MEDFOHD HISTOKIGAL SOCIlziTY n the banks of the Mystic. v// -^^. DNTt1E{BANKrOFTriE: MYJTIC-ANMIiromC FESTIVAL- 1630-1896- MEDrORD-M/liJHCflUJETff •^ II Hllj %»► i^v'- »/, »»^/x^^ hV a - ^/TTv"^^ •W 3. X <., ■1/ !»» $11 / IN any age it is a duty which every country owes to itself to preserve the records of its past^ and to honor the men and women whose lives and deeds made possible its present ; and to- day^ when the whole civilized world is throbbing: to social and political impulses of the g:reatest sig^nificance for the future^ we oug:ht especially to call to mind such lives and deeds, and catch, if we can, inspiration for acting: well the part that falls to each of us/' On the Banks of the Mystick." Sccery avd Seek Effects by W^. I.ASSANI WILLIANIS. ^*0n the Banks of the Mystic'' <5!» An Historic Festival Under ihe auspices of the MEDFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY And the personal direction of Miss Margaret McLaren Eager Of New York «!5» Medford Opera House OCTOBER 1 4th to 20th, 1896 Sunday excepted Evenings at 8 . . . . Afternoons at 4.30 JOHN BROOKS. Born in Medford, May, 1752 Died March 1st, 1825. Governor of Massachusetts Seven Years. ■'-^'CiiNL CRADOCK HOUSE — 1634. l^lf F.DFORD was settled in June, 1630, by a detachment of the I \ Colonists who came to Salem under the leadership of John Winthrop, from Suffolk, Essex, and Lincolnshire in England. The settlement of the town was under the immediate auspices of Governor Matthew Cradock, who proposed to establish Ox thk Banks of the Mystic, the headquarters of the fishing interests in which he had embarked considerable capital. The business was carried on by his agents, for Cradock never visited the Colonies. The brick building, built by his people in 1634, in the eastern part of the town, is still standing in good condition, an interesting relic, and a monument to him who may justly be called the founder of Medford. Cradock was a distinguished merchant of London, a princely giver in all subscriptions for helping the colony, a man of wisdom, goodness, zeal and enthusiasm, and lionored with the esteem and confidence of those in high authority. The early histories tell of many settlers in other places, who became dissatisfied with their first choice and moved to more promising localities, but not a word of complaint reaches us from the first planters of Medford, and no one to our knowledge left the plantation. l^lf I'.DFORD has borne an hononilile part in the military and /I political history of the country. Her citizens from the first were loyal, generous, and zealous in every cause affecting the public interests. Her company of "Minute-men," fifty-nine in number, responded to the call at Lexington. Their maxim was, "Every citizen a soldier; every soldier a patriot." Medford men were with Washington at Monmouth, at Brandywine, at the crossing of the Delaware, and in other places, and fought bravely for the liberties and independence of their country. It seemed "As if the very earth again Grew quick with God's creating breath; And, from the sods of grove and glen, Rose ranks of lion-hearted men To battle to the death." THE ROYALL HOUSE. Built by Colonel Isaac Royall in the last century, and the most expensive house in Medford at the time. Open to the public during Festival Week under the auspices of the Historical Society and the supervision of a large and efficient committee, members of which will be in daily attendance. FOUNTAIN TAVERN, 1725. FOR more than a hundred years all the land travel from Maine, from the eastern part of New Hampshire, and the northeastern parts of Massachusetts, passed through Medford, and its dis- tance from Boston made it a convenient stopping place for traveling traders. The "Fountain House" built in 1725 was a favorite resort, on the great thoroughfare between Salem and Boston. It was called "Fountain House" from having a new sign, repre- senting a fountain pouring punch into a large bowl. The house is no longer standing. Brooks' History says, " Medford was favored in good tavern keepers. Journeying in former days, one found queer specimens of humanity among this unique class. Generally they were only variations of Yankee Doodle. Some landlords were so full of sunshine that it was June all the year round ; others had minds so frost-bitten that there was no hope for you, except in the January thaw. Here was one so anxious to oblige that he would spring to throw a lasso around the moon, if you wished it ; and then another so cross, that putting a question to him was like squeezing a lemon." U_ o c Q =) UJ (u I I 8? O ^4 On the Banks of the Mystic ff Entertainment Committee Wm. C. Wait David H. Brown Charles E. Larkin Rosewell B. Lawrence Benjamin P. Hollis, Chairman. Cleopas Johnson Miss Katherine H. Stone Charles H. Bird Miss Ella L. Burbank Mrs. J. O. Goodwin Miss Lily B. Atherton Mrs. L. L. Dame Miss Agnes W. Lincoln Charles H. Loomis Executive Committee Wm. Cushing Wait, President Will C. Eddy, Secretary Charles H. Loomis, Treasurer R. B. Lawrence Benj. P. Hollis Edward F. Allen W. A. Thompson Miss Helen T. Wild Miss M. E. Sargent Miss Ellen R. Sampson H. B. Nottage Fred. H. Kidder Herman L. Buss Geo. D. Boles Mrs. L. L. Dame House Committee James A. Hervey, Chairman Charles H. Bird John Crowley Joseph H. Wheeler J. Gilman Waite J. Newton Gunn Stage and Properties Charles E. Larkin Music Edward F. Allen Advertising: and Printing: J. P2dson Young W. A. Thomp.son Will C. Eddy R. !'>. Lawrence Geo. W. Stetson Decorations Geo. Fernald Miss Josephine Bruce A. C. Fernald Tickets Charles H. Loomis Geo. O. Foster N. E. Wilber J. Irving Estes F. H. C. Woolley Wm. F. Kingman Charles B. Dunham Press Frederic W. Ford Souvenir Progfram Will C. Eddy W. A. Thompson Mrs. C. H. Loomis J. Alfred Papkee Miss M. E. Sargent Miss C. E. Swift Charles H. Loomis Royall House Committee Mrs. H. B. Nottage Mr. H. B. Nottage Miss M. McL. Eager Mr. Geo. Fernald Mr. A. C. Fernald Mr. Thomas Wright Royall House Reception Committee Monday, Oct. i2i/i Day-time, Mrs. Guild and assistants Evening, Mrs. Gifford as Airs. Royall Tuesday, Oct. \2,tJi Day-time, Mrs. Homer and assistants Evening, Mrs. Gift'ord as Mrs. Royall Wednesday, Oct. ii\th .... Mrs. Holyoke and assistants T/ntrsday, Oct. 15//^ Mrs. Folger and assistants Friday, Oct. \6t/i Mrs. S. Ayer and assistants Saturday, Oct. 17th Mrs. Clara B. Hutchins and assistants Monday, Oct. 19//^ Mrs. Arthur Nelson and assistants Tuesday, Oct. 20th Mrs. J. Newton Gunn and assistants Army Booth In charge of Mrs. George Gill and assistants. Colonial Booth In charge of Miss Emma A. J. Law, assisted by Mrs. W. S. Woodbridge Mrs. Edward W. Hayes Mrs. W. F. Chaplin Mrs. William Leavens Souvenir Booth In charge of Mrs. Charles H. Loomis, assisted by Miss M. E. Sargent Miss E. M. Gill Mrs. H. R. Page Maids of ' ' Ve Olden Tyine " Miss Grace E. Loomis Miss Nellie L. Savary Music: WESTON'S ORCHESTRA Singing behind the scenes by The Ladies Musical Club of Medford. ii On the Banks of the Mystic'' . . . PROGRAM FOR . . . Wednesday Eve. Friday Eve. Monday Eve. Oct. 1 4th Oct. 1 6th Oct. 1 9th J A Lincolnshire Inn, Engfland, 1628 Discussion among the assembled company on the subject of emigrat- ing to America — 17th century May dance. In charge of Mrs. H. B. Nottage and Mrs. C. B. Hutchins Governor Winthrop Mr. William Willson Matthew Cradock Mr. William Macy Governor Dudley Mr. Frank Harvey Bar Maid Miss Mary Gifford ( Dr. R. C. Sargent (T'lti/f^ns - ^ Mr. Manning Burbank May Dance Afay Queen, Miss Marguerite Hutchins Court Jester, Mr. Fletcher Norton Mr. Richard Drake, Miss Marion Drake Mr. Robert Sise, Miss Mabel Blaikie Mr. Lincoln Sise, Miss Maizie Blaikie Mr. Mason, Miss Kleanore Stanwood Mr. Ralph Burbank, Miss Leila O. Dorr Mr. Paul Bacon, Miss Alice Burbank Mr. Marshall, Miss Josie Fernald Mr. Arthur Whittemore, Miss Grace Dorr 2 Indian Scenes a Home Life b Hunt Dance In charge of Gi:o. D. Boles. Two powerful tril)es of Indians held sway in this vicinity when the first settlers came. The Massachusetts, and the I'awtuckets. The Sachem of the Pawtuckets was XiinepasJii-»iit . He came from Lynn in 161 5 and took up his abode on Mystic River. He was killed in 1619. His hut was placed on " Rock Hill " — where he could best watch canoes in the river. Nanepashemit Mr. George D. Boles ( Miss A. Bluffer Squaws-^ ,,. ^, ^ , ( Miss May Lake ( Herman Mills Youno; Braves - t^ . n i " ( Dexter Boles John Bragdon, Wm. Doorly Thomas Curtain, John Fitzgerald Chiefs <( Wm. B. Hellen, Louis Bragdon A. Murrant, Wm. Kidder John Reardon, Joseph Wheeler 3 Tableau Landing of Winthrop " Up the Mistick six miles " 4 Tableau Launching of the bark " Blessing of the Bay" In charge of Mrs. Will C. Eddy, assisted by the Hillside Club 5 Royall House Scenes a Old Slave Quarters b Reception and Ball at Wedding of Elizabeth Royall and Sir Wm. Pepperell In charge of Mrs. Lyman Sise Matrons. Mrs. Lyman Sise Mrs. G. A. Bacon Mrs. N. F. Chandler Mrs. A. B. Moorhouse Mrs. G. W. Crockett Miss Bemis xMiss Harlow Mrs. McKay Mrs. DeLong Couples for the Minuet. Miss Burbank, Mr. Fletcher Norton Miss Mabel Blaikie, Mr. R. W. Sise Miss Leila O. Dorr, Mr. L. F. Sise Miss Hall, Mr. Arthur Whittemore Mrs. D. K. Phemister, Mr. Marshall Mrs. Geo. Batchelder, Mr. Geo. Batchelder For the Reel. Miss Burbank, Mr. Norton Miss L. Dorr, Mr. P. \'. Bacon Miss M. Blaikie, Mr. Sise Miss G. Dorr, ]\Ir. Mason Mrs. C. H. Willson, Mr. Burbank Mrs. C. L. Brown, Mr. Whittemore Miss Whittemore, Mr. Emery Miss Annie Gleason, Mr. Sargent Miss Fernald, Mr. Batchelder 6 The Call "To Arms" a The Village Blacksmith b Tableau — Midnight Ride of Paul Revere c The Old Square — " On to Lexington " X In charge of Frank Hervey and Miss Ellen R. Sampson Blacksmith Dr. J. E. Young Citizens, /''armers. Etc. Edward F. Allen, Miss Helen T. Wild Frank Hervey, Miss Ellen R. Sampson Geo. A. Croudis, Mrs. F. H. Hamilton Willis T. Knowlton, Miss Jennie S. Archibald Fred E. Ayers, Miss Carrie Turner Pun I Revere, C. Ernest Larkin Slaz'es, Clifton Loring and others Patriots li.'/u) answer t/ie call to arms W. F. Westcot A. G. Woodbridge E. H. Fitzgibbon N. F. Glidden, Jr. C. E. Newell W. J. Nottage A. C. Gray H. M. Marvel C. W. McPherson H. R. Corse P. R. Spinney John Hodgson K. Hutchins F. W. Doe C. H. Richart W. L. Locke G. AL Goodale F. G. Kakas J. Nelson Leonard 7 The Flag: Dance In Charge of Mrs. L. L. Dame and Mrs. R. C. Sargent Solo, Margherita Sargent Ruth Dame, .Sidney .Sargent Nina Locke, Winthrop Nottage Ruth Nottage, Norman I'heniister Harriet Gillard, Will Locke Annie Bacon, Bert Marvel Kate Lewis, Kenneth Hutchins l^mily Weeks, Stephen W. GitTord, Jr. A. (lillard, Clarence Bearce /h/ierica ii On the Banks of the Mystic ft , . . PROGRAM FOR . . . Thursday Eve, Saturday Eve, Tuesday Eve. Oct. 1 5th Oct, 1 7th Oct. 20th 1 Indian Scenes a Home Life d Hunt Dance (For characters see previous program) 2 Tableau Landing of Winthrop up the "Mistick River six miles " 3 Tableau Visit of Miles Standish to the Squa Sachem Miles StandisJi Winslow Brewster Standish, of Plymouth 4 Spinningf Scene at the Old Cradock House In charge of Wellington ladies Mrs. Randall Mrs. Cornell Mrs. Fitzhenry Mrs. Bouve Mrs. Day Mrs. Fischacker Miss Wellington Miss Mitchell Misses Murch Miss Nichols 5 Georg-e Washing1;on at the home of Mrs. Fulton Mrs. Fulton was one of those who helped dress the wounds of the soldiers who fought at Bunker Hill, many of the wounded being brought to Medford. She was a true patriot. She once acted as bearer of des- patches from General Brooks to General Washington. Washington honored her with a visit — a new punch bowl had just been obtained and the General was the first person who drank from it. In charge of Mrs. Geo. O. Foster Mrs. Gleason Mrs. Vine Miss White Miss Fuller Miss J. Cornell Mrs. J. O. Goodwin WASHINGTON Mrs. Sarah Fulton John Fulton . Capt. John Brooks Servant . . . Miss Helen T. Wild Mr. Edward D. Brown Mrs. Eli Ayer Mr. Geo. O. Foster Mr. Henry C. Jackson Master Leon Maxwell, Jr Ladies Mrs. A. B. Moorhouse Mrs. W. N. Homer Miss Grace I. Boynton Miss Olive T. Moakler Miss Bessie W. Chipman Miss Nellie Harrington Miss Ellen L. Adams Miss Clara W. Goodwin Mrs. D. N. Howard Mrs. Geo. O. Foster Mrs. B. F. Bullard Miss Edith H. Byron Ge)itlejiie)i Mr. A. B. Moorhouse Mr. C. B. Dunham Mr. C. H. Bird Mr. Jesse W. Dunbar Mr. Harry L. Shaw Mr. Geo. F. Chapin Mr. Walter H. Belcher Mr. D. N. Howard 6 Rustic Gathering: at the Bower in Whortleberry Time — 1800 It was the custom in the early part of the century, for select parties of young people to go to the woods near Pine Hill, and after partaking of the well filled tables, to engage in the dance on the green sward. In charge of Mrs. J. E. Cleaves Mrs. A. Nimmo Mrs. Nellie Thompson CJiapenmes Miss Mable Mclntire Miss Alice Curtis Miss Grace Fuller Miss Mattie Fames Mr. F. H. Loring Mr. G. H. Burpee Mr. Morton M. Holbrook Mr. Leonard Allen In tite Dafice Miss P2dna Manning Miss Lydia Allen Miss Grace Allen Miss Phronsie Marsh Miss Mattie Tarbell Miss Nellie White Miss Grace Ayers Miss Edith Leavens Mr. Ed. Brown Mr. Nelson Leonard Mr. Wm. Henderson Mr. C. W. McPherson Mr. Horace Wight Mr. Dick Whitehead Mr. Wm. Dudley Mr. Chester Taylor 7 Flag Dance (See preceding program) 8 Civil War Scenes a Departure of Troops /; Camp Scene c Return of Troops In charge of R. B. Lawrence, assisted by The Lawrence Light Guard; Sons of Veterans, Camp 54; S. C. Lawrence Post 66, G. A. R. and Woman's Relief Corps, No. 5. The Historical Society hereby extends its grateful acknowledgments to the above named organizations for their services. A>/ierka '' On the Banks of the Mystic '' . . . PROGRAM FOR . . . Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday Matinees at 4.30 I Dancing School of " Ye Olden Tyme ** Chaperone, Mrs. H. 11. Nottage Frank C. Day, Emma R. Day Oliver V. Richmond, Elsie I). Beekman Charles .A. Smith, I /a Hockman Roland E. Usher, Helen W. Moorehouse Edgerton G. Farnsworth, Elsie D. Drake Charles G. Farnsworth, Dora Homer Wm. N. Bissell, Ruth Phinney Chester J. Pike, Miriam Phinney Edwin H. Cleaves, Florence Gifford James H. Cleaves, Ellis Phinney Minuet Reel Old Time Song 2 Flagfs of Nations In charge of Miss Rita Smith a Italy, — Ruth Kidder b Turkey, — Glendon Farnsworth c Germany, — Bernice Randall d The Tyrol, — StaiYord Hammond e Russia, — Kate Kidder /' China, — Ralph Hayes g American Indian, — Franklin Morrison // America, — Louise Pike 3 A Quilting Party a The Quilting /; The Reel In charge of Mrs. C. L. Rockwell and Mrs. Elmer Chapin Soloist, Miss Clara Goodwin Florence Ayers, George Burpee Genevieve Forrest, John Chipman Mary Jackson, Kenneth Hutchins Sadie Gray, Roger Johnson Flossie Potter, Nat Leonard Phronsie P. Marsh, Leon R. Maxwell Elrita Remick, W. Chester Rockwell Martha T. Tarbell, Ralph Sawyer Corinne Warren, Warren Scrannage 4 A Sailor Dance In charge of Miss Adelaide S. Herriott Blanche Thompson, Sherburne Prescott Leita Hersey, George Scott Nellie Brown, Roswell Sampson Nettie Dunn, Dexter Boles Helen Reed, Theodore W. Norcross Fannie Wiggin, Ollie Roberts Ethel Hersey, Ralph Hayes, Hattie Roberts, Stalibrd Hammond b Song, " Our Dear Country " c Tableau, Auld Lang Syne THE OLD TOWN PUMP. THE JONATHAN WATSON HOUSE — 1750. Washington Was Enteitaintd at Brookfaet in This House by General Brool' Gunn, J. Newton Green, Charles M. Hall, George S. Hall, Horace D. Hallowell, N. P. Harlow, Catherine E. Hatch, Frank E. Hayes, Edward W. Hervey, James A. Hollis, Benj. P. Howard, Daniel N. Hodges, Gilbert Hinckley, Ella S. Hillman, Charles H. Jacobs, Charles W. Joyce, Allston P. Jones, James E. Jones, .\my W. Johnson, Cleopas Kakas, E. F. Kidder, Fred. H. Kincman, William F. Law, Asa *Lawrence, Rosewell B. Lawrence, Hon. Samuel C. Lawrence, Mrs. Carrie R. I.oomis, Charles H. Loomis, Mrs. ^L^ry B. Litchfield, Parker R. Lincoln, Agnes W. Leary, Mrs. T. F. Lovering, Lewis H. Lovering, F. H. Leonard, Benj. C. Larkin, Charles E. Langell, Everard ♦Life member. Martin, William P. Morrison, Benj. F. Means, George B. Moore, Ernest B. Maxwell, William R. Macomber, W. M. Montague, F. W. Miller, J. C, Jr. Mansfield, D. G. Morss, C. H. Nottage, Henry B. Nye, Charles E. Ober, J. E. Oldfield, John Parker, Charles 11. Peak, Irvin E. Papkee, J. Alfred Page, Mrs. Annie M. Randall, Edward S. Richmond, George F. Russell, Mrs. Cora L. Swan, Charles H. Swift, Caroline E. Stone, Katherine H. Sampson, Ellen R. Stetson, George W. Sargent, Mary E. Thompson, William A. Wait, William Cushinu Wait, Hettie F. Wait, Sarah H. Wait, Francis H. Wade, Mrs. E. P. Wade, John F. Wilbcr, Nahum E. Wilber, Mortimer E. Wild, Helen T. Woolley, Fred H. C. Woolley, Winslow W. Withinglon, Henry Wheeler, Joseph H. Wright, Waller C. Whittle, D. A. Young, J. Edson FRANCIS HOUSE. Birthplace of Lydia Maria (Francis) Child, Feb. I I, 1802. Home of The Medford Historical Society, 1896. Committees of the Historical Society Membership WiLLi.\M C. Wait. Benj. F. Morkisox. Henky B. Nott..\ge. Mrs. Abby D. Brown. Miss F. E. Bemis. Publication R. B. Lawrence. W. C. Wait. Mrs. L. G. DeLong. Miss Eliza M. Gill. Papers and Addresses David H. Brown. G. E. Daventort. James A. Hervey. John Ward Dean. Historical Sites L. L. Dame. W. P. Martin. Miss E. L. Buri-.ank. Will C. Eddy. Genealogy Allston p. Joyce. Miss E. A. Black. Miss E. S. Hinckley. Charles E. Larkin. J. Newton Gunn. Heraldry Benj. P. Mollis. J. Edson Young. F. H. C. Wooli.ey. Charles B. Dunham. William F. Kingman. Library and Collections Miss Mary E. Sargent. J. H. Wheeler. Henry Brooks. Miss Katherine H. Stone. Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. HON. SAMUEL C. LAWRENCE. First Mayor of Medford, 1893 and 1894. The City Charter was Adopted by the Citizens in October, 1892. City Government Organized Jan. 2, 1093. 1 ^1? s '^ "f ^ a' ■- ■'"^ ^ .,„S^ j;ifi*^' ■:>'«?:■*? ^'-^^^ RESIDENCE OF MR. HARRY DUTTON, FOREST ST. l^lf EUFORD was called a pecitliar town because the major part / 1 of its territory was owned by one man, and he a resident of London. Ballots in early times were corn and beans. Corn, j'tv/,- beans, nay. The first Post Ofiice in Medford was established in 1797. Lafayette came to Aledford Aug. 28, 1824. Tufts College was opened for tlie admission of students in August, 1855. To Medford belongs the introduction of the celebrated Baldwin apple. Medford was the first town in the United States to rescue a fugi- tive slave. Medford was one of the first towns in the state to establish a high school and a public library, and it has ever maintained its place among the foremost for the liberality of its expenditures for the cause of public education. You are cordially invited to become a member of the MEDFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Houghton ^ & Dutton^ Cremoiit anb 36cacon Streets, . . . Importers and Retailers of . . . Dry and Fancy Goods, Cloaks, Silks and Underwear. Upholstery, Fabrics, Lace Curtains, rurniture, Carpets, Rugs, Pictures, Groceries, Proprietary Medicines, China, Glass, Silver and Crockery Ware of all Kinds. Kitchen Goods of All Descriptions. Low Prices. Prompt Delivery. Courteous Treatment. ■flDouobton ^ IDutton, Tremont and Heacon Streets, - - . Boston. Pinkham Press, Boston. Mats The Seal of the Society consists of a Shield and Crest within a circle, on the border of -which is the legend, ^'Mcdford Historical Society." On the upper half of the Shield is a Sheaf of "Wheat, that being a part of the arms of the Royall Family. On the lower half is the Seal of Medford — a Ship on the Stocks. The Crest, a Muzzled Bear, is the Crest of the Cradock Family. In the exergue appears the motto, "Venerate the Historic.'" UC SOUTHERN AA OC