m ■ > ^^4d'^9^%4^ / •^^ ^^^ ^^ PllEFACK, own salvation as to read such short instrnctions as these, they set little by themselves, and will most justly perish. 2. When you have read over this book, I would entreat you to go alone and ponder a little what y(ju have read, and bethink you, as in the sight of God, whether it be not true, and do not nearly touch your souls, and whether it be not time to look about you. And also entreat you, that you will upon your knees beseech the Lord that he will open your eyes to understand the truth, and turn your hearts to the love of God, and beg of him all that saving grace which you have so longr neglected, and follow it on from day to day, till your hearts be changed. And withal, that you will go to your pastors, (that are set over you to take care of the health and safety of your souls, as physicians do for the health of your bodies,) and desire them to direct you what course to take, and acquaint them with your spiritual state, that you may have the benefit of their advice and ministerial help. If you have not a faithful pastor at home, make use of some other in so great a need. o. When, by reading, consideration, prayer, and ministerial advice, you are once acquainted with your sin and misery, with your duty and remedy, delay not, but presently forsake your sinful company and courses, and turn to God and obey his call. As you love your souls, take heed PREFACE. 21 t!iat you go not on against so hmd a call of God, and against your own knowledge anJ conscience, lest it go worse with yriu in the day of judgment than with Sodom and Gomorrah. Inquire of God, JLS a man that is willing to know the truth, anil not be a wilful cheater of his soul. Search thest, resolve accordingly, and make your choico without any more ado. If you will be true lo your own souls, and do not love everlasting tor- ments, 1 beseech you, as from the Lord, that you wiW but take this reasonable advice. Th(?n at your deathbed how boldly might we comfort and encourage 3'our departing souls ! And at your burial, how comfortably might we leave you in tlie grave, in expectation to meet your souls in heaven, and to see your bodies raised to that glory ! But, if still the most of you will go on in a care- less, ignorant, fleshly, worldly, or unholy life, and all our desires and labors cannot so far prevail as to keep you from the wilful damning of your- selves, we must then imitate our Loroct.l.i THE U.XCOIVTERTED. 33 far that you must either confess that this is true, or say plainly, you will not believe the word of God. And if once you corne to that pass there is but small hope of you : look to yourself as well as you can, for it is likely you will not be long out of hell. You would be ready to fly in the face of him that should give you the lie ; and yet dare you give tho lie to God ? But if 3'ou tell God plainly you will not believe him, blame him not if ho never warn you more, or if he forsake you, and give you up as hopeless; for to what purpose should he warn you, if you will not believe him ? Should he send an angel from heaven to you, it seems you w^ould not be- Heve. For an angel can speak but the word of God ; and if an angel should bring vou any other gospel, you are not to receive it, but to hold him accursed. Gal. 1 : 8. And surely there is no angel to be believed before the Son of God, who came from the Father to bring us this doctrine. If he be not to be believed, then all the angels in heaven are not to be believed. And if you stand on these terms with God, I shall leave you till he deal with you in a more convincing way. God hath a voice that will maJvC you hear. 34 A CALL TO (Doct. L Though lie entreat you to hear the voice of his Gospel, he will make you hear the voice of his condemnino: sentence, without entreaty. We cannot make vou beheve a^rainst yout vnWs ; but God will make you feel against your wills. But let us hear what reason you have why you v/ill not believe this word of God, which tells us that the wicked must be converted, or condemned. I know your reason ; it is because vou judfre it unlikely that God should be so unmerciful : you think it cruelty to damn men everlastingly for so small a thing as a sinfid life. And this leads us, II. To justify the equity of God in his laws and judgments. 1. I think you will not deny that it is most suitable to an immortal soul to be ruled by laws that promise an immortal re- ward, and threaten an endless punishment. Otherwise the law would not be suited to the nature of the subject, who will not be fully ruled by any lower means than the liopes or fears of everlasting things : as it is in cases of temporal punishment, if a law were now made that the most heinous crimes Doctl.) THE UNCONVERTED. 35^ should be punished with a hundred years* captivity, this might be of some efficacy, as being equal to our lives. But, if there had been no other penalties before the flood, when men lived eight or nine hundred years, it would not have been sufficient, because men would know that they might hav(i so many hundred years impunity afterward. So it is in our present case. 2. I suppose that you will confess that the promise of an endless and inconceivable glory is not unsuitable to the wisdom of God or the case of man : and why then should you not think so of the threatening of an endless and unspeakable misery ! 3. When you find it in the word of God that so it is, and so it will be, do you think yourselves Jit to contradict this word '? Will you call your Maker to the bar, and exam- ine his word upon the accusation of false- hood? Will you sit upon him and judge him by the law of your conceits ? Are you wiser, and better, and more righteous than he? 3Iust the God of heaven come to school to you to learn wisdom ? Must Infinite Wisdom learn of folly, and Infinite Goodness be corrected by a sinner that cannot keep himself an hour 36 A CALL TO (Doct.1. clean? Must the Almighty stand at the baf of a "worm ? O horrid arroo^ancy of senseless dust ! Shall a mole, or clod, or dunghill, accuse the sun of darkness, and undertake to illuminate the world ? Where were 3'ou when the Almighty made the laws, that he did not call you to his counsel ? Surely he made them before you were born, without desiring your advice ; and j'ou came into the world too late to reverse them, if vou could have done so great a work. You should have stepped out of your nothingness and have contradicted Christ when he was on earth, or Moses before him, or have saved Adam and his sinful progeny from the threatened death, that so there might have been no need of Christ. And what if God withdraw his patience and sustaining power, and let vou drop into hell while you are quarrelling with his word, will 3'ou then believe that there is a hell ? ■i. If sin be such an evil that it requireth the death of Christ for its expiation, no won- der if it deserve our everlastinc^ misers'. 5. And if the sin of devils deserve an endless torment, why not also the sin of man? 6. And methinks you should perceive that Doci,i.) THE l\\con\i:rteb. 37 it is not possible for the best of men, much less for tlie wicked, to be competent judges of the desert of sin. Alas ! we are both blind rind partial. You can never know fully the desert of sin, till you fully know the evil of sin ; and you can never fully know the evil of sin, till you fully know, 1. The excellency of the soul wliich it deformeth. 2. The excellency of holiness which it obliterates. 3. The reason and excellency of the law which it violates. 4. The excellency of the glory which it despises. 5. The excellency and office of reason which it treadeth down. (>, No, nor till you know the infinite excellent ov, almiirhtiness and holiness of that God against whom it is committed. When you fully know all these, 3^ou shall fully know the desert of sin. Besides, you know that the offender is too partial to judge the law or ihe proceedings of his judge. We judge by feeling, which blinds our reason. We see, in common worldly things, that most men think the cause is right which is their own, and tnit all is wrong that is done against ihem ; and let the most wise, or just, or im- partial friends persuade them to the contra- ry, and it is all in vain. There are few chil- B. Call. 4 38 A CALL TO (Doctl. dren but think the father is unmerciful, or dealeth hardly with them if he whip them. There is scarce the vilest wretch but thinketh the church doth wrong him if they excom- municate him; or scarce a thief or murderer that is hanged, but would accuse the law and judge of cruelty, if that would serve their turn. 7. Can you think that unholy souls me Jit for heaven? Alas, they cannot love God here, nor do him any service which he can accept. They are contrar}^ to God, they loathe that which he most loveth, and love that which he abhorreth. They are inca- pable of that imperfect communion with him which his saints here partake of. How then can they live in that perfect love of him, and full delight and communion with him, which is the blessedness of heaven? You do not accuse j^ourselves of unmercifulness if you make not your enemy your bosom coun- sellor ; or if you take not your swine to bed and board with you, no, nor if you take away his life though he never sinned ; and yet you will blame the absolute Lord, the most wise and gracious Sovereign of the world, if he con- demn the unconverted to perpetual misery. I beseech you now, all that love your Doct. 1.) THE UNCONVERTED. 39 souls, that, instead of quarrelling ^vilh Cod and with his word, you will presently re- ceive it, and use it for your good. All 3-0 u that are yet unconverted, take this as the undoubted truth of God : You must, ere long, be converted or condemned ; there is no other way but to turn, or die. When God, that cannot lie, hath told you this ; when you hear it from the Maker and Judge of the W'orld, it is time for him that hath ears to hear. By this time you may see what you have to trust to. You are but dead and damned men, except you will be converted. Should I tell 5^ou otherwise, I should deceive you with a lie. Should I hide this from you, I should undo you, and be guilty of your blood, as the verses before my text assure me. — verse 8. " When I say to the wicked man, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die ; if thou dost not speak to warn the wdcked from his way, that wdcked man shall die in his iniquity ; but his blood will I require at thine hand." You see then, though this be a rough and unwelcome doctrine, it is such as we must preach, and you must hear. It is easier to hear of hell than feel it. If 3'our necessities did not require it, we w^ould not •iO A CALL TO (Doct. L trail your tender ears with truths that seem so harsh and grievous. Hell would not be so iiill, if people were but willing to know their case, and to hear and tliink of it. The reason wh}'- so few^ escape it, is because they strive not to enter in at the strait gate of con- version, and go the narrow way of holiness while they have time ; and they strive not, because they are not awakened to a lively feeling of the danger they are in; and they are not awakened because they are loth to hear or think of it ; and that is partly througli foolish tenderness and carnal self-love, and partly because they do not well believe the word that threateneth it. If you v/ill not thoroughly believe this truth, niethinks the weight of it should force yon to remember it, and it_ should follow you, and give 3^ou no rest till you are converted. If 3'ou had but once heard this word by the voice of an angel, " Thou must be converted or con- demjied : turn, or die :" v/ould it not sink into your mind, and haunt 3"ou night and day? so that in your sinning you would re- member it, as if the voice were still in your ears, " Turn, or die !" O happy were your soul if it might thus work with you and Doct. 10 THE UNCONVERTED. 41 never be forgotten, or let you alone till it have driven home your heart to God. But if 3"ou will cast it out by forgetfulness or un- belief, how can it work to your conversion and salvation? But take this whh. you to 3'"our sorrow, though you may put this out of 3''0ur mind you cannot put it out of the Bible, but there it will stand as a sealed truth, which 3^ou shall experimentally know for ever, that there is no other way but " turn, or die." O what is the matter then that the hearts of sinners are not pierced with such a weighty truth? A man would think now, that every unconverted soul that hears these words should be pricked to the heart and think with himself, *' This is my own case," and never be quiet till he found himself con- verted. Believe it, this drowsy careless temper will not last long. Conversion and condemnation are both of them awakening things, and one of them will make you feel ere long. I can foretell it as truly as if I saw it with my e^^es, that either grace or liell will shortly bring these matters to the point, and make you say, "What have I done ? what a foolish wicked course have I taken ?" The scornful and the stupid state 4* 42 A CALL TO (Doctl. of sinnei'3 vvdll last but a little while : as soon as they either turn or die, the presumptu- ous dream wiH be at an end, and then their senses and feeling will return. But I foresee there are two things that are likely to harden the uneonverted and make me lose all my labor, unless they can be taken out of the way ; namely, the misun- derstanding of those tw^o words, the wicked and tifrn. Some will think with themselves, " It is true, the wicked mast turn or die; but what is that to me, I am not wicked, though I am a sinner as all men are." Others will think, "It is true that we must turn from our evil ways, but I am turned long ago ; I hope this is not now to do." And thus while wick- ed men think thev are not wicked, but are already converted, we lose all our labor in persuading them to turn. I shall therefore, before I go any further, tell you here who are meant hy the wicked, or who they are that must turn or die ; and also ivhat is meant hy turning, or who they are that are truly converted. And this I have purposely reserved for this place, preferring the meth- od that lits my end. And Doct, 1.) fllE UNCONVERTED. 43 I. Here you may observe, that in the sense of the text a wicked man and a con- verted man are contraries : no man is a wicked man that is converted ; and no man is a converted man that is wicked ; so that to be a wicked man and to be an unconvert- ed man is all one ; and therefore in dealing with one we shall deal with both. Before I can tell you what either wicked- ness or conversion is, I must go to the bottom and take up the matter from the beginning. It pleased the great Creator of the world to make three sorts of living creatures. Angels he made pure spirits without flesh, and there- fore he made them only for heaven, and not to dwell on earth. Brutes were made flesh without immortal souls, and therefore they were made only for earth, and not for hea- ven. I\Ian is of a middle nature, between both, as partaking of both flesh o.nd spirit, and therefore he was made both for heaven and earth. But as his flesh is made to be but a servant to his spirit, so is he made for earth but as his passage or way to heaven, and not that this should be his home or happi- ness. The blessed state that man was made for, was to behold the glorious majesty of 44 A CALL TO (Doct. 1. the Lord, and to praise him among his holy angels, and to love him, and to be filled with his love for ever. And as this was the end that man was made for, so God gave liim means that were fitted to the attaining of it. These means were principally two : 1. The right inclination and disposition of the mind of man. 2. The right ordering of his life and practice. For the first, God suit- ed the disposition of man unto his end, giv- ing him such knowledge of God as was fit for his present state, and a heart disposed and inclined to God in holy love. But yet he did not fix or confirm him in this condi- tion, bnt, having made him a free agent, he left him to the exercise of his own free will. For the second, God did that which belonged >to him ; that is, he gave him a perfect law^, re- quiring himtocontinue in the love of God, and perfectly to obey him. By the wilful breach of this law, man not only forfeited his hopes of everlasting life, but also turned his heart from God and fixed it on these lower fleshly things, and thereby blotted out the spiritual image of God from his soul ; so that man both fell short of the Doct. 1.) THE UXCOXVERTED. ^ A5 glory of God, which was his end, and put himself out of the way by which he should have attained it, and this both as to the frame of his heart and of his life. The liolv inclination and love of his soul to God lie lust, and instead of it he contracted an in- clination and love to the pleasing of liis ilcsh, or carnal self, bv earthlv things ; orow- ing strange to God and acquainted w^ith the creature. And the course of liis life w'as suited to the bent and inclination of his heart ; he lived to his carnal self, and not to God ; he sought the creature for the pleasing of his flesh, instead of seeking to please thti Lord. With this nature or corrupt inclina- tion we are all now" born into the world ; " forw^ho can bring a clean tiling out of an unclean?" Job, 14:4. As a lion hath a lierce and cruel nature before he doth de- vour ; and an adder hath a venomous na- ture before she stings, so in our infanc}^ wo have those sinful natures or inclinations be- fore we think, or speak, or do amiss. And hence springeth all the sin of our lives ; and not only so, but when God hath of his mer- cy, provided us a remedy, even the Lord Jesus Christ, to be the Savior of our souls 46 A CALL TO (DocLl. and bring us back to God again, we natural- ly love our present state, and are loth to be brought out of it, and therefore are set against the means of our recovery : and though custom hath taught us to thank Christ for his good will, yet carnal self per- suades us to refuse his remedies, and to de- sire to be excused when we are command- ed to take the medicines which he offers, and are called to forsake all and follow him to God and glory. I pray you read over this leaf agam, and mark it ; for in these few words you have a true description of our natural state, and consequently of a w'icked man ; for every man that is in the state of corrupt nature is a wicked man, and in a state of death. II. By this you are prepared to understand WHAT IT IS TO BE CONVERTED I tO which end you must further know, that the mercy of God, not willing that man should perish in his sins, provided a remedy, by causing his Son to take our nature, and being in one person God and man, to become a mediator between God and man ; and by dying for OUT sins on the cross, to ransom us from the curse of God and the power of the devil. Doct. 1.) THE UNCONVERTED. Alf And having thus redeemed us, the Father hath dehvered us into his hands as his own. Hereupon the Father and the Mediator do make a new law and covenant for man, not like the first, which gave hfe to none but the perfectly obedient, and condemned man for every sin; but Christ hath made a law of grace, or a promise of pardon and everlast- ing life to all that, by true repentance, and by faith in Christ, are converted unto God : like an act of oblivion which is made bv a prince to a company of rebels, on condition that they will lay down their arms and come in and be loyal subjects for the time to come. But, because the Lord knoweth that the heart of man is grown so wicked, that, for all this, men will not accept of the remedy if they are left to themselves, therefore the Holy Ghost hath undertaken it as his office to inspire the apostles, and seal the Scrip- tures by miracles and wonders, and to il- luminate and convert the souls of the elect. So by this much you see, that as there are three persons in the Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, so each of tliese persons have their several works, which are eminently ascribed to them. 48 A CALL TO (Doct. 1. The Fathpys works were, to create us, to rule us, as his rational creatures, by the law of nature, and judge us thereby ; and in mercy to provide us a Redeemer when we were lost; and to send his Son, and accept his ransom. The works of the So/i for us were these : to ransom and redeem us by his sufferings and righteousness ; to give out the promise or law of grace, and rule and judge the world as the Redeem.er, on terms of grace ; to make intercession for us, that the benefits of his death may be communicated ; and to send the Holv Ghost, which the Father also doth by the Son. The works of the Hohj Ghost for us are these : to indite the Holy Scriptures by in- spiring and guiding the Prophets and Apos- tles, and sealinc: the Vv'ord bv his miraculous gifts and works ; and iUuminating and excit- ing the ordinary ministers of the Gospel, and so enabling them and helping them to pub- lish, that word ; and by the same word il- luminating and converting the souls of men. So that as you could not have been reason- able creatures if the Father had not created yoa, nor have had any access to God if the DocM.) THE UNCONVERTED, 49 Son lind not redeemed you, so neither can you have a part in Christ or be saved ex- cept the Holy Ghost do sanctify you. So that by this time you may see the several causes of this work. The Fatlier sendeth the Son ; the Son redeemeth us and maketh the promise of grace ; the Holy Ghost inditeth and sealeth this Gospel ; the Apostles are the secretaries of the Spirit to write it ; the preachers of the Gospel to pro- claim it, and persuade men to obey it; and the Holy Ghost doth make their preacliing effectual, by opening the hearts of men to entertain it. And all tliis to re])air the im- age of God upon the soul, and to set the heart upon God again, and take it off' from the creature and carnal self to which it is revolted, and so to turn the current of the life into a heavenly course, which before was earthly ; and this throufrli embraciu"- Christ by faith, who is the Physician of the soul. By what I have said you may see what it is to be wicked, and what it is to be con- verted; which, I think, will be yet plainer to you, if I describe them as consisting of E. CiUl. 5 50 A CALL TO (Doct L their several parts. A wicked man may bo known by these three things : 1. He is one who placeth his chief af- fections on earth, and loveth the creature more than God, and his fleshly prosperity above the heavenly felicity. He savoreth the thinu:s of the flesh, but neither discerneth nor savoreth the things of the Spirit ; though he will say that heaven is better than earth, vet he doth not reallv so esteem it to himself. If he might be sure of earth, he would let go heaven, and had rather stay here than be removed thither. A life of perfect holiness in the sisfht of God, dwellinc: in his love and praising him for ever in heaven, is not so pleasing to his heart as a life of health, and wealth, and honor here upon earth. And though he falsely profess that he loves God above all, yet indeed he never felt the pow- er of divine love within him, but his mind is more set on the world or fleshly pleasures than on God. In a word, whoever loves earth above heaven, and fleshly prosperity more than God, is a wicked unconverted man. On the other hand, a converted man is illuminated to discern the loveliness of God, and so far believeth the glory that is to be Doct. 1.) THE UXGONVERTED. 51 had with God, that his heart is taken up with it and set more upon it than on any thing: in this world. He had rather see the face of God, and live in his everlasting love and praises, than have all the wealtli or pleasures of the world. He seeth that all things else are vanity, and nothing but God can fill the soul ; and therefore let the world go which way it will, he layeth up his trea- sures and hopes in heaven, and for that he is resolved to let go all. As the lire doth mount upward, and the needle that is touch- ed with the loadstone still turns to the north, so the converted soul is inclined unto God. Nothing else can satisfy him ; nor can he find anv content and rest but in his love. In a word, all that are converted do esteem and love God better than all the world, and the heavenly felicity is dearer to thorn than their lleshly prosperity. The proof of what ] have said you may find in these places of Scripture : Thil. 3 : S-IU ; Matt. G : 19-21 ; Col. 3 : 1-4; Rom. 8 : 5-9, 18, 23 ; Psahn 73 : 25, 20. 2. A wicked man is one that makes it the principal business of his life to prosper in the world and attain his lleshly ends. 52 A CALL TO (Doct. 1. And though he may read, and hear, and do much in the outward duties of rehgion, and Ibrbear disgraceful sins, yet this is all but by-the-by, and lie never makes it the princi- pal business of his life to please God and attain everlasting glory, but puts off' God with the leavings of the world, and gives him no more service than the flesh can spare, for he will not part with all for heaven. On the contrary, a converted man is one that makes it the principal care and busi- ness of his life to please God and to be saved, and takes all the blessings of this life but as accommodations in his journey to- ward another life, and useth the creature in subordination to God : he loves a holy life, and longs to be more holy ; he hath no sin but what he liateth, and longeth, and pray- eth, and striveth to be rid of. The drift and bent of his life is for God, and if he sin, it is contrary to the very bent of his heart and ■J life ; and therefore he riseth again and la- menteth it, and dares not wilfully live in any known sin. There is nothing in this world so dear to him but he can give it up to God, and forsake it for him and the hopes of glory. Doct. 1.) THE UNCONVERTED. 53 All this you may see in Col. 3 : 1-5; Malt. 6 : 20, 33 ; Luke, 18 : 22, 23, 29 ; and 14 : 18, 24, 2G, 27 ; Rom. 8 : 13 ; Gal. 5 : 24 ; Luke, 12 : 21, &c. 3. The soul of a wicked man did never truly discern and relish the mystery of redemption, nor tliankfully entertain an of- fered Savior, nor is he taken up Avith the love of the Redeemer, nor willing to be ruled by him as the Physician of his soul, that he may be saved from the guilt and power of his sins, and recovered to God ; but his lieart is insensible of this unspeakable bene- fit, and is quite against the healing means by which lie should l)e recovered. Though he may be willing to be outwardly religious, yet he never resigned up his soul to Christ and to the motions and conduct of his word and Spirit. On the contrary, the converted soul havinir felt himself undone by sin, and perceiving that he hath lost his peace with God and hopes of heaven, and is in danger of ever- lasting misery, doth thankfully entertain the tidings of redemption, and believing in the Lord Jesus as his onlv Savior, resif!:ns him- self up to him for wisdom, righteousness, 54 A CALL TO (Doct. 1. sanctification, and redemption. He takes Christ as the life of his soul, and lives by him, and uses him as a salve for eveiy sore, admiring the wisdom and love of God in his wonderful work of man's redemption. In a word, Christ doth even dwell in his heart by laith, and the life that he now liveth, is by the faith of the Son of God, that loved him, and gave himself for him ; 3^ea, it is not so much he that liveth, as Christ in him. For these, see John, 1 : 11, 12; and 3 : 19, 20 ; Rom. 8:9; Phil. 3 : 7-10 ; Gal. 2 : 20 ; John, 15 : 2-4 ; 1 Cor. 1 : 20 ; 2 : 2. You see now, in plain terms from the Word of God, who are the wicked and who are the converted. Ignorant people think that if a man be no swearer, nor curser, nor rail- er, nor drunkard, nor fornicator, nor extor- tioner, nor wrong any body in his dealings, and if he come to church and say his pray- ers, he cannot be a wicked man. Or if a man that hath been guilty of drunkenness, swearing, or gaming, or the like vices, do but forbear them for the time to come, they think that this is a converted man. Others think if a man that hath been an enemy, and scorner at godliness, do but approve it, and Doct. 1.) THE UNCONVERTED. 55 join himself lo those that arc godly, and be hated for it by the wieked, as the godly are, that this must needs be a converted man. And some are so foolish as to think that they are converted by taking up some new uud false opinion, and falling into some dividing party. And some think, if they have but been affrighted by the fears of hell, and had convictions of conscience, and thereupon have purposed and promised amendment, and taken up a life of civil behavior and outward religion, that this must needs be true conversion. And these are the poor de- luded souls that are like to lose the benefit of all our persuasions ; and when they hear that the wicked must turn or die, they think that this is not spoken to them, for they are not wicked, but are turned already. And there- fore it is that Christ told some of the rulers of the Jews who were more grave and civil than the common people, that " publicans and harlots go into the kingdom of God be- fore them." Matt. 21 : 31. Not that a har- lot or gross sinner can be saved without con- version ; but because it was easier to make these gross sinners perceive their sin and misery, and the necessity of a change, than 56 A CALL TO (Doct. 1. the more civil sort, who delude tnemselves by thinking that they are converted already, when they are not. O sirs, conversion is another kind of work than most are aware of. It is not a small matter to bring an earthly mind to heaven, and to show man the amiable excellence of God, till he be taken up in such love to him as can never be quenched ; to break the heart for sin, and make him flv for refugee to Christ, and thankfully embrace him as the life of his soul ; to have the very drift and bent of the heart and life changed ; so that a man renounceth that which he took for his felicity, and placeth his felicity where he never did before, and lives not to the same end, and drives not on the same de- sijrn in the world, as he formerlv did. In a word he that is in Christ is a " hew crea- ture : old things are passed away: behold, all things are become new." 2 Cor. 5 : 17. He hath a new understanding, a new will and resolution, new sorrows, and desires, and love, and delight ; new thoughts, new speeches, new company (if possible,) and a new conversation. Sin, that before was a jesting matter with him, is now so odious and Doct. 1.) THE UNCONVERTED. 57 terrible to liim tliat lie flics from it as from death. The world, that was so lovelv in his eyes, doth now appear but as vanity and vexation: God, that was before neglected, is now the only happiness of his soul, before, he was forgotten, and every lust preferred before him ; but now he is set next the heart, and all things must give place to him ; the heart is taken up in the attendance and ob- servance of him, is grieved when he hides his face, and never thinks itself well without him. Christ himself, that was wont to bo shghtly thought of, is now his only hope and refuge, and he lives upon him as on his daily bread ; he cannot pray without him, nor re- joice without him, nor think, nor speak, nor live without him. Heaven itself, that before was looked upon but as a tolerable reserve, which he hoped might serve his turn better than hell when he could not stay any loncrer in the world, is now taken for his home, the place of his only hope and rest, where lio shall see, and love, and praise that God who hath his heart already. Hell, that did seem before but as a bugbear to frighten men from sin, doth now appear to be a real misery that is not to be ventured on nor jested wiih. r)S A CALL TO (Doct. 1. The works of holiness, of which before he was wear}^, and which he thought unneces- sary, are now both his recreationand his bu- siness. The Bible, which was before to him but almost as a common book, is now as the law of God ; as a letter written to him from heaven and subscribed with the name of the Eternal Majesty; it is the rule of his thoughts, nnd words, and deeds; the commands are binding, the threats are dreadful, and the promises of it speak life to his soul. The godly, that seemed to him but like other men, are now the most excellent and happy on earth. And the wicked that were his play- fellows are now his o-rief; and he that could laugh at their sins is more ready now to weep for their sin and miser}^, and to say with those of old, (Psalm 16 : 3 ; 15 : 4; Phil. 3 : IS,) *' But to the saints that are in the earth, and to the excellent, in whom is all my dehght." " In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoreth them that fear the Lord : he that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not." " For many walk of whom I have told you often, and now tell you, even weep- ing, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ." Doct. 1.) THE UNCONVERTED. 59 In short, he hath a new end in his thoughts, and a new way in his endeavors, and there- fore his heart and liih are new. Before, his carnal self was his end, and his pleasure and worldly profit and credit were his way ; and now God and everlasting glory are his end, and Christ, and the Spirit, and word, and ordinances ; holiness to God, and righ- teousness and mercy to men, these are his way. Before, self was the chief ruler, to which the matters of God and conscience must stoop and give place; and now God, in Christ, by the Spirit, word and ministry, is the chief ruler, to whom both self and all the matters of self must give place. So that this is not a change in one, or two, or twen- ty points, but in the whole soul, and in the very end and bent of the conversation. A man may step out of one path into another, and yet have his face the same wa}'-, and be still going towards the same place ; but it is another matter to turn quite back, and take his journey quite the contrary way, to a contrary place. So it is here : a man may turn from drunkenness, and forsake other gross disgraceful sins, and set upon some du- ties of religion, and yet be still going to the 60 A CALL TO Doct. 1 same end as before, loving his carnal self above all, and giving it still the government of his soul ; but when he is converted, this self is denied and taken down, and God is set up, and his face is turned the contrary way; and he that before was addicted to himself, and lived to himself, is now, by sanctification, devoted to God, and livelh unto God. Before, he asked himself what he should do with his time, his talents, and his estate, and for himself he used them; but now he asketh God what he shall do with them, and useth them for him. Before, he would please God so far as might accord with the pleasure of his flesh and carnal self, but not to any great displeasure of them; but now he will please God, let flesh and self be never so much displeased. This is the great change that God will make upon all that shall be saved. You can say that the Holy Ghost is our sanctifier; but do 3'ou know what sanctifi- cation is ? Why, tliis is what I have now opened to you ; and every man and woman in the world must have this, or be condemn- ed to everlasting misery. The}' must turn or die. Doct. 1.) THE UNCOiWF.IlTED. CI Do you believe all lljis, sirs, or do you not? Surely you dare not say you do not; lor it is past all doubt or denial. These are not controversies, wliere one learned pious man is of one mind and another of another ; Avhere one party saith this, and the other saith that. Every sect among us that de- serve to be called christians are all agreed in this that I have said ; and if you will not believe the God of truth, and that in a case Avhere every sect and party do believe him, 3'ou are utterly inexcusable. But if you do believe this, how comes it to pass that you live so quietly in an uncon- verted state ? Do you think that you are converted ? and can you find this wonderful change upon your souls ? Have you been thus born again, and made new? Are not these strange matters to many of you, and such as you never felt within yoursehcs? you cannot tell the day or week of your change, or the very sermon that converted you, yet do you find that the work is done, that such a change indeed there is, and that you have such hearts as are before describ- ed ? Alas ! the most follow their worldly business, and little trouble their minds with B. GaU. ^ 02 A CALL TO (Doct. 1. such thoughts. And if they be but restrained from scandalous sins, and can say, "I am no whore-monger, nor thief, nor curser, nor swearer, nor tippler, nor extortioner; I go to church, and say m3^ prayers;" they think that this is true conversion, and that they shall be saved as well as an3^ Alas ! this is foolish cheating of yourselves. This is too much contempt of an endless glory, and too gross neglect of j^our immortal souls. Can you make so light of heaven and hell ? Your bod3^ will shordy lie in the dust, and angels or devils will presently seize upon your souls ; and every man or woman of 3'ou all will shortly be among other com- pany, and in another case than now you are. You Vvdll dwell in these houses but a little longer; 3'ou will work in ^^our shops and fields but a little longer; 3'ou will sit in these seats and dwell on this earth but a lit- tle longer ; you will see with these e3^es, and hear with these ears, and speak with these tongues but a little longer, till the resurrec- tion-day ; and can you make shift to forget this ? O what a place will }^ou shortly be in of joy or torment ! O what a sight will you shortly see in heaven or hell ! O what Doct. I.) THE UNCONVERTED. C3 thoughts will shortly fill your hearts with un- speakable dehght or liorror ! What work will you be employetl in ! to praise the Lord with saints and angels, or to cry out in fire un- quenchable with devils ; and should all this be foi'gotten ? And all this will be endless, and sealed up by an unchangeable decree. Eternity,, eternity will be the measure ot" your joys or sorrows : and can this be forgot- ten "? And all this is true, sirs, most certain- ly true. When you have gone up and down a little longer, and slept and awaked a few times more, you will be dead and gone, and find all true that now I tell you : and yet can you now so much forget it? You shall then remember that you had this call, and that,, this day, in this place, you were reminded of these things, and you will perceive them to bo matters a thousand times more important than either you or I could here conceive ; and vet shall they be now so much ibrgottcn ? Beloved friends, if the Lord had not awakened me to believe and lay to heart these things myself, I should have remained in a dark and selfish state, and have perished I'or ever ; but if he have truly made me sen- sible of them, it will constrain me tocompas- 64 A CALL TO (Doct. 1. sionate you as well as myself. If your eyes were so far opened as to see hell, and you saw your neighbors that were unconverted drag- ged thither with hideous cries : though they were such as you accounted honest people on earth, and as feared no such danger them- selves ; such a sight would make you go home and think of it, and think again, and make you warn all about you, as that lost worldhng, Luke, 16 : 28, would have had his brethren warned, lest they come to that place of torment. Faith is a kind of sio;ht ; it is the eve of the soul, the evidence of things not seen. If I believe God, it is next to seeing; and therefore, I beseech you, excuse me if I be half as earnest with you about these mat- ters as if I had seen them. If I must die to-morrow, and it were in my power to come again from another world and tell you what I had seen, would you not be willing to hear me ? and would you not be- lieve and regard what I should tell you ? If I might preach one sermon to you after I am dead, and have seen what is done in the world to come, would you not have me plainly speak the truth, and would you not Doct. 1.) THE UNCONVERTED. 65 crowd to hear me, and would you not lay it lo heart? But this must not he; God hath his appointed \Vc\y of teaching you by Scrip- ture and ministers, and he will not humor unbelievers so far as to send men irom the dead to them and alter his established way : if any man quarrel with the sun, God will not liumor him so far as to set up a clearer light. Friends, I beseech you, regard me now as you would do if 1 should come from the dend to you ; for I can give you as full assurance of the truth of what 1 say to you as if I had ])een there and seen it with my eyes : it is possible for one from the dead to deceive you; l)ut Jesus Christ can never deceive you ; the Word of God delivered in Scrip- ture, and sealed by miracles and holy work- ings of the Spirit, can never deceive you. Believe this, or believe nothing. Believe and obey this, or you are undone. Now, as ever vou believe the word of God, and as ever you care for the salvation of your souls, let me beg of you this reasonable re- quest, and I beseech you deny me not: That you would now remember what has been said, and enter into an earnest search of your hearts, and say to yourselves — Is it so in- 66 A CALL TO (Doct.1. deed ; must I turn or die ? Must I be con- verted or condemned ? It is time for me then to look about me before it be too late. O why did I not look after this before now? Why did I venturously put off or slumber over so great a business ? Was I awake, or in my senses ? O blessed God, what a mer- cy is it that thou didst not cut off my life all this while, before I had any certain hope of eternal life ! God forbid that I should neglect this work any longer. What state is my soul in ? Am I converted, or am I not ? Was ever such a change or work done upon my soul ? Have I been illuminated by the word and Spirit of the Lord to see the odiousness of sin, the need of a Savior, the love of Christ, and the excellences of God and glory ? Is my heart broken or humbled within me for my former life ? Have I thankfully entertained my Sa- vior and Lord that offered himself with par- don and life for my soul? Do I hate my former sinful life and the remnant of every sin that is in me ? Do I fly from them as my deadly enemies ? Do I give up myself to a life of holiness and obedience to God ? Do I love it and delight in it? Can I truly say Doct. 1,) THE UNCONVERTED. 67 that I am dead to the world and carnal self, and that I live for God and the glory which he hath promised ? Hath heaven more of my esteem and affection than earth ? And is God the dearest and highest in my soul ? Once, I am sure, I lived principally to the world and flesh, and God had nothing but seme heartless services, which the world could spare, and which were the leavings of the flesh. Is my heart now turned another way? Have I a new design and a new end, and a new train of holy aflections ? Have I set my hope and heart in heaven ? And is it the scope, and design, and bent of my heart to get well to heaven, and see the glorious face of God, and live in his everlasting love and praise ? And when I sin, is it against the habitual bent and design of my heart? And do I conquer all gross sins, and am I weary and willing to be rid of my inflrmi- ties ? This is the state of converted souls. And thus it must be with me, or I must per- ish. Is it thus with me indeed, or is it not? It is time to get this doubt resolved, before the dreadful Judge resolve it. I am not such a stranger to my own heart and life, but I may somewhat perceive whether I am thus 68 A GALL TO (Doctl, converted or not ; if I be not, it \YiIl do nie no ^GTOod to Hatter my soul with false conceits' and hopes. I ain resolved no more to de- ceive myself, but endeavor to know truly whether I be converted or not : that if I be, I may rejoice in it, and glorify my gracious Lord, and comfortably go on till I reach the crov/n : and if I am not, that I may set my- self to beg and seek after the grace that should convert me, and may turn without an}' more delay. For, if I find in time that I am out of the way, by the help of Christ I may turn and be recovered ; but if I stay till either my heart be forsaken of God in blindness and hardness, or till I be snatched away by death, it is then too late. There is no place for repentance and conversion then : I know it must be now or never. Sirs, this is my request to you, that you will but take vour hearts to task, and thus examine them till you see, if it may be, whether you are converted or not ? And if you cannot find it out by your own endea- vors, go to your ministers, if they be faithful and experienced men, and desire their as- sistance. The matter is great ; let not bash- fulness nor carelessness hinder you. They Doct. L) THE UNCONVERTED. 69 are set over you to advise 3'OU for the sav- ing of your souls, as physicians advise you for the curing of your bodies. It undoes many tliousands that they think they are in the way to salvation when they are not ; and think that thev are converted when it is no such thing. And then when we call to them daily to turn, they go away as they came, and think that this concerns not them ; for they are turned already, and hope they shall oct3.) THE UNCONVERTED. 89 of thy sins ? Now give account of thy world- liness and fleshly life, of thy time, of all the mercies thou hast had." O how thy stub- born heart would have melted, and thy proud looks be taken down, and thv countenance be appalled, and thy stout words turned into speechless silence, or dreadful cries, if God had but set thee thus at his bar, and pleaded his own cause with thee, which thou hast here so maliciously pleaded against ! How easily can he at any time say to thy guilty soul. Come away, and live in that flesh no more till the resurrection, and it cannot re- sist ! A word of his mouth would take ofl* the poise of thy present life, and then all thy parts and powers would stand still ; and if he say unto thee. Live no longer, or, live in hell, thou couldst not disobey. But God hath yet ddne none of this, but liath patiently forborne thee, and mercifully upheld thee, and given thee that breath which thou didst breathe out against him, and given those mercies which thou didst sacrifice to thy flesh, and afforded thee that provision which thou didst use to satisfy thy greedy throat : he gave thee every minute of that time which thou didst waste in idle- 8* 90 A CALL TO (DoctS. ness, or drunkenness, or worldlinefss ; and doth not all his patience and. mercy show that he desired not thv damnation? Can the candle burn without the oil? Can your houses stand without the eaith to bear them? No more can vou live an hour without the support of God. And why did he so long support th}' life, but to see when thou wouldst bethink thee of the folly of thy Vv'ays, and return and live ? Vv'ill any man purposely put arms into his enemy's hands to resist him, or hold a candle to a murderer that is killing his children, or to an idle servant that plays or sleeps the while ? Surely it is to see whether thou wilt at last return and live, that God hath so long waited on thee. 5. It is further proved by the sufferings of his Son, that God taketh no pleasure in the death of the wicked. Would he have ran- somed them from death at so dear a rate ? Would he have astonished angels and men by his condescension? Would God have dwelt in flesh, and have come in the form of a servant, and have assumed humanity into one person with the Godhead ; and would Christ have lived a life of suffering, and died a cursed death for sinners, if he rfocf. 3.) THE UXCO.WnRTED. 91 had rather taken pleasure in their death? Suppose 3"0U saw him but so busy in preach- ing and healing of tliem, as you find him in Mark, 3 : 21 ; or so long in fasting, as in ]Matt. 4; or all night in prayer, as in Luke, G : 12; or praying with drops of blood trickling from him instead of sweat, as Luke, 22:44; or suffering a cursed death upon the cross, and pouring out his soul as a sacrifice for our sins — would you have thought these the siofns of one that delighted in the death of the wicked ? And think not to extenuate it by saying that it was only for his elect : for it was thy sin, and the sin of all the world, that la}^ up- on our Redeemer ; and his sacrifice and satisfaction is sufficient for all, and the fruits of it are offered to one as well as another. But it is true, that it was never the intent of his mind to pardon and save any that would not, b}^ faith and repentance, be converted. If you had seen and heard him weeping and bemoaning the state of disobedience in im- penitent people, Luke, 19:41, 42, "And when he was come near, he beheld the citv, and wept over it, saying, if thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things 92 A CALL TO (Docfd which belong unto thy peace ! but now they are hid from thine eyes" — or complaining of their stubbornness, as Matt. 23:37, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would 1 have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her win2:s, and ve would not!" or if vou had seen and heard him on the cross, praying for his persecutors, " Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do," would you have suspected that he had delighted in the death of the wicked, even of those that per- ish by their wilful unbelief? When God hath so loved the world, (not only loved, but so loved,) as to give his only begotten Son, that whosoever belie veth in him, by an effectual faith, should not perish, but have everlasting life, I think he hath hereby proved, against the malice of men and devils, that he takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but had rather that they would *' turn and live." 6. If all this will not yet satisfy you, take His own word that he knoweth best his own mind, or at least believe his oath : but this leads me to the fourth doctrine. u DdcI 4.) THE UXCONVERTED. 9.' DOCTRINE IV. The Lord hath confirmed it to us hy his Oath, that he hath no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that he turn and live ; that he may leave man no pretence to question the truth of it. If you dare question his word, I hope you dare not question his oath. As Christ hath solemnly protested that the unregenerate and unconverted cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven; Matt. IS : S; John, 8:3; so God hath sworn that his pleasure is not in their death, but in their conversion and life. And as the apostle saith, Heb. G : IG-IS, be- cause he can swear by no greater, he sware by himself. " For men verily swear by the greater : and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of strife. Wherein God, willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath ; that by two immu- table things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lav hold on the hope set before us ; which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast." If there be any man that cannot reconcile 94 A CALL TO (Doct4. this truth with the doctrine of predestina- tion, or the actual damnation of the wicker], that is his own ignorance ; he hath no pre- tence left to question or deny therefore the truth of the point in hand ; for this is con- firmed by the oath of God, and therefore must not be distorted, to reduce it to other points : but doubtful points must rather be reduced to it, and certain truths must be believed to agreee with it, though our shal- low minds hardly discern the agreement. I do now entreat thee, if thou be an uncon- verted sinner that hearest these words, that thou w^ouldst ponder a little upon the fore- mentioned doctrines, and bethink thyself awhile who it is that takes pleasure in thy sin and damnation. Certainly it is not God ; he hath sworn for his part that he takes no pleasure in it. And I know it is not the pleasing of him that you intend. You dare not say that you drink, and swear, and ne- glect holy duties, and quench the motions of the Spirit to please God. That were as if 3'ou should reproach the prince, and break his laws, and seek his death, and say you did all this to please him. Doct. 4.) THE UNCONVERTED. 95 Who is It then that takes pleasure in your sin and death ? Not any that bear the image of God, for they must be like-minded to him. God knows, it is small pleasure to to your faithful teachers to see you servo 3'our deadly enemy, and madly venture your eternal state and wilfully run into the flames of hell. It is small pleasure to them to see upon your souls (in the sad effects) such blindness, and hard-heartedness, and carelessness, and presumption ; such wilful- ness in evil, and such unteachableness and obstinacy against the wa3's of life and peace. They know these are marks of death, and of the wrath of God, and they know, from the word of God, what is like to be the end of them, and therefore it is no more pleasure to them than to a tender physician to see tlie plague-marks broke out upon his patient. Alas, to foresee your everlasting torments, and know not how to prevent them! To see how near you are to hell, and we cannot make you believe it and consider it. To see how easily, how certainly you might escape, if we knew but how to make you willino:. How fair you are for everlasting salvation, if you would but turn and do your best, and 96 A CALL TO (Doct.4. make it the care and business of your lives ! But 3^ou will not do it : if our lives lay on it, we cannot persuade vou to it. We studv day and night what to say to you that may convince and persuade you, and yet it is undone : we lav before vou the word of God, and show you the very chapter and verse where it is written, that you cannot be saved except you be converted ; and yet we leave the most of you as we find you. We hope 3*ou will believe the word of God though you believe not us, and regard it when we show you the plain Scripture for it ; but we hope in vain, and labor in vain, as to any saving change upon your hearts ! And do you think that this is a pleasant thing to us? Many a time, in secret prayer, we complain to God with sad hearts, "Alas, Lord, we have spoken to them in thv name, but thev little rec^ard us ; we have told them what thou bidst us tell them concerning: the dano^er oi an unconverted state, but they do not beheve us : we have told them that thou hast protested that there is no peace to the wicked, Isa. 57 : 21 ; but the worst of them all will scarcely believe that thev are wicked. We have showed Doct.4.) THE UNCOXVERTED. 97 them thy word, where thou hast said, that if they Hve after the flesh they shall die, Rom. S : 13 ; but they say, they v/ill beheve in thee, when they will not believe thee ; and that they will trust in thee, when they give no credit to thy word ; and when they hope that the threaten! ngs of thy word are false, they will yet call this a hoping in God ; and thou2:h we show them where thou hast said, that when a wicked man dieth, all his hopes perish, 3^et we cannot persuade them from their deceitful hopes. Prov. 11:7. We tell them what a base unprofitable thing sin is ; but they love it, and therefore will not leave it. We tell them how dear they buy this pleasure, and what they must pay for it in everlasting torment; and they bless them- selves, and will not believe it, but will do as the most do ; and because God is merciful they will not believe him, but will venture their souls, come what will. We tell them how ready the Lord is to receive them, and this doth but make them delay their repent- ance and be bolder in their sin. Some of them say they purpose to repent, but they arc still the same ; and some sav thev do repent already, while yet they are not con- B. Call S3 A CALL TO (Ooct. 4. verted from their sins. We exhort them, we entreat them, \\c offer them our help, but we cannot prevail with them ; but they that were drunkards, are drunkards still; and the}' that were voluptuous flesh-pleasing wretches, are such still ; and they that were worldlino's, are worldlino:s still ; and thev that were ignorant and proud and self-con- ceited, are so still. Few of them will see and confess their sin, and fewer will forsake it, but comfort themselves that all men are sinners, as if there were no difference be- tween a converted sinner and an unconvert- ed. Some of them will not come near us when we are willing to instruct them, but think they know enough already, and need not our instruction ; and some of them will give us the hearing, and do what they list ; and most of them are like dead men that •cannot feel ; so that when we tell them of matters of everlasting consequence, we can- not get a word of it to their hearts. If we do not obev them, and humor them in doing all that they would have us, though never so much against the word of God, they will hate us, and rail at us ; but if we beseech them to confess, and forsake their sins, and Dbct. 4.) THE UNCONVEirrrD. tl9» save their souls, they will not do it. They would heave us disobey God and damn our own souls to please them ; and yet they will not turn and save t/heir own souls to please God. They are wiser in their own e3'es thnn all their teachers ; the}^ rage and are confi- dent in their own way, and if we are ever so anxious we cannot change them. Lord, this is the case of our miserable neighbors, and we cannot help it ; we see them ready to drop into hell, and we cannot help it ; we know if they would unfeignedly turn, they might be saved, but vre cannot persuade- them ; if we would beg it of them on our knees, we cannot persuade them to it ; if we would beg it of them with tears, we cannot persuade them ; and what more can we do?" These are the secret complaints and moans that many a poor minister is compelled to make. And do you think that he hath anv pleasure in this ? Is it a pleasure to him to see you go on in sin, and cannot stop you V to see you so miserable, and cannot so much as make you sensible of it? to see you mer- ry when you are not sure to be an hour out of hell ? to think what you must for ever sufler, because you will not turn ? and ta 100 A CALL TO (Doct. 4. think what an everlasting life of glory you wilfully despise and cast away? What sadder thing can \'ou bring to their hearts, and how can you devise to grieve them more ? Who is it then that you please by your sin and death ? It is none of your godly friends. Alas, it is the grief of their souls to see your misery, and they lament you many a time when you give them little thanks for it, and when 3'ou have not hearts to lament your- selves. Who is it then that takes pleasure in your sin ? 1. The devil indeed takes pleasure in your sin and death ; for this is the very end of all his temptations ; for this he watches night and day ; you cannot devise to please him better than to go on in sin. How glad is he when he sees thee going into the alehouse, or other sin, and wdien he heareth thee curse, or swear, or rail? How glad is he when he heareth thee revile the minister that would draw thee from thy sin and help to save thee? these are his delight. 2. The wicked are also delighted in it ; for it is aofreable to their nature. 3. But I know, for all this, that it is not I>ocL 4.) THE U.NCONVERTKD. 101 the pleasing of the devil that you intend, even when you please liim ; but it is your own flesh, the greatest and most dangerous enemy, that you intend to please. It is the flesh that would be pampered, that would be pleased in meat, and drink, and clothing ; that would be pleased with company, and pleased in applause and credit with the world, and pleased in sports, and lusts, and idleness ; this is the guli" that devoureth all. This is the very god that you serve, for the Scripture saith of such, that their bellies are their god. Phil. 3: 19. But I beseech you, stay a little and consider the business. Qiicstlon 1. Should your flesh be pleased before your Maker? Will you displease the Lord, and displease 3^our teacher, and your godly friends, to please your brutish appe- tites or sensual desires? Is not God worthy to be the ruler of your flesh ? If he shall not rule it, he will not save it ; you cannot in reason expect that he should. Question 2. Your flesh is pleased with your sin, but is your conscience pleased ? Doth not it grudge within you, and tell you sometimes that all is not well, and that your case is not so safe as you make it to be ; 9^ 102 A CALL TO (Doct. 4. und should not 3'our souls and consciences be pleased before your corruptible flesh ? Questio7i 3. But is not your flesh preparing for its own displeasure also ? It loves the bait, but doth it love the hook ? It loves the strong drink and sweet morsels ; it loves its ease, and sports and merriment ; it loves to be rich and well spoken of by men, and to be somebody in the world ; but doth it love the curse of God ? Doth it love to stand trembling before his bar, and to be judged to everlasting fire ? Doth it love to be tor- mented with the devils for ever? Take all together ; for there is no separating sin and hell but only by faith and true conversion ; if you W'ill keep one, you must have the other. If death and hell be pleasant to thee, no wonder then if 3'OU go on in sin ; but if they be not, (as I am sure they are not,) then what if sin were ever so pleasant, is it worth the loss of life eternal ? Is a little drink, or meat, or ease ; is the good word of sin- ners, is the riches of this world to be valued above the joys of heaven ? Or are they worth the sufferings of eternal fire ? Sirs, these questions should be considered before vou go any further, by every man that hath Doct.4.) THE UNCONVERTED. 103 reason to consider, and that believes he hath a soul to sa^'e or lose. Well, the Lord here sweareth that he hath no pleasure in your death, but rather that you would turn and live ; if yet you will go on and die rather than turn, remember it was not to please Ggd that you did it : it was to please the world, and to please yourselves. And if men will damn themselves to please themselves, and run into endless torments for delight, and have not the sense, the heart, the grace, to hearken to God or man that would reclaim them, what remedy is there, but they must take what they get by it, and repent of it in another manner, when it is too late ? Before I proceed any further in the application I shall consider the next doc- trine, which gives me a fuller ground for it. 104 A CALL Ta (DoctS. DOCTRINE V. So earnest is God for the conversion of sinners tliat he douhlcth his commands and exhortations^ with veJie- mcncij — Turn yc, turn ye, why will ye die ? This doctrine is the application of the for- mer, by way of exhortation, and as §uch 1 shall handle it. Is there an unconverted sin- ner that heareth these vehement words of God? Ic there a man or woman, in this as- sembly that is yet a stranger to the renew- ing sanctifying worii of the Holy Ghost? It is a happy assembly if it be not so with the most. Hearken then to the voice of 3^our Maker, and turn to him by Christ without delav. Would vou know the will of God? Why this is his will, that you presently turn. Shall the living God send so earnest a mes- sao:e to his creatures, and should thev not obey? Hearken then, all you that live after the flesh : the Lord that gave thee thy breath and being hath sent a message to thee from heaven ; and this is his message. Turn ye. turn ye, why will ye die? He that hath ears 10 hear^ let him hear. Shall the voice of the Doct-5.) THE UNCONVERTED- 105 (Eternal Majesty be neglected? If he do hut terrihh" thunder, thou art afraid. O but this voice doth more nearly concern thee. If ho did but toll thee thou shalt die to-morrow, thou wouldst not make light of it. O but this word concerneth thy life or death ever- lasting. It is both a command and an ex- l)ortation. As if he had said to thee, " I charge thee, upon the allegiance that thou owest to me, thy Creator and Redeemer, that thou renounce the flesh, the world, and the devil, and turn to me, that thou mayest live. I condescend to entreat thee, as thou either lovest or fearest him that made thee ; as thou lovest thine own life, even thine everlasting life, turn and live : as ever thou wouldst escape eternal miser}', turn, turn, for why wilt thou die?" And is there a heart in man, in a reasonable creature, that can once refuse such a message, such a com- mand, such an exhortation as this? O what a thing, then, is the heart of man ! Hearken, then, all ye that love yourselves, and all that regard your own salvation ; here is the most joyful message that was ever sent to the ears of man, " Turn yc, turn f'.c, why will ye die ?" You are not yet shut 106 A CALL TO (I>ocL 3. up under desperation. Here is m?rcy offered you ; turn, and you shall have it. O sirs ! with what glad and joyful hear: s should you receive these tidings! I know this is not tlic first time that you have heard it ; but how have 3'ou regarded it, or how do you regard it now ? Hear, all yon ignorant, careless sinners, the word of the Lord. Hear, all you worldlings, you sensual flesh-pleasers ; you gluttons, and drunkards, and whoremongers, and swearers ; you railers and backbiters,, slanderers and liars — Turn ye, turii ye, ichy will ye die^ Hear, all you cold and outside professors, and all that are strangers to the life of Christ, and never knew the power of his cross and resurrection, and never felt your hearts warmed with his love, and live not on him as the strength of your souls — " Turn ye, turn ye, why will ye die ?" Hear, all that are void of the love of God, whose hearts are not toward him, nor taken up with the hopes of glory, but who set more bv your earthly prosperity and delights than by the joys of heaven ; all you that are re- ligious but a little by-the-by, and give God no more than your flesh can spare ; that have Coct. 5.) THE ^'NCONTERTED. J 07 not denied your carnal selves, and forsaken all that you have for Christ, in the estima- tion and grounded resolution of 3'our souls, but have some one thing in the world so dear to you that you cannot spare it for Christ, if he required it, but will rather ven- ture on his displeasure than forsake it — *' Turn ye, turn ye, why will ye die?" If you never heard it, or observed it be- fore, remember that you were told from the word of God this day, that if you will but turn, you may live; and if you will not turn, you shall surely die. \Vhat now will you do, sirs ? What is your resolution? Will you turn, or will 3"ou not? Halt not any longer between two opinions. If the Lord be God, follow him ; if your flesh be God, then serve it still. If heaven be better than earth and fleshly pleasures, come away, then, and seek a better country, and lay up your treasure where rust and moths do not corrupt, and thieves cannot break through and steal ; and be awakened c'it last, with all your might to seek the kinir- dom that cannot be moved, Heb. 12 : 28, and to employ your lives on a higher design, and turn the stream of your cares and labors 108 A CALL TO (Doct. 5. another way than formerly you have done. But if earth be better than heaven, or will do more for you, or last you longer, then keep it and make3^6ur best of it, and follow it still. Sirs, are you resolved what to do ? If you be not, I will set a few more moving considerations before you, to see if reason will make vou resolve. I. Consider what preparations mercy hath made for 3^our salvation ; and what pity it is that any man should be damned after all this. The time was, when the flaming sword was in the way, and the curse of God's law would have kept thee back if thou hadst been never so will ins: to turn to God. The time was when thyself, and all the friends that thou hadst in the world, could never have produced thee the pardon of thy sins past, though thou hadst never so much lament- ed and reformed them. But Christ hath re- moved this impediment, by the ransom of his blood. The time was, that God was wholly unreconciled, as being not satisfied for the violation of his law ; but now he is so far satisfied and reconciled, as that he hath made thee a free act of oblivion, and a free deed of the 2:ift of Christ and life, and Doct. 5.) THE UNCONVERTED. 109 offereth it to thee, and entreatetn thee to ac- cept it ; and it may be thine if thou wilt. For " he was in Christ reconciUng the world to himself, and hath committed to us tlie word of reconciliation." 2 Cor. 5 : IS, 19. Sinners, we too are commanded to deliver this message to you all, as from the Lord ; *' Come, for all things are ready." Luke, 14 : 17. Are all things ready, and are you unready? God is ready to entertain you, and pardon all that you have done against him, if you will but come. As long as you have sinned, as wilfully as you have sinned, as heinously as you have sinned, he is ready 10 cast all behind his back, if you will but come. Though you have been prodigals, and run away from God, and have staid away so long, he is ready even to meet you, and embrace you in his arms, and rejoice in your conversion, if you will but turn. Even the worldlings and drunkards will find God ready to bid them welcome, if they will but come. Doth not this turn thy heart within theeV O sinner! if thou hadst a heart of fiesh, and not of stone in thee, methinks this should melt it. Shall the dreadful infinite Majesty of heaven even wait for tliy return- 13. Call. 10 110 A CALL TO (Doct.5. ing, and be ready to receive thee, who hast abused him, and forgotten him so long? Shall he delight in thy conversion, that might at any time glorify his justice in thy damnation? and yet doth it not melt thy heart within thee, and art thou not yet ready to come in? Hast thou not as much reason to be ready to come as God hath to invite thee and bid thee welcome ? But that is not all : Christ hath died on the cross, and made such a way for thee to the Father, that, on his account, thou mayest be welcome, if thou wilt come. And yet art thou not ready ? A pardon is already expressly granted, and offered thee in the Gospel. And yet art thou not ready ? The ministers of the Gospel are ready to assist thee, to instruct thee, pray for thee. And yet art thou not ready ? All that fear God about thee are ready to rejoice in thy conversion, and to receive thee into the communion of saints, and to give thee the right hand of fellowship, yea, though thou hadst been one that had been cast out of their society : they dare not but forgive where God forgiveth, v.- hen it is manifest to Doct. 5.) THE UNCONVERTED. Ill them by thy confession and amendment ; they dare not so much as reproach thee with thy former sins, because they know that God will not upbraid thee with them. If thou hadst been never so scandalous, if thou wouldst but heartily be converted and come in, they would not refuse thee, let the world say what they would against it. And are all these ready to receive thee, and yet art thou not ready to come in ? Yea, heaven itself is ready: the Lord will receive thee into the glory of his saints. Vile as thou hast been, if thou wilt be but cleansed thou mayest have a place before his throne ; his angels will be ready to guard thy soul to the place of joy if thou do but unfeignedly come in. And is God ready, the sacrifice of Christ ready, the promise ready, and pardon ready? Are ministers ready, and the people of God ready, and heaven itself ready? and angels ready? and all these but waiting for thy conversion ; and yet art thou not ready? What! not ready to live, when thou hast been dead so long ? not ready to come to thy right understand- ing, as the prodigal is said to " come to himself," Luke, 15 : 17, when thou hast been 112 ▲ CALL TO (Doct. 5 beside thyself so long? Not read}' to be sav- ed, when thou art even ready to be con- demned ? Art thou not ready to lay hold on Christ, that would deliver thee, when thou art even ready to sink into damnation ? Art thou not ready to be saved from hell, when thou art even ready to be cast remediless into it ■/ Alas, man ! dost thou know what thou doest ? If thou die unconverted there is no doubt to be made of thy damnation ; and thou art not sure to live an hour. And yet art thou not ready to turn and to come in ? O miserable wretch ! Hast thou not served the flesh and the devil long enough ? Yet hast thou not enough of sin ? Is it so good to thee, or so profitable for thee? Dost thou know what it is, that thou wouldst yet have moTC of it? Hast thou had so many calls, and so many mercies, and so many warn- ings, and so many examples? Hast thou seen so many laid in the grave, and yet art thou not ready to let go thy sins and come to Christ ? What, after so many convictions and pangs of conscience, after so many pur- poses and promises, art thou not yet ready to turn and live ? O that thy eyes, thy heart were opened to know how fair an offer is Doct. 5) THE UNCONVERTED. 113 now made to thee ! and what a joyful mes- sage it is that we are sent on, to bid thee come, for all things are ready ! II. Consider also, what calls thou hast to turn and live. How many, how loud, how earnest, how dreadful : and yet what en- couraging, joyful calls ! For the principal inviter is God himself. He that command- eth heaven and earth, commands thee to turn, and that presently, without delay. He commands the sun to run its course, and to rise upon thee every morning ; and though it be so glorious an orb, and many times bigger than all the earth, yet it obeyeth him, and faileth not one minute of its appointed time. He commandeth all the planets and the orbs of heaven, and the}^ obey. He com- mandeth the sea to ebb and flow, and the whole creation to keep its course, and all obey him; the angels of heaven obey his will, when he sends them to minister to such worms as we on earth, Heb. 1 : 14; and 3^et if he command but a sinner to turn, he will not obey him. He onl}^ thinks him- self wiser than God, and he cavils and pleads the cause of sin, and will not obey. If the Lord Almighty say the word, the heavens 10* 114 A CALL TO (DocT, 5 and all therein obey him : but if he call a drunkard oat of an alehouse, he will not obey : or if he call a worldly fleshly sinner to deny himself, and mortify the flesh, and set his heart upon a better inheritance, he will not obey. If thou hadst any love in thee, thou wouldst know the voice, and say, O this is my Father's call ! how can I find in my heart to disobey ? For the sheep of Christ " know and hear his voice, and they follow him, and he giveth them eternal life." John, 10 : 4. If thou hadst any spiritual life and sense in thee, at least thou wouldst say, " This call is the dreadful voice of God, and who dare dis- obey ? For saith the prophet, * The lion hath roared, who will not fear?'" Amos, 3 ; 8. God is not a man, that thou should st dally and trifle with him. Remember what he said to Paul at his conversion, " It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.'''' Acts, 9 : 5. Wilt thou yet go on and despise his word, and resist his Spirit, and stop thine ears asainst his call ? who is it that will have the worst of this ? Dost thou know whom thou disobeyest, and contendest with, and what thou art doing? It were a far wiser and Doct. 5.) THE LWCOXVLRTKD, 115 easier task for thee to contend with the thorns, and spurn them with thy bare feet, and beat them with thy bare hands, or put thine head into the burning fire. " Be not deceived, God will not be mocked." Gal. 6 : 7. Whoever else be mocked, God will not be : 3'ou had better play with the fire in 3'our thatch, than with the fire of his burn- ing wrath. " For our God is a consuming fire." Heb. 12 : 29. O how unmeet a match f^t thou for God ! " It is a fearful thing to fall into his hands." Heb. 10 : 31. And therefore it is a fearful thing to contend witli him or resist him. As you love your own souls, take heed what you do : what will 3'ou say if he begin in wrath to plead with you ? what will you do if he take you once in hand? Will you then strive against his judgment, as now ye do against his grace ? " Fury is not in ?7ie," saith the Lord, that is, I delight not to destroy you : I do it, as it were unwillingly; but yet "it'Ao icoidd set the hriars and thorns a company, that they are pos- sessed with hard thoughts of a godly life, by hearing them speak against it ; or at least they think they may venture to do as they see most do, and so they hold on in their sinful ways ; and when one is cut off and 14* 1G2 A CALL TO (D0CL6. cast into heil, and another snatched away from among them to the same condemna- tion, it doth not much daunt them, because they see not whither they are gone. Poor wretches, they hold on in their ungodhness for all this ; for they little know that their companions are now lamenting it in tor- ments. In Luke, 16, the rich man in hell would fain have had one to warn his five brethren, lest they should come to that place of torment. It is lik-ely he knew their minds and lives, and knew that they were hasting thither, and little dreamed that he was there, yea, and would little have believed one that should have told them so. I remember an occurrence that a gentle- man, yet living, told me he saw upon a bridge over the Severn.* A man was dri- ving a flock of fat lambs, and something meeting them and hindering their passage, one of the lambs leapt upon the wall of the bridge, and his legs slipping he fell into the stream ; and the rest seeing him, did, one after another, leap over the bridge into the stream, till all or almost all were drowned. Those * Mr. R. Rowly, of Shrewsbun', upon Acham-Bridge. Doct. 6.) THE UNCONVERTED. 163 that were behind little knew what was become of them that were gone before : but thought they might venture to follow their companions ; but as soon as ever they were over the wall, and falling headlong, the case was altered. Even so it is with unconverted carnal men. One dieth by them and drops mto hell, and another follows the same way ; and yet they will go after them, because they think not whither they are going. O, but when death hath once opened their eyes, and they see what is on the other side of the wall, even in another world, then what would they give to be where they were ! 6. Moreover, they have a subtle malicious enemy that is unseen of them, and plays his game in the dark ; and it is his principal business to hinder their conversion ; and therefore to keep them where they are, by persuading them not to believe the Scrip- lures, or not to trouble their minds with these matters ; or by persuading them to think ill of a godly life, or to think that more is enjoined than need be, and that they may be saved without conversion, and without all this stir ; and that God is so merciful that he will not damn any such as they ; or 164 A CALL TO (Doct.6. at least, that they may stay a little longer, and take their pleasure, and follow the world a little longer yet, and then let it go, and repent hereafter. And by such jug- gling, deluding cheats as these, the devil keeps the most in his captivit}^, and leadeth them to his misery. These, and such like impediments as these, do keep so many thousands uncon- verted, when God hath done so much, and Christ hath suffered so much, and ministers have said so much for their conversion. When their reasons are silenced and they are not able to answer the Lord that calls after them, "Turn ye, turn ye, why will ye die?" yet all comes to nothing with the greatest part of them ; and they leave us no more to do after all, but to sit down and la- ment their wilful misery-. I have now showed you the reasonable- ness of God's commands, and the unreason- ableness of wicked men's disobedience. If nothing will serve to persuade them, but men will yet refuse to turn, we are next to consider who is in fault if they be damned. And this brings me to the last doctrine ; which is. Doct.7.) THE UNCONVERTED. 1G5 DOCTRINE VII. That if after all this men rvili not turn, it is not the fault of God that they are condemned., hut their own, even their own wilfulness. They die because they will, Oiat is, because they will not turn. If you will go to hell, what remedy? God here acquits himself of your blood ; it shall not lie on him if you be lost. A negligent minister may draw it upon him ; and those that encourage you or hinder you not in sin, may draw it upon them ; but be sure of it, it shall not lie upon God. Saith the Lord, con- cerning his unprofitable vineyard: *' Judge, I pray you, betwixt me and my vineyard : what could have been done more to my vineyard that I have not done in it ?" Isa. 5 : 1-4. When he had planted it in a fruit- ful soil, and fenced it, and gathered out the stones, and planted it with the choicest vines, what should he have done more to it? He hath made j^ou men, and endowed you with reason; he hath furnished you with all external necessaries ; all creatures are at your service ; he hath given you a righteous perfect law. When you had broken it and undone yourselves, he had pity on you, and IGG A CALL TO ect the sheep or the wolf to be the author of it, if they both stand by ? Or if you see a house broken open, and the people mur- dered, would you sooner suspect the prince or judge, that is wise and just, and had no need, or a known thief or murderer? I say, therefore, as James, 1 : 13-15, " Let no man say, when he is tempted, that he is tempted of God, for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man, (to draw him to sin,) but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and en- ticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin ; and sin, when it is finish- ed, bringeth forth death." You see here that sin is the ofi'spring of your own concupi- scence, and not to be charged on God ; and that death is the oftsprmg of your own sin, ;md the IVuit which it will yield 3^ou as soon ;is it is ripe. You have a treasure of evil in yourselves, as a spider hath of poison, from whence you are bringing forth hurt to your- selves, and spinning such webs as entanirlo 190 A CALL TO (Doct.7. your own souls. Your nature shows it is you that are the cause. 2. It is evident that you are 3^our own de- stroyers, in that you are so ready to enter- tain any temptation almost that is offered to you. Satan is scarcely more ready to move you to any evil, than you are ready to hear and to do as he would have you. If he would tempt your understanding to error and prejudice, you yield. If he would hin- der you from good resolutions, it is soon done. If he would cool any good desires or aftections, it is soon done. If he would kin- dle any lust, or vile affections and desires in 3^ou, it is soon done. If he will put you on to evil thoughts, words or deeds, you are so free that he needs no rod or spur. If he w^ould keep you from holy thoughts, and words and ways, a little does it, you need no curb. You examine not his suggestions, nor resist them with any resolution, nor cast them out as he casts them in, nor quench the sparks which he endeavoreth to kindle ; but vou set in with him, and meet him half way, and embrace his motions, and tempt him to tempt you. And it is eas}^ for him to catch such greedy fish that are ranging Doct 7.) THE UNCONVERTED. 191 for a bait, and will take the bare hook. 3. Your destruction is evidently of your- selves, in that you resist all that would help to save you, and would do you good, or hinder 3^ou from undoing yourselves. God would help and save you by his word, and you resist it; it is too strict for you. He would sanctify you by his Spirit, and you resist and quench it. If any man reprove you for your sin, you fly in his face with evil words ; and if he would draw you to a holy life, and tell you of your present dan- ger, you give him little thanks, but either bid him look to himself, he will not have to answer for you ; or at best you put him off with heartless thanks, and will not turn when 3^ou are entreated. If ministers would pri- vately instruct and help you, you will not come to them; your unhumbled souls feel but little need of their help ; if they would teach you, you are too old to be taught, though you are not too old to be ignorant and unholy. Whatever they can say to you for your good, you are so self-conceited and wise in your own eyes, even in the depth of ignorance, that you will regard no- tning that agreeth not with your present con- 192 A CALL TO (Doct. 7 ceits, but contradict vour teachers, as if vou were wiser than they ; you resist all that the}' can say to you, by your ignorance, and wilfulness, and foolish cavils, and shifting evasions, and unthankful rejections, so that no good that is offered can find any welcome, or acceptance, or entertainment with you. 4. Moreover, it is apparent that you are self-destroyers, in that vou " draw the mat- ter of your sin and destruction even from the blessed God himself" You hke not the contrivances of his wisdom ; you like not his justice, but take it for crueUy ; you like not his holiness, but are ready to think he is such a one as yourselves, Psalm 50 : 21. and makes as light of sin as you do ; yon like not his truth, but would have his threaten- ings, even his peremptory threatening?^, prove false ; and his goodness, which vou seem most highly to approve, you partly re- sist, as it would lead you to repentance ; and partly abuse, to the strengthening of youi- sin, as if vou mio-ht more freely sin because (Jod is merciful, and because his grace doth so much abound. 5. Yea, you draw down destruction even from the blessed Redeemer, and death from DocU7.) THE UNCONVERTED. 19o the Lord of lif(3 himself! and nothing more emboldcneth you in sin, than that Christ hath died tor you ; as if now the danger of death were over, and you might boldly venture ; as if Christ were become a servant to Satan and your sins, and must wait upon you while you are abusing him ; and because he is become the Ph3^sician of souls, and is able to save to the uttermost all that come to God by him, you think he must suffer you to refuse his help, and throw away his re- medies, and must save you whether you will come to God by him or not : so that a great part of your sins are occasioned by your bold presumption upon the death of Christ, not considering that he came to redeem his peo- ple from their sins, and to sanctify them a peculiar people to himself, and to conform them in holiness to the image of their hea- venly Father, and to their head. Matt. 1 : 21 ; Tit. 2 : 14 ; 1 Pet. 1 : 15, IG ; Col. 3 : 10, 11 ; Phil. 3 : 9, 10. * 0. You also draw your own destruction from all the providences and works of God. When you think of his eternal fore-know- ledge and decrees, it is to harden you in your sin, or possess your minds with quar- U. CaU. 17 194 A CALL TO (Doct. 7 relling thoughts, as if his decrees might spare you the labor of repentance and a holy life, or else were the cause of your sin and death. If he afflict you, you repine ; if he prosper you, you the more forget him, and are the more backward to the thoughts of the life to come. If the wicked prosper, you forget the end that will set all reckonings straight, and are ready to think it is as good to be wicked as godly ; and thus you draw your death from all. 7. And you pervert to your ruin all the creatures and mercies of God to you. He giveth them to you as the tokens of his love and furniture for his service, and you turn them against him, to the pleasing of your flesh. You eat and drink to please your ap- petite, and not for the glor}^ of God and to enable you to perform his work. Your clothes 3^ou abuse to pride ; 3^our riches draw your hearts from heaven, Phil. 3:18; your ho- nors and appl5.use puff you up ; if you have health and strength, it makes you more se- cure, and you forget your end. Yea, other men's mercies are abused by you to your hurt. If you see their honors and dignity, you are provoked to envy them ; if you see Doct.7.) THE UNCONVERTED. 195 their riches, you are ready to covet them ; if you look upon beauty, you are stirred up to lust ; and it is well if godliness itself be not an eye-sore to you. 8. The very gifts that God bestoweth on you, and the ordinances of grace which he hath instituted for his church, 3'ou turn to sin. If you have better parts than others, you grow proud and self-conceited ; if you have but common gifts, you take them for special grace. You take the bare hearing of 3'our duty for so good a work, as if it would ex- cuse you for not obeying it. Your prayers are turned into sin, because you *' regard iniquity in your hearts," and depart not from iniquity when you call on the name of the Lord. Psalm 66 : IS ; 2 Tim. 2 : 19. Your *' prayers are abominable, because you turn away your ear from hearing the law," and are more ready to offer the sacrifice of fools, thinking you do God some special service, than to hear his word and obey it. Pro v. 28 : 9 ; Eccles. 5 : 1. 9. Yea, the persons that j^ou converse with, and all their actions, you make the oc- casions of your sin and destruction. If thev live in the fear of God, you hate them. If 196 A CALL TO (Doct. 7 they live ungodly, you imitate them ; if the wicked are many, you think you may the more boldly follow them ; if the godly bo few, 3-0U are the more emboldened to des- pise them. If they walk exactly, you think they are too precise ; if one of them fall in a particular temptation, you stumble and turn away from holiness because others are im- perfectly holy ; as if you were warranted to break your necks because some others have, by their heedlessness, sprained a sinew or put out a bone. If a h3^pocrite discover him- self, 3^ou say, " They are all alike," and think yourselves as honest as the best. A professor can scarce slip into any miscar- riage, but because he cuts his linger you think you may boldly cut your throats. If ministers deal plainly with you, j^ou say they rail. If they speak gently or coldly, you either sleep under them, or are little more affected than the seats you sit upon. If any errors creep into the church, some greedi- ly entertain them, and others reproach the christian doctrine for them, which is most nirainst them. And ifw^e would draw you from any ancient rooted error, which can but plead two, or three, or six, or seven hun- Doct. 7.) THE UNCONVERTED. 197 dred years' custom, you are as much offend- ed with a motion for reformation as if you were to lose your life by it, and hold fast old errors, while you cry out against new ones. Scarce a difference can arise among the ministers of the Gospel but you will draw your own death from it ; and you will not hear, or at least not obey, the unquestion- able doctrine of any of those that agree not with your conceits. One will not hear a min- ister because he readeth his sermons ; an- other will not hear him because he doth not read them. One will not hear him because he saith the Lord's prayer ; and another will not hear him because he doth not use it. One will not hear them that are for episco- pacy ; and another will not hear them that are against it. And thus I might show you in many other cases, how you turn all that comes near you to your own destruc- tion ; so clear is it that the ungodly are self- destroyers, and that their perdition is of themselves. Methinks now, upon the consideration of what is said, and the review of your own ways, you should bethink you what you 17* 198 A CALL TO (Doct7 have done, and be ashamed and deeply Mimhled to remember it. If you be not, I pray you consider these following truths : 1. To be your own destro3^ers is to sin against the deepest principle in your na- tures, even the principle of self-preservation. Every thing naturally desireth or inclineth to its own felicity, welfare or perfection ; and will you set yourselves to your own de- struction V When you are commanded to love your neighbors as yourselves, it is sup- posed that you naturally love yourselves ; but if you love your neighbors no better than yourselves, it seems you would have all the world to be damned. 2. How extremely do you cross your own intentions ! I know you intend not your own damnation, even when you are procu- ring it ; you think you are but doing good to yourselves, by gratifying the desires of your flesh. But, alas, it is but as a draught of cold water in a burning fever, or as the scratch- ing of an itching wild-fire, which increaseth the disease and pain. If indeed you would have pleasure, profit or honor, seek them where they are to be found, and do not hunt after them in the way to hell. Doct.7.) THE Ux\COXVERTED. 109 3. What pity is it that you should do that against yourselves which none else on earth or in hell can do ! If all the world were combined against you, or all the devils in hell were combined against you, they could not destroy you without yourselves, nor make you sin but by your own consent : and will you do that against yourselves which no one else can do? You have hate- ful thoughts of the devil, because he is your enemy, and endcavoreth your destruction ; and will you be worse than devils to your- selves ? Why thus it is with you, if you had hearts to understand it : when you run into sin, and run from godliness, and refuse to turn at the call of God, you do more against your own souls than men or devils could do besides ; and if you should set yourselves and bend your wits to do your- selves the greatest mischief, you could not devise to do a greater. 4. You are false to the trust that God hath reposed in vou. He hath much intrusted you with your own salvation ; and will you be- tray your trust? He hath set you, with all diligence, to keep your hearts ; and is this the keeping of them ? Prov. 4 : 23. 200 A CALL To (Doct.7 5. You do even forbid all others to pity you, when you will have no pity on 3^our- selves. If you cry to God in the day of your calamit}'' for mercy, mercy ; what can 3'ou expect, but that he should thrust 3'ou away, and say, " Nay, thou wouldst not have mercy on th3rself: who brought this upon thee but thy own wilfulness?" And if your brethren see 3^ou everlastingly in misery, how shall they pity you that were your own destroyers, and would not be dis- suaded ? 6. It will everlastingly make you your own tormentors in hell, to think that 3^ou brought yourselves wilfully to that miser}'. O what a piercing thought it will be for ever to think with yourselves that this was your own doing ! that 3^ou were warned of this da}^, and warned again, but it would not do ; that you wilfully sinned, and wilfully turned away from God ! that you had time as well as others, but you abused it ; you had teach- ers as well as others, but 3'ou refused their instruction ; 3'ou had holy examples, but you did not imitate them ; you were offered Christ, and grace, and glory, as well as others, but you had more mind to 3^our flesh- Doct. 7.) THE UNCONVERTED. 201 ly pleasures ! you had a price in your hands, but you had not a heart to lay it out. Prov. 17 : IG. Can it fail to torment you to think of this your present follv ? O that your eyes were open to s(3C what you have done in the wilful wronging of your own souls ! and that you better understood these words of God, " Hear instruction and be wise, and refuse it not. Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at tlie 2")0Sts of my doors : lor whoso lindeth me iindeth life, and shall obtain favor of the Lord. But he that sinneth against mc, wrongeth his own soul. All they that hate me love death." Prov. 8 : 33, 36. And now I am come to tlic conclusion of this work, my heart is troubled to think how 1 shall leave you, lest after this the flesh should still deceive you, and the world and tlie devil should keep you asleep, and I should leave you as I found you, till 3'ou awake in hell. Though in care of your poor souls, I am afraid of this, as knowing the obstinacy of a carnal heart ; yet I can say with the prophet Jeremiah, "I have not de- sired the woful day, thou Lord knowest." 202 A CALL TO (Doct. 7. 17 : IG. I have not, with James and John, desired that "file might come from heaven'* to consume them that refused Jesus Christ. Luke, 9 : 54. But it is the preventing of the eternal fire that I have been all this while endeavorinc: : and O that it had been a need- less work ! that God and conscience might have been as willing to spare me this labor as some of vou could have been. Dear friends, I am so loth that you should lie in everlasting fire, and be shut out of heaven, if it be possible to prevent it, that I shall once more ask you, what do you now re- solve ? Will you turn, or die ? I look upon you as a physician on his patient in a dan- gerous disease, that saith to him, " Though 3^ou are far gone, take but this medicine, and forbear but these few things that are hurtful to you, and I dare warrant your life ; but if 3^ou will not do this you are but a dead man." What would you think of such a man, if the physician, and all the friends he hath, cannot persuade him to take one medicine to save his life, or to forbear one or two poisonous things that would kill him ? This is your case. As far as you are gone in s.in, do but now turn and come to Christ, DocL7.) THE UNCONVERTED. 203 and take his remedies, and your souls shall live. Cast up your deadly sins by repent- ance, and return not to the poisonous vomit any more, and you shall do well. But yet, if it were your bodies that we had to deal with, we might partly know what to do for you. Though you would not consent, yet you might be held or bound while the me- dicine was poured down your throats, and hurtful things might be kept from you. But about your souls it cannot be so ; we cannot convert you against your wills. There is no carrying madmen to heaven in fetters. You may be condemned against your wills, because you sinned with your wills ; but you cannot be saved against your wills. The wisdom of God has thought meet to lay men's salvation or destruction exceedinfr much upon the choice of their own will, that no man shall come to heaven that chose not the way to heaven ; and no man shall come to hell, but shall be forced to say, " I have the thing I chose, my own will did bring me hither." Now, if I could but get you to be willing, to be thoroughly, and resolvedly, and habitually willing, the work were more than half done. And alas ! must we lose 204 A CALL TO (Doct 7 our friends, and must they lose their God, their happiness, their souls, for want of this V O God forbid I It is a strange thing to me that men are so unnatural and stupid in the greatest matters, who in lesser things are civil and courteous, and good neighbors. For aught I know, I have the love of all, or almost all my neighbors, so far, that if I should send to any man in the town, or parish, or county, and request a reasonable courtesy of them, they would grant it me ; and yet when I come to request of them the greatest matter in the world, for themselves and not for me, I can have nothing of many of them but a patient hearing. I know not whether people think a man in the pulpit is in good earnest or not, and means as he speaks ; for I think I have few neighbors ; but if I were sitting familiarly with them, and telling them what I have seen and done, or known in the world, they would believe me and regard what I say ; but when I tell them, from the infallible word of God, w^hat they tliemselves shall see and know in the world to come, they show by their lives that they do either not believe it or not much regard it. If I met any one of them on the way, Doct. 7.) THE UiVCOiWERTED. 205 and told them yonder is a coal-pit, or there is a quicksand, or there are thieves lying in wait for you, I could persuade them to turn by ; but when I tell them that Satan lieth in wait for them, and that sin is poison to them, and that hell is not a matter to be jested with, they go on as if they did not hear me. Truly, neighbors, I am in as good earnest with you in the pulpit as I am in any fami- liar discourse ; and if ever j^ou will regard me, I beseech you let it be here. I think there is not a man of you all, but, if my own soul lay at your wills, you would be willing to save it, though I cannot pro- mise that 3"ou would leave your sins for it. Tell me, thou drunkard, art thou so cruel to me, that thou wouldst not forbear a few cups of drink, if thou knewest it would save my soul from hell'/ Hadst thou rather that I did burn there for ever than thou shouldst live soberly as other men do ? If so, may I not say, thou art an unmerciful monster, and not a man i If I came hunirry or naked to CD J one of your doors, would you not part with more than a cup of drink to relieve me ? I am confident vou would. If it were to save my life, I know you would f some of you, D. Call. 18 206 A CALL TO (Doct-7. hazard 3'our own ; and yet will you not be entreated to part with your sensual plea- sures for 3'our own salvation ? Wouldst thou forbear a hundred cups of drink to save my life, if it were in thy power, and wilt thou not do it to save thy own soul ? I profess to ^-ou, sirs, I am as hearty a beg- gar with you this day for the saving of your own souls, as I would be for my own sup- ply, if I were forced to come begging to your doors; and therefore if you w^ould hear me then, hear me now. If you would pity me then, be entreated now to pity yourselves. I do again beseech you, as if it were on my bended knees, that you would hearken to 3'our Redeemer, and turn, that you may live. All 3'OU that have lived in ignorance, and carelessness, and presumption, to this day ; all you that have been drow^ned in the cares of the world, and have no mind of God and eternal glory ; all you that are enslaved to your fleshly desires of meats and drinks, sports and lusts ; and all you that know not the necessity of holiness, and never were acquainted with the sanctifying w^ork of the Holy Ghost upon your souls ; that never em- Doct 7.) THE UNCONVERTED. 207 braced your blessed Redeemer by a lively faith, and with admiring and thankful ap- prehensions of his love ; and that never felt a higher estimation of God and heaven, and a heartier love to them than to 3'our fleshl}" prosperity, and the things below ; I earnest- ly beseech you, not only for my sake, but for the Lord's sake, and for your soul's sake, that you go not on one day longer in your former condition, but look about 3'ou, and cry to God for converting grace, that you may be made new creatures, and may es- cape the plagues that are but a little before you. And if ever you will do any thing for me, grant me this request, to turn from your evil ways and live. Deny me any thing that ever I shall ask you for myself, if you will but grant me this ; and if you deny me this, I care not for any thing else that you would grant me. Nay, as ever you will do any thing at the request of the Lord that made you, and redeemed you, deny him not this ; for if you deny him this, he cares for nothing that you shall grant him. As ever you would have him hear your prayers, and grant your requests, and do for you at the hour of death and day of judgment, or in any of your ex- 208 A CALL TO (Doct. 7. tremities, deny not his request now in the day of your prosperity. O sirs, believe it, death and judgment, and heaven and hell, are other matters when you come near them, than they seem to carnal eyes afar off: then you would hear such a message as I bring vou with more awakened re2:ardful hearts. Well, though I cannot hope so well of all, I will hope that some of you are by this time purposing to turn and live ; and that you are ready to ask me, as the Jews did Peter when they were pricked in their hearts and said, " Men and brethren, what shall we do ?" Acts, 2 : 37. How may we come to be truly converted ? We are willing, if we did but know our duty. God forbid that we should choose destruction by refusing con- version, as hitherto we have done. If these be the thoughts and purposes of your hearts, I say of you as God did of a promising people, Deut. 5 : 28, 29, " They have well said all that they have spoken : O that there was such a heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my com- mandments always !" Your purposes are good : O that there were but a heart in you to perform these purposes ! And in hope Doct, 7.) THE UNCONVERTED, 209 hereof I shall gladly give you direction what to do, and that but briefly, that j'ou may the more easily remember it lor your practice. Direction I. — If you would be convert- ed and saved, labor to understand the ne- cessity and true nature of conversion : for what, and from what, and to what, and by what it is that you must turn. Consider in what a lamentable condition you are till the hour of your conversion, that you may see it is not a state to be rested in. You are under the guilt of all the sins that ever you committed, and under the wrath of God and the curse of his law; you are bond slaves to the devil, and daily employ- ed in his work against the Lord, yourselves, and others ; you are spiritually dead and deformed, as being devoid of the holy life, and nature, and image of the Lord. You are unfit for any holy work, and do nothing that is truly pleasing to God. You are with- out any promise or assurance of his protec- tion, and live in continual danger of his jus- tice, not knowing what hour you may be snatched away to hell, and most certain to 18» 210 A CALL TO (Doct.7. be damned if you die in that condition ; and nothing short of conversion can prevent it. Whatever civilities, or amendments, or vir- tues are short of true conversion, will never procure the saving of your souls. Keep the true sense of this natural misery, and so of the necessity of conversion, on your hearts. And then you must understand what it is to be converted ; it is to have a new heart or disposition, and a new conversation. 1. Consider /or what you must turn. For these ends following, which you may attain: 1. You shall immediately be made living members of Christ, and have an interest in him, and be renewed after the image of God, and be adorned with all his graces, and quickened with a new and heavenly life, and saved from the tyranny of Satan and the dominion of sin, and be justified from the curse of the law, and have the par- don of all the sins of your whole lives, and be accepted of God, and made his sons, and have liberty with boldness to call him Father, and go to him by prayer in all your needs, with a promise of acceptance ; you shall have the Holy Ghost to dwell in you, to sanctify and guide you ; you shall have Doct7.) THE UNCONVERTED, 211 part in the brotherhood, communion, and prayers of the saints ; you shall be fitted for God's service, and be freed from the do- minion of sin, and be useful, and a blessing to the place where you live ; and shall have the promise of this life, and that which is to come : you shall want nothing that is truly good for you, and your necessary af- flictions you will be enabled to bear ; you may have some taste of communion with God in the Spirit, especially in all holy or- dinances, where God prepareth a feast for your souls; you shall be heirs of heaven while you live on earth, and may foresee by faith the everlasting glory, and so may live and die in peace; and you shall never be so low but your happiness will be incom- parably greater than your misery. How precious is every one of these bless- ings, which I do but briefly name, and which in this life you may receive ! And then, 2. At death your souls shall go to Christ, and at the day of judgment both soul and body shall be justified and glorified, and enter into your Master's joy, where your happiness will consist in these particulars : (1.) You shall be perfected yourselves; 212 A CALL TO (Doct. 7. your mortal bodies shall be made immortal, and the corruptible shall put on incorrup- tion ; you shall no more be hungry, or thirs- t}^, or weary, or sick, nor shall you need to fear either shame, or sorrow, or death, or hell ; your souls shall be perfectly freed from sin, and perfectly fitted for the knowledge, and love, and praises of the Lord. (2.) Your employment shall be to behold your glorified Redeemer, with all your holy fellow-citizens of heaven, and to see the glo- ry of the most blessed God, and to love him perfectl}^ and be beloved by him, and to praise him everlastingh^ (3.) Your gloiy will contribute to the glory of the New Jerusalem, the city of the living God, which is more than to have a private felicity to yourselves. (4.) Your glory will contribute to the glo- rifying of your Redeemer, who will everlast- ingly be magnified and pleased in you that are the travail of his soul, and this is more than the glorifying of yourselves. (5.) And the eternal Majesty, the living God, will be glorified in your glory, both as he is magnified by your praises, and as he communicateth of his glory and goodness to Doct,7.) THE UNCONVERTED. 213 you, and as he is pleased in you, and in the accomplishment of his glorious work, in the glory of the New Jerusalem, and of his Son. All this the poorest beggar of you that is converted shall certainly and endlessly enjoy. 2. Next you must understand from wfiat you must turn ; and this is, in a word, from your carnal self, which is the end of all the unconverted : from the flesh that would be pleased before God, and would still be en- ticing you ; from the world, that is the bait; and from the devil, that is the angler for souls, and the deceiver. And so from all known and wilful sins. 3. Next you must know to what you must turn ; and that is, to God as your end ; to Christ as the way to the Father ; to holi- ness as the way appointed you by Christ; and to the use of all the helps and means of grace afforded you by the Lord. 4. Lastly ; you must know hy what you must turn ; and that is by Christ, as the only lledeemer and Intercessor ; and by the Holy Ghost, as the Sanctiher; and by the word, as his instrument or means ; and by faith and re- pentance, as the means and duties on your part to be performed. All this is of necessity. 214 A CALL TO (Doct. 7. Direction II. If vou will be converted and saved, be much in secret serious con- sideration. Inconsiderateness undoes the world. Withdraw yourselves oft into retired secrecy, and there bethink you of the end why you were made, of the life you have lived, of the time you have lost, the sins you have committed ; of the love, and sufferings, and fulness of Christ ; of the danger you are in ; of the nearness of death and judgment ; of the certainty and excellency of the joys of heaven; and of the certainty and terror of the torments of hell, and the eternity of both ; and of the necessity of conversion and a holy life. Absorb your hearts in such considera- tions as these. Direction III. If 3'ou will be converted and saved, attend upon the word of God, w^hich is the ordinary means. Read the Scripture, or hear it read, and other holy writings that do apply it ; constantly attend on the public preaching of the word. As God will lighten the world by the sun, and not by himself without it, so will he convert and save men by his ministers, who are the lights of the world. Acts, 26 : 17, 18 ; Matt. 5 • 14. Doot. 7.) THE UNCONVERTED. 215 When he had miraculously Immbled Paul, he sent Ananias to him, Acts, 9 : 10, and when he had sent an angel to Cornelius, it was but to bid him send for Peter, who must tell him what to believe and do. Direction IV. Betake yourselves to God in a course of earnest constant prayer. Con- fess and lament your former lives, and beg his grace to illuminate and convert you. Be- seech him to pardon what is past, and to give you his Spirit, and change your hearts and lives, and lead you in his ways, and save 3"ou from temptation. Pursue this w^ork daily, and be not weary of it. Direction V. Presently give over your known and wilful sins. Make a stand, and go that way no farther. Be drunk no more, but avoid the very occasion of it. Cast away your lusts and sinful pleasures with detesta- tion. Curse, and swear, and rail no more ; and if you have wronged any, restore, as Zaccheus did ; if you will commit again your old sins, what blessing can you expect on the means for conversion ? Direction VI. Immediatel}'', if possible, 216 A CALL TO (Doct,7. change your company, if it hath hitherto been bad ; not by forsaking your necessary relations, but your unnecessary sinful com- panions ; and join yourselves with those that fear the Lord, and inquire of them the way to heaven. Acts, 9 : 26 ; Psalm 15 : 4. Direction VII. Deliver up yourselves to the Lord Jesus, as the physician of your souls, that he may pardon you by his blood, and sanctify you by his Spirit, by his word and ministers, the instruments of the Spirit. He is the way, the truth, and the life ; there is no coming to the Father but by him. John, 14 : 6. Nor is there any other name under heaven by which you can be saved. Acts, 4 : 12. Study, therefore, his person and na- tures, and what he hath done for you, and what he is to you, and what he will be, and how he is fitted to the full supply of all your necessities. Direction VIII. If you mean indeed to turn and live, do it speedily, without dela}^. If you be not willing to turn to-day, you are not willing to do it at all. Remember, you are aU this while in your blood, under the Docl. 7.) THE UNCONVERTED. 217 guilt of many thousand sins, and under God's wrath, and you stand at the very brink of hell ; there is but a step between you and death : and this is not a state for a man in his right mind to be quiet in. Up therefore presently, and fly as for your lives, as you would be gone out of your house if it were all on fire over your head. O, if you did but know in what continual dano-er vou live, and what dailv unspeakable loss you sustain, and what a safer and sweeter life vou mis^ht live, you would not stand trifling, but presently turn. Multitudes miscarry that wilfully de- lay when they are convinced that it must be done. Your lives are short and uncertain ; and what a case are vou in if you die before you thoroughly turn ! You have staid too long already, and wronged God too long. Sin getteth strength while you delay. Your conversion will grow more hard and doubt- ful. You have much to do, and therefore put not all ofl'to the last, lest God forsake vou, and give you up to yourselves, and then you are undone for ever. Direction IX. — If you will turn and live, do it unrcscrvcdlv, absolutclv, and univcr- B. C;ill 19 218 A CALL TO (Doct. 7 sally. Think not to capitulate with Christ, and divide your heart between him and the world ; and to part with some sins and keep the rest ; and to let that go which your flesh can spare. This is but self-deluding ; you must in heart and resolution forsake all that 3^ou have, or else you cannot be his dis- ciples. Luke, 14 : 26, 33. If j^ou will not take God and heaven for j^our portion, and lay all below at the feet of Christ, but j^ou must needs also have your good things here, and have an earthly portion, and God and glory are not enough for 3^ou, it is vain to dream of salvation on these terms ; for it will not be. If you seem ever so religious, if yet it be but a carnal righteousness, and if the flesh's prosperity, or pleasure, or safe- ty, be still excepted in your devotedness to God, this is as certain a way to death as open profaneness, though it be more plausible. Direction X. — If you will turn and live, do it resolvedly, and stand not still delibe- ratins:, as if it were a doubtful case. Stand not wavering, as if you were uncertain whether God or the flesh be the better mas- ter, or whether sin or holiness be tlie better Doct. 7.) THE UNCONVERTED. 219 way, or whether heaven or hell be the better end. But away with your former lusts, and j^resently, habitually, fixedly resolve. Be not one da}^ of one mind and the next day of another ; but be at a point with all the world, and resolvedly give up 3'ourselve3 and all you have to God. Now, while 3^ou are reading, or hearing this, resolve ; before you sleep another night, resolve ; before 3"ou ^tir from the place, resolve ; before Satan have time to take you off, resolve. You will never turn indeed till you do resolve, and that with a firm unchangeable resolution. And now I have done my part in this work, that you may turn at the call of God and live. What will become of it I cannot tell. I have cast the seed at God's com- mand ; but it is not in my power to give lue increase. I can go no further with my mes- sage ; I cannot bring it to your heart, nor make it work; I cannot do your part for you, which is to entertain it and consider it ; nor can I do God's part, by opening vour heart to cause you to entertain it; nor can I show heaven or hell to vour sii^ht, nor 220 A CALL TO THE UNCOWEKTED. (Doct. 7, give you new and tender hearts. If I loiew what more to do for ^^our conversion, I hope I should do it. But O thou that art the gracious Father of spirits, thou hast sworn thou dehghtest not in the death of the wicked, but rather that thev turn and hve ; denv not thv bless- ing to these persuasions and directions, and suffer not thine enemies to triumph in thy sight, and the great deceiver of souls to pre- vail against thy Son, thy Spirit, and tliy Word! O pit}?- poor unconverted sinners, that have no hearts to pity or help them- selves ! Command the blind to see, and the deaf to hear, and the dead to live, and let not sin and death be able to resist thee. Awaken the secure, resolve the unresolved, confirm the wavering; and let the eyes of sinners, that read these lines, be next em- plo3^ed in weeping over their sins, and bring them to themselves, and to thy Son, before their sins have brought them to perdition. If tliou say but the word, these poor endea- vors shall prosper to the winning of many a soul to their everlasting joy and thine ever- lasting glory. — Amen. l-KE END* X . 53176 REQUEST AT REFERENCE DESK BY ABOVE CALL NUMBERS (UNCATALOGED) (Lib-295) UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FA_ y B 000 007 829 5 Mf' i, iilliiiiiiVi liii ;^:,