THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CATALOGUE THOS. A. MATHIESON. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THOS. A. MATHIESON. GLASGOW 1891. ABBREVIATIONS. n.d. = no date of publication. r.e. = red edges. v.d. various dates. spr.e. sprinkled edges. hf. half. y.e. yellow edges. , qr. quarter. te.g. top edge gilt. g-e. gilt edges. rox. Roxburgh style. gr.e. green edges. mor. morocco. m.e. marbled edges. rus. russia. FRANKLIN T. BARRETT, Compiler. CATALOGUE. ABBOTSFORD SERIES OF SCOTTISH POETS. Early Scottish poetry: Thomas the Rhymer; John Barbour; Andrew of Wyntoun; Henry the Minstrel; edited by George E.-Todd. Glasgow l8oi. 8vO q.r. mor. uncut. ABERDEEN. The armorial ensigns of the Royal Burgh of Aberdeen, with some observations on the legend relating to the capture and demolition of the castle; by John Cruikshank. Aberdeen 1888. crown 410 illust. cloth uncut. Ane breif descriptioun of the qualiteis and effectis of the well of the Woman Hill besyde Abirdene 1580. Facsimile, with introduction by A. K. Aberdeen 1 884. 4tO illust. half vellum t.e.g. uncut ADAMS, W. H. DAVENPORT. The healing art; or chapters upon medicine, diseases, remedies, and physicians, historical, biographical, and descriptive, by W. H. Davenport Adams. 2nd edit. London 1887. 2 v. 8vo cloth. Famous books; by W. D. Adams. London n.d. crown 8vo doth. ADDISON, JOSEPH. r Sir Roger de Coverley: reimprinted from the Spectator. Illustrated by C. O. Murray. London n.d. f'cap 4to cloth g.e. AINSWORTH, WILLIAM HARRISON. See Cruikshank, George. 807286 2 ___ ALEXANDER, FRANCESCA. The story of Ida: epitaph on an Etrurian tomb; by Francesca; edited by John Ruskin, D.C.L. Orpington 1883. crown 8vo cloth. Roadside songs of Tuscany; translated and illustrated by Francesca Alexander; and edited by John Ruskin, LL.D. Orpington 1885. 410 illust. calf t.e.g. uncut. Christ's folk in the Apennine. Reminiscences of her friends among the Tuscan peasantry; by Francesca Alexander; edited by John Ruskin, D.C.L. Orpington 1887. sq. 8vo caifg.e. ALFORD, HENRY. Sermons on Christian doctrine, preached in Canterbury Cathedral; by Henry Alford, D.D. London 1862. crown 8vo doth. ALISON, ARCHIBALD. Essays on the nature and principles of taste; by Archibald Alison. 4th edit. Edinburgh 1815. 2 v. 8vo calf. ALLAN, JAMES W. Clinical instruction in infectious diseases; by James W. Allan. GlaSgOW 1889. 8vO paper. ALLSHORN, GEORGE EDWARD. A handy book of domestic homoeopathic practice; by George Edward Allshorn, M.D. London 1862. crown 8vo roan g.e. AMORY, THOMAS. The life of John Buncle; by Thomas Amory. London 1825. 3 v. Crown 8VO boards uncut. ANCIENT CLASSICS FOR ENGLISH READERS. Demosthenes; by W. J. Brodribb. Edinburgh 1877. crown 8vo cloth. Hesiod and Theognis; by James Davies. Edinburgh 1873. crown 8vO cloth. Homer, the Iliad; by W. Lucas Collins. Edinburgh 1870. crown 8VO cloth. ANCIENT CLASSICS Continued. Homer, the Odyssey; by W. Lucas Collins. Edinburgh 1870. crown 8vO cloth. Horace; by Theodore Martin. Edinburgh 1870. crown 8vo cloth. Pindar; by F. D. Morice. Edinburgh 1879. crown 8vo cloth. ANDERSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN. Fairy Tales; by Hans Christian Andersen; illustrated by E. U. B.; translated by H. L. Ward and Augusta Plesner. London n.d. crown 4tO Col. illuSt boards r.e. ANDERSON, CHRISTOPHER. The annals of the English Bible; by Christopher Anderson. London 1845. 2 v. 8vo portrait cloth. ANGLING. How to catch trout; by three anglers. 2nd edit. Edinburgh 1888. f'cap 8vO illuSt. boards. Salmonia; by Sir H. Davy. 1851. Shakespeare as an angler; by H. N. Ellacombe. 1883. Fish and fishing in the lone glens of Scotland; by Dr. Knox. 1854. Fly-fisher's entomology; by A. Ronalds. 1856. The practical angler; by W. C. Stewart. 1861. The angler's companion; by T. T. Stoddart. 1853. The complete angler; by I. Walton and C. Cotton. 1854. River angling for salmon and trout; by J. Younger. 1860. Bibliotheca piscatoria; a catalogue of books on angling, the fisheries, and fish -culture; by T. Westwood and T. Satchell. London 1883. 8vo cloth. ANTIDOTE, THE. The antidote: or the preservative of health and life, and the restorative of physick to its sincerity and perfection. London 1704. crown 8vo calf. 4 ANTIQUARIAN LIBRARY. Folk-lore relics of early village life; by George Laurence Gomme. London 1883. 8VO qr. mor. t.e.g. uncut. Caxton's Game and playe of the chesse, 1474: a verbatim reprint of the first edition: with an introduction by W. E. A. Axon. London 1883. 8vO qr. mor. t.e.g. uncut. Fairs, past and present: a chapter in the history of commerce: by Cornelius Walford. London 1883. 8vo qr. mor. t.e.g. uncut. Vita Haroldi: the romance of the life of Harold, King of England; edited by Walter de Gray Birch. London 1885. 8vo qr. mor. t.e.g. uncut. Gleanings from the natural history of the ancients; by M. G. Watkins. London 1885. 8VO qr. mor. t.e.g. uncut. Coins and medals, their place in history and art; edited by Stanley Lane-Poole. London 1885. 8VO illuSt. qr. mor. t.e.g. uncut. ARABIAN NIGHTS. The thousand and one nights, commonly called in England the Arabian nights' entertainment; translated by Edward William Lane. London 1839. 3 v. roy. 8vo illust. calf g.e. ARGYLE, DUKE OF. The new British Constitution and its master-builders; by the Duke of Argyle. Edinburgh 1888. crown 8vo cloth. ARNOLD, MATTHEW. Higher schools and universities in Germany; by Matthew Arnold, D.C.L. London 1882. crown 8vo cloth uncut. ARNOLD, THOMAS. History of the later Roman commonwealth, from the end of the second Punic war to the death of Julius Caesar, and of the reign of Augustus, with a life of Trajan; by Thomas Arnold, D.D. London 1882. 2 v. 8vO cloth. ARNOT, FRED S. Garenganze: or seven years' pioneer mission work in central Africa by Fred S. Arnot. 2nd edit. London n.d. 8vo illust. cloth. 5 ARNOT, WILLIAM. The parables of our Lord; by William Arnot. London 1865. crown 8vO mor. g.e. ARUNDEL SOCIETY. Domenico Ghirlandaio and his fresco of the Death of S. Francis. [By A. H. Layard] plate. Giovanni Sanzio and his fresco at Cagli. [By A. H. Layard.] Giotto and his works in Padua (no. 23-38). Hans Memlinc; a notice of his life and works; by W. H. James Weale. Arundel Society 1865. In one volume, crown 410 w. mor. g.e. ASHTON, JOHN. English caricature and satire on Napoleon I.; by John Ashton. London 1884. 2 v. 8vo illust. cloth. Eighteenth century waifs; by John Ashton. London 1887. crown 8vO cloth. AUDSLEY, GEORGE ASHDOWN. The ornamental arts of Japan; by George Ashdown Audsley. London 1882-84. 2 V. roy. fo illust. mor. g.e. AUDSLEY, GEORGE A., and JAMES L. BOWES. Keramic art of Japan; by George A. Audsley and James L. Bowes. London 1881. 410 illust. cloth t.e.g. AUDSLEY, W. and G. Polychromatic decoration as applied to buildings in the mediaeval styles; thirty-six plates in colours and gold with text; by W. and G. Audsley. London 1882. fo doth t.e.g. AYTOUN, W. E., and SIR T. MARTIN. The book of ballads; edited by Bon Gaul tier; illustrated by Alfred Croquill, Richard Doyle, and John Leech. London n.d. sq. 8vo illust. cloth g.e. BABBAGE, CHARLES. On the economy of machinery and manufactures; by Charles Babbage. London 1832. 8VO cloth uncut. BACON, FRANCIS, LORD VERULAM. Bacon's essays, with annotations; by Richard Whately, D.D. London 1873. 8vO half mpr. t.e.g. uncut. BAILLIE, EDMUND J. See Ruskin, John. BAILLIE, ROBERT. Memoir of the life and writings ot Robert Baillie, Principal of the University of Glasgow, 1637-1662; by David Laing. Edinburgh 1841. Crown 4tO boards. BALLADS. Border ballads; edited with introduction and notes by Graham R. Tomson. London 1888. sq. f'cap 8vo cloth t.e.g. uncut. BARCLAY, ALEXANDER. See Brandt, Sebastian. BARETY, A. Nice and its climate; by A. Bare'ty; translated by Charles West, M.D.; and an appendix on the vegetation of the Riviera; by Professor Allman. London 1882. f'cap 8vo cloth. BARHAM, R. H. See Cruikshank, George. BAXTER, THOMAS. An illustration of the Egyptian, Grecian, and Roman costume; in forty outlines, with descriptions, selected, drawn, and engraved by Thomas Baxter. London l8lO. 4tO illuSt. qr. roaii spr.e. BAZLEY, THOMAS SEBASTIAN. The stars in their courses; by T. S. Bazley. London 1878. fo cloth. BECKMANN, JOHN. A history of inventions, discoveries, and origins; by John Beckmann; translated from the German by William Johnston. 4th edit. London 1846. 2V. Crown 8VO portraits half calf me. BELL, SIR CHARLES. Essays on the anatomy of expression in painting; by Charles Bell. London 1806. 4tO illuSt. half mor. te.g. uncut. BENTHAM, JEREMY. Benthamiana : or select extracts from the works of Jeremy Bentham : edited by John Hill Burton. Edinburgh 1843. 12010 portrait qr. roaii. BENTLEY. Tales from " Bentley." London 1859-60. 4 v. f'cap 8vo half calf spr.e. BEUST, FRIEDRICH FERDINAND, COUNT VON. Memoirs of Friedrich Ferdinand Count von Beust written by himself, with an introduction by Baron Henry de Worms. 2nd edit. London 1887. 2 v. 8vo portrait cloth. BEWICK, THOMAS. Notes by F. G. Stephens on a collection of drawings and woodcuts by Thomas Bewick, exhibited at the Fine Art Society's rooms, 1880. London 1 88 1. 4tO illuSt cloth y.e. BIBLE. Bible. London 1583. sm. 4to calf r.e. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments: translated out of the original tongues. London 1844. 2 v. Svo caifge. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; with engravings on wood from designs of Fra Angelico, Pietro Perugino, Francesco Francia, Lorenzo di Credi, Fra Bartolommeo, Titian, Raphael, Gaudenzio, Ferrari, Daniel di Volterra, and others. London 1883. 4tO illuSt. mor. g.e. 8 BIBLE Continued. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, translated out of the original tongues: being the version set forth A.D. 1611, compared with the most ancient authorities and revised. [Old Testa- ment only.] Cambridge 1885. 4 v. 8vo cloth r.e. H Kcnrjy ^iadt)KT]. Novum Testamentum. Glasguse 1750. 8vo mor. g.e. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the Greek; being the version set forth A.D. 1611, compared with the most ancient authorities and revised 1881. Oxford 1881. 8vo cloth r.e. A compendious history of the Old and New Testaments; extracted from the Holy Bible; and adapted to all capacities. 9th edit. London n.d. calf r.e. The Bibles in the Caxton exhibition, 1877; or a bibliographical description of nearly one thousand representative Bibles in various languages,... special edition; by Henry Stevens. London 1878. roy. 8vO cloth uncut. BILLINGS, ROBERT WILLIAM. The power of form applied to geometric tracery; designs by Robert William Billings. Edinburgh 1851. roy. 8vo illust. cloth uncut. The baronial and ecclesiastical antiquities of Scotland; illustrated by Robert William Billings. London [1852.] 4 v. fo illust. L.P. , mor. t.e.g. uncut. BIRMINGHAM. Borough of Birmingham: report of the sewage inquiry committee, 1871. London 1871. roy. 8vo cloth. BLACK-BOOK. The extraordinary black-book: an exposition of the united Church of England and Ireland. London 1831. 8vo cloth. BLACKIE, JOHN STUART. Musa Burschicosa: a book of songs for students and university men; by John Stuart Blackie.. Edinburgh 1869. f'cap 8vo cloth. ___ f\ L _, _ A BLACKWOOD. Tales from " Blackwood." Edinburgh [1845-58.] 12 v. f'cap 8vo lialf calf m.e. BLADES, WILLIAM. How to tell a Caxton, with some hints where and how the same might be found; by William Blades. London 1870. f'cap 8vo boards. The enemies of books; by William Blades. 3rd edit. London 1 88 1. 8VO illuSt. paper uncut. BLAIR, ROBERT. See Blake, William. BLAKE, WILLIAM. The grave ; a poem [by Blair] ; illustrated by twelve etchings, executed by Louis Schiavonetti, from the original inventions of William Blake. London 1808. half mor. te.g. uncut. Songs of innocence and experience; by W. Blake. London 1866. f'cap 8VO cloth uncut. Poetical sketches; by William Blake; edited by Richard Herne Shep- herd. London 1868. f'cap 8vo cloth uncut. Life of William Blake, with selections from his poems and other writings; by Alexander Gilchrist. New edition. Illustrated from Blake's own works. London 1880. 2 v. roy. 8vo cloth uncm. William Blake, etchings from his works by* William Bell Scott; with descriptive text London 1878. fo boards. William Blake; a critical essay; by Algernon Charles Swinburne. 1 868. 8vo cloth. BOLTON, ROBERT. A treatise of comforting afflicted consciences; by Robert Bolton (1620) with an introduction by J. F. Denham. London n.d. 12010 caifm.e. BOSWELL, JAMES. The life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. including a journal of a tour to the Hebrides; by James Boswell. New edition,... by John Wilson Croker, LL.D. London 1831. 5 v. 8vo illust. mor. B 10 BOUCHOT, HENRI. Les ex-libris et les marques de possession du livre; par Henri Bouchot. Paris 1891. 6tO illust paper. BOWES, JAMES LORD. Japanese marks and seals; by James Lord Bowes. London 1882. 4tO illust. cloth t.e.g. BOVVRING, JOHN. See Cruikshank, George. BOYD, ZACHARY. Four letters of comforts for the deaths of the Earle of Haddingtoun and of the Lord Boyd, 1640; by Zachary Boyd. Edinburgh 1878. Crown 4tO qr. roau. BRANDT, SEBASTIAN. The Ship of Fools, translated by Alexander Barclay. Edinburgh 1874. 2 V. 4tO illust. mor. t.e.g. uncut. BREMNER, DAVID. The industries of Scotland their rise, progress, and present condition; by David Bremner. Edinburgh 1869. 8vo cloth. BRIGHT, JOHN. The public letters of John Bright: edited by H. J. Leech. London 1885. crown 8vo , cloth. BRILLAT-SAVARIN. Brillat-Savarin's Physiologic du Gout; a handbook of gastronomy; translated; illustrated by A. Lalauze. London 1884. 8vo illust. qr. vellum t.e.g. uncut. BRODRIBB, W. J. See Ancient Classics for English readers. BROUGHAM, HENRY, LORD BROUGHAM AND VAUX. Lives of men of letters of the time of George III. ; by Henry, Lord Brougham. London 1855. crown 8 vo half calf m.e. Lives of philosophers of the time of George III.; by Henry, Lord Brougham. London 1855. crown 8vo half calf m.e. II BROUGHAM, HENRY, LORD Continued. Historical sketches of statesmen in the time of George III.; by Henry, Lord Brougham. London 1855-56. 3 v. crown 8vo half calf m.e. Natural Theology;... by Henry, Lord Brougham. London 1856. CrOWn 8VO half calf m.e. Rhetorical and literary dissertations and addresses; by Henry, Lord Brougham. London 1856. crown 8vo imifcaifm.e. Historical and political dissertations; by Henry, Lord Brougham. London 1857. Crown 8vO half calf m.e. Speeches on social and political subjects; by Henry, Lord Brougham. London 1857. 2 V. Crown 8VO half calf m.e. BROWN, HUGH STOWELL. Lectures to working men; by Hugh Stowell Brown. London n.d. f Cap 8VO half calf spr.e. BROWN, JAMES. Life of John Eadie, D.D.; by James Brown, D.D. London 1878. crown 8vo portrait cloth. BROWN, JAMES. The epitaphs and monumental inscriptions in Greyfriars churchyard, Edinburgh; collected by James Brown. Edinburgh 1867. crown 8vo cloth. BROWN, JOHN. John Bunyan, his life, times, and work; by John Brown. London l886. 8VO illuSt. cloth t.e.g. uncut. BROWNE, H. K. Illustrations to the "Chronicles of Crime; edited by Camden Pelham;" by Phiz. London n.d. The romance of a mince pie; illust. by Phiz. qr. mor. y.e. BROWNE, JAMES. A history of the Highlands and of the Highland clans; with an exten- sive selection from the hitherto inedited Stuart papers; by James Browne, LL.D. London 1857-58. 4 v. roy. 8vo illust. half calf m.e. 12 BROWNING, E. B. Last poems; by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 2nd edit. London 1862. crown 8vo cloth. A selection from the poetry of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 4th edit. London 1872. crown 8vo portrait cloth. BRUCE, CARLETON. See Cruikshank, George. BUCHANAN, WILLIAM. An inquiry into the genealogy and present state of ancient Scottish surnames; by William Buchanan. Glasgow 1820. i2mo mor. g.e. BUCKLE, HENRY THOMAS. History of civilization in England; by Henry Thomas Buckle. 3rd edit. London 1861-64. 2 v. 8vo cloth. Miscellaneous and posthumous works of Henry Thomas Buckle, edited by Helen Taylor. London 1872. 3 v. 8vo cloth. BUENOS AYRES. Random sketches of Buenos Ayres, with explanatory notes. Edinburgh l868. 8VO illuSt. boards. BULL, THOMAS. The maternal management of children in health and disease; by Thomas Bull, M.D. 5th edit. London 1854. f'cap 8vo cioth. BUNYAN, JOHN. The Pilgrim's Progress from this world to that which is to come; by John Bunyan. London 1849. 8vo portrait mor. BURGH, N. P. Practical treatise on boilers and boiler-making; by N. P. Burgh. London 1873. 4to illust. cioth uncut Link-motion and expansion-gear, practically considered. London 1881. SHI. 4tO illuSt. cloth uncut. 13 BURKE, EDMUND. The sublime and beautiful; by Edmund Burke; with an introductory discourse concerning taste, and other additions. Oxford 1796. crown 8VO half roan. BURNS, ISLAY. Memoir of Wm. C. Burns, missionary to China: by Islay Burns, D.D. 6th edit London 1871. crown 8vo portrait cloth. BURNS, ROBERT. The works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. Edited by J. Currie. 6th edit. London 1809. 4 v. 8vO calf m.e. The works of Robert Burns. Edinburgh 1877-79. 6 v. roy. 8vo llluSt. half mor. tag. uncut. Reliques of Robert Burns; consisting chiefly of original letters, poems, and critical observations on Scottish song: collected by R. H. Cromek. London 1808. 8VO calf m.e. The land of Burns : a series of landscapes and portraits ; illustrative of the life and writings of the Scottish poet; the landscapes from paintings made expressly for the work by U. O. Hill; the literary department by Professor Wilson and Robert Chambers. Glasgow 1840. 2 v. in i llluSt mor. g.e. BURNS, WILLIAM. The Scottish war of independence: its antecedents and effects; by William Burns. Glasgow 1874. 2 v. 8vo cloth. BURT, EDWARD. Burl's letters from the north of Scotland; with an introduction by R. Jamieson. Edinburgh 1876. 2 v. 8vo illust. cloth uncut. BURTON, JOHN HILL. Lives of Simon Lord Lovat and Duncan Forbes of Culloden ; by John Hill Burton. London 1847. crown 8vo cloth. 14 BURTON, JOHN HILL Continued. The history of Scotland, from Agricola's invasion to the Revolution of 1688; by John Hill Burton. Edinburgh 1867-70. 7 v. 8vo calf m.e. History of Scotland, from the Revolution to the extinction of the last Jacobite insurrection (1689-1748); by John Hill Burton. London 1853. 2 V. 8VO calf m.e. The Cairngorm mountains; by Dr. J. H. Burton. 1864 8vo mor. g.e. A history of the reign of Queen Anne; by John Hill Burton, D.C.L. Edinburgh 1880. 3 v. 8vo caifm.e. The book-hunter, etc.; by John Hill Burton, D.C.L. Edinburgh 1882. Crown 4tO cloth uncut. See also Bentham, Jeremy. BURTON, ROBERT. The anatomy of melancholy: what it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptoms, prognostics, and several cures of it;... by Democritus Junior. A new edition by Democritus Minor. London 1854. 8vo can BUSHNELL, HORACE. Nature and the supernatural, as together constituting the one system of God; by Horace Bushnell, D.D. Edinburgh 1862. crown 8vo cloth. BUTE, JOHN, MARQUESS OF. Early days of Sir William Wallace; by John, Marquess of Bute. Paisley 1876. sm. 410 doth te.g. uncut. BUTLER, JOSEPH. Fifteen sermons preached at the Rolls Chapel; by Joseph Butler, LL.D. GlaSgOW 1759. f'cap 8VO calfspr.e. BUTLER, SAMUEL. Hudibras; by Samuel Butler; with Dr. Grey's annotations. New edit. London 1819. 3 v. 8vo caifg.e. BYRON, GEORGE NOEL GORDON, LORD. Finden's Byron beauties: or portrait illustrations of Lord Byron's poetical works. London n.d. 2 v. 8vo half mor. g.e. CAIRNS, JOHN. Memoir of John Brown, D.D. ; by John Cairns, D.D. Edinburgh 1860. crown 8vo portrait cloth. CAMPBELL, JOHN, LORD. Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England; by John, Lord Campbell, LL.D. 4th edit. London 1856-57. 10 V. crown 8VO calfm.e. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM. Suggestions as to amendment of various franchises, and improvement in mode of levying and collecting rates and assessments in Scotland; by William Campbell, n.d. 8vo paper. CANDLISH, R. S. The two great commandments, " Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and thy neighbour as thyself;" illustrated in a series of discourses on Romans 12; by R. S. Candlish, D.D. London 1860. crown 8vo cloth. CARDONNEL, ADAM DE. Numismata Scotise: or a series of Scottish Coins, from the reign ot William the Lion to the Union; by Adam de Cardonnel. Edinburgh 1786. roy. 4tO illuSt. boards. Picturesque antiquities of Scotland; etched by Adam de Cardonnel. London 1788. crown 410 hair calf. CARLETON, WILLIAM. Valentine M'Clutchy, the Irish agent: or the chronicles of Castle Cumber;... by William Carleton; with illustrations by Phiz. Dublin 1848. 8VO illuSt. cloth. - i6 C ARLETON, WILLIAM Continued. Tales and sketches, illustrating the character, usages, traditions, sports, and pastimes of the Irish peasantry; by William Carleton. Dublin 1851. 8vo illust. CARLYLE, ALEXANDER. Autobiography of Dr. Alexander Carlyle: containing memorials of the men and events of his time. 3rd edit. Edinburgh 1861. 8vo portrait cloth. CARLYLE, THOMAS. Thomas Carlyle's collected works. Library edition. London [1874.] 30 V. 8VO calf t.e.g. uiicut. Thomas Carlyle's collected works: a general index to the library edition in thirty volumes. London 1872. 8vo calf t.e.g. uncut. The early kings of Norway: also an essay on the portraits of John Knox; by Thomas Carlyle. 2nd edit. London 1875. crown 8vo half mor. t.e.g. Reminiscences, by Thomas Carlyle; edited by James A. Froude. London 1881. 2 v. crown 8vo half mor. t.e.g. Reminiscences of my Irish journey, in 1849; by Thomas Carlyle. London 1882. crown 8vo cloth. Last words of Thomas Carlyle. On Trades-unions, promoterism, and the signs of the times. Edinburgh 1882. crown 8vo paper. The correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872. London 1883. 2 v. 8vo portraits cloth. Translations from the German; by Thomas Carlyle. London 1871. 3V. 8vO calf t.e.g. uncut. Memoirs of the life and writings of Thomas Carlyle; edited by R. H. Shepherd. London iSSi. 2 v. crown 8vo portraits cloth uncut. Life by J. A. Froude. 4 v. See Froude, James Anthony. CARPENTER, WILLIAM B. Principles of mental physiology, with their applications to the training and discipline of the mind, and the study of its morbid conditions; by William B. Carpenter, M.D. 2nd edit. London 1875. 8vo cloth. i 7 CARTER, JOHN. The ancient architecture of England, including the orders during the British, Roman, Saxon, and Norman eras, and under the reigns of Henry III. and Edward III., illustrated by 109 engravings; by John Carter, new edition by John Britton. London 1887. roy. fo half mor. t. e.g. uncut. Specimens of the ancient sculpture and painting now remaining in England, from the earliest period to the reign of Henry VIII.; exhibited in 120 plates, drawn and etched by John Carter. London 1887. roy. fo half mor. t.e.g. uncut. CAVIEZEL. Tourist's guide to the Upper Engadine; translated from the German of M. Caviezel by A. M. H. London 1877. f'cap 8vo cloth. CERVANTES. The history of the ingenious gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha; translated from the Spanish by P. A. Motteaux. Edinburgh 1879-84. 4 v. roy. 8vo illust. cloth uncut. CHALMERS, GEORGE. Caledonia : or an account, historical and topographic, of North Britain from the most ancient to the present times; by George Chalmers. London 1807-24. 3 v. 410 maps caify.e. CHAMBERS, ROBERT. Select writings of Robert Chambers. Edinburgh 1847. 7 v. crown 8vo illust. cloth. The picture of Scotland; by Robert Chambers. Edinburgh 1827. 2 V. CrOWn 8VO calf t.e.g. uncut Scottish songs, collected and illustrated by Robert Chambers. Edinburgh 1829-32. 3 V. I2mO vellum m.e. Poems; by Robert Chambers. Edinburgh 1835. ^ ca P 4 to boards. The book of days; a miscellany of popular antiquities in connection with the calendar; edited by R. Chambers. London 1864. 2 v. imp. 8vo illust, doth, C i8 CHAMBERS, ROBERT Continued. Traditions of Edinburgh; by Robert Chambers. London 1869. crown 8VO cloth. Domestic annals of Scotland, from the Reformation to the Revolution; by Robert Chambers, LL.D. 3rd edit. Edinburgh 1874. 3 v. 8vo calf m.e. Illustrations of the author of Waverley; being notices and anecdotes of real characters, scenes, and incidents, supposed to be described in his works; by Robert Chambers, LL.D. Edinburgh 1854. f'cap 8vo qr. roan. t.e.g. uncut. CHAMBERS, WILLIAM. Wintering at Mentone; by William Chambers. London 1870. 8vo illust. Story of a long and busy life; by W. Chambers, LL.D. Edinburgh 1882. crown 8vo portrait cloth. Exploits and anecdotes of the Scottish gypsies, with traits of their origin, character, and manners; by William Chambers, LL.D. Edinburgh l886. Crown 8vO paper uncut. CHANGE for a shilling. f'cap 8vo illust. qr. mor. y.e. CHATTERTON, THOMAS. The poetical works of Thomas Chatterton: with an essay on the Rowley poems; by Walter W. Skeat; and a memoir by Edward Bell. London 1872. 2 v. crown 8vo cloth. CHRISTIE, W. Traditional ballad airs; arranged and harmonised for the pianoforte and harmonium, from copies procured in the counties of Aberdeen, Banff, and Moray; by W. Christie and the late Wm. Christie. Edinburgh 1876-81. 2 V. 4tO half mor. t.e.g. uncut. CHURCHYARD, THOMAS. Churchyard's chips concerning Scotland; being a collection of his pieces concerning that country; with historical notices and a life of the author; by George Chalmers. London 1817. 8vo boards. 19 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Cicero: the Orations translated by Duncan; the Offices by Cockman; the Cato and Laelius by Melmoth. London 1833. 3 v. f'cap 8vo qr. roan. CLARENDON, EDWARD, EARL OF. The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England; by Edward, Earl of Clarendon. Oxford 1816. 3 v. in 6 410 doth uncut. CLARKE, MARY COWDEN. See Cruikshank, George. CLOUD OF WITNESSES. A cloud of witnesses for the royal perogatives of Jesus Christ: or the last speeches and testimonies of those who suffered for the truth in Scotland from 1681 to 1688; with an introductory essay by Stewart Bates, D.D. Glasgow 1842. i2mo cloth uncut. COBBETT, WILLIAM. A grammar of the English language; by William Cobbett. London 1844. I2mO boards. COCKBURN, HENRY, LORD. Life of Lord Jeffrey, with a selection from his correspondence; by Lord Cockburn. 2nd edit. Edinburgh 1852. 2 v. 8vo portrait calf t.e.g. Memorials of his time; by Henry Cockburn. Edinburgh 1856. 8vo portrait calf t.e.g. Journal of Henry Cockburn being a continuation of the Memorials of his time, 1831-1854. Edinburgh 1874. 2 v. 8vo caift.e.g. Circuit journeys; by Lord Cockburn. Edinburgh 1888. cr. 8vo cloth uncut. An examination of the trials for sedition which have hitherto occurred in Scotland; by Lord Cockburn. Edinburgh 1888. 2 v. 8vo calf. COLERIDGE, DERWENT. The scriptural character of the English church; by Dervvent Coleridge. London 1839. 8vo cloth. 20 COLERIDGE, HARTLEY. Essays and marginalia; by Hartley Coleridge. London 1851. 2 v. f cap 8vo portrait calf m.e. Poems; by Hartley Coleridge. 2nd edit. London 1851. 2 v. f cap 8vo portrait calf m.e. COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR. Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. London. 22 v. f'cap 8vo mor. t.e.g. uncut. i. Specimens of the table talk of S. T. Coleridge. 2nd edit. 1836. 2-4. Poetical Works. 1834-40. 3 v. 5-6. Biographia literaria. 1847. 2 v. 7-8. Aids to reflection. 1848. 2 v. 9. Confessions of an inquiring spirit. 1849. 10-11. Notes and lectures upon Shakespeare. 1849. 2 v - 12-14. The friend: a series of essays. 1850. 3 v. 15-17. Essays on his own times. 1850. 3 v. 18. On the constitution of the church and state. 4th edit. 1852. 19. Lay sermons. 3rd edit. 1852. 20-21. Notes on English divines. 1853. 2 v. 22. Notes, theological, political, and miscellaneous. 1853. Hints towards the formation of a more comprehensive theory of life; by S. T. Coleridge; edited by Seth B. Watson. London 1848. i2mo cloth. Critical annotations; by S. T. Coleridge; being marginal notes in- scribed in volumes formerly in the possession of Coleridge; edited by William F. Taylor. Harrow 1889. crown 410 portrait paper uncut Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge; by James Gillman. London 1838. VOl. I 8vO cloth uncut. Letters, conversations and recollections of S. T. Coleridge. London 1836. 2 V. I2niO boards. Letters, conversations, and recollections of S. T. Coleridge, with a preface by Thomas Allsop. 3rd edit. London 1864. crown 8vo cloth. Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the English romantic school; by Alois Brandl; edit, by Lady Eastlake. London 1887. 8vo cloth. COLERIDGE, SARA. Memoir and letters of Sara Coleridge. London 1873. 2 v. 8vo portraits cloth. COLLIER, JOHN. The works of Tim Bobbin in prose and verse; with a memoir of the author, by John Corry. Rochdale 1819. 8vo haifcaif. COLLINGWOOD, W. GERSHOM. The limestone Alps of Savoy; a study in physical geology; by W. Gershom Collingwood; with an introduction by John Ruskin, D.C.L., LL.D. Orpington 1884. royal 8vo illust. cloth. [Deucalion. First Supplement.] COLLINS, VV. LUCAS. See Ancient classics for English readers. COMBE, ANDREW. The principles of physiology applied to the preservation of health and to the improvement of physical and mental education; by Andrew Combe, M.D. Edinburgh 1834. 8vo boards. The physiology of digestion considered with relation to the principles of dietetics; by Andrew Combe, M.D. 2nd edit. Edinburgh 1836. illust. half mor. m.e. The physiology of digestion, considered with relation to the principles of dietetics; by Andrew Combe, M.D. 5th edit. Edinburgh 1845. Clown 8VO illust. half calf spr.e. The management of infancy, physiological and moral; by Andrew Combe, M.D. gth edit. Edinburgh 1860. i2mo cloth. COMBE, GEORGE. A system of phrenology; by George Combe. 5th edit. Edinburgh 1843. 2 v - 8vO illust. half mor. t.e.g. uncut. The constitution of man considered in relation to external objects; by George Combe, yth edit. Edinburgh 1836. crown 8vo boards. COMBE, WILLIAM. The tour of Dr. Syntax in search of the picturesque;... in search of consolation;... in search of a wife. London 1823. 3 v. i2mo boards 22 COMIC ANNUAL. The new comic annual. London n.d. 6to illust. by W. Brown. half calf spr.e. COMMONPLACE BOOK. The commonplace book of literary curiosities, remarkable customs, historical and domestic anecdotes, and etymological scraps; by Dr. Dryasdust of York. London 1828. i2mo illust. qr. mor. y.e. CONFESSION OF FAITH. The Confession of Faith agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster [with Catechisms etc.]. 8vo calf. COOK, EDWARD T. See Ruskin, John. CORDINER, CHARLES. Antiquities and scenery of the north of Scotland,... by Charles Cordiner. London 1780. crown 410 illust. calf. COWPER, WILLIAM. The task; by William Cowper. London 1822. i2mo caifm.e. CREWDSON, T. D. The little while, and other poems; by T. D. Crewdson. 3rd edit. London n.d. f'cap 8vo cloth g.e. CROKER, T. CROFTON. The popular songs of Ireland ; collected by T. Crofton Croker. London 1839. I2mO caifm.e. CROWQUILL, ALFRED. Phantasmagoria of fun; ed. and illust. by Alfred Crowquill. London 1843. I2niO 2V. half calf m.e. Strange surprising adventures of the venerable Gooroo Simple, and his five disciples, Noodle, Doodle, Wiseacre, Zany, and Foozle, adorned with illustrations by Alfred Crowquill. London 1861. crown 8vo illust. oloth g.e. 23 CRUDEN, Alexander. A complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments; by Alexander Cruden. 2nd edit. London 1761. 410 portrait calf gr.e. CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE. Essay on the genius of G. Cruikshank; by W. M. Thackeray. Illustrated by several hundred etchings and woodcuts selected from his Works, from 18001875- 3 ^* 4-tO n.d. mor. by Riviere, style of Roger Payne. Peter Schlemihl: from the German of Lamotte Fouque: with plates by George Cruikshank. London 1824. i2mo illust. mor. tag. uncut. Sunday in London; by George Cruikshank. London 1833. fcap 8vO illust. calf g.e. My sketch-book; George Cruikshank. London 1834. obi. fcap fo paper. Minor morals for young people, illustrated in tales and travels by John Bowring; with engravings by George Cruikshank and William Heath. London 1834-39. f'cap 8vO illust. half mor. t.e.g. uncut. Christmas stories: containing John Wildgoose, the poacher; The Smuggler: and Good-nature, or parish matters. 4th edit. London 1835. [Illust. by Cruikshank.] i2mo half mor. g.e. Mirth and morality: a collection of original tales; by Carleton Bruce. [Illust. by Cruikshank.] London 1835. f'cap 8vo mor. g.e. Letters on demonology and witchcraft addressed to J. G. Lockhart ; by Sir Walter Scott. London 1830. [Illust. by G. Cruikshank.] London 1835. mor. t.e.g. uncut. Rambles in the footsteps of Don Quixote; by H. D. Inglis: with illus- trations by George Cruikshank. London 1837. 121110 mor. t.e.g. uncut. Mornings at Bow Street : a selection of the most humorous and enter- taining reports which have appeared in the Morning Herald ; by J. Wight, illustrated by George Cruikshank. 4th edit. London 1838. f'cap 8vo mor. g.e. 24 CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE Continued. The comic almanack for 1838: an ephemeris in jest and earnest, con- taining "all things fitting for such a work/' by Rigdum Funnidos, illustrated by George Cruikshank. London. f'cap 8vo half calf. Comic almanack, 1845. f'cap 8vo illust. mor. g.e. The comic almanack and diary, edited by Henry Mayhew and illustrated by George Cruikshank and H. G. Hine, 1851. London. f'cap 8vo mor. g.e. Cakes and ale : by Douglas Jerrold. [Illust. by Cruikshank.] London 1842. 2 V. f'cap 8VO cloth uncut. George Cruikshank's omnibus; edited by Laman Blanchard. London 1842. 8vO illust. half calf. German fairy-tales and popular stories as told by Gammer Grethel: translated from the collection of MM. Grimm by Edgar Taylor; illustra- tions by George Cruikshank and Ludwig Grimm. London 1846. i2mo cloth. Philosophy in sport made science in earnest; being an attempt to illustrate the first principles of natural philosophy by the aid of the popular toys and sports of youth ; [by John A. Paris.] 6th edit. London 1846. f'cap 8vo illust. cloth. The good genius that turned everything into gold; or the Queen Bee and the magic dress by [Henry and Augustus] Mayhew, with illustrations by George Cruikshank. London 1847. f'cap 8vo mor. g.e. Clement Lorimer; or the book with the iron clasps; a romance by Angus B. Reach: illustrated by George Cruikshank. London 1849. CrOWn 8VO cloth uncut. Kit Barn's adventures; or the yarns of an old mariner; by Mary Cowden Clarke: illustrated by George Cruikshank. London 1849. f'cap 8vO half mor. t.e.g. uncut. Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi; edited by "Boz;" with illustrations by George Cruikshank; with notes by Charles Whitehead. London 1853. f'cap 8vo cloth. The miscellaneous works of Tobias Smollett, with memoir by Thomas Roscoe; illustrated by George Cruikshank. London 1853. roy. 8vo calf. 25 CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE Continued. The Tower of London: a historical romance; by William Harrison Ainsworth; illustrated by George Cruikshank. London 1854. 8vo half roan spr.e. The Ingoldsby legends; or mirth and marvels; by Thomas Ingoldsby [R. H. Barham.] loth edit. London 1855. 3 v. i2mo [Illust. by Leech and Cruikshank.] mor. t.e.g. uncut. The life of Sir John Falstaff; illustrated by George Cruikshank; with a biography of the knight from authentic sources by Robert B. Brough. London 1858. roy. 8vo mor. g.e. A discovery concerning ghosts; with a rap at the "spirit-rappers;" by George Cruikshank. London 1863. roy. 8vo illust. qr. roan. Songs of Charles Dibdin, with a memoir; collected and arranged by T. Dibdin; with sketches by G. Cruikshank. 3rd edit. London 1863. f'cap 8vo cloth. German popular stories; edited by E. Taylor; introduction by John Ruskin [illustrations by George Cruikshank]. 1868. 8vo cloth- History of the Irish rebellion in 1798; with memoirs of the Union, and Emmett's insurrection in 1803; by W. H. Maxwell; illustrations by George Cruikshank. London 1881. 8vo cloth. George Cruikshank's fairy library: Hop-o'-my-thumb; Jack and the bean-stalk; Cinderella; Puss in boots. London 1885. f'cap 410 illust. qr. roan uncut. Old " Miscellany " days ; a selection of stories from " Bentley's Miscel- lany;" by various authors; illustrated by George Cruikshank (1837-1843). London 1885. roy. 8vo cloth. Cruikshank at home: a new family album of endless entertainment. London n.d. 3 v. f'cap 8vo illust. cloth uncut 1851: or the adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys and family, who came up to London to " enjoy themselves," and to see the Great Exhibi- tion; by Henry Mayhew and George Cruikshank. London n.d. 8vo illust. mor. g.e. (plates mounted on silk.) New Year's day: a winter's tale; by Mrs. Gore; with illustrations by George Cruikshank. 2nd edit. London n.d. f cap 8vo half mor. tag. P 26 CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE. Continued. Scraps and sketches. George Cruikshank. fo paper. The life of Mansie Wauch, tailor in Dalkeith; written by himself; illustrated by George Cruikshank. Edinburgh n.d. f'cap 8vo illust. cloth uncut. CRUIKSHANK, JOHN. &* Aberdeen. CUITT, GEORGE. Wanderings and pencillings amongst ruins of the olden time : a series of seventy-three etchings; by George Cuitt; with descriptive letterpress. London 1855. fo half mor. g.e. DALYELL, JOHN GRAHAM. A tract chiefly relative to monastic antiquities; with some account of a recent search for the remains of the Scottish Kings interred in the Abbey of Dunfermline; by John Graham Dalyell. Edinburgh 1809. 8vo half calf. The darker superstitions of Scotland; by John Graham Dalyell. Glas- gow 1835. 8vO half mor. DAVIDSON, JOHN. A system of practical mathematics; by John Davidson. 3rd edit. Edinburgh 1832. 8vo haifcaif. DAVIS, JAMES. See Ancient classics for English readers. DAVIS, JEFFERSON. Scotland and the Scottish people: an address by Jefferson Davis. Glasgow 1876. crown 8vo cloth. DAVY, SIR HUMPHRY. Salmonia: or days of fly-fishing; by Sir Humphry Davy. 4th edit. London 1851. f'cap 8vo illust. cloth. DEFOE, DANIEL. . The life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe; written by himself. London 1831. 6to illust. caifm.e. _2 7 DE QUINCEY, THOMAS. Works. Edinburgh 1862-63. I 5 v - 121110 half calf m.e. DIBDIN, CHARLES. See Cruikshank, George. DIBDIN, THOMAS FROGNALL. The bibliographical decameron: or ten days' pleasant discourse upon illuminated manuscripts and subjects connected with early engraving, typography, and bibliography; by T. F. Dibdin. London 1817. 3 v. 8VO illuSt. mor. A bibliographical, antiquarian, and picturesque tour in France and Germany; by Tho. F. Dibdin. London 1821. 3 v. 8vo illust. mor. The Library companion; or the young man's guide, and the old man's comfort in the choice of a library; by T. F. Dibdin. 2nd edit. London 1825. 2 V. 8vO half mor. Reminiscences of a literary life; by T. F. Dibdin. 1836. roy. 8vo half mor. t.e g. A bibliographical, antiquarian, and picturesque tour in the northern counties of England and in Scotland; by Thomas Frognall Dibdin, D.D. London 1838. 4 v. 8vo mor. Bibliomania: or book-madness: a bibliographical romance; by Thomas Frognall Dibdin, D.D. New edition. London 1842. 8vo In same volume. The bibliomania: or book-madness; containing some account of the history, symptoms, and cure of this fatal disease in an epistle addressed to Richard Heber; by Thomas Frognall Dibdin. London 1809. 8vo mor. DICKENS, CHARLES. The works of Charles Dickens, ed. de. luxe. London 1881-82. 30 V. 4tO illust. half mor. t.e.g. uncut. See also Cruikshank, George. DICKSON, DAVID. The elder and his work; by David Dickson. Edinburgh 1872. f'cap 8vO cloth. 28 DICTIONARIES. Etymological and pronouncing dictionary of the English language; by James Stormonth. 3rd edit. Edinburgh 1876. cr. 8vo caifm.e. The imperial dictionary, English, technological, and scientific; by John Ogilvie, LL.D. London n.d. 4 v. imp. 8vo illust. caifm.e. A new English dictionary on historical principles; founded mainly on the materials collected by the Philological Society; edited by James A. H. Murray. Oxford 1888 and cont. 4to half mor. m.e. A new dictionary of the Italian and English languages, based upon that of Baretti; compiled by John Davenport and Guglielmo Comelati. London 1860. 2 v. 8vo cloth. A complete Latin-English dictionary for the use of colleges and cchools; by J. E. Riddle. 3rd edit. London 1843. 8vo haifcaifm.e. A complete English- Latin dictionary, for the use of colleges and schools; by J. E. Riddle. 3rd edit. London 1842. 8vo haifcaifme. An etymological dictionary of the Scottish language... by John Jamieson, D.D., edit, by John Longmuir, LL.D. and David Donaldson. Paisley 187982. 5 V. 4tO boards uncut. Synonyms discriminated...; by C. J. Smith. London 1871. 8vo cloth. DISRAELI, BENJAMIN. Benjamin Disraeli, earl of Beaconsfield ; in upwards of 100 cartoons from the collection of " Mr. Punch." London 1878. crown 410 cloth. DIXON, WILLIAM HEPWORTH. Personal history of Lord Bacon, from unpublished papers; by William Hep worth Dixon. London 1861. 8vo half mor. m.e. Her Majesty's Tower; by William Hepworth Dixon. 7th edit. London 1885. 2 V. imp. 8vO ' illust. half mor. t.e.g. uncut. DIXON, WlLLMOTT. The Jacobite episode in Scottish history and its relative literature; by Willmott Dixon. Edinburgh n.d. crown 8vo [Glasgow Saint Andrew Society: essay.] cloth. 29 DOUGLAS, NEIL. Journal of a mission to part of the highlands of Scotland in summer and harvest 1797; by appointment of the Relief Synod. N. Douglas. Edinburgh 1799. 6to calf spr.e. DRUMMOND, HENRY. Natural law in the spiritual world; by Henry Drummond. 3rd edit. London 1883. crown 8vo cloth. The greatest thing in the world. 8th edit. London 1890. crown 8vO paper uncut. DRUMMOND, JAMES. Ancient Scottish weapons; a series of drawings; by James Drummond; with introduction and descriptive notes; by Joseph Anderson. Edinburgh 1 88 1. imp. 4tO qr. mor. t.e.g. uncut. DUFTON, WILLIAM. Practical billiards; by William Dufton. London 1867. 8vo illust. cloth. EADIE, JOHN. A new and complete concordance to the holy Scriptures, on the basis of Cruden; edited by John Eadie, D.D. i7th edit. London 1856. 8vO cloth. Paul the preacher; or a popular and practical exposition of his dis- courses and speeches as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles; by John Eadie, D.D. London 1859. crown 8vo calf g.e. EDINBURGH. Charters and documents relating to the Collegiate church and hospital of the Holy Trinity, and the Trinity hospital, Edinburgh, 1460-1661. Edinburgh 1871. crown 4to cloth uncut Historical sketch of the Edinburgh anatomical school. Edinburgh 1867. 8vO cloth. Edinburgh sketches and miscellanies; by Eric. Edinburgh 1876. f'cap 8vo cloth. 3 o EDUCATION. Essays on a liberal education; edited by F. W. Farrar. London 1867. 8vO half calf r e. Third report of the royal commissioners appointed to inquire into endowed schools and hospitals (Scotland) with appendix in two volumes. Edinburgh 1875. 3 v. roy. 8vo paper. Report of the educational endowments (Scotland) commission, with evidence. Edinburgh 1884. 8vo haifcaifr.e. Report of the committee of council on education in Scotland, 1889-90. London 1890. roy. 8vo paper. Secondary education (Scotland). I. Circulars. II. Papers set at the examination for leaving certificates, 1890, held by the Scotch education department. III. Results of this examination. London 1890. roy. 8vO paper. ELLACOMBE, H. N. Shakespeare as an angler; by H. N. Ellacombe. London 1883. f'cap 8vO vellum t.e.g. uuciit. EMERSON, RALPH WALDO. Complete works of R. W. Emerson. London 1883. n v. 8vo Riverside edition L.P. boards uncut. See also Carlyle, Thomas. ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA. The encyclopaedia Britannica: a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature, gth edit. Edinburgh 1875-89. 25 v. 410 illust. half rus. m.e. ENGLAND. England's worthies : under whom all the civill and bloudy warres since anno 1642 to anno 1647 are related ... London 1647 reprinted 1819 sm. 4tO portraits half calf y.e. ERASMUS. The colloquies of Erasmus; translated by N. Bailey; edited with notes by E. Johnson. London 1878. 2 v. 8vo doth t.e.g. uncut. ESSAYISTS, BRITISH. The British essayists; with prefaces, historical and biographical; by A.Chalmers. London 1823. 38 v. izmo portraits half calf m.e. ESSAYS. Essays and reviews, and edit. London 1860. 8vo caifm.e. Essays on social subjects; from the Saturday Review. Edinburgh 1864. crown 8vo cloth. EVERITT, GRAHAM. Doctors and doctors: some curious chapters in medical history and quackery; by Graham Everitt. London 1888. crown 8vo cloth uncut. EXHIBITIONS. Exhibition of the works of industry of all nations, 1851; reports by the juries. London 1852. roy. 8vo illust. cloth g.e. Colonial and Indian exhibition, London 1886. Illustrated handbook of Victoria, Australia. Melbourne, roy. 8vo half mor. g.e. FABLES. Fables, translated from ^Esop and other authors; by Charles Draper. London 1760. f'cap 8vo illust. calf FAIRBAIRN, JAMES. Fairbairn's crests of the families of Great Britain and Ireland... revised by Laurence Butters; edited by Joseph Maclaren. Edinburgh n.d. 2 V. fo L.P. illust. half mor. t.e.g. uncut. FAIRBAIRN, WILLIAM. Useful information for engineers... by William Fairbairn. 4th edition. London 1864. 2 v. crown 8vo (second series 1860) half calf m.e. FARRAR, FREDERIC W. The life of Christ; by Frederic W. Farrar, D.D. ipth edit. London n.d. 2 V. 8vO mor. g.e. 3 2 FEDUR, THOR. Sketches from shady places; by Thor Fedur. London 1879. crown 8VO cloth. FERGUSSON, JAMES. A history of architecture in all countries, from the earliest times to the present day; by James Fergusson. London 1862-67. 3 v - 8vo illust. qr. roan, t.e.g. FERRIER, GEORGE STRATON. Elementary lessons in perspective drawing; designed for use in schools, etc.; by Geo. Straton Ferrier. Edinburgh n.d. paper. FICHTE, JOHANN GOTTLIEB. The characteristics of the present age; by Johann Gottlieb Fichte; translated by William Smith. London 1847. i2mo cloth. The way towards the blessed life: or the doctrine of religion; by Johann Gottlieb Fichte; translated by William Smith. London 1849. 1 2 mo cloth. FINDEN. See Byron, Lord. FINDLAY, JOHN RITCHIE. Personal recollections of Thomas De Quincey; by John Ritchie Findlay. Edinburgh 1886. fcap 8vo cloth uncut. FORBES, ROBERT. Jacobite memoirs of the rebellion of 1745 ; edited from the manuscripts of Robert Forbes; by Robert Chambers. Edinburgh 1834. 8vo boards. FORBES, SIR WILLIAM. Memoirs of a banking house; by Sir William Forbes of Pitsligo London 1860. 8vo portraits cloth. FORRESTER, ALFRED HENRY. See Crowquill, Alfred. 33 FORSTER, JOHN. The life and adventures of Oliver Goldsmith; a biography by John Forster. London 1848. 8vo cloth. FORSYTH, ROBERT. The beauties of Scotland; containing a clear and full account of the agriculture, commerce, mines, and manufactures; of the population, cities, towns, villages, etc. of each county; [by Ro. Forsyth]. London 1805-8. 5 V. roy. 8VO illust. half calf t.e.g. uncut. FOSTER, JOHN. An essay on the evils of popular ignorance; by John Foster. London 1820. 8VO calfm.e. Essays in a series of letters... on a man's writing memoirs of himself; on decision of character; on the application of the epithet romantic; by John Foster. 8th edit. London 1826. 8vo caifm.e. FOUQUE, DE LA MOTTE. See Cruikshank, George. FOX, CAROLINE. Memories of old friends : being extracts from the journals and letters of Caroline Fox, from 1835-1871; edit, by Horace N. Pym. 2nd edit. London 1882. 2 v. cr. 8vo cloth. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. The works of Benjamin Franklin. London n.d. i2mo half calf spr.e. FRITH, FRANCIS. Egypt and Palestine photographed and described; by Francis Frith. London n.d. 2 V. imp. 4tO qr. mor. g.e. FROUDE, JAMES ANTHONY. The Nemesis of faith; by J. A. Froude. 2nd edit. London 1849. crown 8vo cloth. History of England, from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada; by James Anthony Froude. London 1856-70. 12 v. 8vo Cloth. E 34 FROUDE, JAMES ANTHONY Continued. Short studies on great subjects; by James Anthony Froude. 3rd edit. London 1868-83. 4 v. 8vo caif. Inaugural address delivered to the University of St. Andrews ; by James Anthony Froude. London 1869. 8vo cloth. The English in Ireland in the eighteenth century; by James Anthony Froude. London 1872-74. 3 v. 8vo cloth. Thomas Carlyle; a history of the first forty years of his life, 1795-1835 ; by James Anthony Froude. London 1882. 2 v. 8vo portraits calf t.e.g. Thomas Carlyle: a history of his life in London, 1834-1881; by James Anthony Froude. 2nd edit. London 1885. 2 v. 8vo portrait calf t.e.g. Oceana, or England and her colonies; by James Anthony Froude. London 1886. 8vo illust. cloth. FULLER, THOMAS. Aphorisms of wisdom: or a complete collection of most celebrated proverbs; by Thomas Fuller, M.D. Glasgow 1814. i2mo half calf m.e. FULLER WORTHIES' LIBRARY. Printed for private circulation (106 copies). 42 v. 8vo mor. 1. The poems and translations in verse: (including fifty-nine hitherto unpublished epigrams) of Thomas Fuller, D.D., and his much-wished form of prayer; for the first time collected and edited with introduction and notes; by Alex. B. Grosart. 1868. 2. The complete poems (including Psalms I. to L. in verse, and other hitherto unpublished MSS.) of Sir James Davies; for the first time collected and edited: with facsimiles, memorial introduction, and notes; by Alex. B. Grosart. 1869. 35 FULLER WORTHIES' LIBRARY Continued. 3, 4, 4a. The complete prose works (including hitherto unpublished MSS.) of Sir John Davies: for the first time collected and edited with facsimiles, memorial introduction and notes; by Alex. B. Grosart. 1876. 3v. 5. The poems of Joseph Fletcher:... for the first time edited and reprinted; by Alex. B. Grosart. 1869. 6-9. The works in verse and prose complete of Henry Vaughan, Silurist; for the first time collected and edited:... by Alex. B. Grosart. 1871. 4v. 10, ii. The complete works of Richard Crashaw;... edited by Alex. B. Grosart. 1872-73. 2 v. 12, 13. The complete poems of John Donne, D.D., ... edited... by Alex. B. Grosart. 1872-73. 2 v. portrait. 14-17. The complete works in verse and prose of Andrew Marvell, M.P.,.. edited. Alex. B. Grosart. 1872-75. 4 v. 1 8. The complete poems of Robert Southwell, S.J.;... edited... by Alex. B. Grosart. 1872. 19, 20. The complete poems of Sir Philip Sidney;... edited... by Alex. B. Grosart. 1873. 2 v. 21-23. The complete works in verse and prose of George Herbert; ...edited by Alex. B. Grosart. 1874. 3 v. portrait. 24. The complete poems of Christopher Harvey; being a supplemen- tary volume to the complete works in verse and prose of George Herbert: edited by Alex. B. Grosart. 1874. 25. Miscellanies of the Fuller Worthies' Library. The Anatomic of Basenesse (1615) by John Andrews; edited with introduction and notes by Alex. B. Grosart. 1871. The poems of Lord Bacon The poems of Bishop Jeremy Taylor The " Temptacyon," a sacred play, by Bishop Bale The poems of William Harbert, of Glamorgan The poems of Humphrey Gifford and the poems of Dr. William Loe; edited... by Alex. B. Grosart. 1870. The poems of Lucius Carey, Viscount Falkland;... edited... by Alex. B. Grosart 1871. -36- FULLER WORTHIES' LIBRARY Continued. 26. Miscellanies of the Fuller Worthies' Library. The writings in verse and prose of Sir Edward Dyer (i54o?-i6o7); ...edited... by Alex. B. Grosart. 1872. The songs of Sion, of Dr. William Loe (1620); edited... by Alex. B. Grosart. 1870. 27. Miscellanies of the Fuller Worthies' Library. Poems; by Henry Lok, gentleman (1593-1597): edited by Alex. B. Grosart. 1871. 28. Miscellanies of the Fuller Worthies' Library. "The Temptacyon of our Lord;" by John Bale, Bishop of Ossory; ...edited by Alex. B. Grosart. 1870. The poems of William Harbert (usually called Sir William Herbert), Glamorgan; edited... by Alex. B. Grosart. 1870. The teares of the beloued (1600); and Marie Magdalene's teares (1601); by Gervase Markham; edited... by Alex. B. Grosart. 1871. 29. Miscellanies of the Fuller Worthies' Library. Concerning the Holy Eucharist and the Popish Breaden God (1625); by Thomas Tuke; edited... by Alex. B. Grosart. 1871. The Countesse of Pembroke's Emanuell together with certaine Psalmes; by Abraham Fraunce (1591); edited... by Alex. B. Grosart. 1871. The poems of John Norris, of Bemberton;... edited., by Alex. B. Gro- sart. 1871. 30. Miscellanies of the Fuller Worthies' Library. Licia and other love-poems, and Rising to the Crowne of Richard the Third; by Giles Fletcher, LL.D.; edited... by Alex. B. Grosart. 1871. I. A Crucifixe, or a meditation upon repentance and the Holie passion. II. Queene Elizabeth's teares, or her resolute bearing the Christian Crosse (1607); by Christopher Lever; edited. Alex. B. Grosart. 1872. 37 FULLER WORTHIES' LIBRARY Continued. 31. Miscellanies of the Fuller Worthies' Library. Poems of Christopher Brooke;... edited by Alex. B. Grosart. 1872. The poems of Thomas, Lord Vaux (died 1562): Edward, Earl of Oxford (died 1604): Robert, Earl of Essex (died 1601): and Walter, Earl of Essex (died i576) Alex. B. Grosart. 1872. 32. Miscellanies of the Fuller Worthies' Library. Poems of Humphrey Gifford (1850); edited by Alex. B. Grosart. 1870. (Containing also Jacke Jugeler; Godly Queene Hester; and Luminalia, or the festival of light, 1637.) 33. The poems of Thomas Washbourne, D.D.; edited... by Alex. B. Grosart. 1868. 34-37. The poems of Phineas Fletcher;... edited... by Alex. B. Grosart. 1869. 4 v. 38. The poems of Sir John Beaumont; edited by Alex. B. Grosart. 1869. 39-42. The works in verse and prose complete of...Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke;... edited... by Alex. B. Grosart. 1870. 4 v. GARDINER, SAMUEL R. Historical works. 1869-91. n v. 8vo GARNETT, T. A tour through the Highlands and part of the Western Isles of Scotland ; by T. Garnett, M.D. London 1800. 2 v. 410 illust. cloth. GAY, JOHN. Fables by John Gay; with a life of the author, and embellished with a plate to each fable. London 1793. roy. 8vo calf. GIBBON, EDWARD. History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire; by Edward Gibbon. London 1838. 8 v. 8vo portrait caifspr.e. GILFILLAN, GEORGE. Bards of the Bible; by George Gilfillan. Edinburgh 1851. 8vo cloth. -38- GILFILLAN, GEORGE Continued. First gallery of literary portraits; by George Gilfillan. 3rd edit. Edinburgh 1851. 8vo cloth. Second gallery. 2nd edit. 1852. 8vo cloth. The history of a man; by George Gilfillan. London 1856. crown 8vo half mor. g.e. Christianity and our era: a book for the times; by George Gilfillan. Edinburgh 1857. 8vo cloth. Remoter stars in the church sky...; by G. Gilfillan. London 1867. pOSt 8vO cloth r.e. Sketches, literary and theological; being selections from an unpublished MS. of George Gilfillan; edited by Frank Henderson. Edinburgh 1881. 8vO cloth. Martyrs and heroes of the Scottish Covenant; by George Gilfillan. 4th edit. Edinburgh n.d. i2mo cloth. GILLESPIE, GEORGE. Treatise of miscellany questions; by George Gillespie. Edinburgh 1649. Sm. 4tO calf. GILLMAN, JAMES. See Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. GILMOUR, DAVID. Reminiscences of the Pen' folk, Paisley weavers of other days, etc. ; by David Gilmour. 2nd edit. Edinburgh 1879. crown 8vo cloth uncut. GIRDLESTONE, E. D. Our misdirected labour considered as a grave national and personal question;... by E. D. Girdlestone. Weston-super-Mare 1876. fcap 8vo sewed. GLASGOW. ACCOUNTS. City of Glasgow; Corporation and trust accounts, 1873-74; 1875-1877. fcap fo 39 GLASGOW, ACCOUNTS Continued. r City of Glasgow; Municipal and parochial accounts, 1870-1875; 1877- 1883; 1888-89. f ' ca P fo ANDERSTON. Excerpts from the ancient records of the Weavers' Society of Anderston. Glasgow 1879. 8vo <;ioth. Rules and regulations and list of office-bearers and members of the Weavers' Society of Anderston. Glasgow 1879. ^vo cloth - BARCLAY, HUGH. Rambling recollections of old Glasgow; by "Nestor." Glasgow 1880. Crown 8VO cloth uncut. BLACK, WILLIAM GEORGE. The derivation of the word "Glasgow;" by William George Black. Glasgow 1883. 8vo BOUNDARIES. Statement by the Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council of the City and Royal Burgh of Glasgow of the grounds on which they urge a revision and extension of the boundaries of the city for all purposes of municipal, police, and sanitary administration. Glasgow 1878. 8vo Statement on the appointment of a royal commission... to consider the whole question of the extension of municipal areas in Scotland. Glasgow 1879. cr. 410 Case for the Town Council of the City of Glasgow; setting forth the grounds on which they urge that the boundaries of the city should be extended. Edinburgh 1887. imp 8vo Glasgow boundaries commission. Observations for the City and Royal Burgh of Glasgow ... Glasgow 1887. cr. 4to BROWN, ANDREW. History of Glasgow, and of Paisley, Greenock, and Port-Glasgow; comprehending the ecclesiastical and civil history of these places... by Andrew Brown. Glasgow 1795-97. 2 v. 8vo half mor. t.e.g. uncut. BROWN, GEORGE. Diary of George Brown, merchant in Glasgow, 1745-53. Glasgow 1856. 8VO calf r.e. 40 GLASGOW Continued. * CATHEDRAL. Essay on the Cathedral church of Glasgow; and a history of the See;... by Archibald M'Lellan. Glasgow 1833. 4to boards uncut. Plans and elevations of the proposed restorations and additions to the Cathedral of Glasgow, with explanatory address by the local committee. Glasgow 1836. la. 4to The crypts of Glasgow Cathedral; two original etchings by Charles Bird. Glasgow. i6to CHRONICLES of Saint Mungo: or antiquities and traditions of Glasgow. Glasgow 1843- I2niO half mor. t.e.g. uncut. CHURCHES. Some annals of the United Presbyterian congregation of Wellington Street, Glasgow; by James Mitchell, LL.D. Glasgow 1877. post 8vo portraits caifg.e. Celebration of the Jubilee of the Rev. John Edwards, D.D., senior minister of the United Presbyterian congregation, Greenhead, Glasgow, 1880. Glasgow n.d. crown 8vo portrait cloth. WYND CHURCH SETTLEMENT PAMPHLETS. 4to haifcaif. A seasonable address to the citizens of Glasgow, upon the important question, Whether the churches of that city shall continue free, or be enslaved to Patronage? 1762. A continuation of the historical account of the debates which happened in the years 1755, I 7^ I > and 1762, concerning the model, or form, for calling ministers to the city of Glasgow; a second letter from J C to W M . 1762. An exhortation to the General-session of Glasgow; by a Modeller. 1763. Proposals for publishing by subscription an entire new work entitled A political dictionary. Glasgow 1764. Copy of a summons of erection, raised at the instance of the Magistrates and Town Council of Glasgow against the officers of state. 1762. GLASGOW, CHURCHES, WYND CHURCH Continued. Models for chusing ministers to the city of Glasgow in two plans. Glasgow 1763. Extracts of several acts of the Town Council of the city of Glasgow, relative to the present debates about settling ministers in said city. 1763. Answers to reasons of protest ; by Archibald Ingram and others against an act of the Town Council of Glasgow. Replies for Provost Archibald Ingram, John Pagan, and other members of the Town-council of Glasgow, to the answers to their reasons of protest. Tiend court. Memorial for the Magistrates and Town-council of Glasgow, pursuers, against the Presbytery and General-sessions of Glasgow, defenders. 1763. Tiend court. Memorial for the Presbytery and general Kirk-sessions of Glasgow, against the Magistrates and Town-council of Glasgow. 1763. Memorial, with regard to the settlement of the Wynd Church of Glasgow: two of the magistrates and a majority of the Town-council, appellants: and five of the particular Sessions of that city, respondents. 1764. Answers for the Magistrates and Town-council of Glasgow, appellants, to the memorial of the five ministers and their Sessions, respondents, in the cause of the settlement of the Wynd Church. 1764. Summary of facts in the question now depending, before the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr, between the Magistrates and Town-council of the City of Glasgow, appellants, and five of the ministers of the said city and their Sessions. Case; five of the particular sessions of Glasgow, appellants, from a sentence of the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr; the appellants case. 1764. Case; the Magistrates and Town-council of the city of Glasgow... in behalf of George Bannatyne . . . with the Synod of Glasgow and Air, re- spondents : five of the ministers of Glasgow, and Kirk-sessions, appellants: the respondents case. 1764. F 42 GLASGOW Continued. CITY OF GLASGOW BANK. Report of the trial before the High Court of Justiciary; Her Majesty's Advocate against the Directors and the Manager of the City of Glasgow Bank, and of the procedure upon the petition for bail; by Charles Tennant Couper. Edinburgh 1879. r y- 8vo cloth. CLELAND, JAMES. Annals of Glasgow, comprising an account of the public buildings, charities, and the rise and progress of the city; by James Cleland. Glasgow l8l6. 2 V. 8VO calf m.e. The rise and progress of the City of Glasgow, comprising an account of its public buildings, charities, and other concerns; by James Cleland. Glasgow l82O. 8VO boards uncut. Annals of Glasgow, comprising an account of the public buildings, charities, and the rise and progress of the city; by James Cleland, LL.D. GlaSgOW 1829. 8vO boards uncut. The rise and progress of the City of Glasgow; comprising an account of its ancient and modern history, its trade, manufactures, commerce, [etc.]; by James Cleland, LL.D. Glasgow 1840. 8vo half roan spr.e. See also Glasgow, Statistics. CLYDE. Strath-Clutha; or the beauties of Clyde, delineated in a series of views of the principal towns and villages, watering-places, palaces, castles, gentlemen's seats, and romantic scenery; with historical and descriptive illustrations : by John M. Leighton. Glasgow 410 cloth g.e. Clyde navigation. Amendment Act, 1858; Glasgow (Harbour tram- ways act, 1864); Amendment act, 1868; Stobcross Dock act, 1870. post 8VO cloth. Clyde navigation: extracts from the records of the Burgh of Glasgow relating to the River Clyde. 1878. crown 410 maps cloth. City of Glasgow: river Clyde pollution, 1872-74. Glasgow 1875. crown fo cloth. 43 GLASGOW Continued. CLYDESIDE CAMEOS: A series of sketches of prominent Clydeside men : republished from "Fair Play." London 1885. crown 8vo cloth. CORPORATION GALLERIES. Catalogue, descriptive and historical, of the pictures and sculpture in the Corporation Galleries of Art, Glasgow; compiled by James Paton. Glasgow 1882. 8vo Parks and Galleries Trust, Glasgow. Report by J. C. Robinson, H.M. surveyor of pictures, on the art collections, Corporation Galleries, Glasgow. 8vo Report on the City Industrial Museum, Kelvingrove Park, and the Corporation Galleries of Art, for 1877. Glasgow. 8vo CULLAN, JOHN. Glasgow illustrated in a series of picturesque views drawn and engraved byj. Scott, with historical and descriptive illustrations; by John Cullan. GlaSgOW 1834. 8VO half calf spr.e. DEAN OF GUILD COURT. Memorial... relative to the claim by the Dean of Guild and his council, to appoint the clerk and assessor of the Dean of Guild Court of Glasgow. 4to DENHOLM, JAMES. History of Glasgow and suburbs : to which is added a sketch of a tour to the principal Scotch and English lakes; by James Denholm. 3rd edit Glasgow 1804. 8VO maps illust. half calf spr.a. DIRECTORIES. John Tail's directory, for the city of Glasgow, villages of Anderston, Calton, and Gorbals; also for the towns of Paisley, Greenock, Port- Glasgow, and Kilmarnock, from i5th May 1783 to i5th May 1784. Glasgow 1783. Reprinted Glasgow 1871. post 8vo calf g.e. A reprint of Jones's directory or useful pocket companion for the year 1789: containing an alphabetical list of the names and places of abode of the merchants, traders, and shopkeepers in and about the city of Glasgow. Glasgow l866. post 8vO rox. te.g. 44 GLASGOW, DIRECTORIES Continued. The Glasgow directory: containing a list of the merchants, manu- facturers, traders, etc. in the city and suburbs. 1811: 1815: 1816: 1817: 1820: l82i: T822. Glasgow V.d. I2niO half mor. DUNCAN, RICHARD. Notices and documents illustrative of the literary history of Glasgow, during the greater part of last century. Glasgow 1831. Reprinted GlaSgOW l886. 4tO boards uncut. EDUCATION. Bursaries, schools, mortifications and bequests, for which the Magistrates and Council of the city of Glasgow act, either in whole or in part, as trustees, patrons, or administrators; by John Strang, LL.D. Glasgow 1 86 1. 8vo cloth. Notes on educational and other mortifications connected with the city of Glasgow and wholly or partially under the administration of the Magistrates, or Magistrates and Council; by J. D. Marwick. 1878 8vo cloth. Report of committee on educational endowments in Glasgow. 1880. imp. 8vo EXHIBITIONS. Catalogue of the exhibition of portraits on loan in the new Galleries of Art, Corporation Buildings. Glasgow 1868. 8vo Naval and marine engineering exhibition, Corporation Galleries, Glas gow, 1 880-81: catalogue with supplement. Glasgow 1880. 8vo Glasgow naval and marine engineering exhibition, 1 880-81: Lectures on naval architecture and engineering; with catalogue of the exhibition. London 1881. 8vo illust. cloth. International exhibition of industry, science, and art, Glasgow, 1888. List of guarantors. September 1887. post 8vo Pen and ink notes at the Glasgow Exhibition : a series of illustrations, by T. Raffles Davison; with an account of the Exhibition; by Robert Walker. London 1888. 410 illust. cloth. The book of the Bishop's Castle, and hand-book of the archaeological Collection. l888. I2mO vellum uncut. 45 GLASGOW, EXHIBITIONS Continued. Scottish national memorials. Glasgow 1890. L.P. imp 410 illust. cloth t.e.g. uncut. FAIRBAIRN, THOMAS. Relics of ancient architecture and other picturesque scenes in Glasgow; thirty drawings by Thomas Fairbairn; with letterpress description by James Pagan and James H. Stoddart. Glasgow 1885. fo mor. te.g. uncut. FRAZER, DANIEL. The story of the making of Buchanan Street; with some reminiscences of the past half century; by Daniel Frazer. Glasgow 1885. f'cap 410 rox. uncut. GIBSON, JOHN. The history of Glasgow, from the earliest accounts to the present time ; John Gibson. Glasgow 1777. 8vo map caifgr.e. GILLESPIE, ROBERT. Glasgow and the Clyde; by Robert Gillespie. Glasgow 1876. fcap 8vO cloth. GILLIES, JOHN. An exhortation to the inhabitants of the south parish of Glasgow; [by John Gillies.] Glasgow [1750?]. 2 v. in i i2mo out GLASGOW DELINEATED; in its institutions, manufactures, and commerce; with a map of the city and engravings of its principal public buildings. 2nd edit. Glasgow 1836. I2mO half mor. te.g. uncut. GORDON, J. F. S. Glasghu facies: a view of the city of Glasgow;... by John M'Ure alias Campbell,... comprising also every history hitherto published; edited by J. F. S. Gordon, D.D. Glasgow n.d. in 2 v. 8vo illust. hair mor. t.e.g GORBALS. A project for erecting public markets and a grand academy on improved principles in the Gorbals ; and for improving the general establishments of that Barony;... with a general introduction illustrating the advantages of instituting a Royal Academical Society in the city of Glasgow; by David Laurie. Glasgow 1810. 8vo maps half calf. - 4 6- GL ASGO W Continued. GOTHAM. The chronicles of Gotham; or the facetious history of official proceed- ings. Glasgow 1856. fcap 8vo illust. cloth. GREEN OF GLASGOW. Report respecting the improvements in the Green of Glasgow, with an account of its minerals and its natural filter for an additional supply of water to the city; by James Cleland. Glasgow 1828. fo maps w. calf Report by the Town-clerk as to the common lands of the city and royal burgh of Glasgow, and specially as to Glasgow Green ; by J. D. Marwick. Glasgow 1891. fo HAWKIE. The autobiography of a gangrel; edit, by John Strathesk. Glasgow 1888. fcap 8vo HERALD. Centenary of "The Glasgow Herald:" banquet in St. Andrew's Halls, Glasgow, January 27, 1882. fcap 4to cloth r.e. BILLHEAD EXTENSION. Proceedings and productions in petition, at the instance of Archibald Cuninghame Wilson... for revision and extension of the boundaries of said burgh. Glasgow 1875. 410 Hillhead extension: proof in petition at the instance of A. C. Wilson... for revision and extension of the boundaries of said burgh. Glasgow 1875. 4to HOSPITALS. Report for the directors of the Town's Hospital of Glasgow on the management of the city poor, the suppression of mendicity, and the principles of the plan for the new Hospital. Glasgow 1818. 8vo boards. The medical institutions of Glasgow: a hand-book prepared for the annual meeting of the British Medical Association held in Glasgow, August 1888; compiled... by James Christie, M.D. Glasgow 1888. 8VO illust. cloth. 47 GLASGOW Continued. HOW GLASGOW CEASED to flourish: a tale of 1890. Glasgow 1884. roy. 8vo paper uucut. HUTCHESON'S HOSPITAL. Abstract of the rules and regulations by which Hutcheson's Hospital is governed,... to which is added a history of the said Hospital. Glasgow l8oO. 8vO half roan uncut. The constitution, rules, and history of the Royal Incorporation of Hutcheson's Hospital in the City of Glasgow... chiefly a reprint of the history, etc., 1800. Glasgow 1850. 8vo cloth. An account of Hutcheson's school in Glasgow [from] 1641, submitted for the general information of the patrons, and specially with reference to a proposal to establish a school for girls in connection with the Institution. Glasgow 1867. 8vo Narrative of the proceedings at the inauguration of Hutcheson's Grammar School, and Hutcheson's Girls' School, 1876. Glasgow 1876. 8vo History of the Hospital and School in Glasgow, founded by George and Thomas Hutcheson of Lambhill, 1639-41: with notices of the founders and of their family, properties, and affairs; by William H. Hill. Glasgow [l88l]. 4tO illust. mor. t.e.g. uncut. KEELIVINE. The legend of Saint Mungo; done into metre by the poet Keelivine; [by A. D. Robertson.] Glasgow 1869. 410 illust. LIBER PROTOCOLLORUM, M. Cuthberti Simonis notarii publici et scribae capituli, Glasguensis, 1499-1513: also Rental book of diocese of Glasgow, 1509-1570; edited by Joseph Bain and Charles Rogers, LL.D. London 1875. 2 v - 8VO cloth. LIBRARIES. Public and private libraries of Glasgow; by Thomas Mason. Glasgow 1885. 8vO cloth uncut. The Mitchell Library, Glasgow, from 1874 to 1884; [by F. T. Barrett], private 1885. roy. 8vo paper uncut. GLASGOW, LIBRARIES Continued, Report of the Mitchell Library, Glasgow, 1874-1879 to 1888. Glasgow 18801889. roau r - e - Catalogue of Stirling's and Glasgow Public Library. Glasgow 1888. TOy. 8\ r O qr. roan t.e.g. uncut. Catalogue of the Library of the Institute of Accountants and Actuaries in Glasgow; compiled by Franklin T. Barrett. Glasgow 1889. rox. uncut. Catalogue of books in the Library of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow: to which is added catalogue of books in the Library of the Architectural section. Glasgow 1883. 8vo LORD PROVOSTS. Biographical sketches of the Lord Provosts of Glasgow, Glasgow 1883. imp. 8vO half mor. t.e.g. uncut. LOWE, PETER. Account of the life and works of Maister Peter Lowe, the founder of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow; by James Finlayson, M.D. Glasgow 1889. f'cap 4to portrait. M'DONALD, HUGH. Rambles round Glasgow, descriptive, historical, and traditional; by Hugh M 'Donald. 2nd edit. Glasgow 1856. f'cap 8vo hair calf m.e. MACGEORGE, ANDREW. An inquiry as to the armorial insignia of the City of Glasgow. Glasgow l866. 4tO illust. cloth g.e. The old country houses of the old Glasgow gentry: illustrated by per- manent photographs by Annan. 2nd edit. Glasgow 1878. 4to illust. qr. mor. t.e.g. uncut. Old Glasgow: the place and the people; from the Roman occupation to the eighteenth century; by Andrew Macgeorge. Glasgow 1880. 410 illust. qr. mor. t.e.g. uncut, large paper, no. 78. MACKENZIE, PETER. Reminiscences of Glasgow and the West of Scotland; by Peter Mackenzie. Glasgow 1865-68. 3 v. 8vo portraits half mor. t.e.g. 49 GLASGOW Continued. M'NAYR, JAMES. A guide from Glasgow, to some of the most remarkable scenes in the Highlands of Scotland, and to the Falls of the Clyde; by James M'Nayr. Glasgow 1797. 8vO half calf spr.e. M'URE, JOHN. A view of the city of Glasgow, or an account of its origin, rise, and progress, with a more particular description thereof than has hitherto been known : containing the foundation of the Episcopal See, with the succes- sion of Bishops and Archbishops from the year 1122 till the late happy Revolution; the erection of the town into a royal burgh, with the sub- sequent grants from the Crown thereto; the account of the Cathedral church as well as the other churches of the city, the hospitals, halls, streets, lanes, markets, fairs, the several Incorporations, the sett of the Merchants' and Deacon-conveeners' Houses, the rise, growth, and progress of trade, the several benefactors to the city, the University, the buildings, and builders, gardens and walks here, from the time of its foundation to the present time, illustrated with many curious and useful observations and reflections; by John M'Ure alias Campbel. Glasgow 1736. 8vo por- trait, plates mor. g.e. plates mounted on silk. The history of Glasgow; by John M'Ure: a new edition with notes and illustrations, and an appendix. Glasgow 1830. 8vo half mor. t.e.g. uncut. MEMOIRS and portraits of one hundred Glasgow men who have died during the last thirty years, and in their lives did much to make the city what it now is. Glasgow l886. 2 V. 4tO portraits qr. mor. t.e.g. uncut MERCHANTS' HOUSE. View of the Merchants' House of Glasgow; containing historical notices of its origin, constitution, and property, and of the charitable foundations which it administers. Glasgow 1866. 410 illust. cloth g. a The Merchants' House of Glasgow: its regulations, directorate, and representatives, the mortifications or special charities under its charge, and an abbreviate of the jurisdiction and procedure of the Dean of Guild court. Glasgow 1874. 8vo cloth. _ 5 o GLASGOW, MERCHANTS' HOUSE Continued. List of the matriculated members of the Merchants' House of Glasgow, 1768-1857. Glasgow 1858. roy. 8vo cloth. Another edition, with a list of the Deans of Guild from. ..1605. Glasgow 1863. 8vo cloth. MILLS, GEORGE. The beggar's benison; or a hero without a name; but with an aim; a Clydesdale story. London 1866. 2 v. crown 8vo illust. half mor. MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS. Description of ceremonial on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of the Municipal Buildings in George Square, Glasgow, 1883. Glasgow 1885. post 4tO illust. cloth t.e.g. PAGAN, JAMES. Sketch of the history of Glasgow; by James Pagan. Glasgow 1847. 8vO half mor. t.e.g. uncut. Glasgow, past and present; illustrated in Dean of Guild Court reports, and in the reminiscences and communications of Senex, Aliquis, J. B., etC. GlaSgOW 1851. 2 V. 8VO half mor. t.e.g. uncut. Also vol. 3.; embracing I. Loose Memoranda on Glasgow subjects, by Senex; II. Desultory sketches, by J. B. Glasgow 1856. (Uniform with above.) illust. Glasgow, past and present; illustrated in Dean of Guild Court reports, and in the reminiscences and communications of Senex, Aliquis, J. B., etC. GlaSgOW 1884. 3 V. Sm. 4tO mor. t.e.g. uncut. PEEL, SIR ROBERT. Description of the banquet in honour of Sir Robert Peel, Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow, 1837; by James Cleland, LL.D. Glasgow. 4tO boards uncut. PERIODICALS. Glasgow Looking Glass. Coloured illust. fo half roan, spr.e. Herald to the Trades' advocate, and co-operative journal. Glasgow 1830-31. 8VO half calf. The Ant: a periodical paper published in Glasgow during the years 1826 and 1827. Original department. Glasgow 1827. caifm.e. GLASGOW, PERIODICALS Continued. The Druid: a series of miscellaneous essays. Glasgow 1812. 8vo half calf spr.e. The Emmet: a periodical publication, April 1823 till March 1824. Glasgow 1824. 2 V. I2mO half calf spr.e. The Literary museum and critical review. Glasgow 1832. 8vo half calf spr.e. The Literary rambler: a magazine of literature, science, and art. Glasgow 1832. roy. 8vO boards. The Loyal Reformers' Gazette. Glasgow 1831-36. 6 v. The Thistle: or literary, theatrical, and police reporter. 1829-1832. in 2 volumes. 4tO half calf uncut. PHOTOGRAPHS. Photographs of Glasgow, with descriptive letterpress ; by A. G. Forbes. GlaSgOW 4tO cloth g.e. Glasgow City improvement trust: photographs of old closes, streets, etc., taken 1868-1877. 4tO mor. g.e. POLICE. An act to regulate the police and statute labour of the city of Glasgow, 1866. Glasgow 1866. 8vo calf. Abstract of the act to regulate the police and statute labour of the city of Glasgow, 1866. Glasgow 1867. 8vo cait An act to regulate the police and statute labour of the city of Glasgow, and for other purposes, 1866. Glasgow 1879. 8vo m 2 parts cloth. City of Glasgow police ; regulations, orders, and instructions. Glasgow 1857. 8vO halfcal City of Glasgow police. Bye-laws for stage and hackney carriages and their drivers, city porters, chimney-sweepers, lodging-house keepers, [etc.] Glasgow 1865, 1873, 1879. 3 v. f'cap 8vo calf. RECORDS. Memorabilia of the city of Glasgow, selected from the minute books of the Burgh, 15881750. GlaSgOW 1835. 4tO mor. te.g. uncut. Extracts from the records of the Burgh of Glasgow, 1573-1642. Glasgow (Scottish Burgh Records soc.) 1876. crown 410 cloth. 52 GLASGOW, RECORDS Continued. Extracts from the records of the Burgh of Glasgow, 1630-1662. Glasgow (Scottish Burgh Records soc.) 1881. crown 4to cloth. Inventory of the records of the city of Glasgow. 1881. cr. 4to half mor. uncut. REGALITY CLUB. The Regality club. 1889 and cont. 4to illust. half mor. t.e.g. uncut REID, ROBERT. Old Glasgow and its environs, historical and topographical; by Senex. Glasgow 1864. 8vO portrait, maps half mor. t.e.g. uncut. SANITATION. City of Glasgow sanitary department. Instructions for the medical, inspecting, and cleansing officers. Glasgow 1870. post 8vo Reports as to disposal of Glasgow sewage. 1880. crown 8vo SMITH, J. The grievances of the working classes, and the pauperism and crime of Glasgow; with their causes, extent, and remedies; by J. Smith. Glasgow 1846. i2mo SOCIETIES. Transactions of the Glasgow Archaeological Society. Glasgow 1868-83 > 1885-90. 8VO illust. half calf m.e Constitution of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Glasgow 1862. 8VO cloth. Constitution of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow, instituted 1802. Glasgow 1865. 8vo cloth. Glasgow St. Andrew Society. Banquet, 3oth November, 1880. Glasgow 1 88 1. crown 8vo cloth. Constitution and regulations of the Glasgow and Clydesdale Statistical Society: with transactions. 1836. 410 paper uncut. STATISTICS. Report on the mortality bills of the city of Glasgow and suburbs, 1851- 52; with illustrative social statistics; by John Strang, LL.D. Glasgow 1852-53. 2 v. 8vo 53 GLASGOW, STATISTICS Continued. Report on the census of the parliamentary and municipal city of Glasgow for 1861; by John Strang, LL.D. Glasgow 1861. 8vo Report on the vital and economic statistics of Glasgow; by John Strang. For 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862. Glasgow 1859-63. Report on the vital, social, and economic statistics of Glasgow ; by Wm. W. Watson. For 1863-64, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879. Glasgow 1865-80. Report upon the vital, social, and economic statistics of Glasgow for 1880; by W. W. Watson. Glasgow 1881. 8vo Vital, social, and economic statistics of the city of Glasgow, 1881-1885 ; with observations thereon; by James Nicol. Glasgow 1885. 8vo Vital, social, and economic statistics of the City of Glasgow, 1885-1891 ; by James Nicol. Glasgow 1891. 8vo cloth. The vital statistics of the city of Glasgow; by James B. Russell, M.D., LL.D. Glasgow 1886. 3 pts. 8vo bound with above half calf spr.e. Census, 1881 Glasgow. The decennial census as a basis for the statistics of intervening years, illustrated by the case of Glasgow, with tables derived from census; by the medical officer of health of Glasgow [J. B. Russell]. Glasgow 1881. 8vo Enumeration of the inhabitants of the city of Glasgow and its connected suburbs... compiled by James Cleland. Glasgow 1820. fo Enumeration of the inhabitants of the city of Glasgow and county of Lanark for the government census of 1831; by James Cleland, LL.D. 2nd edit. Glasgow 1832. fo cloth uncut. Statistical facts descriptive of the former and present state of Glasgow; by James Cleland, LL.D. Glasgow 1837. 8vo roan g.e. STEWART, GEORGE. Curiosities of Glasgow citizenship, as exhibited chiefly in the business career of its old commercial aristocracy; by George Stewart. Glasgow 1 88 1. Crown 4tO cloth t.e.g. uncut. Progress of Glasgow : a sketch of the commercial and industrial increase of the city during the last century, as shown in the records of the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce and other authentic documents; by George Stewart. Glasgow 1883. fcap 4tO roan uncut. 54 GLASGOW Continued. STRANG, JOHN. Necropolis Glasguensis; with observations on ancient and modern tombs and sepulture; by John Strang. Glasgow 1831. 8vo illust. half roan uncut. The progress of Glasgow in population, wealth, manufactures, etc... by John Strang, LL.D. Glasgow 1850. 8vo Containing additional notes, reviews, etc., also autograph letters from Ch. Martino, Duke of Argyle, William Weir, J. A. Ewing, and James Stark, half calf. Glasgow and its clubs : or glimpses of the condition, manners, characters, and oddities of the city, during the past and present century; by John Strang, LL.D. London 1856. 8vO half mor. t.e.g. uncut. See also Glasgow, Statistics. STUART, ROBERT. Views and notices of Glasgow in former times. Glasgow 1848. 410 cloth. SWAN, JOSEPH. Select views of Glasgow and its environs, engraved by Joseph Swan from drawings by J. Fleming and J. Knox, with historical and descriptive illustrations and an introductory sketch of the progress of the city; by John M. Leighton. Glasgow 1828. 4to mor. g.e. TEINDS. Note in regard to the teinds of the parish of Glasgow. 1873. fo TOPOGRAPHICAL PICTURE of Glasgow in its ancient and modern state, with sketches of a tour to the lakes and romantic scenery in the shires of Dumbarton, Argyll, and Perth, and to the falls of Clyde. 3rd edit. Glasgow 1820. i2mo maps and illustrations calf spr.e. TOWN-COUNCIL. Minutes of the Glasgow Town-council, by Motherwell, 1588 to 1697. [newspaper cuttings.] i2mo Standing orders enacted by the magistrates and council of Glasgow, 1857. Glasgow. 8vO paper. 55 GLASGOW Continued. TRADES. History of the Incorporation of Cordiners in Glasgow; by William Campbell. Glasgow 1883. crown 8vo cloth. Laws and regulations of the Incorporation of Hammermen of Glasgow, with appendix containing list of members, as at 2ist September, 1877. Glasgow 1878. cr. 4to The Incorporation of Hammermen of Glasgow: alphabetical list of members, as at aoth September, 1889. Glasgow 1890. cr. 410 Chronicles of the Maltmen craft in Glasgow, 1605-1 879... by Robert Douie. Glasgow 1879. crown 410 cloth. The Incorporation of Wrights in Glasgow. Glasgow 1880. 8vo cloth reel e. TRADES' HOUSE. A sketch of the rise and progress of the Trades' House of Glasgow, its constitution, funds, and bye-laws; by George Crawford. Glasgow 1858. 8VO cloth. TRAMWAYS. Glasgow tramways acts; i. Glasgow street tramways act, 1870...!!. The Glasgow Corporation tramways act, 1872. Glasgow 1873. crown 8vo cloth. Acts of Parliament and other documents relating to the Glasgow Cor- poration tramways, with arrangement of sections, explanatory notes, and index. Glasgow 1877. roy. 8vo cloth. Minutes of proceedings taken before the select committee on private bills on the Glasgow Corporation tramways bill. 1878. f'cap fo cloth. Glasgow Corporation tramways, 1878. Map mounted on cloth. TRIALS. Trial of Thomas Hunter... [and others] the Glasgow cotton-spinners... on charges of murder... reported by J. Marshall. Edinburgh 1838. 8vo portraits qr. roan. -56- GL ASGO W Continued. UNIVERSITY. Inaugural addresses by Lords Rectors of the University of Glasgow; to which are prefixed an historical sketch and account of the present state of the University; by John Barras Hay. Glasgow 1839. roy. 8vo illust. half calf te.g. uncut. The old College; being the Glasgow University Album for 1869; edited by students. Glasgow 1869. cr. 410 2 photos. cloth uncut Memorials of the old College of Glasgow. Glasgow 1871. 410 photographs by Annan qr. mor. g.e. The Glasgow University Library: notes on its history, arrangements, and aims; by William P. Dickson, D.D., LL.D. Notice of the Euing collection of Bibles; by James Lymburn. Glasgow 1888. 8vo University pamphlets. Glasgow 1882-83. l - Actuals, ii. Personal experiences, iii. Personal experiences, iv. Considerations by the way. WADE, W. M. The history of Glasgow, ancient and modern, with an historical intro- duction... by W. M. Wade. GlaSgOW n.d. [l82l] I2mO half mor. t.e.g. uncut. WATER SUPPLY. Glasgow Corporation Water Works. Photographic views of Loch Katrine, and of some of the principal works constructed for introducing the water of Loch Katrine into the city of Glasgow; by Thomas Annan: with descriptive notes by James M. Gale. Glasgow 1877. obi. fo mor.g.e. Glasgow Corporation water works acts, passed in the years 1855, 1859, 1860, 1865, 1866. Glasgow 1868. 8vo cloth. History of the water supply to Glasgow, from the commencement of the present century ;... by John Burnet. Glasgow 1869. 8vo maps mor. g.e. Acts of Parliament and other documents relating to the Glasgow Cor- poration waterworks. Glasgow 1883. roy. 8vo cloth. GLENCOE. The massacre of Glencoe; i3th of February 1692; being a reprint of a contemporary account of that ruthless butchery: edited by Edmund Goldsmid. Edinburgh 1885. crown 8vo 57 GOMME, GEORGE LAURENCE. See Antiquarian library. GORDON, J. F. S. The book of the chronicles of Keith, Grange, Ruthven, Cairney, and Botriphnie; events, places, and persons; by J. F. S. Gordon, D.D. GlaSgOW l88o. Crown 4tO illuSt. qr. mor. t.e.g. See also Glasgow. GORE, MRS. CATHERINE. See Cruikshank, George. GOTTHELF, JEREMIAS. See Ruskin, John. GOULBURN, EDWARD M. Thoughts on personal religion; by Edward Meyrick Goulburn, D.D. London 1868. f'cap 8vo cloth. GRAHAM, GEORGE F. The Songs of Scotland adapted to their appropriate melodies, illustrated with historical notices by George Farquhar Graham. Edinburgh 1853. 3 V. roy. 8vO calf r.e. GRAHAM, WILLIAM. The one pound note in the rise and progress of banking in Scotland, and its adaptability to England; by William Graham. Edinburgh 1886. 8VO cloth. GRATTAN, HENRY. Miscellaneous works of Henry Grattan. London 1822. 8vo half calf spr.e. Memoirs of the life and times of Henry Grattan, by his son Henry Grattan. London 1839. 2 v - 8vo portrait half calf spr.e. GRAY, JAMES. The banquet of wit, being a varied selection of anecdotes, bon mots, et cetera; compiled by James Gray and J. J. B. Maidment. London 1882. f'cap 8vO cloth uncut. GREEN, JOHN RICHARD. History of the English people; by John Richard Green. London 1878-80. 4 V. 8vO calf t.e.g. H GREEN, JOHN RICHARD Continued. The making of England; by John Richard Green. London 1881. 8VO calf t.e.g. The conquest of England; by John Richard Green, LL.D. London 1883. 8vo portrait calf t.e.g. GREENWOOD, JAMES. The true history of a little ragamuffin; by James Greenwood; illustra- tions by Phiz and J. Gordon Thomson. London 1867. 8vo illust. cloth xmcut. GREG, W. R. Enigmas of life; by W. R. Greg. 3rd edit. London 1873. crown 8vO cloth. Rocks ahead: or the warnings of Cassandra; byW. R. Greg. London 1874. crown 8vo cloth. GREGO, JOSEPH. A history of parliamentary elections and electioneering in the old days; by Joseph Grego. London 1886. 8vo illust. cloth. GREGOROVIUS, FERDINAND. Corsica in its picturesque, social, and historical aspects: the record of a tour in the summer of 1852; by Ferdinand Gregorovius; translated from the German by Russell Martineau. London 1855. crown 8vo half calf m.e. GREGORY, DONALD. History of the Western Highlands and Isles of Scotland, from 1493- 1625; by Donald Gregory. Edinburgh 1836. calf t.e.g. uncut. GREGORY, JAMES. Conspectus medicinse theoreticse ad usum academicum; auctore Jacobo Gregory, M.D. ed. quinta. Edinburgi 1815. 8vo half calf m.e. GREVILLE, CHARLES C. F. The Greville memoirs : a journal of the reigns of King George IV. and of King William IV.; by Charles C. F. Greville; edited by Henry Reeve. London 1874. 3 v. 8vo cloth. 59 GREVILLE, CHARLES C. F '.Continued. The Greville memoirs (second part): a journal of the reign of Queen Victoria, from 1837 to 1852; by Charles C. F. Greville. London 1885. 3 V. 8vO cloth. The Greville memoirs (third part): a journal of the reign of Queen Victoria, from 1852 to 1860; by Charles C. F. Greville. London 1887. 2 V. 8vO cloth. GROTE, GEORGE. A history of Greece, from the earliest period to the close of the genera- tion contemporary with Alexander the Great; by George Grote, D.C.L. 4th edit. London 1872. 10 v. 8vo portrait maps mor. tag. uncut. The minor works of George Grote, with critical remarks on his intel- lectual character, writings, and speeches; by Alexander Bain. London 1873. 8vo portrait cloth. The personal life of George Grote; by Mrs. Grote. 2nd edit. London 1873. 8vo portrait doth. GUIZOT, F. P. G. General history of civilization in Europe, from the fall of the Roman empire to the French revolution; translated from the French of M. Guizot. Oxford 1837. 8vO boarda History of the English revolution, from the accession of Charles I.; translated from the French of M. Guizot by Louise H. R. Coutier. Oxford 1838. 2v. 8vo cloth. History of the English revolution of 1640, from the accession of Charles I. to his death; by F. Guizot; translated by William Hazlitt. London 1854. f'cap 8VO portrait half calf m.e. GURNEY, EDMUND. Tertium quid: chapters on various disputed questions; by Edmund Gurney. London 1887. 2 v. crown 8vo cloth. 6o GUTHRIE, THOMAS. Autobiography of Thomas Guthrie, D.D., and memoir; by his sons David K. Guthrie and Charles J. Guthrie. yth edit. London 1874. 2 v. 8vo portraits cloth. HALL, JOSEPH. Salomon's divine arts of ethickes, politickes, oeconomicks; drawn into method by Joseph Hall. London 1609. f'cap 8vo veiium. HALL, S. C. AND MRS. Ireland: its scenery, character, etc.; by Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hall. London n.d. 3 v. crown 410 illust. half calf m.e. HALL, MRS. S. C. Sketches of Irish character, by Mrs. S. C. Hall. London 1845. rov - 8vO illust. mor. g.e. HALLAM, HENRY. View of the state of Europe during the middle ages; by Henry Hallam. 6th edit. London 1834. 3 v. 8vo boards. Introduction to the literature of Europe in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries ; by Henry Hallam. 3rd edit. London 1847. 3 v. 8VO cloth. HAMERTON, PHILIP G. A painter's camp: by Philip Gilbert Hamerton. 2nd edit. London 1866. f'cap 8vo cloth. Thoughts about art; by Philip Gilbert Hamerton. London 1873. Crown 8vO cloth uncut. The intellectual life; by Philip Gilbert Hamerton. 2nd edit. London 1875. crown 8vo cloth. Round my house: notes of rural life in France in peace and war; by Philip Gilbert Hamerton. London 1876. crown 8 vo caifr.e. Modern Frenchmen; five biographies; by Philip Gilbert Hamerton. London 1878. crown 8vo cloth. Etching and etchers; by Philip Gilbert Hamerton. 3rd edit. London l88o. 4tO illust. qr. mor. uncut 61 HAMERTON, PHILIP G. Continued. Chapters on animals; by Philip Gilbert Hamerton. 3rd edit. London 1 88 1. f'cap 4tO illuSt. half mor. t.e.g. The graphic arts; a treatise on the varieties of drawing, painting, and engraving in comparison with each other and with nature; by Philip Gilbert Hamerton. London 1882. 410 illust. qr. mor. uncut The sylvan year: leaves from the note-book of Raoul Dubois; by Philip Gilbert Hamerton. 3rd edit. London 1883. crown 8vo illust. cloth te.g. uncut. Human intercourse; by Philip Gilbert Hamerton. London 1884. Crown 8VO cloth uncut Landscape; by Philip Gilbert Hamerton. London 1885. 410 illust. qr. mor. uncut. The Saone, a summer voyage; by Philip Gilbert Hamerton. London 1887. Cr. 4tO illust. cloth uncut. Portfolio papers; by Philip Gilbert Hamerton. London 1889. crown 8vo portrait cloth. HAMMOND, HENRY. Of resisting the lawful magistrate under colour of religion; and appendant to it, of the word Kct/ia rendered damnation, Rom. 13.: reprinted. Oxford 1644. f'cap 4to half calf sp.e. HANDYSIDE, P. D. "Shall I study medicine?" by P. D. Handyside, M.D. Edinburgh 1877. CrOWn 8VO boards. HARE, AUGUSTUS W. Sermons on the Lord's prayer; by Augustus W. Hare. London n.d. crown 8vo cloth. HARE, AUGUSTUS W. and JULIUS C. Guesses at truth; by two brothers. London 1878. f'cap 8vo portrait mor. g.e. HARE, JULIUS C. Charges; by Julius Charles Hare. Cambridge 1856. 8vo doth. HARPER, W. A treatise of infallibility : showing that the Church of Rome's claim to that high privilege is without foundation, in scripture, antiquity, or reason : by a Presbyter of the suffering church of Scotland. Edinburgh 1752. CrOWn 8vO calf spr.e. HARRISON, FREDERIC. The choice of books and other literary pieces, by Frederic Harrison. London 1887. crown 8vo cloth uncut. HARVEY, WILLIAM. On corpulence in relation to disease, with some remarks on diet; by William Harvey. London 1872. 8vo illust. cloth r.e. HAY, D. R. The natural principles and analogy of the harmony of form; by D. R. Hay. Edinburgh 1842. 410 illust. cloth. Original geometrical diaper designs, accompanied by an attempt to develope and elucidate the true principles of ornamental design, as applied to the decorative arts; by D. R. Hay. London 1844. obi. fo illust. cloth. The principles of beauty in colouring systematized; by D. R. Hay. Edinburgh 1845. 8vo col. illust. cloth. The science of beauty, as developed in nature and applied in art ; by D. R. Hay. Edinburgh 1856. roy. 8vo illust. cloth uncut. HAZLITT, WILLIAM. Table-talk : or original essays on men and manners. 2nd edit. London 1824. 2 V. 8vO calf spr.e. The spirit of the age: or contemporary portraits. London 1825. 8vO calf spr.e. The plain speaker: opinions on books, men, and things. London 1826. 2 V. 8vO calf spr.e. Conversations of James Northcote; by William Hazlitt. London 1830. i2mo portrait calf spr.e. _6 3 - HAZLITT, WILLIAM Continued. Literary remains of William Hazlitt. London 1836. 2 v. 8vo portrait calf spr.e. Sketches and essays; by William Hazlitt. London 1839. fcap 8vO calf spr.e. Lectures on the English comic writers; by William Hazlitt. 3rd edit. London 1841. fcap 8vo cloth. Lectures on the English poets; by William Hazlitt. 3rd edit. London 1841. fcap 8vO calf spr.e. Winterslow; essays and characters written there; by William Hazlitt. London 1850. I2niO calf spr.e. HE, SHE, IT. He She It. Egyptian court chronicle, B.C. 1302: a veracious and truthful version preserved and transcribed for general use by the peerless poet laureate of his late majesty Rhampsinnit III. HEAD, SIR FRANCIS B. A fortnight in Ireland; by Sir Francis B. Head. London 1852. 8vO cloth. Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau; by an old man. 2nd edit. London 1834. 8vo cloth. HELPS, SIR ARTHUR. The claims of labour; an essay on the duties of the employers to the employed. 2nd edit. London 1845. fcap 8vo cloth. Companions of my solitude. London 1851. f cap 8vo cloth. Friends in council ; a series of readings and discourse thereon. London 1851. 2V. fcap 8VO cloth. Thoughts upon government; by Arthur Helps. London 1872. 8VO cloth. HENDERSON, ALEXANDER. Lives of Alexander Henderson and James Guthrie, with specimens of their writings. Edinburgh 1 846. cr. 8vo cloth. -6 4 - HENDERSON, ANDREW. Scottish proverbs, collected and arranged by Andrew Henderson; with an introductory essay by W. Motherwell. Edinburgh 1832. crown 4to illust. calf m.e. HERBERT, GEORGE. The poetical works of George Herbert. London 1865. f'cap 410 illust. cloth g.e. HERDER, JOHN G. Outlines of a philosophy of the history of man; translated from the German of John Godfrey Herder by T. Churchill. 2nd edit. London 1803. 2 V. 8VO calf. HERVEY, JAMES. Meditations and contemplations; by James Hervey. London 1818. I2mO calf m.e. HETHERINGTON, W. M. History of the Church of Scotland, from the introduction of Chris- tianity to the period of the Disruption, 1843; ^Y W. M. Hetherington, LL.D. 7th edit. Edinburgh 1852. 2 v. 8vo cloth. HILL, ROWLAND. Journal through the north of England and parts of Scotland ; by Rowland Hill. London 1799. 8vo calf. HINES, FRED. "As thy days so shall thy strength be:" daily texts and hymns for a month; illustrated by Fred Hines. London n.d. crown 4to col. illust. boards. HISTORY. ARNOLD, THOMAS. Later Roman commonwealth. 1882. 2 v. BUCKLE, HF.NRY T. Civilization in England. 1861-64. 2 v, -6 5 - HISTORY Continued. BURTON, JOHN H. History of Scotland (1689-1748). 1853. 2 v. History of Scotland... to 1688. 1867-70. 7 v. Reign of Queen Anne. 1880. 3 v. CARLYLE, THOMAS. The French Revolution. [1874.] CLARENDON, EDWARD, EARL OF. Rebellion and civil wars in England. 1816. 3 v. COCKBURN, LORD. Memorials of his time. 1856. Journal, 1831-54. 1874. 2 v. FROUDE, JAMES A, History of England. 1856-70. 12 v. English in Ireland. 1872-4. 3 v. GARDINER, SAMUEL R. Historical works. 1869-91. u v. GIBBON, EDWARD. Decline and fall of the Roman Empire. 1838. 8 v. GREEN, JOHN R. History of the English people. 1878-80. 4 v. Making of England. 1881. Conquest of England. 1883. GREVILLE, CHARLES C. F. The Greville memoirs. 1874-87. 8 v. GROTE, GEORGE. History of Greece. 1872. 10 v. GUIZOT, F. P. G. Civilization in Europe. 1837. English Revolution. 1838. 2 v. 66 HISTORY Continued. HALLAM, HENRY. State of Europe during the middle ages. 1834. 3 v. INNES, COSMO. Scotland in the middle ages. 1860. Early Scottish History. 1861. LECKY, WILLIAM E. H. History of England in the i8th century. 1883-90 8 v. LONG, GEORGE. Decline of the Roman republic. 1864-74. 5 v. MACAULAY, LORD. History of England. 1860-62. 8 v. M 'GARTH Y, JUSTIN. History of our own times. 1880. 4 v. M'GEE, THOMAS D'A. Popular history of Ireland, n.d. 2 v. MAXWELL, SIR WILLIAM S.-. Don John of Austria. 1883. 2 v. MOLESWORTH, WILLIAM N. History of England, 1830-74. 1876. 3v. MOTLEY, JOHN L. History of the United Netherlands. 1867-68. 4 v. Rise of the Dutch Republic. 1869. 3 v. PRESCOTT, WILLIAM H. Conquest of Peru. 1848. 2 v. Reign of Philip II. 1860-74. 3 v. Ferdinand and Isabella. 1867. 2 v. Conquest of Mexico. 1874. 2 v. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM. Reign of Charles V. 1857. 2 v. - 6 7 - H ISTOR Y Continued. SCOTLAND, HISTORIANS OF. 1871-80. 10 v. STUBBS, WILLIAM. Constitutional history of England. 1880. 3 v. TYTLER, PATRICK F. History of Scotland. 1845-50.. 8 v. WALPOLE, HORACE. Reign of George III. 1845. 4 v. Reign of George II. 1847. 3 v. Journal of Reign of George III. 1859. 2 v. HODGE, CHARLES. A commentary on the Epistle to the Romans; by Charles Hodge. Paisley 1850. i2mo cloth. Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans; by Charles Hodge, D.D. Edinburgh 1875. 8vo cloth. An exposition of the first Epistle to the Corinthians; by Charles Hodge, D.D. 2nd edit. London 1858. 8vo cloth. HOGG, JAMES. Tales and sketches, by the Ettrick Shepherd; with illustrative engrav- ings... by D. O. Hill. GlaSgOW 1837. 6 V. 6tO half calf spr.e. The queen's wake, and other poems; by the Ettrick Shepherd; with prefatory note by Jean L. Watson. Edinburgh n.d. crown 8vo cloth. The Jacobite relics of Scotland: being the songs, airs, and legends of the adherents to the House of Stuart, collected and illustrated by James Hogg, ist and 2nd series. Paisley 1874. 2 v. roy. 8vo cloth uncut. HOLBEIN, HANS. The Dances of Death through the variotis stages of human life : wherein the capriciousness of that tyrant is exhibited in forty-six copper plates; done from the original designs by John Holbein; etched by D. Deuchar. London 1803. f'cap 4tO half calf spr.e. 68 HOLBEIN, HANS Continued. The Dance of Death; from the original designs of Hans Holbein; illustrated with thirty-three plates engraved by W. Hollar, with descriptions in English and French. Containing also "The Dance of Macaber." London 1816. 8vo cloth. The Dance of Death, exhibited in elegant engravings on wood, with a dissertation on the several representations of that subject, but more particularly on those ascribed to Macaber and Hans Holbein ; by Francis Douce. London 1833. 8vo rox. HOLLAND, JOHN. Cruciana: illustrations of the most striking aspects under which the cross of Christ, and symbols derived from it have been contemplated by piety, superstition, imagination, and taste; by John Holland. Liverpool 1835. I2inO illust. calf spr.e. HOOD, THOMAS. The works of Thomas Hood, comic and serious, in prose and verse; edited by his son. London 1862-63. 7 v. crown 8vo half calf m.e. Whims and oddities, in prose and verse with forty original designs; by Thomas Hood. London 1826. crown 8vo illust. calf m.e. Up the Rhine; by Thomas Hood. London 1840. crown 8vo illust. half mor. m.e. Hood's comicalities. oblong roy. 8vo cloth. HOOK, THEODORE. Sayings and doings; by Theodore Hook. London 1836-39. 3 v. 8vO half calf spr.e. HOWIE, JOHN. The Scots worthies; by John Howie; revised by W. H. Carslaw. Edinburgh 1870. 8VO illust. half mor. t.e.g. uncut. HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON. The travels and researches of Alexander von Humboldt : a condensed narrative of his journeys, in America, and Russia; by W. Macgillivray. Edinburgh 1832. f'cap 8vo illust. calf m.e. _6 9 - HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON Continued. Cosmos: a sketch of a physical description of the Universe; by Alexander von Humboldt; translated by E. C. Otte. London 1849-52. 4 v. crown 8vo cloth. HUME, DAVID. Political discourses; by David Hume. Edinburgh 1752. crown 8vO calf. HUNT, LEIGH. The poetical works of Leigh Hunt. London 1832. 8vo boards. Imagination and fancy : or selections from the English poets, illustrative of those requisites of their art;... by Leigh Hunt. 3rd edit. London 1846. 1 2 mO half calf m.e. The religion of the heart: a manual of faith and duty; by Leigh Hunt. London 1853. f'cap 8vo cloth. Tales; by Leigh Hunt; with a prefatory memoir by William Knight, LL.D. London 1891. crown 8vo cloth uncut HUNTER, JOHN. Essays and observations on natural history, anatomy, physiology, psychology, and geology; by John Hunter. which are added the introductory lectures on the Hunterian collection of fossil remains; by Richard Owen, D.C.L. London 1861. 2 v. 8vo portrait. HUNTER, WILLIAM. Biggar and the House of Fleming: an account of the Biggar district, archaeological, historical, and biographical; by William Hunter. 2nd edit. Edinburgh 1867. 410 illust. cloth. HUNTER, WILLIAM W. The imperial gazetteer of India; by W. W. Hunter, LL.D. London 1 88 1. 9V. 8vO qr. mor. HURLBERT, WILLIAM H. Ireland under coercion, the diary of an American; by William Henry Hurlbert. Edinburgh 1888. 2 v. crown 8vo cloth uncut. 70 HUXLEY, THOMAS H. Lay sermons, addresses, and reviews; by Thomas Henry Huxley, LL.D. 6th edit. London 1877. 8vo cloth. INGLIS, H. D. See Cruikshank, George. INGOLDSBY LEGENDS. See Cruikshank, George. INNES, COSMO. Scotland in the middle ages; sketches of early Scotch history and social progress; by Cosmo Innes. Edinburgh -1860. 8vo calf t.e.g. Sketches of early Scotch history and social progress; by C. Innes. Edinburgh 1861. 8vo calf t.e.g. Lectures on Scotch legal antiquities; by Cosmo Innes. Edinburgh 1872. 8vO calf t.e.g. Concerning some Scotch surnames. Edinburgh 1860. f'cap 4to rox. IRELAND. An essay on the ancient and modern state of Ireland, with the various important advantages thereunto derived under the auspicious reign of... George II. Dublin 1760. cr. 8vo half calf m.e. IRELAND, ALEXANDER. The book-lover's enchiridion: thoughts on the solace and companion- ship of books, and topics incidental thereto, gathered... by Alexander Ireland. London 1884. f'cap 8vo cloth. IRVING, DAVID. The elements of English composition; by David Irving, LL.D. pth edit. Edinburgh 1833. izmo half calf m.e. IRVING, WASHINGTON. Rip van Winkle: a legend of the Hudson; by Washington Irving; illustrated by Gordon Browne. London 1887. crown 8vo cloth t.e. g . uncut. JAMES, GEORGE P. R. The commissioner: or De lunatico inquirendo: with illustrations by Phiz. Dublin 1843. ^VO illust. half mor. t.e.g. uncut JAMES, JOHN A. The Christian professor addressed ; in a series of counsels and cautions; by John Angell James. 4th edit. London 1841. f'cap 8vo iiaif calf m.e. JAMESON, ANNA. The history of our Lord, as exemplified in works of art: with that ot his types; St. John the Baptist; and other persons of the Old and New Testament, commenced by the late Mrs. Jameson, continued and com- pleted by Lady Eastlake. 2nd edit. London 1865. 2 v. sm. 4to illust. mor. Sacred and legendary art; by Mrs. Jameson. 6th edit. London 1870. 2 V. Sm. 4tO illust. mor. Legends of the Monastic orders, as represented in the fine arts: forming the second series of sacred and legendary art; by Mrs. Jameson. 5th edit. London 1872. sm. 410 illust. mor. Legends of the Madonna, as represented in the fine arts, forming the third series of sacred and legendary art; by Mrs. Jameson. 5th edit. London 1872. sm. 4to illust. mor. JAMIESON, JOHN. An historical account of the ancient culdees of lona, and of their settle- ments in Scotland, England, and Ireland; by John Jamieson, D.D. Edinburgh 1811. 410 calf m.e. JENKS, EDWARD. Thomas Carlyle and John Stuart Mill; by Edward Jenks. Orpington 1888. Crown 8VO cloth uncut. JERROLD, DOUGLAS. The works of Douglas Jerrold; with an introductory memoir by his son, W. Blanchard Jerrold. London 1864. 4 v. crown 8vo calf m. e . plates by J. Leech. See also Cruikshank, George. JEWITT, LLEWELLYNN. Handbook of numismatics, English coins; by Llewellynn Jewitt. Lon- don 1840. fcap 8vo illust. calf. JEWITT, LLEWELLYNN Continued. The ceramic art of Great Britain from prehistoric times down to the present day; being a history of the ancient and modern pottery and porcelain works of the kingdom; by Llewellynn Jewitt. London 1878. 2 v. roy. 8vo illust. cloth. JOHNSON, SAMUEL. The \vorks of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Oxford 1825. n v. 8vo cloth uncut. A dictionary of the English language; by Samuel Johnson, LL.D. London 1840. 2 v. 4to portrait calf m.e. Johnsoniana; or supplement to Boswell, being anecdotes and sayings of Dr. Johnson, collected by Piozzi, ...etc. London 1836. 8vo illust. mor. Life of Samuel Johnson. See Boswell, James. JOHNSTON, ALEXANDER K. The royal atlas of modern geography; by Alexander Keith Johnston. Edinburgh 1861. roy. fo half mor. g.e. JOHNSTONE. The table talker; or brief essays on society and literature. London 1840. 2 V. f'cap 8vO half calf m.e. JUNIUS. Junius. London 1801. 2 v. 8vo portraits calf. Junius: including letters by the same writer under other signatures; to which are added his confidential correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, and his private letters to H. S. Woodfall; a new edition by John Wade. London 1850. 2 V. Crown 8vO half calf m.e. The handwriting of Junius professionally investigated by Charles Chabot, expert; with preface and collateral evidence by Edward Twisleton. London 1871. 4tO cloth uncut. KAMES, HENRY HOME, LORD. Elements of criticism. 7th edit. Edinburgh 1788. 2 v. 8vo calf. Sketches of the history of man. Edinburgh 1788. 4 v. 8vo calf. 73 KAY, JOHN. A series of original portraits and caricature etchings; by John Kay. Edinburgh 1877. 2 V. 4tO illust. qr. mor. te.g. uncut KAYE, JOHN W. The essays of an optimist; by John William Kaye. London 1870. crown 8vo cloth. KEATS, JOHN. The poetical works of John Keats. London 1851. f'cap 8vo port. cloth uncut. KEENE, CHARLES. Our people sketched by Charles Keene; from the collection of "Mr. Punch." London 1881. fo cloth. KEITH, DUNCAN. Nugas historicae et mythologies. Glasgow 1882. crown 8vo cloth uncut. KENTFIELD, EDWIN. The game of billiards : scientifically explained, and practically set forth, in a series of novel and extraordinary, but equally practical strokes; by Edwin Kentfield. 5th edit. London 1850. f'cap fo illust. cloth r.e. KER, JOHN. Sermons; by John Ker. Edinburgh 1869. crown 8vo cloth. Sermons; second series; by John Ker, D.D. Edinburgh 1887. crown 8VO cloth. The Psalms in history and biography; by John Ker, D.D. Edinburgh 1886. crown 8vo cloth. Scottish nationality, and other papers; by John Ker, D.D. Edinburgh 1887. crown 8vo cloth. Lectures on the history of preaching; by John Ker, D.D. 1888. 8vo cloth. The Erskines; Ebenezer and Ralph; by John Ker, D.D. and Jean L. Watson, Edinburgh 1880. crown 8vo cloth. K 74 KER, JOHN Continued. The Erskines; Ebenezer and Ralph; by John Ker, D.D. and Jean L. Watson. Edinburgh 1890. crown 8vo ciotn. Letters of John Ker, D.D., 1866-1885. Edinburgh 1890. crown 8vO cloth. Life and times of Alexander Peden and James Renwick; by J. L. Watson. Introduction by John Ker, D.D. Glasgow n.d. crown 8vo cloth. KILMARNOCK MIRROR. The Kilmarnock mirror and literary gleaner. Kilmarnock 1819-20. 2 V. f'cap 8vO half calf. KING, C. W. Early Christian numismatics, and other antiquarian tracts; by C. W. King. London 1873. 8vo illust. cloth. KNOX, JOHN. Heir followeth the coppie of the ressoning which was betuix the Abbote of Crosraguell and John Knox in Mayboill concerning the Masse in the yeare of God, a thousand, fiue hundred thre scoir and two yeares. Edin- burgh 1563. Reprinted. Edinburgh 1812. crown 4to boards. KNOX, ROBERT. The Edinburgh dissector: or system of practical anatomy, for the use of students in the dissecting room. Edinburgh 1837. i2mo cloth. A manual of artistic anatomy, for the use of sculptors, painters, and amateurs; by Robert Knox, M.D. London 1852. crown 8vo illust. cloth. Fish and fishing in the lone glens of Scotland; by Dr. Knox. London 1854. crown 8vo illust. cloth. The races of men: a philosophical inquiry into the influence of race over the destinies of nations ; by Robert Knox, M.D. 2nd edit. London 1862. crown 8vo cloth. A sketch of the life and writings of Robert Knox, the anatomist; by Henry Lonsdale, London 1870, crown 8vo portrait cioth. 75 KORAN. Koran. Arabic MS. calf. KREPP, FREDERICK C. The sewage question: being a general view of all systems and methods hitherto employed in various countries for draining cities and utilising sewage... also a description of Captain Liernur's system; by Frederick Charles Krepp. London 1867. roy. 8vo cloth. LALANNE, MAXIME. A treatise on etching; text and plates by Maxime Lalanne; translated from the French, by S. R. Koehler. London 1880. crown 410 illust. cloth t.e.g. uncut. LAMB, CHARLES. The essays of Elia: with introduction and notes by Alfred Ainger. London 1883. crown 8vo cloth uncut LAMB, CHARLES AND MARY. Tales from Shakspere by Mr. and Miss Lamb. London 1844. 2 v. 1 2 mo half calf m.e. Mary and Charles Lamb: poems, letters, and remains; now first col- lected by W. Carew Hazlitt. London 1874. crown 410 illust. cloth. LANDRETH, P. The United Presbyterian divinity hall, in its changes and enlargements for one hundred and forty years; a memorial... by P. Landreth. Edin- burgh 1876. crown 8vo cloth. LANDSEER, THOMAS. Monkeyana; or men in miniature; designed and etched; by Thomas Landseer. 1828. 410 cloth. LANG, ANDREW. The library; by Andrew Lang; with a chapter on modern English illustrated books, by Austin Dobson. [Art at home.] London 1881. crown 8vo illust. cloth. - 7 6- LAUDER, SIR THOMAS I). An account of the great floods of August 1829 in the province of Moray and adjoining districts; by Sir Thomas Dick Lauder. Edinburgh 1830. 8VO illust. calf m.e. LAVATER, JOHN C. Essays on physiognomy, destined to promote the knowledge and the love of mankind; by John Caspar Lavater; illustrated by engravings... executed by... Thomas Holloway: translated from the French by Henry Hunter, D.D. London 1792-1810. 3 v. in 5 4to illust. calf g.e. LAW, JOHN. Money and trade considered : with a proposal for supplying the nation with money; by John Law. Glasgow 1750. fcap 8vo calf. LECKY, WILLIAM E. H. History of the rise and influence of rationalism in Europe; by W. E. H. Lecky. 3rd edit. London 1866. 2 v. 8vo cloth. History of European morals, from Augustus to Charlemagne; by William Edward Hartpole Lecky. London 1869. 2 v. 8vo cloth. A history of England in the eighteenth century; by William Edward Hartpole Lecky. London 1883-90. 8 v. 8vo cloth. Poems; by W. E. H. Lecky. London 1891. post 8vo cloth uncut. LEE, FREDERICK GEORGE. Glimpses in the twilight; by F. G. Lee, D.D. Edinburgh 1885. 8vo cloth. LEE, P. The comic English grammar: a new and facetious introduction to the English tongue; with illustrations by J. Leech. London 1840. i2mo cloth, LEECH, JOHN. Portraits of Children of the Mobility, drawn from nature; by John Leech (1841); reproduced, 1875. 410 cloth. 77 LE SAGE, ALAIN REN! Asmodeus: or, the devil on two sticks; by Alain Rene le Sage; trans- lated by Joseph Thomas and illustrated by Tony Johannot. London 1841. roy. 8vO calf m.e. LINDSAY, JOHN. The philosophy of bathing: a complete guide to the management and application of baths: with remarks on river and sea bathing; by John Lindsay. Glasgow 1838. lamo cloth. LINDSAY, ROBERT. The chronicles of Scotland; by Robert Lindsay of Pitscottie. Edin- burgh 1814. 2V. 8VO boards uncut LOCKHART, JOHN G. Peter's letters to his kinsfolk. 3rd edit. Edinburgh 1819. 3 v. 8vO half calf r.e. LOGAN, JAMES. The Scottish Gael, or Celtic manners, as preserved among the high- landers: being an historical and descriptive account of the inhabitants, antiquities, and national peculiarities of Scotland; by James Logan. London 1831. 2 V. 8VO COl. illust. calf spr.e. LONG, GEORGE. The decline of the Roman republic; by George Long. London 186474. 5 V. 8vO cloth uncut. LONGMUIR, JOHN. Speyside: its picturesque scenery and antiquities; by John Longmuir, LL.D. Aberdeen 1860. fcap 8vo illust. cloth uncut. LUBBOCK, SIR JOHN. The pleasures of life; by Sir John Lubbock. 6th edit. London 1887. Crown 8\'O cloth uncut. LUND, EDWARD. Hunterian lectures on some of the injuries and diseases of the neck and head, the genito-urinary organs, and the rectum; by Edward Lund. London 1886. 8vo illust. cloth. - 7 8- LYNDSAY, SIR DAVID. The poetical works of Sir David Lyndsay; with memoir, notes, and glossary; by David Laing, LL.D. Edinburgh 1879. 3 v - 8vo cloth. Facsimile of an ancient heraldic manuscript emblazoned by Sir David Lyndsay of the Mount, Lyon King of Armes 1542; edited by David Laing, LL.D. Edinburgh 1878. cloth t.e.g. uncut. LYTTON, EDWARD, LORD. Novels of Lord Lytton. London 1877-78. 26 v. 8vo half mor. t.e. g . uncut. M'ARTHUR, JOHN. The antiquities of Arran: with a historical sketch of the island; em- bracing an account of the Sudreyjar under the Norsemen; by John M'Arthur; illustrated by James Napier. Glasgow 1861. 8vo illust. cloth. MACAULAY, ALEXANDER. A dictionary of medicine and surgery designed for popular use by Alexander Macaulay, M.D., revised by R. W. Macaulay, M.D. i5th edit. Edinburgh 1863. 8vo cloth. MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON, LORD. The history of England from the accession of James the second; by Lord Macaulay. London 1860-62. 8 v. crown 8vo calf m.e. Critical and historical essays contributed to the Edinburgh review; by Lord Macaulay. new edit. London 1860. 3 v. f'cap 8vo calf m.e. MCCARTHY, JUSTIN. A history of our own times from the accession of Queen Victoria to 1880; by Justin M'Carthy. London 1880. 4 v. 8vo cloth. M'CRIE, THOMAS. The life of John Knox: containing illustrations of the history of the Reformation in Scotland; by Thomas M'Crie, D.D. 3rd edit. Edin- burgh 1814. 2V. 8vO portraits calf m.e. 79 M'CRIE, THOMAS Continued. Life of Andrew Melville...; by Thomas M'Crie, D.D. Edinburgh 1856. crown 8vo cloth. M'CULLOCH, J. R. A treatise on the circumstances which determine the rate of wages and the condition of the labouring classes; by J. R. M'Culloch. London 1851. f'cap 8vo cloth. MACDONALD, ALEXANDER. Handybook of the law relative to masters, workmen, servants, and apprentices in all trades and occupations; by Alexander Macdonald. London l868. 8VO cloth r.e. A practical manual for Justices of the Peace and other magistrates in Scotland; by Alexander Macdonald. Glasgow 1872. crown 8vo cloth. MACDONALD, GEORGE. The portent; a story of the inner vision of the Highlanders, commonly called the second sight; by George Macdonald. London 1864. crown 8vO qr. vellum t.e.g. uncut. M'DOWALL, WILLIAM. Chronicles of Lincluden, as an abbey and as a college; by William M'Dowall. Edinburgh 1886. crown 4to illust. half mor. t.e.g. uncut. M'GEE, THOMAS D'A. A popular history of Ireland, from the earliest period to the emancipa- tion of the Catholics; by Thomas d'Arcy M 'Gee. Glasgow n.d. 2 v. Crown 8vO half calf m.e. MACGEORGE, ANDREW. Flags; some account of their history and uses; by A. Macgeorge. Glasgow 1 88 1. crown 4to illust. cloth uncut See also Glasgow. 8o M'lAN, R. R. The clans of the Scottish Highlands, illustrated by appropriate figures displaying their dress, tartans, arms, armorial insignia, and social occupa- tions; from original sketches by R. R. M'lan; with description by James Logan. London 1845. 2 v. fo mor. g . e . MACKAY, CHARLES. Memoirs of extraordinary popular delusions; by Charles Mackay. London 1841. 3 v. 8vo illust. half calf. MACKAY, CHARLES. Through the long day; or memorials of a literary life during half a century; by Charles Mackay, LL.D. London 1887. 2 v. portraits cloth. MACKCOULL, JAMES. Memoir of the life and trial of James Mackcoull, or Moffat... Edinburgh 1822. 8vo portrait cloth. MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER. , History of the Mathesons, with genealogies of the various branches-; by Alexander Mackenzie. Inverness 1882. 8vo cloth. MACKENZIE, SIR GEORGE S. Travels in the island of Iceland, during the summer of the year 1810; by Sir George Steuart Mackenzie. 2nd edit. Edinburgh 1812. 410 COl. illust. half calf. MACKENZIE, PETER. The life of Thomas Muir, advocate, younger of Huntershill...who was tried for sedition... by Peter Mackenzie. Glasgow 1831. 8vo cloth. The Loyal Reformers' Gazette. Glasgow 1831-36. 6 v. 8vo portraits half calf. Bound with above : Vol. I. Debate in the House of Lords on the second reading of the reform bill : with continuation of the debate in the House of Commons, and in the House of Lords. Vol. 2. Renewed debate in the House of Lords, etc. A new-year's gift for Dr. Cleland ; or a detection of the errors and blunders in his late book called "Enumeration of the inhabitants of Glasgow and County of Lanark ;" by Agnes Baird. Glasgow 1832. 8i MACKENZIE, PETER Continued. Vol. 3. An exposure of the spy system pursued in Glasgow. ..1816-20, with copies of the original letters of Andrew Hardie... edited by a ten-pounder. Exploits of Richmond, Exposure of the spy system, Letters of Andrew Hardie, etc. The trial of James Wilson for high treason. the exposer of the spy system. Glasgow 1832. Vol. 4. Reply to the letter of Kirkman Finlay on the spy system, by Peter Mackenzie. Glasgow 1833. Vol. 5. The tory unmasked ; some passages in the parliamentary career of James Ewing, LL.D. The tory ministry. The state of the country. The first annual address of select committee of the Brompton Trades' union to the operative linen manufacturers. .-3rd edit. Northallerton 1834. See also Glasgow, Mackenzie, Peter. M'KERROW, JOHN. History of the Secession Church; by John M'Kerrow. Edinburgh 1845. 8VO illust. calf r.e. MACKINLAY, JAMES. Select sermons; by James Mackinlay, D.D. ; with a memoir by his son. Kilmarnock 1843. i2mo portrait calf r.e. MACLAGAN, ROBERT C. Scottish myths: notes on Scottish history and tradition; by Robert Craig Maclagan, M.D. Edinburgh 1882. 8vo cloth. MACLEAY, K. Historical memoirs of Rob Roy and the clan Macgregor; including original notices of Lady Grange; by K. Macleay, M.D. Edinburgh 1881. crown 8vo portrait cloth uncut. MACLEOD, NORMAN. Memoir of Norman Macleod, D.D. ; by Donald Macleod. London 1876. 2v. 8vo portraits cloth. MACNISH, ROBERT. The book of aphorisms; by a modern Pythagorean. Glasgow 1834. 1 2 mO cloth uncut. The anatomy of drunkenness ; by Robert Macnish. 6th edit. Glasgow 1836 Pcap 8VO calf spr.e. L 82 MACNISH, ROBERT Continued. Ah introduction to phrenology; by Robert Macnish. 2nd edit. Glas- gow 1837. I2mO illust. cloth. The modern Pythagorean; a series of tales, essays, and sketches; by Robert Macnish, LL.D. ; with the author's life by D. M. Moir. Edin- burgh 1838. 2 v. f'cap 8vo portrait calf spr.e. The philosophy of sleep; by Robert Macnish, LL.D. new edit. GlaSgOW 1859. I2mO qr. calf m.e. MAGINN, WILLIAM. Miscellanies: prose and verse; by William Maginn. Edited by R. VV. Montagu. London 1885. 2 v. crown 8vo cloth. MAIDMENT, J. J. B. See Gray, James. MALCOLM, ROBERT. Literary gleanings: original and selected, with illustrative notes; by Robert Malcolm. Glasgow 1843. i2mo half ms. t.e.g. uncut. MARLBOROUGH, Due DE. Gemmarum antiquarum delectus; ex praestantioribus desumptus, quse in dactyliothecis Ducis Marlburiensis conservantur. Choix de pierres antiques gravees du cabinet du Due de Marlborough. Londini 1845. 2 V. roy. fo plates. half mor. t.e.g. uncut. MARSHALL, ANDREW. Ecclesiastical establishments farther considered; by Andrew Marshall. 2nd edit. GlaSgOW 1831. 8VO boards uncut. MARTIN, SIR THEODORE. See Ancient classics for English readers. MARWICK, SIR JAMES D. Sketch of the history of the High Constables of Edinburgh, with notes on the early watching, cleaning, and other police arrangements of the city; by James D. Marwick. Edinburgh 1865. f'cap 410 cloth. MAURICE, FREDERICK D. The workman and the franchise; chapters from English history on the representation and education of the people; by Frederick Denison Maurice. London 1866. 8vo cloth. -83- MAXWELL, W. H. See Cruikshank, George. MAXWELL, SIR WILLIAM S.-. Don John of Austria; or passages from the history of the sixteenth century 1547-1578; by Sir William Stirling-Maxwell. London 1883. 2 v. roy. 8vo illust. cloth. Annals of the artists of Spain ; by Sir William Stirling-Maxwell. London 1891. 4V. Crown 4tO illust. cloth uncut. Cloister life of the Emperor Charles V. ; by Sir William Stirling-Maxwell. 4th edit. London 1891. 410 illust. cloth uncut. Miscellaneous essays and addresses; by Sir William Stirling-Maxwell. London 1891. 4to illust. cloth uncut. MAYHEW, EDWARD. The illustrated horse-doctor; by Edward Mayhew. pth edit. London 1876. 8vO illust. qr. mor. MAYHEW, HENRY. London labour and the London poor; by Henry Mayhew. London 1 86 1. 3v. 8vo illust. cloth. MAYHEW, HENRY AND AUGUSTUS. See Cruikshank, George. MAYHEW, HORACE. Model women and children modelled by Horace Mayhew, sculptured by H. G. Hine. London [1849?] f'cap 8vo illust. qr. mor. y.e. MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS. Report on examination of medical practitioners; drawn up by a com- mittee of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. Edinburgh 1833. 4tO qr. roan uncut. MELBOURNE. Photo-views of Melbourne and suburbs, in portfolio. MEYER, ALFRED M. Sport with gun and rod in American woods and waters; edited by Alfred M. Meyer. London n.d. imp. 8vo illust. qr. roan te.$. -8 4 - MICHIELS, ALFRED. Secret history of the Austrian government and of its systematic persecu- tions of Protestants; by Alfred Michiels. London 1859. crown 8vo half calf m.e. MIGNET, F. A. History of the French revolution, from 1789 to 1814; by F. A. Mignet. London 1846. crown 8vo calf m.e. MILLAIS, J. G. Game-birds and shooting-sketches; illustrating the habits, modes of capture, stages of plumage, and the hybrids and varieties which occur amongst them; by J. G. Millais. London 1891. imp. 4to illust. half mor. t.e.g. uncut. MILLER, HUGH. Thoughts on the educational question; or the "Battle of Scotland;" by Hugh Miller. London 1850. 8vo half calf. MILLER, JAMES. Alcohol: its place and power; by James Miller. Glasgow 1861. crown 8vo portrait. MILTON, JOHN. The works of John Milton, in verse and prose, printed from the original editions, with a life of the author; by John Mitford. London 1863. 8 v. 8vO mor. MIRTH VERSUS MISERY. Mirth versus misery: the pleasures of human life: investigated cheer- fully, elucidated satirically, promulgated explicitly, and discussed philo- sophically, in a dozen dissertations on male, female, and neuter pleasures Hilaris Benevolus and Co. London 1807. 121110 illust. by qr. roan r.e. MITCHELL, JAMES. The Scotsman's library: being a collection of anecdotes and facts illus- trative of Scotland and Scotsmen; by James Mitchell, LL.D. Edinburgh 1825. obi. I2mO roan. -8 5 - MITCHELL, JAMES O. Extracts from One hundred Glasgow men; contributed by J. O. Mitchell, and printed privately for him by permission of the publishers. Glasgow 1886. 4to MOFFAT, ROBERT S. Mr. Henry George, the "Orthodox:" an examination of Mr. George's position as a systematic economist; and a review of the competitive and socialistic schools of economy; by Robert Scott Moffat. London 1885. 8VO cloth. MOFFAT, WILLIAM. The practice of elocution; by William Moffat. Glasgow 1872. fcap 8VO cloth. MOIR, DAVID M. The poetical works of David Macbeth Moir, A; edited by Thomas Aird. 2nd edit. Edinburgh 1860. 2 v. f'cap 8vo cioth. Domestic verses; by Delta. Edinburgh 1871. f'cap 8vo cioth. MOLESWORTH, WILLIAM N. The history of England from the year 1830-1874; by William Nassau Molesworth. London 1876. 3 v. 8vo cioth. MONTAGU, BASIL. Essays and selections; by Basil Montagu. London 1837. f'cap 8vo cloth. MONTAIGNE, M. E. de. Essays of Montaigne, translated by Charles Cotton... edited by William Carew Hazlitt. London 1877. 3 v. 8vo calf. MORE, SIR THOMAS. Utopia: written in Latine by Syr Thomas More, knyght, and translated into Englyshe by Raphe Robynson; anno, with notes... by T. F. Dibdin. Boston, Lincolnshire, 1878. 8vo cioth uncut MORICE, F. D. See Ancient classics for English readers. 86 MORLEY, HENRY. Of English literature in the reign of Queen Victoria, with a glance at the past; by Henry Morley, LL.D. Leipzig 1881. f'cap 8vo cloth. MOTHERWELL, WILLIAM. Poems, narrative and lyrical; by William Motherwell. Glasgow 1832. f'cap 8vo doth. MOTLEY, JOHN L. History of the United Netherlands; from the death of William the Silent to the twelve years' truce, 1609; by John Lothrop Motley, D.C.L. London 1867-68. 4 V. 8VO illuSt. calf m.e. The rise of the Dutch Republic, a history; by John Lothrop Motley. London 1869. 3 V. 8VO calf m.e. The life and death of John of Barneveld, advocate of Holland; with a view of the primary causes and movements of the thirty years' war; by John Lothrop Motley, D.C.L. London 1874. 2 v. 8vo illust. calf m.e. MUNGER, THEODORE T. The freedom of faith; by Theodore T. Munger. London n.d. crown 8VO cloth. MUNK, WILLIAM. The gold-headed cane; edited by William Munk, M.D. London 1884. 8vO cloth. MUNRO, H. H. Manual of logic, deductive and inductive; by H. H. Munro. Glasgow 1850. 8vO cloth. MUNRO, ROBERT. Ancient Scottish lake dwellings or Crannogs, with a supplementary chapter on remains of lake dwellings in England; by Robert Munro. Edinburgh 1882. 8vo illust. cloth. MURPHY, SHIRLEY FORSTER. Our homes, and how to make them healthy; edited by S. F. Murphy. London 1885. roy. 8vo illust. cloth. -8 7 - NAPIER, JAMES. Folk lore: or superstitious beliefs in the West of Scotland within this century; by James Napier. Paisley 1879. crown 8vo cloth uncut. NATURAL HISTORY OF STUCK-UP PEOPLE. The natural history of 'stuck-up' people. f'cap 8vo illust. qr. mor. y.e. NEAVES, LORD. Songs and verses, social and scientific : by an old contributor to Maga. 3rd edit. Edinburgh 1869. f'cap 8vo cloth g.e. NOBLE, SAMUEL. An appeal in behalf of the views of the eternal world and state, and the doctrines of faith and life held by the body of Christians who believe that a new church is signified by the New Jerusalem; by S. Noble, yth edit. London 1868. crown 8vo cloth. NORMAN, HENRY. Bodyke: a chapter in the history of Irish landlordism; by Henry Norman. London 1887. 8vo cloth uncut. NORTH STAR. Log of the steam yacht "North Star," 1883. Glasgow 1884. f'cap 8vO cloth g.e. OGILVY, MRS. D. The book of highland minstrelsy; by Mrs. D. Ogilvy; with illustrations by R. R. M'lan. London 1860. f'cap 410 cloth g.e. OSSIAN. The poems of Ossian; translated by James Macpherson. London 1773. 2V. 8VO Cfdf, OUTRAM, GEORGE. Lyrics, legal and miscellaneous; by George Outram; edited by Henry Glassford Bell. 3rd edit. Edinburgh 1874. crown 8vo cloth. OWEN, RICHARD. See Hunter, John. PAINE, THOMAS. Rights of man : being an answer to Mr. Burke's attack on the French Revolution; by Thomas Paine. 5th edit. London 1791. 8vo half calf iu.e. PALMER, HERBERT. Lord Bacon not the author of "The Christian Paradoxes:" being a reprint of "Memorials of Godliness and Christianity;" by Herbert Palmer. With introduction, memoir, and notes by Alexander B. Grosart. Printed for private circulation. 1865 8vo portrait rox. PALMER, ROUNDELL. The book of praise from the best English hymn writers; selected and arranged by Roundell Palmer. London 1867. f'cap 8vo mor. g.e. PAMPHLETS. Brief reports of lectures delivered to the working classes of Edinburgh on the means in their own power of improving their character and con- dition; by James Simpson. Edinburgh n.d. 8vo The conduct of the understanding, also some thoughts concerning education; by John Locke. Edinburgh 1851. 8vo First report of the Royal Commissioners on technical instruction. London 1882. 8vo Report of committee on educational endowments in Glasgow, 1880. 8vo PAMPHLETS, MEDICAL. The age of biology: an inaugural address delivered at the opening of the Andersonian Medical School. Glasgow 1879. 8vo Phrenology its nature and uses: an address to the students of Anderson's University; by Andrew Combe, M.D. 1846. 8vo Asiatic cholera : an inquiry into its nature and how to deal with it : a popular exposition; by Robert Pairman. Edinburgh 1856. 8vo -89 PAMPHLETS, MEDICAL Continued. The great sulphur cure brought to the test; by Robert Pairman. i3th edit. Edinburgh 1868. 8vo On the application of sulphurous acid, gaseous and liquid, to the prevention, limitation, and cure of disease; by James Dewar. 8th edit. Edinburgh 1868. 8vo A practical reply to Sir B. Brodie's letter on Homoeopathy; by James Moore. London 1861. 8vo What are the advantages of a system of notification of infectious diseases? by H. D. Littlejohn, M.D. 1882. 8vo PATRICK, R. W. COCHRAN-. Records of the coinage of Scotland from the earliest period to the Union; collected by R. W. Cochran-Patrick. Edinburgh 1876. 2 v. 4tO illust. half mor. t.e.g. uncut. Early records relating to mining in Scotland; collected by R. W. Cochran-Patrick. Edinburgh 1878. 410 half mor. t.e.g. uncut. Catalogue of the medals of Scotland from the earliest period to the present time; arranged by R. W. Cochran-Patrick. Edinburgh 1884. 4tO illust. half mor. te.g. uncut. PATTERSON, R. H. The economy of capital; or gold and trade; by R. H. Patterson. Edinburgh 1865. 8vo doth. PAYNE, WILLIAM H. Contributions to the science of education; by William H. Payne. London n.d. crown 8vo cloth. PHIZ. See Browne, H. K., and Carleton, William. PHOTOGRAPHS. Album of photographs : Athens, obi. fo mor. g.e. Album of photographs of Malta, Algiers, and Palermo, obi. fo mor. g.e. M 9 o PITMAN, ISAAC. A plea for spelling reform: a series of tracts; edited by Isaac Pitman. London 1878. f'cap 8vo cloth. PITT, R. The craft and frauds of physic expos'd; by R. Pitt, M.D. 3rd edit. London 1703. crown 8vo caif. PLUTARCH. Plutarch's lives: the translation called Dryden's; corrected from the Greek and revised by A. H. dough. London 1874. 5 v. 8vo caif. POETS, BRITISH. The Aldine edition of the British poets. London 1831-53. 53 v. f'cap 8vo portraits mor. g.e. Akenside, 1845: Beattie, 1853: Burns, 1839, 3 v. : Butler, 1835, 2 v. : Collins, 1853: Churchill, 1844, 3 v.: Chaucer, 1852, 6 v. : Covvper, 1843, 3 v. : Dryden, 1852, 5 v.: Falconer, 1836: Goldsmith, 1853: Gray, 1853: Milton, 1852, 3 v. : Parnell, 1852: Pope, 1852, 3 v.: Prior, 1835, 2 v. : Shakespeare, 1853: Spenser, 1852, 5 v. Surrey, 1853: Swift, 1853, 3 v. : Thomson, 1847, 2 v. : H. K. White, 1840: Wyatt, 1831 : Young, 1857, 2 v. POLLOK, ROBERT. The course of time; by Robert Pollok. gth edit. Edinburgh 1829. 1 2 mo half calf. POOLE, STANLEY LANE. See Antiquarian library. POWELL, GEORGE BADEN-. The truth about home-rule; papers on the Irish question; edited by George Baden-Powell. 2nd edit. Edinburgh 1888. crown 8vo PRESCOTT, WILLIAM H. History of the conquest of Peru, with a preliminary view of the civilization of the Incas; by William H. Prescott. 3rd edit. London 1848. 2 V. 8VO portraits calf m.e. History of the reign of Philip the second, king of Spain; by William H. Prescott. 2nd edit. London 1860-74. 3 v. 8vo portraits calf m.e. 9 I PRESCOTT, WILLIAM H. Continued. History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the catholic of Spain ; by William H. Prescott. London 1867. 2 v. 8vo portraits calf m.e. History of the conquest of Mexico, with a preliminary view of the ancient Mexican civilization, and the life of the conqueror Hernando Cortes; by William H. Prescott; edited by J. F. Kirk. London 1874. 2 V. 8VO portraits calf m.e. History of the reign of Charles the fifth; by William Robertson, D.D. ; with an account of the Emperor's life after his abdication; by William H. Prescott. London 1857. 2 v. 8vo portraits calf m.e. PRICHARD, JAMES C. The natural history of man: comprising inquiries into the modifying influence of physical and moral agencies on the different tribes of the human family; by James Cowles Prichard, M.D. 4th edit. edited by Edwin Morris. London 1855. 2 v. 8vo col. illust. calf. PROBYN, J. W. Local government and taxation in the United Kingdom: a series of essays; edited by J. W. Probyn. London 1882. crown 8vo cloth. PROCTER, ADELAIDE ANNE. Legends and lyrics; by Adelaide Anne Procter; with an introduction by Charles Dickens; illustrated by Dobson, Palmer, Tenniel [etc.]. 6th edit. London 1877. CrOWn 4tO half mor. t.e.g. uncut. PROTEUS REDIVIVUS. Proteus redivivus: the art of wheedling or insinuation in general and particular conversations and trades. London 1684. i2mo mor. spr.e. QUOTATIONS. A dictionary of quotations from the English poets. London 1824. 3 V. I 2 niO qr. roaii. Treasury of choice quotations : being selections from eminent authors. London 1884. crown 8vo doth. RABELAIS, FRANCIS. The works of Francis Rabelais; translated from the French by Sir Thomas Urquhart and Motteaux. London 1845. 4 v. f'cap 8vo half calf m.e. Readings in Rabelais; by Walter Besant. Edinburgh 1883. crown 8vO cloth. RALEIGH, ALEXANDER. Quiet resting places and other sermons; by Alexander Raleigh. 3rd edit. Edinburgh 1864. crown 8vo cloth. RAMSAY, ALLAN. The gentle shepherd: a pastoral comedy; by Allan Ramsay. Edin- burgh 1808. 4tO illuSt. half calf t.e.r. uncut. RAMSAY, E. B. Reminiscences of Scottish life and character; by E. B. Ramsay. 3rd edit. Edinburgh 1856-61. 2 v. f'cap 8vo half calf. RANKINE, WILLIAM J. M. Songs and fables; by William J. Macquorn Rankine. 2nd edit. GlaSgOW 1874. f'cap 8VO illuSt. cloth uncut. RAY, JOHN. Three physico-theological discourses : concerning i. The primitive chaos and creation of the world; ii. The general deluge: its causes and effects; iii. The dissolution of the world, and future conflagration; by John Ray. 4th edit. London 1732. 8vo calf spr.e. Travels through the Low Countries, Germany, Italy, and France; by John Ray. 2nd edit. London 1738. 2 v. 8vo calf spr.e. REACH, ANGUS B. The natural history of " Bores;" by Angus B. Reach; illustrated by H. G. Hine. London 1847. f'cap 8vo paper. Claret and olives, from the Garonne to the Rhone ; by Angus B. Reach. London 1852. 8vo cloth. See also Cruikshank, George. 93 REID, JAMES. A tour in Switzerland and various parts of the Continent; by James Reid. (Private) 1878. 8vo illust. cloth. RENFREWSHIRE. Views in Renfrewshire: with historical and descriptive notices; by Philip A. Ramsay. Edinburgh 1839. 410 L.P. qr. mor. t.e.g. uncut REVILLE, ALBERT. The devil: his origin, greatness, and decadence, from the French of Albert Reville, D.D. London 1871. sq. 8vo cloth uncut. RICHARDSON, BENJAMIN WARD. Diseases of modern life; by Benjamin Ward Richardson, M.I). London 1876. crown 8vo cloth. A ministry of health, and other addresses; by B. W. Richardson, M.D. London 1879. crown 8vo cloth. RICHARDSON, CHARLES F. The choice of books; by Charles F. Richardson. London 1881. f'cap 8vO vellum t.e.g. uncut. RICHTER, JEAN PAUL F. Flower, fruit, and thorn pieces ; or the wedded life, death, and marriage of Firmian Stanislaus Siebenkaes, parish advocate in the burgh of Kuh- schnappel; by Jean Paul Friedrich Richter; translated from the German by Alexander Ewing. London 1886. crown 8vo cloth. RICHTER, LUDWIG. Der Sonntag in Bildern; von Ludwig Richter. Dresden n.d. 410 (illustrations) boards. Fur's Haus; von Ludwig Richter. Dresden n.d. 4to (illustrations) boards. The Lord's prayer; with illustrations by Ludwig Richter. Dresden n.d. 4tO boards. 94 RIMINI, BARON DE. Memoirs of the Baron de Rimini (Griscelli de Vezzani), secret agent of Napoleon III. (1850-58)5 Cavour (1859-61), Antonelli (1861-62), Francis II. (1862-64), the Emperor of Austria (1864-67). London 1888. 8vo cloth. ROBERTSON, JAMES A. Concise historical proofs respecting the Gael of Alban ; or Highlanders of Scotland ; by James A. Robertson. 2nd edit. Edinburgh 1866. 8vo illust. cloth. ROBERTSON, J. D. Handbook to the coinage of Scotland, giving a description of every variety issued by the Scottish mint in gold, silver, billon, and copper, from Alexander 1. to Anne; by J. D. Robertson. London 1878. f'cap 410 qr. wor. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM. See Prescott, William H. ROBINSON, A. MARY F. The end of the middle ages. London 1889. 8vo doth. RODGER, ALEXANDER. Poems and songs, humorous and satirical; by Alexander Rodger. Glasgow 1838. i2mo doth. ROGERS, HENRY. Essays, selected from contributions to the Edinburgh Review; by Henry Rogers. London 1850-55. 3 v. Svo cloth. ROGERS, SAMUEL. Italy; a poem by Samuel Rogers. London 1830. crown Svo illust. nior. Poems; by Samuel Rogers. London 1834. crown Svo illust. 95 RONALDS, ALFRED. The fly-fisher's entomology, with coloured representations of the natural and artificial insect; and few observations and instructions on trout and grayling fishing; by Alfred Ronalds. 5th edit, edited by Piscator. London 1856. 8vo illust cloth. ROSCOE, WILLIAM. The life and pontificate of Leo the Tenth ; by William Roscoe. 3rd edit. London 1827. 4 v. 8vo calf m.e. RUSKIN, JOHN. The Stones of Venice; by John Ruskin. London 1851-53. 3 v. imp. 8\'O illust mor. te.g. uncut The Stones of Venice: by John Ruskin, LL.D. 4th edit. Orpington l886. 3 V. 4tO illust. L.P. doth uncut. The Stones of Venice : introductory chapters and local indices (printed separately) for the use of travellers while staying in Venice and Verona; by John Ruskin, LL.D. Orpington 1879. 2 v - crown 8vo roan g.e. The Stones of Venice : general index. 1886. imp. 8vo uncut Pre-Raphaelitism ; by the author of " Modern Painters." London 185 1. 8vO cloth. Giotto and his works in Padua: being an explanatory notice of the series of wood-cuts executed for the Arundel Society after the frescoes in the Arena Chapel; by John Ruskin. 1854. imp. 8vo illust half mor. Arena Chapel, Padua: a series of wood engravings from the frescoes of Giotto, illustrating the lives of the Virgin and our Saviour. Accom- panied by an explanatory notice by John Ruskin. Arundel Society 1860. obi. fo half roan. Lectures on architecture and painting, delivered at Edinburgh, 1853; by John Ruskin. znd edit London 1855. crown 8vo illust *if te.g. uncut. Modern painters; by John Ruskin. London 1856-60. 5 v. imp. 8VO illust toot. te.g. uncut "Modern painters:" general index, bibliography and notes. Orpington l888. imp. 8VO doth uncut - 9 6- RUSKIN, JOHN Continued. Modern painters, vol. 2. " Of ideas of beauty," and " of the imagi- native faculty;" by John Ruskin, LL.D. Orpington 1883. 2 v. crown 8vO calf t.e.g. The elements of drawing; in three letters to beginners; by John Ruskin. 2nd edit. London 1857. crown 8vo illust. calf t.e.g. uncut. The elements of perspective arranged for the use of schools and intended to be read in connection with the first three books of Euclid; by John Ruskin. London 1859. crown 8vo illust. cloth. The Oxford Museum; by Henry W. Ackland, M.D., and John Ruskin. London 1859. crown 8vo cloth. Selections from the writings of John Ruskin. London 1864. crown 8vO portrait calf t.e.g. uncut. The Crown of wild olive; three lectures on work, traffic, and war; by John Ruskin. 3rd edit. London 1867. f'cap 8vo cloth g . e . The political economy of art; by John Ruskin. London 1867. i6to cloth. German popular stories; edited by E. Taylor; introduction by John Ruskin [illustrated by G. Cruikshank]. 1868. 8vo cloth. Sesame and Lilies; three lectures by John Ruskin, LL.D. ...Revised edition. London 1871. 8vo calf g.e. Fors Clavigera: letters to the workmen and labourers of Great Britain; by John Ruskin, LL.D. [Index to vols. 1-8] London 1871-87. 9 v. 8VO illust. calf g.e. Aratra Pentelici : six lectures on the elements of sculpture, given before the University of Oxford, 1870; by John Ruskin. London 1872. 8vo calf g.e. Munera Pulveris: six essays on the elements of political economy; by John Ruskin. London 1872. 8vo calf g.e. The Eagle's nest; ten lectures on the relation of natural science to art, given before the University of Oxford, 1872; by John Ruskin. London 1872. 8vo calf g.e. 97 RUSK.IN, JOHN Continued. Time and tide, by Weare and Tyne: twenty-five letters to a working- man of Sunderland on the laws of work; by John Ruskin. London 1872. 8vO calf g.e. The Crown of wild olive: four lectures on industry and war; by John Ruskin. London 1873. 8vo calf g.e. The Queen of the air: being a study of the Greek myths of cloud and storm; by John Ruskin. new edit. Orpington 1874. 8vo calf g.e. Val D'Arno; ten lectures on the Tuscan art directly antecedent to the Florentine year of victories, given before the University of Oxford, l %73) by John Ruskin. Orpington 1874. 8vo illust. calf g.e. Mornings in Florence : being simple studies of Christian art for English travellers; by John Ruskin, LL.D. Orpington 1875. f'cap 8vo calf t.e.g. uncut. Ariadne Florentina: six lectures on wood and metal engraving; given before the University of Oxford, 1872; by John Ruskin, LL.D. Orpington 1876. 8VO illust. calf g.e. Bibliotheca pastorum : edited by John Ruskin. London and Orpington 1876-85. VOls. I, 2, 4. 8VO calf g.e. vol. I. The Economist of Xenophon, translated into English by A. D. O. Wedder- burn and W. G. Collingwood. vol. 2. Rock honeycomb; broken pieces of Sir Philip Sidney's Psalter, laid up in store for English homes. vol. 3. not published. vol. 4. A knight's faith ; passages in the life of Sir Herbert Edwardes. Guide to the principal pictures in the Academy of Fine Arts at Venice, arranged for English travellers by John Ruskin. Venice 1877. 2 parts 8vo The Ethics of the dust : ten lectures to little housewives on the elements of crystallization; by John Ruskin, LL.D. 2nd edit. Orpington 1877. CrOWn 8VO roan g.e. " Unto this last:" four essays on the first principles of political economy; by John Ruskin. 2nd edit. Orpington 1877. f'cap 8vo roan g.e. N - 9 8- RUSKIN, JOHN Continued. Frondes agrestes: readings in "Modern painters;" chosen at her pleasure, by the author's friend, the younger lady of the Thwaite, Coniston. 3rd edit. Orpington 1878. crown 8vo roan g.e. Notes by Mr. Ruskin on his collection of drawings by the late J. M. W. Turner, R.A. exhibited at the Fine Art Society's galleries; also a list of the engraved works of that master shown at the same time. London 1878. 8vO illuSt. mor. uucut. The two Paths: being lectures on art, and its application to decoration and manufacture, delivered in 1858-9; by John Ruskin, LL.D. new edit. Orpington 1878. 8vo calf g.e. Deucalion: collected studies of the lapse of waves, and life of stones; by John Ruskin, D.C.L., LL.D. Orpington 1879-83. 8vo illust. calf g.e. Inaugural address delivered at the Cambridge School of Art, 1858; by John Ruskin. Orpington 1879. 8vo Notes on the construction of sheepfolds; by John Ruskin. 4th edition. Orpington 1879. 8vo Proserpina: studies of wayside flowers, while the air was as yet pure among the Alps, and in the Scotland and England which my father knew; by John Ruskin, LL.D. Orpington 1879-86. 8vo illust. calf g.e. The laws of Fesole: a familiar treatise on the elementary principles and practice of drawing and painting; as determined by the Tuscan masters: arranged for the use of schools; by John Ruskin, LL.D. Orpington 1879. 8vO illust. calf g.e. "A joy for ever;" (and its price in the market): being the substance (with additions) of two lectures on the political economy of art; by John Ruskin, LL.D. Orpington 1880. 8vo calf g.e. Arrows of the chace: being a collection of scattered letters... 1840-1880; by John Ruskin, LL.D., D.C.L., and now edited by an Oxford pupil. Orpington 1880. 2 v. 8vo calf g.e. Lectures on art; delivered before the University of Oxford in Hilary- term, 1870; by John Ruskin. 3rd edit. Oxford 1880. 8vo calf g.e. 99 RUSKIN, JOHN Continued. Notes by Mr. Ruskin on Samuel Prout and William Hunt, in illustratio^ of a loan collection of drawings exhibited at the Fine Art Society's galleries, 1879-80. London l88o. 4tO illust. cloth t.e.g. uncut. The Seven Lamps of Architecture; by John Ruskin: with illustrations drawn by the author, new edit. Orpington 1880. imp. 8vo mor. uncut. Catalogue of the drawings and sketches by J. M. W. Turner at present exhibited in the National Gallery, revised by John Ruskin. Orpington 1881. 8vo Love's Meinie: lectures on Greek and English birds; by John Ruskin, LL.D. Orpington 1881. 8vo illust. calf g.e. In Montibus Sanctis: studies of mountain form and of its visible causes, collected and completed out of 'Modern painters;' by John Ruskin. Orpington 1884. sq. 8vo uncut. " Our fathers have told us:" sketches of the history of Christendom for boys and girls who have been held at its fonts; by John Ruskin. Orping- ton 1884. 8VO illust. calf g.e. St. Mark's rest: the history of Venice, written for the help of the few travellers who still care for her monuments; by John Ruskin, LL.D. Orpington 1884. f'cap 8vo calf t.e.g. uncut, (with two supplements.) The pleasures of England: lectures given in Oxford; by John Ruskin, LL.D. Orpington 1884-5. sc l- 8vo uucut The Storm Cloud of the nineteenth century: two lectures delivered at the London Institution... by John Ruskin. Orpington 1884. 410 half mor. t.e.g. uncut. Cceli enarrant: studies of cloud form and of its visible causes, collected and completed out of ' Modern Painters ' by John Ruskin. Orpington 1885. Sq. 8vO uncut Dame Wiggins of Lee and her seven wonderful cats: a humorous tale written principally by a lady of ninety; edited by John Ruskin; illustrated by Kate Greenaway. Orpington 1885. f'cap 410 cloth uncut. RUSKIN, JOHN Continued. On the old road; a collection of miscellaneous essays, pamphlets, etc., published 1834-1885; by John Ruskin, LL.D., D.C.L. Orpington 1885. 3 V. 8vO half mor. t.e.g. uncut. Praeterita: outlines of scenes and thoughts, perhaps worthy of memory, in my past life; by John Ruskin, LL.D. Orpington 1886-7. 2 v - 4* L.P. half mor. t.e.g. uncut. Dilecta: correspondence, diary notes, and extracts from books, illus- trating Praeterita; arranged by John Ruskin, LL.D. Orpington 1886. 8vO uncut. Examples of the architecture of Venice, selected and drawn to measure- ment from the edifices; by John Ruskin. India proofs. Orpington 1887. K). mor. g.e. Hortus inclusus: messages from the wood to the garden, sent in happy days to the sister ladies of the Thwaite, Coniston, by John Ruskin, LL.D. Orpington 1887. crown 8vo calf g.e. The art of England: lectures given in Oxford; by John Ruskin, D.C.L., LL.D., during his second tenure of the Slade Professorship. 2nd edit. Orpington 1887. 4tO mor. g.e. uncut. Ulric the farm servant: a story of the Bernese Lowlands; by Jeremias Gotthelf; translated into English from the original German by Julia Firth: revised and edited with notes by John Ruskin, LL.D., D.C.L. Orping- ton l888. cloth uncut. The poems of John Ruskin, collected by W. G. Collingwood. Orping- ton 1891. 2V. 4tO illust. L.P. half parchment uncut. A descriptive catalogue of the Library and print room of the Ruskin Museum, Sheffield. Orpington 1890. 8vo Letter to young girls; by J. Ruskin, LL.D. crown 8vo The Bible of Amiens. 25 photographs. fo half mor. The King of the Golden river, or the Black brothers; a legend of Stiria; by John Ruskin, illustrated by Richard Doyle. 6th edit. London n.d. sq. 8vo cloth. 101 RUSKIN, }QKX Continued. The Lord's prayer and the Church; letters to the clergy, by John Ruskin, D.C.L., with replies from clergy and laity, and an epilogue by Mr. Ruskin. Edited by F. A. Malleson. London n.d. crown 8vo calf te.g. Pamphlets, as follow. 8vo uf g.e. Inaugural address delivered at the Cambridge School of Art, 1858; by John Ruskin, LL.D. new edit. Orpington 1878. The relation between Michael Angelo and Tintoret; John Ruskin. Orpington 1879. Salsette and Elephanta : a prize poem... 1839; by John Ruskin. new edit. Orpington 1879. Elements of English Prosody for use in St. George's schools: explana- tory of the various terms used in "Rock Honeycomb;" by John Ruskin. Orpington 1880. Catalogue of a series of specimens in the British Museum (natural history) illustrative of the more common forms of native silica; arranged and described by John Ruskin. Orpington 1884. The Guild of St. George: Master's reports, 1885, 1886. Pamphlets, as follow. 8vo calf g.e. Notes by Mr. Ruskin on his drawings by..J. M. W. Turner, R.A., ex- hibited at the Fine Art Society's galleries, 1878: also an appendix contain- ing a list of the engraved works of J. M. W. Turner, exhibited at the same time. Catalogue of the sketches and drawings of J. M. W. Turner, R.A., ex- hibited in Marlborough House, 185 7 -8, accompanied with illustrative notes; by John Ruskin. London 1858. Catalogue of the drawings and sketches by J. M. W. Turner, R.A., at present exhibited in the National Gallery, revised... by John Ruskin. Orpington 1881. Notes by Mr. Ruskin on Samuel Prout and William Hunt, illustrated by a loan collection of drawings exhibited at the Fine Art Society's galleries. 1879-80. IO2 RUSKIN, JOHN Continued. The bibliography of Ruskin; a bibliographical list arranged in chrono- logical order of the published writings in prose and verse of John Ruskin, from 1834 to 1878. crown 8vo The bibliography of Ruskin : a bibliographical list, arranged in chrono- logical order of the published writings in prose and verse of John Ruskin (from 1834 to 1879). crown 8vo uncut. The bibliography of Ruskin; a bibliographical list, arranged in chronological order, of the published writings in prose and verse of John Ruskin (from 1834 to 1881). 5th edit. London n.d. imp. 8vo cloth. The Ruskin Birthday-book: a selection of thoughts, mottoes, and aphorisms for every day in the year, from the works of John Ruskin, LL.D., collected and arranged by M. A. B. and G. A. Orpington 1883. 410 port. half mor. John Ruskin: aspects of his thought and teachings; by Edmund J. Baillie. London 1882. 8vo portrait roan. Studies in Ruskin: some aspects of the work and teaching of John Ruskin; by Edward T. Cook; with reproductions of drawings by Mr. Ruskin in the Ruskin drawing school, Oxford. Orpington 1890. 8vo cloth uncut. Guild of St. George, master's report, 1885. 8vo. The Ruskin Society (Society of the Rose): report 1880. Manchester. 8vo Wealth : definitions by Ruskin and Mill compared : a paper read before the Ruskin Society of Glasgow, 1882. Glasgow n.d. 8vo Report on the homes of the people: or sketches of some dwellings in Glasgow, by the Ruskin Society of Glasgow. 1882. 8vo RUSSELL, JAMES. Reminiscences of Yarrow; by James Russell. Edinburgh 1886. 8vo portrait cloth. RUSSELL, JAMES B. Sanitary papers; by J. B. Russell. Glasgow 1875-1890. 2 v. 8vo lialf calf ipr.e. 103 RUSSELL, JAMES B. Continued. Lectures on the theory and general prevention and control of infectious diseases; by James B. Russell, M.D. ; and on air, water supply, sewage disposal, and food; by William Wallace, Ph.D. Glasgow 1879. 8vo cloth. See also at Glasgow. RUTHERFORD, SAMUEL. Letters of Samuel Rutherford; with biographical sketches of his correspondents; edited by Andrew A. Bonar. Edinburgh 1863. 2 v. 8vO cloth. SCOTLAND. The historians of Scotland. Edinburgh 1871-80. 10 v. 8vo cloth. 1. Johannis de Fordun chronica gentis Scotorum. 2. 3. 9. Andrew of Wyntoun's orygynale cronykil of Scotland. 4. John of Fordun's chronicle of the Scottish nation, translated. 5. Lives of S. Ninian and S. Kentigern, compiled in the twelfth century. 6. Life of Saint Columba, founder of Hy ; written by Adamnan. 7. 10. Liber Pluscardensis. 8. Critical essay on the ancient inhabitants of the northern parts of Britain or Scot- land... by Thomas Innes. Publications of the Scottish history society. Edinburgh 1887-90. 9 V. 8VO cloth uncut. i. Tours in Scotland, 1747, 50, 60 ; by Richard Pocoke; edited by Daniel William Kemp. 1887. ii. The diary and general expenditure book of William Cunningham of Craigends, 1673-1680: edited by James Dodds, D.D. 1887. iii. The Grameid : an heroic poem descriptive of the campaign of Viscount Dundee in 1689. James Philip, 1691 ; edited by Alexander D. Murdoch. 1888. iv. vii. Register of the minister, elders, and deacons of the Christian congregation of St. Andrews, 1559-1600; edited by David Hay Fleming. 1889-90. 2 v. v. Diary of the Reverend John Mill, 1740-1803; edited by Gilbert Goudie. 1889. vi. Narrative of James Nimmo, 1654-1709; edited by W. G. Scott-Moncrieff. 1889. viii. List of persons concerned in the rebellion ; preface by Earl of Rosebery ; annotations by Walter Macleod. 1890. ix. The book of record : a diary written by Patrick, Earl of Strathmore, and other documents relating to Glamis Castle, 1684-89; edited by A. H. Millar. 1890. 104 SCOTLAND Continued. Records of the convention of the Royal Burghs of Scotland, 1295-1738: and index. Edinburgh 1870-90. 6 v. crown 410 cloth. Miscellany of the Scottish Burgh records society. Edinburgh 1 88 1. crown 410 cloth. Miscellanea Scotica; a collection of tracts relating to the history, antiquities, topography, and literature of Scotland. Glasgow 1818-20. 1 2 mO calf t.e.g. uncut. Facsimiles of national manuscripts of Scotland; selected under the direction of Sir William Gibson-Craig, and photozincographed by Sir Henry James. Southampton 1867-71. 3 v. fo half roan. The history of the feuds and conflicts among the clans in the northern parts of Scotland and in the western isles, 1031 to 1619. Glasgow 1764. fcap 8vo cloth. Ordnance gazetteer of Scotland, edited by Francis H. Groome. Edin- burgh 1886. 3 V. roy. 8vO half mor. t.e.g. SCOTT. The national memorial to... the Prince Consort. London 1873. fo plates half mor. t.e.g. SCOTT, ALEXANDER M. The Battle of Langside, mdlxviii; by Alexander Malcolm Scott. Glasgow 1885. fcap 4tO rox. uncut. SCOTT, THOMAS. The theological works of Thomas Scott. Edinburgh 1829. 8vo portrait calf. SCOTT, SIR WALTER. The border antiquities of England and Scotland ; comprising specimens of architecture and sculpture, and other vestiges of former ages, accom- panied by descriptions ; together with illustrations of remarkable incidents in border history and tradition, and original poetry; by Walter Scott. London 1814-17. 2 v. roy. 410 illust. mor. g.e. SCOTT, SIR WALTER Continued. Provincial antiquities and picturesque scenery of Scotland, with de- scriptive illustrations; by Sir Walter Scott. London 1826. 2 v. fo illuSt. mor. g.e. Novels and tales of the author of Waverley. Edinburgh 1822-33. 41 V. 8VO illust. calf m.e. The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott. Edinburgh 1830. n v. 8VO illust. calf m.e. The minstrelsy of the Scottish border; by Sir Walter Scott. Edinburgh 1850. 4v. f'cap 8vo cloth. A series of sketches of the existing localities alluded to in the Waverley novels; etched from original drawings, by James Skene. Edinburgh 1829. Toy. 8vO mor. t.e.g. uncut. Illustrations to the Waverley novels. London 1830-33. imp. 4to mor. t.e.g. uncut. Landscape illustrations of the Waverley novels with descriptions of the views. London 1834. 2 v. crown 4to cloth uncut. Illustrations to the Waverley novels. Edinburgh 1852-53. fo mor. t.e.g. uncut. Engravings in illustration of [the Waverley novels] for the members of the Royal Association for promotion of the fine arts in Scotland. 1865- 78. half mor. t.e.g. uncut. Illustrations; landscape, historical, and antiquarian to the poetical works of Sir Walter Scott. London n.d. crown 410 cloth uncut Landscape historical illustrations of Scotland, and the Waverley novels: from drawings by J. M. W. Turner, Balmer, Bentley,...etc., comic illustrations by G. Cruikshank: descriptions by G. N. Wright. London n.d. 2 V. 4tO mor. t.e.g. uncut. See also Cruikshank, George. SCRIPTURE ILLUSTRATIONS. Scripture illustrations; engravings. 2 v. obi, fo mor. g.e. io6 SCULPTURE. Ancient and modern sculpture, in outline from celebrated works of the best masters; with historical descriptions. London n.d. qr. mor. te.g. uncut. SEAFIELD, IAN CHARLES, STH EARL OF. In memoriam Ian Charles, eighth earl of Seafield, twenty-seventh chief of the Clan Grant. [1884] 8vo cloth. SELLAR, ALEXANDER CRAIG. Manual of the education acts for Scotland; by Alexander Craig Sellar. 7th edit. Edinburgh 1879. 8vo cloth uncut. SENIOR, JOSEPH. Smithy rhymes and stithy chimes; by Joseph Senior. Sheffield 1882. Crown 8vO roan g.e. SERVICE, JOHN. Salvation here and hereafter: sermons and essays; by John Service. London 1877. cr. 8vo cloth. SETON, GEORGE. A budget of anecdotes chiefly relating to the current century; collected by George Seton. Edinburgh 1887. f'cap 8vo cloth. SHAILER, W. The young man's best companion, or the new book of knowledge: being a regular system of education, without the aid of a tutor; revised by W. Shailer. Edinburgh 1831. 8vo half calf m.e. SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. The plays and poems of Shakspeare; edited by A. J. Valpy. London 1832-42. 15 V. f'cap 8VO illust. mor. g.e. The sonnets of William Shakspere; edited by Edward Dowden. London 1 88 1. f'cap 8vO vellum te.g. uncut Shakespeare's songs and sonnets; illustrated by Sir John Gilbert. London n.d. f'cap 4tO boards g.e. SHAW, THOMAS GEORGE. Wine, the vine, and the cellar; by Thomas George Shaw. 2nd edit. London 1864. 8vo illust. cloth uncut. SHELLEY, MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT. Tales and stories; by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, with an introduction by Richard Garnett, LL.D. London 1891. crown 8vo cloth uncut. SHEPHERD, RICHARD H. See Carlyle, Thomas. SHIRRA, ROBERT. Remains of Robert Shirra, Linktown; with a memoir by John B. Johnston. Edinburgh 1850. f'cap 8vo cloth. SIMPSON, J. Y. Antiquarian notices of syphilis in Scotland in the i5th and i6th centuries; by J. Y. Simpson, M.D. Edinburgh n.d. f'cap 410 qr. roan. SINCLAR, GEORGE. Satan's invisible world discovered; by George Sinclar. Reprinted from the original edition published at Edinburgh in 1685. Edinburgh 1871. 8vO cloth. SKENE, JAMES. See Scott, Sir Walter. SKENE, WILLIAM F. The highlanders of Scotland, their origin, history, and antiquities; by William F. Skene. London 1837. 2 v. i2mo calf m.e. The coronation stone; by William F. Skene. Edinburgh 1869. f'cap 4to doth g .e. illust. The Gospel history for the young; by William F. Skene, D.C.L. Edinburgh 1883-84. 3 v. crown 8vo doth. SMART, JOHN. Discourses; by John Smart, D.D.: with a memoir by James Harper, D.D. Edinburgh 1871. crown 8vo portrait cloth uncut io8 - SMEDLEY, JOHN. Practical hydropathy; by John Smedley. 7th edit. London 1864. crown 8vo illust. doth. SMILES, SAMUEL. Lives of the engineers, with an account of their principal works; com- prising also a history of inland communication in Britain; by Samuel Smiles. London 1861-62. 3 v. 8vo illust. calf m.e. Lives of Boulton and Watt: principally from the original Soho MSS.: comprising also a history of the invention and introduction of the steam engine; by Samuel Smiles. 2nd edit. London 1866. 8vo illust. calf m.6. Industrial biography: iron workers and tool makers; by Samuel Smiles. London 1863. Crown 8vO half calf m.e. Character; by Samuel Smiles. London 1871. crown 8 vo half calf in.e. The Huguenots, their settlements, churches, and industries, in England and Ireland. London 1876. crown 8vo cloth. Thrift ; by Samuel Smiles. London 1877. crown 8vo cloth. Duty; by Samuel Smiles, LL.D. London 1880. crown 8vo cloth. Men of invention and industry; by Samuel Smiles, LL.D. London 1884. crown 8vo cloth. SMITH, ADAM. The theory of moral sentiments... to which is added a dissertation on the origin of languages; by Adam Smith, LL.D. loth edit. London 1804. 2 V. 8vO calf gr.e. An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations; by Adam Smith, LL.D. Edinburgh 1806. 3 v. 8vo calf gr.e. SMITH, ALBERT. The month: a view of passing subjects and manners, home and foreign, social and general; by Albert Smith and John Leech. London 1851. f'cap 8VO illust. half nior. m.e. IOQ SMITH, SOUTHWOOD. A lecture delivered over the remains of Jeremy Bentham, in the Webb Street school of anatomy and medicine; by Southwood Smith, M.D. London 1832. 8vo portrait qr. roan. SMITH, SYDNEY. A memoir of Sydney Smith; by Lady Holland ; with a selection from his letters; edited by Mrs. Austin. 3rd edit. London 1855. 2 v - 8vo calf m.e. The works of Sydney Smith. 3rd edit. London 1845. 3 v. 8vo portrait uf m.e. Two volumes of sermons; by Sydney Smith. London 1809. 2 v. 8vO calf m.e. Sermons preached at St. Paul's Cathedral, the Foundling Hospital [etc.], by Sydney Smith. London 1846. 8vo calf m.e. Elementary Sketches of moral philosophy; by Sydney Smfth. London 1850. 8vO calf m.e. Letters on the subject of the Catholics; by Peter Plymley. 2ist edit. London 1838. crown 8vo calf m.e. made uniform in size with above vols. Six sermons preached in Charlotte Chapel, Edinburgh; by Sydney Smith. Edinburgh 1800. f'cap 8vo calf m.e. made uniform in size with above vols. SMOLLETT, TOBIAS. See Cruikshank, George. SOUTH, JOHN FLINT. Household surgery, or hints on emergencies; by J. F. South. London l88o. I2niO illuSt. cloth. Memorials of the craft of surgery in England ; ft om materials compiled by John Flint South; edited by D'Arcy Power; with introduction by Sir James Paget. London 1886. 8vo illust. cloth uncut. SOUTH KENSINGTON. Hand-book of the Dyce and Foster collections in the South Kensington Museum. London n.d. 8vo illust. cloth. no SOUTHEY, ROBERT. The poetical works of Robert Southey. London 1837. 10 v. f'cap 8vO cloth uncut. SPENCER, HERBERT. Education: intellectual, moral, physical; by Herbert Spencer. London 1878. crown 8vo cloth. SPINOZA, BENEDICT DE. Tractatus theologico-politicus: a theological and political treatise: show- ing that freedom of thought and of discussion can not only be gained with safety to religion, and the peace of the state, but cannot be denied with- out danger; by Benedict de Spinoza. 2nd edit. London 1868. 8vo cloth. SPREUL, JOHN. Some remarkable passages of the Lord's providence towards Mr. John Spreul, Town-clerk of Glasgow, 1635-1664. Edinburgh 1832. 8vo uncut. Miscellaneous writings of John Spreull (commonly called Bass John) ; with some papers relating to his history, 1646-1722; edited by John W. Burns. Glasgow 1882. crown 410 portrait cloth uncut SPURGEON, C. H. Lectures to my students... by C. H. Spurgeon. London 1875. 8vo cloth. STEPHEN, SIR GEORGE. The adventures of a gentleman in search of a horse ; by Caveat Emptor. London 1835. f'cap 8vo illust. cloth. STERNE, LAURENCE. Fragments: in the manner of Sterne. London 1797. f'cap 8vo calf. j STEVENS, A. DE GRASSE. The lost Dauphin; Louis XVII., or Onwarenhiiaki, the Indian Iroquois chief; by A. de Grasse Stevens. Orpington 1887. sq. 8vo portraits half vellum t.e.g. uncut. Ill STEVENS, F. G. See Bewick, Thomas. STEWART, ALEXANDER. Nether Lochaber: the natural history, legends, and folk-lore of the West Highlands; by Alexander Stewart. Edinburgh 1883. crown 8vo doth. 'Twixt Ben Nevis and Glencoe : the natural history, legends, and folk- lore of the West Highlands; by Alexander Stewart, LL.D. Edinburgh 1885. crown 8vo portrait doth. STEWART, W. C. The practical angler, or the art of trout fishing more particularly applied to clear water; by W. C. Stewart 4th edit Edinburgh 1861. f cap 8VO UlusL doth. STEWART, W. GRANT. The popular superstitions and festive amusements of the highlanders of Scotland. Edinburgh 1823. I2mO half mor. teg. nncat STODDART, JAMES H. In memoriam: James H. Stoddart, LL.D., editor of the "Glasgow Herald." Private 1888. fcap 4to portrait, doth. STODDART, R. R. Scottish arms, being a collection of armorial bearings 1370-1678; reproduced in facsimile from contemporary manuscripts; with heraldic and genealogical notes; by R. R. Stoddart Edinburgh 1881. 2 v. fo doth t.e.g. uncut. STODDART, THOMAS TOD. The angler's companion to the rivers and lochs of Scotland ; by Thomas Tod Stoddart 2nd edit Edinburgh 1853. crown 8vo illust doth. STRATHEARN. The beauties of upper Strathearn; Crieffwith six excursions around it Crieff n.d. fcap 8vo boards. STUART, ROBERT. Caledonia Romana ; a descriptive account of the Roman antiquities of Scotland. Edinburgh 1845. 410 half calf r.e. 112 STUBBS, WILLIAM. The constitutional history of England in its origin and development; by William Stubbs, D.D. Oxford 1880. 3 v. 8vo doth. SUETONIUS. The lives of the twelve Caesars, the first emperors of Rome; by C. Suetonius Tranquillus; done into English. London 1688. 8vo calf. SWARBRECK, S. D. Sketches in Scotland, drawn from nature and on stone by S. D. Swarbreck. London 1839. fo qr. roan. SWIFT, JONATHAN. Travels into several remote nations of the world; by Lemuel Gulliver; illustrated by Grandville; edited by W. C. Taylor, LL.D. London n.d. Toy. 8vO half mor. m.e. TAINE, H. A. History of English literature; by H. A. Taine, D.C.L. ; translated from the French by H. van Laun. Edinburgh 1873-74. 4 v. 8vo cloth. TAYLOR, ISAAC. Character essential to success in life: addressed to those who are approaching manhood; by Isaac Taylor. London 1820. i2mo Vxmrds. The balance of criminality ; or mental error compared with immoral conduct; by Isaac Taylor. London 1828. i2mo boards. The process of historical proof; exemplified and explained; by Isaac Taylor. London 1828. 8vo calf t.e.g. uncut. Natural history of enthusiasm. 4th edit. London 1830. 8vo calf t.e.g. uncut. Saturday evening; by the author of "Natural history of enthusiasm." London 1832. 8vO calf t.e.g. uncut. Fanaticism; by the author of " Natural history of enthusiasm." London 1833. 8vO calf te.g. uncut. Spiritual despotism; by the author of "Natural history of enthusiasm." 2nd edit. London 1835. 8vo calf te. g . uncut. TAYLOR, ISAAC Continued. Home education; by the author of "Natural history of enthusiasm." 2nd edit. London 1838. i2mo calf t.e.g. uncut Ancient Christianity, and the doctrines of the Oxford tracts for the times; by the author of " Spiritual despotism." 2nd edit. London 1840. 2 V. 8vO calf t.e.g. uncut. Four lectures on spiritual Christianity; by Isaac Taylor. London 1841. I2mO cloth uncut Loyola: and Jesuitism in its rudiments; by Isaac Taylor. London 1849. 8vO calf t.e.g. uncut. Wesley, and Methodism: by Isaac Taylor. London 1851. crown 8vO portrait calf t.e g. uncut. The restoration of belief. Cambridge 1855. crown 8 vo caift.e. g . Physical theory of another life; by Isaac Taylor. London 1858. 8vo calf t.e.g. uncut. Logic in theology, and other essays; by Isaac Taylor. London 1859. f'cap 8vO calf t.e.g. uncut. Ultimate civilization, and other essays; by Isaac Taylor. London l86o. f'cap 8vO calf t.e.g. uncut. Elements of thought; or concise explanations of the principal terms employed in the several branches of intellectual philosophy; by Isaac Taylor, nth edit. London 1866. crown 8vo calf teg. uncut. History of the transmission of ancient books to modern times; by Isaac Taylor. Liverpool 1875. f'cap 8 vo calf te.g. uncut. TAYLOR, JEREMY. Holy living and dying : together with prayers containing the whole duty of a Christian; by Jeremy Taylor, D.D. London 1844. crown 8vo portrait cloth. TENNYSON, ALFRED. Poems; by Alfred Tennyson. 4th edit. London 1846. 2 v. f'cap 8vO cloth uncut. P THACKERAY, WILLIAM M. The works of William Makepeace Thackeray. London 1869. 22 v. 8vO half mor. t.e.g. uncut. The English humorists of the .eighteenth century; by W. M. Thackeray. London 1853. crown 8vo cloth. An essay on the genius of George Cruikshank; by William Makepeace Thackeray; edited by W. E. Church. London 1884. imp. 8vo illust. half mor. t.e.g. uncut. Essay on the genius of George Cruikshank; by W. M. Thackeray. Illustrated by several hundred etchings and woodcuts selected from his works from 1809-1875. 3 V. 4tO n.d. mor by Riviere, iu the style of Roger Payne. THEOBALD, MORELL. Spirit workers in the home circle. London 1887. 8vo cloth. THOM, WILLIAM. The works of William Thorn, late minister of Govan, consisting of sermons, letters, tracts, etc. Glasgow 1799. i2mo half mor. t.e.g. uncut. THOMAS A KEMPIS. Of the imitation of Jesus Christ; translated from the Latin original ascribed to Thomas a Kempis, by T. F. Dibdin, D.D. London 1851. 8vO mor. THOMPSON, SIR H. Diet in relation to age and activity; by Sir H. Thompson. 2nd edit. London 1886. f'cap 8vo THOMS, JOHN A. Complete concordance to the revised version of the New Testament; by J. A. Thorns. London 1882. 8vo cloth r.e. THOMSON, ANDREW. Life of Principal Harper, D.D. ; by Andrew Thomson, D.D. Edin- burgh 1 88 1. 8vo portrait doth. THOMSON, SPENCER. A dictionary of domestic medicine and household surgery; by Spencer Thomson, M.D. London 1866. 8vo illust. cloth. THORNBURY, WALTER. The life of J. M. W. Turner, R.A.; by Walter Thornbury. London 1877. crown 8vo col. illust. cloth. TIM BOBBIN. See Collier, John. TOLSTOI, COUNT LYOF N. Ivan Ilyitch and other stories; by Count Lyof N. Tolstoi; translated from the Russian by Nathan Haskell Dole. London 1889. crown 8vo cloth. TRACTS. Civil establishments of Christianity; by Ralph Wardlaw, D.D. 3rd edit. Glasgow 1833. i2mo Considerations on civil establishments of religion; by H. Heugh, D.D. 2nd edit. Glasgow 1833. i2mo Ecclesiastical establishments opposed alike to political equity and Christian law; by D. Young. Glasgow 1833. i2mo The voluntary support of the Gospel vindicated and enforced; by Peter Davidson. Edinburgh 1833. i2mo Report of a trial... for an alleged libel: in the case of Andrew Scott, Roman Catholic Priest, Glasgow -versus William M 'Gavin, author of a work entitled The Protestant, and others. Glasgow 1821. 8vo Remarks on the plans and publications of Robert Owen; by John Brown. Edinburgh 1817. 8vo Two letters on the subject of the French Bible published by the British and Foreign Bible Society... by John Owen. 2nd edit. London 1822. 8vo A second reply to the Edinburgh Review by the author of a reply to the calumnies of that Review against Oxford. Oxford 1810. 8vo Lara, a tale; by Lord Byron. 4th edit. London 1814. 8vo n6- TR ACTS Continued. Report on the religious state of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland; with a plan for its amelioration. Edinburgh 1820. 8vo Remarks on the present state of Ireland; with hints for ameliorating the condition... of the peasantry of that country; by Robert Steven. 2nd edit. London 1822. 8vo TRENCH, RICHARD C. On the study of words; by Richard Chenevix Trench, D.D. nth edit. London 1864. f'cap 8vo cloth. TUPPER, MARTIN F. Proverbial philosophy; by Martin F. Tupper, D.C.L. London 1854. crown 410 illust. cloth g.e. TURNER, JOSEPH M. W. The Turner Gallery: a series of sixty engravings from the principal works of Joseph Mallord William Turner; with a memoir and illustrative text; by Ralph Nicholson Wornum. London 1875. fo half mor. g.e. The harbours of England; engraved by Thomas Lupton from original drawings made expressly for the work by J. M. W. Turner; with illustrative text by John Ruskin. London 1877. 410 illust. cloth. The liber studiorum of J. M. W. Turner; edited by, and each plate accompanied by a critical notice by Stopford Brooke. [Autotype repro- ductions.] London 1882-84. 3 V. Ob. fo mor. g.e. TYRWHITT, R. ST. JOHN. Our sketching club: letters and studies on landscape art; by R. St. John Tyrwhitt; with a reproduction of the lessons and woodcuts in Ruskin's " Elements of drawing." 2nd edit. London 1875. crown 8vo illust. cloth. The art teaching of the primitive church; by R. St. John Tyrwhitt. London n.d. crown 8vo illust. cloth. TYTLER, PATRICK FRASER. History of Scotland; by Patrick Fraser Tytler. 3rd edit. Edinburgh 1845-50. 8 V. 8vO calfm.e. TYTLER, PATRICK FRASER Continued. Life of King Henry the eighth; by Patrick Fraser Tytler. Edinburgh n.d. f'cap 8vo portrait mor. g.e. URE, DAVID. The history of Rutherglen and East Kilbride; David Ure. GlaSgOW 1793. 8vO illuSt. half calf.spr.e. uncut. Biographical notice of the Rev. David Ure: with an examination, critical and detailed, of his History of Rutherglen and East Kilbride; by John Gray. Glasgow 1865. 8vo boards uncut. URE, JOHN. A tour round the world; by an ex-Lord Provost of Glasgow. Glasgow 1855. 8VO cloth. VAMBERY, ARMINIUS. Arminius Vambery, his life and adventures; written by himself. London 1884. crown 8vo illust. cloth. VIDOCQ. Memoirs of Vidocq, principal agent of the French police; written by himself: translated. London 1851. i2mo illust. half calf spr.e. WADDELL, THOMAS. Offices of prayer: embracing all the devotional parts of scripture, and applied to the leading necessities of life and religion; by Thomas Waddell. London 1847. 8vo illust. calf g.e. WADE, JAMES A. History of St. Mary's Abbey, Melrose, the monastery of old Melrose, and the town and parish of Melrose; by James A. Wade. Edinburgh 1 86 1. crown 8vo illust. cloth. WALFORD, CORNELIUS. See Antiquarian library. WALKER, JOHN. A faithful ministry: discourses by John Walker; with a memoir by James Dodds. 2nd edit. Edinburgh 1865. crown 8vo portrait cloth. n8 WALPOLE, HORACE. Memoirs of the reign of King George the third; by Horace Walpole; edited by Sir Denis le Marchant. London 1845. 4 v. 8vo portraits mor. t.e.g. uncut. Memoirs of the reign of King George the second; by Horace Walpole; edited by Lord Holland. 2nd edit. London 1847. 3 v. 8vo portraits mor. t.e.g. uncut. Journal of the reign of King George the third from 1771-1783; by Horace Walpole; edited by Dr. Doran. London 1859. 2 v. 8vo mor. t.e.g. uncut. The letters of Horace Walpole, earl of Orford; edited by Peter' Cunningham. London 1857-61. 9 v. 8vo portraits mor. t.e.g. uiicut. Horace Walpole and his world, select passages from his letters; edited by L. B. Seeley. London 1884. square 8vo portraits cloth uncut. Memoirs of Horace Walpole and his contemporaries... edited by Eliot Warburton. London 1851. 2 v. 8vo portraits mor. te.g. uncut. WALTON, ISAAK. The complete angler; by Isaak Walton and Charles Cotton; edited by "Ephemera." 2nd edit. London 1854. crown 8vo illust. half mor. t.e.g. uncut. WARDLAW, RALPH. Discourses on the principal points of the Socinian controversy; by Ralph Wardlaw. Glasgow 1814. 8vo half calf m.e. Dissertation on the scriptural authority, nature and uses of infant baptism; by Ralph Wardlaw, D.D. 2nd edit. Glasgow 1826. i2mo cloth. Two sermons on the responsibility of the heathen ; by Ralph Wardlaw, D.D. Glasgow 1827. I2niO half calf m.e. Two essays: i. On the assurance of faith: ii. On the extent of the atonement and universal pardon; by Ralph Wardlaw, D.D. Glasgow 1830. 1 2 1T1O boards. WARDLAW, RALPH Continued. Christian ethics: or moral philosophy; on the principles of divine revelation; by Ralph Wardlaw, D.D. 3rd edit. London 1837. 8vo calf m.e. National church establishments examined; by Ralph Wardlaw, D.D. London 1839. 8vo cloth. Lecture on female prostitution: its nature, extent, effects, guilt, causes, and remedy; by Ralph Wardlaw, D.D. Glasgow 1842. crown 8vo half calf m.e. See also Tracts. WARREN, SAMUEL. Passages from the diary of a late physician; by Samuel Warren. 5th edit. Edinburgh 1838. 3 v. f'cap 8vo calf m.e. WATKINS, M. G. See Antiquarian library. WATSON, JEAN L. See Ker, John. WATTS, ISAAC. Logic, or the right use of reason, in the inquiry after truth; by Isaac Watts, D.D. Chiswick 1828. f'cap 8vo half calf. WHATELY, RJCHARD. Elements of rhetoric; by Richard Whately, D.D. Oxford 1828. 8vo boards uncut. Elements of logic; by Richard Whately, D.D. 6th edit. London 1836. 8VO cloth. WHITE, JOHN. Rural architecture : illustrated in a new series of designs for ornamental cottages and villas; by John White. Glasgow 1845. fo half calf m.e. WHITNEY, GEFFREY. Whitney's " Choice of Emblems:" a facsimile reprint; edited by Henry Green; with... essays. London 1866. crown 410 illust. cloth e.g. uiicut. I2O WHITTIER, JOHN GREENLEAF. Narrative and legendary poems; by John Greenleaf Whittier. London 1888. crown 8vo portrait doth uncut. Poems of nature, poems subjective and reminiscent religious poems; by John Greenleaf Whittier. London 1888. crown 8vo portrait cloth uncut. ** Personal poems, occasional poems, the Tent on the beach: by John Greenleaf Whittier. London 1889. crown 8vo portrait cloth uncut. Anti-slavery poems, songs of labour and reform; by John Greenleaf Whittier. London 1889. crown 8vo portrait cloth uncut. WIESE, L. German letters on English education; by L. Wiese; translated by Leonhard Schmitz, LL.D. London 1877. crown 8vo cloth. WIGHT, J. See Cruikshank, George. WILSON, GEORGE. Healthy life and healthy dwellings, a guide to personal and domestic hygiene; by George Wilson, M.D. London 1880. fcap 8vo cloth. WILSON, JOHN. Recreations of Christopher North. Edinburgh 1857. 2 v. crown 8vO cloth. Recreations of Christopher North. Edinburgh 1868-78. 2 v. crown 8VO half calf m.e. Essays, critical and imaginative; by Professor Wilson. Edinburgh 1865-68. 4 V. Crown 8vO half calf m.e. The poetical works of Professor Wilson, new edit. Edinburgh 1874. Crown 8vO half calf m.e. Noctes Ambrosianae; by Professor Wilson; new edition by Professor Ferrier. Edinburgh 1876. 4 v. crown 8 vo portraits half calf m.e. WILSON, JOHN. Memoir of Mrs. Margaret Wilson, of the Scottish Mission, Bombay; including extracts from her letters and journals, by John Wilson. 2nd edit. Edinburgh 1838. i2mo cloth. 121 WINGATE, JAMES. Illustrations of the coinage of Scotland drawn from specimens existing in the author's cabinet; by James Wingate. To which is attached a short biographical notice of the various kings with a description of the coins they issued. Glasgow 1868. 4to illust. mor. WINSLOW, FORBES. Obscure diseases of the brain and mind; by Forbes Winslow, M.D. 3rd edit. London 1863. 8vo cloth. WOODWARD, JOHN; and BURNETT, GEORGE. Treatise on heraldry, British and foreign; by J. Woodward and G. Burnett. Edinburgh 1891. 2 v. 8vo col. illust. half mor. WRAXALL, SIR NATHANIEL W. Historical and posthumous memoirs, 1772-84; edited by H. B. Wheatley. 1884. 5 v. 8vo WRIGHT, THOMAS. A history of caricature and grotesque in literature and art; by Thomas Wright; illust. by F. W. Fairholt. London n.d. crown 410 illust. calf m.e. WYLIE, WILLIAM HOWIE. See Carlyle, Thomas. WYNTER, ANDREW. Borderlands of insanity, and other papers; by Andrew Wynter, M.D. London 1877. crown 8vo cloth r.e. YORKE, PERCY. Three nights in Perthshire, with a description of the festival of a " Scotch Hairst Kirn," in a letter from Percy Yorke to J. Twiss. Glasgow 1821, reprinted 1887. f'cap 410 uncut YOUNG, EDWARD. Pre-Raffaellitism; or a popular enquiry into some newly asserted principles connected with the philosophy, poetry, religion, and revolution of art; by Edward Young. London 1857. post 8vo cloth. Q YOUNG, EDWARD. The Complaint; or night thoughts on life, death, and immortality; by Edward Young, LL.D. London 1808. i2mo 2 v. YOUNG, JOHN. Selection from my first volume, Lays from the poorhouse (1860); by John Young. Glasgow 1881. fcap 8vo cloth g .e. YOUNGER, JOHN. River angling for salmon and trout; by John Younger. Kelso 1860. f'cap 8vo doth. UC SOUTHERN REGIO^ UBRARYFAaLrrr A 000 903 836 5 Z997 HE LIBRARY OF CALIFORN