CO 3 Q DYCK (Sir Anthony van) ( 1 599-1 641) 3o. — Portrait of Princess Maria Luisa de Tassis Described in Smith's Catalogue (part in. p. 102, n" 480) as follows : • Portrait of a handsome young lady, representing the faee in a three-quarters view, with bushy hair, of a brown colour. A frill adorns the bosom; and another, of stiff lace, surrounds the shoul- ders. She is dressed in a black silk vest, with large slashed sleeves: and a cross is attached to a black bow in front. The right hand, having a glove on it, holds a fan. composed of black feathers. An admirable example of the master. » Canvas, 3o in. by 24 in. Fngraved by Spruyt. and by Hans Meyer. Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne »>, part 111. p. 102, n" 480. exhibited at the Exposition de Portraits de Femmesetd'Enfants, Paris, 1807. From the Collection of M. van Saceghem, Ghent. — Vicomte Du Bus de Gisignies, Brussels. i883. Now in the Collection of M. Rodolphe Kann, Paris. 4: - MY VA JT OF v DE TA EY( K (.]-. i van) 3l. Portrait of John Arnolfini Tin n'-'i slightly to the l< ft. A beai Hess man, in p ^rei n rob< ti iniiii' I ..iili i u i . and a ei imson tui ban shaped h< ad dr< ; his hands crossed in front, the righl holding a letter. I)arl< ba< kground. iikiII hall length figure. I'.Hi' l, M i, • in by ; ; in. i i', in Hi-- ( ',ii'- ii',n oi id' i. ;ui '.' br< Iton 'i o Mi ( | ' .I'u ,'nii London, i in Mi'-. Berlin VIu§eum EYCK (Jan van) ( i 300-1440) 32. — Virgin and Child The Virgin stands in a Gothic niche of rich architecture, deco- rated with sculpture. She is dressed in a long scarlet mantle, and holds the Child against her breast, looking tenderly at Him. On the border of the canopy above her head is inscribed : « Domus Dei est et porta coeli »; and on the pedestal under her feet : « Ipsa est quam preparavit domus filio Dei mei •>. Panel, 21 in. by 1 1 in. Exhibited at .Manchester, 1007. the Royal Academy, London, 1871. Described in Dr. Waagen's « Art Treasures in Great Britain », vol. iv, p. 190 From the Collection of the King- of Holland, 1800. A. J. Beresford Hope. Esq., London. 1886. — Mr. Henry CI. Marquand. New York. Presented by the latter to the Metropolitan Museum, New York. — -H •J w FYT (Jan ( 1 6 i i - i 66 i ) 33. — Fruit and Fish On a table covered with a green cloth, various dead fish in a large silver dish. A garland of fruit hangs from the wall above. A monkey climbs up from beneath the table. Canvas. 48 in. by 62 in. Etched by J. Jacquemart for the « Gazette des Beaux-Arts », 1877. From the Collection of Prince Demidoff, San Donato. Comtesse Mniszech, Paris. — — M. E. Secretan, Paris. Now in the Collection of Herr Adolf Thiem, San Remo. 34. FYT (Jan) (161 1-1661) — Dead Game In a landscape, at the foot of a little eminence in the fore ground, a great variety of dead game lying on the ground, watched by four hounds, one of which is seated on the top of the rocky mound, while another snuffs at a dead boar on the right. A deer hangs by one foot from a tree on the left; a hare and a great number of wild birds in the centre. Painted by the artist when in Italy. Canvas, 67 in. by 99 in. Reproduced in the « Gazette des Beaux-Arts », 1898. Now in the Collection of M. Rodolphe Kami. Paris. -46- 33. - Fyt (Jan) 04. — Fyt (Jan) GO YEN (Jan van) ( 1 596-1 656 ) 35. — View in Holland A view looking across a flat country, with a coach and six, and several figures on a road in the foreground; a group of trees on a little eminence to the left. In the distance, the buildings of a town, with the church in the centre. Signed. Canvas, 40 in. by 52 in. Etched by G. Greux. Now in the Collection of Madame Oh. Delbecque, Brussels. *g GO YEN (Jan van) ( 1 596-1650) 36. — View of Dordrecht from Papendrecht On the river bank to the left, some rustic buildings, and the ferry-man's house, in front of which are peasants on horseback and on foot, carts, etc. Near the bank are four boats. On the extreme right, another boat containing two men. Several sailing-boats are scattered over the river beyond. In the distance on the right, the outline of Dordrecht. Cloudy sky. Signed, and dated i633. Panel, i<'! in. by 28 1/2 in. Etched by Laguillermie, G. Greux, and W. Unger. From the Collection of Chevalier de Lissingen, Paris, 1876. VI. E. Secretan, Paris, 1889. Now in the Royal Museum at the Hague. 35. - Goyen i J an van) 36. - < mima (Jan van) GOYEN (Jan van) ( 1 596-1656) 37. - River Scene In the foreground to the left, on a little eminence, are two men and three cows. Towards the centre, three fishermen in a small boat are drawing in their net. In the middle distance, a ferry-boat full of people, animals, etc., is approaching the opposite bank of the river, on which are a church and cottages. Signed with monogram, and dated 1644. Panel, 21 1/2 in. by 27 1, 2 in. Now in the Collection of Heir Stefan C. .Michel, Mayence. *s GOYEN (Jan van ( 1 596- 1 656) 38. _ Winter in Holland In the foreground, numerous persons, the greater part in groups, some skating, others seated in sledges pushed by men, or drawn by horses. On the dyke to the right is a sentry-box, behind which may be seen a canon and two men. At the back of the dyke is a house, and to the right a row of voting trees. Beyond are skaters and pedestrians, and in the distance is seen the town of Harlem, the church rising above the houses. Signed on the left : J. v. Goyen, 1646. Panel. 17 in. by 3o in. From the Collection of Prince DemidolV. San Donate M. P. < rabbe. Paris, 1890. - Di) Goyen (Jan van) mt w m 38. - Goyen (Jan van) GOYEN (Jan van) ( i 596-1656) 3g. - View of Dordrecht A view across the river Maas to the town of Dordrecht, with the cathedral in the centre. In the foreground on the left, a sailing-boat filled with people, and towards the centre, a rowing-boat with seven persons in it. Numerous other boats are seen on the river, which winds away in the distance to the left. Cloudy sky. Signed with monogram, and dated 1648. Panel, 2.^ in. by 32 1/2 in. lached by Brunet-Debaines. From the Collection of M""" Brentano-Birckenstock, Frankfort, 1870. GOYEN (Jan van) ( 1 596-1656) 40. View near Dordrecht In the foreground on the right, three fishermen in a boat, which one of them is fastening to a post on the shore. A man holding a long pole stands near, his dog beside him. On the opposite side is a fishing-smack with her sails set, fall of people: a small boat containing six figures approaches it. In the middle distance on the right, the buildings of the town. A number of vessels on the river. Signed wiih monogram, and dated 10.S2. Panel. 2.1 in. by 38 in. From the Collection of M. Max Kami. Paris. Now in the Collection of Mr. 1'. C. Hanford, Chicago. ."12 3r>. < Ioyen (Jan van) 40. < icn 1 N 'Jan \an GOYKN (Jan van) 1596-1656) 41. — River Scene On the left of the foreground, a fishinff-boat with three men in t 1 ' c* it. who are drawing in their net; on the right, a large fishing-smack with her sails set, full of men, and a small boat with two men in it, approaching her. In the distance, on the low banks of the river, the churches and building's of a town. Cloudy sky. Signed with monogram, and dated i655. Panel, i3 14 in. by 16 1/4 in. From the Collection of M. Van Saceghem of Ghent, Brussels, i85i. the Vicomte Du lias de Gisignies, Brussels, i883. Prince Demidoff, San Donato. Now in tlie Collection of M. Rodolphe Kami. Paris. GOYEN (Jan van) ( 1 596-1656) 42. Dutch River Scene On the right, at the end of a jetty, a single cottage, around which are moored a great number of sailing-boats. In the fore- ground, on the left, are three fishermen in a boat, drawing in their nets. Signed with monogram. Panel, [9 in. by 26 1 2 in. Etched by Monsanto. From the Collection of Baron de Beurnonville. Paris, 1881. Now in the Collection of M. Rodolphe Kann. Paris. - .14 - 4i. Go yen (Jan van) 42. ( ioyen (Jan \;ui' GOYEN (Jan van) ( [ 596-1656) 43. River Scene in Holland In the foreground on the left, near a strip of land, three men arc unloading duck-baskets from two boats. On the opposite side are two fishing-smacks in full sail. The outskirts of a town appeal - in the distance. Signed with monogram, and dated 1640. Panel. 12 in. by 17 1/2 in. Etched by Brunct-Dcbaincs. From the Collection of M. Max Kami, Paris. 1879. GOYEN (Jan van) ( 1 596- 1 656) 44. Dutch River Scene in Winter On the right, the buildings of a fortified town with a large square tower. Near the walls, a number of persons skating and otherwise occupied : among them in the foreground on the right a boy pushing a sledge in which is a little girl, Near bv, a man leaning on a stick, accompanied by his dog, and a woman seated on the ground, conversing with a man standing in front of her. Signed. Panel, 26 1/2 in. by 3o in. lached by ( i. Greux. From the Collection of M. Max Kami, Paris. N<>\\ in the Collection of llerr Karl von der Heydt, Berlin. 56 4- : >. < ici en i Jan van) -14- ' iOYEN 'Jan \ an I HALS (Frans) ( i 58o-i666) 40. — The Violin Player A young man in a flat cup and a dark doublet relieved by a plain white linen-collar, faces the spectator, playing on the violin, and singing, his eyes turned upwards. Half-length. Life-size. Signed with monogram : F. II. Canvas, 2?! 1/2 in. by 20 1/2 in. Etched by Ch. Courtry, forM. Ch. Sedelmeyer's Sale Catalogue, Vienna, 1872. Now in the Collection of Baron Albert Rothschild, Vienna. >1 HALS (Frans) ( i58o-i666) 46. - The Fisher-boy He stands facing the spectator, laughing, his arms crossed on his breast, a basket on his back. He wears a skull-cap, and a jacket with wide sleeves. Half-length. Life-size. Canvas. 3o in. by 20 1/2 in. From the Collection of M. V. Oudry, Paris, 1869. Now in the Antwerp Museum. 00 - ■Si 5 4 HALS (Frans) (i58o-i666) 53. — Portrait of a Dutch Lady Turned to the left, looking smilingly at the spectator. She is dressed in a Mack satin gown, relieved by a large gauffered ruff, and lace cuffs; a white linen cap conceals her hair. She holds a pair of gloves in her clasped hands. Half-length. Canvas, 26 3/4 in. by 20 in. From the Collection of M. E. Warneck, Paris. — — M. Rodolphe Kann, Paris. Now in the Collection of Herr Karl von der Ileydt, Berlin HALS (Frans) (i58o-i666) 64. — Portrait of Koeymans Loon van Ablasserdam A young man seated sideways on a chair, his right arm over the back. His long hair falls over his shoulders from beneath a high black hat. His dress consists of an embroidered velvet doublet, with slashed sleeves, shewing a white shirt, and a plain linen collar. Family arms and inscription on the right : ./ETA SWE 22,164.5. Canvas, 29 in. by 24 1/2 in. Now in the Collection of M. Rodolphe Kann, Paris. — 66 I "* ,^^M ■ r i }? ■Be - f "v^H CO C/2 HALS (Frans) ( i 58o- i 66 6) 55. — A Dutch Family The mother, wearing a black silk dress, a white cap, and a large pleated collar, is seated in the centre, her left hand resting on her waist. The father, in a black dress and broad-brimmed hat, is standing to the left. His right hand extended towards the left, he speaks to his wife, who smilingly listens to him. Two little girls stand by their mother, holding each other by the hand. In the background, a park with a mansion. Canvas, 44 in. by 36 in. Exhibited at the Exposition de Cent Chefs-d'oeuvre, Paris, i883. From the Collection of M. J. Nieuwenhuys. Yicomte Du Bus de Gisig-nies. Brussels, 18S2. — M. E. Secretan, Paris, 1889. M. Rodolphe Kann, Paris. Now in the Collection of .Mr. R. B. Angus, Montreal. f>8 — HALS ( FRANS ) A DUTCH FAMILY HALS (Frans) (i58o-i666) 56. — Portrait of a Man Seated to the right, his face turned towards the spectator. He has a small moustache and a short heard; a broad-brimmed black hat covers his head, and a black mantle, relieved by a small linen collar, is drawn round his shoulders. His right hand rests on the knob of his stick. Half-length figure. Half the size of life. Signed wilh monogram, and dated 1.643. Panel. 12 in. by 10 1 2 in. From the Collection of M. de Munkacsy, Paris. Now in the Collection of M. Rodolphe Kann, Paris. 60 HE YD EN (Jan van der) (1637-1712) 5y. — View on a Canal in Holland A large ancient building and various houses relieved against a clear and luminous sky stand on the right of a canal, skirted by trees and spanned by a bridge. Several boats are moored along the banks. The figures are by A. van de Velde. Panel, 16 in. by 19 in. Etched by Boulard fils. From the Collection of Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, 1881. Now in the Collection of M. Martin RikofT, Paris ?u - I EE9H ' ." Ill VDEN (J. vr.Il i!c:) HOBBEMA (Meindert) ( [638-1709) 58. The Cottage under Trees A wooded landscape with a cluster or trees on the left, over- shadowing a large cottage. Another cottage, surrounded by trees, is seen in the middle distance to the left. The composition is divided in the middle by a road, winding away into the distance, from which a man and a boy advance to the front. Signed : M. Hobbema. Panel, 20 in. by 26 in. Companion to the following picture. From the Collection of Baron von der Bruggen. Now in the Collection of Baroness Hirsch de Gereuth. Paris. HOBBEMA (Meindert) ( 1 638- 1 709) 5g. — Landscape with Water-Mill In the centre of the composition, a cluster of trees on the bank of a stream. The mill is on the left in the middle distance. On the right, a road, on which are a man and a woman conversing. Signed : M. Ilobbemn. Panel. 20 in. by 26 in. Companion to the preceding picture. Prom the Collection of B:iron von der Bruggcn. Now in the Collection of Baroness Ilirsch dc Gereuth, Paris. P 53. HODBEMA (M. » fc^t -— T!£,'*\ . >'•'■ iJi m 1 ^^g^^p^g j4<-> fl 1^^^ WW- y * "■ **^HEsfc i II, - KW •1 PI6I --'.■ ^ $m >35L • 1 ■fr.V* i & ""^ ^ " •■ - - '"^^f 1 ,,,(. ..:.n'rq. J 5(|. [lOBBEMA (M.) HOBBEMA (Meindkrt) (1038-1709) 60. A View of a wooded Country Described in Smith's Catalogue (part vi, p. 118, 11° 14) as follows : « A landscape, interspersed with a few cottages amongst groves of trees, and the spire of the village church rising in the distance. The distinguishing characteristic of the composition of this excellent picture is a large cluster of fine umbrageous trees standing in the centre of the foreground, under the shade of which some travellers are reposing, and a man with a bundle under his arm, and a stick in his hand, is seen approaching. This delightfully rural scene exhibits the agreeable aspect of a fine summer's day, and the light fleecy clouds which have partially obscured the sun, admit its bril- liant rays on the left of the landscape. Few pictures possess more pre-eminently the various beauties for which the master is esteemed, than the one just described. » Signed : M. Hobbema. Panel, 3o in. by 42 in. Exhibited at the Exposition de Cent Chefs-d'oeuvre, Paris, 1892. Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », part vi, p. 118, n° 14. Erom the Collection of Th. Emmerson, Esq. John Lucy, Esq., Charlecote Park. Baron Lionel de Rothschild, London. Now in the Collection of M. Rodolphe Kann, Paris. 74 2 2 a HOBBEMA (Meindert) (i 638- i 709) 61. — River near the Edge of a Forest Described in Smith's Catalogue (part vi, p. 127. n° _p) as follows : « View on a river, bounded on one side by a thick wood, to which a road from the front appears to lead over some broken ground. Beyond the river is a small hamlet, indicated by the spire of a church, and a wind-mill. A man and a boy at the skirt of the wood, angling, are the only persons visible in the landscape. » Signed with monogram M. H. Panel, 9 1/2 in. by 12 1/4 in. Companion to the following picture. Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne», part vi, p. 127, n° 40. From the Collection of M. Hogguer, Amsterdam, 1817. the Right Hon. Sir Charles Bagot, K. 13. the .Marquis of Lansdowne, Bowood. Now in the Collection of M. Rodolphe Kami, Paris. HOBBEMA (Meindert) ( i 638- i 709) 62. The Rustic Bridge Described in Smith's Catalogue (part vi, p. 127, n" 46) as follows : « The neighbourhood of some retired village, the spire of whose church rises above the trees on the left : on the same side is a cot- tage, partly concealed by a clump of trees, from which a winding path leads to the foreground, over a rustic bridge, formed of the trunk of a tree, with a rude fence on one side. A man with a stick in his hand, preceded by a dog, is on the bridge, and another man is approaching it. The opposite side shows the open country; diversified with cottages and trees, and divided by a road, on which are a man and a woman in conversation, and two others are seen beyond them. » Signed : M. Hobbema. Panel, 9 1/2 in. by 12 1/2 in. Companion to the preceding picture. Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », part vi, p. 127, n" 40. From the Collection of M. Ilogguer, Amsterdam, 1817. the Right Hon. Sir Charles Bagot, K. B. the Marquis of Lansdowne, Bowood. Now in the Collection of M. Rodolphe Kann, Paris. 76 6l. — HOBBEJ.'A (M.) 62. — IIOBBEMA (M.) HOBBEMA (Meindert) ( 1 638- 1 709) 63. — Forest Scene Described in Smith's Catalogue (part vi, p. i5q. n° 124) as follows: « A landscape, representing a well-wooded country, under the appearance of a line day, and with the effect of a burst of sunshine breaking over a line oak tree, on the right of which is a road where a gentleman, wearing a red cloak, and mounted on a white horse, is seen approaching, preceded by a dog; to the left is a second road, winding through a wood, and terminating in the distance. Two travellers on horseback are also seen at some distance off. » Signed : Meyndert Hobbema f. 1662. Canvas, 23 1/2 in. by 28 1/2 in. Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », part vi, p. 109, n° 124. From the Collection of William Dent Farrer, Esq. Now in the Collection of M. Rodolphe Kann, Paris. HOBBEMA (Meindert) (1 638- 1 709) 64 A River Scene Described in Smith's Catalogue (part vi, p. 147, n" 04) as follows : « The Ferry-boat. A landscape, with a river at the extremity of the foreground, which traverses the whole extent of the picture, and is bounded on the left by a wood, at the side of which are a man and a woman approaching the water, where a boat lies moored. Two men, one of whom is seated, are on the side of the stream, waiting to be ferried over, and four other persons are in a boat on the right, beyond which the river widens, and the view extends over the distant country. » Signed : M. Hobbema. Panel, 24 in. by 3i in. Etched by Flameng. Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne » . part vi, p. 147, n° 94, and Suppl., p. 721, n" '>. From the Collection of Lord Weymouth, 1828. — — J. Norris, Esq., 1842. M. Y. D. C. Suermondt, 1877. Count Potocki, 1884. Now in the Gallery of Prince Liechtenstein, Vienna. -78- 63. — Hobbema (MO • -X ^_ , - ■is £ J*P * 64. — Hobbema (MO HOBBEMA (Meindert) ( 1 638- 1 709) 65. - View in Westphalia Described in Smith's Catalogue (part vi, p. 121, n" 18) as follows : « A view in Westphalia, representing a richly wooded country, distinguished in its composition, on the left, by the ruins of a house, beyond which is a large clump of trees on a high bank, surrounded in part by a stream of water, which is crossed by a rustic bridge; a little way from this stands a cottage among trees, and on the same side is seen the spire of the adjacent hamlet rising above the trees. The opposite side is rendered picturesque by a pond, fringed with Hags and other weeds. The figures which animate the scene consist of a man angling, another crossing the bridge, and a man and a woman in conversation. » Signed on the right : M. Ilobbema. Panel, 24 in. by 33 1/2 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, 1876. Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », part vi, 121. n" 18. From the Collection of Holm Wood, Esq., Peterborough. W. Wells, Esq., of Redleaf. Now in the Collection of Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, New York. HOBBEMA (Meindert) i [638-1709 66. — A View of a Water-Mill Described in Smith's Catalogue: (part \i. p. i56, n° 1 171 as follows : « A view of a water-mill and adjoining cottages, situate in a well-wooded country. The composition of this admirable picture presents, on the right, a thick cluster of trees, the ample foliage of which partly conceals the cottages and overshadows the mill: the latter is placed near the centre of the view, with its gable and wheel towards tlie spectator, and a plank lies over some timber-work from the adjacent bank. The mill-stream, which extends over the greater part of the fore-ground, is beautifully fringed with bulrushes, and other aquatic weeds, and two pollard willows rise from its bank. The figures which animate the scene are also by Hobbema, and consist of a man angling, another looking on, and a third crossing a slight rustic bridge : beyond these are seen two cottages among trees. Light fleecy clouds float over the azure sky, and aid the effect by alternate shade and sunshine. Painted with a rich impasto of colour, accompanied by admirable firmness of hand. » Signed : M. Hobbema. Panel. 23 3/4 in. by 33 in. Described in Smith's « Catalogue Kaisonne », part vi, p. [56, n" 117. Dr. Waagen's «Art 'treasures in Great Britain ». vol. 111. p. 294. Exposition des Cent Chefs-d'oeuvre, Paris, i883. From the Hamilton Palace Collection, London. 1882. Secretan Collection. Londres, i88q. HOLBEIN (Hans) the younger ( i 497-1 548 67. Portrait of an Ecclesiastic Seen three-quarters in profile, looking to the front, with a black biretta on his head, lie wears a black robe, lined with silk, and edged with fur round the neck, and holds a prayer-book with both hands. Green background. Half-length figure. Panel. 23 in. by U 3/4 in. From the Collection of Sir Richard Gerrard. Charles Eastlake, Esq. Now in the Collection of .Mrs. P. C. Hanford. Chicago. - 82 66. HOBBEMA (M. [JOND ECOETER ( M ei ciiior d') ( 1636-169? 68. — Poultry Yard In the foreground on the left, a peacock, and a white hen sur- rounded by her chickens. < )n the opposite side, a cock, a hen and two ducks. A magpie is flying above. In the background, the park of a country-house with statues on pedestals. Signed in full. Canvas. 46 in. by 54 in. From the Collection of John Henderson, Esq. Now in the Collection of M. Rodolphe Kann, Paris. HOOCH (PlETER DE) [ 63o-l677; 69. The Slippers Described in Smith's Catalogue (Supplement, p. 56q, n" 20) as follows : « A view, looking across a passage paved with red tiles, into a room with a floor of black and white marble, in which are a toilet table and an antique chair : the former covered with yellow damask, and the latter with plush of the same colour; a candlestick is on the table, and a picture after Terburg hangs against the wall; a dog and a pair of slippers are at the entrance to the apartment, and a broom stands at the side. This picture was evidently painted on the spot, and may be styled a trompe-V ceil of art. » Signed : P. D. 11. [658. < anvas. 41 in. by 2.'! in. Engraved by L. Lowcnstam. and by Dcsbrosses. Retrospective exhibition. Paris, 1866. Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », Supplement, p. 569, ir 20. From the Collection of M. \Y. Burger. M. Max. Kami. Mr. Brooks, [877. Baron de Beurnonvillc, Paris. [881. ■■\ f>8. 1 [ondecoeter (M. de) HOOCH (PlETER DE) l63o-l67") 70. Interior of a Chamber Described in Smith's Catalogue (part iv. p. 227. n° 29) as follows : « Interior of a chamber, in which is a female making a bed; her attention at the same time is directed to a child that has just opened the door and is standing with its hand on the latch. The open door gives a view, down a passage, to a garden; various objects are dis- tributed about the room. » Canvas. 20 in. by 23 1/4 in. Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne ». part iv. p. 227. n" 29. From the Collection of Lord Radstock, [826. the .Marquis of Stafford. C. Scarisbrick, Esq.. London. [861. Adrian Hope. Esq., London, 1894. Now in the Collection of Mr. P. A. 1>. Widener, Philadelphia. • HOOCH (PlETER DE) L 630-l67 7 ) 71. - Dutch Interior The interior of a room, with an open window on the left. In the foreground, a lady standing with her back to the spectator, attired in a white satin dress, is looking at a voung woman, seated on the edge of a table, playing on a guitar, and a young officer who stands by her side, his hat in his left hand, and a glass of wine in his upraised right hand. Near the window a young man is courting a girl. In the background, to the right, a page carrying a plate with fruit. Signed : P. de Mooch f. i653. Canvas. 3i 12 in. by 38 1/4 in. From the Collection of Sir Charles Robinson. London. Now in the Collection of Mr. Rodman Wanamaker, Philadelphia. 86 - ~o. - - lloocu d J . de) •i. — Hunt ii (P. de) II ( UK II ( Piii i:k i»i:) 1 63< »-i 6~7~ 72. A Music Party A young lady and two gentlemen grouped round a table in a room with a marble floor. The gentleman on the left is playing the lute and looking at the lady who. seated in the centre, with a music- book in her lap, beats the measure with her right hand. The other gentleman is standing behind, with a glass in his hand. A window on the left. Through the open door in the back of the room an outlook into the street. N^iied. Canvas. 22 in. by 24 1 2 in. From the Collection of M. J. Hauptmann, Paris. [891. Now in the Collection of Baron Koenigswarter, Vienna. / HOOCH (Pieter hi:) (1630-1677) 73. - Dutch Housewives A woman, dressed in a black jacket, a light skirt, and a blue apron, is standing in a room, with a basket in her right hand. She is speaking to another woman, kneeling at the hearth lighting the lire. An open door gives a view across a brightly illumined vestibule into the street, which is bounded in the background by houses partly hidden by trees. A little dog in the foreground on the right. Signed in full, and dated i656. I anvas. 23 in. bj 27 1 2 in. Engraved by Ch. de Billy. From the Collection of M. Meffre, Paris. the Chevalier dc Lissingen, Paris, [876. Baron de Beurnonvillc. Paris, [881. D. P. Sellar, Esq., sold in Paris. [889. 1 M 1 72. Hoocn (P. de) 3. lloo< ii i P. de) JANSSENS van CEULEN (Cornelius) i 594-1664) 74. Portrait of Lady Watcrpark Turned slightly to the left, looking at the spectator. Thin curls hanging over her forehead. She wears a low black satin dress trimmed with lace, a small lace collar round her neck, and a small satin knot in the front of her bodice. Bust. Life-size. In a painted oval. Signed : C. J. fecit, i636. Canvas, 29 1/2 in. by 24 1/2 in. From the Collection of Lord Willoughby d'Eresby. N<>\\ in the Collection of M. C. Hooaendyk, The Hague. *s JARDIN (Karel du) (1022-107;: 75. Mother amusing her Child Described in Smith's Catalogue (part v. p. 269, n° no) as follows : « The affectionate mother amusing her child. The subject is represented as passing on the foreground of a meadow, and the fond parent is seen bending on her knees, showing her child (which is sitting naked on a stone) a little dog begging. A group of seven sheep lie near them. » Signed. Panel, 12 1 2 in. by 16 1, 2 in. Lithographed by J. Bonnemaison. Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », part v, p. 269, n" 1 to. From the Collection of the Chevalier Lrard. if'02. Adrian Hope. Esq., London. [894. Now in the Collection of M. Albert Lehmann. Paris. 00 V. ■f. / r. 'A < ?5. J vrdin i Karel du) K EYSE R (Thomas de) < 159.V1679) 76. Portrait of a Gentleman Interior of an apartment, with a gentleman seated at a table. on which are a Persian carpet and writing materials. He holds a pounce-box in his right hand. Small full-length figure. Signed and dated. Panel, 26 12 in. by 19 in. From the Collection of Adrian Hope. Fsq., London. [894. Now in the Collection of Herr Alfred Strasser. Vienna. / K E Y S E R ( 'Thomas hi:) [595-1679) 77. Portrait of a Lawyer lie is seated in his study, near a writing-table, on which are books, an inkstand, pens, etc. A broad-brimmed hat covers his curly haii - . and he wears an elegant dress ol black spotted satin. a broad collar and cuffs of .Maltese lace, and grey hose. His left hand rests on a paper, he holds back his cloak with the right. On the light, a mantel-piece, supported by columns. Small full-length figure. l'anel. 3o 1 2 in. by 20 12 in. From the Secretan Collection. 1889. Now in the Collection of M. Rodolphe Kami, Paris. 02 r- CO MAES (Nicolaes) (632-i6?3 78 Portrait of a Ladv Three-quarters face, turned to the left, in a black dress, a white cap. and a flat while linen collar. Her hands are crossed, the left holding her gloves. Seen to the waist. Life-size, Family arms in the upper right hand corner Signed on the left : N. Maes, arm [656. Panel. 29 in. by 23 1/2 in. Companion to the following picture. From the Collection of the Earl of Arundell, Wardour Castle. Now in the Collection of M. Albert Lehmann, Paris. 79 MAES (Nicolaes) ( 1 632- 1 698 Portrait of a Gentleman Nearly full-face, turned to the right, with a large, broad-brim- med black hat on his long hair. He is dressed in black, with a small white linen collar round his neck. In his left hand he holds his gloves, his right is placed on his breast. Half-length. Life-size. Arms in the upper left hand corner. Signed on the right : N. .Maes, an" [656. Panel. 29 in. by 23 1 : in. Companion to the preceding picture. From the Collection of the Pari of ArunJel.l, Wardour Castle. Now in the Collection of M. Albert Lehmann, Paris. 9-1 en /. ■I. - I ■ MAE S (Nicolaes) i 632-1 693 ) 80. The Calvinist Described in Smith's Catalogue as the work of Rembrandt (part vn, p. 111, 11 3o5) as follows : « A young" man. of a pale and serious countenance, having the appearance of being the pastor id" a Calvinistic congregation. He is represented in a front view, wearing a large hat, and a black coat, relieved bv a plain white collar, sitting sidewavs in a chair, resting the right arm on its back, and holding his gloves in his hand. Signed, and dated 1O44. » 'The signature : Rembrandt 1044, mentioned by Smith, was a forgery, and has since been removed by cleaning. < anvas. :<'! in. by 23 1/4 in. From the Collection of Peter Norton, Esq. II. Ward, Esq. Now in the Collection of M. E. ( Hlet. Urusscls. MAES (Nicolaes) < 1632-1693) 81. — A female Servant plucking a Duck Interior of an apartment, with a female servant in a red jacket and a white cap, seated, plucking a duck; a cat approaching a dead duck lying on the floor; a basket of apples and various utensils on the ground; a « gres de Flandres » jug on the ledge of a window on the right; another apartment seen through an open door; a fowling- piece, game-bag, and an old cupboard in the background on the left. Signed : N. Maes. 2.3 in. by 25 1/4 in. From the Collection of Adrian Hope, Esq.. London, 1894. Now in the Collection of M. Jules Porges, Paris. 90 £ CT) III. VIaes (N. MAS SYS (Quinten) ( 1466-1530 82. — Virgin and Child Half-length figure of the Virgin, a muslin veil over her head, supporting the Infant Christ with both hands and kissing Him. Moun- tainous landscape in the background. Panel, 19 in. by 14 1/2 in. Now in the Collection of M. Edmond Huybrechts, Antwerp. ••,:< ME IRE (Gerard van i>l:r) (xv th century) 83. - Virgin and Child The Virgin, seen nearly from in front, standing, supporting the naked Infant Christ with both hands. Landscape background. Half-length. Panel, 12 1/2 in. by 9 1/2 in. Mentioned in Dr. W'aagen's « Art Treasures in Great Britain ■», vol. iv, p. 3i5. From the Collection of John llarman, Esq. Rev.Mr.Heath, Vicar of Enfield. Now in the Collection of Mr. John (i. Johnson, Philadelphia. 98 a ■r. ■f. MEMLING (Hans) (about [430-1496) 84. — The Descent from the Cross. A Triptych In the central, compartment, the dead Saviour lies on a linen sheet, supported at the head by Joseph of Arimathea, while the Virgrin bends over Him with folded hands. Behind, on the left, St. Mary .Magdalen, her arms raised over her head, laments the death of Christ. In the left hand compartment, St. James, standing in a land- scape, reading in an open book. In the right-hand panel. St. Christopher carrying the Infant Christ on his shoulder. Principal panel, 26 1/2 in. by 20 1/2 in. Wing's, each, 26 1/2 in. by 8 in. Described in Dr. Waagen's « Art Treasures in Great Britain ». vol. iv, p. 3i3. From the Collection of the Rev. Mr. Heath, Vicar of Enfield. M. E. Secretan, Paris, 1882. Now in the Collection of Professor Richard von Kauffmann. Berlin. 100 W CO ME EK (Jan van der) of Delft i 1628-1691) 85. A Lady at a Spinet Interior of a room: small full-length figure of a young lady in a blue dress, seated, playing a spinet, and looking round at the spectator; a violoncello and bow stand against the spinet to the left. Signed : J. V. Meer (J. V. M. connected). Canvas. 20 in. by 17 1/2 in. Cngraved in the « Gazette des Beaux-Arts ». Exhibited at the Royal Academy. London. 1894. From the Pommersfelden Collection. Paris, 1867. From the Collection of M. \V. Thore-Burq-er, Paris. 1892. A MEER (Jan van der) of Delft ( [628-1691 ) 86. a The Billet-doux » A young lady seated at a table, covered with a red cloth; she is busy writing a letter, a billet-doux, to judge from the expres- sion of the servant, who, standing near her, and looking through the window, seems to smile at the lover, as her mistress writes. Signed in full. Canvas, 27 1/2 in. by 2.1 in. From the Collection of Ilerr Miller von Aiehholz, Vienna. M. E. Secretan, Paris, 1889. 102 v T3 W \r. :: M K E \\ (Jan van i>i: r ) of I) elft 1628-1691' 87. — The Geographer A young man, with long hair, clad in a morning gown, is standing near a window, bending over a table, on which are maps and plans. He holds a compass in his right hand, his left rests on a book. On a cupboard behind is a globe, and a map hangs on the wall to the right. Signed twice : Meer. and : Ver Meer MDCLXVIII. ( "anvas, 20 in. by 18 in. Engraved in Ch. Blanc's. « Histoire des Peintres ». by Deblois, Lowenstam, and P. Le Rat. Described by Paul Mantz, « Gazette des Beaux- Arts ». tome vm. From the Collection of J. Danser Nyman, Amsterdam, 1707. M. A. Dumont. Cambrai. MM Pereire, Paris, 1K7:. Max Kann. Pans. Prince Demidoff, San Donat<>. [880. I [err Ad. Jos. Bosch, Vienna, i885. Now in the Museum at Frankfort on the Main. M E E R ( J A N V A N D E 1< ) O F D E LFT I 628- I 691 ) 88. — The Sleeping Servant Seated at a table covered with a Turkey carpet, on which are a dish containing fruit, a jug, etc., she rests her head on her right hand, the elbow of which is placed on the table. An open door at the back of the room shows the interior of a room adjoining, brightly illumined, in which arc a table and a picture. Signed in full. Canvas. 34 in. by 2<> 1/2 in. Etched by Ch. Courtry. From the Collection of John W. Wilson. Paris, 1881. Now in the Collection of M. Rodolphe Kann, Paris. 1 04 a a 2 tv. CO w oo M 8g. METSU (Gabriel) i 630-1667; — Dutch Interior Described in Smith's Catalogue (part iv. p. 87, n° 42) as follows : >< A young man seated, and leaning upon a table, which is composed of a board on a cask, lighting his pipe, and at the same time looking intently at the maid, who is pouring him out a glass of liquor. A variety of accessories add to the picturesque effect of the subject. » Panel. 14 in. by 12 in. Engraved by Lcfort. Exhibited at the Royal Academy. London. 1891. Described in Smith's, « Catalogue Raisonne ». part iv. p. 87, n" 42. From the Collection of M. Lormier, 1763. M. Nogaret, 1780. the Due dc Praslin, 1793. M. de Choiseul-Praslin, 1808. Baron de Beurnonville, 1881. — M. Sccretan, 1889. Now in the Collection of Lord Ivcagh. London. .A >• METSU (Gabriel) ( 1 630-1667' 90. — The Breakfast In an interior, near a window, an old woman, attired in a dark jacket, a red petticoat, and a blue apron, eating her soup from a porringer which she holds on her knees. A cat lies at her feet. On the table, partly covered with a napkin, are a piece of cheese, and a loaf of bread. A pot and a wooden spoon lie on the floor. Signed : G. Metsu. Panel. 14 1 2 in. by 11 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy. London. 1891. From the Collection of M. Antoni Bierens, 1747. M. David Dierens. 1881. M. Secretan. 1889. Now in the Collection of Lord Iveagh. London. — 1 06 t/2 •- o METSU (Gabriel) (1630-1667; gi. — The Artist Described in Smith's Catalogue (part iv. p. 102. n" 93) as follows : « The interior of a room, in which the artist has introduced a portrait of himself as a cavalier, wearing a slouched hat, a brown coal, and scarlet bottikins; he is seated, leaning on a table, with a pot of embers in one hand and a pipe in the other, his attention being at the same time directed to a female (his wife), who stands on his left, in the act of taking a silver tankard off a box, placed on a table: three cards and a broken pipe lie on the ground in front; a chimney, and various objects, fill up the background. Painted in the artisfs brown manner. » Signed : G. Metsn. Panel. 14 in. by 12 14 in. Engraved by Lefort. Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne ». part iv, p. 102. n° q3. Prom the Collection of VI. Oppenheim. Baron de lieurnonville. 1881. M. Rod. Kami, Paris. Now in the Collection of M. Knms. Antwerp. All ERIS (Trans van) [635- 1 681) g*2. — « La Belle Dentelliere » An interior, with a pretty young woman in her shop, occupied in showing a variety of silks to a cavalier, who appears to be more interested in the beauty of the lair shop-keeper than in that of her wares. A man is seated at the back of the room, and various picturesque objects of furniture are disposed in front. Signed : F. Mieris, 1660. Copper. 22 in. by 17 in. Etched by Lowenstam. Prom the Collection of Baron Mohrenheim, Vienna. Count Festetits, Vienna. M. Max Kann, Paris. Prince Demidoff, San Donato. M. Ed. Kann, Paris. Now in the Collection of Baron Koenigswarter, Vienna. — 108 — D en H C3 N E E R ( A A R T VAX HER) [603-l677' . . q3. — Moonlight A wide canal, dividing the composition in the middle, and extending from the foreground to the distance. Both banks are skirted by high trees, which, on the left, partly conceal the houses of a village. Several sailing-boats are distributed over the water. A row of stakes and a strip of land in the foreground. Signed wilh monogram. Canvas. 18 1 4 in. by 24 1/4 in. Etched by Gaucherel. From the Sedelmeyer Sale. Vienna, 1K72. Now in the Collection of Ilerr Trebitsch, Vienna. \ E E R (A art van in: r) (1603-1677) 94. — An Autumn Morning. Sun-rise In the centre, a road on the bank of a canal, winding away in the distance. In the foreground, a woman and a child are gathering wood at the foot of a withered old oak, whose scanty foliage, gilded by the first rays of the sun, stands out against a clear and vaporous sky. In the middle distance, a cavalier conversing with a man on foot; to the left, the gateway of a garden, and houses, surrounded by trees. Signed, and dated 1646. Panel, 22 in. by 2!! in. Etched by G. Greux. From the Collection of M. Roxard de la Salle, Paris, 1881. Now in the Collection of M. Martin Rikoff, Paris. — 1 10 - 93. - - Neer (A. van den 94. - \u r (A. van der) NEER ( A VRT VAN DER ) (l6o3-l6-7) g5. — Landscape. Moonlight On the left, the edge of a wood, with figures under the trees; <>n the right, the moon shining over reed} pools; cloudy sky. Signed with monogram. Panel, 2.3 1/2 in. by 20 1/4 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy. London. i885. From the Collection of David P. Sellar, Esq.. Paris. 1889. Now in the Collection of Ilerr Ed. F. Weber. Hamburg - . -£ NEER (A ART VAN DER) ( 1 603-1677' q6. — Dutch River-Scene by Moonlight In the foreground, on a dark strip of ground, near the water's edge, two fishing-nets are stretched, held by stakes driven into the ground. Between the nets is a withered tree, and beyond, the river, bordered right and left by small houses, gardens, and a church, stretches out into the distance. The moon shines brilliantly in the cloudy sky, and its light is reflected in the rippling water, which is enlivened by numerous boats. Signed with monogram. Panel. 12 1/2 in. by 16 1/2 in. Now in the Collection of Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, New York. — 112 — > - 96. \i i.u (A. van der) NETSCHER (Caspar) (i636 or 1 639- 1 684) 0,7. — The Card Party In a handsome apartment arc t\v<> gentlemen and two ladies at a tabic, covered witli red tapestry. One lady, seated on the right, in a red dress, is sorting her cards, while a gentleman standing behind her observes her hand; on the left stands another lady in a rich yellowish brown dress, playing with a little spaniel lying on a chair: another gentleman is in the background behind the table. Full-length figures. Canvas. 20 in. by 18 in. Engraved by Lepicie, as « Le Jeu de Piquet ». Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne ». part. iv. p. 140. n° 10. From the Collection of M. de Julienne. Paris, 1767. M. Randon de Boisset, Paris. 1777. M. Montribloud, Paris, 1784. Colonel Hugh Baillie, London, 1808. Mr. Henry G. Marquand, New York, who presented it to the Metropolitan Museum. New York. . 98. OSTADE (Adriaen van) (i6io-i685) Man at a Window A man, holding a long glass, filled with beer, in his right hand, and a snuff-box in his left, looks out of a window, his elbow resting on the sill. Bust. Signed : A. v. Ostade. Panel, 11 in. by 8 1/4 in. Prom the Manfrin Palace. Venice. Collection of M. Max Kann. Paris. • Election of Baron de Beurnonville, Paris. Now in the Collection of M. Rodolphe Kann, Paris - 114 o - 2 H en OSTA D E (Adriaen van) (i6io-i685) 99. Village-Street Scene In front of a house on the left, three men and a woman arc unloading a cart. One of the men ascends a ladder with a basket on his shoulder, another is seated on an empty basket in front. Two children stand on the left of the cart; a woman with a child in her arms appears at the half-door of the house. Signed. Panel, 27 1/2 in. by 2.5 in. From .Mr. Colnaghi's Collection, London. *g 3© OSTADE (Adriaen van) ( 1 6 1 0- 1 685 ) 100. A Gathering of Peasants in front of a Village Inn A party of peasants gathered together under a vine trellis, are listening to a comrade, who, standing near the door of the inn, a pointed hat with a feather on his head, is playing the flute. Others are seated round a table; one of them has a jug in his hand; another, turned towards the musician, holds a glass of beer. A woman appears in the opening of the door. In the foreground, to the right, is a child, seen from behind, with a dog near it. On the right, a woman is seated, holding a little child. Signed on the left : A. Ostade 1643. Panel, 17 1/4 in. by 14 1/2 in. From the Collection of the Due de Moray, Paris. Now in the Collection of Mr. Win. II Crocker, San P'rancisco. — 116 < in o ^ u o OSTADE (Adriaen van) ( i6io-i685) ioi. Boors playing Tric-Trac Interior of a tavern, with six figures: one man is arranging the draughtsmen, whilst his adversary, in yellow, is about to drink out of a jug; a third, dressed in blue, is speaking to a woman, who holds a glass of beer: a doe 1 is lying on the floor to the left. Signed : A. V. Ostade. Panel, 14 in. by 12 1/2 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, 1892. Guildhall. London, 1894. Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », part 1. p. 116, n° 3i. From the Collection of M. Braamcamp, 1771. M. Calonne, Paris, 1788. M. Calonne, London, 1795. E. II. Lawrence, Esq., London. Now in the Collection of Messrs. Knoedler ec C", New York. OSTADE (Adriaen van) (161 0- 1 685 ) 102, Interior of a Cottage Two peasants seated near a rough table, on which are a long glass, a small brasier, a clay-pipe, and a paper of tobacco. One of them, holding a pipe, listens to the other, who talks to him ; an old woman holding a spindle stands behind; a dog is seated in front. Signed A. van Ostade. Panel, i5 in. by 12 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, 1884. From the Collection of S. II. de Zoete, Esq., London, 1880. Now in the Collection of M. Rodolphe Kann, Paris. - 118 OJ a < < — < H OSTADE (Adriaen van) ( 1610-16! 15 ) io3. The Itinerant Musicians Described in Smith's Catalogue (Supplement, n° .'7) as follows : Boors regaling. The scene exhibits a large grange or barn, in which are assembled eleven persons, two o£ whom are seated in the centre. ( )ne of them, in a green jacket, and wearing a crimson cap. sits with his back to the spectator, and his arm over the back of his chair. Their attention is directed to two musicians, one of whom is an old man. playing on the hurdy-gurdy; the other is a boy, strumming a fiddle; on the opposite side of the group is a half-tipsy fellow seated on a form, leaning forward to light his pipe. A dog, a pig, and a variety of objects, are introduced, to give picturesque effect. » Signed, and dated 1648. Panel, 17 1/2 in. by 23 1/2 in. Engraved by Gilbert in the « Gazette des Beaux-Arts », 1871. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, 1880. Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », part 1, p. i35, n° 101. and Supplement. n° 57. Described by E. Galichon in the « Gazette des Beaux-Arts », 1871. From the Collections of M. Peter Locquet, Amsterdam. 1783; M. de Calonnc, Paris. 1788; M. Montaleau, Paris. 1802; Sale at Christie's, London, i836; M. Van den Schrieck, Louvain, 1861 ; VI. Yiardot, Paris, i860; Max Kann, Paris. Now in the Collection of Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, New York. OSTADE (Isack van) ( 162 1 -1640) 104. A View on a Canal in Winter To the right, a thatched cottage on the road-side, a sledge drawn by a white horse in front of it. Various figures and sledges are distributed over the ice. In the centre of the foreground, a woman seated, with two boys and a dog near her. Signed. Panel, 12 in. by 22 1 4 in. Now in the Collection of M. Rodolphe Kann, Pans. — 120 — io3. - - Ostadi: (Adriaen van) 104. — Ostade (Isack van) POTTER (Paulus) (1625-1654) eo5. The Stadhouders Horses Described in Smith's Catalogue (part, v, p. 14.". n° 61) as follows : Horses in a meadow. The scene represents a view over the flat pasture lands of a Dutch farm, terminating with clumps of trees, among which appears the residence of the owner. In the fore- ground is a peasant, cautiously advancing with his hat in his hand to catch a bay horse, which, by its animated expression, seems disposed to give him some trouble. A second horse, of a dappled gray colour, stands near a pollard willow on the right, apparently startled by the barking of a little spaniel. » Signed : Paulus Potter, i653. Panel, 1 1 in. by 12 1/2 in. Engraved by G. Greux in the Catalogue of the San Donato Sale. Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », part v, p. 143, n° 61. From the Collections of John Smith, 1822; Alexander Baring; Buchanan; 0. J. Vernon, i83i; John Sanderson; J. II. Munro. 1878; Prince Demidoff, of San Donato, 1880; E. Secretan, Paris, i88g. Now in the Collection of .Mr. W'm. H. Crocker, San Francisco. POTTER (Paulus) (1625- 1 654) 106. Wishing « God Speed » To the left, the head and arm of a man appear near the corner wall of a house, the only part of the building visible. In the man's hand is a glass filled with wine, and he seems to bid « God speed » to a gentleman on horseback, who is dressed in red, and holds his large hat, ornamented with feathers, in one hand, while he makes a salute with the other. Between them, and quite near the horse, a tree stands out against the sky. In the middle distance, another horseman, whip in hand, arrives full gallop. To the right is a white cow, with red spots, seen in a side view, standing, and behind her a grey one, lying down. Signed on the left : Paulus Potter, i65o. Panel, ic 3/4 in. by i5 1/4 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, 1882. From the Collection of the Earl of Kilmorey. Now in the Collection of Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago. — J22 :o5. - - Potter (Paulus) lo6. 1 'otter (Paul US; POTTER (Paulus) I [625-i65 1 ) 107. Head of a Bull Study of a head of a black bull, turned to the right, in the act of bellowing. Parts of the heads of two other bulls are seen behind. Lite-size. Canvas, 35 12 in. by 4.5 in. Engraved by J. Jacquemart, in the « Gazette des Beaux-Arts », 1877. From the Collection of Prince DemidoiT, San Donate M. E. Seeretan, Paris. Now in the Collection of .Mr. John G. Johnson. Philadelphia. POTTER (Paulus) 1 [625-i65 1 1 108. A Farrier's Shop The building is on the left of a country road, near which, in a wooden pen. is a horse, held by a groom; the old farrier, wearing spectacles, is in the act of performing some operation in the animal's mouth. A boy is looking on, and behind is a white horse. In the foreground, near the door of the forge (through which a smith is seen at work), is a dog guarding a bone, of which another dog seems inclined to rob him. A cock and a few hens complete the composition. Signed : Paulus Potter f. 1648. Panel, 18 3/4 in. by 17 12 in. Described in Smiih's Catalogue Raisonne >». part v, p. 146, n° 63. C. J. Nieuwenhuys, <■ The Lives and Works of some of the most eminent Painters ». From the Collection of M. J. Ph. de Monte, Utrecht, 1825. — M. L. J. Nieuwenhuys. 1 ount Perregaux, Paris, [841. Now in the Collection of M. Rodolphe Kann, Paris. 124 I*.-. — Potter (Paulus; REMBRANDT VAN R1JN (1606- i 669) IOQ. Portrait of an Old Man with a ragged Beard An aged man, with a ragged white beard, his head slightly inclined to his left shoulder. He laces the spectator, and looks straight before him, a dark violet cap striped with gold on one side of his head, lie wears a dark gray doublet with a broad gold edging. Bust. Life-size. Panel, 24 in. by 19 in. Described in E. Michel's * Rembrandt », vol. 11. p. 24.5. Dr. Dode's « The Complete Work of Rembrandt », vol. 1, n° 33. From the Collection of the .Marquis of Cholmondeley, London, 1886. Now in the Collection of Signor E. P. Fabbri, Florence. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN ( 1 606- 1 oOq ) i 10. Rembrandt laughing, with a Cap on the back of his Head At about the age of twenty. Turned to the right, looking straight before him, and laughing. In a grayish brown doublet, shewing a small portion only of the shirt. A little black cap is pushed back from his forehead, shewing his dark brown hair; he has a slight beard. Light, grayish brown background. Signed with monogram. Panel, 16 1/2 in. by 12 in. Described in Dr. Bode's « The Complete Work of Rembrandt », vol. 1, n° i5. From the Collection of Sir Charles Robinson, London. Now in the Collection of M. Henri Heugel, Paris. I2'i Q Z Ed ?: £ REMBRANDT VAN RIJN ( i 606-1669) ! ! ! — Rembrandt's Father in a broad- brimmed Hat The figure turned slightly to the left, the head and the eyes to the riu'ht. In a dark purple mantle; over it a gold chain with a medallion, and a small, closely fitting steel gorget. A pearl earring in the right ear. lie has a short grizzled beard, and curly hair. On his head a broad-brimmed black cap, with two dark ostrich leathers. Bust, nearly life-size. Canvas, 3o in. by 25 in. Described in Michel's « Rembrandt ». vol. 11. page 247. Dr. Bode's « The Complete Work of Rembrandt », vol. 1, n° 29. From the Bercsford Hope Collection, London, 1886. Now in the Collection of Mrs. W. II. Beers, New York. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN ( 1 606- 1 6( » ) ) 112. — Rembrandt's Father, gazing fixedly at the Spectator Turned slightly to the right, the face full to the spectator, and gazing fixedly at him. On the head a skull-cap, pushed far back. The toothless mouth firmly eompressed; slight moustache and beard. Fur-trimmed cloak, shewing the shirt in front. A double gold chain with medallion, across the breast. Small bust. Panel, 11 in. by 9 in. Etched by Rembrandt in i635 (Bartsch. n° 286). Described in E. Michel's « Rembrandt » (French ed.), pp. 44, 558. Dr. Bode's « The Complete Work of Rembrandt », vcl. 1, n° 25. From the Collection of the Rev. Hugh Hutton, Round Cottage, Edgbaston. T. Humphry Ward, Esq., London, 1892. Now in the Collection of Dr. Melville Wassermann. Paris. — 128 — Z • — 1 z < Z Z H Z REMBRANDT VAN RIJN (1606- i 669) [i3. St. Paul writing his Epistle to the Thessalonians Seated in an armchair at a table, facing the spectator. Long gray beard and hair: loose gray robe, lie holds a pen in his right hand, and rests his elbow upon the table. Three-quarters length figure. Life-size. Signed to the left : Remb.... Canvas, 44 in. by 3a. 1/2 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy. London, 1871. Described in Dr. Bode's, « Studien, etc. ». p. 426; Dutuit, p. 44; Wurzbach, n [83; .Michel (French ed.), p. 55~; Bode « The Complete Work of Rembrandt ». vol. 1. 11" 3_| . From the Collection of M. Schuylenburch, The Hague, 17.35. M. Meulan, Paris, 1778. Earl of Dudley, London, 1892. Now in the Collection of Mr. J. 11. Harjes, Paris. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN ( 1 O06- 1 669 ) 114. St. Paul seated at a Writing-Table and meditating The Apostle, an aged man with luxuriant white hair and beard, is seated at a writing-table on which lies an open folio. He has paused in his writing, and gazes meditatively before him. His left arm rests on the book; he holds his pen in his right hand. A two- handed sword hangs against the wall in the background, behind some books. Three-quarters length, life-size. Canvas, 47 1/2 in. by 39 in. Described in .Michel's « Rembrandt », vol. 1, p. in, vol. n, p. 24.3. Dr. Bode's « The Complete Work of Rembrandt », vol. 1, n° 36. From ihe Collection of the Duke of Somerset, London. Thos. Agnew & Sons, London. Sir Charles Robinson, London. Now in the Collection of Air. M. C. D. Borden, New York. — loo — z — > z < > H Q Z — z z z < z H Q Z << ca % -, o CI 18 REMBRANDT VAN RIJN ( 1 606- 1 669) [21. Rembrandt's Sister in a fur-trimmed Cloak Turned slightly to the left, the face full to the spectator, looking straight before her. Light red hair, a pearl in her ear. Her dark fur-trimmed cloak is fastened across her breast with a gold clasp, but shews a gold chain beneath, and the white chemisette above. Dark background. Bust. Life-size. Signed : R. van Ryn i633. Panel, oval, 23 in. by 17 1/2 in. Exposition de Portraits de l'emmcs et d'Enfants, Paris, 1897. '■'escribed in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », part vn, n" 499, and 5oo. Yosmaer, p. 495; Michel, vol. j, p. 173; vol. 11, p. 239; Bode, « The Complete Work of Rembrandt », vol. 1, n" 65. From the Collection of M. de Julienne, Paris, 1767. — M. Rochard, Paris, i