/MRKEIEY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ^CALIFORNIA EAKTH SCIENCES LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GEOLOGY LIBRARY IN MEMORY OF PROFESSOR GEORGE D. LOUDERBACK 1874-1957 KOCKS, KOCK-WEATHEKING, AND SOILS A TREATISE ON ROCKS, ROCK-WEATHERING AND SOILS BY GEORGE P. MERRILL CURATOR OF GEOLOGY IN THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM, AND PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY IN THE CORCORAN SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF COLUMBIAN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D.C. AUTHOR OF "STONES FOR BUILDING AND DECORATION," ETC. gork THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON: MACMILLAN & CO., LTD. 1897 All rights reserved SCIENCES Lit, COPYEIGHT, 1897, BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Norbjooti J. S. Cushing & Co. Berwick & Smith Norwood Mass. U.S.A. ' ' THE rmns of an older vtovld are visible in the present structure of our planet ; and the strata which now compose our continents have been once beneath the sea, and were formed out of the waste of pre-existing continents. The same forces are still destroying, by chemical decomposition or mechanical violence, even the hard- est rocks, and transporting the materials to the sea, where they are spread out, and form strata analogous to those of more ancient date." HUTTON. 978 PREFATORY NOTE IN the work here presented the writer has endeavored to bring together in systematic form the results of several years' study of the phenomena attendant upon rock degeneration and soil formation. Although beginning with a discussion of rocks and rock-forming minerals, the work must be con- sidered in no sense a petrology as this word is commonly used. What is here given relative to the origin, structure, and composition of rock masses is regarded as an essential introduction to the chapters on rock-weathering. The por- tion dealing with the structure and composition of the result- ant materials is an essential corollary to these same chapters. It is believed that no apology is necessary even in this day of many books for bringing out the present work. The origin, structure, and mineral composition of rocks, particularly the eruptive varieties, are matters which have of late received much attention. In fact, it is to these rocks that the petrologists have devoted their best efforts. Since the introduction of the microscope into petrographic work, there has, however, been very little time devoted to the study of rocks in a weathered condition. The chemists have made analyses, but have disre- garded the physical and mineralogical nature of the material analyzed. Other workers have studied the physical properties of rocks decayed, in the form of soils, but have in their turn disregarded their mineral and chemical nature. The writer has aimed to bring together here such results obtained by these workers in divers fields as it is believed will be for the mutual benefit of all concerned. The state of comminu- tion reached by rocks during the processes of long-continued, vii yiii PREFATORY NOTE secular decay, and the amount of leaching such have under- gone, are certainly of as much practical interest to the agri- culturist as of theoretical interest to the geologist. To the one, these residues are essential to the life and well- being of man through furnishing the soils from whence is derived directly and indirectly the food for life's sustenance ; to the other they are but transitory phases in the earth's his- tory, ijepresenting the materials from which, through a process of fractional separation by running waters, have been made up the thousands of feet of secondary rocks which to-day occupy so large a portion of its surface. The very general scheme of classification adopted in the treatment of the unconsolidated clastic materials may at first seem disappointing. It has, however, been the writer's special aim to introduce into this preliminary volume as few new terms as possible, using only those which through years of service have become a part of our language. It is of course possible that in his desire to avoid any possible confusion such as might arise through putting forward a purely tentative classification he has been overcautious. It is possible, further, that in numerous instances it may appear that too much reliance is placed upon single analyses, particularly in the discussions relating to the character of decomposed material. Regarding this it can only be said that in those instances upon which most reliance is placed, the materials were not merely collected by the author himself, but that he made his own chemical analyses and microscopic deter- minations as well. It is believed that the fresh and residual materials examined are in each instance as truly representative of the same rock mass, as would be samples of fresh rock col- lected equal distances apart. In all cases special effort was made to obtain material concerning the lithological identity of which there could be no doubt, and in the majority of cases the residuary matter was collected from positions immediately overlying the still unaltered rock. Where such a procedure PREFATORY NOTE i x was impossible, especial care was exercised to obtain only such as was originally of the same lithological nature as the fresh rock, and which had suffered no contamination from extrane- ous sources. The fact that stratified rocks are likely to vary so greatly within short distances, and hence that a residual clay cannot be relied upon to represent the residue from rocks of the same nature immediately underlying, will serve to explain in part the author's limiting himself so largely to a discussion of massive eruptive materials. That so little use has been made of other analyses, made in greater detail or by those more skilled in analytical methods, is due to a lack of satisfactory information relative to the mutual association of the fresh and decomposed materials and the mineralogical and physical nature of the residual product. As will be readily perceived by those at all acquainted with the general literature, the publications of the U. S. Geological Survey, the U. S. National Museum, and the Bulletins of the Geological Society of America have been drawn upon to furnish materials for illustration. The writer is under special obliga- tion to Dr. Milton Whitney of the U. S. Department of Agri- culture for many of the mechanical analyses given, and to Mr. L. H. Merrill of the Maine Experiment Station for numerous criticisms and suggestions. To the late Dr. G. Brown Goode he is indebted for permis- sion to utilize photographs and specimens forming a part of the collections of the National Museum and also for electro- types of sundry plates and figures in its publications. GEORGE P. MERRILL. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM, January, 1897. CONTENTS PART I THE CONSTITUENTS, PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES, AND MODE OF OCCURRENCE OF ROCKS PAGE I. INTRODUCTORY : ROCKS DEFINED 1 II. THE CHEMICAL ELEMENTS CONSTITUTING ROCKS ... 4 III. THE MINERALS CONSTITUTING ROCKS 9 IV. THE PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF ROCKS . . * 33 1. The Structure of Rocks, macroscopic and microscopic . 33 2. The Specific Gravity of Rocks 43 3. The Chemical Composition of Rocks ..... 44 4. The Color of Rocks 45 V. THE MODE OF OCCURRENCE OF ROCKS 49 PART II THE KINDS OF ROCKS GENERALITIES, AND CLASSIFICATION 56 I. IGNEOUS ROCKS : ORIGIN OF, AND CLASSIFICATION ; RELATION- SHIP EXISTING BETWEEN PLUTONIC AND EFFUSIVE ROCKS 59 1. The Granite-Liparite Group 65 2. The Syenite-Trachyte Group 73 3. The Foyaite-Phonolite Group 77 4. The Diorite-Andesite Group 81 5. The Gabbro-Basalt Group 85 6. The Theralite-Basanite Group 93 xii CONTENTS PAGE 7. The Peridotite-Limburgite Group 95 8. The Pyroxenite-Augitite Group 99 9. The Leucite-Nepheline Rocks 102 II. AQUEOUS ROCKS 105 1. Rocks formed through Chemical Agencies .... 105 (1) Oxides 106 (2) Carbonates Ill (3) Silicates 114 (4) Sulphates 117 (5) Phosphates 119 (6) Chlorides . 119 (7) Hydrocarbon Compounds 120 2. Rocks formed as Sedimentary Deposits .... 129 (1) Rocks composed mainly of Inorganic Material . . 131 (1) The Arenaceous Group : Psammites . . 131 (2) The Argillaceous Group : Pelites . . . 135 . (3) The Calcareous Group : Calcareous Conglom- erate and Breccia 139 (4) The Volcanic Group : Tuffs . . . .139 (2) Rocks composed mainly of debris from Plant and Animal Life. Organagenous .... 141 (1) The Siliceous Group : Infusorial Earth . 141 (2) The Calcareous Group : Limestone, Marl, etc. 143 (3) The Carbonaceous Group : Peat, Lignite, and Coal 148 (4) The Phosphatic Group 151 III. JEOLIAN ROCKS 153 Volcanic Dust ; Dune Sands, etc 153 IV. METAMORPHIC ROCKS 155 Agencies and Results of Metamorphism and Metasomatosis . 155 1. Stratified or Bedded 162 (1) The Crystalline Limestones and Dolomites . 162 2. Foliated or Schistose 164 (1) The Gneisses . . . . . . .164 (2) The Crystalline Schists 168 CONTENTS xiii PART III THE WEATHERING OF ROCKS PAGE I. THE PRINCIPLES INVOLVED IN ROCK-WEATHERING : Statement of General Problem ; Weathering defined ; Reference to Au- thorities and Opinions held 173 1. Action of the Atmosphere 176 (1) Nitrogen, Nitric Acid, and Ammonia of the Atmosphere 176 (2) Carbonic Acid of the Atmosphere . . . 178 (3) Oxygen of the Atmosphere . . . .180 (4) Effects of Heat and Cold . . . .180 (5) Effects of Wind 184 2. Chemical Action of Water 186 (1) Oxidation 187 (2) Deoxidation 187 (3) Hydration 187 (4) Solution 189 3. Mechanical Action of Water and of Ice ; Erosion by Water ; Daubree's Experiments ; Action of Freez- ing Water and of Ice ...... 195 4. Action of Plants and Animals ; Effect of Lichens, Mosses, Root Action, Organic Acids, etc. ; Solvent Power of Citric Acid ; Action of Bacteria ; Action of Ants and Termites ; Action of Marine Inver- tebrates ; Production of Carbonates . . . 201 II. CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL CASES 206 (1-) Weathering of Granite, District of Columbia . . .206 (2) Weathering of Gneiss, Albemarle County, Virginia . . 214 (3) Weathering of Elseolite Syenite, Little Rock, Arkansas . 216 (4) Weathering of Phonolites, Marienfels, Bohemia . . 217 (5) Weathering of Diabase, Medford, Massachusetts . . 218 (6) Weathering of Diabase, Venezuela 222 (7) Weathering of Basalt, Kammar Bull, Bohemia . . . 223 (8) Weathering of Basalt, Haute Loire, France . . . 223 xiv CONTENTS PAGE (9) Weathering of Diorite, Alberaarle County, Virginia . . 224 (10) Weathering of Peridotites and Pyroxenites . . . 225 (a) Serpentine of Harford County, Maryland . . . 226 (&) Soapstones of Albernarle and Fairfax Counties, Vir- ginia 226 (11) Weathering of Clastic Rocks . . . . . .228 (a) Argillites of Harford County, Maryland . . .229 (6) Cherts of Missouri and Arkansas .... 230 (12) Weathering of Limestones, Arkansas .... 232 (13) Resume: Importance of Hydration ; Loss of Constituents ; Relative Durability of Various Minerals ; Discussion of Processes involved in Feldspathic Decomposition . . 234 HI. THE PHYSICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF WEATHERING . . . 241 (1) Disintegration without Decomposition .... 241 (2) Weathering influenced by Crystalline Structure . . 243 (3) Weathering influenced by Structure of Rock Masses . . 244 (4) Weathering influenced by Mineral Composition . . 248 (5) Results due to Position 252 (6) Induration on Exposure 254 (7) Changes in Color incidental to Weathering . . . 257 (8) Relative Amount of Material removed in Solution . . 258 (9) Incidental Surface Contours 259 (10) Effacement of Original Characteristics .... 262 (11) Simplification of Chemical Compounds incidental to Weathering 265 (12) Other Results incidental to Decomposition and Erosion . 266 IV. TIME CONSIDERATIONS 268 (1) Rate of Weathering influenced by Texture . , . 268 (2) Rate of Weathering influenced by Composition . . 269 (3) Rate of Weathering influenced by Humidity . , . 270 (4) Rate of Weathering influenced by Position .' . . . .270 (5) Relative Rapidity of Weathering among Eruptive and Sedi- mentary Rocks . . . , . . . . 271 (6) Time Limit of Decay: Post-Cretaceous Weathering of Granite; Weathered Implements of Human Workman- ship ; Post-Glacial Weathering of Diabase ; Post-Jurassic CONTENTS XV PAGE and Post-Pliocene Decay of Rocks of the Sierras; Pre- Palaeozoic Weathering of Archaean Rocks . . . 272 (7) Extent of Weathering: In the District of Columbia, Georgia, Missouri, Nicaragua, Brazil, and South Africa . 276 (8) Relative Rapidity of Weathering in Warm and Cold Cli- mates : Opinions hitherto held ; Supposed Protective Action of Frost Effects of Forests 278 (9) Difference in Kind of Weathering in Cold and Warm Cli- mates 283 (10) Relative Amounts of Materials lost through Weathering in Hilly and Plains Regions ...... 284 PART IV TRANSPORTATION AND REDEPOSITION OF ROCK DEBRIS 1. ACTION OF GRAVITY 286 2. ACTION OF WATER AND ICE 287 3. ACTION OF WIND 292 PART V THE REGOLITH I. CLASSIFICATION AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION .... 299 1. Sedentary Materials 300 (1) Residuary Deposits : Residual Sands and Clays ; Terra Rossa ; Laterite, etc 301 (2) Cumulose Deposits : Peat ; Muck and Swamp Soils in part ; Infusorial Earths 313 2. Transported Materials 318 (1) Colluvial Deposits : Talus, Cliff Debris and Material of Avalanches . . . . . . .319 (2) Alluvial Deposits : Modern Alluvium ; Sea-coast Swamps ; Loess ; Adobe in part ; Champlain Clays ; Beach Sands and Gravel 320 XVi CONTENTS PAGE (3 ) .ZEolian Deposits : Wind-blown Sand ; Sand Dunes ; Volcanic Dust .344 (4) Glacial Deposits : Moraine Material ; Eskers ; Drum- lins, etc . 350 3. The Soil .358 (1) The Chemical Nature of Soils 358 (2) The Mineral Composition of Soils . . . .374 (3) The Physical Condition of Soils . . . .379 (4) The Weight of Soils 382 (5) The Kinds and Classification of Soils . . .382 (6) The Color of Soils 385 (7) The Age of Soils 387 (8) Soils as Affected by Plant and Animal Life . . 390 ILLUSTRATIONS FULL-PAGE PLATES FACING PAGE PLATE 1 Frontispiece Stone Mountain, Georgia. A Residual Boss of Granite. From a photograph by J. K. Killers. PLATE 2 . . .33 Porphyritic and Flow Structures. PLATE 3 . . 35 Slaggy and Vesicular Structures. PLATE 4 38 Brecciated Structures. PLATE 5 41 Microscopic Structures of Rocks. PLATE 6 65 Fig. 1. Lithophysse in Liparite. Fig. 2. Cross-section of Stalagmite. Fig. 3. Concretionary Aragonite. Fig. 4. Pegmatite. PLATE 7 . . 70 Fig. 1. Liparite, Nevadite Form. Fig. 2. Liparite, Rhyolite Form. Fig. 3. Liparite, Obsidian Form. Fig. 4. Liparite, Pumiceous Form. PLATE 8 82 Fig. 1. Orbicular Diorite. Fig. 2. Granite Spheroid. PLATE 9 . 107 Fig. 1. Botryoidal Hematite. Fig. 2. Septarian Nodule. PLATE 10 113 View in Limestone Cavern. xvii XViii ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE PLATE 11 . 130 Fig. 1. Shell Limestone. Fig. 2. Coquina. Fig. 3. Crinoidal Limestone. PLATE 12 143 Fig. 1. Pisolitic Limestone. Fig. 2. Oolitic Limestone. PLATE 13 164 Banded and Foliated Gneisses. PLATE 14 172 Weathered Granite, District of Columbia. From a photograph by George P. Merrill. PLATE 15 193 Corroded Limestones. PLATE 16 199 Fig. 1. Diorite Boulder split along Joint Planes by Frost. Fig. 2. Corroded Surface of Pyroxenic Limestone. Fig. 3. Corroded Limestone. PLATE 17 219 Weathered Diabase Dike, Medf'ord, Mass. From a photograph by G. H. Barton. PLATE 18 241 Fig. 1. Exfoliated Granite in the Sierras. From a photograph by H. W. Turner. Fig. 2. Talus Slopes on Pike's Peak. From a photograph by W. H. Jackson. Fig. 3. Disintegrated Granite, Ute Pass, Colorado. From a photograph by W. H. Jackson. PLATE 19 .248 Fig. 1. Weathered Schists, Coast of Cape Elizabeth, Maine. Fig. 2. Sandstone bored by Bees. Fig. 3. Slab of Glaciated Limestone. PLATE 20 258 Fig. 1. Weathered Boulder of Oriskany Sandstone. Fig. 2. Concentric Weathering in Diabase. Fig. 3. Zonal Structure in Weathered Argillite. Fig. 4. Weathered Sandstone showing Induration along Joint Planes. ILLUSTRATIONS xix FACING PAGK PLATE 21 . . ... 267 Fig. 1. Sink-hole near Knoxville, Tennessee. From a photograph by George P. Merrill. Fig. 2. Beds of Marble corroded by Meteoric Waters, Pickens County, Georgia. PLATE 22 285 Fig. 1. Forest destroyed by Wind-blown Sand. From a photo- graph by I. C. Russell. Fig. 2. Calcareous Conglomerate carved and polished by Wind- blown Sand. Fig. 3. Rock being undermined by Wind-blown Sand. After G. K. Gilbert. PLATE 23 319 Rock Disintegration and Formation of Talus, Mount Sneffels, Colorado. From a photograph by Whitman Cross. PLATE 24 345 Fig. 1. Section of Beds of Leda Clay, Lewiston, Maine. From a photograph by L. H. Merrill. Fig. 2. Beds of Volcanic Dust, Reese Creek, Gallatin County, Montana. From a photograph by George P. Merrill. PLATE 25 357 Fig. 1. Section of Glacial Till. From a photograph by G. F. Wright. Fig. 2. Glaciated Landscape. From a photograph by L. H. Merrill. Plates 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 19, and 20, and Fig. 3 Plate 16, and Fig. 2 Plate 22, from specimens in the Geological Department of the United States National Museum. FIGURES IN TEXT 'IG. PAGE 1. Augite partially altered into Hornblende 40 2. Mounted Thin Section of Rock 43 3. Microscopic Structure of Muscovite-Biotite Granite, Hallowell, Maine 67 4. Microscopic Structure of Diabase, Weehawken, New Jersey . . 88 5. Microscopic Structure of Peridotite (Porphyritic Lherzolite) . 96 6. Microscopic Structure of Pyroxenite 100 XX ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 7. Microscopic Structure of Oolitic Limestone 112 8. Pyroxene partially altered into Serpentine 115 9. Microstructure of Sandstone 131 10. Section through Lake Basin, showing Bed of Infusorial Earth . 142 11. Microstructure of Oolitic Limestone ...... 144 12. Microstructure of Fossiliferous Limestone ..... 145 13. Microstructure of Quartzite ........ 158 14. Microstructure of Crystalline Limestone ..... 163 15. Microstructure of Gneiss 165 16. Microstructure of Quartzite 169 17. Influence of Joints in the Production of Boulders .... 244 18. Exfoliation of Granite, Stone Mountain, Georgia .... 245 19. Concentric Exfoliation of Granite, Canada 246 20. Microstructure of Sandstone, with Large Absorptive Power . . 269 21. Microstructure of Diabase, with relatively Little Absorptive Power 269 22. Flint Implement showing Weathered Surface .... 274 23. Sketch showing Pre-Palseozoic Decay of Rocks .... 276 24. Diagram showing Direction and Rate of Motion of Soil . . 287 25. Diagram showing Flood Plain of River 289 26. Angular Outlines of Particles in Residual Soil from Gneiss . . 301 27. Section across Central Kentucky, showing Inherited Characteris- tics of Soils 303 28. Angular Quartz Particles from Decomposed Gneiss . . . 304 29. Outlines of Kaolinite Crystals and Kaolin Particles . . . 309 30. Section across Small Lake 314 31. Talus Slopes 319 32. Alluvial Plains 323 33. Outlines of Particles in Chinese Loess ,329 34. Particles washed from Leda Clays 335 35. Cross-section of Marine Marsh 338 36. Quartz Granules in Beach Sand ....... 343 37. Outlines of Particles of Glass in Volcanic Dust . . . 349 38. Section through Carboniferous Soil 386 39. Section showing Varying Character of Residual Soil . . . 387 40. Section through Ant Nest 390 41 and 42. Sections showing the Effect of Tree Roots in Soil . .395 Fig. 1, after G. W. Hawes ; 5 and 6, after G. H. Williams ; 18 and 22, after Robert Bell ; 10, 23, 24, 26, 29, 30, 31, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, and 41, after Shaler, Twelfth Annual Report United States Geological Survey, 1890-1891. ROCKS, ROCK-WEATHERING, AND SOILS PART I THE CONSTITUENTS, PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES, AND MODE OP OCCURRENCE OP ROCKS I. INTRODUCTORY A ROCK is a mineral aggregate ; more than this, it is an essential portion of the earth's crust, a geological body occu- pying a more or less well-defined position in the structure of the earth, either in the form of stratified beds, eruptive masses, sheets or dikes, or in that of veins and other chemical deposits of comparatively little importance as regards size and extent. In giving this definition, origin, chemical composition, and state of aggregation of the individual particles are for the time ignored. From a strictly geological standpoint, the beds of loose sand, and even the water of the ocean itself, may be considered as rocks, and either, under favorable circumstances, may undergo a process of induration such as shall be produc- tive of the condition of solidity commonly ascribed to rocks by the popular mind. In ever-varying conditions as regards compactness, color, texture, and structure, rocks form the entire mass of the globe so far as it is as yet made known to us, with the exception of a scarcely appreciable proportion of organic matter. It is rock which forms the substance of mountain ranges and the vast stretches of valley and plain. It is from the rocks that we gain our food, our fuel, and the supplies of metal which are seemingly so essential to our well-being; we cannot ignore B 1 2 INTRODUCTORY them, even if we would. We borrow from the rocks that which is essential to our life to-day, but when that brief day is ended return it once more, with neither loss nor gain, to its original source. Those portions of the earth's crust which are available for study comprise at best but a few thousand vertical feet, though from the fact that the stratified rocks have been so extensively thrown out of their original, horizontal position, and again eroded, we are enabled to measure their thickness, and may hence claim to know with a reasonable degree of accuracy the character of the material forming this crust down to a depth of perhaps twenty miles. 1 Throughout all this vast thickness, comprising millions upon millions of cubic feet, in weight far beyond all comprehension, we find a constant recurrence of materials alike in composition and similarity in origin to those upon the immediate surface. There is at times, as noted later, a difference in structure due to metamorphism, between the older, deeper lying portions and those more recent, but the ultimate composition is essentially the same, and all the know- ledge thus far gained points to a wonderful unity in nature's methods, and shows with seeming conclusiveness that the geo- logical agencies of the past, the methods by which rocks were made and again destroyed, differed in no essential particular from those in progress to-day. What these processes were, how they operated, and with what results, it shall be our aim to here set forth. Among the many interesting,, and at first thought seemingly unaccountable, things we shall encounter in the progress of our work, not the least is the fact that so large a proportion of natural objects are more or less out of harmony with their surroundings. Throughout life every organic being is in a constant struggle with the elements to preserve that life, fulfil all its functions, and gratify its natural desires. No sooner does life depart than decomposition and disintegration ensue. As with organic beings, so with inorganic substances. Every mass of rock pushed up by the faulting and folding of the earth's crust, exposed by denudation, or erupted as molten matter from the earth's interior, finds almost at once that its various elements, in their existing combinations, are not in har- 1 The total mean depth of the fossiliferous formations of Europe as stated by Geikie (Text-book of Geology, p. 675) has been set down as 75,000 feet. INTRODUCTORY 3 mony with their environment. The summer's heat and winter's cold, the chemical action of atmospheres and acidulated rains, combine their forces ; a breaking up ensues, to be succeeded by new combinations and perhaps reconsolidations more in keeping with the then existing circumstances. An intermedi- ate product in all this endless cycle of change, of disintegration and recombination, is a comparatively thin, superficial mantle of loose debris, which, mixed with more or less organic matter, nearly everywhere covers the land, and by its combined chemi- cal and mechanical properties furnishes food and foothold for myriads of plants, and hence, indirectly, sustenance for man and beast as well. In brief, what is commonly known as soil is but disintegrated and more or less decomposed rock material, inter- mingled, perhaps, with organic matter from plant decay. Such being the case, a study of the processes of rock weathering and the transportation, deposition, and physical properties of the resultant debris, is but a study of the origin of soils on the broadest and most comprehensive basis, and soils themselves may justly be regarded as secondary rocks in a state of in- complete consolidation. Their study belongs, therefore, as legitimate^ to the realm of geology as does that of any sub- ject relating to rock formation or other phases of the earth's history. Accepting the above, we will begin our studies by a consid- eration of (1) the elements which in their single or combined state make up the minerals ; (2) the minerals which make up the rocks ; (3) the rocks themselves, with particular reference to their mineralogical and chemical natures ; (4) the breaking down or degeneration of rocks through processes in part chemi- cal and in part mechanical ; and (5) the result of this clasmatic process as manifested in the production of clay, sand, gravel, and incidental soil. There are other points which will be touched upon more briefly, in order to make our work system- atic, as the action of wind and water in assorting and redeposit- ing rock debris and tending to reduce the land surface to one general level. II. THE CHEMICAL ELEMENTS CONSTITUTING ROCKS Although there are 69 elements now known, but 16 occur in any abundance or form more than an extremely small proportion of the material of the earth's crust. Indeed, of this number probably fully one-half, taken collectively, will not constitute more than 4 or 5% of the earth's crust so far as known. These 16, arranged according to their chemical properties and order of their abundance, are as follows : oxygen, silicon, carbon, sulphur, hydrogen, chlorine, phosphorus, fluorine, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, manganese, and barium. The eight more important, with their approximate percentage amounts as given by Roscoe and Schorlemmer, 1 are as below : Oxygen 44.0 to 48.7% Silicon 22.8 to 36.2 Aluminum 9.9 to 6.1 Iron 9.9 to 2.4 Calcium 6.6 to 0.9 Magnesium 2.7 to 0.1 Sodium 2.4 to 2.5 Potassium 1.7 to 3.1 It must not for a moment be imagined, however, that these elements exist for the most part in a free or uncombined state : on the contrary, in the majority of cases so great is their affinity for one another that it is only momentarily, or under abnormal conditions, that they are met with at all in this elementary form. Those elements which are most common in the free state, though even these occur more commonly combined with others, are, (1) the gas oxygen, and (2) the solids, carbon, sul- phur, and, more rarely, iron. Still more rarely, and under such abnormal conditions, as exist during volcanic eruptions, are found the free gases, hydrogen, chlorine, and fluorine. The gas nitro- gen, although so abundant a constituent of the atmosphere, 1 Treatise on Chemistry, Vol. I, p. 55, 1878. 4 OXYGEN 5 is, as a primary constituent of the earth's crust, almost wholly unknown, and needs no consideration at this stage of our work. Oxygen, as is well known, is the active, even the aggressive, principle of the atmosphere, of which it constitutes about one- fifth by bulk. Combined with other elements, it is, however, of vastly greater geological importance, being estimated, as noted above, to constitute from 44 to 48.7% of the entire mass of the earth's crust ; that is to say, could the earth's crust be once more resolved into its original elements, the oxygen thus liberated would be found very nearly equal to all the other elements taken together. The simpler forms of oxygen com- pounds are known as oxides, and of these the oxide of hydrogen, water (H 2 O), is by far the most common, and, anomalous as it may at first seem, is a true mineral and to be classed as an anhydrous oxide at that. Aside from being so essential to human life, oxygen, as will be noted later, is a very potent factor in the manifold changes which are constantly taking place in the more superficial portions of the earth's crust. Silicon. Next to oxygen silicon is the most abundant of the earth's constituents, though it exists only in combination, either as an oxide (SiO 2 ), or with other elements to form silicates. In these two forms it is the predominating con- stituent in all but the calcareous rocks. As silica (SiO 2 ), or quartz, it forms one of the most indestructible of natural com- pounds, and hence is to be found as the prevailing constituent in nearly all sands and soils. Aluminum is next to oxygen and silicon probably the most important element when regarded from our present standpoint. It occurs mainly in combination with silicon and oxygen, form- ing an important series of minerals known as aluminous sili- cates. As a sesquioxide it is well known in the minerals corundum and beauxite. Iron, although less abundant than either oxygen or silica, occupies a very important place as a rock constituent, owing to the variety of compounds of which it forms a part, as well as to the decided colors which are characteristic of its oxides and of the iron-bearing silicates. The most conspicuous forms of iron on the immediate surface of the earth are the oxides, but which at greater depths, or where the atmosphere has as yet exercised less influence, give way to carbonates, sulphides, and silicates. 6 CHEMICAL ELEMENTS CONSTITUTING THE ROCKS Iron, although so common in combination with other ele- ments, occurs but rarely free, owing to its affinity for oxygen. It is possible that far below the surface, beyond the reach of meteoric waters and atmospheric air, it is to be found in a metallic state much more abundantly, but of- this we have no other proof than that the specific gravity of the globe, in its entirety, is much greater than that of the most dense minerals which constitute its outer portion. The inference seems un- avoidable that at great depths some of these elements exist uncombined, and in a state of greater molecular density than at the surface. Calcium is a very important element of the earth's crust, although, as we have seen, it has been estimated to compose only about one-sixteenth of its mass. Its most conspicuous form of occurrence is in combination with carbon dioxide, forming the mineral calcite (CaCO 3 ), or the rock limestone. In this form it is slightly soluble in water containing carbonic acid, and hence has become an almost universal ingredient of all natural waters, whence it furnishes the lime necessary for the formation of shells and skeletons of the various tribes of mollusca and corals. In combination with sulphuric acid, calcium forms the rock gypsum. It is also an important con- stituent of many silicates. Magnesium is found in combination with carbonic acid as carbonate, forming thus an essential part of the rock dolomite. The bitter taste of sea-water and some mineral waters is due to the presence of salts of magnesia. In combination with silica as a silicate it forms an essential part of such rocks as serpen- tine, soapstone, and talc. Potassium combined with silica is also an important element in many mineral silicates, as orthoclase, leucite, and nepheline. In smaller amounts it is found in silicates of the mica, amphi- bole, and pyroxene groups. The following table will serve to show the varying amounts of potash (K 2 O) in rocks of various kinds : Granite 2.6 to 6.50% Diorite 0.1 to 2.42% Basalt 0.058 to 0.50% Gabbro 0.00 to 0.93% Limestone , 0.19 to 1.22% Sandstone 0.00 to 3.30% Slate (fissile argillite) 0.00 to 3.83% SODIUM 7 As a chloride, potassium is invariably present in sea-water, and as a nitrate it forms the rare, but valuable mineral nitre, or saltpetre. Sodium. The most common and wide-spread form of the element sodium is the compound with chlorine known as sodium chloride (NaCl) or common salt. In this form it is the most abundant of the salts occurring in sea-water, and constitutes also rock masses of no inconsiderable dimensions interstratified Avith other rocks of the earth's crust. Combined with silica, lime, and alumina, sodium is an important constitu- ent of the soda-lime feldspars, and of numerous other silicate minerals. In the form of carbonate and sulphate it occurs as an incrustation on the surface, or disseminated throughout the soils in poorly drained portions of arid countries, giving rise to the so-called "alkali soils," for which such regions are frequently noted. As a nitrate, sodium occurs in the desert regions of Chili, forming the soda nitre so valuable for fertilizing purposes. Manganese is, next to iron, the most abundant of the heavy metals, occurring as oxide, carbonate, or in combination with two or more other elements as a silicate. Barium is found mainly combined with sulphuric acid, to form the mineral barite or heavy spar. It sometimes occurs as a carbonate, and more rarely as a silicate. Phosphorus, although existing in comparatively insignificant proportions, is nevertheless an important element, though in nature it occurs only in combination with various bases, prin- cipally lime, to form phosphates. In this form it is found in the bones of animals, the seeds of plants, and constitutes the essential portions of the minerals apatite and phosphorite. Though small in proportion, phosphorus is a very important constituent of any fertile soils. Its chief source, in the older, crystalline rocks, is the mineral apatite, as noted later. As found in the secondary rocks, as limestones and marls, it is evidently derived from animal remains. (Seep. 151.) Analy- ses have shown that the amount of phosphorus, in the form of phosphoric anhydride (P 2 O 5 ), in rocks rarely exceeds 1%, and usually falls much lower, being most abundant in the basic eruptive rocks, as diorites and gabbros, and most lacking in the siliceous fragmentals, as sandstones and slates. The fol- lowing table will serve to show the small percentages of this constituent in rocks of various kinds: 8 CHEMICAL ELEMENTS CONSTITUTING THE ROCKS Granite 0.07 to 0.25% Diorite 0.18 to 1.06% Basalt 0.03 to 1.18% Limestone 0.06 to 10.00% Shale 0.02 to 0.25% Sandstone 0.00 to 0.1 % Of the solid elements occurring free, or uncombined, carbon is by far the more abundant, being found in the forms known as diamond and graphite, or when quite impure as coal. In combination as a dioxide (CO 2 ), it forms the well-known car- bonic acid gas, which, like oxygen, is a powerful agent in bringing about important changes in the rocks with which it comes in contact. Free sulphur occurs more rarely, being as a rule a product of volcanic activity, or due to the reduction of the sulphides and sulphates of the metal with which it more commonly exists in combination. III. THE MINERALS CONSTITUTING ROCKS A rock, as previously stated, is a mineral aggregate. As a rule, the number of mineral species constituting any essential portion of a rock is very small, seldom exceeding three or four. In common crystalline limestones, the only essential constitu- ent is the mineral calcite ; granite, on the other hand, is, as a rule, composed of minerals of three or four independent species. As has been elsewhere stated, the mineral composition of rocks in general is greatly simplified by the wide range of conditions, under which the commonest minerals can be formed, thus allowing their presence in rocks of all classes and of what- ever origin. Thus quartz, feldspar, mica, the minerals of the hornblende or pyroxene group, can be formed in a mass cooling from a state of fusion ; they may be crystallized from solution, or be formed from volatilized products. They are therefore the commonest of minerals and rarely excluded from rocks of any class, since there is no process of rock formation which determines their absence. Moreover, most of the common minerals, like the feldspars, micas, hornblendes, pyroxenes, and the alkaline carbonates, possess the capacity of adapting them- selves to a very considerable range of compositions. In the feldspars, for example, the alkalies, lime, soda, or potash may replace each other almost indefinitely, and it is now commonly assumed that true species do not exist, all being but isomorphous admixtures passing into one another by all gradations, and the names albite, oligloclase, anorthite, etc., are to be used only as indicating convenient stopping and starting points in the series. Hornblende or pyroxene, further, may be pure silicates of lime and magnesia, or iron and manganese may partially replace these substances. Lime carbonate may be pure, or magnesia may replace the lime in any proportion. These illustrations are sufficient to indicate the reason of the great simplicity of rock masses as regards their chief constituents, and that whatever may be the composition of a mass within nature's limits, and 9 10 THE MINERALS CONSTITUTING ROCKS whatever may be the conditions of its origin, the probabilities are that it will be formed essentially of one or more' of a half a dozen minerals in some of their varieties. But however great the adaptability of these few minerals may be, they are, nevertheless, subject to very definite laws of chemi- cal equivalence. There are elements which they cannot take into their composition, and there are circumstances which retard their formation while other minerals may be crystallizing. In a mass of more or less accidental composition it may, there- fore, be expected that other minerals will form in consider- able numbers, but minute quantities. It is customary to speak of those minerals which form the chief ingredients of any rock, and which may be regarded as characteristic of any particular variety, as the essential constituents, while those which occur in but small quantities, and whose presence or absence does not fundamentally affect its character, are called accessory constituents. The accessory mineral which predomi- nates, and which is, as a rule, present in such quantities as to be recognizable by the unaided eye, is the characterizing acces- sory. Thus a biotite granite is a stone composed of the essential minerals quartz and potash feldspar, but in which the accessory mineral biotite occurs in such quantities as to give a definite character to the rock. The minerals of rocks may also be con- veniently divided into two groups, according as they are prod- ucts of the first consolidation of the mass or of subsequent changes. This is the system here adopted. We thus have : (1) The original or primary constituents, those which formed upon its first consolidation. All the essential constituents are original, but, on the other hand, all the original constituents are not essential. Thus, in granite, quartz and orthoclase are both original and essential, while beryl and zircon or apatite, though original, are not essential. (2) The secondary constituents are .those which result from changes in a rock subsequent to its first consolidation, changes which are due in great part to the chemical action of percolat- ing water. Such are the calcite, chalcedony, quartz, and zeo- lite deposits which form in the druses and amygdaloidal cavities of traps and other rocks. Below is given a list of the more important rock-forming minerals, arranged as above indicated. Although these are sufficiently described as regards their chemical and crystallo- ROCK-FORMING MINERALS 11 graphic properties in any of the mineralogies, it has seemed advisable to devote some space here to a reconsideration of those most prominent as rock constituents, in order that the individual characteristics of the rocks of which they form a part may be better understood. In passing them in review we will also note briefly the characteristic alteration and de- composition products to which they give rise, though the cause of such changes must be left for another chapter. A. ORIGINAL MINERALS. 1. Quartz. 2. The Feldspars. 2 a. Orthoclase. 2 b. Microcline. 2 c. Albite. 2 d. Oligoclase. 2 e. Andesite. 2/. Labradorite. 2 g. Bytownite. 2 h. Anorthite. 3. The Amphiboles. 3 a. Hornblende. 3 b. Tremolite. 3 c. Actinolite. 3 d. Arvedsonite. 3 e. Glaucophane. 3/. Smaragdite. 4. The Monoclinic Pyroxenes. 4 a. Malacolite. 4 b. Diallage. 4c. Augite. 4 d. Acmite. 4 e. JSgerite. .">. The Rhombic Pyroxenes. 5 a. Enstatite (Bronzite). 5 b. Hypersthene. 6. The Micas. 6 a. Muscovite. 66. Biotite. 6 c. Phlogopite. 7. Calcite (and Aragonite). 8. Dolomite. 9. Gypsum. 10. Olivine. 11. Garnet. 12. Epidote. 13. Zoisite. 14. Andalusite. 15. Staurolite. 16. Scapolite. 17. Elseolite and Nephelirie. 18. Leucite. 19. Sodalite. 20. Hauyn (nosean). 21. Apatite. 22. Menaccanite. 23. Magnetite. 24. Hematite. 25. Chromite. 26. Halite (common salt). 27. Muorite. 28. Graphite. 29. Carbon. 30. Pyrite. B. SECONDARY MINERALS. 1. Quartz. 1 a. Chalcedony. 16. Ic. Opal. Tridymite. 12 THE MINERALS CONSTITUTING KOCKS 2. Albite. 3. The Amphlboles. 3 a. Hornblende. 3 6. Tremolite. 3 c. Actinolite. 3d. Uralite. 4. Muscovite (Sericite). 5. The Chlorites. 5 a. Jeff erisite. 5 6. Ripidolite. 5 c. Penninite. 5 d. Prochlorite. 6. Calcite (and aragonite). 7. Wollastonite. 8. Scapolite. 9. Garnet. 10. Epidote. 11. Zoisite. 12. Serpentine. 13. Talc. 14. Glaueonite. 15. Kaolin. 16. The Zeolites. 16 a. Pectolite. 16 6. Laumontite 16 c. I^renite. 16 d. Ttiortisonite 16 e. Natrolite. 16/. Analcite. 16 g. Datolite. 16 h. Chabazite. 16 i. Stilbite. 16 k. Heulandite. 16 1 Phillipsite. 16m. Ptilolite. 16 n. Mordenite. 16 o. Harmotome 17. Hematite. 18. Limonite. 19. Gothite. 20. Turgite. 21. Pyrite. 22. Marcasite. Quartz. Composition : Pure silica, SiO 2 ; specific gravity 2.6; hardness, 7. 1 This is one of the commonest and most widely distributed minerals of the earth's crust, and forms an essential constituent in a variety of eruptive and sedimentary rocks, such as granite, 1 For convenience in determining minerals, the "scale of hardness" given below has been adopted by mineralogists. By means of it one is enabled to designate the comparative hardness of minerals with ease and definiteness. Thus, in saying that serpentine has a hardness equal to 4, is meant that it is of the same hardness as the mineral fluorite, and can therefore be cut with a knife, but less readily than calcite or marble. 1. Talc : Easily scratched with the thumbnail. 2. Gypsum : Can be scratched by the thumbnail. 3. Calcite : Not scratched by the thumbnail, but easily cut with a knife. 4. Fluorite : Can be cut with a knife, but less easily than calcite. 5. Apatite : Can be cut with a knife, but only with difficulty. 6. Orthoclase feldspar : Can be cut with a knife only with great difficulty and on thin edges. 7. Quartz : Cannot be cut with a knife ; scratches glass. 8. Topaz : Will scratch quartz. 9. Corundum : Will scratch topaz. 10. Diamond : Will scratch corundum. QUARTZ 13 quartz porphyry, liparite, gneiss, mica schist, quartzite, and sandstones. In the granites, gneisses, and schists it occurs in the form of irregular granules destitute of crystal outlines. In the quartz porphyries and liparites it is found as a porphy- ritic constituent, usually with well-defined crystal outlines, which may however have become more or less obliterated through the corrosive action of a molten magma. (See Fig. 3, PI. 5.) In the secondary rocks, quartzite and sandstone, the quartz occurs as more or less rounded or irregularly angular grains without crystal outlines, except it may be through a secondary deposition of silica, as explained on p. 158. Quartz is the hardest and most indestructible of the common constitu- ents, and hence when rocks containing it decompose and their debris becomes exposed to combined chemical and mechanical agencies, it remains unaltered to the very last, forming the chief constituent of beds of sand and gravel, which in turn may become transformed into sandstones, quartzites, or con- glomerates. Quartz is usually easily recognized, either under the micro- scope or by the unaided eye, by its clear, colorless appear- ance, irregular, glass-like fracture, having no true cleavage, hardness, and insolubility in any acids but hydrofluoric. Under the microscope it appears in clear, pellucid grains, often highly charged with minute cavities filled with liquid and gaseous carbonic acid, the latter like the bubble in a spirit level, dancing about from side to side of its minute chamber as though endowed with life. In other cases the cavity may be filled with a saline solution from which has separated out a minute cube of common salt. As a secondary constituent quartz occurs, filling veins and cracks in other rocks, and in the impure crypto-crystalline and amorphous forms known as chalcedony, chert, flint, opal, hya- lite, and agate is found as an infiltration product in the cavities of many trappean rocks, in lenticular and oval concretionary masses in limestones, and replacing the organic matter of wood and other organisms. The name tridymite is given to a quartz occurring in minute, usually microscopic, tablets in cavities in volcanic rocks, particularly the more acid varieties. (See fur- ther on p. 71.) The Feldspars. Hardness, 5 to 7; specific gravity, 2.5 to 2.8. The feldspars are essentially anhydrous silicates of alu- 14 THE MINERALS CONSTITUTING KOCKS minum, with varying amounts of lime, potash, or soda, and rarely barium. They have in common the characteristics of two easy cleavages inclined to one another at an angle of 90, or nearly 90; close relationship in optical properties; similarity in colors, which vary from clear and transparent through white, yellowish pink, and red; more rarely greenish, and often opaque through impurities or decomposition; and lastly, a constant intergradation in composition, as already noted on p. 9. Nine varieties of feldspar are commonly recognized, which on crystallographic grounds are divided into two groups: the first, crystallizing in the monoclinic system, including ortho- clase and hyalophane; and the second, crystallizing in the triclinic system, including microcline, anorthoclase, and the albite-anorthite series albite, oligoclase, andesine, labradorite, and anorthite. The Monoclinic Feldspars : Orthoclase (Sanidin)^ Potash Feld- spars. Composition : K 2 Al 2 Si 6 O 16 = silicia, 64.7 % ; alumina, 18.4%; potash, 16.9%. This is one of the commonest and most abundant of feldspars, and forms an essential constituent of the acid rocks, such as gran- ite, gneiss, syenite, and the orthoclase and quartzose porphyries; more rarely it occurs as an accessory in the more basic erup- tives. Under the name sanidin is included the clear glassy variety of orthoclase occurring in tertiary and modern lavas, such as trachyte, phonolite, and the liparites. Among the older rocks orthoclase not infrequently occurs in very coarse pegmatitic crystallizations with quartz and mica, and is quarried for utilization in pottery manufacture. As a rock constituent the potash feldspars are of primary impor- tance, imparting by their preponderance, not merely color and important structural features, but on their decomposition yielding up the alkali potash, valuable for plant food, and the mineral kaolin so essential for porcelain ware, or in its impure state, as clay for pottery and brick making. In the thin sec- tions, under the microscope, the orthoclase of the older rocks is, as a rule, found to be quite opaque, or at least muddy, through impurities or incipient kaoliiiization. In many erup- tives it has been one of the first minerals to separate out from the molten magma, and shows, therefore, more or less well- defined crystallographic boundaries is idiomorphic, to use a THE TRICLINIC FELDSPARS 15 more technical term. A well-defined zonal structure is fre- quently observed, which is due to interrupted periods of growth, and not infrequently to a gradual change in the char- acter of the magma, whereby the outer zones are more or less translucent or opaque from impurities. Twin structure is very common after what is known as the Carlsbad law, and when the crystals are of sufficient size is easily recognized by the unequal reflection of the light from the two sides of a crystal on a cleavage surface. The Triclinic Feldspars. The chemical relationship exist- ing between the triclinic feldspars is shown in the following table: SiO 2 A1 2 3 K 2 Na 2 CaO Microcline 65.00% 18.00% 17.00% Albite 68 00 20 00 12 00 / ^^^^\^^^ Olio-oclase 62.00 24.00 9 00 aJIUL) h 5 00 Labradorite 53.00 30.00 4 00 13 00 Anorthite . ... 43.00 37.00 20 00 Considering only the last four of these, as arranged, it will be noted that they become gradually poorer in the acid element silicia, and richer in alumina and other bases; that is, they become more basic. Also that albite carries some 12 % of soda and no lime; that oligoclase carries 9 % of soda and 5 % of lime; labradorite but 4 % of soda and 13 % of lime, while anorthite, the most basic of all, has no soda, and carries 20 % of lime. They have hence come to be known, respectively, as soda feld- spar, soda-lime feldspar, lime-soda feldspar, and lime feldspar. As a matter of fact, however, these varieties all grade into one another, through the replacing power of the various elements, and are regarded, not as true species, but rather as isomorphous admixtures, forming what is known as the albite-anorthite series. Their distinction, either in hand specimens by the unaided eye, or in thin sections by the microscope, is a matter of con- siderable difficulty, and as in addition to other characteris- tics they have in common two eminent cleavages occurring at oblique angles, it has become customary to group all under the general term of plagioclase, a name derived from two 16 THE MINERALS CONSTITUTING ROCKS Greek words signifying oblique and fracture. We can then treat of the subject under the heads of (1) microline and (2) plagioclase. (1) Microcline (Triclinic Potash Feldspar). As a rock con- stituent, this feldspar is in every way nearly, if not quite, identical with orthoclase, from which it can be distinguished only in thin sections under the microscope. Its composition, manner of occurrence, and associations are those of orthoclase, and need not be repeated here. Anorthoclase is a triclinic soda-potash feldspar of a form closely resembling that of ortho- clase and which for all present purposes may be regarded as orthoclase in which soda replaces a considerable proportion of the potash. (2) The Plagioclases. With the exception of albite the plagioclases are all prominent and essential constituents of the basic eruptives. As a rule they are recognizable only as fSldsJTars by the unaided eye, and recourse must be had to the microscope or to chemical tests for their final determina- tion. Examined in thin sections and by polarized light, they almost invariably show a beautiful parallel banding in light and dark colors, which is due to multiple twinning, the alter- nate bands becoming light and dark in turn as the stage of the microscope is revolved. When the crystals are of sufficient size, this twinning is sometimes evident in the form of fine straight, parallel bands, or strise, but in rock masses, as already noted, recourse must be made to microscopic methods. In form the plagioclase of effusive rocks is most frequently slender and elongated, lath-shaped, as commonly described, and often with very perfect crystal outlines. In the norites and gabbros. they are often short and stout, imparting a granular character to the rock. They occur frequently in crystals of two or more gen- erations, of which the earlier formed are usually the largest and best developed. The common forms are described in de- tail below : (1) Albite, or soda feldspar, occurs as an original constituent in many granites in company with orthoclase; it is also found in gneiss, the crystalline schists, and not infrequently in diorite, phonolite, trachyte, and other eruptives. (2) Oligoclase, a soda- lime feldspar, occurs like albite in the acid eruptives like gran- ite and quartz porphyry, but is also a common constituent of diorite, and the younger eruptives such as trachyte, the ande- THE TRICLINIC FELDSPARS 17 sites, and more rarely of the diabases. It is also a constituent of many gneisses. (3) Labradorite, or lime-soda feldspar, is a prominent constituent of the basic eruptives of all geologi- cal ages, such as the norites, diabases, diorites, and basalts. Andesine and bytownite are closely allied varieties of similar 'habit, the first being a trifle more acid, and the second more basic than labradorite. (4) Anorthite, or lime feldspar, is also a prominent and important constituent of the basic eruptives, and has been found in meteorites and terrestrial peridotites. On account of their abundance and wide distribution, as well as on account of the character of their decomposition products, the feldspars are to be considered as among the most important of rock constituents. As it is from the debris of the older feldspathic rocks that have been made up a large proportion of all the sedimentaries of more recent date, so too it may be claimed that from the decomposition of this feldspathic con- stituent has been derived a large share of the salts of potash, lime, and soda, as well as aluminous silicates which form so essential a portion of the soils. The method of feldspathic decomposition as commonly understood is given on p. 237. This decomposition usually manifests itself by a whitening of the mass, accompanied by opacity and a general softening, whereby it falls away to loose powder unless confined. As seen in thin sections under the microscope, the decomposition goes on most rapidly along lines of cleavage, naturally attacking the outer portions first, so that the crystals show fresh unaltered cores surrounded by opaque and " muddy " borders. In cases where the feldspars carry iron this usually makes its presence known by a reddening or browning of the mass, due to oxida- tion. In presence of abundant carbonic acid, the liberated iron may enter into combination as a carbonate and the color remain unchanged. Daubree, who submitted feldspathic fragments to trituration in revolving cylinders of stone and iron, found that in all such cases not merely were the particles worn down to the condi- tion of fine silt, but that there was an actual decomposition, whereby a certain proportion of the alkalies in the form of soluble silicates were formed in the water with which the cyl- inders were partially filled. When the trituration was carried on in iron cylinders, a certain amount of iron oxides were 18 THE MINERALS CONSTITUTING ROCKS formed which combined with the silica of the alkaline silicate, leaving the alkali itself free. As in nearly all decomposing rocks there exists more or less of iron oxides from decomposing ferruginous minerals, it is not impossible that a similar reaction is there going on. The production of kaolin through feldspathic decomposition has become so well recognized that it is customary to speak of this form of decomposition as kaolinization, a term which we shall have frequent cause to use as we proceed. It should be noted that orthoclase, though so frequently found muddied and impure, apparently in an advanced stage of decomposition, does not in reality decompose so readily as the plagioclase (soda-lime) varieties. This fact has been noted by Lemberg, 1 who states that the apparent decomposition may be due to physical causes, as disintegration, inclusions of some easily decomposable silicate, or to originally water-filled cavities whose contents have been absorbed through the formation of secondary hydrous silicates. Leucite. Composition: Silica, 55.0 % ; alumina, 23.5 % ; pot- ash, 21.5%. Leucite occurs as an original and essential constituent of many volcanic rocks, such as leucitophyre, leucotephrite, and leucitite. More rarely it occurs in trachyte. It is a common associate of nepheline in recent lavas, and has been found asso- ciated with elseolite in the elseolite syenites of Hot Springs, Arkansas. When well developed it shows polyhedral, garnet- like outlines. Leucite as a rock constituent is not an abundant mineral except in rare instances. Its chief interest, from our present standpoint, lies in its high percentage of potash which must become available as plant food on decomposition. Leucite is a common constituent of certain Vesuvian lavas, and it is not improbable that this fact may account in part for the well- known fertility of the soils of this region, though naturally climatic influence has much to do. Nepheline (Elaeolite). These names are given to what are varietal forms of one and the same mineral. In composition they are silicates of alumina, soda, and potash of the formula (NaK) 2 Al 2 Si 2 O 8 = silica, 41.24; alumina, 35.26; potash, 6.46; soda, 17.04. i Zeit. Deut. Geol. Gesellschaft, 35, 1883. THE AMPHIBOLES 19 Nepheline occurs in Tertiary and post-Tertiary eruptive rocks, and is an essential constituent of phonolite, tephrite, and nephe- linite. Secondary nepheline has been found in the ejected vol- canic blocks found in the lava of Mount Somma. The variety elseolite occurs only in older rocks, and is an essential constitu- ent of elseolite syenite. Cancrinite is a yellowish granular mineral, in some cases apparently resulting from the alteration of ekeolite, with which it occurs. Both nepheline and elseolite gelatinize readily with hydro- chloric acid, and the powdered rock when treated on a glass slide with this acid yields abundant microscopic cubes of sodium chloride. This is one of the easiest of microchemical tests for the determination of the mineral. Nepheline occurs as a rule in well-defined short and stout hexagonal prisms, which in longitudinal sections show up as short, colorless rectangular areas extinguishing parallel with the sides of the prism. Elseo- lite differs in being more opaque and occurring in less well- defined, more granular forms. When occurring in sufficient abundance in a rock mass it is readily recognized by its char- acteristic greasy appearance. The mineral undergoes a ready alteration, giving rise to zeolitic minerals and on ultimate decomposition through weathering, yielding a rich and fertile soil. The Amphiboles. Composition : Two principal varieties are recognized. (1) Non-aluminous, consisting mainly of the meta-silicates of magnesium and calcium, with 55 to 59 % of silica, 21 to 27 % of magnesia, 11 to 15 % of lime, and small pro- portions of protoxides of iron and manganese. Under this head are included the white, gray, and pale green, often fibrous forms, as tremolite, actinolite, and asbestos. (2) Aluminous, contain- ing silica, 40 to 51 % ; magnesia, 10 to 23 % ; alumina, 6 to 14 % ; lime, 10 to 13%; ferrous and ferric oxides, 12 to 20%. Here are included the dark green, brown, and black varieties. The aluminous variety, common hornblende, is an original and essential constituent of diorite, and of many varieties of granite, gneiss, syenite, schist, andesite, and trachyte, and is also present as a secondary constituent in many rocks, result- ing from the molecular alteration of the augite. The non- aluminous varieties occur in gneiss, crystalline limestone, and other metamorphic rocks. By the unaided eye, or by means of blowpipe tests, it is often 20 THE MINERALS CONSTITUTING ROCKS impossible to distinguish the minerals of this group from the pyroxenes. In the thin sections this distinction is, however, a matter of comparative ease, basal sections showing not merely a greater development of prismatic faces, but also cleavages cutting at angles of 66 and 124 instead of nearly at right angles, as in the latter. Green fibrous hornblendes frequently result from the molecular alteration of augite, and all varieties are susceptible of alteration into chloritic and ferruginous products with the separation of calcite. In the recent lavas it is a common occurrence to find the hornblendes surrounded by a black border, or wholly changed by corrosion of the molten magma into an aggregate of small black opaque granules, which in certain instances have been proven to be augites. On decomposing, the amphiboles give rise to ferruginous and aluminous or magnesian products, as do the pyroxenes, next to be described. With the darker colored varieties, the decompo- sition begins with hydration and the peroxidation of the iron along lines of cleavage and fracture, whereby the crystal becomes riddled with corroded areas filled with the liberated iron in the form of hydrated sesquioxide. When the disintegration is complete, the whole mass is con- verted into an ochre-brown, earthy substance. These chemical changes are indicated in the following analysis of I. fresh, and II. decomposed hornblende from Haavi on Fillef jeld, Norway : 1 I II Silica . 4537 4032 Alumina 1481 1749 Iron protoxide .... Manganese 8.74 1 50 Iron peroxide . . . 18.26 2 14 Lime 1491 537 Magnesia 1433 923 Water 800 99.66 100.81 The most striking features of the above analyses are (1) the complete conversion of the protoxides into sesquioxides, (2) the loss in lime and magnesia which have presumably 1 Bischof's Chemical Geology, Vol. II, p. 354. THE MONOCLINIC PYROXINES 21 been carried away in the form of carbonates, and (3) the assumption of 8 % of water. As the dark aluminous and ferruginous hornblendes are among the commonest and most wide-spread of minerals, it is apparent from the above that they may have an important bearing upon the color and physi- cal qualities of the residual clays ; to which they thus give rise. The peroxidation of the iron gives yellow, brown, or red colors, while the hydrated aluminous silicate (clay) imparts tenacity. The final product of such decomposition is, then, a ferruginous clay. The Pyroxenes. The rock-forming pyroxenes are divided upon crystallographic grounds into two groups, the one ortho- rhombic in crystallization, and the other monoclinic. All varie- ties, when in good crystalline form, show in basal sections an octagonal outline bounded by prismatic and pinacoidal faces and with a well-defined cleavage parallel with the prism faces. Chemically they are silicates of magnesia and iron with lime and alumina in varying proportions. They are hard, tough minerals and have an important bearing upon the physical properties of the rocks of which they form a part. Their dis- tribution, in some of their varieties, is almost universal, being found in metamorphic and eruptive rocks of almost every class and every age. The Monoclinic Pyroxenes. Two principal varieties are recog- nized. (1) Pyroxenes containing little or no alumina, and com- posed of silica, 45.95 to 55.6 % ; lime, 21.06 to 25.9 % ; magnesia, 13.08 to 18.5 %, with sometimes varying quantities of iron oxides and water. Under this head are included the lighter colored varieties, malacolite, sahlite, and diallage. (2) Pyroxenes con- taining alumina, and composed of silica, 49.40 to 51.50 %; alu- mina, 6.15 to 6.70%; magnesia, 13.06 to 17.69%; lime, 21.88 to 23.80%; iron oxides, 0.35 to 7.83%, with sometimes small quantities of soda and water. Under this head are included the darker varieties, augite and leucaugite. The lighter colored, non-aluminous varieties, malacolite and sahlite, are common in mica and hornblendic schists, gneiss, and granite, though not always in sufficient abundance to be noticeable to the naked eye. The foliated variety, diallage, is an essential constituent of the rock gabbro, and is also common in peridotites. The darker colored, aluminous vari- ety, augite, is an essential constituent of diabase and basalt, 22 THE MINERALS CONSTITUTING ROCKS and also occurs in many syenites, andesites, and other eruptive rocks. In the thin sections the monoclinic pyroxenes are usually readily recognized by their nearly rectangular cleavages on basal sections (see Fig. 1), lack of pleochroism, and high extinction angles on sections parallel to the clinopinacoids. The aluminous varieties undergo alteration into chloritic and ferruginous products, while the non-aluminous give rise to ser- pentine, either process being attended by the separation of free calcite. JEgerine and acmite are soda-bearing pyroxenes corre- sponding to the formula Na 2 OFe 2 O 3 4SiO 2 . They are less abundant than the above-mentioned varieties, and so far as yet described seem to be confined mainly to the elseolite syenites. The OrthorJiombic Pyroxenes. These are essentially silicates of magnesia and iron, the latter replacing the former in varying proportions up to as high as 25 %. Two principal varieties are recognized, the distinction being founded mainly upon their optical properties which seem to be affected very largely by the percentages of iron. Enstatite is the theoretically pure mag- nesian silicate of the formula MgSiO 3 , but which, as a matter of fact, usually contains from 2 to 10 % or more of iron. The highly ferruginous varieties are known as bronzite, from their bronze-like lustre. Hypersthene differs from enstatite in being strongly pleochroic in thin sections, and it contains from 10 to 25 % of ferruginous oxide. Both enstatite and hypersthene are common constituents of basic igneous rocks, such as the gabbros, norites, and perido- tites. Enstatite is a common constituent of meteorites, occur- ring not infrequently in peculiar fan-shaped, radiating masses not greatly unlike certain organic forms for which they were once mistaken. Both forms are liable to alteration, giving rise to serpentinous pseudomorphs to which the name bastite has been given, and to talcose and chloritic products. The general character of the decomposition products of the pyroxenes, as well as the methods by which the decomposition progresses, are in every way similar to those of the amphiboles, and need not be further dwelt upon here. The Micas. There are several species of mica which are prominent as rock constituents, the more important being the THE MICAS 23 white variety, muscovite, and the dark variety, biotite. Both occur, as a rule, in thin, platy forms, splitting readily into thin, elastic folia, which in crystalline form are hexagonal in outline. The folia are often bent and distorted, and the mineral not infrequently undergoes alteration into a chloritic or sericitic product. The micas exercise an important influence upon the rocks containing them, on both color and structural grounds. Other things being equal, the muscovite-bearing rocks are lighter in color than those carrying biotite. If the mica plates are arranged in definite planes, the rock assumes a schistose structure and splits more or less readily into sheets an impor- tant feature from an economic standpoint. Muscovite, or potash mica, a silicate of alumina and potash, is a constituent of many granites, gneisses, and schists, but is rarely met with in other rocks, and is wholly wanting in the basic eruptives. Another white or nearly colorless mica is sericite, a silvery white, or greenish, hydrous, secondary constituent of metamor- phic schists, or occurring as an alteration product from feldspar : paragonite and margarite are other hydrous micas, confined mainly to the schists and to veins. Lepidolite, a lithia mica of a white or faint pink color, is frequently found in pegmatitic veins in the older rocks. Biotite, the black iron mica, is a silicate of alumina, iron, and magnesia, and is much more general in its distribution than is muscovite, occurring in both eruptive and metamorphic rocks of all kinds and of all ages. It undergoes alteration into chloritic and ferruginous products and is often an impor- tant feature in hastening rock disintegration. Other black micas, sometimes distinguishable from biotite only by chemi- cal means, are lepidomelaiie and houghtonite. A pearl gray potash mica phlogopite is an important constituent of many limestones, as in northern New York and adjacent portions of Canada. All micas, owing to their eminently fissile structure, allow the ready percolation of moisture, and hence, though in themselves of difficult solubility, are elements of weakness in any stone of which they may form a part. The characteristic form of decomposition begins as in other silicate minerals, with hydra- tion. This in the dark varieties is accompanied by a higher oxidation of the iron. The foliie gradually lose their elasticity and crumble away, the bases being removed in solution as 24 THE MINERALS CONSTITUTING ROCKS before. The complete decomposition of the micas is, however, brought about very slowly, and almost any granitic soil, how- ever thoroughly decomposed, will, on washing, show small flakes of the mineral still remaining. However rusty, too, these may appear, a little hydrochloric acid cleans them up, showing rem- nant shreds still fresh and readily recognizable. For some unexplained reason those granitic rocks containing a consider- able proportion of white mica are almost invariably more friable and easily disintegrated than those containing biotite. Olivine (Chrysolite, Peridote). Composition: Silicate of iron and magnesia, (MgFe) 2 SiO 4 . This is an essential constituent of basalt, dunite, limburgite, Iherzolite, and pikrite, and a prominent ingredient of many lavas, diabases, gabbros, and other igneous rocks. It also occurs occasionally in metamorphic rocks and is a constituent of most meteorites. Olivine is subject to extensive alteration, becom- ing changed by hydration into serpentine or talcose and chloritic products, with the separation of free iron oxides. Under the microscope olivine is as a rule easily recognized by its lack of cleavage and brilliant polarization colors. It occurs in well- defined crystals and also in irregular grains, either singly or grouped in peculiar clusters to which the name poly somatic has been applied by Tschermak. The serpentinous alteration takes place along the irregular curvilinear lines of fracture, and under favorable conditions continues until the transformation is com- plete. The following analyses by Holland, as quoted in Teall's British Petrography, illustrate the simplicity of the chemical changes which here take place : I II III Si0 2 41 32 / 42 72 / 43 48 / Alo0 3 XL.VtJ /Q 028 ***! /O 006 Fe 2 3 ...... 239 225 CrO 005 Trace M^O 5469 42 52 43 48 H 2 O . . . 020 1339 13 04 98.93 % 100.94 % 100.00 % I. Olivine, Snarum, Norway. II. Serpentine derived from the same. III. The theoretical composition of serpentine. EPIDOTE AND ALLANITE 25 Aside from the assumption of some 13 % of water, the princi- pal change, as will be noted, is a loss in magnesia which as a rule separates out as a carbonate. The iron, which existed as protoxide, is further oxidized and crystallizes out along lines of fracture as magnetite or hematite, or in the hydrous sesquioxide form known as limonite. Through decomposition, a portion or all of the silica may be set free as opal or. chalcedony, the mag- nesia going 'over to the condition of carbonate, and the iron passing into various hydrated oxide forms such as are most stable under the existing circumstances. Epidote. Composition: Silica, 37.83%; alumina, 22.63%; iron oxides, 15.98 % ; lime 23.27 % ; water 2.05 %. This mineral is a common constituent of many granites, gneisses, and schists, especially the hornblendic varieties. It is particularly abundant, however, as a secondary constituent in basic eruptives, where it results from the alteration of the original ferromagnesian constituents such as the augites, horn- blendes, or micas. It is the presence of this mineral or a sec- ondary chlorite that gives the characteristic color to many of the so-called greenstones (altered basalts, diabases, diorites, etc.). The name piedmontite is given to a red manganese epidote, which has been found in certain Japanese schists and has also, in sparing amounts, been observed by Professor Ha worth, 1 in the quartz porphyries of Missouri, and a few foreign porphyrites. Zoisite is a closely related mineral crystallizing in the ortho- rhombic system and relatively poorer in iron and richer in alumina than is epidote. It is chiefly characteristic of the crys- talline schists, though sometimes found in granitic rocks, inter- grown with common epidote as has been noted in Maryland, by Keyes. 2 Allanite, or orthite, as it is sometimes called, is closely allied to common epidote, but contains cerium and other of the more rare alkaline earths. In the form of brown acicular crystals it is a common constituent of New England granites and has recently been described in a granite porphyry near Ilchester, Maryland, where it occurs enclosed as a nucleus in the ordinary epidote. Calcite (Calcium Carbonate). Composition: CaCO 3 = Car- bon dioxide, 44 % ; lime, 56 %. Hardness, 3. 1 American Geologist, Vol. I, p. 365. 2 15th Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Survey, 1890-94. 26 THE MINERALS CONSTITUTING ROCKS This is an original constituent of many secondary rocks, such as limestone, ophiolite, and calcareous shales. It is the essential constituent of most marbles, of stalactites, travertine, and calc-sinter. The shells of foraminifera, brachiopods, crus- taceans, and many lamellibranchs and gasteropods are also of this material. As a secondary constituent, resulting from the decomposition of other minerals, it occurs almost universally, filling wholly or in part cavities in rocks of all ages, such as granite, gneiss, syenite, diabase, diorite, liparite, trachyte, andesite, and basalt. The effervescence of the mineral when treated with a dilute acid furnishes the most ready means for its detection. Under the microscope it appears as colorless grains with faint irides- cent polarization, and is best recognized by its cleavage and characteristic twinning lines as shown in the figure on p. 163. Being soluble in carbonated waters, it is liable to complete removal, or leaves only its impurities behind as a mark of its decay. Aragonite. Composition : CaCO 3 = Carbon dioxide, 44 % ; lime, 56 % . This mineral has the same chemical composition as calcite, but differs in its crystalline form and specific gravity. It occurs with beds of gypsum and veins of ore, and also in stalactitic and stalagmitic forms. In small quantities it occurs as a secondary product in many trap rocks and basalts, and is the substance of which the shells of many gasteropod and lamellibranch molluscs are composed. The mineral occurs nearly always in clustered aggregates of radiating, divergent needles, and is distinguished from calcite by its crystallization and cleavage. As a rock constituent it is comparatively unimportant, but frequently occurs as a decom- position product in basic eruptives. This form of calcium carbonate, as long ago pointed out by Sorby, is less stable than calcite, and in many instances where the substance has first crystallized in the orthorhombic form aragonite, it is found to have undergone a molecular alteration into calcite. Dolomite. Composition: (CaMg)CaO 3 = Calcium carbonate, 54.35%; magnesium carbonate, 45.65%. Hardness, 3.5-4. This mineral, like calcite, is a wide-spread constituent of rocks, and not infrequently forms extensive masses which are of value as sources of building material. It is distinguishable APATITE AND THE IRON ORES 27 from calcite by its greater hardness, higher specific gravity, and in being but slightly acted on by acetic or dilute hydro- chloric acid. In itself the mineral is less susceptible to atmos- pheric influence than calcite, yielding much less readily to decomposing agencies of a purely chemical nature. Never- theless, Roth 1 has shown that in the weathering of dolomitic limestones the magnesia is sometimes removed by leaching, in greater proportional quantities than the more soluble lime carbonate. Apatite. Composition: Phosphate of lime. Hardness, 5. Apatite is an almost universal constituent of eruptive rocks, both acid and basic, though as a rule present only in micro- scopic proportions. In the granular limestones, schists, and other metamorphic and vein rocks it sometimes occurs in large crystals or massive forms in such abundance as to be of value as a source of mineral phosphate for fertilizing purposes. In the thin sections the apatites of eruptive rocks are as a rule colorless, and without evident cleavage, though presenting good crystallographic forms. Rarely the mineral is pleochroic in red or brown or bluish colors. If a drop of an acid solution of ammonium molybdate be placed upon an apatite crystal in an uncovered slide, the mineral will be slowly dissolved and minute crystals of phosphomolybdate of ammonium be contem- poraneously deposited. The process is an easy one, readily performed while the slide is still 011 the stage, and forms one of the most interesting and accurate of the many microchemical tests. Though present in but small amounts, apatite is an important constituent, since it is the only common rock con- stituent containing the valuable element phosphorus. THE IRON ORES Under this head we may conveniently treat the several forms of iron oxides which commonly occur as rock constitu- ents, and which from their opacity in even the thinnest sec- tions, and similarly in crystallographic outline, are separable with difficulty by optical tests alone. Magnetite. Composition: FeO -}- Fe 2 O 3 = iron sesquioxide, 68.97%; iron protoxide, 31.03%. This is a wide-spread and almost universal constituent of 1 Chemische u. Allgemeine Geologie. 28 THE MINERALS CONSTITUTING ROCKS eruptive rocks, occurring as a rule in the form of scattering, small, and rather inconspicuous granules, which under the microscope are characterized by a complete opacity and bluish lustre. When of sufficient size to be distinguished by the unaided eye, magnetite is easily recognized by its brilliant lustre, weight, and its property of being readily attracted by the magnet. It is as a rule one of the first minerals to sepa- rate out from the molten magma, and hence presents good crystal outlines in which octahedral forms prevail. Skeleton forms of great beauty are not infrequent. Magnetite also occurs as a constituent of metamorphic rocks and is some- times found in large beds, constituting a valuable ore of iron. Under continual alternations of heat and cold, moisture and dryness, it slowly decomposes, giving rise to hydrated sesqui- oxides which impart color, but no valuable qualities, to the resultant sands and clays. Menaccanite (Ilmenite or Titanic Iron). Composition : (TiFe) 2 O 3 , a mixture in varying proportions of the oxides of iron and titanium. This, like magnetite, occurs in scattering granules as an original constituent of many eruptive rocks, and also in mica- ceous lamellar and vein-like masses in other rocks. Under the microscope it shows, by incident light, a brownish rather than bluish lustre, but is best recognized by its characteristic altera- tion products, which are whitish, gummy, and opaque. The name leucoxene was given by Gumbel to the final product of this alteration. This form of iron ore is extremely refractory to atmospheric agencies and is to be found scarcely, if any, changed in the residuary materials resulting from the breaking down of the rocks in which it originated. Hematite (Specular Iron Ore.) Composition: Anhydrous ses- quioxide of iron, Fe 2 O 3 = iron, 70.9 % ; oxygen, 30.20 %. H = 5.5-6.5. This mineral occurs in varying proportions and under vary- ing conditions in rocks of all ages. In the form of minute scales of a blood-red color, it is found not infrequently in granitic and other eruptive rocks. It occurs, also, in large beds, forming a valuable ore of iron. In the amorphous condition, it may form the cementing constituent of sand- stones, and is the cause of the red color of many rocks, both clastic and metamorphic, and of soils as well. The usual color- LIMONITE AND PYRITE 29 ing constituent is, however, limonite or turgite, as noted below. The specular and massive forms are best recognized by opacity, brilliant, black, metallic lustre, and red streak. Limonite (Brown Hematite). Composition: Hydrous ses- quioxide of iron, H 6 Fe 2 O 6 + Fe 2 O 3 =iron sesquioxide, 85.6%; water, 14.4 %. H = 5-5.5. This is a common constituent of rocks of all ages, but is as a rule wholly secondary, resulting from the decomposition of ferruginous silicates, sulphides, and anhydrous oxides. As a coloring constituent it is even more abundant than hematite, and like it forms a valuable ore of iron. (See p. 10T.) Turgite (Fe 4 H 2 O 7 ) in the form of a brilliant red ochreous material is also a common constituent of soils and clays resulting from the decomposition of siliceous rocks, and is presumably, like limo- nite, a product of the spontaneous hydration of the iron salts thus set free. (See further under Color of Soils, p. 385.) Pyrite (Iron Pyrites). Composition: Iron disulphide, FeS 2 = iron, 46.7 % ; sulphur, 58.3 %. H = 6-6.5. Two principal forms of iron disulphide occur in nature, alike in chemical composition, but differing in forms of crystalliza- tion and in density. The one is common pyrites which crys- tallizes in the isometric system, and is easily recognized by its strong brassy yellow color and hardness. Its usual form of occurrence is that of cubes, the corners and edges of which may be more or less modified by secondary planes, and in concre- tionary masses. The second form marcasite, also called gray, white, or cockscomb pyrites, is of lighter color, inferior hard- ness and density, and crystallizes in the orthorhombic system. Its most common form of occurrence is that of irregular con- cretionary masses. Both forms of pyrite are susceptible to oxidation when exposed to atmospheric agencies, though of the two the pyrite proper is much the more refractory. Mr. A. P. Brown has shown 1 that in this form of the com- pound a large proportion of the iron exists in a ferric condition while in marcasite it is ferrous. In other words, marcasite is an unsaturated compound, and hence unstable. This readily explains the relatively more rapid decomposition of the latter mineral. There is also a difference in the character of the products arising from the decomposition of the two compounds, i Proc. American Philos. Soc., Vol. XXXIII, 1894, p. 225. 30 THE MINERALS CONSTITUTING ROCKS pyrite yielding, as a rule, limonite and free sulphur, while mar- casite, under the same conditions, yields ferrous sulphate, though when decomposing under water, it may also yield much limonite. The sulphate of iron, resulting from pyritiferous decomposition, is, if present in quantity, injurious to plant growth. This fact was well illustrated some years ago on the west front of the National Museum at Washington. Several large masses of iron sulphide, too large for exhibition within the building, were placed here upon a floor of cement bordered by a narrow strip of lawn. Under the oxidizing influence of rain and air the sulphide became slowly converted into sulphate which was washed down upon the cement and thence into the soil, which it so poisoned as to kill the roots and necessitate an entire resodding. The experiments of Prichard, 1 however, showed that the presence of a small amount of sulphate of iron in a soil may, under certain conditions, be beneficial, in that it serves to pre- vent the loss of ammonia in rapidly decomposing materials. In processes involving slow decomposition, its antiseptic quali- ties render it of doubtful value. Chlorite (Viridite). Under the general name chlorite are included several minerals occurring in fibres and folia, closely resembling the micas, from which they differ in their large per- centage of water, and in their folia being inelastic. The three principal varieties recognized are, ripidolite, penninite, and pro- chlorite, any one of which may occur as the essential constitu- ent of a chlorite schist. Chlorite as a secondary product often results from and entirely replaces the pyroxene, hornblende, or mica in rocks of various kinds, and also occurs filling wholly or in part the amygdaloidal cavities of trap rocks. In this form it is frequently visible only with the microscope, and owing to the difficulties in the way of an exact determination of its mineral species is sometimes called viridite. It is this mineral which gives the green color to a large share of the more or less altered eruptives, like the diabases and diorites, the "greenstones" of the older geologists. Serpentine. Composition : A hydrous silicate of magnesium corresponding to the formula H 4 Mg 3 Si 2 O 9 = silica, 44.1 % ; mag- nesia, 43.0 % ; and water, 12.9 %. The prevailing color is green, though often spotted and 1 Ann. de Chernie et Physique, 1892. GLAUCONITE AND THE ZEOLITES 31 streaked ; hence the name from the Latin serpentinus, a ser- pent. It has a somewhat greasy lustre and may be cut with a knife, having a hardness of about 4 of the scale. The mineral is always secondary, resulting mainly from the hydration of pure magnesian or lime magnesian silicates. (See further on p. 115.) Glauconite. This name is given to a somewhat variable compound consisting essentially of silica, iron, alumina, and water, with smaller amounts of potash, and incidentally lime, magnesia, and soda. The prevailing color is green, and as it occurs in single granules or granular aggregates, it is com- monly known as greensand. It is always a secondary mineral, and has been formed and is still forming on many shallow sea- bottoms which receive fine sediments derived from the breaking down of siliceous crystalline rocks. (See under Greensand Marl, p. 133.) The Zeolites. Under this head are grouped a number of minerals alike in being hydrous silicates of alumina with vary- ing percentages of lime, potash, and soda. They are altogether secondary minerals, resulting from chemical changes taking place in pre-existing rocks, and indicate not infrequently the first or deep-seated stages of rock decay. In a more or less perfect condition they have been assumed to occur in soils, having been derived from the rocks, or, as is contended by some authorities, having formed during the process of rock decompo- sition or in the soil itself. It is possible that those constituents of a soil which on analysis are found to be " soluble " as the term is ordinarily used, may, in part at least, have existed as zeolites. Hence their consideration in this connection is of importance. Out of the 22 species of minerals classified as zeolites by Dana in this " System of Mineralogy " there are but 11 which, on account of their abundance or chemical composition, need consideration here. The theoretical composition of these, as indicated from a comparison of several to many analyses, is shown in the accompanying table. In addition to the true zeolites are included several other hydrous silicates closely related, both as regards chemical composition and mode of occurrence, and which, in our present discussion, cannot well be excluded. 32 THE MINERALS CONSTITUTING ROCKS SILICA (Si0 2 ) ALUMINA (A1 2 3 ) LIME (CaO) BARIUM (BaO) POTASH (K 2 0) SODA (Na 2 0) WATER (H 2 0) Ptilolite . . . Mordenite . HsulanditG 70.0 67.2 59 2 11.9 11.4 16.8 4.4 2.1 9.2 .... 2.4 3.5 0.8 2.3 10.5 13.5 14 8 Phillipsite . . Harmotome . Stilbite . . . LauinontitG . 48.8 47.1 57.4 51 1 20.7 16.0 16.3 21.7 7.6 7.7 11 9 20.6 6.4 2.1 1.4 16.5 14.1 47.2 15 3 Chabazite . . Analcite . 47.2 54.5 20.0 23.2 5.5 .... .... 6.1 14.1 21.2 8 2 Natrolite 47.4 26.8 16.3 9.5 Thomsonite . Prehnite 36.9 43 7 31.4 24 8 11.5 27 1 .... 6.4 13.8 4 4 Apophyllite . . 53.7 25.0 .... 5.2 .... 16.1 PLATE 2 FIG. 1. Quartz porphyry showing porphyritic structure. FIG. 2. Quartz porphyry showing flow structure. IV. THE PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPER- TIES OF ROCKS 1. STRUCTURE In considering the structure of rocks it will facilitate mat- ters to do so under two heads : (1) the macroscopic (or mega- scopic) structures, or structures visible to the unaided eye (macros, from Greek word fta%/9o?, signifying large); and (2) microscope structures, or those visible only with the aid of the microscope. 1. Macroscopic Structures. From a structural standpoint all rocks may be classified sufficiently close for present purposes, under the heads of : (1) Crystalline, (2) vitreous or glassy, (3) colloidal, and (4) clastic or fragmental. Of the first of these, ordinary granite or crystalline marbles are good types, being made up wholly of crystal aggregates, without interstitial amorphous or fragmental material. The term crystalline gran- ular, or granular crystalline, is often applied to such as have a distinctly granular structure, as do many of the granitic rocks. Vitreous or glassy structures are found only among igneous rocks, and are due always to a cooling of the molten magma too rapidly for the production of crystals. Obviously, as the rate of cooling in rock masses must be extremely variable, so we find all intermediate stages between the completely glassy and the crystalline forms. To these intermediate stages such names as felsitic and microlitic are given, names the precise meaning of which will be stated under the head of microscopic structures. Rocks originating as chemical deposits, and which have since undergone no structural changes, often present a jelly or glue like structure known as colloidal. Such are exem- plified in the flints from the English chalk cliffs, the siliceous sinters from the Yellowstone National Park, and by various other forms of silica, as opal, agate, etc., and occasionally by serpentines. n 33 31 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF ROCKS A clastic or fragmental structure is found only in secondary rocks, and is the result of a breaking down or disintegration of pre-existing rocks, and a reconsolidation of their particles with- out crystallization. There are many minor points of structure, some of which are common to all of the primary groups above mentioned, while others are limited to one or more. Rocks which are made up of distinct grains, whether crystalline or fragmental, are spoken of as granular ; when the structure be- comes too tine and dense for macroscopic determination it is spoken of as compact, though there is no reason why the term should not equally well be applied to the coarser grained rocks in which the individual grains are closely cohering without interstices. The term massive is applied to such igneous rocks as show no signs of bedding or stratification, while limestones, sandstones, and such other rocks as are arranged in more or less parallel layers are described as stratified. (See Fig. 1, PI. 13.) The name foliated or schistose is given to a rock in which the arrangement of the constituent minerals in parallel planes is sufficiently marked to cause it to split in this direction more readily than in any other. Not infrequently the quartzes or feldspars occur in lens-shaped forms about which curve the hornblende or mica folia as shown in Fig. 2, PI. 13. As ex- plained elsewhere, this structure may be due to original deposi- tion or may be secondary. In eruptive rocks a fluidal or fluxion structure is not uncommon, as shown in Fig. 2, PI. 2, and is due to the onward flowing of the mass while gradually cooling and passing into a solid state. Eruptive magmas at the time of their extrusion contain more or less moisture, which, being highly heated, expands whenever sufficient force is developed to overcome the pressure of the overlying mass. In this way are formed innumerable cavities or bubbles, comparable to the cavities caused by carbonic acid from the yeast in well-raised bread. Such cavities are called vesicles, and the rocks contain- ing them are vesicular (Fig. 2, PI. 3). By the subsequent action of percolating waters these cavities may become filled with a variety of secondary minerals, among which chalcedony, epidote, calcite, and various zeolites are not uncommon. Such refilled cavities are called amygdules, from the Greek word a^v^a\ov, an almond, in allusion to their shape, and the rocks containing them are therefore described as amygdaloidal. The upper part of a lava flow not infrequently cools in peculiar ropy PLATE 3 FIG. 1. Basalt showing slaggy structure. FIG. 2. Basalt showing vesicular structure. MACROSCOPIC STRUCTURE 35 forms like the slag from a smelting furnace. Such forms are known as slaggy. (See Fig. 1, PL 3.) When a rock consists of a compact, glassy, or fine and evenly crystalline ground-mass, throughout which are scattered larger crystals, usually of feldspar, the structure is said to be porphy- ritic (Fig. 1, PI. 2). This structure is quite common in granite, but is not particularly noticeable, owing to the slight contrast in color between the larger crystals and the finer ground-mass. It is most noticeable in such effusive eruptives as the quartz por- phyries, in which, as is the case with some of those of eastern Massachusetts, the ground-mass is exceedingly dense and com- pact and of a black or red color, while the large feldspar crystals are white and stand out in very marked contrasts. This structure is so striking in appearance that rocks possess- ing it in any marked degree are popularly called porphyries, whatever may be their mineral composition. The term por- phyry is said to have been originally applied to certain kinds of igneous rocks of a reddish or purple color, such as the celebrated red porphyry or " roseo antico " of Egypt. The word is now used by the best authorities almost wholly in its adjective sense, since any rock may possess this structure whatever its origin or composition may be. Glassy rocks on cooling sometimes have developed in them a series of concentric cracks whereby the rock on a broken sur- face shows numerous rounded or globular bodies with an onion- like shell. This structure, which may be visible only with a microscope, is known as perlitic. It is not uncommon in glassy forms of Hungarian trachytes. Glassy and felsitic eruptives, particularly of the liparite and quartz porphyry groups, frequently show spherulitic masses of all sizes, from microscopic to several inches or even feet in diameter, usually with a well-defined radiating structure and which are due to incipient crystallization. Such are known as spherulites, and hence rocks in which they occur are described as spherulitic. 1 A concretionary structure is not infrequently developed in rocks either as a primary structure or as due to segregating processes acting subsequent to the formation of the rocks in 1 The structure and origin of these forms has been worked out in detail by Whitman Cross. Bull. Philosophical Society of Washington, Vol. XI, 1891, pp. 411-462. 36 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF ROCKS which they are found. Many of the forms thus developed are peculiarly deceptive, and it may not be out of place to enter into a discussion of their nature and origin with some detail. On genetic grounds we may divide such forms, as intimated above, into two groups: (.A) Primary concretions, formed con- temporaneously with the rocks in which they are found, and (^) secondary concretions, or those which are due to segregat- ing influences acting subsequent to the formation of the rocks of which they now form a part. All are due to that peculiar and little understood tendency which atoms or molecules of like nature so often manifest in concreting or gathering in amorphous masses or concentric layers about some foreign body which serves as a primary point of attachment. The extreme development of this tendency is seen in crystallization, of which we may perhaps regard this first form of concretionary structure as incipient stages. Under primary concretions may be included the flint and chalcedonic nodules found in chalk and the older limestones, the material of which was in part without doubt derived from the siliceous remains of diatoms and sponges. Such sometimes occur in the form of lenticular nodules with or without an appreciable concentric structure and lying in parallel layers or beds, sometimes continuous for long distances. Clay iron stone, an impure carbonate of iron, occurs character- istically in this form. These latter often crack on drying and consequent shrinkage, the cracks extending from within outward. In these cracks calcite is subsequently deposited, whereby the nodule is divided up into septa of a white or yellowish color. On being cut and polished, these often form beautiful and unique objects. To such the name septarian nodule is commonly given. (See Fig. 2, PI. 9.) The car- bonate of lime in inland lakes and seas may not infrequently become deposited in the form of thin pellicles about a minute, perhaps microscopic nucleus, forming small, spherical bodies which, when ultimately consolidated into beds, give rise to the oolitic and pisolitic limestones. (See p. 143.) All primary concretions are not, however, chemical deposits ; but, rather, aggregates of mineral particles in a finely fragmental condition. Such are the clay concretions which are found in the beds of streams and lakes, and which may not so closely simu- late animal forms as to be very misleading. The manner in which concretions of this nature are formed was shown in a MACROSCOPIC STRUCTURE 37 very interesting manner a few years ago during the process of the work of filling in the so-called Potomac flats, on the river front at Washington, District of Columbia. For the double purpose of raising the flats and deepening the channel, gigantic pumps were employed which raised the sediment from the river bottom in the form of a very thin mud and forced it through iron pipes to the flats, where it flowed out, spreading quietly over the surface. The material of this mud was mainly fine siliceous sand and clay intermingled with occasional fresh- water shells and plant debris. As this mud flowed quietly from the mouth of the pipe and spread out over the surface, the clayey particles began immediately to separate from the siliceous sand in the form of concretionary balls, and in the course of a very short time these would grow to be several inches in diameter. Such, owing to the rapidity of their formation, contained a large amount of sand and shells, though clayey matter predominated. In crystalline rocks concretionary structure is rarely devel- oped. Cases such as shown on Plate 8 are quite unique, and in the case of the orbicular diorite of the greatest interest on account of the beauty of the stone and its adaptability for small ornamentation. Concretionary structure of a secondary nature may be de- veloped through the process of weathering. Thus, by the oxidizing action of meteoric waters percolating through a porous sand or sandstone, included nodules of iron disulphide (pyrite) may be converted into an oxide which gradually segregates in zones about the original nodule. This oxide, by its cementing action, binds the grains together in the form of a hard crust, leaving the central portion, formerly filled by pyrite, either empty or occupied by loose sand. 1 A zonal banding or shelly structure closely simulating concretionary structure is common in rocks more or less weathered and decomposed, but which is due not to original deposition or crystallization of mineral matter about a centre, but rather to the weathering of jointed blocks, the various chemical agencies acting from without inward. A botryoidal structure is not infrequent among rocks and minerals of chemical origin. It is, as a rule, confined to such 1 See On the Formation of Sandstone Concretions, Proceedings U. S. National Museum, Vol. XVII, pp. 87, 88. 38 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF ROCKS as are amorphous or radiating crystalline aggregates of a single mineral, such as chalcedony or the hematite iron ores. (See Fig. 1, PL 9.) A brecciated structure, produced by the presence of angular fragments in a finer ground, is of common occurrence among fragmental rocks (the breccias), but is more rare among the crystallines. It is sometimes produced in volcanic rocks by the imbedding in the still pasty magma of angular fragments of previously consolidated material, as shown in Fig. 2, PI. 4. Columnar structure, though comparatively common as the structure of a geological body, is rarely developed among the constituents of the rock itself. The columnar structure of many lavas and dike rocks has already been alluded to : oc- casionally the mineral constituents of some secondary rocks are arranged after this manner. A cavernous or cellular struct- ure is not infrequently developed through the removal by solution of some constituent or the weathering out of a fossil. As an original structure it occurs in many rocks of chemical origin as the stalagmitic deposits in caves, travertines, etc. A laminated or banded structure, due to the arrangement of the constituents in parallel layers or bands, is common in rocks of sedimentary origin, particularly in sandstones and shales. 2. Microscopic Structures. Many, if not indeed the majority, of rocks are so fine grained and compact that little of their mineral nature or structural features can be learned from exami- nation by the unaided eye. This difficulty made itself apparent very early in the history of geological science, and to it is per- haps due, more than to any other single cause, the apparent crudities and fallacies of the early workers. As long ago as 1663, the microscope had been to some extent utilized for the examination of minerals ; but its application to the study of rocks remained long unrecognized, though early in the present century Cordier and others utilized it in the study of rocks in a pulverized condition. It was not until about 1850, when the subject was taken up by H. Clifton Sorby of England, that the possibility of studying rocks in thin sections under the micro- scope began to be appreciated. Even then the idea failed to bear its legitimate fruits until transplanted to German soils, where, under the fostering care of Professor Zirkel of Leipzig, it soon began to yield an abundant harvest ; and to-day the branch of the science of geology known as microscopical pe- PLATE 4 MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE 39 trography holds a prominent place in all the leading universi- ties, both domestic and foreign. The efficiency of the method is based upon the fact that every crystallized mineral has cer- tain definite optical properties ; i.e. when cut in such a way as to allow the light to pass through it, will act upon this light in a manner sufficiently characteristic to enable one working with an instrument combining the properties of a microscope and stauroscope to ascertain at least to what crystalline, system it belongs, and in most cases by studying also the crystal outlines and lines of cleavage the mineral species as well. To enter upon a detailed description of the method by which this is done would be out of place here, since it involves the polarization of light and other subjects which must be studied elsewhere. The reader is referred to any authoritative work on the subject of light, and to Professor J. P. Idding's translation of Professor Rosenbusch's work on optical mineralogy. 1 This method of study is of value, not merely as an aid in determining the mineralogical composition of a rock, but also, and what is often of more importance, its structure and the various changes which have taken place in it since its first consolidation. Rocks are not the definite and unchangeable mineral compounds they were once considered, but are rather ever- varying aggregates of minerals, which, even in themselves undergo structural and chemical changes almost without num- ber. It is a common matter to find rock masses which may have had originally the mineral composition and structure of diabase, but which now are mere aggregates of secondary prod- ucts, such as chlorite, epidote, iron oxides, and kaolin, with perhaps scarcely a trace of the unaltered original constituents ; yet the rock mass retains its geological identity, and to the naked eye shows little, if any, sign of the changes that have gone on. These and other changes are in part chemical and in part structural or molecular. A very common mineral trans- formation in basic rocks is that from augite to hornblende. This takes place merely through a molecular readjustment of the particles, whereby the augite, with its gray or brown colors and rectangular cleavages, passes by uralitic stages over into a green hornblende, a mineral of the same chemical composition, but of different crystallographic form. This transformation in 1 Microscopic Physiography of Rock-making Minerals, Wiley & Son, New York. See also Professor A. Barkers' Petrology for Students. 40 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF ROCKS its incompleted state is shown in the accompanying figure, in which the central, nearly colorless portion with rectangular cleavage represents the original augite, while the outer dotted portion with cleavage lines cutting at sharp and obtuse angles is the second- ary hornblende. This change is due to slow and gradual pressure exerted through unknown periods of time upon the rock masses, and the final result is the production of a rock of entirely different type and structure from that which originally cooled from the molt- en magma. The change such as above FIG. i. Augite partially described is further alluded to in the chapter on metamorphism. This science of microscopic petrography, as it is technically called, has also been productive of equally important results in other lines. As an instance of this may be mentioned the dis- covery that the structural features of a rock are dependent, not upon its chemical composition or geological age, but upon the conditions under which it cooled from a molten magma, portions of the same rock varying all the way from holocrystalline granular through porphyritic to glassy forms. To this fact allusion has already been made. The general subject of the microscopic structure of rocks of various kinds, will be discussed more fully in describing the rocks themselves. Nevertheless, as in describing these struct- ures it has become necessary to use sundry technical terms, it will be well to refer to them briefly here. When a rock is made up wholly of crystalline matter, it is spoken of as holocrystalline ; when, however, it shows interstitial glassy or felsitic matter, it is hypocrystalline. Rocks wholly without crystalline secretions are amorphous. The glassy, or felsitic matter occupying the interstices of the other constitu- ents is spoken of as the base. This base, together with the microlites and smaller crystallizations of the second generation, is called the ground-mass; such may be made up of microlites small needle-like crystals imperfectly developed when it is called microlitic, or of a dense aggregate of quartzose, felds- pathic and other materials, when it is known as felsitic. The larger crystals developed in a glassy, felsitic, microlitic, or finely PLATE 5 FIG. 1. Microstructure of granite. FIG. 2. Microstructure of micropegmatite. FIG. 3. Microstructure of quartz porphyry. FIG. 4. Microstructure of porphyritic obsidian. FIG. 5. Microstructure of trachyte. FIG. 6. Microstructure of serpentine. MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE 41 granular micro crystalline ground-mass are called phenocrysts. When a mineral in a rock shows good crystal outlines, having been uninfluenced in its growth by the proximity of other minerals, it is called idiomorphic : when, however, its outline is due not to cryst/allographic forces, but to interference to the action of external forces it is allotriomorphic. Many rocks show indications of two or more periods of crystallization, whereby minerals of the same species may be developed. Thus in a molten magma the augites may begin to form under such conditions that for some time their growth is unimpeded and they take on large and well-developed forms. After a time, owing to changed conditions, their growth is stopped, and the rock solidifies with a new crop of smaller and less perfectly developed forms. It is customary to speak of such a mineral as occurring in crystals of two generations. In the case above described, the first developed form the porphyritic constitu- ents, the phenocrysts, while the latter formed are a part of the ground-mass. Vitreous or glassy rocks not infrequently show, under the microscope, minute, hair-like or rod-shaped forms, representing the first stages of crystallization, but in which the process was arrested before they were sufficiently developed to render possible an accurate determination of their mineral nature. Such are termed crystallites; those in drop-shaped or globular forms being called globulites, the rod-shaped ones belonites, and the twisted, hair-like forms trie kite s. Tile wide variation in microstructure in rocks of essentially the same chemical composition, but which have cooled under the varying conditions indicated above, is shown in Figs. 1 to 4 of PI. 5, Fig. 1 being a holocrystalline type, and Fig. 4 one almost completely glassy, the first being a deep-seated rock, and the last a surface lava flow. Intermediate structures are often produced through a beginning of crystallization at certain depths below the surface, after which, and while a portion of the magma was still fluid, it was pushed upward toward the surface, or brought under such other conditions as resulted in a more rapid cooling, the final result being a glassy, or micro- crystalline rock with scattering porphyritic crystals, or pheno- crysts. It has not infrequently happened that, subsequent to the formation of these earliest products of crystallization, a second elevation of temperatures has taken place whereby the 42 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF ROCKS magma has eaten into or corroded them, as is the case with the quartz crystal shown in the centre of Fig. 3 of PI. 5. Inasmuch as this study by the microscope involves the prepa- ration of thin sections, a brief description of the methods pur- sued may well be given here. The fact that a chip of rock, however dense, can, without breaking, be ground so thin as to be transparent, may at first seem strange, but in reality it is readily accomplished. The work requires only patience and the skill which comes from practice. A small chip of the rock, about the size of a nickel five-cent piece, is broken off with a hammer, care being taken to get it as thin as possible without fracturing. One side of this is then ground flat and smooth by rubbing it in water and emery on a smooth, cast-iron plate. Toward the close of the process fine flour of emery should be used, as the final surface must be very smooth and free from scratches. This chip is then cemented smooth side down on a piece of ordinary double-thick window glass, a convenient size being about 2x1 inches, the cementing material being Canada balsam which has been evaporated to the extent that, when cold, it is sufficiently hard to hold firmly, is not at all sticky, but yet is not so hard as to be brittle. The exact degree can only be learned by experience ; a hardness such as to be barely indented by the thumb nail will be found about right. This operation of cementing will be best done by means of a thin iron plate laid horizontally on a support and heated not too hot by a lamp beneath. The glass with the balsam upon it is heated to the right temperature, the balsam being fluid and free from bubbles. The rock chip, heated sufficiently to expel all moisture, is then pressed firmly into the balsam, in such a way as to exclude air bubbles, and brought within as close contact with the glass as possible. It is then removed from the iron, plate and allowed to cool, when the grinding process is resumed, the glass plate serving merely as support for the film of stone and something for the fingers to hold by. Being transparent, the worker can see just how the grinding is progressing without continually stopping to examine. When sufficiently thin, usually from -^-^ to g^- of an inch, the film is remounted as follows : While on the thick glass on which it was ground, it is thoroughly washed with a brush an ordinary tooth-brush serves well to get rid of all particles of emery and other dirt that may adhere. It is then washed in alcohol to get rid of the THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF ROCKS 43 old hard balsam, which is usually quite dirty from mud pro- duced in grinding. Fresh mounting slips and clean cover glasses being ready, the first is laid upon the warm iron plate with a couple of drops of fresh balsam in the centre, and allowed to heat until it just begins to smoke. Care must here be exer- cised, as, if heated too much, the balsam becomes hard and brittle, and if too little, the mount is sticky from the balsam which constantly oozes from under the cover. The thick glass, with its film of stone still adhering, is likewise laid upon the warm iron plate, and a drop of fresh balsam placed upon the film. This is then gently heated, and the cover-glass, first warmed, gently laid upon it one edge placed in position and loAvered gradually in such a manner as to force out any accidental air bubbles, being finally pressed flat down against the stone film. The film itself, if sufficiently warmed, no longer adheres to the thick glass, and may be removed to the ^ clean slip for its final mounting. This is best accomplished by taking up the thick glass by means of a pair of forceps and pushing cover-glass and film together, with a needle point set in a handle, off into the balsam on the new slide. The cover-glass here serves merely as a support for the thin film during the process of transferring. Without it there is danger of breakage. When fairly transferred, the new slide is removed from the hot plate, the cover pressed close down against the film, ad- justed in proper position and allowed to cool. FlG - 2 - Mounted thin rrn nil ^ ii Section of rock. Ine superfluous balsam may be then re- moved with a hot knife and the section finally washed in alcohol. Thus completed, it forms the " thin section " of the petrologist. 2. THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF BOCKS The term specific gravity is used to designate the weight of any substance when compared with an equal volume of distilled water at a temperature of 4 C. This property is therefore dependent upon the specific gravity of its various constituents and their relative proportions. The exact or true specific gravity of a rock may be obscured by its structure. Thus an 44 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF ROCKS obsidian pumice will float upon water, buoyed up by the air contained in its innumerable vesicles, while a compact obsidian of precisely the same chemical composition will sink almost instantly. This property of any subject is spoken of as its apparent specific gravity in distinction from the actual com- parative weight, bulk for bulk, of its constituent parts, which could in the case of a pumice be obtained only by finely pul- verizing so as to admit the water into all its pores. Inasmuch as the structural peculiarities of any igneous rock as will be noted later are dependent upon the condition under which it cooled, it is instructive to notice that a crystalline aggregate has a higher specific gravity, i.e. a greater weight, bulk for bulk, than does a glassy, non-crystalline rock of the same chemi- cal composition. The property is therefore dependent upon chemical (and consequently mineral) composition and struct- ure, and as a very general rule it may be said that among the siliceous rocks those which contain the largest amount of silica are the lightest, while those with a comparatively small amount, but which are correspondingly rich in iron, lime, and magnesian constituents, are proportionately heavy. 3. THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ROCKS This varies naturally with their mineral composition. It is customary to speak of sedimentary rocks as calcareous, sili- ceous, ferruginous, or argillaceous, accordingly as lime, silica, iron oxides, or clayey matter are prominent constituents. Among eruptive rocks it is customary to speak of those show- ing, on analysis, upwards of 60 % silica as acidic, and those showing less than 50 %, but rich in iron, lime, and magnesian constituents, as basic. The extremes, as will be noted, are rep- resented by the rocks of the granite and peridotite groups. A series illustrating the above-mentioned properties may be arranged as below. With the eruptive rocks only the silica percentages are here given. The results of the complete chemi- cal analysis of each variety are given further on, in the pages devoted to their description. THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ROCKS 45 (1) STRATIFIED ROCKS KIND SPECIFIC GRAVITY COMPOSITION Calcareous : Compact limestone . . . Crystalline limestone . . Compact dolomite . . . Crystalline dolomite . . Siliceous : Gneiss 1 2.6 to 2.8 1 2.8 to 2.95 2 6 to 2 7 Carbonate of lime. Carbonate of lime and magnesia. Same as granite Siliceous sandstone . . . Schist 2.6 2 6 to 2 8 Mainly silica. 60 to 80 per cent silica Argillaceous : Clay slate (argillite) . . 2.5 Mainly silicate of aluminum. (2) ERUPTIVE ROCKS KIND SPECIFIC GRAVITY PER CENT SILICA Acidic group : Granite 2 58 to 2 73 77 65 to 62 90 Liparite 2 53 to 2 70 76 06 to 67 61 Obsidian 2.26 to 2 41 82 80 to 71 19 Obsidian pumice Floats on water. 82.80 to 71.19 Intermediate group : Syenite 2.73 to 2.86 72.20 to 54.65 Trachyte 2.70 to 2.80 64.00 to 60.00 Hyalotrachyte Andesite 2.40 to 2.50 2 54 to 2 79 64.00 to 60.00 66.75 to 54.73 Basic group : Diabase 2 66 to 2.88 50.00 to 48.00 Basalt . . 2.90 to 3.10 50.59 to 40.74 Peridotite 3.22 to 3.29 42.65 to 33.73 Peridotite (iron rich) Peridotite (meteorite) 3.86 3 51 23.00 37.70 4. THE COLOR OF ROCKS The color of a rock is dependent upon a variety of circum- stances, but which may all be generalized under the heads of mineral and chemical composition and physical condition. Iron and carbon, in some of their forms, are the common coloring 46 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF ROCKS substances and the only ones that need be considered here. The yellow, brown, and red colors, common to fragmental rocks, are due almost wholly to free oxides of iron. The gray, green, dull brown, and even black colors of crystalline rocks are due to the presence of free iron oxides or to the prevalence of sili- cate minerals rich in iron, as augite, hornblende, or black mica. Rarely copper, manganese, and other metallic oxides than those of iron are present in sufficient abundance to impart their char- acteristic hues. As a rule, a white or light gray color denotes an absence of an appreciable amount of iron in any of its forms. The amber, bluish and black colors of many rocks, particularly the limestones and slates, are due to the prevalence of carbona- ceous matter. Among siliceous crystalline rocks the more basic, like those of the diabase, diorite, or basalt groups, are as a rule of a darker color than the acid varieties, the color being due to the fine grain and predominance of dark iron-magnesian silicates, such as hornblende, augite, or black mica, or their chloritic alteration products. The red or pink color sometimes occurring in gran- itic rocks is due to the predominance of red or pink feldspars, which in their turn owe their color to the presence of iron. Among feldspar-bearing rocks the color is not infrequently due to the physical condition of this important constituent. Thus in many rocks like the norite of Keeseville (New York), and the Quincy (Massachusetts) granite, the dark color is largely due to the fact that the feldspar is clear and glassy, allowing the light rays to penetrate and become absorbed. The beautiful chatoyant play of colors sometimes shown by labra- dorite-bearing rocks like those of northern New York and of Norway is apparently due to a separation of the individual crystals along cleavage lines, into thin, transparent plates which reflect and partially polarize the light which would otherwise penetrate and become absorbed. Through weathering, such feldspars undergo a further physical change, becoming soft and porous, and no longer allowing the light to penetrate, but wholly reflecting it arid causing the stone to appear white. These white feldspars, as has been very neatly expressed by the late Dr. Hawes, bear the same relation to the glassy forms as does the foam of the sea to the water itself, the difference in color being in both cases due to the changed physical con- dition. Indeed, the color of rocks, as may be imagined, is THE COLOR OF ROCKS 47 not constant, but liable to change under varying conditions, particularly those of exposure. Rocks black with carbonaceous matter will fade to almost whiteness on prolonged exposure, owing to the bleaching out of the coloring materials. Rocks rich in magnetite or free iron oxides, protoxide carbonates, or sulphides, or in highly ferruginous silicate minerals, are like- wise liable to a change of color, becoming yellowish, red, or brown, through oxidation of the ferruginous constituents. (See p. 257.) Translucent, nearly colorless rocks or minerals, as those made up of crystals of calcite or selenite, will on exposure become nearly opaque and snow-white, owing to purely physi- cal causes, as already noted in the case of the feldspars. (See further in chapter on weathering.) The cause of the color variations in certain rocks and min- erals is, however, a matter concerning which it will not do, as yet, to speak too decidedly. Analysis of a mineral may show the presence of metallic oxides, but it does not necessarily fol- low that whatever color the mineral may have is due or in any way related to these oxides. Thus the writer has shown 1 that the onyx marbles (travertines) of Arizona and Mexico may vary from pure white to green, and from yellow through brown to red, without appreciable change in the actual amounts of iron, though there may be a change in the form of combination. In the white and green varieties the iron exists as a carbonate ; in the yellow, red, and brown varieties as a more or less hydrated sesquioxide. Certain dark amber and bright rose-colored va- rieties from California, and the Californian Peninsula, show, however, 110 iron or other of the usual metallic coloring con- stituents, but burn perfectly white when submitted to high temperatures and yield volatile organic compounds. The fact that serpentines so frequently contain small traces of chromium, early gave rise to the opinion that it was to this element that was due the characteristic green color of the mineral. The writer has elsewhere 2 described serpentines of a beautiful oil yellow and deep green color which, however, contain not a trace of chromium or manganese, but only iron, which in this case is in combination as a silicate. (See p. 114.) These color characteristics are of greater importance than 1 Annual Report U. S. National Museum, 1893, p. 558. 2 On the Serpentine of Montville, New Jersey, Proc. U. S. National Museum, 1888, p. 105. 48 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF ROCKS may at first appear, particularly from an economic standpoint. One of the first essentials in a rock designed for architectural use should be permanency of color. Deleterious changes are particularly liable to occur in stone taken from below the water level, where, protected from oxidation, or from variations in temperature. Certain of the Ohio sandstones are of a blue- gray color below the water level, but buff above, where the included iron sulphides and protoxide carbonates have been acted upon by oxidation. The student should early make himself acquainted with these characteristics, as in the field it is as a rule only the more or less weathered surfaces that pre- sent themselves for inspection. This subject is again referred to in the chapter on rock weathering. Lustre as a property of rocks does not, owing to their com- plex nature, possess the same value as a determinative charac- teristic as among minerals. Certain of the more compact and homogeneous varieties possess lustres which may be described as vitreous, greasy, pearly, metallic, or iridescent. The meaning of such terms is sufficiently evident, and the subject need not be further dwelt upon here. The fracture, or manner of breaking of any rock, is dependent more upon structure than upon chemical or mineralogical composition. Many fine and evenly grained crystalline or fragmental rocks break with smooth, even surfaces, and are described as having a straight or even fracture. Others break with shell-like con- cave and convex surfaces, and are said to have a conchoidal fracture. Still others are splintery, hackly, or shaly, words the meaning of which is sufficiently evident without their being described in detail. V. THE MODE OF OCCURRENCE OF ROCKS It is ordinarily assumed that the earth owes its present form to its having originated from a mass of incandescent vapor, and to have passed, by gradual cooling and consequent condensa- tion, from gaseous through pasty or fluidal, and all intermediate stages, to its present condition. This, in brief, is the hypothesis of Kant, and which seems most readily to account for the facts as we now know them. As to the character of the rock masses resulting from this primary cooling, we know but little. Rea- soning from analogy, it seems safe to assume that they resem- bled the slags from a smelting furnace, or some form of modern lavas, more nearly than any other rock masses of which we have knowledge. Whatever may have been their nature, they have long since been obscured by rocks of secondary origin, or become so altered through dynamic and incidental chemical agencies as to be no longer recognizable. The oldest rocks of which we now have knowledge belong to the group of gneisses and crystalline schists. They are as a rule highly siliceous rocks, though not infrequently includ- ing considerable thicknesses of crystalline limestone. They contain no traces of what can be referred beyond doubt to an organic origin, though from their banded or foliated structure, so closely simulating bedding, they have in the past, as a rule, been considered metamorphic rocks ; that is to say, rocks laid down as sediments and crystallized by the complex processes comprehended under the term metamorphism. Rocks of this type, according to Dana, first appeared in North America in the wide V-shaped area extending from Labrador southwesterly to the Great Lake, and thence northwesterly, to the Arctic regions. This area has since been added to by the folding and crumpling processes incident to the formation of the Appa- lachian and Rocky Mountain systems. Concerning the geo- graphical distribution of these rocks, as they now appear exposed, we have little to say here. They seem to form, as E 49 50 THE MODE OF OCCURRENCE OF ROCKS has been stated, the actual floor of the continents upon which all later deposits have been laid down, and through which and into which have been extruded and intruded the great variety of igneous rocks which form so conspicuous a feature in many a mountainous region. In order to properly understand that which is to follow, we may well devote a little space here to a consideration of the manner in which these rock masses occur, so far as exposed to investigation. Several varieties of igneous rocks, and particularly the gra- nitic types, occur not infrequently in the form of immense oval or rounded masses, protruded into overlying materials which dip away on all sides ; such forms are ordinarily designated as bosses. (PL 1.) It is a form common to granite, gab- bros, norites, etc. A laccolite 1 is a somewhat similar form due to the welling up of a magma through a comparatively small vent, but which, instead of coming to the surface, spread out laterally into dome-shaped masses between the sheets of the overlying strata. When the intruded matter has been so forced into or between overlying bedded rocks as to appear like more or less regularly defined beds, they are known as sheets or sills. Such, as a rule, may be distinguished from superficial lava flows by their like condition of compactness along both upper and lower contacts, surface streams being more or less vesicular along the upper portions, owing to the expansion of their included moisture. The name dike is given to an eruptive mass of varying width included between well- defined walls, and occupying a fissure or fault in previously consolidated rocks. Such are inclined at all angles with the horizon, and are usually of very moderate width, but may ex- tend for miles. The dikes in any one region will frequently be found to belong to one or more well-defined systems, each system occupying fissures essentially parallel with one another. Any one dike may remain comparatively uniform in width for long distances, excepting when split up into smaller dikes. At times, dikes may be traced to the parent mass a boss or laccolite from which they radiate with more or less regu- larity, being in such cases widest at the start, and gradually 1 It is to be regretted that this name in its present form has been so generally adopted by geologists, since its termination, ite, should indicate a kind of rock, whereas, in fact, it but denotes a form of occurrence. Laccolith would be preferable. IGNEOUS ROCKS 51 thinning out to, it may be, mere knife-like edges. The name volcanic neck or plug is given to the cylindrical mass which results from the congealing of that portion of the lava which remains in the volcanic vent when eruption ceases. Through the erosion of the matter composing the cone of a volcano, such are sometimes left, owing to their superior hardness, form- ing thus a very striking feature of the landscape. The gen- eral name lava is applied to any igneous rock, regardless of geological age or mineral composition, which has been poured out on the surface of the earth in a molten condition. Such are characterized, as a rule, by less perfect crystallization and a more slaggy and vesicular structure than the deep-seated rocks. A columnar jointing, due to cooling, is by no means uncom- mon, particularly among basaltic lavas, although it is by no means confined to them. But a comparatively small proportion of the rocks composing the superficial portions of the earth's crust the portions with which we are more or less familiar are eruptive. They are rather what are known as secondary rocks ; that is to say, they are rocks made over from these so-called primary rocks, which we have been just discussing, by processes which will be described later. Any rock mass, be it eruptive or otherwise, lying exposed at or near the surface of the ground finds itself subjected to a multitude of disintegrating and decomposing agencies, such as will be described more in detail under the head of rock weather- ing. Leached and decomposed by meteoric waters, disintegrated by heat and frost, or the mechanical action of waves and cur- rents, the rock masses slowly succumb, their materials being gradually removed in solution, or as debris mechanically trans- ported by every wind, rain, or running stream, down the slopes into the valleys, and from the valleys into the seas. This debris, in various stages of coarseness and fineness, and to which we give the name of bowlders, gravel, sand, and silt, undergoes by these transporting agencies a system of assorting more or less complete, and is carried to distances dependent upon its weight and the force of the transporting agent. It requires no geological or other special training to enable one to understand that the force being the same, the finer and lighter materials will be carried the farthest, and that all must be de- posited when the force shall be expended. Consider, then, for 52 THE MODE OF OCCURRENCE OF ROCKS purpose of illustration, a stream flowing out from a mountainous region and emptying itself into a lake. Materials falling by gravity from the mountain slopes, or washed by spasmodic rains into the stream, are transported certain distances, according to the strength of the current. For our present purposes, it is sufficient to consider only those portions which are transported quite to the mouth of the stream and dumped into the lake. But as the water leaves its narrow channel and spreads out into the lake, there is an almost instant diminution of the force of its current, and consequent carrying power. As a result, it begins to deposit its load, the coarsest and heaviest first, and the finer materials further out from the shore, the very finest, an impalpable silt it may be, remaining suspended until the very last. There will thus be formed on the bottom of the lake or sea, whichever it may be, a bed, or series of beds of varying thickness, of gravel, sand, and clay, the coarsest at the bottom and nearest the shore, and the finest and last the most remote. But the streams emptying into the lake vary from time to time in their carrying capacity, and the action of the waves in the sea itself, together with the salts dissolved therein, exert a modifying action, whereby this process of sedimentation, as it is called, may not be quite so simple as it first appears. 1 Enough has, however, been said to show that beds of detritus laid down in this manner must occur in approximately horizontal layers, and that the layers may vary greatly in the coarseness and fineness of their materials, as well as in their mineral character. But there are still other processes of sedimentation than the purely mechanical methods described above. All natural waters contain more or less mineral matter, of which lime is the more abundant. Through the secreting power of marine animals, this lime is taken up in the form of a carbonate to form shells and calcareous skeletons of molluscs, corals, and other forms of marine life. On the death of the secreting animal, the calca- reous material is left to accumulate in a more or less fragmen- tal condition, forming thus the material of the coral islands, and to a considerable extent the beds of limestone the world over. I have said to a considerable extent, for the reason that it is doubtful if many of our limestones are of purely animal origin ; in many a true chemical precipitation plays a not unim- 1 See Conditions of Sedimentary Deposition, by Bailey Willis, Journal of Geology, 1893, p. 476. BEDDED OR STRATIFIED ROCKS 53 portant part. This is especially true of the oolitic varieties, and the fact is readily apparent when we come to study such in detail. Consider a shallow sea-bottom on which are gradu- ally accumulating in a finely divided condition the fragmental remains of calcareous organisms of any kind. By the undu- latory action of the waves these are kept in almost constant motion, though it may be but gently rolling from 'side to side. Owing to evaporation, or a too rapid accumulation of the lime for it to be abstracted by the lime-secreting animals, the water becomes supercharged with this constituent, which is then pre- cipitated in the form of a thin pellicle around the most availa- ble nucleus, in this case the grains of calcareous sand upon the bottom. Thus are gradually built up beds of no inconsiderable thickness, such as the well-known Carboniferous oolitic lime- stones of Indiana and Kentucky. The microscopic structure of stones of this class is shown in Fig. 7 on p. 112. Rocks which are laid down in the manner we have just described, whether composed of inorganic particles or fragmental materials from marine and fresh water organisms, are designated as sediment- ary. They occur in more or less well-defined beds or strata, and hence are spoken of as bedded or stratified. Owing to the fact that they have in most cases been deposited in compara- tively shallow water, they retain not infrequently the superficial markings made upon them by waves and other agencies prior to their final consolidation. Deposits laid down as above described naturally lie approxi- mately horizontally where not subsequently disturbed by earth movements. The earth's crust, however, is by no means in a state of stable equilibrium, but, being subjected to continuous stress or compressive force, is often broken, crushed, or folded, and crumpled to an extraordinary degree. The name fault is applied to the profound fractures made by these movements, and which, inclined at various angles to the horizon, may extend for miles. Usually the rocks on one side of a fault will be found to have sunk down, while those of the other remain sta- tionary or are raised, producing thus an inequality of surface that may assume mountainous proportions. Most mountain ranges, in fact, are due to a combination of faulting and fold- ing processes. It not infrequently happens that the masses of rock, sliding over one another along a line of fault, produce smooth or striated and often highly polished surfaces, to which 54 THE MODE OF OCCURRENCE OF ROCKS the name slickensides is given. Such are particularly noticeable among serpeiitinous rocks, being apparently due to motion gen- erated in the mass by increase in bulk incident to its conver- sion into serpentine. 1 The name vein is given to rock masses of chemical origin, deposited along previously existing fractures which may or may not be true faults. By some authorities the name is also made to include the smaller injections of igne- ous rocks. Such are here classed under the head of dikes, though it must be understood that it is not in all cases pos- sible to state to which of the two classes an occurrence is to be referred. It is customary to divide the veins into two classes : (1) the mineral veins, in which the materials have been deposited from aqueous solution or sublimation between the walls of a fissure ; and (2) segregation veins, in which the component materials have crystallized or segregated out of the still unconsolidated, pasty, or colloidal rock. It is not in all cases possible to decide to which of the two classes a vein may belong, but as a rule the mineral (or fissure) veins are separated by sharp and well-defined walls from the country rock, and show a comb or banded structure. The segregation type is less distinctly marked, the vein material being welded to the enclos- ing rock, or seemingly passing into it by gentle gradations. The unconsolidated materials, as sands and gravels, occur not only in regularly bedded or stratified forms, but also in hillocks and ridges to which special terms are applied. The loose material washed down the mountain slopes by ephemeral streams, and deposited at the mouth of gorges, not infrequently assumes the form of " a conical mass of low slope descending equally in all directions from the point of issue." To such forms Gilbert has given the name of alluvial cones. The mate- rial of these cones, as described, varies in size from the finest powder to angular rocks weighing many tons. It exhibits no regular bedding or stratification, but coarse and fine debris are mingled in endless variety. There is a well-marked gradation, however, to be seen as one travels from the apex of a cone toward its periphery. At the apex it is composed mostly of coarse, angular material, with fine silt-like clays filling the interspaces, while toward the periphery the fine material pre- dominates. The name talus is given to the accumulations of 1 See On the Serpentine of Montville, New Jersey, Proc. U. S. National Museum, 1888, p. 105. CLASTIC MATERIALS 55 debris at the foot of rocky cliffs, and which are composed of angular fragments, large and small, which have fallen from the cliffs above. The name dune is given to the rounded hills of wind-blown sand common in arid regions and on windy shores. Such are naturally of moderately fine and quite uniformly assorted materials. In form and position they are ever chang- ing, like drifts of snow, but are usually much steeper on the leeward than on the windward sides. The character of the material of which they are composed is most commonly sili- ceous sand. The names kame, esker, osar, or horseback are given to ridges and mounds of sand and gravel deposited by the melting ice of the glacial epoch. The materials are as a rule well rounded, and as deposited usually show rude lines of stratification. Such, as described, vary greatly in breadth and height, some being 400 to 500 feet broad at the base and from 25 to 60 feet in height. Drumlin is the name given to the peculiar low, gently and smoothly sloping lenticular hills composed of un- assorted glacial debris, and which are common in eastern Massa- chusetts and other glacial regions. The general name moraine includes the heterogeneous materials brought down by glaciers and ultimately deposited in undulating hills and ridges on their final disappearance. (See further under The Regolith, p. 299.) PART II THE KINDS OP BOCKS " Some rin up hill and down dale knapping the chucky stones to pieces wi hammers like sae many road-makers run daft. They say it is to see how the warld was made." St. Ronan's Well. REFERENCE has already been made to the fact that but sixteen out of the sixty-nine known elements enter into the composition of the earth's crust in other than comparatively minute quantities. Also to the equally important fact that the combination of these elements as represented in not above a score of well-known mineral species go to make up the essential portion of nearly all rock masses. Nevertheless, owing to the variety of forms under which these rock masses occur, the vary- ing forces or conditions under which they originated, or the proportional quantities of the various minerals which they may contain, we find numerous and widely varying types of rocks, a satisfactory consideration of which necessitates first some attempt at systematic classification. We may say at the outset, however, that rock species, in the sense in which the word is o used in mineralogy and zoology, scarcely exist. It is true we may have, and particularly among igneous rocks, certain forms which on casual inspection, or indeed on close inspection, with regard only to limited geographical areas, seem to possess an individuality of their own sufficient to entitle them to being considered as true species. Yet, when we come to compare these with others, to take into account their physical and chem- ical composition, their structure and mode of occurrence, and above all to consider how any rock varies within its own mass, and the still greater variation which may have been produced through alteration, we shall see that one form grades into an- other almost without limit, that, indeed, no two are exactly alike, and that, were we to attempt any hard and sharp lines of discrimination, our species-making would practically resolve it- 56 THE KINDS OF ROCKS 57 self into an enumeration of individual occurrences, or specimens. This fact will become apparent as we proceed, and further remarks on the subject may well be deferred until we come to a discussion of individual groups. Indeed, in the present, tran- sitional state of knowledge regarding the chemical and minera- logical composition of rocks, their structural features, and methods of origin, no scheme of classification can be advanced that will prove satisfactory in all its details. The older sys- tems, which were made to answer before the introduction of the microscope into geological science, are now known to be founded upon what were in part false, and what have proven to be wholly inadequate, data. This is especially true in regard to eruptive rocks. The time that has elapsed since this intro- duction has been too short for the evolution of a perfectly satis- factory system ; many have been proposed, but all have been found lacking in some essential particulars. To enter upon a discussion of the merits and demerits of the various schemes would obviously be out of place here, and the student is re- ferred to the published writings of Naumann, Senft, Von Cotta, Richtofen, Vogelsang, Zirkel, Rosenbusch, Michel-Levy, Cred- ner, Jukes Brown, and Geikie, as well as those of the American geologists, Dana, 1 Wadsworth, 2 and Iddings. 3 In the scheme here presented the writer has aimed to simplify matters so far as is consistent With observed facts, and has not hesitated to adopt or reject any such portions of systems proposed by others as have seemed desirable. All the rocks forming any essential part of the earth's crust are here grouped under four main heads, the distinctions being based upon their origin and structure. Each of the main divisions is again divided into groups or families, the distinc- tions being based mainly upon mineral and chemical composi- tion, structure, and mode of occurrence. We thus have : I. Igneous Rocks : Eruptive. Rocks which have been brought up from below in a molten condition, and which owe their present structural peculiarities to variations in con- ditions of solidification and composition. Having as a rule two 1 On Some Points in Lithology, Am. Jour, of Science, Vol. XVI, 1878, pp. 335 and 431. 2 On the Classification of Rocks, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Howard College, No. 13, Vol. V ; also Lithological Studies. 3 The Origin of Igneous Rocks, Bull. Philosophical Society of Washington, 1892. 58 THE KINDS OF ROCKS or more essential constituents. In structure massive, crystal- line, or glassy, or in certain altered forms, colloidal. II. Aqueous Rocks. Rocks formed mainly through the agency of water, as (J.) chemical precipitates or as (#) sedi- mentary beds. Having one or many essential constituents. In structure laminated or bedded ; crystalline, colloidal, or f rag- mental ; never glassy. III. JEolia.n Rocks. Rocks formed from wind-drifted ma- terials. In structure irregularly bedded ; fragmental. IV. Metamorphic Rocks. Rocks changed from their orig- inal condition through dynamic or chemical agencies and which may have been in part of aqueous, seolian, or of igne- ous origin. Having one or many essential constituents. In structure bedded, schistose or foliated, and crystalline. I. ROCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES. ERUPTIVE This group includes all those rocks which having once been in a state of igneous fusion have been forced upward and in- truded into the overlying rocks in the form of bosses, laccolites, dikes, and sheets, or poured out upon the surface as lavas. Concerning the source of eruptive rocks we are yet in igno- rance. By many they have been supposed to represent portions of the still unconsolidated interior of the earth. The great variety of igneous rocks, the wide variation in chemical compo- sition as well as the apparent independence of closely adjacent volcanoes, both in the matters of time of eruption and character of erupted material, seem, however, to show that they come not from a common reservoir, but from isolated and comparatively small areas where, for reasons not now well understood, pre- viously solidified rock masses have been so highly heated as to become pasty or liquid ; and then, through their own expan- sion, or that of included vapors, or by compressive forces generated in the earth's crust, forced upward into the positions they now occupy. The origin of igneous rocks belongs as yet largely to the realm of speculation. We must here confine ourselves more to their mineral and chemical nature, general physical properties, and the conditions under which they occur. Consider, then, a mass of molten rock material, to which the term magma may be conveniently applied, and which by the processes of eruption is forced upward toward the surface, and let us first dwell briefly upon the forms assumed by this magma on cooling under the various conditions in which it finds itself. It is obvious at the start that we can have actu- ally to do with but a comparatively limited portion of the products of any eruption. If the molten material is poured out upon the surface and there remains for our inspection to-day, it is a necessary consequence that the deeper-lying portions are obscured. If, on the other hand, the superficial 59 60 ROCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES portions have been removed by erosion so as to expose the deeply lying parts, we have only these for study and observa- tion. It is rare indeed that erosion has so acted on any one rock mass as to expose superficial and deep-seated portions alike. In the older regions, those of greatest geological an- tiquity, erosion, either glacial or otherwise, has not infre- quently removed more or less completely the superficial parts and left for our inspection those portions of a magma that at the time of eruption never reached the surface, but cooled, it may be, under thousands of feet of superincumbent matter. Such rocks are as a rule more highly crystalline than those which in the newer, less eroded portions, flowed out upon the surface like our modern lavas. Hence it is that from a very early period it has been found convenient, for purposes of dis- cussion, to divide the eruptive rocks into two general groups : first, the intrusive or plutonic rocks ; and second, the effusive, or volcanic rocks. Although this classification has not been strictly adhered to in the present work, a few words descriptive of the essential distinctions between plutonic and effusive rocks will not be out of place, since such distinctions, particularly in eroded regions, afford the only criteria for discrimination as to the original conditions under which a rock mass has been formed, and hence are of value in the field. As a general rule, it may be said that the structural features of an eruptive rock depend upon the conditions under which a magma has cooled, although undoubtedly the amount of included vapor of water may exert a powerful influence. As Professor J. P. Iddings has well expressed it, u the chemical differences of igneous rocks are the result of a chemical differ-- entiation of a general magma, and the structure of a rock is dependent upon the physical conditions attending its eruption and solidification." Now it is at once apparent that the greater the depth below the surface at which a magma 'undergoes solidification, or the greater its mass, the slower, more gradual, will be that solidification, and hence the more complete and coarser will be the crystallization. Hence the strictly plutonic rocks are always holocrystalline. And, inasmuch as the weight of the superincumbent matter has been such as to prevent the expansion of included vapors to form steam cavities, so these rocks are never vesicular or pumiceous, but compact and gran- STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 61 ular throughout. In cases where a plutonic rock has been voided upward to fill a pre-existing rift in the form of a dike, those portions of the magma coming in contact with the cold walls on either hand will cool most quickly. Hence a dike is as a rule most coarsely crystalline near the centre, becoming finer grained and perhaps microcrystalline or even glassy at the immediate contact. These two phenomena often afford the only means of determining whether a rock mass occurring in the form of a sheet parallel with the stratification, between sedimentary beds, is an intrusive or a contemporaneous lava flow ; whether it was injected as we now find it between two previously existing beds ; or whether, as a lava flow, it was poured out over the lower, first formed, after which the second was laid down upon its surface. If formed as an intru- sive sheet, we may expect to find the rock more dense along both contacts, in addition to which there may, very probably, be more or less contact metamorphism on the sedimentary beds from the action of the hot intruded material. If poured out as a lava, on the other hand, contact metamorphism and the dense, fine-grained portions will be limited to the lower con- tacts, while, provided there had been 110 great amount of erosion between the time of the pouring out of the molten mass as a surface flow and the deposition of the newer sediments, the upper portions will be less dense, perhaps even vesicular, sco- riaceous, and glassy, while the sediments themselves, having been laid down on cold consolidated material, remain wholly unchanged. Such means of discrimination have been of the greatest value in ascertaining the relative ages of portions of the Triassic sandstones and associated traps in the eastern United States. The lava flows, cooling so much more rapidly than the plu- tonic rocks, owing to their exposed position and relief from pressure, often show but incipient forms of crystallization, or are quite glasslike, as is the case with the obsidians of the Yellowstone Park and elsewhere. Chemically these are iden- tical with granite, but they have cooled too quickly for the forces of crystallization to act. Owing, further, to the expan- sive force of the included vapor of water, a constituent of all lavas, these surface flows are not infrequently so filled with cavities as to be quite pumiceous. The pumice pur- chased at the drug-stores is but the froth from a lava which, 62 ROCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES had it cooled under greater pressure, might have given us a granite. A common feature of the effusive or volcanic rocks is a flow structure, sometimes visible only with the microscope, and which is due to a flowing movement of the magma while undergoing consolidation. (See Fig. 2, PI. 2.) The characteristic structure of effusive rocks is porphyritic, instead of granular, and repre- sents two distinct phases of cooling and crystallization : (1) an intratellurial period, marked by the crystallization of certain constituents while the magma, still buried in the depths of the earth, was cooling very gradually, and (2) an effusive period, marked by the final consolidation of the material on or near the surface. As this final cooling was much the more rapid, the ultimate product is a glassy, felsitic, or sometimes holo- crystalline ground-mass, enclosing the porphyritic minerals, or phenocrysts, formed during the first or intratellurial stage. 1 Naturally the deeper-lying portions of an effusive mass, those forming the under or lower portions of deep lava streams, will be under conditions essentially similar to plutonic magmas, and may cool so slowly as to become holocrystalline. It is, more- over, obvious that, could we trace any superficial mass of erupted material back to its original deep-seated source, we would pass gradually from the volcanic to the plutonic type without at any one point being able to indicate the line of separation. Hence it is that in the laboratory it is not always possible, from the examination of the hand specimen or thin section only, to determine to which of the two classes it may belong. We can easily discriminate between the extremes, but there is a wide intermediate zone where any such attempts are impracticable, as indeed they are unnecessary. 2 1 Whitman Cross has shown that there are exceptions to this rule. See The Laccolitic Mountain Groups of Colorado, 14th Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Survey, pp. 231-235. 2 Intermediate between these plutonic and effusive types is still a third phase of prevailing holocrystalline porphyritic structure, and which, owing to the fact that such have thus far been found only in dikes, it has been proposed to group under the head of dike rocks (gangesteine). Since such are but local phases of plutonic magmas, which have been left to cool and crystallize between narrow walls, instead of poured out upon the surface, such a subdivision seems scarcely called for and as tending to still further confuse that which is already sadly confounded. The same may be said with reference to the now prevailing ten- dency to give varietal names to every phase of magmatic differentiation, and which has resulted already in such monstrosities of nomenclature as ouachitite, monchiquite, yogoite, and absarokite. RELATIONSHIP OF PLUTONIC AND IGNEOUS ROCKS 63 Owing to a false impression which formerly prevailed relative to the nature of the Palaeozoic effusives and those of Mesozoic, Tertiary, and more recent times, dissimilar names have, in very many instances, been applied to rocks which in other respects than that of geological age are essentially one and the same. Thus the name andesite is given to a rock in every respect similar to porphyrite, with the possible exception of a slight amount of devitrification the latter may have undergone owing to its greater geological antiquity. The name rhyolite likewise includes rocks with the structure and composition of the older quartz porphyries, and though intended by Richthofen to include only certain comparatively modern acid lavas, has been shown by the late Dr. Williams l to be equally applicable to the pre-Cambrian lavas of the South Mountain region of Pennsylvania. These and other names have, however, become too firmly engrafted upon the literature to be too hastily set aside, and may well be retained here. The following table will serve to show the relationship, so INTRUSIVE OB PLUTONIC EFFUSIVE OR VOLCANIC Palseovolcanic Neovolcanic Acid 65% -75% } Granites .... Quartz porphyries . . Liparites (rhyolites) Si0 2 J r Syenites .... Intermediate N heline syenites j 00% to 65% P Foyai 4 Quartz-free porphyries Phonolites Trachytes Phonolites bl 2 iDiorites . . . . Porphy rites .... Andesites f Gabbros, norites, ( Melaphyrs and augitej "Rooqlfo and diabases \ porphyrites \ Basic Theralites . . . (Not known) .... (Thephrites and | basanites 40% to 55% H Peridotites . . Picrite porphyrites Limburgites Si0 2 Pyroxenites . (Not known) . . . Augitites (Not known) . . (Not known) . . . Leucite rocks (Not known) (Not known) . . . Nepheline rocks (Not known) . . (Not known) . . . Melilite rocks far as known, which exists between the plutoiiic rocks and their effusive equivalents of whatever age. Thus the palseo- Am. Jour, of Science, Vol. XLIV, p. 482, 1892. 64 ROCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES volcanic equivalents of the syenites are the quartz-free por- phyries, and the neovolcanic equivalents, the trachytes. The terms acid, intermediate, and basic, as used, have reference to the percentage amounts of silica, both free and combined, contained by the representatives of the several groups. Rocks which, like some of the peridotites, carry even less than 40 % of silica are sometimes spoken of as ultra basic. The researches of the past few years have made it apparently evident that* eruptive rocks are to be satisfactorily studied only when considered, in their geographical as well as geological relationships ; that is to say, the eruptives of any particular region must be considered with reference to their genetic rela- tion to others of the same region ; such a relationship as is suggested by regarding them all as but varying phases of a process of differentiation from a common magma. That such a relationship in many cases exists has apparently been conclusively demonstrated by the work of Iddings 1 in the Yellowstone Park, J. F. Williams 2 in Arkansas, Pirsson 3 in Montana, and Brogger 4 in Norway. The attempt at correla- tion of local types with those of a somewhat similar nature at a distance is interesting and instructive, as showing on the whole a remarkable unity in nature's methods ; but we must never lose sight of the fact that each eruptive centre, through- out periods of activity interrupted it muy be by thousands of years, works out its own results according to local conditions which may or may not harmonize with those at distant points. It is possible to conceive that, could all the rocks of any suc- cessive periods of eruption from a single centre be once more relegated to a common magma, such might, in its entirety, be an exact equivalent of others in remote portions of the globe. The consolidated results from the cooling of extruded portions of this magma may, however, show ever-varying differences due to local conditions. In short, eruptive rocks must be considered by geographic groups and with reference to magmas. Attempts at a satisfactory classification on other grounds must prove invariably futile and tend only to retard, rather than to promote, the science. 1 Bull. Philos. Soc. of Washington, XII, 1892. 2 Ann. Rep. Geol. Survey of Arkansas, Vol. II, 1890. 3 Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. VI, 1895. 4 Die Eruptivgesteine des Kristianiagebiete, Christiana, Norway, 1894. PLATE 6 *ttf!. 'S / V * *.'>/ r ' - , ^' > *^ * " -*- FIG. 1. Lithophysse in liparite. FIG. 2. Cross-section of stalagmite. FIG. 3. Concretionary aragonite. FIG. 4. Pegmatite. THE GRANITE-LIPARITE GROUP 65 In the following pages the rocks are discussed in groups, each group comprising all those rocks having essentially the same chemical composition, but differing (1) in degree of crystallization, (2) in mode of occurrence, and (3) in geological age. In all, there is, within certain limits, a considerable range in mineral composition, or at least in the relative proportion of the various essential constituents. 1. THE GRANITE-LIPARITE GROUP This group includes the most acid of all eruptive rocks ; that is, those which on analysis are found to yield the highest per- centages of silica. Their chief essential constituents are quartz and potash feldspars, while the more basic ferruginous minerals are in quantities proportionately small. The group includes a deep-seated or plutonic type, granite, and two effusive or vol- canic types, quartz porphyry, and liparite or rhyolite. They may be described in detail as below : (1) THE GRANITES Granite, from the Latin " granum," a grain, in allusion to the granular structure. Mineral Composition. The essential constituents of granite are quartz and a potash feldspar (either orthoclase or micro- cline), and plagioclase. Nearly always one or more minerals of the mica, hornblende, or pyroxene group are present, and in small, usually microscopic forms, the accessories magnetite, apatite, and zircon ; more rarely occur sphene, beryl, topaz, tourmaline, garnet, epidote, allanite, fluorite, and pyrite. De- lesse 1 has made the following determination of the relative proportion of the various constituents in two well-known gran- ites : EGYPTIAN RED GRANITE PARTS PORPIIYRITIC GRANITE, VOSGES PARTS R6d orthoclase 43 White ortlioclase 28 White albite .... 9 Reddish oligoclase .... 7 Gray quartz 44 Gray quartz 59 Black mica . 4 Mica 6 Total 100 Total 100 1 Prestwich, Chemical and Physical Geology, Vol. I, p. 42. 66 ROCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES Chemical Composition. A general idea of the varying char- acter of these rocks may be gained from the following analy- ses : KINDS AND LOCALITIES Si0 2 A1 S 0, FeO Fe 2 3 CaO MgO K 2 Na a O Biotite granite, near Dublin, Ireland 73.0 13.64 2.44 1.84 2.11 4.21 3.53 Biotite granite, Silesia . . Biotite granite, Raleigh, North Carolina .... Hornblende granite, Salt Lake Utah 73.13 69.28 71 78 12.49 17.44 14 75 2.58 2.30 1 94 * 2.40 2.30 2 36 0.27 0.27 71 4.13 2.76 4.89 2.61 3.64 3 12 Hornblende granite, Sauk Rapids, Minnesota . . . Gneissoid biotite granite, District of Columbia . . Hornblende mica granite, Svene EffVDt 64.13 69.33 68.18 21 14.33 16.20 01 3.60 4.10 6.90 3.21 1.75 1.26 2.44 0.48 1.22 2.67 6.48 3.31 2.70 288 Although the mineral apatite is so universally a constituent of granitic rocks, yet it occurs in such small quantities as to be quite overlooked in the ordinary methods of analysis. Such tests as have been made show that the amount of phosphoric acid (P 2 O 5 ) contained by rocks of this class rarely exceeds 0.2 % and may fall as low as 0.05 %. Small as is the amount, it is nevertheless probable that it was from just such minute quantities in granites and the more basic eruptives, that was derived the main supply of phosphates existing in soils. Structure. The granites are holocrystalline granular rocks. As a rule none of the essential constituents show perfect crystal outlines, though the f eldspathic minerals are often quite perfectly formed. The quartz has always been the last mineral to so- lidify, and hence occurs only as irregular granules occupying the interspaces. It is remarkable from its carrying innumerable cavities filled with liquid and gaseous carbonic acid or with saline matter. So minute are these cavities that it has been esti- mated by Sorby that from one to ten thousand millions could be contained in a single cubic inch of space. The microscopic structure of a mica granite from Maine is shown in Fig. 3 and in Fig. 1, PI. 5. 1 Yielded also 1.09% manganese oxide. THE GRANITE-LIP ARITE GROUP 67 FIG. 3. Microstructure of muscovite-biotite granite, Hallowell, Maiue. The rocks vary in texture almost indefinitely, presenting all gradations from fine evenly granular rocks to coarsely porphy- ritic forms in which the feldspars, which are the only constituents porphy- ritically developed, are several inches or feet in length. Concretionary forms are rare. A variety from Craftsburg, Vermont, is unique on account of the numerous concretionary masses of black mica it carries. Colors. The prevail- ing color is some shade of gray, though greenish, yellowish, pink, to deep red, are not uncommon. The various hues are due to the color of the prevailing feldspar and the abundance and kind of the accessory minerals. Granites in which muscovite is the prevailing mica, are nearly always very light gray in color. The dark gray varieties are due largely to abundant black mica or hornblende, the greenish and pink or red colors to the prevailing greenish, pink, or red feldspars. Classification and Nomenclature. Several varieties are com- monly recognized and designated by names dependent upon the predominating accessory mineral. We thus have (1) musco- vite granite, (2) biotite granite or granitite, (3) biotite-muscovite granite, (4) hornblende granite, (5) Jiornblende-biotite granite, and more rarely (6) pyroxene (7) tourmaline and (8) epidote granite. The name protogine has been given to a granite in which the mica is in part or wholly replaced by talc. The name is not very generally used. G-raphic granite, or pegmatite, is a granitic rock consisting essentially of quartz and orthoclase so crystallized together in long parallel columns or shells that a cross-section bears a crude resemblance to Hebrew writing. (See Fig. 4, PI. 6.) Aplit is a name used by the Germans for a granite very poor in mica and consisting essentially of quartz and feldspar only. 68 HOCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES The names granitell and Unary granite have also been used to designate rocks of this class. Ghreisen is a name applied to a quartz-mica rock, with accessory topaz, occurring associated with the tin ores of Saxony and regarded as a granite meta- morphosed by exhalations of fluoric acid. Luxullianite and Trowlesworthite are local names given to tourmaline or tour- maline-fluorite granitic rocks occurring at Luxullian and Trowlesworth, in Cornwall, England. The name Unakite has been given to an epidotic granite with pink feldspars occurring in the Unaka Mountains in western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee. The name granite porphyry is made to include a class of rocks placed by Professor Rosenbusch under the head of "gaiige- steine," or dike rocks, and differing from the true granites mainly in structural features. They consist in their typical forms of orthoclase feldspars and quartzes porphyritically de- veloped in a finer holocrystalline aggregate of the minerals common to the granite group. The granites are among the most wide-spread and commonest of rocks, and are of great economic importance for structural and monumental work. In the United States they are to be found mainly in the Appalachian region and from the front range of the Rocky Mountains westward to the Pacific coast. Geological Age and Mode of Occurrence. The granites are massive rocks, occurring most frequently associated with the older and lower rocks of the earth's crust, sometimes inter- stratified with metamorphic rocks or forming the central por- tions of mountain chains. They are not, as once supposed, the oldest of rocks, but occur frequently in eruptive masses or bosses invading rocks of all ages up to late Mesozoic or Ter- tiary times. Thus Professor Whitney considered the eruptive granites of the Sierra Nevada to be Jurassic. Zirkel divides the granites described in the reports of the 40th Parallel Sur- vey into three groups : (1) Those of Jurassic age ; (2) those of Palaeozoic age, and (3) those of Archaean age. The granites of the eastern United States, on the other hand, have, in times past, been regarded as mainly Archaean, though Dr. Wadsworth has shown that the Quincy, Massachusetts, stone is an eruptive rock of late Primordial or more recent age, while Professor Hitchcock regards the eruptive granites of Vermont as having been protruded during Silurian or perhaps Devonian times. THE QUARTZ PORPHYRIES 69 (2) THE QUARTZ PORPHYRIES Composition. The mineral and chemical composition of the quartz porphyries is essentially the same as that of the gran- ites, from which they differ mainly in structure. Their essen- tial constituents are quartz and feldspar, with accessory black mica or hornblende in very small quantities ; other acces- sories present, as a rule only in microscopic quantities, are magnetite, pyrite, hematite, and epidote. Structure. The prevailing structure is porphyritic. (Fig. 1, PI. 2.) To the unaided eye they present a very dense and com- pact ground-mass of uniform reddish, brown, black, gray, or yel- lowish color, through which are scattered clear glassy crystals of quartz alone, or of quartz and feldspar together. The quartz differs from the quartz of granites in that here it was the first mineral to separate out on cooling, and hence has taken on a more perfect crystalline form ; the crystal outlines of the feld- spar are also well defined. Under the microscope the ground- mass in the typical porphyry is found to consist of a dense felsitic, almost irresolvable substance, which chemical analysis shows to be also a mixture of quartzose and feldspathic ma- terial. The porphyritic quartzes show frequently a marked corrosive action from the molten magma, the mineral having again been partially dissolved after its first crystallization. (Fig: 3, PI. 5.) This difference in structure in rocks of the same chemical composition is believed to be due wholly to the different circumstances under which the two rocks have solidi- fied from a molten magma. The structure of the ground-mass is not always felsitic, but may vary from a glass, as in the pitchstones of Meissen, Isle of Arran, and the Lake Lugano region, through spherulitic, micropegmatitic, and porphyritic to perfectly microcrystalline forms as in the microgranites. This difference in structure may be best understood by refer- ence to Plate 5, which shows the microscopic structure of (1) granite from Sullivan, Hancock County, Maine, (2) micropeg- matite from Mount Desert, Maine, and (3) a quartz porphyry from Fairfield, Pennsylvania. Marked fluidal structure is common. (See PI. 2, Fig. 2.) Colors. The colors of the ground-mass, as above noted, vary through reddish, brownish gray to black and sometimes yellowish or green. The porphyritic feldspars vary from red, pink, and 70 ROCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES yellow to snow-white, and often present a beautiful contrast with the ground-mass, forming a desirable stone for ornamental pur- poses. Classification and Nomenclature. Owing to the very slight development of the accessory minerals, mica, hornblende, etc., it has been found impossible to adopt the system of classifica- tion and nomenclature used with the granites and other rocks. Vogelsang's classification as modified by Rosenbusch is based upon the structure of the ground-mass as revealed by the micro- scope. It is as follows: Ground-mass holocrystalline granular Micro-granite. Ground-mass holocrystalline, but formed of quartz and feld- spar aggregates, rather than district crystals Granophyr. Ground-mass felsitic Felsophyr. Ground-mass glassy Vitrophyr. Intermediate forms are designated by a combination of the names, as granofelsophyr, felsovitrophyr, etc. The name felsite is often given to rocks of this group in which the porphyritic constituents are wholly lacking. The names felstone arid petrosilex are also common, though gradually going out of use. Elvanite is a Cornish miner's term and too indefinite to be of great value. Eurite, now little used, applies to felsitic forms. The n&mQ felsite pitchstone or retinite has been given to a glassy form with pitch-like lustre, such as occurs in dikes cutting the old red sandstone on the Isle of Arran. Kugel porphyry is a name given by German writers to varieties showing spheroids with a radiating or concentric structure. Micropegmatite is the term not infrequently applied to such as show under the micro- scope a pegmatitic structure. (Fig. 2, PI. 5.) Various popular names, as leopardite and toadstone, are sometimes applied to such as show a spotted or spherulitic structure. (3) THE LIPARITES Mineral Composition. These rocks may be regarded as the younger equivalents of the quartz porphyries, or the volcanic equivalents of the granites, having essentially the same mineral and chemical composition. The prevailing feldspar is the clear glassy variety of orthoclase known as sanidin ; quartz occurs in quite perfect crystal forms often more or less corroded by the molten magmas, as in the porphyries, and in the minute, six- PLATE 7 FIG. 1. Liparite, nevadite form. FIG. 2. Liparite, rhyolite form. FIG. 3. Liparite, obsidian form. FIG. 4. Liparite, pumiceous form. THE LIPARITES 71 sided, thin platy forms known as tridymite. The accessory minerals are the same as those of the granites and quartz porphyries. Chemical Composition. Below is given the composition of : (I) Nevadite, from the northeastern part of Chalk Mountain, Colorado, as given by Cross. 1 (II) That of a rhyolitic form, from the Montezuma Range, Nevada, as given by King, 2 and (III) that of a black obsidian from the Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, as given by Iddings. 3 CONSTITUENTS I II III Silica (Si0 2 ) ... 74.50% 74.62% 74 70 L Alumina (AlgOs) 14.72 11.96 13.72 Ferric oxide (Fe^Og) None 1.20 1.01 Ferrous oxide (FeO) Ferric sulphide (FeS2) 0.56 0.10 0.62 0.40 Manganese (MnO) 0.28 Trace Lime (CaO) ... 0.83 0.36 0.78 Magnesia (MgO) . . . 0.37 0.14 Soda (Na 2 O) 3.97 2.26 3.90 Potash (K 2 0) 4.53 7.76 4.02 Phosphoric anhydride (P 2 05) 0.01 Ignition. 0.66 1.02 0.62 100.38 % 99.28 % 2 2 99.91 % 2 3447 Colors. These are fully as variable as in the quartz por- phyries ; white, though all shades of gray, green, brown, yel- low, pink, and red are common. Black is the more common color for the glassy varieties of obsidian, though they are often beautifully spotted and streaked with red or reddish-brown. Structure. The liparites present a great variety of structural features, varying from holocrystalline, through porphyritic and felsitic, to clear, glassy forms. These varieties can be best understood by reference to Plates 5 and 7, prepared from photographs. Fig. 1, PI. 7, is that of the coarsely crystalline variety nevadite from Chalk Mountain, Colorado ; Fig. 2 is 1 Geology and Mining Industry of Leadville, Monograph XII, U. S. Geol. Survey, p. 349. 2 Geological Exploration 40th Parallel, Vol. I, p. 652. 3 Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Survey, 1885-86, p. 282. 72 KOCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES that of a common felsitic and porphyritic type ; Fig. 3 is that of the clear, glassy form, obsidian ; Fig. 4 shows also an obsid- ian, but with a pumiceous structure ; Fig. 1 on PI. 6 shows the hollow spherulites or lithopkyzce, which have been studied and described by Professor J. P. Iddings, of the United States Geo- logical Survey. 1 Such forms are regarded by Mr. Iddings as .resulting u from the action of absorbed vapors upon the molten glass from which they were liberated during the process of crystallization consequent upon cooling." A pronounced flow structure is quite characteristic of the rocks of this group, as indicated by the name rhyolite. The microscopic structure of an obsidian is shown in Fig. 4, PI. 5. Transitions from com- pact obsidian into pumiceous forms, due to expansion of included moisture, are common. Classification and Nomenclature. The following varieties are now generally recognized, the distinctions being based mainly on structural features, as with the quartz porphyries. We thus have the granitic-appearing variety nevadite, the less markedly granular and porphyritic variety rhyolite, and the glassy forms hyaloliparite, hyaline rhyolite, or obsidian as it is variously called. Hydrous varieties of the glassy rock with a dull pitch-like lustre are sometimes called rhyolite pitchstone. The name rhyolite, from the Greek word pew, to flow, it may be stated, was applied by Bichtofen as early as 1860 to this class of rocks as occurring on the southern slopes of the Carpa- thians. Subsequently Roth applied the name Liparite to similar rocks occurring on the Lipari Islands. The first name, owing to its priority, is the more generally used for the group, though Professor Rosenbusch in his latest work has adopted the latter. The name Nevadite is from the state of Nevada, and was also proposed by Richtofen. The name Obsidian as applied to the glassy variety is stated to have been given in honor of Obsid- ius, its discoverer, who brought fragments of the rock from Ethiopia to Rome. The name pantellerite has been given by Rosenbusch to a liparite in which the porphyritic constituent is an orthoclase. Rocks of these types occur, in the United States, only in the regions west of the front range of the Rocky Mountains. Apo-rhyolite is the name proposed by Dr. Williams for the i Obsidian Cliff, Yellowstone National Park, Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Survey, 1885-86. THE SYENITE-TRACHYTE GROUP 73 devitrified and otherwise altered pre-Cambrian rhyolite found at South Mountain in Pennsylvania. 2. THE SYENITE-TRACHYTE GROUP This group stands next to that of the granites in point of acidity, from which it differs mainly in the lack of free silica (quartz) as an essential constituent. On chemical grounds this and the next group to be described belong to the intermediate series, standing midway between the acid granites and the basic basalts. As with the last, we have plu tonic and effusive forms. These may be described as below : (1) THE SYENITES The name Syenite, from Syene, a town of Egypt. The word was first used by Pliny to designate the coarse red granite from quarries at Syene, and used by the Egyptians in their obelisks and pyramids. Afterwards (in 1787) Werner introduced the word into geological nomenclature to designate a class of gran- ular rocks consisting of feldspar and hornblende, either with or without quartz. Later, when a more precise classification became necessary, the German geologists reserved the name syenite to designate only the quartzless varieties of these rocks, while the quartz-bearing varieties were referred to the hornblendic granites. This is the classification now followed by all tlie leading petrologists and is therefore adopted here. Much confusion has arisen from the fact that the French geolo- gist Roziere insisted upon designating the quartz-bearing rock as syenite, a practice which has been followed to a considerable extent both in this country and England. Mineral Composition. The syenites differ from the granites only in the absence of the mineral quartz, consisting essentially of orthoclase feldspar in company with biotite, or one or more minerals of the amphibole or pyroxene group. A soda-lime feldspar is nearly always present and frequently microcline ; other common accessories are apatite, zircon, and the iron ores : more rarely sodalite. Chemical Composition. In column I below is given the com- position of a hornblende syenite from near Dresden, Saxony, in II that of a mica syenite (minette) from the Odenwald, and in III and IV that of augite-sodalite syenites from Montana. KOCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES CONSTITUENTS I II ill IV Silica (Si02) . . .... 60.02% 57.37% 54.15% 56.45% Alumina (AloOa) . 16.66 13.84 18.92 20.08 Ferric iron (F620g) . . . 1 f 2.44 ) f 1.31 Ferrous iron (FeO) 1 7.21 t 3.44 | 6.79 I 4.39 Magnesia (MgO) 2.51 6.05 1.90 0.63 Lime (CaO) 3.59 5.53 3.72 2.14 Soda (Na 2 0) . . 2.41 1.53 5.47 5.61 Potash (K 2 0) . .... 6.50 4.47 8.44 7.13 Ignition (H 2 O) 1.10 3.17 1.77 Chlorine (Cl ) 0.42 0.43 Phosphoric acid (PsO*-) . 0.13 100.00 % 97.84% 99.81 100.07 % Structure. The structure of the syenites is wholly analo- gous to that of the granites, and need not be further described here. In process of crystallization the apatite, zircon, and iron ores were the first to separate out from the molten magma, and hence are found in more or less perfect forms enclosed by the feldspars and later-formed minerals. These were followed in order by the mica, hornblende, or augite, and lastly the feld- spars, the soda-lime feldspars, when such occur, forming subse- quent to the orthoclase. Color. The prevailing colors are various shades of gray, through pink to reddish. Classification and Nomenclature. According as one or the other of the accessory minerals of the bisilicate group predomi- nates we have (1) hornblende syenite, (2) mica syenite, or minette, and (3) augite syenite. Other varietal names have from time to time been given by various authors. The name minette, first introduced into geological nomenclature by Voltz in 1828 (Teall), is applied to a fine-grained mica orthoclase rock, occurring only in the form of dikes and further differing from the typical syenites in having a porphyritic rather than granitic structure. Vogesite is the name applied to a similar rock in which hornblende or augite prevails in place of mica. These rocks are placed by Professor Rosenbusch in his latest work in the group of syenitic lamprophyrs. Monzonite is a varietal name for the augite syenite of Monzoni in the Tyrol. THE ORTHOCLASE OR QUARTZ-FREE PORPHYRIES 75 The mode of occurrence of the syenites is similar to that of the granites, though they are much more limited in their distribution. In the United States they have thus far been described but sparingly. Marbleheacl Neck, Massachusetts ; Jackson, New Hampshire, are well-known localities ; a beauti- ful hornblende syenite is found among the glacial drift boulders about Portland, Maine, but its exact source is not known. The hornblende syenite described by Hawes as occurring at Red Hill, Moultonborough, New Hampshire, has been shown by Professor W. S. Bayley 1 to carry elseolite, and to belong to the group of elseolite syenites. Hornblende syenites occur in the Vosgea Mountains of Germany and in Saxony ; mica syenites or minettes in the Odenwald, Germany, Baden, Saxony, and in the Fichtelgebirge. A mica-augite syenite carrying sodalite occurs as a Cretaceous eruptive in Jefferson County, Montana, 2 and a similar rock has been described by Lindgreii from the Highwood Mountains in the saine state. 3 (2) THE ORTHOCLASE OR QUARTZ-FREE PORPHYRIES Mineral Composition. The essential constituents are the same as those of syenite. They consist therefore of a compact porphyry ground-mass with porphyritic feldspar (orthoclase) and accessory plagioclase, quartz, mica, hornblende, or minerals of the pyroxene group. More rarely occur zircon, apatite, magnetite, etc., as in the syenites. Chemical Composition. Being poor in quartz, these rocks are a trifle more basic than the quartz porphyries which they other- wise resemble. The following is the composition of an ortho- clase porphyry from Predazzo as given by Kalkowski : 4 Silica, 64.45% ; alumina, 16.31% ; ferrous oxide, 6.49% ; magnesia, 0.30%; lime, 1.10%; soda, 5.00%; potash, 5.45%; water, 0.85 %. Structure. Excepting that orthoclase is the porphyritic con- stituent, they are structurally identical with the quartz porphy- ries, and need not be further described here. Colors. --These are the same as the quartz porphyries already described. 1 Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. IK, 1802. 2 Proc. U. S. Nat. Museum, Vol. XVII, 1894. 3 Proc. Cali. Acad. of Sciences, Vol. Ill, 2d series, p. 47. 4 Elemente der Lithologie, p. 80. 76 ROCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES Classification and Nomenclature. The orthoclase or quartz- free porphyries bear the same relation to the syenites as do the quartz porphyries to granite, and the rocks are frequently designated as syenite porphyries. Like the quartz porphyries, they occur in intrusive sheets, dikes, and lava flows associated with the Palaeozoic formations. Owing to the frequent absence of accessory minerals of the ferro-magnesia group, the rocks can- not in all cases be classified as are the syenites, and distinctive names based upon other features are often applied. The term orthopTiyr is applied to the normal orthoclase porphyries, and these are subdivided when possible into biotite, hornblende, or augite orthophyr according as either one of these minerals is the predominating accessory. The term rhombporphyry has been used to designate an orthoclase porphyry found in southern Norway, and in which the porphyritic constituent appears in characteristic rhombic outlines, and which is further distin- guished by a complete absencre of quartz and rarity of horn- blende. The name keratophyr has been given by Gumbel to a quartzose or quartz-free porphyry containing a sodium-rich alka- line feldspar. So far as can be at present judged, rocks of this type are much more restricted in their occurrence than are the quartz porphyries already described. (3) THE TRACHYTES Trachyte, from the Greek word rpa^v^ rough, in allusion to the characteristic roughness of the rock. The term was first used by Hauy to designate the well-known volcanic rocks of the Drachenfels on the Rhine. Mineral Composition. Under the name of trachyte are com- prehended those massive Tertiary and post-Tertiary lavas, con- sisting essentially of sanidin with hornblende augite or black mica, and which may be regarded as the younger equivalents of of the quartz-free porphyries. The common accessory minerals are plagioclase, tridymite, apatite, spheiie, and magnetite, more rarely olivine, sodalite, humite, hauyne, and melilite. Chemical Composition. The following analyses show the range in chemical composition of these rocks, I being that of the trachyte of Game Ridge, Colorado, and II that of a La Guardia stone. THE FOYAITE-PHONOLITE GROUP 77 CONSTITUENTS I II Silica (SiOo) 66 03 / fy 00 a>vri, sound, and \l0os, stone, in allusion to the clear ringing or clinking sound which slabs of the stone emit when struck with a hammer ; formerly called clinkstone for the same reason. Mineral Composition. The phonolites consist essentially of sanidin and nepheline or leucite, together with one or more minerals of the augite-hornblende group, and generally hauyne or nosean. The common accessories are plagioclase, apatite, sphene, mica, and magnetite ; more rarely occur tridymite, melanite, zircon, and olivine. The rock undergoes ready alter- ation, and calcite, chlorite, limonite, and various minerals of the zeolite group occur as secondary products. Chemical Composition. The average of six analyses given by Zirkel 1 is as follows: Silica, 58.02%; alumina, 20.03%; iron oxides, 6.18 %; manganese oxide, 0.58%; lime, 1.89%; magnesia, 0.80 % ; potash, 6.18 % ; soda, 6.35 % ; water, 1.88 % ; specific gravity, 2.58. Structure. The phonolites present but little variety in structure, being usually porphyritic, seldom evenly granular. The porphyritic structure is due to the development of large crystals of sanidin, nepheline, leucite, or hauyne, and more rarely hornblende, augite, or sphene, in the fine-grained and compact ground-mass, which is usually microcrystalline, rarely glassy or amorphous. Colors. The prevailing colors are dark gray or greenish. Classification and Nomenclature. Three varieties are recog- nized by Professor Rosenbusch, the distinction being founded upon the variation in proportional amounts of the three miner- als, sanidin, nepheline, or leucite. We thus have (1) nepheline phonolite, consisting essentially of nepheline and sanidin, and which may therefore be regarded as the volcanic equivalent of the nepheline syenite ; (2) leucite phonolite, consisting essentially of leucite and sanidin ; and (3) leucitophyr, which consists essentially of both nepheline and leucite in connection with sanidin, and nearly always melanite. 1 Lehrbuch der Petrographie, II, p. 193. THE DIORITE-ANDESITE GROUP 81 So far as now known, these rocks are of comparatively rare occurrence in the United States, having been described as occurring only in the Black Hills of South Dakota and the Cripple Creek district of Colorado. 4. THE DIORITE-ANDESITE GROUP We come now to groups of rocks which show a still greater falling off in their total amount of silica, as indicated by analy- ses, and a like diminution in the amount of potash. The cause of this falling off is due to the absence as an essential constituent of quartz and potash feldspars, the latter being replaced by soda- lime varieties, and which in their turn cause a corresponding in- crease in the elements sodium and calcium. The group includes the plutonic type diorite, and the effusive types hornblende por- phyrite, and andesite. These may be described as below: (1) THE DIORITES (GREENSTONES IN PART) Diorite, from the Greek word Siopi^elv, to distinguish. Term first used by the mineralogist Haiiy. Mineral Composition. The essential constituents of diorite are plagioclase feldspar, either labradorite or oligoclase, and hornblende or black mica. The common accessories are mag- netite, titanic iron, orthoclase, apatite, epidote, quartz, augite, black mica, and pyrite, more rarely garnets. Calcite and chlorite occur as alteration products. Structure. Dioritesare holocrystalline granular rocks, and as a rule, massive, though schistose forms occur. The individual crystals composing the rock are sometimes grouped in globular aggregates, thus forming the so-called orbicular diorite, kuyel diorite, or napoleonite from Corsica. (Fig. 1, PI. 8.) The texture is, as a rule, fine, compact, and homogeneous, and its true nature discernible only with the aid of a microscope ; more rarely porphyritic forms occur as in the camptonites. Colors. T The colors vary from green and dark gray to almost black. Chemical Composition. The following table shows the wide range in chemical composition found in rocks commonly grouped under this head. Classification. Accordingly as they vary in mineral comno- sition the diorites are classified as (1) diorite, in which horn- 82 ROCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES CONSTITUENTS I II III IV V VI Silica (Si0 2 ) 67 54 % 61.75% 56.71 % 50.47 % 43.50% 39 32 % Titanic oxide (TiO ) . 1.70 Alumina (A1 2 3 ) . . . Ferric iron (Fe 2 3 ) . . Ferrous iron (FeO) . . Manganese oxide (MnO) 17.02 2.97 0.04 18.88 0.52 3.52 18.36 6.45 18.73 4.19 4.92 17.02 13.68 14.48 2.01 8.73 0.71 Lime (CaO) 2 94 3 54 6.11 8 82 8 15 8.30 Magnesia (MgO) . . . Potash (K 2 O) .... Soda (Na 2 0) 1.51 2.28 4.62 1.90 1.24 3.67 3.92 2.38 3.52 3.48 3.56 4.62 6.84 2.84 2.84 11.11 0.87 3.76 Phosphoric acid (P 2 O 5 ) . Carbonic acid (CO 2 ) . . Water (H 2 0) .... 1 0.55 4.46 0.58 4.35 0.61 5.25 2.57 I. Quartz-mica diorite: Electric Peak, Yellowstone Park (J. P. Iddings). II. Diorite: Pemnaen-Mawr, Wales (J.A.Phillips). III. Diorite: Comstock Lode, Nevada (40th Parallel Survey). IV. Augite diorite : Custer County, Colorado (Whitman Cross). V. Porphyritic diorite (cainptonite) : Fairhaven, Vermont (J. F. Kemp). VI. Porphyritic diorite: Lewiston, Maine (G. P. Merrill). blende alone is the predominating accessory; (2) mica diorite, in which black mica replaces the hornblende, and (3) augite diorite, in which the hornblende is partially replaced by augite. The presence of quartz gives rise to the varieties, quartz, quartz augiie, and quartz-mica diorites. The name tonalite has been given by Vom Rath to a quartz diorite containing the feldspar andesine and very rich in black mica. Kersantite is a dioritic rock occurring, so far as known, only in dikes, and consisting essentially of black mica and plagioclase, with accessory apatite and augite, or more rarely hornblende, quartz, and orthoclase. It differs from the true mica diorite in being, as a rule, of a porphyritic rather than granitic structure. Professor Rosen- busch, in his latest work, has placed the kersantites, together with the porphyritic diorites (camptonites), under the head of dioritic lamprophyrs in the class of dike rocks or "gange- steine." The name, it should be stated, is from Kersanton, a small hamlet in the Brest Roads, department of Finistere, France. The diorites were formerly, before their exact mineralogical nature was well understood, included with the diabases and melaphyrs under the general name greenstone (Ger. G-riinsteiii). PLATE 8 FIG. 1. Orbicular diorite. Fia. 2. Granite spheroid. THE PORPHYRITES AND ANDESITES 83 They are rocks of wide geographic distribution, but apparently less abundant in the United States than are the diabases. The lamprophyr varieties are still less abundant, so far as now known. (2) THE PORPHYRITES Mineral and Chemical Composition. The essential constitu- ents of the porphyrites are the same as of the diorites, from which they differ mainly in structure. Structure. The porphyrites, as a rule, show a felsitic or glassy ground-mass, as do the quartz porphyries, in which are embedded quite perfectly developed porphyritic plagioclases, with or without hornblende or black mica. At times, as in the well-known " porfido rosso antico," or antique porphyries of Egypt, the ground-mass is microcrystalline, forming thus connecting links between the true diorites and diorite porphy- rites. Indeed, the rocks of the group may be said to bear the same relation to the diorites in the plagioclase series as do the quartz porphyries to the granites in the orthoclase series, or better yet, they may be compared with the hornblende an- desites, of which they are apparently the Palaeozoic equivalents. Colors. The prevailing colors are dark brown, gray, or greenish. Classification. According to the character of prevailing accessory mineral, we have hornblende porphyrite, or diorite porphyrite, as it is sometimes called, and mica porphyrite. When, as is frequently the case, neither of the above minerals are developed in recognizable quantities, the rock is designated as simply porphyrite. The porphyrites are wide-spread rocks, very characteristic of the later Paleozoic formations, occurring as contemporaneous lava flows, intrusive sheets, dikes, and bosses. (3) THE ANDESITES The name Andesite was first used by L. V. Buch in 1835, to designate a type of volcanic rocks found in the Andes Moun- tains, South America. Mineral Composition. The essential constituents are soda- lime feldspar, together with black mica, hornblende, augite, or a rhombic pyroxene, and in smaller, usually microscopic pro- portions, magnetite, ilmenite, hematite, and apatite. Common 84 ROCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES accessories are olivine, sphene, garnets, quartz, tridymite, anor- thite, sanidin, and pyrite. Chemical Composition. The composition of the andesites varies very considerably, the quartz-bearing members naturally showing much the higher percentage of silica. The following table shows the composition of a few typical forms : CONSTITUENTS I II III IV V VI Silica (Si0 2 ) 66.32 % 14.33 5.53 0.25 2.45 4.64 3.90 1.61 1.13 69.51 % 15.75 3.34 2.09 1.71 3.89 3.34 61.12% 11.61 11.64 0.61 4.33 3.85 3.52 4.35 56.07 % 19.06 5.39 0.92 2.12 7.70 4.52 1.24 0.99 56.19% 16.21 4.92 4.43 4.60 7.00 2.96 2.37 1.03 58.33% 18.17 6.03 2.40 6.19 3.20 3.02 0.76 Alumina (A1 2 3 ) . . . Ferric oxide (Fe 2 0s) . . Ferrous oxide (FeO) . . Magnesia (MgO) . . . Lime (CaO) Soda (Na>0) Potash (K 2 0) .... Water (H 2 0) .... 100.16% 99.63% 101.03% 98.01 % 99.62 98.10% I. Dacite from Kis Sebes, Transylvania. II. Dacite from Lassens Peak, California. III. Hornblende andesite from hill north of Gold Peak, Nevada. IV. Hornblende andesite from Bogoslof Island, Alaska. V. Hypersthene ande- site, Buffalo Peaks, Colorado. VI. Augite andesite from north of American Flat, Washoe, Nevada. Structure. To the unaided eye the andesites present as a rule a compact, often rough and porous ground-mass carrying porphyritic feldspars and small scales of mica, hornblende, or whatever may be the prevailing accessory; pumiceous forms are not uncommon. Under the microscope the ground-mass is found to vary from clear glassy through microlitic forms to almost holocrystalline. The minerals of the ground-mass are feldspars in elongated microlites, specks of iron ore, apatite in very perfect forms, and one or more of the accessory ferro-mag- nesian minerals.- Colors. The prevailing colors are some shade of gray, green- ish or reddish. Classification and Nomenclature. Specific names are given dependent upon the character of the prevailing accessory. We thus have : Andesites with quartz = Quartz andesites or dacites. Andesites in which hornblende prevails = Hornblende andesites. THE GABBRO-BASALT GROUP 85 Andesites in which augite prevails = Augite andesites. Andesites in which hypersthene prevails = Hypersthene andesites. Andesites in which mica prevails = Mica andesites. The glassy varieties are often known as hyaline andesites. The name propylite was given by Richthofen to a group of andesitic rocks prevalent in Hungary, Transylvania, and the western United States, but these rocks have since been shown by Dr. Wadsworth J and others to be but altered andesites, and the name has fallen largely into disuse. 5. THE GABBRO-BASALT GROUP We have here a large and variable group of rocks which on structural and mineralogical grounds might well be subdivided. Thus the gabbros, norites, and hypersthene andesites might well be considered as a group by themselves, while the diabases, augite porphyrites, melaphyrs, and basalts could form a second. Owing, however, to the similarity of the magmas from which they have been derived, it is believed the wants of the student will be best subserved by grouping them all together as above. They may be described in detail as below : (1) THE GABBROS Gabbro, an old Italian name originally applied to serpen- tinous rocks containing diallage. Mineral Composition. The gabbros consist essentially of a basic soda-lime feldspar, either labradorite, bytownite, or an- orthite, and diallage or a closely related monoclinic pyroxene, a rhombic pyroxene (enstatite or hypersthene), and more rarely olivine. Apatite and. the iron ores are almost universally pres- ent, and often picotite, chromite, pyrrhotite, more rarely com- mon pyrites, and a green spinel. Secondary brown mica and hornblende are common. Quartz occurs but rarely. Chemical Composition. As with other groups, the percent- age amounts of the various constituents obtained by analyses is dependent upon the relative proportion of the constituent minerals. In the tables given below, analyses like I and III, showing very little iron and magnesia, but rich in lime and soda and alumina, are of rocks in which the pyroxenic con- 1 Proc. Boston Society of Natural History, Vol. XXI, 1881, p. 260. 86 KOCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES stituents are almost wholly lacking, and which consist essen- tially of lime feldspars only. CONSTITUENTS I II Ill IV V VI Silica (Si0 2 ) 59.55 % 54.72 % 53.43 % 49.15% 46.85% 45.66% Alumina (A1 2 O 3 ) . . . 25.62 17.79 28.01 21.90 19.72 16.44 Ferric iron (Fe 2 3 ) . . 0.75 2.08 0.75 6.60 3.22 0.66 Ferrous iron (FeO) . .... 6.03 .... 4.54 7.99 13.90 Lime (CaO) 7.73 6.84 11.24 8.22 13.10 7.23 Magnesia (MgO) . Trace 5.85 0.63 3.03 7.75 11.57 Potash (K 2 0) .... 0.96 3.01 0.96 1.61 0.09 0.41 Soda (Na 2 O) 5.09 3.02 4.85 3.83 1.56 2.13 Ignition and loss . . . 0.45 .... .... 1.92 0.56 0.07 I. Anorthosite : Chateau Richer, Canada (T. S. Hunt). II. Gabbro : near Cornell Dam, Croton River, New York (J. F. Kemp). III. Anorthosite: Labrador (A. Wickman). IV. Gabbro : near Duluth, Minnesota (Streng). V. Gabbro: near Baltimore, Maryland (G. H. Williams). VI. Gabbro: North- west Minnesota (W. S. Bay ley). Structure. The gabbro structure is quite variable. Like the other plutonic rocks mentioned, they are crystalline granu- lar, the essential constituents rarely showing perfect crystal outlines. As a rule the pyroxenic constituent occurs in broad and very irregularly outlined plates, filling the interstices of the feldspars, which are themselves in short and stout forms quite at variance with the elongated, lath-shaped forms seen in diabases. This rule is, however, in some cases reversed, and the feldspars occur in broad, irregular forms surrounding the more perfectly formed pyroxenes. Transitions into diabase structure are not uncommon. In rare instances the pyroxenic constituents occur in concretionary aggregates as in the peculiar kugel gabbro or potato rock from Smaalanene, in Norway. Through a molecular change of the pyroxenic constituent, the gabbros pass into diorites, as do also the diabases. Colors. The prevailing colors are gray to nearly black ; sometimes greenish through decomposition. Classification. The rocks of this group are divided into (1) the true gabbros that is, plagioclase-diallage rocks and (2) norites, or plagioclase-bronzite and hypersthene rocks. Both varieties are further subdivided according to the presence or absence of olivine. We then have : THE DIABASES 87 True gabbro = Plagioclase -f diallage. Olivine gabbro = Plagioclase -f- diallage and olivine. Norite = Plagioclase -f hypersthene or bronzite. Olivine norite = Plagioclase -f hypersthene and olivine. Nearly all gabbros contain more or less rhombic pyroxene, and hence pass by gradual transitions into the norites. Through a diminution in the proportion of feldspar they pass into the peroditites, and a like diminution in the proportion of pyroxene gives rise to the so-called forellenstein. Hyperite is the name given, by Tornebohm, to a rock intermediate between normal gabbro and norite. Anorthosite, as above indicated, is the name given to the granular varieties poor or quite lacking in pyrox- enes. (2) THE DIABASES Diabase, from the Greek word &a/3acrt9, a passing over ; so called by Brongniart because the rock passes by insensible gradations into diorite. Chemical Composition. The table below shows the average range in composition of (I and II) the plutonic diabase and (III, IV, V, and VI) the effusive forms melaphyr and basalt. CONSTITUENTS I II III IV V VI Silica (Si0 2 ) .... 53.13% 45.46 % 56.52 % 51.02 % 57.25% 46.90 % Alumina (Al 2 Oa) 13.74 19.94 13.53 18.86 16.45 10.17 Ferric iron (Fe 2 3 ) . . Ferrous iron (FeO) . 1.08 9.10 j 15.36 12.56 J6.57 "1 4. 68 1.67, 1.77 1.22 5.17 Lime (CaO) .... 9.47 8.32 5.31 7.36 7.65 6.20 Magnesia (MgQ) . . . 8.58 2.95 2.79 5.57 6.74 20.98 Potash (K 2 O) .... 1.03 3.21 3.59 2.10 1.57 2.04 Soda (Na 2 0) .... 2.30 2.12 3.71 2.54 3.00 1.16 Ignition 0.90 0.30 0.81 2.86 0.45 5.42 Specific gravity 2 96 2 945 2.86 I. Diabase: Jersey City, New Jersey (G. W. Hawes). II. Diabase: Palmer Hill, Au Sable Forks, New York (J. F. Kemp). III. Melaphyr: Hockenberg, Silesia. IV. Melaphyr, Falgendorf, Bohemia (quoted from Zirkel's Lehrbuch der Petrographie). V. Quartz basalt: Snag Lake, California (J. S. Diller). VI. Basalt (absarokite) : near Bozeman, Montana (G. P. Merrill). Mineral Composition. The essential constituents of diabase are plagioclase feldspar and augite, with nearly always mag- 88 HOCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES iietite and apatite in microscopic proportions. The common accessories are hornblende, black mica, olivine, enstatite, hyper- sthene, orthoclase, quartz, and titanic iron. Calcite, chlorite, hornblende, and serpentine are common as products of altera- tion. Through a molecular change known as uralitization the augite not infrequently becomes converted into hornblende, as already described (p. 40), and the rock thus passes over into diorite. The plagioclase may be labradorite, oligoclase, or anorthite. Structure. In structure the diabases are holocrystalline. Rarely do the constituents possess perfect crystal outlines, but are more or less imper- fect and distorted, owing to mutual interference in process of formation, the granular hypidiomorphic structure of Professor Rosenbusch. The augite in the typical forms oc- FIG. 4. Microstructure of diabase. curs in broad and sharply angular plates enclosing the elongated or lath- shaped crystal of plagio- clase, giving rise to a structure known as ophi- tic. (See Fig. 4.) The rocks are, as a rule, com- pact, fine, and homoge- neous, though sometimes porphyritic and rarely amygdaloidal. Colors. The colors are sombre, varying from greenish through dark gray to nearly black, the green color being due to a dissemi- nated chloritic or serpentinous product resulting from the alter- ation of the augite or olivine. Classification. Two principal varieties are recognized, the distinction being based upon the presence or absence of the mineral olivine. We thus have: (1) diabase proper and (2) oli- vine diabase. Many varietal names have been given from time to time by different authors. Gumbel gave the name of leucophyr to a very chloritic, diabase-like rock consisting of pale green augite and a saussurite-like plagioclase. The same authority gave THE DIABASES 89 the name epidiorite to an altered diabase rock occurring in small dikes between the Cambrian and Silurian formations in the Fichtelgebirge, and in which the augite had become changed to hornblende. He also designated by the term pro- terobase a Silurian diabase consisting of a green or brown, somewhat fibrous, hornblende, reddish augite, two varieties of plagioclase, chlorite, ilmenite, a little magnetite, and usually a magnesian mica. The name ophite has been used by Pallarson to designate an augite plagioclase eruptive rock, rich in horn- blende and epidote, and occurring in the Pyrenees. The researches of M. Levy Kuhn 1 and others have, however, shown that both hornblende and epidote are secondary, resulting from the augitic alteration, and that the rock must be regarded as belonging to the diabase. The Swedish geologist, Tornebohm, gave the name sahlite diabase to a class of diabasic rocks containing the pyroxene sahlite, and which occurred in dikes cutting the granite, gneiss, and Cambrian sandstones in the province of Smaaland, and in other localities. The name teschenite was for many years ap- plied to a class of rocks occurring in Moravia, and which, until the recent researches of Rohrbach, were supposed to contain nepheline, but which are now regarded as merely varietal forms of diabase. Variolite is a compact, often spherulitic, variety occurring in some instances as marginal facies of ordinary diabase. The name eukrite or eucrite was first used by G. Rose to designate a rock consisting of white anorthite and grayish green augite occurring in the form of a dike cutting the Car- boniferous limestone of Carlingford district, Ireland. These rocks were included by Professor Zirkel under the head of "anorthitgesteine." The name is now little used, and rocks of this type are here included with the diabases. The diabases are among the most abundant and wide-spread of our so-called trap rocks, occurring in the form of dikes, intrusive sheets, and bosses. They are especially characteristic of the Triassic formations of the eastern United States. It should be noted, however, that many of these Triassic traps have been shown to be true lava flows, and that on both litho- logical and geological grounds such might with propriety be classed with the basalts. 1 Untersuchungen liber pyrenaeische Ophite, Inaugural Dissertation Univer- sitat, Leipzig, 1881. 90 KOCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES (3) THE MELAPHYRS AND AUGITE PORPHYRITES The term melaphyr is used to designate a volcanic rock occurring in the form of intrusive sheets and lava flows, and consisting essentially of a plagioclase feldspar, augite, and olivine, with free iron oxides and an amorphous of porphyry base. The augite porphyrites differ in containing no olivine. The rocks of this group are therefore the porphyritic, effusive, forms of the olivine-bearing and divine-free diabases and gabbros. Structure. As above noted, they are porphyritic rocks with, in their typical forms, an amorphous base, are often amygda- loidal, and with a marked flow structure. Colors. In colors they vary through gray or brown to nearly black ; often greenish through chloritic and epidotic decompo- sition. Classification and Nomenclature. According as olivine is present or absent, they are divided primarily into melaphyrs and augite porphyrites, the first bearing the same relation to the olivine diabases as do the quartz porphyries to the granites, or the hornblende porphyrites to the diorites, and the second a similar relation to the olivine-free diabases. The augite porphyrites are further divided upon structural grounds into (1) diabase porphyrite, which includes the varieties with holo- crystalline diabase granular ground-mass of augite, iron ores, and feldspars, in which are embedded porphyritic lime-soda feldspars, mainly labradorite, idiomorphic augites, and at times accessory hornblende and black mica ; (2) spilite, which includes the non-porphyritic compact, sometimes amygdaloidal and decomposed forms such as are known to German petrog- raphers as dichte diabase, diabase mandelstein (amygdaloid), kalk-diabase, variolite, etc.; (3) the true augite porphyrite, in- cluding the normal porphyritic forms with the amorphous base, and (4) the glassy variety augite vitrophyrite. (4) THE BASALTS Basalt, a very old term used by Pliny and Strabo to designate certain blacks rocks from Egypt, and which were employed in the arts in early times. 1 1 Teall, British Petrography, p. 136. THE BASALTS 91 Mineral Composition. The essential minerals are augite and plagioclase feldspar with olivine in the normal forms; accessory iron ores (magnetite and ilmenite), together with apatite, are always present, and more rarely a rhombic pyroxene, horn- blende, black mica, quartz, perowskite, hauyne and nepheline, and minerals of the spinel group. Metallic iron has been found as a constituent of certain basaltic rocks on Disco Island, Greenland. Chemical Composition. The composition is quite variable, as shown by analyses in columns V and VI on p. 87. The fol- lowing shows the common extremes of variation : Silica, 45 % to 55 %; alumina, 10 % to 18 %; lime, 7 % to 14 %; magnesia, 3 % to 10 % ; oxide of iron and manganese, 9 % to 16 % ; potash, 0.058 % ; soda, 2 % to 5 % ; loss by ignition, 1% to 5 % ; specific gravity, 2.85 to 3.10. Structure. Basalts vary all the way from clear glassy to holocrystalline forms. The common type is a compact and, to the unaided eye, homogeneous rock, with a splintery or conchoidal fracture, and showing only porphyritic olivines in such size as to be recognizable. Under the microscope they show a ground-mass of small feldspar and augite microlites, with perhaps a sprinkling of porphyritic forms of feldspar, augite, and olivine, and a varying amount of interstitial brown- ish glass; the glass may be wholly or in part replaced by devit- rification products, as minute hairs, needles, and granules. A marked flow structure is often developed, the feldspars of the ground-mass having flowed around the olivine belonging to the earlier period of consolidation, giving rise to an appearance that may be compared to logs in a mill stream, the olivines representing small islands. Pumiceous and amygdaloidal forms are common. Colors. The prevailing colors are dark, some shade of gray to perfectly black. Red and brown colors are also common. Mineralogically it will be observed the basalts resemble the olivine diabases and melaphyrs, of which they may be regarded as the younger equivalents. Indeed, in very many cases it has been found impossible to ascertain from the study of the speci- men alone to which of the three groups it should be referred, so closely at times do they resemble one another. Classification and Nomenclature. In classifying, the varia- tions in crystalline structure are the controlling factors. As, 92 ROCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES however, these characteristics are such as may vary almost indefinitely in different portions of the same flow, the rule has not been rigidly adhered to here. We thus have : (1) Dolerite, including the coarse-grained almost holocrys- talline variety ; (2) anamesite, including the very compact tine-grained variety, the various constituents of which are not distinguishable by the unaided eye ; (3) basalt proper, which includes the compact homogeneous, often porphyritic, variety, carrying a larger proportion of interstitial glass or devitrifica- tion products than either of the above varieties, and (4) tacky - lite, hyalomelan, or hyalobasalt, which includes the vitreous or glassy varieties, the mass having cooled too rapidly to allow it to assume a crystalline structure. These varieties, therefore, bear the same relation to normal basalt as do the obsidians to the liparites. Other varieties, though less common, are recogniz- able and characterized by the presence or absence of some predominating accessory mineral. We have thus quartz, horn- blende, and hypersthene basalt, etc. An olivine-free variety is also recognized. The basalts are among the most abundant and wide-spread of the younger eruptive rocks. Jn the United States the} r are found mainly in the regions west of the Mississippi River. They are eminently volcanic rocks, and occur in the form of lava streams and sheets, often of great extent, and sometimes show- ing a characteristic columnar structure. According to Rich- thofen, the basalts are the latest products of volcanic activity. A quartz-bearing basalt has been described by Mr. J. S. Diller as occurring at Snag Lake, near Lassens Peak, California, and which is regarded by him as a product of the latest volcanic eruption within the limits of the state. This lava field covers an area of only some three square miles, and trunks of trees killed at the time of the eruption are still standing. 1 Under the name of melilite basalt is included a group of rocks in which the mineral melilite is the characterizing constituent, with accessory augite, olivine, nepheline, biotite, magnetite, perowskite, and spinel. The normal structure is holocrystal- line porphyritic, in which the olivine, augite, mica, or occasion- ally the melilite, appear as porphyritic constituents. These are rocks of very limited distribution, and at present known in North America only near Montreal, Canada. Professor Rosen- 1 Bull. No. 79, U. S. Geol. Survey, 1891. THE THERALITE-BASANITE GROUP 93 busch, in his latest work, separates this entirely from the basalts, and considers it in a group by itself under the name of Melilite Rocks. 6. THE THERALITE-BASANITE GROUP This is a small, and so far as now known, comparatively in- significant group of rocks, representatives of which are confined to limited and widely separated areas. They are described as below : (1) THE THERALITES This name, derived from the Greek word Orjpav, to seek eagerly, is given by Professor Rosenbusch to a class of intru- sive rocks consisting essentially of plagioclase feldspar and nepheline, and which are apparently the plutonic equivalents of the tephrites and basanites. The group is founded by Professor Rosenbusch upon certain rocks occurring in dikes and laccolites in the Cretaceous sand- stones of the Crazy Mountains of Montana, and described by Professor J. E. Wolff, 1 of Harvard University. Mineral Composition. The essential constituents as above noted are nepheline and plagioclase with accessory augite, olivine, sodalite, biotite, magnetite, apatite and secondary horn- blende, and zeolitic minerals. Chemical Composition. The chemical composition of a sam- ple from near Martinsdale, as given by Professor Wolff, is as follows: Silica, 43.175%; alumina, 15.236%; ferrous oxide, 7.607 % ; ferric oxide, 2.668 % ; lime, 10.633 % ; magnesia, 5.810%; potash, 4.070%; soda, 5.68%; water, 3.571%; sulphuric anhydride, 0.94 %. Structure. The rocks are holocrystalline granular through- out. Colors. These are dark gray to nearly black. The theralites, so far as known, have an extremely limited distribution, and in the United States have thus far been re- ported only from Gordon's Butte and Upper Shields River basin in the Crazy Mountains of Montana. 1 Notes on the Petrography of the Crazy Mountains and other localities in Montana, by J. E. Wolff. Neues Jahrb. fur. Min., etc., 1885, I, p. 69. 94 ROCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES (2) THE TEPHRITES AND BASANITES Mineral Composition. The essential constituent of the rocks of this group as given by Rosenbusch are a lime-soda feldspar and nepheline or leucite, either alone or accompanied by augite. Olivine is, essential in basanite. Apatite, the iron ores, and rarely zircon occur in both varieties. Common accessories are sanidin, hornblende, biotite, hauyne, melanite, perowskite, and a mineral of the spinel group. Chemical Composition. The following is the composition of (I) a nepheline tephrite from Antao, Pico da Cruz, Azores, and (II) a nepheline basanite from San Antonio, Cape Verde Islands, as given by Roth. 1 CONSTITUENTS I II Silica (SK>2) . . . . 47 44 % 43 09 L 2371 17.45 6.83 18.99 Iron protoxide (FeO) 353 Magnesia (MgO) . . . 1 95 463 Lime (CaO) 647 976 Soda (Na 2 0) 6.40 502 Potash (K 2 O) 334 1 81 Water (H 2 0) 1 73 033 Structure. The rocks of this group are as a rule porphyritic with a holocrystalline ground-mass, though sometimes there is present a small amount of amorphous interstitial matter or base; at times amygdaloidal. Colors. The colors are dark, some shade of gray or brownish. Classification and Nomenclature. According to their vary- ing mineral composition Rosenbusch divides them into : Leucite tephrite = Leucite, augite, plagioclase rocks. Leucite basanite = Leucite, augite, plagioclase and olivine rocks. Nepheline tephrite = Nepheline, plagioclase rocks. Nepheline basanite = Nepheline, plagioclase and olivine rocks. The group, it will be observed, stands intermediate between the true basalts and the nephelinites to be noted later. Their distribution, so far as now known, is quite limited. 1 Abhandlungen der Konig. Akad. der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1884, p. 64. THE PERIDOTITE-LIMBURGITE GROUP 95 7. THE PERIDOTITE-LIMBURGITE GROUP This and the following groups include eruptive rocks in which neither quartz nor feldspars of any kind longer appear as essential constituents, and which are therefore very low in silica, causing them to be classed as ultrabasic. Although in most cases comparatively insignificant as rock masses, they are peculiarly interesting as mineral aggregates, and even more on account of the character of their alteration products. The peridotites are further of interest in presenting the nearest homologues to meteorites of any of our terrestrial rocks. The group includes the plutonic peridotites '(serpentine in part), and effusive picrite porphyrites and limburgites. In detail these are as below : (1) THE PERIDOTITES Peridotite, so called because the mineral peridot (olivine) is the chief constituent. Mineral Composition. The essential constituent is olivine associated nearly always with chromite or picotite and the iron ores. The common accessories are one or more of the ferro- magnesian silicate minerals augite, hornblende, enstatite, and black mica ; feldspar is also present in certain varieties and more rarely apatite, garnet, sillimanite, perowskite, and pyrite. CONSTITUENTS I II III IV V VI Silica (Si0 2 ) .... 41.58o/ 43.84 % 39.103% 42.94% 38.01 % 45.68 % Alumina (AloOs.) . . . 0.14 1.14 4.94 10.87 5.32 6.28 Magnesia (MgO) . . . 49.28 44.33 29.176 16.32 23.29 34.76 Lime (CaO) .... 0.11 1.71 3.951 9.07 4.11 2.15 Iron sesquioxide(Fe 2 3 ) 8.76 4.315 3.47 6.70 9.12 Iron protoxide (FeO) . 7.49 .... 11.441 10.14 4.92 Chrome oxide (Cr 2 3 ) . 0.42 0.436 .... 0.26 Manganese (MnO) . . .... 0.12 0.276 Trace .... Potash (K 2 O) .... .... .... Trace 0.15 0.22 Soda (Na 2 0) 0.90 4.15 Nickel oxide (NiO) 0.34 Water and ignition . . 1.72 1.06 5.669 6.09 10.60 1.21 Specific gravity . . . 3.287 2.93 2.88 2.83 3.269 I. Dunite : Macon County, North Carolina. II. Saxonite : St. Paul's Rocks, Atlantic Ocean. III. Picrite : Nassau, Germany. IV. Hornblende picrite : Ty Cross, Anglesia. V. Picrite : Little Deer Isle, Maine. VI. Lherzolite : Monte Rossi, Piedmont. 96 ROCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES Chemical Composition. The chemical composition varies somewhat with the character and abundance of the prevailing accessory. The preceding table shows the composition of several typical varieties. Structure. The structure as displayed in the different varieties is somewhat variable. In the dunite it is as a rule even crystalline granular, none of the olivines showing perfect crystal outlines. In the picrites the augite or hornblende often occurs in the form of broad plates occupying the interstices of the oli- vines and wholly or par- tially enclosing them, as in the hornblende pic- rite of Stony Point, New York. The saxonites and Iherzolites often show a marked porphyritic structure produced by the development of large pyroxene crystals in the fine and evenly granular ground-mass of olivines. (See Fig. 5, as drawn by Dr. G. H. Williams.) The rocks belong to the class designated as hypidiomorphic granular by Professor Rosenbusch; that is, rocks composed only in part of minerals showing crystal faces peculiar to their species. Colors. The prevailing colors are green, greenish gray, yel- lowish green, dark green to black. Nomenclature and Classification. Mineralogically and geo- logically it will be observed the peridotites bear a close resem- blance to the olivine diabases and gabbros, from which they differ only in the absence of feldspars. Indeed, Professor Judd has shown that the gabbros and diabase both, in places, pass by insensible gradations into peridotites through a gradual dimi- nution in the amount of their feldspathic constituents. Dr. Wadsworth would extend the term peridotite to include rocks of the same composition, but of meteoric as well as terrestrial origin, the condition of the included iron, whether metallic or FIG. 5. Microstructure of porphyritic Iherzo- lite, partly altered into serpentine. THE PERIDOTITES 97 as an oxide, being considered by him as non-essential, since native iron is also found occasionally in terrestrial rocks, as the Greenland basalts and some diabases. In classifying the peridotites the varietal distinctions are based upon the prevailing accessory mineral. We thus have : Dunite, consisting essentially of olivine only. Saxonite, consisting essentially of olivine and enstatite. Picrite, consisting essentially of olivine and augite. Hornblende picrite, consisting essentially of olivine and hornblende. Wehrlite (or eulysite), consisting essentially of olivine and diallage. Lherzolite, consisting essentially of olivine, enstatite, and augite. The name Dunite was first used by Hochstetter and applied to the olivine rock of Mount Dun, New Zealand. Saxonite was given by Wadsworth, rocks of this type being prevalent in Saxony. The same rock has since been named Harzburgite by Rosenbusch. The name Lherzolite is from Lake Lherz in the Pyrenees. The peridotites are, as a rule, highly altered rocks, the older forms showing a more or less complete transformation of their original constituents into a variety of secondary minerals, the olivine going over into serpentine or talc and the augite or hornblende into chlorite. The most common result of this alteration is the rock serpentine, the transformation taking place through the hydration of the olivine and the liberation of free iron oxides and chalcedony. (See Fig. 5.) Recent inves- tigations have shown that a large share of the serpentinous rocks were thus originated. The chemistry of the process has been already discussed under the head of olivine, p. 24. ' Since in this process of hydration the combined iron becomes converted into the sesquioxide form, and the calcium of the lime-magnesian silicates separates out in large part as free cal- cite, or as mixed carbonates of lime and magnesia, so these ser- pentinous rocks are rarely uniform in color or composition. The prevailing color is some shade of green, though not infre- quently brown, yellow, red, or nearly black. Through the presence of still unaltered grains of pyroxene, many varieties are porphyritic. The rock is almost universally badly jointed, an evident necessary accompaniment to the alteration, and into these joints have filtered the lime or magnesia carbonate solu- tions, where, depositing their load, they have formed the numer- 98 ROCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES ous white, yellow, and greenish veins with which the stone is traversed. Many varieties indeed, like the rosso de Levante, verde di Pegli, and verde di Crenora of Italy, are but breccias of serpeiitinous fragments cemented by calcareous and ferruginous cements. 1 It is, perhaps, as yet too early to state definitely that all peri- dotites are eruptive. In many instances their eruptive nature is beyond dispute. Others are found in connection with the crystalline schists, so situated as to suggest that they may them- selves be metamorphic. (2) THE PICRITE PORPHYRITES Under this head is placed a small group of rocks so far as now known very limited in their distribution, and which are regarded as the effusive forms of the plutonic picrites, as bear- ing the same relation to these rocks as do the melaphyrs to the olivine diabases. The essential constituents are therefore oli- vine and augite with accessory apatite, iron ores, and other minerals mentioned as occurring in the true picrites. Struct- urally they differ from these rocks in presenting an amorphous base rather than being crystalline throughout. Rocks of this type are supposed to have had an important bearing on the origin of the diamond, the diamond-bearing rocks of South Africa being picrite porphyrite (kimberlite) cutting highly carbonaceous shales. An examination of the Kentucky peri- dotite locality, where the same rock occurs under quite similar conditions, failed to show that similar results have been there produced, a fact which is supposed to be due in part to the small amount of carbonaceous matter in the surrounding shales. The group is very limited, and is represented in the United States only in Elliott County, Kentucky ; Pike County, Arkan- sas ; Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York. (3) THE LIMBURGITES This is a small group of lavas described by Rosenbusch in 1872 as occurring at Limburg, or the Kaiserstuhl in the Rhine. The essential constituents are augite and olivine with the usual iron ores. Structurally the rock is so far as known never holo- crystalline, but glassy and porphyritic. The composition of the 1 See the Stones for Building and Decoration, Wiley & Sons, New York. THE PYROXENITE-AUGITITE GROUP 99 Prussian limburgite is given as below. So far as known, the group has no representatives in the United States. CONSTITUENTS PER CENT Silica (Si0 2 ) 42 24 18 66 Iron sesquioxide (Fe 2 03) 7 45 Magnesia (M'0) 12 27 Lime (CaO) 11 76 Soda (Na0) 4 02 Potash (K 2 O) 1 08 Water (H 2 0) 3 71 99.19 8. THE PYROXENITE-AUGITITE GROUP Here are included a small group of eruptive rocks differing from the last mainly in the absence of olivine as an essential constituent. They are represented, so far as now known, only by the plutonic pyroxenites and effusive augitites. (1) THE PYROXENITES Pyroxenite, a term applied by Dr. Hunt to certain rocks con- sisting essentially of minerals of the pyroxene group, and which occurred both as intrusive and as beds or nests intercalated with stratified rocks. The author here follows the nomenclature and classification adopted by Dr. G. H. Williams. 1 Mineral Composition. The essential constituents are one or more minerals of the pyroxene group, either orthorhombic or monoclinic. Accessory minerals are not abundant and limited mainly to the iron ores and minerals of the hornblende or mica groups. Chemical Composition. The following analyses serve to show the variations which are due mainly to the varying character of the pyroxenic constituents : 1 American Geologist, Vol. VI, July, 1890, pp. 35-49. 100 ROCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES CONSTITUENTS I II in Silica (SiO 2 ) 50.80 % 53.98 % 55 14 % Alumina (AlgOs) 340 132 066 Chrome oxide (Cr 2 8 ) Ferric oxide (Fe 2 03) 0.32 1.39 0.53 1.41 0.25 348 Ferrous oxide (FeO) 8 11 390 4 73 Manganese (MnO) 017 021 003 Lime (CaO) 12.31 1547 839 22.77 22 59 2666 Soda (Na 2 0) Trace 030 Potash (K 2 0) Trace Water (H 2 0) 052 083 038 Chlorine (Cl) 024 023 .... 100.03% 100.24 % 100.25% I. Hypersthene-diallage rock : Johnny Cake Road, Baltimore County, Mary- land. II. Hypersthene-diallage rock : Hebbville post-office, Baltimore County, Maryland. III. Bronzite-diopside rock from near Webster, North Carolina. Structure. The pyroxenites are holocrystalline granular rocks, at times evenly granular and saccharoidal, or again porphyritic, as in the websterite Carolina. North from The micro- scopic structure of this rock is shown in Fig. 6 from the original draw- ing by Dr. Williams. Colors. The colors are, as a rule, greenish or bronze. Classification and No- menclature. The pyrox- enites, it will be observed, differ from the peridotites only in the lack of olivine. Following Dr. Williams's .bio. 6. Microstructure of websterite, Webster. , North Carolina. nomenclature, we have the varieties diallagite, bronzitite, and hypersthenite, according as the mineral diallage, brohzite, or hypersthene forms the essential constituent. Web- sterite is the name given to the enstatite-diopside variety, such AUGITITE 101 as occurs near Webster, North Carolina, and hornblendite to the hornblende-augite variety. The pyroxenites rank, in geo- logical importance, next to the peridotites. Through processes of hydration and other chemical changes, these rocks pass into amphibolic and steatitic masses to which the name soapstone or potstone is not infrequently applied. These are dark gray or greenish rocks, soft enough to be readily cut with a knife and with a pronounced soapy or greasy feeling ; hence the name soapstone. The name potstone was given on account of their having been utilized for making rude pots, for which their softness and fireproof properties render them well qualified. Although it is commonly stated in the text-books that soap- stone is a compact form of steatite or talc, few are even ap- proximately pure forms of this mineral, but all contain varying proportions of chlorite, mica, and tremolite, together with per- haps unaltered residuals of pyroxene, granules of iron ore, iron pyrites, quartz, and, in seams and veins, calcite and magnesian carbonates. The variation in chemical composition is shown in the following analyses, I being that of a compact, homogeneous- appearing, quite massive variety from Alberene, in Albemarle County, Virginia, and II one from Francestown, New Hamp- shire. CONSTITUENTS I II Silica (Si0 2 ) 39.06% 42.43% Alumina (AloOs) 12.84 6.08 Ferric and ferrous iron (Fe203) and (FeO) .... Lime (CaO) 12.90 5.98 13.07 3.27 Magnesia (IVIgO) 22.76 25.71 Potash (KoO) . . . 0.19 0.32 Soda (Na 2 0) . . 0.11 0.16 Ignition 6.56 8.45 100.40% 99.49% (2) AUGITITE The effusive form, augitite, differs from the pyroxenite proper mainly on structural grounds. In common with many lavas it has a glassy base, in which are embedded the crystals of augite and iron ores. The composition of an augitite from the Cape Verde Islands, as given by Roth, is as below : 102 ROCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES CONSTITUENTS PER CENT Silica (SK>2) . ... 41 83 Alumina (A^Oa) . . . 18 60 16.11 Magnesia (MsjO) . 4 98 Lime (CaO) . ... 11 83 Soda (Na 2 0) 4 70 Potash (K 2 O) 2.47 Water (H 2 0) 91 101.43 9. THE LEUCITE-NEPHELINE ROCKS Under this head are grouped two small but interesting groups of effusive rocks, having, so far as known, no exact equivalent among the plutonics, and characterized by the presence of leu- cite or nepheline as essential constituents and which here seem to play the role of feldspars. In detail they are as below: (1) THE LEUCITE ROCKS Mineral Composition. The essential constituent is leucite and a basic augite. A variety of accessories occur, including biotite, hornblende, iron ores, apatite, olivine, plagioclase, nephe- line, melilite, and more rarely garnets, hauyne, sphene, chromite, and perowskite. Feldspar as an essential fails entirely. Chemical Composition. The average chemical composition as given by Blaas 1 is as follows : Silica, 48.9 % ; alumina, 19.5 % ; iron oxides, 9.2%; lime, 8.9%; magnesia, 1.9%; potash, 6.5%; soda, 4.4%. Structure. The rocks of this group are, as a rule, fine grained and only slightly vesicular, presenting to the unaided eye little to distinguish them from the finer-grained varieties of ordinary basalt. Colors. The prevailing colors are some shades of gray, though sometimes yellowish or brownish. Classification and Nomenclature. The varietal distinctions are based upon the presence or absence of the mineral olivine 1 Katechismus der Petrographie, p. 117. THE NEFHELINE ROCKS 103 and upon structural grounds and various minor characteristics. We have the olivine-free variety leucitite and the olivine-holding variety leucite basalt. These rocks have also a very limited distribution, and, so far as known, are found within the limits of the United States only at the Leucite Hills, Wyoming. (2) THE NEPHELINE ROCKS Mineral Composition. These rocks consist essentially of nepheline with a basaltic augite and accessory sanidin, pla- gioclase, mica, olivine, leucite, minerals of the sodalite group, magnetite, apatite, perowskite, and melanite. Chemical Composition. Below is given the composition of (I) a nephelinite from the Cape Verde Islands, and (II) a nepheline basalt from the Vogelsberg, Prussia. 1 CONSTITUENTS I II Silica (Si0 2 ) 46 95 % 42 37 / Alumina (Al 2 0s) 21.59 8 88 Iron sesquioxide (I^Og) Iron protoxide (FeO) 8.09 11.26 7 80 Magnesia (MsjO) . . . 2 49 13 01 Lime (CaO) ... 7 97 10 93 Soda (Na 2 0) .... 8.93 4 51 Potash (K 2 0) ... . . 2.04 1.21 Water (H 2 0) 2.09 0.34 3.103 Colors. The prevailing colors are various shades of gray to nearly black. Structure. Structurally they are porphyritic, with a holo- crystalline or in part amorphous base, usually fine grained and compact, at times amygdaloidal. Classification and Nomenclature. These rocks differ from the basalts, which they otherwise greatly resemble, in that they bear the mineral nepheline in place of feldspar. Based upon the presence or absence of olivine, we have, first, nepheline basalt, 1 Roth, Abhandl. der Konig. Preus. Akad. der Wiss. zu Berlin, 1884. 104 ROCKS FORMED THROUGH IGNEOUS AGENCIES and second, nephelinite. The name nepheline dolerite has been given in some cases to the coarser, holocrystalline, olivine- bearing varieties. Like the leucite rocks, the members of this group are some- what limited in their distribution. II. AQUEOUS ROCKS 1. ROCKS FORMED THROUGH CHEMICAL AGENCIES This comparatively small, though by no means unimportant, group of rocks comprises those substances which, having once been in a condition of aqueous solution, have been deposited as rock masses either by cooling, evaporation, by a diminution of pressure, or by direct chemical precipitation. It also includes the simpler forms of those produced by chemical changes in pre-existing rocks. Water, when pure or charged with more or less acid or alkaline material, and particularly when acting under great pressure, is an almost universal solvent. Thus, heated alkaline waters, permeating the rocks of the earth's crust at great depths below the surface, are enabled to dis- solve from them various mineral matters with which they come in contact. On coming to the surface or flowing into crevices, the pressure is diminished, or evaporation takes place, and the water, no longer able to carry its load, deposits it wholly or in part as vein material or a surface coating. In other cases alka- line or acid water, bearing mineral matters, may, in course of their percolations, be brought in contact with neutralizing solu- tions, and these dissolved materials be thus deposited by direct precipitation. In these various ways were formed the rocks here described. It will be observed that the various members of the group are composed mainly of minerals of a single species only. This group cannot, however, be separated by any sharp lines from that which is to follow, inasmuch as many rocks are not the product of a single agency, acting alone, but are rather the result of two or more combined processes. This is especially the case with the limestones. It is safe to assume that few of these are due wholly to accumulations of calcareous, organic remains, but are, in part at least, chemical precipitates, as is well illus- trated by the oolitic varieties. 105 106 AQUEOUS ROCKS According to their chemical nature, the group is divided into (1) Oxides, (2) Carbonates, (3) Silicates, (4) Sulphates, (5) Phosphates, (6) Chlorides, and (7) the Hydrocarbon Com- pounds. (l) OXIDES Here are included those rocks consisting essentially of oxygen combined with a base, though usually other constituents are present as impurities. Hematite. Anhydrous sesquioxide of iron. Fe 2 O 3 = oxy- gen, 30 % ; iron, 70 %. In nature nearly always more or less im- pure through the mechanical admixture of argillaceous silicates or calcareous matter, manganese oxides, sulphur, phosphates, etc. Several forms are recognized, the distinction being based mainly upon physical properties. Specular hematite is a mica- ceous or foliated variety with a black, metallic, often splendent lustre ; this variety is mainly a metamorphic form, and prop- erly should be classed with the metamorphic rocks. Compact, columnar, fibrous, and earthy forms also occur, the latter often known as ochre, as are similar forms of limonite. Although classified here under the head of aqueous rocks, it does not follow that the hematites have all originated in precisely the same manner. To a limited extent the specular variety is found about volcanic craters and fumaroles, where it was originally deposited by a process of sublimation. Through a process of oxidation, beds of magnetic iron become locally altered into hematite, giving rise to pseudomorphous granular, octahedral, and dodecahedral forms, to which the name martite is given. Many extensive beds undoubtedly arise from the dehydration by dynamic agencies the folding and metamorphosing of the enclosing rocks of beds of limonite. Others, like the fossil and oolitic ores of the Clinton formations, arise in part from a process of chemical precipitation and subsequent segregation, the ore being originally disseminated throughout a ferruginous limestone, and having accumulated as an insoluble residue as the lime carbonate was carried away through the action of car- bonated waters. The extensive hematite deposits of the Lake Superior region of Michigan are regarded as oxidation prod- ucts from pre-existing carbonates (siderite), the oxide having been precipitated from solution in synclinal troughs, and subse- quently crystallized by metamorphism. 1 The ores of the Mesabi 1 Van Hise Monograph XIX, U. S. Geol. Survey, 1892. FIG. 1. Botryoidal hematite. FIG. 2. Clay-iron stone septarian nodule. OXIDES 107 range, on the other hand, are regarded by at least one writer as having originated through a somewhat complicated process of oxidation and metasomatosis, whereby a pre-existing glauco- nitic rock (a ferruginous silicate) became converted into an admixture of free iron oxide and silica, the one or the other, according to the intermittent character of the permeating solu- tions, being leached out and redeposited at no great distance in a fair condition of purity. 1 A discussion of this subject belongs more properly to economic geology, and need not be dwelt upon further here. Limonite (Brown Hematite). Iron sesquioxide plus water. H 6 Fe 2 O 6 + Fe 2 O 3 . An earthy or compact dark brown, black, or ochreous-yellow rock, containing, when pure, about two- thirds its weight of pure iron. It occurs in beds, veins, and concretionary forms, associated with rocks of all ages, and forms a valuable ore of iron. (See Fig. 1, PL 9.) On the bot- toms of lakes, bogs, and marshes it often forms in extensive deposits, where it is known as bog-iron ore. The formation of these deposits is described as follows : Iron is widely diffused in rocks of all ages, chiefly in the form of (1) the protoxide, which is readily soluble in waters impregnated with carbonic or other feeble acids, or (2) the peroxide, which is insoluble in the same liquids. Water percolating through the soils becomes impregnated with these acids from the decomposing organic matter, and then dissolves the iron protoxide with which it comes in contact. On coming to the surface and being exposed to the air, as in a stagnant lake or marsh, this dissolved oxide absorbs more oxygen, becoming converted into the insoluble sesquioxide, which floats temporarily on the surface as an oil- like, iridescent scum. Finally this sinks to the bottom, where it gradually becomes aggregated as a massive iron ore. This same ore may also form through the oxidation of pyrite, or beds of ferrous carbonate. At the Ktaadn Iron Works, in Piscataquis County, Maine, the ferrous salt as it oxidizes is brought to the surface by water and deposited as a coating over the leaves and twigs scattered about, forming thus beauti- fully perfect casts, or fossils. Pyrolusite, Psilomelane, and Wad. These are names given to the anhydrous and more or less hydrated forms of manganese 1 J. E. Spurr, Bull. No. 10, Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey of Minnesota, 1894. 108 AQUEOUS ROCKS oxides, and which, though wide in their distribution, are found in such abundance as to constitute rock masses in comparative rarity. The origin of such deposits is at times somewhat ob- scure. In all cases they are doubtless secondary. The original source of the material appears to have been the manganiferous silicates of Archsean and more recent eruptive rocks, whence it was derived by leaching, being transported in the form of soluble salts and finally precipitated as oxide or carbonate, the latter being subsequently converted into oxide. The deposits which are of sufficient extent to be of commercial value occur as a rule in residual clays, as interbedded strata in shales and sandstones, or as occupying superficial seams and joints, and in the form of pockets and nests. True fissure veins of man- ganese oxide are not known. It is often associated with the form of limonite known as bog-iron ore, and, apparently, has been deposited contemporaneously. Beauxite (so called from Beaux, near Aries, France) is the name given to a somewhat indefinite mixture of alumina and iron oxides, and occurring in the form of compact concretion- ary grains of a dull red, brown, or nearly white color, and also in compact and earthy forms. The mode of occurrence of the mineral is somewhat variable. At Beaux and several other localities it occurs in pockets in limestone, and also in beds alternating with limestones, sandstones, and clays belonging to the Cretaceous period. In the Puy-de-D6me the beds rest directly upon gneiss, and are overlaid by basalt. At Oberhes- sen, Germany, the mineral occurs in rounded masses embedded in clay, as is also the case at Vogelsberg. In America, beaux- ite has been found in Alabama, Georgia, and Arkansas. In Alabama and Georgia it occurs in beds of irregular extent, associated with limestones of Upper Cambrian age (the Knox dolomite); in Arkansas the deposits are Tertiary. The origin of the beauxite is somewhat obscure. It has been argued that the beds at Beaux, and those of Var, are deposits from mineral springs. Those of the Puy-de-D6me, the West- erwald, Vogelsberg, and of Ireland, on the other hand, are regarded as derived from basalt by a metasomatic process. The Alabama and Georgia deposits, like those of Beaux, are regarded as of chemical origin. 1 1 See resume of the subject, by R. L. Packard, in Mineral Resources of the United States for 1891. OXIDES 109 According to C. Willard Hayes, 1 the prevailing rocks of this region are dolomites underlaid by aluminous shales. It is assumed that heated waters, in their passage upward from greater depths, have oxidized the iron sulphides of the shale, giving rise to sulphates of iron, of alumina, and the double sulphates of alumina and potash. As the ascending water, carrying these salts in solution, passes through the dolomite, it becomes charged with calcium carbonate, which causes the pre- cipitation of the aluminum salts in the concretionary, pisolitic form so characteristic. Beauxite has, of late, come to be of considerable economic value as an ore of aluminum, and as a source of alum, in place of clay. The material from various sources varies greatly in chemical composition, as shown by the following analyses : CONSTITUENTS I II III IV V Silica (Si0 2 ) 2.8% 1 10 % 21 08 % 2 80 % 10 38 / Alumina (A1 2 3 ) . . . Iron sesquioxide (Fe 2 C>3) . Water (H 2 0) 57.6 25.3 10.08 50.92 15.70 27.75 48.92 2.14 23.41 52.21 13.50 27.72 55.64 1.95 27.62 Titanium oxide (TiO 2 ) 3.1 3.20 2.52 3.52 3.50 I. Beaux, France. II. Vogelsberg, Germany. III. Jacksonville, Alabama. IV. Floyd County, Georgia. V. Pulaski County, Arkansas. Silica. Silica, as has been already noted under the head of rock-forming minerals, is one of the most abundant constituents of the earth's crust. In its various forms, which are sufficiently extensive to constitute rock masses, it is always of chemical origin, that is, results by deposition from solution, by precipi- tation, or evaporation, as noted above. Varietal names are given to the deposits, dependent upon their structure, method of formation, color, and degree of purity. Siliceous sinter, geyserite, or fiorite is the name given to the nearly white, often soft and friable, hydrated varieties formed on the evapo- ration of the siliceous waters of hot springs and geysers, or through the eliminating action of algous vegetation, as de- scribed by W. H. Weed in the reports of the United States 1 Trans. Am. Inst. of Mining Engineers, February, 1894. 110 AQUEOUS ROCKS Geological Survey. 1 The material is, in reality, an impure form of opal. Throughout the geyser regions of the Yellow- stone Park, Iceland, and New Zealand, the sinter has been deposited as a comparatively thin crust over the surface, or in the form of cones about the throats of the geysers. The vari- eties of silica known as opal are hydrous forms occurring in veins and pockets, in a variety of rocks. Not infrequently it forms the replacing material in silicified or " petrified " woods. In the old lake beds of the Madison valley, Montana, may not infrequently be found large logs composed wholly of this mate- rial, no sign of organic matter remaining, but yet with the woody structure beautifully preserved. The origin of these silicified logs, so far as it has been traced, appears to have been somewhat as follows : The water which permeated the lake beds in which these logs lay, was more or less alkaline, and carried small amounts of silica in solution. As the logs slowly decayed, there were given off minute quan- tities of organic acids which, neutralizing the alkaline water, caused a gradual precipitation of the silica, building up thus an exact cast of the decaying structure. Chalcedony is the trans- lucent, massive, c^ptocrystalline variety of silica occurring mainly in cavities in older rocks, where it has been deposited by infiltration. It is a common secondary product formed during the decomposition of many rocks, and, like opal, not infrequently forms the petrifying medium of fossil woods and other organisms. Not infrequently, also, it occurs in continu- ous layers of several inches in thickness, interstratified with limestone, as may be seen in the walls of the Wyandotte caves in southern Indiana, or, more rarely, in beds from 2 to 8 feet thick, interstratified with coal and fire-clay, as at the well- known " Flint Ridge " of Licking County, Ohio. Such depos- its are considered to be due to accumulations of the siliceous tests of diatoms. Flint is a variety of chalcedony formed by segregation in chalky limestone, and is composed, in part, of the broken and partially dissolved spicules of sponges, and the siliceous casts of infusoria. The source of the silica is, doubtless, the sponge spicules above noted and diatomaceous remains. Chert is an impure flint containing not infrequently fossil nummulitic remains, and with sometimes a pronounced 1 9th Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Survey, 1887-88. See also Bischof s Chemical and Physical Geology, Vol. I, pp. 184-200. CARBONATES 111 oolitic structure. It occurs in rounded, nodular, concretionary masses interbedded with limestones, particularly Palaeozoic vari- eties, and doubtless originated as did the flints in the chalky limestones. Jasper is a dull or bright red, or yellow variety of chalcedony containing alumina, and owing its color to iron oxides. It is sometimes used in jewellery. The name novaculite is frequently given to very fine-grained and compact quartz rocks, such as are suitable for hones. As commonly used, the name is made to include rocks of widely different origin, some of which are evidently chemical precipi- tates, while others are indurated clastic or schistose rocks. The well-known novaculites of Arkansas are clear white masses of chalcedonic silica, containing scattering quartz granules, minute grains of garnet, and numerous small rhomboidal cavities which seemingly were once occupied by crystals of calcite or dolomite. Opinions differ as to the origin of this rock. Owen. 1 regarded it as a sandstone metamorphosed by percolating hot water. Branner 2 looked upon it as a metamorphosed chert ; Griswold, 3 as a chemical deposit in the form of a siliceous slime on a sea- bottom, while Rutley 4 argues that it is but a siliceous replace- ment of beds of dolomite or dolomitic limestone. It seems probable that the views of Branner or Rutley are the most nearly correct. Quartz is a massive form of crystalline silica occurring in veins, disseminated granules, and pockets in rocks of all kinds and all ages. It is one of the most wide-spread and commonest of minerals, and is frequently quarried and crushed for abrasive purposes or use in pottery manufacture. It is not infrequently of a pink or rose color from metallic oxides. It is a common gangue of ores of the precious metals, particularly of gold. Lydian stone is an exceedingly hard impure quartz rock, of a black color and splintery fracture. It was formerly much used in testing the purity of precious metals. (2) CARBONATES Water carrying small amounts of carbonic acid readily dis- solves the calcium carbonate of rocks with which it comes in 1 2d Rep. Geological Reconnaissance of Arkansas, 1860. 2 Ann. Rep. Geol. Survey of Arkansas, Vol. I, 1886, p. 49. 3 Ann. Rep. Geol. Survey of Arkansas, Vol. Ill, 1890. 4 Quarterly Journal Geological Society of London, August, 1894. 112 AQUEOUS ROCKS contact ; on evaporation and through loss of a portion of the carbonic acid, this is again deposited. In this way are formed numerous and at times extensive deposits, to which are given varietal names dependent upon their structure and the special conditions under which they originated. Gale sinter or tufa is a loose friable deposit made by springs and streams either by evaporation or through intervention of algous vegetation. Such are often beautifully arborescent and of a snow-white color, as seen at the Mammoth Hot Springs of the Yellowstone National Park. Somewhat similar deposits are formed by springs in Virginia, California, Mexico, New Zealand. Others, like those from Niagara Falls, New York, and Soda Springs, Idaho, were formed by the deposition of the lime on leaves and twigs, form- ing beautifully perfect casts of these objects. Tufa deposits of peculiar imitative shapes have been described by Mr. I. C. Russell of the United States Geological Survey, as formed by the evaporation of the waters of Pyramid Lake, Nevada. Oolitic and pi- solitic limestones are so called on account of their rounded, fish - egg - like structure, the word oolite being from the Greek word (oov, an egg. (See PI. 12.) These are in part chemical and in part mechanical deposits. The water in the lakes and seas in which they were formed became so satu- rated that the lime was deposited in concentric coatings about the grains of calcareous sand on the bottom, and finally the little granules thus formed became cemented into firm rock by the further deposition of lime in the interstices. This structure will be best understood by reference to Fig. 7. Rocks of this nature are now forming along the beaches of Pyramid Lake. Concerning the occur- rence of these Mr. Russell writes : " Among The Needles the rocky capes are connected by cres- FIG. 7. Microstructure of oolitic limestone. CARBONATES 113 cent-shaped beaches of clean, creamy sands, over which the summer surf breaks with soft murmurs. These sands are oolitic in structure, and are formed of concentric layers of carbonate of lime which is being deposited near where the warm springs rise in the shallow margin of the lake. In places these grains have increased by continual accretion until they are a quarter of an inch or more in diameter, and form gravel, or pisolite, as it would be termed by mineralogists. In a few localities this material has been cemented into a solid rock, and forms an oolitic limestone sufficiently compact to receive a polish. No more attractive place can be found for the bather than these secluded coves, with their beaches of pearl-like pebbles, or the rocky capes, washed by pellucid waters, that offer tempting leaps to the bold diver." Such forms as these may or may not show a nucleus. It seems safe to assume that such a nucleus, at first, in all cases existed, though it may be in microscopic dimensions only. Travertine is a compact and usually crystalline deposit formed, like the tufas, by waters of springs and streams. The traver- tines are often beautifully veined and colored by metallic oxides and form some of the finest marbles. Such are the so-called "onyx marbles" of Mexico and Arizona. 1 Stalactite and stalagmite are the names given to the deposits formed from the roofs and on the floors of caves ; water, perco- lating through the limestone roof, by virtue of the carbonic acid it contains, dissolves out a small amount of the lime, which, on evaporation, is again deposited either as pendent cones from the ceiling, or as massive and pillar-like forms upon the floor. The pendants are known as stalactites ; the corresponding growths upon the floor as stalagmites. Stalactite and stalag- mite sometimes meet, forming thus continuous pillars, or col- umns extending from floor to ceiling. The lime of these deposits, it may be said, is as a rule in the form of calcite, though sometimes, as in the old portions of the Wyandotte caves in Indiana, it is aragonite. The so-called " oriental ala- baster " of the ancients is a stalagmitic deposit derived in part from crevices and pockets in the Eocene limestones of the Nile valley. Magnesite, a carbonate of magnesia, occurs frequently as a 1 The Onyx Marbles, Ann. Rep. U. S. National Museum for 1893. Also Stones for Building and Decoration, Wiley Sons, New York, 2d ed., p. 120. 114 AQUEOUS ROCKS secondary mineral in the form of veins in serpentinous rocks, but rarely itself forms rock masses of any importance. Rhodo- chrosite, a carbonate of manganese, sometimes occurs in rock masses, but is found most commonly in the form of veins asso- ciated with ores of silver, lead, or copper. Another carbonate, less common than that of lime, but which sometimes occurs in such quantities as to constitute true rock masses, is siderite, or carbonate of iron. A common form of this is dull brownish or nearly black in color, very compact and impure, containing varying amounts of calcareous, clayey, and organic matter. In this condition it is found in stratified beds and in the shape of rounded and oval nodules, or concretions, which are called clay -ironstone nodules, septaria, and sphcero- siderite. (See Fig. 2, PI. 9.) These septarian nodules are often beautifully veined with calcite, and when cut and polished form not undesirable objects of ornamentation. Other forms of siderite are massive, coarsely crystalline, and of a nearly white or yellowish color, becoming brownish on exposure. Pure sider- ite yields about 48 % metallic iron, and is of value as an ore. (3) SILICATES Silica, combined with magnesia and water, gives rise to an interesting group of serpentinous and talcose substances, which are often sufficiently abundant to constitute rock masses. Pure serpentine consists of about equal parts of silica and magnesia, with from 12 to 13 % of water. It is a compact, amorphous, or colloidal rock, soft enough to be cut with a knife, with a slight greasy feeling and lustre, and of a color varying from dull greenish and almost black, through all shades of yellow, brown- ish, and red. It also occurs in fibrous and silky forms, filling narrow veins in the massive rocks, and is known as amianthus, or chrysotile. These fibres, when sufficiently long, are used for the manufacture of fireproof material, and the mineral is com- mercially confounded with asbestos, a fibrous variety of amphi- bole. It is very doubtful if serpentine is ever an original rock ; it is rather an alteration product of other and less stable magnesian minerals. Here will be considered only those which have originated by a series of chemical changes known as meta- somatosis, a process of indefinite substitution and replacement, in simple mineral aggregates occurring associated with the SILICATES 115 older metamorphic rocks. Such are the serpentines derived from non-aluminous pyroxenes, like those of Montville, New Jersey, and Moriah, New York, and those from Easton, Penn- sylvania, derived from a massive tremolite rock. The analyses given below will serve to illustrate the chemical changes which occur in this process of metasomatosis, I being that of a nearly white pyroxene, and II that of the serpentine derived therefrom. CONSTITUENTS I II Silica (8162) 54.215 L 42 38 % Magnesia (MgO) . 19.82 42.14 Lime (CaO) 24 71 00 Alumina (AloOa^ 59 07 Ferric oxide (Fe20s^ 0.20 97 Ferrous oride (FeO) 0.27 17 Ignition (H 2 0) . 0.14 14.20 99.945% 99.85 % The pyroxene, it should be observed, occurs in nodular masses in a crystalline granular dolomite. Various stages of the process are shown in Fig. 8, in which the white and gray central por- tions are nucleal masses of unchanged pyroxenes, surrounded by the darker crusts of secondary serpentine. 1 Ser- pentine as an alteration product of the mineral chondrodite is also known to occur, though this form is less common. At Brewster, New York, are extensive deposits of this nature. (See further on, p. 158.) Several varieties of serpentine are popularly recognized. Precious or noble Fm g _ Pyroxene partiall y serpentine is simply a very pure com- altered to serpentine, pact variety of a deep oil-yellow or green color. Amianthus, or chrysotile, as noted above, is the name given to the fibrous variety. Williamsite is a deep bright green, translucent, and somewhat scaly variety, occurring asso- 1 See On the Serpentine of Montville, New Jersey, Proc. U. S. National Museum, Vol. XI, 1888, p. 105. 116 AQUEOUS ROCKS elated with the chrome iron deposits in Fulton township, Lan- caster County, Pennsylvania. Deiveylite is a hard, translucent variety occurring in veins in altered dunite beds. Bowenite is a pale green variety forming veins in limestone at Smithfield, Rhode Island. Picrolite, marmolite, and retinolite are varieties of minor importance. Serpentine alone, or associated with calcite and dolomite, forms a beautiful marble, to which the names verd antique, ophite, and ophiolite are given. The so-called Eozoon Canadense, a supposed fossil rhizopod, is a mixture of serpen- tine and calcite or dolomite. The name serpentine is from the Latin serpentinus, a serpent, in allusion to its green color and often mottled appearance. Those serpentines which were derived from basic eruptives, or complex metamorphic rocks are described with those rocks with which, in their unaltered state, they would naturally be grouped. The mineral steatite, or talc, when pure, differs from ser- pentine in containing 63.5 % of silica, 31.7% of magnesia, and 4.8 % of water. Its common form is that of white or greenish inelastic scales, forming an essential constituent of the talcose schists. As is the case with serpentine, it sometimes results from the alteration of eruptive magnesian rocks, such as the pyroxenites, and rarely occurs as a direct result of precipita- tion. It will be described more fully under the head of schists and pyroxenites. Rensselaerite is a closely related rock of a white or gray color, found in St. Lawrence County, New York. Its composition is essentially that of talc. Pyrophyllite, or agalmatolite, is a hydrous silicate of alumina, somewhat harder than talc, which it otherwise resembles, and which is used in making slate pencils and small images. It occurs in a schistose form in the Deep River region of North Carolina. Kaolin, also a hydrous silicate of alumina, is a chemical product in that it is a residue left by the chemical decomposi- tion of the feldspars. These minerals, as explained elsewhere, consist of silicates of alumina and lime, with more or less of the alkalies potash and soda, and iron oxides. In the process of decomposition new compounds are formed, the more soluble of which are leached out, leaving the less soluble silicates, including kaolin, behind in a condition of more or less purity. The mineral is of great value for fictile purposes, and is de- SULPHATES 117 scribed more fully under the head of argillaceous fragmental rocks. (4) SULPHATES Gypsum. The rock gypsum is chemically a hydrous sul- phate of lime, that is to say, consists of sulphur, lime, and water, and in the proportion of 32.6 parts of lime and 20.9 parts of water, combined with 46.5 parts of sulphur trioxide. When crystallized, the mineral is nearly colorless and trans- parent, and splits readily into thin, inelastic sheets. The com- pact massive varieties are white, gray to black, and sometimes pink from various impurities. The most characteristic feature is its softness, which is such that it can be readily cut with a knife or even by the thumbnail. Four varieties of gypsum are recognized : (1) The common massive form, dull in color and often more or less impure; (2) the pure white, fine-grained variety, alabaster; (3) the fibrous variety, satin spar ; and (4) the broadly foliated, trans- parent variety, selenite, so called from the Greek word o-eXe^e, the moon, in allusion to its soft and pleasing lustre. The following is an analysis of a commercial gypsum from Ottawa County, Ohio, as given by Professor Orton : l Lime (CaO) 32.52% Sulphuric acid (S0 3 ) 45.56 Water (H 2 0) 20.14 Magnesia (MgO) 0.56 Alumina (A1 2 3 ) 0.16 k Insoluble residue 0.68 99.62 % Gypsum occurs mainly associated with stratified rocks, and is regarded as a chemical deposit resulting from the evapora- tion of waters of inland seas and lakes ; it may also originate through the decomposition of sulphides and the action of the resultant sulphuric acid upon limestone ; through the mutual decomposition of the carbonate of lime (limestone) and the sul- phates of iron, copper, and other metals ; through the hydration of anhydrite ; and through the action of sulphurous vapors and solutions from volcanoes upon the rocks with which they come in contact. According to Dana, 2 the gypsum deposits in western 1 Geology of Ohio, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 700. 2 Manual of Geology, p. 234. 118 AQUEOUS ROCKS New York do not form continuous layers in the strata, but lie in embedded, sometimes nodular, masses in limestones. In all such cases this authority says the gypsum is the product of the action of sulphuric acid from springs upon the limestone. " The sulphuric acid, acting on the carbonate of lime, drives off its carbonic acid and makes sulphate of lime or gypsum ; and this is the true theory of its formation in New York." W. C. Clarke, however, regards it as a product of deposition from solution in sea- water. 1 The gypsum deposits of northern Ohio form apparently con- tinuous beds over thousands of square miles, and are regarded by Professors Newberry and Orton as deposits from the evapo- ration of landlocked seas at the same time as was the rock-salt which overlies it. Geological Age and Mode of Occurrence. As may be readily inferred from what has gone before, beds of gypsum have formed at many periods of the earth's history, and are still forming wherever proper conditions exist. In New York there are extensive deposits belonging to the Salina period of the Upper Silurian. In Ohio, gypsum asso- ciated with limestones and shales of Lower Helderbergage occur over areas comprising thousands of square miles. The follow- ing section of beds in Ottawa County, this state, will serve to show the conditions under which the rock may occur : Drift clays 12 to 14 feet Gray rock carrying impure gypsum - . 5 to 14 feet Blue shale % to 14 feet Boulder bed carrying gypsum embedded in shaly limestone . . . o to 14 feet Blue limestone 1 to 14 feet Main gypsum bed 7 to 14 feet Gray limestone 1 to 14 feet Gypsum . 3 to 5 feet Anhydrite is an anhydrous variety of calcium sulphate some- what less common than gypsum. Barite, or heavy spar, the sulphate of barium, also occurs in nature, but less abundantly than the calcium sulphates. It is found commonly in con- nection with metallic ores (silver, lead, and zinc), or as a secondary mineral associated with limestone, sometimes in distinct veins, or, as in southwest Virginia, filling irregular fractures in certain beds of the Cambrian limestones, or in i Bull. New York State Museum, Vol. Ill, No. 1, 1893. PHOSPHATES 119 part replacing the limestone itself. It is easily distinguished from coarsely crystalline calcite, for which it might possibly be mistaken, by its weight, the specific gravity being about 4.5 as against 2.7 for the latter. (5) PHOSPHATES The mineral apatite, a phosphate of lime, as already noted, is a common accessory, in the form of small crystals, in crystal- line rocks of all ages, both metamorphic and eruptive. In rare instances, as among certain Laurentian rocks of Canada, it occurs in coarsely granular aggregates of a green or pinkish color and of such dimensions as to constitute true rock masses. Here we have to do, however, more with the amorphous, fibrous, or concretionary forms to which the name phosphorite is com- monly applied. These occur nearly if not quite altogether as secondary products, due to the leaching out of phosphatic mate- rial from older rocks, and its redeposition in clefts and cavities at lower levels. It is thus that the phosphorites of Estre- madura, Spain, are accounted for. From these very pure, semi-crystalline masses, to the amorphous nodular and earthy forms, such as are found in the eastern Carolinas and in Flor- ida, there are no well-defined lines of demarcation. All have resulted apparently either from the leaching out of the phos- phate as above, or from the dissolving and carrying away of the lime carbonate in a phosphatic limestone, leaving the phosphatic material to accumulate as a residual product. Some of the latter products, like the phosphatic sandstones of the Carolinas, might with equal propriety be classed with the fragmental rocks, as are the residual clays. (See p. 151.) (6) CHLORIDES Sodium chloride, or common salt, is one of the most wide- spread constituents of the earth's crust, and from the standpoint of human comfort a most important constituent as well. The theoretically pure mineral consists of 66.6 parts of sodium and 39.4 parts of chlorine, though in nature it is almost univer- sally contaminated with chlorides, sulphates, and carbonates of potassium, calcium, and magnesium, together with oxides of iron and aluminum. A large number of analyses of rock-salts 120 AQUEOUS BOOKS from world-wide sources show them to range from 94 to 99 % sodium chloride. The pure mineral is white in color, but shows often yellow, red, or purplish hues due to iron oxides or organic matter. When crystallizing freely from solution, it ordinarily assumes the form of a cube, the faces being frequently cavernous or hopper-shaped ; rarely it occurs in octahedrons, and occasionally in fibrous forms. Sodium chloride in solution is an almost universal constituent of carbonated waters, though often in but the merest traces. Its prevailing solid form is that of coarsely granular aggregates constituting the so-called rock- salt, the beds of which are often of such thickness and extent as to constitute true rock masses and entitle them to considera- tion here. These rock masses are invariably products of depo- sition from solution, a deposition brought about through the evaporation of saline waters in enclosed lakes or seas. They are not limited to any particular geological period, but are to be found wherever suitable conditions have existed for their for- mation and preservation. Some of the more important beds now known belong to either the Upper Silurian, Carboniferous, Triassic, or Tertiary ages, and vary in thickness from a mere film to upwards of 1200 feet. In the United States, beds of rock-salt are known to occur in the states of New York, Penn- sylvania, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, Michigan, Kansas, Kentucky, Texas, Wyoming, California, and Nevada. Canada, England, the Carpathian Mountains, the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, West Germany, the Vosges, the Jura, Spain, the Pyrenees and Celtiberian mountains, all contain important beds. With the rock-salt are not infrequently associated other salts, as above noted. In the celebrated Stassfurth deposits, sixteen different compounds in the shape of chlorides and sulphates of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron have been determined, many of them in sufficient quantity to be of commercial value. (7) THE HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS Under this head are included a series of hydrocarbon com- pounds varying in physical properties from solid to gaseous, and in color from coal-black through brown, greenish, red, and yellow to colorless. Unlike the other members of the hydro- carbon series yet to be described, they are not the residual products of plant decomposition in situ, but are rather distilla- THE HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS 121 tion products from deeply buried organic matter of both animal and vegetable origin. The different members of the series differ so widely in their properties and uses that each must be discussed independently. The grouping of the various com- pounds as given below is open to many objections from a strictly scientific standpoint, but, all things considered, it seems best suited for our present purposes. 1 Gaseous ..... Marsh gas (natural gas) Fluidal ..... Petroleum (naphtha) .. , f Pittasphalt (maltha) Viscous and semi-solid { ^^ ^ c Asphalt (bitumen) Elastic ... . . ( Elaterite BltummOUS ..... < Iwurtzilite f Albertite Solid ...... -I Grahamite I Uintaite f Succinite Resinous ............... J Copalite I Ambrite Marsh G-as (Natural Cras). This is a colorless and odor- less gas arising from the decomposition of organic matter protected from the oxidizing influence of atmospheric air. By itself it burns quietly with a slightly luminous flame, but when mixed with air forms a dangerous explosive. It is this gas which forms the dreaded fire-damp of the miners. Under this head may properly be considered the so-called natural gas, which has of late years become of so much impor- tance from an economic standpoint. This is, however, by no means a simple compound, but an admixture of several gases, samples from different wells showing considerable variation in composition, as well as those from the same well collected at different periods. This last is shown by the six analyses fol- lowing, and which may serve well to illustrate the average composition, though in some instances the percentage of marsh gas has been found greater. 1 W. P. Blake, Trans. Am. Inst. of Mining Engineers, Vol. XVIII, 1890, p. 582. 122 AQUEOUS EOCKS CONSTITUENTS . II III IV v VI Mash gas 57.85% 75.16 % 72.18% 65.25 % 60.70% 49.58% Hydrogen 9.64 14.45 20.02 26.16 29.03 35.92 Ethylic hydride .... Olifiant gas .... 5.20 0.80 4.80 0.60 3.60 0.70 5.50 0.80 7.92 0.98 12.30 0.60 Oxygen 2.10 1.20 1.10 0.80 0.78 0.80 Carbonic oxide .... Carbonic acid .... Nitrogen . .... 1.00 0.00 23.41 0.30 0.30 2.89 1.00 0.80 0.00 0.80 0.60 0.00 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.40 0.00 100.00 % 99.70% 99.40% 99.91 % 99.99 % 100.00 % Natural gas in quantities sufficient to be of economic impor- tance is necessarily limited to rocks of no particular horizon. The tendency of recent studies seems to be to show that it results, as above stated, from the deeply buried organic matter, of both plant and animal origin. It is not, however, indige- nous to the rocks in which it is now found, but occurs in an overlying, more or less porous, sand or lime rock into which it has been forced by hydrostatic pressure. The first necessary condition for the presence of gas in any locality may, indeed, be said to depend upon the existence of such a porous rock as will serve as a reservoir to hold it, and also the presence of an impervious overlying stratum to prevent its escape. In Penn- sylvania the reservoir rock is a sandstone of Carboniferous or Devonian age ; in Ohio and Indiana, a cavernous dolomitic limestone of Silurian (Trenton) age. Natural gas, as may readily be understood, is still in process of formation, though at a rate vastly slower than it is being utilized, or wasted, in many regions. It is a necessary conse- quence that the available supply must sooner or later become exhausted. Indeed this contingency has already made itself apparent in many fields, necessitating continuous activity in prospecting, and in more than one instance all known sources of supply are already exhausted. Few more marked illustra- tions of man's unreasonable squandering of nature's resources have ever been offered than that relating to the utilization of natural gas. Petroleum. This is the name given to a complex hydro- carbon compound, liquid at ordinary temperatures, though varying greatly in viscosity, of a black, brown, greenish, or THE HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS 123 more rarely, red or yellow color, and of extremely disagreeable odor. Its specific gravity varies from 0.6 to 0.9. Through becoming more and more viscous, the material passes into the solid and semi-solid forms, asphalt and maltha. Chemically it is considered as a mixture of the various hydrocarbons included in the marsh gas, ethyline, and paraffin series. An ultimate analysis of several samples, as given by the reports of the 10th Census of the United States (1880), showed the following percentages of the three essential constituents: LOCALITIES HYDROGEN CARBON NITROGEN West Virginia 13.359 % 85.200 % 0.540 % Mecca Ohio 13.071 86 316 0.230 California 11.819 86.934 1.109 As with marsh gas, petroleum is considered as a product of organic decomposition, which has been for the most part forced up from the rocks in which it originated into overlying strata. It is therefore limited to no particular geological horizon, but is found in rocks of all ages, from the Cambrian to the most recent, its existence in quantities sufficient for economic pur- poses being dependent upon local conditions for its generation and subsequent preservation. Inasmuch as its accumulation in large quantities necessitates a rock of porous nature to act as a reservoir, the petroleum-bearing rocks are mostly sandstones, though not uniformly so. Petroleums are found in California and Texas, in Tertiary sands ; in Colorado, in the Cretaceous ; in West Virginia, both above and below the Crinoidal (Car- boniferous) limestones ; in Pennsylvania, in the Mountain sands (Lower Carboniferous) and the Venango sands (Devonian); in Canada, in the Corniferous (Lower Devonian) limestone ; in Kentucky, in the Hudson River shales (Lower Silurian); and in Ohio, in the Trenton limestone, also of Lower Silurian age. In some instances petroleum oozes naturally from the ground, forming at times a thin layer on the surface of pools of water, whence in times past it has been gathered and used for chemical and medicinal purposes. The so-called " Seneca oil " thus used some fifty or sixty years ago was obtained from a spring in Cuba, Alleghany County, in New York. The immense supply now 124 AQUEOUS ROCKS demanded for commercial purposes is, however, obtained alto- gether from artificial wells of varying depths, and which are in some cases self-flowing, while .in others the oil is raised by means of pumps. Wells of from 500 to 1500 feet in depth are of common occurrence, while those upwards of 2000 feet are not rare. The principal sources of petroleum, in the United States, are in New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, with smaller fields in West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Texas, Colo- rado, and California. The chief foreign source is the Baku region, on the Caspian Sea, and Galicia, in Austria. The quantity of petroleum and semi-solid bituminous com- pounds contained in the rocks of certain areas is sometimes enormous. Dr. Hunt estimated that the dolomite underlying the city of Chicago and vicinity contains for each square mile over 7,000,000 barrels. A like computation by Professor Orton 1 led to the conclusions given in the following quotation relative to the water-lime stratum of Ohio, which is almost universally petroliferous: "Estimating its petroleum contents at one-tenth of one per cent, and the thickness of the stratum at 500 feet, both of which estimates are probably within the limits, we find the petroleum contained in it to be more than 2,500,000 barrels to the square mile. The total production of the great oil field of Pennsylvania and New York to January, 1885, is 261,000,000 barrels. It would require only three ordinary townships, or a little more than 100 square miles, to duplicate this enormous stock from the water-lime alone. But if the rate of one-tenth of one per cent should be maintained through a descent of 1500 feet at any point in the state, each square mile would, in that case, yield 75,000,000 barrels, or nearly one-third of the total product of the entire Pennsylvania and New York oil fields. These figures pass at once beyond clear comprehension, but they serve to give some idea of the vast stock of petroleum contained in the earth's crust. If petroleum is generally dis- tributed through a considerable series of rocks in any appre- ciable percentage, it is easy to see that the aggregate amount must be immense. Even one-thousandth of one per cent would yield 750,000 barrels to the square mile in a series of rocks 1500 feet deep, but this amount is nearly equal to the greatest actual production per square mile of any part of the leading Pennsyl- 1 Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Survey, 1886-87, Part II, p. 507. THE HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS 125 vania fields. It is obvious that the total amount of petroleum in the rocks underlying the surface of Ohio is large beyond computation, but in its diffused and distributed state it is entirely without value. It must be accumulated in rocks that serve as reservoirs before it becomes of economic interest. In respect to the importance of concentration, it agrees with most other forms of mineral wealth." Asphaltum (JBitumen, or Mineral Pitch). These are names given to what are rather indefinite admixtures of various hydrocarbons, in part oxygenated, and which, for the most part solid or at least highly viscous at ordinary temperatures, pass by insensible gradations into pittasphalts or mineral tar, and these in turn into the petroleums. They are characterized by a black or brownish black color, pitchy lustre, and bituminous odor. The solid forms melt ordinarily at a temperature of from 90 to 100 F., and burn readily with a bright flame, giving off dense fumes of a tarry odor. The fluidal varieties become solid on exposure to the atmosphere, owing to evapora- tion of the more volatile portions. The crude asphalt of Trinidad has the following composition and physical characteristics : 1 Specific gravity, 1.28 ; hardness at 70 F., 2.5 to 3, Dana's scale ; color, chocolate-brown. Composition : Bitumen 39.83 % Earthy matter 33.99 Vegetable matter .... 9.31 Water 16.87 100.00% The mode of occurrence of asphalt deposits varies greatly, owing to the fact that, as with petroleum and natural gas, it has come up through fissures and cracks in the earth's surface, and as a rule no longer occupies its place of origin. On the island of Trinidad is an immense superficial deposit having an area of about 114 acres and a depth varying from 18 to 78 feet. The surface is sufficiently solid over nearly every part for the passage of teams, is of a brownish black color, and nearly level. The deposit has in numerous publications been compared to a lake, and stated to be fluidal and at a high temperature in the centre. This statement is quite erroneous and misleading. 1 Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Engineers, Vol. XVII, 1889, p. 363. 126 AQUEOUS ROCKS In Ventura County, California, the material occurs in a fissure vein in siliceous clay of Miocene age, the vein being from 7 to 15 inches thick on the surface, but widening rapidly in descent to a thickness of 5 feet at a depth of 65 feet below the surface. The material of the vein is, however, far from pure asphalt ; but rather an asphaltic sand. In western Kentucky the as- phalt exudes from the ground in the form of u tar springs," and occurs also disseminated through sandstones and limestones of sub-Carboniferous age. Frequently, as in the dolomite under- lying Chicago, Illinois, the bituminous matter is so diffused throughout the rock as to give it, on exposure, a brownish black appearance, and cause it to exhale an odor of petroleum appreciable for some distance. In the Dead Sea, bituminous masses of considerable size have in times past risen like islands to the surface of the water, and furnished thus the material used by the ancients in pitching the walls of buildings and rendering vessels water-tight. The ancient name of this body of water was Lake Asphaltites, and from it our word asphalt is derived. The above illustrations are sufficient to indicate the numerous conditions under which the substance occurs. The material is world-wide in its geographic distribution and equally cosmo- politan in its geological range, being found in gneissic rocks of presumably Archaean age in Sweden, and in rocks of all inter- mediate horizons down to late Tertiary. Elaterite (Mineral Caoutchouc). This is the name given to a soft and elastic variety of asphalt much resembling pure india- rubber. It is easily compressible in the fingers, to which it adheres slightly, of a brownish color, and of a specific gravity varying from 0.905 to 1.00. It has been described from mines in Derbyshire and elsewhere in England, but, so far as the writer is aware, is of no commercial value. Its composition so far as determined is, carbon, 85.47 %; hydrogen, 13.28 %. The name wurtzilite has been given by Professor W. P. Blake to a hydrocarbon very similar in appearance to the uintaite (described below), but differing in physical and chem-- ical properties. It is described as a firm black solid, amorphous in structure, brittle when cold, breaking with a conchoidal fracture, but when warm, tough and elastic, its elasticity being best compared with that of mica. If bent too quickly, it snaps like glass. It cuts like horn, has a hardness between 2 and 3, THE HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS 127 a specific gravity of 1.03, gives a brown streak, and in very thin flakes shows a garnet-red color. It does not fuse or melt in boiling water, bnt becomes softer and more elastic ; in the flame of a candle it melts and takes fire, burning with a bright, luminous flame, giving off gas and a strong bitumi- nous odor. It is not soluble in alcohol, but sparingly so in ether, in both of which respects it differs from elaterite proper. Albertite. This is a brilliant jet-black compound, breaking with a lustrous, conchoidal fracture, having a hardness of between 1 and 2 of Dana's scale, a specific gravity of 1.097, a black streak, and showing a brown color on very thin edges. In the flame of a lamp it shows signs of incipient fusion, intu- mesces somewhat, and emits jets of gas, giving off a bituminous odor ; when rubbed it becomes electric. According to Dana, it softens slightly in boiling water, is scarcely at all soluble in alcohol, and only slightly so in ether and in turpentine. The following is the composition as given by Witherill : Carbon, 86.04%; hydrogen, 8.96%; oxygen, 1.97%; nitrogen, 2.93%; ash, 0.10%. The mineral occurs in fissures in rocks of sub- Carboiiiferous age, at the Albert Mines, in Hillsborough County, Nova Scotia ; hence the name. Formerly it was used for the distillation of oils for illumi- nating purposes. Since the discovery of petroleum its use has been discontinued. G-rahamite. This variety resembles the last in its general appearance and its conduct toward solvents, and it is a question if it is not identical therewith. It was described by Dr. Wurtz from Ritchie County, in West Virginia, where it occurred in a vein some four feet in width in Carboniferous sandstones. Uintaite (Grilsonite). This is a black, brilliant, and lustrous variety giving a dark-brown streak, breaking with a beautiful conchoidal fracture, and having a hardness of 2 to 2.5 and a specific gravity of 1.065 to 1.07. It fuses readily in the flame of a candle, is plastic but not sticky while warm, and unless highly heated will not adhere to cold paper. Its deportment is stated to be much like that of sealing wax or shellac. Like albertite and grahamite, it dissolves slightly in turpentine and is not soluble in alcohol. It is a good non-conductor of elec- tricity, but like albertite becomes electric by friction. Its composition as given is, carbon, 80.88%; hydrogen, 9.76%-, 128 AQUEOUS ROCKS nitrogen, 3.30 %; oxygen, 6.05 % ; and ash, 0.01 %. The min- eral as first described occurred in a vertical vein from 3 to 5 feet in thickness, cutting through nearly horizontal sandstones some 3 miles east of Fort Duchesne, on the reservation of the Uinta Indians. /Succinite (Am~ber). The mineral commonly known as amber is a fossil resin, consisting of some 78.94 parts of carbon, 10.53 parts of oxygen, and 10.53 parts of hydrogen, together with usually from two to four-tenths of a per cent of sulphur. It is not a simple resin, but a compound of four or more hydro- carbons. According to Berzelius, as quoted by Dana, it " con- sists mainly of (85% to '90%) two other resins in soluble alcohol and ether, and an oil, and 2J- % to 6 % of succinic acid." The mineral, as found, is of a yellow, brownish, or reddish color, frequently clouded, translucent, or even transparent, tasteless, becomes negatively electrified by friction, has a hard- ness of 2 to 2.5, a specific gravity, when free from enclosures, of 1.096, a conchoidal fracture, and melts at 250 to 300 Fahr. without previous swelling, but boils quietly, giving off dense white fumes with an aromatic odor and very irritating effect on the respiratory organs. Amber, or closely related compounds, has been found in varying amounts at numerous widely separated localities, but always under conditions closely resembling one another. The better known localities are the Prussian coast of the Baltic ; on the coast of Norfolk, Essex, and Suffolk, England ; the coasts of Sweden, Denmark, and the Russian Baltic provinces; in Galicia, Westphalia ; Poland ; Moravia ; in Norway ; Switzer- land ; France ; Upper Burma ; Sicily ; Mexico ; the United States at Martha's Vineyard, and near Trenton and Camden, New Jersey, and at Cedar Lake in Northwest Canada. The amber of commerce comes now, as for the past 2000 years, mainly from the Baltic, where it occurs in a stratum of blue earth of from 4 to 20 feet in thickness underlying the brown coal formation. Ozokerite (Mineral Wax; Native Paraffin). This is a wax- like hydrocarbon, usually with a foliated structure, soft and easily indented with the thumb nail ; of a yellow, yellow brown, or sometimes greenish color, translucent when pure, with a greasy feeling, and fusing at 56 to 63 F. ; specific ROCKS FORMED AS SEDIMENTARY DEPOSITS 129 gravity, 0.955. It is essentially a natural paraffin. The name is derived from two Greek words, signifying to smell, and ivax. Below is given the composition of (I) samples from Utah, and (II) from Boryslaw, in Galicia. CONSTITUENTS I II Carbon 85.47% 85 78 % Hydrogen 14 57 14 ">9 100.04% 100.07 % The substance is completely soluble in boiling ether, carbon disulphide, or benzine, and partially so in alcohol. Ozokerite occurs in the United States, in Emery and Uinta counties, Utah, where in the form of small veins in Tertiary rocks it extends over a wide area. It is also found in Galicia, Austria, in Miocene deposits, in Roumania, Hungary, Russia, and other Asiatic and European sources. As a rule the de- posits are in beds of Tertiary or Cretaceous age. The Galician deposits are the most noted of the above. According to Boverton Redwood, 1 the material occurs here in the form of veins from the thickness of a few millimetres to some feet, and is accompanied by petroleum and gaseous hydrocarbons. The names scheerite, hatchettite, ficlitellite, and konlite are applied to simple hydrocarbons allied to ozokerite found in beds of peat and coal, but so far as the writer is aware never in such abundance as to be of commercial value. The name retinite includes a considerable series of fossil resins allied to amber, differing mainly in containing no suc- cinic acid. They occur in beds of brown coal of Tertiary and Cretaceous age. The so-called copalite, a hard brittle, clear yellow, or brownish variety used in making varnishes, belongs here. 2. ROCKS FORMED AS SEDIMENTARY DEPOSITS AND FRAG- MENTAL IN STRUCTURE: CLASTIC The rocks of this group differ from those just described in that they are composed mainly of fragmental materials derived from the breaking down of older rocks, or are but the more or 1 Jour. Soc. of Chem. Industry, February, 1892. 130 AQUEOUS ROCKS less consolidated accumulations of organic and inorganic debris from plant and animal life. The group shows transitional forms into the last, as will be illustrated by certain of the lime- stones and the quarzites. They are water deposits, and, as a rule, are eminently stratified or bedded, although this structure is not always apparent in the hand specimen. As will be readily comprehended when one considers from what a multitude of materials the fragmental rocks have been derived, the amount of assorting, admixture with other sub- stances, solution, and transportation by streams these materials have undergone, they cannot be classified by any hard and fast lines, but one variety may grade into another, both in texture and structure as well as in chemical composition, almost indefi- nitely. Indeed, many of them can scarcely be considered as more than indurated muds, and only very general names can be given them. Accordingly as these rocks consist of mechanically formed inorganic particles of varying composition and texture, or of the more or less fragmental debris from plant and animal life, they are here divided into two main groups, each of which is subdivided as below : I. Rocks formed by mechanical agencies, and mainly of in- organic materials. (1) The Arenaceous group Psammites: Sand, gravel, sand- stone, conglomerate, and breccia. (2) The Argillaceous group Pelites : Kaolin, clay, wacke, shale, clayey marl, argillite. (3) The Calcareous group : Arenaceous and brecciated limestones. The rocks of this group are often in part organic, and in part chemical deposits. Only those are considered here in which the fragmental nature is the most pronounced characteristic. (4) The Volcanic group : Fragmental rocks composed mainly of ejected volcanic material : Tuffs, lapilli, sand and ashes, pumice-dust, trass, peperino, pozzuolano, etc. II. Rocks formed largely or only in part by mechanical agencies and composed mainly of the debris from plant and animal life Organagenous. (1) The Siliceous group Infusorial earth. (2) The Calcareous group Fossiliferous and oolitic lime- stone, marl, shell-sand, shell-rock. PLATE 11 FIGS. 1 and 2. Shell limestones. FIG. 3. Crinoldal limestone. ARENACEOUS ROCKS: PSAMMITES 131 (3) The Carbonaceous group Peat, lignite, coals, oil shale, etc. (4) The Phosphatic group Phosphatic sandstone, guano, coprolite nodules. (1) ROCKS COMPOSED MAINLY OF INORGANIC MATERIAL (1) The Arenaceous Group: Psammites. Arenaceous, from the Latin arenaceous, sandy or sand-like ; psammite from the Greek -v/ra/LtyLuVr;?, sandy. These rocks are composed mainly of the siliceous materials derived from the disintegration of older crystalline rocks and which have been rearranged in beds of varying thickness through the mechanical agency of water. They are, in short, more or less consolidated beds of sand and gravel. In composi- tion and texture, they vary almost indefinitely. Many of them having suffered little during the process of disintegration and transportation, are com- posed of essentially the same materials as the rocks from which they were derived. Others, in which the fragmeiital materials suffered more prior to their final con- solidation, have had the softer and more soluble minerals removed, leav- ing the sand composed mainly of the hard, al- most indestructible min- eral quartz. In structure, the sand- stones also vary greatly, in some the grains being rounded, while in others they are sharply angular. Figure 9 shows the microscopic structure of a brown Triassic sandstone from Portland, Connecticut. The material by which the individual grains of a sandstone are bound together is as a rule of a calcareous, ferruginous, or siliceous nature ; sometimes argillaceous. The substance has been deposited between the granules by percolating water or FIG. 9. Microstructure of sandstone, Portland, Connecticut. 132 AQUEOUS ROCKS during the process of sedimentation, and forms a natural cement. It sometimes happens that the siliceous cement is deposited about the rounded grains of quartz in the form of a new crystalline growth, converting the stone into quartzite ; such are in this work classed with the crystalline rocks. Upon the character of this cementing material and the close- ness with which the grains are bound together, is very largely dependent the power of the stone to resist disintegration under the trying action of percolating carbonated waters and the mechanical action of heat and frost. The calcareous, and to a less extent the ferruginous cements are liable to removal in solution, allowing the rock to fall away to sand, or at least allowing it to absorb water, which, on freezing, brings about the disintegration. The argillaceous cementing material, while in itself inert, also permits a high degree of absorption, with like results. Those sandstones cemented by silica, and which therefore partake of the nature of quartzite (see p. 169), are by far the more refractory. The following analyses will serve to indicate the consid- erable range in composition of rocks of this class : CONSTITUENTS I II III IV Silica (Si0 2 ) 69 94 % 84.40 % 95.24% 90.86% Alumina (Al 2 0s) 13.15 7.49 0.56 4.76 Iron oxides (Fe 2 3 ) and (FeO) . . Manganese (MnO) 2.48 70 3.87 1.28 1.58 Lime (CaO) . 3.09 0.74 1.40 0.15 Magnesia (MgO) Trace 2.11 1.23 0.59 Potash (K 2 0) 3.30 0.24 1.06 Soda (Na 2 0) Loss 5.43 1 01 0.56 0.56 0.45 Totals 99. 10 % 99 41 % 99.27 % 99.45% I. Brown Triassic sandstone: Portland, Connecticut. II. Gray sub-Carbo- niferous sandstone: Berea, Ohio. III. Red Carboniferous sandstone: Anan, Scotland. IV. Cambrian sandstone : Siskowit Bay, Wisconsin. The table given on p. 166 will serve to show the close chemi- cal relationship existing between many rocks of this group, and their metamorphic equivalents. The colors of sandstone are dependent upon a variety of circumstances. The red, brown, and yellowish colors are due ARENACEOUS ROCKS: PSAMMITES 133 to iron oxides in the cementing constituent. Some of the dark colors are due to carbonaceous matter. Many varieties of sandstone are popularly recognized. Cal- careous, ferruginous, siliceous, or argillaceous sandstones are those in which the cementing materials are of a calcareous, ferrugi- nous, siliceous, or argillaceous nature. The name arkose is given to a coarse feldspathic sandstone derived from granitic rocks, with a minimum amount of loss of original material. Conglomer- ate or puddingstone is merely a coarse sandstone ; it differs from ordinary sandstone only as gravel differs from sand. Breccia is a fragmental rock differing from conglomerate in that the individual particles are sharply angular instead of rounded. The term is made to include also certain volcanic rocks with a brecciated structure. (See PI. 4.) Crreywacke or Grramvacke is an old German name for brecci- ated fragmental rocks made up of argillaceous particles. The name is now little used. Other names, &s flagstone, freestone, and brownstone, are applied to such as are used for flagging or other structural purposes. Itacolumite is a feldspathic sandstone, or perhaps more properly quartzite, in which the feldspathic mate- rial plays the role of a binding constituent to the quartz gran- ules. The so-called flexible sandstone is an itacolumite from which the feldspathic portions have been removed by decompo- sition leaving the interlocking quartz grains with a small amount of play between them. The rock is in no sense elastic, but merely loose jointed. The name greensand, greensand marl, and glauconitic sand are given to a prevailing dull green, loosely coherent, clayey or arenaceous deposit which owes its peculiarities to the presence of the hydrous silicate of iron and potassium glauconite, but which is variously contaminated with minute particles of quartz and siliceous minerals such as feldspar, hornblende, augite, garnet, epidote, tourmaline, zircon, and the iron ores, clay, rock fragments, and particles of shells. Beds of glauconitic sand are most abundant among terranes of Cretaceous age, but are by no means limited to them, as has been already intimated on p. 31. They are aqueous deposits, formed during processes of slow sedimentation along coasts receiving debris from the continental slopes and of a nature such as is derived from the breaking down of granitic and other feldspathic rocks. The depth at which such deposits form is 134 AQUEOUS ROCKS naturally quite variable, but conditions most favorable to their accumulation seem to lie just beyond the reach of wave agita- tion and under a depth of 900 fathoms. The following table of analyses of glauconitic marls is from the Report of the Geological Survey of New Jersey, for 1893. CONSTITUENTS I II III IV VI X XI XII XIII Phosphoric acid . . l.15 0.58 1.51 1.14 0.84 0.19 0.50 6.87 3.73 Sulphuric acid . . . 1.28 .... 2.40 0.14 0.12 0.41 0.34 3.12 2.44 Silica and sand . . . 34.50 45.50 55.69 38.70 52.07 51.15 47.50 44.68 49.68 Potash . . . 1.54 3.79 5.27 3.65 6.46 7.08 5.29 397 4.98 Lime 2.52 1.51 0.65 9.07 1.01 0.49 0.56 4.97 4.14 Magnesia 2.15 2.20 0.79 1.50 1.53 2.02 2.70 2.97 0.47 Alumina 6.00 5.80 6.61 10.20 6.96 8 23 860 604 f> Oxide of iron .... 31.50 24.50 21.63 18.63 21.55 23.13 20.52 18.97 28.71 Water . ... 18.80 15.40 8.85 10.00 9.31 6.67 1357 863 554 Carbonic acid . . . 6.14 Carbonate of lime 99.43 99.18 102.40 99.16 99.85 99.37 99.58 99.32 99.69 I. Clay marl, from near Mattawan. II. Clay marl, from Matchaponix Creek, three miles south of Spottswood. III. Lower marl, from Navesink Highlands. IV. Lower marl, from north shore of Navesink River, at Red Bank. VI. Lower marl, from northwest slope of Mount Pleasant Hills. X. Middle marl, from near Eatontown. XI. Middle marl, from southeast of Freehold. XII. Upper marl, from Poplar. XIII. Upper marl, from Shark River. The most extensive and best known deposits in the United States are included in what are known as the Upper, Middle, and Lower marl beds of the Cretaceous formations in south- eastern New Jersey, and which has been very thoroughly described in the various reports of the State Survey. 1 The marl is somewhat variable in different localities, but may in a general way be described as a dull green, arenaceous deposit of such consistency as to be easily removed by the shovel alone, or pick and shovel. The beds vary from 30 to 60 feet in thick- ness, but the glauconitic layers are not uniformly distributed through it. Through weathering, the ferruginous constituents become more highly oxidized, and the color changed from dull green to red and yellow. 1 The reader is especially referred to Professor W. B. Clarke's paper on " The Cretaceous and Tertiary Formations of New Jersey," in the Ann. Rep. State Geologist of New Jersey for 1892. ARGILLACEOUS ROCKS: PELITES 135 Rocks belonging to the arenaceous group are world wide in their distribution, covering not infrequently thousands of square miles of territory to depths, it may be, of thousands of feet. They are, in some of their varieties, among the most common and wide-spread of materials. Being themselves the products of disintegration and decomposition of pre-existing rocks, and having become consolidated under conditions not greatly different from those now existing at or near the surface of the earth, the rocks of this group are as a whole in a state of comparatively stable chemical equilibrium. Unless including calcareous matter or readily oxidizing ferruginous compounds, such are subject to disintegration more through physical than chemical agencies, as will be noted later. (2) The Argillaceous Group: Pelites. The rocks of this group are composed of more or less hydrated aluminous sili- cates admixed in almost indefinite proportions with siliceous sand, various silicate minerals in a more or less fragmental and decomposed condition, and calcareous and carbonaceous matter. In their least consolidated form they are best represented by the common plastic clays used for brick and pottery manufac- ture. Such, although alike in their general physical or even ultimate chemical nature, have widely diverse origins. In fact, the term clay, like silt, indicates physical condition rather than chemical or miiieralogical composition, and it may perhaps be defined as an indefinite admixture of more or less hydrated aluminous silicates, free silica, iron oxides, carbonates of lime, and various silicate minerals which in a more or less decom- posed and fragmental condition have survived the destructive agencies to which they have been subjected. About the only feature characteristic of all clays, is that of plasticity, when wet, and this is dependent, apparently, wholly upon texture and structure, i.e. upon the size and shape of the individual particles. Pure quartz, chalcedony, flint, feldspar, or other silicates, will, when reduced to an impalpable powder, possess the plasticity and even odor usually ascribed to clay, and in the pages following, the term is used only with reference to degree of comminution, regardless of mineral nature or chemical com- position. It includes residual products of any or all forms of rock degeneration, and which may or may not have been re- assorted through the agency of water. (See further under The Regolith, Part V.) The oft-repeated statement that kaolin 136 AQUEOUS ROCKS forms the basis of clays, or that clay is impure kaolin, is there- fore to a certain extent misleading, and if accepted at all it must be with the reservations made by Johnson and Blake, 1 who limit the term kaolin itself to the impure material, quite distinct from true kaolinite, which is a definite chemical com- pound corresponding to the formula H 4 Al 2 Si 2 O 9 . Throughout the glaciated region of the northeastern United States the clays are mostly glacial or water deposits from the floods of the Champlain epoch. The latter are often beauti- fully and evenly stratified, as shown in the illustration on PI. 24. The plastic clays and siliceous sands about Woodbridge, New Jersey, are regarded as derived from the Azoic rocks and deposited by sea- water in enclosed basins. The exact source of the material is not always apparent ; the porcelain clays of Law- rence County, Indiana, on the other hand, are residual deposits resulting from the decomposition of impure Carboniferous (Archimides) limestones, the lime carbonate being removed in solution, while the less soluble clay remains. Kaolin, as already noted, is a residual deposit from the decay of feldspathic and other aluminous rocks, while the ordinary brick and tile clays of the Southern states, as well as the clayey soils, are residual aluminous deposits resulting from the decay and leaching out of soluble constituents from a variety of rocks, both sedimentary and eruptive. (See chapter on rock weathering.) As showing the comparative compositions of kaolins and clays, the following table is given : CONSTITUENTS I II III IV V VI SI02 (combined) . . . Si0 2 (free) 46.4 % 39.00% 34.70% 12.20 28.30% 27.80 42.71 % 0.70 J60.97% A1 2 3 39.7 36.00 31.34 27.42 39.24 26.38 H 2 (combined) . . . H 2 at 212 ... 13.9 14.00 950 12.00 8 00 6.60 2 90 13.32 1 58 } 8.93 CaOandMgO .... Alkalies . .... 0.63 54 0.10 95 0.18 2 71 0.20 89 } 1.90 Fe 2 3 .... 16 2 68 46 146 * 99.00 % 99.67% 99.45% 98.59% 99.10% 99.64% I. Kaolin. II. Indianite, a white clay residual from St. Lawrence County, Indiana. III. Potter's clay, from Pope County, Illinois. IV. Brick clay from New Jersey. V. Fire clay from New Jersey. VI. Fire clay from Illinois. 1 Am. Jour, of Science, 1867, p. 351. ARGILLITES AND SHALES 137 Amongst the older formations the clays have undergone induration, giving rise to what are known as argillites, or if fissile, slates or day slates, such as are used for roofing and similar purposes, the fissile property having been imparted by pressure or shearing. Such forms pass by imperceptible gra- dations into argillaceous schists which are classed with the met- amorphic rocks. (See p. 170.) The argillites are, as a rule, among the most indestructible of rocks, since they are them- selves composed of the least destructible debris of pre-existing rocks. Their ultimate chemical composition is much like that of the clays, and scarce any two samples will show similar results when submitted to analysis. The table given below shows the composition of some schistose argillites used for roofing purposes from (I) Harford County, Maryland, (II) Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and (III) Llangynog, North Wales. CONSTITUENTS I II III Silica (SiOo) 58 37 % 60 32 % 60 150 % Sulphuric acid (HoS04) 22 Alumina (A^Os) 21.985 23.10 24.20 Iron oxides (FeO) and (FesOg) . . Lime (CaO) Magnesia (MgO) Soda (Na 2 0) . 10.661 0.30 1.203 1 933 7.05 0.87 49 7.65 I 4 278 Potash (K 2 O) Water (H 2 0) 4.03 3.83 4.08 3.72 98.699 % 99.74% 99.998% Shale is a somewhat loosely defined term, indicating struc- tural rather than chemical or mineralogical composition. The word is perhaps best used in its adjective sense, as a shall/ sandstone, or shaly limestone. By many authors it is used with reference more particularly to thinly stratified or lami- nated, clayey rocks. Many shales are but the finer, more fissile portions of sandstone beds; such may represent the off-shore or deep-water portions of arenaceous sediments, which, begin- ning with gravels near the shore-line, become gradually finer as the distance from the shore increases, passing through coarse to finer sands and finally to sandy clays and silts as the water, 138 AQUEOUS ROCKS through the lessening of its carrying power, lays down its load. Or they may represent later stages in the cycle of sedimenta- tion ; the finer silts brought down after erosion have so far reduced the level of the land as to greatly diminish the currents and consequent carrying power of the seaward-flowing streams. Such beds, on consolidation, yield then what are commonly known, in the order of their formation, as conglomerates, sand- stones, shales and argillites, or clay slates, the shales occu- pying, both in texture and composition, a position intermediate between the argillites and sandstones. The following table will serve to show the varying character of the rocks included under this name. Those such as given in columns I and II carry their sulphur in combination with iron, as iron pyrites (FeS 2 ). This, on decomposing, through the action of meteoric waters, yields iron sesquioxides and sul- phuric acid, the latter combining with a portion of the alumina in the rock to form sulphate of aluminum, or common alum. Hence they have been called alum shales. CONSTITUENTS I II Ill Silica (Si0 2 ) 50.13% 72.40% 66.96 % Alumina (Al 2 0s) 10.73 16.45 15.626 Iron sesquioxide (Fe 2 0s) 5.78 1.05 8.38 Lime (CaO) 0.40 0.17 0.493 Magnesia (MgO) 1.00 1.48 0.677 Potash (K 2 0) Soda (Na 2 0) 5.08 0.53 3.295 0.628 Sulphur (S) 4.02 1.21 Carbon (C) 22.83 Undet. 3.787 Water (H 2 O) 1 2.21 Undet. Phosphoric acid (P 2 O 5 ) 0.154 I. An alum shale from Garnsdorf, near Saalst'eld. II. An alum shale from Bornholm. III. A "marly shale " from Breckenridge County, Kentucky. The name till or boulder clay is given to a sandy clay of glacial origin and consisting of the usual indefinite mixture. Professor W. O. Crosby, who has studied the composition of the normal till of the Boston Basin, reports it as composed, exclusive of the larger pebbles, of "about 25%, or one-fourth, of coarse material which may be classed as gravel ; about 20 %, 1 Ignition. CALCAREOUS FRAGMENTAL ROCKS 139 or one-fifth, of sand; 40 to 45 % of extremely fine sand, or rock flour, and less than 12 % of clay." l Laterite is a red, ferruginous residual clay found in tropic and semitropic regions. (See p. 310.) Catlinite, or Indian pipe-stone, is an. indurated clay rock formerly used by the Da- kota Indians for pipe material. The name porcellainite has been given to a compact porcelain-like rock consisting of clay indurated by igneous agencies. The name wacke is sometimes used to designate an earthy or compact, dark-colored clayey material resulting from the decomposition in situ of basaltic rocks. Adobe is the name given to a calcareous clay of a general gray-brown or yellowish color, very fine grained and porous, and which is widely distributed throughout the more arid regions of the West. It is described in greater detail under the head of soils (p. 333). Loess is a somewhat similar material forming the surface soil over wide areas in the Missis- sippi valley, and at times sufficiently plastic for brick making. (See also p. 327.) (3) The Calcareous Group. Here are brought together a small series of fragmental rocks composed mainly of calcareous material, but of which the organic nature, if such it had, is not apparent. These rocks form at times beautifully brecciated marbles. Their structure may be best comprehended by remem- bering that the original beds, whether crystalline or amorphous, whether f ossilif erous or originating as chemical precipitates, have by geological agencies been crushed and shattered into a million fragments, and then, by infiltration of lime and iron- bearing solutions, been slowly cemented once more into solid rock. The composition is essentially the same as the ordinary sedimentary limestones and need not be further dwelt upon here. It may be stated, however, that owing to the softness and ready solubility of their materials limestones do not, on breaking down, except under rare instances, give rise to exten- sive beds of arenaceous rocks, as do the siliceous varieties. One of the best known rocks of this group is the breccia marble near Point of Rocks in Maryland, which has been used in the United States Capitol building at Washington. (4) The Volcanic Group : Tuffs. Under this head are in- cluded a great variety of fragmental rocks, composed of the more or less finely comminuted materials ejected from vol- i Proc. Boston Society of Natural History, Vol. XXV, 1800, p. 123. 140 AQUEOUS ROCKS canoes as ashes, dust, sand, and lapilli. Some of them are made up of minute shreds of pumiceous glass. These occur, in many instances, interbedded with lava flows of the same lithological nature, and which are a product of the same periods of vol- canic activity, the eruption of molten lava being accompanied by intervals of explosive action, during which only fragmental material was ejected. To such materials the name ^/roclastic (Greek Trf/oo?, fire) is appropriately given. The lithological character of the materials varies almost indefinitely, and only very general names are given them in the majority of cases. The name tuff or tuff a is given to the entire group of volcanic materials formed as above, and also by some authorities to fragmental rocks resulting from the breaking down and reconsolidation of older volcanic lavas. It would seem advisable to designate these last, as has F. Lowinson-Lessing, 1 as pseudotuffs or tuffoids. The names volcanic ashes, sand, and dust are applied to the finer of these volcanic materials, and lapilli or rapilli to the coarser fragments. The dusts and sands are not infrequently composed of minute shreds of volcanic glass, which were blown from the volcanic vents and carried unknown distances, to be ultimately deposited as stratified beds in comparatively shallow water. Such are described more in detail under the head of ^Eolian rocks (p. 153). The term trass is used to designate a compact or earthy fragmental rock composed of pumice dust, in which are embedded fragments of trachytic and basaltic rocks, car- bonized wood, etc., and which occupies some of the valleys of the Eifel. Peperino is a tufaceous rock composed of fragments of basalt, leucite, lava, and limestone, with abundant crystals of augite, mica, leucite, and magnetite. It occurs among the Alban Hills, near Rome, Italy. Palagonite tuff is composed of dust and fragments of basaltic lava, with pieces of a pale yellow, green, reddish, or brownish glass called palagonite. The general name of volcanic mud is given to the finely comminuted volcanic material which in a more or less pasty or liquid condition is thrown from volcanic vents during the incipient stages of eruption. The tuffs are as a rule more or less distinctly stratified, of very uneven texture, and with rarely a pisolitic structure. They are found associated with volcanic rocks of all ages, and 1 Tschermaks Min. u. Petrog. Mittheilungen, Vol. IX, 1889, p, 530. VOLCANIC TUFFS 141 at times so highly metamorphosed as to render the original nature of some doubt. Certain English authorities have con- tended that a part of the so-called argillites and lire clays were of finely comminuted volcanic materials. The composition of the tuffs naturally varies with that of the character of the lava from which they were derived. Being in a more or less finely comminuted condition, often porous and readily permeated by water or rootlets, they undergo de- composition, forming soils the character of which is dependent to some extent upon their lithological nature. The following table shows the varying composition of rocks of this class : o" "S ,*- - s o KINDS AND LOCALITIES 33 15 & ! S C3 r ,| X 1 IS |S s te 1 ^0 42 o | JS * 3 O 02 *< &, 3 s Oj ^ "2. H Pozzuolana, Naples, % % % % % % % % % Italy .... 59.144 21.28 4.76 1.90 4.37 6.2*3 100.24 Tuff, Crater of Monte Nuova, Chlorine Italy .... 56.31 15.23 7.11 1.74 1.36 6.54 4.84 6.12 0.27 100.22 Trass, Andernach, v , ' Prussia. . . . 54.00 16.50 6.10 4.00 0.70 10.00 7.00 99.00 Tuff, Lacher See, Prussia . . . 60.49 19.95 9.37 3.12 1.43 3.40 1.33 99.09 (2) ROCKS COMPOSED MAINLY OF DEBRIS FROM PLANT AND ANIMAL LIFE (1) The Siliceous Group : Infusorial or Diatomaceous Earth. This is a fine white or pulverulent rock, composed mainly of the minute shells, or tests, of diatoms, and often so soft and friable as to crumble readily between the thumb and fingers. It occurs in beds which, when compared with other rocks of the earth's crust, are of comparatively insignificant proportions, but which are nevertheless of considerable geological impor- tance. Though deposits of this material are still forming, and have been formed in times past at various periods of the earth's history, they appear most abundantly associated with rocks belonging to the Tertiary formations. The beds are wide-spread, and some of them of economic importance as a source of tripoli, absorbents for nitro-glycerine 142 AQUEOUS ROCKS compounds, non-conducting materials, etc. A deposit in Biln, Bohemia, is some 14 feet in thickness, and is estimated by Ehrenberg to contain 40,000,000 shells to every cubic inch. Beds occur in the United States at South Beddington, Maine ; FIG. 10. Section through lake basin showing the formation of infusorial earth, a, bed rock ; bb, floating peat ; cc, decayed peat ; d, infusorial earth. Lake Umbagog, New Hampshire ; in Morris County, New Jer- sey ; near Richmond, Virginia ; in Calvert and Charles coun- ties, Maryland; in New Mexico; Graham County, Arizona; near Reno, Nevada, and in various parts of California and Oregon. The New Jersey deposit covers about 3 acres, and varies from 1 to 3 feet in thickness ; the Richmond bed extends from Herring Bay, on the Chesapeake, to Petersburgh, Virginia, and is in some places 30 feet in thickness ; the New Mexico deposit is some 6 feet in thickness and has been traced some 1500 feet. Professor Leconte states that near Monterey, in California, is a bed some 50 feet in thickness, while the geologists of the Fortieth Parallel Survey report beds not less than 300 feet in thickness, of a pure white, pale buff, or canary-yellow color, as occurring near Hunter's Station, west of Reno, Nevada. The earth is used mainly as a polishing powder, and is some- times designated as tripolite. It has also been used to some extent to mix with nitro-glycerine in the manufacture of dyna- mite. Chemically the rock is impure opal, as will be seen from the following analyses made on samples from (I) Lake Umba- gog, New Hampshire, (II) Morris County, New Jersey, and (III) Paper Creek, Maryland: CONSTITUENTS I II ill Silica (SiO 2 ) . . 80 53 % 80 60 % 81.53% Iron oxides (Fe 2 3 and FeO) . . . Alumina (Al 2 0s) 1.03 5.89 3.84 3.33 3.43 Lime (CaO) .... 35 58 2 61 Water (H 2 0) 11 05 14 00 6.04 Organic matter 98 99.38% 99.02% 96.94% Number III showed also small amounts of potash and soda. PLATE 12 ;*-v ^ ,.^^^-^d^ ? v^*V^-' : y^^''^'- ' ^ ; ^^ : ^t tl^*^^-^,*; ^ ;i ! -^^^w'^V u t-V 4 ^.^.'^ .^v^J^ ^3fc5S- : .-. "'^Pt^C^^i. ! ^, w:^^--^-i^v ;> ^^<^ -^ ^ j i^M^^i^ ,^-^i ^ ;^SM^:&^ PIG. 1. Pisolitic limestone. FIG. 2. Oolitic limestone. LIMESTONES 143 (2) The Calcareous Group. These rocks are made up of the more or less fragmental remains of molluscs, corals, and other marine and fresh-water animals. Many of them are but con- solidated beds of calcareous mud, full of more or less fragment- ary shells or casts of shells, as shown in Fig. 1, PI. 11. The name coquina (Spanish for shell) is given to such as that shown in Fig. 2, PI. 11, from St. Augustine, Florida. The rock, it will be observed, is composed almost wholly of very perfect shells of a bivalve mollusc, loosely cemented by calcare- ous materials in a finely divided condition. From such forms as these we have all possible gradations to compact crystalline limestone. Special names are often given these calcareous rocks, designating the character of materials from which they are derived. Coral and shell limestones, as the names denote, are composed mainly of the debris from these organisms. In like manner such names as crinoidal, fusulina, etc., are applied. Lumachelle is the name given to a shell limestone from the Tyrol, in which the shells still retain their pearly lining and original beauty. Nummulitic limestone carries fossil nummulites. Rocks of this type were used in the construction of the pyramids of Cheops. Chalk is a fine-grained, white, pulverulent rock, composed of finely broken shells of marine molluscs, among which minute foraminifera are abundant. Shell sand is a loose aggregate of shell fragments, formed on sea-beaches by the action of the winds and waves. On certain Hawaiian beaches, such sands give out a distinct note, or peculiar crunch- ing sound when walked over, or even when shaken in a closed vessel, and are popularly known as sounding, or singing, sands. The property is manifested only when the sand is dry and is assumed to be due to the minute air cavities enclosed by the shells. Oolitic and pisolitic limestones, as previously noted, are made up of rounded concretionary masses of calcium carbonate, and are in part of mechanical origin, and in part chemical de- posits (PL 12). The microscopic structure of an oolitic limestone from Prince- ton, in Caldwell County, Kentucky, is shown in the accompany- ing figure (p. 144). It will be noticed that the first step in the formation of this stone was the deposition of concentric coat- ings of lime about a nucleus which is sometimes nearly round, but more frequently quite angular and irregular. After the concretions were completed there were formed in all cases about 144 AQUEOUS HOCKS each one, narrow zones of minute radiating crystals of clear, colorless calcite; then the larger crystals formed in the inter- stices. The nuclei are composed in some cases of single frag- ments or, again, of a group of fragments. Certain of the oolites present no distinct concentric structure, but appear as mere rounded masses merging gradually into the crystalline inter- stitial portions. Recent microscopic studies have tended to show that many of the oolitic limestones owe their structure to the lime-secreting power of microscopic algie. 1 Limestones vary almost indefinitely in structure and color. From the soft tufaceous or highly fossiliferous varieties there is a constant gradation to dense compact rocks breaking with a conchoi- dal or splintery fracture and the true nature of which is sometimes to be ascertained only by chem- ical tests. There is a like variation in color. White through all shades of gray to black is common, and more rarely occur yellow, brown, pink, or red vari- eties, the colors depend- ing on organic matter and metallic oxides, mainly ferruginous. Owing to the readiness with which calcium carbonate undergoes crystallization, even at ordinary temperatures, few limestones are wholly amorphous, but grade insensibly into holocrystalline varieties such as are classed with the metamor- phic rocks. The name marble is given to such limestones as are of sufficiently close texture to take a polish and of such colors as to make them desirable for ornamental work. A large proportion of the marbles belong, however, to the metamor- phic group. (See p. 162.) Figure 12 shows the microscopic structure of a dark gray, variegated, highly fossiliferous lime- stone belonging to the Cincinnati group, near Hamilton, Ohio. It is a natural result of their method of formation that few 1 American Geologist, Vol. X, No. 5, 1892. FIG. 11. Microstructure of oolitic limestone. LIMESTONES 145 limestones are of pure calcium carbonate. A portion of the calcium is not infrequently replaced by magnesium, giving rise to magnesian limestones, or when the proportion of magnesia rises to 45. G5 % to dolomite. This last can as a rule be distin- guished from limestone only by its increased hardness (3.5-4.5) and specific gravity (2.8-2.95). Frequently chemical tests are necessary, limestone effervescing readily when treated with dilute hydrochloric acid, while dolomite is unacted upon. Mechanically included materials, as sand and clay, are com- mon, giving rise to siliceous and argillaceous varieties. The so- called hydraulic limestone is one containing 10 % and upwards of these impurities, and which, when burnt and ground, forms a cement charac- terized by its property of setting under water. Many limestones, like the dolomitic varieties in Cook County, Illinois, contain so large a pro- portion of bituminous matter as to give off a distinct odor of petro- leum when struck with a hammer, or even to be- come blackened on the surface by its exudation when exposed to the weather. Others contain phosphatic matter, and pass by insensible gradations through what are known as phosphatic limestones to true phos- phates (phosphorites, etc.). In chemical composition the limestones vary, like other sedi- mentary rocks, almost indefinitely, as will naturally be inferred from what is said above. As a general rule, those varieties, which have been formed in deep waters and at a distance from the shores, will be of greatest purity, since less likely to have become contaminated through detrital materials washed in from the land. Even these may, however, be intermingled to a very considerable extent with the fine siliceous and ferruginous mat- ter, such as deep-sea dredgings have shown to be common to FIG. 12. Microstructure of fossiliferous limestone. 146 AQUEOUS ROCKS our modern sea-bottoms, and which are assumed to be in part at least of volcanic origin. (See under JEolian Rocks, p. 153.) The following table will give some idea of the wide range in chemi- cal composition to be found in rocks of this class : 2 2 O c s "S 5 S s ;- 2 S 5 ~r a c s l> "S .2 j c c "So s CONSTITUENTS n &".- 1 |Ss .2 ^ > '5^">. a |||| *i _o "S ^ |="ci Igl >., fl S^S fSS^fc S^5-i Pt^^ Carbonate of lime (CaC0 3 ) . . . 98.00 % 54.62% 41.48% 72.95-% 96.60 % Carbonate of magnesium (MgCOs) .... 45.04 24.55 3.84 0.13 Oxides of iron (FeO and Fe 2 O 3 ) . Oxide of aluminum (A1 2 3 ) . . J0.23 J4.03 1.34 4.50 0.98 Silica (Si0 2 ) and insol. silicates . 0.57 .... 29.93 14.79 0.50 Potash (K 2 0) 1 22 31 Soda (Na 2 0) .... 1 12 0.40 Water (H 2 0) 0.96 Sulphate of lime (CaS0 3 ) . . . 1.75 Organic matter 1.46 Totals 98 57 / 99 89 / 98 33 % 100 64 % 99 88 % Researches by the Kentucky Geological Survey have shown that the older limestones are, as a general rule, richer in soda, phosphoric acid, and, when non-magnesian, in lime carbonate, than are the younger more recently formed, and correspondingly poorer in silica and insoluble silicates. This inverse ratio is shown in the table on the opposite page, in which the rocks are arranged by geological horizons, the oldest at the bottom. The name shell marl, or merely marl, is given to an illy denned, often arenaceous, soft and earthy rock consisting essentially of shell material in a more or less fragmental condition, and usu- ally intermixed with more or less clayey matter or siliceous sand and silt. Geikie 1 would limit the term to fresh-water accumulations of remains of mollusca, entomostra , and fresh- water algse, but unfortunately the word has not been so used in much of the literature extant. These marls, being easily decomposed, and on account of their occasional richness in phosphoric acid, or, perhaps, merely on account of the lime they contain, are of value as fertilizers. The following analy- ses of North Carolina marls, consisting largely of comminuted 1 Text-book of Geology. 3d ed. COMPOSITION OF LIMESTONES 147 83XVO CS CS ^5 o t- cs o t- O co cs o o -t t~- O O rH T* O O O 3 K$% t O GO CO cs m ooj O 'N 00 (M T-H -tO (M T-H r-i GO CO O T-H ^ O l O GO CO rH AXT -AVHf) Ol^JIOajg I , * J , -. ^ -^--r. Corroded limestones. CHEMICAL ACTION OF WATER 193 (3) In the action of the carbonated waters upon the alkaline silicates, like the feldspars, a small amount of silica went always into solution, presumably in the form of hydrate. (4) Even alumina was dissolved in appreciable quantities. (5) Adular proved more resisting to the action of the acid than did the oligoclase. (6) The first stage of decomposition in the feldspars is a redden- ing process ; the second, kaolinization. (7) Hornblende was more easily decomposed than feldspar. (8) Increase of pressure on the solution was productive of more energetic action than prolonging the time. (9) Of all the minerals tested, the magnetic iron was least affected. (10) Apatite was readily acted upon, as could be detected by its appearance under the microscope. (11) Olivine was the most readily attacked of all the silicates tested, probably twice as easily decomposed as the ser- pentine. (12) Magnesian silicates were attacked by the carbonated waters. Hence serpentine cannot be considered a final product of decomposition. 1 Of all the materials forming any essential part of the earth's crust the limestones are most affected by the solvent power of water. It is stated that pure water will dissolve lime carbon- ate in the proportions of one part in 10800 when cold and one part in 8875 when boiling. Since rock-weathering is, as already stated, a superficial phenomenon, we have to do only with waters of ordinary tem- peratures and under ordinary conditions of pressure, though this expression must not be taken as necessarily meaning cold waters, since, if we accept the statements of Caldcleugh, 2 rain waters falling upon the heated rocks may have their tempera- tures raised as high as 140 F. The enormously destructive effect of carbonated waters on limestone is scarcely apparent 011 casual inspection, owing to the fact that the material is carried away in solution, leaving only the insoluble impurities behind. In such cases it is possible to estimate the amount of corrosion through a comparison of the proportional amounts of various constituents in this residue with those in the fresh rock 1 Serpentine, however, cannot be properly considered a decomposition prod- uct. It is rather a product of alteration. 2 Trans. Geol. Soc. of London, 1829. 194 THE PRINCIPLES INVOLVED IN ROCK-WEATHERING (see p. 209 et seq.), and the time limit of corrosion through determining the percentage amounts of the constituents in the water which annually drains from any given area. By such methods it has been estimated 1 that some 275 tons of calcium carbonate are annually removed from each square mile of Cal- ciferous limestone exposed in the Appalachian region alone ; while a well-known English authority 2 has calculated that with an annual rainfall of 32 inches, percolating only to a depth of 18.3 inches, there are annually removed by solution from the superficial portions of England and Wales an average of all constituents amounting to 143.5 tons per square mile of area. He further calculates that the average amount of carbonate of lime annually removed from each square mile of the entire globe amounts to 50 tons. 3 It is to this corrosive action of meteoric waters that still another authority 4 would attribute the slight thickness and nodular condition of many beds of Palseozoic limestone. He argues that originally thick-bedded limestones have, during the ages subsequent to their formation and uplifting, become so impoverished through the dissolving out and carrying away in solution of the lime carbonate, as to have been quite obliterated, or reduced to mere nodular bands, and given rise to important palseontological breaks in the geo- logical record. Other than organic acids may locally exert a potent influence. Thus Robert Bell has described the dolomitic limestones underlying the waters along Grand Manitou Island, the Indian peninsula, and adjacent portions of Lake Huron and the Georgian Bay, as pitted and honeycombed in a very pecu- liar and striking manner. This corrosion, it is believed, is produced through the solvent action of sulphuric acid in the water, the acid itself arising from the decomposition of the sul- phides of iron, pyrites and pyrrhotite, which exist in great quantities in the Huronian rocks to the northward. 5 1 A. L. Ewing, Am. Jour, of Science, 1885, p. 29. 2 T. Mellard Reade, Chemical Denudation in Relation to Geological Time. 3 The total dissolved constituents thus removed are divided up as follows : Carbonate of lime, 50 tons ; sulphate of lime, 20 tons ; silica, 7 tons ; carbonate of magnesia, 4 tons ; peroxide of iron, 1 ton ; chloride of sodium, 8 tons ; alka- line carbonates and sulphates, 6 tons. 4 F. Rutley, The Dwindling and Disappearance of Limestones, Quar. Jour. Geol. Soc. of London, August, 1893. 5 Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. VI, pp. 47-304. Messrs. C. \V. Hayes and M. R. Campbell, of the United States Geological MECHANICAL ACTION OF WATER^AND OF ICE 195 3. MECHANICAL ACTION OF WATER AND OF ICE Aside from its solvent capacity, water acts as a powerful ero- sive agent, as well as an agent for the transportation of the eroded materials. It is only its erosive power that need con- cern us here, though, as will be seen, this is to a considerable extent dependent upon its power of transportation. Every raindrop beating down upon a surface already sorely tried by heat and frost serves to detach the partially loosened granules, and, catching them up in the temporary rivulets, carries them to the more permanent rills, to be spread out over the valley bottoms, or perhaps if the slopes be steep and the current ac- Survey, have recently reported some remarkable examples of corroded quartz pebbles which should be mentioned here, although a satisfactory explanation for the phenomenon has not yet been given. Dr. Hayes, in a personal memorandum to the writer, describes the occur- rence as follows: "At three rather widely separated points in the South, conglomerates have been observed in which the projecting portions of the pebbles have been etched or partly dissolved. "The first, observed by Mr. Campbell, is at Nuttall, West Virginia. The conglomerate in question, which belongs to the coal measures, is composed of rather coarse quartz sand with slightly yellowish cement, in which are embedded well-worn pebbles of white vein quartz. The latter vary in size up to three- quarters of an inch in diameter, and are somewhat irregularly distributed. Ordinarily the pebbles, wholly unaltered, weather out by the chemical or mechanical disintegration of the sandy matrix. In the case observed, however, where the conglomerate received the drip from an overhanging cliff, the project- ing portions of the pebbles are deeply pitted, evidently by solution. Mechanical wear is precluded by the form of the resulting surface, which is not smooth like the portions of the pebble still protected by the matrix, but is rough and irregu- lar. The outer portion of the pebbles is evidently less easily affected by the solvent than the interior, and forms a sharp rim about the irregular cavities hollowed out within. In some cases a third of the pebble has thus been re- moved. The surface of the sandstone matrix in which the pebbles are embedded is also pitted, possibly by the same process of solution as that which has affected the pebbles, but such a surface might also be produced by mechanical means in case the cement were less indurated in some places than in others. "The second case is on Clifty Creek, White County, Tennessee. The con- glomerate, also a member of the coal measures, forms the bottom of a small canon, and is covered by the creek at high water, but uncovered throughout the greater part of the year. The matrix is a coarse white sandstone which weathers yellow by the oxidation of the slightly ferruginous cement. Embedded in this are rather abundant pebbles, varying in size up to two inches in diameter, and composed chiefly of quartz, with a few of chert and possibly of quartzite. The projecting portions of these pebbles have been in part removed, though they still project somewhat above the enclosing matrix. As in case of the Nuttall conglomerate, the exterior portions of the pebbles are less easily affected than 196 THE PRINCIPLES INVOLVED IN ROCK- WEATHERING cordingly strong, to the rivers and thence to the sea. The amount of detrital matter thus mechanically removed from the hills and spread out over valley and sea-bottoms quite ex- ceeds our comprehension, but it is estimated that at the rate the Mississippi River is now doing its work, the entire Ameri- can continent might be reduced to sea-level within a period of four and one-half million years. The Appalachian Mountain system, whose uplifting began in early Cambrian times and terminated at the close of the Carboniferous, has already through this cause lost more material than the entire mass of that which now remains. But the rivers, like the winds arid glaciers, in virtue of this load they bear, become themselves converted into agents of erosion, filing away upon their rocky beds, undermining their banks, and continually wearing away the land by their ceaseless activity. The pot-holes in the bed of a stream, formed by the constant swirl of sand and gravel in an eddy, furnish on a small scale striking illustrations of this cutting power, while the rocky canons o'f the Colorado of the West, where thousands of feet of horizontal strata have been cut through as with a file, show the same thing on a scale so gigan- tic as to be at first scarce comprehensible. 1 An item of no insignificant importance to be considered here is the possibility, the interiors, and when the pebble has been a third or half removed the outer shell forms a rim within which is a depression with a slight elevation in the centre. The chert pebbles show less evidence of corrosion by a solvent than those composed of quartz. Their upper surfaces are somewhat worn down and even slightly hollowed, but this might easily have been produced by mechanical means, which is not the case with the quartz. " The third case is a block of conglomerate from Starrs Mountain, Tennessee, collected by Mr. Bailey Willis. This is of Lower Cambrian age. The matrix is a coarse feldspathic sandstone containing layers of well-rounded pebbles, mostly quartz, with a few probably of some feldspar. The former are between one-half and one inch in diameter and the latter somewhat larger. The projecting por- tions of the quartz pebbles on one side of the block are almost entirely removed, and as in the other cases evidently by solution. A slight rim projects above the matrix in which the pebbles are embedded ; within this is a depression, while a slight elevation occupies the centre. "The projecting portions of the feldspathic pebbles also are partly removed, but this may be due to corrasion instead of corrosion, that is, to the action of mechanical rather than chemical agents. The pebbles on the lower side of the block have their original water- worn surfaces without any trace of etching." 1 Captain C. E. Button has estimated (Tertiary History of the Grand Canon of the Colorado) that from over an area of 13,000 to 15,000 square miles drained by the Colorado River, an average thickness of 10,000 feet of strata have been removed. MECHANICAL ACTION OF WATER AND OF ICE 197 indeed probability, of an incidental chemical decomposition taking place during this abrasive action. Daubree showed l that when feldspathic fragments were submitted to artificial trituration in a revolving cylinder containing water, a decompo- sition was effected whereby the alkalies were liberated in very appreciable amounts. He found further that the principal product of mutual attrition of feldspar fragments in water was not sand, but an impalpable mud (limon). This mud was of such tenuity as to remain for many days in suspension, and on desiccation became so hard as to be broken only with the aid of a hammer, resembling in many respects the argillites of the coal measures, but differing in that it carried a high percentage of alkalies. Granitic rocks thus treated yielded angular fragments of quartz and very minute shreds of mica, while the feldspars ultimately quite disappeared in the form of the impalpable mud above mentioned. It was noted that after the quartzose particles had reached a certain degree of fineness further diminution in the size ceased, owing to the buoyant action of the water, which in the form of a thin film between adjacent particles acted as a cushion and prevented actual contact to the extent necessary for mutual abrasion. It is to a similar action on the part of sea-water that Shaler 2 would attribute the lasting qualities of the sand grains upon our sea beaches. Indeed the conditions of Daubree's experiments as a whole were not so different from those existing in nature that we need hesitate, as it seems to the writer, to conclude similar action, both chemical and physical, may be going on wherever abrasion takes place in the presence of continual moisture, as in the bed of a river or glacier. 1 It will be remembered that this authority placed rock fragments in stone and iron cylinders containing water and made to revolve horizontally at a measured rate of speed, so that the actual distance travelled by any of the particles dur- ing a given time could be readily calculated. The product of this disintegration, even when carried to the condition of fine silt, was always sharply angular. His experiments further showed that when feldspathic fragments were thus treated, there was always a certain amount of decomposition, whereby salts of potash were liberated ; in one instance, when 3 kilogrammes of feldspar were revolved for 192 hours in iron cylinders containing 5 litres of water, 2.72 kilogrammes of finely comminuted mud were obtained, and in solution in the water, 12.6 grammes of potash, or 2.52 grammes per litre. The presence of carbonic acid in the water increased the amount of potash. When the feldspar was triturated dry and then treated with water, no such solvent action could be detected. Geologic Experi- mental, p. 268. 2 Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. V, p. 208. 198 THE PRINCIPLES INVOLVED IN ROCK- WEATHERING The hammering action of waves upon the sea-coast exerts a powerful erosive action, particularly upon particles of rock of such size as to be lifted or moved by wave action, but too heavy to be protected from attrition by the thin film of water above alluded to. Shaler's observations 1 at Cape Ann were to the effect that ordinary granitic paving blocks (weighing perhaps twenty pounds) were, when exposed to surf action, worn in the course of a year into spheroidal forms such as to indicate an average loss of more than an inch from their peripheries. Experiments made with fragments of hard burned brick showed that in the course of a year they would be reduced fully one-half their bulk. Even the crystallization of the salt thrown up by wave action and absorbed into the pores of rocks 2 serves in its way the purposes of disintegration. The Action of Freezing Water and of Ice. The action of dry heat and cold in disintegrating rocks has already been described. The effects of such temperature changes upon stone of ordinary dryness are, however, slight in comparison with the destructive agencies of freezing temperatures upon stones saturated with moisture. The expansive force of water passing from the liquid to the solid state has been graphically described as equal to the weight of a column of ice a mile high (about 150 tons to the square foot). Otherwise expressed, 100 volumes of water expand, on freezing, to form 109 volumes of ice. Provided, then, sufficient water be contained within the pores of a stone, it is easy to understand that the results of freezing must be disastrous. That stones as they lie in the ground do contain moisture, often in no inconsiderable amounts, is a well-known and well-recognized fact by all those engaged in quarrying operations, and indeed no mineral substance is absolutely impervious to it. The amount contained, naturally varies with the nature of the mineral constituents and their state of aggregation. According to various authorities, granite may contain some 0.37% by weight; chalk, 20%; ordinary compact limestone, 0.5% to 5% ; marble, about 0.30% ; and sandstones, amounts varying up to 10% or 12%, while clay 1 Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. V, p. 208. 2 According to Dana (Wilkes' Exploring Expedition, Geology, p. 529), the sandstones along the coast of Sydney, Australia, are subjected to a mechanical disintegration through the crystallization of salt which is absorbed from the saline spray of the ocean waves. % \ 3 2 O g> CD g | 1 < 'E-S SS I i ii 5-g MECHANICAL ACTION OF WATER AND OF ICE 199 may contain nearly one-fourth its weight. This water is largely interstitial the quarry water, as it is sometimes called. In addition to this, the quartz, particularly of granitic rocks, almost universally contains innumerable minute cavities par- tially filled with water, and which are, in extreme cases, so abundant as to make up, according to Sorby, at least 5 % of the whole volume of the mineral. That the passage of this included moisture from the liquid to the solid state, must be attended with results disastrous to the stone is self-evident, though the rate of disintegration may be so slow under favorable circumstances as to be scarce notice- able. Freezing of the absorbed water is one of the most fruit- ful sources of disintegration in stones confined in the walls of a building, and even in the quarry bed it is by no means uncom- mon to have stone so injured as to render it worthless. How- ever slight may be the effects of a single freezing, constant repetition of the process cannot fail to open up new rifts, and still further widen those already in existence, allowing further penetration of water to freeze in its turn and to exert a chemical action as well., So year in and year out, through winter's cold and summer's heat, the work goes on until the massive rock becomes loose sand to be caught up by winds or temporary rivulets and spread broadcast over the land. In some instances, it may be, the rock is of sufficiently uniform texture to be af- fected in all its mass alike. More commonly, however, it is traversed by veins, joints, or other lines of weakness along which the rifting power is first made manifest, as in our illus- tration. Naturally disintegration of this kind is confined to frigid and temperate latitudes. As bearing upon the extreme rapidity with which such disintegration may take place, the following is quoted from a letter of Dr. L. Stejneger, of the United States National Museum, who passed several months among the islands of Bering Sea. u ln September, 1882, I visited Tolstoi Mys, a precipitous cliff near the southeastern extremity of Bering Island. At the foot of it I found large masses of rock and stone which had evidently fallen down during the year. Most of them were considerably more than six feet in diameter, and showed no trace of disintegration. The following spring, April, 1883, when I revisited the place, I found that the rocks had split up into innumerable fragments, cube-shaped, sharp-edged, and of 200 THE PRINCIPLES INVOLVED IN ROCK-WEATHERING a very uniform size, about two inches. They had not yet fallen to pieces, the rocks still retaining their original shape. I may remark, however, that the weather was still freezing when I was there. The winter was not one of great severity, and several thawing spells broke its continuity. These cubic fragments did not seem to split up any further, for everywhere on the islands where the rock consisted of the coarse sandstone, as in this place, the talus consisted of these sharp-edged stones." Ice acts as a disintegrating agent in still other ways than that mentioned. The phenomenon of the glacier is now so well known that we need dwell upon it but briefly here. Long- continued precipitation of snow upon regions of such elevation, or in such latitudes as to preclude anything like an equally rapid melting, gives rise to deep fields of snow, compacted in the lower portions into the condition of ice. These, in virtue of the weight of the overlying mass, and perhaps the steepness of the slopes, aided by a certain amount of plasticity possessed in some degree by even the most rigid of so-called solids, creep slowly down the slopes in the form of glaciers or rivers of ice. Advancing, it may be, but an inch or several feet a day, now scarce moving at all, or even retreating temporarily through a diminu- tion in the amount of their supplies, or an increase in the sun's heat, these bring, either upon their surfaces as moraines, or frozen into their mass, large quantities of fragmental rock mate- rial fallen upon them from above, or picked up from the surfaces over which they flow. Those fragments which remain upon the upper surface, or frozen into the upper portions, are but trans- ported to the lower levels where, the temperature being suffi- cient, the ice is melted and the load deposited in the form of a moraine. Beneath, and frozen into the lower portion of the ice sheet, there is, however, a variable amount of rock material, which, as the glacier moves along, is crowded with all the weight of the overlying mass, and all the resistless energy of the ice behind, over the surface of the underlying rock. In virtue of this material, this sand, gravel, and boulder aggregate, the glaciers become converted into what we may compare to extremely coarse files, to tear away the rocks over which they pass, and grind and crush them into detritus of varying degrees of fineness. The small streams which originate from the melt- ing of these glaciers become, hence, not infrequently charged ACTION OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS 201 to the point of turbidity with the fine silt-like detritus ground from the ledges and in part from the boulders themselves. Figure 3 of plate 19 shows a slab of limestone still bear- ing upon its surface the evidences of the severity of the onslaught. A consideration of the amount of detritus thus brought down either merely as transported or as abraded material belongs properly to the chapter on transportation, but a few illustrations are not without interest here. The Aar in Switzerland is stated by Geikie to discharge every day in August some 440,000,000 gallons of water, carrying some 280 tons of sand. A portion of this is in a state of such minute subdivision as to remain a long time in suspension, and give the water a milky appearance for several miles. I. C. Russell has described 1 the Tuolumne River, issuing from the foot of the Lyell Glacier in the Sierras of California, as turbid with silt which has been ground by the moving ice. At the foot of the Dana Glacier there is a small lakelet whose waters are of a peculiar greenish yellow color from the silt held in suspension, and which, when submitted to microscopic examination, is found to be made up of fresh angular fragments of various silicate minerals of all sizes from 0.35 mm. in diameter down to impalpable silt. 4. ACTION OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS Both plants and animals aid to some extent in the work of rock disintegration. Plants are also not infrequently an im- portant factor in promoting sedimentation, while burrowing insects and animals may exert an important influence upon the texture of soils and in bringing about a more general admixture by transferring to the surface that which is below. The lowest forms of plant life, the lichens and mosses, - growing upon the hard, bare face of rocky ledges send their minute rootlets into every crack and crevice, seeking not merely foot-hold, but food as well. Slight as is the action, it aids in disintegration. The plants die, and others grow upon their ruins. There accumulates thus, it may be with extreme slowness, a thin film of humus, which serves not merely to retain the moisture of rains and thus bring the rock under the influence of chemical action, 1 5th Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Survey, 1883-84. 202 THE PRINCIPLES INVOLVED IN ROCK- WEATHERING but supplies at the same time small quantities of the humic and other organic acids to which reference has already been made. 1 These act both as solvents and deoxidizing agents. As time goes on, sufficient soil gathers for other, larger and higher types of life, which exert still more potent influences. It may be the rock is in a jointed condition. Into these joints each herb, shrub, or sapling pushes down its roots, which, in simple virtue of their gain in bulk, day by day, serve to enlarge the rifts and furnish thereby more ready access for water, and the wash of rains, to still further augment disintegration. This phase of root action is often well shown in walls of ancient masonry, either of brick or stone, whereby the usual rate of destruction is greatly accelerated. The depth to which such roots may penetrate has often been noted, varying, as is to be expected, with the nature of the soil. 2 In the limestone caverns of the Southern states, the writer has often been im- pressed by the number of long thread-like rootlets, so fine as to be almost imperceptible, which have found their way through rifts in the rocky roof. H. Carrington Bolton has shown that very many minerals are decomposed by the action of cold citric acid for a more or less prolonged period, the zeolites and other hydrous silicates being especially susceptible. Such tests have a peculiar sig- nificance when we consider that the roots of growing plants secrete an acid sap, which, by actual experiment, has been found capable of etching marble. The exact nature of this acid is not accurately known, but it is considered probable that in the rootlets of each species of plant there exists a considerable variety of organic acids. 3 But the effects of plant growth are not necessarily always destructive ; such may be conservative or even protective. In glaciated regions, it is often the case that the striated and pol- ished surfaces of the rocks have been preserved only where pro- tected from the disintegrating action of the sun and atmosphere 1 It is stated by Storer (Chemistry as applied to Agriculture) that some lichens have been found to contain half their weight of oxalate of lime. 2 Aughey has found roots of the buffalo berry (Sherperdia argophylla') pene- trating the loess soils of Nebraska to the depth of 50 feet. 3 See Application of Organic Acids to the Examination of Minerals, H. Car- rington Bolton, Proc. Am. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science, XXXI, 1883, and Available Mineral Plant Food in Soils, B. Dyer, Jour. Chem. Society, March, 1894. ACTION OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS 203 by a thin layer of turf or moss. As a general rule, however, the manifest action of plant growth is to accelerate chemical decomposition, through keeping the surfaces continually moist, and to retard erosion. (See further on p. 280.) Action of Bacteria. The researches of A. Miintz, 1 Wido gradsky, Schlosing, and others tend to show that bacteria may exercise a very important influence in promoting rock disinte- gration and decomposition. Their influence in promoting nitri- fication has been already alluded to. It would appear that while these organisms secrete and utilize for their sustenance the carbon from the carbonic acid of the atmosphere, as do plants of a higher order, they may also assimilate carbonate of ammonium, forming from it organic matter and setting free nitric acid. Being of microscopic proportions, the organisms penetrate into every little cleft or crevice produced by atmos- pheric agencies, and throughout long periods of time produce results of no inconsiderable geological significance. The depth below the surface at which such may thrive is presumably but slight, and their period of activity limited to the summer months. They have been found on rocks of widely different character granites, gneisses, schists, limestones, sandstones, and volcanic rocks and on high mountain peaks as well as on lower levels. The Pic Pourri, or Rotten Peak, in the Lower Pyrenees of south- western France, is composed of friable and superficially decom- posed calcareous schists, throughout the whole mass of which are found the nitrifying bacteria, which are believed to have been instrumental in promoting its characteristic decomposition. The organism acts even upon the most minute fragments, reduc- ing them continually to smaller and smaller sizes. Each frag- ment loosened from the parent mass is found coated with a film of organic matter thus produced, and the accumulation begun by these apparently insignificant forces is added to by residues of plants of a higher order, which come in as soon as food and foothold are provided. 2 Mr. J. E. Mills, 3 and after him J. C. Branner, 4 lay con- siderable stress on the decomposing effect of vegetable matter 1 Comptes Kendus de 1' Academic des Sciences, CX, 1890, p. 1370. 2 It is, perhaps, as yet, too early to say to what extent the presence of bacteria may be incidental to decomposition, rather than causative. 3 American Geologist, June, 1889, p. 357. 4 Bull. Am. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. VII. 204 THE PRINCIPLES INVOLVED IN ROCK- WEATHERING carried into the ground by ants in certain parts of Brazil, Mills going so far as to describe the ants as continually pouring car- bonic acid into the ground. Be this as it may, the evacuations of the ants themselves are undoubtedly of such a nature as to further the processes of decomposition. Certain species of ants, locally known as saubas, or sauvas, live, according to Branner, in enormous colonies, burrowing in the earth, where they exca- vate chambers with galleries that radiate and anastomose in every direction, and into which they carry great quantities of leaves. Certain species of termites, the white ants of Brazil, are also active promoters in bringing about changes in the structure of the soil, and incidentally accelerating decomposition. The organic matter carried by these creatures into the ground, there to decompose, furnishes organic acids to promote further decay in the material close at hand, and by its downward percolation to attack the still firm rocks at greater depths. Indeed, these numerous channels, through affording easy access of air and surface waters with all their absorbed gases or alkaline salts, may serve indirectly a geological purpose scarcely inferior to that of the joints in massive rocks. (See further under soil modified by plant and animal life.) The mechanical agency which has already been referred to as instrumental in bringing about a certain amount of de- composition in silicate minerals, is greatly augmented when such trituration takes place in connection with organic matter. J. Y. Buchanan has shown, 1 that the mud of sea-bottoms is being continually passed and repassed through the alimentary canals of marine animals, and that in so doing the mineral matter not merely undergoes a slight amount of comminution and conse- quent decomposition, but a chemical reduction takes place whereby existing sulphates are converted into sulphides. Such sulphides and the metallic constituents of the silicates and other compounds, particularly those of iron and manganese, would on exposure to sea-water become converted into oxides. It is through such agencies that he would account for the presence of sulphur in marine muds, and the variations in color, from shades of red or brown to blue and gray, in the former the iron occurring as oxides, while in the latter it exists as a sulphide. Of course either form may be more or less permanent according 1 On the Occurrence of Sulphur in Marine Muds, Proc. Royal Soc. of Edin- burgh, 1890-91. THE PRODUCTION OF CARBONATES 205 as the mud may be devoid of animal life, or protected from oxidizing influences. These reactions, being subaqueous, are somewhat beyond the scope of the present work, but are never- theless not without interest in this connection. One of the most conspicuous results of rock-weathering through the agencies of water and organic acids, as above enu- merated, is manifested in the production of carbonates of lime and more rarely of magnesia, iron, and the alkalies. Thus in the decomposition of lime-bearing silicates, as the feldspars, pyroxenes, and amphiboles, the lime almost invariably separates out as calcite or aragonite, and often may be found filling cracks and crevices, as veins of " spar " in the very rock masses from which it was derived. The celebrated verde di Genova and vercle di Prato marbles are but secondary rocks derived by hydration from pre-existing pyroxenic masses and in which the lime and magnesia have separated out as carbonates forming the white veins by which the stone is traversed. The almost universality of carbonate formation incident to rock-weathering manifests itself in the ready effervescence of freshly decomposed material when treated with an acid. It is indeed difficult to find weathered rocks of any kind that will not show at least traces of secondary carbonates, of which those of calcium are by far the more abundant. It is further to be noted that the solvent and general chemical activity of water is often greatly augmented by the salts and acids it acquires through the decomposition of various minerals with which it comes in contact. Thus through the decomposi- tion of iron pyrites there may be formed free sulphuric acid, or through the decomposition of a feldspar, carbonates of the alkalies, any of which, when in solution, are more energetic factors in promoting decomposition than water alone. Hence under certain conditions the process of decomposition once set in operation augments itself, and goes on with increasing vigor until such a depth is reached that the percolating solutions become neutralized and further action, aside from hydration, practically ceases. THE WEATHERING OF BOCKS (Continued} II. CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL CASES Let us now enter into a consideration of the composition of a few prominent rock types, and note the changes they have undergone in this process of weathering, assuming, as we must for the time being, that they have been all subjected to essen- tially the same conditions. Inasmuch, as has been noted already, there are divers types of rocks, differing not merely in chemical and mineral composition, but in structure as well, it is an easy assumption that the results of prolonged weathering may be widely divergent. Yet, as will become apparent, the ultimate products from all but the purely quartzose rocks, present strik- ing similarities. In the tables following are given the results of chemical and mechanical analyses of rocks of various kinds and in varying stages of degeneration. We will begin with a consideration of the granitic rocks of the District of Columbia. 1 The rock (see PL 14) in its fresh condition is a strongly foliated gray micaceous granite showing to the unaided eye a finely granular aggregate of quartz and feldspars arranged in imperfect lenticular masses from 2 to 5 mm. in diameter, about and through which are distributed abundant folia of black mica. In the thin section the structure is seen to be cataclastic. Quartz and black mica are the most prominent constituents, though there are abundant feldspars of both potash and soda- lime varieties, "which, owing to their limpidity, can by the unaided eye scarcely be distinguished from the quartz. The potash feldspar has in part a microcline structure. Aside from these minerals, a primary epidote, in small granules and at times quite perfectly outlined crystals, is a strikingly abundant con- stituent. Small apatites, a few flakes of white mica (sericite), 1 Disintegration of the Granitic Rocks of the District of Columbia, Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. VI, 1895, pp. 321, 332. 206 WEATHERING OF GRANITE 207 and widely scattering black tourmalines and iron ores complete the list of recognizable minerals. The outcrops from which the samples for the analyses to which attention is first called were selected are shown in the plate. At the very bottom, the rock is hard, fresh, and com- pact, without trace of the decomposition products other than as indicated by minute infiltrations of calcite from above. Just above the level of the small creek which flows at the foot of the bluff, at the point indicated by the first series of right-and- left joints near the centre of the view, the character of the rock changes quite suddenly,, becoming brown and friable, though still retaining its form and easily recognizable granitic appear- ance. A few feet above a third zone begins, in which the rock is converted into sand and gravel and which becomes more and more soil-like to the top of the bank, where it becomes admixed with organic matter from the growing plants. The amount of organic matter is quite small, however, and in making the analyses care was taken to remove such as was recognizable in the form of rootlets, leaves, and twigs. Bulk analyses of these three types, (I) fresh gray granite, (II) brown but still moderately firm and intact rock, and (III) the residual sand, yielded the results given in the columns cor- respondingly numbered below: CONSTITUENTS I II in Ignition .... 1.22% 3.27 % 4.70% Silica (Si0 2 ) 09.33 66.82 65.69 Titanium (Ti0 2 ) Alumina (A1 2 3 ) Iron protoxide (FeO) not det. 14.33 3.G0 1 not det. 15.62 1.69 0.31 15.23 Iron sesquioxide (Fe203) Lime (CaO) 3.21 1.88 3.13 4.39 2.63 Magnesia (MgO) 2.44 2.76 2.64 Soda (Na 2 0) 2 70 2.58 2.12 Potash (K 2 0) 2.67 2.04 2.00 Phosphoric acid (P 2 C>5) 0.10 not det. 0.06 99.60 % 99.79% 99.77 % In glancing over these figures it is at once apparent that there is a surprisingly small difference in ultimate composition 1 4.00% when calculated as Fe 2 3 . 208 ROCK DISINTEGRATION AND DECOMPOSITION between the sound rock and the residual sand, the more marked differences being a slightly smaller amount of silica, more alu- mina, and slightly diminished amounts of lime, magnesia, pot- ash, and soda, with a considerable increase in the amount of water. The ferrous salts have moreover been converted into ferric forms. It does not necessarily follow, however, that no more actual gain or loss of material or change in manner of combination than is here indicated may not have taken place, and at the very outset it may be well to enter into a discussion of the manner in which the results of such analyses are to be considered. We must first of all remember that any indicated loss or gain of a constituent may be only apparent, and that the true relative proportions can be learned only by calculating results of analyses of both fresh and decomposed materials on a com- mon basis. Thus the first glance at analysis III, as given, might lead one to surmise that the decomposed rock had actually lost only some 3.3% of silica. This, however, is not strictly the case, since this analysis shows 4.7% volatile constituents against 1.22% in analysis I of the fresh material. Could we assume that this difference of 3.48 % was due wholly to a uniform absorption of moisture, as by a clay, the problem would resolve itself into simply recalculating all analyses upon a water-free basis. The results obtained thus are not quite satisfactory, however, and it is thought a more correct view of the changes taking place may be obtained by assuming for one of the constituents a fairly constant value and using this as a basis for comparison. Of all the essential constituents occurring in appreciable quantities in siliceous crystalline rocks the alumina and the iron oxides are the most refractory and the least liable to be removed by a leaching process, although they may undergo manifold changes in mode of combination. Although not absolutely correct, therefore, we will for our present purposes assume the one or the other of these (in this case the iron as Fe 2 O 3 ) as a constant factor, and in order to show the proportional or actual amount of loss of any constituent will recalculate the analyses upon this basis, a proceeding for which, so far as alumina is concerned, we have already good authority. 1 This method will be adopted, however, only with the siliceous crystalline rocks, 1 G. Roth, Allegemeine u. Chemische Geologic, 3d ed. WEATHERING OF GRANITE 209 in which, for reasons noted later, the process of decomposition, we have reason to suppose, is more complex than in calcareous and magnesian rocks poor or lacking in the alkalies. The entire discussion is one beset with great difficulties, since we lack definite knowledge as to the exact processes which have been going on and need constantly to guard against assump- tions too hastily drawn or based upon insufficient data. Indeed, any assumption based upon the results of chemical analyses alone is likely to lead to grave error. If, then, we consider the iron in the form of Fe 2 O 3 as a constant factor, we may, by proper calculation, obtain the results given in column (IV) below, which represent the proportional gain and loss of the various constituents of the rock in passing from the condition indicated in column (I) above, to that indicated in column (III). Such a comparison is instructive as showing not merely the relative loss and gain, but also the total loss of material, in this case 13.47 %, accompanied by a gain of 2.16%, in volatile matter. DISINTEGRATED AND DECOMPOSED GRANITE, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, SHOWING PROPORTIONAL Loss OF CONSTITUENTS IV V VI CONSTITUENTS PERCENTAGE Loss FOR EN- TIKE ROCK PERCENTAGE OF EACH CON- STITUENT SAVED PERCENTAGE OF EACH CON- STITUENT LOST Silica (Si0 2 ) Alumina (Al 2 0s) 10.50% 0.46 85.11% 96.77 14.89% 3.23 Iron sesquioxide (Fe 2 3 ) Iron protoxide (FeO) | 0.00 100.00 0.00 Lime (CaO) 0.81 74.79 25.21 Magnesia (MgO) Soda (Na 2 0) 0.36 0.77 98.51 71.38 1.49 28.62 Potash (K 2 0) 0.85 68.02 31.98 Phosphoric anhydride (P 2 5 ) . . . Ignition . .... 0.04 2.16 1 60.00 100.00 40.00 0.00 Total loss 13.47 % Such results are still far from satisfactory, and it is believed the tables will be more useful and instructive can we show the Gain. 210 ROCK DISINTEGRATION AND DECOMPOSITION percentage loss and gain of each constituent as compared with the same constituent in the original rock. This can also readily be accomplished by a process the formula for which is given below, 1 and by which are obtained the results given in columns V and VI. From a perusal of these figures, it appears that the residual sand retains 85.11% of the original silica; 96.77% of the alumina; all the ferric oxide; 74.79% of its lime; 98.51% of its mag- nesia, together with 71.38 % of its soda and 68.02 of the potash, while there has been an actual gain, as was to be expected, in volatile matter. Let us not, however, too hastily assume that we have ex- hausted the subject. We must remember, further, that while an analysis shows the actual composition of a rock so far as the various elements are concerned, it quite fails to show the manner in which those elements are combined. While the ultimate composition of the fresh and decomposed samples may be closely similar, it is possible, indeed probable, that in some cases at least the manner of combination of these elements is quite different. This is well illustrated in the case of the figures showing the percent- ages of alumina in analyses I and III and which differ only nine-tenths of one per cent in total amount; yet in the first the alumina exists mainly in the form of anhydrous silicates of alumina, potash, iron, and magnesia (as in the feldspars and mica), while in the last a very considerable proportion, or indeed all in extreme cases of weathering, may exist as a hydrous sili- cate of alumina only (kaolin). It is in instances of this kind that the microscope may render efficient service, and much may be learned by means of such mechanical analyses as can be made by sifting and washing. Such separations made on this disin- tegrated rock showed it to consist of particles as given in the following table, the 4.25% silt being obtained by washing the 1 The formula employed in these calculations is as follows : - = x : and Jj X O 100 x y, in which A = the percentage of any constituent in the residual material ; B = the percentage of the same constituent in the fresh rock, and C = the quotient obtained by dividing the percentage amount of alumina (or iron sesquioxide, whichever is taken as a constant factor) of the residual mate- rial by that in the fresh rock, the final quotient being multiplied by 100. x then equals the percentage of the original constituent saved, in the residue, and y the percentage of the same constituent lost. WEATHERING OF GRANITE 211 10.75% of material which passed through fine bolting-cloth of 120 meshes to the lineal inch, and which represents the impal- pable mud remaining in suspension while the 6.5 % of fine sand sank quickly to the bottom of the beaker in which the washing was made. The residual sand yielded then: - Silt 4.25% Largest grains 0. 1 mm. in diameter Very fine sand 6.50 " " 0.18 Fine sand 11.25 " " 0.25 Medium sand 3.80 " 0.65 Sand) 11.00 " " 1.00 Sand/ 23.50 " " 1.50 Coarse sand 29.50 " " 2.00 Gravel . 10.20 " 8.00 Total 100.00% The coarser of these particles, like the gravel and coarse sand, are of a compound nature, being aggregates of quartz and feldspar, with small amounts of mica and other minerals. In the finer material, on the other hand, each particle repre- sents but a single mineral, the process of disaggregation having quite freed it from its associates, excepting, of course, the microscopic inclusions which could be liberated only by a complete disintegration of the host itself. These particles, as seen under the microscope, are all sharply angular, and in many cases surprisingly fresh, though the analyses, as given above, had suggested only a slight change in chemical composi- tion. The mica shows the greatest amount of alteration, the change consisting mainly in an oxidation of its ferruginous constituent, whereby the folia becomes stained and reduced to yellowish brown shreds. The feldspars are, in some cases, opaque through kaolinization, but in others are still fresh and unchanged even in the smallest particles. The finest silt, when treated with a diluted acid to remove the iron stains, shows the remaining granules of quartz, feldspar, and epidote beautifully fresh, and with sharp, angular borders, the mica being, however, almost completely decolorized. An analysis of the silt, which was found to constitute 4.25% of the entire mass of disintegrated material, as noted above, is given below, and also a partial separation and analysis of the 39.7% soluble, and 60.3% insoluble portions. 1 1 In all analyses made by or under the direction of the author, the matter tabulated as soluble is that extracted by boiling for three hours in hydrochloric 212 ROCK DISINTEGRATION AND DECOMPOSITION ANALYSES OP SILT PROM DISINTEGRATED GRANITE CONSTITUENTS I II III BULK ANALYSIS OF SILT ANALYSIS OF SOLUBLE PORTION (39.7%) SILT ANALYSIS OF INSOLUBLE PORTION (60.3 %) SILT Ignition 8.12% 49.39 { 23.84 3.69 4.41 } 4.60 -1 3.36 [ 2.49 J 8.12% InHCl 1.123 InNa 2 C0 3 11.147 9.-21 4.47 Not det. 0.97% } 37.30 13.40 0.82 r 2.90 J Trace j 2.75 1.07 Silica (Si0 2 ) Alumina (A1 2 3 ) .... Iron sesquioxide (Fe20s) . Lime (CaO) . . . . Magnesia (MgO) .... Soda (Na 2 0) Potash (K 2 0) .... 99.90% 34.07 59.21 93.28 % From these analyses it would appear that of the 17 grammes of silt, representing 4% of the total disintegrated material, only 39.7% is soluble ; and, further, that a very considerable proportion of the insoluble residue, as indicated by the high percentages of alkalies and lime, still consist of unaltered soda- lime and potash feldspars, the iron and magnesia alone having been largely removed. These results are not quite what one would be led to expect from a perusal of the literature bearing upon the subject of rock decomposition. As long since noted by J. G. Forch- hammer, G. Bischof, T. Sterry Hunt, and others, the ordinary processes of decay in siliceous rocks containing ferruginous protoxides and alkalies consists in the higher oxidation and separation of the protoxides in the form of hydrous sesqui- oxides and a general hydration of the alkaline silicates, accom- panied by the formation of alkaline carbonates, which, being readily soluble, are taken away nearly as fast as formed. More or less silica is also removed, according to the amount of car- bonic acid present, a portion of the alkalies forming soluble acid of one-half normal strength, to which is added the silica set free in a gelati- nous form by the acid and subsequently extracted by sodium carbonate solu- tion. All analyses made on material first dried at 100 C. WEATHERING OF GRANITE 213 alkaline silicates when the supply of the acid is insufficient to take them all up in the form of carbonates. The apparent anomaly here shown is partially explained by examination of the various separations with the microscope. Thus the low percentage of silica is found to be in large part due to the fact that the residual quartz granules are, in many cases, too large to pass the 120-mesh sieve, or, if passing, have been largely separated in the process of washing. Further, it is found that the sifting has served to concentrate the small epidotes in the fine sand, and a portion of them have even come over with the silt. The presence of this epidote also explains in part the high percentage of lime shown, since the mineral itself carries some 20 to 24 % of this material. The large percentages of magnesia, soda, and potash cannot, however, be thus accounted for, and we are led to infer that either these elements are there combined in minute amorphous zeolitic compounds, unrecog- nizable as such under the microscope, or, as seems more prob- able, the feldspathic constituents, to which the alkalies are to be originally referred, have undergone a mechanical splitting up rather than a chemical decomposition. This view is, to a certain extent, borne out by microscopic studies, but it is diffi- cult to measure by the eye the relative abundance of these constituents with sufficient accuracy to enable one to form any satisfactory conclusion. The magnesia must come from the shreds of mica, many of which, from their small size and almost flocculent nature when decomposed, would naturally be found in the silt obtained as stated. It is to be noted that the magnesia, together with the iron, exists almost wholly in a soluble form. It is evident at once that we have had to do here with but the preliminary stages of granitic weathering, that the process is more one of disintegration than decomposition, and it will be well to consider now a case in which the decom- position has gone on to the condition of a residual clay, as found in many of the Southern states. For this purpose a biotite gneiss or gneissoid granite found near North Garden, in Albemarle County, Virginia, is selected. The rock is a coarse gray feldspar-rich variety with abundant folia of black mica. Under the microscope it shows the presence of both potash and soda-lime feldspars, a sprinkling of apatite and iron ores, sporadic occurrences of an undetermined zeolite, and 214 ROCK DISINTEGRATION AND DECOMPOSITION an extraordinary number of minute zircons which are mostly enclosed in the feldspars. There are also present occasional small garnets and aggregates of decomposition products the exact nature of which was not made out. The residual soil resulting from the decomposition of this rock is highly plastic, of a deep red-brown color, and has a distinct gritty feeling in the hand, owing to the presence of quartz and undecomposed silicate minerals. In columns I and III below are given the results of analyses of fresh rock and residual soil, and in II, IV, and V the analyses of the soluble and insoluble portions. In columns VI, VII, and VIII are given the calculated percentage amounts of the various constituents saved and lost, as before. The particular features to which attention need here be called, are (1) that 30.47 % of the fresh rock and 69.18 % of the decomposed are soluble in hydrochloric acid and sodium carbonate solutions, and that more than half the potash and nearly the same proportion of the soda in the fresh rock is found in the acid extract. (2) That the insoluble portion of the residuary material is mainly in the form of free quartz. (3) That 44.67 % of the original matter has been leached away, and that (4) of the original silica 52.45 % is lost, while 85.61 % of the iron and all the alumina remain. All the lime has dis- appeared, 83.52 % of the potash, 95.03 % of the soda, and 74.70 % of the magnesia. The total amount of water, as indicated by the ignition, has increased very greatly, as was to be expected. The small original amount of phosphoric acid prohibits our placing too much reliance upon the indicated gain in this con- stituent, since it may be due to errors in manipulation. Passing from the acid group of granular crystalline rocks, we will consider next a closely allied form differing mainly in the absence of quartz as an essential constituent, and in the presence of eleeolite, the elseolite syenites of the Fourche Moun- tain region of Arkansas. These are somewhat coarsely crystal- line granitic-appearing rocks, in which an orthoclase feldspar in broadly tabular forms is the prevailing constituent, though always accompanied by nepheline, biotite, pyroxene, titanite, and apatite, while fluorite, analcite, and thomsonite, together with calcite, occur as secondary products. The rock weathers away to a coarse gray gravel which ultimately becomes a clay, from which, by washing, may be obtained kaolin in a fail- degree of purity. WEATHERING OF GNEISS 215 a a w i s irH r^OI^COO O0 j z ,_, ^^.n o ooooaot^oo OOOCOTPC100 4 HH g Q ' JOa8 " raDJ9J l- >0 O Tt< -* O CO CN i-t O C s > 1 H s o rH Or-^OCO(MOO ^ fc P O O a s s - -iq jo sisXjBuy o Jg^g^^oo^ c ^^ f fill fill 216 KOCK DISINTEGRATION AND DECOMPOSITION The following analyses from the work of Dr. J. F. Williams 1 will serve to show the changes which have here taken place in the transformation from (I) fresh syenite through (II and III) intermediate stages of decomposition to (IV) a kaolin-like residue. ANALYSES OF FRESH AND DECOMPOSED SYENITE, ARKANSAS CONSTITUENTS I II III IV Silica (Si0 2 ) .... 59.70% 58.50% 50.65% 46.27 % Alumina (Al 2 0s) . . 18.85 25.71 26.71 38.57 Ferric oxide (Fe 2 3 ) . 4.85 3.74 4.87 1.36 Lime (CaO) .... 1.34 0.44 0.62 0.34 Magnesia (MgO) . . . 0.68 Trace 0.21 0.25 Potash (K 2 0) .... 5.97 1.96 1.91 0.23 Soda (Na 2 0) .... 6.29 1.37 0.62 0.37 Ignition (H 2 0) . . . 1.88 5.85 8.68 13.61 99.56 % 97.57 % 94.27 % 101.00% Recalculating the numbers given in columns I and IV upon the basis of 100, we may obtain by further calculation, as already described, the figures given in columns V and VI and VII below, which represent the proportional loss of each constituent, as before. CALCULATED Loss OF MATERIAL v VI VII CONSTITUENTS PERCENTAGE Loss FOR ENTIRE KOCK PERCENTAGE OF EACH CON- STITUENT SAVED PERCENTAGE OF EACH CON- STITUENT LOST Silica (Si0 2 ) . 37. 28% loss 37.82% 62.18% Alumina (Al 2 0a) 0.00 100.00 0.00 Ferric oxide (Fe 2 3 ) 4.19 13.83 86.17 Lime (CaO) 1 19 12.10 87.90 Magnesia (MgO) 0.57 17.90 82.10 Potash (K 2 0) 5.90 18.15 81.85 Soda (Na 2 0) 6.15 2.89 97.11 Water (H 2 0) .... 00 100.00 0.00 Total loss of original material, 56.28%. 1 Ann. Eep., Vol. II, 1890, Arkansas Geol. Survey. WEATHERING OF SYENITE AND PHONOLITE 217 Here, as with the granitic rocks, it will be noted we have a gradual increase in the percentage of water as the decomposi- tion advances, and a decrease in the amount of silica even more pronounced. This last, as may be readily imagined, is due to the absence of free quartz in the Fourche Mountain rocks. The phonolites of Marienfels, near Assig, in Bohemia, have been described by Lemberg l as weathering into a bright- colored, porous, friable mass, the composition of which, as compared with the fresh rock, is shown below. Each column, it should be stated, represents an average of three analyses, I being the fresh and II the weathered material, while in III, IV, and V are given the percentage calculations of gain and loss, as before. ANALYSES OF FRESH AND DECOMPOSED PHONOLITE, BOHEMIA I II ill IV V CONSTITUENTS w H c - H * 3 12 K w t IJ s LI | a - si fe PH li 2 Q H % % O o ^6 BhiS * oo 2 a W g |; ^63 Silica (8162) 55.67 % 55. 72 % 4.83 % 91 46 % 8 54 % Alumina (A^Os) ... . 20.64 22.19 0.37 98.40 1.60 Ferric oxide (Fe 2 3 ) Lime (CaO) Magnesia fMgO) 3.14 1.40 42 3.44 1.28 44 0.00 0.25 02 0.00 83.66 95 65 100.00 16.34 4 35 Potash (K 2 O) Soda (Na 2 0) 5.56 7.12 6.26 2.65 O.OO 1 4.79 100.00 34.01 0.00 65.99 Ignition 4.33 7.79 O.OO 1 100.00 0.00 98.28% 99.77% 10.26 % .... .... This phonolite, it should be remarked, consisted essentially of sanidin feldspars and a soda zeolite, together with accessory augite, black mica, magnetic and titanic iron, and possibly hauyne. The zeolite is assumed to have originated from the al- teration of the nepheline. The process of decomposition would seem to consist, then, in the breaking down of this zeolite, and the conversion of the rock into an earthy mass, with little other 1 Zeit. der Deutschen Geol. Gesellschaft, Vol. 35, 1883, p. 559. 2 Gain. The calculations for potash in column IV gives: 107.79% and for ignition 164.77%. 218 HOCK DISINTEGRATION AND DECOMPOSITION change, so far as ultimate composition is concerned, than a loss of a considerable proportion of its soda, and an assumption of nearly 3.5 % of water. The decomposed rock yielded 55.44 % of material insoluble in hydrochloric acid, and with essentially the composition of sanidin, showing that this mineral underwent only a physical disintegration, the decomposition proper being limited to the other constituents. 1 Turning to still more basic rocks, we will next consider a disintegrated diabase occurring in the form of a large dike extending from Granite Street in Somerville, Massachusetts, to Spot Pond in Stoneham, and beyond. 2 The rock at the point selected for study (Medford) is a coarsely granular admixture of lath-shaped feldspar, black mica, augite, and brown basaltic hornblende, with the usual sprinkling of apatite, magnetite, and ilmenite. Secondary uralite, chlorite, biotite, leucoxene, kaolin, calcite, pyrite, and quartz are common. 3 The rock has undergone extensive disintegration, giving rise to loose sand and gravel of a deep brown color, in which lie rounded boulders of all sizes of the still undecomposed material. These boulders, as is usually the case, show a more or less con- centric structure, from without inward, until a solid core of unaltered diabase is met with. (See PI. 17, and Fig. 2, PI. 20.) A mechanical separation of the disintegrated material yielded results as below : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Coarse gravel ab Fine gravel Coarse sand Medium sand Fine sand Very fine sand Silt Fine silt Clay Loss at 110 C. Dve 2 mm. 2-1 mm. 1-5 mm. .5-.25 mm. .25-. 1 mm. .1-.05 mm. .05-. 01 mm. .01-.005 mm. .005-.0001 mm. in diameter 42 300 / in diameter . . . 20 355 in diameter . 12 723 in diameter . . . . . . 9 567 in diameter . 4 907 in diameter . . . . . 4.181 in diameter . 1 128 in diameter . in diameter . .... 0.370 . . . . 1 670 0.660 11. Loss on ignition 1.730 99.691 % 1 In calculating these analyses, it was found that the loss of alumina had exceeded that of iron oxide, necessitating the assumption of the last-named as a constant for comparison. The apparent gain in potash is presumably due to errors in analysis, since, as will be noted, the analysis of the fresh material, given in column I, foots up only 98.28%. 2 See Disintegration and Decomposition of Diabase at Medford, Massachu- setts, by G. P. Merrill, Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. VII, 1896, pp. 349-362. 3 On the Petrographic Characters of a Dike of Diabase in the Boston Basin, by W. H. Hobbs, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoology, Vol. XVI, No. 1, 1888. I WEATHERING OF DIABASE 219 Of the above, the first three sizes could be easily recognized by the unaided eyes, as composed of particles of a compound nature. In number 4 the separation had gone a trifle farther, though even here inspection with a pocket lens revealed the compound nature of many of the granules, somewhat obscured by the prevailing discoloration from the oxides of iron. It forms a gray-brown sand composed of feldspathic particles, dirty brown augites, and lustrous scales of brown mica. Num- bers 5 and 6 seemed composed almost wholly of beautifully lustrous, dark mahogany-brown mica scales, while 7 would pass for a finely micaceous umber. Numbers 8 and 9 were uni- formly ochreous, the last being several shades lighter than number 8, and without appreciable grit. The chemical nature of the fresh and decomposed rock is shown in the accompanying table, the results being in nearly every case averages obtained from two or more analyses. The "fresh" material, obtained from the interior of one of the boul- ders, is firm in texture, has a bright clean fracture, and shows to the unaided eye no signs of decomposition. When pulverized and treated with acid, however, it effervesces distinctly, indi- cating the presence of free carbonates, which are also observ- able as secondary calcite when thin sections are examined under the microscope. Some of this calcite is evidently a deposit from infiltrated waters, being derived from the surrounding decom- posed material, while a portion results from the decomposition of the silicate minerals in place. Aside from a slight kaolini- zation of the feldspars and development of chlorite from the ferruginous silicates, there are no other observable signs of de- composition, though the presence of a soda-bearing zeolite is indi- cated by cubes of chloride of sodium, which separate out when an uncovered slide is treated with a drop of hydrochloric acid. A glance at this table is sufficient to show that the disinte- gration is accompanied by decomposition and a leaching action which has resulted in the removal of a portion of the more soluble constituents. The fact that the fresh rock yields the larger percentages of its constituents to the solvent action of acid and alkaline solutions is readily explained on this ground, though it may be doubted if the full significance of the fact, so far as it relates to siliceous crystallines, is as yet appreciated. It will be observed that 36.23 % of the fresh rock and 32.28% of the decomposed is thus extracted. 220 ROCK DISINTEGRATION AND DECOMPOSITION ANALYSES OF FRESH AND DISINTEGRATED DIABASE FROM MEDFORD SILT FROM DISINTEGRATED FRESH DIABASE DISINTEGRATED DIABASE DIABASE, Nos. VII, VIII, AND IX OF TABLE, ON P. 218 I II III IV V VI VII CONSTITUENTS .2 ig 1-2 * s .2 ^ 5 a a 2 ' "S3 | it III 'o " a 2 -u C3 t<81 *> ci "33 a a >> c3 S c t^ g O M PQ 111 W 111 111 Us I Silica (Si0 2 ) % % % % % % fin HC1 ) tin Na 2 Co 3 ) 47.28 r 1.19 I 9.66 1 44.44 f 0.85 \ 8.65 0.47 22.63 J13.51 36.61 Alumina (Al 2 0s) 20.22 4.74 23.19 4.86 21.98 Ferric oxide (Fe 2 3 ). . . 3.66 ) 5.88 40.68 Ferrous oxide 1 10.91 12.70 10.00 12.83 (FeO) . . . 8.89 J Lime (CaO) . . 7.09 3.09 6.03 1.50 3.32 0.12 3.44 Magnesia (MgO) 3.17 2.20 2.82 1.84 3.23 0.79 4.02 Manganese oxide MnO. . . . 0.77 Not det. 0.52 Not det. Not det. Not det. Not det. Potash (K 2 0) . 2.16 1.21 1.75 0.68 1.30 0.52 1.82 Soda (Na 2 0) . . 3.94 0.50 3.93 0.17 0.90 1.24 2.14 Phosphoric acid (P 2 6 ) . . . 0.68 Not det. 0.70 Not det. Not det. Not det. .... Ignition . . . 2.73 2.73 3.73 3.73 10.86 0.11 10.97 100.59 36.23 99.81 32.28 77.52 22.17 99.68 Of the material classed as silt in columns V, VI, and VII, or as silt and clay, on p. 218, and which constitutes only some 3.17 % of the entire residual debris, 77.87% is soluble in dilute hydrochloric and sodium carbonate solutions. The insoluble portion, constituting 22.13% of the silt, consists of unaltered feldspar and iron, lime and magnesian silicates, which are easily recognized under the microscope, in the form of minute, sharply angular particles. Recalculating, as before, the matter in col- umns I and II on the basis of 100 and considering the alumina as a constant factor, we get the results given in columns VIII to XII inclusive, representing, so far as it can be obtained by this WEATHERING OF DIABASE 221 method, the actual percentage loss of materials attending the breaking down. CALCULATED Loss or MATERIAL VIII IX X XI XII RECALCULATED ON J 8 o *-* 3 CONSTITUENTS BASIS OF 100 73 ti til fj- Fresh Decomposed 8 w 8 ,a M fu-2 Diabase Diabase q; fr-i r X "; M ^ P )-3 ? K ^ N- M - I I J 5 III K < ||| Silica (Si0 2 ) .... 43.61 43.00 43.27 15.04 loss 67.01 32.99 Alumina (A1 2 3 ) 12.26 13.90 18.13 0.00 " 100.00 0.00 Ferric iron (Fe 2 O 3 ) . Ferrous iron (FeO) . 3.51 12.16 5.40 \ 8.30 / 11.70 9.10 " 49.83 50.17 Lime (CaO) .... 11.87 12.10 2.60 9.60 " 54.47 84.53 Magnesia (MgO) . 9.14 7.30 3.40 6.83 " 25.90 74.10 Soda (Na 2 O) .... Potash (K 2 0) .... 2.721 0.81 J 0.50 0.20 3.39 " 38.31 61.69 Water (H 2 O) .... 4.42 9.50 20.70 0.00 100.00 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 43.96 loss ANALYSES OF FRESH AND DECOMPOSED BASALT FROM CROUZET, IN THE HAUTE LOIRE, FRANCE I II III IV V o j. o c , H H CONSTITUENTS g 3 K y C BS 2 * u 1 V. H ^ ||f III i 8 o K Es3 ^ O W < K < fa P M CH s: w ft- a uj fc, W a Silica (Si0 2 ) .... 48.29% 37.09 % 30. 34% loss 34.44% 65.56% Alumina (A1 2 3 ) . . . 13.25 30.75 0.00 " 100.00 0.00 Ferric iron (Fe 2 3 ) . Ferrous iron (FeO) . 0.00 16.66 4.31 } 0.00 J 16.64 " 11.16 88.84 Lime (CaO) .... 7.33 8.97 3.46 " 52.76 47.24 Magnesia (MgO) . . . 7.03 0.61 6.77 " 3.62 96.38 Potash (K 2 0) .... 1.81 0.71 1.51 " 16.66 83.34 Soda (Na 2 O) .... 2.71 1.01 1.40 " 25.59 74.41 Ignition 4.92 16.55 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 % 100.00% 60. 12% loss .... .... 224 ROCK DISINTEGRATION AND DECOMPOSITION Of the individual constituents, 83.23% of the original lime, 61.37 % of the magnesia, 45.88% of the potash, 95.37 % of the soda, 42.40 % of the silica, and 21.38 % of the alumina have dis- appeared, the calculations being made on a Fe 2 O 3 constant basis. In the case of the Bohemian basalt, the decomposition com- menced with the formation of boulders, which, when the process had not gone too far, still showed fresh, unchanged basalt interiorly, but became more and more altered toward their peripheries. The first stage of decomposition (column II), it will be noted, consists, aside from hydration, in a slight appar- ent loss of silica, a considerable oxidation of the iron magnesia minerals, accompanied by a slight loss of both constituents, and an almost complete loss of alkalies. In the second stage (column III) lime and magnesia are both lost in considerable amounts, the iron passing over wholly to the condition of sesquioxide, and there is a further slight diminution in the proportional amount of silica. It is evident that here the feldspars were the first of the constituents to yield to the decomposing forces, the augite and olivine proving most refractory. The total loss of material, it will be noted, amounts to 43.96 %, the lime, magnesia, alka- lies, iron oxides, and silica disappearing in the order here mentioned. In the case of the basalt from Crouzet, the analyses show a total of 60.12% loss, or over one-half of the original material. This loss includes nearly two-thirds of the original silica, 88.84% of the iron, and 96.38% of the magnesia. The loss of both iron and magnesia in such proportionally large quan- tities is quite unusual, and indicates, so far as the iron is con- cerned, that the decomposition took place under conditions excluding a sufficient supply of oxygen to convert the same into the insoluble sesquioxide, or where subjected to the 'de- oxidizing and solvent action of organic acids. The removal of the magnesia, which must have existed mainly in the mineral olivine, indicates that the decomposition has gone on even to the production of carbonate of magnesia and the separation of free silica and iron oxides. An analysis by the present writer of a closely related rock, a diorite, and its residual soil, from North Garden, Albemarle County, Virginia, yielded the results given in columns I and II below. The rock here was fine-grained, of an almost coal- WEATHERING OF DIORITE 225 black color finely speckled with whitish flecks due to the presence of feldspars. The microscope showed it to be com- posed mainly of hornblende with interstitial soda-lime feldspars and scattering areas of titanic iron. The clay, or soil, to which it gave rise was deep brownish red in color and highly plastic, though distinctly gritty from the presence of undecomposed minerals. In columns III, IV. and V are given the loss and gain of the various constituents calculated on an alumina constant basis, as before. ANALYSES OF FRESH AND DECOMPOSED DIORITE FROM ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA I II III IV V CONSTITUENTS FRESH DECOM- POSED CALCULATED Loss FOR EN- PER CENT OF EACH CONSTITU- PER CENT OF EACH CONSTITU- ENT SAVED ENT LOST Silica (Si0 2 ) 46.75% 42.44 % 17. 43% loss 62.69% 37.31 % Alumina (A1 2 3 ) . . . 17.61 25.51 0.00 100.00 0.00 Iron sesquioxide (Fe 2 3 ) l 16.79 19.20 3.53 78.97 21.03 Lime (CaO) 9.46 0.37 9.20 2.70 97.30 Magnesia (MgO) . . 5.12 0.21 4.97 2.83 97.17 Potash (K 2 0) .... 0.55 0.49 0.21 61.25 38.75 Soda (Na 2 0) . 2 56 0.56 2.17 15.13 84.87 Phosphoric acid (P 2 0) 5 . 0.25 0.29 0.00 80.11 19.87 Ignition 0.92 10.92 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.01 % 99.99 % 37. 51% loss .... .... The ultra basic rocks, peridotites and pyroxenites, from the very nature of their composition, must yield on decompo- sition residues poor in the presence of alkalies and rich in iron or aluminum and magnesian compounds. Owing, further, to their poverty in alkali-bearing silicates, the process of decom- position must be less complex, consisting essentially in hydra- tion, oxidation, and a production of iron, lime, and magnesian carbonates and a liberation of chalcedonic silica. During the process these rocks as a rule become brownish, and, on the surface, often irregularly checked with a fine net- work of rifts which become filled with secondary calcite, mag- nesite, and chalcedony. If the original rock is an olivme-rich 1 All iron calculated as Fe 2 O 3 . 226 ROCK DISINTEGRATION AND DECOMPOSITION peridotite, these clefts may become filled with the silicates of nickel, noumceite and garncerite, which may be of sufficient abundance to form valuable ores. This, in brief, is the history of the nickel ores of Riddles, Oregon, and of New Caledonia, though the process is more properly a form of hydrometamor- phism than weathering. The deep green serpentines of Harford County, Maryland, weather slowly down into a gray-brown soil, which consists of 60.17% silica, 10.40% of iron oxides, 14.81% of alumina, and only 7.23% magnesia. The fresh rock, on the other hand, car- ries nearly 40 % of magnesia, 8.50% iron and other metallic oxides, and less than one-half of one per cent of alumina. Natural joint blocks occur in which the preliminary stages of weathering are manifested -by a brown, ferruginous, though tough and hard, vesicular crust of from a millimetre to two or more centimetres' thickness, enclosing the slightly hydrated but otherwise unchanged material. ANALYSES OF FRESH AND DECOMPOSED SOAPSTONE (ALTERED PYROXENITE) I II III IV V CONSTITUENTS M o o H 1 1 KESIDUAL SOIL PERCENTAGE OF Loss FOB ENTIRE EOCK PERCENTAGE OF EACH CONSTIT- UENT SAVED PERCENTAGE OF EACH CONSTIT- UENT LOST Silica (Si0 2 ) 38 85 / 38 82 / 16 92 / 56 42 / 43 58 / Alumina (A1 2 S ) . . . Iron sesquioxide (Fe20s) l Lime (CaO) Magnesia (MgO) . . . Potash (K 2 O) .... Soda (Na a O) Ignition 12.77 12.86 6.12 22.58 0.19 0.11 6 52 22.61 13.33 6.13 9.52 0.18 0.20 9 21 0.00 5.33 2.66 17.20 9.03 0.00 1 32 ciu.-*^ /O 100.00 58.52 55.55 23.81 52.94 100.00 79 74 0.00 41.48 44.45 76.19 47.05 0.00 20 26 100.00 % 100.00 % 52.46 % In columns I and II above are given (I) the composition of an altered pyroxenite (soapstone) from Albemarle County, Virginia, and (II) a residual soil derived from the same, the 1 All iron calculated as Fe 2 3 . WEATHERING OF PYROXENITES 227 latter being of a dull, oclireous, brown-red color, somewhat lumpy, but with no appreciable grit when rubbed between the thumb and fingers. The fresh rock is of a blue-gray color, close texture, and consists, as shown by the microscope, of elongated crystals of colorless tremolite, with folia of talc and chlorite, and occasional opaque granules of chromic iron. The general petrologic feat- ures are those of an altered pyroxenite. Recalculated as before, the analyses give the results shown in columns III, IV, and V. Total loss of material 52.46%, including water of hydration. The most striking feature brought out is the fact that the mag- nesia has been carried away in greater proportional quantity than has the lime. A like result was noted by Ebelmen in his analyses of the decomposed basalts of Crouzet, which are given on p. 223. ANALYSES OF FRESH AND DECOMPOSED SOAPSTONE, FAIRFAX COUNTY, VIRGINIA I II III IV V CONSTITUENTS a 1 ej PM RESIDUAL SOIL PERCENTAGE OF Loss FOB ENTIRE KOCK PERCENTAGE OF EACH CONSTIT- UENT SAVED PERCENTAGE OF EACH CONSTIT- UENT LOST Silica (SiOo) 58 40 / 54 84 / 46 31 / 20 70 / 79 30 / Alumina (A1 2 3 ) . . . Iron oxides(FeO and Fe 2 3 ) Lime (CaO) . . . }7. 00 and disintegration follows from necessity. (Fig. 1, PI- 20.) This form of disintegration seems to take place only in boulders exposed at or near the surface, and is believed to be due primarily to expansion and contraction from alternations of temperature. Many rocks, owing to a lack of homogeneity, weather with extreme irregularity and give rise to odd and sometimes fan- 1 Am. Jour, of Science, Vol. XXVIII, 1884. 2 Ann. des Mines, 5th Series, Vol. XVII, 18GO, p. 290. 252 THE PHYSICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF WEATHERING tastic forms. In the case of a friable sand or limestone, sub- ject to wind or rain erosion or to solution, certain portions may be protected by a capping of other rock while the intervening material is carried away. There thus arise spindle-shaped forms of varying proportions, each capped by the roof or hat- like block to which it owes its origin. Such have been noted in many regions, and have been described by Hayden as occur- ring on a colossal scale in Colorado. In* the case of strata lying nearly horizontal, it rarely happens that all possess the same power of resistance, the more friable weathering away with the greatest rapidity, leaving the harder layers for a time projecting in rib-like masses, to ultimately break down in large angular blocks as the support below is gradually removed. Friable beds of sedimentary rock are thus not infre- quently protected by a capping of impervious lava. Continual percolation of water through existing joints and fractures in time, however, erode away, in part, the underlying material, causing the landscape to assume the Table Mountain appear- ance, where each flat-topped hill represents residual masses of a once continuous plateau, now isolated in the manner described. (5) Results due to Position. In very many instances loose blocks of stone lying exposed upon the ground, will undergo a more rapid disintegration from the lower surface, a feature evidently due to the fact that this portion of the rock is kept in a state of continual moisture. This form of disintegration results in the production of oval, flattened, scale-like masses, quite independent of the original jointing. In other cases decomposition going on from all exposed sides of a joint block may in time produce the so-called rocking-stones or " logans " and "tors" of English writers, though some of these are un- doubtedly nicely balanced boulders from the glacial drift. A mass of rock may be prevented from undergoing disinte- gration, even though partially decomposed, by its surroundings. Thus, in driving the tunnel for the waterworks extension, in Washington, natural joint blocks of hard and apparently firm rock brought to the surface would fall away to loose sand in course of a few days, or months, as the case "might be, much depending on the conditions of the weather and the state of decay. This characteristic was sufficiently pronounced to attract even the attention of the workmen, who described the rock as " slaking " and believed it to contain quicklime. RESULTS DUE TO POSITION 253 The fact was that percolating waters had brought about a partial kaolinization of the feldspar, and hydration, without great oxidation of the iron-magnesian constituent. The origi- nal pressure, coupled with that incidental to expansion from hydration, had, however, been sufficient to hold the mass intact until exposed briefly to atmospheric influences. The protective action of water, as sometimes shown in the beds of streams and in deep ravines, may be only apparent, and due to the fact that erosion exceeds decomposition, the stream having cut its way down to fresh bed-rock. Professor Dana, to be sure, writing more than half a century ago, 1 described the basaltic rocks of Kiama, Australia, as in a condition of advanced decomposition except where protected by sea-water. He says : " It is a general and important fact that a rock which alters rapidly when exposed to the united action of air and water, is wholly unchanged when immersed in water, or exposed to a constant wetting by the surf." While no exception can be taken to the conclusion regarding those rocks wholly immersed, the question naturally arises in one's mind, if the absence of decomposition products in those rocks constantly wetted by the surf and in many stream beds may not be due, in part at least, to erosion. That rocks so situated are in a condition far from fresh, is well known to any petrologist who has attempted to gather specimens. It is obvious that where a large series of sedimentary rocks composed, it may be, of interbedded limestones, sandstones, and argillites are turned up on edge and exposed alike to atmos- pheric agencies, they will become eroded very unequally. If chemical agencies alone prevail, the limestone will dwindle away and perhaps give rise to long valleys or depressions walled in by the more enduring sands and shales, and carry- ing upon its bottom a fertile clayey soil representing not merely the insoluble impurities contained by the original lime- stone, but also the mechanically disintegrated particles washed in from the hills on either hand. This indeed may be consid- ered the history of the fertile Shenandoah valley of Virginia, famous alike for soft contours, beautiful scenery, and the exu- berant fertility of its soils. When stratified rocks lie nearly or quite horizontally, much must depend upon the character as regards permeability, etc., 1 Reports of Wilkes's Exploring Expedition, Geology, p. 614. 254 THE PHYSICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF WEATHERING of the upper layers, since these may so protect the lower lying as to retard or quite stop further disintegration. Further than this, an easy and rapidly disintegrating superficial layer may yield a residual clay so impervious as to protect the underlying rocks as securely as a mass of rock itself, or so hard and tough as to put a stop to purely mechanical erosion, as in the case of the laterite beds of central India. In cases where thinly bedded rocks lie sharply inclined, it nearly always happens that certain layers decompose more readily than others. There may thus arise strikingly ragged saw-tooth contours, the more enduring layers standing out in sharply serrate or wall-like masses, while the softer give way and become obscured by their own debris. (6) Induration on Exposure. Many rocks, instead of becom- ing disintegrated on exposure, undergo a kind of induration upon the exposed surfaces. This is particularly the case with some siliceous sandstones. The water with which the stone is permeated holds in solution certain constituents, as silica, car- bonate of lime, or iron oxides. When the rock is so situated that this " quarry water," as it is popularly called, is brought to the surface and evaporated, it binds together the granules composing the stone, forming thus a more or less superficial coating of a more enduring nature. The induration sometimes takes place so rapidly that even an exposure of but a few months is sufficient to produce very marked results on freshly broken surfaces. This peculiarity of certain classes of rocks has long been known to quarrymen and stone workers, who recognize the fact that a well-seasoned stone yields much less readily under the chisel than one that is newly quarried. 1 A somewhat similar induration, due to purely superficial causes, has been described by Dr. M. E. Wadsworth as taking place on the surface of exposed blocks of siliceous sandstone in Wisconsin. " The St. Peters Sandstone " he writes, 2 " is com- posed almost wholly of a pure quartz sand, and in the outliers of it found on the hilltops south of the town, the parts covered by the soil were more or less friable, and the grains distinct; while the exposed portions of the same blocks and slabs were greatly indurated, the grains almost obliterated, and the rock possessed the conchoidal fracture and other characteristics of a 1 See Stones for Building and Decoration, p. 415. 2 Proc. Boston Soc. of Natural History, Vol. XXII, 1883, p. 202. INDURATION ON EXPOSURE 255 quartzite." In this and other cases cited by Dr. Wadsworth, the cementing matter is silica. The explanation given (in letter to the present writer) is to the effect that all water, including that of rains, as well as ter- restrial, dissolves silica, which is again deposited under suitable conditions. Part of the silica apparently comes from the solu- tion of the quartz, chalcedony, and opal, and a part from the alteration and destruction of the silicates. Both solution and deposition seem at times to take place on the immediate surface, the interior waters in such cases playing no part. P. Choffat regards it as possible that silica set free through feldspathic decomposition in granitic rocks may, on evaporation, be redeposited in an insoluble form in the interstices of the fresh rock in the immediate vicinity, thus retarding if not wholly preventing further decay in that direction. 1 Professor W. O. Crosby, in a personal memorandum to the writer, calls attention to the fact that in the disintegrated granites of the Pike's Peak, Colorado, area, the rock is almost invariably exceptionally firm and impervious along the joints, indicating a local induration due perhaps to infiltration of iron oxides or silica. Where a joint face bounds a ledge of rock, it often maintains its integrity, weathering out in relief like a quartz vein, while the granite is in a condition of advanced degeneration all around. A slight break in the face of a joint plane, in such cases, may lead to extensive disintegration behind it, until it finally falls away from the disintegrating mass, a slab of relatively sound rock. Andesitic rocks in regions of limited rainfall have been noted by Professor G. Vom Rath as having become covered on the upper surface with a thin layer of brown iron oxide, which protected them from further disintegration. Such crumbled away only from the under surfaces, where they ab- sorbed moisture from the ground, and gave rise thus to peculiar tent-like and mushroom-shaped forms. The present writer has noted in the Madison valley, north of the Yellowstone Park, rounded masses of a vesicular rhyolite which have, through the same causes, been reduced to the con- dition of mere shells with openings on the under sides and that 1 Sur quelques cas d' erosion atmospherique dans les garnites du Minho, Com- munica95es da Direc^ao Dos Trabalhos Geologicos de Portugal, Tome 3, Fasc. 1, 1895-96, p. 17. 256 THE PHYSICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF WEATHERING facing the direction of the prevailing winds. In these cases, however, the wind seemed to have aided their formation, not merely through transporting the disintegrated material, but by catching up and whirling about the loosened granules within the gradually enlarging cavity, where, by force of impact, as already described, they became themselves agents of abrasion. Some of the cavities observed were of sufficient size to afford shelter for a human being and had in some instances served as temporary dens for wild animals. Roth mentions l an induration evidently somewhat similar to that described by Vom Rath above, as having taken place, on the surface of a reddish yellow sandstone in Fezzan, North Africa. The crust thus formed was so dense and hard as to break with a shell-like fracture resembling basalt. A similar incrustation on sandstone from the Lydian desert was found to consist of: manganese oxide, 30.57% ; iron oxide, 36.86% ; alumina, 8.91% ; silica, 8.44% ; barium oxide, 4.89% ; sul- phuric acid, 4.06 % ; phosphoric acid, 0.25 % ; and water, 5.90 %. W. P. Blake has described boulders from the Colorado desert colored exteriorly by what he regarded as organic matter received from water during a period of submergence. Similarly discolored quartzitic boulders brought by G. K. Gilbert from the Sevier desert in Utah, and examined by the present writer, show a thin dark varnish-like coating, not inaptly named by Mr. Gilbert " desert varnish," and which consists largely of oxides of iron and manganese, though a slight amount of organic matter is present. In this case the rock is composed not wholly of quartz granules, but carries interstitial calcite and feldspathic granules. Near the discolored surface of the boulders these in- terstitial calcites are found quite dissolved away, leaving cavities stained by a dark deposit which reacts for iron and manganese. Inasmuch as acid solutions obtained from fresh and uncolored portions of the boulders give faint reactions of the same nature, it seems very probable that the crust is due to a concentration of these metals in a condition of higher oxidation on the surface, whither they have been brought by capillarity, while the more soluble lime carbonate was removed. 2 1 Allegemeine u. Chemische Geologie, 2d ed., Vol. Ill, p. 215. 2 Although such discolorations seem to have been noted principally in desert regions, they are by no means limited thereto. The quartzitic boulders in the superficial deposits of the District of Columbia show at times a like discoloration, due to a very thin coating of iron and manganese oxide. INCIDENTAL COLOR CHANGES 257 The Potsdam quartzites of Minnesota have had, in many in- stances, an almost glass-like polish imparted to their exposed surfaces through no other apparent agency than that of wind- blown sand. Unlike a polish produced by artificial methods, this wind polish extends to the bottoms of every little groove and cavity, or over every protruding knob alike. In softer rocks, or rocks of less homogeneous structure, the same agencies carve out the softer portions, leaving the more resisting pro- truding, as already described on p. 186. This polish is so per- fect, even on rough surfaces, as to suggest a partial solution of the granules, and a redeposition of the dissolved matter in the form of a glaze, but the microscope proves to the contrary. The gloss is due wholly to superficial smoothing and has no thickness whatever, nor has any new matter been deposited either on the surface or between the granules. (7) Changes in Color incidental to Weathering. That in nearly every rock a change in color, the assumption of a brownish or reddish hue, is an early indication of decomposition has been made sufficiently apparent in the chapter devoted to a discussion of the chemical changes involved. This discolor- ation is, however, merely incidental, and not essential, and is found to diminish, if not wholly disappear, as the distance from the surface increases, as was noted in the case of the granites of the District of Columbia (p. 207) and the diorites of the Sierra Nevadas (p. 274. See further under Color of Soils, p. 385). Granitic and other highly feldspathic rocks carrying pro- portionately small amounts of iron become almost invariably bleached or whitened on the immediate surface, owing in part to kaolinization and in part to the splitting up of the feldspars along cleavage lines. In extreme cases rocks consisting of an admixture of feldspars and iron-bearing silicates, but in which the first-named, owing to its glassy nature, is in the fresh rock quite inconspicuous, become almost snow-white in the earlier stages of weathering. This, as in the case above mentioned, is due to the change in the feldspars and the consequent obscuring of the darker sili- cates by the white product of kaolinization. Continued decom- position must, however, attack the ferruginous constituent and the usual staining ensue, unless, as in some cases possible, suffi- cient carbonic acid may exist to convert the iron immediately into carbonate and permit of its removal in solution. 258 THE PHYSICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF WEATHERING Allusion has been already made to the fact that oxidation or other chemical action, with the possible exception of hydra- tion, practically ceases below the permanent water level. Hunt and Le Conte have both called attention to the fact that the hornblendic and feldspathic rock fragments occurring in the Pliocene auriferous gravels of California are firm and intact in those portions below the drainage level (the blue gravel layer), but more or less completely oxidized, kaolinized, and otherwise altered in the red or upper gravel. Van den Broeck has called attention l to the possibility that the so-called red and gray diluvium of the Quaternary deposits near Paris may be but portions of one and the same geological body, the " diluvium rouge " being but an upper member of the " diluvium gres" oxidized and impoverished in lime by the action of meteoric waters. The same feature is noticeable in many of our quarries for building stone, as those in the Berea sandstones of Ohio. These below the drainage level, are of a gray or blue-gray color, while above, where they have been subjected to the oxidizing influence of meteoric waters, they are buff. The Jurassic oolites of England, are blue-gray at some depths below the surface, but white above. In cases where natural joint blocks are exposed to the perco- lation of meteoric waters, the weathering may for a time mani- fest itself only in differential oxidation and zonal segregation of the iron whereby are produced concentric bands of varying hues. Figure 3, PI. 20, is a slab from a natural joint block of argillite in the collections of the National Museum, in which the bands, due to this cause, vary from yellow-brown, drab, to ochreous yellow and red, while the rock as a whole still retains its compact structure and susceptibility to polish, forming an ornamental stone of no mean order. 2 (8) Relative Amount of Material removed in Solution. Among siliceous rocks, chemical action proceeds but slowly, and the amount of material actually removed in solution is rarely over 50 %, and may be so small that, as the writer has shown, 3 the residue in extreme cases occupies some 80 % more space than the rock from whence it was derived. Carbonate 1 Bull. Soc. Geologique de France, 5, 1876-77, p. 298. 2 Stones for Building and Decoration, p. 169. 8 Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. VI, 1895, pp. 321-332. PLATE 20 FIG. 1. Weathered boulder of Oriskany sandstone. FIG. 2. Concentric weathering in diabase. FIG. 3. Zonal structure in weathered argillite. FIG. 4. Weathered sandstone, showing- induration along joint planes. INCIDENTAL SURFACE CONTOURS - 259 of lime, the essential constituent of ordinary limestone, is, however, as has been observed, soluble in the carbonated water of rainfalls, and, in time, may undergo complete removal, leaving but the insoluble impurities behind. This is, indeed, the almost universal history of limestone soils. They are not infrequently so siliceous or ferruginous as to be quite barren and of a nature to be benefited by the application of lime as a manure. Throughout the areas occupied by the Trenton limestones, in Maryland, nearly every farm has, in years past, had its quarry and lime-kiln where the stone was fitted for supplying lime once more to soils from which it had been so thoroughly leached as to render them lean and poor. It is almost wholly to this solvent action that is due the formation of the multitudinous caverns, large and small, of the limestone regions. Even where caverns are not apparent, the corrosive action is evident to the practised eye. In the quarry regions of Tennessee surface blocks of limestone are often grooved to a depth of an inch or more with wonderful sharpness, simply from the water of rain- falls with its acids absorbed from the atmosphere and surface soils, while in the quarry bed the stone is found no longer in continuous layers, but in disconnected boulder-like masses. (Figs. 3 and 2, Pis. 16 and 21.) In such cases casual examinations give very little clew to the rapidity of the de- struction going steadily on, since all is removed in solution excepting the comparatively small amount of insoluble matter (usually clay or silica) existing as an impurity. (9) Incidental Surface Contours. In limestone regions the solvent action of water has frequently gone on so extensively as to leave its imprint upon the topographic features of the landscape. The drainage is no longer wholly superficial, but by subterranean streams sinking entirely into the ground to reappear again at lower levels, it may be miles away, having traversed the intervening distance in some of the numerous passages (fissures enlarged by solution) with which the rocks abound. Entire landscapes are undulating through the abun- dance of sink-holes shallow depressions down through which the water has percolated and escaped into the underground passages. The writer recalls a beautiful illustration of this nature seen in the limestone regions of southern Indiana, some years ago. 260 ' THE PHYSICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF WEATHERING The season was that of the wheat harvest. On every side, far as the eye could reach, were undulating fields of waving grain, of that charming golden hue of which poets sing, with intervening patches of woodland. From every farm was heard the click of the reaper, and from every fence the whistle of 'the " Bob White." Owing to the fact that the ridges between these de- pressions were drier than the bottoms, the wheat here ripened earlier, and field after field showed long reaches of saucer- shaped depressions green in the centre, with intervening ridges of golden brown, making, with that charming hazy atmosphere, a picture long to be remembered. Through accident or design, the opening in the bottom of these sink-holes sometimes becomes closed, giving rise thus to temporary pools, or ponds, as shown in the accompanying plate. It is this same action that has given rise to the so-called " saiidpipes " of the English geolo- gists. These are slender funnel- or tube-shaped cavities found in chalk and calcareous sandstone, sometimes filled with drift gravels, sands, brick-earths, or again with fragmental materials fallen into them from the overlying beds as the support beneath was gradually removed. In all these cases it is assumed that direction was given the percolating water by pre-existing fissures or lines of weakness. 1 (Fig. 1, PI. 21.) In regions underlaid by massive siliceous crystalline rocks, and where mechanical erosion is reduced to a minimum, land- scapes are softly undulating, with few abrupt escarpments or precipitous ledges, owing to the uniform rotting away of the materials, and the gradual accumulation of the debris. It is to this form of weathering that is due the beautiful rolling hills of southwestern Maryland. The prevailing rock is granite or gneiss. Decomposition follows out each line of weakness. Streams erode through the softened material down to hard bed-rock, while the relatively large proportion of insoluble debris is left to accumulate on the gentle slopes which form such an enchanting feature of these landscapes. In regions of gneissic or granitoid rocks traversed by large veins of quartz, as in the northwestern part of the District of Columbia, the superior resisting power of the quartz causes it to stand out in relief from the gradually dwindling rock masses on either hand, giving rise thus to prominent knolls, or ridges, 1 See Prestwich's paper, Quarterly Journal Geological Society of London, 1855, p. 62. INCIDENTAL SURFACE CONTOURS 261 the occasion for which is a mystery until we come to examine their foundation materials. Belt, in describing the auriferous quartz lodes at San Domingo, 1 states that the prevailing trend of the main ranges is nearly east and west, and is probably due to the direction of the outcrops of the lodes which have resisted the action of the elements better than the soft dolerites. So striking a feature of the landscape as the Devil's Tower or Bear Lodge on Little Sun Dance River, Wyoming, is due to the weathering away and erosion of sedimentary beds from around a dense crystalline core or plug of eruptive rock in- truded into them in some past period of volcanic activity. Through its greater powers of resistance, this still stands, towering over 1000 feet above the level of the river, though in time this, too, must go. Quite similar forms have resulted, within a comparatively brief geological period through the erosion of tufaceous cones from around the compact, crystalline plug of lava which solidified within the crater when volcanic activity ceased. Beautiful examples of these are to be seen in Arizona and New Mexico, where they are known as " volcanic necks." The formation of bosses through the influence of joint planes has been described elsewhere (p. 244). In regions abounding in intrusive olivine or pyroxene rocks which have undergone alteration into serpentine and talc or "soapstone," one frequently finds these materials forming the main mass of the hills, while the valleys are carved out of the softer, more readily decomposed granite, or whatever the country rocks may be. The same feature is prominently developed in the slate regions of Harford County, Maryland, where the slate is the more enduring rock, and forms steep ridges, flanked by valleys, carved out from less resisting materials. Regions of trappean dikes in siliceous schists or gneisses, particularly along sea-shores where swept by incoming tides, are often characterized by narrow, straight-walled chasms, or canons due to the weathering out of the basic rocks, while the more refrac- tory schists on either hand remain. In cases where trappean dikes have cut through friable sand- stones, they have in some instances so indurated these rocks along either contact as to cause them to be more durable than the original rock or than even the trappean rock itself. There may thus arise long parallel ridges of indurated sandstone sepa- 1 The Naturalist in Nicaragua. 262 THE PHYSICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF WEATHERING rated by an intervening depression due to the weathering out of the dike material. In regions where climatic conditions or the nature of the rock are more favorable to mechanical disintegration than chemical decomposition, contours may be ragged in the ex- treme. Entire crests may be but successions of jagged peaks and intervening narrow valleys which are gradually becoming choked up by the debris fallen from the cliffs above. (10) Effacement of Original Characteristics through Weather- ing. In cases of extreme decomposition, in place, the residual products may so slightly resemble the parent rock as to give rise to very conflicting opinions concerning their origin. This was for a long time the case with the laterite of India, already described, and the terra rossa of Europe. Dana describes l an interesting case of basaltic decomposition which, on account of the peculiar nature of the residual product, is worthy of mention here. He writes: " The process of decom- position is finely exhibited on the second cliff north of Kiama (Australia) towards the north end. At first sight, a distinct argillaceous deposit was supposed to overlie the columnar basalt; for it was twenty feet thick, and of a whitish color, resembling a soft crumbling marl, thus wholly unlike the basalt, and the common results of basaltic decomposition. Still it had pro- ceeded from the alteration of a regular columnar variety, having a dull grayish blue color. The original rock is exceedingly compact, showing no trace of crystallization, excepting an occasional minute crystal of feldspar ; and within the reach of the swell, it was still compact and solid. " The rock has a concentric structure, and to this it owes in part its rapid decomposition. The alteration commences be- tween the concentric layers, rendering them apparent, although not so before. At first a thin ochreous line appears, arising from iron ; either magnetic iron disseminated in the rock, or from that of the constituent mineral augite. This ochreous color afterwards mostly disappears, and the concentric coats become separated by thin clayey layers of a white color, more or less striped with ochreous lines. In a more advanced stage of the process large ovoidal masses of basalt (but little changed in appearance excepting the development of a slaty concentric structure) lie in the cliff separated by a considerable thickness 1 Reports Wilkes's Exploring Expedition, Geology. EFFACEMENT OF ORIGINAL CHARACTERISTICS 263 of the whitish clayey layers, which are stained by irregular ochreous lines. At last the centres of the spheroidal masses yield, and finally the change is so complete that the concentric arrangement is entirely lost, and a soft whitish or yellowish- white argillaceous deposit, with few ochreous spots or lines, takes the place of the compact basalt. " In basalts of more compact structure these changes take place more slowly. The grayish blue basalt in the Illawarra range, near Broughton's Head, when long exposed, is discolored exteriorly to a depth of an inch and a half. The colors, begin- ning within, are dirt-brown, grayish yellow, ochre-yellow, brownish red ; and they are evidently dependent mostly on changes in the condition of the iron which the rock or its minerals contain. " When the rock includes much chrysolite, the results of decomposition in some instances give a fissile or micaceous appearance to the rock. At Prospect Hill, five miles west of Paramatta, this change is in progress. The rock is a black ferruginous basalt of homogeneous aspect, breaking with a smooth fracture and no appearance of crystallization. It con- tains chrysolite ; but the grains are small and not apparent except on very close examination. . . . " Were we unable to trace the transitions, and distinguish the columnar structure through the whole, we should scarcely suspect its basaltic origin. Indeed, it was pointed out to me as an instance of mica slate overlying basalt. Particles of rusted mica, as they seemed, were distinct, and it much re- sembled a decomposing variety of that rock. On close inspec- tion and an examination of the rock in different stages of change, it became evident that the pseudo-mica was nothing but altered chrysolite, which had rusted from partial decompo- sition, and split into thin cleavage scales. " The crystals of chrysolite have evidently a parallel position in the rock, and hence the plane of easiest cleavage lies in the same direction, or, as the cleavage shows, parallel with the upper surface, that is, at right angles with the vertical axis of the columns. The passage from the compact to the decomposed rock is, in this case, unusually abrupt. Alteration takes place (through the elimination of oxide of iron as before suggested) slowly at the surface, which therefore chips off as soon as de- composed and exposes a new portion. This sudden transition 264 THE PHYSICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF WEATHERING may, in part, proceed from the absence of any natural planes of fracture (which are brought out when there is a concentric structure), and perhaps in part also from the presence of chrysolite. The layer of pseudo-mica schist is in some places five feet thick and has a rusty brownish color. Above it passes into three feet of earth of the same origin, having a brownish black color, and this is covered again by four feet of brownish red soil." Such an effacement is not, however, an invariable accom- paniment of decomposition, since where the amount of residuary material is relatively large, and allowed to accumulate in place, the mass may for a long period retain its original structural char- acteristics. Indeed, the original features are sometimes so per- fectly preserved that casual inspection alone quite fails to reveal the havoc that has gone on. Every detail of bedding, jointing, or foliation, or even of internal structure, as brought about by the arrangement or size of the individual particles, may be re- tained with perhaps only a slight change of color due to oxida- tion. This feature is often strikingly conspicuous in the newer railway cuts of the southern Appalachian regions, particularly where the country rock is of the nature of gneisses or schists. In the work of grading the streets, in the extensions of the city of Washington, masses of strongly foliated granites, so soft as to be readily removed with pick and shovel, would be cut through, and which yet showed every vein or other structural detail as plainly marked as in the original rock, and it was only when by thrusting one's cane or other implement into it that its thoroughly decomposed condition became apparent. Russell describes 1 a similar condition of affairs prevailing in the coarse Triassic conglomerate near Wadesborough, North Carolina. This conglomerate is here composed of rounded and angular pebbles of talcose schist and other crystalline rocks. In the fresh cuts along the line of the North Carolina railroad, every detail of the original rock is brought out almost as sharply as in the so-called " Potomac marble " phase of the same forma- tions as used in the Capitol building at Washington. "On examining more closely, however, one is surprised to find that it is completely decomposed, and that when moist it can be cut with a pocket knife through pebbles and matrix alike, as easily as so much potter's clay. The full depth of the alteration in this 1 Bull. 52, U. S. Geol. Survey, 1889. INCIDENTAL SIMPLIFICATION OF COMPOUNDS 265 instance is not revealed, but it extends more than 30 feet below the surface without change in character." W. B. Potter described l the feldspar porphyry of Iron Moun- tain, Missouri, as decomposed to the extent that it can be easily whittled away with a penknife or scratched with the thumb nail. " At the same time," he writes, " the original porphyritic structure of the individual crystals scattered through the mass is beautifully preserved, and is even frequently more distinctly visible than in the original rock, owing to stronger contrasts of color in the kaolinized material." In many dense massive rocks, indeed, such features as flow structure and inequalities of text- ure are frequently rendered evident only on weathered surfaces. The same is often true of fossiliferous limestones, a weathered surface revealing the presence of organic forms wholly imper- ceptible on one freshly broken. The crude kaolin as removed from the pits near Brandywine Summit, Pennsylvania, and at Hockessin, Delaware, still retains .more or less distinctly the structure of the original gneiss or con- glomerate from whence it was derived. The quartz granules of the gneiss are, in these cases, almost invariably shattered, as though crushed by dynamic agencies, and show distinctly corroded surfaces, presumably caused by the alkaline carbo- nates formed during the kaolinizing of the feldspars. The black mica makes its former presence known by rust-colored spots which, in those cases where the mineral was sufficiently abundant, have ruined the material for the purposes of the potter. (11) Simplification of Chemical Compounds, incidental to Weathering. It has been noted on p. 172 that the process of weathering is but an attempt on the part of the elements in their various combinations to adjust themselves to existing con- ditions. This adjustment consists in the formation of new com- pounds which are characterized by a less complex structure than those first formed. Indeed, one of the most striking features of chemical geology is the tendency toward simplification in composition as mani- fested all over the superficial portions of the earth. During the process of decomposition there is almost invariably a con- stant breaking down of complex molecules of mixed silicates of alumina, iron, lime, magnesia, and the alkalies, and a recombi- 1 Jour. U. S. Assoc. Charcoal Iron Workers, Vol. VI, p. 25. 266 THE PHYSICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF WEATHERING nation of their various elements as simpler silicates, carbonates, sulphates, and oxides. (12) Other Results incidental to Decomposition and Erosion. That all the minerals of a rock mass are not equally acted upon by atmospheric agencies has been sufficiently noted in previous pages. The more refractory, freed by the breaking down of their host, remain to gradually accumulate in vastly greater proportions than they existed in the original rock. If, in addition to their refractory qualities, such possess, as is usually the case, greater density, decomposition and erosion may act but as agents of concentration, and in such residues minerals like xenotime and monazite have been found in abundance, although occurring so sparingly in the fresh rock that their existence was scarcely suspected. It is in this manner that has originated the gem sand of Ceylon. Precious stones have been found disseminated in lim- ited numbers in the granite converted into the cabook described on p. 242. In weathering, the difficultly decomposable precious stones have not been attacked, or attacked only to a limited ex- tent. They have therefore retained their original form and hard- ness. When in the course of thousands of years streams of water have flowed over the layers of cabook, their soft, already half- weathered constituents have been for the most part changed into a fine mud, and as such washed away, while the hard gems have only been inconsiderably rounded and little diminished in size. The current of water therefore has not been able to wash them far away from the place where they were originally embedded in the rock, and we now find them collected in the gravel bed, resting for the most part on the fundamental rock which the stream has left behind, and which afterwards, when the water has changed its course, has been again covered by new layers of mud, clay, and sand. It is this gravel bed which the natives call nellan, and from which they chiefly get their treasures of precious stones. 1 The same process in states bordering along the Appalachian Mountain system in North America has given rise to auriferous sands, as well as to sands bearing monazite, zircons, and other valuable minerals, which become segregated merely through their greater density and power to resist decom- position. The stream tin ores of the Malayan Peninsula, the 1 Nordenskiold, Voyage of the Vega. See also Judd, On the Rubies of Burma, etc., Fhilos. Trans. Royal Soc. of London, Vol. CLXXXVII, 1896, p. 151. PLATE 21 FIG. 1. Sink-hole near Knoxville, Tennessee. FIG. 2. Beds of marble corroded by meteoric waters, Pickens County, Georgia RESULTS INCIDENTAL TO DECOMPOSITION 267 diamond-bearing gravels of Brazil, and indeed placer deposits in general are illustrative of this same principle. The very soil itself, although so indispensable to human existence, is but an incidental and transitory phase of rock-weathering, as has been made sufficiently apparent in previous pages. The deposits of kaolin in western Pennsylvania and northern Delaware, as else- where noted, are but decomposed highly feldspathic gneisses and conglomerates, while the phosphate deposits of middle Ten- nessee are insoluble residue left by the leaching out of the cal- cium carbonate from phosphatic limestones. 1 According to Russell, 2 the Clinton iron ore of Alabama is but the insoluble residue from ferruginous Silurian limestones. On the immediate surface the ore is quite pure, containing, it may be, but a trace of lime. When followed downward, the amount of lime is found to gradually increase, until the ores may become so poor in iron as to be valueless. The following figures show this gradual increase in lime carbonate, and neces- sary decrease in iron, from the surface downward. 3 PERCENTAGE OF CALCIUM CARBONATE IN CLINTON IRON ORE DEPTH PER CENT DEPTH PER CENT Surface Trace 70 feet below surface . . 25.61 10 feet below surface . . . Trace 80 feet below surface . . 29.92 20 feet below surface . . . Trace 90 feet below surface . . 29.89 30 feet below surface . . . Trace 100 feet below surface . . 23.37 40 feet below surface . . . 21.06 110 feet below surface . . 28.82 50 feet below surface . . . 23.90 120 feet below surface . . 21.32 60 feet below surface . . . 27.01 130 feet below surface . . 30.55 William Whitaker in 1864 4 noted the decomposition of the English chalk beds, in Middlesex, and the gradual accumulation of a stiff brown-red residual clay interspersed with many flint nodules. It is by this same leaching action on aluminous lime- stones that is formed the so-called " rottenstone" so commonly used in polishing brasses and other metals. 1 J. M. Safford, American Geologist, October, 1896, p. 261. 2 Op. cit., p. 22. 8 Trans. Am. Ins. of Mining Engineers, Vol. XV, 1886, p. 189. 4 Mem. Geological Society of Great Britain, 1864, p. 64. THE WEATHERING OP ROCKS (Continued} IV. TIME CONSIDERATIONS Concerning the rate of decomposition of rocks of various kinds, only very general rules can be laid down, since much depends upon climatic conditions and the position of rock masses relative to the action of frost, moisture, and the various growing organisms. (1) Rate of Weathering influenced by Texture. From the study of building materials it has become apparent that a coarsely crystalline rock will, all other conditions being the same, disintegrate more rapidly than one of finer grain. This is doubtless owing in part to expansion and contraction from ordinary temperature variations, which act the more energeti- cally the larger the crystalline particles. 1 It has already been remarked (ante. p. 44) that crystalline rocks have a greater density than do glassy forms of the same chemical composition. This indicates a contraction during the processes of crystallization, which manifests itself, according to at least one authority, in the development of minute interspaces between the individual crystals. The coarser the crystalliza- tion, then, the greater the amount of interstitial space, and hence the greater the absorptive power. These coarser rocks, owing to their tendency to undergo a mechanical disintegration, or disaggregation, may also yield to 1 The coefficient of cubical expansion for several of the more common rock- forming minerals has been determined as follows : Quartz. . . 0.0000360 Tourmaline 0.000022 Orthoclase . . . . . . 0.0000170 Garnet 0.000025 Hornblende 0.0000284 Calcite 0.000020 Beryl 0.0000010 Dolomite 0.000035 The strain brought to bear upon a mass of rock through the unequal rate of expansion of its various constituents is further complicated through the unequal expansion of the individual minerals along the direction of their various axes. Thus quartz gives a coefficient of 0.00000769 parallel to the major axis, and of 0.000001385 at right angles thereto. Adularia gives 0.0000156, 0.000000659, and 0.00000294 for its three axes, and hornblende 0.0000081, 0.00000084, and 0.0000095 (Stones for Building and Decoration, p. 419). 268 RATE OF WEATHERING 269 the decomposing agencies more readily than those of finer grain, though from the fact that they first fall away to coarse sand, whereby the rock- like character is lost, one might, on casual inspec- tion, be led to the oppo- site conclusion. It need scarcely be said that, among rocks having the same composition, wheth- er fragmental or crystal- line, those of a granular structure will undergo disintegration more quickly than will those in which the individual minerals are closely com- pacted or interknit, as in many quartzites or dia- bases. (2) Rate of Weather- ing influenced by Compo- sition. Among rocks of the same structure as re- gards crystallization and size of particles, the basic varieties, such as the dia- bases and gabbros, as a rule succumb more read- ily than do the more acid varieties like the gran- ites. This for the reason that the iron-magnesian as well as the soda-lime minerals are more sus- FIG. 20. FIG. 21. Microstructure of sandstone (Fig. 20), showing relatively large amount of interstitial space and absorptive power, and (Fig. 21) of dia- base, with relatively little. ceptible than are the pot- ash silicates and other essential constituents of the rocks of the granitic group. It is possible also that these dark colors cause them to become more highly heated, where exposed to direct sunlight, and hence subject to mechanical dis- 270 TIME CONSIDERATIONS integration. The fact that many of our trappean rocks, as seen in dikes cutting other rocks, do not in all cases succumb with greater comparative rapidity is due to their very compact struct- ure, whereby percolating waters are so largely excluded. (3) Rate of Weathering influenced by Humidity. The ra- pidity of rock weathering and soil formation is, even among rocks of the same nature, widely variable, being dependent upon climatic conditions of any particular locality. In the arid regions north of Flagstaff, Arizona, are wide areas of country covered with coal-black lapilli ejected from volcanoes whose craters are now occupied by growing pines upwards of two feet in diameter. Yet these fields are, with the exception of the pines, as bare of vegetation as though but yesterday scorched by fire. The fine lapilli, resembling nothing more than crushed coke, cover everywhere the undulating plains, greedily absorb- ing the moisture from melting snows and scanty rainfalls, but undergoing no appreciable decomposition and affording foot- hold for only a few desert shrubs and grasses. Yet in a moister clime, and one more adapted for luxuriant vegetation, we might expect that these lapilli should long ago have suc- cumbed and given fairly fertile soils. (4) Rate of Weathering influenced by Position. Among the siliceous crystalline rocks superficial disintegration is undoubt- edly greatly aided by temperature variations, which, by render- ing the rocks porous, facilitate chemical decomposition. Such action must, however, be merely superficial, and at considerable depths below the surface the change must be purely chemical. The chief conditions favoring chemical action are those of con- tinual percolation by waters carrying the organic acids already described. It naturally follows, therefore, that a purely chemi- cal decay will progress more rapidly where the rock mass is covered by such a layer of vegetable soil as shall give rise to the decomposing solutions. Hence, that such an accumulation having begun, decomposition will keep on at an ever-increasing rate to a depth concerning which we have at present no data for calculation. It must not be too hastily assumed from this that rocks thus protected do in reality break down more rapidly than those exposed on bare hillsides, since here, where physical causes predominate, the loosened particles are removed as fast as formed, and, besides leaving no measure of the destruction going steadily on, new surfaces for attack are being continually RELATIVE RAPIDITY OF WEATHERING 271 exposed. Moreover, in assuming that rocks decay rapidly where covered by vegetation, we must not overlook the fact that the character of the overlying soil may be such as to be protective rather than otherwise. Thus in glaciated regions it is a well- known fact that the striae on rock surfaces are found best pre- served where they have been protected from heat and frost by a mantle of drift, or the compact turf so characteristic of the Northern states. (See further under Influence of Forests, p. 280.) (5) Relative Rapidity of Weathering among Eruptive and Sedimentary Rocks. As to the relative rapidity of chemical decomposition among eruptive and sedimentary rocks, there can with the exception of the calcareous varieties be no question, the eruptives being far the more susceptible. This for reasons which will be at once apparent when we consider their origin. The eruptive rocks result from the comparatively sudden cooling of magmas originating far below the action of atmospheric agencies, and which are pushed up and allowed to solidify under conditions which are not at all conducive to chemi- cal equilibrium. They are compounds of elements which have combined according to the conditions under which they tempo- rarily existed, but which undergo continual changes as they become exposed by erosion and other causes. They become, in short, out of harmony with their surroundings, and there are at once set up a series of physical and chemical changes such as shall result in products more in harmony with existing condi- tions, and hence more stable. These changes, briefly put, are those involved in the weathering processes we have described. Indeed, we may well say that rock weathering and all the seem- ingly endless processes of rock decay and rock consolidation are but stages in the continual efforts being made by these inor- ganic particles to adjust themselves to existing conditions. But the sedimentary rocks (exclusive of the calcareous varieties) are themselves the actual products of these adjustments. The con- glomerates, sandstones, shales, and argillites are but the detri- tal remains of eruptive rocks which under the various weathering influences have become disintegrated and decomposed, their more soluble constituents quite or in part removed, and the residues laid down and consolidated under conditions such as to-day exist upon or near the surface of the earth. They have, it is true, been laid down under water; they are subaqueous, but 272 TIME CONSIDERATIONS their decomposition and disintegration was subaerial. Hence, when elevated above the ocean's level to become a part of the dry land, they are for the most part comparatively stable, sub- ject to only such chemical changes as oxidation, and it may be dehydration. All other things being equal, then, those siliceous rocks which are the product of mechanical sedimentation will be found far less susceptible to the chemical action of the atmos- phere and meteoric waters than are the eruptives. While they may undergo a transformation into soils, it is mainly through the disintegrating effects of heat and frost. Sedentary soils resulting from such disintegration resemble, therefore, their parent rock more than those of any other class. Turning now to calcareous rocks, we shall find a quite differ- ent state of affairs prevailing, owing to the different chemical nature of the material and its ready solubility. These rocks represent, in fact, the soluble portions of the eruptive rocks which have been leached out during the process of decomposi- tion. They are themselves solution products, although their immediate deposition may have been brought about through mechanical agencies, as in the laying down of beds of shell marl upon a sea-bottom. The lime leached out of terrestrial rocks is carried in solution into the sea, where, taken up by molluscs and corals as a carbonate, it becomes precipitated to the bottom on their death, and may reappear as a limestone, or, if mixed with sufficient quantities of other constituents, as a marl, calcareous sandstone, or shale. Such on their re-elevation are still subject to chemical change, owing to the ready solu- bility of lime carbonate in terrestrial waters, and so the endless round begins once more. Reference has already been made to the amounts of lime carbonate that may thus be annually re- moved from the earth's surface, but one may add here, that, according to J. G. Goodchild, certain English limestones waste away, superficially, at the rate of one inch in 300 years. 1 (6) Time Limit of Decay. We are sometimes enabled to put a time limit on the beginnings of decomposition such as shall enable us to gain at least a geological measure of the rapidity of the process. This is the case with the disintegrated granite of the District of Columbia described on p. 206. The residual material is here now overlaid by clastic deposits of such a nature as to force the conclusion that they were laid down by 1 Geological Magazine, 1890, p. 463. TIME LIMIT OF DECAY 273 water under such conditions as would have thoroughly eroded away all underlying pre-existing decomposed material. It is therefore inferred that this decomposition has taken place since the clastic material was deposited, or, since these are of Creta- ceous age, that it has taken place since the close of Cretaceous times. In the same way, since glaciation must have carried away the pre-existing disintegrated matter from the dike of diabase at Medford, leaving the surface smooth and hard, so here it is inferred that the decomposition is post-glacial. It is but rarely that the rate of decomposition of any rock has been sufficiently rapid since the beginning of human history, to be of geological significance, though weathered surfaces in old quarries, or the walls of old buildings, not infrequently offer abundant illustration of what we might expect, could observa- tion be extended over whole geological periods instead of at most a few years. We must not forget, however, that, in the latter case, the conditions are quite different from those exist- ing in nature, and the rate of weathering may be accelerated or retarded, as the case may be. Stone implements, made by prehistoric man, as now found in graves, or dug from the soil, sometimes show incipient signs of decomposition, as indicated, when broken across, by a change in color and texture from without inward. Flint arrow and spear-heads from prehistoric caves or mounds in Europe, England, or America, often present on the outer surface a thin crust or patine of a gray or white color extending inward, it may be, for the distance of two or more millimeters. A grooved stone axe of diorite found in eastern Massachusetts and now in the collections of the National Museum at Washington, 1 shows concentric exfoliation in every way comparable to that on the diabase boulder figured on PL 20, extending inward to a depth of from three to six millimetres. It is of course possible that the axe was made from a boulder, itself not quite fresh, but this seems scarcely probable, and the inference is fair that both the patine and the exfoliation are due wholly to weathering sub- sequent to the manufacture of the implements on which they occur. Mills 2 regards the extreme condition of decomposition exist- ing in the Archrean rocks of Brazil as having taken place prior 1 Specimen No. 172,794, Archaeological Series. 2 American Geologist, June, 1889, p. 345. 274 TIME CONSIDERATIONS to the deposition of the loess, that is, in the long interval between the elevation of the Archaean rocks and the beginning of Qua- ternary times. Inasmuch, however, as the Quaternary gravels and loess are all readily permeable by water and not of a nature to be themselves readily affected, it would seem possible that at least a portion of the decomposition might have been brought about since their deposition and, indeed, to be still in progress. The writer is informed by Mr. W. Lindgren that the granitic diorites of the Sierra Nevadas of California, and which are of FIG. 22. Flint implement showing weathered surface. late Jurassic or early Cretaceous age, are often decomposed and disintegrated to a maximum depth of 200 feet, the extreme upper, more superficial portions being reduced to the condition of a red clay, while the lower are merely rendered soft and friable, with little if any change in color. This disintegration has gone on to such an extent that where the rock is traversed, as is sometimes the case, by numerous gold-bearing quartz veins, the entire mass of material is washed down by water hydrau- licked as in the ordinary process of placer mining. The Pliocene andesites are also in places, decomposed to a depth of TIME LIMIT OF DECAY 275 20 feet. The region is one of heavy annual precipitation, but the rainfall is limited almost wholly to the winter season. Rock disintegration and decomposition, after the manner already described, has been by no means limited to the present era, but has been going on since the first land appeared above the surface of the primeval ocean. The results of the recent decomposition are more apparent, since the derived materials are still recognizable as rock debris, while that formed in past ages may have been so changed by the solvent and assorting power of water, the chemical action of the atmosphere, and the general agents of metamorphism, as to have quite lost its identity. Dr. R. Bell, of the Canadian Geological Survey, has described * an interesting illustration of pre-Palseozoic decay in the crystal- line rocks north of Lake Huron. The red granite, where it has been protected from glacial action, is found to be eaten into hollows in the form of round and sack-like pits and small caverns, the last-named generally occurring on steep slopes or perpendicular faces of the rock. These pits are, in places, of sufficient size to allow two men to crouch within. The sack- like ovens, such as are shown in Fig. 23, are most usually on sloping surfaces. The granite around these pits shows no in- dications of decay. That they are of pre-Palseozoic origin is demonstrated by the presence in them of residual patches, in situ, of the fossiliferous Black River limestone and which Pro- fessor Bell regards as veritable inliers of the Black River forma- tion, which once filled all the inequalities and still overlies the granite at lower levels, though elsewhere almost wholly removed by erosion. Figure 23, after Bell, shows diagrammatically the old granitic corroded floor up on which the calcareous sediments were laid down, with pits still containing residual masses of the limestone, and the intact beds passing under the waters of Lake Huron at the lower right. Pumpelly, too, has shown 2 that the diabase dike at Stamford, Massachusetts, had undergone extensive decomposition prior to the deposition of the Cambrian conglomerates. Of equal interest and still greater economic importance was the sugges- tion by this same authority, subsequently abundantly confirmed by W. B. Potter, 3 that beds of iron ore lying on the western 1 Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. V, 1894, pp. 35-37. 2 Ibid., Vol. II, 1891, p. 209. 3 Jour. U. S. Assoc. Charcoal Iron Workers, Vol. VI, p. 23. 276 TIME CONSIDEKATIONS flank of Iron Mountain, Missouri, and covered by Silurian lime- stones, were true detrital deposits resulting from the pre-Silurian breaking down of the ore-bearing porphyry forming the mass of the mountain. These and other 1 illustrations that might be given point unmistakably to the identity of geological processes and correspondence in results since the earliest times, even did not analogy and the thousands of feet of secondary rocks furnish us safe criteria upon which to base our inferences. FIG. 23. (7) Extent of Weathering. The depth to which weather- ing has penetrated necessarily varies greatly. In cases where the detrital material is removed nearly or quite as rapidly as formed, it may go on indefinitely, until, it may be, thousands of feet of material have melted away ; where, however, remain- ing in place, decomposition must be gradually retarded until a time comes when it practically ceases. In the region about Washington, District of Columbia, the writer has observed the granitic rock so disintegrated at a depth of 80 feet from the present surface as to be readily removed by pick and shovel. Even greater depths have been noted by writers on the geology of our own Southern states and Central and South America. !See also T. Sterry Hunt, The Decay of Rocks Geologically Considered, Am. Jour, of Science, Vol. XXVI, 1883, p. 190. EXTENT OF WEATHERING 277 Spencer states 1 that in the region about Atlanta, Georgia, the rocks are " completely rotted" to a depth of 95 feet, while ''incipient decay" may reach to a depth of 300 feet. W. B. Potter describes 2 the feldspar porphyry of Iron Mountain in Missouri as decomposed to a visible extent as far into the hill as mining operations had been carried, while to depths varying from 10 to 80 feet the kaolinization is complete. The coarse granite of Pike's Peak, Colorado, is reported as disintegrated to a depth of from 20 to 30 feet. Belt 3 describes dolerites in Nicaragua as decomposed, as shown by deep cut- tings in mines, to a depth of 200 feet. " Next the surface," he says, " they were often as soft as alluvial clay, and might be cut with a spade." Derby describes 4 certain shales in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, as decomposed into the condition of reddish, drab, greenish, black, and umber-colored clays to the depth of 120 metres (394 feet). W. H. Fuiionge has described 5 the granite of the Dekaap gold fields, in the Transvaal, South Africa, as decomposed to a depth of 200 feet. Rain erosion has carved out from this decomposed mass deep "dongas," as they are locally called, and which sometimes present most striking and picturesque appearances. The apparent depth to which weathering has gone on is often greater among siliceous than calcareous rocks. This is, however, due merely to the facts that (1) the siliceous rocks are composed largely of insoluble materials, and hence leave a proportionately large amount of debris, and (2) that among calcareous rocks the change is mainly chemical and takes place only from the immediate surface. As a result of this, residuary nodules of limestone may be found perfectly fresh and unal- tered at a depth of but a few millimetres below the surface, while granites and allied rocks may show signs of disintegra- tion and incipient decay for many inches, or even feet. Pumpelly states 6 that in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri the secular dissolving away of limestones containing from 2 to 1 Geol. Survey of Georgia, 1893. 2 Jour. U. S. Assoc. Charcoal Iron Workers, Vol. VI, p. 25. 3 The Naturalist in Nicaragua, p. 86. 4 Am. Jour, of Science, February, 1884, p. 138. 5 Trans. Am. Inst. of Mining Engineers, Vol. XVIII, 1890, p. 337. 6 Am. Jour, of Science, 1879, p. 136. 278 TIME CONSIDERATIONS 9 % of insoluble matter has left residual clays from 20 to 120 feet in thickness, indicating a removal of not less than 1200 vertical feet by solution. According to Whitney, the dark, reddish brown, residual clays of .southern Wisconsin, of an average depth of perhaps 10 feet over the entire area, repre- sent the insoluble accumulations from the decomposition of from 350 to 400 vertical feet of dolomite, limestone and cal- careous shale. (8) Relative Rapidity of Weathering in Warm and Cold Cli- mates. For many years an impression has prevailed to the effect that rocks decomposed more rapidly in warm and moist than in cold climates. While, owing to abundance of vegeta- tion and other supposed favorable conditions, a more rapid decomposition might be expected, such has not as yet been proven to actually take place, and indeed many facts tend to prove the impression quite erroneous. Lack of decomposition products in high latitudes is not infrequently due to glaciation or erosion by other means. Whitney, 1 Irving, 2 Chamberlain, and Salisbury 3 have shown the presence of residual clays of all thicknesses up to 25 feet in the driftless area of Wiscon- sin, and Chamberlain has described 4 limited areas of strongly decomposed gneiss in the non-glacial areas of Greenland. Moreover, we have no actual proof that the action of frost is, on the whole, protective, as is stated by Branner. 5 It must be remembered that frost, excepting in the extreme north, penetrates to but a slight depth, and while it undoubtedly puts a temporary stop to chemical action on the immediate surface, it remains yet to be shown that the mechanical disruption that ensues, and as described in previous pages, is not as efficacious as would have been the chemical agencies alone, had they been permitted to continue their work. Through bringing about a finely fissile or pulverulent structure, whereby a vastly greater amount of surface becomes exposed, frost prepares the way for chemical action at a thousand-fold more rapid rate than could otherwise have been possible. If, further, as the writer has elsewhere at least suggested, 6 hydration is the most potent 1 Rep. Geol. Survey of Wisconsin, 1861. 2 Trans. Wisconsin Acad. of Science, Vol. Ill, 1875. 3 Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Survey, 1884-85, p. 254. 4 Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. VI, 1895, p. 218. 6 Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. VII, 1896, p. 282. 6 Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. VI, p. 331. RELATIVE RAPIDITY OF WEATHERING 279 factor in rock disintegration, the process can go on uninter- ruptedly below the level of freezing. Professor H. P. Gushing has described 1 the argillites in the vicinity of Glacial Bay, Alaska, as in a condition of great dis- integration, wholly through the action of frost. " Disintegra- tion," he says, "takes place with amazing rapidity, as shown by the enormous piles of morainic matter furnished to the tribu- taries of Muir Glacier, whose valleys are adjoined by mountains of argillite, and by the massive talus heaps that are rapidly accumulating at the bases of other mountains made up of the same material." In a private communication to the present writer, he further states that the diabases of the region are fully as much decomposed as are those in the Adirondacks of New York, and that the blocks of eruptive rocks occurring in the moraines of Muir Glacier are far gone in decomposition. Mr. C. W. Purrington has made similar observations, and states 2 that on the south side of Silver Bow Basin, some three miles west of Juneau, at an elevation of 2000 feet above sea- level, he found schistose diorites disintegrated over a consider- able area to a depth of 20 feet. The particular locality cited was on a mountain slope, where landslides were frequent, and other conditions prevailed such as would prevent the accumula- tion of the debris throughout a prolonged geological period or to a very great depth. There could be, however, no doubt as to the residuary character of the material observed, and the inference drawn was to the effect that the disintegration had taken place within a comparatively brief space of time. G. E. Culver has also described 3 a diabase dike in Minnehaha County, South Dakota, an arid region lying within the 'glacial area, as decomposed throughout the whole exposures from its upper surface down to a depth of 20 or 25 feet, the limit of disinte- gration being the drainage level of the region as marked by the bed of a stream cutting through it. On the other hand, Professor I. C. Russell, who has devoted much attention to the subject of rock-weathering in both high and low latitudes, is of the opinion that rock decay is a direct result of existing climatic conditions. He states further that decay goes on most rapidly in warm regions where there is an 1 Trans. N. Y. Academy of Science, Vol. XV, 1895. 2 Personal Memoranda to the writer. 3 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Art, and Literature, 1886-91, p. 206. 280 TIME CONSIDERATIONS abundant rainfall, and is scarcely at all manifest in arid and frigid regions. 1 Professor Russell's observations are of more than ordinary value, since he has discriminated between decay and disintegration, which most writers have failed to do. Relative to the subject of rock degeneration in temperate regions, we have further to consider the possible increased amounts of atmospheric gases brought down by snowfalls, over those brought by rain. The siiowflakes, in falling, so com- pletely fill the air as to rob it of a larger proportion of its impurities than would a corresponding amount of precipitation in the form of rain. Further, the snow in melting slowly away affords the water better facilities for soaking into the ground than though it was poured down during the comparatively brief period of a shower. How far these agencies may go toward counterbalancing the effects of the continued higher tempera- tures of the tropics, we have no means of judging. 2 It is even questionable if decomposition has actually gone on to greater depths in regions covered by forests, as contended by Hartt 3 and Belt 4 than elsewhere. The accumulation of a large amount of organic matter is undoubtedly favorable to decomposition, but the growing vegetation constantly robs the soil beneath of moisture and other elements necessary for its growth, storing it away in the form of woody fibre or sending it off into the atmosphere once more. The amount of moisture that a full-grown tree evaporates daily through its leaves is simply enormous, and is often made conspicuously apparent by the dry knolls that may be seen surrounding isolated trees or groups of trees in swampy areas. Indeed, Mr. R. L. Fulton, in discussing 5 the influence of forests in the mountain regions of the West, states it as his belief that the local springs and streams are " more diminished by the water used by the tree& than by evaporation in their absence." It has been shown 6 that the total amount of moisture returned 1 Surface Geology of Alaska, Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. I, 1890. 2 There is an old saying among Eastern farmers to the effect that a late spring snowstorm is as good as a dressing of manure. It undoubtedly arose from an appreciation by the farmers of the fact that the snow was more benefi- cial than rain for the reasons above mentioned. 3 Physical Geography and Geology of Brazil, 4 The Naturalist in Nicaragua, p. 86. 5 Science, April 10, 1896. 6 See Bull. No. 7, Forestry Division, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1893. INFLUENCE OF FORESTS 281 into the atmosphere from a forest by transpiration and evapora- tion from the trees and underlying soil, is about 75% of the total precipitation. For other forms of vegetation it varies between 70 % and 90 %, the forest as a rule being surpassed by the cereals, while the evaporation from a bare soil is but 30 % of the precipitation. To this should be added the fact that the activity of evaporation from forested areas is continued throughout a longer period of each year, as a rule, than in non-forested, for the simple reason that the grasses and cereals early ripen, and practically cease to exhale altogether. This is particularly the case in cultivated areas and prairie regions. Hence, while the daily evaporation from given areas might for a time be nearly equal, the annual amount is likely to be great- est for that which is forested. Further, it has been shown that only 70 % as much rainfall reaches the soil in the woods as in the open fields, the rest being caught in the leaves, branches, and trunks, whence it is returned directly to the atmosphere by evaporation. These percentages naturally vary with the character of the forest growth. In this connection the following table, showing the measured amounts of water at varying depths in a loamy soil under forests of spruce, twenty-five, sixty, and one hundred and twenty years old, and one base of all vegetation, is instruc- tive. It will be observed that the average amount is apprecia- bly greater in the bare soil, and that the least amount is found under forests 60 years old, when we may assume the trees are in their prime. WATEU CONTENTS OP A LOAMY SAND; RESULTS BY SEASONS EXPRESSED ix PERCENTAGES OF THE WEIGHT OF THE SOIL SEASON SPRUCE 25 YEAKS OLD 60 YEARS OLD 16 inch 32 inch Average 16 inch 82 inch Average Winter (January and February) . Spring (March to May) .... Summer (June to August) . . . Fall (September to November) . . 20.23 18.62 15.10 16.57 17.00 18.02 16.22 17.57 18.61 18.32 15.96 17.07 18.06 15.29 14.42 13.49 17.76 16.28 17.03 16.52 17.91 15.78 15.72 15.00 282 TIME CONSIDERATIONS SEASON SPRUCE NAKED SOIL 120 YEARS OLD 16 inch 32 inch Average 16 inch 32 inch Average Winter (January and February) . Spring (March to May) .... Summer (June to August) . . . Fall (September to November) . . 19.75 17.47 17.78 14.88 22.44 20.83 20.90 19.46 21.09 19.15 19.97 17.17 19.96 20.66 19.77 20.04 24.73 20.51 19.98 20.20 22.35 20.58 19.97 20.12 Other experiments have shown a marked difference in the distribution of the water in the forest-covered and naked soils, in the first-named a much larger proportion being held in the extreme upper portion than in that which was unprotected. This is a natural consequence of the absorptive properties of the accumulated humus. The following table, as compiled by Fernow l from the work of Ebermayer, illustrates this point. AVERAGE OF WATER CAPACITY, EXPRESSED IN PERCENTAGES OF THE WEIGHT OF THE SOIL SPRUCB DEPTH 25 Years Old 60 Years Old 120 Years Old SOIL to 2 inches 30 93 % 29 48 L 40 32 % 22 33 / 6 to 8 inches 19.19 18.99 19.30 20 62 12 to 14 inches 19.10 16.07 18 28 20 54 19 to 20 inches 18 40 16 26 20 16 20 14 30 to 32 inches . 17 91 17 88 21 11 20 54 It is obvious that it is only that portion of the water which passes through this superficial blanket of mould that can be instrumental in promoting rock decomposition. Hence the presence of such a blanket may exert a protective, or at least conservative, rather than destructive action. Further than this, we have to remember that plant growth tends to reduce the extremes of temperature and, even more, to diminish evapora- 1 Bull. No. 7, Forestry Division, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1893. WEATHERING IN COLD AND WARM CLIMATES 283 tioii from the immediate surface. The constant action of grav- ity and capillarity in pumping the water down and up through the soil is therefore largely diminished. Since it is by temper- ature changes and water action that decomposition is so largely brought about, it is apparent that we must not be too hasty in assuming that forest action is actually destructive ; it may be largely conservative. It is possible that the apparent amount of decomposition in wooded areas is due to protection from ero- sion, and the consequent accumulation of the residuary material. More facts are necessary before this question can be decided. (9) Difference in Kind of Weathering in Cold and Warm. Climates. That, however, there may be a difference in kind in the degeneration in warm and cold climates, or at least in moist and dry climates, is possible and even probable. 1 In cold and in dry climates subject to extremes of temperature, as in the arctic regions or in the arid regions of lower latitudes, the weathering is at first almost wholly in the nature of disintegra- tion, a process of disaggregation whereby the rock is resolved into, first, a gravel and ultimately a sand composed of the isolated mineral particles which have suffered scarcely at all from decomposition. The writer has elsewhere referred to this form of degeneration as manifested in the desert regions of the Lower California!! peninsula. 2 In a warm, moist climate chem- ical decomposition may or may not keep pace with the disin- tegration, according to local conditions, so that the resultant material may be in the form of an arkose sand, as in the District of Columbia, or a residual clay, as in the more superficial portions of the residual deposits to the southward. In certain cases, or among certain classes of rocks, the decomposition proceeds at so rapid a rate that there is scarcely any apparent preliminary dis- integration. Local circumstances and character of rock masses being the same, we are, however, apparently safe in assuming that in warm and moist climates decomposition follows so closely upon disintegration as to form the more conspicuous feature of the phenomenon, while in dry regions, or those subject to ener- getic frost action, mechanical processes prevail and disintegra- tion exceeds decomposition. 1 The majority of writers have failed to discriminate between decomposition and disintegration. That there may be a very marked difference, due mainly to climatic conditions, is the point I wish to emphasize here. 2 Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. V, 1894, p. 499. 284 TIME CONSIDERATIONS Accepting these facts, there is at once suggested the idea that the lithe-logical nature of sedimentary rocks, as well as their fossil contents, may be regarded as indicative of prevalent climatic conditions. The possibility of estimating these conditions by the char- acter of the debris resulting from the degeneration of feld- spathic rocks was first suggested by the geologists of the Indian Survey, 1 the undecomposed feldspars in the Panchet (Mesozoic) sandstones being regarded as indicating a recurrence of a cold period during which mechanical forces preponderated over those purely chemical. The same idea was subsequently put forth, quite independently, by the present writer. 2 That rocks in arid regions do actually undergo less decomposition during the weathering processes is shown not only by the fresh character of the residuary material. Judd has shown 3 that rivers like the Nile, draining regions of great aridity, though in a con- dition of high concentration from prolonged evaporation, carry, in solution, smaller proportional amounts of derived salts than do those of humid regions. Russell has noted that in the Yukon River region of Alaska disintegration so far exceeds decomposition that the talus from the mountains, composed of loose, angular masses of rock quite free from vegetation, forms what he calls debris streams, which actually creep slowly down the slopes, the movement taking place principally in the winter time and being due apparently to the slow settling, or creep, of deep snows. He states it as his opinion that the mountains of the region have suffered more through this form of disintegration than have those of Colorado or the southern Appalachians, but less than those of the Great Basin area. The range of limestone mountains along the Yukon is pictured as presenting a crest of sharp, blade-like crags, flanked by vast slopes of loose, angular stones on either side, the rock being everywhere fresh and undecomposed, but badly shattered and fissured. (10) Relative Amount of Material lost. Other things being equal, it is also safe to infer that more material has actually been lost through disintegration and decomposition in moun- 1 Geol. of India, 2d ed., Vol. I, p. 201. 2 Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. VII, p. 362. 3 Report on Deposits of the Nile Delta, Proc. Royal Society of London, Vol. XXXIX, 1885. PLATE 22 FIG. 1. Forest destroyed by wind-blown sand. FIG. 2. Calcareous conglomerate carved and polished by wind-blown sand. FIG. 3. Rock being undermined by wind-blown sand. RELATIVE AMOUNT OF MATERIAL LOST 285 tainous and hilly countries than from the level plains. This for the reasons that (1) through the upturning of the beds there were exposed, it may be, friable and soluble strata that might otherwise have been protected, and (2) that through the shat- tering incident to this upturning the rocks were rendered more susceptible to the weathering forces. Further, (3) the steeper slopes in mountain regions promote more rapid removal of the resultant debris, whereby fresh surfaces are continually exposed, such as might otherwise shortly become protected through its accumulation, as above noted. PART IV THE TRANSPORTATION AND RBDBPOSITION OP ROCK DEBRIS IT rarely happens that more than a comparatively small pro- portion of the products of disintegration and decomposition are left to accumulate on the site of the parent rock. In most instances a very considerable proportion, in some instances all, the debris is removed immediately, or soon after its formation, and deposited elsewhere. A portion of this material is removed in solution, as has already been described (ante, p. 194). A still larger portion is transported mechanically, and it is to a discussion of the method of this transportation that a few pages may now be devoted with profit. The chief agencies involved in this transportation are grav- ity, water, in either a solid or liquid form, and the wind. Un- doubtedly the major part of the work is done by water, but as the wind's action is so frequently overlooked, and as, moreover, the results thus produced are of more than ordinary interest from our present standpoint, it may perhaps be well to dwell upon this branch of the subject with considerable detail. (1) Action of Gravity. Gravity, especially when aided by the lifting power of frost, may locally exert no insignificant influence. The tremendous power of landslides, or avalanches, have, owing to their devastating effects, been impressed upon us from the beginnings of written history. There are, how- ever, other results, due to similar causes, but which, going on on an almost microscopic scale, are wholly overlooked by the ordinary observer, and the full meaning of which can be dis- covered only when the results of years are taken into account. Professor W. C. Kerr, in 1881, described 1 the manner in which the superficial cap of soil from the decomposition of micaceous 1 Am. Jour, of Science, 3d Series, Vol. XXI, p. 345. 286 ACTION OF WATER AND ICE 287 and hornblendic gneisses near Philadelphia had crept down the inclined surface on which it rested, and the gradual attenu- ation of the bands of variously colored debris of Avhich it was composed. This creeping process he ascribed wholly to the expansive action of included water passing into the condition of ice, the expansion taking place laterally and the material being pushed down the slope along the line of least resistance. Mr. C. Davidson has since taken up the subject experimentally FIG. 2-L Showing direction and rate of motion of soil ; the arrows showing, by their relative lengths, the rate of movement at various points, a, soil; b, bed- rock. and shown that the amount of the creeping could be accounted for by the ordinary laws of gravity, the frost, by its expansion, raising the individual particles a slight distance, and, on thaw- ing, allowing them to drop back again a greater or less distance down the slope, according to the angle of inclination. Dr. Milton Whitney has, however, shown 1 that there is an almost continual movement among soil particles, dependent upon meteorological conditions quite aside from those involved in freezing and thawing. The creeping appears therefore to be but the manifestation, in mass, of the inclination of each indi- vidual particle to slide down the slope. The accumulations of talus at the foot of every cliff and on the slopes of hills and mountains are matters of such every -day observation as to need no mention in detail. (2) The Action of Water and Ice. 2 The power of a stream to transport rock debris depends naturally upon its volume and the rapidity of its current. This, on the supposition that the character of the sediment to be transported remains the 1 Some Physical Properties of Soils, Bull. No. 4, U. S. Weather Bureau, 1892. 2 Students are referred to Professor R. D. Salisbury's article on Agencies which transport Material on the Earth's Surface, Journal of Geology, Vol. Ill, 1895, p. 70. 288 TRANSPORTATION AND REDEPOSITION OF ROCK DEBRIS same. According to the calculations of Hopkins, as quoted by Geikie, 1 the capacity of transport increases as the sixth power of the velocity of the current ; that is to say, the motor power is increased sixty-four times, by doubling the velocity. The following table is taken from the work quoted as showing the power of transport of river currents of varying velocities: INCHES MILES PER SECOND PER HOUR 3 0.170 : will just move fine clay. 6 0.240 : will lift fine sand. 8 0.4545: will lift sand as coarse as linseed. 12 0.6819 : will sweep along fine gravel. 24 1.3638 : will roll along rounded pebbles 1 inch in diameter. 36 2.045 : will sweep along slippery, angular stones of the size of an egg. There are, of course, other factors that should be taken into consideration, such as the character of a river bed, the density of the water, etc., but which lack of space prevents our touch- ing upon here, and which are, moreover, sufficiently enlarged upon in other works. The writer has stood at the head waters of the Missouri, and seen the Jefferson, Madison, and Gallatin rivers uniting their floods to form one grand rushing stream of clear green water, full of trout and grayling. He has seen it again at Mahdan, Dakota, a sluggish stream actually yellow with suspended silt. At St. Louis, one beholds it a mighty torrent, whirling along trunks and stumps of trees, twigs, and all manner of organic debris and inorganic detritus picked up from its banks, or washed in by rains and tributary streams, till, one vast sea of liquid mud, it pours every year into the Gulf of Mexico a mass of sediment equal to 812,500,000,000,000 pounds (7,468,694,400 cubic feet), or enough to cover a square mile of territory to a depth of 268 feet. But only a portion of the detritus car- ried by running streams reaches the ocean ; otherwise we need devote little time here to its consideration. Nearly all streams, in some part of their courses, flow through level plains with low banks which are subject to inundation during seasons of high water. Picture a muddy stream such as is shown in cross-sec- tion in Fig. 25, and which at ordinary periods is confined within the narrow channel near the centre. In time of freshet, however, the volume of water is so greatly augmented as to 1 Text-book of Geology, 3d ed. ACTION OF WATER AND ICE 289 cause it to overflow its banks and spread out over the plains on either hand. But 110 sooner does the water leave the channel than the force of its currents becomes checked, its carrying power lessened, and it therefore begins to deposit its load of silt upon this flood plain, as it is called, where it remains to permanently enrich the land when the waters subside. It is to such processes of formation that we owe some of the most fer- tile lands in existence, as the valley of the Mississippi, that of the Red River of the North, the Nile, and scores of others that might be mentioned readily attest. 1 FIG. 25. To the same process, coupled with the accumulation of organic matter, we owe the filling in and gradual extinction of thousands of glacial lakes throughout New England and the North, and the formation of rich, flat-bottomed valleys known locally as meadows, swales, and bogs. Ice in the form of glaciers is an efficient agent for transpor- tation as well as for erosion, as already noted. While the work being done by existing glaciers may seem comparatively insig- nificant, that done by the ice sheet of the glacial epoch was by no means so, and deserves a more than passing notice. The manner in which the ice carries and deposits its load has already received attention in speaking of its erosive power, and but little more need be said on the subject. That material which existed in a loose, unconsolidated condition, on the surfaces on 1 The Arkansas River is stated by Owen (Geol. of Arkansas, 2d Rep., 1860, p. 52) to be at certain seasons of the year almost blood-red from the quantity of suspended fine ferruginous clay and saliferous silt brought down from the regions of ferruginous shales, which prevail in the Cherokee County, through which the river flows. This material, deposited along the banks and in the eddies of still water, produces the celebrated red buckshot land. Material washed from the bluffs of argillaceous shell marl, near the confines of Jefferson and Pulaski counties, is deposited again farther down the stream as a fine silt, imparting, like the red silt, extraordinary fertilizing properties to the soil. 290 TRANSPORTATION AND REDEPOSITION OF ROCK DEBRIS which the glacier formed, was pushed and dragged along by the onward movement of the ice, which in extreme cases may have exerted a pressure of 200,000 pounds to the square foot. On the final retreat of the glacier, this was left in the form of a compact structureless mass of almost stony hardness, commonly known as till or ground moraine, Materials falling upon the surface from greater heights were likewise transported, so long as the ice sheet continued to advance, and finally deposited in the form of terminal or frontal moraines. Inasmuch as the ice sheet was almost continually melting upon its surface, it is practically impossible to consider its action wholly independent of that of water also. Thus, streams resulting from such melting would gradually wear channels in the ice, as on the land. In these channels would accumulate sand and boulders of such size and weight as to resist the current, and such accumulations would, on the final melting of the sheet, be deposited on the surface of the ground in the form of ridges known as eskers, or osars. Other forms of water action on the materials of the ice sheet, are hillocks of stratified sand and gravel deposited near the terminal mo- raines, and known as kames. Since during the advancing of this ice sheet existing rivers flowing eastward must have been dammed, we can safely imagine the formation of large tempo- rary lakes, on the bottom of which would be deposited the glacial silt, like the so-called loess of the Mississippi valley. Lake Agassiz, a glacial lake of this type, is supposed to have occupied an area of more than 100,000 square miles in north- western Minnesota, northeastern Dakota, and a considerable portion of Manitoba. On the bottom of this lake there was deposited during the comparatively brief time of its existence, silt to a depth as yet undetermined, but known to be at least 100 feet. 1 Waters issuing from the melting ice sheet tend to reassert the material of the terminal moraine, redepositing it in approxi- mately concentric zones beyond its margin. These deposits are naturally thicker and coarser near the moraine and thinner and finer at increasing distances. Their form and mode of occurrence is such as to have suggested for them the name of glacio-fluvial aprons, or frontal aprons. Their materials are nearly always loose sands and gravels, the lithological nature 1 Ice Age in North America, by G. F. Wright, p. 355. ACTION OF WATER AND ICE 291 of the individual particles being of course dependent upon that of the moraines from which they are derived. The effects upon the landscapes of this ice sheet have been lasting and peculiar. We may safely imagine that, before the ice invasion, the surface was covered with decayed and softened materials like the residual soils of our Southern states, and which had been cut up into valleys and intervening ridges by the stream of that time. The ice sheet stripped from these surfaces their mantle of decomposed materials, and in addi- tion cut, in many cases, into the fresh rock, actually planing the entire country so deeply that in most cases the preglacial surface is no longer recognizable. The hills were thus lowered and the valleys in some cases deepened or again filled by sand and gravel. Since a protruding rock mass would, from neces- sity, be most eroded on the side from whence the ice sheet approached, and since, moreover, such would serve to catch and hold back a part of the loose earth and stony matter brought from the north, a peculiar feature in the topography of glaciated hills has been brought about as shown in Fig. 2, PI. 25. The direction taken by this drift material was quite variable. It was, as a rule, from the north toward the south, with many minor deflections. Boulders of Laurentian rocks north of Lake Huron are abundant in the drift about Oberlin, Ohio, and even further south. Boulders of native copper from the Lake Supe- rior region are found even as far south as Kankakee, Illinois, and a large boulder of a peculiar conglomerate known in place only near Ontario, has been found a few miles south of the Ohio River in Kentucky. Dawson states " that boulders from the Laurentian axis of the continent, which stretches from Lake Superior northward to the west of Hudson Bay, have been transported westward a distance of 700 miles, and left upon the flanks of the Rocky Mountains at an elevation of something over 4000 feet." 1 All over the states once occupied by this ice sheet the ma- terial originating from the decomposition of rocks in situ, or deposited on alluvial plains, was, with a few minor exceptions, carried away to the southward and in part dumped into the Atlantic, while its place was supplied by mongrel hordes from the north. In process of digging for the foundations of the 1 Ice Age in North America, p. 171. 292 TRANSPORTATION AND REDEPOSITION OF ROCK DEBRIS Maine Experiment Station at Orono, the fresh and highly polished slaty rock was found but a few feet below the sur- face, proving incontestably that, with the exception of the small amount of organic matter that had since been added, not an ounce of the soil was truly native, but all of foreign birth, and a mongrel creature of compulsory migration. We shall dwell more fully upon the character and distribution of these soils later. The single illustration above given will answer present purposes. In a less degree the ice along the shores of lakes and rivers may exert a transporting influence. Thus the ice first formed along the shores encloses sundry pebbles, boulders, and sand. Through the expansion force of the freezing water as the entire surface becomes frozen over, this shore ice, together with its enclosures, may be pushed up some distance beyond the water line, where the included debris is deposited on melting. Or, on the breaking up of the ice in the spring, the shore ice may be drifted to other parts of the lake, or down the stream, per- haps for miles before melting sufficiently to cause it to deposit its load. (3) Action of Wind. 1 While abrasion by the wind is im- possible without transportation, the converse is by no means true ; indeed it is as an agent of transportation for rock detri- tus, without appreciable abrasion, that the wind accomplishes its greatest work, though in like manner this phase is most manifest in arid regions. It is stated by Darwin that for several months of the year large quantities of dust are blown from the northwestern shores of Africa into the Atlantic over a space some 1600 miles in width and for a distance of from 300 to 600 and even 1000 miles from the coast. During a stay of three weeks at St. Jago in the Cape Verde Archipelago, this authority found the atmos- phere almost always hazy from the extremely fine dust coming from Africa and falling upon the land and water for miles around. So abundant was this dust that a distance of between 300 and 400 miles from the coast the water was distinctly colored by it. In the arid lands of Central Asia the air is also reported as often laden with fine detritus which drifts like snow around conspicuous objects and tends to bury them in a dust 1 See article on Erosion performed by the Wind, by Professor J. A. Udden, Journal of Geology, Vol. II, 1894, p. 318. ACTION OF WIND 293 drift. Even when there is no apparent wind, the air is described as often thick with fine dust, and a yellow sediment covers everything. In Khotan this dust sometimes so obscures the sun that even at midday one cannot see to read fine print with- out the aid of a lamp. The tales of the overwhelming of trav- ellers and entire caravans by sand storms in the Great Desert of Sahara are familiar to every schoolboy. Greatly exagger- ated though these may be, the accounts of Layard and of Loftus show us that the sand storms which are of frequent occurrence during the early part of summer throughout Meso- potamia, Babylonia, and Susiana are by no means of insignifi- cant proportions. Layard states that during the progress of the excavations at Nimrud, whirlwinds of short duration but almost inconceivable violence would suddenly arise and sweep across the face of the country, carrying along with them clouds of dust and sand. Almost utter darkness prevailed during their passage, and nothing could resist their force ; the Arabs would cease their work and crouch in the trenches almost suf- focated and blinded by the dense cloud of fine dust and sand which nothing could exclude. The accounts of Loftus are equally impressive. Describing their departure from Warka to Sinkara, he says: "A furious squall arose from the southeast and completely enveloped us in a tornado of sand, rendering it impossible to see within a few paces. Tellig and his camels were as invisible as though they were miles distant. A continuous stream of the finest sand drove directly in our faces, filling the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth with its penetrating particles, drying up the moisture of the tongue, and choking the action of the lungs." With such descriptions before one it is not difficult to believe that these ruined cities have in the course of centuries been completely hidden and their sites obscured by mounds of wind-drifted sand and dust. We need not, however, confine ourselves wholly to the Old World for illustrations. Not longer ago than May of 1889 a dry southwesterly wind which for several days had prevailed in various parts of the Northwest, particularly in Dakota, cul- minated in a storm peculiarly suggestive from a geological standpoint. It is stated 1 that during the prevalence of this wind, on the 6th and 7th of the month mentioned, the air be- 1 American Geologist, June, 1889, p. 398. 294 TRANSPORTATION AND REDEFOSITION OF ROCK DEBRIS came filled with flying particles caught up from the ploughed fields, fire-blackened prairies, public roads, and sandy plains. The particles formed dense clouds and rendered it as impos- sible to withstand the blast as it is to resist the blizzard which carries snow in winter over the same region. The soil to a depth of 4 or 5 inches in some places was torn up and scattered in all directions. Drifts of sand were formed in favorable places, several feet deep, packed precisely as snow- drifts are packed by a blizzard. It seemed as if there were great sheets of dust and dirt blown recklessly in mid air, and when the wind died down for a few moments, the dirt, fine and white, appeared to lie in layers in the atmosphere, clouding the sun and hiding it entirely from sight for an hour or more at a time. (See also on p. 184.) Over the wide, dry, and bare flat-topped terraces of the upper Madison valley the wind sweeps in a strong steady current for days together, or during the heated portion of the year, when the sun pours from a cloudless sky its hottest rays upon the parched soil, starts up spasmodically here and there in the form of small whirlwinds made visible by the dust they carry, and which wander spectre-like across the plain to noiselessly disappear in the distant mid air. Dust columns of this nature are common in all arid regions, and doubtless have been observed by the many who have crossed the Humboldt desert in Nevada. Seated comfortably in a Pullman car on the Union Pacific, one may not infrequently see at a single view not less than a half dozen of these geologi- cal spectres, each in the distance doing its apportioned task and silently disappearing, laying down its load of sand as its strength gives out and leaving it for its successor. 1 Under proper conditions such of these wind-blown sands as are too heavy to be carried into the air as dust accumulate upon the surface in the form of drifts, or dunes, all lying with their longer axes approximately at right angles with the pre- vailing currents. Excepting during periods of calm, such are in a state of almost constant, though it may be imperceptible, motion, ever changing their shapes and moving onward like long parallel drifts of snow. The rate of motion of a dune 1 Professor J. A. Udden estimates that the dust in a cubic mile of lower air during a dry storm weighs not less than 225 tons, while in severe storms it may reach 126,000 tons (Popular Science Monthly, September, 1886) . ACTION OF WIND 295 from necessity is governed by the strength and constancy of the winds, and the fineness and dryness of the sand. Urged into temporary activity, each little grain goes scurrying up the slope, across the crest, and tumbles to rest in the steeper declivity upon the leeward side, to be slowly buried by those which follow. This is the sum total of the movement taking place in the march of a dune, whatever its pace and however great its bulk. Yet in this very faculty of moving itself for- ward by but a ten billionth part of its bulk at a time lies the whole secret of its power. Silently, imperceptibly it may be except when measured by months and perhaps years of time, retarded by no walls nor ordinary declivities, it relentlessly performs its task. 1 A writer in one of the recent popular magazines estimates the dunes of Hatteras and Henlopen as in some cases upwards of 70 feet in height and moving at least 50 feet a year. Swamps have thus been filled, forests and houses buried, and it is stated that but a few years can elapse before the entire island lying north of Cape Hatteras will be rendered uninhabitable. The sand dunes on the coast of Prussia commenced not over a century ago, and already fields and villages have been buried and valuable forests laid waste by them. In one instance a tall pine forest covering many hundred acres was destroyed during the brief period intervening between 1804 and 1827. Loftus, writing of Niliyga, an old Arab town a few miles east of the ruins of Babylon, says that in 1848 the sand began to accumulate about it, and in six years the desert within a radius of six miles was covered with little undulating domes, while the ruins of the city were so buried that it is now impossible to trace their original form and extent. A still more striking illustration of the rapidity of these sand accumulations is offered by the same authority in describing the burial customs of some of these ancient people, it being stated that the earthen coffins were merely stacked in layers one on top of another, and left thus to be covered by the finer sand sifted over them by the winds from the desert. Even Nineveh, founded some twenty centuries before Christ and destroyed 1400 years later, became so covered by drifted sands that at the time of the Greek Xenophon (about 400 B.C.) the very site of the once famous i The Wind as a Factor in Geology, Engineering Magazine, 1892, p. 596. 296 TRANSPORTATION AND REDEPOSITION OF ROCK DEBRIS city was unknown. Marsh 1 gives the rate of movement of dunes along the western coast of Jutland and Schleswig-Holstein as averaging 13 J feet a year, while Anderson estimates the aver- age depth of the sand over the entire area as about 30 feet, equalling therefore about 1| cubic miles for the total quantity. It is not in all cases possible to trace the drifted sands to their various sources. Dunes along the sea-coasts are in nearly all cases composed of materials thrown up by the waves on the beaches in the immediate vicinity. This is the case with those of Hatteras, Cape Cod, Gascony, Algeria, and Schleswig- Holstein. But the origin of the large inland dunes, like those of Nevada, is not always so clear. It has been suggested that these last are formed of beach sand driven in by the prevail- ing westerly winds from the Pacific coast. This is, however, a matter of very grave doubt, and it seems more probable, as stated by geologist Russell, 2 that they were derived from the disintegrating granites of the Sierras. They certainly have travelled far, and are not a product of disintegration of rocks in the immediate vicinity. 3 By wind action, accompanied by the carrying power of spas- modic or perennial streams, were formed the wide stretches of adobe in the western United States, and according to many authorities the deposits of loess which cover, as in Europe and Asia, areas aggregating many square miles and which have a depth, in extreme cases, of 2000 feet. 4 The tendency of the wind is not, however, in all cases toward 1 The Earth as modified by Human Action, p. 562. 2 Quaternary History of Lake Lahonton, Nevada, Monograph, U. S. Geol. Survey, 1885. 3 The sands covering the Egyptian Sphinx and Pyramids are stated to have come mainly from the sea on the north, and not from the desert, as is popularly supposed. Sand showers having their origin in the desert of Sahara extend across the Mediterranean, and as far as northern Italy (Nature, July 18, 1889, p. 286). 4 The wind plays an important part in the transportation of soils in Wyoming, owing to the incoherent state of the soils, due to the lack of clay. The arid regions of this state, which are chiefly Tertiary and Cretaceous plains and table- lands, receive very little rain. Consequently the soils become loosened by great earth cracks, and during the dry and windy winter weather are transported in dense clouds, which almost suffocate travellers, to the broken country and dis- tant hills and mountains. In a single season it is not an uncommon sight to see banks of earth, like huge banks of snow, behind a reef of rock, or in the lee of large bunches of sage brushes (U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations, Vol. V, No. 6, 1894, p. 567). ACTION OF WIND 297 forming drifts and ridges, but at times rather to reduce the land to one general level. Thus J. Flinders Petrie l states that near the ancient cemetery of Tell Nebesheh, on the Isthmus of Suez, the surface of the country has been cut down at the rate of 4 inches a century until some 8 feet have been removed from the dry areas and deposited in the intervening depressions, slowly converting the existing lakes into marshes, and the marshes into dry land. An even more rapid change of con- tours is that described by Dwight 2 as having taken place on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The entire country here is com- posed of sand so susceptible to the drifting action of the wind that it has for years been the custom of the people to sow pines and coarse beach grass to hold it in place. In the instance described by Dwight, however, reckless pasturage had so far destroyed the grass as to lessen its protecting power, and under the strong breezes from the open Atlantic it began to drift rapidly. Over an area of about 1000 acres the sand was blown away to a depth, in many places, of 10 feet. " Nothing," says Dwight, " could exceed the dreariness of this scene. Not a living creature was visible; not a house, nor even a green thing except the whortleberries which tufted a few lonely hillocks rising to the height of the original surface, and prevented by this defence from being blown away also. The impression made by this landscape cannot be realized without experience. It was a compound of wildness, gloom, and solitude. I felt myself transported to the borders of Nubia, and was well prepared to meet the sand columns so forcibly described by Bruce, and after him by Darwin. A troup of Bedouins would have finished the picture, banished every thought of my own country, and set us down in an African waste." One more instance of contour changes of this sort must suffice.. It is stated 3 that in Pipestone and Rock counties in Minnesota, the bluffs facing to the westward are, as a rule, more precipi- tous and more rocky than those facing in the opposite direc- tion. This fact is regarded by Professor Winchell as due to the action of the prevailing westerly winds, combined with the drying effects of the southwestern sun in summer. Such winds would uncover and keep bare the coarser materials of 1 Proc. Royal Geographic Soc., November, 1889, p. 648. 2 Travels in New England and New York, Vol. Ill, p. 101. 3 Geol. of Minnesota, Vol. I, p. 575. 298 TRANSPORTATION AND REDEPOSITION OF ROCK DEBRIS the western surface by blowing away the sand and clay, while the bluffs on the east are not only protected from the winds, but collect upon their slopes all the flying particles from the prairies above. The finely comminuted rock dust blown from volcanic vents is often drifted for long distances by atmospheric currents, and ultimately deposited in beds of no insignificant proportions. Dense clouds of such dust were blown from Icelandic volcanoes to the coast of Norway in 1875, and subsequent to the eruption of Krakatoa (in 1883) the ship Beacomfield of Philadelphia, while at a distance of 831 miles from the source, sailed for three days through clouds of dust which fell upon her decks at the rate of an inch an hour. That such are not or have not in the past been unusual instances is shown by results obtained by the Challenger Expedition, volcanic ashes and sand being repeatedly dredged up from almost abysmal depths at points in the central Pacific far remote from land areas. The day following the explosive eruption of St. Vincent, in 1812, the Barbadoes Island, 80 miles to the windward, was completely shrouded in darkness for many hours, the light of the sun being almost wholly obscured by the cloud of impalpable dust which in the form of a slow, silent rain fell over the whole island. u The trade wind had fallen dead; the everlasting roar of the surf was gone; and the only noise was the crushing of the branches snapped by the weight of the clammy dust. About one o'clock the veil began to lift, a lurid sunlight stared in from the horizon, but all was black overhead. Gradually the dust cloud drifted away; the island saw the sun once more, and saw itself inches deep in black, and in this case fertiliz- ing, dust." J 1 Kingsley, as quoted by Belt, in The Naturalist in Nicaragua, p. 354. PART V THE RBGOLITH THROUGHOUT the millions of years which have elapsed since the earth assumed its present form and essentially solid con- dition, the rocks composing its more superficial portions have been constantly undergoing degeneration in the manner de- scribed, and, in so doing, have given rise to the immense masses of materials which constitute the thousands of feet of secon- dary rocks, and the still unconsolidated sands, gravels, and other products which will be considered in detail later. With those products which have undergone lithification, which are now in the state of consolidation commonly ascribed to rocks by the popular mind, we shall have little more to say. These have already been sufficiently described as rocks in Part II of this work. It is to the most superficial and unconsolidated portion of the earth's crust that we will now devote our attention. Let the reader for a moment picture to himself the present condition of this crust, with particular reference to the land areas. Everywhere, with the exception of the comparatively limited portions laid bare by ice or stream erosion, or on the steepest mountain slopes, the underlying rocks are covered by an incoherent mass of varying thickness composed of materials essentially the same as those which make up the rocks them- selves, but in greatly varying conditions of mechanical aggrega- tion and chemical combination. In places this covering is made up of material originating through rock-weathering or plant growth in situ. In other instances it is of fragmental and more or less decomposed mat- ter drifted by wind, water, or ice from other sources. This entire mantle of unconsolidated material, whatever its nature or origin, it is proposed to call the regolith, from the Greek words /07?709, meaning a blanket, and Xt#o9, a stone. Within 299 300 THE REGOLITH certain limits it varies widely in composition and structure, and many names have, on one ground and another, been applied to its local phases, the more important of which are given in tabu- lar form below, and described in detail in the pages following. According to its origin, whether the product of transporting agencies as noted above, or derived from the degeneration of rocks in situ, the regolith is found lying upon a rocky floor of little changed material, or becomes less and less decomposed from the surface downward until it passes by imperceptible gradations into solid rock. The regolith Sedentary f Residual deposits [Cumulose deposits Transported f Residuary gravels, sands and clays, I wacke, laterite, terra rossa, etc. Peat, muck, and swamp soils, in part. f Talus and cliff debris, material of Colluvial deposits { avalanches . Alluvial deposits ( Modern alluvium, marsh and swamp (including aqueo- -I (paludal) deposits, the Champlain glacial) ( clays, loess, and adobe, in part. f Wind-blown material, sand dunes, JEokan deposits { adobe and loesg) in part> f Morainal material, drumlins, es- Glacial deposits { kers , osars , e tc. The extreme upper, most superficial portion of this regolith, that which affords food and foothold for plant life, is commonly designated as soil; that immediately underlying the soil, and passing into it by insensible gradations, is known as the sub-soil. This last differs from the soil proper only in degree of compact- ness and in such chemical changes as may have been induced in the soil through growing organisms and more extensive weathering. Indeed, the soil is but derived from the sub-soil, and were it entirely removed, would shortly be replaced through the same agencies as first gave it birth. The characteristics of individual soils can be best discussed when speaking of those local phases of the regolith of which they form a part, and with this understanding we will proceed. 1. SEDENTARY MATERIALS Here are to be considered those deposits which, resulting from chemical decomposition or disintegration, from any or all of the processes involved in rock-weathering, or from organic SEDENTARY MATERIALS 301 accumulation, are found to-day occupying their original sites. They are, in fact, the primeval types of nearly all soils and sec- ondary rocks, since those of drift origin are but derived from sedentary materials through the transporting agencies of air and water. They may be conveniently divided into two classes, (1) residual 1 and (2) cumulose. (1) Residuary Deposits. Under this name, then, are included all those prod- ucts of rock degeneration which are to-day found oc- cupying the sites of the rock masses from which they were derived, and im- mediately overlying such portions as have as yet escaped destruction. The name is peculiarly appro- FIG. 26. Showing angular outlines of residuary priate, since thev are actu- Particles from decomposed gneiss. 1, mica ; * . , , J c . , , . , 2, feldspar; 3, quartz. ally residues, left behind while the more soluble portions have been leached away by meteoric waters. The residual deposits of North America reach their maximum development in the portion of the United States east of the Mississippi and south of the southern margin of the ice sheet of the Glacial epoch. Their mode of accumulation and gen- eral characteristics have been very thoroughly discussed by Professors I. C. Russell, Chamberlain, and Salisbury, 2 on whose papers we shall draw for some of the facts given here. 1 Various names have from time to time been proposed for deposits of this nature, but obviously it is impossible to include under a single lithological term materials so widely variable. The term saprolite (from the Greek crairpos, rotten, recently suggested by G. F. Becker, 16th Ann. Rep. II. S. Geol. Survey, Part III, p. 289) is objectionable as conveying the idea of putridity. The old provincial term geest adopted by De Luc, and recently endorsed by McGee (llth Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Survey, 1889-90, p. 279), has lost whatever precise meaning it may have had, being defined in both the Standard and Century dictionaries as (1) a bed derived from rock decay in situ, (2) high gravelly land, and (3) gravel or drift. The term gruss, although advocated by some American authorities, is of old German origin and open to the same objection. 2 Bull. 52, U. S. Geol. Survey and Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Survey, 1884-85. 302 THE REGOLITH The prevailing characteristic of an old residual deposit, from whatever rock it may be derived, is a ferruginous clay. Exam- ined by a microscope, its mineral particles, when not too thor- oughly decomposed, are found to be sharply angular in outline. With the exception of the quartz, the various mineral constitu- ents are often in an advanced stage of decay, and the more soluble constituents are wholly or partially lacking, having been leached out, in the manner already described. Owing to the prevalence of the aluminous constituents, these deposits, when thoroughly decomposed, as on the immediate sur- face, are very tenacious, and may well be termed clays. Their colors are dull, or some shade of brown or red, owing to the higher oxidation and perhaps dehydration of the ferruginous matter set free by the decomposition of the iron-bearing sili- cate constituents. Such in general are the residual soils of the southern Appalachian regions of the United States and which are apparently in every way comparable with the terra rossa of Europe, but only in a slight degree with the laterite of India, to which they have often unfortunately been referred. 1 From a chemical standpoint the soils forming the upper portion of the residuary deposits, though of a prevailing aluminous character, vary widely from the rock masses from whence they were de- rived, much depending upon their age and the amount of actual decomposition and leaching that has taken place. On p. 306 are given a few typical but widely varying analyses which will serve to illustrate this point. Deposits of this nature are never truly stratified, excepting where, through having remained wholly undisturbed, they re- tain the original structure of the parent rock. (See under Effacement of Original Characteristics, p. 262.) The residuary differ from the drift deposits in that they con- tain no materials foreign to their vicinity, but only such more enduring matter as has been handed down to them from the 1 The term terra rossa, according to Neumayer (Erdgeschichte, Vol. I, p. 405) was first applied to the red residual deposits in the Karst maritime lands of the Adriatic Sea. The material is described as a highly ferruginous clay resulting from the leaching out, by meteoric waters, of the soluble portions of the prevailing limestones. Its distribution is by no means limited to the mari- time provinces of the Karst, but it is found also on the Grecian coasts and in the Schwabia-Frankonia Jura Plateaus of Bavaria. In fact it is to be found any- where in these regions where the prevailing country rock is a marine limestone and erosion not sufficiently active to remove the residuary material. RESIDUARY DEPOSITS 303 parent rock. In the case of limestones such matter consists mainly of aluminous and ferruginous matter, grains of sand, and nodular masses of chert which existed as mechanically admixed impurities. The inherited characteristics of deposits of this nature may be illustrated by the accompanying exaggerated section across central Kentucky where, it is easy to see, the regolithic mate- rial overlying the Lower Silurian and Cambrian limestones may FIG. 27. contain a portion of all the insoluble residues from the hundreds of feet of Upper Silurian, Devonian, Lower and Upper Carbonif- erous beds which formerly stretched above them. Upon the nature of this inheritance must depend the adaptability of the regolith to soil purposes and its consequent fertility. The transition from a regolith of this type to fresh rock is usually quite sharp, owing to the fact that limestones decompose mainly through solution from the immediate surface. Never- theless there is a gradual change in the character of such a deposit from above downwards, owing to the oxidizing influence of the air and percolating waters. (See p. 307.) As above noted, the mineral particles in the older residuary deposits are, with the exception of the quartz, found to be as a rule in a state of advanced decomposition. Nevertheless the ultimate individual constituents of even the darkest clays of the driftless regions of Wisconsin, as examined by Messrs. Chamber- lain and Salisbury, are transparent, although stained by iron oxides. Concerning the physical properties of limestone residues as occurring in this driftless area, the following statements are made by Messrs. Chamberlain and Salisbury. " Above, the clay graduates into soil which, outside the valleys, is uniformly shallow. Beneath the soil, the clay loses the dark color of the latter, due to the presence of organic matter, but is for a certain distance downward not unlike the superior portion in texture. The deeper lying clay, where limestone is the subjacent rock, is the most characteristic member of the residuary earth series. 304 THE REGOLITH It is not like that above, structureless, although, like that, it is without trace of stratification. It generally shows a tendency to cleave, breaking up into little pieces which are roughly cubical. This is often conspicuous, and especially so on the faces of sections which are thor- oughly dry. In such sit- uations large quantities of the clay in small angu- lar blocks may be removed by slight friction. The size of the cuboids varies, within somewhat narrow limits, from a small frac- tion of an inch to one or two inches in diameter. This cleavage is probably a phenomenon of shrink- age due to drying, as it partially disappears when ^ ne clay becomes wet. ^^ structure hag giyen joint ' clay, an appellation not alto- FIG. 28. Showing angular character of quartz particles in decomposed gneiss. rise to the local name of gether inappropriate. " Upon drying, this variety becomes very hard and rock-like. It only becomes adapted to serve as soil by surface amelioration, as is shown by the fact that, from the thousands of mineral holes scattered over the southern part of the mining district, the material ejected still lies beside the excavations as heaps of clay, without covering of vegetation, although it has been exposed in most cases for many years. Notwithstanding this fact, the clay, even in its deepest parts, wherever examined, is found to abound in minute perforations. These, in many cases at least, indicate the penetration of rootlets, for the rootlets themselves may sometimes be found. In some cases, too, the perforations have been seen to undergo a gradual variation in size, and to branch now and then, much as rootlets do. On the other hand, it is probable that some of the perforations have had a different origin, for in one case a small insect was found in one of the little canal-ways. The clay is exceedingly tenacious, and hence the perforations, once formed, would endure for long periods of time. RESIDUARY DEPOSITS 305 " Another characteristic of certain portions of the clay is its power of retaining moisture. It can rarely be found, even in the driest season, unless exposed to the direct rays of the sun, without visible moisture a few inches from the surface. The regions where it is present are conspicuously less affected by drought than adjacent localities where it is wanting. For this reason it is a valuable sub-soil. u Fragments of residuary rock are not uncommon in the deeper portions of this earth. Of these, chert fragments are most abundant, and occur scattered sparingly throughout the clay or sometimes arranged in more or less distinct layers in it. Even where they appear to be entirely wanting, the microscope often reveals minute flakes scattered sparsely throughout the clay. The larger pieces are more numerous near the basal portion of the clay than higher up. " It is natural to suppose that the residuary earths derived from the decomposition of limestone would differ very notably from those which take their origin from sandstones or from shales or mixed crystalline rocks. Yet the difference is far less than might be anticipated. There usually overlies the sandstone strata a loamy earth not very far removed in char- acter from that which mantles limestones. It is somewhat more sandy, and consequently less cohesive, and presents the opposite variations in vertical sections, becoming less cohesive below, instead of more so. In the limestone region the tough- est clay lies next to the rock. In the sandstone regions the soil graduates below into sand. The difference is most con- spicuous where the mantle has been washed and redeposited and mingled with mechanically derived sand and secondary products, as occurs in some of the valleys." 1 The following analyses, in part from this same report, will answer, in connection with those already given, to show the prevailing type of the residuary deposits throughout widely separated areas. It will be noted that silica exceeds as a rule all other constituents, while alumina, iron oxides, and moisture make up the main bulk of the residue. This generalization holds good of nearly all sedentary soils, whatever the character of the rocks from which they were derived, and is the more pronounced the more advanced the decomposition. 1 6th Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Survey, 1884-85, pp. 240-242. x 306 THE REGOLITH I-H t- OS CO CO O CM l>- O CO O I-H O -^ t-^ t- . O O O O O CO CO 00 1 a r*- 1 CO t* lO . CO CO Oi CO QO ^H i-H dco" CM "o" 'coooo't^cM ^ .-H rH CM CM !> O O iO tr- CM CO I-H -^ rH CO OO 00 OCM CO I I I O rH O C4 OS iO C^ A .s COCO'^COCO'^tlCOCMCMCOOCMOSOS CX) I-H O O OS rH ^ O CM OS CO CO t^- CO O CO >- COi-H(MCMOOOSI>-OOOS'H^COCO oscdt^oddo'ddoo'dod ^ ^ss^^sss^ssg^s rHCMOoddoddcM'i-H-Hido e Q ^ ^IIIs f :;:::?: O^^aj^.2 O Cx 3 1 V-/ !J ! 3 S ^ ' s-^ ' rrt / T^ 2) 30.728% [ 2.728 j I 6.802 6.848% 5.783 46.279 0.742 0.090 37.576% I 52.802 6.892 Alumina (AloOs) Iron sesquioxide (I^Os) Lime (CaO) Magnesia (MgO) Alkalies \Vater and loss 40.258 59.742 100.00 % 100.00% " The surface of the country composed of the more solid forms of laterite is usually very barren, the trees and shrubs growing upon it being thinly scattered and of small size. This infertility is due, in great part, to the rock being so porous that all the water sinks into it, and sufficient moisture is not retained to support vegetation. The result is that laterite plateaux are usually bare of soil, and frequently almost bare of vegetation." 1 Wacke is an old German name now but little used, designat- ing the gray, brown to black earthy residue or clay resulting from the decomposition in place of basic eruptive rocks, as 1 Manual of the Geology of India, by R. D. Oldham, 2d ed., 1893, pp. 369-390. 312 THE REGOLITH basalt, melaphyr, etc. In composition the material naturally varies with the character of the rock from which it was derived, and the amount of decomposition and leaching it may have undergone. It seems advisable to call attention here, a little more emphati- cally, to the fact that the same processes which in ages past have been instrumental in the formation of sandstones, shales, slates, or marls are to-day, and have in late Tertiary and in Quaternary times, given us soils; in other words, many of our soils are but secondary rocks in a state of loose consolidation, and many of the accumulations classed as residual were de- rived by disintegration, in situ, of alluvial materials ; materials brought down years ago and deposited in shallow seas. The amount of consolidation undergone by the more recent of these sediments has in many instances been so slight that on elevation above the water level they are ready almost at once to assume the role of soil with little if any preparatory disintegration. Nevertheless consistency demands that .such be here grouped as residuary. Over what is known as the coastal plain of the middle Atlan- tic slope, a narrow belt bordering on the Atlantic and extending from the Hudson River on the north to the Roanoke on the south, have been deposited in late Mesozoic and Tertiary times a series of gravels, sands, and clays which constitute the well- known Potomac, Appomattox, and Columbian formations of Darton, McGee, and others. These are all detrital deposits from the eastern Appalachian regions, brought down by streams and deposited in the shallow estuaries and deltas of these periods, but which have remained in a condition of slight con- solidation, and through subsequent elevation and weathering form the soils. Such vary widely and abruptly. In the region northeast of Washington, the Potomac formation consists of feldspathic sands, gravels, and clays irregularly bedded and often enclosing notable accumulations of rounded pebbles of quartzite brought down from the Appalachian and Piedmont regions. The Appomattox formation, from which was derived surface soil in the vicinity of the Rappahannock and Appomat- tox in Virginia, is a yellowish or orange-colored clay and sand with sometimes interbedded gravel. The Columbian formation, which yields the surface soil of the main portion of Washington City and the immediate valley of the Potomac and contributary CUMULOSE DEPOSITS 313 streams southward, is a delta and littoral deposit made up of materials worked over from the older Potomac and Lafayette formations and also of granitic sands and clays from the decom- posed rocks of the Piedmont plateau. The clays of the Potomac formation above mentioned are not infrequently sufficiently homogeneous and plastic to be utilized in the manufacture of brick, tiles, and pottery. The following table shows the finely comminuted condition of the materials which go to make up these clays in Maryland, as determined by Whitney. 1 DIAMETER MM. CONVENTIONAL NAMES EED CLAY, TILE EED CLAY, PUDDLING BLUE CLAY, STONEWARE 2-1 Fine gravel ... 0.00 % 0.31 % 0.00 % 1-5 Coarse sand 0.00 0.82 0.00 .5-.25 Medium sajnd 0.50 2.69 0.29 .25-.! Fine sand 2.63 3.23 1.27 1-05 Very fine sand . 962 889 8.93 .05-.01 Silt 25.13 26.17 20.16 01- 005 Fine silt 13.44 11.18 16.72 .005-.0001 Clay 42.34 42.36 50.02 Total 93.76 % 95.65 % 97.39 % Organic matter, water loss . . 6.24 4.35 2.61 (2) Cumulose Deposits. To be classed with the sedentary deposits, in that they result from the gradual accumulation of material in situ, but differing radically in both composition and origin from those just described, are those portions of the rego- lith which result from the gradual accumulation of organic matter with only small amounts of foreign detritus ; which are made up almost wholly of the combined accumulations, organic and inorganic, of growing plants. Such may not infrequently be found in all stages of formation, in enclosed ponds or lakes, without appreciable inlet or outlet, being merely due to stand- ing water in low places. " Such pools, when not exposed to periodical drying up, are invaded by a peculiar vegetation, first mostly composed of confervse, simple thread-like plants of vari- ous color and of prodigious activity of growth, mixed with a mass of infusoria, animalcules, and microscopic plants, which, . 4, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1892. 314 THE KEGOLITH partly decomposed, partly containing the floating vegetation, soon fill the basins and cover the bottom with a coating of clay-like mould. So rapid is the work of these minute beings, that in some cases from 6 to 10 inches of this mud is deposited in one year. Some artificial basins in the large ornamental parks of Europe have to be cleaned of such muddy deposits of floating plants, mixed with small shells, every three or four years. " When left undisturbed, this mud becomes gradually thick and solid ; in some cases, of great thickness ; affording a kind of soil for marsh plants, which root at the bottom of the basins or swamps and send off their stems and leaves to the surface of the water or above it ; where their substance becomes in the sunshine hard and woody. " As these plants periodically decay, their remains of course drop to the bottom of the water ; and each year the process is repeated, with a more or less marked variation in the species of the plants. After a time the basins become filled by these successive accumulations of years or even centuries, and the top surface of the decayed matter, being exposed to atmospheric action, is transformed into humus and is gradually covered by other kinds of plants, making meadows and forests. In other cases when basins of stagnant water are too deep for vegetation FIG. 30. Section across a small lake, a, bed rock ; 66, drift ; cc, growing peat ; dd, decaying peat ; ee, climbing bog. of aquatic plants, nature attains the same result by a different special process ; namely, by the prolonged vegetation of certain kinds of floating mosses, especially the species known as sphagna. These grow with prodigious speed, and expanding their branches in every direction over the surface of ponds or small lakes, soon cover it entirely. They thus form a thin floating carpet, which as it gradually increases in thickness serves as a solid soil for another kind of vegetation, that of the rushes, the sedges, and some kinds of grasses, which grow abundantly mixed with the mosses, and which by their water-absorbing structure furnish CUMULOSE DEPOSITS 315 a persistent humidity sufficient for the preservation of their remains against aerial decay. The floating carpet of moss be- comes still more solid, and is then overspread by many species of larger swamp plants, and small arborescent shrubs, especially those of the heath family ; and so, in the lapse of years, by the continual vegetation of the mosses, which is never interrupted, and by the yearly deposits of plant remains, the carpet at last becomes strong enough to support trees, and is changed into a floating forest, until, becoming too heavy, it either breaks and sinks suddenly to the bottom of the basin, or is slowly and grad- ually lowered into it and covered with water." 1 It is to such processes that are due, in large part, the inland swamp soils of many localities. Beginning at and near the shore and upon a soil of wet sand, the organic matter has accu- mulated year by year till now several feet in thickness and in some cases covering miles of territory. The proportion of or- ganic matter in such a deposit naturally increases from the shore outward until in the upper and central layers it may comprise 90 % of the total weight. This feature is well brought out in the following analyses of material from an open ground prairie swamp in Carteret County, North Carolina. CONSTITUENTS I II Silica (insoluble) (Si02) 80.84% 1.62% Silica (soluble) (SiO ) 3.70 0.00 Alumina (A^Os) . . ... 2.69 0.39 Oxide of iron (Fe20s) . 1.18 0.15 Lime (CaO) 0.44 0.36 Magnesia (MgO) 0.22 0.14 Potash (K 2 0) 0.07 0.06 Soda CNa.O) . 0.02 0.13 Phosphoric acid (P^Og) 0.08 0.06 Sulphuric acid (SOg) . ... 0.06 0.00 Chlorine (Cl) Trace 0.02 Organic matter (C) . 7.70 87.25 Water (H 2 O) 2.50 9.60 Column I of the above is from the margin the oak fringe of this great swamp, near North River, about 8 miles north of 1 Geol. Survey of Pennsylvania, 1885, p. 106. 316 THE REGOLITH Beaufort ; it is light gray to ash-colored with a growth of white oak, gum, maple, pine, and palmetto trees ; the situation is low and flat. " This margin belt of semi-swamp is from a half mile or less in width to above a mile. The surface rises towards the interior and is covered by a soil, if it may be called such, repre- sented by column II, which is 2 to 3 feet deep and upwards, and lies on a bed of white sea-sand. It consists of a loose open mass of half-decayed woody matter, of a brown color, and is in fact a superficial, uncompressed lignite ; for it will be observed that the analysis includes nearly 10 % of water, so that the dry sub- stance would give but 3|- % of inorganic matter, not more than would be accounted for by the ash of the woody matter. The growth is a dense thicket of spindling shrubs with small scat- tered maples and bays." 1 Wiley has described 2 deposits of a somewhat similar nature as covering 1,000,000 acres in the Kissimmee valley of Florida. These, which are of a dark brown to deep black color, contain in some cases as much as 96.16% of volatile matter, a and vary from 3 to 20 feet in depth. Such, when properly drained, may be made extremely fertile, though in periods of drought endan- gered by fire which, once started, may burn for months, doing immense damage. The partially reclaimed areas of the Great Dismal Swamp of Virginia are fair representative types of swamp soils. The formation of cumulose deposits is not, however, limited to lakes, stagnant ponds, or even to swamps as the word is ordi- narily used, excepting as the swamp itself may be incidental and consequent. Regions of poor drainage, particularly in moist and cool climates, may give rise to growths of sphagnous mosses and subsequently to plants of a higher type, which in course of years assume no insignificant proportions. In accounting for such accumulations, we have but to remem- ber that ordinarily when a plant dies, its organic constituents are returned to the atmosphere once more in a comparatively brief period of time through the usual processes of decay. It needs only such conditions of moisture as shall prevent the complete decay and hence favor the accumulation of the organic matter, to give us beds of peat and ultimately of coal. Plants of the type of sphagnous mosses, growing continuously above 1 Geology of North Carolina, Vol. I, 1875. 2 Agricultural Science, Vol. VII, No. 3, 1893, pp. 106-120. SWAMP DEPOSITS 317 and dying beneath, hold in their mass sufficient moisture to exclude atmospheric air, and thus themselves bring about the proper conditions for bog making. In virtue of this property such may gradually rise above the level of the surrounding country, as is the case with the Great Dismal Swamp of Vir- ginia and numerous others that need not be mentioned here. Instances are on record where bogs of this nature have grown so far above the natural level, that during seasons of unusual rainfall they have burst, and flooded adjacent regions, with dis- astrous results. The rate of growth of such accumulations is naturally quite variable. H. S. Gesner, as quoted by T. Rupert Jones, 1 states that in Bavarian moors the observed increase in peat, in forty-five years, amounted to from 2 to 3 feet in thick- ness ; in Oldenberg, in one hundred years, to 4 feet ; in Ham- melsmoor, Denmark, to 2J feet ; and in Alpine districts to 4 and 5 feet in from thirty to fifty years. The peat bogs, so characteristic of Ireland, Scotland, and other northern latitudes, are of this type. A section of the well-known Bog of Allen, made in county Kildare, is given below. 2 THICKNESS (1) Dark reddish brown ; mass compact ; no fibres of moss visible ; surface decomposed by atmosphere 2 feet (2) Light reddish brown ; fibres of moss very perfect 3 " (3) Pale yellowish brown ; fibres of moss very perceptible 5 " (4) Deep reddish brown ; fibres of moss perceptible 8| " (5) Blackish brown ; fibres of moss scarcely perceptible, contains numerous twigs and small branches of birch, elder, and fir . 3 " (6) Dull yellow-brown ; fibres not visible ; contains much empyreu- matic oil ; mass compact 3 " (7) Blackish brown ; mass compact ; fibres not visible ; contains much empyreumatic oil 10 " (8) Black mass, very compact ; has a strong resemblance to pitch or coal ; fracture conchoidal in all directions; lustre shining ... 4 " Total depth of bog 38 feet Underlaid by 3 feet of marl containing 64 % carbonate of lime, 4 feet of blue clay, and this in its turn by clay mixed with limestone gravel of an unknown thickness. 1 Proc. Geologists' Association, Vol. VI, No. 5, January, 1880. 2 T. Rupert Jones, Proc. of the Geologists' Association, London, Vol. VI, No. 5, January, 1880. This authority classifies the peat bogs, swamps, and marshes, as follows : I. Peat bogs and turf moors on such plateaux as flat mountain tops and wide hill moors. 318 THE REGOLITH Deposits of the cumulose type pass by all gradations into the paludal, swamp, or marsh type and these in turn into ordi- nary alluvium. Or it would perhaps be better to reverse this order, since, as in the gradual silting up of an enclosed lake, we may have, in the first stages, stratified alluvium, then when the waters become sufficiently shallowed, swamp and muck deposits, and lastly the deposits of pure organic, or cumulose material. 2. TRANSPORTED MATERIALS Because of the constant action of gravity, the well-known transporting power of water, the wind or moving ice, few re- sidual products retain for any length of time their virgin purity, but become more or less contaminated with materials from near or distant sources. The avalanches of mountain regions afford an illustration of the bodily transfer of, it may be, millions of tons of matter from the mountain slopes to be debouched into the valley below ; the slow-creeping glacier brings down its load and deposits its moraine when, succumbing to the blan- dishments of warmer climes, it is no longer able to bear it fur- ther : spasmodic winds catch up the smaller particles as clouds of dust to be transported, assorted, and redeposited as their II. Peat bogs of valleys : (1) At the heads of valleys ; (2) at the salient angles within river curves ; (3) in deserted beds of rivers ; (4) in plains and lakes of expanded valleys ; (5) special peat bogs of Denmark and the black earth of Rus- sia ; (6) river deltas ; (7) maritime peat marshes, where certain valleys and plains open to the sea. Regarding the black earth of Russia, it should be stated that this is now regarded by at least one authority (Hume, Geol. Mag., Vol. I, No. 2, 1894) as being but a local phase of the loess, the color being due to the prevalence of organic matter. Shaler (Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Survey, 1888-89), on a basis of physical char- acters, classifies the inundated lands of the United States as below : c . . ( Grass marshes. Marine marshes /Above ^ tide . . - { Mangrove marshe , IT,, . , f Mud banks. (Below mean tide . . - 1 Eel _ grass areas . /. (Terrace. River swamps . . . .{ Estuarine T , f Lake margins. Fresh-water swamps. . . >ake swamps . . . j Quaking b & ogs . f Wet woods. Upland swamps . . j Climbing bogs . vAblation swamps. COLLUVIAL DEPOSITS 319 force is spent. It is, however, through the continual transpor- tation of running streams, both in the past and present, and through the action of moving ice in ages gone, that have been brought about the great amount of transportation and admixt- ure characteristic of that part of the regolith comprised under the general name of drift. According to which of the agencies enumerated prevailed, we may subdivide our subject as folloAvs : (1) Colluvial deposits, (2) alluvial deposits, (3) seolian de- posits, and (4) glacial deposits, though as we proceed we shall find that the lines of separation are not in all cases sharply drawn, and in many an area the regolith bears impress of com- pounded agencies. (1) Colluvial Deposits. 1 Under this head it is proposed to include those heterogeneous aggregates of rock detritus com- monly designated as talus and cliff debris. The material of avalanches may also be classed here. Such result wholly from the transporting action of gravity. The deposits in themselves are comparatively limited in extent, ever varying in composition, and are composed of an indiscriminate admixture of N^ particles of all sizes, from those as fine as dust to blocks it may be of hundreds of tons' weight. Such are necessarily limited to the immediate vicinity of the cliffs or mountains from which they are derived. As loosened by heat or frost from the FIG. 31. Diagram showing the history of a talus, a, bed rock; bb, talus; c, de- stroyed portion of a cliff, the material being now in the talus. So&tearlng ponton, "talus parent masses, the fragments tumble down the slopes, gradually accumulating in beds the slope of which is limited only by the laws of gravity and the character of the debris. (See PI. 23.) Inclinations of 30 are common ; less commonly of 40. From 1 From the Latin "colluvies," a mixture. The term as here used is more restricted in its meaning than as used by Professor Ililgard. 320 THE REGOLITH their mode of origin it is natural that the individual particles should be mainly angular and comparatively fresh. In fact, they represent rock-weathering through disintegration, and not decomposition, which will come later. Below, i.e. further down the slopes and in the edges of the valleys, these coarse, illy assorted deposits pass gradually into soils ; above, they consist simply of masses of loose rock wholly unfitted for the support of vegetable life. (Fig. 31.) Through becoming sat- urated with water, ice, or snow, such at times become loosened from the steep slopes on which they lie and slide down in the form of avalanches into the valleys. Although comparatively limited in their extent, these latter, owing to the resistless energy and suddenness of their advance, are sometimes appall- ingly destructive, as has been repeatedly illustrated in the Swiss Alps, and other mountain regions. The geographic distribution of talus deposits as controlled by climatic conditions has been already noted (p. 283). (2) Alluvial Deposits. The deposits included under this head differ structurally from those thus far described in that they are always more or less distinctly stratified, or bedded. In writing of the formation of sedimentary rocks, and again when treating of the action of running water, a few figures were given relative to the amount of transported debris de- posited yearly in the Gulf of Mexico. In a similar way the amount of debris carried annually to the ocean by some of the chief rivers of the world has been estimated as below : CUBIC FEET Mississippi 7,468,694,400 Upper Ganges . . . 6,368,077,440 Hoang-Ho 17,520,000,000 CUBIC FEET Rhone 600,000,800 Danube 1,253,738,600 Po 1,510,147,000 The muddy condition of the water, caused by this sus- pended matter, is so conspicuous a feature of certain rivers that they have received special names on this account. Hoang-Ho means simply yellow river ; Missouri is the Indian name for Big Muddy ; while the famous Red River of the North is so called merely because of the red mud it carries. Such silt- bearing streams, .flowing into lakes and tideless seas, begin depositing their loads so soon as their currents are checked, building up thus the so-called delta deposits for which the Mississippi, the Po, Ganges, and the Nile are noted. The character of the material in the delta deposits is vari- ALLUVIAL DEPOSITS 321 able only within certain limits, consisting always of siliceous sand and mud intermingled with organic matter. Professor Judd, who examined samples from borings in the alluvial deposits of the Nile delta, found the materials to vary abruptly in texture from the surface downward, the variations following no recognizable law. The percentage amounts of constituents classed as sand and mud, as obtained from (I) borings at Kasr-el-Nil, Cairo, (II) Kafr-ez-Zayat, and (III) Tantah, are given in the table below. in DEPTH SAND MUD SAND MUD SAND MUD QI 10 % % % % 3'0" . . . .... .... 2.35 97.65 4'0" . . . .... 30.42 69.58 1.71 98.29 6' 0" ... 5.77 94.33 .... 8'C" . . . 7.27 92.73 11' 0" . . . .... 50.99 49.01 .... 10' 0" ... 86.27 13.73 .... .... .... 17' 6" . . . 79.65 20.35 .... .... .... 18' 0" ... .... .... .... .... 8.78 91.22 19' 0" . . . .... .... 87.41 12.59 .... 22' 6" . . . .... .... .... 31.16 68.44 20' 0" 90.19 9.81 31' 0" ... .... ..,. 39.43 60.57 35' 0" ... .... 86.42 13.58 .... 38' 0" ... 65.05 34.95 .... 40' 0' . . . .... .... 81.94 18.06 80.70 19.30 40' 6' ... 80.83 19.17 .... .... .... 45' 0' ... 68.72 31.28 .... .... .... 40' 0' . . . .... .... .... 95.90 4.10 48' 0' ... .... 87.23 12.77 .... .... 55' 0' ... .... 0.25 99.75 97.71 .... 50' 0' . . . .... .... 99.53 2.29 58' 0' ... .... .... .... 59.09 0.47 60' 0' ... .... 12.60 87.40 .... 40.91 66' 0' . . . .... 62.07 37.93 .... 68' 0" ... .... 7.76 .... 73' 0" ... .... 59.95 92.24 75' 0" . . . .... 66.38 36.62 .... 40.05 The material described as sand consists of rounded, angular, and sub-angular grains. The well-rounded granules are mainly of quartz and feldspar ; the angular and sub-angular of quartz, feldspars, hornblende, and augite, with smaller quantities of mica, tourmaline, sphene, iolite, zircon, fluor-spar, and magnetite 322 THE REGOLITH all in a nearly unaltered condition. The feldspars are mainly orthoclase and microcline rarely a soda-lime variety and in a state of surprising freshness. The quartz is in part the quartz of granitic rocks and the larger grains well rounded, best described as microscopic pebbles. He says : " It is evi- dent that these sand grains have been formed by the breaking up of granitic and metamorphic rocks, or of older sandstones derived directly from such rocks. The larger grains exhibit the perfect rounding and polishing now recognized as charac- teristic of yeolian action ; the smaller ones from their larger surfaces in proportion to their weight, have undergone far less attrition in their passage through the air ; but it is fair to con- clude that they are really desert sand, derived from the vast tracts which lie on either side of the Nile valley, and swept into it by the action of the wind." The material described as mud is composed of essentially the same materials as the sands, but in a more finely divided state. There is an entire absence of anything like kaolin, though there are present particles of organic matter and frustules of diatoms. The surprising freshness of the materials and lack of kaolin is regarded as indicative of an origin through the action of heat and frost ; i.e. through mechanical agencies rather than through the processes of rock decomposition. 1 But, as has been already noted, only a part of the sediment carried by any stream reaches its mouth. A comparatively small, but, from our present standpoint, very important portion is carried during seasons of high water beyond the usual chan- nels and spread out over the flood plains, as described on p. 287. Such deposits are, as a rule, plainly stratified, and consist of mineral matter in a finely comminuted condition derived, it may be, from the breaking down of a great variety of rocks. Their physical and chemical properties, as well as the periodic char- acter of their deposition, are favorable to the formation of soils possessing great strength and fertility. Both fertility and rate of deposition in such cases are augmented through plant growth, which takes place with great rapidity wherever climatic condi- tions are favorable. So soon as the water leaves the flood plain, a host of moisture-loving plants, as reeds and rushes, spring up in countless numbers to die down again in the fall, and yield the carbon and nitrogeneous constituents to serve as fertilizers, 1 Proc. Royal Soc. of London, Vol. XXXIX, 1885, p. 213. ALLUVIAL DEPOSITS 323 and augment the crop of the following year. Moreover, the remaining stems and fallen leaves of the plants serve to retard the running waters of each succeeding flood, catching in their meshes the floating sediments which might otherwise be carried seaward. The Anacostia, which empties into the Potomac River east of Washington, serves as a good illustration of the working of these agencies. A century ago the stream was navigable by coasting crafts as far as Bladensburg. Now, owing to shallow waters, nothing but rowboats can navigate beyond the Navy Yard at Washington. Each season the stream, murky with suspended silt from cultivated fields along its shores, comes down, till, ponded back by tides, it begins to deposit its load. As year by year its bed was thus raised, water plants, encroach- ing more and more from shallow shores, still further dammed FIG. 32. its sluggish current till now, during summer months, it is little more than a stagnant pond full of rank vegetation, and a source of odors foul and atmospheres enervating. The so-called " Potomac Flats " south of the city of Washington owed their origin and unhealthy conditions to similar processes. The method of alluvial deposition in the flood plain, or delta, of the lower Mississippi has been worked out by McGee, 1 from whom we cannot do better than quote in considerable detail. In length this flood plain reaches from the mouth of the Ohio 1100 miles measured along the river, or half as far measured in an air line, to the Gulf, and is bounded on the east by the bluff rampart separating it from the contiguous district ; it is bounded on the west by a less continuous and less conspicuous rampart crossing the Arkansas River at Little Rock and grad- ually failing southward until this district and its more westerly 1 The Lafayette Formation, Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Survey, 1890-91. 324 THE REGOLITH neighbor nearly blend. The surface of this otherwise monoto- nous district is relieved by a few small tracts of higher land. Most conspicuous of these is Crowley Ridge in eastern Arkansas, a long belt of upland stretching from the southeastern Missouri southward between the White and St. Francis rivers to the Mississippi at Helena. This belt of upland rises 100 or 200 feet above the insulating flood plain, and in its steepness of slope and rugosity of outline fairly simulates the eastern rampart overlooking the " delta " in corresponding latitudes. The vast lowland tract comprised in and constituting most of this district is at once the most extensive and most complete example of a land surface lying at base-level or a trifle below that the continent affords. It is trenched longitudinally by the Mississippi, and trans- versely by the White, Arkansas, Red, and other large rivers ; between these greater waterways it is cut into a labyrinth of peninsulas and islands by a network of lesser tributaries and distributaries, the former gathering the waters from its own surface and from adjacent country, and the latter aiding the main river to discharge its vast volume of water and its immense load of detritus into the Gulf. The whole surface lies so low that it is flooded by periodic overflows of the Mississippi and its larger tributaries, and with each flood receives a fresh coat- ing of river sediment ; and much of the flood plain, fertilized by freshet deposits, is clothed with luxuriant forests and dense tangles of undergrowth, or with brakes of cane, or with sub- tropical shrubbery, only a few of the broader inter-stream tracts being grassed. Partly by reason of this mantle of vegetation, the current of each overflow is checked as the river rises above its banks, and most of the sediment is dropped near by; and so the Mississippi, the White, the Arkansas, and the Red, as well as each lesser tributary and each distributary from the great Atchafalaya down, are flanked by natural levees of height and breadth proportionate to the depth and breadth of the stream. The network of waterways is thus a network of double ridges with channels between; and each inter-stream area is virtually a shallow, dish-like pond in which the waters of the floods lie long, to be drained finally, perhaps, through fresh-made breaks in the natural dikes, weeks after the stream flood subsides. In the southern part of the district the inter-stream basins approach tide level and drain still more slowly ; in the sub-coastal zone ALLUVIAL DEPOSITS 325 many of the basins are permanent tidal marshes. In the western part of the district is an area in which the inter-stream basins lie so high that they are invaded only by the highest floods and veneered with only the finest sediments ; in some cases these sediments are so fine and so compactly aggregated and the surface is so ill drained and watered that trees may hardly take root, and these are either drowned by the floods or with- ered by the sun. in the drought. Such portions of the sur- face are but scantily covered with coarse grass and form the "black prairies" of southern Arkansas and northwestern Louisiana. It is to just such processes as those described that the Nile valley owes its remarkable fertility. The sediments depos- ited over these plains during the season of freshets consist of fine sand brought down by the Blue Nile and the Atbara from the decomposing siliceous rocks of mountainous Abyssinia. The gneisses and granites yield their detritus to the lixiviating in- fluence of the mountain torrents and majestic Nile, the clayey particles being borne seaward, while the fresh quartzose, feld- spathic and other siliceous particles, and smaller traces of apa- tite and alkaline carbonates remain in just the right stage of subdivision to yield a soil, which has brought forth for a period of over 4000 years crop after crop without artificial fertilization. The following table will serve to show the physical character- istics of alluvial deposits, a portion of which are but reasserted materials from the glacial drift. APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF GRAINS OF SAND, SILT, AND CLAY IN ONE GRAMME OF ALLUVIAL SUB-SOIL FROM ILLINOIS DIAMETER CONVENTIONAL (a) (6) (c) MM. NAMES CHILLICOTHE EOCKFOBD AMERICAN BOTTOMS 2-1 Fine gravel 1 1-.5 Coarse sand . 83 48 .5-.25 Medium . . . 6,755 3,428 5 .25-.! Fine sand . . 18,660 29,300 194 .1-.05 Very fine sand 53,470 212,400 151,400 .05-.01 Silt .... 4,670,000 5,888,000 12,230,000 .01-.005 Fine silt . . 86,860,000 115,100,000 195,600,000 .005-.0001 Clay .... 2,537,000,000 3,842,000,000 14,680,000,000 Total. . . . 2,628,608,968 3,963,232,177 14,887,981,599 (a) Terrace of Glacial age. (6) Flood deposits, (bottom land of Mississippi) . (c) Post-glacial terrace 326 THE REGOLITH The same processes active in delta formation are manifested on a smaller scale in the gradual silting up of many inland lakes, particularly those of glacial origin, the rapidity of the filling being augmented by aquatic plants. These lakes lie not infrequently between high hills, being fed by one or more streams flowing through narrow valleys, and having outlets at the opposite extremity. Soon after the close of the Glacial epoch, we may imagine one of these to have existed as a lake of clear blue water of varying depths, filled with abundant fish and wild fowl. But the little streams which fed it brought down continually sand and silt to be de- posited at varying distances so soon as the currents fall to sleep within the bosom of the lake. Hence each year it shallows, and the pure white water-lily, reeds, and the rotting trunks of trees and shrubs encroach upon its shores until in course of time there remains but a flat plain, for a time subject to annual inundations, but ultimately permanently above the level of but the most severe floods, and through which flow in a meander- ing course the sluggish streams that first gave it birth and then wrought its extinction. This is the story of thousands of the so-called meadows, swales, swamps, and intervals throughout the northern portion of the United States, and the process in some easily recognizable stage may be found in almost any lake or pond now remaining. It is a striking thought that all our lakes are but transient enlargements of pre-existing streams, and will in time, perhaps even before our own species is extinct, become converted into broad expanses of meadow lands ; and that our children's chil- dren may yet sow and reap from rich and fertile areas which now echo only to the cry of water-fowls, and whose blue ex- panse is broken but by wind-born waves and leaping fish. The lithological character of the deposits thus formed vary within certain limits almost indefinitely, since everything de- pends on the character and quantity of the silt brought down by the streams. Rarely, if ever, are they clayey, since the finer particles are carried beyond. In nearly all instances they are found to consist of very fine sand, largely siliceous, permeated, often quite blackened, through the presence of organic matter. Such are the mucks or mucky soils of New England. So abundant is this organic matter that, when dried, such are not infrequently used locally for mulching purposes, though ALLUVIAL DEPOSITS 327 in their fresh condition they are sour and almost worthless except for growing sedges and the ranker kinds of forage grass. During the later stages of the process of filling up, deposition of sediments may almost entirely cease, since the water no longer rises above the level of past accumulations. In such cases the final stages consist simply in the accumu- lation of organic matter and the deposits come to closely resemble, or are even superficially identical with, the cumulose deposits already described. This same statement holds good also for the closely related salt-water marsh or paludal deposits, to be noted later. Loess and Adobe. Under the head of transported deposits, we must also consider the so-called loess of the Mississippi val- ley in our own country ; of the Rhine valley, and other parts of Europe ; of northern China and the Russian steppes, though, as we shall see, the name includes deposits which, while having many physical properties in common, may vary widely in com- position as well as in method of deposition. It is more than doubtful, indeed, if the name, through misapprehension, has not been so loosely applied as to rob it of its proper geological significance. The loess of China, made famous through the researches of Richtofen, is now regarded by some authorities 1 as of the same nature as our adobe. Richtofen himself, it will be re- membered, regarded the Chinese loess as largely an yeolian deposit, as due to the action of wind in transporting for long distances the fine detritus swept by rain and wind from moun- tain slopes into enclosed basins, to ultimately become entangled and deposited among the growing vegetation. This foreign material, intermingled with the collective residue of herba- ceous plants, with the inorganic residuum from the decay of prairie vegetation for countless generations, makes up its mass over many hundreds of square miles of territory, and to depths in places of thousands of feet. The characteristics of the loess, as found in China, are those of a fine calcareous silt or clay, of a yellowish or buff color, so slightly coherent that it may be readily reduced to powder between the thumb and fingers, and yet possessing such tenacity as to resist the ordinary weather- ing action of the atmosphere, and, wherever cut by stream erosion or other means, to stand with vertical walls, even 1 See I. C. Russell, Subaerial Deposits of North America, Geol. Mag., August, 1889. 328 THE REGOLITH though they may be hundreds of feet in height. The loess country is described as thus cut up by an almost impassable system of gorges, so that to cross it in any fixed direction is almost an impossibility. "Wide chasms are surrounded by castles, towers, peaks, and needles, all made up of yellow earth, between which gorges and chasms radiate labyrinthically up- wards into the walls of solid ground around. High upon a rock of earth steeper than any rock of stone stands the temple of the village, or a small fortress which affords the villagers a safe retreat in times of danger. The only access to such a place is by a spiral stairway dug out within the mass of the bluff itself. In this yellow defile there are innumerable nooks and recesses, often enlivened by thousands of people, who dwell in caves dug in the loess." 1 One of the striking features of the loess, both in China and elsewhere, is the abundance of minute tubes or canals lined with carbonate of lime which traverse it from above down- ward, and which are assumed by some to be due to root fibres. It is the presence of these presumably that causes the vertical cleavage, and at the same time the remarkable absorptive quali- ties for which the loess is noted. Such is the material which for more than three thousand years has brought forth crops continuously, and without exhaustion, over many square miles of the Chinese Empire. Its distribution in Europe is given as extending from the French coast at Sangatte, eastward across the north of France and Belgium, filling up the depressions of the Ardennes, passing far up the valleys of the Khine and its tributaries, the Neckar, Main, and Lahr ; likewise those of the Elke above Meissen, the Weser, Mulde, and Saale, the upper Oder and Vistula. Spreading across upper Silesia, it sweeps eastward over the plains of Poland and southern Russia, where it forms the substratum of the tschernoseun, or black earth. It extends into Bohemia, Moravia, Hungaria, Galicia, Transyl- vania, and Roumania far up into the Carpathians, where it reaches heights of from 2000 to 5000 feet above sea-level. In northern China it spreads over a large portion of the region drained by the Hoang-Ho. For nearly a thousand miles from the borders of the great alluvial plain of Pechele, through the provinces of Shan si, Shensi, and Kansu, everywhere to the J The Chinese Loess Puzzle, by J. D. Whitney, American Naturalist, December, 1877. LOESS AND ADOBE 329 northern base of the range of the Tsing-ling-shan, the loess may be followed to the very divide which separates the basin of the Hoang-Ho from the region destitute of drainage, into the sea. Toward the north it reaches almost to the edge of the Mongolian plateau. The entire area covered continuously is stated to be as large as the whole of Germany, while it is found in more or less detached portions over an area in addi- tion, nearly half as large. In the United States the loess covers thousands of square miles throughout the drainage basin of the Mississippi River. It is found in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Illinois, Tennessee, Ala- bama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, and the Indian Territory. According to Professor Aughey it prevails over at least three-fourths of Nebraska, to a depth ranging from 5 to 150 feet, and furnishes a soil of extraor- dinary strength and fertility. As here found, however, the aeolian hypothesis fails to satisfactorily explain all the exist- ing conditions, arid there is little doubt but that it represents in large part the fine silt, the glacial flour brought down by the ice of the Glacial epoch, borne southward by streams, and deposited in water just sufficiently in motion to carry the fine clay farther away. The loess, in fact, illustrates in a remarkable manner the wonderful assorting power of water. Microscopic and chemi- cal examinations of loess sustain this hypothesis. The particles are as a rule quite fresh and sharply angular. Out of 150,000 particles examined under the microscope only about 3% measures above .0025 of a millimetre and 1 % over .005 of a millimetre. f ^ . FIG. 33. Showing outlines of particles in (Quartz IS the prepon- Chinese loess. derating material, with lesser amounts of orthoclase and plagioclase feldspars, white and dark micas, hornblende, augite, magnetite, dolomite, and cal- 330 THE KEGOLITH BAD RLA O t^ ^ 11 . i i co o 11 .CCgtNCOO g i-H rH C> o" S j 2 f^Vj o CO 5 r^ rH co cc 1 O o o O CO o S g" s 8" o ^ rH C/L^ ' ^ C3 ^^ ^M *tM 02 rH s s I H O CO rH O O O CO O O O 05 i 1 o 1 o co cs K5 o" 3 X s d ^ M S rH H g ^0 ^ O CM rH O 8 i fi i r r r r (M T 1 lO >O rH ^ r iO GLACIAL DEPOSITS 355 The till is not, however, always spread out evenly over the land, but though partaking in a general way of the topography of the slopes which it covered, lies much deeper in certain places than others. Indeed, it thickens and thins out very irregularly and in many places fails entirely either through having never been deposited, as over many a rocky hillside in New England, or through having been removed by running water. Moreover, there are found in certain parts of the drift- covered areas rounded hills of very symmetrical form, composed of material identical with the till, but which must have been deposited under slightly different conditions. These range in height up to 200 or 300 feet, though rarely more than half that amount. Such forms are known as drumlins. The moraines, as already noted, represent those portions of the ice drift which gathered near the edge of the ice sheet in the form of submarginal accumulations, to be left as broad belts or ridges of sand and gravel on its retreat. Such with refer- ence to their position to the margin of the ice are known as terminal, marginal, and frontal moraines. The materials of which they are composed represent (1) that which accumulated beneath the edge of the ice while it was practically stationary for a considerable length of time ; (2) that dumped from the surface at its margin; and (3) that pushed up by the ice sheet, in front of itself during its forward movement. Such ridges are not sharp as a rule, but broad and low, it may be from a fraction of one to several miles in width. Unlike the subgla- cial drift, the till, the materials are but loosely consolidated, and but a small part, if any, of the boulders show the scarred and abraded surfaces so characteristic of those of the till proper. This frontal moraine, occupying the southern and western margin of the glaciated area, forms one of the most striking and unique of geological bodies. Composed of materials of a most heterogeneous nature, ever varying, and limited in range of variation only by the lithological character of the rocks to the northward and eastward ; in all degrees of coarseness and fineness, from boulders of many tons' weight to particles too small to be visible to the unaided eye, only obscurely and some- times scarcely at all stratified excepting where subsequently modified by running water ; in the form of broad low hillocks, domes, and ridges, the moraine sweeps in an interrupted, sin- uous belt from eastern Massachusetts to North Dakota and over 356 THE KEGOLITH 400 miles into British America, having a length, in all its wind- ings and turnings, of not less than 3000 miles. The water arising from the melting ice sheet flowed off, in part, over the surface, forming superglacial streams, or in part upon the surface of the ground beneath as subglacial streams, of which last the river Rhone of to-day is a good example. Presumably also a portion of the water became concentrated and flowed for short distances in the mass of the ice itself, forming thus englacial streams. In all cases the running water would collect, reassort, and variously modify the rock debris found either in immediate connection with the ice itself or at its extremity, in the terminal moraines. There were thus formed hillocks and ridges or low fan-shaped masses of " modi- fied drift." The sand, gravel, and boulders which collected in the troughs of superglacial streams would, on the final melting of the ice, be deposited as ridges running essentially parallel with that of the movement of the ice on which they formed. Such are known as eskers, or osars. Other deposits closely resembling these and sometimes confounded with them, but formed, it is believed, only by swift and changeable currents near the frontal margin of the ice, present often a rude and disturbed and distorted stratification, and are known as kames. They differ from the eskers in their outlines as well as positions with reference to the glacier from 'whence their materials were derived, being as a rule in the form of hills, rather than ridges, and with their longer axes at right angles with that of the ice motion. Beyond the margin of the ice and its terminal moraines are found still other loosely aggregated deposits of a similar hetero- geneous nature wliich are likewise due to swiftly running water caused by the melting ice. Such, according to their position and form, are known as valley drift, morainic or frontal aprons, and overwash plains. The thickness of these glacial deposits varies greatly, as has been already indicated. Variations of upwards of a hundred feet may occur within the limits of even less than one square mile. Professor Newberry estimated that the area south and west of the Canadian highlands covered with glacial drift was not less than 1,000,000 square miles, and that its average depth would not be less than 30 feet. Other estimates on deposits in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois give an average thickness PLATE 25 i FIG. 1. Section of glacial till. FIG. 2. Glaciated landscape. THE SOIL 357 in these states of 62 feet. In extreme cases the deposit has been found to extend to a depth of 300 to 500 feet. Bell has stated l that glaciation of the surface of British America has been almost universal in the regions east of the Rocky Moun- tains, and all over the Palaeozoic districts west and south of Hudson and James Bay the average depth of the till is 100 feet, and perhaps 200 feet in Manitoba and the northwest territories. The following section is given by James Geikie 2 as showing the varying character of the glacial drift and its interstratified interglacial lacustrine deposits: FEET INCHES Sandy clay 5 Brown clay and stones (till) 17 Mud 15 Sandy mud .31 Sand and gravel 28 Sandy clay and gravel 17 Sand 5 Mud 6 Sand 14 Gravel 30 Brown sandy clay and stones (till) .... 30 Hard red gravel 4 6 Light mud and sand 1 8 Light clay and stones 6 6 Light clay and whin block 26 Fine sandy mud 36 Brown clay, gravel, and stones 14 4 Dark clay and stones (till) ... .68 355 3. THE SOIL There remains now to be summarized a few of the character- istics of those superficial portions of the regolith to which the name soil is commonly applied, and these, too, only in direct relation to their properties as soils, since as integral portions of the regolith they have already been sufficiently touched upon. (1) The Chemical Nature of Soils. --The prevailing con- stituent of any soil, whatever its source, is nearly always silica, with varying amounts of alumina, oxides of iron, lime, magne- sia, and the alkalies. 3 A small amount of organic matter, from 1 Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. I, 1890, p. 289. 2 The Great Ice Age, 3d ed., 1894, p. 120. s The peat deposits furnish almost the only exception to this rule. 358 THE REGOLITH extraneous source, is usually present. This prevalence of silica, as may be readily understood, is an essential conse- quence of soil formation through the breaking down of rocks by the processes of weathering, whereby all but the most in- destructible portions are lost. The predominantly inorganic nature of any soil may easily be shown by fractional separations, made either by washing, or by sieves of varying degrees of fineness, whereby it is brought into portions of like size and weight such as can con- veniently be submitted to microscopical and chemical analyses. All portions, from the finest dust to particles of such size as to be classed as pebbles, will thus be found to be but mineral matter; particles of quartz, feldspar, shreds of mica, and other silicates in ever-varying proportions and stages of alteration or decomposition. Owing to the destructive nature of their formation, it is but natural that a soil, particularly one of considerable antiquity, should but slightly resemble the parent rock. This fact was more than suggested in the chapter on rock-weathering. In order that its significance may be fully comprehended, the analyses of fresh rock and corresponding residual material from various sources are given in the table on p. 359. The most striking of the dissimilarities shown by this table are, as is to be expected, those of the limestone soils, as in columns I and II, where the proportional amounts of silica, iron, and alumina are increased, roughly speaking, nearly one hundred fold, while the amount of lime carbonate is corre- spondingly diminished. This condition of affairs is still further exaggerated in the case of the red soil of Bermuda (columns III and IV) and which offers particularly favorable opportuni- ties for study, owing to the isolated condition of the islands and the consequent freedom from danger of contamination by other than local drift. The shells and corals which in a more or less consolidated condition form the entire mass of these islands, although es- sentially of carbonate of lime, are nevertheless not entirely so, carrying, aside from the magnesia, about 1 % of inorganic im- purities, chiefly oxides of iron and alumina and earthy phos- phates, which are practically insoluble in the water of rainfalls, with which alone we have to do here. As time goes on, the lime is slowly leached out and carried away into the ocean, the CHEMICAL NATURE OF SOILS 359 M 3 3 CO II ) O ^ H c ID 1 Silica (Si0 2 ) . . . Alumina (Al 2 Os). | - | 1 1 J Magnesia (MgO). \ ,~, Carbonic acid (CO^ Phosphoric acid (P 2 1 z 1 1 OJ - g 3*8 l|< T3 o . Hi ^^ s M .. s 5^2 IIS SO > *>:| 1 *" o 2 1 5 > Ijj Ii! $R '^ > OJ *^ !?i? o C rt w d o^o B g^ s-^ **'g S J 9 360 THE REGOLITH insoluble parts remaining. Throughout the centuries of decay, this 1 % of insoluble impurities, representing but one ton of earth to every 99 tons removed, slowly accumulates until it forms the common red earth of the islands. Though usually fertile, in numerous instances where the leaching has been ex- cessive the resultant soil is so rich in iron and other deleterious constituents as to be quite barren. There are few more impressive facts in agricultural geology, than that each foot in depth of such soil, as it now lies at our feet, may indicate the removal of at least 100 feet in actual thick- ness of limestone. In other words, assuming that nothing has been lost by mechanical erosion, the surface of the ground has been lowered this much in bringing about the present conditions. From what has gone before, it is obvious that soils derived by purely mechanical agencies will, if unmixed with other ma- terials, show a composition closely resembling the mother rock, as in the case of that derived from granite as described on p. 207 or those derived from argillites and siliceous sandstones ; others in which chemical agencies prevailed may by solution and other changes have so far lost important constituents as to be scarce recognizable as rock derivatives at all. Obviously a rock mass containing in itself none of the elements of plant food cannot, merely through its decay, furnish soil of appreciable fertility. This fact is well illustrated in the region known as the Bare Hills north of Baltimore, Maryland, or the Chester County Barrens in southern Pennsylvania. Both regions are under- laid by peridotites rocks rich in iron-magnesian silicates, but almost wholly lacking in lime, potash, or other desirable con- stituents. Such rocks not merely decompose very slowly, but the stingy product of such decomposition consists only of hya- line forms of silica, magnesian carbonates, or silicates and fer- ruginous products quite devoid of nutrient matter, affording food and foothold to scanty growths of grass and stunted shrubs. That, however, a rock contains all the desired mate- rials, is no certain indication as to character of its decomposition product, since in this process of decomposition much desirable matter may have become lost. Nevertheless most soils retain what we may call inherited characteristics, and a direct com- parison whenever possible is by no means uninteresting, as will be noted later. It need scarcely be remarked that the value of any soil de- CHEMICAL NATURE OF SOILS 361 pends wholly upon its capacity for plant growth. Hence a satisfactory treatise on the subject should be written with a view to showing to what this capacity is due, and what are the laws governing its fertility and its rejuvenation when that fertility becomes exhausted. Such a method of treatment is, however, far beyond the limits of the present work, and we must content ourselves with merely touching upon a few of the most salient points, leaving the at present little understood subject of fertility for other and abler writers. It may be well to re- mark, however, that a soil left to itself and nature's processes rarely becomes barren or exhausted except it may be under changed geological conditions. A growing organism takes temporarily from the soil that which is essential, but restores it again with accrued interest in the form of carbonaceous and nitrogeneous matter derived from the atmosphere, when it dies. Thus, under normal conditions, the soil grows yearly richer and richer and capable of supporting larger and more luxuriant crops. It is only when the husbandman comes in, and by his improvident harvesting robs the soil not merely of its interest due, but of a part of the principal as well, that bankruptcy results. For a long period the fertility of a soil was felt to be dependent very largely upon its chemical composition, and older treatises and reports of geological surveys are filled with tables of analy- ses which the acquired knowledge of years now shows us to be almost as worthless as can be, either for the purposes for which they were first intended, or as indicative of the mineral nature of the soil itself. 1 A soil which, under certain conditions of climate or moisture, is utterly barren may, under changed con- ditions, be fruitful in the extreme, as has been repeatedly de- monstrated in the case of the so-called American deserts, dreary stretches of aridity given over to sage brush and a few degraded forms of animal life, but which need only moisture to cause them to laugh with harvests. 1 The common practice of making soil analyses, whereby the results are tabu- lated as soluble and insoluble (meaning by soluble the portion extracted by boil- ing hydrochloric acid) and putting down the latter as silica (or sand) and insoluble silicates, cannot be too strongly condemned. It means nothing. A growing plant is capable of extracting only a small, and as yet unknown, portion of that taken out by the acid, and as to what silica and insoluble silicates may be, we are left in ignorance. Such analyses can be of use to neither the student of soils or of geology. 362 THE REGOLITH. Naturally, a soil containing in itself nothing in the way of available plant food can be made to produce crops only when the needed constituents are supplied. Investigations have, however, shown that, though varying in different species, the proportional amount of food demanded by plants which can be supplied by the atmosphere and meteoric waters is very large. It seems to be now pretty well conceded that of all the con- stituents found in soil aside from moisture, only potash, lime, magnesia, phosphoric and sulphuric acids, can be considered absolutely essential as plant food. The ash of all plants, to be sure, contains silica, soda, and it may be iron and other min- eral ingredients, but such are to be regarded as accidental rather than otherwise. Of the constituents enumerated as essential, magnesia and sulphuric acid are almost invariably present in sufficient quantities, while potash, lime, and phos- phoric acid, even though sufficiently abundant in a virgin soil, are liable to exhaustion under the ordinary methods of culti- vation. The source of these materials has been shown in the previous pages and need here be only touched upon. The potash and the lime must have come originally from the de- composition of potash-lime-bearing silicates, as the feldspars and micas, amphiboles and pyroxenes. The original source of the phosphoric acid was undoubtedly the apatite of the eruptive rocks, though now to be found in bones and skeletons of ani- mals, whose remains become entombed in sedimentary rocks of all ages. How small and proportionally insignificant are the percentages of these constituents in any soil, fertile or barren, is shown in the table below, 1 in which are given the general average composition of a large number of soils, seden- tary and transported. The sulphuric acid, which is not given in this table, rarely amounts to more than from 0.05 % to 0.5 % when calculated as sulphuric anhydride (SO 3 ). So small, comparatively, are these percentages, that it is rare, indeed, to find a soil which on complete analysis will not be shown to contain them in sufficient proportion. The varying degrees of fertility in such cases are due then, not to differ- ences in ultimate composition, but to difference in combination of these elements whereby they are or are not available for plant food, aiid'to physical and climatic differences as well. iFrom Part A, Vol. II, Part II, Chemical Analyses, Geological Survey of Kentucky, p. 113. CHEMICAL NATURE OF SOILS 363 X SllOg 3NOi9 -areii ( amg ) ^5 co co' i i ?, d -f CO d CO d 1 d j - 1 1 os C7 SB i ^ CO oo Oi o o 521 o B eiiog ^ 1 - s 10 1 - rH O_| s rH H os 3 aivig Hovng g & s O O o 521 o enog CO s r^ 01 ~ CO -r H [AV^i 01 g -t d d d d * "* 87IOg ^s X o TO ^ kfl CO 01 OJ | i ^agnuunw GO X 0' o d ^ CO snog eaansvarc | 1 1 1 -* CO S CO -IVOQ 09 oo ~ d o o o r 1 TJ; M e-iiog (eeaoi) 00 OS OS i - CO 01 OS 01 QO rH 01 5 t - AavKaaxvn^) tg 00 oo S3 d o 1-1 (M 81IOg 1VIA **! g I rH 2 1 01 rH OS CO QO O IddI8SIS8IK3 s o 11 o T ^ OS 9^IOg iviAmiy rH CO QO 01 | X I 1 g AanvA OIHQ 8 S os o o o fH co- 02 1 Sand and insoluble silicates . . ; V, o 1 ^ i i < Carbonate of lime (CaC0 3 ) . . Magnesia (MgO) 1 1 f rH Potash in acid extract .... Potash in the insoluble silicates Organic and volatile matters . . 364 THE REGOLITH Naturally a growing plant can take up only that which is soluble by the means at its command. A high percentage of any of the above constituents counts for little when they are combined in the form of difficultly soluble silicates. A granitic rock, as has already been noted, contains locked up in its mass all the mineral elements necessary for a fertile soil, but remains barren simply because these are in a condition of slight solu- bility and its physical structure is such that even the soluble portions are unavailable. Pulverize this rock sufficiently, and it will become immediately available for soil, though naturally its fertility is slight, and rendered enduring only by gradual decomposition. It is of course possible, that by nature's methods, decomposition and incident leaching may have gone so far that a soil on the immediate surface, though derived from rocks rich in essential constituents, has become quite impoverished and barren. This is especially true with lime- stone residuals, as has been already noted. It is doubtless to this fact that is due the enduring qualities of the glacial till as a soil, though its immediate fertility may not be as great as one of sedentary origin. The undecomposed feldspathic and other mineral particles contained by the till, due to its mechanical origin, yield up slowly but continually their sup- ply of plant food, and such a soil may long outlast the residual clays of non-glaciated regions. The soils derived from deposits of modified glacial drift are almost invariably sandy or gravelly in their nature. Such, on account of their easy working qualities, great porosity, and ready permeability, are commonly known as light soils, even though their actual specific gravities may be greater than the so-called heavy soils of the ground moraine. 1 1 Mechanical analysis of a glacial soil from an old pasture, Cape Elizabeth, Maine, yielded results as below. The portion selected was of just the thickness turned up by the plough, about 7 inches. In color it was dark gray, at the immediate surface almost black from organic matter, and penetrated throughout by grass roots. Fine angular grains of white quartz were the most conspicuous feature on macroscopic examination. Eight hundred and thirty grammes of this soil on sifting yielded : (1) 2.5 grammes gravel, which failed to pass a sieve con- taining 8 meshes to the lineal inch. This consisted mainly of angular quartz and cleavage bits of feldspar with occasional rounded lumps of impure limonite, and not completely disintegrated particles of granitic rock. (2) 40 grammes coarse sand retained by 20-mesh sieve and consisting of clear glassy and white opaque quartz in angular and sub-angular fragments, the largest forms being some 3 millimetres in greatest diameter ; cleavage bits of white and pink feldspar, rarely CHEMICAL NATURE OF SOILS 365 There is many an humble homestead throughout the glaciated areas of North America whose lack of worldly prosperity is due to the dry and barren soil supplied by these deposits of modi- fied drift. On the other hand, there are numerous regions, like those of northern Ohio, where a light, barren, residual soil de- rived from sandstone has become enriched by an admixture of glacial clays from the north, and thus brought prosperity to thousands of happy homes. Nature works out her own com- pensations, impoverishing, it may be, here but correspondingly enriching there. R. H. Loughbridge has shown 1 that the percentage of soluble folia of white mica, a few bits of mica schist, and lastly hard, rounded pellets of indurated silt and organic matter. (3) 170 grammes retained by 40-mesh sieve and consisting of a clean sand composed of some two-thirds its bulk white quartz particles and one-third opaque, partially kaolinized feldspathic particles ; rarely any mica or free iron oxides. (4) 180 grammes retained by 60-mesh sieve and consisting, like the last, of clean quartz and feldspar sand, the quartz particles in excess of the feldspar, and rarely a little mica. (5) 82 grammes retained by the 80-rnesh sieve. This, very clean sand of quartz and feldspar, in the proportion of about | quartz and f feldspar. (6) 150 grammes retained by a sieve of silk bolting cloth of 120 meshes to the lineal inch. Like the last, composed almost wholly of bright quartzes and somewhat kaolinized feldspars with scarcely a trace of other silicates. (7) 185 grammes which passed the silk bolting cloth. This was submitted to washing, the lighter finer material being poured off as silt. By this means were obtained 118 grammes very fine sand and 67 grammes silt. The fine sand, as before, showed under the microscope only quartz and feldspars, the quartzes still in excess. The silt to the naked eye consisted of a light brown, almost impalpable material, which the microscope revolved into quartz and feldspar particles with shreds of ferruginous products evidently derived from tlje decomposition of iron-magnesian silicates, such as micas or amphiboles. (8) Organic matter, 19.5 grammes. A bulk analysis of the air dry-soil, excluding all grass and roots, yielded results as below : Ignition (water and organic matter) 2.72% Silica 76.80 Alumina and iron oxides 14.04 Lime 0.78 Magnesia Traces Potash 2.87 Soda . . 1.18 98.39 % Such a soil is plainly little more than a highly quartzose granite or gneiss in a pulverulent condition and in which the agencies of decomposition have scarcely begun their work. Its composition could have been almost foretold by the microscopic examination. *On the Distribution of Soil Ingredients among the Sediments obtained in Silt Analysis, Am. Jour, of Science, Vol. VII, 1874, p. 17. 366 THE REGOLITH material in a soil rapidly increases with the degree of commi- nution; i.e. the finer the material the larger the proportional amount of soluble matter, and hence of matter available as plant food. This is well brought out in the following table abridged from the one given in Mr. Loughbridge's original paper, the figures in the upper spacerof each column indicating the size of the particles, and the percentage amount of each as determined by fractional separations. CONVENTIONAL NAME : CLAY FINEST SILT FINE SILT MEDIUM SILT COARSE SILT DIAMETER OF PARTICLES : 21.64% ? 23.56 % ram. .005-.011 12.54% mm. .013-.016 13.67% mm. .022^.027 13.11% mm. .033-.03S CONSTITUENTS % % % % % Insoluble residue .... Soluble silica Potash (KgO) . . 15.96 33.10 1.47 73.17 9.95 53 87.96 4.27 29 94.13 2.35 0.12 96.52 Soda (Na 2 0) . . . (1.70) 1 24 0.28 0.21 Lime (CaO) 0.09 0.13 0.18 0.09 Magnesia (MgO) .... Manganese (Mn02) . . ' . Iron sesquioxide (Fe 2 3 ) . Alumina (A1 2 3 ) .... Phosphoric acid (P 2 0s) . Sulphuric acid (SOs) . . . Volatile matter .... 1.33 0.30 18.76 18.19 0.18 0.06 9.00 0.46 0.00 4.76 4.32 0.11 0.02 5.61 0.26 0.00 2.34 2.64 0.03 0.03 1.72 0.10 0.00 1.03 1.21 0.02 0.03 0.92 .... Totals Total soluble constituents . 100.14 75.18 99.30 20.52 100.00 10.32 100.21 5.16 .... According to Hilgard, 2 the substance which assumes com- manding importance as controlling the fertility of a soil, aside from physical conditions, is lime, in the presence of which, in adequate proportions, smaller percentages of the other plant foods will suffice for high and lasting productiveness, than would otherwise be the case. Since lime is the essential con- stituent of the rock limestone, it follows that, other things being equal, a "limestone country is a rich country." As else- where noted, however, a limestone soil may have become so 1 An excess of original amount, due to the addition of sodium chloride to produce flocculation of clay in suspension. 2 The Relation of Soil to Climate, Bull. No. 3, U. S. Weather Bureau, 1892. CHEMICAL NATURE OF SOILS 367 leached of its lime, through prolonged decay, as to be benefited by artificial applications of this same constituent. Lime is, moreover, so generally distributed throughout the great major- ity of rocks that few soils would be lacking in this constituent, were even a small proportion of the original amount left in the residue from rock decay, instead of being so largely removed in solution. It would follow from this that the composition and fertility of a soil is dependent not more upon the character of the rock mass from which it is derived, than upon the prevalent climatic conditions under which it originated, the general average tem- perature and the amount and distribution of the rainfall being particularly important factors. This branch of the subject has also been considered in some detail by Hilgard, to whom we are indebted for the only satisfactory resume. Concerning condi- tions of temperature, this author says : - " Within the ordinary limits of atmospheric temperatures all the chemical processes active in soil formation are intensified by high and retarded by low temperatures, all other conditions being equal. This being true, we would expect that the soils of tropical regions should, broadly speaking, be more highly decomposed than those of the temperate and frigid zones. While this fact has not been actually verified by the direct comparative chemical examination of corresponding soils from the several regions, yet the incomparable luxuriance of the natural as well as the artificial vegetation in the tropics, and the long duration of productiveness, offer at least presumptive evidence of the practical correctness of this deduction. In other words, the fallowing action, which in temperate regions takes place with comparative slowness, necessitating the early use of fertilizers on an extensive scale, has been much more rapid and effective in the hot climates of the equatorial belts, thus rendering available so large a proportion of the soil's in- trinsic stores of plant food that the need of artificial fertilization is there restricted to those soils of which the parent rocks were exceptionally deficient in the mineral ingredients of special importance to plants that ordinarily form the essential material of fertilizers." 1 1 While the action of frost in bringing rock masses into the condition of soil is, in temperate climates, of very great importance, there seems to be a limit beyond which it accomplishes little in the way of directly promoting decomposi- 68 THE REGOLITH Concerning the concentration and leaching out of certain con- stituents by the action of meteoric waters, the same authority says : " When, however, the rainfall is either in total quantity or in its distribution insufficient to effect this leaching, the sub- stances which otherwise would have passed into the sea are wholly or partially retained in the soil stratum, and when in sufficient amount may become apparent on the surface in the form of efflorescences of 4 alkali ' salts. One of the most im- portant modifications produced by scantiness of rainfall on soil formation is the great retardation of formation of clay from feldspathic rocks (kaolinization) and the sediments derived therefrom. As a result, it is observed that the soils of the Atlantic slope are prevalently loams, containing considerable clay, and even in the case of alluvial lands, oftentimes very heavy, while the character of the soils of arid regions is pre- dominantly sandy or silty with but a small proportion of clay, unless derived directly or indirectly from clay or clay shales. In the former case, the clay, becoming partially diffused in the rain water when a somewhat heavy fall occurs, percolates through the soil in that condition and tends to accumulate in the sub-soil, the result being that almost without exception the sub-soils of the humid regions are very decidedly more clayey than the corresponding surface soils. Not only does this clay water tend to make the sub-soil more compact and heavy, making it less pervious to water and air, but it is as- sisted materially in this by the action which tends to leach the lime carbonate out of the surface soil into the sub-soil. The accumulated clay is thus frequently more or less cemented into a 'hardpan' by lime partly in the form of carbonate and partly in that of zeolitic (hydrous silicate) compounds, adding to the compactness of the sub-soil, and therefore to the usual specific difference between the soil and sub-soil ; viz. the deficiency or absence of humus and the difficulty of penetration by an aera- tion of the roots of plants." For these reasons the soils of arid regions, even though con- taining the same materials, are often of uniform physical and chemical character to great depths. The soluble salts, as car- tion, and presumably disintegration as well. Collier's (8th Ann. Kep. New York Exp. Station, 1889) experiments showed that 47 successive freezings and taawings of a soil did not perceptibly increase the percentage of soluble potash. CHEMICAL NATURE OF SOILS 369 bonate of lime and salts of potash and soda^ which are leached away in regions of great average humidity, remain in those where the annual precipitation is less, or where, on account of its uneven distribution throughout the warmer months of the year, its permeability and consequent leaching action is less. Hilgard brings out this fact prominently in tables from which that below is condensed, the original being compiled from sev- eral hundred analyses of soils from the humid regions of North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Kentucky, and the arid regions of California, Wash- ington, Montana, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, and New Mexico. SHOWING THE PROPORTIONAL AMOUNTS OF SOLUBLE SALTS IN SOILS OF ARID AND HUMID REGIONS CONSTITUENTS ARID EEGION HUMID REGION Insoluble residue 69 681 % 84 472 / Soluble silica ..... 6 289 3 873 Potash 825 187 Soda 251 071 Lime 1 645 112 Magnesia 1 384 209 Brown manganese oxide 056 126 Iron peroxide 5 431 3 455 Alumina 7 309 4.008 Phosphoric acid Sulphuric acid Water and organic matter 0.144 0.035 5 585 0.114 0.065 3 557 Total . . 99 978 % 100 093 % Discussing these figures, Professor Hilgard says : " Concern- ing this table with reference to the lime, a glance at the col- umns for the two regions shows a surprising and evidently intrinsic and material difference approximating to the propor- tion of 1 to 14J. This difference is so great that no accidental errors in the selection of analysis of the soils can to any mate- rial degree weaken the overwhelming proof of the correctness of the inference drawn upon theoretical grounds ; viz. that the soils of the arid regions must be richer in lime than those of the humid countries." These remarks hold good also for the percentages of magnesia and the alkalies. From the fact that 2 B 370 THE REGOLITH in humid regions the more soluble constituents are leached out, we may safely infer a corresponding proportional increase in the insoluble constituents. This is also made manifest by the tables, there being a difference of nearly 15% in favor of the humid regions. The table shows, further, a probably greater proportion of zeolitic material in the soil of arid regions, the assumption being based upon the percentages of soluble silica. Concerning this difference, the author says : 4 ' Nor should this be a matter of surprise when we consider the agencies which are brought to bear upon the soils of the arid regions with so much greater intensity than can be the case where the solutions resulting from the weathering process are continually removed as fast as formed by the continuous leaching effect of atmospheric waters. In the soils of regions where summer rains are insignificant or wanting, these solu- tions not only remain, but are concentrated by evaporation to a point that in the nature of the case can never be reached in humid climates. Prominent among these soluble ingredients are the silicates and carbonates of the two alkalies, potash and soda. The former, when filtered through a soil containing the carbonates of lime and magnesia, will soon be transformed into complex silicates in which potash takes the precedence of soda, and which, existing in a very finely divided (at the outset in a gelatinous) condition, serve as an ever-ready reservoir to catch and store the lingering alkalies as they are set free from the rocks, whether in the form of soluble silicates or carbonates. 1 The latter have still another important effect. In the concen- trated form, at least, they themselves are effective in decom- posing silicate minerals refractory to milder agencies, such as calcic carbonate solutions, and thus the more decomposed state in which we find the soil minerals of the arid regions is intel- ligible on that ground alone. But it must not be forgotten that lime carbonate, though less effective than the correspond- ing alkali solutions, nevertheless is known to produce, by long- continued action, chemical effects similar to those that are more quickly and energetically brought about by the action of caustic lime. In the analysis of silicates we employ caustic lime for the setting free of the alkalies and the formation of easily decomposable silicates by igniting the mixture ; but the carbonate will slowly produce a similar change, both in the 1 See author's remarks on page 374. CHEMICAL NATURE OF SOILS 371 laboratory and in the soils, in which it is constantly present. This is strikingly seen when we contrast the analyses of calca- reous clay soils of the humid region with the corresponding non-calcareous ones of the same. In the former the propor- tions of dissolved silica and alumina are almost invariably much greater than in the latter, so far as such comparisons are practicable without assured absolute identity of materials." It is evident from the above that, provided the amount of de- composition be the same, the soil of an arid region may contain a larger proportion of desirable constituents than one in a region of considerable annual precipitation. It may, also, and for the same reasons, contain a larger proportion of constituents that are positively deleterious. This is particularly true of arid and semi-arid regions of poor drainage, like the Great Basin regions of the United States, where salts of sodium not infrequently accumulate to such an extent as to render the land sterile and barren in the extreme. The primary origin of the sodium in these salts lies in the soda-bearing silicate minerals forming the rocks of the region and from which they have been set free through their decom- position. It should be stated, however, that the so-called " alkali " is not composed wholly of sodium compounds, but contains also salts of magnesia, lime, iron, and potash. Nor is the form under which the salts exist at all constant. As a rule, the larger por- tion of the alkali is in the form of sulphate of soda, though a considerable portion may exist as carbonate or chloride, and smaller proportions in the form of nitrates. Concerning the formation of these carbonates, Hilgard says : 1 " There seems to be a consensus of opinion that the carbona- tion of the soda is connected in some way with the presence of limestone or carbonate of lime, and that an exchange has occurred in which either common salt or Glauber salt have transferred their acidic components to lime and have become carbonates instead. . . . Yet the simple explanation of the contrary reaction was given and published as early as 1826 by Schweigger. In 1859 it was again observed by Alex Muller, in a different form, but neither of these chemists, nor any of their readers, appear to have perceived the important bearing of this reaction, not only upon the formation of the natural clepos- 1 Bull. No. 3, Weather Bureau, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1892. 372 THE REGOLITH its of carbonate of soda, but also upon a multitude of processes in chemical geology. Without going into details ... it may be broadly stated that the formation of carbonated alkalies oc- curs whenever the neutral alkaline salts (chlorides or sulphates) are placed in presence of lime or magnesia carbonates and car- bonic acid, or of alkali ' supercarbonates ' (hydrocarbonates) containing even a slight excess of carbonic acid above the nor- mal carbonates, the latter being the actual condition of all natural sodas." We have thus far considered, only those elements of the soil that are derived directly from the rocks from which they are formed. To this list we should add the element nitrogen, not so much on account of its quantity, as its value as plant food and of the great economic value of some of its compounds. The common forms under which this element exists, are (1) atmospheric nitrogen, a colorless, tasteless, and innocuous gas and which forms some three-fourth by bulk of the air we breathe, and (2) the nitrogen of the soil, where it exists in at least three distinct forms, (1) organic nitrogen, (2) as ammonia or ammonia salts, and (3) as nitric acid. The average amount of nitrogen present in agriculture soils is given by authorities as varying from 0.1% to 0.3 %, though occasionally, as in certain soils rich in organic matter, 4 or 5 % . Of these forms only the ammonia salts and nitric acid are of direct value for plant food. Nitrogen, in the form of nitrate of soda, forms an important mineral fertilizer, as noted on p. 71. The extraordinary richness in nitrates of the soils in tropical countries, and particularly in South America, has often been remarked since the subject was first broached by Humboldt and Boussingault. According to Miintz and Maracano, nitrates occur in the soils of Venezuela, the valley of the Orinoco, and other localities sometimes to the amount of 30 % of their mass. These nitrates they show to be due to the oxidation of organic nitrogen through the agency of bacteria. They state that in the caverns of the regions, a guano composed mainly of the excreta of birds and bats, but admixed also with the dead bodies of these and other animals, has accumulated to the amount of millions of cubic metres. Through the gradual nitrification of this guano, and a combination of the nitrogen with the lime of bones, or existing as a carbonate in the soil, a gradual tran- MINERAL NATURE OF SOILS 373 sition is brought about wherever there is free access of air or the temperature is sufficiently high to stimulate the nitrifying organisms to their fullest activity. There is thus a gradual change in the character of the nitrogeneous combination from the interior to the exterior portions of the cave, as shown in the following analyses : CONSTITUENTS GUANO FROM INTERIOR OF CAVE EARTH FROM THE ENTRANCE EARTH FROM SOME DISTANCE FROM ENTRANCE Organic nitrogen 11-74% 2.41 % 0.80% Nitrate of lime 0.00 3.03 10.36 These authorities would account for the presence of extensive deposits of nitrates as in Chili, on the assumption that the solu- ble nitrate, originally derived from decomposing organic matter, as noted above, had been leached out from its place of origin by percolating water and redeposited elsewhere on evaporation. The invocation of atmospheric electricity to account for any part of the nitrates of the soils, they regard as quite unneces- sary, the same being of indirect influence only, furnishing first nitrogen for growing plants which in their turn serve as food for animals. These same authorities give the following figures relative to the amounts of nitrates and nitrogen in South American soils : CONSTITUENTS SAN JUAN Los MORROS DE PARAPARA EL ENCANTADO Nitrate of lime . 2.85% 3.50% 0.62 % Organic nitrogen 0.15 0.27 0.21 (2) The Mineral Composition of Soils. This is essentially the same as that of the regolith of which the soil forms a part. Fragmental quartzes and feldspars form the larger proportion of most soils. These are intermingled with shreds of mica, amphibole, pyroxene, calcite or aragonite, iron and manganese oxides, and in variable proportions, kaolin and other silicates, carbonates and oxides. The presence of these constituents is 374 THE REGOLITH usually somewhat obscured by iron oxides and carbonaceous matter ; but when these are removed by acids or by ignition, and the residue submitted to microscopic analyses, the true mineral nature can be, as a rule, made out with approximate accuracy. 1 From what has gone before, it must be evident that the con- stituents of any soil are almost universally in a finely fragmen- tal condition, a few of the smaller more resisting minerals, like the rutiles, tourmalines, zircons, etc., having perhaps escaped the comminuting processes. Of the silicate minerals we may be sure that many are in an advanced stage of hydration and the ferruginous constituents in a state of peroxidation. It is possible that under favorable conditions new minerals of fairly perfect crystalline development may be temporarily formed. Since the work of Lemberg was made public, 2 it has been very commonly assumed that various minerals of the zeolite group were present and exercised an important function in the con- servation of soil fertility. Notwithstanding the somewhat enthusiastic endorsement by Hilgard, of this idea, as set forth in the previous pages, the writer can but feel that too much has been assumed, both regarding their actual presence and their possible utility. We must not lose sight of the fact that the actual occurrence of zeolites in soils, where they have been formed, is as yet not proven. Their presence is inferred from the fact that weak acids, such as are known to be capable of decomposing zeolitic minerals, will extract from the soil, among other constituents, certain ones which are characteristic of minerals of the zeolitic group; and it is assumed, purely for lack of a better reason, that these elements are those thus combined. Even if this be true, their efficacy as potash holders may well be questioned, since potash is not as a rule an element of great importance in zeo- litic minerals. Out of the 23 known species of zeolites (includ- ing apophyllite), in but five is potash considered an essential constituent. These five, as already noted on p. 32, are apo- phyllite, ptilolite, mordenite, phillipsite, and harmotome, of which phillipsite alone carries upwards of 6 % (theoretically), 1 See Anleitung zur Mineralogischen Bodenanalyse, etc., by Franz Steinriede, Inaug. Dis. Friedrichs-Universitat Halle- Wittenberg. Halle, 1889. 2 Zur Kenntniss der Bildung und Umbildung von Silicaten, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geolischen Gesellschaft, Vols. XXXVII and XXXVIII, 1885 and 1887. MINERAL NATURE OF SOILS 375 the other smaller amounts, the average for the five being about 4 %. Now assuming that all the zeolites in the soils belonged to these five groups and none to the 18 potash-free varieties, and that 10 % of any soil consisted of zeolitic material, even then we have thus combined only 0.4 % of K 2 O. We must remember, further, that the zeolites are invariably secondary minerals, as already noted, and as such are com- monly regarded as decomposition products. This does not necessarily mean, however, that they are products of superficial weathering. Indeed, in the majority of cases the evidence is all to the contrary, they being plainly a result of deep-seated processes going on in the rock masses long before atmospheric action began to manifest itself. (See under Hydrometamor- phism, p. 161.) It is even questionable if the conditions preva- lent in soil are not unfavorable rather than otherwise to the formation of zeolitic compounds, and if such traces as there exist are not rather residuals from the breaking down of rock masses in which they had been previously formed. In this connection it is well to remember that zeolites as a whole are characteristic of basic eruptive rocks, such as have yielded but a proportionately small amount of our soils. Also that the mutual chemical reactions that may go on in a rock mass due to close juxtaposition of the various minerals may largely, if not entirely, cease in a soil where the amount of in- terspace is so enormously exaggerated. The researches made during the Challenger Expedition 1 show, it is true, that even at so low temperatures as from 2 to 3 C. phillipsite is being formed in the deep-sea muds of the Central Pacific and Indian oceans. But in these cases the mud is the finely comminuted debris from basic eruptive rocks, itself peculiarly liable to decay, and containing all the materials necessary for zeolitic formation. It is, moreover, in a condition of continual moisture and under the weight of the thousands of fathoms of overlying water which is here in a state of ex- treme quiescence, being beyond the influence of superficial move- ments, as waves, tides, and currents. These conditions are so widely different from those which exist in the superficial parts of land areas,' that they can be regarded as merely suggestive. The same may be said relative to the zeolite (phillipsite and apophyllite) formations at Plombieres as described by Dau- 1 Rep. on the Scientific Results, 1873-76, Deep-sea Deposits, 1891, pp. 400-411. 376 THE EEGOLITH bree. 1 Another fact which mitigates against the theory of zeolitic formation in soils, is the almost universal absence of these minerals in such secondary, unmetamorphosed rocks as are the product of the reconsolidation of the same class of ma- terials as in their unconsolidated condition form soils. If they once existed, it would seem strange they have not in some cases at least survived. If formed in soils, why should they not be formed in secondary rocks where the conditions are apparently so much more favorable? It would, to the writer at least, seem more probable that the soluble potash of soils exists, not in zeolitic combination, but in some of the numerous decomposition products of feldspar, nepheline, scapolite, etc., to which the name pinite is commonly applied. Such at least is the case in the potash-rich soils of Maryland, examined by R. L. Packard. 2 It is possible also that it may exist in compounds allied to glauconite. The writer has elsewhere 3 pointed out that, particularly among basic rocks, there may be actually a larger percentage of matter soluble in hydrochloric acid and sodium carbonate solution in rocks ordinarily designated as fresh, than in the debris resulting from their decomposition. This fact he has since emphasized in a paper read at the December (1896) meet- ing of the Geological Society of America, and from which the following statements are drawn. Rock -weathering, it must be remembered, is in the majority of instances accompanied by a leaching process, whereby original soluble compounds, or new soluble compounds formed during the process of decomposition, are gradually removed. The final result is therefore, as already many times noted, a residue consisting of the least soluble con- stituents, and which forms the ordinary surface soil. Even in cases where the actual amount of soluble matter is greatest in a soil, the apparent excess may be due to water of hydration and to the large amount of sesquioxide of iron, the latter being practically insoluble in meteoric waters so long as there is a free supply of oxygen, though readily soluble in hydrochloric acid. These conclusions are based upon the following table, in which the total percentage loss on ignition, minus the ignition in the insoluble residue, is tabulated with the soluble matter. 1 Geologie Experimental, pp. 180 et seq. 2 Bull. 21, Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station, 1893. 3 Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. VII, 1895, p. 355. SOLUBLE CONSTITUENTS OF ROCKS 377 O <: S - W a O t. ^o 0^~ t^ CO O (N ss t^ CO i-O ED ROC1 SOLUTIO S i o ^ K K 3 ^ 1 o S S 8 3 2 S S rH CN rH 5S GO mingled with vegetable tributed over the sur- rounding surface. "Where these structures are numerous, as they are in certain districts in the United States, by their constant deposits of matter on the surface of the ground, they bury a good deal of vegeta- ble waste in the soil ; at the same time the animals are con- stantly conveying into the earth large quantities of organic matter which serves them as food, and the waste of this, including the excreta of the animals themselves, is of con- siderable importance in the refreshment of the soil." The geological efficacy of insects of this and other types is un- doubtedly greater in warmer climes, where not only are they found in greater abundance, but their period of activity ex- tends over a larger portion of the year. Messrs. Mills and Branner, as already noted, are inclined to lay considerable stress on the work of ants and termites in bringing about soil EFFECT OF PLANT AND ANIMAL LIFE 391 changes and rocks decomposition in Brazil. Branner states that in some parts of the Amazon valley, of Minas Goyaz and Matto Grosso, the soil " looks as if it had been literally turned inside out by the burrowing of ants and termites." The species popularly known as saubas excavate chambers and build gal- leries which are frequently from 50 to 100 feet long, from 10 to 20 feet across, and from 1 to 4 feet high, and contain tons of earth. The white ants or termites, like the true ants, burrow extensive channels in the ground, and build up huge nests upon the surface from the size of which one may gain some idea of the extent of the underground galleries. In the region extending from the state of Parana to north of the Amazon and along the upper Paraguay in Matto Grosso may be seen places where the nests are so close together that one can al- most walk upon them for several hundred yards at a time, while no one of the nests is more than 10 feet from another over many acres of ground. Such nests vary in size from 1 to 12 feet in height and 1 to 10 feet in diameter, and do not seem to be confined to any particular kind of country, though especially noticeable in the interior and timberless regions. The constant transference of such quantities of soil from below to the surface, and of organic matter from the surface downward, cannot fail to bring about marked changes in its physical as well as chemical condition, while at the same time affording passageways for air and meteoric waters, as already noted. Certain animals, like the crayfish, have likewise a habit of burrowing in the ground, though as they are wholly subterra- nean or aquatic in their nature, the results are less conspicuous to the casual observer. In searching for their food, these ani- mals bore numerous horizontal channels or galleries some- times an inch or so in diameter and extending for many feet, usually ending in an upward shaft extending to the surface, or at the margin of a pond or stream. These form natural drainage channels and allow a more ready access of air, con- verting what might under other conditions be a heavy, clayey or even marshy soil, unfit for cultivation, into one light and fertile. By burrowing through dams and embankments, they have, however, in some instances so weakened these structures as to cause them to give way, whereby large districts have become inundated and for a time rendered unfit for cultivation. 392 THE REGOLITH Probably none of the forms of animal life thus far mentioned produce such wide-spread and beneficial results as have been ascribed by Darwin 1 to the common earthworm, the angleworm of the New* England disciples of Izaak Walton. These insig- nificant creatures, as is well known, burrow in the moist rich soil, and derive their nourishment from the organic matter it may contain. In order, however, to obtain this comparatively small amount of nutritive matter, they devour the earth with- out any selective power, and pass it through their alimentary canals, rejecting the remainder, which nearly equals in bulk that first taken in. The nufnerous holes made, while in part perhaps to afford passage to the surface, are mainly excavated in this process of soil eating and actually represent the amount of material which the worms have passed through their diges- tive systems. Darwin states that in certain parts of England these worms bring to the surface every year, in the form of excreta, more than 10 tons per acre of fine dry mould, " so that the whole superficial bed of vegetable mould passes through their bodies in the course of every few years." By actually collecting and weighing the excretions deposited on a small area during a given time, he found that the rate of accumulation was at the rate of two- tenths of an inch a year, or an inch in every five years. The importance of these worms, then, both as mellowers of the soil and as levellers of inequalities by burying stones and filling hollows is therefore very great, and we cannot afford to overlook it here. While the main influence of the worm is manifested in a mellowing by burrowing and a transfer of material from a lower to a higher level, they bring about a slight admixture of organic matter through a habit of coming to the surface at night time, and dragging down into their burrows small shreds of leaves and grass, which, taken into account in connection with the excrementitious matter of the worms themselves, must tend, though it may be ever so slightly, to enrich the soil. The sub- ject should not be dropped without referring to the abundance of these worms, which in England has been estimated as at the rate of 53,767 to each acre of garden land, and about one half that number for pasture land. It is scarcely necessary to re- mark that their distribution is very unequal throughout the 1 The Formation of Vegetable Mould. EFFECT OF PLANT AND ANIMAL LIFE 393 world, and that in dry sandy regions they are almost, if not wholly, unknown. In northern temperate climates, such as that of New England, and particularly where the soil is of a clayey nature like the ground moraine, the burying action of the earthworm, as de- scribed above, may be wholly overcome through the heaving action of frost. Every farmer boy who has been condemned to pick the drift boulders from a field knows through bitter experience that, however well he may do his work in the fall, however clean the surface may be when winter sets in, the fol- lowing spring, after the frost is out of the ground, will find a new crop in no way distinguishable from the old, and which, for all that he can see, may have rained down during the win- ter's storms. The fact is, however, that they have been actually thrown up, "heaved out," the farmers will say, from below the surface by the frost which here penetrates not infrequently to a depth of two or more feet. As the water-soaked clay under- lying one of these buried boulders freezes, it expands upwards, since this is the direction of least resistance. The stone is carried up bodily for a distance dependent on the amount of expansion. When the frost leaves the ground, the soil sinks back nearly to its first position; but the boulder never quite regains its former place, being prevented by particles of soil, or clay or pebbles which fall into the cavity as the soil shrinks away from it. The amount of actual lifting for each season may be but slight, but as the process goes on unceasingly there is always an abundance of new material at the surface each succeeding spring. This heaving action of the frost is abun- dantly exemplified in these clay regions by the throwing out of fence posts and clover roots ; sometimes, when the winter is one of frequent freezing and thawing, causing the destruction of a crop as completely as though it had been pulled up by the roots. In wet boggy lands this heaving action of frost, as exerted on partially buried boulders of small size, is sometimes exemplified in a peculiarly striking manner. The surface of the ground will be dotted here and there with small hummocks, each with a comparatively large crater-like opening at the top. Investigation reveals the fact that at a distance of but a few inches at most below the surface of this crater-like opening is a rounded boulder. The heaving action of the frost forces the boulder gradually upward, causing the turf to first rise with 394 THE REGOLITH smooth rounded outline, till, through continual pressure from the boulder, it bursts at the top. When the frost leaves the ground, the boulder drops back a short distance, but enough to be quite out of sight, leaving the cavity at the top filled with mud, and looking in outline like a small mud volcano. So far as the writer's observations go, the heaving action rarely progresses, in these areas, to the point of actually throwing the boulder out upon the surface. Each summer the growing turf makes an attempt at healing the wound, but each winter's frost opens it once more, the alternating forces so nearly bal- ancing that little is accomplished after this pseudo-volcanic stage is reached. Insects like the boring bee, the burying beetle, or larger bur- rowing animals, like the " woodchuck " of the Eastern states, the prairie dogs, badgers, and spermophiles of the West, in the same way exert powerful though local influences in admixing the lower with the upper portions of the soil, and through allowing perhaps a more ready passage of water facilitating oxidation and decomposition at greater depths. (Fig. 2, PI. 19.) While the effect of these animals may be comparatively in- conspicuous in the regions east of the Mississippi, in the drier regions of the West the surface is not infrequently so under- mined by burrows as to make travelling on horseback at more than a very moderate pace a matter of grave difficulty. W. P. Blake, in the early reports of the Pacific Railroad Survey, states that the fine, silty soil of the Tulare valley in California is so undermined that it is almost impossible to travel over it. " Mules often break through the thin crust and sink to their shoulders in these holes." The action of plant life in the accumulation of vegetable mould has been fully discussed under the head of cumulose and alluvial deposits. There is, however, one phase of action which may well be mentioned here. A growing tree, as already noted, sends its roots deep down into the earth in search of food and foothold. So long as the tree remains alive and standing, in firm soil the amount of change in the soil itself, except in the way of abstraction of certain.constituents taken up by the grow- ing plant, is presumably very small. When, however, the tree dies, the roots slowly decay, and besides yielding up their con- tents to form new soil, afford passageway for percolating water EFFECT OF PLANT AND ANIMAL LIFE 395 Forest Mould. FIG. 41. with all its attendant results. Moreover, cases are by no means infrequent in which trees are upturned by the winds, bringing entangled in their roots it may be tons of soil and boulders which in part gradually fall back into the hole and in part re- main to form a mound which marks the spot long after the tree has de- cayed. Into the cavity thus formed, dead leaves and other organic debris accumulate, which in time form -deep rich loam to be commingled with the stony matter of the soil. In sec- tions of the country where heavy winds and hurri- canes are of frequent oc- currence, the efficacy of trees in thus burying or- ganic matter, and produc- ing a more complete inter- mingling of the soils, is by no means inconsiderable. 1 The influence of plants in adding carbon and inci- dentally carbonic and other FlG> 42 organic acids to the soils has been described in previous pages. When plants die and decay upon the immediate surface, there is left only the inor- ganic matter or ash behind, the carbonic acid escaping into the air or being carried by rains into the soil. Hence it would seem to naturally follow that the soil where supporting an abundant vegetation should contain a larger percentage of carbonic acid than the atmosphere itself. That it does not contain, in all cases, a greater amount of free carbonic acid is apparently brought out in the table . from the works of Bous- singault and Lewy, as quoted on p. 178. 1 Some of our archaeologists go so far as to assert that the stone implements found buried several feet below the surface in glacial deposits, and brought for- ward as proving the existence of pre-glacial man, have been brought into that position by just such agencies. See Holmes, Early Man in Minnesota, American Geologist, April, 1893, p. 228. 396 THE REGOLITH Bacteria as agents of nitrification are undoubtedly efficacious in preparing nitrogeneous matter in the soils for assimilation by growing plants. Their influence as decomposers of rock masses was noted on p. 203. According to Wiley, 1 it is highly probable that organic nitrogen in the soil, in passing into the form of nitric acid, exists at some period of the process in the form of ammonia. The products of nitrification, he says, are ammonia, nitrous or nitric acid, carbon dioxide, and water. The ammonia and nitrous acid may not appear in the soils as the final products of nitrification, as the organism attacks the nitrous acid at once, converting it into the nitric form. It may at first seem strange that man, who prides himself on being the highest type in the animal kingdom, as well as the only animal endowed with reasoning powers, should prove the most destructive ; yet such is the case. Through prodigality, due in part to thoughtlessness and in part to a wilful disregard for any but immediate interests, man has, apparently from the very beginning of his existence, so conducted himself with re- lation to natural resources as to leave little less than ruin in his path. This is true not merely with reference to his treat- ment of the soil, but of the deeper lying rocks and their min- eral contents. In the name of development he has squandered ; through careless husbandry he has not merely impoverished the soil, but in many cases allowed it to run waste and be lost beyond recovery. So long ago as 1846, when Lyell made his second visit to America, he was struck by the rapid denuda- tion of the land in our Southern states due to the reckless cut- ting away of the forests. He describes near Milledgeville, in Georgia, a washout in a lately deforested area. " Twenty years ago," he writes, " before the land was cleared, it [the washout] had no existence ; but when the trees of the forest were cut down, cracks 3 feet deep were caused by the sun's heat in the clay ; and during the rains, a sudden rush of water through the principal crack deepened it at its lower extremity, from whence the excavating power worked backwards, till in the course of 20 years, a chasm measuring no less than 55 feet in depth, 300 yards in length, and varying in width from 20 to 180 feet was the result. The high road has been several times turned to avoid this cavity, the enlargement of which is still proceeding, and the old line of road may be seen to have held its course, 1 Principles and Practice of Agricultural Analysis, p. 464. EFFECT OF PLANT AND ANIMAL LIFE 397 directly over what is now the widest part of the ravine. In the perpendicular walls of this great chasm appear beds of clay and sand, red, white, yellow, and green, produced by the de- composition in situ of hornblendic gneiss, with layers of veins of quartz, which remain entire, to prove that the whole mass was once solid and crystalline." 1 The same lack of foresight or wanton disregard for coming generations is still manifested, and every muddy stream bears downward to the sea an increased load of silt from lands im- properly cultivated and from which every rain removes a por- tion of the finest and richest of the soil, leaving behind but the barren gravel, channelled it may be beyond the possibility of cultivation. McGee 2 has more recently made observations of a similar nature in southern Mississippi, where the softer loam of the Columbia formation, which here forms the soil, has been allowed to become eroded down to the barren sandy loam of the Lafayette. " Old fields are denuded by the acre, leaving mazes of pinnacles divided by a complex network of runnels glaring red toward the sun and sky in strong contrast to the rich verdure of the hillsides never deforested ; the plantations, mansions, and ' quarters ' are undermined, and whole villages, once the home of wealth and luxury, are being swept away at the rate of acres for each year/' " The ravages committed by man," writes Marsh, 3 " subvert the relations and destroy the balance which nature had estab- lished between her organized and her inorganic creations, and she avenges herself upon the intruder by letting loose upon her defaced provinces destructive energies hitherto kept in check by organic forces destined to be his best auxiliaries, but which he has unwisely dispersed and driven from the field of action. When the forest is gone, the great reservoir of moisture stored up in its vegetable mould is evaporated, and returns only in deluges of rain to wash awa} r the parched dust into which that mould has been converted. The well-wooded and humid hills are turned to ridges of dry rock, which encumbers the low grounds and chokes the watercourses with its debris, and except in countries favored with an equable distribution of rain 1 Lyell, Principles of Geology, 9th ed., 1846, p. 204. 2 12th Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Survey, 1890-91. 3 The Earth as modified by Human Action, by Geo. P. Marsh, a new edition of Man and Nature, pp. 43, 44. 398 THE REGOLITH through the seasons, and a moderate and regular inclination of surface the whole earth, unless rescued by human art from the physical degradation to which it tends, becomes an assemblage of bald mountains, of barren, turfless hills, and of swampy and malarious plains. There are parts of Asia Minor, of northern Africa, of Greece, and even of Alpine Europe, where the opera- tion of causes set in action by man has brought the face of the earth to a desolation almost as complete as that of the moon ; and though, within that brief space of time which we call ' the historical period,' they are known to have been covered with luxuriant woods, verdant pastures, and fertile meadows, they are now too far deteriorated to be reclaimable by man, nor can they become again fitted for human use, except through great geological changes, or other mysterious influences or agencies of which we have no present knowledge, and over which we have no prospective control. The earth is fast becoming an unfit home for its noblest inhabitant, and another era of equal human crime and human improvidence, and of like duration with that through which traces of that crime and that improvi- dence extend, would reduce it to such a condition of impover- ished productiveness, of shattered surface, of climatic excess, as to threaten the depravation, barbarism, and perhaps even extinction of the species." LIST OF AUTHORS CITED OR REFERRED TO Agassiz, L., 175. Alexander, H. F., 242. Aughey, S., 331. Bartlett, W. H., 180. Bayley, W. S., 7f>, 78, 80. Beaumont, Elie de, 160. Becker, G. F., 235, 301. Bell, Robert, 194, 243, 246, 275. Belt, T., 175, 261, 277, 280, 298. Berthier, P., 237. Beyer, M., 178. Bischof, G., 20, 27, 191, 192. Bkias, J., 102. Blake, W. P., 121, 126, 185, 247, 250, 34(5, 348, 394. Bolton, H. Carrington, 202. Bonney, T. G., 246. Boussingault, J. B., 176. Branner, J. C., Ill, 175, 179, 188, 203, 278. Brogger, W. C., 64. Brougniart, A., 87, 175, 237. Brown, A. P., 29. Bruner, H. L., 344. Buchanan, J. V., 204. Caldcleugh, Alexander, 193. Chamberlain, T. C., 278, 301, 303. Cholfat, P., 255. Clark, W. B., 134. Clark, W. C., 118. Cloez, 176. Collier, P., 369. Cointe de la Hure, 188. Crosby, W. O., 138, 189, 255, 353, 385. Cross, C.W., 35, 62, 71,81. Culver, G. E., 279. Gushing, H. P., 279. Dana, E. S., 31, 127. Dana, Professor J. D., 49, 57, 117, 198, 235, 251, 253, 262. Darton, N. L., 312. Darwin, E., 175, 233, 292, 392. Daubree, A., 16, 197, 376. Davis, W. M., 18(5. Davidson, C., 287. Dawson, J. W., 291, "334. De Luca, 176. Derby, O. A., 188, 277. Diller, J. S., 87, 92. Dutton, C. E., 196. Dwight, 297. Dyer, B., 202. Ebelmen, M., 237. Egleston, Thomas, 184. Ewing, A. L., 194. Failyer, G. H., 176. Fernow, B. E., 282. Fesca, Dr. Max, 243. Forbes, 184. Forschammer, J. G., 237. Fournet, 175, 237. Fulton, R. L., 280. Furlouge, W. H., 277. Geikie, A., 2, 146, 201, 288. Geikie, James, 357. Geldmacher, Max, 236. Gesner, H. S., 317. Gilbert, G. K., 50, 185, 256, 349. Gordon, C. H., 108. Griswold, L. S., 111. , Gumbel, C. W., 28, 88. Hall, C. W., and Sardeson, F. W., 161, 250. Harker, A., 39. Hartt, C. F., 175, 280. Hawes, G. W., 46, 75, 87, 170. Ha worth, E., 25. Hayden, F. V., 252. Hayes, C. W., 109, 194. Heusser and Claraz, 175, 228, 251. Hilgard, E. W., 333, 346, 300, 367, 369, 371, 374. Hitchcock, C. H., 68. Hitterman, 239. Hobbs, W. H., 218. Holmes, W. H., 395. Hovey, E. O., 230. Hunt, T. S., 86, 99, 124, 159, 258. Iddings, J. P., 22, 39, 57, 60, 64, 71, 72, 81. Irving, R. D., 278. Johnson, S. W., 177, 178. Johnson and Blake, 136. 400 LIST OF AUTHORS CITED OR REFERRED TO Johnstone, Alexander, 189. Jones, T. Rupert, 317. Judd, J. W., 284, 321. Julien, A. A., 190. Kalkowski, E., 75. Kemp, J. F., 81, 86, 87, 171. Kerr, W. C., 286. Keyes, C. R., 25. Kidder, J. H., 179. King, F. H., 381. King, Clarence, 71. Klement, M. C., 160. Kletzinsky, W., 176. Kuhn, M. Levy, 89. Layard, A. H., 293. Le Conte, J., 258. Lemberg, J., 18, 217, 374. Lindgren, W., 75, 274. Livingstone, David, 183. Loftus, 293. Loughbridge, R. H., 365, 366. Lyell, Sir Charles, 396. Marsh, George P., 183, 297. McGee, W. J., 301, 312, 323, 397. Meister, 381. Merrill, G. P., 37, 47, 54, 81, 87, 115, 154, 159, 206, 218, 349. Mills, J. E., 175, 203, 273. Muller, Alex, 371. Miiller, R., 192. Munroe, C. E., 190. Miintz, A., 203. Miintz and Aubin, 179. Miintz and Maracano, 373. Murakozky, K. V., 238. Neumayer, M., 302. Newberry, J. S., 118, 356. Nordenskiold, A. E., 242. Oldham, R. D., 311. Orton, Edward, 117, 118, 124. Owen, D. D., 111. Packard, R. L., 108, 376. Pallarsen, 89. Penrose, R. A. F., 231, 232. Pirsson, L. V., 64. Pliny, 73, 90. Porter, J. B., 266. Potter, W. B., 265, 275, 276. Prestwich, Joseph, 65, 260. Prichard, 30. Pumpelly, R., 275, 277. Purrington, C. W., 279. Read, T. Mellard, 194. Redwood, Boverton, 129. Retgers, J. W., 349. Reusch, H., 250. 113, Richthofen, F. von, 63, 85. Rogers Brothers, 191. Rohrbach, C. E. M., 89. Roscoe and Schorlemmer, 4. Rose, G., 79, 89. Roseubusch, H., 57, 62, 70, 72, 74, 82, 93, 97, 98. Rosiere, 73. Roth, Justus, 72, 94, 101, 103, 208, 239, 256. Russell, I. C., 112, 201, 266, 279, 280, 284, 296, 301, 333, 385. Rutley, F., Ill, 194. Safford, J. M., 267. Salisbury, R. D., 278, 287, 301, 303, 352. Schlosing, 203. Schutze, R., 228. Shaler, N. S., 181, 197, 318, 336, 389, 498. Smith, Angus, 179. Sorby, H. C., 26, 38, 199, 243, 342. Spurr, J. E., 107. Stanley, H. M., 183. Stejneger, L., 199. Stone, G. H., 186. Storer, F. H., 191, 202. Strabo, 90. Streeruwitz, H. von, 182. Streng, A., 86. Teall, J. J. H., 24, 74, 90. Theiiard, P., 190. Thompson, Wyville, 247. Tornebohm, A. E., 87, 89. Tschermak, G., 24. Van Den Broeck, E., 178, 258. VanHise.C. R., 106. . Vom Rath, G., 255. Von Buch, L., 83. Wadsworth, Dr. M. E., 57, 68, 85, 97, 254. Weed, W. H., 109. Werner, A. G., 73. Whitaker, W., 267. Whitney, J. D., 68, 127, 278, 328. Whitney, Milton, 287, 307-309, 313, 340, 344, 353, 379. Wichman, A., 170. Widogradsky, 203. Wiley, H. W., 178, 316. Williams, G. H., 63, 72, 86, 96, 99, 100, 156, 216. Williams, J. F., 64. Willis, Bailey, 52. Winchell, N. H., 297. Wolff, Professor J. E., 93. Woodward, J. B., 186. Wurtz, H., 127. Zirkel, F., 38, 57, 68, 80, 87, 89. INDEX Abrasive action of wind-blown sand, 185. Acid rocks, meaning of term, 64. Acmite, 22. Adobe, 139, 332. JEgerine, 22. ./Eolian deposits, 344. ^Eolian rocks, 153 ; defined, 58. Agalmatolite, 116. Age of soils, 386. Air in motion, effects of, 189. Alabaster, 117. Alaska, rock-weathering in, 279, 284. Albertite described, 127. Albite as a rock constituent, 16. Alkalies in soils, 371. Alkaline carbonates, when formed, 372; in soils, 371 ; formed during weather- ing, 205. Alkaline silicates in soils, 370. Allanite, 25. Allotriomorphic minei-als defined, 41. Alluvial cones defined, 54. Alluvial deposits, 320. Alteration defined, 174. Alum shale, 138. Aluminum as a constituent of the earth's crust, 5. Amber, 128. Amianthus, 115. Ammonia in atmosphere, 177. Ammonium sulphate, influence in decom- posing feldspars, 178. Amorphous, definition of, 40. Ainphiboles as rock constituents, 19. Amygdaloidal structure, 34. Anacostia, deposits of the, 323. Analyses, calculations of, 210; discus- sion of, 212. Anamesite, 92. Andesites, 83. Andesitic rocks, induration of surface, 2.55. Anhydrite described, 118. Animal life, effect on soils, 389. Anorthite as a rock constituent, 17. Anorthit-gesteine, 89. Anthracite coal, 150. Antique porphyry, 83. Ants, effect on soils, 389 ; as promoters of rock decomposition, 204. Apatite as a rock constituent, 27. Apo-rhyolite, 72. Appalachian Mountain system, material eroded from, 196. Appomattox formation, 312. Aqueo-glacial clays, 334. Aqueous rocks, 105 ; defined, 58. Aragonite as a rock constituent, 26. Arenaceous group, the, 131. Argillaceous rocks described, 135. Argillites, 137; fissile, 170; Harford County, Maryland, weathering of, 229. Arkansas River referred to, 289. Asphaltum described, 125. Atmosphere, action of, 176. Augite, molecular alteration of, 39; rela- tive durability of, 235. Augite porphyrite, 90; Montana, disin- tegration of, 235. Augite vitrophyrite, 90. Augitite described, 101. Auriferous sands, origin of, 266. Bacteria, as agents of nitrification, 396; decomposing action of, 203. Banding in gneisses, origin of, 165. Barbadoes Island, volcanic dust on, 298. Barite described, 118. Barium as a constituent of the earth's crust, 7. Basalt, described, 90; Bohemia, weather- ing of, 223; Haute Loire, France, weathering of, 223. Basalts, geographical distribution in United States, 92 ; weathering of, 262. Basanite described, 94. Base, definition of, 40. Basic rocks, meaning of term, 64. Beach sands, 341. Beauxite described, 108. 401 402 INDEX Bedded rocks defined, 53. Bedded structure, 34. Bermuda, weathering of limestones in, 247. Binary granite, 68. Biotite as a rock constituent, 23. Bitumen, 125. Bituminous coals, 149. Bituminous dolomite of Chicago, 145. Black earth, Russian, 318. Bleaching of rocks on exposure, 257. Bluegrass soil, 382. Bog of Allen, 317. Bogs, classification of, 317. Boss, defined, 50. Boss-like form accentuated by joints, 245. Botryoidal structure, 37. Boulder clay, 138. Boulder clays, 353. Boulders, of decomposition resembling those of the drift, 242; formed by weathering, 244. Bowenite, 116. Breccia, 133. Brecciated limestones, 139. Brecciated structure, 38. Bronzitite, 100. Brown hematite, 29, 107. Brownstone, 133. Cabook, formation of, 242. Calc sinter, 112. Calcareous group of rocks, 137. Calcareous rocks, 143; rate of weather- ing, 272. Calcite as a rock constituent, 25. Calcium as a constituent of the earth's crust, 6. Calcium carbonate, amount annually re- moved in solution, 194. Camptonite, 8. Cannel coal, 150. Cape Cod, wind action on, 297. Carbonates of alkalies, influence of, 238. Carbonates of the alkalies formed during weathering, 205. Carbonates, production of, during weath- ering, 205. Carbonaceous rocks, 148. Carbonic acid, influence of, in feldspathic decomposition, 237, 239; amount annu- ally brought to the surface, 179 ; in air of soils, 178; in the atmosphere, 178. Carboniferous soils, 386. Catlinite, 139. Cavernous structure, 38. Cellular structure, 38. Ceylon, rock disintegration in, 242. Chalcedony, 110. Chalk, 143 ; decomposition of, 267. Chemical composition of rocks, 44. Chemical elements constituting rocks, 4. Chert, 110 ; of Arkansas, weathering of, 231 ; of Missouri, weathering of, 230. Chilian nitrates, origin of, 373. Chlorides, 119. Chlorite as a rock constituent, 30. Chrysotile, 115. Citric acid, solvent property of, 202. Classification of soils, 381. Clastic rocks, 129 ; classification of, 130. Clastic structure, 34. Clay concretions, formation of, 37. Clay, defined, 135; effect on soils, 368; protective influence of, 254. Clay ironstone, 114. Clay slates, 137. Clays, aqueo-glacial, 334. Climate, influence of, on weathering, 278. Clinton iron ores, origin of, 266. Coefficient of cubical expansion of min- erals, 268. Coking coals, 150. Cold, effect on rocks, 180. Colloidal structure, 33. Colluvial deposits, 319. Color ; changes incidental to weathering, 257 ; of rocks, 45 ; of soils, 384 ; of soils, cause of, 385 ; variation, cause of, 47. Colorado Kiver, erosion by, 196. Columbian formation, 312. Columnar structure, 38. Complexity of structure favoring disinte- gration, 250. Concentric exfoliation, 244; not indica- tive of an original concretionary struct- ure, 245. Concentric structure inevitable to joint- ing, 245. Concretionary structure, 35; in granite, 246; in crystalline rocks, 37. Conductivity of rocks, unequal, 184. Conglomerate, 133. Conservative action of plants, 202. Contact metamorphism, 157. Contours incidental to weathering, 259. Coprolite nodules, 152. Coquina, 143. Coral limestone, 143. Corroded surfaces, irregularity of, 250. Corsica, weathering of granite on, 250. Crayfish, effects on soils, 391. Creeping of soil cap, 287. Crenic acid, 190. Crystalline limestones and dolomkes, 162. Crystalline schists, the, 168. Crystalline structure, 33. INDEX 403 Crystallites defined, 41. Cumulose deposits, 313. Dacite, 84. Daubree's experiments in rock tritura- tion, 17, 197. Decay, time limjt of, 272; of rocks, how characterized, 212. Decomposition and disintegration, dis- crimination between, 283. Decomposition, depth of, 278 ; following disintegration, 243; incident to ero- sion, 197; of fragmental rocks, 228; of greenstone dikes, effects of, 244 ; of rocks, chemical processes involved in, 238 ; of shells through the aid of salt, 233 ; natural acceleration of, 205. Degeneration of rocks, 174. Degradation of North America, rate of ,196. Delta deposits, 320. Delta of the Nile, section of, 321. Deoxidation, 187 ; by marine animals, 204. Desert varnish, 256. Devil's Tower, origin of, 261. Deweylite, 116. Diabase, described, 87; mandelstein, 90; Medford, Massachusetts, weathering of, 218 ; porphyrite, 90 ; Venezuela, weathering of, 222. Diallogite, 100. Diamonds, origin of, 98. Diatom aceous earth, 141. Dichte diabase, 90. Dike denned, 50. Diluvium, rouge et gres, 258. Diorite, Albemarle County, Virginia, weathering of, 224. Diorite-andesite group, 81. Diorites, 87. Discoloration, above drainage level, 258; incidental to weathering, 257. Discussion of analyses, 234. Disintegration of rocks in Lower Califor- nia, 183 ; prevented by surroundings, 252; without decomposition, 241. District of Columbia, rock-weathering in, 283. Ditroite, 79. Dolerite, 92. Dolomite, as a rock constituent, 26 ; de- scribed, 145 ; origin of name, 163 ; ori- gin of, by metasomatosis, 159. Dolomites, 162. Dolomitic limestones, disintegration of, 250 ; weathering of, 239. Drift, extent of, 291. Drumlins, 355; defined, 55. Dune defined, 55. Dune sand, chemical composition, 350. Dunite, 97. Dust, in rain and snow falls, 344; vol- canic, 298, 349. Dust soils, 345. Dust storms, 292 : in Dakota, 293 ; in Mon- tana and Nevada, 294. Dynamic metamorphism, 156. Earth's crust, thickness of, 2. Earthworms, effects on soils, 392. Eclogite, 170. Effacement of characteristics by weath- ering, 262. Effusive .rocks, characteristics of, 61 ; defined, 60. Elaeolite as a rock constituent, 18. Elreolite syenites, 78. Elaeolite syenite porphyry, 79. Elaterite described, 126. Elvanite, 70. Eozoon Canadense, 159, 163; origin of, 116. Epidiorite, 89. Epidote, as a rock constituent, 25 ; altera- tion of, 25. Erosion by rivers, 196. Eruptive rocks, 59. Eskers, 290, 356. Eucrite, 89. Eulysite, 97. Eurite, 70. Exfoliated rocks, shape and size of flakes, 182. Exfoliation, attended by gun-like reports, 182 : due to heat and cold, 181 ; of rocks on Cape Cod, 182. Expansion through hydration, 188. Extent of weathering, 276 : in Brazil, Colorado, District of Columbia, Mis- souri, Nicaragua, South Africa, South America, 277. Fault defined, 53. Feldspars, as rock constituents, 13; de- composition of, 17. Feldspathic decomposition, process of, 237; in Comstock Lode, 235; by fresh water, 238 ; influenced by ammonium sulphate and sodium chloride, 178. Feldspar porphyry of Iron Mountain, weathering of, 265. Feldspars, relative durability of, 235. Felsitic structure, 33. Felsite pitchstone, 70. Felsophyr, 70 Felstone, 70. Ferrous carbonate, solubility of, 239. Fertility of soil dependent on physical condition, 379. 404 INDEX Fichtellite, 129. Fiorite, 109. Fissile argillites, roofing slates, 170. Flagstone, 133. Flexible sandstone, 134. Flint, 110. Flood plain of the Mississippi, 323. Fluidal or fluxion structure, 34. Fogs, indices of dust in atmosphere, 344. Foliated or schistose rocks, 164. Foliated structure, 34. Forellenstein, 87. Forests, buried by sand, 295; influence of, 280 ; protective action of, 282. Fourchite, 79. Foyaite, 79. Foyaite-phonolite group, 77. Fracture of rocks, 48. Fragmental structure, 34. Freestone, 133. Freezing water, disintegrating action of, 198. Frontal aprons, 356. Frontal moraines, 355. Frost, action in accelerating decomposi- tion, 278 ; action on soil, 367 ; disin- tegrating action, 199; heaving effects on boulders, 393; supposed protective action of, 278. Gabbro described, 85. Gabbro-basalt group, 85. Garnet rock, 170. Garnserite, formation of, 226. Garnetite, 170. Geest, 301. Gem sands of Ceylon, origin of, 266. Genetic relationship of rocks, 64. Geological age, of soils, 389 ; a basis for classification, 63. Geyserite, 109. Gilsonite, 127. Glacial deposits, 351. Glacial detritus, amount of, 201. Glacial drift, extent of, 291. Glacial lakes, extinction of, 289; filling of, 326. Glacial landscape, 291. Glacial moraine, 290. Glacial soil of Cape Elizabeth, composi- tion of, 364. Glacier, the, as an erosive agent, 200. Glaciers, as agents of transportation, 200 289. Glass abraded by wind-blown sand, 185. Glauconite, 31, 134. Glauconitic marl, 134. Globulitos defined, 41. Gneiss, Albemarle County, Virginia, de- generation of, 213. Gneisses, the, 164. Grahamite described, 127. Granite, described, 65 ; extent of weather- ing in District of Columbia, 276. Granitell, 68. Granite-liparite group, 65. Granite porphyry, 68. Granite soil defined, 383. Grauitite, 67. Granofelsophyr, 70. Granophyr, 70. Granular structure, 34. Granulite, 167. Grauwacke, 133. Graphic granite, 67. Gravels superficially oxidized, 258. Gravity, action of, in transporting debris, 286. Greenland, rock-weathering in, 278. Greensand marl, 134. Greenstone, 81. Greisen, 68. Greywacke, 133. Ground-mass defined, 40. Ground moraine, 352. Gruss, 301. Guano, 151. Gypsum described, 117. Halleflinta, 167. Hardpan, 368. Harzburgite, 97. Hatchettite, 129. Hatteras and Henlopen, sand dunes of, 295. Heat, action on pebbles in Arabia Petrea, 183 ; expansive action on rocks, 180. Heat and cold, as agents of decomposi- tion, 180 ; effects of, in Africa, 183 ; effects limited to surface, 183; most effective on slopes, 184. Heavy spar, 118. Hematite, 106 ; as a rock constituent, 28. Holocrystalline, definition of, 40. Hornblende, as a rock constituent, 19; decomposition of, 20; relative durabil- ity of, 235. Hornblende picrite, 97. Hornblendite, 100. Humic acid, 189. Humidity, weathering influenced by, 270. Hyaline andesite, 85. Hyalite formed during feldspathic de- composition, 238. Hyalobasalt, 92. Hyaloliparite, 72. Hyalomelan, 92. INDEX 405 Hyalotrachyte, 77. Hydration, 187 ; importance of, 188, 234, 253, 278 ; of micas, 189. Hydraulic limestone, 145. Hydrocarbou compounds, description of, 121. Hydro-metamorphism, 101. Hyperite, 87. Hypersthenite, 100. Hypocrenic acid, 190. Hypocrystalliiie, definition of, 40, Ice, disintegrating action of, 198 ; influ- ence in transporting rock debris, 287 ; mechanical action of, 195. Idiomorphic minerals defined, 41. Igneous rocks, 59; defined, 57. Ilmenite as a rock constituent, 28. Induration, cause of, 255; of rocks on exposure, 254 ; of sandstone by igneous contacts, 261. Infusorial earth, 141. Insects, effects on soils, 394. Intrusive rocks defined, GO. Inundated lands, classification of, 318. Iron, as a constituent of the earth's crust, 5 ; removed in form of ferrous sul- phate, 239; removed in form of pro- toxide carbonate, 239; variation in solubility, 239. Iron Mountain, Missouri, pre-Silurian weathering of, 276. Iron ores as rock constituents, 27. Iron pyrites as a rock constituent, 29. Itacolumite, 133. Itacolumites, Brazilian, weathering of, 228. Jasper, 110. Joints, as aids to weathering, 244 ; cause of, 245 ; influence of, in producing boulders, 244; influence in producing boss-like forms, 245. Kalk diabase, 90. Kames, 290. Kaolin, 116, 136, 205; composition of, 309; origin of, 308. Kaolinite distinct from kaolin, 309. Kaolinization defined, 18. Keratophyr, 76. Kersantite, 82. Kimberlite, 98. Kinds of rocks, 50. Kinzigkite, 170. Konlite, 129. Krakatoa, dust from, 298. Ktaadn Iron AVorks referred to, 107. Kugel porphyry, 70. Labradorite as a rock constituent, 17. Laccolite defined, 50. Lake Agassiz, deposits in, 290. Lake Asphaltites, 120. Lakes, filling of, 314 ; transient charac- ter of, 326. Laminated or banded structure, 38. Landscape, glacial, 291. Lapilli, 140. Laterite, 139, 310. Laurvikite, 79. Lava defined, 51. Leda clays, 334. Leopardite, 70. Leptinite, 107. Leucite as a rock constituent, 18. Leucite basalt, 103. Leucite-nepheline rocks, 102. Leucite rocks described, 102. Leucitite, 103. Leucitophyr, 80. Leucophyr, 88. Leucoxene, 28. Lherzolite, 97. Lichens, action of, 201. Liebuerite, 79. Lignite, 149. Limburgite described, 98. Lime carbonate, decomposing action of, 370. Lime in soils, 366. Limestone, unequal weathering of, 250; weathering of, 232. Limestone residuals, character of, 303. Limestone soils poor in lime, 259. Limestones, 143; and dolomites, 162; corroded by acids, 194; corroded by meteoric waters, 259; unequal indura- tion of, 247; variation in composition, 147. Limit of diminution in size of particles by erosion, 197. Limonite, 107 ; as a rock constituent, 29. Liparite described, 70. Litchfieldite, 79. Lithophysfu, 72. Loess, 139, 290, 327. Logans, or tors, 252. Lower California, rock-weathering in, 283. Lumachelle, 143. Lustre, 48. Luxullianite, 70. Lydian stone, 111. Magma, definition of, 59. Magnesian limestones, 145. Magnesia removed in excess of lime, 239. 406 INDEX Magnesium as a constituent of the earth's crust, 6. Magnesite, 113. Magnetite as a rock constituent, 27. Man, has squandered in the name of development, 397; ravages committed by, 397. Marbles, 163. Marcasite as a rock constituent, 29. Marginal moraines, 355. Marine animals, influence of, on marine muds, 204. Marl, 146. Marmolite, 116. Marsh gas, 121. Marsh lands, reclaimable areas, 340. Martite, 106. Massive structure, 34. Material lost through weathering, 208. Materials lost during decomposition, pro- portional amounts, 234. Mechanical action of water and ice, 195. Mechanical disintegration most active in regions of extreme temperatures, 182. Melaphyr described, 90. Melaphyrs and augite porphyrites, 90. Melilite basalt, 92. Menaccanite as a rock constituent, 28. Metamorphic rocks, 155; defined, 58. Metamorphism defined, 155. Metasomatosis defined, 158. Miascite, 79. Mica, relative durability of, 236. Micaceous sandstone, cause of weather- ing, 189. Micas, alteration and decomposition of, 23 ; as rock constituents, 22. Microcline as a rock constituent, 16. Microcrystalline structure, variation in, 41. Micro-granite, 70. Microlites defined, 40. Microlitic structure, 33. Micropegmatite, 70. Microscope used in geology, 38. Microscopic structure, 38 ; of rocks, 33. Microscopic study of rocks, efficiency of, 39. Mineral caouchouc, 126. Mineral composition of soils, 373. Mineral matter, dissolved by water, 191 ; in solution, removed annually from England and Wales, 194. Mineral pitch, 125. Minerals constituting rocks, 9 ; list of, 11. Mineral variation of rocks, cause of, 9. Mineral wax, 128. Minette, 74. Minnesota, wind action in, 297. Mississippi, flood plain of, 323. Mississippi River, amount of material transported by, 288. Missouri River, muddy character of, 288. Mode of occurrence of rocks, 49. Monazite sands, origin of, 266. Monoclinic feldspars, 14. Monoclinic pyroxenes as rock constitu- ents, 21. Monzonite, 74. Moraine defined, 55. Moraines, classified, 355 ; glacial, 290. Mosses, action, 201. Muck, 149. Muscovite, as a rock constituent, 23 ; rel- ative durability of, 236. Natural gas, 121. Nepheline as a rock constituent, 18. Nepheline basalt, 107. Nepheline dolerite, 104. Nepheline rocks described, 103. Nepheline syenites, 78; weathering of, 249. Nephelinite, 104. Nevadite, 72. Niggerheads, how formed, 244. Nile delta, section of, 321. Nineveh, site obscured by sand dunes, 295. Nitrates, influence of, in feldspathic de- composition; 239; in soils, 372; source of, 372. Nitric acid, in atmosphere, 177 ; influence of, in feldspathic decomposition, 239. Nitrogen, in atmosphere, 176 ; in soils, 372. Non-coking coal, 150. Norites, 86. Noumseite, formation of, 226. Novaculite, 111. Nummulitic limestone, 143. Obsidian, 72. Oldest known rocks, 49. Oligoclase, as a rock constituent, 16 ; disintegration of, 241 ; decomposition of, 237. Olivine, as a rock constituent, 24 ; altera- tion into serpentine, 24 ; relative dura- bility of, 235. Onyx marbles, 113. Oolites, English, coloration of, 258. Oolitic limestone, 143 ; origin of, 53, 112. Ophicalcite, 163. Ophiolite, 89, 116, 163. Organic acids, action of, 189; corrosive power on marble, 190; solvent power augmented by nitrogen, 190. INDEX 407 Oriental alabaster, 113. Original constituents of rocks, 10. Original structures preserved during de- composition, 264. Orthoclase, relative durability of, 236. Orthoclase porphyries, 75. Orthoclase as a rock constituent, 14. Orthophyr, 76. Orthorhombic pyroxenes as rock constit- uents, 22. Osars, 290, 356. Ouachitite, 79. Overwash plains, 356. Oxidation, how manifested, 187; inci- dental to decomposition, 234. Oxides, silica, 10!) . Oxygen, as a constituent of the earth's crust, 5 ; influence in preventing loss of iron during rock decomposition, 239 ; of the atmosphere as an agent of de- composition, 180. Ozokerite, 128. Palagonite tuff, 140. Paludal deposits, 336. Pantellerite, 72. Paraffin, native, 128. Paraniorphic minerals, 156. Peat, 148. Peat bogs, 317. Pebble, normal shape of, 348. Pegmatite, 67. Pelites, 135. Peperino, 140. Peridotite, described, 95; weathering of , 225. Peridotite-limburgite group, 95. Perlite, 77. Perlitic structure, 35. Petroleum described, 122. Petrosilex, 70. Phenocrysts defined, 41. Phlogopite, 23. Phonolite, weathering of, 217. Phosphates, 119. Phosphates of Tennessee, origin of, 267. Phosphatic sandstone, 152. Phosphorite, 119. Phosphorus, as a constituent of the earth's crust, 7 ; relative proportion of, in rocks, 8. Phyllite, 169. Physical and chemical properties of rocks, 33. Physical condition of soils, 378. Physical manifestations of weathering, 241. Picrite, 97. Picrite porphyrites described, 98. Picrolite, 116. Pic Pourri, decomposition of, by bacteria, 203. Piedmontite, 25. Pike's Peak, Colorado, weathering of granite, 243, 255. Pisolitic limestone, 143. Pitchstone, 77. Placer deposits, origin of, 267. Plagioclase feldspars, relative durability of, 236. Plagioclases as rock constituents, 16. Plant and animal life, effect on soils, 389. Plant life, effect on soils, 394. Plants and animals, agents of disintegra- tion, 201. Plutonic rocks, characteristics of, 60; defined, 60. P or ft do rosso antico, 83. Porphyrites, 83. Porphyritic structure, 35. Porphyroid, 167. Post-Cretaceous decay of granite, 272. Post-Glacial decay of diabase, 273. Post-Jurassic weathering of grano- diorites, 274. Post-Pliocene weathering of andesites, 274. Potash, in soils, replacing power of, 370; soluble in soils, 376. Potassium, as a constituent of the earth's crust, 6; relative proportion of, in rocks, 6. Pot-holes, formation of, 196. Potomac flats, 323. Potomac formation, 313. Potstone, 101. Precious serpentine, 115. Pre-Paloeozoic decay of rocks, 275. Primary rocks, 51. Primary constituents of rocks, 10. Principles involved in rock-weathering, 173. Propyllite, 85. Protective action, of plants, 202 ; of soil, 271. Protogine, 67. Psammites, the, 131. Pseudotuffs, 140. Psilomelane, 107. Puddingstone, 133. Pulaskite, 79. Pyrite, as a rock constituent, 29 ; decom- position of, 29. Pyroclastic rocks, 140. Pyrolusite, 107. Pyrophyllite, 116. Pyrophyllite schist, 168. 408 INDEX Pyroxenes, alteration and decomposition of, 22 ; as rock constituents, 21. Pyroxenite-augitite group, 99. Pyroxenites, described, 99; weathering of, 225. Quarrying by aid of fire, in India, 182. Quarry water, 199, 254. Quartz, 110; as a rock constituent, 12; the most refractory mineral, 234. Quartz basalt, 92. Quartz-free porphyries, 75. Quartz porphyry described, 69. Quartz veins, influence of contours, 260. Quartzite, origin of, 158 ; feldspathic, disintegration of, 251; polished by wind-blown sand, 257. Quartzites, weathering of, in the District of Columbia, 251. Quaternary deposits, weathering of, 258. Quitman Mountains, exfoliation of rocks, 182. Rainfall, amount reaching the soil, 281. Rain waters, temperatures of, 193. Rapilli, 140. Rate of weathering influenced by texture, 268 ; by composition, 269 ; by humidity, 270; by climate, 278; by position, 270. Reaction rims, 240. Regional metamorphism, 155. Regolith, classification of, 300 ; origin of name, 299. Regur defined, 382. Relationship between plutonic and effu- sive rocks, 63. Relative amount of material lost through weathering, 284. Relative durability of minerals, 234. Relative rapidity of weathering among eruptive and sedimentary rocks, 271. Rensselaerite, 116. Residual clays, 302; in caves, 233. Residuary deposits, 301 ; analysis of, 306 ; names proposed for, 301. Results, incidental to weathering, 266; of weathering due to position, 252. Retinite, 70, 129. Retinolite, 116. Rhodochrosite, 114. Rhombporphyry, 76. Rhyolite, 72 ; weathering of, 255. Ribbons in slates, 155. River channels formed by rock-weather- ing, 243. River erosion, 196. Rivers, flood plains of, 289. Rock, definition of, 1 ; disintegration of on Bering Island, 199. Rock-forming minerals, classification, 10 ; list of, 11. Rocking stones, 252. Rock temperatures, in Africa, 183; at Edinburgh, Scotland, 184. Rock - weathering, 206 ; a superficial phenomenon, 193; complexity of pro- cess, 240; early references to, 175; on Lone Mountain, Montana, 243. Rocks, absorptive power of, 198 ; chemi- cal composition of, 44; classification of, 57 ; color of, 45 ; composed mainly of inorganic material, 131; composed of debris from plants and animals, 141 ; expansion and contraction under natu- ral temperatures, 181 ; formed through chemical agencies, 105 ; formed as sedi- mentary deposits, 129; kinds of, 56; mode of occurrence, 49; physical and chemical properties of, 33 ; specific gravity of, 43. Roofing slate, microstructure of, 170. Root action, how manifested, 202. Roots, depth of penetration, in caves and soils, 202. Rosso de Levante, 98. Rottenstone, origin of, 267. Salt, common, 119 ; disintegrating effects of, 198. Sand, seolian, 346; Sorby's classification of, 342 ; of dunes, sources of, 296. Sand blast carving, 186 ; natural, 185. Sand dunes, 346 ; formation of, 295 ; rate of movement, 296. Sand grains, lasting power of, 197. Sandpipes, formation of, 260. Sandstone, cause of disintegration, 247; cementing matter of, 132; induration of, 256; siliceous, weathering of, 228; spheroidal, weathering in, 247; un- equal weathering of, 248. Sandstone concretions, formation of, 37. Sandstones, weathering of, 249. Sanidin, kaolinization of, 238. Sanidin-oligoclase trachyte, 77. Saprolite, 301. Satin spar, 117. Saxonite, 97. Scheerite, 129. Schistose structure, 34. Schists, the, 168; crystalline, weathering of, in Brazil, 251; of Cape Elizabeth, weathering of, 248 ; origin of, 156. Seacoast swamps, 336. Secondary constituents of rocks, 10. Secondary minerals, influence of, 249. Sedentary materials, classification of, 300. INDEX 409 Sedimentary rocks, origin of, 52. Seleuite, 117. Seneca oil, 123. Septarian nodules, 36, 114. Sericite, 23. Serpentine, composition, 30; after peri- dotite, 97 ; origin of, 115, 159; origin of name, 31 ; Harford County, Maryland, weathering of, 226. Shale, 137. Sheet defined, 50. Shell limestone, 143. Shell marl, 146. Shell sand, 143. Shore ice, transportation by, 292. Siderite, 114. Silica, loss of, how accounted for, 237; lost during decomposition, 234; possi- bility of combination with iron during rock decomposition, 239; solubility of, 238. Silicates, 114 ; most refractory, 235. Siliceous sinter, 109. Silicified wood, 110. Silicon as a constituent of the earth's crust, 5. Sill defined, 50. Simplification of compounds incidental to weathering, 265. Singing sands, 143. Sink-holes, formation of, 259. Slaggy structure, 34. Slates, 137. Slaty cleavage, origin of, 155. Slickensides defined, 54. Snow, effect in promoting decomposition, 280. Snowfall, influence compared with rain- fall, 280. Soapstone, Amherst County, Virginia, weathering of, 226; Fairfax County, Virginia, weathering of, 227 ; origin of, 101. Sodium as a constituent of the earth's crust, 7. Sodium chloride, influence in decompos- ing feldspars, 178. Sodium salts in soils, 371. Soil, chemical nature of, 358 ; capacity for water, 379; definition, 3: mineral nature of, 373 ; nitrates in, 322 ; nitro- gen in, 372; soluble matter of, 365; water content of, 281. Soil cap, creeping of, 287. Soil particles, movements of, 287. Soil temperatures at Orono, Maine, 184. Soils, age of, 386 ; affected by plant and animal life, 389; affected by winds, 2%; as affected by man, 396; classifi- cation, 381; color of, 384; destructive process of formation, 360; essential constituents of, 362; fertility of, 361; fertility dependent on physical condi- tion, 379; how affected by climates, 367 ; how affected by leaching, 368 ; in- herited characteristics, 303, 360, 387: mineral composition of, 373; of arid regions, character of, 368 ; of arid re- gions, composition of, 369; of humid regions, composition of, 379; of Nile valley, cause of fertility of, 325 ; phys- ical condition of, 378 ; resemblance to parent rock, 360; soluble salts in, 369; the, 357 ; weight of, 381. Soluble matter in fresh and decomposed rocks, 377. Soluble salts in soils, 369. Solution, 189 ; rate increased by commi- nution, 192; relative amount of mate- rial removed in, 258. Sounding sand, 143. South Dakota, rock-weathering in, 279. Specific gravity of rocks, 43. Specular iron ore, 28. Sphserosiderite, 114. Sphagnous mosses, rate of growth, 317. Spheroidal structure, 247. Spheroidal weathering of sandstone, 247. Spherulitic structure, 35. Spilite, 90. Stalactite, 113. Stalagmite, 113. Stamford dike, pre-Pala3ozoic decay of, 275. Steatite, 116. Stone implements, weathered, 273. Stone Mountain, Georgia, weathering of, 245. Stratification defined, 53. Stratified rocks, weathering of, 248. Stratified structure, 34. Structure, as affecting weathering, 249 ; of rocks, 33. Sub-soil defined, 383. Succinite described, 128. Sulphates, 117. Sulphuric acid formed during rock- weathering, 205. Swamp deposits, section of, 317. Swamp soils, 315. Swam ps.causeof, 316 Classification of, 317. Syenite, Little Rock, Arkansas, weather- ing of, 214. Syenite-trachyte group, 73. Syenites described, 73. Table Mountain structure, how produced, 252. 410 INDEX Tachylite, 92. Talus, defined, 54; slopes, 319. Temperatures, effect on soils, 367. Tephrite and basauite described, 94. Terminal moraines, 355. Termites, effects on soils, 391. Termites, or white ants, as promoters of decomposition, 204. Terra rossa, 302. Teschenite, 89. Theralite-basanite group, 93. Thin sections, preparation of, 42. Till, 138. Time considerations, 268. Time limit of decay, 272. Titanic iron as a rock constituent, 28. loadstone, 70. Tonalite, 82. Trachytes described, 76. Transportation and deposition of debris, 286. Transported materials, classification of, 318. Trap rocks, 89. Trass, 140. Travertine, 113. Trees, effect on soils, 394. Triassic conglomerate, weathering of, 264. Trichites defined, 41. Triclinic feldspars, 15. Tri polite, 142. Trowlesworthite, 68. Tufa, 112. Tuffoids, 140. Tuffs, 139. Uintaite described, 127. Ulmic acid, 189. Unakite, 68. Valley drift, 356. Valleys, formed by decomposition of greenstone dikes, 244. Valleys of solution, 253. Variolite, 89, 90. Vegetable matter, decomposing action of, 203. Veins defined, 54. Verd antique, 116. Verde di Genora, 98, 205. Verde di Pegli, 98. Verde di Prato, 205. Vesicular structure, 34. Viridite, 30. Vitreous or glassy structure, 33. Vitrophyr, 70. Vogesite, 74. Volcanic ashes, 140. Volcanic dust, 140, 298, 349. Volcanic group of fragmeutal rocks, 139. Volcanic mud, 140. Volcanic neck defined, 51. Volcanic necks, origin of, 261. Wacke, 139, 311. Wad, 107. Water, action of, in dry soil, 379 ; amount absorbed by rocks, 198; apparent pro- tective action of, 253 ; chemical action of, 186; contents of soil, 281; effects of freezing, 199; expansive force of freezing, 198; in cavities of quartz, 199 ; mechanical action of, 195 ; solvent power augmented, 186 ; solvent power tested, 191. Water and ice, influence in transporting rock debris, 287. Wave erosion, rapidity of, 198. Waves, erosive action of, 198. Weathering, character of, indicative of climate, 284; defined, 174; difference in kind in cold and warm climates, 283 ; effacement of characteristics of, 262; incidental results, 266; influenced by crystalline structure, 243; influenced by mineral composition, 248 ; influ- enced by position, 270; influenced by structure of rock masses, 244 ; irregu- lar, due -to lack of homogeneity, 251; of andesites, 274; of argillite, Har- ford County, Maryland, 229 ; of basalt, Bohemia, 223; of basalt, France, 223; of calcareous rocks containing silicate minerals, 249; of chert, 230; of clastic rocks, 228; of crystalline schists, 251; of diabase, Medford, Massachusetts, 218; of diabase, Venezuela, 222; of diabase, Stamford, Connecticut, 275; of diorite, Albemarle County, Virginia, 224; of dolomitic limestones, 250; of eruptive and sedimentary rocks, rela- tive rapidity of, 271 ; of feldspathic quartzite, 251 ; of fine-grained homo- geneous rocks, 250; of gneiss, Albe- marle County, Virginia, 213 ; of granite of the District of Columbia, 206; of granite, Lake Huron, 275; of granite, Pike's Peak, 243; of grano-diorites, 274; of limestone, 232, 250; of lime- stones, process one of solution, 231 ; of peridotite, 225; of phonolite, 217; of pyroxenite, 225; of quartzite boulders on deserts, 256 ; of quartzite in the Dis- trict of Columbia, 251; of rhyolite, 255; of soapstone, Albemarle County, Virginia, 226; of soapstone, Fairfax INDEX 411 County, Virginia, 227 ; of syenite, Lit- tle Rock, Arkansas, 214; rate of, 2(58; rate of, influenced by climate, 278 ; rela- tive amount of material lost through, 284 ; surface contours due to, 257 ; ulti- mate product of, 388; unequal, of bedded rocks, 253. Weathered stone implements, 273. Websterite, 100. Wehrlite, 97. Weight of soils, 381. Whirlwinds, effects of, 346. White ants, effects on soils, 391. Williamsite, 115. Wind action, 153, 184, 292. Wind action on Cape Cod, 297. Wind action on Wyoming soils, 296. Wind-blown sand polish, 257. Wisconsin, rock-weathering in, 278. Wurtzilite described, 126. Zeolites, as conservators of potash, 374; as rock constituents, 31 ; at Plombieres, 375 ; composition of, 32 ; formed in deep- sea bottoms, 375; in soils, 374; origin of, 31 ; products of hydro-metamor- phism, 375. Zeolitic matter in soils, 370. Zircon syenite, 79. Zonal structure, 37. Zonal structure incident to weathering, 258. ELEMENTARY PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, By RALPH S. TARR, B.S., F.G.S.A., Assistant Professor of Dynamic Geology and Physical Geography at Cornell University : Author of "Economic Geology of the United States." 8vo. Cloth. 488 pp. Price $1.40, net. Comments. 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