•ii<«;-<y , 1 , , the said fee- heredes habeant et teneant praedictam villam per praedictam ^™' firmam quinquaginta duarum librarum b/anc, sicut praedictum est. Theymaytake Concessimus etiam, pro nobis et heredibus nostris, eisdem rnerchandise Burgensibus et heredibus suis, quod capiant tronagium in villa that is sold ^g Notingham de mercandisis quae consistunt in pondere, sicut by weight. _ ^ _ ^ r > capi consueverunt in aliis burgis nostris et civitatibus per Angliam. May elect Et quod habeant coronatores ex se ipsis in cadem villa. their Coro- ^^ r • • • i- • ners. (Juare volumus et nrmiter praecipimus, quod praedicti 1230] FIRST CHARTER OF HENRY III. I3 These being witnesses : Geoffrey Fitz-Peter, Earl of Essex ; John. William Briwere ; Hugh Bardolf ; Robert Fitz-Roger ; William de Stuteville ; Hugh de Neville ; Simon de Pateshull ; Gilbert de Norfolk. Given by the hands of Simon, Archdeacon of Wells, and John de Gray, Archdeacon of Cleveland, at Clipston, the 19th day of March, in the first year of our reign. 41 53- IV. — First Charter of King Henry III. 1229-30, February 24. Henry, by the grace of God, King of England, Lord of Henry HI. Ireland, Duke of Normandy, Aquitaine, and Earl of Anjou, to his archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, justices, sheriffs, reeves, ministers, and all his bailiffs and faithful subjects, greeting. We have inspected the charter of the Lord King John, our Confirmation father, made to our Burgesses of Nottingham, in these words : charters. ' John, by the grace of God,' [etc., reciting King John's Charter^ No. III.']. We, therefore, accounting these gifts and grants as valid and acceptable, do grant and confirm them to the aforesaid Bui"gesses for us and our heirs. Moreover, we have granted of our own gift, and by this our The Burgesses charter do confirm, for us and our heirs, to the same Burgesses, fg^^ ^of the and their heirs, that they may render to us the aforesaid ferm of ?. ° ':,° ".^^ ■' •' directly into the same borough, to wit, fifty-two pounds blanc, by their hand the E x- T- 1 • • 1 , chequer, at our Exchequer at two terms, to wit, twenty-six pounds at the Close of Easter, and twenty-six pounds in the octave of Saint ^jf^ ^°'5| *J|^ Michael ; and that they and their heirs may have and hold the the said fee- aforesaid town by the aforesaid ferm of fifty-two pounds blank, as is aforesaid. We have also granted, for us and our heirs, to the same Theymaytake Burgesses and their heirs, that they may take tronage in the meSndis°I town of Nottingham of wares which q;o by weight, as they are that is sold . b / fe > / by weight. used to take in other our boroughs and cities throughout England. And that they may have coroners from themselves in the May elect , their Coro- same town. ners. Wherefore we will and firmly enjoin that the aforesaid 14 SECOND CHARTER OF HENRY HI. [1255 Henry IH. Burgenses, et eorum heredes, habeant et teneant, de proprio dono ^ nostro, libertates et consuetudines praedictas, bene et in pace, Enactment _ ^ clause. libere, quiete, et integre : videlicet, quod reddant nobis per manum suam singulis annis ad Scaccarium nostrum, ad duos terminos praedictos, praedictas quinquaginta et duas libras blanc ; et quod ipsi, et eorum heredes, habeant et teneant prae- dictam villam per praedictam firmam quinquaginta et duarum librarum blanc ; et quod ipsi capiant tronagium praedictum, et habeant coronatores ex se ipsis in eadem villa de Notingham', ut praedictum est. Hiis testibus : Johanne Bathoniensi, R[icardo] Dunholmensi, Waltero Karleolensi, Episcopis ; H[uberto] de Burgo, Comite Kantiae, Justitiario Angliae ; Hugone de Nevill'; Galfrido de Luscy ; Stephano de Sedgrave ; Radulfo, filio Nicholai ; Johanne, filio Philippi ; Henrico de Capella ; et aliis. Datum per manum venerabilis patris R[adulfi], Cycestrensis Episcopi, Cancellarii nostri, apud Westmonasterium, vicesimo quarto die Februarii, anno regni nostri quarto decimo. 4154. V. — Second Charter of King Heiiry III. 1255, July 20. Henry HI. [HJenricus, Dei gratia, Rex Angliae, Dominus Hyberniae, seconc c arter j^^^^ Normanniae, Aquitanniae, et Comes Andegaviae, archi- episcopis, episcopis, abbatibus, prioribus, comitibus, baronibus, justitiariis, vicecomitibus, praepositis, ministris, et omnibus ballivis et fidelibus suis, salutem. The Burgesses Sciatis nos concessisse, et hac carta nostra confirmasse, Burg- ar^esteTelse^ ensibus nostris Notingham, quod ipsi, et eorum heredes, imper- where (or pg^^^j^ p^^j. ^otam terram et protelstatem nostram habeant banc debts owing '^ ^ x i. j by other Bur- libertatem, videlicet, quod ipsi, vel eorum bona quocumque loc- gesses ; . . , . orum in potestate nostra mventa, non arestentur pro aliquo debito de quo fidejussores aut principales debitores non exstit- erint, nisi forte ipsi debitores de eorum sint communa et potestate, unless they j^^|-)gj^^.gg unde de debitis suis in toto vel in parte satisfacere have failed to _ _ _ ^ _ _ do justice to possint, et dicti Burgenses creditoribus eorumdem debitorum in the creditors. . . . , ^ . , , . , ... justitia deiuermt, et de hoc rationabihter constare possit. Grant of re- Concessimus etiam, et hac carta nostra confirmavimus, urn wri s. ^jgjgj^ Burgensibus, quod imperpetuum habeant returnum 1255] SECOND CHARTER OF HENRY HI. I5 Burgesses, and their heirs, shall have and hold, of our own gift, Hknuy HI. the aforesaid liberties and customs, well and in peace, freely, ^ ' -^'Enactment quietly, and wholly : that is to say, that they shall render to us clause. by their hand every year at our Exchequer, at the two terms aforesaid, the aforesaid fifty-two pounds blanc ; and that they, and their heirs, shall have and hold the aforesaid town by the aforesaid ferm of fifty-two pounds blanc ; and that they shall take the aforesaid tronage, and have coroners from themselves in the same town of Nottingham, as is aforesaid. These being witnesses : John, Bishop of Bath ; Richard, Bishop of Durham ; Walter, Bishop of Carlisle ; Hubert de Burgh, Earl of Kent, Justiciary of England ; Hugh de Nevill ; Geoffrey de Lucy ; Stephen de Segrave ; Ralph Fitz-Nicholas ; John Fitz-Philip ; Henry de Capella ; and others. Given by the hand of the venerable father Ralph, Bishop of Chichester, our Chancellor, at Westminster, the twenty-fourth day of February, in the fourteenth year of our reign. 4154- V. — Second Charter of King Henry III. 1255, July 20. Henry, by the grace of God, King of England, Lord of Henry HI. Ireland, Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, and Earl of Anjou, to his archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, justices, sheriffs, reeves, ministers, and all his bailiffs and faithful subjects, greeting. Know ye that we have granted, and by this our present The Burgesses 1 1 r ^ -n /- tvt • i i ^hall not be charter have confirmed, to our Burgesses 01 Nottingham, that arrested else- they, and their heirs, shall have for ever throughout our land debfs'^^owine and jurisdiction this liberty, that is to say, that they or their by other Bur- gesses ; goods, in whatsoever places found within our jurisdiction, shall not be arrested for any debt of which they are not the pledges or principal debtors, except in case the debtors are of their commune and power, having whereof their debts may be wholly ""avt^failed^o or partly satisfied, and the said Burgesses shall have failed in ^o justice to ^ •^ ^ . the creditors doing justice to the creditors of the same debtors, and that this can be reasonably made to appear. We have also granted, and by this our charter have con- Grant of re- 1 1 1 11 1 r 1 '"''" °f writs, firmed to the same Burgesses, that they shall have for ever the l6 THIRD CHARTER OF HENRY IH. [12/2 Henry HI. brevium nostrorum de summonitionibus Scaccarii nostri, de omnibus ad burgum nostrum Notingham' pertinentibus, ita quod nullus vicecomes, aut alius ballivus vel minister noster, decetero intromittat se de hujusmodi summonitionibus aut districtionibus faciendis in praedicto burgo, nisi per defectum dictorum Burg- ensium aut Ballivorum ejusdem burgi. Enactment Ouare volumus et firmiter praecipimus, pro nobis et hered- clause. ji^yg nostris, quod praedicti Burgenses et eorum heredes imper- petuum habeant libertates praescriptas, sicut praedictum est. Et prohibemus, super forisfacturam nostram decern librarum, ne quis eos contra libertates illas in aliquo injuste vexet, disturbet, vel inquietet. Hiis testibus : Rogero le Bigot, Comite Norf[olk'], Mares- callo Angliae ; Radulfo, filio Nicholai ; Johanne de Lessinton'; Ricardo de Grey ; Willelmo de Grey ; Ymberto Poieys ; Wauk- elino de Aerdern ; Petro Everardi ; Willelmo Gernum ; et aliis. Datum per manum nostram apud Notingham, vicesimo die Julii, anno regni nostri tricesimo nono. 4155- VI. — Third Charter of King Henry III. 1272, April 14. Henry HI. ^[HJENRICUS, Dei gratia, Rex Angliae, Dominus Hiberniae ' et Dux Aquitanniae, archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, prior- ibus, comitibus, baronibus, justitiariis, vicecomitibus, praepositis, ministris et omnibus ballivis et fidelibus suis, salutem. The Burgesses Sciatis nos concessisse, et hac praesenti carta nostra con- shall not be „ . ^^ . . . 1 . . arrested out nrmasse, Burgensibus nostris Notmghamm, quod ipsi, et eorum boroueh ^for heredes, imperpetuum, per totam terram et potestatem nostram, any debts of habeant banc libertatem, videlicet, quod ipsi, vel eorum bona which they are not prin- quocumque locorum in potestate nostra inventa, non arestentur sureties! °'^pro aliquo debito de quo fidejussores aut principales debitores non extiterint. Grant of re- Concessimus etiam eisdem Burgensibus, quod imperpetuum turno writs, h^^gg^j-,!- returnum brevium nostrorum de summonitionibus Scac- carii nostri de omnibus ad burgum nostrum Notingham' pertinent- ibus, ita quod nullus vicecomes, aut alius ballivus vel minister noster, decetero intromittat se de hujusmodi summonitionibus ' This is little more than a recital of the second charter (No, V,), 1272] THIRD CHARTER OF HENRY HI. I7 return of our writs of summons of our Exchequer, in cverythinj^ Henry HI. pertaining to our borough of Nottingham, so that no sheriff, or other baihff or minister of ours, shall hereafter intermeddle with the making of such summonses or distresses in the aforesaid borough, unless through the default of the said Burgesses or Bailiffs of the same borough. Wherefore we will and firmly enjoin, for us and our heirs, Enactment that the aforesaid Burgesses and their heirs shall have for ever the before-written liberties, as is aforesaid. And we prohibit, under pain of forfeiture to us of ten pounds, any one from vex- ing, disturbing, or disquieting them against these liberties. These being witnesses : Roger le Bigot, Earl of Norfolk' Marshal of England ; Ralph Fitz-Nicholas ; John de Lexington ; Richard de Grey; William de Grey; Humbert Poieys ; Walkelin de Arden ; Peter Everard ; William Gernon ; and others. Given by our hands at Nottingham, the twentieth day of July, in the thirty-ninth year of our reign. 4155- VI. — T/iird CJiarter of King Henry III. 1272, April 14. I Henry, by the grace of God, King of England, Lord of Henry hi. Ireland, and Duke of Aquitaine, to his archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, justices, sheriffs, reeves, ministers and all his bailiffs and faithful subjects, greeting. Know ye that we have granted, and by this our present The Burgesses charter have confirmed, to our Burgesses of Nottmgham that arrested out they, and their heirs, shall have for ever, throughout our whole borough for land and jurisdiction, this liberty, to wit, that they, or their ^"X ^^^^\ of •' _ ' ■"_ \ •" which they goods found in whatsoever place in our jurisdiction, shall not are not prin- be arrested for any debt of which they are not the pledges or sureties. principal debtors. We have also granted to the same Burgesses that they shall Grant of re- have for ever the return of our writs of summons of our Ex- turn of writs. chequer of all things relating to our borough of Nottingham, so that no sheriff, or other our bailiff or minister, shall henceforth intermeddle with making such summonses or distraints in the B 1 8 CHARTER OF EDWARD I. [1284 Henry HI. aut districtionibiis faciendis in praedicto burgo, nisi per defectum dictorum Burgensium, aut Ballivorum ejusdem burgi. Enactment Quare volumus et firmiter praecipimus, pro nobis et hered- ^ ^"^ ■ ibus nostris, quod praedicti Burgenses et eorum heredes imper- petuum habeant libertates praedictas, sicut pracdictum est. Et prohibemus, super forisfacturam nostram decern librarum, ne quis eos contra libertates illas in aliquo injuste vexet, disturbet, vel inquietet. Hiis testibus : Thoma de Clare ; Petro de Chaumpvent ; Willelmo de Wintreshull ; Willelmo Belet ; Waltero de Burges ; Galfrido de Percy; Johanne Carbunel ; Willelmo Arnald ; et aliis. Datum per manum nostram apud Westmonasterium, quarto- decimo die Aprilis, anno regni nostri quinquagesimo sexto. 4158. VII. — Charter of King Edzvard I. 1283-4, February 12. Edward I. ^ Rex archiepiscopis, et cetera, salutem. Restoration of Cum nos, ob certas transgressiones, quas Burgenses et Com- libert ies j^unitas villae nostrae Notingham' fecerant ex fiducia libertatum seized into _ _ King'shands. suarum, eandem villam, cum omnibus libertatibus ad ipsam spectantibus, ceperimus, et per triennium et amplius detinu- erimus in manu nostra ; volentes eisdem Burgensibus et Com- munitati gratiam facere specialem, eandem villam, cum omnibus libertatibus quas Burgenses et homines ipsius villae per cartas progenitorum nostrorum, Regum Angliae, prius habuerunt, restit- uimus eisdem ; concedendo, pro nobis et heredibus nostris, quod iidem Burgenses et Communitas omnibus eisdem libertatibus eodem modo decetero gaudeant et utantur, quo tempore capti- onis villae praedictae in manum nostram eis, juxta tenorem cart- arum praedictarum, rationabiliter utebantur : ita quod ipsi, et The Burgesses eorum successores, reddant de eadem villa nobis et heredibus ^^ .'^'^"^^^ ^^^^ nostris singulis annis, ad Scaccarium nostrum, quinquaginta et £^1 with an duas libras, in forma qua prius eas inde nobis reddere con- increment of ... , . 1 • , 1 1-1 ^8. sueverunt, et quod octo libras de incremento nobis et heredibus nostris inde nichilominus reddant annuatim. ' The original of this charter is lost. The above text is printed from the enrol- pient upon the Charter Rolls in the Public Record Office, 1284] CHARTER OF ED\YARD I. 1 9 aforesaid borough, unless through the default of the said Bur- iiexrv III. gesses, or the Bailiff's of the same borough. Wherefore we will and firmly enjoin, for us and our heirs, Enactment that the aforesaid Burgesses and their heirs for ever shall have ^ ^"^^" the aforesaid liberties, as is aforesaid. And we forbid, under penalty of forfeiture to us of ten pounds, any one from unjustly vexing, disturbing, or disquieting them in aught against these liberties. These being witnesses : Thomas de Clare ; Peter de Chaump- vent ; William de Wintershill ; William Belet ; Walter de Burges ; Geoffrey de Percy; John Carbunel ; William Arnold; and others. Given by our hand at Westminster, the fourteenth day of April, in the fifty-sixth year of our reign. 4158. VII. — Charter of King Edivard I. 1283-4, F'ebruary 12. I The King to his archbishops, et cetera, greeting. Edward I. Whereas we, on account of certain transgressions which the Restoration of Burgesses and Community of our town of Nottingham had ggj^ed"^ Jnto committed out of confidence in their liberties, have taken the King's hands, same town, with all liberties pertaining to it, and have detained it in our hands for three years and more ; wishing to show the same Burgesses and Community special grace, we restore to them the same town, with all the liberties which the Burgesses and men of that town had before by the charters of our pro- genitors, Kings of England ; granting, for us and our heirs, that the same Burgesses and Community may enjoy and use all the same liberties henceforth in the same manner as at the time of the taking of the aforesaid town into our hands they reasonably used them, according to the tenor of the aforesaid charters : on condition that they, and their successors, render from the same The Burgesses 1 1 • T- 1 ac 1^ to render the town to US and our heirs each year, at our Exchequer, tilty-two qu fg^n of pounds, in the form in which they were before accustomed to -^^remeS d" render them to us therefor, and that they render annually L^- therefor notwithstanding to us and our heirs eight pounds by way of increment 20 CHARTER OF EDWARD I. [1284 They may Et ad I'elevationem status Burgensium et aliorum hominum ' ejusdem villae, concessimus, pro nobis et heredibus nostris, quod ipsi decetero habeant in eadem villa unum Majorem de se ipsis, quern, congregatis burgensibus utriusque burgi ejusdem villae singulis annis in festo Sancti Michaelis, unanimi consensu et voluntate eligant, ut praesit Ballivis et aliis de eadem villa in omnibus, quae^ pertinent ad utriusque burgi ejusdem villae refjimen et iuvamen, et quod statim, eadem clectione facta, and one Bailiff ^ . . . for each of eligant unum Ballivum de uno burgo et alium de alio burgo, pro Borou"hs of diversitate consuetudinum in eisdem burgis habitarum, qui ea, the town. quae pertinent ad officium suum, exequantur. Grant of a Et quod ipsi, et eorum successores, praeter feriam suam per of St. Ed- octo dies ad festum Sancti Matthaei Apostoli durantem, habeant mund. imperpetuum unam aliam feriam in eadem villa singulis annis per quindecim dies duraturam, videlicet, in vigilia, in die, et in Nov. 20, crastino festi Sancti Edmundi Regis et Martiris, et per duodecim dies sequentes, nisi feria ilia sit ad nocumentum vicinarum feriarum. Enactment Quare volumus et firmiter praecipimus, pro nobis et heredibus ^ ^"^^* nostris, quod praedicti Burgenses et homines, et eorum succes- sores, praeter feriam suam per octo dies ad festum Sancti Matthaei Apostoli durantem, habeant imperpetuum unam aliam feriam in eadem villa singulis annis per quindecim dies durat- uram, videlicet, in vigilia, in die, et in crastino festi Sancti Edmundi Regis et Martiris, et per duodecim dies sequentes, cum omnibus libertatibus et liberis consuetudinibus ad hujus- modi feriam pertinentibus, nisi feria ilia sit ad nocumentum vicinarum feriarum, sicut praedictum est. Hiis testibus : venerabilibus patribus R[oberto], Bathoniensi et Wellensi, et A[ntonio], Dunolmensi, Episcopis ; Thoma de Clare; Ottone de Grandisono ; Johanne de Vescy; Roberto Tibetot ; Roberto, filio Johannis ; et aliis. Datum ?it supra {i.e., ' Datum per manum nostram apud Lincoln, xij. die Februarii ']. Rot. Chartarum, 12 Ed. I., No. 51. ' qitae^ 'qui,' MS. 1284] CHARTER OF EDWARD I. 21 And we have granted, for us and our heirs, for the alleviation They may of the estate of the Burgesses and other men of the same town, ^ ^'^ ^' ^^"'^' that they shall henceforth have in the same town a Mayor from amongst themselves, whom, the burgesses of both boroughs of the same town being assembled each year in the feast of Saint Michael, they shall elect with unanimous consent and will, to be set over the Bailiffs and others of the same borough in every- thing pertaining to the government and advantage of both boroughs of the same town, and that they shall at once, the and one Bailiff same election having been made, elect one Bailiff of one borough ^^ ^^^^^ ^°q and another for the other borough, on account of the diversity Boroughs of ^ -^ the town. of customs existing in the same boroughs, who shall execute those things which pertain to their office. And that they, and their successors, besides their fair lasting ^i,^P^ °' ^ ■" ' ^ Fair at feast for eight days at the feast of Saint Matthew the Apostle, shall of St. Ed- , r 1 r • • 1 1 mund. have for ever one other lair m the same town each year to endure for fifteen days, that is to say, on the eve, the day, and the morrow of the feast of Saint Edmund the King and Martyr, Nov. 20. and for the twelve days following, unless this fair shall be to the damage of neighbouring fairs. Wherefore we will and firmly enjoin, for ourselves and our ^"^'^^""^"^ clause. heirs, that the aforesaid Burgesses and men and their successors, besides their fair lasting for eight days at the feast of Saint Matthew the Apostle, shall have for ever one other fair in the same town every year to endure for fifteen days, to wit, on the eve, the day, and the mori-ow of the feast of Saint Edmund the King and Martyr, and for the twelve days following, with all liberties and free customs pertaining to such a fair, unless this fair shall be to the damage of neighbouring fairs, as is aforesaid. These being witnesses : the venerable fathers Robert, Bishop of Bath and Wells, and Antony, Bishop of Durham ; Thomas de Clare ; Otto de Grandison ; John de Vescy; Robert Tibctot; Robert Fitz-John ; and others. Given as above [i.e., ' Given by our hand at Lincoln, on the 1 2th day of February']. Rot. Chartarum, 12 Ed. I., No. 5 1. 22 CHARTER OF EDWARD II. [1314 VIII. — C/iarler of King Edzvard II. 13 13-14, March 16. Edward II. [EJdwARDUS, Dei gratia, Rex Angliae, Dominus Hiberniae, et Dux Aquitanniae, archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, prior- ibus, comitibus, baronibus, justitiariis, vicecomitibus, praepositis, ministris, et omnibus ballivis et fidelibus suis, salutem. Recital of pre- Inspeximus cartam confirmationis, quam Dominus Henricus, ters!^ ^ ^^ quondam Rex Angliae, avus noster, fecit Burgensibus de Not- ingham in haec verba: 'HENRICUS, Dei gratia' \etc., reciting the first charter of Henry III, No. IV.]. Inspeximus etiam quandam aliam cartam quam idem avus noster fecit eisdem Burgensibus, in haec verba : ' HENRICUS, Dei gratia ' [etc., reciting second charter of Henry III, No. V.]. Inspeximus insuper cartam quam Celebris memorise Dominus Edwardus, quondam Rex Angliae, pater noster, fecit eisdem Burgensibus in haec verba : ' Edwardus, Dei gratia ' [etc., reciting the charter of Edivai^d I, No. VII.']. Confirmation Nos autem, concessiones, confirmationes et restitutionem of same. praedictas ratas habentes et gratas, eas pro nobis et heredibus nostris, quantum in nobis est, praefatis Burgensibus et eorum heredibus ac successoribus, Burgensibus ejusdem villae, conced- imus et confirmamus, sicut cartae praedictae rationabiliter testantur. The Burgesses Et insuper concessimus eis, pro nobis et heredibus nostris, theil "°rigMs ^uod, licet ipsi vel eorum antecessores, Burgenses ejusdem villae, through non- aliqua vel aliquibus libertatum praedictarum hactenus usi non user. ^ ^ fuerint, ipsi tamen et heredes ac successores sui libertatibus illis, et earum qualibet, sine occasione vel impedimento nostri, vel heredum nostrorum, justitiariorum, escaetorum, vicecomitum, aut aliorum ballivorum seu ministrorum nostrorum quorum- cunque, decetero plene gaudeant et utantur. They shall not Praeterea, volentes eisdem Burgensibus gratiam facere ampli- Slr Bomu °h o^'^"^> concessimus eis, pro nobis et heredibus nostris, ad melior- concerning ationem praedictae villae nostrae Notingham', et commoditatem in the samej' Burgensium nostrorum ejusdem villae, ut eo tranquillius negoti- ationibus suis intendere possint, quod nullus eorum placitet aut implacitetur coram nobis, vel heredibus nostris, aut aliquibus justitiariis nostris, vel heredum nostrorum, extra burgum prae- 1 314] CHARTER OF EDWARD II. 23 \'\\\.— Charter of King Edzvard II. 13 1 3-14, March 16. ED^YARD, by the grace of God, King of England, Lord of Edward II, Ireland, and Duke of Aquitaine, to his archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, justices, sheriffs, reeves, ministers, and all his bailiffs and faithful subjects, greeting. We have inspected the charter of confirmation which Lord Recital of pre- Henry, sometime King of England, our grandfather, made to [^°"^ ^^^'^' the Burgesses of Nottingham in these words : ' Henry, by the grace of God ' \ctc., reciting the first charter of Henry I 11.^ No. IV.]. We have also inspected a certain other charter which the same our grandfather made to the same Burgesses in these words : ' HENRY, by the grace of God ' [etc., reciting second cJiai'ter of Henry III, No. V.]. We have also inspected the charter which the Lord Edward of famous memory, sometime King of England, our father, made to the same Burgesses in these words: ' Edward, by the grace of God ' [etc., reciting the charter of Edward I, No. VII.\ We, esteeming the aforesaid grants, confirmations and resti- Confirmation 1-11 111 ^ r ^ r ^^ Same. tution as valid and acceptable, do grant and confirm them tor us and our heirs, so far as in us lies, to the aforesaid Burgesses and their heirs, and successors, Burgesses of the same town, as the charters aforesaid do reasonably witness. And moreover, we have granted to them, for ourselves and The Burgesses our heirs, that, although they or their ancestors, Burgesses of their rights the same town, may not have used up to this time any of the th''°"Sh non- ' -^ ^ •' user. aforesaid liberties, they and their heirs and successors may yet henceforth fully enjoy and use those liberties, and each of them, without impediment or hindrance from us, or our heirs, or from our justices, escheators, sheriffs, or others our bailiffs or ministers whatsoever. Moreover, desiring to shew more ample grace to the same They shall not Burgesses, we have granted to them, for us and our heirs, for the uirBo°roug°h amelioration of our said town of Nottingham, and for the ad- concernmg ° ' lands, etc., vantage of our Burgesses of the same town, so that they may in the same, the more tranquilly attend to their affairs, that none of them shall plead or be impleaded before us, or our heirs, or any justices of us, or our heirs, without the aforesaid borough, as to 24 CHARTER OF EDWARD II. [iSH Edward II, dictum, de tern's aut tenementis, quae sunt in burgo praedlcto, seu de transgressionibus aut contractibus, vel aliis quibuscumque, in eodem burgo factis vel emergentibus, set omnia hujusmodi unless the placita, quae coram nobis, vel heredibus nostris, aut aliquibus cVrn^ t^he justitiariis nostris de Banco, vel aliis, summoneri contigerit vel Crown or the ^j-^g^^j^j^j-j extra burgum praedictum placitanda, coram Majore Community t> x i ' ^ j of the et Ballivis burgi praedicti, qui pro tempore fuerint, infra burgum Borough. . . • • 1 • Ml ^ 2. praedictum placitentur et terminentur, nisi placita ilia tangant nos vel heredes nostros, seu Communitatcm burgi praedicti. Et They shall not quod non ponantur cum hominibus forinsecis in assisis, juratis, wUh iordjm^ ^^^ inquisitionibus aliquibus, quae ratione tenementi, vel trans- ers in assizes, gressionum, aut aliorum negotiorum forinsecorum quorum- lurics etc* cumque, coram justitiariis aut aliis ministris nostris, vel heredum Foreigners nostrorum, emersint faciendae. Nee quod homines forinseci shall not be , • • -n •!_ • • • • i.* l • • • joined with ponantur cum ipsis Burgensibus in assists, juratis, aut inquisi- them in as- ^ionibus aliquibus, quae ratione terrae vel tenementi in eodem sizes, juries, ^ '■ etc., concern- burgo existcntium, aut transgressionum, contractuum, seu ali- ing lands or ... • i r • • suits in the orum negotiorum intnnsecorum, in eodem burgo emersint capi- Borough. endae ; set assisae illae, juratae, et inquisitiones de hiis quae in dicto burgo fuerint emergentes, per Burgenses ejusdem villae, et in eodem burgo solummodo, fiant, nisi res ipsae tangant nos, vel heredes nostros, seu Communitatcm ejusdem burgi. No royal Et insuper, cum Burgenses illi, per cartas praedictas, habeant ente"!- \he i"6turna brevium nostrorum et summonitionum de Scaccario Borough tOj^Qg^j-Q ^Q omnibus dictum burgum contingentibus, et quidam execute writs, ^ "^ ^ etc., except ministi'i nostri, et progenitorum nostrorum praedictorum, nichil- t h e Bur- ominus burgum praedictum hactenus pluries sint ingressi ad gesses. districtiones et attachiamenta ibidem facienda, quae per Ballivos ejusdem villae fieri deberent : concessimus eis, pro nobis et heredibus nostris, quod nullus vicecomes, ballivus, aut alii ministri nostri, vel heredum nostrorum, quicumque dictum burgum ingrediantur ad summonitiones, attachiamenta, seu districtiones, aut alia officia ibidem facienda, nisi in defectum Ballivorum ejusdem villae qui pro tempore erunt. Grant of im- Concedimus etiam eisdem Burgensibus, pro nobis et hered- munity from ., . , . . , , j- i.* various im- ibus uostris, quod ipsi, et eorum heredes ac successores praedicti, P°^^^" de muragio, pavagio, stallagio, terragio, kaiagio, lastagio et passagio, per totum regnum nostrum et totam potestatem nostram, imperpetuum sint quieti. 13 14] CHARTER OF EDWARD II. 2$ lands or tenements which are in the borough aforesaid, or of Edward II. transgressions or contracts, or other things whatsoever, done or arising in the same borough, but all such pleas which it may happen shall be summoned or attached to be pleaded out of the unless the . , . r actions con- aforesaid borough m the presence of us, or our heirs, or any ot ccrn the our justices of Bench, or others, shall be pleaded and determined Conrmu"ni?y within the said borough before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the of the ° Borough. aforesaid borough for the time being, unless the pleas touch us or our heirs, or the Community of the aforesaid borough. And They shall not ... bejoined that they shall not be placed with men from outside in any with foreign- assizes, juries, or inquests which may chance to be made before Juries.^'etc?''' our justices or other ministers of us, or our heirs, by reason of tenements or trespasses, or other extraneous matters whatsoever. Nor shall men from outside be placed with the Burgesses in any Foreigners assizes, juries, or inquests, which may chance to be taken in the .^ojned with same borough touching lands or tenements lying in the same ^^'^'^ !" .^^' ^ ° ... sizes, juries, borough, or trespasses, contracts, or other intrinsic matters; but etc.concern- , ... , . r 1 1 • 1*1 i_ ing hinds or that assizes, juries, and inquests oi those things which may be suits in the arising in the said borough, shall only be made by the Burgesses borough, of the same town, and in the same borough, unless the affairs touch us, or our heirs, or the Community of the same borough. And moreover, since the Burgesses should have, by the No royal aforesaid charters, the return of our writs and summons of our e^ter the Exchequer of all things touching the said borough, and certain Borough to ^ ° "^ ° execute writs, ministers of ours, and of our aforesaid progenitors, have not- etc., except . ... . ,1 in default of Withstanding up to this time many times entered the same the Bur- borough to make distresses and attachments there, which ought Susses. to have been made by the Bailiffs of the same town : we have granted to them, for us and our heirs, that no sheriff, bailiff, or other ministers whatsoever of ours, or our heirs, shall enter the said borough to make summons, attachments, or distresses, or other duties there, unless by default of the Bailiffs of the same town for the time being. We also grant to the same Burgesses, for us and our heirs. Grant of im- 1 1 1 1 • 1 • r • 1 1 11 1 -i. miinity from that they, and their heirs and successors aiorcsaid, shall be quit various im- of murage, pavage, stallage, terrage, quayage, lastage, and P°^'^" passage, throughout our whole kingdom and our whole dominion, for ever. 26 CHARTER OF EDWARD III. [l330 Edward II, Hiis testibus : venerabilibus patribus Waltero, Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi totius Angliae Primate, et Waltero, Coventrensi et Lych[feldensi], Episcopo ; Adomaro de Valentia, Comite Pem- brochiae ; Humfrido de Bohun, Comite Herefordiae et Essexiae; Hugone le Despencer ; Willelmo le Latymer ; Theobaldo de Verdon ; Johanne de Crumbwell'; Edmundo de Male Lacu, Senescallo Hospitii nostri ; et aliis. Datum per manum nostram apud Westmonasterium, sexto- decimo die Martii, anno regni nostri septimo. W. Sutton. Per finem ducentarum marcarum. 4160. IX. — CJiartcr of King Edzvard III. 1330, May I. Edward III. [E]dwardus, Dei gratia. Rex Angliae, Dominus Hiberniae, et Dux Aquitanniae, archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, prior- ibus, comitibus, baronibus, justitiariis, vicecomitibus, praepositis, ministris, et omnibus ballivis et fidelibus suis, salutem. Confirmation Inspeximus cartam Celebris memoriae Domini Edwardi chart?rr'°"^ nuper Regis Angliae, patris nostri, in haec verba : ' Edwardus, Dei gratia ' [etc., reciting Edward II.'s Charter, No. VII/.]. Nos autem, concessiones, confirmationes et restitutionem praedictas ratas habentes et gratas, eas, pro nobis et heredibus nostris, quantum in nobis est, praefatis Burgensibus, et eorum heredibus ac successoribus, Burgensibus ejusdem villae, conced- imus et confirmamus, sicut cartae praedictae plenius testantur. Restoration of Praeterea, cum dicta villa Notingham', una cum libertatibus the borough giugdem, in instanti itinere dilectorum et fidelium nostrorum to the Bur- -' ' gesses. Willelmi de Herle, et sociorum suorum, Justitiariorum nost- rorum Itinerantium in Comitatu Notingham', quibusdam certis de causis, per considerationem ejusdem Curiae, capta sit in manum nostram -.^ nos, volentes eisdem Majori et Burgensibus gratiam in hac parte facere specialem, restituimus eis villam praedictam, cum omnibus libertatibus praedictis : habendam et tenendam sibi, heredibus et successoribus suis Burgensibus ejus- dem villae, imperpetuum, adeo plene et integre sicut cam per ' The proceedings in Quo IVarranio in 1329, which ended in the seizure of liberties here referred to, are printed in the Borough Records, vol. iii., p. 202 S(/i/, 1330] CHARTER OF EDWARD III. 2/ These being witnesses : the venerable fathers Walter, Arch- Edward II. bisbop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, and Walter, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield ; Aymar de Valence, Earl of Pembroke ; Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford and Essex ; Hugh le Despencer ; William le Latymer ; Theobald de Verdun ; John de Cromwell ; Edmund de Mauley, Steward of our Household ; and others. Given by our hands at Westminster, on the sixteenth day of March, in the seventh year of our reign. W. Sutton. By a fine of two hundred marks. 4160. IX. — Charter of King Edzvard III. 1330, May I. - Edward, by the grace of God, King of England, Lord of Edward III. Ireland, and Duke of Aquitaine, to his archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, justices, sheriffs, reeves, ministers, and all his bailiffs and faithful subjects, greeting. We have inspected the charter of Lord Edward of renowned Confirmation memory, sometime King of England, our father, in these words : charters^ 'Edward, by the grace of God' {etc., reciting Edzvard II.' s Charter, No. VIII.\ We, regarding the concessions, confirmations and restitution aforesaid as firm and acceptable, do grant and confirm them, for us and our heirs, so far as in us lies, to the aforesaid Burgesses, and their heirs and successors. Burgesses of the same town, as the aforesaid charters more fully witness. Moreover, since the said town of Nottingham, together with Restoration of the borough the liberties of the same, in the present eyre of our well-beloved to the Bur- and faithful W^illiam de Herle and his associates, our Justices Susses. Itinerant in the County of Nottingham, on account of certain specific causes, by the judgment of the same Court, has been taken into our hands :i we, wishing to show to the same Mayor and Burgesses special grace in this particular, do restore to them the town aforesaid, with all the aforesaid liberties : to have and to hold to them, and their heirs for ever. Burgesses of the 28 CHARTER OF EDWARD III. [l330 Edward III. cartas praedictas tenuerunt et tenere debuerunt ante captionem supradictam. Reinforce- Insuper, cum in carta pracdicti Henrici Regis, proavi nostri, ment of the . i i- • -n 11- grant of re- contineatur, quod praedicti Burgenses, et eorum heredes imper- turn of writs, pj^^-^^j^^ haberent returnum brevium- ipsius proavi nostri et heredum suorum de summonitione Scaccarii sui, de omnibus ad dictum burgum Notingham' spectantibus, et quod nullus vice- comes aut alius ballivus ipsius proavi nostri, vel heredum suorum, quicumque dictum burgum ingrederentur ad summon- itiones, attachiamenta, seu districtiones, aut alia ofifiicia ibidem facienda, nisi in defectum Ballivorum ejusdem villae;i et prae- dicti Burgenses et antecessores sui, eo praetextu, hucusque hab- uerunt returna omnium brevium progenitorum nostrorum, et nostrorum, tarn de summonitionibus Scaccarii, quam aliorum brevium quorumcumque, eundum burgum qualitercumque tang- entium : Nos, securitati eorumdem Burgensium, ne super hoc inquietari possint infuturum, providere volentes, concessimus eis, et hac carta nostra confirmavimus, quod ipsi, et eorum heredes et successores praedicti imperpetuum, habeant returna omnium brevium nostrorum, et heredum nostrorum, tam de summonition- ibus Scaccarii, quam aliorum brevium quorumcumque, praedictum burgum qualitercumque tangentium ; ita quod nullus vicecomes, ballivus, seu alius minister noster, vel heredum nostrorum, burgum ilium ingrediatur ad summonitiones, attachiamenta, seu districtiones, vel aliqua alia officia, infra eundem burgum, exer- cenda vel facienda, nisi in defectum Ballivorum villae supradictae, sicut praedictum est. Confirmation Ad haec, cum per quandam inquisitionem, per praefatum to hav"^ a Willelmum et dilectum et fidelem nostrum Nicholaum Fastolft de gaol. mandate nostro factam,et in Cancel]aria[m] nostra[m] retornatam, compertum sit, quod praedicti Burgenses, a tempore quo non extat memoria usque ad tempus confectionis dictae cartae prae- dicti Johannis Regis, progenitoris nostri, eisdem Burgensibus factae, et etiam postmodum, gaolam in dicta villa Notingham' habuerunt, pro custodia eorum qui in eadem villa capti fuerunt seu attachiati, et quod gaola ilia fuit in custodia eorum, qui custodiam villae praedictae habuerunt, tanquam ad eandem ' Cf. Charter of Henry III., No. V. 1330] CHARTER OF EDWARD III, 29 same town, as fully and wholly as they held it, and should have Edward III. held it, by the aforesaid charters before the aforesaid seizure. Moreover, whereas it is contained in the charter of the afore- Reinforce- said Kmg Henry, our great-grandiather, that tlie aforesaid grant of re- Burgesses, and their heirs should have for ever, the return of ^""^^ " ^^"'^' the writs of the same our great-grandfather, and his heirs, of summons of his Exchequer, of all things belonging to the said borough of Nottingham, and that no sheriff or other bailiff whatsoever of our same great-grandfather, or of his heirs, should enter the said borough to make summonses, attachments or dis- tresses, or other offices there, except through the default of the Bailiffs of the same town ;^ and the aforesaid Burgesses and their ancestors, on that account, have had up to this time the return of all writs of our progenitors, and of ours, as well of summons of the Exchequer, as of other writs whatsoever, touch- ing the same borough in any way soever : We, wishing to pro- vide for the security of the same Burgesses that they may not herein in the future be disquieted, have granted them, and by this our charter have confirmed, that they, and their heirs and successors aforesaid for ever, shall have the return of all writs of ours, and of our heirs, as well of summonses of the Exchequer as of other writs whatsoever, in any wise whatsoever relating to the said borough ; so that no sheriff, bailiff or other minister of ours, or of our heirs, shall enter that borough to make or perform summonses, attachments, or distresses, or any other offices, within the same borough, except through the default of the Bailiffs of the abovesaid town, as is aforesaid. Moreover, whereas it appears by a certain inquisition made, Confirmation by the aforesaid William and our well-beloved and faithful °o 'have'^ a Nicholas Fastolf, at our command, and returned into our S^ol. Chancery, that the aforesaid Burgesses, from time whereof memory does not exist until the time of the making of the said charter of the aforesaid King John, our progenitor, made to the said Burgesses, and also afterwards, have had a gaol in the said town of Nottingham, for the custody of those who were taken or attached in the same town, and that that gaol was in the custody of those who had charge of the town aforesaid, as per- taining to the same town, as well whilst that town was in the hands of our progenitors aforesaid, as when it was in the hands 30 CHARTER OF EDWARD III. [l330 Edward III. villam pertinens, tarn dum villa ilia fuit in manibiis progenit- orum nostrorum praedictorum, quam in manibus Burgensium villae supradictae : Nos, pro pleniori securitate ipsorum, volentes eis gratiam in hac parte facere specialem, concessimus eis, et hac carta nostra confirmavimus, quod iidem Burgenses, heredes et successores sui praedicti imperpetuum, habeant gaolam prae- dictam in villa praedicta, pro custodia illorum qui in eadem villa, ex quacumque causa, capi seu attachiari contigeri[n]t. Confirmation Insuper, cum pracfati Burgenses, praetextu dictorum verb- davMarket"^' ^''^^ in praedictis chartis contcntorum quod 'homines de Not- inghamshire et de Derbishire venire debent ad praedictum burgum de Notingham die Veneris et Sabbati cum quadrigis et summagiis suis,'^ habuerint in eodem burgo unum mercatum singulis septimanis per diem Sabbati, sicut dicunt : Nos, ne praedicti Burgenses super dicto mercato suo occasionentur in- futurum, volentes eorum securitati prospicere gratiose, concess- imus eis, et hac carta nostra confirmavimus, quod ipsi, et heredes ac successores sui praedicti imperpetuum, habeant et teneant mercatum praedictum singulis septimanis per diem Sabbati, cum omnibus libertatibus et liberis consuetudinibus ad hujus- modi mercatum pertinentibus ; nolentes quod ipsi, vel eorum heredes vel successores, occasione mercati illius, pro tempore praeterito vel futuro, per nos, vel heredes nostros, seu ministros nostros quoscumque occasionentur, molestentur in aliquo, seu graventur. Acquittance of Concessimus etiam eisdem Burgensibus, et hac carta nostra pontage. confirmavimus, quod ipsi, heredes et successores sui, de pontagio per totum regnum et potestatem nostram imperpetuum sint quieti. Enactment Quare volumus et firmiter praecipimus, pro nobis et hered- clause. ibus nostris, quod iidem Burgenses, et eorum heredes ac succes- sores, imperpetuum habeant et teneant praedictam villam, cum omnibus libertatibus praedictis ; et etiam imperpetuum habeant returna omnium brevium nostrorum et heredum nostrorum, tarn de summonitionibus Scaccarii, quam aliorum brevium quorum- cumque ; et etiam gaolam in eadem villa ; et mercatum per dictum diem Sabbati, cum omnibus libertatibus et liberis con- suetudinibus ad hujusmodi mercatum pertinentibus ; quodque quieti sint de hujusmodi pontagio per totum regnum et potest- atem nostram, sicut praedictum est. 1330] CHARTER OF EDWARD III. 3 1 of the Burgesses of the town aforesaid : We, desiring in this par- Edward III. ticular to show them special grace, for their more ample security, have granted them, and by this our charter have confirmed, that the same Burgesses, their heirs and successors aforesaid for ever, shall have the aforesaid gaol in the aforesaid town, for the custody of those who shall happen to be taken or attached in the same town, from whatsoever cause. Moreover, whereas the aforesaid Burgesses, by reason of the Confirmation said words contained in the aforesaid charters that * the men of d^y Market. Nottinghamshire and of Derbyshire should come to the afore- said borough of Nottingham on Friday and Saturday with their wains and pack-horses,' ^ have had in the same borough a market every week during Saturday, as they say : We, desiring graciously to provide for their security, so that the aforesaid Burgesses may not in future be molested as to the said market, have granted them, and by this our present charter have con- firmed, that they, and their heirs and successors aforesaid for ever, may have and hold the aforesaid market each week during Saturday, with all liberties and free customs pertaining to such market ; we being unwilling that they, or their heirs or successors, on account of that market should be impeded, molested or in any wise troubled by us, or our heirs, or our ministers whatso- ever, for time past or to come. We have also granted to the same Burgesses, and by this Acquittance of our present charter have confirmed, that they, their heirs and ^°" ^^^' successors, shall be for ever quit of pontage throughout our whole kingdom and dominion. Wherefore we will and firmly enjoin, for us and our heirs. Enactment that the same Burgesses, and their heirs and successors, shall ^ ^"^^• have and hold for ever the aforesaid town, with all the aforesaid liberties ; and also shall have for ever the return of all writs of ours and of our heirs, as well of summonses of the Exchequer, as of other writs whatsoever ; and also a gaol in the same town ; and a market for the said Saturday, with all liberties and free customs pertaining to such market ; and that they shall be quit of such pontage throughout our whole kingdom and dominion, as is aforesaid. ' Cf. Charter of Henry II., No. I. 32 LETTERS PATENT OF EDWARD III. [l330 Edward III. Hiis testibus : venerabilibus patribus Henrico, Episcopo Lincolniensi, Cancellario nostro; Johanne, Wyntoniensi, et Rogcro, Coventrensi et Lichefeldensi, Episcopis ; Johanne de Eltham, Comite Cornubiae, fratre nostro carissimo ; Rogero de Mortuo Mari, Comite Marchiae ; Willelmo de Monte Acuto ; Johanne Mautravers, Senescallo Hospitii nostri ; et aliis. Datum per manum nostram, apud Wodestok, primo die Maii, anno regni nostri quarto. Per ipsum Regem et ConciHum. 4161. X. — Letters Patent regarding tJie electmi of the Bailiffs. 1330, May 3. Edward III. Edwardus, Dei gratia, Rex AngHae, Dominus Hiberniae et Dux Aquitanniae, omnibus ad quos praesentes litterae per- venerint, salutem. The Burgesses Sciatis, quod, cum per cartam Celebris memoriae Domini are unable to E^^ardi, nuper Regis AngHae, avi nostri, concessum existat find a Bailiff ' r fc> & » » in each of Burgensibus villae nostrae Notingham', quod iidem Burgenses, the two , . . r r^ ' n/r- !• 1- T\T • boroughs of smguhs aums, m festo Sancti Michaehs, ehgant unum Majorem t e town; ^^ ^^ ipsis, ' ut pracsit Balhvis et aliis de eadem villa in omnibus quae pertinent ad utriusque burgi villae illius regimen et juv- amen, et quod statim, eadem electione facta, eligant unum Ballivum de uno burgo et alium de alio burgo, pro diversitate consuetudinum in eisdcm burgis habitarum, qui ea, quae per- tinent ad officium suum, exequantur ;'i et praefati Burgenses nobis supplicaverint quod, cum ipsi in uno burgorum praedict- orum, propter paupertatem et insufficientiam inhabitantium in eodem, ballivum sufficientem ad officium illud exequendum ad praesens nequeant invenire, velimus eis concedere, quod ipsi in they may eadem villa, in locis ubi melius viderint expedire, dictos duos therefore, ,,. ,. . t... ,...., ... elect two ballivos eligere possmt : Nos, eorum supplicationi lavorabiliter m^ost'^o^n^ annuentes in hac parte, concessimus eis quod ipsi, post electionem venient. de eodem Majore, ut praemittitur, factam, dictos duos Ballivos de melioribus et magis sufficientibus ejusdem villae, in locis ubi melius viderint expedire, qui ea, quae ad officium suum pertinent • Cf. Charter of Edward I., No. VII. 1330] LETTERS PATENT OF EDWARD III. 33 These being witnesses : the venerable fathers Henry, Bishop Edward in. of Lincohi, our Chancellor ; John, Bishop of Winchester, and Roger, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield ; John de Eltham, Earl of Cornwall, our dearest brother ; Roger de Mortimer, Earl of March ; William de Montacute ; John Maltravers, Steward of our Household ; and others. Given by our hand at Woodstock, the first day of May, in the fourth )'car of our reign. By the King and Council. 4161. X. — Letters Patent regarding the election of the Bailiffs. 1330, May 3. Edward, by the grace of God, King of England, Lord of Edward III. Ireland and Duke of Aquitaine, to all to whom the present letters shall come, greeting. Know ye that, whereas by the charter of Lord Edward of The Burgesses renowned memory, late King of England, our grandfather, it fi'^d""^B^niff was granted to the Burgesses of our town of Nottingham that in each of T-. • • ^ r r thctWO the same Burgesses, m each year, ni the feast of Samt Michael, boroughs of should elect a Mayor from themselves 'to be set over the ^ ^ ^o^^'" 5 Bailiffs and others of the same borough in everything that pertains to the government and advantage of the same town, and that they shall at once, the same election having been made, elect one Bailiff of one borough and another for the other borough, on account of the diversity of customs existing in the same boroughs, who shall execute those things that pertain to their office ;i and the aforesaid Burgesses have besought us that, whereas in one of the boroughs aforesaid, on account of the poverty and insufficiency of the inhabitants of the same, they are unable at present to find a sufficient bailiff to execute that office, we should grant them that in the same town, in places they may which may seem to be most expedient, they may elect the said eieYt^ t°wo two bailiffs : We, favourably inclining to their prayer in this Baiiifts where •' ° ^ ■' mostcon- particular, have granted them that they, after the election of the venient. same Mayor has been made, as is aforesaid, shall have power to elect the said two Bailiffs out of the better and more sufficient persons of the same town, in places which may seem to them to be most expedient, who shall execute those things that C 34 GRANT OF A FAIR BY RICHARD II. [l378 Edward III. exequantur, eligere valeant, dictis verbis in pracdicta carta ipsius avi nostri contcntis non obstantibus. In cujus rei testimonium has litteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes, quamdiu nobis placuerit duraturas. Teste me ipso apud Wodestok, primo die Maii, anno regni nostri quarto. Per ipsum Regcm et Concilium. 4312. XL — Grant of a Fair to the Biirgesses in place of the Fair at the Feast of St. Edmund. 1377-8, March 19. Richard II. RiCARDUS, Dei gratia, Rex Anghae et Franciae, et Dominus Hiberniae, archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, prioribus, ducibus, comitibus, baronibus, justitiariis, vicecomitibus, praepositis, bal- livis, ministris, et ahis fidehbus suis, salutem. Grant of afair Supplicavcrunt nobis dilecti nobis Major, BalHvi, et Burg- sV Petef in cnscs villae nostrae de Notyngham, ut, cum ipsi, per cartas pro- place of that o-enitorum nostrorum, quondam Regum AngHae, habeant sin- at the feast of ==• ' ^ , ^ ^ . . St. Edmund, gulis annis, in villa praedicta, duas ferias, unam, videlicet, per Sept 21 °*-*-° ^^^^ ^^ festum Sancti Mathaei Apostoli durantem, et alteram per quindecim dies, videlicet, in vigilia, in die et in Nov. 20. crastino Sancti Edmundi Regis et Martiris, et per duodecim dies sequentes, velimus eis gratiose concedere ut ipsi, loco secundae feriae praedictae, habeant unam feriam ibidem per quinque dies Feb. 22. duraturam, videlicet, in die et in crastino Sancti Petri in Cathedra, et per tres dies proxime sequentes : nos, eorum sup- plicationi in hac parte annuentes, de gratia nostra speciali con- cessimus, pro nobis et heredibus nostris, praefatis Majori, Ballivis, et Burgensibus, quod ipsi et eorum successores imper- petuum, praeter primam feriam suam praedictam, habeant, loco secundae feriae quindecim dierum, unam feriam apud villam praedictam singulis annis per quinque dies duraturam, videlicet, in die et in crastino Sancti Petri in Cathedra, et per tres dies proxime sequentes, sicut praedictum est; dum tamen feria ilia non sit ad nocumentum vicinarum feriarum. Recapitula- Ouare volumus et firmiter praecipimus, pro nobis et hered- *^*^"' ibus nostris, quod praedicti Major, Ballivi, et Burgenses, et eorum successores imperpetuum, praeter primam feriam suam praedictam, habeant, loco suae secundae feriae praedictae 1378] GRANT OF A FAIR BY RICHARD II. 35 pertain to their office, the said words contained in the aforesaid Edward III. charter of our grandfather notwithstanding. In testimony whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent, to endure as long as it shall please us. Witness myself at Woodstock, the first day of May, in the fourth year of our reign. By the King himself and Council, 4312. XI. — Grant of a Fair to the Burgesses in place of tJie Fair at the Feast of St. Edvnind. 1377-8, March 19. Richard, by the grace of God, King of England and Richard II. France, and Lord of Ireland, to his archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, dukes, earls, barons, justices, sheriffs, reeves, bailiffs, ministers, and others his faithful subjects, greeting. Our well-beloved the Mayor, Bailiffs, and Burgesses of our Grant of a fair town of Nottingham have besought us that, whereas by the gt_ p^ter in charters of our progenitors, sometime Kings of England, they ^J^j^Tg f^sfS have each year, in the aforesaid town, two fairs, one, to wit, St. Edmund. enduring for eight days at the feast of Saint Matthew the ggpj_ 21. Apostle, and the other for fifteen days, to wit, on the eve, the day and the morrow of Saint Edmund the King and Martyr, -^^^^ ^o. and for twelve days following, we should graciously grant that they, in the place of the second fair aforesaid, should have a fair there enduring for five days, to wit, on the day and Feb. 22. the morrow of Saint Peter in Cathedra, and for three days next following : we, acceding to their supplication in this particular, have granted of our special grace, for us and our heirs, to the aforesaid Mayor, Bailiffs, and Burgesses, that they and their successors for ever, besides their first fair aforesaid, shall have, instead of the second fair of fifteen days, a fair at the aforesaid town each year to endure for five days, to wit, on the day and the morrow of Saint Peter in Cathedra, and for three days next following, as is aforesaid ; provided that this fair shall not be to the damage of neighbouring fairs. Wherefore we will and firmly enjoin, for us and our heirs, Recapitula- that the aforesaid Mayor, Bailiffs, and Burgesses, and their suc- cessors for ever, besides their first fair aforesaid, shall have, instead of their second fair aforesaid of fifteen days, a fair at the 36 CHARTER OF RICHARD II. [l378 Richard II. quindecim dierum, unam fcriam apud villain pracdictam singulis annis per quinque dies duraturam, videlicet, in die et in crastino Sancti Petri in Cathedra, et per tres dies proxime sequentes, cum omnibus libertatibus et liberis consuetudinibus ad hujus- modi feriam pertinentibus, nisi feria ilia sit ad nocumentum vicinarum feriarum, sicut praedictum est. Hiis testibus : venerabilibus patribus Adam de Houton, Menevensi, Cancellario nostro, Thoma de Brantyngham, Exon- iensi, Thesaurario nostro, Thoma, Karliolensi, Radulpho, Sares- buriensi, Episcopis ; Thoma de Wodestok, Buk[ingham'], Thoma de Bello Campo, Warr[vvick'], Comitibus ; Willelmo Latymer, Ricardo de Stafford, Henrico le Scrop, Johanne Knyvet, milit- ibus ; Ricardo le Scrop, Senescallo Hospitii nostri ; et aliis. Datum per manum nostram apud Westmonasterium, decimo nono die Martii, anno regni nostri primo. Scarle. Per Breve de Privato Sigillo. 4165. XII. — CJiai'tcr of King Richaj-d II. 1378, Aprils. Richard II. RiCARDUS, Dei gratia, Rex Angliae et Franciae, et Dominus Hiberniae, omnibus, ad quos praesentes litterae pervenerint, salutem. Recital of pre- Inspeximus cartam Domini Edwardi nuper Regis Angliae, avi nostri, in haec verba : ' Edwardus, Dei gratia' \etc.^ reciting charter of Edzvard III, No. AY.]. Confirmation ^^^ autem, omnes et singulas concessiones, confirmationes of same. g|. restitutiones praedictas ratas habentes et gratas, eas, pro nobis et heredibus nostris, quantum in nobis est, praefatis Burg- ensibus villae de Notyngham, heredibus et successoribus suis, Burgensibus ejusdem villae, concedimus et confirmamus, sicut cartae praedictae rationabiliter testantur, et prout iidem Burg- cnses et antecessores sui libertatibus et quietantiis praedictis rationabiliter usi sunt et gavisi. In cujus rei testimonium has Htteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium, octavo die Aprilis, anno regni nostri primo. Scarle. Per ipsum Regem et Concilium in Parhamento, quia onerati sunt cum hominibus Derb[iae] de quadam balingera facienda. 4164. 1378] CHARTER OF RICHARD H. 37 aforesaid town each year to endure for five days, to wit, on the Richard H. day and the morrow of Saint Peter in Cathedra, and for three days next following, with all liberties and free customs pertain- ing to such fair, unless this fair shall be to the damage of neighbouring fairs, as is aforesaid. These being witnesses : the venerable fathers Adam dc Houghton, Bishop of Saint David's, our Chancellor ; Thomas de Brantingham, Bishop of Exeter, our Treasurer ; Thomas, Bishop of Carlisle ; Ralph, Bishop of Salisbury ; Thomas de Woodstock, Earl of Buckingham ; Thomas de Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick ; William Latimer, Richard de Stafford, Henry le Scrope ; John Knyvet, knights ; Richard le Scrope, Steward of our Household ; and others. Given by our hand at Westminster, on the nineteenth day of March, in the first year of our reign. Scarle. By Writ of Privy Seal. 4165. Xn. — Charter of King Richard II. 1378, April 8. Richard, by the grace of God, King of England and richard II. France, and Lord of Ireland, to all to whom the present letters may come, greeting. We have inspected the charter of the Lord Edward late Recital of pre- King of England, our grandfather, in these words : ' Edward, by viouscharters the grace of God' [etc., reciting charter of Echvard III, No. IX. \ We, esteeming all and singular the aforesaid grants, con- confirmation firmations and restitutions as valid and acceptable, grant and of s^™^' confirm them, for us and our heirs, so far as in us lies, to the aforesaid Burgesses of the town of Nottingham, their heirs and successors, Burgesses of the same town, as the charters aforesaid reasonably witness, and as the same Burgesses and their ancestors have reasonably used and enjoyed the liberties and acquittances aforesaid. In testimony whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness myself at Westminster, on the eighth day of April, in the first year of our reign. Scarle. By the King and Council in Parliament, because they are charged with the men of Derby with the making of a balinger. 4164. 38 CHARTER OF HENRY IV. [l399 YAW.— Charter of King Henry IV. 1399, November 18. Henry IV. Henricus, Dei gratia, Rex Angliae et Franciae, ct Dominus Hiberniae, archicpiscopis, cpiscopis, abbatibus, prioribus, ducibus, comitibus, baronibus, justitiariis, vicecomitibus, praepositis, min- istris, et omnibus ballivis et fidelibus suis, salutem. Recital and [IJnspeximus litteras patentes Domini Ricardi, nuper Regis of" previou" Angliae, Secundi post Conquaestum, factas in haec verba : ' Rl- charters. CARDUS, Dci gratia' \etc., reciting Charter of Richard II., No. XII.'\. Nos autcm, omnes et singulas concessiones, confirm- ationes et restitutiones praedictas ratas habentes et gratas, eas, pro nobis et hercdibus nostris, quantum in nobis est, acceptamus, approbamus, ratificamus, ac dilectis nobis Burgensibus villae praedictae, heredibus et successoribus suis, Burgensibus ejusdem villae, concedimus et confirmamus, sicut cartae praedictae ration- abiliter testantur. Liberties shall Praeterea, volentes eisdem Burgensibus gratiam facere ampli- not be for- Q^em, de gratia nostra speciali, concessimus, pro nobis et hered- feitedbynon- ' t? i ' ^ c user. ibus nostris, quantum in nobis est, eisdem Burgensibus, quod, licet ipsi vel antecessores sui aliqua vel aliquibus libertatum vel quietantiarum in cartis praedictis contentarum, aliquo casu emergente, plene usi non fuerint, ipsi tamen, et eorum heredes ct successores, libertatibus et quietantiis praedictis, et earum qualibet, de cetero plene gaudeant et utantur, sine occasione vel impcdimcnto nostri vel heredum nostrorum, justitiariorum, esca- etorum, vicecomitum, ac aliorum ballivorum et ministrorum nostrorum et heredum nostrorum quorumcumque. Grant of cog- -^^^ insuper, volentes nunc Majorem et Ballivos ac Burgenses nizanceof all yjUa^g praedictae, necnon eorum heredes et successores, suis pleas relat- ing to lands, multimodis exigentibus mentis, favore prosequi uberiori, de etc., in the . ... . . Borough, gratia nostra sjDeciali, ex certa scientia nostra, et de assensu tr^espasses, (^onsilii nostri, concessimus, pro nobis et heredibus nostris, et hac carta nostra confirmavimus, praefatis Majori, Ballivis et Burgensibus, quod ipsi et eorum heredes et successores imper- petuum habeant infra villam praedictam cognitiones omnium placitorum per Majorem et Ballivos ejusdem villae pro tempore existentes, seu alios, quos ad hoc deputaverint, tenendorum, tam videlicet de terris, tenementis et redditibus infra libertatem villae 1399] CHARTER OF HENRY IV. 39 XIII. — Charter of King Henry IV. 1399) November 18. Henry, by the grace of God, King of England and France, Henry IV. and Lord of Ireland, to his archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, dukes, earls, barons, justices, sheriffs, reeves, ministers, and all his bailiffs and faithful subjects, greeting. We have inspected the letters patent of Lord Richard, Recital and i,T-- rT-iiif- ir 1^ 1. confirmation late Kmg 01 England, the Second alter the Conquest, made m of previous these words : ' Richard, by the grace of God ' {etc., reciting '^'^^'^''^''s- Charter of Richard II., No. XII.\ We, esteeming all and singular the aforesaid grants, confirmations and restitutions as valid and acceptable, do accept, approve, ratify, and grant and confirm them, for us and our heirs, so far as in us lies, to our well-beloved Burgesses of the town aforesaid, their heirs and successors. Burgesses of the same town, as the charters aforesaid do reasonably witness. Moreover, we, desiring to show the same Burgesses greater Liberties shall favour, have granted, of our especial grace, for us and our heirs, feitedbynon- so far as in us lies, to the same Burgesses, that, although they "^^'^" or their ancestors may not have fully used, on any opportunity occurring, any one or more of the liberties or acquittances in the aforesaid charters contained, nevertheless they, and their heirs and successors, may henceforth fully enjoy and use the liberties and acquittances aforesaid, and each of them, without hin- drance or impediment from us or our heirs, justices, escheators, sheriffs, and others the bailiffs and ministers of us and our heirs whatsoever. We moreover, wishing to bestow more ample favour upon Grant of cog- the present Mayor and Bailiffs and Burgesses of the town afore- pieas'^^°elat- said, as well as their heirs and successors, on account of their mg to lands, etc., in the manifold deserts, have granted, for us and our heirs, of our Borough, especial grace, of our certain knowledge, and with the assent of ^^^^^^P^^^^^' our Council, and by this our charter have confirmed, to the aforesaid Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses, that they and their heirs and successors for ever shall have cognizance of all pleas within the aforesaid town, to be held by the Mayor and Bailiffs of the same town for the time being, or by others whom they shall depute for this purpose, to wit, as well of lands, tenements and 40 . CHARTER OF HENRY IV. [l399 Henry IV. praedictae existentibus, quam de transgressionibus, convcntion- ibus, contractibus, negotiis et querelis quibuscumque, infra liber- tatem praedictam ac procinctum ejusdem villae emergentibus sive factis, de quibuscumque tenentibus ct residentibus infra and of pleas feodum villae praedictae; ac etiam placitorum assisarum de teniuesinthe ^^'^^''^■^ ^'^^^'^ eandem libertatem, quas coram Justitiariis nostris Borough. vel heredum nostrorum ad assisas in Comitatu Notyngham' capiendas assignatis arramiari contigerit: et quod Justitiarii ipsi, cum cognitioncs placitorum earundem assisarum ex parte dict- orum Majoris, Ballivorum et Burgensium debito modo petitae fuerint, hoc eis sine difficultate allocent, et brevia originalia et processus, si qui inde habiti fuerint, praefatis Majori et Ballivis, aut aliis ad dicta placita tenenda, ut praemittitur, deputatis, faciant liberari. Grant of chat- Et quod praedicti Major, Ballivi et Burgenses, ac heredes et tels of felons g^j^^gggQj.g^ sui imperpetuum, habeant catalla felonum et fugit- and fugitives. r r j o ivorum de tenentibus et residentibus infra libertatem praedictam, ita quod si quis eorum pro delicto suo vitam vel membrum debeat amittere, vel fugerit et judicio stare noluerit, vel aliud quodcumque delictum fecerit pro quo catalla sua debeat perdere, ubicumque justitia de eo fieri debeat, sive in Curia nostra vel heredum nostrorum, sive in alia Curia, ipsa catalla sint prae- dictorum Majoris, Ballivorum et Burgensium, ac heredum et successorum suorum; et quod liceat eis seu ministris suis, sine impedimento nostri vel heredum nostrorum, vicecomitum aut aliorum ballivorum seu ministrorum nostrorum quorumcumque, ponere se in seisinam de catallis praedictis, et ea ad usum prae- dictorum Majoris, Ballivorum et Burgensium, heredum et suc- cessorum suorum, retinere. Grant of all Et quod habeant imperpetuum omnes fines pro transgressi- fines and Qj-iij^^g gj- ^His delictis quibuscumque, ac etiam fines pro licentia amercements, ^ i > t. year day and concordandi, ac Omnia amerciamenta, redemptiones, et exitus waste, and r • r i- i. other for- forisfactos, forisfacturas, annum diem vastum et streppum, et felted^ before omnia, quae ad nos et heredes nostros pertinere poterunt de any Judges huiusmodi anno die et vasto, et murdris, de omnibus hominibus whatsoever. •' et tenentibus villae praedictae, in quibuscumque Curiis nostris et heredum nostrorum homines ct tenentes illos, tarn coram nobis et heredibus nostris, et in Cancellaria nostra et heredum nost- rorum, ac coram Thesaurario et Baronibus nostris et heredum 1399] CHARTER OF IIENRV IV. 4I rents being within the liberty of the town aforesaid, as of trcs- iienry IV. passes, covenants, contracts, affairs and cases whatsoever, arising or done within the Hberty aforesaid and the precinct of the same town, of whatsoever tenants and residents within the fee of the aforesaid town ; and also of pleas of assizes of tenures and of pleas within the same liberty that shall happen to be arramed before °enurestnthe the Justices of us or our heirs assigned to take assizes in the Borough. County of Nottingham: and that the same Justices, when cognizance of the said pleas of assizes has been sought in proper manner on behalf of the said Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses, shall without difficulty allow this to them, and shall cause the original writs and the processes, if any such have been had, to be delivered to the aforesaid Mayor and Bailiffs, or to others deputed, as is aforesaid, to hold the said pleas. And that the aforesaid Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses, and Grant of chat- their heirs and successors for ever, shall have the chattels of and fugitives! felons and fugitives from the tenants and residents within the liberty aforesaid, so that if any one of them for his crime ought to lose life or member, or have fled and have not abided judg- ment, or have committed any other offence for which he ought to lose his chattels, wheresoever justice ought to be done upon him, either in the Court of us or of our heirs, or in another Court, the said chattels shall be the property of the aforesaid Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses, and of their heirs and successors; and that it shall be lawful for them or their officers to put them- selves in seisin of the chattels aforesaid, without hindrance from us or our heirs, our sheriffs or others our bailiffs or officers what- soever, and to retain them for the use of the aforesaid Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses, their heirs and successors. And that they shall have for ever all fines for trespasses and Grant of ail other offences whatsoever, and also fines for licence to agree, an"erceme^n"s and all other amercements, ransoms, and forfeited issues, for- year day and waste, and feitures, year day waste and estrepment, and all other things other for- that may pertain to us and our heirs of such year day and waste, fei^g^i before and of murders, of all men and tenants of the town aforesaid, ^"J^ Judges ' ' whatsoever, in whatsoever Courts of us or our heirs it shall happen that the said men and tenants shall be adjudged to make fines, or be amerced, or to forfeit issues, year day and waste, or forfeitures and murders, as well before us and our heirs, and in the 42 CHARTER OF HENRY IV. [l399 Henry IV. nostrorum de Scaccario, et coram Justitiariis nostris et heredum nostrorum de Banco, et coram Scnescallo et Marescallo seu Clerico Mercati Hospitii nostri et heredum nostrorum, qui pro tempore fuerint, et in aliis Curiis nostris et heredum nostrorum, quam coram Justitiariis Itinerantibus ad Communia Placita et ad Placita Forestae, et quibuscumque aliis Justitiariis et ministris nostris et heredum nostrorum, tam in praesentia nostra et heredum nostrorum, quam in absentia nostra et heredum nost- rorum, fines facere, vel amerciari, exitus forisfacere, annum diem et vastum, seu forisfacturas et murdra, adjudicari contigerit; quae fines, amerciamenta, redemptiones, exitus, annus dies vastum sivc strcppum, forisfacturae et murdra ad nos vel heredes nostros possent pertinere si praefatis Majori, Ballivis et Burg- ensibus concessa non fuissent: ita quod ipsi per se vel per ballivos et ministros suos fines, amerciamenta, redemptiones, exitus, et forisfacturas hujusmodi hominum et tenentium prae- dictorum, et omnia, quae ad nos et heredes nostros pertinere possint de anno die et vasto sive streppo, et murdris praedictis levare, percipere et habere possint, sine occasione vel impedi- mento nostri vel heredum nostrorum, justitiariorum, escaetorum, vicccomitum, coronatorum, aut aliorum ballivorum seu minist- rorum nostrorum quorumcumque. Grant of re- Et etiam, quod pracdicti Major, BalHvi et Burgenses, ac turn of all j-^gj-g^Qg q^ successores sui, imperpetuum habeant retorna omnium brevium nostrorum et heredum nostrorum, ac summonitionum de Scaccario nostro et heredum nostrorum, et attachiamenta tam de placitis Coronae quam de aliis quibuscumque in terris et feodis villae praedictae, ac executiones eorundem brevium et summonitionum, de omnibus, quae infra libertatem praedictam emergent; ita quod nullus vicecomes aut alius ballivus seu minister noster vel heredum nostrorum libertatem praedictam ingrcdiatur ad executiones eorundem brevium et summoniti- onum, seu ad attachiamenta de placitis Coronae vel aliis prae- dictis, aut aliquod aliud officium ibidem faciendum, nisi in defectu ipsorum Majoris, Ballivorum et Burgensium, heredum T . vel successorum suorum. Licence to , approvethem- Concessimus etiam, pro nobis et heredibus nostris, ex certa purprestures scicntia nostra, et de assenu praedicto, eisdem Majori, Ballivis et and wastes. Burgensibus, ac eorum heredibus et successoribus, quod ipsi se 1399] CHARTER OF HENRY IV. 43 Chancery of us and our heirs, and before the Treasurer and Henry IV. Barons of us and our heirs of the Exchequer, and before the Justices of us and our heirs of tlie Bench, and before the Steward and Marshall or Clerk of the Market of the Household of us and our heirs, for the time being, and in other the Courts of us and our heirs, as before the Justices in Eyre for Common Pleas and for Pleas of the Forest, and before other Justices and officers whatsoever of us and of our heirs, as well in the presence of us and of our heirs, as in the absence of us and of our heirs ; which fines, amercements, ransoms, issues, year day waste or estrep- ment, forfeitures and murders might pertain to us or our heirs if they had not been granted to the aforesaid Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses: so that they by themselves or by their bailiffs and officers may levy, receive and have the fines, amercements, ransoms, issues, and forfeitures of such aforesaid men and tenants, and all things that may pertain to us and our heirs of the aforesaid year day and w^aste or estrepment, and murders, without let or hindrance from us or our heirs, justices, escheators, sheriffs, coroners, or others our bailiffs or officers whatsoever. And also, that the aforesaid Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses, Grant of re- turn writs. and their heirs and successors, shall have for ever the returns of all the writs of us and of our heirs, and of summonses of the Exchequer of us and of our heirs, and attachments both of pleas of the Crown and of other things whatsoever in the lands and fees of the aforesaid town, and executions of the same writs and summonses, of all things that shall arise within the aforesaid liberty; so that no sheriff or other bailiff or officer of us or of our heirs shall enter the aforesaid liberty to make execution of those writs and summonses, or attachments of pleas of the Crown or of the other things aforesaid, or any other duty there, except in default of the said Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses, their heirs or successors. Licence to We have also granted, for us and our heirs, of our certain approve them- t 11 ,-11 r -1 1 Tv/r selves of all knowledge, and with the assent aioresaid, to the same iViayor, purprestures Bailiffs and Burgesses, and their heirs and successors, that they ^^"^ wastes. 44 CHARTER OF HENRY IV. [l399 Henry IV. appruare et commodum suum facere possint de omnibus pur- presturis, tarn in terris quam in aquis, factis vel faciendis, et de omnibus vastis infra limites et bundas villae praedictae, in sup- portationem onerum infra villam praedictam in dies emergentium. Power to hear Ac etiam, quod ipsi, et heredes ac successores sui praedicti, m?neallpkas ^^^^'^^"^ imperpetuum plenam correctionem, punitionem, auctor- pertaining to itatem et potcstatem ad inquirendum, audiendum et termin- Justicesofthe Peace, of andum per Majorem et Recordatorem villae praedictae ac alios and Artizans. quatuor probiores et legaliores homines villae praedictae, per Majorem ejusdem villae pro tempore existentem eligendos, et successores suos imperpetuum, omnes materias, querelas, de- fectus, causas et articulos, qui ad officium Justitiarii Pacis, Labor- atorum et Artificum pertinent, ac alias res quascumque infra dictam villam et suburbia ejusdem emergentes vel contingentes, et qui aliquo modo coram Justitiario Pacis, Laboratorum et Artificum inquiri poterunt et terminari, adeo plene et integre sicut Justitiarii Pacis, Laboratorum et Artificum in Comitatu Notyngham' ante haec tempora habuerunt vel excercuerunt; County Jus- absquc eo, quod Justitiarii Pacis, Laboratorum et Artificum intermeddle Hostri et heredum nostrorum, in Comitatu praedicto se impost- in any pleas gj.yj^ aliqualitcr intromittaut de aliquibus rebus, causis, querelis, Borough. materiis, defectibus seu aliis articulis quibuscumque ad Justiti- arios Pacis, Laboratorum et Artificum spectantibus sive pertinent- ibus, infra villam praedictam et suburbia ejusdem ex quacumque The Burgesses causa emergentibus sive contingentibus : ita quod praedicti termine''^ any Major et Recordator ac praedicti quatuor probiores et legaliores felony with- homines ejusdem villae, qui pro tempore fuerint, ad determin- licence. ationem alicujus feloniae absque aliquo speciali mandato nostro Grant of all ^^^ heredum nostrorum quoquo modo non procedant: et quod profits from praedicti Major, Ballivi et Burgenses, ac heredes et successores aljove juris- , . diction. sui imperpetuum, habeant omnes fines et amerciamenta, exitus et proficua de eadem justitiaria provenientia, adeo integre sicut Major, Ballivi et Burgenses villae de Coventre hujus[modi] fines, amerciamenta, exitus et proficua ante sextum diem Aprilis, anno regni praedicti Ricardi nuper Regis vicesimo secundo, virtute cartarum Regum Angliae eis inde confectarum et per ipsum nuper Regem confirmatarum optinuerunt. No arrays of g^ insuper, quod quandocumque aliqua arraiatio hominum made without ad arma, hominum armatorum, hobelariorum, aut sagittariorum 1399] CHARTER OF HENRY IV. 45 may approve and make their profit of all purprestures made or Henry iv. to be made, both on lands and in waters, and of all wastes within the limits and bounds of the town aforesaid, for the sup- port of the burdens daily arising within the town aforesaid. And also that they, and their heirs and successors aforesaid. Power to hear shall have for ever full correction, punishment, authority and mhieaiipkas power as fully and wholly as Justices of the Peace, of Labourers pertaining to ^ . ./J Justices of the and of Artificers have had or have exercised before this time in Peace, of the County of Nottingham, to inquire, hear and determine by amlArtizans. the Mayor and Recorder of the town aforesaid and four other upright and lawful men of the town aforesaid, to be selected by the Mayor of the same town for the time being, and their suc- cessors for ever, all matters, plaints, defaults, causes and articles that pertain to the office of a Justice of the Peace, of Labourers and of Artificers, and all other matters whatsoever arising or happening within the said town and the suburbs of the same, and that might be inquired and determined in any wise before a Justice of the Peace, of Labourers and of Artificers; without the Justices of the Peace, of Labourers and of Artificers of us County jus- and our heirs, in the County aforesaid hereafter in any wise intermTddfe interfering with any matters, causes, plaints, cases, defaults or !" ^"^ P^*-^^*^ 1 n t h e other articles whatsoever from whatsoever cause arising or Borough. happening within the town aforesaid and the suburbs of the same, belonging or pertaining to Justices of the Peace, of Labourers and of Artificers: provided that the aforesaid Mayor The Burgesses and Recorder and the aforesaid four upright and lawful men of termi mT any the same town, for the time being, do not proceed in any wise ^^^°"y ^^'''': ° ^ ^ out royal to the determination of any felony without some special man- licence. date of us or of our heirs : and that the aforesaid Mayor, Bailiffs Q^ant of all and Burgesses, and their heirs and successors for ever, shall Profits from above juris- have all fines and amercements, issues and profits arising from diction, the same justice-ship, as fully as the Mayor, Bailiffs and Bur- gesses of the town of Coventry have obtained such fines, amerce- ments, issues and profits before the sixth day of April, in the twenty-second year of the reign of the aforesaid Richard the late King, by virtue of the charters of the Kings of England thereof made to them and confirmed by the same late King. And moreover, that whenever any array of men-at-arms, ^^ arrays of men to be armed men, hobelers, or archers shall be made hereafter in the made without 46 CHARTER OF HENRY IV. [l399 Henry IV. fiet ex nunc in dicta villa dc Notyngham virtute commissionis , -. seu aliorum mandatorum nostrorum vel heredum nostrorum sub the Mayor being joined aliquo sigillorum nostrorum vel heredum nostrorum, Major villae in the com- .... mission. praedictac pro tempore existens ipsis, qui per nos et heredes nostros ad hoc assignati fuerint, ad arraiationem illam faciendam per commissiones et mandata hujusmodi sit adjunctus; et quod sine adjunctione ilia nulla arraiatio hominum ad arma, hominum armatorum, hobelariorum, aut sagittariorum in eadem villa fiat quoquo modo. They may en- Volumus etiam et concedimus, pro nobis et heredibus nostris, ties in as de assensu praedicto, quod per aliquam causam aut colorem ample man-^ aliquae vel aliqua de franchesiis, libertatibus, privilegiis, immun- their prede- itatibus, quietantiis, seu commoditatibus praefatis Majori, Ballivis cessors ha-ve done. et Burgensibus de Notyngham, et successoribus suis, per pro- genitores nostros ante haec tempora concessis, et per nos con- firmatis, erga nunc Majorem, Ballivos vel Burgenses ejusdem villae de Notyngham, seu heredes vel successores suos, nullo modo denegentur, restringantur, minuantur nee abbrevientur; set quod iidem Major, Ballivi et Burgenses dictae villae de Notyngham, ac eorum heredes et successores, habeant, tencant et excerceant omnia alia et singula franchesias, libertates, privi- legia, immunitates, quietantias et commoditates, ac consuet- udines, et eis et eorum quolibet plene gaudeant et utantur, de articulo in articulum ac de verbo in verbum, quae et prout Major, Ballivi et Burgenses praedictae villae de Notyngham, ac antecessores et praedecessores sui, habuerunt et excercuerunt ex concessione et confirmatione dictorum progenitorum nostrorum ante haec tempora, imperpetuum. Hiis testibus: venerabilibus patribus Thoma Cantuariensi, totius Angliae Primate, Ricardo Eboracensi, Angliae Primate, Archiepiscopis, Roberto Londoniensi, Willelmo Wyntoniensi, Johanne EHensi, Henrico Lincolniensi, Episcopis; Edmundo Duce Eboracensi avunculo nostro carissimo; Thoma Warr[e- wyck'], Henrico Northumb[erland'], Radulpho Westmerland', Comitibus; Johanne de Scarle Cancellario, Johanne Norbury Thesaurario nostris; Willelmo de Roos, de Hamelak; Willelmo de Wilughby; Johanne de Cobham; Thoma Erpyngham, Camer- ario nostro; Thoma Rempston, Senescallo Hospitii nostri; Magistro Ricardo de Clifford, Custode Privati Sigilli nostri, et 1399] CHARTER OF HENRY IV. 47 said town of Nottingham by virtue of a commission or other Henry IV. mandates of us or of our heirs under any of the seals of us or , ~, the Mayor of our heirs, the Mayor of the town aforesaid for the time being being joined shall be joined by such commissions and mandates to those who mission. shall be assigned for this purpose by us and our heirs, to make that array; and that without such joining no array of men-at- arms, armed men, hobelers, or archers shall be made in any wise in the same town. We do also will and grant, for us and our heirs, with the They may en- assent aforesaid, that any of the franchises, liberties, privileges, ties in as immunities, acquittances, or benefits granted before this time bv^ ample man- ' I ' o J ner as any of our progenitors to the aforesaid Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses of their prede- cessors have Nottingham, and their successors, and by us confirmed, shall done. not in any wise be denied, restrained, diminished or abridged for any cause or pretext, in respect to the present Mayor, Bailiffs or Burgesses of the same town of Nottingham, or their heirs or successors; but that the same Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses of the said town of Nottingham, and their heirs and successors, shall have, hold and exercise for ever all and singular the other franchises, liberties, privileges, immunities, acquittances, and benefits, and customs, and shall fully enjoy and use each and all of them, article by article and word by word, in the same manner as the Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses of the aforesaid town of Nottingham, and their ancestors and predecessors, have had and exercised before this time by the grant and confirma- tion of our said progenitors. These being witnesses: the venerable fathers Thomas, Arch- bishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England; Richard, Arch- bishop of York, Primate of England ; Robert, Bishop of London ; William, Bishop of Winchester; John, Bishop of Ely; Henry, Bishop of Lincoln; Edmund, Duke of York, our dearest uncle; Thomas, Earl of Warwick; Henry, Earl of Northumberland; Ralph, Earl of Westmoreland; John de Scarle, our Chancellor; John Norbury, our Treasurer; William de Roos, of Hamelak; William de Willoughby; John de Cobham; Thomas Erpingham, our Chamberlain; Thomas Rempston, Steward of our House- hold; Master Richard de Clifford, Keeper of our Privy Seal, and 48 CHARTER OF HENRY VI. [l448 Henry IV. aliis. Datum per manum nostram apud Westmonasterium, decimo octavo die Novembris, anno regni nostri primo. Per ipsum Regem. Wakeryng. 4166. XIV. — Charter of King Henry V. 1414, May 24. Henry V. iRenricuS, Dei gratia, Rex Angliae et Franciac, et Dom- inus Hiberniae, archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, prioribus, ducibus, comitibiis, baronibus, justitiariis, vicecomitibus, prae- positis, ministris, et omnibus ballivis et fidelibus suis, salutem.^ Inspeximus cartam Domini Henrici, nuper Regis Angliae, patris nostri, factam in haec verba: ' Henricus, Dei gratia' \etc., reciting Charter of King Henry IV., No. Jf ///.]. Confirmation Nos autem, omnes et singulas concessiones, confirmationes et of previous charters. restitutiones praedictas ratas habentes et gratas, eas, pro nobis et heredibus nostris, quantum in nobis est, acceptamus, appro- bamus, ratificamus, ac dilectis nobis nunc Majori, Ballivis et Burgensibus villae praedictae, heredibus et successoribus suis, tenore praesentium concedimus et confirmamus, sicut cartae praedictae rationabiliter testantur, et prout iidem Major, Ballivi et Burgenses villae praedictae libertatibus et quietantiis prae- dictis uti et gaudere debent, ipsique et antecessores sui, Majores, Ballivi et Burgenses ejusdem villae libertatibus et quietantiis illis a tempore confectionis cartarum praedictarum rationabiliter uti et gaudere consueverunt. In cujus rei testimonium has litteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes.3 Teste me ipso apud Leycestr', vicesimo quarto die Maii, anno regni nostri secundo. Pro decern libris solutis in Hanaperio.'^ XV. — Charter of Ki?ig Henry VI. 1448, June 28. Henry VI. Rex omnibus, ad quos, etc., salutem. Inspeximus cartam Domini Henrici, nuper Regis Angliae, patris nostri, factam in ' This is taken from the enrolment on the Patent Roll, 2 Hen. V., pars I, m. 24, and from the recital of this charter in the confirmatory Charter of King Henry VI. - The Patent Roll reads : ' Rex omnibus, ad quos, etc., salutem ' (=the King to all to whom, etc.), the usual abridgment in enrolments of the above compellation. 1448] CHARTER OF HENRY VI. 49 others. Given by our hand at Westminster, the eighteenth day Henry iv. of November, in the first year of our reign. By the King himself Wakering. 4166. XIV. — Charter of King Henry V. 1414, May 24. I Henry, by the grace of God, King of England and France, Henry v. and Lord of Ireland, to his archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, dukes, earls, barons, justices, sheriffs, reeves, ministers, and all his bailiffs and faithful subjects, greeting.^ We have inspected the charter of the Lord Henry, late King of England, our father, made in these words : ' HENRY, by the grace of God ' \etc., reciting Charter of King Henry IV., No. XH/.]. We, esteeming all and singular the aforesaid grants, confirm- Confirmation ations and restitutions as valid and agreeable to us, do accept, charters.^ ^°"^ approve, ratify, and by the tenor of these presents do grant and confirm them, for us and our heirs, so far as in us lies, to our weJl-beloved the present Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, their heirs and successors, as the charters afore- said do reasonably witness, and as the same Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses of the town aforesaid ought to use and enjoy the liberties and acquittances aforesaid, and as they and their ancestors, Mayors, Bailiffs and Burgesses of the same town were wont to reasonably use and enjoy those liberties and acquit- tances from the time of the making of the charters aforesaid. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent.^ Witness myself at Leicester, the twenty-fourth day of May, in the second year of our reign. For ten pounds paid into the Hanaper.'^ XV. — Charter of King Henry VI. 1448, June 28. The King to all to whom, etc., greeting. We have seen the Henry vi. charter of the Lord Henry, late King of England, our father, 3 The Patent Roll reads : 'In cujus, etc. Teste Rege apud Leycestr', xxiiij. die Maii.' •• From the Patent Roll, D 50 CHARTER OF HENRY VI. [1448 Henry VI. haec verba: ' Henricus, Dei gratia' [e/c, reciting Charter of King Henry v., No. XI V.\ Confirmation Nos autem, omnia et singula franchesias, libertates, privilegia, °h t^js^'°"^ quietantias, immunitates, concessiones, confirmationes et resti- tutiones praedicta rata habentes et grata, ea, pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, quantum in nobis est, acceptamus, approbamus et ratificamus, ac omnia et singula franchesias, liber- tates, privilegia, quietantias et immunitates praedicta dilectis nobis nunc Majori, Ballivis et Burgensibus villae praedictae, heredibus et successoribus suis, tenore praesentium concedimus et confirmamus, sicut cartae praedictae rationabiliter testantur et prout iidem Major, Ballivi et Burgenses ejusdem villae Notyngham' vel praedecessores sui unquam franchesiis, libertat- ibus, privilegiis, quietantiis et immunitatibus praedictis uti et gaudere debent, potuerunt seu debuerunt, ipsique vel praede- cessores sui franchesiis, libertatibus, privilegiis, quietantiis et immunitatibus illis unquam post confectionem cartarum praedict- arum rationabiliter uti et gaudere consueverunt, potuerunt vel debuerunt ; licet dicti nunc Major, Ballivi et Burgenses ejusdem villae vel praedecessores sui franchesiis, libertatibus, privilegiis, quietantiis et immunitatibus praedictis seu eorum aliquo abusi vel non usi fuerint. Incorporation Et ulterius, de uberiori gratia nostra, ex mero motu et certa Borough.^ scientia nostris, concessimus, et per praesentes confirmamus pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, nunc Burgensibus ejus- dem villae Notyngham' (quae est et a diu extitit villa sub certa forma corporata), ac eorundem Burgensium heredibus et succes- soribus, Burgensibus ipsius villae, imperpetuum, quod villa ilia de Majore et Burgensibus ex nunc imperpetuum sit corporata; et quod iidem Major et Burgenses, et successores sui, Majores et Burgenses villae illius sic corporatae, sint una communitas per- petua corporata in re et nomine per nomen Majoris et Burg- ensium villae Notyngham'; habeantque successionem perpetuam; et quod Major et Burgenses villae illius, et successores sui prae- dicti, per idem nomen sint habiles et capaces in lege ad omni- moda placita, sectas, querelas et demandas, necnon actiones reales, personales, et mixtas quascumque per ipsos seu contra ipsos mota seu movenda in quibuscumque Curiis nostris, heredum vel successorum nostrorum, aut aliorum quorumcumque, tarn 1448] CHARTER OF HENRY VI. 5 1 made in these words : ' Henrv, by the grace of God ' [etc, recit- Henry VI. itig Charter of King Henry V., N'o. X/V.]. We also, considering all and singular the franchises, liberties. Confirmation privileges, acquittances, immunities, concessions, confirmations chart'^rs^'^"^ and restitutions aforesaid as valid and acceptable, do, for us, our heirs and successors, so far as in us lies, accept, approve and ratify them, aud do grant and confirm all and singular the franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances and immunities aforesaid to our well-beloved the present Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, their heirs and successors, by the tenor of these presents, as the charters aforesaid do reason- ably witness, and as the same Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses of the same town of Nottingham or their predecessors at any time ought, might or should use and enjoy the franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances and immunities aforesaid, and as they or their predecessors have been accustomed to, might or should have reasonably used and enjoyed those franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances and immunities at any time after the making of the charters aforesaid ; although the said present Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses of the same town or their prede- cessors may have abused or not used the franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances and immunities aforesaid or any of them. And furthermore, of our more abundant grace, of our mere incorporation motion and certain knowledge, we have granted, and by these °^ ^}^^ ° ' S3 » J Borough. presents we do confirm for us, our heirs and successors, to the present Burgesses of the same town of Nottingham (which is and for a long time has been a town incorporated under a certain form), and to the heirs and successors of the same Bur- gesses, Burgesses of the same town, for ever, that that town shall henceforth for ever be incorporated of a Mayor and Bur- gesses; and that the same Mayor and Burgesses, and their suc- cessors, Mayors and Burgesses of that town so incorporated, shall be a perpetual incorporated community in fact and in name by the name of the Mayor and Burgesses of the town of Nottingham ; and that they shall have a perpetual succession ; and that the Mayor and Burgesses of that town, and their suc- cessors aforesaid, shall be able and capable in law by that name to prosecute and defend all manner of pleas, suits, plaints and demands, and also actions real, personal, and mixed whatsoever 52 CHARTER OF HENRY VI. [1448 Henry VI. coram nobis, heredibus vel successoribus nostris, ubicumque fuerimus, et coram nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, in Cancellaria nostra, heredum et successorum nostrorum, quam coram quibuscumque Justitiariis et Judicibus spiritualibus et saecularibus prosequenda et defendenda; et quod in eisdem placitare possint et placitari, respondere et responderi : et quod Major et Burgenses ejusdem villae, et successores sui, per idem nomen terras, tenementa, possessiones, et hereditamenta quae- cumque adquirere possint, tenere sibi et successoribus suis, im- perpetuum. The Borough Et insuper, de habundantiori gratia nostra, ex mero motu et erected into ^,gj.j-^ scientia nostris, concessimus, pro nobis, heredibus et suc- cesoribus nostris, praedictis nunc Burgensibus villae illius, et successoribus suis, Burgensibus ejusdem villae, imperpetuum, quod eadem villa Notyngham' ac procinctus ejusdem prout se extendunt vel utuntur, qui infra corpus Comitatus Notyngham' jam existunt et continentur, ab eodem Comitatu a quinto decimo die mensis Septembris proximo futuro separati, distincti, divisi, et in omnibus penitus exempti existant imperpetuum, tam per The King's terram quam per aquam, — Castro nostro Notyngham' et mesu- HdUxcepte^ agio nostro vocato ' k Kyngeshal/,' in quo est gaola nostra County of (-Qj^j^^^yyj^ nostrorum Notyngham' et DerbFiae], tantummodo the Borough. jo exceptis,— et quod eadem villa Notyngham' et procinctus ejus- dem prout se extendunt vel utuntur, exceptis prae-exceptis, sint ab eodem die Comitatus per se, et non parcella dicti Comitatus Notyngham'; et quod eadem villa Notyngham' et procinctus ejusdem prout se extendunt vel utuntur, exceptis prae-exceptis, Comitatus villae Notyngham' per se imperpetuum nuncupentur, teneantur et habeantur. The Burgesses Et quod dicti nunc Burgenses ejusdem villae, et successores two^ Sheriffs sui, Burgenses villae illius, imperpetuum, loco duorum Balliv- in place of Qj.yj^ eiusdem villae, habeant duos Vicecomites in eisdem villa two Bauins. •' et procinctu de se ipsis eligendos, necnon Vicecomitatum ejusdem villae et procinctu[u]m ejusdem villae prout se extendunt vel utuntur, exceptis prae-exceptis; qui quidem Vicecomites in forma subscripta eligentur et perficientur, videlicet. Major et Burgenses villae illius, loco duorum Ballivorum ejusdem villae, 1448] CHARTER OF HENRY VI. 53 moved or to be moved by them or against them in whatsoever Henry vi. the Courts of us, our heirs or our successors, or of any others whatsoever, as well before us, our heirs or successors, whereso- ever we may be, and before us, our heirs and successors, in the Chancery of us, our heirs and successors, as well as before what- soever Justices and Judges spiritual and temporal; and that they may plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered in the same: and that the Mayor and Burgesses of the same town, and their successors, may acquire by the same name lands, tene- ments, possessions, and hereditaments whatsoever, to hold to them and their successors, for ever. And furthermore, of our more abundant grace, of our mere The Borough motion and certain knowledge, we have granted, for us, our heirs ^ County^" ° and successors, to the aforesaid present Burgesses of that town, and to their successors. Burgesses of the same town, for ever, that the same town of Nottingham and the precincts thereof as they extend or are used, which now exist and are contained within the body of the County of Nottingham, shall be for ever separated, distinct, divided, and in everything utterly exempt, as well by land as by water, from the same County from the fifteenth day of the month of September next to come, — our The King's Castle of Nottingham and our messuage called 'the King's from the Hall,' wherein is our g-aol for our Counties of Nottingham and ^°'i,"'^ ?^ ' o ° the Borough. Derby, being alone excepted, — and that the same town of Not- tingham and the precincts thereof as they extend or are used, except as before-excepted, shall be from the same day a County by itself, and not a parcel of the said County of Nottingham ; and that the same County of Nottingham and the precincts thereof as they extend or are used, except as before-excepted, shall be called, held and esteemed the County of the town of Nottingham by itself for ever. And that the said present Burgesses of the same town, and The Burgesses 1 • -r. r 1 r i 11 1 • "^ ^ X cleCt their successors, Burgesses of that town, tor ever, shall have, m t^o Sheriffs the stead of the two Bailiffs of the same town, two Sheriffs ["^oBamffs"^ in the same town and precinct to be chosen from themselves, and also the Shrievalty of the same town and of the precincts of the same town as they extend or are used, except as before- excepted; which Sheriffs shall be chosen and made in the form underwritten, to wit, the Mayor and Burgesses of that town shall 54 CHARTER OF HENRY VI. [1448 Henry VI. eligent, in dicto quinto decimo die mensis Septembris proximo futuro, de se ipsis duos Burgenses ejusdem villae in Vicecomites villae illius et procinctu[u]m ejusdem villae prout se extendunt vel utuntur, exceptis prae-exceptis ; qui quidem Vicecomites habeant et occupent officium Vicecomitatus ejusdem villae et procinctu[u]m ejusdem villae prout se extendunt vel utuntur, exceptis prae-exceptis, usque diem Sancti Michaelis Archangeli tunc proximo futurum, et per eundem diem quousque in eodem die alii duo Burgenses ejusdem villae in Vicecomites villae illius et procinctu[u]m ejusdem villae prout se extendunt vel utuntur, exceptis prae-exceptis, pro anno tunc proximo futuro per tunc Such Sheriffs Majorem et Burgenses villae illius eligantur. Et quod ex tunc annually. Vicccomites viUae illius et procinctu[u]m ejusdem villae prout se extendunt vel utuntur, exceptis prae-exceptis, annuatim imper- petuum in festo Sancti Michaelis Archangeli eligentur et per- ficientur in forma subscripta, videlicet, Major et Burgenses ejusdem villae Notyngham' pro tempore existentes quolibet anno, in loco duorum Ballivorum villae illius, eligent de se ipsis duas personas ydoneas in Vicecomites ejusdem villae et pro- cinctu[u]m ejusdem villae prout se extendunt vel utuntur, ex- ceptis prae-exceptis, eodem modo quo Burgenses villae illius in Ballivos ejusdem villae ante haec tempora eligi consueverunt. The Sheriffs Et quod Burgenses ejusdem villae in Vicecomites villae illius et of o ffi c e pi'ocinctu[u]m ejusdem villae prout se extendunt vel utuntur, g^*^^^" ''^^ exceptis prae-exceptis, in forma praedicta eligendi, statim post electionem de se factam, sacramenta sua coram Majore villae illius, qui pro tempore fuerit, ad officium Vicecomitum Comi- tatus illius debite et legitime exequendum praestabunt; et quod extra eandem villam ad sacramenta sua praestanda non transi- The names of bunt: quorum quidem Vicecomitum nomina sub sigillo Major- new Sheriffs .... -n -nt • 1 , • ^ n • 1 1 to be re- atus illius Villae Notmgham m Cancellanam nostram, heredum Chancery" ° ^^ succcssorum nostrorum, annuatim infra duodecim dies electi- onem ^ hujusmodi proximo sequentes mittentur. The Mayor to Et quod tam quilibct Burgensis ejusdem villae Notyngham' w^it^^n^th"^ in Majorem villae illius imposterum eligendus eo ipso et Borough. quam citius in Majorem villae illius electus fuerit, quam nunc Major ejusdem villae sit ex nunc Escaetor noster, heredum et ' electionem,^ 'electionis,' MS. 1448] CHARTER OF HENRY VI. 55 choose, in the stead of the two Bailiffs of the same town, on the Henry VI. said fifteenth day of the month of September next to come, from themselves two Burgesses of the same town as Sheriffs of that town and of the precincts of the same town as they extend or are used, except as before-exccpted ; which Sheriffs shall have and occupy the office of the Shrievalty of the same town and of the precincts of the same town as they extend or are used, except as before-excepted, until the day of Saint Michael the Archangel then next to come, and throughout the same day until on the same day two other Burgesses of the same town shall be chosen by the then Mayor and Burgesses of that town as Sheriffs of that town and of the precincts of the sarrie town Such Sheriffs 1 1 1 1 r 1 r . 1 to be elected as they extend or are used, except as betore-excepted, lor the annually. year then next to come. And that thenceforth the Sheriffs of that town and of the precincts of the same town as they extend or are used, except as before-excepted, shall be yearly for ever chosen and made at the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel in the underwritten form, that is to say, the Mayor and Bur- gesses of the same town of Nottingham for the time being shall choose every year, in the stead of the two Bailiffs of that town, two fit persons from themselves as Sheriffs of the same town and of the precincts of the same town as they extend or are used, except as before-excepted, in the same manner as the Bur- The Sheriffs - , , r 11 -r. -i-rr to take Oath gesses of that town were wont heretofore to be chosen as Bailms of office of the same town. And that the Burgesses of the same town to Borough.' ^^ be chosen in form aforesaid as Sheriffs of that town and of the precincts of the same town as they extend or are used, except as before-excepted, immediately after election of them has been made, shall take their oath before the Mayor of that town for the time being to duly and lawfully execute the office of Sheriffs The names of ' new Sheriffs of that County; and that they shall not pass out of the same to be re- town to take their oath: the names of which Sheriffs shall be chancery, yearly sent under the seal of the Mayoralty of that town of Nottingham into the Chancery of us, our heirs and successors, within twelve days next following such election. And that as well each Burgess of the same town of Netting- The Mayor to be Escheator ham to be hereafter chosen Mayor of that town, forthwith and so within the soon as he have been chosen Mayor of that town, as also the °^°^^ ' present Mayor of the same town, shall be henceforth the $6 CHARTER OF HENRY VL [l448 Henry VI. successorum nostrorum, in villa et procinctibus illis durante toto tempore quo aliquis hujusmodi Burgensis in officio Majoratus No other Es- villae illius steterit; et quod nullo tempore futuro aliquis alius made?"^ ^° ^ Escaetor aut Vicecomes in seu de eadem villa Notyngham' et procinctibus ejusdem prout se extendunt vel utuntur, exceptis prae-exceptis, quam de Burgensibus ejusdem villae ut prae- dicitur fiendis, quovis modo fiant seu existant; et quod Escaetor et Vicecomites ejusdem villae, et eorum successores imper- petuum, in eadem villa et procinctibus ejusdem prout se ex- tendunt vel utuntur, exceptis prae-exceptis, easdem habeant potestatem, jurisdictionem, auctoritatem et libertatem, et quae- cumque alia ad officia Escaetoris et Vicecomitum pertinentia, quas et quae ceteri Escaetores et Vicecomites nostri, heredum vel successorum nostrorum, alibi infra regnum nostrum Angliae The Sheriffs habcnt vel habebunt, aut habere debent seu debebunt Et quod of the Bo- , , , ,' . , . rough shall omnia et smgula talia brevia, praecepta et mandata, qualia per such"^%rits Vicecomitcs Notyngham' seu per Ballivos ejusdem villae infra ^^'^•' within eandem villam seu procinctus ejusdem ante haec tempora quovis as the Sheriffs modo serviri seu exequi consueverunt aut debuerunt, Vicecomit- have been i^us ejusdem villac Notyngham' ex nunc in futurum pro tempore aue\herr^' ^^istentibus a dicto quinto decimo die mensis Septembris im- mediate imperpetuum dirigantur, demandentur et liberentur. The Sheriffs Et quod Vicecomites ejusdem villae et procinctuum ejusdem ex County"^ nunc in futurum pro tempore existentes Comitatum suum Comi- ^ ° "h[ * ^ tatus illius villae Notyngham' infra eandem villam et procinctus ejusdem villae prout se extendunt vel utuntur, exceptis prae- exceptis, per diem Lunae de mense in mensem continue teneant in futurum, eisdem modo et forma prout alii Vicecomites nostri alibi infra regnum nostrum praedictum Comitatus suos tenent, seu prout alii Vicecomites nostri, heredum et successorum nost- rorum, alibi in eodem regno nostro Comitatus suos tenebunt seu tenere deberent. The Burgesses Et quod iidem nunc Burgenses villae illius, et successores sui Court in the iniperpetuum, habeant Curiam ibidem ad eorum libitum de ^"f^^g^Jg omnibus et singulis contractibus, conventionibus, et transgressi- Mayor and onibus tam contra pacem quam aliter factis, ac aliis rebus, causis Sheriffs. et materiis quibuscumque infra eandem villam seu procmctus ejusdem villae prout se extendunt vel utuntur, exceptis prae- exceptis, quovis modo emergentibus seu contingentibus, de die 1448] CHARTER OF HENRY VI. 57 Escheator of us, our heirs and successors, in that town and in Henry VI. those precincts during the whole time that any such Burgess remain in the office of Mayoralty of that town ; and that at no No other Es- timc hereafter shall any other Escheator or Sheriff, other than ma^de""^ ° ^ of the Burgesses of the same town to be made as is aforesaid, in any wise be made or be within or of the same town of Not- tingham and the precincts thereof as they extend or are used, except as before-excepted ; and that the Escheator and Sheriffs of the same town, and their successors for ever, shall have within the same town and the precincts of the same as they extend or are used, except as before-excepted, the same power, jurisdiction, authority and liberty, and everything else pertaining to the offices of an Escheator and Sheriffs as the other Escheators and Sheriffs of us, our heirs or successors, have or shall have, or ought or should have, elsewhere within our realm of England. And that all and singular such writs, precepts and mandates as The Sheriffs *= . . of the Bo- were wont or ought to have been in any wise served or executed rough shall by the Sheriffs of Nottingham or by the Bailiffs of the same such writs town within the same town or the precincts thereof heretofore, fJ^^'V^'^^'? ^ ' the borough shall be henceforth for the future from the said fifteenth day of as the Sheriffs the month of September for ever be directed, sent and delivered have been immediately to the Sheriffs of the same town of Nottingham for cmftherr^' the time being. And that the Sheriffs of the same town and the The Sheriffs hei y precincts thereof henceforth for the future for the time being count ^"^ shall hold henceforth their County Court of the County of that Court monthly. town of Nottingham within the same town and the precincts of the sam.e town as they extend or are used, except as before- excepted, on Monday continually from month to month, in the same manner and form as other our Sheriffs hold their County Courts elsewhere within our realm aforesaid, or as others the Sheriffs of us, our heirs and successors, shall hold or ought to hold their County Courts elsewhere within the same our realm. And that the same present Burgesses of that town, and their The Burgesses successors for ever, shall have a Court there at their pleasure of ^o^jt ;„ t^g all and singular contracts, covenants, and trespasses made as p"'^'^ ^^^' ° ) ) I before the well against the peace as otherwise, and of other things, causes Mayor and , , . . , . . sheriffs. and matters whatsoever m any wise whatsoever arismg or happening within the same town or the precincts of the same town as they extend or are used, except as before-excepted, to 58 CHARTER OF HENRY VI. [1448 Henry VI. in diem in Guyhalda ejusdem villae coram Majore illius villae, seu ejus locum tenente, ac Vicecomitibus ejusdem villae pro tempore existentibus tenendam. Et quod Major villae illius Its powers de- pro tempore existens, aut ejus locum tenens, et Vicecomites villae illius pro tempore existentes a dicto quinto decimo die mensis Septembris habeant potestatem et auctoritatem ad audienda et determinanda in Curia ilia omnimoda placita, sectas, querelas, causas et demandas, necnon actiones reales, personales, et mixtas quascumque, infra eandem villam ac libertatem et procinctus ejusdem villae prout se extendunt vel utuntur, ex- ceptis prae-exceptis, mota seu movenda, tam in praesentia nostra, heredum et successorum nostrorum, quam in absentia The Burgesses nostra, hcrcdum et successorum nostrorum, cum omnimodis pro- to have all „ . „ . .,,. • r , \-. 1.' the profits of ncuis Curiac ilhus ex nunc m futurum qualitercumque contmg- such Court, ej^tibus scu provenientibus, Vicecomitibus ejusdem villae pro tempore existentibus ad usum suum proprium solvendis, sine occasione vel impedimento nostri, heredum vel successorum nostrorum, aut justitiariorum nostrorum, heredum vel succes- sorum nostrorum, quorumcumque, seu Senescalli vel MarescalH Hospitii nostri, heredum seu successorum nostrorum, sive Es- caetorum, Vicecomitum, aut aliorum ballivorum vel ministrorum nostrorum, heredum vel successorum nostrorum, quorumcumque. The Steward Et quod iidem Senescallus et Marescallus de cognitionibus and Marshall , . , , . ,. ,, • m of the King's placitorum de hujusmodi contractibus, conventionibus, trans- n^o°"to^ inter gf^ssionibus, rebus, causis aut materiis quibuscumque infra fere in the eandem villam seu libertatem vel procinctus ejusdem prout se Borough. . . -11 extendunt vel utuntur, exceptis prae-exceptis, emergentibus vel contingentibus, se ex nunc in futurum nullatenus intromittant, nee nullus eorum ullo modo se intromittat. TheEscheator Et quod dicti Escaetor et Vicecomites ejusdem villae Notyng- may make ham' pro tempore existentes quolibet anno separatim profra sua anTaccounts ^^^ere et computare possint coram Thesaurario et Baronibus de at the Ex- Scaccario nostro, et heredum ac successorum nostrorum, per chequer by . • -ii- mi j attorneys. attornatos eorundem Escaetoris et Vicecomitum lUius villae ad hoc separatim deputatos et deputandos per litteras patentes sub sigillis officiorum eorundem Escaetoris et Vicecomitum illius villae signandas, de quibuscumque rebus officia Escaetoris et Vicecomitum ejusdem villae tangentibus unde computabiles fu- erint: et quod attornati illi ad profra et computationem hujusmodi 1448] CHARTER OF HENRY VI. 59 be holden from day to day in the Gildhall of the same town Henry VI. before the Mayor of that town, or his deputy, and the Sheriffs of the same town for the time being. And that the Mayor of that town for the time being, or his deputy, and the Sheriffs Its powers de- of that town for the time being shall have, from the said fifteenth day of the month of September, power and authority to hear and determine in that Court all manner of pleas, suits, plaints, causes and demands, and also actions real, personal, and mixed whatsoever, moved or to be moved within the same town and the liberty and precincts of the same town as they extend or are used, except as before-excepted, as well in the presence of us, our heirs and successors, as in the absence of us, our heirs and successors, together with all manner of profits of that Court The Burgesses hencelorth m the tuture m any wise whatsoever happenmg or the profits of accruing, to be paid to the Sheriffs of the same town for the ^"^ court. time being for their own proper use, without let or hindrance from us, our heirs or successors, or from the justices of us, our heirs or successors, whatsoever, or from the Steward or Marshall of the Household of us, our heirs or successors, or from the Escheators, Sheriffs, or other bailiffs or officers of us, our heirs or successors, whatsoever. And that the same Steward and The Steward Marshall shall not henceforth in the future in anywise inter- of the King's meddle, nor shall any of them in any wise intermeddle with the ^o°"o^fn?'^ cognizances of pleas of such contracts, covenants, trespasses, fere in the Borough, thmgs, causes or matters whatsoever arising or happening within the same town or the liberty or precincts thereof as they extend or are used, except as before-excepted. And that the said Escheator and Sheriffs of the same town xheEscheator of Nottingham for the time being may each year severally make ^"*^^ Sheriffs ° tjy / -' maymake their proffers and account before the Treasurer and Barons of their proffers , „ , - , r 1 • ^"^ accounts the Exchequer of us, and of our heu's and successors, by the at the Ex- attornies of the same Escheator and Sheriffs of that town here- attorneys ^ unto severally deputed and to be deputed by letters patent to be sealed under the seals of the offices of the same Escheator and Sheriffs of that town, of all manner of things touching the offices of Escheator and Sheriffs of the same town whereof they be accountable: and that those attornies shall be admitted by - 6o CHARTER OF HENRY VI. [1448 Henry VI. facienda et reddenda loco ipsorum Escaetoris et Vicecomitum per eosdem Thesaurarium et Barones juxta vim et effectum Theyshallnot istarum nostrarum litterarum admittantur; absque hoc, quod to ^attend In ^'^^* Escaetor et Vicecomites ejusdem villae Notyngham', seu person to eorum successores, aut aliquis eorum, extra eandem villam ad make their accounts. computandum de aliquibus ad officia sua seu officium alicujus eorum spectantibus personaliter venire compellantur seu tene- antur, aut eorum aliquis compellatur vel teneatur quovis modo: TheEscheator et quod quilibet Escaetor illius villae Notyngham', qui pro o°th^ ^ijhin tempore erit, statim post praefectionem suam, praestet singulis the Borough ^nnis imperpetuum in eadem villa, et non alibi, sacramentum before the . . . . Coroners. suum de officio illo bene et fideliter faciendo, coram Coronator- ibus, vel uno Coronatorum, ejusdem villae pro tempore existent- ibus; absque eo, quod idem Escaetor illius villae Notyngham', vel successores sui, ad sacramenta sua hujusmodi facienda extra eandem villam alibi coram aliquibus aliis seu aliquo alio venire The name of compellatur seu compellantur: ita semper, quod infra duodecim toberetu^rned ^'^^ proximo post elcctionem Majoris villae illius sequentes de into the Ex- nomine Escaetoris illius villae singulis annis ad Scaccarium chequer. ^ nostrum, heredum et successorum nostrorum, sub sigillo Major- atus ipsius villae Notyngham' certificetur. Grant of chat- Concessimus etiam, ex mero motu et certa scientia nostris and outlaws' pi'aedictis, pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris prae- dictis, praefatis nunc Burgensibus dictae villae Notyngham', et successoribus suis imperpetuum, catalla quarumcumque person- arum tarn ad sectam nostram, heredum vel successorum nost- rorum, quam aliorum quorumcumque pro aliquibus feloniis, murdris, aut aliis offensis dampnatarum, convictarum aut aliquo modo attinctarum, ac aliarum personarum quarumcumque ex quacumque causa utlagatarum tarn ad sectam nostram, heredum of disavowed vel successorum nostrorum, quam aliorum quorumcumque; nec- chattels of n i- 1 r ^ 1 1 1 • r fdo/ies de se non catalla disadvocata lelonum de se, et deodanda mfra eandem dands^- ^°' ^^1^^^ Notyngham' et procinctus ejusdem villae prout se ex- tendunt vel utuntur, exceptis prae-exceptis, reperta et inventa. of all amerce- Et quod iidcm nunc Burgenses illius villae, et successores sui, ments, ran- , , . . . . soms, for- habcant imperpetuum omnia amerciamenta, redemptiones, et andfinesfrom ^'^itus forisfactos et forisfaciendos, ac omnes fines pro transgres- the inhabi- sionibus et aliis delictis, negligentiis, mesprisionibus, et con- tants of the . . > fa fc> > i^ ' borough; tcmptibus quibuscumque; ac etiam fines pro licentia concordandi, 1448] CHARTER OF HENRY VI. 61 the same Treasurer and Barons to make and render such Henry vi. proffers and account in the stead of the said Escheator and Sheriffs according to the force and effect of these our letters ; They shall not without the said Escheator and Sheriffs of the same town of ["q a^J^Jd '*]„ Nottintrham, or their successors, or any of them, beini^ compelled person to or bound, or any of them in any wise being compelled or bound accounts. to personally come out of the same town to account for any- thing pertaining to their offices or the office of any of them : and that every Escheator of that town of Nottingham for the time The Escheator being, immediately after his appointment, shall take his oath oath ^ within every year for ever in the same town, and not elsewhere, to well }^^ Borough ^ ■' before the and faithfully execute that office, before the Coroners, or one of Coroners. the Coroners, of the same town for the time being; without the same Escheator of that town of Nottingham, or his successors, being compelled to come to make such their oath out of the same town elsewhere before any one else: provided always, that within twelve days next following after the election of Mayor of The name of that town it be certified, under the seal of the Mayoralty of that toberetumed town of Nottingham, every year at the Exchequer of us, our >"'° ^^e Ex- ^ ^ J J ^ ' chequer. heirs and successors, of the name of the Escheator of that town. We have also granted, of our mere motion and certain know- Grant of chat- ledge aforesaid, for us, our heirs and successors aforesaid, to the ^^^ outlaws^ aforesaid present Burgesses of the said town of Nottingham, and to their successors for ever, the chattels of all persons whatso- ever condemned, convicted or in any wise attainted either at the suit of us, our heirs or successors, or of other persons whatsoever for any felonies, murders, or other offences, and of other persons whatsoever outlawed from whatsoever cause either at the suit of us, our heirs or successors, or of other persons whatsoever ; and also the chattels disavowed oi felones de se, and deodands dis- of disavowed covered and found within the same town of Nottingham and /t'/o»t:s de se the precincts of the same town as they extend or are used, d"nd°^ ^^°' except as before-excepted. And that the same present Bur- gesses of that town, and their successors, shall have for ever all of all amerce- amercements, ransoms, and issues forfeited and to be forfeited, soms', fo"- and all fines for trespasses and other offences, negligences, mis- ^^^'l^*^ issues, ^ ' o s> > and hnes from prisions, and contempts whatsoever; and also fines for licence to H^e inhabi- ,,,,., . . . , tants of the agree, and all things that may m any wise pertain to us and our borough; 62 CHARTER OF HENRY VI. [1448 Henry VI. et omnia, quae ad nos et heredes nostros quovis modo pertinere poterunt de hominibus vel aliquibus tenentibus vel habitantibus of all fines, villae illius ; necnon omnia exitus, fines, et amerciamenta de furetTes^o^ quibuscumque plegiis et manucaptoribus alicujus personae infra any person eandcm villam Notyngham' commorantis, seu ibidem integre vel d we 11 ing . . . . . within the non integre tenentis existentis, licet persona ilia seu plegii vel whatso'ever manucaptores illi de nobis, heredibus vel successoribus nostris, royal court gg^ ^^ ^jjjg tenucrit, vel tenuerint, necnon de omnibus et singulis they may be ' ' ^ forfeited. burgcnsibus ejusdem villae, tam residentibus quam non resident- ibus, licet illi integre tenentes ibidem non fuerint seu ibidem vel alibi de nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, seu de aliis tenuerint, in quibuscumque Curiis nostris, hercdum vel succes- sorum nostrorum, tam coram nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, ubicumque fuerimus, quam coram nobis, heredibus et suc- cessoribus nostris, in Cancellaria nostra, heredum vel successorum nostrorum, ac etiam coram Thesaurario et Baronibus nostris, here- dum et successorum nostrorum, de Scaccario, et coram Justitiariis nostris, heredum et successorum nostrorum, de Banco, et coram Senescallo et Marescallo seu Clerico Mercati Hospitii nostri, heredum et successorum nostrorum, qui pro tempore fuerint, et in aliis Curiis nostris, heredum et successorum nostrorum, quibus- cumque, et coram Justitiariis Itinerantibus ad Communia Placita seu ad Placita Forestae, et quibuscumque aliis Justitiariis et ministris nostris, heredum et successorum nostrorum, tam in praesentia nostra, heredum et successorum nostrorum, quam The Burgesses in absentia nostra, heredum et successorum nostrorum: et quod shall have.. , ... -r • . powertolevy ipsi pei* se vcl per mmistros suos omnia hues, amerciamenta, ^"^ Tfi^'^^ redemptiones, exitus, forisfacturasque hujusmodi, et omnia, quae etc. ad nos, heredes vel successores nostros, pertinere deberent, si praesens concessio nostra facta non fuisset, levare, percipere, et habere possint, sine occasione vel impedimento nostri, heredum vel successorum nostrorum, Justitiariorum, Escaetorum, Vice- comitum, Coronatorum, aut aliorum ballivorum seu ministrorum nostrorum quorumcumque. They may Et ultcrius, ex mero motu et certa scientia nostris praedictis, elect from . 1 • 1 i-i . -i themselves concessimus, pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris prae- seveii Alder- (jic^jg^ praefatis nunc Burgensibus dictae villae Notyngham', ac eorum heredibus et successoribus imperpetuum, quod iidem Burgenses, ac eorum heredes et successores, de tempore in 1448] CHARTER OF HENRY VT. 6$ heirs from the men or any tenants or inhabitants of that town ; Henry VI. and also all issues, fines, and amercements from whatsoever pledges and mainpernors of any person dwelling within the of all fines, same town of Nottingham, or being there wholly or not wholly sur'etTes'ol" a tenant, althousjh that person or those pledges or mainpernors ^"y person ' ^ ^ rt, I dwelling have holden of us, our heirs or successors, or of others, as well within the r 11 1 • 1 1 1 r 1 11 borough, in as from all and smgular the burgesses of the same town, both whatsoever resident and not resident, although they have not been wholly [^^'^^ ma'^^^be tenants there or have holden there or elsewhere of us, our heirs forfeited, and successors, or of any others, in whatsoever the Courts of us, our heirs or successors, as well before us, our heirs and suc- cessors, wheresoever we may be, as before us, our heirs and successors, in the Chancery of us, our heirs or successors, and also before the Treasurer and Barons of us, our heirs and succes- sors, of the Exchequer, and before the Justices of us, our heirs and successors, of the Bench, and before the Steward and Marshall or Clerk of the Market of the Household of us, our heirs and successors, for the time being, and in other the Courts of us, our heirs and successors, whatsoever, and before the Justices in Eyre for Common Pleas or for Pleas of the Forest, and whatsoever other Justices and officers of us, our heirs and successors, as well in the presence of us, our heirs and successors, as in the absence of us, our heirs and successors : and that they by themselves or by their officers may levy, receive, and have all such fines, amercements, ransoms, issues, and forfeitures, and all things that ought to pertain to us, our heirs or successors, if The Burgesses this our present grant had not been made, without let or power to kvy hindrance from us, our heirs or successors, Justices, Escheators, ^^,^ receive ' •> ' all such hnes, Sheriffs, Coroners, or from other our bailiffs or officers what- etc. soever. And furthermore, of our mere motion and certain knowledge They may aforesaid, we have granted, for us, our heirs and successors afore- themselves said, to the aforesaid present Burgesses of the said town of ^"^^^^ Aider- Nottingham, and to their heirs and successors for ever, that the same Burgesses, and their heirs and successors, may elect from 64 CHARTER OF HENRY VI. [l448 Henry VI. tempus eligere possint de se ipsis septem Aldermannos, quorum quidem Aldermannorum unus semper in Majorem villae illius °shail^°alwavs ^ligatur ac Major ejusdem villae existat : qui quidem Alder- be elected manni sic electi in huiusmodi officiis Aldermannorum ejusdem Mayor. •' villae durante vita sua permaneant et existant, et quilibet eorum T'l All A 'A 1 he Aldermen are to hold permaneat et existat, nisi ipsi, aut eorum aliquis, per suam unless ""^ they specialem requisitionem residuis burgensibus villae illius pro resign or be tempore existentibus faciendam, seu propter aliquam notabilem amoved for ^ , . some noto- causam ab Aldermanniis suis seu Aldermannia sua per Majorem rious reason _, .,, .... , • , , .• r • . by the Mayor et Burgenses Villae illms pro tempore existentes ammoti luerint, and Bur- ^^^ ammotus fuerit ; et quod, obiente seu qualitercumque deced- ente vel ammoto hujusmodi Aldermanno ab officio suo Alder- manniae, habeant Major et Burgenses ejusdem villae pro tempore existentes, ac eorum heredes et successores imperpetuum, plenam potestatem et auctoritatem tenore praesentium eligendi unum alium burgensem de se ipsis in Aldermannum villae illius loco ipsius Aldermanni sic obientis, decedentis, vel ammoti, et sic de tempore in tempus imperpetuum obiente, decedente, vel ammoto aliquo hujusmodi Aldermanno villae illius in forma supra dicta. The Aldermen Et quod Aldermanni ejusdem villae pro tempore existentes sint 0° the Peace J '^^^^^'^^^^ nostri, heredum et successorum nostrorum, ad pacem withm the jnfra eandem villam et libertatem et procinctus ejusdem villae Borough. '■^ •' prout se extendunt vel utuntur, exceptis prae-exceptis, conserv- andam imperpetuum; et quod septem Aldermanni illi, sex, quinque, quatuor et tres illorum (quorum Majorem villae illius pro tempore existentem unum praesentem esse volumus), plenam habeant potestatem et auctoritatem ad inquirenda, audienda et terminanda tam omnimodas felonias, murdra, transgressiones et mesprisiones, quam omnimoda alia causas, querelas, contemptus et malefacta, ac cetera quaecumque, quae ad aliquos Justitiarios Pacis infra regnum nostrum Angliae pertinent seu pertinere poterunt seu debebunt in futurum ad audiendum, inquirendum et terminandum, vel quovis modo corrigendum, infra eandem villam ac libertatem et procinctus ejusdem prout se extendunt vel utuntur, exceptis prae-exceptis, qualitercumque contingentia seu emergentia, necnon correctionem et punitionem eorundem, adeo plene et integre sicut Custodes Pacis et Justitiarii ad felonias, transgressiones et alia malefacta audienda [et] determ- inanda assignati et assignandi, ac Justitiarii Servient[i]um, 1448] CHARTER OF HENRY VI. 65 time to time from amonc^st themselves seven Aldermen, of which Henry VI. Aldermen one shall always be chosen Mayor of that town and shall be Mayor of the same town : which Aldermen so elected "[haU^ °^wa"s to such offices of Aldermen of the same town shall remain and ^^ elected Mayor, be during their lifetime, and each of them shall remain and be, . The Aldermen unless they, or any of them, be removed from then- or his are to hold Aldermanship by their special request to be made to the rest of unless ""^ they the burgesses of that town for the time being, or on account of ""esign or be amoved lor any notable cause by the Mayor and Burgesses of that town for some noto- the time being; and that, when such Alderman die or in any by the Mayor wise depart or be removed from his office of Aldermanship, the ^^^ ^"''" Mayor and Burgesses of the same town for the time being, and their heirs and successors for ever, shall have full power and authority by the tenor of these presents to choose one other burgess from themselves as Alderman of that town in the stead of the Alderman so dying, departing, or removed, and so from time to time for ever when any such Alderman of that town die, depart or be removed in form abovesaid. And that the Alder- The Aldermen , to be Justices men of the same town for the time being shall be Justices of us, of the Peace our heirs and successors, to keep the peace for ever within the Borough. same town and the liberty and precincts of the same town as they extend or are used, except as before-excepted ; and that those seven Aldermen, six, five, four and three of them (of whom we will that the Mayor of that town for the time being shall be one present), shall have full power and authority to inquire, hear and determine as well all manner of felonies, murders, trespasses and misprisions as all manner of other causes, plaints, contempts and evil deeds, and other things what- soever that do pertain or may or ought hereafter to pertain to any Justices of the Peace within our realm of England to hear, inquire and determine, or in any wise to correct, within the same town and the liberty and precincts of the same as they extend or are used, except as before-excepted, in any wise happening or arising, as well as the correction and punishment of the same, as fully and wholly as the Keepers of the Peace and Justices assigned and to be assigned to hear and deter- mine felonies, trespasses and other evil deeds, and as Justices of Servants, Labourers and other Crafts have or shall have in any wise in the future in the County of Nottingham or E 66 CHARTER OF HENRY VI. [1448 Henry VI. Laboratorum et aliorum Artificiorum^ in Comitatu Notyngham' seu alibi infra regnum nostrum Angliae extra villam et liber- tatem praedictas habent seu habebunt qualitercumque in futurum. Grant of all Concessimus insuper, ex mero motu et certa scientia nostris fines arising t • 1 • 1 i-i from such praedictis, pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris prae- Justiceship. (jictis, eisdem Burgensibus villae praedictae, ac heredibus et suc- cessoribus suis imperpetuum, quod ipsi imperpetuum habeant omnimoda fines, exitus forisfactos, et amerciamenta coram ali- quibus Aldermannis et Majore ejusdem villae et Custodibus Pacis, seu ratione Justitiariae Pacis ibidem, facta vel fienda, forisfacta seu forisfienda, aut ratione hujusmodi Justitiariae Pacis ibidem infra eandem villam ac libertatem et procinctus ejusdem villae prout se extendunt vel utuntur, exceptis prae-exceptis, qualitercumque provenientia, per ministros suos proprios levanda et percipienda, in auxilium et supportationem grandium onerum eidem villae in dies incumbentium aut in eadem contingentium Grant of for- et emergentium. Et quod praedicti nunc Burgenses ejusdem tuafs etc.^'^ villae Notyngham', eorumque heredes et successores imper- petuum, habeant forisfacturam omnium victualium infra villam et procinctus illos per legem Angliae qualitercumque forisfiend- arum; videlicet, panis, vini et cervisiae, ac aliorum victualium quorumcumque, quae ad mercandisas non pertinent. Exemption Et insuper, ex mero motu et certa scientia nostris praedictis,. from juris- . 1 • 1 im diction of the concessimus et per praesentes connrmamus, pro nobis, heredibus Marshal ^"of ^^ successoribus nostris praedictis, praefatis nunc Burgensibus the King's djctae villae Notyngham', ac eorum heredibus et successoribus Household, ■' ° praedictis imperpetuum, quod Senescallus et Marescallus Hos- pitii nostri, heredum vel successorum nostrorum, ac Clericus Mercati Hospitii nostri, heredum seu successorum nostrorum, de cetero nee in praesentia nostra, nee in absentia nostra, heredum vel successorum nostrorum, non ingrediantur nee sedeant, nee eorum aliquis ingrediatur nee sedeat, infra eandem villam aut libertatem et procinctus ejusdem villae prout se extendunt vel utuntur, exceptis prae-exceptis, ad officia sua seu officium ali- cujus eorum ibidem in aliquo excercenda seu quovis mode exequenda vel facienda, nee in placitum trahant, vel trahat, aliquos burgenses ejusdem villae aut aliquas personas infra eandem villam seu libertatem et procinctus ejusdem villae prout se extendunt vel utuntur, exceptis prae-exceptis, residentes pro 1448] CHARTER OF HENRY VI. 6/ elsewhere within our realm of England outside the town and Henry VI. liberty aforesaid. We have moreover granted, of our mere motion and certain (^rant of all knowledge aforesaid, for us, our heirs and successors aforesaid, from such to the same Burgesses of the aforesaid town, and their heirs and ^"^ "^^^ '^* successors for ever, that they shall have for ever all manner of fines, issues forfeited, and amercements made or to be made, forfeited or to be forfeited before any of the Aldermen and the Mayor of the same town and the Keepers of the Peace, or by reason of the Justiceship of the Peace there, or by reason of such Justiceship of the Peace there within the same town and the liberty and precincts of the same town as they extend or are used, except as before-excepted, in any wise arising, to be levied and received by their own officers, in aid and support of the great charges daily incumbent upon the same town or within the same happening and arising. And that the aforesaid present Grant of for- Burgesses of the same town of Nottingham, and their heirs and ^^^J^ etc,^'^" successors for ever, shall have the forfeiture of all victuals to be forfeited in any wise by the law of England within that town and those precincts; to wit, of bread, wine and ale, and of other victuals whatsoever that do not pertain to merchandise. And furthermore, of our mere motion and certain knowledge Exemption aforesaid, we have granted and by these presents we do confirm, diction of'the for us, our heirs and successors aforesaid, to the aforesaid present ^J^^^'f ^^'\ Burgesses of the said town of Nottingham, and to their heirs the King's • 1 r ir~. iin»-iii Household. and successors aforesaid for ever, that the Steward and Marshall of the Household of us, our heirs or successors, and the Clerk of the Market of the Household of us, our heirs or successors, shall not henceforth, either in the presence or in the absence of us, our heirs or successors, enter or sit, nor shall any one of them enter or sit, within the same town or the liberty and pre- cincts of the same town as they extend or are used, except as before-excepted, to exercise or in any wise execute or do their offices or the office of any one of them there in anything, nor shall they draw any burgesses of the same town or any persons resident within the same town or the liberty and precincts of the same town as they extend or are used, except as before- excepted, into pleas before them, or any of them, for any ' So in MS. for artijiciim. ^8 CHARTER OF HENRY VI. [1448 Henry VI. aliquibus materiis, causis, placitis, querelis, aut rebus quibus- cumque coram eis, seu eorum aliquo, contingentibus seu exist- entibus quoquo modo in futurum. TheAldermen Concessimus etiam, ex mero motu et certa scientia nostris may wear ... ,. . it 1 • 1 i-i gowns like praedictis, et licentiam dedimus, pro nobis, heredibus et succes- and Alder- sonbus nostris praedictis, praefatis nunc Burgensibus praedictae men o f yillac Notvngham', et successoribus suis, ac cuicumque alii burg- London. . . . A 1 ensi ejusdem villae pro tempore existenti, qui Aldermannus villae illius existet, quod Aldermanni ejusdem villae imper- petuum pro tempore existentes uti valeant togis, capiciis, et collobiis de una secta et una liberata, simul cum furruris et linaturis collobiis illis convenientibus,i eisdem modo et forma prout Major et Aldermanni Civitatis nostrae London' utuntur, Statuto de Liberatis Pannorum et Capiciorum aut aliquo alio Statuto sive ordinatione ante haec tempora editis non obstant- ibus. The Eschea- Volumus tamen, quod quilibet praedictorum Escaetorum et g^^g^jjfg^Q Vicecomitum villae illius pro tempore existentium, prout ad answer by suum spectat officium, de omni eo infra eandem villam ac liber- attorney at the Exche- tatem et procinctus ejusdem villae — exceptis omnimodis finibus, things ""^ per- exitibus, et amerciamentis praedictis coram Justitiariis Pacis tammg to the jj^iy^ eandem villam et procinctus ejusdem villae prout se ex- crown, ex- '■ •' '^ cepting fines, tendunt vcl utuntur, exceptis prae-exceptis, seu ratione Justiti- etc, granted . . ,.... . ,-._ to the Bur- ariae Pacts ibidem factis seu faciendis, forisfactis vel forisnendis, gesses. qualitercumque provenientibus, et exceptis ceteris praemissis praefatis nunc Burgensibus villae illius, et successoribus suis, per nos virtute praesentium, ut praemittitur, concessis — quod ad nos et heredes et successores nostros de jure pertineret, et de quo Escaetores et Vicecomites nostri dicti Comitatus Notyngham', seu eorum alter, coram Thesaurario et Baronibus de Scaccario nostro, heredum et successorum nostrorum, si praesens carta nostra eisdem nunc Burgensibus facta non existeret, computare deberent seu deberet, coram eisdem Thesaurario et Baronibus compotum suum per attornatos suos, ut praedictum est, reddere teneantur, ac nobis, et praefatis heredibus ac successoribus nostris, inde, prout justum fuerit, respondere teneantur. "^a^nd ^Bu""^ Proviso semper, quod praedicti nunc Major et Burgenses gesses may djctae villae Notyngham', nee eorum successores, ad aliqua liber- enjoy all pri- r 1 • 1 • -n. M -11 -n- vileges, etc., tates, francliesias, seu privilegia Burgensibus villae illius, seu 1448] CHARTER OF HENRY VI. 69 matters, causes, pleas, plaints, or other things whatsoever Henry VI. happening or existing in any wise hereafter. We have also granted, of our mere motion and certain know- The Aldermen ledge aforesaid, and have given licence, for us, our heirs and "o^^ns Tke successors aforesaid, to the aforesaid present Burgesses of the ^^^, Mayor ' '■ ° and Alder- aforesaid town of Nottingham, and to their successors, and to m e n of every other burgess of the same town for the time being who shall be an Alderman of that town, that the Aldermen of the same town for ever for the time being may use gowns, hoods, and cloaks of one suit and one livery, together with furs and linings suitable to those cloaks, in the same manner and form as the Mayor and Aldermen of our City of London do use, the Statute of Liveries of Cloths and of Hoods or any other Statute or ordinance heretofore issued notwithstanding. We do nevertheless will, that each of the aforesaid Escheators The Eschea- t o r s a n d and Sheriffs of that town for the time bemg shall be bound, as sheriffs to pertains to their office, to render by their attornies, as is afore- attorney a^ said, their account of everything that ought of right to pertain the jExche- to us and our heirs and successors within the same town and the things per- ,., , . . , 1 1 r T- tainingtothe liberty and precmcts of the same town, and whereoi our Ls- crown, ex- cheators and Sheriffs of the said County of Nottingham, or ^JP^^'"|,anted either of them, ought to account before the Treasurer and to the Bur- gesses. Barons of the Exchequer of us, our heirs and successors, if our present charter had not been made to the same present Bur- gesses, — excepting all manner of fines, issues, and amercements aforesaid made or to be made, forfeited or to be forfeited, in any wise accruing before the Justices of the Peace within the same town and the precincts of the same town as they extend or are used, except as before-excepted, or by reason of the Justiceship of the Peace there, and excepting the other premises granted by us to the aforesaid present Burgesses of that town, and to their successors, by virtue of these presents, as is aforesaid, — before the same Treasurer and Barons, and shall be bound to answer therefore to us, and to our aforesaid heirs and successors, as right shall require. Provided always, that the aforesaid present Mayor and Bur- The Mayor gesses of the said town of Nottingham, or their successors, shall gesses may 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 • -11 1. enjoy all pri- not be excluded, barred or stopped in any wise by the acceptance viieges, etc., ' convenienttbtts,'] 'convenzV«?if«tibus,' MS. 70 CHARTER OF HENRY VI. [1448 Henry VI. Ballivis et Burgensibus ejusdem villae per antea quovis modo spectantia seu pertinentia, licet eadem libertates, franchesiae seu that per- privilegia, aut eorum aliquod, per praesentes dictis nunc Burg- Bailiffs and ensibus villae illius et successoribus suis concedantur vel con- urgesses. cedatur, quoquo modo clamanda et habenda in jure et titulo suis sibi per antea pertinentibus seu spectantibus, aliquo modo per acceptationem praesentium excludantur, barrentur aut estop- pentur; set quod bene licebit dicti nunc Majori et Burgensibus ejusdem villae et successoribus suis omnia et singula hujusmodi libertates, franchesias et privilegia Burgensibus villae illius aut Ballivis et Burgensibus villae illius per antea pertinentia vel de jure pertinere debentia in jure et titulo suis sibi inde ante datam praesentium pertinentibus vel spectantibus clamare, gaudere et habere, aliqua concessione de aliquo eorundem libertatum, fran- chesiarum seu privilegiorum in praesentibus facta seu accepta- tione praesentium per eosdem Majorem et Burgenses vel successores suos non obstante. Enactment Quare volumus et firmiter praecipimus, pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris praedictis, quod praefati Burgenses villae nostrae praedictae, ac eorum heredes et successores, omnia et singula hujusmodi cognitiones, franchesias, libertates, et immun- itates, ac omnia alia praemissa, prout superius specialiter ex- pressantur, habeant, teneant et excerceant, ac eis, et eorum singulis, plene, libere, integre, pacifice et quiete imperpetuum gaudeant ct utantur, absque impetitione, perturbatione, molest- atione, seu impedimento nostri, heredum vel successorum nost- rorum, aut aliquorum officiariorum seu ministrorum nostrorum, heredum vel successorum nostrorum quorumcumque, sicut prae- dictum est, modo et forma superius declaratis, aliquo dono sive concessione per nos aut per aliquem progenitorum nostrorum Burgensibus ejusdem villae Notyngham' vel praedecessoribus suis ante haec tempora factis, et quod inde seu de valore catall- orum, amerciamentorum, exituum, finium, seu ceterorum prae- missorum expressa mentio facta non existit, non obstante. In cujus, etc. Teste Rege, apud Wynton', xxviij. die Junii. Per Breve de Privato Sigillo, et pro quinque marcis solutis in Hanaperio. Rot. Litt. Pat, 27 Hen. VI., pars II. m. 6. 1448] CHARTER OF HENRY VI. 7I of these presents from claiming and having, in their right and Henry VI. title heretofore pertaining or belonging to them, any liberties, franchises or privileges heretofore in any wise belonging or per- that per- 1 T. •i-/-r tained to the taming to the Burgesses of that town, or to the Bailiffs and Bailiffs and Burgesses of the same town, although the same liberties, fran- ""^gesses. chises or privileges, or any of them, be not granted by these presents to the said present Burgesses of that town and their successors; but that it shall be lawful to the said present Mayor and Burgesses of the same town and their successors to claim, enjoy and have all and singular such liberties, franchises and privileges heretofore pertaining or that ought of right to pertain to the Burgesses of that town or to the Bailiffs and Burgesses of that town in their right and title thereunto to them pertaining or belonging before the date of these presents, notwithstanding any grant of any of the same liberties, franchises or privileges made in these presents, and notwithstanding the acceptance of these presents by the same Mayor and Burgesses or their successors. Wherefore we will and firmly enjoin, for us, our heirs and Enactment successors aforesaid, that the aforesaid Burgesses of our town aforesaid, and their heirs and successors, shall have, hold and exercise all and singular such cognizances, franchises, liberties, immunities, and all the other premises, as they are above speci- fically expressed, and that they shall enjoy and use them and each of them fully, freely, wholly, peacefully and quietly for ever, without impeachment, perturbation, molestation or let from us, our heirs or successors, or of any officers or ministers of us, our heirs or successors whomsoever, as is aforesaid, in the manner and form above declared, notwithstanding any gift or grant heretofore made by us or by any of our progenitors to the Burgesses of the same town of Nottingham or to their pre- decessors, and notwithstanding that express mention has not been made thereof or of the value of the chattels, amercements, issues, fines, or other the premises. In witness, etc. Witness the King, at Winchester, the 28th day of June. By Writ of Privy Seal, and for five marks paid into the Hanaper. Patent Roll, 27 Hen. VI., part II. m. 6. 72 CHARTER OF HENRY VH. [1505 XVI. — Charter of King Edward IV. 1462, May I. Edward IV. Rex omnibus, ad quos, etc., salutem. Inspeximus litteras patentes Henrici Sexti, nuper de facto et non de jure Regis Angliae, factas in haec verba: 'Henricus, Dei gratia' {etc., reciting Charter of King Henry VI., No. X V.]. Confirmation Nos autem, omnia et singula franchesias, libertates, privi- charters! '"^ ^^gia, quietantias, immunitates, concessiones, confirmationes et restitutiones praedicta rata habentes et grata, ea, pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, quantum in nobis est, acceptamus, approbamus [et] ratificamus, ac omnia et singula franchesias, libertates, privilegia, quietantias [et] immunitates praedicta dilectis nobis nunc Majori, Vicecomitibus et Burg- ensibus villae praedictae, ac Majori et Burgensibus ejusdem villae, heredibus et successoribus suis, tenore praesentium, con- cedimus et confirmamus, sicut cartae praedictae rationabiliter testantur, et prout iidem Major, Vicecomites et Burgenses ejusdem villae Notyngham', vel praedecessores sui, Majores, Vicecomites [et] Burgenses villae praedictae, aut Majores, Ballivi et Burgenses villae illius, unquam franchesiis, libertatibus, privi- legiis, quietantiis et immunitatibus praedictis uti et gaudere debent, potuerunt, seu debuerunt, ipsique et praedecessores sui franchesiis, libertatibus, privilegiis, quietantiis, [et] immunitatibus illis unquam post confectionem cartarum praedictarum ration- abiliter uti et gaudere consueverunt, potuerunt, vel debuerunt. In cujus, etc. Teste Rege, apud Westmonasterium, primo die Maii. Pro duabus marcis solutis in Hanaperio. Rot. Litt. Pat, 2 Ed. IV., pars IV., m. 18. XVII. — Charter of King Henry VII. 1505, June 4. Henry VH. i[H]enricus, Dei gratia, [R]ex [A]ngliae et [F]ranciae et [DJominus [H]iberniae, [o]mnibus, ad quos praesentes litterae pervenerint, salutem. [I]nspeximus litteras patentes Domini E[dwardi], nuper Regis Angliae Ouarti, de confirmatione factas ' The letters here enclosed in brackets do not appear in the original. It was intended to illuminate these initials, blank spaces being left for their insertion by the 1505] CHARTER OF HENRY VH. 73 XVI. — Charter of King Edward IV. 1462, May r. The King to all to whom, etc., greeting. We have seen the Edward IV. letters patent of Henry the Sixth, late in deed but not of right King of England, made in these words: 'HENRY, by the grace of God ' \etc.^ reciting Charter of King Henry F/., No. X V.]. We also, considering all and singular the franchises, liberties, Confirmation ... . . . . . - , . of preceding privileges, acquittances, immunities, concessions, conhrmations charters. and restitutions aforesaid as valid and acceptable, do accept, approve [and] ratify them for us, our heirs and successors, so far as in us lies, and do grant and confirm, by the tenor of these presents, all and singular the franchises, liberties, privi- leges, acquittances [and] immunities aforesaid to our well- beloved the present Mayor, Sheriffs and Burgesses of the town aforesaid and to the Mayor and Burgesses of the same town, their heirs and successors, as the charters aforesaid do reason- ably bear witness, and as the same Mayor, Sheriffs and Bur- gesses of the same town of Nottingham, or their predecessors, Mayors, Sheriffs [and] Burgesses of the town aforesaid, or Mayors, Bailiffs and Burgesses of that town, ought to, might have, or should have used and enjoyed at any time the fran- chises, liberties, privileges, acquittances, and immunities afore- said, and as they or their predecessors have been wont, or might have, or should have reasonably used and enjoyed those franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances, [and] immunities at any time after the making of the charters aforesaid. In witness, etc. Witness the King, at Westminster, the first day of May. For two marks paid into the Hanaper. Patent Roll, 2 Ed. IV., part IV., m. 18. XVIL— Charter of King Henry VH. 1505, June 4. Henry, by the grace of God, King of England and France Henry VII. and Lord of Ireland, to all to whom these present letters shall come, greeting. We have inspected the letters patent of the Lord Edward the Fourth, late King of England, of confirmation illuminator. Charters, etc., are often met with in this incomplete state, they having been issued before the initials had been inserted. 74 CHARTER OF HENRY VHI. [151O Henry VH. in haec verba : * Edwardus, Dei gratia, Rex Angliae et Franciae et Dominus Hiberniae, omnibus ad quos' [etc., reciting Charter of King Ethvard IV., No. X VI.]. Confirmation Nos autem, litteras praedictas, necnon omnia et singula chafteTs!'^'"^ franchesias, libertates, privilegia, quietantias, immunitates, con- cessiones, confirmationes et restitutiones praedicta rata habentes et grata, ea, pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, quantum in nobis est, acceptamus, approbamus et ratificamus, ac omnia et singula franchesias, libertates, privilegia, quietantias et immunitates praedicta dilectis nobis nunc Majori, Vicecomitibus et Burgensibus villae praedictae ac Majori et Burgensibus ejus- dem villae, heredibus et successoribus suis, tenore praesentium, concedimus et confirmamus, sicut cartae et litterae praedictae rationabiliter testantur, et prout iidem Major, Vicecomites et Burgenses ejusdem villae Notyngham', vel praedecessores sui, Majores, Vicecomites et Burgenses villae praedictae, aut Majores, Ballivi et Burgenses villae illius, unquam franchesiis, libertatibus, privileges, quietantiis et immunitatibus praedictis uti et gaudere debent, potuerunt, seu debuerunt, ipsique et praedecessores sui franchesiis, libertatibus, privilegiis, quietantiis, immunitatibus illis unquam post confectionem cartarum et litterarum praedict- arum rationabiliter uti et gaudere consueverunt, potuerunt, vel debuerunt. In cujus rei testimonium has litteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium, quarto die Junii, anno regni nostri vicesimo. Pro triginta et tribus solidis et quatuor denariis solutis in Hanaperio. Hatton. 4175. XYlU.—C/iarter of King Henry VIII. 1 5 10, November 1 1. Henry VHI. ^Henricus, Dei gratia, Rex Angliae et Franciae et Dominus Hiberniae, omnibus, ad quos praesentes litterae pervenerint, salutem. Inspeximus litteras patentes Domini Henrici, nuper Regis Angliae Septimi, patris nostri, de confirmatione factas in haec verba: ' Henricus, Dei gratia' \etc., reciting Charter of King Henry VI I, No. XVII.]. ' This is taken from the recital in the Charter of Philip and Mary (No. 4I77)« I5I0] CHARTER OF HENRY VHI. 75 made in these words: 'Edward, by the grace of God, King of Henry vn. England and France and Lord of Ireland, to all to whom ' [etc., reciting Charter of King Edivard IV., No. XVI.\ We also, considering the letters aforesaid, as well as all and Confirmation singular the franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances, immuni- charters! '"^ ties, concessions, confirmations and restitutions aforesaid as valid and acceptable, do accept, approve and ratify them for us, our heirs and successors, so far as in us lies, and do grant and con- firm, by the tenor of these presents, all and singular the franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances and immunities aforesaid to our well-beloved the present Mayor, Sheriffs and Burgesses of the town aforesaid and to the Mayor and Burgesses of the same town, their heirs and successors, as the charters and letters aforesaid do reasonably bear witness, and as the same Mayor, Sheriffs and Burgesses of the same town of Nottingham, or their predecessors, Mayors, Sheriffs and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, or Mayors, Bailiffs and Burgesses of that town, ought to, might have, or should have used and enjoyed at any time the franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances and im- munities aforesaid, and as they and their predecessors have been wont, or might have, or should have reasonably used and enjoyed those franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances, immunities at any time after the making of the charters and letters aforesaid. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness myself at Westminster, the fourth day of June, in the twentieth year of our reign. For three and thirty shillings and fourpence paid into the Hanaper. Hatton. 4175- XV III.— Charter of King Henry VIII. 1 5 10, November 11. I Henry, by the grace of God, King of England and France Henry VHI. and Lord of Ireland, to all to whom the present letters shall come, greeting. We have inspected the letters patent of the Lord Henry the Seventh, late King of England, our father, of confirmation made in these words: * Henry, by the grace of God ' \etc., reciting Charter of King Henry VII., No. XVII.]. y6 CHARTER OF EDWARD VI. [l549 Henry VHI. Nos autem, litteras praedictas, necnon omnia et singula franchesias, libertates, privilegia, quietantias, immunitates, con- Confirmation cessiones, confirmationes et restitutiones praedicta rata habentes of preceding , . i ,.i -i charters. ct grata, ca, pro nobis, heredibus et successonbus nostris, quantum in nobis est, acceptamus, approbamus et ratificamus, ac omnia et singula franchesias, libertates, privilegia, quietantias et immunitates praedicta dilectis nobis nunc Majori, Vicecomitibus et Burgensibus villae praedictae ac Majori et Burgensibus ejus- dem villae, heredibus et successoribus suis, tenore praesentium, concedimus et confirmamus, sicut cartae et litterae praedictae rationabiliter testantur, et prout iidem Major, Vicecomites et Burgenses ejusdem villae Notyngham', vel praedecessores sui, Majores, Vicecomites et Burgenses villae praedictae, aut Majores, Ballivi et Burgenses villae illius, unquam franchesiis, libertatibus, privilegiis, quietantiis et immunitatibus praedictis uti et gaudere debent, potuerunt, seu debuerunt, ipsique et praedecessores sui franchesiis, libertatibus, privilegiis, quietantiis, immunitatibus illis unquam post confectionem cartarum et litterarum praedict- arum rationabiliter uti et gaudere consueverunt, potuerunt vel debuerunt. In cujus rei testimonium has litteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium, undecimo die Novembris, anno regni nostri secundo, XIX. — Charter of King Edzvard VI. 1548-9, March 7. Edward VI. ^EdwARDUS Sextus, Dei gratia, Angliae, Franciae et Hiberniae Rex, Fidei Defensor, et in terra Ecclesiae Anglicanae et Hibernicae Supremum Caput, omnibus, ad quos praesentes litterae pervenerint, salutem. Inspeximus litteras patentes Cele- bris memoriae Domini Henrici, nuper Regis Angliae, Octavi, patris nostri praecharissimi, de confirmatione factas in haec verba: ' Henricus, Dei gratia' {etc., reciting Charter of Henry VIIL, No. X VIII.]. Confirmation Nos autem, litteras praedictas, necnon omnia et singula charters! '"^ franchesias, libertates, privilegia, quietantias, immunitates, con- cessiones, confirmationes et restitutiones praedicta rata habentes ' Taken from the recital in the Charter of Philip and Mary (No. XX.). 1549] CHARTER OF EDWARD VI. "J"] We also, considering the letters aforesaid, as well as all and Henry VHI. singular the franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances, immuni- ties, concessions, confirmations and restitutions aforesaid as valid Confirmation 1 111 1 •/- i /- °f preceding and acceptable, do accept, approve and ratify them for us, our charters, heirs and successors, so far as in us lies, and do grant and confirm, by the tenor of these presents, all and singular the franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances and immunities aforesaid to our well-beloved the present Mayor, Sheriffs and Burgesses of the town aforesaid and to the Mayor and Burgesses of the same town, their heirs and successors, as the charters and letters aforesaid do reasonably bear witness, and as the same Mayor, Sheriffs and Burgesses of the same town of Nottingham, or their predecessors, Mayors, Sheriffs and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, or Mayors, Bailiffs and Burgesses of that town, ought to, might have, or should have used and enjoyed at any time the franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances and im- munities aforesaid, and as they and their predecessors have been wont, or might have, or should have reasonably used and enjoyed those franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances, immunities at any time after the making of the charters and letters aforesaid. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness myself at Westminster, the eleventh day of November, in the second year of our reign. XIX. — Charter of King Edivard VI. 1548-9, March 7. I Edward the Sixth, by the grace of God, of England, edward vi. France and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, and upon earth the Supreme Head of the Church of England and Ireland, to all to whom these present letters shall come, greeting. We have inspected the letters patent of the Lord Henry the Eighth of renowned memory, late King of England, our full dear father, of confirmation made in these words: 'Henry, by the grace of God ' \etc., reciting Charter of Henry VIII., No. XVIII.\ We also, considering the letters aforesaid, as well as all and Confirmation singular the franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances, immuni- clmte^rs! '"^ ties, concessions, confirmations and restitutions aforesaid as valid 78 CHARTER OF PHILIP AND MARY. [l555 Edward VI. et grata, ea, pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, quantum in nobis est, acceptamus, approbamus et ratificamus, ac omnia et singula franchesias, libertates, privilegia, quietantias et immunitates praedicta dilectis nobis nunc Majori, Vicecomitibus et Burgensibus villae praedictae ac Majori et Burgensibus ejus- dem villae, heredibus et successoribus suis, tenore praesentium, concedimus et confirmamus, sicut cartae et litterae praedictae rationabiliter testantur, et prout iidem Major, Vicecomites et Burgenses ejusdem villae Notyngham', vel praedecessores sui, Majores, Vicecomites et Burgenses villae praedictae, aut Majores, Ballivi et Burgenses villae illius, unquam franchesiis, libertatibus, privilegiis, quietantiis et immunitatibus praedictis uti et gaudere debent, potuerunt, seu debuerunt, ipsique et praedecessores sui franchesiis, libertatibus, privilegiis, quietantiis, immunitatibus illis unquam post confectionem cartarum et litterarum praedict- arum rationabiliter uti et gaudere consueverunt, potuerunt, vel debuerunt. In cujus rei testimonium has litteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium, septimo die Martii, anno regni nostri tertio. XX. — Charter of Philip and Mary. 1555, November 27. Philip and Philippus et Maria, Dei gratia, Rex et Regina Angliae, Franciae, Neapolis, Jerusalem, et Hiberniae, Fidei Defensores, Principes Hispaniarum et Siciliae, Archiduces Austriae, Duces Mediolani, Burgundiac, et Brabantiae, Comites Haspurgi, Flan- driae, et Tirolis, omnibus, ad quos praesentes litterae perven- erint, salutem. Inspeximus litteras patentes Celebris memoriae Domini Edwardi, nuper Regis Angliae, Sexti, fratris nostri prae- charissimi, de confirmatione factas in haec verba: ' Edwardus Sextus, Dei gratia ' \etc., reciting Charter of Edzvard VI., No. X/X.]. Confirmation |sjos autem, litteras praedictas, necnon omnia et singula of preceding _ ...... . charters. franchesias, libertates, privilegia, quietantias, immunitates, con- cessiones, confirmationes et restitutiones praedicta rata habentes et grata, ea pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, quantum in nobis est, acceptamus, approbamus et ratificamus, ac 1555] CHARTER OF PHILIP AND MARY. 79 and acceptable, do accept, approve and ratify them for us, our Edward VI. heirs and successors, so far as in us Hes, and do grant and confirm, by the tenor of these presents, all and singular the franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances and immunities aforesaid to our well-beloved the present Mayor, Sheriffs and Burgesses of the town aforesaid and to the Mayor and Burgesses of the same town, their heirs and successors, as the charters and letters aforesaid do reasonably bear witness, and as the same Mayor, Sheriffs and Burgesses of the same town of Nottingham, or their predecessors, Mayors, Sheriffs and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, or Mayors, Bailiffs and Burgesses of that town, ought to, might have, or should have used and enjoyed at any time the franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances and im- munities aforesaid, and as they and their predecessors have been wont, or might have, or should have reasonably used and enjoyed those franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances, immunities at any time after the making of the charters and letters aforesaid. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness myself at Westminster, the seventh day of March, in the third year of our reign. XX.' — Charter of Philip and Mary. 1555. November 27. Philip and Mary, by the grace of God, King and Oueen of Philip and '^ Mary. England, France, Naples, Jerusalem, and Ireland, Defenders of the Faith, Princes of Spain and Sicily, Archdukes of Austria, Dukes of Milan, Burgundy, and Brabant, Counts of Hapsburg, Flanders, and Tyrol, to all to whom these present letters shall come, greeting. We have inspected the letters patent of the Lord Edward the Sixth of renowned memory, late King of England, our full dear brother, of confirmation made in these words: 'Edward the Sixth, by the grace of God' \etc., reciting Charter of Edward VI., No. XIX\ We also, considering the letters aforesaid, as well as all and Confirmation singular the franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances, immuni- charteTs! ' ^ ties, concessions, confirmations and restitutions aforesaid as valid and acceptable, do accept, approve and ratify them for us, our heirs and successors, so far as in us lies, and do grant and 8o CHARTER OF ELIZABETH. [1560 Philip and omnia et singula franchesias, Hbertates, privilegia, quietantias et Mary • L immunitates praedicta dilectis nobis nunc Majori, Vicecomitibus et Burgensibus villae praedictae ac Majori et Burgensibus ejus- dem villae, heredibus et successoribus suis, tenore praesentium, concedimus et confirmamus, sicut cartae et litterae praedictae rationabiliter testantur, et prout iidem Major, Vicecomites et Burgenses ejusdem villae Notyngham', vel praedecessores sui, Majores, Vicecomites et Burgenses villae praedictae, aut Majores, Ballivi [et] Burgenses villae illius, unquam franchesiis, libertatibus, privilegiis, quietantiis et immunitatibus praedictis uti et gaudere debent, potuerunt, seu debuerunt, ipsique et praedecessores sui franchesiis, libertatibus, privilegiis, quietantiis, immunitatibus illis unquam post confectionem cartarum et litterarum praedict- arum rationabiliter uti et gaudere consueverunt, potuerunt, vel debuerunt. In cujus rei testimonium has litteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Testibus nobis ipsis, apud Westmonasterium, vicesimo septimo die Novembris, annis rcgnorum nostrorum secundo et tertio. Hare. 4177. XXI. — Charter of Queen Elizabeth. 1559-60, February 7. Elizabeth. ELIZABETH, Dei gratia, Angliae, Franciae, et Hiberniae Regina, Fidei Defensor, etc., omnibus, ad quos praesentes litterae pervenerint, salutem. Inspeximus litteras patentes Domini Philippi Regis et Dominae Mariae, nuper Reginae Angliae, prae- charissimae sororis nostrae, de confirmatione factas in haec verba: ' Philippus et MARIA, Dei gratia' \etc., reciting Charter of Philip and Mary, No. XX.]. Confirmation Nos autem, litteras praedictas, necnon omnia et singula charteTs!*^ '"^ franchesias, Hbertates, privilegia, quietantias, immunitates, con- cessiones, confirmationes et restitutiones praedicta rata habentes et grata, ea, pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, quantum in nobis est, acceptamus, approbamus et ratificamus, ac omnia et singula franchesias, Hbertates, privilegia, quietantias et immunitates praedicta dilectis nobis nunc Majori, Vicecomitibus et Burgensibus villae praedictae ac Majori et Burgensibus ejus- dem villae, heredibus et successoribus suis, tenore praesentium, 1560] CHARTER OF ELIZABETH. 81 confirm, by the tenor of these presents, all and singular the Philip and franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances and immunities L aforesaid to our well-beloved the present Mayor, Sheriffs and Burgesses of the town aforesaid and to the Mayor and Burgesses of the same town, their heirs and successors, as the charters and letters aforesaid do reasonably bear witness, and as the same Mayor, Sheriffs and Burgesses of the same town of Nottingham, or their predecessors. Mayors, Sheriffs and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, or Mayors, Bailiffs [and] Burgesses of that town, ought to, might have, or should have used and enjoyed at any time the franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances and im- munities aforesaid, and as they and their predecessors have been wont, or might have, or should have reasonably used and enjoyed those franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances, immunities at any time after the making of the charters and letters aforesaid. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness ourselves, at Westminster, the twenty- seventh day of November, in the second and third years of our reign. Hare. 4177- XXI. — Cliar-ter of Queen Elizabeth. 1559-60, February 7. Elizabeth, by the grace of God, of England, France, and Elizabeth. Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith, etc., to all to whom these present letters shall come, greeting. We have inspected the letters patent of the Lord King Philip and the Lady Mary, late Queen of England, our full dear sister, of confirmation made in these words : ' Philip and Mary, by the grace of God ' [etc., reciting Charter of Philip and Mary, No. XX.]. We also, considering the letters aforesaid, as well as all and Confirmation singular the franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances, immuni- °|jjifje^j*s^ '"^ ties, concessions, confirmations and restitutions aforesaid as valid and acceptable, do accept, approve and ratify them for us, our heirs and successors, so far as in us lies, and do grant and confirm, by the tenor of these presents, all and singular the franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances and immunities aforesaid to our well-beloved the present Mayor, Sheriffs and Burgesses of the town aforesaid and to the Mayor and Burgesses F 82 CHARTER OF JAMES I. [1604 Elizabeth, concedimus et confirmamus, sicut cartae et litterae praedictae rationabiliter testantur, et prout iidem Major, Vicecomites et Burgenses ejusdem villae Notyngham', vel praedecessores sui, Majores, Vicecomites et Burgenses villae praedictae, aut Majores, Ballivi [et] Burgenses villae ilHus, unquam franchesiis, libertatibus, privilegiis, quietantiis et immunitatibus praedictis uti et gaudere debent, potuerunt, sen debuerunt, ipsique et praedecessores sui franchesiis, libertatibus, privilegiis, quietantiis, immunitatibus illis unquam post confectionem cartarum et litterarum praedict- arum rationabiliter uti et gaudere consueverunt, potuerunt, vel debuerunt. In cujus rei testimonium has litteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipsa, apud Westmonasterium, septimo die Februarii, anno regni nostri secundo.^ Cordell'. 4178. XXII. — Charter of King James I. 1604, April II. James I. JACOBUS, Dei gratia, Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae, et Hiberniae Rex, Fidel Defensor, etc., omnibus, ad quos praesentes litterae pervenerint, salutem. Inspeximus literas patentes praecharis- simae sororis nostrae Dominae Elizabeth, nuper Reginae Angliae, de confirmatione factas in haec verba: 'Elizabeth, Dei gratia' \etc.^ reciting Charter of Queen ElizabetJi, No. XXJ.\ Confirmation Nos autem, cartas et literas praedictas ac omnia et singula in charters.^^°"^ eisdem contenta et specificata rata habentes et grata, ea, pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, quantum in nobis est, acceptamus et approbamus, ac dilectis nobis nunc Majori, Vice- comitibus, et Burgensibus praedictae villae de Nottingham et Majori et Burgensibus ejusdem villae, heredibus et successoribus suis, tenore praesentium ratificamus et confirmamus, sicut cartae et literae praedictae in se rationabiliter testantur. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium, undecimo die Aprilis, anno regni nostri Angliae, Franciae, et Hiberniae secundo et Scotiae tricesimo septimo.^ T. Ravenscrofte. 4179. » There is a contemporary note at the foot of the charter : ' Taxatur finis ad iiij. Ii.' = the fine (for passing the Charter) is taxed at £^. '^ The following note occurs at the foot of the Charter : ' Finis taxatur ad vj. li. xiijs, iiijd. T. Ellesmere, Canc[ellarius] ' = the Fine is taxed at £(i 13s. 4d. T. Ellesmere, Chancellor. l604] CHARTER OF JAMES I. 83 of the same town, their heirs and successors, as the charters and Elizabeth. letters aforesaid do reasonably bear witness, and as the same Mayor, Sheriffs and Burgesses of the same town of Nottingham, or their predecessors. Mayors, Sheriffs and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, or Mayors, Bailiffs [and] Burgesses of that town, ought to, might have, or should have used and enjoyed at any time the franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances and im- munities aforesaid, and as they and their predecessors have been wont, or might have, or should have reasonably used and enjoyed those franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances, immunities at any time after the making of the charters and letters aforesaid. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness myself, at Westminster, the seventh day of February, in the second year of our reign. " Cordell. 4178. XXII. — Charter of King James I. 1604, April II. JaTMES, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, James I. and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, etc., to all to whom these present letters shall come, greeting. We have inspected the letters patent of our full dear sister Lady Elizabeth, late Queen of England, of confirmation made in these words : * Elizabeth, by the grace of God ' \etc., reciting Charter of Queen Elisabeth, No. XXI\ We also, esteeming the charters and letters aforesaid and all Confirmation and singular the things in the same contained and specified as chart valid and acceptable, do, for us, our heirs and successors, so far as in us lies accept and approve them, and do ratify and confirm them by the tenor of these presents to our well-beloved the present Mayor, Sheriffs, and Burgesses of the aforesaid town of Nottingham and to the Mayor and Burgesses of the same town, their heirs and successors, as the charters and letters aforesaid in themselves do reasonably bear witness. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness myself at Westminster, the eleventh day of April, in the second year of our reign in England, France, and Ireland, and the thirty-seventh in Scotland.^ T, Ravenscroft. 4179. of previous 84 CHARTER OF CHARLES I. [1626 XXIII. — Exemplification of Charter of Henry VI. by King fames I. 1622-3, February 12. James I, JACOBUS, Dei gratia, Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae, et Hiberniae Rex, Fidei Defensor, omnibus, ad quos praesentes literae per- venerint, salutem. Inspeximus of Inspeximus quasdam literas patentes Domini Henrici, nuper Hendry VI. ° Regis Angliae, Sexti Majori, Ballivis, et Burgensibus villae de Notyngham factas, datas vicesimo octavo die Junii, anno regni sui vicesimo septimo, in Memorandis Scaccarii Thesaurarii nostri in dicto Scaccario nostro remanentibus et existentibus in haec verba, scilicet : ' Rex, omnibus ad quos, etc' \j-cciting Charier of King Henry VI., No. XV.]. Nos autem praemissa omnia et singula ad requisitionem et instantiam nunc Majoris et Burgensium dictae villae nostrae Notyngham sub sigillo Scaccarii nostri tenore praesentium duximus exemplificanda. In cujus rei testimonium has litteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste praedilecto et fideli consanguineo et Com- missario nostro Lionello, Comite Middlesexiae, Summo Thes- aurario nostro Angliae, apud Westmonasterium, duodecimo die Februarii, anno regni nostri Angliae, Franciae, et Hiberniae vicesimo, et Scotiae quinquagesimo sexto. XXIV. — Charter of King CJiarles I, 1626, December 8. Charles I. Carolus, Dei gratia, Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae, et Hiberniae Rex, Fidei Defensor, etc., omnibus, ad quos praesentes litterae pervenerint, salutem. Inspeximus literas patentes Domini Jacobi, nuper Regis Angliae, patris nostri praecharissimi, de confirmatione factas in haec verba ; 'JACOBUS, Dei gratia' {etc., reciting Charter of King fames /., No. XXII\ Confirmation Nos autcm cartas et literas praedictas ac omnia et singula in charterr'°"^ eisdcm contenta et specificata rata habentes et grata, ea, pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, quantum in nobis est, acceptamus et approbamus, ac dilectis nobis nunc Majori, 1 626] CHARTER OF CHARLES I. 85 XXIII. — Exemplification of Charter of Henry VI. by King fames I. 1622-3, February 12. James, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, James I. and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, to all to whom these present letters shall come, greeting. We have inspected certain letters patent of the Lord Henry inspeximns of the Sixth, late King of England, made to the Mayor, Bailiffs, Hen'ry vi.°^ and Burgesses of the town of Nottingham, dated the twenty- eighth day of June, in the twenty-seventh year of his reign, in the Memoranda of the Exchequer of our Treasurer remaining and existing in our said Exchequer in these words, to wit : *The King, to all to whom, etc' Sj'eciting Charter of King Henry VI., No. XV.]. We have caused all and singular the premises to be exem- plified under the seal of our Exchequer by the tenor of these presents at the request and instance of the present Mayor and Burgesses of our said town of Nottingham. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness our well-beloved and faithful cousin and Commissary Lionel, Earl of Middlesex, our High Treasurer of England, at Westminster, the twelfth day of February, in the year of our reign of England, France, and Ireland the twentieth, and of Scotland the fifty-sixth. XXIV.— Charter of King Charles I. 1626, December 8. Charles, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, Charles L France, and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, etc., to all to whom the present letters shall come, greeting. We have inspected the letters patent of the Lord James, late King of England, our very dear father, of confirmation made in these words : 'James, by the grace of God ' \etc., reciting Charter of King fames /., No. XXII.\ We also, esteeming the charters and letters aforesaid and all Confirmation and singular the things in the same contained and specified as charters^"" valid and acceptable, do, for us, our heirs and successors, so far as in us lies, accept and approve them, and do ratify and 86 CHARTER OF CHARLES H. [1682 Charles I. Vicecomitibus, et Burgensibus praedictae villae de Notyngham et Majori et Burgensibus ejusdem villae, heredibus et successoribus suis, tenore praesentium ratificamus et confirmamus, sicut cartae et literae praedictae in se rationabiliter testantur. In cujus rel testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso, apud Westmonasterium, octavo die Decembris, anno regni nostri secundo. Wolseley. 4181. XXV.—C/iarler of King Charles 11.^ 1682, September 28. Charles II. Rex, etc., omnibus ad quos, etc. „, g Cum villa nostra de Nottingham, in Comitatu ejusdem villae, having sur- est villa valdc antiqua et populosa, et, a tempore cujus contrarii rendered ... ..-..,,. •«,r • theircharters, mcmoria hommum non existit, fuit villa mcorporata, et Major, ambigu 1° ies -^Idermanni, Vicecomites et Burgenses villae nostrae de therein, Nottingham praedictae, et praedecessores sui, diversas libertates, franchesias, privilegia, immunitates, et praeheminentias habu- erunt et tenuerunt et usi et gavisi fuerunt, tam per chartas diversorum progenitorum et praedecessorum nostrorum, nuper Regum et Reginarum Angliae, eis praeantea factas et concessas et confirmatas, quam ratione diversarum praescriptionum et consuetudinum in eadem villa, a tempore cujus contrarii memoria hominum non existit, usitatarum; cumque nos informati sumus, quod quaedam ambiguitates in quam plurimis chartis et litteris patentibus eis praeantea factis existunt, ratione quod nonnulla in eisdem contenta non plene expressa nee verbis satis idoneis concessa fuerunt pro bono regimine, gubernatione, et commodo villae praedictae, secundum veram intentionem earun- dem chartarum seu literarum patentium; cumque dilecti subditi nostri Major et Burgenses villae de Nottingham praedictae nobis sursum reddiderunt literas patentes et chartas praedictas, ac omnia libertates et privilegia sua quaecunque — quam quidem sursum redditionem acceptavimus, ac per praesentes acceptamus — et humiliter supplicaverunt, quod nos omnes et singulas ' This charter, which was cancelled by the charter of William and Mary, below, No. XXVII., is here printed from the enrolment on the Patent Rolls, the original 1 682] CHARTER OF CHARLES H. ^y confirm them by the tenor of these presents to our well-beloved Charles I. the present Mayor, Sheriffs, and Burgesses of the aforesaid town of Nottingham and to the Mayor and Burgesses of the same town, their heirs and successors, as the charters and letters aforesaid in themselves do reasonably bear witness. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness myself, at Westminster, the eighth day of December, in the second year of our reign. Wolseley. 4181. XXV. — Charter of King Charles 11.^ 1682, September 28. The King, etc., to all to whom, etc. Charles H. Whereas our town of Nottingham, in the County of the-pj^^g^j. ^^^g same town, is a town very ancient and populous, and was, from having sur- rendered time whereof the memory of man to the contrary does not exist, theircharters, an incorporated town, and the Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs and ambiluhies Burgesses of our town of Nottingham aforesaid, and their pre- therein, decessors, had and held and used and enjoyed divers liberties, franchises, privileges, immunities, and pre-eminences, as well by the charters of divers our progenitors and predecessors, late Kings and Queens of England, made and granted and confirmed to them heretofore, as by reason of divers prescriptions and customs used in the same town from time whereof the memory of man to the contrary does not exist; and whereas we are in- formed that certain ambiguities exist in many of the charters and letters patent heretofore made to them, by reason that some things contained in the same were not fully expressed nor granted in words sufficiently ample for the good rule, government, and convenience of the town aforesaid, according to the true in- tention of the same charters or letters patent; and whereas our well-beloved subjects the Mayor and Burgesses of the town of Nottingham aforesaid have surrendered to us the letters patent and charters aforesaid, and all their liberties and privileges whatsoever — which surrender we have accepted, and do by these presents accept — and have humbly besought that we would deign having been, no doubt, destroyed when it was cancelled. The charter is badly con- structed, and its grammar is occasionally very much at fault. 88 CHARTER OF CHARLES H. [1682 Charles H. Hbertates, prlvilegia, immunitates, et concessiones omnium pro- genitorum et antecessorum nostrorum eisdem Majori, Alder- have peti- mannis et Burc^ensibus villae de Nottinscham, aut praedecessoribus tioned us to . , ^ . . . . make them suis, per aliquod nomen sive aliquae nomina incorporationis facta oMhe same.^ ^^^ concessa, de novo concedere dignaremur, cum additione aug- mentationum, alterationum, et explicationum quarundam liber- tatum, concessionum, privilegiorum, et franchesiarum prout nobis melius videbitur pro bono publico et communi utilitate ejusdem villae: We accede to Sciatis igitur, quod nos augmentationem et emendationem their request. villae praedictae, necnon bonum statum et gubernationem ejus- dem, ut praefertur, affectantes, et volentes quod de cetero imper- petuum in eadem villa et praecinctibus ejusdem continuo habeatur unus certus et indubitatus modus et forma de et pro custodia Pacis et bono regimine et gubernatione populi ibidem, et quod villa praedicta de cetero imperpetuum sit et permaneat villa pacis et quietis, ad terrorem malorum et praemium bonorum, et quod pax nostra ceteraque facta justitiae ibidem absque ulterior! Nottingham to dilatione observentur; de gratia nostra speciali, et ex certa be a free . . . , ,. . . . town. scientia et mero motu nostris, volumus, ordmavnnus, constitui- mus, et concessimus, ac per praesentes pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, volumus, ordinamus, constituimus, declar- amus, et concedimus, quod dicta villa de cetero sit et erit libera Incorporation yilla de se ; et quod Burgenses dictae villae de Nottingham per of the same. ' n t> fc> r- quodcunque nomen antehac incorporati fuerunt, et successores sui, de cetero imperpetuum sint et erunt,^ vigore praesentium, unum corpus corporatum et politicum in re, facto, et nomine per nomen 'Majoris, Aldermannorum et Burgensium villae de Nottingham in Comitatu ejusdem [villae],' ac eos per nomen 'Majoris, Aldermannorum et Burgensium villae de Nottingham in Comitatu ejusdem villae ' in unum corpus corporatum et politicum in re, facto, et nomine realiter et ad plenum pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, erigimus, facimus, ordinamus, constituimus, confirmamus, et declaramus per praesentes; et quod per idem nomen habeant successionem perpetuam ; et quod ipsi per nomen 'Majoris, Aldermannorum et Burgensium villae de Nottingham in Comitatu ejusdem villae' sint et erunt^ per- petuis futuris temporibus personae habiles et in lege capaces ad ' enent,] 'erint,' MS. So in other cases. l682] CHARTER OF CHARLES H. 89 to grant anew all and singular the liberties, privileges, immuni- Charles h. ties, and grants of all our progenitors and ancestors made or granted to the same Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the have peti- tioned us to town of Nottmgham, or to their predecessors, by any name or make them any names of incorporation, with the addition of augmentations, oTlhe same.^ alterations, and explanations of certain liberties, grants, privi- leges, and franchises as shall seem best to us for the public good and the common utility of the same town : Know ye therefore that we, affecting the augmentation and We accede to emendation of the town aforesaid, as well as the good estate and government of the same, as is aforesaid, and desiring that there shall always be in the same town and the precincts of the same henceforth for ever a certain and undoubted manner and form of and for the keeping of the Peace and the good rule and government of the people there, and that the town aforesaid henceforth for ever shall be and remain a town of peace and quiet, to the terror of the evil and the reward of the good, and that our peace and the other deeds of justice shall be there Nottingham to observed without further delay; of our especial grace, and of to^wn.^ our certain knowledge and mere motion, we will, have ordained, constituted, and granted, and by these presents do for us, our heirs and successors, will, ordain, constitute, declare, and grant that the said town may and shall be henceforth a free town of Incorporation r ^T • 1 °^ ^^^ same. Itself; and that the Burgesses of the said town of Nottingham by whatsoever name they were heretofore incorporated, and their successors, henceforth for ever may and shall be, by the force of these presents, a body corporate and politic in thing, deed, and name by the name of 'the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town of Nottingham, in the County of the same [town],' and do for us, our heirs and successors, erect, make, ordain, constitute, confirm, and declare them by these presents a body corporate and politic in thing, deed, and name really and in full by the name of ' the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town of Nottingham in the County of the same town;' and that by the same name they shall have per- petual succession ; and that they by the name of ' the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town of Nottingham in the County of the same town ' may and shall be at all future times persons able and capable in the law to have, acquire, receive and 90 CHARTER OF CHARLES 11. [1682 Charles U. habenda, perquirenda, recipienda et possidenda terras, tene- menta, libertates, privilegia, jurisdictiones, franchesias, et here- ditamenta, cujuscunque generis, naturae, vel specie! fuerint, necnon ad danda, concedenda, dimittenda et assignanda terras, tenementa et hereditamenta, bona et catalla, ac omnia et singula facta et res facienda et exequenda per nomen praedictum; et quod per idem nomen ' Majoris, Aldermannorum et Burgensium villae de Nottingham in Comitatu ejusdem villae ' placitare et implacitari, respondere et responderi, defendere et defendi valeant et possint in quibuscunque curiis, placeis, et locis et coram quibuscunque judicibus et justitiariis ac aliis personis et officiariis nostris, ac heredum et successorum nostrorum, in omnibus sectis, querelis, placitis, causis, materiis et demandis realibus, personalibus, et mixtis, et aliis quibuscunque, tam spiritualibus, quam temporalibus, cujuscunque sint generis, naturae, seu speciei, eisdem modo et forma prout alii ligei nostri hujus regni nostri Angliae personae habiles et in lege capaces placitare et implacitari, respondere et responderi, defendere et The Mayor defendi, ac habere, perquirere, recipere, possidere, dare, con- gefses^Vo cedere, et dimittere valeant et possint; et quod iidem Major, have a com- Aldermanni et Burgenses villae de Nottingham praedictae, et mon seal. successores sui, habeant imperpetuum commune sigillum pro causis et negotiis suis et successorum suorum quibuscunque agendis deserviturum ; et quod bene liceat et licebit eisdem Majori, Aldermannis et Burgensibus, et successoribus suis, sigillum illud ad libitum suum de tempore in tempus frangere, mutare, et de novo facere, prout eis melius fieri et fore videbitur. Power to elect Et ulterius volumus, et per praesentes pro nobis, heredibus a ayor, ^^ successoribus nostris, concedimus et ordinamus, quod de cetero imperpetuum sit et erit infra villam praedictam unus de magis probioribus et discretioribus Burgensibus villae praedictae, in forma inferius in his praesentibus mentionata eligendus, qui erit et nominabitur ' Major ' villae praedictae; quodque similiter six other sint et erunt infra villam praedictam de tempore in tempus sex ' Burgenses villae praedictae et continuo inhabitantes et comor- antes infra villam praedictam, praeter Majorem villae prae- dictae, in forma inferius in his praesentibus mentionata eligendi, qui erunt et nominabuntur 'Aldermanni' villae praedictae; 18 Chief^ ,..,., . . ^ . ' Councillors, quodque similiter de cetero imperpetuum sint ct erunt mlra l682] CHARTER OF CHARLES II. 91 possess lands, tenements, liberties, privileges, jurisdictions, fran- Charles ii chises, and hereditaments, of w^hatsoever sort, nature, or kind they may be, as well as to give, grant, demise and assign lands, tenements and hereditaments, goods and chattels, and to do and execute all and singular things and deeds by the name afore- said; and that by the same name of 'the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town of Nottingham in the County of the same town ' they may plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended in whatsoever courts, places, and places and before whatsoever judges and justices and other persons and officers of us, and our heirs and successors, in all suits, plaints, pleas, causes, matters and demands real, personal, and mixed, and in others whatsoever, as well spiritual as temporal, of whatsoever sort, nature, or kind they may be, in the same manner and form as other our lieges of this our realm of England persons able and capable in the law are able and may plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, and have, acquire, receive, possess, give, grant, and demise; and that the same Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses The Mayor of the town of Nottingham aforesaid, and their successors, shall messes to have for ever a common seal to serve for fulfillinef the causes ^^^^ ^ f°"^" •^ mon seal. and affairs whatsoever of them and of their successors; and it may and shall be lawful to the same Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses, and their successors, to break, change, and make anew that seal from time to time at their pleasure, as shall seem to them best to be and to be done. And moreover we will, and do by these presents for us, our Power to elect heirs and successors, grant and ordain that henceforth for ever ^ ^^^^' there may and shall be within the town aforesaid one of the most approved and discreet Burgesses of the town aforesaid, to be elected in the form mentioned below in these presents, who shall be and shall be called ' the Mayor ' of the town aforesaid ; and that likewise there may and shall be within the town aforesaid six othe from time to time six Burgesses of the town aforesaid and con- ' ermen, tinually residing and dweUing within the town aforesaid, besides the Mayor of the town aforesaid, to be elected in the form mentioned below in these presents, who shall be and shall be called 'Aldermen' of the town aforesaid; and likewise hence- 1 8 Chief forth for ever there may and shall be within the town aforesaid 92 CHARTER OF CHARLES II. [1682 Charles II. villam praedictam de tempore in tempus octodecim Burgenses villae praedictae et continue inhabitantes et comorantes infra eandem villam, in forma inferius in his praesentibus mentionata eligendi, qui erunt et nominabuntur ' Capitales Conciliarii '^ and 6 Coun- villae praedictae; quodque similiter de cetero imperpetuum sint et erunt infra villam praedictam de tempore in tempus sex alii Burgenses villae praedictae ac continuo inhabitantes et comor- antes infra eandem villam, in forma inferius in his praesentibus mentionata eligendi, qui erunt et nominabuntur ' Conciliarii ' who are to be villae praedictae: qui quidem Major, Aldermanni, octodecim C o m m o n Capitales Conciliarii et praedicti sex Conciliarii, et successores Council. gyj^ erunt et vocabuntur de cetero imperpetuum ' Commune Concilium ' villae praedictae. Power to elect Et ulterius volumus, ac per praesentes pro nobis, heredibus b^dain^^^"^" ^^ successoribus nostris, praefatis Majori, Aldermannis et Burg- ensibus villae praedictae, et successoribus suis, concedimus, quod de cetero imperpetuum sint et erunt in villa praedicta duo viri discreti et honesti, in forma in praesentibus inferius specificata eligendi et nominandi, qui erunt et vocabuntur ' Camerarii ' Their func- villae praedictae: qui quidem Camerarii omnia et omnimoda tions defined. j.e(^jj-ys, summas monetae, fines, amerciamenta, reventiones, pro- ficua, commoditates et emolumenta quaecunque ad Majorem, Aldermannos et Burgenses villae praedictae, et successores suos, jure villae praedictae quoquo modo spectantia sive pertinentia valeant et possint de tempore in tempus colligere et recipere, et pro eisdem in lege postulare et recuperare in nomine et ad usum dictorum Majoris, Aldermannorum et Burgensium villae prae- dictae, et in camera villae praedictae conservare ad usum prae- dictorum Majoris, Aldermannorum et Burgensium villae illius, ac ilia sic recepta et conservata ad mandatum et appunctua- tionem Majoris, Aldermannorum et Burgensium villae illius pro tempore existentium, vel majoris partis eorundem (quorum Majorem villae praedictae pro tempore existentem unum esse volumus), disponere et assignare. Appointment Et pro meliori executione voluntatis et concessionis nostrae ayor. .^ ^^^ parte, assignavimus, nominavimus, creavimus, constitui- mus, et fecimus, ac per praesentes pro nobis, heredibus et suc- cessoribus nostris, assignamus, nominamus, creamus, constituimus ' Coiiii/iarii,] ' Cons-,' MS. So throughout, l682] CHARTER OF CHARLES H. 93 from time to time eighteen Burgesses of the town aforesaid and Charles H. continually resident and dwelling within the same town, to be elected in the form mentioned below in these presents, who shall be and shall be called 'the Chief Councillors' of the town aforesaid ; and that likewise henceforth for ever there may and and 6 Coun- shall be within the town aforesaid from time to time six other Burgesses of the town aforesaid and continually inhabiting and dwelling within the same town, to be elected in the form mentioned below in these presents, who shall be and shall be called ' Councillors ' of the town aforesaid : which Mayor, Alder- who are to be poiipQ the men, eighteen Chief Councillors and the aforesaid six Coun- Common cillors, and their successors, shall be and shall be called henceforth ^°""'^' • for ever 'the Common Council' of the town aforesaid. And moreover we will, and do by these presents for us, our Power to elect heirs and successors, grant to the aforesaid Mayor, Aldermen j^e^jains and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, and to their successors, that henceforth for ever there may and shall be in the town aforesaid two discreet and honest men, to be elected and nomi- nated in the form specified below in these presents, who shall be and shall be called ' the Chamberlains ' of the town aforesaid : which Chamberlains may and shall be able to collect and receive Their func- 11 1 11 i. r c i. tions defined. all and all manner rents, sums of money, fines, amercements, revenues, profits, commodities and emoluments whatsoever in any wise belonging or pertaining to the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, and to their successors, in right of the town aforesaid, and to sue in law and recover for the same in the name and for the use of the said Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, and to keep the same in the chamber of the town aforesaid for the use of the aforesaid Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of tliat town, and to dispose of and assign them so received and kept at the command and appointment of the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of that town for the time being, or of the major part of the same (of whom we will that the Mayor of the town aforesaid for the time being shall be one). And for better execution of our will and grant in this behalf. Appointment we have assigned, nominated, created, constituted, and made, ° ^^°^' and by these presents do for us, our heirs and successors, assign, name, create, constitute, and make our well-beloved Gervase 94 CHARTER OF CHARLES H. [1682 Charles H, et facimus dilectum nobis Gervasium Wylde, armigerum, fore et esse primum et modernum Majorem villae praedictae, continu- andum in eodem ofificio a data praesentium usque ad festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli proximo futurum, et abinde quous- que alius de Aldermannis villae praedictae ad officium Majoris villae illius, juxta ordinationem et provisionem in his praesent- ibus inferius expressam et specificatam, praefectus et juratus fuerit, si idem Gervasius Wylde tam diu vixerit. Power to elect Et ulterius volumus, ac per praesentes pro nobis, heredibus Mayor an- nually, et successoribus nostris, concedimus praefatis Majori, Alder- mannis et Burgensibus villae praedictae, et successoribus suis, quod Major, Aldermanni, Capitales Conciliarii, et Conciliarii inferius mentionati, et tot de iis Burgensibus qui officia Vice- comitum vel Camerariorum, inferius etiam mentionata, infra eandem villae tempore hujusmodi electionis gerunt et subeunt, vel ad aliquod tempus praeantea gessissent et subiissent,^ sive major pars eorundem (quorum Majorem villae praedictae pro tempore existentem unum esse volumus), de tempore in tempus, per- petuis futuris temporibus, potestatem et authoritatem habeant et habebunt annuatim et quolibet anno imperpetuum, in festo Sancti Michaelis Archangeli, eligendi et nominandi, et quod nominare et eligere possint et valeant, unum probum et dis- cretum virum de Aldermannis villae praedictae pro tempore existentibus, qui erit Major villae praedictae a festo Sancti Michaelis Archangeli tunc proximo sequenti^ pro uno anno integro extunc proximo sequenti pracdictum festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli, et abinde quousque unus alius de Alder- mannis villae praedictae ad officium illud electus sit et debito modo juratus fuerit; quodque ille [qui] sic, ut praefertur, nomin- atus et electus fuerit in officio Majoris villae praedictae, ante- quam ad officium illud admittatur exequendum, sacramentum corporale in dicto festo Sancti Michaelis Archangeli, coram Majore villae praedictae, vel Deputato suo, pro tempore existenti, ad officium illud recte, bene, et fideliter in omnibus ad officium illud tangcntibus exequendum, prius praestabit; et quod, post hujusmodi sacramentum sic praestitum, officium Majoris prae- dicti pro uno anno integro tunc proximo sequenti exequi valeat ' The Burgesses who had filled the office of Sheriffs and Chamberlains formed the body known as 'the Clothing.' See Borough Records, vol. iv., p. xiii. sqq. 1 682] CHARTER OF CHARLES H. 95 Wylde, esquire, to be the first and present Mayor of the town Charles II. aforesaid, to continue in the same office from the date of these presents until the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel next to come, and from then until another of the Aldermen of the town aforesaid be advanced and sworn to the office of Mayor of that town, according to the ordinance and provision below expressed and specified in these presents, if the same Gervase Wylde live so long. And moreover we will, and by these presents do grant for Power to elect us, our heirs and successors, to the aforesaid Mayor, Aldermen nuaily. and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, and to their successors, that the Mayor, Aldermen, Chief Councillors, and Councillors below mentioned, and so many of those Burgesses who bear or execute the offices of Sheriffs or Chamberlains, also men- tioned below, within the same town at the time of such election, or who have borne or executed them at any time previously,^ or the major part of them (of whom we will that the Mayor of the town aforesaid for the time being shall be one), shall and may have, from time to time, at all future times, power and authori-ty to elect and nominate annually and in every year for ever, in the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel, and that they may and shall be able to elect and name, an approved and discreet man of the Aldermen of the town aforesaid for the time being, who shall be Mayor of the town aforesaid from the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel then next following 2 for one whole year then next following the aforesaid feast of Saint Michael the Archangel, and from then until another of the Aldermen of the town aforesaid be elected and in due manner sworn to that office; and that he who shall thus be named and elected to the office of Mayor of the town aforesaid, as is aforesaid, shall, before he be admitted to execute that office, first take his bodily oath in the said feast of Saint Michael the Archangel, before the Mayor of the town aforesaid, or his Deputy, for the time being, to execute everything per- taining to that office rightly, well, and faithfully; and that, after he has taken such oath, he may and shall be able to execute the - This must be a mistake for 'the same feast of Saint Michael the Archangel.' According to the above wording the Mayor would be elected a year before his term of office commenced ; whereas he entered upon his office forthwith. $6 CHARTER OF CHARLES H. [1682 Charles H. et possit, et abinde quousque unus alius de Aldermannis prae- dictis in officium Majoris electus et praefectus fuerit. Et ulterius The Mayor volumus, ac per praesentes pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus may appoint a Deputy. nostris, conccdimus praefatis Majori, Aldermannis et Burgensibus villae praedictae, et successoribus suis, quod si contigerit Majorem villae praedictae pro tempore existentem sic aegritudine laborare quod necessaria negotia villae praedictae attendere non possit, aut villam praedictam pro aliqua causa rationabili egredi,^ quod^ tunc et toties de tempore in tempus liceat et licebit Majori villae praedictae pro tempore existenti, sic aegritudine laboranti aut pro aliqua causa rationabili absenti, eligere, deputare, et con- stituere quendam alium e sex Aldermannis praedictis fore et esse Deputatum Majorem villae praedictae, continuandum in eodem officio Deputati Majoris villae praedictae in absentia aut aegritudine Majoris villae praedictae pro tempore existentis; qui quidem Deputatus Major villae praedictae sic, ut praefertur, deputandus et constituendus in Deputatum Majorem villae praedictae pro tempore existentem omnia et singula, quae ad officium Majoris villae illius infra villam praedictam pertinent et pertinere debent facienda et exequenda, facere et exequi valeat et possit durante bene placito Majoris villae praedictae, in absentia vel aegritudine ejusdem Majoris pro tempore existentis, adeo plene, libere, et integre prout Major villae praedictae pro tempore existens, si praesens esset, facere et exequi valeat et In case the possit ; et sic toties quoties casus sic acciderit, Et volumus, ac his^year of P^'" praesentes pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, con- office, they cedimus Majori, Aldermannis et Burgensibus villae praedictae, may elect a _ _ ° ^ successor to et successoribus suis, quod si contigerit Majorem villae prae- hold office ,. ^ . ,. . - for the unex- dictae pro tempore existentem, aliquo tempore mira unum pired term, ^nnum postquam ad officium Majoris villae praedictae sic, ut praefertur, nominatus, electus, praefectus, et juratus fuerit, obire, aut ab officio illo amoveri, quod tunc et toties bene liceat et licebit Aldermannis, Capitalibus Conciliariis, Conciliariis, et tot de iis Burgensibus qui officia Vicecomitum vel Camerariorum infra eandem villam tempore hujusmodi electionis gerunt vel subeunt, vel ad aliquod tempus praeantea gessissent et subiissent, vel majori parti eorundcm, convenire et assemblare in communi loco ' This seems to be intended for ingredi, 'enter.' ^ A redundant (jiioJ occurs in the MS. here and in the similar passages below, 1 682] CHARTER OF CHARLES H. 97 office of the aforesaid Mayor for one whole year then next Charles n. following, and from then until another one of the Aldermen aforesaid be elected and advanced to the office of Mayor, And The Mayor moreover we will, and do by these presents for us, our heirs and a Deputy, successors, grant to the aforesaid Mayor, Aldermen and Bur- gesses of the town aforesaid, and to their successors, that if it happen that the Mayor of the town aforesaid for the time being shall so labour with illness as to be unable to attend to the necessary affairs of the aforesaid town, or to go out of^ the town aforesaid for any reasonable cause, then and as many times from time to time it may and shall be lawful for the Mayor of the town aforesaid for the time being, so labouring with illness or being absent for any reasonable cause, to elect, depute, and appoint one other of the six Aldermen aforesaid to be the Deputy-Mayor of the town aforesaid, to continue in the same office of Deputy-Mayor of the town aforesaid in the absence or illness of the Mayor of the town aforesaid for the time being; which Deputy-Mayor of the town aforesaid to be thus deputed and appointed Deputy-Mayor of the town aforesaid for the time being, as is aforesaid, may and shall be able to do and execute within the town aforesaid all and singular the things that pertain and ought to pertain to be done and executed to the office of Mayor of that town, during the pleasure of the Mayor of the town aforesaid, in the absence or illness of the same Mayor for the time being, as fully, freely, and wholly as the Mayor of the town aforesaid for the time being might and should be able to do and execute them if he were present; and so as often as the case shall so happen. And we will, and do by these presents In case the for us, our heirs and successors, grant to the Mayor, Aldermen his^^year^ of and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, and to their successors, °^^^' *|^^y ° ' ' may elect a that if it happen that the Mayor of the town aforesaid for the successor to .... , , r 1 rr- • • i • ^°^^ ^^^ time being die or be removed irom that orhce at any time within for the unex- one year after he have been thus nominated, elected, advanced, P"^^ ^^^^' and sworn to the office of Mayor of the town aforesaid, as is beforesaid, then and at all times it may and shall be lawful to the Aldermen, Chief Councillors, Councillors, and so many of those Burgesses who bear or execute the offices of Sheriffs or Chamberlains within the same town at the time of such election, or who have borne or executed them at any time previously, or G 9,8 CHARTER OF CHARLES II. [1682 Charles II. vocato ' Giiihald' ^ aut alio loco convenient!, infra villam prae- dictam infra duodecim dies proximo post notitiam mortis aut amotionis dicti Majoris, et ibidem unum alium de Aldermannis villae praedictae in officium Majoris villac praedictae nominare, eligere, et praeficere, secundum ordinationem et provisionem superius in praesentibus declaratas; et quod ille sic eligendus et> praeficiendus in ofificium Majoris villae praedictae, officium illud habeat et exerceat durante residuo ejusdem anni, sacramento corporali in forma praedicta prius praestando; et sic toties quoties casus sic acciderit. Appointment Assignavimus etiam, nominavimus, creavimus, constituimus, of Aldermen. ^^ fecimus, ac per praesentes pro nobis, heredibus et successor- ibus nostris, assignamus, nominamus, creamus, constituimus, et facimus dilectos nobis Radulfum Edge, Christopherum Hall, Johannem Parker, Gervasium Rippon, VVillelmum Toplady, et Willelmum Petty, generosos, fore et esse modernos Aldermannos villae praedictae, continuandos in eisdem offlciis durantibus vitis suis naturalibus, nisi interim pro mala gubcrnatione sive male se gerendo in ea parte, aut pro aliqua causa rationabili, ab ofificiis illis amoti erunt, aut eorum aliquis vel aliqui amoti erunt vel Provision for amotus erit. Et ulterius volumus, quod quandocunque con- eiection of |_j^j.j|- aliquem vel aliquos de praedictis Aldermannis villae their succes- & 1 ^ j- sors. praedictae, sive successoribus suis, de tempore in tempus obire, aut ab officiis suis Aldermannorum villae praedictae amoveri, — quos quidem Aldermannos villae praedictae, seu eorum aliquem, vel aliquos, se non bene gerentes in officiis illis amobiles esse volumus ad bene placitum Majoris et residuorum Aldermann- orum, Capitalium Conciliariorum, et sex Conciliariorum villae praedictae, vel majoris partis eorundem (quorum Majorem villae praedictae pro tempore existentem unum esse volumus), — quod tunc et toties bene liceat et licebit praedictis Majori, residuis Aldermannorum, Capitalibus Conciliariis, Conciliariis, et tot de iis Burgensibus qui officium Vicecomitum vel Camerari- orum infra eandem villam tempore hujusmodi electionis gerunt et subeunt, vel ad aliquod tempus praeantea gessissent et subi- issent, vel majori parti eorundem (quorum Majorem pro tempore existentem unum esse volumus), unum alium, vel plures alios, de Capitalibus Conciliariis villae praedictae in his praesentibus l682] CHARTER OF CHARLES II. 99 to the major part of them, to convene and assemble in the Charles li. common place called 'Guild Hall,' or in any other convenient place, within the town aforesaid within twelve da}'s next after notice of the death or amoval of the said Mayor, and to there name, elect, and advance one other of the Aldermen of the town aforesaid to the office of Mayor of the town aforesaid, according to the ordinance and provision above declared in these presents; and he to be thus elected and advanced to the office of Mayor of the town aforesaid shall have and exercise that office during the remainder of the same year, having previously taken his bodily oath in form aforesaid: and so as often as the case shall so happen. We have assigned, named, created, constituted, and made. Appointment , , , , . 1-1 • of Aldermen, and do by these presents for us, our heirs and successors, assign, name, create, constitute, and make our well-beloved Ralph Edge, Christopher Hall, John Parker, Gervase Rippon, William Toplady, and William Petty, gentlemen, to be the present Aldermen of the town aforesaid, to continue in the same offices during their natural lives, unless in the meantime they be amoved, or any one or more of them be amoved from those offices for their bad government or misconduct in that behalf, or for any other reasonable cause. And moreover we will, that whenever it shall happen from time to time that any one or Provision for more of the aforesaid Aldermen of the town aforesaid, or of [^jleij'suc"ces- their successors, shall die, or be amoved from their offices of sors. Aldermen of the town aforesaid — which Aldermen of the town aforesaid, or any one or more of them, not conducting them- selves well in their offices we will shall be amovable at the will of the Mayor and the rest of the Aldermen, Chief Coun- cillors, and six Councillors of the town aforesaid, or of the greater part of them (of whom we will that the Mayor of the town aforesaid for the time being shall be one) — then and so often it may and shall be lawful to the aforesaid Mayor, the rest of the Aldermen, the Chief Councillors, Coun- cillors, and so many of the Burgesses who bear or execute the offices of Sheriffs or Chamberlains within the same town at the time of such election, or who have at any time previously borne or executed such office, or to the major part of them (of whom we will that the Mayor for the time being shall be one), to elect, lOO CHARTER OF CHARLES H. [1682 Charles H. postea nominatis in loco, sive locis, ipsius, vel ipsorum, Alder- manni, vel Aldermannorum, villae praedictae sic mod vel amoved contingentium, eligere, nominare, et praeficere, ad supplendum praedictum numerum sex Aldermannorum villae praedictae; quodque ille, sive illi, sic, ut praefertur, ad officium Aldermanni, vel Aldermannorum, villae praedictae electus et praefectus, electi et praefecti, erit et erunt de numero praedict- orum sex Aldermannorum villae praedictae; et hoc de tempore in tempus toties quoties casus sic acciderit. Appointment Assignavimus etiam, nominavimus, creavimus, constituimus, ofChief. 1.1 iM Councillors, et fecimus, ac per praesentes pro nobis, heredibus et successor- ibus nostris, assignamus, nominamus, creamus, constituimus, et facimus dilectos nobis Edmundum Mabot, Willelmum Mabot, Robertum Coulson, Hugonem Walker, Willelmum Hardy, Vin- centium Beverley, Carolum Chadwick, Willelmum Unwin, Francum Sulley, Robertum Peach, Samuelem Hooke, Stephanum Broome, Edwardum Wilkinson, Jacobum Villiers, Robertum Worthley, Willelmum Woolhouse, Johannem Malyn, et Johannem Whitby fore et esse modernos Capitales Conciliarios villae prae- dictae, continuandos in eisdem officiis durantibus vitis suis naturalibus respective, nisi interim pro mala gubernatione sive male se gerendo in officiis suis praedictis, aut pro aliqua alia causa rationabili, amoti fuerint, aut eorum aliqui, vel aliquis. Provision for amotus erit, vel amoti erunt. Et ulterius volumus, ac per prae- their succes- sentcs pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, concedimus sors. praefatis Majori, Aldermannis et Burgensibus villae praedictae, et successoribus suis imperpetuum, quod, quandocunque contig- erit aliquem vel aliquos de Capitalibus Conciliariis villae prae- dictae, seu aliquos successorum suorum, obire, aut ab officiis suis Capitalium Conciliariorum villae praedictae amoveri, — quos quidem Capitales Conciliarios villae praedictae pro tempore existentes, vel successores suos, sive eorum aliquem, vel aliquos, se non bene gerentem, aut gerentes, in officiis illis amobiles esse volumus ad bene placitum Majoris, Aldermannorum et Communium^ Conciliariorum villae praedictae pro tempore exist- entium, vel majoris partis eorundem (quorum Majorem villae praedictae pro tempore existentem unum esse volumus), — quod tunc et toties bene liceat et licebit praefatis Majod, Aldermannis et Burgensibus villae praedictae pro tempore existentibus, et 1 682] CHARTER OF CHARLES H. 10 1 name, and advance one other, or others, of the Chief Councillors Charles n. of the town aforesaid named hereafter in these presents in the place, or places, of such Alderman, or Aldermen, of the town aforesaid so happening to die or be amoved, to make up the aforesaid number of six Aldermen of the town aforesaid; and that he, or they, thus elected and advanced to the office of Alderman, or Aldermen, of the town aforesaid, shall be of the number of the aforesaid six Aldermen of the town aforesaid; and this from time to time as often as the case shall so happen. We have assigned, named, created, constituted, and made, Appointment and do by these presents for us, our heirs and successors, assign. Councillors, name, create, constitute, and make our well-beloved Edmund Mabot, William Mabot, Robert Coulson, Hugh Walker, William Hardy, Vincent Beverley, Charles Chadwick, William Unwin, Frank Sulley, Robert Peach, Samuel Hook, Stephen Broom, Edward Wilkinson, James Villiers, Robert Worthley, William Woolhouse, John Malin, and John Whitby to be the present Chief Councillors of the town aforesaid, to respectively continue in the same offices during their natural lives, unless in the mean- time they, or any one or more of them, be amoved for their bad government or misconduct in their aforesaid offices, or for any other reasonable cause. And moreover we will, and do grant by these presents for us, our heirs and successors, to the aforesaid Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, and to rrovision for their successors for ever, that whensoever it shall happen that their succes- any one or more of the Chief Councillors of the town aforesaid, ^°'^^- or any of their successors, die or be amoved from their offices of Chief Councillors of the town aforesaid — which Chief Councillors of the town aforesaid for the time being, or their successors, or any one or more of them not well behaving himself, or them- selves, in those offices we will shall be amovable at the pleasure of the Mayor, Aldermen and Common Councillors of the town aforesaid for the time being, or of the major part of them (of whom we will that the Mayor of the town aforesaid for the time being shall be one) — then and as often it may and shall be lawful to the aforesaid Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town aforesaid for the time being, and to their successors, or to ' CoiitJituniitiH,'] ' Communis,' MS. 102 CHARTER OF CHARLES II. [1682 Charles 11. successoribus suis, vel majori parti eorundem (quorum Majorem pro tempore existentem unum esse volumus), unum alium, vel plures, de Burgensibus villae praedictae in loco, sive locis, ipsius, vel ipsorum Capitalium Conciliariorum villae praedictae sic mori vel amoveri contingentium, eligere, nominare, et praeficere, ad supplendum praedictum numerum octodecim Capitalium Concili- ariorum villae praedictae; quodque ille, sive illi, sic ut praefertur ad officium Capitalis Conciliarii villae praedictae electus et prae- fectus, aut electi et praefecti, erit et erunt de numero octodecim Capitalium Conciliariorum villae praedictae; et hoc toties quoties casus sic acciderit. Appointment Assignavimus etiam, nominavimus, creavimus, constituimus, CounciHors^'' et fecimus, ac per praesentes pro nobis, heredibus et successor- ibus nostris, assignamus, nominamus, creamus, constituimus et facimus dilectos nobis Willelmum Jackson, Thomam Lee, Johan- nem Unwin, Ricardum Wright, Henricum Hardy, et Johannem Shipman fore et esse modernos Conciliarios villae praedictae, continuandos in eisdem ofSciis durantibus vitis suis naturalibus respective, nisi interim pro mala gubernatione sive male se gerendo in officiis suis praedictis, aut pro aliqua alia causa rationabili amoti fuerint, aut eorum aliqui, vel aliquis, amoti Provision for crunt, vel amotus erit. Et ulterius volumus, ac per praesentes of^theirsuc> P^° nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, concedimus prae- cessors. f^tis Majori, Aldermannis et Burgensibus villae praedictae, et successoribus suis imperpetuum, quod quandocunque contigerit aliquem vel aliquos de dictis sex Conciliariis villae praedictae, seu aliquos successorum suorum, obire, aut ab officiis suis Con- ciliariorum villae praedictae amoveri, — quos quidem Conciliarios villae praedictae I pro tempore existentes, et successores suos, sive eorum aliquem vel aliquos se non bene gerentem, aut gerentes, in officiis illis amobiles esse volumus — quod tunc et toties bene liceat et Hcebit praefatis Majori, Aldermannis et Burgensibus villae praedictae pro tempore existentibus, et suc- cessoribus suis, vel majori parti eorundem (quorum Majorem pro tempore existentem unum esse volumus), unum alium, vel plures, de Burgensibus villae praedictae in loco, sive locis, ipsius vel ipsorum Conciliariorum villae praedictae sic mori vel amoveri contingentium, eligere, nominare, et praeficere ad sup- plendum numerum sex Conciliariorum villae praedictae; l682] CHARTER OF CHARLES H. IO3 the major part of them (of whom we willthat the Mayor for the Charles II. time being shall be one), to elect, name, and advance one other, or more, of the Burgesses of the town aforesaid in the place, or places, of such Chief Councillor, or Councillors, of the town aforesaid so happening to die or be amoved, to make up the aforesaid number of eighteen Chief Councillors of the town afore- said ; and that he, or they, so elected and advanced to the office of Chief Councillor of the town aforesaid, shall be of the number of the eighteen Chief Councillors of the town aforesaid; and this so often as the case shall so happen. We have also assigned, named, created, constituted, and made. Appointment and do by these presents for us, our heirs and successors, assign, Councillors. name, create, constitute and make our well-beloved William Jackson, Thomas Lee, John Unwin, Richard Wright, Henry Hardy, and John Shipman to be the present Councillors of the town aforesaid, to continue respectively in the same offices during their natural lives, unless they, or any one of them, be amoved in the meantime for bad government or evil conduct in their aforesaid offices, or for any other reasonable cause. And moreover we will, and do grant by these presents for us, our heirs and successors, to the aforesaid Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, and to their successors for ever, Provision for that whenever it shall happen that any one or more of the said ^f jj^gj^ ^^^, six Councillors of the town aforesaid, or any of their successors, cessors. shall die or be amoved from their offices of Councillors of the town aforesaid — which Councillors of the town aforesaid for the time being, and their successors, or any one or more of them not behaving themselves well in those offices we will shall be amovable — then and at all times it may and shall be lawful to the aforesaid Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town afore- said for the time being, and their successors, or the major part of them (of whom we will the Mayor for the time being shall be one) to elect, name, and advance one other, or more, of the Burgesses of the town aforesaid in the place, or places, of that, or those. Councillors of the town aforesaid so happening to die or be amoved, to fill up the number of six Councillors of the ' The Roll here needlessly interlines amoveri (/iios qiiideni- Conciliarios villae praedictae. 104 CHARTER OF CHARLES II. [1682 Charles II. quodque ille, sive illi, sic, ut praefertur, ad officium Conciliariorum villae praedictae electus et praefectus, aut electi et praefecti, erit et erunt de numero sex Conciliariorum villae praedictae; et hoc toties quoties casus sic acciderit. Appointment Assignavimus etiam, nominavimus, creavimus, constituimus, kins. ^"^ ^"^ ^^ fecimus, ac per praesentes pro nobis, heredibus et successor- ibus nostris, assignamus, nominamus, creamus, constituimus, et facimus dilectos nobis Johannem Peake et Johannem Uthwayte fore et esse modernos Camerarios villae praedictae, continuandos in officiis Camerariorum usque ad festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli proximo sequens datum praesentium, et abinde quousque duo alii de sex Conciliariis, vel aliis Burgensibus villae praedictae non existentibus de numero octodecim Capitalium Conciliariorum villae praedictae, in ofificia Camerariorum electi et praefecti fuerint; et ad verum compotum inde reddendum praefatis Majori, Aldermannis et Communibus Conciliariis villae Provision for praedictae ; et hoc toties quoties eis expedire videbitur. Et the election of their sue- quod de tempore in tempus et ad omnia tempora post prae- cessors. dictum festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli, mortem vel amoti- onem praedictorum Johannis Peake et Johannis Uthwayte, vel alterius eorum, vel alicujus seu aliquorum successorum suorum, Major, Aldermanni et Commune[s] Conciliarii villae praedictae pro tempore existentes, vel major pars eorum (quorum Majorem ejusdem villae pro tempore existentem unum esse volumus), unum alium virum, vel duos viros discretos et honestos, de prae- dictis sex Conciliariis vel Burgensibus villae praedictae non existentibus Capitalibus Conciliariis ejusdem villae, in Camer- arios villae praedictae eligere, nominare, et praeficere valeant et possint; quodque ille, sive illi, qui in Camerarios villae prae- dictae sic, ut praefertur, electus, praefectus, et nominatus fuerit, vel electi, praefecti, et nominati fuerint, officia ilia Camerariorum villae praedictae exercere et gaudere valeant et possint, valeat et possit, pro uno anno integro extunc proximo sequenti, et abinde quousque unum alium, vel duo alii, ex sex Conciliariis vel aliis Burgensibus villae praedictis non existentibus de numero octodecim Capitalium Conciliariorum villae praedictae, ad officia praedicta Camerariorum villae praedictae debito modo electi et praefecti fuerit vel fuerint; et hoc toties quoties casus sic acciderit: nisi interim pro mala gubernatione sive male se cessors. 1682] CHARTER OF CHARLES H. IO5 town aforesaid ; and that he, or they, so elected and advanced Charles H. to the office of Councillors of the town aforesaid shall be of the number of the six Councillors of the town aforesaid; and this so often as the case shall so happen. We have also assigned, named, created, constituted, and Appointment made, and do by these presents for us, our heirs and successors, °^^^^^ ^"^ ^^' assign, name, create, appoint, and make our well-beloved John Peake and John Uthwaite to be the present Chamberlains of the town aforesaid, to continue in the offices of Chamberlains until the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel next following the date of these presents, and from then until two others of the six Councillors, or other Burgesses of the town aforesaid not being of the number of the eighteen Chief Councillors of the town aforesaid, be elected and advanced to the offices of Chamberlains; and to render true account thereof to the afore- said Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council of the town aforesaid; and this as many times as shall seem fit to them. Provision for the election And that from time to time and at all times after the aforesaid of their suc- feast of Saint Michael the Archangel, the death or amoval of the aforesaid John Peake and John Uthwaite, or either of them, or any one or more of their successors, the Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council of the town aforesaid for the time being, or the major part of them (of whom we will that the Mayor of the same town for the time being shall be one), may and shall be able to elect, name, and advance one other man, or two discreet and honest men, of the aforesaid six Councillors or of the Burgesses of the town aforesaid not being Chief Councillors of the same town, as Chamberlains of the town aforesaid; and that he, or they, who shall be thus elected, advanced, and named as Chamberlains of the town aforesaid, as is beforesaid, may and shall be able to exercise and enjoy those offices of Chamberlains of the town aforesaid for one whole year then next following, and from then until one other, or two others, of the six Councillors or other Burgesses of the town aforesaid not being of the number of the eighteen Chief Councillors of the town aforesaid, be in due manner elected and advanced to the aforesaid offices of Chamberlains of the town aforesaid ; and this so many times as the case shall so happen: unless they, or either of them, be amoved from their offices by the I06 CHARTER OF CHARLES H. [1682 Charles II. gerendo in ea parte, aut pro aliqua causa rationabili, ab officiis illis amoti erunt, aut eorum alter, amoti erunt, vel amotus erit, per Majorem, Aldermannos et Communes Conciliarios villae praedictae, vel majorem partem eorundem (quorum Majorem pro tempore existentem unum esse volumus). Appointment Et volumus, ac per praesentes pro nobis, heredibus et suc- of Coroners. . .... cessonbus nostris, concedimus praefatis Majori, Aldermannis et Burgensibus villae praedictae, et successoribus suis, quod de cetero imperpetuum ipsi, et successores sui, habeant et habebunt infra villam praedictam duos honestos et discretos viros qui erunt et vocabuntur ' Coronatores ' villae praedictae, sicut antiquo habuerunt, et modo habent, qui erunt perpetuis futuris temporibus assistentes, consulentes, et auxiliantes Majori villae praedictae; et quod praedicti Coronatores villae praedictae pro tempore existentes facient omnia et singula infra villam prae- dictam, limites et praecinctus ejusdem, quae aliquis Coronator vel aliqui Coronatores virtute officii illius facere et exequi potuit aut debuit, possint aut debent, et non aliter. Et pro meliori executione voluntatis et concessionis nostrae in hac parte, assign- amus, nominamus, constituimus, et facimus dilectos nobis Robertum Worthley et Willelmum Woolhouse, generosos, fore et esse primos et modernos Coronatores villae praedictae durant- ibus vitis suis naturalibus, nisi interim illi, sive eorum alter, pro se male gerendo in officio illo amoti fuerint vel fuerit per Majorem et Commune[s] Concil[iarios] villae praedictae pro tempore existentes. Et volumus, quod praedicti Robertus Worthley et Willelmus Woolhouse, et quique Coronatores villae praedictae imposterum eligendi, antequam ad officia Coronat- orum praedictorum admittantur aut admittatur, sacramentum corporale super sacrosancta Dei Evangelia^ coram Majore villae praedictae pro tempore existenti, ad omnia et singula, quae ad officium Coronatorum villae praedictae pertinent, recte, bene, et fideliter in omnibus et per omnia facienda et exequenda, prae- stabunt, et praestabit: cui quidem Majori villae praedictae pro tempore existenti hujusmodi sacramentum administrandi pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, authoritatem et potest- Provision for atem concedimus per praesentes. Et ulterius volumus, ac per of^theirVuc" P^aesentes pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, con- cessors. cedimus Majori, Aldermannis et Burgensibus villae praedictae l682] CHARTER OF CHARLES H. 10/ Mayor, Aldermen and Common Councillors of the town afore- Charles II. said, or the major part of them (of whom we will that the Mayor for the time being shall be one), for their bad govern- ment or misconduct in this behalf, or for any other reasonable cause. And moreover we will, and do grant by these presents for Appointment of Coroners. US, our heirs and successors, to the aforesaid Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, and to their successors, that they and their successors, may and shall have henceforth for ever within the town aforesaid two honest and discreet men who shall be and shall be called ' Coroners ' of the town afore- said, as they had of old, and now have, who shall be assisting, counselling, and helping to the Mayor of the town aforesaid in future times ; and that the aforesaid Coroners of the town afore- said for the time being shall do all and singular the things within the town aforesaid, the limits and precincts of the same, that any Coroner or Coroners might or should do and execute by virtue of that office, and not otherwise. And for the better execution of our will and grant in this behalf, we assign, name, constitute, and make our well-beloved Robert Worthley and William Woolhouse, gentlemen, to be the first and present Coroners of the town aforesaid during their natural lives, unless they, or either of them, be amoved in the meantime by the Mayor and Common Councillors of the town aforesaid for the time being for evil conduct in that office. And we will, that the aforesaid Robert Worthley and William Woolhouse and every Coroner of the town aforesaid to be hereafter elected shall, before he or they be admitted to the offices of Coroners aforesaid, take bodily oath on the holy Gospels of God, before the Mayor of the town aforesaid for the time being, to rightly, well, and faith- fully do and execute in all things and through all things all and everything that pertains to the office of Coroner of the town aforesaid: to which Mayor of the town aforesaid for the time being we grant for us, our heirs and successors, by these presents authority and power to administer such oath. And moreover Provision for .,, , , , , - 1-1 the election we Will, and do grant by these presents for us, our heirs and of their suc- successors, to the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town ^^^^°^^- aforesaid for the time being, and to their successors, that it may ' Evangelia,'] 'evangelii,' MS. I08 CHARTER OF CHARLES H. [1682 Charles h. pro tempore existentibus, et successoribus suis, quod de tempore in tempus, post mortem vel amotionem praedictorum Roberti Worthley et Willelmi Woolhouse, vel alterius eorum, bene liceat et licebit Majori, Aldermannis et Capitalibus Conciliariis, sex Conciliariis, et tot de iis Burgensibus qui officia Vicecomitum et Camerariorum tempore hujusmodi electionis gerunt et subeunt, aut praeantea gesserunt aut subierunt, vel majori parti eorum (quorum Majorem pro tempore existentem unum esse volumus), unum virum, vel duos viros, in officium Coronatorum villae praedictae eligere et praeficere, continuandos in officiis dictorum Coronatorum durantibus vitis suis naturalibus, nisi pro se male gerendo in officiis illis amoti fuerint, ut praedictum est; et sic toties quoties casus sic accident. Power to fine Et si aliquis imposterum sic electus in officium Majoris villae those who .. . „ . . , ... . ,^. . . refuse to ac- praedictae, aut m omcio sive loco Aldermanni, Vicecomitis, cept o ce. Capitalis Conciliarii, [Conciliarii,] vel Camerarii, aut in aliquod aliud officium sive locum infra villam praedictam, cui electio ilia notificata erit, recusaverit accipere super se officium sive officia praedicta, aut jura[mentum] et alia requisita in ea parte prae- stare et performare, sine causa rationabili, quod tunc et in quo- libet tali casu bene liceat et licebit eisdem Majori, Communi Concillio villae praedictae, vel majori parti eorundem pro tempore existentibus (quorum Majorem pro tempore existentem unum esse volumus), de tempore in tempus taxare et imponere tales rationabiles fines super quamlibet hujusmodi personam sic recusantem, quales eisdem Majori et Communi Concilio villae praedictae, aut majori parti eorundem, rationabiliter videbitur Grant of fines expediendi; et ad hujusmodi fines et fines sic de tempore in so imposed. , . ^ . • • ,... ,.. tempus taxatos et impositos per districtionem et venditionem bonorum et catallorum cujuslibet hujusmodi personae et person- arum sic recusantium, aut per actionem debiti, seu alio legali modo quocunque, de tempore in tempus ad et pro usu et proficuo dictorum Majoris, Aldermannorum et Burgensium ejusdem villae, levare, percipere, et detinere valeant et possint, sine molestatione sive impedimento nostri, heredum vel succes- sorum nostrorum; et hoc absque aliquo compoto seu alia re quacunque nobis, heredibus vel successoribus nostris, proinde reddendo vel solvendo. Power to have t- 1 1 i-i a Recorder. Et volumus, ac per praesentes pro nobis, heredibus et 1 682] CHARTER OF CHARLES II. IO9 and shall be lawful to the Mayor, Aldermen and Chief Coun- Charles II. cillors, six Councillors, and so many of the Burgesses who bear or execute the offices of Sheriffs and Chamberlains at the time of such election, or who have borne or executed them at any time previously, or the major part of them (of whom we will that the Mayor for the time being shall be one) to elect and advance, from time to time, after the death or amoval of the aforesaid Robert Worthley and William Woolhouse, or of either of them, one man, or two men, to the office of Coroners of the town aforesaid, to continue in the offices of the said Coroners during their natural lives, unless they be amoved for their evil conduct in those offices, as is beforesaid; and this so often as the case shall so happen. And hereafter if any one so elected to the office of Mayor of Power to fine the town aforesaid, or to the office or place of an Alderman, refuse to ac° Sheriff, Chief Councillor, [Councillor,] or Chamberlain, or to any '^^P' o^ce. other office or place within the town aforesaid, to whom that election has been notified, shall refuse, without reasonable cause, to take upon himself the office or offices aforesaid, or to take and perform the oath and other requisites in that behalf, that then and in every such case it may and shall be lawful to the same Mayor, Common Council of the town aforesaid, or the major part of them for the time being (of whom we will that the Mayor for the time being shall be one), to tax and impose from time to time such reasonable fines upon each such person so refusing as shall reasonably appear to be expedient to the same Mayor and Common Council of the town aforesaid, or to the major part of them ; and that they may be able to levy, receive. Grant of fines and retain such fines and fines so from time to time taxed and ^° ™posed. imposed by distraint and sale of the goods and chattels of every such person and persons so refusing, or by action of debt, or in any other legal manner whatsoever, from time to time to and for the use and profit of the said Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the same town, without molestation or impediment from us, our heirs and successors ; and this without rendering or paying therefor to us, our heirs or successors, any account or anything else whatsoever. And we will, and do grant by these presents for us, our heirs ^Recorde^r no CHARTER OF CHARLES H. [1682 Charles 11. successoribus nostris, concedimus praefatis Majori, Aldermannis et Burgensibus villae praedictae pro tempore existentibus, et successoribus suis, quod ipsi, et successores sui, de cetero imper- petuum habeant et habebunt in et pro villa praedicta unum virum praeclarum et discretum, in forma inferius in his prae- sentibus expressa [eligendum], qui erit et nominabitur ' Record- ator ' villae praedictae, ad omnia et singula agenda et exequenda quae ad officium Recordatoris in eadem villa, seu in aliqua alia villa sive loco incorporato,^ pertinent. Power to have Ac etiam, quod praedicti Major, Aldermanni et Burgenses a Common ... .. . Clerk. villae praedictae, et successores sui, de cetero imperpetuum habeant et habebunt in villa praedicta unum alium virum in legibus Angliae eruditum, in forma inferius in his praesentibus [expressa] nominandum et eligendum, qui erit et vocabitur His duties de- ' Communis Clericus ' villae praedictae, ad facienda et exequenda • omnia et singula recognitiones captas, recognitas, et recognos- cendas coram Majore et aliis Justitiariis Pacis villae praedictae, in praesentia praedictorum Majoris et Justitiariorum, et easdem sic captas et recognitas transcribere et in pergamenam redigere, et ad scribendas et intrandas omnes indenturas apprent[iciae], et querelas, placita, actiones, ac alia originalia et judicialia brevia et processus quaecunque, et judicia et considerationes superinde, in Curia de Recordo infra villam praedictam, libert- ates, bundas, et praecinctus ejusdem, et ad ea omnia exequenda ad onus et officium suum designanda, et quae aliquis Communis Clericus infra eandem villam, seu aliquam aliam villam vel burgum incorporatum infra regnum nostrum Angliae, virtute officii illius, exequi possit et valeat; quodque dictus Communis Clericus omnia et singula feoda, regarda, et proficua pro scriptione et intratione praedictis, ac omnia alia feoda et pro- ficua, quae ad locum Communis Clerici praedicti [pertinent], habeat et percipiat.^ Appointment Assignavimus etiam, nominavimus, constituimus, et fecimus, of Recorder. ^^ ^^^ praesentes, pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, assignamus, nominamus, constituimus, et facimus perquam fidelem et perquam sincere dilectum consanguineum et Concili- arium nostrum Henricum, Ducem de Novo Castro, in legibus hujus regni nostri Angliae peritum, fore et esse modernum Recordatorem villae praedictae, ad omnia et singula agenda et l682] CHARTER OF CHARLES H. Ill and successors, to the aforesaid Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses Charles h. of the town aforesaid for the time being, and t6 their successors, that they, and their successors, may and shall have henceforth for ever in and for the town aforesaid one distinguished and discreet man, to be elected in the form below expressed in these presents, who shall be and shall be called ' the Recorder ' of the town aforesaid, to do and execute all and singular the things that pertain to the office of Recorder in the same town, or in any other town or place incorporated. And also that the aforesaid Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses Power to have of the town aforesaid, and their successors, may and shall have clerk, henceforth for ever in the town aforesaid one other man learned in the laws of England, to be nominated and elected in the form below [expressed] in these presents, who shall be and shall be called ' the Common Clerk ' of the town aforesaid, to do and His duties de- execute all and singular the recognizances taken, recognized, "^*^' and to be recognized before the Mayor and the other Justices of the Peace of the town aforesaid, in the presence of the aforesaid Mayor and Justices, and to transcribe and enter them on parch- ment when so taken and recognized, and to write and enter all indentures of apprenticeship, and plaints, pleas, actions, and other original and judicial writs and processes whatsoever, and judg- ments and decisions thereupon, in the Court of Record within the town aforesaid, the liberties, bounds, and precincts of the same, and to execute all those things to be designated for his charge and office, and that any Common Clerk may and is able to execute, by virtue of his office, within the same town, or within any other town or incorporated borough, within our realm of England; and that the said Common Clerk shall have and receive all and singular the fees, rewards, and profits for the writing and entering aforesaid, and all other fees and profits that [pertain] to the place of the Common Clerk aforesaid. We have also assigned, named, appointed and made, and Appointment do by these presents, for us, our heirs and successors, assign, ° ^^^'^ ^'^' name, appoint, and make our very faithful and very dearly beloved cousin and our Councillor Henry, Duke of Newcastle, learned in the laws of this our kingdom of England, to be the ' incorporato,\ 'incorporeat.,' MS, - percipiat,'] ' praecipiat,' MS, 112 CHARTER OF CHARLES II. [1682 Charles II exequenda, quae ad officium Recordatoris in eadem villa, vel in aliqua alia villa sive loco incorporate infra regnum nostrum Angliae pertinent, continuandum in eodem officio durante bene Power to elect placito nostri, heredum et successorum nostrorum; quodque de his successor ' tempore in tempus et ad omnia tempora, post mortem, amoti- onem, vel sursum redditionem praedicti Henrici, Ducis de Novo Castro, bene liceat et licebit Majori, Aldermannis et Communi Concilio villae praedictae pro tempore existentibus, vel majori parti eorundem (quorum Majorem pro tempore existentem unum esse volumus), unum alium virum discretum et in legibus Angliae peritum eligere et praeficere Recordatorem villae prae- dictae, continuandum in eodem officio durante bene placito nostri, heredum et successorum nostrorum; et sic toties quoties The Recorder casus sic acciderit. Et ulterius volumus, ac per praesentes rDepTty'^'"^ declaramus, quod bene liceat et licebit praedicto Henrico, Duci de Novo Castro, et Recordatori villae praedictae pro tempore existenti, habere, nominare, et facere aliquem alium sufficientem et discretum virum in legibus Angliae eruditum fore et esse Deputatum suum in officio Recordatoris villae praedictae; et quod hujusmodi Deputatus sic factus, nominatus, et juratus habeat et habebit plenam potestatem et authoritatem, in absentia Recordatoris, in omnibus et singulis officio Recordatoris illius spectantibus^ sive pertinentibus, ad omnes intentiones et pro- posita quae Recordator villae praedictae pro tempore existens, virtute praesentium seu aliquarum aliarum literarum patentium progenitorum nostrorum in hac parte factarum, habet, aut habere et exercere possit et debet. Appointment Assignavimus etiam, nominavimus, constituimus, et fecimus, Clerk °^"^c P^^ praesentes pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, assignamus, constituimus, nominamus, et facimus dilectum nobis Radolphum Edge, armigerum, fore et esse modernum Com- munem Clericum villae praedictae, continuandum in eodem officio durante bene placito nostri, heredum et successorum Power to nostrorum ; quodque liceat et licebit Majori et Aldermannis elect his suC" cessor. villae praedictae pro tempore existentibus, vel majori parti eorundem (quorum Majorem villae praedictae pro tempore existentem unum esse volumus), de tempore in tempus et ad omnia tempora, post mortem, amotionem, vel sursum-redditi- onem praedicti Radulphi Edge, unum alium discretum et l682] CHARTER OF CHARLES H. II3 present Recorder of the town aforesaid, to do and execute all Charles H, and singular the things that pertain to the office of Recorder in the same town, or in any other town or place incorporated within this our kingdom of England, to continue in the same Power to elect ml . ,1 1 r 1-1 1 his successor. ce durmg the pleasure 01 us, our heirs and successors; and that it shall and may be lawful to the Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council of the town aforesaid for the time being, or the greater part of them (of whom we will that the Mayor for the time being shall be one), to elect and advance, from time to time and at all times, after the death, amoval, or surrender of the aforesaid Henry, Duke of Newcastle, one other man discreet and learned in the laws of England to be Recorder of the town aforesaid, to continue in the same office during the pleasure of us, our heirs and successors ; and so to do as often as the case The Recorder shall so happen. And moreover we will, and do declare by "^?J fippomt these presents, that it may and shall be lawful to the aforesaid Henry, Duke of Newcastle, and to the Recorder of the town aforesaid for the time being to have, name, and make one other sufficient and discreet man learned in the laws of England to be his Deputy in the office of Recorder of the town aforesaid ; and that such Deputy so made, named, and sworn, shall and may have full power and authority, in the absence of the Recorder, in all and singular the things pertaining or belonging to the office of such Recorder, for all intents and purposes that the Recorder of the town aforesaid for the time being has, or may or should have and exercise, by virtue of these presents, or of any other letters patent of our progenitors made in this behalf We have also assigned, named, constituted, and made, and Appointment do by these presents for us, our heirs and successors, assign, con- clerk. ° ^^ " stitute, name, and make our well-beloved Ralph Edge, esquire, to be the present Common Clerk of the town aforesaid, to con- tinue in the same office during the pleasure of us, our heirs and successors; and that it may and shall be lawful to the Mayor and Aldermen of the town aforesaid for the time being, or to r o w e r to the major part of them (of whom we will that the Mayor of the LSor.'^ ^"^" town aforesaid for the time being shall be one) to name, elect, and advance, from time to time and at all times, after the death, ' spcctantihits,'\ 'spectand.,' MS. H 114 CHARTER OF CHARLES H. [1682 Charles II. honestum virum in officium Communis Clerici pro et in eadem villa nominare, eligere, et praeficere, continuandum in eodem officio durante bene placito nostri, heredum et successorum nost- rorum ; et sic de tempore in tempus toties quoties casus sic accidcrit. The Recorder Volumus etiam, ct intentioncm regiam nostram declaramus, and Common , 1, -n 1 1 ^ • ^1 • -n i- Clerk to be quod nullus Recordator vel Communis Clericus villae praedictae approyec by ^^ cetero eligendus sive constituendus intromittat vel intro- tne iving. •=> mittant in hujusmodi officio vel officiis, sive eorum alterius respective, antequam approbatus fuerit, vel approbati fuerint, per nos, heredes vel successores nostros, aliquo in praesentibus contento, aut aliqua alia re, causa, vel materia quacunque in contrarium inde in aliquo non obstantibus. Repetition of ^ Et insupcr . . . liabeantur et teneantur [c7j- (7//^_c^^ 52 (7/;c?^'^]. Henry VI. °^ Et quod . . . eligantur [as at pages 52-54]. Et quod vice- comites praedicti in forma praedicti eligendi, statim post electi- onem . . . mittentur \as at page 54]. Appointment Et quod Johannes Malyn et Johannes Whitby sint et erunt ° ^" ^" primi et moderni Vicecomites, continuandi in officio illo usque praedictum festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli proximo futurum, et abinde quousque alii electi et praefecti fuerint secundum tenorem et effectum harum literarum patentium nostrarum. Repetition of Et quod tam quilibet Burgensis . . . debercnt \as at Charter of , „ ..^n o Henry VI. P^g^S ^\-^6Y Et quod iidem nunc Burgenses . . . intromittat \as at pages 56-58, luith slight alterations\ Et quod dicti Escaetor . . . certificetur \iis at pages 58-60]. Concessimus etiam . . . quorumcunque [as at pages 60-62]. The Mayor to Et ulterius, ex mero motu et certa scientia nostris praedictis, nfan" ^^' concessimus pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, prae- fatis Majori, Aldermannis et Burgensibus dictae villae de Nottingham, ac eorum successoribus imperpetuum, quod prae- dictus Gervasius Wyld et quilibet succedens Major, postquam ab officio Majoris amotus erit, unus erit, et continuabit unus, ex ' Here the charter embodies that of Henry VI. with slight alterations of small importance. - The Roll reads after sieterit, page 56, line 3 : ' et nullo tempore Vicecomites ejusdem villae . . . easdem [habeant] potestatem . . . debunt sen debebunt.' The scribe has obviously omitted the four lines that follow nullo tempore at p. 56, and has thus merged two separate clauses. 1 682] CHARTER OF CHARLES H. II5 amoval, or surrender of the aforesaid Ralph Edge, one other Ciiari.es h. discreet and honest man to the office of Common Clerk for and in the same town, to continue in tlie same office during the pleasure of us, our heirs and successors; and so to do from time to time as often as the case shall so happen. We also will, and do declare our royal intention, that no The Recorder Recorder or Common Clerk of the town aforesaid to be hereafter clerk to be elected or appointed shall intermeddle in such offices, or either ^PP''9y"l by ^^ ' the King. of them respectively, before he or they be approved by us, our heirs or successors, anything in these presents contained, or any other thing, cause, or matter whatsoever to the contrary therein in any wise notwithstanding. ^And furthermore . . . Nottingham by itself for ever [as at Repetition of i-^/T Charter of page t^l above\ Henry VI. And that the said present Burgesses ... for the year then next to come \as at pages 53-55]. And that John Malin and John Whitby may and shall be Appointment the first and present Sheriffs, to continue in that office until the aforesaid feast of Saint Michael the Archangel next to come, and from then until two others be elected and advanced accord- ing to the tenor and effect of these our letters patent. And that as well each Burgess . . . within the same our Repetition of realm \as at pas:es 55-571.3 tS^^"^'^^... °'^ L i c> J J J/ J Henry VI. And that the same present Burgesses . . . except as before excepted \as at pages 57-59, li'itJi slight alterations\ And that the said Escheator ... of the name of the Es- cheator of that town \as at pages 59-61]. We have also granted . . . officers whatsoever \as at pages 61-6^1 And moreover, of our mere motion and certain knowledge The Mayor to aforesaid, we have granted for us, our heirs and successors, to ,„an. the aforesaid Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the said town of Nottingham, and to their successors for ever, that the afore- said Gervase Wild and each succeeding Mayor, after he be amoved from the office of Mayor, shall be, and shall continue to 3 The Roll reads after * Mayoralty of that town,' page 57, line 3, above: 'and that at no time hereafter the Sheriffs of the same town . . . [shall have] the same power . . . within this our realm of England.' The scribe has obviously omitted lines 5 to 7, thus accidentally merging two clauses. Il6 CHARTER OF CHARLES H. [1682 Charles H. sex Aldermannis pracdictis. Et quod Major et Aldermanni . . . sint Justitiarii nostri . . . qualitercunque in futurum [as at pages 64-66]. Concessimus insuper . . . successores suos non obstante \as at pages 66-70]. Grant of all Et ultei'ius, de uberiori gratia nostra speciali, ct ex certa lands, liber- .... , ,.^ ,. ,^ ties etc., scientia et mero motu nostris, concedimus et connrmamus prae- h^id^b°^°th^ fatis Majori, Aldermannis et Burgensibus villae praedictae, et Burgesses; successoribus suis, omnia et singula eadem, hujusmodi, et con- similia messuagia, terras, tenementa, et hereditamenta, necnon omnia et singula eadem et hujusmodi Hbertates, privilegia, franchesias, nundinas, mercata, ferias, fines, amerciamenta, pro- ficua, commoditates, consuetudines, immunitates, quietantias, exemptiones, jura, et jurisdictiones quaecunque, quae Major, Aldermanni et Burgenses villae praedictae, aut aliqui prae- decessores sui, per quaecunque nomina, vel per quodcunque nomen, vel per quamcunque incorporationem, vel praetextu cujuscunque incorporationis, modo vel antehac habuerunt, tenu- erunt, usi vel gavisi fuerunt, aut habere, tenere, uti vel gaudere debuerunt, habuit, tenuit, usus vel gavisus fuit, debuit aut debu- erunt, eis, et successoribus suis, ratione seu praetextu aliquarum cartarum aut literarum patentium aliquorum progenitorum seu antecessorum nostrorum, nuper Regum vel Reginarum Angliae, quoquo modo antehac factarum, confirmatarum, vel concessarum, aut praetextu alicujus praescriptionis, usus, seu consuetudinis, seu quocunque alio legali modo, jure, seu titulo antehac habit- except the fair arum, usitatarum, seu consuetarum, excepta una feria ibidem *{Feb 24)"^^ tenta, et teneri consueta, in et super festum Sancti Mathiae Apostoli. Et ulterius volumus, et per praesentes pro nobis, Grant of two heredibus et successoribus nostris, concedimus praefatis Majori, efghf Tayl Aldermannis et Burgensibus villae de Nottingham praedictae, et each, successoribus suis imperpetuum, quod ipsi et successores sui habeant, teneant, et custodiant infra eandem villam, loco prae- dictae feriae ibidem antehac tentae in et super praedictum festum Sancti Mathiae Apostoli, annuatim imperpetuum quo- libet anno duas novas ferias sive nundinas, prima[m] earundem one beginning feriarum incipientem in et super vicesimum tertium diem Aprilis the"othe'r^on quolibct anno, et secunda[m] feria[m] praedictarum feriarum sive Nov. I. nundinarum incipientem in et super primum diem Novembris l682] CHARTER OF CHARLES H. 11/ be, one of the six Aldermen aforesaid. And that the Mayor Charles h. and Aldermen . . . shall be Justices . . . the town and liberty aforesaid [as at pages 65-67]. Wc have moreover granted . . . their successors \as at pages 67-71]. And moreover, of our more ample especial grace, and of Grant of all our certain knowledge and mere motion, we do grant and con- tjes' etc' firm to the aforesaid Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the J^ e ret o fore ■' ° held by the town aforesaid, and to their successors, all and singular the Burgesses; same and the like messuages, lands, tenements, and heredita- ments, as well as all and singular the same and such liberties, privileges, franchises, fairs, markets, fairs, fines, amercements, profits, commodities, customs, immunities, acquittances, exemp- tions, rights, and jurisdictions whatsoever as the Mayor, Alder- men and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, or any of their predecessors, had, held, used, or enjoyed, or ought to have had, held, used, or enjoyed by whatsoever names, or by whatsoever name, or by whatsoever incorporation, or by pretext of whatso- ever incorporation, to them, and to their successors, by reason or pretext of any charters or letters patent of any of our pro- genitors or ancestors, late Kings or Queens of England, in any wise heretofore made, confirmed, or granted, or by pretext of any prescription, use, or custom, or by any other law^ful manner, right, or title heretofore had, used, and accustomed, with the except the fair exception of a fair held, and accustomed to be held, in and ^Yeh. 24). upon the feast of Saint Matthias the Apostle. And moreover q^.^^^ ^^ ^^^ we will, and do grant by these presents for us, our heirs and "?^, ^^'^,s °f ' ^ . ^ ' eight days successors, to the aforesaid Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of each, the town of Nottingham aforesaid, and to their successors for ever, that they and their successors shall have, hold, and keep within the same town, in place of the aforesaid fair heretofore held there in and upon the aforesaid feast of Saint Matthias the Apostle, two new fairs annually for ever every year, the first of such fairs beginning in and upon the twenty-third day of April one beginning in every year, and the second fair of the aforesaid fairs beginning the"othi'r^o'n in and upon the first day of November in every year, unless ^°^- '• any of the aforesaid days shall happen to be a Sunday, and then in and upon the Monday next following, and each such fair to endure for eight days; together with a Court of Il8 CHARTER OF CHARLES H. [1682 Charles II, quoHbet anno, nisi aliquis praedictomm dierum accident esse Dies Dominicus, et tunc in et super Diem Lunae proximo sequentem, et quaelibet feria ilia per octo dies duratura; unacum Curia Pedis Pulverizati ibidem tempore earundem feriarum et nundinarum respective tenenda, et omnibus libertatibus et liberis Grant of liber- consuetudinibus ad hujusmodi Curiam pertinentibus; simul cum ties, Court of ,, ,,..._., Piepowder, tollneto, stallagio, piccagio, nnibus, et amerciamentis, ac omnibus sa^d fairs ^^^ ^^"^ proficuis, commoditatibus, et emolumentis de hujusmodi feriis, nundinis, et Curia Pedis Pulverizati provenientibus, incid- entibus, emergentibus, seu contingentibus, ac cum omnibus libertatibus et liberis consuetudinibus ad hujusmodi ferias, nundinas, et Curiam Pedis Pulverizati pertinentibus vel spectant- ibus: ita tamen quod praedictae feriae sive nundinae non sint, seu earum altera, non sit ad nocumentum aliquarum aliarum feriarum sive nundinarum: habenda, tenenda, et gaudenda omnia et singula eadem terras, tenementa, hereditamenta, libert- ates, privilegia, franchesias, jura, et cetera praemissa eisdem Majori, Aldermannis et Burgensibus villae praedictae, et succes- soribus suis imperpetuum ; reddendo inde nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, talia, eadem, hujusmodi, et consimilia reditus, servitia, denariorum summas, et tenuras quae proinde nobis antehac reddiderunt, seu solvere consueverunt et de jure debuerunt. Power to en- Volumus etiam, et pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus joy the liber- . ,. r • i,^- • • ai t • t-. m ties hereby nostris, concedimus praefatis Majori, Aldermannis et Burgensibus out"molesta- "^^^^^^ praedictae, et successoribus suis, per praesentes, quod tion. habeant, teneant, utantur, et gaudeant, et plene habere, tenere, uti, et gaudere possint et valeant imperpetuum omnes libertates, liberas consuetudines, privilegia, authoritates, et quietantias praedictas, secundum tenorem et effectum harum litterarum nostrarum patentium, sine occasione vel impedimento nostri, heredum vel successorum nostrorum quorumcunque; nolentes^ quod iidem Major, Aldermanni et Burgenses villae praedictae ratione praemissorum, seu eorum alicujus, per nos, vel heredes seu successores nostros, justitiarios, Vicecomites, escaetores, et alios ballivos seu ministros nostros, heredum seu successorum nostrorum quorumcunque, inde occasionentur, molestentur, vexentur, graventur, seu in aliquo perturbentur. Proviso semper, et volumus ac per praesentes pro nobis, l682] CHARTER OF CHARLES II. lIQ Piepowder there to be held at the time of the same fairs re- Charles II. spectively, and with all liberties and free customs pertaining to such Court; together with toll, stallage, pickage, fines, and amercements, and all other profits, commodities, and cmolu- Grant of Hber- ments coming from, incidental to, arising, or happening from piepowder such fairs and Court of Piepowder, and with all liberties and '-"'9',' ^P"^ '^^ '■ said fairs. free customs pertaining or belonging to such fairs and Court of Piepowder: provided that the aforesaid fairs, or either of them, shall not be to the damage of any other fairs : to have, hold, and enjoy all and singular such lands, tenements, hereditaments, liberties, privileges, franchises, rights, and other the premises to the same Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, and to their successors for ever; rendering therefor to us, our heirs and successors, such, the same, the like, and similar rents, services, sums of money, and tenures as they have heretofore rendered therefor to us, or have been wont to pay and ought of right to pay. We also will, and do grant for us, our heirs and successors, Power to en- by these presents to the aforesaid Mayor, Aldermen and Bur- \°^^^ hereby gesses of the town aforesaid, and to their successors, that they grantedwith- out molesta- shall have, hold, use, and enjoy, and may and shall be able to tion. fully have, hold, use, and enjoy for ever all the liberties, free customs, privileges, authorities, and acquittances aforesaid, according to the tenor and effect of these our letters patent, without let or impediment from us, our heirs or successors what- soever; we being unwilling that the same Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town aforesaid should be hindered, molested, vexed, aggrieved, or in any wise disturbed therein by reason of the premises, or any of them, by us, or our heirs or successors, justices, Sheriffs, escheators, and other Bailiffs or ministers of us, our heirs or successors whatsoever. Provided always, and we will and do by these presents for ' /to/i-/!tfs,] ' vok-nlcs,' MS. 120 CHARTER OF CHARLES U. [1682 Charles H. heredibiis et siiccessoribus nostris, ordinamiis et firmiter injung- endo praecipimus, quod Major, Aldermanni, et ceteri omnes The Mayor officiarii praeantca mentionati et modo constituti sivc confirmati, officer's ^^o ^^^^ constituendi, antequam ipsi ad execiitionem sive exercitium take theof^cii give officioi'um, loci vel locorum, cui vel qiiibus sic re- oaths of '■ Obedience spective nominati, appunctuati, sive constituti modo existunt, and of Su- . ..... . . ^ . , premacy. aut impostcrum nominati, electi, sive constituti fuerint, admittantur, aut aliqualiter in ea parte intromittant, seu eorum aliquis respective intromittat, tarn sacramentum corporate com- muniter vocatum ' T/ie OatJi of Obedience^ quam sacramentum corporale communiter vocatum ' The Oath of Supremacy' super sacrosanctis Dei Evangeliis praestabunt, et quilibet eorum prae- stabit, et omnia ad sacramenta, declarationes, et subscriptiones praestabunt et facient, et quilibet eorum praestabit et faciet, qualia per leges et Statuta hujus regni Angliae praestare et facere debent, seu debet, coram tali persona seu talibus personis quales et quae ad hujusmodi sacramenta danda et praestanda et declarationes et subscriptiones recipiendas per legem et Statuta hujus regni nostri Angliae ad praesens appunctuantur et designantur, aut imposterum appunctuatae et designatae fuerit vel fuerint. Et quod praedictus Gervasius Wild, antequam ad officia Majoris, Aldermanni, et Justitiarii Pacis, aut eorum alterius, admittatur, sacramentum suum ad officia ilia bene et fideliter exequenda coram praefatis Radulpho Edge, Christ- ophero Hall, Johanne Parker, et Gervasio Rippon, vel aliquibus duobus vel pluribus eorum praestabit: quibus quidem Radulpho Edge, Christophero Hall, Johanni Parker, et Gervasio Rippon administrandi tale sacramentum plenam potestatem et authorit- atem damus et concedimus per praesentes. Power for the Damus etiam, et per praesentes concedimus, praefatis Ger- mmist*er°such vasio Wyld, et cuilibet succedenti Majori, plenam potestatem ct oaths. authoritatem sacramenta pracstandi omnibus et singulis Alder- mannis, Vicecomitibus, et aliis officiariis et Burgensibus villae praedictae modo constitutis, et de cetero imposterum constitu- endis, ad officia sua respective bene et fideliter exequenda, prout antehac usitatum et consuetum fuerit infra eandem villam ante confectionem harum literarum nostrarum patentium. Power to Volumus ctiam, ac per praesentes pro nobis, heredibus et iTia,ke reizuln.- tions for the successoribus nostris, damus et concedimus Majori, Aldermannis 1 682] CHARTER OF CHARLES H. 121 US, our heirs and successors, ordain and firmly enjoining com- Charles H. mand that the Mayor, Aldermen, and all the other officers previously mentioned and now constituted or confirmed, or to The Mayor be constituted, before they be admitted to the execution or officers*^ To exercise of the office or offices, place or places, to which they ^^^^ the , , oaths of are now respectively nominated, appointed, or constituted, or to Obedience which they shall be hereafter nominated, elected, or constituted, premacy. or before they, or any one of them, intermeddle in any wise in that behalf, shall take, and each of them shall take, as well the bodily oath commonly called ' the Oath of Obedience,' as the bodily oath commonly called 'the Oath of Supremacy' upon God's holy Gospels, and shall make and take, and each of them shall make and take, all things pertaining to oaths, declarations, and subscriptions, as by the laws and Statutes of this kingdom of England they, or he, ought to do and make, before such person or such persons as are at present appointed and designated by the law and Statutes of this our realm of England to give and administer such oaths and to receive such declarations and subscriptions, or who shall be hereafter appointed or designated. And that the aforesaid Gervase Wild, before he be admitted to the offices of Mayor, Alderman, and Justice of the Peace, or either of them, shall take his oath to well and faithfully execute those offices before the aforesaid Ralph Edge, Christopher Hall, John Parker, and Gervase Rippon, or any two or more of them : to which Ralph Edge, Christopher Hall, John Parker, and Gervase Rippon we give and grant by these presents full power and authority to administer such oath. We also give, and do by these presents grant to the afore- Power for the . iTTii T TIT rii Mayor to ad- said Gervase Wyld, and to each succeedmg Mayor, full power minister such and authority to administer the oaths to all and singular the °^^ Aldermen, Sheriffs, and others the officers and Burgesses of the town aforesaid now appointed, and henceforth to be appointed hereafter, to well and faithfully execute their offices respectively, as has been hitherto used and accustomed within the same town before the making of these our letters patent. We also will, and do give and grant by these presents for us, Power to make regula- our heirs and successors, to the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses tions for the 122 CHARTER OF JAMES II. [1688 Charles II. et Burgensibus villae praedictae, et successoribus suis, quod ipsi et succcssores sui habeant et habebunt plenam potcstatem et good of the authoritatem condendi, constituendi, ordinandi, et stabiliendi de town. tempore in tempus hujusmodi leges, statuta, jura, ordinationes, et constitutiones rationabiles quaecunque quae eisdem Majori, Aldermannis et Burgensibus villae praedictae, vel majori parti eorum (quorum Majorem pro tempore existentem unum esse volumus), bona, utilia, honesta, et necessaria, juxta eorum sanas discretiones, fore videbuntur pro bono regimine et gubernatione Majoris, Aldermannorum et Burgensium villae praedictae pro tempore existentium, ac omnium officiariorum, ministrorum, artificum, inhabitantium, et residentium infra villam praedictam, libertates et praecinctus ejusdem : proviso semper, quod leges, Statuta, jura, ordinationes, et constitutiones praedicta non sint repugnantia nee contraria legibus hujus regni nostri Angliae. In cujus rei, etc. Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium, vicesimo octavo die Septembris. Per Breve de Privato Sigillo. Rot. Litt. Pat, 34 Car. II., pars 7. XXVI. — CJiarter of King James II. 1688, September i. Tames II. ^Rex omnibus, ad quos, etc. Sciatis, quod nos augmentationem \etc., as at page 88J.2 Appointment {Gcovge Laiigford, esquire, created Mayor. The said George of officers, laugford, Thomas Smith, John Haiukins, Charles Harvey, Joseph Tiirpin, Thomas Collins, and John Hides, gentlemen, to be Aldermen.'] YJohn N evil I, John Barrodale, Richard Knight, Robert Marshall, William Bnrroives, Joseph James, Thomas Pool, Benjamin Holmes, Abraham Metcalfe, John Crispe, John Welch, Samnel Smith, Joseph Boot, John HutJizvait, William Moore, Samuel Rhodes, Roger Haiukesley, and Joseph Sills to be the eighteen Chief Councillors.'] ' The original of this charter has not been preserved. It was, Uke that of Charles II., cancelled by the charter of William and Mary, and was probably then destroyed. It is here printed from the enrolment on the Patent Roll. ^ From here the charter is practically a repetition of that of Charles II., but the clauses are arranged in different order, and are rendered more concise. Occasionally they are entirely recast. But the differences in intent are so slight, that it is unnecessary to print this charter in full. The differences are of detail, not of con- 1 688] CHARTER OF JAMES II. 123 of the town aforesaid, and to their successors, that they and Ciiari.es II. their successors shall and may have full power and authority to make, constitute, ordain, and establish from time to time such good of the reasonable laws, statutes, rights, ordinances, and constitutions °^"' whatsoever as shall seem to the same Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, or to the major part of them (of whom we will that the Mayor for the time being shall be one), according to their sound discretions, to be good, useful, honest, and necessary for the good rule and government of the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town aforesaid for the time being, and of all the officers, ministers, artificers, in- habitants, and residents within the town aforesaid, the liberties and precincts of the same: provided always that the laws. Statutes, rights, ordinances, and constitutions aforesaid shall not be repugnant nor contrary to the laws of this our kingdom of England. In witness whereof, etc. Witness the King at Westminster, the twenty-eighth day of September. By Writ of Privy Seal. Patent Roll, 34 Charles II., part 7. XXVI. — Charter of King James II. 1688, September i. I The King to all to whom, etc. James II. Know ye that we desiring \etc., as at page 89].^ \ George Lans'ford, esquire, created Mayor. The said Ct^^/T^^: ^Appointment _ . of ofticers. Langford, Thomas Smith, John Haivkiits, Charles Harvey, Joseph Turpin, Thomas Collins, and John Hides, gentlemen, to be Aldermen.'] [John Nevill, John Barrodale, Richard Knight, Robert Marshall, William Bnrrows, Joseph James, Thojnas Pool, Benjamin Holmes, Abraham Metcalfe, John Crisp, John Welch, Samuel Smith, Joseph Boot, John Huthivait, William Moore, Samuel Rhodes, Roger Hazvkesley, and Joseph Sills to be the eighteen Chief Councillors.'] stitution. The only important change is the addition to the provisoes for the amoval of the various officers of the Corporation of the clause vel viodo ct forma infcrins vuntionata {i.e., unless they be amoved for the reasons stated in the Charter of Charles II., 'or in the manner and form below mentioned'). The reference is to the power reserved in this charter to the King to remove any of the officers of the Corporation. 124 CHARTER OF JAMES II. [1688 James II. [ Williaiii Cockle, Caleb Wilkinson, William Ornie, William Baines, William Bellfin, and John France to be Councillors^ \Thomas Cooke and Samnel Watkinson to be Chamberlains^ {^Henry, Duke of Nezvcastle, to be Recorderi] \Charles Baivdes, esquire, to be Common Clerk ?[ [John Nevill and John Borradale to be Coroners^ [Joseph Boot and John Huthwaite to be Sheriffs.'] Abolition of [Grant of all rights, immunities, lands, tenements, etc., hereto- crantld ^h\f^''^ ^^^^^^ h' ^^^^ Maj'or and Burgesses'] exceptis duabus feriis per Charles II. praecharissimum fratrem nostrum Dominum Carolum Secundum, nuper Regem Angliae, per Hteras suas patentes sub magno sigillo Angliae confectas, gerentes datum ' vicesimo octavo die Septembris, anno regni ' sui ' tricesimo quarto,' nuper Majori, Aldermannis et Burgensibus villae praedictae, et successoribus suis, concessis, tenendis apud villam praedictam in et super vicesimum tertium diem Aprilis et primum diem Novembris in quolibet anno, et per septem dies post quemlibet dierum prae- dictorum ; quas quidem duas ferias exnunc abolendas ordinamus Grant of two ct constituimus; et in loco praedictarum feriarum, damns et per oi er airs, pj-aesentes pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, con- cedimus modo Majori, Aldermannis et Burgensibus villae prae- dictae, et successoribus suis imperpetuum, duas alias ferias sive nundinas apud villam praedictam annuatim tenendas, videlicet, Sept. 21. unam feriam sive nundinam in festo Sancti Mathaei Apostoli et per septem dies dictum festum immediate sequentes, et alteram Feb. 24. feriarum sive nundinarum in festo Sancti Matthiae Apostoli et per septem dies dictum festum immediate sequentes quolibet anno imperpetuum. [Grant of Court of Piepowder, of tolls, etc., during the same fairs.] Tower re- Proviso semper, ac plenam potestatem et authoritatem nobis, K^in^g ^° 't^o hercdibus et successoribus nostris, per praesentes reservamus, de amove any tempore in tempus et ad omnia tempora imposterum, ad Majorem, Recordatorem, Communem Clericum, aliquem vel aliquos de Aldermannis, Capitalibus Conciliariis, Conciliariis, Coronatoribus, Vicecomitibus, et Camerariis villae praedictae pro tempore existentibus ad libitum vel beneplacitum nostrum, heredum et successorum nostrorum, per aliquem ordinem nostrum, sive heredum vel successorum nostrorum, in Privato Concilio factum et sub sigillo Privati Concilii praedicti eisdem l688] CHARTER OF JAMES 11. 1 25 []]iniam Cockle, Caleb Wilkinson, William Orvie, Williavi ]\\\v.?,\\. Baines, William Bellfiu, and John France to be Councillors?^ YThomas Cooke and Samuel Watkiiison to be Chamberlains.'] \Heur)\ Duke of Neivcastle, to be Recoj-der.'] \Charles Baivdes, esqjiire, to be Common Clerk.] [John Nevill and John Borradale to be Coroners.] \_ Joseph Boot and John Hutlnvait to be Sherifjs.] \Grant of all rights, immunities, lands, tenements, etc., hereto- Abolition of J- 1 7 J 1 1 T\ T 7 71 n • r • the two fairs Jore held [yy the Mayor and Burgesses] excepting two lairs granted l)y granted by our very dear brother the Lord Charles the Second, ^"''^"^^ ^^• late King- of England, by his letters patent made under the great seal of England, bearing date ' the twenty-eighth day of September, in the thirty-fourth year of his 'reign,' to the late Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, and their successors, to be held at the town aforesaid in and upon the twenty-third day of April and the first day of November in each year, and for seven days after each of the aforesaid days; which two fairs we ordain and appoint to be henceforth abolished; and in place of the aforesaid fairs, we give and do by Grant of two these presents grant for us, our heirs and successors, to the ' "' present Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, and to their successors for ever, two other fairs to be held annually at the town aforesaid, to wit, one fair in the feast of Saint Matthew the Apostle and for seven days immediately Sept. 21. following the said feast, and another fair in the feast of Saint Matthias the Apostle and for seven days immediately following Feb. 24. the said feast every year for ever. \G rant of Court of Piepozvder, of tolls, etc., during the same fairs.] Provided always, and by these presents we do reserve full Power re- power and authority to us, our heirs and successors, from time King to to time and at all times hereafter, to amove, and declare to be ^!"°v^ ''^"y ' ' omcer, amoved, the Mayor, Recorder, Common Clerk, any one or more of the Aldermen, Chief Councillors, Councillors, Coroners, Sheriffs, and Chamberlains of the town aforesaid for the time being at the will or pleasure of us, our heirs and successors, by any order of us or our heirs or successors, made in the Privy Council and signified under the seal of the Privy Council afore- said to them respectively; and as often as we, our heirs or successors, shall declare, by any such order made in Privy 126 CHARTER OF JAMES II. [1688 James II. respective significatum, amovendos et amotum et amotos esse dcclarandos; et quoties nos, heredes vel successores nostri, per aliquem talem ordincm in Private Concilio factum declarabimus hujusmodi Majorem, Recordatorem, Communem Clericum, aliquem vel aliquos de Aldermannis, Capitalibus Conciliariis, Conciliariis, Coronatoribus, Vicecomitibus, et Camerariis villae praedictac pro tempore existentibus, seu eorum aliquem vel aliquos, fore et esse amotum et amotos a respectivis officiis suis, quod tunc et extunc Major, Recordator, Communis Clericus, Aldermannus vel Aldermanni, Capitales Conciliarii, Concilarii, Coronatores, Vicecomites, et Camerarii villae praedictae pro tempore existentes sic amotum vel amotos esse declarati, vel declarandi, a separalibus et respectivis ofificiis suis ipso facto et sine ullo ulterior! processu realiter et ad omnia intentiones et proposita quaecunque amoti sint et erunt,^ et amotus sit et erit; et hoc quoties casus sic acciderit, aliquo in contrarium inde non obstante; ac adtunc et in tali casu, infra conveniens tempus post hujusmodi amotionem vel amotiones, alia idonea persona vel idoneae personae in locum et officium, sive loca respectiva vel ofificia, hujusmodi personae vel personarum sic amotae vel amot- arum eligetur et constituetur, eligentur et constituentur, et eligi et constitui possit et possint, secundum tenorem et appunctu- ationcm harum literarum patentium. Power re- Volumus etiam, quod si aliquando imposterum, infra viginti served to tlie King to ap- dies post hujusmodi amotionem vel amotiones Majoris, Record- sorT\o"'^anv ^^°^^^' Aldermannorum, Capitalium Conciliariorum, Conciliari- officers. orum, Coronatorum, Vicecomitum, et Camerariorum villae praedictae pro tempore existentium, alicujus vel aliquorum eorum, ab officiis suis respectivis, aut post mortem eorundem, vel aliquorum eorum, nos, heredes vel successores nostri, per literas mandatorias sub sigillo vel signeto manuali nostro, heredum vel successorum nostrorum, Majori, Aldermannis et Burgensibus villae praedictae pro temporibus existentibus, vel aliquibus eorum, praeceperimus eligere et admittere et jurare aliquam vel aliquas personas in eisdem literis mandatoriis nominatas ad et in separalia respectiva officia et loca, officium vel locum, alicujus personae vel personarum sic amotae vel amotarum, quod tunc et toties quaelibet persona sic nominata in talibus literis mandatoriis eligetur, admittetur, et juretur in l688] CHARTER OF JAMES II. 127 Council, such Mayor, Recorder, Common Clerk, any one or James II. more of the Aldermen, Chief Councillors, Councillors, Coroners, Sheriffs, and Chamberlains of the town aforesaid for the time beini^, or an)- one or more of them, to be amoved from their respective offices, that then and thereupon the Mayor, Recorder, Common Clerk, Alderman or Aldermen, Chief Councillors, Councillors, Coroners, Sheriffs, and Chamberlains of the town aforesaid for the time bcinL^' so declared, or to be declared, to be amoved, may and shall be ipso facto and without any further process really and for all intents and purposes whatsoever amoved, and each of them shall be amoved, from their several and respective offices; and this so often as the case shall so happen, an\'thing to the contrary thereof notwithstanding; and that then and in such case, within a convenient time after such amoval or amovals, another fitting person or other fitting persons shall be elected and appointed, and may be elected and appointed, according to the tenor and appointment of these letters patent, to the place and office, or respective places or offices, of such person or persons so amoved. We also will, that if at any time hereafter, within twenty Power re- days after such amoval or amovals of the Mayor, Recorder, ^[^^ ^^ ^ Aldermen, Chief Councillors, Councillors, Coroners, Sheriffs, P°'"t succes- sors to any and Chamberlains of the town aforesaid for the time being, any officers, one or more of them, from their respective offices, or after their death, or the death of any of them, we, our heirs or successors, shall, by letters mandatory under the seal or signet of us, our heirs and successors, enjoin the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town aforesaid for the time being, or any of them, to elect and admit and swear any person or persons named in the same letters mandatory to and in the several respective offices and places, office and place, of any person or persons so amoved, then and so often each person so named in such letters man- datory shall be elected, admitted, and sworn to the place or office within the town aforesaid in or to which he shall be ' enint,'] 'erint,' MS. 128 CHARTER OF WILLIAM AND MARY. [1692 Tames II. locum sive officium in villa praedicta in vel ad quod per tales literas mandatorias nostras nominata et appunctuata erit; et quod quaelibet electio sive admissio habenda contra tenorem harum praescntium aut contra exigentiam talium literarum pat- entium vacua et nullius vigoris erit. Exemption of \Grant to the officers above named and their successors of ofFicers from •/- 1 • i ^ i r c- i j- ■\ n ■ taking various exemption from taking the Oaths of Supremacy and of Allegiance Sacl'a^men'l^ "^^^ Obi^diencc, the oath prescribed in the Statute 13 Charles II., ^^^- entitled ''An Act for the zvell governing and regulating of Cor- poracions,' and from receiving the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper according to the rites of the Church of England or the directions 13 Car. II., of any Canons or Statutes of the realm of England, and from p '^'' ■' taking and subscribing the declarations contained in the above Statute of 13 Charles II.; and from subscribing the declarations 25 Car. II., contained in the Statute 25 Charles II. entitled 'An Act for pre- venting dangers which may happen from Popish Recusants f and from all oaths, declarations, etc., contained or mentioned in the said Statutes ; and from all pains and penalties incurred by their not taking such oaths, declarations, etc. They are also granted full poiuer to exercise their offices without taking such oaths, declara- tions, sacrament, etc., as fully as if they had taken them.'] No Recorder Volumus denique, ac per praesentes pro nobis, heredibus et n ?°'"'"?" successoribus nostris, ordinamus et declaramus, quod nuUus admitted to Recoi'dator vel Communis Clericus villae praedictae de cetero hisoffice . .^... until he has eligendus sive constituendus ad executionem omcu sui respective ^Qy^g^^l^f^y admittatur, nisi approbatio et consensus noster, heredum vel the Kmg. succcssorum nostrorum, sub sigillo et signeto manuali nostro, ac heredum vel successorum nostrorum, in ea parte prius signific- abitur, aliquo in praesentibus contcnto aut aliqua alia re, causa, vel materia quacunque in contrarium non obstante. In cujus, etc. Teste Rege, apud Westmonasterium, primo die Septembris. Per ipsum Regem. Rot. Litt. Patent., 4 Jac. II., pars 18, m. 17. XXVll.— Charter of William and Mary. 1692, October 19. William Gulielmus et MARIA, Dei gratia, Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae, AND Mary. ^^ Hiberniae Rex et Regina, Fidei Defensores, etc., omnibus, ad quos praesentes literae nostrae pervcncrint, salutem, 1692] CHARTER OF WILLIAM AND MARY. I29 named and appointed by such our letters mandatory; and that James II. every election or admission to be had against the tenor of these presents or against the demand of such letters patent shall be void and of no force. \Grant to the officers above named and their successors ^Exemption of exemption from taking the Oaths of Supremacy and of Allegiance taking various or Obedience. tJie oath prescribed in the Statute 13 diaries II., °^^"^' ^"^ ' -^ J ) Sacrament, entitled 'An Act for the well governing and regulatiiig of Cor- ^tc. poracions^ and f'om receiving the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper according to the rites of the Church of England or tJie dii'ections of any Canons or Statutes of the realm of England, and from 13 Car. XL, taking ajid subscribing the declarations contained in the above ^^\' "' Statute of 1 3 Charles II.; and from subscribing the declarations contained in the Statute 25 Chaj-les II. entitled 'An Act for pre- 25 Car. XL, venting dangers ivhich may happen from Popish Recusants ;' and from all oaths, declarations, etc., contained or mentioned in the said Statutes; and from all pains and penalties incurred by their not taking such oaths, declarations, etc. They are also granted full pozver to exercise their offices ivitJiout taking such oaths, declara- tions, sacrament, etc., as fully as if they had taken them.'] We will finally, and do by these presents for us, our heirs No Recorder and successors, ordain and declare that no Recorder or Common cierk to be Clerk of the town aforesaid to be hereafter elected or appointed ^iT'^olfi ^° shall be respectively admitted to the execution of their office, "^til he has 11 r 1 • been ap- unless the approval and consent of us, our heu's or successors, proved by in that behalf shall be first signified under the seal and sign ^ ^ ^'"^* manual of us, and our heirs or successors, anything in these presents contained or any other thing, cause, or matter to the contrary notwithstanding. In witness, etc. Witness the King, at Westminster, the first day of September. By the King himself. Patent Roll, 4 James II., part 18, m. 17. XXVll.— Charter of William ajid Mary. 1692, October 19. Willia:m and Mary, by the grace of God, of England, William Scotland, France, and Ireland King and Queen, Defenders of the Faith, etc., to all to whom our present letters shall come, greeting. I I30 CHARTER OF WILLIAM AND MARY. [1692 William Inspeximus quasdam literas patentes sub magno sigillo ' Angliae gerentes datum apud Westmonasterium, duodecimo die Februarii, anno regni nuper Regis Jacobi Angliae, Franciae, Inspexiffius^^ Hibemiac vicesimo et Scotiae quinquagesimo sexto factas et of James I. concessas Majori et Burgensibus villae Notyngham in haec verba: 'JACOBUS, Dei gratia' [etc., reciting exemplification by James I. of Charter of Henry VI., No. XXIII.\ Confirmation Nos autem omnia et singula franchesias, libertates, privil- of preceding . • , ,• • -^ j_ • a ,- charters. ^gi^) quietantias, immunitates, concessiones, connrmationes, et restitutioncs praedicta rata habentes et grata,^ [ea] pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, quantum in nobis est, accept- amus, approbamus, et ratificamus, ac omnia et singula fran- chesias, libertates, privilegia, quietantias, et immunitates praedicta dilectis nobis Majori et Burgensibus villae praedictae, et suc- cessoribus suis, tenore praesentium concedimus et confirmamus, sicut cartae praedictae rationabiliter testantur, et prout iidem Major et Burgenses ejusdem villae Notyngham, vel praedeces- sores sui, unquam franchesiis, libertatibus, privilegiis, quietantiis, et immunitatibus praedictis uti et gaudere debent, potuerunt, seu debuerunt, licet dicti Major et Burgenses ejusdem villae vel praedecessores sui franchesiis, libertatibus, privilegiis, quiet- antiis, et immunitatibus praedictis, seu eorum aliquo vel ali- quibus abusi vel non usi fuerint. For the re- Cumque datum est nobis intelligi, quod, praetextu cujusdam doubts" that instrumenti vel scripti ad quod Commune Sigillum Majoris et have arisen Burgensium villae praedictae combinatione^ paucorum eiusdem owmg to the . . pretended villae appositum et affixum fuerat, gerentis datum decimo surrender of the charters, octavo die Septembris, anno regni Domini Caroli Secundi nuper Regis, antecessoris nostri, felicis memoriae tricesimo^ quarto, et in Curia Cancellariae ejusdem nuper Regis de recordo irrotulati, purportantis fore concessionem per praefatos Majorem et Burg- enses eidem nuper Regi, heredibus et successoribus suis, de omnibus et singulis maneriis, messuagiis, terris, tenementis, red- ditibus, et hereditamentis, cum pertinentiis quibuscunque, de, vel in, quibus dicti Major et Burgenses ad tunc vel ad aliquod tempus ante tunc fuerunt aliquo modo seisiti, possessionati, vel interessati in jure incorporationis suae vel capacitate sua incorp- orata aliquibus modis quibuscunque, ac etiam purportantis fore ' grata,^ 'gratia,' MS, ^ cofnbinatione,^ 'combinationem,' MS. Recital of im7ts 1692] CHARTER OF WILLIAM AND MARY. I3I We have inspected certain letters patent under the great w 1 1. 1, i a m seal of England bearing date at Westminster, the twelfth day ' ' iiJ. of February, in the years of the reign of the late King James of England, France, and Ireland the twentieth and of Scotland the ^"^j^slel fifty-sixth, made and granted to the Mayor and Burgesses of of James i. the town of Nottingham in these words : 'James, by the grace of God ' {etc., reciting exemplification by James I. of Charter of Henry VI., No. XXIII\ We, esteeming all and singular the franchises, liberties, privi- Confirmation leges, acquittances, immunities, grants, confirmations, and resti- charters!""^ tutions aforesaid as valid and acceptable, do, for us, our heirs and successors, so far as in us lies, accept, approve, and ratify them, and do grant and confirm by the tenor of these presents all and singular the franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances, and immunities aforesaid to our well-beloved the Mayor and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, and to their successors, as the charters aforesaid do reasonably testify, and as the same Mayor and Burgesses of the same town of Nottingham, or their pre- decessors, at any time ought to have, might, or should have used and enjoyed the franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances, and immunities aforesaid, although the said Mayor and Burgesses of the same town, or their predecessors, have misused or not used the franchises, liberties, privileges, acquittances, and immunities aforesaid. And whereas we are given to understand that, under pretext For the re- of a certain instrument or writing to which the Common Seal of ^0X15° that the Mayor and Burgesses of the town aforesaid had been ^^Y^ arisen ^ _ _ owmg to the placed and affixed by a combination of a few men of the same pretended town, bearing date the eighteenth day of Septeinber, in the the charters thirty-fourth year of the reign of the Lord Charles the Second late King, our predecessor, of happy memory, and enrolled of record in the Court of Chancery of the same late King, pur- porting to be a gift by the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses to the said late King, his heirs and successors, of all and singular the manors, messuages, lands, tenements, rents, and hereditaments, with their appurtenances whatsoever, of, or in, which the said Mayor and Burgesses at that time or at any time before then were in any wise seized, possessed, or interested in right of 3 tricesimo,\ ' tricessimo,' MS, So occasionally. 132 CHARTER OF WILLIAM AND MARY. [1692 William concessionem et sursum redditionem per praefatos Majorem et ■ Burgenses eidem nuper Regi de omnibus franchesiis, chartis, Uteris patentibus incorporationis, potestatibus, libertatibus, et immunitatibus quibuscunque ad aliquod tempus vel tempora concessis ad, vel gavisis per, eosdem Majorem et Burgenses vel praedecessores suoSj vel aliquos eorum, aliquibus viis aut and to the modis vel per aliquod nomen sive nomina quaecunque ; nee Charier II. '"'O" quod, tam ratione praedictae praetensae concessionis et & James II., g^rsum rcdditionis, quam praetextu seu colore diversarum cart- arum sive literarum patentium incorporationis praedictarum per nuper Regem Carolum Secundum ac per Jacobum Secundum nuper Regem factarum et concessarum, seu mentionatarum fore concessarum, post datum dicti instrument! vel praetensae sursum redditionis, diversa dubia, quaestiones, et controversiae orta fuerunt de, et concernentia, libertatibus, franchesiis, et consuet- udinibus, terris, et possessionibus Majoris et Burgensium villae praedictae, ac etiam de, et concernentia, electione et continua- tione quorundam officiariorum villae praedictae. we appoint Sciatis igitur, quod nos pacem, tranquilitatem, et bonam Greaves^ ^thie gubernationem ejusdem villae et Burgensium et inhabitantium Mayor at the ejusdcm gratiose affectantes, et omnia dicta dubia, quaestiones, time of the ■" '^ _ _ ' . pretended et controversias in hac parte auferre designantes, de gratia be Mayor, nostra speciali ac ex certa scientia et mero motu nostris, de advisamento Privati Concilii nostri, assignavimus, nominavimus, ordinavimus, constituimus, et confirmavimus, ac per praesentes pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, assignamus, nom- inamus, ordinamus, constituimus, et confirmamus Willelmum Greaves, generosum, qui fuit Major villae Notyngham prae- dictae tempore ejusdem praetensae sursum redditionis, fore et esse praesentem et modernum Majorem villae praedictae, con- tinuandum in eodem officio a data praesentium usque ad usuale tempus pro electione Majoris pro eadem villa in festo Sancti Michaelis Archangeli, quod erit anno Domini millesimo sex- centesimo nonagesimo tertio, si dictus Willelmus Greaves tam diu vixerit. Grant of Et ulterius volumus, ac per praesentes pro nobis, heredibus appoint 18 vel successoribus nostris, Majori et Burgensibus villae praedictae, Commongi- successoribus suis, concedimus potestatem et authoritatem, Councillors ' ^ ' ad aliquod sive aliqua tempus seu tempora infra spatium duorum 1692] CHARTER OF WILLIAM AND MARY. I33 their incorporation or in their corporate capacity by any means William AND AIaRY whatsoever, and also purporting to be a gift and surrender by ' the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses to the said late King of all franchises, charters, letters patent of incorporation, powers, liber- ties, and immunities whatsoever granted at any time or times to, or enjoyed by, the same Mayor and Burgesses, or their pre- decessors, or any of them, in any means or ways or by any and to the name or names whatsoever ; and also that, as well by reason of charles II. the aforesaid pretended grant and surrender as under pretext "-^ J^^es II., or colour of divers charters or letters patent of incorporation aforesaid made and granted, or mentioned as being granted, by the late King Charles the Second and by James the Second late King after the date of the said instrument or pretended surrender, divers doubts, questions, and controversies have arisen of and concerning the liberties, franchises, and customs, the lands and possessions of the Mayor and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, and also of and concerning the election and continuation of certain officers of the town aforesaid. Know ye therefore, that we, graciously considering the peace, we appoint tranquility, and good government of the same town and of the Greaves ^the Burgesses and inhabitants of the same, and designing to settle Mayor at the *= , ... time of the all the said doubts, questions, and controversies in this behalf, pretended have, of our especial grace and of our certain knowledge and j^^ Mayor', mere motion, with the advice of our Privy Council, assigned, nominated, ordained, created, and confirmed, and do by these presents for ourselves, our heirs and successors, assign, name, ordain, create, and confirm William Greaves, gentleman, who was Mayor of the town of Nottingham aforesaid at the time of the same pretended surrender, to be the present and modern Mayor of the town aforesaid, to continue in the same office from the date of these presents until the usual time for the election of a Mayor for the same town at the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand, six hundred and ninety-three, if the said William Greaves live so long. And moreover we will, and by these presents for ourselves. Grant of 1 • 11- , p o \v e r t o our heirs and successors, do grant power and authority to the appoint iS Mayor and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, and their successors, co^^iUor" to elect, nominate, and appoint, at any time or times within the 134 CHARTER OF WILLIAM AND MARY. [1692 William mensium proximo post datum praesentium, eligere, nominare, ^^° ^^^" et constituere aliquos Burgenses ejusdem villae ad officium de Communi Concilio villae praedictae, ac fore et esse de Com- as before the muni Concilio ejusdem villae, tam ex iis qui officium Vice- surrender, comitis villae praedictae servierunt sive habuerunt, quam qui officium illud non servierunt vel habuerunt, quos Majori et Burg- ensibus villae praedictae, vcl majori parti eorum, melius expedire videbitur, ad complendum numerum octodecim de Communi Concilio villae praedictae, toties quoties necesse fuerit infra dictum spatium duorum mensium proximo post datum prae- sentium. Et ulterius volumus, ac per praesentes pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, concedimus et confirmamus Majori et Burgensibus villae praedictae, et successoribus suis, quod, post hujusmodi electionem et expirationem duorum mensium praedictorum proximo post datum praesentium, ut praefertur, liceat et licebit Majori et Burgensibus villae prae- dictae, et successoribus suis, de tempore in tempus ad omnia tempora imperpetuum eligere, nominare, et constitu[e]re idoneas personas ad officium de Communi Concilio villae praedictae, et fore et esse de Communi Concilio ejusdem villae, in tali modo et forma prout in eadem villa assuetum et consuetum fuit ante diem datus praedictae praetensae sursum redditionis, videlicet, praedictum decimum octavum diem Septembris, anno regni dicti nuper Regis Caroli Secundi tricesimo quarto, vel ad ali- The Mayor to quod tempus praeantea : proviso semper, et volumus, quod b\fore^he ^ic^^s WiUelmus Greaves, antequam ad executionem officii enters office, Majoris villae praedictae admittatur, praestabit sacramentum suum corporale pro debita executione officii Majoris villae prae- dictae ac etiam sacramenta per quendam Actum in Parliamento I w. & M., nostro apud Westmonasterium anno regni nostri primo tento editum et provisum appunctuata fore capta et praestita, coram Thoma Trigg et Radulpho Bennett, generosis, aut altero eorum : quibus Thomae Trigg et Radulpho Bennett, vel alteri eorum, dicta separalia^ sacramenta administrandi plenam potestatem et authoritatem damns et concedimus per praesentes. Pardon of Et de uberiori gratia nostra speciali, et ex certa scientia et offences com- , . , . . . ^ , . mitted since Hiero motu nostrLS, pardonavimus, remisimus, et relaxavimus, the pretended ^^ pracscntes pro uobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, surrender, 1 x r ' pardonamus, remittimus, et relaxamus Majori et Burgensibus 1692] CHARTER OF WILLIAM AND MARY. 1 35 space of two months next after the date of these presents, any William Burgesses of the same town to the office of the Common Council ^^" Mary. of the town aforesaid, and to be of the Common Council of the same town, as well from those who have served or held the as before the office of Sheriff of the town aforesaid, as from those who have L'rrender/^ not served or do not hold that office, whom the Mayor and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, or the major part of them, shall deem most fit, to fulfil the number of eighteen of the Common Council of the town aforesaid, as many times as shall be neces- sary, within the said space of two months next after the date of these presents. And moreover we will, and do by these pre- sents for ourselves, our heirs and successors, grant and confirm to the Mayor and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, and their successors, that, after such election and the expiration of the two months aforesaid next after the date of these presents, as is aforesaid, it may and shall be lawful to the Mayor and Bur- gesses of the town aforesaid, and to their successors, from time to time at all times for ever to elect, name, and appoint fit persons to the office of Common Council of the town afore- said, and to be of the Common Council of the same town, in such manner and form as was used and accustomed in the same town before the day of the date of the aforesaid pretended surrender, to wit, the aforesaid eighteenth day of September, in the thirty-fourth year of the reign of the said late King Charles the Second, or at any time before then : provided always, and The Mayor to we will, that the said William Greaves shall, before he be {fXre°''he admitted to the execution of the office of Mayor of the town enters office, aforesaid, take his bodily oath for the due execution of the office of Mayor of the town aforesaid and also the oaths appointed to be taken and sworn by an Act issued and pro- i w. & M., vided in our Parliament holden at Westminster in the first year '^' ' of our reign, before Thomas Trigg and Ralph Bennett, gentle- men, or either of them ; to which Thomas Trigg and Ralph Bennett, or either of them, we give and grant by these presents full power and authority to administer the said several oaths. And of our more ample especial grace, and of our certain Pardon of knowledge and mere motion, we have pardoned, remitted, and mkt"'cf^since released, and do by these presents for ourselves, our heirs and ihe pretended ^ ^ surrender, ' separalia,] 'seperalia,' MS. 136 CHARTER OP^ WILLIAM AND MARY. [1692 William villae praedictae omnia et singula res, materias, contemptus, AND Mary. . . • „ crimma, et ottensas et transgressiones quaecunque per se ipsos facta, commissa, sive perpetrata de, pro, in, vel concernentia, executione vel non-executione aut mala executione aliquorum officiorum infra villam praedictam, limites, vel praecinctus ejus- dem ad aliquod tempus sive tempora post praedictum decimum octavum diem Septembris, anno dicti nuper Regis Caroli Secundi and in conse- tricesimo quarto supra-dicto; ac etiam pardonavimus, remis- quenceof the . . . , ., Charters of if^us, et relaxavimus, ac per praesentes pro nobis, et neredibus ancfTamesIl' ^^ successoribus nostris, pardonamus, remittimus, et relaxamus omnibus et singulis Burgensibus villae de Notyngham praedicta omnia et singula res, materias, contemptus, crimina, offensas, et transgressiones quaecunque per se ipsos vel aliquem sive aliquos eorum separatim^ vel conjunctim facta, commissa, sive perpetrata de, pro, vel in executione alicujus officii vel ali- quorum officiorum infra villam praedictam, limites vel praecinctus ejusdem, colore sive praetextu aliquarum Hterarum patentium praedictorum nuper Regum Caroli Secundi et Jacobi Secundi, vel alterius eorum, ad aliquod tempus sive tempora post prae- dictum decimum octavum diem Septembris, anno dicti nuper Regis Caroli Secundi tricesimo quarto supra-dicto. Restitution of Et ulterius, de uberiori gratia nostra speciali, ac ex certa lands' ^^etc!' scientia et mero motu nostris, dedimus, concessimus, restituimus, held by the confirmavimus, approbavimus, et ratificavimus, ac per praesentes Burgesses in > i i ' j 1 1 the time of pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, damus, conced- James I,, . . . ._ imus, restituimus, confirmamus, approbamus, et ratincamus Majori et Burgensibus villae Notyngham, et successoribus suis, omnia et omnimoda manneria, messuagia, molendina, redditus, terras, tenementa, decimas, prata, pascua, pasturas, communias, ferias, nundinas, mercata, et tot, tanta, talia, eadem, et hujus- modi potestates, praescriptiones, libertates, privilegia, franchesias, immunitates, jurisdictiones, chartas, literas patentes, literas pat- entes incorporationis, consuetudines, proficua, officia, officiarios, exemptiones, quietantias, vasta, vacua funda, commoditates, emolumenta, bona, catalla, et hereditamenta quaecunque quot, quanta, qualia, et quae per dictas literas patentes gerentes datum dicto duodecimo die Februarii, anno regni dicti Regis Jacobi Primi Angliae, Franchiae, et Hiberniae vicesimo et Scotiae quinquagesimo sexto, concessa et confirmata fuerunt, vel 1692] CHARTER OF WILLIAM AND MARY. 1 37 successors, pardon, remit, and release to the Mayor and Bur- \vi i, li am gesses of the town aforesaid all and singular things, matters, ^^^ ^^'^^" contempts, crimes, and offences and trespasses whatsoever by them made, committed, or done of, for, in, or concerning the execution or non-execution or bad execution of any offices within the town aforesaid, the limits, or precincts of the same at any time or times after the aforesaid eighteenth day of September, in the abovesaid thirty-fourth year of the said late and in conse- King Charles the Second ; and we have also pardoned, remitted, char"rs of and released, and by these presents do for ourselves, and our ^^haries II. , and James II. heirs and successors, pardon, remit, and release to all and singular the Burgesses of the town of Nottingham aforesaid all and singular things, matters, contempts, crimes, offences, and trespasses whatsoever made, committed, or done by them or by any of them severally or jointly of, for, or in execution of any office or of any offices within the town aforesaid, the limits or precincts of the same, by colour or pretext of any letters patent of the aforesaid late Kings Charles the Second and James the Second, or of either of them, at any time or times after the aforesaid eighteenth day of September, in the abovesaid thirty- fourth year of the said late King Charles the Second. And moreover, of our more especial grace, and of our Restitution of certain knowledge and mere motion, we have given, granted, funds' ^"eir' restored, confirmed, approved, and ratified, and by these pre- ^^Id by the Burgesses in sents do for ourselves, our heirs and successors, give, grant, the time of restore, confirm, approve, and ratify to the Mayor and Burgesses J^"^^^ '' of the town of Nottingham, and to their successors, all and all manner the manors, messuages, mills, rents, lands, tenements, tithes, meadows, pastures, pasture-lands, commons, fairs, markets, and such, so many, the same, and the like powers, prescriptions, liberties, privileges, franchises, immunities, jurisdictions, charters, letters patent, letters patent of incorporation, customs, profits, offices, officers, exemptions, acquittances, wastes, waste grounds, commodities, emoluments, goods, chattels, and hereditaments whatsoever as were granted and confirmed, or mentioned to be granted and confirmed, by the said letters patent bearing date the said twelfth day of February, in the year of the reign of the said King James the First of England, France, and Ireland the ^ separatim,^ 'seperatim,' MS. 138 CHARTER OF WILLIAM AND MARY. [1692 William mentionata fore concessa et confirmata, aut per aliquas alias prae- ■ dictas literas patentes concessa, seu mentionata fore concessa aut confirmata, Majori et Burgensibus villae praedictae, sive quae or that they Major et Burgenses villae praedictae, vel praedecessores sui, per had before . . . . thepretended quodcunque nomcn seu quaecunque nomma incorporationis, ante surren er. (jjctum decimum octavum diem Septembris, anno regni dicti nuper Regis Caroli Secundi tricesimo quarto supra-dicto, hab- uerunt, tenuerunt, usi vel gavisi fuerunt, aut occupaverunt, aut habere, tenere, uti vel gaudere debuerunt aut potuerunt sibi et successoribus suis, ratione aut praetextu praedictarum separ- alium^ literarum patentium, vel earum aliquarum vel alicujus, vel aliarum cartarum, concessionum, aut literarum patentium quarumcunque per aliquem progenitorum aut antecessorum nostrorum nuper Regum vel Reginarum Angliae quoquomodo factarum, concessarum, seu confirmatarum ante dictum decimum octavum diem Septembris, anno regni dicti nuper Regis Caroli Secundi tricesimo quarto, aut quocunque alio legali modo, jure, sive titulo, consuetudine, usu, sive praescriptione ante datum praesentium legitime usitata, habita, consueta, sive gavisa. Confirmation Cumque datum est nobis intelligi, quod quaedam personae etc. ^ mad^e inliabitantes praedictae villae et burgi de Notyngham post ^y ^'^^ P"^^" tempus praedictae praetensae sursum redditionis, suscipientes cil created super se fore corpus corporatum per nomen 'Majoris, Alder- after the pre- ,, . .,, 1 at . 1 • /^ -^ ^ tended sur- mannorum, et Burgensium villae de Notyngham in Lomitatu render. ejusdem villae ' praetextu vel colore quarundam^ literarum pat- entium per dictos nuper Reges Carolum et Jacobum Secundum ^ confectarum, diversas dimissiones vel praetensas dimissiones diversis personis diversarum terrarum, tenementorum, et heredit- amentorum Majori et Burgensibus villae de Notyngham tempore praedictae praetensae sursum redditionis spectantium et pert- inentium fecerunt, et diversas denariorum summas praetextu dictarum dimissionum vel praetensarum dimissionum habuerunt et receperunt; et quia nolumus, quod hujusmodi personae, quibus tales dimissiones vel praetensae dimissiones bona fide et pro valuabili consideratione factae fuerant, de hujusmodi firmis suis aliqualiter deprivari seu frustrari,^ de gratia nostra speciali, ac ex certa scientia et mero motu nostris, concessimus et con- firmavimus, ac per praesentes pro nobis, heredibus et successor- ibus nostris, concedimus ct confirmamus omnibus et cuilibet 1692] CHARTER OF WILLIAM AND MARY. 1 39 twentieth and of Scotland the fifty-sixth, or granted, or men- William tioned to be granted or confirmed, by any other the letters ^ patent aforesaid to the Mayor and Burgesses of the town afore- said, or which the Mayor and Burgesses of the town aforesaid, or that they ... . , - . had before or their predecessors, by whatsoever name or names 01 incor- the pretended poration, had, held, used or enjoyed, or occupied, or ought to ^"'^'^^^' ^'^• have or might have had, held, used or enjoyed to them and to their successors before the said eighteenth day of September, in the abovesaid thirty-fourth year of the reign of the said late King Charles the Second, by reason or pretext of the aforesaid several letters patent, or of any one or more of them, or of other charters, grants, or letters patent whatsoever made, granted, or confirmed in any wise by any of our progenitors or ancestors late Kings or Queens of England before the said eighteenth day of September, in the thirty-fourth year of the said late King Charles the Second, or lawfully used, had, accustomed or en- joyed by other lawful manner, right, or title, custom, use or prescription whatsoever before the date of these presents. And whereas we are given to understand, that certain Confirmation persons inhabitants of the aforesaid town and borough of Not- °^^ ^'made tingham, after the time of the aforesaid surrender, taking upon '^y ,^^^^P''^' ° ' ' )3 r tended Coun- themselves to be a body corporate by the name of ' the Mayor, cil created Aldermen, and Burgesses of the town of Nottingham in the l^ended sur- County of the same town,' under pretext or colour of certain letters patent made by the said late Kings Charles and James the Second, have made divers demises or pretended demises to divers persons of divers lands, tenements, and hereditaments belonging and pertaining to the Mayor and Burgesses of the town of Nottingham at the time of the aforesaid pretended surrender, and had and received divers sums of money under pretext of the said demises or pretended demises ; and because we do not wish that such persons, to whom such demises and pretended demises were made in good faith and for valuable consideration, should be deceived or deprived in any wise of such their firms, we have, of our especial grace, and of our certain knowledge and mere motion, granted and confirmed, ' separaliiim,\ ' seperalium,' MS. ^ quariDidam,^ ' (juorundani,' MS. 3 Caroliim . . . 6'«««(///;«,] ' Caroli Secundi el Jacobi Secundi,' MS. * deprivari sen frustrari.\ So in MS. render. I40 GRANT OF TWO FAIRS BY QUEEN ANNE. [1712 William hujusmodi personae et personis, cui vel quibus aliquis talis '_ ' dimissio vel praetensa dimissio, sive aliquae tales dimissiones vel praetensae dimissiones facta fuerat vel [factae] fiierant de aliquibus terris, tenementis, seu hereditamentis praedictis, quod quaelibet hujusmodi persona et personae deinceps respective habeant, teneant, et gaudeant, et habere, tenere, et gaudere possint et valeant omnia terras, tenementa, et hereditamenta eis vel eorum alicui vel aliquibus pro valuabili consideratione bona fide sic dimissa vel praetensa fore dimissa pro residuo respectiv- orum terminorum in qualibet hujusmodi dimissione limitatorum, sub annualibus redditibus, condicionibus, conventionibus, et agre- amentis in hujusmodi dimissionibus specificatis, et juxta verum purportum dictarum dimissionum vel praetensarum dimissionum. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Testibus nobis ipsis apud Westmonasterium, decimo nono die Octobris, anno regni nostri quarto. Per Breve de Privato Sigillo. Pigott. Pro fine in Hanaperio viginti marcarum. 4182. XXVIII. — Grant of two Fairs by Queen Anne. 17 1 2, August 30. Queen Anne Anna, Dei gratia, Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, et Hiberniae Regina, Fidei Defensor, etc., omnibus, ad quos praesentes literae nostrae pervenerint, salutem. Whereas it Cum per quandam inquisitionem indentatam captam apud found by^tn Guihald villae de Nottingham, in Comitatu nostro villae Not- inquisition tingham, quinto die Mali, anno regni nostri undecimo, virtute that It would t> ' M t> not be to our cujusdam brevis nostri de Ad quod Danipnuni e Cancellaria vvenTfogran! nostra nuper emanati, Vicecomitibus Comitatus villae Notting- ^W'^ofNot- ^^^"^ praedictae directi, et inquisitioni praedictae annexati, per tingham two sacramentum proborum et legalium hominum Comitatus prae- ' dicti, compcrtum sit, quod non esset ad aliquod dampnum vel praejudicium nostri aut aliorum, vel ad aliquod nocumentum vicinarum feriarum sive nundinarum, si nos concederemus Majori et Burgensibus villae de Nottingham praedictae, et suc- cessoribus suis, quod ipsi haberent et tenerent annuatim impcr- petuum apud villam de Nottingham praedicta unam feriam 1/12] GRANT OF TWO FAIRS BY QUEFN ANNE. 141 and we do by these presents for ourselves, our heirs and sue- William cessors, grant and confirm to all and every such person and persons to whom any such demise or pretended demise, or any such demises or pretended demises has or have been made of any lands, tenements, or hereditaments aforesaid, that every such person and persons shall from henceforth respectively have, hold, and enjoy, and may and shall be able to have, hold, and enjoy all lands, tenements, and hereditaments so demised or pretended to be demised to them or to any of them for valuable consideration in good faith for the remainder of the respective terms limited in each such demise, under the annual rents, con- ditions, covenants, and agreements specified in such demises, and according to the true purport of the said demises or pre- tended demises. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness ourselves at Westminster, the nineteenth day of October, in the fourth year of our reign. By writ of Privy Seal. Pigott. For a fine in the Hanaper of twenty marks. 4182. XXVIII. — Grant of two Fairs by Queen Anne. 171 2, August 30. Anne, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Queen Anne Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith, etc., to all to whom these our present letters shall come, greeting. Whereas by an inquisition indented taken at the Gild Hall Whereas it of the town of Nottingham, in the County of our town of fo^,^^| ty^an Nottingham, on the fifth day of May, in the eleventh year of inquisition ° J -z ' J that it would our reign, by virtue of a writ of ours oi Ad quod Dampmun not be to our lately issued from our Chancery, addressed to the Sheriffs of the were to grant County of the town of Nottingham aforesaid, and annexed to ggsses^ofNot'- the aforesaid inquisition, it was found by the oath of proved tingham two and lawful men of the County aforesaid, that it would not be any damage or prejudice to us or to others, or any injury to neighbouring fairs, if we were to grant to the Mayor and Burgesses of the town of Nottingham aforesaid, and to their successors, that they might have and hold yearly for ever at the 142 GRANT OF TWO FAIRS BY QUEEN ANNE. [1/12 Queen Anne sive nundinam incipiendam in diem Jovis proximo ante festum Paschae, et tunc et ibidem tenendam et continuandam durant- ibus octo diebus tunc proximo sequentibus, et aliam feriam sive nundinam incipiendam in diem Veneris proximo praecedentem primum diem Martis immediate post festum Epiphaniae, tunc etiam tenendam et continuandam durantibus octo diebus tunc proximo sequentibus, pro emptione et venditione in feriis sive nundinis illis averiorum et pecorum ac omnium et omnimodorum bonorum, mercimoniorum, et mercandizarum quorumcunque communiter in feriis sive nundinis emptorum et venditorum, et tolneta et proficua inde provenientia et emergentia sibi et suc- cessoribus suis percipienda, prout per dicta breve et inquisiti- onem in filaciis Cancellariae nostrae praedictae de recordo remanentibus plenius liquet et apparet. We do grant Sciatis modo, quod nos, de gratia nostra speciali, ac ex certa them two . . , , • i i- fairs of nine scientia et mero motu nostris, dedimus et concessimus, ac per days each, praesentes pro nobis, haeredibus et successoribus nostris, damns et concedimus praefatis Majori et Burgensibus villae de Not- tingham praedicta, et successoribus suis, quod ipsi habeant et teneant annuatim imperpetuum apud villam de Nottingham one on the praedicta unam feriam sive nundinam incipiendam in diem Jovis fore'^Ea^Ier^" pi'oximo ante festum Paschae, et tunc et ibidem tenendam et continuandam durantibus octo diebus extunc proximo sequent- and the other ibus, et aHam feriam sive nundinam incipiendam in diem Veneris before the proximo praecedentem primum diem Martis immediate post first Tuesda.y fgstuni Epiphaniae, tunc etiam tenendam et continuandam after Epi- ^ ^ ' phany. durantibus octo diebus extunc proximo sequentibus, pro emptione et venditione in feriis sive nundinis ilHs averiorum et pecorum ac omnium et omnimodorum bonorum, mercimoni- orum, et mercandizarum quarumcunque communiter in feriis Grantof Court sive nundinis emptis et venditis, unacum Curia Pedis Pulverizati powd er' tempore feriarum praedictarum, ac cum omnibus tolnetis et aUis tolls, etc. proficuis praedictis feriis sive nundinis pertinentibus sive spect- antibus : habendas, tenendas, et gaudendas praedictas ferias sive nundinas et Curiam Pedis Pulverizati et caetera praemissa superius per praesentes concessa seu mentionata fore concessa eisdem Majori et Burgensibus villae de Nottingham praedicta, et successoribus suis, imperpetuum, ad solum et proprium opus et usum praefatorum Majoris et Burgensium villae de Nottingham 1/12] GRANT OF TWO FAIRS BY QUEEN ANNE. I43 town of Nottingham aforesaid one fair to begin on the Thursday Queen Anne next before the feast of Easter, and then and there to be held and continued during the eight days then next following, and another fair to begin on Friday next preceding the first Tuesday immediately after the feast of Epiphany, then also to be held and continued during eight days then next following, for buying and selling in these fairs of cattle and sheep and of all and all manner goods, merceries, and merchandize whatsoever commonly bought and sold in fairs, and to take toll and the profits thence happening and arising to them and to their successors, as by the said writ and inquisition remaining of record in the files of our Chancery more fully appears and is made evident. Know ye therefore, that we, of our especial grace, and of our Wc do grant 1111 • 1 • 1 1 them two certam knowledge and mere motion, have given and granted, fairs of nine and do by these presents for us, our heirs and successors, give ^>s^^c > and grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of the town of Nottingham aforesaid, and to their successors, that they may have and hold annually for ever at the town of Nottingham aforesaid a fair beginning on the Thursday next before the feast one on the of Easter, and then and there to be held and continued during fore Easter, the eight days then next following, and another fair to begin on the Friday next preceding the first Tuesday immediately and the other after the feast of Epiphany, then also to be held and continued before the during the eight days then next following, for the buying and ^ffeT^E^T selling in those fairs of cattle and sheep and of all and all phany. manner of goods, merceries, and merchandize whatsoever com- monly bought and sold in fairs, together with a Court of Piepowder in the time of the fair aforesaid, and with all tolls and other profits pertaining or belonging to the aforesaid fairs: Grant of Court to have, hold, and enjoy the aforesaid fairs and Court of Pie- p o w d e r , powder and the other premises above by these presents granted ' ^'^" or mentioned to be granted to the same Mayor and Burgesses of the town of Nottingham aforesaid, and to their successors, for ever, for the sole and proper use and behoof of the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of the town of Nottingham aforesaid, and of their successors, and this without rendering, paying, or i44 GRANT OF TWO FAIRS BY QUEEN ANNE. [1712 Queen Anne praedicta, et successorum suorum, et hoc absque compoto vel aliquo alio nobis, haeredibus vel successoribus nostris, proinde reddendo, solvendo, vel faciendo. Enactment Quare volumus, ac per praesentes pro nobis, haeredibus et clause. . . ~ . . . . . 1 successoribus nostris, hrmiter injungendo praecipimus et mand- amus, quod praefati Major et Burgenses villae de Nottingham praedicta, et successores sui, vigore praesentium bene, libere, licite, et quiete habeant, teneant, et custodiant, et habere, tenere, et custodire valeant et possint imperpetuum praedictas ferias sive nundinas, unacum Curia Pedis Pulverizati et caeteris prae- missis praedictis, secundum tenorem et veram intentionem harum litcrarum nostrarum patentium absque molestatione, per- turbatione, gravamine, sive contradictione nostri, haeredum vel successorum nostrorum, vel aliquorum Vicecomitum, escaetorum, balHvorum, officiariorum, sive ministrorum nostrorum, haeredum vel successorum nostrorum quorumcunque; et hoc absque aliquo alio warranto, brevi, vel processu imposterum in ea parte pro- curando vel obtinendo. Denique volumus, ac per praesentes pro nobis, haeredibus et successoribus nostris, concedimus praefatis Majori et Burgensibus villae de Nottingham praedicta, et successoribus suis, quod hae literae nostrae patentes vel irrotulamentum earundem sint et erunt bonum, firmum, validum, sufficiens, et effectuale in lege eisdem Majori et Burgensibus villae de Nottingham praedicta, et successoribus suis, secundum veram intentionem earundem. In cujus rei testimonium .has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipsa, apud Westmonasterium, tricesimo die Augusti, anno regni nostri undecimo. Per breve de Privato Sigillo. Cocks. 4183. 1712] GRANT OF TWO FAIRS BY QUEEN ANNE. 145 making any account or anything else therefor to us, our heirs Queen Anne or successors. Wherefore \vc will, and do by these presents for us, our heirs Enactment and successors, firmly enjoining command and order that the *^'^"^*^" aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of the town of Nottingham aforesaid, and their successors, may, by force of these presents, well, fully, lawfully, and quietly have, hold, and keep, and may and shall be able to have, hold, and keep for ever the aforesaid fairs, together with a Court of Piepowder and the other premises aforesaid, according to the tenor and true intent of these our letters patent without molestation, perturbation, grievance, or contradiction of us, our heirs or successors, or of any Sheriffs, eschcators, bailiffs, officers, or ministers of us, our heirs or suc- cessors whatsoever; and this without any other warrant, writ, or process to be hereafter procured or obtained in this behalf. Finally we will, and do by these presents for us, our heirs and successors, grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of the town of Nottingham aforesaid, and to their successors, that these our letters patent and the enrolment of the same may and shall be good, firm, valid, sufficient, and effectual in law for the same Mayor and Burgesses of the town of Nottingham afore- said, and their successors, according to the true intent of the same. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness myself, at Westminster, the thirtieth day of August, in the eleventh year of our reign. By writ of Privy Seal. Cocks. 4183. K ANALYTICAL INDEX. Aldermen, power to elect seven, Henry VI., p. 62; [Charles II., p. 90]. to hold office for life, Henry VI., p. 64; [Charles II., p. 98]. amovable by the Burgesses, Henry VI., p. 64. to be Justices of the Peace, Henry VI., p. 64. may wear gowns, hoods, and cloaks of one suit, as the Aldermen of London do, Henry VI., p. 68. Ale, forfeited, granted to the Burgesses, Henry VI., p. 66. Amercements, from all men and tenants in the borough in all Courts granted to the Burgesses, Henry IV., p. 40; amplified, Henry VI., p. 60. imposed by Justices of the Peace granted to the Burgesses, Henry IV., p. 44. Array, Commissions of, Mayor to be joined to all, relating to the borough, Henry IV., p. 44. Assize, Pleas of, grant of cognizance of all, relating to tenures within the borough, Henry IV., p. 40. Bail. See Mainpernors. Bailiffs, two to be elected, one for each borough of the town, Edward I., p. 20. may be elected where most convenient, owing to the poverty of one of the boroughs of the town; Edward III., p. 32, grant of power to elect two Sheriffs in place of the two Bailiffs, Henry VI., p. 52. See also Reeve. Borough, all residents within, to contribute to tallages, etc., like the burgesses, Henry II., p. 4 ; John, Earl of Mortain, p. 6 ; King John, p. 10. freedom obtained by residence of a year and day within, Henry II., p. 2; John, Earl of Mortain, p. 6; King John, p. 8. liberties of, seized into King's hands and restored, Edward I., p. 18 ; Edward III., p. 26. pleas arising within the borough not to be pleaded out of the borough, Edward II., p. 22. 148 ANALYTICAL INDEX. Borough — continued. Sheriffs, officers, etc., of the King excluded from entering the borough, Edward II., p. 24. incorporation of, Henry VI., p. 50 ; recital that the town had been previously incorporated under a certain form, ibid. created a County, Henry VI., p. 52. Borough Court. See Court. Boroughs of the town, two, a Bailiff to be elected in each of the, owing to the different customs prevailing in them, Edward I., p. 20 ; grant of permission to elect the two Bailiffs where most convenient, owing to the poverty of one of the two boroughs, Edward III., p. 32. Burgesses not to be arrested elsewhere for debts of other Burgesses of Nottingham, unless the Burgesses have failed to do justice to the creditors, Henry III., pp. 14, 16. not to be impleaded out of the borough concerning tenements in the borough, Edward II., p. 22. not to be joined with strangers in assizes, juries, or inquests relating to any matters outside the borough, Edward II., p. 24. to make all assizes, juries, and inquests relating to the borough within the borough, foreigners being excluded from all such inquests, etc., Edward II., p. 24. acquittance of, from various tolls, imposts, etc., Edward II., p. 24; Edward III., p. 30. exempted from jurisdiction of the Steward and Marshall of the Royal Household, Henry VI., p. 66. Castle, the, exempted from the County of the town, Henry VI., p. 52. Chamberlains, power to elect two, [Charles II., pp. 92, 104]. Chattels, forfeited, of felons and fugitives of the tenants and residents within the borough, granted to the Burgesses, Henry IV., p. 40. Clerk, Common, power to elect a, [Charles II., pp. no, 112]. to be approved by the King, [Charles II., p. 114; James II., p. 128]. Cloths, working of dyed, restricted to borough, Henry II., p. 2 ; John, Earl of Mortain, p. 6 ; King John, p. 8. Coroners to be elected by the Burgesses, Henry III., p. 12. to administer oath of office to the Escheator, Henry VI., p. 60. power to elect two, [Charles II., p. 106J. ANALYTICxVL INDEX. I49 Councillors, Chief, power to elect 18, [Charles II., pp. 90, 100]. Councillors, Common, power to elect 6, [Charles II., pp. 92, 102]. power to elect 18, William and Mary, p. 134. County, the borough created a, Henry VI., p. 52, County Hall (King's Hall) exempted from the County of the town, Henry VI., p. 52. Court of Borough, Mayor and Bailiffs to hear all pleas relating to lands, tenements, trespasses, contracts, etc., within the borough, Edward IL, p. 24; grant of cognizance of all pleas relating to lands, tenements, trespasses, covenants, plaints, etc., of all tenants and residents within the borough, to be held before the Mayor and Bailiffs, Henry IV., p. 38. grant of cognizance of pleas of assize relating to tenures within the borough, Henry IV., p. 40. powers of Borough Court defined, Henry VI., p. 56. to be held in the Gildhall before the Mayor and Sheriffs, Henry VI., p. 58. profits arising from, granted to the Burgesses, Henry VI., p. 58. See also Justices of the Peace. Deodands granted to the Burgesses, Henry VI., p. 60. Escheator, the Mayor to be, Henry VI., p. 54. no other Escheator but the Mayor to be made for the borough, Henry VI., p. 56. permission to make his proffer and account annually at the Exchequer by attorney, Henry VI., pp. 58, 68; shall not be compelled to attend personally at the Exchequer to render his accounts, ideiii^ p. 60. Oath of office of, to be taken before the Coroners, Henry VI., p. 60 ; the Escheator not to be compelled to come out of the borough to take his oath of office, ibid. name of, to be certified into the Chancery within twelve days of the election of Mayor, Henry VI., p. 60, Fair, Epiphany, fair of eight days beginning on the Friday before the first Tuesday before Epiphany, Anne, p. 142. 150 ANALYTICAL INDEX. Fai V — continued. St. Peter in Cathedra, feast of (Feb. 22), grant of a fair of fifteen days at, in place of the fair at the feast of St. Edmund (Nov. 20), Richard II., p. 34. St. Matthias (Feb. 24), aboUshed, [Charles II., p. 116; re- stored, James II., p. 124]. Easter, fair of eight days beginning on the Thursday before Easter, Anne, p. 142. April 23, fair of eight days at, grant of, [Charles IL, p. 116; abolished, James II. , p. 124]. St. Matthew, feast of (Sept. 21), of eight days, confirmed, Edward L, p. 20; [restored, James IL, p. 124]. November i, fair of eight days at, grant of, [Charles II. , p. 116; abolished, James IL, p. 124]. St. Edmund, feast of (Nov. 20), of fifteen days, grant of, Edward I., p. 20; changed to a fair at the feast of St. Peter in Cathedra (Feb. 22), Richard IL, p. 34. Fee-ferm of the Borough, to be paid by the Reeve into the Exchequer, John, Earl of Mortain, p. 6; King John, p. 10; to be paid into the Exchequer at two terms by the Burgesses' own hands, Henry III., p. 12. described as ^52 Mane, Henry III., p. 12 ; Edward L, p. 18. increment of ^8 added to, Edward I., p. 18. Felones de se, disavowed chattels of, granted to the Burgesses, Henry VI., p. 60. Felons, forfeited chattels of, granted to the Burgesses, Henry IV., p. 40; amplified, Henry VL, p. 60. Fines for trespasses and offences, of all men and residents of the borough, in all Courts, granted to the Burgesses, Henry IV., p. 40; amplified, Henry VL, p. 60. post fines (fines pro licentia coneordandi) of all men and residents of the borough granted to the Burgesses, Henry IV., p. 40- Henry VI. , p. 60. imposed by the Justices of the Peace granted to the Burgesses, Henry IV., p. 44; amplified, Henry VL, p. 66; the Escheator and Sheriffs not to account at the Exchequer for, Henry VI. , p. 68. profits arising from Borough Court granted to the Burgesses, Henry VL, p. 58. from all sureties and mainpernors granted to the Burgesses, Henry VI. , p. 62, ANALYTICAL INDEX. 151 Forfeitures. Chattels of felons and fugitives of the tenants and residents within the borough granted to the Burgesses, Henry IV., p. 40; amplified, Henry VI., p. 60. grant of forfeitures, etc., of all men and tenants in the borough, Henry IV., p. 40. from all pledges and mainpernors granted to the Burgesses, Henry VI., p. 62. of victuals and ale granted to the Burgesses, Henry VI., p. 66. Freedom, obtained by residence of a year and a day within the borough, Henry II., p. 2; John, Earl of Mortain, p. 6; King John, p. 8. Fugitives, chattels of, granted to the Burgesses, Henry IV., p. 40. Gaol, Borough, recital that the Burgesses have one by prescription, Edward III., p. 28. confirmation of right to have, Edward III., p. 30. Household, Royal, the Steward and Marshal of the, not to sit in the town, Henry VI., pp. 58, 66. Incorporation of the borough, which had been long a town incorporated under a certain form, Henry VI., p. 50; [Charles II., p. 88]. Infangenetheof, grant of, Henry II., p. 2; John, Earl of Mortain, p. 4 ; King John, p. 8. Inquests, juries, etc., relating to the borough to be taken by Burgesses only, Edward II., p. 24. Issues, forfeited, of all men and tenants in the borough, granted to the Burgesses, Henry IV. , p, 40; amplified, Henry VI., p. 60. Juries relating to the borough to be empanelled of Burgesses only, Edward II., p. 24. Jurisdiction, pleas relating to tenements, trespasses, etc., within the borough not to be pleaded out of the borough, Edward II., p. 22. grant of cognizance of all pleas relating to lands, tenements, trespasses, covenants, plaints, etc., of all tenants and residents within the borough, to be held before the Mayor and Bailiffs, Henry IV., p. 38. 152 ANALYTICAL INDEX. Jurisdiction — continued. grant of cognizance of pleas of assize relating to tenures within the borough, Henry IV., p. 40. of Justices of the Peace, Henry IV., p. 44. of Borough Court defined, Henry VI., p. 56. Justices of the Peace. The Mayor, Recorder, and four others to be elected by the Mayor to hear and determine all pleas, etc., pertaining to the offices of Justices of the Peace, Justices of Labourers and Artizans, Henry IV., p. 44; amplified, Henry VI., p. 64. grant of all fines, profits, etc., arising from the jurisdiction of, to the Burgesses, Henry IV., p. 44 ; amplified, Henry VL, p. 66. Aldermen to be, Henry VI. , p. 64. jurisdiction of, defined, Henry VI., p. 64. King's Sheriffs or officers excluded from interfering with the service of writs or levying distraints, within the borough, or from entering the same, Henry III., p. 16 bis] amplified, Edward II., p. 24 ; Edward III., p. 28 ; Henry IV., p. 42. Land, power for the Mayor and Burgesses to acquire, Henry VI., p. 52; [Charles II., p. 88]. unchallenged possession of, for a year and a day, sufficient title, Henry II., p. 2; John, Earl of Mortain, p. 6; King John, p. 10. Lastage, Burgesses exempt from payment of, Edward IL, p. 24, Liberties not to be forfeited for non-user, Edward IL, p. 22; Henry IV., p. 38. seised into the King's hands and restored to the Burgesses, Edward L, p. 18; Edward III., p. 26. to be enjoyed by the Burgesses in as ample manner as any of their predecessors enjoyed them, Henry IV., p. 46. Mainpernors, fines and issues from, granted to the Burgesses, Henry VI., p. 62. Markets, Priday and Saturday, Henry IL, p. 2; John, Earl of Mortain, p. 4 ; King John, p. 8. Saturday, confirmation of, Edward III., p. 30. persons attending, exempt from distraint, except for the King's ferm, Henry IL, p. 4; John, Earl of Mortain, p. 6; King John, p. 10, ANALYTICAL INDEX. 153 Mayor, creation of office of, Edward I., p. 20. election of, manner of, Edward I., p. 20; [Charles II., pp. 90, 94]. Mayor and Bailiffs to hold court for all pleas relating to lands, trespasses, contracts, etc., within the borough, Edward II., p. 24. Mayor, Recorder and four others to be elected by the Mayor to hear and determine all pleas, etc., pertaining to the offices of Justices of the Peace, Justices of Labourers and Artizans, Henry IV., p. 44; amplified, Henry VI., p. 64. to be joined to all Commissions of Array in the borough, Henry IV., p. 44. Sheriffs to take oaths of office before, Henry VI., p. 52. to be Escheator of the borough, Henry VI., p. 54. to be one of the Aldermen, Henry VI., p. 64. Deputy, the Mayor may appoint a, [Charles II., p. 96]. Merchants' Gild, grant of, John, Earl of Mortain, p. 6; King John, p. 10. Murage, Burgesses exempt from payment of, Edward II., p. 24. Murder (fines for), of all men and tenants of the borough granted to the Burgesses, Henry IV., p. 40. Non-user, liberties exempt from forfeiture for, Edward II., p. 22 ; Henry IV., p. 38. Office, refusal to accept, power to inflict fine for, [Charles II., p. 108]. Outlaws, chattels of, granted to the Burgesses, Henry VI., p. 60, Passage, Burgesses exempt from payment of, Edward II., p. 24. Ravage, Burgesses exempt from payment of, Edward II., p. 24. Pleas, grant of cognizance of all, relating to lands, tenements, tres- passes, covenants, etc., within the borough, Edward II., p. 22 ; amplified, Henry IV., p. 38. of assize relating to tenures within the borough, grant of cog- nizance of, Henry IV., p. 40. relating to tenements, trespasses, contracts, etc., within the borough not to be pleaded o-utside the borough, but to be pleaded before the Mayor and Bailiffs, Edward IL, p. 24. 154 ANALYTICAL INDEX. Pledges, fines and forfeitures from, granted to the Burgesses, Henry VI., p. 62. Pontage, Burgesses exempt from payment of, Edward III., p. 30. Pupprestures, grant to the Burgesses of licence to approve them- selves of all, Henry IV., p. 42. Quayage, Burgesses exempt from payment of, Edward II., p. 24. Ransoms of all men and tenants in the borough granted to the Burgesses, Henry IV., p. 40 ; amplified, Henry VI., p. 60. RecordeP on the Commission of the Peace, Henry IV., p. 44. power to elect a, [Charles II., pp. 108, 112]. Deputy, power for Recorder to appoint a, [Charles II., p. 112]. to be approved by the Crown, [Charles II., p. 114; James II., p. 128]. Reeve of borough, cannot prosecute a Burgess unless another Burgess is prosecutor, Henry II., p. 2 ; John, Earl of Mortain, p. 2 ; King John, p. 10. burgesses may elect their own, John, Earl of Mortain, p. 6 ; King John, p. 10. removable at King's pleasure, John, Earl of Mortain, p. 6 ; King John, p. 10. to pay the fee-ferm of the borough into the Exchequer at the two terms of the Exchequer, John, Earl of Mortain, p. 6 ; King John, p. 10. See also Bailiffs. Return of Writs, grant of, Henry III., pp. 14, 16; amplified, Edward II., p. 24 ; Edward III., p. 28 ; Henry IV., p. 42. Seal, Common, the Mayor and Burgesses to have a, [Charles II., p. 90]. Sheriffs (of town), grant of power to elect two, in place of the two Bailiffs, Henry VI., p. 52. to hold office for one year, Henry VI., p. 54. oaths of office of, to be taken before the Mayor, and not outside the borough, Henry VI., p. 54. names of, to be certified into Chancery, Henry VI., p. 54. no other Sheriffs for the town to be made, Henry VI., p. 56. writs formerly addressed to the Sheriffs of the County to be addressed to the Sheriffs of the town, Henry VI., p. 56. County Courts to be held monthly by, Henry VI., p. 56. ANALYTICAL INDEX. 155 ShePifTs (of town) — contimied. may make their proffers and accounts at the Exchequer annually by attornies, Henry VI., pj). 58, 66; the Sheriffs not to be forced to attend in person at the Exchequer to render their account, ibid. Sheriffs (of County) excluded from interfering with the service of writs or levying distraints within the borough, Henry HI., p. 16 bis ; amplified, Edward H., p. 24; Edward HI., p. 28; Henry IV., p. 42. writs formerly addressed to, to be addressed to the Sheriffs of the town, Henry VI., p. 56. Stallage, Burgesses exempt from payment of, Edward IL, p. 24. Statutes Merchant, the Common Clerk to take and enrol, [Charles 1 1., p. no]. Sureties, fines and forfeitures from, granted to the Burgesses, Henry VI., p. 62. Terrage, Burgesses exempt from payment of, Edward II., p. 24, Theam, grant of, Henry IL, p. 2; John, Earl of Mortain, p. 4; King John, p, 8. Theionea, grant of, Henry IL, p. 2; John, Earl of Mortain, p. 4; King John, p. 8. Tol, grant of. Hen. IL, p. 2 ; John, Earl of Mortain, p. 4 ; King John, p. 8. Tolls, acquittance of burgesses from, John, Earl of Mortain, p. 6; King John, p. 10. Town Clerk. See Clerk, Common. Trent, rights of Burgesses over, throughout county, Henry IL, p. 2 ; John, Earl of Mortain, p. 4 ; King John, p. 8. passage of, free to navigators for one perch on each side of the thread of the stream. Hen. IL, p. 4; John, Earl of Mortain, p. 6 ; King John, p. 10. Tronage, grant of, within borough, Henry III., p. 12. Victuals, forfeited, granted to the Burgesses, Henry VI., p. 66. Wastes, grant to the Burgesses of licence to approve themselves of, Henry IV., p. 42. Wine, forfeited, granted to the Burgesses, Henry VI., p. 66. Year, day, waste, and estrepment, of all men and tenants in the borough granted to the burgesses, Henry IV., p. 40. THOS. FOKMAN AND SONS, PRINTERS, NOTTINGHAM. UC SOUTHCRN REGIONAL LIRHAR, f D 000 452 743