TRAVELS IN KORDOFAN; EMBRACING A DESCRIPTION OF THAT PROVINCE OF EGYPT, AND OF SOME OF THE BORDERING COUNTRIES, WITH A REVIEW OF THE PRESENT STATE OF THE COMMERCE IN THOSE COUNTRIES, OF THE HABITS AND CUSTOMS OF THE INHABITANTS, AS ALSO AX ACCOUNT OF THE SLAVE-HUNTS TAKING PLACE rXDER THE GOVERNMENT OF MEIIEMED ALT. BY IGNATIUS PALLME. n FROM NOTES COLLECTED DURING A RESIDENCE OF NEARLY TWO YEARS IN KORDOFAN. LONDON: .1. MADDEN AND CO., 8, LEADEN HALL ST1IKKT. IM-i. DTI35 LONDON : Printed by 8. & J. BENTLKY, WILSON, and FT.EY, Bangor House, Shoe Lane. PREFACE. TOWARDS the close of the year 1837 I undertook, at the request of a friend, a journey into the most distant portion of the countries under the govern- ment of the Viceroy of Egypt, in order to collect information referring to commerce, but more espe- cially with the view of convincing myself whether trade might be carried on with these countries directly, instead of through the intermediation of agents, in whose hands it had hitherto rested. The task, although rather arduous, was not displeasing to me, for a residence of several years in Egypt had rendered me tolerably proficient in the Arabic language and colloquial dialect, and my prior tra- vels in various parts of the Soudan had made me familiar with the habits of the natives, besi