., -- d^^ X *■* 4 5»*<. i^ •^^rt^Jra^- ALVMNVS BOOK FYND r OS re cc^ vCCC C(CC ^ i If CCCCC 1^€ -<« ^^ ^c;«: cs^ ij iC^C CC Al i€€ .'. CC* a< icc cl ' & 1 tc . 1 i^€C ■ . (tec 1 L^tC ' ccc f ^cc i C«o; ^ ^tfiGQC { ^p^ sJ ^' (("C (i^WC ^ t w« >^^»?^i wty ■ v (lai -J mc Blac&'Utter IBallatis. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofuniquOOsmitrich A CATALOGUE OF AN UNIQUE COLLECTION OF ANCIENT PRINTED "ENTIRELY IN THE BLACK LETTER. On Sale by JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, No. 36, SOHO SQUARE, LONDON. 1856. ^yL£>u^^^'^''''rt''<^<^^ PREFACE HE fingular colledlion of original bal- lads, briefly defcribed in the follow- ing pages, confifis exclufively of pieces in the black-letter or old Eng- lifh type, nearly all of which belong, moreover, to that rareft and moft interefting clafs, the really vernacular fugitive ballads of the common peo- ple. There is a wide difference, noticed efpe- cially in fheet-ballads of the feventeenth century, between thofe which emanated from the more cultivated writers, and thofe which were the au- thentic produdtions either of or written for the ftreet ballad-flnger. The former are purer in their di6bion, ufually more ambitious as to ty- pography, and are either not embellifhed with woodcuts, or, if fo, with illuftrations fuperior to the rude defigns that adorn the others. The latter are, however, by far the more interefl:ing, M63G886 VI Preface. not merely on account of their greater rarity, but becaufe they are exponents of feelings or manners that are not illuftrated by any other fources of fo early a period. Even the political ballads in this colledion, fuch as thofe refpeding Charles the Second, are for the moft part the contemporary ftreet rude ballads, not the more poliiTied ones ; and are of the rareft occurrence, if not unique. Great pains have been taken in the formation of the colledion, nearly every black-letter ballad of intereft that has occurred for fale during the laft fixteen years having been fecured. The only colledlions at all approaching it in extent are the Pepyfian at Cambridge, the Wood at Oxford, and the Roxburghe in the Britifh Mufeum, all of which are permanently fecured, and can never be diftributed ; but no collection of equal extent and importance is known to exift in private hands, and fo unufual is the occurrence of any- thing of the kind for fale, that no labour and expenfe could fucceed in forming a fimilar one. A fmall number (about 150) were purchafed as having been duplicates of ballads in the Rox- burghe colledion, but it was found on examin- ation that fcarcely any were exad duplicates, feve- Preface, vu ral were much earlier and better copies, while others were different editions of the fame ballad, often with different woodcuts. It is very rarely that two early black-letter ballads occur as per- fe(5l duplicates. Many editions of each were generally printed, and they are all diftinguifhed by peculiarities worthy of notice. A few fpe- cimens of different editions of the fame ballad will be found in the following colledion. The curiofity and rarity of thefe fugitive pieces fpeak for themfelves, and all unneceffary obfervations on their value and importance have been avoided ; but there is a remark upon fuch relics made by a diftinguifhed prelate, himfelf an ardent lover of them, which may not be an inappropriate conclufion to thefe few prefatory lines — " Yet have they, for the moft part, a pleaf- ing fimpllclty, and many artlefs graces, which, in the opinion of no mean critics, have been thought to compenfate for the want of higher beauties, and, if they do not dazzle the imagin- ation, are frequently found to intereft the heart." May, 1856. MuKHttttx iSallatis* I. TB* C, All the Letters of the A. B. C. by every fondrye Letter wherof ther is a good Document fet fourth and taught in Ryme. TVoodcut. Tranf- lated out of Bafe-Almaine into Englifh, anno 1575, An unique Ballad of great curioftty. 12/. I2J. ir. ammtaS ann ClaUDia, or the Merry Shep- herdefs. Shewing whatever he from vertue did not draw. She circumvented with a ha, ha, ha. To the Tune called. Calm was the Evenings and clear was the Skie. London, Printed for W. Thackeray, T. Paflenger, and W. Whitwood. Three cuts, iL \s. 2 Black-Letter Ballads. III. SitiXit 9SltCtD, intituled, I am a Woman Poor and Blind. One cut. An early and curious F rot eft ant Ballad, i/. lis. 6d. IV. an ansitoet to tfte a^atoens jFrollicli, or, the Taylor's Refolution to be Reveng'd of thefe Petticoat Prefs-Mafters, by bobtailing their gowns and petticoats for the future more than ever they have done heretofore. Two cuts. Very curious. 0.1, is, V. 9n anstoet to tfte sioaitien's CrageDg, or the Lamentation of a Young Man near Wolverhampton for the Death of a Young Maiden, which of late has been a great Grief and Trouble to him for his unkindnefs to her. To the tune of Ruflel's Farewel. Three cuts. Printed for P. Brookfby, J. Deacon, J. Blare, and J. Back. il. iis. 6d. VI. an anistoet to ©efautian^g jratetoel> or Fair Silvia's Dying Complaint for the Deceafe of her Love. Two oval cuts. Printed for J. Deacon in Guilt-fpur-ftreet. i/. is. Black-Letter Ballads. 3 VII. Cibe atcanian Lotiets, or Colin anD 9ma^ ttlli0) being a Compofure richly illuftrated with the indeared exprefTions of a Shepherd and Shepherdefs, for the pleafure and delight of all amorous Fancies. To be fung in a Tune of great Rarity. Two cuts. London, Printed by T. Mabb for R. Burton at the Horfe-ihoe in Smithfield. A curious ballad. il, 2S. VIII. 9n aDmirable il3eto iSottftetn ©totg. Of two conftant lovers, as I underftand. Were born near Appleby in Weftmoreland. Four cuts. Printed by and for A. M. and fold by the Bookfellers of Pye Corner and London-Bridge. il. is. IX. 9n anmitable 5l3etoil3ott!)em@totp* Jmther edition, earlier, three cuts, corner torn. Print- ed for T. Vere. i/. is. X. an9Dmim6leil3etoii9ottf)em@torp*^;/d?M^r edition, differing from the two laft, two cuts. Printed for T. Vere at the Sign of the Angel without Newgate. i/. lis. 6d. 4 Black-Letter Ballads. xr. C6e age atiD Life of ^an, perfeaiy fhowing his Beginning of Life and the Progrefs of his Dayes from Seaven to Seaventy. Here may you fee the Frailety that's in Men, Till they have run the years three fcore and ten. To the Tune of Jane Shore. Three cuts, London, Printed by T. Mabb for Ric. Bur- ton at the Horfhoe in Smithfield. Very rare and curious, 4/. ^s, XII. a TBallan mtitulen, Cfie SDID fl©ans Com^ plaint againft his wretched Son, who to ad- vance his marriage did undo himfelf. Two cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. i/. 5J. XIII. a T6aUalI intitUlen, JC* Another edition of the fame ^/lightly torn. One cut, 15 J. XIV. Cfte TBallan of tfte Cloalt> or the cloak's Knavery, to the tune of From Hunger and Cold, or Packington's Pound. One large cut. Printed for A. M., W. O., and T. Thackeray, in Duck-lane. i/. is. Black- Letter Ballads. 5 XV. Cfte TBaftfUl TBatCfielOt, containing the Loyal Courtfhip of a Squire's Daughter of Dorfet- /hirey fhewing how fhe fell in Love with Thomas a Serving-man, who lived in the Family of a Knight within two Miles of her Father's Houfe, where they now enjoy each other to their hearts content. To the tune of the Ring of Gold. One large cut. Printed for J. Deacon at the Angel in Giltfpur- Street. 2/. 11s, 6d, XVI. Cfte TBatcfjeUots jFote==Caff, or Cupid Un- bleft, being an Anfwer to Cupids Trappan, or Up the Green Forreft. Though many zelots do in love feem holy. Yet he accounts it all to be but folly. To the tune of Cupids Trappan. Three cuts. Printed by P. L. for R. Burton at the Horfe- fhoe in Weft Smithfield. i/. iis, 6d. XVII* TBeautg^g Ctueltg, or tfie iPaCttonate Loaet, an excellent new Play-fong much in Requeft, to a Play-houfe Tune. One large cut. Print- ed for J. Deacon at the Angel in Gilt-fpur Street without Newgate. il, is. 6 Black-Letter Ballads. XVIII. Cfie ^Benefit of 9©amage> or the Married Man's good Fortune, with his Counfel to young Batchelors, Who having tailed of that fweet content Which wedlock doth afford, &c. Both parts. Four cuts, London, Printed for E. Andrews at the White Lion near Pye Corner. Very curious, 3/. ns, XIX. Cfie leitet Tgitten, or the Broker well fitted by the Joyner and the Joyner's Wife. To the Tune of the two Englifh Travellers. Two cuts. Line cut off, i/. \s, XX. Cfte TBlootig iButcbet, ann tfie ttoo toicfeen anO cruel TBatoD0, expreft in a woful Narrative of one Nathaniel Smith, a butcher, who lived in Maypole Alley near the Strand ; his Wife having been all day in the Market felling of Meat, in the evening went with her hufband to an Ale-houfe, where they ftay'd till ten of the clock, and then went home together, and being in their lodging, demanded of her the Money fhe had taken Black-Letter Ballads. 7 that day, but fhe (being great with child and peevifh) refufed to give it him, he taking his butcher's knife in his hand flabb'd her in the back, whereof fhe inftantly dyed, for which he was Apprehended, Condemned, and Executed at Tyburn, April the 24th, 1667. As alfo another Relation of a Ra- vifher, who in a Bawdy-houfe (affifted by two Women) 'ravifhed a Girle. The Tune, The bleeding heart, ^wo cuts. Both parts. London, Printed by E. Crowch for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. 3/. jj-. XXI. Cfte TBtiDeS leurial, the tune is, the Ladies Fall. " Come mourn, come mourn with me/' 'Three cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. i/. \s, XXII. Cfie T6riDe0 TBUrial. Another edition, one cut. Printed by and for W. O. for A. M. fold by the Bookfellers of Pye- Corner and Lon- don Bridge. \qs, 6d, XXIII. Cfte TBUUS JFeatfter, being the Goodfellows Song ufually fung at their Merry Meeting in Bulls Feathers Hall, who fent this Song 8 Black-Letter Ballads. to their Brethren (of what degree or quality) in praife of the Bulls Feather. And to all merry Cuckolds who think it no fcorn To wear the Bulls Feather, though made of a horn. To a very pleafant new Tune, or the Bulls Feather. Four cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clarke. iL is, XXIV. Cfje Catl)OliClt TBanaD> or an invitation to Popery upon conflderable Grounds and Rea- fons. To the Tune of 88. London, Printed for Henry Brome at the Gun at the Weft End of St. Pauls Church-yard, 1674. By Walter Pope, A. M. los, 6d. XXV. Cfte Catl)OliCfe TBaUaD^ Another edition of the fame. Printed for Henry Brome, 1678. lOJ. 6d, XXVI. C{)e Cai)aUet0 Comfort, or Long lookt for will come at laft. Here's good news from Sea now fent to the Shore, And good news on Land, fo what would you have more? Both parts. Three cuts, London, Printed for William Gilbertfon dwelling in Giltfpur- ftreet. 2/. 2S. Black-Letter Ballads. 9 XXVII. a Catjeat for goung agen, or the Bad Huf- band turned Thrifty. This Caveat may ferve both Old and Young, For to remember that Old Age will come ; If you thefe Verfes do but mind and read, I hope hereafter you will take better heed. This fong it was fet forth and pend. On purpofe that bad huibands fliould amend. Therefore, bad hufbands, mend your lives. And be more kinder to your wives. To the tune of. High Ho my Hony. By John Wade. The Firft Part has a large and curious woodcut ; the Second Part, two fmall ovals. London, Printed for John Andrews at the White Lyon neer Py-Corner. 2/. I2S, 6d, XXVIII, CljaflitieS Conquefl, or. No Trufting before Marriage, a new Song. You Virgins that your Fame and Honour Prize, Learn here by faving both, how to be wife. To the Tune of, Canft thou not weave Bone- lace. Four cuts. Printed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball near the Bear Tavern in Pyecorner. i/. iJ". lo Black-Letter Ballads. XXIX. C{)eComplamtoftl)e@l)epl)eatti^arpalus» To a pleafant new Tune. By D. M. Two cuts. Printed at London for H. G. An early ballad. \L ^s, XXX. Clje Complaint of tfie ©bepfterD ^arpalus^ Two cutSy another edition of the fame. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. l/. IS, XXXI. Cfte Counttpman^s Lamentation for the Death of his Cow. A countryman of little wit one day- Did kill his Cow, becaufe flie went aftray. What's that to I or you, fhe was his own. But now the afs for his cow doth moan. To a pleafant Country Tune called, Colly my Cow. Two large cutSy one with the legends. Follow your Ambajfadory Cookoow, 1 1. IS, XXXII. Cl)e Countrgman^s lamentation* Another edition, the fame cuts. Printed for J. Hofe over againft Staples Inn in Holbourn. l/. IS, Black-Letter Ballads< 1 1 XXXIII. Cl)e Counterfeit Court JLaop, or an Anfwer to. Your Humble Servant, Madam, Difcovering all her cunning knacks and feats. How wittily flie doth bellow her Cheats. One cut. In two Parts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clarke. i/. iij. 6d. XXXIV. CupiD^s ®olDen Dart, or, A dainty Sonnet here is to be fold. The like whereof was never fung nor told. Of a brave Girle that had a bag of Gold, Which fhe delivered into her Sweet-hearts hold ; And now they live together lovingly, In joy, in peace, and true tranquility : At firft they feem'd to be at mortal ftrife. But in conclufion were made Man and Wife. The tune is, Down in an Arbor devoted to Venus. Two Parts. One fquare and two oval cuts, iL IS, XXXV. Cupio^s Crappan, or aip tfie ©reen jForreC, The Scorner Scorned, or Willow turn'd into Coronation, defcribed in the ranting Refolu- tion of a Forfaken Maid. To a pleafant new Northern Tune, Now all in Fafhion. 12 Black-Letter Ballads. One cut. London, Printed by E. Crowch for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. With alowance. \L lu. 6d. XXXVI. Clje Ctaftg Q^mv% apptoliation, Wherein (he fhows either Black or Brown, Tis money makes them ftraight go down ; When pritty Girls that Gold has none. Their fortune is ftill to lye alone. To the Tune of, A fig for France. Five cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, J, Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Paffinger. 2/. is, XXXVII. C|)e Ctaftg 9©aiB^0 approfiation. a later edition. Two oval cuts. Printed by and for W. O., A. M., and fold by C. Bates at the Bible and Sun in Pye-Corner. i/. is, XXXVIII. CupiU^S Court of Cquitp, The fcornful Lady quickly took. While flie her love Difdain'd ; She was prick'd down in Cupid's book. His Vaflal flie remain*d. Tune of. When firft I bid my Love Good- Morrow. Four cuts. Printed for P. Brookf- Black- Letter Ballads. 13 by at the Golden Ball near the Hofpital Gate in Weft Smithfield. . i/. is, XXXIX. CUpiD'S COUttefle, or the young Gallant foild at his own Weapon. He fcorned Cupid and his Dart, Until he felt a wounded Heart. To a pleafant Northern Tune. By J. P. London, Printed for F. Coles in Wine-ftreet, near Hatten Garden. Three cuts, i/. lis. 6d, XL. CupiD^g aiftotg otiet tfie Uix^iW hearts, or Love in its Colours. When Cupid's dart does pierce the heart Of a fair youthful Maid, She's forc'd to bend, and not contend. His laws mull be obey'd. To a pleafant new Play-Tune, or the Maids a Wafhing themfelves. Two cuts. Amatory. Imprint torn. i/. 5^. XLI. a Conflant Wi\% anD a i&inD Wiitz. Title in four lines of verjes. Three cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. i/. lis, 6d, 14 Black-Letter Ballads. XLII. C{)e Covetous a^Otftett or the Terrible Over- throw of Two Loyal Lovers. To the tune of, O fo ungrateful a Creature. Five cuts. Printed for J. Deacon at the Angel in Gilt- fpur-ftreet without Newgate. il, is. XLIII. C|)e Covenant, or. No King but the Old King's Son, or a brief Rehearfall of what heretofore was done. All forts of People of it take a view. You furely will confefs that I fay true ; Let none miflike the fame that cannot mend it. Neither rafhly cenfure him that pen'd it. To the Tune of. True Blew will never ftaine. Three cuts. Both parts. London, Printed for Charles Tyus on London-Bridge. iL 2s. XLIV, Cl)e Cooper of II30rf0Wt, or a pretty Jeft of a Brewer and the Cooper's Wife, and how the Cooper ferved the Brewer in his Kind. To the Tune of, the wiving age. Both parts. Two cuts. London, Printed for F. G. on Snow Hill. ^ lofjg and amuftng ballad. 3^- 3-^- Black-Letter Ballads. 15 XLV. Cfie Cop COOfe'SlSaiD, who was courted im- portunately by Irifh, Welch, Spanifh, French, and Dutch, but at laft was conquered by a poor Englifh Taylor. To the tune of. There was a brifk Lafs. Six Cuts, Printed for P. Brookfby in Pye-Corner. i/. is, XLvr. Clje Cotietous^9©inoeri patents, or the Languifhing Young Gentlewoman whofe friends would have her Marry an old Mifer for the fake of his Gold, which {he utterly refufed to do, refolveing to be true to the firft. Tune is, Farwell, my deareft Dear. Four cuts. Printed for P. Brookfby, J. Deacon, J. Blare, J. Back. i/. is, XLVII. CoriDon anD Pattljenia, the Languifhing Shepherd made Happy, or Faithful Love Rewarded, being a mofl Pleafant and De- legable new Play Song. Here mournful Love is turn*d into Delight, To this we a Chaft Amorift invite. Two cuts. To the tune of. When bufie Fame. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. 1 6 Black-Letter Ballads. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackery, and T. Paflinger. i/. iis, 6d, XLVIII. CotiDon ann Pattftenia^ Jmber edition. Printed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Weft Smithfield. i/. u. XLIX. Cfie Countreg IPeoples jFeUcftp, or a brief Defcription of Pleafure, Shewing the ready way of fweet content By them that ply their work with merriment ; They eat, they drink, they work, and fport at pleafure ; They pipe and dance, when time and place give leafure. Four cuts. Both parts. To a dainty new Tune called the Hay markefsMafk. London, Printed for Francis Grove on Snow- hill. 2/. IS, L. Cfte Counttg loiiets Conquell in winning a coy Lafs, — In Country Terms he ufeth homely greeting. And fayes by all means ftie muft be his fweeting &c. To a pleafant new Tune, very much in ufe. Printed for R. Burton at the Horfe-fhoe in Weft Smithfield. Two cutSy the fir ft repre- Jenting Cupid ft anding on a globe, 2/. is. Black-Letter Ballads. 17 LI. a Courtlp neto TBallan of tfte ptinceig ajHOOing: of the fair Maid of London by King Edward. The tune is. Bonny fweet Robin. The Fair Maid of London's Anfwer to King Edward's wanton Love. To the fame Tune, ^hree cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and William Gilbertfon. 2/. IS. LII. a COUttIg neto TBallan, $C. Another edition of the fame. Four cuts. Both parts, but a few words defective. \l. \s. LIII. Courage Ctotonefl toiti) Conquefl, or a brief Relation how that valiant Knight and that Heroick Champion Sir Eglamour bravely fought with and manfully flew a terrible huge great monftrous Dragon. To a plea- fant new tune. Both parts. Two large old romance cuts. Printed for J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Paffinger. i/. T IS. 6d. LIV. Cf)e Countrp jFarmet^g ©ain^glotg in a new Song of Harveft Home, together with 1 8 Black-Letter Ballads. an Anfwer to their undecent behaviour. Sung to a New Tune much in Requeft. — An Anfwer to Harveft Home, a true Cha- rader of fuch Countrymen who glory in cheating the Vicar, and prefer bagpudding and dumpling before Religion and Learning. To the Tune of Harveft Home. Two cuts. Printed for P. Brookfby, J. Deacon, J. Blare, and J. Back. iL is. LV. Clje Cunning iRortfietne TBegger, Who all the by-ftanders doth earneftly pray To bellow a penny upon him to day. To the Tune of Tom of Bedlam. Three cuts. Printed at London for F. Coules. A curious ballad. A few words torn off, ll. 2S. LVI. C6e Ctofl Couple> or a gooD agisftttune. Which in a pleafant ditty difcovers The fortunate crofs of a couple of lovers. To a new Northern tune, much in fafhion. One cut. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clarke. Indelicate. Slightly defe^ive. i/. \s. LVII. Cfte DiflrefleD Damfels, or a doleful Ditty Black-Letter Ballads. 19 of a forrowfull AfTembly of young Maidens that were met together near Thames-ftreet, to bewail the Lofs of their Loves which were lately prefs'd away to Sea. To the Tune of an Orange. Defe£five on one fide. Two cuts, \l, I J. LVIII. DiDDle DiDMet or the Kind Country Lovers,— With fly infinuations he perfwades her. And by the bands of love along he leads her. Relating pleafant ftories for to bind her. And all to make her unto him prove kinder. And fo in love at laft they live together. With pleafant dayes enjoying one another. Tune of. Lavender green. Three cuts. Printed by J. Wright, J. Clark, W. Thacke- ray, and T. PafTenger. i/. iij. 6^. LIX. Clje Dging: goung 9@an, anD tfje ©fiDutate 6j^aiDt or a ftrange and wonderful Relation of a Young Man that dyed for love about the mideft of this prefent June, with the Maid's perplexity for lofs of her love, and how likely fhe is to dy for the fame caufe, worthy the view of all young men and maids both in Country and City, delightful to all, hurtful to none. To the Tune of. Fancies 20 Black-Letter Ballads. Phenix. Two cuts, London, Printed for John Andrews at the White Lyon near Py Corner. iL is, LX. Cfte Dutcl) DamnifieD, or tfie TButter== TBOJCCS TBOb^D, being a brief and true ac- count how Sir Robert Holmes, Sir Phillip Howard, and Sir William Jennings, with eleven Companies of Foot, five fire-fhips, and fbme ketches and boats, burnt and deftroy*d near a hundred and fixty faile of Dutch fhips in the Uly. Three cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. i/. I IS. 6d. LXI. C6e 3:)otonfaU of ©ailliam ©rifmonn, or a Lamentable Murder by him committed at Lainterdine in the County of Hereford, the 22 of March, 1650, with his woful Lament- ation. The tune is. Where is my Love ? Three cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, W. Gilbertfon, and J. Wright. 2/. i is. 6d. LXII. Cfte Dging Cears of a IPenitent ©inner, which was written as hee lay on his Death- bed, according to his own direcflion, wherein wee may behold how ftedfaftly hee beleeved Black-Letter Ballads. 21 in the pretious death and paffion of our Lord Jefus Chrift, and how willing hee was to leave this world. To the tune of. The faithful friend, or the brother's gift. Four cuts. London, Printed for Francis Grove on Snow-hill without Newgate. i/. ij. LXIII. Clje Dging Ceat0 of a Penitent ©inner* Another edition. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Paffinger. One large cut. \l. \5, LXIV. Cfje Dging Cears of a true iLotiet fotfalien, made on his Death-bed the hour before his Death. The tune is. Come live with me. Two -parts. One cut, A line defective. (Hugh Hill, the fhoemaker.) Printed for E. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Paffinger. i/. 5^. LXV. Oging CearSt or England's Joy turned to mourning for the lofs of that Vertuous Prince, Henry Duke of Glocefter, third Son to our late Soveraign King Charles the Firft, who departed this life the 13. of September, 2 2 Black -Letter Ballads. \' in the year of our Lord, 1660. To the Tune of, Aim not too high. Three cuts. London, Printed for Charles Tyus on Lon- don Bridge. i/. 5 J. LXVI. Cf)e h:)u6^D IRnigI)t of tfje JForfteti ©tDer, or. The old wanton Lady, as I will recite. And Sen John the Serving-man, her hearts delight. Their doings and adlions, if you will attend. In Meeter they are by a Poet pen'd. The fubtilty of women either old or young, And what cunning excufes they have with their tongue. That will play with their hufbands, and laugh them to fcorn. Stroke up there brows, and there place a horn. The tune is, I am fallen away. Three cuts. By Abraham Miles. Printed for W. Whit- wood at the Golden Bell at Duck-lane. i/. lis. 6d. LXVII. Cl)e Duml) ^aiD, or t6e goung ©allant Ctapan^D^ A young Man unto her a woeing come. But fhe pretended much that Ihe was dumb. To a new Tune call'd, Dum, dum, dum ; or, I would I were in my own Country, &c. Four cuts. London, Printed by and for W. O., A. M., and are to be fold by C. Bates in Pye-Corner. i/. ^s. Black-Letter Ballads. 23 LXVIII. Cfte Dumb 8©aiD* Another edition, without cuts, printed in afingle page in double columns, l/. IS, LXIX. Deatft^s (HnconttoIlatJle ®ummongt or the Mortality of Mankind, being a Dialogue between Death and a Young Man. To the Tune of, My bleeding Heart. Two cuts. Printed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Pye-Corner. i/. lis, 6d, LXX. Cfte DeluDeD JLafleg iLamentation^ or the Falfe Youth's Unklndnefs to his beloved Miftrefs. To the tune of, Is fhe gone, let her go. Four cuts. Printed for P. Brookfby, J. Deacon, J. Blare, J. Back. i/. lis, 6d. LXXI. Cbe Delights of tjje iBotflet or the Town- Gallants Declaration for Women and Wine, being a perfedt Defcriptlon of a Town-bred Gentleman, with all his Intrigues, Pleafure, Company, Humor, and Converfation, — Gallants, from faults he cannot be exempt. Who doth a tafk fo difficult attempt ; I know I ftiall not hit your feature right, 'Tis hard to imitate in Black and White. 24 Black-Letter Ballads. Some lines were drawn by a more (kilfull hand. And which thofe were you'l quickly underftand : Excufe me, therefore, if I do you wrong, I did but make a ballade of a fong. To a moft admirable new Tune, everywhere much in requeft. London, Printed for Philip Brooklby and R. Burton. Two curious cuts, iL IS, LXXII. Cl)e Dean asanas %m^^ whofe Dwelling was near Bafing-Hall in London. Tune is. Flying Fame. Four cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clarke. i/. 1 1 J. 6d, LXXIII. Cl)e Dean agan^S @Ong» Another edition, without cuts, three columns on a fingle page. ll. IS, LXXIV. 9 a^eliCate 113ettl Dittp compofed upon the pofie of a Ring, being, " I fancy none but thee alone," fent as a New-yeares gift by a Lover to his Sweet-heart. To the tune of Dulcina. The fecond part, or the Maiden's kinde reply, to the fame tune. Four cuts. Printed at London for H. Goflbn. Fery early and curious. 4/. 4J. Black-Letter Ballads. 25 LXXV. Cfje Detiil^S SDaft, or his Ramble in a Tem- peftuous Night, where he happened to dif- courfe with Men of feveral Callings of his own Colour and Complexion. To a very pleafant new Tune. Three cuts. London, Printed for C. Bates at the Sun and Bible in Pye-Corner. i/. lis. 6d. LXXV I. CfteDetiiPs Conquefl, or amift ©fataineOt fhewing how one lately of Barnfby-ftreet in Leg-Ally, in St. Olave's Parifh, Southwark, one that carded wooll for ftockings, carried home fome work to her Miftris, Hving upon Horfly-Down, who afked her how much fhee owed her for ; the maid anfwered eight pounds ; her Miftris faid 'twas but fix where- upon the maid began to fwear and curfe, and wifht the Devil fetch her, if there was not eight pounds owing for ; the Miftris loving quietnefs, paid her for eight pound: the Maid, with two of her Companions, walking over Horfly-Down, flie having a Childe in her arms, one came and throwed her down, and prefently took her up again, which caufed her to fay. Thou Rogue, doft thou fling me down and take me up again, and fuddainly 26 Black-Letter Ballads. he vanifhed away, neither fhe, nor the two women with her, could difcern which way- he went, which caufed them to fay. It was the Devil, which for all this, nothing terrified the Maid, who went boldly home, and to bed, and the two women with her ; at mid- night fhe heard a voice, which called her by her name very often, fhe anfwered, I come, I come : but the voice ftill continuing, fhe fwore fhe would come, and being got out of the bed, fell down upon her face, and was taken fpeechlefs, yet her body moving in mofl terrible manner, manifefling her inward pangs ; her Miflris" was fent for, who freely forgave her, and wifht God might forgive her too, and then fhee departed, and her body was found as black as pitch all over ; and all this was for no more than the value of eleven pence, which was done on the 6th of this inflant May, 1663. and was written for a warning to all, to avoid the like courfe. The tune is. Summer Time. Four cuts, London, Printed for S. Tyus on London- bridge. With privilege. Very curious. 3L 13s, ed, Lxxvir. DelDOl^S HaQ JFaretoel, containing an Account of many frolickfom intreigues and notorious Black-Letter Ballads. 27 Robberies, which he committed, concluding with his mournful Lamentation on the Day of his Death. To the Tune of. Upon the Change. Two cuts. London, Printed for C. Bates in Pye-Corner. i/. is. LXXVIIl. a Daintp iSeto Dialogue betttieen J£)enrg • anti CU^abetftt Being the Good Wives Vindication, And the bad Hufband's Reformation. This new compofed gallant Ditty Is to be fung in Town and City. The Tune is. The Tyrant. Two cuts. London, Printed for W. Thackeray, T. PafTenger, and W. Whitwood. i/. i\s. 6d. LXXIX. Datiin anO T6erfteba> to a pleafant new Tune. " When David in Jerufalem." Three cuts. London, Printed by and for W. O. and for A. M. and fold by C. Bates in Pye-Corner. i/. i.f. LXXX. 9n Crcellent TBallaD 3lntttuleo, the unfortu- nate Love of a Lancafhire Gentleman, and the hard Fortune of a fair young Bride. The tune is. Come, follow my Love. Two 28 Black-Letter Ballads. cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. iL i2s, 6d. LXXXI. an OEjccellent TBaUan of George TBarntoel, an Apprentice of London, who was undone by a ftrumpet, who, having thrice robbed his Mafter, and murdered his Uncle in Lud- low. The tune is, the Merchant. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. i/. lis, 6d, LXXXII. 9n OBrcellent neto ©Ongt or a true Touch of the Times, giving you a full and true account of the Tranfadlions from King James the Firft to the prefent Reign of our Soveraign Lord King James the Second. To the Tune of. The Loyal Health or Why are my eyes ftill flowing, &c. Two cuts. Printed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Pye Corner. i/. is. LXXXIII. 9n Crcellent netti IBallaD of the Birth and Paflion of our Saviour Chrill, (A carol). To the Tune of Dulcina. Three cuts, London, Printed for F. Cole, M. Wright, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. i/. ^s. Black-Letter Ballads. 29 LXXXIV. an dEjccellent Sonnet, or. The Swaines complaint, whofe cruell doome It was to love hee knew not whom. To the tune of Bodkin's Galiard. Both parts. Four cuts. " You gentle Nimphs that on the Meddowes play." London, Printed for John Wright. Early and curious. LXXXV. 9n (ZErcellent TBallaD of patient ©tilTel, to the Tune of. The Brides Good Morrow. The Second Part to the fame Tune. Two cuts. London, Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. 2/. is. LXXXVI. 3n (ffijccellent a^eWeg, Which you may admire at without offence. For every line fpeakes a contrary fenfe. The Tune is, Tarleton*s Medley. The Second Part to the fame Tune. Three cuts. Printed at London for F. Grove. Early and curious. il. i is. 6d. " When the Fifth Henry fail'd to France, Let me alone for a country dance ; Nell doth bewaile her lucklelfe chance. Fie on falfe-hearted men ! 30 Black-Letter Ballads. Dicke Tarleton was a merry wagge ; Harke how that prating Afle doth bragge. John Dory fold his ambling nagge," &c. LXXXVII. an dBXttllmt TBaUaD, intituled. The Wander- ing Prince of Troy. To the Tune of. Queen Dido. T/iree cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright, i/. i u. 6d. LXXXVIII. 9n OEjCCeUent TBallaD^ $C* Another and later edition. Three cuts. Printed by and for A. M., and fold by the Bookfellers of London. i/. I J. LXXXIX. an OBrCellent ©Onnet of the Unfortunate Loves of Hero and Leander. Tune of, Gerards Miftris. By. H. Crouch. Four cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. In dialogue, \L \\s, 6d, xc. an (ZEjccellent TBallati of tfie flgetcer's ©on of ^iOftUtllt and the Cloathier's Daughter of Guilford. To the Tune of. Dainty come thou to me.— a TBallan 3[ntituleD, The Old Man's Complaint againft his wretched Black-Letter Ballads. 31 Son, who, to advance his marriage, did undo himfelf. To the fame tune. Two cuts. Two ballads. Printed for and Sold by W. Thack- eray at the Angel in Duck Lane, J. M. and A. M. 2/. I2J. ed. xci. 9n €xiz\\mt TBallaD of tfie a^ercer^g @on of 9@itll)UtlIt and the Clothiers daughter of Guilford. The tune is. Dainty come thou to me. i/. lis. 6d. There was a wealthy man. In Suflex he did dwell ; A Mercer by his trade. As many yet can tell. xcir. 9 mofl (ZErceUent iBallan of s. George for England, and the King's daughter whom he delivered from Death, and how he flew a mighty Dragon. The tune is. Flying fame. Defective. One cut. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. i^s. XCIII. OEnglanri^sCtgumpI) ann ^oIIanD'sDoton^ fallt or the Second Royal Vidory obtained upon the Hollanders Fleet in a Sea-fight by the King of Great Brittain's Royal Navy 32 Black- Letter Ballads. under the Condudt of his Highnefs Prince Rupert, and his Grace George Duke of Albe- marle, as it was Heroically fought and un- doubtedly Difputed on the firft, fecond, third and fourth of June, 1666. To the Tune of, A Fig for France and Holland too, &c. Two partSy with four woodcuts, London, Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. i/. lis, 6d, . xciv. (ZEngianD^S Darting:, or Great Brittain's Joy and Hope on that noble Prince James Duke of Monmouth. Tune of Young Jemmy or Philander. Four cuts. Imprint cut off, iSs. xcv. OEnglanti^s Eejogcmg. Englands rejoycing at that happy day That peace and truth it may bear fway. Being th' Eleftion of that thing. In chuling us a Royal King. To the Tune of. Gallant Souldiers, do not mufe. Two partSy with four curious cuts. London, Printed for F. G. on Snowhill. Entred according to Order. i/. iis, dd. Black-Letter Ballads. 33 XCVI. OBnglanti^s (Sreat IPrognosticatott foretelling when England fhall enjoy a fettled peace and happinefle again. Not by Planets, Signes, nor by Stars, But truly tells when ends thefe bloody wars. To the Tune of, When the King injoyes his own again. Two large and curious cuts, London, Printed for Francis Grove on Snow Hill without Newgate. Entred according to Order. i/. \\s, 6d. XCVII. (Englantis honour anti lontiong (Slorp, with the manner of proclaiming Charles the Se- cond King of England this eight of May, 1660, by the honourable the two houfes of Parliament, Lord Generall Monk, the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Counfell of the City. The tune is, Vive la Roy. Large cut of the Royal Arms, London, Print- ed for William Gilbertfon. i/. \s. XCVIII. OEnslanD^S 31og in a Hateful Ctiumpt), Bold Phanaticks now make room. Chads the Second's coming home. 34 Black-Letter Ballads. As it was voted in the Houfe on May-day laftj 1660. To the tune of, Packington's Pound. A very large woodcut^ comprifing full length portraits of King Charles, Duke James, Henry Duke of Glocefter, the Lady Mary, the Lady Elizabeth, the Lady Anne, London, Printed for F. G. on Snow-hill. 3^- 3-^- XCIX. (SnglanD^S 3(0g for the Coming in of our Gra- cious Soveraign King Charls the Second. To the Tune of, A Joyful Sight to fee. Curious cuts. London, Printed for John Andrews at the White Lion near Pye-Corner. 2/. 2J. c. (ffinglann^s pieafant 9@ag^jflotoer, or, Charles the Second, as we fay. Came home the twenty-ninth of May. Let Loyal hearts rejoyce and fing. For joy they have got a gracious King. The tune is. Upon Saint Davids Day. Three cuts. Printed for W. Gilbertfon. i/. \s, CI. (ZBnglanll^S lR0gaUC0nq[UeQ truely Manifefted in a happy Vidory obtained againft the Dutch Fleet by his Majefties Royal Navy Black-Letter Ballads. 35 under the Condudl of his Highnefs Prince Rupert and his Grace the Duke of Albe- marle upon the 25. and a6. of July, 1666, in which naval Fight we put the Dutch to a total rout, burnt and funk feveral of their beft fhips, and in conclufion forced them fhamefully to run away. Our own lofTes being very inconfiderable, onely the Refolu- tion burnt and two Captains kill'd ; our Generals and all the reft of our Fleet being fafe and in very good condition. The Tune is, a Fig for France and Holland too, or Round about the Hollow Tree. London, Printed for Richard Burton at the Hor- fhoe in Weft Smithfield. i/. iis, 6d, CII. ^nfflanti^s Ctiumpft, or tfie^uftjefts 3[og, All you that troubled are with Melancholly, The Spaniards have a Juyce will make you jolly : Good wine, good wine, I fay's the only thing That can for fuch diftemper comfort bring : It comforts the heart, and quickens each vein ; If a man be half dead, it will fetch him again. To a pleafant new Tune, O, come let us drink all day and night. Two curious drink- ing cuts. Printed for J. Hofe over againft Staples Inn in Houlbourn neer Grays Inn Lane. il. is. 36 Black-Letter Ballads, cm. (ZEnglanDs (Kalour anD ^oHanDs Certout, being an Encouragement for Seamen and Souldiers to ferve his Majefly in his Wars againft the Dutch, &c. Dutchmen, beware, we have a fleet Will make you tremble, when you fee't, Mann'd with brave Engliftimen of high renown. Who can and will your Peacocks plumes pull down ; Then ceafe your boafting, it will nought availe ; You know its but your duty to ftrike fayle. • To the Tune of, The ftormy winds do blow. Four cutsT^ Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, W. Gilbertfon, and J. Wright, i/. 1 1 j. 6d, CIV. Cfie €n0liDb JFottune^Cellet, Being a brief direftion how to ftiun all ft rife, A brief inftruftion how to chufe a wife. Whereby a man may lead a happy life : It ftiews difference in womens qualities. By colour of their hair, both face and eyes. The Tune is. Ragged and torn, &c. Three cutSy one being that of Robin Goodfellow and the fairies. London, W. Thackeray. i/. 1 1 J. 6d, Black-Letter Ballads. 37 cv. Cfte (ffinglill) JFortune-CeWer^ Another edition of the fame ^ in two columns y without cuts, i/. I J. cvi. Cfte (ZEngUft Seamans Jaefolurton, or the Loyall Subjedls Undaunted Valour, Plainly demonftrating the Juftnefs of his Caufe, Incouraging his Friends to daunt his Foes ; For King and Countrey in the feas he'll perifh. To tame the Rebells, and make England Flourifh. To the tune of, I prethee. Love, turn to me, or. When this Old Cap was new. Four cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. i/. ij. CVII. Cl)e (ZBngUIIjman^S aialOUr, or the Hamfhire Friggets fight with {\y. Spanifh Ships in Cales Road, or. The Seamans Praife, the Souldiers advance. That tells to Jack Spaniard how Drake made him dance. And how Captain Terell did make them to fly. That feek'd for to rob him, or caufe him to dye. To the Tune of. Let no brave Souldier be difmaid. By T. S. Both parts, with two cuts, i/. 5/. 38 Black-Letter Ballads. CVIII. Cfte JTamOUS ©ea^JFigfit between Captain Ward and the Rain-bow. To the tune of. Captain Ward. Four cuts, London, Printed for Fr. Coles at the fign of the Lamb in the Old Baily. i/. is, cix. C6e jFotlotn Damfel, Well, lince there's neither Old nor Young Will pitty on me take. My paflion now doth grow fo ftrong, I fear my heart will break. The Tune is. Moggy's Jealoufie. Three cuts, A very curious ballad. Printed for P. Brookfby, at the Golden Ball near the Hofpital Gate in Weft Smithfield. 2/. is, ex. Cfie JFtencfiman^s iLamentation for the Great Lofs of their Noble General Monfieur de Turenne, who was killed by a Cannon- {hot from a party of the Emperour's Army which lay in Ambufcade in a Wood, and fhot him in the breaft, where he dyed Im- mediately, and his Lieutenant was then killed by him, which was on the 23. of July, 1675. To the Tune of, A fig for France and Hoi- Black-Letter Ballads. 39 land too. Two large cuts. Printed for W. Thackery in Duck-lane, and J. Hofe in Holbourn. With allowance. iL lis. 6d, CXI. Cf)e jramous jFlotoet of ^ettiing^a^en, or, The Lady turn*d Serving-Man, Her Lord being flain, her Father dead. Her Bower robb'd, her Servants fled. She dreft herfelf in Man's attire, — She trimm'd her Locks, fhe cut her Hair, And therewithal fhe chang'd her Name From fair Elife to Sweet William. To a delicate new Tune, or Flora farewel. Summer Time, or Love's Tide. Two parts, with three cuts. By L. P. London, Printed for John Andrews at the White Lion near Pye-Corner. 2/. is. CXII. Cfie jFOtlOm ILOtier, declaring how A Lafle gave her Lover three flips for a teafter. And marryed another a week before Eafter. To a pleafant new Tune. An early copy of a comparatively common ballad, with four cutSy but no place or name of printer. i/. lis. 6d, 40 Black-Letter Ballads. CXIII. jFancies Pfioenfr, or ttt IPeetlefs IPatagon of t|b^ CintC0^ being a young Gallants de- fcription of a Lady which had fetled his thoughts on her, refolving never to change nor love any other beauty or face in the World. To an amorous new tune. Three cuts, 'Defective . 15^. cxiv. Cfie JFaitfiful goung agians anftoet to tfje Eino J&eatteD Qgaioen^s Kefolution, Likewife how he fhows his full intent, his valorous mind, and his a(5tion unto her whom he loves above all the rich treafures in the world. To the tune of, Jenny, Jenny. Print- ed for J. Clarke at the Harp and Bible in Weft Smithfield. Two cuts. il. is, cxv. jTancies! jFatJoutite* or tfte ^fttor of tfte SnilttC05 being a young Ladies commenda- tion of a young Gallant, which hath a long time fhewed her much love, which by his civill and long patience in waiting on her at laft conquered her who was once Refolved to lead a fingle life, and therefore he termed Black-Letter Ballads. 41 her the Phoenix of the Times. To the tune of. Fancies Phoenix. T^hree cuts, \l, 1 1 J. ^d, cxvi. JFanCfCS JFaDOtitC* Another edition in two co- lumns y without cuts, \l, \s, CXVII. C!)e JFair a^aiti of Dunfmore^s lamenta^ tiOn, occafioned by Lord Wigmore, once Governour of Warwick Caftle, being a full and true Relation how Lord Wigmore en- ticed the fair Ifabel of Dunfmore in War- wick/hire, a Shepherd's daughter, to his Bed ; fhe afterwards perceiving herfelf to be with child by him, rather than fhe would undergo the vulgar difgrace amongft her friends, did ftab herfelf, and dyed immediately. Tune of, Troy Town. Three woodcuts. Printed for J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackeray. Slightly cut, il, lis, 6d, CXVIII. Cl)e jFaitftful JLotierg JTartoell, or Private Newes from Chatham, defcribed in a paf- fionate Difcourfe betwixt a young Gentleman whofe name was John, and his fair lady Betty, who having been newly Contradted, were 42 Black-Letter Ballads. fuddenly Seperated before Marriage, in re- gard that he was inftantly commanded to take Shipping in an Expedition again ft the Dutch. To the Tune of. My Lodging is on the cold ground. Four cuts. London, Printed for Sarah Tyus at the Three Bibles on London- bridge. iL 2s, CXIX. Cl)e iFotc^D Qgatriaget or ainfottunate Celia^ When Old Fools do a Wooing go to thofe Who are young girls, they Court their cruel foes ; The Old man fees he can*t prevail with tongue. But finds that young ones love to fport with young; He to the Virgin's Parents makes redrefs. And doth the number of his bags exprefs ; Which takes away her Father's heart by Health, He weds her not to him, but to his Wealth. Which being done, ftie loaths his weak embraces. And throws herfelf on Ruinous Difgraces. Tune, Since Celiacs my Foe. Five cuts. By W. P. — Printed for E. Oliver at the Golden Key on Snow-hill, neer the Sarazens-head. i/. lis, 6d, cxx. JFlOra^S JFatetoel, or the Shepherd^s Love Paf- fion Song^ Wherein he doth greatly Complain, Becaufe his Love was fpent in vain. Black-Letter Ballads. 43 To a Delicate Tune ; or, A thoufand times my love commend. Two cuts. The fecond part to the fame tune. Fair Flora's anfwer to the Shepherd's Song, Wherein fhe Ihows that he hath done the wrong. Printed for A. Milbourn, W. Onley, and W. Thackeray, at the Angel in Duck- Lane, i/. 1 1 J". 6d. cxxi. JTIOta'S JFatCtoCi* Another edition^ with different woodcuts. {On the whole a better Jpecimen,) London, Printed for F. G. on Snow-hill. 2/. IS. CXXII. Cfte JFemale iRamfilerS, or the Three Buxome LafTes of Northamptonfhire, containing their pleafant Paftime at the Naggs Head, toge- ther with many Intrigues that followed there- upon. Tune is. Let Cefar live long. Three cuts. Printed for P. Brookfby, J. Deacon, J. Blare, J. Bach. iL 12s, 6d, CXXIII. ifeto a:©orii0 are Teefl, Come buy this new Ballad before you doe goe ; If you raile at the Author, I know what I know. To the tune of, I tell you but fo. Three 44 Black-Letter Ballads. cuts, London, Printed for W. Gilbertfon in Giltfpur-ftreet. 2/. 2j. It is an old faying That few words are beft. And he that fayes little Shall live rnofl: at reft. And I by experience Doe find it right fo ; Therefore He fpare fpeech. But I know what I know. CXXIV. Cfte (Steat TBOOftee, to a pleafant new Tune, or, Salengers Round. The fecond Part to the fame Tune. Two cuts, London, Print- ed for R. L 2/. 2s, cxxv. The Green-ficknefs grief, or a Maiden's moan. Complaining becaufe her Sweet- heart was gone. To a pleafant new Tune. The Green-fick- nefs Greif, or. The Sailors new comming to his deareft Sweeting, Shewing what joy they received at their meeting. London, Printed by E. C. for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. Four cuts. 2/. 1 2 J. 6d, Black-Letter Ballads. 45 CXXVI. a (Sow? neto TeallaD intituleti, 9 Do^en of IPointg, A dozen of Points you may here read. Whereon each Chriftian*s foul may feed. The Angell Gabriell his Salutation to the blefled Virgin Mary. To the Tune of. The Blazing Torch. Three cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. l/. IS. CXXVII. ®oD fpeeo tfte pioto, ann filers tfie Cotn^ tnOtP^ or A new merry Dialogue between a Plowman and a Servingman. The Servingman moft ftoutly doth difpute. The Hufbandman his fpeeches doth confute. The Servingman fayes his Calling is the beft. The Plowman fayes in that he does but jeft. But in conclulion, as I do underftand. The Hufbandman he got the better hand. The Tune is. The Duke of Norfolk. One cut. Printed for W. Gilbertfon at the fign of the Bible in Gilt-fpur-ftreet. i/. lis, 6d, CXXVIII. 9 gooD caaatning for all Q^aiDenSt by the Example of God's judgment fhew'd upon one Jermans wife of Clifton in the County 46 Black-Letter Ballads. of Nottingham, who lying in child-bed was born away and never heard of fince. The Tune is. The Ladies fall. Two large cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gil- bertfon. iL i2s. 6d. cxxix. C&e (SOWp 9@aiD of leiCefiet, being a true relation of Elizabeth Stretton, who, lying upon her Death-bed, was wonderfully deliv- ered from the Temptations of Satan, worthy the noting of all that would live and die in the fear of God. The Tune is. In Summer time. The fecond part to the fame Tune. One cut. London, Printed by E. C. for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. 2/. i is. 6d, cxxx. (Gallant iSetos. Gallant News of late I bring. Tidings of chufing now a King, Whereby true Subjedls may rejoice In chuling them fo fweet a choyce. That love and peace may fo agree. To end the days of mifery. To the tune of. Royal News, Royal News. Two large cuts, and one/mall one. London, Printed for Francis Grove on Snow- hill. i/. lis. 6d. Black-Letter Ballads. 47 CXXXI. (Soon iRetos for (JEnglann, or tfte L^eopleis Ctiumpfi, Then let's be joyful, and in heart content. To fee our King united with the Parliament. Long live Charles the Second. To the tune of. Bodkins Galliard. The fecond Part, to the fame Tune. London, Printed for M. Wright at the Kings Head in the Old Bailey. Three cuts, iL lis, 6d, CXXXII. Cfie (500D WiiU% jFOte^CalJ, or the Kind and Loving Mothers Counfel to her Daugh- ter after Marriage. My daughter dear, I pray give ear. This Leflbn I have learn'd ; I'll tell to you, you'l find it true, A penny fav'd is earn'd. Tune of, Why are my eyes ftill flowing. Two cuts. Printed for J. Deacon at the Angel in Guilt-fpur-ftreet without New- gate. 2/. 2S, CXXXIII. Cfie (Sooti jFellotos ConfiDeration, or the bad Hufbands Amendment, Lately written by Thomas Lanfiere, Of Watchat town in Sommerfetfhire. 48 Black-Letter Ballads. To the tune of. Hey, boys, up go we. The fecond Part to the fame Tune. Three cuts. Printed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Weft Smithfield. 2/. 12s, 6d, cxxxiv. }^Ollantl tUtn^D to Cintiet, or England^s Third Great Royal Vidlory, being an exa6b Narra- tive brought by Captain Talbot, Commander of the Elizabeth, a fourth rate Frigat of the Blew Squadron, who on Wednefday night came into Harwitch, and fent an Exprefs to the King at Whitehall of all that had paft betwixt both the Fleets before and in the Fight, which news hath been continued iince by other perfons from aboard the Royal Charles, who give account of a total Rout given to the Dutch, and a great Vidlory ob- tained againft them, infomuch that they are beaten and block'd in their own Harbors. All this was performed on Wednefday and Thurfday, 25. and 26. of July, 1666. The Tune is, Packington^s Pound. Four cuts. London, Printed by E. Crowch for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. 2/. is, cxxxv. Cl)e ^onout of an apprentice of ILonoon, wherein is declared his matchlefs Manhood Black-Letter Ballads. 49 and brave Adventures done by him in Tur- ky, and by what means he married the King's Daughter of that fame Country. The tune is. All you that are good Fellows. One large woodcut in three compartments. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, W. Gilbertfon, and J. Wright. Corner torn. i/. is, cxxxvi. Cfte ^eatjg ^eart ann a iLigftt Purfe, being the Good fellow's vindication to All his fel- low Companions, wifhing them all to have a care, and keep out of the Ale-wives fnare, for when they are out you may get in, but when you are in you cant get out ; this by experience he hath found true, but now he. bids them all adieu. This Song it was compofed and made By a Loyal heart that is called John Wade. Tune of. My Lord Monk's March to Lon- don, or, Now we have our freedom, &c. One cut. Line cut off. i/. is. CXXXVII. C|)e J^appp ^usfiannman, or Countrp 3[n^ nOCCnCC, to a pleafant new Court Tune. Originally with two cuts^ but one wanting. Printed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Pye-Corner. 15^. 50 Black- Letter Ballads. CXXXVIII. 5)eIPs ^aCer^Pfece Difcouereti, or joy and Sorrow mixt together, being a breife and true Relation of the Damnable Plot of thofe invetrate Enemies of God and the King, who intended to a mixt our Joy for the Na- tivitie of Chrift with the blood of the King and his faithful Subjedls. Being a fit Carrall for Royallift to ling. That alwaies fear God, and honour the King. To the tune of, Sommer Time. The Second Part to the fame Tune. Four cuts, Lon- don, Printed for Francis Grove dwelling on Snowhill. i/. I J. cxxxix. Cf)e ^iff!) Court of SluOice at 2:OeQmmfler arraigned at the Bar in the Old Bayley at the SefTions Houfe, where thofe that adjudged and murthered the Royal Perfon and Sacred Majefty of King Charles the Firft are for that horrid Fac5l brought to their Legal Tryal according to the Known Laws of the Land. To the Tune of, Packington*s Pound. Five cuts, London, Printed for F. Grove on Snow-hill. iL is, CXL. Cfie ^aftp JiOetllimg, or William's Patience Rewarded with the confent of Pretty Nancy. Black-Letter Ballads. 51 To the tune of, The Man of Fafhion, or the Doubting Virgin. Three cuts. Printed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Pye-Cor- ner. i/. 11^. 6d, CXLI. J^ere is ®ome Comfort fot Poor Catja^ ICeteS, or the Duke of Yorks Speech to the Parliament of England concerning his Fa- thers old Souldiers ; alfo, a brief Relation of the forty five fail of fhips that have crofTed the Ocean with a numerous company of Englifh Gallants; Prince Robert doth re- prefent the Kings Royal perfon in Portugal. They'l fetch a Queen with ftore of Indian Treafure Will make old Cavies laugh beyond all meafure. To a pleafant tune called Moncks March, or Maids will fay nay and take it. Two cuts. London, Printed for F. Grove on Snow-hill. i/. lis. 6d. CXLII. Cfie ©OnOUt of TBtiflOlt fhewing how the Angel Gabriel of Briftol fought with three Spanifh fhips, who boarded us feven times, wherein we cleared our Decks, and killed ^YQ hundred of their men, and wounded many more, and made them flye into Cales, where we loft but three men, to the Honour of the Angel Gabriel of Briftol. To the 52 Black-Letter Ballads. Tune of, Our Noble King In his Progrefs. ^wo cutSy one a very rude reprejentation of Briftol. London, Printed for T. Vere at the Sign of the Angel without Newgate. 2/. lis, 6d, CXLIII. a J^UnDreD ®ODlg LeflbnS that a Mother on her Death-bed gave to her Children, where- by they may know how to guide themfelves towards God and Man to the benefit of the Commonwealth, joy of their Parents, and good of themfelves. Tune is, Wigmore's Galliard. Two cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clarke, i/. 5J. CXLIV. 3lol)n iRoiJinfon^s patfe, or a Q^ettg iTit of aBooing, Within a Park a young Man met a Maid, With courting and fporting the Damfel with him ftaid ; In paftime and pleafure fhe uttered her mind. Saying, pray thee, fweet hony, be loving and kind. Two cuts. Both parts. 2/. Q.S. CXLV. Cl)e 3!uDgement of ©oo ftetoen upon one 3l0l)n JfaUflUS, Dodlor in Divinity. The tune is. Fortune my foe. Three cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. i/. lis. 6d. Black- Letter Ballads. 53 CXLVI. C|)e Siinff anD EingBoms jogful Dag of CriUmpf), or the Kings moft Excellent Majefties Royal and Triumphant coming to London, accompanied by the ever Renowned his Excellency the Lord General Monck, and a numerous company of his Royal Peers, Lords, Knights, Citizens, and Gentry, who conducted his Royal Majefty in Honour and Triumph from Dover to London. To the tune of. The Scottifh Lady, or 111 tide that cruel peace that gain'd a War on one. Three cuts. By J. W. London, Printed for John Andrews at the White Lion near Pye-Corner, 2/. IS, CXLVII. 310gfUU lI3etoS to tl)e iSatiOn, or the Crown- ing of King Charls the IL on the 23. of April, being on St. Georges day, of his going from the Tower of London to Whitehall on Mon- day, being the 22. day, with his pafling by Water from Whitehall to Weftminfter-hall, and from thence to the Abbey, where he was crowned ; From thence quite back again with his Noble train, with the rare fire- works upon London Thames. By Peter Fancy. To the Tune of Packington's Pound. One cut, London, Printed for Richard Burton at the Horfe-fhoe in Smithfield. 3/. 3J. 54 Black-Letter Ballads. CXLVIII. f&mtitb 2Dicli, or tU luflp Coacftman of CiHeflminflet, with an Account how he Tickled the Young LafTes, and caufed their fad Lamentation. Tune of. Let Mary live long. Six cuts. Printed for J. Deacon at the Angel in Giltfpur-ftreet without New- gate. 2/- I2S, 6d. ^^^ . CX1.LX, -^ Cfie mm ^earteo 9©aiDens iRefolution, wherein fhe doth fhow her real affedlion and true Love unto her deareft friend. Her father and mother they ftill do fay no. Yet ftie is refolved with her Love for to go. To the tune of Jenny, Jenny. Two cuts. Printed for J. Clarke at the Harp and Bible in Weft Smithfield. i/. iis. 6d, CL. Cbe 3!oi3ian Ctetti, or T6eggers TBuQi, In which a mad Maunder doth vapour and fwagger. With praifeing the Trade of a Bonny bold Begger. To the Tune of. From hunger and cold. Five cuts. London, Printed for William Gilbertfon dwelling at the Bible in Giltfpur- ftreet. 2/. IS, Black- Letter Ballads. 55 CLI. 3lo&nng armfltong^g JLaft (SooDnigfit, de- claring how John Armftrong and his eight- fcore Men fought a bloody Battle with the Scotch King at Edenborough. To a pretty Northern Tune. One large cut, London, Printed for and by W. O. and fold by the Bookfellers of Pye-corner and London- bridge, i/. i^. CLII. a jollg Compang of 3lot)ial TBIaDes* A jolly Company of jovial Blades, Who laugh and ling, and are as merry as the Maids Tune is. General Monk hath advanced him- felf fince he came from the Tower. One large cut, London, Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wight. i/. ^s. CLIII. a 3(oUg Companp of 31ot)iaU TBIaoes. Ano- ther edition^ with three cuts, apparently ear- lier, \l, 1 1 J. 6d, CLIV. 3lol)n^s (ffiarneQ Eequeft, or Bettys compaf- fionate Love extended to him in a Time of Diftrefs. Late in the night, when all was faft, John came in both cold and wet. And after fome few words were paft, Her Lover fhe in let. 56 Black-Letter Ballads. To a Pleafant new Tune much in requeft. Three cuts. Printed for C. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Pye Corner. 2/. 2s, CLV. Which doth'a wanton prank unfold. In as merry a ftory as ever was told. The Tune is. The King's delight, or Turn- Coat. Three cuts, London, Printed for F. Coles, M. Wright, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. 2/. is, CLVI. Cf)e iLppal jTorriOet, or Eogal Paflime, being a pleafant Difcourfe between the King and a Loyal Keeper, who not knowing his Majefty, would not fufFer him to hunt in the Forreft for any Reward whatfoever, which Faithfulnefs the King highly commended, as you fhall find by this following Ditty. One cut. Printed for C. Bates in Pye Corner. i/. iiJ". 6d, CLVII. Clje Huftp 8@Hlet'0 iRecteation, or tfte T5ujc== ome JFemale^g Cftief 3Deligl)t, being a moft pleafant Defign between a certain Mil- ler, the Good Wife, and her Three Daugh- ters. A moft delegable new Song, &c. Black-Letter Ballads. 57 Fair Peggy firft to th' Mill with Grift was fent. Who pleas'd returned, but would not tell th' event ; Which Betty once perceiving, needs would go. Who fped in the fame tune, returned too. To a pleafant new Tune. Two cuts. Printed for P. Brookfby in Weft Smithfield. 2/. is, CLVIII. Cfie lopal ^ubjefts (ZEruUation for the Coronation of King Charls the Second. To the Tune of. When the King comes home in Peace again. Two large cuts, London, Printed for F. Grove on Snow-hill. i/. lis, 6d, CLIX. ©aO Jl3etoS from ©aliSftUrg, and other Parts of the Weft of England, being an Account of a moft fad and dreadful Froft and Snow, which hapned on the 23d. of December, 1684, in and about moft Parts of the Weft of England, which Froze to Death many poor pafTengers who Travelled the Rode, befides many Beafts, incredible to believe, but that fome who were in the fame ftorm are alive to juftifie the truth thereof, the like fcarce ever being known in this Kingdom. To the tune of. Aim not too high. Three cuts, London, Printed for P. Brookft^y 58 Black-Letter Ballads. at the Golden Ball in Pyecorner. — CftC il3o6leman^s (S5enetous Emnnefs, or the Countryman's Unexpeded Happinefs, giving a true Account of a Nobleman, who taking notice of the Poor Man's Induftrious Care and Pains for the maintaining of his Charge, which was feven fmall Children, meeting him upon a Day, difcourfed with him, and invited him and his Wife, with his Children, home to his Houfe, and accordingly beftowed upon him a Farm of thirty Acres of Land, to be continued to him and his Heirs for ever. To the Tune of. The Two Englifh Travellers. Three cuts, London, Printed for E. Brookfby, at the Sign of the Golden Ball in Pye-corner. Two ballads on one leaf, 3/. i^j. dd. CLX. a LDgal @)U6|eft^lE5 anmOmtiOn, or a true Song of Brittain's Civil Wars, — Some with blind zeal Religion did profefle, Murder'd their lawful King, oh ! wickednefle ! To the Tune of. General Monck's Right March that was founded before him from Scotland to London, or the Highlanders march. One cut. Printed for F. Grove on Snow- hill. I J. i/. Black-Letter Ballads. 59 CLXI. Cfte JLopal ©utijeft Blefolution, Who in defence of his King will fight. For to Maintain his Countries Right; Inviting all his fellow peeres To lift themfelves for Volunteeres. To the Tune of. Turn Love. Two large cutSy one from Beaumont and Fletcher. Lon- don, Printed by T. Mabb for Richard Bur- ton at the Horfhoe in Smithfield. i/. 1 1 J. ^d, CLXII. Cfie LOto-'COUntrg ©OlDier, or His Humble Petition at his Return into England after his bold Adventures in Bloody Battels. To an excellent new Tune. Two cuts, one from an old romance. Printed for C. Bates at the Sun and Bible in Pye-Corner. i/. u. CLXIII. a HOOfeing^iSIaire for 90aiDS, or the Downfall of two defperate Lovers, Henry Hartlove and William Martin, both lately living in the Ifle of Wight, who for the love of Anne Scarborow, a beatifuU Virgin, fhe having firft made herfelf fure to one of them, and 6o Black-Letter Ballads. afterwards fel off to the other, chaleng'd the field, where after a cruel fight they were both mortally wounded, and were found dead upon the place by the afore-mentioned Maiden, who beftowed many tears upon their bodies, buried them both in one Grave. And now fhe lies in grief and fad diftrefle, Wifhing all Lovers true more happineffe. The tune is. Aim not too high. The fecond part, to the fame Tune. Four cuts. Printed for Tho. Vere at the fign of the Angel without Newgate. 4/. 4J. CLXIV. a iLooWng^^laire for all true CftriOians, very ufeful and necefTary for all people of what degree foever to look upon in thefe troublefome times of forrow. The tune is. Aim not too high. Three cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, W. Gilbertfon. i/. I J. CLXV. Cl)e logal ©olDier of jFlanDetg> or the Faithlefs Lafs of London. To the Tune of. How can I be merry and glad ? Five cuts. Printed for P. Brookfby, J. Deacon, J. Blare, J. Back. i/. 5 J. Black- Letter Ballads. 6i CLXVI. Cf)e loioelg il3ottl)etn LalTe, Who in the Ditty here complaining fliewes What harme fhe got milking her Daddies Ewes. To a pleafant Scotch tune called. The broom of Cowden knowes. The fecond Part, to the fame tune. Four cuts, London, Printed for Fr. Coles in the Old Bayly. 2/. 12 J. dd. Through Lidderfdale as lately I went, I mufing on did pafle, I heard a Maid was difcontent. She figh'd, and faid alas ! CLXVII. iLonDon anti (ffinglanD Criumpfiant, at the Proclaiming of King Charles the Second by both the Houfes of Parliament, the Judges of the Land, with the Lord Mayor, the Court of Aldermen, and Council of the City, as it was performed with great Solemnity and loud acclamations of joy by the people in general. May the 8th, 1660. Three cuts. To the tune of, I am a jovial Batchelor. London, Printed for F. Grove on Snow hill. 2/. 2J. 62 Black-Letter Ballads. CLXVIII. CfjeiLonDon laDs lamentation to CupiD, or When fhall I my True Love have ? All young men muft to Cupid's power fubmit. Courage and Wifdom, vertue too, and Wit. To an excellent new Tune fung at the Court. Line cut off. Four cuts, iL is. CLXIX. lonDon^s ©ttimarp, or (JEtietp 9@an in 6is ^UmOUt, to a pleafant new Tune. Three cuts. (On London inn-Jigns.) Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clarke. 3/. 1 3 J. 6d. CLXX. Cfie LonDoners Lamentation, wherein is contained a forrowfull Defcription of the dread full Fire which happened in Pudding- lane, next beyond Fifh-ftreet Hill, on the fecond of Septemb. 1666, betwixt twelve and one of the clock in the morning, being Sunday, and continued till the Thurfday night following. With an account of the King and the Duke of York's indeavours with feveral Peers of the Land for the quenching of the fame ; Alfo the manner of doing it, and the name of every particular Black-Letter Ballads. 63 place where the fire did flop. Tune is. When Troy Town, &c. One large cut, London, Printed for J. Clark at the Bible and Harp in Weft Smithfield. iL 1 2 j. 6d. CLXXI. Clje iL00e^@lCfe a^aiD^ or Cordelia's Lamenta- tion for the abfence of her Gerhard. To a pleafant new Tune. Three cuts. Printed by and for A. M., and fold by the Book- fellers of London. 1/. I J-. CLXXII. Lxitie's Cotmentis Cafen 6p Deatf), or. Lovers Delay'd grow Defperate, being a Relation how a young Gallant, thinking he was defpifed by Cloris, poyfoned himfelf, the which the Nymph underftanding by a Letter that {he found lying by him, ran dif- trafted. To a pleafant new Court Tune, Or, Phillis, thou foul of love. Two cuts. Printed for P. Brookfby. i/. 5J. CLXXIII. Cfte loties of 3Ioclteg ann 3[enng, or the Scotch Wedding. A moft pleafant New Song. Three cuts. Printed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Weft Smithfield. i/. \s. 64 Black-Letter Ballads. CLXXIV. loioe lies a TBIeeWng, By whofe mortal wounds you may foon underftand. What forrows wee fuiFer fince Love left the Land. To the Tune of, the Cyclops. Four cuts, London, Printed for F. G. on Snow-hill. lL 2S, CLXXV. Hows JFterce DeCce ann ^opes of Ee^ COlJCtp, or a True and brief Defcription of two refolved Lovers, whofe excellent wits, fuitable minds, and faithful hearts, one to another, fhall here fully be fpoken of in this following new made Paper of Verfes. By L. P. To a delicate new Tune, or, Fair Angel of England. Celia her fweet Reply to her faithfull Friend. Three cuts. London, Printed for Tho. Vere at the fign of the Angel without Newgate. 2/. 2/, CLXXVI. iLOlOeiS IpataDiCe, fhewing the admirable felicity that true Lovers enjoy in the chafte imbraces of their deareft Loves, as this following ex- ample doth declare. By J. P. To the tune of Fancies Phoenix. Three cuts, London, Printed for W. Kendrick at the Black-fpread Eagle and Sun in the Old-Bayly. 2/. lis, 6d, Black-Letter Ballads. 65 CLXXVII. ILOtl0 in a Q^a^C, or the Young Man put to his Dumps. Here in this fong you may behold and fee A gallant girl obtain *d by Wit and Honefty : All you that hear my fong, and mark it but aright. Will fay, true love*s worth gold, and breeds delight. To a pleafant new Tune called. The true Lover's delight, or the Cambridge Horn. Four cuts. Printed by and for Alex. Mil- bourn at the Stationers Arms in Green Arbor Court in the Little Old Baily. i/. \\s, 6d. CLXXVIII. ILOtJC in a 9©a?C, or the Young Man put to his Dumps, being a Gallant Difcourfe on May Day laft between two Witty Lovers. An- other and more curious edition of the preced- ing. Four cuts. Printed for J. Hofe over- againft Staple-Inn in Holborn. il. is. CLXXIX. Cfte JLotiing Cftamber^^aiD, or vindication of a departed Maidenhead, being the Art to lye with a Man and yet be a Virgin. To a new Tune. Two cuts. Printed for Phil. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Weft Smith- field. 2/. IS. 66 Black-Letter Ballads. CLXXX. CfteiLifeoflLxiiie, Let he or fhe from Chains are free. Prize high their Liberty. Love*s a difeafe that feems to pleafe. Yet breeds captivity. To the Tune of, The fair one let me in, or, Bufie Fame. 'Three cuts. Printed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Pye-Corner. i/. lis, 6d, CLXXXI. C6e laft iQetoes from jFtance, being a true Relation of the efcape of the King of Scots from Worcefter to London, and from Lon- don to France, who was conveyed away by a young Gentleman in womans apparrell : The King of Scots attending on this fuppofed Gentlewoman in manner of a ferving-man. The tune is, when the King enjoy es his own again. Three cuts. Printed for W. Gil- bertfon. 2/. is, CLXXXII. C6e laog 3[fafteHa^s CtageDp, or the step- mother's Cruelty, being a Relation of a moft lamentable and cruel Murder committed on the Body of the Lady Ifabella, the only Black-Letter Ballads. 67 Daughter of a noble Duke, occafioned by the means of a Itep-mother and the Mafter Cook, who were both adjudged to fufFer a cruel death for committing the faid horrid A6t. To the Tune of. The Ladies Fall. Two cuts. Printed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Pye Corner. i/. is. CLXXXIII. Cfje ILamenting: JLanies laft JFatetoel to tfte QjQOtlS) who being in a ftrange Exile be- wales her own mifery, complains upon For- tune and Deftiny, defcribeth the manner of her breeding, deplores the lofs of her parents, wifhing peace and happinefTe to England, which was her native Country, and withall refolved for death, chearfully commendeth her foul to heaven, and her body to the earth, and quietly departed this life anno 1650. To an excellent new Tune, O hone, O hone. Two large cuts. London, Printed for Tho. Vere at the figne of the Angell without Newgate. 2/. 2J. CLXXXIV. Clje iLamentafile jrall of Ciueen (ffilenot, who for her Pride and wickednefs by God's judgements funk into the ground at Charing- 68 Black-Letter Ballads. Crofs, and rofe at Queen-hive. To the tune of. Gentle and Courteous. Two cuts. Print- ed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbert- fbn. iL IS, CLXXXV. Cfje Lamentable jTall of Ciueen (ffilenor, who funk into the ground at Charing-Crofs. Another edition^ of early date. Printed by the Aflignes of Thomas Symcocke. Slightly defe^ive, i/. I J. CLXXXVI. Cfte JLotiet^s CrageDg, or Patents Ctueltg, To the Tune of, Charon, make hafte, and carry me over. Two cuts. Printed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Pye Corner. i/. I J. CLXXXVII. Cf)e lotiets 3log ann ®x\zU q^, A young Man's Relation, In a pittiful fafhion, Being from his love hindred By Locks, bolts, and kindred. To the Tune of. Young men and maids. Two cuts, London, Printed for F. Cole, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clarke. i/. \\s, 6d, Black-Letter Ballads. 69 CLXXXVIII. a LOtiet fOtfafeen of Us iLOtie, to a new Court tune. Two cuts. Printed at London by G. P. i/. 1 1 J. 6d. ^^^^^^,„.«.--.— -^ — ■ CLXXXIX. iLulte ^utton^s lamentation which he wrote the day before his death, being condemned to be hanged at Yorke for his robberies and trefpafles committed thereabout. To the tune of Wandring and Wavering. "Three cuts, London, Printed for H. Goflbn. 2/. 12s, 6d. ' — -— exc: — -^ C6e lamenteD Lowers, or the Young Men and Maiden's Grief for the Unhappy Tra- gedy of this Unfortunate Couple. To the tune of Frantick Lover. My Love I come to thee. Two cuts. Printed for P. Brookf- by, J. Deacon, J. Blare, and J. Back. l/. IS, cxci. Cfie CtoO==lPenng a2Jl)0re, in a Dialogue be- twixt a Spendthrift and a Whore, or, a Re- lation of a Two-penny Bargain, Of a fpend-thrift proffering two pence to a Whore, Having fpent all but that on her before. The Tune is. He that has the moft Money 70 Black-Letter Ballads. is the beft Man. Three cuts. London, Printed for W. Thackeray, T. Paffinger, and W. Whitwood.— Cl)e CtUC ILOtietS^ ^appinefS, or. Nothing venture, Nothing have, iliewing how an Apprentice made bold to court his Mafter's Daughter, got her good will, and married her unknown to her Par- ents, yet afterwards her father, feeing they loved each other fo intirely, he gave them a confiderable portion of money to (ot up with, and now they live in a happy condition ; this may ferve for a pattern for others. Their complements to you I will rehearfe. According as they are printed down in verfe. Tune of, An^intas on the new-made Hay, or Loyal Lovers. Four cuts. Printed for W. Thackeray, E. M. and A. M. Two ballads on one Jheet, Q.L 12 J. 6d. CXCII. Cfie iLamentation of 9@t, Pagers Witt of IPUtttOUtft, who being enforced to wed againft her will, did confent to his murder for the love of George Strang widge, for which fadt they fufFered death at Barftable in De- vonfhire. The tune is. Fortune my foe. The Lamentation of George Strangwidge, who, for the confenting to the death of Mr. Black-Letter Ballads. 71 Page of Plimouth, fuiFered death at Barfta- ble. The Complaint of Mrs. Page for cauf- ing her Hufband to be murdered for the love of George Strangwidge, who were executed together. Printed for F. Coles, Tho. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. 2/. 1 2S. 6d, CXCIII. Cfte iLamentation of Clotis for tfie (Kn^ femDnefs of ijer ©fiepftetD, ihewing How fhe by her Strephon was ftrangely beguil'd. And is almoft deftradled for want of a Child, &g. To the Tune of, O Cloris awake, &"c. Two cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Paffinger. iL 2s. cxciv. 9 LamentaiJle iBaUao of a Comtiate lately performed near London between Sir James Steward and Sir George Wharton, Knights, who were both flain at that time. Tune is, Down Plumpton Park. One cut. London, Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. i/. 1 1 J. dd, cxcv. 9 iLamentatJle TBaUati of a Combat ^«^- ther edition of the preceding,apparently earlier y with three cuts. Printed at London for F. C. dwelling in the Old Baily. 2/. 2S. 72 Black-Letter Ballads. CXCVI. a lamentable TBallaD of tfte laDies JFall, declaring how a Gentlewoman through her too much truft came to her end, and how her Lover flew himfelfe. The tune of, In Pefcod time. Four cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and William Gilbertfon. 2/. 2S. CXCVII. a lamentafile TBallan of tfje tragical enli of a ©allant JLOtO, and a vertuous Lady, with the untimely end of their two children, wick- edly performed by a Heathenifli Blackamoor their fervant, the like never heard of before. To the tune of. The Ladies fall. One large cut. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. 2/. 2J. CXCVIII. a lamentaftle Dlttp compofed upon the Death of Robert Lord Devereux, late Earle of Ef- fex, who was beheaded in the Tower of Lon- don on Aftiwenefday in the morning, 1 600. To the tune of Welladay. — A lamentable new Ballad upon the Earle of EfTex his death, to the tune of, EfTex laft good night. Two cuts. Printed at London for Cuthbert Wright. Slightly defective, \L \s. Black-Letter Ballads. 73 CXCIX. a lamentable Dittg made on the Death of Robert Devereux, Earl of EfTex. Another edition y with two cuts. Printed for A. M., W. O., and T. Thackeray at the Angel in Duck-lane. i/. \5, cc. Cl)e Lancaftire CUCfeOlD, or the Country Parifh-Clerk betray 'd by a Conjurer's In- chanted Chamber-pot. To the Tune of. Fond Boy, &c. Three cuts, London, Printed for J. Blare on London- bridge. (An ex- ceedingly curious ballad on the fubjedt of the ancient tale of the Bafyn, believed to be unique.) 5/. ^s, cci. Cfte ^aB^mans a^ottice, or, A warning for young men to have a care How they in Love intangled are. Wherein by experience you fhall find His trouble and grief, with difcontent of mind. To a pleafant new Tune. Three cuts, Lon- don, Printed for Francis Coles. 2/. is, ecu. Cfte 9@aB^manS ^Otrice* Another edition. Three cuts. Printed for F. Coles in Vine- ftreet on Saffron hill neer Hatten Garden. 2/. 15, 74 Black-Letter Ballads. CCIII. Clje s©ao a^ettp Ptanlis of Eofim ®ooD^ fellOtot to the Tune of Dulcina. The fe- cond Part, to the fame Tune. Three curious cuts, London, Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. iL 1 2s, 6d. cciv. Cfte ^an agettg ptanfes of iaoftm ®ooii^ fCllOtP^ Another edition. Three cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, J. Clark, W. Thackeray, and T. PafTinger. i/. I \s, 6d, ccv. Cl)e ^alDens Deligfet, or a tiamtp iSetu 2:)ialogue, A vaporing Gallant came the Maid to woo. But fhe deni'd and faid fhe would not do. He profferred Ribbans, Gloves, and gay gold Rings, But fhe refufed all manner of fuch things. She faid the greateft comfort of her life Was to be made fome honeft tradefman's wife. To the tune of. Behold the man with a glafs in his hand, or the Mountebank of York. By L. P. Three cuts, London, printed for Fran. Grove on Snow-hill. 3/. jj. ccvi. Cfje 9@aitien aaiattiet, or the Damfels Refo- lution to Fight in Field by the fide of Jockey, Black- Letter Ballads. y^ her entire Love. To an excellent new Tune. Jockey's Anfwer. Printed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Pye-Corner. i/. 5J. CCVII. Cl)e a@an in tfie 9@oon Dtinlts Claret, as it was lately fung at the Curtain, Holywell, to the fame Tune. One cut. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. 2/. 2S, CCVIII. Cf)e fl^aftet^lPiece of iLoioe^songg, A Dialogue betwixt a bold Keeper and a Lady gay. He woo'd his Lord's daughter, and carried the day ; But foon after Marriage was forc'd for to fight. With his Lord and fix gentlemen, for his own right. He cut them, and he w'd them , and paid them with blows. And made them his Friends, that before were his Foes. To the Tune of. The week before Eafter, the Day's long and clear, &c. One cut, London, Printed for A. M., W. O., and Tho. Thackeray, at the Angel in Duck-lane. i/. 1 1 J. 6d, ccix. 9@autilm,tbe9@ercf)ant^sDauffl)tetofTBriO tOL To the Tune of. The Maiden's Joy, &c. A few words torn off. Printed by 76 Black-Letter Ballads. and for W. O. and are to be fold by the Bookfellers of Pye-corner and London- bridge, i/. lis. 6d. ccx. Cfte 9@etc|)ants Daugfitet of TBtifioto* Another edition. Fine copy. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. 2/. I2J. 6d, CCXI. Cl)e agetcfianrs Daughter of TBtiftoto* Another edition. Early ^ butjlightly defe^ive. l/. IS. CCXII. 9 8@emoriable Song on tfie unbappg l)unt^ ing m CftelOg Cfjafe between Earle Piercy of England and Earle Dowglas of Scotland. To the tune of Flying Fame. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. il, 2S, CCXIII. a agemoratJle Song on tfte unftappg fiunt^ ing in Cfiet)? Cftafe, (apparently from the fame form, but having a heading to the fecond part). Slightly defe^ive, iL is. Black-Letter Ballads. 77 CCXIV. 9 mettp mtWtmf or, ffl) firatoe 3ttl)ut of TBtalllg, To a pleafant new Tune. Firft part only. One large cut. i^s, ccxv. Cfie 9@ertp 5)agmafeetS> or Pleafant Paftime between the young Men and Maids in the pleafant Meadows. To an excellent new Tune. Four cuts. Printed for C. B. in Pye-Corner. 3/. 3J. ccxvi. C|)e ©fiepfieam's Delight, to the tune of Frog Galliard. A pleafant new Ballad of Daphne, to a new Tune. One cut. Printed by the Aflignes of Thomas Symcocke. (An early ballad, with a curious MS. fong on the reverfe.) 2/. 2s, CCXVII. Cfte ^ifialien TBriDe, or tfje Jfaitftful jFrienU, to an excellent new Tune call'd, Celia, that I once was bleft. " In fair London late did dwell." Two cuts. Printed for J. Conyers at the Black Raven near St. Andrews Church in Hoi born. l/. is. 78 Black-Letter Ballads. CCXVIII. agODelip ama^efl, or the Dorfetfhlre Damfel importunate with her Mother to know Rogers' meaning in Wooing, in which fhe is fully fatisfied by her Mother ; together with Roger's love and loyalty. To an Excellent new Tune much in requeft. You are de- fired to beware of a falfe Counterfeit Song in imitation of this true Copy, which is only Printed for J. Deacon at the Angel in Guilt- fpur-ftreet. Six cuts, iL i2s, 6d. ccxix. a mott ercellent Song of tfte Lotie of poung palmus ano fait S)&eHita» To the Tune of Shackleyhey. One cut, Lon- don, Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. i/. 1 1 J. 6d, ccxx. 9 mOlJ ercellent @Ong* Another edition of the preceding. One cut, London, Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright, il, is, ccxxi. 3 mofl ercellent TBallan of an ©ID ^an anti l)iS CiCltfe, who in their great want and mifery fought to their Children for fuccour. Black-Letter Ballads. 79 by whom they were difdained, and fcornfully fent them away fuccourlefs, and God*s ven- geance fhewed on them for the fame. The tune is, Prifcilla. Five cuts, London, Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. 2/. 2^. CCXXII. a moa ercellent TBallan of %>t ©eotge for CnglanO, and the King's Daughter of ^gypt, wPiom he delivered from death, and how he flew a Mighty Dragon. The tune is Flying Fame. One cut. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. i/. lis, 6d, CCXXIII. Clje aguttfteret 3[ufilp Connemnetit or an Account of George Feafl, a Butcher of Shoreditch, being found Guilty at the Sef- iions-houfe in the Old Baily for the Barbar- ous bloody Murther of his Wife by ftabbing her in the Belly in Leadenhall Market on the 5th of May, 1697, of which wound flie immediately Dyed; alfo fome Account of his Penitent Behaviour in Newgate. To the Tune of, Packington's Pound. Two cuts. Printed for John Fofter at the Greyhound 8o Black-Letter Ballads. near the Noah*s Ark Tavern over againft Vine-ftreet, St. Giles's in the Fields. — 3 neto T5allati of ffiling 3!ol)n anti tfie abbot ano tbe abbot of Canterbutp, to the Tune o^ the King and Lord Abbot. Three cuts. Printed for E. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Pye-Corner. Two Ballads printed on one Jheet, iL \is, 6d. ccxxiv. a mofl (SoBlg anti comfortable TBallaD of the Glorious Refurredion of our Lord Jefus Chrift, how he triumphed over Death ; Hell and Sin, whereby we are certainly perfwaded of our rifing againe from the dead. The tune is, Rogero. One large cut. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. l/. IS, ccxxv. a moft notable (ZErampIe of an aingracious ©on, who in pride of his heart denyed his own Father, and how God for his offence turned his meat into loathfom Toads. To the tune of. Lord Derby. Two large cuts. London, Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. i/. lis. 6d. Black-Letter Ballads. 8i CCXXVI. a mofl notable Crample of an (Hngtacious ©on* Another edition. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clarke. Two large cuts, \L \\s. 6d. CCXXVII. 9 mofl notable (ffiicample of an Ungracious ©on* Another edition. Two large cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. i/. \s, CCXXVIII. Cfte ^ofl iRare anti OErcellent ©iftotg of m Dutcfjefs of ©uffollt's Callamitp. To the tune of. Queen Dido. T^wo large cuts. London, Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. i/. \\s, 6d, ccxxix. Cfte 9@ofl Bare ano (ffrcellent ©ifiotp of t&e Dutcf)ef0 of ©uffolfe^s Calamitg* Another edition. To the Tune of, ^een Dido, Two large cuts. Printed by and for A. M., and fold by the Bookfellers of Lon- don, l/. IS, 82 Black-Letter Ballads. ccxxx. a moll ttoeet ©ong of an (ffingUQ) S&txttmt tJOrn in CftiCbeflet, to an excellent new Tune. The fecond Part, to the fame tune. Orie cut. London, Printed for F, Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. iL 2s, CCXXXI. a moft ftoeet ©ong of an (EngUft 9@etcl)ant 60m in Cl)iCf)eflet* JmSker edition. One large cut. Printed by and for W. O., and fold by the Bookfellers of Pye-Corner and London-bridge. i/. is. CCXXXII. a mofl ftoeet @ong of an (ZEnglift a^ercfiant 60tn in CfjiCfielJet- Another edition. One large cut. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon.. i/. lis. 6d. CCXXXIII. Cfte Detjonftire 2:)amfels jFroHiclt, being an Account of nine or ten fair Maidens, who went one Evening lately to wafh themfelves in a pleafant River, where they were dif- covered by feveral Young men, being their familiar acquaintances, who took away their Black-Letter Ballads. 83 Gowns and Petticoats, with their Smocks and Wine with good Chear, leaving them awhile in a moft melancholly condition. To a pleafant new Play-houfe Tune, or, Where's my Shepherd. Three cuts and mufical notes. Printed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Pye Corner.—Cfie DetiOttftite TBOgS COUtagC, and Loyalty to their Majefties King William and Queen Mary, in defend- ing their Country from the Invafion of the French. To an excellent new Tune, call'd the Devon/hire Boys delight, or. The Liggan Waters, &c. Three cuts. Printed for P. Brookfby, J. Deacon, J. Blare, and J. Back. Two ballads in one Jheet, 2/. \is. 6d, CCXXXIV. Cfte a^OUmfUl ©fiepfterU, or Torment of Loving, and not being Lov'd again. A Song made by a Gentleman who Dyed for his cruel Miftrls. No torment can be found no greater pain. Then truly loving, and not lov*d again. To a pleafant new Tune, called. Could man his own Wifh obtain. Play'd and Sung at the King's Play-Houfe. Two cuts. Printed for P. Brookfby at the fign of the Golden Ball in Pye-Corner. i/. 5J. 84 Black-Letter Ballads, ccxxxv. a neto TSallaB of tfte Cfiree 6©errg TButcfe^ 0tS, and ten Highwaymen ; how three Butchers went to pay five hundred Pounds away, and hearing a woman crying in the Wood, went to relieve her, and was there fet upon by thefe ten highway men; and how only flout Johnfon fought with them all ; who killed eight of the ten ; and at lafl was killed by the woman he went to fave in the wood. To an excellent new Tune. One large cut and one /mall one. Printed for J. BifTel at the Bible and Harp in Weft Smithfield. i/. iis,6d. CCXXXVI. Cf)e iI3alteD CtutI), ot a I13eto ©ong* Mtt- out a iLpe* Tune of, Old Simon the King, or. The Charadler of fundry Trades and Callings. Two cuts, (A ballad on trades). Printed for J. Blare at the Look- ing-glafs on London-Bridge. i/. ^s, CCXXXVII. jRatUte^S ©HOnDet, or Account how the Wife of one John Waterman, an Oftler in the Parifh of Fifherton Anger, near Salijbury^ Black-Letter Ballads. 85 was Delivered of a Strange Monfter upon the 26th of Odober, 1664, which lived untill the 27th of the fame moneth. It had two Heads, foure Armes, and two Legs, the Heads (landing contrary each to the other, and the Loines, Hipps and Leggs iflueing out of the middle betwixt both. They were both perfed to the Navell, and there joyned in one, being but one Sex, which was the Female. She had another Child born before it (of the Female Sex) which is yet living, and is a very Comely Child in all propor- tions. This is Attefted for truth by feveral Perfons which were eye-witnefles. The Tune is, London Prentice, or. Jovial Batche- lor. Two cuts. With a true Relation (in profe) of this ftrange and wonderfull Mon- fter. I, Jofiah Smith, Praditioner of Phifick, faw them all three alive. With Alowance, Novemb. 12th, 1664. Printed for E. Andrews at White Lyon in Pye-corner. CCXXXVIII. 9 lamentable TBallan of jFait iRofamonB, King Henry the Second's Concubine, who was put to Death by Queen Elinor in the Famous Bower of Woodftock, near Oxford. To the Tune of. Flying Fame, &c. One 86 Black-Letter Ballads. large cut, London, Printed by and for W. O., and are to be fold by the Bookfellers of Pye-corner and London bridge. — ©tt^tlgC anp 323ontietful iSetos from laame, giving an Account of an old Man lately and ftrangely known to be in the City of Rome in Italy, and how he came invifibly thither ; together with his Eleven Strange and Won- derful Prophefies, which particularly do mention what fhall happen yearly ; fhewing alfo how he breaks ftrong Iron Chains in pieces, as if they were brown thread, with many more ftrange Wonders, never the like ever heard of before, as naming the Year when there fhall be no Pope, and Rome fhall have no head, and the Gofpel fhall be preached throughout the world. Three cuts. Printed for J. Deacon at the Angel in Gilt- fpur-flreet. Two pieces on one Jheet. 2/e 1 2 J. dd, ccxxxix. I13eptune^s Eaging: Jfurg, or the Gallant Seamen's Sufferings, being a Relation of their Perils and Dangers, and of the extra- ordinary hazards they undergo in their noble Adventures. Together with their undaunted valour and rare conflancy in all their extremi- ties, and the manner of their rejoycing on Black-Letter Ballads. 87 fhore at their return home. By J. P. To the Tune of. When the Stormy Windes doe blow. London, Printed by T. Mabb for Ric. Burton at the Horfe-fhoe in Smithfield. Three cuts, iL is, CCXL. a il3eto TBallaD oeclatmff tfte (ZErcellent l^arable of tfte l^totiigal CftilD, to the Tune of the Wanton Wife. The Second Part, fhewing the great mifery he endured, being conftrained through hunger to eat with the Hogs, and how his merciful Father re- ceived him again. To the fame Tune. Two large cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. i/. lis. 6d, CCXLI. a neto iBallan mtitulen t|)e ©tout Cripple of COtntPallt wherein is fhewed his diflb- late life and deferved death. The tune is, the Blind Begger. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. Two cuts, 2/. IS. CCXLII. Cbe ©tout Cripple of CorntoalU Another edition. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. One cut. il, is. 88 Black -Letter Ballads. CCXLIII. a neto TBallan of tfte ^oulDfet ann l^eggp, to a new Northern tune. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. Three cuts, 1 1, lis. 6d, CCXLIV. a neto TBallaD of tjbe ^oulDier anii IPeggp* Another edition. No place or printer's name. i/. ij. CCXLV. a neto TBallan fhewing how a Prince of Eng- land loved the King's Daughter of France, and how the prince was difaftroufly flain, and how the aforefaid princefTe was after married to a Forrefter. The tune is, Crim- fon velvet. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. Three cuts. Slightly defe^ive, il. is, CCXLVI. Cfte il3eto Courtier, Upon the Change where Merchants meet, 'Twixt Cornhill and Thredneedle-ftreet. The tune is, Cloris, fince thou art fled away, &c; The Second Part, to the fame Tune. Three cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Paflinger. i/. iis. 6d, Black-Letter Ballads. 89 CCXLVII. a neto (Same at CarDS, or the three Nimble Shuffling Cheaters. To a pleafant new tune, or. What you pleafe. Two cuts, \L lis, 6d. ccxLviir. a neto 8@aD Com of TBeDlam, or. The Man in the Moon drinks Claret, With Powder-beef, turnep, and Caret, The tune is, Grayes Inne Mafk. Two cuts* lL 2S, CCXLIX. a neto ©cotcft ftallaii of jealous il3annp, or, Falfe-hearted Willy turn'd True. To the tune of. Moggies Jealoufie. Printed for P. Brookfby in Weft Smithfield. Two cuts, \l, IS. CCL. jBetoS from J^itie Patfe, or, a very merry paflage which hapned betwixt a North Country Gentleman and a very Gaudy Gal- lant Lady of Pleafure, whom he took up in the Parke, and conduced her (in her own Coach) home to her Lodgings, and what chanced there; if you'll venter Attention the Song will declare. To the tune of. The go Black-Letter Ballads. Croft Couple. London, Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright, nree cuts, 2/. lis, 6d, CCLI. 9[J©eto ©Onnet, fhewing how the Goddefs Diana transformed Adeoninto thefhapeof an Hart. To a new Tune. The fecond Part, to the fame tune. Alfo, a Lullaby. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clarke. Two cuts. il. lis, 6d, CCLII. II3etoS out of tl)e ©tranO, or the Brewer's Misfortune, being a true Relation of a Lon- don brewer, who was taken by his own Wife and the Conftable in bed with two ftrapping Lafles both at once, he lying in the middle, and they on each fide. This was done near Covent Garden on Monday the feventh day of this prefent July, 1662, about one of the clock in the morning ; the man- ner how is more fully expreft in this follow- ing Ditty. To the Tune of. Come, my own Dear, let us dally a while. London, Printed for Francis Grove on Snow-hill. Two cuts, 4/. 4J. Black-Letter Ballads. 91 CCLIII. a Boblt KiDMe toifele OErpounrieti, or, the Maid's Anfwer to the Knight's three Quef- tions. She with her excellent wit and civil carriage. Won a young knight to joyn with her in marriage. This gallant couple now are man and wife. And ftie with him doth lead a pleafant life. The tune is. Lay the bent to the bonny broom. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. Four cuts, 2/. 2j. CCLIV. Cfje il3orfolfe Gentleman W lafl WiiW anti CCflantCntt and how he committed the Keeping of his Children to his own Brother, who dealt moft wickedly with them, and how God Plagued him for it. The tune is, Rogero. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. Two cuts, iL 11s. 6d. • CCLV. Cf)e iSotfollt Gentleman fits lali WdW atlD Ceflament* Another edition. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. Two cutSy one very old. 2/. 1 2s. 6d, 92 Black- Letter Ballads. CCLVI. Cfte il5otfolfe ©entleman^s JLaa mill anD C0QatnCnt4 Another edition, ^wo cuts. ll. 1 IS, 6d. CCLVII. Cl)e JI3ottl) Countteg 8©aiD^s refolution, ano lotie to |)et ©toeet^fieatt Her Daddy and Mammy fhe'l rather forfake. Then be feperated from her loving Mate ; She fold all her Linnen, her Goods and her Geer, And followe her Sweet-heart his Snapfack to bear. To a pleafant new Northern Tune. Lon- don, Printed for F. Grove dwelling on Snow- hill. Four cuts. ^' As from Newcaftle I did pafs." 2/. 2J. CCLVIII. Ci)e Jl30ttl)ern Dittp, or, the Scotchman out- witted by the Country Damfel. To an ex- cellent new Scotch Tune of. Cold and raw the North did blow. A Song much in Re- queft at Court. Four cuts. Printed for P. Brookfby, J. Deacon, J. Blare, J. Back. ll, IS, CCLIX. Cl)e iSortftetn Haffes Lamentation, or, the Unhappy Maid's Misfortune, — Since (he did from her freinds depart. No earthly thing can cheer her heart. Black-Letter Ballads. 93 But ftill fhe doth her cafe Lament, Being always fill'd with difcontent; Refolving to do nought but mourn. Till to the North fhe doth return. To the tune, I would I were in my own Country. With Allowance. Two cuts. Print- ed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Weft Smithfield. i/. i u. 6d. CCLX. Cl)e ©tjfequie of jFaite IPbttliDa, with the Shepheards' and Nymphs* lamentation for her lofle. To a new Court tune. Two cuts. Early, but one part only. i/. is, CCLXI. C6e ©ID Putining^pge aBoman fet fortft in f)er Coloutg. Of all the rare and various London cryes. There's none that doth excel Hot Pudding-Pyes ; Each one that hears it, being bit with hunger. Would wifli himfelf to be a Pudding Monger ; For many likes fuch Viftuals for the nones, Becaufe in Pudding-Pyes there is no bones. To a rare new Tune much in ufe, or. There was an old Wife. London, Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clark. Three cuts. 2/. is, CCLXII. a proper il3eto TBallaD intituled. The Wan- dring Prince of Troy. The tune is. Queen 94 Black- Letter Ballads. Dido. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. Three cuts, i/. lis, 6d, CCLXIII. Cfie Ptaife Of iRotftrng, Though fome doe wonder why I write in praife Of Nothing, in thefe lamentable daies. When they have read, and will my counfell take, I hope of Nothing fomething they will make. To the tune of, Though I have but a marke a yeare. Printed at London for H. GoiTon, dwelling upon London-Bridge. Four cuts. Early, but two ftanzas wanting. i/. is, CCLXIV. a ptettp TBaUati of tfte ILotO of Lorn, and the Falfe Steward. The Tune is, Green Sleeves. London, Printed for Coles, T. Vere, and J. {Wright, cut off). Two cuts. il. lis, 6d, CCLXV. a ptettg TBallaB of tlje iLotn of lorn* Another edition. Printed by and for A. M. and W. O., and fold by the Bookfellers of Pye-corner and London-bridge. i/. is. Black-Letter Ballads. 95 CCLXVI. a Pleafant neto ©ong fiettoirt a ©aplot anD 6iS LOtie. To the Tune of Dulcina. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and William Gilbertfon. Four cuts, i/. lis, 6d, CCLXVII. C!)e IPtaife of ©aglorg Wt fet fottl), with the hard Fortunes which do befall them on the Seas, when Landmen fleep fafe on their beds. To a pleafant new tune. Three cuts. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. 2/. is, CCLXVIII. PfiiUig iFotfafeen in Iputfuft of CoriDon. Behold fair Phillis by her Love forfaken. In fearch of him that will not be ore-taken. To the Tune of, Daphnaes Complaint, or, O my Love, &c. Three cuts. Printed for W. Whitwood at the Golden Lion in Duck- lane, i/. 1 1 J. 6d, CCLXIX. PriDe^S JTaU, or, a Warning for all Englifh Women, by the Example of a ftrange Mon- fter born of late in Germany by a Merchant's proud Wife in Geneva. The Tune is. All 96 Black-Letter Ballads. you that love good Fellows. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. One curious woodcut. iL is, CCLXX. 9 Ipleafant T5aUaD of Coftias, wherein is fhewed what wonderful things chanced to him in his Youth, and how he wedded a young Damfel that had feveral Hufbands, but never enjoyed their Company, being all (lain by an evil Spirit. To a pleafant new Tune. Printed by and for A. M. and fold by the Bookfellers of London. Three cuts, (See No. 276). i/. \s. CCLXXI. a pleafant neto TBallati, fhewing how sir John Armftrong and Nathaniel Mufgrave fell in Love with the Lady Dacres Daughter of the North, and of the ftrife that was between them for her, and how they wrought the Death of one hundred men. To a new Northern tune. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. Three cuts. il. lis. 6d. CCLXXII. 9 Pleafant neto iBallaD, fhewing how two valiant knights. Sir John Armftrong, &c. Another edition. London, Printed by and Black-Letter Ballads. 97 for W. O. and are to be fold by J. Blare on London-bridge. il. is, CCLXXIII. a pleafant neto TSallaD of Eing (ZBDtoatti tl)C JfOUttft and a Tanner of Tamworth, as he rode a hunting with his Nobles to Drayton BafTet. To an excellent new Tune. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clarke. One cut, 3/. jj. CCLXXIV. a pleafant neto TBallaD of ffltrng (ZEDtoatD tfte JFOUttf) and a Tanner of Tamworth. Another edition. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. I^wo cuts, CCLXXV. Poor 3ntl)0ng^S Complaint and Lamenta- tion againft his Miferies of Marriage, meet- ing with a fcolding Wife. To the Tune of. Cold and Raw, the Journyman Shoemaker, or, Billy and Molly. Printed for J. Conyers at the Black Raven on Holborn Hill. Four cuts, 3/. 3s, CCLXXVI. 9 Pleafant neto TBallaD of ^obm, wherein is {hewed the wonderful things that chanced 98 Black-Letter Ballads. unto him in his youth. Another edition of No, 270. Printed for F. Coles, J. Wright, T. Vere, W. Gilbertfon. Four cuts, 2/. 2s, CCLXXVII. ^ault is a (Gentleman, A pleafant new Ballad to look upon. How Mault deals with every man. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clarke. il, us, 6d, CCLXXVIII. 9©aUltlSa®entleman, Another edition. Print- ed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbert- fon. \l, \\s, 6d, CCLXXIX. a IPotion for an apotftecarg, or, the Apothe- caryes Portion, — This ditty doth Concern a matter Rare, Ther*s few or none may with the fame Compare. It may be term'd a Net, a Snare, or Jin, That's only fet to catch young Woodcocks in. Then let no filly bird hereat be jeering. For when 'tis fung, you'l fay 'tis worth the hearing. To the tune of Old Flefh. Alfo, the words that were written in the counterfeit Letter, as if they came from her Brother out of the Country. Three cuts, London, Printed for Tho. Vere. 3/. jj. Black-Letter Ballads. 99 CCLXXX. Cfte Pope^S PeDigree, or, the twindng of a Wheelband, fhewing the rife and firft Pe- digrees of Mortals inhabiting beneath the Moon, being a moft pleafant and new Song. It is a well-twined Wheelband, The like whereof you never heard. But now fhall plainly underftand, The twineing of the Wheelband. To a pleafant new Tune, or, London is a brave Town. Printed for J. Conyers at the Black Raven in Holbourn. Two cuts, l/. IS, CCLXXXI. Sir 3[o6n TBatlgcotn* A pleafant new Ballad to ling Evening and Morn, Of the bloody Murder of Sir John Barleycorn. The tune is. Shall I lye beyond thee. One cut, i/. 5 J. CCLXXXII. ©It 3[06n TBatlgCOtn* Another edition. In three columns. One cut, i/. 5 J. CCLXXXIII. %\X 3IO|)n TBatlgCOtn* Another edition. In two columns. No cuts, il. is. loo Black-Letter Ballads. CCLXXXIV. Cfie Ctagical dBtio of a ®aUant LorD anD tiettUOU0 JLaDp, with the untimely end of their two Children, wickedly performed by a Heathenifh Blackamoor their Servant, the like never heard of before. The tune is. The Ladies Fall. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere and Wright. One large cut, A few words in title defedtive. i/. is, CCLXXXV. Poor HOiJin^S Dteam, commonly called. Poor Charity, — I know no reafon but this harmlefs Riddle May as well be Printed, as Sung to a Fiddle. To a compleat Tune known by Muficians and many others, or. Game at Cards. Print- ed for J. Clark at the Harp and Bible in Weft Smithfield. Three cuts. i/. iis. 6d, CCLXXXVI. IPOOr EOftin^S ©team, commonly called Poor Charity. Another edition. Printed by and for A. M. and fold by the Bookfellers of London. \l. is. CCLXXXVII. Cfie PafliOnate Letter, or the Damfers Grief Crown'd with Comforts. To a pleafant new Black-Letter Ballads. loi Play-houfe Tune much in requeft. Printed for P. Brookfby, J. Deacon, J. Blare, J. Back. Two cuts, \L is, CCLXXXVIII. Pattftenia^lS Complaint, or the Forfaken Shepherdefs. The falfhood of young men ftie doth difcover. By fad example of her faithlefs lover. To a new Tune much in requeft, or Sitting beyond a River Side. Four cuts. Printed for Eliz. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Pye-Corner. i/. 5^. CCLXXXIX. Clje IPatient ©Hife TBettageD, or the Lady Elizabeth's Tragedy which was aded between a Knight her Hufband, and a wicked Woman his Whore. To the Tune of. Chevy Chafe, or the Lady Izabell's Tragedy. Printed for J. Clark at the Harp and Bible in Weft Smithfield. One cut, il. is, ccxc. Cl)e Ciueens JLamentation, or the moft fad and mournfull Complaint of her Sacred Ma- jefty, the Queen of England, upon the Death of her moft dear and well efteemed Son, the I02 Black-Letter Ballads. moft Eluftrious Prince Henry Duke of Glo- cefter, 3d. brother to our gracious King Charles the 2d. deceafed the 13. of Septem- ber, 1660. Carried over from France by Sir James O'Neal, Knight and Baronet; comrnitted to the Prefs by his own Impor- tuning Defire. To the tune of Franklin. London, Printed for Charles Tyus on Lon- don-Bridge. One cut, 2/. IS, ccxci. Ctueen Eleanors Confeflion, (hewing how King Henry with the Earl Martial, in Fryars Habits, came to her inftead of two Fryars from France which fhe fent for. To a plea- fant new Tune. London, Printed for C. Bates in Pye-Corner. One large cut, iL is, CCXCII. a rare (trample of a wertuous again in IpariS) who was by her own Mother pro- cured to be put in Prifon, thinking thereby to compel her to Popery, but fhe continued to the end, and finifhed her life in the Fire. Tune is, O man in Defperation. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clark. i/. lis, 6d, Black- Letter Ballads. 103 CCXCIII. Cfte TBUm leegger^g Daughter of TBennalt ®teen. The rareft Ballad that ever was feen. Of the blind begger's daughter of Bednall-Green. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gil- bertfon. One cut of the beggar and his dog, 2/. IS, CCXCIV. CfieTBIinD TBegger'jB; Daughter of TBelinaU== ®t00n* Another edition. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. The fame cut. \l, \\s, 6d, ccxcv. Clje TBIinB IBegget^s Daugfttet of TBetinaH* ®tC0n» Another edition. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clarke. Aftmilar cut. \l, \\s, 6d, CCXCVI. C6e Eeoeemeo Captitie* The Free Unchain*d Lover boafts That he is now at Large ; That other men fhould keep fo too. He gives this friendly charge. Tune, When Aurelia firft was. Two cuts. ll, IS. I04 Black-Letter Ballads. CCXCVII. Clje iReUgious s@m^s Crftottation to aii Perfons of what Degree foever, efpecially Youth, that they may fear God, and honour their Parents. To the Tune of. The Young Man's Legacy, or Sinners Redemption. Printed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Pye-Corner. Six cuts. i/. is. CCXCVIII. Cfte Eicl) JFarmers Euine who Murmured at the Plenty of the Seafons becaufe he could not Sell Corn fo Dear as his Covetous heart defired. To the Tune of. Why are my Eyes ftill flowing, as it is play'd on the Violin. Printed for J. Back at the Black Boy on London-bridge near the Draw- Bridge. Two cuts. 1 1, us. 6d. CCXCIX. EOftin ©OOfl ann ailin of Dale, or a pleafant Relation how a young Gentleman being in Love with a young Damfel, which was taken from him to be an old Knight's Bride, and how Robin Hood, pittying the young man's cafe, took her from the old Kt. when they were going to be Marryed, and reflored her to her own Love again. Black-Letter Ballads. 105 Bold Robin Hood he did the young man right. And took the Damofel from the Doteing Knight. To a pleafant Northern Tune, or, Robin Hood in the Greenwood flood. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, J. Clark, W. Thackeray, and T. Paflinger, 168 1. Two cuts, Aftanza not in Gutch, 2/. I2J. 6^. ccc. iRenOtOnCD lR06in^00D,or his famous Archery truly Related, with the worthy Exploits he Adled before Queen Katherine, he being an Outlaw-man, and how fhe for the fame ob- tained of the King his own and his fellows pardon. To a new Tune. London, Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. Two cutSy one of the chara^fers in a Morris-dance, i/. 1 1 J-, (id, CCCI. Cl)e iI3o6Ie Jfiftetman, or Eobin ©ootids JPtCfttm^nt ihewing how he won a Prize on the Sea, and how he gave one half to his Dame, and the other to the building of Alm-houfes. The Tune is, In Summer time, &c. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. Two cuts, iL 2s. io6 Black- Letter Ballads. CCCII. C|)e il3o6le jriftetman, ot iRotJin ^ooti^s Preferment* Another edition. Printed by and for Alex. Milbourn in Green Arbor Court in the Little Old Baily. Two cuts, \l, \s, CCCIII. Eofiin J^ooD anD tfee TBiftop, fhewing how Robin Hood went to an old Woman's houfe, and changed Cloaths with her, to efcape from the Bifhop ; and how he robbed him of all his Gold, and made him fing Mafs. To the Tune of, Robin Hood and the Stranger. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clarke.. Two large and curious cuts, 3I. 3^. CCCIV. laobm J^oon ann tit Canner, or Robin Hood met with his Match, a merry and pleafant Song relating the gallant and fierce Combate between Arthur Bland, a Tanner of Nottingham, and Robin Hood, the greateft Archer in England. Tune is, Robin Hood and the Stranger. Printed for A. M. and W. O. One large cut, il, is. Black-Letter Ballads. 107 cccv. Eoftin g)ooB netolg JRetiiti'Dt to a delightful new Tune. Printed for Alex. Milbourn at the Stationers Arms in Green- Arbor-Court in the Little Old Baily. i/. is. cccvi. laotJin l^ooti^s IProgrefs to iSottinjljamt Where he met with fifteen Forrefters all on a row. And he defired of them fome News to know ; And with crofs-grain'd Words they did him thwart. For which at laft he made them for to fmart. To the tune of, Robin Hood, &c. Licenfed and Entered according to Order. London, Printed by and for W. O. for A. M. and fold by the Bookfellers of Pye-Corner and London-bridge. Two large and curious cuts, iL IS, CCCVII. JRobin J^oon^s iaeftumg aXHilL ©tutig from the Sheriff and his Men who had taken him Prifoner, and were going for to Hang him, &c. To the tune of, Robin Hood and Queen Catherine, &c. London, Printed by and for W. O. for A. M. and fold by the Book- fellers of Pye-Corner and London-Bridge. One large cut, i/. i/. io8 Black-Letter Ballads. CCCVIII. C6e IROpal ©alt, or the wonderfull Travells, miraculous Efcapes, ftrange accidents of his facred Majefty King Charles the Second, How from Worcefter-fight by a good hap Our Royall King made an efcape ; How he dif-rob'dhimfelf of things that precious were. And with a Knife cut off his curled hair; How a hollow Oak his palace was as then. And how King Charles became a fervingman. To the Tune of. In my freedom is all my Joy. By J. W. London, Printed for Charles Tyus on London-bridge. Three cuts, iL IS, cccix. Cfte iRogall ©ulJjeas log, or, Joyfull news to all that faithfull be, And doth delire a happy year to fee. By T. R. The Tune is, Sound a charge. London, Printed for Charles Tyus on Lon- don-Bridge. Four cuts, i/. iiJ. 6d, cccx. Cl)e Eopall ©ubieftg ©aarmng^iece to all Ctaptors. You Traytors all, both great and fmall, I wiih you to beware. Black-Letter Ballads. 109 In time repent, and be content. For you muft all to Hide-Park-Fair. To a pleafant new Tune, Come hither, my own fweet Duck. By T. R. One cut. 1 1, IS. CCCXI. C6e IROpal ffJiftOtpt obtained (with the Pro- vidence of Almighty God) againft the Dutch Fleet, June the 2d and 3d, 1665, a Fight as bloody (for the time and number) as ever was performed upon the Narrow Seas, giving a particular Account of 17 Men of Warr taken, 14 funk and fir'd ; but 40 that could Efcape of their whole Fleet, which at this time are hotly perfued by the Earl of Sand- witch. Their Admiral Opdam flain by the Duke of Yorkes own Frigat, Van Trump funk by Captain Holmes, with the gallant Deportment of Prince Rupert, &c. To the Tune of, Packington's Pound. London, Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, R. Gilbertfon, and J. Wright. Two cuts. 2/. 2s. CCCXII. Clje EOgal JaJantietet, or Ood^s Providence evidently manifefted in the moft myfterious Deliverance of the Divine Majefty of Charls the Second, King of Great Brittain. no Black-Letter Ballads. Though bold Rebellion for a time look brave, Man ftiall not flay what God refolves to have. To the Tune of. The wandring Prince of Troy, or, Troy Town. London, Printed for F. Grove on Snow-hill. Four cuts. i/. lis, 6d, CCCXIII. Cl)e iRuineD !LOtierg> being a rare Narrative of a young man that dyed for his cruel Mif- ftrifs in June laft, who, not long after, his death, upon a confideration of his intire AfFedion, and her own coynefs, could not be comforted, but lingered out her dayes in Melancholly, fell defperate fick, and fo dyed. Tune of, Mock-beggers Hall (lands empty. Three cuts, London, Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. i/. 1 1 J". 6d, cccxiv. CftelRUinetllOtJerS. Another edition. Printed for W. Thackeray at the Angel in Duck- lane, J. M. and A. M. Three cuts. i/. is. cccxv. Cl)e ©aglot's Departure* The Saylors Departure from his deareft Love, Wilhing that ftill (to him) iheM conftant prove ; Black-Letter Ballads. 1 1 1 She (in the Second Part) doth thus reply. Ere flie'd from him depart, fhe*l choofe to die. To a new Tune of, Adiew my pretty one. Her Anfwer to the Saylors wifhes, the Second Part, to the fame tune. London, Printed for M. Wright at the Kings Head in the Old Baily. Three cuts. iL is, cccxvi. Saint TBetnattl'g ©ifiOn, or a brief Difcourfe Dialogue-wife between the foul and body of a damned man newly deceafed, laying the faults one upon the other ; with a fpeech of the devils in hell. To the Tune of. Flying Fame. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, Wright, and Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Paflinger. Two cuts. i/. lu. 6d. CCCXVII. ©aint TBetnarB^s (HiQon* Another edition. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. Two cuts. il. lis. 6d. CCCXVIII. Saint TBetnartJ^s (HiCon* Another edition. London, Printed by and for W. O. and are to be fold by the Bookfellers of Pye-Corner and London-bridge. \l. \s. 112 Black-Letter Ballads. CCCXIX. Clje ^t ®ileS^8 TBtOfeett fhewing how he was cheated in buying a Green Goofe, with an Account of feveral forrowful Circumftances which followed thereupon. To the Tune of. Ladies of London. Printed for P. Brookfby, J. Deacon, J. Blare, and J. Back. Two cuts, iL 15, cccxx. ©atie a Cftief from tl)e ©aHotog, and heel hang thee if he can, or the Mercifull Father and the Mercilefle Son, the Confeflion and Repentance of George Sanders, Gentleman, late of Sugh in the County of Hertford, who killed his own Uncle, and accufed his own Father for the murder, but, by God's Pro- vidence, being difcovered, he dyed for the fame, where he wrote this Song with his own hand. The tune is. Fortune my Foe. Printed for F. C, T. V., and W. Gilbert- fon. Two cuts. il, I2J. 6d, CCCXXI. C|)e ©coining aUtoes OinWcation, or an Anfwer to the Cuckold's Complaint, wherein fhe fhows what juft Reafons fhe had to ex- ercife Severity over her infufficient Hufband. Black-Letter Ballads. 113 To the Tune of, The Cuckold's Complaint. Printed for P. Brookfby, J. Deacon, J. Blare, J. Back. 2/. IS, CCCXXII. Cfie ©COtCfi ©BeDrimg:> or, a fhort and pretty Way of Wooing. Whenas complexions do agree. And all things they are fitting ; Why ftiould the time prolonged be. Be quick and mind your knitting. To a new Northern Tune, much uPd at the Theatres. Printed for P. Brookfby near the Hofpital-gate in Weft Smithfield. Three cuts. iL- IS, CCCXXIII. Cfte ©COttiQ) Contraa, or a Marriage Agree- ment betwixt wanton Willy and mincing Meggy. All pleafant humours this will fit. For a merrier fong was never writ. To a delightfull Scotch Tune, or, I am a filly old man. London, Printed for Richard Burton at the Horihoe in Smithfield. Three cuts, il, lis, 6d, CCCXXIV. C6e ©eaman^s ^xAm to W 2^eat* This Man was preft to ferve upon the Seas, Which did his Deareft very fore difpleafe. I 114 Black-Letter Ballads. She importun'd the Captain on her knee. And preferred gold to have her love fet free. But all would not prevaile. The Captains ear Was deaf; the Maids complaints he would not hear. To the Tune of, He go to Sir Richard. London, Printed for Richard Burton at the Sign of the Horfefhooe in Smithfield. Five cuts, lL 2J. cccxxv. C6e Seaman^s Compafs, or, A dainty new Ditty compofed and pend. The deeds of brave Seamen to praife and commend; *Twas made by a Maid that to Grave/end did pafs ; Now, mark, and you quickly ihall hear how it was. To the Tune of. The Tyrant hath ftoln. By L. P. London, Printed for F. G. on Snow-hilh Two cuts. 2/. is. cccxxvi. Cfie ©eaman^s Leatie talten of W ftoeetell ^atgetgi and Margery her finging Loath to depart. Being very unwilling to leave her fweetheart. To the Tune of. Tie goe through the world with thee. The Second Part, to the fame tune. London, Printed for Francis Coles. Four cuts. [/. 1 1 J. 6d, Black-Letter Ballads. 1 1 5 CCCXXVII. Cfte @eaman^0 @ong of Captain aBatn, the famous Pyrate of the World, and an Englifhman born. The Tune is. The Kings going to Bulloign. The Seaman's Song of Danfekar the Duchman, his robberies done at Sea. To the fame tune. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and William Gilbertfon. Three cuts, il. is, CCCXXVIII. Cf)e §)eamen anD ^oultiiets iLafi jFar^ toeU to tfieir Deatefi 3letoels* He muft be gone, the Fates have fo decreed. To ferve his King and Countrey in their need. The Tune is, I am fo deep in Love, or, Cu- pids Courtefie. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, R. Gilbertfon, and J. Wright. Four cuts, il, i\s, 6d. cccxxix. C&e ©econti part of tfte neto @)C0tcl) Jm, or, Jenny's Reply to Johnny's Cravat. The Cafe is alter'd now ; Jenny wooes Johnny To tye her Kirtle, and fhee*l be his Honey ; Which Johnny took fo kindly, fitting by her. That, for his heart, he could not well deny her. At length they did agree fo plain and pat. That he her kirtle ty'd, fhe his cravat. ii6 Black-Letter Ballads. Tune of, Jenny, come tye my, &c. London, Printed for W. Thackeray, T. Paflenger, and W. Whitwood. Three cuts, i/. lis, 6d, cccxxx. A merry new Ditty, wherein you may fee The tricke of a Hufwife in every degree ; Then lend your attention, while I doe unfold As pleafant a ftory as you have heard told. To the Tune of. Upon a Summers time. By L. P. London, Printed for John Wright junior, dwelling at the Upper end of the Old Bailey. Five cuts, 3/. jj. cccxxxi. C|)e ©ftepljeatD ann tfie ming^ and of Gillian the Shepheards Wife, with her Churlifh an- fwers, being full of mirth and merry paftime. To the tune of. Flying Fame. Both parts. Three cuts. Early, but flightly defective. i/. 11^. 6d, CCCXXXII. C&e ©fjepftetn anti t|)e fting, and of Gillian the Shepherd's Wife. Another edition. Print- ed by and for A. M. and fold by the Book- fellers of London, l/. IS. Black-Letter Ballads. 117 CCCXXXIII. Cfie ©inners Eetiemption, wherein is de- fcribed the nativity of our Lord Jefus Chrift, together with his Life on the Earth, and Death on the Crofs for Mankind. To the Tune of. My bleeding Heart. One cut, 1 5 J. CCCXXXIV. ©it oaaltet IRaleigft ©ailing in tfie ILoto^ ILanDS^ fhewing how the famous Ship called the Sweet Trinity was taken by a falfe Gaily, and how it was again reftored by the craft of a little Sea-boy, who funk the Gaily ; as the following Song will declare. To the Tune of. The Sailing in the Low-lands. Printed for J. Conyers at the Black Raven, the firft fhop in Fetter Lane next Holborn. Four cuts. i/. 5 J. cccxxxv. Cl)e ©lig&teD Q^aiD, or tfte Pining lotier> With fighs and moans fhe doth intreat her Dear, Whilft he feems to be deaf, and will not hear ; At length his frozen heart begins to melt. Being moved with the paflion Ihe had felt. To the Tune of, I prithee. Love, turn to me. Four cuts, i/. lis, 6d. ii8 Black-Letter Ballads. CCCXXXVI. C{)e ©ligfiteD s©aiti, or tfie Pining ILotiet* Another edition. Two cuts. Defective, \Qs, 6d, CCCXXXVII. ®liPPCtg WiW, or the Old Bachelor's Com- plaint, with his Advice to all yong men not to doe as he had done : His youthfull time he fpent away. Which makes him now this Proverbe fay. That he that will not when he may. When he would, he fliould have nay. To the Tune of. The Bonny Bonny Broome. Two large cuts. Printed at London for E. B. Early, 2/. 12s, 6d. CCCXXXVIII. Cfie @)Oll!ietS JFOrtUne^ or the Taking of Mardike. Printed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Pye-Corner. Two cuts, 1 5 J. CCCXXXIX. ©OlOmOn^S @entence$, being an Excellent Ditty fhewing the fage Sayings and Wife Sentences of Solomon. The Tune is, Wig- more's Galliard. Solomon's Sacrifice, with his Prayer in Gideon, and how God appeared Black-Letter Ballads. 119 to him in a Vifion, and anfwered his Requeft. To a new Tune. Printed for W. Thacke- ray in Duck-Lane. Two cuts. iL lis, 6d. CCCXL. Cfie ©panift laDieS JLOtie, to a pleafant new tune. The fecond part, to the fame tune. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gil- bertfon. Of2e large cut. i/. lu. 6d, CCCXLI. ©ttange ann true il3etos from aBefimore^^ lanD^ being a true Relation of one Gabriel Harding, who, coming home drunk, ftruck his Wife a blow on the breaft, and killed her outright, and then denyed the fame : Likewife, how a Stranger did come to the Houfe clothed in green, the people that were eye-witnefTes faid it was an angel ; and how the Stranger or Angel did give Sentence on the man for killing of his Wife ; alfo how Satan did break the man's neck that did for- fwear himfelf, and the Stranger or Angel did command Satan to hurt none elfe, and to vanifh ; Then did the Stranger cloathed in green take his leave of the people ; where- of the chiefeft in the Parifh defired it might be put into Print, and have hereunto fet their 120 Black-Letter Ballads. hands. Tune is. In Summer Time. Print- ed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Py-Corner. Two cuts, iL is. CCCXLII. Strange iSetos from aj©eOmorelanti, being a true relation of one Gabriel Harding. Another edition, London, Printed for E. Andrews at the White Lion near Pye-Cor- ner. Four cuts, 3/. 3 J. CCCXLIII. 9 Strange banquet, or the DeviPs Enter- tainment by Cook Laurel at the Peak in Derby/hire, with an Account of the feveral Difhes ferved to Table. To the Tune of. Cook Laurel, &c. London, Printed by and for W. O. for A. M. and are to be fold by J. Deacon at the Angel in Guiltfpur-ftreet. A few words loft. One cut, il, is, CCCXLIV. StrepftOn ann ClOriS, or the Coy shepherd and Kind Shepherdefs, — He's fearful that his flocks fhould go aftray. And from her kind embraces would away. To the Tune of. Love will find out the way. Printed for J. Deacon, at the Angel in Guilt- fpur-ftreet. One cut, 1 1, IS, Black- Letter Ballads. 121 CCCXLV. ©treplJOn ann ClOtfe, or the Coy shepherd and Kind Shepherdefs. Another edition, London, Printed for J. Deacon at the An- gel in Guiltfpur-ftreet. One cut, \l, \s, CCCXLVI. ®trep!)On ann ClOtiSt o^ the Coy shepherd and Kind Shepherdefs. Another edition, iSs, CCCXLVII. Cl)e CrageDp of 5)ero ann JLeanDer, or the Two Unfortunate Lovers. Famous Leander, for his love renown'd. In crofling of the Hellefpont was drown'd. And Hero, when his corps Ihe once efpy'd. She leapt into the waves, and with him dy'd. To a pleafant new Tune, or, I will never love thee more. Printed for R. Burton at the Horfe-fhooe in Weft-Smithfield, near the Hoipital-gate. Three cuts, il, lis, 6d. CCCXLVIII. Clje CtageDg of PftilUS, complaining of the Difloyal Love of Amintas. To a new Court Tune. i/. IS, 122 Black-Letter Ballads. CCCXLIX. C|)e CrapannD ©itgin^ or good Advice to Maidens, that they may not be drawn into Priminaryesby the fpecious Pretences of their feeming Amorifts, who having once obtained their Wills, leave and forfake their betray 'd MiftrefTes. Take my Advice while you are free. And Young Men do not truft ; They promife fare as fare can be. But mean what is unjuft. Tune, When bufie Fame. Printed for F. Cole, T. Vere, J. Wright, J. Clark, W. Thackery, and T. Paflenger. One cut. iL IS. CCCL. Clje CtaptDtS DOtonfall, or a brief Relation of the Downfall of that Phanatick crew who traiteroufly Murthered the late Kings Majef- ty of blefTed Memory. To the Tune of. Fa la la, &c. London, Printed for Francis Coles in the Old Baily. Two cuts. il. lis. 6d. CCCLI. Cfje CriUmpftS of jTOUt JSatiOnS, or a Happy Conclufion of Peace betwixt England, France, Denmark, and Holland, as it was confirmed Black-Letter Ballads. 123 on Sunday nighty July the 21, at Breda, where, after four hours Conference in the Caftle, the Plenipotentiaries about nine in the Evening figned the Articles of Peace, which Don Fleming, the Swedifh Mediatour, in a fhort Speech Congratulated the happy iflue of fo great a work ; After which, the Plenipotentiaries faluting and complement- ing each other, the Conference ended : As they came out of the Caftle, the Canons were thrice difcharg'd, &c. This joyful News was brought on Friday laft, July 26, from Breda, by the Right Worfhipful Sir John Coventry, to the King. Tune is, Packingtons Pound. London, Printed for W. Thackeray, next door to the Dolphin in Weft-Smithfield. One cut, il. 2s, CCCLII. 9 true Cfiatafter of ©untirg Cranes anti Callings, or a new Ditty of Innocent Mirth. This Song is new, and perfedl true. There's none can this deny ; For I am known, friend, to be one That fcorns to tell a Lye. To the Tune of. Old Simon the King. Printed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Pye Corner. Three cuts, 1/. ^s. 124 Black-Letter Ballads. CCCLIII. CtUe LOtJerS* (ZBrttemitp, or the Maiden's M-iferable Moan. Three cuts, i/. is. CCCLIV. Cfie CtUe HOtierS^ 3l0P, or a Dialogue between a Seaman and his Love. The Maid implores the aid of Charon's boat. That to the gloomy fhades her Soul might float. Three cuts. Printed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Pye-Corner. il, ^s, CCCLV. Cfte Crue HoaerS^ 3[0Pt or the Reward of Conftancy, being an Amorous Dialogue be- tween a Seaman and his Love. Another edition. Printed for Phillip Brookfby in Weft Smithfield. Three cuts, il, lis, 6d. CCCLVI. Cfje Crue Loties iRnot dntieD, being the right path whereby to advife Princely Vir- gins how to behave themfelves by the example of the renowned Princefs, the Lady Arabella, and the fecond fon to the Lord Seymore, late Erl of Hertford. To the Tune of. Frogs Galliards. London, Printed for F. G. on Snow-hill. Three cuts. iL 2s, Black-Letter Ballads. 125 CCCLVII. Cl)e Ctue fanner of tfie J&ings Ctpal at mzHminQZt ^all, by the High Court of Juftice, from the twentieth day of January, 1 649, to the feven and twentieth of the fame Month. Alfo the true manner of his being put to Death at White-hall, near the Ban- queting Houfe the 30. of January, with his Speech made upon the Scaffold before hee was beheaded. To the tune of. Aim not too high. London, Printed for R. I. Five cuts, 1 1. IIS. 6d. CCCLVIII. CtUtft^S Sltttegtftp, or a Curious Northern Ditty Called, " Love will find out the Way." To a pleafant new Tune. Printed for F. Coles, J. W., T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. Four cuts, iL 2s, CCCLIX. a Cutncoat of tf)e Cimes, Who doth by Experience profefs and proteft. That of all profeffions a Turncoat's the beft. Tune is. The King's Delight, or. True Love is a Gift for a Queen. London, Printed by and for W. O., and are to be fold by the Bookfellers. Two cuts, i/. is. 126 Black-Letter Ballads. CCCLX. C6e CtoO Conftant ILOUetS, or a Patteme of true Love expreft in this loving Dialogue betweene Samuell and Sara. To a pleafant new Tune. London, Printed for Fr. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertfon. Three cuts, CCCLXI. Cj)e CtoO jFaitfifUl iLOtietg. To the tune of, Franklin is fled away. London, Printed for A. M., W. O., and T. Thackeray, at the Angel in Duck-lane. Three cuts, l/. IS, CCCLXII. Cfte CtoD jFaitt)fUl lot) erS. Another edition, London, Printed by and for W. O. for A. M., and are to be fold by the Bookfellers. Three cuts, los, 6d, CCCLXIII. Cfte CtoO ainfottunate Loaew, or a true Relation of the lamentable End of John True and Sufan Meafe (of Coventry), and how they dy'd unfortunate. The tune is the Bride's Burial. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. One cut, il, lis, 6d, Black-Letter Ballads. 127 CCCLXIV. C|)e Cptannical TBeautp* Beauty fadeth like a Flower, Then, fair Ladies, be not Proud ; Time and Sicknefs may devour. What at prefent you'r allow'd. To a pleafant Tune called. Prodigious Fate. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Paflinger. Three cuts, i/. is. CCCLXV. Cfie ainCOnflant ©ftepfierllt or the Forfaken Lafs's Lamentation. To an Excellent new Tune. London, Printed for C. Bates at the Sun and Bible in Pye Corner. Three cuts, l/. IS, CCCLXVI. Cfje Oaliant^^fteatteo @eaman> declaring a late Skirmifli fought between our Englifh Fleet and the Dutch, wherein the Dutch was worfted, two of the Dutch fhips funk, and two taken as lawful Prize, with a very fmall lofs on our Englifh fide. The tune is, Lufly Stukely. London, Printed for S. Tyus on London-bridge. Three cuts. iL IS, 128 Black-Letter Ballads. » CCCLXVII. Cf)e Valiant Commannet, with his Refoiute Lady, fhewing A brief difcourfe of a Commander bold. Who had a wife was worth her weight in gold ; She bravely fought to fave her hufband's life ; Let all men judge, was not this a valiant wife. To a new Northern tune called, I would give ten thoufand pounds ilie were in Shrewfbury, or, Ned Smith. 'Two cuts, iL is, CCCLXVIII. C|)e ©aliant ©eaman^is Congratulation to his Sacred Majefty King Chads the Se- cond, with their wonderfull Heroicall At- chievements, and their Fidelity, Loyalty, and Obedience. To the Tune of. Let us drink and fing, and merrily troul the bowl ; or, the ftormy winds do blow ; or. Hey Ho my Hony. Printed at London for F. Grove living on Snow-hill. Two large cuts. iL IS, CCCLXIX. Qirgin^S 9* TB* C^ or An Alphabet of Vertuous Admonitions for a Chaft, Modeft, and Well-governed Maid. The Tune is. The Young Man's A. B. C. Printed for J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackeray, and Black-Letter Ballads. 129 T. Paffinger. One cut^ and twenty-four woodcut initials. il. is. CCCLXX. Cbe ©itgin^g a* T6. Cm or an Alphabet of Vertuous Admonitions. Another edition. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clarke. i/. \\s. 6d. CCCLXXI. 9 tietg ©ODlg ®Ong, intituled, the Earned Petition of the faithful Chriftian, being Clerk of Bodnam, made upon his Deathbed at the Inftant of his Tranfumation. To a fweet folemn Tune. Printed for W. Thackeray in Duck-lane. Two cuts. iL is. CCCLXXII. Cl)e ©Banton aaJife of Caflle^®ate, or the Boatman's Delight. To its own proper new Tune. Printed for Alex. Milbourn, W. Onely, T. Thackeray, at the Angel in Duck- lane. Three cuts. il. is, CCCLXXIII. Clje ISanDermg Oitgin, or the Coy Lafs well Fitted. Virgins, whofe coynefs and difdain does prove The fatal mine of cemented Love. K 130 Black-Letter Ballads. To the Tune of, Cloris, awake, or, the Lov- ing Chambermaid. Printed for P. Brookf- by at the Golden Ball in Weft Smithfield. Three cuts, i/. is. CCCLXXIV. Cfte manton aXHife ofTBatl), to the tune of Flying Fame. London, Printed for Fran- cis Coles. Two cuts, one being a rude plan of Bath. Defedlive. i/. u. CCCLXXV. a Earning for all fucf) as Defite to ®Ieep upon tbe ^Srafet by the Example of Mary Dudfon, Maidfervant to Mr. Phillips, a Gar- dener, dwelling in Kent Street in the Bo- rough of Southwarky being a moft ftrange but true Relation how fhe was found in a Dead Sleep in the Garden, that no ordinary Noife could awake her ; As alfo how an Adder entered into her body, the manner of her long flcknefs, with a brief Difcovery of the Caufe at length by her ftrange and moft miraculous Vomiting up of about fourteen yong Adders, and one old Adder, on Au- guft 14, 1664, about fourteen inches in length ; the Maid is yet living. The like to this hath not been known in this Age. Black-Letter Ballads. 131 The tune is. In Summer Time. London, Printed for Charls Tyus on London-bridge, 1664. Three cuts, 4/. 14J. 6d, CCCLXXVI. 9 CHatning for all HSotlDUngs to leam to Dye. The Tune is, the Ladies Fall. Lon- don, Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. One cut. i/. is. CCCLXXVII. 9 laatning for agattieD caomen by the Example of Mrs. Jane Renalds, a Weft- country Woman, born neer unto Plymouthy who, having plighted her troth to a Seaman, was afterwards Married to a Carpenter, and at laft carried away by a fpirit ; the manner how fhall be prefently recited. To a gallant Weft-country tune caPd, The Fair Maid of Briftol, or Bateman, or John True. Print- ed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbert- fon. Four cuts, 2/. i is. 6d. CCCLXXVIII. a C^atning for 9@arrieD 223omen, being an Example of Mrs. Jane Reynolds. Another edition. London, Printed by and for W. O., and are to be fold by the Bookfellers. Two cuts. i/. ws. 6d. 132 Black-Letter Ballads. CCCLXXIX. a matninpmtt for 3(ngtoofer0 of Come, being a true Relation how the Divell met with one goodman Inglebred of Bowton within fix miles of Holgay in Norfolk^ as he was comming from Linn Market, and bar- gained for a great quantity of Barly for eight fhillings a bufhell, and gave earneft ; and when he came to fetch it, brought Carts and Horfes (to their thinking) and while 'twas meafuring, the Divell vanifhed, and tore the Barne in pieces, and fcattered all the Corne with fuch Windes and Tempeft, which hath done fuch great harme both by Sea and Land, the like was never heard of before ; the Farmer now lyeing diftraded. Sent in a Letter to be Printed by Chriftopher Em- merfon, George Dixon, and Richard Hig- gins. To the Tune of. In Summer Time. London, Printed for William Gilbertfon at the Bible in Giltfpur-ftreet. 3/. 13J. 6^. CCCLXXX. 9 OHaramg^lg^iece to CnglanD againft Pride and Wickednefs, being the Fall of Queen Elanor, wife to Edward the Firft, King of England. Printed by and for A. Milbourn, and Sold by the Bookfellers of London. Three cuts. i/. u. Black-Letter Ballads. 133 CCCLXXXl. 9 caiatnmg#iece to (ZEnglanD againft Pride and Wickednefs. Another edition. London, Printed by and for W. O., and are to be fold by the Bookfellers. One large cut, ll. \5, CCCLXXXII. a WiZzV% ILotJing, COoomg:, anD a^eDDmg, or, Happy is that Wooing that is not long a Dooing. Here was a nimble Bridegroom, and a Bride ; In eight fhort days the long fail Knot was ty'd. To the Tune of, Billy and Molly. Printed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Pye- Corner, J. Deacon, &c. Three cuts, ll, lis, 6d, CCCLXXXIII. cajell met, ii3efg{)bour, or, A dainty difcourfe betwixt Nell and Sifle, Of men that doe ufe their wives amifle : Then, all you good women, their cafes pitty. The caufe you Ihall heare, if you lift to this ditty. To the tune of. Ragged and Torne. By M. P. {Martin Parker). Printed at Lon- don for Thomas Lambert. Four cuts. ll. lis. 6d, 134 Black-Letter Ballads. CCCLXXXIV. Cl)e ©Hefl^Counttg Damofel's Complaint, or, the Faithful Lovers' laft Farewel, being the Relation of a Young Maid who Pined herfelf to death for the Love of a Young Man, who, after he had notice of it, dyed likewife for Grief. To the Tune of, Johnny Armftrong. Printed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Weft Smithfield neer the Ho{pital-gate. Three cuts. i/. u. CCCLXXXV. Cl)e COefl COUnttp SliSffi or, a Trenchmore Galliard. See how the Lads and Laffes flock together A merry makeing, like birds of a feather ; Here's Sam and Sawny, gentle James and Johnny, With Moll and Moggy, and thofe Girls fo bonny : Where they had ftore of Mirth, and mickle laughter; Therefore, obferve it ; for the bell comes after. To a merry Scotch Tune, or. Up with Aley Aley. Printed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Weft Smithfield. Three cuts, i/. is. CCCLXXXVI. Clje (GHefl^Countrg Wimutf or wiiiiam the Servingman's good Fortune in the Mar- riage of an ancient Lady, whom he got with Black-Letter Ballads. 135 Child when flie was threefcore and fix or fe- ven Years of Age, tho' fhe had ne*er been with Child before, to the Joy of her, and the Admiration of others. Printed for J. Blare on London-bridge. One cut. \l. \\s, 6d, CCCLXXXVII. Cj)e liKeQ^CaUntrg 22J00inff, or the Merry Conceited Couple. In pleafant Terms he lets her know his mmd. And fairly wooes her for to make her kind. To the Tune of, When Sol will caft no light^ or. My pretty little rogue. Printed for B. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Weft Smith- field. Two cuts, i/. IS. CCCLXXXVIII. Cbe I^ea^COUnttp CaaOOing, or the Meny Conceited Couple. Another edition. Lon- don, Printed for W. Thackeray, T. Paflen- ger, and W. Whitwood. Two cuts. i/. 1 1 J. dd. CCCLXXXIX. Cl)e 2Bl)fg Eampant, ot Craltation, being a pleafant new Song of 82. To a new Tune of. Hey, Boys, up go we. Printed for P. Brookfby at the Golden Ball in Weft Smith- field, khree cuts. \L \s. 136 Black-Letter Ballads. cccxc. Cfie 22Jittp 8©aiti of tfte 22JeQ, or the Miller well thrafh'd by Robin the Plowman, for which Service he received a Sum of Money, which bought a ring, and paid for the Mar- riage betwixt him and his beloved Nancy. Tune of. Ladies of London. Printed for P. Brookfby, J. Deacon, J. Blare and J. Back. Two cuts. iL lis, 6d, cccxci. Cfie moful Complaint ano lamentalile Deatfj of a fotfaften ILotier* To a piea- fant new Tune. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. Two cuts, il is, CCCXCII. Cfte moful Complaint anD lamentable Deatl) of a fotfafeen lotiet* Another edition. Line cut off, 1 5 j. CCCXCIII. Cl)e ©aofull Complaint anD Lamentable Deatft of a fotfafeen JLotiet* Another edition. Two cuts. il, ^s. CCCXCIV. Cfte ©Boful lamentation of Qgifitis 3fane ©ftOte^ a Goldfmith's Wife in London, Black-Letter Ballads. 137 fometime King Edward the Fourth's Con- cubine, who, for her wanton hfe, came to a miferable end. Set forth for the example of all lewd Livers. The Tune is. Live with me. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright. One cut, 2/. 2j. « cccxcv. C6e caJoful JLamentation of 3[ane ©fjore, a Goldfmith's Wife in London. Another edition. Printed by and for W. O. for A. M. Defective . 1 5 j. CCCXCVI. C6e laJOman SDUttoltteD, or the Weaver's Wife cunningly catch'd in a Trap by her Hufband, who fold her for ten Pounds, and fent her to Virginny. To an excellent new Tune. London, Printed by and for W. O. and are to be fold by C. Bates in Pye-corner. Burden is, " I'll go unto Virginny." Two cuts, 3/. 1 3 J. dd, CCCXCVII. C|)e caoman to tfie pioto anti tfte 9@an to tl)e l^en^tOOG, or a fine Way to cure a Cot- quean. The Tune is, I have for all good Wives a Song. By M. P. (Martin Parker). London, Printed for F. Grove dwelling on Snow-hill. Four cuts, 2/. is. 138 Black-Letter Ballads. cccxcvin. Cfte (KHoman to tfte Iploto anti tfje a@an to tf)0 ^Cn-tOOfl, or a fine way to cure a Cot- quean. Another edition. Printed for J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Paflinger. Four cuts, * iL iis. 6d. CCCXCIX. 9 caonnerful Crample of (SJoti's 31uflice, fhewed upon one Jafper Conningham, a Gentleman born in Scotland, who was of opinion that there was neither God nor De- vil. To the tune of, O Neighbour Robert. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, I. Wright, and I. Clarke. Three cuts. i/. iis, 6d, cccc. 9 montierful Ptopftefie DeclateD tig CfttiO tian SlainCS, a Maid of twenty-two years of age (late Daughter to Dan James) who was born and bred near unto the Town which is called Padftow, in the County of Cornwall who departed this life upon the 8 of Mar. With the true Relation of her be- haviour both in her life time, and in the hour of her death, worthy to be had in memory. The tune is. In Summer Time. Contrived Black-Letter Ballads. 139 into Meeter by L. P. London, Printed for J. Wright at the Globe in Little Brittain. One cut, iL i is, 6d, cccci. Cfte ©aorlD^KJ 22!0nrier, or a ftrange and mi- raculous work of God's Providence fhewed to a poor diftrefled widdow and her feven fmall fatherlefle children, who lived by a burnt fixpenny loaf of bread, and a little water, for above {tYtn weeks in the wilde of Kent. To the Tune of. Chevy Chafe. Lon- don, Printed for Grove on Snow-hill. Two cuts. il. lis. 6d. CCCCII. Cfte JaiOtlJ 10 l^aft, or, A merry new Song that lately was pend. Which when thefe things alter, the times will amend ; It's merry and harmelefle, free from all diftafte. And when thefe changes come, the worft is paft. To a pleafant new Tune. London, Printed for Richard Harper in Smithfield. Two large and ancient cuts. il. is. CCCCIII. a 2aiott})p (Ejcample of a ajettuous mife, who fed her Father with her own Milk, be- ing condemned to be ftarved to death, and afterwards pardoned by the Emperour. The 140 Black- Letter Ballads. tune is, Flying Fame. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and William Gilbertfon. One large cut. i/. lis, 6d, cccciv. a mmM J^mg^s Defctiption* Both Country and Citty give ear to this ditty, Whilft that I the praifes fing. And Fame his honour out doth ring. The Second Part, nree cuts, 2/. is, ccccv. Cjbe goung 8©atrs laefolution to tfte 99ai^ DCn^S iRCqUCQ, a witty Dialogue between a young Man and a Maid, Wherein Ihe afks him when he intends to marry. And he refolves her how long he will tarry. To the Tune of. In Summer Time. Lon- don, Printed for Eliz. Andrews in Little St. Bartholomew's Court in Weft Smithfield. By J. S. Three cuts, il, is, ccccvi. Cl)e goung 2Boman^s Complaint, or a Ca- veat to all Maids to have a care how they be Married to Old Men. The Tune is. What fhould a young woman do with an old man, &c. Or, the Tyrant. London, Printed for W. Gilbertfon in Giltfpur-ftreet without Newgate. Two cuts, il. is. Black-Letter Ballads. 141 CCCCVII. Cl)e goung ^an's 9. TB. €♦, or Two Dou- zen of Verfes which a Young Man fent to his Love, who proved unkind ; wrote in the manner of an Alphabet. The tune is. Aim not too high. Printed for J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackery, and T. PafTmger. 1684. One cuty and twenty-four woodcut initials, iL 12s, 6d, CCCCVIII. Cl)e jealous JLotier^ He ftrives for to illuftrate her Perfedlion, Who now hath brought him under Love's fubjedion. To the Tune of. Underneath the greenwood Tree. Printed for R. H. and J. William- fon in Cannon Street, and at the Bible on London-bridge. i/. is. CHlSWICfC PRESS : — C. WHITTINGHAM, TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE. ^y r H i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. 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