|ttblicati0ns |i^t0riritl <^0tidi| at |cnnsi|lljaui(i. BRADDOCK'S EXPEDITION: A MONOGRAPH. ^fiii que Irs Ijonnoratlcs cmpvists &: nobles niicnturfs $i faicts li'armes, pac Ics guevrcs tjn prance Sv ti'SInQlctfur, sofrut nctabkmct rnrcQtstrc; $c mis en niemofve pcvpeiucl, jiarquon Ics $veuv aijcnt r):c.pie ti'cu): encouvaflrv en tfcn fafsant, fc bucil trafctcv & rrrovliei- 7i)fstofte tjc Qvan^i' louaufle. ©n t)it, $( il est braj, que tons r'afflcrs sont massonuej i<: ouubvej ijc plusicurs sortcs tie jpfevvcs, $c toutes firosscs rfufcrcs sont fafctes $; rassrmblers tie plusieuts surflcons. Sliissi Ics sciences sont cytraictcs & compilees tic i)Iusfeurs CTIcccs: & cc, que I'bn s^aft I'auttc rfgncvc. ISSon jjnurtant rieii n'est, qui ne soft seen, ou loing ou prcs. jS,es filconfqbes tie Hacssfce Jean J?roissavt : i3vol : THE HISTORY AN EXPEDITION FORT DU QUESNE, IN 1755; MAJOR-GENERAL EDWARD BRADDOCK, GENERALISSIMO OF II. B. 51. FORCES IN AMERICA. FROM THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS, BY WINTHROP SARGENT, M.A., MEMBER OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. PHILADELPHIA: LIPPINCOTT, GRAMBO & CO FOR THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1855. On the IStli of February, 1854, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania established a Publication Fund ; by the terms of which any person what- ever, on the payment of twenty dollars, becomes entitled to receive a copy of all of its future publications during the terni of his life. The money thus received is invested on a special trust, and the interest alone is ap- plied to purposes of publication. It already amounts to four thousand dollars. The present volume is the first fruit of this undertaking, and it is proposed to follow it with others of a like character. It is proper to add, that considerable aid is derived from the Society itself, and from the anticipated sale of the works thus produced. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1854, by THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ^ • - Ti^ORNIA' SANTA BARBARA TO JOSEPH R. INGERSOLL; THROUGH WHOSE PUBLIC SPIRIT THE MATTER AYHICII FORMS ITS BASIS WAS PROCURED THIS VOLUME IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED. CONTENTS. Page Introductory Memoir 15 Captain Orme's Journal 281 The Morris Journal 359 Braddock's Instructions, &c. (J|)pefic7/a;) 393 Fanny Braddock (Appendix^ 401 George Croghan's Statejient (Appendix) 407 French Keports of the Battle (Appendix) 409 Verses on Braddock (Appendix) 414 Braddock's last Night in London (Appendix) 417 Index 419 (vii) ILLUSTRATIONS. View of the Scene of Braddock's Defeat Frontispiece. Fort Du Quesne Page 182 Braddock's Houte 198 Plan of the Battle-Field 219 Braddock's Grave 280 Map of tue Country between Forts Cumberland and Du Quesne 283 Line of March with all the Baggage 317 Line of March of Detachment from Little Meadows 336 Encampment of Detachment from Little Meadows 336 Distribution of Advanced Party 353 Plan of Battle '. 351 (ix) PREFACE, During the term of Mr. J. R. Inger soil's official residence at London, lie procured, for the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, copies of the three jour- nals which constitute the basis of this volume. A few months since, these were committed by the So- ciety to the hands of the editor, with a request to prepare therefrom such a work as he now has the honour to lay before it and the public. It is a matter of reasonable surprise, that the narrative of what Mr. Sparks has justly styled "one of the most remarkable events in American history," has never before been formally and cir- cumstantially related. Perhaps the secret rests in the fact that much of the original material neces- sary to such an undertaking has hitherto slumbered in undisturbed repose, its very existence almost for- gotten, upon the shelves of State-Paper Offices and public libraries in various parts of the world. (xi) Xll PREFACE. A sketch of the combat, brief, but admirably exact, is given by the distinguished author before cited in the Appendix to the second volume of the Writings of Washington; and other notices, incidental and of less value, are to be found in numerous historical works. There are also two obscure and obsolete contemporaneous pamphlets, professing to give an account of Braddock's defeat, which, although not so rare as to be unknown to Rich, are hardly pos- sessed of sufficient worth to save them from the limbo of Ariosto. The first of these is "A Letter to a Friend ; giving a concise but just Account, according to the Advices hitherto received, of the Ohio Defeat," &c. (Boston, printed; Bristol, re- printed, 1755; 8vo., pp. 30.) The second, to which the editor has had access only since the body of his volume was stereotyped, is entitled ''The Expedi- tion of Major-General Edward Braddock to Virginia, with the two Regiments of Hacket and Dunbar. Being Extracts of Letters from an Officer in one of those Regiments to his Friend in London," &c. (Lon- don, 1755; 8vo., pp. 29.) This seems to be a mere catch-penny production, made up, perhaps, from the reports of some ignorant camp-follower. The pri- vations and insubordination of the army, and the paltry and despicable character of the colonists and their country form the burthen of his strain. The only facts he relates concerning the expedition that PREFACE. XIU we do not find elsewhere, are that the General was somewhat of a hoii vkant, and had with him " two good Cooks who could make an excellent Eagout out of a pair of Boots, had they but Materials to toss them up with;" and that the soldiers, for lack of ovens, were compelled to bake their maize bread in holes in the ground. Of a very difterent value are the copies of the French official reports of the action of tlie 9th of July, 1755, so kindly placed at the editor's disposal by Mr. Sparks ; to whom the Society is also indebted for the use of the copper-plate from which the plan of the battle-field is taken. To Mr. Neville B. Craig, of Pittsburg, it is under like obligations for the plate of Braddock's route ; and to Mr. Paul We- ber, of Philadelphia, for the drawing of the wood-cut of Braddock's grave, and for the elegant original landscape painting engraved as a frontispiece to tliis volume. To these gentlemen, and to Mr. John Jordan, junior, of Philadelpliia, the Rev. Mr. Fran- cis-Orpen Morris, of Nunburnholme Rectory, York- shire, England, Dr. William M. Darlington, of Pitts- burg, and Mr. Edward D. Ingraham, of Philadel- phia, both the Society and the editor must confess their obligations. To JMr. Ingersoll and Mr. Bucha- nan, the late and present Ministers to England, and to Mr. Townsend Ward, the Librarian of the Society, XIV PREFACE. acknowledgments are also due for the valuable as- sistance they have, in various ways, rendered him. So far as regards the manner in which the editor has accomplished his task, he has only to say that, within the limits prescribed him, he has carefully endeavored to fulfil his duty. The Introductory Memoir was considered, by those whose views he felt called upon to regard, desirable to bring clearly before the reader's mind the origin and ulterior causes of this campaign ; which was, in fact, but the prologue to the Seven Years' War. An Appen- dix is also added, in which will be found much matter bearing more or less directly upon the sub^ ject in hand. It may be objected that the notes abound too much in " matter needless, of importless burthen ;" yet in such a place, it is submitted that no unimportant part of an editor's duty consists in elucidating neglected facts; nor should he spare to dwell upon the personal history of the obscurest name upon the roll : il figlio Del tale, ed il nipote del cotale Nato per madre della tale. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. On the night of the 30th of April, 1748, the prelimina- ries of what was boldly asserted to be a definitive and lasting peace, were signed by the diplomatic representatives of England, Holland, and France, at the city of Aix-la- Chapelle. Exhausted by the fatigues of a long, harassing, and unsatisfactory struggle, the two great parties in this arrangement embraced, if not eagerly, at least without reluctance, a scheme which would give to each an oppor- tunity to extricate itself from any unprofitable enterprise or dangerous dilemma in which it had become involved, and to prepare, at leisure, plans for a future and more successful w^ar. " Never," says Lord Mahon, " never, perhaps, did any war, after so many great events, and so large a loss of blood and treasure, end in replacing the nations engaged in it in nearly the same situation as they held at first." The Earl of Chesterfield — the only man in the British Cabinet possessed of sufficient energy and capacity to have directed more successfully hostile measures, or to have procured more advantageous terms of peace — (15) 16 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. had been compelled to withdraw from power six months before : and to the ignorant or feeble hands which con- tinued to hold the reins of government, much of the future, as well as the then existing blunders in the policy of the Crown — at least, so far as America was concerned — may safely be attributed.^ Certainly, no one versed in the political secrets of the day could, by any possibility, have believed that this jDcace was to be a lastiug one. It was deficient in every element of coherence. Nothing was settled by the treaty : con- quests all over the world were to be mutually restored ; some trifling shiftings of territorial proprietorship on the part of the Italian and other minor princes engaged in the war were agreed upon; a few other articles, relative to European affairs, of little or no consequence in proportion to the cost at which they were eifected, were inserted ; and the treaty of Utrecht, as well as all former treaties, con- firmed in existence. In short, matters were essentially placed in statu quo ante hellwn, at a cost to England of £110,000,000. But there were two circumstances, con- nected with the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, galliug in the last degree to British pride and British interest : these were the surrender of Cape Breton to its former possessors, and the delivery of hostages until that was done. Accord- ingly, whilst the Earl of Sussex and Lord Cathcart ' II. Hist, of Eng from Peace of Utrecht, &c., 290. So keenly was their disgrace felt by the English, that Charles Edward himself, then residing at Paris, could not view it without indignation. "If ever I ascend the throne of my ancestors," he exclaimed, " Europe shall see me use my utmost endeavors to force France, in her turn, to send hostages to England." ' INTRODUCTORY 31 E MO IR. 17 awaited, at Paris, in easy but dishonourable captivity, the tardy messengers whose return should announce that once more the lilies were planted upon the bastions of Louis- bourg, there glowed in the breast of every true Briton the burning embers of mortified vanity, the but half-smothered lust of fierce revenge. From the throng of Hanoverian favorites around their alienigenate king, down to the hardy New England fisherman who trimmed his light sail as he glided within sight of that apple of the American eye, curses both loud and deep were vented against the degrading terms they had submitted to. They had suffered not only disgrace and dishonor, but infinite loss ; and they anxiously awaited the hour of vengeance. That hour was not fated to be long delayed. It has been observed, that the treaty of 1748 left England in a state of mind but too ready to seize, with avidity, upon the first j)retext for bettering its condition, and restoring to itself those rights which it had unjustly perilled in that compact. Unfortunately for the peace of humanity, circumstances not so weak as to be considered mere pretexts, soon presented themselves, to provoke a renewal of the strife. It is, perhaps, not very expedient to go back to the ultimate causes of the war, and tracing their progress, event by event, finally, after the fashion of an inverted pyramid, taper this narrative down to the story of the single battle by which its epiphany was sig- nalized. But a few brief comments upon the immediate and most glaring inducements to a contest so important in its conduct, so momentous in its results, may not be out of place. 2 18 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. If ever there was a just cause of war, England had it in 1755. By the treaty of October, 1748, (Art. III.,) that of Utrecht (1713), and numerous others, were recognised and confirmed in all their parts ; save, of course, such as might be modified by the pact in question — and were formally constituted its basis. By the treaty of Utrecht (Art. XII.,) " all Nova Scotia or Acadia, with its ancient limits, and all its dependencies, was ceded to the crown of Great Britain ;" ^ and, furthermore, it was provided (Art. XV.,) that " the subjects of France, inhabitants of Canada and elsewhere, should not disturb or molest in any manner whatever the five Indian nations which are subject to Great Britain, nor its other American allies." These articles were certainly incorporated into the treaty of Aix- la-Chapelle ; but with neither stipulation were the French willing to comply. The last clause would evidently always ' " Dominus K,ex Christianissimus eodum qufe pacis pra3sentis Katihabi- tationes commutabuntur die, Dominse Reginae Magna) Brittania3 literas, tabulasve solenne et authenticas tradendas curabit, quarum vigcre, insulam Sancti Christopbori, per subditos Britannicos sigillatim debine possidendam; Novam Scotiam qucque, sive Acadiam totara, limitibus suis antiquis com- prebensaui, ut ct portus Portus Regii urbem, nunc Annapolin regiam dictam, ci\:teraque omnia in istis regionibus qure ab iisdem terris et insiilis pendent, unacum earundarum insularum, tcrrarum et locorum dominio, pro- prietate, possessione, et quocunquo jure sive per pacta, sire alio mode quas- sito, quod Rex Cbristianissimus, corona Gallise, aut ejusdem subditi quicunque ad dictas insulas, terras ct loca, corumque incolas, bactenus habuerunt, Reginae Magnse Britanniae, ejusdemque coronas in perpetuum cedi constabit et transferri, prout eadem omnia nunc cedit ac transfert Res Christianissimus; idque tarn amplis mode et forma ut Regis Cbristianissimi subditis in dictis maribus, sinubus, aliisque locis ad littora Novae Scotias, ca ncmpe* qute Eurum respiciunt, intra triginta leucas, incipiendo ab insula, vulgo ^ai^e dicta, eaque inclusaet Africum versus pergendo omni picatura in postcrium intcrdicatur." Vide also 3Iem. des Cvmm. dc S. M. T. C, &c. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 19 open to Great Britain a casus helli ; for it was impossible for a year at a time to pass by without some troubles between the Iroquois and their Canadian neighbors ; and in such cases each party, on the showing of the other, is inevitably the aggressor. But the provision respecting Nova Scotia was widely different. The restoration of Louisbourg, as matters then stood, was a point of equal importance to the settlers in Canada and the colonists of New Enoland. Under its ancient lords, this nursing-mother of privateers would be powerful alike to preserve the French, and to destroy the English trade and fisheries in that part of the world. Tlie annoyance, therefore, of the New England people was extreme and well founded ; and at their earnest representations, the Home Government was finally instigated to adopt the only practical method left of peaceably dissipating the dangers with which they were threatened by the constantly increasing power and malignity of the French. The armed occupation and settlement of the province of Nova Scotia, till then un- noticed or disregarded by the Ministry, became now a subject of consideration. In the spring of 1748, and during that and the ensuing year, several thousand colo- nists were sent thither by the government, at an expense of £70,000, and the town of Halifax was founded. But the French, who had hitherto evaded or disingenuously dallied with their obligations to yield up the peninsula — suppressing, wherever they could, the settlements of the English there, and constantly increasing their own strengtli by reinforcements — now openly resisted, under M. de la Corne, the progress of their rivals. Thus commenced that 20 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. scene of constant dissension and strife which ensued between the original settlers, scattered over the land, and the subjects of the crown to which it lawfully pertained ; whose melancholy termination was that enforced expatria- tion which posterity has consecrated to sorrow in the pages of Evangeline. That the Court of Versailles, through its subordinate officers, promoted and encouraged the sturdy denial of British sovereignty by these loyal-hearted Aca- dians, cannot at this day be doubted or denied; but the result of such a course was as fatal to the fair fame of the conquerors, as to the happiness of the conquered. Nor did the French government confine itself to ah unavowed but well-supported resistance to the progress of Anglo-American power in the north only. Thirty years before, its grand scheme for uniting its colonies, from the Gulf of Mexico to the Bay of Fundy, by a chain of posts along the Mississippi, the Ohio, and the Lakes, had begun to be tangibly developed: ever bent upon the fulfilment of these cherished ideas, already its encroaching grasp was extended, with many ramifications, from Canada to the Lower Mississippi. In 1731, Crown Point was unlawfully erected by the French wdthin the limits of the Five Nations, and of New York : Niagara had been seized on in 1720. In truth, their policy seemed both rational and feasible. During a large portion of the 3^ear, the natural outlets of Canada were efiectually sealed by the angry elements : supplies of troops or provisions — in fact, almost every intercourse whatever with Europe — were utterly shut out from its ports. The facility of water communi- cation between Canada and New Orleans, by the lakes INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 21 and rivers of the West would, if made properly available, not only facilitate the secure transmission of supplies, but would inevitably throw the whole peltry trade of those regions into the hands of the French. It is no wonder, tlieu, that they were desirous of procuring so manifest an advantage ; but, unhappily for themselves, they grasped at too much, and lost the whole. Like the dog in the fable, they sacrificed not only the hoped-for gain, but all their present good, in the endeavor,^ To have opened a communication between their widely- separated establishments, by the way of the western lakes and the Illinois, would have been a comparatively safe, and by far the wiser mode of procedure for the French, under the circumstances of their position. So far as its ostensible objects were concerned, it would have perfectly answered the purpose, and the trade it would secure would have been prodigious : nor could the English, everything considered, have made any very effectual opposition. But to adopt this route would have left too wide a margin for British enterprise. The warlike tribes seated between the Illinois and the Alleghanies — the Inroad lands watered by the Muskingum, the Scioto, and other kindred streams, by whose marge arose the bark lodges of the Shawanoes and the Delawares — the gloomy forests, where Beneath the shade of melancholy boughs, ' That the designs of the French were perfectly comprehended in the English colonies, is abundantly proved by Gov. Shirley's letter to Grov. Hamilton, of March 4th, 1754, printed in the Minutes of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania, Vol. VI., p. 16. And see also I. Entick, 105, and The Contest in Ameriea heiween Great Britain and France. (Lond. 1757.) 22 INTEODUCTORY MEMOIR. the Six Nations wandered on their distant hunting-parties — these would have still remained open to the visits — subjected to the influence of their hated rivals. The notion of occupying the head-waters of the Ohio, and of planting a line of forts from Lake Erie, by the Le Boeuf, to the Alleghany, and thence down the Ohio to the Missis- sippi, was a more dangerous but a more fascinating vision. Its execution would probably be fraught with much- hazard, but its results, if successful, were too precious to suffer the powers that were to resist the temptation. Out of the nettle danger they hoped to pluck the flower safety ; and, at one time, it really seemed as though all their anticipa- tions were to have been crowned with success. But the wisdom of Almighty Providence had ordered the event otherwise. In an evil hour, then, for themselves, the French decided to persevere in the latter plan. While the Appallachian chain, it was thought, would serve at the same time as a bulwark against the British colonies, and as a well-marked and palpable boundary between the two nations, the whole body of the Western Indians would be thrown completely under their control. Already game had begun to be scarce, or to disappear utterly, east of the mountains, and the best furs were to be found upon the further side. With forts and trading-houses once established in their midst, it would not be difficult to prevent the savages from supplying the English dealers, or receiving in turn their commodities. The peltry traffic, so profitable to European commerce, had already to be pursued on the frontiers ; and it was not probable that the Indians would go thither to INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 23 seek no better market than they could find at home. The certain consequences, too, of thus virtually monopolizing the right to buy and sell with the savages, would be to secure, beyond a peradventure, their services against the English, in any difficulty that might occur. There is nothing the American aborigine learns more quickly than to abandon his rude native weapons of the chase — the bow or the flint-headed spear — for the fusil and gunpowder of the whites ; and having become thus dependent on his neighbors for the means of subsistence, it has never been found difficult to point out other and less innocent employ- ment for his arms. By thus building up a mighty power behind the English settlements, they would not only be in a position to terribly annoy, if not to entirely overcome them, in the event of war, but also to clog and embarrass their prosperity during time of peace. A very great staple of that commerce which made America so valuable to Great Britain being utterly destroyed, its domestic increase, its foreign influence, would be materially affected. The agricultural productions of the colonies would likewise be touched; for, with the constant necessity, through an imminent danger, there must likewise be the constant presence of a portion of the population in arms ; and tlius the tobacco plantations and the fields of maize would miss a master's hand, and yield a diminished crop. It is unne- cessary to consider here how many millions of money were yearly employed at this period in the trade between the mother country and her colonies — to how many thousands of souls it gave a support : nothing can be more evident than that such an attack upon the productiveness of the 24 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. one must at once affect tlieir value to the other, and thus render them, day by day, less important, and less self- capable of preservation. In short, as was well said in the House of Commons, the French held the colonies within their range of posts as in the two ends of a net, Avhich, if tightened by degrees, would get them all into the body of it, and then drown them in the sea.^ It will be recollected, that for a long period the unde- fined western limits of the two English colonies of Penn- sylvania and Virginia had occasioned much controversy, and had induced considerable ill-feeling between those provinces. Their claims were conflicting; and no autho- rized power had yet reconciled tlieir demands, and assigned to each sovereignty final and determinate territorial bounds. So long, therefore, as the question remained open, and the precise confines of either province unestablished, it was impossible for settlers to know from which government they could procure a good title. For this reason, chiefly, the lands lying west of the Alleghanies, and upon the streams which unite to form the Ohio, had remained unvisited by any other Englishmen than the few traders who found their annual profit in selling to the savages in the neighborhood of their homes. To perplex matters still more, the associates known as the Ohio Com^Dany obtained, in 1749, a vague grant from the crown, vesting in them vast but undefined tracts of land bordering on, if not actually embracing, the very territory in dispute between ' I. Entick, 126. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 25 Virginia, and Pennsylvania.^ All these circumstances combined to render more easy of execution the manoeuvres of the French in regard to the occupation of the forks of the Ohio, and they were availed of without delay. The history of their first settlement in that vicinity; of the unsuccessful mission of Washington to procure their departure; of the consequent collision that ensued between the two parties ; and the English defeat at Fort Necessity ; are prominent passages in history. It is from these occurrences that we are to date the original concep- tion, the organization and execution, and the disastrous results, of the expedition commanded by Major-General Braddock. It is very true, that at the period in question both colo- nies claimed that the lands comprehended within the forks of the Ohio were included in their patents : yet, neverthe- less, nothing can be more certain than that it rightfully appertained to neither Pennsylvania nor Virginia. The original patent, from James I. to the London and Plymouth Companies, which was relied upon by Virginia, had been legally overturned on a quo ivarranto in 1623.; and the tacit acquiescence of those companies in the grant of Maryland to Lord Baltimore by Charles L, in 1632, was considered to have barred their right to open the case anew, after the in- terval of an hundred years. The charter from the crown to William Penn, in 1681, would appear to cover the wlwle ' Perhaps the influence with the ministry of John Sargent, Thomas Walpole, and the other associates of the Ohio Company, whose prospects were entirely subverted by the presence of the French, may have contributed more powerfully than any other cause to the expedition against Fort Du Quesne. 26 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. territory in dispute; but, hitherto, the^ proprietaries, to whom alone belonged the power of purchasing the soil from the Indians, had not come to any terms with their dusky neighbors. The land, in fact, belonged absolutely to its savage inhabitants ; and the utmost the province of Penn- sylvania could claim was the exclusive right of purchasing it from them. Nor had the French any better title : perhaps, if the comity of Christian nations were to be taken into the account, none so good. Thus, whatever it might be alleged, neither crown had as yet any right to the country west of the Alleghanies. But that was of small consideration : a block-house once established, and a garri- son maintained thereon some specious pretext; a judicious distribution of red ochre, gewgaws, fire-arms, and rum ; and it would be easy enough to get an absolute title from the Indians.^ This was the end of the French, who were not disposed to admit any English pretensions that con- flicted with their own interests. When, therefore, in 1752, on the first alarm of the threatened invasion of these regions, the Penns instructed their Lieutenant-Governor to lend all aid in his power to Governor Dinwiddle of Virginia, in the erection of a fortress that might thwart their designs, it was also provided that no rights of the proprietaries ' Horace Walpole snecringly dwells on the methods by which England and France seated themselves in America. " They enslaved, or assisted the*wretched nations to butcher one another," says he, '^ instructed them in the use of fire-arms, brandy, and the New Testament, and at last, by scat- tered extension of forts and colonies, they have met to quarrel for the boundaries of empires, of which they can neither use nor occupy a twentieth part of the included territory.'^ (I. Mem. Geo. II., 343.) But " u-e do not massacre," he adds, " we are such good Christians as only to cheat \" (III. Corresp. 136.) INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 27 should be prejudiced thereby. Two years later, when there was actual likelihood of such a fortress being erected, and Dinwiddle had issued his proclamation, granting away two hundred thousand acres of the soil upon part of which Pittsburg now stands, a correspondence ensued between the two governments, in which that of Virginia, while denying the fact of the forks of the Ohio being within the jurisdic- tion of Pennsylvania, very honestly conceded that if on investigation this should prove to be the case, the rights of that colony should not be at all impaired.^ Previously, however, to the actual occupation of this region, the French had been gradually strengthening their hands, and drawing closer their lines in that quarter. Their scattered posts upon the Mississippi, though few in number and wide apart, gave them the command of that stream ; and Miey had already a fortified establishment upon the Ohio, at the mouth of the Wabash river. In 1745, the Marquis de la Galissoniere was appointed Governor-General of Canada. Penetrated at once with the immense advantage that would result from an arrange- ment that should not only open the communication of Canada with the mother country during those seasons when all its natural outlets were closed by ice and frost, but would likewise restrain and cripple the English colo- nies upon the continent, he spared no toil to mature and ' Minutes of Provincial Council of Pennsylvania, Vol. VI., pp. 4, 8. I. Olden Time, 486. I am happy in joining my testimony with that of Mr. Francis Parkmau (Conspiracy of Pontiac, 87.), as to the extreme value of Mr. Craig's labors in regard to the earlier settlements beyond the Alleghanies. So far, in particular, as relates to Western Pennsylvania, his collections are worthy of much praise. 28 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. put into shape the needful elements of its organization. It was he who, in 1748, despatched Bienville de Celoron^ with three hundred men, on a tour of inspection along the Alleghany and the Ohio, depositing in various quarters leaden plates on which were inscribed a memorial of his master's title to those countries, and warning the English traders whom he encountered, that henceforth they were prohibited from visiting the Indians there. ^ In 1750, by command of his successor, the Marquis de la Jonquiere, harsher measures were resorted to. A body of troops under Joncaire visited the Ohio country, seizing the pro- perty and persons of such English traders as they found there. The former they confiscated ; the latter they sent prisoners to France.^ These scenes were the commence- ment of a tedious and unresulting diplomatic correspond- ence between the Earl of Albemarle, His Britannic Majesty's Ambassador at the Court of Versailles, and the ' I. Olden Time, 238, 268, 270, 289. II. Histoire du Canada, par F. X. Garneau, 192. Craig's Hist, of Pittsburg, 20. ^ Vide Lord Albemarle's letter to Lord Holdernesse, respecting the case of John Patton, Luke Irwin, and Thomas Bourke. I. Entick, 45. The Marquis de la Jonquiere arrived in Canada in August, 1749 ; and actinc under positive instructions from his court, faithfully pursued the policy of his predecessor in regard to shutting out the English from the Ohio. Descended of a Catalonian family, he was born in Languedoc, in 1696; and died at Quebec, May 17th, 1752. He was a man of superb presence and undaunted resolution ; but, withal, prone to avarice. His whole career gave abundant evidence of his courage and soldier-like bravery : but the world ridiculed the passion that induced him, on his dying bed, to begrudge the cost of wax candles while his coffers were overflowing with millions of money. He enjoyed little peace towards the conclusion of his life, by occasion of his efforts to suppress the order of Jesuits in his government ; and, indeed, this dispute is supposed to have shortened his days. 11. Gar- neau, liv. viii., c. 3. I N T R D U C T E Y MEMOIR. 29 Frencli authorities, which was prolonged without intermis- sion upon either side of St. George's channel, until the capture of the Alcide and the Lis, by Boscawen's fleet, comjDelled the Due de Mirepoix to demand his passport, and war was openly waged. ^ In 1752, arrived in Canada, (to which government he had been appointed by the King on the recommendation of M. de la Galissoniere), the Marquis de Duquesne de Monneville, a name destined to become indelibly impressed upon the history of that land whence the golden lilies of his nation, though watered by the best blood alike of friend and foe, were so soon to be extirpated. xVll of his ante- cedents that can be mentioned here are that he was a captain in the royal marine, and born of the blood of Abraham Duquesne, the famous admiral of Louis XIV. ' Iloland-3Iichel Barrin, Marquis de la Galissoniere, and a Lieutenant- General in the Frencli service, was one of the ablest men of his time. As a scholar, a soldier, a statesman, his merit was deservedly esteemed. Born at Ptochefort, Nov. 11, 1693, he entered the navy in 1710, in which he served with distinction until he was appointed to Canada. In that colony, his conduct was eminently conducive to the best interests of both the King and his people. The Swedish traveller, Du Kalm, bears abundant testimony to his scientific acquirements ; while even his meagre appearance and deformed person added to his influence over the savages. " He must have a mighty soul," they said; "since, with such a base body, our Great Father has sent him such a distance to command us." De la Galissoniere did not remain in America long enough to carry out the course he had begun : he returned to France in 1749, where he was placed at the head of the department of nautical charts. He is best known in English history by his affair with the unfortunate Byng, in 175G, which resulted in the judicial murder of that excellent officer, in order thereby to screen the criminal derelictions of his superiors. He died at Nemours, Oct. 26, 1756, full of glory and honour, and loudly regretted by Louis XV., who was so sensible of his worth, that he had reserved for him the baton of a Marshal of France. Biog. Univ. (ed. 1816), Vol. XYI., p. .367. 30 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. His abilities were good; and during his brief career he acquitted himself thoroughly of the duties of his j^osition ; but the haughtiness of his character, and the lack of affa- bility in his manners, prevented his ever attaining any great degree of popularity with the Canadians. Neverthe- less, he seems to have been jDOSsessed of some singularl}^ generous dispositions. In October, 1754, an English woman, nineteen years of age, arrived in Philadelphia from Quebec. Twelve years before, while yet almost an infant, she had been ca2:)tured by the savages, and by them sold as a slave in Canada. In new scenes and the lapse of time, the names of her parents, the yery place of her birth, had entirely passed from her memory ; but she still clung to the sounds of the tongue of her native land, and dreamed of the day when she should be reunited to her unknown kindred. By some chance, her pitiful story reached the Governor's ears ; and, full of compassion, he at once purchased her freedom and furnished her with the means of returning to the British colonies. There she wandered from city to city, vainly publishing her narra- tion, and seeking to discover those joys of kindred and of home that she had never known. An act of this kind should, at any season, reflect credit upon the performer; but considering its particular occasion, when war was plainly looming in the horizon, to liberate and restore in this manner a person abundantly qualified to reveal so much of the local secrets of Quebec, must clothe the character of M. de Duquesne with the attribute of magna- nimity, as well as of generosity,^ In the latter part of ' Pcnn. Gaz., No. 1319. INTRODUCTORY ME.AIOIR. 31 1754, however, he demanded his recall by the government, in order to return to the naval service, and to encounter the enemy upon a more familiar element. It will be sufficient in this place to add, that his instructions while in Canada, in regard to the Ohio, were of a piece with those of La Jonquiere and Galissoniere, and that he faith- fully obeyed them.^ In January, 1753, four traders on ' II. Garncau, liv. viii., c. 3. I have been not a little indebted to this valuable work (2nd cd. Quebec, 1852 : three vols. 8vo.), which, indeed, is the best history extant of Canada from the earliest period to the present time. In particular, I have occasionally found notices of the history of individuals that I know not where else to look for. It is to be hoped that the new edition of the Biographie Universdie, now being published at Paris by Didot, will, in respect to the lives of French worthies, at least, be more particular than that which it is designed to supplant. It is unjust to the past age, that the names of such men as Duquesne, Dumas and Goutrccccur, should be consigned to oblivion. Thus we are left in ignorance of the period of Duquesne's death, and of all save a single circumstance in his later career. In 1758, M. Duquesne, being in France, was appointed to the command of all the forces, sea and land, in North America. In March he sailed from Toulon, in command of a small squadron, which, however, was utterly discomfited by the English. His own ship, the Foudroyant, of 81 guns and one thousand men, was engaged, after a long chase in which their comrades had been almost lost sight of, by the Monmouth, Captain Gardiner, of 61 guns and 170 men. Captain Gardiner had served under the murdered Byng in the Mediterranean, and the combat was a compulsory one with him. On the eve of sailing on this cruise, whence he was never to return, he mentioned to his friends that there was something which weighed heavily on his soul; that Lord A had recently said to him, that he was one of the men who had brought disgrace upon the nation; and he was convinced that in this very voyage he should have an opportu- nity of testifying to his lordship the rate at which he estimated the national honor. As his ship was going into action, he made a brief address to his crew : '' That ship must be taken : she looks to be above our match, but Englishmen arc not to mind that; nor will I quit her while this ship can swim, or I have a soul left alive !" Accordingly, he closed with the Fou- droyant, and lay on her quarter within pistol-shot for several hours, till her flag came down. Shot through the head, and death inevitable, he still dZ INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. the Kantucqui river, near the Ohio, were captured by a party of Caiighnawagas, or French Indians from Canada, who divided their goods, to the value of several hundred pounds, among themselves. This was undoubtedly done in pursuance of instructions from Quebec. The captives were carried as slaves to Canada, where they remained until the summer of the succeeding year ; their new lords refusing to suffer them to be ransomed under the price of a negro slave for each. The province of Pennsylvania at last, however, succeeded in purchasing their freedom for the sum of seventy-five pounds sterling; a rate which gave such umbrage to Ononraguiete, the chief sachem of the tribe, that he wrote a furious letter to the Indian Commissioner, declaring that for the future he should cause all prisoners to be murdered, since no higher ransom was to be paid for them.^ It was under the administration of Duquesne that the first steps were taken towards an armed occuj)ation of the Ohio. It must not be forgotten, in referring to these pro- ceedings, that so far as involved his duty to the King his master, and his interpretation of that sovereign's rights, his conduct was perfectly justifiable throughout. Though neither power possessed the least claim in justice to that territory, France as well as England had not hesitated retained comprebensiou enough to say to bis first-lieutenant, that '' the last favor he could ask of him was, never to give up the ship I" That gentle- man pledged himself that ho never would ; and nailing the flag to the stafl", he stood by it during the contest with a brace of pistols, resolved to slay the first man, friend or foe, who approached to pull it down. A more gallant or hardly-contested sea-fight than that of the Monmouth and Fou- droyant was never fought. ' Penn. Gazette, No. 1338. VI. Col. llec, 129. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 33 during many years to refer to it as their absolute inherit- ance, and virtually to utterly ignore any title in its original occupants to the sovereignty of the soil. No treaty with the Indians inhabiting it had ever been made, by which, even for the poor pittance of a few strings of beads or barrels of whiskey, they had ceded it to the stranger. It is true that the French assured them that their only object was to found trading-posts; that they had no idea of cut- ting down the woods, and tilling the fields,- after the fashion of the English.^ The savage was not to be thus gulled ; and he viewed their first encroachments with as great repugnance as he did the more flagrant advances of the British, who boldly penetrated into the most secret recesses of his hunting-grounds, laying out the lines of a future settlement without the least form of a purchase from its outraged inhabitants." Nevertheless, regardless of the Indian title, the King of France had, so early as 1712, granted the district watered by the river Wabash in his ' Shortly before quitting his government, Duquesne held a secret con- ference with the deputies of the Six Nations, at Montreal, in which he reproached them with their willingness to surrender the control of the Ohio to the English rather than to the French. "Are jou ignorant," said he, *'of the difference between the King of France and the English? Look at the forts which the King has built; you will find that under the very shadow of their walls, the beasts of the forest are hunted and slain; that they are, in fact, fixed in the places most frequented by you merely to gratify more conveniently your necessities* The English, on the contrary, no sooner occupy a post, than the woods fall before their hand — the earth is subjected to cultivation — the game disappears — and your people are speedily reduced to combat with starvation." In this speech, as M. Gar- neau well observes, the Marquis has accurately stated the progress of the two civilizations. == 11. Sparks's Washington, 43-t. II. Garneau, 201. 34 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. letters patent creating the colony of Louisiana; and following the explorations of La Salle in 1679, had fur- thermore added all the streams flowing into the Mississippi that were known to this discoverer. This liberality was well matched by some of the English patents, which were bounded by the Atlantic ocean on the east, and on the west by the Pacific. It costs little to a monarch to be generous in this style ; and no pope or king in Europe was backward in thus gratifying the importunities of his subjects. But when a nation undertakes to enforce such grants of a foreign soil, it behooves it to sagely consider whether, in so doing, the interests of its neighbor may not be threatened. This was precisely the case here : the English, Vvdiose claim was, where both were bad, no better , than that of the French, saw, or thought they saw, in its fulfilment, the ruin of all that they then lawfully and actually held, and with wisdom resolved to oppose such a consummation.^ ' Governor Shirley of Massachusetts, whose opinion on such points must have weighed greatly with the people, frankly declared, in his letter to Governor Hamilton of Pennsylvania (March 4th, 1754), that the language of King James the First, in the patents of the London and Plymouth Companies, was " the only rule for the English Governors to judge of the limits of the colonies under their respective governments, in all disputes with the French Governors concerning the extent of his Majestie's terri- tories upon this Continent, except in cases where the original limits declared in these Letters Patent may be altered by treaty or other agreement between the two Crowns; and those Patents extend the English territories within the 32d and 48th degrees of northerly latitude, quite across this Continent, viz. : from the Atlantic Ocean to the South Sea; and I can't find that these eastern or western limits have been abridged by any treaty." \ide Pcnn. Col. Eec, Vol. VI., p. IG. Mr. Shirley had lately been acting at Paris as one of the British Commission to define the bound- aries of Acadia and New England. INTKODUCTORY MEMOIR. 35 Strong in all the resources of civil and military centrali- zation, the government of Canada moved with a resolution and celerity that, for the time, set at defiance the efforts of their slow-footed and divided adversaries. By the end of 1753, a connected line of forts existed, extending from Montreal to what is now called French creek, in Pennsyl- vania, but which was named by the French the Riviere aux Boeufs, on account of the numbers of buffalo that were found in its vicinity.' The nationality of its first European settlers soon caused it to receive another title. It was to this fort that in December, 1753, Major Washington repaired on a fruitless mission from the Governor of Vir- ginia, to warn the trespassers to retire ; and hei'e it was that he observed the extensive preparations they had made for still further encroachments in the ensuing spring.^ Fifty birchen canoes, and one hundred and seventy of pine, were, at that early stage of the winter, drawn up on the shore, ready for the opening of the streams; and numerous others were in progress of completion. In these the troops were to be floated down Le Boeuf and the Alleghany, on their way to tlie Ohio. For though but some six or seven hundred, of the expedition of two thou- sand men who had been sent in the preceding autumn to erect these posts, remained in garrison there during the winter, it was already settled that a large body was to arrive in the spring for the further operations alluded to. The private scandal of the place and period attributed the building of these establishments and their dark train of consequent calamities to the same cause as had since ' II. Sparks's Washington, 43G. ' Ibid, 442. 36 INTRODUCTORY ME MOIE. long before the day of Helen of Troy, according to Flaccus, brought about the waste of human life and the overthrow of mighty empires. M. Pouchot, an officer of rank in Canadn, does not scruple to insinuate that the new gover- nor, shortly after his arrival in Quebec, became involved in an intrigue with a beautiful woman, the wife of a resident of that place. M. Bigot, who had recently passed from the Intendancy of Louisbourg to that of Canada, had in like manner contracted a liaison with a Madame Pean, the wife of the aide-major of the city. Bigot being thus at the head of the commissary department of the colony, it was an easy affair for the Governor and liimself to arrange a plan by which the willing husbands of the ladies in ques- tion should be detached from an inconvenient vicinity to their partners. Accordingly, it was decided to give them lucrative employments in an expedition which, it was gravely w^iispered, was concocted for the express purpose of placing these gentlemen at a considerable distance from home; and to Pean was assigned the command of the forces which were marched in 1753. The forts then built were furnished with numerous and expensive magazines of merchandise and provisions; a precaution necessary enough under the circumstances of their position, but which, in the manner in which the business was managed, must have afforded endless opportunities for the acquire- ment of ill-gotten gains. Together with the proper provisions and stores, all sorts of goods, always exj^ensive, but here utterly useless, were purchased in the name of Louis XV., and sent, for his service, into the Avilderness. Stuffs of silk and velvet, ladies' slippers and damask shoes. INTRODUCTORY me:\i:oir. 37 silk stockings, and tlie costly wines of Spain, figure largely in the categoiy, and enable us to conceive how it came about that the French colonies cost the nation so much and returned it so little/ In fact, it would seem that the colonial stewards of the king were not unfrequently but too wont to look upon their office in no other light than as a source of revenue to themselves ; and when, like Uriah the Hittite, the lords and masters of these new Bath-shebas were sent down to the host, they doubtless felt no com- punction in making their absence as remunerative to themselves as possible. From Pouchot's position and character, it is not unjust to admit the truth of the facts upon which he bases his conclusions : but ignorant as, from the very nature of his subordinate rank, he must have been of the state arrangements and politic designs of the former governors and the Court of Versailles, it is easy to perceive how erroneous were his inferences. It may be true enough that the husband of each fair Evadne was ' In 1753, the exports of Canada amounted to but £68,000; its imports •were £208,000, of which a great portion was on the government account, and did not enter into the ordinary channels of trade. The exports of the English provinces during the same year were £1,486,000 ; their imports, £983,000. In 1755, the Canadian imports were 5,203,272 livres ; its exports but 1,515,730. And while the population of British America was 1,200,000 souls, that of all Canada, Cape Breton, and Louisiana, could not have exceeded 80,000. The policy of sustaining such a colony at such a cost was thus doubted by the most brilliant if not the profoundest writer of the day. " Le Canada coutait beaucoup et rapportait tr^s peu. Si la dixierae partic de I'argent englouti dans cette colonic avait ete employe a defricher nos tcrres incultes en France, on aurait fait un gain considerable ; mais on avait voulu soutenir le Canada, et on h perdu cent annees de peiues avcc tout I'argent prodigues sans retour. Pour comble de malheur on accusait dos plus horrible brigandages presque tons ceus qui etaient em- ployes au nom du Pioi dans cette malheurcuse colonic." — Voltaire. 38 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. named to a high command in the new expedition, but nothing can be more absurd than to imagine that to procure their absence was the primary motive to its undertaking.^ It must not be supposed that the detachment ordered to Lake Erie and the new forts by Duquesne consisted entirely of regular troops. There were, at that time, probably not more than one thousand regular soldiers in all Canada. But an exceedingly well-organised militia, and the hardy, active, semi-Indian class, half-trappers, half-traders, who dwelt on the outskirts of French civilization, furnished material for any enterprise involving war or adventure. Woodsmen by education, full of courage and vivacity by birth, the}' formed an admirable band for such ends as they were now engaged in. To this day, the coureurs des hois are of the primest favorites of the Indians, with whom they intermarry and assimilate, and at whom they "never laugh:" they were, therefore, just the men ' Mimoires sur la Derniere Gxierve de V Amirique Septentrionale, par M. Poucliot. (Yverdon, 1781), Vol. I., p. 8. These two volumes contain much curious and authentic information respecting the subject to which they relate. The author was born at Grenoble, in 1712, and at the age of twenty-two was an officer in the regiment of Beam. His talents as an engineer, cultivated under such masters as Vauban and Cohorn, early pointed him out to favourable notice, and in season he acquired a captaincy in that regiment, and was created a knight of St. Louis. He came to America on the breaking out of the war of 1755, and gained much honor by the part he took therein, particularly in the defence of Forts Niagara and Levis, where he was in command. He was slain in Corsica, 8th May, 1769, during the warfare between the French and the natives of the island His memoirs, prepared by himself for publication, did not see the light for several years after his death. They are accompanied with explanatorv notes, apparently by a well-informed hand. My opinion of their value is confirmed by that of M. Garncau. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 39 required for a business that must depend for success mainly on the good-will of the savages/ Returning to Williamsburgh from his bootless errand on the 16th of January, 1754, Washington made his report to the Governor of Virginia j when it was instantly resolved, in compliance with the King's directions, to fit out an expedition which should proceed with all haste to the confluence of the Alleghany and the Monongahela, where the Ohio Comj)any had already commenced to build a fortified trading-house, and there to erect such works as might, for the season, prevent any further enterprise on the part of the French. For this object, the Assembly of Virginia voted the sum of £10,000, and the party was put under the control of Colonel Joshua Frey, who, dying on the 31st of May, was succeeded in office by Washington, the second in command. His instructions were to capture, kill, or destroy all persons who should endeavor to impede his operations. Aid was also requested from the neighbor- ing provinces ; but none seems to have reached Virginia in time ; and she is thus entitled to the honor of having single- handed first entered the lists against France, to struggle for the mastery of the continent.^ • Schoolcraft : Red Races of America, 134. ^ Mr. Wheeler, iu his recent History of North Carolina (Vol. I., p. 46), states that in compliance with Grov. Dinwiddle's request, the president of that province '' issued his proclamation for the legislature to assemble at Wilmington on the 19th February, 1754; who met and appropriated £1000 to the raising and paying such troops as might be raised to send to the aid of Virginia. Col. James Innes of New Hanover marched at the head of a detachment, and joined the troops raised by Virginia and Maryland. But there being no provision made by Virginia for supplies or conveniences, the expedition was countermanded, and Col. Innes returned with his men to 40 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. The little army with which the beginning of all this w^as to be accomplished, was to consist of but four hundred men. In January, 1754, William Trent was commissioned to enlist one hundred ; he succeeded in raising but seventy, with whom he instantly marched for the Ohio : the remaining three hundred were not raised so soon. They were furnished with ten cannon and eighty barrels of powder, and would, it was hoped, have succeeded in throw- ing uj) a couple of forts before the arrival of the French. If that were found impossible. Governor Dinwiddle looked to their attacking and destroying the enemy by a coup de main} In the meanwhile, however, the French had not been idle. Nearl}^ a year before, in the spring of 1753, they had built, at Presqu'-Isle on Lake Erie, a strong fort of chestnut logs, fifteen feet high, and one hundred and twenty feet square, with a block-house on each side. North Carolina." Besides these North Carolina troops, three of the Kino-'s Independent Companies, two from New York and one from Carolina, had been ordered to Virginia. As they were paid by the King, but retained in the colonies for local protection, it was usual for the provinces to contribute to their victualling expenses on any extraordinary service in which they might be employed; which Virginia, on this occasion, refused to do. II. Penn. Archives, 169. ' The cannon sent towards the Ohio were four-pounders, selected from thirty pieces presented by the King to his colony of Virginia. They went from Alexandria to Will's Creek, and thence in wagons. Small arms and accoutrements were also provided by Dinwiddle ; with thirty tents and six months' provision of flour, pork, and beef. The uniform was a red coat and breeches; and a half-pint of rum jjc?- diem was allowed each man. The pay was as follows : To a colonel, 1.5s. per diem — to a lieutenant-colonel, 12s. 6d; a major, 10s.; a captain, 8s.; a lieutenant, 4s.; an ensign, 3s. The privates received 8d. j;er diem and a pistole bounty. Vide Dinwiddle's letter, in VI. Penn. Col. Rcc, 6. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 41 Leaving a strong garrison here, they marched to the Riviere aux Boeufs, where they erected another fort, cutting a wagon-road twenty-one feet in width between it and that at Presqu'-Isle. Pie re garrisons were maintained during the winter of 1753-4, and here strong reinforce- ments from Canada were directed to rendezvous in the spring of 1754, fully prepared to march to and occupy the head of the Ohio.^ For this purpose, a corps of some 800 Canadians, under M. Marin, had been carefully raised and accoutred. Every man was amply provided with the needful equipments, while to each of the officers, naively observes an old chronicler in his enumeration of the good cheer provided for the detachment, was allotted a bottle of wine every day, two gallons of brandy a month, and food in proportion.^ Being thus prepared, M. de Contre- coeur (who succeeded in the command at French creek to ' YI. Col. Rec, 10. It is possible tliat the French had some sort of an establishment at Presqu'-Isle so early as 1749 ; the ruins of the fort of 1753 are still perceptible within the limits of the town of Eric. It was provided with bastions, a well and a ditch ; and was the head-quarters of communication between Canada and the Ohio. Thirteen miles distant was the fort de la Riviere aux Boeufs, on the spot where nowstands the village of ^Yaterford (Erie county, Penn.). A small lake, and a stream rising from it to fall into French Creek, still preserve the memory of the long- vanished buffalo, which once fed on its fertile meadows. The last post on the route to the Ohio was on the Alleghany at the mouth of French Creek (where now is the village of Franklin), and was called Venango, being a corruption of In-nun-gah, the name by which the Senecas knew the latter stream. Its ruins are still to be seen. It was 400 feet square, with em- bankments which are yet eight feet in height, and furnished with four bas- tions, a large block-house, a stockade, and a ditch seven feet deep, and fifteen wide, fed through a subterraneous channel of fifty yards by a neigh- boring rivulet. See Day's Hist. Col. Penn., 812, 642. 2 1. Pouchot, 10. 42 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. Legardeur de St. Pierre, the one-eyed old warrior who had received Washington), set out betimes in the spring of 1754. On the 17th of April, at the head of from five hundred to a thousand men, with eighteen pieces of artil- lery, he appeared before the incomjDlete and defenceless works which occupied the spot where now stands the great city of Pittsburgh. Ensign Ward, with his forty-one men, was in no condition to resist such a force. Without a struggle he was compelled to reluctantly abandon his post to the enemy, and was suffered to retire unmolested to his own country. The French set at once about the strength- ening and perfection of their conquest. Under the direc- tions of Mercier,^ a captain in the artillery, new works were added and the former made more complete : till, by the middle of May, 1754, it was placed in a position to defy any force that could then be brought against it. Its breast-works were probably calculated to resist such small field-pieces as those which Washington had with him, as ' Oa the fall of Fort Necessity, M. le Chevalier de Mercicr went back to Canada, whence he was presently sent to France with an account of the campaign on the Ohio. Here his advice was much regarded at Versailles; and in 1755, he returned with Vaudreuil and Dieskau to America. His counsels were received by the latter with implicit faith, and eventually influenced Dieskau to measures which ended in his utter defeat at Lake George, 8th Sept., 1755. In August, 175G, he directed with great skill the works with which M. de Montcalm besieged Oswego, and on the surrender of that place, according to Pouchot, secreted to his own use a large share of the public property. In March, 1757, he was sent by M. de Vaudreuil to demand the surrender of Fort William-Henry, but received a peremptory denial from IMajor Eyres, its governor. (Vide Pouchot and Mante.) This first architect of Fort Du Quesne seems to have been an accomplished officer, but a leech on the public purse. He was probably one of that large tribe of locusts who went to Canada determined to make a fortune quociaique modo. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 43 they were made in part, at least, of earth, and were two fathoms in thickness at the base.^ A force of some eight hundred or a thousand men garrisoned the post, officered by such men as Laforce, Drouillon, de VilHers, Jumonville, Chauvignerie, de Longueil, and many others, whose names were war-cries along the border; and from Contrecoeur, who commanded the whole, it now for the first time received its title of Fort Du Quesne.^ Wasliington was at Will's Creek when the tidings reached him of Ward's discomfiture ; and acting promptly, on the same principle which had governed his mind in originally urging the very measure that was thus defeated, he was resolved to proceed to the mouth of the Ked-stone Creek, and there to erect a fortification under whose shelter he should await such things as time might bring forth. With his scanty force, it was impossible to think of the re-investment of Fort Du Quesne and its new garrison until the arrival of the reinforcements which were constantly expected ; but he wished to be as near to the French as he possibly could get, and this spot ofiered too many advantages to be passed over. By tedious marches, and suffering under the greatest deprivations of food, rai- ment, and stores, he had arrived at the Great Meadow, when, on the 28th May, he encountered a detachment of thirty-five men under M. de Jumonville, sent out from Fort Du Quesne as ambassadors, as was alleged by M. de Contrecoeur, to warn him to withdraw. Considering all that we can learn of the characters of the two French ' II. Sparks's Washington, 19. ^ Dc Contrecoeur's summons to Ensign Ward is given at large in VI. Penn. Col. Rec., p. 29. 44 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. officers, and the circumstances of their position, it is to be regretted that there seems some cause to believe the truth of this story. Contrecoeur's treatment of Ward had not been in anywise treacherous or unmanly : his demeanor on other occasions seems to have been creditable and fair; and it is difficult to believe that he would have wilfully put his hand to a deliberate falsehood, to be echoed not only by all his brother officers, but throughout France and Europe. But, granting the doubtful story that Jumonville was entrusted with such a commission, he bore about him no reason to inspire Washington with the prescience of the fact. An ambassador with thirty-five armed men at his heels in an enemy's country, with the army of his friends behind, his foe in front, and the shouts and clamor of victory still ringing through the air, w^as an anomalous character on that stage; and w^e humbly conceive that it. was perfectly fair and just in Washington to defeat and destroy his party in an}'- manner of law^ful war. Certainly, no sane Englishman could have doubted Jumonville's object was other than to gain scalps or intelligence : probably it partook as much or more of the nature of both as of that of a formal embassy. The strength of his party, and the imjDressions entertained of its designs by the Indians who Avere cognizant of its departure and brought the intelligence to the Americans — impressions, the justice of which was confirmed by the recorded testimony of officers of his own nation — these facts abundantly warranted Washington in treating him as an enemy in arms.^ Washington could not ' I. Pouchot, 14. Since both the French and the English have published their own stories, it is but fair to give the Indian version of this affair. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 45 but remember that Contrecoeur had but a few weeks before, by dint of superior power, ejected Ward from Fort Du Quesne (the first scene, by the way, of overt hostility in the long and bloody drama that was about to be enacted) ; and even at this day there is little reason to believe that he would have hesitated for one moment in the commission of any act which he supj)osed came within the line of his duty and the service of the King. Be this as it may, however, Washington, on the 24th of May, received notice from a friendly Indian that a secret expedition had started from Fort Du Quesne two days before, with intent to strike the first English they might see. Thus forewarned, he engaged them on the 28th, when Jumonville was slain in a manner too often detailed to need repetition here.^ In At a council held at PhiladelpLia, in December, 1754, ScaiToyaddy their leader pointedly dwelt on the efforts Jumonville had previously made to seduce him from the English (whom he was on the way to join), and how he rewarded these insidious overtures by at once informing Washington of their whereabouts, and aiding in the combat by way, as he told Washington, of '"'a little bloodying the edge of the hatchet." John Davison, the inter- preter, who was also in the battle, added that " there were but eight Indians, who did most of the execution that was done. Coll. Washington and the Half-King differed much in judgment, and on the Colonel's refusing to take his advice, the English and Indians separated. Afterwards the Indians discovered the French in an hollow, and hid themselves, lying on their bellies behind a hill; afterwards they discovered Coll. Washington on the opposite side of the hollow in the gray of the morning, and when the Eng- lish fired, which they did in great confusion, the Indians came out of their cover and closed with the French, and killed them with their tomahawks, on which the French surrendered." VI. Col. Rec, 195. ' Adam Stephen of Virginia, who served with distinction under Braddock and in the war of the Revolution, gives a contemporaneous and interesting notice of this skirmish, which seems to have escaped the notice of the his- torian. On May 10th, Capt. Stephen was detached wath a reconnoitring party towards Fort Du Quesne, whence, his vicinity being discovered, 46 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. detailing this event to his Court, M. de Duquesne gave his own version of the affair, the correctness of which was ever denied by the Enghsh, and questioned by officers of even his own army. Insomuch as he was taken by sur- prise, the French insisted that Jumonville's death was not only a base act, but a cowardly assassination ; and for years, even down to our own times, their authors have continued to misrepresent the occurrence, and to do an injustice to him who was incapable of acting unjustly to another. Chief among them was M. Thomas, an accom- plished Jifierateiir o^ the day, and a member of the Academy, who, in 1759, published his Jumonville, a lengthy poem in four cantos, in which he not only painted the death of that soldier in the most tragic colors, but traces all the subse- quent misfortunes of the English to that unpardonable act. His unseen shade is made to stand beside Washington on the ramparts of Fort Necessity, freezing his blood with supernatural fear, and calling into life poetic serpents to hiss and gnaw within his breast ; or gliding through the Jumonville •was despatclied against liim. Stephen fell back before bis superior foe till be rejoined Washington, vfbo, at 11 o'clock at night, through a heavily-pouring rain, went forth with forty men to the attack. The French were lodged in bark cabins about five miles from "Washington's position; but so dark was the night, and so bewildering the storm, that it was not until four the next morning that they drew near the enemy. Here it was found not only that seven men were lost on the journey, but that their pieces and ammunition were so wet as to be in a measure useless. They therefore charged the French with fixed bayonets, receiving their fire as they advanced, and not returning it fill they were at close quarters. Stephen adds, that three Indian men and two boys came up with the English during the battle; and that he himself made the first prisoner, capturing the Ensign M. Drouillon, "a j)crt fellow." Penn. Gaz., No. 1343. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 47 lines of his brethren, points at his bleeding wounds yet — "and cries aloud — to battle!" luirevenged, Pursued thus by the inevitable sword of an avenging Nemesis, the woes of the British during the next five years — the heavy visitation of what the poet is pleased to con- sider retributive justice, is finely given : " mcdheureux Ancjlais ! " he exclaims ; " Oh, wretched people ! " Je Yois, dans ses projets, votre audace trompee, Des flots de votre sang TAraerique trempee. Bradhoc, de vos complots sinistre executeur, Des traites et des lois sacrilege infracteur, Qui devait, en guidant vos troupes conjurees, Au char de I'Angleterre enchainer nos contrees, Sur des monccaux de morts, perce de mille coups, Exhale ses furcurs ct son ame en courroux. triste Virginie ! raalheureux rivages ! Je vois vos champs en proie t\ des monstres sauvagesj Je vois, dans leur berceaux, vos eufans massacres, De vos vieillards sanglants les membres dechires, Vos rcmparts et vos toits devorcs par les flammes, La massue ecrascr vos filles et vos femmes, Et, dans leur flanes ouverts, leur fruit infortunes, Condamnes a perir avant que d'etre nes. Votre sang n'eteint pas I'ardeur que les devore : Sur vos corps dechires et palpitants encore, Je les vois etendus, de carnage souilles, Arracher vos chevaux de vos fronts depouilles; Et fiers de ce fardeau, dans leur mains triomphantcs, Montrer a leurs enfunts ces depouilles fumantes. Quels que soicnt les forfaits que nous aient outrages, Anglais, pcut-ctre, helas, sommes-nous trop vengcs ! ' ' Oeuvres Comp. de Thomas (par M. Saint-Surin), torn. V., p. 47. Mr. Sparks (II. Writings of Washington, p. 447), has gone at length into the question of the death of Juinonvillc and has thoroughly cleared up the 48 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. A terri^ed soldier, escaping the fate of his fellows, returned to the fort with the sad tidings of Jumonville's discomfiture ; and a council of war, to deliberate on what clouds that in some minds had obscured the morning brightness of Wash- ington's fame. He does not notice, however, M. Pouchot's version of the affair, which is too significant to be passed over here. This writer says that Jumonville was sent with a letter summoning the English commander to retire. Being taken by surprise, and finding the enemy's strength so much superior to his own, he endeavored to show them the despatch of which he was the bearer ; but they, unwilling to compromise themselves by a parley, poured in a volley, slaying Jumonville and some others. The remainder were made prisoners. (Pouchot, Vol. I., p. 14.) His editor, it is true, adds a note of dissent to the insinuation that Jumonville had any hostile intentions; but the evidence of a brother officer, whose ideas were derived from personal communications with those who were present at the fort at the time, must be received with some deference. It is a little curious, that while the French made so much capital out of this occurrence, their version of its nature was very little considered in England. M. Thomas, for in- stance, opens his preface with the declaration that his theme is " I'assassinat de M. de Jumonville en Amerique, et la vengeance de ce meurtre.'^ During fourteen years after the event, its mere mention had not reached the cars of one of the greatest political gossips of the period in London. In Jul}', 1768, Horace Walpole had never heard of it, and was only then in posses- sion of the news, through the intervention of Voltaire, who had made it a subject of national reproach in his letters. (V. Walpole's Correspondence, p. 212, ed. Lond. 1840.) It is due to a French historian, however, to add that there is an impartial account of the aifair from the pen of M. Garneau. ■ After considering the statements of either side, he says — ''II est probable C[u'il y a du vrai dans les deux versions ; mais que I'attaque fut si precipitee qu'on ne put rien dcmeler. Washington n'avangait qu'en tremblant tant il avait pour d'etre surpris, et il voulait tout prevenir meme en courant le risque de combattre des fantomes. Ce n'est que de cette maniire qu'on peut expliquer pourquoi Washington avcc des forces si superieures montra une si grande ardeur pour surprendre Jumonville au point du jour comme si c'cut etc un ennenii fort a craindre ? Au rcste la mort de Jumonville u'amena pas la guerre, car dtja clle etait rcsoluc, mais elle la precipita." (II. Hist, du Can., 202.) The historical statements of M. Thomas's work are ridiculously false : the only fact it contains is that Jumonville was really dead. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 49 next should be done, was instantly assembled by Contre- coeur. Here the opinions of all were given in writing. The fiery Coulon-Villiers (known for his prowess as Le Grand Villiers), burning to avenge after the fashion of the savages his brother's death, was for violent and vindictive measures : the more safe and moderate advice of M. de Mercier prevailed.^ The desire professed on this occasion, to avoid everything which might be construed into an indefensible violation of the letter of the Treaty of Utrecht, when its spirit and meaning were already infringed by his very presence on the ground, shows how clearly the Frenchman anticipated the approaching war; and his anxiety to preserve, if not peace, at least appear- ances with the world, Villiers, with some six hundred men, was despatched to meet Washington, and Mercier accompanied him as second in command.^ On the 29th of June, Washington, who w^as then at Gist's plantation, received intelligence of their advance ; and his council of war resolved to await the attack at that spot. Entrench- ments were at once undertaken; two detached parties under Captains Lewis and Poison w^ere recalled ; and an express sent to the Great Meadows to summon Captain Mackay, wdth the Independent Company from South Caro- lina. Mackay marched into camp that night, and the next morning Lewis and Poison came in. Apprised now of the enemy's overwhelming force, a second council on the 30th ' I. Pouch ot, 15. ^ The accounts of their number vary from three to nine hundred men, besides Indians. Among the latter were many Dclawares and others who had hitherto lived on terms of personal friendship with the English. Vide Min. Pcnn. Col. Council, Vol. YL, p. 51. 4 50 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. of June resol'ved, with one voice, to retreat to their former position at the Great Meadows. Two miserable teams and a few pack-horses being all their means of transporting their ammunition, the officers at once added their own steeds to the train ; and, leaving half his baggage behind, Washington, for four pistoles, hired some of the soldiers to carry the remainder. For twelve w^eary miles over the Alleghanies did the Virginians drag wdth their own hands the seven swivels that formed their park ; the Indepen- dents obstinately refusing to bear any share of the burthen, whether of drawing guns, carrying ammunition, or clearing the road. On the 1st of July, the party arrived at the Great Meadows in such a state of fatigue that, unless their stores were abandoned, it was absolutely necessary for them to pause there for a few^ days. They had a plenty of milch-cows for beef, but no salt to cure their meat, so it was not possible to lay in a stock of salt provisions ; and as for bread, thougli they had been eight days without it, the convoy from the settlements brought but a few bags of flour, not more than enough for five daj'S. But learning that the two Independent Companies of New York were arrived at Annapolis on the 20th of June, they concluded to make a stand here, in hope of receiving a speedy rein- forcement. The spot selected for the works was well chosen ; and to these rude defences was given the sugges- tive title of Fort Necessity. To Robert Stobo, a captain in the Virginia Regiment, the merit of being their contriver is attributable. The fort w'as a log breast-work 100 feet square, surrounded in part by a shallow ditch ; and was commenced immediately on Washington's arrival. As day INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 51 broke on the morning of the 3d of July, the near approaches of the enemy were prochximed bj some of their scouts shooting down an English sentry; and at 11 A.M., the whole force ca.me in sight and invested the petty fortress. Expecting to be stormed, the Indepen- dents were posted in the ditch, the Virginians being drawn up within their lines, intending to retain their fire till it was certain to take effect. The enemy not adopting this course, however, but sheltering themselves among the trees that crowned a neighboring hill, the men were with- drawn to the cover of their works, and a dropping, desultory fire was kept up on either side during all the day. When night fell, and their ammunition (which only amounted to a handful of ball each, and powder in* proportion), was nearly exhausted, the French repeatedly called a parley, which at last was listened to by the incredulous English ; and a capitulation was speedily arranged.' To the besieged terms were proffered, not to be lightly rejected by men in their position : for two bags of flour and a little bacon now constituted all the provisions of 300 men; their guns were. wet and foul, and there were but two screws in the party with which to clean them ; and, to crown all, one-half the garrison was drunk. Yet even in this strait the capitulation produced by Captain Van Braam, who, being the only officer (save one who was wounded), that could speak French, wf^ selected as his plenipotentiary, was considerably modified by Washington. The French stipulated for the surrender of the artillery and ammunition ; the English insisted on ' MS. Gov. Sharpe's Corresp. iu Md. Hist. Soc. 52 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. retaining the one and destroying the other ; and even this was acquiesced in/ The cattle, etc., had already fallen into the enemy's hands. The articles of surrender, how-- e^'er, while they conceded all honors of war to the garrison, contained one awkward provision to which Washington unwittingly put his hand, in terms admitting that Junion- ville's death was an assassination. This expression, by " the too great condescension of Van Braam," had been suffered to stand on the paper; and as his lender was com- pelled to take his oral version of their nature (for it was now nearly midnight, and the falling rain prevented a candle's burning more than a moment at a time), which substituted the word ''death" for this odious phrase; it was not until afterwards that its real language was dis- covered.^ In the meanwhile the negotiator, Captain Jacob Van Braam, together with Captain Stobo, both Virginian officers, were given up to the enemy as pledges of the faithful performance of the articles of surrender.^ ' These guns, which were probably merely spiked and abandoned, were in later years bored out or otherwise restored to their former condition. For a long time they lay on the Great Meadows, useless and disregarded. After the Revolution, however, when bands of settlers commenced to travel tov/ards the West, it was a favorite amusement to discharge these cannon : the Meadow being a usual halting-place. They were finally transported to Kentucky by some enterprising pioneers, and their subsequent fate is unknown. ^ II. Sparks's Washington, 51, 456. Stobo's Memoirs, 17. Capt. Stephen's letter in Penn. Gaz., No. 1339. Col. Inncs to Gov. Hamilton, VI. Col. Eec, 51 : where also a correct cojiy of the capitulation will be found. II. Olden Time, 213. ^ Robert Stobo was born at Glasgow, 1727, of respectable parentage, and was settled in Virginia as a merchant when the French troubles began in 1754. Dinwiddle giving him a company in Frcy's regiment, he took an active part in Washington's campaign. It is not impossible he was one INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 53 On the following morning, the fourth of July, 1754, with drums beating and colors flying, the little garrison evacuated its feeble entrenchments, and sadly turned their faces homewards. Probably the memory of this day, whose return, twenty-one years after, was destined to open to him the gates of immortal fame, was for a season of '' those raw, surly, and tyrannical Scots, several of them mere boys from behind the counters of tlie factors here," with whom, according to Maury (Huguenot Family, 404), the governor filled the corps. As the stipulations for which he remained a hostage were not complied with, he was, with his bro- ther captain, Van Braam, sent from Du Quesnc to Canada, but not before he had contrived to transmit a plan of its works to the English. His letters and drawings being found in Braddock's cabinet, excited no little odium against him. At last he escaped from captivity (whether with or without Van Braam is not certainly known to the writer), and after a series of romantic adventures, reached England. His Memoirs were there published, a reprint of which has lately been given at Pittsburg, by Mr. Neville Craig, to whose notes the preceding remarks are due. The only remaining feature in his story that has been discovered is the fact that on June 5th, 17G0, he was made a captain in the 15th Foot (Amherst's Regiment), then serving in America; which position he held as late as 1765. He was an eccentric creature; an acquaintance of David Hume and a friend of Smollett, to whom he is said to have sate for the character of the immor- tal Lismahago. As for Van Braam, his career is still more obscure. Denounced as a traitor for his agency in the capitulation of Fort Necessity, it must not be forgotten that three weeks before the surrender, Washing- ton (to whom he had served as interpreter on the mission of 1753), pro- nounced him '' an experienced, good officer, and very worthy of the com- mand he has enjoyed :" that he consented to going as a hostage to the French, with the certainty of his fraud being soon discovered by his own party, had he committed one ; that he was detained rather as a prisoner than a hostage ; and that he risked his life to return to the English. These facts do not exculpate him from the charge of imbecility, but they are inconsistent with the assumption of his deliberate treason. In 1770, too, it v;ould appear that he claimed and obtained his share of the Virginia bounty lands, with AYashington as Commissioner; and on 14th June, 1777, was made Major of the Third Battalion of the 60th Foot, or Eoyal Ameri- cans, then stationed in the West Indies. 54 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. marked in Washington's calendar as the blackest, the most melancholy epoch of his life;. His visions of future fame in the service of his native land seemed to have received a dangerous, perhajDS a fatal, downfall : nor could the reflections that its immediate memory must have adduced have been of a very cheering character. In spite of the stipulation of the French commander, the Indians hung on the skirts of his diminished band, plundering the baggage, and committing a hundred annoyances and mischiefs. The medical stores they entirely destroyed ; thus cruelly aggra- vating the unhappy condition of the wretches, who, sick and wounded, and without a horse to assist them, were to traverse fifty miles of inhospitable forests, ere they could reach the nearest halting-place on Will's Creek. The number of savages, hitherto regarded as friendly to the colonies, whom he recognised enlisted under the standard of the enemy, was another source of regret. And so long as the French preserved their local superiority, he very well knew how little hope there was of these fickle people returning to their ancient friendships : nor was he blind to the unconcealed disgust at the result of the campaign of even those wdiose lot was immutabl}' cast with the English.' ' The celebrated Seneca cliief Thanacrishon (better known as the Half- King), complained bitterly to Conrad Weiser of "Washington's conduct. ''The Colonel/' he said, "was a good-natured man, but had no experience; he took upon him to command the Indians as his slaves, and would have them every day upon the scout, and to attack the enemy by themselves, but would by no means take advice from the Indians. He lay in one place from one full moon to the other, without making any fortifications, except that little thing on the Meadow; whereas, had he taken advice, and built such fortifications as he (the Half-King) advised him, he might easily have beat off the French. But the French in the engagement acted like cowards, I K T R D U C T R T MEMOIR. 55 And above all other annoj'ances, the discovery of the un- enviable and unmerited position in which Van Braam's ''evil intentions or n(?gligence" had placed his character, must have stung him to the quick. With reason, then, on the morning of AVashington's departure from Fort Neces- sity, dark visions swam before his eyes. He saw before but the frowning forests ; behind,, the scene of his own and his country's defeat. " At that moment," observes Mr. Ban- croft, "in the whole valley of the Mississippi to its head- springs in the Alleghanies, no standard floated but that of France," Destroying, as he says, not only the cannon surrendered by the English, but also the smaller piece reserved by the garrison as a point of military etiquette, but which it was incompetent to drag away ; and knock- ing in the heads of the liquor-casks, to prevent a savage debauch, " the Great Villiers " departed on the same day as his adversaries, but in an opposite direction.^ Gracing his triumph with the Virginia standard, which in the confusion had been left at the fort, he turned his ste^DS toward Du and the English like fools." — Enquinj into the Causes of the Alienation of the Delaware and Shaivanese Indians, &c. (Lend. 1759) p. SO. This volume, whose rarity is greater than even its value and importance, was the work of Charles Thomson, subsequently Secretary of the Congress ; but in 175G, when he prepared his material, an usher in the Quaker grammar- school at Philadelphia. He writes in honest but bitter opposition to the Pcnns, on which account some allowances must bo made in perusing his book. This Half-King, who was so free of his censure, was a pretty shrewd fellow. It was he who advised Ensign Ward, when summoned by M. de Contrecoeur to surrender his post, to reply that his rank did not invest him with sufficient power so to do, and to desire a delay until his chief commander might arrive; a suggestion which, though ineffectual in practice, argues considerable astuteness on the part of its proposer. Sec IT. Sparks's "Washington, p. 7. 56 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. Quesne, where he arrived on the 7th of July ; having de- stroyed all the English settlements on the way, and detach- ing also M. de la Chauvignerie for the same purpose. This circumstance in itself shows that the country had not utterly escaped the notice of colonists from the eastward, although it is more than probahle that man}^ of the houses so burned were trading-stations, or shelters recently erected for the convenience of some of Trent's or Washington's troops. On his journey, too, he encountered the place where his brother had fallen ; and where mangled corpses, their skulls bare and bloody from the knife, still strewed the ground with shocking memorials of that scene of slaughter. A decent, if not a Christian burial, in earth best consecrated by the life-blood of a soldier, was bestowed upon their remains; and the grave of Jumonville is still shown to the curious traveller, who pauses, "by lonely contemplation led," to muse u|)on the spot where, like Philip's son, the future statesman and sage loosened the tangled web of policy with his sword ; and invoking the ultima ratio regum to decide whether to a Guelf or a Bourbon North America should owe allegiance, the hands ' In 1756^ M. de Villiers took an active part in the capture of Oswego, (I. Garneau, 246 : I. Poucliot, 71.) Till 1759, be would seem to have still been employed in that region, whore he was one of the defenders and probably of the captives of Niagara : after which he is lost sight of. There were six brothers of the Villiers family killed in Canada during this war, fighting for France ; each of whom was distinguished by some local surname. The seventh and last, also in the service, appears alone to have escaped. I. Forster's Bossu, 185. From the language of M. Thomas (Jumonv., ch. I.) we are at liberty to conjecture that they were natives of Old France. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 57 of the Father of bis Country were for the first time steeped in human blood. ^ In the meantime, since their arrival in the spring the garrison under M. de Contrecoeur had experienced much privation and suffering. An expensive and abundant supply of provisions and stores had at an early day been despatched to this post from Canada, under a strong escort; but the difficulties incident on the portage at Niagara pro- duced an unwelcome and unlooked-for delay. The want of horses and suitable equipages to transport them from the fort at Presqu'-Isle to the Ohio was also a great embar- rassment. Four hundred of the party expired on the route, either from scurvy or from the fatigues of bearing all this burthen upon their shoulders. The provisions of the escort were soon expended, and the magazines intended for their comrades were put into requisition. Then their contents became known, and every one took freely from them such wares as pleased his fancy. The officers were clad in rich velvets, and drank to their fill of the rare wines with which, by the knavish connivance of the au- thorities with some unknown parties in interest, the detachment was charged. A scene of general waste and confusion ensued ; and while the troops at Fort Du Quesne profited slightly enough by the costly engagements that had been criminally made for their benefit, the convoy which Avas to return to Canada arrived there brilliantly ' Journal of IM. de Villicrs : II. Olden Time, 213. Sharp's MS. Corresp. The whole French and Indian loss at Fort Necessity is stated here to have been but one cadet and two privates killed and seventeen dangerously wounded. 58 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. equipped, and with a report amply covering all their delinquencies.^ If the reception of the tidings of the compulsory evacua- tion of tlie Ohio territories by the English gave any satis- faction in France, the feeling was far otherwise in London. Unwelcome enough was this news to a country whose commercial prosperity was so largely identified with the success of its colonial system ; nor v/ere the witticisms of the young Comte d'Estaing (himself destined in time to direct heavy and successful blows against British dominion in America), sufficient to restore the good-humor of the people. " Pardieu, Messieurs," said he to the English courtiers, " ce seroit bien ridicule, de faire casser la tete a dix milles hommes pour quelques douzaines de chapeaux." ^ It was all very well to balance thus satirically the life of a man against the skin of a beaver ; but the fur-trade on the Ohio, now lost to the English, was worth, though but in its infancy, no less than £40,000 a-year.^ The jDrivation of such a profit, not less than the manner in which it was lost, was eminently calculated to excite indignation ; and ample details of the whole, forwarded to London by Governor Dinwiddle and others, speedily brought about the inception of those vigorous measures which it is the pro- vince of these pages in part to chronicle. In the month of August, 1754, the surrender of Fort Necessity and the conduct of its commander were freely commented on in the highest political circles. " The French have tied up the hands of an excellent fanfaron, a Major Washington," ' I. Pouchot, 12. ' IV. Mabou's Letters of Chesterfield, 146. ' Ponn. Gaz., No. 1344. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 59 wrote Walpole, '-whom they took, and engaged not to serve for a year."^ In several places, the same writer repeats the anecdote of AVashington's desjDatcli on this occasion : '• '1 have heard tiie bullets whistle ; and believe me there is something charming in the sound.' On hear- ing of this letter, the King said sensibly, ' He would not say so, if he had been used to hear many.'"" And the Duke of Cumberland avowed that '• rather than lose one foot of ground in America, he would oppose the enemies of his country in that part of the world himself" ^ But the vacillating organization of the Ministry prevented, for a season, any fruit ripening from these warlike blossoms. The recent death of Henry Pelham, the only brother of the Duke of Newcastle, and an exceliejit cabinet minister, had occasioned a remodelling of that body; and for some months, so considerable and uncertain were their various alterations, there was nothing but change and inconsis- tency displayed in the conduct of the official and salaried advisers of the Crown. Newcastle, however, with his great fortune and enormous borough-interest, remained always at the head of affairs. Ambitious, but incapable, his combined ignorance and vanity cause him too often to appear in the memoirs of the period rather in the charac- ter of a ridiculous buffoon than that of a politic statesman; yet even to his understanding the necessity of a prompt movement was evident. Such was his natural imbecility, ' V. Walp. Con-esp., 72. - I. Walpole's Memoirs of George II., 346. Walpole to Sir H. Mann, V. Corresp., 71. And consult II. Sparks's Wash , 40. 3 Penn: Gaz., No. 1342. 60 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. however, and his mean jealousy of all men in whom by any chance his imagination could foresee future rivals to himself, that a long and dangerous delay elapsed before anything like form and coherence was given to the pro- posed measures. Previously to considering these proceed- ings, nevertheless, and having now shown, in their natural course, the circumstances which had induced this crisis, it may not be amiss to dwell for a moment upon the position of affairs in those colonies for whose immediate protection so much treasure was to be lavished, so many lives spent. The provinces most directly affected by the presence of the French upon the Ohio were those of Virginia and Pennsylvania. In the former, everything was ripe for war. Though its laws, forbidding the employment of the militia beyond their own confines, had prevented that body being- called upon for the occupation of a region whose situation was well believed by many to be without its jurisdiction, this infant state had gallantly volunteered four hundred men for the undertaking, whose ill-success was crowned by the surrender of Fort Necessity. A martial spirit pervaded the land ; and the Governor was a man sagacious in his views and devoted to the interests of his nation.' With ' Very few colonial governors have obtained the popular verdict in their praise, and certainly Robert Dinwiddle was not one of that scanty number. His disputes with his Assembly in regard to his exaction of fees warranted by law but obsolete in practice, and his difficulties with "Washington, have left an unpleasant impression of his character on the American mind. Yet he was an officer not unworthy of commendation. Eemarkablc integrity and vigilance in other employments, had procured him the gov^ument of Virginia; and the records of the day show very clearly how untiring were his efforts to secure the colony from a foreign foe. A Scot by birth, he perhaps retained too many of the prejudices of that people; but he was INTRODUCTORY M E ^[ I R . 61 the exception of the constant quarrels (incident almost to the very existence of a colony), on the subject of money between him and his Assembly, the people and their rulers were generally united and strong in their views of foreign policy, and, what was of even greater importance, were firmly bound together by the common ties of domestic associations. The case was not similar in Pennsjdvania. Its popula- tion at this period exceeded three hundred thousand souls; its products, almost exclusively agricultural, were sufficient to employ five hundred vessels, mostly owned in its capital, that annually bore away to other lands provisions sufficient to subsist one hundred thousand men/ The character of this population was, however, as various as its numbers. In the vicinity of Philadelphia, it is true, the descendants of the original Quaker settlers, with all their purity of morals and all the civilization that could have reasonably been expected to arise from their pacific tenets, still pre- vailed. But farther from the wealthier and more ancient settlements were to be found large establishments of Scotch-Irish and Germans, each strongly . preserving the not -nithout their virtues : aud as though in accordance with his armorial device — uhi lihertas, ibi patria — he liberally aided in the protection and encouragement of knowledge and education, -without which liberty so soon degenerates into license. The librai-y of William and Mary College still preserves the evidences of his generosity; and Dinwiddle County, in the State of Virginia, perpetuates the memory of bis name. ' I am aware that Mr. James S. Pringle, in a valuable paper read before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania in May, 1854, states the population of the proviuce, in 1753, to have been but 250,000. Governor Moms, in March, 1755, computes it at the number above mentioned; though proba- bly even his calculation was but conjectural. \1. Col. Rec, 836. 62 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. peculiar idiosyncrasies of their national origin. The Germans, in particular, clinging tenaciously together, are even to this day far from being undistinguishably absorbed in the mass of their fellow-citizens ; but then, dwelling as it were aloof from other settlements, they formed a clearly- defined and distinct population. A description of the manner in wdiich one of these settlements was formed may not be devoid of interest. On Christmas-day, 1709, ten ships set sail from London for New York, freighted with some 4000 Protestant and expatriated Germans, who had been supported in London by the bounty of Queen Anne, and were now sent by that benevolent sovereign to seek new homes in a new world. On their arrival, they were soon dispersed over the whole proyince, many seating themselves at Schoharie upon lands which belonged to others. Discountenanced in their conduct by Governor Burnet, and embarrassed by the op- position of the lawful owners of the soil, they were finally induced, in 1723, to set forth once more on their wanderings. Like the Israelites of old, their spies had gone down before them and searched out the fatness of the land, and had brought back glowing accounts of the regions on the Swatara creek in Pennsylvania, and the parts adjacent. Cutting wagon- roads then from the Schoharie to the Susquehannah, they transported their effects through the unbroken forest, and in their rude canoes floated down the river to the mouth of Swatara creek ; their herds following along the shore. Thus were founded the Swatara and Tulpehockiiig settle- ments. This was in the spring of 1723 : it Avas not until 1732 that Thomas Penn purchased the country compre- INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 63 hcnding portions of Berks and Lebanon counties from the Indians ; and, in the meanwhile, the settlements had con- tinued to increase, not only against the will of the Pro- prietary, but to the annoyance and indignation of the savages, who beheld their hunting-grounds thus forcibly possessed by strangers/ Intermingled with the rest at this time were numbers of English churchmen and Irish Catholics, all contributing to swell the mass of conflicting tongues and creeds that al- ready was in itself sufficient to account for a certain degree of absence of mutual sympathy which so long seems to have prevailed among the people of Pennsylvania. In no manner did the exceeding difference of condition and feelings develope itself more plainly than in their inter- course with the Indians. By all the ties of their faith, as well as through their comparative freedom from the troubles incident on a near neighborhood with the red men, the influential Quakers were, as a general thing, persuaded of the propriety of treating them in the same honorable manner prescribed by the founder of the pro- vince and their own great apostle. With the frontier settlers, the case Avas otherwise. A hardy race, often of a temper too prone to intlict an injury, and always prompt to resent one, they were constantly, either in individual instances, or as a people, embroiled with their neighbors. Of the most important Indian tribes who were to be found about this period within the limits of Pennsylvania, and whose conduct and views would most materially influence the scattered remnants of other nations that still existed Register of Conrad Weiser : Penn. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. I., p. 5. 64 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. there, were the Dehiwares and the Shawanoes. The former had once been a powerful and a warhke tribe ; but before the arrival of William Penn they were subdued by the Six Nations of the north, whose hunting-parties roamed at will, as feudal suzerains of old, through the whole region as far as the Ohio and the Chesapeake bay. They were compelled by their conquerors to put on petticoats, and acknowledge themselves women ; terms so degrading that nothing but the extreme awe inspired by the prowess of the confederates of the lakes could have induced submis- sion to — and they were not permitted in any way to exercise the privileges of an independent people. When, therefore, Penn, after purchasing from the Iroquois the land upon which he proposed establishing the seat of his budding empire, made furthermore a point of buying the same lands from their occupants and ancient masters, he acted towards the Del aw ares with a politic propriety not less just in the abstract than soothing and grateful to their pride. Henceforth the Delawares and the Quakers were as brothers ; and the Shawanoes, an alien tribe supposed to have found their way thitherward from the everglades of Florida, participated in these sentiments. No land was to be occupied by the wliitcs until it had been granted by the Proprietary ; and the hitter's title must rest upon a previous concession from the Indians. But these halcj^on days were not long to endure. As time wore on, and new settlers, impelled by adverse fortune or aUured by the fertility of its soil, migrated to Pennsyl- vania from other shores, the rights of the Indian became more and more disregarded. His lands would be occupied INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 65 by a stranger, destitute of the shadow of a title, the rever- berations of whose gun or the baying of whose hounds would frighten off the game (the flocks and herds of the savage), into still deeper recesses of the forest ; and his pride would receive a constant shock from the imperious bearing and, oftentimes, the brutal behaviour of the unlicensed and unwelcome guest. The proprietary government, it is true, sometimes endeavored to restrain its subjects within due bounds ; but too frequently it was itself guilty of miscon- duct not less flagrant. It would too often connive at white settlements upon lands belonging to the aborigines ; or worse still, engage in some disgraceful, dishonest swindle, by which the savage would be cheated out of his inherit- ance. By these means, it is not wonderful that his dispo- sitions were gradually becoming hostile to the Europeans, and that his ancient confidence in their friendly professions was impaired. When, in 1741, that devoted New England philanthropist, John Sergeant, bore to the Shawanoes on the Susquehannah the tidings of salvation, they rejected with disdain his pious overtures. They had learned to hate the religion whose votaries corrupted their health, cheated them of their substance, and debauched their women. ^ And when the wiser and more foreseeing among them complained of the outrages they were subjected to by the traders, they met with but scanty redress. In 1727, the deputies of the Six Nations, who represented as well their own tribes as the subject Delawares, complained to Governor Gordon, at Philadelphia, of the traders who ' Hopkins's Mem. of Housatannuk Inds., p. 90. Thomson's Alienation, &c , p. 5G. 5 66 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. came among them, getting all their skins at trifling prices. " They get so little for them, that they cannot live ; and can scarce procure powder and shot to bring more. That the traders bring very little of these, but instead luring rum, which they sell very dear." They further urged that no more settlements should be made on the Susquehannah above Pax ton ; and that no more rum should be sold there to the Indians ; and that none of the traders to the Ohio should be suffered to carry rum. To all which the Gover- nor replied, that in regard to new settlements, as his people increased they must necessarily spread; and as to the traders — " they know it is the custom of all to buy as cheap and to sell as dear as they can, and that every man must be on his guard and make the best bargain he can : the English cheat the Indians, and the Indians cheat the English ; and that they were at perfect liberty to destroy without compensation all the rum that was brought among them, as the provincial laws forbade it being carried thither." ' Perhaps the governors could not do any more than they did to restrain the excesses of the traders ; but all that they did do was ineffectual ; the abuse continued to operate, undiminished by time.^ ' Thomson, p. 13. " Sec the Governor's message in 1744 : "1 cannot but be apprehensive that the Indian trade, as it is now carried on, vrill involve us in some fatal quarrel with the Indians. Our traders, iu defiance of the law, carry spirituous liquors among them, and take the advantage of their inordinate appetite for it to cheat them of their skins and their wampum, which is their money, and often to debauch their wives into the bargain. Is it to be wondered at then if, when they recover from their drunken fit, they should take some severe revenges?" — Votes of Pain. Atiscmhli/, Vol. III., p. .555. These traders generally consisted, according to the report of the same legislature, in 1754, of the vilest of their own inhabitants, or of transported convicts from Great Britain and Ireland. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 67 The result of the infamous Walking Treaty — as shame- less a fraud as ever was perpetrated — had occasioned a great and natural discontent on the part of the unfortu- nates so unjustly and, as all will now concede, so illegally ousted from their homes. The story of this transaction is briefly as follows : In 1686, as was alleged by the proprietaries and admitted by most of the Indians, Penn had purchased from the Delawares a tract of land comprehended within certain boundaries. The line was to begin at a certain spruce-tree on the river Delaware, above the mouth of Neshamony Creek : thence by a course west-north-west to the Nesha- mon}^ : thence back into the woods as far as a man could walk in a day and a half; thence to the Delaware again, and so down to the place of beginning. No steps were taken to lay out this land until some sixty years afterward, when, upon mature consideration of the subject, it was decided by the proprietary to take formal possession of it. Accordingly, every preparation was made to secure as good a bargain as possible. A road was surveyed for the walk; expeditious means of crossing the intersecting streams were provided ; and the swiftest pedestrians in the province were engaged to accomplish as great a distance as might be com- passed within the time limited. This having been attained, the next point was to run the line to the Delaware ; and here, whatever may be thought of the mode in which the first part of the business had been transacted, a glaring wrong was perpetrated by the government. In the original deed, a blank had been left for the direction which the pro- posed line should take : and as the topography of this 68 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. country could not, in 1686, have been accurately known, this seems not unnatural. But now, by a foul advantage of this omission, it was resolved to run the line, not by the nearest course to the river, which would have been east- south-east, or parallel to that by which they set out, but by a north-east course for a hundred miles and more, till it struck the Delaware near the mouth of Lackawaxen Creek, far above Easton. A fortunate westerly bend in the chan- nel enabled them to effect this, and to cover by their deed at least a million of acres, when, by a fairer computation, three hundred and fifty thousand should have confined their claim, ^ Their best lands, and even their accustomed villages being invaded by this enormous fraud, the Indians on the Delaware evinced a decided inclination not to submit to it. To provide against any evil consequences on this head, a number of deputies from the Six Nations were, in 1742, invited to visit Philadelphia, nominally to transact public business of a mutual importance, but really to persuade them to overawe the Delawares into acquiescence in the chicanery that had been practised upon them. Accord- ingly, after having been conciliated with a few hundred pounds' worth of presents, they were requested to prevail on their cousins the Delawares to remove from the lands in the forks of the river, which, it was pretended, their fathers had sold and been paid for long before. The chiefs of this tribe being assembled in the council-chamber, Avere then earnestly addressed by the speaker of the Six Nations. ' Thomson, pp. 34 ct scq. 70. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 69 In homely but forcible phrase he reproached them with their misconduct. " They deserved," said he, " to be taken by the hair of their heads and shaken severely, till they recovered their senses and became sober. But how came 3^ou," he continued, " to take upon you to sell lands at all ? We conquered you ; ^ce made women of you ; you know you are women, and can no more sell land than women ; nor is it fit you should have the power of selling lands, since you would abuse it. This land that ^^ou claim is gone through your guts : you have been furnished with clothes, meat, and drink by the goods paid you for it, and now you want it again, like children as you are ! But what makes you sell lands in the dark ? Did you ever tell us that you had sold this land? Did ice ever receive any part, oven the value of a pipe-shank, from you for it ? '=' * For all these reasons, we charge you to remove instantly : we don't give you the liberty to think about it. You are women. Take the advice of a wise man, and remove im- mediately. You may return to the other side of Delaware, where you came from ; but we do not know whether, con- sidering how you have demeaned yourselves, you will be permitted to live there, or wdiether you have not swallowed that land down your throats as well as the land on this side. We therefore assign you two places to go, either to Wyomen or Shamokin. You may go to either of these places, and then we shall have you more under our eye, and shall see how you behave. Don't deliberate, but remove at once, and take this belt of wampum." Having thus satisfactorily closed all debate, the speaker summarily 70 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. ejected "his cousins the Delawares" from the apart- ment.^ It was impossible for the Indians to disobey so potent a decree, and they removed as they were bidden. But the acquirement of their fields, so inexpensive at the begin- ning, in the end cost very dear. From that moment, they were ready to listen to the overtures of the French, and to contemplate with no great displeasure the discomfiture of both the Iroquois and the English. For it was not within the bounds of human endurance unmoved to see their wives and little ones starving by their side, and to feel themselves the sharp pangs of poverty and famine, while the whites v;ere feasting on the fatness of their ancient inheritance. It is use- less to tell a rudely-reasoning and famishing barbarian, or, for the matter of that, a sage philosopher in the same condi- tion, as did the deputies of the Six Nations at Philadelphia, that he or his ancestors had long ago sold the millions of acres along the Delaware, which they once occupied ; and had enjoyed the full benefit of the ' two guns, six stroud-water coats, six blankets, six duffel watch-coats, and four kettles,' that were said to have been paid to them by William Penn.^ An undisciplined feeling of natural equity, stimulated perhaps by hunger, advised them that such a price, if the story of its ever having been paid at all were true, was a poor compensation for the abandonment of a region abounding at the time in game and jdelding ready crops of maize and pumpkins, for their new and dreary homes. Conrad Weiser, that strange compound, to whom Indian ' Thomson, p. 45. ' Ibid, p. 19. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 71 life and the Indian tongue were perhaps more fiimihar than English, gives a piteous account of their condition in the winter of 1737, when he passed from Tulpehocking in Pennsylvania on his way to New York. Scattered through the forests, they would fix their camps near a grove of sugar-maple trees, the juice of which constituted the only magazine of food upon which they could with any certainty rely. Here the children searched along the loAvlands and the banks of streams for nuts and esculent roots, ^ or crowded weeping with their mothers around the traveller, in whose exhausted pouch yet remained a few crumbs of corn-meal. A handful of maize steeped in a pot of ash- lye to make a kind of soup, constituted to them a most luxu- rious but unwonted dish. In the meantime, the husbands and fathers of the party, disdaining to rob their flimilies of the miserable pittance which preserved them from death though not from starving, would range for weeks at a time through all the region between the Shamokin and the upper waters of the Susquehannah in fruitless search of game. By day he scouted through the dense spruce- forests, beneath those evergreen boughs which the sun's rays rarely pierced ; every sense painfully on the alert lest the tread of a deer or the distant flight of a mountain grouse should escape his observation ; or lest, by a misstep, he should be cast headlong down some precipitous chasm, or slipping between treacherous logs, be chilled in the icy ' " The turkey-pea has a single stalk, grows to a height of eight or ten inches, and bears a small pod. It is found in rich, loose soils; appears among the first plants in the spring, and produces on the root small tubers of the size of a hazel-nut, on which the turkeys feed. The Indians are fond of, and collect them in considerable quantities." — Ilunfcr, 425. 72 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. torrent of the dark, deei>flowing streams. Cold and hungry, he would lie down at nightfall crouched beneath a pile of boughs, the snow drifting the while in fierce wreaths about his sleeping form; and in the morning awake, stiff and cold, to find his fire still burning in the hole, two or three feet deep, that it had melted during the night in the snow. With returning light, the labors of the chase are resumed. In vain he threads the Dia-dachlu or Wandering River (as he named Lycoming Creek) ; its fords at this season waist deep, its current swift and powerful and icy cold ; or the fierce Oscohu, mountain-born, flowing between fringing maples. Carefully avoiding the Aveird ravine which superstition invested with mysterious horrors as the home of the Otkon, an evil spirit who delighted in blood and was only to be appeased by magical sacrifices, he would shudderingly gaze from the brow of a distant hill at the skulls wdiich, bleaching in the winter's storms, de- clared at once the extent of the demon's power and the place of his abode. Then turning to the north, he pene- trates to the summit of the hill where, according to tradi- tion, pumpkins, corn, and tobacco first grew for the benefit of humanity; but only to find that they grew there no longer. Exhausted and weary, the poor wretch turns his face homewards, and with languid gait — sperans meliora — seeks his camp by the water-side ; diverging perchance on the way to visit the beaver-dam at the confluence of the Towanda and Lycoming Creeks, where once within his own memory many pipes of tobacco had been smoked before " his grand-fathers the beavers." Now not a sign of their presence remained. To supply the insatia- INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 73 ble maw of trafRc, not only the males of the colony, but even the females, generally so sacred in the eyes of an Indian, had long since yielded up their skins ; and the pool was silent and unbroken. With a sinking heart he invokes the Great Spirit to come to his relief lest he perish, or to give him a reason why he and his people should thus suffer ; and in a vision of the night, " when deep sleep flilleth on men, fear comes upon him and trembling which makes all his bones to shake." A spirit passes before his face, and he hears the words of the Manitou, pronouncing the doom of his race. Humbled in soul, but callous through long endurance, he returns empty-handed to his camp, happy if he finds there some benevolent stranger, differing from his color in being a Christian not only in name but in deed, who, as he divides his few remaining ounces of corn-bread with weeping, starving women and children, murmurs within himself blessings on Plis name " who hath made in His wisdom thistles to grow instead of barley in this land, and the owners thereof to lose their life." ^ ' There is not the least exaggeration in this sketch; every statement in it is literally true. Vide Weiser's Narrative of a journey in 1737, pub- lished in I. Coll. Penn. Hist. Soc., 17. In the revelation referred to, God declared to the Indians: You inquire after the cause why game has hecome scarce. I will tell you. You Jdll if for the sake of the sicins, ivhich you (jive for strong liquor, and droion your senses and kill one another, and carry on a dreadful debauchery. Tlierefore have I driven the loild animals out of the country, for they are mine. If you will do good and cease from your sins, I icill bring them back. If not, I will destroy you from of the earth. Weiser asked if they put faith in this vision. " They answered, yes ; some believed it would happen so : others also believed it, but gave themselves no concern about it. Time will show, said they, what is to happen to us. Rum will kill us, and leave the land clear for the Europeans without strife or purchase." 74 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. How changed was the Indian's condition since fifty years before ! Then, save his own domestic broils, he had no enemies to contend with. Game was not slaughtered for the skin only, and food was therefore comparatively abundant. The twanging bow-string then answered all his purposes of destruction; the detonations of musketry had not yet broken the silence of his hunting-grounds o,nd frightened off both bird and beast, and they were therefore easily accessible. Above all, rum, that scourge of the red race, was not familiar to his taste, and he was therefore indejoendent. Cruel he was, and revengeful; and his social condition was marked with all those blemishes which almost jDrevent our regretting the means by which he has been destroyed in the reflection of the utter worthlessness of his existence to the rest of the world : but we must not forget that, so far as he was concerned, his lot was only injured by the approach of civilization. Now, he is van- ished ; passed away, with all his atrocious faults and noble virtues, from the memory of the land, like a hideous dream : then, he was its owner, its master, and was happy. The Indian has no original wants that civilization can gratify ; no aspirations that barbarism cannot fulfil. His fields are tilled by the woman with whom he vouchsafes to share his couch ; his lodge is raised upon poles hewed from the nearest forest, and covered with the spoils of the chase ; his most glorious furniture is the scalps that dry in the smoke of his wigwam. His ornaments are arms, his pastime is war; his highest luxury consists in repletion. What to him are the rich marts of commerce, the narrow streets, the busy hum of crowded cities ! INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 75 Coarse are his meals — the fortune of the chase; Amidst the running stream he slakes his thirst; Toils all the day, and at th' approach of night, On the first friendly bank ho throws him down, Or rests his head upon a rock till morn : Then rises fresh, pursues his wonted game ; And if, the following day, he chance to find A new repast, or an untasted spring, Blesses his stars, and thinks it luxury. A glance, now, at the character and condition of the white settlers of those days, will not be out of place ; and so different were they from the people of this generation; that the sketch may not be uninteresting. The diversity of national origin of the early population of Pennsylvania has already been noticed : there was a still greater differ- ence in their intellectual and moral developments. Set- ting aside the shoals of convicts turned loose upon its borders from the English gaols, there were hundreds of other colonists arriving every year, whose presence, though necessary, perhaps, to the ultimate prosperity of the grow- ing State, could not have been calculated to promote the immediate refinement and elevation of its character. In every colony there must be a class of settlers who shall there serve the same purpose as Linnaeus beautifully attri- butes to the lichens and mosses of the physical world, when he aptly describes them as the bond-slaves of nature : they must form, upon the yet wild and unseated rock, the earliest soil from which, in time, the choicest of Nature's creations shall spring. Individuals must fall, and die, and be forgotten, as the leaves in the forest, their remains commingling with the mother earth, through long and tedious time, ere the solitude and gloom of the wil- 76 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. derness shall give place to the temples of luxury and civi- lization. Thus it is ever in this world ; each man, each plant, each insect, living or dying, has a part to play, a place to fill. Change, eternal change, the imperish- able secret of Nature, is the only immutable measure of all her laws. It is not designed in this place to dwell -upon the parti- cular establishments that were from time to time made by English, Scotch-Irish, or Germans, in the various parts of the province ; but a few words respecting their distinctive characters will be of service as tending to show the causes of the conduct and sentiment of the people under peculiar circumstances. In each of these classes were to be found men of education, intelligence, and virtue. The English naturally preponderated in characters of this stamp. The amiable, honest, l^enevolent followers of Penn, who flocked to the shores of the Delaware as to a haven of refuge, comprehended within their ranks a degree of mental and moral cultivation which would have reflected credit upon any people in the world ; the wealth, too, of the province, and the control of the Assembly, were chiefly in their hands. Other English, of various denominations, were to be found, not inferior in station or capacity to the discijoles of Fox ; and although, at one time or another, the Presbyterians thought themselves neglected, or the churchmen took umbrage at the Quaker rule, yet, on the whole, we may safely conclude that there has rarely been an instance of religious power having been used with so much mildness. Certainly, had the societies of either the Church of Eng- land or the Westminster Assembly been in the position of INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 77 the Quakers, there is no reason to believe they would have acted with a like tolerance to their fellow-citizens, while the poor Indian would have suffered terribly in the ex- change. The Scotch-Irish, as they were called, were emigrants from the northern part of the sister-kingdom, descendants of the Scottish colonies planted there by Cromwell. They were a hardy, brave, hot-headed race ; excitable in temper, unrestrainable in passion, invincible in prejudice. Their hand opened as impetuously to a friend as it clenched against an enemy. They loathed the Pope as sincerely as they venerated Calvin or Knox ; and they did not parti- cularly respect the Quakers. If often rude and lawless, it was partly the fault of their position. They hated the Indian, while they despised him ; and it does not seem, in their dealings with this race, as though there were any sentiments of honor or magnanimity in their bosoms that could hold way against the furious tide of passionate, blind resentment. Impatient of restraint, rebellious against any- thing that in their eyes bore the semblance of injustice, we find these men readiest among the ready on the battle- fields of the revolution. If they had faults, a lack of patriotism or of courage was not among the number. We have already alluded to a lawless settlement of the Germans upon the Susquehannah ; and indeed the pro- vince soon became a chosen harbor for these people, who appear to have migrated from Germany in very much the same sort as they do at this day. The Avanderers were generally of the lower orders — peasants, mechanics, or sometimes small farmers or tradesmen. Selling their use- 78 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. less possessions at home, they would embark together in droves for the promised land. Many were so poor (and not of the Germans alone, but of all nations emigrating to America), that it was a very customary thing for a pas- senger to sell his or her labor for a term of years to the captain of the vessel as a payment for the passage. These the captain, upon his arrival, would in turn dispose of to inhabitants of the province. Thus as slaves, or servants for a fixed period, the unfortunate emigrants wore on their life of toil. More fortunate were many who had not found a neces- sity of resort to this shift ; but brought with them to the New World, if little pecuniary wealth, at least free limbs. These, adhering together in a foreign land, preserved their language and national characteristics for a surprisingly long period. Phlegmatic, parsimonious, industrious, and honest, their constant care was to accumulate wealth and to avoid disturbance. Being chiefly of the inferior classes at home, the first German settlers were not remarkable for any very elevated notions either in religion or politics ; nor, indeed, is it a matter for surprise, that among all the frontier settlers (to whom, as a class, the remarks which are now being made are generally applicable), a higher value should be set on physical than on mental endow- ments; on skill in hunting, or the practical arts of daily life, and bravery in war, than on any polite accomplish- ments or taste in the fine arts. Thus, many of the vulgar superstitions which had at one time held a place in the minds of the highest classes of the Old World, and which were still nourished among INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 79 its peasantry, were transplanted to the wildernesses of America. Here, in the gloomy, silent shadows of a virgin forest, whose solitude was as yet uncheered by the mur- murs of the honey-bee or the pleasant warbling of singing- birds — those invariable attendants upon the axe of the woodsman — the nightly howling of the dog, Avho bayed at the moon; the shrill, startling whoop of the owl, from some stridulous bough overhanging his camp-fire and bend- ing to the evening breeze ; the sinister croak of the raven, perched on the hollow oak, were notes of prophetic woe that filled the bosom of the pioneer with dismal fore- bodings.^ In dreams, he foresaw the good or ill success of his undertakings; and after the fashion of the ancients, prosperity or misfortune would appear to him in the sem- blance of a female form. Over the low door of the Ger- man's cottage one would be sure to find nailed the horse- shoe, fatal to witches; and love-S2)ells and barbarous charms against the dangers of the field were familiar to their lips. Absurd incantations were held in supreme repute as infallible remedies for hemorrhage, toothache, or the fatal battle-stroke; nor was a belief in witches and ghosts yet banished from the popular faith. The silver bullet, however, was rarely found necessary for the over- throw of a witch. The German who suspected his fire- place of being a resort for such characters, readily expelled them by burning alive a young dog or two therein. Nor did the black cat, that old companion of sorcery, escape ' Ante sinistra cava monuisset ab ilice cornix. — Virgil. The reader ■will call to iinnd Tally's veneration for the same omen. Non temere est quod corvus cantat mihi nunc ab IcCva nianu. — Cic. de Divin. 1. 80 INTRODUCTORYMEMOIR."" unscathed ; but, earless and tailless, wandered through the neighborhood, a monument of the use to which its blood had been put in the treatment of St. Anthony's fire.' But recently escaped from the galling oppression of their ancestral homes, the German settlers were as little disposed as able to yield a perfect obedience to the minor require- ments of laws of which they neither understood the lan- guage nor comprehended the objects ; and from their own lips we learn how, as of old, when in Israel there was no king, every man did in those days what seemed good in his own eyes.^ And if any reliance is to be placed upon the testimony of competent and intelligent witnesses, the earliest German colonists evinced, in the hour of necessity, a conduct which shows very clearly how vague was their comprehension of the new duties they had assumed. In 1753, Franklin, writing to Peter CoUinson, declared that the Germans in Pennsylvania, being generally the most ignorant of their own countrymen, were perfectly intoxi- cated with the unwonted possession of a political power : which they exercised, even upon their own preachers, with equal bigotry and tyranny. Keeping apart from the Eng- lish, they preserved with tenacity the usages of their native land. Their conversation was carried on in Ger- man ; their children were educated in ignorance of any ' I cite almost the very words of the intelligent and pious Joseph Dod- dridge, D.D. ; a backwoodsman by birth, who lived and died among the people he taught. His Notes of (he Settkmevt, &c., of the Western Paris of Virginia and Pennst/hania (Wellsburgh, Va , 1824), is one of the most interesting works we have upon the subject, and will be often refeiTed to in tliis volume. ^ Conrad Weiser, Coll. Pcnn. Hist. Soc., A'^ol. I., p. 3. Doddridge, pp. 23, 152, 166, &c. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 81 other tongue ; their books, their newspapers, their deeds and legal instruments even, were in German. " The French/' continues he, " who watch all advan- tages, are now themselves making a German settlement back of us in the Illinois country, and by means of these Germans they may in time come to a good understanding with ours ; and, indeed, in the last war the Germans showed a general disposition that seemed to bode us no good. For, when the English, w^ho were not Quakers, alarmed by the danger arising from the defenceless state of our country, entered unanimously into an association, and within this government and the lower counties raised, armed, and disciplined near ten thousand men, the Germans, except a very few in proportion to their number, refused to engage in it ; giving out, one amongst another, and even in print, that if they were quiet the French, should they take the country, would not molest them ; at the same time abusing the Philadelphians for fitting out privateers against the enemy ; and representing the trouble, hazard, and expense of defending the province as a greater inconvenience than any that might be expected from a change of govern- ment." ' ' Sparks's Franklin, Vol. VII., p. 71. In 1755, Franklin energetically addressed the British public in favor of excluding any more Germans from the colonies. "■ Since detachments of English from Britain sent to America," said he, "will have their places at home so soon supplied, and increase so largely here, why should the Palatine boors be suifered to swarm into our settlements, and by herding together establish their language and manners, to the exclusion of ours?" XXV. Gent. Mag., 485. That the intelligent and educated portion of the German population did not clearly comprehend and honestly conform to the requirements of their novel condition, is not insinuated : yet, even in 1754, when Henry Muhlen- 6 82 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. It is not with any desire to cast unmerited reproach upon the character of any people that these remarks are offered : the investigation has been made purely in a spirit of seeking after historical truth, where the student can never be considered at liberty to disregard the evidences that stare him in the face. But, after all, nothing that has been said is in conflict with the usual course of human nature. Many of the earliest settlers were doubtless in some respects better men than their descendants ; but they were still far from being perfect. They were not less governed by circumstances than human beings usually are : their j udgment was as likely to err, or be warped by passion. If the Quakers were sincere, pious, and benevo- lent, it does not follow that they should be willing to consent to what they conceived to be an unfair system of taxation : if the Germans were frugal and industrious, it does not necessarily involve the fact that they should wipe out in a moment from their minds the memory of the distant homes they had just left; or that they should enter, heart and soul, into the merits of a controversy in which they had no previous interest. It was natural enough, then, that they should be indisposed to peril their new-born independence and scanty fortunes in a quarrel between George and Louis; being utterly indifferent whether either succeeded, so long as they themselves might enjoy repose. But when they conceived it neces- bcrg and a number of the most influential and respected Germans in the province (men of pure hearts, unblemished lives, and pious souls), addressed themselves to Gov. Morris, loyally pledging their fidelity to the King, they admit that there were '' a few ignorant, unmannerly people lately come amongst us," who entertained contrary sentiments. 11. Penn. Arch., 201. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 83 sary to fight, the Germans acted with ample spirit, as was abundantly testified in the war of the Revolution. But while the masses of the people sought homes in regions yet unsettled, they generally kept the frontier lines considerably before them. Along the borders, however, was to be found a population consisting indifferently of the children of every nation, but uniting here in habits and customs peculiarly their own. Wherever a fertile bottom was spread along the banks of the stream, or a warm, sheltered champaign stretched beneath the covert of a range of hills, the steady, monotonous fall of the woods- man's axe would soon be heard through the long morning hours. Presently a dull crash would echo through the forest, as some monarch of the grove fell prostrate, to rise no more. Ere long, the circle of the sky would begin to expand above the spot, and the sunlight, for the first time during untold ages, bathe the earth beneath in a continuous flood of warmth and brightness. A deadening once made, a few acres of rustling corn would raise their heads and reveal their golden treasures to the autumnal wind ; while all around, mute mourners at the scene, tall, ghostly trees, the springs of whose life had been destroyed by the girdling axe, exalted their phantom forms and stretched sadly forth their skeleton arms.^ Vainly they yearned for the nymph, ' A deadening, in the rustic patois of Pennsylvania, signifies the effect produced on the trees by girdling, or cutting a ring about their trunks. The bark being thus completely severed, the sap ceases to communicate, and the tree loses all its foliage and soon dies. A clearing, according to the same authority, denotes a spot where the forest is cut down, and nothing but the stumps remain. The ghastly aspect of the former process would doubtless render it objectionable to the eyes of a landscape gardener; but 84 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. the tutelary divinity of their shade. Still deeper in the forest gloom, by some distant spring or lonely mountain tarn, the homeless Dryad bewailed the leafy shrine which she should see no more. During the dull, dark days of early winter or approach- ing spring, the smoke of the consuming dead trees mounted slowly on the air and lost itself in the cold grey above. But when summer returned, the settler would find perhaps a score of like clearings going on around him ; and as many evening fire-sides welcomed the return of autumn. It did not take long to build a house in those days. Logs were felled and hewed of the proper length, and arranged with friendl}' aid into the frame-work of a one-roomed log-cabin. A roof of puncheons, rudely shaped with the broad-axe, was placed upon it, and an outside chimney of stone and sticks, filled in with clay, adorned one end of the edifice. The interstices between the logs were then plastered up with mud and moss : a door, and an aj)erture for a window added, and, if the building were a luxurious one, a pun- cheon floor : and the house was done. A block or two served for stools ; a broad slab of timber for a table ; a rude frame-work for a couch. Here in one chamber would sleep all the family — men, women, and children, married or single, young or old : here was their kitchen ; here did they eat. In some more elegant establishments, a double-cabin, or even a loft, was to be found. A few wooden bowls and none such were probably to be found in the backwoods ; and the facility with which a tract could thus be prepared for agricultural purposes, was no small inducement to the settler. A good woodsman will soon deaden a number of acres, which by the next seed-time will be ready for cultivation. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 85 trenchers, some spoons carved from a horn, a calabash and an iron pot, with two or three forks and knives, completed the simple furniture. China, or even ordinary delf-ware, was unknown in those times ; a few pack-horses in their annual journey Avere the only means of communication with the sea-board. For food, the chief reliance was upon the product of the chase, the corn, pumpkins, and potatoes which were cultivated upon the little farm, and the invar riable dish of pork. No settler was without his drove of swine ; and ^' hog and hommony " is still a jDroverbial ex- pression for western fare. Their cows yielded them milk ; and corn-meal, either ground by hand or pounded in a. wooden mortar, furnished their only bread. In times of scarcity, such as were of too frequent occurrence, when the granary was exhausted, the children were comforted Avitli lean venison under the name of bread, till a new harvest should come around. Nor was their costume less primitive than their diet. Petticoats and dresses of linsey-woolsey (a cloth, home- woven, of wool and flax) filled the wardrobe of the country maiden, innocent, save on state occasions, of super- fluous shoes and stockings ; while the men were clad in a coarse linsey or buckskin hunting-shirt, with breeches, leg- gins, and moccasins. Their cattle were of too much value living, to be slaughtered either for their flesh or their skins, and the hide of the wild deer, tanned by their own hands, was compelled to supply the place of leather. Hardy as they were, however, the first settlers suffered greatly from the inclemencies of the weather; against which neither their clothing nor their dwellings afforded a 86 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. sufficient protection. The seasons were then far more severe than, even in the same country, they are at present. The summers were shorter, and more damp and cold ; the win- ters earher, and more stern. Rheumatic affections, and the usual train of disorders consequent upon exposure, were common afflictions ; and doubtless owing to the ex- treme ignorance which prevailed in matters of medical sci- ence, there were very many lives needlessly sacrificed from a want of proper treatment. But, after their own fashion, they were a happy race, these backwoodsmen. Reckless of future danger, uncon- scious of prospective woe, they lived very much in the present. Full of animal spirits, the blood coursing through their veins under spur of the excitement of a constant peril, that at bed or at board, at seed-time and in the harvest-field, was ever by their side, they embarked eagerly in every homely sport or rustic revelry. The most unar- tificial frolic Avas partaken of with a zest that would astonish the tranquil tastes of one bred among more civi- lized scenes. Athletic games — wrestling, running, or shoot- ing at a mark — were the friendly arenas wherein each strove to bear away an honorable fame. The boys were taught to throw the tomahawk with unerring aim ; to imi- tate the cries of the creatures of the forest with a fidelity that would deceive the most practised ear, or to properly wield a rifle. Other education they rarely had; for no school-house, for many long years to come, was destined to raise its low roof among them ; no church, no clergyman taught them to think of higher aims. Sunday came, indeed, a day of rest for the weary, but a day of mirth and INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 87 amusement to the young and gay ; nor was it, with all, distinguished in even this extent from the other days of the week. Yet it must not be supposed that it found the people plunged in dishonorable vice or excessive immo- rality. On the contrary, they were perhaps less so than the inhabitants of many Christian cities. Profane they undoubtedly were; in their most ordinary conversation, " they clothed themselves with curses as with a garment," and, in the gust of passion, were careless of the destruction of limb or life. But lying and cheating were abhorred among them, and a coward was the scorn of the commu- nity. Their sons were brave and their daughters were virtuous. The loss of female chastity was a calamity that involved dishonor ; and instances of its violation or seduc- tion were of rare occurrence, and usually swiftly and bloodily revenged. Seldom was it for other cause than a family feud that a youthful couple found any impedi- ment in the path to matrimony; and such dissensions were not likely to endure in a neighborhood bound toge- tlier in a common danger. Indeed, the gaiety it produced was frequently a sufficient inducement for a young man, able to support her, to take unto himself a wife. Then the whole country-side would assemble at the bride's dwelling, and, with copious libations of whiskey, in which the happy pair set them the example, exhaust the night in merriment and sport. To the scraping of an old violin, four-handed reels or Virginia jigs would endure till morn- ing dawned or the performer's strength failed him. As evening wore on, the blushing fair, with her lover by her side, would clamber up the ladder which led from the 88 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. lower chamber, filled with a boisterous crowd, to the loft above, where the nujDtial couch was spread ; and at a later hour, a substantial meal of pork, cabbage, and whiskey would be served up to them in their privacy. Preposterous as all this appears at this day, it was then the custom of the country, and as such, honored in the observance. The most important feature of a new settlement, was, however, its Fort. This was simply a place of resort for the people when the Indians were expected, and consisted of a range of contiguous log cabins, protected by a stockade and perhaps a blockhouse or two. It was chiefly in the summer and fall that the approach of the savage was to be dreaded ; and at this season families in exposed positions were compelled to leave their farms and remove with their furniture to the fort. Parties of armed men would sally out by day, and in turn cultivate each plantation, with scouts at a distance to warn them of the presence of the foe. Every precaution that the swarthy warrior himself could adopt was resorted to by his no less wily antagonist. The earth beneath, the bushes around, the skies above, were carefully interrogated ; and a broken twig, the impress of a moccasined foot upon the dewy sod, or a distant column of smoke faintly ascending to the heavens, were infallible " Indian signs " to the uneasy husband or father. Then women and children would be quickly brought within shelter ; cattle and furniture placed in safety, and a few of the most adventurous spirits thrown out to observe or interrupt the progress of the suspected danger. But let the panic once spread, and the alarm of a general Indian onslaught along the frontiers get headway, and in INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 89 a moment plantations and settlements were abandoned. The popular terror, like wildfire, commmiicating to every quarter, would crowd the inland towns with anxious, care- worn faces, and leave to the torch of the invader the scenes of their late prosperity. But occasions such as these, were, fortunately, not frequent ; and when the snows of winter had begun to fall, and the improvident savage could no longer find sustenance in the fields tilled by his wife's hoe, he was conceived to have occupation enough in the quest of game and in endeavoring to avoid starvation ; and all fear of an attack faded away. Then the settler, ensconced once more in his own cottage, would linger over the fire during the long winter evenings, framing articulate sounds in the wild wailings of the northern blast, that piled up the deep snow-drift against his wooden walls, or striving to decypher the phantasmagoria which played among the lingering embers. Perchance the fierce bowl- ings of a distant wolf would call his thoughts to his own fold; and floundering through the snow, he would sally forth into the darkness to assure himself that his treasured herds were in safety. Shaking the white masses from his burly form, he would soon resume his station by the ample hearth, and In social scenes of gay delight Beguile the dreary winter night. Some simple story of the cliase, or a yet more thrilling tale of personal adventure, would arise. With open ears and busy hands the little family would gather around or within the roaring chimney ; one boy mending the lock of 90 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. a gun, another adjusting the barb of an arrow or the spring of a trap, and sighing for the day when he too might bear a rifle and be acknowledged a man — "When young and old in circle Around the firebrands close; When the girls are weaving baskets And the lads are shaping bows : the sire would, for the hundredth time perhaps, narrate to unwearied ears some ancient fable of far beyond sea : of knights and giants, and beauteous ladies ravished from their bowers ; or, with innumerable variations of incident, recite his valiant deeds who conquered Cormoran. Then, from some half-lit corner, where the flickering flame from the hearth (their only light), shaped monstrous, grotesque shadows on the irregular log-walls, the sound of female voices would rise ; and to the monotonous accompaniment of the unceasing shuttle, would be sung in low, subdued tones a ballad of '' bold Robin Hood that merrye outlawe;" whose deeds furnished to these people the staple of their poetry. Little skill or art was necessary to please a willing ear : They chaut their artless notes in simple guise; They tune their hearts, by far the noblest aim : and the cruelties of Barbara Allen, or the plaintive strains of ' Willow, willow, willow,' were enough to excite every emotion that these rough breasts could feel. Such ballads were naively enough, but not unaptly, styled ' love-songs about murder.' ' ' Doddridge, from whom the above sketch is faithfully drawn, gives a singular description of the garb which the young men sometimes assumed INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 91 Such as has been described is a fair picture of the domestic scenery of the various portions of the land in the middle of the last century. On the one hand were the Anglo-Americans, eagerly j)ushing forward their borders, careless of the lowering brows or half-uttered threats of the Indians ; on the other were savage tribes who had little love for the French, it is true, but whose dis23ositions were ripe for trouble with the English. So deeply rooted, indeed, was the lurking disaffection towards their ancient allies, that so early as 1744, the Iroquois hjid warned the Governor of Pennsylvania that in the event of another French war the Delawares and Shawanoes would inevita- bly be found in the ranks of the enemy. The latter had in fact for many years previously spared no j)ains to bring the Shawanoes into their interest.^ Nevertheless, the presence of the French upon the Ohio was exceedingly unwelcome to all the Indian nations. The Iroquois, as Avell as the Delawares and Shawanoes, made some overtures, in 1753, of removing by force of arms the jDarty under M. de Contrecoeur, after two separate messages had been vainly sent to persuade him to withdraw : and a in times of Indian excitement. It consisted simply of a pair of moccasins, leggins that reached to the thigh, and a breech-cloth twisted through a belt so as to suffer a skirt some eight or nine inches broad to fall down before and behind. The body, embarrassed by perhaps as scanty clothing as has been worn since the days of Adam, wa,s thus perfectly free for action. "The young warrior," continues the worthy divine, "instead of being abashed by this nudity, was proud of his Indian-like dress. In some few instances, I have seen them go into places of public worship in this dress. Their appearance, however, did not add much to the devotion of the young ladies." ' Votes of Pcnn. Assembly, Vol. III., p. 555. Thomson, pp. 55, 25. 92 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. deputation was despatched to Virginia and Pennsylvania to desire the countenance of those provinces in the antici- pated troubles and to put matters on a right footing between all parties. At Carlisle they met the provincial commis- sioners, whom they urgently pressed to call back the whites already settled on the western side of the Alleghanies, where as yet the Indians had sold not a foot of land. ^ And though nothing came of this temper, which, if properly managed, might have been used to immense advantage by the English, yet it serves to show how powerfully old pre- dilections and national traditions conspired to make these people still disposed to friendship with the English and hatred to the French. But, as has been well observed, the Indian is to a certain extent a venal character. The nature of his existence had by this time compelled him to look to the whites for powder and ball; for rum and tobacco; for blankets and vermilion. The simj^le weapons of other days were no longer sufficient to enable him to pur- sue successfully his prey. Unless he would starve, he must resort to the store-houses of the trader; and once there, soft words and flattering gifts would be very apt to bring his will into the control of the donor. The lustre of the benefaction last received seldom fails to obscure all that preceded it ; and like a child with a new toy, he loses all appreciation of former favors in the contemplation of his present enjoyment. In this manner the French worked upon the savages who visited them at Fort Du Quesne. The needy warrior, who went empty-handed, would return ' Thomson, p. 73. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 93 to Ins companions gratified with a new blanket, gun and ammunition, and flaunting in the unwonted attire of a laced coat and hat and a shirt streaming with ribbons. Then he would contrast the generosity of the French with the niggardliness of the English ; and the event would be that his fellows would all hasten to participate in the pre- cious harvest that awaited them.' The Canadian govern- ment certainly dealt with an open hand; in this respect possessing an immense advantage over its rivals, whose bounty, diluted through a dozen provinces, could never be brought to bear on a given point with the same efficacy that attended the operations of one centralized power. What finally tended perhaps more than anything else to alienate the Indians of Western Pennsylvania from the people of that province was the injudicious conduct of the proprietary commissioners at the Congress of Albany, wdiere, on the 19th of June, 1754, all the English colonies were ' The two Ohio journals of Post exhibit very strongly this feature of Indian character. In the one, just such a scene as is above described was enacted ; poor Post himself being compelled to bear the odium of his em- ployer's meanness. But by and by the tide changed ; the stock at the fort perhaps ran low, and the bribes of the English told powerfully on the savages; and Post made a second journey to endeavor to detach them from the service of the enemy. Then he found the tables turned; nor could even the presence of the French captain restrain the expressions of con- tempt with which the chieftains spoke of him. " He has boasted much of his fighting," said they; ''now let us see his fighting. We have often ventured our lives for him, and had scarcely a loaf of bread when we came to him, and now he thinks we should jump to serve him." It must not be forgotten that it was to the presents and kind words of the Quakers, who first set on foot these negotiations, that the merit of prevailing upon the Indians to leave unopposed General Forbes's route to Fort Du Quesne, and the consequent fall of that important post, are justly due. 94 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. actually or constructively represented/ and where the Six Nations were present to join in the deliberations concerning their common interests. In their warrant for convening this Congress, it is gratifying to observe how clearly some of the causes of Indian discontent were comprehended by the Lords of Trade ; and how alive they were to the critical condition of the English interest. Smooth words and liberal gifts are recommended as a cure for past sor- rows ; and it was most imperatively urged that the allegations of fraudulent occujDation of their land should be promptly and satisfactorily investigated. Liberal gifts, too, were sent from the Crown to buy the good-will of its dangerous allies.^ On this occasion the Six Nations (claiming, it will be recollected, to be the absolute proprietors of the country in question, as well as protectors of their weaker nephews, the Delawares), made a forcible reply to the reproach by the Commissioners that the French had been permitted to build forts on the Ohio. Old Hendrick, that doughty Mohawk warrior (who the next year sealed with his life his devotion to the English by the pleasant waters of Horicon), answered that the conduct of the French had received no favor at their hands : " The Governor of Virginia and the Governor of Canada," said he, " are both ' Commissioners from all the New England colonies, from New York, Pennsylvania and Delaware, and Maryland, were in attendance ; and Vir- ginia and Carolina desired to be considered as present. II. Doe. Hist. N. Y., 330. '^ VI. Col. Rec, 14. And see the proceedings of this conference, as preserved in the Johnson MSS., and published under the care of Dr. O'Callaghan in the second volume of the Documentary History of New York, p. 325. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 95 quarrelling about lands which belong to us : and such a quarrel as this may end in our destruction. They fight who shall have the land. The Governors of Virginia and Pennsylvania have made paths through our country to trade and build houses, without acquainting us with it. They should first have asked our consent to build there, as was done when Oswego was built." ^ This statement of the old Mohawk, like many other Indian speeches, was true but in part; and the commis- sioners, in turn, while they confessed that they ever had, and still acknowledged, the Ohio country to belong to the red men, reminded them that for thirty years traders from Pennsylvania had, without interruption, been in the custom of visiting the tribes dwelling there. All that was now intended, it was said, was to protect them in the free en- joyment of their own property, and to drive away the intruding Frenchman. By these speeches, and a judicious distribution of gifts, their savage ire was so far subdued, that ere the council closed some of the Six Nations were actually prevailed upon to sell to the proprietaries of Penn- sylvania all the land in controversy ! This fatal purchase, comprehending about 7,000,000 acres, was bounded on the north by a line to be drawn north-west by west from Sha- mokin, on the Susquehannah, to Lake Erie ; on the east, by the Susquehannah ; on the south and wxst, by the fur- thest limits of the province. It included not only the hunting-grounds of the Delawares, the Nanticokes, the Tuteloes, and other lesser tribes, but the very villages of the Shawanoes and Delawares, of the Ohio ; who could not yet ■' II. Doc. Hist. N. Y., p. 338. 96 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. have forgotten that, by precisely similar means, they had been driven hither from their former homes ; and they now were to anticipate nothing less than the same fate. It is possible that there might have existed, in some age or country, a race base enough to submit to these degrading conditions ; but no sane man could have anticipated such a tame surrender from the American savage. The tribes actually dwelling there were not consulted in the business. They had no deputies at the council to join in the sale ; and the whole transaction was smuggled through in an unjust, underhanded manner. The chiefs of the Iro- quois who conducted it were not authorized to act for their people in the premises ; and, when it came to light, the negotiation was solemnly repudiated b}^ the Grand Council of Onondaga.^ All their discontents thus fanned into a flame, the Ohio Indians honorably determined to fight to the last in defence of their liberties; and in revenging this last and crowning outrage, to wipe away the well-remembered wrongs, real and fancied, which had rankled in their bosoms for years. For their own protec- tion, the tribes, on the Susquehannah formed a league, which was strengthened by daily accessions of straggling families, scattered, as chance or fancy dictated, along the brook-sides or under the edge of some forestrglade of that umbrose, scaturiginous land. At the head of this federacy was placed Tadeuskund, a Delaware chieftain, well known in border history ; who, after dallying a space with either party, finally yielded to the pressure of the times, and ' Thomson, 77. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 97 joined with his race in the warfare against tlie English/ What share the Iroquois had in bringing about this con- juncture;, can never, it is probable, be with certainty known. Zeisberger, in Ettwein's narrative, it is true, openly charges the Six Nations with having secretly placed the hatchet in the hands of the Delawares, bidding them to strike ; and afterwards turning treacherously against them for this very conduct.^ But perhaps a just version of the affair would be to suppose that individual warriors of the Six Nations, acting on their own impulses (which in many instances were abundantly hostile to the English), egged on the Ohio Indians and the rest to a step which was never recommended by the confederates in their national capa- city. Subsequently, the Iroquois reluctantly, but vigor- ously, entered into the measures of Sir William Johnson, and were of great service in the ensuing contest. As ill-blood in the human system first discovers itself in ' Thomson, 84. Heckewelder's Hist. Account of Indian Nations, 301. The latter author would lead us to suppose that the Wyoming .chief never actually took up arms ; but Thomson, who knew him well, is explicit on this point; and in the political tract called the Plaindcalcr, No. III. (Phil., 1764), p. 14, is an undeniable instance of his prowess against the settlers of Northampton County. A memoir of Tadeuskund, the last sagamore of the Lenape, who remained east of the Alleghanies, whose consequence was so great as to win him the title of the ''King of the Delawares," is given iu Ileckewelder, i(f siq). lie was burned in his lodge, in the spring of 17G3. In the language of Uncas, that grandest of Cooj>er's portraitures, " he lingered to die by the rivers of his nation, whose streams fell into the sea. His eyes were on the rising, not on the setting sun." ^ I. Bull. Hist. Soc. Penn., No. 3. The Rev. John Ettwein was a Mo- ravian missionary for many years among the savages. He died a bishop of that church, at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, in 1802, in the 73d year of his age. Bev. David Zeisberger was a devout brother of the same order, who went hand and soul with Ileckewelder in his heroic laboi-s. 98 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. eruptions and disorders, the malignity and unfriendly dis- positions of the border tribes soon began to be manifested in preparations for war, in casual rencontres, and other sporadic acts of violence. Then, indeed, the proprietary government, having unavailingly sought, with insufficient means, to appease the ire of the foes whom hitherto it had looked on almost as subjects, vainly having tempted them to Unthread the rude eye of rebellion, And welcome home again discarded Faith, undertook, as to a court of last resort, to bring the delin- quents before the tribunal of their lords, the Six Nations. These, entering warmly into the merits of the case, peremp- torily charged the Delawares to forthwith repent, while yet there was time ; to lay aside their arms, and make their peace for past offences : "Get sober," said they, in the metaphorical manner of Indian speech ; " your actions have been those of a drunken man." But the palmy days of yore were gone, when the trembling Delaware stood cowering, like a whipped hound, before the frown of an Iroquois, and quaked to his inmost soul at the awful voice of the undying fire. A blind, unhesitating submission to the imperious, unreasonable mandates of the tribes that had so long oppressed and insulted his nation, was no longer written on his heart. He had resolved to throw off the petticoat, and to again assume the proud rank of a warrior of the once dreaded Lenni Lenape — '^a son of the Groat Unamis ' — among the children of the forest;' and ' The true title of the gallant tribe -whom we call the Delawares was Lenni Lenape — ''original people" — for they claimed to be of the pure, INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 99 to the words of the Iroquois, he returned scoff for scoff and scorn for scorn. '• We are men," said the tribes on the Susquehannah to the deputies who had borne them the injurious behests of the Six Nations; "we are men and warriors. We will acknowledge no superiors upon earth. We are men, and are determined to be no longer ruled over by you as women. We are warriors, and are deter- mined to cut off all the English save those that make their escape from us in ships. So say no more to us on that head, lest we make women of you as you have done of us." ^ Their day of serfdom had gone by ; and from that time forth, the Delawares were once more an independent nation. Nothing could now be done with them by threats ; but it was soon discovered that long habits of association still preserved their effect ; and the friendly influence of the Six Nations being led to bear on them by Sir William Johnson, the best beloved of all the white men, they were eventually brought into measures of peace. To follow this theme further, would be to transcend the proper limits of our narrative. Suffice it to observe here, that many of the Iroquois themselves joined heart and hand in the ori- ginal designs of the Delawares, and would never consent to come into the national views of their own people. unmixed race, with which the earth was first populated, and would proudly boast, " We are the grandfathers of nations." The river whose banks was their chosen seat they named the Lcnapcwiliittuck, or, " the rapid stream of the Lenape.'' And when the English renominated it in honor of Lord De la Warre, the people, with whose name its own was previously wedded, were still continued in the same connection. Ileckewelder gives a most interesting account of the history of the Lenape. ' Thomson, 87. 100 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. Even while the Six Nations were openly at war with the French, many of their warriors were in arms at Fort Du Qiiesne against the English, and using all their influence to bring other Indians into the same views. When the Delawares began to waver in the hasty course they had adopted; we find these men using every argument to hold them firm ; and it is curious to observe with what con- temptuous indifference the lately subservient, "petticoated" Delaware had already begun to treat "their uncles the Iroquois." When Post brought overtures to Logstown, near Fort Du Quesne, the Delawares received him kindly ; but one of the Iroquois who were there, an old Onondaga warrior, bitterly resented his presence. " I don't know this Swannock (or Englishman)," said he; "it may be that 7J0U know him. I, and the Shawanoes, and our fathers the French do not know him. I stand here," (stamping his foot), " as a man on his own ground. Therefore I, and the Shawanoes, and our fathers, don't like that a Swan- nock come on our ground." This allusion to the ancient claim of soverereignty by the Six Nations was too much for Delaware patience to endure, and one of them instantly rose and replied : " That man speaks not as a man : he endeavors to frighten us by saying that this is his ground. He dreams. He and his father have certainly drank too much liquor : they are drunk. Pray let them go to sleep till they are sober. You don't know what your own nation (the Iroquois), do at home; how much they have to say to the Sicannoclcs. You are quite rotten: you stink, {i.e. Your sentiments are oflensive.) You do nothing but INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 101 smoke your pipe here. Go to sleep with your father, and when you are sober we will speak to you." ^ Nevertheless, if they slew the English, it was not for love of the French. Equally jealous of both parties, all the savage desired was to see his old hunting-grounds unpolluted by the armies of the stranger, untrodden save by its native denizens; and so that this object was attained, the defeat of either or both would not seriously discompose him : to him, the success of either was a matter of as little importance — que le chien mange le loup ou que le loup mange le chien. With accurate perception, he gloomily dwelt on the idea that the permanent occupa- tion of his lands was the real object of their controversy, and he bitterly vowed this should never be.^ But alas for the poor savage ! Driven before the ever- onward surge of civilization, that may recede for a moment, but only to return with a mightier force, his shattered tribes — prostrated by the inherent defects in their own character and debilitated by Christian vices, their naturally ferocious tempers sharpened by the use of rum, the presence of poverty, and the memory of better days — have continued and shall continue to retire more and more westwardly, till already the scanty remnants of the people whose fathers are buried by the broad waters ' Thomson, p. 142. ^ "D — n 3'ou," said Shamokin Dauiel, a Delaware warrior on the Ohio, to the English, ''why don't you and the French fight on the sea? You come here only to cheat the poor Indians and take their lands from them I" There was more of truth than of elegance in this pithy address, but it was echoed by his fellows : " The French say they are come only to defend us and our lands from the English, and the English say the same thing about the French; but the land is ours and not theirs." Thomson, 152. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA 102 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. of tlie Delavrare, who daily gazed uj^on the Atlantic waves freshening in the light of the morning ; now linger out a precarious life on the distant prairie whose face is Avasted, as with fire, by the caravan of the emigrant ; and pitch their lodges on declivities whose waters flow down into another ocean. Already with prophetic ear they hearken to the chafings of those billows which are the limit of an existence that has held a continent in its span : already they foresee the day when the wild cry of the sea-fowl, circling over the faint, murmuring waves of the ultimate Pacific, shall drown the parting sigh of the last of the Lenni Lenape ! Such then was the condition and disposition of Indian sentiment in Pennsylvania previous to and during the earlier stages of the war. "We have seen how readily, in the summer of 1754, Major Washington had obtained the services of a large body »of savages against the French : and we may judge from this fact alone how practicable it would have been to have enlisted them on the same side during the whole contest. It Avas impossible for a fight to come off at their very doors without their taking a share in it, on one side or another; and £10,000 well and libe- rally expended in presents at Fort Cumberland, with a fair-dealing or at least a plausible exposition of the designs of the English concerning their lands, would have bound all the Pennsylvania Indians in a common interest. Had such a consummation been effected, the scalp of every Frenchman on the Ohio would have been smoke-dried in the wigwams of Shamokin, or festooning the hoop-poles of Shenango, }'ears before the British ensign was fated to be INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 103 displayed upon the ramparts of Fort Du Quesne. But n different policy was unfortunately pursued, as will pre- sently have to be noticed ; and the bloody trophies which by hundreds graced the horrid triumph of the savage, were torn from the bodies of the English. In the meantime, let us resume the thread of our story. When, in August, 1754, the tidings of the Ml of Fort Necessity reached London, the exigencies of the case com- pelled the ministry to an energetic action. The affairs of the American colonies were at that time committed to the care of the Secretary of State for the Southern Province, assisted by the Board of Trade. ^ Since the days of Sir Robert Walpole, this Board had lingered out a supine, sinecure existence. The Secretary during all this period was the Duke of Newcastle, who, like the Old Man of the Sea in the Arabian tale, clinging about the neck of power with a tenacity that effectually prevented any policy but such as his own jealousy of merit or time-serving selfishness dictated, had hitherto carefully suppressed any indication of a desire on the part of his colleagues or subordinates to deserve the public approbation by the exercise of a capa- city to promote the public good. The records of the Board of Trade were crowded with packages of remonstrances from the colonies, its tables were covered with bundles of unread representations and unnoticed memorials. It seems indeed to have existed for no other object than, in the language of Mr. Pitt, to register the edicts of one too powerful subject. Of the nature of American affairs, of the requirements and circumstances of the provinces he ' I. Walpole's Memoirs of George II., 343. 104 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. misruled with absolute sway, of their very geography he was ludicrously ignorant.^ In the language of the great critic and satirist of the day, he was the strangest pheno- menon that ever appeared in the political world. " A statesman without capacity, or the smallest tincture of human learning ; a secretary who could not write ; a financier who did not understand the multiplication-table ; and the treasurer of a vast empire who never could balance accounts with his own butler." It is not surprising, then, that such a character should neglect or blunder through his duties, careless of the result so long as his own im- portance at court was not diminished. But fortunately for ' When General Ligouicr hinted some defence to him for Annapolis, he replied -with his evasive, lisping hum — " Annapolis, Annapolis ! Oh ! yes, Annapolis must be defended ; to be sure, Annapolis should be defended — vfherc is Annapolis?" (T. Walpole's Geo. II., 344). "He was generally laughed at," says Smollett, ''as an ape in politics, -whose office and influence served only to render his folly the more notorious." At the beginning of the war, he was once thrown into a vast fright by a story that 30,000 French had marched from Acadia to Cape Breton. '•Where did they find transports?" was asked. "Transports !" cried he; "I tell you they marched by land." "By land to the island of Cape Breton!" "What, is Cape Breton an island? Are you sure of that?" And away he posted, with an " Egad ! I will go directly, and tell the king that Cape Breton is an island !" The weaknesses of this man afforded an endless theme to the sarcasm of Smollett's muse. In another place, his manner of farewell to a general departing for America is exquisitely satired ; " Pray, when does your Excellency sail ? For God's sake have a care of your health, and eat stewed prunes on the passage — next to your own pre- cious health, pray, your Excellency, take care of the Five Nations — our good friends, the Five Nations — the Toryrories, the Maccolmacks, the Out- of-thc-ways, the Crickets, and the Kickshaws. Let 'em have plenty of blankets, and stinkibus, and wampum ; and your Excellency won't fail to scour the kettle, and boil the chain, and bury the tree, and plant the hat- chet, ha!" In Bubb Dodington's Diary (181-4), will be found other instances of the Duke's silliness. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 105 Britain as well as xlmerica, the presidency of the B -n-d of Trade was filled at this juncture by the Earl of Halifax, a man of parts and ambition, who was neither disposed to slumber on his post, nor to omit any opportunity of strength- ening his own official power by enlarging the scope of his duties. We may fairly attribute to his energy the adoption in the cabinet of a resolution no longer tamely to submit to encroachments that, unless speedily checked, would inevit- ably turn all the channel of Indian trade from our borders, and immuring the colonies between the sea-board and the mountains, leave them to wither and perish; as a pool turned aside from its parent stream and enclosed with embankments, dries up beneath the rays of the sun. Nevertheless, in the first steps taken by the ministry on this matter, Halifax was not consulted. The King had already held two councils upon American affairs, and instructions had been sent out to the provincial governors to repel any French encroachments force by force. ^ This policy had been decided upon ; it v.^as known how inglo- riously its first practical workings under Washington had failed. Fired with the consciousness that, vigorous mea- sures to regain the ground thus lost must immediately ensue, Newcastle resolved to arrogate the entire merit and patronage of the plan to himself. Like the Athenian ' "It is His Majesty's command, that in case the subjects of auy foreign prince should presume to make any encroachments in the limits of His Majesty's dominions, or to erect forts on his Majesty's lands, or to commit any other act of hostility; and should, upon a requisition made to them to desist from such proceedings, persist in them, they should draw forth the armed force of their provinces, and use their best endeavors to repel force by force." I. Entick, 111. 106 INTEODUCTORY MEMOIE. weaver, he would fain retain for his own glorification every part in which there was the least ojjportunity of gaining distinction, however incompetent he might be to fulfil it. Summoning to his secret counsels the Lord Chancellor Hardwicke and the Earl of Holdernesse, he endeavored in vam to fructify a conception which might subserve at once the public good and his private gain. But natural incapacity, joined with talents which, though great, were transplanted for the occasion to an alien soil, could effect nothing. To organize military measures, military men must be consulted ; to act with advantage in the colonies, some little knowledge of colonial affairs was required ; and the Duke of Cumberland, the head of the army, and the Earl of Halifax, the best authority on plan- tation questions, were both studiously excluded from the deliberations of the triumvirate. Independent of any other reason of jealousy, it v>^as evident that, in such an undertaking, the properest persons to direct its appoint- ments were Cumberland and Halifax ; and this was enough to alarm the Duke of Newcastle. His policy was to cook up, from the information of obscurer men, some scheme in which himself should shine the magnus Apollo, the dis- penser of fiivor, and the sole original of reward. He first, therefore, summoned to his aid a Mr. Horatio Gates, a young English officer, Avho had recently served with repu- tation in America; and desired his advice.' Gates modestly ' Horatio Gates, afterwards so distinguished in American history, is said to have been the son of a respectable victualler in Kensington, and the godson of Horace Walpolo. This latter circumstance may account for Walpole's knowledge of the details of the interview with Newcastle, which he certainly did not arrive at through the minister. Gates was born in INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 107 avowed his youth and inexperience ; pleaded that he had seen nothing of America save the parts of Nova Scotia in whicli his regiment had been quartered, and his consequent incompetence to devise such an important operation. He professed his willingness to answer any questions that miglit be put to him; but he was too astute to be led into the enunciation of any grand system, the burthen of which he well knew would, in case of failure, break down his own shoulders, while all the praise of success would accrue to his suj)eriors. In short, he utterly declined acting as he was desired. The trio next fell upon a Quaker gentle- man, a Mr. Hanbury, whose connections were such that he happened to know a little about America, though no- thing, probably, of warfare ; and at his suggestion, Virginia w^as selected as the basis of operations, and it was deter- mined to entrust the whole conduct of the business to Horatio Sharpe, Lord Baltimore's Lieutenant-Governor of Maryland. Though Sharpe was a lieutenant-colonel in the Royal Army,^ he had never been engaged. But when the 1728. Soon after his return to England from Nova Scotia, lie must have gone back to America; since we find him in command of the King's New York Independent Company under Braddock. It is believed these com- panies were formed of the regiments disbanded in 17-48-9. Those sta- tioned in Carolina were the remains of Oglethorpe's old regiment (Penn. Gaz., No. 1338); and it may be noticed here that while a part of his for- mer command was thus posted in his vicinity, others followed Oglethorpe to hid new colony, and became founders of the State of Georgia. The Independents do not seem to have had any field-ofBcers ; consequently, promotion must soon have lifted Gates from this sphere, since we find him, in 1759, acting as aide, with the rank of major, to Hopson, or his succes- sor, Barrington, at the reduction of Martinico. In July, 17G0, he was brigade-major, under Monckton, at Fort Pitt. (III. Shippen MSS., 392.) ' This grade (which, however, was local, and confined to the West Indies) Sliarpe received July 5th, 1751. lie held it so late as 1778. 108 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. contrivers of his promotion laid their phnn Ijefore the king, it was accompanied with a declaration that he had served through the whole of the last war, and was well known to possess the good opinion of the Duke of Cumberland : " So good," replied the latter, " that if Sharpe had been con- sulted, I am sure he would have refused." In the mean while, however, his appointment was forwarded to him by the hands of Governor Arthur Dobbs, of North Carolina.^ His instructions would seem to have contemplated nothing beyond the capture of Fort Du Quesne by a provincial force, although there was an intimation of a considerable body of regulars being shortly sent over from Great Bri- tain. Proceeding at once to Williamsburg, he concerted with Dinwiddie and Dobbs his measures to effect the de- sired end. It was concluded to raise immediately 700 men, with whom, and the three Independent companies, the French fort should be attacked and reduced, ere rein- forcements could be brought thither from Canada or Louis- iana. This effected, that post and another which he thought it would be necessary to erect on a small island in the river, were to be held for the king. To garrison these and the fort at Will's Creek would require all his forces, and he concluded it would be useless for them to attempt anything further against the enemy on Le Boeuf and Lake Erie " without they be supported by such a body of troops from home as he dared not presume to hope for the direc- tion of." But his enlistments went on slowly; and at ' The governor, with bis son, Captain Dobbs, had arrived at Hampton Roads, Oct. 1, 1754, in the Garland, after a stormy trip, in which the ship lost her main and mizzen-masts. They brought with tlieni, also, £10,000 in specie for Virginia. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 109 Will's Creek, where his men were to rendezvous, he learned that the French strength on the Ohio was much. increased by the arrival of a number of Ottawas, Adirondacks, and Caughnawaga Indians; and he therefore abandoned all hope of striking an immediate blow. As had been intimated to Sharpe, more effectual means were on the tapis; but he was not destined to control them. The most that his supporters could urge to the king in his favor was, that if not remarkably able, he was at least a very honest man. " A little less honesty," shrewdly replied the monarch, " and a little more ability, might, upon the present occasion, better serve our turn." It was decided to make, forthwith, a general movement ; and for once Newcastle was compelled to yield to the coun- sels of abler men. At all events, it is certain that Cum- berland's influence w^as eventually paramount in the forma- tion of the scheme finally adopted.' Eather with a view, we may believe, to conciliate by a show of confidence, than to obtain the benefit of his advice, Newcastle sought to com- municate the details of his plans to Mr. Pitt; but the dis- appointed statesman gave him a curt interruption : " Your Grace, I suppose, knows," said he, " that I have no capa- city ibr these things ; and therefore I do not desire to be informed about them." While all these intrigues were going on, the ambassadors of the two powers — the Due de Mirepoix and the Earl of • I. Walp. Geo. II., 347. MS. Sharpe's Corresp. VI. Col. Rec, 40.5, 177. Though Sharpe's views in regard to the campaign seem to have been very sagacious, yet it appears clearly, from this correspondence, that it Avas to his and Dinwiddle's suggestions that the royal order settling the com- parative rank of provincial and regular officers was attributable — a step fraught with dangerous consequences to the best interests of the crowu. 110 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. Albemarle, two very fine gentlemen, but sadly deficient in the qualifications necessary for the place and the moment — were frittering away their time in idle negotiations and empty professions of pacific intentions. Neither kingdom set the least practical store by these assurances, but busily went on arming for the steps they respectively purposed taking. Strong reinforcements were prepared in France for its American possessions, with instructions to hold, a la main forte, all they had hitherto acquired ; while, on the other hand, the English ministry ordered their governors to thrust out every intruder they found upon their back- lands, at whatever cost. Some anxiety was also mani- fested to enlist the services of the Indians ; who had, as was well known in London, relaxed in their friendship. From Virginia, Dinwiddle had written, in August, 1754, to the other colonies for aid in men and money to defend their common cause; while to England he had applied for ordnance. This last demand was gratified by a present of two thousand stand of arms and accoutrements. In- deed, it was upon Virginia that the hopes of the crown chiefly reposed ; for Pennsylvania politics, as will presently be shown, were not such as to inspire much confidence in the military capacity of that wealthy province. While the eloquent Whitfield, and other religious lec- turers at Philadelphia, availed themselves of the presence of the enemy on their frontiers to lend an additional fervor to their exhortations,' the Cabinet of London were pre- paring more effective fulminations against the French. The Duke of Cumberland (who, whatever may have been his other demerits, was certainly possessed of a military capa- ' Pena. Gaz., No. 1341. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. Ill city) had been now Ccalled into the councils of the King ; and, under his moulding hand, the preparations for an expedition whose destination was, as yet, kept secret from the public, began to assume some form and coherency. It was soon known, however, that two regiments of the line were designed for Virginia — the colony to which public attention had chiefly been attracted. Nothing was, as yet, said of their ulterior movements ; and it was a perfectly reasonable thing for Great Britain to station so small a force in her plantations — a force which, according to Ho- race Walpoloj was too insignificant to be of any service if "* the French intended to stand firm, but far too large to be exposed to the certain destruction of health and constitu- tion of an American climate.^ For the charges of this expedition. Parliament, on the 28tli of November, 1754, voted the following sums : ^ For two regiments of foot to be raised for North America ; . . £40,350 155. For defraying the charges of the officers appointed to go with the forces commanded by General Braddock; £7338 2^. Qd. For defraying the charges of the officers appointed to attend the hospital for the expedition com- manded by General Braddock; £1779 7s. Qd. £49,468 5s. ' Letter to Sir II. Mann, Oct. 6, 1754. III. Walp. Corrcsp. (ed. Lond., 1840) 70. == Univ. Mag., 1755. 112 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. Of the personal history of the gentleman to whom the command in Virginia had thus been entrusted, little or nothing more than what is contained in the public records of the period has, with unwearied care and research, been discovered to reward the student's curiosity. Before his name had become inmiortal in the scanty annals of the defeat and disgrace of British arms, Braddock had not done anything to earn himself a place in the chronicles of the times. Even the writers of memoirs, those gleaners in tlie fields of historj^ had not stooped to bind up such a « poppy blossom in their sheaves : no " snapper up of unconsidered trifles" had sketched his biography. And so great, so horrible was the inignoscible disaster that crowned his existence, that only in vouchsafing him a sol- dier's death does it fall short of tragic perfection. Then, when the minds of men were exasperate with the thrill of national dishonor, for the first and last time does Braddock's name appear staining with its shameful cha- racters the pages of history. Yet even the most bitter of those who sate in judgment on him, allow him certain merits, " Desperate in his fortune, brutal in his behavior, obstinate in his sentiments," says Walpole, " he was still intrepid and capable." Though a man of wit, his associa- tions had probably not been such as to give him any jDlace in the memorials of the literary characters of the day previous to his campaign in America ; and perhaps for the very reason, that merely as an officer of the Guards and the eieve of the Duke of Cumberland, he was well known to a certain portion of the court and city, and totally unknown to the rest of the world, his conduct finds no jDlace in the INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 113 social history of the period. Though a professed man of pleasure, it is not likely that the aristocratic doors of Boodle's or White's were opened to an Irish adventurer ; yet even there he would hardly have come in contact with many of " the mob of gentlemen who write with ease." The few noble literati of the time — the Walpoles, the Selwyns, and the Herveys — do not seem to have had much personal acquaintance with him. It was at some place of lower resort that he pursued Fortune and staked his little means at gleek, passage, or the E table. Still, even such were not the accustomed haunts of the garreteers of Grub- street or the habitues of the King's Coffee-House.^ Thus, whether Obliged by hunger — or request of friends — the chronicler took his pen in hand, he was not often apt to find food for his meditations in the behavior of Brad- dock. It is in a letter of Mr, Shirley, his military secre- tary, written in all the confidence of friendship to Governor Morris, that the strongest picture of his charac- ter is to be found. Shirley was evidently, like all of his race, a man of ability and of ambition, and it Avas upon the observations of several months that his remarks were grounded. "We have a General," he says, "most judi- ciously chosen for being disqualified for the service he is in, in almost every respect. He may be brave, for aught I know, and he is honest in pecuniary matters." Benjamin Franklin, that sagacious and keen observer of human nature, sums up in a few words his opinion of Braddock's ' A place in Covent Garden Market, well known to houseless bards. 8 114 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. capacity. " This General was, I think, a brave man, and might probably have made a figure as a good officer in some European war. But he had too much self-confidence, too high an opinion of the validity of regular troops, too mean a one of both Americans- and Indians." ^ Not dis- similar to this view is that of the English historian Entick, who, besides being a contemporary of Braddock, seems to have had access to very good sources of information in the preparation of his volumes. " It has also been hinted," says he, " that much of the disappointment in this expedi- tion was owing to the General himself, in point of conduct. The plan was laid, and his instructions settled in such a manner, as to put him always on his guard against ambus- cades, which were to be expected in a march through woods, deserts, and morasses. But this gentleman, placing all his success upon the single point of courage and disci- pline, behaved in that haughty, positive, and reserved way, that he soon disgusted the people over whom he was to command. His soldiers could not relish his severity in matters of discipline : and, not considering the nature of an American battle, he showed such contempt towards the Provincial forces, because they could not go through their exercise with the same dexterity and ability as a regiment of Guards in .Hyde Park, that he drew upon himself their general resentment." ^ From the confused and imperfect data that are obtain- able at this day, it would seem that Braddock was an ' I. Sparlcs's Franklin, IGO. VI. Col. Rec, 404. And Franklin's notion is followed by Lord Malion. (IV. Hist. Eng., 69.) « I. Entick, 143. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 115 officer well versed in military science and tactics according to tlie sj'stem that then prevailed ; a rigid martinet, utterly unforgiving to a neglect of duty; and a brave, unflinching soldier. It was never said during his life that he ever bade his men follow danger where he was not greedy to lead the way; and it will be seen in the course of these pages that he was as prompt himself to face perils and to encounter hardships as to exact a like readiness from those under his control. In short, his military character was precisely calculated to meet the approbation of the raiser of such a creature as the brutal Hawley; and, indeed, there were very many points of resemblance between these favorites : in the rebellion of 1745, the latter had even commanded the identical troops which Braddock now led. But Hawley proved himself in the field a braggart and a poltroon, and if his defeat at the rout of Falkirk was not as fatal in its consequences as that of the Monongahela, it was infinitely more ignominious to the general who with bloody rowels led a shameful flight. Braddock, whatever his defects, was too much of an Irishman ever to show the white feather. In private life, he was what would now be termed disso- lute ; he was prone to the debaucheries of his day and class, the bottle and the gaming-table ; he was imperious, arrogant, and self-opinionated. But if dimmed by the vices of his profession, his character was also brightened hy many of its virtues. AVhen or where Edward Braddock w^as born, there is no means of ascertaining. Dr. Goldsmith, with a poet's license, speaks of his family as one of the best in the kingdom,^ and it is said to have been of Irish extraction; ' Goklsmilh's Misc. Works, (ed. Prior, Lend. 1837), 294. 116 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. but even this is doubtful/ The name is certainly of Saxon, rather than Celtic or Erse, origin ; and so, indeed, is it asserted, in a sort of monody, apparently by a friend, pub- lished immediately after his death, in which its derivation is said to be from two Saxon words, signifying Broad Oak.^ It is possible his father or grandfather may have been one of those English adherents of William of Orange, who found, in Irish confiscated estates, the reward of their Pro- testant zeal ; and this would, in a measure, account for the favor which some of the members of this family seem to have encountered at the hands of the House of Hanover. All that can now be discovered in this regard, however, is that, during the past century, with the exception of the father of tlie hero of this volume and his immediate pos- terity, there were none of the name who rose into public notice ; and before and after that period, it is un- known in British history.^ His father, who was also named Edward Braddock, must have been born about the middle of the seventeenth century, since we find him a lieutenant in the Coldstream Guards at least as early as 1684. In 1690, he was their senior captain; on the 1st ' The name, certainly, does not seem to appear at all in the Rotuli Hi- berniae, published by the Record Commission. ^ Vide Appendix, No. V. The words Broad and Oak are of direct Saxon derivation. ^ There was a Sergeant Braddock in General Forbes's army in 1758, and the name occasionally occurs among tlic lists of London bankrupts and traders that adorn the columns of Sylvanus Urban. But at present the Post-OfSce Directory shows that there is not one of that name resident in the 'royal city.' A highly respectable family in New Jersey, however, still bear, as I am told, the name of Braddock; and it likewise occurs iu the Philadelphia and Pittsburg directories. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 117 of October, 1702, he got his majority; and on the 10th of January, 1704, was appointed their heutenant-colonel. He was gazetted a brigadier on the 1st of January, 1707, and a major-general on the 1st of January, 1709. In Sep- tember, 1715, he retired from the service, and died at Bath, on the 15th of June, 1725.' This ''honest, brave old gentleman, who had experi- enced some undeserved hardships in life," is buried there, in the Abbey Church of St. Peter and St Paul.^ The old general must have been in at least comfortable circum- stances, since he left to his two daughters the sum of £G000 : to his only son, in all probability, a much larger amount descended. This son was the Edward Braddock with whom we have now to do. In the Appendix to this volume will be found the full particulars of the unhappy fate of one of the daughters, Fanny Braddock, who com- mitted suicide at Bath on the 8th of September, 1731. Her sister, also unmarried, had died some years before. Mistress Fanny Braddock — as the fashion of the day styled all unmarried women — was a lady singularly gifted with attractions of person and of mind, and was, by her sister's death, in 1728-9, in possession of a competent for- tune. But, yielding to an undisciplined impulse, she sacri- ficed the latter to relieve the necessities of the man whom she loved ; and the former speedily lost their lustre in the e3'es of the gay throng whose esteem she coveted. With- ' Gent. Mag. 1707-10. XL MacKinnon's Hist. Coldstreams; 453, 454, 404. III. Goldsmith's Misc. Works (Prior's ed., Lond. 1837), 294. ^ I. Gent. Mag. (1731), 397. Tliis seems to have been the fashionable place of sepulture for strangers : the reader will recollect Sir Lucius and his '' I 'm told there is very snug lying in the Abbey." 118 IlSrTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. out a stain upon her honor, she at length sank mto a con- dition of despair, and at the gaming-tables — then the fre- quent resort of ladies of fashion in England, as now on the continent — she soon dissipated away the scanty remains of her patrimony. Wearied of life, unable longer to endure the painful contrast of her position as governess in the family of a respectable tradesman with the brilliant place she lately occupied, she resolved on self-destruction. During the long night-watches in her lonely chaml3er, her mind reverted to his infamy who had broken her heart and squandered her fortune. To drive away these mournful reveries, she took down a book and essayed to read. The volume was the Orlando Furioso of Ariosto ; and she opened it at that passage of the ninth canto where OWmpia mourns the perfidy that had shut every avenue of hope from her soul : per lui toltomi il regno, Per lui quel pochi beni, cbe restati M'eran del viver raio soli sostegno Per trarlo di prigione ho dissipati; Ne mi resta ora, in che piu far disegno, Se non d'andarmi io stessa in mano a porre Di si crudel nimico, e lui disciorre. The fatal similarity of fortune -weighed upon her mind and confirmed her in her unhappy resolve. With a firm step and unwavering will, she passed through the portals of the house of life, and in a moment more, was beyond the reach of human sympathy or human censure. Nothing could increase the feelings of disgust with which the conduct of Edward Braddock, on this sad occasion, must inspire the reader. That, through her levities or his INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 119 own misconduct, liis affections should have been long since alienated from his sister, seems natural enough ; but there must have been an inborn, consummate brutality, to guide the tongue Avhicli could frame no other expression of sor- row than " Poor Fannj^ ! I always thought she w^ould play till she would be forced to tuck herself up !" ^ No sensibility could exist in his heart who could, for the sake of a scurvy pun, jest upon the manner of a sister's death, and say that she had adopted this plan ' to tie herself up from cards /' ^ Surely on this occasion Walpole was justi- fied in terming Braddock " a very Iroquois in disposition !" ' III. Walp. Corresp., 142. Walpole tells us, that before making away with herself, she ■wrote, with her diamond, these lines (from Garth's Dis- pensary, Canto III.) upon her window-pane : To die is landing on some silent shore, Where billows never break, nor tempests roar : Ere well we feel the friendly stroke, 'tis o'er. The wise, through thought, th' insults of Death defy; The fools, through blest insensibility. 'T is what the guilty fear, the pious crave ; Sought by the wretch, and vanquished by the brave. It eases lovers, sets the captive free ; And, though a tyrant, offers liberty. The truth is, that, speaking twenty years after the event, the great letter- writer was led away by a similarity of sentiment and expression. The actual inscription was this : 0, death ! thou pleasing end to human woe ! Thou cure for life ! thou greatest good below ! Still mayst thou fly the coward and the slave, And thy soft slumbers only bless the brave. See I. Hone's Every-Day Book, p. 1279. ^ XXXIT. Gent. Mag., .542. To tie one's self up from play, was a cant phrase for incurring some obligation which should act as a restraint upon 120 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. There is another anecdote which does not any more tend to give one a very elevated conception of his character. It seems that his virtues, such as they were, had won the favor of a certain Mrs. Upton, on whose infamous wages he was not ashamed to live. By constant applications, he had kept this poor fool's exchequer so dry, that one day she frankly answered a demand for money hy pulling out her purse with but twelve or fourteen shillings in it. With the keen eye of an experienced forager, Braddock saw cause to suspect this was not all its contents. " Let me see that !" he cried, and snatched it from her hand. In the other end he found five guineas. Coolly emptying all the money into his pocket, he tossed the empty purse into his mistress's lap. " Did you mean to cheat me ?" cried he ; and he turned his back upon the house to see her no more.^ This shabby transaction was a subject of town- talk in the coffee-houses and lobbies of the day; and was cleverly seized by Fielding and brought upon the Drury Lane boards in 1732, in a witty but licentious play, called the Covent-Garden Tragedy. Captain Bilkum (by whom, it is said, Braddock was meant) is made to thus deny the consolations of " the humming bowl :" ^ Oh ! 'tis not in the power of punch to ease My grief-stung soul, since Hecatissa's false; Since she could hide a poor half-guinea from me ! Oh ! had I searched her pockets ere I rose, I had not left a single shilling in them ! gambling. Thus, there was an instance of the Duke of Bolton receiving a hundred guineas from Beau Nash on a contract to repay £10,000 if he should ever lose as much at one sitting ; and the duke actually soon found occasion, at Newmarket, to comply with his bargain, (III. Goldsmith's Misc. Works., 281.) ' III. Walp. Currcsp., 142. ^ A. I. sc 6. INTRODUCTORY MEJIOIR. 121 If, indeed, the immortal satirist designed the wliole of his character of Bilkum as a paraphrase of Braddock's, he could have held him but in the light of one of those hired ruffians whose office it is to awe into silence the poor cully wdiom their partners have robbed. This is going infinitely too far : an occasional solitary instance, such as has been cited, may have stained his reputation, but it was not a specimen of his general character. There were many better things iu him than that : and perhaps it is pressing closely the limits of moderation to say that he kept his flight so near the ground that he could have stooped to such a scene of self-degradation. His faults were evidently con- sidered by men of worth rather as foibles than vices : his intimacies were with persons of character and honor; and in many respects he was w^orthy of their confidence, though his excesses must often have lost it. It was thus that he became embroiled with Colonel Gumley, an old comrade and friend, whose sister was married to Pulteney, Earl of Bath; and a duel was the result. As they met on the ground, Gumley, knowing very well the state of his oppo- nent's finances, coolly tossed him his purse. • " Braddock," said he, " you are a poor dog ! Here, take my purse : if you kill me, you will have to run aw^ay ; and then you will not have a shilling to support you." His infuriated adversary was galled to madness by this new provocation ; he lost all command of his temper, and quickly saw his sword fly from his hand ; but he was still too proud to ask his life at the victor's hand.^ Another duel between Brad- dock and Colonel Waller is recorded, fought with sword ' III. Walp. Corresp., 142. 122 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. and pistol in Hyde Park, on the 26tli of May, 1718 : but of its cause or consequences nothing can be traced.^ As may be judged from tlie date of his first commission, Edward Braddock must have been born towards the close of the seventeenth century. On the 11th of October, 1710, he entered the army with tlie rank of Ensign in the grena- dier company of the Coldstream Guards ; and on the 1st of August, 1716, was appointed a lieutenant.^ In the columns of the Gentleman's Magazine his steps may be traced as follows: — On the oOth of October, 1734, Lieutenant Braddock was gazetted to a captain-lieutenancy.^ On the 10th of February, 1736, he was appointed to a captaincy in the Second Regiment of Foot-Guards,^ and on April 2nd, 1743, he had risen to the rank of a lieutenant-colonel in the line, and was further advanced to be the second major of this regiment.^ At that period, as at present, the household troops were considered the choicest portions of the army, and a commission in their ranks could not be esteemed a light favor. The Duke of Cumberland, the Captain-General of the British Army (a dignity in which the great Churchill and the good Ormond were his only predecessors), had been Colonel of the Second and was now in command of the First Regiment; and William Anne, Earl of Albemarle, was Colonel of the Second, or Coldstreams, to which Braddock was attached. It is more than probable, how- ' Origin and History of tbe Coldstream Guards, by Col. Daniel Mac- Kinnon. (Lond., 1833.) Vol. II., p. 473. 2 II. MacKinnon's Coldstreams, 45G, 472. '^ IV. Gent. Mag., G28. II. MacKinnon, 476. " IT. MacKinnon, 456. ' XIII. Gent. Mag., 219. 11. MacKinnon, 477. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 123 ever, tliat his father's position in the regiment may have faciUtated the young ensign's entrance ; and it may be worth noting that the total jDcriod of service in this regiment of fatlier and son did not fall short of seventy years, during all which period the name of Edward Brad- dock appeared on its roster. Nor was there anything unusual in a lieutenant-colonel of the line accepting an inferior majority in the Guards, when a Field-Marshal was their colonel, and the commissioned officers of other regi- ments were taken from their rank and file.^ The recruiting standard of the regiment, it is true, was extraordinarily high : to be even a private in its ranks was not a privilege open to every subject of the crown, no matter how well he might by nature be qualified. No papist, no Scot or Irishman, no " vagabond," was suffered to be enlisted even as a private into this proud body; and the popular satire of the day shows what vulgar consequence was attributed to its non-commissioned officers.^ One may form ' This was particularly the case in 1746, when no less than twenty-six privates of the Life Guards were commissioned as lieutenants or ensigns in other regiments, many of them on American stations. It is believed that the famous geographer Thomas Hutchins, the historian of Bouquet's expedition, on this occasion received his first commission as ensign in the King's South Carolina Independent Company. Hist. lice, of the Life Guards (Lond. 1835), p. 154. These Records of the British Army, which have been more than once referred to, were commenced twenty years since by command of William IV., and are intended to comprise a particular history of every regiment. The few volumes hitherto published are as elegant as useful; and it is to be regretted that so laudable an enterprise should progress so slowly. ^ Witness the case of poor Dick Ivy, in Smollett's inimitable tale ; the poet whom not "disappointment, nor even damnation," could drive to des- pair. And yet he could not make his quarters good in the milk-woman's cellar in Potty France, but " was dislodged and driven up-stairs into the kennel by a corporal in the Second Begiraent of Foot-Guards." 124 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. an idea of its arrogance when we find in the orderly-book of the Coldstreams a command to its men to behave civilly towards and not to laugh at or make game of the other troops, at a review by the King on the 26th of October, 1745.^ Originally raised by Monk from the elite of Hesil- rige's and Fenwick's parliamentary regiments, it took its name from its quarters at Coldstream, whence Monk marched it on New- Year's day, 1660, " to restore the monarchy and give peace to his distracted country." At the Restoration it was specially exempted by Parliament from the universal disbandment of the army, and was retained as a Guard by King Charles ; and ever since that period it has continued to deserve and to enjoy a distin- guished share of royal favor and public regard.^ It would be an interesting task to trace the means by which a man destitute of all influence of family connection or prestige of great wealth — a mere Irish soldier of fortune, as by some he is termed — should have obtained and continued to retain through a long series of years such a desirable position. It may have been indeed that he purchased his promotions; but the cost of such a step was always enormous, and it is not likely that he should have had sufficient resources at his command.^ It is to his merit ' II. MacKinnon, 341. ^ It is believed that the only occasions upon which any considerable portion of this regiment was ever forced to ground its arms or surrender its colours wore atOstend, in 1745, and at Yorktown, in 1781 : on this last occasion the Guards either had no regimental flag, or it was secreted and never delivered. ^ In 1720, the King fixed the price of a Lieutenant-Colonelcy in the Coldstreams at £5000; a Major's commission cost £8600; a Captain's £2400; a Captain-Lieutenant's £1500; a Lieutenant's £900; an Ensign's £450. In 17G6, these rates were about doubled; and at present the INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 125 and actual services that we are inclined to attribute his success. At the period of his aiDpointment, a large por- tion of the Second Foot-Guards were with Marlborough in Flanders; and it is not improbable that thither the young soldier was sent to learn the first rudiments of the art of war. In March, 1713, the regiment was recalled to London, and on September 18th of the next year, Brad- dock's company was one of those which on his arrival re- ceived the first Elector of Hanover who reigned over England. In 1719, a part of the regiment took share in the Vigo expedition, and in 1742, its first battalion was sent to the Lov/ Countries, and Braddock undoubtedly among them. At Dettingen, on the IGth of June, 1743, the Second Guards, commanded by the second Duke of Marlborough, behaved gloriously under the very eyes of the King and the Duke of Cumberland. At the famous battle of Fontenoy, fought on the lltli of May, 1745, between Marshal Saxe, with Louis XV. and the Grand Dauphin by his side, and the English and Dutch Allies, wliose Captain-General was Cumberland, the Coldstreams again won great honor, losing in killed and wounded two hundred and forty men. Every one knows what terrible slaughter took place on that memorable defeat, when the Irish Brigade fiercely swept away the thinned ranks of the British, and gratified, for the first time since the fall of James the Second, the feelings of triumphant revenge. But amid all the carnage Lieutenant-Colonelcy is worth £9000, and an Eusigncy £1200. (T. Mac- Kinnon, 347.) The purchaser, however, must pass a previous examination to prove his competency, and the money, it is believed, goes to the retiring officer. 126 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. and confusion, the English Guards gained scarce less praise by their cool retreat than by their furious charges, sullenly moving off like a lion who, undismayed and almost disposed to turn again, grimly recedes into the darkness from the watch-fire of the hunters/ It was for his share in this day's bloody work, we may presume, that Braddock received, on the 27tli of May, 1745, his promotion to be First-Major of his regiment,^ and on the 21st of the next November, to be its Lieutenant-Colonel.^ In the summer of 1745, he was with the Second in garrison at Ostend, whence in July he repaired to England to acquaint the Lords of the Regency with its condition, and thus probably escaped being present at its surrender on the 12th of August/ When Cumberland pursued Prince Charles's army from England in the winter of 1745-6, we know ' Perhaps history does not afford a more striking instance of undaunted courage, joined with the perfection of discipline, than was displa^-ed by the Guards on this memorable day. They were ordered to attack the French Guards and the Swiss; who, in perfect confidence, awaited the onset. The Engli.sh advanced, composed and steady as though on parade. As they drew near, their officers, armed with nothing but a light rattan, raised their hats to their adversaries, who politely returned the salute. " Gentlemen of the French Guards," cried Captain Lord Charles Ila}^ "fire, if you please." "Pardon, Monsieur!" replied they; "the French Guards never fire first : pray fire yourselves !" The order was given, and the French ranks were mowed down as ripe grain falls beneath the sickle. The Eng- lish behaved throughout the conflict with the same steadiness ; their offi- cers in the heat of the fight with their canes turning the men's muskets to the right or the left as they seemed to require. (Voltaire: Precis du Siede de Louis XV., c. xv.) After nearly fifty years' service iu such a regiment, no wonder that Braddock had formed exalted ideas of discipline. 2 XV. Gent. Mag., 333. I. MacKinnon, 373, II. ib. 478. 3 XV. Gent. Mag., 068. II. MacKinnon, 473. * I, MacKinnon, 373. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 127 that Braddock was actively employed under his command,^ and probably shared in the butcherly glories of Culloden. In September, 174G, he commanded the battalions of the First and Second Guards Avhich were embarked upon the secret expedition of Lestock and Sinclair against Quiberon and L'Orient; and in May, 1747, at the head of the second battalion of the Coldstreams, was ordered to Flanders, where the Allies, under the Prince of Orange, were ineffectually striving to raise the siege of Bergen-op- Zoom. He was quartered in the autumn at Bois-le-Duc ; in the winter near Breda; and in July, 1748, after marching to Ruremonde and encamping at Grave, was cantoned at Eyndhoven, where Cumberland had fixed his head-quarters. Peace having been declared in January, 1749, the Coldstreams were once again stationed at London. As every company in this regiment has its own standard, it may be noted here that Braddock's ensign bore a star within a garter, with the union in the colour's dexter-corner; this device had first been adopted" by Charles II. The badge was red.^ It is presumed that Lieutenant-Colonel Braddock conti- nued attached to the Coldstreams until 1753; making a total of forty-three years' service in that regiment. If we suppose his age when he was made ensign to have Ijecn about fifteen years, we may conclude him to have been at least sixty years of age and upwards v/hen he was killed in America. But, notwithstanding his appointment as briga- dier-general on the 23d of April, 1746, he was now, through debt or other causes, compelled to seek a temporary exile ' I. MacKinuon, 381. ' Ibid, cc. 24, 25. 128 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. from England; and on the 17th of February, 1753, was nominated to the colonelcy of the Fourteenth Regiment of Foot, then stationed at Gibraltar.^ Anxious to lose no time at home, he hastened to join his post, and set out at once to the Mediterranean ; where his stay, though but temporary, was long enough to win the affections of a garrison rarely conspicuous for aught but violence and sedition.^ During his absence, nevertheless, he was not forgotten by his patron and chief On the 29th of March, 1754, he was gazetted a major-general;^ and, on the 24th of the ensuing September, was appointed to the command of the troops to be sent to Virginia, and Generalissimo of all His Ma- jesty's trooj)s on the North American Continent/ These are meagre details, it must be confessed; and nothing can be unacceptable that will tend to clothe their dry skeleton with even the semblance of vitality. It may not, then, be amiss to refer to a tradition (albeit, like most traditions, it be entitled to little credence) which insinuates that the secret of Braddock's advancement is, that he was a bold beggar — a sturdy tramp, so to speak — who, with an untiring pertinacity that would not take No ! for an answer, was forever dunning the authorities for ' XXIII. Gent. Mag., 53. II. Mackinnoii, 473. ^ Walpole erroneously asserts (III. Corrcsp., 145) that he had been Governor of Gibraltar; "where, with all his brutality, he made himself adored, and where scarce any governor wa.s endured before." But this is so far from being true, that it does not appear that between 1749 and 1753 he ever officially even acted as commandant in the governor's absence (Drinkwatcr's Gibraltar, 23). He surely was never governor : martinet as he was, however, it is well to note this evidence of his pojiularity with his men. » XXIV. Gent Mag., 191. " Ibid, 530. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 129 renewed means of obtaining money and distinction. To purchase at once relief from his importunities, and to pro- mote the interests of the service, according to the same unreliable authority, he was selected for a distant command, the duties of which he was confidently esteemed capable of perfectly fulfilling, while its emoluments would be some- thing prodigious. Thus, it will be noticed, the foul finger of scandal has soiled alike the refutations of the adverse chiefs Braddock and Duquesne ; two characters opposite as the poles in life, but destined in their memories to an undying and indissoluble fraternity. Such were the antecedents of the leader to whose hands the control of an expedition of such vital importance to the welfare of Great Britain and of America was com- mitted. In the royal councils, the question had been thoroughly considered in all its bearings, and the most proper and feasible method of seizing the French forts and resuming possession of the wilderness they controlled was freely discussed. One voice — which we may well believe to have been that of the sagacious Halifax — earnestly opposed the whole notion of relying upon British regulars to accomplish these desired ends : well aware of the nature of the contest that would ensue, he was for employing, at the government's expense, a provincial force, which should be raised upon the spot, among men familiar with the Indian warfare and the Indian country. Had this plan been adopted, and a sufficient number of regular troops added to preserve discipline and to garrison the posts to be acquired, there can be little question of its having met with perfect success. The standing army of Great Britain 9 130 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. was at that time singularly small, and still further reduc- tions were in contemplation : in fact, when Braddock sailed, he left but three regiments in England; and so jealous was Newcastle lest Cumberland should have the filling up of commissions, that, in the very face of the coming storm, he would consent to no more being raised/ The rest of the army was scattered all over the world ; and since the regular force was so incapable of enduring a heavy drain, one would have thought the idea of employ- ing irregulars would have been highly acceptable. The king, likewise, had four Independent Companies quartered at New York, three in South Carolina, and one at Provi- dence.^ These were not ranked with the regular line, but were retained in America at the expense of Great Bri- tain ; and their services might have been most advan- tageously availed of in this crisis. The chief difficulty would have been the relative precedency of colonial and royal commissions; but even this might have been easily surmounted by making every officer receive his rank from the crown through the medium of a provincial authority; and the instances of Stanwix, Johnson, and Bouquet show what popularity might have attended the appointment of a commander not chosen from the regular ranks. Meritorious as was this plan, it was utterly incompre- hensible to the Duke of Cumberland, whose judgment was justly supreme in the cabinet on questions touching the • I. Walpole's Mem. Geo. II., 382. '^ Historical Memoirs of tue late Duke of Cumberland, (Lond., 1767), 403. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 131 art military. He was a person of fliir capacity, of a thorough education in the German school of war — that school of discipline whose exponent was the great Frede- rick of Prussia — and was of the first rank in the service. He had heard a great deal, ten ^^ears before, of the value of irregulars : he had seen a whole empire trembling at the feet of a mere handful of undisciplined mountaineers; its armies blasted, its councils panic-struck, its rulers ripe for flight. With a ready wit he had taught his grenadiers to face and to foil this impetuous foe, and to turn the very secret of their success into failure and ruin. He naturally now thought that the barbarians of America were to be encountered as successfully in 1755 as those of Scotland in 1745 : and through his intervention, no other resolution was adopted by the ministry than that of placing their chief trust in a regular force. To Cumberland properly belongs all the responsibility of the conception and organi- zation of the exefiutive portion of this enterjDrise, and the nomination of its leader.^ And conceding the question of the expediency of his policy, and considering the lights the Duke seems to have possessed of the character of the war and the nature of the services expected from Brad- dock, it is not fair to say that the selection of the com- mander was an unwise choice. An enthusiast in the art of war, in which at an early age he had distinguished himself, the Duke exercised, or endeavored to exercise, an impartial regard to merit in his appointments ; and we are particularly told, in regard to this one, that General ' I. Walp. Mem. Geo. 11., 390. Mems. of Cumberland, 496. 132 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. Bradclock's " courage and military discipline had recom- mended him as of ability for so great a trust." ^ The scheme which Braddock was to carry into effect was a very comprehensive one ; and embraced nothing less than the complete restoration of English power upon the American Continent.^ As early as September, 1754, it was decided that two regiments of foot, the Forty-fourth, Colonel Sir Peter Halket, and the Forty-eighth, Colonel Thomas Dunbar, then stationed in Ireland, should form the stamina of the proposed expedition. These were at once to be sent to the colonies, where, having eifected the objects immediately in view, they were to remain three years, to put the country and its people in a suitable posture of future defence.^ It was intended that each of these regiments should embark five hundred strong, and that they should be recruited in America to a complement of seven hundred. Two other regiments of one thousand men each, to be commanded respectively by Sir William Pepperell and William Shirley, Esq., the Governor of the province of Massachusetts-Bay, were likewise to be raised at the King's cost in America, and abundant stores of ' I. Entick, 114. Smollett (Adv. of an Atom), says that Braddock was "an obscure ofBccr, without conduct or experience, whom Cumberland selected for thi.s service; not that he supposed him possessed of superior merit, but because no officer of distinction cared to engage in such a dis- agreeable expedition." lie further intimates, too, an invincible aversion on the part of the Duke and his royal father to the employment of Indian allies as scouts. But it is the satirist, not the historian, who speaks : the whole volume is one continued tirade against every person in power during the Seven Years' War, from Pitt and Mansfield to Frederick of Prussia and the Empress-Queen. 2 See Appendix, No. I. = Penn. Gaz., No. 1365. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 133 artillery, provivsions, clothing, etc., were provided. In addition to these forces, which would at most make uj) but about thirty-five hundred men, the King's Independent Companies in America were to be under Braddock's com- mand; and Royal Instructions had been sent to the different Governors, demanding not only the aid of the colonial troops, but the services of as many Indians as could be enlisted. What with regulars, militia, and savages, it was hoped that England would thus be able to bring from twelve to fifteen thousand men into the field. With these a simultaneous movement was if possible to be made against Forts Du Quesne, Niagara, and Crown Point; while Colonel Lawrence, Vvdio v/as stationed in Nova Scotia, was instructed to capture Beau-Sejour; all these places being, according to British views, unlawfully occupied by Fraiice. An English fleet, hovering on the coast, was to intercept all military supplies from the French, and thus prevent their adding any fresh strength to the posts in question. On the 14th of November, His Majesty opened Parlia- ment with a speech which, after the usual self-congratula- tory remarks on tlie pacific relations still existing, announced his intention of improving the present advan- tages of a general peace to promote the commerce and protect the colonies in America. Parliament understood these words as they were meant, and straightway voted £4,000,000 for supplies; £1,000,000 of which was to increase the army and navy. The French representative, M. de Mirepoix, was not blind to this policy ; but the object of his court was to stave off open hostilities, until it was 134 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. thoroughly prepared for the conflict : and accordingly the duke kept couriers flying from London to Paris, and from Paris to London, while he vowed and protested his master's intentions to be utterly pacific. But both countries perse- vered, notwithstanding their mutual diplomatic tergiver- sations, in steadily arming for the fray. In the mean time, the preparations for the campaign were carried on with vigor and activity. It was settled that the 44th and 48th regiments should continue on the Irish establishment despite their transportation to America; thus saddling its equivalent of the charges of the war on the sister kingdom, which, not being represented in the British parliament, was not called on to vote supplies. But their* ranks being thinner than even in time of peace was customary, it was found necessary to recruit them by considerable drafts from other regiments, particularly from such as were then on duty in Ireland, unless stationed at Dublin. A regiment of ten companies should have counted seven hundred men at its musters : it was believed that these would have mounted up to five hundred each, leaving the additional two hundred to be engaged in America ; but the result showed a greater failure even than this. To supply this deficiency, prompt steps were taken. On October 29th, 1754, one hundred men were drafted from Lord Bury's regiment (the 20th) at Bristol, and as many more from Colonel Buckland's at Salisbury, who were at once ordered to Cork, whither Major-General Bligh had already repaired from Dublin to superintend the proceedings for em- barcation.^ Early in the same month. Sir Peter Halket had ' Penn. Gazette, No. 13G0, No. 1362. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 135 picked up a few volunteers in London, and a sergeant and corporal of each company in the artillery were despatched to beat up recruits through the country.^ In Ireland, four sergeants, four corporals, five drums and sixty-five privates of Lieutenant-General Bragg's regiment (the 28tli), and the same number from that of Colonel Pole (the 10th), at Limerick, were drafted to Cork : and in the beginning of No- vember drafts were also made from Lieutenant-General An- strather's regiment (the 26 th), and from the second bat- talion of th& Eoyals, at Galway.^ So odious was their destined service, however, that every effort of the officers could not restrain desertion. Many of the new drafts or enlistments, too, consisted of the worst class of men, who, had they not been in the army, would probably have been in Bridewell ; and this did not tend to elevate the personal standard of the two regiments. The preparations in the way of military stores, ordnance, etc., were also conducted upon an extensive scale. Till the close of October, the workmen at the Tower were busily employed in making artillery and ammunition wagons, and putting up cartridges for the expedition. Tents for eight thousand men, with marquees, drums, arms, accoutrements, &c., &c., as well as great quantities of ammunition, were shipped in the Thames for Cork.^ Thither were also sent on the 9 th of November twelve carriages with chests containing six hundred stand of arms from Dublin Castle. A number of army officers upon half- pay were recalled into service; and on the 19 th of October, orders were issued to the artillery for a captain, four ser- ' Penn. Gaz., No 1362. ^ Ibid, No. 1367. ' Ibid No. 1360. 136 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. geanis. and sixty bombardiers and matrosses to hold them- selves in readiness to embark at Woolwich for Virginia;* upon the 28th, Mr. Montresor was gazetted as Chief En- gineer, and James Pitcher, Esq., was named Commissary of the Musters.^ Several additional surgeons were also pro- vided; and James Napier, Esq., Master Surgeon of the Hospitals in Flanders during the preceding war, was appointed Director of the Hospitals belonging to the forces on the American expedition.^ On the loth of October, Sir John St. Clair, Lieutenant-Colonei of Offarrell's regiment of foot (the 22nd), had already been gazetted as Deputy Quarter-Master-General for all the forces in America, to rank as a Colonel; who, with very little delay, hastened to Virginia to acquaint himself with the scene of his future duties. Indeed, an unwonted energy reems at this time to have inspired the ministry. Not only were six thousand troops provided for the defence of the colonies at the cost of the crown, with an ample provision of the proper munitions of war;"* but liberal supplies of money or its equivalent were granted to different provinces. To Virginia, for instance, were sent £10,000 in cash, with authority to draw for as much more ; and Pennsylvania, for purposes of war, was furnished with six hundred firelocks (or muskets), with bayonets, cartouche-boxes, &c., three tons of musket- balls, fifteen barrels of gunpowder, and five thousand flints.' * A matross is an artillery soldier of a rank inferior to the bombardier or gunner. ^ VI. Penn. Col. Kec, 303. ^ II. Penn. Gaz., No. 1360, No. 1369. * II. Penn. Archives, 293. ^ jjtjj^j^ 3Q0. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 137 But all this unwonted display of vigor by a cabinet with whom ignorance and imbecility were the only stars that lighted the western horizon, was, more suo, destined to a rapid decline. During the ensuing three months exertion flagged, and nothing but delay and doubting appears to have characterized its proceedings. Upon the Sunday evening preceding the 12th of November, Braddock him- self had arrived from France (on his route, we may suppose, from Gibraltar), at his house in Arlington Street, London; and on the same evening waited upon the King and the Cap- tain-General. The latter had arrived but at 9 A. M, of that same day, an-d had barely taken possession of his winter apart- ments.^ During his brief stay in the metropolis, Braddock had long and repeated interviews with the Duke, in which he received full and careful directions for his conduct ; all of which, however, will be found repeated in the formal Letter of Instructions printed in the Appendix. On the Saturday before the 30th of November, he left Arlington Street for Portsmouth ; whence he embarked for Cork on the Centurion, Commodore Keppel, to hasten and superin- tend the departure of the troops.^ But, with all his impe- ' Penn. Gaz., No. 13Cy2. ^ The Hon. Augustus, second son of William Anne Keppel, 2d Earl of Albemarle, was born April 2d, 1725. He entered the navy as a midship- man at an early date, and received his first wound at the capture of Paita. He met with rapid promotion, and at Goree and in the battle off Belleisle distinguished himself for good conduct. In 1TG2, he was a commodore in the fleet sent out under Sir George Pocock to the Havannah. In conse- quence of grave charges brought against him by Sir Hugh Palliser, he was court-martialled for his conduct in the sea-fight near Ushant on the 27th of June, 1778 ; but was most honorably acquitted, while his accuser became the object of general opprobrium. So strong was the sympathy with Kep- pel, that Parliament went to the unusual length of voting him its thanks. 138 INTRODUCTORY ME MOIE. rious energy and impatience of delay, it was not until the 14tli of January, 1755, that his object was effected. The transport-ships from England came in irregularly and slowly. On the 19 th of November, the Seahorse, man-of- war, had arrived there for this service ; and on the 21st, the Prince Frederick transport. Burton master, of five hundred tons, of and from London, with stores, &c., made its appearance at Cork to take in troops.^ The Centurion followed close after, with most of the remaining transports and stores ; and orders were at once issued for the men and baggage to be put on board. Still, there was a wearisome delay. Some transports, absolutely necessary to carry a portion of the expedition, which had duly sailed from Eng- land, were not yet arrived at the River Lee. A violent storm in the beginning of December had ravaged the coasts of Britain, and one vessel, with eight ofncers and sixty men on board, w^as lost off Falmouth.^ The same gale had forced the Severn, Captain Rawlings, to put into Dart- mouth, and the Molly, Captain Curling, to take refuge in Torbay. Determined to wait no longer upon the tardy movements of the transports, Braddock, with his staff and a small part of the troops, returned to England in the Centurion and the sloop-of-war Cruizer, and on the 21st of December sailed from the Downs for Virginia; leaving the main He had already (1763) been appointed Groom of the Bedchamber to the King; an office which he vacated in 1766. In 1782, he was made First Lord of the Admiralty; and in April of the same year, advanced to the peerage under the title of Viscount Keppel of Elvedon, in the County of Suffolk. He died in 1786, when his title became extinct. ' Penn. Gaz., No. 1368. ' III. Walp. Corresp., 88. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 139 body of the fleet to follow at their earliest speed. On the 20th of February, 17'55, Commodore Keppel's little squad- ron, consisting of his own vessel, the famous Centurion, the Norwich, Captain the Hon. Mr. Barrington, and the Syren, Captain Proby, cast anchor in Hampton Roads. ^ On board the Norwich were the General, Captain Robert Orme, one of his aides, and Mr. William Shirley, his mili- tary secretary ; and the arrival of the transports was daily, if not hourlj^, expected. But the first intelligence that reached the Commodore's ears was a report that two French ' Not even the Victory, where Nelson died, was a more famou3 and favorite ship among British sailors than the old Centurion. In 1740, it was as her captain that Anson led his little squadron on their venturous voyage to "put a girdle round about the earth." In 1749, we find Keppel in command. In 1755, when he hoisted his broad pennant as commodore of the Virginia fleet, William Mantell, Esq., was his captain. Towards the end of July, the Centurion, along with the Nightingale and the Syren, Captain Proby, sailed from Hampton Roads northwardly; and on the 4th of September, she was with Boscawen's fleet (Penn. Gaz., Nos. 1389, 1393). Though rated as of 400 men and GO guns, she mounted now but 54. lu 1759, she covered Wolfe's lauding at Quebec ; and it is a little odd, that at the moment the two future circumnavigators, Cook and Bougainville, armed on opposite sides, were present with the ship whose fame rested on its having performed the same feat. When she at last was broken up, her figurehead — a lion, so exquisitely carved in wood as to suggest the work- manship of Gibbons himself — was preserved to delight the eyes of the Greenwich pensioners. It is still preserved at their Hospital. The Hon. Samuel Barrington, Captain of the Norwich, was the 5th son of John, first Viscount Barrington. He was born in 1729, and died an admiral of the white, and lieutenant-general of the marines, Gth August, 1800. His second-lieutenant on this Virginia voyage was the celebrated Adam Duncan of Lundie, who had sailed with Keppel in the Centurion as a midshipmen since 1749. The Commodore, recognizing his merit, made a special point of obtaining his promotion on this occasion. In later years, the great victory of Camperdown, which gave Duncan a peerage, testified to the wisdom of Keppel's judgment. 140 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. men-of-war had lately been seen hovering along the coast ; and, fearful lest they should insult the coming fleet, the Norwich and Syren were at once ordered to sea again to look out for the enemy/ Braddock's long-expected arrival was hailed with a lively joy by the inhabitants of the colonies of Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania; who certainly contemplated with enthusiasm the prospective discomfiture of the French ; at the same time, perhaps, experiencing a secret satisfac- tion that the cost of the undertaking should mainly fall upon the mother country. Be that as it may, the expres- sions of popular pleasure on the occasion were neither cir- cumscribed nor scanty ; and to such gratulatory strains as these were the cisatlantic muses compelled to tune their unwonted lyres : ^ Breathe, breathe, ye winds; rise, rise, ye gentle gales; Swell the ship's canvass, and expand her sails ! Ye sea-green Nymphs, the royal vessel deign To guide propitious o'er the liquid main : Freighted with wealth, for noble ends designed, (So willed great George, and so the Fates inclined.) The ponderous Cannon o'er the surges sleep ; The flaming Muskets swim the raging deep; The murd'rous Swords, conceal'd in scabbards, sail, And pointed Bayonets partake the gale : Ah ! swiftly waft her to the longing shore ; In safety land her, and we ask no more ! Under convoy of two men-of-war, thirteen transports and three ordnance store-ships had left the Cove of Cork on the 14th of January, 1755; having on the last day taken on board £14,000 in specie.' The names of this little fleet were as follows : • Pcnn. Gaz., No. 1368. ^ Ibid, 1360. » j^^jj^ n^. 1371. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 141 TRANSPORTS. Anna, Captain Nevin ; Hallifax, Captain Terry ; Terrible, Captain Wright; Fame, Captain Judd; Osgood, Captain Croolcslianks ; London, Captain Brown; Concord, Captain Boynton ; Prince Frederick, Captain Burton j , Industry, Captain Miller; Isabel and Mary, Captain Hall; Fisbburn, Captain William Tipple ; Molly, Captain John Curling; Severn, Captain Jehosaphat llawlings. ORDNANCE STORE-SHIPS. Whiting, Captain Johnson; Newall, Captain Montgomery; Nelly. Parting company on the voyage, two transports, the Fishburn and the Osgood, each with one hundred men and officers on board, were on the 2nd of March the first to arrive at Hampton.^ The General's original notion seems to have been to await here the presence of all the troops, cantoning them as they came in according to a plan of Sir John St. Clair's. But perceiving the objections to this arrangement, he left orders with the commodore at the port for each transport, as it should arrive, to take on board fresh provisions for the men, and to proceed at once up the Chesapeake to Alexandria or Belhaven (as it was indiffe- rently styled) on the Potomac ; while he himself hastened to Williamsburg to obtain an interview with Governor Dinwiddie. It would seem that there may have been some foundation for the rumor, that after conquering the French Braddock was to remain in this country as Governor of New York : but it was never aUuded to in his intercourse with the colonies, ^ for the delays and difficulties of his ' Penn. Gaz., No. 1370. ^ yj Col. Rec, 286. / 142 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. undertaking began already to be foreshadowed, and liis mind was more than sufficiently occupied with what he had in hand. The transports came in slowly : it was not until the middle of March that the Severn arrived with the last company of the 48th regiments Fortunately, despite their long and stormy passage, the health of the troops had continued good ; but one man dying on the way. They were debarked at or hard by Alexandria, where they were for the present quartered. St. Clair had arranged an absurd plan for cantoning them in small divisions all over the countrj^, which the General very wisely at once ignored.^ The sword was now drawn; it but remained to cast away the scabbard. In London, the wits of the court with profme levity cited Scripture for their purpose, and pre- tended to find in the inspirations of Ezekiel (cli. xxxv., 1—10), an assured prediction of the success of their arms in relation to the Ohio territories and Acadia. Punning on the words Mount Seir, Lord Chesterfield thus announced the prospective ruin of the French ; " Moreover, the word of the Lord came unto me, saying. Son of man, set thy face against Mount Seir and prophesy against it, and say unto it. Thus saith the Lord God ; Behold, mount Seir, I am against thee, and I will stretch out my hand against thee, and I will make thee most desolate. '•' * * Because thou hast said. These two nations and these two countries shall be mine, and we will possess it." Meanwhile, the pious Fontaine, secluded with his little flock in the western ' Braddock's Despatches, in IT. Olden Time, 227. IT. Spai-ks's Wash- ington, G8. II. Penn. Arch., 286. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 143 idlcls of Virginia, lamented the turbulent times that had frustrated an expedition on the eve of departure for the exploration of the remotest sources of the Red River and the hardly-known Missouri, and the discovery of a water communication, through the heart of the continent, with the Pacific Ocean/ It is here that the Journal of Mr. Orme commences ; and in its pages the reader will find a lucid and particular ac- count of the whole march. But since it is necessary to continue the history of the campaign upon a broader plan than that adopted by our Journalist, it will be endeavored to pass over as cursorily as possible, consistently with the preservation of the thread of the narrative, such circum- stances as he has dwelt on at large, merely preserving a sufficient connection to admit the introduction of many collateral facts unknown to or unglanced at by him. Upon the lOtli of March, shortly after his arrival, the General had forwarded letters to the Governors of the different colonies to meet him in council at Annapolis in Marjdand, early in April, and urging on them the estab- lishment of a common fund to promote the connnon end of the protection of the English frontiers.^ With the assistance of Sir John St. Clair, he next busied himself in organizing the basis and plan of the coming campaign. This officer had arrived in America about the 10th of January, 1755, in the ship-of-war Gibraltar, Captain Spry; and since had found active employment in acquainting himself with the nature and scene of his future duties. ' III. Walp. Corr., 110. Maury's Huguenot Fam., 391. 2 VI. Col. Rec, 332. 144 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. Having procured from the Governors of Pennsylvania and Virginia, and from other sources, all the maps and infor- mation that were obtainable respecting the country througli which the expedition was to pass, he proceeded in company with Governor Sharpe of Maryland upon a tour of inspec- tion to Will's Creek. The fort here was garrisoned by Rutherford's and Clarke's Independent Companies of Foot, which, being ordered thither from New York by Governor Dinwiddie, had arrived in Hampton Roads in H. M. S. Centaur, Captain Dudley Digges, on the 8th of June, 1754.^ On the 1st of September these troops were marched to Will's Creek, where they were joined by Captain Demerie's Independent Company from South Carolina ; and on the 12th commenced erecting the works. On the 26th of January, 1755, Sir John and Governor Sharpe found the gallant fellows had built a sufficient fort, witli several large magazines, and barracks for all the expected army. The latter were arranged in the manner of a fortified camp, flanking and flanked by the fort : ten four-jDOunders and some swivels constituted all their artillery. This post was called Fort Cumberland, in honor of the Captain-General. A company from Maryland had arrived there about the end of November, 1754, and remained through the winter quartered in huts they built for themselves. Later in the season the Virginia troops made their appearance. On his return. Sir John descended Will's Creek and the Potomac two hundred miles in an open canoe, till he reached Annapolis ; whence he repaired to Williamsburg to await ' These were the troops so anxiously looked for by Washington at Fort Necessity, in July, 175-4. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 145 the General's advent. He had inspected the Great Falls of the Potomac, and had no doubt that, by the aid of gun- powder, the rocks in the channel at that point might be removed to an extent sufficient to permit the passage of the flat-bottomed boats or batteaux in which the stores, etc., were to be transported to Fort Cumberland ; and he employed a number of men upon that river to prepare the vessels. He also laid out a camp for the army at Watkin's Ferry, although no use was ever after made of it.' It was very unfortunate that Sir John had not with him an engi- neer or two to whom a portion of these duties might have been entrusted, leaving him leisure to occupy himself in other quarters where his presence Avas not less needed. Thus, the four hundred men who Avere to fill up the ranks of the 44th and 48th regiments to seven hundred each, were looked for by the Ministry to come from Pennsyl- vania.^ This expectation was never fulfilled : so late as June 9 til, 1755, we find Braddock w^riting to the Governor of that province, entreating him to use his efforts for this end, and offering a bounty of <£3 sterling for each man.^ The same colony was also relied upon to cut a road from a point on the Susquehannali, below the junction of the Juniata, to the Turkey Foot or forks of the Youghiogeny, by which flour and other stores might pass from Philadel- ' Vr. Col. Rec, 299, 300. Penn. Gaz., Nos. 1372, 13G5, 1364. ^ In October, 1754, Sir Thomas Robinson advised the Governoi* of Penn- sylvania of the King's wish that he should have at least 3000 men enlisted from whom to fill up the ranks of the 44th and 48th regiments, as well as of Shirley's and Pepperell's. The mandate, however, had no legal force, and was never in the least degree complied with. See VI. Col. Rec., 200. => VI. Col. Rec., 423. 10 146 INTRODUCTOHY MEMOIR. phica to the army. This road Sir John advised to be made along the ridges of the hills, so as to avoid the washing of the floods ; and, in f\ict, made every snggestion for its plan that experience could prefer to his mind. The busy trade which to their shame the northern colonies at that par- ticular period carried on with the French also arrested his attention; and on all these various topics, as well as in regard to a commissary whom he had sent to purchase a hundred wagon-loads of flour, he addressed the Governor of Pennsylvania.^ Mr. Morris was anxious to do every- thing that St. Clair could ask, but his power was limited by the adjournment of his Assemblj^ Until it should vote supplies, he could raise no recruits nor cut any road ; until it sliould declare the supplying of the French colonies with provisions illegal, he could not punish the offence. But such powers as he was vested with he freely used in this crisis. Pending the meeting of the Assembly, who were at once summoned to come together in Philadelphia, the Governor appointed commissioners to survey the country and report on the most proper route for the desired road ; ^ and in consequence of a letter from Commodore Keppel, informing him that, by virtue of the King's command, he ' VI. Col. Kec, 301, 337. When the prospect of a war between the two countries was imminent, and the French in Canada were anxious to lay in a store of provisions, the commercial colonics of New York, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts hastened to supply them. Within three months of the first battle, no less than forty English vessels lay at one time in the harbor of Louisbourg. It is proper to say that Pennsylvania was not otherwise engaged in this traffic tlian in selling flour to the mca-haiits of other colonies, who pursued it until stopped by the stringent enactments of their own legislatures. 2 VI. Col. Ilec, 318. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 147 should in future seize all ships carrying provisions and stores to the French from Pennsylvania, he also issued his warrant to all the collectors and port-officers within his jurisdiction, forbidding them to suffer any vessel to pass outwards respecting whose destination there could be the least doubt. ^ By these means, much was effected towards promoting the wished-for end. It was in the course of this correspondence with Sir John that the General first came into connection with Mr. Morris, to whom he had brought introductory letters from Lord Halifax and Thomas Penn, the Proprietary. On the 14 th of January, Dinwiddie wrote to Morris to ascertain if six hundred thousand pounds of flour and a quantity of salted beef could bo procured in Pennsylvania for the use of the expedition ; promising to pay for it himself should tliat province refuse. After some hesitation, fourteen thou- sand bushels of wheat were voted to be delivered, in the shape of flour, immediately upon the arrival of the troops at the mouth of Conecocheague Creek ; a large stream which flows to the Potomac through what "is now Franklin County in Pennsylvania : this being a larger quantity than was asked, and entirely at the cost of Pennsylvania.^ Sir John having become involved in this negotiation, Mor- ris's reply was submitted to Braddock, who had just then arrived ; and it elicited from the General a communication couched in no very gentle terms. After bitterly inveighing against the conduct of a legislature which, in full view of ' VT. Col. Rec, 819, 323. 2 Vr. Col. Ilec, 297. II. Ponn. Arch., 253. This flour was bought ■with part of the £5000 presently to be spoken of. 148 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. the King's goodness in sending a large force to rescue their country from the hands of the enemy, had done not a thing to subsist the troops or to faciUtate their progress to the Ohio, he employs the following significant threat in relation to billeting his men for their winter-quarters : "My Commission empowers me to settle the Winter as I shall think most proper. You may assure your Assembly I shall have Regard to the different Behaviour of the several Colonies, and shall regulate their Quarters accord- ingly, and that I will repair, by unpleasant Methods, what for the Character and Honour of the Assemblies I should be much hajDpier to see cheerfully supplied," ^ As not only all of the General's correspondence, but many historical accounts of these transactions, abound in violent aspersions of the patriotism of Pennsylvania on this occasion, it may be as well to give here an impartial statement of the facts of the case. It seems the emission of provincial paper money or bills had many years before attracted the attention of the Crown. A legalized cur- rency of notes that soon became ragged and defaced, and for the redemption of which no assured fund was provided, was certainly calculated to injure the trader at a distance as well as the holder at home; and consequently, in 1740, instructions were forwarded to Governor Thomas, of Penn- sylvania, that he should in future pass no law for creating paper money which did not contain a clause suspending its ojjeration until it was confirmed by the King. The object of these regulations was to prevent any sudden emission of a fictitious currency, to be redeemed by posterity ; and Sir ' Braddock's Letter of 28th Feb., 1755. VI. Col. Kec, 307. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 149 Dudley Ryder, the most eminent counsel of his time, hav- ing been consulted on the question, had formally advised Mr. Hamilton (Mr. Morris's predecessor) that he and every other governor was fully bound by, and could not honor- ably nor safely violate them. This was one cause of dis- content between the Assembly and the Governor; for the colony was not able to endure, or even to pay a very heavy direct tax ; and the only mode in vogue of raising a large sum to meet an emergency was by an emission of bills. These the Crown was anxious to have redeemed in not more than five years, while the Assembly naturally preferred a longer day. Owing to the insuperable difficulty of any agreement upon a system of taxation in which the proprietary's unseated lands should pay their share with the rest of the province, the Assembly were now driven to a course which they perhaps hoped would place their Governor absolutely and finally in a false position. They resolved to issue £40,000 in paper money (£20,000 of which should be for purposes of defence), to be redeemed in twelve years; carefully excluding from the bill any clause of suspension. They hoped that the crisis would induce Mr. Morris to pass it into a law, and probably did not believe that any harm would come to him for so doing. But if he refused it, they would be in a position to charge him with the interruption of their efforts to serve the King. Of course, the Governor could not assent to such an act with the written opinion before him of the man who at that very moment was Chief Justice of England ; and so he informed the Assembly. Warm bickerings at once broke out between them. The Governor laid all the con- 150 INTRODUCTOKY MEMOIR. sequence of the French invasion at the doors of the legis- lature ; and the legislature, in return, not only refused to modify their bill, but even insinuated that there v/as no invasion at all j that whether the territory on which Fort Du Quesne was erected belonged to the English or the French crown, it apparently was not within the limits of Pennsylvania. And since the King, said they, wdio cer- tainly was the best judge of the limits of his own domi- nions, had already directed his attention to this question, they declined taking any share in the business ; more espe- cially as there was no war existing, in their eyes, between England and France. Such was the satisfaction which they gave to the requirements of Sir Thomas Robinson.' Finding, however, that Mr. Morris was immovable, the Assembly resolved to borrow £5000 on its own credit, which was placed in the hands of a committee to be applied in defending the colony; and then suddenly ad- journed without the Governor's approbation. It is so much the fashion in this generation to regard ' VI. Col. Ilec, 192, 233. XXV. Gent. Mag., 230, 243. There had been a general though a ridiculously absurd suspicion in Virginia, as well as Pennsylvania, that the story of French encroachments, &c., in the West was all a bugbear, gotten up by the Ohio Company in order to procure its occupation by the British, and so facilitate its own settlement. Thus Vt''ashington, who was interested in that concern, wrote, in 1757, to Lord Loudoun : " It was not ascertained until too late that the French were on the Ohio ; or rather, that we could be persuaded they came there with a design to invade His Majesty's dominions. Nay, after I was sent out in December, 1753, and brought undoubted testimony, even from themselves, of their avowed design, it was yet thougbt a fiction, and a scheme to promote the interest of a private company, even by some who had a concern in the government." — 11. Sparks's Washington, 218. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 151 every ante-revolutionarj dispute between a governor and bis assembly as a struggle between tyrannical oppression and popular rigbts, tliat it is witli some diffidence an opinion is bere ventured, tbat in tbis instance the legisla- ture of Pennsylvania were altogetber in tbe wrong. Set- ting aside all question of expediency or policy, tbeiri object plainly was to force tbe Governor to infringe tbe constitution. Failing tins, tbey blindly persisted in a conduct wliicb eventually drencbed tbeir borders in the blood of tbeir own sons, and raised a spirit wbicb in less tban ten years tarnisbed tbe lienor of tbe province, trampled on its laws, and tbreatened its integrity.^ But it must be added tbat tbeir errors were of tbe bead, not of tbe beart ; tbe tenor of tbeir wliole conduct compels tbe belief tbat tbey were bonest and patriotic in tbeir inten- tions, tliougb sometimes very sbort-sigbted. Tbe censure wbicb tbey received, often descending to sbeer abuse, only tended, by a confidence of its injustice, to confirm tbem in tbe patb tbey bad adopted j and was quite as unmerited as tbat wbicb tbeir j^^i'^izans liberally lavished on tbe Governor. Tbe real secret of the trouble consisted in the refusal of tbe Penns to be taxed. Every effort of the province to circumvent or break down tbis odious and unjust distinction was as violent as it was vain, until public opinion compelled its abolition. At tbis very moment, when tbeir government had refused ' Allusion is here made to the Paxton riots, when a murderous array of frontiers-men marched on Philadelphia, threatening to repeat there the crimes they had already been guilty of at Lancaster. These shocking scenes would never have occurred, had the Ohio Indians been enlisted in time in the English interest. 152 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. to agree on any plan by which a provincial force could be raised in Pennsylvania to operate under Braddock against Fort Du Quesne, the men of Pennsylvania were enlisting by hundreds under the banners of Shirley and Pepperell, or carrying their services to Virginia or New York. In 1758, when affairs were better managed, the province raised 2700 troops for Forbes's army. But then, public matters on both sides of the Atlantic had taken a vastly different turn. In England, a Pitt had released the nation from the ministerial incubus by which it was oppressed ; in Pennsylvania, the provincial levies were placed in every proper respect upon a level with the regulars; and a community, which for three-quarters of a century had existed without a militia law had at last (Nov. 1755), been prevailed upon to consent to a measure, which at least put it in the power of those who wished to learn how to defend their country.^ Unfortunately for himself, it was Braddock who was destined to reap this untoward harvest of popular discon- tent. Incapable of comprehending its origin, it was enough for him to know that it actually existed, and that, by soft words or wrathful, he could do very little with the legisla- ture of Pennsylvania; or, indeed, with that of any other colony. His temper naturally led him to take at once the most unkind, and frequently unfounded, views of their conduct. " Pennsylvania will do nothing," he wrote to Mr. Fox, the Secretary of War, "and furnisheth the French with whatever they have occasion for." And again he writes to Lord Halifax and to Sir Thomas ' Sparks's Wash., 289. XXVI. Gent. Mag., 83. VI. C. R., 337. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 153 Kobinson, one of the Secretaries of State : " I am very sorry that I am obliged to say that the inhabitants of these colonies in general have shown much negligence for His Majesty's service and their own interests. Nevertheless, they have not all equally deserved this censure ; and par- ticularly this province where I am (Virginia), ought not to be put in comparison with its neighbors, and may seem not to have merited these reproaches. '•' '=' '•" I cannot suffi- ciently express my indignation against the provinces of Pennsylvania and Maryland, whose interest being alike concerned in the event of this expedition, and much more so than any other on this continent, refuse to contribute anything towards the project ; and what they propose is made upon no other terms than such as are altogether contrary to the King's prerogatives and to the instructions he has sent their governors. '=' ''''^- '•' I cannot but take the liberty to represent to you the necessity of laying a tax upon all His Majesty's dominions in America, agreeably to the result of council, for reimbursing the great sums that must be advanced for the service and interest of the colo- nies in this important crisis." ^ In what he insinuates respecting their connection with the French, Braddock was utterl}' wrong : in his allegations of a niggardly disposition on the part of the provincial Assemblies, he was perhaps ' II. Olden Time, 225, 232, 235. Before blaming in to(o ccelo the rash judgment that dictated these intemperate counsels, it will be ■well to recol- lect that others besides Braddock (whether justly or not), were incensed beyond bounds by the conduct of Pennsylvania : •' A people," said Wash- ington, "who ought rather to be chastised for their insensibility to danger, and disregard of their sovereign's expectations." I. Sparks's "Wash., 78. The suggestion of taxing America by Britain is perhaps one of the earliest en record. 154 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. not wholly incorrect. Virginia indeed had granted £20,000, Pennsylvania £5000, and North Carolina £8000 towards the common cause ; and even Maryland seems to have voted £6000 — all, however, in their respective cur- rencies, which were much less than sterling/ All of these sums were expended under their own directions. The contribution of South Carolina, amounting to £5714 55. Sid. sterling, was all the American money that ever reached Braddock's hands. As for the funds raised north of the Delaware, they were very properly applied to ends more immediately local. The main cost of the expedition was compulsorily borne by Great Britain. It is not surprising, then, that the General lost his equanimity in contemplating not only the luiexpected deficiency in that supply of money which he had been taught to expect from the colonies, but also the first examples of that miserable, equivocating system of shuffling delay and petty economy which too often characterized their action. Thus, all the provisions that Dinwiddle was to have supplied were discovered, at the eleventh hour, to be not forthcoming; and new and hurried arrangements had to be entered into at a moment when everything of the sort should have been finally concluded. As the particulars of this transaction will be found at large in the ensuing text, however, it need not be further alluded to here. But with all the explosions of his temper, there were many instances in which the General manifested a spirit as wise as it was discriminating, doing equal honor to his head and his heart. Of these, was the manner in ' XXV. Gent. Mag., 308. II. Olden Time, 226. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 155 which he secured the services of Washington. The reader need hardly be reminded that in consequence of the King's order of November 12th, 1754, denying all precedence of rank to the colonial military in comparison with the bearers of commissions signed by himself or his American general- issimo, Washington, with a soldier's just feeling, had declined accepting any position in the troops raised by Virginia; and had, in fact, almost abandoned (with what reluctance may be conceived), every idea of serving his country in the field. No man could more perfectly appre- ciate the motives of such conduct than Braddock ; and few could more delicatelj^, while tacitly acknowledging their propriety, have fulfilled his duty of bringing to his sovereign's service such valuable aid. On the 2nd of March, he caused this letter to be addressed to Major Washington : — " Williamshurg, 2 March, 1755. " Sir : — The General having been informed that you expressed some desire to make the campaign, but that you declined it upon some disagreeableness that you thought might arise from the regulations of command, has ordered me to acquaint you that he will be very glad of your com- pany in his family, by which all inconveniences of that kind will be obviated. " I shall think myself very happy to form an acquaint- ance with a person so universally esteemed, and shall use every opportunity of assuring you how much I am, Sir, your most obedient servant, " Robert Orme, Ald-de-camp" 156 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. Washington's reply was couched in terms that evince clearly his gratification at this compliment. He had already addressed a congratulatory letter to the General on his safe arrival in this country ; and he now ingenuously confesses that the laudable desire he possessed to serve, with his best abilities, his King and country, was not a little biased by what he calls selfish considerations. " To explain, sir," he continues, " I wish earnestly to obtain some knowledge in the military profession; and believing a more favorable opportunity cannot offer than to serve under a gentleman of General Braddock's abilities and experience, it does, you may reasonably suppose, not a little influence my choice." But domestic cares for a space prevented him from repairing to his post ; and it was not until two months from this that he reported himself to the General at Frederick Town, in Maryland ; his appoint- ment, being proclaimed to the army on the 10th of May, 1755. In all this unavoidable delay, he had been treated with the greatest consideration ; Captain Orme informing him that " the General orders me to give you his comj)liments, and to assure you his wishes are to make it agreeable to your- self and consistent with your affiirs; and, therefore, he desires you will so settle your business at home as to join him at Will's Creek, if more convenient to you ; and when- ever you find it necessary to return, he begs you will look wpon yourself as entirely master, and judge what is neces- sary to be done," ^ Indeed, throughout the campaign, the General's appreciation of this illustrious man goes far to soften the common impression of his brutality and haughti- ' II. Sparks's Washington, 68 ei scq. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 157 ness. Waslilngton and Franklin were perhaps the only two natives of America whom he distinguished with an unstinted measure of approbation; and it certainly argues no common character to have perceived in their dawning the future meridian brightness of these glorious minds. Washington never hesitated to express his convictions in opposition to Braddock's. " From frequent breaches of contract," he wrote/ '^' the General has lost all patience; and, for Avant of that temper and moderation which should be used by a man of sense upon these occasions, w^ill, I fear, represent us in a light we little deserve ; for, instead of blaming the individuals, as he ought, he charges all his disappointments to the public supineness, and looks upon the country, I believe, as void of honor and lionestj-. We have frequent disputes on this head, which are maintained with w^armth on both sides — especially on his, as he is incapal)le of arguing w^ithout it, or giving up any point he asserts, be it ever so incompatible wdth reason or common sense." While all will agree with Mr. Sparks that the General had but too good grounds for complaint, it is plea- sant to see how anxious he was to render justice to even American merit, and to fiivor his Virginia aid-de-camp's desires for promotion in the regular army of his sovereign. Governor Dinwiddle, after the General's death, wrote home to Sir Thomas Robinson, the Secretary of State, his con- victions that Braddock, had he survived, would have warmly recommended Washington to royal favor. And he afterwards repeated the same thing to the Earl of Lou- doun when that incapable nobleman came to America to ' Letter to W. Fairfax. II. Sp. Wash., 177. 158 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. succeed Shirley in the chief command ; strongly urging Washington's promotion in the regular establishment. " General Braddock had so high an esteem for his merit that he made him one of his aids-de-camp ; and if he had survived, I believe he would have provided handsomely for him in the regulars," are part of Dinwiddle's words. And Washington himself says very strongly to Lord Loudoun, " With regard to myself, I cannot forbear adding that, had General Braddock survived his unfortunate defeat, I should have met with preferment agreeable to my wishes. I had his promise to that effect ; and I believe that gentleman was too sincere and generous to make unmeaning offers where no favors were asked. General Shirley was not unkind in his promises, but he has gone to England."^ These facts put a very different face upon a connection, honorable to both parties, which Lord Orford so falsely alludes to in his summing up of the Fort Necessity affair, when he says, " This brave braggart learned to blush for his rodomontade, and desiring to serve General Braddoch as aid-de-canip, ncquiiied himself nobly !" ^ The insinuation that Washington sought for the post was, under the cir- cumstances, as ungenerous as untrue. Owing to a delay in Shirley's progress, the congress of the governors of five colonies met, on the 14 th of April, at Alexandria, instead of Annapolis, where Braddock had expected them ; when the plans for the summer's operations were fully developed and explained. This having been done (as will appear more fully in Captain Orme's Journal), ' II. Sparks's Washington, 97, 162, 229. 2 1. Walp. Mem. Geo. II., 347. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 159 Mr. Morris laid before tlie meeting the report of his road commissioners; who, in their portion of the embryo work, liad succeeded beyond expectation. The document in question, moreover, presented a very characteristic speci- men of the feehngs with whicli those officers on whom the responsibihty of faihire would have to rest, had come to look upon the conduct of Pennsylvania. Sir John St. Clair had visited the commissioners with his warmest indigna- tion, storming "like a Lyon Eamj^ant," on account of the expedition having been so retarded by the delay of the road and the failure of the province to furnish provisions.' ' Shippcn MSS., Vol. I. He threatened them " that instead of marching to the Ohio, he would in nine days march his army into Cumberland County (Penn.) to cut the Roads, press Horses, Wagons, &c. ; that he would not suffer a Soldier to handle an Axe, but by Fire and Sword, oblige the Inhabitants to do it, and take away every Man that refused to the Ohio, as' he had, yesterday, some of the Virginians; that he would kill all kind of Cattle and carry away the Horses, burn the Houses, &c. ; and that if the French defeated them by the Delays of this Province he would with his Sword drawn pass through the Province and treat the Inhabitants as a parcel of Traitors to his Master; that he would to-morrow write to England by a Man-of-war; shake Mr. Penn's proprietaryship ; and represent Penn- sylvania as a disaffected province : that he would not stop to impress our Assembly; his hands were not tyed, and that We should find: ordering Us to take these Precautions and instantly publish them to our Governor and Assembly, telling Us he did not value anything they did or resolved, seeing they were dilatory and retarded the iMarch of the Troops, and an (as he phrased it) on this occasion ; and told Us to gn to the Gene- ral, if We pleased, who would give us ten bad Words for one that he had given. * * * He would do our Duty himself and never trust to Us ; but we should dearly pay for it. To every sentence he solemnly swore, and desired we might believe him to be in earnest." The Shippen MSS. (consisting of the original papers, &c., of Edward and Joseph Shippen, Col. James Burd, and other members of a family that during the last century occupied a most distinguished position in Pennsylvania) are in the library of the Hist. Soc. of Penn. They contain a store of valuable information respecting 160 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. It was not difficult to present this transaction in its true light to the General, from whom St. Clair received a warm and severe reprimand for his officious violence.^ The road, in the meanwhile, went on slowly enough. The Assembly, being sensible of the great advantage it would be to the province to have a direct communication with Fort Du Quesne, in time consented to its being made, and even pro- jected another to Will's Creek ; but the Governor, ascer- taining that they were not disposed to expend a sum suf- ficient to half carry through both of these designs, contrived that the latter road should be abandoned in favor of that to the forks of Youghiogeny, which was of the most press- ing importance.^ But even the cost of this alone gave great offence, as it stood the province in £3000, while they were willing to spend but .£800. As there were but about one huudred men employed, its progress was very tardy. Provisions were not regularly supplied them. The laborers, too, were kept in constant alarm of the enemy; no guard was allowed them by the province; and it was not until the end of June that the General detached from his own army Captain Hogg, with fifty men, for their protection. Advertisements, in English and German, for more workmen were vainly dispersed through the country. So great was the necessity of opening a communication by which provisions could be sent to the army from Penn- sylvania, that Braddock at first declared he would not advance beyond the place where it was to encounter his the early history of the State, and an interesting corrcsponclence with many of the chief characters in America. ' II. Penn. Arch., 817. ' Pcnn. Gaz., No. 1397. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 161 own route, till it was made. " The general — the officers — the whole army place their account upon this road," wrote Richard Peters, the Secretary of the Province to the Commissioners. Finally, however, on the 17th of July, after they had once or twice been attacked by Indians and most of the party half frightened out of their senses, the chief commissioner, Mr. James Burd, received from Colonel Innes, at Fort Cumberland, notice of the General's defeat, and orders to retire without delay. Mr. Burd executed this movement with coolness and sagacity, leaving nothing behind him that he could possibly bring away, and indeed meriting by his conduct the praise which he subsequently received. It has been thought best thus to dispose, at one view, of the fujl history of this provincial road as connected with the campaign of 1755 :^ it is now necessary to return to the Congress of Alexandria. What had ever induced the Ministry to select Virginia, instead of Pennsylvania, as the spot from which the expe- dition was to march, cannot be discovered ; but the choice was a most unfortunate one. The former province could afford neither forage, provisions, wagons, nor cattle; in all of which the latter abounded. To be sure, the land car- riage between the heads of navigation in the Potomac and the branches of the Ohio was less than a hundred miles ; but this was a convenience of which Braddock could not avail himself And it was computed at the time that had he landed at Philadelphia his march would have been shortened by six weeks, and £40,000 v.^ould have been ' Sliippen MSS. 2Jass{m. II. Penn. Arch., 320, 345, 357, 363, 373. VI. Col. Kcc, 433, 460, 466, 476. 11 162 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. saved in the cost of the expedition. Carlisle would have made an infinitely better frontier station than Will's Creek, being far more accessible from Philadelphia than Fort Cumberland was from Alexandria, and through a more productive and cultivated country : the distance from Fort Du Quesne was, however, much greater. This view is sufficiently proved from the fact that Forbes, in 1758, after full deliberation, judged it wiser to cut a new road through this province than to follow the path already opened by Braddock. The only motive, then, for the unhappy direc- tions with which he was saddled must be believed to have been one publicly suggested in London at the time ; namely, that to gratify a political favorite with a commission of 2^ j>er cent, on the funds sent to that country, Virginia was fixed upon for the debarcation of the troops.^ The moment the General began to investigate the prejDarations made here for his subsistence, he perceived their utter deficiency. The twenty-five hundred horses, two hundred and fifty wagons, and eleven hundred beeves which were promised him from Maryland and Virginia, were not forth- coming : twenty wagons and two hundred horses were all that could be produced ; and the provisions furnished by Maryland were on inspection discovered to be utterly worthless. Such disappointments as these were sufficient to inflame even a placable temper; and in the general failure, his wrath blindly vented itself upon the people of that province which abounded in all that he desired, yet from which he had received notliing. Fortunately, Governor ' Lewis Evans's Second Essay (Phil. 1756), p. 7. XXV. Gent. Mag., 378; 388. Hanbury was probably the person alluded to. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 163 Shirley had insisted upon Franklin's accompanying him to the Congress at Annapolis, where he remained after its adjournment to establish a post-route between Will's Creek and Philadelphia. He found the leading officers of the army imbued with a fixed detestation of Pennsylvania, alleging that the province had refused them wagons, horses, and food itself at any price ; had denied them a road from the camp to their back-settlements ; and was even in secret correspondence with the French. Franklin could only reply that the Assembly had, before their arrival, granted £5000 to support the King's troops ; that it was understood Virginia and Maryland were to furnish the wagons, etc., and that Pennsylvania did not know that more were wanted ; and that a committee was at that very time sur- veying the ground to lay out a road. He added that it was a pity the expedition had not landed in Pennsylvania, where every farmer had his wagon. Catching at the hope held out in this conversation, Braddock at once asked him if he thought it possible still to procure horses and teams for the expedition in Pennsylvania; and if so, would he, at the General's cost, undertake to obtain a supply ? To each part of this proposition Franklin cheerfully assented, and at once set about carrying the idea into execution in a manner not unworthy of his astute and usual worldly Avisdom.^ He caused a handbill to be printed and widely distributed through an extensive part of Pennsylvania, then comprehended but in three counties; in which, after an advertisement stating the terms upon which his natural ' II. Olden Time, 237. I. Sparks's Franklin, 183. VII. ih., 96. II. Penn. Archives, 295. 164 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. son William Franklin or himself were desirous of hiring for the General fifteen hundred saddle or pack-horses, and one hundred and fifty wagons, each with a team of four horses, was published the following letter : — " TO THE INHABITANTS OF THE COUNTIES OP LANCASTER, YORK, AND CUMBERLAND. " Friends and Counirymen : " Being occasionally at the camp at Frederic a few days since, I found the General and Officers of the Army ex- treamly exasperated, on Account of their not being supply'd with Horses and Carriages, which had been expected from this Province as most able to furnish them ; but thro' the Dissentions between our Governor and Assem.bly, Money had not been provided nor any Steps taken for that Purpose. " It was proposed to send an armed Force immediately into these Counties, to seize as many of the best Carriages and Horses as should be wanted, and compel as many Per- sons into the Service as should be necessary to drive and take care of them. '' I apprehended that the Progress of a Body of Soldiers thro' these Counties on such an Occasion, especially con- sidering the Temper they are in, and their Resentment against us, would be attended with many and great Inconveniences to the Inhabitants; and therefore more willingly undertook the Trouble of trying first what might be done by fair and equitable Means. " The People of these back Counties have lately com- INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 165 plained to the Assembly that a sufficient Currency was wanting : you have now an Opportunity of receiving and dividing among you a very considerable Sum ; for if the Service of this Expedition should continue (as it's more than probable it will), for 120 Days, the Hire of these Wagons and Horses will amount to upwards of Thirty Thousand Pounds, which will be paid you in Silver and Gold of the King's Money. " The service will be light and easy, for the Army will scarce march above 12 Miles per Day, and the Wagons and Baggage Horses, as they carry those things that are abso- lutely necessary to the Welfare of the Army, must march with the Army and no faster, and are, for the Army's sake, alwa^'s plac'd where they can be most secure, whether on March or in Camp. " If 3'ou really are, as I believe you are, good and loyal Subjects of His Majesty, you may now do a most accept- able Service, and make it easy to yourselves ; for three or four such as cannot separately spare from the Business of their Plantations a Wagon and four Horses and a Driver, may do it together, one furnishing the Wagon, another one or two Horses, and another the Driver, and divide the Pay proportionably between you. But if you do not this Service to your King and Country voluntarily, when such good Pay and reasonable Terms are offered you, your Loyalty will be strongly suspected. The King's Business must be done ; so many brave Troops, come so far for your Defence, must not stand idle thro' your Backwardness to do what may reasonably be expected from you ; Wagons and Horses must be had ; violent Measures will probably 166 INTEODUCTORY MEMOIR. be used ; and you v,'ill be to seek for a Recompence where you can find it, and your Case perhaps be little pitied or regarded. " I have no particular Interest in this Affair ; as (except the Satisfaction of endeavoring to do Good and prevent Mischief), I shall have only my Labour for my Pains. If this Method of obtaining the Wagons and Horses is not like to succeed, I am oblig'd to send Word to the General in fourteen Days, and I suppose /Sir John St. Clair, the Hussar, with a Body of Soldiers, will immediately enter the Province, of which I shall be sorry to hear, because " / am, very sincerely and truly, " Your Friend and Well-toislier, " B. Franklin." Nothing could have better answered its purpose. St. Clair had actually, it is believed, served in a Hussar regiment abroad ; and usually wore a Hussar uniform on duty in America. Of a violent, impetuous temper, he had on more than one occasion threatened to dragoon the lukewarm inhabitants into activity ; and his character and profession forcibly recalling to the German farmers, who in great numbers occupied the back counties, the scenes they had witnessed at home, were artfully introduced by Franklin, and must have excited much amusement among Sir John's friends in camp. As for the English colonists, it was enough for them to be reminded that such things as a Press of pri- vate means for the benefit of the State still existed.^ In a ' " I can but honor Franklin for y^ last clause of his Advertisement." — W. Shirley to Morris. IT. Penn. Arch. 311. Gov. Morris was instructed by the Crown to aid the army in impressing wagons, etc., if necessary : and INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 167 fortnight's space, the one hundred and fifty wagons and teams and two hundred and fifty-nine pack-horses were on their way to camp. In his letters to his government, the General expressed great satisfaction at Franklin's con- duct in this business, which he characterized as " almost the first instance of integrity, address, and ability that he had met with in all these provinces," It is a pity it should be necessary to comment upon the difficulty which this matter afterwards brought upon its undertaker. Had Braddock lived, there would undoubtedly have arisen no trouble; but his death left his contractor involved in a debt of over £20,000, for wdiich the ovv^ners of the property did not cease to importune him. Governor Shirley, it is true, relieved him of the greater part of this responsibility, with warm expressions of sensibility of his public services in ''engaging those wagons without which General Brad- dock could not have proceeded;" but he left a portion of the accounts to be settled by Lord Loudoun, who, according to his usual habits, utterly neglected doing anything in the premises ; and it is believed the patriotic postmaster was never wholly repaid. He very usefully employed Brad- dock's new-born partiality, however, in procuring the release of bought servants enlisted into the army, whose time belonged to their masters.^ we find bis warrant for that purpose issued to the Sheriff of Philadelphia, in September, 1755. {lb. 432.) And see VI. Col. Rec, 203. ' VII. Sparks's Franklin, 94, 138. See also Bouquet's testimony to bis services on this occasion ; ib. 262. As for the Earl of Loudoun, nothing could be juster than the comparison of his lordship to the figure of St. George over the door of a country inn, always on horseback, yet never going on ! 168 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. Returning from the congress of Alexandria, each Go- vernor sought his respective province, fondly imagining, perhaps, that the work was done and the fall of the French near at hand. This, at least, was the sentiment of the populace, who welcomed the prospect with noisy gratula- tion.^ In the meamvhile, the General busied himself in getting the troops and stores advanced to Fort Cumberland, whence his march through a hostile wilderness, if not an enemy's country, was fairly to begin, and in concerting, with the different authorities, various measures of public convenience. Having fixed upon Winchester, Virginia, as the place to which his letters should be sent, he procured expresses to be laid by Pennsylvania and Maryland to that town.^ Another object to which he devoted much atten- tion was the obtaining of Indians to accomj^any his army. There is no point on which his conduct has been more mis- understood than this ; he has always been looked upon as despising and refusing the services of the savages, and as actually repulsing their proffered aid : let us see what are the facts of the case. Immediately upon the General's arrival in Virginia, he had spoken with Governor Dinwiddle in regard to this matter, and was given to understand that a large force of Catawba and Cherokee Indians, under the influence of his ' Thus Shirley, passing through New York, was encountered by a turn- out of the militia and a display of enthusiastic gentry, with whom he drank loyal healths and success to the King's arms; while "the doors, windows, balconies, and tops of the houses, being particularly decorated with red cloaks, &c., added," says the old chronicler, ''no small beauty to the fame and diversion of the time." Penn. Gaz., No. 1376. ^ Penn. Gaz., No. 1377. The mail-rider started from Philadelphia every Thursday morning after the 15th of May, 1755. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 169 messengers, would presently arrive at Winchester, where they were to meet the Six Nations in council. The Ca- tawbas alone would amount to one hundred and twenty warriors; and hopes of a considerable addition to this number might be based upon the management of the other tribes. The appointed time cauie, however, and brought with it no Indians. It would certainly seem that Din- widdle was very much to blame in his whole conduct of this business. Other men, no better qualified than himself to judge, put no reliance whatever upon the Southern In- dians promised him by Mr. Gist; and there can be no excuse for his utter neglect to send messengers w^ith pre- sents to the Ohio savages, which should have been his first care on receiving the funds from Great Britain. Taught by injurious experience, however, to depend no more upon the promises of colonial undertakers, Braddock, so soon as he began to suspect Dinwiddle's arrangements would fail him, addressed himself to the Governor of Pennsylvania. In his letter (A23ril 15th, 1755), he states that he is told of a number of savages living within that province who formerly dwelt on the Ohio, who therefore were doubtless well acquainted with that region. Sensible of the value of such auxiliaries, he begged Mr. Morris to persuade their warriors to join his camp, and to advise him with what treatment he ought to greet them ; desiring, too, that they _ should be informed he was on his way to remove the French, and to restore the country they occupied to its Indian proprietors, whose undisturbed enjoyment of it he was determined to protect. A week after, the Governor ordered George Croghan (who, with Conrad Weiser, had 170 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. the virtual management of the colony's intercourse with the savages), to send belts of wampum to all the lake tribes, the Delawares, the Shawanoes, the Wyandottes, Twight- wees (or Miamis), and Piankeshaws, inviting them to join the English without delay. As a matter of course, it was now too late for such messages to produce any good effect j and no good effect was produced. But in his immediate neighborhood at Aughquick, Croghan managed to collect a small party of Iroquois, whom he led to the camp. These w^ere chiefly the same w^ho had been with Washington at Fort Necessity and had retired with him to Virginia. After remaining there some time, they repaired to Augh- quick, in Pennsylvania; where they and their families (homeless, now, since their places on the Ohio were under the control of the French, whose blood they had shed) were supported during the winter of 1754-5 by that province. There were other Indians of the Six Nations who had in like manner left the Ohio, who, as well as these, were main- tained by the public ; the w^hole amounting to about three hundred souls. In April, 1755, however, the Assembly resolved to do nothing more for them ; and, left to their own resources, the majority soon dispersed or went back to the French. On the night of the 30th of April, Croghan received the Governor's letter; on the 2d of May, he set ^,out for Fort Cumberland, with his remaining Indians, to the number of about thirty or forty men and sixty women and children ; it being impossible for the warriors to leave their flimilies behind them with no means of support. AVhen the General arrived at Will's Creek on the 10th of May, he found these people awaiting him ; and, after the usual INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 171 negotiations, they formally took up the hatchet against the French, and agreed to follow his fortunes. These were the hundred Indians of whom Franklin speaks, " who might have been of great use to his army as guides or scouts, if he had treated them kindly ; but he slighted or neglected them, and they gradually left him." It is now a well- ascertained fact that forty or fifty, at the very most, were all the fighting men who joined Braddock ; the lesser num- ber, perhaps, being nearest the mark. Of these, but eight actually remained with him to the close ; and for permit- ting the rest to leave him, Braddock is much to be blamed. Captain Orme, it is true, says that they departed, with a promise to return, under a pretence of placing their fami- lies in safety upon the Susquehannah ; but their manager, Mr. Croghan, clearly explains this business. Colonel Innes, the Governor of Fort Cumberland, did not wish to have the destitute families of these people on his hands during the General's absence, and he accordingly persuaded him that he had best intimate to the Avarriors the propriety of taking them somewhere else. There thus being no provi- sion for the entertainment of their children and wives whilst they were on the war-path, a majority of the savages were compelled to return to their late abode in Pennsyl- vania ; the General retaining eight of them as scouts — a number which Innes assured him would be perfectly suf- ficient. At the same time, he seems to have labored under the misunderstanding that the remainder of the warriors would rejoin him on his march ; which was far from being the case, albeit they were so anxious for war as to hang 172 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. on to his array till he reached Dunbar's camp.^ Certainly there is no reason to believe that Braddock was not desirous of the services of the savages, though perhaps he was not sufficiently versed in their nature to always employ the properest measures of securing them. Another reason he had for wishing the Indian women at once removed from the neighborhood of the troops, was the licentiousness their presence introduced into the camp. An eye-witness (Pe- ters, the Secretary of Pennsylvania,) particularly states, that besides other causes of discontent at not beiug more frequently consulted with by the General, there were con- stant and high quarrels among the Indians on account of the amours of the royal officers with their squaws and the largesses the latter received. These gentlemen " were so scandalously fond " of their swarthy lovers, that an order was issued forbidding their admission into camp. And that Braddock's general deportment on the march was not courteous and polite, ma}' readily be conceded. Such was the impression it produced, that the Indians with him sent belts to their Susquehannah friends, warning them to keep away from the army, lest they should be mistaken for allies of the French. - ' II. Penn. Arch., 290, 308, 316, 318, 321. VI. Col. Kec, 375, 397, 4G0. II. Olden Time, 238. I. Sparks's Franklio, 189. And sec Ap- pendix, No. III. Full details of the conduct and position of the Indians who withdrew from the Ohio to Pennsylvania may be found in II. P. A., 259. VI. C. R., 130, 134, 140, 140, et seq. 189, 218, 257, 353, 398, 443. ^ It is said that Braddock gave great offence to his Indians by forbidding them to take scalps, when, in fact, he published a reward of £5 to every soldier :is well as Indian of his command for each scalp of an enemy. The sole authorit}' for the story appears to have been John Shiekalamy, father I N T R D U C T K Y MEMOIR. 173 Thus, in the next month after his defeat we tincl them asserting to Mr. Morris that it was all caused by the pride and ignorance of that great general who came from Eng- land. '' He is now dead," quoth Scarroyaddy their chief; "but he was a bad man when he was alive; he looked upon us as dogs, and would never hear anything that was said to him. We often endeavored to advise him and to tell him of the danger he was in with his soldiers ; but he never appeared pleased with us ; and that was the reason that a great many of our warriors left him and would not be under his command." ^ The reader has here three dis- tinct versions of the secret of this savage exodus from the tents of the English : namely, Scarroyaddy 's, Croghan's, and Braddock's ov^^n — from wliich he may select such a reason as best suits him. It is not difficult, however, to reconcile and to combine them all.- of Logan, whose speech is celebrated by Mr. Jefferson; an influential but di.scontcnted Delaware, who, early in July, 1755, reported this tale among bis kindred, and shortly after took up arms for the French. Penn. Gaz., No. 13S5. ' YI. C. R., 397, 589. II. P. A., 319. ^ This chieftain, who played so active a part in Braddock's campaign, was an Oneida Indian, and one of the mixed band of various tribes of the Six Nations who lived, in 1754, near the Ohio. These people were used to choose from their number a ruler ; and such for a time was Thanacha- risson, the Half-King, who died at Aughquick in October, 1754, leaving his family very destitute. (VI. Col. Rec, 159, 184, 193. II. Penn. Arch., 178, 219.) In the Washington papers, and in the ensuing Journals, he is known by the name of Monacatootha, and it is well to note here that the two appellations apply to the same individual. (TI. P. A., 114). As early as 1748, however, and almost universally in Pennsylvania, he was called Scarroyaddy, or perhaps more correctly, Skirooniatta. (II. P. A., 15. VI. C. R., G16.) In the winter of 1754-5, he was sent by his people to Onon- daga, to obtain the views of the confederates on the expected troubles, and was about this time selected to succeed the Half-Kino:. His services under 174 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. With a single exception, these were all the Indians whom the General had any opportunity to secure. Between the 20th and the 27th of April, shortly after he had left Fort Cumberland, a few Delawares presented themselves to him, doubtless with no other view than to ascertain what terms they could obtain from him, and what were his chances of success. Whatever conclusion they came to, they never reappeared. The fact is, that the Indians were now in a state of high excitement and of bewildering doubt. There were of course among them predilections for one side or the other; but their wise men, whether of the French or the English faction, were not unwilling to stand neuter and lot the two European nations " fight it out themselves, and Braddock were fully acknowledged at Philadelphia in August, 1755 : "You fought under General Braddock," said Gov. Morris, "and behaved with spirit and valor during the engagement. We should be wanting to our- selves not to make you our hearty acknowledgments for your fidelity and assistance. We see you consider yourselves as our flesh and blood, and fight for us as if we were of your own kindred." (VI. C. E., 524.) He ever continued a staunch ally to the English. In Sept. 1755, he headed a war- party from Shamokin against the French (VI. C. R., 61G), and indeed the records of the period abound in evidences of his usefulness, being constantly employed in tbe quest of intelligence upon various missions, or the pursuit of the foe. In the last object, he must have been tolerably successful. la the Gent. Mag. for Sept. 1756 (Vol. XXVI., 414), is a fac-simile of his hieroglyphical memoirs, drawn by himself; by which it appears he had theretofore slain with his own hands no less than seven, and captured eleven warriors; and had been present in thirty-one combats, the majority of which were doubtless of a very trifling nature. On his breast was tattooed a figure of a tomahawk, and that of a bow and arrow on each cheek. It will be seen how unluckily his son was killed during Braddock's march. In Dec. 1754, he had a wife and seven children M'ith him at Augh- quick (II. P. A. 218), so there was still left him a numerous posterity. It only remains to add that he was not free from the inevitable failing of his race, and on occasion would, as Burns has it, be " fou for weeks thegither." (VII. C. B., 87.) INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 175 the more they destroy one another the better." But, if they were to be involved in the dispute, their anxiety was to discover which would be the winnijQg side ; and this was jDrobably the errand of the Delawares. So little trouble had, however, been taken at the proper time by the pro- vinces to convince them of their desire for their services, that the conclusion arrived at by those who were really well disposed towards the English was to endeavor to remain neutral. Thus, the Delawares and Shawanoes living at Kittaning, under Shingas and King Beaver and Captain Jacob, as well as those at Log's-Town, although both places were near to Fort Du Quesne, steadily resisted all the blandishments of the French to join v/itli them against their enemy; until in April or May, 1755, a party of Canadian Indians visiting their towns, persuaded them to the measure. Of the war-party which was at once sent forth, it is not unlikely the Delawares who came to Brad- dock formed a part.' That this should have been the state of relations between the English and the savages, was a fact as censurable as unfortunate ; but it was the inexcusa- ble fault of none else than the authorities of the neighbor- ing colonies, who utterly neglected to give them a single opportunity of selling their assistance, after their own national customs, and casting in their lot with the British. They looked for a belt to be sent them, and a supply of presents, ere they should engage in the war. The whole burthen and responsibility of doing wiiat should long before his arrival have been done by Dinwiddie or Morris being thus cast upon a General who knew abso- ' VI. C. K, 343, 781. II. P. A. 318. 176 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. lutely nothing about the matter, it is no wonder it turned out a bungling failure.^ Even while at Will's Creek, the army was ill supplied with provisions ; and what they had being chiefly salted, were far from acceptable or even wholesome to men just released from a long and tedious sea-voyage, where fresh food was out of the question. The tables of the officers themselves were scantily and meagerly furnished : very little fresh meat, and that generally half-spoiled, was to be found upon their boards; and butter (in a limited quan- tity), at the General's alone. The men and the inferior officers were actually in want of almost the necessaries of life. Franklin, in his autobiographical sketch, mentions that at Frederic-town, while supping with Colonel Dunbar, that gentleman expressed a strong concern for the condition of his subalterns, whose purses, never very deep, were now utterly drained by the exorbitant prices exacted for every sort of domestic stores needed for a long march through ' " Certainly," says Mr. Secretary Peters, on the 12th May, 175o, ''some general meeting was necessary and expected by the Indians, that both they and we might see what number were for and what against the French en- croachments; and in case it should have appeared a majority was on the side of the French, then it might have been prudent to have tried to bring the Indians over to a general neutrality — and it is the opinion of Mr. Weiser, our Indian interpreter, and my own, that this could have been effected, and would have saved the G-eneral an immense trouble, and the Crown an heavy expense." (II. P. A., 308.) Nor was this fact unper- ceived at the camp. On the 21st of May, Mr. W. Shirley thus writes : "I am not greatly acquainted myself with Indian Affairs, tho' enough to see that better measures with regard to 'em might and ought to have been taken; at least to the Southw"". * * * Upon our Arrival at this Fort, we found Indian Affairs so ignorantly conducted by Col. Innes, to whom they were committed, that Novices as we were, we have taken 'em into our Managcm*." {Ih. 321.) INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 177 the wilderness. On Franklin's return to Philadelphia, he interested the Assembly's Committee to ai3ply a small portion of the £5000 in their hands to procuring camp- supplies for these gentlemen ; and accordingly by a special detachment of horses from Lancaster a present of as many parcels was sent to twenty subalterns of the 48th regiment; each parcel, according to his own inventory, containing the following articles : — 6 lbs. loaf sugar. 1 Gloucester cheese. 6 " Muscovado do. 1 keg containing 20 lbs. good butter. 1 " green tea. 2 doz. old Madeira wine. 1 " Bohea do. 2 gallons Jamaica spirits. 6 " ground coffee. 1 bottle flour of mustard. 6 " chocolate. 2 well-cured hams. § chest best white biscuit. ^ doz. dried tongues. 1 lb. pepper. G lbs. rice. 1 quart white vinegar. 6 " raisins. This little act of attention upon the then postmaster's part (the details of which may well be repeated here), was very kindly acknowledged by the recipients, and led the way for other and more substantial provision for the sup- port of the armj'.' The three lower counties upon Dela- • VI. Col. Rec, 397, 636. I. Sp. Fr., 188. " Colonel Dunbar writes in his letter of May the loth concerning the present of Refreshments and carriage horses sent up for the subalterns : 'I am desired by all the gentlemen who the committee have been so good as to think of in so genteel a manner, to return thera their hearty thanks;' and again, on the 21st of May — 'Your kind present is now all arrived, and shall be equally divided to-morrow between Sir Peter Halket's subalterns and mine, which I apprehend will be agreeable to the Committee's intent. This I have made known to the officers of both Regiments, who unanimously desire me to return the gene- rous Benefactors their most hearty thanks, to which be pleased to add mine, &c. ;" and Sir Peter Halket, in his of the 23d of May, says, "The Officers of my Regiment are most sensible of the Favors conferred on the 12 178 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. ware (wliich now constitute the State of Delaware), altlioiigli intimately allied with Pennsylvania and subjected to the same proprietaries and governor, at this period formed a distinct government from their more powerful sister. Whether it was that its inhabitants were less opi- nionated than those of his other colony or not, Mr. Morris seems to have possessed more influence over them than he could bring to bear in Philadelphia ; and he stirred them up to forwarding to the camp a present of fifty fat oxen and one hundred sheep for the use of the army, as well as the following provisions for the General's own use : — Twelve Hams. Four kegs of Sturgeon. Eight Cheeses. One keg of Herrings. Twenty-four flasks of Oil. T^o chests of Lemons. Ten loaves of Sugar. Two kegs of Spirits. One cask of Raisins. A cask of Vinegar. A box of Spice and Currants. A barrel of Potatoes. A box of Pickles and Mustard. Three tubs of Butter. Eight kegs of Biscuit. But it was not until late in the season that these wel- come donations were despatched ; ^ and in the mean timQ the progress of the expedition was fatally delayed at Will's Creek for the want of stores. Not less time than a month or six weeks, at the most moderate computation, subalterns by your Assembly, who have made them so well-timed and handsome a present. At their request and Desire I return their thanks, and to the acknowledgments of the Officers beg leave to add mine, which you, I hope, will do me the favor for the whole to ofier to the Assembly, and to assure them that we shall on every occasion do them the Justice due for so seasonable and well-judged an act of generosity.'" — Assemhli/s Address, 29th Sept. 1755. ' VI. Col. Bee., 408; 414. Pcnn. Gaz., No. 1380, INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 179 were thus consumed in awaiting the fulfihnent of contracts for forage and food, which Braddock was ol3Hged to make himself, in default of the proper and timely action of the colonies. It will be observed in season how dearly this shameful conduct was repaid ; for, setting aside the loss to the crown of the whole cost of his undertaking, there is no doubt that a fortnight's earlier arrival on the Ohio would have given victory to his arms and peace to the borders of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Maryland. In lieu of this, and in consequence of their own blind perversity, a deso- lating and ruinous war steeped for years their land in blood, and cost them eventually ten times as much as would originally have ensured their perfect security. No longer relying at all upon the faith of colonial assem- blies or colonial contractors, the General, in the beginning of May, set about procuring, on his own responsibility, as representing the Crown, the stores necessary for his march to Fort Du Quesne. On the 10th of May Captain Leslie, who had been appointed Assistant to Sir John St. Clair, was sent into Pennsylvania to purchase forage ; and on the 2ith, Mr. Morris was empowered to make further contracts for flour and cattle, or in default of any other provision, even salt fish, to support the troops after July, when their present magazines would become exhausted. Through the zealous cooperation of that energetic Governor, this busi- ness was fortunately carried through satisfactorily; else, to use Braddock's own language, he should inevitably have starved : for it was not until the stores procured by Cap- tain Leslie reached Fort Cumberland that the army was able to move. Three precious months had already been 180 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. consumed upon the two hundred miles that separated this place from Annapolis ; and above one hundred and fifty yet remained to be overcome ere the host should reach the bourne of its desires/ It is proper now to glance at the conduct of the ministry of France in this conjuncture, and to observe what prepa- rations they had made to repel the advances of the Eng- lish and to preserve their own encroachments. Although both governments had long persisted in positive declara- tions of their amicable intentions, neither was weak enough to place the least reliance upon assurances so thoroughly contradicted by the ftxcts of their own conduct. Through its agents in France, England was never left uninformed of the extensive armaments that power was busily fitting out for its American possessions ; while everything relative to Braddock's and Boscawen's instructions was known to the Cabinet of Versailles long before it was communicated to the public at home. One Florence Hennessey, an Irish physician, settled at London, was the spy employed. What were his sources of information is a mystery that has never been fathomed ; but he assuredly had often access to the confidential secrets of the ministry, and was in possession of every detail of their foreign policy. Detected at last, he was convicted of high treason and sentenced to its doom ; but, after several reprieves, was finally pardoned by George III. at the intercession of, and as a personal favor to, the French King. But being thus apprised in abundant season of the designs of Great Britain, their opponents hastened to take the precautions which were so ' VI. Col. Rec, 383, 401, 408, 415, 430. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 181 necessary in the then condition of their own colonies ; and ships and men were at once set in train for Quebec. The original force of 5000 militia, 600 Indians, and 400 regulars, which, in the year 1753, had been raised in New France for the occupation of the Ohio,' almost exhausted the strength of that province, and, its object being accom- plished, was now entirely dissolved. Small but sufficient garrisons were maintained in the posts thus erected, and probably little alteration was made in their strength until the troubles of 1754. In February of that year, a very considerable number of French troops arrived in the Mis- sissippi, some of whom were doubtless sent up to their western stations ; while the Governor of Louisiana left no stone unturned to engage every savage within his influence in the general plan against the English.^ When M. de Contrecoeur first came upon Trent, in April, 1754, he pro- bably'' had not more than from 750 to 1000 men with him ; but his whole command had not yet arrived. By July, he was certainly strong enough to detach from 600 to 800 Indians, under M. de Villiers, against Fort Necessity ; and at this period he probably had under him all the 2000 men which were designed for him by his superiors."' But when that victory was gained, and not an enemy remained within a hundred miles and more of his position, most of his troops were dismissed, and the fort remained, on the 25th of July, 1754, garrisoned by but 400 men, 200 of whom were workmen. M. de Merrier, the engineer by ' VI. Col. Rec, 20. * Penn. Gaz., No. 1367. II. Garneau, 201. VI. Col. Rec, 32. " II. Garneau, 201, 202. VI. Col. Rec, 33, 37, 51. 182 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. whom the works were planned, had on that day departed with about 1000 men. For this, and for other information concerning the condition of the fort, we are indebted to the indefatigable patriotism of Captain Robert Stobo, of Frey's regiment; who, having been one of the hostages surren- dered by Washington at Fort Necessity a few weeks before, was now confined a prisoner within its walls. AVatching his opportunity, he made the opposite plan of Fort Du Quesne and forwarded it, as well as two letters describing its weaknesses, to his countrymen, by the hands of a friendly Indian/ But a much fuller account is afforded in the Journal of one John M'Kinney, who, in February, 1756, w^as captured by the Indians and carried first thither and afterwards to Canada; whence he in a few months made his escape and returned, through Connecticut, to Pennsylvania. From a collation of these two narratives a tolerably clear idea of the nature and position of this slight but famous fortifica- tion may be formed. Fort Du Quesne was situated on the east side of the Monongahela, on the tongue of land formed by the junc- tion of that stream with the Alleghany. Though full of faults in its original construction, and small, it was built with immense labor, and it had " a great deal of very ' In a former note, reference to Mr. Lyman C. Draper's notices of Stobo and Van Braam (I. Olden Time, 369.) was unfortunately omitted. The curious reader may consult them with advantage. A copy of Stoho's drawing was probably made in the provinces before Braddock's departure, since we find an engraved plan of Fort Du Quesne published and for sale at London in August, 1755, immediately on the tidings of Braddock's mis- adventure. (XXV. Gents Mag., 383.) It has vainly been sought to pro- cure a copy of this engraving. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 183 strong works collected into very little room,"^ By the doubtful evidences which we possess, its shape would seem to have been a parallelogram, its four sides facing very nearly to the points of the compass, but a bastion at each corner gave it a polygonal appearance. Its longest sides were fifty yards ; its shorter, forty. The position of these , bastions (which were fewer in number in Stobo's time than in M'Kinney's, and probably so continued till the summer of 1755,) may be seen by reference to the engraved plan. These were made of very large squared logs, to the height of twelve feet, and compactly filled in with earth to the depth of eight; thus leaving about four feet of ramparts to shelter the plateau. The sides of the fort nearest the rivers being comparatively protected by nature, were not furnished with bastions ; but a strong stockade, twelve feet high, and made of logs a foot in diameter driven pile- wise into the ground, extended from bastion to bastion and completely enclosed the area. This stockade was ingeni- ously wattled crosswise with poles, after the fashion of basket-work, and loopholes, slanting downwards, were cut through them to enable the men to fire. At the distance of some four rods from these walls, as they may be called, a shallow ditch was dug completely environing them and protected by a second stockade, seven feet high, built in a manner similar to the first, and solidly embanked with earth. If we assume the proportions of Stobo's drawing to be correct, by a comparison of this work with the dimensions of the liouse marked " Soldiers' Barracks " on his plan, its extent M-ill be found to be about seven hun- dred and seventy-five feet. ' II. Garneau, 216. Bouquet in I. 0. T., 184. 184 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. Two gates opened into the fort ; the western from the water-side, and the eastern, about ten feet wide, from the land. Immediately between the eastern posterns was sunken a deep well, whose diam.eter was the wddth of the gate- Avay, and over which a drawbridge was placed that at night, or in time of danger, was draw^n up with chains and levers ; and these actually formed the gate. Both portals were strongly framed of squared logs; but the eastern gate opened on hinges, and had a wicket cut in it for ordinary use. Within the fort, and hard by the eastern gate, were placed the magazine and kitchen ; the former, twenty feet wide by forty long, and but five feet high, was built of heavy, hewed timber, deeply sunk into the ground to almost its full altitude, and its roof plastered with a coating of potter's clay nearly four feet in thickness. By this means, it was comparatively secure from any missile save bombs or hot-shot thrown from the brow of the adjacent hills. It is to these precautions that we are indebted at this day for the solitary vestige of Old Fort Du Quesne that remains to us. Some workmen, in the summer of 1854 — just about a century after Stobo wrote — being em- ployed in making excavations for the Pennsylvania Rail- road Company, brought to light this building, which alone, of all its comrades, had, from its peculiar formation, escaped as well the destroying hand of Time as the torch of its baffled creator, when, in 1758, he forever abandoned his beloved fortress and fled before the approach of Forbes. Leaves, dirt, and rubbish must soon have accumulated above its neglected roof The storms of winter came, and the freshets of the spring ; and ere long not a human being INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 185 had reason to believe that beneath his feet stood, intact ahnost as on the day it was built, the Old French Magazine/ Beside this, however, there were other buildings wnthin the wallg ; heavy and substantial log-houses, such as the wants of the garrison might require. Two were store-houses or magazines ; two others were barracks ; a seventh was the commandant's residence ; and lesser erections served for a guard-house and a jDrison. The backs of these were at but a yard's distance from the walls, which they aided greatly to strengthen ; all the intervening space being filled in with earth. Their roofs, covered with boards sawed by hand upon the spot, were level at the eaves with the ramparts ; nor were there any pickets or sharpened palisades crowning the walls. Had Braddock reached this place, it was St. Clair's proposition to erect a battery on the brow of the opposite hill, which perfectly commanded the fort, and thence, with hot shot, to set these buildings on fire, and so subdue the post. All their artillery consisted of eight cannon ; one-half of them three, and the remainder four- pounders ; five of which were mounted on the north- western bastion defending the Powder-Magazine. When Stobo wrote, M. de Contrecoeur and a guard of five officers and forty men were all who lodged in the fort ; bark cabins were erected around it for the rest of the garrison. Every preparation was made for their permanent comfort ; and already kitchen-gardens upon the Alleghany and mills upon the Monongahela, and a vast corn-field, extending for ' la 177G, a slight inequality of the ground, a few graves, and the traces of its fosse above denoted the site of the fort: in 1831, a boat-yard was placed on the very spot : and at this day not a vestige of old Fort Du Qucsne is visible save the lately-exposed magazine. (V. Haz. Reg., 191, YIII. ib. 192. 186 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. a quarter of a mile up either stream, furnished promise of future subsistence. The woods all around had been cut down, and hardly a stump remained within musket-shot to shelter the approach of a foe.^ Although the Canadian militia returning to their homes left but a small garrison of regulars to hold the fort towards the end of the summer of 1754, 3'et, if any reliance may be placed upon the reports which reached the English provinces, there was still a plenty of aid within call ; no less than 2200 fresh troops being sent thitherward from Quebec during that season ; and on the 25th of September 300 Caghnawagas or French Indians and a convoy of pro- visions from Quebec arrived.^ Five days before, when Lieutenant Lyon with a flag of truce from Virginia and a fruitless proposition to exchange La Force (the officer cap- tured at Jumonville's defeat), for Captain Stobo, visited Du Quesne, he found but one hundred men in the fort. But despite their scanty numbers, they were pursuing a most dangerous policy towards English interests by assiduously tempting the Lidians of the Six Nations in the vicinity to forswear their ancient alliances ; and sending their Cagh- nawagas among the Shawanoes and other western tribes to bring them into the interests of Canada. A number of savages had frequented the post ever since the capture of Fort Necessity, and among these numerous and valuable ' VIII. Hazard's Penn. Eeg., 318. Stobo's Letters, VI. Col. Rec, 141, 161. ^ II. P A., 172, 177, 264. The Caghnawagas, according to Coldea, were deserters from the Six Nations, who, settling in Canada under the auspices of that government, had, through continual accessions and their own natural increase, grown in time to become a powerful and warlike people. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 187 presents were distributed. Through the medium of the Delawares, or perhaps more directly from Quebec and France, through the intercession of the spy Hennessey, they were in November advised of the expected reinforce- ments from England ; and not comprehending a six months' delay in the enterprise, the French had hastened at once to reinforce Fort Du Quesne with eight additional cannon, and a plenty of stores. The garrison was also increased to 1100 men ; and nearly 400 Indians, Adirondacks, Cagh- nawagas, and Ottawas, were sent thither from the confines of New France. The cost of maintaining such a force must have been enormous; and when the approach of winter, filling the ravines with snow, and making the mountains perfectly impassable, dissipated all apprehension of present disturbance, the great bulk of this army retraced its steps ; and a garrison of ])erhaps not more than two hundred and fifty regular troops, under the veteran Con- trecoeur, was left behind.^ About the same number were, however, stationed within call at Venango; and some allowance must be made for the neighboring savages, most of whom Avould probably, though not certainly, have sided with the French. The only Indians they could at this time with positive assurance rely upon were they who occupied the thirty or forty bark cabins that had grown up about the fort, or they who had come from Canada, and of whom very few remained through the winter. In April, 1755, there were scarce two hundred men, French and Indians, to garrison the place ; and had Braddock then been in a condition to have struck, his success would have been ■ " An experienced and courageous soldier," says Garneau, II., 216. 188 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. certain/ But by their scouting-parties, which were always ranging the mountains between the Ohio and the EngHsh settlements, they once more cauglit the alarm, and eagerly solicited reinforcements from Canada. The Marquis de Duquesne, however, though anxious enough to preserve a maiden fortress the works which bore his name, could not be easily brought to believe that it was yet seriously threatened, and constantly treated with contempt the rumors that during the past winter had from time to time reached his ears ; pronouncing all the menaces and prepa- rations of the enemy a mere fanfaronade — " un feu de paille." Thus, in the early spring of 1755, no steps had yet been taken in Canada for the relief of Fort Du Quesne.^ The conduct of the Court of St. James during this crisis was as little to be reconciled to a just notion of frankness and honorable dealing as that of its adversary. On the 15th of January — the very day after Braddock had sailed for Virginia — the Due de Mirepoix proposed that each crown should prohibit all present hostilities, and that the matter of the Ohio territory should be left to an amicable adjustment; the destination and motive of the expedition which had just started being first pacifically explained. The ambassador could not at that very moment have been ignorant that his master was straining every nerve to throw such a force into Canada as would defy any attack ; and they whom he addressed were well aware that he knew all VI. C. R., 162, 181. II. P. A., 213, 288. Penn. Gaz., Nos. 1379, 3. VIII. Ilaz. Penn. Ilcg., 319. II. P. A., 288. And sec Appendix, No. IV. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 189 this. They, therefore, on the 22nd of the same month, furnished him "with a Jesuitical reply, declaring that the only end of Braddock's mission was the defence and pro- tection of the King's dominions in America, without any design to attack those of any other prince, or in any wise open the door to war ; and that as to the Ohio country, the French must abandon and destroy all their settlements there, or, in other words, put matters in the condition they were in before the Treaty of Utrecht, before a friendly nego- tiation on that point could be thought of In order to gain time, the French dallied with these propositions, at first disputing, and then making a show of accepting them : but the English in turn increased their demands to the extent of all they could hope to gain by force of arms : demands to which it was impossible for aught save the •ultima ratio regum should justify Louis in yielding. Diplo- macy thus kept up a feint of peace, until the tidings of Boscawen's success reached Europe ; when triumph on the one hand and rage and disappointment on the other rent in twain the veil which shadowed the Q^^y of War. In April, 1754, the most formidable armament that the kingdom could produce was gathered in the harbor of Brest. Twenty-two vessels of war, bearing the flags of two admirals, were there assembled to receive the troops des- tined for America. Six regiments whose names were known on almost every battle-field of Europe, were there arrayed for embarcation ; the regiments of Artois, of Bur- gundy, of Guienne, of Languedoc, and of Beam, and the famous regiment de la Eeine ; comprising fully 3000 men destined to find, beyond the stormy sea, a painful exile or a 190 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. bloody grave. With them embarked the German Baron Dieskau, the favored pupil of Saxe, who was to command in chief the armies in America/ and the Marquis de Vau- dreuil de Cavagnac, late Governor of Louisiana, and the second of his family to whom the government of Canada had been entrusted, who was to succeed M. de Duquesne. Perverse gales for a time prevented the squadron from proceeding to sea ; but at 8 o'clock on the morning of the 3d of May the wind shifted to north-north-east, and the signal was at once given to weigh anchor and to set all sail.^ At half-past ten the voyage commenced. On the 7th of May the Formidable, the flag-ship of M. de Macna- mara, who had hitherto accompanied the squadron, short- ened sail, and with his particular command he presently returned to France. A gun from the EntrejDrenant, at whose mast-head floated the pennant of M. Dubois de la Mothe, called the attention of the majority of the vessels. Stretching; forward under a cloud of canvass, with a sisfnal for the America-bound portion of the fleet to follow, the Entreprenant soon was lost beneath the verge to the anxious eyes not only of those who gazed from the receding galleries of the Formidable, but to the diligent espionage of half-a-dozen English frigates which had for weeks been lying in wait to watch the every movement of ' The high idea entertained of this officer's capacity may be seen in the rate at which the French paid his services. They gave him a salary of 12,000 livres as major-goneral; of 25,000 more as commander of the American expedition; and a retiring pension of 4000. Perm. Gaz., No. 1385. ^ I. Pouchot, 25. M. Garncau fixes the date at the end of April; but Pouchot's journal of the voyage is so minute and interesting, that I prefer relying upon his statements. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 191 tlie French. But any information they could carry would reach England too late to be of service, since Admiral Boscawen had already, on the 27th of April, set sail from Plymouth with instructions which, it may be confidently asserted, though probably merely verbal, assured him that if he should be able to thwart, at any price, the arrival of the French at Canada, he would render a welcome service to his King and Country. To this end he lay in wait for them among the misty vapors of the banks of Newfound- land : Init the same cloudy column that concealed the attack, furthered the escape. He captured, indeed, the Alcide, of 64 guns and 500 men, commanded by M. Hoc- quart, and the Lis, pierced for 64 guns, but armed en fiute for the transportation of troops, commanded by M. de Lorgerie ; and he came very near catching the Entreprenant itself.^ On board the ships captured, however, Avere Colo- nel de Rostaing (the second in command of the Canadian army), and several other officers of distinction, and eight companies of the regiments of Langiiedoc and la Reine. It has been alleged that Boscawen acted dishonorably in this transaction, pretending peace with the French ships till at half-pistol range he opened his fire upon them with grape and caunister ; but this does not seem credible. The conduct of his emploj'ers was much more censurable, who had assured M. de Mirepoix that the admiral's orders were not to act upon the offensive, and that whatever might fall out, England would not begin the war. Such a mendacious tale could hardly impose even upon that polite minister ; ' The Entreprenant was finally destroyed by the English at the capture of Louisbourg, 1758. Maute, 135. 192 INTEODUCTORY MEMOIR. and he rather vaguely repHed " that the King his master would consider the first hostile gun fired at sea as a decla- ration of war." Lord Orford says that Newcastle, having nobody left at home undeceived, had diligently applied himself to humbug the ambassador; and succeeded. At all events, one thing turned out exactly as Mirepoix had predicted — Boscawen's trivial success was the signal for open hostilities. " Je ne pardonnerai pas les pirateries de cette insolente nation," exclaimed Louis XY. ; and war was thenceforth inevitable.' The safe arrival at Quebec of the rest of the fleet on the 19th of June and the succeeding days, increased the regular troops in Canada from 1000 to 3800 men. A militia of 8000 men was already in the field, or in garrison at the various forts. With all this numerous array, how- ever, the Marquis de Duquesne was not at all aware of the dangers which environed the Ohio establishments, and left his government to his successor with the comfortable assurance that it was not possible for the English to tra- verse the Alleghanies in sufficient force to cause any un- easiness. The experienced and courageous commander of Fort Du Quesne was thus left to rely upon his own strength and the aid derivable, in an emergency, from the contiguous posts and such Canadians and savages as were always, in greater or less numbers, near at hand. Fortu- nately for him, though it was probably done with no idea of its imminent danger, at least 950 men had been sent in April from Canada to recruit the line of fortifications ' Capt. Eicliard IIowc, afterwards the celebrated Admiral Earl Howe, cbiefly distinguished himself in this action. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 193 between Lake Erie and the forks of tlic Ohio.' And while every effort was made to obtain information of the inten- tions of their enemy, a strict watch was kept to prevent the betrayal of their own circumstances. One O'Conner, an English subaltern officer, was hanged as a spy at Quebec in the spring of 1755, and three others shared his fate; and on the 1st of May, two more British spies were exe- cuted.^ As little as possible has been said in this introductory sketch of the details of the march of the troops from their quarters in Alexandria to Will's Creek, since every parti- cular on that head finds its most appropriate place in the ensuing Journals. But it may not be amiss to trace here, for the guidance of the reader, the exact line of route Avhicli they followed throughout the campaign. By St. Clair's advice, the army was to start from Alexandria in two divisions ; one regiment and a j)ortion of the stores to Winchester, Virginia, whence a new road was nearly com- pleted to Fort Cumberland, and the other regiment, with the remainder, by way of Frederic, in Maryland. A por- tion of the stores were to be conveyed in part by water- carriage on the Potomac. Accordingly, on the 8th and 9th of April, the provincials and six companies of the 44th, ' I. Pouchot, 29. II. Garneau, 215. VI. Col. Rec, 411-12. Penn. Gaz., No. 1379. 2 Penn. Gaz., Nos. 1394, 1396. XXV. Gent. Mag., 332. One of these inquisitive but unfortunate gentry had in his pocket a list of all the cannon cast at Quebec or imported thither since 1752, and of all the chief houses, the forts, magazines, &c., not only there, but on cither side of the 8t. Lawrence to Montreal. Another was supplied with draughts of the batteries. These two were on the point of departure when they were sud- denly arrested and hanged. 13 194 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. under Sir Peter Halket, set out for Winchester; Lieu- tenant-Colonel Gage and four companies remaining to escort the artillery. On the 18tli of April, the 48th, under Colonel Dunbar, set out for Frederic, detaching a company to the Conococheague to expedite the transmission of the stores gathered there. Arriving at Frederic, however, it was found there was no road through Maryland to Will's Creek; and Dunbar accordingly was compelled, on the 1st of May, to cross the Potomac at the mouth of the Conoco- cheague, and strike the Winchester route. On the 5th, he crossed the Little Cacapon ; and on the 8th, was again fer- ried over the Potomac to Maryland from a spot, hard by the mouth of Cacapon, which has since that day borne the name of the Ferry Fields. Thence, along the river-side, through Shawanoe Old Town, the dwelling-place of the notorious Cresap, Dunbar passed through the Narrows at the foot of Will's Mountain.^ At high noon on the 10th of May, while Halket's command was already encamped at their common destination, the 48th was startled by the passage of Braddock and his staff through their ranks, Avith a body-guard of light-horse galloping on either side of his travelling-chariot, in haste to reach Fort Cumberland.' The troops saluted, the drums rolled out the Grenadier's March, and the cortege passed by. An hour after, they heard the booming of the artillery which welcomed the General's arrival ; and a little later, themselves encamped • II. Olden Time, 541. "^ He purchased this coach from Governor Sharpe, and left it at Cumber- land during the rest of the march. Orme's Letter to Sharpe. (Sharpo's MS. Corrcsp. in Maryland Hist. Soc.) INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 195 on the hillsides about that post. But in consequence of the difficulty of procuring teams, the artillery, &c., did not arrive until May the 20th. The erection of Fort Cumberland and its strength have been already described. It stood upon the bank of Will's Creek, hard by its junction with the Potomac, on the site of the present town of Cumberland, and within what is now Alleghany County, Maryland.^ Here had probably, in ancient days, been a Shawanoe village, and its Indian name, Cucucbetuc, is still preserved ; and here, as we have seen, after a series of most distressing delays, Braddock at length succeeded in bringing together all his forces. As nearly as can be ascertained, these consisted as follows : The 44th and 48th regiments, originally 1000 strong, were increased by the Maryland and Virginia Levies to 1400 men. Of the remaining levies, about one hundred were formed by the General into two companies of Car- penters or Pioneers, each composed of thirty men, two ser- geants, two subalterns, and a captain. The duty of these was to open the road and make the necessary repairs to the wagons, &c., on the route ; and a few of the most experienced of the others were received into a company of Guides, composed of a captain, two aids, and ten men.^ There was also a troop of provincial light-hoi'se which he had procured to be formed, and which hitherto had served as his body-guard ; and a detachment of thirty sailors, with some half-dozen officers, furnished by Commodore ' Cumberland is now a thriving town with about 7000 inhabitants. . It is 179 miles west by north from Baltimore. 2 II. Olden Time, 227. 196 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. Keppel to assist in rigging cordages, &c., should it be found necessary to build bridges on the waj.^ But the entire force which eventually marched from Fort Cumberland, as given by Captain Orme, consisted of 2037 men, out of a complement of 2100. To these must be added the Guides, the Light-horse, and the seamen ; in all not exceeding one hundred, which, with the staff and the eight Indians, who remained with the General unto the end, will make a total of about 2150 souls. The usual train of non-militants who always accompany an army was not wanting here — women, who could not light ; Indians who would not ; and wagon- ers who cut loose their horses and fled, to a man, at the first onset. Early in June, too, the well-known Captain Jack had repaired with his company to the camp and offered his services for the expedition. His merits as a ' The employinent of scamejj ou this service seems to have caused a little natural surprise to those unacquainted with the circumstances of the case (II. 0. T. 229) ; yet it was not a thing of unusual occun-ence in America during this war. At Martinico and at Quebec they were employed to pull the guns. " An hundred or two of them, with ropes and pulleys, ^ill do more than all your dray-horses in London." At Quebec, when Wolfe passed along the lines ere "Fighting witli the French On the Heights of Abram," he found a number of jolly tars, who had been engaged in hauling up the cannon, meekly sliding into the ranks of his soldiery. As they were armed some with hangers, more with sticks, most not at all, he saw no advantage in permitting them to stay, and, despite their petitions, bade them retire. " God bless your honor !" they cried; " if we may not fight, at least let us stop and see fair jplay between you and the French!" Wolfe laughed at this droll request, and thanked them and sent them to their ships. ]]ut they were not disposed, after all their toil, to go away without a share in the battle; and lurking about till it actually begun, they took an active part in its perils and glories. See XXV. Gent. Mag., 130, UO. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 197 guide and as an " Indian killer " were not unknown to Braddock, but the proffered services were coupled with some stipulations for freedom from the regular discipline of the army, and were rejected. This singular man was once a frontier-settler. Returning to his cabin one evening after a long d-djs chase, he found it a heap of smoking ruins, and the blackened corpses of his murdered family smouldering in its embers. From that fatal hour, he vowed never but with life to forgive the race who had wrought his woe, and to his dying hour he was the most dreaded enemy the Indians knew. In 1753, he held some commission under Governor Hamilton ; and at this period, he was at the head of a party of bold woodsmen, clad, like himself, in Indian attire, and following very much the Indian mode of warfare. His home was in the Juniata country; but the celerity and extent of his movements caused his fame to reach from Fort Augusta to the Poto- mac. A mystery has always shrouded his personal history. His swarthy visage (darkened, perchance, by a tinge of baser blood) and destructive arm, however, live in the fire- side legends of the West; and many a tale is told of the deeds of the Black Rifle — the Black Hunter — the Wild Hunter of the Juniata, or the Black Hunter of the Forest — under all of which sobriquets he was known. It was a misfortune for Braddock that he neglected to secure the services of such an auxiliary.^ Being at last, if not thoroughly prepared, at least suffi- ciently so to warrant his undertaking the long and tedious journey that was before him, Braddock issued his orders • IV. Haz. Penn. Reg., 389, 390, 416. V. Ibid, 191. 198 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. for tlie army to leave Fort Cumberland. On the SOtli of May, Sir John St. Clair, with Major Chapman, of the 44.th, and 600 men, set out to clear a road to the Little Meadows on the Youghiogeny, thirty miles distant, where they were to erect a fortified camp. The army followed in three divisions : the first, under Halket, on the 7th of June ; the next, under Gage, on the 8th ; and the third, under Dun- bar, on the 10th ; Braddock delayed his own departure until the last man had marched ; and the expedition was now fairly on its way to the Ohio. The opposite map will give the reader a perfect idea of its route, and in Captain Orme's text almost every detail of the march is minutely noted down.^ Owing to the innumerable difficulties of its situation, the progress of the army was j)ainfully slow; five miles being a good day's march, and even half this dis- tance being sometimes barely accomplished. Eoads were' to be cut through the forests and over the steep mountains ; streams were to be bridged, and morasses made passable. The number of wagons and pack-horses struggling through this untravelled land protracted the line to a most dan- gerous length, and all the difficulties predicted by Franklin were in a fair way to be realized.^ Accordingly, at the ' In 1847, Mr. T. C. Atkinson, of Cumberland, Maryland, being em- ployed upon a railroad survey through this region, traced Braddock 's route with great accuracy by means of the indications still remaining on the ground; and under his supervision, an excellent map was prepared by Mr. Middleton. This plan was subsequently engraved for the Olden Time (Vol. II., p. 539), whei'b it appears with a very valuable explanatory paper by Mr. Atkinson. It is to the politeness of Mr. Craig that we are indebted for the original plate from which the impression that accompanies this volume is taken. ^ Entertaining some doubts of the result so confidently anticipated by the General, Franklin had remarked to him, "To be sure, sir, if you arrive ^ Gillespie Sc. Pills'^ f fc^^ HouuY INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 199 end of the first day's journey, it was resolved to consider- ably lighten their numbers and burthens. A part of the artillery and fifty men were sent back to Cumberland ; fifty more, under Captain Hogg, were despatched as a covering party to the workmen on the Pennsylvania Road; and twenty-eight of the soldiers' wives were sent on their way to Philadelphia. So far as their names are any indication, they serve to show the Scottish complexion of the two regiments.^ The officers, who even in the infantry always rode upon a march, returned to Will's Creek all but such luggage as was absolutely essential ; and over a hundred of their superfluous horses were freely contributed to the public service ; the General and his aides setting the ex- ample by giving twenty. The route pursued by Braddock was in many respects an unwise one. Reference to the Journals will show what difficulties it occasionally presented ; and the same pages testify how indifferently, even in the region immediately adjacent to Fort Cumberland, St. Clair had attended to its well before Du Quesne with these fine troops, so well provided with artil- lery, the fort, though completely fortified and assisted with a very strong garrison, can probably make but a short resistance. The only danger I apprehend of obstruction to your march is from the ambuscades of the In- dians; who, by constant practice, are dexterous in laying and executing them ; and the slender line, near four miles long, which your army must make, may expose it to be attacked by surprise in its flanks, and to be cut, like a thread, into several pieces, which, from their distance, cannot come up in time to support each other." He smiled at Franklin's ignorance, and replied, " These savages may indeed be a formidable enemy to your raw American militia; but upon the King's regular and disciplined troops, sir, it is impossible they should make any impression." I. Sparks'3 Franklin, 190. • II. P. A., 348. VI. C. R., 426, 430. 200 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. exploration. Much time and labor had already been ex- hausted on the road over Will's Mountain, which Major Chapman had surmounted, with considerable loss, on the 30th of May ; and the service was finally indebted to a naval officer for the easy discovery of the valley path that leads around its base, subsequently adopted for the United States' National Road. As it was, marching on a newly- opened track, Halket, who started three days before, had got no further on the night of the lOtli than the men who left Will's Creek that morning; a distance of five miles. The truth is, that Sir John implicitly followed the path that Nemacolin, a Delaware Indian, had marked out or hlazed for the Ohio Company some years before, and which, a very little widened, had served the transient purposes of that association, and of Washington's party in 1754. To be sure, with many windings, it led to the Ohio ; yet a few intelligent scouts, sent out betimes, could not have failed to discover a shorter and a better course. But precau- tionary steps of this kind were not within the sphere of Braddock's comprehension. In addition to every other reason of delay, a general sickness prevailed among the troops, caused by their long and continued confinement to a salt diet ; from the effects of which, though few died, few escaped. During a later period of the march, even Washington's hardy constitution succumbed ; and for many days he was severely, j^erhaps dangerously, unwell. Convalescent, at length, through the personal attention of the General, he was left on the road with a guard, to rejoin his post as soon as his strength would permit. Long ere these scenes occurred, however, INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 201 an important change had been made in the constitution of affairs. The army had been ten days in reaching the Little Meadows, but twenty-four miles from Cumberland, passing, with a line sometimes four miles long, through numerous spots too well adapted for an ambush or a surprise not to arrest a soldier's eye. Such were those dark forests of enormous white pines that shadow the region beyond the Great Savage Mountain. The loneliness and perfect mo- notony of such a scene are not readily to be described ; it more resembles the utter stillness of the desert than any- thing beside. No bird chirps among the foliage, or finds its food in these inhospitable boughs ; no wild creature has its lair beneath its leafy gloom. Liivc the dark nave of some endless, dream-born cathedral, the tall columns rise before, behind, on every side, in uncounted and bewildering uuiltiplicity, and are lost in the thick mantle that shuts out the light of heaven. The senses weary of the con- fusing prospect, and imagination paints a thousand horrid forms to people its recesses. At every step the traveller half looks to find a bloody corse, or the blanched skeleton of some long murdered man, lying across' his pathway through these woods, so aptly named the Shades of Death ! It was not until the 18th of June that the troops were beyond these inauspicious scenes ; and Braddock, as, slowly descending the shaggy steep of Meadow Mountain, Ho wound, with toilsome marcli, his long array, beheld his whole force in sight of the fortified camp erected by St. Clair at the Little Meadows.' Here a council of ' II. Sp. Wash., 79, 81. Consult, also, Mr. Atkinson's paper in 11. 0. T., 540. 202 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. war was held, which is not noticed by Orme, and which consisted, as usual, of all the field-officers present. A fur- ther reduction of baggage was agreed upon, and a dozen more horses given to the service ; among them, Washing- ton's best charger, his luggage being retrenched to a single portmanteau, half-filled. Before the council met, Braddock also privately consulted him as to the propriety of pushing more rapidly forward with a light division ; leaving the heavy troops, &c., to follow by easy marches. This course Washington warmly approved, urging the present weak- ness of the garrison at Du Quesne, and the difficulty with which, during the dry season, any supplies could reach them from Venango by the Riviere aux Boeufs, whose waters were then at a very low stage. His rank did not permit him an opportunity of pressing these views at the council-board ; but they were brought forward there by the General himself, and it was decided that St. Clair, with Gage and 400 men, should start on the 18th to open a road. On the 19th, Braddock in person followed, with Halket (who acted as brigadier). Burton, and Sparks, and about 800 men, the elite of the army. Inasmuch as in the selection of the troops for this manoeuvre he made a point of choosing those he considered the best, without any reference to the wishes of his subordinates, this stejD gave great and lasting offence to Dunbar, Chaj)man, and the others left behind.^ He took with him four howitzers, four twelve-pounders, twelve cohorns, thirteen artillery-wagons, and seventeen of ammunition. The provisions were borne by pack-horses. His expectation was then to strike the ' Pcnn. Gaz., No. 1392. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 203 fort by tlie 28th of June, at the furthest, ere the garrison should receive its reinforcements ; five hundred reguLars being reported to be at that moment on their way thither. Four artillery-officers, eighty-four wagons, and all the ord- nance-stores and provisions which were not indispensable to the General's march, were left with Dunbar.^ From the Little Crossings, on the upper waters of Castle- man's River (a tributary of the Youghiogeny), to the Great Crossings on those of the Youghiogeny itself, is but about seventeen miles ; yet it was only on the 24th of June that the latter was passed. The advanced party under St. Clair was constantly engaged in cutting the road ; but its pro- gression was necessarily slow, and the rest of the army had to encamp at their heels and march within sound of their axes. Steep, rugged hills were to be clomb, to whose summits the artillery and baggage were wdth cruel labor drawn ; headlong declivities to be descended, down which the cannon and wagons were lowered with bloclvs and tackle ; or deep morasses to be threaded, where the troops sunk ankle or knee-deep in the clinging mire. The road, too, was beset with outlying parties of the enemy, who constantly aimed at embarrassing their march. On one occasion, Scarroyaddy was even captured ; and his treat- ment evidently shows that many of the savages in the service of the French were of his old acquaintance in ' II. Sp. Wash., 81, 83. Penn. Gaz., No. 1387. VI. C. R , 477. Sbarpe (MS. Corresp.) says, "I think the General had with him 52 car- riages; the artillery and 18 wagon-loads of amunition included." This nearly tallies with the above statement; the 20 guu-carriagcs, 13 caissons, and 17 wagons, making just 50. 204 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. Pennsylvania.' On another, three Mohawk Indians came into camp with intelligence from Du Quesne, for which they were well paid. But disgusted either by the Gene- ral's indifference to their merits, or by the accounts of his demeanor which they received from their brethren in his ranks, they deserted during the night, and probably re- turned to the French, whence they came. With them dis- appeared, too, one of the General's Indians, who had long manifested a disposition to slip off. During the march, he would constantly conceal himself upon the flanks ; lying down flat behind a stump or a stone, or creeping into a clump of tall grass. But he was as constantly routed out by the sergeants of the flanking parties, to Avhose surveil- lance he had been especially commended; men, trained in Ireland to find a hare squatting in her form beneath a cluster of fern, whose keen eyes, ever on the watch, never failed to discover the refuge of the would-be fugitive. But on the very next night after his flight, three Englishmen, straggling bej'ond the lines, were shot and scalped upon the very edge of the camp ; in which affair he doubtless had a hand. Not satisfied with the small temporal assistance which his province had afforded the expedition, Governor Morris by proclamation enjoined his people to unite with him in a solemn invocation upon Heaven to preserve and bless the royal arms ; and the 19 th of June was appointed as a season of public humiliation, of fasting, and of prayer. For that day, all servile labor was discontinued throughout the province : the sound of the mallet and the anvil w^as not heard ; the ' See Captaiu Orme's Journal. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 205 fields were left untilled ; the unfettered waters glided idly beneath the motionless wheel ; and no smoky columns arose from the cold forge. An unwonted stillness prevailed over the land, save where from the house of prayer was uplifted the preacher's voice in supplication to xilmighty God, " that He would be pleased to avert the punishments due to their sins, favor them with a fruitful season, and give success to the measures which His Majesty, ever attentive to the good and welfare of his people, had concerted for the security and preservation of their just rights and commerce." ^ While thus supernal succor was importuned, the arm of flesh was slowly advanced, and was even now on the borders. Until after it had forded Castleman's river, the course of the army was generally a very little nortii of west, and lay entirely through Maryland. On the 21st of June, Braddock for the first time entered Pennsylvania. Traversing the high and watery glades of Somerset county and the precipitous region of Fayette, whose mountain-tops attain an altitude of 2500 feet above the sea, with valleys scooped between, 1000 feet below their summits, on the 30th of June he reached Stewart's Crossing on the Youghio- geny, about thirty-five miles from his destination. So far, the efforts of the hostile Indians were less a source of posi- tive danger than of increasing annoyance. That indefati- gable foe had by this time got into the rear of the army; their spies environed it on every side, and watched its every motion. As one said to an English captive at Du Quesne : " Their scouts saw him every day from the ' VI. C. R., 423. 206 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. mountains — that he was advancing in close columns through the woods" — (this he indicated by placing a number of red sticks parallel to each other and pressed closely together) — "and that the Indians would be able to shoot them down ' like one pigeon.' " But so strict was Braddock's police hitherto, that the English loss was very inconsiderable, consisting but of a wagoner, three bat-men, and a horse. Scattering in various directions, the savages threaded the Avoods in hopes of scalps and plunder. On the night of the 29th, they visited and fired into Dunbar's camp at the Little Meadows, which had been well fortified by St. Clair, and was entirely surrounded by an abattis. They also kept the workmen and convoys on the Pennsyl- vania road in such a state of alarm that in one day thirty deserted in a body, and the road was soon at a stand.' It was on the evening of the 3d of July at the camp at Jacob's or Salt Lick Creek, ^ that Sir John St. Clair brought forward his proposition to halt here until Colonel Dunbar and the rest of the forces should come up. The continued remissness in furnishing supplies had compelled these troops to almost forego the use of fresh provisions, and they were afflicted as generally and even more fatally than those with Braddock by the disorders incident to such pri- vations. Many had died ; and many more, officers as well ' I. 0. T., 74. VI. C. K, 467. Pcnn. Gaz,, Nos. 1-386, 1387. A batman is an officer's servant. IX. Notes and Queries, 530. ^ Probably a salt lick or spring on a branch of Jacob's creek caused this double nomenclature, which has led to some little confusion ; there being another stream called Indian Lick falling into the Youghiogeny. Orme styles it Salt Lick Creek; but Scull's large map (Lond. 1775), gives both titles. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 207 as men, were on the sick list. On the 2nd of Ju\y, how- ever, Dunbar had moved forward from the Little Meadows; and his van was now not far from the Great Crossings, eleven days' march from Jacob's Creek. Considering this fact, and the disadvantages that would result from the delay, it was wisely resolved by Braddock's council to push forward. They conceived themselves to be (as in fact they were), amply strong enough to conquer the fort should they once sit down before it; and the absence of any organized opposition to their previous progress was well calculated to encourage the belief that, through the enemy's weakness, none would be attempted. " Happy it was," afterwards wrote Captain Orme, " that this disposition was made : otherwise the whole must either have starved or ftillen into the hands of the enemy, as numbers would have been of no service to us, and our provision was all lost." And had the General waited for Dunbar, it would have been most probably the middle of August ere he left Jacob's Creek. For so scanty in number were the miserable jades on which he depended, that this officer could only move one-half his wagons at a time. After one day's march, the poor beasts were sent back to bring up the remainder; and it was invariably two day's more ere the detachment could start from the spot of the first night's encampment. Truly said \yashington, " there has been vile management in regard to horses."^ ' VT. C. R , 477, 489. II. Sp. Wash., 83. Instead of proper draught- horses, all sorts of broken-dowa hacks, and spavined, wind-galled ponies, wore shamelessly palmed off upon the army by contractors who knew its condition was such that nothing could be rejected. Besides, there were (if not now, at least at a later period), scoundrels base enough to hang 208 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. To an army that looked longingly forward to a respite at Fort Du Quesne from the unwonted tasks to which it had been so long subjected, and to whom the exciting perils of the battle-shock offered far greater attractions than a supine existence in the wilderness, where no friend was to be encountered, no enemy to be met in open combat, the orders to advance were welcome tidings. Ani- mated by the confidence of success, it moved onward, re- gardless of natural difficulties, with all that disciplined courage and tenacity of purpose which have ever character- ized the Anglo-Saxon race, eager to behold at length the hostile hold, to tear down the hated banner that so insultingly waved over British soil : — Tho' fens and floods possesfc the middle space, That -unprovok'd they -would have feared to pass; Nor fens nor floods can stop Britannia's bands When her proud foe rang'd on their border stands.' But the fatal halts which Braddock had already too often been obliged to make, proved in the end the cause of his ruin. It will presently be seen of what importance the saving of three days only would have been ; for it was in those three days, the last of his march, that the whole plan of attacking and destroying his army was conceived, organized, and executed. The traditionary repugnance of M. de Contrecoeur and his red allies to the hazardous ex- periment would, in all probability, have prevented its around Dunbar's camp, stealing every horse that was left to graze in tho woods without a guard. Above three hundred were thus made away with. (A^I. C. R., 547.) ' Addison ; The Campaign. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 209 adoption at any other moment, as effectually as it did any previous concerted opposition to the march of the English through passes so admirably fitted by nature for defence, that Braddock himself was amazed at their unoccupation. And, as it happened, every account he received but tended to confirm him in his security. On the od of July, he had endeavored to prevail on his few Indians to go out for intelligence; a thing he has always been blamed for neglecting, but which he had constantly solicited at their hands, and which they now declined as resolutely as before. Perhaps it was a sense of their scanty numbers that induced this conduct; perhaps a natural reluctance to encounter their own brethren whom they knew to be with the French ; but more probably, it was their extreme discontent with the manners of the General that closed their ears to all his suggestions. On the 4th of July, how- ever, he was more successful. Urged by bribes, and the promise of greater rewards, two Indians were persuaded to depart on a scouting expedition ; and no sooner were they gone than Christopher Gist, the General's guide, was pri- vately despatched on the same errand. On- the 6th, both Indians and Gist rejoined the army, having penetrated undis- covered to within half a mile of the fort. Their reports were favorable and similar ; they found the passes open, and no indications of a heavy force about the works, although there was evidence of outlj-ing parties, and perhaps rein- forcements, within a moderate distance. The Indians had even encountered a French officer shootinsi; in the woods hard l)y Du Quesne, whom without hesitation they killed and scalped. Gist was less fortunate. He, in turn, had 14 210 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. been set upon by two hostile savages, and had narrowly succeeded in escaping with his life. Welcome as was this promise of an undisturbed advance, the day was clouded by a fatal event that must have considerably disturbed even savage equanimity. A number of French Indians had beset and scalped a few loiterers, and a general alarm was spread through the line. In the midst of the excitement, Braddock's Indians in advance were met by a party of his rangers, who, regardless of or blind to their signals of friendship, fired upon them, killing the son of Scarroyaddy, their chieftain. The General took wdiat steps suggested themselves to his mind to prevent this misadventure im- pairing the regard of the dead lad's kindred, and, as it would appear, not without success. Eager as was the army for the fray, it cannot be denied that at this moment there was much in it to weaken its efficacy. The soldiers complained bitterly of the severe and unusual labors which they were compelled to undergo. The quality of their food Avas not satisfactory, and the quantity was thought too small ; nor was the time allotted them in camp always sufficient to properly dress their victuals. The same necessity which exacted this treat- ment deprived them also of the hitherto invariable allow- ance of spirits. They had nothing but water to drink, and that often bad and unwholesome. To add to their discomforts, the sagacious provincials w^ere fully impressed Math the dangers of a battle to be fought in the woods and against the savages upon the iDrinciples of European tac- tics ; and by their constant predictions of calamity did not a little dishearten the rec;ulars of the two regiments. Nor INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 211 were matters on a better footing in higher quarters. Dis- putes and jealousies were rife among the leaders ; and by this time the General was not even on speaking terms with Halket and Dunbar. Braddock had already, however, conceived a plan to benefit such of the officers as he looked upon with favoring eyes. It was his intention, when Du Quesne should have been captured, to incorporate the pro- vincials into a royal regiment, the command of which was to be bestowed upon Lieutenant-Colonel Burton of the 48th. His aid-de-camp. Captain Morris, was to have been the Lieutenant-Colonel of the new regiment, and Captain Dobson (the senior captain of the 48th), its major: wdiile Orme was to succeed to Burton's position in the 48th. A number of other promotions would necessarily have fol- lowed these changes, in which it is not improbable Brad- dock would have taken occasion to fulfil his promise of providing for Washington. But his defeat and death scattered all these politic schemes to the winds. ^ We are now approaching the last dread scene of our tragic story, and events crowd thick and rapidly upon us. On the night of the 4th of July the army halted at Thicketty Run, a petty branch of the Sewickly Creek, where, by some dismal fatality, it seems to have remained until the Gth, awaiting the return of its spies and the arrival of a supply of provisions from Dunbar's camp, under convoy of a captain and a hundred men. In the rear of this party, which appeared on the 6 th, came Washington. Debilitated by his recent sickness, he was ' Sharpe's MS. Corr. Review of Military Operations ia North America, &c., (Phil. 1757), p. 51. 212 INTEODUCTORY MEMOIR. unable to endure on horseback the ordinary fatigues of such a road, and journeyed in a covered wagon ; but it was not until the 8tli that he rejoined the General. It was perhaps to this unhappy delay of twenty-four hours that the destruction of the army is attributable ; yet it was such as even a more provident leader than Braddock might well have been excused in making. By it he looked to gain intelligence of his foe and subsistence for himself; both objects of primary importance. It must be borne in mind that the English were now on the west side of the Monongahela, within the obtuse tri- angle formed by the forks of the Ohio at whose apex stood Fort Du Quesne ; but a glance at the maps will show how far they had diverged from the direct line thither. As Mr. Sj)arks has well pointed out/ it must have been Braddock's original design to continue his march on the same shore, were it possible to have avoided the passage of the Narrows in so doing. His guides had rightly informed him that this was a spot where the road must be made ujDon a narrow, alluvial formation for some two miles along the bank of the stream, with the river on his left hand and the mountain-side upon his right; and that it would require much labor ere it could be made passable. The perils of such a route were self-evident; therefore aban- doning all idea of pursuing it, he started on the morning of the 7th, and leaving the Indian track which he had followed so long, essayed to work his way across Turtle Creek some twelve miles above its confluence with the Monongahela : a step which, had it been carried out, would ' II. Olden Time, 46G. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 213 have ensured his success. He ayouIcI then undoubtedly have sat down before the fort with httle or no opposition on his way. But the fates w^ere against him. On reaching the eastern branch of Turtle Creek, or rather what is now called Rush Creek, the road suddenly terminated in one of those headlong, precipitous descents so common along the edges of the water-courses of Alleghany County ; practica- ble perhaps for footmen, or even sure-footed pack-horses, but utterly impassable to artillery and wagons. A halt was at once commanded, and St. Clair sent forth with a suitable force to explore the country. He soon returned with the pleasing intelligence that he had hit upon the ridge which led directly to Fort Du Quesne. But after reflection upon the labor it would require to construct a road across the hill-environed head-waters of Turtle Creek, it was finally decided to quit that rugged region altogether, and to proceed directly to the Monongahela ; and at a place where it makes a considerable bend to the north, to cross at the upper arm of the elbow, to follow the chord which would subtend the arc made by the river's curve, and to recross the stream at a point just below the opposite mouth of Turtle Creek. Two excellent fords with easy banks afforded a strong inducement to pursue this plan : but had he persisted in the movement across Rush Creek, he would have marched through a country presenting comparatively few facilities for an ambuscade or covers for an enemy ; whereas in twice crossing the Monongahela he exposed himself to the risk of encountering a determined opposition at either ford. The further and really more hital hazard of running headlong against a natural entrenchment im- 214 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. pregnable to the most determined efforts of one ignorant of its key, cannot be supposed to have entered into his calculations. Nor would the Narrows route have saved him from this danger, since, from the natural formation of the country, it must at the second ford have become identical with that Braddock actually pursued. Thus, in either case, there was no possibility on the Monongahela road of evading the spot where the enemy's ambush was eventually laid. Having settled upon his course, on the 8th of July Braddock, following the valley of Long Run, marched south-westwardly eight miles towards the Monongahela; and pitched his camp for the night upon an inviting decli- vity between that stream and another rivulet called Crooked Run, some two miles from the river. He was now within two easy marches of the Ohio, to gain which he looked for no other opposition than what he might encounter in the morrow's fordings; and so far as we can discover, there were in his ranks but two individuals at all diffident of success. William Shirley, the General's secre- tary, was out of all patience at the manner in which the expedition had been conducted; and was determined to go back to England the moment a campaign was brought to a close, of the success of which he was more than doubtful. It is with a little surprise that we find reason to sup- pose the second in command was not free from similar forebodings. As though gifted with that mj'sterious poAver of "second sight" which is attributed to the seers of his native land. Sir Peter Halket, whose sands of life had but twelve more hours to run, with a melancholy earnestness INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 215 pressed that night upon the General the propriet}^ of thoroughly examining every foot of ground between his present position and the fort, lest through this neglect he should peril his army's existence, and as it were plunge his head into the lion's jaws. The advice, as will be seen, was not altogether neglected ; but its more important feature of beating the forest as hunters of the Highlands would drive their game was set aside by Braddock as unsuitable to the exigencies of his position.^ With a sad presentiment of undefined evil, Halket withdrew. Did he in sooth pos- sess the fatal power of peering into futurity, and exploring the secrets of unborn Time, what awful visions would have pressed upon his soul ! Unconscious of their doom, around him slumbered hundreds of gallant men, sleeping their last sleep on an unbloody couch, nor heeding the tempest gathering fast above, which, overcoming like a summer's cloud, should pour destruction on their devoted heads. Through the long summer's day, the wearied army, anticipating aught rather tlian defeat, had marched steadily onvvard. The encircling woods shut out all prospect of the heavens save the serene blue sky directly overhead, bright with meridian splendor : but all around, beyond their narrow ken, a dark curtain hung like a pall upon the skirts of the horizon, and driving clouds and gathering eagles boded the coming storm. Footsore and toilworn, the troops were now steeped in slumber ; and in dreams that came from heaven through the ivory gates, they beheld themselves arrived at last Unto the wished haven. ' I. Entick, 145. 216 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. They saw their labors crowned with glory, their wander- ings rounded with well-earned repose. But through the narrow passage that lay between them and their pro- mised land rolled darkling the waters of an unseen stream, blacker than night, deeper than the grave : for on its shore, not death alone, but dishonor, and disgrace, and defeat, with welcoming hands, 'awaited their approach. Behind the western hills their sun had sunk for evermore, incar- nadining in his parting rays the bright current of the Mo- nongahela, overhung by stately groves bending to the waters their pensile boughs ; lucos, amcenre Quos ct aqucG subeunt et aurae. To the prophetic vision of the Scottish deiiteroscopia, these waters would have curdled with the clotted gore of the morrow's eve ; the moaning trees would have sighed respon- sive to the sad wailings of the winds of night ; and along the guilty shores would have flitted in griesly bands the bloody ghosts of the unburied slain. In the mean time, with a commendable discretion, (the utmost, perhaps, that he was capable of,) Braddock had concluded his arrangements for pa-ssing what he regarded as the only perilous place between his army and the fort, which he designed to reach early on the lOtli. Had the proposition, started and abandoned by St. Clair, to push forward that very night a strong detachment to invest it before morning, been actually made to him, it is very j^ro- bable he would have discountenanced it. As, in all human likelihood, it would have been crowned with success, it is INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 217 as well for the General's reputation that the suggestion aborted. What precautionary steps his education and capacity could suggest, were here taken by Braddock. Before three o'clock on the morning of the 9th, Gage was sent forth with a chosen band to secure both crossings of the river, and to hold the further shore of the second ford till the rest of the army should come up. At four, St. Clair, with a working-party, followed to make the roads. At six A. M., the General set out, and having advantageously posted about 400 men upon the adjacent heights, made, with all the wagons and baggage, the first crossing of the Monongahela. Marching thence in order of battle towards the second ford, he received intelligence that Gage had occupied the shore according to orders, and that the route was clear. The only enemy he had seen was a score of savages, who fled without awaiting his approach. By eleven o'clock, the army reached the second ford ; but it was not until after one that the declivities of the banks were made ready for the artillery and wagons, when the whole array, by a little before two o'clock, was safely passed over. Not doubting that from some point on the stream the enemy's scouts were observing his operations, Braddock was resolved to strongly impress them with the numbers and condition of his forces ; and accordingly the troops were ordered to appear as for a dress-parade. In after life, Washington was accustomed to observe that he had never seen elsewhere so beautiful a sight as was exhi- bited durhig this passage of the Monongahela. Every man was attired in his best uniform ; the Ijurnished arms shone 218 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR, bright as silver in the glistening rays of the noonday sun, as, Avith colours waving proudly above their heads, and amid inspiring bursts of martial music, the steady files, with disciplined precision, and glittering in scarlet and gold, advanced to their position.^ While the rear was yet on the other side, and the van was falling into its ordained course, the bulk of the army was drawn up in battle array on the western shore, hard by the spot where one Frazier, a German blacksmith in the interest of the English, had lately had his home. Two or three hundred yards above the sjDot where it now stood was the mouth of Turtle Creek (the Tulpewi Sipu of the Lenape), which, flowing in a south-westwardly course to the Monongaheia that here has a north-w^estward direction, embraces, in an obtuse angle of about 125°, the very spot where the brunt of the battle was to be borne. The scene is familiar to tourists, being, as the crow flies, but eight miles from Pittsburg, and scarce twelve by the course of the river. For three-quar- ters of a mile below the entrance of the creek, the Monon- gaheia was unusually shallovv" ; forming a gentle rapid or ripple, and easily fordable at almost any point. Its com- mon level is from three to four hundred feet below that of the surrounding country ; and along its upper banks, at ' " My feelings were heightened by the warm and glowing narration of that day's events by Dr. Walker, who was an eye-witness. He pointed out the ford where the army crossed the Monongaheia (below Turtle Creek 800 yards). A finer sight could not have been beheld ; the shining barrels of the muskets, the excellent order of the men, the cleanliness of their ap- parel, the joy depicted on every face at being so near Fort Du Quesue — the highest object of their wishes. The music reechoed through the moun- tains. How brilliant the morning; how melancholy the evening!" — Judge Yeates' Visit to 13raddock's Field in ITTGj VI. Haz. Reg., 104. 1 > S ■§ i i^ -^ '^ ^ I ^ ^ --^ I \ ^ is II '^ "^ .5; .5i Vi •-? -^ -4 Jy :c ^ 5^ _i ^ Z O Q. erf oc $ V i ^v ^ « v^ 1 ^ ■^ *^ .^^ t/5 2x J J? Th- i/tttii/i.Y fK'Hi /rwj[i.w //