FRASER SANJ C. K. OGDEN I BY HOOK AND BY CROOK. BY ERASER SANDEMAN. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY THE AUTHOR. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., LONDON: 37 PICCADILLY, W.; 136 STRAND, W.C. MANCHESTER : 49 CROSS STREET. 1892. D EY HOOK AND BY CKOOK. the angel fell on to tlie rock. He was a bright new-run fish, and a rare deep one, of at least 30 Ib. The loss was most annoying; however, there was nothing to be done but to try for another. But fish, like cards, never forgive, and we had not another touch. The moral we noted was, that if you have an attendant who is not up to his work you had better by far net or gaff your own fish, and leave him to confine his energies to the transport of the bag. The poor chap was fearfully cut up at the loss ; so we had not the heart to say much about it, especially as we knew that he was most anxious for us to land fish. But it was a sore point with him for a long while, and many a bit of good-humoured chaff he had to put up with upon the subject. CHAPTER II. A OA1IE AUTUMN FISH. ON the receipt of news that the river was in flood for the first time since the summer, we arranged to arrive there a couple of days later, by which time the water would probably be in order, as, although it was just a bit early for a run of large fish, yet there would cer- tainly be a lot up fresh from the sea and so likely to take. Upon arrival we were somewhat disappointed to find the river much lower than we had expected, and came to the conclusion that, in the first place, the advice we had received of the height of the flood had been some- what exaggerated, and, secondly, that the two nights of frost which had intervened had caused the river to fall iu quickly. However, there was no doubt that the fresh-run fish could not have yet passed by to the upper waters, so we determined to have a few days with them. After a few hours at the waterside it was evident there were but few fish up, and those very careful of Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN BY HOOK AND BY CROOK. BY FRASER SANDEMAN. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY THE AUTHOR. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., LONDON : 37 PICCADILLY, W.; 136 STRAND, W.C. MANCHESTER : 49 CROSS STREET. 1892. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. DEDICATION. Without the desire to evade criticism for what may be considered errors in the detail of this volume, it is a relief to share the onus of its production with my kinsman, Lieut.-Col. JOHN GLAS SANDEMAN, R.B.Gr., for, indeed, without his valuable encouragement and assistance these pages would not yet have been submitted to tlie public. 1127857 PREFACE THE contents of this little volume claim no literary or artistic merit, but simply purport to be reproductions of impressions fixed upon the mind of an angler during his -wanderings by the waterside, worked out while resting upon the river-bank or at the close of the day endorsed by subsequent observation. The lessons taught by friends which Nature has ordained to dwell in the water, by the waterside, or on the moorland, are merely repeated, with the hope that no trust is betrayed, and that the word "Finis" may not sever friendships which have been full of interest, while beguiling many a lonely hour. Should these repetitious gain some little attention, and the failures described form a chart by which perils may be avoided, the object of these pages will have been achieved. ERASER SANDEMAN. July 1892. CONTENTS, CHAP. Page I. " THERE 's MANY A SLIP 'TWIXT THE CUP AND THE LIP " 1 II. A GAME AUTUMN FISH 7 III. THE ANGLER'S FRIENDS AND ENEMIES 15 IV. THE ANGLER'S DRESS 18 V. AUTUMN SALMON-FISHING 21 VI. FLY-FISHING TACKLE 27 VII. WADING 44 VIII. CASTING AND WORKING OF FLY 51 IX. TROUT-FISHING IN THE " NORTH COUNTRIE " . . . . 58 X. KEEP YOUR FLY ON THE WATER 65 XI. PLAYING A FISH 72 XII. FLIES : NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL 80 XIII. How TO DRESS A SALMON-FLY 88 XIV. ORIGINAL PATTERNS OF SALMON-FLIES 96 XV. FEATHERS CHIEFLY REQUIRED IN DRESSING HOOKS 103 XVI. THE INGLORIOUS DEATH OF A THAMES TROUT . 104 Vlll CONTENTS. CHAP. Page XVII. THE END OF THE SEASON 114 XVIII. A FINE BAG ON THE TEST 123 XIX. A LUCKY EVENING 130. XX. CHUB-FISHING ON THE THAMES. (FLY.) 137 XXI. MAY-FLY FISHING 144 XXII. A LUCKY EASTER HOLIDAY 155 XXIII. A WILD GOOSE CHASE 177 XXIV. A QUEER CAPTURE 182 XXV. GALWAY BRIDGE 185 XXVI. BYE-DAY REMINISCENCES . . : 190 XXVII. FISHING THE MINNOW FOR SALMON 200 XXVIII. A CHAPTER OF ACCIDENTS 207 XXIX. A PRETTY KETTLE OF FISH 227 XXX. THE INSTINCT AND SENSES OF FISH 236 XXXI. SAPROLEGNIA FERAX 245 XXXII. TIDAL WATERS 255 LIST OF ILLUSTKATIONS. FULL-PA GE ILL USTRA TIONS. Thames Trout , Frontispiece 1 . Trout-Flies facing P' 7 ffe 58 2. Head of Smolt ' 01 3. Salmon-Fly 88 4. Hook in stages of being dressed 90 5. Hackles prepared for dressing ,, 91 6. Hook in stages of being dressed ,, 92 7. Hooks 94 8. Salmon-Flies. No. 1 & variety 96 ' w. * * * ''' 10. 5&6 98 11- 12 101 12. 13 & 14 102 18. May-Flies 149 14. Fly and Minnow Boxes ,, ,, 225 15. Disecised Salmon . . 245 ILLUSTRATIONS IN THE TEXT. 1. Lost ! , page 14 2. Knot attaching Fly 43 3. The Fisherman's Companion 64 4. Grayling 129 5. Larva of May-Fly 154 6. The Angel 200 7. Salmon seized by Otter 226 8. Gone ! 2:35 9. Salmon or Sea-Trout Fly 255 b BY HOOK AND BY CROOK. CHAPTER I. u THESE' s MANY A SLIP 'TWIZT THE CUP AND THE LIP." IT was towards the end of April, the cold winds of a late winter had apparently departed, while the budding hedgerows proclaimed the approach of spring and the termination of the spring salmon-fishing ; so we were fortunate in having a few days at our disposal before putting up the rods for their summer holiday. Rain was reported by the papers to have been pretty general for the few previous days over the district which we proposed to visit ; but upon arrival we found, as is often the case, that it had not affected the river, and a glance at " the stane abeun the brig " caused our hopes to fall, as, instead of " lepping " over it, the water was leaving a good eight inches dry. B 2 ST HOOK AND BY CROOK. This state of affairs was no good augury ; neverthe- less, with four days at our disposal, and a thorough " ken " of every pool, we did not despair of some sport. We fished the first two days, and by Saturday evening had only landed one kelt, which of course was returned to the water, and things would have in all probability gone badly with us had not some rain fallen in the hills that same night, which, by Monday morning, brought the river down some four or five inches, showing a fair tinge of colour. This was a decided improvement in our prospects, giving us renewed hope, as although this slight rise was not sufficient to bring fresh fish up from the sea, yet it would have caused those lying lower down to shift up, and, as is often the case under such circumstances, might induce them to take. Full of hope and breakfast, we made any early start on the Monday, and fished two or three pools with every care, but without success, and, strange to say, although the fish were jumping all over the place, not one could be induced to pay the slightest attention to delicacies in the shape of fly or angel (minnow) . In no very cheerful mood we moved up to the next pool above, which was always our favourite on account of the sport it generally afforded and the variety of casting it entailed to properly fish it. The head of the pool breaks over large boulders of rock, which raise the stream into miniature billows and afford excellent resting-places for the fish ; lower down THERE S MANY A SLIP, ETC. 3 the currents gradually subside into fast-running curling Avater, only to be commanded by wading down under the high cliff of red sandstone rock, from the crevices of which trees of many sorts projected, overhanging and shading the pool. Here and there the angler could wade out into the pool; but, for the most part, to command the catch the Spey cast had to be adopted, and even so it was difficult to fish it systematically down to the tail, as the eddies at the side sank the line at the angler's feet and pro- hibited everything but the use of a very short cast. We fished it down assiduously with the fly without even a touch, but as the sun was beating straight down on the pool we could not but feel that failure was not entirely the fault of the fish. In this state of the water we knew it was not the slightest use trying any but broken water, so we replaced the fly with the minnow and prepared to fish it down again. Large fish were continually jumping, as if to jeer at us ; and as, flashing in the sunlight, their silvery sides now and again fell flat on the surface of the water, the smack they made resounded for some distance and was sufficient to spur any angler on to redoubled efforts. When fish are jumping all over a pool in this manner it seems incredible that not even one will make a mis- take ; but experience teaches that, whichever way they are inclined, they are, nine times out of ten, all of one mind. One keeps saying to one's self, " If only one B2 4 SY HOOK AND SY CROOK. would take hold ! " but they don't, until perhaps one is getting thoroughly sick of it, and then at a most unexpected moment a fish takes the fly with a bang, and it is such a surprise that one is very likely to lose the fish in striking him too hard. In the present instance we had only fished a few yards down, and were casting the angel from the point of the rod with a short line in the very roughest water, when a big fish came at it with a bang that nearly pulled the rod out of hand and rendered any striking impossible and unnecessary. Fortunately we had put on a treble gut cast, or without doubt there would have been an accident. However, this time everything was safe and sound ; and after the rod had replied to the tug we were delighted to find the fish well hooked and a big one. He ran about thirty yards off the reel at top speed, and then commenced to lash out with head and tail upon the surface of the water. It was a case of " Hold hard, good tackle ! " and hold hard it did, so that he then settled down in a more orderly fashion. This gave us our opportunity, and while holding him lightly we carefully threaded our way out amongst the boulders, until we gained shallow water on the level surface of the rock, then reeled up to him and, thinking he had enjoyed sufficient inactivity, put extra pressure on, to which he replied by a leap, showing himself to be a large fresh-run cock fish. He next rushed down to the depths of the pool, then " THERE *S MANY A SLIP," ETC. 5 up to the surface, and so on, until in about fifteen minutes from the start he was dead beat, having had a real warm time. We then gained possession of our net, which at the commencement of hostilities we had placed up against the rock ; but our man, upon seeing the position of affairs, waded down to us, took the net, and tried to pass it over the head of the fish; but the net heing small we feared that the triangles in the snout of the fish might get hitched up in the meshes, so we told him to drop the net and tail the fish. This he did, and we breathed freely, thinking that the fish was as good as landed ; but such was not to be, as the sequel proves. The fish's tail was very thick, and our man, thinking he had not a sufficiently secure hold to enable him to get safely to land, lifted him high up with his right hand, while with the left he tried to hold the net under him, intending to drop him into it, to make assurance doubly sure. We told him to put the net into the water, so that when he let the fish go the water might take the weight off the net. However, before he could follow orders, he somehow or other let the fish slip from his grasp, with the fatal result that he went through the net like a flash of lightning, the hooks tearing a hole for him to pass. We were still hoping to feel the line tighten ; but no, it came back to us severed just above the bait, the triangles remaining in his mouth, while the body of O EY HOOK AND BY CROOK. the angel fell on to the rock. He was a bright new-run fish, and a rare deep one, of at least 30 Ib. The loss was most annoying; however, there was nothing to be done but to try for another. But fish, like cards, never forgive, and we had not another touch. The moral we noted was, that if you have an attendant who is not up to his work you had better by far net or gaff your own fish, and leave him to confine his energies to the transport of the bag. The poor chap was fearfully cut up at the loss ; so we had not the heart to say much about it, especially as we knew that he was most anxious for us to land fish. But it was a sore point with him for a long while, and many a bit of good-humoured chaff he had to put up with upon the subject. CHAPTER II. A GA2TE AUTUMN FISII. ON the receipt of news that the river was in flood for the first time since the summer, we arranged to arrive there a couple of days later, by which time the water would probably be in order, as, although it was just a bit early for a run of large fish, yet there would cer- tainly be a lot up fresh from the sea and so likely to take. Upon arrival we were somewhat disappointed to find the river much lower than we had expected, and came to the conclusion that, in the first place, the advice we had received of the height of the flood had been some- what exaggerated, and, secondly, that the two nights of frost which had intervened had caused the river to fall in quickly. However, there was no doubt that the fresh-run fish could not have yet passed by to the upper waters, so we determined to have a few days with them. After a few hours at the waterside it was evident there were but few fish up, and those very careful of 8 SY HOOK AND ST CROOK. their skins ; so much so, that all we did that day was to hook a fish which, after a few minutes' play, got away, the probability being that he never was properly hooked. To reach him it was necessary to cast a very long line, and, as is invariably the case under such circum- stances (especially, as in this instance, when the stream is slack), the strike, by the time it reached the fish, was a very mild one ; and although we suspected he was but lightly hooked, we had not sufficient pluck to give him a second dose. In these cases it is very difficult to determine what to do whether to catch hold of him hard by the head, in the hope of driving the hook home, or to play him lightly and trust to luck. In all probability the result would be the same which- ever tactics might be adopted, viz. the loss of the fish ; at least that has, unfortunately, been our experience. Yet, after the loss of the fish, one always thinks that other treatment might have been attended with a dif- ferent result ; but, unfortunately, there are no means of proving the matter. This was the only chance we had that day ; so all we could do was to mark down the rising fish for future use. We started off next morning, accompanied by a friend, who had arrived from the North enticed by our descrip- tion of sport obtained upon previous occasions, and being anxious to blood him, put him into the pool, A GAME AUTUMN FISH. having first of all described the salient points and indicated the most likely spots for a taking fish. It is curious how so many anglers accustom them- selves to cast over one shoulder only, and more curious that if right-handed casting is requisite the angler is pretty certain to be an adept at left-handed, and vice versa; and often, after fishing under these difficulties for some time, he crosses over to the other bank and then thinks that the left-handed practice has anything but improved his right-handed casting. Most anglers are fine fishermen during the after- dinner smoke, and it is a rare thing to find one at that time who can cast less than 30 yards ; this cast appears to be much more easily accomplished in a 30-foot room than at the waterside : perhaps the wind may account for this ! Upon this occasion right-handed casting was neces- sary ; so, of course, our friend from the day of his birth had been casting over the left shoulder. As his own style was useless, and he could not manage the other, he made a compromise by casting left-handed over the right shoulder. By this method the line, when at full length in the air, instead of being pretty well in a line up stream, flew direct inland and hovered over the high bank, upon which turnips had elected to grow ; and it was in a plucky attempt to transplant one of these into the river that, unfortunately, his top joint came to grief, causing a cessation of hostilities until a second top was fetched. 10 EY HOOK AND SY CBOOK. We then fished the pool without result, even in the shape of a casualty ; and as not even the movement of a fish did we see, both strolled down bank, drew several pools blank, feeling pretty sick of it, although a fish rose at our friend's fly, but, missing it, refused to make a second attempt. It was now getting late ; so we proposed to walk up to the top pool, then, if our friend could not hook one, to give it up for the day. But he was tired of the business, and went home to do some letter- writing ; so we decided to give it a cast over. The first time down, at about the middle of the pool, a fish took the fly with a bang ; and a rare lively one it was. However, she came to bank in about a quarter of an hour a pretty hen fish of about 16 lb., and fresh run. Thus our day finished better than we anticipated. We had a piece for dinner, and a better never was tasted, the flesh being as firm as possible, with curd between the flakes. The water by this time had considerably fallen in ; so the next day we determined to try some of the pools lower down, which, as a rule, fished best in a lovvish water. But we soon had cause to regret our decision, as, after some hours at the waterside, we had not seen a fish move. We then dropped down to our favourite pool, in which we generally got a bit of sport. Some pools seem to favour particular anglers, and get known as so-and-so's pet pool ; and the remark may often be heard, " That's the pool in which so-and-so A GAME AUTUMN FISH. 11 gets all liis fish." It may be that a particular angler's method of casting and working the fly may suit a pool better than that of others ; but more likely that, in the first instance, having been lucky in a certain pool, the angler bestows more attention upon it in the future, in the same way that one angler gets most of his fish with a particular pattern of fly, for the simple reason that he mostly uses it ; but this is no proof that he would not have done equally well with another pattern. This, our favourite pool, was a difficult one to fish, the sandstone rock towering out of the very river to a height of 200 feet or more, and supporting many trees, which extended their branches over the stream down to the water-level. The combination of left-handed casting and switching, which the background necessitated, caused our friend, by his recent experiences, to decline the contest ; so we commenced to cast it, and about halfway down, under an overhanging tree, felt that peculiar tug which no one but an angler can appreciate. We gave him another in response, when he settled down in mid-channel, which was most obliging on his part, as it enabled us to wade quietly back to the edge of the pool, and while so doing shouted for our attendant with the gaff, whom we were soon glad to see wading up along the base of the rock. Then the fun began ; for the fish, in answer to the increased pressure applied, took a run of about 60 yards straight down stream, then came to the surface, lashing 12 SY HOOK AND SY CROOK. out with head and tail on the rough waves, making us tremble for the fate of our single gut. He next came slowly back, enabling us to reel up, but was no sooner at a handy distance than he made a grand rush straight across the river, only halting within a yard or so of the opposite bank, a distance of 70 to 80 yards. He then jumped clean out of the water, and as soon as he fell in, without the slightest warning, rushed straight back to our feet. It was simply im- possible to reel up so as to take in the slack line ; and consequently we did not for some time know if he were still on. However, when we did reel up, rather to our surprise he was still on. He then gave us a bit of a rest, remaining stationary at a depth of 15 feet of water for a quarter of an hour, until, getting tired of his inactivity, we took a long, steady haul at him, which had effect, as he replied with a grand run down stream at such a pace that our reel (a 5^-inch, with strong check) overran itself, coiling a lot of line loosely the wrong way. Thinking that first of all we had better put this right, we waded a few yards back, paying out the line until all was clear, and had scarcely reeled up five yards while dropping down to the fish, when off he went again, taking with him 30 or 40 yards of line, which caused us to congratulate ourselves upon having taken an early opportunity of getting it clear on the reel, or we should certainly have parted with something. The fish then came slowly up until opposite to us, and continued to A GAMJE AUTUMJY FISH. 13 make way up to the head of the pool, obliging us to pass under the branches of the trees with the line reeled up until the gut cast touched the rod top ; no sooner there, than off he went down stream again with another run, and again settled down. This business was real good sport, such as one rarely gets even with the best of springers ; still we must admit that after a certain length of time docility in a fish can be appreciated : however, this fish was unfettered by the influence of school boards and prided himself upon the eccentricities of his own sweet will, so, as soon as he had rested awhile, indulged in a dive of about 30 ft., or perhaps more, and just as we were speculating as to what would be his next move, we felt the cast grate and held hard against what was undoubtedly a rock in the depths of the pool. Here was a case of neck or nothing, and, for choice, selecting the neck, we instantaneously dropped the point of the rod to the level of the water, and felt the line draw clear off the boulder, while immediately after the fish jumped clean out of the water, almost under our eyes, with the fly and cast hanging from his jaw. With grave doubts we reeled up, as there so far was nothing to prove that the line was not cut; however, these were soon dispelled, as the gradual draw on the line indicated that the ruse had been successful and the fish was still on. By this time the effects of his exertion were begin- ning to tell, and his runs became shorter and shorter, 14 SY HOOK AND BY CROOK. signals of distress, intimating that the end was not far off. No convenient place for gaffing presented itself, so we encouraged him in making up stream, where the water ran shallower over the rocky bottom, enabling our friend to gaff him nicely behind the shoulder a fresh-run cock fish of 23 lb., as bright and shapely as any spring fish, without mark or scar upon him. We were playing him for 1 hours, during which he never gave us, or we gave him, a moment's rest, being hard on him all the time : we never killed a better sporting fish in spring or autumn, or one which employed such a variety of means to effect escape ; he was game to the last, dying with his back up, never having showed a side throughout the long encounter. [ 15 J CHAPTER III. THE ANGLER'S FRIENDS AND ENEMIES. THE angler, by keeping his eyes wide open at the river- side, may frequently obtain valuable information from the movements of the animals and birds making their homes by the water. For instance, the flight of a heron, water-hen, or mallard will often denote the presence of other anglers at adjacent pools, and when everyone is fishing "jealous" such information may be valuable and occasion a change of tactics. Again, an inspection of the banks may discover foot- prints, and by their impression the angler can frequently determine when the pool was last fished and in which direction the fisherman departed. Care should be taken not to leave any kit within reach of cattle, as they are very curious about any un- common object, and will push it about until by chance it falls into the river. This once happened to a friend of ours with whom we were fishing, and upon returning for his bag he could not find it anywhere, so came to 16 BY HOOK AND SY CEOOE. the unsatisfactory conclusion that either it had been stolen or the cattle had pushed it into the water : the former seemed unlikely, but still the more probable explanation ; however, nearly six months after his fly- book was returned to him by some fishermen who had caught it while fishing with dredge-nets in the estuary 15 miles lower down; his name was just legible, but the book was worthless, and the flies it contained ruined, still the mystery was cleared up. When otters are known to exist in a river, the angler should be careful to put any fish he has killed out of their reach, for, as we know to our cost, they are capable of making off" with a fresh-killed salmon in broad day- light the tracks of the animal in the sand left no room for doubt in the instance we ojiote ; likewise pigs will worry and devour salmon left within their reach. Not long ago we left a large fish on the bank while fishing the pool over a second time, and happening to look round saw an old sow worrying it. We were casting from a boat, and shouted aloud as the man pulled to shore ; fortunately the fish, being over 30 lb., was too large to enable her to mouth it until she seized it by the tail and dragged it up the bank through a hedge. When the man got to her she dropped the fish and made for him open-mouthed, but she went off with a well-directed kick on the snout. We fully expected to view the fish badly mauled, but were glad to find that a good washing in the river revealed nothing more serious than a split in the tail. THE ANGLES' s FEIENDS AND ENEMIES. 17 It appeared that she and her companions were well used to fish, being in the habit of grubbing up the diseased ones which were taken out of the river from time to time by the watchers ; and the farmer told us that he had often observed the animals searching the river edge for these, and that they would even enter the water in their endeavours to make a capture. Poultry also will eat such refuse; it is said to make hens lay well. CHAPTER IV. THE ANGLER'S DRESS, ALTHOUGH a matter of minor importance, a few sugges- tions upon the subject may not be entirely unprofit- able ; and as necessity exists that the angler should be clothed somehow or another, there is no reason why he should not select the kit best adapted for the purpose. The coat should be made with plenty of room across the chest and back, and the sleeves large at arm-pit and elbow, as nothing is more uncomfortable than to be hindered by tightly-fitting garments when casting ; the collar should be cut deep and made so that it can be buttoned up under the chin when wanted. Perhaps the pattern known as the Norfolk blouse is the best suited for fishing, made with attention to the above points, and provided with pockets in the breast, which can be reached when the waders are on, the material being such as will keep out both cold and rain. A Shetland knitted jersey to wear under the waist- coat will be found very useful in cold weather. Knickerbockers and stockings are good, but breeches THE ANGLER'S DSESS. 19 of homespun made loose and to button down to the ankle are easiest to put inside waders. A waterproof coat or cape made long enough to over- lap short waders and provided with hooks and eyes, so that it can be shortened for use with high waders, will be found very useful at times ; the sleeves should termi- nate with india-rubber wristlets similar to those of a diver's suit, so as to prevent the water running down the arm when raised to cast. It is just as well that the angler should be as invisible as possible to the fish, and with this object he should select the colour of his clothes. There is not much room for doubt upon this subject, as nature provides such an admirable pattern in the heron, who gains his living in identically the same positions as the human angler sometimes up to its breast in water, at others standing on the stones at the border of the stream ; so that if materials are selected of a colour to resemble this bird's plumage the angler will not be far wrong. A cap made of cloth of loose texture is handy, as the hooks can so easily be fixed in and released from its threads, likewise the loop end of the gut attached to the %. Wading- boots or brogues should be well studded with stout nails, to prevent slipping on the rocks, which is a matter of serious importance upon many rivers. Wooden clogs with iron rim on the sole are far the best and cheapest for the purpose if the angler can c2 U SY HOOK AND ST CROOK. learn to walk with them, the great advantage being that the iron-rimmed sole holds so well upon rocks, and when worn down can be readily renewed. Waders should always be tried on at time of purchase, as the different sizes are made of the same proportions, whereas with men it is not so. CHAPTER V. AUTUMN SALMON-FISHING. SPRING fishing, there can be no doubt, is held in higher esteem than back-end or autumn fishing, and generally most anglers will say rightly so, although we do not think the argument is so one-sided as many would have us believe, as we have landed many and many a plucky autumn fish after having afforded as fine sport as any spring fish we have ever grassed, and unfortu- nately we must admit that many have succeeded by their struggles in either making escape or breaking us. Yet, generally speaking, the spring fish must be con- sidered superior for sporting and kitchen purposes to their later running brethren, for the simple reason that they, ascending the rivers in the early months of the year, leave the sea with their spawn in a much less developed state than those running up in the autumn ; the spawn also in the initial stages advances more slowly towards ripeness, and is further retarded by the lower temperature of the water in early months, so the spring fish naturally retain the condition in which they enter 22 ST HOOK AND BY CSOOE. the river longer than the autumn fish, and, in conse- quence, afford the angler more sport. To resume : the condition of the fish they capture and the amount of sport afforded in the process appear to some anglers to be secondary considerations, as compared with the actual attainment of something for the pot; the golden- coloured fish which has been in the river for weeks hanging about a pool until the milt is almost dropping out of him is quite as desirable an acquisition as the fresh-run autumn fish ; a fish is a fish to him, and he may be observed sticking for days to- gether into a pool of slow-running water, from which he occasionally hauls an old red he with as much satis- faction as he would a fresh-run fish. Such anglers must know from the nature of the deep silent pool that it is no resting-place for a fresh fish ; they can see the great red hes wallowing now and again upon its surface, yet delight to confine their efforts to their capture ; and should they perchance at the termi- nation of the day's sport (?) have three or more killed on the bank, the thin flanks and golden scales will not detract one iota from the pride of their achievement. We lately met one of these sportsmen (?) who was gloating over the capture of three such fish, weighing from 25 Ib. to 30 Ib. apiece, of a deep golden colour from head to tail, and ornamented with snouts like that of a pig. We had watched him land them from the opposite bank, and the process was simple in the ex- treme, for as soon as the fish was hooked he sulked AUTUMN SALMON-FISHING. 23 at the bottom, then gradually became exhausted, and allowed himself to be hauled in to within reach of the gaff, the behaviour of the fish and fisherman being pre- cisely similar upon each occasion. As the fish lay on the bank the milt was fairly exuding from them, and altogether the spectacle was so repul- sive that, in order to bring home to the angler some truth of his wanton destruction, we were prompted to inquire, " Whatever will you do with them ? " In a tone of surprise the answer given was, tc Why, kipper them, to be sure, and they will serve me and my friends in Liverpool all the winter ! " It was really a sickening sight, and we were glad to pass on ; but never shall forget it, and the visions which we conjured up while thinking how, perchance, if they had been allowed to perform the functions of nature, they would have gained finer proportions in the sea and returned to give sport and food fit for man. We saw this sportsman's takes duly recorded in the leading sporting papers, the weights all given, but not a word as to the condition of the fish. This class of sportsman would probably argue that, as the fish in that condition were of as much value to him as if fresh-run, he was fully justified in laying himself out for their destruction ; but by any one who did not hold the virtues of the pot so immediately in view, the system of killing the goose which would lay the golden eggs (or, strictly speaking, fertilize them) would be deprecated. 24 XT HOOK AND ST CROOK. The extension of the angling season, which of late years has been granted on many rivers, has given great scope to this doubtful class of sport ; and as it is beyond argument that hundreds of fish are killed annually just prior to the time when they would fulfil the require- ments of nature, it is a very open question whether, generally speaking, these extensions are not a mistake. The extension was granted to give anglers the oppor- tunity to kill fresh fish which ascend certain rivers at a late period of the year, and also to give those fishing the upper waters a fair chance of sport, and with these objects was right enough, but unfortunately with the use came the abuse. The intrinsic value of the kelt in the economy of nature cannot be compared with that of the ill-con- ditioned unspawned fish, and thus it would seem an anomaly that the latter is denied the legal protection which is provided for the kelt. Kelts and ill-conditioned unspawned fish usually frequent the same portions of a pool, viz., the slow- running deep water, for the simple reason that neither has sufficient energy to combat the fast-running streams; so as a rule any sportsman who is worthy of the name can confine his efforts to waters which will give him sport, avoiding catches which will in all probability only yield what to him are worthless fish. To such as these the extension is a great boon, and it would be very hard upon them if the laws were repealed on account of the unsportsmanlike practices of others ; AUTUMN SALMON-FISHING. 25 every sport or pastime has its unwritten laws which the amateur (in the literal meaning of the word) loves to respect, and to him a measure to prohibit the capture of ill-conditioned unspawned fish would be welcome, but inasmuch as no particular stage through which they pass to this end can be readily defined, legislature can- not intervene beyond fixing the close time. With the kelt, of course, it is different, as his con- dition is apparent to the practised eye or even hand, although to novices a well-mended one may cause some hesitation, when he first leaves the water. It is unfortunate that towards the end of the angling- season upon some rivers hen fish are caught in far greater numbers than the cocks; to all appearances, judging from the rising or jumping fish, there are more hes than she-fish in the water, but the latter take more freely and are in much better condition, frequenting right up to the close of the season the swiftly-running streams which at the commencement of another season will be the home of the spring fish. Of course at this season of the year the fresh-run she-fish, although as bright as a shilling, are what is known by the term " full-bellied"; yet in accordance with our experience their condition does not handicap them in their fight with the angler in fact we have never had better sport than with many fresh-run autumn fish that have fallen to our share. The he-fish would appear to run up the rivers in the autumn rather earlier than the she-fish and having 26 SY HOOK AND BY CEOOE. selected some deep pool as a suitable abode, rests there until quite ripe for spawning, then shifts up to the spawning-beds just above. "While resting in the deep pools many fall victims to the tinsel-bodied fly, which has a peculiar fascination for them in this condition. Now the habits of the she-fish differ from this, in that they appear to run up later and retain their bright colour, taking the fly freely during the first few days they are in the fresh water. When they once commence to go off colour they would seem to seek the spawning-beds and show no desire for the fly, nor do they rise or jump out of the water so frequently as is the habit with the males in a like condition. It is more rare to catch a s^e-fish discoloured and full of spawn, although they can be seen easily enough lying adjacent to the redds. In the kelt stage the she- fish appears to remain in the river much later than the male, and, to compensate for her self-imposed privations previous to spawning, devours the smolts in great numbers, following them down to the sea, or rather dropping down before them, and may be said to remain in the river until the smolts have departed. Great numbers of smolts are thus destroyed before they have a chance of reaching the sea; but the prolific nature of the salmon renders this apparent waste a matter of detail, and in all probability the kelt of both sexes requires food to render him or her fit to face the sea and their enemies contained therein. CHAPTER VI. FLY-FISHING TACKLE. ANGLERS as a rule are very conservative in their ideas respecting rods and tackle, for the simple reason that they get accustomed to various makes and shapes, and after a certain amount of practice find they can get as much, and perhaps in each's own opinion more, out of their selections than any other angler gets out of his. Use is everything ; and it is only when a man lias ascertained how he can obtain the greatest effect with the least effort in casting, that he can say he is at home with his rod and tackle. Yet because he has arrived at perfection more or less with a certain make of rod, it is no proof that he could not do better with another ; and as there are other points to be taken into conside- ration, the subject is worth a little thought. When on the banks of a river two fishermen are seen one fitted out with all the latest inventions sold by the tackle-maker in point of rod, reel, line, &c., and the other, may be, a working-man, to whom the pro- prietor has given an odd day, relying on tackle of local 28 BY HOOK AND EY CROOK. or even home manufacture we cannot but remark the differences of the two outfits, although if the two were followed up, the one apparently the worst provided might easily leave the river having had the better sport, irrespective of the probability of his being a local angler and therefore in possession of a thorough knowledge of the water. By commencing in this strain we by no means intend to convey the idea that all new inventions are fads, as of course improvements are continually being made in angling appliances as in other articles ; but we certainly consider that when an effective article has been ob- tained, the simpler it is in construction the better it is suited for work by the waterside, as, in the first place, it is less liable to get out of order, and, secondly, should it go wrong it is more easily put right. The Rod. The main points to be considered in a rod are (1) Strength and durability, (2) capability of casting a long and light line, (3) the possibility of repair at the waterside in case of accident, (4) combi- nation for convenience of carriage, and (5) the ease with which it can be put up and taken down. The first three are all important, and the two latter should not be allowed to interfere with them in any way, as they are simply matters of convenience. For salmon-fishing a three-jointed rod meets all requirements, and as the most usual length is about 18 ft., plenty of good sound timber is procurable for the manufacture of the requisite lengths, and at the FLY-FISHING TACKLE. 29 same time the rod is not inconvenient of carriage when down. For trout-fishing a rod from 10 ft. to 12 ft., in accordance with the size of the river, consisting of 3 or 4 joints, is generally used, but details are not of such importance in a trout- as in a salmon-rod, as the strain is not as severe. In most patterns of rods, joints, or rather joint- fittings, are elements of weakness, and therefore it is as well to do with as few of them as possible ; but as we have to endure them, why should we not select such as will minimize this weakness, or discard the patterns which possess this defect ? The rod whose joints are connected by splices is the strongest pattern of all, as by this simple principle what is usually the weakest is converted into the strongest part; whereas in the ferrule-jointed rod the actual joint is rigid, and consequently prevents the entire rod bending together, and causes a series of jars from butt to top, so much so that in time the edges of the ferrule cut into the wood, breaking the skin, the consequence being that sooner or later, when some extra pressure is brought to bear, the rod breaks at the point where nine out of ten breakages do occur in ferrule-jointed rods viz., immediately above or below the ferrule. The bell-mouthed ferrules now in use to a certain extent overcome this difficulty, but the in- herent cause of mischief still remains. Another great objection to ferrules is that sooner or 30 BY HOOK AND BY dtOOK. later the water penetrates into them and destroys the glue with which they are fixed, and, as it cannot dry out, eventually rots the part of the joint contained inside the ferrule. A pin of brass is sometimes driven through the ferrule and joint, which of course weakens the wood, and it is here that the breakage usually takes place, after which the angler will probably break every instru- ment he has in his attempts to extricate the portion still remaining, and when that is done he still has no easy task, without the necessary tools, to refit the joint. A further objection still exists to ferrule joints viz., that however much they may be soaped, oiled, or vaselined, they frequently object to come apart, and in the process of twisting the joints in opposite direc- tions, or in the application of heat, damage is easily done, either to the grain of the joint or the glue which secures it. Mineral oil dropped into the joint is about the best thing for stubborn ferrules, as if left a little while it will penetrate more quickly than any other oil. The splice-jointed rod has none of these objections, yet it is not what may be called the most popular pattern, on account of the little extra time and labour in making the splices. In point of time there is only about a minute or two difference in putting up splice and ferrule-jointed rod, so no doubt the process of splicing is what handicaps it. FLY-FISHING TACKLE. 31 Splicing up a rod is certainly not the most pleasant of operations in a cutting east wind, but still it does not take long, and it is not always necessary to take down more than the top joint. Should a breakage occur in the middle of a joint away from the ferrule or splice, it is of course as easy to repair one pattern of rod as the other ; but should the splice-jointed rod go at or close to the splice, it is much more easily repaired than the same catastrophe with a ferrule-jointed rod, and with the former it will be generally admitted the casualties are few as com- pared with those of the latter. In casting with either pattern of rod any one who is worthy to be called an angler should be able to obtain all that is necessary, giving of course a few hours' practice to get into the use of a new rod ; but it is only fair to the ferrule rod to say that perhaps a lighter line can be cast with it than with the splice rod, yet against that the latter is far preferable for switching, or the Spey cast. As regards length of line to be thrown, there is not much difference, but in the teeth of a wind we much prefer the splice rod. Built or spliced-cane trout-rods are very good to cast with, but a breakage is too horrible to contem- plate the splinters they fly into defy repair at the waterside; so unless the angler is close to his own door, he had better take a second rod out with him. The cost of the rods also puts them beyond many 32 BY HOOK AND BY CROOK. pockets, and complaints are frequently being made of the glue giving way, but with attention from time to time this should be obviated. It may be argued that they do not break, but we have seen many a one do so. The same applies to this make of salmon-rod, and those we have tried built with a steel centre are very heavy in the hand as compared with our usual rod. Each to his taste; but should the angler purchase a cane-built rod, he must buy the best, irrespective of price. In some parts rods are almost entirely used having the lower joint (rather more than two thirds of the entire rod) composed of hollow bamboo, and the top of lance-wood or greenheart. We have seen a good line cast with these; but any one may have our share of them, as, in our opinion, they are unwieldy and cumbersome to cast and throw too much weight upon the top joint when killing a fish, and are decidedly bad against a wind, their cheapness being, in our opinion, their only advantage, costing as they do about 20s. It takes a long time to kill with them, and the fact of their consisting of only two joints would be an objection to many. Taking all things into consideration, for salmon and sea-trout fishing we prefer a splice-jointed rod, con- sidering it the most serviceable in every way for the strong rough work it has to do and go through ; for a rod gets some nasty knocks while being dragged through many a closely grown wood, and likely enough FLY-FISHIN& TACKLE. 33 at the same time over rough granite or sandstone boulders upon which it takes the angler all his time to keep his feet. Under such circumstances as these we very much object to be obliged to give the attention to our rod amongst the trees which should be bestowed upon the more important work of keeping one's feet. For trout-fishing the rod does not so much matter, and as we incline to the belief that the ferrule rods as now made cast a lighter line than splice rods (which is the most important consideration), we give them the preference. For our own use in salmon-fishing we prefer the Castleconnell rods, and for the stated reason we have for many years used them. Our stock now consists of three, and, although they have seen the roughest of work, they are as sound as the day they were made ; they each have two top joints, and all twelve joints are now as they were made. Many times have we seen the tops of ferrule-jointed rods break when the fly has caught by accident in a tree or bank, and although we have been often guilty of the same indiscretion, we have never yet paid the penalty. Therefore we shall remain true to our old friends, and may they continue to behave to us as heretofore ! then we shall have no cause to alter our opinion of Enright and his works. Rod-fittings. These should be as simple as possible. Two brass circular bands, one fixed and the other movable, answer all purposes. The rings should be large, so as to allow the line to 34 BY HOOK AND BY CEOOK. run through with little friction, and there should be plenty of them, so as to distribute the weight evenly over the entire length of the rod when casting or play- ing a fish. The size of the rings should decrease towards the top of the rod, so as to prevent the line falling back through them by its own weight ; but, as a rule, the size of the rings is too much reduced towards the top, causing un- necessary friction when paying out line, whereas the line should take itself out as soon as released from the reel without assistance from the rod. Ferrules should be bell-mouthed at the ends towards the middle of the joint they enclose, so as not to cut the skin of the wood. N.B. All rods should be kept well varnished, copal varnish being the best for this purpose, so that they may not become sodden by the water and lose their spring; the varnish also materially stiffens the rod. The difference in the pliability of a rod before and after being revarnished is remarkable, as the angler can easily prove for himself. Rod-makers generally whip the rings on to the rod with fine silk, probably on account of neatness, which soon gets frayed and comes undone. This is a mistake ; very thick silk should be used. The Reel. The reel should be selected of such a weight as will nicely balance the rod, and should be tried with the rod for which it is intended before pur- chase, the tendency being towards the selection of too FLY-FISHING TACKLE. 35 light a reel. A reel looks very much larger in a shop than it does at the waterside. A salmon-reel should be capable of holding from 100 to 120 yards of line ; a trout-reel 30 yards of line. The drum of the reel should be of large circumference, so that the line when required can be quickly wound up, and being large enables the reel to contain a given quantity of line without necessitating a wide barrel. This makes the reel of narrow width and large diameter, which is far preferable to the reverse, as it winds the line up more regularly and does not allow it to choke. A reel of perfect workmanship is made by Moscrop, 25 Market Place, Manchester. It contains no screws, can be taken to pieces in a moment, and the check regulated at will. For salmon-fishing a good strong check should be provided; the usual ones are far too weak. A reel such as this will answer all requirements of fly-fishing, is simple in construction, and, if kept free from grit and occasionally well lubricated with mutton- fat, will last for ages. On most rivers there exist spots where fish rest, but are so fenced in that it is impossible to get a fly out. To overcome this difficulty we use a minnow, with a Nottingham reel, from which about 50 yards can be cast from a position where there is only room to swing a short rod. These reels work admirably, and with half an hour's practice anyone can become an adept in their use. n2 36 BY HOOK AND SY CROOK. They are supplied by Slater of Newark-on-Trent, the patentee, and by most tackle-makers. They cast best with a small lead. The Reel Line. It is of the first importance that the line be selected of the correct weight to suit the rod, as upon this point the ability to cast a long straight line mainly depends. Nothing is more unsatisfactory than being obliged to cast with a line too heavy or too light for the rod ; it is difficult to say which is the greater evil. If the line be too heavy, a long cast, which is occasionally necessary, is out of the question, if any regard be held for the rod, as nothing strains it sooner; and if it be too light the cast cannot be made without flicking or jerking, and then the line seldom falls straight. By a straight line we mean a cast that is made so that the fly strikes the water at the desired spot with a length of line as little as possible in excess of the distance to be covered, of course taking into calcula- tion the angle made by the rod and the surface of the water. For Trout-fishing a silk and hair line plaited is per- haps as good as anything, and if tapered for a distance of about 15 yards to each end, so much the better. Twisted lines kink. For very fine fishing a plaited hair-line is best, but in rough water a dressed silk line may be preferred. For Sea-trout-fishinff an undressed or dressed silk line is the best. Most anglers will probably prefer the FLY-FISKINQ TACKLE. 37 latter, as they can be cast to a greater distance and better against a wind. It should be about 40 to 50 yards in length. For Salmon-fishing the line should be from 100 to 120 yards in length, in accordance with the size of the water. These lines are made of plaited hair, hair and silk plaited together, and plaited silk dressed in various ways. The former are very pretty to use, as line can be paid out so smoothly from the rod ; they also fall lightly on the water, which is not an objection ; but the dressed silk line is in most general use. These, although expensive, are probably the cheapest in the long run, as, if well dried after use, they are very serviceable, and they are easier to cast with than undressed lines, especially in the teeth of a wind. There are many patent lines dressed in various ways, the main object of all being to preserve the line from becoming rotten by the action of the water ; and no doubt the various recipes perform their duties with a certain amount of success, but unfortunately many of the dressings have a tendency to crack at any point where the line has been doubled, and many of them peel off. For instance, it often happens that the angler trails his rod behind him while passing through a wood, and now and again some branch or twig will catch and hold the line, or the line while cast in the air may be doubled back in a knot by a gust of wind, 38 SY HOOK AND BY CEOOE. so in either of these cases care must be taken in putting it straight not to crack the highly varnished dressing. We cannot stand this gingerbread class of tackle, which requires more care (and therefore time) in looking after it than the actual casting and working of the fly. We have complained of these faults to the tackle- maker who supplied the lines, and the answer has in- variably been "They were so first of all, but lately the manufacturers have discovered a process which eradicates those faults." We sincerely hope they have, but at the same time take no further interest in the subject, as after consi- derable use are of opinion that, as a thorough dressing for a line, there is nothing to beat plain boiled linseed- oil. We prefer those of a red-brown colour and semi- transparent, the dressing they carry not being too thick. They are a very good colour in the water, and do not show so white after much use as most others, and, if ordinary care be taken to dry them, will last a long time. Lines tapering at both ends are also sold, and if an angler prefer them, by all means let him use them, but there are some objections to them. It may be taken for granted that in the tapered line the end to which the gut cast is attached is no thicker than the weight of the fish requires ; it follows, then, that the remainder of the line is needlessly thick for the purpose of killing FLY-FISHING TACKLE. 39 fish. Thus an unnecessary weight is put upon the top of the rod, and as casts of many different lengths are made during a day's fishing, it often happens that a thick portion of the line is just out of the top ring, whose weight makes it touch the water straight under the rod's point ; whereas if the line were of the ordinary size it would be carried out much straighter by the action of the stream upon its extremity, which is greatly to be preferred, as then the angler is in much closer touch with his fly. The extra weight also imposes more strain upon the rod top and the angler's wrist in work- ing the fly. A line of the same size from end to end can be re- versed on the reel when one extremity is worn; and when both ends have been used in this way it can be cut in the centre and the two worn ends spliced, thus affording to all intents two new lines. This latter device cannot be resorted to in the case of the taper line, but being only a matter of economy perhaps would not appeal to all. The most economical angler will wind on his reel about 70 yards oE strong twine (made for the purpose), and whip to that 30 yards of the usual dressed silk, which he will reverse when worn, thus obtaining vir- tually six lines out of 100 yards of dressed line, but we prefer the plan described above, by which four are obtained. Should a few yards of the untapered line become too much worn to be safe, they can be cut off without 40 SY HOOK AND BY CROOK. prejudice to the weight of the line in casting, but not so with the tapered line. Gut Casts. In selecting gut it is as well to see that it be round in form; this point is of the greatest importance as regards strength, and no flat-sided strands should be used as single gut. The form of gut is apparent to the eye ; it can also be tested by rolling the strands between fore finger and thumb, when, if it be round, some difficulty will be found in making it spin, whereas should it be at all flat it will quickly do so. New gut is preferable, but by keeping in wash- leather in a tin box it will little deteriorate ; but whether new or old season's crop, gut should always be well soaked before use. For salmon-fishing a cast of two yards of treble twisted or plaited gut, gradually tapered and termi- nating with one yard of single gut, is in general use, except when the water is very fine, when a cast com- posed entirely of single gut may be preferred. For salmon-fishing the cast should end with a loop at either extremity. For sea- trout and trout, single gut is sufficiently strong. Gut should be stained, and perhaps the blue shade in general use is as good as any other ; but this may be left to the individual taste of the angler. A tumbler full of ink with a piece of copperas of about the size of a pea makes a very good stain ; the cast should be washed in water as soon as it has attained the desired shade. Stain only for present use. FLY-FISHING TACKLE. 41 It should be remembered that, to judge of the colour of all tackle used under water in the capture of fish, it is necessary to regard them from the fishes' and not the anglers' point of view, for in one case light is the background and in the other darkness relieved by reflected light. The cast may be attached directly to the fly, but when (as is usually the case with salmon-flies) the hook is only furnished with a loop at the head, the better plan is to have a single strand of gut attached by a knot to the fly, the other end terminating with a loop by which it is fastened to the gut cast. By this method time is saved in changing flies, and it protects the neck of the fly and end of the cast from wear and tear. We have now arrived at the hook, the pattern of which may be left to the taste of the angler, those in most general use perhaps being the Limerick and the Sprout Bend ; but whatever pattern of hook be used, it is most important that the gut loop be securely whipped to it, and with this object the whipping should extend from the shoulder to the point where the bend commences, just above the space to be occupied by the butt and tinsel ; and in order that the body may not appear clumsy when dressed, should treble gut be used, the strands may be cut off at different lengths to form a taper. Landing-nets and gaffs are made in various patterns ; those with telescopic handles are most convenient, and 42 BY HOOK AND BY CSOOJT. the nets should be well coated -with varnish so that the hook may not become hanked. For wading in rough places, should the gaff or net be affixed to a good stout stick it will afford great assistance. Our favourite outfit for salmon-fishing is : An 18ft. 6 in. Castleconnell rod ; a good large reel with handle attached to plate, weight 22 oz. ; 100 yds. of silk line dressed with boiled linseed-oil ; and a cast composed of 2 yds. of treble twisted and 1 yd. of single gut, the stoutest and roundest obtainable. "With this tackle an excellent cast can be made of a length to satisfy most people and a fish played with confidence, while the weight is not such as will cause the angler to feel distressed at the end of his day ; although, should he be compelled to thread his way through woods or over rocky cliffs, he can afford to give his whole attention to the foothold, the tackle being tough enough to resist any raps it may receive by contact with the surrounding obstacles. Of course it must not be inferred that rod and tackle are advocated of such strength as will enable the angler to march headlong through rough country with- out any chance of breakage ; but we heartily detest to have drawing-room articles put into our hands for use over rough country, the safety of which is an incessant anxiety, and, sooner or later, with the use of such the angler is certain to be done out of half a day's fishing. We have three such rods as described above, and although they have had nothing beyond ordinary con- sideration shown them, are as sound as on the day FLY-FISHING TACKLE. 43 they were made, while we should be sorry to say how many rods of other patterns we have seen part com- pany while casting a line or playing a fish. These rods have upon many occasions been pressed to uproot a turnip growing in the field behind, or a tree or bush by the waterside, but have merely expressed their inability to perform such feats by a polite refusal, whereas they might have resented the imposition of such tasks in a much more unpleasant manner; for this we respect them. Hair Casts are used in some parts of the country, but the use of them is dying out, and good hair is difficult to get. The great advantage claimed for them is that they do not show so much in the water as gut, and fall lightly. They are very elastic and cast remarkably straight, but the great objection we have to them is that they are so inclined to float on the surface. KNOT ATTACHING CAST TO FLY. There are several ways of knotting the cast to the fly, but we prefer that given in the drawing, as by no possibility can the gut draw out, consequently the angler has only breakage to fear. When we have been obliged to use a reel too light for the rod, a few ounces of sheet lead wound round the butt below the reel have been of great assistance. CHAPTER VII. WADING. THE angler should only wade when he cannot com- mand the catch by casting from the bank, as his presence in the water tends to scare the fish lying towards his bank ; but when, by so doing, the catch is better commanded and the fly presented more per- fectly to the fish, he should not hesitate to take the water. The requirements are a pair of waterproof stockings or trousers, whichever the depth of the water may require, a pair of coarse woollen socks over them for protection against grit, and lastly a pair of boots, or brogues as they are commonly called, of stout make, with soles well studded with large flat nails to enable him to keep a firm footing upon rocks, &c. It is convenient to have wading-trousers sufficiently wide at the top to take in the coat without packing, as should the angler by accident lose his footing and get carried out of his depth they will soon fill and enable him to use his legs, whereas should they fit tightly, under the same circumstances the air they contain WADING. 45 cannot readily escape, and consequently his legs float to the surface. It frequently happens that a catch can he reached by casting from the bank, yet the intervening current sweeps the line away and the fish has a short period in which to notice the fly, then wading is a great assis- tance; also the gain of a few yards may enable the angler to reach, although imperfectly, a rising fish, and so give him a chance of attracting the fish during the initial stages of the fly's semi-circuit, when he may follow it round and eventually take it. We must confess to having no great faith in casting an extraordinary length of line, as, even should the fish take, the strike is so late that the majority merely get pricked ; yet fish are occasionally lured in this manner, as may be readily observed from such points of vantage as Galway Bridge. There is one golden maxim to be observed in wading, i. e. never cross your legs ; and if it be studiously adhered to, many a ducking will be avoided. Wading down stream as it were on the top of your fish is strictly to be avoided, as the disturbance made by the legs in the stream and the " foil " (gravel or any other matter) displaced by the feet scare fish so much that they will not look at the bait. We know pools where in order to fish from a particular side the natural surroundings necessitate wading, the stream so running that it travels from one's feet to where the fish lie, and although we have 46 BY HOOK AND BY CKOOE. fished them many a time, we could never get a rise ; whereas, when wading from the other bank, within a short space of time success has resulted, and we could only attribute the difference to aforesaid reasons. From our own observation an unnatural disturbance of the water tends greatly to scare fish; and as an example at a certain " caul " or weir, at which we spend many a Sunday afternoon, the fish lie close in shore, resting in a small back wash of boiling water, and will remain there heedless of man's presence ; but if he dip his hands into the eddy, away they go down the fall which they have had much labour to sur- mount. When the angler possesses thorough knowledge of the water, he can don his waders and flop into the water at one point and then another; but should he not have this knowledge, or when the water is very high, he had better previously take a few casts from the bank, in order to give a chance to any fish that may lie close in shore they occasionally lie in curious places. An angler's success depends in a great measure upon his knowledge of the conformation of the river's bed, and if it be possible he had better study it at summer level; then when the pool is in fishing trim it will be to him as an open page, although its peculiarities are invisible. Should the bed of a pool be composed of gravel the lie of the fish is apparent to a stranger ; but where resting-places are formed by large rocks or WADING. 47 edges of rocks over which the stream smoothly glides, it is another matter. In the neck of a pool, should there be large stones at the bottom, fish will lie behind them right in the centre of the stream ; but when the bottom is of gravel they will generally lie a little to either side of the centre, usually showing a partiality for one side ; and the fly when practicable should be cast over a fish from the bank nearer him, as then, if made to fall into the centre of the current, the rod at the completion of the cast being maintained at right angles across the stream, it completes its course over the lie of the fish, apparently escaping from the rough water. It is nigh useless to attempt a presentation of the fly to fish lying beyond the centre of the stream, as immediately the fly falls it is swept away before any fish can see it. It may be argued that by this method of casting the off chance is gained of attracting a fish from beyond the current, while the ultimate presentation to those lying on the angler's side is not prejudiced ; but it must be borne in mind that in this manner a longer line is required to produce the same result, which is a decided objection. In considering the correct method to present the fly, the direction from which floating matters ap- proach fish should be remarked, so that the hook may be made to approach in a regular orthodox manner the fish, who by habit is on the watch for 48 BY HOOK AND BY CROOK. articles coming down and sees nothing extraordinary in its progress, whereas he is apt to regard any varia- tion with suspicion, if he should notice it at all. Therefore when fish lie on either side of a current and the angler can fish from both banks, by all means let him do so ; but if he have not this advantage, he may as well be content to fish the side of the stream nearer his own bank and save much time. Lower down the pool where the current is more widely distributed it is another matter ; there no harm is done by covering as much water as a fair cast permits ; but perhaps the better plan is to make two beats of it the first with a fairly short line, and the second with an extra long cast, This method takes time, and by some anglers may be considered tedious, but he who adopts it only uses a long line when abso- lutely necessary. When the wading only extends a few yards from the bank one is apt to shirk it, thinking, " What is the use of wading when one can make the cast as well from the bank, and if necessary drop the fly to a consider- able distance beyond ? " But this frequently is not the point, as, may be, a ledge of rock or some other harbour secretes fish over whose heads the fly, when cast from the bank, too quickly passes out of sight, whereas if cast from a point farther out would hang over them towards the completion of its course. When lately fishing with a friend an instance of this occurred : we had taken particular pains in WADING. 49 giving a hint here and there, the main point being the advisability of fishing the pool in twice, as above described. He adopted this method without result, and a quarter of an hour later we went in. Naturally it was useless to cast inside the line where he had waded, so we started with the out fishing. "Why don't you fish close in first of all?" he shouted, with just a suspicion in his tone of "practice what you preach." The reason was explained, and the incident passed off. Curiously enough the very next day we were fishing a pool and commenced casting with a very short line from the bank, and hooked a fish almost immediately which turned the scale at 17 Ib. He had been lying in an eddy formed by an anchored tree-stump, and had we waded in to commence with we should have scared him away as sure as fate. Later in the day we were standing back on the bank with the rod projecting scarcely six feet beyond, and hooked a large fish on a very short line, which after three-quarters of an hour's hard work broke the gut cast, or rather one of the knots drew out. The fish made several rushes, then sulked for some time, when by the continued heavy strain the -knot of a badly mended cast drew out and we parted company. When wading a strange stream or one in which the angler may have to retrace his steps so as to regain the bank, it is as well now and again to try the strength of the current in order to secure retreat, as it is far from 50 EY HOOK AND SY CROOK. pleasant to suddenly discover that the depth bars further progress, while the force of the current pro- hibits a safe return. When wading a sharp stream running over a fine gravel bottom, the angler should take care that his foothold be not swept away, and it is wise not to present a broadside to the stream. CHAPTER. VIII. CASTING AND WORKING OF FLY. THE art of casting the line in fly-fishing is with a little practice soon attained, but the little turns of the wrist and forearm which, under various circumstances, are brought into requisition by the accomplished angler are only acquired after considerable experience in handling the rod. The would-be fly-fisher to commence with had best carefully watch an adept, noting the course of the rod and line and the moments when the former is asked to exert itself to lift the line from the water and again return it. Then he may take up the rod and attempt to imitate what he has seen, asking his mentor now and again to put his hand over his own grasping the rod, and so make a cast or two which will convey to him the correct method. There may be said to be three methods of casting the ordinary or overhead cast, the underhand cast in which the rod is moved horizontally instead of as in the former perpendicularly, and the " Switch" or Spey cast. E2 52 BY HOOK AND BY CROOK. The overhead cast is made by gently bringing the fly to the surface of the water, then drawing it and the line upwards and backwards with sufficient force to poise the entire length in air behind the back of the angler, as near as possible in a straight line, to whose hand the precise moment of this occurrence is notified by the increased weight on the top of the rod, which then should be impelled with increasing force until it has attained little if anything beyond the perpendicular, then its further progress should be checked. One mistake generally made by beginners is to drag the line out of the water before previously having raised it to the surface with unbent rod, the consequence being that having severely taxed the capabilities of the rod in bringing the line to the surface, there is no power remaining to lift it from the water; thus the line never gets fairly extended behind, so that the angler in his anxiety to save it touching the ground, makes the forward cast on the slack line, which naturally is merely a jerk instead of a steady impulse, the result being that the line falls in coils, if nothing worse, a few feet beyond his nose. When the knack of raising the line has been acquired, care should be taken to give it plenty of time behind ; the angler can turn his head and view his line in air and then have leisure to make the forward cast. The Spey cast is more difficult to learn and to describe; it is made by drawing the line smartly to CASTING AND WOEKING OF FLY. 53 one, so that the fly comes scudding along the surface of the water to within a few yards of the body, the line forming a huge bag in the air, no portion being much behind ; the rod should then be impelled forward with considerable force, causing the fly to shoot out to the desired spot. This cast is difficult of attainment, but in reality requires little exertion, most of the work being done by the reaction of the rod; in positions where trees or rocks are immediately at the angler's back its use is indis- pensable, and its achievement gives great satisfaction. The fly should naturally alight on the water in the accustomed manner of the insect it is intended to represent ; so the small winged flies should fall lightly, while imitations of grubs or caterpillars, especially in chub-fishing, should make a good flop. In salmon-fishing lightness of descent is of little moment ; at the same time there is probably nothing to be gained by unnecessary splash. What salmon mistake the artificial fly to be is open to argument. He cannot take it to be an inhabitant of the air or fresh water, as it resembles nothing therein contained save its artificial kindred, of which by-the-by in many rivers there is an abundance ; and as whatever acquaintance he may have made with them would scarcely have been of such a nature as would have instilled confidence, he probably associates it with some objects which during his visits to the coasts and estuaries have left pleasant recollections. 54 ST HOOK AND EY CXOOK. The result of good casting is that the fly is placed at the required spot on the water with the least possible loose or slack line, so that it is actually fishing at the moment of immersion ; and when this is effected it almost appears to the spectator as if the fly were laid down by the hand, with such nicety is the cast accom- plished. It is no uncommon thing to see an angler severely handicap himself by casting an unnecessarily long line ; this is especially the delight of novices, who are perfectly happy if they see 25 yards or so of line fall in any fashion upon the surface, and expect to find a look of admiration on the countenance of any passer by ; but should that passer by be aware that the catch is under the point of the angler's rod, his smile may be misconstrued. To command a catch it is, however, often necessary to cast a long line, then well and good; or it may be that by casting a few extra yards of line the angler can fish obliquely, say at an angle of 45, whereas with a shorter line he would be compelled to cast straighter across the stream. Then the ability to make a long cast is a distinct advantage, as if the line be cast straight across, its centre is bagged by the stream, and in reality the fly is towed down head first for the greater portion of its journey, whereas the line and fly should be both swept away from the angler, with little or no straightening. Young anglers are frequently instructed to cast CASTING AND WOEKING OF FLT. 55 " well across the stream/' but it is extremely doubtful, for above reasons, if there is anything to be gained by casting at a greater angle than 45, unless it be to reach a catch which cannot otherwise be commanded. When casting over a rising fish, the angler above all things should endeavour to effect a perfect cast at the first attempt, as should he commence with an indif- ferent one, he gets the worst of the deal, and has only himself to thank for having thrown away a likely winning card. The adept, during a few casts in the air, will be able to release from the reel a sufficient length of line without touching the water, and, at the same time, accurately gauge the distance ; but the angler who has not attained such proficiency had better make, as it were, a trial cast on the water beyond the notice of the fish, for although this, for obvious reasons, is not de- sirable in dry-fly fishing, yet it is preferable to making a bad initial cast. It is not much use to put in a real good cast after a couple of bad ones. The angler in his eagerness frequently exhibits a tendency to present his fly to a rising fish too soon after the latter has captured a natural insect ; but he should remember that after the capture of a mouthful, a fish requires time to swallow the morsel and settle himself down for the next, so it is well to give him time, and if possible to keep him waiting a while so that his appetite may be whetted ; at the same time a watchful eye must be kept on the stream for some 56 SY HOOK AND BY CROOK. distance above, so that the artificial fly may not be cut out by natural insects floating down. Should a fish take the fly during the line's straight- ening process, it being practically slack, the angler is not at once apprised of the fact, so loses time in striking, and the fish cannot strike himself, but may possibly find out his error and have time to reject the fly. How often may the remark be heard, " I touched one, but he did not get hold of it ; " surely the bagged line has something to answer for ! Fish very quickly spit out any foreign substance, as may be ascertained by dropping a few gutless and barbless flies from a bridge into a stream below, and it is surprising to what a distance they can expel the object through the water. The movement imparted to the fly in the water by the rise and fall of the rod's point must be left to taste, yet on any particular river a certain pace and extent of motion seem to be adopted by general consent ; but at whatever pace the line may be drawn up, it should not be released at a greater one than that at which the water flows ; the wings then shut up close and loosen again, while there being no slack line the fly maintains its even position in the water, so should a fish attempt to take it, he is not disappointed. The motion, how- ever, may occasionally be varied. The fly should be allowed to remain in the water until it arrives at least in a line straight down stream CASTING AND WORKING OF FLY. 57 rith the point of the rod ; and, lastly, the angler should 'remember that the fly hooks more fish when it is in the water than when on the bank or in the air. In heavy waters, or as a change to the fly, a minnow is worth trying. We prefer a plain white metal body with 110 slits at the sides and simply two triangles at the tail. They can be cast to a considerable distance with the fly-rod, if instead of being brought straight back over the shoulder they are swung round in a semi- circle, which keeps them on the go during their passage through air, and at the same time does not impose so severe a task upon the rod. Casting in this manner is not particularly easy, but with practice a long line can be thrown without strain- ing the rod. This method will be found to serve in open pools, but when 30 or 40 yards has to be covered, or when the casting is surrounded by trees, the best plan is to use a spinning rod with a Nottingham reel (vide page 35). CHAPTER IX. THOUT- FISHING IN THE " NORTH COUNTRIE." NORTH COUNTRY fly-fishers have many more facilities for indulgence in their favourite sport than dwellers in the South, where salmon and trout rivers are com- paratively few and far between, and in consequence command a price which places them beyond the means of many ; whereas in the Northern Counties almost every river/ streamlet, or burn may be said to contain some one or more of the Salmo species, which may be rented by individuals or, as is often the case, by clubs at a moderate figure. For this reason the younger branch of sportsmen in the North, as a rule, are more familiar with the rod than their confreres of the South, as, even if resident in towns or cities, there usually is a river within easy distance on which fishing is obtainable either by rent, leave, or by putting up at an inn which provides visitors with a stretch of water. Trout-fishing on the Borders commences about the 1st of March, but not until the end of that month do the fish get into fair condition, and they do not MARCH BROWN. DARK BLEA. CREEPER (ills' <>'"' <-f'cn,<.-<>), STONE FLY. JTERN BROS UIT> TROUT-FISHING IN THE " NORTH COUNTEIE." 59 arrive at their best until the beginning or middle of May. To fish the large rivers such as Eden, Tyne, and Esk, wading-trousers are necessary; for their tributaries and the smaller rivers stockings will suffice, as many of them are wide, although not running to any great depth. A rod of 11 or 12 ft. will do all the work with a selection of the ordinary flies, such as March brown (male and female), light and dark blea or bloa, stone- fly, partridge hackle, olive dun, iron-blue dun, ginger hackle, Greenwell's glory, and yellow dun. We have found the female March brown a better killer than the male, and prefer hen pheasant to wood- cock for the wings. The Eden is a very fine river, probably far and away the best in the North of England for trout-fishing, both as regards quantity and size of fish, whose colouring is very rich, varying with the nature of the river's bed ; speaking generally, the Eden trout is a very handsome example of his species. The Eden is a well wooded river, with bed alternately of rock and gravel, forming deep pools, capable of holding trout even in the lowest summer water, so excepting in the very highest reaches a flood is the only condition which will interfere with sport. The flats grow abundance of weeds, which, with the vegetation growing along the banks, afford capital nurseries for the feed. 60 BY HOOK AND ST CEOOK. As upon every river, so the angler may have a bad day upon Eden, but it is seldom that he should return to his quarters \vith less than three or four brace, while on an average to a good day he may expect to basket from eight to twelve brace, and often more. The average weight about ten miles from Carlisle would be about ^ Ib. a piece, perhaps rather more ; while on a fair day the creel should contain fish of | Ib. to 1 Ib., and over, possibly up to 3 Ib. Upon the rise of fly, as on most rivers, mainly depends the size of the bag, but it seldom fails to put in an appearance during some hour of the day ; before and after this occurs the angler must be content to fish " blind " the streams and eddies, and will probably pick up a fish here and there ; but in the spring, between the hours of eleven and two, the feed will generally appear, and then the real fun takes place. At about the time the rise may be expected, the angler had best arrange to be handy at some good long stream, so that he may commence operations so soon as the fly appears, and make hay while the sun shines, as there is no knowing how soon it may cease. When the feed comes sailing down the necks of the streams, the fish appear to draw up from the flats or deep pools below, and make the water fairly boil where a few minutes before not a fish was to be seen ; now, if the angler is up to his work he will grass several brace of fish in a very short space of time and water, until, as suddenly as it commenced, the rise ceases, the fish, so TROUT-FISHING IX THE "NORTH COUNTRIE." 61 soon as they have cleared the decks, retiring whence they came. Smolts are a great nuisance, causing waste of precious time when the rise is on, as when hooked they must be released tenderly ; but as they generally lie well off the edge of the stream, they may be avoided to a great extent by lifting the line before the flies reach the stiller water. Fishing with the bustard or artificial moth is indulged in from twilight until midnight during the summer months, but chiefly by those to whom the bag is of pecuniary importance. The Tynes and their tributaries run down very quickly after a flood, and in this respect compare unfavourably with the Eden ; indeed in the upper reaches, unless the angler arrives in the nick of time, he can expect to land but small fish, so the telegraph wire comes in handy. The bed of the Tynes consists in most parts chiefly of large cobbles, and at low water in the highland districts there are few deep tracts where large trout can exist in privacy ; it is also very doubtful if there is an overabundance of feed, so it is possible that these conditions may account for the fact that the fish run rather small : we cannot from experience put the average weight at above from four to three to the pound, although we may have been unfortunate. Some of tlie rocky burns running into the North Tyne have yielded a much better average weight of 62 BY HOOK AND ST CEOOE. fish than the river itself, but they were in much worse condition and very dark in colour, abstracted from the peaty water they inhabited. Nevertheless, a few days' fishing in these burns and streams, running several hundred feet above the sea- level through wild moorland scenery, are most enjoy- able, affording a thorough change to him who has been angling on a lowland river, the surrounding vegetation and bird-life being so entirely different. The robins, chaffinches, wrens, and bullfinches have all disappeared, and in place of them the angler has as his companions the blackcock, curlew, and grouse, whose "ker-back-ker-back-back-bacque-back," as he folds his wings whilst alighting on the heather-clad fell, falls refreshingly upon the ear. The solitary angler can best enjoy the moorland, as then no human voice detracts from the awful impression conveyed to the mind by the solemn silence of nature's handiwork, which seems proper to be broken only by the utterances of the creatures she ordains to exist thereon. The effusive screech with which the peewit endeavours to lure the intruder from the vicinity of his nest, the warning note of the cock grouse to the hen, the peculiar spring whistle of the golden plover while high aloft in air, and the weird pipe of the curlew, all seem in perfect harmony with the light and shade of the moorland hills ; but with the voice of man the spell is broken. TROUT-FISHING IN THE "NORTH COUNTRIE." 63 One little bird seems never to forsake the angler, whether in high or lowland district ; the matter of altitude makes little difference to him, who deservedly has earned the title of "the fisherman's companion." So long as there be water and stones upon which he may rest at intervals between his diving operations in quest of food, the little water-ouzel is satisfied. Dropping south over the fells which give the Eden its rise, the burns which form the Ribble-head come into view, pursuing their course over rocky boulders and gravel-beds until they afford attractions for the king of fish. This river is noted as a trout-stream, and, like the Tynes, quickly rises and falls, the average size of the fish being about the same or perhaps, if any- thing, less. The country is charming, and although these rivers, which are thick in the morning and bright at midday, are somewhat trying, yet he must be difficult to please who cannot enjoy a few days while casting his fly, wandering along as it were through the centre of the moors, although perhaps the uppermost reaches afford better sport to the gunner than to the angler. The riparian proprietors of the upper Ribble should be grateful to the members of the angling club at Horton, who, with the facilities afforded them by gentlemen living there, hatch and turn out many thousands of trout annually into the river. As a rule, in the North Country trout- streams there is no limit as to the size of the fish which may be 64 SY HOOK AND BY CEOOK. retained, and, in consequence, thousands of little tilings scarce four inches long are taken. So long as there is no rule, many anglers will take all they catch, which is a great mistake and should be stopped, to increase the average size of the fish, although rivers which are up one day and down the next will probably never con- tain very large fish, especially when, as is frequently the case, the supply of feed is not over-abundant. It is often worth while to try a cast or two where the surface is covered by shifting patches of foam or froth, circling in eddies beside the main stream, for occasionally trout may be found feeding on drowned flies mixed up in it, while the cover conceals their actions. THE FISHERMAN'S COMPANION. HEAD OF SMOLT. [ 65 ] CHAPTER X. KEEP TOUR FLY ON THE WATER. THIS is an old piece of advice, but for all that none the less good, as all anglers will admit.