>N/-ff'>i\ <-\. jt A s', t, ':>>.S'<' \v r««ntUMh li w >i rtiiiiiBU'ii' f*''*Vi' Vj V ,^/ V-riVi'A ^.f i'fV*. i i7i *" Vf «r. i IgSHb & IgMltgnfll B*»E jBJLiAii^i Ji BlElElS. % ,'#a«iv*f^ovst ♦j'ifVA! ■ft? P m 1';'^^ :;^/] = K-^';« ' -', '■'''■> F^V ^'^j^j:' h;^ ^4;^^^ w ^^?> Gnrir ©r Prof. G. n. TJo-^T-es "Hi ^V' '"'"■■•' ■-■'^;'. ©Sfe :■■■.•■ KiilRP ^'t'A^.:':-*r^2^i p' *'-< '^ '> ^ri,^"-^ "" Wr^~' ' ^ .ff-^ '^ '< ' ' f ^ j,\ _ Pf.<^r;s.^r- : 'vrWW Digitized by the Internet Arcinive in 2007 witin funding from Microsoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/americai}ieditionoOObernrich THIS EDITION IS DEDICATED TO The Willewemoc Club, BY The American Editor. ■) > 3 \ ) J ) } J ] ) ■) AN AMERICAN EDITION OF The Treatyse of Eysshynge WYTH AN AXGI.E, From the Boke of St. Albans, BY DAME JULIANA BERNERS, A. D. 1496. EDITED BY GEO. IV. VAN STCLEN, Of the New York Bar. NEW YORK : Orange Judd Company, 245 Broadway, 1880. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by Geo. W. Van Siclen, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, O / /\^J^^t