>m wwwm '>™- irr ™?*» r ~ ■ H KAINH AIA6HKH, THE NEW TESTAMENT. CONSISTING OP THE GREEK TEXT OF SCHOLZ, WITH THE READINGS, BOTH TEXTUAL AND MARGINAL, OF GRIESBACH ; AND THE VARIATIONS OF THE EDITIONS OF STEPHENS, 1550; BEZA, 1598; AND THE ELZEVIR, 1633: WITH Qty CFngUsf) -autforiseU Version, AND ITS MARGINAL RENDERINGS. LONDON: SAMUEL BAGSTER AND SONS, AT THE WAREHOUSE FOR BIBLES, NEW TESTAMENTS, PRATER BOOSS, rSALTERS AND CONCORDANCES, IN ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES; £4btui>£ &> — d^u^v?^ T BAGSTER'S CRITICAL NEW TESTAMENT. GREEK AND ENGLISH. 'Z ADVERTISEMENT. This Edition of the New Testament Scriptures consists of: — I. The Greek Text of Dr.M. A. Scholz {Leipsic, 1830-6): but carefully purged from the typographical inac- curacies found in that edition. II. Every variation between Scholz's Text and that of Griesbach's Manual ( Leipsic, 1805); together with all those readings, of the value of which Griesbach ex- presses any judgment. III. The variations of the Text of the Third Edition of Stephens (folio, 1550). The Text of this edition was followed by Dr. Mill, and is usually reprinted in England. IV. The variations ol the Text of Beza's Fifth Edition (1598). From which the Authorised English Translation is said to have been made: it is evident, however, that other editions were likewise consulted. V. The variations of the Second of the Elzevir Editions (Let/den, 1633). VI. The English Authorised Version, according to the Edition of 1611 (the Italic words of which have been carefully followed) with the whole of the mar- ginal renderings. VII. The Paragraphs into which the Greek Text is divided, have been regulated, in doubtful cases, by the di- visions of Bengel ; whose arrangement is adopted by Bishop Lloyd, in his edition of the Greek Testament. 65 ms to ABBREVIATIONS. Rec. Signifies that the Texts of Stephens, Beza, and the Elzevir edition agree with the reading to which it is prefixed. If these differ amongst themselves, they are cited thus : St. — Bz. — Elz. Om. omittit or omittunt. Add. addit or aMunt. SIGNS. Used by Griesbach as expressive of his judgment of the Value of the different Readings. 3 Indicates a probable omission. Griesbach did not, however, remove such from the Text. _♦ Indicates a less probable omission. or ~, one or other of these signs commences the note ; and the reading in which Griesbach and the common text coincide follows after with the proper abbreviation prefixed. Matt: ix. 5. rj elrreiv, ^'Eyeipe" kcu 7repiTTUTei ; i (^. — Rec. & Gb. Eyetpat. That is— Scholz's Text agrees with what Griesbach in his margin marks **-, and Rec. and Gb. give "Eyetpat. r 11 KAINH AIA0HKH. ,&£&- ■ KATA MAT6AI0N. 0£ : : KESAAAION a'. CHAPTER I. . \ L &*. ■niBAOS yeveaecos 'Iijtrov X P «TToi, 'THE BOOK of tto ge- C&* *■ ' >7 ^*T~/ '_ L . ^ JD < ~ a a *•*" ' ->a» ' J-neration of Jesus Christ, /. ff^ lfj*e> v ->•*.--"-■ ' , / ~ ww a AaviS , tuou A/3paap. ^ the son of David , the son of 'l^ A ^ 1 /.il <~ ^ '" 2 'A/3paap eyevvnae tov 'io-aaV Abraham. ;,/A . 'io-aaK 8e eyevvnae tov 'Iaica>/3 - 'IaKO)/3 > p v , -,' t M '^ tvt &/■ ■■ beeyiv^eT^loibav^TO^aSeX- J ^^^ob^ VV^^^r^. ^ fpous avrof d Iouoay be eyevvnae tov Jacob begat Judas and his : » <- A/> ^i/,c, /*Z. W? ml rov Zapa e< r^y 0apap- brethren. » And Judas begat vt ,g , ***« \ , . . r v «,< . < v >t- I '-c * Phares and Zara of 'lhamar, /£<.:>- -oV • " '< $*.. ^apes be eyevvnae tov Ecrpcop Ecrpcop and p hares begat Esronlf ^ .■■/,*,.,<, < "- ' » 'a » 'fl. 'a ...„%>.» X2 4 And Aram begat Amina- 7 ' r» '\ '. /t A*/- "■**■■ eyevvnae tov Apivabafi A/uvadaP be ^ am , Amin | dab begat V *-f~* y- '"^Llfc eyevvnae tov Naaoxraw* Naaaacov Se Naasson, and Naasson begat * - / jp ' " fy^. r6„ ttffr. ( 5 1*1* 8e SaW . AgWhjjj beg* *!*£*£{, eyevvrjo-e tov BooC eK ttjs Paxap- Boo£ begat obed of Ruth, and * , , •• P ^gj *Sf *+** ~JnaX**A be eyevvno-e tov 'Q/3nS ex lijs 'Povd' Obed begat Jesse * And ' '' ■• 'f^Tj^L Tr* . nQ / sr '> - T »T f. 6>T,„ Jesse begat David the kins, ^*^ V/ , // * , , «^-« ~~« •• • crat be eyevvno-e tov Aaut8 tov /3acnXea. tft^ ,^„t -*,>■.-■■ '£** ~~" ^ ^ Aavi8 8e 6 ^acriXeuy eyevvncre tov and David the king ■'•■ ,«'■ : , /''^ ' -'^"' ^/i^Lx' : '&<-*<■( r po>v be eyevvno-e tov Po/3oap - Poj3oa,u 7 And Solomon begat Ro- c , . -*~> / C£JUr*!L-' 1 be eyevvno-e tov 'Aj3ia' 'Aj3ia Sc e'veV toam, and Roboam begat '. ( . , 'A '. 8>A > *» » ' > Abia » and Abla be § at ASa> ', , ,/,/ /iJ &9 ' '*-■ vno-e tov Ao-a- Aaa be eyevvno-e tov 8 And Asa begat j 0S aphat, '*£*■? J J "& . /jtrALS £^£^* */ Jz /&~JL. W , J* N *3T?^"' J ° ram " gat ° zias * ' ' ' ' !, ^° . fy 6W1 ? 0T ,™!' Ic °"^ ^ 3 And Ozias begat Joatham, fc- £Vt ^^ ( Dap 8e eyevvnae tov A^af' A^a^" 8e and Joatham begat Achaz, , r^Ltci?-*™- / *"V" -^ tS< *^" ryewijcre rw 'EfeioaV 10 'Ef««is 8e ««J , Achaz begat Eiekias. j > J^4 /, ' « ,„ - »» ~ s.< 1U And Ezekias begat Manas- , .- . . tui^ lai'acrcrns' oe roo mj i 9I »c hpsrat /i-fc— **, -«= ^/. T ' i/t^x. a ^ ^ w ,. -: - ±/£ J~ IX) - - : ■ eyevvnae tov Mavao-(Tn- Mavaao-ns be seSj and Manasses begat "a^~^».^ e~^V J- '^ j, l/ f^ a eyevvno-e tov 'Apa>i>- 'Apav be eyevvno-e Amon, and Amon begat ,^_~ . "^? i. , ^^ Matt. I. 11. 2 EYAITEAION ft T^s 7 ' ' Josias. 11 And "Josias begat toi/ 'ioxriW n 'icocrlas Be e'yewrjo-e top Ut~ ' l * «■• i Jechonias and his brethren, 'l evo „i' a „ Ka i row d8e\d)ous avrov, eVt '■ about the time they wer %;:* T0 ,„ f(n ' ac BuBvX&vos. earned away to Babylon. t^ peToiKecrias oapvAwvos. 12 Mera Oe Tip pjroiKeo-iav Bo[3bA.w- " n And after they were „ 0? 'l^oi/ias eyevvrjae rbv 2a\a6ir)\- brought to Babylon, Jecho.- „ ,' /> j, . - ' « ~„ o'o\. [ "' nias begat Salathiel, ancTSa- SaXaftijX Se eye^fe tw ZopofSafcX t ,r. , lathiel begat Zorobabel. '3 And 13 Zopo/3d/3eX Oe eyivvrjere rov hpiovO' ;.. Zorobabel begat Abiud and . A/3t > 5 ^ '^^ T0V 'EXiaKeip' Abmd begat hhakim, and Eli- ^ k »«'» / < '*>' . akim begat Azor. '* And Azor EXiciKeip. Se eyevvrjo-e toi> Afcop begat Sadoc, and Sadoc be- 14 'Afiup Se eyivvnere rov lahanC 2a8w/< . , , gat Achim, and Achim begat 5,, , / r ', >. / . >. \ v > ; Eliud. >* And Kliud begat lite- & eyewijtre toi> Avn^ A X «(* 8e eyei/- azar, and Eleazar begat Mat- pr/cre TtVEXiouS' 'EXiouS Se eyevvrjae than and ' Matthan begat , 'EXedfap- 'EXedfap Se eyeWr/o-e ^, "ydacob. 10 And Jacob begat s> r » f , , / ', ' ' ' , ***° Joseph the husband of Mary, rov MardaV Mardav de eyevvrjo-e rov , of whom was born Jesus, ' IaK< J,fl. 16 'Ia*^ fe tyewnac riv 'Ioj- who is called Christ. , , , ,/ » ' , ' .AT > 'a (TtjCp rov uvOpa Maptas, e§ rjs eyewncVr; 'ltjaovs 6 Xeyopevos Xpio-ros. " v " ' " So all the generations from 17 LTdo-ai ouv at yei/f at aTro 'A/3padp . v . ^-j^ o \ - I , , ■ - away into Babylon unto Christ, Tt]s peroLKeaias BafivXcovos em rov ' *r~5 itJ *r are fourteen generations. XpiaTOV, yeveai deKaTeaaapes. fit. m Now the birth of Jesus 18 ToO be a 'Lj(roC* Xptorou 17 b ye»- . ~^*-n kr< - - es* ■■'•■ Christ was on this wise • When « " » /1 ' < ~ . . -' - as hfs mother M^ry was «" ^^< °^, WS ?"■ 1™)™^^ yap TTJS ■ . , , ( ... , , *A , - > " poused to Joseph (before they prjrpos avrov Mapias tco laiarjCp, irpiv • .,..., : came together) she was found « o- vve \0 f ' LV avrovs, evpe6r) ev yatrrpi - ' -with child of the Holy Ghost. / , , « ' 19 »t v ^, • -■ ■■< . • f -• ^U ? f a - u - < yVi Then Joseph her husband exovaa en Uvevparos ayiov. i.Q>o-r]

. . .. . c %^ - v being a just man, and not will- ge q avyp avrrjs, dUaios &i> Kai prj 6e- * ^ ' '. - P&V&& TEg&WiEfiraSS X«„ a^, f .apaSetypar.Va.'; ,'/3ou- /J'/A" ' '' ' *' , / t ^V' L yiway privily. *> But while he XtjOtj \a6pa aTToXvaai aurr/y. ^ ravra £1kA., to ■ " • / .. 'thought on th«« things, behold, ^ airo - e V65w7^Woc, l8ov, t'iyyeXos TO 1-^. f\A "*. 1A~ (2* *^-" ^—- ■ ''' ivlfl hi her, is of the Holy ydp ev aiiT?) yevvr)6ev e\ SlvevpaTos •*~4*Jl ■ ' •' '? h, ,f- '■" A"d she shall bring eVrw dvwu. ' 21 re'^rai 8e uiAv, /cat Ka- , / 1 c / / forth a son, and thou shalt call ' , ' , ., b , , ,, !. , , ' ,- / '- his name JKSUS: for he shall Xecret? to ovopa avrov Irjo-ovv' avros '. '- ' save his people from their sins. y ^ p ^^ T0J/ \ aov airoi anb TWV ■' (Now all this was done, that ', r „ , - 00 /rT1 - »< -•. > ■ ' ' - l " it might be fulfilled which was apapTMV avrcov. "' (Towo oe oAovye- spoken of the Lord by the -yoi/ei>, iva irktipaOti to prjdev vtto d Toil 1 ■■ ■• ., ,r 1 1 Z—l L! * ■ ~C %f'.\ * V * V - ■ '■ t -i a -* b oo.—Gh, y f ,. tffl? . e no ttiy^anaai. d -► a ■'■>' ■■"■ read, Josias bvgat J->. Lnii, and Jukim begat Jecbouias. KATA MATGAION. 3 Matt. II. 10. Kvplov dia tov 7rpo' A ' '' 23 'low, n napdevos ev yacrrpi etei Kai v ' r 8jn shall be with child, and &-/■ A «•■ > t ■«»•*. x ' // i * shaU bnn S f o«h a son, and , - . .. . • ' Te^erai viuv, Kai a KaXeo-ovat to dvopa * they shall call his name Em- avroi 'EupavovnX, 6 e'crrt uedepuri- manuel, which being inter- ' ii t A • - ' a. > \ h s> preted,is,Godwithus.) a «Then vevopevov,Me6 ^oGtos.) ^duytp- Joseph, being raised from sleep, oets oe 6 la>arj(p and tov vnvov enoirjo'ev did as the angel of the Lord cos Tvpoo-iTahv airco 6 ayyeXos Kvp'ioV had bidden him, and took unto , r - x ,J , ■ , ' ' c . & » hlra his wife : *> and knew (cat -irapeAape ttjv yvvaiKa avrov, *° /cat her not, till she had brought ovk eyiviocrKev avrfiv eccs ov trace t6v forth ner firs tborn son, and he ci ( - , '/ v . , x called his name JESUS. / vlov uvttjs tov npcoTOTOKov Kai eKaXeae to ovopa avroi 'irjcrovv. - ^/, - A ' £JUxj£u~* *< &~ rL'^ 2. ToC 8e W y^m eV B,*. .^h^o/S^X f^^ £ ** ^ I Xeep, ttjs lovbciicis, ev -qpepais HpcoOov days of Herod the king, behold, &, «V> < t <^" AtJtei^~-*>^ jCT*^ tov pacriXecos, :§ov, adyoi arrb dvaroXccv there cam ? wise men from the « * * .- '. .-, «£• ^^_ -^ ^/; x? . •> t-J l_rs 2\' east t0 Jerusalem, * saying, / _,• 7 -v T/j 3 X< -e--^L^- HIa-A^x. / / ^ t« • ^ ^ : r "^' c ' L > a » *t /\ > all Jerusalem with him. 4 And / .• ' ^ ^ if S.^ -, v-t^, «.. eTapax&Tj, /cat Tracra lepoaoXvpa per when he had gathered all the • •" /V "V " 4 ^ ' ^ ( Cl ^ /^o ^ avToii' 4 /cat awayaywi/ 7rdj/ray roic c h 'ef priests and scribes of the /.*- '" -~f- Jfyi?" /~" ' , , / /£ OaveTO irap avToyu, irov 6 XpiaTos yev- be born. 5 And they said unto ?l^,x i, /-> / •* — -'. <~ varai. 5 oi Se eiVoi/ a^TcS" 'Ev Brjc^Affa him ' ' n Beth ! ehem of J " d8e ? : J~ ^ *r ^ - 1 ' '"f 7 - » T j, , « , ' , ' ^ for thus it is written by the . ' / ' ' y ■ TTji iovbaias' ovrco yap yeypanrai 8ia prophet; « And thou Bethlehem k-.TVl/oLy. V *-*-^- •,*" - tov npoch^TOV, 6 Kate™, Bri6\eeu, vn jn the land of Juda, art not the ^ r * '' ! ' '" ■'*^ ^, ;"-,.,/ >t '^ >i ' >x / *t . r ' '-' least among the princes of Juda: c &^ _ a~y apr<^**A^**?~v ^ lovba, ovbapcos eXaxio-Tt) ei ev tois for out of 6 thee F sha ii come a Y ■* «««• "^ " £/ ' ^i rjyepocriv lovSa" en o~ov yap e'^eXevaerai Governor, that shall rule my /A^x^k:/) , V^V° "" 1 tyovpevos, oo-tis TTOiuavel TovXaov uov people IsraeL Y( ' S 7 V '' L ? T- ^^V ( 't 'X w~^ ^-^ ~« f ic*:'Qv ' i-f 1 ^- i ■j f <,i - s. ^ '/i n » , 7 Then Herod, when he had , t, ,-«»Mttf (: ^/^ <". > lore Hpcotijs, hadpa KaAeaasTOVs privily called the wise men, ^ & ( i W x^ti^-. AK/. •?> /idyovy, tjKpiPcoo-eTrap'avTuvTovxpovov er «l« ire d °f them diligently ^ ^ /• '^ '^^ ^,^ v^/^,.« f?^>; _„- j ' » a \ ' i what time the star appeared: , S,, ^ #^ /^f tow ' > r - a •! / , ' , n also. 9 When they had heard aKova-avres^ tov j^ao-iAeas enopevdr](TaV the king, they departed, and Kai idov, 6 dorrrjp, 6v eidov ev rrj dvaroXfj, 1°> the star which they saw in mnm«u/.,V/„', n ;.,. J4ZU !>•"' "> '' the east, went before them, till v^€vavToys,tasc\6 > - » into the house, they saw the biov pera Mapias r^s p^rpor avrou, (cat young child with Mary his mo- jreo-ovTes TrpocreKVvqcrav avTto, Kai ai>oi- S^hta^J&IhS ^v T es d. ty^pok ^ ^- had opened their treasures, they veyKav avT parted, behold, the angel of '/ ,r ,r r i the Lord appeareth to Joseph l(x>s ai/ etrrco and be thou there until I bring crol' peXXei yap 'HpaSrjs ^r/reiv to ixai- theeword: for Herod will seek g. ro {) faoXttrai avro. " 'O fie eW the young child, to destroy him. . v ' ~ Q > *, v> '/ >•> When he arose, he took the 6eis napeXape to Traioiov Kai tj)v prjTepa young child and his mother by a {j T0 £, VVKT bs, Kai dveyapno-ev els A'iyv- night, and departed into Egypt : ,- ,' T , *"■„'' „ .. is and was there until the death "Ktov, Kai r\v e/cei ea) a that he was mocked of the f ' T ? re HpwSijs, tduv otL ewmuxftj wise men, was exceeding wroth, vnb TO)i> p-dycov, e'6vpu>6r] Xiav, Kai ano- and sent forth, and slew all the ^frag dvelXe ndvras tovs Tra'iSas tovs children that were in Bethle- , . , v , - f i > ~ hem, & in all the coasts thereof, evBrjuXeep. Kai ev nao-irois opiois avrqs, from two years old and under, fab dierovs Kai KaTaTepco, Kara top according to the time, which he , « » , a \ i /? ... _ .^A /,../;. had diligently enquired of the Xpovov ovTjKpi^o-e napa ruvjwyav. „, /■ / > f'A lb wise men. I7 Then was fulfilled '' Tore eTrknpcodri to pndev c vtto Ifpe- /<< Sjo, 4> J&tfctJ-t"*- fl" was there a voice heard, lamen- ev Papa rjKOVO-pr], dprjvos Kai KAav&pos Ai /%B^~TXL> ^ ■' . • ,, £/-*~A <•//«*/ tation, and weeping, and great Ka \ ^hvpabs ttoXvs, 'PavnX KAaiovaa to. f^f~*'^" .. j»f mourning, Rachel weeping for , r f - v > ,,n \ \ -frj^. s,l. CuJUi> o* C<'- ■ her children, and would not be reKva avTrjs' Kai ovk rjdeke TrapaKAi]- comforted.because they are not. Qrjvai, OTl OVK elo~i. i 9 But when Herod was dead. 19 m \ ' !^ v ~ c tt '* behold, an angel of the Lord , JeXewnjowrw 8e jov HpcoSov, . , *• "< -a 4 ... appeareth in a dream to Joseph iSou, ayyekos Kvpiov KaT bvap (baivfTai *"■ ' V ^^in Egypt, m saying Arise and rc5 .jjjfo fr AZy^rr*,, W KyJ'Eycp- take the young child and his -,S A, q ' 4» > » ' mother, and go into the land of ""S 1 napaXape to Traibiov Kai ttjv ptjTtpa Israel: for they are dead which avTOv, Kalnopevov els yfjv'laparjX- Te6- a Rec. tvpov. b -♦. c t v i,a. d ZX- ° Or. offered. KATA MATGAION. 5 Matt. III. 10. vijKacri yap 01 fyrovvres rrjv T^i^r/i/ rov sought the young child's life. ncudiov. - 1 'O 8e eyepOels irapeXafie to " And h 1 e , arose - a ? d took -, the ., N v ' > ~ » »\ /i young child and his mother, TTCublov Kai ttjv prjrepa aurov, Kai TjkOev and came into the land of 1s- eis yhv 'lo-pariX. w aKOvaas 8e on 'Ap- rae l. "But when he heard that />/ a \ ' a. > "' - »r * ' Archelaus did reign in Judaea X eXaos (daaiXevei a «n Tiys lovbiuas in the room of his father Herod, dvrl 'Hpd)8ov rov irarpbs avrov, eCpo- he was afraid to go thither: not- ^ M M0.br pnturrureeU 8e kut c^tat^t^^ ovap,avex , -=fa &U^^j-<~, ■' Xaias, '^Kcn eX6w KaraKnaev els iroXw he came and dwelt in a city &*•******««/€, "%' .--7^ <■ .. \ kt /• ' . « -4 d~ i called Nazareth, that it might A -' &ei~* A '~ ' % Z*~>* Aeyo/*«^i/ Nafaper* OTTcoff^ 7TA»;pa)07 to be fulfilled which was spoken ^ f 1 <"<-\' pr)8ei> 81a rv, on Nafapalos b y th e prophets, He shall be "(' .* { , * ' . KKrjeiio-tTM. called a Nazarene. 10 Q .^^^Urt^/L^ -v <«. 3. 'Ei/ b be" rais rjpepais eKeivais 3. In those days came John \"^- fc x&^* & ' - l<^, 1 't ' s a ! the Baptist, preaching in the „ ■napayiverai loaves o /WioTijr ,107- wi i dera ess of Jud*a, ' and say- ( ^ a ^ ^, , A f ■ /-* ■■ , ■>•-' pvacraiv iv rij eprjpo} rrjs lovoaias, Kai ing, Repent ye : for the kingdom > 1-^ /_ ' K '^ /-• • AeW M6Tai/oeIre- rjyyiKe yap f) /3a- of heaven is at hand. 3 For Z^Z^Z^, '■ ' / , _ , „ '/' , l^r > this is he that was spoken of by •'■ ■ -■■ u * -c^ L< .(■■ prtAe ia tcji/ oupavcqi'. " Oi/toc -yap eorii/ the prophet Esaias, saying, The — *-■•• ... A ■ ■- ' "'" ' " 6 pndels c OTo" 'Hcraibv ToG TrpocbrjTOV, "oice of one crying in the wil- \ > . j-. ■ \ a - '_=>'. derness, Prepare ye the way of Xeyovros $ Oepparivrjv and his meat was locusts and nepl ttjv 6a(f)vu avrov' rj 8e Tpofpij avrov wild honey. i\v aKpl8es Ka\ pe At aypiov. 5 ToTe e'^ewopevero npos avrov 'lepo- s Then went out to him Je- o-o'Avua Kai naaa I, 'lov8aia Kai ira , lop8avr)vnavTOV,e£op.o- Jordan, confessing their sins. Aoyoi/pei/oi ras dpaprlas avrcov. ' I8a>v _ „ , fie ttoXXovs ru>v Qapio-aimv Ka\ 2a88ov- T But when he saw many of the >■ c( „ °?y *, .^/^ / e^. A~. V &-ri&-*> ' ' -"O « «' " <■ Pharisees and Sadducees come ^^'«— ^^ tov, emev avrois' Yevvr)para exi8van>, them, O generation of vipers, ris \me8eitev vplv (bvyelv dn6 Tils ueX- who hath warned you to flee •v/ > „ a ' Tti \ from V wrath to come ? "bring Xovo-tjS opytjs ; 'iroiTjcraTe ovv ^ Kapirov forth therefore fruits « meet for afjtov" rrjs peravo'ias' 9 /cat pr) 86^rjre repentance. 3 And think not to yyeivev eavrois, Uarepa e X ope V rbv SSS^SKrSl Appaap,' Aeyco yap vpii', ort 8vvarai o say unto you, that God is able 6eos eV ruv Xi6a>v tovtcov eyelpai rUva ° f these ston ff ,0 u raise u ,? chil ; - ' a a 1 10 «^ ».< » »* c >>/ dren unto Abraham. I0 And Ta> Appaap. t)6t] be Kai rj a£ivrj now a i so the ax is laid unto the Trpoy ttjv pl^av tu>v 8ev8pa>i> Kelrai" irdv root of the trees : therefore -* t^j fl ( a. d R ec , Kapxovs a£*ouy. e -> a Or, answerable to amendment of lifn. Matt. III. 11. 6 EYAITEAION every tree which bringeth not ovv bevbpov prj ttolovv Kapirov Ka\b> forth good fruit, is hewn down, ^KOTrrerai, Kai els tvvp (SakXerat. u tya) and cast into the fire. " I in- , ,. ' r _ , „v , , ' deed baptize you with water pev pa7rri(a> vpasev vban eis peravoiav' unto repentance: but he that q § e o7r[cra> pov epxdpevos icr^vpoVfodc Cometh after me, is mightier > , t > » i * ! > ' s ' than 1, who.e shoes I am not /*°" ™™, ° v 0VK «F \ Ka ™ s ™ f V worthy to bear, he shall baptize para ^acrrdaai' airbs vpcis fiairno-ei ev you with the Holy Ghost, and Uveiuan dyio)* Kalnvpi". 12 ov to tttvov with fire. !J W hose fan is in his , ~ ( », \ « . , hand, and he will throughly ev rrj X* l P l a ^ T0V i Kcu biaKaUapiei tt)v purge his floor, and gather his fiXaiva avrov, Kai crvvdtjei tov vItov wheat into the garner: but h , ~„ ■> » .3 ■ n> > forbad him, saying, I have need Itcavvqv, rov pcnrrio-orjvcu vtt avrov. to be baptized of thee and 14 £ ^ 'ladvvns die KuXvev avrov, Xeyav' comest thou to me? "> and >,_, „ / * r K -a /\~ Jesus answering, said unto him, E >"» XPf lav f X°} V7T0 °"? u , panTlo-dqvai, Suffer it to be so now : for thus Kai o~v epXJ] npos pe ; lo ' AiroKpidels fie it becometh us to fulfil all right- r > T '? > ' ' . "aw, "~ .. //o ,;„. . vl^ / . eousuess. Then he suffered olrjaovs eme npos avrov Acpec aprf , "£/> ^ Lu " /" ****{ him. ib And Jesus, when he ovra yap irpervov ioriv hpiv irX-npwaai *t^< 1 uu. hJL. e^fe ' t ' 'A' ' ' r *£-<*> '*■?, <■*>'•»* p~ <*£*. VctUy ZZ oufof th^water and lo 7ra0 " C "' ^ Kal0 <™vr)V. To " a^aiv avrov. . , < bim, and he saw the fepirit of a7T0 T0V vfiaros" Kai tdov, aveavdno-av -*-—'• * -— '^ , God descending like a dove, . - c » v v t^ , 'X 1 ' and lighting upon him. » And nur ^ °' Oi/povot, KOt ftfie To nwi/jw TOV lo, a voice from heaven, saying, GeoO Karaficiivov coael Trepio-repav, Kai This is my beloved Son, in e > py .S„ fvov e V ai/TO^. 17 Kai iSoi, d)o)i»n whom I am well pleased. ,' A . , - N / *»» » » ' ck rwv ovpavccv Aeyovaa' Ovros eariv o vlos p.ov 6 dyaTvrjTos, ev a> evdoKiycra. 4. Then was Jesus led up of 4. ToYe 6 'Ir/croy? avfjxOr] eh ttjv the spirit into the wilderness, to eprjuov imo rov TJvevparos, Treipaadrivai be tempted of the devil. 2 And r ' •> * o /\ 2 * ' ' ' when he had fasted forty days v ™ T0V SiaPoXov. Kai vr)0-Tevo-as f]pe- / r. and forty nights, he was after- pas reaaapaKOvra kol WKras reaaapd- J.T.-. v .x;w-7- -IL /,^<-. *-*y^*Cy^ ward an hungred. 3 And when ^(rrepov eirelvaae. 3 Kai rrpoa- ■r "' • r-toornL r Us&Y v avra netpaQcov enreV Et vios , r&<. ^ ■ ' command that these stones be J TO y e e0 v, elne, "tva 01 \ldoi olroi made bread. 4 But he answered, ,1 , 4 >!->&< > a* ' . and said, It is written, Man a PJ 01 ytvavrai. ^ O be anoxpitieis eine shall not live by bread alone, reypaTrTat* Ovk err (iprco povco ^rjcrerai cee^el Z?J the mtthTf ff"/*^ ^ " ^ l '' *^/W«" God. eKnopevopevo) fiict aroparos Qeov. s Then the devil taketh him s T j T6 7ra p a X a uj3ai'et at-Tov 6 fiia^o- up into the holy city, and set- , > , JT / ~ «» \ e « * teth him on a pinnacle of the Ao ? f 'S ^i/ ayiav nohiv, Kai io~rr)o-iv temple, 6 and saith unto him, avrov hri to irrepvyiov rov iepov, 6 Ka\ •» — » D -♦ c co add o. d r«w ty, • rv •o-rijffCf, KATA MAT0AION. 7 Matt. IV. 19. Xe'yet avrat' Ei vlbs ei tov Qeov, $aXe If thou be the Son of God, cast aeavrov Kortf ytypanrai yap- "On ft*** «n:for it is written, " , J c * L'V n - v - He shall give his angels charge rote ayyeAoi9 at/rou evreAeirat Trept o~ov, concerning thee, and in their Kai em veipaiv apodal a < 'Sj -i'Itt a. lest al an y time thou dash thy Kofrjs npos AiVov tov iroba aov. Lcprj foot against a stone _ ; Jesus avra> 6 'lrjaovs' IlaAiv yeypanrai' Ovk said unto him, It is written eWeipdcreic Kvptov tov Qeov aov % ^ S'th? Go^' 1 ^ temP ' ^ 8 ILdXtv napdkapfiavei axiTOV 6 Bid- 8 Again the devil taketh him BoAos els opos v\l/riXbv Xlav, Kai BeU- up into an exceeding high moun- ~ > - « \ o -v ' - tain, and sheweth him all the vvaiv avr<0 naaas tus pao-iAetas rov kingdoms of the world, and the Koaaov Kai Triv Botav avTUV, 9 Kai Xe- glory of them: 9 and saith unto i -. rr> " ' £ '. ,'A... nim . All these things will 1 yet avTcp Tavra iravra aoi dowra, jav givethce< if thou wilt " fan dmvn fffaoov irpoaKWijarjS poi. Tore Xeyet and worship me. I0 Then saith , avTci 6 'lnaovs' "Yiraye a &rt_« ' serve. " Then the devil leaveth Xarpevo-eis. ^ Tore a /i \ ' ' > r ' t /3 -i * >s upon the sea coast, in the Trjv napadaXaaaiav, ev opiois Za^ovXuv bor \ ~ - Jt j ^ n v Ksaias the prophet, saving, , . - . . „ ,, >5 /• //- /-«„^ Io Tf) Za/3ovXwi/ /cat -yiy Ne0(9aXet^, is T ,, e i^ *f zahu'lon. and ^«- Jrcu^Ja.^ I It&U LrU&~t «~y oSov dakdo-crns nepav tov 'lopSdvov, the land of Nephthalim, by the »-/-^r/ Sit **>■. _., v N / - >/i » is » -\ < » /)' wav of the sea beyond Jordan, YahCkaia rcoi> efjj/coi/, V o Aaos o Kar^r;- Ga i i]ee of the Gentiles. '<■ the pevos iv o"/co'ret et'Se (j)toS ptya, Kai rote people which sat in darkness, KaVeVotc eV X «pa Ka\ ntdavarav, ™f ^Vln^e^on'^a S averetXej/ avrotr. Atto rore shadow of death, light is sprung nptaTO 6 'Irio-ovs Knpvcro-eiv /cat Xe'yeti'' U P- " From l , hat time Jesus '7 - „ \ ' a \ i ~ began to preach, and to say, Merai/oeire- ^yyi/ce yap r] paaiXeia twv i {epent< for the kingdom of ovpavav. heaven is at hand. ls IlepnraTcov de A "napci ttjv 6d\ao~- aav rf)? Ta\i\ajas etSe Bio dSeXoWs, )g And Jesug wa]kh)g by fte Si^twfa rov \eyopevov Ilerpof, /cat Af- S ea of Galilee, saw two breth- Bpeav tov dSe\(b6v atTod, BdWovTas ren, Simon, called Peter, and " , ,.„ r ( a >\ 9 Andrew his brothei . casting a ap(piji\r]o-Tpov etc ttjv tiaAaao-aV rjaav nel inl0 the sea ( f or they were yap dXtets. 19 Kai Xe'yet avrotc" Aeure fishers) l9 and he saith unto » Bee. -♦ t> Zi ' <^ Koe)api-aot.^. * Rec. add o l^«ovs. ( * Or, deli.ered op. Matt. IV. 20. 8 EYAITEAION them, Follow me: and I will 6iricra> pov, Kai Tvoir)ao> vfias aXlfls av- make you fishers of men. •'"And Q p< ^ na) v. 20 Ot 8e tvdetos d(t)ivres TO they straightway left their nets, . \ , . , . , . o, , ,_> , and followed him. -"And going OiKTVa rjKoXovdrjaav avTco.^ " Kanrpopas on from thence, he saw other tKeidev, fldev aXXovs 6vo ddeX(poiiS, two brethren, James the son of > T / a \ - „ a,*-!—., „_} 'l,,^.„ m „ Zebedee, and John his brother, iaKs dcpevTes to lowed him. nXo'iov Kai tov irarepa aiiToov tjkoXov- 6rjo~av avTca. H And Jesus went about all ffl Kai 7repir)yev Skip ttjv TaXiXaiavo Galilee, teaching in their syna- 'Iricrovc, o~iddo~K(i>v ev Tali avvaywyals gogues, and preaching the gos- > - v _j »_._./x ;„„ — So pel of the kingdom, and healing ™™v, Kat Kr,pvao-(OV to evayytXiov ttjs all manner of sickness, and all (dao~iXe!.as, Kai 6epaneva>v naaav voaov manner of disease among the Kal ^aav uaXaKiav ev ro3 Xaw. 24 (cat people. - 4 And his fame went , A ,~ , v , „ ' , V, v throughout all Syria : and they anrjXtiev 77 aKorj avTOv eis oArjv ttjv brought unto him all sick peo- 2vpiav' Kai irpoo-nveyKav avTa> ndvras pie that were taken with di- , - » >\ .„ ''„,,, „„\ vers diseases and torments, and ™vs KaKa>s e X ovTas,TTOiKlXaiS vovois Kai those which were possessed with fiao~dvois 0~vve X opevovs, Kai Oaipovi^o- lSek!"^s"t^d &™* Kai ripu&Om KCii ^ the palsy, and he healed them. Xvtikovs' Kai edepanevaev avrovs. " Kai M And there followed him great jWoAot'cWai/ aVTU> ovXoi TToXXoi dirb multitudes of people, from G a- '„ _ ,. ' v , '» a _ '\ „„1 lilee, and from Decapolis, and rtjg TaXiXaias Kai AeKOTVoXeios Kai from Jerusalem, and from Ju- 'lepocroXvpcov Kai 'lovdaias Kai ivepav (is .... . v/ jf~ daea, and from beyond Jordan. - > T & ' Cl**' C iff. 0k U - frf: , ™ lopSavov _ t '/-Tju AA-&ti-dL*J t* 5. And seeing the multitudes, 5. lbiov be tovs oxXovs aveprj far»^~f~. <-~ /^> /trr he went llp int0 a mol ,ntain : T ^ " 0£ .. Ka \ Ka Q' i0 - a vTOS avTOv, npocrrjX Q e 1 and when he was set, his disci- .',„, n v ,. -2 •. ■< > fciS- , >. * pies came unto him. * And he oov avTW 01 uatirjTai avTOv Kai avoi - . , , ' pies came unto him. a And he "~* » — r — 1 / — ----- .<.' &y fi/ »//»** ^^' **~*yY ' "'-opened his mouth, and taught £ a s to aToaa avToii, (8i8aaKev avTovs, •^ J I fj.,..- ll,..r,i caviiinr ' t''^^'^ Xiycov ,,■..'«-■- 3 Maraptot ot 7rra)X°t tw Trvevpari' f<%*»'*-7. ' ^ 3 Blessed are the poor in spi- £' Tt aurwi/ ivTiv r) pacriXeia Tiov oipavwv. ■ a. n s, ■ ' ^ -M i stfh fit: for their's is the kingdom , , , a - , « „'_„'. ^- nn „ ^r^Aff^^ fTta^ ' "** f heaven. * Blessed are they * paKapioi 01 TT€v6ovVT€ S oticivToi Trapa- / Vv^^p &-«^* fdv t*' ™^ '1 -z* that mourn : for they shall be K Xrj6!jo-ovTai. 5 paKapioi oi Tipatis' oti '.I, I ~JUS 9*-*ZZ*< ' ^/meelrrt the" 16 ^, "uThe^t ««™1 «X,po«,^«™«r* J^T^ 6 ^ . ^^«v. ■ ■ &'uLJ-*~»-* ^X the earth. B Blessed are they ptot 01 Treivavres km OiyiovTes TT]V **>■*-" /> /? „ £j-tt-f- which d0 h " n g er and thirst 8iKaioavvriV oti avToi xopTaa6r](jovTai. i^^/- /__» '\_ j , G>*Jutf. sha „ be fiUed , Blessed are 1 pciKapioi 01 eXerjuoves- on avToi eXer)- 'utjUr"- -/V». the merciful: for they shall Qno-ovrai. 8 pa/cdpiot ot Kadapoi ttj v*~ ^/oto-^y • ^ , , obtain mercy. » Blessed «iv '»/..« > i «„ fi .>,, • r ',\, n , r rm <&, tkr&h^i i~ £J(* » "i&**4fcf. uJ Tpirre in heart: for they shall ^'f on awrot tov 0eoi; o^ovrai. '' /-fO 4,/^y /^L^^/^-see God. 9 Blessed ore the 9 paKapioi ot flprjvOTroioC oti avTOl viol .■ as * KATA MAT6AI0N. 9 Matt. V. 21. „ - # Qeov KkydqcrovTai. 10 paKapioi ol 8e8l- peacemakers: for they shall jsjt Co 97. #6~ ft ' ' ' -^^ coyuevot hew diKtuotrvims- on uvtwv b „ e " ,,ed , the children of God. /^^ (f f- f~& <" V ' V C > r o . , - . .' » n , '" blessed are they which are f ^V ^ r■"*& pioi (are, orav ovei8i(xco(nv vuas /cat ^e: fortheir's is the kingdom(/// «/ t . A ^^'7 . ,L.^ *Li£'A/-. * • {■ v » - \ f- of heaven. " Blessed a. e ye, z,.^. c^J- ^SlftsJ 1 - fvy < ■ * ,v Ylr O(o)§cocrt, Kat f nrcocn nav novrjpov pt]pa „hen men shall revile you, and T^/7 ^ t ■ *' //-■*/. Kaff i/ucbv a yb-ev8duevoi", eveKev etxov. persecute you, and shall say all « *-»J * . /« *> . > 12 ' T ' n - /) . " t manner of evil against you -J« £ ~P L -» *> j / , ^ Xatpere Kai ayakkcaade on o ju- .falsely for my sake. » L- Jl^/ ^><% - f^/^j^- h ados vpa>v Trokvs ev tols ovpavocs, ov tlo joice, and be exceeding glad: for Jyl/ •/ i&^Wk £» /ll ' ca . yap e8icoPav tovs Ttpoibmas tovs irpb feat is your reward in heaven : {i J~ v frcU^*^'' { 1 * r T/ r tor so persecuted they the pro- Ca-n**-*-*-*" ' vpcov. _ ^ «■ , „ ( Phets which were before you. Qui JU+ />™ <^ j^^'u?- rfs^' 13 'Ype7s e'are to okas rrjs yrjs' e'dv 8e l3 Ye are the salt of the earth: T^ji^-ch /3~J- 7*"" ' *' ***!/ ^/ *>-< A^y? to akas pcopavdn, ev nvi akiadnaeTai; but if the salt have lost his sa- \l ^/Ag^JA^ ^^ff^'^-W** i lv S S i! , >™ „- ' „,. ' vour, wherewith shall it be 'Z? ' ^ y j> £JL *-** T^ J etc oudei- icrxi^ft ert, a /xr/ \iki)6t)vai et;co, salted ? it is thenceforth good ^ im^ (^ "7 a £rc ^ ***' ~ Kai KaTairaTeladai. vnd tcov dvdiicoTrcov. for nothing, but to be cast out, >"/-/.-' J ■ ' *' „/\ C&-tcA*~--*" £ * t *V- 14'-' « a.- - ' . > ancl t0 be trodden under foot V / (U^, /L^<^ £* /J«*f*< ^, nt _. /, ^ "v^ets: eore ro 0o,? TOU ) K o«t M ou- ov ofmen . ^ Ye are the light of "^^y^^-^^ ' ^ •.- "' ovvarai Irakis Kpv(3r)vai eirava> bpovs the world. A city that is set on y~Z Uj£s-*»-V cann ? 1 }> e hid - '* Nei :'' • ' '^ £faZ~* ^'^77 I. 1 . . A. . ther do men h , < , , ,5, 'Svm ","\" ther do men light a candle, and >< i^/' . Ti&tamv civtov .vno tov pooiov, akk em put it under a bushel : but on ' ' ' ■■' * "^ *•; , ., Tr)vkvxi>iaVKa\kduTret.Trdo-iTolstv t« a candlestick, and it giveth,,,, , ,;,.*/- ^A"* & y/J^y'^ / ^ ' " ' / A ig » \ I > > J.- ' - hght unto all that are in the C ' /^£ ; r _ u^ #*~Si£rd ^J?C/**l' OlKiq. ovtco kapfaTco to^ L* >#*•* •M' '<&****>*& ep7Tpocrdev tojv dvOpdnrcov, oVcoc t'Scocrif before men, that they may see flh^Ji ft /-ir-T^Ct-/, />• T^/1 to destroy the law or the pro- // •'■"^-■r ^'^' ^ J /, •■/ /-/t, rovvopov 7) tovs TTpo^Tas' ovk rjkdov phe ts. I am not come lode- , . , ^. y- ^ C<<^. ■ ^ / • ./«a KaTakvo-ai,dkkdTrkr]pcoo-ai. ls dprp>ydp stroy, but to fulfil. '» For verily /\ A^X«/ &-«.-«-*<**-* 7( '^ '*. ^ ^ v ' , r -',„ „ * ^, •' , , ^ v earth pass, one jot or one tittle f /. /%^ J ?£ / u*< „<, 1<^ . L e+i- >" ', ^y TTaZD " J »i ,, ■ r , 1/ , „ soever therefore shall break one , ,' T ^e L ^ /^^ /<«■>* >r f<^< °-f yevrjTai. os eav ovv W# piav tuv f these least commandments, u . c.^J ^ ^uAlJ^/cr fc <-' " f > * <^<« - > - the kingdom of heaven. ^ For I KArj&po-eTai ev ttj pamkeiaTcov ovpavcov. say unto you, That except your 20 keyco yap vplv, on e'dv ur) Trepicr- righteousness shall exceed the _ ' ' ^ ' ' - \ - - righteousness of the scribes and crevcrrj r, SiKaioo^vij vpcov wXetoy Tcov PhariseeSj ye shall in no case ypapparecov Kai $apio-aicov, 011 prj elaek- enter into y kingdom of heaven. 6rjTe els Tt)v flao-ikeiav tcov ovpavcov. ' n Ye have heard, that it was 21 'u, ' "_. 'X''a ~ ' ' . sai( l ^by them of old time, > HKoycraTe on eppedr, rote apxaiots' Thou shalt no , kill . and> who : Ot/ (povevaeis' os 8 av d8e\(huiaVTOV' 'PnKU,eVovoc shall say to his brother, Haca, « • '' '» ' , «"iiW " . »» shall be in danger of the council: ejrrai Tycrwebpup OS 8 CIV etTTfl Moj/Jf, but whosoever shall say, XAok evo^os ecrrai as ttjv ytevvav Toil nvpos. fool, shall be in danger of hell 2a % J npocrcpipris TO bupov (TOV «ri fire. « 1 herefore it thou bring r r r,i^ \ r „ , thy gift to y altar, and th?re re- to Ovcnao-Trjpiov, kukcl pvr)a0n,s on o memberest y thy brother hath a Se\(h6s crov evet w Kara trot), 24 adits ought against thee: -■* leave ,,',<-_ , v « /] - /, thpiethfgift before y altar, and eK " ™ dapov vov (pnpoadfv tov 6v- go l hy way, first be reconciled to cnao~Trjpiov, Kai inraye, TvpwTOV StaXXa- thy brother and then come and Q t T& aSeXrico crov, Ka\ Tore e'XtfuW olfer thy gitt. ** Agree with I l t % , T.' , "- « /i > thine adversary quickly, whiles irpocrcpepf to bwpov crov. a icroi (vvowv thou art in the way with him : rc 3 ^ vti 8ikco ctov Tavv, ems otov ei eV lest at any time the adversary ; , 5 . >' > - / «, - deliver thee to the judge, and VI oba M fT a ^ T0U /"F 0Tf / f Trapaba) the judge deliver thee to the 6 dvTtblKOS Ta KptTrj, Kai 6 KpiTr/s 0~e officer, and thou be cast into §£ Tt5 {^W™, Ka i „'j <4uXaK^i/ prison. ^ b Verily I say unto r t t , 'r W, f ( I thee, Thou shalt by no means pATjOqar]. apr)V Aeyco crot, ov ^r/ e£- come out thence, till thou hast £\g„ s \\a6ev, ecos ap a7ro<5&3? r6l> paid the uttermost tarthing. ,, " \ / ' « Ye have heard that it was ecrxaTOV KobpavTtjv. ^ said by them of old time, T'hou 2 ' 'HKOiWare on e'pptdr) 3 "' Oil poi- Hflm unt yot'S ^W?T * "ft* *« Xf> ip„, art ^ whosoever looketh on a woman o j3Xf7rcol/ ywatKa TTpos TO eniuvpr]- to lust after her, hath committed ^ t> airni;" fjbn eWveucrei/ aiiTnv iv adultery with her already in his „ «,, , ~ oi p i , $ ■, , >,/) \ / heart. -9 And if thy right eye Ti) Kapbiq avTov. " et Oe o otyOaApos " offend thee, pluck it out, and aov £ be^ios CTKavbakifci erf, e|eXe cast it from thee. For it is pro- > > * r, /\ > \ ~". j ' ' fitable for thee that one of thy avT0V M Ka \ P«Ae "^ 0™_ crvpCpepci yap members should perish, and not f/ot t^a a7roXr;rat «/ rcof pe\dv crov, that thy whole body should be Kai ' £Xo „ T0 ^-^^ aov p Xr) g~ f l s C3.SI into iidi. Anci 11 tny r n,\ ^ ^ f «^ t / \ right hand offend thee, cut it yeevvav. ' Kat el 7/ oegia croi/ xf P off, and ca.st it from thee. For crKavbaXitfl or, eKKO\i/ov avrnv Kat ,8uXe it is profitable for thee that > \ -. j. / " > a " > / one of thy members should U7ro °"° y crvp(p€pei yap ow n/a aTro- perish, and not that thy whole Ar/Tai ev tcov /xeXcof rrou, Kai prj o\ov body should be cast into hell. TQ ^pd crov j8Xij^ fl's ye'ewa^. 31 It hath been said, W hoso- n i"'d «< « / * > n' ever shall put away his wife, ^ EpptOr) be,^ on os av^ anokverjj let him give her a writing of ri^f yvvaxKa avTov, Sorco avrfj dnocrTd- divorcement. 3 - But 1 say unto . 32 'i? v *' % '- .' ?'. .?_. c '„ you. That whosoever shall put f W , , E ^ f e Ae ^ U M». °" «* away his wife, saving for the ai/ andkvar)" ttjv yvvaiica avTov, nap- cause of fornication, causeth her e KT0S . Xovov Tropfe/as', Troiei aurnf uoi- to commit adultery: and who- _ ,- ' v , r >> > \ \ ' # soever shall marry her that is X acr( ' M ' Kai os tav airoAfAvpevrju yap.1]- divorced, committeth adultery, p-™ aoivaTai. » RfC. add T04j ap^atcuj. b ^. — Rec. & fib. atiTrjs, c cv Traj o a7ToXuaiv» * Or, do cause thee to offend. RATA MAT0AION. 11 Matt. V. 47. 33 HdXiv TjKOvcraTe on ippiBr) rois 33 Again, ye have heard that > './->> ' .. ' ,J„„X.\,,,,„ it hath been said by them of apxaiois- Owe emop^aeis, aTToboio-tis o]d Ume _ Thou sh J t not for . de Tc5 Kvplw TOVS opKOVS crov' Eya> swear thyself, but shalt perform be \iya> volV ah dpoaai bXoiS' pnre iv «?<£ the L °rd thine oaths. I " » ~ ' a , > \ - c, - But 1 say unto you, Swear tco ovpavio, on Opovos ecm tov Ueot/ rmt at al i ne j t her by heaven, 30 urtre iv TV yfi, on imoTtooiov earl for it is God's throne : » nor _ ?,- > -'. ' > t T _ r\ by the earth, for it is his foot- twv ttocW avrov pr]T€ eis lepoooAvpa, stool . neither fey Jerusalem| ort 7roXts (v, val or black. 3; But let your com- , ' * „ , ^v ' i > munication be Yea, yea: Nav, mi, ou otr to be Trepiaoov tovtuv e« nay . for whatsoever is mo f e toG irovripov io~TlV. than these, cometh of evil. 33 'H/covo-are 6Vl ipptOn- 'Od>6a\- 3S Ye have heard that it hath v » \ >j.a \ - > >*' ' v been said, An eye for an eye, pov avTi oCpdaApov, kcu ^ obovra awj M d a tooth for a tooth. *» But dbovTOS' 39 'Eycb fie Xe'yco {i/iip yti^ I say unto you, That ye resist avna^vac f*,«»- 4W oW « g^btf **-jgjr*gn panicrei em Tr)v be^iav oov (Tiayova, turn to him the other also. o-Tpi\S/ov avTm kul t)w oAXnj/- 40 feat tw m And if any man will sue thee ., J ~ , » /i" » i - ' at the law, and take away thy BcXovti o-ot Kpi6nvai, nai tov ^iraw coati let him nave lhy cloak crov Xaftelv, a, Bftftfi gfe f vnaye peT avToii bvo. " tco mtovvti him that asketh thee : and from ere 8I80V nai tov 6£kovTCL arret aov davfi- him that would borrow of thee, n , , , - turn not thou away. craavai p.r) anoo-Tpa that it hath f\6p6v 0~ov" 44 'Eyo) Se Xeyco vp.lv, been said, Thou shalt love thy ayarroVe tov S i X 6poi S la^v, NAoy^^bour, and^t. thine »e- roijc KaTapcopevovs vpas, Kakcos nouire i MVe your enemies, bless them b Toty iuo-ovo-tv vpas", Ka\ irpoarev Yeo-f5e that curse you, do good to them r , r ~ „ > A' ' - „ V X. , that hate you, and pray for vnep Tmv'^r^^rrmivj^i^bia^ tnemvvhicnae spitefullyuseyou, KOVT03V vpas' "^o7rcos yevqaoe vloi rod and persecute you : 45 that iraTpbs vpuv tov iv ovpavols, on TOV ye may be the children of your "" r * , "7", ^ ,**, ' , > Father which is in heaven : tor rjAiov avrov avareXXei e7Tt novtjpovs Kai n e maketh his sun to rise on dyadovs, ml Spe'vet eVl diKalovs Kal the evil and on the good, and ,i, is '■> ■> > ' v sendeth rain on the just, and on abiKovs. *° tav yap ayaTTi}o-qT€^ tovs the unjust 46 j,- or if ye i ove aya7rGJt/Ta? vpas, Ttva p-iadbv e^ere; them which love you, what re- OP X lWj ot TeX^at to Mwm^ni jSff ff JS3W8 4 ' *> Rec. rouff ^i.a-ovi'Tas* • — » d cv tf tXovj, Matt. V. 48. 12 EYAITEAION do not even the publicans so? Km ol a reXcofai" ovtco iroiovaiv; e heaven, is perfect. vfiav o ev tois ovpavots TeAeios ecrri. 6. Take heed that ye do not 6. Tipoae^eTe ri)v c e\et]poavvr]v" your alms before men, to be £ - > jroielv eairpoaOev raw di>6pa>- seen of them : otherwise ye ' ' ', \ a A~ > ■> ss > » have no reward «of your Father irwv, irpos^ to tieaOi]vai aureus" ft 0€ pr]ye /which is in heaven. - There- pio-Qov ovk. evere napa tco narpi iipcov fore, when thou doest thine - j - > a « * t _„.- alms> do not sound a trumpet *¥ f " ™ ts ovpavois. " oral/ ow ffo^J before thee, as the hypocrites eAerjpoavvrjv, pi] aaAmays epivpoaoev do, in the synagogues, and in y a franep ol VTroKpiral ttolovctiv ev streets, that they may have „ ' ' ; , , , glory of men. Verily, I say Tais avvaycoyais Kai ev rais pvpais, unto you, They have their re- 07 rcos- 8o£aa6coaiv virb twv dvOpconcov' ward. 3 But when thou doest > v \ > t - > / _ < _zp.. alms, let not thy left hand know, a M» Asyco vpiv, aire X ovaiTov piadov what thy right doeth : * that avTcov. aov oe ttoiovvtos eAerjpoavvrjv, thine alms may be in secret: > -yi/corto n apto-rfpd orou Tt 7rota 17 and thy rather which seeth C '.. ', 4 " * t >\ ' in secret, himself shall reward Oegia aov, * 07ra)s 3 aov r] ekerjpoavvq thee openly. f V T0 3 KpvTTTio' /cat 6 Trarrjp aov 6 fiAencov tV TCO KpVTTTCp d aVTOs" ClTToScoael CTOt e 61/ tco cbavepco." s And when thou prayest, Ken oral/ irpoaevxn, ovk ear] coairep thou shalt not be as the hypo- J VTr0 KpiTal, on (biXovaw ev rah avv- crites are : for they love to pray - \ > i -. standing in the synagogues, and aycoyais Kai ev rais ycoviais tcov irka- in the corners of the streets, that retails eaTcores Tvpoaev)(ea6ai, oircos av ft^^a^JSS ^twtroZ^pcW wA/ycoVu/, reward. u But thou when thou on ane^ovai tov piaaov avTcov. av be, prayest, enter into thy closet, g Tav trpoaevYn, e'iae\de els to rauiewv and when thou hast shut thy 1 ■. , 1 A > , door, pray to thy Father which °~ ov i *<»_ Kkeiaas Tr,v Vvpav aov, Trpocr- is in secret, and thy Father ev^ai rc5 ' TTarpl aov Tut ev TO) KpvTTTU)'" £?££££?? But^ «» o}ari]p aov 6 ' 0X«™ eV ^ ye pray, use not vain repetitions, KpvTTTCd anoowaei aoi ev tco (pavepep. as the heathen do For they 7 Tj-nocreVYOueTOt Se un Ba,TTo\oyr)ar]Te, think that they shall be heard „ r < -a i T - \ ' I ' > for their much speaking. » Be coanep oi etiviKof OoKOval yap on ev not ye therefore like unto them: tji TroAvAoyia avrcov elaciKOvad>)aovTai. for vour Father knoweth what a' » r ' ' a~ » ' . t * » ' things ye have need of, before W ovv opoi(o6r]Te Ovrois oioe yap o ye ask him. Trarrjp vpwv gov \peiav e^ere, irpo tov iipas alrrjaai avTov. 9 After this manner therefore 9 OvTasodv Trpoaey X € a6e vpeW ITd- pray ye : Our Father which art rep i']pu>v 6 ev tois ovpavols, ayiaaoijTOi in heaven hallowed be thy T ^ « v0 ' ^ 10 ^X^e'ro) ft paaikela aov, name. lu Thy kingdom come. .; , '» ~ , ' , , , ~ Thy will be done, in earth, as yevr]0i]Ta> TO t)t?\r]pa aov, us ev ovpavto it is in heaven. u Give us this Kai eni tt)s yr)s' n tov apTOV r)pa>v tov »' 1 ^ o Ofpavioj. c Bz. ft Gb. ^t^acoffvvijc. <* — • * Zt * V iraip[ ffaw £f T* KpuTTTsi. Or, with. p Or, cause not a trumpet to be souuded. KATA MAT6AI0N. 13 Matt. VI. 24. entovcriov t)6s rjplv crrjpepov' 12 Kai licpes day our daily bread. 12 And r)plv ra oAftX «/xara fiaav, cos Kai ripels fo, » ive u * ° ur debt fi a ? " e 1 for - ;'j , ™„ ,*i v / ■ /r t - li » \ give our debtors. " And lead acpiepev tois oCpeiktTais TjpwV 10 Kai pr] us not into temptation, but fltreveyKns fjpds els ireipacrp.bv, dXXct deliver us from evil: for thine r~ '»' - > , - -' ,z 14 )„v is the kingdom, and the power, twai ^tia? otto tou -rrovrjpov. 3 - Eav ami lhe gluryi for eT er, amen. yap d > ij- ther will also forgive you. ' 3 But, vp.oiv o ovpavLOs' eav be pr) acprjre if ye forgive not men their tres- Tols dvdpconois b ret TrapanToopaTa av- passes, neither will your Father - ,/ ,t,v r \ t - iji > forgive your trespasses. tow, ouoe o naTTjp vp.cov a > > I say unto you, Thev have their aixrjv \eyco vpiv, on aTre X ovcn tov u- reward {, £ ut ^pu, when croov avroiv. ' o~v oe vrjo~Teva>v, aXe nl/ai thou fastest, anoint thine head, crov tt}v KecbaXr)v, Kai to npocronrov o~ov and wash *■"? ' ace : that ' i is " % _i - - > /i ' " ,ou appear not unto men to vi\j/ai^ '"oncos pr] (pavys tois avOpoorrois fast, but unto thy Father which vrjcrrevcov, dX\a toj irarpi crov ro3 ev is in secret: and thy Father - c -//, » c* I ' a\ ' which seeth in secret, shall re- toj KpvnTcp KM o Trajr]p crov ojtknroiv ward thee openly . ev too c KpvTTTU>" dnodaicrei croi A " . Mr) 6r]0~avp[(eTe vplv 6r]cravpovs ,9 Lay not up for yourselves em Tr)s yi)s, oirov crr)s km Bpucns d ' / A \ ' s. ' v nioth and rust doth corrupt, and ViQei, Kai ottov^ KAenTai Oiopvcrcrovcri Kai w i, er e thieves break through, kKctttovo-C 2U 6r]cravpi(eTe 8e vplv a "d steal. M But lay up for /j v > ) - « » yourselves treasures in heaven, 6r]cravpovs ev ovpavco, ottov owe ^ )ere neither moth nor ms ' (rr/y oure fipwcris aCpavi£ei, Kai onov doth corrupt, and where thieves k\(ittm oi diopCo-crovcriv ov8e (cXe- do not break through, nor steal. m h r , , t /, , For where your treasure is, ■ktovo-iv. * 07TOU -yap ea-rti/ o Orjcravpos there will your heart be also. e vpcov," eKel ecrrai Kai r) KapSia e vpcov." M Tlie »g ht of the bod y is the 22 ' \ ' - ' ' > < u /i \ eve: if therefore thine eye be o \uxi/os^Toy rrcottaT-oc e<7T«/ o o0^aA ? - sillgle tliy whole body sha J n be pos' eav ovv 6 0Cp6a\p6s crov enrkovs rj, full of light. S But if thine oXov r6 crwpd crov cbcoTeivov ecrTaf B e'a* 7 e „ b ^ ?% thy whole body r< r » i /i \ / > f ^ v s ' )a ll De 1"" of darkness. If oe o o \ < / that darkness ? epeos to ev croi ctkotos ecrri, to ctkotos irocrov ; 24 Oit)els bvvaTai Svcrl Kvpiois hov- > M No I" an . can serve two \ f * , , „ , r , , masters: for either he will hate Aeveiv r] yap tov eva pio-r)crei, Kai tov the one an d love the other, or erepov dyanrjerer r) evos dv8e£eTai, Kai else he will hold to the one, * Rec. add OTt ffow cart* tj paatXtta, tcai 7) ivvafnf, xat rj foXa, f*j rotij aiwi-of a/ir)v. •* Z$ * (^J itpvtpaiy 6i«. d Rec. add tv t^ $uk/j^. e csj ffou 01*. Matt. VI. 25. 11 EYAITEAION and despise the other. Ye can- rov trepov KaTa a > , c body, what ye shall put on : is T v, n ev6v ■> a' - v « > « - » > > eth them. Are 'ye not much «* aTTodiiKa^Kai o TTarrjpvpov o Ol^u- better than thev ? '•" Which yioc rpe(pei avrd' ov)( Ufteis pdWov 8ia- of you by taking thought, can j> ^ £ 27 ' ^ >£ ^ - add one cubit unto his stature ? ~ r , > , , <-, / 2S And why take ye thought for pvatv ovvarai Tvpacroeivai rni rr)v r)\iKiav raiment? Consider the lilies avTOV n riYVv era; 28 Ka\ nepl evbvparos of the field, how they grow: , "V > a \ > ~ they toil not, neither do they « pepipvare \ KarapaOere ra Kpiyarov spin. 29 And yet I say unto dypov, ttqis av^dvei' ov KOTTid, ov8e vrjdei' you That even Solomon in all 29 w ^ <- . ov8e ' 2o\opZ>v eV his glorv, was not arrayed like ,'„_,.",« a -\ < « one of these. 3 ° Wherefore, if Tracrrr Ty oo^rj avrov Trepiepakero cos ee God so clothe the grass of the TOVTmv , 30 e i 8e rov \6prov rov dypov, field, which to day is, and to / » \ » » \ ir. morrow is cast into y oven: shall (rrjpepov ovra, Kai avpiov «S Kki^avov he not much more clothe you, O fiaWopevov, 6 Geo? ovroos dp(puvvvn-iv, L^^o^saySfmat $ ™™$ ***** *&, okiydmcrroi ; shall we eat? or, what shall we fir; ow pepipvr)o-r]rf, keyovrts' li drink ? or wherewithal shall < k{ Lya)j j Lfv j) Tt ' TnWf, n ft' 7repi/3aAco- we be clothed? " (for after all r A v> ' > - ' < -v/i > > these things do y Gentiles seek:) pf&a;*- Travra yap ruvra ra edvrjenLQ]- for your heavenly Father know re t- ot '§ e yap 6 TTarrjp vpwv 6 avpdvios eth v ve have need of all these g '<- » <:_... 33 /• ,;_, things.' 33 BlU seek ye first the ©ri XP.'/C^ y°^™" mravTw ^ (^rfire kingdom of God,& hisrighteous- 8e rrpooTOV tt)v [SaaiAfiav rov Qtov Kai ne^s, & all these things shall he T > 8iKaioo~vvriv avTOv, Kai ravra mivra added unto you. ^ lake there ' A , « « . _"'',„ unto the day is the evil thereof. P^V™ * ra eavTTjs. apKfrov ry Tjpepa 7. Judge not. that ye be r) KaKia avTrjs. not judged. * For with what 7. Mr) Kpivere, Iva pr) KpiBriTC ' iv judgment ve judge, ye shall be t \ t 1 a> a . 1 judged: and with what measure » JfP rov aoe\(pov o~ov, rr)v be siderest not the beam that is ^ rt 3 a ^ dthdaXua 80KOV ov Karavoe'is; in thine own eye? 4 or how a * ' ■ ~ * > V T - -' >& \ j. - »aj. wilt thou say to thy brother, \V ™i epeij rco abe\ (rov, A i >i/i n v / s 1 hou hypocrite, first, cast out boKov eK rov o0aXpov eye: dia'^Xe'^eis eK[3aXe!v to Kapcfios in tov and 'n'en shah thou see clearly ocpdaXfxoi) tov dheX, prjirore KaTairaTijcro}- they trample them under their 0~iv civtovs ev rols nocrlv avrcov, Kai ^ ecl < an d tuln again and rend j ' »'* < - you. o~Tpa - ■, o ' ■ 1; nock, and '<■ shall be opened vp.iv. mis yap o airiov hap.pa.vei, Kat unto you. » For every one that 6 (rjTcbv evpio-KU, Kai TU> Kpovovri avoi- a *>keth, rcceiveth : and he that '_ u* i >i >*'V - 3i n seeketh, findelh : and to him yr]0-eTai.^ rj us eaTiv e$ vpwy aydpunros, I knocketh, it shall be opened. ov eav alrr]o~r] 6 vlbs ovtov apTOV, p.r) J Or what man is there of you, \l0ov eVrtScotm ai™; 10 Kai eav lv6vv T hom lf , Ws son ask •*■«*■ *™ , , , „ , , ' ' , , „ A, , he give him a stone? '« or if aiTTjo-j), pr) ocpiv einbooo-ei avra ; « he ask a fish, will he give him ovv vpe'ts, irovtipol ovTes, ot'Sare douaTa a serpent? " If ye then being ' d* 5> &' - ' '- ' evil > know how to give good ayaOa btbovai rots fekVots^ vpcov, nocrio K ; fts unt0 vour dl ;idren, how paXhov 6 naTrjp vpu>v 6 ev to!? ovpa- niueh more shall your Father vols Scotm dyada to'is ahovmv ovtov ; ^ ch s f is ,' n l,e ^ e , n ' S IZ go , od ]., , ? « * /i -\ t things to them th;it ask him ? " llavTa ovv oaa av 0zXr]Te iva iroi- '- Therefore all things what- locnv vp'iv oi avQpumoi, ouVo Kai vaels soevcr - ve uouId 1 lnon shoulri i - , t ii > i r / «o to you, do ye even so to 7roien-e ovtols' ovtos yap eaTiv o vo- t h em : for this is the law and p.os Kai ol TTpo(fir]Tai. the prophets. 13 EtVf A#ere Sia rf/y o~TevrjS TrvXrjs' 13 F.nter ye in at the strait 6'n *X*N% ,) nvhrj, Kai eipv X .pos jj Cadtthfw^y 'thaftad'eth 0609 r) amiyovo-a eis Tt)v a7ra>heiav, Kai to destruction, and many there 7ro\\oi elo-iv oi elo-ep-vopevoi bi aiiTrts' ue "hich go in thereat: '<»be- 14 b '" > ' '\ •'* /i\ ' t cause strait is the gate, and « o-7-ei/f; t; 7ryAt;, Kat TeOhippevn r] nan -ow is the way which lead- 6Sjy 17 «7r«you(ra €ty ti)v £a>r]v, Kai ohiyoi eth Ullt0 "fe, and few there be elo-lv 01 evpio-KovTes avTrjv. that find U - la Tlpoo-e^eTe be diro tuv -^evboirpo- ^r/rfiv, olTives epxavjai npbs^ vp.ds ev „ Beware of false prophets evbvpao-i TTpofSdroiv, ecrccdev 8e elo~i Xv- which come to you in sheep's Koi apnayes. 16 otto Tmv Kapnuv ovtuv clothing, but inwardly they are > ', ' a , , , r s N / ravening wolves. '<> Ye shall eTTiyvaio-eo-Oe avTovs' pqri o-vXXeyovo-iv know them by their fruits : Do dno UKavOiov o-TafbvXnv, n diro toiBoXcov men gather grapes of thorns, or ^-r,^„ . 17 " - *' 6 S 5' fi S s ot " thistles? " even so, o-vku , ovtio nay beybpov ayadov Kap- every good tree bringPth forlh irovs KaXobs TTOiel' to be crairpbv bevbpov good fruit: but a corrupt tree a CN3 ovtiu. b Kec. oo Ori. * Or. lit.w. Matt. VII. 18. bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. ,a Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewn down, and cast into y fire. 20 Where fore by their fruits ye shall know them. 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall en ter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doeth the will of mv Father which is in heaven. *■ Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? & in thy name have cast out devils ? and in thy name done many wonderful works ? 23 and then will I profess unto them, I never knew you : depart from me, ye that work iniquity. 24 Therefore, whosoever hear- eth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock : ,JS and the rain descended, & the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house : and it fell not, for it was founded up- on a rock. 2U And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: '" And the rain descend- ed, and the floods came, & the winds blew, and beat upon that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it. 23 And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine. 29 For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. 8. When he was come down from the mountain, great mul- titudes followed him. 16 EYAITEAION KapTTOVS TTOVTJpOVS ITOlfl. 18 OV BwaTOl btvbpovdyadbv Kapnovs irovqpovs Troie'iv, ovde dev8pov crcnvpbv Kapnovs KaXoiis TTOLilv. 19 TVUV bivbpOV pi) TT010VV K(ip- irbv koXov eKK()7rrerat Kal els nvp (ddX- erai. apaye v Kapnwv avrmv eTriyvioo-ecrOe avrovs. 21 Oil nds 6 Xtycoi/ pot, Kvpie, Kupie, e lo-eXevo-erai els ri)v fiaaiXeiav rmv ov- pavu>v' dXX' 6 ttoiwv to OeXrjpa tov ira- rpos pov tov ev ovpavols- ^ ttoXXoI epovai pot ev eKe'ivy tji r/pepa, Kvpie, Kvpie, ov to) rj&S ovopan TrpoecprjTevo-a- pev, kcu ra 8pl , Boris 6t]oeTai avopl p, bans coKoftoprjcre tj]v oiKiav avrov em rrjv appov' 27 Kal Kare^rj f] fipoxri Kal r/Xdov ol irorapol Kal envevoav ot avepoi, Kal irpoo~(Ko\jfav rrj oiKia eKeivjj, Kal eneoe' Kal fjv fj Trraxrw avrrji peydXr]. 28 Kal eyevtro ore ovveTe\eo~ev 6 'irjaovs tovs Xoyovs tovtovs, (^eirXrjo-- ctovto ol 6'^Xot e'jri ttj 8i8axf) avrov' 29 rjv yap 8i8do-KO)u aiiTovs a>j e^ovcriav i'xcov, Kal ov% us ol ypappareis. 8. KaTaftdiri 8e avra dnb tov opovs, TjKoXovO^o-av avrat o^Xoi 7roXXoi. KATA MAT0AION. 17 2 Kai l$ov, Xeirpos a e\da>v" irpoo~e- Kvvei avrco Xeycov' Kvpie, edv OeXrjs, bvvacral pe KaOaplcrai. 3 Kai e'Krelvas rrjv X fL P a i ^^fiTo avrov 6 'lrjcrovs, Xe- ycov' Oe'Xco, Kadapicrdrjri.. Kai ev&ecos eKaBapicrOrj avrov rj Xerrpa. 4 Kai Xtyet avrco 6 lrjcrovs' Opa prjdevl earrjs' aXXd vnaye, creavrov 8el£ov rco lepel, Kai TrpocreveyKe to 8copov 6 Ttpocrera^e h Mcocrfjs," els paprvpiov avrols. TLlaeXdovrt 8e c avrco" els Kanep- vaovp, 7rpocrrjX6ev avrco eKarovrap)(os napaKaXcov avrov, 6 Kat \eycoV Kvpie, 6 trals pov fiefiXrjrat, iv rrj oIklci Trapa- Xvtikos, 8eivcos j3ao~avi.£6pevos. 7 Kai Xeyet. avrco 6 'lrjcrovs' 'Eya) iXdcov 6e- paTT(vo~co avrov. 8 Kai drroKpidels 6 eKarovrapyps ecprj' Kvpie, ovk el pi iKa- vos iva pov vivo rrjv crreyrjv elcreXdys" dXXd povov elne d Xoyco," Kai laBrjaerai 6 Trals pov. 9 Kai yap eycb avdpcoTtos elpt vtto i^ovaiav, e^cov inr epavrbv arparicoras' Kai Xe'ya> rovrco' Ilopevdrjri, Kai nopeverai' Kai ciXXco' 'Ep^ov, Kai ep^erai' Kai rco 8ovXco pov JJoirjcrov tovto, Kai rroiel. 10 'Akovo-os 8e 6 'lrj- crovs iOavpacre, Kai elite rols aKoXov- 6ovo~iV 'Apfjv Xeyco vplv, ov8e e'v rco 'IcrparjX roaavrrjv ir'io~Tiv evpov. u Xeyco 8e vplv, on 7roXXoi dno dvaroXcov Kai dvcrpcov fj^ovcri, Kai dvaKXiBrjcrovrai pera Aj3paap Kai lcraaK Kai 'IaKa>/3 iv rfj (BacriXelq rcov ovpavwv. ^ ol 8e viol rrjs (3ao~i\elas eKJ3XrjdrjcrovTai els rb o~kotos to e'tjcorepov' eKel ecrrai 6 KXavOpos Kai 6 fipvypbs riov 686vrcov. u Kai e'nrev 6 lrjcrovs rco e eKarovrdp^rj'" "Yiraye, Kai cos eTricrrevcras yevrjOrjrco croi. Kai ladrj o nals avrov ev rfj copa eKeivrj. Kai iXdcov 6 'lrjo~ovs els rrjv oIklov Herpov el8e rrjv irevOepdv avrov j3e@Xrj- MATT. VIII. 14. 2 And behold, there came a leper, and worshipped him, say- ing, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. 3 And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will, be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed. ' And Jesus saiih unto him, See thou tell no man, but go thy way, shew thyself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses com- manded, for a testimony unto them. 5 And when Jesus was en- tered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, be- seeching him, 6 and saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tor- mented. ' And Jesus saith unto him, 1 will come, and heal him. s The centurion answered, and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed. 9 For I am a man under au- thority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth : and to another, Come, and he cometh: and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it. I0 When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily, I say unto you, 1 have not found so great faith, no not in Israel. " And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down wilh Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of hea- ven: 12 but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 13 And Jesus said unto the cen- turion, Go thy way, and as thou hast believed, so be itdone unto thee. And his servant was heal- ed in the selfsame hour. 14 And when Jesus was come into Peter's house, he saw his wife's mother laid, and sick of a * C\> WpoffeASwy. b i^- Mcoruvj. Rec. tiw 'Ivtfov. d Rec. Xoyor. * Rec. ttaroyrapx^. Matt. VIII. 15. 18 EYAITEAION fever : 15 and he touched her pevrjv Kal TTVpeao-OVaau. 15 Kal ijijsaTO hand, and the fever left her: & - Yftp , v )S . avrns, Kal ud>riKev avriiv 6 she arose, and ministered unto ' , • •. > / a \ » / , > - * tnera . TTvperos' Kai r/yepar], Kai birjKovei avrto, if When the even was come, lfi 'O^ta? 8e yevopevrjs 7rpoo~T]veyKav they brought unto him many > - & r ' _ i\ ' . ,. v '£ ' that were possessed with devils: avna 8at/*owfo^ew)us ttoXXous Km e£e- and he cast out the spirits with /3aXe ra irvevpaTa Xdyco, Kai Ttavras tovs his word and healed all that KaK ^ s '^ yovTas c6 e pdirev0>i to prjtiev but Haaiov tov wpo- Esaiastheprophet.saying,Him- W)n TO t;, Xeyovros' Autos Tas dcrdevelas self took our infirmities, and T ~ »-. A \ \ / >a ■ bare our sicknesses. r,poiv e\a[3e, *M ras vocrovs e(ia(TTa(Tev. '8 Now when Jesus saw great ls 'iScbi' be 6 'irjcrovs noXXovs o)(Xovs multitudes about him, he gave i a{ir6 „ ^ K ^\ €vafv direXBelv els to commandment to depart unto ,~ 1Q \ -\ /i> ^ y other side. I! > And a certain irepav. Kai npoo-ekVav as ypappa- scribe came, and said unto him, rf {, s e J n(v avTUt' AibdaKaXe, aKoXov- Master, 1 will follow thee win- A , * * >v ■, > 20 v > thersoever thou goest. ■» And 0™^ 07TOV eav aTTep X j]. Kai Jesus saith unto him, Thefoxes Xeyei aiiTU) 6 'lr]0~ovs' At dXu>TTe Ke s a • man hath not where to lay his KaTaaKrji/cocreis' o be vios tov avOpwnov head. 2i An d another of his 0VK '4 y ^ no {, T h v Ki (b a Xr]V kXIvt). ^"Erf- disciples said unto him, Lord, /\ i „ r ,' - »_ > ~. suffer me first to go, and bury pos Oe tcov padrjTvv avTOV einev avTcp my father. '" But Jesus said un- Kupie, eTTlTpe\Lrop poi itpwTOV dneXOeiv to him, Follow me, and let the \ a > i s _ _' „ ..„,. 22 'r> kt dead bury their dead. Kai Ba^ai tov TTaTepa pov. Oue lrjaovs envev avT \ > a i » i 1 a n >- ed him. " And behold, there Wo\ov6r) oi fxaOrjTai avTOV. arose a great tempest in $ sea, 24 Kal Ibov, aeiapos ptyas eyeveTo ev Trj insomuch y the ship was covered ^ a X afr(T „ £o- Te T 6 irXo'iov Ka\{mTeo-8al with the waves: but he was a- , v „*" , , x . v , ,« « sleep. '^ And his disciples came vtto ToiV KvpaTOW avTos be eKaOevbe. to him, and awoke him, saying, 25 Ka i 7I -nocreX^dyres' ol uadnraV'" rjyeipav Lord, save us: we perish. '■"* And , v \ , T , / - *e'~ he saith unto them, Why are ye a^TOJ/, ^ Xeyovres Kvpte, /i ' \ ' tt ' the winds and the sea obey him ? avffpoinoi e&avpaaav, KeyovTes - lloTairos ecrriv ovtos, otl Ka\ oi livepoi Kal r] 6d- „„.,.. , \aao~a vivaKovovaiv avTO> : 28 And wnen he was come to the « v , x A , , - S s / , other side, into the country of Kat ekOuvTi avT<£> eis Totrepav eis the Gergeseues, there met him ti]V ^copav Tav c Ta8ap7]va>v," viri]VTr)o~av » c^. — Rec. & Gb. ovro.j. b Kec. add awrou. c cv.— Rec. 8t Gb. Ytpieanvoiv* <^J 1'tpairtjnnr. KATA MAT0AION. 19 avra 8vo 8aipovi£6p.evoi e\ tu>v pvrj- fielcov e^ep^upevot, xaXenoi Xiav, ware fit) laftveiv rivd rrapeXOelv 8id rr/s 68ov eKeivt]s Kai idov, eKpagav, Aeyovres Ti i)p.lv Kai crot, a 'ir/a-ov", vie rov Qeov ; rjXdes a>8e7rp6 Kaipou fiav ayeAr/ xoipav 7roXXa>v ftocTKopevrj. 31 ol 8e 8alpoves napeKaXovv avrov, Xeyovres' Et eKJdaX- Xeis rjpas, b efTirpe^rov rjpiv dneXdelv" els rrjv dyeXrjv ru>v ^olpcov. 3 " Kai elnev avrols' 'Yirdyere. Ol 8e e^eXdovres airr)Xdov els c rr)v dyeXrjv rwv x 0l P (av '' Kai l8ov, wpprjae Tra.ua T) dyeXrj d to>i> ^olpcov" Kara rod Kprjpvov els rr)v ddXacr- o~av, Ka\ dnedavov ev roils v8ao-iv. 33 ol 8e j36o-Kovres e(f)vyov, Kai aTreXddvres els rrjv wdXiv dnrjyyeiXav rrdvra, Kai ra ru>v 8aip.ovi£op.eva>v. Kai tSoi), Trdcra r) ixdXis e^rjXBev els crvvdvrrjaiv ra Ir/crou" Kai I86vres avrov, TrapeKaXeaav 6nu>s perafif) dno riov oplcov avruv. 9. Kai epftds els e ro" ttXoIov 8ierre- pacre Kai rfXdev els rr)v I8lav ttoXiv. " Kai l8oi>, 7rpoo~ev ypapparecov ehvov ev eavrols' Ovros j3Xao-v ; 6 rl yap eariv evKonarepov, elirelv, Aqbecovrai h o~ov r ' al apaprlai' rj elirelv, h,yeipe (cat Trepnvarei ; tfa be ei- 8r/re, on e^ovo-'iav e^ei 6 vlos rod dvdpJo- ttov eTri rrjs yrjs dcpievai dpaprlas, (rore Xeyei ra TrapaXvriKW') 'Eyepdels apov crov rrjv KXivtjv, Kai imaye els rov oikov o-ov. 7 Kat eyepdels dirifXdev els rov Matt. IX. 7. two possessed with devils, com- ing out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way. '■ i ' J And be- hold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus thou son of God ? art thou come hither to torment us before the time ? 30 And there was a good way off from them, an herd of many swine, feeding. 31 So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suf- fer us to go away into the herd of swine. 3i And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and behold, the whole herd of swine ran vio- lently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the wa- ters. 33 And they y kept them, fled, and went their ways into the city, and told every thing, and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils. 34 And behold, J whole city came out, to meet Jesus: and when they saw him, they besought him y he would depart out of their coasts. 9. And he entered into a ship, and passed over, and came into his own city. ' 2 And behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith, said un- to the sick of the palsy, Son, be of good cheer, thy sins be forgiven thee. 3 And behold, certain of y scribes said within themselves, This man blasphe- meth. 4 And Jesus knowing their thoughts, said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts ? 4 for whether is easier to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee : or to say, Arise, and walk ? 6 but y ye may know that the son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house. 7 And he arose, * Gh. on. b OJ, — Gb. a-rroarf t\ov i);ia • at o^aonai. g CV ctduic;. c Gb. Tors x oi ° ov S- d *' h ' "" h Bee. cot. i e^. — Ret. & Gb. Eysipai. Matt. IX. 8. and departed to his house. s But when the multitudes saw it, they marvelled, and glorified God, which had given such power unto men. 3 And as Jesus passed forth Crom thence, he saw a man named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom : and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose and followed him. 10 And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners, came and sat down wilh him and his dis- ciples. " And when the Pha- risees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your mas- ter with publicans and sinners ? 13 But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. 13 But go ye and learn what that mean- eth, I will have mercy and not sacrifice : for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. 14 Then came to him the dis- ciples of John, saying, Why do we and the Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not ? 15 and Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as y bridegroom is with them ? but the days will come when y bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast. 1( > No man put- teth a piece of "new cloth unto an old garment : for that which is put in to fill it up, taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse. 17 Neitherdomen put new wine into old bottles : else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, & the bottles perish : but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved. ls While he spake these things unto them, behold, there came a certain ruler and worshipped 20 EYArFEAION oIkov avroii. 8 Ibovres he oi 6'^Xot a e6av- paaav," Kal edo^aaav rbv Qebv, tov hovra e^ovcriav roiavrqv rois dv3pa>7fois. 9 Kat napdycov 6 'irjaovs eKeWev e L8ev avdpanrov Kadrjpevov enl to reXavtov, Mardalov Xeyopevov, Kal Xe-yet avra' AKoXovdet poi. Kal dvao-rds tjkoXov- 8rjo~ev avrco. 10 Kat eyevero avroii dva- Keipevov ev rfj otKia, /cat Idol), ttoXKoI reXSivat Kat apaprcoXol eX66vres o~vv- aveKeivro ra> 'I^a-oD /cat rois padrjrals avroii. u ical Iddvres oi <&apto-aloi ebrov rois paBrjrals avrov' Atari pera rwv reXcoviov Kal dpapraXcov eo~6iet 6 StSd- crKakos vpa>v; 12 'O Se 'lycrovs aKovaas ehvev h avrols'" Ov ^peiav e%ovcnv oi lo~)({>ovTes larpov, dXX' oi kokois e^ovres. 13 rropevdevres 8e pddere r't eoTtv' c *EAeof" c9eXa>, /cat oil dva'tav ov yap r)X6ov KaXecrat BtKaiovs, dXX* dpapra- Xovs '' e Is perdvotav." 14 Tore rvpocrep^ovrat avrw oi padrjral ladvvov, Xeyovres' Atari rjpels kui oi Qapitralot vrjcrrevopev 7roXXd, oi 8e pa- drjrai o~ov ov vrjorevovcri ; ls Kat einev avrols 6 , Ir)o~ovs' Mr) 8vvavrat oi viol rov vvp(pa>vos rrev&elv, ftp' bcrop per avrwv io-riv 6 vvpcplos ; eXevaovrat 8e r)pepai orav aTvapdi] an avrcov 6 wp- (pios, Kal Tore vrjcrrevo-ovcriv. 16 oiiSVt? 8e erri/BaXXet eTri(3Xr]pa paKovs dyvdcpov eVt iparlco rraXaico. a'tpet yap to nXr}- pcopa avroii anb rov ipariov, Kal )(elpov o~xlcrpa yiverai. ] ' ov8e fidXXovariv oivov veov els do~Kovs naXatovs' el 8e pr]ye, prjyvvvrai oi do-Kol, Kal 6 olvos eK^elrat, Kal oi do~Kol dnoXovvrai' dXXd (3dXXovo-tv oivov veov etc aaKovs Kaivovs, Kat e ap- (porepoi" (Tvvrrjpovvrai. 1H Tavra avroii XaXovpros avrols, l8oi>, apxcov f eis eXduiv" Tvpoo-eKwei » c^' Miftofftidrjeay. ^> — » c cv EXco;. " Oh om. e Rec. au'/V "On tj dvydrr/p pov apri him, saying, My daughter is freXevrnaeV dXXd eXdav enides rriv f Ten , M !' de * d : but come - and ~ , . > . t \ y i Ht .' ( laythy hand upon her, and she Xftpu aov ar^ avri]v, Kai Qrjarerai. Kai shall live. •» And Jesus arose, eytpdels 6 'hncrovs TiKoXov6rio~ev avrci and followed him, and su did v . a \ > - 'his disciples. Kai oi pa&rjrai avrov. ' Kal l8ov, yvvr] aipoppoovaa SoiSe/ea 20 (And behold, a woman ern, irpo(jeX8ovcra omaOev, rj\iraro rov whic h was diseased with an issue <* ~ < < » - 21 *\ ot blood twelve years, came be- Kpao-n-tOov rov ipariov avroV " eAeye hind him, and touched the hem 7 - A> 22 'r> »> within herself, If 1 may but fl • " /* c t/iartov at,rou, Vo/u». , °, & touch his garment, I shall bS C I^troi}? emo-rpa(peis Kai i8a>v avrrjv whole. " But Jesus turned him eiW Gapo-ei, Svyarep- t] maris (rov about and when he saw her, he r r T l » / , A t' > > ^ - said, Daughter, be of good com- o-fO-Q)Ke (re. Kai faooOr] n yvvr] ano ri]s fort, thy faith hath made thee (tipas eKfivns. whole. And the woman was •23 zr y >\ a* ' »t " ' L3 ' ' made whole from that hour.) * Kai eA&oi/ o^ Ii?t mmstrels and the people mak- , - ,/ » A " r > ,' , ,„' ln ff a noise, " he said unto avrotc* Afaxojpetre - ou -yap awe&ave them, Give place, for the maid to Kopdo-iov, dXXa Ka0€v8ei. Kai Kare- is not dead, but sleepeth. And "1 ' " 25 "n s*> 'f- n\ ' a ' they laughed him to scorn. yiXcov avrov. Ore de e&jBXtrfrj o 25 £ ut w ^ en the peopIe werf ; b)(Xos, tlaeXdoiV eKpdrrjae ttjs %eipbs P u t forth, he went in, and took avrr)s, K al hyepQr) to Kopdmov. 2S Kai her by the hand : and the maid v-\ /i ' 1 ' " ■> «n » - arose. - 6 And "the fame hereof e£nA0ei/ n v\a> }> •> > ' / ~^a b0nof Da vid, have mercy on JiAaofTi 06 eis ttjv oikmv, npoo-qkOov us. -s And when he was come avru> oi rvdiXol, Kal Xeyei avrols 6 'in- int0 the house, the blind men ~ l r t «'-. _ ' Camp to him • nnrl .luetic caitl. -'. tt > 1 ' s,/ ~ came to him: and Jesus saith o-ovs llio-revere ori bwapal rovro U nto them, Believe ye that I ^it^crai; Aeyovcriv avra>' Nat, Kvpie. am able to do th ' Tor. WarorZv 6v air&u, ^^IZil 770ir]0~ai ; Aeyovaiv avra>' Nat, Kvpie. am able to do this ? they said 29 T6Yba\uS>v airuv, ITAJlu' Lord - '" The " ^ , ' ~ , , , " r r 1 touched he their eves, saying, AeyooV Kara rrjv Triariv vpcov yevr]0T]r(o According to your "faith, be it vp.lv. 2° Kat ai/fGJY&io-ai/ avrw oi o- "n' y° u - 30 Alld their eyes j/i x /. y ' a ' » - ' 't were opened: and Jesus straitly tp&aXpoi Kai evePpip.j]o-aro avrois o In- charged them, saying, See that crovs, Xeycov' 'Opdre pr]8els yiva>o-Kera>. no man know it. 31 But they, ■ Oi N^^m 8i^pi.av airov ^ troad^ famlm iti ev o\j] ry yij eKfivrj. that country. 32 Avruv 8e e^epvoLieVcBf, l8ov, Tvpoa- 32 As the y went out > behold, ' > - »a j ' e. they brought to him a dumb r^veyKav avra avffpcoTrov KOifpov bai- man possessed with a devil. povi£6pevov. ^ Kal eKpXrjQevros rov 33 And when the devil was cast » c\> sAc-yev b xj vtoo. Or, this tW.e. Matt. IX. 34. 22 EYAITEAION out, the dumb spake, and the Saipoviov, cXdXrjcrev 6 KoXpos' Kal e&av- multitudes marvelled, saying, av ; g ^ Xe'-ywrey a " OvSeWe It was never so seen in Israel. ',,, „ "■ , „'>_ /, 3. _, a » 34 But the Pharisees said, He «pavT) ourcoc ei/ tw IcrparjA. Vi oe casteth out the devils through ^apiaaloi. e'XeyoV '~Ev tS> hovoi/ti tu>v the prince of the devils. $, / ! Ta'is m their synagogues, and preach- „ , .' v / , ing the gospel of the kingdom, (rvvayayais avrcov, Kai Kt]pv(T(ro)V to and healing every sickness, and eva yycXwv Tris fiaaiXe Las, Kal 0epaneva>v every disease among the people. ~ '' , » \ - «b ™ But when he saw the multi- iracrav voaov ^ Kai naaav fiaXaKiav. tudes, he was moved with com- 36 tScbi/ 8e tovs o)(Xovs, iarvXay^vio'vrj passion on them, because they ; y - g ? c j'^XueW Kal "tainted, and were scattered ",r , ', x ' » * abroad, as sheep having no shep- eppip.pevoi axrei TVpopara fir) e^ovra herd. 3; Then saith he unto TrotueVa. 37 Tore Xe'yei rots uaBnrals his disciples, The harvest truly r - < _. \ * \ \ \ < & * is plenteous, but the labourers avroV O pev tiepio-pos TToAvs, 01 oe are few. 3s p ray ye therefore epydrai dXiyoi' ** der]8rjTf ovv tov kv- his harvest. eis rof oepio-pov avrov. 10. And when he had called 10 - Kal TTpoo-KaXeadpevos TOW Sa>- unto him his twelve disciples, d(Ka padrjTas avrov, eowKev avrois he gave them power f> against e '£ ol)fn ' a „ vvivpaTuv aKaQapTW, SiCTTe unclean spirits, to cast them > Q ,». , , •> A ~> out, and to heal all manner eKpaXXeiv avra, Kai ffepaneveiv Tvacrav of sickness, and all manner of v do-ov Kal ndaav uaXaKiai: disease. 2 rn ~ s. * s. ' s> ' r\ \ ■> t la>z> oe ocooeKa anoo-ToAuv ra ovo- 2 Now thenamesofthe twelve > > - - v' ' •i apostles are these : the first, P- aTa €lAt7r7roc, lomew, Thomas, and Matthew Ka \ Bap6o\oualos- Qcouas, Kal Mardaios the publican, James the son of r s V > T / o e • i.\ j 1 Alphaeus, and I.ebbams, whose ° Te\ * m \>l ov $ as ' &' das Iscanot, who also betrayed , T ~, , v %\ >/ him. Io~Kapiu>TT]s o Kai irapaoovs avrov. 5 Tovtovs tovs 8a>8eKa aTTtaTtiXfv 6 5 These twelve Jesus sent ■>-, ^ > - •« ' forth, and commanded them, irjo-oys, TrapayyuXas^ avrois, Aeyoji- saying. Go not into the way of Etc odov £8va>v p.rj air£X6r)T(, Kal els KSS^S^S To-kwfaHfptiT&v p) «VeX^ ? - • no- 6 but go rather to the lost sheep peveaOe oe paXXov npos Ta TYpopara to. of the house of Israel. » And dnoXaiXoTa o'ucov 'lo T paj;X. 7 iropevopevoi as ye go, preach, saving. The 5, > , \ ' •»„ » r kingdom of heaven is" at hand: oe Krjpvv ovpavatv. 8 ' ' Ao-dfvovvras » Rec. aJd Ort. 1» Rcc. add iv Ty Aaw, c Reo.fyXeXn^evoi. d — • hf$(l. o «w[«X. — Alii — » o e7Ti^X" Baii. • oj Kavarato(. i St, ;. Bz. om. a Or, were tired and lay down. P Or, over. RATA MAT6AION. 23 Matt. X. 22. Bepanevere, a Xerrpovs Ka6apl(eTe," Sat- lepers, raise the dead.castout udvia €KBd\\eTe. Scopcav cXafcre, Sto- devils: freely ye haw received, hU)f ~ , ., , q , >— c >p . s. v freely give. ,J « Provide neither p«xi/ dore. 3 pr; KTi]O-r)(r0e xpui>, aT 1 0e gold, nor silver, nor brass in apyvpov, pr)8e vuXkov els Tas ^dovas y° ur purses : "> nor scrip for ' - in \ ' > jj\\„ „_»j &' yourjoumey, neither two coats, "P". A* 1 ? ?'M M "' ," S o8ol/ ' W«, 0"° neither shoes, nor yet staves: ^trwi/ay, fir) tie v7ro8r]paTa, pr)0e " pa/3- (for the workman is worthy of 8ovs'" «£ios yap 6 e'pydrrjs rr}s rpocprjs hls meat -> avrov etrriv. 11 Els rjv 8' av ttqXiv r) Kcour)v elcreX- " And into whatsoever city * if. , , , , ~ iii. , , or town ve shall enter, enquire 1 T€ l e &J' a ' raTe J ls ev auT » "&os eo-Ti who in ^ is worthVi and ^ here KaKfi pelvaTe, e'cas av e^eXdrjTe. elar- abide till ye go thence. >-' And epvdpevot S« eis tw olklciv, d ' ii » A '■»*«« « 'A' salute it. 13 And if the house avrrjv. io Km eav pev j) i] oiKta a£ia, be worthy, let your peace come iXderoy r) elprivn vpSiV en avrnV edv Se , u P on it : but if it be not worthy, \ 9- tit i t t r « . s t - let vour peace return to vou. pr) >) at;ia, r) eiprjvr) vpu)V npos ^ vpas u And whosoever shall not re- e'nicrTpa. u Kal os edv pr) de^r)rai ceiveyou, nor hear vour words: tri* pr)8e dKoicrr,Tovs Xty* vpCv, ^X^oS^^li e^ep^opevoi ttjs oiKias r) Ti)S noXeais your feet. '» Verily I say unto eKeivns, eKTivaPare tov Kovioprdv rmv you. It shall be more tolerable * - ' , „ it , \ n / c - tor the land of Sodom and Go- nodav vpcov.^ aprjv Aeyco vp.iv, morrha in the day of judgment, dve KTorepov earai yfj 2o86pa>v Kal than for that city. c Topoppcov" e'v rjpepa Kpiaeois, rj rfj TToXei eieeivr]. 15 'iSou,' ev&) dnocrTeXXa vpas as '" Behold, I send you forth as ,„ , ' / ■. / i a t sheep in the midst of wolves: npojiaTa ev peaa AvKaV ytvecrOe ovv be ye therefore wise as serpents, chpoviuoi cos ol ocheis, ko\ dtcepaioi w? and ^harmless as doves. " But t ' 17 _' „„ 5>; ^^A-r.. beware of men: for they will at nepicrrepai. ^ rrpoae X eTe de airo rcov dehver ym up tQ thp c J mci ^ avOpu>na>V. Trapaoa)o~ovo~i yap vpas eis and they will scourge you in o-vvebpia, Kal ev rals crwaycoyaic avrmv their synagogues, '» and ye r , f - i« ' , v f / shall be brought before govem- pao-Tiywo-ovcnv vpas^ Kai erri rjyepovas rs and kings for my sake, for 8e Kal !3amXeis dx^rjcrecrde eveKev epov, a testimony against them, and ' ' » ..„V -„?„ i'd.,,^.,. the Gentiles. I9 But when they ets paprvpiov avrois ^ rois edvecnv. Oliver you up, take no thought, 19 orav de Trapaoiou>mv vpas, pr) pepi- how or what ye shall speak, for u.vr)o-r>Te ttws r) ri XaXrjcrrfre- d Snt?no-erac jtshall be given you in that same n y ' ,'„ , ,' , - « '\ \' i, hour what ye shall speak. - For yap vpiv ev eKeivr) rrj apa ti \aKr)o-ere ■ it is not ye that speaki but the 20 ov yap vpels ecrre ol XaXovvres, dXXa Spirit of your Father, which « tt ~ " * T " , ^^~ speaketh in you. -' And the to Uveypa rov narpos vpcovjoXaXovv ^^ sha „- de]iver up the ev iiplv. TrapaScocTfl Of aoeX(pos brother to death, and the father dbeXchov els Odvarov, Kal TraTnp tUvoV ^e child: and the children shall y \ , ' / ,'\ - rise up against their parents, & Kai eiravao-Tr)o-ovTat TeKva em yoveis, cause them to be put to death. (cat 6avaTwo-ovo~Lv avTois. ® Kal ecrecrde Ti And ye shall be hated of all a Rec. Xe7rp. KoQav., vtKoov* evftpert, Gb.t'n^p. eyup. ^ewp. *fa9. -♦ vtxp. 171*10. b ^J. — .Rec.StGb. iafl&ar. c t^: r 0M o^a s . d -* * Cr, get. ^ Or, simple. Matt. X. 23. men for my name's sake : but he that endureth to the end, shall be saved. 23 But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into an- other : for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not "have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come. 24 The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord. 25 It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord : if they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his houshold? 26 fear them not therefore : for there is nothing covered, that shall not be re- vealed ; and hid, that shall not be known. 27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light : and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. 28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul : but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing ? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. 30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. 3 - Who- soever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I con- fess also before my Father which is in heaven. 33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Fa- ther which is in heaven. 31 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth : I came not to send peace, but a sword. 3i For I am come to set a man 24 EYAITEAION piO~OVpeVOL VTTO TtUVTbdV 8ia TO OVOpa pov' 6 8e vnopeivas els TeXos, ovtos (rcodrjcreTai. " 3 Orai' Be 8i(i)Kcoo~iv vpds ev ry iroXei Tavrrj, (pevyere els tt)v a " aXXrjv. dprjv h yap" Xiyoo vplv, ov pr) reAe'crr/re tos Trokeis tov Io~par)X, eois av i'Xdrj 6 vlos tov dv6p(j}jrov. ovk eo~Ti pa6rjTr)s invep tov 8i8do~KaXov, ov8e 8ovXos vnep TOV KVplOV CIVTOV. dpKSTOV to padrjrf], Iva yevrjTai as 6 StSaovaxAoc avrov, /cat c 6 SovXos" cos 6 Kvpios avrov. el tov olKoSecmoTrjv BeeX£e(3ovX d e ireKaXeo-av," Tvoaoa paXXov rovs oiKianovs avrov ; 26 pr) ovv (po^rjdrjre avrovs" ovdev yap e'ori KeKaXvppevov, o ovk dnoKaXvCpOrj- o~erai' koi KpvnTov, o ov yvcoo~6r)o~eTai. ' b Xeyoo vplv ev rf/ o~Koriq, e'iirare ev to cpcori' Kai o eis r6 oiis aKovere, Krjpv^are en\ tcov dcopdrcov. 28 Kat pr) e (pof3elo-0e" dirb riov f dno- KTevovTcov" to o-copa, ttjv 8e yj/v^r)v pr) dwapevcov dnoKTe'ivai' V 30 vpiov 8e Kal al Tpfyes rr ) s Ke(paXrjs ivdaai rjpidp.Tjp.evai elai. 31 pr) ovv (po^rjdrJTe' ttoXXcov crrpovOicov 8iaTco ep.wpoo~6ev tov naTpus pov tov ev ovpavois. octtis o av apvijarjTai pe epirpooQev tu>v dvdpconcov, dpvr)o~opai avrov Kayo) epTtpoo~6ev tov narpos pov tov ev ovpavois. Mi) voplo-rjTe on r)X8ov (iaXelv elprjvTjv en\ ti)v yr)v' ovk i)X6ov fiaXelv elpr)vr]v, dXXa pd%aipav. 3o rjXdov yap a Gb. add — * erepav' Kav e« rawrTjj Aiuiniuaiv v^aj, fpfvytrt fif rrjy. d Rec. tKa\taav- e Rec. ipoBrt&VTi. * R«c. airoKTHvvvraiy, g ZX a Or. end. or, fmi.b, KATA MAT0AION. 25 dixdcrai avdpunvov Kara tov narpos av- rov, Kai Bvyarepa Kara ttjs pr/Tpbsavrrjs, /cat vvpcprjv Kara rr/s nevdepds avrrjs' 3G xi e'%6pol avOpi i tov avvpumov 01 oikuikoi aiirov. 37 6 (piXcov irarepa rj prjrepa virep epe, ovk eari pov agios' Kai 6 (pi- Xwv vlbv j] Ovyarepa vnep e'pe, ovk eari pov agios' ^ Kai os ov Xapftdvei tov o~Tavpbv avrov Kai aKoXovdel oniaui pov, ovk ecrn pov a£ios. 39 6 evpcov ttjv y^rv^rjv avrov aTToXeaet avrrjv' Kai 6 aTToXeo~as ttjv yj/v\r]v avrov eveKev (pov evpi]o~ei avrrjv. o oe^opevos vpds epe Several' Kai 6 epe 8e)(6pevos Several tov aTvoo~TeiXavrd pe. 41 6 Se- Xopevos 7rpo(pi']Trjv els ovopa Trpocprjrov picrOuv irpo(pi]Tov X^^erai' Kai 6 Se^o- pevos biKaiov els ovopa Slkuiov piadbv Bikolov Xrj\j/erai.' ® Kai os eav ttotlo-i] eva ru>v piKpcov tovtcov TTOTTjpiov ip-vxpov povov els ovopa padrjrov, dprjv Xeyco vpiv, ov pi) drcoXeo'T] tov piaObv aiirov. 11. Kai eyevero OTe ereXeaev 6 h]- o~ovs Siaraa"0"coi/ rols ScbSe/ca padrjrals avrov, pere(Br] eKeWev tov diddaKeiv Kai Krjpvao-eiv ev rals TioKeaiv avruiv. 'O be 'laavvrjs aKovcas ev ra> 8e- o~pcoTT]p[u> to. epya tov Xpio~rov, ireptyas a bvo" Tcbv pu6r)Ta>v avrov, 3 elirev avT(o' 2i/ ft 6 ipxdpevos, rj e'repov rrpoo~- SoKupev ; 4 Kai aTTOKpidels 6 'lr/crovs ehrev avrols' Ilopevdevres dnayyeiXare Icodvvj] a aKovere Kai fiXejrere' rv(pXol avafiXenovo-i, Kai ^coXoi TvepmarovaC Xenpol KaOapi^ovTai, Kai Kcocpol ukovov- ^^6(T€ ISciV, av6 pa >TTOV CV see.' a man clothed in soft rai- ,'' , , ' , " ■* ment ? behold, they y wear soft paXaKOls ipariois rjp(pieo-pevov ; 100V, clothing, are in kings houses. ot ' ra MfjAriKn (hopovvres cv Tols o'ikois 3 But what went ye out for to ,. , .. , ' „ ' , , o -w \ / >* see? a prophet? yea, I say ™l> paaiXeiwv ei(TiV aAAo Tl ef ■ unto you, and more than a pro- rjXdere Ideiv; Trpo(f)T)T7]V ; rat, Xeyo) vp'iv, phet " For this is he of whom „ » _ / j> . in ? it is written, Behold, I send Ka , 1 ™P"ro-OTcpov npofarov ovros mv messenger before thy face, yap ecrrt fffpi ov yeypanTai' l8uv, which shall prepare thy way be- ^ aTrooreXXo) tov uyycXov aov nod foie thee. " Verilv 1 sav unto ' , » '* , \ you. Among them that are born irpocrtoirov (tov, os KaTao-Kevaaei rrfP of women, there hath not risen 686v CTOV €p.irpo' ' notw 1 thstandi„g,hethatisleast Xe y wl f t, '> y K tyipeprai tv yjvvr) T oi S in the kingdom of heaven, is yvvaiKow pei^uiv Icodvvov roil ftanri- greater than he. cttov' 6 8e piKporepos (V Tjj f3uo~iXela Ta)v ovpavcov pei^cov axiTov £o~tiv. 12 And from the days of John l '~ 'Ano ds tu>v rjp.epu>v 'liodvvov tov the Baptist, until now, the king- a _ - n « ' a \ ' dom of heaven « suifereth vio- Parmarrov etoc apri, 17 fiaaiXda tuv lence, and y violent take it by ovpavoiV /3tdff Tai, Kai (iiao~Tai dpTrd^ov- force. IS For all the prophets ^ a >' 13 ^^ « < npo(p ^ Tal and the law prophesied until v t ,' „ , , » ' ,',' ' John. I4 And if ye will receive * a ' O vopos fCOJ Iwuvpou TrpO«pr)Tfvaav' it, this is FJias which was for M Ka J el ' 6£\ eTf de£aa8ai, avTOS iariv to come. l3 He that hath ears to > TI \ 1 ' 'w " a , is » ■" hear, let him hear. " But HXt « ° V-^Xmv fpxeadal' ^ o t X <*v whereunto shall I liken this ge a>Ta aKoveiv, (iKOvirU). 16 Tivi de 6/xoi- neration ? It is like unto chil ^ « ^ ra] ^ r - • « dren, sitting in the markets, and , . , ' u ' , , - a ' \ calling unto their fellows, "and TTaibiois c ev ayopais KadrjpevoLS, Kai saying, We have piped untoyou, npoo-(hcovovcnro'is eraipois avribv, 17 Kcii" and ve have not danced: we n / T t>\ ' « » « > have' mourned unto you, and AeyotwV HuArjo-a^fj/ u/xt^, Kat^ OVK ye have not lamented. la For ojp^r) o~ao~6e' edprjvrjaapfv vp.lv, Kal OVK John came neither eating nor ^d^ao-fc. 18 T HXc5e yap 'iwawns M^re drinking, and they say, He hath , r , , \ \ / - a devil. la The Son of man ecroimv prjre TTivuiV, Kai \eyovo~l, Aaipo- came eating and drinking, and viov |y et , 19 5A0ev 6 v ; o? r0 {) dudpo)- they say, Behold a man glutton > /»» \ » \ \ ' ous.andawinebibber, a friend jrov eadicov Kai nivuv, Kai XeyovaiU, of publicans and sinners : but 'l8ov, avQ pcoiros (fidyos Kai oivottottjs, wisdom is justified of her chil- TeX(0V ^ v ^/Xoc K a\ dpapraXw. Kai e'St- ••!» Then began he to upbraid Kaiadrj 17 rrofpta dirb TtaV TtKvcov avrr/s. the cities wherein most of his 20 Tore ilpt-aTO 6pfl8l(eiv tcis 7f6X(ls mightv works were done, be- > ? > ' < \ - s> ' cause they repented not. -'Woe e " ) m / tyzvovTO ai nXeKTTai dvvapeis unto thee Chorazin, woe unto avTOv, on ov p€Tev6r]o~av. Oval o~oi, thee Bethsaida: for if y mighty XopatlV, ovai (TOl, d Bljd(rat8ai»-* OTt 6t works which were done in you, , C,/ , , , ' , 5, , had been done in Tyre & Sidon, fv T-Vpm Kai Stocow tytvovro ai bvvapeis they would have repented long a 'i yevopevai iv vp.1v, irdXai av iv (TaKK(i> *.NJ,^— BeC &.Ob. pafftAtuic. " Rec.iratoaptot;. t *^) ^aO, §v ayopa , o irpoaptuvovvTO. roi j f TatpOtsCs.ffpoisl d "^ B»?0ou'.ia. a Or. is goltrn by force, and they tbat thrust men KATA MAT9AI0N. 27 Matt. XII. 4. Ka\ o"7ro8o5 \x(Tev6r)crav. irXi]V Aeyco ago in sackcloih and ashes. vu.1v, Tvpa kciI 2t8ww dveKTorepov earac f But l sa ? u »'° y ".,. 11 snal J ,' / , r L , * <• - 23 v < more tolerable lor 1 vie and ev rjpepa Kpiae- " u >n ior you. - 3 And thou Ca- a - m " «s> a a Q' . " 7 pernaum, which art exalted tin- deio-a, ecor adov KaTa^aaffijo-p on ei to heavcn> sha|t be bronght ev SoSopois eyevovTO ai 6vvdpeis at down to hell: for if the mighty yevdpevai ev Kaipai> cmoKpi&eis 6 of judgment, than for thee. V™ el^v-^opoXoyovpal trot, nd- ^ft^S oSSS, Tip, Kvpie tov ovpavov /cat TrjS yi]$, OTl Lord of heaven and earth, be- dneKpv4/as ravTa duo > / trom the wise and prudent, and TOiV, Kai aireKaXvtyas avra vrjwiois. hast revealed them unto babes. 26 vol, 6 irarrip, on ovtus eyeveTO ev- ' 2ti Even so, Father, for so it <\ / »/ a < 27 _ ' seemed eood in thy sight. '^ All GoKia epirpoaBev aov.^ « ™^«M°i things are deliveied unto me of napedodr) vtto tov TvaTpos pov' Kai ovoeis my father: and no man know- eniyivao-Ket tov vibv, el pi) 6 Tramp- eth the son but the father: , .', , , > i > \ neither knoweth any man the ovbe tov iva-repa tis eniyivaio-Kei, ei prj father, save the son, and he to 6 vios, Kal oj eav BovXnrai 6 vlbs d-rro- H homsoever the son will reveal . / ,' ' ^ ' him. KaAuyai. 28 AevTe ivpos pe Travres ol KomuiVTes 2S Come unto me all ye Kal netiopno-uevoi, K dyo> dvaTravaco f h f lab ° u r r = and are hea 7 , „ Xi >/ \ t. , >j> t ~ laden, and I will give you rest. vp.as. " J apaTe tov Qvyov pov e

' and lowly in heart: and ye Taneivos tjj K ap6tcr Kill evprjaeTe^ ava- shaU find rest unt0 your sou]s- 7ravo"ti' Tals '"/v^ats ipa>v. 30 6 yap 3(l For my yoke is easy, and my (vyos pov xptjo-Tos, Kal to (popnov pov bui " enls "S nt - e~Xa(pp6v eanv. 12. 'Ev eKelvm tw Kaipa eiropevQr) 6 12. At that time, Jesus went > T 'aa ' £ v _- . „„'..,,... on the sabbath day through the Irjo-ovs tois aaPpaari dtarav cnropipuv ^ and hjs ^^ ^ an ol Se padrjTal avTOV e7reivao~av, kui i]p- hungered, and began to pluck tjavTO TiKketv o-Tdvvas Kal eaOUlv. 2 ol y ears of corn, and to eat. - But g, ,» , "■ T , _ , t! s , when the Pharisees saw it. they 0€ Vapiaaiot ibovTes emov avTof Idov, said unto him, Behold, thydis- ol paOriTai (TOV TTOlovo-iv, b ovk e£eoTt cip'es do that which is not law- - ' oo' 3 'n S' T ' ful to do upon the sabbath day. iroieiv ev aa^aTcp. * O be emev av- 3 But he said unt0 thenlj Hav ' e rots' Ovk dvtyvaiTe ti eiroirjO'e Aauto, ve not read what David did STeeneivao-e b " KalolpeT avTOv; 4 iras « hen v he f was an h.mgred and i ' A a , , T r - _ - , they that were with him, 4 how eiarjXOev eis tov olkov tov Qeov, Kat ne entered into y house of God, rot's cipTOVS Tris ■npo6es eqbayev, oils and did eatyshewbread, which » f^ r) iwe tov ovp. vy/vOis- t» Rec. add auTOj. Matt. XII. 5. 28 EYAITEAION was not lawful for him to eat, ovk e£bv fjV aura (fiaye'iv, ovde toIs per neither for them which were aijT0 ~ » * TQ - 1 ^j)^ „ 6vols . 5 * with turn, but onlv for y priests? , ,', "' , ~, « - /a ' £• or have ye not read in the ovk aveyvcoTe ev T(o vopa>, oti tois crap- law, how that on y sabbath days (jao-iv 01 lepels ev tu> lepco to adp'p'aTOV the priests in y temple profane a o \ ~ » > */ i ' ■> e -\ / * sabbath, and are blameless ? ^^Xovcrt, Kai avaiTioi eiar, ° Xeyco 6 but I say unto you. That in fie vp'iv, oti tov lepov a pe'i£ov" ecrTiv this place is owe greater than y & g 7 €t > & e'yyoWire W AttW "EXe- temple. ' But if ye had known A ~ v ', n , , . what this meaneth. I will have ov 6e\a> Kai ov tivaiaV ovk av KareOi- mercy, & not sacrifice, ye would ^acraTe T0VS dvaiTiovs. 8 Kvpios yap not have condemned the guilt- > h /, - na ' t " - > less. 8 F or the Son of man is eo "™ rou (raj^aTOV o vios tov av- Lord even of the sabbath day. SpioTTOV. 9 And when he was departed 9 Ka \ peraftds eKe'idev, nXdev els ttiv thence, he went into their sy- \ > _ in n- , « « ' nagogue. 1° And, behold, there o~uvayayyr]v avrap. J- was a man which had his hand jros c f]V TT]v" \e\pa *X C0V £ 7 1P , * V ' Kal withered, and they asked him, > ,/_ _?_j . \ ' „ . -&'> »t- saying, Is it lawful to heal on ^puTrjcrav avTov, \eyovres Et eg«m the sabbath days ? that they rots aappacri depaneveiv ; ti/a Karrjyo- might accuse him " And he pnacoo-iv avrod. u 'O fie eiTrei/ airolr said unto them. What man shall ',', j, ><. r ,. « /• * w> there be among you, that shall A 'S ecrrai e§ upwi/ avVpanos, os e£ei have one sheep : and if it fall TrpoftaTOV ev, Kai eav epneo-rj tovto toIs into a pit on the sabbath day, >aa ■> a in » ' v r will he not lay hold on it, and ™PP"™ ^ «S f 06 ™/ 0V X± xparrjaei lift it out? IJ how much then avro Kai eyepei ; ttocto) ovv SiaCpe'pei is a man better than a sheep? ? lv Q panos npofiaTOV, more effort Tols wherefore it is lawful to do ,A a \ i „ n ', - , well on y sabbath days. isThen ' \ h ' >a « ' » it forth, and it was restored Kai e^ereti/e, Kai « aTreraTecrra^ uyinj whole, like as y other. u Then oj? rj aXKtf. 14 01 fie <&aplo~al.oi o~vp.- the Pharisees went out, and ^^101/ JXajSoi; /car avroO e^eX(9oVrey, "held a council against him, '„ , , ', , = how they might destroy him. 07TWC avrov anoAeo-(00-tv. is But when Jesus knew it, he 15 'O fie 'incrotjc yvovs avevwpncrev withdrew himselt from thence: > -a \ 1 N i n j - »\ and great multitudes followed eKeidev' KClt^ r]Ko\ov6r]0-av^ avT(0 o^Aoi him, and he healed them all, 7roXXoi, Kai idepanevo-ev avTOVs iravras' a^Si^EfiEte l \^^rlp W evai>rois, ivarf cpavtpov 17 that it might be fulfilled avrov iron]o-(ocriv' ' 07rcoc TrArjpaidij to which was spoken by E^aias y X„Q^ V g ta 'HcraiOU TOV irpo&nTOv' ' Xe- prophet, saving, ls Behold, my ' 10 , 5, , , -' r «c/ servant whbm I have chosen, yovros' ^ ls Ibov, o nats pov,^ ov ype- my beloved in whom my soul ricra* 6 dya7Tr;ros pov, els ov evftoKrjcrev is well pleased: I will put mv « .1 ' . /)' < tt - ' ' » spirit upon him, and he shall V Y^X*) M w 6ri n ILvtv/ui pov err shew judgment to the Gentiles, avrov, Kai Kpiaiv rols eavecriv uirayyekei' 19 He shall not strive, nor cry, 19 ov< f y l(Tfl ife Kpavydaff Ol/8e neither shall any man hear his,/ r ,_ \ > \ j. \ voice in y streets. 20 A bruised aKOvaei tis ev Tais nkaTeiais ttjv (pcovrjv reed shall he not break, and avTOV. 20 KaAapov ovvTerpippevov ov U BeeX£e[3ovX apX°VTi tS>v 8aipovia)V. * 3 EiSwc fie 6 Itjctovs ras evdvprjcreis avTu>v elnev avrols' Uacra ftacriXeta pepicrdelcra Kaff iavTrjs e'prjpovTaf Kal iracra wdXis rj olKia pepLcrdelcra Kaff eavrrjs ov crra- 6rjO-erai. 26 Kal el 6 laravas tov Saravdv eKJidXXei, e'0' eavrov e'pepladr]- ■njos ovv o-Ta6i]uerai fj fiacriXeia avTov; '' Kal el eyX eK^dXXio to. 8aipovta, ol viol vpu>v ev tivi eVc/3aX- Aovcri; 8ia tovto avrol vpwv ecrovrai Kpirai. 28 el fie b ev TlvevpaTi Qeov eyco" eKpaXXco to. 8aipovia, apa ecpdacrev e'0' vpds, r) fiacriXeia tov Qeov. 29 j) tt5>s dvvarai tis elcreXdelv els ttjv olKiav tov laxvpov Kal to. crKev-q avTov 8iapndcrai, eav prj npcorov Sr/077 tov Icrxvpbv, Kal Tore ttjv olKiav avTov 8iapirdo-ei ; 30 6 prj coi/ peT epov, KaT epov iari' Kal 6 prj crvvdycov peT e'pov, crKopni^et. Aia tovto Xe'yco vplv, irdcra apap- Tia Kal (BXaacpr/pia dcpe6r)creTai to'ls dv6panvois' r) fie tov IIvevpaTos /3Xacr- cprjpia ovk dcpedrjcreTai toIs avdoomois. 32 * * * " \ / \ r », • _ Kai os av enrrj Aoyov Kara tov viov tov dvOpdonov, drbedrtareTat avTU>' os 5' av enrrj koto tov IIvevpaTos tov ayiov, ovk d(pe6rjcreTai avTa>, ovre c ev to vvv" alwviovTe ev ra peXXovTi. n rj iroirjaaTe to Bevdpov KaAov, Kal rov Kapirbv airov Matt. XII. 33. smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory. 21 ^nd in his name shall the Gentiles trust. UtfTL fmuUwc*.. tfjr 0& _ 22 Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw. 23 And all f people were amaz- ed, and said, Is this the son of David? ^ but when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils. M And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them. Every kingdom - divided against itself, "is brought to desolation : and every city or house divided against itself.shall not stand. 2 « And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand? '*? and if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges. 2 » But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then y kingdom of God is come unto you. ^ Or else, how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, ex- cept he first bind the strong /> ^_ « .-./fn man, and then he will spoil his ©*««? -fj~(v ^«"*-- house. 3U He that is not with me, is against me : and he that gathereth not with me, scatter- ed abroad. 31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin & blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost,shall not be forgiven unto men. 32 And whosoever speak- eth a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come. 33 Either make the tree good, and his fruit good : or Joa- dai» sfc**yyw»i * Rer. add tv> b Rec.«-y — . Rec. &t Gt>. iv tovtm ro~iv ol dvdpayrroi, utto8u>o-ovo-i irepi avrov \6yov ev i]pepq Kpio-eas. ' eK yap Ttbv Xoycov o~ov 8iKaia>6i]o~r], Kal eK tu>v Xoycov o~ov KUTu8iKao'6rjO'rj. 33 Tore dTreKpi8rjo-av Tives tu>v ypap- parecov Kal ^apiaaicov, Xeyovres' Aiod- o-KaXe, deXopev dvro o~ov o-qpelov I8elv. 39 'O 8e dnoKpidels eiirev aiiTols' Teved novrjpa. Kal poixaXls orjpelov eiri^r/Tel' Kai crnpelov oil 8o6no-*Tai avrfj, el pr] to o-qpeiov lava tov 7rpo(pr)Tov. oianep yap rjv 'icofd? eV Trj KoiXiq tov kjjtovs rpels i)pepas Kal rpe'is vvKTas, ovtcds i'o~Tai 6 vlbs tov dvdpanrov iv Trj Kap8ia Trjs yrjs Tpels rjpepas Kal rpety vvKTas. 41 dvhpes Ntj/fvlrat dvacrTi]o-ovTat ev Trj Kpicrei peTa ttjs yeveas TaiiTrjs, Kal Ka- TaKpivoiio-iv avTrjV oti peTevorjcrav eis to Ki'ipvyu-a'Icovd' Kal l8ov,7rXelov Icovd £)8e. 42 j3ao-l\io-ara votov eyepdrjo-eTai ev Trj Kpiaei peTa Tr)s yeveds Tavrrjs, Kal KaraKpivel avTTjv' otl rjXOev eK tojv nepaTcov Trjs yrjs aKovo-ai Tr)v aocpiav 2,oXopa>vos' Kal Ibov, TrXelov SoXopwvos l)8e. 43 "Orav 8e to aKaBapTOV irvevpa et-e\6r] dnb tov dvOpcoirov, 8iepxeTai 8i dvv8pa>v tottchv, £r]Tovv dvaiTavcnv, Kai ov% evpio-Kei. 44 Tore Xf'yef 'E7rto-rpe\^a> els tov oJkov pov, odev e^rjXBov. Kal Ke<\ add ttjs tcap£ia$ b Rt*c. Pi Gb. -» aild ra. KATA MATGAION. 31 ■ eXdov evplcTKfL q-^oXd^ovra, o-ecrapay- pevov Kai KeKoap.rjp.ivov. 4o Tore tropev- erai Kal napaXapjddvei peff eavrou eirra. erepa nvevpara Trovrjporepa eavrov, Ka\ eio-eXSdvra Ka.Tot.Kei exec Kal ylverai to. ea^ara rov dvBpconov eKeivov %elpova Tb)v TTpu>Tu>v. ovtcos eo-rai Kal rfj yevea ravTrj t[] Trovqpa. Ert 8e avrov XaXovvros rols o^Aou, i8ov, fj prjTrjp Kal ol d8eX(pol avrov el- o-TrjKeio-av f £a>, (rjrovvres aura) XaXfjcrat. desi ' etVe 8e tis avra>' 'l8ov, r; pi)TT]p a-ov Kal 01 a8eX(pol crov e^u> eo~TrjKao~i, ^rjrovv- res o-oi XaXfjarai. 4S '0 8e diroKpiOels elire to) enrdvri avrcp' Tis ecrriv i) prjrrjp pov, Kal rives elarlv ol doeXqboi pov ; 49 Kai eKreivas ri]v x eL P a avrov em rovs pa- drjrds avrov einev' 'l8ov, tj prjrr/p pov Kal ol d8eX(poi pov. o0 (jams yap av TTotrjo-ri to 6eXr/pa tov irarpos pov tov ev ovpavols, avros pov d8eXqb6s Kal a8eXcprj Kal p']Trjp eariv. 13. Ei/ 8e tt) rjpepa eKeivrj e'^eXOwv Matt. XIII. 8. and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. 45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there : and the last state of that man is worse than the first, liven so shall it be also unto this wicked generation. 4G While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without, ring to speak with him. i: Then one said unto him, lie- hold, thy mother and thy bre- thren stand without, desiring to speak with thee. *« But he answered, and said unto him that told him, Who is my mo- ther ? and who are my bre- thren ? 4i > and he stretched forth his hand toward his dis- ciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren. 50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother. 13. The same day went <■ > r - > \ ■> I > '/) \ n. ine same day went o ^ Irjo-ovs ano Tr/s oikms eKadrjro irapa JeS us out of the house, and sat rrjv ddXacrcrav' 2 Kal awnvdrio-av ttoos uv the sea side. 2 And great /^.$-JL. JlL &~*~ /-' '^/^t. avrov o^Xoi 7ToXXoi, cocrre avrov els to nXolov e'pfidvra Kadijcrdai' Kal 7raj 6 o)(Xos enl tov alyiaXov elcrTi'jKei. Kal eXaXr/o-ev avrois TroXXd ev rra- paj3oXais, XeyaV 'l8ov, et;rp\8ev 6 o-rvei- pu>v tov o-ireipeiv. 4 Kal ev ra> crneipeiv avrov, a pev eirecre rrapa. rfjv 68oV Kal fjXde tci rrereivd, Kal Karecpayev multitudes were gathered toge- ther unto him, so that he went into a ship, and sat, and the whole multitude stood on the shore. 3 And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow. 4 And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came, and devoured them up 7rd £*-S*l'£j Some fell upon stony places, where aAAa oe eTrecrev eni ra jrerpoibrj, ottov they had not much earth : and ovk ei%e yijv TroXXrjv' Kal eidems e^ave- forthwith they sprung up, be- reiXe, 8ia to pt] e^eiv (idOos yrjs' 6 fjXlov oe dvareiXavros eKavpariadr], ko.1 8ia to pri e\eiv pi£av, etjr/pdvdr]. 7 ciXXa 8e eireaev errl ras aKavdas, Kal dveftr/o-av ai aKavdai, Kal dnerrvi^av avrd. 8 oAXa rrpi yrjv Tr/v KaXrjv, Kal ov Kap-rrov, o pev eKarov, b 8e e£rj- 8e enecrev edi'S cause they had no deepness of < & 'l+? '' earth. 6 And when the sun was up, they were scorched: and because they had not root, they withered away. 7 And some fell among thorns : and the thorns sprung up, & choked them. s But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some six- ) Trees* J. t ; ^^ /~ ^-*~»T SL Co*~r£ f? (2ejt<-<&* ■c^v-^A-y /f&j-T,^. Z^ro/ "T^i-y, $-f. 9k^*< iif l-f 6 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. iG But blessed are your eyes, for they see : and your ears, for they hear. " For verily I say unto you, that many prophets, and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them : and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them. l!i Hear ye therefore the pa- rable of the sower. ''■> When anyone heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart: this is he which received seed by the way side. -° But he y received the seed into stony places, the same is he y heareth the word, and anon with joy re- ceiveth it : •' yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation 32 EYAITEAION Kovra, 6 8e rpiaKovra. 9 6 e^cov cora aKoveLV aKovera). 10 Kai Trpocrekdovres ol padrjral eurov avrco' Atari iv 7rapaj3o\ais \a\els avrols ; n 'O 8e diroKpidels einev axiTols' "On vplv Se'Sorat yvavat ra pvaTr/pia ttjs fiacnXeias a tu>v ovpavwv," eKeivois 8e ov 8e8orai. 12 Sorts yap e'xei, 8o6rj- aerai avra, /cat nepio-o-evdijo-erai' Sorts 8e ovk e^et, Kat 6 e\ei, apOrjcrerai an avTov. 13 Sta touto ev Trapa(3o\ai.s avrois AaAaj, on (SXeTTOvres ov ftXenovat., Kai aKovovres ovk aKovovaiv ov8e o~vviovcn. 14 Kai dvaiiKrjpovrai b " avrois rj Trpocprj- ret'a 'Hcratbu, rj \eyovo~a" AkoTj ukov- o-ere, Kai ov pfj a-vvrjre' /cat fiXeirovres j3\eyj/eT€, na\ ov pr) i'Sryre. ls eiraxwOrj yap rj Kap8ia tov \aov rovrov, Kai to'is coo - ! /3apeco? ijK.ovo~av, Kai tovs 6o~lv aKov- au>crt, Kat rfj Kap8la c owicoot," Kai e7rio-Tpe\l/-a>o~i, Kat d Idacopai" avrovs. 16 'Ypaiv 8e p.aKapioi ol dv, on aKovei. 17 dprjv yap Xeyoo vplv, on noXKol 7rpo(prjTai Kat 8iKaioi ene- Bvprjcrav I8elv a. j3Ae7rere, Kat ovk el8oV Kai aKovo-ai a. aKovere, Kai ovk f]Kovo-av. 18 'Ypels ovv aKovaare rrjv TrapafioXrjv TOV 0~TT(lpOVTOS. 19 UaVTOS CLKOVOVTOS tov \6yov Trjs fHao-iXelas Kai pr) o~vvUv- tos, ep^erat 6 novrjpos, Kai dprra^ei to icnrapptvov iv 177 Kapbia avTov' ovtos e&nv o napa rr)v ooov crirapfis- o oe eVi to. 7reTpa>8r) o"ivape\s, ovtos ecnv 6 tov \6yov a.Kova>v, Kai tvdvs peTa x<*pas \ap(3avu>v avTov' 21 ovk e^f t 8e pi£av eV tavTco, dWa Tvp6o~Kaipos ecrn' yevo- pevrjs 8e 6\i\j/ea>s fj 8ia>ypov 8ia tov b Rec. adti iff'. c ,-x). — . St, & Elz. & Gb. 7wvwa*. KATA MAT9AI0N. 33 Matt. XIII. 32. Xdyov, evQvs o~KavdaX[£eTai. " 6 Se or persecution ariseth because els tcis dxdvdas o-napels, ovtos eaTiv °L the word ' b ? and b y he > s \ \ i i i \ . - offended, w He also that re- o Tovkoyov aKovwv, KM T) jj.epifj.va ceived seed among the thorns, tov aiwvos Tovtov Kal T] dirdrrj tov ' s he thai heareth the word, and _\ ' ' < \ ' > the care of this world, and the ttXovtov crypirviyec jov Xoyov, Kai deceitfulness of riches choke [he aKapiros yiverai. "* o Oe em rrjv yrjv word, and lie becometh unfruit- rnv KaXtiv o-rrapels, ovtos e(TTiv 6 ful \ . ** But he that received ' v/ ' > ' > , * o., seed into tlie good ground, is he TOV Koyov aKovcov /cat avvtcov' os bt] that heareth the word, and un- KapTrodjopel, Kal notei 6 pev {kutov, 6 derstandeth it, which also bear- £» '/■' < na> o-treLpovTL KaXov kingdom of heaven is likened cnre'pfia ev tgj dvpco aiiTOv' 2b e'v be Toy unt0 a man wn ich sowed good „ a '& f > V ■ ?\ /) > ~ seed 'n his field: w but while Kadevbeiv tow avOpcoTrovs, r]X6ev avTOV men slept> his enemy came and o e^dpos Kal e'o~7reipe £i£dvia dvd peaov sowed tares among the wheat, tov o-Itov, Kal dirn\6ev. 26 ore Se r/3Xa- and ^nt h,s way. H But when , , ' v i » » the h' a oe was sprung up, and o-TTfo-ev o x°P r °S> *<" Kapirov e-TroiTjo-e, brought forth fruit, then ap- TOTe ed)dvr) Kal ra (tCdvia. ' 27 npoaeXSdv- P eared the tares also. 27 So ss> « 5. -% ~ ■> 5. 1 t the servants of the housholder res be 01 douAoi tov oiKobeanoTOV enrov came, and said unto him, Sir, avToy' Kvpie, ov%l KaXov aireppa eairei- didst not thou sow good seed in pas'ev ™ -' ' SB*r»sfXJ • - >t^ zi > hath it tares? « he said unto £i<,apiu ; (J 6e e(pr; at/rois' E^opos them, An enemy hath done this. avdparrros tovto eno'mo-ev. Ot be bovXoi , rh P s , ervants said unt0 him, * > - „ ~. t ' \ /i / \\ lit thou then that we go and enrov avTip- QeAeis ovv aneXdovTes gather them up ? as but he b o-vXXe^copev" avrd; ^ 'O be e(pT]' Ov' s^. Nay: lest while ye gather p^Te vvXXeyovTes ja MdvLa JK P L- Z^^T^^tSc (coo-rfre apa avTOis tov a'lTov. i0 dfjiere both grow together until the o-vvav£dvecr8ai dadidTepa ue'vpt tov har vest: and inthe timeof har- n - \ > r« ~ ~ n - vest > f wl " sa y t0 the reapers, Oepiapov Kai ev c (catpco rot; Oepiarpov Gather ye together first the e'pco roTf Qepio-Ta'is' "2vXXe^aTe tvpOjTOv tares, and bind them in bundles > /-./•' „ » 5^' > 1 J 1 1 v to burn them: but gather the Tarawa, Kat S^o-are aura d «? ( Se- wheat into my barn. cr^iaj Trpos to KaTaKavo~ai avTa' tov be o-'itov o-vvaydyeTe els ti)v aTTodijKijv pov. 31 "AXXr,v TrapapoXrjv Ttapidrjicev av- 31 Another parable put he tois, Xtyv field - 3i Which indeed is the ' . 1 <\n )* /i- ~ y , leastof allseeds: but when it is vnepparwv^ OTav deavfrO,], pei(ovT 33 Another parable spake he AXXrjv TrapapoXrjv eXaXrjo-ev av unto them, The kingdom of T0 ' ls - 'Ouot'a eo-Tiv fi fiao-iXeia tuiv ovpa- heaven is like unto leaven, - >■' * \ a - i a ' ' .„ „!.„.'' which a woman took, and hid vmv (vpy, iji* Xa/3ou(ra ywij fvtKpv+tv in three measures of meal, till etc dXevpov crara rpia, eats ov efi)/i(op?y the whole was leavened. fikov. M All these things spake 34 TaOra 7rai/ra eXdXrjo-ev 6 'ir/cnvs Jesus unto the multitude in f ' v na p a BoXals rois oyXoic, Kai Yapt? parables, and without a parable ,J , _ , ,. ,,. "■ > - , as « ' spake he not unto them : 35 that napaBoXps ouk eAoX« avTOU otto)? it might be fulfilled which was TrXr]pa>drj to prjdev did. tov TrpoCprjTOV, spoken by the prophet, saying, x * ' . A „ 0i '| ffl e '„ wopajSoXcIs r6 1 will open my mouth in para- '»/"•» , , . " , , , bles, 1 will utter things which UTopa pov' epev^opai KeKpvppeva rnro have been kept secret from the KaTa R \Z s K 6aaov. toundation of the world. ,- ' , ' , , i , » N ?\ a ' 36 Then Jesus sent the mul- M Tore aCpeis tovs oyAovs, tfXOev etc titude away, and went into the rhv oiKiav h 6 'irjcrovs'" Kanrpoo-rjkBov house: and his disciples came > ~ < a n » - \, '„,„,„. a^^ unto him, saying, Declare unto oWy, "J; /"jflijTai aurou,Xeywres pa- us the parable of the tares of Trapapokrjv tu>v Qi^aviav the field. 3' He answered, and T0 ~ > - 37 < ^ aTTOKp-cVi!, etTrei/ said unto them, He that soweth , „ '", , , .T, / the good seed, is the Son of avrois' O o-rreipcov to kuAov 0-irepp.a man. 38 The field is the world, g'g-rii/ 6 vlus rov avQpcoTToV 3S 6 Se d- The good seed, are the children ,, , , . < s> > \ ' ;_ of the kingdom : but the tares ypos ecrTiv o Koapos to be KaXov o-Keppa. are the children of the wicked ovToi elo~iv ol viol Trjs 8ao~iXeias' rd be &:s^rrffim m** < i r ol v r ro r rT oi) \ ? * is the end of the world. And Se ey^poc ° o~Treipas avTa eariv o Oia- the reapers are the angels. R \ os - 6 Se depio-fios arvvTtXeia tov 40 As therefore the tares are ' ,_ , , < s.> /» » a \ » gathered and burnt in the fire: atwj/os corn/- oi beVepiCTTm ayyeAo* so shall it be in the end of this elaiv. 40 &>o"tvep ovv o-vXXe'yerat to. world. 4I The Son of man <. y > v e / , // _» ._» , shall send forth his angels, and >- 42 and shall cast them into a ayyeAovs avTov, Kai o-vK\e^ovaiv (K ttjs furnace of fire: there shall be Hao-tXet'as avTov navTa to. CTKavbaXa Kai wailing and gnashing of teeth. t - \ ■> i 42 ^ o « Then shall the righteous ™vs iroiovpTas tt]V avopiav, icai (ia- shine forth as the sun, in the Xovo-iv avTovs els ttjv Kapivov tov nvpos' SKS, » S£S£ rlar° ft* -rat 6 KXavd^ Kai 6 ^ypo, T&U ooovtwv. M rore oi otKaioi eKAapyovo'iv w? 6 jjXio? eV r^ ftao~i\eiq tov ivaTpos avTwv. O eyav a>Ta aKoveiv aKoveTco. 44 Again, the kingdom of 44 tt <\ ' ' > » ' a \ ' heaven is like unto treasure hid , n«X«/, opoia eariv T] jiaaiAeia t KeKpvppeva ev ro) a cn: ' \, "V »»'• ^ ^* c Rec. waraiailrai, d .-» a Or, SOiulJiilt. KATA MAT9AI0N. 35 Matt. XIII. 55. dypco, bv evpcov avQpcoTtos eKpv^se" Kai man hath found, he hideth, and W> X^rov^dyei^alndvTa K*^^^££ ocra e%ei 7ra>Aei, Kai ayopagei tov aypov that field. eKelvov. 45 IIa\i«>, opo'ia etrriv r] pacriXeia tcov 45 A g ailli the kingdom of oipavcov dvdpconco epTropco, (jjtovvti Ka- heaven is like unto a merchant X\ i *. 46 a ' ' v £'" " man, seeking goodly pearls: ovs tiapyapiras- ™ evpcov 8e *™ 46 wh o when L had found one noXvTipov papyapiTrjv, aireXutov Tve- pearl of great price, he went npaKe navra Sera el X e, Kai fjyopatrev ^ sold all that he had, and avrov. 47 JJaXiv, opo'ia ecTTiv fi fiacriXeia tcov " Again, the kingdom of > .. r a\ a ' ' ' a > heaven is like unto a net that ovpavcov (Tayryvrj liXrjdeio-p eis rrjv 6a- was cast int0 the sea> and ga _ Xacrcrav, Kai eK navrbs yevovs crvvaya- thered of every kind, 48 which, yovo~n- 4S fjy, Sre enXripcodn, dvapfid- ^ en jt w f { " ll \ they dr * w t0 I " , , ' ' , \ < » /i/ shore, and sat down, and ga- cravTes em tov aiyiaXov, Kai Kat/icravTes, thered the good into vessels, crvveXetav ra KaXa els dyyela, ra be but cast the bad , awa y- *? So \ vs. va ■. 40 or j/ > shall it be at the end of the owpa e^coe^aXov.^ ovtcos eTev6els d els ^9 them Therefore every , Q , if „' „ t J « , > scribe which is instructed unto Tt]v pacriXeiav tcov ovpavcov opoios e- the kingdom of heaven, is like (TTiv dv6pio-rrco 6iKobe - >r / a is not his mother called Mary ? piap, Kat oi abeXcpoi avTov laKcopos an( j his brethren, James, and Kai 'Iojcttjs Kai 2ipcov Kai 'lovSas ; Joses, and Simon, and Judas ? » Reo. CN> os tvpcuy. ^ ZX C — * d Gb. ry J?a0.Xeip. Matt. XIII. 56. •* and his sisters, are they not all with us ? whence then hath this man all these things? 57 and they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house. 58 And he did not many mighty works there, because of their unbelief. 14. At that time Herod the tetrarch heard of the fame of Jesus, ' 2 and said unto his serv- ants, This is John the Baptist, he is risen from the dead, and therefore mighty works "do shew forth themselves in him. 3 For Herod had laid hold on John, and bound him, and put him in prison for Herodias' sake, his brother Philip's wife. 4 For John said unto him, It is not lawful for thee to have her. 5 And when he would have put him to death, he feared the mul- titude, because they counted him as a prophet. 6 But when Herod's birthday was kept, the daughter of Herodias danced before them, & pleased Herod. 7 Whereupon he promised with an oath, to give her whatsoever she would ask. 8 And she, be- ing before instructed of her mother, said, Give me here John Baptist's head in a charger. 9 And the king was sorry : never- theless for the oath's sake, and them which sat with him at meat, he commanded it to be given her: 10 and he sent, and beheaded John in the prison. 11 And his head was brought in a charger, and given to the damsel : and she brought it to her mother. 12 And his dis- ciples came, and took up the body, and buried it, and went and told Jesus. 13 When Jesus heard of it, he departed thence by ship, into a desert place apart: and when the people had heard thereof, 36 EYAITEAION 56 Kol ai dfieAal aiirov ov)(i Tvacrai 7rpos rjuds fieri ; irodev ovv rovrca ravra ■ndvra ; 5/ Kal io-KavdaXi^ovro iv avrio. 'O fie 'irjaovs e'nrtv avrois' Ovk eVri Trpo- dvvqv etrjafv avrov Kal idero ev (pvXa- Kjj, fita 'Hpojfiidfia rrjv yvva'iKa QiXiw- ttov rov abiktpov aiirov. 4 eAeye yap aiirco 6 ^liodvvrjs' Ovk (^eari aoi e'xeiv avri]v. * Kal 6e\cov avrov airoKreivai, e'c£o/3r}(9r/ rov 6\\ov, on cos 7rpopa," Kal i'8a\j/av aiiro' Kai tXdovres dnrjyyeikav rco \tjo~ov. 13 Kal aKoua'as' 6 '1t]o~ovs avf^coprj- aev iKeWev iv ttKo'lco (Is 'iprjpov roirov Kar Idlav. Kal uKovo-avres 01 0^X01 t CV ytyofAtfuv, Or, we wrouglit by Inn KATA MAT0AION. 37 Matt. XIV. 26. rjKoXovdr^crav avrco treQj diro tcov tto- they followed him on foot, out Xecov. of the cilies - 14 Kai egeXdcov a 6 'iTjcrovs'etbe iroXvv u And Jesus went forth and SyXov, Kai icnrkayxyiadrj b eW avTols," saw a great multitude, and was »*/)'_ v ' ' J ' ' - moved with compassion toward Kai deptmevve tovs appcocrrovs avjcov. them> aU(i he , lea p led th n eir ° sl a ™ 0\j/ias 6e yevop.evr)s, Trpoo-rjXdov U And when it was evening, avrco ol padnral avrov, Xeyovres' "~Epri- h' s disciples came to him, say- t ' ' ' \ t J vss ing, This is a desert place and pos (too tottoc, Ka . ^ a>pa rjbr, Trap- th | time fa now past | send ™ rjXaev' cnroXvcrov rovs 0)(Xovs, ifa multitude away, that they may dneXdovres els ras Kcouas dyopaaaxriv f.° mt0 . the vi i |a ^s. and buy - a , 16 < rT % , > T ' r . t themselves victuals. '« But eavrois ppcopara. lu O Oe Ir/o-ouc ewre i/ j eS us said unto them, They avTols' Ov Ypeiav eYOVtriv dneXdelv' Iieed not depart ; give ye them S> ' » - < -A. ' 17 r\' fc % \ ' t0 eat. I7 And they sav unto bore avrois vpeis cpayeiv. » Ot be Xe- him> We have here J b » t five yovcriv avrco' Ovk evopev cobe el pfj loaves, and two fishes. 18 He irevre clprovs Kai bio Ivdvas. 18 'O fie ffd, Bring them hither to me. y _"T / , , ^ 5, in T , v And he commanded the mul- enre' , a k t s that remained twelve baskets K And they that had crevov tcov KXacrpaTcov, dcodeKa KOCpivovs eaten, were about five thou- irX^peis. 21 ol 8e eoSiovTes wav avbpes ch ? 1 < dr ™ n ' bCSide W ° men aDd conel TrevTaKio-)(iXioi, ^copis yvvaiKcov Kai Traihicov. 22 Kai evdecos r^vdyKairev d " tovs pa- vt And straightway Jesus con- BrtTCis e " epfinvai els to tvXoIov, Kai irpo- strained his disciples to get into / > \ i \ i t > a ship, and to go before him ayeiv avrov ets to wepav, ecosov cmo- unt0 the 0ther 6 side, while he Xvaij tovs o)(Xovs. Kai aTroXvtras sent the multitudes away. TOVS OYXOVS, 01/6077 US TO O P 0S KOT " A " d ^ he h ^ d SeIlt the ,5,, A ,1 a ■> i ' &« ' multitudes away, he went up ibiav njpoo-evtjao-tiai. o\jnas be yevopevr]s, into a mountain apart to pray : uovos hv eKel. ' 2i to be rrXolov rjbn aeo-ov and when the evening was a ^ / * o yi t > come, he was there alone : ttjs eakao-o^s^v,^ (Jao-avi(opevov vtto %t butthe ship was now in the tcov KvpaTcov' tjv yap evavrios 6 avep.os. midst of the sea, tossed with 25 TeTdp-rr, be (pvXaKf, rijc wktos ^* 8i for the wind was con " 1 dnfjXde" irpbs avrovs e " "nepuvarcov enl 25 And in the fourth watch of Tns 6aXdo-o~ns. " 5 Kai Ibovres avrov ol f ni eht. Jesus went unto them, a v > v \ a >\ - walking on the sea. "And when p.a0tjTaieTrtTr]vdaXaao-av7repiTraTOVVTa the disciples saw bim walking eTapaY6r)o~av , Xeyovres' "On (pavTacrpd on the sea, they were troubled, * ^* ■* Rec. ex' ovtous. c Rec. add «ai d Rec. add o Itjoous. e Rut. add ai-rov. f cv ri\$e. g Rec. add o Iijcovj. Matt. XIV. 27. saying,Itisaspirit: & they cried out for fear. 27 But straight- way Jesus spake unto them, say- ing, Be of good cheer : it is I, be not afraid. 2S And Peter answered him, and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. M And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind "boisterous, he was afraid: and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord save me. 3l And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, where- fore didst thou doubt ? 3i and when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased. 33 Then they that were in the ship, came and worshipped him, say- ing, Of a truth thou art the son of God. 34 And when they were gone over, they came into y land of Gennesaret. 35 And when the menof that place had knowledge of him, they sent out into all that country round about, and brought unto him all that were disea>ed, 31i and besought him, that they might only touch the hem of his garment ; and as many as touched, were made perfectly whole. 38 EYAITEAION 15. Then came to Jesus scribes & Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying, 3 Why do thy disciples transgress y tradi- tion of y elders ? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread. 3 But he answered, and said unto them, Why do you also transgress the command- ment of God by your tradition? 4 for God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother : and he that curselh father or mother, let him die the death. 5 But ye say, Whosoever shall * hsj ftir*' i .i. j ecrrf Kai ano tov (fiofiov eKpatjav. ^ ev- 6ea>s Be eXdXrjaev avrois 6 lr)o~ovs, Xe'ycof " Qapcre'ire' eyu> elpi, pr) (poftei- o~8e. ^ ' KiroKpideis Be avra 6 Ilerpos eme' Kvpie, el crii a, KeXevcrov pe irpos ere e\6e7v eirl ra vBara. 29 'O Be ehrev' 'EAc9e. Kai Karaftas aTro tov irXoiov 6 Ilerpos nepieTraTqcrev eiri ra vbara, eXdeiv irpbs tov 'lrjerovv. 30 fiXeircov Be tov civepov lerxvpbv e(pofir)0r)' Kai ap- £dpevos KaraTrovrl^ecrdai eKpat-e, Xe- yoov' Kvpie, eraierov pe. 31 TLvdecos Be 6 'irjcrovs eKreivas rr)v X fL P a fireXdfiero avrov, Kai Xeyei, avra' OXiyo7rierre, els ri eBierraeras ; 33 Kai epfidvrav avratv els to irXoiov, eKoiraerev 6 Lvepos' 33 ol be e'v tu 7rXoia> eXBdvres rrpoere- Kvvrjcrav avra>, Xeyovres' 'AXrjBas Qeov vios el. 34 Kai Biarrepdcravres r)X6ov els rr)v yr)v Tevvrjcraper. 3o Kai emyvovres avrov oi avBpes tov tottov eKeivov a-rreerreiXav els oXr/v ttjv irepl)(u>pov eKeivrjv, /cat TrpocrrjveyKav avrut rravras tovs KaKoos exovTas' 3G Kai irapeKaXovv avrov, iva pdvov (fyuvTai tov KpacmeBov tov ipa- tlov avrov' Kai bcrot fjyjsavTO, Stecroj- drjerav. 15. Tore Trpoo-epxovrai tco 'irjcrov oi utto 'lepocroXvpcov ypappareis Kai 3>a- pieraioi, Xeyovres' Atari oi padrjrai crov irapaftaivovai ttjv napaBocriv ra>v TrpecrftvTepcov ; ov yap vhrrovrai tus Xeipas avruiv, orav aprov eo~6ia>o~iv. 'O Be anoKpideis ehrev avrois' Atari' kuI vpeis rrapafiaivere ttjv evroXr)v tov Qeov Bid tt]v rrapdBocriv vpu>v\ 4 6 yap Qeus a evereiXaro, XeyW Tipa" tov irarepa b "Kai rr)v prjrepa' Kai' O Ka- KoXoyibv narepa rj prjrepa davdrto reXevTOTa' 5 'Ypels Be Xeyere,*Os av aJJ < a Or, stroug. KATA MAT0AION. 39 Matt. XV. 21. €17177 rw narpt r] rrj pr/Tpi iXcopov, eav say to his father or his mother, a-/; ' tov narepa avrov rj Trjv prjTepa 6 and honour not his father or avToii- 6 /cat riKvpo-aTe rtiu e'vToknv tov hi f mother, Ae sAaM Ae free. _.■.,,, > /$. f- 7 t Thus have ve made the com- Geov 6ta Ti^ Tvapabomv vpwv. ' imo- mand mentof Godof none effect Kpiral, Kcikcos 7rpoe(pT]T(V(Te Ttep\ vpcov by your tradition. 7 Ye hypo- 'Uv, Kai draweth nigh unto me with their role Yfi'Xecrt ue ripa* 17 Se rapSia au- moulh .> and honoureth me with ^ , , c , r , 5 " » > -9' $.» their lips : but their heart is tar TtiiV TTUppoi a7T«X« 07T epOV. paTT)V^ Oe f rom me . 9 But in vam the y do aeftovTcii pe, bibdaKOVTes dibao-KaXias, worship me, teaching for doc- > >\ i a i trines, the commandments of evraKpara avopunrmv. men. 10 Kai TTpocncake(rdp,evos tov bxhov, 10 And he called the multi- eTivev avTols' ' Amven Kai trwierf " ov tude, and said unto them Hear , , , , , , , and understand. " Not that to eiaepxopevov eis to o~Topa koivoi tov which goeth into the mouth de- avdpconoV dWaro eKiropevopevov cktov fileth a man: but that which / ~ - v 'i a cometh out of the mouth, this 0-Top.a.TOS, tovto koivoi tov uvapanov. defileth a man. l - Tore 7rpocreX# i i / f / Every plant which my heavenly (pvTfia, i]v oi/k e sha n 6 ovpdvios, eKpi£w8r)o~eTai. 14 a(peTe berootedup. 14 Let them alone: » ' . '£ ' , _ .^.Ti „ v . _-,.^\ ,"...• — , they be blind leaders of v blind. avrovs obrjyoieio-iTvqbXoiTvqbXuv tv- And ^ fthe blind lead the blind, _ / t >-^' ■« " said unto him, Declaie unto us be o UiTpos einev avT(0- Qpaaov rjpiv this parable. '« And Jesus said, tt)v TrapafioXriv tuvtyiv. 16 'O 8e 'ir/trous Are ye also yet without under- ■f . V. \ \ r - •> ' ' > . standing? " do not ye yet un eiwev AKpijy Kai vpeis aavviTOi etrre , derstandj that whatsoever en- ^ ou7rco voe~LT€, otl ttclv to etO'TTopevo- tereth in at the mouth, goeth tuvov els to o-Toaa els ttjv KoiXlav X a>- ml ,°]t e ^"^^IT.V 01 " r „ x , , , . r „ , „L ,$* , into the draught ? 1B but those pel, Kaieisa/■' » - - the heart, and they defile the tt)S Kapdias e&pxerai, Kaxeiva koivoi man ia jor out of the heart rof civdpanrov. 19 e'(C yap rf/s Kapdias proceed evil thoughts, mur- ^'pyovrai StaXoyta-poi rro^pot cpo.ot, ^^^^^^ poixeiai, nopveiai, Khoirai, yevbopap- m [ eSm 20 These are the things Tvpiat, BXao-cbnuiai. "° Tavrd e'trn to. which defile a man: but to eat r - , r « r /i , s,v > / with unwashen hands, defileth KOLVOVVTa TOV UV&pcOTTOV TO 06 UV ITTTOIS nQt a man . ^epo"l (payelv ov Koivoi tov avOpanrov. 21 Kai e£e\6wv eKeldev 6 'lr)o-ovs 21 Then Jesus went thence, a -, b c\j ii^,- Tyreand Sidon. "And behold, VQS 22 Ka \ iboi) , yvvr) Xavavaia dnb tu>v a woman of Canaan came out of f , , / jt \ a ~ » / tne same coasts, and cned unto opiay iKtivuv ^eXOovaa tKpavyaw him, saying, Hare mercy on me, avTu>, Xeyovaa' 'EXtrjcrov pe, Kvpie, vie O Lord, thou son of David, my A ^. c Q ■ KaK ^ ? 8 al/iow '^_ daughter is grievously vexed """ l { / /r 7 ,,, , ~\, * with a devil. '■« But he answer- rat. ** O Of oux aneKpiOr] aurrj koyov. ed her not a word. Andhisdis- Ka v t ^pocreXdovTe s ol paBrjral avrov ciples came, and besought htm, , , ' , , .. , , »a_A..„„„ saving, Send her away, for she r,pu™v avrov, Xeyovres ^ AnoXvcrov crieth after us. < 4 But lie answer avri]V, on Kpd£ci bmaoev r)pa>v. O :tnLtiii:^oV::^ e « *«**«« ; *»■ o&« ^n^ * of Israel. i5 Then came she, pj) etc ra jrpopara ra anoAcoAora oikou and worshipped him, saying, 'ig-na^X. 25 'H o~e iXdoiaa A irpooeKv- Lord, help me. '■"■ But he r » , - , ,' answered, and said, It is not vet avra Aeyouo-a kupte, potytfei pot. meet to take the children's 26 roty Kwaptotc. ' H be enre' which fall from their mas- N < Kupte - Ka J ya p ra Kwapta eV&'ei ters' table. '-« Then Jesus an- , , J „"' , , ' i. , r ■> < ~ swered, and said unto her, airo rv Kvpicnv avrav. w Tore wnti'Tdt: ^vtviz ™<> K pi6eu 6 i*n* *« «*»«■ /° made whole from that very yvvai, peyaXrj crov i) maris' yevrjdrjra) nour - rroi o>c BeXeis. Kat ta^r/ rj Qvyarqp avrrjs ano rrjs •> v * > in ' - 30 „> a mountain, andsat down there. ava[Sas CIS to opos, eicaftjTO eK« ; (cat 30 And great multitudes came TTpoai]X6ov avru> o^Aoi 7roXXot, e%ovres unto him having with them ff . - xcoAo {, s: , T v(j>Xovs, KoXpovs, those that were lame, blind, ' , » r » T. , \ „•, dumb, maimed, and many KuAAous, Kat ertpovs noXXovs, /cat ep- others, and cast them down ni\lrav avrovs trapdrovs TroSas h Tov'lri- at Jesus' feet, and he healed r T ~ „ ^ , n i > ' 31 « them : 31 insomuch that the , Kai f0(pcnrev(rev avroys coare multitude wondered, when roue ovXovs 6avpdo~ai, liXtnovras kco- ;h e e y m a armed e toTe" whole^he ^ AaAov.rac, «,XXoi S W>>^. lame to walk, and the blind to TrepmaTOVVTas, Kat TVCpXovs pXfTrovras' see : and they glorified the Ka l e '§ '£ ao - a „ T0U Qebv 'itrpanX. God of Israel. ,<, » » w \ -i «s> c ' ' * compassion on the multitude, pat €7Tt tov oxXov, on rjbr] rjptpai because they continue with me T p e ' is npoo-pevov(Ti UOL, Kal OVK evovai now three davs, and have no- , . / v > \ - ' ' < » thing to eat: and I will not send " (payaxri. Kai anoXvaai avroys vrjo-jeis them away fasting, lest they oil 6eXa>, prjirore eKXv6coaiv ev tj\ 6Sw- a -^ irjoaeKvvTjoiv. ^ '— avrov. c Kec v f r"i- KATA MAT9AI0N. 41 Matt. XVI. 9. 33 Kai Aeyovaiv avra> oi padrjral avrov' faint in the way. 33 And his dis- JJodev fia'iv ev epnpia aproi Toaovroi, c JP |es sa . v lmt0 him - Whence « / ./ i - 34 tr ' should we have so much bread coo-re xopracraiox^ovToa-oyTOV, ™ Kai in the wilderness as to fill so Ae'yei avrols 6 'irjcrovs' JJoaovs ciprovs great a multitude ? 34 and Je- for,; CM M dror JW, «i^ K£SftS3( iXvvbia. ™ Kai eKeAevae rois o^Aou Seven, and a few little fishes. dvaneaelv «rl rw -ynv 36 Kai \a8a>v 3S . A ° d he F ommanded the mul - \ r \ x \ \ ■> n' > titude to sit down on y ground, rouff eirra aprovs Kai Toys ixovas, ev- se And he took the seven loaves Xapicrrrja-as eKAaae, Kai eba>Ke tois pa- and the fishes, and gave thanks, a ' < ~ i iji n \-»/\ and brake them, and gave to flr/rais avrov, oi 8e pa^rai Tffl o X Aw. his disclp i eSi anc j the 4 cipIes ' Kaie(f>ayov7ravres, KalexoprdaarjcraV to the multitude. 37 And they Kai rjpav to Trepio-o-evov rav KAao-pdrcov, d . id a11 eat ' and Tf re , fllled : & ^ ^>/ t , „ ty . A/n , ■ '* \ ' 33 ' s ft » /v they took up of v broken meat ,, / Vm/Tij/ tJ It K^? >< - eirra q^inbjis 7rArjpei<:. a3 oi 8e eadi- that wasleft, seven baskets full. ch^U /^ fr6 * t ^*- ^•*-'' 1 - / oirec r/trai/ rerpfiicio-YiXtot avbpes, ycopir 39 And the V that did eat > were > s./ 39 \ S \' four thousand men, beside yvvaiKcov Kai iraibiav. ™ Kai uTroAvcras women and children. 39 And rovs ox^ovs J eveBrj" eis to nKolov, Ka\ he sent away the multitude, & rjXdev els to. opia MaybaXd. took t sm > and , f me int0 the ' , ^n/i/ t -. - coasts of Magdala. lb. Km Tvpoo~ekt)ovTes oi > - T ~ » - . ing, desired him that he would o-ay avrov arrjpeiov^ eK tov ovpavov em- shew them a sign from heaven. de'i^ai avrols. 2 6 be dnoKpiBels e'nvev a He answered, and said unto TTvppa^ei yap o ovpavos. 6 Kai TtpaC the sky is red. 3 An( j j n t h e Sijpepov x fl P^ v ' irvppd&i yap arv- morning, It will be foul weather / *■ c ) / v, c«» v // \ v ^^ fitly i lor tnG sky is rod 3.nrl yvaQav o ovpavos. YrroKpiTai, to pev lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye npoacoTrov tov ovpavov yivd>o~KeTe 8ia- caa discern the face of the sky, „ ' „ _> t> _ - - - » but can ye not discern the signs ^ ra / 6 °7/*»a ™v Kaipcov ov ofthetimes? 4 A wukedlnd ovvacrde ; yevea irovrjpd Kai poixaXls adulterous generation seeketh o-rjaelov eirittiTeV Kai o~nae'iov ov Sofjn- after a si ? n - and there ^ hal1 "° > - > \ , '- > T ~ ', sign be given unto it, but the o-eTai avTTj,ei pr] to ar]peiov lava c tov sign of the prophet Jonas. And irpo T s > C «_ /. , heed and beware of the leaven o de Ir/o-ovs f 17761/ aureus' Opare »cat of the Pharisees, and of the TvpoaexeTe airb Trjs £vpr)S twv '&apio~aia>v Sadducees. 7 And they rea- Kai VabbavKaiuv. 7 Ol be SieXoyitovTO ^oned among themselves say- , r x , „ «•=»»«» /•fc«»'i«» mg, Ji i.s because we have taken ev eairroj?, Aeyofrfc- On aprovs ovk no bread. s Which when Jesus eKafiopev. 8 Ti/ouc Se 6 'ir/trovc et7Tfi/ d "- perceived, he said unto them, rp» & -, >>. /. > r - >\ / O ve of little faith, whv reason It OiaAoyi&o-ye eveavrois, oAiyomo-roi, ye "among yourselves, 'because on aprovs ovk eAa&ere ; 9 oviroo voelre, ye have brought no bread ? a do a Gb. apt ?v. b 3^ c — » d Rec. add auTotj. irovs Matt. XVI. 10. 42 EYAITEAION ovbe pvrjpovevere tovs TrevTe apTOVs tojv 7revTaKiarx<-hiu>v, Kal ir6(rovs Kocplvovs e\dftere ; l0 ovbe rovs iirra aprovs tu>v reTpaKio-)(i\!.a>v, Kill Ttoo-as o~7rvpibas eXa/Sere ; H nws ov voelre, on ov irepl ciprcov" h ehrov vp.lv Trpocrexeiv" ano ye not yet understand, nei- ther remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets ye took up ; 10 neither the seven loaves of the four thousand, and how many baskets ye took up ? 11 how is it that ye do not un- derstand, that I spake it not to you concerning bread, that ye TT}S (vprjs tow Qapicraiiov KM 2abbov- should beware of the leaven of Kaia>v ; 12 Tote uvvr/Kav, on ovk eine they how that he bade them not aXX ano ttjs bibaxrjs rcov <&api„ N/ i\ 5, \ , > T - ■> v ' risees, and of the Sadducees. EXdiov be o Irjaovs ets Ta peprj 13 When Jesus came into the Kaicrapeias rr/s <&i\iTnrov rjpdira tovs coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he a - < ~ \ ' ..■ t 1 '..™ c ..," \i asked his disciples, saying, ^6r,Tas avrov, \eyuv Tiva pe Xe- Whom do men say, that 1, the yovcriv 01 avvpunroi eivai tov viov rov Son of man, am? " and they ^puTTOU : " O'l be elnoV Ot pev 'ico- said, Some sat/ that thou art , ' , ' ' "\\ sj< i tA / John the Baptist, some Elias, avvfjv Tov jiaTTTiaT^V aXXoi be HXiav erepoi be 'lepepiav, rj eva ru>v 7rpo(prj- Ttov. 15 Aeyei avrois' 'Ypels be riva pe XeyeTe elvai ; 16 'AnoKpiBe Is be 2t- piov tlerpos elne' 2u ei 6 XpiaToc, 6 vtos tov Qeov tov £covtos, ' Kal ano- Kpi6e\s 6 'ir/o-ovs eiirev avroi, MaKapios blood hath not revealed it unto «3 "Sijuav $hp 'luva, on (Taptj Kal alpa thee, but my Father which is ovk direKakv^re o~oi, dXX' 6 7rtm;p pov in heaven » And I say also & » - ovpavo l s . W K< lyi> be vol Xeyw, unto thee, that thou art l'eter, „ , , f v , , ' , ,' ' and upon this rock I will build on o~v ei Herpos, Kai eiri TavTr] Tr\ ireTpa KOI TTV- 19 and others Jeremhis, or one of the prophets ,5 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am ? "' and Simon Peter an- swered, and said, Thou art Christ the son of theliving God. " And Jesus answered, and said unto him, Blessed art thou Si- mon Bar-jona: for flesh and my church : and the gates of oi/coSouiWo) pov Tnv eKKXricriav, hell shall not prevail against it. >. «*,' > / > ~ '9 And I will give unto thee the Xai 9 nov ov KaTi(Txyo-ov(Tiv avTrjs. " Kai keys of the kingdom of heaven: Scocrw 0"oi ras Kkels Tr]S fiacrikeias Twv and whatsoever thou shalt bind » - . \ * '< s>'_ '_ v " . "„ on earth, shall be bound in ovpavtovKaioeavbrjo-yswi ttjs yijr, heaven: and whatsoever thou ecrTai bebepevov ev Tois ovpavots' Kat o shalt loose on earth, shall be ^ av \ v0 ~n S £ n \ T ny yrts, e'crrai XeXvaevov loosed in heaven. iu Then , , ", - ' ™f ' ; ,, ^ r „ charged he his disciples that «" tois ovpavois. '" Tore ° diecrTeiAaTO they should tell no man that he role paSrjTals avTov, ha prjbevl e'lTToiaiv, was Jesus the Christ. « > / > e« ' v ' on avros eaTiv o Xptaros. =1 From that time forth began ™ ' A ™ T °™ Vp£ a ™ « '^f* ^'f Jesus to shew unto his disciples, vveiv tois paBr/Tois avTov, oti beiavTov how that he must go unto Jeru- a7rf \0 e l v f l s 'ltpocroXvua, Kal TroXAa salem, and sutler many things a , , , „ ' a ' v ' of the elders and chief priests ftaoeiv ano TcovTVpeapvTepcov Kai apxie- and scribes, and be killed, and peu,v Kal ypappaTemv, Kal diroKTavdijvai^ * ew~,Ilur. & Gb. aprov. b r^j envoy vf*i\ Upo e Rec. atlil It/oouj. Tlpo KATA MAT0AION. 43 Kal rfj rpirrj fjpepq eyep6rjvat. s Kcii 7rpoo-\af36pevos avrov 6 Ilerpos rjp^aro emrtpav avTui, Xeycov' iXe u>s crot, Kvpie' oil pf] eo-rai o~oi rovro. ^ 'O 8e arpa- (pels erne rc5 Ilerpai' "Ynaye 6ttL pov, ~2a.Ta.va, o-Kav8a\6v pov et' on ov eavrbv, Kal dpurco rbv aravpbv avrov, Ka\ aKoXovOeira) pot. os yap av 6ekrj rrjv yj/v^Tjv avrov crcoaai, anoXeo-ei avrqv' os S' av dno- Xeoji ttjv ^rv)(rjv avrov eveKev e'/xou, evprjcrei avrTjv. 26 ri yap a>(pe\eirai avdpamos, eav rbv Koapov 6\ov Kep8rjcrr], rrjv 8e yf/vxi)v avrov £t]pia>6r} ; i] ri 8m- tret avdpamos dvraXKaypa rrjs tyv^s avrov ; ^ ju.eAX.et yap 6 vlbs rov dv- Bpdonov epxeadai iv rfj 86^r] rov irarpbs avrov pera rcov dyyekuiv avrov' Kal rore a7ro§coo~ei eKaarco Kara rijv Tvpd^iv avrov. aprjv \eyot vplv, etcrt rives a &>8e eo~ra>res," olrives ov prj yevacovrai oavdrov, e'cos tiv t'Scocrt rbv vlbv rov dv- dpccmov epxdpevov eV rfj f$ao~i\eiq avrov. 17. Kai ped' rjpepas e£ rrapakapfidvet, 6 Irjo-ovs rbv Uerpov Kat 'laKwjBov Kal loodvvrjv rbv d8e\(pbv avrov, Kat dva- cpepet avrovs els opos irfyrpXbv Kar I8iav. " Kal perepop(pa>6rj epTrpo&dev avrcov, Kai e'XapA^e rb npoo-anrov avrov &>s 6 77X10?, ra. 8e Ipdria avrov eyevero XevKa as rb s. 3 (cat 180b, u>(p6rjo-av avrols Mcocrf/c Kal 'HXtay, per avrov crt/XXa- Xowrec. 4 dnoKpidels be 6 Ilerpos e'nre tw Irjaov' Kvpie, KaXov eariv fjpas a>8e eivaf el dekeis, iroir]aru>pev a>8e rpeis o-KTjvas, o~ol plav, Kal Mwo-fj plav, Kal ulav HXt'a. 5 "Ert avrov XaXovvros, l8ov, ve(pe\rj b (pcoreivf) " meaKiao-ev Matt. XVII. 5. be raised again the third day. 22 Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee Lord: this shall not be unto thee. 23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan, thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourestnot the things that be of God, but those that be of men. 24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 25 For whosoever w ill save his life, shall lose it : and who- soever will lose his life for my sake, shall find it. -<• For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul ? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul ? '•" for the Son of man shall come in the glory of his father, with his angels: and then he shall reward every man ac- cording to his works. 2S Verily 1 say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his king- dom. 17. And after six days, Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and brir.gelh them up into an high mountain apart, 2 and was transfigured before them, and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light. 3 And be- hold, there appeared unto them Moses, and Elias, talking with him. 4 Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here : if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles : one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. 5 While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud over- a Rec. Ttav ut6t laTijrtoTuiv, Gb. Taiv - > / in whom I am well pleased: aytmrjTos, tv co f vboKrjtra avrov okov- hear ye him. 6 And when e7 - e , 6 Kai dKOvcraiTec ol padrjral (ire- afraid. 7 And Jesus came and Orjcrav crfpoopa. ' Kai TrpocreAOcov o touched them, and said Arise 'inaovs fj^aro aircov, Kal earev" 'Eyep- and be not afraid. 8 And ' < \ j. a - a s 'ti ' when they had lifted up their 6r]Te Kai pr] (pofaio-fc. brrapavrfs eyes, they saw no man, save gg TO y S 6 > T ~ / 3 ei fxi] tov Irja-ovv povov. 9 And as they came down from 9 Kai KaTafiaivovTav avrcov a €<" Toy the mountain, Jesus charged gpovs, evereiKaro avrois 6 'Iijrrou?, Xe- them, saying, Tell tlie vision to ' - T 5. \ « \ n » r r no man/until the Son of man yfV" Mij8«>t einrjre to opapa, eas ov o be risen again from the dead, vlos rov dvdpumov €K VfKpcov avaarrj. ■o And his disciples asked him, 10 K v e ' nr]p ^ rwav avT0V Q [ aad^ral saving, Why then say the scribes t * , lr I 9 c r / __ that Elias must first come ? avTOV, Aeyovres' Tt ovv 01 ypappareis " and Jesus answered, and said \£ y0V(Ttv oVt 'HXtay Set ekdeiv Trpcorov; unto them, Elias truly shall first n { 5, v h , T - „ , /, \ ».' » come, and restore all things: O °« Ir/croi^ aTTOKpide IS «7T«» au- 12 but I say unto you, that Elias rots" 'HX/a? pev ep^erai c TTputrov, Kai him whatsoever they listed: oti HAias r)dr} rjAVe, Kai ovk eTreyvcoaav likewise shall also the Son of avTl ) v ^XX' e VoiWai> fV at>r&5 oVa n#e- man suffer of them. I3 Then . „ \ r ,, ~ ■> a ' the disciples understood that he ArjaaV ovrco Kai o vios rov av&pomov spake unto them of John the u/XXet rrdo~)(€iv vtv avrcov. vi Tore iptist- o-vvrJKav oi padrjTal, oti irepl 'icodvvov TOV ftaTTTio-Tov enrev airois. 14 Kai ekdovTwv avrav Tvpbs tov o- ' 4 And when they were come X^ "> Tpoo~rjhdev al>TG> livdpomos yow- to the multitude, there came to nzTutv d avrov," 15 (cat \eya>V Kvpie, him a certain man, kneeling , N / , \ ( \ « \ * y _ down to him, & saying, '6 Lord, eX«70W /iou tov vlov, oti creXijwaffrai have mercy on my son, for he Kai KaKcos Trao~)(fi' iroWaKis yap iriTTTei is lunatick' and sore vexed: for > r 6 jriJp, K ai TToXXaKtS «S r6 vdcop. oft times he talleth into the ]f v r ', , , , n - fire, and oft into the water. /cat TrpoarjveyKa avrov tois padrjTais 16 And I brought him to thy ^^ Ka l {, K nSwrfdricrav avrov dfpa- disciples, and they could not ~ 17 » « a » * v ' 't cure him. " Then Jesus an- irevaai. ^ " hTVOKpiOeis 6e o Irjaovs swered, and said, O faithless etVef" 'Q yevea aTnaros Kal dieo-rpap.- long shall I suffer you ? bring 7rore ave^opai vp.u~)V ; (pepere p.01 avrov him hither to me. '» And Je- g,^. 18 Ka ^ t € Vert'uncr6i/ avrco 6 'Ina-ou?, sus rebuked the devil, and he v ,«.- N /, >>>~\&*> « departed out of him : and the «at (£ n \6ev cm avrov to baip.oviov, Kai child was cured from that very (6(pa77fv6r] 6 nals dm) Trjs copas eKeimjs. *» Rec. airo. b ZJ c li ^ Rt'C. avr»)l/ yap Xe'yto fyi"', *a" ?vnr« for Terilv I say unto you, If ye T , ' / r '/ r ,, A/ ; have faith as a grain of mustard TTHTTLV cos kokkov aivanecos, epeire rod seed, ye shall say unto this 6'pei rovrco' Merd(3n6i evrevdev eVei, kcii moun tain ; Remove hence to , q' . i >«> is / r ~ yonder place: and it shall re- pera^aerai^ km ovdev abyvaTrjcrei vpiv. move, and nothing shall be im- * rovro be to ye'vos ovk eKiropeverai, ei possible unto you. - : Howbeit, un ev Trpocrevvn Kal rnicrrela. tMs kind l°f th . not out - but b y 22 ' a 1 ' & v ' > . prayer and fasting. ' Avacrrpecpopevcov be avrcov ev rfj 2 ' 2 And while they abode in TaXiXala, e'mev avrols 6 'irjcrovs' MeX- Galilee > Jesus said unto them, •v f'cv ■>■>/%! ewe The Son of man shall be be- Aei o vios rov avVpconov napabibo- trayed into the hands of men : adai €t? %elpas avSpcoivcov, ^ Kal cnvo- " 3 and thev shall kill him, and Krevovcriv avrov, Kal ™ rplrr, Zuepa * e third day he shall be raised , a , ' v , '',!/'' '" // again: and they were exceeding eyeporjcrerai. Kai eXvurjOrjcrav o~(po- sorry. 8pa . % EAc^oVrcoi' Se avrmv els Kanep- vaovp, Tvpoo-Tp\6ov oi ra bibpavpa Xap- " 4 And when they were come #,!■,«. .-,„ -/; tt ' „ \ f . t^ jT to Capernaum, thev that re- (lavovres rcpIIerpcoKai earop' O Si- ceived tribute money, came to oaaKaXos vpcov ov reXei ra bibpaxpa ; Peter, and said, Doth not your 25 Ae'yei- Noi. Kai ore eltrnXOev els m ^ter Pay tribute ? ■ he v / , ,, a , , ',, „ saith, Yes. And when he was rrjv oiKiav, npoe ; oi Baal- re «ted him, saying, What think- ■\ ,?„ 1 1 ** .. ~ . » V ' \ o ' est thou, Simon ? of whom do Keis Tpsyns ano rivcov Xap^avovcri the kings of the earth take cus- reAr; rj ktjvctov ; a7r6 rcov vlcov avrcov, torn or tribute? of their own V an-o t&v dXXorploov; 26 Aeytt avrco a (5 ^lildren, or of strangers? 2«Pe- f,. - ,/ » . , r „ V,. ', v ter saith unto him, Of strangers. llerpos' A7TO rcov aAAorplcov. Efpr; Jesus saith unto him. Then are aurco 6 'irjaovs' " Kpaye eXevdepol elaiv the ch i!dren free. 2? Notwith- „5 .V» 27 i js \ * s, n / standing, lest we should offend oi^ uiot. iva be p.y o-KavbaXio-oopev them> g0 thou t0 the se3; and avrovs, nopevBels els rrjv OdXaao-av cast an hook, and take up the ,3aAe oyKio-rpo,, Kal rov iva^avra „p&- ^iT^t^ ^ rov ix" vv apov Kai avoigas ro crrdpa mouth, thou shalt find a piece avrov, evprio-eis o-rarnpa' eKeivov Xa8a>v ofmone y: that take, and give ssv j - » \ > - ' v - unto them for me, and thee. Cos avrois avri epov Kai o~ov. 18. Ev eKeivr) rfj h £>pa" TrpoarjXdov oi uadnral tc5 'incroC, Xeyovres' Ti's u ' 8 ;. At the same time came * /.. >' v . " a \ i - the disciples unto Jesus, saying, apa peiQav eanv ev ry paaiXeia rcov Who is the greatest in the king- ovpaviov ; 2 Kai 7rpoo-»caXeo-duei/oc 6 dom of heaven ? 2 and Jesus 'T»,^.„r.„ *' " > \ . / called a little child unto him, \no-ovs naibiov^ecrrrjo-ev avroev pecrco and set him in the midst of avrioi', J Kai einev' Aprjv Xeyco vplv, them, 3 and said, Verily I say Matt. XVIII. 4. 46 EYAITEAION unto you, Except ye be con- eav prj o-Tpaepr/Te Kal yevrjade cos tci verted, and become as little (& - • ' daiXdnre els tyiv (3a f i y > » o v ' same is greatest in the king- ° VT °S f ""^ ° H- fl i°> v ev Tfl fta(TlAeiq dom of heaven. 5 And whoso twv ovpavcov. 5 Kal os eav det-rjTai shall receive one such little &' •» a»\~>/ / „. ;. , • ~I„ „ ° .„' ;„„Vu 7TO.IOIOV TOIOVTOV (V €TTL TO) OVOULdTL UOV, child in my name, receiveth , % , s « m * ' * \ > « me. 6 But whoso shall offend epe oe^frai* oj ai/ o-KavoaAio-rj eva one of these little ones which T ^ v uiKp£>v TOVTav tojv TTKTTevovTmv believe in me, it were better , , r » ' ,, > - » A ~ for him that a millstone were «* e M e > - n / _~ of the sea Kal wraTvovTio-or) ev to) neAayei ttjs daXdo'crrjs. 7 Woe unto the world because ' Oval r' \ ~ ■> a • >/ &» ? to that man by whom y offence 7rA 1 v oval T< ? avtipama eKeiva, 6t oi cometh. s Wherefore if thy to aKdvo'a.Aov epverai. 8 el de fj veto hand or thy foot offend thee, * ' ' ss -» »> . ' cut them off, and cast them ™ u V ° ™S °"™ < « v ■> ' ->a./\ \ > cast it from thee : it is better «"»iw. *<» « ° ocpdakpos (Toy trKav- for thee to enter into life with 8a\l£ei ere, e£e\e clvtov nai /3dXe nov oSicrai to dnoXa- was lost. '- How think ye ? if > , „ 12 , , v - „ ,, , , a man have an hundred sheep, Ao ?- Tt vpiv boKei ; eav yevrjTai TWl and one of them be gone astray, dv6ptoira> eKaTov TrpofBaTa, Kal irAavriBr] doth he not leave the ninety « >> > - . > \ > j \ \ > and nine, and goeth into the €V e £ avrw o^i acpeis Ta twevijKOV- mountains, and seeketh that Tiievvea, e'nl to. opt] iropevdels Cl TfL TO " h so be S th S a?he a nn r d y it verifyl ^^^vov ; 13 K al eav yevrjTai evpe'iv say unto you, he rejoiceth more civto, dpr]V Aeyco vp'iv, OTl X"'/ 1 " *™ of that sheep, than of the ninety avTa> pdWov rj eVi rot? evvevrjKovra- a t^ — .Rec. & Gb. Tairftvaiap. t (^J^.Rec. &; Gb «tt*. c (^) avrov, *t Ij KATA MAT9AI0N. 47 Matt. XVIII. 26. evvea rols firj TreTrXavrjpevois. u ovrcos and nine which went not astray. ovk ea-ri deXriua einrpoo-dev tov Karoos M Even , so > u is not the wiU of t - ." >' r ~ n , , x r your bather which is in heaven, uuow tov ev ovpavois, iva U7roAnTcu that one of these little ones a els" Tail/ piKpotv rovrcov. should perish. 15 'r-.v o< c ' i \ r ?& -. i / ' 5 Moreover, if thy brother Eap 6e apaprr,o-r,eis v k'' hear thee, thou hast gained thy eKepdrjaas tov adeXcpov aoV '" eav be brother. »« But if he will not an anovcrn, napdXaBe perd aov en eva hear thee ' then take with thee *&' w'iv / »/ / one or two more, that in the r/ ovo,^ iva eni^ (rToparos Ovo paprvpav mou th of two or three wit- n rpicov ara0rj nav prjpa. 1? eav 8e nesses, every word may be esta- TrapaKovari avrav, elne to eKKA W la- !±! ie< h I? A "^ tf *?. sha " ,, r », ", , ', - , •' if neglect to hear them, tell it unto eav de Kai ttjs ewcAntnac TrapaKOv- the church: but if he neglect to o-y], eo-rco o-oi coo-rrep 6 edviKos Kal 6 h u ear y church ' let him be unt o •v i thee as an heathen man, and a TeXcovr/s. ^ ^ f „ w „ publican. 18 'Aprjv Xeyco vp'iv, ocra eav Sncrr/Te 18 Verily I say unto you, ■ » ~ ~ * &&'>>■> - Whatsoever ye shall bind on eni ttjs yrjs, earai dedepeva ev re* ovpavcp- earthiShall be y bound in h °^» Kai oo~a eav Xvo-rjre em ttjs yrjs, eo~rat and whatsoever ye shall loose XeXvpeva ev ra ovpava. u irdXiv c "Xeya ° n earth, shall be loosed in hea- r - » n &.' r t -' i > ' y en. la Again I say unto you, vpiv,OTL eav Ovo vpcav avp(po}vi]cra>o-iv that if two of you shall agree errl rrjs yns Trepl rvavros Tvpdyixaros ov on earth as touching any thing >A ?_£_ ' > - < that they shall ask, it shall be tat/ airr/owrai, yei^o-erai awots Trapa done f( / r them of ' my Father tov narpds pov rod ev ovpavois- "° ov which is in heaven. 20 For yap elo-t Gvo r) rpels avvriypevoi els to ^ h ere two or three are gathered ', \ „ , ' , r , , "~ , „ together m mv name, there am epuv ovopa, eKei eipi ev peaco avTtov. I in the midst of them. Tore TrpoaeX&cov avTa> 6 Herpos ehve' Kvpie, ttoo-o.kis apapTTiaei els e'pe 2I Then came Peter to him, ' '* \*k' i >j./ i « » and said, Lord, how oft shall o adeXcpos pov, km a0ij avro^ ; ecos my broth ' er sin ^ gainst me> ^ eTTTaKcs ; Aeyet airoj 6 Introuc' Ou, I forgive him ? till seven times ? Xeya croi, eas eTrrdiasl aXX' «bs? e'i3So- M ( Jesu : ^ unt ,° T hi , m> l say ' , r , « « , , , , /, not unto thee, Until seven prjKovTUKis eiTTa. *° Oia tovto copoicobrj times: but, until seventy times 17 iSao-iAeia tcov ovpavcov dv0panra> 3a- seven. ™ Therefore is y king- _\-a'/]'n - n / * » dom of heaven likened unto a (TtAei, os r)&e\r]o~e avvapai Koyov pera certain king, which would take tSjv dovXmv aiiTOv. 24 dp^apevov Be avrov account of his servants. ** And o-vvaipecv, ^poarjve^n avrf els 6^X4- ^"^Irou^ ZTXTk Trjs pvpicov TaXavrav. a pr] e^ovTOs oe which owed him ten thousand avrov dnodovvai, eKeXevcrev avrov 6 ta, ents. " But forasmuch as » 1 - n- v v - he had not to pay, his lord com- Kvpios avrov npadyai, Kai rrjv yvvaiKa man ded him to be sold, and his avrov Kal ra reKva, Kal rravra 00-a w '*e, and children, and all that elxe km dvoMnva, - win, otv 6 ^^l^ZllretT^i oovXos npoo-eKvvei avra>, Xeyo>V Kvpie, down, and "worshipped him, a ~ «' b Ob. om ««. uh a,i„, « ur. be SOl , E llt him. Matt. XVIII. 27. 48 EYAPTEAION saving, Lord, have patience paKpodvpr]0~ov eW epol, Kal Trdvra croi w ' th ™%t uA iTf F*. '.u 6 ? dirodmtna. 27 27r\ayxvur6cls 8e 6 kC- all. 2! Then the lord of that „ . ,- ■, ', , ~ , servant was moved with com- pios rov bovAov eKeivov aTrcAvcrc-v av- passion, and loosed him, and forgave him the debt. 2S But the same servant went out, and found one of his fel- rov, Kai to bdveiov dcpiJKev avrco. 28 'E£e\8o)v be 6 bovkos eKelvos evpev eva rcov crvvbovkcov avrov, os lowservants, which owed him -0 M x 6I , avT ^ Uarov brjvdpia, Kal Kpa- an hundred pence: and he laid Y , , 1 „ \ - > K. hands on him, and took him by T7](ras avrov enviye, Ae-yaW A-rrobos the throat, saying, Pay me that a '' b £ J Tl « ^ t ' A etc. 2a necrcbj/ ovv 6 thou owest. 2a And his fellow- ' ?, \ > - ,. 1 \ /?, > -// servant fell down at his feet, vwbovkos avrov eis rovs nobas avrov & besought him, saying, Have TvapeKakei avrov, XeycoV MaKpodvpr/crov patience with me, and I will > > » « „„} „*,',, ~„. 30 V, ». ( /' 5, A ' > servants saw what was done, P™ov. ° ibovres oe 01 crvvbovkoi avrov they were very sorry, and came, ra yevopeva ekvirrjOrjaav crcpobpa' Kal S* Itr^'TLnlif S ^« otecrd^o™ ™ «^p aW after that he had called him, Trai/ra ra yevopeva. tots irpoaKake- said unto him, O thou wicked at ipevos avrov 6 Kvpios avrov Xeyei servant, I torgave thee all that » ~ A ~\ » - ^ >j debt because thou desiredst avrcp, Aovke irovrjpe, iraaav ttjv offl- ine: 33 shouldest not thou also kr/v eKeivrjV dcbrjKa aoi, e'nel 7TapeKake- have had compassion on thy .33 > "js ,. - _ ; >\ -_ v fellowservant, even as I had <™ /** 0VK ™ €l Ka < «, fX T"' T0 " pity on thee ? 3l and his lord crvvbovkov crov, cos /ecu eyco ere rjAerjcra ; was wroth, and delivered him 34 Kfli Z pyl0 -Q e \ s Kvplos avro i .„. ape '. to the tormentors, till he should 5, ', / , -a <* ' • pay all that was due unto him. OWKej/ auroi/ tois pacrawcrrats, €C0S ou 35 So likewise shall my hea- dnobco TTav r6 ocbeiXopfvov avrco. venly Father do also unto you, 35 t ' \ <■ ' ' e ' ' ' « if ye from your hearts forgive ov ,™ K r a ^° ™ri ]P pov o eirovpavios^ not every one his brother their jroiTjaei vpiv, edv pr] aCprjre eKao~ros ra> trespasses. dbe\(f>a> avrov u7To tq>v Kapbioov vpidv 1 ra 7rapanTu>para avrcov.' 19. And it came to pass, that 19. Kat eyevero ore ereXfcrev 6 lee, and came into the coasts of ano s rrjs TaAlAaias, Kai TjAVev as ra Judaaa, beyond Jordan: * and % pla ,-f)y 'lovbaias Wtpav rov 'lopbdvov. great multitudes followed him, 9 \ t \ *a » » * n ^^^ and he healed them there. « a f T)KoAover} , 4 t„ 5,* he answered, and said unto vaiKa avrov Kara naaav airiav ; Ode them, Have ye not read, that diroKpidels (iTTtv avrols' Ovk dvtyvcore 3 The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful b Re f Gl). c Cb. om. & Ret. & Gb. add iraira. Gb. -» g Biz. "in. b Zt 6 <^) owonviof. KATA MAT0AION. 49 on 6 Tvoii](ias an dpx^s apaev Kai 6rjXv (TToirjcrev avrovs, Kai einev' ''Evcksv tovtov KaraXei\jsei ai>dpa>7ros rov irarepa Kai ttjv pr/repa' kcu a KoXXrjdrjcrerat," rfj yvvaiKi abrov, Kai (crovrai ol Bvo els (rdpKa p.iav ; 6 "Qo~re ovKeri elo~l dvo, aXXa (rapt; pia' 6 oiiv 6 Qeos o~vve£ev- k,ev, livdpbmos p.r\ ^copt^erco. ' Aeyovaiv avroy Ti ovv Mcocrrjs eve- reiXaro dovvat fiifiXiov urroaraaiov, Kai aTroXvaai avrrjv ; 8 Aeyet avrois' "On Maa-rjs rrpbs rrjv CTKXrjpoKapfilav vpaov €7rerpe\f/-ev vp.lv ciTToXvaai ras yvvaiKas vfxcov air dpx^s 8e ov yeyovev ovra>. Xeyw de vplv, on bs av ciTroXvaj] rijv ywa'tKa avrov, b el" pr) em. iropveiq, Kai ya/jLijcrrj clXXrjv, poi^arai' Kai 6 djroXe- Xvp,evrjv yaprjaas poixdrai. Aeyovo~iv avra> ol p,a6r)ral avrov' Et ovrcos iarlv ?/ atria rov avQpamov pera rrjs yvvaiKos, ov avp(pepei yaprj- aai. n 'O Se einev avrois' Ov irdvres Xcopovo'i rov Xoyov tovtov, dXX ois 8e- Sorat. " elo~l yap evvoi>xoi, oirives (K KoiXias prjTpbs eyevvt)dr)o-av ovru>' Kai (io~lv evvov)(oi, oirives evvovxlo~dr]o~av vtto tu>v av6pama>v' Kai elcriv evvov^oi, oirives elvov)(io~av eavrovs 8ia n)v /3a- o~tXeiav Toiv oupavav. 6 dvvdpevos x 03 ' pelv ^copeirca. 13 Tore Trpoo-rjvexQy airco naiftia, 'iva ras x fl pas eiriOf) avrois, Kai 7rpoo~ev^rj- rai' ol Se paOrjral e'TTeriprjaav avrois' 6 8e 'ir/o-ovs einev "Acfiere ra irai- oia, Kai pfj KcoXvere aira. eXBelv irpos p.e' rcov yap roiovraiv iarlv f] fiao~iXeia rcov ovpavcbv. 15 Kat emdels avrois ras X^ipas, enopevdr) eKelOev. 16 Kai i8ov, els TrpocreXdaiv einev ai- ra' AiddcrKaXe c dyaOe," ri dyaOov ttoi- T]o-a>, iva i'xco {corjv alavtov ; 'O 8e emev Matt. XIX. 16. he which made them at the be- ginning, made them male and female ? 5 and said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife : and they twain shall be one flesh. 6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. 7 They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away? s he saith unto them, Moses, because of y hardness of your hearts, suffer- ed you to put away your w ives : but from the beginning it was not so. a And 1 say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornica- tion, and shall marry another, committeth adultery : and who- so marrieth her which is put away, doth commit adultery. 10 His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry. 11 But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given. 12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother s womb : and there are some eunuchs,which were made eunuchs of men : and there be eunuchs,which have made them- selves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him re- ceive it. 13 Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray : and the disciples re- buked them. 14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and for- bid them not to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. I5 And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence. 16 And behold, one came and said unto him, Good master, what good thing shall I do, that a <^>. — Rec. & Gb. 7rpofl«oXXT>0!7ffirat. b Gb om. « =J Matt. XIX. 17. I may have eternal life ? 17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep y commandments. 18 He saith unto him, Which ? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery.Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, 19 Honour thy father & thy mother: and. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 20 The young man saith unto him, All these things have 1 kept from my youth up : what lack I yet ? '■" Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be per- fect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven : and come & follow me. Ti But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions. 83 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily 1 say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of hea- ven. ' 24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. -' When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved ? ' M But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. 27 Then answered Peter, and said unto him, Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee, what shall we have therefore ? '•w And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, that ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. iS And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, 50 EYAITEAION avrco' 17a Tt pe \eyeis dyadov; ov8e\s dyados, el prj els, 6 Qeos." el Be 6e\eis elcreXOelv els t!)v £coi)v, ttjptjltov riis e'v- roXds. 18 Aeyet avrco' Hoias ; 'O 8e 'Irjcrovs erne' To' Ov cpovevireis' ov poi^vcreis' ov /cAr^ets' ov i^evBopap- rvprjcreis' 19 rlpa rov irarepa b " Kai ttju prjrepa' Kai' ' ' Ayanrjoreis rbv irkrjo-'iov o-ov cos creavrov. 20 Ae'-yei avrco 6 veavi- ctkos' Hdvra ravra e(pvkat-dpr]u c e< veorijros pov" ti en vcrrepco ; 21 E(^)i/ avrco 6 'incrovs' El diXeis reXeios eivai, vnaye, ircohrjaov o~ov ra virap- Xovra, Kai 80s nrcoxols Kai e£eis 6']- cravpbv ev ovpavco' Kai 8evpo, ukoXov- 6et poi. °' 2 'AKovcras be 6 veavicrKOS tov Xoyov cnrr)\6e Xvnovpevos' tjv yap epx Krrjpara rtoWa. 23 'O he 'Irjcrovs eme rols paftrjrais avrov' 'Apr)v Xeyco vplv, on BvctkoXcos TrXovcrios elaeXevaerai els rr)v fiatrikeiav rcovovpavcov. 24 ndXiv 8e Xeyco iiplv, evKO- ■ncorepbv ecrri KciprjXov 81a TpvTrrjparos pa(pi8os d elo-eX6eiv," r) ttXovctiov els rrp> fiacriXeiav tov Qeov eltreXdelv. M 'Akov- cravres 8e 01 paBrjral e " e^e7rXr]cTcrovro trcp68pa, Xeyovres' Tis apa Bvvarai crco- 6i)vai; 26 'EpfiXiyjsas Be o'lrjarovs elirev avro'is' Uapa dvdpconois rovro d8vva- rov ecrri, irapa be Qeco irdvra 8vvard l ". 27 Tore diroKpidels 6 Uerpos elirev avrco' 'l8ov, Tjpels dcpi]Kap.ev irdvra, Kai f]Ko\ov6fjcrapev aoi' ti apa ecrrai rjpiv ; 28 'O Be Irjcrovs eitrev avrois' 'Apfjv Xeyco vplv, on vpels 01 dKoXovBrjcravres poi, ev rfj ira\iyyeveo~ia, orav KaBiar) 6 vios rov dvdpccTTov em Bpovov 86£r)s avrov, Kadio-ecrde Ka\ vpels hr\ BcoheKa 6po- I'ovc, Kp'ivovres ras BcoBeKa (pvXas rov 'icrparjX. 29 /cat nils Is B ° dcpr/Kev oUlas, T] d8e\(povs, rj d8e\cpas, rj narepa, T) -Gb. T4 lit epunat ir'P* T *>v aya6ov ; Itf $ariv o aya9of. b R e c. add dot.. -♦ d Rec. ittAetty. « Reo add avrou. I Rec. add «ffn, B dp t*j. RATA MAT9AI0N. 51 Matt. XX. 13. prjrepa, t) yvvaiKa, rj reKva, i] aypovs, or father, or mother, or wife, eveKev rov dvoparos pov, eKarovranXa- or ^ildren, or lands, for my , \ / I \ y \ > / \ name s sake, shall receive an mova Xrjyerai, Kai Qcorjv aicoviov kXt)- hundredfold, and shall inherit povoprjcrei. everlasting life. 30 IloXXot 8e ecrovTai irpcoroi eaxaroi, 30 But many y are first, shall Kat ea-yarot irpcoroi. 20. ouoia yap b e last ' and the last shall be , , / V J ■. f „ , - . n ' r first. 20. tor the kingdom ot eariv r] pao-iAeia rcov ovpavcov avtipconcp heaven is like unto a man that olKobecmorr), octtls e£r)Xdev dpa npcot is an housholder, which went n i A > / 5 » > _ \ - out early in the morning to hire pivOaaiurdai epyaras eisrov apireXcova i aboure 4 int0 his vmeyard . aiiTOV. crvp(bcovi]CTas 8e perd rcov 3 And when he had agreed nitb ipyarcov (K dnvaplov rriv vpepav, dire- l } e labourers for a penny a '' . , , , , , C JT , c - day, he sent them into his vine- crreiXev avrovs eis rov auneXcovaavrov. yard, a Andhe went out about 3 Kat eteXOcov irepl a " Tptrni' wpav, el8ev the third hour, and saw others *\ -v r ~ j ,! ■, i > / standing idle in the market- oAAovs eo-rcurac «^tt; ayopa apyovs p!acei 4 and said unto them, 4 KUKeivois eureW 'Ywdyere Kal vpels Go ye also into the vineyard, elsrdv dpneXcova, Kal 6 idv j? SUaiov "?„ d whatsoever is right, I will j., , r K -.? ft » , -m "» give you. And they went their Oojcrco vpif. ° Ot oe airr]Ktiov. ttuAiv way. 5 Again he went out about ePeXOcov Trept e/crni/ (cat h evvdrrjv" copav, ^f sixth and nmth hour > and , / < r / ' R v r, < r , aid likewise. 6 And about the enoirprev coaavrcos. "nepibe rpv ev- eleventh hour, he went out, and 8eKarr]v c copav" e£eX6cov, evpev ciXXovs found others standing idle, and t " hi \ ii \ -> ' > 7 T ' saithunto them, Why stand ve ea-roiT-ac" apyovs, rat Xey« awots Tt here all thp day " idle y ? 7 They co8e earrjKare oXtjv rr/v rjpepav apyoi ; say unto him, Because no man 7 Aeyovcnv ai/rco' "On ov8els nuas hath hl i; ed us -, He fa ' th unt0 , /, ', , < ,'' them, Go ye also into the vine. epia-Ocoaaro. Aeyet avrois' Y77ayeT€ yar d: and whatsoever is right, Ka\ vpels els rbv dpiveKwva, e Kal o e'ap that shall ye receive. II biKatov \r]\j/ecr6e." 8 'Ovl/t'ac 8e yevopevns Xeyei 6 kwhos ,, 8 So when even was come „,'.„ *_j * j ', -C,/ the lord ot the vineyard saith rov apTveKwvos ra eirirpoTva avroV Ka- un to his steward, Call the la- Aeaov rovs epydras, Kal dn68os airols bourers, and give them their s a\ ■> /• ' » » « ' ' hire, beginning from the last, rov pi(T6ov,up£apevos ana >jav evxamv unt0 the first, a And when they eo)c tcov TTpcoTioV. Kat eXdovres Ol came that were hired about the Trept rhv ivdeKdrriv copav eXafiov dvd eleventh hour ' the y re . c u ei ^ ed ", ' .„ r\!\, t.\ < - every man a penny. 10 But drjvapiov. eXdovres be ol trpcoroi when the first came, they sup- evoaicrav on nXelova Xriyj/ovTaC Kal P° sed that the y should bave «•. a v > \ > \ 5, / ii \ received more, & they likewise eXatiov Kai avrot ava drjvapiov.^ ^* Aa- rece i ve d every man a penny. IBovres Be e'yoyyvfcov Kara rov oiKoBe- " And when they had received o-rrorov, » Xeyovres' "Ort oSrot ol e'- %££^£?g%g t o~xaroi piav copav enoiTjcrav, Kai icrovs These last « have wrought but rjplv avrovs eiromcras, rols Bao-rdo-acri ° ne hour - and thou ha ?' made \ i t / \ < t them equal unto us, which have to papos tt)s rjpepas Kai rof Kavacova. borne the burden, and heat of y 13 'O 8e tzTroKptc^ek elirev evl avrcoV day. u But he answered one of » Rec. add TI71-. b r^> ivarrtv, c ZJ ^ Gb. om. « ^J "Or, have continued one liour only. Matt. XX. 14. them and said. Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with ine for a penny? 14 Take that thine is, and go thy way, 1 will give unto this last, even as unto thee. 15 Is it not law. ful for me to do what I will v ith mine own ? Is thine eye evil, because I am good ? ,6 So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen. 17 And Jesus going up to Je- rusalem, took the twelve disci- ples apart in the way, and said unto them, I8 Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and the Son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests, and unto the scribes, and they shall condemn him to death, > 9 and shall de- liver him to the Gentiles to mock, and to scourge, and to crucify him: and the third day he shall rise again. 20 Then came to him the mo- ther of Zebedee's children, with her sons, worshipping him, and desiring a certain thing of him. 21 And he said unto her. What wilt thou ? she saith unto him, Grant, that these my two sons may sit, the one on thy right hand, and the other on the left in thy kingdom. M But Jesus answered, and said. Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am bap- tized with ? They say unto him, We are able. 23 And he saith unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of" my cup, and be bap- tized with the baptism that I am baptized with: but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father. 24 And when the ten heard it, they were moved with indig- nation against the two brethren. 25 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles 52 EYAITEAION Eraipe, ovk ddiKco ore' ov^l brjvapiov (rvve(pedvr]ads poi ; 14 apov to ctov Kai inraye' 6eXco 8e tovtco tw icrxdrco hovvai cos Kai croi. 15 Tj ovKe^ecrTi ponrotrjaai o BeXco iv to'ls ipols ; a if 6 6cp6a\p6s ctov Trovrjpos icTTiv, otl iyco dyaBos elpi ; 16 ovtcos ecrovTai oi eo~x aT01 irp&roi, Kat oi irpcoToi tV^aroi" jroWoi yap eltrt kXtjtoI, oXiyoi Be eicheKTOi. 17 Kat dvafiaivcov 6 'irycrovs els 'lepo- trokvpa Trapekafte tovs 8co8eKa paBrjras kcit Ibiav iv rij obco, Kai ehrev avrois' 18 'iSot), dvaftalvopev els 'lepocrokvpa, Kai 6 vios tov dvdpconov 7rapa8odr)0~eTai rots dpxiepevcri Kai ypappaTevcrf /caijca- TaKpivovaiv aiirov davdrco, Kai irapa- 8coo~ovo~iv aiiTov to'is eOvetriv eis to ep- iraii^ai Kai pao~Tiycocrai Kai crTavpcocrai' Kai ttj Tpirij Tjpepa dvaarrjcreTai. 20 Tore TTpoo~r}k8ev avTco r) pr]TT]p tcov vicov Zefiebaiov peTa tcov vicov ai/Trjs, npouKwovcra Kai anovcra n nap avTov. 21 6 Se ehrev avTjj' Ti 6e\eis ; Aeyei ai/Tco' EtVe Iva Ka8io~coo~iv ovtoi oi 8vo viol pov, eis eK he^icov o~ov, Kai eis i£ evcovvpcov h gov" ev Trj /3acriXfta o~ov. 22 ^ AjroKpiOels c Se b" 'irjcrovs ehrev Ovk otSare ti alTelo~8e. bvvao~6e irieiv t6 TTOTrjpiov, o iyco peXkco niveiv, d rj to {BdrrTicrpa, b iyco (BanTi^opai, ftaTrTiaQ)]- vai ;" Aeyovaiv avrco' Avvdpeda. ^ Kat Ae'yft avrois' To pev TTOTTjpiov pov ttU- o~6e, e r) to (3aTrTicrpa, b eyco (3aTTTi£opai, fiaiTTio-6r)o-eo-6e'" to be KaBLaai e'/c he^icov pov Kai i£ evcovvpcov f pov," ovk ecmv ipbv Sovvai, dX\' ois T)TOipao~Tai inro tov TTaTOOS pOV. Kai dKovtravres oi Se/ca yyavaKTr]- aav ivepl tcov 8vo dbe\(pcov. 2S 6 Se lrjtrovs Tvpoo-Kakecrdpevos avTovs el- Tvev' Ol'Sare oti oi cip^ovTes tcov iOvcov b Rec. om. c St.o U. d Gb. om. — Rec. Kai k. t. X. e Gb. om. — Rec t. x. tzi KATA MAT9AI0N. 53 Matt. XXI. 6. KaraKvpievovcriv avrav, Kai oi peydXoi exercise dominion over them, KCtTeijovaidCovo-iv avruv. 26 ovv oOra>c a " & the y. that are »"■*• exercise „ 3 , , - > N x>« >\ /i/\ > c - authority upon them. lb But eorat €i/ vpW aXX os eav VeXy ev vpiv it shall not be so among you: peyas yeveadai, b eorco" vp£>v SiaKOvos' but whosoever will be great 27 v I i \ a ^ t t r s - among you, let him be your » Offeoi' 0eA;r? ej/ v/iw Wffl rrpcoros, minister ^ 'w And wh osoever e earco" vpa)V bovXos' " 9 wo~TTep 6 vios will be chief among you, let him tov avdpunov ovk f)X6e biaKovr)6r)vai, t b . e y? ur s f ervant - i8 E J en as ,,., ." „ \*>- \ i \ tne i,on °' man came not to be a\\a OiaKOvrjO-ai Kai bovvai ttjv y v X 7 l v ministered unto, but to minis- avrov Xvrpov avri 7roXXtov. ter - and t0 S ive his life a ran- oq „ y V / > ~ ■> \ c T som tor many. *" Kai eKnopevopevuv avrmv crno le- a And as they departed from pt^o), rjKoXovdrio~ev avr Have mercy on us, O Lord, Kvpie, vlos Aauid; O de o^Aos ene- thou son of David. 3' And the rlprjaev avro'is iva aicoTrrjo'coo-iv. oi de multitude rebuked them, be- ~r " >■ \ ' . *i7>\ ' ' ~ cause they should hold their pei(oveKpaCov,XeyovTes- EXeriaovi^pas, peace: but Vy cried the more, Kvpte, vios Aavio. Kai aras o Ir/- saying. Have mercy on us, O (rods echavricrev avrovs, Kai elm' Tt Lord, thou son of David. 32 And ,,~ ~ , , ,. qo / , „ Jesus stood still, and called UeXere irou/crco vpiv ; *" Aeyovmv avrci' them, and said, What will ye Kvpie, Iva avoivdcocriv rjpcov oi o- yl shall do unto you ? 33 they j/i\ i ji« i z) y » v <■ »t - sa y unto him. Lord, that our (pdaXpoi : « SirXayxvurdeis de o^ Irjcrovs ey ' es may be opened 7 3 4 So Je _ ijyjsaTO ra>v 66aXu.ol, Kai and ^ehed their eyes : and , ' ,1 , „ i r ' immediately their eyes received T)KoXovOr]o-av avra. sight, and they followed him. 21. Kai ore rjyyicrav els 'lepoaoXvpa, 21. And when they drew nigh Kai rjXdov els BriBchayn npos TO opos unto Jerusalem, and were come V . ,/>/->/ \ to Bethphage, unto the mount rcov eXatav, Tore o Irjo-ovs aneareiAe f Olives, then sent Jesus two Svo padnTas-, 2 Xeycov avro'is' Tlopev- disciples, a saying unto them, n ■> \ i \ > / c ... Go into the village over against 6r,Te «s tx)v Kcoprjv ttjv amvavri vpwv^ yol ^ and strai „ htway ye ghall Kai evdea>s evprjo~eTe ovov behepevqv, Kai find an ass tied, and a colt with ttwXov per avrr)s- Xdaavres aydyere her: loose them, andbringthem , ' v , , ' , „ „ v ', ', unto me. J And if any man poi. ° Kat eav tis vpiv emy rt, epeire- sa y ought unto you, ye shall "On 6 Kvpios avrav vptLav evei' evdeas sa y> The Lord hath ne ed of S\rt> 'an // »' f ™ - »\ them, and straightway he will e UTTOO-reXXei ^ avrovs. * Tovro de senn them. 4 An this was done, c 6'Xov" yeyovev, wa nXr/padr) to prjBev that it might be fulfilled which buL rov irpocprjrov, Xeyovros- 5 E'brare was spoken by the prophet say- - a "Jl L ,' , . - , ing, 5 Tell ye the daughter of tt) Ovyarpi Z,lodW loov, o pao-tXevs aov sion. Behold, thv king cometh epverai and said unto him, Hearest thou what these say ? And Jesus saith unto them, Yea, have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise ? l7 And he left them, and went out of the city into Bethany, and he lodged there. 18 Now in the morning, as he returned into y city, he hunger- ed. Ia And when he saw a fig 54 EYAITEAION Troirjcravres Ka#o>c irpoaeTa^ev avrois 6 'irjo-ovs, 7 ijyayov ttjv ovov Kal tovitu>- Xov, Kal eneOrjKav ewdvco avrcov ra ipd- ria avrSiv, Kal " eireKdOioev" eirdva avTa>v. 8 6 fie TrXe'iaTos o^Xos eorpcoaav eavToiV ra ipdria ev rf) 6Sc5' tiXXoi 8e (KOTTTOV KXd8oVS OTTO TWV 8tV$pa)V, Kal icrrpcovvvov ev ttj 6Sa>. 9 oi de o)(Xoi oi Tvpodyovres Kal oi aKoXov6ovvTes eKpa£ov, XeyovTes' 'Slaavvd tv koXXvj3io-to>v Ka~ Teorpe\\re, Kai ras Kadeftpas tcov ttoh- Xovvtcov ras Trepio-Tepds' 13 Kai Xe- yei avTots' Teypanrac O oLkos pov o'lkos 7rpoo"ev)(T)s KkrjdrjaeTai' vpels 8e ovtov eTToiTjaaTe oirrfXaiov Xyarav. 14 Kai 7TpoafjX8ov avTv /carr/prtVci) aivov ; 17 Kal KaTaXmcov avTovs e^i)X6ev e£a> Trjs 7rdXea>s eis Brjdaviav, Kal rjvXiadr) eKel. 18 Tlptotas Se enavdycov els ttjv iro- Xiv, eTreivao-e' 19 Kai Ibiov avKrjv plav ft Bz. Si I'.lz. tn-e«'ti9iTav. b _ KATA MAT0AION. 55 Matt. XXI. 30. eVt rrjs obov, rJA0ev eV avTrjv, Kai ovbev tree in the way, he came to it, Am h abrrj d m <^AX« pdvov * / /j ' - . 21 'a i»?, How soon is the fig tree paxpnP-a efrpaver, ^(TVOJ] _ Atto- w f thered away al Jes » M _ Kpidels be 6 'Ir)o~ovs einev avTOis' Aprjv swered, and said unto them, Aeyco vp.lv, edv fvnre TTiorti/, *ai pfj Verily I say unto you, if ye have ' /i~ j t i - - ' faith, and doubt not, ye shall biaKpidrjTe, ov povov to ttjs ./; , s rforie s /i'"v . shall say unco this mountain, ApdrfTt Kai P*-r)6>l Tl «« Tr)v6a\a(T » soever ye shall ask in prayer, AT]\f/eo'de. believing, ye shall receive. t > c -. „ 23 Kai ekdovTi avrco els to lepov, M And when he was come in- Z3 ^i <*£ V • /Y. a f/£ZS~J-\ "*-M' Kat ot irpecrpvTepoi tov Aaov, AeyovTes' came unto him as he was teach- // "*- *-«*■«■ <*^> V "' l 'Ei» tto/o efoutrca raira noiels \ Kai rls *?> *»d ^id. By what autho- & «-■-<*■,■ ^f« ««^*' *" f 9? "i" / ' 1 ~ *& ■«.»**/ ' 24 > a rily doest thou these things ? & " fc«.- / /**_«.' a*_aJ* 9l/ «.c'('j^f o-oieo^KeTT/i/egovawTavrT?!/; Atto- who gave thee this authority ? ^Z..^/ 0*^/2*/ » " ' unto them I also will ask vou k -'^ il ^"> v ^*- ^* •■^•^ ,<-^> u-t-i-c*-^ *"-^* poi, Kayu> vp.iv epu> ev ttom e^ovo-ia i j n like wise will tell vou by v> t y /it TavTa ttoiS- s to franTio-pa 'ludvvov ^authority > do these things. ■• ei^y ^ ^^ ^ ,/, v »* > - * .* > /} - Jo The baptism ot John, whence Jy JTtTli^^ *U^J a ^tl^uJ L 4~£ ^ff^^y: #?* , Jt? > » >t _'„„„„,-, '.T themselves saving. If we shall J S C~ (f<7, k/tJ, . From hp — , he will say / ; 7 ^^ ^^^ ^^ nutf - AtaTt ouf OVK eTno~TevaaTe avTCO ; unto us. VVhv did ve not then «*>-c^ > _ , . , C fjp.lv AtaTt ouf oi;k «7rto"T€i;orare avTca ; unto us, Why did ve not then tu^Cf 1 26 'Ehv be e'hrcopev, e£ iv6pi»rav, (po- believe him ? ^ But if we shall h^ x '*& X ' K -+Zf; -* . ,s* a ' a « « V ' > J ' say, Of men, we fear the peo- ^ s - y e /?v5TT X £1^ t/)"* n-*^™~, fiovpeda tov ox^oV iravTes yap exovo~i plei for a n hold John as a pro- - ' £ '^ZT^^ fc O J%~>//~*u^/i ' Tov'lcodvvriv cos TTpod/nTTjv. ' 27 Kaldno- phet. » And they answered f/W^/. £^^>, # /Ll^JLC At**£j a' '- 't - ■ -' . rv' "^ ,., Jesus, and said, We cannot tell. »7 *7 ^7T s ? >' KpiBevTes tco lrjarov emov ^ Ouk oibapev. And h ' e said un ' G themi Neither J . ^ Z^, r .. t . b W,. v E^)r; avrols Kai avTOS' Ovbe eyco Aeyco tell I you by what authority I 0£ / 4 ^ ^^ /jfCX" 6/U1V eV Trot? e^outrta raira iroid. do these thi "g s - , ^ /X^ ^^ .,r-i^- . 28 Tt bevplv bowl; avdpairos e?x e J*& /. %$. }/f-^ TeKva bvo, Kai npocreAdcov tu> irpcoTcp 2S But what think you? Aj^. M^ -. the will of his father ? They BeXrjpa tov ira-rpos ; Aeyovaiv avTOi say unto him, The first. Jesus 'O npciiTOS. Aeyf t avTols 6 'irjcrovs' unto jSnTdTStaS >*" W»-,^ fa ol nXfra. Kai a£ and the harlots go into the iropvai irpodyovcriv vfias eis rrjv paai- kingdom of God before you. \ ( [ av T0 {, Q eov . 32 riX8e yap npbs vuas 3 ' 2 For John came unto you in , , , f .„ . ' ', r r y ' , the way of righteousness, and laavvqs ev obco dlKaioorvvrjs, Kai OVK ye believed him not: but the eVtcrreucrare avrci' ol be TeXaivai Kai al publicans and the harlots be- , > i * > -, < - j> isi lieved him. And ye when ye ™pvai emtrrevaav avrcp Vfxeis be idov- had seen it, repented not af- res ov peTepeXrjdrjTe vorepov tov 7Tl- terward, that ye might believe a . T€ ^ (J . M a ^ m 33 "AXXrjv TrapafioXrjv aKovaare' av- dpcoTros a " rjv oiKobeo~TroTr]s, bo~Tis e(pv- 33 Hear another parable. fJ/ auTreAwm, Kai (bpaypov av™ There was a certain housholder, ~ v > rr /i~^ l which planted a vineyard, and ■irepu0r]Ke, Kai a>pv£ev ev avra> Atjvov, hedged it round about, and Ka \ ctKoboprjcre irvpyov, Kai e^eboTO av- disrged a winepress in it, and , f * > *' 34 " £.1 built a tower, and let it out to ™v yecopyots, Kai aTreb^pTjaev .^ ^ ore be husbandmen, and went into a rjyyicrev 6 Kaipbs tu>v KapnoiV, aneo~TeiXe far country "And when the f dovXovs avTOV TTpoS TOVS yecopyovs, time of the fruit drew near, he * „ ( i > - fc » ^ sent his servants to y husband- Xapeiv tovs Kapnovs avTOV' ' Kai Ka- men, that they might receive Q 0VTes ' t -yecopvot tovs bovXovs avTOV, the fruits of it. to And the \ , „» ' r J *, , , * » v husbandmen took his servants, ov pev ebeipav, ov be aneKTeivav, ov^be and beat one, & killed another, eXidoj36Xr)crav. 36 ttoXiv dneCTTeiXev ciX- Z^To^^JlX^ W boiXovs nXelovas jcov «W than the first, and they did unto (cat eiroi-qaav avrois a>0-aVTCDS. ' vo~Te- them likewise. 3 ' But last of g^ dn-eareiXe 7Tpor airovs tov v'lbv all, he sent unto them his son, r , „ . , »t-i ' » ' ' saying, They will reverence avrov, XeywV hvTpamjo-ovTai tov viov my son. 3S But when the hus- aov. 3S Ol 8e yeaipyol IbovTes tov vlbv bandmen saw the son, they t > r <• . /-»?_/_ '_ ' ,.\ said among themselves, This "^ «" COW™^ 0wT ?* e(rrtI ' ,° f X W°; is the heir, come, let us kill vopos' bevre, airoKTeivuipev avTov, Kai him, and let us seize on his in- b Karc J " *„ K \npovop'iav avTOV. hentance. 3J And they caught ,„ v A r~ t i , ( ir r~ him, and cast him out of Kat AapovTes avTOV e^epahov e^w the vineyard, and slew him. TO y dpneXaivos Kai ciireKTeivav. 40 orav i0 When the lord therefore » *k a r > ~ > \ - ' of the vineyard cometh, what ovv eX8r) o Kuptos tov aprreXcovos, ti will he do unto those husband- Tvoi}]o~ei tois yeatpyois eKeivois \ Ae- men? « They say unto him, £ £ . KaK0 £, ff KaK&s . tljroXfo-et He will miserably destrov ', , v t ( , r » » ' " those wicked men, and will let avTOVS' Kai tov apiveXutva L (KboaeTai out his vineyard unto other fi\\ 0ls -yfcopyots, o'lTlves aTTobiacrovo-lV husbandmen, which shall ren- , „ \ r ' , , - > der him the fruits in their <™T

re iv rais ypacpais' Aidov ov dTre8oKipao~av oi olKoSopovvres, ovros iyevtjdr] els KecpaXrjv ycovias. napa Kv- piov iyevero avrr], Kai 'ian Bavpaarfj iv dcpOaXpois rjfxwv ; ^ Ala rovro Xeyoo vp.lv, uti dpSqaerat dej) vpwv rj j^ao-iXeta rod Qeov, Kai 8o6i]aerat. edvei ttoiovvti tovs KapKovs avrrjs. ** u Kai 6 neacov hit rov Xidov rovrov awdXaadrjaerai' i ov S' dv 7reo-r], XtKpycrei avrov." 4o Kai aKovo-avres oi dpxiepeis Kai oi v ovpavav dv- dpoonco fiacriXei, doris eVotr/cre yd/xovs ro3 via aiirov' Kai dneo-reCXe rods 8ov- Xovs aiirov KaXeaai rovs KeKXrjpevovs els rovs ydpovs, Kai ovk t'jdeXov iXBeiv. 4 7raXti' dweareiXev aXXovs 8ovXovs, Xe- ycov' Ei7rare rot? KeKXrjpevois' l8ov, to dpicrrov pov Tjroipao-a, oi ravpoi pov Kai to. airicrrd re6vpiva, Kai irdvra eroipa' 8evre els rovs ydpovs. ° Oi 8e dpeXrjo-avres drrrjXdov, 6 p.ev eis rbv 18iov dypov, 6 8e c els" rfjv ipnopiav av- rov' 6 oi 8e \onvoi Kpart]o-avres rovs 8ovXovs avrov vftpiaav /cat dneKreivav. 7 d Kat aKovaas 6 e (Bao-iXevs iKeivos- mpyiadr/," Kai Trep\j/as tcl arparevpara avrov dirooXeo'e rovs cpoveis iKeivovs, Kai rijv ttoXiv avra>v iveitprjae. rare Xeyfi rots SovXotr avrov' O pev ydpos eroipos iartv, oi 8e KeKXrjpevoi ovk fjo-av d^toL. 9 iropeveo~de ovv irri rds 8ie£6- 8ovs rav 68a>v, Kai ocrovs dv evprjre, 57 Matt. XXII. 9. 4 - Jesus saith unto them. Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become j head of the corner ? this is the Lord s doing, and it is marvel- lous in our eyes. *3 Therefore say I unto you, the kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. 44 And whosoever shall fall on this stone, shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall.it will grind him to powder. 45 And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spake of them. 4b But when they sought to lay hands on him, they feared the multitude, because they took him for a prophet. 22. And Jesus answered, and spake unto them again by pa- rables, and said, 3 The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son, 3 and sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding, & ihey would not come. 4 Again, he sent forth other servants, say- ing, Tell them which are bid- den, Behold, I have prepared my dinner ; mv oxen, and my fatlings are killed, & all things are ready : come unto the mar- riage. 5 But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his mer- chandise : 6 and the remnant took his servants, and entreat- ed them spitefully, and slew them. 7 But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth, and he sent forth his armies, and de- stroyed I hose murderers, and burnt up their city. s Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden, were not worthy. 9 Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as * — » b *sj etc TrpofpTjTijv, C OJ t-rrt. d Rec. Si Gl). Axovffay is o j ■ tapy. ' ^ U . : . 3*0. uioy. Matt. XXII. 10. ye shall find, bid to the mar- riage. 10 So those servants went out into the highways, and ga- thered together all as many as they found, both bad and good, and the wedding was furnished with guests. " And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man, which had not on a wedding garment, •'^ and he saith unto him, Friend, how earnest thou in hither, not having a wedding garment ? And he was speechless. 13 Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. ,4 For many are called, but few are chosen. 15 Then went the Pharisees, & took counsel, how they might entangle him in his talk. "> And they sent out unto him their disciples, with the Herodians, saying, Master, we know that thou art true, and teachest the way of God in truth, neither carest thou for any man ; for thou regardest not the person of men. 17 Tell us therefore, what thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Cassar, or not ? 18 But Jesus petceived their wickedness, & said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites ? I9 Shew me the tiibute money. And they brought unto him a penny. 20 And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and a su- perscription ? M They say un- to him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar, the things which are Caesar's: and unto God, the things that are God's. M When they had heard these words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way. 23 The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him, M saying, Master, 58 EYAITEAION KaAeVare els tovs ydpovs- 10 Kat e|- e\6dvTes ol 8ov\oi eKelvoi els Tas 68nvs crvvrjyayov iravras oaovs evpov, ivovq- povs re Kai ayadovs' (cat eVAr/cc^r/ 6 ydfios dvaKeipivmv. n elaeXduv 8e 6 fiaaiXevs BedaaaBai rovs dvaKeipevovs el8ev e'/cei av&panrov ovk ev8e8vpevov ev8vpaydpov 12 Kai Xeye i avTco' 'Erai- pe, 7rajc elar/XOes a>8e p-rj e^cof i'v8vpa ydpov ; 'O 8e e(fiipa)6r}. 13 tots elirev 6 fiao-ike vs toIs 8iok6vois' a Aijo-avres avrov TToSas Kai ^elpas, tipare avrov Kai" €K/3aAere els to ctkotos to e£a>Tepov' eKfl ecrrai 6 KXavdpos Kai 6 jSpvypus tu>v obovTwv. 14 7roAAot yap elcri k\t}- to\, oXiyoi 8e eicXeKTol. u Tore TTopevOivTes ol 8iavu>v, Xeyovres' Aibdo~Ka\e, 01- 8apev on d\r/6f]s el, ko.1 ttjv 686v tov Qeov ev dXrjdeta 8i8do~Keis, Ka\ ov pe~Xei o~oi nepl ov8evbs, ov yap fiXeneis els rrpocrooTrov dvBpconwv. ' erne ovv i)plv, tl croi 8oKel ; e£eo~Ti 8ovvat Krjvaov Kat- crapi, T] ov ; 18 Tvovs 8e 6 'lrjaovs ttjv T70V7)piav avra>v eine' Ti pe Tretpd^eTe, imoKpiTal ; i9 «VicW£are pot to vdpierpa tov kijvo~ov. Ol 8e Tvpocrrjveyicav airco 8rjvdpiov. 20 Kai Aeyet avTols' TiVoc t] fiKcof avTr) Kai i) eniypacpr) ; 21 Aeyovo-iv aiiTM' Kalo-apos. Tore Ae'yei avTols' , Ano8oTe ovv tci Kalaapos Kalo~api' Kai to. tov Qeov tu> Gew. . Kai okoi;- cravTes eOavpacrav' Kai dcpevTes avTov inrrjXOov. 2,i 'Ef ineivt) ttj fjpepa Trpoo~rp\6ov avTui SaSSouKatot, ot Xeyovres pf) elvai avdaracnv' Kai eTrrjpcrrqo'av ai/Tov, " 4 XeyovTes' Ai8daKa\e, Mtoo-fjy elnev' * (^; AqoayTts avrov Tro&af seed unto his brother. « Now noVXcpco avrov. 2i s H yvvaiKa avT ? v ™ dfcAfti avrov. TSSSZ'JlgZSZ opoiuts Kai o OevTepos, Kai o rpiros, ecus unto the seventh. *> And last rwviirrd. " 7 varepov de ttuvtcov dneOave ° f *}} th r e woman died also. V f ,,n,'„,, , , ■» I heretore, m the resur- Koi yyvvn^ *° ev ttj ovv ava t * \ h - q -» the angels of God in heaven. yapifrvTai, aXk cos ayyeXoi^Tov Qeov 31 But B M touching the resur . ev ovpava) eiai. 7repi Se rf}c ai/acrra- rection of the dead, have ye not trecos Tew i/e/cpcov, ouk dveyvcore to pr,8ev read that u "^ ich was s P° k , en r f - r , - r _ '„ « , ' mI' , unto you by God, saying, 32 I v/iti/ viro rov Qeov, AeyovTOS' * Eyco am the God of Abraham, and elpi 6 Qeos 'A/3paau, Kai 6 Geo? 'icraaK, th e G <>d of Isaac, and the God »««»»»¥ ' o <-> ' ■" ' <^ < of Jacob ? God is not the God kuio Geos Ia7cco£; Ovk tora o Geor ofthe dead> but of the Uving. Qeos veKputv, dWd ^uivtcov. 33 Kat cikov- 33 And when the multitude o-avres ol o X Xoi. efitnMaaopTO enl ™ heard this, they were aston- B - „ , £ s J ./ ished at his doctrine. bibax]] avrov. 34 Oi Se d>aptcraiot, ctKOvcra^Tec on 34 But when the Pharisees iji \ C, «,« < in had heard that he had put the e(pLpa)o-€ tovs ZabbovKaiovs, o-wr/ X cV sadducees to silence, they were o~av iiii to ovto' ^ Kai eTT/jpoiTrjaev els gathered together. 3i Then one e£ avrJ)^ j/ou tK 6c, TretpaCco^ avrov Kai of , th / m - which * as a , law f er ' N / qr c,/ \ - > ^^ ,n asked Ai;n a question, tempting Aeyuiv' aj Aibao-Ka\e,noiaevroAT] peyaArj him, and saying, 36 Master, eVrco fduoj; 37< Se 'ino-oCs c e(i)r)" avroj- ^nich is the great command- » a . / tt ' > /-« / '' ment in the law ? 37 Jesus said Ayarrrjo-eis Kvpiov tov Qeov o~ov ev unt0 him Thou shalt love the d okr] ttj Kap8la " o-ov, Kai ev oky ttj Lord thy God with all thy fv X n o-ov, Kai' e'vokr, tjj biavoiajrov. £&&*?£&?& ^ Avtt) eo-Ti e 7rpcorr; Kai peyaAt] ev- is the first and great command- roXr). 3 ' j devrepa 8e ouoia f avT^" men t- 39 And the second is >.'/ , r x , r t r like unto it, Thou shalt love thy AyanT]o-ets ^ tov nArjatov (Tov as * ere- neighbour as thyself. *« On avTOV." 4U 'Ei/ TaxiTais rals 8valv e'vro- these two commandments hang Aals SXos 6 vopos Kai ol npocp^Tai Kpe- a11 the law and the P rophets - fiavTat. 41 "2vvrjyfX€vcov Sc twv Qapuraicov, 41 While the Pharisees were fc CNJ yafuZoyrat. t> -* c Rec. ftwty. d C^J oXjj Kapiitf. « CN3 ptyaXij Mat irpa>T7j, f «») avTT). g cnj savroy. Matt. XXII. 42. 60 EYAITEAION gathered together, Jesus asked enripcoTrjcrev avrovs 6 'irjaous, 42 \cya>V them "saying, What think ye Tt ' fafa SoKeI * TO ~ Xpiarov ; twos of Christ ? whose son is he? ,, r , , " , f » . ^ Thev say unto him, The son of U'OS e AauiS. David. « He saith unto them, « Ae'yei avro'ts' llois ovv AavtS eV 7ri>et>- How then doth David in spirit '/ , , ....,., ,, T call him Lord, saving, •'•'The pari Kvpinv avrov Kakey keyatV Ei- Lord said unto mv Lord, Sit ivev 6 Kuptoc tu> Kvpico pov' Kudov £K thou on my right hand, till I g g £ - - '« g & ' ^ e'vcW'S- (TOU make thine enemies thy toot- .? ,£ » - s.- j- i stool ? 45 If David then call vttottoOlov tcov noocov crov. *" El him Lord, how is he his son ? £„ AautS Ka Xet auToi- Kvpiov, tv And no man was able to , - , jt ,, ( .»v >m , ~ answer him a word, neither ayrov f OJl i Kat ovdeic e6waro ai/r» durst anv man (from that day (iTroKpiBFjvai \6yov' ovdi €Tokp.rjcre tis forth) ask him any more ques- ^ ^^ T ~ g fotpascircpenijaai avrov ov kstl. 23. Tore 6 Irjcrovs ekakrj(re rois b- 23. Then spake Jesus to the X>«W (^ TO JJflftpw ofcro, '^V^ multitude, and to his disciples, Etti ttjs Muffffflj Kcifcopas fKadicrav 01 3 saying, The scribes and the ypaauarels Kal ol <&api.craioi' 3 ndvra Pharisees sit in Moses' seat : *> » * » V - b - * 3 all therefore whatsoever they w ? °°"<\ av «nw«/ up.w ° rqpeiv, ^ ttj- bid you observe, that observe pelre Kal ttouitC Kara §£ ra epya avrav and do but do not ye after their . mlf r irf . Xeyoutrt yap Kal ov irounim. works: lor thev sav, and do not. JT ' , ' , „ / , r , , " ' * For they bind heavy burdens, Oeo-pevovai yap Cpopria papea " Kai and grievous to be borne, and dvcrfido-TaKTa," Kal (niTiSeacnv eirt tovs lay them on men's shoulders, « > n i - &» s. '\ but they themselves will not w^ouc twi- avOpomay ra de 6aKryA» move them with one of their avTcov ov dekovcri Kivijo-at avrd. ° ndvra fingers « But all their works g- ^ - ^- iroiowi 7Tpo ? ro dW they do, for to be seen 01 "> , , 7 v/ men : they make broad their drjvat rots avdpanvois. irXarvvovo-i e oe phylacteries, and enlarge the ra cbvXaKTtipia axiToiV, Kal ueyakvi/ovai borders of their garments, v ' , ^ r - ' > < - » r ± e and love the uppermost Ta KpaoTreba Taiv ipariaiv avrcoV (pi- rooms at feasts, and the chief XoOrrt re rrjv TrpoiTOKkiaiav eV ro'is Set- seats in the synagogues, 7 and v \ n » ' > greetings in the markets, and 7rvols ^ KatTas_irpv, paj3j3l, e pa^j3i." 8 'Ypeis 8e prj AcXr;c?^re, p'a/3,3i" eis s But be not ye called Rabbi: y<*p ecrriv vpuv 6 h ^r/yr/rr)y", 'oXpi- for one is your Master, even crros'" Trdvres Be vpels aoekcpoi e'ore. upon the earth : for one is yrjS' etc yap eo-riv o iraTTjp vpa>i>, o ev your father which is in heaven. TO l s oupafoic. 10 unSe KXridnre Kadn- 10 Neither be ye called masters : 1 £ t > < - > ' »' ,, for one is your master, eoe» T^af eis yap v/icoy torti/ o Kadr)yrj- Christ. "But he that is greatest ttjs," 6 Xptardc. u 6 Se pe'i^av vpiov » CV wffO«iT«. b -» e~^l. <*-» «CNJ yap. f -* g -» h 00 MaiXKaXoy. i Ob. on, k iNJ on tadrj-ftirris KATA MAT0AION. 61 ecrrat vpcov 8u'ikovos. '" Scrns 8e v\j/03aei iavTov, T(tTreiv(x>6i]aeTai' Kal octtls ra- TveivaxTfl iavTov, v\^on6i](T€Tai. 14 Oval 8i a "vplv, ypappanls Kal apio~aloi, \moKpiTai" on K.\ei€T€ tt)v (Bao-iXeiav tu>v ovpavav i'p- ■Kpoadev twv dvdpanrcov vpels yap ovk elcrepxeo-de, ov8e tovs ela-ep^opivovs acpiere elaeXdelv . oval vplv, ypap- paTels Kal Qapicaloi, vnoKpiTai' on nepidyere ti)v dakaao-av Kal tijv ^rjpdv, TTOiT]o-ai eva Trpoo-rjXvTOV, Kal orav ye- vr/rai, Troielre avTov vlov yeivvrjs 8nr\6- repov vpmv. 16 Oval vplv, 68rjyol TVCpXol, ol Xe- yovres, ' Oc av dpocri] iv tu vaa, ov8iv in-nv' os 8' av opocn} iv ra ^pucnw tov vaov, 6(p€i\ei. l 1 Mcopot Kal rv(p\oi tis yap pei(u>v iorlv, 6 xpucroc, jj 6 va6s 6 dyidfav tov xpucrdf ; 18 Kai' Os idv opoap iv ru> 6vn-ian-TT]pi(o, ov8iv e&TW os 8" av opoo-jj iv tg> 8a>pco tw indvu) avrov, o(pei\ei. 19 ° Mcopol Kal" rvcpXoi ri yap pel^ov, to 8a>pov, rj to 6vo~iao~TT)piov to dyid^ov to 8copov ; 6 ovv opdo-as iv r avTov' ' 21 Kal 6 opocras iv tw vaa opvvei iv avTco Kal iv ra d KaToiKrjo-avTi" avTov' '" Kal 6 opoaas iv tw ovpavio opvvei iv T tov Qeov Kal iv rco Kadrjpivco iirdvco avTov. 23 Oval vplv, ypapparels Kal <$api- o-aloi, vTTOKpiTai' oti dno8eKaTovTe to i]8voo-pov Kal to avrjdov Kal ro Kvpivov, Kai d(prjKaTe Ta fiapvTepa tov vopov, Tr/v Kplo~iv Kal tov e\eov Kal ttjv ttIo'tiv' Matt. XXIII. 23. among you, shall be your ser- vant. Vl And whosoever shall exalt himself, shall be abased : and he that shall humble him- self, shall be exalted. 13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites ; for ye shut up y kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering, to go in. 14 Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites ; for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer ; therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation. 15 Woe unto you scribes and Phari- sees, hypocrites ; for ye com- pass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. 16 Woe unto you, ye blind guides, which say, Whosoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing: but whosoever shall swear by the gold of y temple, he is a debtor. " Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gold, or the temple that sanctifieth the gold ? ls and Whosoever shall swear by the altar, it is nothing: but whoso- ever sweareth by the gift that is upon it, he is a cuilty. 19 Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gift, or the altar y sanctifieth the gift ? -° Whoso therefore shall swear by the altar, sweareth by it, and by all things thereon. '•" And whoso shall swear by y temple, swear- eth by it, and by him that dwell- eth therein. ' a And he that shall swear by heaven, sweareth by the throne of God, and by him thai sitteth thereon. 23 Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites ; for ye pay tithe of mint, and anise, and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law. judgment, mercy & faith: these ought ye to have done, » U j.o./ 13 Bz. & EU. ■ rfaditre ad viroKpnat. Or, u debtor, or, bound. d Rec. naTotKOWTt, Matt. XXIII. 24. 62 EYAITEAION and not to leave the other un- ravra a " e Set 7rot^(rat,KaKf(i'a pf]d(f)ievai. done. ^ Ye blind guides, which 24 ^§,j 70 v t rwiW °' StiiAi'jWe, TO!> strain at a gnat, and swallow a , '' \ s.v ' \ ' camel. » Woe unto you scribes Kvvcona, rrjv oe KaprjAov KaramvovTes. and Pharisees, hypocrites ; for 2d ova \ yfilv, ypappareis Kai Qapicraiot, ye make clean the outside of < f. «_. „„/3„ „.' />"„-, .-A $£«»/)<*• »«fi the cup, and of the platter, but vnoKpiraC on Kaflapifcre to e|a>^ tou within they are full of extortion norrjpiov Kai rrjs Trapoyioos, eo-iooev be and excess. '^ Thou blind Pha-'^j, f »£ dpTraync Kai b aoWas." risee, cleanse first that which is ' ' ~ - _f \ > zi ' within the cup and platter, that * b <£aptcraie TvCpAe,^ KaVapLO~ov irparoy the outside of them may be T0 evtqs toO iroTrjpiov c Kai TrjSTrapoyjfi- clean also - Soc," wa yci/ijTai /cat to eicros d avr«/ Kauapdv, » Woe unto you scribes and 27 Oiat iip-iv, ypap.pare~is /cat ^apt- Pharisees, hypocrites, for ye are o-^oj vTroKptrai- on napopoidfeTe rd- like unto whited sepulchres, ' ~ , " "<■ a v which indeed appear beautiful ' W Woe unto you scribes and earre vnoKpiaeois Kai avop-ias. ^ ovai Pharisees, hvpocrites, because yuTiv, ypappare'ts Kai Qapio-aloi, vnoKpi- tf^gShle^ePl Tat'- L oiKobopelre rov^ rdepovs rw chres of the righteous, 30 and irpoCprjTav, Kai Koo-peire ra pvrjpeia twv say, If we had been in the days g tKa ' 30 ^ \{ yfTe - El * rjueda" ev of our fathers, we would not „ , , - ' / t - > * have been partakers with them Tat? rjpepats tu>v -rrarepa-v ypcov, ovk av in the blood of the prophets, e i'„ e ^ a " K oiva)voi avroiV ev tc5 a'ipan 31 Wherefore ye be witnesses l~ . 31 "n™., ..^ n ^„n^~.^c unto yourselves, that ye are the rav irpofarwy^ ^ Core p-aprvpeire children of them which killed eavrdis, 6V1 viol iare tu>v cpovevaavTcov the prophets. 3 ' Fill ye up then v Trpochnras- ^ KaivpehnXripioo-aTe the measure of your fathers. " ' "r r 1 ' , r- __ 33* j. 33 Ye serpents, ye generation To perpov tuiv naTepcov vpiov. ' oCpetc, of vipers, how can ye escape the -vevvrmaTa eyiSvav, nois (pvynre and damnation of hell ? ' . lr , A - / . rrjs Kpio-ea-s rt]S yeevvrjs , 31 Ata tovto, Iboii, eyai d-ToareWci) u Wherefore behold, I send frpoe vpds irpocpi'jTas^ (cat (ToCpovs Ka\ unto you prophets, and wise ypapaarels' Kaiei; avrcov diroKTevelre Kai X re"^^ ^d^rudfy! yais vpcov, Kai oicogere scourge in your synagogues, and ^tto TToXeto? eh TToXlV U onus e\&ll persecute I hem from city to city: , , „ T ~, , , M that upon you may come all ecp vpai irav aipa biKaiov eKxyvopevov the righteous blood shed upon e 'jj. v t T j; c yns, d~r6 rov o{iparos"Aj3e\TOV Ster^AbT«nto e the lo d f BiKaiov, fa, «3 atp.aT0c Za X apt'ot; vlov of Zacharias, son of Barachias, Bapa^t'ou, ov eCpovevaare p.eTaj-v rov a Gb add -» it. 1< Rcc. CNJ a«oa5.a;. ^ d ,«j aurou. • Rec. ■J^Ii' 6l'«. KATA MAT6AI0N. 63 vaov Kal tov dvaiaarTjplov. 36 dpfjv Acyto vplv, a ori" ij£ei ravra rrdvra eirl rrjv yeveav ravrrjv. ,i7 'lepovo-aXr]p, 'lepovaaXfjp, rj b a7ro- KTeivovcra" rovs Trpocprjras Kal Xcdofio- Xovo~a rovs aTrearaXpevovs npos avrrjv, novaKis rjdeXrjcra ernawayayelv ra TtKva crov, bv rponov iiviavvdyei opvis ra voao'ia eavrrjs vtto ras nrepvyas, Kal ovk rjdeXrjaare ; ^ l8ov, dcpierai vp.iv o oikos vpcov eprjpos. Xeyco yap vplv, ov prj pe ISr/re drr tipTt, ecas dv enrrjre' 'EvXoyrjpe'vos 6 ep^opevos iv ovopan Kvplov. 24. Kai efjeX6a>v 6 'lr]o-ovs eTVopevero tmo tov lepov' Kal Trpoo~rjX6ov ol padrj- rai avrov eVtSet^ai aura ras oiKo8opds tov lepov. 6 8e 'lr)o~ovs elrrev avrols' c Ov" fiXenere navra ravra ; dprjv Ae'ya) vplv, ov pf] d(pedfj u>8e Xtdos em Xldov, bs ov d " KaraXvOrjaerai.. Kadrjpevov 8e avrov enl tov opovs tu>v eXaicov, TrpocrrfXdov avrco ol padqral kut Idiav, Xeyovres EtVe rjpiv^irore ravra ecrrai ; Kal rl to o~r)pelov rrjs arjs Trapovo~ias, Kal rrjs avvreXelas tov atco- vos ; Kai dnoKpidels 6 'irjcrovs elnev avrois' HXeTrere, prj tis vpds TrXavrjo'r]. ° noXXoi yap eXevaovrat errl ra ovoparl pov, Xeyovres' 'Eya> dpi 6 Xptcrrds'* Kal ttoXXovs TrXavfjaovo'i. 6 peXXrjo-ere 8e uKoveiv noXepovs Kal aKods 7roXepa>v' Spare pf] dpoelade' 8el yap e Trdvra " yeveo-ffai' dXX' ovttco earl to reXos. ' e'yepdrjo-erai yap edvos enl edvos, Kal (3ao-iXeia e'nl [3ao~iXelav' Kal eaovrai Xipol Kal Xoipol Kal creiapol Kara ro- T70vs. Trdvra be ravra dp^r) w8iva>v. 9 rdre 7rapa8a>o~ovo~iv vpds els 6Xi\jnv, fat anoKTevovo-iv vpds' Kal ecrecrOe pio-ovpevoi vtto TTavrav { Ta>v" idvwv Matt. XXIV. 9. whom ye slew between the tem- ple and the altar. 3t > Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this genera- tion. 37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children to- gether, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not. 3a Behold, your house is left unto you de- solate. 39 For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. XX l/. 24. And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple, and his disciples came to him, for ^ to shew him the buildings of (-<• the temple. '- And Jesus said ju - unto them, See ye not all these things ? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. ^ ^^A ~,HU*s **- /— ^*» * ■«•* tfj'- ft rf /^*. f/"^f4 3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, say ing. Tell us, when shall these , things be? and what shall be <*' the sign of thy coming, an of the end of the world ? 4 and Jesus answered, and said unto ,,^ 7Zj,. ■ >>" 6 ^ . them, Take heed that no ^ •- "t'Sfitt man deceive you. 5 For many *' gJJ* - shall come in my name saying, • I , 7J&LZA ** /-* I am Christ: and shall deceive . ,, ■ /y/ » /,y_ ^_g«^^,>: many. « And ye shall hear of" * „;" X/^4^ i J^/jf'/SSt . wars, and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all - V airoxTtvoiaa. e ZX d Rec. add pestilences, and earthquakes in - ,/ j _1 ^J^s M^> 'x^"-^ *^ - divers places. » All these are ' ' ' J 7- '„ tL &*~> j beginning of sorrows. 9 Then J- Yilcm- Si. *'7 ^^^" shall they deliver you up to be J ;- ^._, afflicted, and shall kill you: and ' , ' £c/ ' ■ ■" ye shall be hated of all nations '£ fa-t ..-^^ -> i Elz. • : rr At*. /cLjL/ ■ ■ ■ ■ /u^^.. rV ^7- ":-- ' - W^ ««,/i .-7 ' t > ,/ -- anusiian ueiray one auouiei, « ~ , , , >\\ '\ »D/f c f r ~ ', e * f f Zy S hall hate one anotlier. "And n-a/jaowcroucri, (cai/iicnjo-ouo-ij/aAAijAovs- • f ' t '7^f ^ff"' many false prophets shall rise, » Ka l ttoXXoi ^ev8o7rpod»^rai eyfp^- ,_ , .^r ^V ^7T5-. So, and shall deceive many. la And < _■> ; , -vs. ' 12 „< /fcL, . ^ because iniquity shall abound, ™"™, KaiirXavtjaovn ffoXW »«ii . -^— / Y^V?^ 15 when y e t herefore sha11 f?£« to re'Xos. , ■■ta. X vfe^' ^^ir^ l^iZ^^ a ^'y- -^' see the abomination of desola- ' 15 «/-» 9 "s> « os>'\ «' ,<. M /. **/««» x«+/ £* T . tion spoken of , )y Daniel lhe ^ l0 Otw 01/1/ i8r/Tf to fioeXvypa njs •^ L -^-. . prophet, stand in the holv place, epnpoocreas, TO prjdev 81a Aavirfk TOV tM^rLuf/i be in Judaea, flee into the moun- avayiva>o~Ka>v voeiTco') Tore 01 ev ttq '3. /.-. ; S, :<■< /£/£*' /,■** -■■<■/* Stains. " Let him which is on 'l 0W Sai'a cieuveVcocrai/ eVi Ta 6'prr 17 6 « -• ' „ ■ .the housetop, not comedown, , v - *' > o ' S„_. LL U :./£:, «** t0 take any thing out of his em tov dcop-aTOS prj Kara^aivtra npai j- i*v^«^-. ■( %XXI-lf- ih^l-^t, house: ls neither let him which " T a" €K Trjs olicias avroii is in the field, return hack to ^ , - , eWTper/mrco fori™ apal take his clothes. la And woe 1 if 1 rj r . r fq , , j, , - ' , unto them that are with child, c to iu.aTia avrov. J ouat oe Tais (V and to them that give suck in ya0 - Tp \ (yovcrais Kal Tals 6r)\a(~ovo-ais those days. -° But pray ye that ', , " A - , , 20 ' z! your flight be not in the winter, ev eKfii/ais Tats Jj/tepatf . " rrpoo-e^eo-fre neither on the sabbath dav : 8e iVa U)) yevrjrai fj cpvyi] vpwv ^(ip.oi- w for then shall be great tribu- pride d " (raffld™. 21 co-rat yap lation, such as was not since the " J ' f'Y, !T « , '> > beginning of the world to this Tore OXiyis peyaAi], 01a ov ytyovev air time, no, nor ever shall be. £ - k^o-uo^ ^y T0 C v Cv, OvK ov an 2J And except those days should "A ' <£T v ■> \ > \ a • a ' be shortened, there should no yevrjTai.^ ~ A Kai et pr) (Koko^tirjcrav CM fle-h be saved : but for the nu.tpai eKeivai, ovk civ cacoOrj iracra o-c'ip^' , elect's sake, those days shall be 5. \ »» > » \ 1 „„\„o„Ai _._.__, 2 J- « /. M-. ,, M a '«-/- -gn &-*~'~j ZS-4u y^ w insomuch that (if it were pos- V^f SoTrpo^Tat, *cai^ 8coo-ovo-i ^trr/peta u*-£lL Mi®'**^^ CLi ^p' x-ii-l- $%J Uto sible,) they shall deceive the peydXa Kai Tepara, cocrTf nAavncrat, ei *L~ iA^' ■ tfy* {K*>M ,~Jt A- very elect « Behold, 1 have Swn ^ Kai Toi? ^ fKTO is. 2S I80V, -Tf-ii-y^-'ju $1 ' •> i^-JU . JL //et-, /»« o^^told you before. 2b V> herefore, ,',„„-,, T „ , - ' '<- -7x ^ .a tt^e^n/t #: (X^ci ^>- ^ if tnev shall say unto you, Be- npoeipnKa vp.iv. tav ovv einvaiv vp.iv v<^ tuu^ r, „,^tL<^ ' hold, he is in the desert, go not 'iSov, eV Tn epr/uto ecrTi'- un e$e\6riTe- L, .,^cc^U~y /^ ' " ' forth: behold, he is in the secret , lS> ,' . "- r-"~., , i~ ' » , ' T7- ' - ' chambers', believe it not. « For iSou, ev TOW Ta/*6 t ots pn 7TiO'T f vcT V T f . , l , v/ ., ' - - ;.~9 as the lightning cometh out of 2 ' coo-7rep -yap r) ao-Tpa7rr; e^tpx^ Tat a7TO • l " - ! '* : 7T - — " KATA MAT0AION. 65 dvaroXciv Kal (paiverai ecos hvapcov, ovto>s effTdt* ;; Trapovaui tov viov tov dvdpdnrov. " s ottov u ydp" edv 77 tu nraipa, (Kel a-vvax&rjcovTac oi deroi. 29 EMc'uj Se peTa ttjv 6\[y\nv tcov ijpepwv eKelvuv, 6 fjXios (TKOTiadqcreTai, Kal r) aeXrjvq oil $u>o~ei to (fieyyos avrrjs, Kal oi acmpes neaovvrai and tov ov- pavov, kol ai SvvdpeLS tu>v ovpavu>v o-a\ev6i]o-ovTai. " i0 Kal tots (pavijcreTai to crjpelov tov viov tov dvOpatnov ev tco ovpava>' kol tot€ Ko\j/ovTai Tvacrai ai (pvXal TrjS ■y»)s', Kal ctyoi/rat tov viov tov dvOpumov ep)(6pevov eirl twv vecpe- Aaic tov ovpavov peTa bvvdpeias Kal 86£r)s 7roXXi)s. 31 Kal diroaTeXel tovs dyytXovs aiiTov peTa adXTTiyyos (pcovrjs peydXrjs, Kal eVtcrwa^otirrt tovs eVXe- ktovs aiiTov sk twv Teo~o-dpo)v avepcov, air iiKpcav ovpavcov fW aKpwv aliTmv. 32 'A7T0 Be tt)s o~VKr)s pdOere tijv na- paftoXrjv' OTav J)8r) 6 KXddos avTrjs ye- vijTai uwaXos, Kal rd (pvXXa c eKCpvrj," yiMCTKtTC OTL ey^U? TO OipOS' 0VT03 Kal vpels, OTav 'ItrjTe ndvTa Tavra, yc- va>o~K(T€ art e'yyvs eo-Tiv eWl Ovpais. 34 dpr)v Xe-ytu vp.lv, ov pi) napeXBtj r) yevta avTr], eas dv izdvTa ravTa yevrj- Tai. M o ovpavos kul t) yrj irape- XevaovTai," oi de Xoyoi p.ov ov p.r) TrapeX6(oari. 00 Ilepi be ttjs rjpepas eKeivrjs Kat e "oopas ovdels oldev, ovde oi dyyeXoi tcov ovpavcov, el pr) 6 naTTjp ' pov" po- vos. 37 Sao-irep be ai rjpepai tov N<£e, ovTtos etrrat «ai 17 ivapovaia tov viov tov dv&pwirov. ^ woirep yap t)o-av e'v rats rjpepais s Tals irpo" tov kuto- kAdct/xov, Tpayyovres Kal rrivovTes, ya- poiivres Kal eKyapi£ovTes, o^pt tjs r)pepus elarjXde Nae els tt)v KijioiTov, Matt. XXIV. 38. the east, and shintth even unto the west : so shall also the com- ing of the Son of man be. is For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gather- ed together. '•'■> Immediately after the tri- bulation of those days, shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. 30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven : and then shall all the tnbesof the earth mourn, and ihey shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. 31 And he shall send his angels with <• a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. 32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree: when his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh : 3J so likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. 34 Verily 1 say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Jb Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. 36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 3! But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 3S For as in the days that were before the flood, they were eating, and drinking, marrying, and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, ac.' \ta • <^-~/-* . .. ■ , ^efri-,j u a R«e. & Gb. add *mn Gb. Zj *» -» * lib. on. g -• < f 1 ^ eit(f>vy. d Gb. TraptXit'trrrat. « Rec. add T7if. a Or, with a trumpet and a great Tone. -^ ' ■ A.^..,W f ■ \ XXI.JiT Matt. XXIV. 39. <: 39 and knew not until the flood came, & took them all away : so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 40 Then shall two be in the field, the one shall be taken, and the other left. 41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill: the one shall be taken, and the other left. 42 Watch therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. 43 But know this, that if the goodman of y house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. 44 Therefore be ye also ready : for in such an hour as you think not, the Son of man cometh. 45 Who then is a faith- ful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his houshold, to give them meat in due season ? 46 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh, shall find so doing. 47 Verily I say unto you, that he shall make him ruler over all his goods. 45 But and if that evil ser- vant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming, 49 and shall begin to smite his fellow- servants, and to eat and drink with the drunken : i0 the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of: 61 and shall "cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 25. Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. ' 2 And five of them were wise, and five were fool- ish. 3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no 66 EYAITEAION Kai ovk eyvcacrav, ea>s r/Avev o Kara- K\vo-pi>s /cat rjpev anavras, ovras i'o~rai Ka\ rj rrapovaia rov vlov tov avOpamov. 40 Tore 8vo icrovrai iv rc5 aypaS - & 6" tis 7rapcikap(3dveTat, Kai 3 6" ety dcpierai. 41 8vo dXrjdovcrai iv tu p.vka>vC p.ia TrapaXapftdverai, Kai pia aCpUrai. Tprjyopeire ovv, on ovk o'i8are 7rota cbpq 6 Kvpios vpu>v i'pxerai. ^ iKeivo 8i yivd>o~Kere, on ei $Sei 6 o!ko8(- enrorrjs rro'iq (pvkaKJj 6 kXcttttjs k'p^erai, ijprjyop-qo-ev av, Kai. ovk av eiWe Sio- pvyqvai rr/v oiKiav aiirov. ** 8ia tovto Kai vpels yiveo~6e eroipof on »/ apq ov BoKelre, 6 v'iostov dvQpanrov 'ip^erai. 45 tis apa iarlv 6 ttiotos bovkos Kai (ppovipos, ov Kareo-njo-ev 6 Kvpios av- rov eiri ttjs depaneias avrov, tov b 8t- 86vai" avrols rr/v rpocprjv iv Kaipw ; 46 paKapios 6 8ovkos eKtlvos, ov i\6v vrroKpircov 6rjo~ei' e'/cel i'o-rai 6 K\av6p.6s Kai 6 j3pvypos tcov ohovruiV. 25. Tore opoioiOrjaerai rj /3ao"tXet'a rcov ovpavuiv 8tKa napBtvois, ainves \al3ovo~ai rds XapndSas aiiriov i£q\duv fls uTrdvrrjO'iv tov vvpcpiov. irtvre 8e r/aav i£ avraiv (ppovipoi, Kai e ai" irivre papai. aiTives p.a>pal, Xa- j3ovo-ai rds \apird8as ( avTa>v," ovk bis. b (N.^ — .Gb. 6ovfat. c ' St.v avruiv. s xpovi£ovTOs fie TOV vvp(plov, fVV- o~ra£av iracrai Kal eKadev8ov. 6 peo-rjs fie wktos Kpavyrj yeyovev Ifiou, 6 wp(plos z epyerai," i^ip-^iaOe els dirdv- Trjcriv avrov. ' Tore ijyepdrjcrav irdaat. al ivapdivoi eKeivai, Kal eKoo~pr]o~av rds Xap.7ra.8as avrwv. 8 al fie papal rals cppovipois elnov' AoYe rjplv i< rod eXaiov vpSiv, on al Xapnd8es rjpcov a-^evvvvrat.. 9 ' ATTfKpldrjo-av fie al Kara rrjv ISlav Bvvapiv' Kal dTTe8r]prjaev evBecos. 16 tto- pevdels fie 6 ra nevre raXavra Xaftaiv elpydaaro ev avro'is, Kal e erxo'vt]0'ev" aXXa nevre f raXavra". 17 u>o~avra>s Kai 6 rd b~vo eKep8r]o~e e Kal airds " aXXa dvo. 8 6 fie to iv XajBcov drreX- 6ojv copv^ev iv rfj yfj, Kal aTreKpv^-e rd apyvpiov rov Kvplov avrov. Mera fie j^povov rvoXvv epyerat 6 Kvpios ru>v BovXa>v eKeivoyv, Kal crvvalpei per avruiv Xdyov Kai TTpocreXBuiv Matt. XXV. 20. oil with them : 4 but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. 5 While f bride- groom tarried, they all slum- bered and slept. c And at mid- night there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom Com- eth, go ye out to meet him. ' Then all those virgins arose, & trimmed their lamps. s And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil, for our lamps are "gone out. 9 But the wise answered, saying. Not so, lest there be not enough for us and you, but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. 10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and they that were ready, went in with him to the mar- riage, and the door was shut. 11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. I 2 But he answered, and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. 13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day, nor the hour, wherein the Son of man com- eth. 14 For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods: 15 and unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to every man according to his several ability, and straight- way took his journey. ' 6 Then he that had received the five talents, went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents. 17 And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two. IS But he that had received one, "went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money. '9 After a long time, the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them. ' m And b f^- — . Rec. & Gb. ot e ."V3 tMipSriatv. c Rec add le. d Rec. add i»p» vtoj rov avt g — » a Or, gcing out. Matt. XXV. 21. 68 EYAITEAION so he that had received five 6 ra tt(vt( TaXavra Xaj3iov Trpoarjv(yK(v talents came and brought other * XXa ' Ta XavTa, X(ycoV Kvpie, five talents, saying, Lord, thou , ,. , '» >'s. >r\ deliveredst unto me live talents, TT(VT( TiiKavra poi naptbeoKas' toe, «X- behold, I have gained besides Xa irtvrt TaXavra eVe'pcWa a eW avro'is". them, five talents more. 31 His 21 >'t->j. b » ' - » ' ' -. t>» lord said unto him, Well done, _ E 97 avrca o Kvpios ovtov ^ Eu, thou good and faithful servant, Sot'Ae dya#e /cat 7TL(TTe' (Tfl oXrya r)s thou hast been faithful over a m « \ a ■> « » over a few things, I will make °" e KaracrTrjaa)- (ia(X8e (is ttjv X apav thee ruler over many things: tov Kvp'iov aov. "STSWS* K * npoa^ V M «d 6 ro fc raXa,- ceived the one talent, came and tov (iXr](pu>s (inC Kvpie, (yvcov ere ort said, Lord, I knew thee that o-KXripof ei avdpcoTTOS, dep'itoiv ottov OVK thou art an hard man, reaping „ '' v ' , »a > & where thou hast not sown, and eaneipas, Kai awayuv odev ov die- gathering where thou hast not aKopntaas' 25 Kal (poftrjdels, aTreXBwv strawed: 25 and I was afraid, » 1 \ r\ 1 » - ~. «s\ and went and hid thy talent in 5/W a to TaXavTov aov ev rj,yr, ide, the earth: lo, there thou hast e^ets TO aov. * ArroKpl&dS oe o that is thine. -> e His lord an- K {,p los avToi e'nrev avTCO' Hovnpe bovXe swered, & said unto him, Thou \ , , ,/-, „$>>>• " > wicked and slothful servant, Kai oKvqpe, rjbeis oti VepiQm ottov ovk thou knewest that I reap where ('aneipa, Kal avvdyco o8(v ov 8i(aKop- I sowed not, and gather where >>7 *s ? _ o \ ' ' '„ ' I have not strawed: 2 " thou mo " a i e6 ," ow " 0-e^aX«V TO MW- oughtest therefore to have put pwv pov Tols TpaTTf£lTais' Kai eXcVaif my money to the exchangers f > > e ' KO nio-dunv av to (aov avv TOKO). and then at. my coming 1 should „/ „ ' •' > 1 > « i '\ ' have received mine own with apare ow an avrov to TaXavTov, usury. 2S Take therefore the ,c a V [ §J re r£ 5 ? v j/Tt ra Se'/fa TtlXavTa. talent from him, and give it 20 ~ v a \ a n' •• unto him which hath ten talents. T(o yap € X ovti navTi doOrjaeTai, Kai 29 For unto every one that hath TT(piaa(v8r]a(Tai' e airo oe tov pi]" shall be given, and he shall « „ Ka \ g |' f£ apB^Tai an av- have abundance : but trom him A „ ^.' , , A , „ r '. .^ t ■> a ' that hath not, shall be taken tov. M Kai tov axpfiov OovXov (Kj3a- away, even that which he hath. XeTe " (Is to aKOTOS TO ($aiT(pov' (K(l 30 And cast ye the unprofitable » , N a \ \ , a \ servant into outer darkness, f ^rai o KXavdpos Kai o Ppvypos T- 31 When the Son of man ' - * >f- '< * ' « shall come in his glory, and all ™J> ™/TI oofy avrov ^ Hat iravrfs ot the holy angels with him, then £ ayioi" ayyeXot fier avrov, rore KauL- b Kec. add U, d — » « f^j tov is /*rj, i Rec. e«(9aXXeT«, g C«*Ij, uia. s RATA MAT9AI0N. 69 Matt. XXV. 44. crei erri Bpovov So£r/9 avTOv, Kai shall he sit upon the throne of ovvax6hf° re ,. w,n J A I , , " r - , 1 5 » )-.-. , shall be gathered all nations, ra e6Vr/, Ktu a(popiei avrovs an aAAi]- and he shall separate them one Ai/ avrov, ret 8e sheep on his right hand, but ' 'A. '{■ ? ..'..,,.. the goats on the left. epicpia e£ evaivvpcov. 34 To're (pel 6 fiaoriXfvs rols eK Se- 34 Then shall the King say £iwi/ avroO- AeiVe, 01 evXoyripevoi tov " nt0 them on his right hand, = , s 1 ' " \ r Come ye blessed of my Father, narpos pov, KArjpovop^craTe rrjv i/rot- inherit the kingdom prepared aao-utvrjv iip.iv (3a\ ' ve l0 °k me ln: naked, and /Lie" "" yupj/oc, feat irepiepaAere pe* ye clothed me: I was sick, and r}0-6evrio-a, Kai eneo-Ke4rao-6e pe' eV ye visited me: I was in prison, !l \ " » » "\ a _ ' and ve came unto me. 3? Then CpvAaKj) rjprjv, Kai Tj AOere ^npos M e - shall" the righteous answer him, 3 ' Tore anoKpidrjcrovTai cuVtu 01 oiKaioi, saving. Lord, when saw we thee XeWrec- Kvpie, Trore tre el'Sopc" Tret- f. n . hungred, and fed thee? or \ '/1 ' 1 * » 1 - » thirsty, and gave thee drmk ? vwvra, Kai eOpeyapev ; r) Oiycoi/ra, Kai 3s wn ensaw we thee a stranger, enoTio-apev : 3S Trore 8e' (re e'idopev and took thee in ? or naked, t., v / * < v and clothed thee ? 39 or when £e i/oi/, Kai o~vvr)yayopev ; 7? yvpvoy, Kai Jaw we thee slck or ln prison> nepiefiaKopev ; 3S Trore Se o"e e'idopev and came unto thee ? 40 And oV&j/n, A eV <6vXa»}, Kai rfkBopevnpds th <; K j"S shall answer, and say in v ) /1 \ r o ( 1 » - unl ° them, Verily I say unto o-e ; 4U Kai anoKpideis o pacriAevs epei y„ u , inasmuch as ye have done avrols- 'Aunv Xevco vp'iv, ed)' 00-01/ it unto one of the least of these , ;> / . '}\i« my brethren, ye have done it f7rou](raTf ei/i tovtcov tu>v aoeAcpwv pov unt0 me rtoi/ eXa^iVroji/, e/noi e7roir)o-are. 41 Tore epei Kai toic e'| eicovvpav' _ / /1 i » j ~ c ' 1 4I Then shall he say also un- IIopei/eo-6'e an- epov, 01 Karrjpapevoi^ us t0 them on the ]eft hand) De _ TO irvp to almviov, a TO TjTOipao-pevov part from me, ye cursed, into "/» s> a >\ •• • ^...."v^.™ „,'-~r. everlasting fire, prepared for ro> > Sta/3oX(a Kai roic ayyeXots avrov. t , ie devil ° nd hi Ungels. «For 42 eVei'i/ao-a yap, Kai ovk eoa>Kare jtioi I was an hungred, and ye gave (baye'iV e'8i'\Irrio-a, Kai ovk eVoricraTe me no meat ^ was thirsty, and ''.,.,";, , , , /ye gave me no drink : "■> 1 was pe' ™ §ei/oc j;j u '7 i/ ) Kal 0lJ o-vi/tyyayere a stlangpr , a nd ye took me not ae - yvpvos, Kai ov 7repie/3aXere' ue" in : naked, and ye clothed me * a \ \ » j \ - < ' • not: sick, and in prison, and ao-^ei/r/j, Kai ev cpvAaKT], Kai ovk are- ye visi(ed me not 44 Then o-Key^aade pe. 44 Tore ajvoKpi6r]0-ovTai " shall they also answer him, say- Kai avroi, Xeyovres' Kvpie, Trore ere ing. Lord, when i saw we thee „ ' . ' , & . r i ^ an hungred, or athirst, or a eibopev Treii/coi/ra, r; Oiyoji/ra, 7; §ei/oi/, stranger, or naked, or sick, or r) yvpvbv, f) do-6^ei/f), f) eV CpvAaKJ), Ka\ in prison, and did not minister 8 (Vo t)TOtpta / is > ye did it not to one of the vfj.iv, e(p oaov ovk cnoirjo-aTC evi tov- least of these, ye did it not Ta)V T ^ v eXav laraiv , ov8e euot eiroin- to me. * B And these shall go ak \ ■> \ > * ■> away into everlasting punish- °" are - , Kai aneXevaovTai ovtoi eis ment : but the righteous into KoXacriv aicovLov' ol 8i oinaioi ety ^a>rjv life eternal. aluviov. 26. And it came to pass, when 26. Kal eyevero ore ereXeaev 6 'hj- Jesus had finished all these say- crovs TTuvras tovs Xoyovs tovtovs, elite ings, he said unto his disciples, ~ a - ' ~. 2 ,->"* " a Ye know that after two days TOls y paOr]Tais avrov ^ 'Oidare otl is the feast of the passover, and fiera 8vo rjpepas to TrdOrjvni. ' Then assembled together ( 3 T6re wvfaOw™ ol apXfP™ * Ka \ the chief priests, and the ol ypappare'is" Kal ol irpeafiiiTepoi tov SKfothe paSff It J«3 * rf,v .fefe tov dp X «pL S tov high priest, who was called Xeyopevov KdiaCpa' * Kai crvvepov- Caiaphas, * and consulted that XevaavTO tva tov 'Inaovv b SoAco Kpa- they might take Jesus by sub- / « \ ■> i •, V~ tilty, and kill him. 5 But they Tr/owi, Kai aTroKTfjvaaiv. ^ eXeyov said, Not on the feast day, lest 8e' Mr; iv T7] eopTi], 'iva pr\ 66pvJ3os there be an uproar among the ' > £ ' Xfl(5 ' people. ' ' „ ■, i, » „ , , „ .- , T . Tou oe Irjami ■wfouei'ov el / Bn- <> JSow when Jesus was in n , , •, , , ' r - >. - Bethany, in the house of Simon oavia ev oiKia Zipavos tov Xenpov, the leper, » there came unto 7 Trpoo-nXdev avra yura dAa/3a(rrpoi> him a woman, having an ala- / j» a l ' * ' baster box of very precious Mf ou ^X™™ PapvTipov, Kai KaTe X eev ointment, and poured it on his €7ri ttjv KfCpaXrjv avTov dvaKeipevov. head, as he sat at meat, a But 8 > S j ^ oi „ a ^,- a i c avroi » » when his disciples saw it, they , \ ' ■> > < > > \ had indignation, saying, To vuKTqcrav, XeyovTes' Ety Tt 7; a7ra)Aeta what purpose w this waste? avrn : 9 ridvvaTO yap tovto A "ivpadi]vai '■> For this ointment might have \ \ - \ s. /i- e «• * been sold for much, and given ™XXov, KUL^ bodrjvai e T0is nrcoxois. to the poor. 10 When Jesus un- 10 Tvovs Se 6 'i^crouf ftVfv avTols' Tt derstood it. he said unto them ' ' * ' . w % Why trouble ye the woman? kotow «rap« X 6Te tj, ^ywatKt ; epyoi; yap for she hath wrought a good KaXov eipyaaaTO eis €pe. navTore work upon me. " For ye have yap rovs tj-to^o^j. J'vfre peff eavTmV the poor always with you, but . 1 rn , / "■ » io a \ - me ye have not always. '-' For e H; € 6e v ou iravTOTe e^e. ^ ■ /iaAovo-a in that she hath poured this yap avTrj to pvpov tovto eirl tov o~a>- ut^b^^erglS r™ ^\M S ^ *?&&" F unto you. Wheresoever this fnoirjo-ev. lJ apijv Aeyto vp.iv, oirov eav gospel shall be preached in the KripvyBn to evayye'Xiov tovto ev 6'Xw whole world, there shall also f , \ \ a' » « > ' * this, that this woman hath done, ^ k«o-^w, XaXpOrjafTai Kai o (noirjaev be told for a memorial of her. olitt;, CIS' pvrjpoawov aiiTrjs. a — » b Reo. KpaTrjawat &o\cu. ° ^J ^ Rec. add ro f*vpoy, « •^" — . Rec. & Gl). om. RATA MAT9AI0N. 71 M Tore iropevOels els rcov 8co8eKa, 6 Xeyopevos lov8as lcrKapicorrjs, wpbs rovs dpxiepels, 15 etire' Ti BiXere poi 8ovvai, Kayco vp.lv rrapa8coaco avrov ; Ot Se e&rrjcrav airco rpiaKovra apyvpia' kiu ano Tore eQr]ret. evKaipiav iva avrov 7rapa8co. ^ TJ7 fie 7rpa>rr) rcov d^vpcov irpocr- rfkdov ol paBrfral tco lrjrrov, Xtyovres d avrco'" JJov OeXeis eroipdcrcopev o~ot (fiayelv to irao~xa ; 1H '0 8e enrev' Yrrdyere els rrjv ttoXiv npbs rbv 8tlva, Kal e'mare avrco' '0 8i§do~Ka\os Ae-yei' O Kaipos pov eyyvs ecrri npos are TTOLCO TO m'lO'XCt piTCL TCOV pa&l]TCOV pOV. 19 Kal eTroirjcrav ol padrjral cos o~vve- Ta^€v avrols 6 'Irjcrovs, Kal rjroipao-av to 7racr^a. 20 '0\j/i'ac 8e yevopevrjs dveKeiro perd tcov 8co8eKa. 21 Kal eadiovTcov avrcov einev' Aprjv Xeyco vplv, on eis e'£ i/pcov Trapadcocrei pe. ^ Kal Xvirovpevoi 0~ \ \ \\ - ■ ment, which is shed for many kcuvtjs OtadrjKTjs, to irepi iroAAmv sk- for the remission of sins. & But vvvopevov els udicaiv duapruev. w \ey i # » » * > henceforth of this fruit of the ° e ^ v/x«/, oTt ov prj ma) an" aprt en vine, until that day when I tovtov tov yevvi]paTos Ttjs dpireAov, Father's S^S ^ " ^ *» T ^ ^'j™ "^ ^ /xe<9 17x0)1/ kcuvov ev rfj fiairikeia tov iraTpos pov. 30 And when they had sung 30 j£ a * V u,pi)o~a.VTes e£rj\0ov els TO an a hvmn, thev went out into ./ >•> 31 / •. / > the mount of Olives. " Then "P?* ™i> eXaicov. Wf Aeytt avrois saith Jesus unto them, All ye o Irytrot)?' Ilai'Tec vpeis o~KavEa\i- shall be offended because of a ^ o - eo -0 e e >„ e W< «?„ r» WKTI TavTrf me this night, tor it is writ- , ' , ~ ,.* ' , , «' ten, 1 will smite the shep- ytypaiTTai yap' Xlara^co tov iroipeva, herd, and the sheep of the Kc ,i Siao-KopTTiadrio-fTai Ta irpoficiTa rne Hock shall be scattered abroad. r 32 ,1 \ 5, > \ > /1- » 3-' But after I am risen again, noipvr)!. ^ Meja 8e to eyepdiqvcu I will go before you into Gali- pe, npod^co vpds els tt)v Takikalav. lee 33 peter answered and 33 ' AlroKpi f \ s & 6 Uerpos emev aviw' said unto him, Though all , „ , r - •:, , , \ men shall be offended be- Et d iravTes o~Ka.vbakicr6r)o-ovTai ev o~oi, cause of thee, yet will I never f ' y ^ b " {,fc W0Tf o-Kai>8a\io-0no-opai. be offended. 31 Jesus said 31 «„ 1 > - ( > T - > „ \ ' » / unto him, Verily I say unto Ef 7 , aVT< ? , ° ^Wovs' ^ Ap,]U htya thee, that this night before trot, OTl ev TavTj] Tfj vvktI, irpiv aXe- nv e me C thr C r' <*\jg& JL™P? *^H T* "™™ ^ unto him, Though I should Aeyet aura) o Uerpos' Kav dey pe die with thee, yet will I not o- V p q-qI dnoOavelv, ov pn ere anapvn- denv thee. Likewise also said t„ , .»!, ( / ' ', all the disciples. cropai. Upoias oe kcii inures 01 paOrjTal evnov. lore ep^erai per avriov o lrjaovs 36 T hen cometh Jesus with e fc v upi ' w Xevouewj/ d re<9o-7?uai/ei," (cat them unto a place called Geth- .. / "■ ' . a - v n' ' semane, and saith unto the dis- ^«7 ft t°« pa&r]Tais' KadLaaTe avTOV, ciples, Sit ye here, while I go eo? oS direXBiOV irpoo-fvPuipai. ixel. and prav vonder. 3 ? And he 37 v ' % a v » tt ' v 1 took with "him Peter, and the , Ka \ irapaXafitov rouIltTpov KaiTovs two sons of Zebedee, and be- 8vo v'tovs Zefleftaiov, rjp^aTO \virelo~8ai gan to be sorrowful and very ^l dhnpovelv. ^ Tore X/vfi avTols e 6 heavy. 3s J hen saith he mi- , » ',, ^ ^ , , ' , , , to them, My soul is exceed- lr} (T0V ^ i-lepiAvnus ecrTiv T) yvxr] pov ing sorrowful, even unto death: e'a> s QavaroV peivare a>Se Ka\ yprtyo- tarry ye here, and watch with - » > 39 v < f -T/i ' # me. 3:. And he went a lit- P ei ™ P (T „ e H-° v - , , Kal , Trpov ^ tie farther, and fell on his p.iKpov, eireaev eiri irpoawrrov aiiTov LTVafhtr, T y it Visible! 7^^ ** ^?Z ^p pov, let this cup pass from me : fL ovvcitov eaTi, irapeXdeTa air epov nevertheless, not as I will, but T 6 iroTr)piov tovto' irkr)v ox>x if eyu> ft Rec. ftdj *fl.. b dr< ^f. e Rft. & Gb. om. — Gb. LT> <1 («— . Rec. & Gb. TiOari^ayrt. ' Roc. St Gb. om. G!>. uh < .v — . Ree. U Gb. Trpot\9uy- " Or. jmlm. RATA MATBAION. 73 Matt. XXVI. 51. dfXco, dXX' oiS (TV. W Ka\ epx^rai as thou wilt. ■"> And he Cometh nposTois paB^Kal evptW airrois g» *^gg^ $ *£ Ka#eu(Wrar, /cat Xeyet to) Ilerpa) - unto Peter, What, could ye Ovtws ovk la-yia-arf piav apav yprj- ** ■£»** wit {j me one ( , hour ? , * „ /T r - " ', ■" Watch and pray, that ye yoprjo-aLp.tr epov \ yprjyopeire Kai enter not inl0 temptation: Trpoo-evyfo-de, Iva ixh elareXBriTe els irei- the spirit indeed is willing, ~ , A < « r ~ '/j * but the flesh is weak. pacrpov. to pev ivvevpa TrpoUvpov, r] 8e o-apt; dcrdevr]s- 42 IldXiv €K Sevrepov aTTeXdcbv 7rpoo~- 42 He went away again the nvtaro, XeycoV lidrep pov, el ov second time and prayed, say. ' - ' J , / r // \a ~ rng, O my lather, if this cup Ovvarai tovto n ro noTt]piov nape AVe w may not pass away f rom me> b aV eaov." edv un avTO ttico, yevr]6f]Ta> except I drink it, thy will be > /j"v ' 43 v v c r\ a \..-i '.„!„»„ done. i3 And he came and to 6e\ W a aov. Kai eX6W m/purut foimd them as]eep agaln . for avrovs irdXiv" KaBev8ovras' rjcrav yap their eyes were heavy. 44 And avruv oi od)6aXpol (iefiap^pevoi. 4i Kai ^ }*& &fa, and went away , , , , T > \/)v 'V ' a ga' n . and prayed the third a(pe is avrovs, aneXOoiv iraAiv, Tvpocrr)v- time> sa yi ng the same words. £aro d €K tp'ltov, " top avTov Xoyov , i ah i » « ' j 45 Then cometh he to his disci- eincov. ™ rore epxerat npos rovs pa.- ples>andsait h unto them, Sleep 8>}Tas avTov, Kai Xeyei avTols' Kaaev- on now, and take your rest, Sere to Xoittov Kai dvaTvaveaBe' 18ov, be hold, the hour is at hand, " , „ , , c% „ , a , and the Son of man is betray. ijyyiKev r) copa, (cat o vios tov avVpcotrov ed int0 the hands of sinners. irapa8i8oTai els ye'ipas dpapTQiXuv. 4e Rise, let us be going: be- j K > / n 'i 's. \ " < hold, he is at hand that doth 46 eyeipeaOe, ayauev idov, t)yyiKei> o betray me 7rapa8i8ovs pe. 47 Kai eTl avTov XaXovvTOS, 18ov, 47 And while he yet spake, >t 'a * S'S n/1, „„; ..**? lo, Judas one of the twelve lovdas em tcov bcooeKa JjXOe, Kai p.er ca ' me)andwi thhimagreatmul- avTOV o^Aos noXiis peTa paxaipav Kai titude with swords and staves liX^, dn6 t* V ap r pe,u Kai npe- &****$? ^ o-pvTepcov tov Aaov. K o0f TrapaOlOovs he that betrayed him, gave avTov edcoKev avrols artpelov, Xeyw' them a si B n ' sa y' n S. Whom- (. « , N , > ' > . ' soever I >hall kiss, that same Of av forthwith he came to Jesus, W ^ t ^,J#(*- «» -T kLted aid him Hai 30 Xfje^ TefpiArjo-ev avTov. ° o oe Ir/croii? sa i d unt0 him, Friend, where- ewrei/ aurto' 'Eralpe, e ed) b" Trdpei; fore art thou come? Then ~ , S/i, > 'o •/ ^ - came they, and laid hands on Tore TJ-poo-eXdWrec eirefdaXov tus x^Ras Jesus> and took him . enl t6v 'irjo-ovv, Kai eKpaTr/aav ovtov. 51 Kat l8oi), els Tvsv pera 'Irjo-ov, »i And behold, one of them > ' » - > ' v which were with Jesus, stretch- eKTttvas ttjv X ^P a : airetnraxrc rrjy Jjich we. e^^ ^ ^^ his pdxaipav avTov, Kai naTat-as tov oov- swor d, and struck a servant of Xof tov dpxiepeas dcjje'tXev avTov to the high priest' s, and smote off a -J b ZJ c c*) jXeo,, ttoX.i., fvpsi- avrovs. * — * R'"- ™ »*' *• Matt. XXVI. 52. his ear. 52 Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place : for all they that take the sword, shall perish with the sword. 53 Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels ? 64 But how then shall the scrip- tures be fulfilled, that thus it must be ? 55 In that same hour said Je- sus to the multitudes, Are ye come out as against a thief with swords and staves for to take me? I sat daily with you teach ing in the temple, and ye laid no hold on me. b6 But all this was done, that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then all the disciples forsook him, and fled: 57 And they that had laid hold on Jesus, led him away to Caiaphas the high priest, where the scribes and the elders were assembled. 58 But Peter fol- lowed him afar off, unto the high priest's palace, and went in, and sat with the servants to see the end. 59 Now the chief priests and elders, and all the council, sought false witness against Jesus to put him to death, 60 but found none: yea, though many false witnesses came, yet found they none. At the last came two false witness- es, 6I and said, This fellow said, I am able to destroy the temple of God, and to build it in three days. c2 And the high priest arose, and said unto him, Answerest thou nothing V what is it, which these witness against thee? M But Jesus held his peace. And the high priest answer- ed, and said unto him, 1 adjure thee by the living God, that 7i EYAITEAION ootiov. 5 * rore Xeyei avTco 6 'irjaovs' 'Anoarpeyj/ov o~ov ttjv pd^aipav els tov tottov avrrjs' ndvTes yap oi \a(36vTes pd^aipav iv pa^aipa a cmokovvTai. " 53 ?} hoKeis on ov hvvapai iipri TrapaKaktcrat. tov narepa pov, /cat 7rapao-TTjo-ei pot wXeiovs fj SwSe/ca Xeyeiovas dyyiXtov ; 54 ttu>s ovv 7tXt]- pw6i>aLV ai ypafpai, oti ovto> del yeveo~dai ; k.v eKeivr} ttj copa eLTrev o lr)o~cvs toIs b^Xois' Sis «rt \r)o~TrjV e|r)A#ere pera pa)(aipu>v Kai £vXcov o-vXXa[3elv pe ; Kaff rjpepav b npos vpcis " enade^o- prjv c 8i8daKa>v" ev tu> iepa>, Kai ovk eKpartjaaTe pe. tovto oe okov ye- yovev, \va TrXrjpcodcoo-LV ai ypacpai tiov Trpo(pT]Twv. Tore oi padrjTai ndvTes depevres avrov e'epvyov. 5 ' Oi 8e KpaTrjcravTes tov '\tjo-ovv dnr/yayov npbs Ka'idcpav tov dp-^iepea, ottov oi ypapparels Kai oi Trpeo-fivrepoi. avvrj^Brjo-av. 58 6 fie Herpos rjKoXovdei avTci) dno paKpoBev, ecoj rr/s avXrjs tov dpxiepews' Kai elo-eXdcov eaco eKaQ-qro perd t£>v VTrr/peTcov, ibelv to TeXos. oi oe ap)(iepeis Kai ol Trpeo~pvTepoi Kai to avvedpiov okov eijjTovv ■u/enSo- papTvpiav koto, tov 'lrjaov, oncus e 6a- vaTwo-u>cnv avTov." 60 Kai ov% evpov, 'Kai" e iroXXav ylrevdopaprvpcov rrpoaeX- Bovroiv" h ob)^ evpov." vo-Tepov Se rrpoa- eXSovres 8vo yj/evdopdpTvpes 61 ebrov' Ovtos e(pr)' Avvapai KaTaXvaat tov va6v tov Oeov, Kai Sia Tpicov rjpepuiv otKodoprjaai ai)Tov. 62 Kai dvao-ras 6 apx^epevs ebrev avTG>' Ovbev dnoKpivrj; t'l ovtoi aov KaTapapTvpovciv; 63 O Se lrjaovs e'o-ia)7ra. Kai dnoKpiBeis 6 ap^epevs enrev avTu>' E^opKi'^co o"e Kara tov Qeov tov * ^ airoSavovvTai. b -♦ c -♦ d 3* e R ec . &. Gl) avr. day, i Gb. -* h Gb. om. KATA MAT6AI0N. 75 Matt. XXVII. 2. £vtos, Iva iffjuv e'nrifS, ei o~v ei 6 Xpt- thou tell us, whether thou be error, 6 vlos rod Oeoi. 64 Aey« aurco 6 * e T Christ the son of God. , '_ , , , . ', , '. M Jesus saitli unto him, Ihou Iqo-ouy 2u etTrac. 7rAr;j/ Aeya) upt^, hast said: nevertheless I say an lipTL o\lseo-()e tov vlbv tov dv6pa>nov unt0 y° u . Hereafter shall ye /!/' ' , ^ f. ~ ~ s. ' ■> see the Son of man sitting on KaOiffievov « beguov t»/s bvvafxeas /cat the right hand of powerj and ep^ofxevov eVt Tcoi' vecheXcov tov ovpavov. coming in the clouds of heaven. « Tore 6 dp^ptvs MM* ft **» S.^? JXfaf hS£ auroi), Aeyaw" On eliXaa(pi)prjO'e' rt spoken blasphemy : what fur- ert vpei'ai/ evouei/ papTvpav ; tfie, i>w therneedhave we of witnesses? , A r , A , ,C" *T r / » > - // 66 ' behold, now ye have heard his 7)K.ovo-ciT€ ttjv id\acr(pr]p.iav*ayTOV. Ti blasphemy. «" What think ye ? vuiv boKei ; Oi be dnoKpiBevres elnoV They answered and said, He is H-L a • ' ' 67 t ' ' ' guilty of death. 67 Then did Evo X os 6avciTov ecrrt. Tore eve- they sp it in hrs face, and buf- nTVo~av eis to npoaconov aurov, /cat feted him, and others smote iKo\a-v ~ . > _~\/] „.' r: ..' „„,' the palace : and a damsel came ayAg, rau npoaifkBev^ avrco^ fiia jrat- unt( f ^ saying) Thou a , £o Olctki], Aeyoucra" Kat cru r/crc'a pera wast with Jesus of Galilee. 'lrio-ov tov Tu\t\aiov. 7 ° 'O fie npirj- 70 But he denied before them ' „ /i h » - // ' \ - all, sa yi n &. I know not what o-uro epnpoartiev °avTa>v navrcov, Ae- thou sayest. " And when he ycoiv Ovk olba ri Ae'yetc. 71 'E£eAc7oVra was gone out into the porch, Sv > \ ■> \ \ - tj > \ another maid saw him, and said e avrov etc tov m/Wa, «9 wn» unto them that were there, This aXXi] Kcii \eyei c avrols' EKet Kat' oiros fellow was also with Jesus of ni/ fxera 'iriaov toO Nafopalov. 7 ' 2 Kal Nazareth « And again he ' , N r , ; /,, „ r r/,-. , denied with an oath, I do not iraktv ifpvrjo-aro fxeti opicoV On ovk know the man. " And after a ot'Sa TOf livBpunrov. ' 3 Mera uiKpbv be while came unto him they that \ nr t <■ f ~ tt ' stood by, and said to Peter, irpoo-eXdovTes oi earares einoy tco Ue- Sure]y J thou a]so art one of rpco' 'A\ijda>s Kal (ji) e£ avrcov ei' Kat them, for thy speech bewrayeth yap fi \a\id ' curse and to swear, saying, I ijpgaTO u KaraOefxaTiQetv /cat opvveiV know not the man. Andimme- "Oti ovk olda tov avdpamov. Kat ev- diately the cock crew. « And /\ > v\ ' tii 75 » ' ' a Peter remembered the words cVecoc akeKTup^ ev W e. Kai efjvrja&ij i of JeguSj which sajd unt0 6 neVpo? roil e piffiaros tov 'Irycrov" him, Before the cock crow, ej^o'ro, o^tco- "On .pi, dXeKTopa J» K^^^ vrjo-ai, rpis airapvi)0-rj p.e' Kat e§eA- bitterly. c^oji/ e^co e/cAavo"e 7TtKpcoc. 27. Ilpcotac Se yevofievifs, o~vp,fiov- 27. When the morning was Aioi; eXaSw 7rai/Tec ot apytepels /cat ot «> me ' a y V 116 chie f prie f ts and , - N - ' v r - > T - elders of the people, took coun- Tvpeo-pvrepoi tov Aaov KaTa tov Irfaov, sel aga i nst Josus to put him to too-Te davaTwcraL avrov. 2 /cat firjcrafTec death. 2 And when they had a — » b Rec. — » c cs. — . Rec. It Gb. rotj •«<*' Xn. ^ Rec. ««Tav80eMtt'"tCii*'. 8 5^ pij/iaios Inoov, Or, r'jd*. Matt. XXVII. 3. 76 EYAITEAION bound him, they led him away, avrbv diri^yayov, Ka\ tvapebwKav avrbv and delivered him 10 Pontius Hcwrua UCKdra rw hyepbvi. Pilate the governor. „ ; ,., $ K ' < \ > 3 Then Judas, which had be- Tore ibuiv lovoas o Trapabibovs av- trayed him, when he saw that T A„ ' Tt K areKpi8n, aeraaeXridels aire- he was condemned, repented . v ',•,,' , himself, and brought again the o-rpex^e ra rpiaKovra apyvpia rois ap- thiity pieces of silver to the ^upevcri Kai rois ivpeo-Bvrepois, 4 Ae'-ycoi/" ^h-^ffStUrr^T ™P^vs alpa .agyr.' have betrayed the innocent Oi be enrov' Tt irpos rjpas ; tru oyr/.' blood. And they said, What 5 K ai pn/my TO. dpydpia ev ra va&, is that to us ? see thou to that. , , r T v » r '\Civ > /* > * 5 And he cast down the pieces avexaprjve' Kai aneXOuv airr^y^aro. of silver in the temple, and de- 6 Ot be dp^iepels XaBovres ra apyvpia parted, and went and hanged » . rt > "r a *v ~ > > ' < himself. « And the chief priests fl77W ? UK , £ f f0 "™ PaKeiV^ avra ei_S Tov took the silver pieces, and said, KopBavav, enel Tipfj aiparos earl. ' 2v/x- It is not lawful for to put them Rovkiov 8e XaBovres, hybpaaav e£ av- mto the treasury, because it is „ , , , ' „ "l , , , the price of blood. '• And they Tmv rov aypov rov Kepapecos, etc raCpTjv took counsel, and bought with rois i-evois. 8 8 lb eKknOn 6 dypbs e'/cei- them the potter's field, to bury > \ « t - t strangers in. » Wherefore that vos , a 7P 0S aifiaros^, ras rr/s crqpepov. field was called, The field of Tore eTvXrjpcodrj to pr]6ev bid 'lepepiov blood unto this day. 9 (Then ro{ ) npo^rov, Xeyovros' Kai '{XaBov was fulfilled that which was v , , ' \ , « spoken by Jeremy the prophet, TO. rpiaKovra apyvpia, rrjv TiprjV rov saying, And they took the thirty rerianpevov, bv eripiio-avro, divb viuiv pieces of silver, the price of > T v\ in \ *» > » ■> \ him that was valued, -whom } _ '' t < a \ < - asked him, saying ; Art thou H-<° v > Xeyav 2u et o BacriXevs_ rtoi- the King of the Jews ? And 'iouSai'ajj/ ; 'O 8e 'lrjaovs e(prj avrai' 2u Jesus said «««-«». Thou -y. X ^ tf . i,.^ », ^ Karr?yope ^ at ^ cused of the chief priests and atiroi' V7TO ru>v apxiepeatv Kai ru>v irpe- elders, he answered nothing, afivrepav, ovbev direKpivaro. ri Tore 13 Then saith Pilate unto him, ,./ r ,„ rTTN/ ' _, , / Hearest thou not how many A «7« av ™ ° UiKaros^ Ouk aKoveis things they witness against 7rocra crov Karapaprvpovcri ; 14 Kai ovk thee? 14 And he answered him > >/\ • - i 'js» * '~ to never a word: insomuch that «*-™P«fi? aura) Trpos ouSe ev p W a, the governor marvelled greatly, wcrre oavpa^eiv rbv 7]yepova Xiav. 15 Now at dei 6 rjyepuiv governor was wont to release 'A' " _~"\ £' * fa . ., „ i „ airohveiv eva rat oyAu beauiov, ov unto the people a prisoner, .„ T » A >t «, / " >- whom they would. 1G And they TjdeXov. * ei^oi/ oe Tore 8eo~piov eni- had then a notable prisoner, o-nuof, Xeyouevov Bapa88dv. 1? avv- called Barabbas. "Therefore " , ' ? , „ ' 4 > f when they were gathered to- r)ypeva>v ovv avraii/, einev ^ avrois o gether, Pilate said unto them, UiXdros' Tiva deXere dnoXvo-a) vp'iv ; a c\j Ji«aioi-. 1> Rec. & Gb. oifsi. a Or, wliom the; huugbt of tlie children of Israel. KATA MAT0AION. 77 Bapafiftav, rj 'l-qaovv rbv Xeyopevov Xpicrrov ; 18 "Hfiei yap on 8id (pdovov Trape8coKav avrov. 19 Kadrjpevov 8e avrov eVi rov (Bij- paros, dneo-reike irpbs avrov t) yvvrj avrov, Xeyovaa' Mr/bev crot Kal ro 81- Kalco eKeivco' rroXXa yap enadov arjpepov Kar b'vap 6Y avrov. 20 Oi 8e apx^epels Ka\ ol Trpeo-fivrepoi eneto-av rovs o^Xovs, iva alrrjcraivTai rov Bapafifidv, rbv 8e 'Irjcrovv dnoXe- o-o>o-iv. 21 diroKpiOels 8e 6 rjyepwv ehrev avrols' 'Siva OeXere otto tu)V 8vo utto- Xvo~ 'irjaovv rov Xeyopevov Xpicrrov ; Ae- yovaiv a avra>" ndvres' 2ravpa>8r]TOi. 23 'O 8e rjyepcov e(pr]' Tt yap KaKW enoirjo-ev ; Oi 8e Tvepicrcruis eKpa^ov, Xe- yovres' 2ravpa>6r)rco. 'Idiov 8e 6 ILiXdros, on ov8ev aicpeXel, dXXd pdX- Xov 66pv(3os yiverai, Xa/3aw v8a>p, dne- vtyaro ras x (l P as dirivavn rov o^Xov, Xtycov" 'A6a>6s elpi aV6 rov a'Lparos b rov BiKaiov" rovrov' vpels o\jfeo~6e. 2a Kal dnoKpidels rrds 6 Xabs erne' To aipa avrov e'cp' fjpus Kal em ra reKva rjpcov. 26 Tore direXvo-ev avrols rov Bapa(3(3dv rov be 'ir/crow (ppayeXXuaas 7rape8coKev Iva aravpa>6fj. 27 Tore oi o-rpariairai rov rjyepovos, ivapaXafiovres rbv 'irjaovv els rb rrpai- rdipiov, avvqyayov eVr avrov oXtjv ri)v o-nelpav' ^ Kal eK8vcravres avrbv, ire- pudrjKav avrco %Xapv8a kokklvtjV ^ Kal nXe^avres o~re(pavov e£ aKav6u>v, eire- QrjKav e'irl rf]V KeCpaXrjv avrov, Kai KuXapov c enl rr)V 8e£idv" avrov' Kal yovvTrerrjaavres epmpoo~Qev avrov, eve- nai^ov avrw, Xeyovres' Xalpe, 6 /3acu- Xeus' rutv 'lov8aia>v' 30 Kal epitrvo-avres a ZJ b — * c «j t* rp ^e£ip. Matt. XXVII. 30. Whom will ye that I release unto you ? Harabbas, or Jesus, which is called Christ? Is For he knew I hat for envy they had delivered him. i» when he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with lhat just, man : for 1 have sufl'ered many things this day in a dream, be- cause of him. ' m But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus. J1 The go- vernor answered, and said un- to them, Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you? They said, Barabbas. -- Pilate said unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called Christ ? They all said unto him, Let him be crucified. 23 And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done ? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified. - 4 When Pilate saw that he could pre- vail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am inn.icent of the blood of this just person : see ye to it. 25 Then answered all the peo- ple, and said, His blood he on us.andon ourthildren. '•"■ Then released he Barabbas unto them, and when he had scourg- ed Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified. 27 Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the. "common hall, and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers. M And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe. a * And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail king of the Jews. 3U And fl Or, Rot^nior'a huusH. Matt. XXVII. 31. they spit upon him, and took the reed, and smote him on the /head. 31 And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him, and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him. a 32 And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name : him they compelled ato bear his cross. 33 And when they were come unto a place called Golgotha, that is to say, ra place of a skull, M they gave him vinegar to drink, mingled with gall : and when he had tasted thereof, he would not a drink. 3i And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots : that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them, and up- on my vesture did they cast lots. 36 And sitting down, they watch- a ed him there : 3; and set up over his head, his accusation written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE a jews. 3S Then were there two thieves crucified with him: one on the right hand, and another on the left. / 33 And they that passed by, reviled him, wagging their heads, >° and saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself: if thou be the son of God, come dowu from the cross. * ■" Likewise also the chief priests mocking him, with the scribes and elders, said, 42 He saved others, himself he cannot save : if he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him. 4i He trusted in God, let him deliver him now if he will have him: for he said, I am the son A of God. « The thieves also which were crucified with him, cast the same in his teeth. b 45 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all 78 EYAITEAION els avrbv, e'Xa[3ov rbv KaXapov, Kal ervnrov els rrjv KecpaXrjv avrov. 31 Kal f ore evenai^av avra>, i^ebvcrav avrov rrjv ^Xap.v8a, Kal eve8vo~av avrbv ra ifidna avrov' teal dmjyayov avrov els rb aravpioo-ai. 32 'E^ep^ofievot 8e evpov avdpcoTrov a Kvpijvaiov, ovop.ari Si/xcofa' rovrov rjy- ydpevaav Iva apt] rbv crravpbv avrov. ' a Kal eXdovres els roirov Xeyop.evov a ToXyo&u, a o" eari b Xeydpevos" Kpavlov toitos, ' M e8a>Kav avra> nieiv c o^os" per a xoXijs pepiypevov' kol yevo-dpevos ovk fjdeXe •nieiv. ^ aravpeoaavres 8e c avrov, 8iepeplo~avro ra Ipdria avrov, fidXXovres KXijpov A "' 36 Kal Kadrjpevoi iri)povv avrbv eicel. ^ Kal enedrjKav a endvo) rrjs Ke(paXrjs avrov rrjv alr'iav av- rov yey pa pfievrjv' Oitrds eariv lrjcrovs 6 fiaatXevs ro>v 'lov8aicov. ^ Tore a aravpovvrai o~vv avra> 8vo \j]o~rai, eis eK 8e^iu>v Kal eis e£ evcovvficov. 39 Ot 8e napanopevopevoi ej3\ao~(pf)- ( povv avrbv, Kivovvres ras KecpaXas av- raiv, 40 Kal Xeyovres' 'O KaraXvcov rbv vabv Kal ev rpicrlv rjuepais olKo8op.a>v, crwo'ov aeavrov' el vlbs el rov Qeov, Ka- rd(3r]6i dnb rov aravpov. 41 '0/xoiws b 8e v ypapuarecov Kal npea(3vrepa>v 'eXe- yov' 42 "AXXovs eacoaev, eavrbv ov 8v~ varai acoaai. e el" fiaaiXevs 'laparfX eari, Karafidra vvv dnb rov aravpov, Kai niarevaopev err avrco. nenoi- 6ev etrl rbv Qeov, pvadadco vvv avrbv, el deXei avrov. elne yap' 'On Qeov elpi vlos. u T6 S' avrb Kal ol Xijaral ol b avaravpeodevres avrco vel8i£ov e av- rov. 40 A7r6 8e eKrrjs a>pas aKoros eyevero l» i're. of. ° — » c <^o otfov. " Rec. add iva wXrjpojQy to (irtQev v-rro tov itpo'Ptitov' AiSfieptoavTO ra i/toTitt fjtov savrotf, «a» eJT; TO. i^arnr^o. nov fi/?aXo. K\r/poy. e -♦ i CVJ . — Rec. & C.'o, om. g RiC. attrai. RATA MATGAION. 79 Matt. XXVII. 59. enl iraaav n)v yrjv ems mpas €VPa.TT)S' the land unto the ninth hour. / 4fi Trep\ 8e rhv tvvarnv mpav aveB6r)o-ev 4 * And ab °ut the ninth hour, ' *t ~ A. - '\ \ ' >tV\ v Jesus cried with a loud voice o I|)(TOUV oW 7 , u.eyaA ?/ XcjUF- HXt, sa ymg, EH, Eli, lama sabach- HXt, Xa/tia aaBa)(davi ; rovr' eortf Gee thani, that is to say, My God, 47 rr - si . i - , r i ' . / ' saKen m e? 47 borne of them lives oe rwv e/cet etrrcorcoi' aKovcrav- that stood there, when they res eXeyoi/- "On 'KXiav (bowel ovtos. hf L ar / that - said - This man cal1 - '*»«■„» 'd' * » * £ » - « eth for Elias. " And straight- Kai eufleojy opa/iaw etc e£ away, Kai way one of them ran, and took Xa8mv airoyyov, 7rXrjcras re ot-ovs, Kal a spunge, and filled it with Wei, „Mp, Mr*, airov. • ot SfSSArAff'-'ffl oe Xoitvoi eXeyoV Aqbes, tSmpev ec rest said, Let he, let us see epvercu 'HXias amcrmv avrov. whether Elias will come to a SO 'n a % 't - '-v '£ J. - save him. , „ 1, 7 ' ot;s ' ^a.Xiv Kpaga? (peoi/j; so JesuSj when he had cHed b peyaXrj dcprjue to 7rvevpa. 61 Kal l8ov, a ? ain with aloud voice, yielded ro ^ T tov V aov i^Mh, els ^e^iitt ^^1 oi/o a7ro avmdev ea>s Kara)' Kai r] yrj in twain, from the top to the e'o-eiu-dr), Kal at nerpai ierv'to-Bno-aV bo «°m,andthe earth did quake, m52 » < ' > > a » \-v> a "d the rocks rent. « And the rat ra pvqpeia avernxorjcrav, Kai noXXa graves were opened, and many rrmparaTrnv KeKoipripevmv ayirnvhyepOri, bod ies of saints which slept o3 w>) «:'£^ dX„,-,„ ,'J_~ , " r \ arose, 53 and came out f t( Kat^eXdovres eK rau pv W etmv pera graves after his resurrectiotli Trjv eyepaiv avTOV, eto-rjXGov els tt)v a "d went into the holy city, and aylav iroKlv, Kal evetbavla^o-av ttoX- a PP eared ^to many. Xoiy. * M 'O 8e eKarovrapvos Kal ol per av- 54 Now w hen the centurion, tov rrjpoivres rou "l^v, IMrro ro, S^S^'SSiiS: aetcrpov Kai ra yevopeva, e quake, and those things that 0-(b68pa, Xeyovres- 'AXri6ms 6eoO iu6y we, : e do " e - they feared greatly, ■??'' ' saying, Truly this was the son rjv ovros. of God. J 'Ho-av8e eKel yvvauKes TroXXai dno 55 And many women were paKpodev decopodo-at, alrtves nKoXovdn- 'h^e (beholding afar off) which r „, C, ,'„_..', . ' followed Jesus from Galilee, o-av tu> Irjo-ov airo rr/c raAtAaiac, bia- ministering unto him. 5e Among Kowuo-ai avrdi- 66 eV at? nv Mapia n which was Mary Magdalene, MnvX n \«„i l„~~. n/r „' ' ~ 't >o and Mary the mother of James MaybaKjjvit^Kai Mapia rjrov laKapov and Jos / Si and the mother of /cat Icoo"?; prjTrip, Kai tj prjrrjp ra>v vla>v Zebedee's children. Ze/3eSai'ov. ° *' 'O^/a? Se yevopev^s, IjXBev aV- sr when the even was come, vpamos trXovcrios ano ApipaBaias, tov- there came a rich man of Ari- vopa 'lojo-rjeb, ts Kal avros euadnrevae m * lh * a < " a "ied Joseph, who " *T -. S8 * . Z '. _ alsohimself was Jesus disciple: rep irjo-ov ovtos trpoo-eXdav ra lit- ss He went t0 pji atei and be g- XaTCO, fjTrjo-aTO to cruipa rou'lricroi). ro're ged the body of Jesus: thenPi- A TT.^^-„„ '.. ^ » s. /s~ ^ late commanded the body to be a - 57 < f y " 6 ", a7roSo ^, ,/at TO delivered. s» And when Joseph 0~apa. Kai Xa/3cbi/ to cruipa 6 '\ao~r)(b had taken the body, he wrapped Matt. XXVII. 60. 80 EYAITEAION it in a clean linen cloth, 60 and eveTvXi^ev aiiTO aivbovi Kadapa, 60 Ka\ la u' u\ in u'l T1 neW . t0 ?u b ' (OriKcv avro ev rw Kaiva avTOvu.imu.ua, which lie had hewn out in the A ' , , * „ ', \ >' » ' rock: and he rolled a great o eXaToprjcrev ev Trj-neTpa' Kai TTpoo-- stone to the door of the sepul- KV Xio-as Xidov ueyav Tn 0vpa tov uvn- chre, and departed. 61 And , ■> ->. a 61 ? ' s. > > - iv/r ' 1 there was Mary Magdalene, M"™' cnrrjXdev.^ ™ i)v be eKei Mapia p and the other Mary, sitting May8aXr]vr), Kai r) iiXXrj Mapla, Ka&rj- over against the sepulchre. ^^ ^'yam T0U Ta(pov . 62 Now the next day that fol B T7 8e enavpiov, r/rtc earl pera tt)v lowed the day of the prepara- rraoao-Kevriv, awii-ydr/crav 01 dpviepe'is tion,the chief priests and Phari- , r , , ' ' A , ' .. , r 63 ^ > sees came together unto Pilate, KaL 0L ®api(ratoi TTpos IliXaTov, M Ae- 6i saving, Sir. we remember yovres ' Kvpie, eyivno~6r)p.ev OTl eKisivOS that that deceiver said while * U fa *■„ ^ . M A - he was yet alive, Alter three f „ J , * r ? days I will rise again. 6 * Com- i)p.epas eyeipopai. M KeAeucrcH> ouj> mand therefore that the sepul- ^(haXlo-Qnvai tov TCtfbov ecus Tt)s TpiTTjs chre be made sure, until the , T ' *\ a > < a v > third day, lest his disciples rjpepas' ppnoTf eXdovTes 01 padrjTai av- come by night, and steal him rot) a " KXe\jra>o-iv avTov, Ka\ e'lircoai tu> K tKSffli W .*Hy^ « ™» «*/>?»• r the last error shall be worse earai 7 ecrx nTr l TvXavq x fl P u>v T 1 S Trp<*>- thau the first. 65 Pilate said _ s- 6S v Edm b " aureus 6 mXarof "Evere unto them, Ve have a watch, ' «,' ' , , > j. \ ' a < go your way, make it as sure KovaTOibiaV virayeTe, aaCpaXio-aaOe cos as you can. « So they went, and 018 are. 66 Ot Se nopevBevTes fjo-(paXi- made the sepulchre sure, seal- v /j _j.„ ' ,„ _A. ing the stone, and setting a ^ TO ™" I"^ " ^i>, tjj eVtc/xa- 28. In the end of the sab- > 1 > 00' T \ A i\/r ' bath, as it began to dawn to- ™ 0l ">7? eLS ^ av vaftiaTUV, V X6e Mapia wards the first day of the rj May8aXr)V7], Ka\ rj tiXXr] Mapia, 6ea>- week, came Mary Magdalene, p^g-rn tov Tud>ov. 2 Ka\ I8011, cretcruoc Jin ( I the other IVItirv to soe • ' *, , . the sepulchre. 2 And' behold, ijiveTO fieyas' ciyyeXos yap ^ Kvpiov there - was a great earth- K aTafias e£ ovpavov, irpoaiXOav dne- quake, for the angel of the Lord /x \ -> in c ' » 2 a ' . * * descended from heaven, and l^jXltre TOV Xidov aTTO 7™ fll/pas, Kai came and rolled back the stone eKadrjTO tnav(0 avTOV. f)V 8i 7] iota from the door, and sat upon it. ayToi fr acrrpaTrr), Ka\ to fvbvua avrov ■> His countenance was like , , , ~ , '' . , , -, ', . , a lightning, and his raiment white XeVKOv cocrei ^tcoj/. * ano be tov q)opoy as snow. * And for fear of him, avTO v e'erf io-drjaav ot Tripovvre s, Kai iyi- the keepers did siiake, and be- < \ / s > a •• s l ' came as dead men. ^ And vovto cocrei vtKpoi. aTTOKpiffeis be o the angel answered, and said tiyyeXos eine rate yvvaii^'i' Mr) (poj3ela6e unto the women, Fear not ye: t-. »g a J "inaovv Tov earav- for 1 know that ye seek Jesus, ~ * y !. r R , '„ ». , , which was crucified. G He is pcopevov (rjTeiTe. °^ ovk eariv oibf Jjyep- not here: for he is risen, as Q„ y ap; Ka $^ s e ^- f . bevTe, 'IbeTe tov he said : come, see the place ; ' ' „ „ , T - • 7 v where the Lord lay. ' And t°™ v onov jKfim o Kvpws. ? Kai go quickly, and tell his disciples to^u Tropev6eio~ai e'nraTe role padrjTals a Rec. add vwktos. ^ life, add ie. « --> Or, had been. KATA MAT0AION. 81 Matt. XXVIII. 19. avrov, on rjyepBr] ano rihv veKpwV that he is risen from the Kai l8ov, irpodyei vpds els rr)v FaXi- dead - And behold, he goeth ■*„.',.... >. " > < "I a 'a < » before you into Galilee, there Aaiui/ e/cei avrov ofeaBe. idov, einov sha ll ye see him; lo, 1 have VjJ.lv. told you. ^ Kai e^eXBovaai raxv drrb rod pvrj- a A nd they departed quirk ly pelov pera (boftov Kai Yapuy peydXrjs, from th e sepulchre, with fear ebpapov dnayyelXai rols paB.rals at- $UT£3£S2£ 723 toli. ''co? oe eiropevovro arrayyeiXat as they went to tell his disciples, TOtS paBnrals avroi," Kai looii o'lTiaods ^ho'd Jesus met them, saying, . t r ' , . J, ^ , ' ., All hail. And they came, and anijvrrjaev avrais, XeyooV Xaipere. At held him by the feet, and wor- 8e TTpoareXBovcrai eKpdrrio-av avrov rovs sni PP p d him. I0 Then said Je- _ '* > ' » - in / sus unto them, Be not afraid: noOas, Kai TrpoaeKvvrjo-av avrco. rore g0 teU my brethren that they - Aeyei avrais 6 'irjo-ovs' Mr) (poj3ela6e' vo into Galilee, and there shall iiirdyere, dtrayyelXare rols d8eX(pols y see me< pov, iva aTreXBaaiv els ri)v TaXiXaiav, K&Kel pe o\j/ovrai. Uopevopevcov 8e avrcbv, Idov, rives n Now when they were going, rrjs K0vcrru>8las eXBdvres els rnv ttoXiv !' e hold, some ol' the watch came ■> > \ - ■> n , >nto the city, and shewed unto awrjyyeiKav TOisapxiepevaiv arravra ra the chief priests all the things yevopeva. 12 Kai avvaxBevres pera rcov tnat ,vere done, w And when .pe^vrepov, vvpflovXiov re Xa^dvres, X^StLlttS apyvpia iKava eoaiKav rols crrpariwrais, they iiave large monev unto the 13 Xeyovres- Etirare' "On oi uaBnrai soldiers, " saying, Say ye, His i , >\ a, v x i ~ i ' , disciples came bv night, and avrov vvktos ektiovres eKXe\jsav avrov stole him away while we slept. fjpaiv Koipoopevav, u Kai e'dv aKovaBn M And if this come to the go- __ii_j • i - « < ' i vernor's ears, we will persuade rovro emrovjjyepovos, rjpeis Tteiaope- him , and se ' cure you p 15 So avrov, Kai vpds dpepipvovs Tvoir)o-opev *hey took the monev, and did 13 Of 8e Xapovres ra apyvpia evomtrav f, s . they . were ^^ , And , ,,, j, , a K . "i < , A .i , this saving is commonly re- cur edidaxVrjo-av. Kai 6ie , , - , ~ , ' \ -j, r «. ', , ,6 Then the eleven disciples eis np> I aKikaiav, eis ro opos ov era- went away into Galilee, into a £aro avrols 6 'lrio-ovs. 17 Kai ISovres mountain where Jesus had ap- >,_' > > - t s.v !?,/ pointed them. I7 And when avrov, Tvpoo-eKvvrjo-av avro>- oi be edi- they saw him> they worsnip . o~racrav. Kai irpoo~eX6cov 6 'irjcrovs Ped him: but some doubted. eXiiX W ev avrols, XeyvV 'ESo'<9r, uot '" ? r ± Jesus came ' a " d sp:,ke ' ,. , , ' , ' _ v . \ " llnto 'hem, saying, All power 7ra * fore, and teach all nations, e»i/r/, \SaTtriQovres avrovs eis to ovopa baptizing them in the name of rov TLarpos Kai rov Yiov Kai rov (lyiov the Father, and of the Son, and * -I b Rec. add ovv. Matt. XXVIII. 20. 82 EYAITEAION of the Holy Ghost: m teach- IIvevpaTOS, 20 dibaaKOvres avrovs ttj- ingthemto observe all things, pe j„ ^aira ocra evereikaiunv vu.lv Kal whatsoever I have commanded \ « ( , » „> » .. » I ^ you: audio, lam with you al- tOou, eyvos. world. Amen. .^^ EYATrEAION KATA MAPKON. rnHE beginning of the gospel ' A PXH tov evayyektov'lrjcrovXpiaTOV, J- of Jesus Christ, the son of -^- v ' l0 y T0V Q €0V - 2 fo y{ ypa7rT(n God, 2 as it is written in the , , , * „ , , » j t & < > \ prophets, Behold, I send my ev Haraia to) irpo(pr]Ti]- lOov, eyat messenger before thy face, a.Troo~T(W rbv ayyeXov pov rrpb irpoo'- which shall prepare thy way be- < * '_<'»' fore thee. » The voice of one <->™v ero and preach the baptism of re- 'loavvqs fiairrifav ev tj; eprjpa Kal pentance, « for the remission of » o ' ' ' ' "^- sins. 5 And there went out ^anna-fia peravoias us a M 5 < 'l oi; Sata vcopa, xai 0( and were all baptized of him , " „ ' , ,„ »> / In the river of Jordan, confess- Iepoo-o\vpirat. e - Kai epairnQovro nav- ing their sins. rfs " e ' v rc 3 'lopbavy 7Torapco in avrov, e'^opoXoyovpevoi ras apaprias avrav. 6 And John was clothed with 6 'Hf be 'icodwr/s evbebvpevos rpi)(as TT^nt^^tZ ^^J^V bepp.rivrjv «i ^ he did eat locusts and wild ocrcpvv avrov, Kai eo-6ia>v aKpibas Kai honey, » and preached, saying, .^ # vpt0 „. 7 Ka \ { K fo V(T (T(, Xeymv ■ There cometh one mightier j fl, ,r , ■> , , > < than I after me, the latchet of Epx«™» ° tOT€pos ftou ^ 07T«ra) whose shoes I am not worthy to pov, ov ovk elpl iKavbs Kv\j/as \v_„.-, 8 ,' \ indeed have baptized you with ^vt T s> ' 10 v »zl' ' a ' straightway coming up out of W lopbavyv. Kai evdeus avaftaivov the water, he saw the heavens ' aivb " tov vbaros, elbe o~)(i£op.evovs rovs a Gb. O01. ^ Rec. fN3 tv roif ffpa^ijraiy. c Rec. add tpirpoadcv aov. d ■%■ E *tnaptuaitTO, e Gb. irai— If' p*ai ■0a7rrt^o^TO. f t^> St. a Or. unto. KATA MAPKON. 83 Mark I. 23. ovpavovs, Kat to Hvevpa a cbc" nepiore- "opened, and the Spirit like a pdv KaraBaivov en uvtoV " Ka\ (bcovn d , ov . e descending upon him. > ' > - > - . _ 4 t , r ,,' " And there came a voice from eyeixrro eK twv ovpava>v ^ 2u el o vtoc heaven, saying, Thou art my pou 6 dycm-ryToy, b eV to" evdoKrjcra. beloved Son, in whom I am 12 Kal eMvs to Il^a a£r,WK0dX ; W fv \ j. a- \ > T , l tered unto him. Mera oe to napaooorjvai tov lioav- vr)i>, rfXBev 6 lr]o~ovs els ttjv TaXiXaiav, u Now after that John was K-npvo-o-avTbelayyiXiov^TnsBao-Ckeias" P" 1 '" ,.P rison ' Jesus came ~ a - 15 e "« \ ' ."n \ ' lnt0 Galllee . preaching the Tov Qeov, 10 e Kat Aey©!/" Ort 7re7r\r;- gospel of the kingdom of pcorat 6 Kaipos, Ka\ rjyyiKev 17 BacriXeia God > 15 and sa y in S. The time L» a ~. - ' ' » ls fulfilled, and the kingdom tov Qeov ueravoeire, Kai mcrrevere ev of God is at hand . r * pent Ttt> evayyeXico. 16 ' TlepmaTcov 8e " napa ye, and believe the gospel. ttiv edXao-aav ttjs TaXiXalas, etie Sc- l6 Now as he walked by the sea ' v > . 5. / ' , _ , 5, , , , , , of Galilee, he saw Simon, and pcova Kai Avopeav tov s abeX(pov avTOV Andrew his brother, casting a tov Ztpwvos," '' dachiBdXXovras" dp(bi- net into the sea (for they were o\ > - a \ ' f i fishers.) •' And Jesus said unto pXr)v ZeBehaiov ev Zebedee in the ship with the " _\ ' \~ zi- >-\/i hired servants, and went after tr, a 1 1 \ a\ a n And they went into Caper- Kai evdeas tois o~aBBav ^ naum, and straightway on the eis m Trjv " avvaycoyfjv, e'di8ao~Ke. K Kat sabbath day he entered into the i£enXno-o-ovTO e'nl Ty StSav^ avTov- Iv 2 na ^Si e ' a , nd . tau f t ;. 2i . And v L \i > \ t >> 1 » they were astonished at his doc- yap didao-Kcov avTovs coc e^ovaiav eycov, trine: for he taught them as one Ka\ ovv a>s ol ypaaaaTels. 23 Kat nv ev that had authority, and not as "• - > ~ » /i , ' / the scribes. 23 And there was Tj] o-vvayo>yi) avrmv avdpanos ev irvev- in their synagogue a man with pari dmddpTO), kdi, dveKpa^e, " A Xeywv' an unclean spirit, and he cried a Rec. wee., btvtv ff pi. c Gb. om d It e Zt ^ -^J Kai TrapayaiK. B ^ a^i?>0ov tou Si/^wi-of. Rec. &. Gb. ora, tou £iu, h R«c. cnj jSaXXovTaj. i rj k Zj 1 Zt m iil*. om. a Or, cloveu, or, renl. Mark I. 24. out, 24 saying, Let us alone, what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth ? art thou come to destroy us ? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of Gorl. 2i And Je- sus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come outof him. 26 And when the unclean spirit had torn him, and cried with a loud voice, he came out of him. 27 And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying, What thing is this ? what new doctrine is this ? for with au- thority commandeth he even the unclean spirits, and they do obey him. as And immediately his fame spread abroad through- out all the region round about Galilee. 29 And forthwith, when they were come out of the syna- gogue, they entered into the house of Simon, and Andrew, with James and John. 3U But Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever: and anon they tell him of her. 31 And he came and took her by the hand, and lifted her up, and immediately the fever left her, and she minis- tered unto them. 32 And at even, when the sun did set, they brought unto him all that were diseased, and them that were possessed with devils : 33 and all the city was gathered together at the door. 34 And he healed many that were sick of divers diseases, and cast out many devils, and suffered not the devils "to speak, because they knew him. 35 And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed 3(i And Simon, and they that were with him, followed after him : 37 and when they had found him, they said unto him, All men seek for thee. 38 And he said unto them, Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also : for 84 EYAITEAION a "Ka, " ri rjjxiv Kal crol, 'lrjcrov Na- ^aprjve ; r)X8es ciTroXecrai rjpas ; ot'Sa ere Tts ei, o ayios tov iyeov. M K.at eireTi- prjerev avTui 6 lijcrovs, Ac yu>v ' ^ipioOrjTi, Kal e^eXde et; avrov. 26 Kai \ 28 'E^rjXde 8e r) d/coi) avrov evfliis els bXijv np> Tiepiyapov tijs TaXiXaias. 29 Kai evdta>s ck rrjs avvaycoyrjs d e^eXdovres, rfXdov" els Tr/v oiKiav 2t- piovos Kal 'Avbpeov, perci 'Ia/ca>/3ou Kai 'Icodvvov. 30 T] 3e iiev6epa "2'ipcovos /ca- TtKeiTO itvpecrcrovcra' kcu evdecos Xtyov- o~lv aura) irepi aurrjs. Kai Trpocrekuutv ijyeipev avrr/v, Kparrjo-as rr)c ^ei/joc av- rr/s' Kal dcpiJKev avn)v 6 Trvperos ev6ea>s, Kai BirjKovet avrols- 32 'Oip-ias 8e yevopevrjs, OTe e'Sv 6 ijXios, ecpepov Trpbs avrov iravras tovs KaKcos e^ovras Kai tovs 8aipovi£opevovs' 33 v. e i\ «\ i ' ? \ Kai r] ttoAis oat] eTTicrvvqypevri rjv rrpos Ti]v 6vpav. 34 /cat iBepdirevcre noXXovs KaKu>s e^ovras iroiKiXais vacrois /cat 8aipovia ttoXXci e^eflaXe, /cat ovk ijcpie XaXeiv Ta Saipovia, on ybeicrav av- TOV. Kat Trpoyi e evvv^ov Kiav uvacrTas e^rjXde, Kai anrjXdev els eprjpou tottov, KciKel TrpocrrjvxtTO. 36 Kai /careSi'co^af avTov 6 2t'/xcof kcu ol per avTov' 6 ' /cat evpovTes cixjtov, Xeyovcriv ai)T' els tovto o ri*- air' . c oo Xsyovres' T*i' »/ (^nla ) 17 ,j 1 ^ Kfc. &. Cib. {ff/rovirt at. 6 Uec. *a\it. Or, to say that tlify kne'.v him. KATA MAPKON. 85 yap a e£e\i)\vda." 3D Kat rjv Krjpv(TO-cov h ev rals o-vvaycoyals" avrcov, els okrjv rrjv YakCkaiav, /cat ra 8aipovia enfia\- Xcov. Kat ep^erai Trpos avrov Aetrpos, irapciKaXcov avrov Kat yovvirercov avrov, Kal Xtycov avroy "Ort, eat/ 6i\rjs, 8v- vao-ai pe KaBapicrai 41 'O 8e 'Ir/crouc a-TrXny^i/tcr&ic, eKrelvas rt)v X el P a > jjyjmro avrov, Kal \eyei avrco' OeAco, Kadapio-BrjTi. *' Kat c etVoi/ro? avrov," fMcwt anrfkBev an avrov r) XtVpa, Kat eKadapia-Brj' 43 Kal epfipiprjcrdpevos av- rco, evdtcos i£ej3a\ev avrov, ^ Kal Ae'yet avra>' Opa, prjbevl prj8ev evrrgs' aAX' viraye, creavrov 8el£ov rco lepel, Kal npoo-eveyKe irepl rov Kadapicrpov aov a npocrera^e Mcocrrjs, els paprvpiov avrols. 4,5 'O 8e e£e\6cov fjp^aro Krjpiio-o-eiv 7roXXa /cat 8ia(j)ripi£eiv rov \6yov, coo-re prjKeri avrov 8vvacrBai (pavepcos els no- Xti/ e icre\6elv' aXX' e£a> e'v epr)pois ronois rjv, Kal r'jpxovTO Trpos avrov A iravro6ev." 2. Kat e elcrrjXde ttoAiv" els Kanep- vaovp 8i ijpepcov Kal t)kovo-6t] otl els olkov ecrri' ~ /cat evdecos avvrjx&rjo-av noXkol, coo-re prjKeri ^copetf pi]8i ra irpbs rr)v dvpav' Kal e'XaXei avrols rov Aoyov. Kat epxovrai Trpos avrov, irapcikv- riKov (pepovres, alpopevov vtto recrcra- pcov. Kal pi) 8vvupevoi Trpocreyylo-ai avrco 8ui rov o)(Aov, aTreareyacrav rr)v o-reyrjv ottov t)v, Kal e^opv^avres x a ~ \coo-i rov KpdftjSarov, { e(p' co" 6 irapa~ Avtikos KareKeiro. 5 l8uov 8e 6 'Iricrovs i ttjv Txicrriv avrcov Aeyet rco TrapaAvriKCo' TeKvov, afpecovral »crot al apapriai aov." 'Hcrai/ 8e rives rcov ypapparecov e'/cet KaOrjpevoc, Kal 8iaAoyi£6pevoi e'v rals x.ap8Uus avrcov 7 Tt ovros ovrco XaXet Mark II. 7. therefore came I forth. 39 And he preached in theii synagogues throughout all Galilee, and cast out devils. 411 And there came a leper to him, beseeching him, and kneel- ing down to him, and saying unto him, If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. 4I And Jesus moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and sailh unto him, 1 will, be thou clean. 42 And as soon as he had spoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed. " And he straitly charged him, and forthwith sent him away, 44 and saith umo him, See thou say nothing to any man: but go thy way, shew thyself to the priest, and offer for thy cleansing those things which Moses command- ed, for a testimony unto them. 45 But he w ent out, and began to publish it much, and to blaze abroad the matter : insomuch that Jesus could no more openly enter into the city, but was without in desert places: and they came to him from every quarter. 2. And again he entered into Capernaum after some days, and it was noised that he was in the house. 2 And straight- way many were gathered to- gether, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no not so much as about the door: and he preached the word unto them. 3 And they come unto him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four. 4 And when they could not come nigh unto him for the press, they un- covered the roof where he was: and when they had broken it up, they let down the bed w here- in the sick of the palsy lay. 5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sios be forgiven thee 6 B u t there were certain of the scribes sitting there, and reasoning in their beans, ' Why Rec. & Ob, iruvra^otfei'. rou at aftapnat. Mark II. 8. 86 EYAITEAION doth this man thus speak bias- j3Xao~(pr]pias', ris Ovvarai d(pUvai dpap- phemies? who can forgive sins T > a f J > f » y 6 Q f6s . 3 Kai ^"^j. but God only ? 8 And immedi- , ' /'(>. < - / t ately, when Jesus perceived in eTrryvoi/? o Ir/crcus rep Trvevpari avrov, his spirit, that they so reasoned on ovrcos a avrol" 8iaXoyi£ovrai iv iav- within themselves, he said unto - s '-.it,'- s \ > them, Why reason ye these TOls i eifev avrois ^ Tt ravra diaXoyi- things in your hearts ? 9 Whe- £ecr#e iv rais Kapdiais vpcov ; 9 ri icrriv ther is it easier to say to the ^ K077(il . epw et VeIi> rw TrapaXvrtKM- sick of the palsy, Thy sins be , , , r , . ' „ , , • , r * , „' forgiven thee: or to say, Arise, Avrai " crov ai apapriaf rj eiireiv' and take up thy bed and walk? c *E-yeipe, cipdv" trov rbv Kpdjifiarov, /cat 10 but that ye may know that 10 " &* <&= 2 >/■ ' the Son of man hath power on f/*^ _ £ ", a ° € « V^ " !? ou 5 ta > 1 ' earth to forgive sins, (he saith e^et 6 utoy rot) dvOpdmov d eVt r^y yfjs a- to the sick of the palsy,) » I say &> * apaprias' (Xiyei TCOTrapaXuri/ccS) . unto thee, Arise, and take up T, „ - ; ' " ,, '• • ' „ " K f-i thy bed, and go thy way into ^01 Xeya' e Eyftpe, apov rov Kpap- thine house. « And immedi- fiarov crov, Kal inraye etc tov oikov aov. ately he arose, took up the bed, n .. o / « >/i' » * s 'o and went forth before them all, Ka < TJf/A «>&<»* *«" apas toi/ Kpafi- insomuch that they were all (iarov, i^rjXdev ivavriov TvavrasV Stare amazed, and glorified God, say- # l ' OTao .0 atm i mis Ka \ ho^eivrbv Geov, ing, We never saw it on this .=, „ , ' , b ,? „. fashion. Xeyovras' Ort ovoeirore ovtcos eioopev. 13 Kai i^fjXde ivaXiv Tvapa rr)v 6d- "And he went forth again \aaaaV Kal mis 6 oyXos rjpyero irpos by the sea side, and all the mul- > ( v >s,,t>. > > i/ ■, ' / titude resorted unto him, and avrov,Kai ebibao-Kev avrov s- (cat irapa- he taught them. u And as he yu>v eibe Aevlv tov rod 'AXcpaiov, Kadrj- Sf1ini,-'« he -t 8 r w - e T i . t !! cl " m ^vovimrb reXwviov, Kal Xiyei abr& of Alphasus sitting « at the re- f. x >a ,, v •> v > ( > n ' ceipt of custom, and said unto AKoXovOei poi. KcuavacrTasr]KoXovdt]o-ev him, Follow me. And he arose, a ^ rc 5. 15 Ka \ iyevero iv tu> KaraK(l(r8aL and followed him. '» And it » } > ■,', > - ' < -.•* \ came to pass, that as Jesus sat avrov ev rr] oiKia avrov, Kat noXXot re- at meat in his house, many Xo>vai Kal apapru>Xo\ o~vvav€KfivTO rep publicans and sinners sat also >t ^v^- a ~ ' ". ? L together with Jesus and his I ?°' ou Kal ™ ls l^frfrais avrov way disciples: for there were many, yap ttoXXoi, Kai rjKoXovdrjo-av avra. and they followed him is A nd i 6 ^ « y pafllJLaT€ ' ls Ka \ Q [ Qapuraioi, when the scribes and Pharisees , a , ,'\ ~, n , v -' \ saw him eat with publicans and toovrc s avrov ecrOiovTa pera rav reAco- sinners, they said unto his dis- vcbv Ka\ dpapTwXcov, 'iXeyov rots padri- ciples, How is it that he eateth - > -. Vn' '/ \ - \ and drinketh with publicans rais avrov Tt or. pera rcoy reWw and sinners ? 17 When Jesus Kai apapru>Xa>v io~6Ui Kal tt'ivsi ; ' Kai heard it he saith unto them, ^ovcras 6 'incroOy Xey« avroly Ot5 They that are whole, have no , „ ' , , ' / > need of the physician, but they XP flav ^X 0V(Tlv °' <-0-\vovTfs larpov, that are sick : I came not to aXX' oi KaKus i'yovrfs. ovk riXOov Ka- call the righteous, but sinners •> ' j\ j >x-v v c \ ' <» to repentance. Aeaai OiKaiovs, aXXa apaprcoXovs . ,. _ _ , 18 Kat no'ai' oi uadnrai 'lcoavvov Kal ls And the disciples of John, „ , _ - // / v •■/ and of the Pharisees used to °oi$api(Taioi vrjcrTfvovTfs-KaifpxovTai fast; and they come, and say Kai Xiyovaiv avrv Qapio~aia>i> vrjoTev- unto him, Why do the disciples < a* > a _„ v „.?..__—./«»•.« . of John, and of the Pharisees ovaiv, aide aoi pad^jai ov vyo-revovcri , ^ ^ thy discip]es fast not? 19 Kai eiwev avTo'ls 6 Irjaovs' Mi] Ov- is And Jesus said unto them, vavrai ol viol tov vvpipuvos, ev co 6 Can the children of the bride- , , _ T r /' chamber fast, while the bnde- wp s,' ' ." 20 *\ ,.' with them, they cannot fast. vvpcpiov, ov bvvavrai vrjareveiv _ eXev- M But the days ^ am ^ when aovrai be rjpepai orav dnapotj an av- the bridegroom shall be taken t£>v6 wu.(pios, Kal Tore vnarevo-ovo-iv away from them, and then shall > y. > i - t ' // 21 c« '% - ' ' they fast in those days. -"No ev 6 eKeii77 T77 rjpepa. L ouoeiy 67TI- man a ] s0 se weth a piece of BXriua paKovs dyvd pu>pa avrov to Kaivbv tov TvaXaiov, /cat and the rent is made worse. yelpov o-Yt'o-ua ytWai. ffl /cat ovSeW "Andnomanputtethnewwine fiaXXei oivov veov eis aaKOVS TraXaiovs' wine doth burst the bottles, and 61 Se an, pno-O-61 6 oivoy d 6 peW rour the wine is spilled, and the > > ~ ■! t t > - < < » » bottles will be marred: but ao-Kovs, Kai o oivos e/cy«rai Kai oiao-Km new wine must be put i ntonew aTrokovvraf aXXa oivov veov els do-Kovs bottles. tcaivovs SXnTeov. „ , . . .. . «* it \ > ' 'a > » 23 And it came to pass, that -* Kai eyei^TO Trapcmopeveo-tiai avTov he went through the corn fie i ds ev Tols 0-dj3fiacn bid Toav awopipaiv, kol on the sabbath day, and his UavTO ol /xacVu avTovobbv «o«iv ^kth^rfc^JES TihXovTes tovs CTTaxvas. Kai 01 9a- the Pharisees said unto him, pio-a'ioi eXeyov avTa' "lbe, t'i iroiov n - 'an ' * ■> "!■ "5 v « bath day that which is not law- e ev tois crappao-11/, o ou/c e^eo-Ti; Kat ful ? 2i And he said unt0 lhem< f airos" eXeyev avTols' OvdeiTOTe dve- Hare ye never read what Da- / > < a„*S "^, „^,,'„„ vid did, when he had need, and yj/core, rt ^ttoiijo-c Aauid, ore ype^a^ was ^ hungredi he> and they 60"ye Kat eireivaaev avros Kai 01 per that were with him ? ™ How he avrov ; 26 Trcic ei \ » . a 1 a * ~« ■> ' the days of Abiathar the high TovQeovem Apiadap'Toy apxiepeas, pr j e st, and did eat the shew- Kat tovs apTOVS Tr\s 7rpodeo-eu>s efnayev, bread, which is not lawful to « i jt/T 1 t- 1 \ _ - «_, -_. eat, but for the priests, and ovsovk e^eo-ri (payeiv ei py tois legevcri, gaT ' e a]so t0 the m which were Kal edcoKe Kal toIs o~vv avTU) ovo-l ; * Kai « ith him ? 21 And he said unto eXeyev avrotf To ad^aTOV Bia rov ^em, The sabbath was made ., // «*»««™ * f-r-^ ( for man, and not man for the avopuTtov eyevero, ov% o avtipanros 01a sa bbath : is therefore the Son to o-dfifiaTOV. " s cocrre Kvpios eaTiv 6 of man is Lord also of the «\ - 9 a ' * - 00 '_ . sabbath. vios rov avdpcoTTOV Kai Tovaapparov. 3 And he entered again in- 3. Kai elo-rjXde iraXlv els ttjv o~vva- to the synagogue, and there ycoyljv, Kali,v Uei oVdWos- e^pappe- -.^reThlnd" "^Id'they vr/v e'xcov rqv x^P a ' Kai TrapfTrjpovv watched him, whether he would avrov el Tols o-a/3|3acri (9epa7reiJO-ei uvtov, heal him on the sabbath day, ft _ » b Reo. iKitcoij Tats fi/itpa^. c Rec. add /cat. _+ — > a Or, raw, or, unwruught. Mark III. 3. 88 EYAITEAION that they might accuse him. 3 And he saith unto the man which had the withered hand, Stand forth. ' And he saith un- to them, Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath days, or to do evil ? to save life, or to kill ? but they held their peace. 5 And when he had looked round about on them with anger, be- ing grieved for the "hardness of their hearts, he saith unio the man, Stretch fortli thine hand. And he stretched it out: and his hand wa* restored whole as the other. b And the Phari- sees went forth, and straight- way took counsel with the He- rodians against him, how they might destroy him. ' lint Jesus withdrew himself with his disciples to the sea: and a great multitude from Galilee followed him, and from Judaea, " and from Jerusalem, and from Idumsea, and from beyond Jordan, and they about Tyre and Sidon, a great mul- titude, when they had heard what great things he did, came unto him. ,J And he spake to his disciples that, a small ship should wait on him, because of the multitude, lest they should throng him. 10 For he had healed many, insomuch that they ''pressed upon him, for to touch him, as many as had plagues. " And unclean spirits, when they saw him, fell down before him, and cried, saying, Thou art the Son of (Jod. 12 And he strait ly charged them, that, they should nut make him known. 13 And he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him. I4 And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he miyht send them forth to preach : ls and to have power to heal sick- nesses, and to cast out devils. 16 And Simon he sumamed Iva Karrjyoprj(Ta>ariv avrov. 3 (col \eyei ra> dvdpoma) ra> e^r/pappevrjv e^ovri ti/v X il P a ' a "Eyetpe " els to fxicrov. 4 Kal Ae'-yet aureus" "E^ecrn. rots crafifiao-iv dyadoTroirjo-ai, i) KaKonoLrjcrai ; \^t;xz)f crwaai, r\ anoKrelvai. ; Oi oe eo~Lu>iviov. 5 zeal rrepifiXe^j/dpevos avrovs per dpyrjs, 0-vX\v7TOVfXeVOS €7tI TT) 7ra)pC0<76l TT]S KUp- Stas avra>v, Xeyei rtu dvdpanra' Ektcivov rrjv X ei P^ cov. Kal e£ereive, /cat b dne- KaTeo-radr/" r) ^eip avrov c " . 6 /cat e|eA- Qbvres ol $aptcraIot ev&eais peril tu>v 'HpwStafojf o-vpfjovkiov endow /car avrov, ottcos avrov aTroAeo~a>o~i. 7 Kal 6 , \r)o-ovs A dvex^pr]o-e perdrcbv padrjroyv avrov" e npbs" n)v 6d\ao-o-av' Kal 7roAi> TrXrjdos dnb rtjs TaXiXaias f rjKoXovdrjaav" 8 aiirw," zeal anb rrjs 'loucWas, 8 zeal oVo 'lepoo-o\vpu>v, zeal dwb rijs 'iSoupat'as, zeal irepav rov Iop- 8dvov Kal ol irepl Tvpov Kal StScova, rrkrjdos 7roAu, aKovcravres bara eiroiei, rfkOov Tvpas avrov. s Kal elire rots fia- Qrjrals avrov, 'iva Trkoidpiov Trpoo-Kapreprj avrco, Sta rbv 6'^Aof, Iva pi] 6Xtj6a>o'LV avrov. 10 ttoXXovs yap edepdnevo'ev, coare emTriTrreiv avru>, Iva avrov aycov- rat, oaoi el^ov pdariyas' Kal rd Ttvevpara ra aKadapra, brav aiirbv e6ed>- pei, irpoaeTnirrev avro), Kal e/cpa£e, At- ■yofra' "Ort o~v el 6 vibs rov Qeov. Kal ttoAAci eirerlpa avrois, Iva pz) '' (pavepbv avrov " Tronio~a>o~i. 13 Kal dvafiaivei els to 6'pos, zeal irpoo~- zcaAftrat otis fjBeXev avros' zeal a7rr]\6ov Trpbs aliTov. 14 zeal eiroi-qcre ScoSezca, Ifa cocrt per atrotJ, zeal \va diroo-reXkr) av- rovs Krjpvcro-eiv, li Kal e^eiv e^ovcriav Bepaireveiv ras foaovs, zeal eK/SdAAetf ra 8aipovia' lfi '" zeal eWtfrj/ce rco Stpco^t B Rcc. R\ft/-at. tj R €C . rv> airatartoraOri. c R^ r . ;utj t.ynjs, 0,5 ij aXX^. d Gb. ftlra tcov paS. uwt, afei'Mpior:. o cn: — . Gb. fit. f ^J Tinn\m 8ijoev. % ' aiirai, ^ i)KO\oi'&ijnav avrta. I] tt>-c. avrov pavtpif i ^1 TTfJiurni/ Siiiwi'a. a Or, bliuduess. ft Or. n KATA MAPKON. 89 Mark III. 31. ovopa HiTpoV l7 Kal 'la/cco/3oi> tov tov Peter. ]? And James the son of Ze8e8aiov, Kal 'ladvviiv tov uSeXdjov tov z «»>edee, and John the brother > , -, v > '/i >' - > / ot James (and he surnamed laKcopou* (cat iTreUtjKev avrois ovofiara them Boanerges, which is. The Boavepyes,o eaTiv,vlol BpovTtis' ls Kal sons ot thunder.) 13 And > . t> a ^ Andrew, and Philip, and Bar- Avdpeav,Kai QiXinirov, mi BapOoXo- t!jolu , llew , and Matthew, and palov, Kal Mardalov, Kal Qwpdv, Kal Thomas, and James the «o» of 'luKcopov tov Toil ' AXchalov, Kal 6aS- *JP ta ™ '■ an , d Thaddaeus and ^ „ ' v , , ' ', 1Q Simon the (.anaanite, la and Oaiov, /cat StjLtcofa tov KavaviTTjV, 1J /cat Judas Iscariot, which also lovSav , laKcipiu>T7]v, os Kal Trapiba>K€V betrayed him: avTOV. Kat epxovTai els oikov' 20 Kat crvvep- And they went" into an house. YSTai irdXiv ovXos, mare uri diivaadai '" And the multitude cometh > , / /, , - / together again, so that thev OVTOVS (lyre aproy q>ayeiv. - 1 Kat aKov- cou i d not so much as eat bread cravres ol Trap' avTOV i^rjXdov KpaTijaai *' And when his £ friends heard ' ' . "\ i . "r\ '£' 22 t- v of it, thev went out to lav hold nvTOv eAeyov yap Oti efecrrn. " Kat -L ,'■ „ v , u J ■,, '„',',,, b N ' on him, tor they said, He is i i ypappaTeis oi a-n o lepocroXvpoiv Ka- beside himself. " " And the rafidvres eXeyoV "Oti BeeXCeSovX ever scribes which came down from , „_ , ' . „ - «. ' Jerusalem, said, He hath Beel- Kai- ^ On ev tg> apxovTlTiov baipoviwv zebuh, and by the prince of the eKjUdXXei to. Saipovia. " 3 Kal irpoo-Ka- devils, casteth he out devils. \ ' > > > a \ - v\ 2i And he called them unto Xeo-apcvosavToys, ev napaJoXais e\eyev hini] an( , sai d unt0 them in pa _ avTols Jluis ovvcitui Sarafas Haravav rabies, How can Satan cast «e/3dXAew; 24 /cat eav BaaiXeta ed> out Satan? w and if a king- r , n- ■> 5.' /i- ' e dum oe divided against it.--el!, eavTijv pepio-&rj, ov dvvaTai a-radqvai r; that kingdom cannot stand. jdaaiXela eKeivr)' " h Kal idv oIkiu eqj "* Alld '*" a house be divided > n~ > » ' /i- f against itself, that house cannot eavTrjV pepio-or), ov ovvarai aTaoqvat rj s t an( i oIkui €K€lVr)' 26 Kat el 6 2aTavas avea-n] e eayrov 28 And if Satan r ; se up a?ainst Km pcpepicrTai, ov 8vvaTai aTadrjvai, himself, and be divided, he dXXd TtXos evei. ' 27 a ovdels dvvaTai" ?- an " 01 stand ' but ha , th atl f nd - , , _A „ , , \ "No man can enter into a TU o-Kfvrj tov lo~xvpov, eio-eX8a>v eiSTTjV strong man's house, and spoil oIkluv avTov, diapndo-ai, iuv wn ttjjwtov llis 8"' jds - exce P l he "'■' l TSt ■, ) , s.' \ / < » i hind the strong man, and then Toy co-xvpov bi]o-jj, Kai tots tt)v oiKiav he vnill spoil his house. ffi Ve- avTov 5tap7racrft. 2S d/x^f Xe'yco w/nti/, rily I say unto you, All sins •» _ ' > j a' h > f ' shall he forgiven unto the sons OTtnuvraafpcdrio-erai tii apapjrjpaTa of men , & blasphemies , „, u ., t .. Tots viols tu)V avupumav' , /cat e at" ftXaa- with soever they shall blas- (prjulai oo-as civ 8Xao-(br l u.no-ao-iV ' 9 os P, he, " e : M blU he \ hat ^ l !> * r>\ _il ' ' ' T-r v blaspheme against the Holy av pXao-va," ness, but is in danger of eter- •,nn> « , ■, ■, , „ / ,, nal damnation. 30 Because a, e ™X°* tv™ aiaviov Kpiaeas they sakl> He hath an unclean Oti eXeyov' Ilvevna aKaOapTov e^et. spirit 31 "EpxovTai ovv ' rj piJTTjp avTOV Kal 31 There came then his a I*.. ■■. ov '"'M7ai ot Jf t f . b Gb. t. vh. r. a^Sp. ra aaap. c Roc. — » d — » f <^J a : .apTr)-j.a.To$, 1 Il«c ot a&t>df"t vat 7] firjrrjp avrov, a Of, home. £ Or, kinsmen. Mark III. 32. brethren, and his mother, and standing without, sent unto him, calling him. 3i And the multitude sat about him and they said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren with- out seek for thee. 3i And he answered them, saying, Who is my mother, or my brethren ? 34 And he looked round about on them which sat about him, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren. 35 For who- soever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sifter, and mother. 4. And he began again to teach by the sea side: and there was gathered unto him a grt-at multitude, so that he entered into a ship, and sat in the sea: and the whole multitude was by the sea on the land. 2 And he taught them many things by parables, and said unto them in his doctrine, 3 Hearken, Be- hold, there went out a sower to sow : 4 and it came to pass as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and the fowls of the air came, and devoured it up. 5 And some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth: and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth. 6 But when the sun was up, it was scorched, and be- cause it had no root, it withered away. 7 And some-fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up, and choked it, and it yielded no fruit 8 And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up, and increased, and brought forth some thirty, and some sixty, and some an hundred. 9 And he said unto them, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. 90 EYAITEAION oi ddeX' l8ov, t] pr/rr/p aov Kal oi d8eX5es, ottov ovk ei^eyr/v ttoX- Xr)v' Kal ev6iu>s ii^avereiXe, 8td rb pr) e')(etv ftdGos yr/s' 6 tjXlov 8e dvarelXav- ros iKavparladrj, Kal 8td rb prj i'x fLV pi£av i^r/pavdr). ' /cat aXXo erreo'ev els ' ras" aKavdas' /cat dvifir/o-av ai aKavdai, Kal avvenvi^av avrb, Kal Kapirbv ovk e8aKe. 8 Kal ciXXo enecrev els rrjv yrjv rrjv koXtjv' Kal i8l8ov Kaprrbv dvaftal- ;(pepev 10 And when he was alone, they that were about him, with the twelve, asked of him the parable. " And he said unto vovra /cat b av^avovra , /cat e rpiaKovra, /cat h iv" e^rjKovra, /cat " ev" eKarov. 9 Kat eXeyev'"' 'O e\o>v 2>ra aKoveiv d/coue'ra). Ore oe eyevero Karapovas, rjpcorr)- o~av avrov oi rrepl avrov o~vv rois 8a>- 8eKa ttjv TrapafioXi'jv. u /cat eXeyev b Rec. & Gb. am. — Gb. dp c csj tovs kvkX™. d * .I'-e. add rov orpavov. i liec. add oiptoij. t Gb KATA MAPKON. 91 avrols' 'Yplv 8e8oTai *-yv5>vai" to (iv* OTrjpiov rrjs j3aaiXelas tov Qeov' eKei- vois 8e toIs e£a>, ev napafioXals to. iravra yiveraC u iva fiXeTrovTes /3AeVa>crt, Kal fir) i8coo~i" Kal aKovovres aKovcoai, Kal pi] (rvviaxTi' fj.r]7roT€ eVtcrrpe'^cocri, Kal ucpedrj avTols b ra dpapTrjpaTa." la Kal Xeyei avTols' OvKo'idare tt)v ivapafioXrjv ravTqv ; Kal iras woo-as Tas 7rapa(3oXas yvcocreo'Qe ; 14 6 oireipcov tov Xoyov anetpet. 15 ovtol 8e elaiv ol Trapa rfjv 686v, ottov aneipeTai 6 Xoyos, Kal orav aKovamciv, evdecos ep^erai 6 Saravas Kai aipei tov Xoyov tov ecrnappevov c ev TaTs Kap8iais avTcav." 16 Kal ovto'i elaiv opoioos ol em, ra TreTpajSr/ crneipopevoi, oi, orav aKovcrcocri tov Xoyov, evdeus peTa ^apaj Xapftdvovaiv avTov, 17 Kal ovk '4)(ovcn pi£av ev eavTois, dXXd irpocr- Kaipoi elcriv eira yevopevrjs 6Xi\j/ea>s r\ 8icoypov 8ia tov Xoyov, evdeas crKav- 8aXl£ovrai. 18 Kal d ovtoi elaiv" ol els Tas aKavdas o~ireip6pevoi, e ovtoi elaiv" ol tov Xoyov ' aKovovTes," 19 Kai al pi^ piy-vai tov aicovos s tovtov," Kal t] dwciTr) tov ttXovtov, ko.1 al Trepl to. Xonra iiu- 6vp'iai elo-itopevopevai avpirviyovo-i tov Xoyov, Kal aKapnos ylvtTai. ' 20 Kal ovtol elcriv ol €7rl ttjv yi)v ttjv KaXrjv o-irapev- Tes, oWives ukovovcti tov Xoyov Kal irapa8i)(0VTai, Kal KcipTro(popovo~iv, h ev" TpiaKovTa, Kal " ev" itjrjKovTa, Kal h ev" iKaTOV. 21 Kal eXeyev avTols' MrjTi 6 Xv^vos ep^erai, iva viro tov p68tov TeOf) rj inro ttjv kXivtjv ; ov% Iva «ri tt/v Xv)(viav emTeor) ; ov yap eo-Ti ti KpvivTOv, k 6 eav prj" (pavepwdj)' ov8e eyevero aTTOKpv(pov, dXX' 'iva els (pavepov e'Xdrj. ~ e%ei coTa uko- ' eXeyev avTols' 93 ft tis e%ei a>ra aKoveiv, a/coverco. 24 Kal eXeyev avTols' BXeireTe t'i Mark IV. 24. them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the king- dom of God : hut unto them that are without, all these things are done in parahles: B that seeing they may see, and not perceive, and hearing they may hear, and not understand, lest at any time they should be eon- verted, and their sins should be forgiven them. 13 And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will you know all parables ? 14 The sower soweth the word. I5 And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown, but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, & laketh away the word that was sown in their hearts. "> And these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground, who when they have heard the word, im- mediately receive it with glad- ness: " and have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward when af- fliction or persecution ariseth for the word's sake, immedi- ately they are offended. Is And these are they which are sown among thorns: such as hear the word, la and the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruit- ful. 2U And these are they which are sown on good ground, such as hear the word, and re- ceive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred. 21 And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put un- der a bushel, or under a bed ? and not to be set on a candle- stick ? ri For there is nothing hid, which shall not be mani- fested: neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad. " If any man have ears to hear, let him hear. 24 And he said unto them, Take l.rmui-*' 1 — • t CV t aj ev avroij. g Gb. qid. d Gb. aAXot tutiy h oj iv ttr. i • I ovroi **ff*i' e Eli. ora. k. V CUV yij (8 (t /iv '>■■*..-' a Mark IV. 25. heed what you hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be treasured to you: and unto you that, hear, shall more be give). 25 For he that hath, to him shall be given : and lie that hath not, from him shall be taken, even that which he hath. - u And he said, So is the king- dom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground, - and should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring, and grow up, he knoweth not how. '-» For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself, first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. '•'■> But when the fruit is °- brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come. 30 And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God ? or with what comparison shall we compare it ? •>' It is like a grain of mustard seed: which when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in the earth. 3 ' 2 But when it is sown, it groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out great branches, so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it. 33 And with many such para- bles spake he the word unto them, as they were able to hear it. - 14 But without a parable spake he not unto them, and when they were alone, he ex- pounded all things to his disci- ples. 35 And the same day, when the even was come, he sailh unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side. 3i; And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him, even as he was in the ship, and there were also with him other little snips. 3; And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. 3S And he was in the hinder part of the 92 EYAITEAION aKovere. ev co perpep perpe'iTe, perprjd}]- crercu vplv, a Kal 7rpocrTe0i]creTai vplv toIs aKovovcriv ' " 25 os yap civ i'xUt 8od>](reT(U avTco' Kai os ovk e'xei, Kal ° %X (l dpdqo-erai drr avrov. - B Kal eXeyev' Ovrcos ecrriv rj /3aert- Xela rod Qeov, cos euv civdpconos fidXij tov enrdpov ejri rtjs yrjs, 27 xal Kadev8>] Kal eyeiprjTai vvKra Kal ijpepav, /cat 6 enropos (jXacrravr] Kal b prjKvvrjTca cos ovk olbev avrds. 2S avropdrrj yap" rj yrj Kapirocpopel, ivpcorov ^oproi/, eira crrdxvv, eira irXrjprj crirov ev tg~> crra^ui'. 29 Lrav be Trapabco 6 Kapirbs, evdecos cmociTeXXei to bpeiravov, ori TrapearrjKev 6 Bepicrpos. M Kal e Xeye' c Tiv i" opoicocrcopev ri)v [3acriXelav rod Qeov; i) ev Tvoia irapafioXjj TrapajddXcopev avrr)v ; 31 cos d kukkov" aivdnecos, os, orav cnrapfi eirl rtjs yijs, " pLLKpOTepOs" TTCIVTCOV TCOV CTTTeppUTCHV ecrrl tcov eiri rrjsyr]S' 3 " Kal orav enraprj, avaftaivei, kcu. yiverai iravrcov tcov Xci- Xavcov ' fielCcov ," Ka\ iroiel KXdbovs pe- ydXovs, coare bvvao~6ai vnb ttjv ctkiciv avrov to. Tvereivd tov ovpavov KaTaarKrj- vovv. 3,1 Kai ToiavTais napa[Bo\als ^TroXXals" e)\d\€i avTols tov Xoyov, Ka6a>s rjSvvavro ciKoveiv' 3i X a) / Jts ' ^ irapafioXrjs ovk eXdXei avrols' /car' Ibiav be rots padrjTals avrov e'rre'Xve irdvra. 3o Kal Xeyec avrois ev eKeivj] rf/ i]pepa oyjslas yevope'vrjs' AieXBcopev els to irepav. 35 Kal d(pevTes tov oxXov, napa- Xapjidvovcriv avTov cos rjv ev tco ttXolco' kcu aXXa 8e h TrXoidpia" r)v per avrov. 3/ Kal yiverai XaiXa^jy dvepov peydXtj' To. 8e Kvpara eTrefiaXXev els to ttXo'lov, corrT'e avro /jorj yepiQecroai. Kai t/v avros eirl" Ttj Trpvpvr) eVl to ivpoo-- a Gb. oir .^O IL6L ^ ro fi.r]:crivr)7 at. 'Gj ovk v. g — * h Gb. JrXota i not) yti^^taOai to jrAoioi\ k ex;— .Gb. en a Or, n|ie. KATA MAPKON. &3 Mark V. 12. icedidXaiov KadevdcoV Kai dieyeipovaiv ship asleep em a pillow: and , , \ -> < _> -. a,^,',^^^."X, thev awake him, and sav unto avrov, km Xeyovaiv avra AicWJcaXe, ^ MmIWj ^ thou not> oi> peXei o~oi on aTToXXvpfOa ; Kcu that we perish ? 39 And he cWp& ic eWt'unrre; rc.3 dwW«a! fftW arose, and rebuked the wind, „ '.". , n , ' , / T . v and said unto the sea, Peace, T>j daAacrcr]]- 2ia>7ra, Tretpt/xcocro. Kat be stl -vt. an(1 the wind ceased, eKOTrciCTiV 6 livspos, Kai eyevero yaXijvr] and there was a great calm. /^ m \ f > - . t" js \ ' 40 And he said unto them. Whv fieyaXrj.^ Kai ewrw avrots Tt tVtAot are ye so fearfw ? how is jt that ecrre a ouTca ; Trcoy ovk' e^ere Tricrriv; you have no faith? ■*' And they 41 Kai MoBfidwav dfiov piyav, Kai feared exceedingly, and said one J i , ' ', ' , ' , V« ' •? / to another, What manner ot man /Xeyov irpos aXXijXovs' Ttc apa ovros j s thi-, that even the wind and itrnv, on Kai 6 avep-os Kai l) 6d\ao-cra the sea obey him ? iinaKovovcnv avrm ; 5. Kai h fjXdov " fls to rrepav rrjs 5. And they came over unto 6aXdao- f , rf S r)r yAp» rS„ • Fabapr,- £ *£-. - «--£• i/a>i». " Kai et;iX8ovn auras ck tov a And when he was come out ttXo'iov, eiidias annvrnaev aiVco en rwv of the ship, immediately there , n A » ' ' '' /I' raet h' m out of the tombs, a p.vi]peioov avdpomos ev rrvevpan aKaVap- man wjth an unclean spir i ti TO), 3 OS TilV KaroiKT]0~lV tlx ev iv ro 'S 3 who had his dwelling among el ' ' ." ,.„\ „."_, A\S,^rm„ „,',S,!<. the tombs, and no man could ixvmxacri Kai ovre aAvcre&iv ovoeis , . • ... , . ^ j*»'/fi»i" > 4 4 , , , , bind lum, no not with chains: rjovvaro avrov 0i]O-ai, * Ota to avrov i because that he had been often 7TO/\XaKtc Tre'Saic Kai dXvo-eca SfSecr&u, bound with fetters and chains, , ~ - /i <■ > > - - <\ ' and the chains had been plucked Kai bieo-rrao-Oai vtt avrov ras aAvcreis, asunder by him, and the fetters Ka\ rcis 7re'Say 0~vvrerpiCp8ai, Kai ovftels broken in pieces: neither could » \ i » '__.. a .,„": >*.„„.„, ,^\r. any man tame him. 5 And al- auroi' to'yi'e oaaaaai Kai oiarravros , . , , , ui/iu>- i U/ jwvu(».i/^ ^ j ^ ways night and day, he was in vu/crus Kai 1-jp.tpas ev rois e pv^paai Kai the mountains, and in the tombs, iv Tols opeo-iv" rjv Kpd(cov Kai Kara- crying, and cutting himself with t t \ v r /\ s tones. kotttcov eavrov Aioois. 6 'l8a>v 8e riiv 'lrjo-ovv 'otto" paKpodev, 6 But when he saw Jesus afar j/r v ' „> i 7 „* off, he came & worshipped him, e&papc Kai TTpoo-iKyv W evavry, < Kai . ^ aM wfth a ^ v0lce ; Kpd^as (p(x)vjj peyc'ikr] 8 etVe" " Tt e^tot and said, What have I to do Kai croi, 'ino-'oC, vie rod Geov roi v4ti- with thee, Jesus thou Son of , \y \ r. v ' A the most high God? I adjure o-rov ; opKiQa o-e rov Veov, prj pe ,3a- thee by God) ti , at thou torment aavio-ris. s ("EXf-ye yap avra>'"E^eX6e, me not. 8 (For he said unto , '~ i'. . > in ,l ~'/J,' him. Come out of the man, thou to nvevpa to OKadaprov « rov u^to- nB( £ !Mliplli t „ A nd he asked 7TOV.) 9 Kai €Trrjpa>ra avrov' Tt croi him. What is thy name? And ovoua : Kai " Xev« avra' " Aeyecbv he answered saying, My name „ ~ , „ -(\ ' ' ' in „ \ is Legion: tor we are manv. ovopa poi, on. rvoXKoi fapev. Kat io And he besought him much, TrapfKaAet avrov rroWa, iva ar) aiirovs tl'at be would not send them ■> i\ ./> - / away out of the country. aTToo-reiAri eta rris ycopac. / ' . n f TT »i i - i » » // ' <\ Now there was there men Hi/ be €Kei rrpos ra> opei ayeAr] U nto the mountains a great herd XOipoov k peyciAr] " ftoaKoptviy 12 fcai of swine, feeding. '- And ali a ^ oi.itm. — cn.out y ■> >a and the herd ran violently down e$eX0ovra ra -rrvevp-ara ra attaOapra a steep place into the sea (they elar)X6ov eis tovs xoipovs' Kai oipprjo-ev were about two thousand) and . , -x g^_ were choked in the sea. > 4 And ' ' ' . T , r r r ' , they that fed the swine fled, and AaaaaV " rjaav be cos Oto-^iAtof »cai told it in the city, and in the iirviyOVTO iv rrj Oakacrcrn. n ol be 86- country. And they went out to ' . , ', ' „ „, " v f , , see what it was that was done. CTKOvres e avrovs e(pvyov, Kai ^ air-qyyei- 15 And they come to Jesus, and Xav" els Trpi ttoXiv Kai eis tovs aypovs. see him that was possessed with s g >tz\6 0v » \^f lv T [ ^n to yeyovos' the devil, and had the legion, .. K \> , , , I J , sitting, and clothed, and in his Kai epxovrai ivpos tov Irycrow, Kai right mind : and they were Q ea >p Z - i T0V 8aipovi£6pevov KaOrjpevov h Kai " 'ip.ano-p.ivov Ka\ o~a>s iyevero rco 8aipovi£opevu, Ka\ nepi » And they began to pray him - X oi pav . V Ka \ fjpfiavTO wapaKaXelv to depart out of their coasts. , , A , r A „ , /' _ , , ' , _ 18 And when he was come into avTov aneXVeiv ano tcov opiav avrcov. the ship, he that had been pos- 18 Ka \ k ^RavTOS " avTov els to irXolov, sessed with the devil prayed m > » « » a « " » him that he might be with mm. TtapeKaXei^ avTov o8aipovicr6eis., ivarj 19 Howbeit Jesus suffered him uer' avrov. 19 ' Kai ovk" cKprjKev avrbv, "hornet SfyStfSl ten «&** ^« «*# >****. ^ T" them how great things the Lord crow wpos tovs (rovs, Kai avayyeiAov hath done for thee, and hath had avT0 ' ls 6'cra croi 6 Kvpios m irenoiriKe, " compassion on thee. i0 Andhe v »^ / / a i/ > ' -i zi v departed, and began to publish KClL 'yAeijcre ere. ^ Kai aivr)KVe Kai in Decapolis, how great things fjp£ciTO Kt]pvo-o-ftv iv Trj AeKa7r6Xei, ocra %Z d -f m t7J° Thim:aaAati ™>ipw <** o 'l W ovs- Kai ndvTes 21 And when Jesus was passed €0avpa£ov. over again by ship unto the 21 Ka J QiaTvepaaavTOS rov 'lrtaov iv other side, much people gath- ^ , , N r , > , 'a ered unto him, and he was nigh yw nXoito miAiv^ eis to nepav, o-vvr/x^n unto the sea. " And behold, oyXos ttoXvs in avTOV Kai rjv napa Tny there cometh one of the rulers a '\ 22 v n '* v " " „, ,f„ of the synagogue, Jairus by ^aXao-aav. ™ Kai idov, ep X ejai eis name, and when he saw him, tuiv apxio~vvayya>v, "ovopari laeipos, he fell at his feet, •" and be- Ka j ift^ avTov, ninrei irpbs tovs nobas sought him greatlv, saving, My , „, / ,.. r , , ^^ , little daughter lieth at the point avTov • M Kai TrapeKoAei avrov woAAa, of death, I pray thee come and XiyooV "Oti to Bvyarpiov pov e'cr^arcoy lav thv hands on her, that she v . * >\zi> ' zl~ '" » may be healed, and she shall W iva iX6o>v ^l6 It S avrjj Tas yeipw, live, w And Jesus went with p 07ra»s " 6fj Kai ^Tja€Tat. Kai a Rec. add wavTej. 1j ZX C Zj d Zj « Rec. tovj ^otpovy. f Rec. a»-irr/««^ a *'- 6 ^ »jX9oc, b -♦ 1 ZZ. k ev *n8a.it>Qv-os, 1 Rec. o U 'lijoouy ov*, in Kec. firotijc*. u ^ o — * p r^» *»v larpa)v, Kai 8aTravrjo-ao~a b Ta irap' avTr/s" iravra, Kai pr]8ev oi(pe- \r]8e~Lcra, dXXa pdXXov els to ^eipoi/ eXdovaa, ^ a/covcracra 7repl tov Irjo-ov, eXdovaa ev ray o'^Xco OTTioSev, rj^aro tov ipariov avTou' "* eXeye ydp' "On, Kav tu>v Iparicov avTov a\|/-co/mi, aa>6r]- aopai. ^ Kai ev6ea>s e'^jpavdr] rj Trrjyfj tov aiparos ovttjs, Kai eyvoi ra s 6 'ir/a-ovc emyvovs ev eavrui tt)v e£ avrov Bvvapiv e£eXdovo~av, emo-Tpa- (pels ev tco o'^Xw, eXeye ' Tic pov rj\\raTo rwv IpaTioov; Kai eXeyov aurco ol padr/ral avrov' BXeireis tov b)(Xov avv- OXl^ovrd o~e, Kai Xeyeis' Tis pov fj\jfaro; 32 Kai TrepiefiXeiveTO iSfif tt)v tovto troirjo-ao-av. 33 17 8e yvvr) (pof3r)deio~a Kai Tpepovaa, e iSuia o yeyovev en avrfj, rjXde Kai Trpoae'neaev avrto, Kai elnev avTco irdo-av tt)v dXr\6eiav. 3i 6 8e ehvev avTT)' Qvyarep, r) tt'iotis o~ov o~eo~o>Ke o~e' viraye els elpr/vTjv, Kai 'L0-Q1 vyir)s dnb ttjs pdo-Tiyos aov. 35 "En at>Tov XaXovvros, ep^ovrai anb tov dpxio~vvayd>yov, Xeyovres' On t] Bvydrrfp aov dneBave' ti en o~KvXXets tov 8i8daKaXov ; 36 'O 8e 'Irjaovs c ev- 6ta>s" aKovaas tov Xoyov XaXovpevov Xeyei to} dp^tavvayaiya' Mr) yov, Kai dea>pel dopvftov, e Kai" KXalovras ko.1 dXaXd^ov- TasTToXXd. 39 ko.1 elaeXdaiv Xeyei avrols' Mark V. 39. him, and much people followed him, and thronged him. 55 And a certain woman which had an issue of blood twelve years, ' iK and had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, '" when she had heard of Jesus, came in the press oehind, and touched his garment. is For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. S9 And straight- way the fountain of her blood was dried up : and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague. 30 And Jesus immediately knowing in him- self that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said. Who touched my clothes? 3I And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me? 3 -' And he looked round about to see her that had done this thing. 33 But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth. 34 And he said un- to her. Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole, go in peace, and be whole of thy plague. 35 While he yet spake, there came from the ruler of the syna- gogue's house, certain which said, Thy daughter is dead, why troublest thou the Master any further ? 3e As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe. 37 And he suffered no man to follow him, save Peter, and James, and John the bro- ther of James. 3B And he cometh to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and seeth the tu- mult, and them that wept and wailed greatly. 3 ' J And when he was come in, he saith unto them, * ^* b Re. i trap tavTT}^. Mark V. 40. Why make ye this ado, and weep? the damsel is not dead, bulsleepeth. 4l1 And they laugh ed him to scorn: but when he, had put them all out, he taketh tne father and the mother of the damsel, and them that were with him, and entereth in where the damsel was lying. 4i And betook the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha cumi, which is, being interpret- ed, Damsel (I say unto thee) arise. J - And straightway the damsel arose, and walked, for she was of the age of twelve years : and they were astonish- ed with a great astonishment. 43 And he charged them straitly, that no man should know it : and commanded thai something should be given her to eat. (i. And he went out from thence, and came into his own country, and his disciples follow him. a And when the sabbath day was come, he began to teach in the synagogue : and many hearing him, were astonished, saying, From whence hath this man these things ? and what wisdom is this which is given unto him, that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands? 3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James and .loses, and of Juda, and Simon ? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him. J Hut Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin. and in his own house. 5 And he could there do no might; work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed ihem. <" And he mar- velled because of (heir unbelief. And he went roundabout the village*, teaching. 7 And he calleth unto him the twelve, and began to send them forth, by two and two. and gave them power over unclean spii its, s and commanded them that they 96 EYAITEAION Tt dopvftelo-fle Kai KKctlere ; to iraib'iov ovk dnedavev, dXXd Kadevbei. 40 Kai Ka- TeytXiov avTov, 6 be eK/SaXow "■ttuvtus," TrapaXapfiavei rbv nurepa tov Traiblov Kai rhv prjTepa Kai tovs p-eT avrov, Kai elo-rropeverai orrov rjv to naibiov b dva- Kelpevov" , il Kai Kparrjo-as rrjs x eL posTOV Traibiov, Aeyet avrfj' TaXiOa, Kovpi' o eo'TipeBepprjvevopevov'ToKopdo'iov, (croi Xe'-yoj,) " eyeipe." 4J Kai evBe^s dvecrrr] to Kopdaiov Kcii Tvepiendrei, fjv yap ir&v ba>beKa' Kai e^eo-TTqaav eKCTTaaei peydXj], 43 Kai bieaTeiXaTO avTols 7roXXa, "iva prjoels yvio tovto' Kai eiire bodrjvai avTrj (jxiyelv. 6. Kai it;rjX6ev eKeWev, Kai rjXdev els TrjV irarpiba avrov' Kai aKoXovdovcriv avra> ol pa$rjral avrov. 2 Kai yevop-evov craj3j3drov, rjp^aro ev rrj o-vvaycoyfj bi- bdo~KeiV Kai "* rroXXol aKovovres e£e- 7r\r]o-o-ovTO, Xeyovres' UdSev tovtoi rav- Ta ; Kai rls tj aocpia i) boQeicra avra>, e " kuI bvvdpeis roiavrai bid rcov -^eipuiv avrov ylvovrai ; 3 ov% oi/rds e'criv 6 TiKTuiv, 6 vios M apt as, ' dbeXcpds be" laKaiftov Kai Iojo"// Kai Iouoa Kai 2t- pcovos ; Kai ovk elo~lv at dbeXcpal avrov (obe TTpbs rjpds; Kat eo~KavbaXl£ovTO ev avTO). 4 eXeye be avTols 6 'irjaovs' "On ovk ecrri Trpopas kvkXo> bibd- ctkcov. 7 Kai npoo-KaXe'iTai tovs bcobeKa, Kai fjp^aro uvtovs dTrocrTe'XXeiv bvo bvo, Kai ebibov avTo'is e^ovaiav tcqv nvevpd- to)v to)v aKaddpTcov. 8 Kai irapi^yyeiXev a RfC. awavr '• Gb\ vai aisXifios. KATA MAPKON. 97 Mark VI. 20. al/TOis, iva prjbev aipaxriv els odov, el pi) should take nothing for their pd/3bov pdvov pn wpav, an aprov, pr, J uu ™ e y- save a staff only : no r , , JT, n ' , lr „ C^(. \ I C scrip, no bread, no money in eis Tqv {mvnv x^XkoV "■ aAA vnobebe- their purse: » but be shod with pevovs a-avhdXia- Kai tin a evdvano-de" sandals: and not put on two <\' - in v i\ i - i n coats. 10 And he said unto them, bvo xircovas. Kai eXeyev avjoir Otvov , n what place soever ye enler ' eav eiaeXOnre els oiKiav, eKel peveTe ews into an house, there abide till ye uv e^dnre eKeWev. u Kai Bcroi av ph ^Part from that place. "And <..<.^ ', „ 5,v , / , r ' whosoevershall not receive you, Ot^ ' « i _ • >a ' * healed them. uppaxTTOvs Kiu eoepajrevov. 4 Kat rJKOVcrev 6 j3aaiXevs 'Hpd>br]s, l4 And king Herod heard of {(bavepov yap eyevero to ovopa avTov,) h \ m < f ? r , n» name was spread ' c "\ ii'iri 't ' (a if abroad:) and he said that John Kai ekeyev- ^ On laavvns o panTiQwv the Baptist was risen from the e< venpoiv rjyepdr], Kai bid tovto evep- dead > and therefore mighty . - ' a ' ' ' - ii»,\\ works do shew forth themselves ■yovcriv ai bvvapeu ev avTco. l3 AXXoi in him . u others said, That it is " be' eXeyov' On HAtac en-Tiv. "AXXoi Klias. And others said, That it be eXeyov "On npoch^Tris eanv, e " &s is a P T ? phe h ° r ™ u one ° f lh 5 ? „ ' , „ ir> ' s.wc 7 prophets. «> But when Herod eisTa>v7rpo(pr)Ta)v. w AKOvcrasbe o Hpco- heard thereof, he said, It is ($77? ftTW f "Oti" ov eyo> dneKedidXiaa John - whom l beheaded, he is - risen from the dead. •» lwavvrjv, ovtos -qyepOrj eK veKpcov. ' Avtos yap 6 'Hpaibr/s dnoo-TeiXas eKpuTrjcre tov lwdvvrjv, Ka\ebr)o~ev avTov ci, ' " rf,, ,> r, ^« S.A 'u» .^. CS„ ! I? For Herod himself had sent e^ vaiKa QiXnviTOv tov abeXcpov avTov, oti and bound him in prison for ai/TTiv iydpr,o-ev. 18 eXeye yap 6 'icodv- H u e . r , odias ' J a] i e > , his , brother - y ' Jf. 1 Philip's wife, for he had mar- vps rw ^ Hpabrj^ On ovk egeaTi trot ried her. i" For John had said e'xeiv tt/v yvvalKa tov dbeXd)ov aov. unt0 Herod, It is not lawful for •9 'VI ^^ 'tj„ J^. v ' " ' - < thee to have thy brother's wife. „,. H be , Hpo,8tas f ^t X e^ aurw, jK at , 9 Therefore n y eroilias had . a rjaeXev avTov anoKTeivai' Kai ovk rjbv- quarrel against him, and would varo. 20 6 yap 'HpcoSny e'choBe'iro tov have ,^!! ed t h t im - b " 1 shc , ^°" ld not. 20 j. or Herod feared John, i]Kove. gladly. " K/ S I'll. !„'..»„!)«,, bob. mi. « .-^i iltyo,. e Ret. jj,l .,. f— g: b .(pt. o— oj farti-, awrof. cv'awTos-. i Rec. add rp. a Or, an inward grudge. ? Or, kept hitn.vr, sayed hia Mark VI. 21. 21 And when a convenient day was come, that Herod on his birthday made a supper to his lords, high captains, and chief estates of Galilee: *• and when the daughter of the said Herodias came in, and danced, and pleased Herod, and them that sat with him, the king said unto the damsel, Ask of me whatsoever thou wilt, and I will give it thee. S3 And he sware unto her, Whatsoever thou shalt ask of me, I will give it thee, unto the half of my kingdom. 24 And she went forth, and said unto her mother, What shall 1 ask ? And she said, The head of .lohn the Baptist. 23 And she came in straightway with haste, unto the king, and asked, saying, I will that thou give me by and by in a charger, the head of John the Baptist. 2G And the king was exceeding sorry, yet for his oath's sake, and for their sakes which sat with him, he would not reject her. 27 And immediately the king sent ° an executioner, and commanded his head to be brought, and he went, and beheaded him in the prison, J8 and brought his head in a charger, and gave it to the damsel, and the damsel gave it to her mother. i9 And when his disciples heard of it, they came and took up his corpse, and laid it in a tomb. 30 And the apostles gathered themselves together unto Jesus, and told him all things, both what they had done, and what they had taught. 31 And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while. For there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat. M And they departed Into a desert place by ship privately. 98 EYAITEAION 21 Kai yevopewjs rjpepas evKaipov, ore 'Hpoobrjs rols yeveoiois avrov be'nrvov enolei rols peyiardcriv avrov Kai rols xi\idpx<>is Kai rols rrparois rr/s Ta\i- \alas, 22 Kai el&ikaov&tfs rfjs Bvyarpbs avrfjs rrjs 'Hpabidbos, Kai dpxrjo-apemjs, kcu dpecrdcrr]s tg> 'HpcoSfl Kai rols crvv- avaKeipevois, eiirev 6 fiacrtXevs t<5 Kopa- crla>' A'trrjcrov pe o edv BeXrjs, Kai Sa>tra) cra> crol, ecos rjpiarovs rijc [BacriXeias pov. 24 'H be e^eXBovaa eiire rfj prjrpi avrrjs' Tt aiTTjcropai ; 'H be fine' Trjv KecpaXrjv 'loidvvov rov ftaTTTicrTov. Kai elaeXdovaa h ev6ea>s" perd cnrovbrjS irpbs rov ftacrikea, jjrrjaaro, Xeyovcra' Oe\a> ha poi ba>s e^avrrjs eVri ttlvoki ttjv Kf- (paXrjv 'icodwou rov fiarrTicrTov. 26 Kai 7repi\vnos yevopevos 6 (3ao~i\evs, bid rovs opKovs ku\ rovs crvvavaKeipevovs ovk r)6i\rjcrev avrfjv dderfjcrai. * Kai evdems dnocrTeiXas 6 ftaaikeiis cmeKov- Xdrapa eirera^ev evex6r]vai T h v Ke( t >a ~ \r)v avrov. ^ 6 be arre\6u>v direKeCpd- \icrev avrov ev rfj - Kev avrrjv rco Kopacria' Kai to Kopacriou ebcoKev avri)v rfj prjrpi avrrjs. 9 Kai aKovcravres oi padrjrai avrov rj\6ov, Kai r/pav to Trrwpa avrov, Kai i'OrjKav avro ev pvrjpeiat. 30 Kai trwayoirat ol aTvoo~ro\oi 7rpos rov 'lricrovv, Kai dnijyyeiXav avr yap oi ep~ ■^opevoi Kai ol (mdyovres 7roXXoi, Kai oiibe (bayelv rivKalpovv. 32 Kai dnrfKBov eis eprjpov roirov rto nAoia Kar toiav. Or, one of his guard. KATA MAPKON. 99 Mark VI. 46. 33 Kat etSof avrovs xmayovras a ", Kai M And the people saw them firtyvoaav b avrov" TroXXoi' Kal 7Te« departing and many knew him , I , ,_ s *' and ran afoot thither out of all airo Tracrcov raiv iroXecov o-vveopapov cities, and outwent them, and c eKet" d Kat nporjX6ov avrovs, Kal aw- came together unto him. :»And -x A v > / // 34 v >> \ /i v ?» Jesus when he came out, saw r)X6ov irpos avrov. m /cat e§eA6W eibev much pe ople, and was moved e 6 'It/ctovc" ttoXvv ox^ov, Kal ecrrrXay- with compassion toward ihem, i a > > > ' " >_„ i _ . '/Q„_„ because they were as sheep not Xwo-ftj €77 avTOKtOTipvop asTTooPara having a / hepherd . an £ he pf] e%ovra iroifieva' Kairjp^aro OiodaKeiv began to teach them many avrovs Ti-oAXd. thin S s - 35 Kai 7'Sr? upas TroXXijs yevoptvrjs, 35 And when the day was now 7rpoo-eX#dy(D eat. 37 He answered and said airoKpiffeis einev avrois' &ore avrois unto t h em , Give ye ihem to vuels (bayeiv. Kal Xtyovaiv avra>' 'A7T- eat. And they say unto him, -> a ' ' ' e-* „' .'.»_..„ Shall we go and buy two hun- eXdovres ayopavvpev S^vapiuvo-iaKO- AveA pen B nyworth J of breadj cricov" aprovs, Kal dcopev avrois (payeiv ; and give them to eat ? M He 38 'O Se Xey« avrois- ILoo-ovs aprovs ^ th u ° t0 them - How F 1 ^ „ , , ' h v„ »s, T , v r , loaves have ye? go, and see. e^ere; wrayere " Kai tOere. Kai yvov- And when they knew, they say, rec Xtyovai ■ Uevre, Kal 8vo IvOvas. Fiv e, and two fishes. 39 And he m„ i ' / » » - 5 •> - / commanded them to make all Kat enera^fv avrois avaKXivai navras sit down by companies upon avpTVOcria o-vpTToaia eVl rco xka>pa> X°P~ tne green grass. i0 And they sat rco. « Kai cWVeaw Trpao-ta'i Trpacnat >a g^^W^TfeSd eKarov Kai ava irevrrjKOVra. Kai Xa- taken the five loaves, and the Boiv rovs irevre aprovs Kal tovs 8io two fishes, he looked up to hea- i/i» > m /i > > i \ > ven, and blessed, and brake the iXVvas, avafiXtyas eis rov ovpavou, ev- loaves> and gave thera t0 his Xdyr)a■€• Kat KareKXacre tovs ciprovs, Kal disciples to set before them ; 'js'js ' n ' ~ *„_ „„„„ and the two fishes divided he eSiSov tois padrjrais avrov,^ iva irapa- among them a „ a And they uoiaiv avrois' Kal tovs ovo i^dvas epe- did all eat, and were filled. picre Kdai. • Kai t'fayov ndvres, Kal ^d theyjook up^tweh. fXOprao-drjo-aV ™ Kai rjpav KXaa-parav and of the fishes. « And they ScoSeKa Kocblvovs nXnpeis, Kal airo rmv that did eat of the loaves, were i/i' i[ i ) ' a. ' v about five thousand men. iX&vcjv. Kai rjaav oi (payovres rovs aprovs s " TvevraKio-xiXioi. avdpes. ^ « An d straightway lie con- 45 Kat ev6ea>s rjvdyKacre rovs padrjras strained his disciples to get into avrov ^ V ai eh to kXoiov k^ npod- ^^ e ^\XZV^X y(iv etc to nepav irpos Brjocraioav, ecos while he sent away the people. ovtoc diroXia-r, rov o X Xop. 4S Kal " 6 And when he had sent them » Itec. add o. o t Xo. l> Gb. om. c «« iXSo^ «««.. d Gb.oB. « Gb. om. I *. n""! t. «.,.„. ' g Rec J.a«o eis to tain to pray. opos Trpoaev^aadai. « And when even was come, ^ 47 Kai ojrias yevopevr/s, rjv ™ wXoiov the ship was in the midst of the ep ueViB rt)S 6aXdo~o-rjs, Kai avros povos sea, and he alone on the land. > v - * ~ 43 \ **_, „>*,„ »,,,„.„ « And he saw them toiling in «» T 1, s W*', * ai " 6 f auT ° w P?™; rowing (for the wind was con- vi^opevovs cv to) eAaweiv' rjv yap o trary unto them:) and about % ve nos evavrios avrols' KCU ireol rerdp- the fourth watch of the night, ' , N v v „ ' , he cometh unto them, walking rr)v CpvXaKT]V ri)s vvktos ep^erai Trpos upon the sea, and would have avroiis, TtepiTrarcov eiri Trjs daXdao-rjs' passed by them. 49 But when \ >,a -. \ a - > ' 49 ' £* They saw him walking upon the ? a < 9& Xe jraptXdeiv avrovs. J 01 de sea, they supposed it had been idovres avTOV Trepmarovvra e7Tt rrjS a spirit and cried out. " (For fl^g.™- eootjav (buvTaaua ehai, KO.I they all saw him, and were , , - ui / \ > > ■?& troubled) and immediately he aveKpagav' ° iravres yap avrov flOov, talked with them, and saith Ka v t erapdvdno-av. Kai evdeoos eAdX^cre unto them, Beofgoodcheer.it > > - « s / > - . Q _ - . is I, be not afraid. « And he Vf\ avro>v,Kai Xeyei avrois Gapcretre went up unto them into the iyio etpi, pr] selves beyond measure, and o avepos' Kai a Aiaj/ " e/c Trepicrcrov ev wondered. « For they con- e r al ,ro7e itiarTavro, c Kai idavpatov." sidered not Me miracle of the =0 , , - . > \ » ■? loaves, for their heart was har- ov yap avvpKav em tois aprois i)V dened. y a p d avrmv rj Kapdia" Tre7riopoopivr]. 53 And when they had passed 53 £ a * oia7re p ao - a vr(S riXdov enl rnv over, they came into the land ._, > ' \ 'A of Gennesaret, and drew to the W TevrfcrapeT, Kai irpo(rv avrcov e/c rov ttXolov, come out of the ship, straight- ->n- > / _ „> \„ 55 „,„,*„„ way they knew him, - and ran ev ? t0 > s ™iyvovres avrov, _ irepibpa- through that whole region round povres oXrjv ri]V irepix^pov eKeivrjv, ijp- about and began to carry about t avT0 e7r \ r0 ~ ls K paBBaTOlS TOVS KaKus in beds, those that were sick, J, . , ' „ „ « where they heard he was. 56 And ex 0VTas Trepupepeiv, onov ijkovov on whithersoever he entered, into e ' K€ t iaTl. s6 Kai ottov av (lo-eTTopevero villages, or cities, or country, ■> 1 * /-, < 1 < > they laid the sick in the streets! 6 , ls K ^ a f V TroXeis rj aypovs, ev rate and besought him that they dyopals iridovv rovs dadevovvras, Kai might touch if it were but the mpeK ^ 0VV avT0V \ va Ka v c ^. him the Pharisees, and certain <\ Kat crwayovTai Trpos avrov 01 4>a- of the scribes, which came from piaaioi, Kai rives tSjv ypappareuv, tX- sarste^At^dircSs^t ««« « 'UooavKif** 2 Kai Bfrm bread with ^defiled (that is to rtfa? ra>v padqruiv avrov Koivais X f P°" l > say, with unwashen) hands they TO fa' ^rti/ dviirrois, eoSiovras aprovs""' found fault. 3 tor the Phan- o , , v , - % / t> T sees and all the Jews, except («* y a P *a/jicraioi /cat Trai/res 01 Ioi/- they wash their hands r oft, eat oa'101, iav pi) irvyprj vtyoyvrai rds ftelpas, a — » b — > c ^J d R ec . & Gb. tj > {a i > » A> ' from the market, except they eau p.1] liaiTTia-covTac, OVK eo-Oiovo-C Kai wash, they eat not. And many aAAa rroXXd ia-Tiv a irapeXafiov Kparfiv, otn er things there be, which a » ' * f- - * tne y have received to hold, us PaTVTio-povs^ TTOTrjpiiov Kai Jeoratv Kai the washing of cups and pots, XoXk'lcov Kai kXivo>w) s a eireira" eire- brasen vessels, and of "tables. pcoTucriv avrbv ol Qapio-aloi kcu ol tl h ^ eV ^ sees ?P dscri ^ s " i t "a i > asked mm - ^hv walk not thy ypap.p.UTeis' Atari oi fiaOrjrai o-ov ov disciples according to the trad i- TrepnraTOvcri Kara, rnv napddoo-iv tuv tion of the °, ld ers, but eat bread ' o ' hm i i i r ,/ < with unwashen hands ? 6 He irpecrfivTepayv, aXXa uvitttols x € P (T [ v answered and said unto them, io~6'iovo~l tov apTOV ; 6 'O be dnoKpi6els WeI " hath Esaias prophesied of » > - . «r\ \ " A.' vou hypocrites, as it is written Mmaunw ^ On_ mAa>c jrpoecp^evo-ev This people honoureth me wkh Ho*atac 7rept v^twi' raw vnoKpiTcov, a>s their lips, but their neart is far yeypa-n-Taf Ovtos 6 Xaos rots veiXeai { J°™ me - 7 H°wbeit in vain //r „ ' ** a/ » - /»« "° 'hey worship me, teaching p.e Tipa., r) be Kapoia avTwv iroppa f or doctrines, the command- «7re'vei an e'uov. 7 adrriv be crefiovTai ments of men. » For laying » s\ < s, s. -. / > '\ aside the commandment of God, ue, blSao-KovresdiSao-Kakias, evraXp-ara ye hold the tradition of men, as dvOpcoTTiav. 'Acbevres yap Tt)v evro- the washing of pots, and cups: Xr)v tov Qeov, Kparelre rrju irapdbocTiv and^many other such like things tcov dvBpa>7rcov, j3aTTTio~fiovs £eo~Ta>v Kai TTOTrjpiuiv, Kai itXXa Trapdfjioia roiaura 7ToXXd iroulre. 9 if \ >/\ i »j f \ « ■>/} - 9 And he said imto them, Kai eXeyev avTOif KaXas adereiTe FulI weI1 ye ^ reject the com J Ti]v evToXijv tov Qeov, iva rrjv irapdbocriv mandment of God, that ye mav jgfi, ^rrjp^rjry » Mcoai, S ydp
, ■> » stand. la There is nothing from tov avdpairov eiojopevop-evov eis av- wilh0 ut a man that entering tov, o BvvaTai ovtov Koivioaai' dXXd Ta into him, can defile him: but * cv «ai. b oj — , CI), tfotpatr. c (S!j ctwits. d ^) TtaXiir, a Or, beds. ^ Or, Iruilrjtf. Mark VII. 16. 102 EYAITEAION the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man. "> If any man have ears to hear, let him hear. 17 And when he was entered into the house from the people, his disciples asked him concern- ing the parable. ,8 And he saith unto them, Are ye so with- out understanding also ? Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him, la because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats ? 20 And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. '■" For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornica- tions, murders, ! ' 2 thefts, cove- tousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blas- phemy, pride, foolishness: - 3 all these evil things come from within, and defile the man. 24 And from thence he arose, and went into the borders of Tyre and Sidon, and entered into an house, and would have no man know it, but he could not be hid. * For a certain woman, whose young daughter had an unclean spirit, heard of him, and came and fell at his feet. ' x (The woman was a a Greek, a Syrophenician by nation:) and she besought him that he would cast iorth the devil out of her daughter. '•" But Jesus said unto her, Let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the chil- dren's bread, and to cast it unto the dogs. ' iS And she an- swered and said unto him. Yes Lord, yet the dogs under the ta- ble eat of the children's crumbs. (Kiropevopeva air avrov, eKeiva eo~Ti ra KOIVOVVTCI TOV av6po)1TOV. 16 i'L TIS e\ei 6>Ta (iKovew, aKoveTa). 17 Kai ore elcrr)X6ev els oikov dirb tov b)(XoV, fTTTJpCOTldV ovtov ol padrjTai av- tov a ire pi ttjs 7rapa/3oXr)y. " ls (cat Xeyei avrois' Ovtcj Kai vpeis acrvvero: eare ', ov voeire oti irav to e£a>6ev elairopevopevov els tov dvdpwirov ov Bvvarai avTov Koivcoaai ; 19 oti ovk ela- TTopeveTCiL h avTov els ttjv" Kaphlav, dXX els ttjv KoCKlav' Kai els tov dva eKiropeveTai, Kadapl^ov irdvia to. j3pd>- para. hXeye oe On to e< tov dvBpwirov etciropevopevov, eKeivo Koivol tov tiv&pcoirov. 21 eaa>6ev yap eK Tijs Kaphias tcov avOpcoircov ol diaXoyiapoi ol KaKoi eKiropevovrai' poi%eiai, irop- veiai, Cpovoi, ** jcXo7ral, irXeovet-iai, irovrjpiai, boXos, dafXyeia, dcpdaXpos irovrjpos, fiXao~(pr)pia, vireprjtpavia, a- (ppoo-vvrj' 23 iravra TavTa Ta irovrjpa eacoBev eKiropeveTai, Kai koivxh tov av- Bpcoirov. 24 Kai eKelQev dvao~ras dirrjXdev els Ta peBopia Tvpov e Kai SiSawoc. " Kai elaeXdaov els d " olKiav, ovttva rjdeXe yvCovai, Kai ovk rjhvvi)6rj Xadelv. 2i> clkov- o~ao~a yap yvvi] irepi avrov, rjs ei%e to Bvydrpiov avTijs irvevpa aKadapTov, eX~ 6ovo~a irpoaeirecre irpbs toxjs irohas av- tov' 26 (f)v he f] yvvi] 'EXXr^tc e 2v- poqboiviKicro-a " rco yevei') Kai rjpcoTa avrov iva to oaipoviov' eKJUdXrj" s eK 1 ' ttjs Bvyarpbs avrrjs. "' 6 be 'Irjaovs elirev avTif "Acpes irpcoTov )(opTao~6r)vai Tit TeKva' ov yap KaXov eo~Ti Xa(3elv tov clprov tcov TeKvcov, Kai fiaXeiv tois kv- vapiois. w 'H fie direKpi0T] Kai Xf'yft avrco' Nat, Kvpie' Kai yap to. Kvvdpia viroKdra rrjs Tpairefys eaBlei airo tcov ft C5>J TTjt- jrapa/9oX ijy, " Bz. eif t. Map. a e KeC, i'ju.yMitn'ua. CI. i. '■,. -.1 t 'it I'lM ir.Td o -* d Rec. 8t Gb. add m* . — Gh.Zt i Ilet. 6«^aXXp g It a Or, Geutile. KATA MAPKON. 103 \f/iXLoov tcov natdioov. 29 Kat ttnev avrfj' Aid tovtov tov Xoyov, vnayc f^eXrjXvoe to 8atpoviov (K ttjs dvyaTpos crov. 30 Kal aVeXtfovtra els tov oikov avTtjs, cvpe to datpovtov e^eXr/Xutfoc, Kal ti)v dvyaTtpa fiefiXrjpevrjv enl ttjs kXivt]s. 31 Kal trahiv e^eXdcov tK tcov opicov Tvpov a Kal 2ibS)vos, r/Xde " b npos " tt)v 6dXao-crav ttjs Takihaias, ava p-taov tcov opicov AeKanoXecos. 32 Kal (pepovatv avTco Koocpov c poytXdXov," Kai napaKa- Xovaiv avTov 'iva emdfj avTco ttjv X el P a - 33 Kal dnoXa(36pevos axiTov ano tov 6- \Xov KaT I8iav, i'BaXe tovs daKTiiXovs avTov eis Ta bora avrov, /cat iTTvaas rjyj/aTo ttjs yXcoo-crrjs avTov, Kal ava- iBXiyjsas els tov ovpavbv, eoreva^e, Kal Xeyet avTco' 'E(p(pada' o eWi, diavoi- X^t 1 - 35 Kalevdea>s biTjvoixdrjcrav avTov at aKoai Kal eXvdr] 6 deapbs ttjs yXcoo-- arjs avTov, Kal e'XdXet opocos. Kat SucrTeiXaTo avTols Iva p.rjftevl enrcocriv oaov 8e aiiTos avTols 8' Ttvis yap axiTcov paKpooev '' tJkovo-i." * Kat dneKpid^aav axiTSe ^opracrat aprcov eir tpt]- pias ; s Kat iirrjpcoTa avTovs' Uoaovs Mark VIII. 5. 29 And he said unto her, For this saying, go thy way, the devil is gone out of thy daugh- ter. 30 And when she was come to her house, she found the de- vil gone out, and her daughter laid upon the bed. 31 And again departing from the coasts of Tyre and Sidon, he came unto the sea of Gali- lee, through the midst of the coasts of Decapolis. 32 And they bring unto him one that was deaf, and had an impedi- ment in his speech: and they beseech him to put his hand upon him. 33 And he took him aside from the multitude, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spit, and touched his tongue, 31 and looking up to heaven, he sighed, and saith unto him, Ephphatha, that is, Be opened. 35 And straightway his ears were opened, and the string of his tongue was loosed, and he spake plain. 36 And he charged them that they should tell no man: but the more he charged them, so much the more a great deal they published it, 37 and were beyond measure astonished, saying, He hath done all things well : he maketh both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak. 8. In those days the multi- tude being very great, and hav- ing nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples unto him, and saith unto them, 2 1 have compassion on the multitude, because they have uow been with me three days, and have nothing to eat: 3 and if I send them away fast- ing to their own houses, they will faint by the way : for divers of them came from far. ■* And his disciples answered him. From whence can a man satisfy these men with bread here in the wilderness V 5 And he asked them, How many loaves have C\J rj\dt Ita SkW^s. t» Gb. e.f. c oo «ai ^oyyiXoAof. ^ esJ TraXtc ffoXXo«« « Rec. add o li/oouf f — » g Ri-c. r]^spa\ Tpai;. h St.'iKaa*. Mark VIII. 6. 104 EYA1TEAION ye? And they said, Seven. e^ere aprovs ; Oi 8e eiirov' 'Enrol. Kai « And he commanded the peo- napriyyeike rw 6'yXoj awi7reo- / # a Vi * - \ > se^them also before them. » So a *cai aura. " efpayoi/ oe, /cat ex°P" they did eat, and were filled: TaaOrjaav' Kai rjpav nepio-aevpara kAo- EfZ^gSZtZ °^ «™ owpttor * InrM^ kets. a And they that had (paydVrec " wy rerpaKio-;(iXioi - /cat a7Tf- eaten were about four thou- \ V(Tev av rovs- sand, and he sent them away. ln v , ^, , aK , , ^ - >o And straightway he enter- Kai evdecas epj5as eiy ro 7rAoioi> ed into a ship with his disciples, n €Ta T ^ v padrjrcov avrov, rjXdev els ra and came into the parts of Dal- / . s a > n , i >£-\zj„„ «! manutha. » And the Pharisees H- e Pl &a\pavov8a. Kai €^K0ov oi came forth, and began to ques- <&apin-a~ioi, Kai f/p^avro crvfyreiv auro>, tion with him, seeking of him ^ rovvre y „ ap ' avTOV arnuelov OTTO rov a sign from heaven, tempting * J „ r > / 12 » > him. 12 And he sighed deeply oupafov, neipaQovres avrov. - Kai ava-^ in his spirit, and saith, Why oreva^as rco Trvevpari avrov Xe'yei* Ti doth this generation seek after r , »' ~ '/•-.»'. a sign? verily I say unto you, r) yevea ^avTTj ar]peiov eiriftTei, aprjv There shall no sign be given Xeyco vpiv, ei 8o6i']o~erai rfj yevea ravrrj untpthis generation "And -„„_ 13 K * ^j ; urovc ^fo he left them, and entering into "Vf" 11 "'- > ( * "r" ^ «- s f~r- ( the ship again, departed to the TraXiv c eic to ttAoiov, aivr]Atjev (is to other side. irepav. .. VT ., .... , . - 14 Kai eVeXd<9oi/ro d "Xa/3eiv aprovs ,Ka\ 14 Now the disciples had for- , v „ M , T a> r „ gotten to take bread, neither ft /^ era aprov ovk eixoP peti eavroy had they in the ship with them f ' v r( 5 TrXoi'w. 1s Kai Siecrre'XXero ai- more than one loaf. 15 And he - ' ■> / '.'/-,- o\ ' > i ~„ charged them, saying. Take ™is, KeyaV Opare, pXeveTe ano tt]S heed, beware of ihe leaven of ^vprjs raw $>apia-aia>v Kai ttjs {vprjs the Pharisees and of the leaven < H -g 16 Kai S^Xoyifom) TTOOS aX- of Herod. Ib And they reason- ,f; ' w / „ ;> S « ed among themselves, saying, ArjXovs, Xeyovres' O71 aprovs ovk e%o- It is, because we have no bread. „ el)> 1/ Kai yvovs 6 'irtaovs Xeyei avrols' 17 And when Jesi.s knew it, he L,, „ ^ , / A „ ,, > ./ saith unto them, Why reason Ti SiaXoyifetrt'e, on aprovs ovk «X €re ' ye, because ye have no bread ? ouVa> j/of ire, ovSe avviere ; e en " Tre- perceive ve not yet, neither un- ; » «„ „„_»'_*, S,.,r,„ . derstand? have ye your heart Trcopiupe^!/ e X ere tijv KapOia)/ i//«w , yet hardened? 18 Having eyes, 18 dcpdaXpovs exovres ov pXeTrere ; Kai see ye not ? and having ears 2, ra j' y0VTec 0VK aKOvere ; Kai ov pvnpo- hear ye not ? and do ye not re- , ^ ,„ „ , , „ « -v member? » When I brake the severe; iJ ore rovs rrevre aprovs (KAacrci five loaves among five thou- e l s r0 vs TTefraKiaviXiovc, 7TOO-OV? KO- sand, how many baskets full of , / ^ / -, / >r . fragments took ye up? They 9f avs ™VP*« KX "°"/ xrtrco .!l „W aTe ' say unto him, Twelve. 20 And Aeyovrrif avrco' AcooeKa. Ore Oe a — » b ^ c ^ <1 Hi. iidd cu ^tatf^Tai, « — * KATA MAPKON. 105 rovs errra eis rovs rerpaKio~xiXiovs, iro- (tiov anvpi8a>v Trkrjpaipara K\aaparu>v ijpare ; Ot 8e elnov' 'Etttu. 21 Kai eXe- yev avrois' Tluis ov avviere ; 22 Kat a ep X erai " els b Br/cWtSaiv " Kai (pepovo-t,v avrS rv rrjs Kaprjs' Kai Trrvcras els to. oppara avrov, eTTi6eis ras ^etpa? avra, enrjpaira avrov ei ri (3AeVet. ** (cat dvafi\e\j/as tkeye' BXe- ttco rovs avdpimovs, c a>s 8ev8pa " ire- pnrarovvras. 2o EtVa irdXiv enedrjKe ras X^lpas ciri rovs dqbdaXpovs avrov, rt Kat eTroirjaev avrov dvaj3\e\jsai ' " kol utto- Karearddi], Kai eW/3Xe\|/e rrfXavycos e atravra." " 5 aa\ direcrreikev avrov eis 1 " oIkov avrov, Xeycov ' Mr/8e els rrjv Kayprjv elaeKdys, pr]8e e'nrrjs riv\ ev rtj Kcofxrj. 27 Kai e£r]\6ev 6 'irjaovs kol ot padjjrai avrov els ras Kwpas Kaiaapeias ri)s &i\imrov Kai ev rfj 68a enrjpuiTa rovs paOrjras avrov, \cya>v avrois' Tiva pe \eyovaiv ol avQpcuiroi eivai ; 2S Ot oe cmeKp'i6r}o~av' 'lotdvvrjv rbv fBaTTTio-rrjv' Kai aXAot 'HXtaf* nXXot 8e eva rcov irpor]Ta>v. 29 Kat avrbs s \eyei avrois'" 'Ypeis 8e riva pe \eyere eivai ; A770- Kpideis 8e 6 Uerpos Xe'yet avr. & -* e r^> — . Rec. {t OIj. avavras. avTOvy, h ?^) vtto, i Rcc. .-V) itat ap^'tspfitati' Kai ^uauorsu.', Mark VIII. 33. 106 EYAITEAION him. 33 But when he had turn- eniTipdv aliTG). 33 6 8« eVriO"Tpa(/)eic, ed about, and looked on his Ka > ;g^„ TQVS ^Q^^ avrou, erreTiariae disciples, he rebuked Peter, „ , . f <»v » • saying, Get thee behind me, ™ IleTpa), Xeytof Ynaye oniaw pov, Satan : for thou savourest not "2arava' oti oil (ppovels ra toxi Qtov, the things that be of God, but >->->,> < - j /KA,~..,. the things that be of men. aA ^« ™ ™ v av0pam eavTOV, Kai apario tov after me, let him deny himself, ^ayr,^ avTOV Ka \ aKo\ov6eiTb) poi. and take up his cross and tol- „, 4 r , + '„ ,- , , , I - low me. 35 For whosoever will * OS yap a ", OtXr) TJ]V Y^X^ ay 7 " 01 * save his life shall lose it, but uwaai, dnoXeo-ei civttjv' os S' af a7TO- whosoever shall lose his life for -. / c ' ' - ./ x ..» ?..,„,,. ,*..„,"; my sake and the gospel's, the Ae ?7? J'F eavT0V Y v Xf ,<" fKe " «/*°« same shall save it. x For Kai tov et'ayyeXiou, a " acoaa. avTrjV. what shall it profit a man if 36 « > ucbeXimei e avOpamov," tav he shall gain the whole world, , ' r ( ~, ' „- r * ,. ,,- and lose his own soul ? 3/ Or Kepbrjo-rj tov Kocrpov oXov, Kat QqpiaVy what shall a man give in ex- T j lv ^ vy hv avTov ; 3/ " i) Tl Sa>o-ei aV- change for his soul ? 3 » Whoso- / T A / ,„ - , - <■ -. ever therefore shall be ashamed 8pe>TT0S avraXXaypa ttjs fv X r)S ovtov, of me, and of my words, in this 38 os yap av e7raio~xw6 r/ pe Kat tovs of man be ashamed, when he poi X aXi8i Kat apaprojAw, Kat o ftoc rou cometh in the glory of his Fa- a^p^ou inaia\vv8naiTni avTov, otclv ther, with the holy angels. *\ //> -&»*'- « » < eAcV/7 ei> 177 oo£j/ tou iraTpos ovtov pera 9. And he said unto them, ru>v ayyfXcov tuv aylutv. 9. Kai eXeyev Verily 1 say unto you, that > - . '« i -v ' ' - « , ,?„.' „.,,.,„ there be some of them that ^vtois' Apr/V Xeyco vpiv, OTl «ffi riW€ S stand here, which shall not Tcof ojoe icrTrjKOTcov, oiTives ov prj yev- taste of death, till they have o-^^j avaTOV ^y a v l&Wl TM seen the kingdom of God come „ . , ~ ,-. ~ >\ \ /i - » * with power. pao~iXeiav tov Qeov eXrjAvdviav ev Ov- vdpei. * And after six days, Jesus , / Ka \ h f f W™ *4 trapa.Xap.p'avci taketh with him Peter, and 6 lrjcovs tov HeTpov Kai tov lancopov James, and John and leadeth Ka l t >' 'i^dwriv, Kai dvad>epei avTOVS els them up into an high mountain „ t i \\ > 's>' t < apart by themselves : and he °pos vyr]Xov Kar idiav povovs' Kai was transfigured before them. p fT fu.opd>6i6r) tpirpocrdev avTuv, 3 Kai 3 And his raiment became shin- \ , • > ~ > « '\ o ing, exceeding white as snow : ra '("""/a awov ^ey^ero (TTiXPovTa, so as no fuller on earth can XevKa Xlav s a>c X'^ ,!/ j " °' a yvacpevs eiv\ white them. 4 And there ap- ~ - . ^ vvaTM h * X^WKWat, 4 Kai peared unto them Elias wnh ' «'',,, x / v - , Moses: and they were talking co(p6rj avTOLS HXias crvv Miocrfi, Kai with Jesus 5 And Peter an- Ig-^ (TvXXaXovvTfs tio 'introO. 5 Kai swered, and said to Jesus, ' A ^ , . -ft ' ~ » T Master, it is good for us to be cnroKpiVets o Ue-rpos Xeyet rw Ir/rroi;- here, and let us make three 'Paj3/3i, KaXdi/ eVni' f/pay code eival' * >J Et T»J. l» RcC. fX()«*^ C — » . — Utc. TTl* ^l'\rii/ avTOV. *i R^C. add OVTOJ, e OO OK^u/Jluf. t Ret. add toj/. g ZJ li U^ •■:-«(. KATA MAPKON. 107 Makk IX. 18. Kai iroiTjoatpev o-Krjvas Tpeis, croi piav, Kal Mcocret piav, Kal 'HX/a piav. 6 Ov yap fi Set rt a XaX 17(777 * " b rjcrav yap e<- (pofioi." 7 Kal e'yeVero vecpeXrj emo-Kid- (,ovo~a avTois' Kal rjXde cpavi] eK rr/s vecpfkrjs "' Ovtos eanv 6 vlos pov 6 ayawrjTos' avTov aKovere. 8 Kai e^dmva Trept/SXex^d/xei/ot, oiiKeTi oi/Beva eidov, dXXa tov 'lr]o~ovv povov p.e8 eav- TCOV. 9 KaTa(3aiv6i>Ta>v 8e avrcov utto tov opovs, Steo-ret'Xaro avrois 'iva prjdevl Sir)yr)o~o>VTai a eioov, el pi] orav 6 vlos tov avapanrov eK veKpav avaarrj. * u Kai rov \6yov eKpaTrjcrav rrpbs eavrovs, o~v- (r}TovvTes tL eWi d to eK veKpiov avaaTr/- vai." n Kal enrjpitiTiov avrov, \eyovTes' "Oti \tyovo~iv ol ypapparels, on 'HXtai/ Bel e\8eiv rrpwToi, ; 12 'O 8e e dnoKpidels, einev" ai/Tols' HXt'a? pev e\6iov Trpa>Tov, ctTTOKadio-Ta iravra' Kal nibs yeypanrai iivl tov vlbv tov dvOpdnrov, Iva noXXd nddi] Kal e'^ov8eva)6fj. 13 dXXd Xe'-yco vpiv, OTi Kal HXt'ac e\r]kv6e, Kal enoi-q- aav avTU> baa Tj6eK.rjo~av, Ka6a>s yeypa- TTTai en avrov. 14 Kai ekdayv npbs tovs p.a6rjras, et- Bev b)(kov noXvv nepl ai>Tovs, Kalypap- p.aTe'is o~v£r)TovvTas avrois. 15 Kai evdems nas 6 o)(Xos ' IBcov avrbv, e^edapjBrjdr)," Kal npoarpe'^ovres r/cnrd^ovTO avrov. 16 Kai enqpairrjo-e S tovs ypap.paTels"' Tt cv^qrelre Trpbs aiirovs ', 17 Kai a7roKpicVis els eK tov b^Xov, eine' At- 8do~Ka\e, rjveyKa tov vlov pov npos o~e, e^ovra nvevpa akakov. Kai onov av av- rov KaTaXdfir), pj]o~o~ei avrov' Kal a c*& eKs rrore dve^opai vpoov; (pepeTc avTov Trpos /ne. ~° Kai fjveyKav uvtov Trpos avroV koX l8cov b avTov, evdea>s TO -rvvevpa" ecrndpa^ev avTov Kai Trecrcov iir\ ri]s yrjs, ckvXUto d(ppi£a>v. 21 Kat eV^pcorr/o-e tov Trarepa uvtov' Ilocroc xpovos eo~Tiv, as tovto yeyovev aiiTco : 'O 8e dire' Ilat8i6dev. " Kai ttoXXukis avTov Kai eis c to" irvp efiaXe Acai els iSara, iva aTroXecrrj avTov dXX' ei tl 8vvao~ai, j5oi]6r]o-ov rjplv, enrkay- XvicrBeis ecji rjpcis. " 3 'O 8e 'irjcrovs elnev avTu>' To, el 8vvao~ai d Tno~Tevo~ai," TTCtVTa bwaTa TOi Tvio-revovTL "* Kat elBea>s Kpd^as 6 TraTrjp tov Trai8iov, peTa 8aKpva>v eXeye' Uio~Teva> r '", (3oi]6ei pov tj] uTTio-Tia. " 5 'IScji' 8e 6 'irjcrovs on eTiio-WTpex el o^Xos, eVeri/n^tre tS TvvevpaTL ru ciKaddpTa, Xeyu>v avrco* Tj Trvevpa to aXaXov kol Ku>(pbv, eyd) croi eTnTacro'cj), e^eXde e£ avTov, Kai prjKeTi elaeXdijs els avTov. " 6 Kai ' Kpd^av," kol TroXXa s enrapd^av civtov," e£i)AcV Kai eyeveTO coo~ei veKpbs, wore 7roXXovs Xeyeiv oti divedavev. 2? 6 be 'Irjaovs KpaTt]cras avrbv rrjs ^ei/we, rjyeipev av- tov' Kai dveo-TT], 28 Kai elcreXdovTa avrbv els oikov, ol padrjTai avTov eTrrjpcoToiv avrbv /car ISiaV ''Oti rjpeis oxik J]8vvi]6rjpev eKJSa- Xelv avTO ; 29 Kai elnev avTois' Tovto to yevos ev ov8evi hvvaTai et-eX6eiv, el pr] ev TTpocrevxf) Kai vrjo~Teia. 30 Kai eKeidev e^eXdovTes TrapeTro- pevovTo Sia riys raXiXai'ac" Ka\ ovk fjde- Xev ''if a tic" yv. h ?o avTavTO-rvevfia, eiiffos. Rec & Gb. uul. — Gb.U^ a-* e Uec i Gb. Kp-ijjaj. g Ck OTrupa.u;. h Liz. tl; tva. RATA MAPKON. 109 avrov' Kal diroKTavdels, a rfj rplrrj 1) pe pa" dvaa-TTja-eTai,. ffl Ot oe fjyvoovv pi) pa, Kal ecpofioiivro avrbv Tit errepco- rijcrai 33 Kal ifXBev els Kanepvaoip' Kal ev tt) oIk'lol yevopevos, fTTTjpcora avrovs' Tt evTtj ohu> b 7rpbs eavrovs" dieXoyi(eade; 34 Ot 8e eatconcoV irpbs dXXr)Xovs yap 3ieAe'x#r/aw eV tt) 68u>, t'ls pet£cov. 33 Kal Kadlaas e(pa>vrjcre robs 8co8eKa, Kal Xeyei avrols' El' rts deXet rrpeoros etvai, carat navrcnv eaxaros, /cat iravnov 8iokovos- 36 Kal XafBchv Ttaidiov, axrr/- aev avro ev peered avreov' Kal evayKaXt- 37 "o s eav erapevos avro, emev avrots ev reov rotovreov Trat8ia>v SetjrjTai ent reo dvoparl pov, epe Several' Kai bs eav epe 8ei-t]Tai, ovk epe Several, dXXct rbv aTvoaTeiXavra pe. 33 'AneKpidi] 8e avrco c "'lcodvvrjs, Xe- ywV AiSao-xaXe, e't8opev nva d " rw ovo- pari erov eK(3dXXovra 8atpovta, e 6s ovk aKoXovdel T]ptv" Kal e'KooXvaapev avrbv, ' on ovk aKoXovdel rjplv." 39 'O 8e Irj- crovs erne' Mjj KcoXvere avroV ob8els yap ecrrtv 6s TVOir\aei 8vvaptv em reo ovopari pov, Kal 8vvr)crerai raxv KaKo- \oyjicral lie. 40 6s yap ovk ecrrt s Ka6 , '. i \ t - ii ' 41 * < * vucov, virep vpcov eerriv. os yap av irorio-r] vpas Tvoriqpiov voaros ev ovo- pari," on Xptcrrov eare, dprjv Xeyco vp.lv, ov prj dnoXeo-ji rbv piaBbv avrov. 42 Kal 6s av CTKav8aXlo~T] eva tcov piKpcov to>v TTio-revovrcov els epe, koXov eartv avrco pdXXov, el Trep'iKetrat ' \i6os pvXtKos" rrepl rbv Tpdx*]Xov avrov, Km n'n\ ■> _» /l '.\ _ 43 . ^ JX-. Mark IX. 43. aftiT that he is killed, he shall rise the third day. 3J But they understood not that saying, and were afraid to ask him. 33 And he came to Caper- naum ; and being in the houie, he asked them, What was it that ye disputed among yourselves by the way ? 3J But they held their peace : for by the way they had disputed among them- selves, who should be the great- est. 3S And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith un- to them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all. 3G And he took a child, and set him in the midst of them : and when he had taken him in his arms, he said unto them, 37 Whoso- ever shall receive one of such children in my name, receiveth me : and whosoever shall re- ceive me, receiveth not me, but him that sent me. 33 And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw one cast- ing out devils in thy name, and he followeth not us, and we for- bad him, became he followeth not us. 3J But Jesus said, For- bid him not, for there is no man, which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me. 40 For he that is not against us, is on our part. 41 F"or whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ: verdy I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward. < 2 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him, that a millstone were „ hanged about his neck, and he fiefihrjrai as ttjv Oakacraav. Kat eav were cast int0 the sea , 43 An d if thy hand "offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands, to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be o-Kav8aklfy ere f] x ei P ow 'i dnoKo-^ov avrrjv' Ka\6v croi earl KvXXbv eis rr]v £a>ip> elcreXdelv, f) to? ovo %elpas e\ovra uTTeX6elv els rrjv yeevvav, k as to rrvp ■i. 'fitra rp«ty Tj>iepas. t> Zt c Hec. add vnep Tjfiuiy. I) Kcc. ev ry ovo^art fi <1 Bi. b Eli. add cv. "Gb.om. '3 S Bz. & El*. .aS' w«» Mark IX. 44. 110 EYAITEAION quenched: 44 where their worm to (i(r8eo-TOV," ** a owov 6 o-/ca>Xr/£ avrwv dieth not, and the fire is not Qv Tf \ fvTa Kai TO irvp ov aBevWTai." quenched. 4o And if thy foot .- . „ < ' s> \'>- offend thee, cut it off: it is bet- ^ Kai eav o^ ivovs (rov . x6 * tq{ , g^ he cast into hell, into the fire " * ' =L ' -„*■ , ' { that never shall be quenched: TroOas e%ovra BXrjdrjvai etc tjjv yeevvav, « where their worm dieth not, c f » T o TTtJp to acrBe , r _ ,-. - vv 47 And if thine eye* offend ihee, ou TeXevra, Kai to irvp pluck it out : it is belter for ^ aBevvvrai." 4? (cat eav 6 6(p6aXpos thee to enter into the kingdom £ % i <■ y„/Q„\, „,V,<„- m of God with one eye, than hav- *.<*, > ' eoioaaKev avTovs. 2 Kai npocreXdovTes e " Qapio-aloi enr}- 2 And the Pharisees came to pu>Tt]uav avroV Ei egeariv dvdpl^ yy- him, and asked him, Is it law- i, a ' tK a dwoXvo-ai ; Tveipd^ovres avTOV. ful for a man to put away his a < »i i a \ » „'_„?„. t.' ,'...?,. wife? tempting him. 3 And he 3 , ° & ^OKptdeis eiirev avrois Ti Vf uv answered, and said unto them, evereiXaTO Mtorrr/c ; Oi Of enrov' Mco- What did Moses command you? - faeroe^e BiSXiov airoorao-iov ypd- 4 And they said, Moses suffered ' *",~^~ 5 rr \ > % , to write a' bill of divorcement, yai, Kai arroXvo-ai. " Kai anoKpiVeis and to put her away. 5 And „ 'inaovs eiirev avrois' Hp6s ti)v o"(cXr/- Jesus answered, and said unto s.' < - » 1 ' - ' 1 „ them, For the hardness of your poKapStav vpa>v eypa^ev vp.iv t V v^ evTO- heart, he wrote you this pre- Xi]V TavTtjv' 6 cnt6 de apx^js KTio~e(os, cept « But from the beginning g j g~ X hco'mvtv avTOVsoQeos. of the creation, God made them r, ', \ 11 in male, and female. ' For this 7 EveKev tovtov KaraXeiyei uv&pconos cause shall a man leave his TOV ^arepa avrov Kai Tnv unrepa' Kai father and mother, and cleave \\ a' > ' to his wife, ''and they twain npo offou ad a^tvevroi. b Rec. & Gb. ont. c Z% & -* * Kec. »dd ot. a Or, cause tllee to ofiVod. RATA MAPKON. Ill fxiav. "flare ovKen fieri Suo, dXXa fx'ia cra.pt;. 9 6 ovv 6 Qeos v be 6 lrjcrovs rjyavaKTrfo-e, Kai einev avTols' ' Acpere ra TratSt'a epxeo-dai irpos tie, b '' prj KaiXvere avrd' tcov yap toiovtcov ecmv r] pa- criXeia tov Qeov' lo dprjV Xe'ya) vplv, os euv pi) fie^r/rat Trjv ftaaiXeiav tov Qeov a>s naibiov, ov itr) elcreXdr) els avTrjV. 16 Kat evayKaXicrdpevos avTa, TiOeis Tas x ( ip as e7r ' avr a> c evXoyei" avTa. 17 Kat €KTTOpfVOp,€VOV avTov eis ofiop, •Kpoab'pap.oov eis Kai yovvrreTrjcras avrov eVripobra avTov AtfiaaTcaXe dyaOe, Tt TTOii]cra> wa £a>i)v aiioviov KXrjpovopr)o~a> ; 18 '0 fie 'irjcrovs ehvev avrcp' Tt pe Xe- yeis dyaQov ; ovbe is dyados, el /xr) eis, 6 Qeos. 19 Tas evroXas oit)as' Mr) poi)(evo-r]s' d pr) CpovevcrrjS'" prj KXeyj/rjs' pfj ylffv8opapTvpf]o~T)s' it?) dnoo-Tepi]- crrjs' Tipa tov Trare'pa aov (cat ttjv prj- Tfpa. 20 'O fie dnoKpideis ehvev airco" Atfida-KaXe, ravra iravTa ecpvXa^dpr)v eK v(6ti]t6s pov. 21 'O fie 'lycrovs ep- jSXer^ac aura) rjydTrrjaev avrov, Kai elnev avra' "Ef cot vo~Tepec vrraye, bcra i'^eis 7rcoXr)crov, Kai dos e toIs" tttooxois, Kai e^eis drjo-avpov ev ovpava' Kai fieupo, aKoXoi>#ei ttot, apas tov o~Tavpov." O oe crTvyvacras ern to) Aoyco Mark X. 22. are no move twain, but one flesh. 9 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. 10 And in the house his dis- ciples asked him again of the same matter. " And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. '- And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery. 13 And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them, and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. 14 But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unlo me, and forbid them not : for of such is the kingdom of God. 15 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. 1G And he took them up in hts arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them. 17 And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? ls And Jesus said unto hiin, Why call- est thou me good ? there is no man good, but one, thtit is God. la Thou knowest the command- ments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill. Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father, and mother. ' m And he answered, and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth. 2I Then Jesus behold- ing him, loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lack- est ; go thy way, sell whatso- ever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have trea- sure in heaven, and come, take up the cross and follow me. 33 And he was sad at that * <^> ft$ ttji» OLKiar. t> Rec. add * c Rec. & Gl). 7jv\oyn. • zz t ZZ Mark X. 23. 112 EYA1TEAI0N saying, and went away grieved: anr/Xde Xv7roupevos' fjv yap e'^av kti'j- for he had great possessions. aara iroXXd. " And Jesus looked round 23 Kat irepiBXe^rdpevos 6 'lrjcrovs about, and saith unto his dis- \ey el TO ls padnrals aiiTOV' Has 8v(Tk6- ciples, How hardly shall they \ « \ / « ■> \ a that have riches enter into the Acos ° L Ta XPVH- a J a ^X 0VT ,^ (l * 7JJV fla- kingdom of God? - 4 And the aiXetav rov Qeov elaeXevaovTai. 24 0/ disciples were astonished at his g < Ta \ iOaixpoivro eVi rols Xoyois words. But Jesus answereth , ™« ', 5,, , T ~ - , N , L , again, and saith unto them, avrov. o be iTjaovs 7raA.11/ inroKpiUecs Children, how hard is it for \e-y6i avrols' TeKva, ncos BvaKoXov earl them that trust in riches, to f a , .»,..„ / enter into the kingdom of God? ™vs TveTVOiOoras «7Tl a roty XPW a(T } v 25 it is easier for a camel to go els ttjv BaaiXe'iav rov Qeov elaeXBelv. into the kingdom of God. 26 And TpvpaXias T7]S pa(pi8os c bieX8eiv, ^ they were astonished out of nXoxHTiov els rhv BaaCXe'iav rov Qeov measure, saving among them- , \ a - ok ~' e< >/. -. / selves, Who then can be saved ? eiaeKtieiv. "> Ot be nepiaacos e^enXrjo-- 27 And Jesus looking upon troj/ro, Xt'yoi/res 7rpo? eavTWs" Kat ris them, saith, With men it is j> ' _ d~ .27 >T7 o^i 'I &* ' impossible, but not with God: Svparai ™' e Tidv ra yap dvvard eaTirrapa rw Qeca". 28 Then Peter began to say 28 "Hpfjaro 6 Ilerpos Xeyeiv avrai' unto him Lo, we have left all 'jg^ foels ddinKauev irdvra, Kal tiko- and have followed thee. ^And .. n> ' »i o- ,» * > /i \ » <■ Jesus answered, and said, Ve- XovOr]o-apev * »j~ ■> 1 » '« \ j 1 • » brethren, or sisters, or father, f 1 " 1 "' ( os a, f) aypovs, eW«z/ e>oO ceive an hundredfold now in ««' eJ-eKef rot; euayyeAtou, ou eaf p/; this time, houses, and brethren, X a ^J„ eKaTOVTaTrXaaiova vvv ev to5 and sisters, and mothers, and ' - > 1 / ^ 's \ j. > V children, and lands, with per ™'/ 9< P 7° LI7 -^. °^ a f < al adeX(povs Kai secutions ; and in the world to ddeX(pds Kat pr/repas Kcu TtKva Kal the last, first. tu> ep^opeva (,a>i)V aicoviov. ttoXXoi Se eaovrai npuiToi. ecr^arot, Kat k ot" eaxaroi Trpcoroi. 32 And they were in the way 3 ' 2 'Ha-af 8e ev Tjj 6So5 dvaftaivovres fesu! went°be^ S ^m; SS «f 'l^cr^a- K a\ ^ npodywavro vs they were amazed, and as they o Irycous, /cat eoappovvTO, Kai aKoXov- followed, they were afraid: and $ u i PTfs ecboBovvTO. Kal TTapaXaBiov nd- he took again the twelve, and ,. < f ' 5. » /■ > - n ' began 10 tell them what things Xiv rovs bcobena, ljp^aro avrois Xeyeiv should happen unto him, to peXXovra aiira avpBaiveiv' ^ "Ort, B Zt ** — » Tf;s £/«. c St. (^> riff«X6e.i'. ^ -• e — » f Rec. add Kat. g Kec. Awoitp. U. Gb. ATTOitp. Il -» i Rec. «ai tow 6vayye\i.ov . k G!>. oul. RATA MAPKON. 113 l8ov, dvafiaivopev els 'Iepoo~oAvpa, Kal 6 vi6s roil avOpwivov napa8o6rjo~eTai. toIs dpxiepevai Kal a toIs" ypapparevai, Kal KaraKpivovcriv avrov 6avaTa>, Kal napa- duxrovaiv avrov rois eOvecn, Kal ip- Traii;ovo-iv avra>, Kal paa-riydxrovcriv avrov, Kal ipurvaovaiv avra>, kcil lvtvo- Krevovcriv avrov' Kal b rfi rpinj J]pepa' dvaoTTjo-erai. 3o Kal TTpoo-rropfiiovTat. avrio 'laKcojSos Kal 'ladvvrjs oi viol Ze[5e8aiov, \eyov- res' AiSacncoAe, dekopev Iva o idv al- njo-apev, 7tou]0-t]s rjpiv. V oe enrev aiirols' Ti 6e\ere c iroirjaai pe" vplv ; 37 Oi 8e ehrov axira' Aos rjplv, iva els eK 8e£iu>v o~ov Kal els e£ evwvvpcov aov KaOio-oopev iv rf) dot-fl aov. ^ O fie 'lrjo~ovs elrrev avrols' Ovk olSare tl ai- Telade' 8vvao~6e melv to rrorrjpiov o e'ya) ttlvu), d Kal" to (Banno-pa 6 i ya> fianri^opai, fiaTTTioSijvai ; 3a Oi 8e ehrov avra' Awdpeda. 'O 8e 'lijaovs enrev avrols' To pev irorrjptov o iya> tt'lvui, irUaOe' Kal to (3dnTio-pa o eya> /3a- 7rri£opai, f3aTrTio~6r]o~eo-de' 40 ro 8e Kadl- o~ai eK 8e£ia>v pov Kal e'£ evu>vvpu>v e ", ovk eariv ipov 8ovvai, aXX ols tjtol- Hacrrai. 41 Kal aKovo-avres ol 8eKa fjp^avro ayavaKrelv rrepl laKa>j3ov Kal Imdvvov. 42 6 8e 'lrjo-ovs 7rpocrKaXeadpevos ai- rovs Aeyei avrols' Oi'Sare on ot 8o- Kovvres ap%eiv rav idvwv KaraKvpiev- ovaiv avru>V Kal oi peydXoi avroSv Kare^ovo-iaQovcriv avreov. ov% ovrco 8e earai iv vplv dXX' os eav 6eXj] yeveo~6ai peyas iv vplv, earai ' vpwv ota/coi/oj , kcii oj » av tie Ay vpoov ye- viadai npaiTOs, earai ttuvtcov 8ov\os' Kal yap 6 vlbs tov dvdpomov ovk fj\8e 8iaKOvrj6rjvai, dXXd 8iaKQVrjcrai, Mahk X.45. 33 saying, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and the Son of man shall be delivered unto I he chief priests, and unto the scribes: and they shall condemn him to death, and shall deliver him to the Gentiles. 3J And they shall mock him, and shall scourge him, and shall spit upon him, and shall kill him, and the third day he shall rise again. 35 And James, and John the sons of Zebedee come unto him, saying, Master, we would that thou shouldest do for us what- soever we shall desire. 3G And he said unto them, What would ye that I should do for you ? 37 They said unto him, Grant unto us that we may sit, one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory. 33 But Jesus said unto them, Ye know not what ye ask: can ye drink of the cup that I drink of? and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with ? 39 And they said unto him, We can. And Jesus said unto them, Ye shall indeed drink of the cup that I drink of: and wilh the baptism that I am baptized withal, shall ye be baptized: 40 but to sit on my right hand and on my left hand, is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared. 41 And when the ten heard it, they began to be much dis- pleased with James and John. 42 But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which "are ac- counted to rule over the Gen- tiles, exercise lordship over them : and their great ones ex- ercise authority upon them. 43 But so shall it not be among you : but whosoever will be great among you. shall be your minister : 14 and whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. 4i For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to ZJ tl r^j pern Tp*t5 rj/ttpa^. c ^J TfltlTldUl. g Gb tav. A -sj tj, e Rec. add ^iou. * O.-, tbink good. 9 f UlC, itaitoyos Vfiwf. Mark X. 46. minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. 16 And they came to Jericho : and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples, and a great number of people ; blind Bar- timaaus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side, begging. 47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he be- gan to cry out, and say, Jesus thou son of David, have mercy on me. 43 And many charged him, that he should hold his • peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou son of David, have mercy on me. 4a And Jesus stood still, and command ed him to be called: and they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise, he calleth thee. 60 And he casting away his garment, rose, and cam? to Jesus. ir And Jesus answered, an I said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee ? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight. 62 And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way, thy faith hath "made thee whole: and imme- diately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way. 11 And when they came nigh to Jerusalem, unto Beth phage, and Bethany, at y mount of Olives, he sendeth forth two of his disciples, s andsaith unto them, Go your way into the vil- lage over against you, & as soon as ye be entered into it, ye shall find a colt tied, whereon never man sat, loose him, and bring him. 3 And if any man say unto you, Why do ye this ? say ye, that the Lord hath need of him : and straightway he will send him hither. 4 And they went their way, and found the colt tied by the door without, in a place where two ways met : and they loose him. 5 And certain of them that stood there, said unto them, What do ye loosing the colt ? 6 And they said unto them even as Jesus 114 EYAITEAION Kai hovvai ri]v ^rv)(i)v avrov Xvrpov dvrl noXXcov. 4G Kai epxovTai els 'lepi^d>' Kal tn- nopevopevov * avrov anb Iepr^a)," Kai to)v paOqraiv avrov, Kai o^Xou Ikovov, b vlbs" Tifialov Baprlpaios 6 rvcpXbs eKadqro napa ti)v 68bv irpoo~aira)v. 47 Kai uKovaas on 'irjcovs 6 Na£cooaZdc- eo~nv, rjp^aro Kpd£ew ko.1 Xeyeii/" O vlbs AauiS, 'ir/croD, fXerjo-ou pe. 4S Kai eVe- rlpoiv avroi TroXkol, iva o~iayirr]o~r)' 6 8e ttoXXco paXXov eKpa^ev' Yie AauiS, eXe- rjauv pe. Kai crras o 1j)o~ovs enrev avrbv (ptovrjdrjvai' Kal (pa>vovo~L rov rv- cpXbv, Xeyovres avr<£ Qapcrei' c eyeipai," (payvel are. 50 'O 8e a7rofiaXa>v to lud- nov avrov dvaards i)X$e rrpbs rov 'Irj- o-ovv' sl Kal drroKpidels Xeyet avrco 6 'lrjo-ovs' Ti deXeis Tvoirjau) croi ; 'O 8e rvcpXbs ebrev avrai' d 'PajBjBovvl," Iva aVa/3Xe'\^a>. 5J 'O 8e 'lrjo'ovs ehsev av- rco' "Ynaye' r\ nlcrns o~ov o~eo~coKe ere. Kai evdtcos dvel3Xe\j/e, Kal rjKoXovdei e red lrjaov" ev rfi 68a>. 11. Kai ore eyyl£ovcnv els s 'lepov- o~aXi)p, etc Brj$(payr] Kal" Brjdavlav irpbs to opos rtov eXaiwv, ajrocrreXXei 8vo rcov padrjrcov avrov, 2 Kai Xe'yei avrols' ' Yira- yere eis ri)v Kcoprjv ri)v Karevavn vpcoV Kai evdecos elo-7Topev6p.evoi els avrr/v evprjcrere ttcoXov 8e8epevov, e(p bv ov8els dvdpCOTTCOV KeKadlKC S Xvo-UVTeS OVTOV dydyere." 3 Kai edv ns vp.lv fiirg' Ti rfoielre rovro ; e'urare' On 6 Ki;pios avrov j(ptLav e'xei Kal evdecos avrbv h a7roo"TeXXei" ajSe. 4 'AmfXdov 8(, Kal evpov ' " ncoXov de&epevov TTpbs ttjv dvpav e£a) (TtI rov ap.ob68ov, Kal Xvovcriv avrov. Kal nves rcov tKei earr/Koroiv iXeyov avrols' Ti Trotflre Xvovres rov rrcoXov ; 6 Oi Se flnov avrols Kadcos a rs.' ourou t*ei9ei/. b f^i ut oj, c Gb. cyetoe *1 R*c. Pa/S^J-jyt. e fib. iitu>. f \) 'Igpoi-TaXfj^* vat E.;. 6 "^ XvXov npbs tov 'Irjaovv, /cat c ene^aXov" avra ra ipdria avT&v, /cat eKadiaev d en avrv. 14 /cat dnonpideis ' " elnev avTjj' Mr/KeTi e/c o~ov els tov alwva k pr]be\s " Kapnbv cpayot. Kat tJkovov ol padrjTai avTov. lo Kat epxovrai els 'lepocroXvpa ' /cat elo-eX6ibv ' 6 'lrjo-ovs " els to iepov fjp- j;aro eKftdXXeiv tovs naiXovvTas /cat dyopd£ovTas ev rco lepco ' /cat ra? rpa- ne(as tcov KoXXv t licrT(ov, /cat Tas Kade- ftpas Ta>v na>XovvTu>v Tas nepio~Tepas Karecrrpex^e - 16 /cat ou/c fj(piev iva t\s bieveyKTj cwevos tea tov iepov. " /cat edt'Sacr/ce, Xiymv airois' Ov yey pamai ' "Oti 6 oikos pov olnos npoo-evxrfs K.Xrjdt)o-eTai ndcri to'is edvecriv ; xipels Se enoirjcraTe avrov anrjXaiov Xtjcttcov. 18 Kat fjnovcrav ol ypapparels /cat ot ap^tepet?, /cat e Qt]tovv na>s avTov ano- Xeo~ovo~iv' " evoiv. & ev c j t y pevero e£a> rrjs iroAeais. *° And in the morning, as 20 j£ a > t ^paX irapairopevopevoi, eldw thev passed by, they saw the * >/■ ' > ' v~ 21 * fig tree dried up from the roots. T W °~ VK ^ ^ipappevijv eK ptfav. J Kai ' 2i And Peter calling to remem- avapvqadeis 6 Uerpos \eyei avraj ' brance saith unto him. Master, 'pooj "3 ' - * Karnpdaoi behold, the fig tree which thou , h ~ * 22 L »•» n « » f > T cursedst, is withered away. efy\pavrai. " Kai unoKpiOeis a o I17- « And Jesus answering, saith o-Q^y" Aeyei avTOls' *Eyfre ir'umv Qeou. unto them, » Have faith in God. 03 > « < \ ' ' ' ■ * * » 23 For verily I say unto you, "> ap.T]v yap Aeyto vp.iv, on osav einp that whosoever shall say unto rtu opet tovtco' ' Ap&r]Tl, Kai (3\i)6r]Tl els this mountain Be thou remov- f ^ A ' } < $ laKpi fa 6 '„ ra ed, and be thou cast into the ' , „' , "' " '' „ 'I sea, and shall not doubt in his KapOia avrov, aAAa moTevra> b o eav eon.' those things which he saith, a i, ' . .. / ,„', „ c *'» shall come to pass : he shall have Out tovto Aeyoj vp.iv, navra oaa av whatsoever he saith. 24 There- Trpoo-ev^opevoi alre'iade, Triarevere on fore I say unto you What things «l Xauj3ai/«V Kai tarat vuiv. 25 /ecu soever ye desire when ye pray, „ ~<^ , ' , ~ , , „ believe that ye receive tf/jem, oral/ aTi]KT]Te 7Tpoo-evxopevoi, aCpiere ei and ye shall have Mem. « And rt * ere Kar( ; Tlvos - " L va Kai 6 narrip when ye stand, praying, torglve, , „ /v , , , , „ , ,, , - ", if ye have ought against any: v/ia>i> o ev rots oypavms as& Vf \ c « r ^ *• 5 trespalses'. ^But if you do not a<£i^f, o«8e o Trarijp 17*0,1/ o crrasov- forgive, neither will your Fa- pavois acprjcrei ra TrapaTTTOopara vpa>v. ther which is in heaven, forgive 27 Ka j i' p) , 0VTal na \iv els 'lepoaoAvua- your trespasses. , , X "-, - > - » And they come again to * a ' ei/ T ? , „ , r ; I , . ' , scribes, and the elders, « and Aeyovaiv avra)' ±.v Ttoiq e^ovo-ia ravra say unto him, By what autho- 7j-oteis ; Kat rt's 0-01 rnv itovaiav ravrnv rity doest thou these things? ■>,* 1 - - . 29 «/-» »> and who gave thee this autho- fOuKtv, iva ravja ^ Trotys; M O be rity to do these tilings ? 29 And 'irjaois OTTOKpi6e\s ehrev avrols' E7re- Jesus answered, and said unto ' £, - ^ - - Xdyoi/, Kai them, I will also ask of you one r, » ,~ ', , « t - ' . question, and answer me, and anoKpidrjre pot, Kai epa> vpiv ev ttom 1 will tell you by what autho- e^ovala ravra ttoio). 30 To (lamia-pa rity I do these things. 30 The >, . / * >> > ~ 9 * ■>/■ ' n • baptism of John, was it from }aavvov ef- ovpavov rjv, r] e| avOpwncov; heaven, or of men? answer dnoKpi8r]Te poi. Kai e fXoyt'^oi'ro " me. 3i And they reasoned with . { avTO vs, \eyovres' 'Eav ctiraucp' themselves, saying. If we shall , " , _ ' , £ , T , ~ say, From heaven, he will say, Ef ovpavov, epef Atari ovv ovk e-rn- Why then did ye not believe o- Tev0 - aTe avT< Z ■ 32 ' Aaa > f " c'^wuev ' him? 3 ' 2 But if we shall say, >„/. > n , ' >. Q - v ..' , Of men, they feared the peo- E S av0pmrav,^e(pofiovvTO tov Aaoy- pie: for all men counted John, airavres yap ei)(ov tov Iwavvrjv, on a Rec. c^) l'jjovr. b ZX c zj d cv> tlttPtrt. e oo tit\oy.ZovTO. f f^> — . Rec. & Cb. add tar, a Or, Lave the faith of God. P Or, thing. KATA MAPKON. 117 33 OVTCOS T7pO(plJTTjS TjV. "" KCIL CLTTOKpi- devres Xeyovai tu> 'Itjctov' Ovk o'lSapev. Kal 6 'Ir/crovs dtroKpiOtls Xeyet aiiTols' Ov8e e'ycb Xe'yco vjmv eV irola e£ovo~iq TCIVTCI 77010). 12. Kai fjpt-aTO avrols ev 7rapa/3oXatc Xeyav' ' ApneXcova ((pyrevaev dvQpoi- nos, Kal nepuBrjKe (ppa.yp.6v, Kal atpv^ev vnoXrjviov, /cat a>Ko8dprjo~e irvpyov, /cat et-edoro avTov yeoipyols, /cat awedrjp.rjae. Kal aTreaTeiXe npbs tovs yecopyovs rco Kaipco 8ovXov, Iva Trapa tcov yecopyaiv Xd- /3fl dnb tov Kapnov roil dpireXaivos' 3 ol be XafiovTes avrov edeipav, /cat aWcrret- Xav Ktvov. /cat ttoXlv u7reo"retAe irpbs airovs aXXov 8ovXov' Kaneivov a Xl8o- j3oXi](ravTes " €Ke(paXaia>o~av, /cat drre- (TTeiXav rjTipcopevov. ° /cat b 7raXti> " aXXov ctTTiaTeiXe' KUKelvov aW/crafav ' /cat noXXovs tiXXovs, tovs p.ev dtpovres, Se tovs oe " aTTOKreLvovTes — i- d €Ti ovv eva viov e^cof ayarrrjTdv "ovtov," aTreo-TeiXe /cat avrov irpbs avrovs ea-^arof, Xeycov' Ort evTpaTn]o~ovTai top viov pov. ' E- Kelvoi 8i ol yeoopyol sIttov npbs eavTovs' Ort oiiTos io-Tiv 6 KXrjpovopos' Seure, anoKTeivoipev avTov, Kal f]pa>v ecrrai f) KXrjpovopia. 3 Kai Xa[36vTes avrov mreKTeivav, /cat e£e(3aXov e£a> tov dp- TreXoii/oc. 9 t'i ovv iroir)o~ei 6 Kvpios tov apTTfXSjvos ; 'EXeuo-erat /cat drroXeo-ei tovs yecupyovs, /cat Sajo-et r6p ajU7reXcofa aXXois. 10 OuSe riji/ ypacprjv TavTT]V avtyvooTe' Aldov, ov dnedoKipao-av ol oiKoSopovvTes, ovtos iyevrjOrj (Is Kecpa- Xrjv ycovlas " napa Kvpiov eyevero avTi], /cat ecrrt 8avpao~Trj ev 6(p8aXpols T]pu>v\ Kal i^rjTovv aiiTov KpaTTjcrai, Kal efpojBijdrjcrav tov 6'^Xoi/ - eyvmcrav yap ort npus avrovs ttjv napajBoXrjv tine' Kal dcpevTes avTov aTrrjXQov. Mark XII. 12. that he was a prophet indeed. 33 And they answered and said unto Jesus, We cannot tell. And Jesus answering, saith unto them, Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things. 12. And he began to speak unto them by parables. A cer- tain man planted a vineyard, and set an hedge about it, and digged a place for the winefat, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country. '-' And at the season, he sent to the husband- men a servant, that he might receive from the husbandmen of the fruit of the vineyard. 3 And they caught him, and beat him, and sent him away empty. 4 And again, he sent unto them another servant ; and at him they cast stones, and wounded him in the head, and sent him away shamefully handled. ^And again, he sent.another, and him they killed : and many others, beating some, and killing some. 6 Having yet therefore one son his wellbeloved, he sent him also last unto them, saying, They will reverence my son. 7 But those husbandmen said amongst themselves, This is the heir, come, let us kill him, and the inheritance shall be our's. 8 And they took him, and killed him, and cast him out of the vineyard. s What shall there- fore the lord of the vineyard do ? he will come and destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard unto others. l0 And have ye not read this scripture ? The stone which the builders rejected, is become the head of the corner: " this was the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes. 12 And they sought to lay hold on him, but feared the people, for they knew that he had spoken the parable against them: and they left him, and went their way. a ^J b Ub. c Gb. aTrov v 'HpcoStafcof, Iva avrov dypevauicn Xo'yo). u oi be e\86vres \eyovo-iv aiirco' AtSatr/caXe, o'ldapev on dXrjBrjs el, Kal ov pekei croi nepl ovSevos' ov yap /SXeVety e Is irpoa- cottov av6pooTru>v, dXX en aXrjBelas rr)v odov roil Qeov diddaKeis. et-eari Krjvcrov Kaiaapi hovvai r) ov ; lo 8wpev, r) prj bwpev ; 'O 8e * eldcos " avrav ttjv invoKpicriv eltrev avrols' Ti pe ireipd£ere ; (fiepere poi drjvdpiov, iva idco. i6 Ot 8e r'jveyKav. Kal Xe'yet avrols' Tivos r) eiKwv avrrj Kal r) em.ypa(pr] ; Ot 8e elnov avra' Kataapos. 1? Kal dnoKpidels 6 Irjcrovs ehrev avrols' ATrodore ra. Kai- crapos Kaicrapi, Kal rd rov Qeov rS Geco. Kal edavpaaav en avra>. 18 Kal epxovrai 2a8SotiKaIot Trpos avrbv, olrives \eyovaiv dvdo~rao~iv prj elvaf Kal eTrr/pairrjcrav avrov, Xeyovres' 13 AtSdcTKaXe, Mcoo~r)s eypa^/ev rjjj.lv, "On edv Tivos dbe\(pbs dnodavr], Kal KarcikLTTrj yvvalKa, /cat reKva prj a(f)fj, Iva Xu/St; 6 d$e\v ovk dcpr/Ke aireppa' - 1 Kal 6 devrepos e\aj3ev avrrjv, Kal dntdave, Kal ov8e avrbs dcPrjKe aneppa' Kal 6 rptros coo-avTUis Kai eAapov avrijv ot enra, /cat ovk acf^r^av cnteppa. c ecr- ydrr) iravruiv dntQave Kal r) yvvrj. " ~ 6 ev rjj d ovv " dvaarda-ei, e orav dva- o~Tu>o-i," tivos uvtcov earai yvvr] ; ol yap emd eo~xov avrt)v yvvalKa. 24 Kal a7ro- KpiBels 6 'irjaovs ciirev avrols' Ov 8id roiro rrXavdaBe, prj eldores rds ypaipds, prjde ttjv Bvvapiv rov Qeov ; £5 orav yap eK veKpwvdvaarcoo-iv, oilre yapovaiv, b U/. ?t Elz. adil ovv. <"' CVJ aa^arov Travrwy Kai »j yvyi] mrEdayny. d — » e KATA MAPKON. 119 Mark XII. 35. ovre yauiCTKovTai, aXX' elcrlv is ayye- given in marriage : but are as x , . * - s - 26 „ „) X; „-,. the angels which are in heaven. Xot a »to»S ovpavois. | Trept 6e tui* , e An( f as touching lhe dt , adj veKpcov, OTX eyelpovrai, ovk avtyvu>Te ev that they rise: have ve not read ra jSt'tf Aco Himkw, eJTt b rou /Sdrou, " is "} \ hc J>°° k ° f Moses, how in •! " " ; „ , ' ^ / 'f > ' the bush Cod spake unto Inm, (inev avTco o Geo?, AeytoV ivya> o saying, I am the God of Abra- 060? 'AfcWdu, (cat 6 ©ftis 'icradK, Kat 6 ham, and the Cod of Isaac, " "* J^, a »7 ^> * ' o ' and the God of Jacob? »» He ©eos Ia/cco£ ; "' Owe eoru> o «6o? is not the God of lhe deadi bul veKpcov, dAXd c " ^covtcov' iipels ovv noXv the God of the living: ye there- 7rXavdo-6e. ; fore do greatly err. 28 Kat TrpotreXBcov etc Tif ypappa- 2s And one of the scribes TeW, d/cotVas aL"rd)i> avtriTOWTow, came - and having heard them ,. v „ N „ , - , in ■ reasoning together, and perceiv- etoos on KaAcos avrois aneKpiOr), enrj- ing tliat ne liad answered them pcorriaev avrov' Ilola earl ir parr) d irav- well, asked him which is the first ,ii \> 2j S ! 't „.~„ ,!—,.,, *.7)„ commandment of all. *• .And to)^ ei/roXij; ■ O fie Iijcrous arreKp^ J( , sus answered hinli The nrst avTco' "Oti e 7rpd)Tt] ncivTcov Tcov evToXcov ' of all the commandments is, "Alcove, 'io-panX, Kdptos d 6eos IJWWV H ear > ° Israel the Lord our r " ' an ■ • ' v' God ls one Lord: 30 and thou Kuptos e is ecrrt. ou /cat aycnrrjo-fis Kvptov shalt | ove the Lord thy God rdi/ Gedf trov e| 6Xnc rns Kapdias crov, with all thy heart, and with all < >> f% i v >> n-\ thy soul, and with all thv mind, Kai e£ oXyc rrjs \j/v X r]S elf: there is none other TrXno-lov aov cos atavrov. MeiCcovTOV- commandment greater than ' .,/, >, ! ■. v i ../ 3< ,. v t these. 3 - And the scribe said rccvaXArj evToKq ovk eari.. " Kat ftTrei/ unt0 hinl) Well Master) thou avTto 6 ypapparevs' KaXiff, 8iddj *>> n i ,i " , ,.f„ i__, u- " „„» is one God, and there is none err aXij&iar eiTra?, ortft? ecm = , Kat o|her but ^ 3J And t0 !oye Of K 60-Tlf aAAos 7TM]V avrov' Kai TO him with all the heart, and with dyairav avrov c£ oXris rris Kapdias, Kai a !| the understanding, and with J ,. „ b y ' ' , T .. . all the soul, and with all the e§ oAtjc rqc o-WfO-eoJc, K ai v okoKavTU>uaTa>v Kat saw that he answered discreetly, " " 6vo-lwv. M Koi d 'ino-oDs tSiy airo^, J e saki un '° him Thou art not „ ,
od. ort vowels aneKpLUT), uirev avTio * Ov And no man after that durst paKpav el dno rf/s ftao-iXeias tov Qeov. sk him any question. Kat ot'Seis oiiKfTi eVciXpa avrov ene- poiTrjcraL. 35 Kat dTTOKptcVis d 'incroCs eXfye, 35 , And Jesus answered, and «, 5, , , JT , „ „« ' ,. , ' , said, while he taught in the 6toacnccoJ> ev toj tepoj" llcos Aeyovtriv oi lemp \ e ^ H ow say the scribes ypapparcls, oti 6 Xptcrros vios eVrt that Christ is the son of David? * Hue. add 01. '• Ree. rfj; fiaTOv. c Rec. add 6*0i. d Ret-, waowv. c Re r. iruwrij rooiuv Tail* tnol'.Vi Ob. kjjuim) irarrMT tvroX^. c=j itpunrj toriv. opoia avry 8 Kec. aid 6*oy» li Rec. add ™.-. Mark XII. 36. 36 for David himself said by the Holy Ghost, The Lordsaid to my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool. :,; David therefore himself calleth him Lord, and whence is he then his son ? And y common people heard him gladly. M And he said un- to them in his doctrine, Beware of the scribes, which love to go in long clothing, and tone salu- tations in the marketplaces, 39 and the chief seats in the synagogues, and the uppermost rooms at feasts : 4 " which de- vour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayers: these shall receive greater dam- nation. 41 And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury : and many that were rich, cast in much. 4 - And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. J3 And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury. ** For all they did cast in of their abundance: but she of her want, did cast in all that she had, even all her living. 13. And as he went out of the temple, one of his disciples saith unto him, Master, see what manner of stones, and what buildings are here. 2 And Jesus answering, said unto him, Seest thou these great build- ings ? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. 3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, over against the temple, Peter, and James, and John, and Andrew asked him privately, 4 Tell us, when 120 EYAITEAION Aavi8 ; 3r ' avrbs yap Aavi8 envev ev "Uvevpari" dyta>' b Aeyei" 6 Kvpios T&3 Kvptui pov' Kddov eK 8e^icov pov, tuf av do) rovs e^dpovs crov inronodiov ru>v TrobSiv crov. i ' Avrbs c ovv" Aav'ih Xeyei avrbv Kvpiov' kcu TtbBev vibs avrov ecrri ; Kai 6 ttoXvs b^Xos rJKovev avrov rjoeccs. Kai eXeyev avrois ev rr/ 8i8axfj avrov' BXerrere dirb rusv ypap- 6eX6v o~to\c pareav, tcov OeAovrcov ev crroAaic Tre- pirrareiv, Kai danacpovs ev rate ayopals, 3a Kai 7Tpu>TOKadec>pias ev rais o-vvayon- yais, Kai Trpcoro/cXicriac ev rots 8enrvois' oi Kareaaiovres ras oiKias ra>v yr]pu>v, Kai irpocpdn-ei pciKpa -Trpoo~ev)(opevoi' ovtoi Xrj-tyovrai irepio-crbrepov Kplpa. 41 Kai KaBlcras 6 'irjaovs Karevavn rov ya£o(pvXaKiov eOeiapei ttuis 6 o^Xos (idXXei ^oXkov els to ya£o(pvXaKiov. Kai TroWoi ttXovo~ioi ejSaXXov noXXd' " Kai eXBovaa pia XVP a d ^ Ta >X^ " e fia\e Xe7rra 8vo, o ean Ko8pdvrrjs. 43 Kai TvpocrKaXecrdpevos rovs paarjrds avrov, e Xeyei" avrois' Api)v Aeya) vpiv, on ?/ xhp a a-v Tr l i? 7rra)^r) nXeiov Tfdvrojv fiefi\r)Ke rorv (3a\6vra>v els to ya£o(pv- Xdxiov. 4i ndvres yap eK rov irepio-- o~evovros avrois e t iaXov' avrrj 8e eK rrjs vareprjaews avrrjs ivdvra baa el^ev ej3a- Xev, bXov rov (3iov avrrjs. 13. Kai eKTTopevopivov avrov eK rod lepov, Xeyet avra> els r£>v padrjriov av- rov' Ai8do~KaXe, 'I8e, 7TOTa7roi Xi&oi Kai TroraTrai oiKo8opai. " Kai o Irjcrovs diTOKpiBeis elnev avra>' BXeneis ravras ras peydXas olKo8opds ; ov pr) r dcpeBfj " Xi&os eni Xida>, bs ov pr) KaraXvdrj. 3 Kai Kadr/pevov avrov els to bpos rorv eXaicov Karevavn rov lepov, eivrj- poiTiov avrbv Kar Ihlav Ilerpos Kai 'Iwkco^oc Kai 'loidvvrjs Kai 'Avbpeas' » He r>j* n^*i-ftar* r — , Gb. sit**-. f CN> a'fe'Jp utis. KATA MAPKON. 121 4 Et7T€ r]fJUV, 7TOT€ TClVTa eCTTai ; KM Tl to arjpelov orav peXXrj ixavra ravra awreXeladai ; 6 'O 8e 'Irjaovs dno- Kpidels avrols rjp^aro Xeyeiv' BXenere pr) tis vpas irkavi]o-rj. 6 ivoXkol yap eXeiaovrai eVri ra ovoparl pov, \eyov- Tes ' "On eya> elpi' Kal noXXovs ttXu- vr)(rovo-iv. ' orav 8e dKovo-qre iroXepovs ko\ dicoas iroXepav, pi] dpoelcrde " del yap yeveo~8at ' dXX' ovTrco to rfXos. 8 iyep6i]0-(Tai yap eOvos eiii e$vos, Kal /3ao-tXeia em jSaaiXelav " Kal ecrovTai cretcrpol Kara, tottovs, ko.1 ecrovrai Xipoi a (cat TapaxaL" 9 b dpx 7 ? " oi8'iva>v TaxiTa. fiXenere 8e vpels eavTovs' Trapa8a>o~ovcn yap vpas els crvvedpia, Kal eis o~vva- yooyds 8apr)(Teade, Kal em rjyepovcav Kal ftao-iXeoiv o-Tudrjaeo-fle eveKev e'/xou, els fiaprupiov avTocs Kai ets iravra tu eVvr) del TrpwTov Kt]pv)(8r}vai to evayyeXiov. 11 "Oral/ 8e c aya>o~iv " vpas napa8i- tovres, pi] irpopepipvaTe ri XaXi^crr/re, d pr]8e peXerdre' " dXX' o edv 8o6r) vplv ev eKeivr] ttj copa, tovto XaXelre' on yap eo~Te vpels ol XaXovvres, aXXd rollvevpa to ayiov. 12 TrapadooaeL 8e d8eXuv els ddvarov, Kal 7rari)p tzkvov Kal eTravao-T^aovTat, TeKva em yoveis, Kal davaTwo-ovcriv aiiTOvs' 13 Kal eaeade ptcrovpevoi vtro iruvTav 8ia to ovopa pov' 6 8e vrropeivas els TeXos, ovtos o~codi]o-eTai. 14 "Orav Se 'l8t]Te to (38£Xvypa Trjs epr]p.a>o-e(i)S, e to prjdev vtto AavirjX tov irpo(pr]Tov," f icrTcas" ottov ov 8el ' (d ava- yiva>o~Kayv voeiTco') rdre ol ev Tij lov- 8aia (pevyeTcoaav els to. opt]' ° 6 8e eirl Toil 8a>paTos pr) KaTajiaTa eis ttjv oiKLav, pt]8e elaeXdeTco apai ti eK Trjs olvyr) vuoiV " vei- ls And pray ve that your flight - r i 9 I ' ' r // / , 4 be not in the' winter. 19 Tor in P-^os. » eaovTai yap ai jjpepcueKeivat those days shall be affliction, 0\i\jsis, oia ov yeyove Toiavrq utt dp)(fjs such as was not from the be- K „' (re(1)s S s i' KTl0 - ev Qebs, «os rod vvv, ginning of the creation which i » » / «„ v , , , God created, unto this time, Kai ov pr] yevr/rcu. * Kai ei pi] Kvpios neither shall be. -° And except eKo\6Sa>ae Tas wepas, ovk av eawdri that the Lor J had shortened - » * >\n » a i i > n i those days, no flesh should be ^aaa o"e ret? rjpepas. whom he hath chosen, he hath 21 „„\ _'_- ',;„ _,„ ',',. ,?__,. >tX,,\ *■,£, ,., , ... ! ,,, Kai Tore eav tls vixiv (irrri locv. a>oe shortened the days ■"And then, t , . * y t~ . ™ «'„ , ' if any man shall say to you, Lo, o Xpio-Tos' %)■ lbov eKei, /xt) ° 7ri- here is Christ, or lo, he is oreveTe." * 2 iyepdnaovTai yap ib-ev- there: believe him not. -- For 5. , vis. j - v false Christs and false prophets OoXpHTTOl KaL \j/evbo7Tpo(pr]Tai, ^ Kai. shall rise, and shall shew signs dcoaovcri. arjpela Kai repara, irpbs to and wonders, to seduce, if it > _\ - 'a \ » » ' \ „, n „,.„„ ,u oi a „, anonAavav, ei ovvaruv, /cat rovs- e/cAe- were possible, even the elect. , / _ ,' , * 23 But take ye heed: behold, I ktovs. vpeis oe (iXtTvere' toou, -npo- have foretold you all things. e [prj Ka vjx ' iv Trdvra. w But in those days, after , ** ' AAA ' « eKelvmsrais f/pepats, pera that tribulation, the sun shall rrjv 6\i^rw eKeivrjv, 6 fpiios o~KOTio~0rj- be darkened, and the moon shall Kai ' ^Xiwil oi owo-fi ro (beyyos not give her light. ^ And the , „ ' .,- ' v ', ', , , ~ t '* „ siars of heaven shall fall, and aurrjs, a Kai oi aarfpfs tov ovpavov the powers that are in heaven eVoi/rat eKTTiTTTOvTes, Ka\ al 8vvdu.ei$ at shall be shaken. J6 And then > - > - s a' 26 » shall they see the Son of man evrois ovpavois aaXevdj]0-ovTai. ^ Kai coming in the clouds, with great Tore o\j/ovTai tov vlov TOV avdpumov power and glory » And then i px6jxivov & ^AAaic uera guwiuecos shall he send his angels, and \ ■/- , . ,,. " ,. v ~, , ' . * shall gather together his elect 7roAAr;c /cat So§7;c. " Kai TOTe aTTOOTeAei from the four winds, from the TOI ^ ayy/Aou? d aiirou, " Kai emo-vvdPei uttermost part of the earth, to i » '»' v f - > - » the uttermost part of heaven. ™us e<\e ktovs avTov ck tcov Teo- b j T '> ^ s ^ 6eTe r T ^ J[ a ' fig tree. When her branch is papokrjv' OTav avTrjs rjor] 6 KAaOOS yet tender, and putteth forth ana \ os yevriTai, Kai eKchvn tci cbvWa, leaves, ve know that summer is , ' !, , , \ a' > ' near: •J'J so ye in like manner, ytvu(rK€Te OTieyyvs jo Otpos eaTiV whe i ye shall see these things 29 out(o Kai vpels, orav Tavra 'iSrjTe come to pass, know that it is > > » > / J nigh, even at v doors. » Verily V?Pf? a > 7^K€ T e OTieyyvs JQ-tiv I say unto you, that this gene- f7Ti ovpais. A.p.i]v Xe-yco li/^if, on ration shall not pass, till all ov > TtaixlXQT) 17 vei/ea aiJrn, aeypis ov these things be done. " Hea- ,' ' 1 ' ',' ' 31 <• > > \ ven and earth shall pass away: TcwTa TavTa y€vrjTai. ° o ovpai/oc Kai but my words shall not pass jj yjj e 8e to irao-xa ko.1 ret erroirjo-e' rrpoeXafie fivpiaai ,uou to 0-cbp.a Mark XIV. 8. away. 3 - But of that day and that hour knowcth no man, no not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. 33 Take ye heed, watch and pray : for ye know not when the time is. 34 For the Su/i of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his ser- vants, and to every man his work, and commanded the por- ter to watch : 35 watch ye there- fore (for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockqrowing, or in the morn- ing.) 3(i Lest coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. 37 And what I say unto you, I say unto all, Watch. 14. After two days was the feast of the passover, and of unleavened bread : and the chief priests, and the scribes sought how they might take him by craft, and put him to death. 2 But they said. Not on the feast day, lest there be an uproar of the people. 3 And being ill Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at meat, there came a woman, having an alabaster box of ointment of "spikenard very precious, and she brake the box, and poured it on his head. 4 And there were some that had indignation within themselves, and said, Why was this waste of the ointment made? 5 For it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence, and have been given to the poor: and they murmured against her. 6 And Jesus said, Let her alone, why trouble ye her ? she hath wrought a good work on me. 7 For ye have the poor with you always, and whenso- ever ye will ye may do them good: but me ye have not always. 3 She hath done what she could: she is come <1 St St F.!z. st\ei: Or, pure nard, or, liquid tiiitd Mark XIV. 9. 124 EYAITEAION aforehand to anoint my body to els tov ei>Ta '' , „ ', ' , „ shall be preached throughout eis oXov tov KO0-pov,Kaio enoirjaevavTrj, the whole world, this also that XaXrjOrjveTai eis pvqpoavvov avrr/s. she hath done, shall be spoken in t/ ' ' 't 's ' 't ' v of for a memorial of her. *« o lovbas o IoxaptfflTijff, ft? 10 And Judas Iscariot, one rmv OcobeKa, airrpXtie irpos tovs ap%ie- of the twelve went unto the - « va napada aVTOV aVTols. " 01 chief priests, to betrav him unto C , , , r ,' , , , , them. " And when they heard 6e aKOuo-ai/rec exaprjcrav, Kai erniyy fl- it, they were glad, and pro- Xavro avra> dpyvptov bovvai' Kai e£r]Tei mised to give him money. And - > »' > \ * - he sought how he might con- "*» e^aipas aurov TrapaSa). venientlv betray him. 12 Kai r/; TvpuiTrj rjpepa tuv a(vpa>v, » And" the first day of unlea- « re to jtiwyo etfuw, Aeyownv olto ot vened bread, when they "killed , , A „ _ „ „,.' , .. ^ ,' the passover, his disciples said paUrjTai avroV lion dekeis anekOovTes unto him, Where wilt thou that iroipdcriopev tva (bdyris TO 7rao-Ya ; we go, and prepare, that thou ]3 JL y , /.... s> ' - a - mayest eat the passover ?" K «' airocrreXXei bvo Tav paOrjTwv > a And he sendeth forth two of avTOV, Kai Xeyei avrols' Yndyere eis his disciples, and saith unto ' ^ K al drravrno-eivplv <'lv8pa)7Tos them, Go ve into the city, and ' , » ■ ■> < a' there shall meet you a man Kepapiov voaros paoTuQW aKokovOr]- bearing a pitcher of water: aaTe a {j T( 2, 14 Kai 6Vou eav elaeXdn, follow him. 14 And whereso- ,, -' » «, / «^ » s. s. ' ever he shall go in, say ye to ewrcffe to oiKobecnroTT)- On o biba - \ < i into the city, and found as he ™P™ Ka6 ^ «"* a "™s, KaL ^oipaaav had said unto them : and they TO TTao~X a - made ready the passover. 17 Ka | fyias yevopevrjs epxerai fiera » And in the evening he ™» bwbeKa' 18 Kai dvoKeifiepaV airr&V cometh with the twelve. ls And Kai eadioVTCDV, einev 6 lr]o~ovs' Aprjv as they sat and did eat, Jesus ^' < j « Tt ^ e '| ' -„ TrapaSaWei said, Verilv I say unto you, ' r , A , > > ~ r i 9 ^t s>^ » one of you which eateth with P-e, o eadiuiv per epov. Vi be T)p- me, shall betray me. ■» And t aV TO Xvire'iadai, Kai Xe'yeti/ avTO els they began to be sorrowful, and /p *• . »» ' ' ' . c ^ «\\ . »/i ' to say unto him, one by one, Is ™0 US '} /Lr l Tl y 7 W 5 ^'/^ Mijrt it I ? and another said, Is it I ? eyo) ;" O Se ''aTTOKpt^ei?" ehxev avro'is' so And he answered, and said E J fa ,.-„ §^§ eK:a ^ infianrouevos per unto them, 7t is one of the , „ , , ' , ' gi <• v (1 twelve, that dippeth with me e/MOU fiy to rpvfikiov. o pev vios in the dish. • il The Son of TO j} dv6pu>irov (nrdyei, Kada)s yeypanrai man indeed goeth, as it is writ. % > -. > » &' <•>/)#> < ten of him: but woe to that nepi avrov^ ovai be T(j) avdpwirco eKeivu, man by whom the Son of man 6Y oil 6 vibs tov dv6pd>nov 7rapabiboTai' a R*c. aywytou. b — » c -♦ d — » a Or, sacrifiuHd. KATA MAPKON. 125 Mark XIV. 35. KaXov rjv airco, el ovk eyevvfjdr] 6 av- is betrayed: good were it for a ' " 1 that man, if he had never been VpCdTTOs eiceivos. born " Kat ecrdiovrcov avTcbv, Aa/3 6 M And as they did eat, Jesus 'Incrois aorov ev\oyn(ras e/cXacre, (Cat took bread and blessed, and ' ," - v ■? a '/o a" - ' brake ;<, and gave to them, and eOcoKff avTOiy, /cat et7rf Aapere, tovto saidi Xake, eat: this is my eori to crcoud pov. 23 Kfll Aa/3co!> "to" body. « And he took the cup, / > i •>/» > - . and when he had given thanks, Trorrjptov evxapia-Trjaas ebcoKev ovtois he gSLVe it t0 them . and they KM emov e'£ aiirov irdvTes' /cat elnev all drank of it. '■" And he said aWTMAm ro O^ p, , °t6" J^them. ^his is myblood of ti/c '' Kiavrjs' dia8r]KT]s, to nepi 7To\Acov shed for many. M Venly Isay eKvvvimevov. a duni/ Aeyco tiuif, 6Yt unto you, I will drink no more , A , ' , >„///> ~ r ' »of the fruit of the vine, until ovKen ov pr] nico etc Toy yevvj]pajos that day that j drink it new in TTJs dpiveXov, ecos ttjs fjpepas eKeivrjs, the kingdom of God. orav civto Trlva kciivov iv tjj fiaaikeiq tov Geov. 26 Kat lavho-avTes i£nkdov els to 26 And when they had sung „ „ ~~ L 27 v \ ' ' an "hymn, thev went out into opos tov eXaiwv. " km Aeyei. avrois thp mount of olives, v And 6 'lno~ovs' "Otl irdvTes 0~Kav8a\l0~87]- Jesus saith unto them, All ye A » > > »>.._= * __/,_..* £--, shall be offended because of aea6e » cv e/io* «< ; ti/ i/ukti rat/Tr; ort me ^ njght . fprit h wntten _ yeypaTTTai' IIard§co rof iroipeva, /cat i w ai smite the shepherd, and SuuTKopnurOriaeTaiTairpoPaTa. 28 'A\- the sheen shall be scattered " V " ,' ,3, / ' /> t •- » But alter that I am risen, I Aa pera to eyepOqvai pe, npoa^co vpas will g0 be f ore y OU into Galilee. ets Tnv TakCkaiav. 29 'O be HeTpos - a But Peter said unto him, Al- » t > ~ ir v » ' fc "\._/J,i though all shall be offended, e> i ' r. * S\. more vehemently, If 1 should pe. 31 O Se 'ck mpuraov ^^7? die wit h thee, I will not deny " pdWov' " 'Edv jtie herj crvvanodaveLV thee in any wise. Likewise trot, ov pr] ere dnapvrjaopai. 'Qo-avT(os als0 sald the y all> be kol irdvTes ekeyov. 32 Kai epxovTai els ^coptof, ov to ZvopaTeeo-rtpay «A}p*r* paSf J^SSSSXiSS. Tals aVTOv KadtcraTf code, ea>s TVpocrev- and he saith to his disciples, Sit ^ojuat. 33 Kat Trapakap&dvei tov UeTpov ye here, while I shall pray. ~i//>t' a » >f • a ' 33 And he taketh with him Pe- Kai lciKaipov /cat Itouwrp pet)^ eav- ter _ and j ames> and Jo h n , and tov ' /cat rjp^ciTO eKdapl3elcrdai /cat dSr/- began to be sore amazed, and 34 \ -v ' > " . tt ~'\ ' to be verv heavv. 34 and saith povew.^ « /cat \eyei avrou IlepiXynus ™ ^ M y loul is exceed- ecrrtf r) yv%r] pov ecus davaTOV peivcvre ms sorrowful unto death: tarry o)Se /cat yprjyopelTe. w Kat m npoeXdav" ye here, an d watch. *> And he i «i ««ir»p.o«»!. k 3 IRec.addroK . .V W «.|>I». Or. p-nlm. Mark XIV. 36. 126 EYAITEAION went forward a little, and fell piKpbv, enearev CTTt TTJs yrjs, Kai npoa- on the ground, and prayed that „{, yfT0 ;'„a, el hvvarov ean, napekdn if it were possible, the hour ', ^ , ~ , * ™ v «v >aoo- might pass from him. 36 A nd an avrov i] oipa' Kai eAeyeV Appa, he said, Abba, father, all things q irarrip, ndvra Sward crot' napeveyKS are possible unto thee, take \ / >_> > - ~ . >\v » away this cup from me: never- « T^r""" ^ , *T ™ V ™ „ T °" theless, not that 1 will, but what ri eyu> oeka>, aXXa tl o~v . ' Kai thou wilt. 3 ? And he cometh Z pX€Tal Ka \ f {,pi(TKeL avrovs Ka6ev- and findeth them sleeping, and " , . , r „ , , saith unto Teter, Simon, sleep- oovras, Kai Aeyei ra Llerpa>- Zipuv, est thou? couldest not thou Kadevbeis ; ovk i'o"YUcras' piav u>pav ypt]- ^W.KV'.EftS W«! 33 , TPWopar, «d rrpo™- temptation: the spirit truly is ^eade, \va pi] eio-ehdrjre eis neipaapov. ready, but the flesh is weak. TQ ^ nvevpa npoQvpov, J] be aapg daBevrjs. 39 And again he went away, 39 Kai ndXiv dne\6a>v npoarqv^aro, and prayed and spake the same T £ avTQV \ oyov flnav. 40 Kai vno- words. 40 And when he re- , . •>>»»/># a ' turned, he found them asleep (TTpetyas evpev avrovs * nahw KaVev- again, (for their eyes were hea- 8ovras ' vtiav yap oi od)8a\pol avrwv vv) neither wist they what to h a a > # » > "% ' » answer him. «' And he cometh Pfap^pevoi, KaiovKybeKravriav- the third time, and saith unto ra> dnoKpidwai. 41 Kai ep^erairb rpirov them, Sleep on now and take ^ A ' avTO l s - Ka6ev8ere c rb" Xombv your rest: it is enough, the hour v , ' , A , , ?. a , „ is come, behold, the Son of man Kai avanaveatie. ane^ei' TjAVev l] copa' is betrayed into the hands of 1§ 0V napa8i8orai 6 v'lbs rov dl'dpdanov sinners. 42 Rise up, let us go, , , r „ , \ ~ 42 > ' lo, he that betrayeth me, is at «S Tas xeipas rcov apaprcoXuv. eyei- hand. peaBe, dyajpev' l8ov, 6 napa8i8ovs pe ljyyiKe. 43 And immediately, while he 43 Kai evBectiS, eVt avrov XaXovvros, yet spake, cometh Judas, one napayiverai 'lov8as, eh d &v" rcov 8a- of the twelve, and with him a^ r ', ,,-.»>. -. v \ great multitude with swords, & OfKa, Kai per avrov o X Xos 7roAu? pera staves, from the chief priests, uavaipuv Kai £;v\a>v, napa TOiV ap)(ie- sisrif a bS e ed eI ts: ^'- -i ™" jwr*:* * al ™ v had given them a token, saying, 7rpecr[3vT€pa>v. OeOcoKet 06 o irapa- Whomsoever I shall kiss that ^ ovs avrov (Tvo-o-ripov avrols, Aeyw^' same is he ; take him. and lead »_'«■»./ > » > ' him away safely. « And as Ov av (pi\r]o-a>, avros ecrrf Kpanjcrare soon as he was come, he goeth avrov, Kai dnaydyere do-s. 4o Kai straightway to him, and saith, >-, a \ >/)' _. \/)>„ „,'„,", \A,«, • Master, mister, and kissed him! fA6,&3 ^ ™5e«s TrpoaeMoiv avra Aeyet 46 And they laid their hands on 'Pa/3/31, e pa|3/3f" Kai Karetyikrjo-fv av- him, and took him. T(5(/ 46 j g^ intfiaXov eV avrov ras ■%elpas avrav, Kai (Kpdrrjo-av avrov. 47 Ei? Se ti? toji' Trapeo-rrjKorcov 47 And one of them that stood , \ / -v > by, drew a sword, and smote a 0-7ra0-ap.fi/0s TT)V pa X aipav (naive rov servant of the high priest, and $ov\ov rod dp)(iepea>s, Kai a(p€i\ev RATA MAPKON. 127 ai/Tov to a (oriov." * ? Kai cmoKpiOels 6 'Irjaovs elnev avTols' 'Qs en\ \r)am]v e^rj\$fT€ perd paxat-puv Kai i;vk(ov avXhafieiv pf, 49 Kaff rjpepav ijprjv Trpoc vpus iv rw iepu> 8i8daKa>v, /cat ovk €KpaTi)craTe pe ' dXK iva TrXrjpco- 6a>aiv at ypacpai. s0 Kat dcpeVrey aliTov TrdvTes i'(f>vyov. 51 /cat etc tis veaviaKos b rjKo\ov6r]o-fv " avrco, -rrepifiefiXripevos o~iv86va errl yvpvov' /cat Kparovcnv av- Tov c oi v(avi ttuvtcs ol dpxiepds /cat oi Tvpeo-fivTepot /cat oi ypapparels. S4 /cat 6 ILerpos and p.a- Kpodev rjKo\ovdr]o~ev uvtco trcoc ecrco eis rtju avXrjv roil dp^tepecoy' /cat rjv avy- Kadrjpevos peTa twv vnripeTwv, /cat Oeppaivopevos npbs e to " (puis- 5o oi 8e dp)(Lepels /cat 6\ov to avveSpiov t^Tovv /card roD 'i^txoO paprvpiav, etc to #a- paroocrat at/roV /cat ou^ evpicrKov. 56 IloXXot yap tyev8opapTvpovv kcit avTov, Kai t'crat at paprvpiai, ovk rjaav. s ' /cat Ttfec aWordi'Tey e\jfev8opapTV- povv /car' avTov, XtyovTes ' Oft rjpeis r)Kovo-apev ai>Tov \tyovTos ' Ort eya) KaTaKvaa tov vabv tovtov tov XeiponoLtjTov, Kai 8id Tpicov r/pepcov ciK- Atw a^ftpoTrotTjrof ot/coSop^txa). Kat ov8e ovtcos 'io~q rjv rj papTvpia clvtg>v. 60 Kat dvao-Tcis 6 dpxiepevs els ' " peaov eVqpcorr/o-t? tov 'Ir/crow, \eyu>v ' Ovk anoKpivr] ov8ev ; rt ovtol o~ov KaTapap- Tvpovaiv ; 61 'O 8e ecnd>Tru, /cat ov8ev dneKpivaTO. IlaXty 6 dpxitpevs enrjpwTa civtov, /cat Ae'yei avTca' 2u ft 6 Xptcrro?, 6 utu? toC evkoyrjTov ; - 'O 8e 'lrjaovs eirrev' Mark XIV. 62. cut off his ear. 4H And Jesus answered, and said unto them, Aie ye come out as against a thief, with swords, and with staves to take me? ■''■> I was daily with you in the tpmple, teaching, and ye took me not; but the scriptures must be ful- filled. 60 And they all forsook him, arid fled. il And there followed him a certain young man. having a linen cloth cast about his naked body, and the young men laid hold on him. 51 And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked. 53 And they led Jesus away to the high priest, and with him were assembled all the chief priests, and the elders, and the scribes. 54 And Peter followed htm afar off, even into the palace of the high priest : and he sat with the servants, and warmed himself at the fire. M And the chief priests, and all the council sought for witness against Je- sus, to put him to death, and found none. 56 For many bare false wit- ness against him, but their wit- ness agreed not together. 5; And there arose certain, and bare false witness against him.saying, 58 We heard him say, I will de- stroy this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands. M But neither so did their witness agree to- gether. 60 And the high priest stood up in the midst, and asked Jesus, saying, Answeresl thou nothing? what is it which these witness against thee? 6I But he held his peace, and answered nothing. Again, the high priest asked him, and said unto him, Art thou the Christ, the son of the Blessed? m And Jesus said. I -. Beo.& Gb. 7,«o\oi8e.. cm *t,ni«oV>v«ii. = zt <* -♦ • Elx. em. * B«c. ndd to. Mark XIV. 63. am : and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. e:i Then the high priest rent his clothes, and saith, What need we any fur- ther witnesses ? 6 * Ye have heard the blasphemy: what think ye ? And they all con- demned him to be guilty of death. 65 And some began to spit on him, and to cover his face, and to buffet him, and to say unto him, Prophe>y: and the servants did strike him with the palms of their hands. ce And as Peter was beneath in the palace, there cometh one of the maids of the high priest. ,: And when she saw Peter warming himself, she looked upon him, and said. And thou also wast with Jesus of Naza- reth. t;s But he denied, saying, I know not, neither understand I what thou sayest. And he went out into the porch, and the cock crew. 69 And a maid saw him again, and began to say to them that stood by, This is one of them. ;o And he denied it again. And a little after, they that stood by said again to Peter, Surely thou art one of them: for thou art a Galilaean, and thy speech agreeth thereto. 71 But he began to curse and to swear, saying, I know not this man of whom ye speak. '* And the second time the cock crew : and Peter called to mind the word that Jesus said unto him, Before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice. And when he thought thereon, "he wept. 15. And straightway in the morning the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes, and the whole council, and bound Jesus, and 128 EYAITEAION Eyco dpi. Kai u\p-ea6e rbv vlbv rov av- dpdnrov d €K fie£io>f KaBijpevov' rijs 8vvd- peuis, /cat ep^opevov pera ru>v ve(peXu>v rov ovpavov. 63 'O fie" dpxiepevs 8iap- pt'j^as rovs x iTU > vas avTov Xe'yei " Tt en xpeiav e'xopev paprvpcov ; M tjkov- orare rrjs ^Xaacjirjpias' ri vp.lv (paiverat ; Ol fie irdvres KartKpivav avrbv elvai evoxpv Qavdrov. ° Kai rjp^avro rives ep.Trrveiv avrat Kai rrepiKaXvTvreiv rb Tvpoaunrov avrov, Kai KoXa(pi£eiv avrbv, Kai Xeyeiv aurco' IIpov rov dpxiepecos, 67 (cai Idovaa rbv Tlerpov 6epp,aivopevov, e p(3Xe\j/-ao-a avrco Xe'yei* Kai (rv pera. rov ~Na£apr}voi> 'ijjtroO rjada. 68 'O fie TjpvTjaaro, XeyioV Ovk oi8a, ov8e erv'io-rapai ri o~v Xeyeis. Kai e'^rjX- 6ev et;(0 etc rb irpoavXiov' Kai dXeKrcop ecpcovrjae. 69 Kai 77 7rai8io~Ki] l8ovo~a av- rbv ndXiv rjp^aro Xe'yeti" rols Trapearrrj- KoaiV "On oiros e£ avrcov eo-nv. ' a 'O fie irdXiv rjpvelro. Kai pera piKpbvTvaXiv ol Trapearcores e'Xeyoj> to Uerpco' 'AXtj- 0cos e£ avroiv ei Kai yap TaXtXatoc el, c *cai t] XaXid o~ov 6p.oid£ei." ^ 'O fie ijp^aro dvadepari^eiv Kai d dpvveiv'" On ovk oiSa rbv avdpcoTrov rovrov, ov Xeyere. ' 2 Kai e evdeios" e\ 8evrepov dXtKroip e(f)6)VT]ae. Kai dvepvyadr) 6 Herpos ' rb prjpa, b" earev avrai 6 'I-7- o~ovs' "On rvplv dXeKropa (pcovrjcrai 8ls, aTrapvrjar] p.e rpls. Kai e7rijdaXu>v e/cXate. 15. Kai (ideas eVi rb npcot crvp.fiov- Xiov Troirjcruvres ol dpxiepels pera rcov TTpeajivreprnv Kai ypappartcov, Kai oXov rb o~vve8piov, 8r)o-avres rbv lrjcrovv a Rec. KiQ. f< /£?. b ffs; eXaffnv. I ^g — Rmc, & Gb. rou (i^/*«roy ( 00 — . Gb. o^iv" e Rec. St Gb. om. Gb. uh - -— . ..... -,-. .. .. . w »— ■ —— ■■ «. Or, be wept aluuiuautly. or, be began to weep. KATA MAPKON. 129 airrjveyKav Kal napebooKav t&> IltAarcp. " Kai enripcorrjO'ev avrov 6 YliXdros' 2i/ et 6 ftao-iXevs ra>v 'lovbaicav; 'O be dnoKpidels ebrev avra>' 2v Xeyeis. Kai Karrjyopovv avrov ol dp^iepeis TroXXa' 4 6 be IhXdros rrdXiv eirrjpa>rT)o-ev avrov, Xeycov' Ovx. dnoKpivrj ovbev ; ibe, rroaa aov KarapaprvpovcriV 5 'O be Irjcrovs ovKeri ovbev dTTeKpldr], ware 6avpd(eiv rov YliXdrov. 6 Kara be eopn)v aTveXvev avrois eva btapiov, ovrrep ijrovvro. 7 r\v be 6 Xe- ydpevos Bapa/3/3ay perd rwv avara- o-iaarmv bebepevos, o'irives ev rrj o~rdo-ei (povov Tre7TOLT]K.eio-av. 8 Kal dvaj3orjcras 6 6)(Xos rjp^aro alreiaBai, Ka6v' BeXere dnoXvaa> vpiv top (iao-CXea ru>v 'lovbaliov ; 10 'EytVco- avce yap on bid (pdovov 7rapabeba>Keiaav avrov ol dpxiepeis. ol be apxiepeis dvecreicrav rov oyXov, iva pdXXov top Bapa/3/3af anoXic-ji avrois. 12 6 be Tli- Xdros dnoKpi&els irdXiv ebvev avrois' Ti ovv 6eXere iroii]cra> ov Xeyere (3ao~iXea rwv 'lovbaiav ; 13 Ol be TrdXiv enpa£aW 2ravpcoo-ov avrov. u 'O be TliXdros eXeyev avrois' Ti yap KaKov enoirjcrev ; Ot be *7repio-o-cos" eKpa^av' 2ravpcocrov avrov. lo 'O be TliXdros (3ovX6pevos rw o^Xo) to Ikj.v6v noirjo-ai, dneXvaev avrois rov BapaftjSdv' Kal napebcoKe rov Irj- o~ovv, (ppayeXXaaas, iva aravpcudjj . 16 Ot be o-rparicorai dirrjyayov avrov ecra> rrjs avXrjs, o earn 7rpaira>piov, Kai o~vyKa\ovo-iv oXrjv ttjv ane'ipav, ' Kal evbvovcriv avrov Trop(pvpav, Kal nepiri- 6eao~iv avra> nXei-avres aKavBivov o~re- (pavov, 18 Kal fjpf-avro dcmd^eadai av- rov Xaipe, |J 6 fiaaCXevs" ra>v 'lovbaioiv' 19 Kai ervrrrov avrov ttjv Ke And they smote a FeC. TnpiffOOTBpalf. b Rec. fiaoiXtv. 10 Mark XV. 20. 130 EYAITEAION him on the head with a reed, KaXdpco, rat eWVn/op avra>, rat ridevres and did spit upon him, and » ' ' _ ' >' - 20 « « bowingtheir knees, worshipped ™ yovara TrpoaeKwovv avra>. » km ore him. ' M And when they had evnrail;av avra, etjtdvcrav avrov rr\v mocked him, they took off the nopcbipav, rat Vpe'cWap avrov ra tuarta purple from him, and put his a K V r , r own clothes on him, Ta tota. and led him out to crucify Kat e£dyovo~iv avrov, Iva - him. 21 And they compel one > • 21 » » ' / Simon a CyrenUn, who passed w™ avT0V ; Kal ayyapevovai irapa- by, coming out of the country, yovra rtpa 2t/xcopa Kvprjvalov, epvopevov &SSU Ms" A a nd f^aypoiyov^pa 'KX^Mpoy Kal they bring him unto the place PovCpov,) iva tiprj rov (TTavpov avrov. Golgotha, which is, being in- 22 K al d>ipovoriv avrov en\ ToXyoda. ro- terpreted, the place of a skull. » r >_ a , ', m And they gave him to drink, 7ro,/ ' ° eo"Tl /xetfeppjpeyo/xepop, Kpaptov wine mingled with myrrh: but roVoc. 23 /cat eBldovv avra me'iv ecrpvp- ZSttEKEFSS ***"" *■* 6 ?i °- h !*■*•■, 24 -* parted his garments, casting aravpaxravres avrov, b oiapepi^ovrai" lots upon them, what every man Ta ludria avrov, BdXXovres kXtjoov eV should take. , C , / ,/ lr avra, tls rt apt). 25 And it was the third hour, 25 T Hp fie copa rptrr], Kal earavpcoaav and they crucified him. 26 And > ;.. 26 . v » ' > a. < - > ' the superscription of his accu- av ™ v : , KaL 1" 1 tmypa^j «JS cartas sation was written over, THE avrov eTTiyeypappevrj' O (JaaiXevs rutv »^ G a °I v™»? JEW -?' ^ov^aicov. 2 ' Kat avv airu aravpoiat " And with him thev crucify j. / .. > » ,»a-* » » >> two thieves, the one on his right ovo A?/o"ras-, eva e/c oe£tcop /cat epa eg hand, and the other on his left, evcovvpwv avrov. 28 c Kal eVAr/pcac 5 /? 77 2S And the scripture was ful- j a ' \ > , tt- » »,»./. filled, which saith, And he was W a 9// V Aeywo-a Kat p.era avopav numbered with the transgress- fXoyladr]." Kat 01 TTaparropevopevot ors. » And they that passed € '3Xao-0f)aow avrop, Kivovvres ras /ce- by, railed on him, wagging their ! ,. , ~ ', » , .. ' ,, " heads, and saying, Ah thou v ypappareov tAeyov' AXXovs self he cannot save. 3= Let eowep, e'avrop ou ovvarai adtrai. 32 6 Christ the King of Israel de- v > , a ■* * - > T > N scend now from the cross, that *pio~ros o fiao-iXevs rov io-parjX Kara- vie may see and believe : and ^arw vvv dno rov aravpov, Iva idcopev they that were crucified with > ' v » ' him, reviled him. Ka , 1 vurrevtrtoiuy. Kai^ 01 avvco-ravpco- pevoi avra) H>vei8i£ov avrov. 33 And when the sixth hour 33 Tevopevrjs 8e a>pas e/crr/j, aKoros was come, there was darkness e Vpero epac e 'p- over the whole land, until the ', 34 r » i „ ' '„ ' J C, , ninth hour. « And at the ninth ^ar/js- rat ri; mpa rrj evvarrj (jdoTjaev hour, Jesus cried with a loud 6 'ir/Q-otJc 0a)P7y ptydXrj Xeycov' 'EXcot, a -» b Rec. iie^tptftr. c ^ d Ket, add fa. KATA MAPKON. 131 Makk XV. 47. 'EX&h, Aauaa crafiax&av'i; o eari fieBep- voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama ' . *r\ a ' ~ . A £},.<„ ..„,, sabachthani ? which is, being pyvevotuvov O Qeos pou, o6«is pov, interpreted, My God, my God, et? fi pe eyKareAtnes ; Kat Tti>ej rcov why hast thou forsaken me ? Trapeo-rnKo'rwi'aKOvo-ai'TeseAeyoi'- 'Iftou, " And some of them that stood , r t I „. , j.', T C bv, when they heard it, said, HAiav 00)1/61. °° Apapcoi/ Oe etc, /cat Behold, he callethElias. 36 And yeixia-as (rrroyyov oPovs, irepiOeis re one ran, and filled a spunge full ' C / > , > > v >. ' .« \A, of vinegar, and put it on a reed, Kakcificp, eiroTi&v avrov, Xeyu>v Axpere, and gave him t0 drinkj saymg> iba>u.ev et tpverat HXtay KaDeXetf au- Let alone, let us see whether / Elias will come to take him TO v. j , 7 , .< , - , , , , , , down. 61 O Of Iqo-ouc acpeis (pwvrjv fieya- 3; And j esU s cried with a Xryv epenvevcre. ^ /cat ro Karaneraaua '°"d voice, and gave up the '„ s .. > < /, ■> s ' >>•"/) ghost. 3S And the veil of the rov vaov eo-xio-Or] etc bvo, airo avnUev temple was rent in twain, from ecus Karco. 39 lb> ' _.'„„„,',„„,", %-. ,,?,-,- when the centurion which stood iraoeo'rnKcas et evavrias avrov, on ovrco . , , . ,. . . nu^uii/^j tc, s^v.^. » » \ /)- f over against him, saw that he Kpd£as etjeTrvevaev., einev' AArjocos o so cried out, and gave up the avdpeonos ovros vlos rjv ©* oC - ghos V he said ,' ^ T ' J uly this ma " X »_, . < v ' - , v / was the son 01 God. 4U Haav be Kai yvvaiK.es ano pa/cpo- 40 Tnere were also women Qev 6eu>povo-ai, ev ah rjv Kal Mapia 1) looking on afar on", among whom ■«/r * \ » * n/r ' ' r. 't„„A#„.. was Mary Magdalene, & Mary MaybaXrjvr), /cat Mapia 17 rou Ia/ao/Sou the mother of James the less, toO piKpov Kal a Io)0"^" prjrrjp, Kal 2d- and of Joses, and Salome : Xauv, 41 at Kal, ore ijv ev rfj TaXiAaia, 4 ' " h ° also when he was in , \', /1 , ■«. ' i Galilee, followed him, and rjKoAovOovv avr<0, Kai OItjkovovv avra>, ministered unto him, and many Kal oXXai 7roXXai at o-vvavafiao-ai avra> other women which came up ■> Ct /\ ' with him unto Jerusalem, etc lepoaoAvfia. 42 Kai rjdt) 6-jsias yevofievrjs, («Wt 42 And now w hen the even rjv irapao-Kevn, o e'aTi TTpoaafiftarov, ) was come, (because it was the 43 b f-iZ) " 't v ^. ' -3_A ' a „...„/]„.'„„ preparation, that is, the day ^ b r,\6ev Icoo-# o otto Apt^atas, {^ thesabbath) '43 Josep f; evo~xr]p-U)v (3ov\evrr]S, os Kai avros r)v of Arimathsea, an honourable npoo-8e vouevos rr)v Baaikeiav rod Qeov' counsellor, which also waited \ , A ~ , ». L , tt \ ' v for the kingdom of God, came, ro\p.T]o-as eio-rjAOe Trpos LliAarov, Kai and went m boldly unto Pilate, rjrno-aro to acoaa rov 'iriaov. u 6 de and craved the body of Jesus. '„{/ >/i ' ' »S 'a „,. ^„^ 44 And Pilate marvelled if he niAaroc e6avp.ao-ev ei r)br) reOvrjKe Kai were alread y dea d, and calling Trpoo~Ka\eo~dp.evos r6v Kevrvpia>va, eirrj- unto him the centurion, he ai>k- purrio-ev avrov el TraXat dniBave- * Kal ed him whether he had been ■ ,' , , , ,« / anv while dead. 4b And when yvovs ano rov Kevrvpicovos, eoa>pr)aaro he'knew it of the centurion, he to o-coLta tco 'Icoand). 46 Kal dyopdcras gave the body to Joseph. * , n ' v /, V. v > v 5 -\ „ 46 And he bought fine linen, aivbova, Kai Ka6e\a)V avrov,^ eveiKrjcre and took him down> and wra p. rfj civbovi, Kal KaredrjKev avrov ev p-vq- ped him in the linen, and laid «&. « * ^roM^evov eK rrerpar *&$*$&£&&. Kai npoaeKvAio-e Xioov em rr)v 6v- ed a stone unto the door of pai> tov pvrjpeiov. 47 r) be Mapia r) the sepulchre. " And Mary Mark XVI. 1. 132 EYAITEAION Magdalene, & Mary J mother of May8aXr)vi) Kui Mapia 'icoo-rj (dewpovv Joses beheld where lie was laid. ~ ^TldeTCU." 16. And when the sabbath ■, D T r > a. ' - ao ' was past, Mary Magdalene, and 16. Kai diayevopevov tov \ ' i » > and anoint him. 2 And very para, iva eXoovo-ai aAeiycoaw avrov. early in the morning, the first 2 KQ J ^ t ' a „ ^^ ~ ~ s o - a R.R. a ' r(0V 60- day of the week they came un- > \ \ - > r\ to the sepulchre, at the rising of X ov ™, 1 , e7rl ™ Hfipeiov, avareiXavTOS the sun: 3 and they said among tov ijXiov. Kal eXeyov npos eavrds' themselves Who shall roll us T < ^Tro/ciAt'™ vuiv tov Xidov e< Tr)s away the stone Irom the door ot . , „ , ~ 4 v , ox , , ' the sepulchre ? 4 (and when ovpas tov pvrjpeiov ; * Km avapXeyaaai they looked, they saw that the fa3 p O vaiv oti diroKeKvXio-Tai 6 Xi6os' stone was rolled away) for it ? ', .. . ,5, was very great. V 7 a P H- € y as o-rpobpa. 5 And entering into the sepul- 5 Kal (laeXdovo-ai els to pvrjpe'iov, &%?*&£$£ fov VtavLcTKOV KaO^VOviv Tol S &- in a long white garment, and ^lols, ivipipepXrjpevov o~ToXr]v XevKr)v' they were affrighted. ^Andhe Ka \i£e6aui8i}6n(Tav. 6 6 8e Xiyd avrals' saith unto them, Be not at- , , n ' a ~ A » x y - > frighted ; ye seek Jesus of Na- M >7 €K0a/i/3eio-0e- lrjcrovv QrjT cits tov zareth, which was crucified: he ~Na£apr)i'6v tov eaTavpcopivov ' r)yep8r), is risen, he is not here: behold > *_ f ' ' ;.'_„.. "A~„,... the place where they laid him. °\ K f™"* J? , lS 5' ° T07 ^ or 07rW !^ Kal ' 7 But go your way, tell his dis- cuiT-of. ' aXX virayeTe, einaTe tois pa- ciples, and Peter, that he goeth Q nTa l s a l r0 y Ka \ T & IleVpa), OTl - > t shall ye see him, as he said un- y« W as els Tr ) v JaAikaiaV e*ce^ avTov to you. » And they went out o\!/ €0 -de, Kadias flnev iip'iv. 8 Kal t£eX- quickly, and fled from the se- a - c » "A. '_' _ - ,'„... pulchre, for they trembled, and Bovtru ^ e(pvyov ano tov pvrjpeiov^ were amazed, neither said they € t^e Se avTas Tpopos Kai eKo~Tao~is' teat. any thing to any man, for they £g f } ov fe v e *,.<,„ i(h R 0VVT0 yc lp. 9 Now when /eras was risen 9 d 'AwHTTOf 5e 7rp&)i irpcoTrj o"a/3/5a- early, the first day of the week, rov fcbdvri 7rpu>Tov Mapia Trj May8a- he appeared first to Mary Mag- .. - 'j.'? > a o\ ' '_ * * ' daleue,outofwhomhehadcast *W}h "9 V s «Pe/3AijKet eTrra 8ai/iowa. seven devils. ,0 And she went 10 eKeivrj TVOpevBeiaa aTnjyyeiXe rots per and told them that had been a £ TO iJ yew „ e Vo«, Trevdouai Kai KXaiowri. with him, as they mourned and ., , '„ r , ,' „ ,.» , , a ,~ wept. " And they, when they KaKeivoi aKovaavTes OTl Q] Kai toeaorj had heard that he was alive, Irf avTris Tin iaTno-av. and had been seenofher.be- 12 */, » »> - ss v v ' - lieved not. Mera oe tovtu ovaiv 6§ avTuiv 12 After that, he appeared in 7r(pinaT0V0'iv ifpavepcoBrj ev fTepa pop- rCJSKKWS; # -p-^-o t , etv a yp(5 ,. - a^^ the country. 13 And they went anfX&ovTes aTTr/yyetXav tois Xoittois' and told it unto the residue, {,g e i Ke i VO is eniaTevo-av. neither believed they them. 14 «,, „,/ > ^ j 'i Afterward he appeared un- . Y said unto them, Go ye into all tov Koafxov airavra, Krjpv^aTe to evay- the world, and preach the gospel yeklov iracrq rfj KTio-ei. 16 6 Tno-Tevaas to every creature. lli He that » a '/)'' a' „.. ' *± > , believeth and is baptized, shall KaiJiarrno-eeLS a-wdrjo-eraL o be am- be saved , but he that believeth o~Ti](ras KaraKpioijaeTai. ' o~qpeia oe not, shall be damned. I7 And rots' TTLO-Tfvcrao-i ravra napaKoTiovdno-ef these signs shall iollow them , „ % , , ^ , ' i a \ - that believe, In my name shall ev to) ovopari pov Oaipovia (Kpa\ouo-f t h ey cast out devils, they shall y\d)(Tarais ~kaXri * a i / ' > v shall take up serpents, and if apovar kuv davaaipov^ n niaxriv, ov prj they drink any deadly thing> it avTOVS a j3Xd\^r]'" eVt dppd>o-TOVS }(elpas shall not hurt them, they shall an6riT?nEIAHIIEP ttoXXcu eneveiprjaav "PORASMUCH as many have ,. „, < )-^ I J- u .-% *~ ~ tju ^"Y^fjT^ JL, ,1. a * ' A r'--T taken in hand to set forth z . hef t&^- '* • ■Keiikr^pofhop-qpevcov ev rjplv npaypdrcov, things which are most surely be- a^7- *~<^ /-<^ '• v ■'-- ■ -^ <*»-•£ ■- KaOas napedoo-av W iv 01 aw ap^s dellvered th ^ m ' un to us, which avTOTTTai Kai virqpeTai. yevopevoi tov f r0 m y beginning were evewit- ^ f f* ' • "^X ' -4 xd V ov, ^ ?* ^o^^^oxo^,^ s^-stiicsaj * ' >v -; fe . > ; ■ '■ ■ I avco0€i' 7rao-ti/ aKpifias, Ka6e£r]S crot hadperfect understanding of all ' -"' ' J ^^7- . •- / "V^ .Vpa^at, Kparicrre QeocblXe, 4 ha em- things from y very first, to write y^^J^^ ^ ._, . •. ... < ^"Z^U i t' r ~ r V . . T/, ■»/„,, v„ unto thee in order, most excel- ''' '" , *^.X^«- - ~ **7 ' ^yt/coc Trepi wv KaTijx^s Xoyco^ ^" i ent Th eo P hilus, ^ that thou !*??.'"* /*? , ■ t 1 do-jy ' _^U^ r ^^^f^O' - a \ - >r * ' ' ' bpen instructed. ^^/C^, ^5v , ^ ouua*~r> **" ■•^GfyZcA, tov pacriAews tt]S lovbaias lepevs 5 Therewas in y days of Herod ^^" <**+?> "f a Tis ovoaaTl Zavapt'ac, e'£ erinueptac 5 king of Judaea, a certain priest, t^ «/ 4 "^ * Rec. /SAaV-... •> St. add a^.,^. / a - - ■ t ■Z£C-n-v'- "j f*" ^ <. In 7 - -A. ... ... ... . -', ~ ■ • ■• , :^ w> f-<**cl* — v. H^ ,/r > ~ ciir i.V '«- Jt <*ir T-^ **,/~ "I ^^eX. Luke I. 6. 134 EYAITEAION ^ ^-^^^ *» 7!fc~ <>-° kfc, O^ek-W-^- named Zacharias, of y course of Apia' Kat rj yvvrjavrov en TovVvyaTfpoov V^*i_Y £* ^X ■ - -j jjj-./sS^. c/a&~~- Abia, and his wife was of the > Aap ^ v Ka \ T0 Zvoua avrns EX«rd/3eT. Itt^-vZs ~r / t were both righteous before God, r0 y Q e0 v, nopevoptvoi eV 7rdo-ais Tais i2&&tt"&2k. ' '. TemfaJd" or^™^ '&*& «J *"&¥&? .'*? K T W ^"5^* -7 ,- t-£jL &yA jAJtm,J*~Lot&. blameless. 7 And they dpepnTol. ' Kai OVK T)V avrois TtKVOV, *'' Z ^S'^C/-'^/rV.'- r - **~J '■•",,*£ ?V hUd, K because , , t , hat Ka6oTi f> 'EX«ra/3fT r> UA±~~*^ ■ both were now well stricken in (porepoi TrpojieprjKOTes ev rats ripe pais „ c lo~c^~u^- _^ y ears - aWuv rjcray. - ' g 'w */4/J.*S~£ "-^'~%~ *2 ' ftZT' 3 And it came to pass, that 8 'EyeWro fie eV ro3 Upareveiv avTov *J ,T ,3w^s4, /f^'^U^-' /a^*^-" while he executed the priest's e Vrn rd£ei rfjs eUrjuepi'as avroO a eWri" *- "*" '- I £ - H his lot was to burn incense when * - v > .10* _~ „,' _0i £/},>,. a:^^//^^'^ iu1*<-!sy <<" ^J, j. Lord. I() And the whole mul- h r]VTOv\aov" TTpocTtvxopevov e|corfl copa « /,; r,v W«>- ^ /^2, 7- r ^'' /"ffT/- "tude of the people were pray- - evuLUiparos. " wOQ^n Se aurw aV " x / jT~/L^/- 'cCo~fP &****"-*"£ mg without, at the time of . (~ r , , v > js' > - - /) /W* ' a rr „'„ ?S,\.. „„^ ; /, j /^ v the altar of incense K «* ^apa X 6 n ^ Za X apias t8 i,T,i c<- KY c ' )X ' r ' iy Zacharias, for thy prayer is Ka \ {, yvV rt aov 'EXto-dSer yevvriaei // fy.r^Z ' • heard, and thy wife Elisabeth vv "<*<■ . ■ heard, and thy wite n,asaneth t / \ \ / \ » > - o v a, c^ 4~* <*^U shall bear thee a son, and thou viovaoi, Kai mXtaeis to ovopa avTOV 'V ' 1< v" / a if- -1 ^» /Ilj/ shaltcall his name John. u And 'icoawnf. Kai earat Yapa o"or Kat ,M U ^riL 531^3 ^^^w^.B^-ayaXXtWtf, KalrroXXol eVt t» c ye- fJJL^, - 7Z. ■GkSt-** <.A*y4 ■ f.. ^". ness, and many shall rejoice at f » > - / is •> \ JytZrrJw* t^n-y OfjJL§ 7U/ 'r. his birth: « for he shall be vecrei . ai^rou xapW 0VTal - ecrTai yap jrC — , -^ ^ ^-^ ^ ^ /* t °^"„ S ieat in the si g ht of the Lord . ueVas eVw7Ttoi/ d roO" Kvpiov Kat otvoi/ ^. , J~t—^-^ -/L^-*fi~ o-A«-U . j - and shall drink neither wine, ' ( , » » ' » rr _' : tr^^r^l^/'/^'-^^^'^nor strong drink, and he shall *<», (TiKepa ov pi] TTlj],^ Kai UvcvpaTOS t ""' - lfi ..IS _.\\..' r... ..'-.. 't A\ i?i-iri Israel shall he turn to the Lord eTTicrTpeyei ern Kvpiov tov Qfov avTcov' their God. I7 And he shall go 17 Ka v t a i TO s irpoihevo-eTai ivamiov av- before him in the spirit and - » / \ <\ / >■,-,•> 1 power of Elias, to turn the ™ v ev TVvevpaTl ^ Kai fiwa/iet HAtou, hearts of the fathers to the eVio"rpe\//at KapSias iraTepav enl TtKva, children, and the disobedient > & ml g e ' l5 «='„ (hpovncrei SiKaicov, erot- "to the wisdom of the just, to , , \" ' , make ready a people prepared pacrai Kvpioi Kaov KaTfo-Kevoo-ptvov. tor the Lord. 18 j^ ( i ne Zaxapias 7rpbs Tov ay- 13 And Zacharias said unto ye \ v ' Kara ri yvato-opai toiito ; iyoi the angel, Whereby shall I ' , , a >' v t > ' know this? for I am an old 7"P f 'M' irpeo-PvTrjs, Km T] ywr)pov man, and my wife well stricken npoPeprjKv'ia iv Tais tjpepais ai/Trjs. * CO sravTiov. Ij^Rec^yrou Xaov ijv, c i;.. ., it; ■-. d Gb. oui. a Or, by. '•. KATA AOYKAN. 135 19 Kai dwoKpidels 6 ayyeXos ehtev avrio' 'Eyco elpi Vafipir)X 6 7rapeo-rr)KO)s evo>- mov tov Qeov' Kal dwecrTaX^v XaXtja-ai irpbs ere, Kal evayyeXiaaaBai trot ravra. ~° Kal Ibov, '4 vaa>. e£eX- 6a)v be ovk ijbvvaro XaXr/o-ai avrols' Kal erreyvcoaav on oTrrao-iav eoopaKev ev r vaa>' Kal avrbs rjv biavevcjv avrols, Kal Siepeve Kaxpos. ■ Kal eyevero a>s e7rXr]o~dr]o-av ai ijpepai ri]s Xeirovpyias avrov, aTvr]X6ev els rbv oikov avrov. "* perd be ravras ras rjpepas o-vveXaf$ev ~EXto-dj3er rj yvvy) avrov, Kal TrepieKpvfiev eavrrjv prjvas ivevre, Xeyovaa' 2o "Otl ovra pot rre- TroirjKev 6 Kvpios ev rjpepais, ais erreibev dcpeXelv rb bveibos pov ev dvdpunvois. 26 'Ei/ be ra> prjvl ra> eKrco dneoTdXr] 6 ayyeXos Taj3pirfX inrb tov Qeov els rrbXiv rrjs TaXiXaias, J) bvopa Na£aper, ' rrpbs rrapQevov pepvyjarevpevrfv dvbpl, a> bvopa 'lb)0-i)(p, e£ o'ikov Aavib' Kal rb bvopa rfjs rrapBevov Mapidp. 28 Kal elo~eX6a>v b liyyeXos rvpbs av- ripi e'me' Xaipe, KexapircopevT)' 6 Kvpios perd aov, b evXoyqpevt] av ev yvvai^iv." .9 c Ibovaa bierapd^drj enl t&3 Xoyco avrov," Kal bieXoyi^ero Trorairbs " « i v T 30 v T ' eiT] o aanaapos ovros. Kai einev o ayyeXoc avrij ' Mr) CpojSov, Mapidp ' evpes yap X^P lv lra P a T< £ Qfw- 31 K<*i Ibov, o~vXXtj\J/jj ev yaarpl, Kal re^r] vlbv, Kal KaXeaeis 1 i bvopa avrov 'lrjaovv. ovros earai peyas, Kal vlbs v\lriarrov KXrjBrjo-erai ' Kal bdiaei avreo Kvpios 6 Luke I. 32. in years. 19 And the angel an- swering, said unto him, I am Gabriel that stand in the pre- sence of Uod, and am sent to speak unto thee, and to shew thee these glad tidings. i0 And behold, thou shalt be dumb, and not able to speak, until ihe day that these things shall be per- formed, because thou believest not my words, which shall be fulfilled in their season. al And the people waited for Zacharias, and marvelled that he tarried so long in the temple. '-'- And when he came out, he could not speak unto them : and they perceived that he had seen a vision in the temple: for he beckoned unto them, and re- mained speechless. 23 And it came to pass, that as soon as the days of his mi- nistration were accomplished, he departed to his own house. *' J And after those days his wife Elisabeth conceived, and hid herself five months, saying, S 5 Thus hath y Lord dealt with me in the days wherein he looked on me, to take away my reproach among men. '-<> And in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God, unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, 2; to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of Da- vid, and the virgin's name was Mary. M And the angel came in un- to her, and said, Hail thou that art "highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. W And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what mani.er of saluta- tion this should be. 30 And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found fa- vour with God. 31 And be- hold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. 32 He shall be great, and shall be called the son of the Highest, « i%) ir\7iadriatyTai. b — » c Gb. *H ft ft( toi \rr, <%^. '/faf fr *~*£*/~>iiu^\\& the Lord God shall give Geo? rov 6povov Aautfi rov ffarpbs av- aJU^-fL /^*~^ t* ^ &u-o^*J/*S / ther Davld - 33 And he shall , » , \ ,„ , „ ' reign over the house of Jacob IaKco/3 (is rovs aicovas, Kat rrjs pacri- 33~ Tr%Ll//j oC oi'-vuTT/ ^-^T^^4, f? r eve u r '„ a " d of hi ' kin e dom \iias avroi ovk carat reXos. Tv^i^r //. 4* % /fr ;?, /P / jlL/ there shall be no end. q 4 „t s,>,.,r > > * » •> j£~* "^ £ij-*-*&> ^TKrp^. /"•S-U? si T hen said Mary unto the Et7! " f fie Maptap, TJ-poy roi/ ayyeAoi/* yfcri24-r\ «£ «^z-S *&. **-hp) A ~ f y^'^zl angel. How shall this be, seeing IIcos earat rovro, end avbpa oil yivai- ■^/r 1 ^ -4? ttr^~^^J&**Q kn 7 not a man ? * A . nd «h« 0-kco ; ^ Kai ajroxptdelr 6 a'yyeXos e&rw ^fyj^/- TU-ZryrL /^-r^>-n^^L / ^ /^!V angel answered and said unto , „' „ " , ' ', " , o^awe^ /^ n J~ t7*J*&- AtJt^^-Z^y i^a f^- 36 And behold, thy cousin Elisa- 1 vvyycvr] s aov,^ Kai avrr, owetXr/cpina JLiJ-—f/LtHC{ _*w~f -&—~lt% vk*^ /£tr betn > she hath a,so conceived a i> ez/ °yi)pct" avrijs' Kai ovtos pr/v 3d . %7$ G>v-£j_f-i£-ir^ trffi- £r>i >, £Tul. <5«^<^> was ca u e( j barren. 3? For with 0Tl °^ K abwaTtjaei rrapa tg5 Gew Trai 1 //**« 7SL k^Z±s~mJ^ /TTfCt-e*. /*^r7i*6>. God nothing shall be impossi- prjua. w Elire 8e Mapida' 'iSov, r/ ' ble. as And Mary said, Behold % '\ v ' . ' > » < '- • ' 19 T/~ J£ y<^uSW-J^ trf&JtZJhz handmaid of the Lord, be it OoiAi; kuptou yerotro /*ot koto to pij/xa j t yj _M-M_a ^y-unto me according to thy word : &ov. Kai cnrrjKdev an avTrjs 6 ciyyeXos. ■d* WaAcf. 72 Xvao-raaa fie Mapiau ev ra'is hitA- -tt-C/Ad **- 7//OS-- '■ ' * . , M-tfi 39 And Mary arose in those pais ravrais aropevor) ft? tj]v opeivrjv JUsc fK+iJZ£, -^ ^ iVTV^'^oay 8 ' and went into the hil1 peTa o-7rouSf)?, els tt6\lv 'Io^fia, 40 (cat / ,/ , -/l~ ,, . it jl.jn. ^tj Mt^*^~/ "A country wilh haste, into a city ■> ~\ a > « » ^ ' > ^JO y" ^^Z^A^M^- of Juda.-" and entered into the t l0 '^' 9el ' " y , ™" °" <: / 01 ' Za X n P'°y- ,««' 7**/U, j- , n> /Ty- r> 4 /i^ lea ? ed in h" womb, and Elisa. ftpe'cpoff eV t« Koikia avrns' Kai (Tr\na6r] 'TT'ACV \/OV)o(. /■ JtT G ~ X ^ Jl/T^T beth was filled with the Holy Vf T •/ , ,',„.. ' , Q , ', ' ■HL. HheJ^fti"- f ^Ij^phost. « And she spake out n^paTOf ayiou r; EAtera/SfT, wu^e- « «>, y- /7 n \ " JL 1/^su 2-b ko wit ^ a ^ oud voice ' and said > vfj p.eyd\rj, ^ Kai ehvev' *•' a^^-7 / /vcO^^A, ^^ ysif*u.. / V Blessed art thou amon? women tp'\ ' l ^ ' ^^ x »"v f^Z^LL^^^ $^-4^A^and blessed is the fruit of thv EyXoy^pe^ ay ev yvvaifi, Kai euXoyr,- --. /£ Zf-f-iUr 9i^-6-.t: f^~ r ^-y^-' , *. r> womb. 43 And whence is this to pevoc o Kapnos ttjs Koikias aov. ** (cat 4/ T t*o~7rt*» » ' ■ ~t*7v <^r^ ^X^ ras soon ^ the voice of thy ,P L0V ? ov n P° s t f \ l °™ y a P> C0 , S ' />*~%r?'^\f /t^fV^- "^^ a sa,utalion sounded in mine iyevfro r] dxovr) rov do-Traapov crov ety ^x^ 7 !^^'- A.^btr j a y be - A^bL^ ™ x\ d r v ; .Mm;* PP*l™ * Oyu^^y^ij-f-^-u, JL* s£*^r~2> fTZ-^ *~ y ~*yyZj 'is she "that believed, for there ayaXXtacret ei/ ri) /cotXia pov. ° (cat A /Jdc~ ^ ' » - » ^ec^LntZ, £~ i««*-^*' y / y v from the Lord Aeiojcrts Tots AeAaAripei/otc at/Tn 7rapa /r^^^'Sv^/ // Z**^/--/ «.j« •, « , 45 Kai e&rc Mapiau' MeyaXwet n f i^- 7fc^VdL*US ~^ iM^^it, fk doth magnify the Lord. «? And Y U X'? M ou 1 " " Kvptov, " Kat r/yaXXtacre _. ^ fZ/^^^^L,^^. my s P lrit hath rejoiced in God ro 7rvevpa pou eVi tw Gew to) o-arrjpi * Uz. eh ovopan rov 7rarpos avrov 7,ayapiav. 60 Kal aTVOKpiQe'iaa rj prjrrjp avrov eirrev Oi^l, dXXci kXjj- BrjcreraL 'lwdvvrjs. 61 Kal eiirov irpbs axirrjv ' "On ovdeis ecrnv d ev rfj avy- yevela " crou, Sc KaXelrai rc5 ovopan rovra. 62 'Evevevov Se rd\ rvarpi avrov, to ri av deXob KaXelo'dai avrov. Kal alrrjcras irivanlbiov eypay\re, Xeycov ' 'Icodvvr/s earl to ovopa avrov. Kai e6avpao~av Trdvres. 64 t Kved>x6f] 8e to crropa avrov ira- paxprjpa Kal r) ■yAcotrcra avrov, Kai Luke I. 64. my Saviour. "For he hath re- <£ /-/*: tf fc>~f f "^7>*J ? A ~* 3 * garded the low estate of his .,„ X * _ -fr-yCa/t^ =■ JA " * rA * rU "^*^" handmaiden : for behold, from / V/ . ££j_^ ht-ncefortli all generations shall zLt^^0 / call me blessed. *• For he that ^ g -J oLTi L<~l/S ' is mighty hath done to me great -^^JLlC^i things, and holy is his name. _ i"4~ >Jj^t^ 60 And his mercy is on them / y V^ V u-&~r- t*n/ scattered ^y j^ jCkA'*-f*?' 1 € i '±JL / > i . /l flO-i/ Zfc- that fear him, from generation to generation. 51 He hath shewed strength with his arm, he hath the proud, in the imagination of their hearts. M He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree. H He hath tilled the hungry with good things, and the rich he hath sent empty away. M He hath holpen his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, 55 as he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever. 56 And Mary abode with her about three months, and re- turned to her own house. 5? Now Elisabeth's full time came, that she should be de- livered, and she brought forth ^yy J IQ ' ~\^^-j/Z a son. ss And her neighbours °7- * 'T / 1 J ± 'L£^r* i~ JL*./-,tf7i*cJr' *#\ %~**4. and her cousins heard how the Lord had shewed great mercy upon her, and they rejoiced with her. 59 And it came to pass that on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child, and they ^-> >^'— #»• called him Zacharias. after the .a/ - *. JL*-**" /GO^**^- "*T^ name of his father. 6° And his 6 _^ >Uvt fc g^tjV^ aJ^^T mother answered, and said. Not VX- A-*-«-^ ^TTSv -^ £% /Le^e ,. so, but he shall be called John. i^JJ^^Aei) 'M~&*S7y. ** *, ^^u^eAA** ei And they said unto her.There -&_+J7- I/- ~Z~ <^y^ 7[_F**J is none of thy kindred that is / ^JPZ-^a /LJ1 ^>Xr~£>J>itu^i^-^ A -^C called by this name. «J And r7 / ?T ( ?T' / .J ' Sj^iJU /S',^ which he sware t0 our tatner o^yi -^^^ ** ,'*/^ 1 delivered out of the hands of ^ our enemies, might serve him (({^.without fear, 75 in holiness and righteousness before him, all (V'the days of our life. 1 if 76 And thou child shalt be / called the prophet of the High- Wtn. esl : f° r t P on s ^alt go before , & tov 'Io-pa/jA - on eTrecnceyaTo /cat enoirjae XvTpaaiv to) Aaco avrov ' Kat ijyeipe Kepas o-u)Tr)pias ijplv, ev to> o'Ikco Aai/t'8 tov 7rat86s avrov ' 70 (/catfcos ekaXrjore Sta (TTopaTOS r£)v ayicovTav an ai&vos Ttpotp-qruiv avrov-) n (raiTqpiav e£ e'x- 6pu>v ijpwv, (cat e'/c xapbs Travrcov tu>v p.io-ovvTU>v rjpas' ~' 2 TroiTJo-ai eAeos pera rav TvciTtpav rjpcou, /cat pvrjaBrivai Sta- di)Kr]S ayias civtov, 73 bpnov bv d>poo~e npos 'Afipacip rov nartpa rjp&v, tov Bovvai rjplv, 7i a(pd/3coc, e/c x el P°s ™ v e'x#pcof ypcov pvadevTas, \aTpeveiv av- tco 7b iv oo-ioTTjTi /cat biKaioo-vvT) eVw- ttioi- avTov ndo-as Tas rjpfpas a " rjpcov. 76 Kat av, TraiStoi/, 7rpo(pr)TT]s v^iaTov Kh-qdfjo-r]' Tvpoiropevo-r] yap npb npoao)- nov Kvpiov, eToipdo-ai 68ovs avTov' the face of the Lord to prepare - // his ways, " to give knowledge '' tov Oovvai yvcoaiv rrcoTr;ptac to>_ Aaa) ,t). of salvation unto his people, ft. ts^Lld /UruTF^/ft °C ^'nJs ,ui ^ by the remission of their sins, fe^t^r^&ZZ^ pkU- 1 - « through the .tender mercy //nf^U-t f'r- y^p , 1 d.yj£gdbJ%>ai our God, whereby the «day- fj? ^/JlLJL± - i avTov irpbs tov 'larpaT]X. 2. 'EyeVero Se ev rat? rjpepais Uec- add 77S fi»T/j. ' Or, tliiuss. P Or, fur. y Or, bowels of merqf 'Or, , biautt). fc, *%- '<&%■ fy"~ ' ^ '• AvyovcrTOV, diroypdcbecrdai naaav rr)v a decree from Casar Augustus, gju.^. ^_, gfv^Hv*, / "~'H> i ' - 2 /• * * ' jv> ' that a " lhe world should be /,. / * W--^u n,,4. , *-£ / r*S3 ' governor of Svria) 3 And all #m-<*~ ZU^ZU. <& A <~f '*™\ « P ^^ ^T ' Pfwov.) mt «7Topei;oin-o Traces otto- wenl t0 be ^^ ^ one £ £ _"£ ££2^ t ■ . *4jf&*r* ypafpecroai, eKaaros en rrp lOiavTroXiv. to his own city. 4 And Joseph A -'^•<- / //V-TwT'jl «2^-*v~~o £>-«*« yvyt}-***. 4 dve^ri8eKaVl^o-r)d)dTv6rijsTaXiXala S , alsowent up from Galilee, out ^Uwfe. ' I /- * ^, ', . W-* n, xt /- > ' ' >t * ' of the city of Nazareth, into <; o-Si^f u^<^ * y i T* ' o "?. ' •• -' 6/c 7ToAea>y Nafaper, ets tt/»> Iou&ataj', Judaea, unto the city of David, yfc ^Z u -&-r«U ji %*-*£~y r J, t-r-^ €1? ttoXiv Aavtd, nris KaXe'iTaiBndXeeu, which is called Bethlehem, (be- t-U+IJU. #-f"-~i~) &**■ aSp<&6 >i( P/fY. j> a ' ' ' ,<,/.„ < r ~ cause he was of the house and V C^Ar^^C^A '#*-<■,<■ 1 '. - <<£- * iy/ *S (diajo 1 row awrcwef otKov /cat mzrpiap lineage of David,) Ho be taxed /'J^./j' > /I J '- ^ *^ AaviS.) ° diroypd\b-aadai. avv Mapi.au. with Mary his espoused wife, >t' ^ ^^*f ' '"-,' ' <>//- £. /(/-TL, tt, fiep.vrja-Tevp.eur] aura yvvaiKi, oilcry Delng ^^ Wlth ch,ld - (SJ&r -fyiuFV. . i " ■ f%~ 6 'EyeVero 5e eV rc5 eivai avrovs eKel, 6 And so it was, that while *^^^ i0™-&--^e*7**i/ r // xZ ^/^ * ■> '/3 « « '' '* ~ "''. they were there, the davs were _i ty* *H-c~, '-~- ^a^iu fl.~/~yt. '/rwivitf cirKi, ' a -" -t ' s> ' > w "pped him in swaddling ^7 * a *X A ^' „ *^> /» _ T^i e-~vt6v* Kkivey ayrov ev *ttj ^(parvrj^ dion ova clothes, and laid him in a man- fV jUL, i^/2-/ <^-*"-.> -^ r)v avrois tottos ev Tbi KaraXvpari. ger, because there was no room A«>^> <^~~ -«- ,'~jZ~^, {-*,, t 'Kal MM ^av ivrf, ^pa rr, ^^tt^w^in the satne U^ avrr], aypavXovvres icai (pvkao-crovTes country shepherds abiding in /«*5 t*JSi-rb ^. *-^c. (pviaicas rr)s vvktos prt tiji/ Trotuwjv ^ e . fie fl ld ', k r pmg ,f wa ' c A h ° v , er , ,- . , • " ' 2 ^*-^ '« - 9 v '5, v « n „",' their flock by night. a And lo, ^ - ^ „ < - f 7> g3 x- ai;rcoi/. » Kat tOw, ayytAoy^ Kuptou the ansel of the Lord came JSi^-f *-«.<, . **-£** - - V**&{- eneo-TTj avrols, Ka\ 86£a b KvpiW 7re- u P on them, and the glory of /t»*^^_ r ^^ (u«* « v ^* bring you good tidings of great . - /£. *JVcv&A*»~ -C^-^*- vpw xapav peyaXrjv, tjtis earai navn joy, which shall be to all peo- -J ', '-'"./^w - tUh^c*< rw Aaw- u ort frevffy v/xtv (rrjpepov P> e - " For unto you is born ; ^^ «,x^../rV;«- < ,,^-'^ ^ »'„ " ' v - > V ' >\ this day, in the city of David. ^^ ^ V r ^ J~/- s- S' 7 S~. siV? o-coTTjp, os eo-TiXpio-Tosh.vpios,eviroXei a SaTfour, which is Christ the ' -r^AAf^^^J^ Aavtd. u /cat tovto vp.lv to arfpelov' Lord. 12 And this shall be a ^-^A <+-* £-<^i)'~; .yA^K*-*"- /<+-«, «-«s~S*. , evprjaere fipetios ea-napyavcoaevov KeL- sign unto you ; ye shall find the -, ^To.-^'l A., ~ 15?™~t *l , . XT> 15',, v r )* »i baoe wrapped in swaddling >C - . WL~. >C"," pevov ev '"(pdrvj]. 13 Kai i^ai^s clothes lying -i„ a manger. "And ^t ^J. eyevero dyyeXa) nXrldos (TTpaTtas suddenly there was with the "** / " '" *, ; ' 7\-- . < , , S ' ' ', ' , r , . angel a multitude of the heaven- ., ... UJ ^ - - • '- '^ * **** • <:c< ^^*/ ovpawou, atwuKraji/ roi/^ Qeov, Kai Xe- ly host praising Go d, and say- Xi 1/ tCt *,■ Aw- ^- ''^ A> ;. *^ ydi/rcoi' - 14 Ad£a eV v^r'ia-TOis Geco, ing, M Glory to God in the Ct^^ /— i?-lJ± 4*^ +•*****&*-/■ e/ ^~ ™* Kai firl yijs elotivn- ev dvdpunois evb'o- highest and on earth peace, /^-^'^.^ , , ; ^ ^ 7&r^ * ■< • K1 'a/ good will towards men. g> Ar ^ lt _ .^ ^. .. ^ ... ;1 \ > > t m \ \ the angels were gone awav irom <*>/ J E^u^c^y /tu. •«• /« <^ a^. ^^-«. rcov eis tov ovpavov 01 ayyeXoi, Kai theminto heaven, the shepherds i£j. •/ Urt.V. r.y A^f./ /{«^, ^«- "7^ ot avdpanroi oi noipeves einov irpos said one to another, Let us now ' ; , . ^ j£7^, £ e*-tJ/*%L.e, - ^. - (A Or, enrolled. /S Or, the nigl.t walcUe.. , ' V . r^ " U t ^s.~s. **,/.. a ,. • ■■■■ •••.'•»r< 5 s .■ - sf * I s J / V >/ /,* LuKE IL 16. 140 EYArrEAION ^'ff-r.UA. j j. &*^4. irt-iLf$r ~rf(j- M~ l/- 4 AZJh Mary and Joseph, and the babe » , , T ',, v S a /j. ,r ^ £l/ &/T&

oi> OU. »-,■-£, aZTh.*t^, when they had seen it, they eV Trj (puTVT]. " iSoi/res be bieyvuipi- 4 /^,^v>^^/7^^/-^^/^^ m ^ de known abroad the saying, ,,.„„ ' » t T0V Sr)paTOS Tov \dKr,6evros ijt \ti~At / SJ * *-, «/ '*SJ> ^^-^Tj^hich was told them, concern- , . r , ~ «., > ia t A Cc p. //tf ^5f *~T Cl L~& JL aLt~*~-#Ai^ ing this child. ls And all they avTOls TTepi tov iraibiov tovtov. 10 Kai &* O^ty-fyA, l^Z^fAj^i^ » i^~M^-iJ7- thai heard it, wondered at those -navTes ol aKovaavTes edavaaaav irepl * *i,.r A. fT7 . * .*, *> 6-t /5rt+Uu~j,j tnmgs, wnicn were torn tnem ~ \ \ /■' f) - / , 7 NT ^^r^li^^^' b > ,theshe P herds - 19 But Mary tow XoXij&vtow wro tcoi/ Troi/xeifcBi/jryjojr kept all these things, and pon- avTois. 19 T) Oe Mapiap iravTa crvveTT]pei // * "f-^-f *-e s~ inB and praising God for all the Kapoia avrny. ^ Kai a VTreo-Tpexl/av oi 7/u. O/^U-s-Op.. -w/- — /-^^t^K' thin ss that they had heard and ^oipeve^, SotdCovTes Kai atVoC^rec tov ■-VU./ Ctv^-ct'^^-V fCCfct^- ^ Gyn~-f*s fc> 7 seen, as H was told unto them. -.<»'-*» < •??, ^^^' w -^- • 0601/ e7rt iracriv ois iiKovaav Kai eibov, .^^.u ^^^, Ka oos eAaArjOr) irpos avrovs. 2i And when eight days were 21 Ka } « T€ eVXno-^^o-ai/ nuepai o/crw accomplished for the circum- - u ■> \ „ ; > r -. / n , cising of the child, his name ™v irepijepeiv avrov,^ Kai eKkytirj to was called Jesus, which was so ovopa avTOV Irjcrovs, to KKrjdev viro tov r £ r conlitTd fnfh'e S. "" *ffr». ^ ™ ^^^«* ™™» eV X Z_l*.Y*Jtyt*ULjZ^fojfc~2LyJ[ TrjKOlkl?^ tA ■ \/l I^K- Oh-&&'a £• *d?~ i **> ^~^/ 22 And when the days of her Kai ot€ eTrXr/o'djjo-ai' al fjpepai tov <-*. .£ tL^-d^O) << o 'fi'Jkrf -purification according to the Ka apl(T uov c avTwv," Kara tov votxov TV jZJ r7_; 7>'^ t y , , , , T n , A ^^A-UyMte) U.X \>\ ' "Vy- ed, they brought him to Jeru- Mcoo-ecos, air;yayoj/ avTOV eis lepoo-o- ■ oLV'tcl/ ■* %J-~~k-jfy»-<>-s ••-^. Mee called holy to the Lord) K X„^o- frat -) 24 Kai ro{ ; 8oivai Bva'iav, Qu.i ll.bt- &■ ~. /,"■// anc > to offer a sacrifice ac- » » » / > / T ^ » _ « J.5. jj a^ 'v ^ /*■ % *"'■ ,*'. '• ■ cording to that which is said in Kara to eiprjpevov ev vopa KvpioV Zev- •> u ft*. ..Xjl. /k/7- >-«i^4^*. "*. ii ^<^x^ y Z' xhe law of the Lord - A P air of yos Tpvyovav fi bvo d veoo~crovs" irepi- 2 ^'uZ* , pM^Mzf- ^-turtledoves, or two young pi- ^ f / «j- ...77. ^7 *-n5t!!L

jP "—"••""""'.""" -"•■—-» •"»" ouroc oiKatoc xai ei/Aapnc, Trpoo-oevo- -i w i .< » i >f Ti^fiisr y -ra-t^u-tjie-t-^ was Just and (j evout wai tmg , N ', ', ' r ,, ^ v '^ // CVi \V-' J ff^^y^u,.^/- for the consolation of Israel: f^M TrapaKArjaiv tov laparjK. Kai " v^ry ^ri^pan 'n Jerusalem, whose name o-aXrjp, (o ovopa SvpeaV Ka\ 6 av6pa>iros >^al^MJ ^ was Simeon, and the same man J roc Si'ttuoc >cai ei/Xa/3nc, 7rpoo-8ev6- Zi^ yr°^-<, . , was just and devout, waiting / ^ - >Z r /-. ^ » H^^y^f,.^- for the consolation of Israel: H- fv °S TrapaK\r)(riv tov Io-par;A. Kai , > /f J x ^ ///^T and the Holy Ghost was upon ILvevua nv ayiov en avTov "° Kai riv ,: k.C **■ ^ 4"r^ /K->~rcUL *■ ^*0 ^ / him. J6 4nd it was revealed > - ' ' < - tt ' - l^ ^XfW^Krpeuou vno tov Uvev- c '■■%*&f T OS ^it-t-'cefcU-f 1 ^ that he sh ou]d not see death, paTOS tov ayiov, pr] loeiv OavaTOV tvpiv /7\ - kfSA 2^ \" 'JL XX M/.Jt &' u ^ b e fo . re he had seen the Lord's t ^g„ rov XpiaTOV Kvpiov. 27 Kai nXc^ei/ "*i n " - ^< J ~^ A< V,*^ ■ y Christ. •" And he came by the ', ''„ „ T , r , , , ', , ■l+~*^ ^ ti a& ~iriLJ t^U^J-dfc+ii- a when the parents brought in rw eta'ayayetv tovs yovels to iraibiov ■ W'*^. /^/./^ //-//^ a Rec. ineo-Tpt-J/av. b Rac to ttwi'ioc. ° Bz. 8i Elz. avri};. CVJ avrov, d rvJ yoffo-ouf. 9 Rec. ayiov *jf. RATA AOYKAN. 141 'ir/crovv, tov Tvoiqcrai avTovs Kara to el- 6lO~fX£VOV TOV VOfXOV TTepl CIVTOV, ' S Kal avros eoe^aro avTO avTov, /cat eukoyrjo-e tov Geov, Kal eare- " 9 Nvi> dnoXveis tov 8ovK6v o~ov, Aecnro- Ta, kcito. to prjpa crov, ev eiprjvrj' ou on eidov oi 6cp6a\poi pov to crcorrjpiov crou, 31 6 TjToipacras koto. irpdcrcoTrov irdvTcov tcov XacoV 32 cpcos els d7roKaAti\//'if edvcov, Kal 86£av Xaov crov 'laparjX. 3 Kal rjv a 'lcoar)cp Kal r) prjTrjp avTov" Luke II. 42. 9. the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law, 28 then took he him up in his 1 Tas ayKaKas arms, andblessed God, and said, 2a Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, ac- cording to thy word. 30 For mine eyes have seen thy salva- tion. 31 Which thou hast pre- pared, before the fare of all people. n A light to lighten JfiL fy the Gentiles, and the glory of £ 4^AiU. t C v (>-t> Z '&<^ Jt ^ *p- thy people Israel. ^ t^JfToij^ rfltAvyX-V^ 33 And Joseph and his mother j^£&^^^*~^ i '~ ti> "-**> *7 ** ' ^ davpdCovTes eVi to'is XaXovuevois irepl marvelled at those things which "<» » -{/. H- 4? avTov. Kai evXoyrjcre v ovtovs 'Svpecov, Kal elne npbs Mapia/i tt)v prjTe'pa avTov' Idov, ovtos KeiTai els tttcoctiv Kal dvd- ' * „ , I , , , , rising asain of manv in Israel : o-Tacrtv 7roAA(ov ev tco lo-parjA, Kai eis and for a sign which shall be were spoken of him. 34 xnA i-^f~~jL* iLg ki a^^&u^f-^ ' / „ Simeon blessed them, and said-^^'T lL ' « /. — V. f-lt^. 6--hu* . j unto Mary his mother. Behold, (_ W^fHj ^^ ^^f, rfl JV^^ Mc**^ this child is set for the fall and ^Tr^y-triX <*« *- *£i-*** #_£/-^~ sy / , risinir airain nf manv in Israel • ' -- <7 - ^ . ° 'l/di - /// iVrtu «-i> i o-nueiov avTiXeyopevoV M Urn aov de spoken against, 3i (ye a a sword > - i i ' %> \ ' t i / \ shall pierce through thy own avTrjs rpv yj/v X r]v bieXeyo~iv i< iroXkcbv many hearts may be revealed. Kap8iu>v 8iaAoyio~poi. 5 Kai rjv "Awn 7Tpoc/)f}ri9, dvydrqp 3« And there was one Anna *avoyfr, eV f^s 'Aa^f avyj npofc- ^^^^^ ^^T^^^^S ~ Q 7 L ~^ $)1 y /n«f t M&J- t *? pT)KmaJv rjpepais 7roA\als, tf)0-ao-a ?tt) she was of a great age, and had. p.CTa dv8pos €7TTa. dno Trjs TvapOev'ias lived with an husband seven „' ~ . 37 „ \ - ' t > - > r ' vears from her virginity. 37 And avTrjs * *cai avnj ppa cos c-tcov oySor]- - he „ as a widowo B f ab ^ ut four . KOVTa Ttaaapcov, tj ovk d(pio~TaTO dno score and four years, which tov Upov, vno-Tetais Kal Sencrecri XaTpev- ^parted not from the temple, 'r \ e t qa\ t > - but served God with tastings ovcra WKTa Kat ijpepaV oa Kai avrrj avTjj an( j pra yers night and day. rfj copa emo-Tdaa dv8couo\oyelTO tco ' m And she coming in that in- c-._''*„»»\ r \ » » •• - - stant.gave thanks likewise unto Kvpicp, Kai eXaAet jrepi awou Tracn tois the L ^ rd> and spake of him t0 Trpoo-8e A 'opevois Xvrpcocriv ev 'lepov- all them that looked for re TaXnu." demption in a Jerusalem 39 \l v < > >.. « < ( 3a And when they had per- jy *^ ZiS- t-y, 1ft$ttZ£&Z°* 7a- «T2 Kai ■Sk cos eTeAecrav anavTa Ta koto formed all things according to spirit iiiit'u wuii wisuuiii, and the grace of God was upon t'/f^r iA -^-'*' a ''*^^ him. f- avrov . "' N , ow his P arents went 1°aXC . ■> , / / \ .7 »►/ 7, * T/j^iA kot eros eis lepovo-aXrjp ti] eopTjj tov feast of the passover . u And - «^/«. ^> M 'V^ir^' ZjL. 42 „„^ S.^ JL.'... — „ ,'_."... J.'.JS... „-i,..,, v,. .„•.,. t>. ,.iv.. vi. !ii-^ 1,1,1 A-J A(/^*/lZ'' - ~ > , Gb. o vamp avrov tai t; ^itjttjp. b oo 'ie^overaXij^, Or, Israel* •_• -«/*> r Luke II. 43. U* • '^r/cri-^Au^. rf~At~.7£rTt*7>Wrt7'ihey went up to Jerusalem, JSfr S/JLi"- <— tu~*-iC-<* k-j . __ . ^days journey, and they sought 43 And when they had fulfilled J^he days, as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem, and Joseph and his « But they supposing him to have been in the company, went a tytfu-/mu\\\er knew not of it. him among their kinsfolk and cquaintance. 45 And when f /fi '/. . .. j2Ji^ /jL/Lm-ivA thev found him not, they turned . -/fc* d^^^JT*? a ^ <4 ^' bac - k again t0 Jerusalem, seek- ing him. 46 And it came to pass, that Xm^"^° j after three days Uiey found him if a. A^fh h-L^Ht^va the temple, sitting in the ^i^ffiLrib. ^/-^-e-v-ocj^- ^J, midst of the doctors, both hear- hfiu. hri/vf- rt*f*lf, U, *"^f l Z iD S them - ^ askin S them s£ k-g^c^e,^-/'. \lrij-o-* 0-*2**>Y-&"~q\iest\ons. * 7 Andall that heard J- J />/ r /' / -tf f'/Lj)ec*S' mm were astonished at his un- ui'/L. *s-&z4 ■SexZ-W* d™/£Zr~^/ derstanding, & answers. 4 »And k-p-icA. GLov-ft****? //£"- aZ?*^^*? when the y saw him - the y Were , c __, 7 r g/ _^> /? #£ . - y AT^mUSa / amazed: and his mother said t+b-ST?.'^ \rZ Oxjf ?0V TTonfiT father and I have sought thee # *U2-S* # / sorrowing. 49 And he said unto tL#V% »- Alt ui—t^-p /u, „ *^~<«*»-4. A*^, them, How is it that ye sought £*U ^^ £^X^/*-«^* m0 be about my father's business? 1 A) 50 And they understood not the saying which he spake unto ;them. 51 And he went down with them, and came to Naza- reth, and was subject unto them: /%■ but his mother kept all these t ,?-sayings in her heart. /&**■■>' 52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and a stature, and in favour with God and man. -*• r/ ' x -M^j~ jtjt-v {■-" •v^*' 6 J- 3. Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judaea, and Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Philip tetrarch of Itu- raea, and of the region of Tra- chonitis, and Lysanias the te- trarch of Abilene, 2 Annas and 142 EYAITEAION avafiavTcov avrmv a etc 'lepocrdXi>|ta" KaT ^- to eOos TTJs eoprrjs, 43 Kai TeXfiaxrdvTcov ras rjfiepas, ev ra VTroo-Tpefaiv avrovs, VTrep.ei.vev lrjcrovs 6 Trais e'v 'lepovo-aXtjp' Kai ovk b eyva> 'lacrrjcp /cat rj prjrrjp av- tov." u vopicravres 8e avrov e'v rf] avv- oSt'a eivai, r)\6ov rjpepas 686v, Ka) ave^rjTovv avrov ev rots avyyeveai Kai c e'v" ro'is yvaio-TOis' Kai pf] evpovres d avrov," vnearpetyav els 'lepovcraXrjp, e (jjTovvTes" avrov. Kat eyevero pea rjpepas rpeis, ev- pov avrov e'v rw iepw, Kade^opevov ev p-eaco tuiv 8ibao~KaXcov, /cat aKovovra avruiv, Ka\ eTrepo3T(bvTa avrovs. 47 e'£i- o-ravTO 8e Travres ol aKovovres avrov, ern. rf] crvveo-ei Kai rals a.TTOKpio~ecnv avrov. 43 Kai ISovres avrov, e^eTrkdyr)- o~av' Kai rrpos avrov i] prjrrjp avrov fiTTe' TeKvov, tl eTroirjcras rjplv ovrcos ; iSou, 6 Trarrjp o-ov Kayii) 68vvo)pevoi itjrjrovpev ere. 49 Kai eiire rrpbs avrovs' Tt on e(rjrelre p.e ; ovk r)o'eire on ev rols rov rrarpos pov Set eiVat pe ; 50 Kat avrol ov avvijKav ro prjpa o e\d\r)o~ev avrols. 51 Kat Karefiri per avrav, ' Kai ifkdev" els Na^apeV" Kai r)v vTroracrcro- p.evos avrols. Kai r) prjrrjp avrov Siertipet ndvra rd piipara ravra e'v rfj Kap8ia avrr/s- 5 " Kat Ir/crotic irpoeKonre o~o(fiiq Kai tjkiKiq, Kai %dpiTi irapd Geco Kai avOpm- TT01S. 3. Ef eret Se TreireKaiSe/carw rrjs r/yepovias Tifteplov Kaiaapos, tiyepo- vevovros Uovriov YliKdrov rr/s 'IonSaiay, Kai rerpap^ovvros rrjs TakiXalas 'Hpd>- 8ov, ^iXiTnrov Se rov d§e\(pov avrov rerpapftovvros rrjs 'irovpaias Kai Tpa- Xa>vlri8os xarpas, ko.1 Xvcrav lov rrjs 'A/3t- \r)vrjs rerpapxovvros, 2 s eVi dp^tepe'eo?" > .i- (yi-, g Re.: >. c Gb. ora. d Gb. oi e7r ' apx.tpewv. a Or, KATA AOYKAN. 143 Avva Kcii Ka'idcpa, eytvero pijpa Qeov eiri luidvvrjv tov a " Za%apiov vlov iv Tjj epfffaQ Kai rjkdev els micrav tt/v rrepi^copov tov lopddvov, Kr)pvcro~a>v fiaTTTio~pa pe- ravotas et$ as ye- ypanTai iv /3i/3X&> Xdyaw 'Haaiov tov irpotprjTov, b XiyovTos' " <&a>vfj j3oo>vtos ev tj] iprjpcp " 'ETOtpdo-are tt)v obov Kvpiov' ev6eiasTVOie"iTe Tas TpLfiovs av- tov. 5 ndo~a (pdpayj~ Tr\rjpcodi]o~eTai, Kai miv opos Kai fiovvos TaTreivcodrjcreTai' Kai eo~Tat to. aKoXia els evdelav, Kai al Tpa^eiai els 68ovs \eias. 6 Kai ox^-erat nao-a o-cip£ to crcoTrjpiov tov Qeov. ' EXeyev ovv rols iKnopevopivois o)(kois (5aTTTio~6r)vai vtt aiiTov ' Tevvi')- para i^idvcov, t'is vTvibei^ev vplv (pvyelv airo Trjs peXKovo-rjs opyr/s ; 8 jrotjjcrare ovv Kaprrovs d£lovs Trjs peTavolas ' Kai pi] cip£r)o-0e Xeyeiv iv eavTOis ' ETarepa e'xopev tov 'Aftpadp' Aeyco yap vplv, oti dvvaTai 6 Qeos iK tcov \ida>v tovtcov iyeipai TtKva rw 'Afipadp. 9 9S7 8e Kai t] d^ivrj ivpbs tt)v pi£av tu>v hivhpatv K&Faff ndv oiiv devdpov pr) itoiovv Kap- 7tov koXov iKKonTeTai Kai els jSdXXerai. Kai inr]pa>Ta>v avrbv 01 o^Xot, Xe- yovres • Tt ovv c Tvoir)cra>pev ; " n 'Atto- Kpitieis Se Xeyet avTols' 'O e^cov 8vo XiTcovas /xeraSdrai ra pr) e'xovri " Kai 6 iX wv fipa>para opoicos iroieiTco. 12T HX- vov oe Kai reX&wai j3a7TTio-6rjvai, Kai e lirov npos avTov • AiSdovcaXe, fi iroir) - cropev; 'O 8e erne ivpbs avTovs' Mrjoev nXeov tvapa to Siareray/neVoi/ vplv TTpdo-o-eTe. u 'F.Trr]pd>T(x)v 8i av- LUKE III. 14. y n J^L^- '-/f Caiaphas being the high priests. J ^~ L ^T7^ ^/A / J^ i'/S^^H^^V the word of God came nxAoJAL, &J)'^ £ < 3j ^^ r tf' */UK&//>f v ~ John .he son of Zacharias, in /Lj- jL, /cf-^r V^ *t/v2& the wilderness. J& jfcj/- //rl~3L £***<~*S*>< 3 And he came into all the^^#~Wl JZ <^^^rf%' country about Jordan, preach. '[H^t^^fD Y/j£ .' Ob /<$ fT^f ing the baptism of repentance, &/ *~ /m -^ / 'S£ J. ^, t^-^* 6*^ for the remission of sins, ' as it SiJL-Il^ •* 7/7 ■ r <£/ ' . ^ £< ctrf. is written in the book of the ,, * _,/^ C £#■ ^^ i 7 / iZj i .U^^ ,)£ Aw ^U^-^- saying, The voice of one crying 7& ^-*. ?^ l/A^V- c^-r ^*<7 in the wilderness, Prepare ye tt^e-i^L, <&>>*^A*^- o Z L & Afi*>l the way of the Lord, make his u £Zi} t7 "VV X *1 , ^x>*u paths straight. « Every valley ^~, #*^ L^u^ d^1/^ a ^Y YY . shall be filled, and every moun- W-«^t^v« ^^Jj, n 4ovdf ^£ tain and hill shall be brought ^ ^Hx- ^V *> 2 ^ 7/^ i^^ low, and the crooked shall be 1 ,,,.y 'If \ _ /^ ' made straight, and the rough ^ X ^ ' ',/ Jf ways shall be made smooth. /* V - *^ M*- '*' i^',/ £j- fU 6 ^j- ter, what shall we do ? « And jZ. I t j) 10 P Ok. %** <*< "*£ ■ tt ^a/! he said unto them, Exact no ,n_ <^Tf / ^" ? "^ 1> e l A ^ ~ z ^' /l ~ * A -**' — -x — TT more than that which is ap- pointedyou. H And the soldiers likewise demanded of him, say- ing, And what shall we do ? And he said unto them, S Do violence to no man, neither a Itec. add tow . Rec. & Gl>. mir/cro^tv. Or, meet for. Or, Put no man in fear. 4b*. fUoiclCV '.ft*. h>£~£va-&J^' VKE ' °* u >/ J ' /jL^f lVT?~%4:&*-9rr* < *~? y - "-**% aceuse an y falsely, and be *t\f / j j ^^ tent with your " wages. /v2>* 15 And as the people were in expectation, and all men y mused in their hearts of John, hether he were the Christ or not : l6 John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water, but one mightier s/J t ,.(. than I cometh, the latchet of id, '/■ A-AJ~- (U //■/*-■ ^7^1 '~/'°' whose shoes I am not worthy - / H 6 -C V <%£- T^-r^A^J^ t0 unloose, he shall baptize ' . /■' ' i /f/ , vou with the Holy Ghost, and •^-o-fiJL, ~^~&6. ^ S-!>rf-&~*4—/./%*/■ w But Herod the tetrarch be- " mg reproved by him for Hero- W3% diashis brother Philip's wife, and for all the evils which Herod had one, w added yet this above all, that he shut up John in prison. i* j& ' 21 Now when all the people C^W *-***• were baptized, and it came to pass ^tt'g&Z ."^i SL- that and Jesus also being baptized, praying, the heaven was zs. A. ^f j opened : » and the Holy Ghost // 0-(t--/lL4Y~u. descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, "Thou art my beloved son, in (4>tO //thee I am well pleased. ' a And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, be- ing (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli, J1 which was the so?i of Matthat, which was the son of Levi, which was the son of Mel- chi, which was the son of Janna, which was the son of Joseph, 25 which was the son of Matta- thias, which was the son of Amos, which was the son of Naum, which was the son of Esli, which was the son of Nagge, ' x which was the son of Maath, which was the son of Mattathias, which was 144 EYAITEAION CTVKo(pavTT]crT]Te ' Kal dpKe7o~de rots di\rcov'iois vpu>v. 15 HpooSoKcovTos be tov Xaov, Kal biaXoyifrpevcov irdvra>v ev rois Kap- biais avToov Tvepl rov 'lcodvvov, prjTTore avros elrj 6 Xpio-rbs, 16 aTveKpivaro 6 'Icodvvrjs airaai, Xeycov' 'Eya> pev vban fienrrifa vpas' epxcrai be 6 lo~x v pd- repos pov, ov ovk elpl iKavos Xvaai rov tpavra rcov vTrobrjpdrcov avrov' avros vpas /3a7rr/cret ev Uvevpari dyico /cat ■jrvpi 17 ov ro irrvov ev rfj x €l p L av ~ rov, koi biaKadapiel rr)v dXcova avrov' kol crvvdtjei rov crlrov els rr)v diro8r]Kr}v avrov, to be a^vpov KaraKavaei irvpl do-(Beo-ra>. 18 LToXXa pev ovv Kal erepa napaKa\u>v eur/yyeXifero rov \aov. - 19 'O Be 'Upd>8rjs 6 rerpdpxrjS, eXey- Xopevos V7T avrov irep\ Hpoofitdbos rfjs yvvaiKos a " rov dbeXtpov avrov, Kal irepl irdvrcov cov enoirjae novr]pu>v 6 'HpioSr/j, 20 Trpoo-e6rjKe Kal rovro enl 7rao"i, Kal KareKXeiae rov 'lojdvvrjv ev rfj (pvXaKrj. 2 'EyeVero 8e ev ru> ftaTrrio-6r)vai anavra rov \abv, Kal '\r]o~ov j3anTi- adevros Kal irpoaev^opevov, dveaxdr)- vai rov oipavov, ^ Kal Kara(Br}vai to Ilvevpa to ayiov acopariKoj eioet cocrei Trepio-repav en avrov, Kal cpavijv e£ oipavov yevea-Qai, b Xeyovauv' " 2u ei 6 vios pov 6 dyaTrrjros, ev aol rjvdo- Krjaa. 23 Kal avros r)v 6 Irjo-ovs cocret ercov rpiaKovra dpxdpevos, o>v, cos evopi£- ero, vios 'lcoaTjCp, rov 'HXl, 24 rov Mar- 6dr, rov KevX, rov MeX^t, rov 'lavvd, rod , Ia>CTTj(p, 25 tov Marradiov, tov 'Apcos, rov Naoi>p,Tov EcrXi, rod Nay- yal, 26 to0 Maad, rov Marradiuv, tov » Rt-c. add o-r),Tov'IZ\ie£ep, tov Ico- pet/x, tov MaTdaT, tov Aew, 30 tov 2vpea)v, tov lov8a, tov 'l(do~r)e, tov Ad- pe%, 37 tov MaSovo-dXa, tov TZva>)(, tov lape8, tov MaXe- Xer)X, tov Ka'ivav, 38 tov Evwj, tov 2r)#, tov 'ASa/x, tov Qeov. 4. lr)o~ovs 8e HvevpaTos ayiov TrXr/prfs vireo-Tpeijfev otto tov lopddvov' kcu fjyeTO ev ra IlvevpaTi a els ttjv epr)- pov" " f/pepas Teo-aapaKovTa, ir(tpa£6pevos vtto rov Sia/3o- \ov. Kal ovk ((payev ovdev ev Talsijpepats eiceivais ' Kai o~vv- TeXeadficrcov avTatv, b vtrre- pov" eVmVacre. 3 Kai ehrev the son of Semei, which was the son of Joseph, which was the son of Juda, a7 which was the son of Joanna, which was the son of Iihesa, which was the son of Zorobabcl, which was the son of Salathiel, which was the son of Neri, 28 w hich was the son of Melchi, which was the son of Addi, which was the son of Cosam, which was the son of Elmodam, which was the son of Er, *» which was the son of Jose, which was the son of Eliezer, which was the son of Jorim which was the son of Matthat, which was the son of Levi, 30 which was the son of Simeon, which was the son of Juda, which was the son of Joseph, which was the son of Jonan, which was the son of Eliakim, 3I which was the son of Melea, which was the son of Menan, which was the son of Mattatha, which was the son of Nathan, which was the son of David, 3J which was the son of Jesse, which was the son of Obed, which was the son of Booz, which was the son of Salmon, which was the son of Naasson, 33 which was the son of Aminadab, which was the son of Aram, which was the son of Esrom, which was the so?i of Phares, which was the son of Juda, 3J which was the son of Jacob, which was the son of Isaac, which was the son of Abraham, which was the son of Thara, which was the son of Nachor, 3S which was the son of Saiuch, which was the son of R.igau, which was the son of Phalec, which was the son of Heber, which was the son of Sala, 36 which was the son of Cainan, which was the son of Arphaxad, which was the son of Sem, which was the son of Noe, which was the son of Lamech, 37 which was the son of Mathusala, which was the son of Enoch, which was the son of Jared, which was the son of Maleleel, which was the son of Cainan, ** which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God. 4. And Jesus being full of the Holy - t „ . v J /' n/\ Ghost, returned from Jordan, and was led fLW - M f '»■ '-'?>■ i^y^ ty~i+*. /W **» ' by the Spirit into the i wilderness , * being fo^ ^ ,_„ /,,^.-£ /.,//{ forty days tempted of the devil, and in those , .j /> y >/ / £■ f) days he did eat nothing: and when they '• (<-~^<*-aj ... tV : *a^A* . ■ ^> &* fov-i&w were ended, he afterward hungered. 3 And ' j^C$ A./L t-v-r £*-rdh A*-*~>- l ^v **~ rt "* /"*>* b u ~£<2,At*-l»-Uy /, '0£%iJ~/* 11 I + H^d*£Z^£, « ^W_ LUKE IV - 4 - , „ U6 , , ^AITKAION iiAr d^A ' * A ' ■, /y d the devil said unto him, If thou avrSt o biaBo\os' Et vtoc ei tov Qeov, l.j>r£^ t Z&Z^ *ftf r^-roir, iva yev.Tai elpTO, ic^^Y" i-yTy ffj&lo. «*-/j}frS And Jesus answered him, say- Kai aneKpitirj Itjctovs npos avTOV, Xe- ^7% v£«S' J*u ~^ / ii~ / i^ HL ~£ + ***;, U is , written - That , man yaV TeypanTai • "Oti ovk en aprco uova ,-L. o ££*-*■., / shall not live by bread alone, f a. < " •< a >\\» » » S ?sjT' ^ • - 1 ,/ <> , but by every word of God. iW^ai o avdpconos, aXX em navri - ^T?/^T //f /7 V fin/tan ewS. " 7£ ^JzJ&j^Jfc& . 'Andthedevil.akinghimup 5 Kai f^AraMp >> 6 8ld/3oXoc ' 1^^^,/L^/bcj^u ZS *<*/■> «S»> tJ A>/C the world in a moment of time, Tas ^acriXeias TrjsoiKovpevrjs ev cmypj] ^ /7/S 6 And the devil said unto him, ^povoV 6 /cat et7rei> ai>rc5 6 Std/3oXoc- '-^-r ^^4-T i . All this power will I give thee, v v * ' _ v 'f- ' ' ' « 0. % » #^*$P **>J^f>~Z7L*£u* the glory of them ; for that 2 °< Ow™ ™jv e£owr«w ravrrju anavay JL.J.Y-X /il&+*>*^f 7/Lu&od &&r* £-y is delivered unto me, and to Kai tt)v oogav avTav' oti epoi napabe- -rT- /" - IB /* i/ ii J tlMttsX I' th° u therefore wilt J wor- 7 , % ,, • , , , , ' J. ^X^i A:^f «J^ ** .&<*/. ^ «•« ship me, all shall be thine. « And <™ W ««" irpo - •? f » T ~ . d "v > ' P , &£.J, ^^bw^ tan: for it is written. Thoushalt awr ? "^^o ^ XZ* £+~A**4j ** UJ)"J 9 And h e brought him to Jeru- 9 'Kai ?Wy ei/ uutok ets 'lepovo-a\na, L * sJ A-e-4ji~-< d? i^a^L^uyf-^t^e-iui^i^XlC. salein, and set him on a pinnacle ^ » > < > v > ' i t^SLSZJT f of th ^ tem P ,e - and sakl unt0 ™ l i' rr n™'' r avT0V t ei l l TonrtpvytovTov ^1 -s ,/. ',i~ e^J^vjet 7^3<, «v-yTt-Vi^« him . J f thou oe theson of God, Upov, Kai einev avrai' Ei '"vlostlrov ^1/- (i-^-^, a~ A' «-/- ^ ,-^J^Y' *~ his angels charge over thee, to yeypaTrrai yap- On toij ayyeAoty //. ,^vC~ r < t/v / /Ah^v^/.- • . keepthee. " And in their hands ahrov eVreXetrat 7Tfpi crov, roO diachv- X ^O^*-, /'7 t ^»;/ ,/ -. , n fa/Lt/- ^ey shall bear thee up, lest at -, ,* U v e « r „ . v - , " , ^2. <£^t^W. . » /»y* ** z/ ^ any time thou dash thy foot **&u• * p^-- $~f- r A*-*7^ / '"''- ' t '' c ^'^- against a stone. 12 And Jesus ere, prjirore nrpocrKo^rjs irpbs \l8ov rbv ■V+Z** *-, J? fc-i **~/<* /< f£~S~*?> an . s " e ™S. *«d ™to him It is ^gn ^^ 12 Kai' aTTOKptdetr e«TCT "f^*- .A, ./ jLj^m, ^dii «- said, Thou shalt not tempt the , - , , T „_ ,, " ', , d^&U. s*JL*i ir& **>«><■ **T$ ^^Xord thy God. "And when the avT+* D ~ tation, he departed from him r >. / ' > ' S 'o L 5Ht -^^ 2^L 21! 4^ for a season - o-wreXecras «»» Trapatrp-ov o «ta0o- «-^ /^ «.a~/ri- Xos aneo-TT) an avrov avpi Katpov. X Jj^f- ^ r^*^Jp£~*~. J^i.T^r'ff H Kai 4 f Vrpe^, <5 'I^oC y (p tT, eU-/Cl &Jl~— & ^.^u power ofthe Spirit into Galilee, ,, , „ r,r ,/ ( '' v^ «C. t, ^-r-vj,.^. J- X«/-/£^ and there went out a fame of ovvapei rov Uvevparos eis rrjv Taki- cn^t/-^-* " ^L 2 ^-«y£i> *-**—» "/T°- him J th '; ou g h , a" the region XeuW Kai d»Wr; e£nX6e Kaff oXris rns /• w /// round about. 15 And he taught , r "V ? ' - is v ' > ' ^U£~*^i* '*yi*"~ /t Tj in their synagogues, being glo- ^P^X oi P ou f e P« avrov. Kat auros ^J-r>t^. t ./;/^^/^y^- T o u ^ff^2 J _ ( rifled of all. eh'ibao-Kev iv ra'is orvvaycoyals avrcbv, mM ' '-/ w>^ /T^. \Um^-u*jU and as his custom was, he went reOpappevo? Kai eio-r)Xtie, Kara to etco- 7Ki-v» * / *i*/*^y V^ .-/ *- /. i^Vum' int0 the synagogue on the # c avTto eV rn naf'pa tcoi> craBBaTwv i*vto,o ;. //c7m: &*~ Z/^* • / ' x * t *' /^>| ^£X« ii-t-ci'*^Y *** ■ ~U*~ ■ -* b 3 c Hoc to*™, d Gb. a. e Rec. add yap. f Kec. ada o. 6 r; ° Or, fall down botitir a\». \ KATA AOYKAN. 147 eis ttjv crvvaycoyrjv, km avearrj avayvco- vai. 17 Kai eTreSodrj avTco /3i/3Xioi> Hcraiou tov TTpocfjrjTOV' Kai dvaiTTV^as to (Bij3\lov, evpe tov tottov ov rjv yeypap.fj.evov ,n Ilvevpa Kvpiov eir epe ov ■* eiveKev e^picre p.e ei>ayyeXio-ao-#ai TTTco^ot?, aWcrraXrCe pe b lacrao-8ai tovs avvTe- Tpippevovs ttjv Kapbiav'" Krjpvt-ai al%- paXcoTois dcpecriv, /cat TvcpXols dvd- fSXe^nv' dnoaTelXai Tedpavapevovs ev dcpecrei' 19 KTjpvtjai eviavTov Kvpiov teKTov. "° Kai invi-as to ftifiXiov, dno- 8ovs tco vTrrjpeTj], eKadicre' Kai ndvTcov iv ttj crvvaycoyjj ol o(pdaXp.ol i)o~av are- vl^OVTeS ai!TCO. 21 v Hp£aTO fie Xeyeiv irpos avTovs' Oti crrjpepov TrenXrjpcoTai r) ypacfrr) avTrj ev tois cocrtv vpcov. Kai TravTes epap- Tvpovv avTco, Kai edavpa£ov eVi to7s Xoyois tt)s ^aptros, to'ls eKnopevopevois eK tov oropaTos avTOv, Kai e\eyoV Ov% ovtos eo~Tiv 6 vlds 'lcoo~r)Cp ; 23 Kai ehve Trpos airovs' Tldvrtos e'pelre p.ot ttjv TrapaftoXrjV Tavvqv' Iarpe, 6epd- irevcrov aeavrov' baa rjKOvcrapev yevo- peva c ev ttj" Karrepvaovp, Trolrjcrov Kai cbfie ev ttj iraTp'ihi crov. 24 TLbve fie' - Apr)v Xeyco vpiv, oti ovoels irpocpTirrjs fie/cro? e'crTiv ev ttj 7rarpi'8t avTOv. "° eVr dXrjdeias fie Xeyco vpiv, tvoXXal X^IP al rjo~av ev Ta'is fjpepais 'HXi'ou eV tco lo~- parjX, ore eKXeio-dr] 6 ovpavos «rl err] Tpla Kai p-r/vas e£, cos eyevero Xipbs peyas e'nl nacrav ttjv yrjv' 26 Kai irpos ovdeplav ovtcov eTre'p(p6r] HXi'ay, el prj eis 2apf?rra tt)s d SiBcovos" ivpbs yvva'iKa Xrjpav. " 7 Kai noXXol Xenpol rjcrav eVrl EXia'O'aiou tov 7rpo(pTjTov ev tco Icrpa- t)X' Kai oldels avTcov eKadaplcrdrj, el p.rj Nffaai/ 6 Si'poy. Kai eTTXr)o-6rjo'av Ttdvres dvpov ev ,JS.U>a^^t^ Luke IV. 28. sabbath day, and stood up for to fcfyc&J+Z*/ £*fk M ' Pi V^^y^, read. " And there was deliver- -fTa fliy Tt, ed unto him the book of the ^ . V AcO^ f'" prophet Esaias, and when he > *-«coX^(> &** had opened the book, he found-. *^cr ~Kcn»re4 ** fr J£ y> the place where it was written, Cif£* &7- '^/j '^f > ^^, >8 The Spirit of the Lord is up- ^\£ g-^i^. O °^ '# on me, because he hath anointed^/ ^L^i ^ ?/7v» '^J'J^/ ,, me, to preach the gospel to the j /• ujlM /*^- "&* ^ r '^^' poor, he hath sent me to heal !^2 — — t> /, ^ ^,17- •/• the brokenhearted, to preach jj*~ / ±--^- f / „ ^Y ffU. #*4&-(* deliverance to the captives, and & V A V- ~ft* y^ ' ,-# n, recovering of sight to the blind, ' '. *P / C _^^L ■f£uc/'*** l ''7ck to set at liberty them that are/^ Vty jLinva£*>- l*^- bruised, l9 to preach the ac- (*+J- Qf^y << "f ■** ceptable year of the Lord. /} #.<-, ^,-r^ri ~&+4' * -° And he closed the book, and (tus he gave it again to the minister, /> /^/, aJ'Ct" and sat down: and the eyes of 'rTgK^Xry ■}/»>■ yy- i^nAn^ all them that were in the syna- ° a/ , j JJ'4vJ > '•^hj**' ■■ gogue were fastened on him. '%ffi #$%£& ^^/^sZ ^/i At-- tU t**U 21 And he began to say unto ^ *1r™f) y — ' them, This day is this scripture ^\i> 'fajfa.ioU. fulfilled in your ears. « And -ft^ uJiQftt/- all bare him witness, and won- "'_ i'jJ^JU^s^. a* &£■ ^iPB^. dered at the gracious words, Jis iS^M, ^' " • „ say unto me this proverb, Phy- "£ a/ <^ A A^u.(i>vU^o.^ u /u ~Ji' V^- sician, heal thyself: whatsoever /9-Z*. J& p*********. %"' f-TtL/i/tt we have heard done in Caper- -jj- /xX. f ^^i " _tni * naum, do also herein thv coun- J? x- /'. / /7Pi er^tt » And he said, Verily I '£•*£ l/4~ u no prophet is ,/^X /7 ^<- ^ v i try say unto you, i accepted in his own country. 35 But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months : when great famine was throughout all the /Z land : ™ but unto none of them K'y^fy, *~~', -JU/-/*rAHj- ^77 was Elias sent, save unto Sa- /^^i^W**/* // %-& ' Zw * Y ^ repta a city of Sidon, unto a// .. 71 ^ n v / n a woman that was a widow. ^iC^y! j A^" /{. J<1 M- *■ 37 And many lepers were in Gb. ■« cv — . Gb. ftf Israel in the time of Eliseusthe Jlljiys /■M^f^y- ^^y. /£7ft. *rrrfr prophet: and none of them was ^/ *-. £ /%. /\- '~7~ty?f cleansed, saving Naaman the ^^ / ^^ _ 7^^>^^^^ ^\^^_. And all they in the /Ua^T^-fi oL A^ iu-V^ *JzVfft f \ t££c*i* T^C 3**1 >3 Try* -&^ a^i^^te Ofa Jig, U 4 itft yr], aKovovres ravra. ~ v kcii dvacrravTes e£ej3aXov avTove^co rrjs tto- Xfcoc, Kal rjyayov avrov ecos a " dcppvos Tov opovs, icp oil 7] ttuXis aiiroiv wKobo- prjro, b els to" KaTaKprjpvlo-ai avrov' 30 ai/Tos be bieXBcov bia peaov avrav eiropeveTO. 31 Kai KciTrjXdev els Kairepvaovp m'ikiv Ttjs TaXtXaias' Kal rjv StSdaTccoi/ avTovs ev toIs crd/3/3acrt. 32 Kal e£e- ifkrjo-crovTO inl tjj biba^rj avTov. ort ev e^ovana rjv o koyos avrov. nai ev ttj o~vvayu>yj] r)v civOpawos t^a>v irvevpa baLpoviov ciKaddpTov, Kal dveKpa^e (pt- pa>6rjTL, Kal e£eX6e c e'£" avTov. Kal ptyav avTov to baipoviov els " to" peaov e^rjXBev an avTov, ptjbev fiXd^av avTov. Kal eyeveTo ddpfios eVt irdvras, Kal avveXdXow npos dXXijXovs, XeyovTes' Tto 6 Xoyos oi/Tos, oti ev et-ovo-ia Kal Bvvdpei, e7riracro"€t rote aKaSaprois ivvev- pacri, Kal e£ep%ovTai ; 37 Kal i^eiropev- ero rjX 0S Kepi avTov els irdvTa tottov Trjs nepi^wpov. 33 'Avao-Tas Se e eV' Ttjs o-vvaycoyr/s, ela-rjXBev els ttjv oIk'uiv llpavos' ' "nev- 6epd 8e tov 'Slpoivos rjv o~vve%opevr} TTvpeToi peydXa ' Kal r)pmTrjo-av ovtov irepi avTiis- Kai emcrTas eirava av- tt)s, eireTiprjcre to> nvpeTai, Kal dcpr/Kev avTrjv' Trapaxpr/pa S« di/ao-Tacra 8i.rj- KoveL airolc. 40 Avvovtos be tov i)Xlov, Trdvres 6'o-ot ei^ov aaOevovvTas vocrois noiKiXais rjyayov ai/Tois wpos aliTov ' 6 be evl eKuo-Tco avTav Tas ^etpas emdels e6e- pdnevo-ev avrovs. 4I egrjpxeTo be (cat " Gb cucrrE. C ^ a Or, edge. tl CI), om. P Or, a-vay. f Kec. a-ld q. KATA AOYKAN. 149 haipovia diro iroXXcov, Kpd£ovra Kal Xt- yovra' "On o~xi el a 6 Xptoroe" 6 vlbs rov Qeov. Kat eninpav ovk e'la avrd XaXelv, on ydetcrav rov Xpioroi/ avrov elvai. 42 Tevopevrjs 8e rjpepas e^eXdoiv eiropevdr/ els eprjpov tottov, Kal ol o^Aoi b eVej^Tow' avrov, Kal ifXdov ea>s avrov, Kal Karel%ov avrov rov prj iropeveo-Qat. air avrav. 43 6 8e (lire irpbs avrovs' "On Kal rals irepais ir6Xeo~iv evayyeXl- o~ao~dal pe del rfjv /3acriAei'ai> rov Qeov' oti. els roiiTO dirto~raXpai.. Ai Kal rjv Kr)pvo~o~cov ev rals avvaycoyais tt)s Ta- XiXalas- 5. 'Ey evero 8e ev to tov 6'^Xoi/ eVt- Kelo-dai avTc irapa ti)v Xlpvrjv Tevvqaaper' " Kal elde 8vo irXola e'oruTO 7rapa T))!' Xipvrjv ' ol 8e ctXiels diro(3dvres an avrcov e direnXvvav" ra diKTva. 3 epftds 8e els ev rcov irXota>v, o i)v tov 2lpa>vos, r/pooTrjaev avrov dir6 ttjs yrjs eiravayayelv oXlyov ' Kal KaOLaas edlftao'Kev eK tov irXolov tovs b)(Xovs. 4 'Sis Se eiravaaro XaXu>v, elite npbs rov "Eipcova ' Eiravdyaye eis to fUddos, Kal xaXdo-are rd Suerua vpa>v els liypav. 5 Kal dwoKpiQels 6 Slpcov elirev avra' ' Emo-rdra, ftt bXrjs rr/s vvktos Koind- o-avres ovbev eXdfiopev ' enl Sc to prjparl crov ^aXacrco to Biktvov. 6 Kai tovto iroirjo-avres, crvveKXeicrav d irXrjdos l)(6vo)v" ttoXv' dupprjyvvro 8e to BIktvov avreov, 7 Kat Karevevaav tois pero^otc rots ev ra> ere pco irXoia>, rov eXdovras o-vXXa(3eo~6ai avrols ' Kal rfX6ov, Kal eirXrjcrav dpcporepa rd irXola, coare e "/3t>- Ql^ecrQai avrd. 8 'iScbf he Slpoiv TLerpos Trpoaeiveo-e tois yovao~i rov 'Iijtroi}, Xeyav ' E^eXde air epov, on avr]p dpaproiXos eipi, Kvpie. Luke V. 8. devils also came out of many, crying out, and saying. Thou art Christ the son of God. And he rebuking them, suffered them not a to speak : for they knew that he was Christ. 42 And when it was day, he departed, and wt-nt into a de- sert place : & the people sought him, and came unto him, and stayed him, that he should not depart from ihem. ja And he said unto them, 1 must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent. ^ And he preached in/ the synagogues of Galilee. '/* 5. And it came to pass, that as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he /[/[/ ~.j /J- h . K „>„„ /. ; ,V '■/. ■ stood by the lake of Gennesaret, j** U-i^f^t*^ f- i*r C^ffa by the lake : but the fishermen f^^^r.^hAjUji/- lV- /$ r £& /H^t£ nothing: nevertheless at thy- /$~Pt^£- 'C^-J Ma/- «. tu-t^-^yP^' . * word 1 will let down the net 11 And when they had this done, r _ they inclosed a great multitude of fishes, and their net brake : '*-**&*. 2- V //. $&*$-&<*.' (_$) ->^ GO&»i~~*t JuaA* Gb. om. b llec. t"rr:t>vv. c ,-v.' ewAfj-a,'. d Rec a Or, to say that they lulw liiui ~> end they beckoned unto their ^>^-^- *~-*~6< c~$l*(7jls 4>&y t/^f^rTp-i) partners, which were in the K-. /L ,u- And so was also rov i X dvayv ? ; (rvveXafioV 10 6poia>s ■f^S-fr*., e £f*?^ ' ■&?*-( f^Vtf- J/mes, and John the sons of ^ Ka \ ^ Ka fi ov Ka \ 'lioavimv, viovs Ze- 0-*-/t^^> tUt f rfTcorf'-i^, Mi, -rim~- /k \ /ebedee, which were partners *. > «•? \ ~ -,< VKA^r.frik, vl^Lc^-^ y/O./L with Simon. And Jesus said peoaiov, oi W av Koivavoira 2t/xcow. ii / '/■// /-) , r>>£7 , l.17-&m^LLu unto Simon. Fear not. from kcii flire Trnnc rov "Slumva n 'Inrroijc" M71 -// /-Iff /2./ £?>YL. /-*_*■ kJ7-&*jU^ unto Simon, Fear not, from Kai eine npos rov^iuuva o Inarovs' M»i u -f/^ Y.^J/ 1 a^^ju/- henceforth thou shalt catch ^0- . .„a_j * **Y ^^A?/' men. <> And when they had f °P™ r%'^*fy*^£~*r merr^Vn^had W*™' «™ rov ,0, Mptow* toy ■f- r {L, mt t-J-fri) Q.(?A- ^*s *. ^r^^^^^< eho]d P-ia ruv noXecov, Kal Idov, dvnp irXnpns r > , , *--ii—\/,' J 4 U 7^ 'a man full of leprosy : who see- C / , ,5,', v ,' i r "V *-*f-pLtJii. -£**"■ ing Jesus, fell on his face, and Xeirpas m Kai iba>v rov Irjcrovv, Treauv aJ^TfCTC&n^ L^, /Lot* JU&*tu* A^t^ besought him, saying, Lord, if eVt Tvp6au>7TOV, eberjdr] avrov, XeyoV AM** yfc&r^i j^pr ^ -f ^el^™ 1 " And heput7orth his Kvpie, eap OeXys, 8ivao-ai /xe KaBapivau £, iS/L-rc ~^r~&-o A.<**-£-**.0( < ^2_I^ ^^'v hand, and touched him. saying, Kai fKreivas rrjv )(flpa, rj\^aTO avrov, A i^y^tD~ik^c£AJldt~^, Ka8aoi(r6nTi. Kal eideeos ~Sf / ^ A , 7 / immediately the leprosy de- , , / , '„.. n r , , ' , „ ,. v tff^. k^z ix^»^ ^MXtU^/? parted from him. " And he V MTrpa a7TT]A0ep air avrov. ™ Kai Vi ) y jO +. / / ■ charged him to tell no man: avros TraphyyfiKev avrco urjSevl elirfw' 7 f7roS-Z'cC\/»C'/£ . *4> ftLoi *-£**< A"~7 but, go, and shew thvself to the >->n ^ > % W\ s -> ' r ', ~ . &-rfJ 2s- //Zhrt^ priest, and offer for 'thy cleans- aX } a aTrtXdcov 8et|oi/ treayrov TO) lepei, '^T^'^**"' V ^ar yf !/a. ins ' accordin = as Moses com- Kal irpoaeveyKe nepl rov Kadapiapov ^CtAtf^oCT? U/WV*- manded, for a testimony unto aov Ka fa s ^poo-fra^ Matnjs, els aap- t~ J ,, \ n j fLJ ' / tnem - But so much the , ' 1 » r « * # » > -\x" >. ~YV /"Crst- ft^^<^-*^l LiZ ^^(f^'\ more went there a fame abroad ^P 10 " a^TOij. *° Airjpxero be paAKov Jjli*. XX /■ £. / I. , / of hira ' and great multitudes 6 Xo'yoc 7repi avrov' Kal o-vvhp-vovro y/V"> _ / v: ■ . i*\tU/n*. came together to hear, and to » -,, ' \\ * ' ' v /1 ' /1 >■ '-Lfti "" C Av^^^W^-A^J^ be healed by him of their infir- °X Aot ^^ OKOveiV, Kai OepaTveveo-dai. fe-lL^rit/- -^i^l£*-^/ 73~r&i-f)i< r v t £ i rnities. 16 And he withdrew a vri avrov" ano t£jv acrdeveicov avruv' J himself into the wilderness and 16_>_* s^ v-?f * ' " ' ' yy prayed. ' ovTOf Oe r/v vnoxapwv ev rais epr]p,ois, i JJL. !LU.Jb?JZ>.*z> CUi*n^-J?/fc.cC>. 1? And !t came t0 P as s on a «at Trpoaeuxo^ewy. ' *US£t • zrrXV /^ 3^1 .^Vm. certain day, as he was teaching, 17 Kat eyeVero eV ma rwf fiuepav, -fy^< j. V <^-C- /tT /H~ U-a^irH T^T^ that there were Pharisees and v » , v ' a * / r * vt /r %/ ■• A^ "$l>y*/6LLV n M'*7 d °ctors of the law sitting by, Kat aul "°S' ^^ oiba(TKu>V Kai rjaav KaVr]- 3 T^y f/'^7rX4?f^'^ jU - whic h were come out of every pevoi <&apio-aloi Kal vopodlBdo-KaXoi, ot '¥ /,-)/ /,/ y, town of Galilee, and Judaea. S »\ \ a > ' > > ' u S&U JL /Ls^*7!l™ A Jerusalem: and the pow e ; 1™\ &r,\v6ores eK Traces K^rjs rrjs '*u* n*, T-fy- ~ ^rV/ .of the Lord was present to heal raAiAatac /cat lovoaias Kai lepovaa- ^(W*/ tUr^iAU^ them is And behold, men XmT Kal bvvapisKvpiov nvelsro laaBai T^ C 7^T /^-r,^ brought in a bed a man which /J", ]8 r , ,. K „ L ,, ,' fUsfcy 6piYi^'V- u *' was taken with a palsy: and avrovs . ° Kai ibov, avdpes (pepovres VUg/ i.*L they sought means to bring him eVi KKivris avdoamov os nv TrapaXeXv- r'Wjf- r " '' *" • . in, and to lay him before him. ' \ >r' » 1 » A -fa *~^^ U^£ fiW/l. > 9 And when they could not /"J™^ Katefr/row avroz^ eiaeveyKeiv ?r* find by what way they might Kai oeivai evo>TTiov avrov. Kai pr] b,o r^ ' a (j f ^ K i hring him in, because of the J J 1 /....*..y*+ Cy y*lA^~ /^*-l . multitude thev went, nnnn thn 6,§- , r fi iff K\/ bring him in, because of the ^p^^-ep b „.' * elaeviyKcoo-iv avrov in Tn-„ < O KV«>> - <* /™-*~ '• multitude, they went upon the ^Tv,,. , a , ', s , «. IV- l r , -housetop, and let him down Oia rov oxXov, avajiavres em to da>p.a, / .i^euLv-f v Kepapuv KadnKav avrbv criv ra --*/- . -A :*■ . Ua r^ b Rec. Sta KATA AOYKAN. 151 Luke V. 32. i:\ivi8ico els to ueo-ov einrpocrdei' rov couch, into the midst before .'/./LtU- 7p2/ffi/2 ,, ~ ' «n « >*» » ' '_-.. Jesus. M And when he saw J* J, <^, ' < .' >■ 'lyo-ov. M Kai lo-cop r n v nicrnv avrov, theirfaithj he said unt0 him , zblTCV * avroi • " AvSpcorre, aqbeovrai m afapruu crov. Kai^avroCua risees bpgan t0 reason> saying , _. > , ■ ■■-* 6 .A/O \oyi(eo-6ai ot ypappareis (cat ol 2 - 9 > ? <-^'<- "\ puraioi, Xeyovres' Ti'c eW o£roc 6? blasphemies? who can forgive -_ /X / a 4J^ ! \ -v - m V i ' * ' '^>. ',.„, sins, but God alone ? ti-c It^fL/- y'l ■■ 7^ AaAei BXaachripias ; tis dvvarai acpievcu ' , J_ / s , k/ ^ apiprtas, « ,uj uoros o e«>s , Z^, I ^/<^^' 22 'ETTtywws 8e 6 'Irjcrouc rove dta- ' .j^ „ , ' , . , /!»»_„' M But when Jesus perceived ._. , ,» < t*. UcM £7ia*oc~, Xoyio-povs avraiv anoicpiVeis eine npos their thoughts> he answering, c * ,. '"«•? ^ ' f -V.,, ^^ ^ , auroiis- Tt btakoyiCeade ev rals Kapdiais said unto them, What reason t ,£ ^i^ A7rou man ^ power upon earth t0 or , i< eVi Tn? ■vnc dcbuvai apapr'ias, (eiVe ra> forgive sins (he said unto the ' >.V " "■' c \ \ ' .*\^JlL,' il"p-„,, n , " sick of the palsy.) I say unto /i tl f'*rf °Trapa\e\vpevG> ) 2oi Xeyoi Ey«pe, thee , Arise f an d take up thy ^1^^ ;""7""' r^" 36 " « God. « And they were all A-'/ So^ato)^ rov 0eov. Kat eKO-raw ^ ed , ^ d they gforified God, eXaftev anavTas, Kai td6tja£ov rov Beov, a nd were filled with fear, say- ' ( > r "• ' -,^C' ^^Hr^"^ *°" &^ e i a : e seen strange V'/- . XI i £-' - eidopev Trapaboga o->ip.epov. ^ , y t . ■<■« L 27 Kai pera raOra ei-rjkde, nai idea- ' ' c . <-c /»^'e : craro reXcoi^c, ovop-ariAevtv^ Kadr)p.evov i7 And after these things he (Vt TO TeAodJ/loj/, Kai etTrev aura) - 'Ako- went forth, and saw a publican, / ^ Ao^a^ot. ■ Kat «M tearra, — J^*M ^sS ' . ^. ai/arrras' r/KoXovdrjatv avra> . - a Kai urito him, Follow me. "And eVotno-c Soyw u^yaXni/ f ' Aevts aurw he left all, rose up, and follow- n r/ ^ A , 7 , ^A/" /* / / „ \ ' ed him. » And Levi made , . ^ , €j/ to otKia avrov ■ Kai tjv ox^os tcAcd- him a great feast m his own vcoi/ 7roAvc Kai (SXXav, ot rjaav p.er house : and there was a great ' * / aura,, ^ra^oi. ■ Kai iyoyyvC ?V ^^s^T^t^. ,, f oi ypafipare'is avra>v Kai oi QapMraioi w a ui their scribes and Pha- L .. (?' ' ' % ffp o S/ ro^ , r ^ a^oc, xA^m- s-» -f^fi 1 ; 1 : — • u %£^ Alan =pera Ttuf reXavuv Kai apapra- eat and drink wit h publicans < <• <'*V, Ad)!/ eVdiere Kai TTlVCre; 31 Kai dTTO- and sinners? « And Jesus an- * a v « >t - * '„^,'„„,',^- r>,', swering, said unto them, They <. ) Kpifcv o l^o-ovs «7T€ Trpoc avroys Ou ^^ a « who , p n£cd not a phy . ypeiav i'vovaiv oi vyialvovres larpov, sician: but they that are sick. . aAA' oi KaKi, e'xovrec. ^ o^k e'A^AvrJa » I came not to call the , -v d Her Ev..o«i. .«^««'o. lRec.»ddo. g lice. CNJ ^*»ra reXun-oic. Luke V. 33. 152 EYAITEAION righteous, but sinners to re- KaXeaai Smaiovs, d\\d apapruXovs etc '• < ' \ pentan.ce. ptTdvoiav. fC*t Hi y* ' 33 And they said unto him, 33 q[ fe e l mi/ ^y civtov ' Atari ot '&n K^tL prayed P^rai Wmn, ^TeCova, ^ Kai c- , /.W &>-><^ and likewise the disciples of oe/}o-eis TTOiovvrai, opoicos *at ot Tcof r- #7^ the , K s f 8 i 4 b A t i 1 r e e M *ap«ratW- ot oe (rot eV&Wi /cat jti- (L^-. 4 -^ rn ' ■ / ** * *" ' and drink.'' 3i And he s id / _, . , T , , / 4 <, £ #»< unt0 thenlj Can ye make the yot/o-iJ/ ; •» O 6e etTre 7rpoy aurouc children of the bridechamber jy[ ' §{jvaa8e tovs vlovs tov wp(f>covos, , wuiiuicii U i li.c u ,.u^..cl...ww M „ ovvacroe tovs vlovs iuu i/unyuj^s, ' 7'T-.- x ' fast, while the bridegroom is , ' T , ,, . , - » _,,£„.„, rUl: * ,/™ 7 V* * ^ with them? 35 B ut the days ev a) owpfyios per avruv tan, iroirjtrai */• 'jtzjujuo // £- c '*-" ^ will come, when the bridegroom vrjo-reveiv ; eXeuo-oi/rat oe r)p.epai, ' • days. tots vrjo-revacivaiv tv eKeivais Tais rjpepais. 36 And he spake also a pa- 36 "E Af ye 8e Ka\ irapa8o\i)v irpbs av- rable unto them, No man put- / . « „ * > '/o\„.,_ a ;,,„-,'„,, teth a piece of a new garment TOW On ovbtis eTTt^Xnpa t/*aTiou upon an old : if otherwise, then kmvov " e7J"t/3aXXet eVt tpartoi> TraXatov' both the new maketh a rent, , ^ > > rA * a X ^h «* ™ and the piece that was /,?-, // \ out of the new, agreeth not TraAaio) ov avpcpcovei " (TnpATjpa to with the old. 37 And no man ^^ r oj) Katvot). 37 Kat oiSfis /3uXXet putteth new wine into old bot- •? , • , > < >. ' . ' Si ties: else the new wine will oivov veov eis aaKOVS^ 7Ta\aiovs ^ el oe burst the botiles, and be spilled, u.rjye, pj}£ei 6 vios olvos tovs aanovs, and the bottles shall perish , ^ - &YU0iWerai, KCLl 01 acrKoi 38 But new wine must be put ";"' J vt ^w > t ' ' into new bottles, and both are a7roXowrcu ' aXXa otvoi/ f«ov ets / preserved. » No man also ^a- KOVS Ka i VO vs BknTeop, c Kal du,d>OTepoi ~V^*°- having drunk old wme, straight- _ » 39 » >*> v **ke i way desireth new: forhesaith, avvTrjpovvTai. Kai ouoeis Utcoi/ 7ra- ^^ The old is better. Xaiuv evdias Bikei veoW Xe'yti yap' 'O l///-6~ <2ji £6n''<< /' f*lL*-,v iraXaios Ypr/crroTfpdc iaTLV. '■ -& I* , ., ' // '',i/ x// /-fr 6. And it came to pass on _ ,^ A , r ' ^ , r , 00 , t> the second sabbath after the 6. Eye^ro oe ei; aaftfiaiip GevTtpo- ,\JTV-i -£-£• ^('^<^'" / first, that he went through the TrpcoTM bianopfveadai. avrov 81a tu>v a^ r \, S T ' r/^^X^-prked'^e^of^S 1 ^ **?pW , It "< "* * to do on the sabbath days ? jroteiJ/ eV tois adSBaai ; 3 Kai a7ro- < 3 And Jesus answering them, /1 \ > > v t ' , T_„„r,„ • •^ ' v said, Have ye not read so much KpiOtis irpos avTOVS «7T«/ O IijeroM ^£ V ■ cJ ' o'iw.s. as this what David did, when OvSe roCro aveyi/ojTe, o enoir/ae Aavio, ,,y^, ' ^<... &TA himself was an hungred and ^ ^ imivaaw avrbs /cat ot per' aCVov (t ^ *-- •• tney which were with him: „ . , , . . , , r •? / • 4 - ^ /V^fc*- 4 how he went into the house ovres ; 01s eiarjkoev etc tov oikov tov '-f- K - of God, and did take and eat Q (ov Ka \ TO i, s ap T ovs TriS irpodtaecos di-dl 1 ' the shewbread, and gave also „ ^ v /, ,,, ' v «» \ 1 to them that were with him, e <&a3e,Kai eoiaye, Kai edcu(ce km tois y j /--;,,, J-, which it is notlawfulto eat but u(T avTOV, ovs ovk e£ean cbaye'iv et 7Lj^ ■ su^ft**^*/ ■ ■■ r \ * I_Z a £\3 tlJTO i,ur:Ol' ».»nul' O\i0a$t " — » KATA AOYKAN. 153 Luke VI. 17. KATA AOYKAN. 153 JLuke VI. II. un uovovs tovs le pels', 5 Kal eXeyev for the priests alone? 5 Andi^', avdpoiirov Kai tov aapparov. sabbath. /t/, i7 ( V ,( V ' /( £ ' 6 'E-yeWo fie /cal eV e're'pcp (ra/3/3arco 6 A „d it came to pass also / v < ' n ) T eiaeXdeiv avrov els riW owaya>y/)i/ /cat on another sabbath, that he X ', , 5,«, > t > - ■>/ /) k < entered into the synagogue, and ~ > <; , (V \ Y c/i otW/cetv Kai r/v e/cei avOpconos, /cat r] taught . sald there was a man . W / '. yelp avrov i) Se|td rjv Ijrjpu. ' a nape- whose right hand was withered^. i «v // r - „_j „; ,*.„ 7 And the scribes and Pharisees , . S n i TTjpow fie > oi ypapparets /cat oi a- watchedhira , whethe r he would , . % ;^ (tt< - picraioi, ei ev Tea cra/3/3arcp depanevo-ef heal on the sabbath day: tha*>?y JL /*'* ^f' . - ■ ( . , off. iva eupwai Karnyopiau avrod. 8 avros they might find an accusation - ^ e rt .. / y ) *< •><* > s. \ < ' - » against him. s But lie knew > *^A.r - ' <'\/nf be r/bei tovs biaXoyio-p,ovs avrcov, Kai their thoughts, and said to the '\ ( u/ / \_ £ o-* ~& ' etrre b rco avdpionoi" tco tripav evovn man which had the withered - 2 " /"a ,V.' ,' - ' c v,C ' // ' v -/) > < hand, Rise up, and stand forth -,/- ./^ tij* xetpa/ ky«pat, *cai (mjdi us to in th ' e mWa *> Aud ,, e arose \/ , A *'*£? p-ecrov. 'O fie dvaards earr). 9 etVej/ and stood forth. '■> Then said ( ' /; X ; 7/^ *" ' ^ . dyacWotncrat n KaKonouicrai ; ^uvnf «o evil ? to save life, or to de- , r <" » ' ' . y i* 1 * ', ' .. » ! „ >' T ,. / \' stroy it? •« And looking round , -, } • ' *• . o-cocratjy ^awoKTeivai^ U K«'i;ep'PA^ about upon them all, he said \ y A .^. \lfdp.evos ndvTas avTOVS, einev ' aurco "" unto the man, Stretch forth thy ^ ^ ("/ ,<•./-«/-- 'Ektmvov rhv yelpa aou. *0 Se sinoirjo-ev *"% And he d ' d s ° : , un a d t hi ^ . / ^ ' ^ '^ X ' . . . x ' A r , , / , hand was restored whole as the 3/ «^ y //■ t ,. , f^lt,^ 0VT03. /cat anoKaTeo-TaOr) i] x eL P av ~ other. " And they were filled _ j ,■ "- ' s Todws h aXkn." ll ai/Tol 8e enXno-drjo-av with madness, and communed > • 7 /,., t '^. . ^'^ , , > / n <\ v >A '\ one with another what they , > V a<. t~v'^ *'■*-■• avoias' /cat oteAa/vouf 7rpos aAAi]\ovs, m j.rht do to Jesus. <<■/'* f* +i< . '< t'i tiv TTOii]> fa f^^-^ , 1J 'EyeWo be ev rats fjfxepais Tavrais, , /( ., <^ % - r ' <<*"-4- /cat rou " iL,yeveTO oe ev rats ?;pepats rauraiy, / ^ ^ v>- /If'** J t$nMc»' eh to ipos vpovevZdeKU, oi)s /cat hecalledunto him his disciples: • avrocrroXot/s A^|OP«- /,< Stpco.a ^ ^^5*KjSSJ » , j /cat avop-aae lierpov, Kai Avbpeav tov u Simon, (whom he also named ^ . ^ aSe\0oi/ airoC, 'id/cco/Sot/ /cat 'itodwnf Peter.) and lAndrew his brother: \ ,( . f A*S> .». r - „ a \ - is „ James and John, Philip and / ViXlinrov /cat BapdoXop.aiov, Mar- Bartholomew, '* Matthew and 7U.f^- T A ■ -V ■ .■ ■ /r Ba'iov Kal Gcopai/, 'ld/cco/3of tov tov Thomas, James the son of Al- r */%'<.> *~^~ '' > w j ' v v' v \ ' phseus, and Simon, called Ze- /' , - - . AA v> ittj Tt* Ki'ttTTt. e Rec. ^JaTToAecrau f Rec. ^J tw av9p«-rr v . K Gb. riron)oi. t$nn*§, b Gb. »r«««rsVTad9. 1 Uec. ^eip awrou 1-747; wj »; aXAi?. pw ^''P avrov, k. e*) c«eX0ctf av.-or. Luke VI. 18. 154 EYAITEAION ^ ,, ^■J) (/ ^a,( Gl£/~!*-? /a< disciples, and a great multitude Kai rrXrjdos ttoXv tov Xaov utto Tracrrjs > of people, out of all Juda>aand - ' Iou § al ' a y Ka \ 'lepovo-aXrip, «al TVS ~ ' l y cw S^ Jerusalem, and from the sea ' , , , ' .„ ' r ' „ ,, ' coast of Tyre and Sidon, which napaXiov Ivpov Kai Zibaivos, 01 tjX&ov fl . A, ', / ;. /> ru- i << ». Xc.. /3o V - y^-f- %~ spirits: and they were healed. b dwo" Trvev paTtov aKaddpTav, Kal €0e- ^ / / />/ went virtue out of him, and aTrreaOai avroV on ovvapis Trap avrov V*T S/ • healed them ""' *&IPX*™> Kal w" 7ra"ra?. :» And he lifted up his eyes 2U Ral air( > y ^p^ T0 ^,y dcpdaXpovs /,/?/'. ■// /, „ X on his disciples, and said, <• - i \ /] * « - »\ IC-Uy- V^h^,^ , /. /*c^Wt. B i esS ed be ye poor: fervour's aur ™ " ff y ow padrjTas avToy eXeye v-+t^ /»<<-, is the kingdom of God. 2I Bless- Maicapioi ol 7TTa>\o\, on vpeTepa iariv u/ j%Z xZa^A. '< ^e.f ye that weep now, for ye shM TreivaiVTfs vw, oti xopTao-0r](Teo-&e. pa- StU (Lfi^y^L, " & <£#*&> ,au S h u " Blessed are ye when K dpioi [ K XaiovTes vw, otl yeXdcrere. 777 ^ f men shall hate you, and when 22 ' ' > « ' < - ; (/ 4 ^ >^./V *ft they shall separate you from paxapioi fare, orav pio-Tj(ra>aiv vpas L ; / ' i, ,/ia.d/'- At /GtV J " f/igjc company, and shah re- ot avdpayiroi, K.a\ orav dcpopicraxriv vpas, 'Irs -,Z3 . c^/ *-« j/ _<^> far^y. Proach you, and cast out your ^ dveihiaaxri, Kal eV/3aXoj7rov. 23 c Yapnre" eV fWV" ™ ^ v. ^- ^ TtZ (&* £e~f-~rfC* behold, your reward is great in , l , A / r ' ,^ , ,'' '{ t .^ L i U~ ^ heaven for in the like manner V^Pf ™_ (TKiprptraTe _ tSov yap, ( /• v Hsf p^^2Y did their Others unto the pro- picrBos vpa>v ttoAvs (v ro) ovpavco « . ' ' . - -?f— . - 4~'* pnets. U -.^r,—,-." «,A n errnimm 7-n7c Trnnfhnr Kara /^w - ec^^lV^i / '-^ / . P 6tS " u raGra" yap eVoi'ow toIs npocp^Tais ol ' . r r7 J,A/« r y nci-repes avTvv.^ J i- ■ ■ - <• ^*iL»^. «-^ c 24 But woe unto you that :4 IlXrjv oval vplv Tols TrXovaiOLS, oti G*;***?- '*,#& y are rich : fo'7« have received ^/vere tvjv ira P aK\n / f I J» , „ . S?V you that are full : for ye shall vpiv, oi (pTreTrXncrpevoi, otl Treivao-fTe. ~ • " ' /*■/ 4 «-"---«>«.■£. £o. hunger Woe unto vou that ' »e' " " ' \- ~ " /3' r /" ,^ // * . jj Si / M , nun » er - vvo , e unt0 , y, ou "'at oi^ai e wuiv. oi yeXoivTesvvv, oti 7revdn- , TfJti~0/ii-e.-^f%. k/7 c '*'-e< i '-i/Y^ laugh now : for ve shall mourn (n i ' m > 1( , « ^J , , ' -frJ / .ejT^fm^ and weep. » Woe unto you veTe Kai KXavo-eTe. ^' ovai 1 , orav KaXas 7/ 7)/ .j 'U, l.-nt^A when all men shall speak well vads e'iTra>o-iv s " oi avdowTTOi' Kara h Tav- ■ > ■' i < ■■-«.A«.<, ., . of you : for so did their fathers « « > ' "IS A' U^Ofg- *~*T«~-Jfr ', to the false prophets. T£l 7 a P f7T ° l0vv rots ^fvbojrpo^Tats ot A^ ' L , « pSJZ-*^ Trarepes avTa>v : \ i ^c ft ^ y'tf^T^* £-4 2? *AXX* vplv Xe'ya) rot? d/covouo-»', ^Z / p^«^/^^«-'E^«rj4.w But I say unto you which 'AytBTOTe roi-y ev^pous {uS», KaXws «/>,-<<. ^ <- - > >> f - t^ ^^*lX-*l ^ /"^^ spitefully use you. » And X^ e ^V , TW " ^Pfafoww v/iOff. ^ ,, , • r / i^y-. unt0 him tha t smiteth thee on rep tvtttovti ere em Trp> criayova, Trap- ■ iPfsU IIJ& Z ^-^ ' . o^e;r e a^ e him ^at a, taVe^ W «J .^ **V' % "J « "* al>o,ro S e . V A (^ - away thy cloke, forbid not to °" oi; ™ ifiartov, Kai tov x^oypa firj ko)- take thy coat also. *> Give to X^ff. 30 TTaprl Se rw alrovm (re, - P /£ 9* "ox*™**""' b He c- t "r<»- c « ee - *™p«*«« d ^ fttira. « — * f Rec.aJJ vuir, k Rec. add am. KATA AOYKAN. 155 Luke VI. 42. OLOOV Kai wro tov aipovTOS Ta A/*S urtflZs*/' (jlv vpiv oi avOpamoi, Kai vpeis noieire si And as ye would that men ' - , *y *, ^Z± £^. r. „'aJ!^^ avTols opoiios- 32 Kai el dya-rraTe tovs sho "'d d<> to you, do ye also to 9i, *./-* , f t> ~7 u. _. ■■. ,, - r r - , , - ' , > , them likewise. M For if ye s^ er ^ C / ** X l/f. #■ , |*V. «ya7rwi/ras ya f , Troia v/iii/ x«p« fori ; love them which love you, what ,/^l/<-^'^''' z ' "^ avTovsdyajrtocr,™ KaUav ayadonoyTf i^L^XSVSS V " '' ' ' ' ■ ] ! ' n rovs ayado-rvoiovvras vpas, noia vpiv which do good to you, What C *~ h * J %t *' v * £n-V^'" yapis eVrt; Kai yap ol duaprcoAoi to thank have ye? forsinners also ^- */?f ^ \f ?^' "^ w^ <^V ^ A >^ »' 34 ' " » ^ a V »/. „ do even the same. 34 And if t^r^A < -f*±***~~>*~?r - - '"^vJ - 'Zfr avro TToiouo-t. Kai eav daj/ei^re ye ]end t0 thera of whora ye &-U *•-** -^«^. ^» **~ o«^/ • , 7rap' aw eXTTiteTe dnoXafielv, noia vu.lv hope to receive, What thank 2M- *^v/l%, /«Uw ><^*>. ,^y '. ^* ' >__'.„' b '" ' \ " have ye? for sinners also lend >«» <&.&-/ y,^X^~_- 4a-^t *Jr* *^rn* •?*£*?• X apis tori | icai yap oi ctpapTuXoi tQ J^ to receiye as much , , M „;. - • \^%"} '/; , "F^ apapraXois Oaveifyvo'i.i', iva anoAapcoo-t. again. 35 g ut ] ove ye your %Vj, fl- 9t ^y^/- A/ffli>*> meS- ,y\ Ljt to. ioa. 35 ttXtiv dyanciTe rovs evdpovs enemies and do good, and lend jL ^ ^£ /^ .tJU_,u2<~f. ^^Z/w"^L > ~ y . 'a ' - > s> V- hoping for nothing again : and a ^ *tf~,SjL, eejt-*>Hf~ •& 1 T M *rf?u ,. \L vpcov, kol ayaOonoieiTe^Kai baveiQere your reW ard shall be great, and .-^-/ /^-, ^ >.- Z*0 /£^ ^'^r^cjA^tL ur)6'ei> aTreAniCovTes' Ka\ earat 6 piaBos y e s-hall be the children of the z&- '^Jf^faj, fc&.Lt-A^f- W^i^^^'V «X ' - \ ' v * /j ' » C " ' / ' . Highest: for he is kind unto *«.-/-»• ,' / nUr- v -* e// fufa ,/ mf i 7, vjiwvimkvs, Kai totoQt viol* vftorov the D unthallktuli and totheevil. ■- i^O 'uu J#M# f <%$ on avros XP 1 )°" T0S eaTLV em rovs axa- 3li Be ye therefore merciful, as 27 c ,'. tJ ; j, ', fl ,, ,- S?/ 1 ^^,^) < L -f-'-}?^' : v /jiyu'7Jxg dsfnv fcQi/c- y oiKTippav (OTL. X&. ka* fa*-*/" r '•%' -/ ■ J ,j 37 Kai ur, Kpivere, Kai ov an Kpi6nre. 37 Judge not, and ye shall 3/. /L^ lf«- /£• -&^ y- '^^ SIVY J , r ; /I . r ', , , r ' ? I not be judged: condemn not, , V - /-- U~vJ , ]** *M yr MKaraSiKatcTe, Kai ov pr, KaraoiKa- and yes J hal f not be condemned! ±% Jj, ^ /^ JL^tp-A+f, < ^+* o-drjTe. arroXvtTe, Kai aTVo\v6r]o-fa8e. forgive, and ye shall be for- -/' f^^^/- £/<*f S7Z< yvf f^' 8i8ore, Kai dodncreTai vu.lv' ixerpov g| ven - ■ • ■ given unto ov, Trenuo-pevov Kai oeo-aXevpevov pressed down, and shaken to- 5^. ^ A "J' "\ A f ,■ ,. . , % Kai inrepeKVWopfvov bcoo-ovaiv els rbv gether, and running over, shall 3/y ^/if^~Zi- r*^/y*^<^ ,(,A'" / ^ >\ ' - < > - / * men give into your bosom: for ? -■ /., /** ~ £ l — . » / ./*,.?* koXttov vpa>v. to) yap avr6Tepoi els 866vvov 7rej \A. ".__.._! S^ * * the mote that is in thy brother's /, t v < . £/■ . „ , r, jCpeaXpcoTOvaSeXfpovo-ov,^ fie 80- eye> but perce ivest not the ■'**•' , ; , ' .;'*"' 7 £ JT«t ". kov Trpi ev toj iota) o(f>daXpcd ov Kara- beam that is in thine own eye ? '«> • ''< " '( r A ? , . . «< vo«j; 42 A' ttws 8uw«nu ' Xeyew ro3 "either how canst thou say . n l- '. >aX^> "j ' o^ 5 to thy brother, Brother, let me , abeX 0-0V AdeX(pe, aCpes eKpaAw to pull out the mote that is in thine Kapcpos to e'v T<3 6(pdaXp

o(f>6aXpcp aov boKov ov /3At- owneye? Thou hypocrite cast vnoKOLTU, V/cj3aAe Trparov rr)v out hrst the beam out of thine . , ' , u ,/„ ■> - \ / own eye, and then shalt thou boKov €K rov ocp&aXpov aov, Kai Tore see clearly to pull out the mote 8ia3Xe\j/eis eKpaXeiv to Kapqbos to ev that is in thy brother's eye. - >j/i -v - - '$. \ j. - 43 ' « For a good tree bringeth not ra> o(pdaXpa> rov a8eXqbov aov. ov forth corruptfruit: neither doth yap eari bevdpov KaXov noiovv Kapnov a corrupt tree bring forth good po y ov fe ^evopov o-airpbp, ttoiovv truit. 44 lor every tree is v r % ., t, <■ \ ' * known by his own fruit: for of Kapnov KaXov. ** eKaarov yap bevbpov thorns men do not gather figs, e ' K T0V l$[ ov icapnov yivataKerai' ov yap nor of a bramble bush gather ... , /,. \\ ' - '5J* ' they grapes. « A good man out c £ anavOuv avXXeyovai avKa, ovbe e< of the good treasure of his jidrov rpvycbai aTa(pv\rjV. 6 dya6os heart, bringeth forth that which ;> w e pa >ivos 4k Toi dyaOov Orjaavpov rr)s is good : and an evil man out r / " ( _ 1 v ' , r r» of the evil treasure of his heart, Kapoias avTOV irpofpepei to ayauoV Kai bringeth forth that which is £ ^op-np^ a uVc9pa>7roc" eK rod irovnpov evil: for of the abundance of , A '' „ - ' 5,/ , -„ ,v the heart, his mouth speaketh. Br^aavpoy ttjs Kapbiasavrov TrpoCpepei to Tvovrjpov €K yap rov nepiaaevparos ttjs Kapdias XaXel to aropa c avrov.' 46 And why call ye me Lord, 46 Tt te pe KaXelre, Kvpie, Kvpie, Ka\ Lord and do not the things ov ^oie'ire a Xiya ; * 7 ™s 6 epvopevos which I say? *' Whosoever , v , ', „ \ > « cometh to me, and heareth my Kpos pe Kai ukovwv pov tcov Aoyaiv Kai sayings, and doeth them, I will ^oiiiiu avrovs, inrobei^a) iip'iv rivi eariv shew you to whom he is like. « 43 « < > > zj„ > _,. '„„ w He is like a man which built ofioioj. o/ww^ eariv mdpama oiko- an house, and digged deep, and bopovvri oiKiav, os eaKa^re Kai eSadvve, laid the foundation on a rock. KQ * »q Q €fl {\ iov e Vl tt)v irerpav And when the flood arose, the ,' -,~ , ' >■> > . f a ' x ' < • ' rock. « But he that heareth, (TaXevaai avTrjV TedepeXiuTO yap tni and doeth not, is like a man tt)v ireTpav. 6 be aKOvaas Kai prj that without a foundation built nomaas opoi6s eaTiv dv6pa>7rco oIko8o- an house upon the earth: against , ' i, » " » - ' v a ' which the stream did beat ve- prjaavTl OiKiav eTTi ttjv yrjv X a> r ns ' <-' e r te " hemently, and immediately it Xtou' n irpoaeppntev 6 TVOTauos, Ka\ fell, and the ruin of that house , n , ',, r r \ > / > t- was great. evaecos eweae, kui eyevero to pr/ypa tt]S &Up Vll. 1-/0. ^ S7 U: ^7. Now when he had ended 7. 'Eirtl 6e eirXr)pa> J- .. Vl - > _ 7 7- "^ *-, all his savings in the audience , - , v ", x ~n -1 Its ■ °; /VI - S~* ^W'- 1 ™^ ^7 of the PeoP le . he entered imo /f ara avrov eis ras aKoas^rov Xaoveia- fEi tU-*^^ p (iz u^j^r ^ £_ cL* V't Capernaum. 2 And a certain i)X8ev els Karrepvaovp. " eKarovrdpxov •ft ^-^A/^A centurion's servant, who was fi - g o{ ; X - - - U x ^1 A 7 /; i' .0 r ^ ear unl ° mm ' was slclc ancl \ ~ • » > - » i > ' J. yi£/- tsp><~o 1. /trZjwc-t *¥!**. (jSZ* u. A^L ready to die. 3 And when he reXevrav, bs t)v avrco evripos- aKovaas *y" 1 %//f£.^L> 7 /"• aa ' M /i ' ) heard , of J , esus - h ? sent unto fe „. fp i T0V 'l, ?0 -oi),'a77f areiXe npos av- ■C^J- tf &' -<~T<^./ I him the elders of the Jews, , r a ' ~ >t ?. > ' H " beseeching him that he would TovTrpeaPvrepovsroiV lovbaiiov, eptorov come and heal his servant, avrbv. 0770)9 eXocov biaau>aj] rbv bovXov RATA AOYKAN. 157 Luke VII. 16. avrov. ol 8e rrapayevupevoi rrpbs rbv 4 And when they came to Je- 'incrovv TraperaXtw avrbv cnrovSaicos, jus, they besought him instant- . ; „•! „,. , , T ,. lv, savin?, that he was worthy !~J- Aiyovres- On a£ios etrnv w 7rape£e t for whom he should do this. '-2 *" rovro' 5 dyaira. yap rb edvos npcov, rat * For he loveth our nation, and •■ > \ ' > \ > & » t- he hath built us a synagogue. T7]v trvvaycoyrjy avros coKoboprjtrev rjp.iv. e Tben Jesus went ^ uh th ° em . j 6 'O 8e 'lrjaovs enopevero o~vv avrols. "HSr, teairovoi patpav a^ros ^^Z^XTZZ^Z airo rr)s oiKias, eWe/x^e irpbs avrbv 6 sent friends to him, saying unto Uarovrapvos (hlXovs, Xtycov avra' Kv- him - Lord, trouble not thyself: v ' '\\ > i ' ■> t S « for I am not worthy that thou .. pie, prj ctkvXXoV ov yap eipi iKavos tva shouldest enter under my roof. o~ J^ iCI. i++A~*, 1L~ £tV~*- ^ inb rr)v trriyriv pov diTfXQris' 7 8lb ovde 7 Wherefore neither thought I /■ .'" „/fi ,/■ yJt.tA^^lf- £< kJ7-> r »*/ ' r , >\a~ . 'n>> myself worthy to come unto Ar» H ^ V*****^" 1 f^-^*^^ M epavTov Tiiionra rrpos ae e\6car aXXa u / ee: but y m a word and ^ '/) -•>».>,- , , ■,,, «. - say .„ „ , „..^ et7re Aoyo), Kai lapncrerat o irate pou. my servant shall be healed. 8 Kal yap e'yu avdpcowos elpi virb etov- 8 F °'" IaUo am a man se } under , / j/ » > » < authority, having under me a-iav racro-opevos, e^taf vn epavrov soldiers : and I say unto one, crrpariooras, Kal Xeyco rovrco' YlopevOnri, Go > a"- ne goeth : and to ano- 5 / . > >r\-y .' »i^ \ ther, Come, and he cometh: rat nopeverai Km <[XXa> Ep X ov, rat and t0 my gervant> Do thiSj ep^erat' Kal rut 8ovXco pov' Jloirjo'ov and he doeth it. 9 When Jesus . , ,. (h, /i ' tovto, ratTrotel! 9 'AKOvo-as 8e ravra heard , th " e thin S s - he , mar - $ •£* *■ "**-rtf**J <2»«A*» '<- ^^ t 't ~ 'A ' ' i » veiled at him, and turned him ' < t r « t/\ / > / \ »cucu t*t 114111, tinu luiuirii nun o Irjo-ovs ibavpao-(v avrov rat arpa- about, and said unto the people (bels roS araXov^oui/rt airto oyXw eiVe - tnat followed him, I say unto -,/.„£ a' '' - >ts* > - 't '^ ' ' you, I have not found so great %./. /L^*-*j> kX7^-i Q %- ^ " i Af ff - Aeyo) vpiv, ovdeevTOi Itrpatjk Toaaunjv faith, no, not in Israel. ^ And /i>-^^ /u ~~* n /j < 7rio~Tiv evpov. Kat inroo'Tpeyj/avTes tne y that were sent, returning to the house, found the servant •I r pf6ev T d S rbv oJkov dpou rbv ^° ^^ZT" 1 fi I ' I *£jL ao-eevovvra So.Ao, vy^vovra.^ „ And jt came , Q pass the /; _ j( /^ ^ & 'J£~£ ^ fit /O^. Kat eyev ero ev a rr\ «§nf, erropevero day after, that he went into a /y^ 7^ / {X^J~y a «— . ets jrdXti/ KaXovpivnv NatV rat crvi/eTro- e 1 . 15, 1 all f d , Nain: andnia "y of a /U*. M f~£&> trl'^f'^l llJLr ' > - r /) v . - h t w/ his disciples went with him, ,"^^ W ,,^-3* /^_. «f # />*-'' ^^- c '^ r - / pevovro avrco oipa&rjrai avrov trai/ot and much people, w Now when Y^ , ^ / / ^LiX->^^ %~reu,U- Kal o)(Xos noXvs. 12 cos 8e rjyytae rr) he came nigh to the gate of the ayv the on i y son -^' reovr/Kcos, vios povoyevrjs rr\ prjrpl avrov, of his mother, and she was a rat avrr) c "xr)pa- Kal oyXoc tt)s noXecos w j dow : and mU( l h P 60 , 1 ?' 6 . °1 < v a? // 1 • - 13 ^ »s.v > i the city was with her. '•> And / »_ irafoc rjvo-vv avrrj. a rat^ tdojf avrt/f when the Lord saw her, he had f y^ ) - ^- *?-*~ ( ffi*>- 6 Kvpios io-7rXayvv[o~6n en avri), Kal compassion on her, and said r-gyrt C- "'C 1 ' 5 ' *1„*S ' '• W \ - Mv > \ unto her, Weep not. •« And '■*■ r X ^vavrr, Mi, K Aa^e. ^ " Kat TrpocreX- he came and t(> S chedt he a bier otov rj'yaro ttJs o~opov' ol Se (3ao~ra£ovres (and thev that bare him, stood Zo-TTpraV Kal etVe" NeavtW, trot X«va>, f ]l) And he said Young man > ' a u ., , , //1 r n * sav unto thee, Arise. " And tyepdrjri. Kat aveKaVitrev o VfKpos, he that was dead, sat up, and Kat rjp^aro XaXelv' Kal i'dcoKev avrbv rr) hegan to speak : and he de- i < ~ is »x a >\< j. m <■ 1 11 livered him to his mother. prjrpi avrov. eAa£e 6e (polios' navras, it, And there , :a me a fear on >cat eSo£a£bi' rbv Qebv, Xeyovres' "On all, and they glorified God, *<«>'» "E'IS. b -» c St. add v & St. & Bz. n. U e Rec. aira»raf. * Or, cuffin. Luke VII. 17. 158 EYAITEAION saying, that a great prophet is TrpocprjTrjs peyas eyrjyepTai ev rjfj.lv' Kai' risen up among us, and that - Q fa a-^faTO 6 Qebs tov Xabv avTOV. God hath visited his people. .. ^ ,.„.. I r . , „ , „ " And this rumour of him Kai e^r/Xoev o Xoyos ovros ev oXy tt] went forth throughout all Ju- 'lovbaia irepl airov, Kal ev ivdan tt) /c < ^- t\A i - » f , 9* • * , / jj - d*a> and throughout all the ,' ' " '^-5>. D/laJ- XI.2-S*. -Z u~e*Z*~£ «-~ r egio„ round about. irepi X o>pip : **~&? a a^/(>-n^/- fJ^t^e^. &->«-*— ? & , _ -ji. «_ <$ / ■ '. n 2 And John calling unto him . , " % _ A - ~r' *^y»-, /• L *o- /«> X-,^ <-. two of his disciples, sent them KaXeaapevos ovo Tivas rcov paffrjTmv r *"% ^X 'o^^t ,'~&.,/S */■/; l ? Je l us ', s , aying ' Art , tho , u he a v™v ° 'Iaawi)f eW^e npbs tov 'iri- ■d^ "JV-c ih VJ\aJ /„ fit tf-£r£-*^dA V. that should come, or look we . N / ', ? , V r , ^ , „ J */ 7£~ £.<_^>L ^ £ ^*~ n for another ? so when the men °"° w , XeyuiV 2w et o epxopei>oc, r) iiXXov were come unto him, they said, TTpoadoKojpev ; 20 Ha.payev6p.CV0l 6V 7rp6s John Baptist hath sent us unto > * < */ a. ? . >t ' r o .i™ -.,„;„„ a., .k.., i„ .w avrov oi uvopes enrou liaavvns o aaivTi- U 7/- j^ / tni / * , thee, saying, Art thou he that , , , r , „ ' !~ , - ^ -f+*s- /ttuxtsj <, Wv«"^ ff"~~' should come, or look we for crrr/s airecrTaXKev r/pas TTpos o~e, Xeycov' W*A V. /fy. J e. fXtU^. aC£~-f~-a£l nolhe J ? 2I Andin that same 2u el 6 epvouevos, f) aXXov TrpocrSoKw- ^_./^>-^ tt /V .. K I M t V^iour he cured many of their oi ,Lr- ', - »,' - „ ,JC , ■^T <"-+^> /■ /iCJ^^a-^^e^, infirmities and plagues, and of P*" \ E" «^'"?/ 6e tt; copg edepanevcre tl. ~y<-/i&J^~ *v A «y- * evil spirits, and unto many that noWovs dno voo-cov Kai pacrriycav Ka\ were blind, he gave sight. i - ^ j\ - ^ » Then Jesus answering, said ^evparcov 7rovr,po>v, Kai rvXol dvafiXetTovo-l, hear, the dead are raised, to •» * - \ • the poor the gospel is preached. X^Aot TrepiTrarowo-t, Keirpoi KadapiCov- 23 And blessed is he whosoever Tat, KcoCpol aKovovo~i, veKpoi eyeipovrai, shall not be offended in me. jm^ evayyeXi(ovTaC 23 (cat futKnpios If. J/L WW^ ?/ V ^y. tjsfi Hi , «_ eo~Tiv, os eav prj o~Kav8aXio-0f} ev epo'i. ^ ^-v«c^ At^V^ frtA 1&? f A Andwhen the messengers 24 'ATreX^oi/Tcoj/ 8e tcov dyyeXajv 'Icd- 7- 'fV»l 7 i, ^- ^Tr^ T^'J* 1 — of John were departed, he be- , „> >, / > ' ' « 1 /p-* X ' £* j~{>* fc~ fcf(U~ /&^gan to speak unto the people O.VVW, rjp^aTO Xeyeiv irpos tovs oxXovs ^-tty7 f-^/r^Gft _ J^z^tK.~/U n ?-xYtill~ concerning John: What went irepl'ladvvov' Tt b et-eXrfXvdaTe" elsTrjv **f f£ fc ^-X'-« -i^/ A/^ ^v, ^ ^ ° u * int .° the wilderness for * ^ ea0 -ao-5at ; raXapo./ vtto aveuov a< • tj-A-1 *WC«_, . // , J/ 7^ >f- ■//-/. to see? A reed shaken with r /r ) r r J » / /• -^ z /.y^~s>a a*~~ "~^ the wind? 2i But what went o-aXevopev ov ; i3 aXXari e^eXr}XvOare a C /"Z^T' J L5 '*-7 i ^?> H^ AY" y , e P u ' for t° se . e? A man t'Setv: avdpcoirov ev paXaKo'is iuariois a~ . r - . ' . ■■ -,^J a.^^ /tl/-WZjj*Uf-£> hold, they which are gorgeously r]p(pieo-pevov ; ibov, oi ev ipaTiapcp o»* It^J-TC-r^^- t c ^JLJ~..-„ Za_d* t ^^^ a PP a . rel ' e . d ' andliveaeli J fi at 5, 1 y- S o|/ '' you, and much more than a Ka l -rrepio-o-OTepov npocprjrov. i i „ c * — ~~+ ft j prophet. 27 *-* ? ' > \ * * CTf" f ;~7 V 9^ k** 11? Z6 » This is he of whom it is , . , ° V , TO v J f ,°" Tt ™P l 0V y<7P<™™i- 7ifi //-,/■/, A . • ^,\ m P ss f n gf r before thy face, uov TrpoTTpoo-amov vov, os KaTao~Kevdo~et J Hi~ t^-i-n A^vvt Hu~. o- r-\*-f-LJ- t^e a* a>vf- which shall prepare thy way n y ,C, r « zi / 2s » ' 1^/, ^, ^CA y-t^ / Jw-^ ^^- it fi'fi ^ before thee - M For I say unto ^" f 6 o y o" ^ epnpoo-0ev /^ .? .» ■.. /./W- von. flmnn(T ttin«p that prp tinrn «*/A/i /i#i7i, #i^//V.\,# ^t» ^/^ui.»i^rt7^ >tn^TT)s" 'laavvov h tov Butttio-tov" of women, there is not a greater 1 y j. / /^ ^'t^jJ iLu ' Kz^ i**3b ovdeis e»v>t— *-'-«- IT*^ ' ,, K , criKeiq tov Beov^ peifav uvtov etrrt. dom of God, is greater than he. ^f^7- ^ 6^/A, #"W • ^^5/*^ 29 /ecu Tray 6 Xa6? a/covcra? /cat ot rfXa>i>at f Alld aI ' the people that _ *^K^4L,£e^J u^C j-M^-x. ffK. ^"^i^t^' ,'&.„„.' . _'.. o ! a a' ' heard /am, and the publicans, /; „//-„/- / /f*^/- P x^-fl^U. ediKaicoaav tov Qeov 0a7m <■ ' i o /,/ '< > y ers "rejected the counsel of 4/ / > /S ' /-tf/7 7 ^. /?,«•& 7-/»-tf ^56/ TT^o-ai/ etc eavTovs, pr) BaTrTicrdevTes vtt God against themselves, be- /*«7 l^-^>, ^~ (/'**•/' //U " /< " 6 " Tcrif ^*- avrov. 31 c " tivi ovv ouotcoo-o) rov? df- ingnot baptized of him. =' And /J^iyii f^A * " l "' Al v /)„ ' - 2 ' ' the Lord said, Whereunto then " / ( , .„ -/__j pjl SL^rd W ^6/^/C 0pa>troys tt)s yeveas ravrr/y; Kai tivi shaI i i liken the men of this $/ T4Vl tf.n.. ./'At i ~1L*~i At—*-* «— /-*^ eV ayop5 Ka^^voi^Kalirpotrdxovovaw *E 4&L " T ! , , ey ar - e "l^ 2 - ">*\ " ' fjjsA-\ tf>*~+ <-^ '\\ >\ x s - " TT T>. / unto children sitting in the /v /^ -//-» <*? *?*• ^° ^^ i,' _^u-^ ' oAAijAots, (cat Ktyovo-iV HvAtjaapev marketplace, and calling ore **" /~T 7XX. V^> o^ *^ *^*JTX -i vu.lv, Kai ovk upxwao-de- eBprivho-apev t0 another, and saying.We have l ™ r$T JL fi—£/«l< ^ «^ L^f c r ~ > , . C^^' T . ,//' '. ^, piped unto you, and ye have #/ cX^f ^****" • " /. *__j». «07"v«y W/tlV, /cat oy« eKAavo-are. ^ekrjKvdeyap not danced: we have mourned 4^4 t— ^f*" ^^^t^a/^- 'la>dvvr}S 6 Bcmrio-Tris unre d aproi' " to y°«. and ye have not wept. ,&,//&. t~~/-4S-^+": j> a u ^"^f ' ,, rf-r*r Aaipoviov e^ft. J4 eKrjkvOev o vios tov ing wine, and ye say, He hath v Kai nlvcov, Kai XeyeTC a deviU " The Son of man is ; ^^^ ^" /iU/ ^^f^TtSM^ijUi '< 't» ' J ' /3 A' * » ' come, eating, and drinking, and ~^r ,j \r£^ JrC t W ^-^^T™' Ibov, avdpeoTros (payos Kai olvotvottjs, ye say, Behold a gluttonous 'i^y.^f^ 4L'6^~ ^ Z? / *' J ,' U " ( d)[\os Tfkiovuiv" Kai auaprwAcoi'. 33 /cat man . andawinebibber.afriend^ c/~<<&-~ '^T^V „. .ft^^vMiJ" %}"**' ,'».„„. '/3 ' J.'- »_' - ' ' - of publicans and sinners. 35 But ? /„") ' ^ ^«<-6 v- «-^ ' , // /• ./; j Jl/ / ^ ■< SndvTW." children. 'i^~ £+ *J^ A~/ 7™. ^^,,„ .,«-.' „,V„~- „ i ' tTzix »' desired him that he would eat ^^"^ ,/J ■ ^. A^/f *ff7j." wa 0ay iJ? /xer^ at;rov /cat €to-t\0aptcratow aveKkidr). the Pharisee's house, and sat ff£_ ii^«5 '■"yvj /»» Y"~ ^^ ( ^'J "^ ^ 37 Kai t'Sov, yui/rLii^ra TroAet, nrts down to meat. 3' And behold, a /(u^, *-^t"/ 1>j/% >^~ f h, -v ' '->— ' r-~*V~^ rSr' woman in the city which was a j •? _ if$ k~*--- iu ~ / ^[apapmAos, eniyvovcra oti avaKei- sinner, when she knew that Je- /,. / ft,-/- XI. /g~ /?• Tai iv tv oIklo tov Qapio-aiov, /cout'erao-a sus sat at meat in the Phari- ZZ-$Z> *— /. ,. / /z> l<£/A '\'o .' „„''„. 38 > - i' - see's house, brought an alabas- , Z7,, />v aZ^A' • '^- ^^^y i'L aXaBao-Tpov pvpov, - /cat crrao-a 'ottio-o) ter box of oint t 1)ent , 38 md j/^&. r^f^f Z^xA&t /. %*" S Trapa tov$ irooas' ovtov /cAatoucra, rjp- stood at his feet behind him, /,**. •£*/■ ^^^/^^ ' l^^Jc^J^, '6-~~~r~ £aTO Speveiv tovs Tro'oas avrov ro I s weeping and began to wash his "j)rt»iii. ,^/^/^' CAu£/- f- \, ^ r A v - zi a< - j \ - feet Wlth tears, and did wipe ^i /^ ^i, ^ yiir ^^n>T.«^<^r ^^7 5/ bciKpvo-i, Kai rais Opltji t>js K€(pa\T]s them with the hairs of her ^ //t>„V CMJU-d, fcVa^ ^ avrfjy e^eaacrae, Kai KaTfCpiXti tovs no- head, and kissed his feet, and £ ^*" '"•^ *!//_ ^^J?L_ /^ ^W^^-^j j» > v »\ j - » 3q >si anointed them with the oint- 6Ur-n^w 4 u " "f~ t< y~--*-. ^ /> , . 6<« avrov, /cat r]\ei.^ tdav ment . 33 Kowwhen the Phari- *?//-■£&£— /fcrtyy, iUO>-<*- ^S oe 6 &apia-a~ios 6 KaXeaas ovtov ehrev see which had bidden him, saw / ' •, y JViil *J? AtliL+-f~/- iv eavro5, XeyaW Ovroy, f t Zv Trpochnrri?, f'.he spake within himself, say- <*«. ^y ^tT/'- ^ *^~— <^**" , , ' / , » ' ' ( r ,"' 't mg, This man, if he were a /^t*'. ^> /.<^*^-*' **^r fti* 6i-»>-~ , ~~ eyivwo-Kev av Tis Kai TroraTrr; 77 yvir/, prophet, would have known ^^J V* fe* <^ 2 <*-£*-«-, rjrty a7rrerat avrov' 6'rt duaprcoXoy wh o, and what manner of wo- y-u~ ZL^J -r-^- .„ /y . • r man this is that toucheth him: . / ^ / I <^u~UL * ,MSlf<£~4;. " ^ x for she is a sinner. V / ^^__ / w ^^S y / ■ / /- Kai dnoKpidels 6 , 1tjo-ovs fine irpos 40 And Jesus answering, said MmJ-, Tr^ *~*~-' e ~*~i~ j'*^ , ^(' c ~-^ a — + o — » c R ec ;K ld KLirr iV i/, e^o) cot rt enrecp. 'O 8e , *^f/ r ,*^^^/jrj~ / AL/i' w hat to say unto thee And he . AtS(i(TKaX ^. 41 AvoYpea>- (.O.oL~cklf /%/Ufo £ /£ CL&S**/. />, A ^V«cXj salth ' Master ' sa y on - "'There J' , , ' *r & * fivL+A^Zjil 4,^-/,^-^ (/ was a certain creditor, which (peiXerai rjaav baveio-rrj tivi ^ o els ',/ *- a /^L*-3 /?/s~~x/^ had tw0 debtors: the » ne owed uicheiXe bnvdpia nevraKoaia, 6 Se erepos il- J fl*-*-<) U^StrrX. five hundred p ence and the ^ , ' 42 v . - a »« > r - / other fifty. 42 And when they TTfi/Tijicoj/ra. ■* pr) e X ovTv eiwev swered, and said, I suppose, 'YiroXaaBdvco on to to irXe'iov evapi- that he to whom he forgave «/-»&»•»■ '> -. >r\ A~ » most. And he said unto him, varo. O de eure v avrto ^ Opdcos etcpivas. Thou hast rightly judged. ** Kai arpatpeic 7rp6c T^fV ywatKa, 44 And he turned to the wo- TW 2i'p«w e

?' BX«reic ravTTjP ri]V tered into thine house, thou uocop f7Ti tow Trooac pou ouk eda>/caf gavest me no water for my feet: a " fe T0 ~ IS g^p^,, e/3pe|e pov tovs but she hath washed my feet ,.' v „ •}. ^ „ ', - ' ,«. / /. with tears, and wiped them with Trobas, Km Tais 0pi£t c avrrj: e£epa£e.^ the hairs of her head. 45 Thou « rp/Xnua pot ot>K edemas' avDj Se, d 5> "* j.\~' man, since the time I came in, V d eunjk6ov, ov Zit\nrc Kararpikovou hath not ceased to kiss my feet, pov tovs Trobas. eXaioi Tt]i' "\et\W au'rn Se pupa) i/A«i//-e not anoint : but this woman " ,' t , .. ' ? > \ > hathanointed my feet with oint- e pov tovs Trobas- ' ov X a P lv i Xeyu> o-ot, ment. J7 Wherefore, I say unto d(bea>VTai ai apapTiai auTrjs at 7roXXai, thee, her sins, which are many, r , ■> , \ '. ? &» >\ ' 'j.' are forgiven.for she loved much: «" rjyairrjo-f jroXv a^be oXiyov aifrai, but to whom little is forgiven, oXiyov dycnra. 4S EtVe 5e avTTj' 'A(pe- the same loveth little. « And < f d „ aprl ' at . 49 K ai 7'p^afTO he said unto her, Thy sins are r , r r r 3 iry> forgiven. ■«» And they that sat ot o-vvavaKeipevoi Xeyeiv ev eavrois' Tts at meat with him, began to say {, T £ S >,j rlv os Ka \ AuapTias dcbmo-iv ; within themselves, Who is this = n ^f &< i » - «tt ' that forgiveth sins also ? so And Ewrc 8e Trpoy tj/i/ yyvaiKa H mo-Tis he said to the woman, Thy faith crov crecraxe ere' Tropevov els elpi)vrjv. hath saved thee, go in peace. g _ Kfll ^^ ^ T ^ Ka ^ e ^ fj to J ///. /- S /^^Zx^i-i i"^-/C. Cm <*■"< s. And it came to pass after- clvtos 8ia)8eve Kara iroXiv Ka\ Kwprjv, f-T .<* if- /a ■ ward ' that he J we .V, t throu S»out K „ pv&(ro > v Ka \ evayye\i£6pevos rnv /3a- 7 - /^* e ' w .J r j- everv city and village preach- '{" , * _, ,'' v 7 » / $■ ' 2 J-kv/it^ fTrre^ «i«- V-*- 3a- ing, and shewing the glad tid- criXeiav tov QeoV Kai 01 OoooeKa avv / „ ^» cz y ., , ' ings of the kingdom of God : avTUt, 2 Kai -ywaiKe'r rtvey at no-av u /A" /at-'/C /L J #-**-<-. /*-*-/■ XH//-C an d the twelve iiwe with him, /■ ' ' > > ' . „„ -.. t 7 L 4f* /~£S ^ and certain women which had Tefcpaire vpevm ano Trvevparcov Tcov-qpuv /«- 2-i . /ne-*(C if been healed of evil spirits and /cat dcrclei'f t&)^'• Mapta r) KaXovpevr) May- infirmities, Mary called Mag- g a X„ Vi !,, ( \d) h daipovia eTTTa efeXriXv- dalene out 01 whom went seven /% » \> # v «r *« » / devils, 3 and Joanna the wife of Sei, * Kdl lcoawa yvvr] Xov£a €7TLTpo- Chuza, Herod's steward, and nov 'HpcoSou, kcu 2ovu avrais. ft ZX l> _. c Rec. add T.7J xilpa\v! . & B^. ~s> li.or}\8iv. « — . — . Gb. tovj ffoiioj /io« i 00 — . Rpc. & Gb. auT<(j. g (%) «K RATA AOYKAN. 161 Luke VIII. 16. 4 2vvi6vros be oxkov noXXov, Kal tu>v « And when much people kcitu ivoXiv eirnropevoaevav noos avTov, were gathered together, and ^(Z,/ b.*/-'m~/y A^- „» *,A a \- . 5'-c£-\/T ' ' were come to him out of every ,- -nJ^d T vV 60<^ py-AS eme biairapaPokijs- EfjrjXdev o onrei- city, he spake by a parable: *A ^ ",t <*' , pv>v tov o-Ke\pai tov o-iropov avTov" Kcu sower went out to sow his seed: ' ^<< TV 7TZ> t* • '_.--> O h ***+*, ah*,** too. ™pa ^Vay s^St STlSfi* Tf^^Tf^ **S T*»i o /.Si-fj-y tov ovpavov Karechayev avro. 6 Kal ere- devou red it. « And some fell t /VA oO ^ «= ^ ^ t / « > x i ' / < , v upon a rock, and as soon as it / pov enecrev ari Typ irerpav, mi (pvev was sprung up, it withered , . yKjU-iTuT ^- e'grjpdvdr], bia to py) ex* 1 " ' lK paba. 7 Kat awa y> Dec ause it lacked mois- ■* tfj u. i J~^"V * *>' ftyov eneo-ev i^ * Wk S^^tT^ .^'' fJU Ur7#Ll £ /,, \ , > , , ' ',' sprang up, and bare fruit an M.'rT^-"^ tt]v ayaOrjv, Kai (pvev eiroiiio-e mpnov hundredfold. And when he <• f f^ i •— Q *sJ- XJfTln eKaTOVTaTrXao-iova.TavTaXeyuvecheovei- said these thines, he cried, He „ ' £ ' , t1fJ . /\jJ- OtJ «/ ^w C - ' r that hath ears to hear, let him? ^" tvl ^ j/^ vn^/v euro aKoveivamve™. hear ■ ?L^ <~*^ *J/1^ l 9 'Eiryj pwTdtv be avTov oi padriral av- 9 And his disciples asked him, < , - c -yTe<' &*/- >^- e *-^* „ V f TOV, h XeyovTes," Tis em r) TrapaBoXr) saying, What might this para- f *'" " . ^ o^/ £ / K~*/- «' . 10 - you it is given t0 know the 5^,"; J^ytcV V vat ra avoTTjptaTj]s l3ao-iXeiasrov Qeov' mysteries of the kingdom of <->-^-o / (T^jt Zt^aow rols Se XotTroZ? eWapa/3oXais, iW /3Xe- God : but to others in parables, ^ i«> 4L ^^A^rV *"f , , , , , ^ , ' -' r . 19 ', is this: The seed is the word of ^ o o-TTopos fo-Tiv o \oyos tov 6eov- ™ ot God. i2 Those by the way side, be napa rr)v obov elo-\i> ol aKovovres' are they that hear: then cometh ,? j / ' s* 'a \ •> " > the devil, and taketh awav the ei-ra epxe-rai o bia(3o\os «at_ aipei tov word ou ^ of their hearts ; lest Xoyov a7ro ttjs Kapbuts avTav, iva pr) they should believe, and be TTio-Teio-avTes trcodamv. 13 ot be em rr~js saved - 13 J^. on ^ r ock ' / * « ■, > , L are they which when they hear, ireTpas, oi OTav aKovo~60O-i, pera %apas receive the word with joy ; and bevovTai tov \6yov, Kal ovtoi piCav ovk tnese ha ve no root, which for a " * v \ V v while believe, and in time of exovo-iv,^ oi npos Kaipov iri and bring no / \ > \ j. - fruit to perfection. I5 But that o-vptrviyovTai, Kai ov Teheo-cpopovai . on the good grounQ , are they> lo TO be ev Trj KaXfj yfj, ovtoi elo~lV which in an honest and good oiTive S iv Kapila KoXr, Kal ayaQ^aKov- %g ™% *g **™«. cravres, tov Xoyov Karexovai, Kai Kap- with patience. ^ ,c A/^/ i/ £/- 2S~*&*-+ £u Jh, ■rrocbopodo-iv ev vTTouovn. ,. ' 6 N° man " hen he t ath * ' J^ '/a^,/, J 16/-y>*v »« \» «i \' lighted a candle, covereth it i/ /^^-^ >tJA.V*- ,eL < / '-y^ ir*^' 3 A Ovbeis be Xvxvov a^as KaXvnTei with a vessel, or putteth it un- 7~ L / < „ , x ^ ,* , LJ. U r&< avTov a-Kevei, rt vnoKaTU) KXivns Ti6no-iV der a bed: but setteth it on a fc*/'/l/:/ty. *• *-*■ ■* utf - z / » Rec. it>. b -» 12 *£ u- 1 -*? ^v* Luke VIII. 17. 162 EYAITEAION candlestick, that they which dXX' €7Tt Xv^vtas tniTidrjcnv, tva ol enter in, may see the light. el^opevopevot BkenaaL to (bus- 17 ov •? For nothing is secret, that , \ r ' , „ , , r , / shall not be made manifest : yap earl KpvTTTov, o ov (payepov yevr)- neither any thing hid, that shall o-erai" ovbe mroKpvdiov, 6 ov yvoio'drjo'e - notbeknown, and come abroad. \ j i _».. y\zj_ 18 o\ ,'„,_, » Take heed therefore how ye *» Kat ets (pavepov fkdr,. 0Xt7rer6 ' hear: for whosoever hath, to ovv 7ra)S aKovere ' os yap av i\T)' "°" him shall be given; and whoso- Q' (TfTal avT &- K a\ bs av ah evn, Kai o ever hath not, from him shall . ' , v «, ,, , j T , 'Ht / ^-7? 9T^-v7C77i/- he taken - even that which he € X ft "> apdrfa-erat an avjov. ^ - £/ 9*-^<~ *'/■ ^ ° ' * / K *~/ >^ ■''•" " seemeth to have. U nape-yeVofTO 8e 7rp6s ovtov n 1117- . / 0. / 7 .. £/-4^'-£> & \jl » » - « » AwtA ^ iW .^'rjV^.^.ther and his brethren, and could ^ /cat 01 aSeXcpoi avTOV, K ai ovk fU^, a*i^r*j- <* i* y ^ r ' A ' ' not come at him lor the press. rfivvavTQ o-WTVyetv avTco Ota tov o)(kov. At ^^ ;° And it was told him by eer- 20 * dnnyytkn aircG,' \ ey 6vraV 'H tain which said, Thy mother , ' ' ' v \ , . « ' , ' , , and thy brethren stand without, arjTrjp aov Kai 01 aoek(pot o~ov eo-Tr)Ka- desiring to see thee. 21 And aLV %t a> \§f iv ae Oekovres- 21 'O 8e he answered and said unto them, , a > ■? v > ' . i\/t ' „ My mother and my brethren aTTOKpideis etne^ npos avrovs Mijnjp are these which hear the word pov Kat dbe\(poi pov ovrot eia"if, 01 tov of God, and do it. \6yov tov Qeov aKOvovres Ka\ Tvotovvres a > ' " C r ' 1 ft. at/rov. 2- -2- 5- ' i <-fU~. 'I- - Jf- s^t-dl 22 N 0W it came to pass on a 2 - Kai eyevero ev pta rtov rjpepcov, If $(T- V- 19. ■>**-+& v f^^L. certain day, that he went into a ^ ai ^ < v ±g e ; y ^Xotov Kat 01 pa- 1 y c Js ^ / , a .j J -~ \ ship, with his disciples: and he , ,,^' VT , , ~ A~ iu~ iv £/* y ft and there came down a storm 7rfa)0"e. 1?^- w f e;; in fi ne d n ^i, a andwe% * + %^ ^P^ , «?» - / 9**/-" /L C~~j*, b^"* rt^&i^y in jeopardy. 24 And they came tKivGwcvov. M Tvpoo-fKdovTfs be Oti]- ^ , 7*-, u~-t* "7T to him, and awoke him, saying, 7e(pai/ avT0V \eyovres * 'E7rto-raTa, •< Master, master, we perish. ', ' , ■> w ' a 'rsis 1 ' o^ Then he arose, and rebuked the (TTto-TaTa, aTTokkvpetia. O 6e eyepVets wind, and the raging of the wa- eVerip-Jjcre tb dvepoo Kai to> Kkvdotvt tov ' Zl r^TW,^ «>«*• -i^a^a^ro, ,at #y6m ya- unto them, Where is your faith? X17V?;. ** etw( Oe avrois' Hov ecniv Tf And they being afraid wonder- ^'uttis vamv ; o8r)6ivTfS 8e cdavpavav, ed, saying one to another, What - , ' ' ,^« , s _,, M r # manner of man is this ? for he Aeyower 7rpoc akkr)kovs' 1 is apa ovroy commandeth even the winds ecrTiv, oTt Ka\ Tols dvtpots intTaao'et and water, and thev obey him. \ - "_-. ' Kai toj uoan, Kai vnaKovovatv avTto ; • ^j, ^<^7^. v-l'2-6 26 Kai Kar€7rX«va-aj' eis ttjv x™P av i. tf *" l " U V „ / <, ^»^x*^> 26 And ' he >; a / rived at .- h ! Tii/ b raSapn^i/,"nnse'aTa' c avri7repaK" /> ' /^->i- rk/,J-L+? * /^**^±r countryoftheGadarenes, which . t. \ \ ' h ■>/■ \a» »» > - />. iJl*.^^^- ■ — is over against Galilee. « And Tr/s raXiXaiaj. ^ " efeXcVwri be avrcp /tl _. fe when he went forth to land, jVl tj)i> yrjv, vnrjvTqcrev avTU> dvrjp Tts there met him out of the city > - ^> * t rtTr(pa. a Or, tbinketh tliat he bath RATA AOYKAN. 163 Luke VIII. 38. BvCKeTO, Kai ev ol, down before him. and with a Kai <6«jw aevaXn eine' Tt e'uot Kai croi, Ioud voice said, What have I „ >. ' »',' .~-A —.»,',..„»-. ~-A A»nAAr.«- r - he had commanded the unclean pyyyeiXeyap ra Trvevpan tw aKaffapry spirit t0 come QUt of the man; e£eX0eti> airo tov avBpwrvov. ttoAAois for oftentimes it had caught yap ypovois ownpnaKci avrov, Kai h ™. and he was kept bound S» r A C ,.. / r \ 'tv in with chains, and in fetters : and ebeapeiTO aKvo-eo-i Kai nebais (pvAaa- he brake the bands, and was aouevos, Kai biapprjO'O'cov Ta beapa driven of the devil into the *-\ r e_j -»'„.„ ' » '„' wilderness.) 30 And Jesus asked jjXawero wro TOV datptwor WW «/»/- him, saying' What is thy name? /Ltouc.) 30 e7rrjpa>TT]ore be avTov o In- And he said, Legion: because (TOVS, \tya>v • Tt trot eWtj/ oi/oixa ; 'O ™ an ? de . vils A were entered into ft , V a ' . " * ' \\> hlm - And *ey besought ,/ „> ..V ^ *rs far fa>* Oe fwre' Aeyewi/* ort baipovia iroAAa him, that he would not com- ^-^rf ri y /*~ """^ y^ ™ eiVnXtfei/ els aiiTOV. 3l Kai ° napeKiiAei" rnand them to go out into the A*/.?"^, .7 - *• - 1 rCs*-*-*^ avTov iva pr) emra^Tj avTois eis ttjv r trfct^a y* &■ ^"^ /A "^^^^ a^vg-q ov ane\6elv. y ^/^t*./ XiVr. i ~ 32 ^H^ oe fan aye'Xn voipuv Ikov&v , M . A ? d there was , there an , , - / ' A y " ,^ herd of many swine feeding on poo-Kopevav ev tco opei' KanrapeKaAovv the mountain: and they be- avTov "iva eniTpe^rri avTois els eKeivovs sought him that he would suffer , \ /1 - » > / 1 ' - S3 '/■ \ them to enter into them: and ei they fledi and wenti and y H Kai f " a7rnyy«W eis Tnv 7roXti/ Kai eiy told it in the city, and in the ^__ . -. / J JL, dt~i/-»* *~ *y-v^^„ \ > 1 35 ->f\n . *^ 's> " v country. 35 Then they went ft,' //. /. '/■■•'tjj tovs aypovs.^ * e^\6oir 8e ideiu to out t0 y see what was done, and Ji7 7 yeyovos ' Kai ffkoov irpos tov Irjaovv, came to Jesus, and found the Kai evpov KaOnaevov tov av6pa>7rov dd> man > °, ut of . whom the devils r , T , "Vi . - , A , ~ , • were departed, sitting at the ov Ta baipovia e£eAnAu0ei, ip.aTio-p.evov f eet f Jesus, clothed, and in Kai o-co(hpovovvTa, irapa tovs irobas tov his right mind: and they were > T - r \ >j qia 36 ' ' ^ afraid. 3(i They also which lrjo-ov- Kai eqboptjdTjo-av. airpyyeiXav saw i t)to idthemby what means 6e avTois g Kai " oi IBovres, irws e'crco^n he that was possessed of the 11 6 haipovio-ee'is." deviIs - was healetL 37 ir v ' / > \ n_ > _\ - 37 Then the whole multitude Kai npcornorav avTov airav to TrXn- of the country of the Gadarenes 60s ttjs irepixvpov tuv TaOaprjvwv roundabout, besought him to S~ jl- / or / fl / £^,J- dneAOe'iv an ax>Tav, on d)d/3o) ueydXto departfrom them, for they were rf. *-*%*■ S J **r7/ ^ff^ ' .,„. _ 1 . 1 1 vi o~ > T f { - 1 taken with greai fear: and he , jV-J, a 14^.1 lLc^sZL^. rT^e^U ■C/^c , 0-vveixovTO- avTos be epfias eis to ttAoiov went up i nt0 the ship, and re- ^/ M ^ J /7 i t-*^*^ vi* y^. vneoTpeyj/ev. M ebeeTO be avroi 6 dvr)p, turned back again. ssNowthe/^ JL^u*, f^-t-f, f*>* . — — — — r k+± & fb-a^-fa u^^t^hu *SZ+ /fL. f Kec. add *wt>).9ovTts. g ZJ b Zi Luke VIII. 39. 164 EYAITEAION man, out of whom the devils a -\ a /v «\ \ hath done unto thee. And he ™ ° e «> c ; Ka ' aTTtjXde, Kad oKr]v Tt)P went his way, and published irokiv Kr]pvo~o~G>v oo~a eTroir)o~eu avrco throughout the whole city how ' 'inrrovs -. . great things Jesus had done ... ' , / , „ , , ( A-0-$~&] &-«-<*■ *■'• /f~£v- %~t&(2/-A$ unto him. Vyevero be ev rco vTroarpetyairov . «r . f. , m ■ * j ■ . 40 AnQ '' came t0 P ass - tlla t 'incroOi', airebetaro avrov 6 oyXos' rjo~av S J-'L—t^ «h~/ f£^*-f^' ^/^'~< : W' Y/*~~ / * when Jesus was returned, the / , * - > > 41 \ t. -*~^-J* tr people gladly received him: for 7 a P iravres npoo-boKavres avrov. * l /cat they were all waiting for him. Ibov, T)\6ev dvrjp to ovoaa 'Ideipoy, /cat 41 And behold, there came a > * x ' < - man named Jairus, and he was avT0S "PX™ ^S Vwaya>yr) S ™r)p X e, a ruler of the synagogue, and Kat Tveo~u>v Trapa tovs irooas rov Irycrou, „ *y y he fel1 dow " at Jesus' feet, and napeicdXei avT0V dae\6elv els rov oikov , „ /;, &4^Ui< besought him that he would , f „ 42 « /1 ' \ t ^2..kerydy r ^&~C-^ „ come into his house: « for he avrov • *• on tivyarqp povoyevrjs rjv Jl/'i-^ti.-l' *. *■*"*« ^^7 J ^-* y " ^^ had one only daughter about a vr5t cos eVtoi- 8d>8eKa, Kal avrn dire- 1 s* ~* rft T» ' ' twelve years of age, and she a ' > »' - <• » » v t /-, ^L.3 ^t^> lay a dying. (But as he went OinjtrKtv. ev be Tto wrayew avrov 01 the people thronged him. oj(Xoi avvenvn/ov avrov. « And a «oman having an 43 Kfli >' J f > - alparos issue of blood twelve years, ,,,„/, 5, ' „ h , r ~„ r ^ ? A^-f'' ^-*"J7 iCC/JLuJ irrrl* which had spent all her living airo eru>v doideKa, 7]ns " uarpois 7rpoa- ^•' , f . , oa upon physicians, neither could avaXacrao-a okov rov fiiov ovk 'icryvo-ev // /~~ /.J ill,*. 1*. A< <~f^( <<-H be healed of any, 44 came '■>■>* \ a a- 44 \ ^^ JU.*, — ,*Ly#4> /*«*—-/»* behind him and touched the vff ovdevos 6fpamv6rivai^ ** npoae\- . . * / /) /f • j * *i /# border of his garment : and Qovcra omcrQev, rj\Uaro rov KpacnreSov jtiZ jU 'Jf- f+*ry- 7 T / -7 imm tTX h \ T Tf ° f h] Z d rov lp.arlov airov- mi irapa XP r,ua fern, *HL~l^i I*** }J£- 4 ^ tJ '^ /1 stanched. « And Jesus said, , . , ,.r* „ „ > -^ 4 5 P '^ » ' /x. a~*^~j r "T. Who touched me ? When all J; pvert? rou aiparos avrrjs. ° Kai eurev 4 ^7 rfl O^c/aU C~J-Ji~^> &* +£™~ denied, Peter and they that <5 'ino-oCy ■ Ti's 6 a^a/xevdc uou ; 'Ap- ' J were with him, said, Master, '/ 5,< / T r ? r c '^ r the multitude throng thee, and vovpevwv Oe navrvv, ^enrev o Uerpos press thee, and sayest thou, Kal ol c p,er avrov ' " 'ETTiarara, 01 0^- y ^ ^ JU^^C (*'/VJt> J s^^tmerd^ 4 ^^: ^.^ « /«', ^oc9Xt/3ovcrt, * /• /""/// V t^^.1- j>. iZ^Q'tV* ed me: for I perceive that virtue Kat Aeyety ' Tts o ayapevos p.0V,' PT > " . /A V7- is gone out of me. « Andwhen 46 < ^ e 'j o{ ; y " f f^,, . " H ^ard aou A >, /-/. ,> unJ£?k*~-. the woman saw that she was , , v , ' „ -, >/■ \ a - A*v/ CU^^> tJr*. 4 *-->^rrf-a*y- she had touched him, and how aurw, ot 771^ airiav 7/yaTO avroO anrjy- # » - / she was healed immediately. vel x'fi/ f aiirc3" eVd>7Ttoi/ Trai^ro? roC XaoC, 48 And he said unto her, Daugh- ' v , ,, A ' „ 4« ' * » ■» ter, be of good comfort, thy *ai uf t-aOr] 7rapaxpr)pa. '° o Oe fi7rc-j/ faith hath made thee whole, go avrrj" S Oapaei," dvyarep, n ttiotie crou in peace.) / ' . ' » » / F „ r , ., , , , crecrco/ce ere 7ropenoi; etc eiprivnv. 49 While he vet spake, there 40 «„ , T N A « r V ' , cometh one from the ruler of \ E« avrov XaKoyvros, epxerai^ tic the synagogue's Aowse, saying 7rapa rov ap^icrvfaycoyov, Xeycoy avrco - 8 3j b (tec. flif tarpouy. c G'.i. fivv avrt{>. a * •-* f^ (J — * RATA AOYKAN. 165 Luke IX. 7. "Otl reQvriKev T) dvydrnp aoV ur] aKvXke to him, Thy daughter is dead, s> a ' \ su 'a s' 'T.,,™,-;,. ,\ trouble not the Master. ™ But tov bibaarKoKov. b O be ^ Irjorovs a- when Jesus heard ^ he ^ Koucrar, direKpidr] avra, Ae-ycof ' Mr/ swered him, saying. Fear not, folSoZ-^far^Kal c-^aera, belong, and^he shall be 51 a EA6W 8e eis rr/i/ otKtai>, owe aepr/- came into the house, he suffered Kev elo-e\de'iv ovbeva, el an Uerpov Kal no man to go in, save Peter, h >T , \*w t a m y i ' and James, and John, and the \<*avvT)v Kai laKupov^ Kai tov narepa father and the motner of the ttjs iraibos (cat ttjv fjirjTepa. 52 eKkaiov maiden. 52 And all wept, and St y ' v •„'_-„.„« „,V^,„ « A^ bewailed her: but he said, & navres, mi etamTovro avTr,v. o be Weep noti she is not dead, ha l elite' Mr) /cXaiere • ovk arreoavev, aAAa sleepeth. 53 And they laughed Kadevbei. M Kat KareyeXcov avTOV, el- him to scorn, knowing that she ., „ > '/i S4 ' < * v c ' was dead. 54 And he put them bores on airetiavev. avrosoe e<- all ont> BXid took her by the 8a\cbv e£o> wdvras, Kal " Kparrjo-as rrjs hand, and called, saying, Maid, s > - 'J.' _ \ '.. ...• 'u —„?,-• arise. 55 And her spirit came Xeipos aurr/c, evr)cre,\ey«>v ^ Hirais, ^^ flnd she arose straight . eyeipov. 5S Kal enearpeye to irvevpa way : and he commanded to av™?, Kal dveo-TTj napaxp^fia- Kal bie- give her meat * And her pa- > > ~ «. /i- -i ~ 56 > rents were astonished: but he ra£ev avrr) boOijvai (payeiv. Kai charged them that they should e{-eo~TTiO~av ol yovels avTrjs' 6 be Trap- tell no man what was done. r)yyei\ev avro'is prjbevl el-new to ye- yovos. 9. 2vyKa\eo-dfMevos be tovs bwbeKa 9. Then he called his twelve Kat ei-ovcriav ern iravra to oaifiovia, Kai ail devils, and to cure diseases. voaovs depaneveiV 2 Kai direaTeikev ' And he sent them to preach , , r , ^ o \ ' - 'he kingdom of God, and to heal avTOVS K7]pvo-aeiv rrjv pao-iAeiav tov the sick _ 3 And he said unto QeoxJ, Kal ldo~8ai tovs e do-devovvTas." them, Take nothing for your 3 « ■? < i ' . nj !> > , »,, ,. journey, neither staves, nor ^KaieiireirposavTovs'MrjbevaipeTe J scrip / n ' either breadi ne ither eis rfjv obov, urjre paBbov,' p.t]Te irr]- money, neither have two coats pav, ar)re Spray, UTjTe dpyvpiov, fujre apiece. « And whatsoever house " >V7' T « ' a ' * , * '* ye enter into, there abide, and aca Ovo ^trtoi/ay «X etI/ - Kat fls "" a|/ thence depart. 4 And whoso- otKiaif elo-e\6rjTe, e'fcel aevere, Kal eKeWev ever will not receive you, when >*> /i c » " * » e S> '£ . .» ye go out of that city, shake e^ep X eo-6e. 6 Kai otroi avjirjSbe^VTai off ^ very dust from your feet, Vfids, e^epyofievoi ana TrjsTtoheas eKei- for a testimony against them. vns, Kal tov kovio P tov dirb tS>v TrobZv l And i he y de f parted ' a "lrn' , ' I , , f. r i ' > > through the towns, preaching Vfiav anoTiva^are, ety p-aprvpiov eir t h e gospel, and healing every avTOVS. 8 , 'E£epx6p.evoi be birjpxovro where. Kara tcis Kcopas, evayye\i£6fievoi Kai 6epanevovres Travraxov. ' "HKovore be 'Hp&or^ 6 rerpa^c ^ H«od th. .et^rch Ta yivop.eva " U7T avrov iravra ' Kai him : and he was perplexed, birjTTopei, bia to \eyeaQai wro rivoaV because that it was said of some, » Rec. R.«X9«,,. li Rec. Ia«a.3o^ «•» I^h^t,^. c — d Gb. o». « "W »««'»"!■ f Rt-c. porous, g -^) (JcXfufr^t. li ^t Luke IX. 8. that John was risen from the dead: 8 and of some, that Elias had appeared: and of others, that one of the old prophets was risen again. 9 And Herod said, John have I beheaded: but who is this of whom I hear such things ? And he desired to see him. 10 And the apostles when they were returned, told him all that they had done. And he took them, and went aside privately into a desert place, belonging to the city called Bethsaida. 11 And the people when they knew it, followed him, and he received them, and spake unto them of the kingdom of Ged, and healed them that had need of healing. 12 And when the day began to wear away, then came the twelve, and said unto him, Send the multitude away, that they may go into the towns and country round about, and lodge, and get victuals: for we are here in a desert place. I3 But he said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they said. We have no more but five loaves and two fishes, except we should go and buy meat for all this peo- ple. H For they were about five thousand men. And he said to his disciples, Make them sit down by fifties in a company. 15 And they did so, and made them all sit down. ' 6 Then he took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed them, and brake, and gave to the disciples to set before the multitude. 17 And they did eat, and were all filled. And there was taken up of fragments that remained to them, twelve baskets. 18 And it came to pass, as he was alone praying, his disciples 166 EYAITEAION "Ort 'Icodvvrjs eyf^yeprat e'/c veKpwv' 8 vivo rivcov Si,' On HAt'ac ecpdvrj' tiXXav fie, "On Trpocprjrrjs eis tcov ap^ai'tof dvearrj. 9 Kai einev 3 -" Hpoofir/y Ia>dvvr)v eyoi aVefcecpaXtcra' ris fie' ecrnv ovros, Trepl ov eyu> uKovca roiavra ; Kai e'^rei Idelv avrov. 10 Kai imoo-Tpetyavres ol dnoaroXoi hir)yi] oaa ino't-qcrav' Kai 7rapaXaj3(ov airovs, vne^wp-qo'e KaT Idiav b els tottov eprjpov TroXeas KaXov- pevrjs " Brjdaa'idd. u ol fie o^Xoi yvdv- res T)Ko\ov6r)o~av avrS ' Kai 8e£dpevos avrovs, e'XdXei airols nepl rf/s /3aa"tXet- as roil Qeov, Kai roi/s \peiav e%ovras Qepaiveias laro. 12 'H fie rjpepa rjp^aro kXivhv' irpoo-- eXdovres fie ol Sa)Se/ca einov avrai ' Att6Xvo~ov tov b'xXov, iva c aireXdovres els ras kvkXo) Koopas Kai roiis dypovs /caraXucraxri, Kai evpayartv eTVio-irio-pov' on a>Se ev epi]pa> totto) eo-pev. 13 EtVe fie TTpos avrovs' Aore avrois vpels Tr)o~ev avrovs, were with him : and he asked ^ N Tk r **rr*4 \ x -S;\&YmT" y TS eivai ; Ot be anoKpidevTes einoV Iw- answering, said, John the Bap- avvnv tov SauTio-TriV aXXoi be 'HXiav. tist: but some say, Elias : and ,. ' ., , ■ / > / others say, that one of the old uXXoi be, oti npoffirjTrjs Tis tvv ap\ai- pr0 pi,ets is risen again. -'« He cov dveo~Tr). M Enre be avrois' 'Ypeis said unto them, But whom say »> / \ ' 5> . . > a_„„-,/),}„ »i ye that I am? Peter answer- be Tiya pe Keyere tivai ; AnoKpiOeis be [ ng saidj The christ rf God> 6 TLerpos eiue' Tov Xpiarov rov Qeov. 21 And he straitly charged them, 21 'O be eiriTtuvo-as avTo'is irapijyyeiXe and commanded them to tell . x , j J - 00 ' ' "r\ no man that 'hing, 2 ' 2 saving, prjbevi a et7reii' tovto, ' enratv • Vti The Son of man must suffer bei tov vlov rov avOpamov iroXKa ira- many things, and be rejected of a - » » * _/]" .„. ~_A -,~... the elders, and chief priests, deiv, Kai awoboKipaadrjyai ano tcov and M ^ and be ^ ^j Trpecr^vrepatv Kai dp^ie/jewi' KaL ypap- be raised the third day. pareoiv, Kai atroKTavdrjvai, Kai tjj rpirrj qpepa b eyepdijvai." 23 "EXeye be irpbs iravras ' Ei ns n And he said to them all, z!^. t 1 r jn a - 5- ' /j // If any man will come after me, 0 and take eavTov, d Kai dpara) 7W o~Tavpov avrov,' up his cross daily, and follow e " Kai aKoXovdei™ poi. 24 6s yap av ™e.; J For whosoever will save .. , . , , r „ , ' -~, his life, shall lose it : but who- 8e\r] rr)v Y V XW avTOV 1 25 For what is a man advan- rov^ eveKev epov, ovros owei avrr]v. tagedf if he gain the who]e 2 " r'l yap oj(pe\elrai avdpamos, Kep8j]aas world, and lose himself, or be * Koo-pov o\ r , eavTov^ » a.oXeaas ^^iLZIll me^d 5 r/ QqpivVeis; os yap av eTraio~xyv6ri my words, of him shall the Son ae Kai rovs eaovs \6yovs, tovtov 6 vlos °^ man be ashamed, when he r -,/,,' , ' >,» « shall come in his own glory, rov avOpatnoy eiraio-xwOrjo-eTai, otov and in hig Fat her's, and of the v aytav ayyeX©^ f Xeya) 8e ^g here> ; hich shall not taste vpiv aXridais, eiai Tives ra>v woe eo-rco- of death, till they see the king- to>v," ol oi prj 6 yevacovTai " davarov, domofGod. eoj av i'Swo"6 ttjv ftao-i\eiav tov Qeov. 28 'EyeWro be pera tovs Xoyovs tov- tovs eoaei buepai 6kto>, Kai napaXaBoiv 2S And it came to pass, about h „ _. , ; ■>, , v >t ' a an eight days after these " say- Uerpov Kai luavvrjv ^ Kai laKufiov, ingSi ne ^^ FeteT< and j ohn _ dveftr) els to opos TTpoo-ev£ao-6ai. 29 Kai and James, and went up into > ' 1 -_/• ' a > > » a mountain to pray : i9 and as eyei/ero ev ro) Trpoaev X eofai avrov, to he prayed th J ^ hlon of hjs «tooc tov 7rpoo-G>7rov ai/TOii eTepov, Kai 6 countenance was altered, and Ifjiario-aos avrov XevKOS etao-rpdnrroyv. his raiment was white and glis- su v it < * s. s>' \ >\ ' tenng. 30 And behold, there Kai 1601;, avbpes ovo o~vvehakovv av- talked with him two men, which TO), oirives rjorav MTes iv bo£rj 'eXeyov ttjv e^obov of his decease which he should avT0 {) fa i'aeXXe nXnpovv ev 'icpov- accomphsb at Jerusalem. \ ' 0~aXr)p. 3 " 'O be Ilerpos Kai oi avv avra f/aau 1 /i/- , 32 But Peter, and they that ^faprjpevoi ™™?* ^laypnyop^avres were with him, were heavy with be eibov rfa bogav avrov, Kai rovs bvo sleep: aud when they were oivbpas rovs o-vveo-rcoras avra>. 33 Kai awake, they saw his glory, and , -' > ,5, 1* /> ' > \ > a the two men that stood with eyevero ev ro> oiax<»piQ«TOai avrovs an him. M And it came to pass, as avrov, ebrev 6 Uerpos npbs rov'lrjo'OvV US WHTtt.^ WA* KaXov eW, fro* S-Se elvar good for us to be here, and let Kai Troinaraaev crKT}vas rpeis, piav aoi, us make three tabernacles, one Ka * »,[„„ Mcorm,* Kai uiav 'HXi'eT an torthee, and one tor Moses, and ,», « \ ' it -* &< > '- •> ' one for Elias: not knowing what «Oo>y o Aeyei. "" ravra be avrov Xe- hesaid. 3J While he thus spake, yovros, eyevero vedteXr] Kai eneaKiaaev there came a cloud, and over- > '.'jo'/i »*' - > / shadowed them, and they fear- avrovs' efpo^dnaav be ev Ta eKeivovs ed, as they entered into the eio-eXaelv (is rrpi vefpeXnv. * Kai (pcovrj cloud. 35 And there came a e yWro eK rns veqbeXris, Xeyovaa- Ol- voice out of the cloud, saying, ', , , < , ' t. ' > 1 This is my beloved Son, hear tos earw o vios uov o ayannros' him. 36 And when the voice avrov aKOvere. 36 Kai ev r&> yeveadai was past, Jesus was found alone, \ • \ ' 'a c ' " 't ' - ' and they kept it close, and told rr F W, fupec?r, o^ Vow povos. no man in those days any of Kai avroi eaiynaav, Ka\ ovbevi airnyyei- those things which they had Aa „ e >„ ^ Kf [ vaLS Ta ' is ^ pa is ovbev hv ecopaKaatv. 37 'Eyevero be ev rrj e^ijs rjpepa, Ka- reXdovrwv avru>v dnb rov bpovs, avvrjv- 37 And it came to pass, that rrjo'ev avru) b)(_Xos ttoXvs. Kai Ibov, on the next day when they * « ^ Q ' j g X ^oW, XeycW were come down from the lull, '", ?, ' » h > 'o\ 1 // much people met him. 3s And AlOaaKaAe, beopai aov, eTripXeyai behold, a man of the company e Vi T A„ V j'^ v aov 6Vt uoi/oyei'nf e'ort cried out, saving, Master, I be- an \ i« > - \ o ' > seech thee look upon my son. M 01 ' *""; t6ov ' Kvevpa Xapfiavei av- for he is mine only child. 39 And rbi>, Kai e£ai(f)VT]S Kpd£ei, Kai o~irapdo~crei i&SZE&gZSSZ <*[*T* ^Po^aipoyis Arov-pel eth him that he foameth again, an avrov, o-vvrpipov avrov. 4 Kai and braising him, hardly de- ibei)8nv rmv uaBnrwv aov, "iva e «/3d- parteth from him. J0 And I N ' '„ , , r \ . >» in besought thy disciples to cast Xmcriv avro, Kai^ ovk nbvvrjVno'av. him out, and they could not. 4l ' AnoKpiBeis be 6 'inaoiis eljreV 'Q 41 And Jesus answering, said, O a t " m urros Kai biearpappevti, eo>s faithless, and perverse genera- ' , ,/ v <• - \ » /» tion, how long shall I be with irore eo-opai rvpos vpas, Kai avegopai you and suffer you? bring thy {,„£,„ . Trpocrayaye f rbv vlov aov hbe." son hither. 42 And as he was 49 »_ «»' ' / > /• *> c > yet a coming, the devil threw ■ E 1 "' 6e 7rpoo-epxoM ei/ v ol; o^". f PPn? ev him down, and tare him : and avrov to baipoviov Kai o~vveo-rrdpa£ev ' ;l Rc( . Mwrft may. 1> fNJ e^XftX^v^flvof. c ZX ^ Her. 'Trt/JXf^of. e Reb •«j3aXXwff*i' i f Ri-c. iuo« top viof ffou, — » wie. KATA AOYKAN. 1C9 eireriprjo'e Se 6 'ir/aous to rrvevp-ari ra «Ka#a^TG), /cat tacraro roi> 7ratoa, kcii unebu>Kev avrov tw Trarpi airov' 43 e£e- iikrjira>v. io Ot he rjyvoovv to prjpa tovto, ko.1 tjv ivapaKe- KaXvppevov an avrwv, "iva p.i) a'ladcov- rai avro ' Kal ecpoftovvro epcorijo-at avrov nepl tov prjparos tovtov. 40 ElarjXde 8e 8iaXoyicrp.bs iv avrols, to, Tis av eir] p.ei£a>v aircov. 47 6 8e 'hjaovs I8a>v tov 8La.Xoyio-p.bv rr/s Kap- 8las aiirav, imXa(36p.evos nai8lov, eo-rrj- crev avTo nap eavra, Kai emev avrois * O? idv 8e£r)Tai tovto to naihlov art ra> ovoparl pov, ipe Several" Kai os eav ipe 8e£rjTai, Several rbv dnoo-TeiXavra p,e. 6 yap piKporepos iv nacriv vp.lv inrapxav ovros c earai" p.eyas. 49 ' AnoKpcdels 8e 6 'loodvvrjs einev' 'E7rio-rdra, e'L8opev riva inl tu ovopari o~ov eKJ3aXkovTa d " 8aip.6via' Ka\ eKa>Xv- crapev avrov, on ovk aKoXovdel pe& rjptov. o0 Kal elire npbs avrov 6 'Irj- o~ovs' Mr) KcaXvere' bs yap ovk ecrri e Kab^ vpatv, inrep vpS>v" iariv. 51 'EyeVero 8i iv tc5 o-vpnXrjpovo-dai ras fjpepas rrjs dvaXrj^eas avrov, nai avrbs to npoaconov aiirov earr]pi^e tov nopeveo'dai els 'lepovo-aXr/p. 5 * Kal dne- areiXev dyyfXovs npb npocrconov avrov' Kal iropev&evTes elarjXdov eis Ka>pr]v zapapeiTwv, mo-re eroipaaai avrca. kul ovk e8e^avro avrov, otl to 7rpoo-(jnrov avroi r)v nopevopevov els 'lepovo-aXrjp. Luke IX. 53. Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, and healed the child, and delivered him again to his fa- ther. <3 And they were all amazed at the mighty power of God: but while they wondered every one at all things which Jesus did, he said unto his dis- ciples, 44 Let these sayings sink down into your ears : for the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men. ^ But they understood not this saying, and it was hid from them, that they perceived it not: and they feared to ask him of that say- ing. 46 Then there arose a reason- ing among them, which of them should be greatest. 47 And Je- sus perceiving the thought of their heart, took a child, and set him by him, 4S and said un- to them, Whosoever shall re- ceive this child in my name, receiveth me : and whosoever shall receive me, receiveth him that sent me : for he that is least among you all, the same shall be great. 49 And John answered, and said, Master, we saw one cast- ing out devils in thy name, and we forbad him, because he fol- loweth not with us. 60 And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not : for he that is not against us, is for us. 61 And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he sted- fastly set his face to go to Je- rusalem, 62 and sent messengers before his face, and they went and entered into a village of the Samaritans to make ready for him, 63 And they did not receive him, because his face was as though he would go to a Gb. froifi. b ZZ c ts.- gar. i Roc. 8l Gb. add ra Gb. 3 « Km. «aS' ii^wy, inrtp »••■ Luke IX. 54. 170 EYAITEAION Jerusalem. 5i And when his M Ibovres be ot padrjTal avTOV 'luKcofSos disciples, James and John saw Kfli 'i a ^ vvr)s € J nov - Kvpie, 6e~keis ewra- this, they said, Lord, wilt thou « a~ > \ - > - v that we command fire to come pev Trvp KaTa^rjVat ano tov ovpavov, Kai down from heaven, and con- dvaXcocrai avrovs, a ' ' « But he turned, and rebuked »?« 5 " 2rpa0etc 8j^>* s? And it came to pass that e " 17 o6< P "^ ™* ' r P oy / avTOV , A * ; as they went in the way, a cer- \ov8r)crcD croi ottov civ dnepX!), e Kvpie." T^TmZtT:^r S ^r 5S *&**>**$ o '1,0-O^-AUXci- thou goest. 58 And Jesus said neKes (pcoAeovs ex ovcrl > Kai Ta irereiva unto him, Foxes have holes, TQ - ovpav0 v KciTacncrivaHTfis' 6 be vibs and birds of the air have nests, „ , '. , , „' ( , but the Son of man hath not tov avdpwrrov ow f^ei nov tt)v KeCpa- where to lay his head. 5!) And Xr)i> kKivt]. 59 EiVe be irpos erepov' he said unto another, Follow >. s > A <„ $>» ? v / > / me: but he said, Lord, suffer AkoXou&i /*ot. OSe eiTre^Kupte, «Tl- me first to go and bury my fa- rpeyov poi cme\6i)VTi irpuiTOV oa^ai ther. «» Jesus said unto him, TQV „ aT { pa „ ou . 60 E y e fe avT £ f£ Let the dead bury their dead : , „ „{, ,' , , A , . ' , but go thou and preach the Irjcrovs' Acpes tovs veKpovs tiayai tovs kingdom of God. 6l And ano- £ a vTa>v veKpovs' o \ • - c% - 61 -c v follow thee: but let me first go 7 e }\ tt,v Paatkciav tov Qeov. EtTre bid them farewell, which are be Kai erepos' Ako\ov8t]o~(i) 0~oi. Kvpie' at home at my house. ■ And vpSrrov & ^' lTp ^6v poi dnoTdtaadai Jesus said unto him, No man r. , . T r r r ? s ( having put his hand to the tois eis tov oikov pov. "" Et7re be irpos plough, and looking back, is fit vt6v 6 'inamic- Ovbels eVi/SaXaw riiv for the kingdom of God. - , ~ > > ,, •, as > ■> X ei P a avrov 67r aporpov, Kai pkeivav eis ra oniaa, evderos eariv els ttjv /3acrt- Xeiav rov Qeov. 10. After these things, the 10. Merdbe Tayradvebei^ev 6 Kvpios Lord appointed other seventy Kai erepovs ej3bofj,rjKOVTa, Kai direo~Teihev t X wo W a "ore S his t fa h c e e m inrev a er; ™™S dva bvo *p6 npoo-^ov^avrov, city and place, whither he him- eis iracrav it6\iv Kai totvov ov ep.e\\ev self would come. ^Therefore avTOS eWo-0ai. ■ eXeyev $ ovv" irpbs said he unto them, The harvest > ' e>. x n ' .. v < »v truly is great, but the labour- avrovs' O fxev ffepiapos jroKvs, oi be ers are few ; pray ye therefore epydrai oklyoC berjQrjTe ovv tov kvoiov the Lord of the harvest, that he „„- /),„.. - 2_„_ h '..a '\ " ' ' would send forth labourers into ™v Bepurpov, onas » erfaXt) epyaras his harvest. 3 Go your ways: eis tov oepio-pov avTOV. virayere' iboii, behold, I send you forth as £y^ dnoo-TeWa) vixds ios apvas ev ueaco lambs among wolves. * Carry ..'/ a , ,<. r.' \ • l y neither purse nor scrip, nor AVKav. pr} paaraQeTe paAavriov, pr) shoes, and salute no man by irrjpav, prjbe VTrobrjpara' Kai prjbeva Kura 3 — • li ZX *at fiirt-i- a I tart 171HJ. c Ilec. add '0 yap fioj rou av9pi^Tor> ovk i]\&6 i/-wjay ai y ,j tui* avoXtoai, aXXa awaat. d e^ Kai. «i — • S ZI % cv; it, h Rec. e«,JaXAo. RATA AOYKAN. 171 Luke X. 19. tijv 686v do~Trdo~r)o~de. 5 els ijv 8" av ol- the way. 6 And into what- Ktav a elvepxwfe," irpurov XeyeTe' El- soever house ye enter, first say , „ ", A ' , " R » ',, h „ i Peace be to this house. •> And prjvrj rw oiko> tovtco. Kai eav rj if the son of peace be there, (Kel c "vlos eipnvrjs, iiravaTravcrerai eV your peace shall rest upon it: >, t > / ' t — '5.* ' 'jl' 'f not, it shall turn to you a- avrov p eiprjvrj vpow' ei _oe /i^ye, e(p gain- 7 And in the same house vpds dvaKapilsei. 7 ei> avrrj 8e tjj oIkio. remain, eating and drinking pfe* Irffc»n» Kai nivovTesTa rap) SfJ*^" fefiT- £ avTa>V agios yap o epyaTijs tov piadov hire. Go not from house to auToO e'crrx* pr) peTaftaivere e'£ oIkios house - eiSOlKiav.^ , „ 8 And into whatsoever city ye 8 Km ets " r/)/ O ay 770X11/ etcrepx^crOe, enter, and they receive you, Kai SfYGJi'Tai vuay, (crdiere to. napari- J at such tnin g s as are set be- « , « - 9 \ /1 ' 1 > lore you: J and heal the sick 0e/xewz Vf«J/, "Kai Oeparrevere tovs ev that are therein, and say unto avrij dadevels, Kai Xeyere avrols' "Hy- them, The kingdom of God is >j> < ~ 'a \ ' rs o T. come nigh unto you. I0 But yiKev e

vpas p PaaiXeia tov Geou. jnt0 wha s tsoever ^ ty ye enler< etS rjv 8 av ttoXiv e (lO~epxqo~6$," Kai and they receive you not, go pr, Sevcovrai vpds, eteXdovres els ras your ways out into the streets •J 'V , - » ,, , , of the same, and say, " kven TrAareias avTTjs, eiTrare' Kai tov ko- the very dust of your city which vioprov tov KoXXnOevra fiuiv e< Trjs cleaveth on us, we do wipe off , i\ r-> / A t - . \ ( against you : notwithstanding, I iroXea>s vpcov aTrop.aao-ope6avp.lv jrXrjv be ye sure of this, that the king- tovto yivu>o~K£Te, OTi rjyyiKev ' e(p vpas" dom of God is come nigh unto { (SaatXeia rovGeov. ■ X^o, *' vplv, Eu^KSSS. on 2o8opois ev Tjj rjpepa eKeivrj aveKTO- i n that day for Sodom, than for Tepov eo-Tai, rj Tj) noXei eKelvri. 13 Oi«ai that city. « W oe unto thee ' .. *> > / -r, /1 -.5. ' « Chorazin, woe unto thee Beth- o-oi, XopaQtv, ovai (rot, BrjOo-aiba- oti sai da : for if the mighty works et ev Tvpco Kai StScovt eyevovro a't 8vvd- had been done in Tyre and ' ' / > ' - _' , \_. *.. J.. Sidon, which have been done peis at yevopevai ev ypiv, naXat av ev in y0Ui they had a great while aaKK(0 Kai ottoOo) Kaor]pevai perevorjcrav. ago repented, sitting in sack- 14 TrXnv Tvpo> Kai Ztbavt aveKTOTepov cloth and ashes "But it shall „ ', ~ r ~, * f - is \ \ be more tolerable for Tyre and eo-rat ev Tj) Kpiaei, rj vpiv. Kai vv, sidonatthe judgment, than for 1 Karrepvaovp, 17 etos tov ovpavoi) v\l/a- you. i5 And thou Capernaum, a - " 1^ a a a' 16 s which art exalted to heaven, 6eio-a, ewsadov Kara^ao-^077. o shaH be thrust down t0 helI aKovoiV vpwv e'pov aKOvei' Kai 6 aderuv ^ He that hearethyou.heareth vpasepe dOeTel 6 8i epe dde^v Me- ^jSS^JStSSSi Tei tov anoo-TeiXavTa pe. spiseth me, despiseth him that 17 'Yneo-Tpeyj/av 8e oi ej38oprjKOVTa sent me. H v ~ r V / T . / ' * \ u And the seventy returned peraxapas, Xeyovres ^ Kvpie, KaiTa again with joy> sayra g, Lord> 8aipovia VTTOTao-creTat rjplv ev tco ovo- even the devils are subject un- pari o-ov. » Ehe 8e avTols, ^povv ttJ^tittZE* tov ~2aTavav as ao-Tparrrjv eK tov ovpa- Satan as lightning fall from vov neo-ovTa. 19 l8ov, 8i8a>pt vp'iv Trjv heaven, w Behold, I give unto a «i»eXeur«. b R oc . add ^e». c Bz. ti. Ell. add o. d .-«J w ay. a k; «i(r«>9'/ri. ' Gli. urn. g Kec. add oe. Luke X. 20. you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy : and no- thing shall hy any means hurt you. 172 EYATTEAION e^ovcrlav tov irareLv endvu) bcpecov Kai crKopiriuiv, Kai eVi nacrav ttjv bvvapiv tov e'^dpov' Kai ovdev vpas ov pr) a dSi- KTjajj." 20 ttXtjv e'v tovtco pr) ^aipere, otl ra Trvevpara vplv vnoTaacriTai' Xaipere Se '' " on tci ovopara vp.o~KeL Tis eariv 6 vibs, el pr) 6 TraTrjp' /cat tis eo~Tiv 6 7raTr)p, el p.rj 6 vios, Kai a e'dv ftovXrjTai 6 vios uTTOKaXvyp-ai. 23 Kai o~Tpav avTov, Kai Xeycov' AtSdaxaXe, t'l Tvoir)0-as farjv aldoviov KXrjpovoprjo'Q} ; 26 *0 de elwe rrpbs avTov' Ei» rai vopa> tl yeypanTaL ; na>s dvayivdtaKeLS ; 2 ' 'O be aTTOKpideis elwev' 'Ayanr)o-eis Kti- piov tov Qeov aov, e£ bXrjs ttjs Kap8ias aov, Kai e£ oXrjs Trjs yj/vxrjs o~ov, Kai e'ij bXrjs ttjs lo~xyos o~ov, Kai e'£ bXrjs Tr)s diavolas o~oV Kai tov 7rXr)o-lov o~ov a>s areavTov. 2S EtVe be avTai ' 'Op6a>s aTreKp'idrjs' tovto iroiet, Kai £7/077. 29 But he willing to justify * '° 8e 6eXav ^LKaiovv eav-rov eine himself, said unto Jesus, And 7rpos tov 'Irjo'ovv' Kai tis eo~Ti p.ov Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you: but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven. 21 In that hour Jesus rejoiced inspirit, and said, I thank thee, O father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and pru- dent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so father, for so it seemed good in thy sight. 2 - All things are delivered to me of my father : and no man knoweth who the son is, but the father : and who the father is, but the son, and he to whom the son will reveal him. 23 And he turned him unto his disciples, and said private- ly, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see. 51 For I tell you, that many prophets, and kings have de- sired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them : and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them. 25 And behold, a certain law- yer stood up. and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life ? 26 He said unto him, What is written in the law ? how readest thou ? 27 And he answering, said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbour as thy- self. 2S And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live. » bz. & Liz. ji'ivvu R«o. *U,1 /zaXAoi'. c Hz. & Elz. 6t Gb. oiu. d Rec. iraptlodtj ^04 KATA AOYKAN. 173 Luke X. 41. ifk-no-iav : 3U 'YiroXafiav he 6 'ir/croCs who is my neighbour ? so And t » . a > 'o ^„ x Jesus answering, said, A certain einev Avdputros^ ris Kare^aivev airo man went down from Jerusa . 'lepovaaXrjp els 'lepij(0}, Kal Xrjcrra'is lem to Jericho, and fell among nepUveaeu, ot Q > '•<&'• came down a certain priest that oe tepevs ris Karejiaivev^ ev T77 oocp way) and when he saw ninlj he eKeivn, Kal Ihoiv avrov dvrnrapi}Xdev. passed by on the other side. 32 ' ' ' s. > » a * ' _„ A 3 - And likewise a Levite, when 82 o/wicos he /cm Aevtrqs, yevopevos Kara he ^ M (he p]ace) cam ' e and rov ronnv, a eA#a>i/" Kal locoi/ avrnrap- looked on him, and passed by ZXde. 33 Sauapet'rnc Se Tts oSeiW °" 'he other side. » Bu t a 4 N . , , { r v i , , > n certam Samaritan as he jour- T)At)e kut avrov, Kai lOow avrov ecnrAay- neved> came where he was ; vvicrdr]. 3i Kal npocreXdav Karehnae ra and when he saw him, he had / . - > i ■>/-, „_% compassion on him, 34 and rpavpara avrov, emxecov fXaiov^ /cat wen £ to hira _ and bound up his olvoV emfiifidaas he avrov eVi to ihiov wounds, pouring in oil and wine, Hrfe* rjyayev avrov eh navho X e'iov, ^^^l^tna Kai enepeXrjdq avrov. da /cat em ttjv t00 k care of him. 3i And on avpiov b eteXdav," eKJ3aXcov hvo hwdpia the morrow when he departed, *«/ ~ 5, - v •? > - he took out two pence, and gave edco/ce rep iravdoxei, Kai^ eurev avrco the m to the host, and said unto 'EmpeXrjdrjn avrov' /cat o n ai/ irpoar- him. Take care of him, and a ' !*>->' n I whatsoever thuuspendest more, haTrav W7 ]S, eyo> ev ro> eTravep X eo-6ai when , come aga f n , wjU repay pe anohcoaco o~oi. thee. 36 Ti's ow rovraiv ra>v rpicov c 7rXno-iof oc which now of these three, So/eel" o-tu" yeycWfai rot) eWeo-cWoc- etc thinkest thou, was neighbour > N 5 ' si i„ »< ? t/-, ' unto him that fell among the rovs AjjO-ras \ - O oe eiirev^ O 7TO»7- thieves j 37 And he said, He era? ro eXeos per avrov. Earey d ovf" that shewed mercy on him. > - <■ > T ~ . TT ' .. v \ _„.',. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, avrco o Irjaovs Ilopevov, Kai av noiei and do thou likewise- opoicas. 33 'EyeVero 8e ev tco Tropeveo~Oai av- tovj, Kal avros el \ / > 40 ' s>> which also sat at Jesus teet, o-ov rjKove rov Xoyov avrov. ^ n 0€ and heard his word . ,o but Mdp0a Tvepieo-ivdro nepl noXXrjV Sia/co- Martha was cumbered about viav emo-rdo-a 8e *T Kypie, ov peXei ^^^t^T^^ol croi on n a8eX(pr) pov povr\v pe Kare- care that my sister hath left Xi7re biaKovelv ; rare ovv avrij "iva poi ™ »J s el 7 e alo " p ? . . bid her - , a ' 41 > , a * *■> 1 therefore that she help me. trvi/avriAapnrat. ■ AiroKpitieis oe ei- 11 And j esus answered, and wev avrr) 6 'Irjcrovs' Mdpda, Mdpffa, said unto her, Martha, Martha, » • b :J c R«c. 6ok04 cot wAtj(t.op. d Gb. -• U Luke X. 42. thou art careful, and troubled about many things: 4 ' 2 but one thing is needful, and Mary hath chosen that good, part, which shall not be taken away from her. 1 1 . And it came to pass, that as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples. '-' And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come,Thy will be done as in heaven, so in earth. 3 Give us "day by day our daily bread. * And forgive us our sins : for we also for- give every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 174 EYAITEAION p.epip.vqs Kal rvp(Bd£r] rrepl TroWa.' 42 evbs be e'crri xP eia - Mapi'a be rrp> dyadrjv p.epiba ei-e\e$-aro, rjris ovk d(pai- pedrjo-erai an avrrjs. 11. Kai eyevero iv ra> eivai avrov iv t \ t * c i ' ro7roj rivi npoo'evxopevov, ms ewavo-aro, elne ris r£>v p.adrjra>v avrov rrpbs avrov' Kvpie, bibagov rjpds Trpoaevxecrdai, Ka- dcos Kal 'ladvvrjs ibibage rovs p.a6r)ra.s avrov. " Ewre be avrols' Orav Trpoo~- evxrjo-0e, Aeyere" Hdrep ^-rjpcov 6 iv rois ovpavols, " ayiao~6i)ra> rb ovopa aov' i\6eru> b r) ftaaike ia aov'" ° yevq- 6r']ra> to deXrjpd aov, cos iv ovpavco, Kai ewl ri)s yrjs'" s rbv aprov r)p,u>v rbv em- ovaiov bibov rjp.1v rb Kaff rjpepav' Kai a(pes rjp.lv rat; apapr'ias r/pwv, Kai yap avrol d dv e£ei (pikov, Kal iropevaerai npbs avrov peaovvKriov, Kal e'mrj aura' $tXf, XP1~ aov p.oi rpels iiprovs, irreibr] cpikos f p.ov" rrapeyevero i£ ooov 7rpos pe, Kai ovk e'xco 6 rrapaOrjaco avrco' 7 KaKelvos eacoBev dnoKpidels e'inr)' Mr) poi kottovs Trapeze" rjbr) r) Qvpa KeKkeiarai, Kal ra naibia p.ov pier ip.ov els rr)v koittjv ela-Lv ov bvvapiai dvaaras bovvai croi. 8 Ae'yo) vp'iv, el Kal ov bcoaei avrco dvaaras, bid rb elvai avrov (piXov, bidye rr)v dvaibeiav avrov, eyep&els bco- aei avrco oacov xpH]C el - 9 Kay*" v P iv \eyco' alrelre, Kal bodrjaerai vp.lv £rj- relre, Kal evprjaere' Kpovere, Kal avoi- yrjaerai vptv. itas yap o aircov Aap.- fidvei' Kal 6 £rjru>v evpiaKei' Kai t&) Kpovovn dvoiyfjo-erai. 11 Tiva be 6 eg" vpav rbv irarepa alrrjaei 6 vlbs aprov, pj] \160v e'lribooaei avrco , r) Kai ixuvv, prj avn ix^vos a Ob. oro. t> Gb, aov 17 ^aaiXrta. c Ob. ora. ^ ea* of t^u,- e Rec. add aXXa pvoai *j^aj awo rou novrioov. { —* 8 f^ — . Rt-'C. & Gb. ora b Rer. et. a Or, for the day. Or, out of Uia ^ay. 5 And he said unto them, Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at midnight, and say unto him, Friend, lend me three loaves. 6 For a friend of mine £ in his journey is come to me, and I have nothing to set before him, 7 and he from within shall an- swer and say, Trouble me not, the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed: I cannot rise and give thee. 8 I say unto you, Though he will not rise, and give him, because he is his friend: yet because of his importunity, he will rise and give him as many as he needeth. 9 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you : seek, and ye shall find: knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 10 For every one that asketh, receiveth : and he that seeketh, findeth: and to him that knock- eth, it shall be opened. 11 If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone ? Or if he iisk a fish, will he for a fish RATA AOYKAN. 175 Luke XI. 24. ocpiv e'ffibdicrei avrat ; 12 *; kol edv alrrj- give him a serpent? ,2 Or if et ovi/ vp,els irovqpoi virap^ovres then, being evil, know how to o'lbaTe a Sduara avatfa" StScWl to'ls re- i?'™ good gifts unto yourchil- , „ ' , ' ... f , ' '/■ dren : how much more shall kvois vpoiv, 7TOO-&) paXXov o tvaTxjp o e§ your heavenly Father give the ovpavov bdacrei nvevpa ayiov reus al- holy Spirit to them that ask TOVCTLV aVTOV ', 14 Kai tjv eKJ3dXXcov baip,6viov, Kai u And he was casting out a airo riv ko>c/>gV eyeveTO be, rov baipo- devil, and it was dumb. And it , A . A / >\ '\ t jl » » came to pass, when the devil viov egeXOovTOS, eXaXrjaev o Kcofpos' Kai W as gone out, the dumb spake: eBavixaaav ol 6'vXot. 15 rives be e£ aii- and the people wondered. ls But - t »T-iT>\>-/0 , \b j ' " some of them said, He casteth tv baipovicov eKftdXXei ra ba.ip.6via. the chief of the devils. I6 And 16 "Erepoi be Treipdtovres vripe'iov nap ? ther tempting him, sought of > ~ .>./ ,F , ]7 > , Tv him a sign from heaven. '< But avrou e^TOW/ eg ovpavov. l/ auroc 6e he knowing their thoughts, said e iSoic at-rwi/ ra Siayonuara ewei/ aureus - unt0 them . Evel 7 kingdom di- tt- Q x / >i> <■ \ » vided against itself, is brought Uaara jdacnXeia e(f> ^ eavTrjv ^ biapepi- t0 desolation: and a house ** >u. y * Js If Satan also be divided ^T f ^ *"-' ° 2a ™" as *$, e ° V " against himself, how shall his tov biepepio-8r], na>s crradrjo-eTai tj pa- kingdom stand? Because ye say 0-iAelaavTOv: on Xeyere, evBeeXte^ovX that I cast out devils through . „,,, ' , * ' , ' io •• s.« > » Beelzebub. ''•> And if I by Beel- eKpaXXeiv pe ra baipovia. " ei be eyco zebub cast out devils, by whom eV BeeX£e(3ovX eKJSdXXco ra baipovia, ol do your sons cast them out? <»r- > / > a >\\ * > ~ therefore shall they be your vioi vpcovev tivi «/3aAAov«ri; biarovTO judges 20 But jf { with ' the Kpiral vpwv ai/Tol eaovrai. el be ev finger of God cast out devils, SuKTvku Qeov eKBdXXoa to. baipovia, P° doubt the kingdom of God * "A. a ■ j > « ' a ^ ' ' ls come u P on J "- apa e -. 22 > > » » ' are in peace : " but when a eo-Tt ra vnapxovTa avrov^ a enav be o str0 nger than he shall come up- icrxyporepos avTOV eneXdcov vikrio-j] av- on him, and overcome him, l.e -A.. - ' ' _\ ' ' - " u' * taketh from him all his armour rov, rrjv TTavoirXiav avrov aipei, e

nov, biepyeTai St' dvvbpwv e one out of a man . he walketh j. r ~ , ' r/v , , V 1 through dry places, seeking tottcoi/, Qt^tovv avanavo-lV Kai pr) evpi- rest: and finding none, he saith, o~kov Xeyei' 'Ynoo-Tpeyj/co els tov oikov I will return unto my house a Rec. ayaQa toptna. b CN> toj ap\oyrt. Luke XI. 25. 176 EYAITEAION whence I came out. 25 And pov i6ev e't-rjXBoW Kal eXdov evpiaKei goeth he, and taketh to him TTopeverai Kai 7rapaXap.pavei ewra erepa seven other spirits more wicked Trcewuara novripoTepa eavTOV, Kal a etV- than himself, and they enter in, \ /i / » - > - \ / \ and dwell there, and the last ekOovra KaTOiKei e/cer Kai yiverai ra state of that man is worse than '4(T\aTa rov dvdponTrov eKeivov )(elpova the first. » And it came to pass - n^ruv. 27 'EyeVero Se h> rc3 Xe- as he spake these things, a cer- ", ( „ ', , , t , lain woman of the company yew avTOP Tavra, eirapaaa Tts yvvr) lifted up her voice, and said d, av ; )v f ' K T0V ovXov elnev avrco' Mo- unto him, Blessed is the womb ' ,' , \ > < a • » * that bare thee, and the paps Ka P'« J] ^ oi ^ La V paojao-axra ae, /cat which thou hast sucked. "But p,aaro\ ovs eOrjXacras. 2S Avtos be eine' ar e S the; 'S^SZ wordtf M«™™ ^-ptot of aKovovr^v U- God, and keep it. yov rov Qeov Kai cpyXacraovTes avrov.' * 'And when the people were 29 T(ij/ fe \Xcov eTTadpoitouevuv gathered thick together, he be- „ «. .. , , /i , ,/ n , gan to say, This is an evil gene- rjp^aro XeyeiV H yevea avrrj irovr]pa ration, they seek a sign, and £o~TC crnae'iov eVt£nret, (cat o-nae'iov ov there shall no sign be given it, js /i' > - ' ' S "■ .'t but the sign of Jonas the pro- oodrjaerM avTr,, ei prj ToarjfMeiov lcova phet : 3U for as Jonas was a '' rod 7rpo(prjTOV." Kada>s yap eyeveTO sign unto the Ninevites, so shall » Ia)J ,~ rols Nivevtrais, ovtus also the Son or man be to this „ \ t <\ ~ ■> n i generation. 3i xhe queen of eo-rai Kai o vios tov avtipu>rrov rrj yevea. the south shall rise up in the ravrri. 31 j3ao-iXio-cra votov eyepc9ncrerat judgment with the men of this . £ i \ ~ ■> % I !• generation, and condemn them: ev Trj Kpicrei peTa rcov avbpav TJ/S ye- for she came from the utmost veils Tavrqs, Kal KaraKpivel avrovs' oti parts of the earth, to hear the ^ fJ/ fa tQ)V nfpaTa)v ~ y yfj s dKoi(rai wisdom or Solomon: and be- ', , , ~ „ ' , 'J , N „ hold, a greater than Solomon is rr/v o~o » > - / \ this generation, and shall con- avaojrjo-ovrai ev 177 /cpia-e^ pfra rrjs demn it: for they repented at $ ytveas ravrrjs, /cat KaraKpivovaiv avTrjW 33 No man when he hath KaL l8ov > ™iov^ lava&Se. ^ lighted a candle, putteth it in ^ Ovdels be Xv%vov ayfsasels" KpVTTTov" a secret place, neither under a [Q m y • 6 >§ aU ' fVt bushel, hut on a candlestick, , ' ' , „ , ■>' , , that they which come in may rr\v Xv%viav, iva 01 eianopevopevoi to see the light. ^ The light of (heyyos BXenaxriv. M 6 Xvvvos rov the body is the eye : therefore ' , ' , > , > 1/1 i it.ni when thine eye is single, thy It thy whole , » / , , vl ■> 9 \ ~ body therefore be full of light, fv aoi (TKOtos e— . Rec. & Gb. om. u -* RATA AOYKAN. 177 (TK.ora.vbv, farm (patreivbv oXov, ws iirav 6 Xii^vos rfj ao-rpani] (pa>Ti£i] ae. 37 'Ev be roS XaXr)o-ai, T]pa>ra avTov ^apicraius tis onus dpiarrjaji nap av- r<3" elo-eX6u>v be dvenecrev. 38 6 be - tov {'jiaTTTto-drj npb roil dpio-TOV. 39 tine be 6 Kvpios irpbs avrov' Nvv vpels oi >J>apio-aloi to e£u>dev tov Trorrjplov Kal tov irivaKos KaBapi^ere' to be eo~a>6ev v^a>v ytpei dpnayr)s /cat Trovrjpias. atypoves, ov% o ivou)o~as to e^coaev /cat to eacodev eTroirjo-e ; 41 ttXtjv tu evovra bore eXerjpoavvr)v ' Kal Ibov, ndvra Kadapd vp.iv eo~Tiv. 42 'AAA' oval iip.lv toIs Qapiaaiois, oti dnobeKaToiiTe to rjbvoo-pov Kal to mjyavov Kal ndv Xa^avov, /cat napep- Xeo-de tt)v Kpicnv Kal tt)v dydirrjv tov Geoii' a TavTa" ebei 7rot^crat, KUKeiva pi) a(pievai. ovai vp.iv tois 7roi oi irepmaTovvres endvco ovk o'lbaaiv. 40 'AnoKpidels be tis tat iip.lv, OTI olKobopelre ra pvqpela tSjv npocprjTuv, oi be narepes vpa>v direKreivav avTovs. 48 dpa paprvpe'iTe /cat crvvevboKe Ire toIs epyois tuiv TraTepcov vpcoV on avrol p.ev aneKTeivav avToiis, vpeis be olKobopelre avrcov ra pvrfpela." * Sta tovto Kal t) o-o(j)ia tov Qeov einev' ' Airoo~TeXa) els Luke XI. 49. shall be full of light, as when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee light. 37 And as he spake, a certain Pharisee besought him to dine with him: and he went in, and sat down to meat. •"* And when the Pharisee saw it, he mar- velled that he had not first washed before dinner. 39 And the Lord said unto him, Now do ye Pharisees make clean the outside of the cup and the plat- ter : but your inward part is full of ravening and wickedness; 40 Ye fools, did not he that made that which is without, make that which is within also ? 41 But rather give alms of such things a as you have: and behold, all things are clean unto you. 42 But woe unto you Phari- sees: for ye tithe mint and rue, and all manner of herbs, and pass over judgment, and the love of God: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. 43 Woe unto you Pharisees: for ye love the up- permost seats in the syna- gogues.and greetings in the mar- kets. 44 Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; for ye are as graves which appear not, and the men that walk over them, are not aware of them. 45 Then answered one of the lawyers, and said unto him, Master, thus saying, thou re- proachest us also. 46 And he said, Woe unto you also ye lawyers: for ye lade men with burdens grievous to be borne, and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fin- gers. 47 Woe unto you : for ye build the sepulchres of the prophets, and your fathers kill- ed them. 4S Truly ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds of yourfathers: for they indeed kilW them, and ye build their sepulchres. 43 Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will u -NJ ravra ii. b Gb. oui. Or, a, you are aid*. 13 Luke XI. 50. 178 EYAITEAION send them prophets and apos- avrovs 7rpo(pr]Tas K£ £ - aTTOKTevovvi Kill eKbtaZovo-lV shall slay and persecute: 50 that „>„ > '*■ /i~ » « » the blood of all the prophets, t^a eK{T}TT)6t) to aipa liavrav tcov which was shed from the foun- ^pod>-nrwv to eKYWopcvov dnb Kara^o- dation of the world, may be \ « / ■> \ ~ > required of this generation, M\ f 00 "M ^ ano J1 S y™ eas Z av T> s > 51 from the blood of Abel unto 51 a7ro tov aipaTOs A/3eX etoc tov aipa- the blood of Zacharias which Zayapiov rod dirokopevov peTatv perished between the altar and „ . a " , v „ •» » \ ' the temple: verily I say unto tov tivo-iao-Trjpiov KaiTOv olkoV vai, Ae- you, it shall be required of this -, \ c » - - « lawyers: for ye have taken away ravTijs. b ' ovai vpiv rois vopiKOis, ori the key of knowledge: ye en- rjpaTe ttjv /cXfTSa ttjs yveoo~ecos ' avTOi tered not in yourselves, and ^ K a f tVt)X(9ere," (cai Tois etVep voueVovc them that were entering in, ye , , ' ' r A r » hindered. eKwAvcrare. 53 And as he said these things 53 h Af-yoiroc gg avToi ravTa irpos unto them, the scribes and the > ( „ > « < \ c Pharisees began to urge ft™ aurouc, jjp^avTO 01 ypappaTeis KM 01 vehemently, and to provoke ^apiaaloi deivats ivi\eiv, Ken anoaTO- ftgst* cttk t ar ^ iu ™™^>~> 64 ; 7- seeking to catch something out Opevovres avTOV, u e Qrjrovvres orj- of his mouth, that they might p€Vcra [ Tl ( K T0 {) (TTopaTOS avTOV, ' ij/a accuse him. ' / , ~ /, naTqyoprjo-aio-LV avrov. 12. In the mean time, when 12. 'Ey ols eirio-vva)(deio-S>v twv pv- there were gathered together ,g v * x - KaraTrarelf an innumerable multitude ot r I, "" / , ~' "" "A » % » people, insomuch that they aWrpXovs, rjp^aTO Atyeiv irpos tovs pa- trode one upon another, he be- Q nTas avT0V itoojtoV UpoaeyeTe iavrols gan to say unto his disciples ,',„,., r „ ' , "■ „ i v first of all. Beware ye of the ano Tr}S Qvpr)STOjvapio-aiUV, tjtis eaTiv leaven of the Pharisees, which is viroKpiais. 2 ovftev 8e avyKfKaXvp- Stored, MS not^ /«W f«™, 6 ofc A^aXv^jmu, «1 revealed, neither hid, that shall KpvnTov, o ov yvojo-or]o~eTai. avd (i>v not be known 3 Therefore, g fo ~ aK0T i a eMrare, iv tu> dxorl whatsoever ye have spoken in , a' * \ « ' % » »\ darkness, shall be heard in the a.KOVcr0r]CrfTM ' Kai o irpos TO OVS eAa- light : and that which ye have \{]o- a Te iv to'is Tapeiois, Krjpvx6rjO-iTai spoken in the ear, in closets, > \ ,. » / shall be proclaimed upon the f7TL Twv / OiopaTtov. „ , housetops. 4 Ae'yo) Se vp'tv tois cpiXois pov' pi] 1 And I say unto you my (ho^riBriTe arrb twv s airoKTevovTuiv" to SJSftlVbSfW $£ -^, «i M-« -Cra ph ipbry «j- that, have no more that thev pio~o~OTepov Tl irovqaat. VTTO0ei^(O Oe can do. 5 But I will forewarn •- T > va d, /3„^STe- (po^6r]T€ tov peril you whom you shall fear: !• ear \ , „~ L ' , ' J, ' ' > a \ - him, which after he hath killed, to tnvoKTeivai e£ov(riav exovratpjiaAfiv hath power to cast into hell, e l s T1 \ v ye( V paV vai, Xeyto vp.lv, tovtov vea. I say unto you, Fear him. , a' a 6 » « ' a' » Are not five sparrows sold for 0o/3ij%e. WKWf ffyoufta ^O)- two farthings, and not one of Xetrat daaapMov Ovo, /cat €V e§ avrcov * Gb. iiff^X^aTt. b <^ Ka* ijpfavTO. c rj d Rec. add «at. * Zj ^ Z% H Ret. ajroivren'ovTojv. Or, t'urbttd. KATA AOYKAN. 179 Luke XII. 19. ovk eo~Tiv eirCXeXiiapevov evd>Tnov rov them is forgotten before God ? .-, - j )ii< » s _ ' :„ „,^>„ 7 But even the very hairs of 0«w; 7 aXXa Kai J« Tpi X « TO? Ke - v a «• >-,,£). „.,. __r, o--,".. of God. 9 But he that denieth avTcoepTjpoo-dev rov ayyeXav rov 6e ov me before men> ghaH be denied 'o Of apvrjo-apevos pe evcoriiov Tcov before the angels of God. l0 And dvdpwnoiv airaovnOndiTai. evconiov toiv whosoever shall speak a word , r ~ - /-T - lo »•»*»- against the Son of man, it shall ayytXtov rov Qeov. ^ Kai iras os epei he forgiven him : but unto him Xuyoi/ els TOP vlov rov av6pa>irov, a(pe- that blasphemeth against the ehatrai avTcG" ™ be «s to ayiov Uvev- ^ G \°*> " sh v a11 n ° l b t for " DPIutiuiuviu ^f «« " , r£ ,,, given. " And when they bring pa '' (i\ao-(pr)pTjO-avTl ovk acpeOrjo-erai. you unto the synagogues, and 11 oral/ be rrpoo-depcoo-iv vaus ml ras unt0 magistrates, and powers, , x v , > \ v >i take ye no thought how or awaycoyas k or alas, pr) pepipvure ttcos i) Tl dnoXoyr)- what ye shall say: » for the /j*'"_ ,. 12 * ..A„ ^.,.„,. Holy Ghost shall teach you in arjaOe, ■ n cwjfc > to ya^ayitw the * ame hour> what ye > ought Uvev pa oioagei vpac ev out?; 77/ a>pa, a to say. bel elrrelv. 13 EiVe fie' Tis avTG) eK tov o^XoiT n And one of the company AibdcrKaXe, eiVe tco d§eXa> pov pe- said unto him, Master, speak / a > 1 i \ \' 1 to my brother, that he divide ouraadat jut epov Ti]v KXrjpovopiav. the inheritance with me. "And 'O fie einev avrdi ' Avdpco7T(, Tts pe he said unto him, Man, who KaTio-rrio-e 8iKao-Tr)v t) pepKTTiiv icti made me a judge or a divider , „ ',. T -,, ' % ' > r / > / > f >- v man's life consisteth not in the OTl ovk ev rep Trepiaaeveiv TlVl 7 fwr; abundance of the things which avrov eo~riv eK rwv virap^ovTUtv avrov. he possesseth. 10 Erne be -rrapafioXnv 77pos airovs, 16 And he spake a parable \ ' . ' a a • \ \ ' ' unto them, saying. The ground Xeyuv Avdpoorrov twos vXovtriov ev- of a cert ai n rich man brought tpoprjarev r/ X^P a ' KaL OieXoyi£ero forth plentifully. 17 And he ev eav™, \4yaV Tt Trotntrw, on ovk thought within himself, saying j, i. ' , f. x ' 1 What shall I do, because I e^w 7rou_ orvvago) rovs Kapnovs pov ; have no room where to bestow 18 Kai etire ' Toiro Troir)o-(0 ' KadeXcb my fruits ? 18 And he said, \ > At \ if •• o This will I do, I will pull down pov ras anoerjKcis, mi peiQovas oiKobo- my barns> and buil( f grea ter, pr)o~a}, Kai o~vva£ e/cei jrdvra ra c ye- and there will I bestow all my Mjuard' pov Kai rd dyaBd pov 19 Kai f™ite, and my goods, w And ,'"„,"» . ' \ J u , I will 5ay to my soul, Soul, epw rr; yvxs pov* Vvxq, e^eis iroXKa thou hast much goods laid up dya6d Kelpeva els err) TroXXd- dvanavov, for many years, take thine ease, h -* b -u iru(rr,( c lx, Jt Eta. yti'ft/ftara. Luke XII. 20. 180 EYAITEAION eat, drink, and be merry. ^But (pdye, 7rU, tvCppaivov. ^ EiVe be av- Godsaid unto him, Thou fool, T £ £ q (os - a "Acbpov," Tavrn Tn vvkti this night "thy soul shall be ,' . , , rr - S \ -. « required of thee : then whose T?)V^r)C aov aTTaiTOVV," f» CpdyrfTe' pTfbe Tto crd>- life what ye shall eat, neither ' > &' _d, 23 c ' " .|„,, < Ja - ',, for the body what ye shall put M a ™, * eitfi/OTjcrfle. ^ r, yjrv X Tf nXeiov on. 23 The life is more than earn ttjs Tpocprjs, Kai to o~a>pa tov ev- meat, and the body is more g,3„ aroc , M K aTavono-aTe tovs Kopanas, than raiment. 24 Consider the „ ^ , , >&»/!'>• T ravens, for they neither sow oti ov crneipovo-iv, ovbe depi^ovaiv ois nor reap, which neither have OVK fQ- TL rau.el.ov ovbe aTroOrfKTf, Kai 6 storehouse nor barn, and God ,-, \ /> •> ' . * " "\\ r ~ feedeth them : how much more ©eor jpecpet avroW tto™ paXXov vpeis are ye better than the fowls ? biacpepeTe tuv TrereLvav ; *° tic be e§ 25 And which of you with taking ^ - uepiuvuv bvvarai -npocr&elvai enl thought can add to his stature " , r ", " , * 26'? one cubit ? * If ye then be TT)v TfkiKiav avTov ivrjxvv eva ; et ovv not able to do that thing which {j re e'XavicrTW hvvaaOe, ri irepX rwv is least, why take ve thought v „ /v 27 '_ _i for the rest? " Consider the Xoittcov fj.epifi.vaTe ; « KaravoTftTaTe to , lilies how they grow, they toil Kpiva, nms ai^dvei' ov Korrid, ovbe VTjoei' j not ; they spin not : and yet I x - ^ < - ^ 2 oXo/xwi' ev irmrrt ttJ say unto you, that Solomon in .,'. r " ' a ,.. < d / all his glory, was not arrayed Oo^tj avTov TtepiepaXeTO co? ev tovt \ >o a \\ ' day in the field, and to morrow oi^to, Kai avpiov eis KAipavov /iaAAope- is cast into the oven : how much vov, 6 Qeos ovtws dfi(puvwo~l, iroaa more will he clothe you, O ye -\\ < -„ »\ ^n -.,__, . of little faith? fiaXAov v^oXiyoTTLO-TOi , 2 9 And seek not ye what ye Kai v fie is fir] QrfTeiTe tl pi£eo~de. ^ Taira m^f-Vo^airtheltMngfdo 7«P -«-a to e'Bvrf tov Kocrfiov hn^eC the nations of the world seek vfimv be 6 Trarrfp oibev oti XPIlC fTf T0V ~ after: and your Father know- ro)j; . 31 ^< /-„ Te 7 T€ ^ BacriXetav eth that ye have need of these . „ ~ # \ - » • » things. 3I But rather seek ye tov Qeov, Kat Tavra iravTa TrpoaTe- the kingdom of God, and all SnaeTai vfiiv. 32 fir) (pofiov, to fiiKpbv these things shall be added unto • . « ><>' A. — „-i^ ,',,,,">,. you. 32 Fear not, little flock, irotjuHOir oti evboKTfaev o iraTTfp vpuv for it is your Father's good Sowai vfiiv TTfv ftao-ikeiav. Tra)Ar;- pleasure to give you the king- Ta v7r ^p X0VTa Vfiuv, Ka\ bore dom. 33 Sell that ye have, and , r A , ' ~ a \ ' give alms: provide yourselves eXeTffiocrvvTfV . jrotrjaaTe eavTOis paAav- bags which wax not old, a trea- Tla „A jraXaiovueva, Orfo-uvpov dveKXei- sure in the heavens that faileth , - > - « ■v.>- ^... .>._ not.wherenothiefapproacheth, ^"^ evTOis ou/jaiws, ottou /cXeTrrr/so^ neither moth corrnpteth. 34 For e-yyi'^Vt, ovSe t,. e 3 " Or, do they require thj soul. 8 Or, live not in careful suspense. KATA AOYKAN. 181 yap iartv 6 drja-avpbs vpav, eWt Kat rj KapBia iiptov carat. 35 *E vpwv at oacpves irepte- (tacrpivai, Kal ol Xu^wt Katupevof 35 ^ Kal iiuzis daotot dvBptonots TrpocrSe^o/ifi/ois tov Kvptov eavrcov, tvore avaAvo-et eK tcov ydpav, tva, eXBovros Kal Kpovcravros, evdeas avoii-aHTtv avrcj). 37 paKaptot o't 8oi'Xoi eKelvot, oiis eXOoiv 6 Kvptos ey- pr]o-et yprjyopoivras. dprjv Xeya) vp.iv, on ntptfacreTai Kal dvaicXivet avrovs, Kal napeXduv Sin/covr/tret aiirols. ** Kal (dv eXfyj ev tjj bevrepa (pvXaKrj, Kal iv Tjj TpiTTj (pvXaKij eXdrj, Kal evpy ovrco, paKaptot elcrtv a o't SovXoi " eKetvot. 39 tovto 8e ytvctHTKere, on el r/Set 6 otKobeo-TTOTJjs nolo, oipa 6 KAeVrr/c ep- Xerat, eyprjyoprfo-ev dv, ko.1 ovk av d(prjKe dtopvyijvat tov oIkov avrov. m Kal vpets ovv yiveade erotpof on i) copa ov 8o- Kflre, 6 vlbs roii dvdpioTvov epx^rat. 41 Ewre fie avraj 6 Ilerpos ' Kwpte, irpbs nuds tt)v TrapaftoXhv ravrrjv Xe- yas, r) Kat Trpos iravras ; h,nre oe o Kvptos' Tts dpa icrrlv 6 irto-ros otKovopos b Kal (ppovtpos," ov Karao-Trjo-et 6 Kvptos «ri ri)s depanetas avrov, tov btdovat €v « \ ' 43 ' r Katpca to artToperptov ; paKaptos o SouXoc tKelvos, ov eXda>v 6 Kvptos avroi tvpt]o-(i notovvra ovras. aXrjotos Xeya vp'tv, on eVi 7raai ro'ts vndpxovcnv avrov KaTao~Tr)0~et avrov. 4o edv Se etnr\ 6 BovXos tKt'ivos ev tjj Kapdia avrov ' Xpovl(et 6 Kvptos pov epxecrdat ' Kat dp^rjTat Trmntv Tovs nat8as Kat ras Tratdio'Kas, to-dUtv re Kal nivetv Kal pe- 8vo-Keo-6af 46 rj£et 6 Kvptos rov 8odXov (Kcivov ev rjpepq rj ov rrpocrboKa, Kat ev (opa. f) ov ytv6io-Kit' Kal 8t)(OTopi]0-€i avrov, Kal to pepos avrov perd rav aTriarcov Br)o~et. Luke XII. 46. where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. 35 Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning, 3lJ and ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding, that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately. 3; Bless- ed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh, shall find watching : verily, I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them. iS And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants. 3 ' J And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through. 4U Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not. 4 ' Then Peter said unto him, Lord, speakest thou this para- ble unto us, or even to all ? 42 And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall make ruler over his houshold, to give them their portion of meat in due season ? 43 Bless- ed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh, shall find so doing. •" Of a truth, I say unto you, that he will make him ruler over all that he hath. 45 But and if that servant say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming ; and shall begin to beat the menservants, and maidens, and to eat and drink, and to be drunken: 4G the lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will a cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbe- lievers. bfij) typovtfj.05. Or, cut liim oft. Luke XII. 47. 47 And that servant which knew his lord's will, and pre- pared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. 48 But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomso- ever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more. 49 I am coine to send fire on the earth, and what will I, if it be already kindled? 50 But I have a baptism to be bap- tized with, and how am I a straitened till it be accom- plished? 51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth ? I tell you, Nay, but rather di- vision. 5i For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. 53 The fa- ther shall be divided against the son, and the son against y father: y mother against the daughter, and the daughter against y mo- ther:}- mother in law against her daughter in law, andy daughter inlaw againsthermotherinlaw. 54 And he said also to the people, When ye see a cloud rise out of the west, straight- way ye say, There cometh a shower, and so it is. 5i And when ye see y south wind blow, ye say, There will be heat, and it cometh to pass. 56 Ye hypocrites, ye can discern y faceof the sky, and of the earth: but how is it that ye do not discern this time? 57 Yea, and why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right ? 5l » When thou goest with thine adversary to the magis- trate, as thou art in y way, give diligence y thou mayest be deli- vered from him, lest he hale thee to the judge, & the judge deliver thee to y officer.and y officer cast thee into prison. 5a I tell thee, thou shalt not depart thence, till thou hast paid y very last mite.' 1 3 There were present at that 182 EYAITEAION 47 'E/celi/o? fie 6 bovXos 6 yvovs to diKrjfia tov Kvpiov eavroii, Kai prj iroc- pdaas fxrjde iroirjo-as rrpbs to BeXrjpa avTuv, 8aprjo~eTai TToWds' 4S 6 fie prj yvovs, 7roir]aas fie a^ia irkqyuiv, 8aprj- o-eTcii dXlyas- Travrl fie to e866rj ttoXv, rroXv (jiT-qdrjcreTcu Trap avTov ' Kai eavT&v ov KptVere to St Rg t \ r / \ * iKaiov ; coy yap vrrayeis peTa tov dvTidiKov o~ov eV lip^ovTa ev Tjj 6Sc5 86s epyacriav aTtrjWd^daL an avTov ' prjTTOTe KaTaavprj ae Trpos tov Kptrfjv, Kai 6 KpiTTjs o~e Trapa8a> tco rrpaKTopi, Kai 6 irpaKTap ae c /3aX»/ " els (pvKaKrjv. 59 Xtyco aoL, ov prj e'^eXdys eKeWev, ea>s oil Kai to eaxaTov XenTov tnroficos. 13. Haprjorav fie' rtfes ev avra> rco b t^i) OTOV. o Rec. p<*\\ v . a Or, pained. KATA AOYKAN. 183 Luke XIII. 14. Kaipa dnayyeWovres avrco Ttepi tcov season, some that told him of raAtXmW, &V to alpa IliXdroc 'i^e Jjf G ^ Kan . 8 ' 7 h ? se 1 ;L ood u P -" v „ i „ , JT o % > ~ late had mingled with their fiera Tb)v UviriodV avTu>v. " Kai arroKpi- sacrifices, a And Jesus answer- cVtj o 'ino-oCy elnev avrois' AoKeire, 6Vi inc < said unt0 them, Suppose ye t -r, n -C ~ t r \ \ v that these Galilaeans were sin- oi ^ Yakikaioi ovroi ap.aprcoA.oi Tvapa ners above all the Galilseans, iravTas tovs TaXiXaiovs eyevovro, on because they suffered such aXX eav pi) peravor/re, rravres coaavnos likewise perish. ■* Or those a7roXaa-(9e. * n eKelvoi oi deKa ko.1 6- eighteen, upon whom the tower v > , » * „ , ' > - r, m Siloam fell, and slew them, ktco, e(p ovs erretrev o rrvpyos ev rep 2i- think ye that they were «sin- Xcodu, Kai dneKreivev avrovs, boKeire, ners above all men that dwelt t » >j \ • > ' > ' in Jerusalem? 5 I tell you. on ovroi o(peiXerai eyevovro rrapa rrav- Nay . but excep( . ye repen * £ to? di'c^p&)7rovc rovs /caroiKOwrac «/ shall all likewise perish. 'lepovaaXr/p. ; 5 oi))(l, Xeyio i/uli;" dXX' eav fir] p.eTavorjT€, Travres 6p.oia>s ano- XelaOe. fi "t^\ s. » ' < o •» ' . He spake also this parable, \, y f 8e TavTT lv T ^ v ^yafioXrjV^ A cmai £ man had a F fig tree ^,VKi]v el)(e ns ev no aprreXiovi avrov planted in his vineyard, and he ev avrrj, Kai ov% eiipev. enre be rrpos he unto the dresser of his yine- rbv duureXovpyoV 'iboii, rp'ia err] epvo- yard, Behold, these three years J - r ' > > <• ~ / ' \ I come seeking fruit on this fie p.ai Qjnov Kapnov ev rj] ovkj] ravry, Kai tree>and find none: cut it down, ov)( evpio-Kto' eKKoyj/ov avrr)v m Ivari Kai why cumbereth it the ground? rijv ynv Karapyei;* «0 8e dnoKpidels l^kZT&^t^r Xe-yet aura' Kvpie, a(pes avrrjv Kai rovro also, till 1 shall dig about it, and to eros, ecos orov o-Ka4rco rrepl avrnv, dung it: » and if it bear fruit, v a ,< h , „ q * \ I well: and if not, then after that, Kai paXco ° Korrpia' s Kav aev ttoi^o-tj tnou shalt cut it down Kapnov' el de fir]ye, els to fxeXXov eK- Ko\lseis avrriv. m ^"d he was teaching in one iii Ttt &'*.«. ' » - °f the synagogues on the sab- Hv be dibao-Kcov ev p.ia ruv (rvva- bath . n And beho , di there was ytoymv ev rols crdfifiacn' n Kai l8ov, a woman which had a spirit of » 9 *» * >/)'-" infirmity eighteen vears, and yvvr, V v TTvevpa e X ov(Ta a \ r > T - her to him, and said unto her, reAec. - ibaiv be avrrjv o irjaovs npoa- Woman, thou art loosed from t(pd>vt]ae, ko.1 einev airf/ ■ Tv^at, a7ro- thy infirmity. 13 And he laid ■v ^ _ 2 ' a i 13 v " his hands on her, and immedi- \e\vo-ai rtjs^ aaBeveias eneOrjKev avrfj ras ^etpac" /cat rrapaxprj- and glorified God. ua dvcopdadn, Kai ebotate toj/ Geov. H And 'he ruler of the syna- 14 > a a » v e ^ > / gogue answered with mdigna- AnoKpiOeis Oe o apxio-vvayuyos, tion, because that Jesus had dyavaKTcov on rco o-aftftdr(i> edepdnevorev healed on the sabbath day, and a Keu. Kaottav ^ruv. >' Uz. nOTrptav, Or, Jtbtois. Luke XIII. 15. said unto the people, There are six days in which men ought to work : in them therefore come and be healed, and not on the sabbath day. Vj The Lord then answered him, and said, Thou hypocrite, doth not each one of you on the sabbath loose his ox or his ass from the stall, and lead him away to watering ? 16 And ought not this woman being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day ? ,7 And when he had said these things, all his adversaries were ashamed: and all the peo- ple rejoiced for all the glorious things that were done by him. 19 Then said he, Unto what is the kingdom of God like ? and whereunto shall I resemble it ? I9 It is like a grain of mus- tard seed, which a man took, and cast into his garden, and it grew, and waxed a great tree : and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it. 20 And again he said, Where- unto shall I liken the kingdom of God ? *' It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened. '-' 2 And he went through the cities and villages, teaching and journeying towards Jerusalem. 33 Then said one unto him. Lord, are there few that be saved ? And he said unto them, -* Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, 1 say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. vi When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying. Lord, Lord, open unto us, and 184 EYAITEAION 6 'irjcrovs, 'eXeye r&> o^Xa>' E£ rjpepai elcriv, ev ais &ei epyd^eadai' ev rav- rais ovv ep)(6pevoi depanevecrQe, Kai pr/ rfj rjpepa rov craft ftdrov. lo 'Ane- Kptdr) ovv avrco 6 Kvpios, Kai ehvev a 'YiroKpiral," eKacrros vpcov ra> craftftd- ra> ov Xvei rov ftovv avrov rj rov bvov dirb rrjs cpdrvrjs, Kai dnayaya>v T>orl£ei ; 16 ravrr\v 8e, dvyarepa \\ftpaap ovcrav, fjv e8r)crev 6 Saravas, l8ov, Soca Kai oktoj err], ovk e8ei Xvdnvai dno rov 8ecrpov tovtov rtj rjpepq. rov craftftdrov ; v ' Kai ravra Xeyovros avrov, Karjjo~xvvovro rrdvres ol dvriKelpevoi avrco' Kai nas 6 o^Xos e%aipev eirl wacri rols ev86£ois rols yivopevois vrr avrov. ° kjAeye oe 1 ivi opoia ecrriv r) pa- criXeia rov Qeov ; Kai rivi opoicocrco avrrjv ; 19 opoia ecrri kokkco crivaTrecos, ov Xaftiov avdpanros eftaXev els ktjttov eavrov' Kai r)v£r)cre, kuI eyevero eis 8ev8pov b peya," Kai rd rrereiva rov ov- pavov KarecTKTjvwcrev ev rols KXd8ois avrov. 20 c "UdXiv eare' TtVt opoicocTcn rrjv ftacriXelav rov Qeov ; 21 opoia ecrri £v- prj, fjv Xaftovcra yvvr) e'veKpv^sev els dXevpov crura rpia, eas ov e£vpu>6r) bXov. " Kai 8ieiropevero Kara iroXeis Kai Ka>pas, 8i8do~Ka>v, Kai rropelav noiovpe- vos els 'lepovcraXrjp. 23 EtVe 8e ris avrtp' Kvpie, el dXiyoi ol arat^dpevoi ; 'O be eine Trpbs avrovs' 24 'Aya>vi£ecrde elaeXBelv didrrjs crrevrfs d TYvXrjs' " on rroXXol, Xeyco vplv, ^ttj- crovcriv eicreXdelv, Kai ovk la)(ycrovcriv. 25 dep' ov dv eyepdfi 6 olKodecrnorijs, Kai aTTOKXeicrri rrjv dvpav, Kai iip^ijcrde e£a> ecrrdvai Kai Kpoveiv rrjv dvpav, Xeyov- res' Kvpie, Kvpie, avoi^ov tjplv' /cat » (^J — . Rec. & Gb. 'TTTOKpt-a. c Rtc. & Gb. add Ka. Gb. : cnj — . Gb. fli'poj. KATA AOYKAN. 185 drroKpidels (pel vptv' Ovk oiSa vpds, nddev tare' x roVe apljeo-de \eyeiv' E(pdyopev evdmiov o~ov Kal eniopev, Kal iv rais TrKareinis rjpuiv e8i8a£as. "' Kal epei' Aiya> vpiv, ovk oida vpas, TToSev sore' dndo'TrjTe an ipoit ndvres a oi " ipydrai rrjs dbiKias. 2S e'«el eorai 6 K\av8pbs Kal 6 fipvypbs rwv o8dvnov, drav o-^rjaOe 'Afipaap, Kai lo-atiK Kai IaKQ)j3 Kal ivavras tovs Trpo- (pijras iv Tjj /3ao-iAeia tou Qeov, vpds 8i (K^aWopevovs e£uT ~ 9 Kal rj^ovaiv anb avaroKCiv Kal 8vo~pcov, Kal b anb" (ioppa Kal votov' Kal dvaK\idf)o~ovTai iv tjj j3ao-i\eia tov Qeov. Kal l8ov, elalv ea-\aroi oi 'icrovTai npwTOi, Kal eiai irpioTOi oi 'icrovrai i'o~%aTOi. al 'Ec avTjj tjj c r'jpipa" npoar]\86v Tives ^apiaaloi, \tyovres avrcH' 'E- £e\6e Kal nopevov ivTfidev, on 'lipd>8ijs 6e\ei o-e dnoKTelvai' 32 Kai einev av- to'is' HopevdivTes e'lnare tjj d\d>neKi Tavrr/' l8ov, e'(c/3oXAco 8aipovia Kal id- o~eis eniTe\u> crrjpepov Kal avpiov, Kal rfj TpiTrj reXetovpai. ^ nXrjv Set p( ar/pepov Kal avpiov Kal tjj i^opivj) 7ro " peveaOai' on ovk iv8i)(€Tai npo(pT]TT]v anoXiadai i'£a> 'lepovaaXrjp. M 'lepov- o~a\T]p, Iepovo-a\r]p, r/ dnoKTeivovaa tovs irpo(f)r]Tas, Kal \i6oj3o\ovo-a tovs aneo-TaXptvovs npbs avrrjv, nocraKis T]d(\rjcra inio~vvd£ai ra reKva o~ov, bv rpoTTov opvis ttjv iavrrjs vocro-iav imb tus nrepvyas, Kal ovk rjdekrjo-aTt, ' l8ov, d(f)t€Tai vplv 6 oikos vpaiv d ", Xeyw 8f" vplv, on ov prj p,e 'idrjre ecoc av rj£jj, ore e'lnrjTe' EvXoyrjpivos 6 ep\6p€i>os iv dvbpan Kvpiov. 14. Kai eyevero iv tco eXdelv avrbv fis oikov nvos rmv ap)(bvTa>v tu>v &api- o~aia>v o-afifiaTW (fiayeiv uprov, Kal avrol 35 ? e Luke XIV. 1. he shall answer, and say unto you, I know you not whence you are: M then shall ye begin to say. We hare eaten and rinmk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets. 2; But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence you are ; depart from me ;tll ye workers of ini- quity. 28 There shall be weep- ing and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out. a9 And they shall come from the east, and from the west, and from the north, and from the south, and shall sit down in the king- dom of God. 3 " And behold, there are last, which shall be first ; and there are first, which shall be last. 31 The same day there came certain of the Pharisees, saying unto him, Get thee out, and depart hence ; for Herod will kill thee. ■ And he said unto them, Go ye and tell that fox, behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third day 1 shall be perfected. 33 Nevertheless, I must walk to day and to mor- row, and the day following: for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem. 31 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killestthe prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee ; how often would I have gather- ed thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not ? 3i Behold, your house is left un- to you desolate. And verily I say unto you, ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. 14. And it came to pass, as he went into the house of one of the chief Pharisees to eat bread on the sabbath day, that C CV tupif. d Kec. add aprinos. 6 Hue. a/trji/ it Ztytu Luke XIV. 2. 186 EYAITEAION thev watched him. 2 And be- i)o~av Traparrjpnvpevni avrov. 2 kcu tSou. hold, there was a certain man » v Q payJT fc „ s »„ ^pconiKOS eunpoadev before him, which had the , . o , ' /i < r > ~ t dropsy. 3 And Jesus answering, avroV Kai mroKpiOeis o lrj »* ~ go' n ' to heal on the sabbath day? ycoi/- Lt e|f(rrt rep (ra/3/3arw ^epaTrfveii/; 4 Atid they held their peace. 4 Ol 8e rj(TV^acrav. Kal fTriAaj36pevos And he took him, and healed l a(TaT0 avrov, Kal OTTeWe. 5 Kal a dno- him, and let him go, •> and an- , , ' , , T , r _ swered them, saying, Which of Kpidfis TTpos avrovs enre' Tii/oc vpcov you shall have an ass or an ox b v fo s « * g ^ s 6 J S ■> i > \ i ~ e < straightway pull him out on the ° VK evdeas avao-nao-fi avrov evrr/ rjpe- sabbath day ? 6 And they could pa rov (rafifidrov ; 6 Kai ovk 'icrxvaav ?hings. SWe '' hlm agahl t0 th6Se aln-anoKpiB^pai avra> 7rp6y raCra. ^ » And he put forth a parable 7 "EAeye 8e 7rp6c tovs KeKArjpevovs to those which were bidden, n apaBo\i)v, eirevwv ttws tcis irpuroKAi- when he marked how they chose , ,f. -[ 1 "■ -. , v > / out the chief rooms, saying un- trios e£ekeyovro, Aeyav 7Tpos avrovs' to them; "When thou art bidden 8 "Orav K\r]6rjs vtto rivos els ydpovs, Zfltt&\E2%£ n ******, A rr)v ^roKAiaiaV lest a more honourable man prjnore evriporepos and he that bade thee and ,. / > - a > ' ' » him, come, and say to thee, KaAecras epei aof Aos rovra ronov' Kai Give this man place: and thou rare ap^j] per alo-x^vtis rbv ecrxarov begin with shame to take the t_ ' _' in >\\> £'_„.. J\„A"„ lowest room, w But when thou Tfmw Kan X nv ; aXX orav KXijfys, art bidden, go and sit down in 7ropevdels c ai>07rf ere" ety toi' e o~xarov the lowest room, that when he T fa ov . \ va grav e\0n 6 KfKAriKcoy / say unto thee, Friend, go up et7I 7? °~ ot ' *iAe, npoo-avajir]di avcorepov' higher: then shalt thou have t 6t€ earai croi Sof-a evdmiov rwv avva- worship in the presence of them > ' 11 " "««_!»>„« that sit at meat with thee. vaKeifxevav crot. on Tras ovtycov eay- ii For whosoever exalteth him- rbv TaTreiva>6r\o~eTai' Kal 6 raiveivaiv self shall be abased : and he i ^ {,^co(9na-era t . that humbleth himself, shall be 19 W _ N ".',,„ , , , , exalted. EAeye oe Kai ra> K€KAr]KOTi OVTOV a Then said he also to him "Orav 7Toirjs apiCTTOv 7] Senrvov, pr] (pea- ^^-P^ a de H i hira ' Whe " thou "« rois tilhovs o-ov, u V 8e rovs a»eX- makest a dinner or a supper, , ™ J ' " ' - „ call not thy friends, nor thy (povs aou, d p.7]8e tovs o-vyyeveis crov, brethren, neither thy kinsmen, n V de yelrovas TrXouo-iW - a-nirore Kal nor thy rich neighbours, lest ',,'■, ^ / \ ' i they also bid thee again, and a avTOL °~ e avTiKa\eo-a>ra7rdSo/Ma. 13 aXX' brav noir/s 60^771/, the lame, the blind, 14 and thou (pAovs' Kai paKaptos ear/' on ovk • shalt be blessed, for they cannot '^ ovo ~ lv dvranodovvai (TOf avraTroSo- recompense thee: for thou shalt I, , , - > / be recompensed at the resur- oi]o-(jai yap vol ev Ti) avaaraaei th>v rection of the just. 8lKaid)V. a ZX ^ t ^J — • R»"i'- ^ Ob oyov. c Hec. ayairenov. Gl) avairecroi. ll —► RATA AOYKAN. lo 'AKOvcras de ns rcov crvvavaKeipe- vcov raiira ehrev avrco' Ma/captoj, os cpoyerat a ciprov" ev 777 (3a 8vvap.ai eXdeiv. 21 Kat napayevopevos 6 dovXos b eKeivos " dirtfyyeike rco Kvpico avrov ravra. Tore opyicrdels 6 ot/co§ecr77orr/c etVe rco SouAgj avrov ' E£eX#e ra^e'eos et? ras 1 7rXarei'ac /cat pvpas rrjs noXecos, /cat toi»s 7rra>xovs /cat dvaTrrjpovs /cat ^coXotic /cat rvcpXovs eicrdyaye code. Kai eiirev 6 8ovXos' Ki/pte, yeyovev cos errera^as, /cat ert tottos ean. Kat eiTrez/ o /cu- pto? 7rp6s t6v SoiJXoi/' 'E£eX#e etc rds odovs Ka\ (ppaypoiis, /cat avdyKao~ov etcr- eXdeti/, tva yepio~6rj 6 olkos pov. * 4 Xe'yeo yap vp'iv, on ovdels rcov dv8pcov eicewcov rcov KeKkrjpevcov yevtrerai p.ov rov Set- 7TV0V. " 3 Svvenopevovro Se avrco o^Xot 7roX- Xot' Kai crrpacpels etVe 7rp6? avrovs' Et rts' ep^erat Trpoc pt, /cat ov ptcret tov rrarepa eavrov, /cai t^i> prjrepa, Kai tt)v yvcat/ca, /cai ra reKva, /cai tov? a- 8e\(povs, /cai ra? aSeXcpas, eVt de /cai ttji/ e'auToO y^vx^jv, oil tvvarai pov pa- 8rjTT]s etVat. '"' /cai otms ov j3ao~rd£ei 187 Luke XIV. 27. 15 And when one of them that sat at meat with him, heard these things, he said unto him, Bhssed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God. " ; Then said he unto him, A certain man made a great sup- per, and bade many : " and sent his servant at supper time, to say to them that were bid- den, Come, for all things are now ready. ls And they all with one consent begau to make excuse: the first said unto him, I have bought a piece of ground, and I must needs go and see it : I pray thee have me ex- cused. 19 And another said, I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them: I pray thee have me excused. ao And another said, I have married a wife : and therefore I cannot come. '-'' So that servant came, and shewed his lord these things. Then the master of the house being angry, said to his servant. Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maim- ed, and the halt, and the blind. -- And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou hast command- ed, and yet there is room. - 3 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. M For I say unto you, that none of those men which were bidden, shall taste of my supper. ' a And there went great mul- titudes with him: and he turn- ed, and said unto them, '•"'If any man come to me,and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, )ea and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. 27 And whosoever doth not bear a CN> npiv irvpyov olKo8opr)o-ai, ou\'t irpoirov Kadlo-as yj/T](pi£ei ttjv 8a- Tvavrjv, el i'x et * e ' y anapTt.o-p.6v ; i9 "iva prjnore devros aiirov depeXiov, Kal pr) to-xvovTos eKTeXeo-ai, irdvres oi 6eu>- poiivres api-avrai epnal^eiv aiirat, 30 Xe- yovres ' ' On ovros 6 civOpconos rjpfjaro olKoBopeiv, Kal oiiK trr^ucrej/ eKreXeaai. 31 *H ris ftaaiXevs iropevopevos o~vp- (3aXelv erepa fiao-tXel els noXepov, ov^i Kadio-as npairov (SovXeverat el ovvaros eariv ev Se'xa xikido'iv aTvavrfjcrai ra peril e'iKoo-i xiXidbeov epxopeva eir aii- rov ; 3 " el 8e pijye, en aiirov iroppco bvros, npeo-jjeiav tmocrreiXas epcora ra ivpbs flpTjvrjv. ^ ovnos ovv nas e$- vpoiv bs oi>K aTTordo-o-erai ttcuti rols eavrov vTrdpxovaiv, oil 8waral pov eivai pa6r)T7)s. w KaXbv to aXas' e'av 8e to ciXas poipavdf], ev rivi dprvdr)o~erai ; 35 oiire els yrjv, oiire els Koivpiav eiiOe- tov eo~nv' ei-o) fiaXXovaiv aiiro. 6 exra aKoveiv aKoverai. 15. 'Ho~av 8e eyyl^ovres avra irdv- res ol reXaivai Kal ol dpaprcoXol, aKoveiv avrov. * Kal 8t,eyoyyv£ov ol <&apio~aloi Kal ol ypapparels, Xtyovres' "On ovros dpaproiXovs 7rpoo-8exerai, Kal o~vveo-6iet aiirols. 3 Eiire 8e irpbs avroiis ttjv irapaj3oX))v ravrrjv, Xeyuiv ' 4 Tis av6pcoiros e£ vpuiv e'xv eKarbv irp6(Hara, Kal airoXe- aas ev et; avrcov, oil KaraXeiirei ra ev- vevrjKovTaevvea ev rrj e'prjpco, Kal iro- peverat ejrt to dwoXaXos, ecos evprf aiiro ; 5 Kal evpiov eiriTtdrjo-iv enl tovs upovs eavrov ^ai'pcoi', 6 Kal eXdwv els rbv oIkov, o-vyKaXel robs (piXovs Kal tovs yeirovas, Xeycov avrols' 2vyxdpr)re a Kec. ra 7rpoj. C\J ra (if. RATA AOYKAN. 189 Luke XV. 20. pot, oti evpov to irpofiaTov pov to airo- I have found my sheep which XcoXdy. 7 Aeyco vu.lv, oti ovtoi yapa , waslost -. ' I say unto you, that « . - ! r, vrv , -T ~ likewise joy shall be in heaven ecrTai evTto ovpavcp em evi upapTcoXco over one sinner that repenteth, peravoovvTl, T] e'nl evvevTjKOVTaevvea more lhan over ninety and nine St ' " ' > " just persons, which need no re- oikuiois, oiTives ov xf> (tav ex ovo ~ l H- f ~ pentance. Tavoias. 8 *H t'ls ywr) opa X pas e X ovcra dfKO, , Either what woman having eav anoXecrj) dpa X pt]v piav, ov X i dnTei ten pieces of silver, if she lose Xvyvov, Kcuo-apol tt,v oik'mv, Kal triTe'i one piece, doth not light a can- , A ,. 1 r, K, 'r, „ ' , , * L die, and sweep the hou>e, and enipeAcos, ecos otov evpy ; J Kai evpovcra seek diligently till she find it ? crvyKoXeiTai tcis (piXas Kal Tas ye'iTovas, 9 And wnen »he hath found it, \ < . v . ' u '» , she calleth her friends and her Xeyovcra SvyxaprjTe poi oti evpov Tnv neighbours together, saying, Re- opaxp-f/v r)v dncoXecra. Ourco, Xe'-yco joice with me, for I have found ^fc"™*^ "'il^V* St tov Qeov em evi apapTioAm peTavoovvTi. there is joy in the presence of 11 EtVe fie" "Avdpamos TIS eive 8l/0 the angels of God, over one sin- r r io v i ' , , "■ > „ ner that repenteth. viovs - Kai emev o vecoTepos avTtov " And he said, A certain man Tto narpi HciTep, 86s poi to enifidAXov had two sons: u andtheyoung- pepos rijs ovcrias. Kal BielXev ainis £,2L?3 B said t ', hls f atner ;. » a' 13 « » > v ' ' father, give me the portion ot tov piov. Kai p.€T ov TToAAas ijpepas goods that falleth to me. And crvvayaycov dnavTa 6 vecoTepos vios he divided unto them his living. >»'' i , , r ,,.' J And not many days after, the anebnpncrev eis x- ous living. u And when he pav eKeivnv, Kal avros fjp£aTO vcrTe- harl , SD ent all, there arose a ~ A is a > > s\ '/i ' - mighty famine in that land, and peio-Vai. ° Kai iropevtieis €koA\t]&t) evi he began to be in want. « And tcov TToXiTbiV ttjs X c ^P as fK6 lvr t s ' Kai he went and joined himself to a '' i > > > i > \ r citizen of that countrv, and he ejrepfw avTov as jmtg aypovs avToy sent him int0 his fiel ^ to feed (Joo-Keiv x°<-povs* Kal (TTe6vptiyep.i- swine. •• And he would fain o-ai Tnv KotXiav avToi dn6 twv Kepaniov ' lav , e fi ' led !; is be "y ". ith the t » "a t - > > 5, v >s,/.\ husks that the swine did eat: mv rjatiiov oi x°ipof Kai ovOfis ebioov and no man gave unto him. avT to- " And when he came to him- 17 Etc (ovtov Se tX6o)V ewre ' Hoo-oi self > he said, How many hired ..'a - ' ' servants of mv father's have piO-BlOl TOV waTpos pov mpurvcvouvtv bread enough and to spare, and apTwv, e ■yoi 8i " code " Xipco U7r6XXvpai ; I perish with hunger ? u 1 will 18 dvao-Tds TTopevo-oaai npos TovnaTepa ar 'f and f , 10 "!> f a,he 'v and i , „ r , . ' , ~ „ r , will say unto him, rather, I have p-ov, Kai epco avTcp- Llarep, npapTOV eis sinned against heaven and be- tov ovpavov Kal evumiov crov 19 c " ovKeri tore thee - lu And am no more ' > "> \ a~ Kec. um Jit. c Rec* add xat. Luke XV. 21. 190 EYAITEAION came to his father. But when dvacrras rfXoe Trpbs rbv Trarepa eavrov. he was yet a great way off, his fa $> a{)T0V „ aKpa „ aTreWros, eitev father saw him, and had com- , , , v ~, r _ \ . \ / n passion, and ran. and fell on his avrov o narrjp avrov, Kai eo-rrXayxvicrUr], neck, and kissed him. 21 And Ka \ §pau.d)v eVeVeo-e v em rbv rpdvnXov the son said unto him, Father, > - \ ,1*. > # 21 » I have sinned against heaven, ™rov, *H KarecpiXijcrev avrov. M etTre and in thy sight, and am no fie aurco 6 uioc' Ilarep, rjpaprov eis rbv more worthy to be called thy ovpa „ o ;, Ka ; eVawrwi/ irou, a Kai " ovKe'rt son. " But the father said to , r „. .„ , , ' „., T his servants,Bring forth the best «/>" «§tos' KArjdrjvai vtos crov. " Ei7re robe, and put it on him, and g^ £ yrarnp 7Tpoc rove SovXovc avrov " put a ring on his hand, and »„*'/• h » # \ » > ' shoes on his feet. « And bring E£ei/ey/care r^v otoXj/v rrp nparrjv, hither the fatted calf, and kill Kai evSvcrare avrbv, Kal Sore daKrvXiov it, and let us eat and be merry. j . - v - v i^^^ara els 24 For this my son was dead, and , ' ,Q- " 9 , % » / \ , is alive again ; he was lost, and rove TTofias- ■" Kai eveyKavres rov jiocrxov is found. And they began to ro „ Q-treuroi/ Oxxrare, Kal cbayovres ev- be merry. . /,- .24" * c «/ ' v cppavaiopev on ovroso vioc /xou veKpos ^f, Kai dve(r}cre' c Kal" a7roXa)Xcbc "^v," Kai evpedrj. Kai rjp^avro ei>(ppatveo-6ai. 25 Now his elder son was in 2o 'He fie 6 vioc avrov 6 rrpecrBvrepos the field, and as he came and e '„ n ypc5 • Ka \ a, c ipvoaevos rjyyicre rrj drew nigh to the house, he heard , , lr '„ \^ ' « musick and dancing, =6 and he °"" r,KOV(re 0-vp.cpcovias Kai X °P<» V called one of the servants, and 26 Kai irpocrKaXecrdp.evos eva rwv iraiboiv askedwhat these things meant, e*^^ „' » TavTa . 27 6 ^ -' And he said unto him, Thy T > » v ■• \ and sound. »* And he was an . o-irevrov, on vyiaivovraavrov arreXapev. gry, and would not go in : there- ^ 'Qpyicrdrj fie, Kai ovk rjdeXev elcreX- ^rH m h e ^ iSf ^i er ,°h Ut ' andin " ^«"- ° oivrvaT^p avrov i&k6bv ira- treated him. - 9 And he answer- , , oq r «, < > /1 \ s ing said to his father, Lo, these peKaXet avrov. * a o Oe aTTOKpi&eis erne many years do I serve thee, nei- rc 5 Trarpi' • 'ifiov, rocravra ern SovXevco ther transgressed I at any time ' { » & / > x / »s thycommandment,andyetthou °" ol 5 Kal v ovbeirore evroXyv crov rraprjX- never gavest me a kid, that I 8ov, Kal f'p.ol ovfieVore efico/ca? i'picpov, ^as^ut^oo^ £S J« M-« T*> 1*~ I™, ctypari*. thy son was come, which hath de- ore fie o vios crov ovros o Kara(paya>v voured thy living with harlots, aou r X v Blov iicra iropvav rjX6ev, edvo~as thou hast killed for him the fat- > - > « \ / 31 «/-. ted calf. 3i And he £aid unt0 avrco rov /xoaxoy rov crirevrov. O de him. Son, thou art ever with me, etVev avra>' TeKvov, o~v navrore p.er ^i 1 ^ "J'il":!."/' \ U e/iow e?, «ai Tr^vra ra e>a o-a Arrw. was meet that we should make „!T , /.» » v » - j/5, « t merry, and be glad: for this thy evcppavdijvai fie Kai x a PV va '- e ° €l i 0TL ° brother was dead, and is alive „fi e Xrf)dc cov ovroy vckoos riv, Kal avetr)- again: and was lost, and is c \* > \ n » »• » » < > '/1 f ound ce Kai a7roAcoAa)S' s^i', Kai evpeorj. 16. And he said also unto his 16. "EXeye fie Kai 7rpoy rov? fiadr/ras »Z* l> — > C ZZ d -» e St. aJd aviou. f -♦ 6 Zj RATA AOYKAN. 191 Luke XVI. 13. ^ , avrov' "Avdpconos Tis ?)v Trkovaios, os disciples, There was a certain man which had a steward, %, x*r4^ ~ < & /f. y , , ' and the same was accused unto jy, a,.„ * j( &h. ' - ■■■ i„/Zc^,; fit- avr^ W SiatTKopmfav ra vrrap X ovTa him that he had wasted his .,ZL2T&!*~ * ■ < ^ ^~" avrov. " Kai favrjaas avrov eivrev ffoods. -And he called him, / L / \, / ; /fc^sC- ^a^/cccMy' avry-JlToyToitoiconeplo-odidnoo-os £* flM*^ th"eT %% > '^Wiv ' &*l- 4^^^\ ' rov Xoyov ttjs oiKovopias a aov'" ov yap an account of thy stewardship: -.rrt-wf, CsLA &&**-&■ <^-»«^«« Swno-r/ m oIkovouc'iv. 3 Efyre Se eV f ° r tho « "^f be n ° ^"^r «,,i i^^-^J-fA '%f/L.C.^. -« « L- « ' ' . rn» ' « r steward. 3 Then the steward 7 Vr T // ^ £.' - / . >i , -, ->1 /LA ZJuM i r , » ' < J ' b ardship, they may receive mei* . ' -- 3_,, vAntf - - ,7 ' ** /fceAr , n rat pe tis row oikouc avraw. into their houses. "^iCr o2\ • L * 7^*" T0,3 a ^" 7 ''^ Kai TTpoo-KaXeo-dpevos eva eKaurou . wf^y- *■ '"-'•' : ^ JJtrffc^^ ^ ^ **^^ _»„ . j, \ ' - < <■ - 5 So he called everyone of levnv, i; xpe»9«AeTGW tou icvpiov eavrov, his lord's debtors unto him, and ^C C/ Z-. i-^ ^sMj^^^^^ eAeyf ra 7rpo)ra) ' H6(rov o(hei\eis rco said unto the first, How much /a^y^ *l^w£.A^te*<> < ' ' W'ry KuptV r*™; 6 'O Se c&rez/' 'E K ar^ nf 8 ' tho !» " nt ° T , ,0rd ? ^^> - 2£^W^ ' ^f^%£?? a > >\ ' it \ » > - /> b And he said, An hundred mea- . , - 7 • -H j. ti =. TCT if-T -*~ ^»T^ a ^> „. /, ypa^ovTrevT^KovTa.. * ErretTa erepco ^ aid h y e t0 anotherf y And how \^T%B?X &■ /ZMe^i***' Z*^, enre' 2v oe nuo-ov dcpelXeis ; 'O 8i dneu' much owest thou? Andhesaid, j i ^ jLr\- ^jj3o < ^/f"^'A i/p^, ^/ jKarhv *6pov S clrov. Kal Xey« airf t£Stt2SE#£% ^^iKT t£#- ' ' Ae§at o-ov to ypappa, Kai ypa\frov oy- bill and write fourscore. » And "%&* honxovTa. 8 Kat iirnvea-ev 6 kvoios tov *he lord commended theunjust J y, -•' <, ' ; .'"^.. , 'tM*~ 7 -&i%gtL „?' ' 2 »* ' i jl • steward, because he had done **(J"' TZi f/L £*** A***, a* 3 ***** oiKOvopov tt,s adiKias, otl (ppovipvs wisely: for the children of this / ^^^^--% ^Zv^ P<^ ^^/P* eTTOir)o~ev' ort ot utoi rou alcbvos tovtov world are in their generation 3^*~ ^ **** ^' */5^L/^ /Z&J^j fppovijianpot irnip tovs vlovs tov fa- wiser than the children of lj S ht - M'- A ^ SL ' ^/ ^Ufi^ T ° o e t S , T VI" 6 a ^ r '?' / ea ^™^ "a"'- 9 And I say unto you, Make to ^ * Kayo) vplvXtycx)' JJoiijo-are eavTOis yourselves friends of the » mam- /„: L .v«*£3 «*"~'7^ ■ <***'& oraf eKMTTJ], Oe^cdvrai vpas eis Tas you into everlastinghabitations. "i./-- ! r" ' /*~^ /- &~ a ^ e ~7''' , alaviovt (TKnvas. w 6 mcrros eV e'Xavt- 10 «? . th , at is faithful in tha ' '' ' *#* ?£So f kl*—>" % ^77 „„.„„•> ' \\ ' ' ' » r • which is least, is faithful also in „*/.,.. ^■f--"' t I .. M' iJL fU^**> ***/ o-Tcp Kai ev ttoAAw ttio-tos (o-ti. eAavto-ro) lidiKos Kal iv tvo\\g> a8i<6s the least, is unjust also in much. ' _ ' A JL, «< » . papcova faithful m tne unrighteous . . . , . - iriaTOL ovk ey(veo-0e, to aXrjdivov tis ^mammon, who will commit to iplv mo-Tevo-ti; 12 K al d iv ro3 dXXo- J™ T J™' ' he *™ e ™ h « ? " l^V ^!_:, "'/ v , > / ,, , r' / u And lfye have not been faith- . , &**,/" ^ t o rpiamo-TOL ovk eyeveade, to vptTepov f L ,l in that which is another rt . '■ ' • ><.■ ' ( ' j ' ' „ S<-p '*■"' ■ Tty vpli/ Saxret ; 13 ouSety oiKi-rns bv- man ' s . who sha11 ? ive vou that 2 r/j-pUTi) ---J. ~y//' &c* • ' wiTat 8wl icuptW Sot»X€w«i^ rlvaorw whi ^ h is >' olir »;» ? l3 Noser- /f. ^ " ^/^^ aJU*»~ty y ^vpiv^ vvvtKKuzu, i/ yufj iuv vant can serve two masters, tor ' «.7ro t> 5e TaCra iravra Kai oi ' -Wu.- ' 15 And he said unto them, Ye are f^epvKTijpiQw avrov. Kai emev av- °l l fr/^ ,J ' i( '' ^V, /- the y which justify yourselves be- ro 2 r 'Yuetc core oi StKaiowres eavroi/s C^C W n- **>^. w-v<«v- fore men, but God knoweth your » , - . /» , r <^ „ < / /^'jL 4*~ , A -*-*-—- ' ' >~ .'-hearts: for that which is highly ewMTMW row avdpuTrov, o oe Geoc yt- ■Cff^-s^j^-o j£~7^-« ■ #-T-z£Vvt, f~LZ~Sx>cc esteemed amongst men, is abo- vcoCTKtl tcis Kap8ias vpu>v' OTl to iv dv- /Z,^., ■ ~ tf '//—?~*si.- h The law and y prophets were r * * rl f f "T , ,- S0-/2. CuxuJ^ flhc»«^ '73V~3'V ? until John: since that time the 6eou a . 10 o vop.05 Kai 01 irpocprjTai _ ,f bo^A-A S*. d'7t \-6-'-*/- - ^*— *« -t. kingdom of God is preached, ^, s 'iodwoV d?ro Tore n BaaiXi'ia tov Is/i. c Yi^t^. rm/~*j \-A<- , ■ , and every man presseth into it. _^ - , ■. » <. v ~ •, , , - \fj^J^^^L^£^M {Tfi-yk. "Audit is easier for heaven and ^ov tvayycXi&Tai^Kai TON a^l/ /tf mAtT^un, - /A~ ^_^T^^y^ earth to pass, than one tittle of BidteTai. i7 (VKoncoTcpov 8e (CTTi tov H-\i.?- < » i - ^i3-* ' »'^« 1^ -M? i7 V"^ 7 ^vUiL/a^- 24 .- rieth another, committethadul- vop.nv piav Kepaiav necreiv. io 7rac o l.J-yt /2 V^sfcc^y. &- ., /* r 1 r, ^ti^y 19 There was a certain rich u " Ai>dpti>7Tos 8e Tis fjP 7tXovctios, Kai ■^JL ,5^^^ >^" man, which was clothed in pur- - SS ^ nopcbvpav Kai fivcrcTOV, ,/ ir{vJ/<£ •-+ 7^ "* *^, p ,e an<1 nne Iinen - and fared >•, , % ' ' % - ^•■Lya.-f^V- \,- ^ ^it ^^ ' /'/^sumptuously every day. 2 » And (vcppaivopevos Kati rjpepav Xapnpcos. y/i there was a certain beggar 20 ^,-^05 g € ' rtJ Z v ^„6paTi AciCapns, . f^A^'-rv named Lazarus, which was laid a iq -vj\ > > 1 » ' >^ .,/ //„ ^.O^^, , at his gate full of sores, * and °* efcpXrfTO wpos tov TrvXcova avTOV /i> C^ x y y -tfd s~s a »// isi/h™- desiring to be fed with the iiXkcjl>u.€VOS. Kai ffflt)vua>v Yopra- V i ^ C^-R^-ie-Jp tfSJ£ w^--*-* /%, a _^*„ crumbs which fell from the rich /]-'<- , ' - ' ' ,. ~ ^,, V^LifcUCw^ „ . ° ," c " ,e !' aOnvai airo tcov \lnvicov tcov TrinTovrcop < lc-4*eZ&<-&- <2-* GU^-a-t^s *> '*~ " ^jn man s table: moreover the dogs , / _ ~ A . , , , ^2^ c{-*S~* £ *o ■ £> t-7° came andli cked his sores. 2»And n7ro rryc rpa7Tf^c tou TrAovo-iou" aAAa *^ *>J £j7^M,'cia< hrtA-fa-. M" it came to pass that the beggar Ka i J ^j, €S tpvopevoi dneXeivov ra / '< 1 Af /1 S/> acT dled . and was carried by the «, > ~ 99 >' ** » /1 vV^*<'- r^&Jf*~r*-<> XJy *>*«-. angels into Abraham's bosom : ^AKr; aurov. ~ eyeveTO be anoffaveiv Z^/&-, / ri U^^/it£ -dy/OZexA ' f*JiJ_n>~A~- the rich man also d'u-d, and was roy tttcoyov, Kill ciTrevev&Tivai ovtov xmb \T, .'-.'' -^ , ^' /•/ buried. • 3 And in hell he lift > -\ > 1 '\ d"*a ' . //^? > /**» .= 0^2^ X)o^ ' **^P hi * eves being in torments, ™v ayyekvv EM toi; koXttov A/3paa/x 3u.<~U «— ". **-*««. "' W 'andseeti. Abraham afar off, and mri8avt Se Kai 6 nXovtrios, Kai tTUCpr,. irt9i « XVT---J /?* G*Z/- &^>e L a z a rus in his bosom: 23 ^ ^ r ^ Qfy ^^ pas rovs ScpOaXpovs jUf Tt~rt £«*■ /&j£j> ^ < ^^T / owiw^ tmapxav iv (lao-dvms, opa tov htfc-*.t <-' &-**S*J-*»-zb At^-^-t-Y, zAj^u. 'Afipadp dnb paKpodtv, Kai Ad£apov iv tH-d/Jlt.cJL/ wi o^f-e- tois kuXttois avToi. <^yf^' r, Q -j^yjLaJ^fk la*^ 21 a ^ he cried, and said, Fa- , ** K ° l ™tos cpavfraselTre ■ Udrep %l. ' IV T-. o£ d t y J /. j %£^rf***-~- ther Abraham, have mercy on Appaap, fX(r)crov ju.e, Kai ntpyov Aa- e^Jt^xJp •t-t'/* / a, ^ £ ' A*J me • and s f nd . Lazarus - that he t apov l va Bdylrn to aKpov tov SoktvXov ^J7. ^-fJ-ut ^AJ*~«~<, / vLa^^As / . <^ > '■'■-■ ' am tormented in this name, q-ui/ ^iou * ort do~vvu>pai ev Tjj CpXoyl Rec. adrl tnitr. b ^ c — » d Ree. add KATA AOYKAN. 193 ravrrj, M Elne 8e 'Aftpadp. ' TeKPOP, fivi]rj crov, Kal Ad£apos opoiois ra /ca/cd ' vvv 8e b coSe " irapaKaXeirai, crv 8e 68vpdo-ai. 25 Kal em Trdcn. tov- tois, pera^i/ rjpcov /cat vpiop xdcrpa peya forrjpiKTCU, oVcos ol deXovres Biafirjvai c evdev " Trpos vpds, prj dvvwvrai, pr]8e ol eKeidev Trpos rjpds 8iaTrepa>criv. * 7 EtVf 8e' Epcorco oiiv o~e, Trdrep, iva wep^jjs avTov «s top oikov tov narpos /not/, * 8 e\a> yap irivre d8eX(povs' oiras 8iapaprvpi]Tai aiiTols, Iva prj /cat aiiTol eXdooaip els top tottop tovtop rrjs (3a- advov' " 9 Aeyet, ax/rat ' ' A(3padp' "E^ovai Maxrea kol rovs Trpocpr/Tas' a/coucraYco- o-ap aiiTcop. 30 'O 8e eareV Ou^i, Trdrep A(3paap' aXX idv ris diro veKputv rro- pevdrj Trpos avrovs, peravorjaovaip. Elrre 8e avrat' Et Mooaecos Kal tg>p Trpo(fit)Ta>v ovk dKovovcrip, ov8e, e'dp ris fK peKpiop avaarfj, 7reio-6r]o~opTai. 17. EiVe 8e npbs rovs padrjrds' Av- ep8eKTOp e'crri d toxi" prj eXOeip tci o-Kap- 8aXa' oval 8e 8i oi ep^erai. 2 XvcnTeXel avrtp et e pvXos ovikos" 7rept/ceirai rrepl top Tpa%T]Xop avrov, /cat epptirrai els Trpi BdXao-aap, i] iva crKap8aXio-r} eVa Twv piKpoiv tovtuiv. 3 TTpoae^eTe eav- to'is. e'af f 8e" dpdprj] s f l s o-e" 6 d8eX- (pos crov, eTriTiprjo-op air a' Kal edp peTavoijo-rj, cicpes avTta. 4 Kai cap e7rra/ac ttjs Tjpepas " apdprr]" els ere, /cat enraKls rrjs rjpepas imoTpfyf/y ' " Xeycop ' Me- Tapoco, a(pr]o-eis avra. Kai elrrop ol aTrdcrroXoi rco Kvpia' IlpoaSes f)plv Trio-rip. 6 Elrre 8e 6 Kvpios' Et f 'twere tv'io-tip, ios kokkop crt- vaneois, eXeyere ap ttj avKapipa TavTtf EKpi(do6r}Ti, /cat (pvTevBrjn iv rfj 6a- Xaao-j)' /cat invTjKovo'ep ap vpip. Luke XVII. 6. L^.tj- "But Abraham said, Son, re- %b - M Ti I /| */3i.S. Jl^^-t^^t^/- member that thou in thy life- time receivedst thy good things, & likewise Lazarus evil things, but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. 2v field, Go and sit down to meat ? avdneaaC 8 'AXX' otVi epei atW 'Erot- " and will not rather say unto / s fpdyo) /cat Trt'ca" /cat S^^a^frTth^r^ ™ >'>---' "*"• ■?» shalt eat and drink. a Doth M/) X a P LV € X el TC ? OOuXco (Ketva>, on he thank that servant, because eVoi'ntre ra Siarav(9eVa a '" : oil '8okw. he did the things that were in " \ r ~ » > , commanded him ? I trow not. 0VT0 > Kal yP f '*, 0Tai/ jroirjo-rjre navra 10 So likewise ye, when ye shall ra biaraxQivra uptf, Xeyere' "Otl doii- have done all those things which \ ' - » > . b " " * ' j. *v are commanded you, say. We Aoi^xpetot etr^ef on owpciXouep are unprofitable servants : we 1T0tt]O~ai T7(TTOi.i]Kapev. f / /^.^ he went to Jerusalem, that he Sto uecrou Zapapeias Kai TaXtXaias. ^■o-c^ya. 4 ■?■ --p-f-iTZi. -Cr A *-t~*"- j e passed through the midst of 12 ' > ' > - » 1 ■^&i^m^-ZiSZW-jL 7 sL*+*~~. U - Samaria and Galilee. h And * at wepxapevov avrov et? rtva /ca>- ■£6-f*-4'' 72t; 4 *~-P- ■^~*~i£i$. vU-v~-*y ^- ayv ' as he entered into a certain vil- pr]i>, anr]VTr)o~av aiira) fie'/ca Xe7rpot r3^ J? ilk/ ^'j^?'/Pjf" that were le P ers , which stood > r , 5. , ' , N " r >T <>-<-< /<_t & '/- M*u^,A .£c& u An d when he saw them, he € r imv y avT °t s , nopeu&iw ortdf tgare Z T't/'f w-ft£~y £+ t £ t ^ VL /-xin-/f6-N^y.Z said unto them, Go shew your- iavrovs Tois lepeuo~i. Kal eyivero iv ?L C t^U^d Attn? &- +~*»t.m2 selves unto the priests And it rc3 faayw avroiis, iKa6apio-6r)(rav . / came 10 pass, that as they went, ' ,- J » , yf . ,' . ,£\ / ,, a-*. ■ (J ' ' came 10 pass, that as they went, ' „ / s , ,,. , . ,k> I ,, a they were cleansed. Elf Oe e§ at/rcoi', tOcoi/ ort tufVr/, •« And one of them when he {jniCTTpfylre, uera vns ixeyakm 80- saw that he was healed, turned /■>>■ r \ q - 16 » » > < , ,>^« ^^r^A^^U &+//£ back, and with a loud voice £ a C<^ rou Qeov ^ Kai ^eo-ev «ri ' , rr ry £-j^. j? ' ^c ro - y»,^/ ^^^^ glorified God, ls and fell down npocruTTov irapa tovs irooas avrov, fJJtTZZZ?-/™ rtCZJfr. SL^hSrLdL'w^ta! -X«P^£, t r -/, ' e g. o o(AA°y BO/ ■ ^~%^^l' nine? ls There are not found ewfa 7rol;; °^ {v P t6l T Tav vwoorpe- j^-m^l 4**S-iZ*. - &J7~ rK t<^~~* %*-**Jly tnat returned t0 give g ] ory t0 -^ avTes ftovvai 86£av ru> Qea>, el pi] 6 /^"~- <*~M--*~«~* e /,, fi- way, thy faith hath made thee Avao-ras nopivov' n Tnarris o~ov creo-co/ce " ^^X-/-. 5 ° And ^«, he was demand. ? 'ETrepco^W 8^ ^6 rci, ^t- 'C— ■ •- . %'" v ed of the Pharisees, when the o"atcoi/, 7rdre ep^erat 7? /3ao"tXeta rou l«?-gr (AinAisfa. £w*>-* -J^^T" kingdom of God should come, 0fo {; £ neKp l0„ aiirols, /cat et7reK- Oi/c z ' . / « ,/ _y /> he answered them, and said, „ , , C , I „ , / ms.>mm,. JL 7*-; a<-^ X«^>«. Siv^A/The kingdom of God cometh (pX €Tai V pacrtAtia rou Bfou pera 7ra- c ^r^9=^ r &^, Sk-A^s cSt AJ- t^(M^> e-fX not « with observation. *' Nei- parr) pi] a ens' 21 01/Se ipovo-iV 'iSoi/ coSf, a Ret. add ai'Try b -► Qr t with outward shew. KATA AOYKAN. 195 Luke XVII. 35. 77, l8ov e'/cet - l8ov yap, r) j3acn\fla tov ther shall they say, Lo here, or £~J- *~<-^ - . • - - ; f J - iJ ^-^ 1 L "~ ~ BcoO f'rros vu&v ttrnv. lo there: for behold, the king- hn , domof God is « within you. 20 At?"''^' " '• . " , . , - hiire Oenposrovs paOrjTas EAeu- « And he said unto the dis- ,/£ ,.c"/- ^ - c/*/. *^/ (Tovrai Tiptpai, ore inidvpricreTe plav ciples, The days will come, *.< /°/Ju^<^, /u-*J-r/<.~y 9 - < '" r i , - - > /) < >*- when ye shall desire to see one 7, *-*-**"***> 7. , /, ^ TWM^epwj/TouwovTOua^paTroutW, of the days of the Son of man, 2/ ., ' »cat ov/c o\p-eo~0e. " 3 Kal ipovcriv vp.lv" and ye shall not see it. M And .- . . 'iSou&Se, a r),"tSotW/ce? un dne\dr)Tf, they shall say to you. See here, , . , «,»*,,! " o, „ r'r 5 ' ' or see there: go not after them, , prjde Otco£r/re. ™ oio-irepyap 7) ucrTpanTj nor follow them. " For as the "'' /U_r ' 17 dtrrpaiiTovaa « ttis vtt' ovpavbv el s lightning that lighteneth out of <"' ■ • ?' ■ ■ • ■• : 1 t > > i \ < » * h» the one part under heaven, shin. „ ,■ \ s rqv vir ovpavov Xapnei, ovtcos e // iVTfS V/i w>V' <£ <" t '- t «A 25 TrpoW 8e fcl atW ^roXXa Va&iV, £"» be in his day. « But first „ -^ ^V -£LJtJU^ . v r, . , _' must he suffer many thmgs, ^2%^. W»r l ^r Ai *^.A, Tcnmjs. ration - ^Tfl^aZ^aq | «„. /yTXr 26 Kai /ca(9a>c eyeWo eV ral? ^pepats 26 And ^ it was in the days «t' S '7 - ^£ £-*•» h-j< c " Ncoe, otlrcoy eo-rat /cat eV rals nuepais 0I " Noe: so shall it be also in ' ' L v *£. , f -»": ...'„.■! - ' /J ' 27 «A the days of the Son of man. r ' ■■ - ^" v " l rov vtov rov a»roy. T,tr6u>v, „ The > did eat th drank t c ■..■..« jh ' - tnivov, (yapovv, e£eyapi£ovTO, axpL J?f they married wives, they were ■■ - .. ■ >, v .< *£■■* "^ " Tjpepas (lt~f>-u~.c£ Km rjWev o^/cara/c\t;a-po?, Kat cnvaAeaev ark: and the flood came, and <-<*<-- • ^^ ' ' ' l^e^ a7rafrac. 2S ouolas Kal cl>c eyevero iv destroyed them all. *s Likewise . ^Vi '" '' . ^ e^*., „„-„ ' . ' 4 ' . « n » ' ■> 1 also as it was in the days of . , , ,. • *■ ' '• •» t» • **w ' ' rate w ,patc Aon- naftoy, e7r t ^, r/yo- Lot> they did eat> they d J ank> /;; & ^ . . ' , We. paQov, iTvcdKovv, eCpvrevou, o)Kobopovv they bought, they sold, they . ^^ ( i_*£t ** a~j-- -'■ ■■ ' V'-'v eppege nvp /cat d^ftoi/ a7r oupai/ov, /cat f Sodom, it rained fire and . 7 ^ \o/X>. dnd)\eo~ev aTravras' 30 Kara d raCra " brimstone from heaven, and de- -*// : /t v "i' ... i /t / ^ » . * c / r ej - ' /j ' stroyed them all: 30 even thus •— Xw ' *~f- ecrrat ?/ rjpepa o vcos tov avOpceTTOV sh all it be in the day when the , ,_ , n, f . r ^4 .r, c ^«£ aTro/caXwrrerai. Son of man is revealed. J " *°- L ^' °"^ *" " ■* ^ E.e^r/rr; ?M ep ? , oc e \A\l// Acor. M of tat/ (rtTrio-T) tt)v -bvyhv av- likewisenotreturnback. 3i Re- _1 ^ „ r - >•»'''.'' T - A i .« member Lot's wife. 33 who . . , . , ^_ A ,. . . tov p-cocrat, ajToXecret avTriv' Kai os eav soever shall seek t0 save his - , ,. ._*j*^- ' " , ^ v airoAeo-g avTriv, faoyoviio-et. avrriv . life, shall lose it, and whosoever " " , \ "-- <*/ xx ' , t ovo em kKivtjs /uas' e et? Trapa\r) / /. / ,/, , _ v/TLa/f ^4- ecrovrat aXrjc^ovcrat evrt to auro • f r/' women snall be &rinding t o- A ' fJj^A-J ^ **■(«- >j ,\^ pia 7rapaXr/(pc'r/o-erai, /cat 17 irepa gether; the one shall be taken, y (j^j ^ ^/^ L^ *4 /^^^^ "1 »=; bRee. >dd ««,. iRet.iiJ,,,, d Gb. rairi. e Kec. add o. t St. b Bl. om. rj * Or, among you .,, . ^ac, f t^OCC/' — / Luke XVII. 36. jL+JfaJifani and the other left. « Two men '. ,, , £/V r7 / shall be in the held; the one ■6-lU^- u-~ , /Y-- J 6 . i vU- ^7« icX^f- f^kil/. /f~'T<- And he said unto them, Where- • /iL*-yx, ~6<-+*t- cJl*~£J*$ ^&-<-<^, soever the body is, thither will Uj^lfc-x£La~A 07-*£&±£**>r ^the eagles be gathered together. zf s „ +■ *L^ STtl^jrr. 4/&. 18 And he spake a parable r? ^tfr??, <** ** ^OM^^ I / unto them, to *&««*, that men 8 ,- ( V-c^/cu. /tM A-^*~- aan^M ought alwavs to pray, and not \?7 tf£ iS?- Sfr Wi^lA ytiytt/. 2£. to faint, '•'saying, There was in V ■ . , - Jl > /./ ^#. /tt'^ a cit y a J ud S e > which feared not ' God neither regarded man. 3 And there was a widow in that city, and she came unto him, ''z'a y \ -\ JlZiSIs/^ saying, Avenge me of mine ad- i ^ u _lL u J [H%~z, M &o ^ o&r*^- <<^v_ versary : * and he would not for C+JL& %**. #«J- '*• t^ * * <"■ ^^ awhile But afterward he said / withm himself, Though I fear ^^-"yV AV '- not God, nor regard man, 5 yet /' .. because this widow troubleth J/Lo '\S7~ 'f^^TT' ' i f s ' l k me, I will avenge her, lest by Jh, lL~q <^~a her continual coming.she weary % TTty? v e^K> z. (SrXc-- \ i. Kiiet attV .?& /U*y /*^L6 c/ u bu*v-cyjm~ . y> 6 And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith. 7 And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them ? 8 I tell you that he will avenge them speed- ily. Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth ? 9 And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves » that they were righteous, and despised other: 10 Two men went up into the temple to pray, the one a Pha- risee, and the other a publican. " The Pharisee stood and pray- ed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that 1 am not as other men are, extortioners, un- just, adulterers, or even as this publican. 1 - 1 fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I 196 EYAITEAION d(pf6i](T€Tai. 36 a 8vo i'crovrai iv tg> d- ypa>' 6 eii 7rapa\i](pSr)aeTai, Kai 6 erepos dcpedrjaeTai." 3? Kal drroKpidtVTts Xe- yovaw avrco' LTot), Ki^ne ; O Se fl7rev avrols' Ottov to crco/xa, eKel crvva)(6i]- crovTai oi deroi. 18. 'EXtye Se Kai ivapafio\r)v avrols Trpbs to 8e'iv iravroTe npoaev^eaBai, Kal p.rj (KKaKiiv, Xtycov' Kptrjjs ru fjP iV TLVL 7ToX«, TOV QeOV pTj (f)o(3oVp.(VOS, KOI ("ivdpOiTTOV p.Tj ivrpfTTOjAfVOS. 3 XlP a 8e b " rjv iv Trj 7roXet eKeivrj, Kal rjp^TO ivpbs aiiTov, Xeyovaa' 'EkSiktjo'oi' p.e dnb roil dvTL$iKov p.ov. 4 Kal oiik c r)6k- \r\o~ev " €7rl xpovov' p.(Ta be Tavra ehrev iv eavra ' Et Kal tov Qebv oil K ivrptTtop-ai' 5 hidye to Trape^eiv p.ot. kottov tijv xh~ pav Tavrr)v, eKbiKrjaa) aiirrjv, iva p.r] eis TtXos epxopevr] d VTranrui^rj " p.e. 6 EtVe 8e 6 Kvpios' 'AKOiiaaTe ti 6 Kpirrjs ttjs dbiKias A«*/ft' ' 6 8e Geos oil prj 7rot);crei ttjv eKdiKr)o~iv tcov evcAe- kto)p avTov Tav (3ocovTCi>v vrpos avrbv jjpepas Kal vvktos, Kal p.aKpodvp.£>v eir aiirois ; 8 Xe'ya) vp'iv, ort Troir)o~e i Trjv eK$LKr)oiv aiiTwv iv Ta\ei. ftXrjv 6 vlbs tov dvdpunrov iXBiov apa fiipi]o-€i tjju ttIcttiv eiri rrjs yr/s ; 9 EiVe Se e Kal " irpos nvas rovs 7re- iroiBoTas e(p eavrois ort etcri Bikuioi, Kal (£ov6evovvTas tovs Xoittovs, ttjv irapa(3oki]v TavTr/v' 10 ' Avdpconoi 8vo dvifirjcrav els to iepbv TTpoo-evi-ao~6aC 6 eis $>apio~aios, Kal 6 erepos reXuivrjs. 11 6 &apio-alos o~Tadels irpbs eavTov ravra n poo~r}v\eTo' O Qebs, ev^apiCTS} croi, otl ovk elpl {oovrep oi Xonrol tcov dvdpcoTvcov, ap7rayes,d8tK0i, jnot^oi, tj Kal ios ovtos 6 TeXcovrjs. 12 vrjaTevio 8ls tov o~afil3dTov, dnodeKaTU) Trdvra bcra *< St. & Gb. om. v. 36. b Klz. add t.j. c c^) i)9t\sv, <1 cv inroiriaCp. e — ♦ a Or, as being rigbteoua RATA AOYKAN. 197 *KTu>fiai. 13 Kal 6 reXavr/s paKpoBev eorms ovk rj6eXev ovbe rovs 6r)v alaviov KXrjpovopijcro) \ 19 EtVe be avra 6 'Irjaovs' Tt pe Xeyeis dyaBov ; ovbels dyaQbs, el prj eis, 6 Qeos. 2U ras evroXas olbas' Mr) poi)(evojjS' prj (po- vevcrrjs' prj KXe^/Tjs' pi) yj/evbopaprvpr]- O-TjS prjTepa ' (tov rrdvra e'cpvXa^dpijv e< veorrjros pov. 'AKovo-as be ravra 6 'Itjctovs ehrev avrm' "Eti ev croi Xemef rrdvra ocra *X eli Ti<*>Xr)o-ov, Kal bidbos irra>x°ls, Kal e£eis Srjcravpbv ev ovpava>' Kal bevpo, aKoXovOet, pot. 23 c be aKovcras ravra 7repiXvnos eyevero' rjv yap nXovaios o~v be avrbv 6 'irjcrovs rrepiXvivov yevopevov erne' Hws bvo-KoXas ol ra XprjpaTa ?xovres elaeXevcrovrai els ttjv tiaaiXelav tov Qeov. 2S exiKortwrepov yap eo-Tt, Kapr/Xov bid TpvpaXids d pacpibos" npa tov rrarepa o~ov Kai ttjv 21 'O be elrre' Tavra b He c. n cwetvof. Luke XVIII. 25. possess. 13 And the publican standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven: but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. " I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth him- self, shall be abased : and he that humbleth himself, shall be ex- alted. 15 And they brought unto him also infants, that he would touch them: but when his dis- ciples saw it.they rebuked them. 16 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little chil- dren to come unto me, and for- bid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. " Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, shall in no wise enter therein. 18 And a certain ruler asked him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life ? 19 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good save one, that is God. 20 Thou knowest the commandments, Do notcommit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mo- ther. 2I And he said, All these have 1 kept from my youth up. w Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing : sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and come, follow me. ' i3 And when he heard this, he was very sor- rowful, for he was very rich. 24 And when Jesus saw that he was very sorrowful, he said, How hardly shall they that have riches, enter into the kingdom of God ? 25 For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, UT ^U U - Ifr^^uo U-.J**P Luke XVIII. 26. than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. '•"'And they that heard it, said, Who then can be saved ? '" And he said, The things which are im- possible with men, are possible with God. " 3 Then Peter said, Lo, we have left all, and followed thee. 29 And he said unto them, Ve- rily, I say unto you, there is no man that hath left house, or pa- rents, or brethren, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of God's sake, 30 who shall not re- ceive manifold more in this pre- sent time, and in the world to come life everlasting. 31 Then he took unto him the twelve, and said unto them, Be- hold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man, shall be accom- plished. 3i For he shall be de- livered unto the Gentiles, and shall be mocked, and spitefully entreated, and spitted on : 13 and they shall scourge him, and put him to death, and the third day he shall rise again. 34 And they understood none of these things: and this saying was hid from them, neither knew they the things which were spoken. 35 And it came to pass, that as he was come nigh unto Jeri- cho, a certain blind man sat by the way side, begging, 36 and hearing the multitude pass by, he asked what it meant. 37 And they told him that Jesus of Nazareth passeth by. 3S And he cried, saying, Jesus thou son of David, have mercy on me. 39 And they which went before, rebuked him, that he should hold his peace: but he cried so much the more, Thou son of David, have mercy on me. 4U And Jesus stood and com- manded him to be brought unto him: and when he was come near, he asked him, 41 saying, What wilt thou that 1 shall do unto thee ? And he said, Lord, 198 EYAITEAION e Icrekde'iv, rj ttKovo-iov els tt)v fiaaChelav tov Qeov elcreXBelv. " 6 Ei7iw be oi aKovcravres' Kai tls bvvaTac o~a>6r)vai ; 27 'O be elite' Ta dSvvara trapa dv6pa>- ttois hvvara eon irapa tu> Oeco- 28 EtVe be 6 Tlerpos' 'lbov, rjpe'is a dcpTjKapev irdvTa, Kai" rjKO/Xovdrjcrapev croi. 29 'O be ehrev avro'is' 'Aprjv Ae'yco vp-'iv, on ovbeis icmv os dfprjKev oiklov, tj yoveis, rj dbe\(povs, t] yvvaiKa, r\ re- Kva, evenev Ttjs (3ao-i\eias tov Qeov, bs oi) pr) (nro\dlBrj iroXka7r\ao~iova ev T7Tov. 3 " Trapa8o6r'io~eTai yap rols eOveo-i, (cat epnaixdrjo-erai, Kai vftpio-drjcreTai, ko.1 ep7rTva6r)creTai, 33 Kai pao-Tiyiocravres aTTOKTevovo'iv avrov ' Ka\ rrj rjpepa rfj Tpirrj dvaaTrjo-erat. Kai avrol ovbev tovtqov o-vvrjKav, Kai tjv to prjpa tovto KeKpvpp.evov drf avTwv, Kai oiiK eyivaxTKOV to. Xe- yopeva. 3o 'Eyevero be ev tco eyyi^etv avrbv els 'lepivco, Tv(b\6s tis eKadrjTO vapa. ttjv ooov irpoo-aiTiav ' aKovaas oe o)(\ov bianopevop.evov, envvddveTO, ti e'lrj tovto. 3 ' dnriyyeikav be aiiTco' 'On 'ir/crovs 6 Na£copa~ios wapepxeTai. w Kai efiorjere, \eycov' 'irjcrov, vie Aavib, eXerj- aov pe. ** Kat oi irpoayovTes eTreTipcov avTui "iva aiconfjar] ' avTos be ttoXXco pdXXov eKpa^ev' Yie Aavib, eXetio-ov p.e. 40 Sradels be 6 lrjaovs eKeXevaev aiiTov dx&rjvai irpbs avrov' eyyiaavTos be avrov eirrjpa>TJ]crev avrov, 4I Xeycov' Ti (rot 6eX.eis jroiTjaai ; 'O be ewre" a c^j a>p*VTs$ ra , '. i b Bi. KATA AOYKAN. 199 Kypie, iva dva[3Xe\p-ay. ® Kal 6 'irjcrovs tinev avra>- ' AvdtJXe-ijfov r) niaris aov crecrcoKe ere. ^ Kai rrapaxpr)pa dve- /3Xe\^e, Kal r/KoXovdei avra> 5o|u(/oi/ rbv Qeov Kai iras 6 Xabs I8u>v i'dcoKev aivov r<5 9ew. 19. Kai eiereA#ow 8ir)px(ro rr\v 'Ie- piX<>>' - Kal ISov, dvfjp ovopan KaXov- pevos Zatcxatos, Kal avrbs rjv dpxireXdi- vrjs, Kal ovros rjv rrXovo-ios' 3 Kai e^rjrei ibuv rbv 'irjo-ovv, ris e'trri, Kal ovk Tjdvvaro dnb tov oxXov, on rrj rjXiKia piKpbs rjv. * Kal Trpodpapuv eprrpoo-Qsv aveftr) eVi a avKopwpaiav," Iva 'idrj avrov dm b " eKeivrjs 7/xeXXe diepxeoSai. 5 Kal os TjXdev eVi tov tottov, dvaj3Xe\l/as 6 Irjo-ovs eidev avrov, Kal eiVe npbs avrov' ZaK%ale, omtvo-as Kardfirjdc arrjpepov yap hi ra oi'/cw aov Set pe pfivai. 6 Kai a-nevo-as Kare^rj, Kal VTre8t£aro avrov XOLpcov. Kal tcWrey dnavres 8ieyuyyv£ov, Aeyoi/rec- "On -rrapd dpapraXa dvftpl elo-rjXde KaraXvcraL. 8 2ra6els 8e ZaK- Xaios etVe rrpbs rbv Kvpiov 'l8ov, ra rjnia-T) riiiv VTrapxdvrojv pov, Kvpie, oioiopi rols nrcoxols' Kal a nvos ri €o-VKo(pdvrr]o-a, a7ro8i8o}pi TerparrXovv. Et7Tf 8e Trpbs avrov 6 'ir/crovs' "On o-r/pepov o~corr)p[a to oucgj tovtco eyevero, KaOoTt Kal avrbs vlbs AjBpadp e'o-riv. r/Xde yap 6 vlbs rod dvOpajTrov {rjrrjcrai Kai crcbcrai rb drroXaXos. Akovovtcov 8e avrcov ravra, rrpoa- 6els fine rrapajioXrjv, Bid rb e'yyvs avrbv dvai 'lepovo-aXr}p, Kal 8ok('iv avroiis on napaxprjpa peXXei r) j3aai- Xeia rov Qeov dva(paiveadai' u eirrev ovv Avdpioirbs ns evyevTjs irropevBr) els^vpav paKpav, Xa/3eli> iavT

L*"y % t . '.. ,>a« O- t. A. i fo V - - ji ic 1 1 Axi «-*t^ • — * ^ , J~rb . a <^>— ■ Gb. 0vko, l> Rtc. »dU it'. a-£e^ - Jt-f-izXo /s~*J"-C<, Luke XIX. 14. and delivered them ten pounds, . , s / . . aim sam uuiu LllCiii, yjK^^Kxyy tf <' ~ . ■ tu , ty „ t^t. -6-?k C~~ 'unto him, Well, thou good ser- ":' — /*" vant: because thou hast been -awX-tffci YX ^^ «'"— ''"«~ /t —-t faithful in a very little, have ■ ' , X %^*J-. /tr*^ thou authority over ten cities. ,, /, 13 And the second came, saving, Lord, thy pound hath gained five pounds. 19 And he said likewise to him, Be thou also over five cities. 20 And ano- ther came, saying, Lord, be- hold, here is thy pound which I have kept laid up in a napkin: 21 for I feared thee, because thou art an austere man : thou takest up that thou layedst not down, and reapest that thou didst not sow. 33 And he saith unto him, Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant: thou knewest that I was an austere man, taking up that 1 laid not down, and reaping that I did not sow. M Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the bank, that at my com- ing 1 might have required mine own with usury ? ' 2i And he said unto them that stood by, Take from him the pound, and give it to him that hath ten pounds. M And they said unto him, Lord, he hath ten pounds. 2li For I say unto you. That unto every one which hath, shall be given, and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him. '■" But those mine enemies which would vfriot that I should reign over i ■ M* - J > - tiLs- *a,i^ k fiv A 200 EYAITEAION bexa bovXovs eavrov, ebcoKev avrols detect pvas, Kai eine npbs avrovs' Tlpaypa- Tevcracrde a eas" epxopai. H Ot Se noXlrai avrov epicrovv avrbv, Kai ane- crreikav Trpecrfteiav onicrco avrov, Xe- yovres' Ov 6eXopev tovtov /3ao"tXev tls ti Sie- irpaypaTevo-aro. 16 wapeyevero 8e 6 npcoros, \eyu>v Kvpie,rj p.va crovTrpoo-- eipyacraTO bena. p.vas. l ' Kai einev avTu>' Ey, aya^e SoOXe - on ev eXa^t'oro) Trio-rbs e'yevov, 'icrOi e^ovcriav e^a>v eiravu) 8eKa wokeuiv. ls Kai rjXdev 6 Sevrepos, \eya>V Kvpte, fj pva crov enoirjcre irevre pvas. 19 EiWe be nal rovra' Kai crv ylvov endveo irevre noXecov. Kai erepos rj\8e, \eya>V Kvpie, l8ov, f] pvd crov, fjv elxov cnvoKeipevrjv ev o-ovdapla. " 21 ecpofiovprfv yap ere, bri avBpuiiTOi avo-Ttjpbs ei' alpeis o ova edrjicas, /cai Bepi&is 6 ov< eo-nei- pas. 22 Ae'-yft b he" avrw 'E« tov crTuparos crov Kpivco o~e, irovnpe hovke. r;Sfty on eya> (ivopa>Tros avcrrr/pos eipi, aipcov o ovk e'drjKa, Kai 6epl£wv o ovk ecnreipa- 23 /cai Start ovk eScoKas to apyvpiov pov eVi c rfjv" rpdne^av, Kai eyu> e\6cov crvv TOKOi av eTTjja^a avro ; 24 Kai to'is irap- ecrTcbenv eiirev' "Apare chr avrov ttjv pvdv, Kai Sore rco ray t)eKa pvdse'xovTi. 25 Kai elnov avra>' Kvpte, e'xei. 8eKa pvds. 26 Aeyw yap vplv, bri. ttuvtI tu> evovTi hn6i]o-eraC enrb be tov pr) e^oiroc, Kai o t-^ei apotjcreTai an avrov. - 7 n\rjv rovs e^Bpovs pov eKelvovs, rovs pr) 6e\r)o-avrds pe jSaa-iXeuo-ai en av- «T^ t =t RATA AOYKAN. 201 Xovs, dydyere a>8e, Kai Karaacpd^are epnpoadiv fJiov. -2S Kai eincov tcivtci, enopeveTO epitpoo-Qev, dvafiaivoov els 'lepoo~6).vpa. 29 Kat eyevero ms fjyyicrev els Br]0- cpayt) Kai BrjBaviav, npbs to bpos to KaXovpevov eXaicov, direoreiXe 8vo tu>v padrjrcov avTov, 30 elncov 'YndyeTe els Trjv KarevavTi Kcopr/v' ev 1) elaTropevopevoi evpr]0-eTe iruXov 8e8epevov e(p' bv ov8eis irwTTOTe dvBpoowcov eKudiae' Xvo~avTes avrbv dydyeTe. 31 Kai edv tis vpas e'pco- ra " Atari XveTe ; ovtcos epe'iTe avTco' "Oti 6 Kvpios avTov xpeiav e%ei. 3 " 'AneXdovres 8e ol dneaTaXpevoi evpov aadits ehrev auTois. 33 Xvovtojv 8e auTwv tov 7rcoXov, elnov ol Kvpioi aurov rrpus uvtovs' Tt XveTe tovttwXov; 34 Ot 8e einov' 'O Kvpios avTov xpetav e\ei. 3o Kat rjyayov avrbv npbs tov 'irjaovv 4 Kai emppiyj/avTes eavrcov ra ipdria e'wi tov ttqiXov, eTrej3ilSao~av tov 'irjarovv. 36 Tropevopevov 8e al>Tov, vire- o~Tpu>vvvov Ta ipdna avrcov ev rrj 68a>. 3/ 'Eyyi^ovros 8e avTov ij8r] wpbs tt} KaratBdo-et rod bpovs tcov eXaicov, rjp- £avTO dnav to TrXr)6os tcov padrjTcov XaipovTes alvelv tov Qebv (pcovf] peydXr/ nepl nao-u>v aw el8ov 8vvdpecov, ^ Xe- yovTes' F,vXoyrjpevos 6 ep^dpevos /3acrt- Xevs ev bvdpari Kvpiov elpt]vrj evoiipavco, Kai 8dc-a ev v^io-tois. 39 Kat Tives twv i>" "On el e'yvcos Kai o~ii, Kaiye ev rrj r)pepa o~ov Tavrrj, Ta npbs elprjvrjv aov vvv 8k Luke XIX. 42. them, bring hither, and slay them before me. M And when he had thus spoken, he went be- fore,ascending up to Jerusalem. *A X~S( .' £ 29 And it came to pass when he was come nigh to Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount called the mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, :l " say- ing, Go ye into the village over against you, in the which at your entering ye shall find a colt tied, whereon yet never man sat: loose him, and bring him hither. 3I And if any man ask you, Why do ye loose him ? thus shall ye say unto him, Be- cause the Lord hath need of h i m . 32 And they that were sent, went their way, and found even as he had said unto them. 3i And as they were loosing the colt, the owners thereof said unto them, Why loose ye the colt ? 3l And ihey said, The Lord hath need of him. 35 And they brought him to Jesus: and they cast their garments upon the colt, and they set Jesus thereon. 3G And as he went, they spread their clothes in the way. 37 And when he was come nigh even now at the descent of the mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice, for all the mighty works that they had seen, 3S say- ing, Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord, peace in heaven, and glory in the highest. 3ii And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Mas- ter, rebuke thy disciples. i0 And he answered, and said unto them, 1 tell you, that if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out. 41 And when he was come near, he beheld the city and wept over it, 4a saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace ! but now Ik-- CL^Q cvt^ *~jr*° s/fcXy- 43 " * Luke XIX. 43. 202 EYAITEAION *£. A^^U^ tU.^ y ^k theyare h . d from thine eyes , ^ ^b 6 v a alca ™> « aL ^P 1 ™- ^ u zU%* a ' -/V—f / s* and com P ass thee round , and /cXcocrouo-i erf, (cat ovvegovai ere ttovto- v+^C<-n uc^< /-JU-e-A. ss„j,, ~ ' __ » » -i,,,,,, 4*-^ £ &^«l~ <~-GLn,4^ &s« and shall lay thee even with &»S / «« eda /J v / tnl * ground, and thv children aov tv aoi, /cat ovic acprjcrovaiv ev croi ,T'/7; » O*? 1 / 1 'Within thee: and they shall Xi'ftw eVl XMaT ai/cT &» OVK eyw»S W ^3 0~?i aS7- SUl^^jJ, tLA "7^ not leave ln thee one stone , « , ' - ' ^ , „ *-*-*~~y "*- r ^T 7 A upon another, because thou KCLipov rr/c eTTKr/COTTr/c 0"Ot^. X^^r^ ttAu-*-~U~i "^OLj^U. knewest not the time of thy 45 Ka j et VeX#a)i/ 6ts to tepoi/, qp^aro *«3 -- /y V Vii «And he went into the tern- eVf&X^ toOo jrcoXo^rac |> eV alrrf^A ~l£> L ' aj ;, Ai^ci 4 aL ?**«^3 **-***, pie, and began to cast out them /cat ayopdfrvras," i6 Xeycov avroLS' Te- 2. TU %CC&^*JbU & JK fih?^^ un™ W«™f \° £**» T° S , "P *™*)* fre^^tf.: , . a ,/ ~/7 Athem, it is written, My house eanV vpeis oe avrov enoii]0-are o-rn]- ToL 7tW>o<' tQ-'^/tUM -CiW / V- c - #it *Vis the house of prayer: but ye \ alov XnaTcoi'. r 7^., ^-* /? " « have made it a den of thieves. 47 , T 5, 5, , \ /)' <• ;•_ ,. r V/3W ^ ;< *A X* /« -I- * And he taught daily in the 47 Kat r/y didacTKcov ™ KaO ppepav c j v f< 01 fifi (T- ^v D temple. But the chief priests e V Tt 5 Upa>' 01 8e apviepeis Kat 01 ypau- * T ± ^ -jj ■ 2 ^T^ f 3 -5* ^ SC f e \llt%Sr£ f^rels ifaovv alrbu LoXecrac, ml ot MLl, vJu„ »■'- -zT.^i"-*^» A^-A stt'of the people sought to destroy r *'-%-« « » ///; &JZ>r»^fri> ' $UZ^ / ftX./-&. ^, u<.&A c?^^J^^ on one of those day ^ as he c TC o tepC o Kat evayyeXtCopei/ou, «rc- ^-4 • a,^iz-u>-c-f . /i^-jfj 1 -. jcx-/. £S-2y taught the people in the temple, o~TT]o~av 01 d up^tepeis ^ " Kat 01 ypapp.arels «i * ,-?f «:/. Zs - .c/^/»iv c hief priests and the scribes " * r f r \ , , , r # (l^ fc«.^ "P^/y /^ ^^ came upon him, with the elders, airrof, Xe-yofTes 1 Ei7re rjp.iv, ev iroia -<-^J ( . " and spake unto him, saying, (£ 0V(T ia ravra 7roie~is, fi rls eariv 6 1 '-rT y -,, 1 / -';■+■ sfj.,, i/, t> ir^nL' Tell us, bv what authority doest «* , ' , ,<. , / 3 >» f. IUi-VhU ^(u.^'-y ''f'f**' thou these things? or who is he 8ov? o-ot rr,./ e£ovow Tmm\v\ Ajro- ^'.Oi' 'Jr-*t d ^ &* e -«: x ^ «? ^«->-- <^*V AiP-dL^iS^ u-w^i^A,^/ one thing, and answer me. 4 To l3aiTTio-p.a Iwavvov el; ovpavov rjv, <2fo~t4nt>L&£' ' 4 The ba P tism of John, was it * f v £ Jvr3pco7rwi' : 5 Ot Se crweXoyto-ai/ro - >A .//'/./i from heaven, or of men ? 3 And ' ? P ' , ,.', . «„ »» * 2.. ^ -^r^i^^A M< c^c^^eAyJ^ t hey reasoned with themselves, »rporfavTous, Xcyo»/7-ey Oti eav fwrffl- £ /^? A^ ,7 // '/,' ^ Z> M/A/- textile saying, If we shall say, From uev 'E£ ovpavov, epet' Atari f ovv" ovk 7- /% / U&* ^L^u^O-rt) ■ H\ r » - / 6 VA„ ^ «',V,w,*„- ,V- Ix, /-/i: ^Sl *&*-**&*& believed ve him not? 'a But ^lyrtwrare avrcoj ^ Eav be tartofiev a^2£*u- /-/ en 6rT*~-^4-9 and if "'* say ' ° f men ' a11 the ^^ av8pa>7TU>v, nag o Aaos KaraAiffao-ct ^'' / 5! * ^ " L ' <>;h P 01316 wil ! ST," 8 !^ ' lhey h^as- Trent urue'vos yap eo-nv 'lwawrp> WGu , A, >k <7fi* /#_- be persuaded that John was a lr ,, ? n 7 ' v r , , Q \ A A O- ' r prophet. ' And they answered, TTpo j fc*/f-~*~ 9-c» (_Pj~~*-*- /Y/%>' that they could not tell whence f lbevai irodev. 8 (cat 6 'lr;cro{ic efTrev av- Jr. ,,/A O^tfc fr*~jL J^ H ^J«-d-g roIs . oi? . ^ _ Xf> V ;„ fV ^ ^ 7rhat authority I do these things, ovcria ravra ttoio). a — » b^J "^ d^j jejsetf. • ^J i —> a Or, Langed on Lira. RATA AOYKAN. 203 Ltjke XX. 20. 9 "HptjaTO be Trpbs tov Xabv Xe'yeiv 9 Then began he to speak to eqbvTevcrev aprreXuiva, Kai e^eboTO auroi> and let it forth to husbandmen, Vfo)pyoT9, ml dnebqprjo-e XP ( '' V0VS ' lKa - M f wen * int " a far conntry for /in v' * * \ \ 3. long" tiniG. Ann 3t tnc j>ouc. 1U kcii ev Kaipcp anea-TfiAe wpos season, he sent a servant to the tovs yeapyovs bovXov, Iva airo tov husbandmen, that they should - ~ ' \ " *-_... „2.~A- „; give him of the fruit of the Tine- _^7 Kapvov tov apntXavos bmmvavrp oi yardbut the husbandmen bea t /,/ ' ^. l4 / .5-. be yewpyoi belpavTes avTov ej;aireoTei- him, and sent him away empty. -rr / - e -rl& II °- ^Y^inrt^- Xav Kevov. " /cat wpoae'deTO nepylsai " And again he sent another " C . „ ,.,',„ * ' servant, and thev heat him also, eTepov bovXov' oi be KaKeivov OeipavTes and entreated h'im shamefully, Kai aTiudo-avTes e£aTrecrTeiXav Kevov. and sent him away empty. 12 v >/i ' ' i ' . ' Vi And again he sent the third, , """, 7r ^ 0 ' ' ' " ' - come, let us kill him, that the bevTe, anoKTeivwpev avTov, iva. ypuv inheritance may be „,„.„. u So yevr)Tai fj KXrjpovopia. Koi eKj3a- they cast him out of the vine- \6vres airrbv e£a tov dpTreXZovos, dire- yard and killed him What , , b , " , ,. r ' , therefore shall the lord of the KTeivav. tl ovv noii]0-ei avrois o Kvpios vineyard do unto them ? > 6 He tov duneXcovos : 16 'EXewfrai Kai dno- shall come and destroy these ■v / < i / \ & / husbandmen, and shall give the Xeaei tovs yeapyovs tovtovs, koi boxrei vineyard t0 others . tov dpireXcovu aXXois. . * 'AKOvaavTes be eliroV Mr) yevoiTO. And when thev heard it, they vy obV "-A^ 7 A.yofdhe be- // j*/\ _ ^ ^*-«^H , , rf ^ r / - a '/l « held them, and said, What is V2 A^(?c f v r> a*'.*^ /-v A/^,/,Z « ' 1S_~' ed, the same is become the head c,f^u.t~t eyevi]0r) eis KeCpaX^ yu>Vias J Tray o of ' the corner? is whosoever Treo~a>v eir eKe'ivov tov XiBov o~vv6Xa- shall fall upon that stone, shall /• . , > ' 19 t> v >>' ' > - it shall fall, it will grind him to „ /f ^ &/^ v ^ /,/,, «,<^4' avroi/. 1S Kat e(r]Trio-av ot apx^epeis powder. 19 And the chief priests '7- ' Y''iuVla.*£~ \ Ka\ oi ypaupaTe'is iirifiaXelv eV avTov and the scribes the same hour ? *<^^ uZL, a/6~ir* '" K ' If rr ,„„<-„ , ,, a , soll ght to lay hands on him. and • ^J ^(L, W^ ' #/■,/. Tas xeipas ev avrp tjj (opa, Kai ^ofir,- theyfeared the people: for they ^ " tf^OA & ^ fr** f \_" j. X ^ 6r/o-av tov Xaov' eyvcocrav yap oti npbs perceived that he had spoken /,, ffsr M- I fenm themselves just men, that SiKaiou? «i>ai, iva (niAaScovral avrov ' , , „ , „ -i^Yje^nui. words, i hat so they might de- Xoyov, as to irapabovvai avrov VBapXB * p~7y~ j j. /f r-/f- /*/" / liver him unto the power andau- Ka\ rfj e£ovo~ia tov fjyepovos. 21 /cat 1-7, s\ Jl-/- tLtfy-*,,4~*«* *y thority of the governor jji And >^ av6 Atwiref AtSd- A?»" «t they asked lum, saving, Master, 'r ' „ „ » , "/. , , , , -k £\r/ *£- ,„ / - n-A^. we kn,JW that tnou savest and °"* aAf > oibapev ort opflcoc Aeyetc (cat <*.V tt>y K*h "y-e^+f^* ■ /- -ts teachest rightly, neither ac- &Sao7ceis, /cat ou Xaufiavas Trpoo-wrrov, A rAi/rt. Zi*> r **« £.« Z-'I - — ceplest thou the person of ami, ,..,> > > >\ /J ' > 'Ss> - a 71 %^ /f/ *4#«~- b «' teachesl the wa >' of (;od X , S7T W* T - o8 ° 1 ' , T0U e6 °, U uX«^/ Zc*^ *y wj~ f& y * A « truly. '■" Is it lawful for us to 8t8d(TKeis. e^eaTiv rjplv Kaio-api (f)d- -&,/Q**s WeJfeuf ; (7 g}*f tribute unto Caesar, or no ? g - * o{; 23 Kn^^^y fe TJ*~ —.^ ;-/* ^, % j '■•But he perceived their craft i- ", „ ,'' ', T ', , Z-i LpOfirP' -ft*,/*',*** c^^/ckaS- ness and said unt0 t h em , why aurcoj/ rr/f 7ravovpyiav, ei7re 7rooc- av- are ti _ gj *-' L a, ,- • |KM, HUM sum IIIIHI lll^li, ....j - -| - -- f-f 7 - - |- - - ( //LLn /r+~ ^Jf. J+J'SyaJ 7 ; tempt ye me? « Shew me a TOI ; f . *Ti ue Trapd&re ? M b 8eti v^rf'/r //. ~/ /■ ' penny: whose imaee and super- « , r , r % , , ? , gJ^JLe^J? <5& ; AnoKpiOevTes 8e elnov' Kai- he said unto them Render niere. 25 « Q g^ ^, airoIs . ' A7r(5Sore fore untoCassar the things which I \ , > v , be Caesar's, and unto God the tolvvv Ta Kaicrapos Kaio-api, Kai Ta things which be God's. « And TQ ~ q €0 ~ t £ Q e< r } 26 Ka J ^ Xavvaav they could not take hold ot his , N „ , n ' ,' „ ,, , "■ , words before the people, and em\a(ieadai avrov prjparos evavriov they marvelled at his answer, tov \aoi>' Kai davpaaavTfs eirl tt} anro- 17 AD /Z*J. ML &>«*<*„ -d held their peace. K piaa avrov, ^ly W av. ? ~ L/X.^.« 1^**;VJ£%Z£$SS^ > Hpo^X^ U TMsrjov 2a8- 17 TvTl j/v^TZf- £^ ^T^vthat there is any resurrection" SovKaccov, ot avrtXcyo^rai'a.rratrt^, / r CP rt£r- 9 J Lk ' ^ I \ ;ind thev asked him, -'"saying, eti/at, €7rr)pu>TT)crav avrov, Aeyovres' ^otdj K,/n- n^-C-f-t^^, -" C*~ It any man's brother die. having ,« . ' , , ' /1 , /r J "^ , <~f y./- /J J* a wife, and he die without chil- Tivos abeACpos aTrotiavr) e X av yvvaiKa, sjzcc" -"ftyt'^ ^ If-i-t, l<<. ~ c ^- r \^en, that his brother should Ka \ ovros lireKvos dnoddvr], Iva Xa% o . v/_ •» TUke his wife, and raise up seed ' >-\ -' \,«.' , r-e^r^fti^ ^ *r< „ unto h.s brother. 29 There were abe\ /~o$ «£*-« ^y X/A ■*. therefore seven brethren, and a"TJja"J/ CTreppa rco dSeXcpw avrot). the first took a wife and died 29 eWa j ^SeXfiot" ^crai/- /cat c5 ttow without children. J " And the , J ' , n „ ~ second look her to wife, and he tos Aapcov yvvaiKa airtOavev artKVOS' died childless. 31 And the third 30 c KQ l '^\ a Q ev 8 fvTep0 g T ^p yvva'lKa, took her, and in like manner \ ? •> -n >> . 31 » ' the seven also. And they left Ka \ ovros anedavev areKvos " Kai o no children, and died. 3 - Last rpiros eAajSev avrrjv' a>o-avra>s 8e /cat ol tfl£&^J!£fi: ™1 ovKareAinovreKva," Kai drreda- whose wife of them is she ? for vov' varepov e oe ' ttuvtcov aneoave seven had her to wife. Ka \ ^ yw^. 33 e V rfj ovv dj/acrracret, t'i- I/, t<~T OL 1/l*-z> " ' /Z^&tJLe^i vo $ avTcov yiverai yvvr); ot yap eirra 'jt£jU / *-**^L/- 34 And Jesus answeHn g, said ^^ r r ^^ a - 7 , . , , T ' ^ unto them, The children of this Kat airoKpiVeis (iwev avrois o Ir)- world, marry, and are given in o-g-y. J „f J ro ~ a ;^ ws r0 vrou yauoCcrt • marriage: ^ but thev which \ , , ,, , -, > /i <■ shall be accounted worthy to « at iKyapiaKovraC *° ot Oe /caragtcocVej/- obtain that world, and the re- T e s rov alcovos eKeivov rv)(€iv Kai rrjs * tU u Ri'C. e-m^ft^iTt. c M xat o lsvrfpo<; nai Tptras t\a{Jfv avrrty' utaavT<»s At Kai o, *Jrra «.. KvlXi-xa* r,„«. d Bll. »dd >af «U '-» " Or, of a Irnlii. RATA AOYKAN. 205 Luke XXI. 4. dvacTTCKrecos Trjs e'/c veKpcov ovTe ya- surrection from the dead, nei- ... MoO™ oZtj kppbimwr.* oiVe yhp JS^WSffi ■£*£ U. i* —"*<*? f^; - mroOavelv en avvavraC t / children ot (.od, being the chil- <*-„ a-/L- / »--iX^- ' ^^ araa-easvtoi ovres. oti 6e eyeipovnu drenof the resurrection. 3? Now i^-J^C _ /J \yC AtA/Artr ot i/f depot, Kai Mcoo-fic eunvvaev eVt rrjc that the dead are raised, even . *" *'/ r-S- rf^—^ P ~f c * a> r < \> v'''„ «„ fi.L Moses shewed at the bush, when HUc^ae <^ ^^-X-^-J /-**■/ *o* t-« -«A<^ v him. 3a Then certain of the asYtff *, J>~p *€, 4L < • • . a »' \ 'V " scribes answering, said, Master, (Vi./iL , ypappartav tiirov AibaaKaXe, KaXcos thou hast well sairl . ,„ And ^ 7 v ^ S&. +*.M.J/-% etnas. 40 OiWti de eroApcov eivepcorav after that, they durst not ask'' • , ' . ' ^ ^ fc t4/ ^/ e.v€^. ^' ahrlvohbh. him any question at all. ^ 4^.J/*A^ ^ *- ^X* 41 Eotc Se TTposavTovs' IlusAeyovcn 4i And he said unto them, ^ ^ . 1/ ^ ^ * a i* \ ' > o'q\ i \ - . vid'ssen? 4J And David him- j ' , ■ (/> JZ — '/> avros Aavid Keyeiev jii^ha yjsaKpwv se if S aith in the book of Psalms, ^^y t~d*-e\ a« & ^ , / -/ 6 ^-j^ EtVef 6 Kuptos rdj KVpia> p.0V Kadov The Lord said to my Lord, Sit ^$L«_/- A^^, n ', a ' " * ^^ opnvs (Tov VTTonoOLOV tcov irobwv o~ov. stool. 44 David therefore call- c . / ^- i ~^^^o &■ #'*—? "7 uif ■"' ' c<«/t^ *-tm. 44 AaviS ovv Kuptoi/ avTov KaXeL Kat f th him, Lord, how is he then r. «** £4 <3U^X 40 AKOvovro? Oe 7rai/roc rov Aaov, 4a Then in the audience of all . a . ■ ■ / */ // , o ^>f"x«(fr_ 9 - /i - ' -. 46 rr ' the people, he said unto his dis- */- #■ #- >k^./- W« ^[-^l V^^/ v. etn-f rote ixadrjTats ayrov •! l.jDpmrcxerE ^^ f 6Be wareof the scribes, ■' -- u .- ■<~*^*^£f*S3CL 0776 rail' ypafipLarecov tcov Oekovriov which desire to walk in long cat 77pco- rooms at feasts: 47 which de- ^^ ^^^ /, < ^"> r >,_ Mouii *•. ^ -. » ! - !, / . 47 * vour widows' houses, and tor a , . «. <~^— y~ • .« ,', roKkiaias ev tois benrvois oc /care- shew make long prayers . the -£/. /y ,- <: -> V TcoS, c y^^.^..^ o-6iovo~i Tas oiKias tcov -)(rjpcov, /cat same shall receive greater dam- «i~«» .'<- l< n.<<, "*^ ^ ^^ Mytvcrcy Trpocpdirei /ta/cpa irpoo~ei>xovTai. ovroi natlon - <• ^ X/^ «. /a - , /r. c,.. A'^a/-. ^f\ t/in^/-^ Xi)\JAovTaL Trepio-o-orepov Kpipa. ,^-Uj^ < '<+* /'/C* f<;iu^, , 3t^«^i 21. 'Ai/aj8X«^ar Se c?Se roi ? j3aX- ^ /^4c' /"/«- A •»- >— '- >^ Xo^ras ra Sipa aiT«v ct's ro yator^v- 21. And he looked up, and ^/~*^ XV^f'^t"^ ^-"^ . , N r , 2 •?!> ss' b "' saw the rich men casting their 6fc ? *_£** ^"i* &-*'•■■'■' L AaKiov nAovaiovs' ^ etOe Oe /cm^ g if ts into the treasury. '■< And he ;r-^y iLt/- H*"- 6,? '■' ' -'' v » oV-^<3- rtfa YJ7pai/ ■nevivpav &aA\ovo-av e/cet saw also a certain poor widow, ^' axA_„ ^fii^. ^_ js' \ '. » V-.«_ . 'a\ z)-„\' . casting in thither two miles. •. _ J?£c X^-/ZCc^&_/ , And b he ^^ of a truthf , iay - 4 ^} £^A. nuti/, on J) Ynpa n 7rrcovn aurri 7rAetof unto you, that this poor widow / , . t , rf ndvrcov 'daieV * dnavTes yap oItol eK ^ cast in more than they all £ ^ XX t , ,-*. W~A**.M.*A^ rou nepio-aevovTOS avrois epaAov eis abundance cast in unto the of- v A«v(. £.Ut>,.,, ** /eui /S**- - y » Tti Sdipa toC Qeov, oZtt] de e'/c roO ferings of God, but she of her /^^ j. ■ >w^,, *yf6f T<* ?*{• ■ — A i'r T J. c'.^ f fi~ •>-/( *»«y& 7<'6 Luke XXI. 5. - 4 s /"a y ' ' /* • penury hath cast in all the -3d. / *^ -& come, in the which there shall i / rr yu? ■ ' S j / ->«*, a- s- not be left one stone upon an- ^*t J% i l5L "J^^ "^3*/ *ther, that shall not be thrown 11 lulP^fi fiVfc tf-n fryr i/- £t~^. «Ul*-v4^, . in my name, saying, I am Christ, and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after Vthem. a But when ye shall hear of wars, and commotions, be not terrified : for these things must first come to pass, but the end is not by and by. 10 Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, & kingdom against kingdom : " and great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, & pestilen- ces : and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. 206 EYAITEAION ",•< %y V/2 K 7/A& ksf- Lit if' " fc, : iL t^TUl . 12 But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought be- fore kings and rulers for my name's sake. 13 And it shall turn to you for a testimony. 14 Settle it therefore in your hearts, not to meditate before what ye shall answer. I5 For I will give you a mouth and wis- dom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay, nor resist. 16 And ye shall be betrayed both by parents and brethren, and kinsfolks and friends, and some of you shall they cause to be put to death. 17 And ye shall be hated of all men formy name's sake. I9 But there shall not a hair of your head perish. 19 In your pa- tience possess ye your souls. vcrrepijfiaTos avTrjs airavTO. tw fiiov bv eix € v e/3aXe. 5 Kai rtv(ov \ey6vrwv nepi roil lepov, on \i3ols Kakois Kai dvadrjfxacri K€Ko- afxr/rui, eiTTt' 6 Tavraa ^ecopeirf, e'Xev- aovTcu rjpipai iv ais ovk dcpeOrjaerat \idos eiri Xidco, bs ov KaTaXvdfjaeTai. 7 '~ETTr]puiTrjcrav Be avrov, Xeyovres' At- ScicncaAe , Trore ovv ravra earai ; Kai ti to OTjpelov, brav peXXrj ravra yiveaBai ; 8 'O 8e fine' BXeVere ^77 7r\aw]8r]Te' 7ToAAoi yap eXevo-ovrai eiri ro3 ovopari pov, \eyovres' Ort ey&j dpi' Kai' O Kaipos rjyyiKe. prj ovv 7ropev6?]Te OTTt'crco avTu>v. 9 orav 8e aKo^crj/re TroXepovs Kai dKaracrruo-iac, prj Tvror]6r]Ti' Bel yap ravra yeveadai irpaiTov, aAA' ovk evdecos to rekos. 10 Tore eXeyev av- toIs' TZyepdijo-erai edvos ewl eOvos, Kai j3ao~iXeia eiri @ao~iXeiav ' n aeiapol re peyaXoi Kara tottovs /cat Xipol Kai Xoipoi eaovrai, (poftrjrpd re Kai arjpela drr ovpavov peydXa earat. 12 npo Be TOVTav TtdvTU>v eVt/3aAoO- o~iv e(p' vpds ras x e W as ai>Ta>v, Kai 8ia>£ovo~i, 7vapaBi86vres els o~vvaya>yas Kai (fovXaKas, dyopevovs eiri j3ao~iXels Kai rjyepovas, eveKev rov ovoparos pov. 13 dno(it]o-eTai Be iiplv els paprvpiov' li 6ea6e ovv els ras KapBlas vpu>v, prj npopeXerdv aTToXoytjdrjvai.' lo eya) yap Sojo"co vplv o~ropa Kai o~o(])iav, fj ov 8v- vqo-ovrai avreiirelv a ovBe " avrLo~Tr)vai Trdvres ol dvTiKelpevoi vplv. 16 irapa- Bodrjcreo'de Be Kai vno yovecov Kai d- BeX(pu>v Kai avyyevcov Kai v' Kai 6avaTu>crovcnv e'£ vpwv' ^ Kai eo-eade piaovpevoL vno TravTcov Bid ro ovopd pov' 18 Kai Bplf; eK rrjs KecpaXrjs vpcov ov prj aTToXrjTai. 19 ev rrj inropovjj vp.a>v b Krrjaacrde" ras ■^ti^ay iipcov. a Cb. 1,. b CNJ KTTjatotju. KATA AOYKAN. 207 20 "Orav Se idrjre KVKkovpivrjv into (TTparoTTeSaiv ttjv 'lepovcraXfjp, tots yvaiTe on tjyyiKfv rj ipr/poio-is avrf/s. 21 Tore ol iv Ty 'IouSat'a (pevyeTcoaav etc to. opt)' Kal ol iv pio~(a avrf/s ex- YcopetVoxrai/" Kal ol ev reus x&pais pi) {Laepx(couio~av fis avTrjv. otl rjpepai cK&iKiiaews avTal elai, tov 3 n\r]o~8rivai" irdvra tci yeypappiva. oval 8e rais tvyaarpl ij(ovo~ais Kal rate 6rfka£ovo~ais iv cKeivais rais rjpipais' earat yap dvdyKT) peyaXr/ inl rijs yijs, Kal opyr) h " to> Xaw tovtco. " 4 Kal ireo-ovvrai o~to- paTi pa^alpas, Kal al^pa\aiTia6j]O'0VTai els Truvra tci Wvr\' Kal lepovcraXrjp ea~raL naTOvpivrj vttu i8va>v, «XP' tt\t)- pcoBoicrt Kaipol idveov. *° Kal 'iarai o-r/pela iv r/Atco Kal cre- Xrjvrj Kal aarpois, Kal inl tt)s yr)s o~vvo)(rj iBvav iv diropiq, c r^ovarjs^ OaXao-o-rjs Kal o~d\ov. " 6 dTroyj/v^ovrav uvBpanruiv dn6 (pofiov Kal TrpoadoKias Thjv eirep^opevrnv rrj oiKovpevrj ' at yap ftvvdpeis tuiv ovpavu>v o~a\ev6rjo~ovTaL. ~ 7 Kal rare o\j/ovTai rbv vlbv tov dv- dpanrov ip^dpevov iv ve(pekrj perd 8v- vdpeas Kal So£r/c noXXrjs. 28 dp^opevatv Be tovtcov yivecrdai, dvaKv^/are Kal indpare Tag Ke(pa\as vpaiv' Glotl iy- •ytfft tj aTroXvTpooo'is vpcov. Kal ewre irapafio\rjv uvtoIs' "l8ere Ti]v avKr/v Kai wavra ra bevopa. orav 7rpo(3d\a>o-iv fjdr], (3\e7rovTes d(p iav- tcov ytvao~Kere otl fjdrj iyyvs to Be'pos io~Tiv. 31 ovto> Kal vpels, orav 'IbrjTe Tavra yivopeva, yiva>o~K(Te otl iyyvs io~Tiv r) fiaaikeia tov Qeov. 32 dpr)v \iyu> iiplv, otl ov pr) irapekGj] r) yfrea avrrj ecoj av navTa yevrjTai, o ovpavos Kai rj yr) Trape\evo~ovTai, ol 8e Xo'yoi pov ov pr) napeXdcocri. Luke XXI. 33. 20 And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with ar- mies, then know that the deso- lation thereof is nigh. 2I Then let them which are in Judaea, flee to the mountains, and let them which are in the midst of it, depart out, and let not them that aie in the countries, enter thereinto. W For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. ' a But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days, for there shall he great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. 14 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations, and Je- rusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. 25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars, and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring, 2C men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth ; for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. '■" And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. M And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh. 29 And he spake to them a parable. Behold the fig tree, and all .the trees, 3U when they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves, that summer is now nigh at hand. 31 So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. 3i Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away, till all be ful- filled. 33 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. 4£ a?*~< a /■*-*-* a Uec. TAi7ptti0tjva». b Rec. add «v. ° cv — . Gb, tj^ovj. , , Luke XXI. 34. V-pr. (t^i^rft-jLAt 34 And take heed to your- l o£ V / c^lJ? '.-.' ;< ti*.J/„AdU*..*tSJ^ t ^eam be overcharged with , ,. Sr g& -J - ~- a surfeiting, and drunkenness, JU-iX, ^/ *"^/K-£ and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you una- wares. 35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. S6 Watch ye therefore, and pray '^ always, y ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. 37 And in the day time he was teaching in the temple, and at night he went out, andabode in the mount that is called the mount of Olives. 3S And all the people came early in the morning to him in the temple, for to hear him. 22. Now the feast of unlea- vened bread drew nigh, which is called the passover. 2 And the chief priests and scribes < •• ,/iXii/ sought how they might kill him; ■•/*,* >. for tne Y f earecl the people. .' I. 7 " J ■f+eyf^l ****&£*>* 3 Then 'entered Satan into Ju- *-//X.<7, Li, / A A ix^u. UU. -* tt . das surnamed lscariot, being 6 T-/ ■■ / ^y ;<<*( v w - £/S /-c,; O^ £ vpus (merry ri rjptpa eK.ei.vq' x a>s Trails yap eneXevaeraL ejrl iravras roue Kadqpevovs en\ np6cru>- ttov TTua-qs ttjs yr}c. 38 dypvirvelre ovv ev travri Kaipio 8eop,evoi, iva /carn^iw- drjre eKfpvye'iv raiira iravra ra peXKovra ylvecrdcu, Kai (rraOrjvai epTrpocrdev rov vlov rov avQpioirov. 3? 'YLv be tcis rjpepas ev toj lep

aKoveiv avrov. 22. "H-yyi£e de r\ eoprr] twv d^vpeov, fj Xeyopevrj irdcrx a ' 2 Kai (C^1 T0VV °i dpx^p^s Ka\ ol ypapparels, to ituis dveXcocriv avToV etyofiovvTO yap tov \aov. 3 elai]\8e be b " 2arai/ay els 'Iou- 8av rov eTTLKCikovpevov lo-Kapia>Trjv, ovra eK tov apiOpov roiv ScoSeKa' Kai dneXdcbv avveXaXqae rols djU^tfpeCcrt /cat rote o-Tparrjyo'is, to webs avTov ira- paSco ai/roic. 5 kui t^apryo-at', Kai avv- edevTO aurcS dpyvpiov bolivai ' 6 Kai e^aipoXoyrjae, Kai e^rei evKalpiav tov napadovvai avrbv avrols drep bxXov. 7 *HX6e 8e rj rjpepa rwv d&puv, ev fj e'Sei dveadai rb irdax a ' 8 Kal aneo-TeiXe Herpov Kai ''l&dvvqv, eliruiV Tlopevdev- re? eroipda-are qplv rb ndo-x a ! lva 4> a ~ ywpev. 9 Ot 8e elnov avra> ' IIoC fleXeis eroipdo-apev ; 10 'O fie elnev avrols' 'Ifioii, elaeX66vTU>v iipcbv els rrjv noXiv, avvavrtjcrei vplv dvdpconos Kepupiov vdaros fiaardfav' dKoXovdr/o-are avrco els rr)v olxiav ov elo-iropeverai' n Kai epelre ru> olKoBeanorrj ttjs oiKias' Ae- yei rxoi 6 SiSucrKaXof IIoD ecrrt to Keo. /SapvvQivoiY b Kec. udd o. a Or, without luaialt- RATA AOYKAN. 209 Luke XXII. 26. -. Karakvpa, 6Vou to TTucrxa pcTa tw chamber where I shall eat the " ') A. 7 - ' c " ' ^ '"" '' " " pa6x]Tu>v pov (pdyco ; u KaKtlvos vp'iv P ass0V - 14 Kal ore eyeVeTO n a>pa, dveweo-e, U A " d wh ' en the ho "r was 'A y// t -^/^,< w ' \ < > - come, he sat down, &lhe twelve '^ I*"*" -s^ 1 *^ . W (cat ot dcooe/ca aTroo-ToXot to at^rw. apostles with him. '5 And he a *T-£y>JL/-/ "' <■< '" Kal care npos avTOiis' 'Enidvpia sa "i unto them, « With desire X./X-S0 y^a.^X ■ V~- '■ f ^^,a roiro ri ,a 4S-*. '■ '-* e-« /ti a_h. " " \ a- > ~ a \ > i it be fulfilled in the kingdom / , ^ I . C/. s. , ( ■ j ■ , //- 7 &**■ «**« ecus otov irkr) P , ev- CU P. and gave thanks, and said, l < < ""T~' Oiauepio-aTt; eavrois' ls Xeyco yap upii/, you, I will not drink of the / ■ /„ u fi /^,-^V ort ov wnio^oTov ye^aro, nj S ^ £ MaES? "^ # « ' ' " ^' apneKov, ecos otov tj /SacnXeta tov Beov , fn <•= /• * A Vt e'Xfy. , % ,,. .^TLC^^r 19 Kat Xa/3(uv aproz/, ei'vapto-rno-ac " A ,. nd , he took bread, and ' » -v v *^ ** , i « "A u r"^"/^ U P gave thanks, and brake it, and . ' X ' ' / ^. " / ' , exXacre, /cat efitoKej/a^TOt^XeycofTovrd gave unto them, saying, This 7 v - • " ' io~Ti to o- ? ^!'P rov irapadtdovTos him that betrayeth me, is with pe pfT ipov in\ tt)s Tpaire(r)s. w Kal me on ' he table. " And truly 6 pi, vlosjov d V 6p6>nov nopty™ K a T a £f s ^erminT/urwoe^.' to - f v to enquire among themselves, ! ' VPS avT ° (rvi"T€iv irpos tavTovs, which of them it was that should to tis "ipa ('in f'£ avTu>v 6 tovto pek- do this thing. \u>v irpdo-o-civ. 24 And tbere was also a strife 24 ,L, , 5,, x , , , among them, which of ihem JVyeffro oe Kat CpiXovtiKia ev av- should be accounted the great- to'is, to Tts avTw doKtl dual aeiCav. Sf - 1 - And h , e f aid unt0 them, 25 « s>' ' > „< Q » - _ Ihe kines of the Gentiles ex- 0( envfv avTOis- Ot paaiKfis tcov ercise lordship ov.r them, and fPfcof KVpievovaiv avTG>v, Kal 01 e£ot/- they that exercise authority rri/T/V.ii^o «,',»-."... ,.' ' -v - upon them, are called benefac- gtafovrcs avTcov tutpytTai nakovvrai. tors. » But ye shall not be so ^ vptis oe ov% ovTois' aXX d pt[£a>v but he that is greatest among » R«t;. a^^Ytoi.. a Or, 1 bare heartily desired. 15 Luke XXII. 27. you, let him be as the younger, and he that is chief, as he that doth serve. s ' For whether is greater, he that sittethat meat, or he that serveth ? Is not he that silteth at meat? but I am among you as he that serveth. 28 Ye are they which have con- tinued with me in my tempta- tions. 29 And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me, 30 that ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 31 And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath de- sired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat : 3 - but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not; and when thou art con- verted, strengthen thy brethren. 33 And he said unto him, Lord, I am ready to go with thee both into prison, and to death. 34 And he said, I tell thee Peter, the cock shall not crow this day, be- fore that thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowe^t me. 35 And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, No- thing. 3I > Then said he unto them, But now he that hath a purse, let him take it, and like- wise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his gar- ment, and buy one. 37 For I say unto you, that this that is written.must yet be accomplish- ed in me. And he was reckoned amons the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end. 3S And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough. 39 And he came out. and went, as he was wont, to the mount of Olives, and his disciples also 210 EYAITEAION iv vp'iv ytveadco cos 6 vtioTtpos' Kai 6 rjyovpevos ojc 6 8iaKOVu)v. 7 Ttr yap pt i£v ios 6 BiaKovwv. ^ vptis fie io~Tt ol biaptptvrjKOTts ptT ipov iv toIs ireipatTfiols pov' VJ Kayio fiiari- 6tpai vplv, Ka6a>s 8u6(t6 poi 6 iraTr)p pov, fiao-iXeiav, 30 iva icrdlrjTt Kai iri- vrjTt inl rr)s Tpam^rjs pov iv tt) /3a- aiXtla pov, Kai a Ka@lo~r]o~6e" eVi Bpovccv, Kpivovrts ras 8co8tKa (pvXds tov Itr- par)X. 31 Ewre fie 6 Kvpios' 'Sipuav, 'Sipcov, ifiou, 6 Saravas i£r]Tr)aaTO vpus, tov aividaai cos tov ct'itov' 3 * iyio fie i8trj6rjv Tvtpi o~oii, iva prj tKXtinr] t) ttio'tis o~ov' Kai av Trore iiriaTptyas o-Trjpiijov tovs d8eX(povs crov. ^ 'O fie thvtv avTio ' Kvpit, ptra. o~ov troipos dpi. Kai tis (pvXaKrjv Kai tls Bdvarov TToptvto-6ai. 34 'O fie thrt' Aeyco vol, Herpe, ov pr) VT]o-ei ar/ptpov aXfKTiop, irpiv t) Tpis anapvr]o-rj pr) eifieVai pt. 35 Kai thvtv avTo'is ' "Ore aWcrreiXa ipas cirep fiaXavriov Kai 7rrjpas Kai vwoBrjpdrcov, prj tivos vaTtprpraTt ; Ot fie throw Ov8tv6s. 36 EiVev oiiv avro'is' AXXa viiv 6 i'xcov fiaXdvTiov dparoo, opoiios Kai nr/pav' Kai 6 pr) t^iov nco- \r)o~aTio to ipdriov avrov, Kai ayopa- o~utco pd\aipav. 3? Xiyio yap xip'iv, on h en " roiiTO to yeypappevov fiet Tt \t- o~6r)vai iv ipoi, to' Kai ptTa avopcov i\oyio-6rj' Kai yap tu ntpl ipoi TtXos f'x el - * Ot fie throv' Kvpit, ifiov, pd- Xaipai cafie five 'O fie eiTrej* aiirols' 'Ikovov ilTTl. 39 Kai i£e\8i\>v inoptvdt) /cara to tBos tig to opos tu>v iXaicov' rjKoXovBrj- o~av fie avTco Kai ol paBrjTal avrov a Gb. icaQiataQt. RATA AOYKAN. 211 Luke XXII. 53. yevopevos oe eiri tov tottov, etrrev followed him. ■"> And when he avTOis' IJpoo-fVYfarde pn flartXdelv etc v T as at the P lace . he said unto ' 41 t) v > > » / /i them, Pray, that ye enter not T^TI "', , ?' avTOS ™ t <™ a 'r01 into temptation. «' And he was OB* avTuv cocrei Xidov /3oXr)f, jcal #eic withdrawn from them about a rayovaranpoarjvxero, - «p. Itf. S^ftSKSSK re/}, ft povAei irapeveytceiv to irorrjpiov if thou be willing, remove this touto a7r' eiiOV" TrXriv ui) to deknad uov, cup f ™, m me: nevertheless, not '\\> v ~ > A my will, but thine be done. aAAa to gov ytveaaco. 3 y(p6rj fie ay T j> aWXor aff oupa- « A nd there appeared an row ei/to"^vo)i/ at/TOf. (cat yevopevos a "g' el unto him from heaven, eV dyaw'a, iKTtvioTtpw 7rpo ' i> . «* > * ~ < r \ a i n m g man agony, he prayed more eyeveTO Oe o idpcos avrov uaet Vpoppoi earnestly, and his sweat was as alpaTos KdTaftaivovTfs eirl ttiv yriv. j. t . were E reat dro P s of blood 45 _ « > x . , - '„',', tailing down to the ground. Ktu avao-TUs ano tijs vpocrfvxns, e\- is And when he rose up from ca>v irpos Toils padrjTas a ", evpev ai/TOVs P ra y«". a "d was come to his «,>^ew w ™ x^ )f , « «d ssEjasywsaa (inev avTOis' Tt Ka6evbeTe ; afOOT-ai/rer them, Why sleep ye ? Rise, and irpoo-evxeo-8e, Iva pr) etVeX0r/re ets wet- Pr ? y ' lest ve enter int0 tem P- pacrpov. » s " ET \ f* a ^ T ° 5 A > aA ° S,/ros \. i&°v> * 7 And while he yet spake, o^Xoc, (cat 6 Xeyopevos 'iovfia? etc tow behold, a multitude, and he ^Ka^px^aLro^Kal |yy„re ^^e^wel tteXm! rep Ir/crov (pikijo-ai avTov. 4S o fie Ir/- and drew near unto Jesus, to ' 'lovfia, (hlXnuaTl tov k 'sshim. 4 >» But Jesus said un- .,:A. ~ > a >' 5.'!. 40 > Tt ,/ t0 him, Judas, betrayest thou viov tov avOpanov wapaSidms ; 49 IBov- the Son of man with a kiss? Tes fie ol ire pi ai)Tov To eaopevov ehrov 49 When they which were about +f*fa « -ara^e, eV ^a/p?; ^^^KSJflSSi Kai eiraTat-ev eis Tts e£ avrcoi/ Tor wesmitewith the sword? 50 And dovXov Toil apviepeats, Kal dcbe'tXev av- one ° { I; hem smote the servant _- _> > - »/ far. And he touched his ear, ayap€vos tov mnov avrov, taaaTO and healed him- avrov. Et7re fie 6 I»7 > »_i„ 5_ - v 52 Then Jesus said unto the paytvoptvovs or ^ avrov ap X iep(is Kai chiefpriests, and captains of the OTpaTijyovs tov lepov Kai Trpea-^vre- temple, and the elders which povs- 'Or eVt \ W tt>v e^eXnXv^tTe ueTtx we . re come l ? him - B ^ con \ e „„. - v X'n ' b «' „, f " out as against a thief, with paxaipcov /cat f vha>v ; /ca^ rjptpav swords and staves ? " When I ofroy p.ov peff iipaiv ev rca tepco, ovk was dailv wi,n vou in ,n e tem- Itmit,,,*-*- -A„ ..,"„ > >' > y* i-.ni pie, ve stretched furth no hands t&rtumre raj X etpac (7 r epe. aXX against me: but tnis is V0(lr avTT) vpcov ecmv rj oipa, Kal f) i£ovo~ia hour, and the power of dark- a Iklx. .. dd atirov. b Rec. atuvk, Luke XXII. 54. 212 EYAITEAION ness. 54 Then took they him, rov (tkotovs. 5i SvXXafiovres 8e avrov and led him and brought him £ yayov Ka \ do-nyayov a avrov" els rov into the high priest s house, '{ ' '« , ',' ' oikov rov ap^ifpeoi?. and Peter followed afar off. 'O 8e lierpos rjKoXovdei paKpodev. «5 And when they had kindled 65 ^avrav 8e irvp ev peaco rfjs avX^s, 3. nrt' in tilt* rnicist ot tno hrii, .. a ' * *■» * / /\ < and were set down together, Kai avyKadio-avrcjv avru>v, eKadyro o Peter sat down among them. IleYpoc ep peaa avra>v. 56 l8ovaa be 56 But a certain maid beheld s * & t l a' \ \ him as he sat by the fire, and ™™ v Traidicn^ TO KaB^pevov^ rrpos to earnestly looked upon him, and (pebs, Kai areviaava avrw, dire' Kai said, This man was also with J ro? ^ a £ T(5 »„, 57 < fe hpvnaaro him. 57 And he denied him, say- . , , „ .. , « ' , , T i r ' , , ing, Woman, I know him not. "avrov, XeywV ivvai, ovk oida avrov. 6S And after a little while ano- 53 Ka ^ a /3pavi/ erepos I8av avrov ther saw him, and said, Thou j/i . T r \ \ >> > - ' «r» s* tt' art also of them. And Peter ( f"l Kai en; e£ avrcoi/ «. Ode Hcrpos said, Man, 1 am not. 59 And ebrev' ' Avdpanre, ovk eipi. Kai bia- about the space of one hour ^OTIS ^d ^ pa? „£ s Z\\ os Tls ftjf. after, another confidently at- ' , r ' , , , N A , , firmed, saying, Of a truth this o-yypiQero, keyuv " E7T aArjOeias Kai fellow also was with him ; for 0V ~ T0S n.er avrov rjv Ka\ yap TaXiXalos he is a Galilean. 60 And Peter > en -~, »> » „< », a said, Man, I know not what earw. ^ Et f e 8e ° n«-poy AvOpane, thou sayest. And immediately ou/c oida 6 Xeyeis. Kai Trapaxprjpa, en while he yet spake, the cock XaXovvros avrov, e, depovres' blindfolded him, they struck M Ka \ Tvepi.KaXv4ravres avrov, ervivrov him on the face, and asked him, > - \ / v > „ » _ „ > saying, Prophesy, who is it that a y rw T° ^potrmrov, Kai eTTTjpcorcovav- smotethee? 6i And many other rov, Xeyovres' Iipo(f)rjrev ' the elders of the people, and the irpeo-fivTepiov^ rov Xaoy, ap X iepeis re chief priests and the scribes Kai ypappare'is, Kai avr]yayov avrov eis came together, and led him into Q „- vv ^piov ( avrwv," Xeyovres' 67 Et their council, saving, fc7 Art thou ,»,'!• ( l \ / - t^t 5, > the Christ? tell us. And he crv ei o Xpiaros, eiire ijpiv. Enre be said unto them, If I tell you, you avTO l s - 'Eav vp.lv ei7rco, ov uri mo-rev- will not believe. 63 And if I ak m &\ \ > 1 > \ also ask you, you will not answer oyjre DS eav be ^Kai epwrr]au>, ov pij me, nor let me go. 6a Hereafter aTTOKpidrjre p.01, fj uTiroXvaTjre. 69 a7ro a ZJ b ZX c Rec. add o. d Gl). oui e ^ avrov. I t^J — . Rec. & L!b. .avTu>K. RATA AOYKAN. 213 tov vvv earai 6 vlos rov dv6pa>nov na- t)r)pevos €K be£icov ttjs bvvdpecos tov Qeov. '° "Eiirov be ivdvTes ' 2v ovv ei 6 vlos tov Qeov ; O be wpos avTovs ev lovbalav ; O be arroKpiOels aiirco etpr)' 2v Xeyeis. * 'O be IltXdroj elne npos tovs dp- ^tepe'is Kal tovs o)(\ovs' Ovbev evpio~Ka> aiTiov ev Tu> dvOpumio tovtw. 6 Ol be eirio~xvov, AeyovTes Otl avacreiei tov \aov, bibdcrKccv Kaff oKrjs Trjs'lovbatas, dp^dpevos and rrjs TaXikaias eccs eobe. 6 HtXaTos be dtcovcras Ta\i\alav eirq- puiTTjo-ev el 6 dvdpconos Ta\i\ai6s e'crn' ' Kai eniyvovs otl ex. ttjs e£ovo~ia$ Hpaybov ecrTiv, dvenep\j/ev avrov npds Hpcobrjv, ovra Kal ovtov ev 'lepoaoXv- pois ev Tavrais rats rjpe'pais. 8 6 be HpcoSr/r Ibaiv tov 'Itjo-ovv e'^dprj \iav Tjv yap 6e\cov e£ luavov Ibe'iv avTov, bia to aicove iv b 7roXXa * nepl avrov ' Kal ffkm(e ti arfpelov Ibe'iv vit avTov yivo- pevov. 9 enr/pwra be avrov ev \6yois tKavois' avTos be ovbev dneKplvaro av- Tto. 10 eltrTTjiceio-av be ol dp^iepels Kal ot ypapparels, evTovcos Karrjyopovvres avTov. u e£ovdevi)o-as be ovtov o'Hpa- br/s crvv toIs o-TpaTevpaaiv avTov, Kal eprral^as, Trepi(3a\o)v avTov eo-drjra Aaprrpav, dveireptyev avTov tco TliXaTco. * Krc. frfaytv. Luke XXIII. 11. shall the Son of man sit on the right hand of the power of God. 70 Then said they all, Art thou then the son of (Jod ? And he said unto them, Ye say that I am. 7I And they said, What need we any further witness ? for we ourselves have heard of his own mouth. 23. And the whole multi- tude of them arose, and led him unto Pilate. 2 And they began to accuse him, saying, We found this fellow pervert- ing the nation, and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, say- ing, that he himself is Christ a king. 3 And Pilate asked him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews? And he answered him, and said. Thou sayest it. 4 Then said Pilate to the chief priests, and to the people, 1 find no fault in this man. 5 And they were the more fierce, say- ing. He stirreth up the people, teaching throughout all Jewry, beginning from Galilee to this place. B When Pilate heard of Galilee, he asked whether the man were a Galilaean. 7 And as soon as he knew that he belonged unto Herod's ju- risdiction, he sent him to Herod, who himself also was at Jeru- salem at that time. 8 And when Herod saw Jesus, he was ex- ceeding glad, for he was desir- ous to see him of a long season, because he had heard many things of him, and he hoped to have seen some miracle done by him. 9 Then he questioned with him in many words, but he answered him nothing. 10 And the chief priests and scribes stood, and vehemently accused him. " And Herod with his men of war set him at nought, and mocked him, and array- ed him in a gorgeous robe, and sent him again to Pilate. Luke XXIII. 12. 12 And the same day Pilate and Herod were made friends to- gether ; for before, they were at enmity between themselves. 13 And Pilate, when he had called together the chief priests, and the rulers, and the people, 14 said unto them, Ye have brought this man unto me, as one that perverteth the people, and behold, 1 having examined him before you, have found no fault in this man, touching those things whereof ye accuse him. 15 No, nor yet Herod : for I sent you to him, and lo, nothing worthy of death is done unto him. I6 I will therefore chas- tise him, and release him. " For of necessity he must release one unto them at the feast. 18 And they cried out all at once, saying, Away with this man, and release unto us Ba- rabbas, ls) who for a certain se- dition made in the city, and for murder, was cast into prison. 20 Pilate therefore willing to release Jesus, spake again to them: 21 but they cried, saying, Crucify him, crucify him. 22 And he said unto ther.i the third time, Why, what evil hath he done ? I have found no cause of death in him, I will therefore chastise him, and let him go. 23 And they ( were instant with loud voices, requiring that he might be crucified: and the voices of them, and of the chief priests prevailed. ''* And Pilate "gave sentence that it should be as they required. 25 And he re- leased unto them, him that for sedition and murder was cast into prison, whom they had de- sired, but he delivered Jesus to their will. 2S And as they led him away, they laid hold upon one Simon a Cyrenian, coming out of the country, and on him they laid the cross, that he might bear it 214 EYAITEAION 12 iyevovro 8e (piXoi o re IIiXdYoc Kai o'Hpcobr/s iv aiiTj) rrj rjpepa jj.fr dXXrj- XcoV TrpovTTrjpxov yap iv i\dpa bvres irpbs eavrovs. 13 TliXdros 8e crvyKaXetTapevos roi/s apxiepeis Kai toiis dp^ovras Kai rbv Xabv u ihve irpbs avrovs' Yipocrq- veytcare pot rbv dvdpconov rovrov, cos u7ro(TTpf(povTa rbv Xaov' Kai i8oi>, eya> ivcomov vpcov dvaKpivas ov8ev evpov iv tco dvdpcoirco tovtco airiov, cov Karrj- yopelre Kar avTov' 15 dXX' ov8e Hpco- drjs' a dvinepyj/a yap vpas rvpbs avrbv," Kai l8ov, ov8ev ai-iov davdrov ecrri we- rrpayp,ivov avrco. 16 irai8fvtras ovv av- rbv dnoXvo-co. ^ b 'AvdyKrjv 8e ei%ev airoXveiv avrdis Kara ioprrjv kva." 18 'AveKpa^av 8e 7ra/x7J"Xr/cVi, Xeyovres' Alps tovtov, airoXvo-ov 8e qpiv c tov" Bapa/3/3aV 19 bcrris rjv Bid o-rdcriv Tivd yevop.ivqv iv rrj rroXei koi (fiovov /3e- j^Xijpivos (is cpvXaKrjv. 20 irdXiv ovv 6 IliXaroc 7rpoo~e(j)covrio-e, BiXcov aTToXvcruL rbv 'Irjtrovv' ol 8e irtecpcovovv, Xiyov- Tes' 'Sravpcoirov, crravpcoaov avrov. ^" 'O 8e TpLTov eine npbs avrovs' Ti yap Ka- Kovinoirjcrev ovros; ov8ev a'lriov Bavdrov evpov iv avrco' naidevtras ovv avrbv aTroXvcrco. 23 Oi 8e iireKeivro (pcova'is peydXais, alrovp-evoi avrbv o-ravpcoOj)- vai' Kai Kariax^ov al (ficovai avrcov Kai rcov dpxifpecov. '* 6 8e IliXaror ineKpive yevitrOai rb a'irrjpa avrcov' ■* d7reXvtre 8i d " rbv 8ia ardaiv Kai 7>*»I. b ZJ c — * d R ei: , add aorois, a Or. aisentcd. : Hue. add 70u RATA AOYKAN. 215 Lukk XXIII. 41. ~' TjKoXovdei 8i avrco no\v TrArjdos rov after Jesus. 27 And tliere fol- Aaov, Kal yvvaiKu^al a Kai* e\6nrovro lowed him a great company of , ' , ' » j oa j. ^ s> % people, and ot women, which Kai edprjvovv avrou. *° o-rpa>••'/ \ > > i> them, said, Daughters of Jeru- povaaKrjp, pr] KAtum eir €/*€ 7rAr/!/ «0j salem> weep not for me< but eavras Kkaiere kal eVi ret reKva vp.a>v. weep for yourselves, and for m « >s ' « < ' '. _?_ vour children. M lor behold, * on 1801/^ tpxovrai ypepai^ ev ais [he days are coming) jn t ,^ epovcri, MaKtipiM ai areipai, Kai Koikiai which they shall say, Blessed at ovk eyevvriaav, Kal uacrTOl ot OVK f™ the barren, and the wombs >Z] / N all / * f- \ ' - that never bare, and the paps effrjAaaav. ou rore apgovrai Acyfi!/ tols which never gave suck. ■>» Then ooetrf II > ' , / , -, > T , to be put to death. •" And when 6ov em tw roirov rov KaAovpevov^ Kpa- they were come t0 the place vlov, ocei eo~ravpa>o~av avrdv, Kai rovs which is called « Calvary, there KaKovpyovs, ovpev « 8e£iS>v, ov 8e ei they crucified h,m and the ma- ''. -14 ,C,i - «\ / lefactors, one on the right hand, apiarepcou. M o 8e Irjaovs eAeye' FLarep, and the other on the left. *'Tnen a(hes avrols' ov yap o'i8ao-i' ri tvoiovai. saidJesus,Father,forgivethem, A r > , '*, i v « / > lor they know not what they do: MapepiQopevoi be ra ipcina avrov, and they parted njs ralment> i'fiaXov Kkfjpov. 3a Kal elo-rrjKei 6 Xaoy and cast lots. 35 And the peo- /], - >>• . ' j- s>> '<•"„„ pie stood beholding, and the ecapuv.ffriLvicnipiiovte Kai oiap X ov- f uierg also wUh th |^ derided rey h criiv avrols," Xeyovres' AXXouc him, saying, He saved others, ecrcoo-e, o"(ao-dro) eavrov, el ovtos eariv let him save himself, if he be , v , , „ . ,\ , ikit-, ' Chnst.the chosen ol God. ••'■And o X/jtoroc, o rov Qeov eKkeKros. ° Ei/e- t h e soldiers also mocked him, nai(oi> 8e avrut Kal 01 orpartcorat, irpoo-- coming to him, and offering him / v '>',*• j.' > - vinegar, 37 and saying, If thou ep X ouevoi Kai o£o^ Trpo(Tv KaKOvp- 33 And one of the malefac- yav e'j3Xao-&> j. a- > ' /-x » « S saying, Dost not thou tear God, Aeycot» Ovde Ojo/i// cru roi/ Geof, OTt ei/ seeing thou art in the same con- tw aiiro) Kpipari ft; 41 Kai Tjpels pev demnation ? ■" And we indeed * Ov, the pUce ot" » icull. Luke XXIII. 42. 216 EYAITEAION justly ; for we receive the due Sikcu'coc' a£ia yap fav eirpd^apev arro- reward of our deeds, but this \ a uBdvouev' ovtos 8e ov8ev utottov man hath done nothing amiss. „ " > ai ,. \ v\ • > T ■>. »* ' « And he said unto Jesus, Lord, «7rpa£e. *~ Kai eXeye Tip tyo-ov Mjf/- remember me when thou com- crdrjTi pov, Kvpie, orav eXdrjs ev r?; est into thy kingdom "And 3 x/ 43 Ral £ nfv a t T £ 6 Jesus said unto him, Venlv, I ^"*«"«'¥ j , . , , ' > say unto thee, to day shalt thou Irjcrovs' Aprjv X«ya> (TOl, pa eKT^, Kai (TKoros hour, and there was a darkness iyevero ed> SXrjv ttjv yr)v, eoif copas over all the "earth, until the > / 45 „ v ,'„„„_,'„/J„ ^ ,JT\i„„ mi ninth hour. « Arl d the sun was e , vva ^ , e < TK , 0TL \ >> ' he gave up the ghost. Tav T a , el7r(,)v *&7rvevp i av Ta vTriv, deapovvres to. ye- which were done, smote their J r , \ e - it \ 'a breasts, and returned. " 9 And vopeva, rvrvtovTes " eavrcov ra orrrjtfrj all his acquaintance, and the vTrearpedtov. 40 elo-rnKeiaav 8e rravres women that followed him from , ' *» » « >n y . „-. Galilee, stood afar off, behold- °< yvatrrot avroy paKpo&ev, Kai yvvaiKes ing these things. al avvaKoXovd^aaaai avTo> ano ttjs TaXiXaias, 6pa>aai ravra. »» And behold, there was a 50 Kat loov, dvrjp ovopari 'iaxrr/cp, man named Joseph, a counsel- R ov XevTr)i vTrdpycov, dvfip dyados Kal lor, and he was a good man, & Z, K i , ? ' > » /i a just, si ( The same had not OiKato?,^ 61 (ot;Toy oi;^^ o-yy/caraTf^ft- consented to the counsel and uevos rrj j3ov\fj Kal rfj npd^ei avrwv,) deed of them) he was of Ari- > \ > « /i '' _ '\ ' „ _,-.,. 'T,,-,,^.'„,. math iB a,acityoftheJews(who "^ Apifiadaias noXecos Tmv lovbaiuv, also himself waited for the e os Kal 7rpoo-e0exeTO Kai avros Tl\V kingdom of God.) 5^ This man Bao-iKelav tov Qeov, 52 ovros 7rpocre\da>v went unto Pilate, and begged „ - , ,/ , - ~> T the body of Jesus. 53 An d he ra UtAara) rjTijo-aTO to accpa^ tov Itj- took it down, and wrapped it ^{J. =3 K(l \ Kn ^ f Xcbv at>TO evervXltjev in linen, and laid it in a sepul- > \ <\ » \ »a '» ». ...Jl..„_. chre that was hewn in stone, av ™ vivSovi, Kat e6r]Kev avTO evpvTjpaTl wherein never man before was Aa^evTa, ov oxiK rjv ovoeTTiO ovoets KeL- laid. 54 A nd that day was the ' «4 d Ka ^ ' pa » TtapaorKevh, preparation, and the sabbath " , , , , '~ r » r i» drew on. Kai came with him from Galilee, "«'*«> a'™" '7 " ai/ crvve\r)\v8viai av- followed after, and beheld the ro3 etc ttjs TaXiXatac, ededaavro to a'ro irapaTt^e^at ^35 t w OJ TTPOffB^e^eTO. ^15 6 ZX a Or, land RATA AOYKAN. 217 pinjpelov, koi a>? ere'dr) to acopa avTOv. 56 vnoo-Tpey^acrai. 8e rjTOipaaav dpdtpaTa Kai pvpa' Kal to fieu o-dftftaTov rjo-vxa- o~av KciTa tt)v (vtoXtjv. 24. T?J Se pia tpa tov Kvpiov 'lrjcrov. 4 Kal eyevero iv tco 8iairopeicr6ai avrds irepl tovtov, Kal IBoii, b dvSpes 8vo" iivio-T-qo-av avTals ev icrdr/aeaiv daTpanTovo-ais ■ 5 ip(p6j3a>v 8e yevopevu>v avraiv, Kal KXivovaoov to Tvpoaumov etc ttjv yf)i/, einov 7rpos avTas' Ti ^rjTe'iTe tov £5)VTa peTci twv veKpcov ; 6 ovk eoTTiv &)Se, dAX' fjyipdrj' pvrjcrdrjTe 6>s iXdXrjaev iipiv, ert we iv rfj TaXi- Xata, 7 Xiycav "On Set tov vlov tov dv&pamov Trapa8o0rjvai etc xe'ipas av- OpdoTTcov dpapTaXcov, Kal o-Tavpa>6r)vai, Kal tyj TpLTTj fjpepa dvao~Tr)vai. 8 Kai epvi]o-6r)crav tu>v prjpaTU>v av- tov' 9 Kal imoo-Tptyaarai drro tov pvrj- peiov, aTrrjyyeiXav ravra ndvTa toIs evBeKa Kal irda-i toIs e Xonrdts- l0 rjv 8e " I] MaySaXr/fr) Mapia Kal 'ladwa Kai Mapt'a 'IaKto/3ou, Kal al Xonral avv av- rais, d at" eXeyov wpos tovs dirocrToXovs TavTa. u Kal icpdvrjaav ivumiov avTcov aaei Xfjpoc to. prjpaTa avrav, Kai tjtti- o-tovv avTa'is. 6 8e Ilerpos dvao-rds i'dpapev iwl to pvrjpelov, Kal TrapaKvtyas j3XeVei to. 666via Keipeva pova' Kal dnrjXOe irpbs eavrov 6avpd£(ov to ye- yovos. 13 Kai l8ov, 8vo if- avTav rjcrav iro- pevopevot iv avTjj riy -qpipa et? Kaprjv aivi)(ova'av crraftiovs e^r/Kovra ano Ie- povcraXrjp, f] ovopa '~Eppaovs' M /cat Luke XXIV. 14. sppulchre, and how his body was laid. 5C And tliey returned, and prepared spices and oint- ments, and rested the sabbath day, according to the com- mandment. 24. Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them. - And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre. 3 And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed there- about, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments. 5 And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye a the living among the dead ? 6 He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee, 7 saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again. s And they remembered his words, 9 and returned from the sepulchre, and told all these things unto the eleven, and to all the rest. 10 It was Mary Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and other women that were with them, which told these things unto the apostles. " And their words seemed to them as idle tales, and they believed them not. 12 Then arose Peter, and ran unto the sepulchre, and stooping down, he beheld the linen clothes laid by themselves, and departed, wondering in himself at that which was come to pass. 13 And behold, two of them went that same d^y to a vil- lage called Enimaus, which was from Jerusalem about three- score furlongs. u And they * — * b Rec. ivo aiipfs — . Rec. h Gb. XoiTrotj. rjaai/ h, — rc-' Aonroic. ' Or, him thai liveth. ^ Luke XXIV. 15. talked together of all these things which had happened. 14 And it came to pass, that while they communed together, and reasoned, Jesus himself drew near, and went with them. 16 But their eyes were holden, that they should not know him. 17 And he said unto them, What manner of communications are these that ye have one to an- other as ye walk, and are sad ? 18 And the one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answering, said unto him, Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem, and hast not known the things which are come to pass there in these days ? |,J And he said unto them, What things ? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet, mighty in deed and word before God, and all the people. -"And how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to he con- demned to death, and have cru- cified him. il But we trusted that it had been he,which should have redeemed Israel: and be- side all this, to day is the third day since these things were done. 2i Yea, and certain wo- men also of our company made us astonished, which were early at the sepulchre: i3 and when they found not his body, they came, saying, that they had also seen a vi-ion of angels, which said that he was alive. M And certain of them which were with us, went to the se- pulchre, and found it even so as the women had said, but him they saw not. 25 Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: M ought notChrist to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory ? -' And beginning at Moses, and all the prophets, he expounded 218 EYAITEAION avroi a>pikovv npos aWr)\ovs nepl ndv- TU>V TO)V O-VfijSefirjKOTCOV rovrcov. 15 Kai eyevero fv tco opikfiv avrovs Kai o~v£rj- rfiv, Kai avrbs 6 lrjirovs eyyicas o-vvf- nopevfro avrois' 10 ol de 6(f>6a\pol avriov 'eKparovvro rov prj eniyvcovai avrov. 1? tan 8e npbs avrovs' Hives ol Xoyot oiiroi, ovs avriftdXkere Trpos a\- \rfkovs nepmarovvrfs, Kai tare o~kv- 8pa>noi ; 18 ' AnoKpidfis 8e 6 eis, oj ovopa K\f07rac, fine npbs avrov 2u povos napoLKfis a ' lfpovcraXrjp, Kai ovk eyvcos ra yevopfva ev avrtj f'v rals rjpepais ravrais ; 19 Kai einev avrois' Iloia ; Ot Se finov avra>' Ta nep\ \tjo~ov rov Na- fapaiov, os eyevero dvrjp npocpijrrjs, Svvarbs ev epya> Kai Xoyw ivavriov rov Qeov Kai navrbs rov Xaov' *° onios re napeSooKav avrov ol dpxiepeis Kai ol apxovres rjpa>v fls Kpipa davdrov, Kai earavpeoo-av avrov' " l rjpeis Se rjXni- £opev on avrbs eo~nv 6 peXkcav Xd- rpovo~6ai rov 'Icrpar/X. aXXci ye o~vv ndai rovrois rpirrjv ravrrjv rjpepav liyei o~r]- pepnv, dep ov raiira eyivero. " 2 dWd Kai yvvaiKis rives s£ T]pa>v f^icrr-qcrav r/pds, yevopfvai opdpiai enl rb p,vrjpeiov' Kai prj evpovaai rb o~fopa avrov, ?)X- 6ov, \eyovo~ai Kai onraaiav ayyikuiv fu>paKevai, oi \eyovo~iv avrbv Qv. Kai dnr)\66v nvfs rav o~vv Tjpiv ini rb pvrjpeiov, Kai fvpov oiirat KaBios Kai al yvvaiKes einov' avrbv be ovk eidov. 2o Kai avrbs fine npbs avrovs' 'J2 dvorjroi Kai fipabeis rfj KapBia rov ni- crrfvfiv f'ni nao-iv ois f\dXr)crav ol npo- (pr/rai' 2G oi>xl ravra e'Sfi naBeiv rbv Xpio~rbv, Kai flafXBeiv fis rrjv 5o£ai> avroi) ; " 7 Kai dp^dpfvos dnb Mcoceas Kai dnb ndvra>v rwv npocprjrayv, bnjppr)- » Kec. add tv — .~S) eij-. KATA AOYKAN. 219 vevev avrois iv 7rdcraic rals ypacpals tu irepl a avrov." ^ Kai rjyyicrav els rrjv kco- prjv oil inopevovro' Kai avros b wpoo-e- noielro" Troppcarepco Tropeveadai. ' 2:> Kai TTapef$ido~avro avrov, Xiyovres ' Melvov peff rjpmv, on irpbs icnripav io~rl, Kai KticXiKev t) rjpepa. Kai elarjXde roi pelvai avv avrois. Kai iyevero iv rca KaraKXidrjvai. avrov per avrav, Xaftoov tov aprov evXoyrjae, ko.1 icXdcras iwedioov avrois. 31 avrav fie 8iT)voi%dr]o~av ol 6(p6aXpol, Kai iiriyva>o~av avrov' Kai avros a(pav- ros iyevero an avru>v. 32 Kai einov irpbs aXXr/Xovs' Ovy\ fj Kapbla Tjpcov Kaiopivq -qv iv rjplv, ios eXdXa. fjplv iv rrj 68c5, Kai cos Sirjvoiyev rjplv ras ypa(pds ; Kai avao-ravres avrij rj] copa, vne- o-rpeyjfav els 'lepovcraXrip' Kai evpov crvvTjdpoio-pevovs rovs evde, Kai coy eyvutcrBr] avrois iv rfj KXdo~ei rov aprov. TaOra hi avra>v XaXovvrcov, avros 6 Irjo-ovs' eo~rt) iv piaco aiirwv, Kai Xeyei avrois' ~Eipr]vrj vplv. 3? II 7-077- Bivres 8e ko.1 epcpofioi yevopevoi ibo- kovv irvevpa Becopelv. ^ Kai elirev. av- rois' Ti rerapaypevoi io~re ; Kai fiiari SiaAo-yicr/xoi dvafiaivovcnv iv rals Kap- 8tais vpoiv ; 3a idere ras %elpds pov kol rovs rrodas pov, on avros iyo> elpi ■*\rrjXa(pT]o-aTi pe Kai 'idere' in nvevpa crap/ca ko.1 6o~ria ovk 'i^ei, Ka B And they told what things were done in the way, and how he was known of them in breaking of bread. 36 And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unio you. 3; But they were terrified, and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit. 3a And he said unto them, Why are ye trou- bled, and why do thoughts arise in your hearts ? 39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. J0 And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his hands and hii feet. *' And while they yet be- lieved not forjoy.and wondered, * SI. & Cz. s avrov. Or, ceased lo bs seen uf thein. d Gl>. Luke XXIV. 42. 220 EYAITEAION he said unto them, Have ye avro'is' E^ere ri ftpaxrifiov evddbe ; here any meat ? 42 : And they 42 Q ; fe fred « fish, and of an honeycomb, pepos, a Kai ano peXiaa-iov Krjptov. 43 And he took it, and did eat « Kfl j XajSow e Va>7rioi> aiiTW i'tbayev. before them. 44 ^t c>% > -./->? < \ ' 44 And he said unto them, a f-irre de avrots ^ Ovtol 01^ Xoyoi, These are the words which I ovs eXdXr]o~a npbs vp.ds en cov o~vp spake unto you while I was <<• » 3 j nXripcodnvai Trdira rd yo yet with you, that all things r ' , , T ,' ._ ' v must be fulfilled, which were ypapptpa ev ra> popup mcoaeios Kai written in the law of Moses, Trpodjnraic Kai ylraXpols trepl epov. and in the prophets, and in the 4 = r _,, 5,/ <. ' ■, ~ ,'-.' psalms concerning me. «5 Then T >> >_ \ c T ' ,_\' among all nations, beginning raedvrj ap^apevov ano lepovaaX^ at Jerusalem. 48 And ye are vpeis oe *o~re paprvpes tovtcop. Kai witnesses of these things. 4->And j§< ' ^ dnoo-TeXXoi Trip enayyeXiav behold, I send the promise of _ ' , , ,, , - ' , - »\ my Father upon you: but tarry Toy narpos pov e

s> ' 'a % ' !/■"!./_. from on high. ov ^^^ bvvapiv eg ^ Egijyaye be avrovs el-a eas eis 50 And he led them out as BrjdavlaV Kai endpasras x.e~ipas avrov, far as to Bethany, and he lift e {,Xdyrio-ev avrovs. 51 Kai eyevero ev up his hands, and blessed them. ',{ , , , , \ j,' / > > 61 And it came to pass, while ™ evXoyeip avrov avrovs, bie art] an he blessed them, he was parted avrwv, e Kai. dvefbepero els rbv ovpavov." ped him, and returned to Jeru- vnto-rpeyav eis lepovaaXt]p pera %apas salem, with great joy : " and '^ . S3 Ka ' ( ^^ ^lairavros ev ro3 were continually in the tem- \ ' - ' , v >N - » pie, praising and blessing God. te P?j aivovvres Kai evXoyovvres TOP Amen. Gedi/. S " ETATrEAION RATA IOANNHN. I N w5d. an e dtwofd w^w^ » E N W ^ * X ^ ? ' ^ * ^ 5 " God, and the Word was God. 7rpos top Qeop, Kai Oeos r\v o Xoyos. a -. h -. c Gb. ora. i -• « -» I -• g Rec. aJJ ami". KATA IQANNHN. 221 John I. 19. ' ovtos tjv ev dpyfj npos tov Qeov. 2 The same was in the begin. 3 iravra di avTov eyeVero, Kai vcooic- nin ° wl,h . ( ; od ; . 3 A11 , thm f s , „ , / >»> « » ' 4 ■> were made by him, and with- avTov eyevero ovoe ev, o yeyovev. ev out him was not any thing made •$*• rti / .'Li avrit (u>h i)v, Kid h tan nv to (bibs Tibv Jf' at wa f ™ ad ?- 4 ln hlm ," as > /i*» s v * j- > ~ ' life, and the life was the light avOpanav, ° Kai to (pair ev Tr\ (tkotio. ofmen . 5 And the light shineth (baivei, Kai n crKOTia avTO oil KaTeXajSev. in darkness, and the darkness 6 >i7 ' " z) '_ „"\ ..,'..„„ comprehended it not. EyewTo avOpanos ^ arreo-TaXpevos , ^ WM a man sent from 7rapd 6eot), bvopa avTU) Iioavvns. ' ov- God, whose name was John. tos rjXBev els papTVpiav, "iva papTvpi'jar] ' The same came for a witness, 7rep\ tov Cpcoroc, Ji/a wavres TUorTeuowt tha t all men through him might 81 al/TOV. 8 ovk rjv eKelvos to (bibs, dXX' believe. 8 He was not that " 1 > _ - j _/ Light, but mvzs sf«< to bear l " a tMpTVpWJl 7T€pt TOU 0a)TO?. ^ witness of ^ Ljght 9 'Hi/ to (pcSr to dXndivbv, 6 rpcori£et '■> That was the true Light, irdvra avOpwrov, epvopevov els tov ko- whicl V lighted every man that in 1 - / ? v r / cometh into the world. 10 He 07x01/. 1U ei/ ro) Koo-pa> t]v, km o Koapos was in the world, and the world 81 avTOv eyeveTO, Ka\ 6 Kocrpos avTov was made by him, and the world > u 11 1 \ »» ?\/i v < knew him not. [1 He came unto ovk eyvu>. ll eis TO t6tg rjKde^Kai 01 his own, & his own received him ! t5tot avTov ov TrapeXajSov. bo~oi 8e not. '- But as many as received eX^jSov airw, e'ScoKef aurols ifiovalap him ' t0 th " n gave he -power , ' - ' n - ' t0 become the sons 01 God, even TiKva Qeov yeveo-oai, tois iriaTevovaiv to them that believe on his els to bvopa avTov' u 01 ovk e£ alp&Tiov, name : n which were born . ' s. « > a \ ' < 141 j /1 not of blood, nor of the will ot ovoe eK 0eXnpaTos(rapKos, ovbe eK tie- the flesh, norof the will of man. Xi)paTOS dvdpbs, dXX' eK Qeov eyevvi}- but of God. u And the Word 6 W av. « Kai 6 Xoyos avrov, boi-av cos aovoyevovs be g°t te n of the Father) full of ' > > ^ \ / s , r ( », grace and truth. irapa irarpos,) TrkijpTjs ^apiT-os (cat aAJj- deias. 'Icodvvrjs papTvpei nep\ avTov, Kai 15 John bare witness of him, KtKpaye \iywV OZtos nv ov ehov, 'O and , cried T - say ' ng '„ Tt ;if " as he , ," ' ' ■, , J, n- °' wnorn 1 spake, He that com- 07J-10-CO pov epxopevos, epnpoaOev pov e th after me, is preferred before yeyovev oti npioTos uov riv. 16 "-Kai" eK me . for he was before me - - \ 1 ' i ~ t / "■ And of his fulness have all tov TT\r]pcopaTos avTov rjpeis mivres we reC eived, and grace for e\d(3opev Kai ydpiv uvti vdpiTOS' ^ oti grace. 17 For the law was given 6 vopos to , M ? «W^,, $X«P* «* ^X^ll^rlt^to rj a\j]6eia 01a \rjcrov XpiaTOV eyeveTO. man hath seen God at any time: ' 18 Qeov ov8e\s iibpaKe TTcoTrore- 6 povo- the onl >' begotten Son, which is V b «» * r * > \ /\ - in tlie bosom 01 the rather, he yevr/s^ vtos, o u>v eis tov koAttov tov hath declared him. 7raTp6s, eKelvos i^rjyrjo-aTO. •ym*. 9 Kat avrrj eo-Tiv r) paprvpia Tov 19 And this is the record of 'icodvvov, ore dneo-Teikav 01 'iovSatoi e£ John, when the Jews sent priests a Gb. or.. b ~* a Or, the light, er, privilege. John I. 20. and Levites from Jerusalem, to ask him, Who art thou ? '■"> And he confessed, and denied not : but confessed, I am not ihe Christ. ' n And they asked him, What then ? Art thou Elias ? And he saith, I am not. Art thou "that prophet? And he answered, No. 2i Then said they unto him. Who art thou, that we may give an answer to them that >ent us ? What sayest thou of thyself? » He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness : Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias. - 4 And they which were sent, were of the Pharisees. * And they asked him, and said unto him, Why baptizest thou then, if thou be not that Christ, nor Elias, neither that prophet ? 26 John answered them, saying, I baptize with water, but there standeth one among you, whom ye know not, ' i7 he it is, who coming after me, is preferred before me, whose shoes latchet 1 am not worthy to unloose. M These things were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan, where John was baptizing. 2a The next day, John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which £taketh away the sin of the world. 30 This is he of whom I said, After me cometh a man, which is preferred before me: for he was before me. 31 And I knew him not : but that he should be made mani- fest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water. s * And John bare record say- ing, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven, like a dove, and it abode upon him. 33 And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize witli water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit de- 222 EYAITEAION 'lepocrokvpcov lepels Kai Aevtras, iva epa>rr)cra>cnv avrov 2i> tis ei ; (cat copoXdyrjcre, Kai ovk r)pvr)craTO' Kai topo- Xoyrjcrev "On ovk elpl eya> 6 Xpiaroc. 21 Kai r)pu>rrjcrav avrov Tt ovv ; HXias el crv ; Kai Xeyei" Ovk elpi. 'O TTpocpr)- ttjs el crv ; Kai direKpidrj' Ov. ^ Emov ovv avTO)' Tic ei ; iva cnroKpicriv 8a>pev rols "nepi\racnv rjpds' n \eyeis irepl creavrov ; 23 "Et^r/ " 'Ey' ~Evdvvare ttjv ooov Kvpiov' Kadcos evnev Hcraias 6 irpo- t)tT)S. +. ** Kai ol a7recrra\pevoi,T]crav Ik tu>v QapicraiioV 2o Kai rjpeorTjerav avrov, Kai elnov avrco' Ti ovv ^airri^eis, el crv ovk el 6 Xpioros", ovre HXiac, ovre o irpo- cf)f]Tr]s ; 26 'ATveKpldrj avro'is 6 'laidvvrjs Xeycov, 'Eyoo /3a7rri'£co ev vdan' pecros 8e vpcov ecrrrjKev, ov vpe'is ovk o'ldare' 27a aiiToc ecrnv" 6 oTricra) pov ep^dpevos, b os epnpocrBev pov ye'yoi/ei' - " ov c ey(o" ovk elpl a^ios Lva Xvcrco avrov tov ipdvra tov vno8r)paros. " 8 Taura ev d Brjdavia" eyevero 7repavrov lopbdvov, oirov tjv 'lcodvvrjs /3a7rri(/of . 29 Tt; erravpiov /3XeVei e " tov 'ir/crovv ep^opevov npbs avrov, Kai Xeyef'lBe 6 dpvbs tov Qeov, 6 aipcov ttjv apapriav tov Kocrpov. ovros ecrn irepi ov eya> elnov 'Ottio-co pov epxerai dvi)p, bs ep- Ttpocrdiv pov yeyoj/fi/, on npiords pov tjv. Kayo) ovk ijoeiv avrov aW iva (f)avepo)6rj rca 'lo~par)\, dia tovto ffkdov eyu> ev ' rui " vDari (3anTl£a>v. -» ffi Kai e'paprvprjerev 'laidvvrjs \eycov' On re- Beapai to Ilvevpa Karafialvov S a>s" ire- picrrepav e't; ovpavov, Kai epeivev err avrov. Kay co ovk ijoeiv avrov aAA 6 irep-fyas pe (iarrri^eiv ev vbari, e'Kelvos poi enrev, 'Ec^)' bv civ ibrjs to Ilvevpa » Gb. b Gb. om. ■ <1 B^c.-^ BrjdaflapQ. Or, .• propbet. e Rec. add o ImawTit. P Or. bearetb. g Rec. wai.. KATA IQANNHN. 223 34 Karafiaivov Kai ptvov f7r avTov, ovtos ioriv 6 ficnrrlfav ev IlvevpaTi ay'ico. Kayo) fdopaica., Kai jj.efj.ci prv ptjKa on OVTOS tCTTlV 6 VIOS TOV QeOV, 35 Tfj inavpiov irdXiv eicrrr/Ket o 'ico- dvvqs, Kai e< tcov padqrcov aiiTov 8vo. /cat tp{$Xei\ras tco Ir/iroC irepina- tovvtl, Xe'yei" ' Ifie 6 apvbs tov Qeou. 3 ' Kai rJKovcrav clvtov oi 8vo padrj- Tiii XaXowroc, Kai TjKoXovdrjcrav tco lrjcrov. 38 Srpac^my fie 6 'irjcrovs, Kai deaad- pevos avTovs aKoXovdovvras, Xeyet av- toIs' 39 Tt (rjTf'iTe ; Oi fie elnov avTco' Pa/3/31, (6 Xeyerai tppr/vevopevov, 8i- 8do~Ka\e,) nov peveis ; 40 Aeyei ai/Tois' Ep%eo~de Kai a ifiere.V 'H\6oi> Kai etfioj/ nov pevti" Kai nap ovtco i'peivav Tt)v rjpepav (Keivrjv' copa b " rjv cos 8e- KaTq. 41 rjv'Av8peas 6 dfieXfpoc "2,'ipcovos TLerpov, eis ck tcov 8vo tcov aKovtrdvTcov Tvapd 'Icodvvov, Kai aKoXovdrjadvrcov avTco. *"' evpiCTKd ovtos npcoTos tov afieX He saith unto them, Come and see. They came and saw where he dwelt, and abode with him that day: for it was about the tenth hour. 4I One of the two which heard John speak, and followed him, wasAndrew, Simon Peter's brother. 4 - He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith un:o him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, # the Christ. 43 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said. Thou art Simon the son of Jona, thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpreta- tion, r A stone. 44 The day following, Jesus would go forth into Galilee, and findeth Thilip, and saith unto him, Follow me. 4i Now Philip was of Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. 46 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him. We have found him of whom Moses, in the law, and the prophets did write, Jesus of Nazareth the son of Joseph. 47 And Nathanael said unlohim, Can there any good thing come a no ot£iir0f. b Uec. add it. c «w M«i-A ■. «& ' hp\ov Km toe. 48 Jesus saw Nathanael com- 4S EiSei' 6 Irjaovs tov NaBavarjh ing to him and saith of him, fatuxvov irpbs avr6v, Kal Aeyei irep! Behold an Israelite indeed, in " y A ~ v *, »\ /i- » T \ ' > » whom is no guile. « Na- outou" Ioe akrjticos IcrpaTjKiTqs, EV a) thanael saith unto him.Whence g(5Xos oi»K eWl. 49 AeyeL avTU) Na#a- knowest thou me? Jesus an- / N „ ,* , i! //i swered, and said unto him, vap\' UoBev fie yummceiSi AneKpidr) Before that Philip called thee, a " 'irjcrovi Kal eiirev avTW' Upo tov ere r£ e tree h °I U sawthee Und " Na! *^«"™ «/>a,^' thou shalt see greater things CTVKTjs' TTIO-Teveis ; pei£a> tovtoov oyrj. than these. 52 And he saith 52 Ka * ^' a i T £. ' Afl r)v auriv Aeya> unto him, Verily, verily I say , - , / „ , ', , ',, v > ', unto you, Hereafter ye shall vjiiv, an apn ^ opiate tov ovpavov see heaven open, and the angels dvecoyoTa, Kal tovs dyyekovs tov Qeov of God ascending, and descend- ' b ' * a„ .'..„■__.- XJi —A.- ing upon the Son of man. avaSaivovras Kat Ka T a8aivovTas em tov viov tov avupunrov. 2. And the third day there 2. Kal tt\ r)pepa ttj Tp'iTj] ydpos eye- was a marriage in Cana of 'Ga- „ ero e '„ Kat/ '„ ,."5. VaAlXaias, Kal r}v r) lilee, and the mother 01 Jesus , -. ,' - > <- 2 > \ 'zi & » v was there, a And both Jesus H-V^P T0V ^W ov eKet - * eKAi]Or) «« Kat was called, and his disciples, to 'Ir/amlc Kal 01 paBrjTal ai/Tov els tov the marriage. 3 And when ' 3 % < » _„?... \ ,'.,,. they wanted wine, the mother 7 a P ov - *«' ytrrtpptravros oivov, Aeyei of Jesus saith unto him, Thev r) prjTrjp tov Irjaov Trpos avTOV' Oivov have no wine. * Jesus saith 0VK ^ ouo - t . 4 A ' a ^ r " 6 'Ina-ovs' unto her, v\ oman, what have I , , "■ v , , ' / " ,, '„ r to do with thee ? mine hour is Tt e/xot Kat aoi, yvval ; 01/770) ryKet 77 not yet come, s His mother saith apa pov. 5 Aeye 1 i) uLnrrip avTOV rols unto the servants, Whatsoever s, / . '/,-, * n ' ' - _„' he saith unto you, do it. 6 And omkouois' OnavXeyr, vpiv,iroij)o-aTe. there were set there six water- 'Ho'ai' Se eVei iiBpiai Xiatvai e§ Kei- pots of stone after the manner Kara T0 „ Ka api(TfJL 6u TWU 'low- 01 the puritving of the Jews, 'T , . ; v v <\ c * containing two or three firkins oaicof, ^mpovo-ai ava pieTpr/Tas Ovo i] apiece. Tpe'is. 7 Jesus saith unto them, Fill 7 '• < >' c» T ~.t-i ' the waterpots with water. And ( ' A£ 7 et auTOts o ^ Ir} ap^irpiKAii/a). Kat bare it. » When the ruler of £ veyKav . 9 £> s ge iyevcraTO 6 dpviTpi- the feast had tasted the water \ ' , „«, 9 ' , '"■ / v that was made wine, and knew KAti/os to vdap oivov ■yeycvrfp.evov, {Kai not whence it was, (but the ovk rjSei TtoOev eo~Tiv' 01 8i Bi&kovoi » Rrc. add o. b Ret. 0+ - tt- r « a - , called the bridegroom, '» and yet avrw' lias avtipanros irpmrov tov saith unto him, Every man at Kakov oivov Tidrjo-i, /cat orav pedvadcoai, the beginning doth set forth _ ' ) >\ > . < ' \ good wine, and when men have TOT€ tov c\a- in; ^mr tov wc „ ^ Ulen lhiltwhlch js koAov oivov ecoy apri. u Tavrnv (not- worse: but thou hast kept the j]\ovvTas ffoas Kal rrpofiara Kal Trepi- and sheep, and doves, and the i . > v \ /j ' changers of money, sitting. ore-pas, «u tovs KeppaTiaras Ka6 W e- u Aud wlien he h / d ' made g a vovs. Kai TToincras (ppayekXiov eV scourge of small cords, he drove o- X oivio)v, ■Kavras ePe/3a\eveKTod lepoi, t^m all out of the temple, and "?■ , y \ a > v - the sheep and the oxen, and Ta re npopara Kai tovs poas' Kai tcov poured out the changcrs'money, KoXXv/3to-Td)f e'^evee to Kepua, Kal ras and overthrew the tables, '« and ■ >r > ' i IB r \ - \ said unto them that sold doves rpaneQas aveo-rpetye. Kai rots Tas Take these things hence, make rrepiorepas naXovcriv eiVef "Apare not my Father's house an house TavTa evrevBeV pr, Trotelre tov oikov J™J t^T V.wt^' , ♦ * , , I7 , ciples remembered that it was tov irarpos pov oikov eprropiov. ll E- written.The zeal of thine house pvx]o-Qr\o-av he ol padnral avrov, on hath eaten me U P- yeypappevov e'oriv 'O {ijXos tov oikov crov a Kara . //i h r V )» ami saiu uiiiu mm, w nai sign OTiTavTa noi€is ; ^ AireKpidr] " o Ir/- shewest thou unto us, seeing o~ovs Kal einev avrots' Avtrare tov vaov that thou doest these things ? 19 Jesus answered, and said un 18 Then answered the Jews, and said unto him, What sign tovtov, avTov. Kai ev Tpio-iv ypepais eyepo) t0 them Dest this lcm , hiinov ovv oi lovoc " aiot' Tetr- and in three days I will raise it aapaKovra Kal t£ i'Ttaiv (OKobopnOri 6 " p - 2 ° r ^ eu said the Je "- S - r \ \ , L y , ' , ' Forty and six years was this vaos ovros, Kai av ev rpio-iv vpepais temple in building, and wilt e'-yepeis avrov ; 21 'Ek(Ivos 8e eXeve thou rear il "P in three da y s '■ _,„)"„ « - i i - 2" i 2I But he spake of the temple of nepi tov vaov jovo-uparosavTOv. 2 - ore his body . » when therefore he ovv Tjytp0T) tK vfKpwv, ipvT\o-6ncrav ol was risen from the dead, his 16 b U . U) Lh C- John II. 23. disciples remembered that he had said this unto them : and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said. 23 Now when he was in Je- rusalem at the passover, in the feast day, many believed in his name, when they saw the mira- cles which he did. 2J But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men, - 5 and needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man. 3. There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: ' 2 the same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, liabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. 3 Jesus answered, and said unto him, Verily, verily I say unto thee, Except a man be born a again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. 4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old ? can he enter the se- cond time into his mother's womb, and be born ? 6 Jesus answered, Verily, ve- rily I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. « That which is born of the flesh, is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit, is spirit. 7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born P again. 8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell wiience it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. 226 EYAITEAION padr/ral avrov on tovto e\eye*"' koi iTriarevaav 177 ypacprj, Kal rat \6yco to emev 6 lrjcrovs. 23 'Oy Be r)v iv b tois" 'lepocroXvpois iv tu Tracrya, iv 777 eoprfj, ttoXKol htt- arevaav eis to bvopa avrov, decopovvres avrov ra a-qpeia a eivoiei. ■" avros be o Irjcovs ovk errio-revev eavrbv avrols, Bid to avrov yivcoo~Keiv rravras' ^ Kal on ov xpeiav ei^ev iva rls paprvpfjorr) rrepl tov avBpimov' avros yap iyiva>o~Ke rl rjv iv ra dv6pu>na>. 3. Hf Be avdpanros eV ra>v &api- paicov, NiKoBr/pos bvopa avrco, ap^av To>v lovBaicov. 2 ovtos rj\6e irpbs c av- rov" wktos, Kal ehrev avru>' 'Pa/3/3i, oiBapev on dnb Qeov iXrjXvdas BiBd- o-koXos' ovBels yap ravra ra arjpela Bvvarai rroielv, a crii 7roteTc, iav pr) ft 6 Qebs per avrov. 'AjreKpidrj d 6" 'Irjcovs Ka\ einev avrw' Apr)v dpr)v Xe'yoj trot, iav pr) ns yevvr/Ot] dvatOev, oil Bvvarai IBelv rr)v fiao-ikeiav rov Qeov. 4 Ae'yei irpos avrov 6 NiKoBr/pos' IIco? bvvarai avdpanvos yevvrj6r)vai yepcav a>v ; pr) Bvvarai els rr)v KoiKiav rrjs pr/rpos avrov Bevrepov elo~e\6elv Kal yevvrj- 6r)vai ; 5 'AweKpiSr) e 6" 'irjaovs' 'Aprjv dpfjv Xe-ya) o~oi, iav pr) ns yevvqBj] i£ vBaros Kal Uvevparos, ov Bvvarai elaeXOeiv els rr)v fiacrikeiav rov Qeov. 6 ro yeyevvrj- pevov eK rr)s aapKos, o~api- io~n' Kal to yeyevvrjpevov eK rov Tlvevparos, nveiipd ian. ' pr) Oavpdo-r/s on ebrov o~of Aet vpds yevvr)6r)vai dvcodev. 8 to rrvevpa birnv BeKei irvel., Kal rr)v (pa>vr)v avrov aKoveis, aXX' ovk oiBas rroQev epyerai Kai ttov inrdyei' oi/tcos io~rl tvas 6 ye- yevvrjpivos i< tov Uvevparos. . *ii' 2u et 6 bibd(TKaXos rov 'lapafjX, Kai ravra ov yivdxrKeis ; n dpfjv dpfjv Xeyco (rot, on 6 o'lbapev XaXovpev, Kai o ea>- paKapev paprvpovpev' Kai rrjv paprvp'iav fjpuv ov Xapfidvere. u el rd eniyeia enrov vp.lv, Kai ov marevere, ttv e'v ra ovpava'" 14 Kai Kadios Maxrrjs xr^axre rov d(piv ev rfj epqpco, ovrats v^uiBrfvai del rov vldv rov dv6pd>irov, ls "iva was 6 nicrrevav lifted up: 15 that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have eternal life. "> For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son: that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world: but that the world through him might be saved. 9 Nicodemus answered, and said unto him, How can these things be ? "> Jesus answered, and said unto him. Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things ? " Verily, verily I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen ; and ye receive not our witness. n If I have told you earthly things, and ye be- lieve not: how shall ye believe if I tell you of heavenly things ? 13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. 14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness: even so must the Son of man be fir avrov c pi) dTroXrjrai, dXk " e'xrj farjv aldsviov. 16 ovtco ydp TjyaTrr](rev 6 Qeos rov Kocrpov, ware rov vldv avrov rov povoyevrj ebwKev, iva nds 6 mcrrevdov etc avrov pn airoXrjTai, aXX e^ij £a>r]v alcloviov. ' ov yap aTreareiXev 6 Qeos rov vldv avrov els rov Koapov, iva Kplvrj rov Koapov, dXX' iva crcodf) 6 Koapos 8i avrov. 18 'O iricrrevcov els avrov ov Kpiverar 6 be ph mo'revw fjbrj KeKpirai, on ph nenicrrevKev els to ovopa rov povoyevovs vlov roii Qeov. 19 avrq be eariv f] Kpicris, on to (p&s e'XfjXvSev els rov Koapov, Kat qyaTrrjaav ol dvdpanrot pdXXov to ctkotos, J] rd (pats' fjv ydp Trovrjpd avrav rd epya. ~° nas ydp 6 (pavXa irpd(T(TG)v, piart'i to (pais, Kai ovk ep^erai irpds to (f)u>s, iva p-fj e'Xeyxdrj rd epya avroii' 6 be notdv rr)v dXr]6eiav, ep^erai irpos to (pais, iva (f)avepa>6fi avrov rd epya, on ev Qea eanv elpyaapeva. ** Merd ravra rjXOev 6 'Itjo-ovs Kai oi pa6rfral avrov els rrjv 'lovbaiav yrjv Kai eKel bitrptfie p,eT avrS>v Kai 18 He that believeth on him, is not condemned: but he that believeth not, is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. s0 For every one that doeth evil, hateth the light, neither Cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be « re- proved. '•" But he that doeth truth, cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made mani- fest, that they are wrought in God. Ti After these things, came Jesus and his disciples into the land of Judaea, and there he tarried with them, and • Rcc. >dd o. Or, dinovered. John III. 23. 228 EYAITEAION baptized. 23 And John also was efSdnTifcv. " 3 ijv be Kai 'icodvvrjs /3a- baptizing in JEnon, near to nT ^ av e '„ AtW eyyvs tov 2aXeia, on Sahm, because there was much ^. .., ? ,", v " water there: and they came.and vbara noXXa tjv €K€f Kai napeyivovTO were baptized. ^ For John Ka \ ificnrTi^ovTO. 24 ovitq> yap tjv /3e- was not yet cast into prison. ,->% - ■> \ t \ \ <• > T / ' pArjpivos tis ttjv (pvAaKi]v o Lcoavvrjs. 25 Then there arose a ques- ^ 'EyeVero ovv £r]TT]o-is (K tuiv padrj- tion between some of John's T -„ ' Ia)( ; wol , „ 6Ta a >i ou g al ' 01 / ffep i disciples and the Jews, about n ~ "k » »\ /i s > >t purifying. 26 And they came Kaoapurfiov' *° Kai r)Xaov npos tov It s> ' * .1 beyond Jordan, to whom thou P e ™ °~ ov ™P™ ™\ lopbavov, a av barest witness, behold, the same pep,apTvpr]Kas, ide Ol/TOS j3a7TTifet, Kai baptizeth, and all men come to d i' p)(0VTal .^phs avTOV. hlra - 27 >a 'a 't ' » • . r>' » John answered, and said, ' AneKpiO)] lioavvrjs Kai cinev Ov A man can « receive nothing, $ vvaTa . ZvOpamos XauSdveiv ovdiv, eav except it be given him from \ t s, ?, ' >~> .,- heaven. ™ Ye yourselves bear M V beboptvov avTco €K tov ovpavov. me witness, that I said, I am - 18 avroi vpels p.01 paprvpelre on eiirov' not the Christ, but that lam /->> ■> v > v r v„._ v 'W Z ™ , sent before him. ■ He that 0vlc el P L e V^ » Xpierros, aXX ^ OTi aTTf- hath the bride, is the bride- o~TaXpevos eipi epnpocraev (Keivov. o groom: but the friend of the £' ya) „ „>„ VV a(hnv, vvacblos e'ortV 6 Se bridegroom, which standeth /%. - .£ » ■ « ' » < and heareth him, rejoiceth " » « * j fore is fulfilled. 3 » He must Tai. eKtlvov Set av^dveiv, epe be eXaTTOvo~6ai. 31 'O dvcodev (p)(6p.evos, eTravco irdv- 31 He that cometh from above, tu>v ecrTiv. 6 u>v tK rf/s yTjS, £K rrjs yrjs is above all: he that is of the e > Ka l ^ ~ f -,-y XaXei" 6 6K roi earth, is earthly, and speaketh ,„, , ' h'' ' of the earth : he that cometh ovpavov epxopevos, firavco iravrav from heaven is above all :" and ^j^ 3 ' Ka l" 6 ecopaKe Kal nKOVcre, c tov- what he hath seen and heard, „ \ \ ' > that he testifieth, and no man ™ ftaprvpei' Kai Tr)v paprvpiav avTOV receiveth his testimony: 33 he ovdeis XapjBdvei. 33 6 XajSoiv avrov ttjv that hath received his testi- ' iv&payurfV on 6 Qebs mony, hath set to his seal, that \. r A ," , ' X\ J . » , , >. , God is true. 3i For he whom aXrjdrji eo-nv. M ov yap anecrTflXev o God hath sent, speaketh the Gfoy, rd pfiaara rov Geov XaXe'c ov words of God: for God givelh v . ~> 5.(5. d < ,-. > // < not the Spirit by measure unto 7 a P J K perpov ClbuxTiv o Qfos TO him. 3i The Father loveth JJvevpa. 3o 6 narf/p dyand tov vl6v, the Son, and hath given all « d ^(OKep iv Ty y^ ovtov. things into his hand. « He ,, , , , , , V A £ y \ that believeth on the Son, hath o nio-Tevuv fis tov viov, e^ft (oorjv everlasting life: and he that alavioV 6 8e aTTfi6a>v tco via, ovk believeth not the Son, shall not „, y ■, 11N i <• > \* ~* „ see life : but the wrath of God ofeTai^ fcor/1/,^ aAA r] opyrj rov Beov abideth on him. e pevd' (IT avTOV. a llec. oj louoattaiv. ^Zt e Zl ^ ZX «*>J ^<>-B." a Or, lake unto himself. KATA IQANNHN. 229 John IV. 14. 4. 'Q.S ovv tyv«ra«K- On l W ovs irkeiovas pa- heard that Jesus made and bap- drjTas iroiel Ka\ fiairTt^ei Tj la>avvrjs' tized more disciples than John, 2 (KaiVoiye'lno-ovsauTosouK ipdim&v, » (though Jesus himself bap- ,\, , ' /i ' > > - <. 3 >j~ i tized not, but his disciples:) nXX oi padrjTai avTOV) aCprjKe TrjV 3 he left Judaja, and departed 'lovdaiav, Kal dnfiXde a 7raXii/" els tt)v again into Galilee. « And he », % n i 4 «<\ s< > > ss ' /3„. must needs go through Sama- YakCkaiav. eda 8e avrov biepxeadai ria s Tne * comet| ^ he t0 a 8ia rfjS Sapapeias. 5 epxerai ovc ft? city of Samaria, which is called iroXti; rny Zapapeias Xeyopevqv h 2v- Sychar near to the parcel of L" » ' C i e ?» v a ground that Jacob gave to his X a P> "nXr^aiov tov ^coptou c ov eda>KfV son Joseph. « Now Jacob's 'ia/cwS 'Iwrrnfi) toj via avrov. 6 nf Se well was there. Jesus there- > - , '£ »J , L a ' f *t - fore being wearied with his eicei Trrjyr) tov laKa>p. o oin> lr/rrouj j ourneyj sat thus on the well: KfKOTTiaicibs eK rr/s 68onropias eKadt^eTO and it was about the sixth hour. ovtu>s eirl tjj Trrjyfj. &>pa r)V ojcrei eKrq. 7 "Epxerai ywr) eK rijs 2apapeias 1 There cometh a woman of dvrXfio-ai v8a>p- Xeyet, avrn o'lnaovs' Samaria to draw water: Jesus . , ' '8 /A< i. A ' * ' saith unto her. Give me to Aor pot ineiv. ° (Ot yap paOrjTUL av- drink 8 For his disciples were tov direXr/Xvdeio-av els ttjv ttoXlv, iva gone away unto the city to buy Tpotpas dyopdo-M,) • Xeyei oh avTr/ rj ~2apapeiTis' IIcos erf Iovoaio? i s it that thou, being a Jew, oil/ Trap' fuoC me iv akels, ovarts yv- askest drink of me, which am i „ * a //-v> > - a woman of Samaria ? for the vaiKos ZapapeiTibos ; (Ov yap trvyxpow- Jews have no dealings with the Tat 'louSaioi 2auap€LTais-) 10 dnenpidt) Samaritans. 10 Jesus answer- >t - » t ' -. t?' "J> _ v ed, and said unto her, If thou lr,o-ovs KOi einev avrr,; E. V 6tiSTriv kn ' ewest the gift of ^ od> and dcopeav tov Qeov, Kal tis eo~Tiv o Xeywv who it is that saith to thee, crof Aoc uoi TTtfll/, - n , , est have asked of him, and he tov, mi eduxev av croi vooop £&>!>. Ae- wou ] d have given thee living yet avTa t] yvvrf Kvpte, ovTe avThrjua water. " The woman saith i \ _' j, > » ^ o a' • _'^J,.. unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing % (l h Kal T ? fP €a P t "" " a ,o ^"^ !f to draw with, and the well is ovv «X 6ls T ° ^S'Bp T o C&V ; f"J 0"U deep: from whence then hast imYW el tov ■jraTp6s vutov 'laKufi, os thou that living water ? "Art Ct, t - , I ' v . r >> thou greater than our father eoaxev rjpiv to (ppeap, Kai avTOS e§ Jacob, which gave us the well, avrov eme, ml oi viol avrov, his children, and his cattle ? optppaTa avTov ; 13 'A7reKpldrj d "'ir/croO? koX elirev av- n Jesus answered, and said Tn' lids 6 nlvcov e« tov vSaros tovtov, unto her, Whosoever drinketh 8' i ' /•> u * *> * ' ' " of this water, shall thirst again: _Mfnj(m jtoAw- os 8 avmj) eK tov u but whosoever dri nketh of nfiaToc, ov «yi> Saxrco airco, oti p.r) the water that I shall give him, fii^no-r, ft? t6v aiwi/a- d\\a to v8o>p 6 shall never thirst : but the wa- i ,' ' " , - / , , - " < ter that I shall give nun, shall oooo-o) avro), yei/rjo-erai ev avTO) nrjyr] beinhimawellofwaterspring- vdaTos akkoptvov els fo)r)f ala>vlov. ing up into everlasting life. » -» b B*. 8t El». Si tap. c R«c- «• ^ Rec ' add »• John IV. 15. 15 The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw. 16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither. 17 The woman an- swered, and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no hus- band: ls for thou hast had five husbands, and he whom thou now hast, is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly. 19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a pro- phet. -° Our fathers worship- ped in this mountain, and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to wor- ship. 21 Jesus saith unto her, Wo- man, believe me, the hour comeih when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. 22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we wor- ship : for salvation is of the Jews. 2;l But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true wor- shippers shall worship the Fa- ther in spirit, and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24 God is a Spi- rit, and they that worship him, must worship him in spirit, and in truth. ,JS The woman saiih unto him, I know that Messias comeih, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. 26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee, am he. 27 And upon this came his dis- ciples, and marvelled that he talked with the woman : yet no man said, What seekest thou, or, Why talkest thou with her ? 28 The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men, 29 Come, see a man.which 230 EYAITEAION 15 Ae'yet irpbs avrov r/ yvvrf Kvpie, 86s poi tovto rb vba>p, iva pif Stvj/co, pr}be epxs ebras' On avopa ovk e^o) irevre yap av- hpas (axes' (cat vvv ov e'xeis, °^ K *o" rl crov dvrjp' tovto dXrjdes eiprjKas. 19 Ae'- yet avTco r\ yvvr]' Kvpie, 6ea>pa> on Trpo(fit]TT)s ei o~v. ^° ol warepes rjpcov ev a to opei tovt opei rovrco ovre ev 'lepocoXvpois Trpoo~Kvvr]o~eTe tu irarpl. " 2 vpels wpocr- Kvve'ire 6 ovk oldare' rjpels irpoo~Kvvov- pev o o'ibapev' on r/ crcorripia e< t elpi, 6 XaXaii/ crot. 27 Kai e'nl rovra rjkOov ol padrjral avrov, Kai d e'0avpa£ov" on pera yvvaiKos eXdXet* ovbels pevroi et'rre* Tt fyrels ', r)' - TlXaXeis per ax/rfjs', 28 'A(pfjKev ovv rf]v vbpiav avrfjs fj yvvf], Kai dnfp\8ev els rrjv iroXiv, ko\ Xe'yet rots dv6pd>nois' 29 Aeiire, tSerc a Kec. TOfTv rift opu. b (v IZttfTiva /aoi, yvfai. <** Mttriaj. d Reo. iaavi*affar. KATA IQANNHN. 231 avOoanrov, os aire poi Tvdvra ocra etrolrj- ra>v avrov al padrjTai, Xeyovres- 'Pa/3/31, (pdye. M '0 8e €?7rei/ owrots" 'Eyw fipwcriv e^eo (payelv, rjv vpe'is ovk oibare. -t3 *EXeyoi> ovj/ oi pa6r]Tal npbs dXXrjXovs' Mf/ric rjveyicev avra> cpayelv; 3i Aiyei avrols 6 'lt}(rovs' 'Epbv f3pa>pd ecrnv, Iva c itoio>" to deXrjpa roil -rrep^ravros pe, Kai reXftcoo-co airou to epyov. *" ovx vpe'is Xeyere, on d en " e Terpdprjvos" sort, Kal 6 Qepiapbs epxerai ; l8ov, Xe- ya> vp'iv, endpare rovs 6v piaObv Xapfidvei, Kai o-vvdyei Kapirbv els £v opoii X al PV KaL ° 6epi^u>v. 3 ' e'v yap tovtco 6 Xoyos earlv g 6" aXr)- 6ivbs, on dXXos eo-rlv o o-neipcov, Kai aXXos 6 Qepifav. M eya> dnearreiXa vpds 6epi(eiv 6 ovx vpe'is KCKOTTiaKare' aXXoi K(KonidKao-i, Kai vpe'is els tov kottov avruiv elo-eXrjXvdare. 39 'Ek 8e rijs 7roXeco? eKe'ivqs iroXXol enio-revo'av els avrov ra>v ^apapeirutv, bid tov Xoyov ttjs yvvaiKos paprvpov- ot)s' "On eine pot trdvra ocra. enoir)o-a. 40 'Qs ovv rjXdov npbs avrov oi 2a/xa- pe'irai, r}pd>ra>v avrov pelvai nap avrois' Kai epeivev eKe'i bvo fjpepas- 41 Kai noX- Xc3 nXeiovs enlcrrevo-av bid tov Xoyov avrov, 42 rfi re yvvaiKi eXeyov ' ' On ovKen bid ttjv crfjv XaXidv nio-revopev' avrol yap aKijKoapev, Kai olbapev on ovtos eo-nv oXt}6cos 6 o-arrip tov ko- apov, h 6 Xptaros ■" 43 Mera 8e Taj bvo fjpepas e£r)X6ev John IV. 43. told me all things that ever T did : is not this the Christ ? 30 Then they went out of the city, and came unto him. 31 In the mean while his dis- ciples prayed him, saying, Mas- ter, eat. 3i But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of. 33 Therefore said the disciples one to ano- ther, Hath any man brought him ought to eat ? 31 Jesus saith unto them, My meat is, to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. 35 Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cmeth harvest ? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields: for they are white already to harvest. 36 And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that sow- eth, and he that reapeth, may rejoice together. 37 And herein is that saying true: One soweth, and another reapeth. 3S I sent you to reap that, whereon ye bestowed no labour: ether men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours. 3 ' And many of the Samari- tans of thatcity believed on him, for the saying of the woman, which testified, He told me all that ever 1 did. ■"> So when the Samaritans were come unto him, they besought him that he would tarry with them, and he abode there two days. 41 And many more believed, because of his own word : 42 and said unto the woman, Now we be- lieve, not because of thy saying, for we have heard him our- selves, and know that this is in- deed the Christ, the Saviour of the world. 43 Now after two days he a n«c. add o»v. t> Ij (V *«.n«». * -• » Rec rirp^i,yov. ' Gb. vm. 8 -► b ^ John IV. 44. 232 EYAITEAION departed thence, and went into ciceidev, a Kai dnrfABev" els tijv TaAiAa'i- honour in his own country, prfaev, on TTpo(prjTqs ev rfj toia TrarpiOt « Then when he was come into Tl u,fiv oiiK evei. 45 ore ovv riABev els Ttiv Galilee, the Galilaeans received ~ \ .. / >*, ,•. , , ' , _. >. , -' him, having seen all the things x aAiAaiav, ede£avro ayroy 01 TaAiAaioi, that he did at Jerusalem at the rravra ecopaKores a e7Toirjo-ev ev 'lepo- feast: for thev also went unto \ ' » <■ -. \ > \ t the feast T ~ « r , ~ he heard that Jesus was come / ovr °S aKoyaas^ oti lrj(TOVs TfKeieK ttjs out of Judaea into Galilee, he 'lovba'ias els Ti)v TaAiAaiav, airrikOe went unto him, and besought _„l_ „'_' „ ' '« ' ' > " him that he would come down, £P 0S ™™' Kat W' ™ a ^ TOV , , "^ajavra- and heal his son : for he was at pjf Kai laaifTai avTov tov viov' rjpeAAe the point of death « Thensaid « airo6vii(TKeiv. 48 einev ovv 6 'Wove Jesus unto him, Except ve see ' ', , , >„ > < - N ' signs and wonders, ye will not ™P°S avrov' hav pp arjpeia Kai TepaTa believe. iS The nobleman saith i'S^re, ol fifj Trio-TevarjTe. 49 Atyei irpos unto him, Sir, come down ere > ' ' o \ < . i? > >a ■ a my child die. » Jesus saith un- av ™", ° PaaiAiKos Kvpie, KaTuppBl to him, Go thy way, thy son irpiv anoaave'iv to iraibiov fxov. so Ae'yet liveth. And the man believed avT £ «$ 'l W0VS! ■ Uopevov • 6 VMS (TOV The word that Jesus had spoken .... ' ; „ , , ~ , „ . unto him, and he went his way. &]■ ^ at „ ario-Tevo-ev o avdpamos rw 5' And as he was now going Aoya c5 eiirev avTut f 6" 'iriaovs, Kal down, his servants met him, and > ' /* si >>>'■• o ' told him, saymg.Thy son liveth. trropevero. _ 176^ 6e_avrou Kara^ati/01/- 5S Then enquired he of them tos, 01 8ov\oi avTOV aTri]VTT]o~av avTci, the hour when he began to Kai ^Trn-vyetXa!/ XeyovTff "On 6 Traw amend: and they said unto him, >-- s2 ' 'a •? > > " Yesterday at the seventh hour o-ov f?;. Errut'ero ouf 7rap avTwv the fever left him. 53 So the < ^ « flJ/ ^ * Kouyp-OTepov cave- Kal father knew that it was at the » ' - "A v a* « « A,, same hour, in the which Jesus """O" <""■?'_ Ort » x&rc copai/ efioofiTyv said unto him, Thy son liveth, a(firJKev avTov 6 iTvperos- bi "'Eyvat ovv and himself believed, and his • » « h' " ' ' " " > ■? •? whole house. " This is again ° ^ a JW' ort 7" „ eK6t ^ ^ ."P?! ^ » €17r ^ the second miracle that Jesus avTco o \rfo~ovs' Ort 6 vios o~ov £jj. Kal did when he was come out of eTTio-Tev(Tev avTos Kal n oiKia avTov oArj. Judaea into Galilee. 54 - >\ ^ ' j / rovro ivaAiv oevrepov o~rfp.eiov eTtoirf- o~ev 6 Irjcrovs, eA6a)v e'/c ttjs lov8aias els Tifv TaAiAaiav. 5. After this there was a 5. Mera raura r)f eop-nj tujv 'low- feast of the Jews, and Jesus 8alv dadevovvTcov, rv- v,xa>Xu)v, ^rjpcov, b eK8exopevcov ti)v tov vftaros KtvtjcrLV. 4 ayyeXos yap Karu Kaipov KaTe^aivev ev rrj KoXvpfirjdpq, Kal erdpacrcre to vdcop' 6 ovv npcoros epftds p.era ttjv Tapani/ tov vdaros, vyti)s e'yivero, w SijnoTe Karet^ero vo- 0-T\\J.aTl." 5 T Hv he tic avdpcoiros eKel TpuiKovra c kol" oktv 6 'irjo-ovs KaTa.Kelp.evov, Kal yvovs on noXvv 7/817 %povov e^ei, Xeyet, aiVai" QeXeis iiyirjs yevecrdai ; ' 'ATreKpiOr) aura) 6 dadevcov' Kvpie, avdpcoTrov ovk e'xa>, Iva brav rapax^r/ to vdoop, d dd\t]" pe els tt)v KoXvpfSt)- 6pav' ev u> he ep^opai eyoo, aXAoj Trpo epav Karai3atvei. 8 Ae-yet avTa> 6 Irj- o-ovs' e "Eyetpe," apov tov KpdjBfSaTov aov, Ka\ trepnrdrei. 9 Kal eideoos eye- veTo vyirjs 6 civOpanros, Kal fjpe tov Kpdi,iarov avTOv, Kal Tvepiendrei. rjv be o~d)3(3aTov ev eKe'ivy tt) rjpepq. 10 "EXeyov ovv ol 'lovbaloi tv cror 'Apov tov KpdfifiaTov crov, Ka\ Trepind- Tei ; 13 '0 he B tacVis" ovk //Set ris icmv 6 yap 'lrjaoiis e^evevaev, o^Xov bvros ev t<6 T07T6). H peril TavTa evpio-Kei avTov 6 'irfa-ovi ev tc3 iepu>, Kal ebrev aiirw" \he vyu)s yeyovas' prjKeTi dpdp- Tave, iva pi) j^elpov ''cot rt" yevrjTM. ' 'AnrjXOev 6 avdpoiTTos, Ka\ dvrjyyeiXe toIs IouSaiotf, cirt lijaovs eo~Tiv 6 John V. 15. called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches. 3 In these lava great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, wailing for the mov- ing of the water. 4 For an an- gel went down at a certain sea- son into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had. 5 And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years. 6 When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole ? 7 The impotent man answered him, Sir, 1 have no man when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool : but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me. s Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. a And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath. 10 The Jews therefore said unto him that was cured, It is the sabbath day, it is not law- ful for thee to carry thy bed. " He answered them, He that made me whole, the same said unto me, Take up thy bed, and walk. B Then asked they him. What man is that which said unto thee, Take up thy bed, and walk ? I3 And he that was heal- ed, wist not who it was : for Jesus had conveyed himself away, ° a multitude being in that place. u Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole : sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee, 'j The man departed, and told the Jews that it was Jesus » ^t b ZXtH^xo^tyuif ad voufifxan, ver. 4. c Reo. om. d Rec. flaAXr,. e Krc. Pc 01,. fytipai. t -> 8 >>- acetyl. h Bz. & Elz. n n. " Or, from Ihe multitude tliut ««>. John V. 16. 234 EYAITEAION which had made him whole. 7roirjO~as avrov vyirj. Kai bia rovro >e And therefore did the Jews ^[ M kov rbv 'inow oi 'lovba'ioi, a Kai persecute Jesus, and sought to ,., , , ' , „ „ „ _ slay him, because he had done eQqrovv avTov a-rroKTfivai, on ravra these things on the sabbath enwi eV o-afifidra. ^ But Jesus answered them, , V <0 , S « 'Iijo-ows^ oTrejcptVaro ourots' My Father worketh hitherto, O 7Tarrjp pov €->.* j < •; > t ~ > I say unto you, The Son can ™ avrois' ^ Apj]V apr]v^ Xeyu vpiv, ov do nothing of himself, but what Svvarai 6 vlbs iroie'iv d(p eavrov ovbev, wLTthings^o^he'doeS «* f* « #*» *«j- «"*^ these also doeth the Son like- a yap av eKfivos 7roir), ravra Kai o vios wise. 20 For th e Father loveth oflo icos noieC '° 6 yap irarhp (biXfi rbv the Son, and sheweth him all ,, v , s, > "«•*»» things that himself doeth: and vl °v, Kat iravra beiKwaiv avrco a avros he will shew him greater works noiel' Kai pei^ova rovrcov Sei'^ei avr r » 1 therjudgethnoman: but hath (vonoiei. a ovbe yap o irarr^p Kpivel committed all judgment unto ovdeva, dXXci ttjv Kplaiv TTao-av 8(8u>K€ the Son : a that all men should « "•. a • ' " _. _i.. ..' v honour the Son, even as they TC i> v "? ™ a ™ VTes J^^ rov viov, honour the Father. He that Kadas ripcoai rov Ttarepa. 6 prj ripiov honoureth not the Son honour- Q » v £ Top naripa rbv TTea- eth not the Father which hath . ', , r ' r r sent him. yavra avrov. m Verily, verily I say unto 24 'Auni/ dahv \tya> vp'iv, on 6 rbv you, He that heareth my word, n / S / » » and believeth on him that sent ^oy " M° u aKOUWJ', Kai Triarevav^ toj me, hath everlasting life, and 7Tfpyf/avri pe, *X el C <0T I V nta>vl0v ' Kai (is ^ZtT£«*£S^ Kpio-ivovK i'pxtrai, dXXa pera^Kev unto life. -' Verily, verily I *K rov Gavarov (is rrjV Qa>r)V * aprfv say unto you. The hour is com- <|„,\„ Xe'-y » x ' , ^ w execute judgment also, because 0" ta " » ttokiv, on he is the Son of man. * 9 Mar- vios avQpviTov icrri. a /ii) 5av/xd^fT-e KATA IQANNHN. 235 tovto' on epxerai u>pa, (v fj ttuvt(s ot (v rols pvrjpdois aKovo-ovTaiTrjs (poavr/s avTov, "^ /cat (KTroptvcrovTai, ol ra ayaBa iroiTjcravTes, els dvdo-raaiv £cof/s' ol 8( ra (pavXa irpa^avres, as avao-racriv /cptcrecoy. ov ovvapai tyco ttoklv an epavTOv oi>S«V . Ka8u>s aKova>, Kpivco" /cat 17 Kpiais r) (pr) 8iKaia e'oriV" on ov £r/Ta> to 6(Xr)pa to (pov, dXka to 6(Xrjpa tov ireptyavTos pe a ". S1 'Eai/ e'yco papTvpio iv(p\ ipavTov, f) paprvpla pov ovk (o~tiv dXrjdfjs. 32 aA- Xos (o-tiu 6 paprupcov irepl (pov, /cat ol8a on dXrjdrjs (o~tiv r) paprvpia tjv papTvpd nepl (pov. ^ vpels aTrecrrdX- /care TTpos 'lu>dvvr]v, /cat pepaprvpr]K€ Tjj dXrjdda' ** eyco de 011 irapa dvOpdmov tt)v paprvpiav Xapfidvco, aXXa ravra Ae'yco lua vpds o-codrjTe. K (Kdvos rjv 6 Xvxvos 6 Kaiop(vos koi (fiaivav, vpds 8( r)0eXr)craT€ b dyaXXiadijvai" npos apav €i> tco (po)Ti avTov. eyco oe e^w tt)v papTvplav pdfa tov Icodvvov' to. yap (pya a e'Soj/ce poi 6 ffarrjp iva TeAeta>o"a> aiiTa, avTa to. (pya a eya> 7roia>, pap- Tvpd iT(pi tpov OTI 6 TTaTr)p pe dire- 0-to.Xkc 37 /cat 6 7T(pyj/as p( TraTr)p, av- tos p(paprvpr)K( ir(p\ (pov. ovt( (pcovrjv avrov d/cr//coare ira>TroT(, ovt( dbos av- tov «i>paicaT(. /cat tov Aoyov avTov ovk (X eTe pivovTa (v vplv, oti ov aiT(- ot(iX(v (Kdvos, tovtco vpds OV 7TI- OT(V(T€. • Ep(vvar( Tas ypa- naiv ov Xapfidvat' ® dXX' (yvuxa vpds, OTi tt)v dydirqv tov Q(ov ovk. i'x(T( (V eavrot?. 43 eycu (Xr)Xv6a (v tco ovopaTi John V. 43. vel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, ' J9 and shall come forth, they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. 30 I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just, hecause I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father, which hath sent me. 31 If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true. M There is another that beareth witness of me, and I know that the witness which hewitnesseth of me, is true. 33 Ye sent unto John, and he bare witness unto the truth. 3i But I receive not testimony from man: but these things I say, that ye might be saved. 35 He was a burning and a shining light : and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light. 3(i But I have great- er witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that 1 do, bear wit- ness of me, that the Father hath sent me. 37 And the Father himself which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape. 38 And ye have not his word abiding in you : for whom he hath sent, him ye believe not. 39 Search the scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they which testify of me. i0 And ye will not come to me, that ye might havelife. 4l Ireceivenot honour from men. *' But 1 know you, that ye hare not the love of God in you. lz I am come in i Keo.add irarpo;. b Rec. ayaXA.aadrjra.. John V. 44. my Father's name, and ye re- ceive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. 4J How can ye be- lieve, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only ? « Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust ? 4S For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me : for he wrote of me. " But if ye believe not his writings, bow shall ye believe my words ? 6. After these things Jesus went over the sea of Galilee, which is the sea of Tiberias: 2 and a great multitude fol- lowed him, because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased. 3 And Jesus went up into a mountain, and there he sat with his disci- ples. 4 And the passover.afeast of the Jews, was nigh. 5 When Jesus then lifted up his eyes, and saw a great company come unto him, he saith unto Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat? « (And this he said to prove him: for he himself knew what he would do) 7 Philip answered him. Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little. 3 One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, saith unto him, s There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many? 10 And Jesus said, Make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in num- ber about five thousand. " And Jesus took the loaves, and when 236 EYAITEAION tov irarpos pov, Kal ov XapftdveTe pe' eav ciXXos eX6rj ev tu> ovopari toS tSt'w, eKelvov Xrj^fecrOe. 4i ircos bvvacrde vpe'is TricrTevaal, bo^av irapa dXXrjXcov Xap,3dvovTes, Kal ttjv bo£av ttjv irapa rod povov Qeov ov cjjTelTe ; ** pfj bo- Kelre otl eyco KaTrjyoprjcrco vpcov irpos tov waTepa' ecTTiv 6 KaTqyopcov iipcov, Mcocr^c, etc ov vpels TjXnLKaTe. 46 el yap cTTicrTeveTf M 00077, e7ri0Teuere av epoi TTepi yap epov ineivos eypa\j/ev. 4 ~ el be tols eKeivov ypdppacriv ov irioreveTe, 7r ' _ ts ' *.„„ „„ nothing be lost. " Therefore rjyayov ovv, Kai eyepiaav bcobeKa ko- they galhered them together) (bivovs KAuapaTCOV eK Tcof ttcvtc upTcov and filled twelve baskets with rav KaiBlvav, a eVepiWevcre Tols j8o f he fragments of the five barley 7 ' loaves, which remained over ppoKucriv. and above, unto them that had 14 Oi ovv avdpconoi IbovTes b eVot'ncre eaten. , >T - «-. • . »,-, y < H Then those men, when arfpeiov o Irjcrovs, eAeyov ^ On ovtos they had seen the mirade that e'o~Tlv aArjQcos 6 wpo(pr]Tr]S 6 epxopcvos Jesus did, said, This is of a els tov k6 y come into the world. la When on peAAovo'iv epxeauai Kai apiraQeiv Jesus therefore perceived that avrov. tva nomacoaiv avTov j3ao-i\ea, they would come and take him ■, , h r\ « » \ i » > by force, to make him a king, uvex<*pr)o- e ^akiv CIS to opos avTos he departed again into a moun- povos- tain, himself alone. 16 'Qc be owla eyeveTO, KaTej3r)o~av oi ,G And when even was now u.a6r)Ta\ ovtov cm Tnv daAaao-av, 17 /cat come his disciples went down ~ ', , , .. ,' „ / unto the sea, » and entered into eppavTes e is to ttAoiov, rjpxovTO nepav a s hj Pi a nd went over the sea Tris daXdacrilS elsKanepvaovp. Kai aKO- towards Capernaum: and it was / *» j / » » >\ \ >n v now dark, and Jesus was not no. Tjdr] «yeyoi/«, Kai ovKjXrjXvOei ivpos come to them 18 And the sea avTovs 6 'It)0~ovs, 18 rj tc OdXaaaa arose, by reason of a great avepov peydXov vveovTOs bir,yeipeTO. ^^llTel^t^Z ia fXnXa/corec ovv cos CTTabiovs eiKoo-i- twenty, or thirty furlongs, they irevrt n TpiaKOVTa, decopovo-t. tov 'Incrovv see Jesus walking on the sea, ~ > * ~ /i \ ' ' and drawing nigh unto the ship: Trfpirrarovvra cm rr]s OaXaao-qs, ^ kol and they were afraid ao B ut c'yyvs tov trXoiov yivopevov' Kai e(po- he saith unto them, It is I, be pncWa". '° o be Xcyc avTo'is' 'Eycb "ot afraid. « i Then they wil- ' > a. a - a / 2l "ttzJ ^ ■> ,ln e'y received him into the etui* pi] (popcicrtic. HdeAov ovv ship, and immediately the ship XaSc'iv avTov els to ttXo'lov, ko.1 evOeoos was at the land whither they v >. - > / , , _ - , t, went. to t:\oiov eyeveTO em ttjs yt]s ets tjv m V°I~ , , c „ ^ r , * « The day following, when In eiravpiov o o^Ao? o ea-rqKoos t h e people which stood on the 7T€paf Tnc&tXcicrcrnc, iScof otl irkoidpiov other side of the sea, saw that «i >?>-» \ « „ ■> - »* there was none other boat there, oXXo ovk ijv ckci ft prjev c eKcivojis o save thatonewhcr einto hisdis- evej3rjo~av oi padrjTai avrov," Kai on ov ciples were entered, and that trwcurnKSc to'is uarJnralf OVTOV 6 'in- Jesus went not with his disci- .' . rf ^ r , ' a i AN % / < pies into the boat, out that his aovs eis TO TThoiapiov, aAKa povoi oi disciples were gone away alone: padrjrai avrov dnrp\8oV 23 («XXa be - 3 howbeit there came other * ZX b U • Gb. on. ^ Gb. irXotor. .. John VI. 24. boats from Tiberias, nigh unto the place where they did eat bread, after that the Lord had given thanks: 24 when the peo- ple therefore saw that Jesus was not there, neither his disci- ples, they also took shipping, and came to Capernaum, seek- ing for Jesus. 25 And when they had found him on the other side of the sea, they said unto him, Rabbi, when earnest thou hither ? 26 Jesus answered them, and said, Verily, verily I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but be- cause ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled. 27 <* Labour not for the meat which perish- eth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed. 28 Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God ? 29 Jesus an- swered, and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. 30 They said there- fore unto him, What sign shew- est thou then, that we may see, and believe thee? what dost thou work ? 31 Our fathers did eat manna in the desert, as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat. 32 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven, but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven. 33 For the bread of God is he which Com- eth down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world. 31 Then said they unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread. 33 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me, shall never hunger : and he that be- 238 EYAITEAION r/\de nXoidpia eK Tifiepid8os e'yyvs rov tottov orrov ecpayov rov aprov, a tv^a- pi(TTT)(ravTos rov Kvpiov'") "* ore ovv el8ev 6 b%\os on 'li]o~ovs ovk eanv e'/cel oi>8e oi padr/rai avrov, evefirjaav b " avroi els ra Trkola, Kai rjkOov els Ka- irepvaovp, fyrovvres rov lrjo~ovv. 25 Kai evpovres avrov ivepav rfjs 6a- XacraT/j, enrov avrw' Pa/3/31, wore &>8e yeyovas ; " 6 'ArreKpldt] avrols 6 'ir/aovs Kai einev' Aprjv aprjv Xeyco vplv, £tj- relre pe, ovx on e'i8ere orjpela, dXX on ecjidyere eK ra>v tiprcov Kai e^oprd- o~6rjre. ^ epyd£ear6e pfj rrjv fipcoo~iv ttjv aTroXXvpevrjv, dXAa ttjv jBpaaiv ttjv pevovcrav els £o>t)v altoviov, tjv 6 vlos rov dv6pa>Tvov vp.lv 8a>o~ei' tovtov yap 6 Trarr)p e'o~(ppdyio~ev 6 Geds. " 8 Elitov ovv npbs avrov' Ti noiajpev, iva e'pya- £a>pe6a ra epya rov Qeov ; 29 ' ArreKpidt) c 6 " Ir]o~ovs Kai ehvev avrols ' Tovro io~Ti to epyov rov Qeov, \va ■mo-revo'Tyre els ov dneaTeiXev eKelvos- 30 Elttov ovv aiira' Tt ovv Tvoiels o~v crrjpelov, tva i8a>pev Kai Tncrrevo-copev croi ; rl epyd- £rj • 31 ol ixarepes rjpa>v rb pdvva eKev avrols (payelv. 32 Enrev d ovv" avrols 6 'Itjo-ovs' Aprjv aprjv Xe'ya) vp.1v, oil Mcnarjs 8e8a>Kev vplv rov aprov eK rov ovpavov ' dAX o Trarrjp pov 8l8a>o-iv vplv rov aprov (K roii ovpavov rov ahrjoivov. o yap ap- ros rov Qeov ecrriv 6 Karafiaivcov eK rov ovpavov, Kai £a>r]v 8i8ovs ru> Koapco. Eittov ovv npos avrov Kvpie, trav- rore 86s f/plv rov aprov rovrov. ^ Ei7Tf oe avrois o \.rjo~ovs iiyw eipi o apros ttjs £a>rjS' 6 ep)(6pevos rrpos pe, ov pr/ ireivda-T]' Kai 6 jno-revav els epe, a -* b Rt-r. ad?l Kai. c- d- I Zi "Or, Work not. KATA IfiANNHN. 239 ov pi) diyjfrjcn] TYu>noTe. 36 aXX' eiirov vpiv oti Kai ecopaKare pe, Kai ov m- OTfVCTe. 87 nav o 8 id a>o~i poi o irarrjp, irpos epe ^"' KaL T0V ep\6pevov ^pos p,e oil pi] (Kpakco e£a>' 3S oti Karafie- (3r)Ka (K tov ovpavov, ov% iva iroico to OeXrjpa to ipov, dXXa to 8fXr]pa tov irep-^avTos p(. 39 tovto he e'ori to tieXrjpa tov iviptyavTos pe a irarpos," 'iva irdv o Se'Soxce poi, pi) diroXeo~a> e£ aiiTov, dXXa dfao-njcro) avTo ev rrj eo-xdrrj rjpe- pa. 40 tovto b ydp" eori to dtXrjpa tov c irep^ravTos pe," iva iras 6 8eu>puiv tov vlov Kai Tno-Tfvoiv els avrov, e\r] farjv aldiviov, Kai avaa-TTjcrd) avrov e'yio rfj eo~xdTji rjptpa. 41 'Eyoyyv^ov ovv oi lovdaloi irepi avrov, oti elirev' Eya> eipi 6 apros 6 KarafBcis (K Toil ovpavov' Kai 'eXeyov' Oi>x ovtos eariv Irjaovs 6 vlos Iw- o~r)(p, ov rjpeis o'iSapev tov irarepa Kai tt)v prjrepa; izu>s ovv Xeyei d ovtos'" "Oti (K tov ovpavov Karafjifi-qKa; 43 'A- ireKpiQr) e " 6 'lrjaovs Kai elirev avrois' Mr) yoyyv£ere per dXXi)Xa>v. 4i ovdels bvvarai eXOeiv irpos pe, eiiv pr] 6 ivaTr)p 6 irep^as pe eXKvaj] aiirbv, /cat eyio dvao~TT]0-Q> avrov f ev" rf] eaxdrj] i)pepa. 45 eari yeypappevov ev Tois Tvpo(^i)rais' Kai eaovrai irdvres SiSa/crol s " Qeov. Uiis h * 6 ' aKovmv " irapa tov irarpos \ /\\ * r . 4fi > " Kai paaoyv, ep^erai irpos pe ov% oti tov irarepa tis euipaKev' el pi) 6 &>v ira- pa tov Scot), ovtos eoipaKe tov irarepa. ' Apr/v dprjv Xeyco iipiv, 6 iriorevcov eis epe, e)(ei Qr)v aioiviov. eyco eipi o apros ttjs fcofjs- oi irarepes vpcov e— . Rec. & Gb. a.oio.f. John VI. 52. 240 EYAITEAION bread, which came down from "ipros 6 £Vof, 6 e'/c tov ovpavov KCirafids' heaven. If any man eat of this >^ v <£' ^ T0 {)t 0V T ov ZpTOV, £n- bread, he shall live for ever: T i ■>- \ t 9 »> * and the bread that I will give, verai e is tov aiava. (cat o apros^ Oe ov is my flesh, which I will give e 'y^, Stucrco, 17 (Tapi; pov £(TTiv, a T)V eyo) for the life of the world. ^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 82 'E^ta^ofro cw Trpo? dXXr;Xous ot 'louSaloi XeyovTes' Ucos bvvarai ovtos 52 The Jews therefore strove rjplv bovvai tt]V crapKa (payelv ; " EtVfV amongst themselves, saying, ovv ovtoIs 6 'Ino-ovs' 'Aprjv aprjv Xe'yco How can this man giveushis t ,. >i \ 1 / 1 _» - ,f ~ flesh to eat? « Then Jesussaid VA""./™' W > > e ' ai;i -o7c. M ^ T/)c i y£0I/ flesh of the Son of man, and / V * » «. / drink his blood, ye have no life pou rni> crap/ca, /cat irivcov pov to aipa, in you. il Whoso eateth my £' yet /"wni/ atcbviov, /cat eyco dwicrn^crci) flesh, and drinketh mv blood, / t , h ', „ - . , t / 55 « v hath eternal life, and I will auroj; ev tjj eo-xarrf rjpepa. __ r, yap raise him up at the last day. crdpf; pov c d\rj6o)S " earl (3pa>ais, Kai ZF£lX!*£E*ES& ro alpd pov 'dW eVu^, « 6 56 He that eateth my flesh, and rpciyof pov ttjv aapKa, Kai ttlvoov pov drinketh my blood, dwelleth in TQ a £„„ ' living Father hath sent me, and ' Ka6o)s aireo-reike pe o {aiv TvaTT)p, I live by the Father: so, he that ndyu> £u> 8td tov ixarepa: Ka\ 6 Tpa>ya>v eateth me, even he shall live by > - a >■' „." »,' ',,' M nZ-Ar. me. "This is that bread which f?> kukuvos fijererat _8i eue. _ ouroc came down from heaven: not as eo~Tlv 6 dpTOS 6 e/C TOV ovpavov KaTa- your fathers did eat manna and 0^. Q £ ^^ ^ a7 oi/ oi iraTeptS e ipuv" 3.TG t|t'<'l . . 1I6 illi'lt G3.tGlll 01 til IS r ^ / // \ s '^ f ' bread, shall live for ever. ' to pavva, /cat aircdayov ' o rpaiywv tovtov tov aprov e ^TjcreTai. eu TOV ato)va. 59 TaOra elirev ev o-waycoyfj 8i8dcnca>v iv YLairepvaovp. 60 TroXXot ovv aKov- 53 These things said he in the > - Q &„ a l Toi e ? nov . svnagogue, as he taught in Ca- ""'***, f ', . , , ,, , p'ernaum. 60 Many therefore of 2/cXr;poc ecrrtv ovroy o Aoyoy Tt? bvva- his disciples, when they had ra( a ^, ro - t J/cou6ti' ; 61 EiSwc be 6 'In- heard this, said, This is an hard , , _ « »«. v saying, who can hear it? >>'»_ they are spirit, and they are "life. V? "/*»' «veu/*a e«m /cat £on eoru,. •>' But there are some of you 64 dXX' elo~\v e£ vpcbv Tives 01 ov a -» b Rec. & Gb. om. c (^3 aXrje^j 6i#. d (v> fTr»t. e ~ZX f Gb. om. g cs»" Cijer.*. hw — Rec. & Gli. XoXu. RATA K2ANNHN. 241 7ri(TTCvov(riv. "HSet yap if- dpx^s 6 Ir/- o~ovs, rives elo~\v oi pr) marevovres, Kal tis eo~nv 6 Tvapabiocroiv avrov. M Kai eXeye Aia tovto eipr]Kavpiv, on ovbels ftvvarai eXdeiv npos pe, edv pt) y bedopevov avrco eK rov irarpos *pov." fi6 'E(C TOVTOV TToWoi UTVT]\60V TWV padt]Tu>i> avrov (Is ra 67710-0), Kal ovKen per avrov TvepteTrdrovv. 67 eirrev ovv 6 'irjaovs rols Ba>8fKU' M17 Kal vpels QeAere inrdyeiv ; ^ 'AireKpldrj b " avrca Sipcav Herpos' Kvpie, irpos rlva direXevcrope- A f ' **■»*/* .69 x Oa; ptjpara £0)775 aiaiviov e%eis Kai rjpels ireirio-T'VKapev, Kal eyvuKapev on av ei o c Xpioroc o vios rov Oeou '° 'AireKpidq avrols e 6 'Irjaovs'" Ovk e'yu> i/pas rovs 8a>8eKa e£e\e£dpr)v, Kal e£ vpa>v els SidfioXos eo~nv ; 71 "EXey? Se rov 'lovSuv "2lpa>vos lo~Kapia)rr)v ' ovros yap fjpeXkev avrov irapadidovai, ? f + a > ~ & ' in ety aw «k roof ocuoe/ca. 7. Kal f> pera ravra ixepieirarei 6 Ir/o'ovs" ev rfi TaACkaiq' ov yap rjde\ev ev rr) lovdaiq irepiirareiv, on efrrovv avrov oi IouSaloi diroKrelvai. 2 Hv 8e eyyvj f) eoprrj ra>v 'Iov8ala>v fj aKTjvoirrjyia. 3 eiirov ovv irpos avrov ot a8e\(pol avrov' Mera,3>7#i evrevdev, Kal viraye els rfjv 'lovbatav, Iva Kal oi padrjrai o~ov Becoprjacoo-i ra epya o~ov a TToiels' 4 01/Sfl? yap ev Kpvirra> n iroiel, Kal fyrel avros ev irappTjo-ia. eivai. ei ravra rroiels, (pavepaiaov areavrbv ra Koo~pa>. OvBe yap oi d8e\(pol avrov eniorrevov els avrov. 6 Xeyei h ovv " av- rols 6 Ir/o-ovs' '0 Kaipos 6 epos ovttco napeo-nv' 6 Be Kaipbs 6 vperepos ndv- rore eanv eroipos. ' oi) dvvarai 6 ko- apos piae'iv vpas' e'pe Be pio~e~t, on e'y£> paprvpa) nepl avrov, on ra epya avrov John VII. 7. that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning, who they were that believed not, and who should betray him. 65 And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. 66 From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. 67 Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away ? 68 Then Simon Peter answered him. Lord, to whom shall we go ? thou hast the words of eter- nal life. 6J And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the son of the living God. 70 Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you iwelve, and one of you is a devil ? ' ' He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: for he it was that should betray him, being one of the twelve. 7. After these things. Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him. 2 Now the Jews feast of ta- bernacles was at hand. 3 His brethren therefore said unto him, Depart hence, and go into Judaea, that thy disciples also may see the works that thou doest. * For there is no man that doeth any thing in secret, and he himself seeketh to be known openly: if thou do these things,sheiv thyself to the world. 5 For neither did his brethren' believe in him. * Then Jesus said unto them, My time is not yet come : but your time is alway ready. ' The world can- not hate you, but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the * ^* b Kfc «dd ovy. * >"*>. — Gb. a-yio;. d Roc. add. rati faivi-© ? . e Zj TTipKTra-fli liftrovs fisra ravra. b ~ZZ tZi lb St Gb. 17 John VII. 8. 242 EYAITEAION works thereof are evil. 8 Go Trovrjpd eo~Tiv. 8 vpels dvdJr/Te els tt)v ye up unto this feast: I go not < . * T avTT,v" ey" "owe" ava&aivu up yet unto this feast, for my ," ', , ' ,' „ , V^ , time is not yet full come, fis Trjv eoprrjv tovttjv, on o tempos o 9 When he had said these words e 7ioc % nu) TrenXimoiTai. 9 TatJra c " unto them, he abode still in , > rt , - ,, ' „ > ~ -n \ \ » Galilee. "> But when his bre- f 1 ™ V avrois, epeivev ev ttj TaAiKaKf. thren were gone up, then went 10 cos fie dvefirjo-av ol dfie \(po\ avrov, he also up unto the feast, not ' j > - j -^ » - r . , openly, but as it were in _ , c "' '_ r l > secret. cpavepcos, aXX coy ev Kprnrrco. ii Then the Jews sought him 11 < S V 'lovbaloL etriTOW avrov ev at the feast, and said, \\ here is _ , x „. ±j ' . , , .. he? « And there was much T I) eoprr), Kai ekeyoV Uov ecrriv enei- murmuring among the people, vos ; 12 Kai yoyyvcrpos ttoXvs rrepl concerning him : for some said, »_ - » > - * n < J '\ He is a good man: others said, , avT0V V" « T0 j J °X Aol f/ °< r*» ^ f 7 w Nay, but he deceiveth the peo- On ayat70? ecrriv ' aXXoi e " tXeyov' pie. « Howbeit no man spake O 0- dAAa 7rXai/a roi/ oyXov. 13 Oufieiy openly of him, for fear of the , , , , • ,. ,. "■ , , _ . , jews. pevroL irapprjcriq. eXaXei irepi avrov, ota . tov (pofiov ra>v 'lovdaiiov. »« Now about the midst of " " HSj ? & ™) s eoprr]s peaovo-rjs, dve- the feast, Jesus went up into (Br) 6 'ir/croGy els to iepov, Kai e'Sifiacrxe. the temple, and taught. is And 15 Ka - L iQ a ' a ( ov [ 'l ov 8alot Xeyovres' the Jews marvelled, saving, . T ' B , T , ' How knoweth this man "letters, Liois ovros ypappara otbe, p.r) pepaffr)- having never learned ? is Jesus KC0S ; 16 'AneKpi6ri ' ovv" avrois 6 'In- answered them, My doctrine is - v ■? . <,. i i » » \ , » not mine, but his that sent me. ™ V S Kal *"*& H , - \ \ - < ^ • i- > seeketh his glory that sent him, ' ° "9 eavTOV XaXoiv, Trjv do^av tt)v the same is true, and no un- (Si'ai' f^Tei ' 6 fie £r)Ta>v tt)v ho^av tov righteousness is in him i w Did n ^yhavTOS avTOV, oZtos aXrirJnc eVrc, not Moses give you the law, " T ( * 3 t ' , „ iq ' and yet none of you keepeth Kai aOLKLa ev avT ovk eo~Tiv. ov the law? Why go ye about Mcocm? 8(8o)Kev viuv tov vop.ov, Kai to kill me ? ia The people an- > ft \ ' i> r > - > /» swered, and said. Thou hast a ouOeiff e§ k/icoi/ 7roift rof i/o/xov ; rt /xe devil: who goeth about to kill friTe'lTe dnoKTe'ivai: :u 'ATreKpidrj 6 6- thee ? * ( vt a , « r/ , ^Aof (cat fi7T€ Aaip,oviov exeis' tls ere £r)Tel diroKTelvai ; 21 Jesus answered, and said 2l 'ATTeKpiOrj So" , Ir)crovs Kai evrrev unto them, I have done one > - . « -r? » > > - • work, and ye all marvel. f TOls , Ev JPy?" e ™W a , «*_* ™vres 22 Moses therefore gave unto davpaQere' ota tovto' McootJc fiefico- It hof C M™s C es i0 but n °of b tne a fa e K * P "*"" T ^ V ™P lT0 m v ' i. ov X OTieKTOV thers) and ye' on the sabbath Mcocrecoc ecrriv, dXX eK twv Trarepcov') day circumcise a man. 23 If a ko.1 ev o-afiftdra) TrepiTepvere dvdpaiTrov. %^X b Reo. ovttih. c Rec. add 4s* d oo auro; tfitivtv. v 'lepoo-o- XvplTCOV' Ov)( ovtos ecrTiv ov £r)TOV0~l,V airoKTelvat. ; 2fl a Kal " i'Se irapprjtriq XaXel, Kal ov8ev avrco Xeyovcri. prjirore dX-qdcos eyvcocrav ol dp^ovres, on ovtos icrrtv b " 6 Xpicrros ; "' dXXd tovtov oidapev rroOev iarlv 6 8e Xpiaros orav epXqrai, ov8els yivcocTKei u66ev ecrnv. 28 "EKpat-ev ovv iv ra lepco 8i8dcrKcov 6 'irjcrovs Kal Xeycov' Kdpe oldare, Kal oiSare nodev elpi ' Kal an ipavrov ovk eXr)Xvda, dXX' e'anv dXrjdivos 6 irep-tyas (N r /- > »/e, 99 I * C " T £ pe , ov vpeis ovk oioare eyco oioa avrov, on nap* avrov eipi, KaKeivos pe diTeo~TeiXev. 30 'E^tjtovv ovv avrov iridaai' Kal ovdels iTreftaXev err avrov rr)v x fl P a i ° Tl ovttco eXrjXvdet. r/ copa avroii. 31 iroXXol 8e e< rov oxKov e'ni- o~Tevo~av els avrov, Kal eXeyov' On o Xpicrros orav eX6r/, d p.r)n " irXeiova o-qpela e rovrcov " iroirjaei lav ovtos inolrjo-ev ; 32 *Hiap«ratoi Kal ol dp^iepeis virrfperas, Iva Trtdo-cocriv avrov. einev ovv ' ' 6 'irjcrovs' "En p.iK.pbv xpovov peff vpcov elpi, Kal vrrdyco irpbs rov Trepyj/avrd pe. 3i (r]ri]crere pe, Kal ov% evpr)o~ere' Kal orrov elpl iyco, vpels ov hvvacrde eXOelv. ^ Elnov ovv ol 'Iot/- Saioi rrpbs eavrovs' Hov ovtos peXXei Tropeveo-dai, on r)pels ov% evpr/aopev avrov \ pr) els ttjv biao~TTopdv rwv EX- Xrjvuiv peXXei Tropeveo~6ai, kui 8iddaKeiv John VII. 35. man on the sabbath day receive circumcision, ° that the law of Moses should not be broken ; are ye angry at me, because 1 have made a man every whit whole on the sabbath day ? 24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righte- ous judgment. ' zi Then said some of them of Jerusalem, Is not this he, whom they seek to kill ? M But lo, he speaketh buldly, and they say nothing unto him: Do the rulers know indeed that this is the very Christ ? ■ i; Howbeit we know this man whence he is : but when Christ cometh, no man knoweth whence he is. 2S Then cried Jesus in the temple as he taught, saying. Ye both know me, and ye know whence I am, and I am not come of myself, but he that sent me, is true, whom ye know not. Ja But I know him, for I am from him, and he hath sent me. 30 Then they sought to take him : but no man laid hands on him, because his hour was not yet come. 31 And many of the people believed on him, and said, When Christ cometh, will he do more miracles than these which this man hath done? 32 The Pharisees heard that the people murmured such things concerning him: and the Pharisees and the chief priests sent officers to take him. 33 Then said Jesus unto them, Yet a little while am 1 with you, and then I go unto him that sent me. 34 Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me : and where I am, thither ye cannot come. 3i Then said the Jews among themselves, Whither will he go, that we shall not find him ? will he go unto the dis- persed among the Gentiles, • -» b K«c. Bii.l a>v^;. c Kec. add J«. d cv ^7. a Or. nithout breaking t:itf law of Moses. e — * f Rec. add owTOte. P Or, Greeks. John VII. 36. & teach the Gentiles ? 36 What manner of saying is this that he said, Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me ? and where I am, thither ye cannot come ? 37 In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood, and cried, saying. If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. 3S He that believ- eth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. 39 ( Hut this spake he of the Spirit which they that believe on him, should receive. For the Holy Ghost was not yet given, because that Jesus was not yet glorified.) 40 Many of the people therefore, when they heard this saying, said, Of a truth this is the pro- phet. •" Others said, This is the Christ. But some said. Shall Christ come out of Gali- lee ? 4i Hath not the scripture said, That Christ cometh of the seed of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was ? 43 So there was a division among the people because of him. 44 And some of them would have taken him, but no man laid hands on him. 244 EYAITEAION 36 45 Then came the officers to the chief priests and Pharisees, and they said unto them, Why have ye not brought him ? 46 The officers answered. Never man spake like this man. 47 Then answered them the Pharisees, Are ye also deceiv- ed ? 4S Have any of the rulers, or of the Pharisees believed on him ? ' 9 But this people who knoweth not the law, are curs- ed. 50 Nicodemus saith unto them, (he that came to Jesus by night, being one of them.) 61 Doth our law judge any man 1-efore it hear him, and know rovs "EXXrjvas ; "" ris ecrriv ovros o Xoyos ov eine' Zr)rr)o~ere pe, Kal oi>x evpi) be rfj e'o~xdrr) rjpepa rfj p-eydXj) rr)s eoprrjs elarrjKei 6 lr)o~ovs, Kai expa^e Xeycov' Edv ris Sn^a, epxecrOco , npos p,e Kal iriverio' 6 TTicrreviov els e'pe, Kadcos enrev r) ypacpi), irorapol eK rrjs KoiXias avrov pevaovaiv vdaros £covros. 39 Tovro 8e eine irepl rov Ilvevparos ov epeXXov Xapfidveiv ol TTiarevovres els avrov ovttio yap r)v Ilvevpa a ayiov.," on b 6" 'irfarovs ovSeTrco ibo^ao-Qt], 40 noXXol ovv i< rov o^Xou aKovaavres rov Xoyov, eXeyov Ovros ecrriv dXr/dcos 6 Trpocpr)rr)s. 41 "AXXoi eAf-yof' Ovros ecrriv 6 Xptcrrdy. AXXoi c be" eXeyov' Mr) yap en ttjs TaXiXaias 6 Xpicrrbs epxerai ; ^ oi>^t r) ypacpr) eirrev, on eK rov cnrepparos AavtS, Kal anb BrjBXeep,, rrjs Kuprjs ottov rjv AaviB, o Xpicrros epx eTat i zxicrpa ovv ev rut o^Xa) eyevero 6V avrov. ** rives 8e rjOeXov e£ aircov iridcrai avrbv, dXX ovbels eireiiaXev «r avrov rds ^elpar. 40 'HXOov ovv ol VTrrjperai rrpbs roi/s dpxiepels Kal $apio-aiovs' Kai eiirov avrois eKelvoi' Atari ovk tjydyere avrov; 46 'AneKpidrjo-av ol imr\piraV Ov8eTrore ovrios eXdXrjcrev avdpcoTTos, cos ovros 6 avBpconos." 47 ' ATreKpidrjcrav ovv av- rols ol $apicraiot" Mr) Kal vpels 7re- nXdvrjo-Se ; 48 pr) ris c'k tcov dpxdvrcov e7Tio-revo~ev els avrov, r) tK rcov <&api- aaicov ; J aAA o o^Ao? ovros o pr) yivo)0~Kcov rov vopov, iniKardparoL fieri, 50 A«yei NiKo8r)pos npos airovs, 6 eX- 6u>v vvKrbs wpbs avrov, eiy a>v ef; avrcov' 51 Mr) d vopos fjpchv Kpivei rov livBpco- ttov, edv pr) aKovo~r) nap avrov e rrpd- b ^ d -, e CNJ TtpuiTOV, KATA IQANNHN. 245 repov," Kal yvu> rinoier, 52 ' ATreKpiQr/crav Kal elirov avrco' M17 ko.1 av etc. rrjs Ta- XtXalas el ; epevvrjaov Kal 'Ibe, on irpo- (pTjTrjs eK rr/s TaXiXa/ar ovk e'yrjyeprai. 53 a Kal enopevdq eKacrros els rbv oIkov avrov. 8- 'Irjcrovs be enopevor) els to opos rcov e'Xaicbv 2 opdpov be nd- Xiv napeyevero els to lepov, Kal iras 6 Xabs rjpxero ivpbs avrov' Kal Kadioras eblbao-Kev avrovs. 3 ayovo~i be ol ypap- parels Kal ol Qapiaaloi b " yvva'iKa '" em' fiot^eia KareiXrjppevrjv, Kal crrrjo-avres avrfjv e'v peace, * Xeyovaiv aura' At- bdo-KaXe, avrr) r) yvvf] KareiXrjcpdr] enav- rocpcopco poL\evopivr). * e'v be rco vopco Mcoo-fjs rjplv evereiXaro ras roiavras d Xidd(eiv" crv ovv rl Xe'yetr e nepl avrijs ; " 6 Tovro be eXeyov Treipd^ovres avrov, iva e\coo-i ' Karijyopiav Kar " avrov. 6 be 'Irjcrovs Kara Kvy^as, rco baKTvXco eypacpev els ttjv yfjv' 7 cos be enepevov e'pa>ru>vres avrov, dvaKvy^as eine rrpbs avrovs' 'O dvapdprrjros vpcov, rrpcoros rbv Xidov or avrr) j3aXera>. 8 Kal ndXiv Karto Kvu/ar eypacpev els n)v yijv. 9 ol be, aKovo-avres, Kat vivo rrjs o~vveibT]v TTpeo-ftvrepav ecos rcov e'o~xdrcov ■ Kai KareXeicpdr] povos 6 \-qo~ovs, Kal r] yvvr] e'v peered s ovo~a." 10 dvaKv^ras be 6 Ir/- crovs, Kal prjbeva Oeaardpevos nXr/v rrjs yvvaiKos, ehrev avrf)' '' Tvvai," nov eiaiv eKelvoi ol Kartjyopoi. o~ov ; ovbels o-e KareKpivev ; u 'H be elnev ' Ovbels, Kvpie. Eine be avrf) 6 'irjaovs ' Ovbe €ya) o~e KaraKpivco' iropevov Kal prjKeri. dpdprave. IldXiv ovv 6 'irjcrovs avrols eXd- Xrjo~e Xiyoiv ' 'Eya> elpi ro (pd>s rov John VIII. 12. what he doeth ? 52 They an- swered, and said unto him, Art thou also of Galilee ? Search, and look: for out of Galilee ariseth no prophet. 53 And every man went unto his own house. 8. Jesus went unto the mount of Olives : 2 and early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him, and he sat down, and taught them. 3 And the scribes and Phari- sees brought unto him a wo- man taken in adultery, and when they had set her in the midst, 4 they say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. 5 Now Moses in the law com- manded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? • This they said, templing him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground as though he heard them not. ' So when they con- tinued asking him, he lift up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. 8 And again, he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. 9 And they which heard it, be- ing convicted by their own con- science, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last : and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. 10 When Jesus had lift up himself, and saw none hut the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee ? " She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I con- demn thee : go, and sin no more. n Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the • ^ Kai firopd>0T7 ad c»p 8, 11. ^tjwet-i o^apiove. b Rec. & Gb. add wpoj oimk. c Rec. & Gb. ir. * Rec. & Gb. Xi«o£oXttoe > - c light of life, a The Pharisees ? Tr,s £079. » EtTroi/ ow aurw 01 therefore said unto him, Thou ap«raloi' 2u 7repi rjeauroO paprvpels' r^rf JTS SWU5 J /"W ^ ^ ^ ^' answered, and said unto them, w AneKpidrj I70-OU9 Kai enrev avrois ' Though I bear record of rny- K * j, f > > ^aprypi, trep\ epavrov, dXndns self, vet my record is true : for , ', n r r , r n t« /V I know whence I came, and etrnv J] paprvpia poy on oiba noVev whither I go: but ye cannot tell $,\Q 0V} Kai TTOV VTrdyu) ' vpe'is be ovk go^Vejudg; a^erTheS °®«™ ™dev ep X opai, • ) " ™ WjK 1 judge no man. '« And yet if lj vp_t 19 Kara ti)^ aapKa Kpivere' eyco I judge, my judgment is true: Qv < w £§ e '„a. 16 Ka\ edv Kpiva> be for 1 am not alone, but I and , v r , , t > \ v\ a± > 1 the Father that sent me. ' ; It eya>, 7 Kpiais 7 (p,T} a\T)Vr)s ecrnv on is also written in your law, that n OVO s ouk ellli, dXX' eyu> Ka\ 6 nep-^ras the testimony of two meu is ' / 17 » ,-» ~ ,.A,.„ Si _,"; true. » 1 am one that bear I* mj"jp. ^ 17 Kai ev jcp vopa, be ro> witness of myself, and the Fa- {jperepo) yeypaivrai' Ort bvo avopco- ther that sent me, beareth wit- « iaprvpla dXrjBns eoriv. 18 'Eyci ness of me. , / r r r _ \ ', , , ' et/ii o paprvpcov nepi epavrov, Kai pap- rvpel nepl epoii 6 irep-<\ras pe Trarrjp. 19 "EXeynv ovv aurco " Hov eoriv 6 1 9 Then said they unto him, 7rarr)p oov ; 'A7reKpt#7 b " Ir;<70vy" Oi/'re Where is thy Father? Jesus ,, *g - - ' . e > answered, Ye neither know me, y"; ,"' ' , , r r ,,» nor my Father: if ye had known epe rjbeire, Kai tov narepa pov ijbeire me, ye should have known my *„ ' 20 ^avra to. pnuara eXdXnoev c * Father also. 20 These words , _ >.n > a * ' spake Jesus in the treasury, as ™ ra ya(o(pvXaKicp, biba eA^i^t r, copa aurou. ^ J1 EiTref 0^^ naXiv avrois o irjo'ovs' 'Eyaj i)7ra-yco, (cat ^Trjcrere pe, Kai ev rrj dpapTia vpcbv dnodave'io-Be ' ottov eya> 21 ' 1 Then said Jesus again unto inrdyo), vpels ov bvvaaOe eXveiv. "" EAe- them, I go my way, and ye shall *„ Q ' L 'iovSalot • Mnn dnoKrevel seek me, and shall die in your 1 , „ . , „ , v ( / sins: whither I go, ye cannot eavrov, on Aey«* Onov eyco UTrayco, come. ' n Then said the Jews, {,ueic ou bvvacrOe eXBeiv ; 23 Kai etVei' Will he kill himself? because > - . « v " ' _- '_ . J 1 J.,\ ,'„ he saith, Whither 1 go, ye can- <""« ^f," « rav Kara eare, eya> « not come. 23 And he said unto rcof «f co «/il" vpels eK tov Koo~pov tov- them, Ye are from beneath I » > > ^ ^ K f J„J e ' K ro {; KO VaoU am from above: ye are of this , a*' » » « «• • > /1 world, I am not of this world, tovtov. ** envov ovv vpiv on anoVa- 2» I said therefore unto you, Vf ' l0 -Q e £ v ra ts apapriais vpcov' edv that ye shall die in your sins. , ( > n . , •> For if ye believe not that lam 7^ F? TTKJTewoTjje o« eycoeipi, he, ye shall die in your sins, dnodavelo'de ev rais dpapnats vpmv. a I'.ec. hi, b Kcc. add a. Rec. add o Iijaovf. i ^J KATA IQANNHN. 247 John VIII. 39. ?**E\eyov ovv avra>- 2v Tis ei; a Kat " 25 Then said they unto him, etnev avro'is 6 'ino-ovs' Triv dpxhv o n Who art thou? And Jesus saith » •». \ ' ' * 26 \\< » ' c - unto them, Even the same that KmXaXavpiv. noXXa e X a nepivpcov , sajd unt0 you from the be _ XaXciv Kill Kpiveiv ' aXX 6 nepylfas pe ginning. M 1 have manv things d\ndns «m, Acayoj & rJKOvaa nap av- to say, and to judge of you: but ,' ' h \ ■ II > ! ' ' SeI1 me IS trUe ' an " ' tov, TCiVTa ° Xeyio eis tov Koo~pov. speak to the world, those things "'" OiV eyvuxrav on tov narepa avTols which • have heard of hira - "\ They understood not that he eAfyfi/._. spake to them of the Father. 28 Einev ovv avrols 6 'h]o~ovs' "Orav M Then said Jesus unto them, ty».> \5>. - of man, then shall ye know that yvioaeaae on eya> eipi' Kai an epavrov I am he, and that 1 do nothing ttoio) ouS.fi/, dXXci Kadios e'Si'SaAf pe 6 of myself: but as my Father ' - \">~M Nt'i " at " taught me, I speak these narr^ppov, rauraXaXca. ^Kaionepfas things. *> And he that sent me, pe, per epoii e'anv' ovk dcprJKe pe po- is with me: the Father hath not >* \ ' \ »_« left me alone: for I do always vov'o nar^p, on eyco ra apecrra avno those things tnat please him / noio) navrore. 30 TaCra avrov XaXovvros noXXol 3n As he spake those words, -V.'™-,..,.,... ,.' '_ ' . 31 "t?\ » ' many believed on him. 3I J hen enio-revaav eis avrov. EXeyf v ovv o said > Jesus t0 those Jews which Irjaovs npos rovs nenicrrevKoras avra believed on him, If ye continue 'lovbaiovs' 'Eav vpels peivnre ev ra> '" my word then are ye my v , - ' - ->\ a- a 1 > ' disciples indeed. •>- And ye Aoyco ru> epto, aX^dios padijrai pov eo~re, stia.ll know the truth, and the 3 " Kal yvooo-eo-df rnv dXndeiav, Kal 17 truth sha11 make y° u free. ^\ ' a,.„ '\ d ' ' - 33 ' a > 33 They answered him, We be aXrjtieia eXev6epo>aei vpas. " AneKpi- Abraham's seed.and were never 6rjo~av avroi ' "2neppa Aftpadp eo~pev, in bondage to any man : how Kal ov8evl 8e8ovX€vKapev Trvnore- nws |^ s ? l thou > Ye sha11 be made o~v Xcyetr" 'On eXevdepoi, yevrjaeade ; AneKpiOT] avrois 6 'ir/froOy" 'Aprjv 3i Jesus answered them, Ve- dpfiv Xf'yco vp'iv, on nas 6 noiav rhv S? 1 veri 'y l s ^. un '° J oa ' , < % ~\ i t d - r 1 a ^* hosoever committeth sin, is upapnav, OovXos e •*» forever: but the Son abideth rovauava _ ovut pevei «y toj/ atcova. ever- 3S If the Son therefore eav ovv o tuoy ti^tay eXevdepcoarr], ov- shall make you free, ye shall be tus eXev6epoi i'o-eo-de. * 7 otSa on free indeed. 3; 1 know that ye > _T , , , , „ , are Abraham s seed, but ye seek o-ntppa Appaap eare' aXXa {rjTeiTe to kill me, because my word pe diroKTelvai, on 6 Xoyos 6 epos ov haih no place in you. 3S I speak „,.,.,T ,'..'' as ' » « " 1 that which J have seen with my vcopet ev vpiv. ^ * eyw o coipaica Trapa Father: and ye do , hat vvhich rw narpi * pov," XaXco' Kai vpeis ovv 6 ye have seen with your father. Qvtpauam" napd rt5 narpl 8 iu£ v / f J They amwered. and said un- - 39 • « '-1 "x t " , to him, Abraham is our father. noieire. * AneKpiOr]o-av Kai eiirov av- Tta- 'O narTjp fjpiov 'A/3paa/x eo-rt. At yfi auTotf 6 I^croOy El reKva tov Jesus saith unto them, If ye ' Zj b <^> XaXtu. C Zt 4 Zt ' (^) rj.nl CT.l-f. g 15 John VIII. 40. 248 EYAITEAION were Abraham's children, ye AfBpaap a f)Te,' to. epya tov Aj3paap would do the works of Abra- ^otflre b ". 40 vvv he ftrretrc pe wo- nam. '" But now ye seek to kill „ M a ,, < »\ / /i r - me, a man that hath told you KTeivai, av6pairov os TTjV aArjdeiav vpiv the truth, which I have heard XeAdXnjca, f>v riKovcra napa tov Qeov' of God: this did not Abraham. - >»o \ ■> , i a\ r 41 Ye do the deeds of your fa- T0V ™ Afipaap ovk e-iroirjo-ev. ^ vpeis ther. Then said they to him, iroie'iTe Ta'epya tov narpos iipcov. Et7roz/ We be not born of fornication, c $„» avT £. < H - & ,ropwias ov ye- we have one Father, even God. , i „ " , „ ' , ', yevvijpeda' eva irarepa e%opev, tov Qeov. "Jesus said unto them, If ^ Ei7J-«> d " a&Tols 6 Ino-oiis' Et 6 God were vour Father, ve would r\ « » » - » » - * > -. love me, for 1 proceeded forth, ™ ^T V ^ V ^ W """ 1 " 6 "^ «r" and came from God: neither eya> yap eK rov GeoO e^rj\6ov Kal tjkco' Came i- ! wu my j elf ' buthe f nt o^e yap aw euavTov eAt'iAvda, ciXX' me. 43 \\ hy do ye not under- , » , ' ! , , * .. ., . ' , , N stand my speech ? even because eKeivos pe aireo-TetAe. * J Oiart Tr]V Aa- ye cannot hear my word. ■" Ye Xtai' rr)i/ epnv oi yttw/cere ; on ou are of your father the devil, j. » zi > ' « >■» » > ' and the lusts of your father ye ovvnade _ aKoveiv tov Xoyovrov epov. will do : he was a murderer vpels (K e tov" naTpos tov diafioAov from the beginning, and abode —, Ka l Tas ^tcW"* tov TraTpos not in (he truth, because there c » /i/n > " »/i is no truth in him. When he vptov 6eAere Troieiv. aceivos avVpoiwo- speaketh a lie, he speaketh of KT 6vos rjv an apync, /cat ev Trj a.Ar)8eta his own: for he is a liar, and i » » » w A »/i >' the father of it. "And because ovr co-rrjKeV on ovk eoni^ aArjVeia ev I tell you the truth, ye believe uvtio. orav XaAj) to yj/evSos, e'< rcof me not. 4,: Wiiich of vou con- '&' l \ \ ". " * / ' * * * i vincetlimeofsin? And if 1 say l8la ? X f Xe i ?" t™^ ,' °T' >T ° the truth, why do ye not be- TraTr/p avTOW eyoj oe ort ttjv aAt]8eiav lieve me? *< He that is of God, Xey&>, oi TUcrreifTe uot. 46 r/y e^ iiuwv heareUi God s words: ye there- ,x ' , c ' , , f ,, f. / fore hear them not, because ye eAey^et pe Trepi apaprtar ; ei aA);- are not of God. #etai/ Xeyco, Start vpels ov Tno~T(veT€ pot ; 47 6 ojv ex tov Geoi) ra pi)paTa tov Qeov axovei' hia tovto iipels owe a/covere, ort e'/c roO 0fo£i ovk eVre. « Then answered the Jews, *8 'AnfKpi6r)(TavS" ol 'lovSalot Kal and said unto him, Say we not -5 >-/-,' \--v' '- well that thou art a Samaritan, f ^ nov avT( ?' ° v K a *<»S Myop.fl/ r)p(is, and hast a devil 'i « Jesus an- ort IZapapetTrjs ft 0"V, Kai Saipdftoj/ swered, I have not a devil: but * . 49 * a 'A *j * . '-c ' » I honour my Father, and ye do % flS ' , ^pi6p l W ovs Eyco Sat- dishonour me. 50 And I seek poviov ovk e^' ' aA ^ a rtpa) r6f naTtpa not mine own glory there is „ ou Ka J {,„ € * IS ^TlUiiteTi pe. 50 f'ya) 8e one tliat seeketh and judgeth. r > I ~ C *,<. r * !T e i - 51 Verily, verily I say unto you, ov Qjtco Trjv dogav pov' eanv o Qt^tcuU If a man keep my saying, he (cat Kpivw. 51 apr/f apr)f X«ya) tipli', shall never see death. > ' > \ / > • \ ' a / eat> rtf rof Aoyov tov epov Tr)pi)o-y, 0a- 50 ™. „„ .. ,, T . varof ov pr) Bewprian els tov alaiva. " Then said the Jews unto 62 T •? r , i. t , - him. Now we know that thou " Ei7rof ovv avTO) oi Iovoatot' Nvf hast a devil. Abraham is dead, eyvioKapev on Suipo'i/iof e'x"? • *A- » Gl). i(r-i. U Rec. add at. c -» d Hec. add ovv. « Rec. on. ' Rtc. add i. g Re. . add ovv. KATA IflANNHN. 249 fBpadp dnedave Kai oi Tvpo(prjrai, Kai crv Xeyar" 'Edv ris tov Xo'yoi/ pov rrjprjo-T), ov pf) ■ ye varjrai" Bavdrov etc rov atto- rn." 53 Mr; o~v pfi^cov ei tov Trarpos rjpav 'Affpuap, oo-tls dnsdave ; Kai oi npoqbrjTai drrtdavov' riva aeavrov c " noifls ', 54 \\rrf Kpldrj 'ir/o-ouY 'Eaf eya> So^o^w tpavrov, i) 8d(-a pov ov8ev ioTiv' fariv 6 iraTrjp pov 6 8o£d(a>v pf, ov vpf'is eyere - Ort Geo? r)pwv eo-rt Kai oi k eyfcoKare aiToV e'ya) 8e oi8a avrov (cat eac ei7ra) oti oiik otSa avrov, eiropai opoios vpaiv, \^ftiv rjyaWido-aro Iva 187 tiji* fjutpav rrjv eprjv' /cat eiSe xat €\dp-q. b ~ Eiitov ovv oi Iov8aloi nobs avroV YlevTTjKovTa err] ovttco i'^eis, Km A&paap iatpaKas ', 03 Einev avrois o Irjo-ovs Aprjv aprjv Xe'yto vp.iv, npiv 'AjSpacip yeviaBai, eya> dpi. S9 'ripuf ow XitfJouc tra /SaXcorrtf f7r' avrov' 'inrroOc oe fKpv/Br], Kai e£r/\- 6ev eVc roO it pov, e 8ieX#a)f Sta ptcrov a\iTu>v Kai rraprjyfv ' ourcoc : ." 9. Kai irapdycov fl8fv avdpanrov rv- ' 4 e'jtxe Set (pyd^fa&ai ra f'pya rov TTtp^ravTOS pe fios t]p(pa f'o-Tiv' ep^erat viit;, ore ov8fis 8vvarai fpyd£eo~9ai. 5 brav ev ra> Koo-pco a), ($>a>s etui rov Kocrpov. 6 Taiira eiTTiov, f- nrvo-f \apai, Kai firoirjo-e Trrj\ov (K tov Trrvo-paTos, Kai fTTtxpiaf rov TTr/Xov eVi rovs o(p6a\povs '' rov rv(f)\ov," ' Kai Jouiv IX. 7. and the prophets: and thou sayest, If a man keep my say- ing, he shall never taste of death. ' ,3 Art thou greater than our father Abraham, wliich is dead ? and the prophets are dead: whom make;.t thou thy- self? 54 Jesus answered, Tf I hon- our myself, my honour is no- thing: it is my Father that honoureth me, of whom ye say, that he is your God : ■>■' yet ye have not known him, hut I know him : and if 1 .should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you: hut I know him, and keep his saying . 56 Your father Abraham re- joiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad. 5; Then said the Jews unto him. Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham ? 5S Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily 1 say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. 69 Then took they np stones to cast at him : but Jesus hid him- self, and went out of the tem- ple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by 9 And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. '-' And his dis- ciples asked him, saying, Mas- ter, who did sin, this man, or his patents, that he was horn blind ? 3 Jesus answered. Nei- ther hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made mani- fest in him. 4 1 must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night Com- eth when no man can work. 5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. 6 When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, Knd made clay of the spittle, and he "anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay, 7 and said » Kec. ywffiraii ,l g Rttc. add ( « Rec. add trti. d ^j. — Re c . h Gl). t- f nuf. « Gb om, f St. ow b — » a Or, spread the cluy upon the eyes of tlie blind man. John IX. 8. 2oO EYAITEAION unto him, Go wash in the pool ehrtv avrai' ' Y7raye vtyai eis rrjv KoXvp- ofSiloam(whichisbyinterpre- faQ pav ^ov SlXcoa/T (6 eppr)veverai, therefore, and washed, and aTrearaXpevos.) anr]Xoev ovv Kai evi- came seeing. \j/aro, /cat rjX6e (BXenav. 8 The neighbours therefore, s Oi ow ye troves Kai 'of 6epovvres and thev which before had seen > < > _ > « a _„'_ _* T .. him, that he was blind, said, Is avT0V T ° ^P°repov °™ TrpocratT^ ,„, not this he that sat and begged ? eXeyov' Oi^ ovro? eo-riv o Kaoijpevos » Some said This is he: others Ka l Trpoo-atrwi/ ; g "AXXoi eXeyoV "On said, He is like him: but he T , ' , nos Xeyo- into me, Go to the pool of Si-- ' , . . , , , • » ,' , loam, and wash: and I went pevos Itjo-ovs TrqXov eTTOiijae, Kai ene- and washed, and 1 received vpiare pov rovs 6(hdaXpovs, Kai elite sight. Ii Then said they unto nj. ■> c \ \ o'a him, Where is he ? He said, I M ot ( ^Tray^ et£ tt/c KoXvp^dpav rov know not. 2iXa>a/i," (cat viyj/ai. AneXBixiv 8e Kai viyj/dpevos, dvejdXe\jra. 12 'Eittov ovv avra>' Ilov eariv eKelvos ; Aeyei' Okk » * Otoa. '3 They brought to the Pha- " "Ayotxm' avrov 7rp6s tovs $api- risees him that aforetime was i / A / 14 ■? ss> blind, h And it was the sabbath o-atouc, tov ^ nore rvCpXov. > x * i;i» 6e day when Jesus made the clay, adfifjarov, ore rov wrjXov eTTOirjO'ev 6 and opened his eyes. « Then »j - Kai ^ a t tv avrov TO vs dd>6aX- ngain the Pharisees also asked ', '.. ■ ', , , ,\ , him how he had received his uouff. i0 iraXiv ovv r)pa>ru)v avrov Kai sight. He said unto them, He [ ^apiaaloi, nibs dvefiXeyl/ev. 6 8e drrev put clay upon mine eves, and I , .' _, ^ v > -a ' a > v « washed, and do see. '« There- avrois' U.r}Kov entdrjKf puv em rovs fore said some of the Pharisees, 6(fida.Xpovs," Kai e'viyjsdprjv, Kai j3Xe7rco. This man is not of God, be- ]6 » EX o5 „ e > K T&1 , ^p^al^ nv ^- cause he keepeth not the sab- , u a » * > ■» bath day. Others said, How can Ovroy 6 avopcoTTOs ovk earl ivapa rov a man that is a sinner, do such e eo C, on TO adl33arov ov rnpe'i. "AXXoi miracles ? And there was adi- *, _ „ « / * /i t vision among them. eXeyov' llcos ovvarat avdpwnos apap- rcoXos roiavra o~rjpeia Troielv; Kai cr^t- o~pa fiv ev avrois. 17 They say unto the blind 17 » ' - j\ - '\ . v ' ' man again, What sayest thou of / Aeyovai ro> rv8aXpovs ; 'O Se ehev "Ort TrpoAr}- 18 But the Jews did not believe t" ,,10 > > » t < concerning hiin, that he had rrjs eariv. ° Ovk eTTio~revcrav ovv ot been blind, and received his 'lovdaloi nepl avrov. bri rvqbXbs nv Kai sight, until thev called the pa- > , a -. , » « ' > ■ » « rents of him that had received avePXeyjfev, ew orov ecpcofr/crai/ rov? his sight. I9 And they asked yovels airov rov dvafiXeyjfavros, 19 Kai » Rec. tv^Xoj. I* Bz. &. Elz. ao*. c Gb. roy SiXwa^. d Kec. tnt touj o^^aX^ovc ^lav. KATA IQANNHN. 251 John IX. 32. fipoarrio-av avrovs Xeyovres' Ovrds eariv them, saying, Is this your son, '",,',„ r, t - n / " who ye say was born blind? how vios vpa>v, ov vpeis Xeyere on TV- th( , n do th he now see? -"His cb\6s eyevvrjdrj ; nats ovv dpn jSXenei ; parents answered them, & said, * 'A^AW a*™ o! pp* ailrofi We ^w thatUns^ our .son, (cat einov' OiOapev ort outoc earti' o ii but by what means he now vios J7Ua>f, KOl on TUfiXos cwwi)^ - seeth, we know not, or who hath 01 . he shaU rjvoi^ev avrov roiis d- confess that he was Christ, he ' ' « t ' " ' " should be put out of the syna- yos yevrjrai. Ota rovro oe yoveis g gite. « Therefore said his avrov elnov' "Ore fjXiKiav i'xet, avrov parents, He is of age, ask him. epcorrjo-are. 24 'E(pu)VT)0-av ovv e'/c bevrepov rbv it Then again called they the avdpanov 6s nv rvdAos, Kal einov av- man that was blind, and said _" •,,>' - x - t - «j\ unto him, Give (.od the praise, TW • Aoj Oo£ai' TO) Beep' i/pets OiOapev we know t hatthis man is asin- 6Ve 6 av6pa>TTOS ovros dpaproaXds eanv. ner. M He answered, and said, «i > a '/j «.•»#»„'*„ v . ,?—,,.. Whether he be a sinner or no, -° ATTfKptcfy »OW « etI/0 / *" «W» I know not: one thing I know, Ee dpapraiXds eariv, ovk oiba' ev oiba, that whereas I was blind, now oVe rvgMt 4* Spri fMm. 26 lU J~ ^I^tt 3ft Oe avrco naXiv' Te eTVOirjae o-oi ; 7ra>s how opened he thine eyes ? ijrat£e 'crou tovc dqbdaXpovs ; 27 'A7re- '•" He answered them, I have ' ,/? , - -r,? < - «* » ».. told you alreadv, and ve did Kpidp avrois^ Etnov vp.iv 7)dr),Kai0VK no t hear: wherefore would you rjKOvo-are' ri ndXiv GeXere aKoveiv; prj hear it again ? will ye also be /cat M AA-n. 6 uoft,™ 7-- ^S^ds^Thou^ (T^ae ; J EXotSopr/frai' ° avroy, /cat his disciple, but we are Moses' ehoV 2v el uadrirfis eKeivoV fipels 6e disciples. 2S) We know that ., ., , T ' a i 29 ' God spake unto Moses : as for rov Mao-ems eapev (taOrjTai. ^ t]p.eis this fe i loWi we know not from o'lBapev on Maio-jj \e\a\7]Kev 6 Qeos' whence he is. rovrov be ovk o'ihapev rrodev eanv. „„„„j „„j ..„ , ia t i a » * The man answered, and ** AiveKpitir) o avdpanros /cat eirrev said unt0 then1i why herein is avi-oic- 'Ej» yap rovrco 8avpao-r6v eanv, a marvellous thing, that ye « c .*.*»■•* * i a • > „_> know not from whence he is, on vp-eis ovKoibare nodev ecrn, /cat and ye( . he hath opened mine dvea>£e uov rovs dcpdaXpovs. oioapev eyes. 31 Now we know that God c be" Sri duapruXuv 6 Qeos ovKOKovei' hea >" et K h not 8lnn l e ";' ^^p 3 "/ ,,,, ,, r J; , ? v , a>\ man be a worshipper of God, a\K eav ns aeoo-fpr)c tj, /cat TO feAr/jLta alu i doethhiswill, himhehear- avTov 7rot^, rovroi) d/covet. 32 e/c roi) eth. 32 since theworld began L> Reo. add ovv. John IX. 33. 252 EYAITEAION was it not heard that any man aloivos ol'K rjKoiHrdrj, on t'juoi^e Tis o- opened the eyes of one that was (h0 a \aovi rvcbXov yeyevvriuevov. M el born hlind: Jj it this man were ', r r r • , ' ' - , > «. * not of God, he could do nothing M 1" ovros Trapa Oeov, ovk rjdvvaTO 3- They answered, and said voie'iv ovd(v. 3i ' ' KiifKoidrjcrav Kai elnov unto him. Thou wast altogether > - . i,, , / > > •& born in sins, and dost thou £™ E" upaprims ( - Kat e vpoiv avrov, tine v aiirco' found him, he said unto him, „, / - , ( , ~ a a ' '." Dost thou believe on the son Sw mareveis eis rov viovrov* Qeov ; of God? 36 He answered and 36 'AneKpidr] eKelvos Kai eine' b Kai" Tts said Who is he Lord that I > < - „ lr/ riicrrei/a), worshipped him. * And Jesus KvpLe' Kai npoaeKvvrjo-ev avra>. 39 Kai said. For judgment I am come » Q . T - . E j ; ^ f J ^ into tins world, that they which J ' . , >%," / \ a\ ' s. e not, might see, and that Koapov TOVTOV fjXOov, tfa Ol /J.r) pAe- they which see, might be made jrovres fSkenavi, Kai ol fiXenovres rv- blind. in » / CpAoi yevaivrai. 40 d Kai " fJKovcrav eK ra>v &apio~aia>v ravra ol ovres per avrov, Kai einov ♦ « t i , -- jj \' unto him, Are we blind also? ° VK av VX m apapnav vvv be Aeye™ *' Jesus said unto them, If ye "On ffXiuofiev' Tj e ovv " apapria VfMWV were blind, ye should have no ' t - 1 ' > ^ >„ X f ' y(d iulv, 6 tin sin ■ out now vc ^iiv W c sec *• * » » therefore your sin remaineth'. eio-epxop.€vos Sta Tr)c ^i;paf etj rr)i/ av- 10. Verily, verily I say unto \™ r _S > door into the sheepfold, but aXXayoBiv, eKeivos KXeTTTi]s ecrrt Kat climbeth up some otner way, Xt]o~ttjs' 2 6 <5e ilartp\6pevoi bia rfjs in by the door, is the shep- Tovra o dvpeopos avoiyei, Kai ra herd of the sheep. 3 To him 7rpo/3ara Trjs d>a>vm avroii aKOvei, Kai the porter openeth, and the 1 » s >a f \ »» > » sheep hear his voice, and he r « lS J a , VP°Pa™ KaXei KO.T ^ ovopa, calleth his own sheep by name, Kai ii-ayti avrd. 4 e Kai" orav ra and lead.-tl> them , out. * And -g ^para eV/SaXij, tunpotrBtv av- when he putteth forth his own ,. ' / \ \ >a > sheep, he goeth before them. Taif iropevfTUi' Kai ra npopara av- and the sheep follow him: for T£ 5 aKoXovfci, on oldaari Tnv qbavriv thev know his voice. 3 And a ', . = - N >. / ^.v > \ , stranger will they not follow, avrov. "aXXorpM be ov py uko- but will flee from him, for they Xovdrjaoicriv, dXXa (pev^ovrai an av- a rv) avBoatvov. t 1 Rec. on. «Zt d^ ' ZZ f **> 4>uiyn. ( ZX a Or, excumunifit.iled him. RATA IQANNHN. 253 John X. 18. toO" on ovk o'lBaai tcov dXXorpicov Trjv know not the voice of stran- a eXaAei atrrcuc. ^ ' etrrei/ ovv naAiv he spake unt0 th( ; m , Then aurois 6 'irjcrovs ' 'Aprjv dp^f Xe'yco said Jesus unto them again, t -' h i # > c /) < - _„_o' .. Verilv, verily I say unto vou. I v/xtf, on eyv eipi ij 6vpa tcov irpoParw. am the ' door of th e sheep.' • All s ndvTes baoi d Trpb epov rfKoov, " KAe- that ever came befoie me, are 7rrai elal Kai Xr/orai' dW OVK rJKOvcrav thieves and robbers: but the , „ , , " g , , , ' e /. / sheep did not hear them. a I avTcov tcl Trpopara. 3 eyco eipi r/ dvpa' am the door ; by me if any man Bi epov edv tis eitreAdi], o-io&jjaeTai, enter in, he shall be saved, and % •> n i »>*'•./ < shall go in and out, and tind /cat eiciehevcreTai /cat e£ f Aeucrerai, Kai pabture . I0 The thief cometh vopiiv evprjcrei. 10 6 KAeTTTrjs ovk e'p- not, but for to steal and to kill, vfrat ei pr, iva /eXojrij Kal Ovar, Kai a "d to destroy : 1 am come that r\ , ' \ f\ n " y > " they might have lite, and that a-noKiO-Tj' eyco rjA&ov iva QcorjV e^coai, they might have it more abun- Kal nepicrabv eYcoaiv. n eyco eipi 6 dantly. " I am the good shep- i . \' . ' \ t \\ < herd: the good shepherd giveth iroiprjv o Kakos o noiprjv o Kakos Tt]V his ljfe for the sl)eep !. Buthe \lsv)(r)V aiiToi Ti&rpriv vnep tcov irpnlia- that is an hireling and not the TcoV 12 6 pioScoTos Be, Kal OVK ^v shepherd, whos. own the sheep , t> > ■> > < / o »& are n °t' seeth the » oil coming, noiprjv, ov ovk etui Ta 7rpopara tOta, an( i leaveth the sheep, and dewpei tovXvkov epvoaevov, Kal ddimo-i fleeth: and the wolf c- tcl.eth , /£> * / / \ f \ ' them, and scattereth the sin ep. TO irpoPaTa,^ Kai (pevyei' kul o \vkos l3 The h j re , ing fle eth, because up7ra^V( aura, Kai o-Kopni^ei Ta irpb- he is an hireling, and careth not Para. 13 h 6 Be piadcoTos (pevyei," on for the shee P- piadcoTos e'o~Ti, Kal ov peXei ovtco nepi tcov TrpofiaTiov. 14 'Eyco elpi 6 noiprjv 6 koaos' kui yivcocrKco Ta epd, Kal yivcoaKopai vtto tcov eucov, u Ka^cbc yivcoaKei pe 6 na- u I am the go° d shepherd, , , , , ' ■ \ \ and know my sheep, and am Trjp, Ktiyco yivcoo-KcoTOv iraTepa' Kai ttjv known of mine . is A s the Ka- ■u/v^rjf pov Ti6t]pi imep tcov TXpoftaTCOV. ther knoweth me, even so unow ■ KalJKKa * P 6$aTa e X co, h ovk Z ' i i t ' must bung, and thev si. all hear Kni yevjio-eTai pia noipvij, ei? iroiprjv. my Vllice . and there slla n , e 17 Bid tovto 6 7raTr)p pe dyana, oti eyco one fold, unci oi.e shepherd. 'a > i ' " _ *\ . >. < ,j " Therefore doth mv Father "%' T ,^ TO" r^". <"« f " A , tV , , a/d " love me, because I lay down avr-qv. 8 ovBels aipei avTrjv an epov, mv life that I might take it aAX' c'vqj Tidrjut avTi)v an e'pavTov. a e ai "- ls Noman taketh it from ,i , ' „ '. , ' , > \ •> me, but I lay it down ot my- egovcriav €^oj Clival avTr)v, Kai etov- ie \f. j have power to lay it o-iav e\co ndXiv Xafie'iv avTr)v' Tavrrjv down, and I have power to take * Gb. -TjAQov TtpO r,iui'. " I!j Joiin X. 19. 254 EYAITEAION it again. This commandment rr]V evroXrjV 'eXa(3ov irapa rov narpos have I received of my Father. 19 There was a division there- fore again among the Jews for these sayings. J0 And many of them said, He hath a devil, and is mad, why hear ye him ? 21 Others said, These are not the words of him that hath a devil. Can a devil open the eyes of the blind ? - 2 And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter. ' ri And Jesus walked in the temple in Solo- mon's porch. 24 Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou "make us to doubt ? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly. 2i Jesus an- swered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father's name, they bear witness of me. - 6 But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. 27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. 28 And I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29 My Father which gave them me, is greater than all: and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. 30 1 and my Father are one. 31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. 32 Je- sus answered them. Many good works have I shewed you from my Father ; for which of those works do ye stone me ? 33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not, but for blasphemy, and because that thou, being a man, makest pov. 19 2^i'cr/Lia a ovv" irakiv eyevero ev rols 'lovdaiois 8ia rovs Xoyovs rovrovs. 20 eXeyov 8e ttoWoi e'£ avrcov' Aaipoviov e\ei Kai palveraf t'i avrov aKOvere ; 21 "AXkoi eXeyov' Tavra ra prjpara ovk eari haipovi^ppevov' pi) daipoviov 8vva- rai rv(pXo)v dcpdaXpovs avoiyetv ; 22 'Eyevero 8e ra eyKaivia ev b rols" lepoo-oAvpois, Kai %eipo)v i)v Kai TrepieTrdrei 6 'Irjcrovs ev rw lepa ev rfj aroa d 'EoXopaivos. 24 '~EKVKk(ocra.v ovv avrov ol Iov8aloi, Kai 'eXeyov avrco' "Ecoc rrore ttjv y\rv)(r)v rjpo)v a'ipeis ; el o~v ei 6 Xpiaroc, erne rjplv TTapprjo-iq. x ' KneKpiQr) avrols 6 Ir/crovs' Elnov vplv, Kai ov mo-revere, ra epya a ey ev ra> ovopari rov Trarpos pov, ravra paprvpel Trepl epov' 26 dXX' vpels ov Trio-revere' ov yap ecrre eK rcov Trpofidrav rmv epo)V. e Ka6a>s e'nrov vplv," 27 ra rrpoftara ra epa rr/s (pcavrjs pov aKovei, Kayu> yivoocrKo) avra, Ka\ aKoXovdovo-i poi' " s Kayo) £o>r]v alo)- viov 8l8o)pi avrols' Kai ov prj arroXoivrai els rbv aiowa, /cat ov\ apTrao~ei ris avra eK rijs x fL P°' s pov. 29 6 Trarfjp pov os 8e8o)Ke poi, peifav 7rdvro)v ecrri' Kai ov8eis 8vvarai apnd^eiv eK rrjs x el P 0S rov narpos pov. eyco Kai o Trarrjp ev ecrpev. 31 'Eftdcrrao-av ovv ttoXiv Xidovs ol 'lovSaioi, Iva Xiddo-wcriv avrov. dne- Kp'iBr) avrols 6 'Ir}o-ovs' UoXXa KaXa epya e'8ei£a vplv eVc rov narpos pov 8ia Trolov avrwv epyovXi8d£ere pe; M 'A7re- KplBrfo-av avrco ol 'lovbaloi ( Xeyovres'" Ilepi KaXov epyov ov Xidd£opev ae, dXXd Trepl ^Xao-cprjpias, Kai on o~v iivdpcoTTOs o)v iroiels aeavrov Oeov. b ^J c — ♦ d Uec. TOV iu ■........,■: i :1 «-* n Or, bold as in suspeuae. KATA IQANNHN. 255 34 'AireKpidrj avTols 6 'Ir/o-oiV Ovk eari yeypappevov ev tu> vopa> vpu>v' Eya> eiVa, 6eoi e(TT€ ; ffi Ei eKelvovs elire 6e- ovs, npbs ovs 6 Xoyos tov Qeov eyevero, (ml ov 8vvaTai Xvdrjvai i) ypacpr)') 36 ov 6 naTTjp fjyiacre Kal dneo~TeiXev eis tov Koo-pnv, vpels A/yere" "On fiXao-^pels, OTl (LTTOV, VLOS TOV QeOV elpi ? ' ft OV TTOiu) ra epya tov Trarpos pov, pr] tti- arevere poi' M ei be ttolo), kuv epoi pr/ T7iCTTevT)Te, rois epyois TTio-Tevaare' iva yvare Kal Trio-Tevor/Te, on ev epol 6 ■TTarr/p, Kay to ev a avra." 39 "Efy'jTovv ovv irdXiv avTov mdoraC Kai e^rjXOev eK ttjs %eipos avra>v. ™ Kai dnrjXBe ndXiv nepav tov 'lopSdvov, els TOV TOTTOV OTTOV fjV I(OaVVr]S TO TVpSiTOV l3aTrTi(oiv' Kal epeivev eKel. 41 Kal iroX- Xol rjXdov Trpos avTov, Kal eXeyov' On 'icodvvrjs pev o-qpelov erroirjaev ovdeV irdvTa 8e bo~a eiirev Icoavi'rjs nepi tov- tov, dXrjdrj r)v. ^ Kai eTrio~Tevo-av noX- Xol eKel els avTov. 1 1 . *Hi/ be tis do-devcov Ad£apos dno Brjdavlas, e< tt)s Kcoprjs Mapias Kal Mdpdas ttjs dSeX? ovv fj- Kovcrev on aadevel, rtlre p.ev epeivev ev w r/v tottu) 8vo Tjpepas. eneiTa peTa. tovto Xeyei to'is padrjTa'is' "Aycopev els John XL 7. thyself God. 3i Jesus answered them. Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods ? 3i If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken : 36 say ye of him, whom the Fa- ther hath sanctified and sent into the world, Thou bla>phem- est ; because I said, 1 am the son of God ? 37 If 1 do not the works of my Father, believe me not. 3i But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know and believe that the Father is in me, and I in him. 3D Therefore they sought again to take him: but he es- caped out of their hand, ■"> and went away again beyond Jor- dan, into the place where John at first baptized: and there he abode. 41 And many resorted unto him, and said, John did no miracle : but all things that John spake of this man, were true. J - And many believed on him there. 1 1 . Now a certain man was sick, named Lazarus of Beth- any, the town of Mary, and her sister Martha. a (It was that Mary which anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped his feet with her hair, whose bro- therLazarus was sick.) 3 There- fore his sisters sent unto him, saying, Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest, is sick. 4 When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the son of God might be glorified thereby. 5 Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus. 6 When he had heard therefore that he was sick, he abode two days still in the same place where he was. 7 Then after that, saith he to his disciples, Let us go into * CNJ r

s tov Koo-pov tovtov jdXenei ' 10 'v - \ eav oe tis TTepiiraTrj ev 777 vvkti, TTpOO-KUTTTet, OTI TO (pCOS OVK €0~TIV tl> aura). 11 TavTa ewre, Kal perd tovto Xeyei avTols' Ad^apos 6 (piXos ljpcov KeKoiprj- Tai' aXXa rropevopui iva e^vivvio-co av- tov. u Kittov ovv oi padrjTai avrov ' Kvpie, el KeKolprjTai, acoBijo-erai. u Ei- pr]Kei 8e 6 lrjcovs nepl tov davdrov avrov' eKelvoi 8e eSo|ai> oti Ttepl rrjs Koipijcreois tov vttvov Xeyei. u rare ovv eiirev avrois 6 Irjcrovs Trapprjaiq' Ad£apos ant Save' ls Kal x a 'i-p<*> 8i vpos, iva TTio-Tevo-qTe, oti. ovk >]prp> eicei' dXX' (iycopev npbs avrov. 16 EiVe^ ovv Qco- pds, 6 Xeyopevos Ai8vpos, tois crvppa- dr/rais' ' Aycopev Kal rjpels, Iva diruBd- vcopev per avrov. 17 'Ea$gji/ ovv 6 'Jrjarovs evpev avrov Tecraapas ijpepcis rj8r] k\ovra iv rut pvrjpeio). 18 fjv 8e r) BrjOavia eyyvs ra>v lepoaoXvpcov, o>y ana o~Ta8iix>v 8eKa- rrevre" 19 Kal ttoXXoI eK roov 'lou8iu'a>i> eXrjXvBeiaav Trpos tcis nepl Mdpdav Kal Maplav, iva 7rapapvBr]iToovTai avrds nepl tov ddeXcpov aiiTwv. 2u r) ovv MdpBa u>s rJKovcrev oti ^"'irjo-ovs spheral, vtti-jvti]- wev avray' Mapia Se ev ru> o'ikco eKdOe- (ero. " l etTrei/ ovv e rj" Mdpda Trpos tov 'lrjaovv Kvpie, el r/s code, 6 adeX(f)6s pov ovk av erepvrjKei. «AAa Kai vvv oi'Sa oti oo~a av alrrjar] tov Qebv, 8ooo~ei o~oi 6 Gfos. 23 Aeyei avrfj 6 'irjaovs' 'Avao-rrjaeTai 1} Rec. add o. RATA IGANNHN. 257 John XI. 38. 6 ddeXtpos crov. '* Aeyei avra> Mdpda' brother shall rise again. 24 Mar- Olda on. dvaa-TTia-erai, e'v ri) avaardo-ei , lha •■** unt0 mm - l k ™ w that ^ - i / t / 95 „'? , - , he shall rise again in the resur- CV ttj ta-xartj >}fiepa^ ™ Kmev avrrj o rectum at the last day. ^ Jesus Irjcrovs' 'Eyo> €tut n dvaaraais Kal n sald unto her, I am the resur- > ' . i i j i \ * j a' rectiun, and the life: he that faij o TTiarrevcov etc cpc, Kav taroBayr,, believeth in me, though he were ^rjcreraf Kal nas 6 £cbv Kal TTLcrrevoiV dead, yet shall he live. - e And ets eue, ov fir) dnoddvri els rov alava. whosoever liveth, and believeth n , r l « 7 ", , _ XT , m me, shall never die. Behevest mo-reveis tovto ; " Aeyei avrcp' Nat, thou this ? « She saith unto KvpiC eya ireirio-revKa, on I believe that -v \ ' , <\ - „ -. r > , thou art the Christ the son of Xptcrroc, o ^ iuos tov Qeov, o etc tov Uod> whlch should come int0 Kocrfiov ep^op-evos. the world. * Kat ravra elnovo-a &n)\6c, Kal M And when she had so said> (tp(0Vi](Te Mapiav Ti)v abeXcprjv avrrjs she went her way, and called Xacfya, unova-a- 'O biddo-KaXos irdpeo-n Mary her sister secretly, saying, \j - 2Q >t-. ' t v Ine Master is come, and call- Kai(j>a>vft ere. » E/ceti/r; cos rjKovo-ey, eth for thee. 29 As soon as she eyeiperai ra^v Kal ep^erai irpos avrov. heard that, she arose quickly, HO */ 5s v >\ \ 'a r > T - > \ and came unto him. M Now ovtto) be eAriAvoei. o Ino-ovs eis rnv , „ " " . ., , , , ., ' , „ , ' a , ,' Jesus was not yet come into the Kco/xr/i/, uAA jyv «/ rep ro7ro) oirov vnrjv- town, but was in that place rrrcrev avrio r) Mdpda. 31 ' ol ovv 'lov- "here Martha met him. 3i The <\ - , ,;' , , - , „ , , Jews then which were with her datoi ot ovres p.er ai/Tys ey ttj oikio. iu the house) alld com f ort , e d Kat irapap.v8ovp.evoi ovttjv, idovres rrju her, when they saw Mary that MaptW oVt ra X ea> S dveary Kal i&fa t^S^TRXX TjKOAOvdrjo-av avrrj, a Aeyov res' ' On goeth unto the grave, to weep vndyei etc to avnae'iov, iva KAavari eKel. there - ' Then when Mary was 3-' c ti »•»«•'< ^\ zj " » ' come where Jesiis was, and saw ' H , 01 "' 1V 3 a ^ na Uf ^^€1/ 07TOU ^v o him, she fell down at his feet, 'iryo-ous, idovaa avrov, eireo'ev b els rovs savi ng unto him, Lord, if thou _'<& ' ~ » \ ' » ". rr ' hadst been here, my brother irojojawow, Xeyovcra avru 'Kypu, had not died . y et ^y d)Se, ouk aj* aTreOave p.ov 6 dbe\- (pds. 33 'Irivovs oSp ws erSeV avnjV /cXai- 33 Whe n Jesus therefore saw oucraf, /cat tovc ffi'eXc'di'rac out?) Iou- her weeping, and the Jews also BaiovsKKaiovTas,fveSpiu.no-aTora>Trvev- weeping which came with her, , , , I t r \ 34 \ t he groaned in the spirit, and fiari, /cat erapa^ev eavrov, " Kat. enve' a vvas troubled, ~* and said, Hov redeiKare avrov; Aeyovo-iv avra' Where have ye laid him ? They v ' , "„ \ >';s as >T7S>' ' <• say unto him, Lord, come, and hvpu, epxov km ibe. * UaKpvaey o se *. „ Jesu ^ wept '. S6 i hen Itjo~ovs. eXeyov ovv ol 'lovdaloi' "lde said the Jews, Behold, how he True e'citXft avrov. 3 ' Tives be i£ avrav !? ved h,m - r . 3 ' And ? ome of y r , , &/ T t * is. them said, Could not this man, €i7roi> - Ohk r)Ovvaro ovros o avoigas which opened the eyes of the rotif 6d)6aXuovs tov TV(bXov, iroinaai bl 'nd, have caused that even 7.,_ „ \ f \ ■> n' is >t - this man should not have died ? iva Kai^ ovros^ prj airodavr] ; » Ir/crovc 3 > j esus therefore again groan- ovv iraAiv efifSpipapevos ev eavra>, ing in himself, cometh to the a cv) Jofoi.rij. b Gb. n«ro» «i s ™ s »oiat. a Gr. be liuubleil bimseil. 18 John XI. 39. 258 EYAITEAION grave. It was a cave, and a ep^erai els to pvrjpe'iov. r)V be o"nr\- stone lay upon it 39 Jesus said, XatQ Kai X ^ os . eW/Cftro eV avra. Take ye away the stone. Mar- ,„ ,' , , „ , N ,- ' tha, the sister of him that was Xeyei o 1t)(tovs' Apare rov Xidov. dead, saith unto him, Lord, by Aeyei avrd) n dbeXcbn rov a redvriKOTOs" this time he stinketh : for he -.fa. T r'' »<\ «<- . hath been dead four days. Map6»a Kvpie, rjdrj ofri rerapraios yap ecri. <° Jesus saith unto her Said 40 A ' fl - 6 'fy,^. Owe ^oV I not unto thee, that if thou „ ',, •' , ' . v . „ , - , wouldest believe, thou should- aroL, on eav mo-revo-rjs, " otyei ttjv Oo- est see 5 glory of God ? «• Then t av rov Q (ov . •»! T Hpaf o w rov Xiffov e ". they took awav the stone from , *, v > t - ■? > » 1 /1 \ 1 * the place where the dead was ° Oe I^crovc jjpe rovf o>p0aXpovs avus, laid. And Jesus lifted up his kciI fine' Udrep, ev X apiara> o~oi on thee, that thou hast heard me. I"-"™ r , L., J, , „ . " And I knew that thou hear- Tore pov aKOveis' aXXa Oia rov o%\ov est me always : but because of T0V Trepieo-raiTa elnov, Iva TnaTevawo-iv the people which stand bv, I said „ / ■> , ,. « „ 1 it, that they may believe that ori (TV pe inreo-reiXas. • Kai ravra thou hast sent me. 43 And elwoiv, vrj peydXj] eKpavyaae' Ad£ape, when he thus had spoken he g - « .' 44 d K ' ai * e '«X&i» 6 Teft/17- cried with a loud voice, Laza- v " « ^ , , ,^ ' ,, i rus, come forth. 44 And he that /ccoc, beoepevos rovs Trobas Kai ras X et- was dead, came forth, bound pas Keip iais, K ai 17 o\W airov aovbapla hand and foot with graveclothes: r » T» .. ,' • , r > T - ' and his face was bound about irepiebebero.^ Xey«^ avrois o It)(tovs' with a napkin. Jesus saith un- Avaare avrov, Kai aCpere Inrdyeiv. to them, Loose him, and let 45 noXXol o3 „ { > K T ~„ >l ov b a ' l*» - > -\ /1 > believed on him. i6 But some ™v. *° rives oe e§ aurcoj/ aTrt)\Vov 7rpos of them went their ways to the rovs Qapiaalovs, Ka\ eltrov avrois a Pharisees, and told them what > » < > T things Jesus had done. enomaev o Irjcrovs^ ' ^vvrjyayov ovv 01 ap)(upels Kai 01 47 Then gathered the chief $api(raioi crvvedpiov, Kai eXeyov' Tl priests and the Pharisees a - . » t > » a \\*. council, and said, What do we? irotovjuv ; OTi oworo avdptmos JroXXo for this man doeth many mira- o-r)pela Troiel. eav a(pu>pev avrov cles. If we let him thus {; TCO irdvres nio-revaovaiv els avrov' alone, all men will believe on 4 J / , « - r > him, and $ Romans shall come, Kai eAevaovrai 01 Pcopaiot /cat apovaiy and take away both our place nuajf /cat Toy ronov Kai to edvos. 49 'Els and nation. 49 And one of them ?./ >> > - rr -'J. ' » * named Caiaphas, being the high O e „"/ f l awTOi/^KaMi^ar, ap X uptys ■><> t not. si And this spake he not (Vvos aTroXrjTai.^ "^ Tovro be a(p eav- of himself: but being high priest rov ovk einev, dXXa ap X tfpeuc a>v rov a ^ TMTeXtvTrjKOTos. 1> ' J oi£p. c Rec. ailtl on *?v o tiOvvcws ..t.ni'":. « Gb. ora. * Ref. mlj o Itjuovj. ^ c^> Xo7*f(ff6«. RATA IQANNHN. 259 John XII. 6. eviavrov enetvov, 7rpoe(prjTevaev on that year, he prophesied that * \"\ a s a 't „,":„ A-~ „A..^„„*.-.. i,~ri n Jesus should die for that na- e/*eAXo/ o Irurovs airodvyvKeiv imep ta . 52 andnot for lhat nation rod eovovs, kcu ov% vnep rov e- only, but that also he should 6vovs u,6vov dXX' iva Kal to. reuva rod gather together in one, the chil- „ r, - / , , dren ot God that were scattered Geov to. bieo-Kopniapeva avvayayrj etc abroad. « Then from that day ev. M an e'/cetVnc ovv rns rjpepas awe- forth, they took counsel toge- a \ i 11 i > / ther for to put him to death. povAevaavro iva aivoKTeivu>o-iv avrov. 54 'Irjcrovs ovv ovKeri napprjo-iq Trepie- Si Jesus therefore walked no ' ' 't S ' . '-\ -\ a. '„r\d„. more openly among the Jews: VaTCteVTOlS lovoaiois, aXXaanr,K0ev butwen t thence unto a country eKeWev etc rr)V ^uipav eyyvs ttjs eprjpov, near to the wilderness, into a els 'Ecbpaiu Aeyouevrjv ttoXiv, /cd/cet cit y . called Ephraim, and there » , a rr ', „' ' a - ' - ss » continued with his aisciples. Oierpipe pera ra>v paOr)ru>v avTOv. rjv 55 And the Jews' passover was fie eyyvs to ndaya rutv 'lovdaiaiW /cat nigh at hand, and many went > fA n-v » 1 < T i\ '.. _~ out of the country up to Jeru- ai>e£r/crai/ ttoXXoi etc lepoaoXvpa « rris salem before , h / passoTer t0 ^copa? 7rpo tou Tracr^a, tra ayvio~u>o~iv purify themselves. 5G Then eavrovs. 56 eCrirovv ovv rov 'iriaovv, /cat sought they for Jesus and spake „. , ?'.. ,. , _ , ' _ <■ among themselves, as they stood eXeyov per aXXrjXcov ev Tip tepco eo-rt]- j n t h e temple, What think ye, /cores' Ti So/cei vu.lv, on ov an eXfJn that he will not come to the , % r / 5; . «/ *» " feast? 57 Now both the chief etc rr/v eoprT/v ; »' Ae6co/ceto-ai/ 6e /cat priests and the Pharise es had ot dp\nepels /cat ol ( i>apio~alot evroXrjv, given a commandment, that if Iva idv h. y,f ,roB Am, W w^, fa* n 7s3d k sh:w W it e , re th h a e tThey TTiao-ocxnv avrov. might take him. 12. 'O ovf 'lijaovs irpb l£ rjpeputv 12. Then Jesus, six days be- ro^ao-xa $X&„ «', B.cWtW, faov *, ^^SST^ Aafapos o reffvrjKoos, ov r/yeipev e/c ye- had been dead, whom he raised kocov. 2 (Tromo-av ovv avra 8e"nvvov e'/cet, from the dead. * There they v «■»«•' /1 » ' . < s( x » '> T made him a supper, and Martha /cat r/ Ma/30a 6tr;/coi/et o 6e Aafapoc etc served . but Laza rus was one rjv tg>i> ** di/a/cetLteVcof o*uf " a^TCO. of them that sat at the table 3 'H oZv Mapla Xapoicra \irpav pi- with him - pov vdphov 7Tto-Tt/cf/c TToXvrtpou, 17'Xei^e 3 Then took Mary a pound of rov? irobas tov 'ir/o-ou, /cat e£epa£e rate ointment, of spikenard, very 6ptfi\i> avrijs tovs rr68as avTov- 77 Se c . ostl y> an , d anoi H te ll d c th f l < ! e !, t i( h f > ' > ■ n > - » - - ' Jesus, and wiped his feet with ot/cta rrrAr/paOT] e/c rr/s ocr/xr/c tov pv- her hair: and the house was pov. * Xeyet ovv els e/c tcoi/ u.a6r\Tu,v filled with /he odour of the >->,/«,„' it ' ' ointment. 4 Then saith one of avrov, lovbas Zipavos Io-/captcorr/c, o h j s disciples, Judas Iscariot, p-eWcov avrov Trapa8i86vaC 6 Atari Simon's son, which should be- \ ' > > 1 a 1 tray him, 5 Why was not this rovroro pvpov ov< enpaBr, rpiaKoaruav oi Jment sold for three hundred orivapioiv, /cat edoar) tttol>\iois ; Et7re pence, and given to the poor ? Se rovro, ovv on Trept ra>v TrTcovwi/ « This he said, not that he cared „ .. , ' „ !n N » « r > / , A , for the poor: but because he epeKev avrco, aA\ on KAtTrrqs qv, /cat was a thief, and had the bag, ro yXcocro-o/couoi' et)(e, /cat ra ftaXkopeva and bare what was put therein. a Gb. om ^ Kcc. at'i'iiiiKfi^jrufv, John XII. 7. 260 EYAITEAION » Then said Jesus, Let her tfidcTTa^ev. ' elnev ovv 6 'Itjitovs' "A(fies alone, against the day of my £ ' . > > i„ e ' pai/ ro £ i VTa d)ia > a i v . N For the poor always ye have p-ov TfTrjprjKev avro. ° tovs 7TTO>xovs yap with you: but me ye have not n dvroTf evere ixe& eavTav, eue 8e ov always. / >, ' ' wavTOTe e^ere. 9 Much people of the Jews 9 "Eyixu ovv o)(\os ttoXvs e/c tuv 'lot/- therefore knew that he was & , on «£« eVrf /cai r)X6W ov did there: and they came, not for ( , „ , „ ' . , , Jesus' sake only, but that they tov Ir)' - a ,' <, i» But the chief priests consult- w fpovKevaavTO be m apxiepets, iva /cat ed, that they might put Lazarus tov Ad^apov airoKTtivacnV n on 770XX01 also to death n because that g . » Q {l - & ' Iol , Sai ' Ka \ by reason oi him many of the , , , ' / „ ' Jews went away and believed eTTtarrev ov etc tov lrjcrovv. on Jesus. 12 t,j inavniov ov\os ttoXvs o eXdiov 12 On the next day, much , , '' , , r , "i „ „ people that were come to the «S tt)v eoprrjv, aKovo-avTfs on epxtrai feast, when they heard that Je- a " 'lrjaovs (Is 'lepocrdXv/xa, 13 eXaftov "Lr b rche g so°f Sim^s; :« ** ™ <^ r , «* ^- * and went forth to meet him, VTravTrjaiv avT, /cat e/cpa£bf Qaavva, a ' ld ™ ed ' Hosanna, Blessed is f {,\oyrjpevos b 6" epxopevos iv dvopaTi in'' iving oi Israel in at corneiii _. / * o \ * // ** it '\ in the name of the Lord. "And Kupiov, o ^ao"tAeu^ rot/ Icrpar/A. Jesus, when he had found a 1* £{,£<£,,, gg d 'I^om'? ovdpiov, (KaOicrtv voung ass, sat thereon, as it is > i > \ /j < » , , „,„.,„„....„'... Written, « Fear not, daughter « a ^ ' K ««, (m yeypafijuvov f of Sion, behold, thy King com- " Mr] (poftov, Ovyarep Stcof ' toou, o eth sitting on an ass's colt. SacTiXfvs crov (pyerai, KaOnuevos eVt 16 These things understood not ^ „ ,, in V.. ~ » % » * his disciples at the first: but TrcoAov ovov. " LavTa Of ovk eyvcoaav when Jesus was glorified, then [ ua^rirai avrov to irpwTOV" d\\' ore remembered they that these *% >■ > a <'t_~ _' ' ' _z] _ things were written of him, and ^aadrj o Iijo-ow.^Tore fjiv^o-B^CTav that they had done these things otl TavTd f)v eV aura) ytypafxptva, /cat unto him. TavTa iiroir)o-av avTU>. W The people therefore that 17 'EpapTvpei ovv 6 6'^Xo? d wj/ was with him, when he called „ eT .' avTO y A 6' Tt " rdv AaCapov e'chcdimaev Lazarus out of his grave, and , - < v » >_i > raised him from the dead, bare « t w fivr]p.eiov, /cat rjyetpev ^ avrov «/c record. 18 For this cause the peKpdV 18 Sia rovro /cat VTrTjvrrjo'fV Zfl^ tTt BTlS donl -™ o 6'xXor, ort • ^ovcra," roOro avTov this miracle. 19 The Pharisees neTroirjKeviu to crrjpeiov. " oi ovv &api- therefore said among them- aa - lm <;l nov vrpdj iavTovs' Gfcopelre ort selves, Perceive ve how ye pre- , >jx/»»a' "s. ' > > / vail nothing? behold, tbe world ou/c cofpfAetrf_ ou6ei/ ; tOe o Kocrp.os owi- is gone after him. cra> avTov dnrfKdev. 2" And there were certain 2» T H - av g e ' rtfff "EAAr/vfs e'/c To>V Grepks among them, that came ■> o ' " ' ' up to worship at the feast: avapcuvovTtov iva irpovKwrivairiv *v 2i the same came therefore lo rfj eoprfj' ovrot ovv TTpoarjXaov «. RATA IGANNHN. 261 Xi'mro) Tip dno Brj6o-a'i8d tt)s YaXiXaias, Kai rjpcoTcov avrov Xeyovres' Kvpie, 6e- Xopev tov \ijo~ovv I8elv. Ep^erai QiXlttttos Kai Xe'yei tio 'Av8pea' Kai vrdXiv 'Av8peas Kai QiXiTmos Xeyovai to Ttjo-ov. 23 6 8e 'irjarovs dneKpivaTO aiiTois Xeya>v' ''EXf/Xvdev fj copa Iva 8ot-a(rdf] 6 vlos tov dvOpinrov. 24 dprjv aprjv Xeyco vp.iv, edv pr] 6 kokkos tov ctitov rrecriov els ttjv yr)v dTtoBavrj, avros povos pevet. * lav 8e dixoOavrj, ttoXvv Kapnbv (pepei. " a 6 cpiXcov ttjv yJAv^fjv avrov dnoXecrei avrrjv' Kai 6 picruiv tt)v ■yjjvxrjv aiirov e'v rco Kocrpcp tovtco, els £cotjv alcoviov cpvXd^ei avrf)v. edv epoi biaKovr/ rts, e'poi aKoXovdeirco ' Kai onov elpi eyco, eKel Kai 6 8iaKovos 6 epos ecrrai - a " edv ns epoi 8iaK0vfj, ripijcrei avrov 6 irarfjp. * 7 Nvv fj ijsvxr] pov rerdpaKTaf Kai tl earco ; Tldrep, crUaov pe €K ttjs copas ravrrjs' dXXd 8ia tovto fjXOov els ttjv topav ravrrjv. 28 Ildrep, 8b£ao-6v o~ov to bvopa. "HX6ev ovv (pcovrj eK tov ovpavov * Kai e§o£atra, Kai rrdXiv 8o£do~a>. * 9 'O ovv b)(\os 6 eo~TU>s Kai aKovo-as eXeye (jpovrfjv yeyovevai. ciX- Xoi eXeyoV 'AyyeXoc avrco XeXdXrjKev. ' AireKpidrj 6 'irjaovs Kai elnev' Ov 8l epe avrrj fj (pcovrj yeyovev, dXXa 8c vpds. vvv Kplo-is earl tov Kocrpov b tovtov'" vvv 6 dpxoov tov Kocrpov tovtov eKJSXrj- 6rjo~erai e£io' 3 ' Kayo) edv vtycaOco eK rfjs yr)s, iravras eXKvcru) rrpds epavrov. Tovto 8e eXeye, crrjpalviov iroica 6a- vara> fjpeXXev dnodvijo-Keiv. 'AneKpidr] avTco 6 o^Xos' 'Hpels rjKovcrapev eK tov vopov, oti 6 XpLo~Tos pevei eiy tov alwva' Kai ttcos o~v XeyeLs, c oti" 8ei vyp-ccdfjvai tov vlov tov dv- Bpconov ; tis eaTiv ovtos 6 vlos tov John XII. 34. Philip which was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and desired him, saying, Sir, we would see Jesus. Ti Philip cometh and telleth Andrew : and again Andrew and Philip lold Jesus. S3 And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified. ** Ve- rily, verily, I say unto you, Ex- cept a corn of wheat fall into the ground, and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. " He that loveth his life, shall lose it: and he that hateth his life in this world, shall keep it unto life eternal. M If any man serve me, let him follow me, and where 1 am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour. '" Now is my soul troubled, and what shall I say ? Father, save me from this hour, but for this cause came I unto this hour. '■' 8 Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, 1 have both glorified it, and will glorify it again. *• The people therefore that stood by, and heard it, said, that it thundered: others said, An angel spake to him. i0 Je- sus answered, and said, This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes. 3I Now is the judgment of this world, now shall the prince of i his world be cast out. ^ And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. 33 (This he said, signifying what death he should die.) 34 The people answered him, We have heard out of the law, that Christ abideth for ever : and how sayest thou, The Son of man must be lifted up ? who a R*c. add «ki. John XII. 35. is this Son of man ? 35 Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with you: walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you : for he that walketh in darkness, knoweth not whither he goeth. 3C While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light. These things spake Jesus, and departed, and did hide himself from them. 37 But though he had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not in him : 38 that the saying of Esaias the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spake, Lord, who hath be- lieved our report? and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed? 39 Therefore they could not believe, because that Esaias said again, 40 He hath blinded their eyes, and harden- ed their heart, that they should not see with their eyes, nor un- derstand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them. 41 These things said Esaias, when he saw his glory, and spake of him. 4 ' 2 Never- theless, among the chief rulers also, many believed on him ; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue. 43 For they loved the praise of men, more than the praise of God. 44 Jesus cried, and said, He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me. 45 And he that seeth me, seeth him that sent me. 4S I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me, should not abide in dark- ness. 47 And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not ; for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. 4S He that reject- eth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him : the word that I have 262 EYAITEAION dvdpdtnov ; ^ Enrej/ ovv avTo'is 6 'irj&ovs' ' Ert piKpbv xpovov to (pais a ev vp.1v e'crri. TrepLTrarelre eW to (pais e^ere, iva pr) o-KOTia vpds KaTaXd^rj' kcii o TTepiTTCLTGlV €V TTj 0~KOTl(l OVK Ol8e 7TOV VTrdyei. 36 eW to (pa>s e^ere, ""torei/ere etc to (pa>s, Iva viol (pu>Tos yevrjo-de. TaiiTa eXdXrjo-ev 6 'Irjaovs, Kal dneXBaiv €Kpv[3rj an avTmv. 37 Toaavra 8e ovtov crqpeia 7T€7roir)- kotos ep7Tpoo-6ev avTa>v, ovk emo-Tevov etc avTov 00 iva o \oyos Ho~aiov tov TrpotprjTov Tr\r]pu>6fj, ov eiTre" Kvpie, tis (niaTtvo-e tj) aitof) Tjpcov ; Kal 6 /3pavuoi> Kvpiov t'lvi dTrfKaXv(p6r] ; " Aia tovto ovk TjdvvuvTO iriareveiv, oti iraXiv einev 'Haatas ' Terv- (pXa>Kev ai'Tatv tovs 6(p6aXpovs, Kai 7re- 7ra>pa>Kev avToiv rr)v Kapbiav ' iva pr] ISonti rots' 6(fi$aXpo~is, Kal vorjccocri Trj Kapbiq, Kal emcrTpa(pa>o~i, Kal b ldo-a>pai" avTovs. 41 Tavra einev 'Hamas*, ore eiSe ttjv 86£av avTov, Kal eXdXr/cre 7rept ai/Tov' 42 opa>s pevroi Kal eK to>v dp- ^ofTcof 770XX01 enioTevo-av etc avTov' dXXd Sid tovs Qapicraiovs ovx opoXo- yovv, iva pr] aTToo~vvdya>yoi yeva>vTai . 43 TjyaTrrjo-av yap ttjv 8o£av tu>v dv6pd>- ttg)v pdXXov rjtrep tt]v 86£av tov Qeov. 44 'lrjcrovs Se eKpat-e Kal finev' O mo-Tevcov els epe, ov irio~Tevci etc e/xe, dXX' etc tov wepyj/avTa tie' 45 Kal 6 6ea>- pa>v epe, aeuipei tov TrepyavTa pe. eya> (pais etc tov Kocrpov eXrjXvda, iva iras 6 TTKTTevatv etc e'tte, evTtj (tkotiq pr) peivjj. 47 Kal idv tis pov aKovoy Tmv prjpaTaiv c Kal pr) 7rio-Tevo~i), " e'ya> ov Kpivat avTov' ov yap rjXOov iva Kpivai tov Kocrpov, dXX' Iva o-aicrat tov Kocrpov. 4!i 6 dde- toiv e'pe Kal pr) Xapftdvaiv ra prjpard pov, c\(i tov KpivovTa avTov' 6 Xdyos * Hec. fit&' Vfittiv. b - . taaoitai. c r -' Kal fiij rpvXa^y, cu nai ipvXaZp. KATA IQANNHN. 263 John XIII. 11. ov eXuAr/ca, eKelvos Kpivel avrbv ev rrj spoken, the same shall judge ea-Ydr-n r)aepa. 49 Sri eyw e£ euavroi " m in the last da /- **J°l J , A ,.'' '~ "' , N . , , , '. •= r- ( have not spoken of myself ; but ouk eAa\r)(ra- a\\ o nepyas pe narrjp, the Father which sent me, he avros wot (vroXriv e'Sw/ce, rt 617TCO Kai ri S are me a commandment what \ s ' so * ?& i t > \ \ I should say, and what I should XaXrjaco M Kaioiba on ^ ^ evrokij speak . so A nd I know that his avrov far] aiaivios io~riv. a ovv XaXai commandment is life ererlast- XaXo>. unto me, so I speak. 13. Tlpo be rjjs eoprrjs rov nacrxa, 13. Now before the feast of eiSojc 6 'Ir/o-ovs on a e\n\vdev " avrov the passover, when Jesus knew c h n a - > - < / that his hour was come, that r; topa, iva perajirj e< rov Koapov rovrov he shou]d depart out of th i s 7rpos rov narepa, ayanrjcras rovs Ibiovs world unto the Father, having roysev r& *M, * WW ty^w | h lto£ ™ lov^lheTu^o avrovs. Kai benrvov yevopevov, rov the end. a And supper being bia36\ov fjbn BepXriKoros eh rfiv Kap- ended (the devil having now s-' h»T '« 4.' 't 1 " put into the heart (it Judas 1s- dtai/ ° lovba Sijuoyos^ laKapiarov, iva cariot Simon's son to betray avrov 7T«paSo3," 3 elba>s c 6 y lr)0~ovs," him.) 3 Jesus knowing that Snndvra &£*»<*? 6 natfp&T&s ^SS&lh^ \eipas, Kai on ano Qeov e^rjKde Kai come from God, and went to rvpbs rov Qeov imdyei, * eyeiperai e\ God: , 4 he riseth from supper, r _ ., , \ ia \ ' ! v and laid aside his garments, rov benrvov, Kai ritirjo-i ra iparia, Kai and took a towe i i and girde d XajSoyv \evnov bufaaev eavroV b eira himself. s After that, he pour- Q'\\ "s± ' * ~ * •> I- e th water into a bason, and PaWeivbcopeisrovvnrriwa^aiTjpZaTO began t0 wash the digciples - vinreiv rovs 7r68as rav padrfraiv, /cat feet, and to wipe them with iupdo-o-eivra Tievricp w rjv biefro-pevos. th r e de ^ wel wherewith he was 6 "Ep^erai ovv Trpos Sipiova IlerpoV d Kai" Xeyet airco eKe'ivos' Kvpie, crv pov viirreis rovs nobas ; 7 'ArreKpidr] 'It]- e xhen cometh he to Simon (rods Kai elrvev avra>- *0 iya noico, av Peter: and Peter saith unto » t 5 » */ r v ' > - him, Lord, dost thou wa>h my ovk oibas apri, yvcoo-j] be pera ravra. feet? , Jesus answere d, and 8 Ae'yei avrco Ilerpos' Ov prj vi\l/7}S rovs said unto him, What I do, thou .oSac pov e) S rbv alZva. 'AirtKplOn av- JSSft^SEr.^wS rw o lr]o-ovs • Eaf pr/ viyca ae, ovk saith unto him, Thou shalt eveis pepos aer tuov. 9 Aeve' «^<» never w fl h m L ^ eet - u Je u US ^, „', r Tr , , ' ,« ' answered him, If I wash thee Zipcov nerpoc- Kupie, prj rovs nobas not, thou hast no part with me. pov povov, aKka ko.1 ras veipac Kai ttjv 9 Simon Peter saith unto him, . A. \ ' 10 a ' > ~ r » T - . «r» Lord, not my feet only, but also KttpaXriv. Atyeiavrayo Irjcrovs O my hands , a ^ d my hc ^ d . .0 Je . Aekovptvos ov xpeiav e^ei e r/ rovs no- sus saith to him. He that is Sac" vi\lsao-6au aXX' ecrri Kadapos 6W washed, needeth not, save to » , i. ji , , v» -v > > \ / wash his feet, but is clean every Kai vpeis KaVapoi eo-re, a\\ ovxi Tav- w hit: and ye are clean, but not rec. n "HSet yap rov napadibovra all. " For he knew who should John XIII. 12. 264 EYAITEAION betray him, therefore said he, avrov' bia tovto eiirev' Ov^l ndvrei Ye are not all clean. na&apoi tare. w So after he had washed 12 "Ore ovv evi\fse tovs 7robas avruv, their feet, and had taken his \ >i\ a \ < , < - ■, > garments, and was set down *«' e Aa #f ™ V* " aUT °, U ' ar/a7r 5°" t0J ' again, he said unto them, Know rraAiv, eiirev avTois' TivmaKeTe t'l ne- ye what 1 have done to you ? ,„,;„,«, $„£„.. 13 ' eI 4^ „ e - < 13 Ye call me Master and Lord, - . ; N % r / » .. - and ye say well: for so I am. OioaaKaAos, Kai o Kvpios' Kai KaXas 1 ' If I then your Lord and XeyeTe, elixi yap. u el ovv eycb eviylra Master have washed your feet, r C i 'St £ ' * < s. sT' ye also ought to wash one an- v t"» v tovs nobas, o Kvpios Kai o biba- other's feet. 15 For I have aKaXos, Kai {/pels ocpeiAere dXXi]Xoov vi- giver. you an example, that ye T0V ^ 15 v7r ^ ely n a yap should do, as 1 have done to „. , „ „ . v , v , ,'~ , / „" you. I6 Verily, verily I say eocoKa v/xif, ti/a Kaon)? eyu> eTroirjaa vpiv, unto you, The servant is not Ka J yae'is Tvomre. 16 dur)i/ dun!/ Xey » V ->. '.J - ' he that is sent, greater than he vpiv,0VK «m bovXos petQtoV tov Kvpiov that sent him. " If ye know avrov, ovbe dnocrToXos ua'£W tov Trip- these things happy are ye if ye , ^ 17 fl Taira jg do them. "> I speak not of you ', , , ,, „ , , ,' s r , all, I know whom I have chosen: Kapioi tore eav Troirjre avra. ls ov but that the scripture may be ^gpl ttcivtcov vucbv XeyoJ' eyw oiba ovs fulfilled, He that eateth bread >f .\ /. , V. » > « ' c '■ j. « ., with me, hath lilted up his heel e^eXe^aprjV aXX ivay ypaqbrj nXr)- against me. ls, «Now I tell you pcodrj' 'O rpcoycov per epov tov (ipTOV, corne to pass, ye may believe .„ , ;" , M <~ , • t „ " ( that I am he. so Verily, verily Aff apTL Xeyui up.ii' 77/30 TOl) ye- ll say unto you, He that receiv- ve V^at, ira oVw yevrrrai, mo-Tevo-tiTe eth whomsoever I send, receiv- ,,- , , , 91 >'<>«%/ r - eth me: and he that receiveth °™ eyco eipi. * apr}v aprjv Aeyo) vp.11/, me, receiveth him that sent 6 Xap[5ava>v edv Tiva Tre'/x^ca, ep,e Xap- me ' ftdvei' 6 be epe XapjBdvcov, Xapftdvet tov Tre pxjsavTa pe. 2> When Jesus had thus said 21 Ta i Ta et Vaw 6 'Introis eTapavdr) he was troubled in spirit, and .. , < , ' \ r ? testified, and said. Verily, ve- ™a rrvevpaTi, Kai epaprvpr)o-e Kat fineV rily 1 say unto you, that one of 'Apnv apnv Xf'yco vpiv, otl els ei; vpwv vou shall betray me. " Then js ' 22 "■ca\ a » * ' the dhciples looked one on ™pabuo-ei pe. » E/3Xe7roi/ ow etf another, doubting of whom he dAX.rjAous ol padrjTai, anopovpevoi irep\ spake. « Now there was lean- ' X eyei. " 3 iv be avaKeipevos eh mg on Jesus bosom one of his h , /; , ' a - »«»«/» disciples, whom Jesus loved, ft tcoi/ paOrjTcov uvtov ev Tm koXttco '■" Simon Peter therefore beck- T0 £, 'incrov, bv Tiydna 6 'Inaovs' " 4 vevei oned to him, that he should ask t / .> „< /i-/i » who it should be of whom he ° vv jovnp 2ipo)V UeTpos 7rv6eo-0aiTis spake. '-'» He then lying on Je- av eirj nep\ ov Xeyei. ™ c eTTiTvecrutv" be w U ho b isTt S '' SaithUnt0him,LOrd ' iK£lvos fVi ro ot^°* ToS 'iiJtroC, Xe'yet , K 1 . „ • avT<3 • Kvpie, t'is eo-Tiv ; iS Jesus answered, He it is "k , a ' * >t <• ,., . , to whom I shall give a £sop. AjroKpii/eTai o Irjaovs * E«eii/oc when I have dipped it. And eo~TLV co eya) f3d\j/as to ^rcapiov em- 1 ^J ^ Ht'c. oin. c (^ai/air»Ttu^, a Or, From henceforth. P Or, morsel. KATA IQANNHN. 265 daxro)' Kai epfidrjfas to ^copiov, 8i8a)cnv lov8a 2ipcovos lo-Kapioarr). " Kai pera to \j/u>piov, TOTf elcrrjXBev sis eKeivov 6 SaTavus. Aeyei ovv avTco 6 lncrovs' O ' • 28 t ' £' TTOieiS, TTOlTjaOV Ta^LOV. Iovto oe oi/8els eyvco ru>v avaKeipevu>v ivpos tl elnev aiiTat. Tives yap e8uKovv, errel to yXoicrcroKopov el^ev ° lov8as, otl Ae'yfi ai'Tco 6 'Ir/crovs " 'Ayopao~oi> a>v Xpeiav e'xopev els tt)v eopTtjv' r) to'is 7TTa>xois iva ti oo). Xa t Du>v ow to y\ra>p.iov eKeivos, evBe'cos e^rjXdev' r)v 8e vv£. 31 "Ore a " et-ijXde, Xeyei 6 'Ir/crovs' Nw e8o^da6rf 6 vibs tov dvdpamov, Kai 6 Qeos eSo^dcrdrj ev avTa. el 6 Qeos e8o^dadrj ev ai'Ta, Kai 6 Qeos 8o£dcrei avTov ev eavTa, Kai eudvs 8o£do~ei av- tov. ^ TeKvia, en piKpbv peff vpa>v elpi. £rjTr)0~eTe pe, Kai Ka6a>s einov to'is 'lov8aiois' "On oVrou ''{i7rayo> eyu>," vpels ov 8uvao~6e eXde'iv, Kai iiplv Xeya cipTi. 34 e'vToXrjv Kaivfjv 8i8a>pi vplv, iva aya- 7Ta.T€ dWrjXovs' KaQios rjydTrrjcra vpas, iva Kai vpels dyanaTe d\\r]\ovs. ev TovTCji yvu>o~ovTai TidvTes art epoi pa- 8r)Tal ecrre, edv dyaTrrjv exqre ev aX- XifXois- 36 Aeyet auraj 'Sipcov UeTpos' Kvpie, Troy imdyeis ; 'AneKpiOrj avra 6 Irjcrovs' Ottov Inrdyoi, ov 8vvao~a'i pot vvv uko- Xov6r)craV vcrrepov 8e aKoXovdrjcreis poi. 3l A«'yei aiiTU) c " UeTpos' Kvpte, Start 011 8vvapal croi aKoXov6r)crai iipTi ; ttjv ^ir^r/i/ pov vivep croi dfjcrio. ^ 'ArreKpi- drj ai/TO) 6 'Ir/crovs' Trjv y\rv\rjv crov virep epov dqcreis ', aprjv aprjv Xeyco aoi, ov pfj dXeKTcop (pavrjcrei, eais ov aTrapvrjcrTj p.e Tpis. 14. Mr) Tapacrcreu-8 vpcov r) Kap8ia' irtcrreveTe els tov Qebv^ Kai els epe John XIV. 1. when he had dipped the sop, he gave it to Judas lscariot the son of Simon. " And after the sop, Satan entered into him, Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest, do quickly. ■"^ Now no man at the table knew, for what intent he spake this unto him. - >J For some of them thought, because Judas had the bag, that Jesus had said unto him, Buy those things that we have need of against the feast : or that he should give some- thing to the poor. 30 He then having received the sop, went immediately out: and it was night. 31 Therefore when he was gone out, Jesus said, Now is the Son of man glorified: and God is glorified in him. 3 - If God be glorified in him, God shall also glorify him in himself, and shall straightway glorify him. 33 Little children, yet a little while I am with you. Ye shall seek me, and as I said un- to the Jews, Whither I go, ye cannot come: so now I say to you. 3i A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 35 By this shall all men know t'. ; at ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. 36 Simon Peter said unto htm, Lord, whither goest thou ? Je- sus answered him, Whither I go, thou canst not follow me now: but thou shalt follow me afterwards. i? Peter said unto him. Lord, why cannot 1 follow thee now? I will lay down my lite for thy sake. M Jesus an- swered him, Wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake? Ve- rily, verily I say unto thee, The cock shall not crow, till thou hast denied me thrice. 14. Let not your heart be troubled : ye believe in God, a t!z. & El-/, add 1 b Gli. tyui vwayut c Kec. add 0. John XIV. 2. 266 EYAITEAION believe also in me. 2 In my TVicrTevere . ev rfj olklci rov Trarpos pov Father's house are many man- ; noWal eltnV el be an, elrrov av sions ; if it were not so, I would \ . , , , , , - have told you: I go to prepare vpw rropevopai eroipaaai roTXOV vp.iv. a place for you. 3 And if I go 3 Ka \ e ' av jropevda) kci\ eroiudo-(o vu.lv and prepare a place for you, I , /.. » « \ ' i will come again, and receive r ottov, miXiv ep X op.ai KaiTTapaX^opai you unto myself, that where I iipcic Trpbs epavrov' iva ottov elpi e'yo>, am .' } b TJ e T may be l als °- iau V*r fa. * km ottov eyo> vwdyo 4 And whither I go ve know, »& v \ »«,» »<» and the way ye know. oibare, Kai rrjv obov oibare. 5 Thomas saith unto him, 5 A < avT £ ecouas" Kvpie, ovk o'i- Lord, we know not whither thou 5. ' ~ , f < - s. ' /1 got-st: and how can we know Oapev ttov VTrayeis' Kai thos^ bwapeOa the way ? 6 Jesus saith unto rfjv obbv elbeval ; 6 Ae'yet aura) 6 'in- him, Urn the way,an,l the truth ~ > £ - j . 6fi . » A 'a\^«„ and the life: no man cometh v c / , > & ' * . > unto the Father but by me. (cat r) £cor/' ovbets ep%erai 7rpoj roi/ Mf ye had known me ye should ffare ' pa a ' „i g t « e '„ {;. 7 et ' e 'y^ KetTe ' have known my Father also: \ \ / > / » and from henceforth ye know /* him. Have I been so long time <™ro> Irjo-ovs 1 Toarovrov XRO^ov ped with you, and yet hast thou not ipcbv elpi, Ka\ ovk eyvooKas pe > - > < \ seen me, hath seen the Father, ° fapaKas eue, wpaKe TOV Trarepa _ Kat and how sayest thou then, Shew 7rcoc (TV Xeyety" Ael^ov rjpiv rov TTarepa ; ns the Father ? *° Relievest 10 » ' " I v ' * us me gainer ueuevesi, ju oy ^Kj-^y^^ 0Tl f y W 61/ TCl) Trarpt. thou not that I am m the Fa- „ , , , , , , ' , t, ' I ther, and the Father in me ? Kai- ° TTurnp €V euot f0 - TL ■ ra prjpara a the words that I speak unto A,^ \aXcb vplv, an ep.avrov ov XaAco - vou, I speak not of mvself: but r s.v \ r > j \ / > < ihe Father that dwelle'th in me, odeTrarrjpo ev epoi pevcov, avros ttoiu he doeth the works. "Believe ra epya. TTio~TeveTe uoi on eyu> ev me . \u at J.l m in the Fath f r ' ™ Trarpi, Kai 6 Trarnp eV epoi*"- el 8e and the Father in me : or else \ » »' ' » > {" ' ' h /< believe me for the very works' an, Oia ra epya aura mo-revere ° pot. sake. '- Verily, verily I say 12 ' ' „ au ni/ Xe'v" ^A l '»'. TTKrrevodV els unto you, He that believeth on > » % » » i \ - i - / me, the works that I do, shall «r* e » ra epya a eyco ttoio), KaKai>or Trotn- he do also, and greater works aei, Ka\ pe'i^ova rovrcov TTOLrjo'ef on ft n £r,£^££ b .3 ca A u nd jr ?p°° ™ ™*r ^°f •&?*•. whatsoever ye shall ask in my Kai o ri av airi)o-r]Te ev rw ovopari name, that will I do, that the n.ov, tovto TTOifio-O)' Iva bo^aaBh 6 TTarhp Father may be glorified in the 7 « < ~ 14 > / > / > - Son. " If ye shall ask any thing \ v J 7rotno"co. '5 If ye love me, keep my 15 ' En „ dyandre ae, ras e'vroXds rds commandments. lfc And I will > » r 16 > > > > ' 1 pray the Father, and he shall «/"»* Tr)p W aTe. Kai eyco eparrprarov give you another Comforter, Trarepa, Kai aXXov TTapaKKrjrov So>o"et a Elz. add cffrty. b -* c ^J RATA IQANNHN. 267 vplv, Iva /levy pe6" vpo>v els tov aloyva, 17 to livevpa rrjs dXrjOeias, 6 6 Koapos ov Bvvarai Xafielv, oti ov deapel avTO, ov8e yivaxrKei. avro. vpels 8e yivcoo-Kere avrb, on nap' vplv pevei, Kal ev vpiv eo-rat. 18 ovk dcprjcrco vpas opcpavovs' epxopai npbs vpas. 19 eri piKpbv Ka\ 6 Kocrpos pe oxiKen deapel, vpels 8e deco- peln p.e' on eya> £&>, Kal vpels (rjcreo-de. 20 ev eKeiin) rrj fjpepa yva>creo-8e vpels on eyco ev ra irarpi pov, ko.1 vpels ev epol, Kaycb ev vp.lv. 21 o e^coi/ ras evro- Xds pov ical rrjpuiv avTas, e'xelvos eanv 6 dyanaiv p.e' 6 8e dyaniov pe, ayanrj- 6r]o~eTai vnb rov narpos pov Kal eyu> dyanrjcro) avTov, Kal ep avTu> epavrov. 22 Aeyei avra 'IovSar, (ovx 6 lo-Ka- picoTT/s) - Kvpie, a Kal n" yeyovev on T]plv peXkeis e'p(pavi£eiv aeavrbv, Kal oi>xl ™ Koo-pco ; M ' 'AneKpiQrj h " 'lrjcrovs Kal elnev avrdo' 'Eai> tls dyana pe, rov Koyov p.ov Tr)pr)o~ei, Kal 6 norr/p pov dyanrjo-ei avTov, Kal 7rpbs avTov e\ev- aopeda, Kal povrjvirap' avra> noirjcropev. 24 6 pfj dyancov pe, tovs Xoyovs pov ov rt)pe'i' Kal 6 \6yos ov aKovere, ovk eanv epos, dX\d tov nep^ravros pe irarpos- 25 Tavra Xe\d\r)Ka vplv trap' vplv pevcoV 26 6 be napaKkrjTos, to Ilvevpa to dyiov, o ireptyei 6 naTrjp ev tcS bvd- uari pov, eKelvos iipas dibdijei navTa, Kai vnop-vijo-ei vpas navra a einov vpiv. 27 elprjvrjv dcnv, eya diocopi vplv. pfj rapaorcre'cr^co vpwv r] Kapbia, prjbe 8ei\iaT > « ' _ - me. 31 But that the world may " oaX iva yva> o Koapos, on ayana> know that 1 love the Father: tov nare'pa, Kal KafScos eWreiXaro poi 6 and as the Father gave me naT fo {J r&) ^- ti. eyelpeaoe, ayupev commandment, even so I do : , U J. ' ~ ' ' Arise, let us go hence. evTevoev. 15. 1 am the true vine, and 15. 'Eyco elpi 1) (ipneXos t) dXrjdivr), my Father is the husbandman * 6 > 6 ^ ^ aTl% 2 n ~ v 3 Every branch in me that , <; " \ , 1 , "' , „ beareth not fruit, he taketh KXrjpa ev ep.01 pi) (pepov Kapnov, aipei away: and every branch that a ii T( j- K al nav to Kapnov cbepov, Kadai- beareth fruit, he purgeth it, , v « .. , r _\ a. ' that it may bring forth more P" avro, iva nXeiova Kapnov (pepy. fruit. 3 Now ye are clean 3 t'jdr] vpels Kadapoi e'crre, did tov Xoyov through the word which I have * XeXdXriKa viuv. 4 uetVure ev eWt, spoken unto vou. 4 Abide in me, , , f l „ " \ \~ » »/ and 1 in you: as the branch Kayco ev vp.iv. KciOoos to KXrjpa ov Ovva- cannot bear fruit of itself, ex- r(u Kapnuv (hepeiv dd> eavrov, eav tin cept it abide in the vine: no , , . , ^ ' v > s \ r more can ye, except ye abide P^vy ev tij apneXa>, ovtcos oyde vpeis, in me. 5 I am the vine, ye are eav pr) iv epoi peivr/Te. 6 eyco elpi t] ^ e m"Tn C dTin h mm, a th a e b ifme £**«* *»« rd K Xr)paTa 6 pev.v ev bringeth forth much fruit : for epoi, Kuyco ev avTCp, ovtos (pepei Kapnov « without me ye can do no- ^qX^- otl ^co/jts epoi) ov SvvaaBe noielv oidev. « If a man abide not in me, 6 'Eav pi) Tis peivj) ev epoi, e/3Xrj#r/ he is cast forth as a branch, *£ a fc T0 K \; lfia Ka \ IPnpdvQ-n, Kal and is withered, and men gather a , h 'f ,„ > V .. > '/ them, and cast them into the abide in you, ye shall ask what e f^>4 «J' Ta PVM"™ M ^ «• «/*'" /«"T7i ye will, and it shall be done o eav BeXrjTe d alTr]o-ecroe," koi yevrja-eTai unto you. « Herein is my Fa- >- s | ^ w iSoidadn 6 TTaTnp pov, ther glorified, that ye bear „ r , .', "J, ' v ' r ^ / much fruit, so shall ye be my iva Kapnov noKvv CpeprjTe. Kat K yevr)- disciples. '■> As the Father hath rreo-cV' epol padtiTai. 9 /catfcoc nydnno-e loved me, so have 1 loved you : , '« ■> v » / « ~ . ' continue ye in my love. '» If P* ° iromip, /cayco riyanrjaa vuas pei- ye keep my commandments, ye j/are eV Ti] dydnrj Trj epij. eav Tas shall abide in my love, even as > „,xdr ' T r>pn -'7", rWeiTC eV T« I have kept my Father's com- , , r* 7" ' ,' v " , .. » 'i mandments, and abide in his ayanrj poV Ka&us eyco Tas evToKas tov l° ve - naTpos pov TeTijprjKa, Kal p.ev « » r - r , ' ,, \ < I v V remain in you, and that your T ?.«M'/ »»/**?_ Mf'"??' . K « l V X a P u yF w ^ joy might you, and that your V W e ". v M'^ M*'"??' , Ka v l V X«P U u /f' be full. H This is irkrfpeodfj. avTri e'cTiv r) evToXi) a llec. aild towtov, b cnj afro, c cnj — . Kec. & Gb. om. ^ ^ airtjaaaBe. • f^J yai-tja9s. 1 P*i 5. Or, Bsvcred from me. RATA IQANNHN. 269 epi], lva dyandre dXXi)Xovs, Katdws rjyd- 7TT]aa vpds. 13 pel(pva ravrqs dyaTrr/v ovdeis f'x (l ' " Lva Tis r h v "fy v xh v avTov 61} vivep twv cpiXav uvtov. 14 iipels (piXoi p.ov eVre, euv TroiriTe do~a eyco evreXXo- p.ai vpiv. lo ouKen vpds Xe'yo) dovXovs, oti 6 dovXos ovk tu'Se t'i Troiei avrov 6 Kvpios' vpds 8e elprjKa (piXovs, on irav- ra a fiKovo-a irapa. tov -rrarpos pov, eyvcopuru vpiv ov% vpeis pe e^eAe- £ao~8e, aXX eyco e^eXe^dprjv vpds, Kai edrjKa vpds, lva iipels \mdyt]Te ml Kap- ttov (pep-qre, Kai 6 Kapnos vpcov pe'vj)- lva o ti dv aiTr\ar}Te tov iranpa iv Tip ovopart pov, 8u> vpiv. 17 ravra evreX- Xopai vpiv, lva dyandre aXXrjXovs. 13 Et 6 Koapos iipds piael, yivu>o~KCTe on epe TTpwTov vpcov pepio-rjKev. 19 el e/c rov Kocrpov r/Te, 6 Koapos dv to idiov ecpiXei' oti. Se eK tov Koapov ovk e'are, aXX' iyu> e^eXe^dprjv vpds e\ rov ko- crpov, 8id tovto piael vpds 6 Koapos. 20 pvrjpovevfTe tov Xoyov ov eyco elnov xiplv' Ovk ecrrt bovXos pei^cov rov kv- plov avTOv. el epe edicol-av, /ecu vpds dico^ovaiV el tov Xoyov pov eTrjprjaav, Kai rov vptTepov Tt]pr)aovaiv. 21 aXXa Tavra ndvra noir)aovacv a vpiv " Bid to ovopd pov, oti ovk oldaai tov Trepy^avTa p.e. " 2 el pr) r)X6ov Kai eXdXrjaa avrols, dpapTiav ovk ei\ov' vvv be Trpocpaaiv ovk e^oucrt nepl Tt)s dpapTias uvtcov. a o epe piacov, Kai tov narepa pov piael. 24 el ra e'pya prj e-noiriaa ev av- toIs, a ovftels dXXos iteTtoirjKev, dpapTiav ovk el^ov vvv oe Kai ecopaKaai, Kai pepiarjKaai Kai epe Kai tov irare'pa pov' aXX' lva nXr]pa>6fi 6 Xoyos 6 yeypap- pevos ev tco vopco avTcov' ' On epiarj- adv pe biopedv. 26 "Orav 8e eXdrj 6 irapaKXriTos, ov John XV. 26. my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. 13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. '« Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. 15 Henceforth I call you not servants, for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth, but 1 have called you friends: for all things thai 1 have heard of my Father, 1 have made known unto you. '• Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. 1; These things I command you, that ye love one another. 18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. lu If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but lhavechostn you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. -° Re- member the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than the lord: if they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you : if they have kept my saying, they will keep your's also. vl But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me. 82 If 1 hadnol come, and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no a cloke for their sin. ' a He that hateth me, hateth my Father also. 24 If 1 had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin : but now have they both seen, and hated both me and my Father. 2i But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is writ- ten in their law, They hated me without a cause. 2G But when the Comforter John XV. 27. 270 EYAITEAION is come, whom I will send unto eya> irep^rui vp'iv irapa tov 7rarpoc, to g:^thS n -T« rv, aXrjO, ,'„, o irapa tov ira- eth from the Father, he shall rpos (KiropeveTai, eKeivos papTvprjaei testify of me. '■" And ye also ne p\ e '„ {;- 27 ^ <~ ls 8e ixapTVpelre, shall bear witness, because ye « i i i - > i - > have been with me from the 0Tl a7r a PX0* M 61 " *P° V «rre. beginning. 16. Tavra XeXdXr/Ka vplv, iva prj ken'un^u^^uU "artoA.^ ■ ^^«> —f not be offended. 2 They shall (Tovo-iv vpas' aXX ep%erai cbpa, iva iras put you out of the synagogues: ,5 dnoKTeivas vpas, 86£n Xarpe'iav irpoo-- yea, the time cometn, that who- , . - -. - -i i ~ , soever killeth you, will think 9 e P elv T - * Kal ravTa iroirjo-ov- that he doeth God service. o~iv a ", ort ouk iyvcoaav tov irartpa 3 And these things will they do > j> « > ' 4 >\ \ > - n n >\ t - unto you, because they have ™ 8 V^ * " , Z™™ XekaXl l Ka W not known the Father, nor me. iva orav eXdy rj copa, pvrj povevrjre av- But these things have I told T( j,„ ^ri iya elirov iiu.lv' ravra 8e vuiv vou, that when the time shall ,» , ~ ' > ? 6 „> f - „ come, ye may remember that e ? apX 1 ?* ovk (lirov, on pe& vpwv rjprjv.^ I told you of them. And these 5 vvv Be viraya> irpbs tov irtp^lravTa things I said not unto you at » > & » >> c - > - . tt ~ the beginning, because I was %*',*** ovdtts ^ Vfiav epcoTO. pe Uov with you. 5 But now I go my vniiyeis ; clXA on Tavra XeXdXrjKa way to him that sent me and £„;„ ' A ' TreTrXvpaKev vuw ttiv none ot you asketh me, Whither jf/ goest thou ? 6 But because I KapOiav. havesaid these things unto you, 7 'aXX' eyw twi/ dXndeiav Xeyco i'uu/, sorrow hath filled vour heart. /' e ~ ft > \ > ••> /i «» ' Nevertheless,"! tell you the frvfKbepfiyp.lv iva. eyo> aireX6a. eav truth, It is expedient for you yap e'ya>" prj aireXOco, 6 irapaKXrjTOs that I go away: for if I go not 0VK i\ evo - eTCU ffpos Wy «£„ & wo . away, the Comforter will not ,_ , , , <>f - s x come unto you: but if I depart, pevVw, irepym avrov irpos vpas' ° /cat I will send him unto you. s And eXOcov eKelvos eXtyt-ei rbv Koapov irepi when he is come, he will "re- < t v < « r \ \ prove the world of sin, and of ipapnas Kai ire pi biKaiocrvvrjs Kai^ irepi righteousness, and of judgment. Kp!.o~ea>s. 9 7rept apaprias pev, oti ov because I go to my Father, and oe, ori 7rpoc tov irarepa L /^tou viraya, ye see me no more. " Ofjudg- Ka \ ovKeri deape'ire pe • u 7repi Se ment, because the prince of this , « t S ' - , r / world is judged. Kpiaews, on o apj(a>v tov Koapov tov- " I have yet many things to Tov KtKpiTai. say unto you, but ye cannot 12 *£„ yroXXa evto Xeyftl/ iutj/, dXX' bear them now: l3 howbeit, > s, / /to >y i is « »< when he the Spirit of truth is °« bwaaBe PatTTaQw apn* l ° oral/ 6« come, he will guide you into all eXdi; EKfivos, to Hvevpa tt)s aXtjdeias, Sif- or &*KSE?NSf oS^o-«^-A^a,^ax^ fir ' shall hear, that shall he speak, on yap XaAr/(rei a(p taurot), aXX ocra and he will shew you things to ^j, aKOvarri XaXriaei, KCU ra (pvoaeva come. H He shall glorifv me, , » " r - \a > - » » t */ for he shall receive of mine, awjyyeXei v/lty. *J exeii/oc ep.e^6o§ao-ft, and shall shew it unto you. on tK tov ipov XrjyjseTai, Kai a^ayyeXel a Itec. aild vfitv. b re — . Bee. & Gb. om. c Zi d cn.' sk tj; aXrjdttn Taap. a Or. convince. RATA IGANNHN. 271 John XVI. 26. vpiv. lo rrdvra oo~a e\ei ° 7raT VP , > e V a l5 A " things that the Father ' . s> > - ,?„„.. £_. 1~ _„,"; .',,.-,,', hath, are mine: therefore said eo-n dia tovto enrov, oti «_to« e/xow , that he sha „ take of m ^ ^Xapftdvei,' Kai avayyeAei vpiv. pi- and shall shew it unto vou. lc A Kpbv Kai ov Beiope'iTe ixe, Kai irakiv little while, and ye shall not see r v \ v l a> h " c ' ' me: an " again a little while, IxiKpov Kai otyeaVe pe, " oti xmaycx) and ye shall see me: because I nobs TOV TTClTepa." g° to the Father. 17 tj* V > n '_„r. " Then said some of his dis- » Envoy ovv eK tu>v pa6rjT(ov ^avjov c ip Ies among themselves, What nobs aXKr/Xovs' Ti icm tovto o Xeyet is this that he saith unto us, A fililv' MiKpbv Kai ov decope'iTe pe, Kai liule wh , ile - and y e *»» n °t s , ee '" ', „ „ . . , r ', « me: and again, a little while, 7niAti> fiiKpov /cat oyeaae pe; Kai, Un anc i ye shall see me: and, Be- eyoi vnaya npbs tov naTepa ; ls "EXe- cause I go to the Father? ' , ' „ K. , , r * \ ' < la They said therefore, What yov ovv Tovto ti eo-Tiv o^ Keyei, to h this that he saithi A ]itUe piKpov ; ovk o'ibapev ti XaXei. 19 "Eyvco while ? we cannot tell what he d oiv" 6 'Irio-ovs oti fjdeXov avTOV epco- ^ ith - M Now Jesus knew that " " ,' , X ' v / f they were desirous to ask him, Tav, Kai einev avTOis' Hepi tovtov fr/- and said unto them, Do ye en- Teire ueT dWriXwv, oti efaov' MiKpbv quire among youiselves of that \ > a " ' ^ >\ \ 1 said, A little while, and ye kol ov deapeiTe /xe, Kai^ 7raAti/ /xi/cpoi' sha „ not see me: and again . a Kai oii/-eo"6V pt ; 20 cifi.71' dpi)v \eya> little while and ye shall see vpiv, oti KXavo-tTe Kai dp^e ipels, «J ^ SJyffl Uep 6 Se Koapos xapi]o-eTaf vpets e oe and lament, but the world shall \vwri6vo-eo-de, aXX' r} XuTTn wu£v «' s rejoice: and ye shall be sorrow. ; ' , ' 91 { % « .• tul, but your sorrow shall be Xapav yevrjcrerai. rjywr) orav tikttj, turned int0 j oy . 21 A WO man, \v7TTjV f'vei, oti rjXBev #7 wpaavTTjS. OTav when she is in travail, hath sor- <\ v / \ j\/ > ' „ _' row, because her hour is come: 8e ytwyati to traiStov, ov/cert pvppovevei bM ' as soon as she is delivered ttjs dXtyecos, 81a ttjv x a P au t OTl fyf" of the child, she remembereth im0r> aV(9pw7Tov etc T 6v Koapov. n Kai n u ° more the anguish, for joy , ' „' T '. , , „' ,* that a man is born into the Vfieis ovv Avnrjv jjl(V vvv ex fTe ' naAlv wor ] d . -a And ye now there- 8e byb-oaai vuds, Kai vapncrerai vp£>v 77 fore have sorrow: but I will see s,» \ \ \ t - >(\ v » you again, and your heart sh;ill ^ a P 8 J u »/ at T?" Xnp^" v^" ovbeisaipei ^^ and y( / ur joy no maD d(p' vpibv,. ~ 3 Kai ev eKeivrj Trj rjpepa takelh from you. ' n And '" m ip* OVK tp^T^OvKv. 6fr s ifr &&%££££££ Aeyoj vpiv, oti ocra av aiTT]arjTe tov na- yoUi Whatsoever ye shall ask Ttpa iv rw ovauarL uov, Scocrei vplv. the Father in my name, he will 04 * u ' > > / >s,\ > « give it you. 24 Hitherto have V f WS " P7 " 1 ° U , K V^var* oybev ev tco ye asked nothing in my name: ovopaTi pov' airetre, /cat \i')ip-eo~6e, iva ask, and ye shall receive, that 17 X apa va&V I veirXriptofUvi,. your joy may be full. ' / S 5 V_ -^ > *' V \ s '-s < - . 2a These things have I spoken -° Taipei ev napotpiais AfAaAr/xa vpiv unt0 you in „ proverbs . the " €pYfT(it copa ore ovKeTi ev Trapoipiais time cometh when 1 shall no XaX^co vplv, AUmtfMp -P/ ™ rrb e s, SP but k i n shJl OU she n vf P ;o°u 7raTpos afayyeXco v/xti'. " ev eKeivrj ttj plainly of the Father. «* At that rjpepa ev to> ovopaTi pov alTr)creo-6e- Kai day ye shall ask in my name : a lite. Altera. b -♦ c R er . add (70,. 4 r.b. oin. e H ' Rec. add oAA - . " Or, paralilci. P Or, parables* John XVI. 27. and I say not unto you that I will pray the Father for you : 27 for the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God. 2S I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Fa- ther. w His disciples said unto him, Lo, now speaker thou plainly, and speakest no "proverb. 30 Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou earnest forth from God. 31 Jesus answered them. Do ye now believe ? 32 Behold, the hour Cometh, yea is now come, that ye shall be scattered, every man to his /Sown.and shall leave me alone: and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me. 33 These things 1 have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace, in the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer, I have over- come the world. 17. These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come, glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee. '* As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. 3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. '' I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finish- ed the work which thou gavest me to do. 5 And now () Father, gloi ify thou me, with thine own self, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. 6 1 have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world : thine they were ; and thou gavest them me ; and they have kept thy word. ' Now they have known 272 EYAITEAION ov Aeyco vplv on eyoo epa>Ti]o~oo rov ira- repa rrepl vpa>V "' avrds yap 6 Trarrjp (piXel vpds, on vpels epi TrecpiXrjKaTe, Kal TrtTrio-TevKciTe on eyoj napa rov Qeov e^i)X6ov. e^rjXdov irapd rov narpos, Kal eXrfXv6a els tov Koarpov' ttuXiv dcpLTjpi tov Kocrpov, Kal wopevopai ivpos rov Trarepa. " 9 Aeyovcriv avra ot padrjral avrov' ' iSf , vvv 7rappr/o~iq XaXels, Kal rrapoipiav ovdepiav Xeyeis. 30 vvv o'ibapev on oldas jrdvra, Kal ov \peiav e\eis iva ris ae epmra. ev tovtu> Tricrrevopev, on and Qeov e^nXdes. 31 'ATreKplBrj avrols 6 'irjaovs' "Apn 7no~Tevere ; 3 " Ibov,^ e'p- Xerai wpa Kal a vvv " iXr)Xvdev, iva o-KopTnadrjTe, eKao-ros els ra i5ia, Kal epe pdvov arprjre' Kal ov* elul pdvos, on 6 Trarrjp per epov eari. ,i3 ravra Xe- XdXrjKa vplv, iva ev epol eipr]vrjv e'xrjre. ev ra> Koapo) 0Xi\jsiv ° e^ere"' dXXa 0ap- crelre, eyco vev'iKrjKa tov Koapov. 17- Tavra eXdXtjaev 6 'lr/crovs, koi eTrrjpe tovs dcpdaXpovs avrov els tov ov- pavbv, Kal ehre' Hdrep, e'XrjXvdev rj copa' ftd^acrdv aov tov vlbv, iva c Kal" 6 vids aov do^darj ere" " Kadcos i'daKas avno e^ovalav Trdo~rjs aapKos, iva irdv o SeBcoKas aiiTU), 8a>aT) alirols £a>r)v atco- viov. 4 avrr) 8e eanv r) aloivtos tojr), iva yivd>o~Ku>ai o~e tov pdvov aXrjdivdv ©fO!^, Kal ov dneo-TeiXas 'Irjaovv Xpi- o~rov. 4 eyd> ae eSd^aaa enl tt)s y>]S' to epyov ereXelcoaa o tedcoKas poi iva 7Toir']o-u>' 6 Kal vvv bdi-aadv pe cri', Tvd- rep, ivapa aeavrto, rfj 8d£j] jj ei)(OV npo tov tov Kocrpov eivai napa aoi. 6 'E(pavepcao-d aov to ovopa Tols av- Bpumois, ovs St'SajKa? poi eK tov ko- o~pov' o~ol r)aav, Kal epol aiiTovs 8e8coKas' Kal tov Xdyov aov Terr]pj]Kao~i. ' vvv b lii. & Klj. «ffT.. Or, pdr.Lblc. P* Or, liia own bouie. i KATA IQANNHN. 273 eyvaxav on iravra 6o~a ck'Sco/cd? poi, irapa aov ianv' 8 on ra prjpara a oVSco/cdc poi, 6VSco/ea avrols' Kal avrol eXatfov. Kill eyvaxrav akrjdios, on irapa o-ov i^rjXdov, /cat inio-revo-av on av pe aTreo-reiXas. 9 e'yco Ttepl avrmv tpcoTco ' ov irepl roil Koapov tpcoTco, aXXd rrept (ov oeoco/eas poi, on crot etcrt. /cat ra ipa ttuvto. ad ian, /ecu ra era ipd' /eat SeSo|acruat iv avrols- u /cat ovKeri etui iv ru> /edcruco, /cai ovroi iv rco ko- cruco eicn, /cat eyto fl-pos - ere epxppai. 7ra- rep ayte, Ti]pr]o~ov avrovs ev ra ovopan crov, a u>" bibooKas uot, tW Sxrtv eu, Ka- 6o)$ y) pels. 12 ore rjprjv per avruiv iv rco /ccJcruco," eyiii irqpovv avrovs ev rco ovopari o-ov' oils bebaxds pot e'cpuXa§a, /cat ovbels e£ avrcov dmokero, ei pr} 6 vlos t^j d7rcoXetas-, Iva t] ypatpr) n\r)- pa)8rj. 13 vvv be Tvpos ere epxopai, /cat raura XaXco ev rco /edcruco, ii/a e^cocrt t/)j/ yapdv rrjv ipr]v TTeirkr)pu>pevr)v ei/ aureus-. 14 'Eycb Se'Sco/ca ai/rois rov Xdyov crov, zeal 6 Kocrpos e'utcrr/crev avrovs, on ovk elalv e'/c rov Kocrpov, Kadios e'ycb ovk etui e'/c roO Koo~p.ov. lo oi>/c e'ptorco tva apflS avrovs e'/e roi) Koapov, aXX ii/a rrjprjo-rjs avrovs e'/c rov rvovqpov. 16 e'/c rov Koapov ou/c etcri, /cac9i)s e'ycb e'/c rot) Koapov oi/c etui. 1? dyiaerof avrovs iv rfj dXrjdeiq c o~ov'" 6 Xdyoy 6 o~6s aXrjdeid ecrn. 18 /cameos' c-'u« d7re'crTetXas- ft? rof /edcruoi/, /cdyco d7re'o"T€tXa avrovs fls rov /ederuof" 19 /eat wrep avrwv e'yco dytd^co ep,avrov, Iva /eat aurot cbcrti' -qyiaap-ivoi ev aX»j- c9c- t'a. 20 Ou 77ept tovtcov be epmrco povov, dXXci /eat nepl rcov d iriarevovrav" Stci Tot) Xdyov avrcov els epe' 2l iva iravres ev coaC Ka6o>s av, rrdrep, iv ipol, /cdycb John XVII. 21. that all things whatsoever thou hast given me, are of thee. 8 For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me, and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from thee, and they have believed thai thou didst send me. 9 I pray for them, I pray not for the world: but for them which thou hast given me, for they are thine. 10 And all mine are thine, and thine are mine: and I am glorified in them. " And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name, those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are. '-While 1 was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me, I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition: that the scripture might be fulfilled. 13 And now come I to thee, and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves. l * I have given them thy word, and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as 1 am not of the world. 15 1 pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou should- est keep them from the evil. 1B They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. M Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. I8 As thou hast sent me into the world: even so have I also sent them into the world. ,9 And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be "sanc- tified through the truth. 20 Neither pray I for these alone ; but for them also which shall believe on me through their word: *' that they all may be one, as thou Father art in a Kec. oi's. 19 eo. irtaTtvtrovrwv. Or, truly suoclified. John XVII. 22. me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that y world may believe that thou hast sent me. 2 - And the glory which thou gavest me, I have given them: that they may be one, even as we are one: -•* I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one, and that y world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. 24 Father, I will that they also whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the founda- tion of y world. '•' 5 O righteous Father, y world hath not known thee, but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me. 2B And 1 have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that y love wherewith thou hast loved me, may be in them, and I in them. 18. When Jesus had spoken these words, he went forth with his disciples over the brook Ce- dron, where was a garden, into the which he entered and his disciples. 2 And Judas also which betrayed him, knew the place : for Jesus ofttimes re- sorted thither with his disciples. 3 Judas then having received a band of men, and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, cometh thither with lanterns and torches, and weapons. 4 Jesus therefore knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye ? 6 They answered him, Jesus of Naza- reth. Jesus saith unto them, I am he. And Judas also which betrayed him, stood with them. 6 As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, & fell to the ground. 7 Then asked he them again, Whom seek ye? And they said, Jesus of Nazareth. 8 Jesus an- 274 EYA1TEAION eV o~ol, iva Kal airol ev rjplv a ev" Zxriv' iva 6 Kocrpos TTKTTfvcyr) on a~v pe dne- o~rei\as. ^ Kal ey&> rr)v hol-av r)v 8e8co- Kas poi, 8e8aiKa avrois, iva uiaiv ev, Kadiis r/pels ev eapev' ^ eya ev avrois, Kal o~i/ ev e'pol, Iva a>crt rereXeicopevoi els ev, b Kai'' iva yivioo-Kri 6 Koo-pos on o~v pe cmecrTeikas, koi rjydTrrjaas avroiis, KaBoos epe rjyaTrrjo-as. Tidrep, ovs 8e8o)Kas pot, OeXoi Iva ottov elpi e'yu>, KaKelvoi com per epov' iva 6ea>pa)o~i rr)v 86^av ttjv epr)v, r)v e'8a>Kds poi, on r)yaTrr)o~ds pe rrpb Kara- fto\rjs Koapov. " 5 rrdrep 8iKaie, Kal 6 Kocrpos o~e oiiK eyvco, eyv," ottov r)v kt/ttos, els ov elar)\6ev ai/ros Kal ol padrjral avrov. 2 fjbei he Kai 'lov8as, 6 rrapa- 8i8oiis aiirov, rov tottov' on ttoWukis o~vvi])(dri 6 'lr)o~ovs eKel peril tu>v paBrj- Ta>v aiirov. 3 6 ovv 'loudas XajBiov ttjv o-rrelpav, Kal eK ruiv ap^iepemv Kal <£>a- picraicov virrjperas ep^erai eKel p.era d>avS)V Kai \apTrd8a>v Kai ott\(ov. 4 Irjaovs ovv eibios ndvra to. ep^o- peva eir avrov, e^e\8a>v earev avrois' Tiva (rjreire ; ° ArreKpidrjo-av airco' 'Irjaovv rbv Na^copa'iov. Aeyei avrois 6 'ir/aovs' 'Eyco elpi. (Eiarr/Kft Be Kal 'lovhas 6 Trapaftib'ovs avrov per' av- ra>i/.) 6 o>s ovv einev avrois' "On eya elpi' dnrjXdov els ra 6nio~a>, Kal erreaov Xapal. 7 7rakiv ovv avroiis eTrrjpuiTTjO'e' Ttva ijjreire ; Oi 8e earov' 'lr/aovv roy Na^wpaioi/. 8 'ArreKpidrj A 6" 'Ir)o-ovs' c Kec. rtnv Kf/puir. d Gli. KATA IfiANNHN. 275 "E-hrov vplv, on eyco eipi. ei ovv epe fore'iTe, acpere tovtovs iirrdyeiv. 9 "lva nXrjpcodrj 6 \6yos bv ehvev' 'On ovs 8e8co prj nico avTO ; 12 'H oiiv trtreipa kol 6 xiKiapxos /cat ol vnrjperai tcov Iov8aicov o~vveXaf3ov tov 'irjcrovv, Kal eSijirav ovtov, 13 Kal airrjyayov avrov irpos ' Avvav wpcoTov' rjv yap irevQepbs tov Ka'id Jesus answered * Rec. add arm. b cv a-xodavnv, e ZX 1 And Acnat sent Christ bound unto Caiapbas, the high priest. John XVIII. 21. him, I spake openly to the world, I ever taught in the sy- nagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort, and in secret have I said no- thing. 21 Whyaskest thou me? ask them which heard me, what I have said unto them: behold, they know what I said. *> And when he had thus spoken, one of the officers which stood by, struck Jesus a with the palm of his hand, saying, Answerest thou the high priest so ? 23 Je- sus answered him, If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil: but if well, why smitest thou me ? 24 Now Annas had sent him bound unto Caiaphas the high priest. 25 And Simon Peter stood and warmed himself : they said therefore untohim, Art not thou also one of his disciples ? He denied it, and said, I am not. 26 One of the servants of the high priest (being his kinsman whose ear Peter cut off) saith, Did not I see thee in the gar- den with him ? *' Peter then denied again, and immediately the cock crew. 28 Then led they Jesus from Caiaphas unto P the hall of judgment: and it was early, and they themselves went not into the judgment hall, lest they should be defiled: but that they might eat the passover. 29 Pi- late then went out unto them, and said, What accusation bring you against this man ? 30 They answered, and said unto him, If he were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered him up unto thee. 31 Then said Pi- late unto them, Take ye him, and judge him according to your law. The Jews therefore said unto him, It is not lawful for us to put any man to death : :2 that the saying of Jesus might be fulfilled, which he spake, signifying what death he should die. 276 EYAITEAION Irjcrovs' Eyw Trapprjcrlq eXaXr/aa t<5 Koapco' eycj ivavrore edtda^a ev a " o~v- vaycoyij Kal ev rip lepio, ottov b i\dvrore" ol 'IovScuot avvepxovTcu, Kal ev Kpvrrrcp (\d\rjo~a ov8ev. 21 ri pe eirepiorus ; enepcoTTjaov rovs aKrjKOoras, ri eXaXr/cra avrols' i&e oi/Toi oi&acnv a eiirov eyu>. "~ Tavra 8e avrov elnovros, els rtov VTTTjpeTaiv rrapearrjKcos i'dcoKe pdmcrpa ru> lrjcrov, enrv padrjToiv avrov et ; Hpvrjcraro eKelvos, Kal ehrev' Ovk elpi. 26 Aeyei eiy e\ tcov bovXcov tov dp^Lepecos, crvy- yevijs cov oil tiWKcru/e Ilerpos rd Hiriov' Ovk eyu> ere elbov iv tu ktjtvu) per' av- rov ; " 7 TLdXiv ovv rjpvrjo-aro d 6 Ilerpos, Kal ev8ea>s dXeKrcop efpwvrjaev. Ayoiicrti> ovv rov lt]o~ovv airo rov Ka'idcpa els to npaiTiopiov' i)v -de ' 7rpcoia*'' Kal avrol ovk eiarjXBov ets to npairiopLov, Iva pi] piavdwcriv, dXX' iva (pdya>o~i ro Trdo-x a - 29 e^i)X6ev ovv 6 UlXotos rrpos avrovs, Kal etVre' Tiva Kar-qyoplav (pepere Kara tov dvdpdmov toxitov ; 30 ' ArreKpidrjaav Kal eiirov avrv Kpivare avrov. Ebrov ovv avrci-ol IouSatoi' Hplv ovk e^eariv dnoKTelvai ovdeva' 32 "Iva 6 Xdyos rov 'ir/o-oii rrXr]pio6r], ov eiTre crrjpaivaiv rrola davdrco rjpeXXev dtroQvi]- o~Keiv. a Rec. add ry. b vi£ovro, iva prj 7rapa$oda> tcuc lovdaiois' vvv fie 77 fiacriXeia rj ipr] ovk eo~Tiv ivTevOev. 3/ TLhrev ovv aurco 6 UiXaTos' Ovkovv fiaaiXevs ei crv; 'ATreKpidrj 6 'irjaovs' 2u Aeyeic, oti fiacrikevs eipi eyco. eyco els tovto yeyevvr/pai, Kai fls tovto e'Aj/- XvOa els tov Koapov, Iva papTvpr/o-io tt/ dXr/deia. was 6 a>v e< Tijs dXr)$eias, aKovei pov ttjs (paivrjs- ^ Ae'yei avTO) 6 IltXdros' Tt io-Tiv dXrjdfia; Kai tovto tiTTcbv, irdXiv i^rfXde npos tovs 'lovbaiovs, Kai Ae'yei avrols' Eyco ovSeplav aiTiav evp/cr/cco iv aura). 39 ecrri fie o-vvr)6eia vplv, iva iva vplv dnoXvo-co iv rco 7racr^a' fiovXeade ovv vplv airo- Avcrco tov {3ao~iXea tu>v lov8ala>v ; 40 'EKpavyaaav ovv ndXiv iravTss, Ae- yovres' Mr) tovtov, dXXd tov Bapaj3(3dv' Hv fie 6 Bapaftfids Xijo~tt]s. 19. Tore ovv eXafiev 6 UiXdros tov 'lrjo-ovv, Kai epao~Tiya>o-e. 2 Kai 01 o~Tpa- Tiu>Tai wXei-avTts o~Te(pavov e'£ aKavBoiv, iTiiOrjKav avTov tt) KecpaXrj, Kai ipdriov Trop(pvpovv irepuftaXov avTov. 3 Kai eXtyov' Xalpf, 6 (3ao-iXfi>s tu>v 'Ioufiat'cov' Kai efii'Sovy avT(o paTr'io~paTa. 4 > E£r)Ac9ei' h otiv'' TrdXiv e£a> 6 UiXaTos, Kai Ae'yet avTOis' "ifie ayco vplv avrov John XIX. 4. 33 Then Pilate entered into the judgment hall again, and called Jesus, and said unto him, Art thou the King of the Jews ? 34 Jesus answered him, Sayest thou this thing of thyself? or did others tell it. thee of me? 36 Pilate answered, Am I a Jew ? Thine own nation, and the chief priests have delivered thee un- to me: what hast thou done? 36 Jesus answered. My kingdom is not of this world: if my king- dom were of this world, then would my servants tight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. 37 Pilate there- fore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was 1 born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth : every one that is of the truth heareth my voice. 38 Pilate saith unto him, What is truth ? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all. 39 But ye have a custom that I should release unto you one at the passover: will ye therefore that 1 release unto you the King of the Jews? 40 Then cried they all again, saying, Not this man, but Barabbas. Now Barabbas was a robber. 19. Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him. 2 And the soldiers platted a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and they put on him a purple robe, 3 and said, Hail King of the Jews: and they smote him with their hands. 4 Pilate therefore went forth again, and saith unto them, >' Gb. oin. John XIX. 5. Behold,! bring him forth to you, that ye may know that I find no fault in him. 5 Then came Jesus forth, wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple robe : And Pilate saith unto them, Behold the man. e When the chief priests therefore and offi- cers saw him, they cried out, saying, Crucify him, crucify him. Pilate saith unto them, Take ye him, and crucify him : for I find no fault in him. 'The Jews answered him, We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the son of God. 9 When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he was the more afraid, a and went again into the judgment hall, and saith unto Jesus, Whence art thou? But Jesus gave him no answer. 10 Then saith Pilate unto him, Speakest thou not unto me ? knowest thou not, that I have power to crucify thee, and have power to release thee ? " Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee, hath the greater sin. 12 And from thenceforth Pi- late sought to release him: but the Jews cried out, saying, If thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar's friend: whosoever maketh himself a king, speaketh against Caesar. I3 When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he brought Jesus forth, and sat down in the judgment seat, in a place that is called the Pave- ment, but in the Hebrew, Gab- batha. 14 And it was the pre- paration of the passover, and about the sixth hour : and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your King. I5 But they cried out, Away with him, away with him, crucify him. Pilate saith 278 EYAITEAION e£co, iva yvuire on ev avrca ovbepiav airiav evpio-Ka. s (^'E^rjXOev ovv b 'irj- crovs e£o>, (popwv rbv aKavdivov o-re(pa- VOV, KCLl TO TT0p(pVp0VV IpaTlOV.) Kai Xeyei avrols' "ide 6 avdpaTros. 6 'Ore ovv eldov avrov ol dpx^epels Kai ol imr)- perai, eKpavyao~av Xeyovres' ^ravpao- crov, o~ravpa>o~ov a avrov." Aeyei avrols 6 JJiXdros ' Adfiere avrov vpels Kal o-ravpcocrare' eya) yap ov% evpio~K airiav. ~' 'ATreKpldrjo-av avrai ol 'lovbalof 'H/zeiy vopov e^opev, /cat Kara rbv vopov rjpcov ocpeiXei aTToOavelv, on eavrbv vibv b " Qeov enoirjaev. 8 'Ore ovv rJKovcrev 6 TliXdros rovrov rbv Xoyov, paXXov ecpofirjdrj, 9 Kai eloijX6ev els rb irpairwpiov rrdXiv, Kai Xeyei tw 'irjaov ' TiuBev el o~v ; 'O Be 'ir/aovs dnoKpiaiv ovk e'BcoKev avrw. 10 Xe'-yet c ovv" avrco b TliXdros' Epoi oil XaXels ; ovk olBas on e^ovcriav e^co crravpwo-ai Kaj'crapt. 13 'O ovv HiXdros aKOvcras 'rovrov rbv Xoyov, " ijyayev e£co rbv 1t]o~ovv, Kai eKadio~ev eVi s rov " (3rjparos, els roirov Xeyopevov Aidoo-rpcorov, E/3pato~ri Be Tafifiadd' u (rjv Be rrapacrKevr) rov ndo-)(a, h aipa Be axrei" ' eKrr)'") Kai Xe- yet rbls lovBalois' ' iBe b flao-iXevs vpa>v. Ot Be eKpavyaaav' Apov, dpov, crrav- pa>o~ov avrov. Aeyei aiirotr 6 IltXaroc ' b Bl. S Ell. add roo t ZX '. ^ Gb. on • Rec. ai'rov. ' f5J Ttov Aoywy rouruir. i P*w rptrri. KATA II2ANNHN. 279 John XIX. 25. Tbv 8acri\(a vpa>v aravpaxra) ; 'A7re- unto them, Shall I crucify your Kpidpaav ol ap X «pel S - Ovk e X opev /3a- ^ 3ft£*jg| an- criAea ei pi) Kaicrapa. i0 Tore ovv Caesar. > 6 Then delivered he irapibcaKev avrov avro'is, Iva aravpcodn. h 'm therefore unto them to be a '\ a & \ \ > T - • . ]. '« crucified: and they took Jesus, a naptXupov be tov lrjcrovv Kai u t]- and led hira away- yaynv." 17 Kai Bacrrdtcov tov aravpov avrov, u And he bearing his cross, >«.-.. /, »i\/ rr i ' went forth into a place called f§f;A^ec6icro!/Aeyo/j.ej/oi/Kpai/ioDTo7roi/, the place of a sku]1> which is oc Ae'yerai 'EBpa'icrri roAyo#a" 18 07rou called iu the Hebrew, Golgotha •- > v > ' * * > ~ j '\ * 8 where thev crucified him. and avrov earavpcocrav, Kai per avrov aX- two olher w y lth hinli on e j ther Xovs ovo evrevdev mi evrevdev, pecrov side one, and Jesus in the fie tov 'Irjcrovv. midst. 19 "Eypaijse fie Kai rirXov 6 UiXdros, 19 And Pilate wrote a title, Kai ednKev em roi aravpoi- lv fie ye- and put it on the cross ■ Andihe ', , « f » T * - < l> writing was, JESUS OF NA- ypappevoV Irjcrovs o Na^copatos o pa- ZARETH, THE KING OF criXevs rfov'lovbaiov. 20 Tovrov ovv tov THE JEWS. s» This title then •> -\ -1 * > ' - 't s ' read many of the Jews: for the TirAwTToAApt aveyvaxravrav lovbaiuv, p i ace where Jesus was crucified, on eyyus - r)v e 6 roTroc rfjc 7rdAecos', ' ottou was nigh to the city, and it was /iei>oi> EppfiiVri, EAAr/wcrri, Pco/natori. chief priests of the Jews to Pi- ;l eAe yov ovv rco UiXdrco ol dpxiepels rwv la te, Write not, The King of >t » ' . n/r'' 'j ' o n. « - the Jews: but that he said, 1 lovbatiov Mr) ypacpe j O jiaaiXevs rcov am King of the Jews 2 , Pi . lovSalcov' dAA' on eKelvos etVe" Ba- late answered. What I have a*rir a>t^,;io.sa/ W v. - wp t ^ ss^aJirS2 , ft5 a a IItA(iTos- O yeypacpa, yeypacpa. a Oi crucified Jesus, took his gar- ovv arparioirai, ore earavpocrav tov ments . ( ar, d made four parts, » T - t\ a \ '« 1 > ~ , \ to every soldier a part) and also Irjo-ovv, eXafiov Ta iparia avrov, (kui i,is coat: now the coat was with- inolrjcrav recrcrapa peprj, e/cdaroj arpa- out seam, « woven from the top ' ' \ * * - '•? ss * < throughout. 24 Thev said there- TKorr, p-epos) Kai tov xircova. rjv be o fore among themse! y ves , Let not XiTOiv uppacpos, sk ra>v avaaev vcpavros us rend it, but cast lots for it, fit' o\ov. 24 el-rrov ovv Trpor dXXnXovs- whose jt sha1 ' be: ' h ?'„ th 1 e „., , j , 'n n « n » scripture might be tulhlled, M>^ o-XLO-apev avrov, aXXa Xax<»pev which sailh. They parted my 7Tf/;t avrov, rlvos earaf "Iva r] ypaCpr) raiment among them, and for \ A~ ' \ '' a «'_ ! my vesture they did cast lots. vXqpve,, v Xeyovaa- Aiepepio-avro ra ^^ things \ herefore the tpdria pov eavrois, Kai ein tov ipa-. soldiers did. Tiapov pov e'l^aXov KXr)pov. Ol pev ovv o-rparioirai ravra eTrolrjo-av. *° Elo-Tr^fio-af fie irapd rco o-ravpco TOV 'Ino-ov f] anrr]p avrod, Kai t] dbeX- " 5 N ° w ther « stood by the , , - » V - ,» 1 ' - cross of Jesus, his mother, and ttd ^70701- *•> Rec. airqyayoy. = Rec. t^s fl-oXetuj o tottws. a Or, wrought. P Or, Clupas. John XIX. 26. 280 EYAITEAION Magdalene. 2e When Jesus 26 'Itjctovs ovv lba>v ttjv prjTe'pa, Kai tov therefore saw his mother and „ a g„ T ; ]v napeo-TUTa ov hycma, \eyei the disciple standing bv. whom r-„ ', ' , f - „ / >'& >/ * i' he loved, he saith unto his mo- ttj prjrpi avrov^ Tvvai, ibov ^ o vios ther. Woman, behold thy son. aov . -7 Eitci Aeyei ra paOnrr]' 'lbov, 27 Then saith he to the disciple, , > „/•>>'>/ «„„„ Behold thy mother. And from V W Tr lP *<*>• K ™ a " \ ««»7« ™JS ,«>P as that hour that disciple took her eXafiev b 6 pa6r]ri]S avTTjv" els TO lOia. unto his own home. ?S Mfr ^ TO £ ro c et '8J,y" 5 'WoOs-, OTL - s Alter this, Jesus knowing , , „ ' ., , that all tilings were now ac- iravTd rjbrj TereAecrrai, iva TeXeicoUr; 77 comphshed, that the scripture yp a d>ri, Xeyei' AfW/O). " 1 2/ceuoc olV might lie fulfilled, saith, I thirst. i r r ' „/. ' ' . < a* \ ' „ *» Now there was set a vessel, iK -eijo <>?ouff fiearov 01 be, nXrjcravres full of vinegar: and they filled cnroyyov 6£ovs, Kai vo~0~a>7roi TTepiuevTes, a spunge with vinegar and put „ 0(7 ' (y(toy avTOV T £ trrouarf ™ ore it upon hyssop, and put it to his r 1 1 ( 3 r « „r~ 7 mouth, m When Jesus there- ovv eAape to ogos o lrjaovs, eiire' ie- fore had received the vinegar, T c\ eo -Taf Kai KX'ivas ttiv KecbaXnv, TTd- he said, It is finished, and he ,» , howed his head, and gave up peocoKf to irvcvua. ^ ^ , , ,, the ghost. 31 Ol ovv 'lovba'ioi, iva ^tr; peivrj eiri 3 < The Jews therefore be- - - Ta ^aTa ev ™ (rappd™, cause it was the preparation, , , " \ * ,9 >' >\ ' that the bodies should not re- enei TYapaaKevi) f]V {t)v yap peyaXr] rj main upon the cross on the sab- £„ e ' pa U e Wvov' rou cra&3arou-) npcorri- bath dav (for that sabbath dav /r r , ^. ., , * "^ - y ,r , - was an high day) besought Pi- 0~iv. 3 " fjXdov ovv S^'tS^ oiarpan&rat Kai tov pevvpoyrov Ka- soldiers, and brake the legs of Tea£av TU CTKeXr] Kai tov iiXXov tov the first, and of theother, which - vo - rav p CO di VTOS avTU)' 33 eni 8e tov was crucified with him. 33 But , ~ *\ a > c * t& > % »/\\>^~ ~\' > oneV the soldiers with a spear '* « aX ^ »** "JPf 1 *™, TO ° u " pierced his side, and forthwith toO rr/y 7rXeupai/ f wge, Km f ipus efy]KBev came thereout blood and water. a f ua Ka J {)§con. ss And he that saw it, bare 33 Kai 6 eeopaKcbs pepapTvprjKe, KCii record, and his record is true, d\ri8ivt) avTov eaTiv f) paprvpia, Ka- and he knoweth that he saith - ?^ 1 i\ a- \ • 1 e \ u true, that ye might believe. «"?* °^ v , 0Tl aX V 6 n }^h M Kai 36 For these things were done, iipe'is Triarevo'rjTe. eyeveTO yap TavTa, that the scripture should be « . ^ -rikrjp^e?]- 'OaTovv ov fultilled, A bone of him shall ' k, ' f > -t 37 tr « <\ not be broken. 3r And again o-WTpiprjaeTai avTov. Kai TraAiv another scripture saith. They { T ep n ypa(bh Xe'yff "0\l/OVTat els OV shall look on him whom they ><. ~ > ' pierced. ^eKevTrjcrav. MeTa s be Tavra rjpaiTrjo-e tov ill- s' And after this, Joseph of \ aTnl , 1> ,'," 'Itorrnfi) ' o" dno 'Apipadaias, Arimathfea (being a disciple of /« «,.'>- Jesus, but secretly for fear of (&" ^6^ tov lrj(rov, KeKpvppevos the Jews) besought Pilate that be bia tov . i-'e. b Reo. avrriv a fiaOvrrn. c ex) kIwv. A Elz. ckhvv. « Rec. -• i cv air' avTow. g Zj h 1j i— * KATA IQANNHN. 281 apt] to cra>pa tov 'lr]pa tov 'Ir/trov. 39 rj\8e de Kai NiKoSr/pos, (6 eXdiov npos tov lrjaovv vvktos to wpaiTov, ) (pepatv p.iypa apvpvt]s Kai a\orjs * cos AtTpas e tott(0, ottov icTTavpcoQrj, kP/ttos, ko.1 ev ra> Kryrru) pvrjpelov Kaivov, ev (i> ovdenoo ovoels eredij. 42 e Kel ovv 8ia Ti]v TrapaaKevrjv to>v 'lovSaicov, otl e'yyi/s fjv to pvrjpelov, e$r/Kav tov Ir)o~ovv. 20. Tr; 8e pia twv o-afiftaToov Mapia rj MaySaXrjvt) ep^eTai npcci, aKOTias en ovarjs, els to pvrjpelov. Kai /3Xe7ret tov Xidov r)ppevov eK tov pvrjpeiov. " Tpeyei ovv Kai i'p^eTai npos 'Sip.cava TleTpov Kai ivpbs tov liWov pa8r)Tr)v bv ev oBovlwv Kelpevov, dXXa X^P^ evreTV- \iypevov els eva tottov. 8 rore ovv eia- rfKBe Kai 6 clXXos padrjTrjS 6 e\6u>v Trp&jrof els to pvrjp.elov, Kai eloe, Kai inio-Tevo-ev' 9 ovSenco yap yfreicrav tt]v ypacpfjv, oti Bel avTov eK veKpoiv John XX. 9. he might take away the body of Jesus, and Pilate gave him leave: he came therefore, and took the body of Jesus. 3 " And there came also Nicodemus, which at the first came to Jesus by night, and brought d mix- ture of myrrh and aloes, about an hundred pound weight. 40 Then took they the body of Jesus, and wound it in linen clothes, with the spices, as the manner of the Jews is to bury : 41 now in the place where he was crucified, there was a gar- den, and in the garden a new sepulchre, wherein was never man yet laid. Vi There laid they Jesus therefore, because of the Jews' preparation day, for the sepulchre was nigh at hand. 20. The first day of the week, cometh Mary Magdalene early when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre. a Then she runneth and cometh to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and saith unto them, They hare taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre, and we know not where they have laid him. 3 Peter therefore went forth, and that other disciple, and came to the sepulchre. 4 So they ran both together, and the other disciple did out- run Peter, and came first to the sepulchre. s And he stooping down and looking in, saw the linen clothes lying, yet went he not in. u Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie, ' and the napkin that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself. s Then went in also that other disciple which came first to the sepulchre, and he saw, and believed. '■> For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise again from a Rec. totrrt. b e*> — Rec. & Cb. om. John XX. 10. the dead. 10 Then thedhciples went away again unto their own home. 11 But Mary stood without at the sepulchre, weeping: and as she wept, she stooped clown, and looked into the sepulchre, 12 and seeth two angels in white, sitting, the one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the hody of Jesus had lain: l3 and they say unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? She saith unto them, Because they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him. 14 And when she had thus said, she turned herself back, and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus. 15 Jesus saith unto her, Wo- man, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou ? She supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him. Sir, if thou have home him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away. 16 Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni, which is to say, Mas- ter. 17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch mo not: for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Fa- ther, and your Father, and to my God, and your God. 18 Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken these things unto her. " Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut, where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus, and stood in the midst, and saith unto them. Peace be unto you. 20 And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord. 282 EYAITEAION avacrTrjvai. arrrjAoov ovv rraAiv npos eavrovs 01 padrjrai. 11 Mapia fie eicrrrjKei Trpbs a to pvrj- peiov" KXaiovcra e£co. cos ovv eKXaie, rrapeKV^rev els to pvrjpe'iov, 12 Kai 6ea>pel 8vo dyyeXovs ev XevKois Kade^opevovs, eva Trpbs rf] KecpaXfj. Kai eva irpbs rols TTOCTiv, OTTOV eKelTO TO 0~U>pa TOV lrjCTOV. 13 Kai Xeyovcriv avrfj eKe'ivoi' Tvvai, tl kXoUis ; Ae'yet avro'is' "On rjpav tov Kvpiov pov, Kai ovk oi8a rrov edrjKav avrov. u b "Tavra elrrovcra ecrrpdcprj els to. orricrui, Kai deoope'i tov Irjcrovv eo~Ta)Ta' Kai ovk i/Set on c 6" lrjcrovs e'o~Ti. lo Aeyei avrfj 6 'lrjcrovs' Tvvai, ri KXaieis ; rlva (rjre'is ; 'E,Keivrj hoKovcra oti 6 KrjTrovpos e'crrt, Xe'ye i avra' Kvpie, ei crv efidcrracras avrbv, eirre pot 7roi> eurjKas avrov, Kayo) avTov apco. Ae- yei avrfj 6 'lrjcrovs' Mapia. 2rpacf>eiaa ev. ls "Ep^erai Mapia rj MayhaXrjvrj drrayyfXXovcra rots padrj- ra'is, oti empaKe rbv Kvptov, Kai ravra eirrev avrfj. 19 Ovarrjs ovv o^/'ias, rfj rjpepa eKeivrj rfj pia rav rraj3(3arci)v, Kai raiv dvpcov KeKXeicrpevcov, oirov rjcrav ol pafir/rai ' rrvvrjypevoi," dici tov cpofiov ru>v lov- baicov, rjX&ev 6 'lrjcrovs Kai eo-rrj eis to pecrov, Kai Xe'yet avro'is' Eiprjvtj xiplv. 20 Kai tovto eirra>v ebei^ev avro'is ras Xe'ipas Kai rijv nXevpav avrov. e\dprjcrav ovv oi padrjra\ Idovres tov Kvpiov. » flb. -ryjf*.eL Z—i~~^\*l ,,tr A again. Peace be unto you: as EipTjVTf VfUV. KaBas^amtrrakK pe_ o ray Fat her hath sent me, even 7rarj)p, Kayo) nepnco vpds. Kai tovTO so send I you. 2 ' And when he elvav eWdnWe /cat Xevei awrols- Aa- J 1 , 311 said j his ' »»■ breathed on J '„ 2t « 'j.- them, and saith unto them, fiere Ilvtvpa ayiov. " civ nvcov acprjre Receive ye the Holy Ghost. ras duaprias, dcbUvrat avrols' av nvcov 23 Whose soever sins ye remit, r r , they are remitted unto them, Kparrjre, KeKparrjVTM^ , and whose soever sins ye retain, 24 Qapds 8e eis en tcov OcoSeKa o thev are retained. fcyfen*. Aifcp* qjkfr K"*^ twle, U Ule°d m Sid°ymuf ft ore fjXdev O Irjcrovs. eXeyov ovv avrco not with them when Jesus came. ol ciXXoi aaQnrai 'EcopaKapev rbv kv- -\The other disciples therefore ,^ r «> ' T > - . >!,' < "a said unto him, We have seen piov. O df einev avrois ^ Eav prj lOco the Lord But he said un(o iv rals \tpcrlv avrov tov tvttov tcov them, Except I shall see in his "\ * a '\ . -A,. HA»*-,,\A,i nr.li dc- hands the print of the nails, rjXcov, Kai jlaXco tov daKTvXov pov etc Md ^ ^ ^^ .^ ^ tov tvttov tcov T]Xcov, Kai paXco rrjv print of the nails, and thrust X elpd pov eis tt]v nXevpdv avrov, ov pf] jjjv ^ int0 his side - l wiu 7rKTrfiicra) 26 Kai peff fipepas oktco irdXiv rjcrav 2G And after eight days, again > d * > „- „„1 «,.,.;;„ ..,,-' his disciples were within, and ecrco ol padr)Tai avrov, Km Qcopas per Thomas with them . thencame avrcov' eWerai 6 Itjctovc, rcof avpcov Jesus, the doors being shut, KtKXc-icrptvcov, Kai Z - r >t - "n ' ' ' cause thou hast seen me, thou *» Aeyu ovtco o It) - disciples, which are not written avrou, a ovk eo-n yey pappeva ev tco in this book . 31 but these are BiSXito tovtco. 31 ravra 8e ytypanTai, written, that ye might believe n ' ' ' « d"'r .-,„ ,'__,,, A that Jesus is the Christ the son iva irurrcvtnpe ort I^trows «mi/ o of God> and that believing ye XpitTTOS 6 vlos tov Qeov, Kai iva iri- might have life through his o-TivovTiS (cor]V exy™ * v T< ? ovopari name. avTOV - , , , 21. After these things Jesus 21. MfTa Tavra ecpavepcocrev tavrov shewed himself again to the TrdXii/ 6 'Ir/trous roic pa6r]Tals eVi rfjs disciples at the sea of Tiberias, a Cb. om. b Rec. add o. « Uec. add 6o.ua. * Rtc. .dd o. John XXI. 2. and on this wise shewed he himself. a There were toge- ther Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two other of his disciples. 3 Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, We also go with thee. They went forth and entered into a ship imme- diately, and that night they caught nothing. 4 But when the morning was now come, Jesus stood on the shore: but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus. s Then Jesus saith unto them, ° Chil- dren, have ye any meat? They answered him, No. 6 And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it, for the multitude of fishes. 7 There- fore that disciple whom Jesus loved, saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher's coat unto him, (for he was naked) and did cast himself into the sea. b And the other disciples came in a little ship (for they were not far from land, but as it were two hundred cubits) dragging the net with fishes. 9 As soon then as they were come lo land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread. I0 Jesus saith unto them, Bring of the fish, which ye have now caught. " Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three : and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken. '- Jesus saith unto them, Come, and dine. And none of the disciples durst ask him, Who art thou? 284 EYAITEAION 6aXdcra-r]s ttjs Tifiepid8cs' e(f>avepaxre 8e ovrws. * Tjcrav opov "2,'ipa>v Uerpos, Kai Qapas 6 Xeydpevos Al8vpos, Kai NadavarjX 6 anb Kava rr/s FaXiXalas, Kai ol roii Zej3e8alov, Kai a'XXoi eK rwv padr/rcov avrov 8vo. Xeyei avrols 2(- pa>v Uerpos' Yndyco akieveiv. Aeyovatv avTco' 'Ep^opeOa Kai rjpels o~vv aoi. 'E^rjXQov Kai a e'vefirjaav" els to ttXoIov b evdvs," Kai ev eKelvrj rfj vvktI tiriaaav ov8ev. 4 Ylpaias 8c fj8rj yevopevqs earq 6 Irjcrovs c eis" rov aiyiaXov' ov pevroi f]8eio~av ol paGrjrai on Irjo~ovs ecrri. s \eyei ovv avrdis 6 , lrjo~ovs' Uai8ia, prj ri irpoo-cpdyiov i'x eTe 5 , AneKpldr}- aav aura' Ov. 6 'O 8e ehrev avrols' BiiXf re etc rd 8e£ta pepr] rov irkoiov ro 8iKrvov, Kai evprjaere. 'F,j3a\ov oiv f Kai oiiKerL avrb eXKvaai io~xvcrav otto rov TrXrjdovs rcov l)(6vaiv. 7 Xeyei ovv 6 padrjri)s eKelvos ov rjydna 6 'ir^croCs ru> Ilerpco' O Kvpios ecrrt. Sipcov ovv Uerpos, aKovaas on 6 Kvpios eari, rov ervev8vrrjv 8ie£a>o~aro' rjv yap yvpvds' Kai ej3aXev eavrbv els rrjv 6d\ao-aav. 8 ol 8e a'XXoi padrjrai ro3 irXoiapta) rjXdov' (ov yap fjo-av paKpav dnb rrjs yrjs, dXX' a>s dvb Trqx&v 8iaKoo-icov,) crvpovres rb 8'iktvov ruiv ix^vcov. 9 '12c ovv aTrejirfo-av els rrjv yr/v, /3Xe- Trovo~tv dvOpaKiav Keipevrjv Kai d\j/dptov eniKeipevov, Kai aprov. 10 Xeyei avrols 6 '\tjo~ovs' EveyKare anb rcov dyj/-apla>v (ov emdo-are vvv. u 'Aveftrj 'S.lpmv He- rpos, Kai eikKvo-e rb 8'iktvov eni Trjs yqs, pecrrbv l^dvoiv peydXuiv eKarbv irevTT)KOvrarpia>V Kai too~ovtcov ovtojv, ovk eo~\icr6r] rb 8'lktvov. Aeyei av- rols 6 'lrj&ovs' Aevre dpiorrjo-are. Ov- 8eis 8e e'roXpa rcov padrjraiv e^erdaai c ev sir*. 1 Or, Sirs. KATA IQANNHN. 28i avrov 2y rls el; etSdrec ort 6 a Kuptdc" eerriv. VJ ep^erat b ovv" 6 'irjeroiis, Kai Xapftdvei rov ciprov Kai Sibcocnv avrols, kcu to 6\j/dptov opoicos. TOVTO fj&T] rpirov ecpavepcloOrj 6 'Irjcrovs rois padrj- rais avrov, eyepSeis eK veKpcov. lo "Ore ovv r)pierrr)erav, Xe'yet ra 2t- pa>vi Tlerpeo 6 'Irjerovs' Si'pcof lava, dyanas pe irXeiov rovrcov ; Aeyet avrco' Nai, Kvpie' o~\) oiSas on epiXu> o~e. Aeyet atrr&V BdcrKe ra appia juou. 16 A«- yet aiirco 7raX(i/ devrepov '2ipa>v laivd, dycnrqs /Lie; Ae'yet auraV Nat, Kvpie' av oiSas ort ere, Aeyet aura) - Hnipaive ra rrpofiard p.ou. 17 Aeyet aurco r6 rpirov' "2ipa>v \u>vd, CpiXeis p,e ; ''EXvm'jdr) 6 lierpos, on eiVe^ atV» ro rpirov' ^tXety p-e ; /cat etVef avrq>' Kvpie, o~i> Trai'ra ot'Sas" o-u ytfcoo-Kets' ort o"e. Aeyet aur<» 6 'Ir/o-ouV Bocr/ce ra 7rpd/3ara /xou. 1S a/j.^f repos, e(d>vvves ereavruv, Kai Trepieirdreis ottov fjdeXes' orav be yrjpderrjs, eKreveis ras ^elpa? o~ov, Kai ciXXos ere £a>cret, Kai oicrei bnov oi) GeXeis. 19 Touro 8e etVe, errjpaivcov 7roico davdrco So^dcrei rov Qeov. Kai rovro eiTro)v Aeyet avrti' AKoXovOei p.oi. 20 'ETricrrpacpe'is 8e 6 Ilerpos' fiXenei toi' padrjrrjv, ov -qyaira 6 Irjcrovs, axoXov^oCfra, os /cat dveneerev ev ra> 8einvi> 6 Ilerpof Xeyet ro Ir/- troi' - Kupte, ouro? he ri ; " Aeyet avrco 6 'irjaovs' 'Eai/ avrov 6e\co peveiv ecus epxopai, ri npos o~e ; erv aKoXovdei poi. - 3 'E|^X^ef ovv 6 Xoyo? oiros els rovs aheXepovs, ort 6 paBrjrrjs eKelvos ovk a- nodvTjo-Kei' Kai ovk evnev avra 6 Irjerovs, John XXI. 23. knowing that it was the Lord. 13 Jesus then cometh, and tak- eth hiead, and giveth them, and fish likewise. '■' This is now the third time y Jesus shewed himself to his disciples, after y he was risen from the dead. 15 So when they had dined, Jesus sailh to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these ? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs. 16 He saith to him again y second time, Simon son of Jonas, lovest thou me ? He saith unto him, Yea Lord.thou knowest $• 1 love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep. I7 He said unto him the third time, Simon son of Jona*, lovest thou me ? Peter was grieved, because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me ? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things, thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him. Feed my sheep. lb Verily, verily I say unto thee, When thou wast young, thou girdedst thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest : but when thou shalt be old, thou shall stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not. 19 This spake he, signifying by what death he should glorify God. And when he had spoken this, he saith unto him, Follow me. ' 20 Then Peter turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved, following, which also leaned on his breast at supper, and said. Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee ? *' Peter see- ing him, saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do ? 2J Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till 1 come, what is that to thee ? follow thou me. v3 Then went this SRying abroad among the bre- thren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto » Ez. XotOTOf. t> Gh. John XXI. 24. him, He shall not die: but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee ? 24 This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things, and we know that his testimony is true. 2i And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which if they should be written every one, 1 suppose that even the world itself could not con- tain the books that should be written, Amen. 286 IIPASEI2 TQN otl ovk anodvr](TKei' dXX'' 'Edy avrop 3eXa> p-eveiv ecos epxpfiai, tl npos v •nepi TovTiAV, Kai ypd^as ravra' Kai oi8a/xev on dXrjdrjs ecrriv tj p,aprvpia avrov. Herri 8e Kal , oi8e avrov oip,ai rov Koo~p,ov ;(cop/)o-ai ra ypa(pop.eva /3i/3Xia. a " IIPASEIS T12N An02TOAON. r PHE former treatise have I -*- made, O Theophilns, of all that .lesus began both to do and teach, 2 until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles, whom he had chosen. 3 To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion, by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the king- dom of God: * and « being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusa- lem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, snilh he, ye have heard of me. 5 For John truly baptized with water, but ye shall be baptized with y Holy Ghost, not many days hence. 6 When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying. Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again j kingdom to Israel ? 7 And he said unto them. It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own rPON p.ev ivputrov Xoyov eTroirjo'dpTjv 7repl ttcivtwv oj QeocpiXe, iov j'jp^aro 6 'Irjcrovs rvoielv re Kai 8i8do~Keiv, 2 «XP' TjsTjpepcis evrei.Xdp.evos rols anovroXois did Uveiparos dy'iov, ovs e^eXei-aro, av- eXr]vra perd ro rradelv avrov, ev noXXols reKpr/piois, Si rjpfpHov reaaapaKovra onravopevos avrols, Kai Xeycov ra nepi rijs /3arrtXetac rov QeoO. 4 Kal awa- Xi(6pevos b "napr]yyecXev avrols, and 'lepoaoXvpcov prj j(u>pi£eo-6ai, dXXd rre- pipeveiv ttjv ewayyeXiav rov irarpos, r)v rjKovcrare poV b on 'ladvvrjs pev e/3d- nTLo-fv vban, ipels 8e /3a7n-icr#//o-eo-#e ev TJvevpan dyi<*>, ov pera iroXXds rav- ras fjpepas- 6 Ot pev ovv o~vveX66vres f7rrjpa>Tci>v avrov Xeyovres' Kvpie, el ev ra XP° V( 9 rovra> dnoKaBicrrdveis rrjv (BaaiXeiav rc5 'lo-parjX ; ' EiVe Be rrpds avrovs' Oi^ iipcov eo~n yvcovai xpovovs rj Kaipovs ovs 6 narifp eOero ev rrj I8ia e£ovo~La. a Rec. add apijv. b Ux. add. fttr ftirratv. a Or, eating together witli tlieui. AII02TOAQN. 287 Acts I. 17. 8 dXXd Xrj^ecrde bvvapiv, eneXdovTos power. 8 But ye shall receive roi dyiov YlvevpaTos ed>' vpds, Kai ;.P ": er a,ter that the Ho 'y „ n f , ' „ c \ \ uhost is come upon you, and eaecrdi poi paprvpes ev Te Iepovo-aXr]p ye shall be witnesses unto me, Kai ev ndo-T] tv 'lovbaia Kai 2apapeia both in Jerusalem, and in all v i i / - - * ' Judaea, and in Samaria, and Kai fur ecrxarov jrjs yrjs. ^ ^ unto the uttermost part of the 9 Kai Taura «Vwc, fiXeTrovrcov avrcov earth. orm>0n, Kai vecbeXr, vtt eXapev avTov duo ' A " d when , !} e had . s P» k . e . n .'",,'„ N ' , „ i„ v , , these things, while ihev beheld, to)v oqwaXpwv avruv. w Kai cos are- he was taken up, and a cloud vitovres narav els tov ovpavov, iropevo- received him out ot their sight. ? ,', >,>,»[ I' lu And while they looked sted- pevov avrov, Kai ibov avbpesbvo Trap- faslly toward heaven, as he (KTTTjKfiaau avrois ev eardrJTi XevKjj, went up, behold, two men stood U * > * . i a st -n \ \ ~ ' ' by them in white apparel, ^ oi Kai einov Avbpes TaXiXmoi, n ,/ wmch also saldj Ye ^ eno | ecrTTjKaTf epfiXeirovTes eis tov ovpavov ; Galilee, why stand ye gazing ovtos 6 'Ina-ois 6 dvaXr}d)8els dd> vpuv U P intoheayen? this same Je- , , ', , « >\ > • sus . which is taken up irom you eis tov ovpavov, ovtus eXevaerai ov i nt0 heaven, shall so come, in rponov e6edo-aa8e avrbv iropevopevav like manner as ye have seen J > > ' him go into heaven. eis tov ovpavov. 12 Tots vireo-Tpetyav els 'lepovo-aXrjp n Then returned they unto UTTo opovs roi) KaXovpevov eXaiibvos, o Jerusalem, from the mount \ c T -. < oa , called Olivet, which is from eo-Tiv ^ eyyvs lepovaaXijp, _ na^ajov Jerusalem a sahba[n day > s jour . e\ov ooov. u Kai OTe elafjXdov, ave- ney. > 3 And when they were Unaav els to vnepaov ov naav Kara- come ia > the * ^ ent U P i nt( ? a " : „ - , ' ' , , ', a , upper room, where abode both pevovres, o Te llerpos Kai laKafios Kai p eter an d James, and John, 'ludvvns Kai 'Avbpeas, QiXittttos Kai and Andrew, Philip, and Tho- c, - -b a \ - - -Kit a - "ias, Bartholomew, and Mat- Bcopus, BapdoXopaios Kai Mardaios, thew,James««6onof Alphseus, laKaifios AXrf]S, and Simon Zelotes, and Judas jcai 'loidas 'laico»/3ou. " ovtoi navres ^brother o{ James. "These •j ' . c . „ all continued with one accord Tjcrav irpoo-KapTepovvTes opoUvpabov Tfl in prayer and supplication, with TTpoo-evvn 'Kai rn Sencret," cri'j' yvvaitl, the women, and Mary the mo- r . .. A '5 - ° / - > r '-. b ' ther of Jesus, and with his Kai Mapia ttj prjrpi tov Irjo-ov, Kai brethren. b crvv' toIs ddeX(pois avTov. 15 Kai iv toTis we/jaw rmmus dva- ls And jn those days Peter eras IleTpos ev peo-(0 tu>v l padr)-cov stood up in the midst of the eineV (nv Te oyXos ovoaaTcov enl to "isciples, and said, (the num- i > « , \ » { in » . ^ her of names together were aim> us eKarov eiKOcriv) ^° Avbpes about an hundred and twenty) dbeX(pol, ebei 7rXrjpu>6?ivai tt]V ypacbfjv 1|J Men and brethren, this scrip- 'nrf^' f,v npoelnejo Ylvevpa to dyiov ^Thichthe H^oZlty Ota arroparos Aauto, nepi Iovoa tov the mouth of David spake be- vei/oue'i/ou 6briyov role o-vXXaBovo-i tov fore concerning Judas, which > T 17 / * „ , » o i » was guide to them that took Irjo-ovv ^ *' oti Karr]piOpr]pevos rjv e ev j esus . 17 For he was numbered rjpiv, Kai eXa^e tov KArjpov ttjs biaKovias with us, and had obtained part ftGb. am. t> ZX ccNJaisXiptuv. d -• e R e c. aw- a Or, Hie power of tbc Holy Ghost comiug upon you. Acts I. 18. of this ministry. 18 Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity, and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out. Ia And it was known unto all the dwellers at Jeru- salem, insomuch as that field is called in their proper tongue, Aceldama, that is to say, The field of blood. -° For it is written in the book of Psalms, Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein: and his "bishoprick let another take. •' Wherefore of these men which have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, - 2 Beginning from the baptism of John, unto that same day that he was taken up fiom us, must one be ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrection. - 3 And they appointed two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Mat- thias. V4 And they prayed, and said, Thou Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men, shew whether of these two thuu hast chosen, i5 that he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place. ' M And they gave forth their lots, and the lot fell upon Mat- thias, and he was numbered with the eleven apostles. 2. And when the day of Pen- tecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 3 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues, like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak 288 IIPASEI2 TQN 18 ravrrjs. *" ovros pep ovv eKTrjaaro \u>plop tK a " pio~6ov rrjs ddiKias, /cat 7rpt]vr)s yevopepos eXdxrja-e peo-os, Kai e^e^vBrj Travra ra frnkayxya avrov' {Kai yvatarop eyepero ttucti tois kci- toikovctip 'lepovaaXijp, coare KXrjflijpai to ^copiop eKeipo rrj I8ia SiaXeKrco av~ tcov 'AKe\8apa, tovt eari %(opiov tuyxaros') "° yeypanrai yap ep fiijiXcp ^raXpatP' Yevr]6rjTU) r) enavXis avrov eprjpos, Kai prj ecrrco 6 kutoikwp ep avrif Kai Trjp eTriiTKOTrrjv avrov XdfSoi erepos. 21 Ael ovv ra>p uvvthBovrav rjp'ip av- 8pa>v ep Tvavri xpopa ep a> elaijXde Kai (J-ijXOev e(p' f]pds 6 Kvpios lr)0~ovs, apt-dpevos dno tov fianTio-paros Ia>- dvvov ea>s rrjs fjpepas i]S dpeXrj(pdrj d(p ijpwp, pdprvpa rrjs apaaraaecos avrov yeveadai avp r'jplp era rovra>P. " J Kai eo~rrjo~ap 8vo, Ia>crr)(fi rov Ka- Xovpepop Bapo"a/3aV, bs eneKXrjBrj \ov- crros, Kai Mardlap. ~ 4 Kai rrpoaev^dpepoi ehrop' 2i>, Kvpie Kap8ioyvu>o-ra ndp- rv eVSe«a dnoaroXiop. 2. Kai ep tw avpTrXrjpovadai ti)p ijpepap rrjs TTeprrjKoo-TrjS, r/crap anapres opoBvpabbv eVi to avro. 2 Kai eyepero u(jiP(o en tov oiipapov r))(os utcrnep (j)drjcrap avrols BiapepL^opepai yXcoo-- o-ai toad irvpos' eKadicre re «p epa eKaarop avra>p, * Kai eTrXrjadrjo-ap a- irapres Tlpevparos ayt'ou, Kai ijp^apro a Reo. add tow. ^ St. & El/.. tK TOltTtt'V TCUV t>VO 6V0. Of flf«X*ifo~o-ais, Ka6u>s to with other tongues, as the Spirit Uvtvpa i8i8ov abrois drrocpfcyyecrdai. ^ ve them "iterance. 5 T Hrrav 8e iv 'lepovo-aXr/p kotoi- 5 And there were dwelling at KOVVTes 'iovSatoi avbpes (vXafifls dtrb Jerusalem Jews, devout men, , „ A f , , , , out ot every nation under liea- Travros tovovs tcov two tov ovpavov. ven 6 Now "when this was c yevouevns 8e rf)c (txovrjs TavTrjs, 'a • A'_. came together, and were ^con- rjXOe re ttX V 6os rat o-vv€ X vdr, on founded ° beca ' use that evpry riKavov etc eKaaros Ti] loia 8iaX(KT0} Xa- man heard them speak in his Xovvtcov avTuv. 7 'i&aTavro 8e a " rat owl1 language i And they were j/i ' v x' _s j\\/\ all amazed, and marvelled, sav- eOavpaQov, Xeyovres 7Tpos aAArjAovs' ing one to another, Behold, are Ovk l8ov Trdvres ovto'i ilaiv oi XaXovvres not a11 these which speak, Gali- ._, x -v - a * •.*-■>' laeans ? 8 And how hear we TaXiXaun ; ° rat ircos ypets axovopev every man in our own ton?UG] e Kntrroj T/; to7a StaXeKTCO rjpaiv ev fj wherein we were born ? a Par- fy«*frl*>, »***.«» MM* tad ^nndfhe n dw d en;rs n inMe a s n o: EXa/xtrm, rat oi raroiKoui/Tec rr)f Me- po tamia, and in Judaea, and o-07TOTaixiav, 'lov8aiav re rat Kcnnra8o- Cappadocia, in Pontus, and i ,-, , > ' ' a ' 10 a ' Asia, ,0 Phrygia, and Pamphv- Kiav, IIovtov rat ttjv Aaiav, - And they were axovopev AaAovvTcov avTiov rats rjpeTi- a jj amazec i, an d were in doubt, pais yXaxTO-ais to. peyaXela tov Oeoi ; saying one to another. What r> 't-.>' &' —> L . » » —X meaneththis? I3 Others mock- l - E£i and a ll ye that vplv yvuio-rbv cVro), rai iv(£>Tio~ao-8e ra dwell at Jerusalem, be this tipard pov. » ov yap, k M ^ ^ wordsr^fo^th^etre Xa/x^dverf, ovrot pfdvovcnV ecrri yap not drunken, as ye suppose, see- oipa toi'ttj Trie fiaepas' 16 dXXa roird ing it is but the third hour of /' "' '»''> r '»j - A.' the day. 16 But this is that eo-ri to (tprfpevov bia^ tov^ irpofprjTov which was spoken by the pro - 'loonX - 17 Kal eVrat iv rats errxdraty phet Joel, " And it shall come < • \ ' ' r\ < ' '_' _„,". to Dass in the last days (saith r,pepai S , X«yet o Oeos,^ « X fco otto tou J?^, wilIpourollt ofm / S p ir it nffu/iards pou eVt 7rao-af o-apica, /cat upon all flesh: and your sons ■Kpo(pr)T(vand , r „ , ' , „ , a' on my servants, and on my vpiov a cvvrrviois evvTTViaaOi]aovrat. handmaidens, 1 will pour out ls xaiye ejrc tovs dovAovs pov /cat etti in tliose days of rav Spirit, and v j. /-, > ■» c < > > they shallVrophe'sy: <> and I ™S SotAas /WW, et/ rats" r,pepais eKetvais will shew wonders in heaven e/c^eco U7TO tov IlvevpaTOS pov, /cat 7rpo- above, and signs in the earth rWeuo-ovcn. ™ Ka \ SWco rkpara iv beneath: blood, and fire, and •_' , „ „ v , , r . vapour of smoke. 2 ° The sun tu ovpayu) ava, /cat o-rjpeia em ttjs yrjs shall be turned into darkness, K dr ■> > that great and notable day of ° 'jMos peraarTpaCprjo-eTai. eisvfioros, the Lord come. 21 And it shall /cat rj creXrjVT] (Is alpa, npiv r\" eXBelv come to pass, that whosoever « WW Kt/pt'ov TJW peydXnf /cai shall call on the name or the , ' '' _ r f u ' 6r]o~eTai. 22 Ye men of Israel, hear 2 - "Avbpes 'lo-par/Xlrat, dK.ouo~a.re rovs these words, Jesus of Nazareth, \ > ' . > T ~. _» xr_/" __~ . a man approved of God among W "* ™ w ™ f ^f^" ™ Nafapaioz/, you, by miracles, wonders, and cwopa airo roil Qeov anooeoeiypevov eis signs which God did by him y - S^daem /cat Tepacri /cat vnpelois, in the midst of vou, as ye ~7 , , ^ . , , "_ , , ," , yourselves also know : "him, ois eiroiT)o-e Oi avTov o Oeos ev pecrco being delivered by the determi- laoiV, Kadios c /cat" avroi otoare, " 3 rov- nate counsel and foreknowledge ~ < / q \ - \ / of God, ye have taken, and by ™v T H vpivpivr) [iovXr^ /cat -jpoyvutTei wicked hands, have crucified, tov Qeov e/cSoTW AujztovTes," Std e X ei ~ and slain: « whom God hath -» a„dpcoi> n p 0cm nkavTes '' dvelAuTe'" raised up, having loosed the £T, 6 , _ , , ~, \ ■ - ■> &~ pains of death: because it was ov o Qeos ai>eo-TT]o-e, Avo-asras wdtuas not possible that he should be T0V g 0ai>aTov," KaBoTi ovk r\v Qvvarov holden of it. 2d For David - a i » » > » k . w speaketh concerning him, I Kpareiadai avTOV^ vn uvtov. » AavtS foresaw the Lord always before -ydp Xeytt eu uvtov' Ylpou>pdopr-v tov ray face for he is on my right Rj j eVijrirfi, pov dianavTOS, on e'/c hand, that I should not be f , " „ < \ /i- moved. 2B Therefore did my Ofgtcoi' pou eoTtf, tfa pr) craAeuc»a) - heart rejoice, and my tongue 26 g £ £ T0VT0 fv(p pdv6n f) /capSt'a ixov, was glad: moreover also, my v ■, NN , ' r t v - / ' « «.J flesh shall rest in hope, « be- Kat i?yaA.Aiao-aro jj -yAcocyrra poy en 6e cause thou wilt, not leave my Kat r/ o"dp£ pov KaTaaKrjVcocrei, en e\-ri8i. i^ine'HoTonr^ 27 , «« o« W^^t ^^ pou corruption. 2S Thou hast made eis aoov, ovoe ocoo-eir tov oaiov aov known to me the ways of life, jg e j„ gtafn^opdj/. 28 eyvmptcrds pot oSovy thou shalt make me full ot joy ,. _ -' ; > j. / ( with thy countenance. C^1 S ' TA~ip<»o-eis pe ev(ppoo-vvt]s pera tov -rpoaunrov o~ov. 29 Avbpes dSeXcpot, ef-bv elnelv perd M Men and brethren, <■ let Trap/Wtay 7rp6f ipdj 7rept tov irarpi- me freely speak unto you of , rl ' . *.*. * ■. ' ^ / r v ihe patriarch David, that he is apx 0v Aayib, ort Ktu eTeAeyTr/ae /cat both dead and buried, and his «Vd " v _ »" £ b „,», of the resurrection of Christ, rr,s avas too Xpurrov, ore. ov that hjs sou , was nQt , eft ^ KciTekeKporf" c 17 yv^i; aurot/ ets aoou hell, neither his fltsh did see d ov8e" n o-ap£ aurot) eiSe dtachdopdv. corruption. »» This Jesus hath ™ ' , »,; , / ', J , x God raised up, whereof we all •'-j-ouroi' roi/ lrjcrovv aveo-TTfaev o &eos, are w jt ne sses. " Therefore be- ov ndvTes fjpels eaaev pdprvpes- ^ Trj ing by the right hand of God ^ > - t ~ q ~ ' i z] > ' exalted, and having received of oe£ta ow rou e«w vf udeis, tt]v re the Father the pro 5 mise of the enayyeXlav tov ayiov HvevpaTos Xa/3coi> Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth irapa tov narpos, e£e'vee roCro o e vvv" * is ' wh ,' cl l Y« "™ see and c - o\ ' ' ? ' < hear. 3i For David is not as- vpets pAe7rere rai a/couere. ° ou yap cended into the heavens, but he AavtS dvefin els tovs ovpavovs, Xe'yet de saith himself, The Lord said > / . -cT f T . ' - < . unto my Lord, Sit thou on mv ovtos Eurev o Kvpioi • ro> Kvpico pov right h^, * unt ii i ma ke thy Kd6ov ex. Setjioov pov' ea>s av dio tovs foes thy footstool. 3G There- e X 6povs o-ov imonohov twv ttoScw ' ' - < an d Christ. \pio~Tov o k)eos eiroir]o~e tovtov tov Irjcrovv ov vpels e'txraupaxrare. 37 'AKOVcravTes Be KaTevvyti(rav rfj 37 Now when they heard this. Si i t / > , '/ '( they were pricked in their Kapbia, €MT> ->/ , T '- V - one of you in the name of Jesus vpav em ru ofo^art lrjcrov XpiaTOv christ.for the remission of sins, eis a Tr / r , L. , t „ the Lord our God shall call. av 7rpoo-KaAeo-7]Tai Kvpios o Beoc rjpav. to And with many other words 40 'Ere'poic re Xdyoi? 7rXet'oo-t s Scepap- did he testify and exhort, say- rVro" «a ^ape.aAet Xe>,- ^^re |^SSSS. fam,t,,U a7ro tt]s yeveas ttjs o-KoXias TavTTjs. 41 01 pev otv b ao-aeVcoj" a;ro<5e|aue- 41 Then they that gladly re- > J, > ~ -j in » ceived his word, were baptized: foi tov Koyov avTov epanTio-Orjo-av' Kai and t he same day there were irpoaeTedrjo-av ttj fjpepa eKelvr] ylrvxal added unto them about three b. om. b rej ot.re eyKart\si(p6i. c Gb. on). d(^ ot . 7e . e Gb. ora. f St. or» \ai Kvpiov «oi Xptorov auTov — Bz. St V.Vi. an Kvptov .ai Xpurvov atrroy. g w Aie/iaprvpaTfi. h ^ Acts II. 42. 292 IIPA3EI2 TflN thousand souls. 42 And they axrel Tpiv)(ikiai. ™ i)o~av be TrpoaKap- SmSS^SISSX: rr« ****** ™* ^w and in breaking of bread, and xai Tjf Koivccvia Kai ri] KAao-fi tov ap~ in prayers. « And fear came TOV Ka \ ra ' ls npoaevYals. 43 cyevero be upon every soul : and many , , - jT>a \ \ ' wonders and signs were done ™°~?1 Y V XV ?°P 0S \ ™*-™ T€ repara by the apostles. 44 And all Kai o~rjpeia bia rwv uttoittuXcov eyiveTO. that believed were together, 44 ; &* < ' ? * \ \ and had all things common! ™»' T « H °' l? ™ "™* W™ ■« ™ 4i And sold their possessions avro, Kai ei^ot/ arravTa KOlva, 4s Kai tu and goods, and parted them to KTrjuara kuli ras vTrdpfceis eTr'nrpaiTKov, all men, as every man had need. > \ > r > \ " n > » > ~ t ~ •. ~ house to house, did eat their rtpowres opoBvpahov evTc* tew, kA«„- meat with gladness and single- T£ ff re kut oikov uprov, pereXdpfiavov ness of heart, 4 ' praising God, Tpo(p Z s i v dyaXXidaei Kai dcheXoTnTi and having favour with all the £/ 47 ■> - \ / 1 \ people. And the Lord added Kapdias, ' aivovvTfs tov Beov Kai to the church daily such as e^ovTes X^P lv ""P"? oKov tov Xaov. 6 be should be saved. t^ ' '/1 * y ' /i> Kt/piov TrpoaeTidei tovs auiQopevovs Kao rjpepav Ttj fKKXrjcriq. 3. Now Peter and John went 3. 'Etti to avro be Uerpos Kai 'liodv- res 55s &?*. >*» -^t * r m» « j* *« ninth hour. a And a certain Tr/ff Trpoo-eu^^s r^y evvuTrjv. ' Kai riff man lame from his mother's dvrip vwXoff (K KoiXias unrpbg avrov womb was carried, whom they t / )/3 / > * > , A A , laid daily at the gate of the vrrapxav ejiacrTa^TO- ov endow KaO temple which is called Beauti- fjpepav rrpbs tt)v Qvpav rov lepov ti)v ful, to ask alms of them that \ ' <-» ' - ? - >-, entered into the temple. 3 Who Aryo/ie^v Sipaiav, rov aireiv e\er,po- seeing Peter and John about to crvvrjv napa twv eicrrropevopevcov eis to go into the temple, asked an j ep(5j/> 3 os i^ v Jlerpov Kai 'loydvvriv alms. 4 And Peter tastemng \,. ,, , r , , , >,' his eyes upon him, with John, peXKovTas fiaKvai (is to lepov, rjpeora said, Look on us. 5 And he e"keri uoawnv *\afi(~iv" 4 aTevtaas 8e gave heed unto them, expecting j-, - ■> > » > - >t ' » to receive something of them. V-tTpos eiff avrov avu rco Icoavprj, eirre BXeyof eiff rjpas. Oft e7Tfi^ez' aii- rolff, Trpoo-&OKa>v ti nap avTtxiv Xa/3eii/. 6 EiVf de UeTpos' ' Apyvpiov Kai XP V " 6 Then Peter said, Silver and (riov ovv vTrapvei uof 6 8e , tovto gold have I none, but such as I 5.-5. > «*» / > T - v have, give 1 thee: In the name vol bibaju. ev tu> ovopari Ir/crot; Xpi- of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, erroO tov Na^copaiou, eyeipai Kai rvepi- rise up and walk. 'And he ^ 7 Ka J ^^y airi „ T a $ . g e ^ff took him by the right hand, and , „ ', = , lifted him up: and immediately X eL P 0! ')y fl -P e ' na P a XP r lH- a ° e eCTTepeco- his feet and ancle bones receiv- Qnaav avrov al Bdaeis Kai ra o-(t)vpd. ed strength. 8 Andheleaping g v >> vv ' * » ' up, stood, and walked, and Ka <- eJaKAopevos eo-rr)Kai TrepieiraTei, entered with them into the Kai elmjXBe o~bv avrols fls to iepbv, a rt a Or, ut hmne. AII02TOAI2N. 293 Acts III. 20. irepinariav Kai dXXdpevos Kai aivwv tov temple, walking, and leaping, 6eoV. 9 Kai flbfV avTov nds 6 Xaos and praising God. » And all the , , % , people saw him walking, and 7re pirraTOWTa Kai aivovvra tov Oeov' praising God. 10 And they 10 eneyiva>o-Kov re avTov 6Vi ovtos nv 6 knew that '' was he « hich sat , ', ,. / a i > \ - for alms at the Beautiful gate npos Ti]V eXerjpoayvrjv Kadrjptvos eTTi-nj of the lempIe . and they were 'Qpaia nvXij tov lepov' Kai £TrXi']0~dr)O-av filled with wonder and amaze- 6dp^ov S Ka\ eWracreco, M ™ ntf- ^gS™* ^ ^ firjKOTi avTa. 11 KpaTOVVTOS Se a avTov" TOV UeTpov " And as the lame man which > > T < 'a _„ , „ ,'_ , v „ was healed, held Peter and Kai laavvrjv, o-vv<8pape wpos avrovs Joh n, all the people ran toge- Tvds 6 Xaos (Tvl Tjj crToa Tjj KaXovpevrj ther unto them in the porch, 2oAou6>os-, cKdauSoi. u I8i>v Be Uerpos that is called Solomon's, greatly , ' , > s \ / » a s 't wondering. '- And when Peter untKpivaTo npos tov XaoV AvCpes icr- saw it, he answered unto the pariXirai, Tl davpd£(T€ inl tovto), i) people, Ye men of Israel, why t - iii). < ■>%> s ' ' * marvel ye at this ? orwhylook rjpiv Ti, arenCtTC, a>s ibia bvvapei V ye soe ^estlyonus,as though fvo~€J3eia TreTroirjKoai tov TrepinaTeiv by our own power or holiness civtov: ' 13 6 Qe6s 'A/3paau Kai 'lo-aaK wehadmadethis manto walk? ,,»„,, J r r i i „ 1J Ihe God ot Abraham, and Kai laicup, o Qfos twv naTepcov rjpuv, f j saac and ot - Jacob, the God ibotacre tov nalda avTov 'Incrovv' ov of our fathers hath glorified his - h » u t> . > ' • a Son Jesus, whom ye delivered vpftf pev irapebcoKare, Kai ripvrjcrao-fc up and demed him in the pre _ c uvtov" Kara npoo'coTrov HiXdrov, Kpi- sence of Pilate, when he was vavTOS iKe'ivov anoXveiv. " vpelsbeTov determined to let htm go. "But „ , ., , , . ~ ^ , , ye denied the Holv One, and ayiov Kai OiKaiov i]pvi)o-acrVe, Kai rjTrj- the Just, and desired a mur- aao-0e iivbpa (bovea yapio-Onvai va'iv, derer to be granted unto you, is v *« » r \ - y - > . 1J and killed "the Prince of ™" \ a PX 1 U 0V TT)S C^lSaTTeKT€lvaT€- life, whomGod hath raised from bv 6 Qeos rjyeipev eK veKpatv, ov yjpels the dead, whereof we are wit- pdpTvpis iaptv. * Kai M Ti nio-Tei J— J-^JU^-j^-^ Toi) ovopaTOS a.vrov, tovtov ov oeatpciTe this man strong, whom ye see Kai ot'Sare, foreptWe to 6'i/oaa atrov- and know: yea, the faith which , , / e' «. > > ~ »» > - is by him, hath given him this Kai rj mans i] 0i_ avTW eboKev avT<0 perfect soundness in the pre- tj]v oXoKXrjpiav TavTtjv dnevavTi ttolvtcov seuce of you all. vpcov. ^ Kai vvv, dSeXcpol, olda on Kara a- i? And now brethren, I wot yvoiav inpdfiaTe, Sxnvep Kai olapvovres fhat through ignorance ye did J _ 14 ' v n < « ' \ z « it, asdidalsovourrulers. 18 But vpcoV la o oe Qeos a npoKaTijyyeiXe^ oia those things which God before aTopaTOS TvdvTOiV tcov 7rpo(pnTQ}V d avT0V had shewed by the mouth of all a - < v i # > \' "_ his prophets, that Christ should nadeivTovXpio-Tov, (nXr^paxrev ovtcd. snff ^ v he hath so tulfilled . p€Tavor]o~aT€ oiiv Kai eirio-Tpe\}/aTe, ia itepent ye therefore, and be fit ro fta\tt i > t- ■ ■> ' be blotted out, when the times OH-w? av eXOaiai Kaipoi avayv£ea>s otto f refreshing shall come from TrpoawTTOv tov Kvplov, 20 Kai dnoaT€iXr] the presence of the Lord. 20 And k Itec. tov .aSeiros x a '^ av . ^ Rec. om. c -» d 'j it,„ u all his holy prophets since the a y™ v avT0V TTpoCprjTuv air atcovos. ^ world began. 2 - d Maxrrjs" pev e " Trpos Toil* irare- 22 For Moses truly said unto „„„" ,?„-„. "r>~, ~-~ n A^i,~~.. ,'...?.. >„, , * the fathers, A prophet shall the P as e ™ €v OTt ^pocp^Trjv vptv avaojr,- Lord your God raise up unto tret Kvptos o Qeos vpiov eK twv aoeAipoiv you of your brethren, like unto {,„£„ fo eue' avrov aKOvaevOe Kara me ; him shall ye hear in all ', „ ' « n \ ' \ r - things whatsoever he shall say ^ a ^ Ta o0 " a ^ a ^ AaArjoT? 7Tpo? vp.ar. unto you. - 3 And it shall come :3 eorat fie, Travel ijfvxT], fjTis av pf] ^SSSRSSSA ™? TOi y^r -* K t ov \ ^ oXo - be destroyed from among the opevdrjarerat eK tov Aaov. J4 Kat Tiavres people "Yea and all the pro- fc o't Trpochnrat afro SauoimX Kat twc phets from Samuel, and those /i >- « >\ /\ \ » < that follow after, as many as Katie^rjS, 0(roi eAaArjaav, Kat » KaTrjyyet- have spoken.have likewise fore- \av" ras ripe pas ravras. 25 iipels h e'are told of these days. 25 Ye are < < w/ - ' j - v ~ * /]' the children of the prophets, « Vl0 \ Tu>v yo \ /■ ' shall all the kindreds of the tco o-rveppaTt crov evevAoyr)6rjcrovTat earth be blessed. 26 Unto you jrao-ai at irarpial TT)S yhs. 26 'Yp'tv first, God having raised up his - , „ , i i v -<> Son Jesus, sent him to bless Trpurw o Bcos avatmjtras tov natda you, in turning away every one avTOV k ", aneo'TeiAev avrov ev\oyoi/VTa of you from his iniquities. ^^ e >„ T $ dTroo-Tpifyeiv eKturrov avro tu>v TTOvrjpiCdv vpav. ^^L & ^V^ e JT 4. AaAovvrav be airvv npbs tov the people, the priests and the ( , , ,, c c - » « "captain of the temple, and the Aaov, e7T(0-TT]o-av avrois oi itpeis Kat o Sadduceescameuponthem, 2 be- arpaTnyos roi iepov Kat ol 2aSSov/caioi, mg grieved that they taught the 05, » S>>*&' » « people, and preached through OtaTTovovpevot Ota to OtOao-Ketv avrovs Jesus the resurrection from the tov Aaov, Ka\ KarayyeWetv ev T / 1 > > » - '. 3 \ on them, and put them in hold "/", avaaraatv ^ Ti)v tK^ v(«po>v * Kat unto the next day: for it was eneftaXov avTols Tas \('tpas, Ka\ i'devTO now eventide « Howbeit.many e 2 s ^prjatv (Is tt)v avptoV nv yap iairepa of them which heard the word, „^ aW \ J> T ■> ' , \ believed, and the number of ')0r]. * noAAot be Tcov aKovo-avrav tov the men was about five thou- \6yov eTrto-TevaaV Ka\ iyevT)8r) 6 aptSuos sand. „' , s . , , ^ J ! / r r 5 i»A tt „o m „ ,„ „,„ „„ Ttov avdpoiv (oaet YtAiades nevTe. D And it came to pass on R , f; »,\ , x \ * a~ the morrow, that their rulers, EyevtTO 8e errt ttjv avptov o-vvax6)]- and elders, and scribes, 6 and val avr £,p rovs apvovras Kat 7rpecr/3vre- Annas the high priest, and Ca- v '- _ > „ e T ^ > iaphas, and John, and Alexan- P°™ « al ypnpparets ets lepovcraATjp, der, and as many as were of 6 Kai "Avvav tov npxtepea Kal Ka'idffiav e Kuc. add ftp. I ZX 8 Rtc. irpOKaTrrfyaiXav. h Rec. CNJearf iHei. i Rrc. om. k Rec. add Iijaovv, 1 CSJ riur. m ?u ev. a Or, ruler. AII02T0AGN. 295 Kai 'laidvvrjv kcu AKe^avbpov, Kai otroi rjaav eK yevovs dpxiepariKov. ' Kai o~TT)o~avres avrovs ev a "/tie'crTTov aadevovs, ev rivi ovros o~eo~- oral yvcdvrov eo~ra> rvacriv vp.iv kul 7ravr\ tu Xnw 'lcrpar)X, on ev ra> ovopari '\rjcrov Xpiarov rod Nafcopcu'ov, ov vpels earavpcocrare, bv 6 Oebs rjyeipev en veKpuv, ev rovra> ovros TrapearrjKev > > r - r '< 11 f ' ' ' evanriov vpwv vyirjs. ovros euriv o Xldos 6 e^ovdeviqOels v(p vp,a>v ra>v b olKohopovvrcov," 6 yevopevos els Ke(pa- Xtjv yavlas. I2 c Kai ovk eanv ev aXXa> ov8evl rj o~oorr]pia'" ovre yap bvopd eariv erepov vnb rbv ovpavbv to 8e8opevov ev dvdpinrois, ev a> 8el croodrjvai rjpas. 13 Qeoopovvres 8e ttjv tov Ylerpov TrapprjCTLav Kai 'la>dvvov, Kai KaraXafio- pevoi on avQpanoi aypdpparoi eicri Kai I8i5yrai, e6avpa£ov, eTreyivcoaKov re av- rovs on o-iiv rco 'Irjo-ov rjaav ' 14 rbv d be " avdpconov fikenovres o~vv avrols eo-rcora rov reOepanevpevov, ovdev ei%ov dvrenrelv. 15 KeXevo-avres oe avrovs e£co rov o~vve8piov dne~\6e~tv, o~vve[$a\ov rrpos dWi')\ovs, 16 Xeyovres' Tt ttoit]- cropev rols avQpamois rovrois ; on pev yap yvu>o~rbv ar/pelov yeyove 8i avrcov, irdcn rols KaroiKovo-iv 'lepovo-a~\r)p prjftevl dv6pa>7ro>v. 18 Kai KaXeo-avres av- rovs, naprjyyeiXav e avrols" to KadoXov a Rec. add rtf. to c*y oiKoiofitu Acts IV. 18. the kindred of the high priest, were gathered together at Je- rusalem. ' And when they had set them in the midst, they asked, By what power, or by what name have ve done this? 8 Then Peter filled with the Holy Ghost, said uniothem,Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel, a if we this day be ex- amined of the good deed done to the impotent man, by what means he is made whole, 10 be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Naza- reth, whom ye crucified, whom Cod raised fiom the dead, even by him, doth this man stand here before you, whole. " This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the cor- ner. ,a Neither is there salva- tion in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. 13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled, and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus. 14 And beholding the man which was healed, standing with them.they could say nothing against it. 15 But when they had command- ed them to go aside out of the council, they conferred among themselves, 1G saying. What shall we do to these men ? for that indeed a notable miracle hath been done by them, is ma- nifest to all them thai dwell in Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it. " But that it spread no further among the people, let us straitly threaten them, that they speak henceforth to no man in this name. I8 And they called them, and commanded d c^j t«. e ZX Acts IV. 19. 296 LTPASEI2 Ti2N them, not to speak at all, nor prj (f)deyyeo~6ai pr/8e 8iddcrKei.ii eirl rco teach in the name of Jesus. ^pari roi 'irjaov. 19 But Peter and John an- 19 'O Se Tlerpos Kai 'icodvvqs aTTOKpi- ^neth^tte^fhtTnthe'S K™ «f** «*«*> W * IM of God, to hearken unto you ecrriv evumiov rov Geov, vpa>v aKoveiv more than unto God, judge ye. udXkov fi roil Geov, Kpivare. 20 ou Sv- •° For we cannot but speak ' , A , «'••»»* \ > > the things which we have seen vapetia yap tjpeis a eibofiev Kai tjkov- and heard. 3I So when they had aapev, pr) XaXeZf. " l Ol 8e 7rpocra- further threatened them, they \_ ' !_ '\ _ ■ > s> > let them go, finding nothing how 77eiX W apevoi arreXvaav avrovs, pr)8ev they might punish them, be- evpicrKovres to 7ro>c Ko\acra>VTai avrovs, cause of "the people: for all men 8idrovXa6v on irdvres edotjafov rov glorified God tor that which ,,,_ , <» . x » » was done. « For the man was ©«"" 6T« ™> yeyoKOlT " cttcoi> -yap qi/ above forty years old, on whom ivkei6va>v reo~(rapdKOVTa 6 av8pa>iros this miracle of healing was > j > * » / < shewed *$ ov e y e y o " e ' tx> o-qpeiov rovro ttjs idaecos. 23 ' AiroXvdevres Se ^X^ov rrpbs roiis 2 3 And being let go, they went l8iovs, Kai arrnyyeiKav ocra npos avrovs to their own company, and re- , , v , a' » ported all that the chief priests «* upxicpeis Kai 01 Trpeapvrepoi einov. and elders had said unto them. 24 ot Se aKOvcravres, 6po6vpa86v rjpav 21 And when they heard that, j i j < <~> > » 7 . a ' they lift up their voice to God 9< UI "7 ,/ "pos rov Qeov^ Kai einov^ Ae- with one accord, andsaid, Lord, o~nora, o~v 6 Qeos 6 TToirjcras rov ovpavov thou art God which hast made Ka \ T > y - Ka } < ^Xao-(rai/ /cat iravra heaven and earth, and the sea, ( , >' , k ,' ,. , , v » and all that in them is, *5 who Ta ev avrois, a o a bia o-roparos Aavib by the mouth of thy servant •> " jraibos (rov elwaV 'ivari e \ ' ' . 26 heathen rage, and the people t6 ^ «« Auot epeXerrjcrav Keva , ttg- imagine vain tilings ? 2,i The pearr/aav ol j3a(riXeis rrjs yf/c, /cat ot kings of the earth stood up, fipy 0VTfs o~vvr)\6rio-av enl to avro Kara and the rulers were gathered r/ > , "\ ' , „ , together against the Lord, and tou Kvfiiov, Kai Kara rov Xpiarov av- against his Christ. V For ro y. "< SwnYfWaf yap en dXrideias ot a truth against thv holy c > - />. ///>'>« -is./ child Jesus, whom thou hast ev r V ™™ 1 ™ V W « 7rl ™ v ayiov irat8a anointed, both Herod, and o~ov,'lr)o~ovv, ov expio~as, Mpa>8rjs re Kai Pontius Pilate, with the Gen- n6vTl0S UiXdros, And now Lord, ™ vyv, Kvpie, evribe eni ras aireiAas behold their threatenings, and avruiv, Kai Soc rols 8ov\ois o~ov pera 5? TJUFSS H l^PW^^anjXaXelvrovXdyovo-ov, speak thy word, 30 by stretch- ev ra> rrjv X ei P a °~ ov eKreiveiv ere eis ing forth thine hand to heal: l a(Tlv , K ' a i Q-nue'ia Kai re para yiveaOai and that signs and wonders may » » ~ '» / - , ' \, be done by the name of thy 81a rov ovoparos rov ayiov iraibos (rov holy child Jesus. 'lr/o~ov. a Bz. add Uvevftart ayiat. b Rec. add rov. c St. 8i Elz. om. OJ AII02T0AQN. 297 31 Kai 8er]6ivTcov avTcov icraXevQr] 6 Tonos tv co r)o~av crvvrjypevoi, Kai inXr]- adr/aav cirravTes UvevpaTos dyiov, Kai (XaXovv tov Xdyov tov Qeov perd nap- prjcrias. Tov 8e TrXr/Sovs tcov Trio~Tevo~dvTcov r)v rj K.apoia Kai r) \ffV)(r) pia' Kai ov8i els ri tcov vnap\6vTu>v avTco 'eXeyev idiov eivac, aXX r)v civtoIs anavra Koivd. 33 kol p.eydXi] 8vvdpei dne8i8ovv to pap- Tvpiov ol anocrToXoi Trjs avaardcreats tov Kvpiov 'lrjcrov, X^P ls Te peydXr] r)v l \ ' ) ' 34 )V ' ' & ' €7rt TTavTas avTovs ■ ovoe yap ei/oe^s Tis vTrrjpxev iv avTols' ocroi yap KTijTopes Xooplaiv r) olkicov iiiTrjp)(ov, TTtoXovvTes efpepov tcis Tipds tu>i> nmpao~Kopevcov, 3 * Kai iridovv napd tovs 7rd8as tiov ano- cttuXcov. 8ie8i8oTO 8e eKacrrco, kuBoti av tis xpeiav el^ev. 36 a 'lcocri)?" 8e, 6 imKXrjdels Bapvdfias inrd tcov airoo-ToXcov, (6 e'crri pedepprj- vevopevov, vl6s TrapaKXrjtrecos,) Aevirrjs, Kvirpios tco yevei, 3 ' vTrdpxovTos avTca aypov, ■jrcoXrjO'as rjveyKe to xprjpa, Kai edrjKe irapd tovs Tr68as tcov dnoo'ToXoiv. 5. 'Avrjp 8e Tis'Avavlas dvdpaTi, avv Sancpeipj] Tj] yvvaiKi avTov, encoXrjae KTrjpa, ' Kai ivoo-fpltraTo drro Trjs Tiprjs, avvei8vlas Kai Trjs yvvaiKos h avTov, " Kai iviyKas pipos ti napa tovs nodas tcov aVocrroAcoi/ e'8r]Kev. 3 elire 8e Tli- Tpos' * Avavia, Stem iirXrjpcocrev 6 2a- ravds tt]v Kap8iav o~ov, •u/eucracr&u ere to ILvevpa to ciyiov, Kai voo-cpicracrBai awd Trjs Tiprjs tov ^copt'ou ; i ov^l pivov aol 'ipeve, kuI -npaBkv iv rfj crfj i^ovcria vnrjpxe ; tx otl 'idov iv tij Kap8ia o~ov to Trpdypa tovto ; ovk i\j/evo~co dv8pu>- ttols, dXXd T lu-ffrj-p. b ;* Or, tu deceive. Acts V. 6. that heard these things. 6 And the young men arose, wound him up, and carried him out, and buried him. 7 And it was about the space of three hours after, when his wife, not knowing what was done, came in. s And Peter answered unto her, Tell me whether ye sold the land for so much. And she said, Yea, for so much. 9 Then Peter said unto her, How is it that ye have agreed tosether, to tempt the Spirit of the Lord ? behold, the feet of them which have buried thy husband, are at the door, and shall carry thee out. I0 Then fell she down straightway at his feet, and yielded up the ghost: and the young men came in, and found her dead, and carry- ing her forth, buried her by her husband. " And great fear came upon all y church, & upon as many as heard these things. 12 And by the hands of the apostles, were many signs and wonders wrought among the people. (And they were all with one accord in Solomon's porch. 13 And of the rest durst no man join himself to them: but the people magnified them. I4 And believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women.) ,J Insomuch that they brought forth the sick ° into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by, might overshadow some of them. 16 There came also a multitude nut of the cities round about unto Jerusa- lem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits : and they were healed every one. 17 Then the high priest rose up, and all they that were with him, (which is the sect of the Sadducees) and were filled with £ indignation, 18 and laid their hands on the apostles, and put them in the common prison. la But the angel of the 298 nPASEIS TQN ndvras roiis clkouovtcis ^ravra." 6 dva- ardvTes be ol vecorepoi crvvecTTeiXav av- tov. Kill e^eveyKavTes eOa^rav. ' 'EyeWro be cos copcov rpicov bidcrTT]- pa, Kal 77 yvvrj uvtov pi) eibvla to yeyo- vos elcri]X6ev. 8 drreKpiOr) be avrfj 6 Tlerpos' Ewre /not, ei toctovtov to -^copiov aTrebooSe ; 'H be fine' Nat toctovtov. 9 'O be Tlc-Tpos eirre Trpos ai/TTjv' Tl otl crvve(pcovi)0T) vplv ireipdcrai to Ilvevpa Kvpiov ; ibov, ol TroSec twv 6a\^dvTcov tov avbpa crou, eiri 177 6vpq, /cat £{-oi- crovcri ere. 10 "E7reo~e be irapa-)(pr)pa irapd tovs irobas aliTOV, Kal e^e^v^ev. elaeXBuvTes be ol veav'icrKOi evpov avTrjv veKpdv, Kal efeeveyKavTes e&ay^rav Tvpos tov avbpa avTrjs. n Kal eyeveTO (poj3os peyas eft oXrjv ttjv eKKXrjcriav, Kal eiri TTUVTaS TOVS CIKOVOVTO.S TdVTa. 12 Aia be twv %eipcov twv dnocrToKcov b eyivero" CTTjpe'ia Kai Tepara ev tco Xaco 7roXXd M Kai fjirav opoBvpabbv airavres ev TTj CTTOO. SoXopcOVOS. 13 TCOV be XoiTTCOV ovbels eToXpa KoXXao~0ai aliTols, aXX epeydXvvev avToi/s 6 Xaos' 14 (pdXXov be TrpoaeTidevro nicTTevovTes tco Kvp/w, TrXrjOrj dvbpcov re Kal yvvaiKcov') lD coare Kara tcis TrXarelas eKCpepeiv tovs ucrde- vels, Kal Tidevai eni c kXivcov" Kal KpajB- (3citcov, iva epxopevov LTerpov Kav 77 o~Kia eTTio-Kiacrrj tivi avrcov. avvrjp^eTo be Kal to itXtjQos tcov irepit; irdXecov d els" 'lepovcraXrjp, (pepovTes acraevels Kal oyXovpevovs vivo irvevparcov aKa- 6dpTcov, oiTives edepanevovTo dnavres- 17 'AvacrTus be 6 dpxiepevs Kal irav- Tes ol avv aiiTcp, t] ovcra cupecris tcov 2abboi>Kaicov, eTrXr]o~8'qo~av £r]Xov, Kal ewefiaXov tcis ^e'tpas e aiiTcov" eiri tovs aTVOo'ToXovs, Kal e&evTO ovtovs ev TTjprj- o~ei br/pocrtq. 19 c'lyyeXos be Kvpiov bia Z% ^ St. fytvfro. c '"SJ K\ivapiatv, ZX a Or, in eTery strert. & Or, envy. AnOSTOAflN. 299 rrjs vvktos rjvoi^e ras dvpas rrjs (pvXa- Kr/s, e^ayaycov re uvtovs e'nre' * IIo- pevecrBe, Kal aTadevTes XaXelre ev ra tepco ra Xaa> Tvavra ra pr)paTaTT]s £W/c ravrrjs. 21 'AicovcravTes 8e elcrrjXdov vnb tov opdpov els to lepbv, Kal edlbao-Kov. 7ra.payev6p.evos Sc 6 dp)(i.epevs Kai ol avv avrco, crvveKaXeo-av to cruvedpiov Kal nacrav Ti]v yepovo~iav tg)v vieov lo~par]A Kal dneo-TeiXav els to decrpooTijpLOV, d- ■^Brjvai avrovs. 22 Ol be vnrjpeTai napayevopevoi ov^ evpov avrovs ev ttj (pvXaKjj' avao-rpe- \j/avTes fie drr^yyeCkav, ^ Xeyovres' "Otl to pev 8eapa>TT]piov evpopev KeKXeio-pe- vov ev Tvdo-j) dacpaXeiq, Kal tovs (pvXaKas a " eo~Ta>Tas 7Tp6 tu>v 6vpa>V dvoi^avres Se, eo~a ovdeva evpopev. 24 'ii? Se j'JKovo-av tovs \6yovs tovtovs o re tepevs Kal 6 o-Tpar-qyos tov lepov Kal ol apx^e- pe'ts, BirjTTopovv nepl aiirav, Ti av yevoiTO tovto. 2o rrapayevopevos 8e tis anr)y- yeiXev avTols b "' 'Otl Ibov oi avbpesovs edeo~6e ev ttj (pvXaKjj, elalv ev rw tepco eVrcorec Kal 8i8do~KovTes tov Xaov. 26 Tore dne/XBrnv 6 o-rpaTT]ybs ; Kal t8ov TreTrXrjpi^KaTe ttjv 'lepovcraXrjp ttjs StSa- \r)s i)pu>v, Kal jBovXeaOe errayayelv e(p rjpds to aipa tov dvdpanrov tovtov. 29 'AnoKpiBels Se 6 Ilerpor Kal ol aTrooToXoi eiTrov' Tleidapxelv Set Geo3 paXXov r) dvdpanvois. 30 6 Qeos tcov ira- Tepcov rjpojv fjyeipev Irjaovv, ov vpeis 8ie%eipio-ao-de KpepdaavTes e'irt £vXov' Acts V. 30. Lord by night opened the prisoii doors, and brought them forth, and said, ' i0 Go, stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life. '" And when they heard that, they en- tered into the temple early in the morning, and taught: but the high priest came, and they that were with him, and called the council together, and all the senate of the children of Israel, and sent to the prison to have them brought. - 2 ButwhentheofRcerscame, and found them not in the pri- son, they returned, and told, ° J3 saying, The prison truly found we shut with all safety, and the keepers standing without before the doors, but when we had opened, we found no man with- in. ' li Now when the high priest, and the captain of the temple, and the chief prie*ts heard these things, they doubted of them whereunto this would grow. - 5 Then came one, and told them, saying, Behold, the men whom ye put in prison, are standing in the temple, and teaching the people. 20 Then went the captain with the officers, and brought them without violence: (for they feared the people, lest they should have been stoned.) '■" And when they had brought them, they set them before the council, and the high priest asked them, 2S saying, Did not we straitly command you, that you should not teach in this name ? and behold, ye have filled Jerusalem with your doc- trine, and intend to bring this man's blood upon us. 29 Then Peter, and the other apostles answered, and said.We ought to obey God rather than men. s0 The God of our fa- thers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. a Kec. add *?K(V 6 0fuc toIs irei6ap)(ov- (TLV (WTO). 33 Oi 8e aKovaavres 8unpiovTo, /cat e)3ovXevovTO dveXeiv ovtovs. 34 dvatTTas 8e tis iv tc3 avvebp'ua Qapiaa'ios, ovd- paTi YapaXiifX, vopo8i8do~KaXos Ti.pt.os iravTi to> Xaw, (KeXevaev e£a> fipa^v ti" tovs d aTToo-ToXovs" TTOlf/trat, 3o etW Te wpbs avTOvs' "Avdpts 'Icrpar/An-cu, 77poa€^€Te iavrois eVi rols dv6pdmois tovtois tI peXXeTe irpdo-aeiv, 36 irpd yap tovtcov tojv rjpepcov dvearrj Geufiac, Xeyav eiva'i tlvo. eavrdv, oi ° irpocreKoX- Xi]8if dpiOpos dvdpchv coaei TeTpaKoaiojv' os dvrjpedt], Kai navres oaoi (TreidovTO «tirw, 8LeXv6rjo-av Kai iyivovTO etc ovtev. '^ peTu tovtov dveo~TT) IouSac 6 raAi- Xalos, tv Tals rjptpais ttjs dnoypafyrjs, Ka\ UTTto-TTqae Xaov ' iKavov" dniarco av- tov' KaKelvos dncoXeTo, Ka\ navres ocroi, eiretdovTo ai>T(a SieaKopnio-Brjaav. 38 Kai tcl vvv Aeyco vpiv, o7rd(rrj;re ano tu>v dvdpdmo)v tovtcov, Kai s edcraTe" avTovs' OTi iav I] e£ dvOpanvcov f] (SovXf) h avTrj" rj to i'pyov TOVTOy KaTuXvOijo-eTai.' 3J el 8i €K Qeov eo~TLV, ov ' 8vvao~6e" Kara- Xvaai k avTO," pi'jwoTe /ecu dtopdxoi evpeOrjre. 40 'Eneiadtjaav 5e auroj" Kai ivpoo— KaXeadpevot tovs dnocToXovs, deipav- Tes TraprjyyeiXav pi] XaXelv eni ra ovdpaTt tov lrjaov, Kai aneXvaavavTOVs. 41 oi pkv ovv eivopevovTo ^aipovTes and npoo-unrov tov avvibpiov, otl vnep tov di'dpaTos 1 " KaTrj^i.(x>8j]crav uTtpao-dfjvai' 4 " Trdadv re r/pepav iv tu> itpa> Kai . r; i> k iXJ — , Gb. avrou;. I Rec. a.U a i -. urou. a Or, believed. (^> ivvijaictls. ALT02T0AQN. 301 /car' oikov ova iiravovTO SiddfTKovres Kai tvayyeXi^dpevoi h)crovv top ~S.pi- (TTOV. 6. 'Ei/ 8e Tals t)pepais ravrais ttXt]* Bvvovrav Ta>i> p.a6r)TU>v, eyevero yoy- yvapds tu>v ' EXXtjvio-tuiv Trpbs tovs 'Efipaiovs, on iraptdanpovvTO eu rr\ diaKovia rjj Kadrjpepivf] at xVP al avT ^ v - " 7rpov vtttjkovov ttj irio'Tii. 8 Srecpavos Se nXrjprjs c x<- l P lT0S " Kai tvvdpecos inoiei re'para Kai arjpe'ia pe- ydXa iv to> Xao. 9 dviaTrjcrav be Tives tQ)V ck tt)s avvaycoyrjs tj)s Xeyopevris AijBepTivav, Kai Kvprjvaimv Kai AXe- £av8pea>v, Kai Tcov and KiXiKias Kai 'Acri'ac, o-v£r]T0vvT(s tw "Srecpdvoy 10 Kai oiik Xa\vov dvTto-Trjvai ttj ao(piq Kai ™ irvevpati cb eXaXei. H totc InrefiaXov avbpas Xiyovras' "Oti aKrjKoapev avTov Acts VI. 11. every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ. 6. And in those days when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a mur- muring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration. - Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them, and said, It is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables. 3 Wherefore brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost, and wis- dom, whom we may appoint over this business. 4 But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word. 5 And the saying pleased the whole multitude : and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas a proselyte of Antioch. 6 Whom they set before the apostles : and when they had prayed, they laid their hands on them. 7 And the word of God in- creased, and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusa- lem greatly, and a great com- pany of the priests were obe- dient to the faith. » And Stephen full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people. 9 Then there arose certain of the synagogue, which is called the synagogue of the Liber- tines, and Cyrenians, and Alex- andrians, and of them of Cili- cia, and of Asia, disputing with Stephen. 10 And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake. • ' Then they suborned men which said. We have heard him k Elz. and caught him, and brought eTricrravres o-vvrjprrao-av avrov, Kai i)ya- him to the council, 13 and set yov et ' y TO oWSpW U eWnirdi' re up false witnesses, which said, ' , i *, - n ' c<-. * /i This man ceaseth not to speak paprvpas ^eudftr Aeyoi/ray Oavdpu- blasphemous words against this ttos ovros ov iraverai pr)para b " XaXutv holv place, and the law. ii For * ' ~ r > c // \ we hare heard him say, that KaTa ™v tottov tov ayiov* Kai rov this Jesus of Nazareth shall vop.ov. aKTjKoapev yap avrov Aeyovros' destroy this place, and shall "q tl 't,™^ ^ Nafcopaioe ovros Kara- change the a customs which ■. , ', , -' i ,,, ,1 , Moses delivered us. '5 And all Aucret rov T07roj> toi/toj', /cm aAAaget ra that sat in the council, looking 'iQx] a rrapedcoKev ijplv Ma>vo~t)s. 15 Kai stedfastlr on him, saw his face > > > > > w_ ; n as it had been the face of an anvurams «S avrov avapres M «i&- angel. £6p.evoi ev rat avveopico, eloov to TTpocr- omov avrov coo~el npoo-omov ayyfkov. 7. Then said the high priest, 7, E^- e §^ the land ofthe Chaldeans, and * ls .Vl" , 1" "" ™ V^' , T ° Tf ' dwelt in Charran: and from e£e\6a>v eK yrjs XaAoaicov, KarcpKrjo-ev thence when his father was ^XappaV KaKeWev uerd to drrodave'iv dead, he removed him into this , • ~ , , „ ' , , , , land wherein ye now dwell. TW Tiarepa avrov, p,fraiKio-(V avrov eis 5 And he gave him none in- T f, v ynv ravrnv els hv vpeis vvv Karoi- heritance in it, no not so much - . 5 \ > «ss > - \ as to set his foot on: yet he Ke , LTe , KatovKebcoKev avra, K\r,povo- promised that he would give it piav ev avrrj, ovde /3^/xa 7ro86s' Kal to him for a possession, and to eVnyvetXaro avra Sovvai els Kardaveo-iv his seed alter him, when as yet ,'( x- '/ >- »j he had no child. avrijv, Kai rco crneppari avrov p.er av- rov, ovk ovros avra) reKvov. 6 And God spake on this wise, c >„>. >\ $ . ' t > r\ ' . "/-> That his seed should sojourn in w EXaXjj(re Se ovras o Geos' Ort. a strange land, and that they eo~rai ro amepp-a avrov TTapoiKOV ev yfj should bring .hem into bondage, JXXorpi'a, Kal dov\6>o-ov(riv avro Kal and entreat them evil four hun- , " ' „ , 7 \ \ dred years. 7 And the nation KaKcoo-ovaiv, err] rerpaKoana. ' Kai ro to whom they shall be in bon- ^ vos £ (dv SovXeucrcocri, Kpivcb eyw, dage, will 1 judge, said God: ? ', * , v , ' ~ r >> x ' and after that shall they come "TCP o Qeos Kai pera^ ravra e|eXfu- forth, and serve me in this o~ovrai, Kal \arpevo~ovo-i p.01 ev roj tottco » Roc, Mu>rrny, 1' Rec. uilj (lt.aa hia6r\Krjv Tve- piTOjxr]S' Kai ovtcos eyewqae tov \craa.K, ko\ nepieTepev avTov rfj rjp.epa 177 oySdiy Kai 6 'IcraaK tov 'laKcb/3, Kai 6 'la/cco/3 tovs Sa>8e/ca Trarpiapxas. 9 Kai oi iraTpiupxai £r/Xa)o~avTes tov 'laiv BXtyecov avTov, Kai eftcoKev auTco X < *P lv Kal o~o(piav evavTtov <&apaa) j3ao-iXeo>s AlyvitTov, Kai KaTearrj- o~ev avTov ■qyovp.evov en AiyvTTTov Kai oXov tov oikov avTov. rjXde de Xip.bs ecp' bXr/v b Tt)v yr\v Alyvnrov" Kai Xa- vaav, Kai 6Xi\\ns peydXrj' Kai 011% ev- pio-Kov xopTdo~p.aTa oi rrarepes T]p.a>v. d.Kovo~as Se 'IaKco/3 ovra c avra iv AlyvnTcp, " et-aneo-TeiXe tovs waTepas r]p.a>v Trpa>T0V' 13 Kai iv rc3 8evTepa> dveyva>pio-dr] 'Icocrr/cp rots dfteXcpois av- Tov, Kai (pavepov eyeveTO tco <&apau> to yevos tov 'Icocrr/cp. u dnoaTeiXas 8e 'laio-r]

V 16 Kai jae- TeTedr/o-av els ' Sv^e/i," Kai eTedr/o-av ev tu> p.vj]paTi, s w " wvrjo-aTO A/3paa/x Tipr/s apyvpiov TTapa tu>v vigov E/xpop tov " Si^ep.." 17 Ka6s erepos, oy ovk j]8ei tov Icocrricp. 19 ovtos KaTao'ocpio'dpevos to yevos fj- p.u>v, eKaKoiae tovs narepas r/pcov, tov 7rotfIi/ eKdeTa to. Spe'cpri avraiv, eis rb pr/ faoyoveicrdaL. 'Y.v co Katpco eyevvrjdr] k Ma>vo~rjs," Kai Acts VII. 20. place. 9 And he gave him the covenant of circumcision: and so Abraham begat Isaac, and circumcised him the eighth day: and Isaac begat Jacob, and .la- cob begat the twelve patri- archs. J And the patriarchs moved with envy, sold Joseph into Egypt: but God was with him, l " and delivered him out of all his afflictions, and gave him fa- vour and wisdom in the sight of Pharaoh king of Egypt: and he made him governor over Egyptand all his house. "Nov/ there came a dearth over all the land of Hgypt, and Chanaan, and great affliction, and our fathers found no sustenance. '- But when Jacob heard that there was corn in Egypt, he sent out our fathers first. 13 And at the second time Joseph was made known to his brethren, and Joseph's kindred was made known unto Pharaoh. u Then sent Joseph, and called his fa- ther Jacob to him, and all his kindred, threescore and fifteen souls. ' 5 So Jacob went down into Egypt, and died, he and our fathers, "> and were carried over into Sychem, and laid in the sepulchre that Abraham bought for a sum of money of the sons of Emmor the father of Sychem. 17 But when the time of the promise drew nigh, which God had sworn to Abraham, the people grew and multiplied in Egypt, ls till another king arose, which knew not Joseph. la The same dealt subtilly with our kindred, and evil entreated our fathers, so that they cast out their young children, to the end they might not live. 20 In which time Moses was * Gb. .,*.. v,i-uj. t' (^ ttju Atyvirrov. c ^y fftT.o e*j AtyuTTTOe. d — * i Reisi o. h Be. E.je/i. 1 f^ (u^oAoyrioe^. o Rec. add ai-rou. It Rec, KwaTft. i Bz. £.(<»- Acts VII. 21. born, and was "exceeding fair, and nourished up in his father's house three months: 21 and when he was cast out, Pharaoh's daughter took him up, and nourished him for her own son. '-"- And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds. - J And when he was full forty years old, it came in- to his heart to visit his brethren the children of Israel. ** And seeing one of them suffer wrong, he defended him, and avenged him that was oppressed, and smote the Egyptian: ' 2i for he supposed his brethren would have understood, how that God by his hand would deliver them, but they understood not. M And the next day he shew- ed himself unto them as they strove, and would have set them at one again, saying, Sirs, ye are brethren, why do ye wrong one to another ? - 7 But he that did his neighbour wrong, thrust him away, saying, Who made thee a ruler and a judge over us ? JS Wilt thou kill me, as thou diddest the Egyptian yes- terday ? 28 Then fled Moses at this saying, and was a stranger in the land of Madian, where he begat two sons. 30 And when forty years were expired, there appeared to him in the wilderness of mount Sina, an anjel of the Lord in a flame of fire in a bush. 31 When Mo- ses saw it, he wondered at the sight: and as he drew near to behold it, the voice of the Lord came unto him, 3 - saying, 1 am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Then Moses trembled, and durst not behold. 33 Then said the Lord to him, Put off thy 304 nPASEIS TQN fjv aarelos rw Qea>' os averpdfprj urjvas rpeis ev rapaa>, Kai dvedpe^raTO avrbv iavTfj els vibv. "' Kai e7rai8evdr) c Mtov- arjs" Tvdarrj crocpia Alyvrrrlcov tjv 8e 8vvurbs ev Xdyot? Kai d ev " epyois e av- rov' " " 3 ojc 8e eTrXrjpovTO avrca reo~- crapaKovTaerrjs xpbvos, dveftr] eiri rrjv Kapbiav avrov (TncrKetyaarOai robs d8eX- (povs avrov rovs vlovs 'Io-parjA. 24 Kai I8d>v Tiva d8i.Kovp.evov, rjpvvaro Kai enoirjo-ev eK8iKr)o~iv rw Kararrovovpevco, irard^as tov Alyvirriov. "° evop.i£e 8e avvievai rovs a8eX(j>ovs avrov, on 6 Qebs 8t,a ^ftpdy avrov 8i8a>o~iv aureus" o~a>TT)plaV ol 8e ov avvr/Kav. lj] oe emovo~rj rjpepq (ov rea-aapd- Kovra, axpdrj avrio ev rf) eprjpco tov bpovs Sira ayyeXns k Kvpiov" ev '(pXoyi nvpbs" ftdrov. 3i 6 8e m Ma>vcrfjs" I8u>v "eBavpa^e" to bpapa' Trpoaepxopevov 8e avrov Ka- Tavorjo-ai, eyevero vr] Kvpiov ° irpos avrbv '" 3 " 'Eyw 6 Qebs t/3. "Evrpopos 8e yevb' pevos p Ma)U(T^s'"ouK eroXpa Karavofjcrai. 33 eiVf 8e avra> b Kvpios' Avo~ov to a Rec. a'tit AyA/.tr aM.Xfioi «7r«* ivari. i Rec. Muiaris. k — » I (^ irvpi tpXayof- m Rec. kl eo-TrjKas, yr) ayia iariv. 34 tScbf eibov tt)v KUKoycriv tov Xaov pov tov iv AlyvnTG), Kai tov o-Tevaypov aiiTcov rj- Kovaa' Kai KUTf^rjv i^eXiadai avrovs' Kai viiv 8evpo, diroo-TtXai o~e (Is AiyvrrTov. 3o Tovtov tov Mcovo-r/v ov rjpvrjcravTO (Inovres' Tic ere KaTeaTtjo'ev dpxovTa Kai 8ikcio-tt]v ; tovtov 6 Q(os apxovTa Kai XvTpu>Tr)v diTeo~T(iX(v a iv" X el P l a 7" yeXov tov dcpdevTOS avrto iv Tj] fiaTO>. 36 ovtos itjrjyaycv ovtovs, woirjo-as T(- para Kai o-qpda iv yjj b AlyvnTa" Kai iv ipvdpa daXdo-o-rj, /cat iv ttj iprfpio (tt] T(o-o-apa.KovTa. 37 ovtos io~Tiv 6 Mooiio-TJs 6 c-iVcoj/ rols viols 'Icrpar}\ - IIpoCprjTTjv vp.lv dvao~Tr)crei c Kvpios" 6 Qeos ,1 " 6K tg>v ab(Xv vpcov coy ipe' v avTov aKovo~(o-6( ■" 38 Ovtos io-Tiv 6 y(vop(vos iv ttj iKKXr/o-ia iv ttj iprjpco perd tov ayyiXov tov XaXovvros aurci) iv rco 6'pei 2ira Kai tcov TTOTfpcov r)pibv, bs i8(£aTO Xoyia £a>VTa Sovvai r)plv. 39 to ovk r)8(Xr]o~av vwrjKooi yevecrSai ol iraT(p(s i]pcov, aXX cnrwo-avTO, Kai io-Tpa(f)T]o~av Tals Kap- blais avTwv els A'lyvTTTOV, 40 eiVtWey rco 'Aap6>v' UoiTjaov rjplv Oeovs oi TTpoiropevo-ovrai rjpav' oyap Mco vo~rjs" ovtos, bsi£r)yayev r)pds ('k yrjs AlyvnTov, ovk o'ihaptv ri yiyovev ai/raj" 41 Kai ipoo-xonotrjcrav iv Tals rjpipais eWiVaic, Kai dvrjyayov 8vo~iav rco eiScoAco, Kai fvKfv avTovs Xarpevecv ttj arpaTid tov ovpavoi/' Kadcos yiypanTai iv /3i'/3Acp twv TTpocprjTav' Mr) o~(pdyia Kai dva'tas irpoo-qviyKaTi poi (ttj TecrcrapaKOfra iv tj] eprjpcp, oikos IcrparjA ; Kai ave- Xa/3fTe tt)v o-kt)vt)v tov MoXox, Kai to Acts VII. 43. shoes from thy feet: for the place where thou standest, is holy ground. 3i I have seen, I have seen the affliction of my people which is in Egypt, and I have heard their groaning, and am come down to deliver them: and now come, I will send thee into Egypt. 35 This Moses whom they re- fused, saying, Who made thee a ruler and a judge ? the same did God send to he a ruler and a deliverer, by the hands of the angel which appeared to him in the bush. 36 He brought them out, after that he had shewed wonders and signs in the land of Egypt, and in the Red sea, and in the wilderness forty years. 3; This is that Moses which said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, » like unto me: him shall ye hear. 38 This is he that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel, which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles, to give unto us. 39 To whom our fathers would not obey.bui thrust Aim from them, and in their hearts turned back again into Egypt, 40 saying un- to Aaron, Make us gods to go before us. For as for this Moses, which brought us out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him. 4I And they made a calf in those days, and offered sacrifice unto the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their own hands. 42 Then God turned, and gave them up to worship the host of heaven, as it is written in the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel, have ye offered to me slain beasts, and sacrifices, by the space of forty years in the wil- derness? " 3 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and • re* ovr, b Rec. AtyvTTTOv. C ^J d Rec. add vpaiy. e — • t Mw<77j;« 21 Or, as ujysflf. Acts VII. 44. 306 IIPASEI2 TQN the star of your god Remphan, ao~rpov rov 0tov vpav a Pepcpdv," rovs figures which ye made, to wor- Tvnovs ovs ^oina-are Trpoo-KWfTiv air- ship them: and I will carry you „ x J , „ , r , „ away beyond Babylon. tois' Kai peroiKico upas tirtKetva tsapv- Xcoi/os. 44 Our fathers had the taber- ** *H o-ktjvt) rov paprvpiov r/v h ev" speaking unto Moses, that he bierd^aro 6 XttXoif tu c Mu>V(rfj, Tvoiijcrai should make it according to a £« KaTa TQV T ^ v <„ lapaW 45 fiu the fashion that he had seen. , ' , , s, s. > ' < > 45 Which also our faihers that Kai fiarj-yayov CiaOe^apepoi 01 irarepes came after, brought in with npcov uera 'ineroO eV ri; KaracrxeVei r <°v Jesus into the possession of the >/i - t "/■ ' a '> '_> ' .. Gentiles, whom God drave out «w»"» v, eoj? Ta>f tjpepiov unto the days of David, 4 « who A *§. 46 « J < „ e '„0Mrioi/ ToC found favour before God, and „ , , , " A f r_ f desired to find a tabernacle for ©eou, /cat jjrrjo-aro tvpeiv (TKrjveopa TO the God of Jacob. 47 But Solo- Geco 'Iokw^. 47 SoXo/icof fie coKoboprjaev mon built him an house. 48 How , ',. •? 48 >w> > ' '" I ! beit the most High dwelleth not avrco oikov. " aA\ oi;* o u^to-ros- ei> in temples made with hands, as ^f£po7roir;roic d " KaroiKel, KaBcos 6 irpo- saith the prophet, 4 » heaven is . - ^ 49 < Q ty, aw 5 f „ ot fydVo?, mv throne, and earth is my f ' ' _ r ' ,. „ r .„ " r , ' footstool: what house will ye JJ 06 yrj vttottoOiov rcov iroba>v pov' troiov build me, saith the Lord ? or £ K0 „ l KO Soar]0-eT€ „oi : Xe'y« Kvptoc* what is the place of my rest ? * , ,''„ r , ' , ' so Hath not my hand made all V ns y ^ ™js ^ Karanavo-fas pov , these things ? 50 oi^ t 17 X e 'P r tov eirolr)o~e ravra rvdvra ; si Ye stiffnecked and uncir- 51 2ic\r)poTpcixrp\oi, Kal dnepirpTjroi cumcised in heart, and ears, ye - Kap Q[ a Ka \ rols waiv, vueTs del ro3 do alwavs resist v Holy Ghost? ' ' / r ' ~ , / > » < 'e as your' fathers did, so do ye. Uvfvpan ra ayico aVTUTtirrere, (OS 01 W Which of the prophets have trartpes vpwv Ka\ vpels- 6 " TiVa tojv "na ^SSUESSSh ^«^" °- ^ av °< ^epr^u; shewed before of the coming of /cat tmeKreivav rovs irpoKarayyeiAavTas the Just One of whom ye have ^ - ? i\ fv /-. * > 'A. \ ' t 6 ' ayyeXcov, Kai ovk e(pv\a^are. 5 4 When they heard these bi 'Akovovtss fie ravra, dienpiovro things, they were cut to the Ta l s /capSiacs avruiv, Kal '4fipv)(ov rovs heart, and thev gnashed on him >&/ »>>/ 65 r/ &* \~ wiih their teeth. « But he obovras en avrov.^ vnap X r t> - > \ > > » '. /■ - and the Son of man standing on vavs, Kairov viovrov avdpconov (K de£ivf] peyaXy, o~vve- " Then they cried out with a-yov to. j > , cij \ ' a \ i ears, and ran upon him with one dvpabov en avTOV' Kai eKJJaXovTes accord, 5s and cast him out of e£co Trjs TrdXecoc, eXidofioXovv. Kai ol 'he city, and stoned him: and i i 'a > ' i ' - the witnesses laid down their paprupes^ anedevTO ra ipaTia avrcov clothes at a young man>s feet> napa tovs nobas veavlov KaXovpevov whose name was Saul. 59 And ZaiXov, 59 Kai ekidofaXovv rbv Srecia- ihe ? st ° ned Stephen, calling , ' . , v •» - tr' upon God, and saving, Lord vov, eniKaXovpevov Kai Xeyovra' Kvpie Jesus receive my spirit. 60 And 'lno-ov, 8t£at to nvei/pd uov. 60 Get? he kneeled down, and cried with £ v » , » /■ 1 - i\ . it ' a loud voice, Lord lay not this de TayovaTa,eK P afr ' unto his death. 8. SavAoy oe fjv avvevboKcov tt, avaipe- o~ei avrov. And at that time there 'Eyevero Be t, eW ? tj, tyfr** 3^^^^ j£ ypos p-eyas em tt,v eKKAyaiav tt,v ev rusalem, and they were all 'lepoaoXiuois- names re bie T » , x' the regions ot Judaea, and Sa- hara ras x^pas ™/s lovbaias Kai Zapa- mariai except the apostles. pelas, nXnv tcov dnoaToXav. 2 crvvcKO- 2 And devout men carried Ste- 5> > . 3 As for Saul, he made havock 3 ZaiXos oe eXvpaiveTO tt,v e/c/cXncriaV, of the u church - /T^ s int ° , , „ ' , { ' / every house, and haling men Kara tovs oikovs eicrnopevopevos, avpoiv and women, committed them re livbpas /cat yvvaiKas napeb'ibov els t0 prison. a. \ ' * Therefore they that were (pvAOKijv. ^ ^ ^ scattered abroad, went every Ot pev ovv biaanapevTes hir,X6ov, where preaching the word. evayyeXittue vol tov Xoyov. * QlXinnos * Th f n ™ lip ^ ent down 1° fc\-\/i\i n. - ^ i t ne clt y of Samaria, & preach- oe KaTeX&oov eis noXlv ttjs Zapapeias, ed Christ unto them. 6 And the eKr)pvo-o~ev avTois tov Xpiarov. 6 npov- people with one accord gave - , t m \ - n ' r v heed unto those things which 61*01/ re oi oxXoi tois Xeyopevois vno Philip spake, hearing and see- Toil QiXinnov 6po6vpa8ov, ev rco aKOveiv ing the miracles which he did. avrovc Kai fiXeneiv to. v exovraiv nvevpara many that were possessed with aKa&apTa, BocovTa (hcovr, ueyaXTj e£rip- them : and man y taken witn . w \ »> \ \ ' \ palsies, and that were lame, Xero noXXoi be napaXeXvpevoi Kai x^- were healed. « And there was Xoi e8epanev6rjo-av. s ko\ eyeveTO X a P a & re at joy in that city. „„'),_ ' _" —jn.' ,','„ 9 But there was a certain peyaXr, ev rr; TroAei eKeivr,. ^ _ man caUed simon whjch be . Avrjp Oe tis ovopaTi 'S.ipcov npov- foretime in the same city used 7rf)pvei/eVrn7ro'Xei uayevcov /cai etiaTuv sorcery and bewitched the peo- ■> "2 » «» i \ ' * < pie of Samaria, giving oui that to etivos tt)s Zapapeias, Xeycov eivai Tiva himself was some great one. eavTov peyav' 10 w npoo-e"ix ov a navres" 10 To whom they all gave heed Acts VIII. 11. 308 LTPASEI2 TON from the least to the greatest, utto piKpov ecos peyaAov, AeyovTes' saying, This man is the great oir6 ■ « Sivauis tov Qeov n power of God. " And to him , „ ' , n - they had regard, because that a KaAovpevr) peyaArj. Upoaei^ov of long time he had bewitched fe avrw, Bia to Uava) \povco rais ua- them with sorceries. ls But , ' > * / ' , nr t ' 12 « n *, » when they believed Philip y«a« eff(TTa#cevat aurouc. « ore be preaching the things concerning e'nio'Tevo-av ra Qikinna) evayye\i£opevco Jlaa^fj^u.'SSfth^wSS "™>r &£**** roi&oiKal baptized, both men and women, tov ovu/xaros c lqaov Xpiarov, epanTi- " Then Simon himself believed Covto avBpes re Kal yvva'iKes. 13 6 Be also: and when he was baptized, 2,/ I T > \ > 1 \ a he continued with Philip, and 2t/xcoi/ Km avTOS enio-Tevo-e,Kai Pcittti- wondered, beholding the mira- aaels rjv TrpocrKaprepci)V Te- yaka' yivopepa" i^iararo. 14 Now when the apostles u 'Aicovo-auTes Be ol ev 'lepoo~o\vpois which were at Jerusalem, heard anoaTokoi, on BeBeKTai 17 ^aaapeiarov that Samaria had received the ../ - _, - » 1 \ \ > word of God, they sent unto ^oyov tov Qeov, aTreareiAav Trpos av- them Peter and John. 16 Who tovs tov JJerpov Kal 'Icodvvrjv' 15 olrives when they were come down. _ qz ' f- * >_~ prayed for them that they might <^apavTe S irpoa^avro irepi : oww, receive the Holy Ghost. l6 (For otto)? Aapu>ai Hvevpa ayiov. ' OV7T&) as yet he was fallen upon none -yAn 2„ e y ohBevl ovtcov eWeTrroxcoc, 01 them : only they were bap- / », \ o o » r ~ » « tized in the name of the Lord P ovov ° € ptpaTTTurptvoi vnrjpxov ets to Jesus.) " Then laid they their ovopa Toil Kvpiov 'lrjaov. 17 Tore ene- hands on them, and they re- 'a * " '_' ' ? v '\ ' ceived the Holy Ghost. Tie ° vv TCls X"P a * e7r civtovs, Kat eXap.- (iavov Hveipa ayiov. 18 8 'I§o)j/" Be 6 "2ipu>v, OTi Bid rr/c 18 And when Simon saw that eTTideo-ecos tcov ^eipcov tQjv cltyoo-toKuiv given, he ofTered them monev, avTOis xP r lP- aTa ' AeymV AoTe Kap.01 M saying Give me also this r A„ eZovcrLau Tavrnv, ha oj h edv" emdco power, that on whomsoever I < ~ \ a> tt' - « lay hands, he may receive the Tas X* l P as \ ™p.pavp Uvevpa ^ ayiov. Holy Ghost. -° But Peter said 20 TIeTpos Be eine 7Tpos axiTov' To apyv- unto him, Thy money perish > ' " » 2_ '"\ " with thee, because thou hast P^ am v KT aaBai. " x ovk eaTi aoi aepls -' 1 hou hast neither part nor r , v ,. , - .. , / r '« lot in this matter, for thy heart ovde KArjpos ev Tcp Aoyw tovtoi. t] yap is not right in the sight of God. KapBla aov ovk eo-Tiv evdela ' evimiov' ? ! Repent therefore of this thy - <-» - 22 ' » '_> wickedness, and pray God, if tov Qeov. peravorjo-ou ovvaito rrjs perhaps the thought of thine KaKias o~ov TavTrjs, Kal BerjdrjTi tov heart may be forgiven thee, k GeoC," « lipa dtbedno-crai (Toi 17 enivoia '- tor 1 perceive that thou art *» r «.', , \ , in the gall of bitterness, and in ttjs Kapbtas aov. "' etc yap x^W 7Tl - the bond of iniquity. ?» Then (cp/ac Kal avuBeo-pov dBiKtas opaj r/e ovra. a Rpc. ora. o ZX c Rec. iidd tow. d Rec. i'wiki xai ''«hiiimi; /ifyaXa; ynoju-a;. e ^J * cxy oviiTTium S Rec. Oeaera^tfoj'. b St. av. i Gb. tyavn. k (^ Kvptov. ALT02T0AQN. 309 Acts VIII. 35. 24 ' AiroKpidels be 6 2iua)v fine' Aer}#r/Te answered Simon, and said, Pray c - t i > - _ < « ir',_,_„ ;i_.,.„ ye to the Lord for me, that none v/i6W vTrep e/*ou Trpor tok Kuptw, ottcos- J f these thingg which ye haye prjbev ink\6r] e'n epe aiv eiprjKOTe. spoken, come upon me. 25 Ot peu ovv 8iafj.apTvpaiJ.evoi Ka\ XAfem .fc \6yov tov Kvpiovvve- J^J$££*Z™ arpe-yav eis Iepovora\i]p, 7ro\\as re f the Lord, returned to Jeru- KV 'Avdo-rr)6i Kal nopev- » _ »»'„.. .,'_*. _J... £%>.,. ~-i.„ 26 And the angel of the Lord ou Kara peo-rjpfipiav, em ttju obov T r,u spake untoPhmpiSaving>Arisei KaTafiaivovo~av airo Iepovo~a\r)p. eis and go toward the south, unto TdtaV avrv ecrTiv eprjuos. 2r Kal the way that goeth down from » * » i ' /* \ ts \ i \ a ->ni i Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is avao~Tas eTTopevQrj- Kai ibov, avrjpAiOLO^r desert> rjv re imo- charge of all her treasure, and ' ,, \ a' > » - t had come to Jerusalem for to o-Tpeqjwv Kai Katnffievos em tov appaTos wors hi p , 28 was returning, and aiiTov, Kal dveyivoocTKe Tov TrpodjfjTtjv sitting in his chariot, readEsaias ctt * the prophet. Ho-aiav. r r 29 E?7re be to Hvevpa tco $i\iTrira> m Upoo~e\6e Kal KoXhrjdrjTi r<» appaTi tovt(0. 30 IIpoo-bpap. 32 n 8e man should guide me? And he x .~ 4 i * # desired Philip, that he would neptoxn rr/s ypaqbris rp> aveyivaxTKev, come up> ^j sit with him . ^1/ aurr/" 'Qr Trpoftarov em cr(f)ayT]v 3i The place of the scripture, ros auroi' a(p ~ » ii \ *v \ his mouth: 33 in his humilia- r] Kpio-is avTOV T)ptir),^Triv be yeveav tioll) his judgment was taken axiTOV tic fitnyr/o-erai ; oti a'Lperai drrb away : and who shall declare -fv\>~34>« £0 , s. v his generation ? for his life is tijp yijs r, frrjavTov AnoKpiOeis Se tak / n from (he eanh 3 4 And 6 eiivoi)(os T(5 4>tXi7r7rG) eine' Aeopai the eunuch answered Philip, orov, nepl Tivoso npo^T y \eyec roO- ^tAl^X^^ot to; nepi eavTOv, rj irept eTepov twos; himself, or of some other man ? 35 'Avoigas be 6 QiXimros to erTopa 3i Then Philip opened his Acts VIII. 36. mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus. 3I > And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water, what doth hinder me to be baptized ? 3? And Philip said, If thou be- lievest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered, and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. 38 And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip, and the eunuch, and he bap- tized him. 39 And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more : & he went on his way rejoicing. 4U But Philip was found at Azotus: and pass- ing through he preached in all y cities, till he came to Csesarea. 9. And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of y Lord, went unto y high priest, 2 and de- sired of him letters toDamascus, to y synagogues, y if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem. 3 And as he journeyed he came near Damascus, and sud- denly there shined round about him a light from heaven. 4 And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul.why persecutest thou me ? 5 And he said, Who art thou Lord ? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecut- est : it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. B And he trembling and astonished, said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do ? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do. 7 And the men which journeyed with him, stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man. 8 And Saul 310 nPASEIS TQN avrov, Ken dp^apevos dnb rr)s ypcKprjs ravrtjs, ev-qyyekiaaTO airm tov lrj- crovv. 36 D.S he enopevovro Kara rr)v 6hov,r)\- 8oV (TTl TL vdcop' Kai (prjCTlV 6 6VVOV%OS' 'lhovvha>p' ri KooAvei, pe ftanTio~6r]vaif" Kai eKeAevae o~rr]vai to appa Kai Karef5rjo~av dptporepoi els to i/haip, o re tfriXiTTTros Kai 6 evvoi>xos' Kai e/3a7rn- crev avrov. 39 ore he dveftr/o-av e'< tov vharos, TLvevpa Kvpiov r)prtao-e tov QiXittttov' Kai ovk eihev avrov ovKeri 6 evvoii^os, erropevero yap ttjv ohbv avrov Xaipuv. 40 QiXittttos Se evpedrj els ' A(u>rov' Kai hiep%6pevos evr)yye\i£ero ras noXeis 7Tao-as, ews Toi> e\6eiv aiirbv els Kaio~dpeiav. 9. O Se SavAo? en eprrveav dneikTJs Kai (povov els rovs pa$rjras tov Kvpiov, rrpoo~e\6u>v ra dp)(iepel, r)rr)o~aro nap avrov eniaroXas eis Aapao~Kov Trpos ras o~vvaycx>yas, ottoos eav rivas evprj tj)s bhoii b'vTas avhpas re Kai yvva'iKas, heheptvovs ayayrj els lepov- craArjp. 3 'Ev Se no TropevecrOai, eyevero avrov eyyi£eiv rfj Aapao~Ka>, Kai e^aicpvrjs ne- piT]o~Tpay\rev avrov eij li 0X175 ttjj itapSias, eFflorti'. Ajrovotfletf ie ei7ri* IltffTevoj tov vtoy tou ©tow sicai tov Irjaovv XpiVTav. h Zt c Rec, irtcXrjpov (rot -irpof o-vrpa AasTtCctv. 6 Tptpuiv T« nat au,.,i'.ur etTfe" Kvpte, T* /*« 9*Xf*s irotrjaat ; Kai o Kv/jioj xpoc a»T0r. * C^y (CE9(, AII02T0AQN. 311 Acts IX. 20. dno rrjs yrjs' dveayfieVCOV be rwv o(pt)a\- arose from the earth, and when u5>vavrov,ovbevae'p-Xen€,xeipaya>yovv- his e ? es ^'f °P e,1 f d : ^ saw ™ . \ ', , , , ' , i>o man: but thev led him by Tec be avrov eiar]yayov eis AapaaKOv. the hand, and brought him into 9 Kal nv iWpac rods ixn BXe7ra>v, Kal Damascus. » And he was three , „, ''',$*» days without sight, and neither ovk eCpayev ovbe eniev. ^ ^ _ did eat, nor drink. 10 7 Hi/ be Tis [JiadrjTrjS ev AapaaKa io And there was a certain ovoaart 'Avavias, Kal etVe irpos avrov 6 disciple at Damascus, named „r if/ . >. / «/-»»»» Ananias, and to him said the Kvpios ev opapan Avavia. O be eirrev Lord in a vision. Ananias. And 'ibov ey \ a ' » > a ' _ > ; . ,7 .„ man named Ananias, coming etcreXcWa km ori&imi avr/■ ' \ - > rusalem: IJ and here he hath km ojSe e X ei e^ovaiav irapa rcov up- authority from the chief priests, X<.epea>v, brjo-ai Trdvras rovs eniKaXov- to bind all that call on thy pevovs to ovopd trav. 15 Ewre 8e npbs na ' ne ; . " 5 ul „, lhe Lorc ' sa ' d ",,,," , „ ", unto him, Gothvwav: for he avrov o Kvpios' liopevov, OTt aKevos is a chosen vessel unto me, to CKXoyrjs poi earlv ovros, tov j3ao-rdo-ai "ear my name before the Gen- \ a , > , in - \ a tiles, and kings, and the chil- to ovopa pov evcoTTLOv edv(ov Kai pa- dren of i srap j. \e i? or i w in crtXe'coi', vloiV re 'lcrpaf)X. 16 eyu> yap shew him how great things he wro8«'£a> avro3, 6Va Sel awTOi* we> rot) must surfer for my name's sake. 6v6u.aTOS pov ivaOelv. n And Ananias went his way, 17 'AnriX6e be "Avavlas Kal elanXBev and entered into the house, and , , , , \ > /i » > > i \ \ putting his hands on him, said, €is Ttjv oiKiav, Kai tmUeis en avrov Tas Bro ther Saul, the Lord (even Xelpas, et7re" SaoiiX dbeX(pe, 6 Kvpios Jesus that appeared unto thee '_ - >, » h>r - * ' >jift \ - immediately there fell from his evdeoiS anerreo-ov ano rasv oCpdaApcov f yes as it had been scales, and avrov oxret Xenibes, dvefiXeyl/e re c 7ra- he received sight forthwith, and a ^ i \ >.t ' a arose, and was baptized. '-'And paxpripa, Kai avaaras efiairriirf^. when ' he had received meat , he Kal XajBoov rpo(j)rjv e'vio~xvo~ev. was strengthened. 'EyeWo be d " uera t«i» ev Aaaao"/co5 .Then was Saul certain days ft ' . , , ~ , on \ »/i' ' wl -* c Gb oiu. ( ^ Uec. add o SavXoj. Acts IX. 21. 312 IIPASEI2 TGN synagogues, that he is the son ^Ir/aoiiv," oti ovtos eo~Tivo vlos ToiiQeov. of God. » But all that heard 21 itl aTavT0 fe ndvres oi aKovovres Kai him, were amazed, and said, Is w . s , ,. , , ., not this he that destroyed them eXeyoV Ovx ovtos evTiv o 7rop0r]O-as ev which called on this name in 'Upovo-aXijp tovs entKaXovpevovs to Jerusalem, and came hither for « - \ ? <\ •> >-. \ > that intent that he might bring °""r*« T0VT °> * ai w6e ,"*, TO f ° *Xr)Xv- them bound unto the chief 6ei iva bebepevovs aiiTOvs dydyy enl priests? 9 But Saul increased ^ dpviepeis; " 2aiXos be pdXXov the more in strength, and con- , ™ r y , \ >I founded the Jews which dwelt evebvvapovTO, Kai OT/wpw tovs lov- at Damascus, proving that this Saiovs tovs kcltoikovvtcis ev Anuacrfcco, is very Christ. 9 And after that a a • >■ « t ' > < v • many days were fulfilled, the v oti ovtos eariv o Xpiaros. Jews took counsel to kill him. " ZavXa) T) eni- kill him. m Then the disciples « OL ,Xn avTuiv' irapernpovv re TacTruAac took him by night, and let him t / ' * , r « > > i - down by the wall in a basket, ipepas re Kai vvktos, onus ovtov ave- Xcocrt' ~° XajSovres be avTov oi paBrjral vvktos, KadrJKav bid tov remove, %aXd- aavies ev anvpibi. 26 And when Saul was come 26 JJapayevopevos be b " c els" 'lepovo~a- to Jerusalem, he assayed to join \< , '_,,„"_„ „^\ "„/)„, _„?„ ... ,/)„,—?„• himself to the disciples, but A W' eireiparoKo\\aa0ai TOis pa6r,Tais they were all afraid of him, and Kai navTes ecpopovvTO avTov, prj iri- beli'eved not that he was a dis- o- TfvovTfs Vi earl padnrns. ^BapvdBas ciple. *» But Barnabas took *. v > N / i . » T \ him, and brought him to the °e eniXajlopevos avTov, rjyaye rrpos tovs apostles, and declared unto aTroaToXovs, Kai Str/y/)craro aiiTois ttcos ■WSJ" tV^tte^Id *"* «f ■»» *>*$**,*&***& spoken to him, and how he had crev avTO), Kai TTtos ev AapaaK(0 enapprj- preached boldly at Damascus ^dcraTO ev tw ovouaTiTOv'lricr'oO. 2a Kai in the name of Jesus. ■"' And T , , „' ,' , ' ^ , he was with them coming in, n v M er avTcov eianopevopevos /cat eK- and going out at Jerusalem, trope vdue vos d ev " 'lepovaraXriu,- e Kai" 59 And he spake boldly in the r .. v- » ~ » > "~ - v name of the Lord Jesus, and irapprjtrtaCupevos ev ro) ovopari tov Kv- dispnted against the Grecians : piov lr]0~ov " 9 eXdXei re Kai crvve^rjTei S.*» Which « the br?- ■# WEXXr,^^ oJ Se jn^(p , , _ / eganeo-TetAav avTov eis Vapaov. 31 At pev ovv eKKXrjo-'iai Kaff oXtjs Tr)s Zl^T^ZtTot 'lovbaia, Kai TaXiXaLas # Kai Zapapeias lilee, and Samaria, and were eiftov eiprjvrjv, oiKOOopovpevat Kai 7TO- edified, and walking in the fear pev uuevai tu> d)63o) Tov Kvpiov, Kai Trj of the Lord, and in the comfort r r *. - ' "_•« , „ r > ',' of the Holy Ghost, were mul- irapaKXjjo-ei tov uyiov UvevpaTOS e- tiplied. irX-qQvvovTO. * Rec. Xpurrov b Reo. add o ZoirXo;. c cv 1 tv. d Quarters, he came down also to rovs KaroiKovvras AvobaV "* evpe be * saints, which dwelt at Lydda. eKei avdpuTrov riva Aiveav dvopari, e$ 33 And there he found a c " tain , „ , r v , , ( aa , man named iEneas, which had ermv o/ctoj KaraKeipevov em Kpapparcp, kept his bed eight years> and os rjv irapa\e\vpevos. M Kal einev avrcp was sick of the palsy. 3 * And <■ r-, ■ . a ' ' is ' 'r «".„ "a Peter said unto him, jEneas, o Ylerpos^ Aivea, larai ae^ h)crovs o Jes , lsC hristmaketh thee whole! Xpiaros' dvdo~Trj6l Kai o~rpa>o~ov o~eav- arise, and make thy bed. And rw. KaUudW dveo-ni- M a ' she did. 37 And it came to pass be ev rati rjpepais eKeivais ao-devtjo-acrav in those days that she was sick) avri)v dnodaveiv' \ovo~avres be avrrjv and died: whom when they had W^av evvrrepcoco. ■ Mt M o*n, S ^Ikth^ ^ And tat Avobr/s rrj lomrt], oi padrjrai aKovcrav- much as Lydda was nigh to res briYlerpos earlv ev avrrj, awe o-T(i\av Joppa, and the disciples had • *'»«« < > \ \ - heard that Peter was there, they bvo avbpas npos avrov, irapaKaXovv- sent unt0 him tw0 meDi desir _ res pf] OKvfjcrai bieXdelv ecos avruiv. ing him that he would not°de- 39 'Avacrrds be Tierpos avmjkBev ai- ^y to come to them. rols- 6i> wapayevopevov dvr)yayov els 39 Then Peter arose and went to ivrepcoov, Kal irapeo-rrjcrav avra> nd- with them: when he was come, crat ai {i)pa t KXaiovcrai Kal JmbeiKvv- ^^^TTu^Zl pevai xircovas (cat tparia otra eiroiei stood by him weeping, and aer avruv ovaa n Aookcls. 40 eKJ3a\d}V shewing the coats and garments V > ./> / t „ ' a \ \ 1 which Dorcas made, while she be egconavras o Uerpos, Ueis rayovara was with tnem . 40 But Peter npoo-riv^aro ' Kal emo-Tpe\lfas rvpbs to put them all forth, and kneeled T . T* a ^ v ' ' Q. 'u »^ down, and prayed, and turning * ' and widows.presented her alive. o-evavnpj fro-av^ yvuvrov be eyevero 4 , Anditwas H knownthroil ghout Kad dXrjs tt)s lonnrjs, Kai ttoXXoi em- all Joppa, and many believed o-revo-av em rbv Kvpiov 43 eyevero 8e in lhe u Lo f rd " " 4" d il cam , e t0 < , , , „ ' , , > » r ' pass, that he tamed many days rjpepas tKavas peivai avrov ev ioirTTj] \ n Joppa, with one Simon a 7rapa nvt 2ipcovi ftvpael. tanner. Or, be grieved. Acts X. 1. 10. There was a certain man in Caesarea, called Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian band, - a devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God alway. 3 He saw in a vision evidently, about the ninth hour of the day, an ans>el of God coming in to him, and say- ing unto him, Cornelius. 4 And when he looked on him, he was afraid, and said, What is it, Lord ? And he said unto him, Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memo- rial before God. 4 And now send men to Joppa. and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter. 6 He lodgeth with one Simon a tanner, whose house is by the sea side ; he shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do. 7 And when the angel which spake unto Cornelius, was de- parted, he called two of his honshold servants, and a de- vout soldier of them that waited on him continually. 8 And when he had declared all these things unto them, he sent them to Joppa. 9 On the morrow as they wenton their journey, and drew nigh unto the city, Peter went up upon the house to pray, about the sixth hour. 10 And he became very hungry, and would have eaten : but while they made ready, he fell into a trance, ' ' and saw heaven open- ed, and a certain vessel descend- ing unto him, as it had been a great sheet, knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth: la wherein were all man- ner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air. u And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter: kill, and eat. I4 But l'eter said, Not so, Lord ; for I have never eaten 314 IIPA3EI2 TQN 10. 'Aft/p 8e tls a rjv" eV Kanrapeiq ovofxari Kopi/rjXios, eKaTovTap^rfs eK cnreiprjsTrjs KaXovpevr/s iTaXiKrjs, ev- (T€J3l]S Kill CpoftoVfAeVOS TOV QeOV 0~VV navrl ra ol/cco aiiTov, ttoig>v b re" eXerj- poavvas noXXas roj Aaco, /cat 8eopevos tov Oeov diarravros' 3 ei8ev ev opdpari cpafepd>c, cocrel wpav evvdrrjv rf/s tjpepas, ayyeXov tov Qeov elo-eXdovTa irpos av- tov, Kal elnovTa avTot' KopvijXie. 4 'O 8e drevicras avra> Kal eptpoftos yevopevos elrre' Ti etrri, Kvpie ; EtVe 8e avTto' At irpoo-ev)(al o~ov Kal ai fXerjpocrvvai o~ov dve(3r)o-av etc pvrjpo- o~vvov ivcoinov tov Qeov. 5 Kal vvv 7T€p\j/oi/ etc 'lomvrjv av8pas, Kal perd- Trep\j/ai 2lpoiva c os eViKaAeiTairTeVpoc - '' 6 ovtos £eyi£eTai wapd tivi Sipcovi jdvp- cret, co eo~Tiv oIkm irapd BdXaaraav^" . ' €ls 8e dnrjXdev 6 tiyyeXos 6 XaXaip e avTto," (f)o}vrjcras 8vo tcov otKermv 'av- tov," Kal aTparicoTrjv evo~e(3ri tcov irpoa- KapTepovvTcov avTa>, 8 Kai e^rjyrjcrdpevos avTols airavTa, a7rc-'crTeiAei/ avrovs els ttjv 'lomrriv. 9 Ti; 8e inavpiov 68onropovvTtov o eKeivcov" Kal ttj 7rdXet eyyt£t»'rcoi', avijdrj Tlerpos ewl to 8copa Trpoaev^a- A *■ rt * in*' t*\ o-aai, trepi copav eKTrjv. eyevero oe 7rpoo~7reivos, Kal rjdeXe yevaaaBaf ira- pacrKeva^ovTcov 8i °eKelvcov, " intTTecrev" en avTov eKo-Tatris, n Kal 6ecopel tov ovpavbv dvecoypevov, Kal KaTajSalvov'" o-ksvostl cos odovrjv peyciXr/v, Teaaapaiv upXals k 8e8epevov, Kal" Kaditpevov hri rrjsyfjs' " iv a vnfjp^e irdv ra Ta Terpd- no8a ' Trjs yr)s" "' Kal to. Otjpia" Kal to. epireTa Kai Ta ireTeiva tov ovpavov. 13 Kal e'yeWro (pcovrj npos avTOV 'Ara- crTac, IleVpe, dvaov Kal cpiiye. 14 'O 8e TleTpos etVe" Mr)8apa>s, Kvpte' on a ^ — - Gb. om. b ~* cv rov fTriKaZovpevov ntrpov. d Rcc. add ovrof \a\r) avTos avdpunros elpi. " Kal Acts X. 27. any thing that is common or unclean. I5 And the voice spake unto him again the second time. What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common. ' 6 This was done thrice: and the vessel was received up again into heaven. 17 Now while Peter doubted in himself what this vision which he had seen, should mean: behold, the men which were sent from Cornelius, had made enquiry forSimon's house, and stood before the gate, ls and called, and asked whether Si- mon,which wassurnamedPeter, were lodged there. I9 While Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said unto him, Behold, three men seek thee. i0 Arise therefore, and get thee down, and go with them, doubting nothing: for I have sent them. 21 Then Peter went down to the men, which were sent unto him from Cornelius, and said, Behold, 1 am he, whom ye seek : what is the cause wherefore ye are come ? 2 - And they said, Cornelius the centurion, a just man, and one thatfeareth God, and of good report among all the nation of the Jews, was warned from God by an holy angel, to send for thee into his house, and to hear words of thee. M Then called he them in, and lodged them; And on the morrow Peter went away with them, and cer- tain brethren from Joppa ac- companied him. 21 And the morrow after they entered into Caesarea. And Cornelius wait- ed for them, and had called to- gether his kinsmen and near friends. 25 And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him, and fell down at his feet, and worshipped him. M But Peter took him up, saying.Stand up. I myself also am a man. ' i7 And * d cv.' — . Gb. ot(. e Rfi add tov t Rec. o nsrpoy. g Reg. add T»JJ, Acts X. 28. 316 IIPAEEI2 TiJN as he talked with him, he went o~vvopi\Q>v avT<3, elcrrjkde, Kal evpicrKei 33 And he said unto them, Ye ^ "E KoWaa-Oai t) TTpoatpX^o-Uai unto one of another nation: but d\\o(pv\a>' KaL epo\ 6 Geo? (8eit;e prj- God hath shewed me, that I j< '>*>.'£ \ ' * Q should not call any man com- 8(va K °' v " v ^ aKadaprov \tyav avOpu- mon or unclean. » Therefore 7rof' 010 /cat avavTippr)Ta>s rjkoov came I unto you without gain- uera7reud>0etc. rrvvddvopatovv,Tivi. Xdyco saving, as soon as 1 was sent r / ; ., , ,«;,,,' » '« for. I ask therefore, for what peTe7rtp\^acrde pe ; "Km o Kopvi/Kios intent ye have sent for me. efAn* 'A7t6 TfTaprris fiaepas ue'vpt ravrns 30 And Cornelius said, Four - „ „ r 1 ir- r r^ _ / days ago I was fasting until this "P »P°» 7/"?" MJOTCWBV, xat njv 6WO- hour, and at the ninth hour I T7/f a aipav'' Trpocrev)(6pevos ev ra> oikco prayed in my house, and behold, jxox) . Ka \ >g £ \ 1 ' ' a ' > in the sight of God. " Send at e^l pocrvval aov epvr)adr)aav evco- therefore to Joppa, and call itiov tov Geov. Trepyjsov ovv etc hither Simon, whose surname 'j,^,, Ka \ uera/caXetrat Stuava 6c is Peter; he is lodged in the , ' * T ? * <*• > house of one Simon a tanner, eniKaktirai IleTpos' ovtos gcviQcrat ev by the sea side, who when he l K ' ia St'uwi/oc l3vp(Tf/ 33 >n ^ Immediately therefore I sent °* napayevopevos \u\r) ,, a , .35 ». v > mouth, and said. Of a truth I ° VK *°~ T [ Trpocra)Tro\r}7rTps o 6eos M aAA perceive that God is no respect- eV TvavTi tdvei 6 (poftovptvos civtov Kal S5LThT8to KAmS > T -4- -' r / > \ ' ' dren of Israel, preaching peace ola lt]o-ov\pto~TOV, ovtos ecrri iravrvv by Jesus Christ (he is Lord of Kvptoc. 37 vpels ot'Sare r6 yevoptvov all.) 3? That word (Isav) vou «~ _ /P "\ - >t s ' ' {■ ' know which was published W . Ka ^ oX 7 r y? r lavbauu, apfaptvov throughout all Judaea, & began otto ttjs TaXtXatac, p.ero to fianTio-pa from Galilee, after the baptism e '^ pv t fp 'l^dvims' 3S 'inaow tov dno which John preached : 3 * how .. ,." > ' , „ ' ', , , , God anointed Jesus of Naza- Nafaper, wc ^pi(TiV ^ avTov o Geoff reth with the Holy Ghost, and UvevpaTi dyico Ka\ Svvdpu, o? 8irp\0ev a U b -• CO j-ow, d <^j Kno.oo. AII02T0AGN. 317 Acts XI. 2. etiepyeTcov Kal icopevos navras tovs Ka- with power, who went about Tahwavrevopevovs vrrb tov 8iap6\ov, doing good, and healing aU that „ , , ,. r , , , 3 „ yt - ,1 were oppressed of the devil: OTl o Qeos r)V peT avroV " Kai rjpeis for God was with him. ™ And udpTvpes wavriav hv enoinaev ev re rij we are witnesses of all things n , r r _ ,. * , < . <' \' . which he did both in the land Xcopa r «-, - < » fore of God, even to us who did Kex(t.poTovr)p.evois vtto tov Veov, rjpiv, ea t and drink with him after oirives o~vve(pdyopev Kal o~vveiriopev he rose from the dead. aiirw, /nerd to dvao~Trjvai avrov in ve- Kpa>v. Kal iraprjyyeikev Jjpiv Krjpv^ai too 4i And he commanded us to -\ ^ & ' a, « c ' '* preach unto the people, and to Xaw, (cat biapapTvpaadai, on avroc Testify that it is he which was eariv 6 atpicrpevos vno tov Qeov KpiTTjS ordained of God to be the Judge (toVTbOV Kal VfKpuV 43 TOVTOi ndvres ol of I"'** and dead - 13 To hira , . ' M ,' , give all the prophets witness, 7rpo(p7)Tai papTvpovaiv, ^Kpeaiv apap- that through his name whoso- Tiotv \aj3elv c5(d tov ovoparos avrov ever believeth in him, shall re- > ' > > • ceive remission of sins. ttuvtu tov morevovTa etc avrov. 44 "En XaXovvros Toil Herpov rd pi]- iJ While Peter yet spake UOTB ravra, eVeVeo-e to Uveiaa to ' he , se ^rds. the Holy Ghost V , , , \ ■> t \ fell on all them which heard ayiov em navras tovs aKovovras tov the word. « And they of the Xoyov. 4i Kal e£eo~TT]0-av ol (K nepiroprjs circumcision which believed, « t ~\ a - tt ' " were astonished, as manv as Trio-rot otrot v w ith tongues, and magnify God. tov eeciv. tots aneKpidn 6 IleVpoy Then answered Peter, « Can j- ., - > "s. >. »' ' anv man forbid water, that Mi/Tt to vb(op KaXva-aL bwarai tis tt ,- se should not be | )ap[ized) tov pfj jSaTTTiaOrivai tovtovs, oinves to which have received the Holy Uvedpa to ayiov t\ajZov KaOus Ka i Ghost, as well as we ?« And , , " ,, ' . f. . > \ he commanded them to be bap- 7;p.ets- ; ■" lipoatTa^i re ovtovs panri- tized in the name of the Lord. o-dnvai ev tco ovouuti d tov Kvpiov." TnPn P^yed they him to tarry , > i ' >v ) - r r , certain days. tot( T]p(oTT]o~av avrov eiripeivai ijpepas rti'dc. 11 "UKoycrav 8e ol Jr M. Kalol br »'; r ^1 ha t t he we rin ,e J S u/ara d aoeXcpoi oi ovres Kara ttjv Iovoataf, oti heard that the Gentiles had Kal Ta edvrj e8e£avTO tov ~K6yov tov also received the word of God. _ - o v '« > - Q _. - ,' Rec. 0111. c cv ovtoj. d oo Xjjffou Xp*ffror. Acts XI. 3. 318 IIPAEEI2 TON him, 3 saying, Thou wentest in nepiropr/s, 3 \eyovTes'" On npbs avbpag to men uncircumcised, and didst £ Kpo R vcrT [ av evovras elajj\8es, Kai crvv eat with them. , f ' , „ A ' ecpayes avrois. 4 But Peter rehearsed the 4 'Ap^apevos be 6 Herpos e^eri$ero matter from the beginning, and a l TO l s Ka 8e£ns XeV>J/- 6 'Eyo> nwnv ev expounded it by order unto , N > T , *" ' , ' '\ ?* them, saying, 5 I was in the city noAei lonnjf npoo-evxopevos, Kai eibov of Joppa praying, and in a f P eKordcrei opapa, Karafta'ivov crKeiios K JS^Su'tadES n fa Md^uyAps, ™Wy™ fa* a great sheet, let down from Kaaiepevrjv €K rov ovpavov, Kai rjXoev heaven by four corners, and it * f > ~. 6 f | s * ^ rf w V a j Ka r€l'dovi', came even to me. b Upon the "■{■*«. \ ' s. - ~ » > which when I had fastened Kai eibov to. rerpanoba ttjs yr]S Kai to. mine eyes, I considered, and ffripia Kai Ta epnera Kai ra neretva rov saw fourfooted beasts of the . -t« ss* a. ~ \ ' earth, and wild beasts, and ovpavov. 1 TjKovaa be 4wvt)s \tyovar,s creeping things, and fowls of poi' Avao~rds lierpe, avarov Kai (paye. the air. » And I heard a voice, 8 E j nQV §<.'. Mnbauus, Kvpie' on a " KOIVOV saying unto me. Arise Feter, t , , . ' , £-, ■> -\ n > s slav, and eat. 8 But I said, rj aKatiaprov ovbenore eio-T]AOev eis to Not so, Lord: for nothing com- o- T opa pov. 9 ' AneKp'iBn be poivr] mon or unclean hath at any > £ ', , - > ~. « a < o * time entered into my mouth. « bevrepov €K rov ovpavov A o Geos '■> But the voice answered me (Kaddpios, o~i> pr) koivov. Tovro be again from heaven, What God f > ' T0 frfi rp ^ Kai ^Xll/ dveando-6r} hath cleansed, that call not thou / ■,■!>, common. "> And this was done anavra eis rov ovpavov. three times: and all were drawn 11 Kai Iboii, egavrns rpels avbpes up again into heaven. > / > \ \ ?/>■?« ii And behold, immediately enecrTTjo-av^ enirrjv oiKiav ev r] ijprjV, there were three men already dneaTakpevoi dnb Kaicrapeias npos pe. come unto the house where I i 2 j g> b n ~ o-vve\6e'iv av- was, sent from Csesarea unto ; u ^v * / „ T , - *, me. " And the spirit bade me tois, ° pr]bev biaKpivopevov rjkffov be go with them, nothing doubting: ,j- vv fool Ka\ ol e£ dSeXdxn ovtoi, Ka\ moreover, these six brethren , ,. r A , t t - > & < accompanied me, and we en- ei(TT)\6opev eis rov oikov rov avbpos, tered into the man's house: 13 dnrjyyeike re Tjpi" ircis (ibe rov L^yangenn^is'no'ust ^ov ivT& Af avrovcrradevra Kai which stood and said unto him, enrovra. avrva rov for Simon, whose surname is , ' ' , ' , > • 14 « n ^ / Peter: " who shall tell thee eniKakovpevov Llerpov, os AaAr/crei words, whereby thou, and all pnuara TTpos o~e, ev ois o- T '," •. , a , ' John indeed baptized with ^ fXf 7 ev „ l<*™vr)s pev ^anricrev water: but ye shall be baptized vbari, vpe'is be ^ianriadrjO'eo'de ev a Rec. add xav. b — » c Roc. add avlpa-s. d Rec. — • AnOSTOAQN. 319 Uvevpari dyt'ca. 17 Et ovv rrjv 'io-qv ba>- pedv ebcoKev avrols 6 Geo? iKris Kal Kxmpov Kal 'Avrioxelas, pr/bevl \a\ovvres rov \6yov el |ir) povov 'lovbaiois. "° rjcrav be rives e£ avrCov avbpes Kinrpioi Kal Kvprjvaioi, olrives c eXc9di>rec" els 'Avrioxeiav, e'Xd- Xow 7rpo? rovs ^EWrjvas," evayyeXi- £6pevoi rov Kvpiov 'Ir/crow. 21 Kal rjv X ei p Kvpiov per avraV irokvs re api- 6pbs Trio-revo-as enearpe^ev an rov Kvpiov. 22 'HKOvardr] be 6 \6yos els ra corn ri)s eKKkyalas rr)s ev lepoo~o\vpois irepi aiircov' Kal e^aTrecrretXav Bapvdftav bie\- deiv ecos 'Avrioxetas. "^ os rrapayevo- pevos Kal Ibiov ri)v X^? lv T0 ^ ® eov e'xapr], Kal wapeKaXei irdvras rfj rrpo- 6eaei ttjs Kapbias rrpoo-peveiv ra Kvpia. 24 on rjv dvrjp dyadbs Kal TrXrjprjs Ili'eu- paros ayiov Kal irio~rea>s. Kal irpocreredrf oxXos 'iKavos rco Kvplco. 25 'E^jjXOe be els Tapcrov e 6 Bapvd- /3ac," avatjirrjo-ai SaOXof, 26 Kal evpcov 1 avrbv" rjyayev s avrov" els Avrio^eiav. eyevero be avrovs eviavrbv o\ov arvva- xdrjvai ev rfj eKK\rjo~iq, Kal bibd^ai o^Xoj/ iKavov, xp-qparlo-ai re rrpa>rov ev Av- rto)(eia rovs padrjras \pio~Tiavovs. 27 'Ei> ravrais be rals rjpepais KarrjX- 8ov drro 'lepocroXvpiov irpocprjrai els *Avrioxeiav. 2S dvacrrds be eis e'£ avraiv ovopari ' Ay afios, eo~r]pave bid rov Acts XI. 28. with the Holy Ghost. ,7 Foras- much then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ: what was I that 1 could withstand God ? 18 When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life. 19 Now they which were scat- tered abroad upon the persecu- tion that arose about Stephen, travelled as far as Phenice, and Cyprus, and Antioch, preach- ing the word to none, but unto the Jews only. ™ And some of them were men of Cyprus, and Cyrene, which when they were come to Antioch, spake unto the Grecians, preaching the Lord Jesus. *' And the hand of the Lord was with them : and a great number believed, and turned unto the Lord. 22 Then tidings of these things came unto if ears of the church, which was in Jerusalem: and they sent forth Barnabas, that he should go as far as Antioch. 23 Who when he came, and had seen the grace of God, was glad, and exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord. 24 For he was a good man. and full of the Holy Ghost, and of faith: and much people was added unto the Lord. 25 Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, for to seek Saul. 26 And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves <• with the church, and taught much people, and the disciples wt>re called Christ- ians first in Antioch. 27 And in these days, came prophets from Jerusalem unto Antioch. 28 And there stood up one of them, named Agabus, and signified by the spirit, that a — >. — Bz. "in. b - Sreipavovt c Bee. ttafMtovTts. d Rec. EAX^ttrras. a Or, in the church. « ZZ * -* B -» Acts XI. 29. there should be great dearth throughout all the world: which came 10 pass in the days of Claudius Caesar. ±i3 Then the disciples, every man according to his ability, determined to send relief unto the brethren which dwelt in Judaea. 30 Which also they did, and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barna- bas and Saul. 12. Now about that time, Herod the king a stretched forth his hands, to vex certain of the church. ' And he killed James the brother of John with the sword. 3 And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further, to take Peter also. (Then were the days of un- leavened bread.) 4 And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and deliver- ed him to four quaternions of soldiers io keep him, intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people. 5 Peter therefore was kepi in prison, but prayer was made @ without ceasing of the church unto God for him. 6 And when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and the keep- ers before the door kept the prison. ' And behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light -hined in the prison : and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up. saying. Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands. s And the angel said unto him. Gird thy- self, and bind on thy sandals: and so he did. And he saith un- to him, Cast Ihy garment about thee, and follow me. 9 And he went out. and followed him, and wist not that it was true which 320 IIPASEI2 TON Uve vparos Xipbv a peyav peXXeiv erxe- cr&ai e(f) bXrjv ttjv oiKovplvqv' octtis' Kai eytvero eirl KXav8iov ''". 29 tcov 8e pa- 6r]Tu>v KaQios rjinrope'iro tis, ojpiaav eKCKTTOs avroiv els 8iaK0viav nep^/ai tois KaToiKovcriv e'v Tjj lov8ala d8eX(pols' o Kai iiroirjaav, atToo~Tei\avTes npos tovs 7rpeo~8vT6povs 8id \eipos Bapvdfia Kai SatAov. 12. Kar eKe'ivov 8e tov Kaipbv ene- fiaXev 'HpojBrjs 6 (3ao-iXevs ras xe'ipas KUKuxral rivas tg>v ano Tt)s eKKXr]o~ias. " dvelXe 8e \aKu>[$ov tov d8eX Xaio. 6 pev ovv TlfTpOS iTTJpilTO ev Trj (piiXaKj]' Trpoo~ev)(i] 8e tjv eKTevi]s yivopevq vira Trjs eKKXrjcrlas npbs tov Qebv d inrep" aiiTov. 6 "Ore 8e ep,eXXev aiiTov npodyeiv 6 'Hpco8rjs, Tj] vvktI eKelvrj rjv 6 IIcVpoc Knipcopevos perat-v 8vo CTpaTicoTcov, 8e- 8epivos a\uaeo-L 8vcrl, (fivXaices re Trpo Trjs dupas eTi'jpovv tt\v (pvXaKrjv. ' (cut i8ov, t'iyyeXos Kvplov enecrTrj, Kai (pas eXapyf/cv iv tco oiKtjpaTi' naTatjas 8e tt)v nXevpav tov IleTpov, rjyeipev aiiTov Xeytov' 'Ai/ao-ra evTii^ei. Kai e^eireaov aiiTov ai aXvaeis £k tow ^etpojv. 8 eiVe Te 6 (lyyeXos Tvpbs aiiTov' ^Hepi^oiaai," Kai vm')Sr)0~ai ra craviSaAia crov. F.Troirjo~e 8e ovtco. Kai Aeyei avTco' UepijdaXov to Ipdriov o~ov, Kai aKoXovdei p.oi. 9 Kai t£fX6iov rjKoXovdei aiiTn gate that ss » j i > \ r\ leadeth unto the citv, which aibrfpav, ttjv (pepovcrav «s ttjv ttoXiv, opened t0 them of his own ac . tjtis avropaTT] rjvoi^Br] avrois' Kai e'£e\- cord: and they went out and 06vTes TrpovXOov pvpnv plav, Kai evdecos pa ^ d ,? n uwu Ugh on * str «*» , / f* -. > > » - ii v r and forthwith the angel depart- cnreo-Tr) o ayyeXos an avrov. Kai o edfromhim. "And when Peter ITfTUOc ye vopevos ev eaurco, cine' Nw was come t0 himself, he said, ■»* "4 d- " '/> ' \ ■»■' < Now I know of a suretv, that oioa aX^usoTi e^aneo-reiXeKvpiosTov the Lord hath sent his angel, ayyeXoi/ ayrov, »cat a efjelXaTO " pe eK and hath delivered me out of y^'HpMou «d **« I* «rp«r- & "^J*"" «.*£$ OOKias tov Xaov tcov lovoaiav. of the Jews. 12 2wi8d>v T€ riXdev or. ttiv oWiav n And when ne had consider- n» i ~ \ > r / ~ > ed the thing, he came to v house Mapiar Tiyc prj-rpos laawoy tov em- of Mary ymotherof. John whose KaXovpevov MapKOV, ov rjO~av 'ucavoi surname was Mark, where many ovvrjdpoio-pevoi Ka \ npoo-ev X 6pevoi. SttSffi KpovaavTOS 8e " avrov tijv avpav tov door of the gate, a damsel came nvXcovos, npoo-rjXBe nai8io-KT) vnaKOv- ° { ° hearken, named Rhoda. » ' 'r, '5. 14 v i - " And when she knew Peter's (rat, ovopari Podtj- " Kai e7riyj/ODvfjV tov Herpov, dnb TTJs Ydpac for gladness, but ran in, and «,',., ,£..«.£, _A.. "» -.. ? * - told how Peter stood before the ovKfjvoi^ TovnvXoyva,^ uafjpapovo-a gate _ .o And the y said unto her, oe a7T77yyeiA.ei> ecrTavai tov TleTpov npb Thou art mad. But she con- tov nvXmvos. y ° ol hi nobs avTnveinoV stantly affirmed that it was even ,» ' c„ «> k „ ,S „ ' „ so. Then said ihey, It is his ."At Ouarxvpi&TO ovTms e X eiv. angel. «« But Peter continued ol 8e eXeyov' 'O ayyiXos avTOV iaTiv. knocking: and when they had 16 'r, £.: tt' „ ' ' ' » ' opened the door, and saw him, O OtTltTMS (Trepeve Kpovvy avoi- t f ey were as t on ' is hed. " But ^airey oe fibov avrov, Kai i^ecrTrjaav. he beckoning unto them with 17 Karao-eio-as be avTo'is rn veto! (Tiyav, t he , hand ' to hold their peace, £ / , _,''■?•' ; , declared unto them how the ot,r]yT]o-aTO avrois ireos o Kvpios avrov Lord had brought him out of e^rjyayev i< Trjs (bvXaKns. eine 8e' th e prison: and he said. Go > a_ '\ > T > a V -'!>^J:- shew these things unto James, AnayyeiXan la K( o^a Kai rots u8eX(pois and t0 the bre , h ren. And he TavTa. Kat e£eX8a>v enopevdrj els erepov departed, and went into ano- ronov. ther P lace - 18 t>». _../ *» « ' S ' I8 Now as soon as it was day, , ^ vo ^ vr )^' °e 1l*pas, t]v Tapa X os there was no sma]1 stir anlon ^ ovk oXiyos ev Toils o~TpaTia>rais, t'i apa the soldiers, what was become 6 Tlerpos eyevero. 19 'HpcbSnc 8e em- ?? eteT -J'i A ? d w hen Herod t. , r ,' , \ \ < \ > / had sought for him, and found {rjT-qo-as avTov Kai prj evpiov, avaKpivas him not, he examined the tovs (pvXaKas, eKeXevo-ev ana\6r>vai ' keepers, and commanded that „ » „„ -v/jv > \ - > T ^ ' ■> i they should be put to death. Kai KaTeKOuv ano tt)s lovSaias eis TT)V And he went down from Judaea Kaio"aoetaj/ 8ierpij3ei/. to Csesarea, and there abode. a Rec. c^sAvto. b R e. tow Utrpov. * Or, to ask who was there 22 Acts XII. 20. 322 1IPASEI2 TQN 3° And Herod »was highly 20 'Hn Se a ' dvpopax^v Tvpiois Kai displeased with them of Tvre ^ & ' . f a & » & * andS.don: but they came wkh ^8o>vioi S opo8vpa8ov 8e irap n / » > v / . n > « \ peace, because their country W^ ° M ™ rpe(pe(r6ai avrcov rrjv was nourished by the king's x<*>pav dno rrjs (3ao~iXiKrjs. 21 raKrfj 8e ttiJilSffZlfiXZ « * 'np^J^dp^JcrSnra rel, sat upon his throne, and paaiXiKrjv, Kai Kaduras em tov prjparos, made an oration unto them, i'dnariyopei Trpoy avrovs. 2 ~ 6 8e 8nuos « And the people gave a shout, . ". '/ r „ r - , , < > ■> „, saying. It is the voice of a god, eTTefpcovef Qeov (paivrj Kai ovk avdpco- and not of a man. « And im- irov. a Ilapaxprjpa 8e endra^ev avrov ^W^°£^ frr w >^ a ^' *r °*« ^* eb " God the glory, and he was eaten oo|ai> ra> Qea>' Kai yevopevos o-kcoXij- of worms, and gave up the K o/3pcoro'f, e£i\l/v£ev. ghost. a.nS'V ~ o - "£ ! m But th» word of God grew, O 6e Aoyo? rou Qeov Tjvgave Kai and multiplied. - 3 And Barna- eTr\r)dvvero. 25 Bapi>a/3as Se Kai SavAos has and Saul returned from Je- <_' / >f .usalem.when they had fulfilled weorpe^av e| IfpoutraXr/p., TrXijpcMrw- their x ministry, and took with resrrjv OiaKOViav, crvpnapaXaftovTes Kai waTMa'rk 1 "' ^^ SUrname 'l«>awr/t/ tov eWAr/lkW Mdp K ov. 13.' Now there were in the 13- 'Haw 8e "rives" eV'Afrto^ft'g church that was at Antioch, /caret ttjv ovo-av eKKX-qaiav Kpocbijrai Kai certain prophets and teachers : <\ s> ' \ " D 'a ^ ^ * as Barnabas, and Simeon that OioacncoXoi, o re Bapvajas^ Kai 2vpeo>v was called Niger, and Lucius o KaXovpevos Niyep, Kai Aovkios 6 u ?r ene ;, and ^ anaen : wh ' ch Kvprivalos, Mavanv re 'HpiSou rov had been "brought up witn He- r ', , ' , \ „ rod the tetrarch, and Saul. *As rerpapxov o-vvrpocpos, Kai ZavXos. they ministered to the Lord, 2 Xeirovpyovvrciiv 8e avriov rat Kvpito and fasted, the Holv Ghostsaid, v / •? \ ■*-, ' - \ Separate me Barnabas and * at vr^arevovriov, rare to Ilvevpa to Saul, for the work whereunto ayioV ' Acpopio-are 8rj poi tov ii " Bap- I have called them. * And p( g av Ka l e TQV ' ^avXov els to i'pyov 6 when thev bad lasted and pray- , N , , t , • ed, and laid their hands on Tipoo-KeKKr\pai avrovs. J Tore vrjorev- them, they sent them away. cravres Kal Trpoo-ev^dpevoi, Kal cmdevres rds x*' l P a s avro'is, aTreXvo-av. * So they being sent forth by * Ovtoi pev ovv eKTrepcpdevres vwo tasStSSS r u r ^ aro? To r °r v < Kt rH w fls sailed to Cyprus. 5 And when Tr/v 2e\f uxeiai/, (Keiaev re aTrerrXevaav they were at Salamis, they d s T) \„ KvTTpov. 5 Kal yevopevoi ev preached the word of God in ^, \ ~ > \% < % ' the synagogues of the Jews: and zaXapivi, Karr)yyeXXov rov Xoyov tov they had also John to their Qeov ev rais o~waycoyals rue lovdaiav' minister. eixov 8e Kal 'ladwr/v virrjpeTrjv. e And when they had gone 6 AieXdovres 8e { oXrjv " rrp- vr/aov a Rec. ftdd o Hpio^vi- ^ Rec. aild tt)». o^ d R e c. add «. e U f Rec. om. a Or, bare an hostile mind intending war. & Gr, that was over the kind's bedchamber. ? Or, cburge. Or, Herod's foster brother. ALT02T0AQN. 323 Acts XIII. 17. a X pi LTricpov, evpov Tiva pdyov yj/(v8o- through the isle unto Paphos, j< »* & - f x o •• - they found a certain sorcerer, a Trpo^rTjj/ lovdaiov, a JeW) who ' se ' os r)v o~vv tg3 dvdvTrdrco Sepyio) JlauXw, name was Bar-jesus : 7 which dvdpi rrvvera. ovtos wpoa-KaXeadaepos was . with , * e deputy of the •n 'a \ « ~\ > >•' ' ~ country Sergius Paulus, a pru- Bapvapav Kai ZavKov, (TT(Qr)Tr]a(v clkov- dent man: who called for Bar- rrai tov \6yov tov Q(ov. 8 dvdicrTaTO nabas and Saul, and desired to »< , , >',. / , / f » x hear the word of God. 8 But 8e avrois EXupac,^ o payo? (oura> yap Elymas the sorcerer (for so is p(6(pprjv(v(TaiTb'6vopa*avTOV'")tj)Tv his name by interpretation) diaarpe^ai tov avBvnaTOV dir6 rm withstood them, seeking to turn , " r ., , tt ~\ \ away the deputy from the faith. 7Ti.o~rea>c. a SauAoc Oe, (o Kai IlavAoc,) 9 xhen Saul (who also is called 7>\r)o-8els ILvevparos dylov, b Kai" drevl- Paul) filled with y Holy Ghost, j > , in t •?.-. n ' set his eyes on him, '"and said, v ray ooovs Kvpiov pervert the right ways of the Tas evOelas: u Kai vvv l8ov, X elp c " Lord ?>> And now behold the T , / , v \ •, * i\\ > hand of the Lord is upon thee, Kvpiov eiri o-e, koi^ (ay rvcpXos pjj and thou shalt be blind) not /3A«7Toji/ rbv r]Xiov a X pi Kaipov. Ha- seeing the sun for a season. a. v > ' >>)* >\* And immediately there fell on paxpnpf 8( (n(n«T(v err avrov a X Xvs him a mist and a y darknesSi ^ Kai o-kotos, Kai TT(ptay > A / _- tt parted from Perga, they came irapeyevovTO (is AvTio X eiav ttjs Ilicri- to Antioch in Pisidia, and went oias, Kai elo~e\06vTes (is rr)V avvayoiyrjv into the synagogue on the sab- ™ hpipa tS>v o-a/3/3aro)V, (KaOio-av. b « th ^y, and sat down >* And ,;' \ $.\ i j / ~ / \ after the reading of the law and p(Ta 0( ttjv avayvao-iv tov vopov Kai the prophets, the rulers of the roiv wpodiriTaiv, dTT(0~T(i\av oi ap X lo~vv- synagogue sent unto them, say- \ > i \ ' . »\ % ing, Ye men and brethren, if ye ayayyoi irpos avrovs,\(yovT(s ^ Avdpes ha e v ' e anyword of exh0 rtation ad(X(po\, (I (art Xoyoy (v vplv rrapa- for the people, say on. /cXr/creo)? npos tov haov, Xeyerf. " '^ va(T ™^ 8 * Ha^Xor, Kai KaTao-d- I8 Then Pau , stood up> and o~as tt] X (ip\, (iir(V "Av8p(s 'icrpar/XTrat, beckoning with his hand, said, Kai oi > n '> G °d, gi^e audience. » The • o G(os tov Aaov tovtov a e£eAe§aro God of this people of Israel to vs naTepas r]pu>v' Kai tov Xabv v^cocrei' chose our fathers, and exalted a Bz. avry. b ^J c Rec. add Ton. d Rcc. add Iffoa^X, Acts XIII. 18. the people when they dwelt as strangers in the land of Egypt, and with an high arm brought he them out of it. Is And about the time of forty years "suffered he their manners in the wilder- ness. 19 And when he had de- stroyed seven nations in the land of Chanaan, he divided their land to them by lot: 20 and after that he gave unto them judges, about the space of four hundred and fifty years until Samuel the prophet. 21 And afterward they desired a king, and God gave unto them Saul the son of Cis, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, by the space of forty years. 2 - And when he had removed him, he raised up unto them David to be their king, to whom also he iiave testimony.andsaid, 1 have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will. ri Of this man's seed hath God, according to his promise, raised unto Israel a Saviour, Jesus: 2) when John had first preached before his coming, the baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel. 25 And as John fulfilled his course, he said, Whom think ye that I am? I am not he. But behold, there Cometh one after me, whose shoes of his feet I am not worthy to loose. 26 Men and brethren, children of the stock of Abraham, and whoso- ever among you feareth God, to you is y word of this salvation sent. » For they that dwell at Jerusalem, and their rulers, because they knew him not, nor yet the voices of the prophets which are read every sabbath day, they have fulfilled them in condemning him. 2 » And though they found no cause of death in him, yet desired they Pilate that he should be slain. 23 And when theyhad fulfilled all y was written of him, they took him down from the tree, & laid 324 IIPASEI2 TQN iv Ty napouciq ev yfj AlyvrrTcp, Kai perd (3paxiovos v\J/t)\ov ij-rjyayev avrovs e£ » ~ . 18 v ' ' avrrjs Kai cos Teo~o~apaKovTaerr] XP°" vov ^ erpo(po(p6prjcrev" avrovs iv rfj iprj- pco' 19 Kai KafleXcov e6vr] errrd iv yfj Xavaav, b KareKXrjpov6prjo~ev" avrdisTTjv yrjv c avrcov. 20 Kai perd raiira, cos 'irecn TerpaKoo-Lois Kai TrevTrjKovra, etcoKe" Kpiras ecos SapovrjX tov TtpotprjTOV. 21 KaKeWev fjrijo-avro fiacrtkea, Kai edcoKev aurois 6 Qeos tov 2aoi/X vlov Kls, uvdpa eK cpvXrjs Beviaplv, err] rea- o-apaKovra' 2 " Kai perao-rrjeras avrbv, rjyeipev avrols tov Aavid els /3acrtXea, to ko.1 elne paprvprjeras' JZbpov AaviB tov tov Iecrcrai, rt civdpa" Kara rrjv Kap- 8Lav pov, os iroirjo~ei Trdvra to 6eXt]pard pov. 23 Tovtov 6 Qeos drrb tov o-irep- paTos Kar irrayyeXiav e rjyaye " tc5 'icrparfX crcorrjpa 'lrjcrovv, 24 rrpoKrjpv- £avTos 'IcoaWou rrpb TrpoacoTrov rr/s elcrodov avrov fidnTicrpa peravoias rravrl tco Xaco laparjX. 25 'Qs 8e irrXrjpov 6 'Icodvvrjs tov Bpopov, eXeye' TiVa pe i/Trovoe'ire eivat ; ovk elpl e'ycb, dXX 18ov, ep^erai per ipe, ov ovk elpl ai-Los to \m68rjpa tcov rrobcov Xiiaai. 26 "Av8pes d8eX Qeov, vpiv 6 Xoyos tjjs o~co- rqpias ravTrjs arrecrrdXrj. " 7 ol yap KaroiKovvres iv lepovcraXrjp Kai ol (ipXpvTes avrcov, tovtov ayvor]o~avTes, Kai rds (pcovds tcov wpocprjTcov ras Kara rrav adfifiaTov dvayivcocTKopevas, Kpl- vavres iivXrjpcocraV Kai pij8epiav airiav Bavdrov evpovres, fjTrjaavro IIi- Xdrov dvaipedtjvai avrov. 29 cos 8e ire- Xeo~av Trdvra rd rrepl avrov yey pappeva, KadeXovres utto tov £vXov, 'idrjKav els a Rec. ^ ITfjoTrotpoprjaiv. " Rec. KareicXrjpoiorrjvev, c oo avrviv, tuf Irtai rtrpaic. oca. irsirij^oyT-a. «ai p-tra. ravTa tiajfta i —* t Rec. Tryeipt. a Gr eTpo-rro'poprion', perliapj for irpa(potpopT)atv, bore, ur, led tuein, as a ourse beareth, or, t'eedetb her cliild, Deut.i.3t, according to tbc LXX-, and >u Ctirysost. AII02T0AGN. 325 pvrjpelov. 30 6 fie Qeos fjycipcv avrbv eV veKpatv' 3i bs aiCpdrj ewl rjpepas nXeiovs to'is o-vvavaftdaiv avra> dirb rijs Ta\i- \aias els 'lepovcaXrip, ocrives a vvv" (io~i pdprvpes avrov npos tov Xaov. 32 Kal rjpels vpds evayye\i£6peda ttjv rrpos tovs narepas eTvayye\'iav ye- vopevrjv, on TavTTjv o Oeos eKneirkr)- pa>Ke toIs TeKvois avTu>v T/pAv, avao~Ti]o~as lr]o~ovv' a>s Kai ev no yjraXpa fieure'pcp" yeypanrai' Ylos pov el av, eyut arjpepov yeyevvrjKa ere. On oe avecrrqerev avrov i< veicpcov, prjKeTi peWovra VTroo~Tpe(peiv els 8ia(p6opav, ovtcos elprjKeV "On ficoo-to vplv ra oo~ia Aavifi to. irio-Ta. 3o Ai6 Kai ev erepat Xeyet' Ov ficocretr tov ocriov o~ov Ibeiv 8ta(f)6opdv. 36 Aainfi pev yap ifii'a yevea virrjpeTt]0'as rfj tov Qeov fiovXjj, eKoiprjdr), Kal Trpoaeredrj wpbs c rovs" •iraTepas aiiTov, Kai etfie diao-t6v ovv eara vplv, avbpes abe\(po\, oti bid tovtov vplv a(peo-is dpapnaiv KaTayyeXkeTai' 39 Kal otto navrcov &>v ovk r^bvvrjBrjTe ev rw vopa A Mcoaecos" biKaiu>8r)vai, ev tovtco ttcls 6 nio~Teva>v biKaiovTai. 4U /3AeVere ovv pr) eirtXdr] e(p' vpds to elprjpivov ev toIs npofpfjTais' 41 "ifiere, ol KaTaCppo- vrjTai, Kal davpderare Kal dcpaviadrjTe' oti epyov eyut epyd^ppai ev rals rjpepais vpa>v, e epyov" ' 6" ov pf] Tno-Tevo-Tjre, edv tis eKdiTjyrJTai vplv. TZ^lovtcov fie %avTa>v, TvapeKaXovv" els to peTa^v o-d(3j3aTov AaXr^r/pai av- rols to. prjpaTa h ravTa." 43 Xvdeicrrjs fie ttjs crvvayayrjs, r)Ko\ov&r)o-av noXXol tu>v lovbaiutv Kal tcov crefiopevaiv Acts XIII. 43. him in a sepulchre. 30 But God raised him from j dead: 3I and he was seen many days of them which came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are his witnesses unto the people. 32 And we declare unto you glad tidings, how that the pro- mise which was made unto the fathers, 33 God hath fulfilled the same unto us tlieir children, in that he hath raised up Jesus again, as it is also written in the second psalm : Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee. 34 And as concerning that he raised him up from the dead, now no more to return to cor- ruption, he said on this wise, I will give you the sure "mer- cies of David. 3 * Wherefore he saith also in another psalm, Thou shalt not suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. 36 For David Rafter he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption: 3 " but he whom God raised again, saw no corruption. 38 Be it known unto you there- fore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins. 3a And by him all that be- lieve, are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses. 40 Beware therefore, lest that come upon you which is spoken of in the prophets, 41 Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which you shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you. ri And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to themJ'thenextsabbath. 43 Now when the congregation was bro- ken up, many of the Jews, and religious proselytes followed a tNJ — . Reo.Bc Gb. om. b cnj — ,Gb. Trpwrto yf>a\/i v . c Elz om. d Gb. M^t'ffeojf. e-» fl ^ ~~- Rec. 8t Gb. l*. g Rec. t» Trfj tTvvayajyris toiv Ionia. wv, Traf>t*a\ovv ra tGvrj. b — * Gr. ra oata, holy, or. jnst things : wbicb word the LXX. both in the place of Isat. It. 3, and to many others, use for that which is in the Heb., mercies. P Or, after he had in his own age served the will of God. y Or, in the week between, or, in the sabbath between. Acts XIII. 44. 326 LTPAEEIS TQN Paul and Barnabas, who speak- irpoa-rjXvTcov T(Z> Uav\a> Kai tio J5apvd(3a" ing to them, persuaded them to „;-„„„ TrpoaXaUvvTes*", eneidov avTols continue in the grace of God. y t „ , ' „ „ „ „ «* And the next sabbath day irpotrpeveiv ttj ^apiri tov Qeov. ** ra came almost the whole city c Te fyouivai" o-al3fiaTCO cryehov iraaa together to hear the word of c >\ » a » - " « •% ' G ° d 7) TroAt? ovvrjxorj uicovcrai tov Koyov tov d GfoO." "5 But when the Jews saw « 'louvres be ot 'louSaloi rovs ovXovs, the multitudes, they were filled > \ ' a f\ \ s « _ with envy, and spake against «rAr/o-0j; Aeyopei'OiS', e airtAe- bLsp P h?ming C .T T S g aui :^ 7°-f «* £W ' •* I •»/■»«.» ,,, s>» spoken to you: but seeing ye G Jl val ™V Xo 7 ov T °v f e f > eTreibrj be put it from you, and judge dncode'io-de uvtov, Kai oIik dt-iovs Kpivere yourselves unworthy of ever- eWo ' ? - a l av l ov faZ s firf o- Tpe . lasting life, lo, we turn to the ,"» " , M » '„' , , r. Gentiles. 47 For so hath the (popeVa eis ra eOvrj. *' ovrco yap ei/re- Lord commanded us, sai/irag', 1 1 Ta X rat halv 6 Kvpios' TedeiKa ere els have set thee to be a light of , „ >„ L 4 i ■> i the Gentiles, that thou shouldest fas edvcov, tov eivai (re eis crcoTrjpiav be for salvation unto the ends ecos ecrvaToi' ttjs yrjs. ^AnTwhen the GentUes , * ['^vovTa be Ta eBvrj ^aipov, Kal heard this, they were glad, and eoolja£ov tov Xoyov tov Kvptov, Kai glorified the word of the Lord: fVtWevo-aj/ 6Vot naav TeTayuevot els and as many as were ordained c. i > , 4 « » , . rf, , N / to eternal life, believed. "And C^f aiomof. ^ * J 6te(p_epero oe o Aoyos the word of the Lord was pub- tov Kvpiov 8i BXrjs ttjs x^pas. o0 ol lished throughout all the re- *< > T a ~ ' o ' gion. »o But the Jews stirred 8e ^ybaioi TrapcoTpvvav tus o-e(3op,evas up the devout and honourable yvva'iKas ' ras evo~XT]povas Kai tovs women, and the chief men of npuT0VS ™ s ^Sheas, Kai ennyeipav the citv, and raised persecution . r , ,»',„» » ^ > « t> against Paul and Barnabas, and biaypov em tov lYavhov Kai e roi/ Bap- expelled them out of their vdfiav, Kai e£e(3a\ov avTOvs dno tcov coasts. 51 But they shook off t > < - 61 « s>* > f- • < the dust of their feet against °P iav avTWV ; ol , 8e eKTiyat-afievot tov them, and came unto Iconium. KOViopTov Ta>v irobav avTwv eV avTOvs, w And the disciples were filled j> X 6W et's 'Lcdwoi/. 52 ot Se ua^nrai with joy, and with the Holy ', . „ „ ( , r < ', Ghost. ejrArjpovvro x a pus Kai IlvevpaTos ayiov. 14. And it came to pass in 14. 'EyeWo 8e eV 'iKOi'toj, Kara to Iconium, that they went both »\»-y/i«.»»i\' < together into the synagogue of avroeio-ekdeiv avrovs eis ttjv avvayuyrjv the Jews, and so spake, that a tcov lovdaicov, Kai XaXj)o"ai ovtcos ioo~Te great multitude both of the vlaTe i t *.\ ■> a - > believed. 3 But the unbeliev- 7roAu n\r]0os. * oi be aneiOovvTes lov- ing Jews stirred up the Gen- Qaloi eirriyeipav Ka\ eKaKcoaav Tas ^b-vvas tiles, and made their minds evil „ >/i~ \ - >> >i. 3t> affected against the brethren. ™ v ^ va > v KaTa ™ v abe\s 8c e'yevero J** th ? . Je "? \ a, ' d f art " ith , , . , A „ , , . , ' , the apostles. 5 And when there opfxrj tcov e&vcov re Kai lovbaioov aw was an assault maHe both of rols apxovaiv avriov, v3piaai Kai Xido- t , he Gentiles, and also of the on-> > k a.* ' Jews, with their rulers, to use tioXqaai ^ avrovs, ^ avvibovres Kare- thern despitefully, and to stone (fivyov els rds TToXeis rrjs AvKaovlas, them, 6 they were ware of it, AtW^aiA/p/V^/W^^^ ' KaKei rjaav evayyeXlfypevoi. region that lieth round about. 8 Kai n? dvnp ev Avarpois dbwaros ' An(1 , ther e they pteached the > » i'X \> . \> gospel. rots ttoo-iv eKadrjro, x^Xos €K KOiXias » And there sat a certain man p.-qrp6s avrov b % 6s ovbenore c irepnre- at Lystra, impotent in his feet, ' a a t « - rj i\ beingacripplet'romliis mother's franpsn. 9 ovros rjKove rov KavXov wom ° b> wh ^ never had walked . AaXowros' be areviaas avra>, Kai tdcbv 9 The same heard Paul speak: on mo-riv e X ei rov aaBnvai, 10 elm wh ? stedfastly beholding him, ,* -Of -»»//i>» v and perceiving that he had faith peyaXi) ry (pavrj- Avaarrj&i em rovs to be healed, "> said with aloud 77odas o-ov opdos. Kai d TJXaro" Kai ne- v °ice, Stand upright on thy i li < av » \ 5 is / « feet ; and he leaped and walked. pienarei. ^ oi Se oxXoi tdovres o ,, And when { he people saw (TTOiT)o~ev 6 JJavXos, enr/pav rrjv (pcovrjv what Paul had done, thev lifted avrStv AvKaoviarl Xeyoin-ef Ol Seal up their voices, saying 'in the , a , , n , I , , speech ot Lycaonia, The gods opoiioffevres avdpumois Kareprjo-av irpos are come down to us in the rmuc- 12 'EkoXow re t6i/ e aev" Bap- likeness of men. " And they /o a' > s. s t-t »\ it, ~ called Barnabas Jupiter, and vapav. Am- rov be UavXov, Epp/i/, Paul Mercuriu s, because he e'Treidf] avros fjv 6 rjyovpevos rov was the chief speaker. Xdyou. 3 'O be lepevs Top Aios rov ovros n Then the priest of Jupiter, 7rpo TrjsiToAea>s { ",Tavpovs Kai 0-rep.p.ara which was before their city, ' s \ \ - > ' < - brought oxen, and garlands un erri rovs irvXuvas n«y«w, f ra tow t0 th fe e gates .* and B would navc o^Xoic TjdeXe vveiv. aKOvaavres be done sacrifice with the people. oi anoo-roXoi BapvdBas Kai IlavXos, " Which when the apostles, t » c / !. \ , I t - ~ > j. I Barnabas and Paul heard ot, oiapprj^avres ra ipana avrmv * et enr)- they rent their clothes, and ran bno-av" els rov 6'vXoi/, Kpd(ovres u Kai in among the people, crying \ - , ». j / - out, |D and saying, Sirs, why Xeyovres- ^Avdpes, ri ravra jroieire; do ' ye these tm J ngs? We aho Kai Tj/jiels 6poiowa6els eo~p.ev vp.lv liv- are men of like passions with fycoTTot, evayyeXiCouevot lads drro rov- you. and preach unto you. that r .' rr , , -j . s h < ye should turn from iheseva- ru>v rcov p.arai(ov eTTio-rpeCpeiv em rov n jties, unto the living God, Oebv rov (u>vra," 6s enoirjo-e rov ovpavbv which made heaven and earth, » Rec. add Nat. b Rec. add virapx^n- c Kz. & Elz. (^ Trspii*BirarTj*«i. d Rec. tjXXsro. « IJ ' Rec. add nnar. B Rec. « l di7r7,4i,»av, t <^ Biol" f^ira. e Acts XIV. 16. 328 IIPASEI2 TfiN and the sea, and all things that Kcii rr]V yijv Ka\ ttjv 6d\a„ Ta ' y TrapwvnaeVais past, suffered all nations to walk , „ , , „ /J ri/vi/, in their own ways. " Never- yevtais eiaae navra ra (Ovtj Tropevfadai theless, he left not himself with- Ta 1 s Sbols avratV 7 Kairoiye ovk dpdp- outwime»,ta that he did good , « dAJJKtv, a dyadonotw, " and gave us rain from heaven, ,• .% \ t - T< > 5. s, . \ » and fruitful seasons, filling our ovpavoVtv "vpiv verovs oidovs Kai Kai- hearts with food and gladness. « Ka p7TO(b6povs, euninXcov rooting 18 And with these sayingsscarce r r y r \ r ~, c , I ' ,, restrained they the people, that *ai evtipoavvrjs ras Kapbias vp.a>v. they had not done sacrifice un- '8 Kai ravra Xc-yof rey, poXis Karinav- to them. (rav TQVS g^\ ovs TO y pjj Qvzw avrols. » And there came thither 19 > En jj\0 ov g e dno ' Avno X eias Kai certain Jews from Antioch and ) ( , 1 „ v , « , Iconium, who persuaded the Ikowou Iouoatot, Kai 7reto-afT-ec rove people, & having stoned Paul, gyXovy, Ka \ XlBdaavres rbv HavXov, drew him out of the city, sup- ,/»• ',. „ / > posing he had been dead, eavpov e£co rns^noAe coy, i/o^iowr«au- 20 Howbeit, as the disciples T0J , re#vai/at. 20 KVKka>o~dvT eis rnvAvarpav and Antioch, M confirming the Krt v t 'l KO Vtoi/ Kai 'Acno^eiai/ - " iiriaTn- souls of the disciples, and ex- , y \ 1 < _- /j horting them to continue in the p paaiAeiav tov Weou. X €t P°" in every church, and had prayed T0V f, (Ta p T (s oe avrols Trpeaftvrtpovs Kar with fasting, they commended , J , /. . \ them to the Lord, on whom they eKKXr,(Tiav, npoaey£apevoi pera otjotk- believed. '•" And after they had a, v , irapedevTO avrovs rco Kvpio) etc ov when they had preached the ntcriStaf, r/Aooi' etc Hap.(pvkiaV " /cat word in Perga, they went down XaXncrai/rec eV IIepy77 roi/ XcSyoi/, Kare- into A ttalia, J6 and thence sailed ' , , \" 26 > '/3 to Antioch. from whence they prjaav eis ArraAeiav ^ KciKeidev had been recommended to the a7reVXeva'af els 'Avri6)(eiav, o&ev r/n-av SSh ttySnel th0'av. and had gathered the church 27 U apayev 6uevoL Se »cat o-VfavavoVrec together, they rehearsed all , , , r ', ^, , .. „ ', , that God had done with them, rnv eKK\r)nyyei/\av oaa enoino-fu and how he had opened the q Qfos per auTcof Kai bri fjvoifje rols door of faith unto the Gentiles. „ a n- 1 28 *.'_-.«„.. %i 28 And there they abode long «&*<» ^P"" m, v Trpeo-fivTepcov, dvrjy- yeiXdv re bo~a 6 Qebs eTTOirjae per avTv nemo-rev- Kores, Xeyovres' "Ort Set irepnepveiv avrovs, TrapayyeXXeiv re Tqpelv tov vdpov MaiuVecoc. 6 "2vvr\)(6rio-av 8e ol aVocrroAot /cat ol wpeo-fivTepoi I8eiv irepl rod Xoyov tov- tov. 7 TroXXrjs 8i o~v£t]Tf]o~eo)s yevopevrjs, avao~Ta.s Tle'rpos elne npbs avrovs' Av- 8pes d8eX(pol, vpels inio-Tao-Qe on a(p fjpepcov dpxaltov 6 Qebs ev fjplv e'^eXe- £aro 8id rov o-TopaTos pov d/coCcrat Ta eOvrj tov Xoyov tov evayyeXiov, /cat TTtcrrfOcrat. s /cat 6 Kap8ioyvd)0~Trjs Qebs epapTvpr^crev avTo'is, 8oi>s avrails to ILvevpa to dyiov, mdu>s /cat rjplv 9 /cat ov8ev 8uKpive pera^v rjpcov re /cat au- ra^, Tjj iricTTei Ka8ap'io~as rets Kap8ias avTinv. " vvv ovv rt neipa^ere tov Qeov, emBeivai (vybv eVrt tov Tpd)(rfXov tcov paorjToiv, bv ovre ol irarepes rjpcov otrre ijpels lo-)(vo-apev /3acrrcto"ut ; u dXXa Acts XV. 11. 15. And certain men which came down fiom Judaea, taught the brethren, and said, Kxcept ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved. ■* When therefore Paul and Barnabas had no small dis- sension and disputation with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them, should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question. 3 And being brought on their way by the church, they passed through Phenice and Samaria, declaring the conversion of the Gentiles: and they caused great joy unto all the brethren. 4 And when they were come to Jerusalem, they were received of the church, and of theapostles, and elders, and they declared all things that God had done with them. 5 But there rose up cer- tain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, That it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses. 6 And the apostles and elders came together for to consider of this matter. 7 And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up,& said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago, God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. s And God which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us, 9 and put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. "' Now there- fore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fa- thers nor we were able to bear ? a (^' TTHpiTfXIjtjl/Ttt h 12. — Rec. xai ui'f^rjjiiaij. Acts XV. 12. 330 IIPASEI2 TQN •i But we believe that through bia Trjs x&plTOs a tov" Kvpiov 'lrjo-oii b " the grace of the Lord Jesus m(TTfv0IJiev (roodnvai, Kaff bv Tponov Christ, we shall be saved even , „ ~ ' 7 ' as they. KaKeivoi. 12 Then all the multitude 12 'Etriy^crf be nav to tt\t)8os, Kai kept silence, and gave audience f> KOVOV BaovaBa Kai LTavXou (tnyovue- to Barnabas and Paul, declar- ' „ ~, , , „ , ' \ ing what miracles and wonders veov ova enoi^o-ev o Weo? arjpfia Kat God had wrought among the repara ev to'is edveai bi avTcav. ^^''after^ey had held J" ™*™ «« ™ **%» -™* «Ve- their peace, James answered, KpiBrj laKcoBos Xeycov' AfSpey ab(\(poi, saying,Menandbrethren,heark- ^ovcraTe „ ov . M 2uu€0>i> itnyhaaro, en unto me. '■' Simeon bath „~ , , • , ' i \ declared how God at the first Kcidtos Trpwrov o &eos (Treo-Ke\f/aTO \a- did visit the Gentiles to take « f J„ € '£ t0pav \a6v c eVt" Tto oVofiaTt out of them a people for his , -. u v > r ' - j name. « And to this agree the "-VTOV 15 Kat Toima ot^owovo-h' oi words of the prophets, as it is Xoyot rwi' Trpo(pr]rwv, KaOios yeypanTai written'" After this 1 will re- 16 « - . > Al/ao . Tp ^ a) Ka \ dvoiKO- turn, and will build again the r* , J « » *a » tabernacle of David, which is bopr](TU> ttjv (TKr)VJ]V AaviO Tt]V nilTTU)- fallen down: and I will build KV 1 av - Ka \ Ta KC iTeo-Kau.u.eva avrrjs again the ruins thereof, and I , * ' \ » a < » ' . will set it up: "that the residue a.yoiKobop.ijo'a, Kai avopdoHTV avrrjv of men might seek after the l ' ottcos av €k£t)ti]o~o>o-iv oi KaraXonroi Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon - dv6pom,> « . / "^ \ >i > the Lord', who doeth all these Ta e8vr], e(p ovs e7riK«KAr;rat to ovopa things. "> Known unto God are QV ^ avToW \iyei Kvpios 6 noieov all bis works from the begin- [T ,o ,>',,_„ in .>> \ ning of the world. « Where- "raura ls -paxrra an" omwos. Ato eya> fore my sentence is, that we Kpiva) ufj 7rapevo^\elv TOIS arro twv trouble not them, which from vi - > -'A™.—... ,V1 -A.. Q.A,' lU ^, . , _ j eai'cov €7ri&Tt)eQovcriv €TTi tov veov among the Gentiles are turned „, , , , ' ,/r , „ „ , , to God: 20 but that we write * aXXa fnio-Tei\ai avrois tov anex* o~oat unto them, that they abstain £ no T ^ v c \\ l0 -y„ uqtiov twv elSoiXcov Kill from pollutions oi idols, and „ r J \ ~ -./ > from fornication, and from Trjs nopveias Km tov ttviktov^ Kai tov things strangled, and from a'iuaTOS. 21 'Moktm" yap (K y«i/fa)J' blood. J1 For Moses of old » / i -\ ' ' m „ time hath in every city them ap X maya>yais KaTa ITav Uie synagogues every sabbath (r( i^ aTOV dvayivwo-Kopevos. 22 Tore fSo|e to'is anoo-ToXois ko\ 22 Then pleased it theapos- T0 l s 7rpea-/3urepotc avv okrj rr/ eKKXrjaia, ties and elders with the whole i \ * * «s. >>'('- -i' church, to send chosen men of eK^ap.evovs avbpas eg aureus irtptyai their own company to Anti- f Is AvTi6)(eiap o~vv tu> TLavh(t> Kai Bap- och, with Paul and Barnabas: ^ 'lou8ai» TOV WKaXovpevov Bap- namely, Judas surnamed Bar- f \« v »n » ' - sabas, and Silas, chief men aapav, Kai SiAav, avbpas ijyovpivovs among the brethren, ™ and e '„ Tn ' ls aSeXfioiy 23 ypa\\ravT(S bia wrote letters by them after this % , - ',» _, t i"/ ■> > t manner. The apostles and el- X"P°? avrui/ ra6e Ot u/roo-roAo; Kat ot ders, & brethren, send greeting npeo-jivTepoi % Kai oi" aSeXc^ot, to'is Kara 3 Rec. an. t> Rec. add XpKrrov, C ^% d Reo. Tavra iravra. Tvuora a»r' atuiiof »v, d Xcyovres irfpirepvecrdai Kai Trjpflv tov vopov," o'ts ov 8ie, b en\e£apevovs" av8pas irepyfsai irpos vpas, arvv rols dyawrjTo'is r)pa>v Bapvdj3a nai IlavXco, e6 dvdpwnois 7rapaSfSa)*coo-i ras y^v^as avraiv viT€p tov ovopaTos roil Kvpiov T]pa>v 'irjaoii Xpicrrov. 27 direo-TakKapev ovv 'lov8av Kai 2i\av, Kai avrovs Sto \6yov dnayyeWovras ra avrd. ^ e'8o£e yap tgj dyia Uvevpari. Kai rjplv, pr]8ev irXeov iTTiTidzo-Qai vplv /3apo?, ttXjjv T03i' indvayKts c tovtcov," * 9 aTre^eadai (lda>\odvTv Kai alparos d Kai ttviktov" Kai iropveias' e£ gov 8tarr]povvres eav- tovs, eii rrpd^ere. i'ppcoaoe. 30 Ot ptv ovv aTTo\v6evTfs e rjXBov" eis ^Avrio^eiav' Kai a-vvayayovresro irXr/dos, ene8a>Kav rt)v emoToXrjv. 31 dvayvovre s Se, €)(dpr)o-av enl rf] 7rapa/cAr}(T«. " 'lov- 8as ' re" Kai 2i\as, Kai avrol irpofpijrai ovres, 8id \6yov iroXXov TrapeKaXcaav rovs d8e\(povs, Kai eW arr)pi£ai/. M ttoitj- cravres 8e xpovov, dneXvOrjo-av per elprjvns dno ru>v d8e/\(p Ka t 'ludViW' rot/ KoXovaevov name was Mark. •'"But Paul " ,' ,, .. ' , ., , ' , thought not good to take him MupKoV 3 UavAos be tj^lov, tov ano- with them ; who departed from o- TavTa an avTOiv dno IlaucpuAiac, Kal them fromPamphvlia, and went \ ■> n , > <■ i > * \ not with them to the work. M (TvveXtiovTa avTOis eis to _ epyov, pr] 3i > And the contention was so avpnapaXajielv tovtov. 39 eyeveTO ovv sharp between them, that they napofivtrubs, &v a6eX(pa>v. OitjpxeTO be ttjv Syria and Cilicia, confirming 2vpiav Kal KiXiklov, enio-rnplfav rdc the churches. 16. Then came , \ , - „ , U ,, , , he to Derbe, and Lystra: and eKKAtjtTtas.^ lb. KaTrjVTrjcre be ets Aep- behold, a certain disciple was jUrjv Kal AvarpaV Kal Idoii, padrjTrjS tis there, named Timotheus, the »„ > <• » » >r. tn r. > son of a certain woman which %, eKel > 0V0 P- aT <- Tipodeos, VMsyvvaums was a Jewess, and believed: lovoaias mo-Trjs, naTpos be EXXrjvos' but his father was a Greek: 2 * r (napTVpeiTO vno Tcbv ev AvcrTpois - which was well reported ot v > ' ; w s , „ q ~ > /i -\ by the brethren that were at KCU ^kovico abeX(pu>v. tovtov rjdeArjaev Lystra and lconium. 3 Him o JJavXos avv avTm e^eXBelv, Kal Xafioiv would Paul have to go forth - > * ' » v • >t & ' with him, and took, and circum- ^purtfuv avroy, dta tow lovdaiovs cised him, because of the Jews tovs bvTas ev Tols Tonois eKeivois' ySei- which were in those quarters: aav < S.navr(s tov naTepa avrov, oti for they knew all, that his father „.. ' ~ t . . , » , r . , was a Greek. * And as they EXXrjv vnrjpxev. " ojc be bienopevovTO went through the cities, they Tas n6Xcis,napebibovv avTois(bvXdo~o~eiv delivered them the decrees for v ?, / \ > < \ - > to keep, that were ordained of Ta boypaTa Ta KeKpipeva vno Tav a- the apostles and elders, which noo~ToXu>v Kal Tu)V 7Tpeo~fivTepa>v tcov were at Jerusalem. « And so g >„ . / 7 >\ a ' «»■•/' preach the word in Asia, » after ^? A "'?. , eX0ovTes Kara tt]v Mvaiav thev were come to Mysia, they eneipa^ov e els' Trjv BiBvvlav nopeveadaC rstftiM^'£ rr/*^™ ^n r t>a r^,. 8 And they passing by Mysia, o~ov." s napeXdovTes be ttjv Mvo-iav, came down to Troas. » And a Kar/^traj/ els Tpctdba. 9 Kal opaua vision appeared to Paul in the 5, , , •' , a - rr '\ > ' night: There stood a man of Ota Tijff WKros coc/xf^r; ra navAo)- ai/r/p Macedonia, and prayed him, tis yvMalceba>v eo-TU>s,napat(a.Xa>v a&TOV & r^) tfiovXtro, b Rec. Tif luiavv-nv. — ^N3 luiavv'iv. c cv Kvptov. d Rec. add Ttvof. " Rec. Kara. f St. & E!z. -» AII02T0AQN. 333 Acts XVI. 19. Kai XeycoV Aiaftds els MaKe8oviav, savin?, Come over into Mace- Pondnaov nu.lv. 10 'Qs 8e TO opapa el8(V, jj 0n ' a \ and hel P us ' !° Rafter >/i- >> ' '/• \ /i - i < i,/r he had seen the vision, imme- ev£/«&)S e^rjTrjO-cifiev e£eX0eiv eis rt]V Ma- diaiely we endeavoured to go Ke8oviav, crvpfiifldtovTes OTi irpoaKt- int0 Macedonia, assuredly ga- \ ' - r •' v ' » > \' a thering,that iheLord had called kXijtcii ijpas^o Kvpios evayyeXiaaaOai us for to preach the gospel unto avrovs. them. 11 ' Ava\6evT(s ovv oVo rrjs Tpa>d8os, n Therefore loosing from eldv8pou.iio-au.ev (Is 2apo0paKiiv, Til T( Troas, we came with a straight • ' * Zi ' -\ l" > -A' » course to Samothracia, and the emovat] eis NearroXiv, " eKeidev re us next day to Neapolis: w and QiXirrnovs, iiTis earl npcoTn b Tns pe- from thence to Philippi, which 'St " c ~ » i« & ' '\ \ • ls " the chief city of that part pidos ^Tys MaKeSovias TToXls KoXcovia. of Macedonia, and a colony: f)pe v 8e e'v Tavrrj ttj TVoXei SiaTpijSovres and we were in that city abid- nuepas Tivds' k Tn re hue" pa rav o-a/3- !" s ce " a ; n da y s - " And " n U ~ r >>'n/i »> - a i\ ii the sabbath we went out ot the paraiv egnXOopev «£&> rns a iroXe as city by a river side, where ivapa TToraubv, ov evopitero ■Kpoo-evvf] P ra yer was wont to be made, t n a> >\ \ - - and we sat down, and spake eivai, Kai KadtcravTes eXaXovpev rais un to the women which resorted 0~vve Xdovcrais yvvai^i. li Kai Tis yvvij thither. l * And a certain wo- ovopan Av8ia, TvopcbvpoTrcoXis TroAeto? ^.^/i^^' f Vif "!- ° f ~ , ,~~ r , „ purple, oi the citv ot Thyatira, Bvareipeav, o-epopevrj rov Qeov, TjKoveV which worshipped God, heard hs 6 Kvpios 8irivoi£e riiv Kap8iav,TTpou-- us: whose heart the Lord '. - \ \ - f \ -» tx >\ opened, that she attended unto (X(w rois XaXovpevois vno rov IlavXov. the things which were spoken of cos 8e efiaTTTLcrdn, Kai 6 olkos avTijs, Paul. '* And when she was Trapse Xeyovaa- El KeKpUare pe SEft^^ft'Sft 7TIOT1JV ra> KvpLG) eivai, eiaeXdovres eis have judged me to be faithful rov oikov pov, peivare' Kai TrapeSid- f° the Lord, come into my < ~ n ' ~ house, and abide there. And craro tjpas. she constrained us. 'Eyevero 8i nopevopevav ijpcbv els ' 6 And it came to pass, as we e rnv " npoo-evvfiv , nai8l > / > \ >% i ci f and said to the spirit, 1 com- TO be eTTOieieiri woXXas i}pepas. _ 8ta- mand thee in the name of Jesus TTOvrjBeis 8e 6 TiavXos, Kai iirio~Tpe-^ras, Christ, to come out of her. And ro5 nvevpan elirC UapayyeXXa -» OZX * !^> irvXfjf. e r^j — . Rec. & Gb. ora. f cnj wv$(ur*, g Bz. It Eli. iy*i». " Or, tlie 6n(. f Or, of Pytboo. e Acts XVI. 20. 334 IIPA3EI2 TON that the hope of their gains was i^rjXdev t] eXms rr/s epyaaias avriiov, gone, they caught Paul and i m \a^6iisvoi TOvUavXov Ka\ rbv^CKav, Silas, and drew them into the „ ^ ' , v , , , v , „ ' "marketplace, unto the rulers, (iXuvo-av fis Trjv ayopav em tovs ap- 2»and brought them to the ma- ^ovras' 20 Ka\ npoaayayovTes avrovs gistrates, saying, These men - V *_ y < „ A being Jews, do exceedingly TOls c i \. » » - trates rent off their clothes, " x Ka ( l vvveTrto-rr) o o)(Xos Kar avja>y, and commanded to beat them, ko.1 01 crTparr/yoi irepippr/^avres avrwv 23 And when they had laid many s. « ' ' '\ ' o%'>- .23 n^ ' stripes upon them, they cast ra tpaTia, (KtXevov papb&tv- ™ noXXas them into prison, charging the re entuevTes avTois TrAr/yar, efiaXov (is l a Jl?-i t0 u keep th ? m J safe 'y- (bvXaKw, irapayyeiXavres ra beo-po- i4 Who having received such a J7 / N ' , , \ /' - , ' / 9 r 4 charge, thrust them into the (pvAaKi, ao- < > < > 1 ' jl v _j Aev airoKS ei? TTJf tacorepav (pvAaKrjv, Kai rovs nodas avruv rjcrCpaXiaaro els to £vXov. » And at midnight, Paul and 25 Kar £ g e * T0 ueaovvKTiov IlaiiXos Silas praved, and sang praises \ ^,/n / r, ' y unto God: and the prisoners K£U , 2 ' An? Trpoo-(V X op(vot, vpvovv tov heard them. 26 And suddenly 0ediv (tttj Kpouivro be avrav ol beapioi. soXIThe 3 SatfJnsTthe ; 6 ^ » ™H* &«* frfNJft prison were shaken: and im- coo-re craXevdrjvai. Ta BepeXia tov oe- mediately all the doors were o-acorripioV dvecovdno-av re rrapavpnaa opened, and everv one's bands ; /i*» - ' \ / \ s, v were loosed. "And the keeper ai tfvpM nacrat, Kai navrcov Ta becrpa of the prison awaking out of his dvedrj. 27 e^vivvos be yevop,evos 6 b(- ££ o a p D en, S h e e in d g rew e o[;fh i" -poCpiXaJ, «* M. .tofptWf rA S sword, and would have killed ovpas Trjs (jovAaKr/y, 0-jrao-ap.evos p-a- himself, supposing that the pri- xa ipav, eueXXfi/ eavrov dpaipelv,vou.[tcov soners had been fled. is But A r , ' " , 5. , r as 'j. - Paul cried with a loud voice, * KTvecpevytvai Toys beap-iovs. "° ((patvrjcre saying, Do thyself no harm, for Se (bwvri ueyaXri 6 HavXos XeyaV we are all here. ,, v '/■ - ' . « Mrjoev irpa^rjs afavrco KaKou anavres yap £o~p.tv ivdahe. 29 Then he called for a light, m ™ AlVjjo-ao bt Ta eicre7rr}Sr/o-«-, Krai and sprang in, and came trem- i'vrpopos yevopevos Trpoo~eiT€o-e ra> Hav- bling, and fell down before Paul \, % „_j <; , e(prf Kvpioi, Tl pe bei -rroietv I do to be saved ? si And they " lva wdu i 31 Ol be elnoV UloTevo-ov said, Believe on the Lord Jesus , , , T , / > T -. , , Christ,and thou shalt be saved, «" tov Kvpiov^ Irjaovv Xptrrroi/, mi and thy house. 3i And they o~a>6f]0-rj av na\ 6 oikos o~ov. ^ Ka\ a s) Xa^wi' a Or, court. AII02T0AGN. 335 Acts XVII. 4. eAaXno-av aura) rbv \6yov rov Kvpiov, spake unto him the word of the \ ' - * - > » _J '_ _'_„~ Lord, and to all that were in »«u ttoo-i tow ev rp oiKia «^™^- Ms house . 3 3And he took them 33 Kai 7rapaXa/3f avrovs ev eKetvj] rrj the same hour of the night, a>pa rns vvktos ekovaev dnb rwv rrAr)- and washed their stripes and " • ' \ to 'a > < v c " " was baptized, he and all his, yaw, Kai epaTTTia-dr) avros Kai oi avrov straightway. 3l And when he irdvres rrapavpripa' M dvayayoov re had brought them into his , , i , » t - _ „ '/]„„, house, he set meat before them, avrouy as tov oikoj/ auToi/, TraptdrjKe an[ , rejoiced believing in God rpdrre^av, Kai rjyaXkido~aro Travolta. rre- with all his house. moTevKios tco 0eo>. 35 'Hue'aa? 8<= yevouevris drreartiKav 35 . And wnen il was da y. the c ~ r v i ' t o^ ' \ ' magistrates sent the Serjeants, ot oTparr/yoi rovs papdovxovsAtyov- saying, Let those men go. '"And res' ' ArroAvo-ov rovs dvOpunrovs (Kfivovs. the keeper of the prison told 3fi • « ' \ £> s * _ ,J."»„£ -.„,'.« 'bis saying to Paul, The ma- 36 Ajnjyy«Xe Se o 8<=o-p.o(pyXa£ tovs gistra J s * ave sent ' tQ , et you \dyovs rovrovs rrpos rov IlauXoi'' Oti go: now therefore depart, and aTrecrraXKao-tJ/ oi arpar^yoi, iva drroAv- go in peace. " B „ t Paul said ' _ /■ \a> d > unt0 lnem > T hey have beaten 6i]Te' vvv ovv e^eAOovres, TropeveaVe ev us ope nly uncondrmned, being elpfivn. 37 'O Be LTauXoc etpr) rrpos Romans, and have cast us into i > « » c - s> ' ' prison, and now do thev thrust avrovs' Aeipavres r]pas br)p.orrovs Paipaiovs vrrap- let them come themselves, and vovras, epaXov els (pvXaK^v, Kai VW ■ £j* » «fc 3S And the ser- ,a c - > ? '\\ ' ' '•»"»* jeants told these words unto the XaOpa rjpas (KpaAAovo-iv ; ovyap'aAAa magistrates: and they feared ekdovres avrol rinds egayayerooo-av. when they heard that they were •is > , / ,. «.' - - < Romans. 39 And they came and « Ai/nyyftXai/Se Toif trrparr/yoic oi besought them< and brought paftdovyoi to. prjpara ravra' Kai e(po- them out, and desired them to m™,™™™ ™'Ps, rrapeicdAeo-av avrovs, Kai efcnXoov. i, . a ' *v < >» A*' \... 17. Now when they had pass- 17. AtoScvo-avrts 6t ttiv^ Ap(pino\iv ed lhrough Amphi , po H s , F and Kat 'ATToXXcoftaf, ffAOov (is Qfaaako- Apollonia, thev came to Thes- ,tV, oVov fe 4 «ry,ay^ rvv'lov- g0 ^ ^^ws^And pTuT, oaicoi/. " Kara oe ro eiaoos to) UavAa as n i s manner was, went in un- eio-riXde rrpos avrovs, Kai irri o-d/3/3ara to them, and three sabbath . ' ,, ,. / .-> > - .- davs reasoned with them out of rpia bieAiyero avrois arro rmv ypacpuv, ^ scriptureSi 3 opening and 3 Stai/otycof Kai rraparidepevos, oti tov alledging, that Christ must Xptcrrdt, Ji. rra6.lv Kai dva^vai i K ^l^^t^t^ veKpaiv, Kai oti ovtoc eariv o Xpiaros this Jesus whom I preach unto 'lrjo-ovs, ov e'ya> KaTayye'XXo vp'iv. 4 Kai' you, is Christ. « And some of » Gb. evy, to Uec.cNJ«»j, Acts XVII. 5. them believed, and consorted with Paul and Silas: and of the devout Greeks a great mul- titude, and of the chief women not a few. 5 But the Jews which believ- ed not, moved with envy, took unto them certain lewd fellows of the baser sort, and gathered a company, and set all the city on an uproar, and assaulted the house of Jason, and sousrht to bring thpm out to the people. 6 And when they found them not, they drew Jason, and cer- tain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down, are come hither also, 7 whom Jason hath received : and these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying, that there is another king, one Jesus. 8 And they troubled the people, and the rulers of the city, when they heard these things. a And when they had taken security of Jason, and of the other, they let them go. 10 And the brethren immedi- ately sent away Paul and Silas by niu'ht unto Berea: who com- ing thither, went into the syna- gogue of the Jews. " These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they re- ceived the word with all readi- ness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. I* Therefore many of them believed: also of honourable women which were Greeks, and of men not a few. I3 But when the Jews of Thessalonica had knowledge that the word of God was preached of Paul at Berea, they came thither also, and stirred up the people. 14 And then im- mediately the brethren sent away Paul, to go as it were to the sea : but Silas andTimotheus 336 nPASEIS TQN rives e'£ avroov eneio-Brjaav, Kai irpoar- tKKrjpco$rjcrav ru> UuvXco Kai too St'Xa, ru>v re o~ej3op.evoov JLXXrjvoov 7roXv nXrjdos, yvvaiKoov re rcov rrpooroov ovk oXiyat. a UpocrXa(S6pevoi Se ol 'louSaloi ol dneiBovvres" roov dyopaiaov rivds nvbpas novrjpovs, /cat 6)(\o7roir](TavTes, edopv- (3ovv rrjv ttoXiv' eTTio~Tavres re rfj olkio. ldcrovos, e^hrovv avrovs ayayelv eis rov brjpov 6 pr] evpdvres 8e avrovs, eavpov rov lacrova Kai Tivas ddeXcpovs enl rovs noXirapxas, (Socovres' On ol ttjv oi- Kovpevrjv dvao-rarooo-avres, ovrot ko.1 e'vBdbe ndpeicriv, ' ovs v7ro8e8eKrai 'ldo~(ov' (cat oiiroi ndvres aivevavri rd>v 8oypdroov Kaio~apos Trpdrrovo~i, j3av, aireXvcrav avrovs. 10 Ol be dbeXcpol evdecos bid rrjs vvktos e^enep^rav rov re HavXov kcu rov 2tXai> eis Bepoiav' oirives napaye- vopevoi, els rrjv avvayooyrjv ru>v lovbaioov dni'ieo-av. n ovroi be fjo-av evyeveo~repoi rcov ev QecroraXoviKr], oirives ebe^avro rov Xdyov perd ndcrrjs TrpoBvpias, ro Ka6 rjpepav uvaKpivovres ras ypafpas, el e'xoi ravra ovroos. noXXol pev ovv e£ avroov enio-revo-av, Kai roov EXXr/- viboov yvvaiKcov roov evo~)(ripdvaov Kai dvbpoov ovk dXiyoi. 13 cos be eyvaoaav ol and rijs 6eo-craXoviKT]s 'IouSaiot, on Kai ev rfj Bepoia KarrjyyeXT] bird rov Uav- Xov d Xoyos rov Qeov, rfXBov KaKel o~aXevovres rovs o^Xovs- evdeoos be rare rov IlaiiXov e^airecrreiXav ol dbeX~ (pol Tropeveadai oos (ttI rnv 6dXa(T(raV vnepevov be o re 2/Xac Kai d Tipddeos a Rec. Zi?Aa»ffavre£ it ui anei8ovvTts lm>?an>t Kai irpooXaflofitvot. Gb. UpoaXa^o^evoi it 01 lovia AII02T0AQN. 337 Acts XVII. 25. «c«. Io ol be KaSicrTcovres tov IlavXov, al)ode there still. 15 And they rjyayov a avrov" ecos 'AdnvcoV /cat Xa- * at conducted Paul, brought a i ' \< v ' ■c.'n v mm unto Athens, and receiv- Povres cvto\i]v rrpos tov 2tAai> /cut ing a commandment unto Silas Tipddeov, iva cos ravtcrra eXdcotrc ivpbs an,i Timotheus, for to come to Outoi/, e&eo-ai/. Jaried!" 1 "" Speed ' they de " Ef Se Tats 'Adrjvais eKbe%opevav '" Now while Paul waited atrovs tov IlavXov, irapcoPvveTO ro for tllem a ' Athens, his spirit , , , ' - i, /i - i, was stlrr ed in him, wlien he irvevpa avrov ev avrco ° decopovvTi saw the city « wholly given to KarelbcoXov ovcrav tt)v ttuXlv. x ~' buXe- idolatry. » Therefore disputed .„ t > - he in the synagogue with the yero pev ovv ev rr, trvvaycoy,] rots Jews, and with the devout per- lovotiLOis Kcu tois trefiopevois, Kal ev sons, and in the market daily rn tiyopa Kara Tiwai/ iWpav 7rp6s tovs K U rV them ^ hat ?? wi \ h him i 'i ' r. ir r r » is Then certain philosophers of 7mpuruyxai/OMras. ls Tifes Se c /cat the Epicureans, and of the rcof 'E7rtKOt'p6tcoj/ Kat rcoi/ Srco'i/ccof fit- Stoick s, encountered him: and \„ 'j m ii > ~ / ~ some said, What will this bab- Aoo-ortjcoj/ trwe^aAW aurco /cat Tives bier say ? other some, He eXeyov' Tt av deXoi 6 crweppoXoyos seemeth to be a setter forth of oStos Xeyeiv; Ol oV Sevav baipovlccv ^anpegods: because he preach- j, - ' .. , ? .„ f^ , ed unto them Jesus, and the Oo/cet KarayyeAevs eivaf a on tov It]- resurrection. '9 And they took ctovv Kal rhv dvdo-Tacnv avrols evriyyc- mm * and brought him unto \'y // u i i fl' ' ' - > * * Areopagus, saving, Mav we Aifero. emXa&opevoi re avrov, em know what this new doctrine, tov Apeiov Tidyov rjyayov Xeyovres' whereof thou speakest, is ? AwdpeOa yvcovai, ris h Kaivr) av-rri n ™ For J! 1 ? 11 b , ringest certain , , r , ,', ,' * ' , ' ~ '• I strange things to our ears: we vtto crov AaAovpevT] oida^r/ ; '" gevi- would know therefore what Covra T"P Tiva elcrcpepeis els Tas d/coas these things mean - 2 ' ( For aU ' » . a \ i a » - o / * « lne Athenians and strangers rjpcov povAopeUa ovv yvcovai, tl av which were there, spent their 6eXoi ravTa etVat. 21 A.8r>valoi be time in nothing else, but either ijf«tt KOL ol jTTtdrjpovvTes $evoc els [ n in^0 " l ° "^ ^ "^ ovdev erepov evKalpovv, rj Xeyeiv t\ Kal aKoveiv Kaivdrepov. 22 ■?_„/]* s> t n «\ > / 2 2 Then Paul stood in the , A zratieis be o UavXos ev pecrip tov midst of , Mars> hlU and said _ Apetou irayov, ecpj]' Avopes Adrjvaloi, Ye men of Athens, I perceive Kara ttuvtu cos beio-tbaiuoveo-Tepovs that '.". a11 '"ings ye are too su- c - n - 23 5, i \ \ perstitious. " For as I passed vpas Uecopco. Oiepxopevos yap Kai by, and beheld your « devotions, dfac9ecopcoi' ret ae^dcTuara vucov, evpov * found an altar with this in- !,„) :3,...\.. ,'.. , ? '_ . » a ' scription. To the unknown Kai tfcopov ev co eneyeypaiTTO- Ayvcocrrco Go £ whom Uierefore ye 0f co. Ov ovv ayvoovvres evaefielre , ignoiantly worship, him declare tovtov eyco KarayyiXXco vplv. M 6 Qe 6s \ " nl ° ?" u " Jf 4 ,? °,f that t made » » v / ' , , ^ , lne world, and all things there- o noirjo-as tov Kocrpov Kat rravra tu ev in, seeing that he is Lord of aiVco, outos ovpavov /cat yris Kvpios heaven :ind earth, dwelleth not < ' , > > ' " - in temples made with hands: VTTupxcoy , ovk ev x«po770ir/rois vaois M neither is worshipped with KaTOLtcei, ovbe vno veipcov'dvdpcoiTcov' men'shandsas though heneeded a Zt h ^ deuipovyros. C(V — . Rec. & Gb. oin. d _* e.^Jt.va. < r^i avdpunivwv. a Or, full qf idoli. P Or, b»»e f«lluw. T Or, Jlars' hill. < Or, cuurl i.f tlm Aroopijitdl, • Or, jod> Ihot yuu \v„r»;.iu 23 Acts XVII. 26. 338 IIPASEIS TQN any thing, seeing he giveth BepaireveTai irpoo~8e6pevos twos, avros to all, life and breath and all 8l8ov - > . j ^vow* Kai Ta" ndv- things, ■"■and hath made of one <,, , ,,'>«,», ' h « „ blood all nations of men, for to ^a - -° eiroirjcre Te eg ew ' aificiTOS ttciv dwell on all the face of the '4Q vos av8pcoTTa>v, KaTOiKelv eiti ndv to earth, and hath determined the / , , ~ times before appointed, and the irpoaiMrov Tr)S yrjs, opiaas TrpocrTeTa- bounds of their habitation : ypevovs" Kaipovs Kai Tas opodeo-'ias Trjs t th / l f l t; ey , Sh ,?" ld SB t f h , KaroiKias avr&V 2; trrrtiv d tov Oeov," Lord, if naplv they might feel , x , ', , y « after him and' find him, though ft apaye\}sr)Aa(pr]0-eiav avTov Kai evpoiev, he be not far from everyone e KaiToiye" oh iiaKpav ano, e'fos eKao-TOV of us. "Form him we live, , .. , , 2s > ■> - \ >- and move, and have our being, W" v vrrapxovTa.^ ™ ev avTO> yap^wpev as certain also of your own Kai Kivovpeda Kai eo~pev 10s Kai Tives rs e o S ffsp a rTn g aid ' FOrWearea,S ° ™" *»™ * ^T stone graven by art ..and man's Bvariaews dv6pu>TVOV, to delov elval device. •*" And the times of « « , r , « , this ignorance God winked at, Ofioioy. ™ Toys pev Ovv X P""Ovs TT]S but now commandeth all men dyvuias vnepiScov 6 Qeos, Tavvv napay- everywhere to repent: 3 ' be- ~>\ _ " ' zl ' > a. \ ? « ' whereof he ■ hath given assur- OiKatoo-vvg, ev avbpi (o o>pio-e, tticttiv ance unto all men, in that he irapao~Ya)V irao-iv, uvacrTrjo-as avTOV eK hath raised him from the dead. 3* And when they heard of veK P°? v - , , , the resurrection of the dead, AKOvo-avTes Oe avaaTao-iv veKpwv some mocked: and others said, ol aiv evAevatoV 01 8e elirov 'Akov- We will hear thee again of this , n> >\ > ' 33 t- » matter. 3S So Paul departed o-ope8a (Tov Trahiv Trepi tovtov. °° Kai from among them 3' Howbeit, ovtcos 6 YluiXos egrjkQev eK ueaov as- certain men clave unto him, . 34 %j\v*<\ w a' and believed: among the which r ?"-„ , , nv€S ° e ™opn KoXkr}8evTes was Dionysius the Areopagite, auro3 enio~Tevo~av' ev ois Kai Aiovvaios and othe°rTwith a them DamariS ' ° '&P eo ™yiT7 1 s, Kai yvvtj ovopaTl Aa- p.apis, Kai erepoL avv avrols. 18. Mera de ravra X a>piade\s 6 Hav~ 18. After these things, Paul Xoff e* T»I» 'Adrjvvv T)\6ev els KopivBov' departed from Athens, and * kcu evpav Tiva lovdaiov ovopari Akv- came to Corinth,* and found a x Uovtikov rca yevei, TrpoaCbaTws certain Jew named Aquila, horn ' , , , i. / N , ' >~ , in Pontus, lately come from e\rjkv8oTa utto tt]S IraAias, «at IIpi- Italy, with his wife Priscilla, o- K iXk av ywa'iKa avrov, (Sta to Stare- (hecause that Claudius had , '> / » »> /1 commanded all Jews to depart Taxerat K\ai;6iw ^P'<, f °"™' Travrac from Rome) and came unto rovs 'lovBaiovs eK ttjs 'Vcoprjs,) Trpoo-ijX- » St. xara. b — , c Rec. CN3 irparMTaiue i-ovs. d Rec ,T *J top K.pioy. « ^ij xaiye. ' — ♦ 6 rtj rraprcf. h (^) waSort. a Or, offered faith. AnOSTOAQN. 339 Acts XVIII. 15. 6ev avTols' 3 Kai Sta to opoTe^yov eivai, them. 3 And because he was epeve nap' afaft Kai T i I \ t-r^w s < synagogue every sabbath, and eneiOe re lovbaiovs Kai KKArjvas. ^ v unto them, \ our blood be upon em tt)v KecpaAnv vpcoV Kadapos eyu, your own neads> , am clean . a7r6 tov vi/v els to. edvn iropevo-opai. from henceforth I will go unto 7 v \ a* »"/l ?\ d ? ?„.' the Gentiles. ' And he departed 7 Kai pejaBas eKeidev r}X0ev eis oiKiav thencej and entered ^ cer . Tivbs ovopaTi Ioutrrou, ceBopevov tov tain man's house, named Justus, Beoj/, ou h oiKia Iv Kvpia avv oAco tc3 ruler of the synagogue, believed i r > \v \ '- T , '/i/ * on the Lord, with all his house : oikco ovtov Kai noXXoi tov Kopivdicov and many of the Cormthiar , s> aKovovres enio-Tevov Kai eBanTi^ovTO. hearing, believed, and were 9 eine be 6 Kvpios Si 6pdpaTOS ev vvkti baptized 'Then spake the _ , > j o ~ '\\ < \ »\ « Lord to Paul in the night by a tw LlavXa' Mr/ (popov, aAAa AaAei Kai vision, Be not afraid, but speak, pn o-iconrjo-rjs- 10 Sioti eya elpi ueTa and hold not thy peace: "> for - v >'k > > a > , - I am with thee, and no man o-ov, Kai ovbeis enidpcreTai aoi tov Ka- sha U set on thee, to hurt thee: Kaio-ai «.»» > > > t" er e a year and six months, Kai prjvas eg, Oibao-Kcov ev avTOis tov teachingthewordofGodamong \6yov tov Qeov. them. 12 TaWicovos 8e d dvdviraTevovTos " Trjs 'A)(aias, KaTeneaTrjcrav opodvpadov u And when Gallio was the oi'lov8aioiT^IlavX ? Kai rjyayov^v- SU^ct^ithtne^ tov em to pnpa, 16 Xeyovres' Oti cord against Paul, and brought napa tov voaov ovros avarreidei tovs \? m to *J?, e . J u J J fif ment seat > ' a • 'a a » r\ • 14 »* \ ,3 sayng. This fellow persuad- av0pw7rovs cre[3eo-6ai tov Qeov. MeA- eth men t0 wors hi p God con- Aovtos Se tov TIavXov dvoiyeiv to o-ropa trary to the law. '* And when f i r \\ ' > ''t»' . Paul was now about to open his einevo TaXkuov npos tovs loydaioys' mouth Gallio said un f the Ei pev e oiiv" tjv ab'iKrjpd ti tj pqotovp- Jews, If it were a matter of ynpa irovripbv, Z> 'lovSa'ioi, koto, \6yov wron e. ™ wicked lewdn f, ss ' °. i > ,' r % - ia i «.> f y i ' •„ ye Jews, reason would that I ay j]veo-xopr]V vpwV lo ei be QnTnpa should bear with you. u But eoTi Trep\ \6yov Ka\ 6vopa.Ta>v Kai vopov if it be a question of words, and »— » bRte.Trnvjiari. c El. c\; e.viii roy. d cv avdviraTov oitoj. * — * f c^ Zrirrj/tara. Gr sat tber« Acts XVIII. 16. 340 IIPASEI2 TGN names, and of your law, look tov Kad' vuds, b\jfeo~8e avroi' KpiTijS of SSI n/atteTs! 1 VL^S IW ^"^ «* ^°^ «"<»' drave them from the judgment Km aTrrjkaaev avTovs ano tov prjua- seat. " Then all the Greeks roy- 17 eVuAa/Sduewt Se Trai/re? b ot took Sosthenes the chief ruler r/T ^ .. „ _ n - , , of the synagogue, and beat him EAAr/^ey 2a>crdevr)V tov apxi(rvvayw- before the judgment seat: and yov eTViTTOV eprrpoadev tov firjparos ' Gallio cared for none of those v ^ . ^ Tc5 raA x«BM eueXeV. things. , , j / ( / 1S And Paul after this tarried ia O 0e IlavAos eri Trpocrueivas rjfit- there yet a good while and then pa? lavas', Tols ddeX&ols dnoTatduevos, took his leave of the brethren, r , -, , N , , V » , , _ and sailed thence into Syria, e^eirXet eis tijv Zvptav, Kai aw avTai and with him Priscilla&Aquila: TJpiaKiXXa Kai 'A/cvAas, Keipduevos tijv having shorn his head in Cen- j x > > -,r - . j , > „ ,,'.,i.. chreaTforhehad avow. w A nd f#«V *» Key X p«us «*f yap ei^i;. he came to Ephesus, and left 9 KaTrjVTrjcre oe eis Ecpeaov, KUKeivovs them there: but he himself en- KaT { Al7T€V avTO i- avT0S fe e laeX6a>v els tered into the svnagogue, and > , . .. , a - > T <> ' reasoned with theJews.'-") When tt]v awayioyrjv, dieAexarj tois lovoaiois. they desired him to tarry longer 20 fp WT( ^ VTQiV Se avrav iiri -rrXeiova time with them, he consented » - > >_ - >>'.„... not: si but bade them farewell, gpouov pftvai nap avTois,ovKenevevaev^ saying, I must by all means 31 uXA l ' aTrerd^aTO avrols, enrd>v' d Aei keep this feast that cometh in irdvTo>s Tnv eoprnv Tiw epYopevriV Jerusalem ; but I will return ' „ , , ' ,\ ' N ~, % \ ■> again unto you, if God will: iroirjaaieis lepoaoAvpa- : 7raAiv Oe ■ ava- and he sailed from Ephesus. K aa\^oj TTpbs buds, Toil Qeov 6eXovTOS. ' 2 - And when he had landed ax. „ \'„ ■> i a > \ - >-c a 23 » Caesarea, and gone up, and K «' ™nX Br ) a7ro "?* E0«orou . ^ (cat saluted the church, he went KaTeXduv els Kaiadpeiav, avafias (cat down to Antioch. » And after fonaaduevos TTJV eKKXr,alav, KaTefir) els he had spent some time there, , " 21 ^ ' ' he departed, and went over all AvTioxeiav. *° Kai noujaas XP 0V0V the country of Galatia and rlva i£n\6e, Ciepxdpevos Ka6ei;i}s tt]v Phrygia in order, strengthening „ ,, / , * *. ' all the disciples. TaXariKrjv x°>P a v KaL ^yiaf, emiTTr)- pi£a>v rrdvTas tovs padijrds. 14 'louSalo? 8e tis ' AttoWoos ovouaTi, A^^r^teSKSS '^Mr*,7>-. d^pXdyios, eloquent man, and mighty in KaTrjvrqo-ev eis Ev ev the scriptures, came to Ephesus. Ta i s ^paAals. 25 ovtos nv KaTtivriuevos M This man was instructed in , .&\ ~ Tr / \ >.- the way of the Lord, and being rrjv obov tov Kvpioy,^ kui Qeuv rep fervent in the spirit, he spake irvevaaTi, ekakei Ka\ eOihacTKev aKpifiuis baptism of John. iti And he to (SdrTTicrpa Iu>avvoV ovtos re began to speak boldly in the f! p t aT0 n ap pr) a idte a 6 ai ev rn o-vvaycoyf/. synagogue : whom when Aquila \ r * , «.\ > - >» '\ \' rr 'i and Priscilla had heard, they aKouo-ai/Tfy 0£ avrov AkvAoj Kai llpi- took him unto them, and ex- o-jaAAa, ivpoo-e\d^ovTO avTOV, Ka\ dicpi- pounded unto him the way of Q < ' - 'f'A ' f _„~ o ,"." God more perfectly. ?' And fcvTepov avTa> e^edevTOT,^ * tov Qeov when he was disposed to pass 686v. 27 j3ov\optvov 8e avTov dieXoeiv a — » b ZX ° cvairordfauli'o; tat eiTtui'* HaAtc avav ypacpwv, elvai tov XpiaTOV 'lqo~ovv. 19. 'EyeVero 6e ev to tov A7toXXgj elvai ev Kopivda, IlavXov 8ieX66vra to. dvinTepiKa fitpq, eXdelv els "E(peo~ov' koI evpav Tivas fiadqTas, '" elne irpos avTovs' Ei Hvevpu dyiov eXa/3ere tti- crTevaravTes; Ot de *elirov" irpos ovtov' 'AX\' ovbe el ILvevfia ayiov ecrTiv, tjkov- aafiev. 3 EtVe' re b irpos avrovs' " Ely ri ovv el3airTia6qTe ; Ot 8e elirov' Etc to 'la>dvvov /3a7rrto-pa. 4 EtVe Se LTaO- Xos" 'Iwai'j'ijf c peV" efidimcre fidirTio-fia ueTavoias, to Xaco Xe'yajf, et? rov epvo- fievov per ovtov iva iuo~Tevo~a)o~i, rovr i'o~Tiv els tov d Xptarof" 'i^aoui'. 5 'A- KovaavTes tie efiaTVTio-dqo-av els to ovofia tov Kvpiov 'lqo~ov. 6 Kat eiridevTos av- rols tov Havkov Tas ^etpay, 7)X#e to Ili/eupa to ayiov eir avTovs, eXdXovv re. yXcoo-o-ai? Kat irpoecpqTevov. ? qo~av 8e ol ndvTes (tvdpes wael Se/caSuo. 8 EtcreX#a>i> Se ety r^v avvaycoyqV) eirappqcrid^eTO, eVt pqvas rpety SiaXeyo- fievos Kai ireida>v to. irep\ Tqs (3ao~iXeias tov Geov. 9 a>y fie' rti>ey eo~nXqpvvovTO /cat qneiBovv, KaKoXoyovvTes Tqv 686v evdmiov tov irXqdovs, airoaras air av- TOf a(pcopto-e rouy pa6qras, ttaff qpepav diaXeyofievos ev tt) cr^oXfj Tvpdvvov ti- vos. tovto be eyeveTo em eTq ovo, torrre iravras roi/y KaroiKOvvTas Tqv Ao~iav a h > trove, to. re irvevpaTa to. irovqpa e/c- Tvopeveadai" c ". 13 Then certain of the vaga- « 'EireveipTio-av be Tives d anb" Tav bond Jews, exorcists, took upon > > T 5, , -,/. them to call over them which irepiepxopeyaiv ^ lovbaivv eJopKiormv had evil spirits, the name of ovop,d£eiv em tovs e^ovras ra irvevpaTa a h d!ur L eyo d ubT J U esusw y h i o g mPru < i ™ «™W»* to ^ too Kvpiov >™, preacheth w And there were Aeyoi/rey - e Opjc(£o> vpa? top Irjcrovv seven sons of one Sceva a Jew £„ ,5 JJaOXos /cnpiWei. ur Haav be rtws and chief ot the priests, which < ., „ - , T 'A, , , , f , , did so. « And the evil spirit VLm ^«eva lovdaiov apx^peas eTTTa 01 answered, and said, Jesus I tovto iroiovvTes. ls dnoKpidiv be to know, and Paul I know, but ~ » » * . rr,* > T who are ye? « And the'man ™ u /* a T0 ™W™ «"' Tw I170-OW in whom the evil spirit was, yivwcrKco, Kai tov TlavXov emcrTapai' leaped on them, and overcame buels be rives eo > v • > > » of them which used curious f 60 " 6 ^ ^° S f? 1TaVTas „ avT0 ]>S, Kai arts, brought their books toge- epeyaXvveTO to bvopa tov Kvpiov lrj- ther and burned them before - 18 ^XXoi re iw Trewiorf wcdVow all men; and they counted the „ , . N , , , _ price of them, and found it fifty rjpxovTO egopoXoyovpevoi Kai avayyeK- thousand pieces of silver. •'"So \ovTe s Tas Trpd£e is avTaiv. 19 iKavoi be mightily grew the word of God, > / * / and prevailed. Tav Ta ™P"Pya 7Tpat;avTa>v, (rvvevey- Kavres Ten /3i/3Xouj KaTeKaiov evu>mov Tvavru>v' Kai o~iivey^j](piaav Tas Tipas avTuiv, Kai evpov apyvpiov pvpidbas TrevTe. "° ovto) Kara KpaTOS 6 Xdyoj- tov Kvpiov Tjv£ave Kai 'iaxyev. *• After these things were 21 'Q s be en\rioo>dn TavTa, edeTO 6 ended, Paul purposed in the tt ~\ ' - rr ' a -v a » 5 spirit, when he had passed nauXoy ev rw UvevpaTi, bie\6o>v tj)v through Macedonia and Achaia, MaKeboviav Kai A^aiav TTopeveo~dai els t ^ g0 ,u J t rusal t m - s , a y in ^' 'lepovo-aXbp, dirme "Oti ue T a to yeve- After I have been there, I must X , "Z » „ , fl , /. „ also see Home. *» So he sent <™K" H- € fKfl i 6ct H- e Kcu PvpTjV iOftz/. into Macedonia two of them & 'AnocrTeiXas be els tt)v MaKeboviav » (V ajro(p(pfi;9a[, b Rec. eXtp.\ea$a.i. c R ec . add air' avrwr. d fW «a*. e R ec , OpKtZofj.tr. ' Z5 6 ex. 1 KaraKvpitvauv. h (^> afttftoreptuy. AII02T0AGN. 343 8vo twv bidKovovvTcov avra, Tipodeov Kal "Epaorov, avTos eWcr^e XP° V0V eLS ttjv 'Aalav. 23 'Eyevero 8e Kara tov Kaipov e#xct- vov rapa%os ovk o\iyos nepi ttjs ooov. 24 ArjprjTpios yap tis ovopaTi, apyvpo- K07rus,noiu>v vaovs dpyvpovs ApTepioos, 7rapei)(fTO tois Texv'iTais epyaaiav ovk oXiyrjv' * ovs crvvadpoiaas, Kal tovs Acts XIX. 33. that ministered unto him, Ti- motheus and Erastus, but he himself stayed in Asia for a season. ' 23 And the same time there arose no small stir about that way. - 4 For a certain man Trepi ra roiavra epyaras, enrev "Av8 p€S, (7ri(TTacr8f on eK TavTTjs rrjs epyacruis r; tirropia a rjpwv" eorr 26 Kal decope'iTe Kal a/covere on ov pdvov Efpeaov, dXXa cr^fSoi/ Tvdo-qs tt/s 'Acrias 6 Ylaii- Xos ovros nelo-as peTea-Trprev Uavbv o^Kov, Xeycov on ovk elarl 6eol oi bid Xeipojv yivopevoi. 2/ ov p.6vov 8e tovto Kivdvvevet r)plv to pepos els aneXeypov eXBe'iv, dXXd Kal to ttjs peydXrjs Beds 'ApTepidos lepbv els ov8ev Xoyio-0i]vai, peXXeiv re Kal Ka6aipe'io-0at ttjv peya- XeioTrjTa aiiTr/s, r)v bXrj i) 'Aaia Kal r) oiKovpevT) tre/3erai. 28 \\KovaavTes 8e Kalyevopevoi ttXi]- peis dvpov, (Kpa^ov XeyovTes' MeydXt] i) "ApTepts 'Ecpetriov. 29 Kal enXrja-Br] tjttoXis oXr/ b T7/j" o-vyxycretos' otpp-qaav re bpoQvpabbv els to Bearpov, avvap- Trdo-avres Td'iov Kal ' 'ApiaTapxav Ma- Ktdouas, crvveK$T]povs c " IlavXoV 30 tov 8e YlaiXov ftovXopevov elaeXdelv els tov Brjpov, ovk e'lcov avTov o't padrjTai. 31 Ttves Se Kal tcov 'Aa-iap^wi/ bvres avroi (piXoi, irep^/avTes irpbs avTov, napeKuXovv pr) bovvai eavTov eis ro OeaTpov. 3 - (iXXoi pev ovv aXXo Tl eKpafav i)v yap r) «icXr/o-ta crvyKexv- pevrj, Kal ol nXeiovs ovk ydeto-av, tivos eveKev o-vveXrjXvdeio-av. 3i eK 8e tov oxXov npoefiljilacrav 'AXe^avbpov, npo- fiaXXovTcov avTov twv 'lovSaiaV 6 Se - VfXulV. I Bf>c. named Demetrius, a silver- smith, which made silver shrines for Diana, brought no small gain unto y craftsmen : * whom he called together, with the workmen of like occupation, and said. Sirs, ye know that by this craft we have our wealth. M Moreover, ye see and hear, that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul hath persuaded and turn- ed away much people, saying, that they be no gods, which are made with hands. 27 So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought: but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia, and the world worship- ped. - 5 And when they heard these sayings, they were full of wrath, and cried out, saying, Great is Dianaof the Ephesians. 2a And the whole city was filled with confusion, and having caught Gaius and ArMarchus men of Macedonia Paul's companions in travel, they rushed with one accord into the theatre. 30 And when Paul would have entered in unto the people, the disciples suffered him not. 31 And cer- tain of the chief of Asia, which were his friends, sent unto him, desiring him that he would not adventure himself into the theatre. yi Some therefore cried one thing, and some another : for the assembly was confused, and the more part knew not wherefore they were come to- gether. 3i And they drew Alex- ander out of the multitude, the Jews putting him forward. And C lire adll TO., Acts XIX. 34. 3U IIPASEI2 TQN Alexander beckoned with the 'AAe^afSpo? Karacrei(ras tt)v X €l P a > 7#e- hand and would have made his X dnoXoyeladai Tabnua). M *imy V 6v- deience unto the people. •» But , ., , ', ^ „ ,« • ' , v > ' > when they knew that he was a res oe on lovbaios ecrrt, (pcovrj eyevero Jew, all with one voice about „j' a g K rrdvTcov, u>s em a>pac dvo kl>o.(uv- the space ot two hours cried out, .„ r-v c » . >,- l # Great is.Diana of y Ephesiuns. ™"/ MeyaAr/^i/ Aprepis Ecpeaicov. ^ And when the townclerk 3a KaracTTeiXas 8e 6 ypapfiareus tov had appeased the people he » X q -. " A „§ /Jes 'Ed)6Kopov ovaav Tr)s sians is a a worshipper ol the ' ,>. h „>. 'is - - a - great goddess Diana, and of the p-eyuXr)s°^ AprepibosKai tov AtoneTOVs; image which fell down from 3G dvavTippr]TU>v ovv ovtcov tovtcov, beov Jupiter ? ■> li Seeing then that » * « - \ ' <_ > these things cannot be spoken e(rTlv "? aS ^"^^ ™?PX™, against, ye ou^ht to be quiet, Kiu prjbev TrpoTreres TTpaTTeiv. 6 ' jjyayere and to do nothing rashly. 3; For ydp tovs dv8pas tovtovs, ovre iepocrv- ve have brought hither these 1 ' „ '. , - v f a , „ men, which are neither robbers Xnvs ovTe jikaaCp-qpoyVTas ttjv c deov of churches, nor yet blasphern- <* vucav." 38 el uev ovv ArjprjTpios Kai ers of vour goddess: 3S where- < > > - e " ' fore if Demetrius, and the Ol OW awe) T^WTOt e X ovo-l wpos Jiva craftsmen which are with him, \6yov," 'dyopaioi liyovrai, Kai avOvna- have a matter against any man, T0 ' L ^^ iynaXe'iTaxrav dXXriXois. 39 el p the law is open, and there are „, , ; , . * - i ~ > deputies, let them implead one oe TL Tvepi erepcov eiuQrjTeiTe, ev ttj ev- another. M But if ye enquire v 6ao) eKKXrio-la iirikvdho-erai. w Kai yap anv thing concerning other mat a* ' "> \ - a • > te, : s. 11 shall be determined in ™Ovvevop.ev eyKaXeiuBai aran-ecos irepi a r lawful assembly. *" For we ttjs o~>]pepov, pnbevos aiTiov vndp)(ovTOS are in danger to be called in > g Qv SvvT}a dueda dnobovvai" \6yov question for this day s uproar, „ r ,U ' , 41 , i there being no cause whereby rrjs avaTpocptjs Tavrqs. Kai ravra we may give an account of this e£ Vo)V, dneXvae Ti)v aacXrio-tai'. concourse. Jl And when he had . ir , »»»»»< ' a > a ' thus spoken, he dismissed the 20. Mera be to Travaao-Oai tov 60- assembly. pvfSov, TrpocncaXeo-dpevos 6 UavXos tovs ce^d A, F4:;^fle7Snto r h,^ ^™> «» ^a.dpevo^ ^e JO- the disciples, and embraced p(vdrjvai etc Tijf MaKe6oi>taf. OieXdmv them, and departed, for to go fe T d neon eKelva, Kai TTapaKCtXeo-as into Macedonia. 2 And when , . \ < \\ - ?\ a » > - > ,j„,a-„ .'._i — '...'Tn.,^^.' .. Sand there abode three months; M«^^ avro) firifiovX^s VTTO Ta>v lovSaiav and when the Jews laid wait p.eXXovTL avuyeadai eis Tr)v ~2vpiav, for him, as he was about to vail (y£ V(TO ypuari tov VTTOO~Tped>eiv Sid into Syria, he purposed to re- J - / '! , ./ f - » turn through Macedonia. * And M«Ke6oi/ias. * (TWeLireTO be avT

> . < the rhessaionians,Ari s tarchus, pojawff. 06«r(raXoi/«ea)i/ 8e, Aptifxos- • ovtol wpoeXdovTes epevov qpas , The / e gomg ,, efore> F lamt , ( , ev Tpcodbl" r/pels be e^enXevaapev forusat Troas: 6 and we sailed uera ras hpepas Tmv a(vpa>v dno *l- away from Philippi, after the !~ , \ »\ a v > ' ' days ol unleavened bread, and XiTTTTtav, Kai rjXoopev TTpos avTOVS eis came unto them to Troas in five Trjv Tpcodba aXP ls W e P^ v Trevre, ov days, where we abode seven 8ierpi\papev qpepas enra. "' 'Ec be rfj pia tcov cra/3/3aYcof, crvv- i And upon the first day of pt '^.^ W?^ itift MS OieXeyeTO avTOis, peXXcov e^ievai tij Paul preached unto them, ready enavpiov, irapeTeive re tov Xoyov pe vpt t0 de P art on the morrow, and i s » s.^ '& ' v continued his speech until mid- peo-ovvKTioV ° rjaav be Xapnubes iKavai night „ And tl)ere were many ev TU> xnrepcoo) ov b Tjpev" o~wr]ypevoi. lights in the upper chamber • ««' ™ *»*» TM«™ S^.^^And^relafin 10 - Eurico? «rt rf)? dvpibos, KariXpepopevos window a certain young man vttvco dadei, biaXeyopevov tov IlavXov named Eutychus, being fallen , . ' . ' _ ' A \ ■> \ - n into a deep sleep, and as Paul em irXeiov) KarevexOeis airo Toy vttvov, was long preach ing, he sunk eTreaev airb tov TpicrTeyov kcitco, /cat down with sleep, and fell down / 10 . „OA,„ S^ A TT^r^/ir. from the third loft, and was veKpos. KciTaPas be oJlavXos taken up dead _ „ Ald paul 1 fell on him, and i, said. Trouble , for his life is in ,wi he therefore was c apTOU* Kai yevadpevos, ed) iKavdv re come up again, and had broken , \ / » > - «r_ >t-\/)„, bread, and eaten, and talked a opiXijcras a X pis avyjis, ovtws efrXOev. , ong ; hile> eveu tlU break of 1J tjyayov be tov iraida £a>vra, Kai nap- day, so he departed. '-' And exXnfinrrnv nv uerrn'o)? the y brom J ht the y° u "g man eKA-qatja-av ov perpias. ^ , alive, and were not a little coin- " Hpeis be irpoeXOovres em to f orte d. ttXo'lov, df!7X#r//xei/ els ttjv Aao-ov, eKel- 6ev aeXXovTes avaXapBaveiv TovIlavXoV * ~ " , . rr ^ , i^s. > '" And we went before to ovto) yap rjv biaTeTaypevos, peAAcov av- s ] lipj and sa ii ec i unt0 Assos, tos ne(e veiv. u its 8e o-wefiaXev fjp'iv there intending to take in Paul: , , j/ . > -. a > ' * . »\ for so had he appointed, mmd- eisTrjv Ao-o-ov, avaXapovres ovtovtjX- ing hlmselr t0 g0 a foot. "And dopev els MltvXt)VT)V 15 KaKeidev otto- when he met with us at Assos, nXevaavTes, tjj encovap KaT^ycrapev we^him^n^and^cam^ to dvriKpv XtoV TTj oe eTepa. napepaXopev thence, and came the next day els 2du.oV d Kai peivavTes ev TpvyvX- over against Chios, and the next N , " , ' a >i\ a ■> «i '\ . day we arrived at Samos, and A "?i T B e X°H- ev n VXVojxev eis MiAtjtov. Urried at Xrogyllium: and the 16 e eKpive" yap 6 YlavXos irapanXevcrai next day we came to Miletus. ri,v "Ecpeo-ov, 6W_^ yb^m air* ZFt^&£Z£?& XpovoTpifirio-ai ev ttj Acrta" eairevbe WO uld not spend the time in yap, el bvvaTov qv alrco, ttjv Tjpepav Asia: for he hasted, if it were » Roc. ruv i*.*6riTmv too. b Reo. 7|Ii», <= «J Toy aprav. il^Tf ll fjoalvj. « cv — .Gb. ««<)»>«■ Acts XX. 17. 3J6 LTPASEI2 TON possible for him, to be at Jeru- Trjs 7T€VTT}KO(TTtjs yevevdai els lepocro- salera the day of Pentecost. \ V n. a . i' And from Miletus he sent J 7 'Atto 8e Trjs MikfjTOV 7rep\j/as eis eL^ofthe cL d rch all< £ A* '*l*™> peTeKaXecaTO tovs npe^vre- when they were come to him, povs ttjs eKKA-qcrias- cos be nape- he said unto them, Ye know 'y^ VOVTO n p6s aiiTOV, elnev airrois' 'Ypels from the first day that I came ', , n * » , , < > > ■> t into Asia, after what manner I €7ris peB vpoov sons w Mtriu the i Lord I with 6 & . eyevopriv, 19 StwXeuow all humility of mind, and with _ imnu^^^ rl , ^ many tears, and temptations, rco Kuptco pera irao-qs Taneivo(ppoo~vvr)s which befell me by the lying in Ka i a" § aKpvc0 „ Ka \ ireipcurpav, rdv wait of the Jews: ia and how I _, ' , ~ ' a \ ' kept back nothing that was pro- v pot ev rat? empovAais rav fitable unto you, but have 'iovSat'cof' 20 cos ovdev VTreo-TeiAdprjv shewed you, and have taught - i i - \ > ,7V„, you publickly, and from house «* o-vpfpepovrcov, tov pr) avayyeiXac to house, '■" testifying both vplv Kai StSa^ru vpas Sr/pocria Kai kcit to the Jews and also to the » KOVS 21 $ la u.a.pTvp6uevos "'IouSctiW Greeks, repentance towardGod, ,'. .. ' \ ~, ' % _ , < and faith toward our Lord Je- re /cat EAAr/cri rr/v etc rov We 01/ pera- sus Christ. voiav, /cat tticttiv ttjv els tov Kvpiov rjpa>v 'Ir/rrow XpMrrov. 22 And now behold, I go 23 Kai vvv Idov b e'ycb deftepevos" rco y shall befall me there: " save ra ei» aur/7 - ir ' testify the gospel of the grace ttjv diaKOViavTjV eAafiov napa tov Kvpiov of God. M And now behold, 1 'Introi;, 8iapaprvpao~0ai to evayyeXiov .r:et^eachSetn°™ ^ X»P'™ «• ^eov ■ Kal *, ibai, dom of God, shall see my face eya> oida, oti ov \ j_\ ' - ».____ sel of God Vptp?! 0Tl KaOapos eyco a7ro rov aipaTOS 7rdvra>v' ^ ov yap vTreo~TeiXdpr]v tov pr) avayyeTkai vplv iracrav ttjv j3ov\i]v tov Qeov. 28 Take heed therefore unto go _. / T f _ , , yourselves, and to all the flock, UpoaexeTe ow tavroty Kai navTl over the which the Holy Ghost raj Troipvico, ev blood. » For I know this, that c yap" oiba d tovto," oti elti/-> ^ ' o - •> ous wolves enter in among you, pera rr/i' u ^ou Avkoi Papetc e« DOt sparing tne flock zo Also vpas, pr] (peibopevoi ro£i iroipvioV M Kai of your own selves shall men £ fafi, .fa* ^^aov^^pe, ^^S P SS. U, S£ AaAoGi/rer bieaTpappeva, tov anocnrav them. 3I Therefore watch, and roue uadnras oniaa avrmv. 31 St6 vpn- femember that by the space of A ' i h " I three years, I ceased not to yopetre, ^ pvrjpovevovTes^ oti ^ rpienav warn every one night and day vt/KTa Kai rjpepav ovk eTravo~dpr)v pera with tears. 32 And now bre- S' /i - . " _ » „.. 32 „ * thren, I commend you to God, aupxwu vovdtrw evaeKaarov. ■ ko. and t ^ the word }f his grace ; ra fw irapariaepai vpas, e abeACpoi, tco which is able to build you up, 6ew Kai ra Aoyw rnc Yap'™? auroi), and t0 B™ y° u an inheritance ,' - ,' / ', * - a ' among all them which are sanc- ra Ovvapevco eiroiKoOop-qaai Kai t ified. 33 I have coveted no bovvai vtxiv Kkrjpovopiav ev rote rjyia- man's silver.or gold, or apparel. ' 33 ' ' * „ ' 31 Yea, you yourselves know, apevois nacriv. « apyvpiov r\ YPWiou that these hands have minis- rj lp.aTurp.oi) ovbevos eneuvprja'a' avTOi tered unto my necessities, and 6 " yaw/cere on rale ypeiais pov Kai \°^ em ' hat J were "j 1 . 1 ?. 1116 - „» , > , - f / « 3d I have shewed you all things, rote oi/o-t per tpov vrrrjpeTqo-av ai X €l P e ? how that so labouring, ye ought avrai. 35 7rai/ra vnebeita vplv, on ourco to support the weak, and to » •» i > 'o ' /l - remember the words of the KOTTiaivrar Set avri\apPaveo-8ai rmv Lord JesuS( how he said, It is ao~6evo{iVTa>v, pvqpoveveiv re roil' \6ya>v more blessed to give, than to rov Kvpiov 'irjaoii, oti uvtos cure' Ma- recelve > Kapiov eari h paXkov StSdj/at" ;^ XapjSd- veiv. 36 Kat raOra eiVwi/, ^eiy ra yoWa 3 g And w h en he had thus avrov, o~vv naaiv avrols 7rpoar]vt;aTO. spoken, he kneeled down, and V lKa V 6 S W eyeVero .Xa^poc ™; ^^^,1, Lfon" Kai ennreo-ovres em rov rpayr;Aov tov Paul's neck, and kissed him, riavAov, KaTecbiXow avTOV ™ 68vvd>- 38 sorrowing most of all for the W ' , \ - x / ? > / words which he spake, that they pei/ot pakio-ra (in rw Aoyw » eipr//cet, shou ld see his face no more. on ovksti peWovo~l to TvpoaaTTOV av- And they accompanied him un- «/i *■ ' ^>>*'to the ship. tov pecopetf. ir poors pnov oe avTOV (is v TO Tvko'lOV. s _ t 21. And it came to pass, that 21. 'Qs be eyevero dvaxdrptai fjpds after we were gotten from them, > a' >>»« >zlss ' and had launched, we came mroairao-fcvras ott aw-wi;, ^fpopT with a straight course unto cravres rfkoopev etc rr;z/ Ka,' rjj oe Coos, and the day following e&s eisTTjv'Pobov, K^KeWev eisUdrapa. unt0 Rhodes, and from thence m \ t j' n - 5, - i - ~ i unto Patara. J And finding a - Kai evpoyresnKoiov Oianepcov eis —, i >- r ( ? ( and landed at Tyre: for there T]xOr]pev fLS Typoi/' ««« jap r)V TO the ship was to unlade her bur- nXo'iov cnrofhopTitopevov tov yopov. den. 4 And finding disciples, we 4 v » , \ a < > > tarried there seven days: who Kal avevpovTes tovs padyas^ eirepei- said to Paul through the Spirit, vapev avTOV fjpepas iirra.' oiTives tw that he should not go up to Je- navA(0 e\ f yoj/ Ota tov UvevpaTOS, an rusalem. a And when we had , » > , c T ^ « 5 « *' accomplished those days, we avapaiveiv eis a lepocroAvpa. " ore Oe departed, and went our way, eyevero rtaas e^apTiaai ras hpeoas, and they all brought us on our >i % /1 / > > a > way, with wives and children, ^eXBovres erropevopeda, nponepTrovTcov till we were out of the city : rjpas Trdvrav o~vv yvvai^i Kai tskvols and we kneeled down on the • ? £ - TrdXfas, Kai devres TO. yo- shore, and prayed. 6 And when b , , ' , , ■; , /■ > a we had taken our leave one of vara em tov aiyiakov ivpoo-nv^apetia. another, we took ship, and they 6 ^ ^o-rjao-auevoL aXkrjkovs, enefinpev returned home again. , ( , - , - V > , > , eis to 77A010V, eKeivoi oe v7reo~rpeyav eis ra 101a. » And when we had finished 7 *Huei \ ~h»» > gelist (which was one of the QiAmnov tov evayyeAi(TTOv^ a ^ 01/T09 eK seven) and abode with him. t5)V eVra, epeivapev nap' al/TO). 9 tovtco l^erVT gi ™ltVZ * W*v evyaTepes ,ap8evoi VeWapeV prophesy. jrpo(pr]Tevovaai. 10 'EnipsvovTcov be rjpa>v npepas irAei- 10 And as we tarried there °vs, KaTrjXde tis anli Trjs'lovbaias irpo- many days, there came down &>r]Tr\s ovopaTi "Ayafios" ll Kal iX0o)V from Judaea a certain prophet, » « « \ 1 « > ■ named Agabus. " And when ^pos rjpas, Kai apas ^ Ttjv &vnv tov he was come unto us, he took IlavXov, br]0~as e Te avrov Tas \eipas Paul's girdle and bound his } r0 ^ 6 $ as e fo e . Tc £g e \> (l T0 own hands and ieet, and said, „ , „ , „ » T ' , Thus aaith the Holy Ghost, So Hvevpa to ayioV T01/ avbpa ov eaTiv shall the Jews at Jerusalem f, toivn avrn, ovra bno-ovaiv ev 'lepov- bind the man that owneth this \ 1 c i[ « - > ss ■ girdle, and shall deliver him (raknp 01 lovbaioi, Kai TrapabuxTovaiv into the hands of the Gentiles, els yelpas eQvwv. Qs be rjKovcrapev "And when we heard these - napeKaXovpev ripe'is re Kal ot thinas, both we and they of that ,,' "_ « > o ' >v > place, besought him not to go evTOTTioi, tov pr] avapaiveiv avTov eis up to Jerusalem. "Then Paul 'Upovo-a\riu. 13 aneKp'iQri be 6 UaiiXos' answered, What mean ye to _/ - \ > \ a ' ' weep and to break mine heart? Tt iroieire K:\atovTes Kai avvdpvTTTOVTes for I am ready, not to be bound pov ttjv Kapbiav ; eya) yap ov povov a Kec. lepouoaXrjp. h Rec. aild oi irtpi tov nat-Xoi-. c St. & Bz. rjXQav. i Rec. add rov. e l'.z om. — "^ tavTOV. AII02T0AQN. 349 bedi)vai, dWa km diroQavelv els 'lepov- aa\r)n erolpcos e'x&> vrrep rov dvoparos rov Kvplov 'Itjctov. H Mr) ireidopevov be avrov, r)o~vxdo-apev enrovres' To 6ekrjpa TOi Kvpiov yeveo-$a>. 15 Merd be rds r)pepas ravras a airo- (TK.evao-dp.evoi" dvefiaivopev els lepov- aaXr)a." 16 o-vvrfkdov be kol rcov paBrjrwv airo Kaicrapeias aw i]ptv, ayovres Trap w %evia8wpev, Mj/acrcoi/t nvi Kwrpt'cp, dpxaico paSrjrfj. 17 Tevopevcov be i)pa>v els lepoaokvpa, dapeva>s c ebe^avro" rjpds ol aoe\v enolrjaev 6 Qeos ev rols edveai Ota tt)s bLUKovias avrov. 20 Oi be aKovaavres ebof-a£ov tov d Kvpiov"' elndv re avrco' Qecopels dbeX- v neTTicrrevKOToiv' Ka\ ndvres ^r/Xcorai rov vopov vndpxovo-i. 21 K.aTrj\r]6r}Q-av be nepl aov, on diroa-Tacriav bibdaKeis dnb ' Mcoaeats" rovs Kara rd. e'Bvr] s Trdvras" 'lovbaiovs, \eys bel Tvkr)6os avve\8elv' aKovaovrat yap on e\r)\v8as." " 3 rovro ovv Trolr)- crov S aoi Xeyopev' elalv r)plv dvbpes reaaapes ev)(r)v e^ovres ecp eavrwv' 24 rovrovs 7rapaXaj3a)i' dyvladrjri aw avrols, What is it therefore ? the multitude must needs come together: for they will hear that thou art come. J3 Do there- fore this that we say to thee: We have four men which have a vow on them, ''* them take, and purify thyself with them, and be at charges with them, y they may shave their heads: and all may know that those things whereof they wire in- formed concerning thee, are nothing, but that thou thyself also walkest orderly, and keepest the law. '-» As touch- ing the Gentiles which believe, we have written and concluded, that they observe no such thing, <1 Gb. 6lny. e (^0 bv TOiy Ioi'^aiotj. fVJ . . i '. . u Ltjif mi. t» !^J \epo h rt.' iravrtas aKOveovrai ori tA»»At>&*i\ i Rec cv ywat. k ^J Acts XXI. 26. 350 IIPAEEI2 TON save only that they keep them- avrovs, el fifj" (pvXdo'aeo'dai avrovs selves from things offered to t6 Tf c'&aXd&mw KO.I to alua a Ka\ idols, and trom blood, and trom ( lt , , ' strangled, and from fornica- ttviktov Kai nopveiav. t'on- 26 Tore 6 YiavXos 7rapaXa3a>v roiis 26 Then Paul took the men, „ * - , / , > v > and the next day purifying «"0pac, TJ] e X op,evp rjpepa ^ aw avTms himself with them, entered into dyviadeis elarjei els to lepbv, StayyeA- comment! T^ £/* *»" -*» «^™ **? f^ ^ purification, until that an offer- ayviapov, e coy ov Trpoar)ve X t)r] vnep evos ing should be offered for every £ ' K atrrot; avToiv rt npoacbopd. one of them: .71. 5, ( « -.>.' < r \ t / •« And when the seven days "^ ° e epeXXov^ m eTrra 7;/xepat were almost ended, the Jews o~vvTe\eio~6ai, 01 diro rf/s Aaias Ion- which were of Asia when they g - Qeaadpevoi avTov ev rc3 tepcS, saw him 111 the temple, stirred ( r ( w v s 1 r < ' up all the people, and laid awe X eov TravTaTov o X Xov, Kai enepaXov hands on him,* crying out, b Tas ye'ipas iw avTOV," 2S KpdtovTes' Men of Israel, help: This is the ,,. * A f T N - o a - s. 1 man that teacheth all men Avbpes ^ laparjXiTai, porjOeiTe. ovtos every where against the people, eaTiv 6 avdpairos 6 Kara tov Xaov Kai and the law, and this place: and / \ __- _./_ ' _' „„ further brought Greeks also T0V vofiov Kat ™ tottovjovtov iravTas into the temple, and hath pol- c 7ravTa X ov" OioaaKoov' en re Kai EA- luted this holy place. i9 (For \„ vas aVnyayei/ els to lepbv, Kai KeKoi- they had seen before with him ' v I« » . - 29 An intheciiy.TrophimusanEphe- i"0Ke roi/ ayiov ro7roi/ Touroi/. ™ ( Hcrai/ sian, whom they supposed that yap irpoevpaKOTes Tpocbiuov tov 'Ecie- Faul had brought into the tern- * ' > - '\ < , ~ « »/ V, pie.) 3" And all the city was ™ v f r ?7 ™ Aft 0"W aurco, w ew/ilfov moved, and the people ran to- on ets ro lepoi' elarjyayev 6 IlaSAoc.) gether: and they took Paul, 30 e ' KtI /n(9r, re 17 TrdAtc- 6A>7, Kai eyeVero and drew htm out of the tern- . ' / _' „ \ > -v o ' pie : and forthwith the doors avvopoprj tov AaoV Kai enihapopevoi were shut. rov JTavXov, elXKOv avrov e£co tov lepoi' ,. . .. . . Kai evdeuis eKkeio-dnaav ai 6vpai. 31 And as they went about to „, , . ^ ' , , ,' kill him, tidings came unto the Ztjtovvt(ov be avTov anoKTetvai, chief captain of the band, that dve^T] ciacrts red YiAidpvco rf}c o-Treiprjs, all Jerusalem was in an uproar. « "\ ' * «t ' \ ' . 32 « M Who immediately took sol- °™ o^ v VTpaTiioTas Kai down unto them: and when £ KaTovrapxovs KaT ^paaep eV avrovs. they saw the chiei captain and c ,^T \ C» > < the soldiers, they left beating ol Oe lOovTes TOV X L X La PX 0V KaL T0VS of Paul. 33 1'hen the chief crTpaTia>Tas, enavo-avTO TVTTTOvres tov captain came near, and took _ '-» 13 > > < < \ • him, and commanded him to ^avkov. Torn eyyicras o X ^iapxos be bound with two chains, ene\dj3eT0 avTov, (cat eKeXevcre §e6r]vai an1wtuie d h e a d ddone h -rnd **™ W ** * W f fa "S ^ some cried one thing, some eir], Kai Ti eari TreiroiTjKios. aXXoi another, among the multitude: fe ^XAo n d eBocov" ev tu> 6'vAco- uf} and when he could not know » , ^.v , ,' ■ / \ < l CI the certainty for the tumult, he Ovvapevos be yvuvai to wCpaXes bia commanded him to be carried r 6v Oopvftov, eKeXevoev ayecrOal avTov a — » b Cb. e7r' avrov ray x fi P a i- c ^^ TrayTa\ri. d psa nrupwvovv AHOSTOAQN. 351 Acts XXII. 5. «$ rrju wapepftoXrjv. 3o ore be eyevero into the castle. 35 And when M TovsdvaPaOpovs, ^ 0a«m.fr- tt^ZZl^^'o^ o~uai avrov vtto tuiv arpaTUdTcov Oia soldiers, for the violence of the tw Slav tov ovXov. 36 TiKoXovdei yap people, as For the multitude ' \~a ~ \ » » '* // » •>■ of the people followed after, to irXrjOos tov Xaov a KpaQoV Aipe crying, Away with him. avrov. 37 MAW re euroyeotfat «» t^ „ And as Pau , was t0 be led TrapepftoXrjv 6 IlaiiXos Xeyei to5 x l ~ into the castle, he said unto the Xidpvo- Et e£e - v these days madest an uproar, TovravTM r)pepo,v avao-Ta-rao-as Kai and , edd J est out into th £ wil . e^ayayoiv els ttjv eprjpov tovs Terpam- derness four thousand men that trviXiW clvbpa s Tuv o-lKapioov; 39 Erne were murderers ? w But Paul j-0-,,. ", , » /, ' / > sa 'd, I am a man which am a Oe o LlavAos' Eyco avdpionos pev eipi Jewof Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, 'lovbalos Tapaevs, ttis KiXiKias ovk a citizenof no meancity: and I ■> > n \ r s ' & ' beseech thee suffer me to speak ao-rjpov rroXecos ttoXittjs- Oeop-aide d aev" elui dvnp 'lovba'ios, ye- they kept the more silence: and ' , r , J, J r - _; / he saith,) 3 I am verily a man yevvrjpevos ev Tapcrm tt]s ^ KiXikms, which am a Jew, born in Tarsus avareSpapaevos 8e ev Trj 7ro'Xet ravTrj a city in Cilicia, yet brought up __ < < 'SJti \'^ »' in this city at the feet of Gama- Ttapa tovs^ iro8as TapaXiyX, nenmbev- ^ and y taught accord ing to pevos Kara. aKpij3eiav tov naTpwov vo~ the perfect manner of the law uov, CriXaiTns vndpyaiv tov Qeov, Kaf3cbc of the fathers, and was zealous ~ , b ' , J , rA , 4 t / towards God, as ye all are this navres vpeis eo~Te arjpepoV os ravrrjv day . 4 And I persecuted this rrjv 686vedioi^aaYpi.davdTOV,8eo-pevu>v way unto the death, binding > s. s, ' ' J. \ » * Jt and deliverins into prisons both Kai irapadidovs eis fpvXaw avdpas Te men and ^^ ^ a]s0 lhe Kai yvva'iKas, as Kai 6 dpxiepevs high priest doth bear me wit- papTvpel po h Ka\navT6yeaPvrepLOV- --; « ^ ^/nfatol le! nap u>v Kai eTTio-ToXas oej-apevos ceived letters unto the bre- TTpos tovs d&eXcpovs, els AapaaKov thren, and went to Damascus, a f^> KpaZovTts- b — ♦ c Kec. yvv. ^ ^ Acts XXII. 6. to bring them which were there, bound unto Jerusalem, for to be punished. 6 And it came to pass, that as I made my journey, and .was come nigh unto Damascus about noon, suddenly there shone from heaven a great light round about me. 7 And I fell unto the ground, and heard a voice saying unto me, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? 8 And I answered, Who art thou, Lord ? And he said unto me, 1 am Jesus of Nazareth whom thou persecutest. b And they that were with me saw in- deed the light, and were afraid ; but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me. I0 And 1 said, What shall I do, Lord ? And the Lord said unto me, Arise, and go into Damascus, and there it shall be told thee of all things which are appoint- ed for thee to do. 11 And when I could not see for the glory of that light, be- ing led by the hand of them that were with me, I came in- to Damascus. 13 And one Ana- nias, a devout man according to the law, having a good report of all the Jews which dwelt there, n came unto me, and stood, and said unto me, Bro- ther Saul, receive thy siiiht. And the same hour I looked up upon him. 14 And he said, The God of our fathers hath chosen thee, that thou shouldest know his will, and see that Just One, and shouldest hear the voice of his mouth. ,b For thoushalt be his witness unto all men, of what thou hast seen and heard. l 6 And now, why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord. 17 And it came to pass, that when 1 was come again to Je- rusalem, even while I prayed in the temple, I was in a trance, 18 and saw him saying unto me, 352 IIPAEEI2 TON eivopevoprfv, a^cov Kai tovs eKeiae ovras, 8e8epevovs eis lepovaaXrjp, iva Tip.co- pr/dcoaiv. 6 'EyeVero fie p,oi 7ropevop,evco Kai iyyi£ovri tj] AapaaKS irepl pearjp.jipi.av e^aicpvrjs eK tov ovpavov Tvepiaarpd-^rai cpcos iKavbv irepl e'pe' 7 eireaov re eis to e8a(pos, Kai t'JKOvaa cpcovrjs \eyovarjs pot' Saovk, SaoiiA, ri pe 8icoKeis ; 8 'Eyoj fie aTT€K.pi6rjv' Tt's eiKvpie; Eiire re npos p.e ' 'Eyco eipi lrjaovs 6 Na£a>- palos ov av 8icoKeis. 9 Ot fie avv epol ovres to p,ev cpcos ededaavTo, a /cat ep- (poftot. eyevovTO'" ttjv fie (pcovrjv ovk rJKOvaav tov \a\ovvTos pot. 10 eiirov 8e' Tt TTOLrjaa) Kvpie ; O fie Kvptos eine wpos pe' Avaaras iropevov eis AapaaKov' KciKei aoL XaXrjdrjaeTanrepl TtdvTCOV COV TiTUKTai CTOt 7TOt^CTat. 11 'Q,s fie ovk evefiXerrov otto rr/s 86- £r)s tov (pcoTos eKeivov, %eipaycoyovpevos vivo tcov avvovrcov pot, ijkdov eis Aa- paaKov. 12 'Avavlas fie tis, dvrjp eiiae- (3t)s Kara tov vopov, papTvpovpevos invb ivdvTcov tcov kotoikovvtcov lov8aicov, 13 eXdcov wpos pe Kai eiuaTas eiue pot' SaouA d8e\(pe, aVd/3/\.e\l/of. Kdyco ai/Trj Tjj copa dvejiketya eis avTov. 14 6 fie eiirev' 'O Qeos tcov naTepcov rjpcov Trpoe^eipiaaTo ae yvcovat to 6ikr)pa av- tov, Kai i8eiv tov 8iKaiov, Kai aKovaai (pcovfjv eK tov aTopaTos avTov' ls on ear) paprvs ovtco irpbs ndvTas dvBpco- ttovs, cov ecopaKas Kai iJKOvaas. 16 Kai vvv t'i peWets ; dvaaTas fidnTiaai Kai aTrdkovaat Tas apapTias aov, eniKaXe- adpevos to ovopa h avTov." 17 'EyeVero fie' poi vnoaTpetyavTi eis 'lepovaaXrjp, Kai Trpoaev\opevov p.ov ev tco lepco, yeveadai p.e ev eKardaei, 18 Kai i8eiv aiiTov Xeyovrd pof Snevaov b Rec. rov Kvp*o» ALT02T0AQN. 353 Kai e^eXde ev Ta%ei e§ Iepovo~a\T)p' biori ov wapabe^ovTai crov Tr)vpapTvpiav Trepi epov. 19 Kayo) elnov' Kvpie av- toi emo~TavTai, oti eya> *jprjv (pvXaKifav Kai bepcov Kara Tas avvaycoyds tovs ■marevovTas em ere w Kai ore e^e^eiro to aipa a Srecpdvov" tov pdprvpos vf]v avT&v Xeyovres' Aipe dno Tr/s yi)s tov toiov- tov' ov yap c KadrjKev" avTov Qv. * 3 Kpavya£6vTvovv auTai. 2;> as be 'irpoeTeivav" avTov toIs Ipdcriv, elire Trpbs tov eo~TcoTa eKaTOVTapxpv 6 IlavXos' Et liv6pamov Pcopa'iov Kai aKaTaKpiTov e^ecrTiv iiplv pacrTi(eiv ; 26 'AKovcras be 6 eKarov- Tapxps, irpoaeXQiov dnrjyyeiXe tco ^t- Xidpxio \eycdv ' s " Ti peWeis Troielv; 6 yap avBpumos ovtos 'Pcopalos tort. *' Tipoo~e\8(ov be 6 ^iXiap^os ehrev av- TU> m Ae'ye poi, h " be Kaiyeyevvrjpai. 29 Evdea>s ovv anearqo-av an axiToii ol peXkovres avTov dveTa^eiv. Kai 6 ^tXt'ap^oy be eCpo^TfOTj, eiriyvovs oti 'Ptopalos eo~Ti, Kai oti rjv avTov bebeKa>s. Tfj be enavpiov fiovhopevos yviovai Acts XXII. 30. Make haste, and get thee quick- ly out of Jerusalem: for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me. u And 1 said, Lord, they know that I im- prisoned, and beat in every sy- nagogue them that believed on thee. • i0 And when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed, 1 also was standing by, and consenting unto his death, and kept the raiment of them that slew him. *' And he said unto me, Depart: for I will send thee far nence, unto the Gentiles. 2 - And they gave him audi- ence unto this word, and then lifted up their voices, and said. Away with such a fellow from the earth: for it is not fit that he should live. ^ And as they cried out, and cast off their clothes, and threw dust into the a^r, *• the chief captain com- manded him to be brought into the castle, and bade that he should be examined by scourg- ing: that he might know where- fore they cried so against him. 26 And as they bound him with thongs, Paul said unto the cen- turion that stood by, Is it law- ful for you to scourge a man that is a Roman, and uncon- demned ? '■"> When the centu- rion heard that, he went and told the chief captain, saying, Take heed what thou doest, for this man is a Roman. '■" Then the chief captain came ; & said unto him, Tell me, art thou a Roman ? He said, Yea. *" And the chief captain answered, With a great sum obtained I this freedom. And Paul said. But 1 was free born. 29 Then straightway they departed from him which should have "ex- amined him: and the chief cap- tain also was afraid after he kn?w that he was a Roman, and because he had bound him. 30 On the morrow, because he » -* t» Rec. add Tp avatpurit avrav. « Rec. wa0r>«ov. d r^ovpavnv. « Hfc aur. o jiX. ayo9ai Gb. o \t\. •uraynodat avrof. f St. St Elz. irooi-s. mv. g Rec add Opa. '' Kec. ddd et. a Or, tortured lifdi. 24 Acts XXIII. 1. 354 IIPAEEI2 TGN would have known y certainty to ao~ until this day. 3 And the high fc pl ra {, Trls T fj s vutpas. 2 'O be dp- priest Ananias commanded w v > . < > / * «■ - them that stood by him, to X l€ P €V ^ A^avias enera^e tois Trapeajco- smite him on the mouth. 3 Then criv avrco, tvttt(iv avToii to o~Topa. saith Paul unto him, God shall 3 ' ' tt„.~\ ! „'_ ( .. _2 • „„;. .u„„ ^1 . uj» a „n rore o llauAo? ttoos avTov erne smite thee, thou whited wall : , e 1 for sittest thou to judge me TvTTreiv ere peAAei o Q(OS, TOt^e K€KO- after the law, and commandest vlafi 4vC Kai > - ,-. - \ js - s» r j 1 wist not, brethren, that he was ^ovap X iepeaTOV QeovUibopeis; • Efr, the high priest: for it is written, T( 6 TLaiiAos' OvK ybeiv a.O(A(po\, OTl uleTule^of th ' e P o ea ie CVl1 °' is- 6 Tvoiis be 6 UaiiAos oti to ev pepos 6 But when Paul perceived ^ 2ad8ovKaia>v, to be hepov $a- that the one part were Saddu- , „ ,. , „ « '/ „ cees, and the other Pharisees, pio-ai <&apio-alos dpi, Vios and brethren, 1 am a Pharisee, f A ' .« » '•»_'& v * ' the son of a Pharisee : of the *ap<-0-aLov -nepi (Xiribos Kai avacTTa-^ hope and resurrection of the crew? veKpav eyo) Kpivopai. ' Tovto 8e dead I am called in question. a ^ rQ - XaXntrai/Tor, (yev(TO \ ' > ■» > » «v divided; « For the Sadducees 7 n P Xeyovcrt pi] (ivai avao-Taaiv,^ pr]8( say that there is no resurrec- ayytkov pr\T( mxvpa' $>apio~(iioi Se tion neither angel, nor spirit: ^ XoyoC«ri TO. au ; , 9 And there arose a great cry : Kpavyt) peyaAr)' Kai avao~ravT(S e 01 and the scribes that were of the ypauuaTtls" tov uepovs TOi> $apio~ala>v Pharisees' part arose, & strove, i. ' \ ' r\ > s. > « <■ saying, We find no evil in this oiepa X oyTO A(yovT(S _ Ovbei> kokov (v- man: but if a spirit or an angel piaKopev eV TO) avdpwiTid tovtio' (I b( hath spoken to him let us not - ^dXi/ow auTO ' n «yyeXoj h ". fight against God. 10 And when , n " _ »»' / ' , \ » there arose a great dissension, II0XX77C Oe yevoptvrjs CTTacrecoc, ev- the chief captain fearing lest Xa/SnfcVir" 6 YtXi'apvoy pr) biao-rrao-Qri 6 Paul should have been pulled _ «t • > > - > >» > - in pieces of them, commanded UavXos VTT aVTtoV,^ (K(A(Vcre TO (TTpa- the soldiers to go down, and to revpa KOTafiav aptracrai avTov (K & - vwtt. 1* Rec. add airo rum Itaptuv. ' Rec. t>d«tv, d Kc. . oXov. e Reo. aild avraiy. ALT02T0AQN. 355 pecrov avrov, ayeiv re eis ttjv Tvapep- fiukrjv. 11 T77 he imovaj] vvktl emo-ras avra 6 Kvpios eirre' Bdpo~ei a "' as yap hie- paprvpo ra nepl e'poii els lepovaraXrjp, ovra ere hei kui els'Poprjv paprvpijo-ai. 12 Yevopevqs he rjpepas, iroiT]o~avTes b o~vcrrpos peWovres ri aKpifiearepov Acts XXIII. 20. take him by force from among them, and to bring him into the castle. 11 And the night following, the Lord stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul : for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome. '- And when it was day, cer- tain of the Jews banded to- gether, and bound themselves a under a curse, saying, that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul. '3 And they were more than forty which had made this conspi- racy. M And they came to the chief priests and elders, and said, We have bound ourselves under a great curse, that we will eat nothing until we have slain Paul. K jj ow therefore ye with the council, signify to the chief captain that he bring him down unto you to morrow, as though ye would enquire something more perfectly con- cerning him : and we, or ever he come near, are ready to kill him. 16 And when Paul's sister's son heard of their laying in wait, he went and entered into the castle, and told Paul. » Then Paul called one of the centu- rions unto him, and said. Bring this young man unto the chief captain: for he hath a certain thing to tell him. I8 So he took him, and brought him to the chief captain, and said, Paul the prisoner called me unto him, and prayed me to bring this young man unto thee, who hath something to say unto thee. I9 Then the chief cap- tain took him by the hand, and went with him aside privately, and asked him, What is that thou hast to tell me ? 20 And he said, The Jews have agreed to desire thee, that thou would- est bring down Paul to morrow into the council, as though they would enquire somewhat of him a Rec. add nat/Xf, b Rec. rive; tuiv laviauuv werptxpr/v. c ^>> irotrjeanevo-. e <^> — . Gb. 8t Bz. & Elz. ttiv evtipav a Or, with ao oatb of execration. d. Gb. «m. Acts XXIII. 21. more perfectly. 21 But do not thou yield unto them : for there lie in wait for him of them more than forty men, which have bound themselves with an oath, that they will neither eat nor drink, till they have killed him : and now are they ready, look- ing for a promise from thee. 22 So the chief captain then let the young man depart, and charged him, See thou tell no man, that thou hast shewed these things to me. 23 And he called unto him two centurions, saying, Make ready two hundred soldiers to go to Caesarea, and horsemen threescore and ten, and spear- men two hundred, at the third hour of the night. 24 And pro- vide them beasts, that they may set Paul on, and bring him safe unto Felix the governor. 2i And he wrote a letter after this man- ner: 26 Claudius Lysias, unto the most excellent governor Felix, sendeth greeting. - 7 This man was taken of the Jews and should have been killed of them: then came I with an army, and rescued him, having understood that he was a Roman. 2S And when I would have known the cause wherefore they accused him, I brought him forth into their council. 29 Whom I per- ceived to be accused of ques- tions of their law, but to have nothing laid to his charge wor- thy of deathorof bonds. 30 And when it was told me, how that the Jews laid wait for the man, I sent straightway to thee, and gave commandment to his ac- cusers also, to say before thee what they had against him. Farewell. 31 Then the soldiers, as it was commanded them, took Paul, and brought him by night to Antipatris. 32 On the morrow, they left the horsemen to go 356 nPASEIS TCN irvvBdvecrdai irepl avrov. 2l o~v ovv fir/ 7Tfia8!js avrols' eve8pevovo~i yap avrov e£ avruiv avbpes irXeiovs Tecraapd- Kovra, olrtves dve6epaTio~av eavroiis prjre (payelv pr]Te melv ecos ov dveXcocriv avrov' Kal vvv eroipoi elai 7rpoo~$e)(6- pevoi Ttjv curb o~ov enayyeXiav . ^ 'O pev ovv XL\iap%os d.7reXvo~e rbv veaviav, irapayyeLXas pr]§evl eKXaXrjcrai' "On ravra eves Kaiaapelas, Kal 'nnrels e[38o- pijKovra, Kal Se^ioXdfiovs StaKocr/ovc, dno rpiTT]s topas t?js vvktos' " 4 ktjjvt) re Trapaarrjo-ui, iva eTvi[i$do~avTss tov IlavXov Statrojo-wcri irpbs $r)XiKa tov fjyepova' ypd^ras eTrio-ToXrjv irepie- %ovo~av tov tvtcov tovtov * 6 KAauSioc Avaias ru> Kpario-Tco rjyepovi <£j/Aiki %aipeiv. "' tov avdpa tovtov o~vXXtj- (pdevra vtto to>v lov8ala>v, Kal peXXovra dvaipelcrOai vtt avTaiv, eVtcrrac o~vv rv otl 'Pcopalus icrTL. ^ fiovXopevos 8e yvatvai ri]V oItIov 8t i]v eveKaXovv avTm, Karrjyayov avrbv elsrb o~vve8pLov avrcoV * 9 ov evpov eyKaXovpevov irepi ^rjTrjpdTodv tov vopov avrav, pr)8ev 8e a^iov davdrov r) beapwv eyKXrjpa e%ov- ra. 30 prjvv6eio-T]s 8e poi eTTtfiovXrjs els tov livhpa peXXeiv ecreo~dai wo to>v 'iouSaiW, t£avTfjs enep^ra rrpos are, TrapayyeiXas Kal ro'is Karrjyopois Xeyeiv to npus avrov hr\ aov. b eppcoao." 31 Ot pev ovv o-TpariaiTai, Kara to Siareraypevov avrols, dvaXajiovres tov IlavXov, rjyayov Sta rrjs vvktos eis ttjv ' AvTLTvaTpiba. 32 tj\ 8e iiravpiov edaav- Tts tovs 'nnrels c ■nopeveo m 6ai" avv avrto, c cvajreojfoSa* AII02T0AQN. 357 vneo-rpe-^av els rrjv irapep^oXrjv' 33 01- rives elaeXdovres els rrjv Kaio-dpeiav, Kal dvabovres rrjv emo-roXrjv rcH fjyepovt., Tvapearrjcrav . dvayvovs be a ", Kal errepayrrjo-as en iroias enap^ias earl, Kal irvBopevos on dno KiXikuis' ^ AiaKovo~ofial aov, e tov Hpcobov e6vei rovra bid rrjs ays Ttpovo'ias, Travrrj re Kai Tvavraxpv, dnobe^opeda, Kpariare &rjXit;, perd Tracrr/c evxapio-rias. * "iva be pf] em irXelov ae eyKOTrra, 7rapaKaX6> aKovo~ai ere rjpcov o~wr6pcos rfj at/ em- eiKeia. s evpovres yap tov avbpa tovtov Xoipdv, Kal Kivovvra c ardo-iv" Tracri rols lovbaiois rols Kara, ttjv olKovpevrjv, •npa>TOo-Tarr\v re rrjs rav Nafapaiiov alpecreas' 6 os Kal to lepbv eneipacre (SefirjXaxrai, ov Kal eKparrjo-apev, d Kal Kara tov rjperepov vdpov rjdeXrjo-apev Kp'iveiv. 1 napeXdoiv be Avo~ias 6 XtXt- ap)(Os pera rroXXr/s j3ias eK ra>v ^eipwv rjpwv aTrrjyaye, 8 KeXevo~as rovs Karrj- ynpovs avrov ep^eadai eVi ere'" nap ov bvvrjoji avros dvaKpivas rcepl irdv- roiv Tovrcov eniyviovai (ov rjpels Karrj- yopovpev avrov. e SvveTTedevro" be Kal ol 'lovbaloi, (pao-Kovres ravra ovrats e^en*. 'AneKpidri be 6 TlavXos, vevcravros avrco tov Tjyepovos Xeyeiv' Ek ttoXXcov Acts XXIV. 10. with him, and returned to the castle. 3:J Who when thev came to Caesarea, and delivered the epistle to the governor, pre- sented Paul also before him. 31 And when the governor had read the letter, he asked of what province he was. And when he understood that he was of Cilicia: 35 I will hear thee, said he, when thine ac- cusers are also come. And he commanded him to be kept in Herod's judgment hall. 24. And after five days, A- nanias the high priest descended with the elders, and with a cer- tain orator named Tertullus, who informed the governor against Paul. 2 And when he was called forth, Tertullus be- gan to accuse him, saying, Seeing that by thee we enjoy great quietness, and that very worthy deeds are done unto this nation by thy providence: 3 we accept it always, and in all places, most noble Felix, with all thankfulness. 4 Notwith- standing, that I be not further tedious unto thee, I pray thee, that thou wouldest hear us of thy clemency a few words. 5 For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes. 6 Who also hath gone about to profane the tem- ple: whom we took, and would have judged according to our law. 7 But the chief captain Lysias came upon us, and with great violence took him away out of our hands: fi commanding his accusers to come unto thee, by examining of whom thyself mayest take knowledge of all these things, whereof we accuse him. 9 And the Jews also assented, saying that these things were so. "> Then Paul, after that the governor hadbeckoned unto him to speak, answered, Forasmuch * Rcc. add o nytfiwv, b C\J itopQuiftartof « l^J (TTtt;TF*5. d 6, 7, 8. ZX «oi .«T« %A tin "l. Acts XXIV. 11. 358 nPASEIS TON as I know that thou hast been of many years a judge unto this nation, I do the more cheer- fully answer for myself: " be- cause that thou mayest under- stand, that there are yet but tweh'e days, since I went up to Jerusalem for to worship. w And they neither found me in the temple disputing with any man, neither raising up the people, neither in the syna- gogues, nor in the city: 13 nei- ther can they prove the things whereof they now accuse me. 14 But this 1 confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and the prophets, 15 and have hope towards God, which they themselves also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust. 16 And herein do I ex- ercise myself to have always a conscience void of offence to- ward God, and toward men. 17 Now after many years, I came to bring alms to my na- tion, and offerings: ls where- upon certain Jews from Asia found me purified in the tem- ple, neither with multitude, nor with tumult: ia who ought to have been here before thee, and object, if they had ought against me. ao Or else let these same hpre say, if they have found any evil doing in me, while I stood before the council, '■" except it be for this one voice, that I cried standing among them, Touching the resurrection of the dead I am called in ques- tion by you this day. 2 - And when Felix heard these things, having more per- fect knowledge of that way, he deferred them and said, When Lysias the chief captain shall comedown, I will know the ut- termost of your matter. ' a And he commanded a centurion to keep Paul, and to let him have erwv ovra are Kpirf]v toj eOvei toutco inKTTllfXfVOS, a ebdvpOTepOv" T<\ TTtp\ epavrov aTroXoyovpai" 8vvapevov o~ov yvcovai on ov nXeiovs fieri pot rjpepai b ' 8eKa8vo, d rjs dvefir/v tvpoencvvrjeruiv ev 'lepovo-aXrjp' • /cat ovre ev rd> iepa> evpov pe irpos Tiva 8iaXey6pevov i) e ■eTnervo-racriv" rvoiovvra o^Aou, ovre ev reus a-vvaycoya'is, ovre Kara rr]v ndXiV 13 ovre Trapacrrfjcrat 8vvavrai rrepi hv vvv Karr/yopoval pov. u bpoXoyio 8e rovro o~oi, on Kara rrjv 68bv rjv Xeyov- o~iv aipeariv, ovru> Xarpevoo ra> Trarpuxx) 6ev re Kai d8iKa>V 16 ev rovreo ' 8e" avrbs do-xco, aTrpoa-KOTTOv o~vvei8r)o~iv %e-)(eiv" rrpos rbv Qebv Kai robs dvdpdmovs 8iaTTavros. 17 At' e'ra>v 8e rrXeibvcov napeyevoprjv eXerjpocrvvas Troirjo-av els rb edvos pov Kcii 7rpoa, ov pera o^Aou ov8e pera dopvfiov. rives ' 8e" anb rr)s 'Ao~ias 'IovSaiot, 19 ovs k e8ei" enl aov rvapeivai Kai Karrjyopelv e'l n e^oiev ■Kpos pe. M f] avroi ovroi enrarooo~av, '" ri eiipov ev epo\ d8'iKrjpa, ardvros pov eiTi roi o-vve8plov' 21 tj ire p\ puis ravrrjs (poovijs, rjs eKpaija eo-rios ev avrols' On irep\ dvacrrdaecos veKp Kpivopai arjpepov ii(p vpa>v. 22 m ' AvefidXero 8e avrovs 6 $r}Xi{;," aKpifteo-repov et8ws rd rrepl rrjs 68oi/, elncoV "Orav Avo~ias b -^iXiap^os Kara- ftfi, 8iayva>o~opai rd Kaff iipds' ^ Aiara- £dpe vos " re" ro3 eKarovrdpxTI r-qpeladai ° avrbv," e^eiv re dveenv, Kai pr\8eva a (^i tvOvums. b Rec. add t). c ^" eirtoraaiv. d St. «ai 7015. — Bz. 81 Elz. «a» »v Toiy. * TX i ^) ivai. 9 cv i^wv. b '^ — . R«c. & Gb. 01s. i Bz. U Etz. 0111. k St. OJ j««, 1 Hec. aJJ 11. ui Rec. CNj Ak3V0U£ i» TavTa o *v IBiaiv avrov inrrjperelv a i) irpoaepj^ea-dai' carta. 24 Merd Be rjpepas rivds irapayevo- pevos 6 <&i)Xi£ avv ilpovo-iXXrj rfj yv- vaiiti b * over) lovBaia, pereirep^aro rov TLavXov, Kal rJKovaev avrov irepl rr/i els Xpiardv c lrjcrovv" irio-reois. 24 BiaXeyopevov Be avrov nepl BiKaiocrv- vrjs Kal eyKparelas Kal roil d Kplparos rov peXXovros" e ", ep.(po>3os yevopevos 6 &rjXiiz aTreicptdr)' To vvv e\ov iropevov' Kaip'ov Be p,eraXaj3a)v peraKa.Xeo-op.at. o~e. * t> "Apia ' ' Kal e\Tri£a>v, on xprjpara 8odr)o~erai avra vito rov TLavXov s ' Bio Kal rrvKvorepov avrov peranepiro- pevos copiXei avra. 27 Aierias Be ■trXjjpadelcrqs eXafte BidBoxov 6 $r)Xi£ TLopKiov ^fjcrrov' OtXav re ^dpiras KaradtaOai rols Lov- Saiois 6 <&rjXii;, KareXine rov LTaiXov BeBepevov. 25. &rjoros ovv e7ri{3as 177 eTtap-^la, perd rpels rjpepas dve,3ij els Lepoao- Xvpa afro Kaio-apeias. 2 evecpdvio-av be avroi h 6 apxiepevs" Kal ol npuiroi ra>v 'IoucWgjv Kara rov TIavXov, Kal rrape- kolXovv avrov, 3 alrovpevoi \^P lv /car ' avrov, owcas peraTrep^rrjrai. avrov eis 'LepovcaXrjp, eveBpav irotovvres dveXelv avrov Kara ttjv 6B6v 4 6 pev ovv &i)o~ros direKpiOr), Tqpelo~6ai rov TLavXov ' ev Kaiaapeiq," eavrov Be ptXXeiv ev rd%ei eKTropeveo~6ai. * Ol ovv k Bvvarol ev ip.iv, (pijcrl," o-vyKarajSdvres, ei rt eoTiv 1 " ev rai avBpl m rovrco," Karriyopelroiaav avrov. 6 Aiarpfyas Be ev avrdls rjpepas c ov ffXeiovs OKra) rj BeKa," Kara^ds eis Kato-dpeiav, rfj ercavpiov KadL&as enl rov firjparos, eKeXevo-e rov TLavXov Acts XXV. 6. liberty, and that he should for- bid none of his acquaintance to minister, or come unto him. 21 And after certain days, when Felix came with his wife Di umII.i. which was a Jewess, he sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith in Christ. -° And as he reasoned of righte- ousness, temperance, and judg- ment to come, Felix trembled and answered, Go thy way for this time, when 1 have a conve- nient season, 1 will call for thee. *■ He hoped also that money should have been given hint of Paul, that he might loose him: wherefore he sent for him the oftener, and communed with him. '" But after two years, Por- cius Festus came into Felix' room : and Felix willing to shew the Jews a pleasure, left Paul bound. 25. Now when Festus was come into the province, after three days he ascended from Casarea to Jerusalem. - Then the high priest, and the chief of the Jews informed him against Paul, and besought him, 3 and desired favour against him, that he would send for him to Jeru- salem, laying wait in the way to kill him. 4 But Festus an- swered, that Paul should be kept at Caesarea, and that he himself would depart shortly thither. 5 Let them therefore, said he, which among you are able, go down with me, aud accuse this man, if there be any wickedness in him. 6 And when he had tarried among them » more than ten dais, he went down unto Cae- sarea, and the next day sitting in tLe judgment seat, com- manded Paul to be brought. » ZZ » Rec. add anr«>. c Ret. & Gb. an. d «^ fii>\oy70s *p*^aTos- e Rec. add teiodai. f Kec. add U. s Rec ji Gb. add os-«r Xv To whom I an- swered, It is not the manner of the Romans to deliver any man to die, before that he which is accused, have the accusers face to face, and have licence to an- swer for himself concerning the crime laid against him. 17 Therefore when they were 360 nPAEEIS TQN d\6r]vai. 7 uapayevopevov be avrov, irepieo-Trjcrav a " oi ano 'lepocrokvpcov KarajdelirjKOTes 'lovbaioi, iroXkd kcu /3a- pea b alTiiopara (pepovres c Kara tov Hav\ov, " a ovk tcr^voi/ a7roSei£ai" 8 dnoXoyovpevov avroii' On ovre eis tov vopov tcov 'IouSauof, oi/'re eis to tepbv, ovre els Kattrapd ti ijpaprov. 9 'O $f}fjT09 be to'ls 'lovbaiois 6e}\cov \dpiv Karadeadai, aVoKpicVic tw iluvXto eine' Qekeis els 'lepotrdkvpa avafias, eVcet nepl tovtcov Kpiveadai en epov ; 10 EiVe be 6 IlaiXoc- 'Etj-1 tov firjpaTOS Kaiarapos earais elpi, ov pe Set Kpive- crOai. 'iouSai'ovs ovbev rjbiKrjo-a, cos /cat crv Kc'iKkiov eiriyivaxTKeLS' u el pev d yap" dhiKut kcii a£iov Bavdrov nenpaxd Tt, ov irapaiTovpai to dnodavelv el be ovbev ecrTiv cov ovtol KaTrjyopovcri pov, olbeis pe cWarai avrois ^apiVacrf3at. KaitTcipa e-rnKaKoiipai. 12 Tots 6 <&tjo-tos trv\- \a\r]o-as perd tov avpfiovKiov, aneKpi- 8rj' Kaiaapa eViice'icA^o-ai ; em Kaicrapa Tropevo-j). * 3 'Upepcov be biayevopevcov tivcov, 'Aypi7nras 6 fiacriXevs koX BepvUrj KaT- rjVTtjO-av els Kaurdpetav, dcnrao-opevoi tov ^rjo-Tov. 14 tos be irXeiovs rjpepas bieTpifiov eKEi, 6 4>r/(rroc tg> ftaaiXel dvedero ra Kara tov Hai\ov Xeycov' ' ' Avi]p tls etTTt. KaTa\e\etppevos vivo J *>'/* «""* ^ judgment seat, and commanded prjpaTos, eKeXevo-a axvrjvai tov uvbpa' the man to be brought forth. 18 Trepi ov o-ral9ei/reir oi KaTriyopoi ovbe- ls Against whom when the ac- , r , , - , , , a f ' i cusers stood up, they brought piay airiav a eTtefpepov (ov vnevoovv none accusation of such things eyo) b "* 19 (rjTT]jj.aTa be Tiva nepl ttjs as I supposed: ls but had cer- ■>%i ss » ' » i _>_.> tain questions against him of ibias beiaibaipovias ei X ov wpos mmw, their 4 own supers I ition , and of Kai irepi Tivos Irjcrov Teovr/KOTOS, ov one Jesus, which was dead, fyao-Mv 6 IlavXos Qv. ~° airopovpevos ^o™ ^4^™*^° \ j - / a \ ' he would go to Jerusalem, and lepova-aXrjji, KaKei^ Kpivecrdai nepi tov- there be judged of these mat . tgjv. 2l Toil be HavXov eiriKaXeo~apevov ters. 2I But when Paul had TrtprjOvvai avrbv els Tt)v tov SejSacmw f,? pe « a l ed to be r f es f ved f «»"» «, ' , ' , /x ' ~ a > v the p hearing of Augustus, I ciayv(oo-iv, eKeXevaa T-qpeiaOai avTov, commanded him to be kept, till ems ov Trepan avrbv irpbs Kalcrapa. I might send him to Caesar. 22 'Aypimras be irpbs tov &rjO~rov » Then Agrippa said unto eihri- '~E8ovX6ur)v ko.1 avrbs tov avdaa- Festus, I would also hear the ' ' , „ in. &' a" jl. ' man myself. To morrow, said 7T0V aKOVo-ai. O be' Avpiov, (prjaiV he, thou shalt hear him. CLKOVOJ] CLVTOV. 23 Trj ovv eiravpiov eXdovTos tov * AypiW Kai Tris BepvUrjs pe T a tvoXXTjs '- 3And °" >' "Z^^" ,'" , »'\/i» ' » ' pa was come and Isermce, with (pavrcaias, Kai eiaeXdovTCOv eis to a- great pomp, and was entered icpoarnpiov, ovv re tois YiXidpyois Kai into the place of hearing, with > r 5. , r ~ > ,u \ a t // - the chief captains, and principal avbpao-i tols kot e^rjv a ovyt s. ' multitude of the Jews have irepi ov Ttav to nXr)Vos tcov lovdaiav dealt with me, both at Jerusa- eveTVvdv uoi ev Te 'lepoaoXvpois Ku\ lem, and also here, crying that ' a '& ' o - '»"/•'• • ' he ought not to live any longer. evOabe, firfioarrcs pi] Otiv Q]v avTov „ B ° t when , f ound ' that he pr/KeTi. 2o e'yo) be KaTaXaj36pevos prjbev had committed nothing worthv &IOV SavdTov avTov Trenpayevai, Kai ° f death - ant * ^ a \ he hi » lseI f > « «,« / i \ ' s nath appealed to Augustus, I avTov be TOVTOV eiriKaXecrapevov tov have determined to send him. 2e8ao-Tov, eKpiva treaneiv e avrov. " ' 26 Of whom I have no certain 26 » • i /> / > i - i thing to write unto mv lord: ^TJ-epj ov ao-(paXes Tiypafu ra Kvpia whe ° efure { have brought him oxik e x- (TTrjV ovtcl o~e c " ndvrcov tcov Kara 'IouSat'ovy idcov re Koi ^rrjpaTcov. St6 Se'o/xat d aov," paKpodvpeos UKovo-al p.ov. 4 Ttjv pev ovv fiiwo-iv pov ttjv in veoTTjTOS, ttjv an dp)(r)S yevopivqv €V t'2 i'dvet pov iv 'IepocroXupocc, icracn ndvTes oi 'Ioufialot, 5 npoyiva>o~KovTes pe ava>6ev, (idv 6eXao-i paprvpelv,) on Kara tt)v dKpi(3eo-TaTT)v aipeo-tvrrjs rjpe- repas dprjo-Keias 'i(r}0-a Qaptaalos' 6 v " inayyiXlas yevop-evr/s vnb rod Qeov earTrjKa Kpivopevos, ' as t]v to daiftacdcpvXov r)pu>v iv eKTevela vvktcl Kai ijpipav XarpevoviXni^a Karavrrjaai' nepl tjs eXniHios iyKaXovpai, /3acrtXe{) 1 'Ayplnna," iinb s " 'iovfiatW. 8 ri ; dmo~Tov Kpivtrai nap vp.iv, ei o Geo? veicpovs iyelpa ; 9 'E-yw piv ovv efio£a ipavrco npbs to ovopa 'ir/croO tov Na^ojpaiov fielv noXXa evavTia npa£ai " o Kai enoirjcra iv 'lepoo-oXvpois, koj. noXXovs h tcov " ay'uov iyot ' iv " (pvXaicals Kare/cXetca, tijv napd riov dp^tepicov i^ovenav Xa- j3a>V dvaipovpivav T( avTwv KaTTjveyxa \j/r)(pov. n /cat Kara ndaas Tas crvv- aycayds noXXdicis Tipcopuiv avTovs, T)vdyica£ov ftXao-cprjpelv, ntpiacrws re ippaivopevos avrdis, idlaKov cws Ka\ eir Tas e^co TroXeif. 77 iT, ... h Rec. ntr\. airnXny. tiri aov c Cz. ailil n^jji-, Ret. add rujy. d ZX « Ret 8t Gb. wpn s touj b '^> rt Tuiy. i Rec. -♦ AII02T0AQN. 363 u 'Ei> ofs a Kal " -rropevopevos els ttjv AajiacrKov per e^ovaias Kal eTvirpoir^s b rrjs irapa" ra>v dpx^pecov, n fjpepas peo~T]s, Kara rrjv 686v ei8ov, /3acnXeO, ovpavodev vnep rrjv XapTrpoTrjra rov J7A10U, Trepi\dp\f/av pe (pu>s Kal rovs avv e'pol iropevopevovs- 14 navrav 8e KciTcnreo-ovTcov fjphv els rrjvyrjv, i'JKOVo-a (p(ovf]v \a\ov 8e elrrov, Tis el Kvpie ; 'O 8e elnev, 'Eycb elpi 'Itjctovs ov av 8ia»Keis. 16 aXXa dvdoTrjdi, Kal (TTrjdt. «rl rovs Trodas P av rrjs 'lovbaias, Kal ro'is e8veo-iv, f inr^y- yeXKov" peravoelv, Kal eTTio~Tpe(peiv eiri rov Qeov, a£ta rr/s peravoias epya Trpdao-ovras- 2l eveKa tovtcov pe 01 'lovBaloi avWaftopevoi ev ra leph, eiretphvro 8ia)(eipio-ao-dai. 2 " emKovpias ovv rv\hv rr/s 7rapa rov Qeov, axpi TTjS rjpepas Tavrrjs eo-TrjKa, paprvpovpevos piKpoy re Kal peydXa, ovbev eKTosXeycov hv T€ 0! irpoCprJTai i\d\rjo~av peXXovrcov yivea-dai Kal ° Mcoa-f/s ■" a el nadr/ros 6 Xptoroff, ei npcoTos e£ ava(TTao~ea>s Acts XXVI. 23. 12 Whereupon, as I went to Damascus, with authority and commission from the chief priests: 13 at midday, O king, I saw in the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining round about me, and them which journeyed with me. 14 And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me ? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. I5 And I said, Who art thou, Lord ? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest. 16 But rise, and stand upon thy feet, for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness, both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee, 1? delivering thee from the peo- ple, and from the Gentiles, un- to whom now I send thee, ls to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may re- ceive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. •» Whereupon, O king Agrip- pa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision : ''" but shewed first unto them of Da- mascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and then to the Gen- tiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance. 21 For these causes the Jews caught me in the temple, and went about to kill me. '" Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day, wit- nessing both to small and great, saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come : '" that Christ should suffer, and that he should be the first »^ b - i St. it Uz. o.irayyt\\uiv, Acts XXVI. 24. 364 IIPASEI2 TfiN that should rise from the dead, veKpaiv (pa>s peXXet KarayyeXXeiv tw and should shew light unto the Xfl(5 Ka » TO j f '^ ve(rl _ people, and to the Gentiles. „«, „ «» , „ , .. , r ■"■ And as he thus spake for Tavra oe avrov airoXoyovpevov, o himself. Festus said with a loud $ncrro? aeyaXv Tri (hwvri efbrf Maivri voice, Paul, thou art beside ' « . r / '■»>*> r < » thyself, much learning doth ^avXe Ta TroXXa ere _ ypappara eis make thee mad. 25 But he pavlav TvepiTpeivei. "° O Se" Ou /nai- ai a bur^T4 n t: w, *** ^fam *ija« f axy words of truth and soberness. aXrjdeias Kai (ra)Cppo(TVvr]S pr)para a- 26 For the king knoweth of n0 (hdeyyouai. 26 eTTio-Tarai yap nepl these tilings, before whom also / ' o -\ < \ * v > 1 speak freely: for I am per- rovrav o ^aaiXevs, npos ov Kai^ irap- suaded, that none of these prjcria^opevos XaXco' \av8aveiv yap av- things are hidden from him for 6 ^ . ne tf M >§<<,,• {, this thing was not done in a , , , , " , comer. 27 King Agrippa, be- yap eo~Tiv ev yaiviq. ireirpaypevov tovto. lievest thou the prophets ? I 2," ritcrreiiet? Bao-iXev 'Aypimra rols know v thou believest. ' i8 Then , , T * ,, ", 28 'r\ Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost 7Tpo(pt]Tais ; oida ori^ 7ricrTev«j. ^ O thou persuadest me to be a ge ' Aypimras irpbs rbv ILavXov a eCprj ;" fwtldtoGlftha^otS "& ^ ^^Wb -yn^ thou, but also all that hear me crpru. Ja O Oe IlauAoc h ei7rev* Evgaiprju this day, were both almost, and *„ T £ Q ec 5 Ka \ |„ ^Xt'vo) /cat ev c TToX- altogether such as 1 am, except . „„ ' , ,' , ,. ,. , ' *, , , these bonds. Xa> ov povov ere, aAAa /cat 7rai/raf rovs d/cowi/rdf /xou o-rjpepov, yeveadai toiov- rovs ono'ios Kayat elpi, Trapearos ru>v Seo~ua>v tovto)v. 30 And when he had thus 30 d 'Aveo-rt] re 6 " /3ao-iXeiT Kai o they that sat with them. 31 And pevot, avrois. A Kai avaxcoprjo-avres when they were gone aside, i\^\ ovv npos a \Xt]Xovs Xeyovres, " On they talked between them- , . , A ; ,i ). * ^ - > selves, saying, This man doeth ovdev tiavarova^iov rj deapoiv TTpao-o-ei, nothing worthy of death, or of o avdpconos ovtos. 3 ' 2 ^Aypimras be rco bonds. M Then said Agrippa , / « • . > . \ \ ' /) 'S> '..„_„ l £ unto Festus, This man might ^O"™ e( rV ATroXeWfloi^ eSwaTO O have been set at liberty, if he avdportros OVTOS, el p.rj eneKeKkrjTO Kai- had not appealed unto Caesar. Q- aoa 27. And when it was deter- 27. 'Q? 8e eKpidrj rod anonXelv rjpas mined, that we should sail into e } s T X V 'l T a\iav, irapeb'io'ow tov re Italy, thev delivered Paul, and _ - N , r > s> ' certain other prisoners, unto UavXov Kai Tivas erepovs ^ beo-paras one named Julius, a centurion eKarovTapXH, ovopari IovXico, 0"7retpr/? of Augustus' band * And en- 2f ^ acrr ^. ' 2 e V ( /3^rec Se VXotco 'A- tering into a ship of Adramvt- ' ' „ ir „ . „ ' , tium, we launched, meaning to opapvTTT)va>, e peXXovres 7tXew tovs sail by the coasts of Asia, one KaTa T ± v 'Acriav TOirovs, avr)v6r)uev, Aristarchus a Macedonian, of „ ! , ~ .. / „. i> Thessalonica, being with us. ovtos '.>. d Rec. r^J Kai Taura liitovtos avrov, aftirrr/ o. e «sJ /ieXXovTi. AII02T0AQN. 365 Acts XXVII. 14. Xdqpev ets 'Sib&va' (piXavdpcoTrcos re 6 at Sidon: And Julius courte- 'lovkios TW nauXw XPr]{ r a' nlm 1'berty to go unto his Tpe\\f€ irpos^Tovs (piXovs iropevffevTCl friends to refresh himself. * And cmueXfias ruveu/. 4 naneWtv dvavdevres wnen we had launched from t \ ' \ rr ' » > » < thence, we sailed under Cyprus, VTTfTrAfvo-a/iev ttjv KvTrpov, bia to tovs because the winds were con- avepovs eivai evavriovs. to re TreXayos trary. 5 And when we had to Kara rhv KAuciav Kai IlaucbvXiav T il / d ° ver , t ' le sea of Cllic i a . . , ' , . i tn ' and Pamphylia, we came to OianAfvo-avTes, KaTrjXaopev eis Mvpa Myra a city of Lycia. rf/s AvKias. 6 KaKei evpoiv 6 eKaTOVTapxos TrXoiov 6 And there the centurion 'AXe£av8plvov irXeov els tt)v 'lraXlav, fo " nd a shi P, of Alexandria > r, ' t ~ , 5 / 7 i t - sailing into Italy, and he put us fvepiilao-ev rjpas eis aoro. ' ee iKavais therein. » And when we had be i)pepais fipabvirXoovvres, Kai poXis sailed slowly many days, and / * < i^ 'a ' scarce were come over against ytvoptvoi jcarajijuKviSov, pq npoa- Cnidus the w , nd not s J| ering eavTos //^a? too dvepov, vweTtXevcrapev us, we sailed under « Crete, TnvKoriTnv Kara ZaXuavrjV 8 udAic over against Salmone, » and ' \ , > > *n /1 1 hardly passing it, came unto a Tf TrapaAeyopevoi avrijv, rjAOopev eis place which is called The fair toVoz/ rtra KaXovpevov KaXovs Alphas, hay ens, nigh whereunto was t > i t /% . ' the city of Lasea. 0) e-yyuy ^v TroAtr Aao~aia. 9 'Ikoi/oO 6e xP° vov biayevopevov, Kai 9 n w when much time was ovtos rjbr) eiriacbaXovs roil irXobs, bia spent, and when sailing was now 1 v \ / >,«. \ \ A' dangerous, because the last was to Kai tjji/ vqcrTeiav rjbr) napeXrjXvdevai, now a i ready pasti Pau i admo . Trapr'jvei 6 HavXos 10 Xeycov aiiTOis' nished them, l0 and said unto "AApp&yi 8n ptTa vPptvs «d ^ ttSuSht! ^ 7roXXr)S (rjpias ov povov tov " (popTlov much damage, not only of the Kai tov ttXolov, dXXa Kai tuv ^uvcof lading and ship but also of our c. / N , » a v \~ ii<^> lives. " Nevertheless, the cen. rjpcop peXXew eo-eaVu tov ttXovv. il O tur j on believed the master and Se c eKaTOVTapxrjs" to> KvftepvfjTT] 1 a ' -\\ * ' - r * than those things which were vavkXripa rrveideTO paXXop r, tols yiro spoken by ?au f_ 13 And be _ tov UavXov Xeyopevois. dvevderov cause the haven was not com- de tov Xipevos vnapvovTOS irpos ira- "odious to winter in, the more I , s T vn a ^ » P art advised to depart thence paxeipaaiav, 01 irXeiovs e&evro povX-qv also, ifby any means they might dvax&nvai d eKelSev, " e'ltrcos bvvaiVTO attain to Phenice, and there to ' ■> ». / / winter ; which is an haven of KaTuvTijo-avTes «s fotviKa 7rapa X eipa- Crete _ , anA , ietn toward the o~ai, Xiptva Trjs KprjTrjs (3X(TrovTa koto, south west, and north west. At'/3a Kai e koto." x^>P 0V - U'Ynorwvo-avTOS 8e votov, tttavre s J 3 And when the south wind ., » blew softly, supposing that they ttjs irpo6eo-ea>s KeKpaTrjKevai, apavres had obtained their purpose, cio-o-ov TTaptXiyovTO Tnv Konrni/. M uer loosing thence, they sailed close ' \« »■ *a \ » > - * by Crete. 14 But not long after, ov ttoKv^ be^ ejdake kut uvttjs ayepos thereraroseagainstitatempest- TVCpcoviKos, 6 KaXovpevos f cvpoKXvbcov." uous wind, called Euroclydon. a Rec itii. li Rec. Qoprov. c Rec. <«aTOVTap^of. & Rec. & Gb KattiQty. * Kz unl. f Gb. mpv*Xv(W. a Or, r,,uilj. ^ Or, iujury. 7 Or, beat. Acts XXVII. 15. 366 IIPASEI2 TQN '5 And when the ship was ls o~vvapnacr8evTO$ be tov ttXoiov, Kat caught, and could not bear up > hvvaaevov dvTOj > a 16 ' » ' >° And running under a certain emoovTes e(pepopeda. vtjaiov Oe Tl island, which is called Clauda, vnobpapovTes KaXovpevov Kkavbrjv, pd- we had much work to come by ^ t ' • - ' a ~ the boat: » which when they Aw laxvo-apev TrepLKpaTeisyeveadaL ttjs had taken up, they used helps, cr/catpr/c' ' rjv (ipavres, I3or)0eiais e^pa>v- undergirdingthesbip; and fear- T0 faofayvlvrts to TvXo'loV (bofiovpevoi ing lest they should tall into the ,? ( _/ i r ' r . , quicksands, slrake sail, and so Te prj etc Trjv ZvpTiv eKneo-axri, ^aAa- were driven. '» And being o- avTfS TO aKevos, ovtws efhepoVTO. exceedingly tossed with a tern- is i & . & \ >' ' ~ pest the next day, they lighten- * crtyobpus^ Se xeipafo/xei'coi' -qpav, 777 ed the ship: la and the third e^rjs eK^oXrjV eTTOlovvTO' Kai ttj TpiTrj Sans* zsz -^A^r-rt 1 a ^- 8» And when neither sun nor piyapeV - u pnjTe be r/Atou, prjTe aarpoiV stars in many days appeared, € ' nL (haiv6vT03V eVi -nXeiovas hpepas, Yft- and no small tempest lay on .. , > >\ > « " \ t us; all hope that we should be ("ovos re ova oAtyoy eniKetpevov,Aot-rrov saved, was then taken away. nepirjpelTO Truua ekivis tov (ra^eadai fjfids. 8i But after long abstinence, 21 IloXXf)? be dcriTias virapxovcrrjs, Paul stood forth in the midst TQ - T€ o- Ta () e \ s 6 IlavXos ev peaco avrwv of them, & said, Sirs, ye should T Vx , & \ ? « * ' /i ' have hearkened unto me, and eiWO'" E6ei pej/, co avbpes, ireiOapxv- not have loosed from Crete, and (ravrac pot /i7) dfayetr^at a7ro t^s Kpr}- to have gained this harm and a- > "a ' . N . loss. "And now I exhort you T f> KepbrjaaiTe ttjv vfrpiv TavTrjvKai to be of good cheer: for there ttjv tjjpiav. km Ta vvv waprnvui vpas shall be no loss of any man's ev vflf ' lv - ^oBoXn yap ^vvnc ovbepla life among you, but of the ship. „ ~ , . , „ > ; ' '„ "\ / 03 83 For there stood by me this ((TTai e§ vpmv, ttKtjv tov ttAolov. " Trap- night the angel of God, whose eP av ' and found it twenty fathoms : 28 Ka \ R \io-avTes evpov opyvids eucoal' and when they had gone a little Q > s.» s. ' n >\ further, they sounded again, ^X v °* biao-T^avres, BU TToXlv and found it fifteen fathoms. fioXiaravTes, evpov opyvids benaivevTe' a cv> — . Gb. appupay, ^ Reo. ^p vu«r« Taurj. AII02T0AGN. 367 Acts XXVII. 41. 29 (poBovpevol re a prjTTas" b els" rpa^els 29 Then fearing lest we should rec ayKvpas Teo-aapas, tjvxovto rjpepav stern, and wished for the day. ya>(v 8e vavruiV ^rjroviTcov (pvydv 30 And as the shipmen were eWoO nXolov, rixAa*^r*™^tf«&*%> (TK(i(pr]v eis TTjv oa\ci(T(rav, irpocpacrei boat into the sea, under colour ms eK npapas peXXovroiV ayKvpas eV- as though they would have cast , ^i t t r, ~v ' - r anchors out of the foreship, reiveiv, 'eww ° IlavXos ra tKarop- 31 Pau i said l0 the centurion, rap-vrj kcu toLs crrpaTiarais' 'Eat" pfj and to the soldiers. Except ? ' / > \ t r these abide in the ship, ye can- ovtoi fuivamv ev r«3 TrXotco, vpetc no[ be ' saved „ P' h > n the crwdrjvai ov 8vvacr6e. 3 - Tore 01 crrpa- soldiers cut off the ropes of the Tiwrni aTveno-ty-av ra cr^oti/i'a rrjscn(d Tjpepa yiveadai, 33 And while the day was napeKtikei 6 IlauXos anavTCts peraXa/3e 11/ coming on, Paul besought them rpoc^c, Xe>„- T.o^pf.rica^d^ ^slhlS eS^S arjpepov rjpepav TrpncrboKcovres, hctitoi ye have tarried, and continued StareXetre, unSeV irpocrXaBopevoi. 34 Sto fasting, having taken nothing. . „' T'- d r ■» o - » j.-. 34 Wherefore, I pray you 10 TrapaKaXw vpas "perahapeiv rpocprjs take some meati for this js for tovto yap 7Tp6c rn? vperepas crcyrrjpias your health: for there shall not ' > .>*'< » <-/]>/■> ~ an hair fall from the head of v7rap X «- ovfci/os yap vjuov6p£ tx t V s a ° y h of r you . S, A nd when he KfCpaXrjS e cnroXeiTal. TLinaiv oe had thus spoken, he took bread, ravra, /cat Xa/3a>i> aprov, evvapio-TTio-e and gave thanks to God in pre- - ^ - > < / v \ / sence of them all, and when he rw Gew eva>TTiov Tvavruv, Kai /cAao-ac had broken it, he began to eat. fjptciTO io-dUiv. 36 evdvpoi 8e yevopevoi 3li Then were they all of good ' v > \ \ 'o A.- . cheer, and they also took some navT^KaiavToinpoo-fXaBovTOTpofas- ^ « And y we were in allf 3 ' r)pef de ev ro3 ttXoio) at nacrai \pv^ai, in the ship, two hundred, three- Sia/coWl i88ouf)KOVTa eg. M KopeaBiv- score and sixteen souls. ^ And *, ' .J 1 , , , J i-v- when they had eaten enough, res oe rpotpr/c, acovtpiQov ro ttAoiov, they lightened the ship, and eV/3aXXopei/ot rov crtroi> etc rr)f ^dXacr- cast out the wheat into the sea. 39 "n »i ' ' » ' !» ~ • 3 9 And when it was day, they " Ore oe r)pepa eyeveTO,Tr}vyrjVOVii knew not the land: but they (ireytvao-KoV koXttov de nva Karevoovv discovered a certain creek.vvith *' >n» >*f>oN' «a shore, into the which they exovra. atyiaAov, ets ov epovKevaavTo, were m i nded , if it were possi- et g tvvaivro," etaxrat. to 7rXotov. 40 Kai ble, to thrust in the ship. > > / -. / « , , 40 And w hen they had « taken ra? ayKvpas TrepteXoi/re? etwi' etc rr/i» up the auehors , they committed oaXao-a-av, apa dvevres ras ^evKTTjpias themselves unto the sea, and **> ^SaXt'co,- ,al eVapavres r6, apre- Joo-d ^Je-^bands, and fxoi/a T7/ 7TV€OV(Trj K(iT€ixov €is TOV wind) an d ma de toward shore. alytakov. 41 7rept7re(70«vre? 8e ets roirov 41 And falling into a place »<^ ptprov, ^» RJ Kara. Itec, tKiriffwiTii'. A Rec. TrpoffXa^iv. • Reo. iretrnra,. f (V *JovXivovro. g cv iJuyaTPv. a Or, cut the anchors, tliey left theni iu the sea, &.c. Acts XXVII. 42. 368 IIPAEEI2 TON where two seas met, they ran bi6aXao~o~ov, eff&KeiXav ttjv vavv' Kai rj the ship aground, and the fore- ^ ' ^[^^ Zuetvey daaXevTOS, part stuck last, and remained t «. ' > is / ",.,„, „" immoveable, but the hinder r] be irpvpva eAvero vno ttjs pias Tav part was broken with the vio- KV u.aTcov. *' tcov be (TTpaTia>T - « \ & , ■> i soldiers' counsel was to kill the ey^ ™ iw tovs beap-coTas ajroKTf ivavi,^ prisoners, lest any of them fir] tis eKKoXvp^rjO'as a 8ia(f)vytj ." 43 6 be should swim out, and escape. { KaT 6pTa PX os fiovXouevos biaauaai tov 43 But the centurion, willing to r A r- r } ( __ save Paul, kept them from liavXov, eKcoXvo-ev avrovs tov povXr]- their purpose, and commanded ucitos, eKeXevae re tovs bvvauevovs that they which could swim, \ a~ » >"i r > \ should cast themselves first into KoXvp^av, anoppiyavTas^ TvpaiTOVS eni the sea, and get to land: ** and ttjv yrjv ej-ievcu, ** Kai rovs Xoi7rot;c, otjy the rest, some on boards and . > ■ * ^ ^ g^ ^ „„„„ t£ „ some on broken pieces of the r, , * , ' , „ , , ship: and so it came to pass citto tov irXoiov. Kai ovtws eyevero that they escaped all safe to W avTas biao-wdr/vai eirl Tr)v yr)v. 28." And when they were es- 28 - Kai biaaadevTes, Tore iireyyuxrav caped, then they knew that the on MeXtrr/ r) vr)(ros KaXeurai. 2 ol be SSKSftST « ^t 1 T**tor oi ,T "a 05 "?" us no little kindness: for they (plXavdpanriav r)p.iv' avayavres yap kindled a fire, and received us ^p^ TrpocreXa^ovTO irdvTas r)uds, bia every one because ot the pre- > < , > , , ^ ' * > » sent rain, and because of the Tuv veTov tov ecpeaTuiTa, Kai Ola to cold. yv%os. 3 And when Paul had ga- 3 SvarpeyavTOs be tov TlavXov (ppv- thered a bundle of sticks and ' b * ff Xndos, Kai iniBivros «ri tt)v laid them on the fire, there ' , j» » » » ~ /i ' h^an came a viper out of the heat, nvpav, e^tOj/a c eK rr/s Oepp-rjs Oiej-eX- and fastened on his hand. 4 And # ucra " e KaOrfye " Tr)s Yf tpos avTOV. when the barbarians saw the * < t\\ ■??, < o ' o » venomous beast hang on his «* 8e , et °?" ol „ papBapoi Kpep.ap.evov hand, they said among them- to drjptov eK ttjs %eipos aiiTOv, eXeyov £rt£? whom^thoug 3 " M «& ^. D*™ *™* < ? f »' hath escaped the sea, yet ven- avBpumos ovtos, ov Oiao~0)8evTa eK ttjs geance suffereth not to live. ffaXdo-o-ns {, Aikti triv ovk e'laaev. 6 'O s And he shook off the beast > ? t ■> /> « \ a > > into the fire, and felt no harm. Mf °y v anoTiva^apevos to OrjpLOV tty " Howbeit, they looked when to Trvp, eiradev oiibev KaKov. 6 ol de Wl^nd^dte^bS -Poo-eboK.v aWbv peXXe.v ^pao-6a. after they had looked a great rj KaTaniTTTeiv a(pva> veKpoV em ttoXv while, and saw no harm come fe avTwv irpoo-boKU>VTO>v, Ka\ Beupovv- to him, they changed their ^ < r „ , is , minds, and said that he was a ™i> pr/bev aroTrov^eis avTOV yivopevoy, god. peTaftaXXopevoi eXeyov 6eov aiiTOv eivai. 1 In the same quarters were 7 '£„ g^ T0 J f nf p\ T0V T( i nov i K elvov possessions of the chief man of i » / ~ < - > the island, whose name was ™WX e X w P'a T f »rpwe) ^y Kijcroy, Publius, who received us, and ovopari IIo7rXia), oy avabei^apevos rjpds * Rec. jia^vyot 1* add c*> T*. c <^ airo. d cv) — . Rec. & Gb. «f t\9ovas i£evio~ev. lodged us three davs courteous- » eyherv bi rb, naripa roi) H«»rX.o„ fc ^ ^i- g rrvperois Kat bvaevTepia avvexop-evov of a fever, and of a bloody flux, KaraKfla-daf ttoos ov 6 UavXos «VeX- t0 wnom p > prayed, and laid his hands od day, Kai irpoaev^ap-evos^ nritieis ras him, and healed him. » So when Yttpas avra>, idcraro avrov. 9 rovrov this was done, others also which A^.-j oiXoanrfoi fe««. HtTtaffiWKS acrdeveias iv Tjj vr)0~a>, ■npoo'rjpxovro Kai honoured us with many ho- iVepawevovro'' 10 cu'rat iroXXals rtualj » ours ' jnd when we departed, , , , - , , / , .A they laded us with such things eriarjo-av rjp.as, rat avayoptevois e-iredevro ^ were necessary. TO. TTpOS TT)V XpfiaV. 11 Mera be rpels p,r)vas av^iuev iv n And after three months we likolw Trapa/cevftuuKori iv rv vncrco, departed in a ship of Alexan- > n i- s. i ' a' ' '. dria, which had wintered in the AXegavbpiva, 77apao-r/p.co Aiotritovpois islei whose sign was Castor and 12 Kai Karax&evres els 2vpaK0V0~as, iue- Pollux. 1S And landing at Sy- gfcpi, Mp* rp&T * pfc, TrepteX- ~ ;«^*«a«. 6ovres Kanjvrrjo-auev eis Pijyiov, (cat fetched a compass, and came to uera iu'ai» riuepav imyevotxevov vorov Rhegium, and after one day the * - "wi > rr /n 14 * south wind blew, and we came devTepaioii]X6op.cy eis HoTtoAouy ou the next day t0 p uteo!i . evpovres abeXcpovs, TrapeKXr)&Tip,ev eV w Where we found brethren. atom ini^ai ^ipas fa* ral ov- ^££*£ ?£[?£ ra>s eisrr/v Pco/xrjv rjXdofxev. b KaKeiaev went toward Rome. > 5 And ol abeX(boi dKOvaavres ra irepi r>uo)V, from thence, when the brethren '/•—v a ■> > ' ' ' * >a heard ot us, they came to meet efrXOov eis aTvavrrjaiy ruui» a X pis Ajt- us as far as Appli forum> and TTiov Qopov Kai Tpicof TajBepvav' ovy The three taverns: whom when >fc* f TT~"\ > ' ~ r\ ~ Paul saw, he thanked God. and (daw o UavXos, evxapio-TTjiras ™ Geo), took cour ' age eXa/3e 6apo~os. 16 "Ore Se rfX6op.ev els 'Pwp.T]v, a 6 ie And when we came to UaTovTapvos TrapebuKe roi/y beaixlovs Rome - the centurion delivered »< ~5,,_./.., the prisoners to the captain of to) o-TpaTOTreoapxn- ^ rep be IlavXco ene- the guard . but Paul was suf . TpaTTT]' fieveiv Kaff eavrbv, o~vv rat , «. i i \a> s.* > And when they were come to- lovbatoiv 7rpa)Tovy o-vveX6ovra>y be av- get her, he said unto them. Men Tcov, eXeye wpos avTOvs'"AvbpesddeXj\*» ' t -n^* committed nothing against the eyo) ovbev evavrwv noycras rep Xacp p ppop]e> or custon f s g f our fa . TOiy eveo-i tois narpcoois, oeo-p.ios el; thers, yet was I delivered pri- 'lepoo-oXvucov napebodnv els ras velpas l 0De J fr ?"? Jerusalem "'to the S t n r , \ii " i i ■ hands of the Romans. 18 \\ ho ro)P Fto/xatcoi/ ■ ls oirives avaKpivavres wn «>n they had examined me, p.e iftovXovTO ajroXvo-ai, but to p.ridep,lav would have let me go, because • ""w nrtrpvjrii t«. Ilav\ r . __ b lt«c. to* UavXoy Acts XXVIII. 19. there was no cause of death in me. la But when the Jews spake against it, I was constrained to appeal unto Caesar, not that I had ought to accuse my nation of. -" For this cause therefore have I called for you, to see you, and to speak with you : be- cause that for the hope of Is- rael I am bound with this chain. 81 And they said unto him, We neither received letters out of Judaea concerning thee, nei- ther any of the brethren that came, shewed or spake any harm of thee. 22 But we desire to hear of thee what thou think- est: for as concerning this sect, we know that every where it is spoken against. 23 And when they had ap- pointed him a day, there came many to him into his lodging, to whom he expounded and testified the kingdom of Gorf, persuading them concerning Jesus, both out of the law of Moses, and out of the prophets, from morning till evening. 21 And some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not. ■ i And when they agreed not among themselves, they departed, after that Paul had spoken one word, Well spake the Holy Ghost byEsaias the prophet, unto our fathers, 26 saying. Go unto this people, and say. Hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand, and seeing ye shall see, and not perceive. 2 ' For the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed, lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and 1 should heal them. 2S Be it known therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it. 2a And when he 370 EIII2T0AH 19 ainav davarov vTrapxeiv ev epoi. *• av- riXeyovTuiv 8e twv lovSaicov, r/vayKa- cr6rjv eniKaXecraarBai Kaiaapa, ovft <»? Toi/ edvovs pov €)(a>v ti Karrj-yoprjaai. ~° 8id ravTrjv ovv rrjv alriav Tvapwakecra. vpcts (Self Kal Tvpoo-ka\r)o-ai' eveKev yap rr/s e\7rt8os tov Icrparjk ttjv a\vo~iv ravTrjv nepiKeipai. 21 Ot 8e irpos avrbv einov 'Hpe7s ovre ypdppara irepl trou i8ei~dpt6a airo Trjs 'lov8alas, ovre irapayevopevos tls tu>v d8f\(pa>v aTTTjyyeiXev rj e\a\r/o~e ti nepl aov irovr/pov. 2 " d^iovpev 8e napa o~ov aKovtrai. a (ppove'is' 7repl ptv yap Tr)s aipecreas ravrrjs yvwo-Tov eariv rjp.1v oti TravTa)(ov uvTiXeyerai. 23 Ta^dpevoi 8e aura rjpepav, ^tjkov" 7rpos avrov (Is ttjv £eviav 7r\aov(s' ois (£(ti8(to 8iap.apTvp6p.evos ttjv /3a- ciXelav tov Qeov, TrdBcov re avTovs b TO." TT(pl TOV 'It]0~OV, CUKO T€ TOV VOpOV c Maxrecoc" Kal tcov npocpr/Trnv, dnoTrpooi. ecoc eo-irepas- 24 Kal oi pev iirdOovTo toIs Xtyopevois, oi 8e rjirio-Tovv. ao~vp(poo- voi 8k ovres TTpbs aWrjXovs aneXvovTO, (Ittovtos tov Yiavkov prjpa (v ' Oti Ka- \o)S to TLveipa to dyiov (kak-qae 8ia 'Hrraibu tov npocpr/Tov npos tovs na- Ttpas i)pcov, i6 \eyov' TlopevOrjTi npos tov Xaov tovtov Kal d etVoV " Akotj aKovo-€T€, Kal ov prj 0-vvTJTf Kal /3Xe- ttovtss [iXe^eTe, Kal ov prj iSr/re. 27 (Tra^vvOrj yap fj Kap8ia tov Xaov tovtov, Kal to'is coo~i /3apea>c iJKOvcrav, Kal tovs 6(f)0a\povs avrcov (KappvaaV prjnoTe iSoJcri rote oCpdaXpols, Kal to'is coalv aKovo~(0o~i, ko.1 ttj Kap8la e awSxri" Kal eVto-TpfSj/cocrt, Kal ( ldo-a>pai" avTovs. ' 8 TvoaaTov ovv ecrrw vp'iv, oti to'is tBvecriv dneo-ToWv to crtoTr/piof tov Qeov, avTol Kal aKovaovrai. M e Kal & - . *]Xdof. ^ ^ c Gb. M£. ti lit- c. Iiirl, * Bz. ovvtatai, t CV! ta < 3i ' years in his own hired house, uo-nopevonevovs jrpos avrov, _ /cr/purr- and received all that carae in acov rrjv (3ao~ikeiav rov Qeov, Kai St- unto him, 31 preaching the king- Mo-kcov ra Trepi rov Kvpiov 'Irjcrov domofGod and teaching those „ , ", , f , I, things which concern the Lord XptoTOV, pera nav TrpoCprjraiV avrov ev y pa- the ho i y scrip tures,) ^concern- (paii cryi'atc,) 3 Trepi rot) vlov avrov, ing his Son Jesus Christ our (rov yevopivov i< \ »t " cording to the spirit of holiness, vqs, ef amo-rao-ecoc veKpav,) Ir/crov by the resurre ction from the Xptrxrov rov Kvpiov f/pcov, s (Si' ov dead. 5 By whom we have re- >i > a i \ >_ \» , > ceived grace and apostleship eAaflopev x a P lv ,«".. anoojo\pv eis fi for g edience t0 ? he fait £ VTTaKorjv irio-recos iv ttclctl rois eoveaiv, among all nations for his name, vTTfp rov oVo'uaroc avrov, 6 eV of? iTov pev evxapttrroj rw ^ Geo} , ri ., st j thank my God pov Sia'lr/crov Xptcrrov b vnep" irdvTeov through Jesus Christ for you tpZy in 4 rtm. V- -ra^eXX.rat -{^-^^ ^ff^SSf ef oXco r&) Kocrpco' paprvs yap pov 9 p or God is my witness, whom € o-Tiv 6 0e6c, co Xarpevco iv rep nvevparl I serve r with my spirit in the » Rec. add o IImiJio s . b CN) ir«pi. * Gr. determined. i3 Or. to the obedience of faith. T Or, in ray spirit. Romans I. 10. gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you, always in my prayers, l0 mak- ing request, (if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God) to come unto you. " For 1 long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end you may be esta- blished, l ' 2 that is, that I may be comforted together a with you, by the mutual faith both of you and me. 13 Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that often- times I purposed to come unto you, (but was let hitherto) that I might have some fruit £ among you also, even as among other Gentiles. " 1 am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Bar- barians, both to the wise, and to the unwise. 15 So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also. 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation, to every one that believeth, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. 17 For therein is the righteous- ness of God revealed from faith to faith : as it is written, The just shall live by faith. 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness, and unright- eousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness. 19 Be- cause that which may be known of God, is manifest* in them, for God hath shewed it unto them. '*" For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead, a so that they are without excuse: -' be- cause that when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful, but be- came vain in their i maginations, & their foolish heart was dark- ened: Ti professing themselves 372 EIII2TOAH pov ev tco evayyeXico tov vlov aiiToii, cos dbiaXeiffTcos p.veiav vpcov noiovpai, 10 navTore enl tcov npocrev)(cov pov beopevos, e'ntcos rjbti nore eiiobcoQrjcropai ev tco 6e\rjpari rov Geov, e\6elv irp'os iifxas' n eTwrodto yap Ibelv iipas, iva ti fierabco %dpio~p,a i>p.lv TrvevpariKov, els to o~rr)pi)(driva.i iipas, 12 tovto be e'ori, o-vpTrapaKXrj&rjval ev vplv bid rrjs ev dXkrfXois Trio-Teats vpcov re Kal ep,oii. 13 Oil dekco be vpas dyvoelv, dbeXcpol, oti iroXkaKLs Trpoe6epr)v e\6elv irpbs vpds, Kal eKcoki/drjv d^pi tow beiipo, iva a Tiva Kapnov " cr^aj Ka\ e'v vplv, KaBios ko\ ev to'is Xoinols Wvecriv. * "EWrjo-i re /cat fiapftdpois, crocpois re /cat dvorj- tols o(pei\eTT]s elpi ™ ovrco to KaT epe TrpoOvpov Kal vplv rols ev Pcopj] evayye\io~acrdai. 1 Oil yap enai.o-xvvopai to evayye- \tov b ", bvvapis yap Qeov eo~Tiv eis crcoTijpiav navTi tco mcrTevovTi, lovbaico re irpcoTOV Kal "EXXtjvi. 17 biKaiocrvvrj yap Qeov ev avTco dnoKcikviTTeTai en TriaTecos els nicTTiv, Ka6ios yeypaiTTaC 'O be biKaios eK jritrTecos (rjcreTai. 18 ' AnoKaXvTTTeTat. yap dpyrj Qeov an ovpavoi) enl ndtrav ao-ej3eiav /cat aSiia'af dvdpcoTTcov tcov ttjv dXj]deiav ev dbiKiq KaTe^ovrcov. 19 bidri to yvcocrTov Tov Qeov (pavepov ecrTiv ev aiiTols' o Qebs yap uvtoIs effiavepcocre, "° (rci yap dopara avToii dnb KTurecos Kocrpov toIs noirjp,acTL voovp-eva KaoopaTai, tj Te ai- bios avToii bvvapis Kal deiorris^) eis to elvai avroiis dvanoKoyr^rovs. bi6n yvovres tov Qebv oii)( cos Qeov ebo^aaav i] r]V')(apio'TrjO'av, dXX epaTaicodrprav ev Tols biaXoyiapols avTcov, Kal eaKOTiadi] r) dcrvveTos avTcov Kapbia - "" (pdaKovTes a Rec. Mapirov rtra. t> Rec. add tov Xptorop, * Or, in you. 6 Or, that they may be. Or, in joa. * Or, to them. nP02 PQMAI0Y2. 373 Romans II. 1. eivai crocpol epeopavdrjcrav, 23 Kai tjWa- to be wise, they became fools : Lav rfiv bdtav rov dcbddprov GeoO ev '" and chan S ed th e flwy of the , , ' i , , J, r - > n , uncorruptible God, into an opoicopan eiKovos (pOaprov avVpconov i ma ge made like to corruptible Kai irereivaiv Kai rerpanobtov Kai epTre- nian, and to birds, and four- footed beasts, and creeping «* « y„ > . , r things: "* Ai6 a Kai" TrapiScoKev avrovs 6 -u wherefore God also gave Geo? iv rats imdvpiais ru>v Kapdiuv them up to uncleanness, through > - » > n i - > ' y a the lusts of their own hearts, avrcov etc oKaOaptriav, rov angi(ecr6at t0 dis i, onour their own bodie ' ra crcopara avrcov iv eavrois' oirives between themselves : - 5 who pernWatav nil/ aXrideiav rod Qeov iv changed the truth of God into - i '5, ■! > a ' a « >\ ' alie.andworshippedandserved rw yeuOet, (cat eaepacrOrjcrav Kai eXa- the creature more than the Cre- rpevo~av rn Kr'icrei 7rapa rov KTio-avra, ator ' who is blessed for ever. f > ' >\ xi < *~ Amen. M For this cause God °, ? , e0T « e ^ Xo 7p T °S «» T0U f «'»!;«; gave them up unto vile affec- dprjv. Bid rovro trapeBcoKev avrovs 6 tions: for even their women did eeostlsnddn dripias' aire yap tfnXftat change the natural use into that , _ 'nn* » \ - which is against nature: !i and avrcov peri]\\al;av rrjv cpvcriKrjv XPW- V likewise also the men, leaving els TTiv napd (bvcriV 27 opoicos h re" Kai the natural use of the woman, e j/ic ijl' » 1 » - burned in their lust one towards oicippeves cKpevresrrjv (pvcriKrjVXprjcriv another, men with men working rrjs 6rj\eias, i^eKavOrjcrav iv rfj ope^ei that which is unseemly, and re- avrcov els a\\r)\ovs, Spcreves iv dpcrecri ceiving in *emselves that re- , , / ' " * " r" •*• compence of their error which r-qv ao-xrjpoo~vvqv Karepya^opevoi, Kai was meet. rr)v dvripicrdiav fjv ebei rrjs 7r\dvr)s avrcov iv eavrois dncAapPdvovres. is And even as they did not 23 Kai Kadcos OVK iBoKipacrav rov Qeov like a to retain God in their i> > ' ' _ 'js > > r knowledge, God gave them over e X eiv ev emyvcocrei, TvapeBcoKev avrovs o t0 *. r * p ' robate fe raind> t0 do Geo? e is aooKipov vovv, iroielv ra prj those things which are not con- KaGnKovra, 29 TrenXripcoaivovs ndo-ti anient: ™ being filled with all ,^ ', „ j , „ lr ', N .," unrighteousness, fornication, adiKia, u Tropyeia, irovr)piq, irAeovet;iq, wickedness, covetousness.mali- e KaKia'" peo-rovs (bdovov, (bdvov, epidos, ciousness, full of envy, murder, 5'\ a i 3o i a > debate, deceit, malignity, whis- o\m>, KaKo n 6eias ™ jndvpiaras, Ka- pt , rerS) 30 backbiters, haters of raXaXovr, 6eoo~rvye~is, vftpio~rds, inrep- God, despiteful, proud, boast- ncbdvovs, dXatovas. ichevperds kukcov, ers inventors of evil things, '' . , 5 , ii > ' > disobedient to parents ; ■>' with- yovevo-iv aweideis, ° atrvverovs, ao~vv- out understanding, covenant- derovs, do-ropynvs, f aartovbovs," dve- breakers, >■ without natural af- \ i 30 i \ 5. i - fection,implacable,unmerciful: Xerjpovas « oinves ro diKaiapa rov n who knowing the judgment Qeov emyvovres, on ol ra roiaiira of God, (that they which commit Trpdo-aovres S£u>i Bavdrov elaiv, ov "fj, , thin f • , are , ™ nU 1°J ~, , , », v , ' death) not only do the same, povov avra noiovo-iv, aXka Kai o-vvev- but > have pleasure in them boKovo-i rois irpdacrovo-t.. tnat do them. OA v> ' •. , i ? » a 2 - Therefore, thou art inex- I. Aio avanohoyriTos ei, a> av0pa>ire C usable, Oman, whosoever thou 7TUS 6 Kpivav' iv v TOVS TCI TOiaVTCL 7T pdcTCTOVTaS Kal TTOLWV aiiTa, oti o~v eKs a " OLKaioKpio~ias tov Qeov, 6 os aVoSoxm eKdcrTU) Kara to. e'pya avrov' ? toIs pev Kad' vTVopovrjv epyov dyaOov, hd^av Kal TLpljv Kal d(p8apo-'iav £t]tovo~i, faijv aicoviov' 8 tois 8e e£ eptdetas, Kal dneidovo-i. pev t[j dXrjdeiq, ireidope- vois 8e ttj ddiKiq, b Ovpbs Kal opyfj," 9 ^Xi'u/t? Kal crrei'o^copta, eVt Trdaav ■\jfv)(r]i> dvBpanrov tov Karepya^opevov to KaKov, 'lovDaiov re rtpoiTov Kal "EXXtjvos" 10 Sd£a 8e Kal Tipr] Kal elpijvr) 7ravTl ro3 epya^opeva to aya- 6bv, 'IovSai'co Te irpuiTov Kal EXXtjvl' 11 ov yap eari irpoo-unvoX-qi^ria ivapa t. " "Ocroi yap dvopuis tjpapTov, dvdpcus Kal diroXovvTai' Kal oaoi ev vopa> rjpap- tov, 8ia vopov Kpi6i]o-ovrai, 13 (ov yap oi aKpoaral tov vopov biKaioi jrapd rc5 Qea, dXX' ol iroiTfTal c tov" vopov 8i- Kaicodrjo'ovTai. 14 orav yap edvr\ to. prj vopov i'^ovTa cpvcrei to. tov vopov Troiy, ovtoi vopov pf] e^ovTes. eavrois elai vopos' ls oItivis ivSeiKWVTai to epyov tov vop.ov ypaivTov iv Tali Kapbiais avTa>v,o~vppapTvpovo~T]s aiircov ttjs (tvv- t> Gb. opyr} Kat Oi'ftos. *ZZ a Gr. Greek. Y Or, the cuuscicnce nitue»sing nitli tbauu ^ Or. Greek. IIP02 PQMAI0Y2. 375 Romans III. 1. ei$r]0~ea>s, Kai pera£v aXXyXav tcov thoughts "the mean while ac- Xoyiapvv Karnyopovvrav fj /cat drroXo- ^ing or else excusing one ano- 1 1 ■, ib > « ' i - ' tner: m l " e " a y "hen Cod yovjxtvcav) ev i)pepa ore Kpivei o shall judge the secrets of men 6eoc to Kpvirra toiv dvdpcomov, Kara b .v Jesus Christ, according to \ > >{ , & ' >t - v m y gospel. to eyayyeXiov pro, Sta I,croi; Xpi- ■: Behold , thou art called a crou. Jew, and restest in the law, and 17 a Et be" cru'lovbaios e7rovopd&, makest thy boast of God: '« and \ > / h -,/ , % - ' knowest /it's will, and £approv- Kai enavanavr, "rep vopa, KatKavxaaai est the thinp lhat „™ more ev 0eco, 18 Kai yivcoo~Keis to 6eXrjpa, excellent, being instructed out »<<.) X^~...^/~r.* *■), &.nA\J nn „~-„ ■»„— ,,,«/, of the law, la and art confident Kai boKipa(eis ra buxpepovra, Karpxov- that lhou J hvsdf art a guideof pevos eK tov vopov 1M irenoidas re the blind, a light of them which aeavTW obnyov elvai TvtbXcov, (bus rav are in darkness: - u an instructor i / oa * > '_i » s, of the foolish, a teacher of evo-Korei, M TraibevTrjv acppovcov, bi- babes . wh ich hast the form of ddo~KaXov vr]7ri(i)V, e^ovra TTjV p6p « the law: al thou therefore which ttjc yvwreas km tt,s fyOeias ev tco teachest auoth er, teachest thou vupco' " l o ovv oioao-Kwv erepov, aeavTov not thyself? thou that preach- ov dibdcrKeis: 6 Kripvao-av pn KXenTeiv. est a man should not steal, dost .. , ia t \ ' \ > l " ou steal ? « thou that savest /cAen-Tfic; " o Aeyaw prj poi)(eveiv, a man should not commit adul- poiveveis ; 6 ^SeXvao-opevos ra et'ScoAa, tery, dost thou commit adul- ' "v " . 23 * ' ' . " tery ? thou that abhorrest idols, lepocrvXeis ; os ev vopco Kav X ao-ai, do / t thou commil sacrilege $ Old Trjs Trapa/Bdcrecos tov vopov tov m thou that makest thv boast Oeov dTipdfris ; 24 to yap ovopa tov °* \ he i 3 "'' through .J"" ^! „ . s, > <• - /-»\ j - > - the law dishonourest thou God. - 1 Oeov Oi vpas pAao-(pT]peiTai ev tois ••" For the name of God isblas- edvecri, Kadcbs yeyparrrat. phemed among the Gentiles, 2s rt \ > \ 5i -v - )\ through you, as it is written: ^ UepiTopi] pev yap a(peX(i, eav a5 |, Qr J circumcision ver il y vopov irpdo~o~r]s' eav be 7rapaj3aTT]s vo- profiteth if thou keep the law : pov fa, h nepiTopn o-ov dKpoflvo-Tia but if thou be a breaker of Uie ' "R >< - < ' o # v 'aw, thy circumcision is made yeyovev. *° eai/ oi/f t) aKpopvo-Tia Ta uncircumcision. ™ Therefore, biKaiupaTa tov vopov (bvXdcro-ri, oii\\ n If 'he uncircumcision keep the j o ' > - » " \ righteousness of the law, shall aKpo^yo-ria aurou ft? nepiToprjv Xoyi- not hisuncircumcisionbecount- adrjo-erai ; 27 (cat Kpivei f] eK (pvo-ecos ed for circumcision ? !7 and a/cpo^vo-rta r6, vopov TeXovaa ve t6v S^SiTS biaypapparos Kai irepiToprjs TTapapaTTjv judge thee, who by the letter, j/o'uov ; ^ ov -yap o ev Ta (bavepw 'lov- and circumcision, dost trans- * -, > '>fvti'-i'-. gress the law ? - 8 For he is not baios^ eo-Tiv, oybe 17 ev ra (pavepo* ev a Jew> which is one ou twardly, o-apict nepiTopr]' 29 aXV 6 e'i> ro3 KpvTTTio neither is that circumcision, >t r - < > ' *' >' which is outward in the flesh: IovSatos-, /cat 7reptro^ 7 KapSiar ev „ but he is g Ipw Khjch js one nvevpari, ov ypdppaTi' ov 6 enai- inwardly, and circumcision is, vos ovk e£ di/(9pco7rcoi/, dXX' eK tov that of the ; heart - '" the spirit ' p. ~ r and not in y letter, whose praise " f ov - is not of men, but of God. 3. Tt ovv to irepio-crbv tov 'lovbaiov, 3. What advantage then hath » Roc. lit. b Zi "Or, between themseWes, Or, tries! the things that diflVt. Romans III. 2. 376 E1H2T0AH the Jew ? or what profit is f} ris fj a>(pe\eia rrjS Trepiroprjs ; " 7roXv, there of circumcision ? » Much KaTa ^vra rpoTrov. ttoutov uiv a yhp" everv wav: chiefly, because that „ , , „' \ \i ~ A ~ unto them were committed the on cTVMTTCv0r)o-av ra Xoyia tov Geou. oracles of God. 3 y or w hat if 3 T ' *„ f l rnriv Qeov diKaio- God unrighteous who taketh 6 Geoc o €mirov X7 yevoiro' fVei 6 God forbid: for then how shall „ r „ , '_. \ { ' 7 » God judge the world? » For if fw? K/MJ/et o Geo? roy Koo-pov 5^ ' et the truth of God hath more yao rj dXrjdeta tov Qeov iv ro3 ipcH abounded through my lie unto 1 • 1 • ■> > '%'{■ ' his glory? why yet am I also S^vajxan orepiovevow e« r^v bofry judsred as a sinner ? 3 and not ai coy apapTwiXos Kpi- rather as we be slanderously „ „ a( . 3 Ka j > ( Ka Q ws RXao-cbripov- reported, and as some afhrm ' n v „ , r , ' , ; ~ N r , >. that we say, Let us do evil, ptoa,Kat Ka6a>s (pao-iTLves r/pas XeyeiV) that good may come: whose "On TTOLrjo-apev ra KaKa iva e'Xcfy ra damnation is just. ■> a < 7 < 1 * * / » „_, , . , ayaoa ; coy to Kpiua ivolkov euri. 9 ^V hat then .- are we better a m < » § n > » thanthcii? No in no wise: for T ' »w ? irpoexopeOa ; ov ttovtcoc- we have before <• proved both TrpoyTiaadueOa yap 'lovdalovs re Kai .lews, and Gentiles, that they ^nn ; • j* < 1 1 are all under sin, '» as it is 1 f XX /1 7" as ,™ VTCli v 9 apapriav jwai, written, There is none righte- Kauios yiypanraL' On ova tcrri oikciios ous, no not one : •' there is j,fe Jy 11 l K ^^^ b £« wviav, OVK none that understandeth, there „ , , y , _ , 19 / is none that seeketh after God. ea ' Tiv ° CKQrjTaiv tov Geoi*. '" navres •- They are all gone out of the eteKAivav, dua ri xpeuodrjcraV ovk etrrt wav, thev are together become - 1 > *• » r ± unprofitable, there is none that rroiay X PW TOTr F a ^ ° VK r ecTTiv €(OS yvos. doethgood, no not one. IJ Their 13 rd(pos dvecoypevos 6 kdpvyi- civtgiv, throat is an open sepulchre, rflI 7 Xcoo-o-atc abruv eboXioicraV 16s with their tongues they have ,,/,,, ,-. , . 1 4 T , used deceit, the poison of asps nantdav vno ra X €iA 1 avrmV cov to is under their lips : '* whose oToaa dpds Kai TilKpias yep.(l. 15 o|ftc mouth is full of cursing and bit- < .5, > ~ > - e .in • terness: « their feet are swift oiwoSes avrav (Kx^ai- mpa l0 ayvrpippa to shed blood. It; Destruction Kai raXanrcopia iv rais 6801s avruiv' and misery are in their ways: 17 Ka \ tffo t l p i vr . s {, K 'iy VU>(T av. 18 OVK " and the way of peace have „ , , a £' J , , ' . ,, a . they not known. Is There is fCTl Cpopos Beov anevavri TU>v o(poa\- nofearof God before theireyes. u&>y avruiv. 19 Now we know that what iq ,-.«5. &\ « » r , n > things soever the law saith, it " , 0l °"r* e ^ ° f 0Tl °? a „° VOf i° S Ae T f '' saith to them who are under rots iv TOJ vopco XaXft" iva Trav arona nP02 PJ2MAIOY2. 377 23 (ppayfj, koI vnodiKos yevr/Tai iras 6 Koa/xos tw Gtfpedv rfj avrov -^dpiTi, 8ia rr)s drvo- Xurpaxxecos' rfjc iv XptuTco Irjaoii, " 3 ov rvpoidero 6 Qeds ikao~Tr)piav 8ui b ri)s" TTLo-Teois iv tu> avrov alfiart, els ev8ei£iv rrjs 8iKaioo-i)i'T)s avrov, 8ia rr)v napeo-iv ra>v Trpoyeyovorcov cipapTrj/jidrcov iv rfj dvo^jj rov Qeov, 26 irpbs 'ivhei^iv rrjs diKaiocrvvrjs avrov iv ra vvv Kaipio, eis to e ivaL avrov SUatov Kai ducaiovvra rov e'*c Trlarecos c Ir/o-ov.' 27 Ilov ovv r) Kai>xr]o-is ; i^eKkeio-Qrj. 8ta tto'mv vopov ; ra>v 'ipyiov ; ov^L, dWd did vop.ov TTLcrrecos. ffl \oyi£6p,fda d ydp," e 8iKaiovo-6at tt'ujtzi avOpocnrov, ^copl? epyaiv vopov. i] lovdalcov 6 Geoj p.6vov ; ov^l ' " Ka\ iOvaiv ; val Kai idvioV 30 s ineiirep" eis 6 Qeos, bs biKaiuicrei irepirou.r)v in nicrrecos, Kai aKpoiiva-riav Sia rrjs iriarecos. vop.ov ovv Karapyovpev bid ri]s irio-recos ; p->] yevoiro' dXkd vopov h icrruipev." 4. Tt ovv ipovpev ' ' A/3paap. rov ira- ripa rjpuiv evprjKevai" Kara crdpKa ; 2 Et yap 'Aj3padp it; e'pycov ibiKaiadt], eX eL Ka vX r lf J - a > oXA' ov jrpds tov 6edi\ 8 r'i yap t] ypa0 foreordained. T Or, passing o*er. Romans IV. 4. 378 EIII2T0AH was counted unto him for els biKaiocrvvrjv. 4 To3 8e epya^opeva righteousness. * Now to him 6 „ l(T Q os ov Xoytferat Kara vapiv, aXXa that worketh, is the reward not ~ , » > j /\ i -«,»>> reckoned of grace, but of debt. Kara a oCpeiXrjpa' ° TO) Oe /ir/ epyafo- 5 But to him that worketh not, ueVo), TnaTevovTi 8e em toi/ StKatoiWa but beliereth on him that jus- « *> o- > />- < / c - ■> tifieth the ungodly; his faith is ™" "'"P'?, Aoytferat q TTtoric uvtov us counted for righteousness. 8t,Kaioavvr)V . 6 Even as David also describ- 6 Ka ^ fp Ka \ Aau ;§ Xe'y« t6» pa- eth the blessedness ot the man, , r „ > /i < » » > unto whom God imputeth right- Kapiapov tov av&pomov, a> o Qeos eousness without works: J say- XoyiYeTOl biKaioavvnv Ycopic epywV ing, Blessed are they whose 7 „» / •? 'j-/i < > < > iniquities are forgiven, & whose ' MaKapioi mv aCpeOrjiTav at avopiai, Kai sins are covered. s Blessed is a> v erreKaXvcpdrjo-av ai ufiapriai. s pa- ll?^t° mtheLOrdWm \ \ » o » for we say that faith was reck- irepiTopijv,^ 7] Kai em Tip aKpo(iv(TTiav; oned to Abraham for righte- Xeyopev yap on eXoyladrj T when he was in circumcision, IIgJc ouv eXoyladrj ; ez> TrepiTopjj or in uncircumcision? Not in » * e >„ £ Kpo B va . T i a ■ 0V K ev irepiTopL circumcision, but in uncircum- ,,..> ', > o » 11 » - cision. " And he received the uXX ev aKpo,3v(TTiq.- Kai arjpeiov sign of circumcision, a seal of eXa,3e irepiTopris, o-cppayi8a tt>s St/caio- the righteousness of the faith, / - - ' - ' e which he had yet being uncir- ™ VT 1S Tqs vurreas Tip ev rp aKpojdv- cumcised: that he might be the aria' els to eivai avrov irarepa navTiOV father of all them that believe, ^* Trurrevovrcov 81 UKpo3va~rias, els though they be not circumcised; v , „ r ~ . , that righteousness might be im- to XoyiaOrjvai Kai avTOis Ti]v biKaiocrv- puted unto them also : ' 2 and the v „ v - l2 Ka \ TraTepa TrepiTopris, to'is ovk father of circumcision, to them , , >C\ \ < who are not of the circumcision « mpiToprjs povov, aXXa Kai Tots (TTOL- onlv, but also walk in the steps yovo~l Tois l)(yeo~i b ttjs 7Tio~Tea>s Ti]S ev of that faith of our father Abra- - f J Kpo « UOTt ' a ' T0V naT pos i)puv 'A- ham, which he hud being yet A , ' uncircumcised. ppaap. 13 For the promise that he 13 Ov yap 81a vopov r) e'nayyeXia ra should be the heir of the world, ' A « pna „ & rc 3 oTrepuari avTod, to #cXn- ivas not to Abraham, or to his ' ", ' , \ ■f ,.„ , '\ \ < seed through y law, but through povopov avTOV eimt Koo-pov, aAAa y righteousness of faith. » For § ta 8lKaioavvns TrtVreojc. " el yap oi if they which are of the law be j , \ > ' i heirs/faith is made void, and eK , vopov, ^ KXrjpovopoi, KeKevaTai r, the promise made of none ef- 7T(0"Tic, Ka\ KaTT)pyi]Tai rj enayyeXia' e^^T/wnere^aw ^ ojap vopos 6pyr)v KaTepya^aC o5| is, there is no transgression. yap' ova eo-Tl vopos, ovbe irapapa(TLS. | is Therefore it is of faith, that 16 g la T0VT0 e ' K Trio-Teas, Iva kutci Yautj/, it might be by grace ; to the , v y a a • » • \ » end the promise might be sure «S ^° uvai Bejdaiav ttiv errayyeXtav to all the seed, not to that only jravTi rco cnreppaTL, ov rtu e/c roO vopov a Rec. adil ro. b CO t*ji irt^rewf ttjs tv atpoQvima. Rec. tjjj tv TJJ attpoftviTTtQ 7Tt en nio~Tea>s Aftpadp, os e'crrt iraTTjp ndvrcov ijpcov, ' (icadcbs yeypanTai' "Oti Trarepa iroXXav e6vu>v TedeiKa ere,) KaTevavTl ov eirio~Tevo~e Qeov, tov faonoiovvTos tovs vexpoiis, Kai koXovvtos Ta pri ovra cue bvra. 18 *Os irap eXniba en eXnibi enl- arTevcrev, els to yeveadai avTov naTepa noXXwv e'dvayv, koto, to elprjpevov Outo>s eo-Tcu to crneppa crov' a kcii pr] do-devrjeras t?j nivTei, a ov" KaTevorjae to eavTov crcopa rjbrj veveKpoopevov, eKaTOVTaeTTjs nov imdpxcov, teal ttjv veKpcoaiv Trjs prjTpas kappas' els be ttjv enayyeXiav tov Qeov ov bieKpldr/ Ty dnio~Tia, dXX' evebvvapoodr] rfj nio~Tei, bobs bo£av to) Sew, 21 KainXrjpofpoprj- 6e\s oti 6 e'nrjyyeATai, bvvaros e'crrt Kai noirjcrai. " bib b Kai" ekoyicrBrj crura) els biKaioavvrjv. 23 Ovk eypdepr) be St avTov povov, oti ekoyiaBrj avTa>' dXXd Kai St rjpds, ois peXXei Xoyl£ecrdai, toIs ni- o~Tevovo~iv em tov eyeipavTa \rjo~ovv tov Kvpiov rjpuv eV vev, os nape- b66rj did tu napanTcopaTa rjpuiv, Kai rjyepdrj bid tt)v biKaicoo-iv rjpuiv. 5. AiKaicodevTes ovv e'/c niaTews, ei- prjvrjv e e^uipev" irpbs tov Qeov bid tov Kvpiov Tjpayv 'irjaov Xpiarov, " St oil Kai ttjv TTpoo'ayaiyTjv eo~%i]Kapev d ttj TticrTei' els ttjv X®-P lv Tavrrjv ev r) eo-TX]- Kapev' Kai Kav^a)/xe^a en eXnibi rrjs bo^rjs tov Qeov. 3 Ov pdvov be, dXXd Kai Kav^apeOa ev rale 6kfyecriv, elboTes oti r) BXtyis vnopovr)v KaTepyd^erai, 4 r) be vnopovr) boKiprjv, r] be boKipfj eXniba, & rj be e'X- 7J"ic ov KaTaio")(yvei' oti t) ayanrj tov Qeov eKKe^yTai ev Ta'is Kapbiais r\pmv bid livevpaTOs dyiov tov boOevTOS rjpiv. Romans V. 5. which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all, 17 (as it is written, I have made thee a father of many na- tions) « before him whom he believed, even God who quiek- enetb the dead, and calleth those things which be not, as though they were, 18 who against hope, believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations: according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be. ls And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb. 20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief : but was strong in faith, giving glory to God : 21 and being fully persuaded, that what he had promised, he was able also to perform. 22 And therefore it was imput- ed to him for righteousness. 23 Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was im- puted to him : ■* but for us also, to whom it shall be im- puted, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead, 2i who was de- livered for our offences, and was raised again for our justi- fication. 5. Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ. a By whom also we have access by faith, into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. 3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also, know- ing that tribulation worketh patience: * and patience, ex- perience: and experience, hope: 5 & hope maketh not ashamed, because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts, by the Holy Ghost, which is given unto c Rec. 8t Gb. e^o/^cy a Or, like unto him. Romans V. 6. us. B For when we were yet without strength, "in due time, Christ died for the ungodly. 7 For scarcely for a righteous roan will one die: yet perad- venture for a good man, some would even dare to die. 8 But God commendeth his love to- wards us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. 10 For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God, by the death of his Son : much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. 11 And not only so, but we also joy in God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atone- ment. ,2 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin : and so death passed upon all men, P for that all have sinned. l3 For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. l4 Neverthe- less, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned alter the simili- tude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come: ls but not as the offence, so also is the free gift: for if through y offence of one, many be dt-ad : much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man Je- sus Christ, hath abounded unto many. ' 6 And not as it washy one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation: but the free gift is of many offences unto justi- fication. " For if rby one man's offence, death reigned by one, 380 EIII2TOAH 6 eVt yap XpicTTos ovtcov rjpcov dadevcov, A " Kara Kaipbv inrep dcreficov airiOave. 7 pokis yap vrrep cWat'ov tls dnodavel- rai' inrep yap tov ayaBuv ra^a tis Kai rokpa aTToBaviiv' 8 (Tvvl pdXkov KaraWayevres o~co8r)o~6pe8a iv rrj (cofj avrov. 11 Oil povov he, aXXa Kal Kavx^opevoi iv tu> Qeco 8ia tov Kvpiov rjpcov Irjcrov Xptcrrou, 8i ov vvv ttjv KaraWayrjv ekdftopev. 12 Ata rovro u>o~Tvep §i evos dvBpcoirov rj dpapr'ia els tov Kocrpov elcrr)\8e, Kal bid rrjs dpaprias 6 ddvaros, Kal ovrcos els Trdvras dv8pumovs b 6 Odvaros" S1J7X- dev, ftp' to rrdvres rjpaprov. 13 axpi yap vopov apupria r'jv ev Kocrpco' dpaprca 8e ovk eXkoyelrai, prj ovms vopov 14 aXX' ij3ao-t\evtrev 6 ddvaros drro ' Adap. peXP 1 f Maia-f'uf " Kal iirl rovs d pr) " dpaprrjcravTas inl ra opoicopari rrjs 7rapaftdcrecos 'Abdp, os icrri rvnos tov peWovros. u aXX' oi>x cos to irapd- TTTiopa, ovrco Kal to %dpio~pa. ei yap to tov evos irapaTrrcopari 01 ttoXXoi a7re- davov, 7roXXs St evos e dpapTrjcravros," to Soopripa' to p.ev yap Kplpa i£ evos els KaraKpipa, to Se xdpicrpa e'/c noWcov TrapatTTcopdruiv eis 8iKaltopa. 17 el yap ' tco too evos" TrapatVTwpaTL 6 Bdvaros i(iao~'CKevo-e Sia a Gb. add -»bti. — * C Gb. &lait' / men to condemnation: even so eis Travras avopwrrovs eis KaraKpipa ' £ by the righteousness of one, ovTto Kal 6Y evos Strcaicouaros, els trdv- the f r «e gift came upon all men __„ ; a ' » '* » > - unto justification of life. 19 For Ij *„ ave P a>n ™S «* StKatao-W ^coryf. as by one man's disobedience u>a-lTep yap dia tt/s napaKorjs rod m any «'ere made sinners: so fcfe *4£|W ^Oi to«r^|- !n y an h y\ e Ob m^e n ^hL us e : ShaU o~ai> ot 7roAAot, ouroj /cat ota rr)y vnaKoiis tov e'foc dUaioi KaTaaTadrja-ovTai ot 7roAXot. Nd/ior 5e Trapeio-rjXdev, iva ir\eo- 20 Moreover, J law entered, Vfio-n to TTapdnTaaa- ov be eir\eovao-ev t hat the offen ce might abound :' « t t < » c , but where sin abounded, grace rj apapTia, virepenepio-crevo-ev r\ X a P^' did much moreabound. »' That * tfa aio-irep ejiao-ikevaev tj apapTia as sin hath reigned unto death ; eV rcG <3awiT«, oOrco Kal f, ydpis Z", u W g ' aCe reig " o ,.' , . v '\ , ■', A u r" 4 through righteousness unto pao-iKevarj ota oiKaioo-vvr]s eis farjv eternal life, by Jesus Christ aluiviov, bid 'lrjaov XpiaTov tov Kvpiov our Lord - rjpcov. 6. Tt ovv epovuev ; b eTriuevovuev " fi - Wnat shall we say then ? ~r„„'" < / \ i Shall we continue in sin: that TS afMjmf, iva t) X apis irktovatry ; gra ce may abound ? " M« yevoiTO. o'mves drreddvopev ttj 3 God forbid : how shall we ap.ap r la, ttco? ert tntroiuv e'v avrv'i f ar e dea dtosin,live any longer s , r * r , •'„ „ „ b, ,_ r , ., ■',' therein . J 3 Know ye not, that 8ia Toil (BanTLcrpaTOS els tov QdvaTOV' int0 death, that like as Christ ha ^ep pepdrjXp^s U**m Z? ^t„7 S^Lt Oia ttjs oogrjs tov TraTpos, ovtu) Kal even so we also should walk in fjpels evKaiv6TT]Ti CansnepnraTrjo-auev. newn f s of , life - * I? o r ,if we 5'v 'a. i J , ~ , have been planted together in ei yapo-vp(pvToi yeyovapev toj opoia>- the likeness of his death: we ^tari tov davaTov ai, Iva KaTapyndn to oS>ua " lig ! lt be destroyed that hence- , , . ' *, \ > torth ne snould not serve sin. Trjs^ apapTias, tov ^ptjKtTi bovAeveiv » For he that is dead, is i freed ijpas T[j apapTia' 7 6 yap dtrodavo)v from sin - SediKauorai airbus apapTias. 8 Now if we be dead with Et 0£ aTreda.vop.ev o~vv Xpio~TQ), Christ.we believe that we shall » -• b inj— . Gb. «iri^no.f.ef. * Or. by one off- nee. '* Or, !.j urit ii;ll™».ii hath no more dominion over Kpcov, ovKeri airo6vi]o-KeC Bavaros av- ium '"For in that he died, he ro {; {j K £ Tl KV pievei. 10 b yap dnedave, died unto sin once: but in that - , / ■> >a >j / > * s, * >— he liveth, he liveth unto God. "HI apapriqanedavev ecpairag' o be Qy, 11 Likewise reckon ye also £jj rco Geco, u ovtco kol vpels koyi- through Jesus Christ our Lord. Tia, ([copras' oe rco ©eco, eu Xpicrrco 12 Let not sin reign therefore 'jno-oi; h ". in your mortal body, that ye ',« ._>* 9 Q N / t r / > should obey it in the lusts ' Mrjoyu (lao-ikevera>^ 77 apapria^ eu thereof. 13 Neither yield ye r c5 6vtjtco vpcou crcop.art, els to iinaKoveiu your members as " instruments c '' -.» d" 13 fc'_ '. ! "\_ of unrighteousness unto sin :but , av JV „ W& »rap«rrawT6 ra pekrj yield yourselves unto God, as vpwu 07rka aotKtas r?J apapriq' akka those that are alive from the napoo-TVO-are eavrovs rcS 0fc3 cos etc dead, and your members as 111- < „ J.„ v \ /■{ 1 £. « \ struments of righteousness unto ueKpcou Quvras, Kai ra pekt] vpa>u onka God. 1J For sin shall not have biKawavuns rco Bfco. 14 apapria yap dominion over vou, for ye are e - » '/'»/> < > not under the "law, but under ^^ ™ >a>puyC\> t « / \ law, but under grace ? God ecrpei> wo uopou, akk vivo X a P lv ? r^ forbid. •« Know ye not, that y £ VO iTO. l6 ovk o'ibare on a> Trapio-rdvere to whom ye yield yourselves ' . 5, i\ ■> c ' > * ~\ » servants to obey, his servants eyvroys bovkoys ets vnaKor/u, ^ bovkm ye are to whom ye obey: whe- eare a> inraKovere, fjroi apaprias f els 1? But God be thanked, that ye ' X a P ls ° e T V ® e< ?> 0Tl V T€ oovkot were the servants of sin: but ye T f. s a uaprias, VTrriKOvo-are be e\ /cap- have obeved from the heart that *, , •« fc !/] < ^ s. ~ form of doctrine, which was O" 1 ? «S ov 7rape6ocVr/rf rD7roj/^6ioa^r/s. delivered you. I8 Being then 18 ekevOepcodevres be dno rrjs apap- made free from sin, ye became • >jn \ >n ~ *. „_.„„,'.„. 19 '„ the servants of righteousness. ™ ? > ^ovk^re Tfl fiucaioeru^ av- 1 9 I speak after the manner of dpc^mvov ke yco Oia tt;i' aoSeveiav men, because of the infirmity of - . o. apKOS . {jaw. axTTTfp yap ?rap- your flesh : lor as ye have yielded ' , > » * ,» < - 4 -\ ~ your members servants to un- fcrrrycrare Ta peAr/ vp-coi/ OovAa ^ tj/ cleanness and to iniquity, unto aKa6apcria Kai rrj dvopla els n)v dvo- iniquity : even so now yield / n ' • ' \ '\ your members servants to right- A"""' ovtco vvv irapa(TTT)vaTe ra pekrj eousness, unto holiness. 20 For vpoiv bovka rfj bLKaioo~vvTj eis ayi- when ye were the servants of a(Tfl ^ 20 £ ' yap SoCXoi nre rns sin ve were free r from righte- t ", «\ ' /1 » » a » ousness. »' What fruit had ye apaprias, ekevBepoi rjre rj) OLKaioo-vvy. then in those things, whereof 21 T [ va ? v Ka pT T0V f 'iy (T e Tore, id) ols ye are now ashamed ? for the ~> ' a '^ ^ >' end of those things is death, "vy enaiaxyveo-0e ;ro yap rekos eKeivuv, - 2 But now being made free c^oVaros. " 2 vvv\ be ekevdepu>6cvres otto a Rer. add tivat. ^ Rec. add t\ra>via ttjs dpaprias, OdvaTOS' to fie j(apio-ua tov Qeov, fo>r) alaivios, iv ~K.pi- o~ra> 'Ir/croC to3 Kupi'w rjpiov. 7. H ayvoen-e, d8e\(po\, (yivoio-Kovcri yap vopov AaAaV) ort 6 vopos Kvpievei tov av6pTrov e(p' bcrov xpovov £jj ; 2 rj yap viravBpos yvvr) ra favri dvBpl fie- fierat vopa' (dv fie drrodavrj 6 avrjp, KaTTjpyrjTai cltto^tov vopov" tov avBpos. apa ovv £o)vtos tov dvdpos pot^akls XpripaTio-ei, iav yevr/Tai dvdpl ire- pea' eav fie aTrodavrj 6 dvf]p b ", eXevdepa ecrriv dno tov vopov, tov pf] eivai avTTjv poixaXiSa, yevopevrjv dvBpi ire- pa. 4 Slare dB(X(pol pov, Kal vpeis (6a- vaT&drjre too v6pa> Bid tov o~d>paros tov "K-piaTov, ds to yev(o~6ai vpas irepco tu> e< veKpiov cyepdivri, iva Kapno(po- prjo-oopev tco Geo). 5 ore yap rjpev ev rrj o-apKL, to. TvaOrjpara rcov dpapncov to. Bid tov vopov evr/pyelro ev rols p(X(o~iv rjpaiv, els to Kapnocpoptjo-ai ra davdrco' 6 vvvl fie Karrjpyr]dr]p(v dno tov vopov, c airodav6vT(s" ev w KaTei^dpeda, &o~T( BovX(V(iv fjpds ev Kaivorr/rt nvevparos, Kai ov 77a\aiOTT]Ti ypdppaTOS' ' Tt ovv epovpev ; 6 vopos apapria ; prj yevoLTO' dXXd rr)v dpapriav ovk eyvcov, et prj Bid vopov' rr/v re yap em- Bvpiav ovk jjBeiv, et prj 6 vopos eXey(v' Ovk eni6vpr)o-eis. 8 d(poppi)v fie Xafiovaa rj apapria Bidrrjs eWoAjjc KaTeipydcraTO ev epol 7rdo~av emdvptav. X^P' 5 J^-P vopov apapria v(Kpd' 9 eya> fie e^cov X« If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law, that it is good. " Now then, it is no more I that do it : but sin that dwelleth in me. Is For 1 know, that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing. For to will is present with me: but how to perform that which is good, I find not. ls For the good that 1 would, I do not: but the evil which I would not, that 1 do. 20 Now if I do that 1 would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. 21 I find then a law, that when I would do good, evil is present with me. ''■ For I delight in the law of God, after the in- ward man. M But 1 see ano- ther law in my members, war- ring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin, which is in my members. 384 EniSTOAH T] eis (,o)T]V, avTT) etc oavarov. r) yap apapria dcpopprjv Xafioicra Sta rfjs evroX?]s e^rjTrdrrjo-e pe, Kai 8i avrrjs dneKreivev- 12 mare 6 pev vopos ayios, Kai fj e'vroXr) ayia Ka\ SiKaia Kai dyadrj. lo ovv ayatiov epoi " yeyove oa- varos ; prj yevoiro' dXXa. tj apapria, Lva (pavfj apapria, bia rov dyaduv pot Karepya^opevr] Sdvarov, lva yevrjrai Kaff vnepj3oXf]v dpapr&Xbs r) apapria dia rrjs eWoXfjc. 14 o'idapev yap on 6 vopos TTvevpanKos eanv' eyco 8e c crdp- kivos" elpt, Trenpapevos xmb rrjv apap- b yap Karepyd^opai, ov 1.5 nav. ytj/axr/cco" ov yap o 0eXa>, " tovto Trpao~o-(x>' aXX o /zirra>, roiiro iroiay. 16 el Se 6 ov 6eXa>, tovto tvoiw, o-vp(pr)pi TW VOpOb OTl KO.X6s. 1? VVVl 8i OVK€Tl eyco Karepyd^opai avrb, aXX' f) oiKovaa ev epol apapria. 18 oida yap on oiiK oiKei ev epoi, tovt i'crnv ev rfj rrapKi pov, dyaBov' to yap BeXeiv rrapaKeirai poi, to 8e Karepyd^eadai to KaXbv e i r i ii 19 i \ A /l '\ ovx evpio-Kw. ov yap o deXco, TToiai ayaBoV aXX o ov Be'Xa kokov, tovto Trpdo~crtt>. h,i oe o ov oeKu) eyio, tovto ttolco, oi>Ken f'ycb Karepyd£opai avro, aXX r) olKovaa ev epo\ apapria. evpio~Kco lipa rbv vopov rco BeXovn epoi iroieiv to koXov, on epoi to kokov irapaKevrai. ~~ crvvrj8opai yap ra vopeo tov Qeov Kara rbv eVoj avBpamov' /3XeVa) 8e i'repov vopov ev rote peXeai pov dvn- arparevopevov rco vopco tov voos pov, Kai al^paXccri^ovTa pe to vopa rijs apaprias rco ovn ev rots peXeai pov. * 4 TaXnnrojpoc tyoj avdpoonos' rtc p* pvcerai eK tov aioparos tov Qavdrov tovtov ; " 5 e eii^apio'Ta) " rat QeS 8ia 24 O wretched man that* I am : who shall deliver me trom the body of this death ? M I thank God through JesusChrist our Lord. So then, with the 'irjaov 'X.pio'TOV Tov Kvpiov fjptov. apa &<*u — . Gb. avrrf. bctJe c Rec. aapNivo;. ^ — * c -^ ov. f Zt g * Xapts. P Or, tin. body of death. TIP02 POMAIOY2. 385 ovv avros eyu) raj pev vol bovkevco vopco Qeov' rfj <5e aapKt, vopa apaprias. 8. Ov8ev tipn vvv KaraKpipa rois iv Xpicrrui 'ir/crou 1 ". 2 6 yap vopos rov nvevparos rrjs C T]o-6e'vti 8ui rrjs crapKos, 6 Qeds tov iavTov vldv nipy^as iv opoitipari aapKos apapnas Kai nepi afiaprias KareKpive ttjv dpapriav iv rfj crapKi, * tva to SiKauopa rov vopov n^rjpcoSf] iv Tjplv, rois pr) Kara crdpKa irepnraTovo~tv, aWa Kara Uvevpa. Ol yap Kara crdpKa ovres, ra rrjs o~api(6s (ppovovo~iv' ol 5e Kara Uvevpa, ra rov Uvevparos. 6 to yap (ppovqpa rr/s o-apic6s, ddvaros' to he (ppovrjpa tov Ylvevparos, £a>r) Kai elprjvrf. ' 8lotl to (ppovqpa rrjs crapKos, e^dpa els Qeov' ra> yap vofico tov Qeov ov^ vito- rdo~o~eTai, ovBe yap hvvarai' 8 ol 8e iv aapKi ovres, Gew apecrai ov 8v- vavrai. 9 'Ype'is 8e ovk io~re iv crapKi, dXX iv Uvevpari, e'inep Uvevpa Qeov oiKfi iv iipiv. el 8e tls Uvevpa Xpio~rov ovk e\ei, ovros ovk ecrriv avrov. ei oe Xpi&ros iv vp.lv, to fiev autpa veKpov Si dpapriav, to 8e nvevpa £a>r/ did SiKaioo-vvrjv. n el 8e to Uvevpa tov iyeipavros ^Irjcovv eV venpaiv oiKei iv vfiiu, 6 iyeipas tov Xpiardv eK vexpaiv £a>o7roii](rei Kai ra Bvrjrd o~d>paTa i>pa>v, 8ia b to ivoiKovv avrov Uvevpa " iv vp'iv. 12 "\pa ovv, u8e\(po\, dcpeiXerai i- o~pev ou rrj aapKi, rov Kara crdpKa £j]v. 13 ei yap Kara adpKa fr/Tf, peWere anoOvrjo-Keiv' el 8e Uvevpari ras rrpd^eis Romans VIII. 13. mind I myself serve the law of God : but with the flesh, the law of sin. 8. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life, in Christ Jesus, hath made me free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son, in the likeness of sinful flesh, and "for sin condemned sin in the flesh : 4 that the righteous- ness of the law might be ful- filled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 5 For they that are after the flesh, do mind the things of the flesh : but they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. 6 For P to be carnally minded, is death: but rtobe spiritually minded, is life and peace: 'because the carnal mind is enmity against God : for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. 8 So then they that are in the flesh, cannot please God. 9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. 10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin : but the Spirit is life, because of righteousness. "But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead, dwell in you: he that raised up Christ from the dead, shall also quick- en your mortal bodies, « by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. 12 Therefor? brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. 13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die. but if ye through the Spirit do * lire. nA,l t^r, nara aafjKa, TTFpiTrarotrcriv, a>\a Kara nVe,-,*a. ^ Kz. fc Fir. to,- tvotnovvTOf si-Mt UriVftAtos, a Or, by a sacrifice for sin. Gr. Ihe minding of tlie flesli. y Cr. the mindiuj of tlir -Spirit . & Gr. the minding of the flesh. « Or, because of his Spirit. 26 Romans VIII. 14. 386 EITI2T0AH mortify the deeds of the body, a tov o~o)paTOS " BavaTOVTf, (r\cr(a8(. ye sl.ail live. " For as many 14 « > p Uu(vuan Q(OV ayovrai, as are led by the Spirit of God, - , ,' r , , _, - 1 = , ,' ,« / they are the sons of God. 15 For ovtol eio-iv mot Oeov. ° ov yap eAa- ye have not received the spirit fi eTe 7rve {,aa bov\(ias TraXiv els (hojdov, of bondage again to fear: but . NN > i^ < ;J tt ~ • a ' » » ye have received the Spirit of aAA eAa/^eTf Uyeypa yiodeoias^ ey cp adoption, whereby we cry, Ab- Kpd^opev' 'A/3/35 6 naTTJp. 16 atrro to ba iV i?" 1 ^ 16 7 he Sp !f' t U ' ni/eOua o-vixaapTvpfi tg3 irvevpan i,pa,v, self beareth witness with our „ ,~ , ~~, ' r „ ' ,- i ., '" spirit, that we are the children on eo-pev Teuva Qeov. ' ei Of rtieva, of God. » And if children, „. a v t K \-nnov6u.o<.- K\rjpov6u.oi aev Qeov, then heirs, heirs of God, and , " , »» -v - " joint-heirs with Christ: if so be '\ I » ..!" waiteth for the manifestation °" fa >* t W anoKaXvftv rvv vicov tov of the sons of God. J0 For the Qeov aireKOe X (Tai. rf) yap paTaio- creature was made subject to r ' KT ' L(Tls vlr e T dyn/ (oiv i K ou(ra, vanitv, not willingly, but by ,/..,'« , , , »/ \ 21 '_J> •* reason of him who hath sub- aAAa Ota toi> VTTOTa^avTa,)^ " err (A- jected the same in hope: '^ be- n [8i, on Kal aVTrj r/ KTims e\ev6epo>Sfj- cause the creature itself also > \ is ■> - - in i shall be delivered from the °~*™ ano rT j s boyXeias rr/c (pdopas fir bondage of corruption, into the TrjV eXevSeplav Trjs bd^rjS tcov TeKvoiV glorious liberty of the children ro ~ Qeov 22 oidauev yap on 7rd*>*' ■" « the whole creation groaneth, KTicris o-vcrTevaQei Kai ovva>bivei a X pi and travaileth in pain together T0V vvv - 23 ov ^ vov g^ aXXa «ai avnn until now. • i:l And not only \ > \ - r-r ' " they, but ourselves aKo which Tr )" anapx^v Toy Uuevparos e X ovTes, havethefirstfniitsof the Spirit, Kal rjpe'is aiiToi ev eavTols o~Teva£apev, even we ourselves groan within . Q €, ... » « ' o\ - ' is not hope: for what a man 0VK e(TTLV i eA7ris" o yap /l\ «» WTO/iO^f aTTf/cSe- patience wait for it. X op.eoa. 2G Likewise y Spirit also help- 26 'iirraLircoc be Kal to TLvevpa avvav- eth our uifinnities- forwe know -\ ,j ' b '_ '_/) ' " ' - . .„.>,,,. „i„.,. ,• TLAaupai'erai rat? aaoeueiais nauv not what we should prav for as , "^ , " f , '," , we out'ht: but the Spirit itself to -yap rt c TTpoo-ev^a>pe8a" Kado 0(1, ovK maketh intercession for lis with ot'Sauev, aXX' ai-ro to nwGua xmepev- groamngs, which cannot be ut- , j r > t « ,/ - '\ tered. " And he that search- Tvy X avei ° U7rep ^wi' OTf i/aypoty aAa- eth the hearts, knoweth what Xrjrotc" 2? 6 be epevvwv Tac Kapb'ias, * oj T»jy oap/co*,', b r%j rp aadsvcii^. c (^ irpoc*v?o>««da. d — » a Or, every treature. IIP02 PQMAI0Y2. 387 ot'Se t'i to (ppdvrjpa tov Uvevfiaros, on Kara Qeov evrvy^dveL vnep ayuov. 28 O'ib'ap.ev Se on to'is dyanaio-i tov Qebv TTiivra crvvepye'i els dya&bv, to'is Kara. TvpoQeaiv (cAr/rotc ovcriv. " 9 on oiis Trpoeyvco, Kal Trpowpure avppopcpovs rr/y tiKovos roil vlov avToii, tis to eivai avrov npcoTOTOKOv ev noWols ade\ tovtovs Kal eSo£aor. 31 Ti oiiv epovpev Trpos raura ; et 6 Qeos vnep rjp.a>v, tis Ka8' rjpav ; 32 is ye tov IBiov viov ovk e'cpeiaaTo, aXX vnep rjpcov iravroiv naptdoiKev avrov, nu>s ov)(l Kal o~vv aiiTU) Ta navTa rjp'iv ^a- piaeTai ; 33 tis e'yKaheo-ei Kara e'K- XeKTwv Qeov ; Qeos 6 8iKai<2v' t'ls 6 KUTaKpivuiv ; Xpir/roc 6 anodavoiv, fxaWov 8e a Kal " eyepQels, os b Kal " eo~Tiv ev Set-ia tov Qeov, os Kal ev- rvyydvei vnep rjpcov' 3o Tis rjpds X 03 ' piaei ano rrjs ayamqs Toil \pio~Toi> ; dXtyis, i] o~Tevo\p'ia. r\ Bicoypbs, rj Xipos. rj yiifxvoTrjs, rj KivBvvos, rj pd\ai- pa ; (^Kadijjs yeypaiTTaC 'On c eveKev" o~ov davaToipeOa oKrjv ttjv r/pepav' eXoyurdrjpev gjj 7rpo'/3ara cr0ayr)c.) ' 'AXX' ev rovTots ndo~iv inepviKaipev 8ia tov dyanr)o~avTos rjpds. Trenei- o~pai yap on ovre Bdvaros oirre £cor/, ovre tiyyeXoi, ovre ap^al, A ovTe evecrrcoTa ovTe ptXXovTa, oi're dvvdfxeis," 39 ovTe v\^a)jua ovTe (3ddos, ovre tis ktlctis ire- pa Swr/crercu Tjpds x&>pt'crai ano ttjs ayanrjs tov Qeov, ttjs ev Xpicrra) Iry- 0~oi> tu> Kiipia) rjpcov. 9. AXrjdeiav Xeyco ev 'Kpicrrw, ov yj/evSopai, o-vppapTvpovcrrjs pot. rrjs -• c Rec. eytxn. d Rec. ov-i ivvtt^ffi, 0V7i tvaoriura ovrt ntWovTa. Or, tljut. Romans IX. 2. Ghost, 3 that I have great heaviness, and continual sorrow in my heart. 3 For I could wish that myself were <• accursed from Christ, for my brethren my kinsmen according to the flesh: 'who are Israelites: to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the cove- nants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises : 5 whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever, Amen. 6 Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel which are of Israel: ' neither because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. s That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God : but the children of the promise are counted for the seed. 9 For this is the word of promise. At this time will 1 come, & Sarah shall have a son. '"And not only this, but when Rebecca also had con- ceived by one, even by our fa- ther Isaac, " (for the children being not yet born, neither hav- ing done any good or evil, that y purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth.) 12 It was said unto her, The y elder shall serve the <• \ ounger. 13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Ksau have I hated. 14 What shall we say then ? Is there unrighteousness with God ? God forbid. « For he saith toMosesI will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion onwhom I will have compassion. 16 So then it is not of him y willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy. X7 For yscriptuie saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, y I might shew my power in thee,and y my name 388 EniSTOAH 2 or i Xinrr/ pot carl peydXrj, /cat dStd- Xf ltttos odvvr] rfj Kaphia pov 3 ( a tjv- )(6prjv" yap avTos eyco dvdQepa aval" ana tov XpicrTov,) Imkp tcov dbeXcpcov pov, tcov uvyyevcav pov Kara crdpKa' 4 oWives elaiv 'lo-par/Xlrai, u>v r\ vlode- aia Ka\ r\ 86£a, /cat at Stac9f}/cat /cat i) vopoBaria, /cat rj Xarpcia /cat at e'nay- yeXlai, 5 tov ol TvaTepes, /cat e£ hv 6 'X.pLOTos to /cara capita, 6 tou eni irav- tcov Qebs evXoyrjTos els tovs alcovas. aprjv. 6 Ov% oiov 8e on sWeVrw/cfi' 6 Xdyos tov Qeov. ov yap irdvTes ol e£ ItrparfX, ovtoi laparjX' ' oi/8 oti eiai cmippa 'AjSpadp, wdvTfs Teicva, dXX' ev Icaa/c Kkr)dr]o~€Tai o~oi tnreppa. 8 tovt ecniv, ov Ta TiKva Trjs o~apKus, TaiiTa Tatva tov Qeov' dXXa Ta TtKva Trjs enayyeXias Xoyt'ffrat els o~irippa. 9 eirayyeXlas yap 6 Xoyos ovtos' Kara tov itaipov tovtov eXevaopai, /cat ecrrai ttj ^.dppa. vlos 10 Ou povov 8e, dXXd /cat 'Pe- /3«'/c/ca e£ evbs kolttjv i^ovcra, 'Icrad/c tov ivaTpbs rjpcov' " prjTrco yap yevvrjdev- tcov, jitr/Se TVpai-dvTiov t\ dyadbv T) c /ca- kov," (tva r) /car' eicXoyijv d Trp60ecris tov Geov" pevj], ovk e£ epycov, dXX f'/c tov koXovvtos,) 1J cppi]6r] aurf)' Ort 6 pel^cov dovXevcrei ra> fXdcrtroft" /ca- ptos yiypamai' Tov Ia/ca>/3 rjydnrjcra, tov 8e Ha-au eplcTTjcra. 14 Tt ovv epovpev ; pf] dSt/cta Trapa to> Qeco ; pi) ycvaiTO. lo rco yap ' Mtovcrf]' Xf'yft' EXf^trco ov av eAfcL, /cat oiKT(iprjcTci) ov av olKTfipa. 16 Apa ovv ov tov 6f\ovTos, ovde tov Tpt- Xovtos, dXXd tov eXeovvTos Qeov. ^ Xc'yft yap fj ypacpr] Tto Qapam" ' Ort els ai/TO tovto e£r]yeipd ere , oncos e'vdelt;cj>pai iv o~o\ rfjv bvvapiv pov, Or, sepiiratcd. P Or, testam ills. y Or, greater. ^ Or, lesser. IIP02 PQMAI0Y2. 389 Romans IX. 31. Kal ottcos BinyytXtj to ovopd pov ev might be declared throughout TTdan rij yn. 18 ''Apa ovv, ov deXei, all y earth. "Therefore hath he '\ - * a » a>\ \ ' mercv on whom he will have eAeef ov be OeXei, aicAnpvvei. mercy, and whom he will, he 19 'Epely ovv poC Ti en pepcberai ; hardened.. S a. i' * 0„\ ' ' - ' ' O' ' 9 Thou wilt sav then unto ro) ya£ fiovXrjpaTi^ avrov rts ai>0r> me; why doth he yet find fault ? arnice ; "MffoOtye," oj avOpcone, av for who hath resisted his will ? rts ft 6 a^raTTOKptrauei'or rc5 GfcG ; " Na ? J' ut ° man - who . art >,„, . , r _ r ^. / ' _,' thou that ° repliest against fxr] epei to nAaapa rco nXaaavrC Tt pe God ? Shall the thing formed enoiiiaas ovras : 21 H ovk eyfi e'£ov- sa y to him that formed it, Why r c i v « i "■ - > « hast thou made me thus ? aiavo KepapevsrovnnXov,eK tov avrov -n Ha th not the potter power (pvpaparos TroiTJaai o pev els riprjv over the clay, of the same lump, aKevos, o 8e els ariplav ; « e 2 8e 6eXcov I, ™ 1 " X/™? ! "h to , honour ; t ,* , . ,. ' \ » > \ and another unto dishonour.- 1 o Qeos evbeit-aadai rt)v opyrjv, Kai '•" What if God, willing to shew yvcoplaat to Svvarov avrov, rjveyicev ev wrath, and to make his -. •> - a i ' » »■ power known, endured with TroAAtf paKpodvpta aicevy opyns Karnp- muc h longsuffering the vessels rt.ap.eva els ciTrcoXeiav' " 3 Kal tw yw- of wraths fitted to destruction: piavrov TTAoirov tv Kfrs avrov Jrrl kno^n th^richesThL gfory aKevn eXeovs, a Trponroipaaev eis oui-av; on the vessels of mercy, which 24 ovs Kal eKaXeaev r)pds, (ov povov h f had a /° r . e prepared unto >/. > T * / ,.. . > „ ,> Vi - \ «? t g'ory ? " 4 tven us whom he e^ Ioudaicof, aXXa Kat e§ edvcoV) -° wt hath called, not of the Jews Kai ev tu> 'Qane Xeyef KaXecra) tov ov ( '. nl y> but also of the Gentiles. \ > * . -v > . \ \ > > 2S As he saith also in Osee, I Xaov pov, Xaov fiov Kairnv ovKjya- willcallthemmy people, which TTi]pevnv, TjyaTrnpevnv. *° Kat earai, were not mv people : and her, ev ru roTro) ov ippi]6r) aiiroir Ov h f ove *< " h ] ch was " ot belov " N , « ', > ~ \ a' ed - ^ nd *t shall come to Aaos pov vpeis, eKei KArjOnaovrai pass, that in the place where it viol Qeov (wvros. 27 'Haatas Se wa s said unto them, Ye are not • f t \ - »t i\. »-n< * < mv people, there shall they be Kp«Ctu vnep Toy laparjX' Eav .^ " called the children of the living apiopos Tcov vloiv lapafjX cos f] ap.- God. 27 Esaias also crieth con- „„, _~„ A, 1 )! > > / attained to righteousness, even avvnv, oiKaioavvnv be rnv e< iriarecos' y righteousness which is of faith: 31 'lapaf)X de bicoiccov vopov biKaioavvns, 31 but Israel which followed a Elz uiD. b — • * Or, answered again, or, ditputest with God I P Or, made up. * Or, the account. Romans IX. 32. after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness. *' Wherefore ? Because they sought ii, not by faith, but as it were by y works of the law : for they stumbled at that stumblingstone, 3i as it is written. Behold, I lay in Siona stumblingstone, and rock of of- fence: and whosoever believeth on him, shall not be « ashamed. 10. Brethien, my heart'sde- sire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. * For 1 bear them record, that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. 3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteous- ness, have not submitted them- selves unto the righteousness of God. 4 For Christ is iheendof the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. 5 For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which dueth those things shall live by them. 8 But the righteousness which is of faith, speaketh on this wise : Say not in thine heart, Who shall aacend into heaven V that is to bring Christ down from above. ' Or, Who shall descend into the deep? that is to bring up Chrisi a:;ain from the dead. 8 But what sailh it ? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that is the word of faith which we preach, 9 that if thou shalt confess niih thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart, that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. l0 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. " For the scripture saith. Whosoever believeth on him, shall not be ashamed. 13 For there is no difference 390 EIII2T0AH els vojxov *8iKaiocrvvT)s" ovk i'cfidacre ; 3i diari ; on ovk eK TrLo-Tecos, aXX' a>s e'£ epycov *>vdp.ov'" irpoatKo^av c ydp" Tto Xldco tov Trpoo-KoppaTos, Kadcos yty panTaC 'ldov TiBqpi ev "2,iiov \L8ov TrpoaKupparos-i Kal TTtTpav o-Kav8d\oV Kai 'Vac" 6 iritTTevcov en avTco ov KaTaia\vv6r]o-eTai. 10. 'A8e\(poi, r) p.ev ev8oKia rrjs epr/s Kap8las, Kai e rj" Serjaris r/ npos tov Qeov inrep ' avTcov" ' s " els o-coTrjpLav. " papTvpco yap avTOis on £rp\ov Qeov e^ova-iv, aXX' ov /car eniyvcoo-iv. 3 dyvoovvres yap rr/v tov Qeov biKaioawrjv, Kai ttjv 18 Lav h 8iKaioo~vvrjv" tjjToivTes OTTJo~ai, ttj BiKaiocrvvr] tov Qeov ov)( imeTayiqo~av. reXoy yap vopov XpiaTos els 8iKaioa~vvr)v ttovtI TCO TTlO~TeVOVTL. " ' Mojiicrr)? " yap ypdcpei t1]v 8iKaio- avvrjv ttjv eK tov vdpov' Ort 6 7roit]0-as auTa avBpconos, (i)creTai ev avTols- e 'H 8e eK Trlarecos 8iKaiocrvvr) o'vtco \eyeC Mr) e'lTrrjs ev rr) Kapdia crov' Tis dvajirj- crerai eis tov ovpavdv ; tovt eo~Ti Xptcrrof Karayayelv' ' rj' TLs /cara- /3/)crerai els ttjv aj3vo~o~ov ; tovt eo~Ti Xpttrrof eK veKptov dvayayelv. aWa tL \eyei ; 'Eyyvs crov to pr/pd eariv, ev to) o-TopaTi o~ov Kai ev Trj Kap8ia crov' tovt eo-Ti to prjpa tijs irlcrTecos o K-qpiiacropev' 9 cirt edv opoXoyrjcrrjs ev tco cttollcit'i crov Kvpiov lrjaoiv, Kai mo'Tevarjs ev tij Kapdta crov cm o Qeos avTov ijyeipev eK veKpcov, o~co8r]ar) m 10 (Kap8la yap irtcrTeveTai els 8iKaio- avvrjv, o-Topari 8e opoXoye'tTai eis crojTrjpLav. ) n Xt'yf t yap r) ypacpr)' lias 6 Tuo-TevLOV eVr avrco ov Karai- 0~x vv 8r]aeTai. 13 Ovydp eo-Ti StacrroXr) Iov8aLov re i -. b; 1 llec. tov tapariX. ^ R«e. add c#r.y. B Or, toofuiuiiied. ht: It. cm. i Rec. Muv.":f. LT.P02 PQMAIOY2. 391 Kal KXXrjvos' 6 yap avros Kvpios 7TCIVTC0V, TrXoVTCOV eiS TTIIVTCIS TOVS (TTL- KaXovpevovs avTov' u Has yap 6c dv eniKa\tcrr]Tai to ovopa Kvpiov, cru>6i]- (Tfrai. 14 n&jf ovv eTUKaXeo~ovTai els ov ovk emcrrevcTav ; ttcos de irio~Tevcrovo~iv ov ovk r/Kovcrav ; ncos de aKovo~ovo~i X 0> P li Krjpvcrcrovros ; lo was 8e Krjpv^ovcriv, edv prj dnoo-TaXcocri ; Kadcos yeypaiTTai' Sis copaloi oi TroSfs t"\ npcoTos c Mcovcrris"XeyeL' 'Eyu> Trapa^rfkcoarco vpas en ovk edvei, eiri eavei acrweTcp Trapopyico vpas. H- crauis 8e dnoToXpa Kal Xeyef JLvpi-Brjv tols epe prj fnrourxii', epCpavrjs eyevoprjv rols epe pr) enepcuTcocn. *' Upds de t6v laparjX Xeyef OXrjv ttjv rjpepav etentTacra tcis )(e'ipds pov irpos Xaov dneidovvTa Kal dvriXeyovTa. 11. Ae'ya) ovv' Mr) dncocraTO 6 Qeos tov Xaov aliTov ; pi) yevoiTO' Kal yap eyu> Io-par/Arrr/c elpl, ex aireppaTOS Afipaap, (pvXrjs Bev'iaptv. ' ovk dnto- o-aTo 6 Qeos tov Xaov avTov, ov •npoeyvco. 7] ovk otSare ev HAia ti At yet r) ypacprj ■ cos evrvy^dvei tg3 Qeco kcito. tov 'I But I say, Have they not heard ? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words un- to the ends of the world. IB But I say, did not Israel know ? First Moses saith, I will pro- voke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and hy a foolish nation 1 will anger you. -° But Esaias is very bold, and saith, 1 was found of them that sought me not: I was made ma- nifest unto them, that asked not alter me. M But to Israel he saith, AH day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people. 11. I say then. Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Is- raelite of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. a God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew. Wot ye H"t what the scripture saith of Elias? how he niaketh inter- cession to God against Israel, saying, 3 Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars,and I am left alone. ^ tj Reo. ©v* ayvtu IvpanX. c Rec. Mc.ff«s. d Rec. add Xfv a Or, preaching. & Or. the hearrag of UJ. Romans XI. 4. and they seek my life. * But what saith the answer of God unto him ? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal. 6 Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace. 6 And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace, otherwise work is no more work. I What then ? Israel hath not obtained that which he seekelh for, but y election hath obtain- ed it, and the rest were a blind- ed, 8 according as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of P slumber: eyes y they should not see, and ears y they should not hear unto this day. a And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblint;block,&arecompence unto them. 10 Let their eyes be darkened, y they may not see, & bow down their back alway. II I say then ; Have they stumbled that they should fall ? God forbid. But rather through their fall, salvation is come un- to the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy. Vi Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the r diminishing of them, the riches of y Gentiles: how much more their fulness ? 13 For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office: H if by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them. I5 For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world: what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead ? 16 For if thefirstfruitbeholy, the lump is also holy : and if y root be holy, so are y branches. " And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou being a wild olive tree wert graffed in t amongst them, and with them 392 EniSTOAH \j/v)(j'-iv pov. A\\a ti Xeyei avrco 6 Xprjfj.aTiajj.6s ; KareXnrov epavrco eiXTa- Kicr)(iXiovs tivdpas, oiTives ovk e/ca/x- yfsav yuvv Ty BaaA. 5 Ourcoc ovv Kai ev rco viiv Kaipu> Xe'ippa /car eKXoyr/v Xapiros yeyovev. 6 el Se ^apirt, ovk(tl e '£ epyoiv enel t] X ll P LS oiiKeri yiveTat 7 Ti ow; o (TTi^rjTfl 'lcrpaffk, h TovTo" ovk eneTV^ev, T] 8e eKXoyti (TTETV)(ev' ol 8e Xonrol eTrcopudrjcrav, 8 (icaSois ye- ypaiTTaC ' Eoco/cev avTois 6 Qe 6c nvevpa KUTavv^ecos, dcpdaXpovs tov pi) /3Ae- Tteiv, /cat cbra tov pi) aKOueif) eco? rrjs ai)pepov r/pepas. 9 /cat c Aa/3iS Xeyei' TevrjOifToi i) rpdne^a avTcov els naylda Kai els dfjpav, Kai els crKavftaXov /cat els dvTanobopa avTois' o~KOTio~6rj- Tcoo-av ol 6v bianavTos o~vyKap\p-ov. 11 Aeyco ovv' Mi) enTaicrav, iva ire- o~coo~i ; pi] ytvoiTo' a\Xa ra> avTvl)s Trjs piCl? "at rr)c TrioTrjTos Ti]S ■* Rec. add f« It t% ipyuivt ovkiti tart c Gil. &*vii. u Or hardened. X a P*S tirti ro spynv nvKtTi eimv epyov* Or reuiurae. ? Or, decay, or, loss. n Rec. toi'tou, Or, tor ttieut. IIP02 PQMAI0Y2. 393 eXatas eyevov, ls prj KaraKavxco rcov /cAaSoji/" ei 8e Kara T jN< » i \ ■> , we ovv XP^o-TOT-qra Kai airoropiav Qeov' em pev tovs Trecrovras, d diroTO- piav " 67tj 8e ere, e xpqarorr/ra," edv empeivr/s rrj xP r l°~™ Tr l T <-' e 'n" e * nal cv eKKowfjo-rj. 3i ' Kaaelvoi' he, edv ph em- peivuxji ttj dnuTTia, ey Well : because of unbelief they were broken off, and thoustandest by faith. Be noi highminded, but fear. '•" For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. T2 Behold therefore the good- ness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity ; but towards thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: other- wise thou also shall be cut off. 23 And they also.if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for God is able to graff them in again. "* For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert graff- ed contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these which he the natural branches, be graffed into their own olive tree? SS For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery (lest ye should be wise in your own conceits) that " blindness in part is happened io Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles become in. '•'"And so all Israel shall be saved, as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob. *' For this is my covenant unto them, when 1 shall take away their sins. 28 As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sake: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes. ■'■> For y gifts and call- ing of God are without repent- ance. 30 For as ye in times past have not £ believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief: 3I even so have these also now not r be- lieved, that through your mercy ^ l Keo. arid v .... '■' 1 ' . add ovv. ^ c Ri-e.

cri. 3 " fXUfe'/cAetere yap 6 Qeos tovs irdvTas els dneideiav, Iva Toil's rravras eXerjcr]. 33 '12 fiddos ttXovtov Kal aorpias Kal yvwarecas Qeov. ws dve£epevvr]Ta ra Kplpara avTOV, Kal ave^v tov Qeov, napao-Tt]- crat rd o~a>para vpSiv Bvalav {"aitraf, dyiav, evdpeo~Tov tu> Btw, rrjv XoyiKrjv XaTpeiav vpcov' " Kal pr) a avo~)(r)pa- TL^eaBe rc5 alcovi tovtco, aXXa pera- p,op(povo~6e " rfj ufa/cati/cocret rov vobs h vpwv," els to 8o ojc 6 Qebs epeptae perpov 7Tio-recoc. 4 «a- Bdirep yap ev evl criopari peXrj noXXd e'xopev, to. 8e peXr) irdvra ov rrjv avrt)v i'xei rrpd^iv 5 ovtcos o'l ttoXXoI ev awpd eirpev ev Xptcrrto, 6 8e Kad els dXXtjXcov peXrj, 6 e^ovTes 8e ^a- plo-paTa Kara rr)v x l *P lv T1 ) v 8o6elaav rjplv 8ul(popa' e'ire TrpocpTjreiav, Kara rr)v dvaXoyiav ttjs Trlo-reuis' ' elre 8iaKoviav, ev rfj SuiKovla' elre 6 8i- 8do~K(ov, ev tt} 8iSao~KaXla' c etre" 6 7rapaKaX£)v, ev Ttj 7rapaKXi]0~ei ' 6 perab'io'ovs, ev anXdr-qTi' 6 npo'i- crrapefoc, ev o-rrovb'r] " 6 eXecov, ev IXapOTTjTl. P Gr. to suliricty. ^ Or, imjiArtctli. 1 Or, shut tliem iill up together. i Or, liberally. nPOS PflMAIOYS. 39^ 9 'H ayaivr) dvvnoKpiTos • diroo~TV- yovvres to irovrjpbv, KoWcopevoi tu ayada>' 10 rfj (pi\a8eX' 8ov\evovTes' 12 rjj eXnibi x a ip 0VTes > Tjj 6\tyei vwopevovTes, ttj npoaevxjj 7rpoo-KapT(povuTes' 13 rats ^petai? T ^ v aylcov Koivaivovvres, tt)v (pi\o£eviav 8id>Kovres' u evkoye'ire tovs diuiKov- ras vpds' fvXoyeire, kcii pr) Karapuo~6e. ia x al P eLV P^tci xmpovrav, /cat Kkaieiv pera /cXatdfrcof. 16 to civto ft? aX- \rj\ovs (ppovovvres' prj to. v^rfka (ppovovvres, ah\a rots raireivols crvv- airayopevoi. Mr) y iv fade cfipovipoi nap eauroly. 17 prj8ein kokov avri kokov oTrob'ib'ovTes' Trpovoovpevoi ko\o evamwv wavra>v av- Bpomcov' ls et Svvotov, to etj vpcov, pera mivrtov dvQpionmv elpr/vevovres. 9 pi] eavTovs (KdiKovvres, ayanrjTol, aXAa 86re tottov rjj opyfj' yeypanTai yap' 'Ejuot eVcSt/c^eri?, eyu> avTanoducrco, Ae'yft Kvpios ■ "° 'J&av b ovv" ireiva 6 (\6pos rrov, \}sa>pi£e ovtov eav dt\j/a, 7nm£f avrov' tovto yap ttoluiv, avQpaKas Trvpbs ' > ' \ J. "i > ' - 21 < arwpevo-eis em ttjv KeCpaAijv avrov. prj viku) imb tov kokov, dXka viKa ev tu> dyadai to kokov. 13. liucra ^vxr) e^ovo-'iais vnep- exovarais VTroTao~o~to-do). ov yap eoTiv e^ovala el prj c dtrb" Qeoii 4 ai 8e oi- trat d ", vno e " Qeov Teraypevai eto-tv. 2 cocrre 6 avTiTavaopevos 777 e^ovaia, rjj tov Qeov diarayfj dvdecrTrjKev' oi fie dvdeo-TrjKOTes, eavrols Kplpu kijyjsov- Tai. 3 ot yap apxovres ovk fieri (f>6jSos ' tu>v dyadwv epywv, aWa tcov kokcov." Romans XIII. 3. 9 Let love be without dis- simulation : abhor that which is evil, cleave to that which is good. 10 lie kindly affectioned one to another • with brotherly love, in honour preferring one another. " Not slothful in busi- ness: fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. '-' Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continu- ing instant in prayer. IJ Dis- tributing to the necessity of saints ; given to hospitality. " bless them which persecute you, bless, and cuise not. '* Re- joice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. 16 Be of the same mind one to- wards another. Mind not high things, but & condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own con- ceits. 1; Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. 18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Iu Dearly be- loved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Ven- geance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. '- Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him: if he thirst, give him drink. For in so doing thou shalt heap coals of tire on his head. '■" Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. 13. Let every soul be subject unto y higher powers: for there is no power but of God. The powers that be, are v ordained of God. ' 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth y ordinance of God: and they that resist, shallreceive to them- selves damnation. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then a ^J — St. & Gb. Kuip/t,. b u. f^> c«*JtrTTo. d Rec. add .Eoi-uiai. • Rec add rov. ( ^tm Or, \u the love itf tlie brethren. P Or, be contented Willi mean things- ? Or, ordered. Romans XIII. 4. not be afraid of the power ? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same. 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good: but if thou do that which is evil, be afraid: for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but alofte~i(rdai ttjv et-ov- crlav ; to ayaBov woiei, Kal e^eis enaivov e£ avTtjs' 4 Qeov yap hiaKovos ecm aol eis to ayaddv, edv 8e to kcikov iroirjs, dvaiceCpaXaiovTai, ev Ta>' AyaTrrjaeis TOV TTATjO'lOV (TOV (OS eaVTOV. T) dydivq roj ttKt]o-'iov KaKov ovk e'pyd- £eTaC Trkrjpupa ovv vopov i) dydnt). 11 Kat tovto, el86res tov Kaipov, oti copa r)pds 778/7 e£ vnvov eyepdrjvai' (yiv yap eyyvTepov rjpaiv r\ o-oiTrjpia, fj ore e'mo-Tevo-apev' 12 77 vv£ irpae- Koxjrev, 7] he rjpepa f/yyt/cef) dnodco- pe8a ovv to. epya tov o~kotovs, (cat evbvacopeda Ta owXa tov cpcoTos. u cos ev rjpepq, evaxrjpdvios irepiTTaTrjcrcopev, pr) Kajpois Kal pedats, pr) /cotVat? »cat do-e\yeiais, prj epidi /cat £';Aa>' 14 aXX' ev&vo~ao~8e tov Kvpiov 'lrjaovv Xptcrrof, Kal ttjs aapicos irpovoiav pr] •jTOLelo-Be els e'-mdvpias- 14. Tov <5e dadevovvTa Trj irlo'Tei. a — » b cnj ito vTTOTnaoia&f, e Rec. add •'.' tytvlofiapTvpTjaatf, c Elz. TpfiTaatrtaQcu. d R ec . ayarrav aA>rj>ou^. Or, decently. P Or, nut to judge his doubtful tLuughta. IIP02 PQMAI0Y2. 397 irpoo~\ap.)3dveo~de, pr) els SiaKpicreis 8lci- \<>yiv. " us pev Tnarevei (puyelv ndvTa, 6 8e da6evu>v Xd^ava eo~8iei. 6 eadicov, tov pr) eaOiovTa pr) i£ov 6eveiTU>' Kal 6 pr] eaBioiv, tov eadiovra pr) KpiveTco' 6 Qeos yap avrov npocre- Aa/3ero. 4 o~v ris ft 6 Kplvcov aWd- rpiov oiKtTrjv ; rw I8ia KVpico arrj/cet r) TrinreL ' crraOfjaeTai 8e ■ a Bvvaros yap eo~Tiv" 6 Qeos o~Tr)crai avrov. 5 Or pev Kp'ivei rjpepav 7Tap* ijpepav, os fie Kpivei irao-av rjpepav' eKacrTOS e'v r vol Trkripocpope'iadoi. 6 6 eadiet, fvxapio-Tfi yap tco Qeto ' Kal 6 pr) eo~6iu>v, Kvplco oi/K eo~6iei, Kal ev\a- piarel to} Qeco. 7 obdeis yap rjpwv eauroj £i}, Kal ouSely eavra dnoOvrjcrKei. 8 idv re yap £u>pev, ra Kvpiu> £pev, idv re anodvrjo'Kcopev, tov Kupt'ou itrpev. 9 els roiiTo yap XpicrTos d Kal " dne&ave e Kal e{j)o-ev," Iva Kal veKpcov Kal £v- tcov Kvpievcrrj. 10 2u fie ti Kpiveis tov dSeXffidv o-ov; rj Kal o~v t'i it-ovdevels tov d8e\ eyco, Xe'yei Kvpios' oti ipol Kap.y\rei txav yow, Kal nacra yXcoaaa i£opoXoyr]o~eTai tco Qeco. 12 "Apa ovv eKaoTos rjpCov irepl eavrov Xoyov 8coo~ei to Geto. 13 MtjKeTi ovv dXXr)Xovs Kpivtopev' aXXa roiiTo Kpivare pdXXov, to pr/ Tidevat npocrKoppa tco dbeXcpco r) o~Kav- OaXoi/. ot'Sa Kal ninfio-pai ev Kv- pia lrjaov, oti, ovdev kolvov 8t ^ovtov'" Romans XIV. 14. doubtful disputations. ' 2 For one beheveih that he may eat all things: another who is weak, eateth herbs. 3 Let not him that eateth, despise him that eateth not: and let not him which eateth not. judge him that eateth. For God hath received him. * Who art thou y judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or fall- eth ; yea he shall be hoi den up: for God is able to make him stand. 5 Onemanesleemethoneday above another: another esteem- eth every day alike. Let every man be * fully persuaded in his own mind. B He that Cregard- eth a day, regardeth it unto the Lord ; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he givetli God thanks: and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks. 7 For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. s For whether we live, we live unto y Lord: and whe- ther we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live there- fore or die, we are the Lord's. 9 For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living. 10 But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. '■ For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall con- fess to God. " So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. 13 Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no mau put astumblmgblock, or an oc- casion to fall in his brother's way. u I know, and am per- suaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing r unclean of h -* Kec. oin. d Zj * Kec. «at avtarrj «at *veZr,atv. i cc e«ov. g Rec. lavrou. a Or, fully .« Nifil. P Or, ubservetli. * Or. coiumoa. Romans XIV. 15. 398 EIII2TOAH itself: but to him y esteemeth ei jirj tco \oyi£opevco Ti KOivbv elvai, any thing to be a unclean, to him ' it is unclean. Xj But if thy bro- ther be grieved with thy meat: now wulkest thou not P chari- tably. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died. 16 Let not then your good be evil spoken of. •' For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink ; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. 19 For he that in these things serveth Christ, is acceptable to God, and approved of men. Ia Let us therefore follow after y things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. ' m For meat, de- stroy not the work of God: all things indeed are pure ; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence. '-' It is good nei- ther to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak. 22 Hast thou faith ? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth. 23 And he that rdoubteth, is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for what- soever is not of faith, is sin. 15. We then that are strong, ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. 2 Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification. 3 For even Clnist pleased not himself, but as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee, fell on me. * For whatsoever things were written aforetime, were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. 5 Now the God of i- paros KardXve to epyov tov Qeov. TvdvTa p.ev KaQapa, dXXd KaKov tco av- dpcowcp tco bid npocTKopp-aTos iaBlovTL. 21 KaXov to pi) (payeiv Kpe'a, prjde irieiv oivov, p.rjbe iv co 6 dbeXcpos o~ov npocr- kotvtcl c r) trKavbaXi£eTai t] dcrdevei." " trv nio-Tiv i'^eis » KaT d aavTov i'x e ivcoiriov tov Qeov' paicdpios 6 prj Kpi- vcov eavTov iv co boKipd£ei. 6 be biaKpivopevos, idv (pdyrj, KaTaKeKpiTai, otl ovk in nio-Tecos' ndv be 6 ova eK ■/rio-Tecos, dpapTia e'crnV. d " 15. 'OcpeiXopev be r)peis ol bvvaTo\ to. do-6evi]paTa tcov dbvvuTcov /3arjra- (fiw, (cat pr) eavrois upecrKeiv' e/ca- cttos e " Tjpcov tco TrXrjtriov dpecrKeTco els to dyadbv npds olicoboprjv. 3 Kai yap 6 Xpiards ov% eavTco rjpecrev, dXXd, Kadcos yeypanTaC Ol dveibicrpoi tcov 6veibi£6vTcov ere, ineirecTov en epe. 4 "Oaa yap npoeypdcprj, els tj)v r)pe- Tepav bibacncaXiav ' npoeypdcprj ' " iva bid t?]S vnopovrjs Kal 6 bid" tt)s irapa- KXijaecos tcov ypacpcov tt)v eXniba e^copev. a be Q eos TTjs VTTopovrjS b (^j — . Gb. g .^> — . Rec. 8t Gb. ITs Kal 6 Xpi- (ttos Trpoo-eXdiJeTo^vpds'els 86t;avQeov. 8 Ae'ya) b 8e, " c 'ir/o-ow " XpiaTov 8iaKovov yeyevrjaQai irepiTopr)s vnep dXrjdeias Qeov, eis to fiej3aiu>o~al Tas inayyeXtas t. 10 Kai 7rdAii' Xeyei' Eu- pdvdr]Te, e$vr], pera tov Xaov avTov. 11 Kai 7rdXiv' Alveire tov Kvpiov ttuvtu Ta eOvrj, Kal inaiveaaTe avTov ndvTes 01 Xaoi. " Kat ivdXiv 'Hcraiac Xeyei' Earat t] pi£a tov leo~o~al, Kal 6 avi- crTapevos apxeiv idviov, in ovtco e'dvr] iXmovo-iv. 'O 8e Beds ttjs iXrribos 7r\r)pd>o-ai vpds irdcrrjs x a P^ Ka ' L e 'P 7 /" vijs iv raj maTeveiv, eis to Trepiaaeveiv vpds ev Ttj iXni8i, iv 8vvdpei ILvcv- paros ayiov. 14 ILtTTeio-pai 8e, dbeXcpoi pov, Kai avTos eyu> wepl vpa>v, oti Kal ovtoI pecrToi eVre aya9a>crvvr]s, TrenXrjpcope- votj Trao~r]s yvo)o~ea>s, 8vvdpevoi Kai d dXXrjXovs" vovdeTeiv. lo ToXprjpore- pov be eypa^ra vpiv, d8eX(poi, dirb ptpovs, v vpds, 81a Tt]v ydpiv tx)v 8o8elcrdv pot virb tov Qeov, ° els to eivai pe XeiTovpyov Irjo-ov Xpio~Tov els Ta edvrj, lepovpyoiv- Ta to evayyeXiov tov Qeov, "wa yevrjTai i] TrpoaCpopd raji/ edvav einrp6o~8eKTOs, riyiao-pevi) ev Hvevpari ayiw. 17 e^co ovv Kav)(7](riv iv Xptarw ^Irjo-ov Ta wpos e tov" Gfoi/' Romans XV. 17. patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one to- ward another, "according to Christ Jesus: <• y ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Je>us Christ. ? Where- fore receive ye one another, as Christ also received u-., to the glory of God. s Now I say, that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumci- sion for the truth of God, to con- firm the promises made unto y fathers: a and that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy, as it is written, For this cause I will confess to thee amonir the Gentiles, & sing unto thy name. 10 And again he saith, Rejoice ye Gentiles with his people. " And asiain, Praise the Lord all ye Gentiles, and laud him all ye people. la And ;igain Esaias saith, There shall be a root of Jesse, and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles, in him shall the Gentiles trust. IJ Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost. 14 And I myself also am per- suaded of you, my brethren, y ye also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish one another. 15 Nevertheless, brethren, I have written the more boldly unto you, in some sort, as putting you in mind, because of the grace y is given to me of God, lb that I should be the minister of Je- sus Christ to the Gentiles, mi- nistering the gospel of God, that the /'ottering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanc- tified by the Holy Ghost. » I have therefore whereof I may glory through Jesus Christ, in those things which pertain to God. » Rec. rijta$. Zj d cv oXAovf, « Rec.om* P* Or, sacrificing. Or, after the example of. Romans XV. 18. 13 For I will not dare to speak of any of those things, which Christ hath not wrought by me, to make the Gentiles obedient, by word and deed, l9 through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God, so that from Jerusalem and round about unto lllyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ. -° Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another man's foundation: 2t but as it is writ- ten, To whom he was not spoken of, they shall see: and they that have not heard, shall under- stand. *> For which cause also I have been "much hindered from com- ing to you. ' a But now having no more place in these parts, and having a great desire these many years to come unto you: 81 whensoever 1 take my jour- ney into Spain, I will come to you: for I trust to see you in my journey, and to be brought on my way thitherward by you, if first 1 be somewhat filled £ with your company. 2j But now I go unto Jerusalem, to minister un- to the saints. M For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia, to make a certain con- tribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. " It hath pleased them verily, and their debtors they are. For if y Gentiles have been made par- takers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal things. 28 When therefore I have per- formed this, and have sealed to them this fruit, I will come by you into Spain. ' a And I am sure that when 1 come unto you, I shall come in the fulness of y blessing of the gospel of Christ. so Now 1 beseech you, bre- thren, for y Lord Jesus Christ's sake, and for the love of the Spirit, that ye strive together with me, in your prayers to God 400 EniSTOAH 18 Ov yap Tokfxrjrru) XaXe'iv Tl hv ov KareipydaaTO Xpttrros St e'pov, els VTTUKorjv e6vuiv, \6yco Kai epyeo. (V bvvdpei arjpeicov Kai Tepdrcov, ev bvvd- pei Tlvevparos z ay'iov'" mare pe dnb 'lepovaukrjp Kai kvkKco p^XP 1 T °v ^" \vpiKov nenkrjpcoKevai to evayyekiov roil Xptr/Tov" "° ovrco be (pi\oTipov- pevov evayye\'i£ea6ai, ov\ dnov a>vo- pdadrj Xpto-roc, iva prj en dWorptov 6epi~kiov oiKoftopco ' " aAXa, KaBuis yeypanrai' Ols ovk avrjyytkrj nepi avrov, b^rovrai' Kai oi ovk a.KrjKoao-1, 0~VVT]0-OVO~l. •"" Aio Kai eveKonTOfirjv ra ttoAAci tov eXdeiv npbs vpds- 23 vvvl be prjKeTi Tonov e'xaiv ev to'is Kkipao~i tovtois, eninoBlav be e'xcov tov e\6elv npbs vpds dnb noWwv eYa>z/, cos eav no- pevcopai els ti)v Snaviav,* 1 " e\ni£a> c ' bianopevopevos 6edo~ao~6ai vpds, Kai v6r)vai inei, e'dv vpcov npaiTov dnb pepovs epnXrjcrOcb. vvvi be nopevopai els 'lepovo-aXr/p, btaKovwv Tols ay'iois. " 6 evboKr)o~av yap MaKe- bovia Kai 'A^tna Koivaiviav Tivd noirj- caadai els tovs nrcoxovs tu>v dytoov tu>v ev 'lepovo-aXrjp' 7 evdoKrjo-av yap, Kai dcpeikerai avrcov elariv. el yap to'is nvevpaTiKois avTcov e'Koiva>vt]o~av Ta edvTj, 6v els ttjv "Snaviav. " 9 olda bi oti e'pxdpevos npbs vpds, ev n\rjpu>paTi evXoyias d " XpiaTov e*\evcropai. 30 ITapaKaXd) be vpds, dbe\(pol, bid TOV KvpiOV T]p- vio-aadai poi ev Ta'is npoaevxais inrep tvayylXiO" tov. b Rec. add iXftffouat n-pos t'^af. c Rec. add -yap. d Rec. add tov a Or, many ways, or, ofteutiincs. P Gr. witlj you. LTPOS PQMAI0Y2. 401 (fJ.OV TTpOS TOV QeOV' IVCL pVO~8(i> UTTO TCOV dlTeiBoVVTlOV €V TT) IovStUCt, Kai °-iva" 17 diaKovia pov tj els '\epovcra\rjp ev7rp6(rbeKTOs yevqrai rols dylois' ffl Iva e'f xapa e'X#a> npos vpas did deXrjparos Qeov, h teal crvvavaTravcruipai iip.lv." 33 6 8e Geoj rfjs eipfjvrjs pera navrcov vpibv. c dprjv." 16. 1vvi(TTr)pi d 5e" vplv Qoiprjv ri)v dbe\s ruiv dyiiav, Kai napacrrfjTe avrfj ev a> civ iipHav XPU&) irpdyparf Kai yap e avrrj' 7rpoo~rdris iroXKwv eyevrjOrj, koi avrov epov. 3 ' AcrTrdcracrde ( Hpio-Kav" Kal'AKvXav rovs avvepyovs pov ev Xpiora) Irjcrov' 4 (oirives \mep rrjs tyv^s pov rov eavrcov rpcix^ov imedrjicav, oiy ovk eyco povos evxapicrrd), aXXa Kai iracrai ai eKKk-qo-iat ra>v edvuv') b Kai rr)v kcit* oIkov avrav eKicXrjcriav. av ApiaTo/3ovXou. 11 dcrndcrao-de 'HpcoSuopa rov avyyevrj p.ov. do-rrdcrao~6e rovs etc ra>v Nap- Kio~o~ov, rovs bvras ev Kvplco. dcnrd- 0~acr6t Tpvar. ft Or, are disobedient. B Or, frieudi. Y Or, irien.il 27 Romans XVI. 13. 402 EITI2TOAH LTP02 Lord. Salute the beloved Per- Komojcras iv Kvpta. d(md i» » li » « a 'r> -j. in the Lord, and his mother mao-evcvKvpup. aXe'- gor.,Hermas,Patrobas Hermes, y0VTa 'Epadv, liarpdjiav 'Eppnv, Kai and the brethren which are ' , ' , " '„ i$\j> 15 » with them. li Salute Philolo- tovs aw avrois adeAcpovs. aarra- gus and Julia, Nereus, and his Q-acrBe 4?i\d\oyov Kai 'iovXtaf, Nr/pe'a sister, and Olympas, and all the , > >« , f v » - » , ., f „ < * \ ' a-yiw. aa-TTaQovrai .vpas at tKKArjcriai a 7racrat" rot) XptoTOU. " Now I beseech you, bre- »7 JTapa/caXai Se {i/xas-, ddeXcpoi, otko- thren, mark them which cause - 1 \ j, '__ „„} _A divisions and offences, contrary «*» ™w ras 8t X ot7Ta«JW ^ «u ra to the doctrine which ye have £0 eTf jrotovvras' «u e/c/cXtWe ott' they that are such, serve not ".,0,, - - b „ . our Lord JesusChrist, but their aurcof. '° oi -yap rotovTOl to KyptG) own belly, and by good words fjucov Xptrrrta " ou SouXevouo'ti', dXXa and fair speeches deceive the - , i \ < * » ' :_ ., „,„..-„ hearts of the simple. « For 1? eaurwv KotXia /cat fita rr,c X p^v tore on your behalf: but yet c r ™ , , > j / ' t I would have you wise unto viraKot] (is iravras acpiKero' X atpo> oui/ that which is good, and "simple c ro " e 'A' {,„J V - # £ 'X<0 8e vpas cro > > /v !„__'„._ »i God of peace shall fi bruise Sa- V e " «*» 6 « ™ f^ "', aKtpaiovs be tan under your feet shortly. etc to Ka/cdi/. 6 8e Geo? rf)c eiprfvqs o-vvrpfyei Wji/ 2aTaz/ui/ V7r6 toi/c nobas vpoiv iv rd X ei. The grace of our Lord Jesus 'H X^P LS ro ^ Kupt'ou ry/xoil' lr)0~ov Christ be with you. Amen. Xpiarov peff vpuv.° " 21 Timotheus my workfel- 21 ' Ko-nd(ovTai vpas Tipodeos 6 (TVV- low, and Lucius, and Jason, f pyo S u,ov, Kai Aovkios Kai 'laaeov Kai and Sosipater my kinsmen S ' , > salute you. 2coo-i7rarpoc 01 avyyeyeu pov. ^ 22 1 Tertius who wrote this ffl 'Ao-7ra^op.ai vpas e'-ya) Teprioc 6 epistle, salute you in the Lord, ypti^ac tt)v iTTKTToXrjv iv Kvpicp. 23 Gains mine host, and of :3 'AandCfrai vpds Taios o givos the whole church, saluteth you. » - > n < »\ 1 '/- Erastus the chamberlain oi the p.oti Kai ttjs e kkAtj a ius o At] s. adira^eTai city saluteth you, and Quartus v u as "Epacrroc 6 otKovouoc 777c 7roXecoj, a brother. , T . / c > » •, • , 2'. The grace of our Lord Ka ' o Kovapros o abeACpos. _ ( Jesus Christ be with you all. 24 'H yapts tov Kvpiov i)pa>v lrjcrov * BBC. OUI. ^ Rec. Kl>pMj r/fXOlV lj]UOV Jplflrw. quur. c — * d -* • Bz. & Elz. add a^r. a Or, harmlefts. ^ Or, tread. KOPIN0IOY2 A. 403 Xpiarov fjitra ndvTcov vpu>v. aprjv. a " *° Tcp 8e 8vvapeva> vpds '(rrrjpi^ai Kara to evayyeXiov pov /cat to Kijpvypa Irjo-ov XpiaTov, Kara d7roKdXv\l/iv p,v- o-TTjpiov \povois aicoviois aeaiyr/pevov, " 6evT0s 8e vvv, did re ypacpmv irpofprjTiKwv, /car eTriTayrjv toii aicoviov Qeov, eis vnaKofjv Trio-Tews els ndvTa to. e$vT) yvoipiaOevros' "' povat ao(pa> Geo), did l-qaoii Xpio-Tov, b o-6evT]s 6 dSeXcpos, 2 tjj e/c/cAr/cria tov Qeov tjj 01/077 ev Kopiv$u>, rjyia- o~pevois evXpio-T^lr^arov , kXtjtois dyiois, crvv nuai tols erriKaXovpevois to ovopa tov Kvpiov rjpwv Irjaoi Xpio~Tov ev TiavTi roVco, aiiT&v re /cat rjpioV \^' pis vp.lv Kai elprjVT] and Qeov Trarpos tjpoiv /cat Kvpiov % lr]o~ov XpiaTov. 4 Eu^aptcrTco tco Seep pov rrdvTOTe ivepi vpcuv, em 177 ^dpiTi tov Qeov ttj boBeiarj iiplv ev X/jiotco 'ir/o-ov' 5 6Vi ev navrl enXovTiaBr^Te ev avTa, ev iravTi Xoyco /cat Trdo~r) yv(oo~ei, 6 (/cameos to papTvpiov tov Xpiarov efiefiaiondr] ev vp.lv) 1 ware vpds pfj vo-Tepelo-dai ev prjdevi ^apio-paTi, dneKde^opevovs ttjv anondXvtyiv tov Kvpiov fjpwv 'lrjo-ov PAUL called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ, through the will of God, and Sosthenes our brother, ' 2 unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them y are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon y name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both their's and our's. 3 Grace be unto you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. 4 I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ, 6 that in every thing ye are enriched by him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge : 6 even as the testimony of Christ was con- firmed in you. 7 So that ye come behind in no gift ; wait- ing for the a coming of our <\*.~Z-+=roC » Gb. transpocit vas. 25, 26, 27, ad calcera cap. xiv. *> Bz. on v Or. reflation. i ■■!-< C t-y* A P ^Hfi i. 1 Corinthians I. 8. 404 EIII2TOAH IIP02 Lord Jesus Christ, 8 who shall XptOToO' 8 or K(l\ fif$aici>o~ei vpds eios also confirm you unto the end, ^ J^fyicXnroM «V r>} Won roC that ye may be blameless in the , , „' , ' _ - a . day of our Lord Jesus Christ. Kvpiov rjpwv lrjaov XpKTTOV. s 7ri(TTOS 9 God is faithful by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. 10 Now I beseech you bre- 6 ©eoy, di ov eKhrjdrjre eiy Koivwviav tov vlov avrov Itjctov Xpiarov tov Kvpiov rjpcov. JJapaxaXco 8e vpds, dS(\rf)o\, Sia thren by the name of our Lord TQ - i v ^ aTOS TOU Kvpiov huMv'tno-OU J6SUS \ hrist, thi'it Vf till spciK __ -, « \ i\-\' / the same thing, and that there Xptoroi^ im TO avro Atyt]T( navrfs, be no "divisions among you: K al un n ev iipiv CTYLO-LiaTa, nre Se but that ye be perfectly joined - . » > - »• « > together in the same mind, and KaTqprtafifVOi ev Tto aurtp vol Kai ev in the same judgment. " For it tjj avrij yvooprj. e8rj\d>dr] yap pot hath been declared unto me of ' j > - afoXdwi uov, vtto rw you, my brethren, by Ihem - r , '„ „ -, ,',.", ,., . , which are of the house of Chloe, XAor/c, ori epidcs ev vpiv eiaC " / y there are contentions among gg tovto, on e/caoroc vpoiv Ae'yef you. Vi Now this I say, that i •> n •-. > \ & > > , m > every one of you saith, I am of M f " ttfU^BAjJAoil, eya> oe AttoAAo), eyco Paul, and 1 of Apollos, and he Krjtpa, eya> fie XpiO"Toi). I « < irtM?ttBflWb. , ' 3 M^pto-^uoXpro-ro^^naCAof Paul crucified for you ? or were ecrTavpwdr] virep vpa>v, t] eis to ovopa tyu> Eycb m «,3a7rriO"f?7rf drji 14 ev)(apiaTu> ej3drrri(ra, el iva ni] tic ye baptized in y name of Paul ? Ylavkov u I thank God that I baptized .. _ , « none of you, but Crispus and T< ?> Bf V 0TL ovdeva^ vpoiV Gaius: ^ lest any should say, prj Kpio-TTOV Kai VaiOV' U iva pr] that 1 had baptized in mine " * » * > a * >^ ' own name, ta And I baptized ""? "" €ly ™ ^°", MO C" tfrnrura. also the houshold of Stephanas: epUTTTlo-a 0( Kai tov 'SreCpava oikov' besides, I know not whether 1 Xot7r6i> oi3k oiJSa ei' Tti/u «AAor/ «>i- baptrzed any other. TTTlcra. ,. „ _, . *' Oi) -yap dnia-TeiKe pe Xpicrroy " For Christ sent me not to Q , y ' ,J r , , , \ <>• /i > > baptize, but to preach the gos- pairnQuv, ttAA^ f i/nyyeAiff o-0af ouk ei» pel: not with wisdom of /Swords, (jo(p/a Aoyou, twi pr) KfVi^t)?; 6 OTauflAs lest the cross of Christ should - -ir - i 18 ' \ ' ' I ' - be made of none effect. '"For TOV Xptfl-rov. im o Aoyoy ynp o roe the preaLhinsr of the cross is to (TTavpov role pei> UTroAAvptforc /jicopia them that perish foolishness: j \ Tol ^ o-wfo/ifVotf nuli» Sww/uiiS but unto us winch are saved, it 1 , iq - < > \ - is the power of God. I9 For it Qfov fCTTi. 1J yiypatTTai yap' A7ToAw is written, I will destroy the T „ v crochiav tgji' crocbebv, Kai rnv - ' ■ . > of God, the world by wisdom 0VK ( J v f ° xovpos bin rt]s (rocpias tuv knew not God, it pleased God Q(ov. evBoKrjatv 6 ©foe rSiri rr/c pa>pias / @ Or, spcecli. K0PINGI0Y2 A. 405 1 Corinthians II. 5. tov Krjpvyparos crajcrai tovs 7Tuttcu- by the foolishness of preaching, „ rfI y. t0 save them that believe. " 'EwftS)) /cat 'iouSatot * > dom - But we preach Christ rifxeis 8^ Krjpvo-o-Ofifv \pL(TT0V eaTav- cr , Rined) unto the Jews a stum. pu>pivov, lovdaiois pev ovcuVSaXoi', blingblock, and unto y Greeks, b Mv€ Svvap.iv Kal Geov aocbiav. G° d . and the , wisdom of God. <>= r ~ , , n ~ _ - , , r -° Because the foolishness of •* OTl to potpov TOV GfQl/ T€pov God is wiser than men: and the Ta>f dv6po)TT(ov eo~Ti' Kal to dadeves weakness of God is stronger - z-v - > ' - ' /) > than men. tov Geov io~xvpoTepov TOiv avopamav (0~TI.. 26 BXeneTe yap rrjv /cXf)crtf vpmv, 26 For ye see your calling, >5n\j\« > \\ \ j. * * brethren, how v not manv wise aoeXmoi, oti ov ttoAXoi croffiot /cara mo „ o(f ' ,u„ •„ u . , ~ i ) % x " & » . \ \ v alter the flish, not many crupKa, ov ttoXXol dvvaroi, ov noXXoi mighty, not many noble are tvyevfig- 2/ " dXXd to ucopa tov koo-uov , a J le f.\ 7 » ut God hath chosen ,f.\ ,<. , _ , f r , , , ytoolish tilings of the world, to e§fX«§aro o 6foc, twi tous aoipovs confound the wise: and God Karaicr-xyvy Kal to. dadevrj tov Kocrpov hattl chosen the weak things of v \ *> e *^ i " ' * the world, to confound v things eJeX^ciTO o Qeos, iva *cara t cr X v^ ra whieh are mighty: » and bale icrxypd' Kal ra ayevfj tov Koapov things of the world, and things Kal ra e£ov8evr]ueva egeXetaro 6 Qeos, * hieh are des P i 1 sed j. hath P od ,. „ < r „ "r, \ ,, , chosen, yea and things which ra prj ovra, iva to. ovTa KUTapyrjo-r)- are not, to bring to nought things 2 * fl- ft* 29 OTTOM UT] KaVYTjO-nTai, ndo-a aapfc that are, " that no flesh should 7 / / ' '_ d - o - " 30 't ' " *' g'ory in his presence. 30 But of fveomov a TOV ©fov._ } €% avTov ^f him are ye in Christ Jesus, who vp.€is eore ev Xptoroj \i]o~ov, oy eyevrjdrj of God is made unto us wisdom, nuti/ o-ocbla dnb Geov, dticatocrui/n re ^righteousness, and sanctifi- ' v , ' v , , x ' o.' « cation, and redemption : •*' that Kai ayiuapos Kai aTToXvTpwais' J iva, according as it is wiitten, He KaOios ytypaTTTai' 'O Kavv. 2. Kuycb iXQ&v Trpos vpcis, d8eX(f>ol, 2. And I, brethren, when I r)XBov ov Kaff Jwpotfv Xoyov f, ^KTi^ch^^ o-ocpias KarayyeXXajv vpiv To e pap- dom, declaring unto you the Tvpiov" tov Geov. 2 ov yap eKpivd testimony of God. » For I de- t •>},- /; , r - » t » T •> termined not to know anv Ihing Tt eidefat f v u/xti/, « pr; Ir/croi/z' amon g y „ U) Bave j esU s Christ, Xptcrrof, /cat tovtov eo-Tavpa>pevov. and him crucified. 3 And I was 3 > > \ > » a • v > j, >a v with you in weakness, and in s (cat cyo. er ao-dewia /cat «; 0o/3co /cat fearj ^ in n , uch tr ; ml)Ijng . 6f Tp6pa> 7roXXcp eyevop-qv irpns vpus' * And my speech, & my preach- 4 Kal 6 Xoyoy uou Kal TO Knpvypd uov 'ng was not with -enticing > » • a - j ' ^ ' // mi > words of man s wisdom, but in oi;/c ° ev TTtiOois o-otpias Aoyotf, aXX (V demonstration of the Spirit, drroBeit-ei TlvevpaTosKal dvvdpeais' 5 Iva and of power: 5 that your faith a Hoc. otinnov. !> Rec. EXXtjct*. c dec. 8t Ob. udd *b«. — (lb. =t d Rcc. avrov, ■ «J ^inffT>jp*Of. ^ B'c. tov > /t >— 6 1 Corinthians II. 6. 406 EIII2TOAH IIP02 shouldnot "stand in the wisdom 77 martc vpcov prj r) ev o~o(pia dvdpdiTrcov, of men, but in the power of au > |„ $ vl>( i„ €l 6 f ou. God. 6 •* A' )T 1 \ - ' - \ ' « Howbeit we speak wisdom Zocpiav be AaAovpev ev tois TeAeiois among them that are perfect: Q-ochiav 8e OV TOV alcovos TOVTOV, Ol)8e yet not y wisdom of this world, _ r , , ,. > nor of the prince* of this world, ™» ap X ovT(ov tov aiuvos tovtov, tcov that come to nought: 7 but we KaTapyovpevuiV 7 dWd XaXovpev •'Qeov S£^%-(££?££ pio-ev o Qeos irpo tu>v the world, unto our glory alavav els 86£av nucov, 8 nv oi8e\s 8 Wnich none 01 the princes of - , , , „ / ' „ this world knew: for had they ™" apxovrcovTOV aia>vos tovtov eyvo)- known it, they would not have Kev' ei yap eyvcocrav, ovk av tov K.v- crucifled y Lord of glory. 9 But 2 * '/■ ' ' 9 '^\ > as it is written, Eye hath not P L0 » Tr V ^S eaTavpuaaV ■ aXXa seen, nor ear heard, neither Kao > ~ tt ' the Spirit searcheth all things, be ajreKaXvfev Qeos 81a tov Ilvev- yea, the deep things of God. pciTos b avTov'" to yap Tivevpa Trdvra "For what man knoweth the ^ pevva Ka \ Ta ^Q„ r0 y Q fov . U T [ s things ot a man, save the spirit r , 'ji , n , ' , „ , . , of man which is in him ? even jap oioev avdpconcov Ta tov avdpconov, so the things of God knoweth e i nn T 6 Trvevpa tov avdpcoTrov to ev no man, but the Spirit of God. > - » < \ « - > 5, - avToi ; ovtu) Kai Ta tov Qeov ovbeis c ol8ev," ei prj to Tivevpa tov Qeov. '2 Now we have received, not 12 'Hueic 8e 011 to Tivevpa tov ko- the spirit of the world, but the >\ ia >\\» l rr > > spirit which is of God, that we °~P? V eXa^opev, aXXa to Tivevpa to etc might know the things that are tov Qeov, iva el8d>pev Tu vtto tov Qeov Swl-'uT t0 . US ° f G °?" xapitrdivra fiulv u Ami AaXoiuev, is Which things also we speak, A , , t, » - 1 n • j. * not in the words which man's ov « c " OibaKTOi? av0pcx>TTivr]S o~o(ptas wisdom teacheth, but which the \6yois, aXX' ev 6i8aKTols UvevuaTOs' { ", Holy Ghost teacheth, compar- - i / ing spiritual things with spiri- JrvevfiaTlKOlS ivvevpaTiKa avyKpivovTes. tual. 1J But the natural man u \j/v)(iKos be iivdpamos ov 8eyeTai to. SSffA£&!£££ rovn.evp.aTOS tov Qeov' fu.pia yap ishness unto him: neither can avTco ecrn, Kai ov bvvuTai yvmvai, otl he know them, because they are nve V aaTiKws dvaKpiveTai. ls 6 8i nvev- spirituallv discerned. ,D But he , > » « « # / ■• \ that is spiritual, >9judgeth all pariKos avaKpivei pev navTa, avTos things, yethe himself isr judged 8e iin 0i)8ev6s dvaKpiveTai. 16 tis yap fnownthTmL^fThe ^ *f* ^^vpiov, o S avp^daei av- that he < may instruct him ? TOV ; ijpe'is 0€ vovv XptaTOV e'xopev. Butwehaveihemindof Christ. 3. 1 Kayi," d8eAol, ovk T}8vim0T)v o. And I, nrt?tnrcn, could not \ \ ** t ** t ** , '\'\*< speak unto you as unto spiri- AaA^o-nt vp.iv a>s 7ri'€VfxariKots, ak\ to? tual, but as unto carnal, even as * aapKiKols," cos V7]7Tiois €V XpHTTcb. * Ittc. ooipiav 6 tov. *> H c '^ eyyuiKtv. d Itec. adil ayint-. e _» f n ec _ Kat 170*. g Gb. trapntvoif. a tfr. b*. ^ Or, discerneth, Y Or, discerned. * Gr. shall. . K0PIN610Y2 A. 407 * ydXa vpas S7rdricra, a " ov (3pa>pa ' ovttu> yap e'8vvaade, dXX' b ov8e ' Zri viiv 8vvaade ' 3 en yap c trapKiKol " etrre. oitov yap ev vp.lv ^rjXos Kai e'pis d kcu St^oaracriat,'' oi>)(l aapKLKoi e'orf, *cat Kara livBpcoTvov TrepnraTelre ; 4 6'raf yap Xe'yrj tis' 'Eycb jttev elpi IlavXov' erepos 8e' 'Eyco 'AnoXXdi' ov)(l crap- kikoi eo~Te ; Tis ovv e'crrt e naCXo?, tis 8e 'A- 7ro/\Aa>y ;" ' " 8iaKovoi 81 cov eirio-Tev- aare, Kai eKaarco cos 6 Kvpios edcoKev' eyco ecfivTevtra, 'AttoXXcos erroTicrev, aXX 6 Qeos rjv^avev 7 air/re ovre 6 (pvrevcov ecrri rt, ovre 6 ttot'i^cov, dXX' 6 av^dvcov Qeos. 8 6 (pvTevtov 8e Kai o 7roTi£a>v ev elcriv' eKaaros 8e tov 18iov piaBbv Ar/^erat Kara tov i8iov kuttov. 9 Qeov yap e'trpev crvvepyol * Qeov yecopyiov, Qeov oiKo8opr) ecrre. 10 Kara tt)v X^P lv T °v ©f°^ Tt)v 8o- Belcrdv p.oi, cos crocpos dp)(iTeKTcov BepeXiov reBetKa, dXXos 8e enoiKobopel' eKaaTos oe fiXenerco irois eTruiKo8opel. BepeXiov yap aXXov ov8els bvvarai Beivai ivapd tov Kelpevov, os eariv Ir/crovs s " XpurTos. i2 el 8e tis eiroi- Kodopel e'nl tov BepeXiov h tovtov," Xpvcrov, cipyvpov, XiBovs Tiplovs, £i>Xa, X"pTov, KaXdprjv, u eKacrrov to epyov (pavepov yevrjo-erai ' rj yap rjpepa 8rj- Xcoaei' bri ev irvpl dnoKaXinTTeTai' Kai eKaarTov to epyov otto tov eari, to irvp 8oKipdo~ei. u el twos to epyov ' pevel," b encoKoboprjo-e, picrBbv Xrj\j/erat' lo e'i twos to epyov KaTaKarjaeTcu, ^rjpicoBi']- creTai' ovtos 8e crcoBqcreTai, ovtco 8e cos 8id rrvpbs. Ovk o'l8aTe oti vaos Qeov ecrre, Kai to Tlvevpa tov Qeov oiKel ev vp.lv ; 1 Corinthians III. 16. unto babes in Christ. ' I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: tor hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. 3 For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and « divisions, are ye not car- nal, and walk as men ? * For while one saith, 1 am of Paul, and another, I am of Apollos, are ye not carnal 'i 6 Who then is Paul ? and who is Apollos ? but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man. 6 I have planted, Apollos watered: but God gave the increase. ; So then, neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he y water- eth: but God that giveth the increase. 8 Now he that plant- eth, and he that watereih, are one: & every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. a For we are la- bourers together with God, ye are God's r husbandry, ye are God's building. 10 According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as awisemasterbuilder 1 have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. " For other founda- tion can no man lay, than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Is Now if any mau build upon this foundation, gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble: ,3 every man's work shall be made manifest. For the day shall declare it, because it ''shall be revealed by fire, and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. ' 4 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. Ia If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved: yet so, as by fire. 16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spi- rit of God dwelleth in you ? * EteC adJ «ai. h Rec. buk. C *^ aapitivot. d ZX « ^* AttoXAo)?, Tty fit UaiXo;. f ReC. «ild aAA' 1). 5 lieu, add o. li i Kec. fievtt. a Or, factions. ^ Gr. acco'diag tu wan. ' Or, tillage* 6 Gr. i» revealed. 1 Corinthians III. 17. 17 If any man » defile y temple of God, him shall God destroy: for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. IB Let no man deceive himself: if any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let liim become a fool, y he may be wise. la For the wisdom of this world is fool- ishness with God: for it is writ- ten, He taketh ihe wise in their own craftiness. 20 And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain. '-' Therefore let no man glory in men, lor all things are your's. M Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come, all are your's. 23 And ye are Christ's, and Christ is God's. 4 Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of J mysteries of God. 2 Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. > But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's £ judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self. 4 For I know no- thing by myself, yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is y Lord. 5 There- fore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hid- den things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God. 6 And these things, brethren, I have in a figure transferred to myself, and to Apollos, for your sakes: that ye might learn in us not to think of men, above that which is written, that no one of you be puffed up for one against another. ' For whor maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive ? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory as if thou hadst not re- ceived it ? 408 EIII2TOAH IIP02 17 ei' tis tov vabv tov Qeov ala>vi Tovroi pojpos yeveadoi, Iva yevrjTai crofpos. i) yap crocpia tov Kocrp-ov tovtov p.a>pia ivapa to> Gecu e'crrt' ye- ypaTrrai yap' 'O bpao~o~6pevos tovs aocpovs ev tjj iravovpyiq ai/Tcov' ' Kai irakiv Kvpios yiva>o~Kei tovs biaXoyi- 0-p.OVS TQ}V 0-0, OTl elffl paTalOl. 21 "Q.crT€ prjbels Kav\acr6oi ev dvdpco- ttols' izavTa yap vpuov eo-Tiv, " ene HavXos, e'lre 'AttoWcos, e'lre Krjcpas, e'lre Kocrpos, (ire (coi] e'lre Qdvaros, elre evearcora fire peXXovTW navra vpu>v h iariv" s vpels be Xpiarrob' Xpi- arbs be, Qeov. 4. Ovrcas ijpas Xoyi^eoSoi av6pionos, u>s vTvrjperas Xpicrrov Kai olicov6p.ovs pvo-TT)p'aiiv Qeov. ~ o be Xoinbv, £rj- relrai ev rbls oiKovopois, iva ttlcttos tis evpedrj. 3 epol be els e'Xa^tcrrof eariv "iva v(p' vpcov dvaKpidco, r) iinb dv&pco- ulvrjs rjpepas' aXX ovbe ep.avrov dvaKpivoj. A ovbev yap epavrco o~vvoiba, d\X' ovk ev tovtco bebiKaia>pai' 6 be dvaKplvoiv pe, Kvpios ecrriv. ° cocrre prj npo Kaipov ri Kpivere, euis av eAarj 6 Kvpios, os Kai (pojTio-ei to: Kpvirra tov o-kotovs, Kai (pavepuo-ei ras /3ouXac rcov Kapbicbv' Kai rore 6 enaivos yevijo-erai exdo-TU) airo tov Qeov. 6 Tavra Se, aSfXr^ot, p-ereo-xipaTiaa els epavTov Kai Atto\\o> St vpds, iva ev rjplv pddrjTe to /xr) ii7rep b yeypanrai (ppove'iv, 'iva /xr) eis vnep tov evbs (pv- aiovade Kara tov erepov. 7 Tis yap ae SiaKolvei; ti 8ei')(eisbovK eXafies; el be Kai 'e Xa/3fc, ti Kav^do-ai ojs pr) Xa/3a>f ; Or. destroy. P Gr. day. ' Gr. distiuguislietb tliee ! K0PIN9I0Y2 A. 409 1 Corinthians V. 1. HSn KeKopeo~uevoi eo~re, rj§r) e'nXov- 8 Now ye are full, now ye are Tncrare, vapis hucov e'lBao-iXevtrare- kul "<*< ?* have rei ? ned , as kin & s „', * , A C-. "T , ^ „ , t without us, and I would to God o(peAov ye e^acriKevaare, iva Kai i]ueis ye did reign, that we also might vulv arvujiao-iXevacouev. 9 SoK<£> yap reign with you. "For I think » «_ * r £. \ t - \ > ,-/ that God hath set forth us the on o Qeos 7]uas rovs anocrToXovs apostles last, as it were appoint- eo~%arovs aTre8ei£ev cos eTtidavariovs, ed to death. For we are made on Biarpov eyevnBriuev rco k6 a - < • »» j weak, but ve are strong: ve are Xpicrrco IfflS^ aadeveis, vueisde l- honourable, but we are d'espis- CT\vpoi' iiueis evbo^oi, rjuels be cinuoi. ed. "Even unto this present " & X p t Tf) S Zprt&pas Ka\ ne^aev, "SSSSSSS&SA Kai oiycopev, Kai yvpvrjrevouev. Kai and have no certain dwelling- KoXad)i{6ueBa, Ka\ dararovuev, 12 Kai ^e, « and labour, working - ° r , ,., — ■„ U., , with our own hands: being re- Komcouev epyaQouevoi rais ibiais X € P°~ L ' "viled, we bless: being perse- Xoidopovuevoi, ei/Xoyovuev' SicoKouevoi, cuted, we suffer it: 13 being ^..-^.'X .,/3 • 13 b a\ A. ' " defamed, we intreat: we are ave X oue8a^ '"PXaatppuovpevoi, napa- made as the filth of the world, KaXovuev' cos TrepiKaBdpuara rov koituov and are the offscouring of all eyevrjBrjuev, ndvrcov irepiyriua ecos cipri.. tmn S s unt0 tnis da y- 14 n ■ > -_ t » ij, - u I write not these things to Owe e^pt™* vuas ypacpco ravra, shame you but as my be f oved aXX cos reKva uov ayairqrd c vovBerco." sons I warn you. ,s For though 15 edvydp uvpiovs naihaycoyovs eWe you have ten thousand instruct- , v ' r _ r ,f\. , , \ \ i ' ers in Christ, vet hare ye not ei/ Xpicrrco, a\X ov noXXovs irarepas' many fathers: for in Christ Je- ev yap Xpicrrco 'Iricrov 8ia rov evay- sus I have begotten you through \' > » « -' > - is \ ~ the gospel. ,6 Wherefore 1 be- yeXiov eyco vuas eyepurjcra. TTapaKaXco seech ^ be ye loUouers of ovv vuds, uiurjrai p.ov ylveaOe. me. 17 Ala tovto eneu^a vu.lv Tiu66eov, os " For ^ is ca " se haV ,! ' S i remembrance of my wavs which ras ev Xpio-rco, Kadcos iravTa X ov ev nacrj) be in christ> as I teach every eKKXrjcria SiSdtTKco. ls cos p.fj epyop.evov where in every church ls Now 8e uov Vpos vuas cd>v" would not come to you. " But eXevcrouai Oe ra^ecos irpos vuas, eav I will come to you" shortly, if 6 Kvpios BeXrio-n, Kai yvcocrouai ov rov ,he Lord will and will know \ , ' _ 1 ' i,, i > not the speech of them which Aoyuv rcov necpvcncouevayv, akka rr)V are puffert up . but the p0W er. dvvauiv' 20 oil yap iv Xoyco tj j3ao-iXeia -° For the kingdom of God is not _ ~ c» " "s\' ' S ' ' 21 ' a ' in word, but in power. '-'What rov Beov^ aXX ev Svvauei. ;' Ji Be- w|U ye i shall f mme unt0 Xere ; ev pdj3oco eXoco npos vfids, tj ev with a rod, or in love, ami in dyaTrri rrvevuari re Trpaornros I the s| ? int of meekness ■ k "r\\ ' ' it- i 5. It is reported commonlv, 0. OAcoc aKoverai ev vuiv nopveia, t /, a t th ere , s fornication among Kai roiavTT) nopveia, rjris ovde ev rols you, and such fornication, as is a Zj b ^ ii-atptjuovuci-Qi. c cv vovdiTUiv, Gr. theatre. 1 Corinthians V. 2. not so much as named amongst the Gentiles, that one should have his father's wife. a And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed, might be taken away from among you. 3 For I verily as ab:>ent in body, but present in spirit, have « judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed, 4 in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with y power of our Lord Jesus Christ, 5 to deliver such a one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that y spirit may he saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. G Your glorying is not good : know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump ? 7 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover^is sacrificed for us. 8 Therefore let us keep y the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the lea- ven of malice and wickedness : but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. v ru> acop-ari, ivapcov he t<2> irvev- paTi, fjdr) KfKpiKa it rrapaiv, tov ovtui tovto Ka.Tepyao~dp.evov, 4 e'v tu ovo- paTi tov Kvpiov rjpa>v 'Ir/troO Xptorot), o~vva~(6evTu>v vpaiv Ka\ tov epov nvev- paTos, avv tji bvvdpei tov Kvpiov fjpayv 'irjaov Xpio~TOV, 5 Tvapahovvai tov toiovtov tco ~2aTava els bXedpov ttjs crap/cos, Iva to irvevpa o~a>6fj iv ttj rjpipa tov Kvpiov , lrjo~ov. 6 Ov naXbv to Kav)(T)pa vpa>v. oxjk oi&are ort piKpa fv/xr/ oXov to cpvpapa e £vp.ot;" 7 eKKaddpare '" ttjv naXaiav £vprjv, iva rjre veov (pvpapa, nadios eo~Te ii^vpof /cat yap to 7rao-^a rjpcov e vnep r)pu>v" '' eTvdrj " Kpio-ros. 8 a>o~Te eop- TU^oipev, prj ev £vpr] naXaia, pr]8e ev £vpr) KaKias \ohaTpais' eirel ocpet'Xere apa e'/c tov Koapov e^eXdelv. n vvvl Se eypa-^ra iiplv prj o-vvavaplyvvadai, edv tis dSeX- (pbs 6vopa£bpevos rj Trbpvos, r] rrXeove- kttjs, fi etScoXoXdrpr/c, rj Xot'Sopoy, r/ pedvaros, r] dpna^' rco toiovto) pr/Se o-vvea6letv. ] " Ti ydp poi ' /cat " tovs e£a> Kplveiv ; oii-^i tovs eaui vpels Kpl- vere; 13 tovs 8e e£a> 6 Qebs m Kpivel." a " " et-apelre " tov wovrjpov e£ vpcov aiiTcov. 6. ToX/ita tis vpoiv, Trpaypa e\a>v a H*c. add niMu,:, rat. b Rec. e?ap9p. c P&S irpucaf. Ij fix. St ElZ idi'St;. i ZX k CNJ «ai, 1 2J in Rac. Kp * Or, determined. P Or, ' d rj e tViJoXo., f Rec. add atrx. !3 \, n Rec. add ^ *v ddiKcov, tcai ov%l enl rail' dyiav ; 2 a rj" ovk ot'Sare ort oi dytoi tov Kocrfiov Kpi- vovcri ; Kal ei ev vp.lv Kp'iverai 6 Kocrpos, dvdtjioi ears Kpirrfpiuiv eXa^torwi' ; « 3 ovk o'ibare oti dyyeXovs Kpivovp.ev ; fxrjri ye (3ia>riKa ; 4 (HiaiTiKa pev ovv KpiTTjpia eav 'e')(r]T€, rot's e^ovdevrjpevovs ev rfj eKKXtjcrlq, rovrouc Kadi^ere. 5 Tlpos evrpoTrrjv vp.lv Xeyu>. ovtcos ovk evi ev vp.iv o~o(pos ovoe etc, os 8vvr]o~eTai diaKplvai ava peaov tov ddeX e^ovaiaadi'jcropai vtro tivos. 13 to. ftpcvpaTa Tjj KoiXiq, Kal rj KoiXia rols (3pcL>pao~iv ' 6 Se Geo? Kal ravrrjv Kal ravra KaTapyijcrei. to Se croipa ov Trj Tropveiq, dXXa rw Kvpia>, Kal 6 Kvpto? ra crco/iarf 14 6 be 0e6? (cat tov Kv- piov rjyeipe, Kal h ijp(is" e^eyepel Sta ttJs 411 1 Corinthians VI. 14, matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints ? ' J do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world ? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 3 know ye not that we shall judge angels ? how much more things that pertain to this life? * If then ye have judg- ments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in y church. 1 speak to your shame. Is it so, y there is not a wise man amongst you? no not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren ? B but brother go- eth to law with brother, and y before the unbelievers ? ' Now therefore, there is utterly a fault among you, because ye go to law one with another : Why do ye not rather take wrong ? why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded ? s Nay, you do wrong and defraud, and that your brethren. '■> Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God ? Be not deceived : neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with man- kind, 10 nor thieves, nor covet- ous, nor drunkards, norrevilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. " And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sancti- fied, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. 12 All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not "ex- pedient: all things are lawful forme, but I will not be brought under y power of any. I3 Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now y body is not for fornication, but for the Lord: and the Lord for the body. " And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own a lUt. „in. t> tie -* d Rec add ei/. <* ^ tot.to. U Bis. v/iaj. a Or, profitable. f Kec. j9apevos Trj irupvij, ev cruipd eo~nv; (* Ecroi/rai yap, (prjo-lv, oi 8vo etc crdpKa piav) ' 6 fie KoXXa>pevos tw Kvpico ev nveiipd tern. 18 (pevyere tt)v nopveiav. irav dpdpT-qpa b edv Trou']o-T] av6po>iros, e'/croc tov crw- paros io~nv" 6 fie 7T0pvevav, etc to ifiiox> orcjpa cipapTavei. 19 r) ovk oi'Sare on a to o-cbp.a" vpuiv vabs tov ev vpiv dyiov YivevpaTos e'crrif, ov e^ere oVo 0eoi5, Kai ovk ecrre eavraiv ; rjyopao-orjTe yap Tipr)s' fio£ucrare 81) top Qebv ev tco o~u>p.aTi vpaiv''". 7. Ilept fie hv eypatyare poi, Ka\bv dvdpama yvvaiKos pi) dnTeaBac " did fie Tas nopveias eKaaTos tijv eavTov yvva'iKa e'^eVw, Ka\ eKao~Tr) tov ibiov livbpa e'^e'roj. 3 Trj yvvaiKi 6 dvt)p ttjv c 6(peiXi)v" aVofitfioVa). opoicos fie Kai rj ywi) rm dvbpl. i rj yvvrj tov ISiov (rcojLtaroc ovk e'^ovcrtafei, dAA 6 avr/p' Spoils fie Kai 6 dvr)p tov l8iov aojpaTos ovk e^ovaid^ei, dXX' r) yvvij. 5 pi) aTroo-TeptlTe aXXr/Xovs, et pi)n av e< crvpcpeovov irpbs Kaipbv, "iva d crxoAdcrr/re" e " ti] Trpoo-iv^jj, Kai rrdXiv eiri to ovto ( rjTe," Iva pi) Tteipatj) vpas 6 ~S,aTavds 8ia ti)v aKpaauiv vpwv. 6 Tovto fie Aeyw Kara avyyvaiprjv, ov kot emTayfjv. 7 #e'Aco 'yap' ndvTas dvdpamovs eivai as Kai ep.avTov' aAA eKaaTos iSlov h e^et xdpio-pa" e'/c Qeov, 6s pev ovrus, os fie ovtcos. Aeyco fie Tols dydpois Kai Tals xrjpais, Ka\6v avTols'" edv peivooo~iv a>s Kayui. 9 et fie ovk iyKpaTtvovTai, yaprjaaTcoo-av' 1 t»Ta aaiftcLTa. l> Rec udd leat iv ry irvfouari vfiuiv, arti-a tan .ri'iuai' o Reo. oxo\aX ijtb. e Rec, add Tp VTjaTeiri Kai. li Rec. \apiafia >^M i Rec. add CI I Re, C Rec. Cptt)to/t.»vrjv K0PINGI0Y2 A. 413 1 Corinthians VII. 23. Kpeurcrov yap eo-ri ^yaprjcrai f) 7ru- povcrOai. roii 8e yeyaprjKocri wa- payyiXXa>, ovk eyw, d\\' 6 Kvpios, yvva'iKa dnb dvbpus pr) x ai P la "^ val ' 11 (idv be Kai ^copicrd?/, peviro) ayapos, T) ™ avhpl KaraWayrjTU)') Kai iivbpa yvvuiKa pi) d(piivat. Tots Se Xoiirols iyo> Xeyco, ov% 6 Kvpios, el rts ddeX avri)v' 13 Kai yvvi) tJtis e^ei c avTov.'' li rjytaaTat yap 6 avi]p 6 aTTKTTos iv rfi yvvaiKi, Kai TjyiacrTai rj yvvr) r) airioros iv rw avbpi' inel t'ipa rd TeKva vpuiv aKadaprd icrri, vvv be ayid icrriv. lb el be 6 imiaTos x co p' l C eTal i x co P t C^ (T ^ a> - ov bebovXarai 6 dbeXcfibs *j r) dbeXcpr) iv ro'is toiovtois' iv be elprjvrj KeKXrjKev Tjpas 6 Qeos. 16 Ti yap oibas, yvvai, el tov iivbpa a-axreis ; r) t'i oibas, avep, el ttjv yvva'iKa aiocreis ; '' el pr/ eKaa-rco as ipepicrev 6 d Kvpios," eKa- (ttov a>c KeKXrjKev 6 e Qeos," ovtco nepi- 7rareiTco' Kai ovtcos iv rats iKK.Xr)criais irdcrais biardo-cropai. 18 ttepiTerp-r/pevos ns iKXrjdrj ; pr) eTTiandcrBu). iv aKpoftvcrTia ris iKXr)6t); p-fj TrepiTepvi' 19 r) nepiropr) ovbev eari, Kd\ r) aKpoftvcrria ovbev icrriv, aXAa rr/prjans ivroXutv Qeov. 29 ocao~Toy iv rrj KXrjcrei f/ iKXr)6r), iv tuiitt) pevirco. bovXos iKXrjdrjs ; pi) croi peXero)' uXX el Kai bvvaaai iXevdeposyevicrdai, pdXXov xprjaai. 6 yap ev JUvpiw KXtjQels bovXos, dneXevdepos Kvpiov iariv' opoicos Kai 6 iXevBepos KXrjdels, 8ovX6s i(TTi XptoroO. ~ 3 ript)s i]yo- pdcrdr)Te' pr) yiveode SovXoi dvOpamw. is better to marry than to burn. 10 And unto the married, I com- mand, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: " but & if she de- part, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife. '- But to the rest speak I, not the Lord, If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away. l3 And the woman which bath an hus- band that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him. u For the unbelieving husband is sancti- fied by the wife, and the unbe- lieving wife is sanctified by the husband ; else were your chil- dren unclean, but now are they holy. ,: -> But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A bro- ther or a sister is not under bondage in such raxes : but God hath called us <* to peace. ,e For what knowest thou, O wife, whether thou shalt save thy hus- band ? or how knowest thou, O man, whether thou shalt save thy wife ? " But as God hath distributed to every man, as the Lord hath called every one, so let him walk, and so ordain I in all churches. ls Is any man called being circumcised ? let him not be- come uncircumcised : Is any called in uncircumcision ? let him not be circumcised. ^Cir- cumcision is nothing, and un- circumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God. M Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called. il Art thou called being a servant ? care not for it: but if thou mayesl be made free, use it rather. 2 ' 2 For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord's & free- man: likewise also he that is called being free.is Christ's ser- vant. 23 Ye are bousht with a price, be not ye the servants of i 1 Gr, made free. e Rec. Kvp.oc. 1 Gr. in peace 1 Corinthians VII. 24. 414 EIII2TOAH IIP02 men. 24 Brethren, let every man wherein he is called, therein abide with God. 25 Now concerning virgins, I have no commandment of the Lord: yet I give my judgment as one that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful. -° I suppose therefore y this is good for j present "distress, I say , y it is good for a man so to be. '" Art thou bound unto a wife ? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loos- ed from a wife ? seek not a wife. "But & if thou marry, thou hast not sinned, & if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned: neverthe- less, such shall have trouble in the flesh : but 1 spare you. 59 But this I say, brethren, the time is short. It remaineth, that both they y have wives, be as though they had none : 30 and they y weep,as though they wept not : and they that rejoice, as though they rejoiced not: and they y buy, as though they pos- sessed not : 3 ' and they ^ use this world, as not abusing it : for y fashion of this world passeth away. M But I would have you without carefulness. He y is un- married, careth for the things y belong to the Lord, how he may please y Lord : 33 but he that is married, careth for the things y are of the world, how he may please his wife. 34 There is dif- ference also between a wife and a virgin: the unmarried woman careth for the things of theLord, that she may be holy, both in body and in spirit: but she that is married, careth for the things of y world, how she may please her husband. 35 And this 1 speak for your own profit, not that I may cast a snare upon you, but for that which is comely, and that you may attend upon the Lord without distraction. 3t! But if any man think that he behaveth himself uncomely toward his virgin, if she pass the flower of her age, and need so require, let him do what he will, he sinnethnot: let them marry. 24 eKCHTTos ev m eKkrjdr], dheXcpol, ev tovtui peveTcn rrapa a " 0ec3. "° He pi he tcov irapQevusv eiriTayr)v Kvpiov ovk e'xf lr ) v he hihapi its i]\er]pevos vno Kvpiov ttkttos eivai. " 6 vopi£u> ovv rovro xakov virdpxeiv hid Tr)v eveo-Tuicrav dvayKr/v, on koKov dv8pd)TTa> to ovtoos eivai. 27 hehecrai yvvcuKi ; pr) (fr/rft \vo~iv. Xe Avo"ai dnb yvvaiKos ; pr) {rjTei yvva'iKa. ^ edv he Kal yqpTjs, ov% rjpapTes' Kai edv yrjpr) r) napdevos, ovx rjpapTe' ffktyiv he ttj crapKi e^ovaiv ol toiovtoi' eyu> he vpuv (peihop.ni. 29 Tovto he (pr/pi, dhe\cpo\, b " 6 Kaipbs o~vveo~Ta\pevos c eo~TiV to Xoittov" iva Kal d ol " e'xovTes yvvaiKas, o~i (cat ot KAaiovTes, oj? pr) KAaiovres' Kai ol xaipovTes, coy pr) Xaipovres' Kal ol dyopd£ovTes, a)? pr) KaTe^ovTes' 31 Kal ol ^rjco/xefoi e tovtio tw Koo~p.pevoi. napdyei yap to o~xr)pa tov Koo-pov tovtov. 6e\a> he vpds dpepipvovs eivai. 6 ayapos pepipva Ta tov Kv- piov, was dpecrei raj Kvpiio' 33 6 he yaprjaas pepipva Ta tov Koapov, ttus dpeo~et ( Trj yvvaiKi' peptpio~Tai e Kal : t] yvvr)" Kal r/ Trapdevos' r) ayapos pepipva Ta tov Kvpiov, iva r) dyia Kal crapaTi Kal nvevpaTf r) he yapr)o~ao~a pepipva to. tov Kocrpov, trais dpeaei ru dvhpi. 3o tovto he Trpos to vpaiv axiTcov o~vps. t,i oe tis aax^poveiv eivi tt)v nap- Qevov avTov vopi^ei, edv r) virepaKpos, Kai ovTcos 6, oix dpaprdvei' yapeiTcocrav. 8 Rec. add T'y. h Rec. add on. c Rec, SiGb. to \onr. ear. d Elz. om. e liec.rif, itoff. roir. f •& rriyvv. Km Itrpep. ocrov -^povov Q 6 avr)p avrrjs' eav be KoiprjOij 6 dvr)p *avrr)s," eXevdepa eo~rlv a> deXei yapr)6i)vai, povov ev Kvplco. pa- Kapia>Tepa be eariv eav ovrco pelvrj, Kara rr)v epr)v yvcopriv' boKto be Kayo) Uvevpa Qeov e%eiv. 8. lie pi be rcov elbcoXodvrcov, o'lba- pev, (on irdvres yvcocriv e'^opev. r) yvuxjii (pvaiol, r) be ayarvq otKobopel. el ' be " ris boKel elbevat tl, ovbenu) Zovbev" eyvcoKe Kadcos bel yvcovai' 3 el be ris ayanq rov Qeov, ovros eyvcoo~rai vir avrov.) 4 irepl rrjs fipcoo-ecos ovv rcov elbcoXodvrcov, o'ibapev on ovbev e'ibcoXov ev Koapoo, Kal on ovbels Qeos h erepos" el pr) els. ° Kal yap e'lirep eto~l Xeyopevot deal, e'lre ev ovpavd, eire enl ' "yrjs" (wcnvep elo\ deol noXXol, Kal Kvpioi 7roXXot") 6 dXX' rjplv eis Geo? 6 Trarrjp, e£ ov to. ndvra, Kal rjpels els avrov Kal eis Kvpios Itjcovs Xpicrros, Si' ov to. ndvra, Kal rjpels St avrov. ? dXX' ovk ev ttcio-iv r) yvcocris' rtves be rfj k o-weibrjaei" rov elbcoXov ea>s apn cos elbcoXodvrov eadiovo-i, Kal r) o~vvelbrjo-is avrcov ao-devrjs ovcra poXvverai. 8 Bpcopa ber/pas ov 'Traplcrrqcn" rto Qeco' ovre yap eav (pdycopev, ireptcr- crevopev' ovre eav pi) (pdycopev, ii- arepovpeda. 9 ftXenere be p.rjncos r) 37 Nevertheless, he that stand- eth stedfast in his heart, having no necessity, but hath power over his own will, and hath so decreed in his heart that lie will keep his virgin, doeth well. 3S So then he that giveth her in mar- riage, doeth well: but he that giveth her not in marriage, doeth better. 33 The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liv- eth : but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will, only in the Lord. 40 But she is happier if she so abide, after my judg- ment: and I think also that I have the Spirit of God. 8. Now as touching things of- fered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Know- ledge puffeth up: but charity edifieth. - And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know. 3 But if any man love God, the same is known of him. 4 As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one. 6 For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth (as there be gods many, and lords many:) 6 but to us there is but one God, y Father, of whom are all things, and we a in him, and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. 7 Howbeit there is not in every man that know- ledge : for some with conscience of the idol unto this hour, eat it as a thing offered unto an idol, & their conscience being weak, is defiled. 8 But meat commendeth us not to God: for neither if we eat, P are we the better: neither if we eat not, r are we y worse. But take heed lest by any a — • b no yafii i Rl-c. add tijj. y. Reo. o le pi) eKyafitZaiv. d Reo. add vop. It c^w fffrr^i.ii. 1 OJ ira-paorrjan. a Or. for I:. ^ Or, hare we the lets. ZX '3 ?- b^ P Or, have we tjie mora. 1 Corinthians VIII. 10. 416 EniSTOAH IIP02 means, this "liberty of your's e£ovo~ia vfitov avrrj wpoo'Kop.p.a yevnral become a stumbln.gblock to Tor *Zo-6evovo-lv." 10 iav ydp Tis 1S7 them that are weak. I0 For if , , „ „ ,' r ,_ . ,*» any man see thee which hast 0~e, TOV ex 0VTa yvacriv, ev fibcoAciw knowledge, sit at meat in the K araKeiuevov, ov\\ n avveibrjcns avrov idol's temple : shall not the con- > n >t » » a i 1 . science of him which is weak, atrdevovs ovtos oiKobopr)0T ]O -era^ RS TO be a emboldened to eat those ra elba>A6dvra eaOUiv, n Ka\ ano- things which are offered to X j 6 foQ^fo aSeXd>6 S "eVl" T?, idols ?" and through thv know- „ , ^, e ~ , >n ledge shall the weak brother 077 yvaxrei, Ol ov Xpiaros anedavev ; perish, for whom Christ died ? 12 £ Ta) g^ dp-aprdvovres eir touc 12 But when ye sin so ajainst the > 5, N . . v / r ■> ~ brethren, and wound their weak abeArpovs, Kai rvrrrovres avruv rnv conscience, ye sin againstChrist. (rweiSrjcriv atrOevovaav, els "Kpiarov IT^ir^Tj^iz r*pr*:<- .!• **■* « ft?*/*? -- flesh while the world standeth, OaXifei rov abeAcpuv p.ov, ov firj aya> lest I make my brother to of- Kpe ' a e l s T0V a l^ va> \ va ^ rov dbeAcpov fxov o~KavbaAio~u> . 9. Am I not an apostle ? am 9. e Oi/k elfli eAevdepos; ovk dpi I not free ? have I not seen aTroaroAos '," ovy\ 'incroOi' Xpiarbv rov Jesus Christ our Lord ? are not T . , , „ ,, , , f j, you my work in the Lord ? » If Kupiov tjpcov eapaKa ; ov rocpyov pov I be not an apostle unto others, voxels eare ev Kvpico ; 2 ei a'XXoic ov* ye in the Lord. 3 Mine answer yap „ Kupi'o). 3 17 ion dnoAoy'ia ro'is is this : 4 Have we not power , v , , r ' A ' i , 4 ' > , to eat and to drink? s have «/*« avaKpivovcnv avrr) etrrf * /xr/ ovk we not power to lead about a e^opev e£ovo~iav (paydv Kai 7rieii' ; pr) sister a 7 wife as well as other » * >> '_ 'ss\j.i ~ apostles, and as the brethren of ol ' K fX ^", «£""»«' afoXfav yvvaiKO. the Lord, and Cephas ? 6 or 7repiay(iv, toy Kai 01 Xoi77oi a7r<)(rroXoi, I only and Barnabas, have not Ka j [ ^ f \d, \ TOV Kvpiov, Kai Knrfjuc : we power to lorbear working ? - + , , r v x 'A » * » Who goeth a warfare any *? /novof fyo) Kai Bapra/5af ovk e^o- time at his own charges ? who M f „ c£ovo~iav roi fir) epyd^foSai ; plantetha vineyard, and eateth 7 rr" ' 'S' »i ' not of the fruit thereof? or ' , Tlf o-rparfverai ^ ibiou o^aoviois who feerieth a flock, and eateth nore ; rls (pvrevei ap-TTfAoova, Ka\ (K not of the milk of the flock ? TQ ~ Kapno £, auT0 {) l K e'^iet ; n n'c 8 Say I these things as a man ? ,~ , N , ',- ' or saith not the law the same TTOifiuivei TroipiVT]v, Kai €K tov yaAaKros also ? 9 For it is written in the ~ s 7roiavr)s ovk (adUi \ 8 an Kara law of Moses, Thou shalt not » a ~ \ \ * d*'< » > muzzle the mouth of the ox avdparrrov ravra AaAo.; ij ou^i «ai o that treadeth out the corn ; vopos ravra Xeyf 1 ;" e'l> yap rto e Mto- oursakes? For our sakes.no povu aAoaivra. Mr) ruv pow peAei ra doubt, «w is written : that he Geoi ; I0 f) St* nuac TTtivrtoy Xt'yei ; bC that ploweth, should plow in < i \ >. / . « > > >\ •& >j /^ hope: and that he that thresh- wasyap €ypa(p>T], otijtt cXmb^otyciAn eth in hope, should be partaker 6 aporpioyv aporpiav, Kai 6 aXocov * *%i> aoBevtaiv. b f^ «»*. c Rec. ^XJ 0«* ^1^1 oiroffroXoy ; ou* "M* iX*i'9aoof . « <*^ »7 xai o > ■■ . ■■>£ mura ov X«yi*. e Gb. Mtuvoeeuf.' a Or, power. F Gr. editied. ^ Or, wuman. K0PIN9I0Y2 A. 417 > a ejr eXTrldi tov peTe^eiv." u ei fjpds vpiv ra TrvevfiariKa eaneipapev, peya « rfpe'is vpuiv ra crapKiKa Qepio-opev ; 12 el aX- Aoi tt/s h iipcov i^ovalas" /^ere'^ovcrti', oil pdWov Tjpels ; aXX' oi»k i-^prjcrapeOa t[j ii;ovo~iq tuvttj' aXka navra o-Ttyopev, iva pfj (yKorri]v Tiva dcopev tc5 tvayye- \i c npo 8v- » £ < / criao~TT]pla> o~vppepi£ovTai ; 14 otrra) Kal 6 Kvpioc Sura^e toIs to tvayyeXiov KaTayyeWovaiv, eK tov evayytXiov .hyco oe u ov Kixprjpai, ovoevi tov- » T(ov' ovk eypa\jsa 8e TavTa, iva ovtco yevrjTai iv ipo'i ' Kakov yap poi pdXXov anooavelv, r/ to Kav)(rjp.d pov iva tis Kevdio-r]. 16 cav yap evayyeXtfapai, ovk eoTi p.01 Kavxyua' avayK-q yap p.01 eniKfiTaf oval e yap " p.01 earlf , edv prj fvayye\i£copai. 1? ei yap ckcov tovto Trpao-o~a>, picrdbv e^co" f ' $* aKiov, 01- Kovop.iav ircTvioTevp.ai. 18 tis ovv p.01 €o~t\v 6 pio~66s ; Iva evayy(kt£6pevos dftdiravov 6r]0-a> to clayyekiov 'tov Xpio~Tov," els to pfj KaTaxpT)o~ao~6ai 777 i^ova'iq pov ev too evayye\ia>. tLKevOepos yap a>v eK navTaiv, Traaiv epavTov e'oouAoocra, iva tovs 7rKeiovas Ktpbr^cra) ' 2U icai (yevoprjv tois lovBaiois a>s 'lovftalos, Iva 'lov- oaiovs (cepSr/cra)" to'is wro vopov £>s vno vopov, s (pr) u>v avros vnb vopov,)" iva tovs vno vopov KepSr/croo ' 21 tois avopois coy avopos, {pfj cbv avopos Wf(j), aAA. evvopos Xpio-TO), ) iva KepOrjo-a) avopovs eytvoprjv tois aaaeveo-iv 6)s do~devr)s, Iva tovs dadf- vels Kep$r)o~(0. toIs Tracrt yeyova ' ra 1 Corinthians IX. 22. of his hope. " If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things ? la if others be partakers of this power over you, are not we rather? Nevertheless, we have not used this power : but suffer all things, lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ. 13 Do ye not know that they which minister about holy things, ° live of the things of the temple 1 and they which wait at the altar, are partakers with the altar ? 14 Even so hath the Lord ordained, that they which preach the gospel, should live of the gospel. 15 But I have used none of these things. Neither have I written these things, that it should be so done unto me : for it were better for me to die, than that any man should make my glorying void. 16 For though I preach the gospel, 1 have no- thing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me, yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel. " For if 1 do this thing willingly, I have a reward : but if against my will, a dispensa- tion of the gospel is committed unto me. Is What is my reward then ? Verily that when I preach the gospel, I may make the gospel of Christ without charge, that I abuse not my power in the gospel. 13 For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more. • ,0 And unto the Jews, I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews : to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law: ' il to them that are without law, as without law (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) y I might gain them that are without law. '" To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak : I am made all things to all men, that • Ri.c. ii, fzt g Rec. om. k <^> e*oi* it^Xpiorov, It cnj KfpW. 28 <"!»> irapt6p%vovTt%. TOVf, I d Rrci. ov&tvt -* a Or t fee»J. 1 Corinthians IX. 23. 418 EIII2T0AH IIP02 I might by all means save iravra, lva ttclvtqis Tivas crcoaca. " 3j -tov- some "And this I do for the ro » fc miS> g ta ^ e {, a y ye \ l0V \ va gospel s sake, that I might be , , » , ' ' partaker thereof with you. o~vyKoiva>vos avrov^ yevupai. '•" Know ye not that they 24 Ovk oidare, on ol ev crraStw rp€- which run in a race run all X0VTfs navTes uh Tpivovaw, els be but one receiveth the prize? A *' \ ,, a - " ' So run, that ye may obtain. AapjJavei to ppafieiov ; ourco Tpexere, 25 And every man that striveth " lva Ka .Takafir)Te. 23 was Se 6 dyo>vi- for the mastery, is temperate .. , / > » - in all things: now they do it to Qopevos^ navTa eyKpaTeverai eKeivoi obtain a corruptible crown, but aev ovv lva (pdaprov areCpavov Xa/3coo"ii', we an incorruptible, ■* i there- . - g^ oUcWoi/. 26 eyu Toivvv ovto> fore so run, not as uncertainly: >> , »>>&/% » ' so fight I, not as one that beat, rpe^oi, as ovk abrjXws' ovtco wvKTevco, eth the air: *' b ut I keep fc 0VK fe pa ^epmV 2; aXX' b vna>- under my body, and bring it , ,. „ ' , r „ * ., «. ■> - u into subjection: lest that by ™a(a> pov to crcopa Kai c bov\a.ya>ya), any means when I have preach- p^nois (iXKois Ktjpu^as, aiiTOS adoKipos ed to others, I myself should be a castaway. yevupai. ^ _ > _ 10. Moreover brethren, I 10. Ov r?eX&) "yap upas ayvoeiv, would not that ye should be ^Xrioi, g„ J Trare'pec rma>i> wai/re? ignorant, how y all our fathers < > \ . / N » \ » a \ were under the cloud, and all viro tx]v veCpeArjv rjaav, Kai wav-res Oia passed through the sea: a and r f> ? 8akao-o"qs birp\6ov, 2 Kai wavTes els were all baptized unto Moses > e -n/r •• ~ » >/3 _ '_ 3 " ..,A,"\-. in the cloud, and in the sea: tov * Mov(tt)v epmrruravro ev TyveCpfXr, 3 and did all eat the same spi- Kai ev Trj oakao~o~r), Kai TravTes to ritual meat: * and did all drink avT0 Rpipa wvevpaTiKOv e , , \ -s they drank of y spiritual Rock navres to avTo iropa nvevpaTiKov ewiov' that « followed them: and y (emvov yap eK nvevpaTiKns aKoAovdov- Rock was Christ) 5 but with '.<*>' 4 • ' v ' \ many of them God was not well ^f Jrerpas 17 Se Trerpa r,i> o Xpurros.) pleased : for they were over- 5 aXX' ovk eV rots TrAeioo~iv avT&>v ev- thrown in the wilderness. BoKTjo-fv 6 Gedf KaTeaTpwdrjaav yap iv Trj e>r)pa>. 6 TaOra Se tvtvoi f]pa>v eyevridrjaav, 8 Now these things were £our > ( \ t < ~ > a _> - examples, toy intent we should f '? to prj eivai tjpas eiridvp^Tas kukcov^ not lust after evil things, as Kadus Kaxelvoi £7redvpr)0-av. 7 P^Se they also lusted, i Neither be eftaXoXaTpat yiVf - let us commit fornication, as \ Mr/6e nopve wcopf v, Kadios Tives auTcov some of them committed, and tTrupvevo-av, Ka\ 677eo"Of iv pia fjpepa fell in one dav three and twentv » \ f st 9 £ * *' L thousand. ''Neither let us tempt " row P« s X^'«8«. ^fic emre.pa- Christ, as some of them also fapev tov s XpicrTov, KaOas " Kat Tives tempted, arid were destroyed of a l T ^ v eVfipao-ai/, Kai vnb Tu>v otieoiv serpents. '"Neither murmur >, N in&» 'y /iv ye, as some of them also mar- utvu>Kovto. pvbe yoyyv&Te, Kadus mured, and were destroyed of ' Kai" rtvfs avTcov eyoyyvo-av, Kai dirw- ' RJ rsira. !' ■• i-r i "i i ...I ? St.tiov~\ayaya). ^ Rec. it. * Reo. \l-"-i f 'V 1 ojOttE/). B' !*-',■■'. b ZI I ZS a Or. went with tbeaj. Gr. our fi^urrs. K0PIN9I0Y2 A. 419 1 Corinthians X. 26. Xovto vtt6 tov oXodpevrov. u ravra the destroyer. H Now all these Se Trdvra rvrroi avveBaivov eW«Mj- things happened unto them for > / ■ », , n , , „ , "ensamples: and they are writ- (ypa(pj] be irpos vovfacrtav T]pa>v, etc ovs ten for our admonition, upon ra reKt] Ta>v iild)va>v Karnvrnafv. i2 cocrre wl 'om the ends of the world are ' s . - ' ' a\ \ ' come. U Wherefore, let him o 6oko)v eo-rai/at, (Skene™ prjjTear}. ^ lhzt lhinketh hestandeth, take Heipao-pos Vfias ovk e'iXr)\ 7 * >vT - I say. Ib The cup of blessing Trorrjpiov ttjs evXoyias o evXoyovpev^ w hich we bless, is it not the ov)(\ KOLvaivia tov aipaTOs tov Xptorot} communion ofy blood of Christ? > \ v a \ ~ 5 \ ihe bread which we break is : ecrrt; tov ap T ov ov Kkapev, ov X i koivco- h not the communio „ f 'the j via tov aapaTOS tov XpioToi ecrTiv ; body of Christ? l; For we being ■ 17 on etc apros, ev vaiia. ol iroXXoi P 8 ?* are one bread > and , one , , , ' , >-.»<* hodv : for we are all partakers ■ eapev oi yap TvavTes e< tov evos aprov of that one bread. "» Behold p.eTe X op.ev. ls /3XeVeTe tov 'lapanX Israel after the flesh: are not „>'„ . >\ <>/]' >/] they which eat of the sacrifices, Kara (rapKa ov X ioi e «n >n\> ln sacrifice to idols is any thing? ij oti eibakutivTov ti eaTiv; *" AAA 20 But j say tnat y things which on c a dvei to. Wvn, daiaoviois 8v(i," f Gentiles sacrifice, they sacri- » » r\ ". ' /i^ »» ' - > fice to devils, and not to God: Kai ov eecp ov de\(0 be vpas Koivavovs and , would not that ye should tuiv 8aipovia>v yivecrdai. 21 ov bvvaade have fellowship with devils. noTtpiov Kvpiov niveiv Kai j^ ^LT-d^^a^ls! Oiupoviav " ov ovvaade TpantQqs Kv- ye cannot be partakers of the piov aereveiv Kal TpaneCris batuoviwv. Lord's table, and of the table of "2 * y \ ~ > tV' » > devils. "Do we provoke the T) irapa£r)\ovp.ev^ tov Kvpiov ; /xr; t- Lord to jealousy ? are we 0")(vp6Tepot avTOV ecrttef ; stronger than he ? 23 JJdvra d " Weo-Tiv, dXX' ou 7raira 23A11 things are lawful for j - 1 „ a »s. i,,i , me, but all things are not expe- o-vfKpepci rravra e e^v-riv, a\X ov dient . aU things are lawful for Trdvra olicobop.ei. ** tir/Seic ro eavrov me, but all things edify not. £ijt«t«, aXXi to roO eVepow f ". «• «rai/ 24 Lpt fl0 ma " se ^ k h l s own : wu 1 s ! , ' «.-. ■«»•'«■«/«'•' • ( ' every man another's wealth. to ei> tia/ceAXo) naAovpevov eaaifTf, '•'s Whatsoever is sold in the ur/Se;/ dfaKpiVoi/Tec Sta rnv o-vveidnaiV shambles, that eat, asking no 26 t> - > rr ' ' " ' \ n ' question for conscience sake. ^ 1 ov -yap Kupiou 7; -y?; /cat to TrXr)pa>p.a m Kor the ear th is the Lord's, avTrjs. and the fubness thereof. * Rec. add f/*oj. b zt c <^ a 0i-o«'«rt, ^a^pvioij Svofo-t. d Rec add ^ot. e Rcc. add not. *Na ©fovfft, ^atponot? Svot>o-t. d Rec add /jot. f Rec. add c*ao-roc. a Or, types. ^ Or, moderate. 1 Corinthians X. 27. 27 If any of them that believe not, bid you to a feast, and ye be disposed to go, whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question for conscience sake. 2S But if any man say unto you, This is offered in sacrifice unto idols, eat not for his sake that shewed it, and for conscience sake. The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof. i9 Con- science I say, not thine own, but of the other's: for why is my li- berty judged of another man's conscience? 30 For, if I by a grace be a partaker, why am I evil spoken of, for that for which 1 give thanks? 3I Whether there- fore ye eat or drink, or whatso- ever ye do, do all to the glory of God. 3 - Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the P Gentiles, nor to the church of God : 33 even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved. 1 1 . Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. 2 Now I praise you, brethren, that you remember me in all things, and keep the v ordi- nances, as I delivered them to you. 3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ: and the head of y woman is y man, and the head of Christ is God. 4 Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoured his head. 5 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered, dis- honoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. 6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered. 420 EII12TOAH IIP02 2 ^ Et a he " ris KaXel vpas tcov arri- (ttoov, kcu dekere nopeveaBai, nav to irapaTiBipevov vp.lv eaBieTe, prjSev ava- Kpivovres Bia rfjv o~vvel8r]o~iv. " 8 e'av 8e tic vplv hutji' Tovto b eldaikoBvTov " ecrrt" pr) eaBieTe, St e'Kelvov tov prjvv- cravra km ttjv >, Ti /3Xacr- (frrjpovpai inrep ov eyo> ev^apioTto; 31 eire ovv eaStere, eire nivere, eire tl TTOie'ire, navra els bo£av Qeov noie'tTe. 3 " mrpoo-Konoi ylveaBe Kai lovbalois Ka\"E\\r]o-i Kai Tt] eKKkrjo-'ia Toil Qeov' KaBws Kayo) ixavTa nao~iv apecrKoi, 38 pr) {jjTutv to epavTov avpcpepov, aXXa TO TCOV TToWcOV, IVU O"0Jc5d)O"t. 11. pl- prjTai pov ylveaBe, KaBcos Kaya> Xpi- 0~TOV. " 'ETraivo) be vpus, a8e\ be vpas elbevai, on navTus dvbpos 17 Kf(pa\r) 6 XpiaTos icrTi' Ke- ei ttjv Ke(pa\r)v eavTrjs' ev yap eo-Ti Kai to avro rfj e^vprjpevr). el yap oi) KaTaKaXvnTeTai yvvr), Kai Keipacrdo)' el 8e alcr\pov yvvaiKi to KelpacrQai r) {■vpao'dai, KaTaKakvTTTeaOo). 7 'Avrjp pev yap ovk oo^etAei Kara- KakimTeo-Bai ttjv Ke(pa\r)v, eiKuv Kai 86£a Qeov vnapx^V yvvr) be bo^a 1 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. 8 For the man is not dvbpos eo~Tiv' 8 ov yap eaTiv dvr)p eK » ev tipt>9i'Tov. c Kec. add Tow yap Kfpiov tj yij xai 70 it^r/puipa atiTrjf. d Rec. add I*. * Or, thaokagiving. ^ Gr. Greeks * Or, traditi^DS. K0PIN6I0Y2 A. 421 yvvaiKos, dXXa yvvrj e£ dvBpos' 9 Kal yap ovk iKTicrdrj dvrjp diet rfjv ywaiKci, aXXa yvvfj fiia tov avdpa' lu fiia tovto o irpoo-evyeo-Qai ; u b rj " ov8e c avTrj " f) (pvcris SifiacTKei vpas, oti dvr/p pev iav Kopa, aTipta avTcp icrTt, ; la yvvrj fie tav Kopa, fio'£a avTrj io~Tiv ; on r) Kopr/ avr\ nepiftoXaiov fie'Sorai d ". 10 Ei fie' tcs 8oKel (fiiXoveiKos eivai, ijpels TOiavTrjv o-vvrj6(iav ovk e'^opev, ov8e al tKKXrjcrtai tov Qeov. ' Tovto fie e napayyeXXoiv ovk irrai- va>," oti ovk eis to KpeiTTOv, dXX' eij to tjttov avvep^eade is irpaTov pev yap ervvep^opevoiv vpa>v iv f " (KkXtjo-io, aKovco o~xio-paTa iv vp.1v inrdpxeiv, Kal pepos Ti TTLO-Tiva)' 19 fiei yap Kal alpeaeis ev vplv elvat, iva ol 8uKipoi (pavepol yevcovTat iv vplv. 2vvep)(opevGL>v ovv vpwv eVi to a&To, ovk faTi KvpiaKov 8elrrvov (payelv' k*Kao~Tos yap to 'ihiov 8elnvov irpo- Xapftdvei iv tu> Cpayelv, Kal os pev Treivq, os oe peovei. prj yap oiKias ovk e^ere els to icrdleiv Kal niveiv ; rj Trjs iKKXr/atas tov Qeov KaTacppove'tTe, Kal KaTaio~xvveTe tovs pr/ 'e'xovTas ; Ti vplv etTTco ; inaiveo~v K\a>pevov tovto noidre els \ ti)v eprjv dvdpvqo~iv. * 'Qcravrcoc Kai to noTrjpiov, peTa to 8enrvr]0~ai, \eycov' Tovto to noTijpiov f] Kaivrj 8ia6r]Kr) i- o~tIv ev rw epco aipaTC tovto notelTe, oaaKis av irivqTe, eis ttjv epr/v dvd- pvijaiv. " 6 'OaaKis yap av eadirjTe tov apTov tovtov, Kal to noTr/piov h " ■nlvryre, toi> ddvarov tov Kvpiov KaTayyeXkere, a^ptc ov c " e\6rj. ' Llo-Te off av eo~t)ir] Tov aprov 17 7rivr) to TTOTrjpiov tov Kvpiov dva^ias, evo^os eo~Tai tov crapaTos Kal * tov" aiparos tov Kvpiov. " 8 8oKipa£eTa> 8e (ivdpunros eavTov, Kat ovtos eK tov aprov eadieTco, Kal eK tov TroTrjpLov mveTo)' " 9 6 yap e'crdia>v Kal irivcov , e dva^ions," Kplpa eavTa eo~6iei Kal\ Ttivei, prj SiaKpivcav to o~a>pa tov Kv- piov. 30 8id tovto iv iiplv 770XX01 dardevels Kal appoyaroi, Kal Koipcovrai iKavoi. 31 el g ydp" eavTovs 8ieKpivo- pev, ovk av eKpivopeda" "" Kpivopevot, 8e, vnb Kvpiov irai8ev6pe6a, Iva pi) o~vv to3 Koo~p(o KaTaKpidu>pev . coare, dSfX<^)ot pov, o~vvepx6pevot els to (pa- yelv, dXkrjkovs eK8ex f(T @ e ' U " '' TLS neiva, ev o'Ikco eoSieTOi' \va pf] els Kpipa o-vvepxrjo-de. to. 8e Xoiffa, , Biard^opai. 12. JJepl 8e tQ>v TTvevpaTiKu>v, aSeX- (pol, ov 8eka> vpas dyvoelv. " ol'SaTf oTt ore eovrj Tjre, irpos Ta eiocoAa Ta t'i(p(ova, g>s av rjyeo-6e, anayopevoi' 3 816 yvoypi£a> vpiv, oti ov8els ev Ilvev- paTi Qeov XaXcuv XeyeL k dvddepa 'irjaovv'" Kal ov8els 8vvaTai elneip a R^c. add Aaj9«T«, tpaytrt. ^ Rec. & Gb. add tovto. — . Gb. Zt c Rec. add av. d R e c. add tovtov. e Rec. om. f ZJ g "*>> it. h Rec. add it. i p^> — . Rec & Gb. oiu. k CVJ Kvadtfia iTjffovf. ° Or, for a remembrance, Or, shew ye, > Or, judgmeoU ■- Or, judgment. a Or, anathema. K0PINGI0Y2 A. 423 1 Corinthians XII. 18. *Kvptov Itjctovv," el pr) ev UvevpaTi can say that Jesus is the Lord, dyla. DUt b y tne Holy Ghost. ^ 4 Aiaipecreis be xcp^^Tcov etui, to 4 Now therc are diversities be avTo Ilvevpa' 5 Kal 8iaipeo~eis dia- of Sifts, hut the same Spirit. 4 mmm. An, Kal 6 avr6 S Kvp^ • Kal l^iSSE! mfSZ£ oiaipeaeis evepyr/pdrcov etaiv, 6 8e Lord. B And there are diver- avrds h " Oebs, 6 evepyvv to. navra ev sities ° f operations, but it is the -. , , ., f ' v , , , , same God, which woiketh ali naaiv. (Kao-rco Oe OtOOTai r] (pave- in alK » But the manifestation paxris tov IlvevuaTOs 7rpos to o~vu(be- of the s P' rit . is Riven to every 8 S « « a « ~ tt ' man to profit withal. s For to pot-. tp jiei/ yap bia tov UvevpaTos one is given by the Spirit| the Otoorat Xdyos o~o(f)ias, «XXa> be Xdyos word of wisdom, to another the pa) oe 7rto-ric, ei/ to) aurcp LTi/evparf the same Spirit: to another y oXXo) 8e yapio-uaTa lauaTcov, e'v r<5 gifts of neal mg, by the same > -' n ' . in ni »« > ' Spirit: "> to another y working aura) n^arf ™ aXXa) Se evepyrj- „f miracles, to another prophe- paTa bvvdpecov, aXXco be 7vpo(brjTeLa, ev . to another discerning of a'AXo) fie diaKpio-ecs nvevuaTwv, eVtpco '?i ri ' s ' t0 a " oth " rf »-er s .^nda -, ', , r „ Z\\^±\! ' , ' of tongues, to another the mter- oe yemj yXao-aaiv, aXXco oe epprjveta pretation of tongues. " But all y\a>o-o-,>,_.- 5, „ r ,i , selfsame Spirit, dividing to to ev kui roavTo Uvevpu, diaipovv ibiq every man severally as he will. eKao~Ta> Ka&cos /3ouXerat. 12 Kaddnep yap to amiia ev eVrt, , 12 For as the body is one, and v ^ ; \[, / 5, v , ~ hath many members,and all the KCU peXrj exei TroXXa, iravra be to. peXrj members of that one body, be- tov o-copaTOS c ", 7roXXa ovra, ev ecrTi in ? many, are one body : so o-gW ovtco Kal 6 Xpto-rw. 13 Kai ^° * Christ. " For by one ,~, p , , , " " , , Spirit are we all baptized into yap ev evi UvevpaTi i)peis TraVTes eis one body, whether we be Jews ev o-wua efiaTTTiadnuev, eire 'lovbaloi or "Gentiles, whether we be " »rln » £ -N « >\ 'a bond or free: and have been all evre hAArjves, eire dovAoi eiTe eAevtie- ma de to drink into one Spirit. por Kal iravTes A els" ev Hvevpa enoTi- o-Qr)pev. Kal yap to awpa oiik i'o-Ttv ev li For the body is not one p.e'Xos, aXXa TToXXd. u edv earn 6 novs' member but many. « If the i_ , , , < , , '; , . toot shr.ll say, Because I am On ovk eipi x fl P> 0VK e 'M' €IC T0V not the hand, I am not of the o-d>paTos' ov irapd tovto ovk eaTiv eK bod y : is il therefore not of the _ - i 16 \ >> « \ ■? body? I6 and if the ear shall TOV 0-ap.aros ; | Kai eav emrj to ovf say , Because I am not the eye, Ort ovk eip.1 oCp&aXpos, ovk elp.1 eK lam not of the body: is it there- rov (TwuaTOs- ov napa tovto ovk Ztmv fo; e not of the body ? " If the , „•' , ,C , ( whole uouy were an eye, where eK tov o-coparos ; ' ei oXov to o-a>pa were the hearing ? If the whole 6(b6aXa6s, nov r) aKOr) : el o\ov UKon, were hearing, where were the - ' » , ' i 8 ' v ;>> , _ ," smelling? "• But now hath God nov T) oacpprjo-is ^ vvvi be ^ o Qeos set the memb ers, every one of eaero Ta peXr), ev eKao~Tov ai/Tcav ev tco them in the body, as it hath » R) K?jiio[ l^oiij, b Rec. add «_-..„. body ? •"•But now are they many ™ ™ v ™ fv jieXos, irov ^ to pa. '' And the eye cannot say unto 21 £ fo vaTCU a» b " ZddaXpbs elne'iv the hand, I have no need ot , , , ' „ ~ ^ thee : nor again, the head to TJ] X fl P 1 ' A.p«ai> O" 01 ' olK e X w ' 'Z ^ aAtv the feet, I have no need of you. ^ icecpaXr) Tois irocri Xpelav vpa>v ovk 22 Nay, much more those — 'AAXa 7roXXco paXXov ra boKOvvra members of the body, which ^ ^'g aa eeveo-Tepa wap- seem to be more feeble, are ne- ' ' , A , 03 , „ '5. - r cessary. i3 And those members X (iv > O-vaynaia eaTV Kai a ooKovpev of the body, which we think to ariiiOTepa elval rov (rojuaroc, rewrote be less honourable, upon these > ' 'a . < we -bestow more abundant ho- ™/zr/i/ TrepKraorepav nepindepev Kai nour, and our uncomely parts to. do~x r )r lova ijpcov evaxipoo'vvTjv Tie- have more abundant comeli- 0T { pav ?™. M ^ § € fv(TX r)pova ness. - 4 For our comely parts r^~"" >r " A ; ^ r £» i have no need: but God hath rjpaiv ov XP flav f X €l - aAA ° Geo? tempered the body together, rrvveKepacre TO (rcoua, rco vcTTepovvTl having given more abundant ', & < 1 . * 25 " » * honour to that part which lack- nepicro-OTepavbovs Tiprjv,^ y wa ^ M !l ed: '■" that there should be no rrv/craa eV ro3 (roypari, aXXa to avro ? schism in the body: but that r . '\\ "v ' „ . - _. _A ..i-\„- the members should have the Jf */\ aXAijXow pep,pvom t ra peXr, same care one for another. /cat fire 77ao"^ft ev peXoc, crup7racr^et ^ And whether one member ^ira to u«fXn ' ei're oo£dfrrai ev peXos, suffer, all the members sutler , ' , s rWa Trpiroj/ dTJwroAouc, bevrepav y church, first apostles, second- ', • r , . » ,. « r arily prophets, thirdly teachers, 7rpor/)r/ray, Tpirov dibao-KaXovs, erreiTa after that miracles, then gifts guj/aueic elra yaplo-para lapdrcav, av- of healings, helps in govern- >. / , a ' ' \ ments.r diversities of tongues. TtiupjrttS, KvPepvT)- » ~ > 'n •>' ».> and have not charity, I am be- nw XaXco (fat rcof ayytAts^ ayaTrr/v be rome as sounding brass or a p,r) e)(0), yeyova ^oXkoc tjx&v 7} Kvpfta- a Rec. add ir. l> Rec. nra, a Or, put on. Or, division. * Or, kinds. ° Or, powers. K0PINGI0Y2 A. 425 1 Corinthians XIV. 2. Xov aXaXci£bis. na\ eav e^co irpo(pT]- retav, «ai elBio ra pvo~TT]pia irdvTa kcii TTacrav ttjv yvoacnv, Kai eav e^co Trdcrav T1]V TT10~TIV, COCTTf OpTj pedlO~TaveiV, dyarTTjv Be pi) e^o), a ovBev" elpi. 3 Kai eav y^rcofj-lcra)" navra ra vTrdp^ovTa pov, Kai eav TTapaBUi) to craipd pov iva Kavdrjacopat, dyaTTTjv Be pf] e^co, ovBev (or]TevT]Te. 2 6 yap XaXcov yXaaaj], ovk dvBptoTTOis XaXel dXXa ra> Geo)' ovoels yap dicovei, irvevpaTi Be XaXel tinkling cymbal. ' 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge: and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have no charity, I am nothing. 3 And though 1 bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. 4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind: charity envieth not: charity « vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, 5 doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, 6 rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth £in the truth: 7 beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. 8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease ; whe- ther there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. 9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. IU But when that which is per- fect is come, then that which is in part, shall be done away. " When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I v thought as a child : but when I became a man, I put away childish things. n For now we see through a glass, t darkly: but then face to face: now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known. 13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three, but the greatest of these is charity. 14. Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy. > For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue, speak eth not unto men, but unto God : for no man ■ un- derstandethhim:howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries. y Or, reasoned & Gr. i ZX • -• * Or, it not r»«h. P Or. niOi Ihe Irutb, a a riddle. t Or. heard!). 1 Corinthians XIV. 3. 426 EIII2TOAH IIP02 3 But he that prophesieth, fivcrTrjpia' 6 be trpotyrjTevoiv, avOpoa- speaketh unto men to edifica- XaXel ol ' K0 § o „ ' „ Kai ^a^KXrjtnv tion, and exhortation, and com- K -, 4 ' \ \ ~ r /""" fort. 4 He that speaketh in an Kai irapauvffiav. o XaXuv yAcocrcrn, unknown tongue, edifieth him- iavrov olKobou.fi- 6 be 7rpogWevcoi/, self: but he that prophesieth, ,.. > •>» - is /1 *v sT* ' edifieth the church. * I would e/c/cAr/criai/ ot/codouei. ° OeXco be na.VTas that ye all spake with tongues, iipas XaXelv yXato-o-ais, p.dXXov be iva than hey speaketh with tongues, Tevu>v r) o XaXmv yXo>o-o~ais, eKros ei except he interpret, that the „A biepu.rjvevri, Iva n eKKXno-ia oiKobouriv church may receive edifying. \ ' o 6 Now brethren, if I come un- a ' ^ ' , »*■* . « .« ^ n « to you speaking with tongues, Nwi be, aoeXcpoi, eav eXaio 7rpos what shall I profit you, except {,u as yXaaaais XaXav, ri vuas u< v ' - \ \ ' * > » revelation, or by knowledge, or <>"> ea \ M v H; lv XaX^(Ta T) ev anoKa- by prophesying, or by doctrine ? Xvyjsei, 77 ev yvaaei, n ev Trpo(pr)Tela, f) ev ;&:£*?&?££ ^'^^^wr**"* harp, except they give a dis- erre aiAoy, ctre Kioapa, eav biao-ToX-qv Unction in the « sounds, how r0 ( S (hQoyyois an a Sco," TTcos yviDaBnae- shall it be known what is piped ; »»' > * \ n yi or harped? "For if the trumpet rat T0 avXoypepov r] to Kldapi(opevov ; give an uncertain sound, who 8 / abrjXov (pcovrjv o-dXiriy^ shall prepare himself to the js - ' _ » ' '\ battle." So likewise you.except »V\ TIS ™(>a \ \ ' » /1 » > en ? for ye shall speak into the crerai to XaXovp.evov ; eoeaOe yap^ eis air. 10 There are, it may be, so depa XaXovvTes. 10 ToaavTa, el Ttrvot, many kinds of voices in y world, j. - > > „ < v > * % &noneo/M««arewitho U tsigiii. V 6 ^ 9®""'' f(rTlv ^. K0 ,f u vov' eav ovv jXT) elba not the meaning of the voice, I > 8i„ a „ (I/ T fj f C » >' barbarian, and he that speaketh AaAowrt pap/iapoff' /cat o XaXav, ev shall he a barbarian unto me. e'aoi 8dp8apos. '- Even so ye, forasmuch as ye 10 n * " , , ' ^ > \ » /, . -are zealous * of spiritual gv/fa, , '"Ouro) /cat vuc-tr, «r« (rjXcoTai K SL^-r-c^/ir^ &-^~ A< ~~ " "' K ^ J - A ^^'^ An -" see k y ye may excel to the edi- ecrre TrreuuaTcof, Trpoy rr)f oiKoboprjv I Z&/~ ^.t*r^?$*^Ttt&8^2^ T^eKKX^C.T/iTeivanepiaae^Te. . iLJ-t-iyJu-J'- t* /f<» r ~* knowntongue, pray that he may Oiorrep o XaXwv yAcoo-crr?, Trpoo-ev- interpret. " For" if I pray in v. e 'o-t9a) "iva biepUTivevri. u eav yap an unknown tongue, my spirit n r < , . - , ' r prayeth, but my understand- TTpocreuxcouat yAcocrcrn, to nvevpa p.oy ing is unfruitful. 15 What is it irpoae v\eTai, 6 be vovs pov aKapnos aTwillSy^taerrd 1 : ^ " " ^ H" 1 'V™^ T f ing also : I will sing with the TrvevpaTi, wpoaev^opai be Kai tco voi " spirit, and I will sing with y un- -J, a \^ T & nvevuaTi, ylaXo) be Kai c t'co" vol derstanding also. 16 Else, when ife j v *>v >\ / a ~ » > thou shalt bless with the spirit, f «•*« eav evXoyr)crr)s u tco nvevpaTiy bow shall he yoccupiethy room 6 dvaTrXrjpojv tov tottov tov lbia>TOV " cw iti, v . ^ -* c EU.oiu. d ~» a Or, tunes. Gr. signincdUt. T Gr. of spirits. KOPIN0IOY2 A. 427 1 Corinthians XIV. 29. 770)? epet to apfjv em rfj 07/ evxaptaTia, e7re1.br) t'i Xeyeis ovk oibe ; 17 av p,ev yap koKcos ev^apiiTTels, dXX' 6 erepos ovk olKobope'iTai. 18 ev)(api(TTa> ra> 0ea- crais" XaXcoV 19 dXX' ev eKKXrjo-ia oeXco nevre Xoyovs c bid tov voos p.ov" XaXrjtrai, iva Kai iiXXovs KaTTjxfjaoi, 7) [xvpiovs Xoyovs ev yXaxrcrr]. "° 'AbeXo~iv, elo~eXOr] be tis amo'Tos ij IbiojTtjs, eXey^eTai xjtto ndv- ra>v, dvaKpiveTai iinb 7rdvT0)v, d " to. KpvrrTci tt)s Kapbias avTov (pavepd yi- verai' kiu ovto) iretrav em npdaconov, 7rpoo-Kvvr)crei rcS Gew, drrayyeXXov oti 6 Qebs bvTcos ev vp.lv eo~Ti. " 6 Ti ovv eariv, dbeX(poi ; oTav crvv- ep^rjo-de, eKao-Tos vpaiv \jraXpbv e%ei, bibaj(T]v e^ei, yXaaaav e^et, anoKa- Xv\ffiv i'xei, ippr)velav e%ei' iravra irpbs oiKobop,T]v e yivecrdo)." 2? e'tTe yXooy. C rv; T (f> vot f*.Qv. ^ Itec. add 1 a Gr. perfect, or, of a ripe age. e Kec. >ncscia«. 1 Corinthians XIV. 30. EIII2TOAH npos the prophets speak two or three, and let y other judge. 30 If any thing be revealed to another y sitieth by, let the first hold his peace. 3I For ye may all pro 428 be bvo fj rpels XaXeiTwcrav, kci\ oi ciXXoi biaKpiveTiocrav' 30 edv be a'AXco imoKaXvcpdf] Kadrjpevco, 6 wpuiTOs aryurco. 31 bvvaade yap Ka.6* eva &?J£Z££SZL ™™ npo^Teveiv, &.«*» pav6d- 32 And y spirits of the prophets va>o~i, Kai TravTes napaKaXatVTal' " Kai aresubject toy prophets. 33 For ■i 7rve {, llaTa " irpochnTav 7rpod>nraiS vno- God is not the author of ° con- , ' ,, r f ' , , r ' fusion, but of peace, TaacreTaf ov yap eaTiv aKaraaTU- o-'ias 6 Qeos, dXX eiprjvrjs. as in all churches of y saints. 'Q s iv ndaais rals eKK\r](riais twv "Let your women keep silence & y 34 f yvva ' lK , s * ^v" h> TClis in y churches, for it is not per- ,'.', ' , i \ c > ' mitted unto them to speak; but (KKkrjcriaii GiyarvHjav' ov yap c etriTe- they are commanded to be mi- TpaTrTal " avr als XaXelv, dXX' VTVOTan- der obedience: as also saith the r n -^ s r , » / 35 ' law. ^ And if they will learn (readai, KaOas Kai o voposAeyei. ei any thing, let them ask their Se Ti pade'iv 8eXovo~iv, ev o'ikco tovs church. 36 \Vhat? came the yap earl yvvai^w ev eKKXrjcriq XaXeiv. word of God out from you? or 36 * ^ >, - £ \^ yos T0V Q (ov e'^A- came it unto you only ? ,, ' / , ~, . , ' / 6ev \ fj eis vpas povovs Ka-rrjvTTjo-ev ; 37 If any m au think himself 37 E » g j ^poti*™ eival r) to oe a prophet, or spiritual, let , , ^ / ' * ,1 him acknowledge, that y things nvevpariKos, eniyivcoo-KeToi a ypa - , r / 30 « > s -. if any man be ignorant, let him be tic ayvoei, ayvoeiTio. coo-re, abeX- he ignorant. 3a Wherefore bre fioi, £t]Xoi>Te TO 7Tpo(pT]Teveiv, Kai To Ihren, covet to prophesy, & for- \aXeh yXwcraais pr, KwXCeTe. w ndv T a bid not to speak with tongues. ..-,,' , rl * , /«. "o Let all things be done de- 'oe et/tr^/ioi/coc Kai KaTa Tagiv yi- cently, and in order. vecrdoi. 15. Moreover brethren, I de- ., _ /,. s.n t ~ » -.1 \ \ clare unto you the gospel which \5. Yv(eo-de, tivi Aoyco evrjy- mory rwhat I preached unto -ycXicrdp/i' vp'iv el KOTexere, eKTos d you, unless ye have believed in I delivered unto you pi] eiKrj ewio-Tevo-aTe. 3 IlapeBoiKa yap vp'iv ev npooTois, o vain. 3 For first of all, lhat which I also re- x ^r ceived, how that Christ died for KanTapeKajiov, oti Xpioroy airetiavev our sins according to the scrip- vnep tu>v apapTiwv i]pa>v, Kara Tas tures:^ and that he was buried ^ 4 Ka l g„ > d o-nepei tu" €KTpo)fj.ari, a>(pdri Kapoi. 9 eya> yap eipi o e\dxio~Tos tu>v uttocttoXcov, os oxjk elpl iKavos Ka\e~io~8ai dnoo-Tokos, 8idn edioj^a ttjv eKKXrjcriav tov Qeov. 10 X^P lTl ^ Qeov elpl 6 elpi, Kal r) X<*p l s avrov tj els epe ov Kevi) eyevT]8rj, dWd TvepicrcroTepov avTcov ttuvtcov e/co- Triacra' ovk eyu> he, aAX tj x a P ls T °^ Qeov i] avv epoi. !1 e'he ovv e'yai, e'ire eKe'ivoi, ovtoj Kqpvo-aopev, Kal ovtcos enio~Tevo~a.Te . 12 Ei 8e Xpio~ros Kr/pvao-erai, on oc veKpoiv eyr)yeprai, ttws \eyovo~i rives ev vpiv, on avdo~rao~is veKpStv ovk ecrriv ; 13 el 8e dvdo~Tao~is veKpcov ovk eaTiv, oi8e Xptcrror eyr)yepTai' 14 el 8e Xpicrros ovk eyr/yeprai, Kevbv apa b Kal" to Ki'jpvypa rjpoiv, Kevr) e 8e " Kal r) ivio-Tis vpcov. lo evpicrKopeOa he Kal \j/-ev8opdprvpes tov Qeov, on epaprv- pi]crapev Kara tov Beoi) oti r'jyeipe tov XpiaTov, ov ovk rjyeipev, einep apa veKpol ovk eyeipovTai' 16 el yap veKpol ovk eyeipovTai, ovoe Xpio-Tos eyrjyeprai' 17 el 8e XpiaTos ovk eyr)yepTai, paTala r) TTiaris iipcbv en eo~re ev rals apap- the greater part remain unto this present, but some arefallen asleep. 'After that, he was seen of James, then of all f apostles. 8 And last of all he was seen of me also, as of a one born out of due time. '■' For I am y least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle because I persecuted the church of God. 111 But by the grace of God I am what i am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me, was not in vain: but I laboured more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but y grace of God which was with me: " therefore, whe- ther it were I or they, so we preach, and so ye believed. 15 Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you, thatthere is no resurrection of the dead ? 13 But if there be no resurrec- tion of the dead, then is Christ not risen. u And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and yourfaith is also vain: 16 yea, and we are found false witnesses of God, because we have testified of God, that he raised up Christ: whom he rais- ed not up, if so be that the dead rise not. IG For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised. 17 And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain, ye are yet in your sins. ls Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ, are perished. Is) If in this life runs vpo)V' ls apa Kal o'l Koipr]6ivTes only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. 19 ev XpicrTU), aTrwXovTO. ' ei ev Tt) £ol>j~} TavTj] r/XTTiKOTes eapev ev Xpicrrai povov, e\eeivoTepoi iravTutv avOpommv eapev. 20 Nvi/t 8e Xpio-Tos e'yrjyepTai e'< veKpmv, aTrapxr) tu>v KeKoiprjpevcov^" ', eneiSi) yap 81 dvBpioiTov 6 Bdvaros, Kal 8C dvdpcaiTOv dvdo~Taais veKpwv. coanep yap ev tG> 'Abap irdvres dnodvrjo-Kovo-iv, ovto> Kal ev to Xpio"To3 20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first- fruits of them that slept. *' For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. M For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall i oiairtfHi ry. t) <^j — , R e0 , & Gl>. ZJ d Kec. add a Or, an abortiv*. 1 Corinthians XV. 23. all be made alive. 23 But every man in his own order. Christ the firstfruits, afterward they that are Christ's, at his com- ing. ' u Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God even the Father, when he shall have put down all rule, and all au- thority ahd power. M For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. ' i6 The last enemy that shall be de- stroyed, is death. 27 For he hath put all things under his feet ; but when he saith All things are put under him, it is mani- fest that he is excepted which did put all things under him. 28 And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all. 29 Else what shall they do, which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all, why are they then baptized for the dead? 30 And why stand we in jeopardy every hour ? 31 I pro- test by "your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily. 3 ' 2 If Rafter the man- ner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, whatadvan- tageth it me, if the dead rise not ? let us eat and drink, for to morrow we die. 33 Be not de- ceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. 34 Awake to righteousness, and sin not: for some have not y knowledge of God, I speak this to your shame. 430 EIII2TOAH HP02 35 But some man will say, How are the dead raised up ? and with what body do they come? 3(i Thou fool, that which thou sowest, is not quickened except itdie. 37 And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other grain. 38 But iravres ^aorroirjdrjO'ovTai. 23 eKacrros 8e ev tco tSt'w rdypaTt' anap^r) Xpi- cttos, eVreira ol & tov" Xptcrrot) ev rfj Trapovaiq avroi)' ~* eira to TeXos, orav b 7rapa8m" ttjv f3aai\eiav ra> ©e<5 Kai TrciTpl, orav KarapyrjcrTj iracrav apXV" Kai wdaav e^ovalav Kai 8vvap.iv' " 5 Set yap avTov (SacriXeveiv, (ixp l s ov c av" 6?) navras rods e\6povs imb tovs noSas avrov. * 6 ea^aTos e\6pbs Kar- apyearai 6 BdvaTos' "? Ildvra yap vneTa^ev virb tovs n68as avTov' orav Se €17177 oti navTa vnoTeTaKTiu, Sf/Xoi' OTl SKTOS TOV VTVOTa^aVTOS avra> TO. i .28" & ve ~>~\ navTa otuv oe vnoTayj] avTM Ta ndvra, tots /cat aiiTos 6 vlbs vnoTayr)- crerai tv vexpaiv, el 6Xa>s veicpol ovk eyelpovrai ; t'i Kai (3awTi£ovTai virep avTcov ; ti Kai r/pets Kivovvevopev ndcrav apav ; 31 Ka8' fjpepav drro- 6vt]0-ku>, vfj ttjv e vpeTepav" Kav)(r)o-iv, r)v e\(i> ev Xptcrrw 'Irjaov raj Kvpia> r)pa>v. 32 el koto. iiv6pa>7rov e8rjpio- pd^rjcra ev '~E(peo-a>, ti poi to bpaTi ep^ovTai ; Acppov, o~v o aweipeis, ov Qoorroiei- Tai, e'av prj diroQavji' 37 /cat 6 o~neipeis, ov to o~a>p,a to yevqaopevov aneipeis, aWa yvpvbv kokkov, ei tv)(oi, o~itov tj tivos rcof Xoittcov' 3S 6 be Qebs avTci a Uec. ulll. ^> t^J Trapati&ui. c ^5 ^ R^c. jtuv vexptuv. e St. C\3 r/pBTepav. * Rec. XprjoQ' . a Sums read, oar. i l Or, to speuk after tbe manner of men. K0PIN9I0Y2 A. 431 1 Corinthians XV. 52. «5ioWi aiopa kciOcos fjBeXrja-e, Kal £ku- God giveth it a body as it hath crro) tu>v cnrepudrcov a to " "ibiov acbua. p! eased him, and to e\ cry seed 39 * > - \ i. < > \ , <. ,/T , his own body. J, '> All flesh is not ™ ov wao-a v, SXXt] be c crap£" l ;in v. Kai o-copara enovpdvia, Kal are also celestial bodies, and crcoaara eniyeia- dXX' erepa aev n t&v b ° d ies terrestrial: but the glory > ' * ,{■ , ■ jTv « r - > ot the celestial is one, and the eirovpavioyv 6o£a, erepa be 77 tojv €7rt- glory of the terrestrial is ano- yeiojv. 41 aXXr, bo£a t]Xiov, Kal aXXn tner - 41 There is one glory of *6*a ,eXjvr, S ,Kal SXXr, Sd|« acre- ft r^and^r glory ol pa>v • aarrjp yap aarepos btacfiepei ev the stars: for one star diftereth boPri. from another star in glory. " Ovroi Kal fj dvdo-rao-ts tcov veKpcov. «» So also is the resurrection inreiperai ev chdopd, e'yeiperai ev d- of the dead, it is sown in corrup- rkA~~~!~. 43 ' ' > ' ' ' ' tion.it is raised in incorruption. (p&apo-ta o-Treiperai ev aripia, eyei- a It is sown in di8hono J; it is perai ev bdj;r)' cmelperai ev dcrdeveia, raised in glorv: it is sown in eyeiperai ev bvvduei. 4i oireiperai weakness, it is raised m power! '. r . y , 1, . " 4 * it is sown a natural bodv, it vaspa tyvxiKov, eyeiperai ampa nvev- is raised a spiritual body. There partKov. eari ua ylsvviKov, Kal eari is a natural body, and there is a <]_- " > 45 t \ spiritual body. « And so it is a-copa irvevpariKov. « ovtco Kai ye- written: The first man Adam ypanrat ' Eyez/ero 6 irpaiTOs avdpooTros was niade a living soul, the last 'ASaa els ylrvxhv (SxraV 6 eo-yaros Ad T T^" 1 ^' 6 a /l uickcnin ? »%*> ' - b 1 """ 4- _« e "A"'"» spirit. < 6 Howbeit that was not, AOa/ii etc nvevpa (cooiroiovv. 4b aAA fir.-t which is spiritual, but that ov npcorov to nvevaaTiKov, dXXd to whi ' :h is natural, and afterward 1 , >, , ' , „ , that which is spiritual. 47 The yvxiKov^eneiTa to nvevpaTlKOv. 4/ o first man »'.v of y earth, earthy : TTpioTos av6pa>TT0S eK yrjs, YOtKOS" 6 the second man is the Lord »_'im/»» i../3„„_ e ' 1^ ' » V > fromheaven. 49 As is the earthy, 66vrf P oy wOpamos, e oKvpiose£ ov- sueh are they that are earthy! pavov. otoc o ^oi'/coc, toiovtoi Kal and as is the heavenly, such ot voi'KOt- kcu otoc 6 eirovpavios, toiov- «'•« they also that are heavenly. \ t , , r 4q ' -, » And as we have borne the toi Kai 01 enovpaviof ,a Kai KaOios image of the earthy, we shall i(popecrapev Tnv eiKova tov yoikov, (bo- also bear the image of the hea- «,'—„. „ v _! » ' - > ' venly. 50 Now this I say, bre- peo-opev Kai ttjv eiKOVa rov eiroypaviov. thren ,that flesh and blood can- rovro oe (frr/pi, dbeX(f>ol, oti o~dp£ not inherit the kingdom of God: «eal alpa paaiXeLav Qeov KXripovoanaai P either < |? th corruption inherit > 7a incorruption. ov ovvavTai, ovbe r, (pdopa tijv a(p8ap- aiav KXrjpovopel. 51 'Ibov pvo-T^piov vu'ivXeym- ( Trdv- . " Behold. I shew you a mys- , , ' /1 / /1 1 & v // tery: we shall not all sleep, but Tes pev ov Koipr]6r)o~ope8a ' iravTes be we shall all be changed, " in dXXayrjo-opeda, 52 ev drouo), ev pnrri a moment, in the twinkling AA^a„\ . - ' - ' ' '\ r >' of an eye, at the last trump, o(pt)a\pov,ev Tpeo- X aTT) o-aXTTiyyi- aaX- (for the trilmpet sha ll sound, 7Tio"et yo.pi Kal 01 veKpol eyep8r]0-ovTai and the dead shall be raised l: * " ttec. add oapZ. c-» d-» e^J fc>j jravTej /.ev (.a. /lav owl xot/*r]67)ooiisQa* of irayrts of. 1 Corinthians XV. 53. 432 EIII2T0AH riP02 incorruptible, and we shall be acpdaprot, Kai tjpels dXAayrjaopeda. changed) -'For this corrupt!- 53 g j « ^ iQaarbv roiro evbi- ble must put on incorruption, ',|. , • ~ v , A , and this mortal must put on aaadai cxp&apo-iav, Kai to Ovi/tov tovto immortality. evbuaaadai d6avao-'iav. 54 So when this corruptible " "°™ v & J° (pdaprov roiro ev8v- shall have put on incorruption, o~rjrai dcpdapaiap, Kai to 6vr\rov tovto and this mortal shall have put > V0 -' M Mavaviav, Tore yevfaerai 6 on immortality, then shall be » ( , ' in « a> brought to pass the saying y is Aoyos o yeypappevos' KaTenoOr) o Pa- written, Death is swallowed up varos fi'y v 'mos. 55 Uov crov, ddvare, in victory. M O death, where is , , / „ - «« v - • » thy sting? O -grave, where is ™ Kivrpov \ ttov aov, aorj, to yiKOS ; thy victory? 5li The sting of 56 To be Ktvrpov roil Oavdrov, rj uuap- be to God, which giveth us the ' ro3 Of 6ew X a P ts TM oioovn rjpiv to victory, through our Lord Jesus v ' lKOi d la T0V Kvpiov ripwv 'lnaoi Xpi- Christ. = 8 I herefore my be- „ - s „ r«, N . » > « loved brethren, be ye stedfast, - » " xr .„'„.. „,£.. much as you know that your o-evovres tv ra ^y(J) rot, Kuptou ttch>- labour is not in vain in the Lord. Tors, adores on 6 kottos vpu>v ovk eari Kevbs ev Kvpia. 16. Now concerning the col- 16. Ilepi be rijs \oyias rrjS els rovs lection for the saints, as I have ay'tovs, coanep bierat-a ra'is eKKkrjaiais given order to the churches of - r \ i •» v « /■ » Galatia, even 80 do ye. I Upon «P T ° S ^i' - P? ™W a ™' the first day of the week, let 2 / " o~aj3j3dra>v" eKaaros vpaiv every one of you lay by him in > ( ' flw( 5 „&',-<,, W avplt(OV o Tl av store, as Won hath prospered , '»_ '« < « »\ /i » \ him, that there be no gatherings evobuiraC iva pr) orav eA0o>, ror-e Ao- when I come. 3 And when I y[ al ylvoovrai. 3 orav be napayevcopai, come, whomsoever you shall ap- a >\ & / » > > \ » prove by .,/„«rletters, them will °"S eai/ boKipao-rjre bi ^ eiriarroAup, I send to bring your ? liberality tovtovs Ttep\^ra> aneveyKtiv rr\v X a P lv unto Jerusalem. 4 And if it , - f , 'UpovtrdKriu.- * eav be j} be meet that I go also, they JZ % , 'a > > ' shall go with me. agtoj/ rou /ca/xe nopeveaOai, crvv epoi TropevcrovraL. ... . ... 5 'EXevcroaat Se 7rpoc vuds, orav * Now I will come unto you, , £- r r- ^ ( when I shall pass through Ma- MaKfOoi/iai; OieAda' (MaKedoviav yap cedonia: for I do pass through oWpyouaf) 6 7Tpos mat 6« tvyov Tva- Macedonia. B And it may be rA " * J •. r « "■ < - that I will abide, yea, and win- papeva,, r] Kai irapaxeip.a(rm, iva vpeis ter with you, that ye may bring pe TTp07repif/r)re ov edv iropevapai. ' ov me on my journey, whitherso- ^ A v - * ' 7Tap6b<0 I8tu>' ever I so. ' lor I will not see I " s ~ u ", , r , » you now by the way, but I trust eATTt(o) c yap xpovov riva empeivai totarry a while with you, if the „„;,£ vfius f Q v 6 Kvpios <1 emrpenr}." Lord permit. 8 liut I will s r , ~_ %, > , >„ ,/ » ~ r " tarry at Kphesus until Pente- empeva be ev Efpco-oj ea>s ttjs^ Tvev- cost. 9 For a great door and ttjkoo'Ttjs ' 9 dvpa ydp pot avtaye * V.2. Klfrunv •-'. v.ko; iii" online. 1* CNJ ca/5,3arow. Rec. <1«. d "^ tTrtrpti^p. " Or, lieM. ? Or. gift. KOPINGIOYS A. 433 1 Corinthians XVI. 24. peydXj] Kal evepyrjs, Kal dvTiKeipevoi effectual is opened unto me, 7T0XX01. and there are many adversaries. 10 'Eav Se eXdrj Tipodeos, /3XeWre ,0 Now if Timotheus come, Iva dcboficos yevmai ivpbs vaas' to yap 8e .e *at he may be with you « -a- ' > '* < \ / , without fear : for he worketh eoyov Kvpiov epya&rai cos Kai eyco. the work of the Lord, as I also pi] TIS ovv avTov e£ovdevr}0~n' Trpo- do - " Let D0 man therefore '...I »> >_< > > i A vC/i despise him: but conduct him nep^are 8e avTov ep eipTjVT}, iva eX6 n for { h in peace) that ne m ™ npos pe' e<8e^opai yap airov perarau come unto me: for I look for dbeXchcov. nim with the Dretrirs ovk nv deXriua Iva vvv eX(V eXev- at a" to come at this time : but s.x h ; / "' he will come when he shall have o-erai be orav^ evKaiprjcrr). convenient time. 13 rprjyopelre, o-rr/Kere ev Trj 7rio~rei, 13 Watch ye, stand fast in A-,.ft,->!fr~-Ar „,. .„.-._/), 14 _ ' the faith, quit vou like men: avbpi& v t ' ' . 16 i > addicted themselves to the mi- rots ayioiseTa£aveavrovs- » iva Kai nistry of the saints,) •« that ye vpels VTroTdo~o~r)o-$e Tols toiovtois, Kal submit yourselves unto such, 7THVTI tco crvvepyovvTi Kal kotticovti. and to every one that helpeth 17 _- *, 5, ; ', v , with us and laboureth. ' Xaipco be em tjj napovo-ia 2re- 'M am glad of the coming t ' \ ' and Achaicus : for that which on to vpcov vo-Teprjpa. ovroi avenXtjpco- was lacking on your part> they o~av' dvenavo~av yap to e'pov nvevpa have supplied. ' 8 For they Kal jb vpcov. fey***** olv tov S ^s-lh^te^cSeS toiovtovs. ye ihem that are such. 19 'Ao-ndtovTai vpds ai eKKXr](TiaiTijs , ' 9 The churches of Asia sa- » . / , , y ' r ~ > T , /• \ lute you: Aquila and Priscula Atrtac^ ao-iraQovTai vpas ev Kyptcp rroX- sa i ute you much in the Lor d, Xa 'AkvXus ko.1 Upio~KiXXa, crvv rfj kut with the church that is in their „?„„ > - > \ ' . 20 ' '/■ house. ' M All the brethren oikov avTcov eKKXr)cTia- aawaCovrai „ reet you: greet ye one ano . vpas oi aOeX^pol ndvTes. ao-ndo-aaoe ther with an holy kiss. dXXijXov? ev (piXypaTi ayico. ^ 21 The salutation of me 21 'O dcnrao-pbs Trj epfj X €l P l J^avXov' Paul, with mine own hand. S3 J! > -L "v » _ » v t a*r - '" If anv man love not the Lord * ° V u ^ l . T0V Kv P l0 \ I ? a ? vv Jesus Christ, let him be Ana- Xpicrrov," rJTio avadepa' Mapaf add. thema Maran-atha. 23 'H vdpic tov Kvpiov 'Irio-ov Xpi- , W The grace of our Lord if T . o. f , , ' r , Jesus Christ be with you. crrov pet) vpcov. " T) ayaTTt) pov peTa -n M y i ove be with you all in TrdvTcov vpcov ev XpicrTco 'Itjctov. b dprjv." Christ Jesus, Amen. » U b ^ 29 2 Corinthians I. 1. 434 EIII2T0AH nPOS riAYAOT EniSTOAH nP02 KOPIN9IOY2 AEYTEPA. PAUL an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, unto the church of God, which is at Corinth, with all the saints, which are in all Achaia: 2 grace be to you and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. 3 Blessed be God, even the Father of our LordJesusChrist, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort, * who com- forteth us in all our tribula- tion, that we may be able 'to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort, where- with we ourselves are comforted of God. 5 For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ. 6 And whether we be afflicted, it is for your consola- tion and salvation, which a is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings, which we also suffer: or whether we be com- forted, it is for your consola- tion, and salvation. ' And our hope of you is stedfast, knowing, that as you are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation. 8 For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of mea- sure, above strength, insomuch [7AYA02 a7ro(rroXoc 'Ir/o-oO Xpicrroi}, 8ia OeXrjparos Oeov, Kal Tipodeos 6 dbeXcpos, rr) (KKkrjcriq roii Qeov rrj ovcrr) iv Kopivda>, criiv toIs ayiots nacri. to'is ovv 'ir/rroO 'KpiO'TOV, 6 TTClTrjp tcoi> oiKTippu>v kcu Qebs ndo~T]s Trapa- KXr)crecos, 4 6 napaKaXuv rjpds errl ndcrrj rf) BXtyei i]pu>v, els to dwaadat, rjfxds TrapaKaXelv tovs iv 7rdo~r) OXi^ei, Bid Trjs irapaKkr]o-ea>s f)s TrapaKaXovpe- da avrol vtto tov Qeov' 6 ort Ka&cos Trepicrcrevei to. TradrjpaTa tov XpiaTov els rjpus, ovtoj Sto u to0" Xpicrrou nepto-- crevei Kal r) TrapaKXrjais r)pa>v. 6 etre 8e 6Xiftope6a, virep Trjs vpuv TrapaKXr)- o-ecos Kal o-aiTrjpias, b ttjs ivepyovpevqs iv vnopovfj TOiV avToiv TraOrjpdrtov u>v Kal rjpels Tvdo-\opev' Kal r) eXnls i)p.(i>v ftefiala VTrep vpcov' e'Lre rrapaKaXovpeda vnep Trjs vpwv TTapaKXr)o~eci)s Kal crcorrypi'ay"" 7 eiftores on coo~rrep koivcovol io-Te tu>v nadr/pdrcov, ovtui Kal Trjs napaKXrjaecos. 8 Ov yap QeXopev vpas dyvoelv, ddeX- s rjptov Trjs ye- vopevrjs d rjplv" iv tt) Ao~iq, ort Kad vnepjioXrjv ifBaprjdrjpev vnep dvvapiv, a Rec. om. ° r\J — . St. 8t Klz. ttjj avtpyoifilrrif t* viropLovt) roiv avru'V rtadri/xarui 1 , wt> Kal Trav Trapa«X?j(T*tievi}S tr virop.ot> avrajv Trattrji^arwy, cuv tat Tj^tptf 7rafflo^iv' (tat 7) eAwiJ rjtiutv ^?t,/ma vntp x'fiuiv'i i-sj ittpi. * Or. is wrought. * n K0PIN9I0Y2B. 435 2 Corinthians I. 20. wcrre e'^anoprjdrjvai ljpiis Kal tov grpr' that we despaired even of life. 9 aXka avrol ev eavrois to dnoKoiua 9 But we nad tne " sentence of -.,.."; A„..;. '_ ' " i death in ourselves, that we roy eavarov eapKapev, iva pr, jreww- shou)d not trusl in ' ourselveSi oores a>pev ecp eavrois, aXX' e'7ri ro5 1,ut in God which raiseth the Qecp tco eyeipovn tovs veKpovs' 10 oV f!± B ! t T^ liV TiS? .™ » * -k * ■ a > 'J. , _ so great a death, and doth deli- e* ttjAikovtov OavciTOv eppvo-aTo rjpas, ver: in whom we trust that he Kai pveTai, els ov rikiriKaaev on Kal w ')l yet deliver tw; " you also w V t .J r , , helping tosether hy praver for enpvcreTai^ J a-wu7rovpyowr&)i> /cat us, that for the gift bestowed vpcov vnep rjpu>v rfj derjcrei, 'iva eK noX- u P on us °y the means of many Xirnpoabw ro 'els jpas ^opto-pa oia E™, ££ b X, f be *- 7roXXa>f (vxapt-o-T-qdij virep rjpcov. 12 'H yap Kavxijais rjprnv avrrj eo~n, 12 For our rejoicing is this, the ro pap^pto, r^ ? np-AfrmN frfir, ^T^L^ndS^ on,ev U7tAott]TI Kai eiXiKpiveta Qeov, cerity, not with fleshly wisdom, (ovk ev aocpia (rapKiKr,, dXX' el vapin ? ut b { the Rrace of God - we X -. i ^ ', , r ,'' ' „ , A r have had our conversation in Oeov) avecrTpacprjpev ev tco Kocrpco, ne- the world, and more abundant- picro-oTepcos de irpos vpas. u ov yap ly toyou-wards. I3 Forwe write Z\\„ . „~A> - ' : '\\' < « » . none other things unto you, than aAAa ypacpopev VfUV^ aXX i; a arayiwu- what you read or acknowledge, o~Ke Te , 77 /cat eTriyti'oiovcere, e'Xirifo de & ' trust you shall acknowledge on a «H* ecos re'Xovc e Wiywicre«T&, ^f t0 ! he end : K / s also J" " u a y > > , "»>'>, have acknowledged us in part, KaOcos Kai. eireyvu>Te ijpas otto pepovs, that we are your rejoicing, even on Kavvriua vucov e'craev, naddireo Kal a l y e als0 are our ' s > iQ the da y < ~ ,^V , r _ , r , , _r of the Lord Jesus. vpei<; rjpcov, ev Trj rjpepa tov Kvpiov lrjaov. 3 Kal TavTrj Tjj TtenoiBrjo-ei, e'/3ovXo- I5 And in this confidence I was fjLtjv irpos vpas 'e\0elv irp6Tepov, Iva minded to come unto you before V ■ ' i „ , fi " , K. > ' . that you might have a second OevTe fiav X a P tv ( X T l re ' Kai bl vpcov benefit: 16 and to pass by you b dieXdelv " els MaKedovlav, Kal irakiv int0 Macedonia, and to come -2_.i tj> . a ' >\ a - » ■ c « x again out of Macedonia unto tmo Maufbovias eMeiv npos vpas, Kai yo u, andofyou to be brought v(p vpoiv npoTrep(pdr]vat. etc ttjv 'lov- on my way toward Juda?a. dalav. " to{jto ovv c povXopevos," urin " W L? L^r^T m aS ^ a - '\ j < > / * « a minded, did 1 use lightness ? or apa TT) eAa(ppia exprjo-aprjv ; f} a pou- the things that 1 purpose, do I Xevopai, Kara aapKa BovXevoaai, iva P ur P°se according to the flesh, •? > > v ( > » » 1 «V that with me there should be »7 wap e/tot ro vai vai, Kai to ov ov; yea yea> and nay nay ? IIicrToc Se 6 Qeos, 6V1 6 Xdyov rjpatv 6 irpbs vpas ovk d ean " vai Kal I8 But as God is true, our oC- 19 6 yap tov Qeov vl6s 'Iricrovc > vvord toward you was not yea _ \ r ' t - 5, > f ' n , and nay. 13 ror the son of (>od \piOT0S o ev vpiv Ot r/pcof Krjpvxoeis, Jesus Christ, who was preached (St' epov Kat 2i\ovavov Kal Tiuodiov.) aml " , S y° u b y us > eren b y me ' »„ > ' n v * > N N > , , , and Silvanus and Timotheus, ovk eyeveTo vai^ koi ov, aAAa vai ev ay- was not yea> and nayi hut in tco yeyovev' oo~ai yap eTrayyeAiat him, was yea. ' M For all the a ^t b <^ airi \8eti>. c (ssj — . Rec. fe Gl>. j9o*A«»o^f(.oi, d <^> — . Rec. fc Gb. ry«i-«T«. • a Or, answer. & Or, K'->«- ^ Or, pieucliiag. 2 Corinthians 1.21. 436 EHI2T0AH HP02 promises of God in him are vea, Qeov, ev avrco to vai, a Kai ev avrco ' to and in him Amen unto the glory > > Tc5 q^ os 86 £ ap g» > - ot God by us. '' Now he which 2] ~ ; L, ' . » e - > t - , 'C stablishethuswithyou.inChrist, o oe pepaiuv T)pas aw vpiv eis Xpi- and hath anointed us, it God, o-t-6z>, K a\ vpiaas r,pds, Qeos' K 6 KOI M who hath also sealed us, and . / c ' - % ?. ( , > > given the earnest of the Spirit acppayiaapevos r,pas, Kai boys tov ap- in our hearts. papaiva tov ILvevpaTOS ev Ta'is Kapbiais 23 Moreover, I cnll God for a r]pwv. record upon my soul, that to a >„ > »< / »> spare you 1 came not as yet unto f E Tf» °\ paprvpa tov Qeyv eiriKa- Corinth. M Not for that we have \ovpai eTTl Tr,v epr,v y^rv^v, oti (peido- dominionover your faith, but « -„ OVK { TL faQ £ | K 6p«/cW are helpers of your joy: for by £4 , « / < - T faith ye stand. 2. But I deter- oi^ oti Kvpievopev vpwv ttjs Trio-Teas, mined this with myself, that I dXXd awepyoi eo-pev Tr,s vapas vp > 1 ^ n ought to rejoice, having conn- eypafa vpiv tovto avyo, iva pr, eA- denee in you all, that my joy is 0o)V \vTTr,v e\a> dv i'bei pe )(aipeiv ' the jov of you all. 4 For out of a^ 1 * f -* " t ■> , much affliction and anguish of totoAm «h navras _ u M «c, on p epr, heart, I wrote unto you with X a P a TO-VTOOV vpiov eaTiv. e< yap many tears, not that you should no \Xf,s dXtyeas Kai avvovPis Kapbias be grieved, but that ye might „ ,' , - ' 5, , NA . *,"■ ' , ' , know the love which I have eypatya vpiy bianoKKav bai c - he hath not grieved me, but in 7"" Te 7" ^X*> nepiaaoTepaiS eis vpa S . ( part : that I mav not overcharge El oe tis AeXvTrrjKev, ova epe you all. 6 Sufficient to such a \ f \ V7TnKfv a \\' ano uepovs, Iva pr, man is this a punishment, which , _ '„ , » - - was inflicted of many. 'So that €7rt/3apto ivavTas vpas. iKavov Top contrariwise, ye ought rather toiovtco f, emTipia avrr, r, vn'o tcov to foreive him, and comfort him, n , ' . 7 « > / -n^ lest p'erhaps, such a one should ^eyovwv^ 7 wore yovvavTiov paXkov be swallowed up with overmuch vpas ^apicrarr^at Kai napaKa\eaai, pr,- sorrow. » Wherefore I beseech wo To whom ye forgive any el ety irdvra vnrjKOOi eo~Te. 10 d> be tl tS£C2&!% ££ I X«P(C^, «a eycb- Kai ydp M 'J forgave it, for your sakes for- Ke^apiapai, el Tl Ke^apio-pai, Ol vpas, gave lit, /9 in y person of Christ, { v TrpocrwTro) XpicrToi, u iva pi] TrXfo- 11 lest Satan should get an ad- r /1 _ ' , r , -'_ - r , vantage of us: for we are not veKTrjdapev viro tov Zarava' ov yap ignorant of his devices. avTov to. vorjpara dyvooiipev. • evdto *at it' avrov. b Rec. e\9.ty Awffp irp. v/*. c — » d Zt e Re . it t» Ke^apiirt.a. # .*.. a 0r, censure. £ Or, in the sight. u KOPIN0IOY2 B. 437 12 'EX8cov 8e els ttjv Tpcodfta els to evayyeXiov tov Xpio~Tov, Kal Bvpas poi dvecoypevrjs iv Kvpico, I3 ovk eo-^^Ka dvecnv tco nvevpaTi jxov, tco pfj evpelv pe Tltov tov ddeXfpov pov' dXXd diro- Ta£dpevos aiiTols, i£i)X6ov els Ma/ce- ooviav. 4 Ta> 8e Bew X^P ls T< ? TtdvTOTe 6piap(3evovTi f/pas iv tco Xpirrra), /cat tt;i/ ocrpfjv Tr/s yvcocrecos avTov (pave- povvTi St rjpcov iv ivavTi tottco. 15 oti Xpio-rov eicodia icrpev tco Q(co iv to"is crco(op(vois Kal iv rot? drroXXvpivois' ois pev, oaprj davdrov (Is Qdvarov' ois 8e, ocrpr) fays (Is ^coT^f. Kal npbs tcivtci tls iKavos ; ^ ov yap icrp(v cos ot ^itoWoi," KanrjXevovTes tov Xoyov tov Q(ov, dXX cos i£ dXiKpivdas, dXX' cos i< Q(ov, b K.aT(vcoTviov" c tov" Q(ov, iv XpicTTco Xa.Xovp.ev. 3. Ap%6p(da ndXiv eavTovs ctvvi- fTTClVdV; A fj" pfj Xpjj£op(V, COS TIV(S, crvaraTiKcov inio-ToXcov ivpbs vpds, r) i£ vpcov c o-vtrrciTiKcov ; * " t) imcrToXfj rjpcov vpds icTT(, iyyeypappevrj iv rat? Kapbiais rjpcov, yivcoaKopivrj Kal dvayi- vcoo~Kopevrj ino wdvrcov dvdpconcov' (pav(povp(voi oti iaTe imcrToXfj Xpio-Tov 8iaKovrjde~io~a v eavTcov Xoyicra- crdai ti, cos i£ eavTcov, dXX' 17 iKavoTijs rjpcov eV tov Qeov' 6 os Kal iKavcoo~(v rjpas 8mkovovs Katvrjs SiadrjKrjs, ov ypapparos, dXXd tvvdpaTos' to yap ypdppa ' dnoKTe'ivei," to be nvdpa £cooTTot(l. ' el 8e f] diaKovia tov OavaTov 4 And such trust have we through Christ to God-ward : 5 not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves: but our sufficiency is of God: 6 who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament, not of the letter, but of the spirit: foryletter killeth, but y spirit Pgiveth life. ' But if the ministration of death 5(tJ KaTtvavTt. c zX d St. & Elr. c^'e,. e -* f «s> aitcucrtvei. ° Or, deal deceitfully wilh. P Or, qnickeneth 2 Corinthians III. 8. 438 EIII2TOAH IIP02 written, and engraven in stones, was glorious, so that y children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses, for the glory of his countenance, which glory was to be done away: s how shall not the mi- nistration of y spirit, be rather glorious ? a For if the ministra- tion of condemnation be glory, much more doth the ministra- tion of righteousness exceed in glory. 10 For even that which was made glorious, had no glory in this respect by reason of ihe glory that excelleth. " For if that which is done away, was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious. 12 Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great a plain- ness of speech. ' 3 And not as Moses, which put a vail over his face, that the children of Israel could not stedfastly look to the end of that which is abolished; " but their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail un- taken away, in the reading of the old testament: which vail is done away in Christ. 15 But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart. 16 Nevertheless, when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away. " Now the Lord is that Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image, from glory to glo- ry, even as P by the Spirit of the Lord. 4. Therefore, seeing we have this ministry, as we have re- ceived meicy we faint not : 2 but have renounced the hid- den things of y dishonesty, not ev ypappamv, evTfTVTToopevr) a ei> XlSois, iyevrjOrj iv bd£rj, axrre pr) 8v- vaadai arfvurai tovs vlovs 'io-par/A (Is to TTpoacoTrov b Mojvcrf'ojc," did ti)v 86£av tov 77 pocrwrrov avroii, tt)v Karap- yovpivijv 8 nios ov%\ pdXXov r) Sta- kovlu tov Tlvevparos erjrai iv bo^rj ; 9 et yap f) biaKovla ttjs Kara/cp/crecoc 5o£a, ttoXX(o pdXXov 7repieT(7evei r) biaKovla tj)s 8iKaioo~vvr)s iv bo^rj. l0 nal yap c ov' SeSo^acrrat to bebo^aapevov ev tovtco to) pepei, eveKev Ttjs imcp- fiaXXovo~qs 86£r]s. el yap to kot- apyovpevov bid bo^rjs, 7roXXa> pdXXov to pevov iv bo^j]. "E^ovTts ovv Toiavrqv eXnlba, TToWfj Trapprjaia xpaipeBa' 13 Kai ov Kaddnep d M#r/ to. vojjpaTa aiiTuiP. l'iXP L ydp ttjs o~r)pepov e i]pepas" to avTO KuXvppa «ri rjj avayvioaei tt)s TraXatds 8ia6i)Krjs pevei, pr/ avaKaXvuro pevov, 'o ti" iv Xpicrrai KaTapyf'iTai. lo aXX' tens crrjpepov, rjviKa dvayivioo-KfTai s Mtovcrf/c,' KaXvppa ejti tt]v Kupblav avTuv (celrat - 16 ijviKa S' dv (TTio-Tpe^/j] 7Tpos Kvpiov, irepiai- pe'nai to KaXvppa. ' 6 be Kvptor to Ilvevpd io-Tiv' oil be to Ilveiipa Kv- piov, n £K€i" eXevdepia. 18 rjpels be TravTfs dvaKeKaXvppeva) Trpocra>na> tt)v boi-av Kvpiov KaTonTpi(6pevoi, Ttjv avTr)v eiKova ptTapopcpovpeda dirb bo^r/s fis boi-av, Kaddnep and Kvpiov TLvev- p.aTos. 4. Aid tovto e\ovTes tt)v biaKovlav TavTr/v, Ka&ios rjXtijBrjpev, ovk (KKaKov- pev, aXX aneiirdpfda tu KpvnTa Ttjs alo-\vvr)s, pr) nepnraTovvTts iv iravovp- 6t. '1 |;.t M. ....,..'. «^j — . Bee. &Gb.om. i Gb. on. R Rec.Muxr^c. ess. p Or, of Uir Lord (he Spirit. y Gr. shame h Zl " 0- ,(V oi'lli boldu KOPIN9IOY2 B. yia, firjde ooXovvTes tov \6yov tov Qeov, dXXd rfi (pavepoyaei rf/? dXijdeias crvvi(TT(ovTfs eavrovs npos iracrav crvv- e/5r/Tio-fibv Toil evayyeXiov r?)r OO^rjS TOV XpiO-TOV, OS e'aTlV (lK(t)V TOV Qeov. * ov yap eavrovs Krjpvo-cropev, aXXd Xpio~Tov 'Irjaovv K.vpiov' eavTovs be, bovXovs vpvov bid 'irjaovv. 6 oti 6 Qeos 6 eiVuJi/ eK ckotovs (pas Xdp\jsai, os eXap\f/ev e'v Tals Kapbiais r;/xwi', irpos (f)s ttjs bot-rjs h Tov Qeov" e'v npoo-ama 'l-qa-ov Xpi- OTOV. ' 'F.%opev be tov drjo-avpov tovtov e'v oo-TpaKivois o-Keveo-iv, Iva t) v7repj3o\f] ttjs bvvdpeais rj tov Qeov, Kal pi] ej~ Tjptov H ev jravTL 6Xi(36pevoi, dXX' ov o-TevoxpovpevoC diropovpevoi, dXX' ovk e^anopovpevoc 9 8ta>/co'/xei/oi, dXX y oiiK eyKaTaXeiTTopevof KaTaftaXXdpevoi, aXX ovk mroXXvpevoi' 10 irdvTOTe ttjv veKpaxriv tov c " 'ir/crov ev tg> awpari nepicpepovTes, iva Kal f] (cot) tov 'Ir/crou ev ro3 aojpaTi r)pa>v (pavepadfj. n del yap tjpels oi £u>vTes, els QdvaTov napa- bibopeda bid 'lr)o~ovv, Iva Kal t) far) tov Ir)o-ov rjpaiv avOpooTTos bia(p8eipeTai, dXX 6 eaaidev dvaKaivovTai Tjpepa- Kal rjpepa. 7 to yap TrapavriKa eXacppov tt)s QXfyews Tjpcov lead* VTTepfioXrjV etc vTrepj3o\r]v alooviov fidpos bo^rjs Karep- yaQerai rjpiv, pi) ctkottowtcov i]pa>v rd (3Xe7ropeva, dXXd rd pij (iXenop-eva' ra yap f$Xerr6p.eva, irpocrKaipa' rd be prj fiXeiropeva, alu>via. 5. olbapiev yap, drt eav r) etriyeios rfpcov ot/a'a tov ctktjvovs KaTaXvdfj, olKobopfjv tK Qeov 'e^opev, oiKiav a)(eipo7roit)Tov, anaviov ev roty ovpavols. Kal yap ev tovt(o o~Tevd£op,ev, to oiKr]TT]piov rjpoov to e£ ovpavoii eTrevbvo~acr8ai eniiroBovvres' 3 ei'ye Kal *evbvo~dpevoi," ov yvpvol evpedr/aopeda. * Kal yap ol ovTes ev tu> crKrjvei. b "o-Tevd^opev fiapovpevoi' c e(j) ca " ov deXopev eicbvo~ao~8ai, dXX enevbv- o~ao-8ai, Iva KaTarroOf] to Bvtjtov vtto tt)s £o>r)S. 'O be Karepyaadpevos r)pds els ai/TO tovto, Qeos, 6 d »cai" bovs rjpiv tov dppaj3a>va tov livevpaTos. 6 8ap- povvTes ovv navTOTe, Kal elboTes on e'vbrjpovvTes ev tu> acopaTi, eKbrjpovpev dtrb tov Kvpiov' ' (Std TTio-Teios yap TrepmaTovpev, ov bid eibovs') 8 6ap- povpev e be," Kal evboKovpev pdXXov eKbrjprjcrai e\ tov crcopaTos, Kal evdrj- pijo-ai npos tov Kvpiov. 9 bio Kal (piXoTipovpeda, ei're e'vbr]povvTes, eWe eKbt]p.ovvTes, evdpeo~roi avT& eivai. 10 Toiis yap TvdvTas fjpas 6i)vat Set epnpoo-dev tov (itrjpaTos TovXpio~Tov, » .A} etcivoafLBvot. b Bz. add rovrtii. c St. CTrtiiq. d ^J , — B Zi J e , e — • a Or. endeavour. K0PIN6I0Y2B. 441 2 Corinthians VI. 1. iva KopitrrjTai eKacrTOS ra Ola tov may receive the things done in crwpaTos, trpds a " EiOorec ofo rov 0o/3w rm> Kvpiov, n Knowing therefore the ter- avopumovs ntidopev, Qed) be wecbave- r °r of the Lord, we persuade pvp.e6a. iXnifa be Kai eVTais crwetOn- ra ™ ; but we are made manifest r ' ,_ a , „ . lo '» un to God, and I trust also, are aeaiv vpcov netpavepiotrOai. a ov made manifest in your con- c yap" ndXiv eavrovs o-vvio-Tavouev sciences. " For we commend .'...?. 'iii v ' 'A. ' * *' ' " not ourselves again unto vou, vp.iv, aXXa atyopprjv bibovres vp.iv K av- but give you occasion to glory Xjiparoi- imep rjpayv, iva e^Te npos on our behalf, y you may have tow iv Trpoauwoo Kavvoopivovs, Kai ov L° 1 m ?' ha 1 t tu answer lhem ' j,, r l{ „ ' , A ,/7 ' which glory "in appearance, Kapdia. • eire yap f^earrjpev, Gear and not in heart. "For whether eire aafppovovpev, vp.1v. 14 r> vao w c be besides ourselves, it is to - v ' ' / t -' ' " G od: or whether we be sober, ayairq rov^ Xpio-Tovo-vvexeirjpas, Kpi- it h for your cause. '•'For the vavras tovto, OTi d ei" eis imep irdvTiov l° v e of Christ constraineth us, drredavev, lipa ol ndvres driAw *Xfi*S. & werfalf Kai VTvep naVTCov anedavev, iva ol dead: l3 and that he died for &VT€S un/ce'rt eavro'is tcoaiv, dXXd tco a ». that they which live, should < s ) 'i , a , ° v , A , ' not henceforth live unto them- f nep avroiv anoOavovri Kai eyepdevTi. selves, but unto him which died 16 "Qcrre r]pels dirb tov viv ovbeva for them, and rose again. ">„. „_ _j ■ i in* \ > t "> Wherefore henceforth know oibapev koto tropica « Oe «u eyvw- we „o man, after the flesh: yea, Kapev Kara crapKa XpitTTov, dXXd viiv though we have known Christ ovKen yivioo-Koufv. r > oW ei tis iv f te ! t 1 he flesh ' 5 ; et now hence ' v J \ , v •> , forth know we him no more. \pio-Tcp, koivtj KTicris' ra ap^aia Trap- » Therefore if any man be in rp\6ev, ibov yeyove Kaiva e rd ndvra." Christ, Phe is a, new creature: 18 < » « ' > ~/-\~ ~ \ °' ( 1 things are past away, rode iravra (K tov Qtov, tov KaraX- behold, all things are become XdtjavTOS fjpas iavrco did ' 'Itio~ov" new - ls And all things are of Xpio-Tov K al 86vTO V )plv^v Siatovlav ^^ tsuf^S^d Trjs KaraXXayr/s' »f oti Qeos f)v ev hath given to us the ministry of Xpio-Tio Kocrpov KaTaXXdo-o-Q)v eavTio, reconciliation, "» to wit, that \ n ' y, ' >-\ , ' God was in Christ, reconciling pij KoyiQupevos avrois rot napanTiopaTa the world unto himself, not im- avTtov, Kai Oepevos iv fjplv tov Xoyov P"ting their trespasses unto _- „_ -\\ - them, Sc hath r committed unto TysKaToXKayrjs. ^ ^ wib l word of reconciliation. Ynep Xpio-Tov ovv 7rpeo-^fvopev, so Now then weareambassa- cos Toil SeoO TTapaKaXovvTOS 8l rjpwV dors for Christ, as though God A™..,/5„ .'._^„ v ~ \^i ' did beseech you by us ; we pray btopfdavTTtp XpiCTTOV, KaraXXayr,™ you in Christ's stead, be ye re- TO) 06O) - *•' tov 8 yap" prj yvovTa concilcd to God. -' For he hath dpapTiav, vnep tjuCov dpapriav iTTo'm a s. » ^ - > knew no sin, that we might be iva 1-jp.fii yivwpeda biKaioo-vvr) Weou ev made the righteousness of God airco. in him. i 6. 'SvvepyovvTfs be Ka\ napaKaXovpev 6. We then, as workers > ui o. b $auXo v . oj d-» e— fr: R -» ' (Jr. ii tlm face. S Or, lei liim 1™. T Gr. put ia u-. 2 Corinthians VI. 2. 442 EIII2TOAH IIP02 together with him, beseech you prj els Kevov Tip X il f iv T °v Qeov also y ye receive not y grace of ^t afr al (, 5s> 2 (w ' . R - God in vain. * (For he saith, I . b _ , , r , v ' J " ,"' have heard thee in a lime ac- Of/crco enr]K0vcra trov, Kai ev rjpepa. cepted, and in the day of salva- rrcoTiipias e/3oncWd aof Iboi) vvv tion have I succoured thee: . > , $ 's. < - ' ' behold, now is y accepted time, xaipos ^ evnpocrbeKTOS^ ibov vvv rjpepa behold, now is the day of salva- aarrfpias'^ pijbepiav ev pi]bevi Si- blamed: 4 but in all things a ap- biaicovia - 4 aXX f 1/ 7rai>ri crwio-rcI>»>re s proving ourselves, as the minis- t avTOVS fa Q €0 y QiaKOVOl, iv inropovi) ters of God, in much patience, ... 1 ^n j , , » in afflictions, in necessities, in voAAtj, ev 6kitye> < ed, ■ by the word of truth, by Xpr](TTOTr)Tt, ev Hvevpan ayicp, ev ayanp the power of God, by >• armour avvTroKpiroo, 7 ev \6ya> aArjOeias, ev of righteousness, on the riirht j> ' <-. ' ~ s> < » »_\ ~ ». hand! and on the left. 1 by ho- ^""Mf Gf0 „ ' af §,£ bvadir,alas and vet true: ■> as unknown, and v , , ' ' , e * / v ->\ zi - yet well known: as dying, and *«' evq>r)pias' cos ITAavai, Kai aArj&eis' behold, we live: as chastened, 9 as ayvoovpevoi, Kal imyivuxTKopevoL and not killed: l0 as sorrowful, t ■> a > »»*>>» yet alway rejoicing: as poor, f s ano0vrj(TKOVTes, ^ Kai ibov (copev yet making many rich: as hav- coy naibevopevoi, Kai pr) Bavarovpevoi' ing nothing, and yet possessing 10 fa \virovpevoi, d« be Yaipoi/rei" all things. e x . . . - , ^ ,. COS WTCOXOl, TTOAAOVS Oe TTAOVTlQoVTeS cos prjdev e^ovres, ko.1 mivra Kare- "yovTes • "O ye Corinthians, our mouth A ,, , , f „ , / , , „ is open unto you, our heart is To crropa rjptov avecoye npos vpas, enlarged. ■« Ye are not strait- Kopivdtoi, n Kapdia Ttpcov TrenXdrvvTai- ened in us, but ve are straitened 12 > - a > ' - in your own bowels. '3 Now for ou „ (rrevox^peiaffe ev rfpiv, V speak as unto my children) be Vi < ^ ^ CiVTipiaQiav, (cbc TeKVOlS ye also enlarged. , " - - ; - ", r , v u Be ye not unequally yoked A«yo),) TTAaTwOrfTe Kai vpeis. together with unbelievers: for M M17 yiveaSe eTepolvyovvres anl- what fellowship hath righteous- , ' , \ » > ^ ness witli unrighteousness? and (TTOls- Tis yap peroxr] biKaioavvT) Kai what communion hath light avopla ; a ris be " Koiva>vla (pcori npos with darkness? I5 and what _'_ 15 ' s> j. • v concord hath Christ with Be- '""J™* i ™ Tlf , « ovpfavT)™ Xpurra lial ? or what part hath hey be- TTpos BfXiap;" ^ Tis pepis nia-TUt pera. lieveth, with an infidel ? '6 and d^/o-roy ; 16 Tt ' c & arvyKaTtidea-ls van what agreement halh y temple _ , ,. ,. ', . ,* of God with idols ? for ye are ® fov H- eTa "OwAav ; vpeis yap vaos the temple of the living God, GeoO eare £ iv avrols, Kal ipirfpiwari]- as God hath said, I will dwell crca- Kal eVouat avrwv Qcos, Kal avrol j* th ,f "'• antt wali < in **«», «nd m i \ , 17 » > >/-'\a > ' wl " be their ( 'od, and they etrovrai pot Xaos. " Ato f^eXdere eK shall be my people. " Where'- fieaov avrcov Kal dcpopladrjTe, Xiyei foI *e come out from among K'_ » ' a ' » M a . them, and be ye separate, saith vpios. Km uKadaprov ur, anreade' the Lord, and touch nwAeun- Kayo> eicroetjopai vpas. Kaf Ecropai clean thing, and 1 will receive Viuv etc irarepa, Kal vaus eo-ecrdi uoi you ' ' s "n* will be a lather T , , , r n ' \ ' „ ' unt0 y° u - a »d ye shall be my eis viovs Kai Vvyarepas, Aeyet Kvpios sons and daughters.saih y Lord iravTOKparap. 7. Tavras ovv 'ivovres Almighty. 7. Having thcre- > > \» i v a • tore these promises (dearlv be- ras enayyeXias, ayairrjToi, Kadapicrapev loved) let * c , eanse v ours ;. lves eaurouc arro iravros poXvapoi crapicos from all Blthineas of the flesh Kal Trvcvparos, CTrtreXowres dyicoo-vvrjv ^thffeM onSod''" 8 k^""* eV f/)d/3 % , no man, we have defrauded no ovfKTTjcrapfv. J ov -rrpos KaraKpiaiv man. 3 I speak not this to con- Xe'-yco" irpoeipriKa yap on iv ra'is Kap- derail you: for I have said be- «w « . > >' » /» ~ , fore, that vou are in our hearts dtaty n puv to-re etc to crvvano6aveiv /cat to die & live with you. * Great crv^rjv. * TroXXiy pot irapprjcria irpbs iipas, is tny boldness of speech toward TToAX^cuKa^cnc virip Ipfer „jrXfr ft^a^BftSSBf/SS piopai rfj irapaKXijaei, vne pvre pio-aevopai exceeding joyful in all our tri- rn yapa inl ndcrrj rii dXi^lret. rtuiov. bulation. c .1 \ , ,, y. , («•>■«« ror when we were come Kat yap eXdovruv rjpiov etc MaKf- i nt0 Macedonia, our flesh had bovlav, ov8eplav i'o-Yr)K€i> aveaiv f] aa.p$- no rest . but we were troubled *..", >\n' > v a\ a ' . "t d on every side: without were Tjpcov, a\X (V iravn dXifiopevoi t£v8ev tfrxngB, within were fears. pa^ai, i'aooGev tovs ranfivovs irapaidXeo-fv npds 6 forteth those that are cast down , , , J, . ,' r , comtorted us by the coming of eeos f v Ty irapovo-iq TitoV ' ov povov Titus. ' And not by his coming be iv tti napovo-ia avTov, dXXa Kal eu on 'y- but by the consolation \i t ' \'a »j,» ' ~ wherewith he was comforted in tji napaKXrjo-ei rj 7rap f /cAr/(9r/ e(p vp.iv, y „ u , when he told us your ear- avayyeXXcov rjpiv ttjv iipcov tTrm6dr]o~iv, nest desire.vour mourning, vour tov vpuv o8vpp6v,r6v bpuv {fikovvnip ferventmind toward n.e so that , , '„ "~ . ~ „*' a r, I rejoiced v more. s for though epov, ojore pe paXXov x a P r l va '- ort I made yo'u sorry with a letter, ei Kal iXinvno-a vpdi iv tti eVio-roXn, ov ! do not repent, though 1 did >■> ■> ' \ s / m / repent : for I perceive that the pfrapeXopai, ei Kai peTepfXoprjV £JAe- gama epistle hath made TOU 7rto yap on r] inio-ToXrj iKeivrj, el Kal sorry, though It were but for a *« i\ t r- 9* ' season. tf No^ v t^eioice. not that Trpos u>pav, eXvnrio-ev vuas. vvv vat- ° cao ""- " •• r J mf ■" l """- ' y" „ >\ 'n n\i « «\ ' ye were made sorry, but that ye po, ovx on iXvirrjOr^re, aXX on iXviri]- sorrowed to repentance : for ye Orirt «c ufrcboiai/- iXvnr]6jiTe yau Kara were made sorry « after a godly a , « j * \ > /i~ >* c - manner, that ye might receive Oeoj/, tva ei/ p.ry6ft/t CrjpiwdrjTe e§ T/ptot'. damage by us in nothing. '"Kor 10 17 yap Kara Geoi/ Xv7r»; perdvoiav fls godly sorrow worketh repent- a Or, accordiog ta God. 2 Corinthians VII. 1 1 . 444 EniSTOAH npos ance to salvation not to be re- pented of, but the sorrow of the world worketh death. " For be- hold this selfsame thing that ye sorrowed after a godly sort, what carefulness it wrought in you, yea, what clearing of your- selves, yea, what indignation, yea what fear, yea what vehe- ment desire, yea what zeal, yea what revenge ; in all things ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter. '-Where- fore though I wrote unto you, J did it not for his cause that had done the wrong, nor for his cause that suffered wrong, but that our care for you in 5 T sight of God might appear unto you. 13 Therefore we were com- forted in your comfort, yea and exceedingly the more joyed we for the joy of Titus, because his spirit was refreshed by you all. H For if I have boasted any thing to him of you, I am not ashamed ; but as we spake all things to you in truth, even so our boasting which I made be- fore Titus, is found a truth. 15 And his "inward affection is more abundant toward you, whilst he remembereth the obe- dience of you all, how with fear & trembling you received him. 16 I rejoice therefore that 1 have confidence in you in all things. 8. Moreover, brethren, we do you to wit of the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia, - how that in a great trial of affliction, y abundance of their joy, and their deep po- verty, abounded unto the riches of their liberality. 3 For to their power (I bear record) yea, and beyond their power they were willing of themselves: 4 praying us with much intreaty, that we would receive the gift, and take upon us the fellowship of the ministering to the saints. 6 And this they did, not as we hoped, but first gave their own selves (TCdTrjpiav apeTapeXijTov KaTepyd£erai' f) 8e tov Kocrpov XvTrrj Bavarov tcarep- ydferai. ll l8ov yap avro tovto to Kara Qeov XvTrrjdijvai a iipds, " Trocrqv KaTeipydo~aTO vp.iv anovbrjv, aXXa ano- Xoyiav, dAXd ayavaKTrjaiv, aXXd (j)6(Bov, dXXd (TvnvoOrjO'iv, aXXa £rjXov, dXX (k81kt]o-iv ; ev iravTi truce cm; npa.yp.aTi. 12 apa el Ka\ eypaxjsa vp.lv, ov% etveicev tov dftiKrjo-avTos, oi>8e elveKev tov aSt- Kr/devTos dXX' elveKev tov (pavepoodrjvai ti)v o-7rov8r)v c r)p.a>VTi)v invep vp,mv" irpbs vpcts evumiov tov Qeov. 13 Aid tovto TrapaK€K\i]peda errl tjj napanXfjo-ei vp.cov ' nepio'O'OTepcos 8e paXXov exdprjpev ejrl tjj x a P9- Tirow, otl avaTvenavTm to nvevpa avTOv ano ■advTusv i/pmv' 14 oti el ti avTa vnep vpa>v K€Kav)(r]pai, oil KaTrjo~xvvdr]v' dXX cos TvdvTa iv dXrjQeiq. eXaX-qaapev vplv, ovt(i> (cat r) Kav)(i]v r] em Titov, dXrjdeia eyevrjOr]' l3 Kal rd cnvXdyxva avTov Trepto-o-oTepcos els vpds eanv, dvapipvr/aKopevov ttjv TrdvTcov iipcov invaKoriv, u>s peTa ev vplv. 8. Tvcopl(opev 8e vplv, ddeX(po\, ttjv X^P lv T0V Qeov tt}v Sedopevrjv ev rote eKKXrjo-iais ttjs MaKedovias' 2 oti ev noXXfj SoKtpfi 6Xi\f/eo)S r) Trepicro-eia TT]S X a PU? aVTOiV KOI T) KOTO. fiddoVS TTTu>xeia avToiv eVepi'crcreiicrei/ etc tov nXovTov ttjs arrXoTrjTos avTv, ttjv X^P lv Kal ttjv Koivcoviav Tr/s 8iaicovias ttjs (is tovs dylovs e "' 5 Ka\ ov Kadibs j?X- Trio-apev, dXX' eavTovs edooKav npaiTov i> -» o st v>"»i». d Br. h Klz. add oi.v. e Rec. add i^atjSai »7^ac. a Gr. bowels. K0PIN6I0Y2 B. 445 2 t<5 Kvpico, Kai Tjjuv 8ia deXrjparos Qeoii' 6 els to TvapaKaXeo-ai rjpds Titov, iva kciOoos Trpoevrjpt-aro, ovtio Kai eTriTeXecrrj, els vpds Kai ti)v X^P lv Tavrr)v. AAA.' winrfp ev iravri TrepiaaeveTe, trio-ret,, Kai Adyta, Kai yvcucret., Kai nacrrj o-ttovSt), Kal rii ei? vpcov ev wp'iv ayani], iva Kai ev Tavrrj rrj ^apiri ne- pio-aevrjTe' 8 ov Kar enirayjjv Xe'yco, aXXa 8ia rrjs erepcov airovbrjs, Kai to rrjs a vperepas" dycnrrjs yvrjaiov boKtpd- £o-KeTe yap ttjv X^P lv T °v Kvpiov rjpcov 'ir/o-ov Xpiarov, oti 8i vpas ewTU)-)(. €V0 ' € i TrXovcrios a>v, iva vpels Tjj eKeivov nruixeia nXovTrjo-qTe. Kai yvuip-qv ev tovtco 8i$a>pi' tovto yap vp'iv o~vp(pepei, oirives ov povov to TroifjoTU, aXXa Kai to 6eXeiv trpoevrjp- i^ao-Qe ii7ro TTepvcrC u vvvi 8e Kai to Troirjcrai eniTeXeo-aTe, bnais Kaddnep rj TrpoBvpia tov deXeiv, ovtg> Kai to eni- COKINTHIANS VIII. 19. to the Lord, and unto us, by the will of God. * Insomuch that we desired Titus, that as he had begun, so he would also finish in you, the same grace also. reXeaai eK tov e%eiv. ei yap // npo- dvpia npoKeiTai, KaOo eav 'e'xfl "tis," eiiTTpooSeKTOS, ov Kado ovk e'xei. 13 ov yap iva dXXois aveo-is, vp'iv be 6Xi^ris' aXX e£ lo-OT-qTOs, ev rw vvv Kaipta to vpoov 7repicraevpa els to eKelvccv vo~Te- pt)pa, 4 iva Kai to eKeivmv nepio-arevpa ytvrjTai eis to vpSiv vcrTeprjpa' oncos yevrjTai iVdrr/s', 15 KaOois yeypaiTTai' O to ttoXv, ovk enXeovacre' Kai 6 to oXiyov, ovk rfXaTTovrjcre . Xdptc 8e tcS Beep tco c Bovti" tt)v avTTjv o-Trovbfjv imep vpwv ev Trj Kap8ta Titov' 1 ' oti ttjv pev napaKXrjcriv eoej-aTo, o~7roi'8aioTepos 8e virdpx^v, av8aipeTOs e^r/Xde npos vpas. 18 o~vve- nep^-apev Be per aiiTov tov d8eX(p6v, ov o enaivos ev tco evayyeXico Bid \r)o~iwv' 19 oil povov Traaaiv tcov eKK 7 Therefore (as ye abound in every thing, in faith, and utter- ance, and knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love to us) see that ye abound in this grace also. <• I speak not by commandment, but by occasion of the forwardness of others, and to prove y sincerity of your love. '■* For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich. 10 And herein I give my advice, for this is expedient for you, who have begun before, not only to do, but also to be "forward a year ago. "Now therefore perform the doing of it, that as titers was a readiness to will, so there may be a per- formance also out of that which you have. ,2 For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not. 13 For I mean not that other men be eased, & you bur- dened: l4 but by an equality: that now at this time your abun- dance may be a supply for their want, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want, that there may be equality, ,s as it is written, He that had ga- thered much, had nothing over, and he that had gathered little, had no lack. 16 But thanks be to God which put the same earnest care into theheartof Titusforyou. '"For indeed he accepted the exhort- ation, but being more forward, of his own accord he went unto you. ls And we have sent with him the brother, whose praise is in the gospel, throughout all the churches. la And not that a Ell. .fl/Airepay. b zf o rej — , R ec . & Gb. Attorn. Gr. xilHng. 2 Corinthians VIII. 20. 446 EniSTOAH IIP02 only, but who was also chosen of the churches to travel with us with this "grace which is ad- ministered by us to the glory of the same Lord, and declaration of your ready mind. 20 Avoid- ing this, that no man should blame us in this abundance which is administered by us. 21 Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but in the sight of men. 2 - And we have sent with them our brother, whom we have oftentimes proved diligent in many things, but now much more diligent, upon the great confidence which s I have in you. i3 \VhetheT any do enquire of Titus ; he is my partner and fellow helper concerning you: or our brethren be enquired of they are the messengers of the churches, and y glory of Christ. 54 Wherefore shew ye to them, and before the churches, the proof of your love, and of our boasting on your behalf. 9. For as touching the minis- tering to the saints, it is super- fluous for me to write to you. 2 For I know the forwardness of your mind, for which I boast of you to them of Macedonia, that Achaia was ready a year ago, and your zeal hath provoked very many. 3 Yet have I sent the brethren, lest our boasting of you should be in vain in this behalf, that as I said, ye may be ready. 4 Lest haply if they of Macedonia come with me, and find you unprepared, we (that we say not, you) should be ashamed in this same confident boasting. 5 Therefore I thought it necessary to exhort the bre- thren, that they would go before unto you, and make up before- hand your v bounty, i where- of ye had noiice before, that the same might be ready, as a fie, dWa Kai xeipoTovrjdeis wo ru>v (kkXtjo-iiov (rweK.drjfj.os r)pa>v, a trw" T77 XapiTi Tavrrj tt) biaKovovpevj] v(f) rjpwv, npos Tr)i> b avTov" roil Kvpiov 86- £av, Kai npodvpiav c TjpS>v'" crreX- Xopevoi tovto, pr) tis r)pds paprjo-rjTai ev rfj abpoTr]Tl TavTT) tji biaKOvovpevrj v(p' i)pa>v' 21 A ivpovoovpev" e yap" koXci ov povov evwrriov Kvpiov, aAAa *cal evoomov dvdpcoTTojv. 22 crvvenep-^apev fie avrols tov dbe\(p6v ijpwv, ov e'fioKt- pdaapev ev ttoXXoIj noWaKis vnov- baiov ovra, vvvi fie noXv o-rrovbaioTepov, TvenoiBrjcrei ttoWjj rfj els vpds. * 3 fire vnep Tirov, Koivoivbs epos Kai etc vpds crvvepyos' eire dbe\(poi rjpojv, uttoo'ToXol (KKkr}o-i5iv, fid£a Xpicrrov. 24 tt)v ovv evbei^iv rtji dydffrjs vpwv, Kai r)pa>v Kav)(r)o~ec0s inrep vptbv, els avrovs ev- 8ei£acrc9e, v els Trpoaajivov ra>v eKKkr)- cria>v. 9. Ilepi pev yap t\)s biaKovias rr)s et? tovs ayiovs nepiaaov pot eori to ypdcfieiv vplv. " oifia yap ttjv irpo- Qvplav vpu>v, tjv vnep vpwv Kav^u>pai MaKf$6o~iv, OTi A^aia TrapecrKevao-Tai dno irepvai' (cat 6 e£ vpmv (^7X0? rjpedicre tovs nXeiovas. 3 enepipa fie tovs dbeXcpovs, Iva pr) to Kavxypa Tjpwv TO i/nep vpmv KevoiQri ev To3 pepei tovtco. Iva Ka&ios eXeyoj/, napeaKeva- o~pevoi rjTC * pTjTroos edv e'X#oja"i o~vv e'poi MaKeBoves, Kai evp&criv vpds dnapao-Kevdo~TOvs, KaTaio-xvv8tiri]yyf\fx ' Or, « Rcc. on. f St. & Elz. add «c" 7rXeo- matter of bounty, and not of vefciav. covetousness. 6 TOVTO Se, ^ 6 (TTTftpCOV »\ ' > > >\ > n n I sparingly: and he which sow- eff evXoyiais :tir evXoyiais Kai fcpurei. / lh h„ umifu || v , sha n ri . ap fKacrros Kaocos npoaipeiTai tt/ KapSia' bountifully. ' livery man ac- uri eVe X{mrjs rj e£ ai/ his \T ; • -'>,' s * < <\' r heart, M fe< *"» g»»« ; not Oorr/i/ uycnra o Geoc. ° ODraros Oe o grudgingly, or of necessity: for Geoc ivaaav ydpiv irepitTcreio-ai etc Uod loveih a cheerful giver. '- " • » _ # - > And God is able to make all v/xay, wa ev iravri navrore itavav av- grace abound towards you. that TapKeiav e'^ovTes, vepLtraevrjTe els irav ye always having all sufhciencv epyov dya86v 9 KaBcos yeypairraf in a " thin f' may .^ ound *» >£ / ' «5, » , /•/(""•'J'"'- every good work, a (as it is iLCTKopTno-ev, edcoKe tols TrevrjcnV r) Ol- written: He hath dispersed Kciioavvn avrov pevei els tov alcova. abroad: he hath given to the in i n j. ■ - - - / poor: his righteousness remain- O be enixopT)ycov trireppa tco crnei- e th forever. «• Now he that povri, Ka\ aprov els fipcocriv b Yoprjyrjcrei, niinistereth seed to the sower, KalnXrjdvvel tov ^» to «al &£ ^frnu.Up'if yot feed av£rjo~ei ra l yevrjpaTa ttjs OLKaLOCTVvrjs sown, and increase the fruits of vuoV u eV Travri TrXouriCouefcu etc >our righteousness) "being r \ > » , y „ , enriched in every thing to all nacrav ajrXoTtjTa, rjTts KaTepyaQerai bi bountifulness, which causeth r)pcov evvapio-riav Tc5 Geco - 12 on fj through us thanksgiving loGod. X. „„ ' ; \ „ ' ' ' > '-For the administration of this biaKOVia ttjs XeiTovpyias ravrrjs ov servicei not only suppHeth the povov ecrri wpno-avunXr]povo~a ra vcrre- want of the saints, but is abun- pi'iaara tcov aylcov, dXXa Ka\ nepio-trev- dant a ls° by many thanksgiv- j, \ . ' , „ ~ _ ings unto God, u whiles by the ovo-a bio. TToAXttiv evxapLCTTicov tco Geo) - experimentofthisministration, 13 dia riis 8oklut)s rfis SiaKovlas ravrns the y g'o" f y God for your pro- ' > \ n \ i \ - t - fessed subjection unto the gos- do^ovres tov Qeov ejn r n ^ vworayr, pel of chrisl) and for yollr ttjs opoXoyias vpcov els ro evayyeXiov liberal distribution unto them, roi Xpio-Tod, Ktu tiTrAo'rr/rt rnc kolvco- f" d unt0 "" men: '' al ? d 1 by , f , ', \ » # m % their prayer for you, which long vias etc avrovs Kai eis navras, Kai after you for the exceeding avruv bencrei vwep vucov, eTniroQovvriov grace of God in you. <> Thanks r~s.,\r a '\\ ' > - be unto God for his unspeak- vpas oui ttju vweppaAKovcrav x a P lv Tav able gift. GeoO e'^)' vpiu. lo ^(ipic <1 S€" tco Qeco em Tri dveKSiriyriTco civtov Scopea. ia j' > V''m.-\ -v- 10- Now I Paul mvself be. 10. Avtos 6e eyco Hai/Aos napaicaXco se ec h you, by the meekness and vpiis 8ia rfjs ivpaoTifTos Kai e'nieiKeias gentleness of Christ, who °in too ta* S, KaTh waSnmmj* CSflCSSK Ta7retfoc ef v/xtf, ancov oe oappco etc ward you: * but 1 beseech you, vpas- 2 Seopcu 8e, to pn irap^v 6ap- that ' may not be bold when I r- . tL' T\ ly C am present, with y confidence prjo-ai Tt] 7TenoLd)]0-ei, r/ Aoyi^opat toX- wherewith 1 think to be bold /nf/crat eVt tlv as tovs Xoyi£opevovs qpds against some, which fl think of a Kec. wffTTtp. l> Rec. xopiyv*** M.ir\jtd' i vat r.oir. v *.avZn Geo) irpos Kadaipeaiv o X v- strong holds.) 5 Casting down paipdrcov') 5 Xoyi.o-p.ovs KaOaipovvrts £ imaginations and 1 every high Kal - Z^a>pa iiraipopevov Kara tt)s thing that exalteth itself against , '_ ~ _ r r I the knowledge of God, and yvcoaecos tov Qeov, Kai aiXpaXcoTi^ovTfS bringing into captivity every n ^v vonua els rhv viranoriv tov XpitTTOV. thought to the obedience of B v > , , J > 5. - - Christ: « and having in a rea- *<" ™ erotpy e X ovTes eKOiKpaai nav Tj ence, when your obedience is <_ __ ' fulfilled. V ™™T , ' Do ye look on things after ' Ta Kara Tvpoa-anov pXtnere ; ei the outward appearance ? If Tls Tvenoidev eavrd) XptcrroD eivai, tovto anv man trust to himself, that , y a '\ '>j> <• - » a^ he is Christ's, let him of himself XoyiQecr0(o -naXiy a(p ^avT0v,0Ti ko&us think this again, that as he is avros Xptcrrov, ovtoj Kal repels 3 '" '. ?^SSfl"ZSSiSi ' «» " 7«P h Lai Trepi tt]S e^ovaias i)pa>v, i)s (which the Lord hath given us ^ aKfv Kvpios tjalv ils oiKobopnv, for edification, and not for your x , , a > c - > 1 destruction) I should not be Kai ovk etc KaOaipeaiv vpcov, ovk ai- ashamed: ,J that I mavnotseem o~ X vvdr]o-opai. 9 iva pi) 86^a> as av reVs fi To tVMfUtt^Vs e ayf^T M* *» ™. ^T^' they) are weighty and powerful, iu oti at pev eirio-ToXai,(pr}0-i, papeiai but his bodily presence is weak, ^ l ayvpa ' c £ fe irapovala tov crto- and his speech contemptible. > /1 > » « ^ ' >/• a i' Let such a one think this: paros atxt/efryr, Kai o Xoyos e^ovdevr]- that such as we are in word by aivos. ll tovto Xoyi^io~6u> 6 toiovtos, letters when we are absent, » ? 1 > ~ \ ' & ' > \ ~ such a,v7", e be also in deed ^Ti oioi evptv tco Aoy St emo-ToXcou when we are present. aivovres, toiovtol Kai irapovTes to) 12 For we dare not make our- (pyo). ^ULrr^^eThTt _ 12 ' Ov yapToXpvpv ey^at % avy- commend themselves: but they Kplvai (avTOVS Tlf/t Tav eavrovs crvvi- measuring themselves by them- ^a^yr^y a XXa avTol iv tavTOis selves, and comparing them- , , v , selves amongst themselves, cavTOVS pcrpoyvTfS,^ Kai avyKpivovTes y are not wise. 13 But we will eavrovs iavTo'is, c ov crvvioiio'iv. 13 1)- not boast of things without our - tu 1 i 1 \ « ,„ d „ ., __^ measure, but according to the M»* *« , ow X» «» ™ a M er P a "^X^ " measure of y « rule, which God peda," aXXa KaTa to ptTpov tov Kavovos hath distributed to us, a mea- Q ? f > Mept(Te „ huTiv 6 Geos pirpov, €01- sure to reach even unto you. -am \ e - 14 > » ~« » For we stretch not ourselves KeaOai a\pi Kai vpa>v. ov yap eof beyond our measure as though nn (d>lKvovu(voi els vpas VTVfpeKTf'lvopfV we reached not unto you, for , ' T 1 ',, ^ ' y , I >ja'_ we are come as far as to you eavrovs- a X pi yap Kai vpwv <-* i ~ i r - > t - other men's labours, but having uv£avoftevrfs rrfs nio-recos vjiioji/, ev vpty hope when your faith js in b _ peyaXvvdr/vai Kara TOP Kavova r/pav els creased, that we shall be a en- rrepccrcreiav, « * ,* M«. *», ^ffj^jm^^U^ evayyeXio-aaoat, ovk ev aXXorpicp KCL- the gospel in the regions beyond vovi els ra eroiita Kavxvo~acr8ai. ll 'O y° u . and not to hoast in an °- s»\ , ' j „ i i a ther man's p line of things made be Kav X oftevos, ev Kvpicp Kav X acr6a> readv t0 our hand „ Bnt he y nmend- but (TTtftriv. whom the Lord commendeth. 11. 0(f)e Xov b dve l%e cr6t '" fiov c ftlKpbv 11. Would to God you could rg afpoavvr,-;- dXXa d^rf pot, *™ ^ Ze^'Z^JZ ' £r/Aa> yap vpas Qeov fr/AaT i)ppoo~a- me. 2 For I am jealous over ftriv yap vitas ev\ dvbpl TtapQevov ayvhv J oa with g° dl y Jealousy, for I '.' . ,. '- i _i o ' have espoused you to one hus- Trapao-rr/o-at T(j> XpMTTtp- " (pojiovpai band , that i may present you as Se prj7ro)s ois 6 ocpis "Evav etjtfTrdrrfcrev a chaste virgin to Christ. 3 But » ~ ' ' - d " * *kO " I fear lest by anv means, as the evrr, navovpyia_ avrov, «otrra> ^dapr, SPrpent beg J, iled Eve throuph ra voifpara vpu>v anb rrjs anXorrfros Ins subtilty, so your minds rm els rov Xpicrrov. 4 el uev yap 6 should . be , corr . u P, t f 1 d . from ^ ,' , «\ \ > T ' ; * ", simplicity y is in Christ. 4 lor epxopevos aXXov irfcrovv Kifpvo-crei ov jf he that cometh preacheth ovk eKnpvtapev, f) nvevpa erepov Xap- another Jesus whom we have 3* > >\ >a * > '\ not preached, or if ye receive ^avere o ovk eXapere, if evayyeXiov another spirit wnich ye have erepov b ovk ede£ao~de, KaXais e dve t- not received, or another go>-pel, a ii which ye have not accepted, ye , r , might well bear wit h him. AoyiQopai yap prjbev vo-repr/Kevai 5 For, I suppose, 1 was not a rav vwep Xiav djroo-roXmv. 6 ft 8e Kal whit behind the very chiefest 1^., '„ N , l^x^> ~ i apostles. 6 But though I be rude ibuortfs TO) Aoyw, aAA ov rrf ^ yvacrei ' in speech, yet not in knowledge; aAA' ev travrl cpavepcodevres ev irdo~iv but we have been throughly els vpds. I 4 apapriav enolrfcra, epay- Etgt&XZSSJ* rov raneivurfre, on an offence in abasing myself, ba>peav to rov Oeoi evayyeXiov evriy- |' you might be exalted, because ^ , ,. , »." , . ',' I have preached to vou the gos- yeXio-aprfv vpiv ; aXXas eKKXrjo-ias pe i f God freely ?' 8 I robbed eavXr]0~a, Xafia>v 64ra>viov ivpbs rfjv other churches, taking wages of ' - j\ i \ \ \ i - them to do vou service. 9 And vpcov btaKOViav mt irapcov irpos vpas wh en I was present with you, Kai vareprjdels, ov KarevapKrfo~a ovbevos' and wanted, I was chargeable 9 (to yap iio-reprfpi uov tvpoo-ave-rrXn- Jo no man: for that wh.ch w.k v ', ",. . , '/ " . \, ", , ' lacKing to me, v brethren which pwo-av oi abeXcpOL eXoovres ano MaKe- came from Macedonia supplied, bovlas-) ko\ ev Travrl dBapri vitlv eaavrbv an(1 in a11 thin ^ s l have ke l H ■ ' > / in » i\ ' n myself from being burdensome errjpTfo-a Kai rr/pr/cro). lv ecrriv aXifdeia t0 you and so w ,n ] kp , .,, Xpio~rov ev epoi, on rf Kav)(r)0~is avrrf myself. "• As the truth of Christ XeoSe ° Or, magnified io you. Or, rale. > Or, you do bear with me. 30 2 Corinthians XI. 11. is in me, a no man shall stop me of this boasting in the regions of Achaia. " Wherefore ? because I love you not ? God knoueth. " But what I do. that I will do, that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion, that wherein tliey glory, they may be found even as we. 13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. u And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. ^There- fore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteous, ness, whose end shall be accord- ing to their works. 16 I say again, Let no man think me a fool ; if otherwise, yet as a fool # receive me, that I may boast myself a little. 17 That which 1 speak, I speak it not after the Lord, but as it were foolishly in this confidence of boasting. IS Seeing that many glory after the flesh, I will glory also. ' 9 For ye suffer fools glad- ly, seeingye your selves are wise. 20 For ye suffer if a man bring you into bondage, if a man de- vour you, if a man take of you, if a man exalt himself, if a man smite you on the face. 21 1 speak as concerning re- proach, as though we had been weak: howbeit, whereinsoever any is bold, I spe;ik foolishly, I am bold also. a Are they He- brews? so am I : Are they Israel- ites? soam I: Are they the seed of Abraham ? so am 1 : ' n Are they ministers of Christ ? I speak as a fool, I am more: in labours more abundant : in stripes above measure: in pri- sons more frequent: in deaths oft. '•" Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one. 25 Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned: thrice I suffered shipwreck : a night and a day I have been in the deep. 26 In journeying often, in 450 EniSTOAH LTP02 ov ^tppayrjcreTai" els epe ev re/is icXipacri rrjs 'A^ata?. u Start ; oti ovk ciyairco vpas ; 6 Qeds oldev' * 6 Se tvolco, ko.1 TTOLrjero), iva eKKo^rco ttjv depopprjv tcLv 6e\6vTcov aac pera- 0~xr)paT[£eTat els dyyeXov (pcoroV ov peya ovv el /cat 01 diaKovoi avroii pera- o-^puTi^ovTai cos 8idV, Kivduvois eV yevovs, Kivhvvois e£ i6va>v, Kivhvvois iv iroXei, Kivftvvois iv iprjpia, Kiv8vvois iv 6akd(r(Trj, KivSvvots iv \}rev8- a8eX Rat Street, iv vrja-reiais noXXaKis, iv tyvxet Kal yvpvorrjrf ^ X^P^ T ^ > " To.peKTbs, fj iirMTvaTacris pov tj Kcid rjpepav, rj p.ipipva 7Tacro)v tujv iKKXr)o-ia>v. 29 Tie daOevet, Kal ovk dadevco ; tls (TKav8a\l^erai, Kal ovk iyco irvpovpai ; 30 el Kavxaadat Set, rd rijc dcrdeveias p.ov v evXoyrjTos els tovs aia>vas, oti ov \^ev8opai. 32 iv AapaaKoo 6 idvdpx^s '■ApeYa tov /3arriXeW icppovpet, tt)v Aapao-Krjvwv noXiv, mdam pe b 8iXoov" 33 Kal 8ia 6vpi8os iv crapydvr] ixaXd- o-ffrjv 8id tov relxovs, Kal i£e' (pei8opai 2 Corinthians XII. 6. perils of waters, in perils of rob- bers, in perils by my own coun- trymen, in perils by y heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false bre- thren, ''' in weariness and pain- fulness, in walchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness. '■"•Besides those things that are without, that which cometh upon me daily, the care of all the churches. 2TT(pf36kfj tcov dnoKaXvyj/anv iva prj vnepalpcopai, ed66rj pot o"*cdXo\^' rfj crapiv c "' vpels pe rfvayicd- crare. eyw yap aXpeiXov v(p' vpatv crvvloTao-Gai' ovbev yap vo~Teprfo~a rcav vnepXiav anoaroXmv, el /cat ovdev elpi. ra pev arjpeia rov arrocrToKov Kareip- ydcr6rf ev vplv ev tvdcrr) viropovrj, ev arjpeiois Kai repaai Ka\ bvvdpeo~i. ti yap (o~Tlv, 6 rfTTr)8rfT( vrrep ras Xoimis eKK\rfo~ias, d pr) on ovtos eya) ov KarevdpKrfaa vpuiv ; \aplo-ao-de pot Trjv dbiKiav ravrrfv. 14 'Iboii, rpirov d rovTo" erotpoos e^a e\6e'iv npbs vpds, Ka\ ov KaTavapKr)o- vpS>V ov yap £rfT&> ra vpuiv, dXX' vpds. ov yap otpe'iXei ra reKva rois yovevcri 6rfcravpi£eiv, dXX ol yove'is ro'is reicvois' lo e'yd) be ljbicrra banavrjo- ; l ' p.r) riva hv drreoraXKa irpbs vpds, 6Y avrov enXeoveKTrfO-a a -• b -» c Rec. HtlJ ffatf^M/urog. d lire. Gr. your souls. K0PIN9I0Y2 B. 453 2 Corinthians XIII. 7. ipds ; 1S napeKaXecra Titov, ml o~vv- you ? » i desired Titus, and cnre think yo „ that we ptaa; a KaT€va>mov" tov Qeoi) iv Xpi- excuse ourselves unto you ? we o-™ XaXovpev rd8e irdvra, dyajrrjTol, T.t^uw G °V n ?^f- bu ,' r { - ; „ , «, » 9ii i - M « «» all things, dearly beloved, V7Tfp r^f vpcov oiKodoprjs. iu (pojjov- for your edifying. ™ For I fear pai yap, annas iXdicv ovy oiovs 6iXto L est B ' len ' eome ' 1 sha " not ' » < - > v < /i- f - ? , find you such as I would, and ei'po) v/xay, Kayco evpe&co vp.iv oiov ov that I shall be found unto you &Xere - prjiras epas, ^r)Aoi, 8vpol, sucn as y e would not, lest there w » « will humble me among vou, and 7Tpoc vpa?, Kai ircv6r) iroXXovs Ta>v that I shall bewail many which nporjpapTrjKOTcov, Kal pfj uerai/ontraiTcoi/ nave si "ned already, and have J—\ ~ ~. d„„_'„ < ' < » \ not repented of the uncleanness, em T^amdapo-La Kai TTopveia Kai aaeX- and ^(cation, and lascivious: Jfia, fj ewpal-av. nesa which they have commit- t 13. Tpirov tovto 'ip X opai rrpos ifms. te % This ., the third ^ , 67TI (TToucitos ovo papTVpav Kai Tpiav am coming to you: in the mouth o-Tadrjo-erai irdv pripa. - irpoeipriKa Kal of two or three witnesses shall __ \ - r < \ \ >?,' 1 \ every word be established. ' I npoKeya, {(osnapwv) to bevTepov, (/cat toM you before) and forptpll mrcov vvv) c " to'is TTporjpapTrjKoo-i, Kal vou as if I were present the to'is Xoitto'is iratnv, on edv e\0o> €is to secon , d ^ e 2 a " d bei °^ t^" 1 ' ,,. > 1 < 1 > ' s "^ 1 "" > '" now 1 write to them which here- iraKiv, ov r - 1 > j - i\\i V ' not spare: 3 since ye seek a (os eisvpas ovk aatievei, aXKa bwarei proof of Christ speaking in me, iv vpiV * Kal yap el (0-Tavpu)6r/ e£ which to you-ward is not weak, , ( .'„ , ' *>« ^ "^<-"f*<:u;» wc .,1/ t|, 0U gi, he was crucified through Kai yap rjptis ao-deuovpeu ev avTU>, weakness, yet he liveth by the aKkd fro-optea avv avra oc Swwiuews Power of God: for we also are £-.-,(. 5 , t ,.~ , weak a m him. but we shall live fc>foy fty i^xac-) eaurou? 7TfipafeT6 ei with him by the power of God e'are iv rf] nio-rei, eavrovs SoKipdtere. toward you. s Examine your- * „,»,„ ' . ! <• > « w selves, whether ye be in y faith: V ovk emyivaafKere eavTovs, on \rjaovs prove your own selves. ' Know Xpiaros iv vp.iv icrTiv ; et pr/n ddoKl- ye not your own selves, how that uoi io~T€. Jesus Christ i^ in you, except 6 ' V \ ' >y s> " ' a " ' - ye be reprobates V lLA7ri^a) oe on yvaxreo-Oe on rjpeis « But I trust that ye shall ovk io-pev ddoKiuoi. 7 e evyouai" 8i know that we are no ' re V r °- — „X~ -. \ c\ ' « - ' - > bates. 'Now 1 prav to God, that irpos TovVew, pt] noirjo-ai vpas KaKov ye do no evil, not ti.at we should pTjotv' ovx tva rjpels SoKipoi (pavoypev, appear approved, but that ye • "V KHrtravrt. b R e c. & Gb. om. c Kec. add ypafv. d Ea. & Elz. add ««.. • n «"*»*»*_« this also we wish, even your V*« aadevupev, vfieis 8e dvvaroi t]re perfection. 10 Tlierefore I write roiro a Se ' Kal ev^npeBa, ttjv vpcov these things being absent, lest KaTapTlo - LV . 10 $ la T0VT0 TavTa an ^ v being present I should use sharp ,J~ „ K , , , , ness, according to the power ypaCpco, iva irapwv prj uiroropus XP1~ which the Lord hath given me o-^uai, Kara rriv e^ovaiav riv e'Sco/ce uoi to edification, and not to de- r ,, / > > £ \ \ > ■> n struction ° ^-vpios eis oiKOOoprjv, Kai ovk eis KaV- alpeaiv. " Finally, brethren, fare- U Aotirov, d8eX(j)ol, ^aiperf, Har- well: be perfect, be of good *y & \ - /) » »_» comfort, be of one mind, live apn^ade, irapaKaXeiaOe, ro ^ avro in peace, and the God of love (ppovtlrt, elprjvevere' Kal 6 Geo? rrjs and peace shall be with you. t j y fa n . g Ka \ € l p hims eVrat ueff vpuv. '- Greet one another with an ,./ , ' , . r ' ' ,. i » / j. holy kiss. ao-jracacroe aAArjAovs tv ayia> - T)AUL an apostle, not of A J- , *. , 5, > , n , 'w » » » A men, neither by man, but Trw, ovoe ol avUpcoirov, aAAa Oia by Jesus Christ, and God the 'lrjo-ov Xpicrrov, Kal Qfov irarpbs rov which are with me, unto the aw epoi iravrcs aotXcpoi, rats eKKAr)- churches of Galatia : ^ grace a l als T ~ y TaXarias' 3 Yapis vplv Kal be to vou and peace, from , , ', , _ ,','./ God the Father, and from our (iprjvrj air o Qeov irarpos, Kai^ Kvpiov Lord Jesus Christ, 4 who gave ypu>v % \r)crov Xpiarov, * rov dovros himself for our sins, that he ,« c ,. - Aaapn&v hu&V, might deliver us from this r , r f _ , ' "„ , v present evil world, according oirois e^fArjral r/pas (K rov eveo-rcoros ■* — * b Kec. add a/i»;y. c Hec. uvep nP02 TAAATA2. 455 Galatians I. 17. aiuvos novrjpov, Kara to deXypa tov to the will of God, and our Fa- Qeov kci'i irciTijus tjuwv, ' gj n 8d£a ther - it0 wl >om *« glory for > • >- - >. ,' ■' " ever and ever, Amen. ety tov? atojfas roji' auofcdP. aprjv. S Qavpdfa 5ti oCtco Taxtvs perarl- « I marvel,* you are so soon j»raJ$ 7Mi~rf Oj .. flecr&r otto toG /caXe'crai/TO? vua? eV rem oved from him. that called - .,',., , Y „ J r* ' 2 • >" unto the grace of Christ,unto u ^ u ' •* Stv^ , / Xaptri ' Vcttov, «» €T ep JZ/\i& , , Atoi/* ' 6 Of ac eo~Tiv dXXo, el pr\ rives another ; hut there be some that ' / -*--€t*%* cn~ ^ C&*n «-* l*-e-* . o-Toi. * dXXd Acai iav fiuels fi ayyeXos Dreach . <""[ ott «r ?°9» el unl « ~ .' — > . - , N ,„ '~ , J. " , * you. than that which we have' e| ovpavov evayyeXiQrjTai vuiv Trap o preached unto you. let him be Cu ^ f fLT]- / ryeXio-dp.eOa vp'iv, dvddepa earn, accursed. » As we said before, <- q aJTLc /ct*«-*-»t> -/ 9 « ' > i --> s' so sav I now azain. ifanvman / us TrpoetprjKape^ km ap-ri naXiv Xe- preach anv 0Iller gospe f unt0 ?/--,, , yto, ft tic I'uaj ftayvfXtffrat 7rap' 6 you. than tnai ve ha-. e received, , /<£. /,./ // / ' ' , 6+yPi LpeXdSeTe, dvdBepa :foi. » o>ri >« *» »-««ined. - ■ Fordo i \^ **/ ^' ' Y ^ -,A„ ' /J • -a * ' q ' * now P ersuade men . or God? or o(y*-t : /. /. » Ct 0-*<*Ji+ < S.XiL. yap avVpanovs Treitto tf tov Qeov ; r/ do I seek to please men ? for if (t)tu dvdpuTvois dpeo-Keiv ; el b ydp" en l y el Phased men, I should not ' ^ V ^aTTOis T)peo-KOV,\piOTOv OovXosovk £l~l/«-,t^,. . v &*Vn*. t i-C—*uJaj£+- / Tvapifa c 8e" vplv, dbeX(po\, to •' But Icertify vou, brethren. / /'- , evayyeXiov t6 cvayyeXiadev vtt euoi, yfhe gospel which was preached , ''//,, " , '• * < - a a >s>' of me. is not alter man. '-For r -y ;Z/L& aa£ /uJ' ^~v Ct-AUlt^ o-i olk eo-Tl KOTO. avdpwnoV a ovde I neither received it of man, A ' ,/ yap eyco izapd dvdpwvov TrapeXa,3ov ai- neither was I taught it, but by /At rd V- As to 7fpV/ »» > the revelation of Jesus Christ. '/ yi/ul- ' " " v l. . , to '.om^ eo-ioaxQpv, aXXa & airoKa- .3 For ye have heard of my con- ^.(^^,- -~ %~fi^uL* /# Xvyeois lrjo~ov Xpiarov. rinovcraTe versation in time past, in the - s/ • . yap rf,P irfv dvao-rpo^v rroTe ev ro5 Jews' rel,gton,Ao«- that beyond — ^^ f <<— ^^' ,' r * L ~ ' „ /p c a \ i >b- ' tneasure I persecuted y church > , , „ . Ioi/0at0"/xa), ort (cat' VTTeplioXTjv eOtco- of God, and wasted it: "and kov Tnv eKKXno-iav tov Qeov, Kai enop- P«>8*d in the Jews' religion, 5 /a . ,^ .r /j ' ' . 14 > ' > - abo»e many my -"equals in mine / flow mmjv- M >cat «rpo»07rroi/ «» ra> own nation, being more exceed- J^^*-~-«< ~ lovda'io-pm inrep ttoXXovs o-vvrfXiKid>- ingly zealous of the traditions \ ras ev ra yevei pov, nepLO-aorepcas of my iathcrs - ~^ ( Cr)Xo)Ti)s imdpxuv tuv TTarpiicwv pov . / v . ( - ^y /" izapabdo-eav. * "0 T e 8e elbdK W ev "6 9,6*' 6 „ , ''" *" > j „ > ^ . , 1 M But when it pleased God, , c acpopio-as pe etc KoiXias pqrpos pov, Kai who separated me from my / K *~ KaXecras 6"ta ttjs \dpiros avrov, 16 drro- mother's womb, and called me /^t. i. V T<+? V lv ^ /wf KaXtyai tov vlov avToi ev epol, Iva *^ ^J^L'Z^lxS. ^' ^ *°^ -** ' ^ ■x . i. 111 - C^ ^o" ln me ' tnat ' m, -ht preach eiayyeXiQapai avrov ev tois edvecriV him among the heathen, imme- . 1 1 ,—£** ei$e f > > -n /1 ) e. ,n flesh and blood: '■ neither went f , ^_, /. Z.. pan, J ot;0e avr)X6ov eis lepoaoXyua 1 up t0 Jerusalem, to tbem f +*- Trpof rove rrpo epov anoaToXovs, dXX which u'ere apostles before me, - A "14. -« Galatians 1. 18. 456 EIII2T0AH /9 $ <¥/** *-£-£-/ &*• / ^ t - v *-*£** - but I went into Arabia, and re- dni)X6ov els 'Apaftiav, Kai naXiv vire- ££ YltTh h*u~<6+~^> -^L, r^/ r turned again unt0 Damascus - arpe^a els AapaaKov. L~ A i /&H> J3& to^usXi^ee , " *W« f-f* *1 **»'« *g^ £ fc /*<-'/ T, ,J fJ *-., / y Peter, and abode with him fif- lepovoXvpa i(TTopj]aai a Krjcpav, Kai IM /1~>/jry. A J Q teen days. "But other of the ^iu.wa ^pbs airbv rjpepas beKaTvtvrf /j /J / - /T, r,, /y . >/> <£ apostles saw I none, save James 1u i .^ „ , ,\ , ?», **j/f> j^f ?;*)/ the Lord's brother. -"Now the 9 eTepoi/ 8e TcovaTroaroXav ovk eibov, £* l^ /Si /4-<&* J S*^> things which I write unto you, f l pfj 'laKa>/3oi> rbv dbeX AO /u* / s-^/'y regions of Syria and Cilicia, Gfot), ort ou -yevoopai. J'U^." f.Ti-f"V CL^ £ S^-nUJ "and was unknown by face 21 " E7mra 2X6W eis Ta KXipara Trie £ /.. ,_ /' /- y. unto the churches of Judaea, , v J * , <«[ „ i, jnrt^ 4V A. i^/C-i^" T*ry*norr- wWch were in christ 23But Svptaj Kai rr/j KiAiiaac- r/jur/i/ oe ■ »• ' / )j J^, ALc^ %et$ *"-*-= they had heard only, That he dyvoovaevos ru> TTpoiTa> Tals eKK\n- inJi. t*. v^ <^-~- y~ which perse( . uteQ us in times ', r . , v, , r -' , Y I «. 6.^0 *~ tZfSxJu. past, now preacheth the faith, 0|tais Tr,c IovcW rats ev Xptoro which once he destroyed. 2,| And 2l> povov be duovovres i)o~av' On 6 Old)- - a n .-/ went up again toJerusalem with •niarw rjv nore enoptiei. " Kai eoo^a- .* , V' ^ / ^ / 1 Barnabas, and took Titus with (ov ev eaol rov Oeov. ' oL/To rid £/■ UJt h W >- me also. '' And I went up by 4 n »„ S < S ' ' - " rJ/Jl yy •>■ / ■ - - revelation, »nd communicated 2. Eire ira dia dcKaretraapav erwv C * Z, "7' K '*' "■ < «nto them that gospel, which I naXiv ave^T]v els'le poaoXvpa peril Bap- O/ rnJ}*£L/u* uxt It'.^^r^^- preach among the Gentiles, but ^o avu.7rapa\affav Kai TiroV 2 ave- rt. / • L*,ll\- / L '/ / \ t> ^privately to them which were > ' , r" f, ,. , , , /, - «> Iv, /-^--O^, ^A^t^i- of re putation, lestby any means j3r/i/ 5e Kara UTTOKaAvtyiv, Kai avedepr)v 4^(fe> UriJt /L (t/k®lf Cfk,tu~^L, I should run, or had run in a l T0 ' LS T0 (vayyeXiov b Kripvao-a) ev rots - 7, n i I U 1 L LcJ! ^"Vain. 3 But neither Titus, who „ n 1 A' »\ » » > c i, fie, fx^ sUef- W /^V' 'fV/was with me, being a Greek, eQve?*£. was compelled to be circum- 7ro>? etc Kevbv rpe^o) t) ebpapov. 3 uXX' 8-1 G A*^, a t Z a ,^^7 K-/ l] ^ U t^ 4 and I b6C T e ° f M ' Se ovSe Titos 6 /(*»«7^i""'»-'i Wl4 *' J-Vfj.je. who came in privily to spy out Katr^r; irepiTpr)6r)vai. 01a be rovs . our liberty, which we have in ^,.^5. ylseyoadeXchovs, (oirives "■ /^<.~ ,i. /UjVt A-«tt {, . Christ Jesus, that they might *- s. ,, ~ -^ > >\ Cc^^- 'I J I >l IL. brins us into bonda g e - 5To ■xapeiar]\6ov Karaa-Konrfa-ai ttjv e\ev- 3- 1/ Jlf-u.^ Uf-t^, L-u. ,f-A/u I *v **; *" whom we gave place by sub- fepiay rtpuiv, TjV e^opev ev Xptr/Tft) / 1 1 ,, A C*^f. 1 Xu - jection, no not for an hour, that > r ~ <• '.-_ b „„^„5(„,,\ ,',„„,,_,,,. "\ Hf-Ufa* «wrrt 'S^^Mr-U.- _ J the truth of the gospel n!ight I170-OW, wa ( ij/iaf % icaTa6ouAcoo-ou(r»v ) ^. /t«t J* T*t»S /'t I y ' ..rl* uc-i^-k^ju continue with you. s c otr ovde " 7Tpos (opav eigapev ti; OW •> Lyt^bv (cfcA'i) */£ (nuiltH thp y wer e. it maketh no matter Siapeivr, tvpos vpas. I j/ / ,/'//<( ' to me, Godaccepteth noman's 6 '^^ §^ ^^ § KODirra)l/ etVat T£, CtA*-«TC/ li-o Ah1<"^ /U< 1 / ^ ft> person,) for they who seemed , - » •? >b- & j* „. IT to be somewhat, in conference OJTOtot 7TOT€ ijaa^ owfiei; /lot bia(pepei added nothing tome. 'But con- (Tvpoaconov Qebs dvdpcoTTOv ov Xapfta- trariwise when they saw that .s • oi v J g 0K0 {) vre y ot-Sei- Trpoo"- the gospel 01 y uncircumcision / n '/,,., , , ,<,', was committed unto me, as the avedevro, ' aAAa Tovvavriov, lOovres gospel of the circumcision was 0Tl Trewia-Tevaai to evayyeXlov ttjs aKpo- unto Peter: 8 (for he i wrought a , a \ ,-, - ~ - . effectually in Peter to the apos- fivcTTias, KaBus^ Uerpos ttjs 77epiTop.r]s tleship of the circumcision, the 8 (6 yap evepyr)o~as Uerpio eis atvoaTO- fc CN3 — . Rec. h Gb. Utrpov b Kec. 8t Gb. KaTaiovAwffuJvra*. c r* a Or, relumed. 8 Or severally. ITP02 TAAATA2- 457 Galatians II. 20. Xr)v TTJsnepiTOHTjS, evrjpyrjo-e Kai epol same was mighty in me towards els ra i6vq'} 9 Kai yvovres rrjv X^P iV the f ' entiles -) a And "hen v j> d - ' a'i ' Q x v A^ZJ' James, Cephas and John, who Tip dodeurav poi, Uuuo^os Kai Kij<£as seemed t / be pi i, ars , per( . eiveci ^v <*i 1 * ca ' '^nvvtjs, ol boKovvres orvXoi eivai, the grace that was given unto detiav i'baiKav epol Kai Bapvafia Koivco- me < th 7 *?™ *° "V* and ,?■*■ , = „ < ~ \ ^ „ i \ "A ' > < nabas the right hands of fellow- vias, iva r]pe is " pev eis ra e&vr], avroi ship, that we should go unto the be eis rriv Trepiroanv' lu uovov rwv heathen, and they unto the cir- - rl ' "J « n v > > cumcision. » Oolv they would irru X w ti/a pvtjpovevwpev, o Kai eo-irov- that we should ^eaJer the daaa avTo roiiro noirjaai. poor, the same which I also 11 "Ore be fjXde c Knd)5s" «s 'Aww- w ^ *°"""£ to p do f - , ' , '',„>, "Hut when Peter was come X , > T , a ' \ ' - blamed. '-'1'or before that cer- e\Sea> rivas ano LaKoaPov, pera ro>v tain came from JameSi h e did e'Bviov crvvrjaBiev' ore de rj\6ov, Vive- eat with the Gentiles: but when areXXe Kai ^pi^ev eWo,, cpo/3ov- SS»ttSftS5 pevos rovs (K Trepiroprjs. Kai them which were of the circum- o-vvvTVCKpidno-av avrw Kai ol Xonrol vision. "And the other Jews , ~ „ r „ v ' , dissembled likewise with him, lovbaioi, ware Kai Bapvapas 0~vv- insomuch that Barnabas also enrr/Y^n- avra>v rfj inroKpio-et. was carried away with their 14 > i\\> " ' ?a " ' ' a dissimulation. « AXX ore eibov art ovk opdotro. i. B ut when I saw that they dovo-i irpos ttjv aXrjdeiav rod evayye- walked not uprightly according Xiov, clrrov T<5 "Kr/rM" '4p.tr poo-6(V to the truth of the gospel, I said , , ', , 'T'- it unt o Peter before them all, It navraV El ltv, lovoaios vnapxmv, thou, being a Jew, livest after idviKQK (fis Kai ovk 'lov8a'iKs" the manner of Gentiles, and not i "/i ■>' >y > T j. •»>• is r as do the Jews, why compellest ra edvtj avaym^em lovbaiCeiv ; ppeis thou the Gentilt . s t0 live as do (fivo'ei 'louSalot, Kai ovk e'£ t6va>v apap- the Jews ? '* We who are Jews TojXoI, 16 flborfs 'bi" on ov diKaioirai ^ " atu , r ^ »"d » ot sinners of • . t > /•* C X /" /'I, nlo-reos 'Introv Xourrov, km f/iMls <& of the law, but by the faith of //,/^< ^*J «/t \ ' L J- "T C ,. , ,' . r , , " « Jesus Christ, even we have be- I J \ ,, ^ /-r cM,. ff~ ,"(».i*<«. Xpiarov lrjo-ovv eiricrrevarapev^ ^ Ueved in Jesus Christ, that we . 1/%/tC ^.fatJ* C JL/ ti"+*"+* biKaiuidioufV fK TViOTiOiS XptcrTOU, Kai might be justified by the faith 2 "". ' {]7 A-. .„ /• / / " o« ,-i w -*-r .«*.'■>« J- ssftSBKss ;, ^rr^fl^iid;.; : - vopov ov biKaioidijaerai naaa aap£. the law shall no flesh be justi- /■■■ * , , //. , ■/ ff V J8e Cnroivres biKauo&jvai eV Xpi- ^d- ■* But if while we seek to --. o./^-*-~{ , H~/*jatf+ , *>JUt , . a •, > x , ~. r v be justified by Christ, we our- U a C a^ » i^i~~t 4 lk.~~Z*~> w^wt,.. o-to), evpt0r]pev Kai avroi apaprcoKoi, se hes also are found sinners, is ^ . r apa Xpio-ros apaprias biaKOvos ; un therefore Christ the minister of <> ' < • / • 15 „ iy* /k* Csu.> > ' IS ' ' * '"k - „ sin? God forbid. "For if I?, ,7^ / h s^oe A-C C^-C Ml a.^, rft_v, ■ yevoiro. « yap a KaTeXvtra, tovto buiid agaln the lhi ngs which I 1 ' a - '"V° ** ■ - / Zzt I ■aakiv oiKoSop.0), 7rapa(3arT]v epavrov destroyed, I make myself a «-«. ." l9 eya yap bia vopov transgressor./" For I through -£,,; //.W- ,\. ^-^ ^ fr^.^/l/ ,/,/ * - i i >a " >. - «./ 20 i- tne law, am/dead to the law, . / // k* W-J/Svopcp anidavov, waQem Qrpjcou_ * Apt- t h a t I might live unto God. i{ ,^^, K/>-t. c .y.2 < )-W. v " rT ?^ w e(rTaup >. A /*^^, A/- 7 t X* ^'-1 &~S v<^>- *' T it?l sV L ^il"* ^^1^ l l -Ct^^t L A»~ X >/■ H-. (*J JZf&L**} l-ir^S /L ■i*V7Ky i ^ Galatians II. 21. N.evertheless,I live,yetnotI,but Christ liveth in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. '- [ I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. 3. O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, lhat you should not'obey the truth, be- fore whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you ? 2 This only would I learn of you, Re- ceived ye the Spirit, by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith ? 3 are ve so 458 EniSTOAK A*j> ■■/- #~ Tt. tC*l^UA**~^e- a foolish ? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect £-^ " by the flesh ? 4 have ye suffer- r ° ed °so many things in vain ? if v *~*- it be yet in vain. 6 He therefore • y rainistereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among ~f you, doeth he it by the works Cn XM. fOoi the law, or by the hearing of faith? 6 Even as Abraham be- h „ i .-, f , faith . J b Even as Abraham be- /iL~i -^^^c^r^' u~c£ lievedGod, & it was ^account- <■ s J ' J y . ' -J.-1-_- f r_t_. , ttj tov viov rov Geou, tov ayaTrrjaavTos /xf kcli Trapci86vTos iavrov virep epoii. ovk dBero) rrjv X^P LU ro ^ © eo ^' et 7 a P • '•HI VOpOV BlKCllOITVVT], (ipO. XptOTOC doipeav dnedavev. 8. 'il dvor)Toi Yakdrai, tls vpds e8d(TKave a " : ois Kar 6s 'ivcrovs /4 *, XpitTTos TTpoeypafprj ev vp.iv earav- ^j^ pcjpevos. " tovto p.6vov 6eku> pade'iv d(p' iipcov, e£ epyoov vop.ov to ILvevp.a eXajSere, i] it; ditorjs 7Tt'o"recos ; ovra>s dvorjToi eo~Tf ; evap^dpevoi Tlvevpan, vvv uapKi eViTeX fierce ; 4 rocravTa emiOere eiicrj ; ei'ye /cat etxf). 5 6 oitv imxopinyoiv iip.lv to Tlvevpa, kcil cvep- y£)v 8vvdp.eis ev vplv, e£ epycov vopov T) ei; aKorjs Tiio-Tea>s ; 6 Kadcoi'AjBpadp e'nlo-Tevo~e ro3 Geco, /cat eXoyladr] uvtco els BiKaioo~vvr]v. 7 TivcocrKeTe apa otl o'l en TricrTecos, oiiToi elo~iv viol ' AjBpadp.. 8 7rpo'i8ovo~a 8e rj ypaCprj oti e< nlaTeus SikcuoI Ta edvTj o Qeos, TTpoevqyyeXicraTO t<» 'Aftpadp.' "On c evevXoyrjdfjaovTai" ev o~ol irdvTd Ta edvr). 9 Qcrre ol eK 7rio-Teo)s, ei/Xoyovvrai, o~vv tc5 7rtaTai Afipadp.. u Ocrot yap e§ epya>v vopov etrrtf, i)T7o Kardpav elo-L' yeypanTai ydp' d "OTi" eTTiKaTapaTOs nds os ovk eppevei evTrdai Tolsyeypappevois ev tu /3i/iXiw tov vopov, tov noirjaai avTa. n "Oti Se ev vopco oiideis SiKawvTai Trapa ra> Geo3, StjXov' oti O SiKmoc e/c Trio-Tecos 4 QjaeTai o 6g vopos ovk eaTiv eK ~ nlo-Tews, tiXX O noirjcras avrd e " ^rjcreTai ev ai>Tols. 13 XpiaTis rjpds eijrjyopao-ev eK Trjs Kardpas tov vopov, yevopevos inrep r]pa>v /carapa" (JyeypanTaiydp'" I l » Kec. add rn oX'/Hf.a fj-rj TrttBtaBai, 11 ZZ c Bz. &. Eli. ei'XoyFjS^ffoi'rat. ^ Rec. am, or* ytypairTai. a Or, so great. Or, imputed. nPOS TAAATA2. 459 EniKardpciTos iras 6 Kpepapevos em > be 'Afipaap e'pprjdrjaav al eirayyeXiai, Kai ra> crrreppaTi ai/Tov' ov Xeyer Kai rois o-7reppao~iv, o>s eni ttoXXojv, dXX' pevr]v vtto tov Qeov a etc Xpicrrov" 6 pera b TeTpaKocria Kai rpuiKovra eir/" yeynvais vopos ovk aicvpol, els to Karapyrjo-at ttjv enayyeXiav. 18 el yap eK vopov rj KXrjpovopia, ovKeri e'| enayyeXias' ra> be 'Afipaap, bi tirayyeXias Ke^dpiaTai 6 Qeos. 19 Ti ovv 6 vopos ; ratv napa($ao~ea>v X a p lv c ere6rj," (u^pis ov eXdrj to o-ireptxa u> eTrnyyeXrai,) biaraye'is bi ayyeXwv, ef X ft /-" peaiTov. o oe peairrjs evbs ovk eo~Tiv, 6 be Qeos eis eo~riv. - 1 'O ovv vopos Kara tg>v eixayyeXioiv tov Qeov ; pr) yevoiTO. el yap eboQrj vopos 6 bvvdpevos £coo7rtur)o-ui, ovtcos av eK vopov tjv r) biKaioavvrj' " aXXa avveKXeiaev r) ypa(prj tcl ivavTa vtto apapr'iav, Iva r) eirayyeXia eK mo-Teu>s 'lrja-ov XpLaToii bo6rj to'ls maTevovcri. ■ 3 TTpo tov be eXBelv ttjv ttio-tiv, vtto vopov ecppovpovpeda d crvyKXeiopevoi " els ttjv peXXovo-av ttio-tiv aTTOKaXv- (pdrjvaC 24 "Qcrre 6 vopos natbaycoybs rjpcov yeyovev els Xpto-r&v, iva eK TTio-reu>s biKaiodaipev' 25 eX6ovo-r)s be ttjs tti- CTTews, ovKeri vtto iraibayayov ecrpev. 11 Galatians III. 25. it is nrittrn. Cursed is every one that liangeth on a tree : u that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles, through Jesus Chris'. : that we might receive ihe promise of the Spirit through faith. 13 Brethren, I spe;ik after the manner of men ; though it be but a man's ° covenant, yet if it. be confirmed, no man disannul- led, or addeth thereto. "'Now to Abraham and bis seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many, but as of one. And to thy seed, which is Christ. I; And this I say, that the covenant that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none efl'ect. 18 For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of pro- mise: but God gave it to Abra- ham by promise. 111 Wherefore then serveth the law ? It was added because of transgressions, till y seed should come, to whom the promise was made, and it wag ordained by angels in the hand of a media- tor. ' 20 Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one. >' Is the law then against the promises of God ? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, ve- rily righteousness should have been by the law. -- But y scrip- ture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe. '-= But be- fore faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith, which should after- wards be revealed. *• Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justi- fied by faith. -•' But after that faith is come, we are no longer <^f Cl-C<-~3 It /UJ-- %~ tf~<- 2/. » ZX l* Rec. *tt7 rirp. k. Tpiait. c Rec. 00 TrpootrtQv a Or, testameut. d Rec. St Gl>. fffy*i*X«tff>*«ro4. Galatians III. 26. 460 EIII2TOAH under a schoolmaster. 2« For ye 26 ndvres yup viol Qeov eare bia :m' are all the children of God bv _' „ „ > v - 't -. 27 » faith in ChristJesus. ^ For as ™™™ evXptcrrco lr,croV "enrol many of vou as have been bap- yap ft? Xptcrrof e(3a7rrio~dr]Te, Xpio~r6v t J, 7 / ed , i,lt ° c ' lns V have u P" 1 on e'vebvo-aade. " 8 ovk evi 'lovbalos, ovbe Christ. ^ There is neither Jew, „_,. , „ ,. „ ,., ,. ,' nor Greek, there is neither bond &AAr]V ovk evi OovAos, ovoe eAevdepos' nor free, there is neither male ovk evi apcrev Kai 6n\v irdvres yap nor female: for ve are all one * <■ * ' > v - »t - to ■> in Christ Jesus. »■ And if ye he v P fl f e « e be, ed> ocrov ypovov 6 acXtj- as long as he is a child, differeth / / > > > £ » «. j' nothing from a servant, though povopos vijnios eariv, ovbev 8t.av' 2 dAAa . 3 Even so we, when we were a XP L T V S npo6eo-pias tov Trarpos. i T^o-ToiXtu* ,h JL nLa*L^-4 c , hlldren . wereinb ° nda g e ™d e r 3 ourco Kai nuetc, ore rjpev vfimot, xmb 7. T«°-< 0<-AU.« ( V -■*+. r/tyx*^*-^. the a elements f t h e world: < - ~ , /r ? '* «, \ ?•. , „ , (y .— ,—, _ [Me n elera( , n | S i tne world: \ •> -> / •? t.t\ ^— ^ . , A/ viA QJlt-k-aJLtJ 4 but when the fulness of * time Ta - (TTm ^ La T0V ^ koo-uov^ -qpev^ bebovAco- J^-L^. • ^^/' was come, God sent forth his pevov * ore be rj\6e to TrAr)pa>pa rov / c ft /nr oo~ « " / rf servant, but a son; and if a son, Oias "tjpcov, Kpa'ov, Appa o TraTTjp.Amf/*' Chri f 11 he ' r ° f G ° d through 7 &(TTe ovKert ei bovXos, d\\' vlof el *£££* be v'tos, Kal KArjpovdpos c Qeov bia'^i XplCTTOV," SHowbeit, then when ye knew 8 ' AXXa Tore pev ovk elbores Oeov, not God. ye did service unto >$. s / -a»j.'*9 them which by nature are no eoovAevaaTe tois u pj] - > ■> stowed uponyou labour in vain. P°^«' vfias, pr]7ra>s eiKt] KeKomaKa etc /■ ' '■ - \ Olsj vpas i. 9^. J*~^&>>n /"*" /*^f n Brethren, I beseech you, l2 Tlveade us •' C7 *srf r^i^r^t-^ z2_^ /j^,, ^) i>-w«. be as I aw ; for I «m as ye are, < - , j, N , v » , >/ V ovoev p ( l, ( -M J u *-°-~° ^JZ?*^ «- ^^ °y* ' 3 Ye know how through inflr- T)biKr)o-aTe. 13 o'tbare be on bi da6e 7,*^^ „ ^d'/lt R ~* Rec - ~ """"• " — d — - Gb - <"""• /"!• " Or, rudiments. /S Or, b.ick. T Or, rudiuientB. 77 6 IIP02 TAAATAS. 461 veiav Ttjs crap/cos evrjyyeXio-dprjv vplv TO TTpOTfpOV, U Kal TOV ^irelpatTpOV pov tov" ev tt) aapKi pov ovk e^ovSevrj- irapelval pe npbs vpas' 19 TeKvia uov . 'v-t^L^ohs ttciXiv coblvco, a-xpis °v pop8f/ ' ' a ^ Xpiaros ev vplv 2U rjOeXov be nap- elvai rrpos vpas apTi, Kal aWdt-ai ttjv cpcovTjv pov, oTi ihropovpai ev vplv. . " Aeyere poi, ol vtto vopov OeXovres elvai, tov vopov ovk anoveTe ; 22 ye- ypanTai yap, on 'Aftpadp bvo vlovs ea^ev' eva eK ttjs 7raib[crKT]s, Kal eva eK tt}s eXevdepas' " 3 dXX' 6 pev e\ ttjs 7rat8icrKT]s, Kara crdpKa yeyevvnraC 6 oe eK Tr)s eXevaepas, oia ttjs enayye- Xlas. M arivd e'aTiv dXXriyopovneva • avrat yap elcri d " bvo biadrJKaf pla pev anb bpovs 2iya, els bovXelav yevvcocra, tJtls e'o-Tiv "Ayap. 25 e to yap "Ayap 2iva " bpos ecrrlv ev tt\ 'Apaftlq, av- o-Toi)(el be rrj vvv 'lepovo-aXr)p, bovXevei yap" pera tcov tckvcov avTTjs. 26 r) be ava> lepovo-aXrjp, eXevdepa eo-Tiv, tJtis «rri prjTrip S" f/pcoV ' TeypaTTTai yap' EvcppdvdrjTi cnelpa tj ov TtKTOvaa' pr)t}ov Kal j56r)(Tov t) ovk chbivovo-a' oti noXXd ra TeKva Ttjs e'pt]- pov paXXov tj Ttjs ex~ovoT]s tov avbpa. Hpels be, dbeXcpol, koto. 'lo-aaK, Galatians IV. 28. mity of the flesh, I preached the gospel unto you at y first. **An4 my temptation which was in mv flesh ye despised not, nor reject. ed, but received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus. la « Where is then the blessed- ness you spake of ? for I bear you record, that if it had been possible, ye would have pluck- , - ed out your own eyes, and have , ' /I. ^ // . 6 /l^. £,, J£ /*-' given them to me. "Am I there-// Sltf™ £S*>**, 7 ^g* . ^jL fore become your enemv, be- / ^a^/L^, //A ^^^ C %A ' C ^^*^/, K *^ U cause I tell you the truth ? 7 C "7 y 1 fj f^- tf^ $ /l* " 1 hey zealously aflect von, 3c7 .£7 f *"■< L- <**~ 'r^ f but not well: yea, they would n % J>1^ i-*y &**7 £*,**■* be zealously affected always in ', , / / ', ' J ,^ cC^7.< «*i- .4) U-. 0- t exclude £ you, that vou miuht S affect them. "But it is good to/ / 7-4 . affected always in '' 7 a good thing, and not only when trfdAU-C f^ ••- I am present with you. l» My , - /. ^ little children, of whom I tra- /$ CjAoV <7~*X' !A< vail in birth again, until Christ v/ be formed in you: -° I desire to be present n ah you now, and to change my voice, for rl stand in doubt of you. 31 Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law ? M For it is writ- ten, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. '- 3 But he who was of the bond- woman, was born after y flesh: but he of the freewoman, was by promise. •'■ Which things are an allegory ; for these are the two * covenants ; the one from the mount Sinai, which gender- eth to bondage, which is Agar. * For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and * answereth to Jerusalem, which now is, and is in bondage with her children. 28 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all. t-*- /£a^ *J-M&& «//.,.:.< *&-£*!*£ f«^£ aJ7 t/t~y c7> 7u**.7-^'LaiT/».>r Ofi«i». b Rec. & Gb. add t,v — Gb rt iddai. "(Vr. w l„a. (Recti. I Rrc. ilt^3^ } . whosoever of vou are justified 0)l 6~^ ti^lL-, a* £/•*&? the law : y e are fallen from Jr . ■ /? j I i_ grace. ° For we through the was, are the children of pro- etrayyeXias re\-v> him that was born after the Kara Uvevpa, ovtoj Kai vvv' aKKa Spirit, even so it is now. 30 Ne- T [ X/yet n ypa » - » » \ ture? Cast out the bondwoman ^ » » 6' ' 3i So then, brethren, we are not aOeAcpot, ova eapev 7rai0iaKi]s reKva, children of the bondwoman, £\\ a T f, s b iXevdepas. but of the free. - '- )-. a ' T c v v ' ~ : 5. Ty eXevdepia, y Xpio-Tos r/pas — ' f 0^f j 1 a thatifvebeci « f/J# I . J I testify again tM^/jt-T^L, tZLf-L**^' ijXevdepcoae, o-TijKere" d ovv," #cal pi] Ttd- Xiv £vya> dovXeias eve\eo-6e. 2 'ide eyu> IlauAos Xtyco vplv, oti eav irepiTtpvr]o-de, XpiaTos vpds ovdev u>(pe- Xr/o-ei' 3 paprvpopai de 7rd\iv navn dvdpccnrco nepirepvopevca, on oCpeiXerrjs eo~Tiv oXov rof vopov iroirjcrai. vopa> biKaiovadf, ttjs xdpLTOs it-err t- o-are' grace. "For we tiirougn tne ouic 5 fjpels yap Uvsvpan eK 7rtorecos Spirit wait for the hope of € 'X7rt'Sa 8ixaioo-vvr]s direK^e)(dpeda. 6 iv n yap X pl o-rai 'l W ov aire Trepcropr, n to-^uft, ovre aKpofivcrTLa, dWd Trians 8i dya7rr]S evepyovpevT). 7 'Erpeyere Kakcos' ris vpds f eve- Li/ 9?L do /L-tJ? >n^/-U^J< if Jesus Christ, neither circum- cision avaih'th any thing, nor uncircumcision,but faith which worketh by love. 7 Ye did run well ; a who did hinder you, that ye should not obey the truth? 3 This per- suasion cometh not of him that calleth you. a A Utile leaven leaveneth the whole lump. I0 I have confidence in you through the Lord, that you will be none otherwise minded ; but he that troubleth you, shall bear his judgment, whosoever he be. "And 1. brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do 1 yet suf- fer persecution ? then is the of- fence of the cross ceased. Ia I t/" 1 / /would thev were even cut off 77/^bhicli trouble you. v 1/ \ ,' is For brethren, ye have been dsfkjUn^tA) /l called unto liberty, only usenot Tis vpas Ko-^re " rfj dXrjdeia pf) Treideadai ; neio-povr] ovk e< tov koKovvtos vpds. 9 piKpd (ypr) oKov to (pvpapa (vpol. 10 eyoi TrenotOa els vpds ev Kupi'cp, on ovbev dXXo (ppovijo-ere- 6 8e Tapdcro-ay vpds fiao-Tao-ei to Kpipa, daTis dv j). 11 eyo) Se, dSfXr/Jol, el irepiToprjv en Kripvo-o-Kopai; apa Kar- rjpyrjTat to crKavhaXov tov o-Tavpov. '-' o(pe\ov • • 4 For all the law is fulfilled in ayaiTT)S OovXevere aXXi)Xois. o yap i/H- £/'■ t\sv9fpa<;, Tp *■ . §\tv9epia, T)fia.$ Xptoroi' r,\Bf&fp< arijKtTa. C Gb. vp<*S Xpttrroj, p Xpitroj Tj[taj T}\rvtif,ju«-r' , OTTjutT v, ^ «X«u9*pay. H er\tv$fpiu *?/*ay Xpurro^ »)X8i'flfpu>Te, dRec.8iGb.om. *rj t Rec, avsto^t a Or, who did drive you back ! HP02 TAAATA2. 463 Galatians VI. i. nas vopos ev eVt Xdycp nXijpovrat, iv one word, even in this: Thou rep- 'Ayannaeis rbv nXncriov aov cos sh , a ." ! ove thy nei ^ h bour as thy- a - « 15 to *> >\ \ »\ <\ - self - "But if ye bite and de- a-tavTov. ^ hi be a\\r]\oys baKvere vour one another, take herd (cat Kareo~6iere, jSAeVere an iuro dXXt'i- y e be n °t consumed one of Xcov dvaXcodqre. another - Aeyta fie, TLvcvftan nepinardre, e ,6 This I say then, Walk in tail im.6vu.iav crapKos ov un reAe'crnr?. J s P irit . and* ye shall not fulfil 17 t , ^ f ' a - / - -^ ' the lust of the flesh. " For the r\ yap crap£ em&vpei Kara tov Ilvev- flesh lusteth against the .spirit, paros, rb fie Ilvevpa Kara rrjs trapKos' andtl >e Spirit against the flesh: rr,?,«- n fsi •> A\ \ '\ . ' ' " " « * and 'hese are contrary the one ravra be aXXrpXois an-««rat, iva fiij a t0 the other . so that v y e cannot af OeXr/re, ravra noif/re. ls et be do the things that ve would. Jlvevpari ayea6e, ovk ecrre vnb vopov. ™ *!!£?• '? I * e f the ,f% rU ' 19 , r >/'.%» - r , ye are not under the law. I; » Now cpavepa be eort rot .epyu rnc trapKos, the works of the flesh are maiii- arivd iari c " nopveia, aKa6apcria, a- J 68 *' which are these, Adultery, rri\*. r . n 20 '£ \ \ » j. ' fornication, uncleanness, lasci- creAyeia,^ eibcoXoXarpaa, cpappaKeia, viousness, » idolatry, witch- e%6pai, e'/jetc, fnAot, 6vpoi, ipideial, craft, hatred, variance, emula- A ,^i '_ " , , ' , „ y 7 """"*! Y 1 " heresies, ll envyings, murders, voi, fieOai, Kcopoi, Kai ra opoia rovrois' drunkenness, revellmgs, and a npoXiyoo vpiv, Ka6a>s Ka\ npoeinov, sucn uk / : of ,ne whicn l teI1 £-. „.' _* " o ■% ' you befoie, as I have also told on oi ra roiavra npaaaovrts (JaaiXfiav you in time past, y they which Qeov ov KXrjpovoprjcrovo'iv. do such things shall not inherit f » 'O M Kap.oc rot) Iftj&«* ecrrt, ^^^8^ is love, ayanrj, x a pa, e>-pi]vr], paKpodvpia, xp>}- J°y. peace, longsuflering, gen- trroVric, dya^coo-ut/n, Trio-ny, 23 7TOadrnc, t'eness, goodness, faith, -^meek- > ; ' v . / > » ness, temperance: against such eyKpareia Kara rcov roiovrcov ovk eort there is no law. ••» And they that rdpoy. 24 ot Se rov Xpiarov, rriv o-dpKa are Christ's, have crucified the irr-n'r, ,,,,„„ ' ,. - d ' > fl esh with the ^ affections and toravpaaav aw rots na6 n pa >\ \ 'C fir / glory, provoking one another, pet/a Kevodo^oi, uAAijXovs npoKaXovpe- envying one another. vol, aXXr]Xois (pdovovvres. 6. AbeX pao~Tao~ei. / ./ ' / / / t 6 Let him that is taught in the 6 K.oiva>veiTa> 8e 6 Karr])(ovpevos Toy 6- MOV?!*) TU.7<* . *C/ ^*— **^y^ ord « communicate unto him K > y rc5 Kar)7X , {; vrt £, „ao-lv ayaBols. , **. / / / ■ /A u/j^st-nOuP tnat teacheth, in all good things. - ', « _ ' A ' , ' 4 > . ^-*. "^ a~-/« , " u, *^ , **. j Be not deceived, God is not ' pr] 7r\avaa0e, Oeos ov pvKTrjpi{eTaf mocked: for whatsoever a man yfrp € ' a „ o-neipn avdpanros, tovto km soweth, that shall he also reap, n > 8 " '' ' ' < • s For he that soweth to his flesh, BepuriV * otl o (nreipav Bt$ Tr)V (rapta shall of the flesh reap corrup- eavTOv, e< Trjs aapKos 6epio~ei (pdopdv tion: but he that soweth to the « ^ o-jrelpov els to Uvevaa, eft tov Spirit, shall of the Spirit reap , r ( ,,"' 9 , life everlasting. s And let us not IlvevpaTOS 0e pta el {aJtjv cilooviov. * to be weary in well doing: for in g^ Ka \6v TTOiovvTes ah eKKaKcbpeV /cat- due season we shall reap, if we - > ,£./ a , \ > \ / faint not. '"As we have there- P- unto all men, especially unto a 6 iyaBbv Ttpbs ndvTas, uaXurra jj them who are of the houshold r"\ \ ( , , " _ , ' a/ /• /■*> ' -AjlV?- &&-£*"»"*? offaith - oe irpos tous oixeiovs ttjs irio-Teas. (" tr *jj M *'*yy f^ / 'i Ye see how large a letter I n "iSere 7rr]Ait£/ rOiJ faL*^/ . have written unto you with mine Z ypay L a ~ 'rl vetpt. 12 ocroi deAovcriv 1 , ^^^ a (j -\ * own hand. 1J As many as desire _fr.T •'„ r-J A f v ? , , ' U*~*Jk 1- 'df *y~r*J *-rW arv i^. a^<^> to make a fair shew in the flesh, evTrpoo-anrjO-M ev aapKi, ovtol avayica- / they constrain you to be circum- (burri!/ WM TVfpiTtavecrBai, uovov iva cised: only lest they should suf- s v - - - 47 ~ sT ' (WTM fer persecution for the cross of PI *P (rTavptprov XpiaTOV diaicavrai. Christ. 13 For neither they 13 oiifie yap ot a TrepiTeTurjpevoi" avTol themselves who are circum- - (puXdrra-o^a-H/- dXXa BiAovo-iv cised, keep the law, but desire , " • , n " » - « to have you circumcised, that vpas 7T6 piTepvecroai, iva ev tt) vpfTepa } J An -4" they may glory in your flesh, grap^ K.av\T)cru)VTaL. n epoi 8i ah yi- i# U -T n But God forbid that 1 should H A l a , , " - r/ '. glory, save in the cross of our volto Kav X aa6M « pi] ev to) (TTavpa> Lord Jesus Christ, »by whom tov Kvpt'ou fjpcov Yrjcrov UptO'TOV' Si . Christ Jesus neither circum- KOtrpo). loc «/ d yap Xpto-rcp Ir/crou ovTe cision availeth any thing nor TrepiToun ti e e'aTtv." ovTe aKpo/3var('«, uncircumcision, but a newcrea- ,,C V ' \ , 16 > « ture. 16 And as many as walk aAAa KalI "7 K" > - *»> „„^ > _i _i_ , i -i »«i\ ' the Israel of God. avrovs Kat eXeos, Kai em. tov lapa^X tov Oeov. 17 From henceforth let no W Tov XotTroi), kottovs pot pt}8e\s Jesus. e Kvpiov " \t]o-ov ev ra o-copan pou /3ao-T-a^a). 18 'H vapu rovi Kuptou iipcoi/ 'iricroO 18 Brethren, the grace of our -, « A - r , - r / t ~ ■, Lord Jesus Christ be with your Xpicrroi; peTa tov nvevpaTos vp.)iffji*tt i (V uro. i.ivctii.. S ZJ * Or, whereby. nP02 E$E2I0Y2. 465 Ephesians I. 12. I1AYA0Y EniSTOAH nP02 E$EII0Y2, ["JAYA02 anoaroXos 'irjcrov Xpiarov pAUL an aposile of Jesus 8ia 6(XnuaTos Qeov, Tois dyiois tois 7 Christ by ,he will of God, co » ' '-oIl ' > - > v - the saims which are at Ephesus, ova-wju E0ecra) Kai ttkttois (vXpio-ju, and to the faithful in Christ h]0~ov' X^P ls vp.lv Kai (IprjVT) and Je sus. -Grace be to you, and eeot narpos frS> V Kai Kvpiov 'l W ov ^JnZ^ZJ^t. Xpia-rov. 3 Blessed be the God and Fa- 3 EvXoyrjTos 6 Geoc Kai irarnp tov th , er ? f °"\ , Lord J Jesus chris f; v t , V , r . , , ••" , who hath blessed us with all Kvpiov Tjpuv lrjcrov XpiaTov, o (vXoyrj- spiritual blessings in heaTenly eras fjpas iv Trdcrrj (vXoyla TTV(vpaTiKr) iv "places in Christ: * according 7 > - ' a ' » v ' - 4 'a » as he hath chosen us in him, tois cirovpayiois *ei>Xpurrp Kada>s before the foundation of the egeAe^aro Tjpds iv auroj npo KaraftoXijs world, that we should be holy, K6«pov, *» fo« dyiovs Kai dpvpovs ^^"^^prSnaleS Karevunriov avrov (v ay any * wpoopicras us unto the adoption of chil- i] pus (Is vio6(aiav 6"ta 'Ir/crou XpiCTTOV "ren by Jesus Christ to himself, > r * ^ \ > fc / - r /1 .. / according to the good pleasure (is avrov, Kara ttjv (vSokiuv Toy 6(Xij- of his will: « to the praise of the paTos avrov, 6 (is (iraivav ho^rjs ttjs S ,or y of his grace, wherein he XfipiTOs airod, "eVf i X aplr<*o-(v fads ^f^f e us accepted in ,he (V rco rjyaTrrjp(va), iv oj e'x.opev ttjv dnoXxiTpataiv 8ia 7 in whom we have redemp- tov a'iixaros avrov, rnv d(b(0-iv ru>v tion th™ u g h his Moo-i, the f °r- / » ', r „ „ giveness of sins, according to the napaTrrcopuTQiv, Kara tov ttKovtov ttjs riciies of his grace, 8 wherein Xdpiros avrov' 8 rts in(pio-a(VO'(v (Is ne natn abounded toward us in ' ~ ' j» « j ' all wisdom and prudence : s hav- f aJ e f ^"fn O" ,^'? * a / «PP 0W 2°""» ing made known unto us the yvu>pio~as rjplv to pvo~rr)piov TOV 6(- mystery of his will, according X^paros avrov, Kara ttjv (vSokIuv avrov, J° }} is S ood pl^'ire, which he * , d > < - in ' ■> < had purposed in himselr, '"that 7]v irpoetifTO ev avT(p' IU (is oiKOVopiav m the dispensation of the ful- TOii TrXrjpcouaTOS ToiV Kaipcov, dvaKC » ess of times, he might gather A \ ' a < ' '--v - together in one all things in (paXaicoo-aaBai to. navja (V ty. — Gb. Zj a Or, tbiog). ^ Gr. tlj" lieaveos. 31 Ephesians I. 13. 466 EIII2T0AH glory, who first "trusted in TrporfkniKOTas iv rcS Xpicrrco - 13 iv %%£*£% ^ i™ ?w, («--«-« <* *°y- ™?* of truth, the gospel of your sal- uArjde las, to fvayyeAiov rtjs o-(i>Trjpias vation : in whom also after that {jacov') iv w Ka\ 7n(TTevo~avT(s icrd)pa- ye believed, ve were sealed with in - i-r ' > \- that holy Spirit of promise, 7 l ^ 6 n T , { ™ ILvevfian rrjs CTrayytXias 14 which is the earnest of our ra> dyt'o), 14 6c io~Tiv appafiiav Trjs /cAr/- it er &S.«ed r S P s : W% *** f^J^Xirp^ • ™ sion, unto the praise of his 7TeptTroit]iT(Dis, fis enaivov rr/c oo£r/c glory, avrov. 15 Aid rouro / aKcwcrac rr)v Ka^' v/^tdc tv'mttiv iv rco Kupt'cp Itjctov, Kal „ ■ _ , , ttiv ayanriv rhv els ndvras tovs ayiovs, 15 Wherefore I also, after ir ' » * / ' . c r V - 1 heard of your faith in the oy navopai ei^apt(TTaw vnjp vpiov, Lord Jesus, and love unto all pvtlav iipcov Troiovpevos ifti tuv Trpoo~- the saints, '« cease not to give - 17 - Q Qe6s £ K > v thanks for you, making men- , •*_ ," , , " „ tion of you in my prayers, Tjpwv Irjaov Xptarov, o Trarrjp rrjs •J that the God of our Lord Sd^r/c, own vp'iv Ilvevua aocbias Kal Jesus Christ the Father of , b '',,,' ' r , , r , r , - glory, may yive unto you the anoKaAvfeois, ev tniyvmo-ei avroy spirit of wisdom and revela- 18 TrecficoTlo-pivovs rovs 6(pdaApovs rrjs tion @ in the knowledge of him: a *•'■*«» ' v '£ ' ' 3 _.' ■ the eyes of your understand- 'KapSias^ vpav, etc to eidevat u/aas ris ing being enlightened: that ye eo~Tlv Tj (Attis rnc K.\r]0-ea>s avrov, Kai may know what is the hope of T / c ^XoCroc rr)c oo£rjc rnc K \tipovo- his calling, and what the riches , , -, , ', , , ' jq / 1 \ of the glory of his inheritance H- La S avrov ev rots ayiois, Kai tl to in the saints. 19 and what is the virfp'fiaWov piycdos rr/c 8vvdp€ < - 1 _ » < s power to us-ward who believe, T °V ets W^jovs Trurrtyovras Kara rrjv accotding to the working rof ivipyeiav rov Kparovs TTjS lo~\vos avrov, his mighty power : » which he 20 * \ v U py7]rriv fr rc 5 XpurTa, iyeipas wrought in Christ when he , ', , " ' ' . s « , /^, ' > ' s V - raised him from the dead, avrov (K veKpcoV mi iKaaio-fv (V 0(£ia and set him at his own right avT ov iv tois inovpaviois, 21 vnepdvio hand in the heavenly places, 1 ■> \ '> • » <\ < !" far above all principality; *"«<"7C apx^f «a« efovtriflc (cat 6wn/*f»J and power, and might, and do- Kai Kvptdrr/roc, /cat ttcivtos ovopaTOS minion, and every name that l, JOfla ( ofJL e V ov ov povov iv Tea al&Vl is named, not onlv in this ," » 7. , \ > ~ ~ - S \ 'as ^ world, but also in that which tovtco, aXKa Kai ev ra peAAovTi' r Kat is to come : - 2 and hath put 71-di/ra vniTa^ev vtvo tovs 7rdSac avTov' all things under his feet, and , > , ««, j n \ t > • gave him to be the head KaL a ^ TOV f , ocaK i ™ u *n v vnep irayTa over all things to the church, ttj eK/cXr/crta, " 3 rjris io~Tt To o~a>pa "which is his body, the fulness '• j Q n i' p a T0V c^' 7rivTa fr of him that nlleth all in all. _ ' ir r » c » » 2. And you A«//i Ae quickened nao-i irkrjpovpivov' 2. /cat i^tas oiras who were dead in trespasses, veK p OVS T0 " ls 7TapanTO}pao'l Kal rale and sins, - wherein in time past . ' / a > * ' ye walked according to the apapnais, " ev ais 7rore irepifTraTT]- course of this world, according (rare (card rdf aiwva rov Koo-pov tovtov, » live, aavuuv. 1* It c Rue. oni. B Or, hoped. Or, for the acknowledgment. ^ Gr. of tlie might of hi* power. IIP02 E$E2I0Y2. 467 Ephesiaks II. 15. Kara rov dpxovra rrjs e£ovo~ias rov to the prince of the oower of depos, rov irvevparos rod vvv evepyoiv- the . ai '.- . th * ■?'"* tlia ' - ' ,ow " ,' , , „~ _ .,' • T worketh in the children oi diso- ros ev rois viols rnc aneideias' ev ois bedience, s among whom also Kal riuels ndvres dveo-rpdchrjpev irore ev vve a11 had our conversation in - , A i ~ k t - limes past, in the lusts of our rate eiriOvpuus rrjs arapKos rjpwv, iroi- flt , sh fu | nlUng . t i, e uesires f Ovvres rd 6eXi\para rr)s aapKos Kal the flesh, and of the mind, and r&v bwot&v, Kal *» ™ t ^ JSKS^^ftiSW opyrjs, u>s Kal oi XoittoC o oe ©soc, God who is rich in mercy, for ttXovo-ios 5>v ev eXeei, Bid rnv iroXXiiv his great love wherewith he ,, (_(,,, c- jv loved us, s even when we were aya^rjvavrov rjv rjyanrjo-ev rjpas, ^ Kai dead in sins, hath quickened us ovras hpds veKpovs rols TrupaTrrdopaai together with Christ, (by grace ► ' - -v ,-. /',._' ve are saved) 6 and hath raised OT;wfa>07roii;o-e rep XpiO-rw vX"?'™ „ s U p together, and made «s sit tare creacoaptvoi') Kal o~vvi]yeipe, together in heavenly places in Kal avveKdOto-fv ev rols eirovpaviois ev christ Jesus: 'that 'in the ages „ , , - „ , j, ', f. , to come, he might shew the ex- Xpio-ro) lrjaov ' lva evdei^rjrai ev ceeding riches of his grace, in rols alioo-l rols enepvopevois rov vnep- his kindness towards us.through ass \ - - - < Christ Jesus. paXXovra ttaovtov rrjs x a P lTOS avTOV ev xprjo-rorrjTi e

poV ' ovk e£ epyo)v, » not of works, lest any man lva an rts Kavynanrai. 10 avrov ydp should boast. » For we are his , "' , a- ' -v ' workmanship, created in Christ eo-pev TToirjpa, Kriadevres ev \pio-ra> j esus unt0 good WO rks, whicli 'lrjaov enl epyois dyadols, ois TTporjroi- God hath before ordained, ' <<-,'" ' > - ' that we should walk in them. paaev o ©eoc, iva ev avrois Trepnrarrj- aiopev. , „ t «• v " Wherefore remember that 11 Aid pvrjpovevere on vpels nore Ta ye being in time past Gentiles edvn ev aaoKi, (oi \ey6aevoi dKpo^varia "? t" e flesh . "J 10 a >' e called Un- t \ * J~ ' -. > circumcision by that which is vivo rrjs Aeyopevrjs nepiroprjs ev aapKi cal i e d t h e Circumcision in the yeiponoiiirov.) 12 on rire^ev" tw Kaipw flesh made by hands, "that , , v v- - ' \"\ „ .../.„, at that time ye were without eKeivcp x<»pis Xpio-roy, arrT]\\orpiaipevoi chri ^ being aliens from the rf/s 7ro\ire[as rov 'lo~parj\, Kal 1-evoi commonwealth of Israel, and twv diaBriKuv TVS eTrayyeXias, eXnlda strangers from the covenants of , „ ' i ma ' - ' promise, having no hope, and ur) exovres Kai atieoi ev r 'ino-oO. vpels oi now in Christ Jesus, ye who , „ , ,' , ' , '\ ' sometimes were far ofT, are nore^ovres paKpav eyyt/c eyevyVrjre ev fflade nigh by the blood ol - ro3 aipari rov Xpio~rov. l * avros ydp Christ. [i For he is our peace, > l * ■* ' f r ' _jl 2 who hath made both one. and eo-riv r, eipw rjpeev^ o rzoivcras ra ap- w a h ° ^^ doWD the m ; ddle (porepa ev, Kai to peaoroixov rov wa n f partition between us : Cppaypov Xva-as- ls ttjv e\6pav ev rfj 1J having abolished in his flesh a -. b zX * (if. die wills. I 3 Or, prepared Ephesians II. 16. 468 EIII2T0AH the enmity, enen the law of aapKi avrov, tov vdpov ra>v evrniXcov ev commandments contained hi or- Sdyaaai KaTapyro-as' iva tovs 8io moil dmances, tor to make in him- , y . , „ ' > „ a _ self, of twain, one new man, ev eavTio ets eva Kaivov uv&panov, 7roi(ov so making peace. i G And that e lpnvr)V' 16 Kai dnoKclTaWdf-T) rovs he might reconcile both unto » ' { ' , > t \ , • - o' - £ ' God in one body by the cross, apforepovs ev evi Japan raQea bia having slain the enmity "there- tov crravpov, dnoKTelvas ttjv i'^dpav ev by, " and came and preached ayT ^. 17 Kai ^\0 WV evnyyeXlaaro el- peace to you, tvnich were atar , ' , „ _ \ ' - » i \ off, and to them that were nigh, pijvrjv vp.iv tois paicpav J Kai rots eyyvs, »» For through him we both 18 % TL g t ' avTOV evopev Tr)v tt poaayaynv have an access by one Spirit , , , , ,,',„'/ ' * , unto the Father. ° l apfporepoi ev evt Uvevpan npos tov ■naripa. 19 Now therefore ye are no 13 "Apa ovv ovKeri eare f-evoi Kai more strangers and foreigners : / k n^ u \ - ~ , 1 but fellow-citizens with the wopoittH, ak\a avfinoXvraiTav ayiav saints, and of the houshold of Kai o!k€iol tov Qeov, enoiKodopT)- God -" and are built upon the &>« cttWcG fWAia Tav dnoo-ToXav foundation of the apostles and , ,„'»,' , -a > prophets, Jesus Christ himself Kai Trpo(pT]Tav, ovtos aKpoyaviaiov av- being the chief corner stone, T0V 'Ino-o0 Xpio-Toi, 21 ev a ndo-a d r)" 21 in whom all the building fitly , j, ', r V J - ' „> •> framed together, groweth unto oiKodopr) o-vvapp.oXoyoyp.evq av£ei etc an holy temple in the Lord: vabv dyiov ev Kupico, *" eva Kai vpeis 2-inwhomyoualsoarebuilded g - g e ^ Karo ' rf)ptoi> T0V together for an habitation of _ , ~ f 1 ir God through the Spirit. Qeov ev JJvevpari. 3. Tovtov x°-P iv *7^> navXos 6 deapioi roil Xpiarov 'Ir/croi) vnep vpav 3. For this cause I Paul, the tcov edvav elye TjKovaare ttjv 01- ti^tt&JZtt "&* ^ X dpiTos tov Qeov ri} f the dispensation of the grace of Oodeio-r]S poi eis vpas, on koto. God, which is given me to you- ^QKaXvylnv * eyvapio-dn" uoi to mjarn- ward: 3 how that bv revelation / .w ' 1 » *\ • he made known unto me the piov, ^ (KaOas npoeypa^a ev oXiya, mystery, (as 1 wrote afore in 4 irpbs o 8vvao~6e dvayivao~KOVTes WitSSS 7™^ trvveo-ivpovevrapvo-rr,- knowledge in the mystery of pica tov XpicrTOV) O eTepais ye- Christ.) « Which in other ages vfa ' oy< i yva piircov, u>s VW aneKakvtyVT) ^ TOlS vealed unto his holy apostles aylois ottoo-toXois avTov Kai irpo(pT]Tais and prophets bv the Spirit, > ,-, > , 6 J* „. _A ;'/3..- „,...„\„ « that the Gentiles should be f " nvcvpa.Tr b ewai Ta edvr, (jvyKXr,- fellowheirs, and of the same povopa Kai o~vo~o~a>pa Kai o-vppeTO)(a body, and partakers of his pro- - ^ nayy( \[ as E U vtov" ev Ta XpiCTa, mise in Christ, by the gospel : ' /', N , 7 r'> r /' i whereof I was made a minis- Ota TOV evayyeMov, ' ov eyevoprjv ter, according to the gift of the § laKO i>oc koto. Tt)v boopedv ttis yaptroc grace of God given unto me, by - _ -h> $ a - > « > _ , „ the effectual working of his Toy Beov, ti rr)v bo6cLs avrov' » (XJ xai itprivTjv TOif. b (^> a>X* «»n c Bx. add Xidov. & Z£ * Rec. tywpist. t Rec. add *v. g — » U cv— , Gb. ttjj io$eiE2J0Y2. 469 Ephesians IV. 1. 8 'Epo\ TW (XaXl-VTOTtpto irdvTCOv 8 Unto me, who am loss than »" h dyiW ebddti fl ydpis avrn, ev to'is the ,east of a " sail,ts . is ■*«• »/) ' » \> a ' i ^ grace given, v I should preach etiveaiv evayyeKi(Taa6ai tov ^ ave£i- among the Gentiles the un- XyiacrTov irkovrov rov Xptarov, 9 kcu searchable riches of Christ. j, ' _ ' / f r > / « - a and to make all men see, what CpcoTiaai navras TIS r, 'oiicovofita^ rov is the fellowship of the mysterv. pvo-rrjpiov tov annKeKpvppevov ano Twv which from the beginning of the alwvav ev ru 6eo5 to to. irdvra kti- "'prld, hath been hid in God, ,„ , « .. ' ' .._ „ „ who created all things bv Jesus t % / powers in heavenlv places, pavioLS bia TriSfKKXpa-ias rjnoXvTTOi- might be known by the church. KiAoc cro r ~ ~ -, r ,, ~ ■>■-,,? ,, ' P ose which he purposed in It] v ' dwell in your hearts bv faith, epamw, ^ KaroiKTjo-ai tov ^ Xpiarov j ve befag ' rootpd & crounde( j ota rfjc 7rtcrrea)c ef rate Kapdiais vpav' in love, IH mav he able to com- 18 eV ayaTrr; eppifapevoi Kal TedepeKim- Prehend wuh all saints, what is pevoi, iva e^icrxvo-Tjre KaraKa^ecrOai depth, and height : » and to o-uf 7rao-t rote ti-yt'otc, rt ro TrXaroc Kat kn,,w tl,e ,ove of Christ, which \ a ia \ " i iq i passeth knowledge, that re fxr)Kos Kai Pados Kai vfos, yycovat miffh t be filled with all the ful- re ri]v vnepftdWovaav rf/c yvaicre ias ness of God. ayaTrrjv tov Xpiarov, iva 7rKr]po)6i]Te els ixdv to TrXnpcoua roi GeoC. . 2 " Xow llntc ' . him "? at s ? ab ) e 2> . . v ", r , c , , to do exceeding abundantly lo) oe bwapevoi virep -aavra a b ve all that we ask or think, iroirjo-ai virep eKirepiao-ov wv aiTovpeOa according to the power that * \ \ s, i > > worketh in us, •' unto him be r/ voovpev, Kara^ ttjv byvapiv ttjv evep- glory in the thurch b christ yovpevrjv evrjplv, avTa> f/ bo£a ev rf) Jesus, throughout ail ages, eKKX^o-iaevXpio-Tal^o-ov^lsndo-asTd's world without end. Amen. yeveas 'tov aicovos" rmv aiwvoav. auriv. ... ',_. \-t c -> » % « *.' 4. 1 therefore the prisoner ■i. llapaKahcoovv vpaseyo>o beapios O0 f the Lord, beseech you iv Kvpia, d^t'eoc TrepmaTrjo-ai rf/c that ye walk worthy of the a Rec. add ru,. l> —* C Rec. KQtvajvia. d Rec. add ^,a lr,aov Xpiwroii. e 1^ f — * a Or, in the Lord. Ephesians IV. 2. 470 EIII2TOAH vocation wherewith ye are Kkrjcreais rjs eKkTjBrjre, pera naarjs called, » with all lowliness and Ta7T eivo(hpoT)S Ka\ npaorvros, pera meekness, with longsunering, a > > ' r »»•;» > forbearing one another in love. paKpotivpias, avexopevoi aAATjAuv ev 3 Endeavouring to keep the dyinrrj, 8 o-7J-our5d£bl/Tf s rnpe'iv ttjv unity of the Spirit in the bond r § ' - tt ' ' - >fc ' of peace. * There is one body, evoTTjraTov Ylvevparos ev ru avvbetrpcp and one Spirit, even as ve are ttjs elpTjvrjs. 4 ev acopa Kai evUvevpa, called in one hope of your call- ^ Kal ^ndr/re & pia eArribi tt)s ing. 5 One Lord, one faith, one , « «• s * ir ' ' baptism, « one God and Father K\r]s vpcoV eis Kvpios, pta of all, who is above all, and Tricrriy, ev fiaiTTicrpa.- 6 eh Qebs Kal through all, and in you all. \ / r ' > / - s> > Trarrjp Travrcov, o em ■navTutv, Kai oia 7rdvTcov, Kal ev nacriv *j][iiv. , t, . r ' 'Evi be eKauTU) ripuiv ebotSri ri ydpis 7 But unto every one of us is » , / - & - - v given grace, according to the Kara to perpov ttjs bcopeas tov Xpi- measure of the gift of Christ. o- TO i, 8 g l0 X«ry«" 'Al/addc ds ii^os 8 Wherefore he saith: When he h , . , » ■> \ > r \n ascended up on high, he led "j]Xr LaX ^ fv(Tev aiXpaAoxriav, 'Ktu "captivity captive, and gave e'Scojee bopara rols dvdpioirois. 9 To also descended first into the A " eis ra Karairepa e pepTj ttjs -yr/c ; o lower parts of the earth? "> He KaTa /3 as . a ^ ro ' y eVrt *ai 6 twajSas wrep- that descended, is the same also , , , , » ■% < that ascended up far above all avcd -rravrav ru>v ovpavuv, iva -irKTjpwarj heavens, that he might P fill all fa rravra. '" g , , n Kal aiirbs eba>Ke tovs p-ev cnroaro- 11 And he gave some, apos- N > «.< i • < t< ■> ties: and some, prophets: and *ovs, tovs fo TrpocpTjras, rovs be evay- some. evangelists: and some, yeAlcrras, TOVS be TTOipevas Kal blba- pastors, and teachers: '- for <\ IS _ » _» . ■ ! ' . the perfecting of the saints, 3 till we all comer in r , / ~ » i r , the unity of the faith, and of avrrjo-Qipev oi rravres eis ttjv evoTTjra ttjs the knowledge of the son of 7rurrfcoc Ka\ ttjs eTnyvcoaeais Tovvlov tov God, unto a perfect man, unto /-.->*& *•/ ' - "\ the rneasure of the < stature of e ^' e « av8 P a riXfiov,^ eis perpov ijAi- the fulness of Christ: 14 that we Kias rov nXrjpcoparos rov Xptcrrov' iva henceforth be no more children ' • • K \ v b W vi£6pcvDl Ka\ tossed to and fro, and carried r ' , , ' ,,, -»» about with every wind of doc- TtepKpepopevoi rravri avtpat ttjs biba- trine, by the sleight of men, and Q-Ka'Xlas, ev ttj Kvfieta twv civ6p6)7ra)V, cunning craftiness, whereby , . ' , «* a * '• they lie in wait to deceive: «" iravovpyia trpos^ ttjv peffobeiav ttjs 15 but -speaking the truth in TrkavTjs' 1& a\rj6evovres be ev aydirrj S 5&"rt.*S4 \*tbrr t r T6v ™ ™r-r i a ™ even Christ: l6 from whom the rj Ke(pa\rj, 'o Xpicrros, e§ ov nav whole body fitly joined together, T ^ Q-^ua Kai paprvpopai tv Kvpiat, prjKtri vpas nepnrarelv, Ka8u)S Kai Ta h Xot7ra" Wvr] irepinaTtl iv paTCllOTTjTl TOV vods ai/rwv, 18 ecrKo- ricrpevoi rfi duivoiq, ovres anrjWo- rpicopivoi rns foj'?? T °^ Qeov, dia rhv dyvoiav rhv oiiaav iv avrois, 8ui ri)v 77 " * 'A ^ ipets oe ov% ovrcos epaotre rov Xpioroi/, 51 ei'ye avrov rjKovo-are Kai ev avrco e^Ldd^drjTt, Kadd>s ianv dX,/- deia iv tco 'ir/crov, 2: drrodicrdai vpas, Kara rrjv rrporipav dvacrTpocpr)v, rov TraXaiov dvdpamov, rov i>, '~ 4 Kai ivSvaaadat rov Kaivdv dv8pu>Tvov, rov Kara Qeuv KTio~8ivra iv 8iKaioo~vv7] Kai naioTrjTL rns aXrjBeias. 8io dvro- depevoi to yjrevSos, XaXetre d\i)8eiav (Katrroi perd rov ttXtjctlov avrov' on io-piv aXXr/Xcov pe\r). 26 'Opy[(eo-0e Kai pr) dpaprdvere' 6 i]\ios lit) imdvirca in\ tu napnpyio-po) iipojv, "' c prjde'' 8i8ore rdnov ra> 8tajSd\o). 2S 'O Kkiirrav pr/Keri /cXe7rTeYu>, pdX- Xov 8i KOTVidrco, ipya£6pevos to dyaddv rais %epaiv, Iva e^j/ pera8i8dvai ra> Xpelav e'xovri. 29 lid? Xdyos o~anpbs iK rov ardparos vpcov pi) iK7ropeveo~da), dXX ei ris aya- d$ npus oiKo8opr)v rrjs '' ^pe/a?," iva 8a> Si, X a P lv tois aKovovo~i Kai pi) Aimeire to Uvevpa to ayiov rov Qeov, tv u> e- a(ppayio-dr)T€ els rjpipav aTVo\vrpd>o-eu>s. Kphesians IV. 30. measure of every part, niaketh increase of the l;ody, unto the cdifyhi' of itself in love. 17 This I say therefore and testify in the Lord, that ye hi-nceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind, "> having the under- standing darkened, being alien- ated from y life of God, through the ignorance that is in them, because of y "blindness of their heart: la who being past feeling, have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to wotkall uncleanness with greediness. 20 But ye have not so learned Christ: '" if so be that ye have heard him, & have been taught by him. as the truth is in JeMis, 31 that ye put off concerning the former conversation, the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts: - 3 and be renewed in the spirit of your mind: '-"and that ye put on that new man, which after God is created in righteousness, and iStrue holiness. 2i Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. 20 Be ye angry and sin not. let not the sun go down upon your wrath: '" neither give place to the devil. : " Let him that stole, steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands y thing which is good, that he may have rto give to him that needeth. - 9 Let no corrupt communica- tion proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good ' to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto thehearers. 30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. a co /AcXovf. b ^ c Rec. ftGb. nn™. d co n-(j. a Or, hardne.s. fi Or, holiness of trutb. 7 Or, to distribote. « Or, to edify profitably. Ephesians IV. 31. 31 Let all hitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, « ith all malice, 3 - and be ye kind one to another, ten- derhearted, forgiving one ano- ther, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. 5. Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children. ' And walk in love, as Christ also hath lov- ed us, and hath given himself for us, an offering and a sacri- fice to God for a sweetsmelling savour ; 3 but fornication and all un- cleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named amongst you, as becometh saints: 4 nei- ther filthiness, nor foolish talk- ing, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. 5 For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor un- clean person, nor covetous man who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ, and of God. 6 Let no man deceive you with vain words : for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of « disobedi- ence. ' Be not ye therefore par- takers with them. 8 For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord : walk as children of light, a (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth.) '• Proving what is ac- ceptable unto the Lord: " and have no fellowship with the un- fruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. '-' For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. IJ But all things that are $ reproved, are made manifest by the light: for what- soever doth make manifest, is light. l * Wherefore he saith : Awake thou that steepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. 15 See then that ve walk cir- 472 ELTISTOAH 31 Tlucra TtiKpia /cat Bvpbs /cat dpyrf /cat Kpavyi) Kcii /iXao-cpr/pia dpBfjTco dtp' vpuiv, (tvv Ttdcrrj /ca/a'a ' 3 " yiveaBe he. els dXXrjXovs xpr/arol, evtrnXayxvoi, Xapi£6pevoi eavrols, KaBois /cat 6 Qebs ev XptrrTW e^apiaaTO * vp.iv." 5. yi- veaBe ovv piprjTai tov Qeov, a>s re/cfa dycnrqrd' 2 /cat TreptTrarelre ev dydnr], KaBu>s Kai 6 Xptcrrof -qydnrjo-ev Tjpds, /cat napebcoKev eavTov vnep rjpcov wpoo~- (popdv /cai Bvaiav rw Qeco etc 6o~p.i)v evco&ias. 3 Ilopveia 8e /cat 7rao-a attaQapcria r) TrXeove^ia prjde dvopa^eaBto ev vp'iv, /ca#a)c Tvpenei uylois' 4 /cat alo~xpo- ttjs, /cat pcopoXoyia r/ eiiTpaneXia, rd ovk aer//cofra, aXXa pdWov e v^apio~Tia. 5 tovto yap b tare " yivcoaKovres, oti 7rds nopvos, Tj aKaBapros, »; wXeoveKTrjs, 6V etrriv eldcoXoXdTprjs, ovk e\ei *Xr/- pnvoplav ev rfj fiacriXeiq tov XpLarov rbs irepi- iraTe'iTe' 9 (6 yap Kapirbs tov ' CptoTos'' ev Trdcrrj dyaBtdcrvvi] /cat biKaiotrvvr] /cat aXrjBeia'^) 10 8oKipd£ovTes Tl ecrriv evdpeo-Tov tco Kvpico. ll /cat p.rj avy- Koivcoveire tols epyois to'is andpnois tov ctkotovs, paXXov oe /cat tXty^eTe' 12 Ta yap Kpvtpi) yivopeva vtt ovtcov alaxpov ecTTL Kai Xeyetf. tu 8e Trdvra eXey^opeva, vno tov fpcoTos (pavepovrai' irav yap to (fiavepovpevov (poos ecrTi' 14 did Xe'yei' ^''Eyeipe" 6 Ka&ev8a>v Kai dvdcrTa e< tiov veKpcov, /cai enKpavaei ctoi 6 Xotcrrdj'. lo BXeneTe ovv ttcos a/cp(/3a>? irepnra- a c>o i)f±iv, t> K ec , tare. c Rec. Uyivftaros. d Rec. Eyttpai. ° Or, unbelief. P Or, discoyeri-d. 1IP02 E*E2I0Y2. 473 Tftre, pi) cos atrotpoi, dXX' cos crofpol, e£ayopa£6pevoi tov Kaipov, ort al Tjpepai Trovr/pai fieri. 17 8id tovto pi] yivetrGe aXppoves, dXXa crvvievTes ri to SeXrjpa tov Kvpiov. 18 Kal pr) pe6v- (TKfcrde o'ivco, ev co e'emv do-corla, dXXa TrXrjpovo-de e'v TLvevpari, XaXovvres eavrois \j/aXpois Kal vpvois Kal corals irvevpciTiKals, adovres kcil yJAaXXovres e v a Tij KapSiq " iipcov tco Kvpico, *° ev- XapicrTovvTes ndvTOTe imep irdvrcov ev ovdpaTi tov Kvpiov rjpcov Itjctov ~K.pi- cttov tco Oeco Kal TrciTpi' 21 'YTroTao~o~6- pevoi dXXijXoi? ev s Kal 6 Xpio-ros TjydTrrjcre ttjv eKKX-qtriav, Kal eavTov irapedcoKev imep avTr/s' 26 "iva ovtt)v dyidcrrj, Ka- Bapicras tco Xovrpco tov vdaTos ev prjpaTi, '"' tva Trapao-TrjcrTf h avTos " eavTco evho^ov tt)v eKKXrjcriav, pr] e^ov- o~av crniXov i) pvTifta fj ti tcov toiovtcov, oXX' iva fj ayia Kal apcopos- * s ovtcos ocpeiXovaiv oi iiv8pes ayandv Tas eav- tcov yvvaiKas, cos Ta eavTmv crcopaTa. 6 ayancov ttjv eavTov yvvaiKU, eavTOV 3 29 ' & * ' Af ayana ovoeis yap rrore ttjv eavTov trdpKa epicrrjerev, dXX' eKTpecpei Kal OdXnei avTrjv, Ka6cos Kal 6 'Xpttrros'" ttjv e'KKXrjcriav' 30 oti peXr] ecrpev tov crcopaTos avTOV, k eK TrjS trapKos avTov, Kal eK tcov otrTecov avTov." 31 'AvtI tovtov KaTaXetyei av&pcoiros tov naTepa Ephesians V. 31. cumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, "> redeeming the time, because the days are evil. " Wherefore be \e not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. "* And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess: but be filled with the Spirit : la speaking to your- selves, in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melody m youi heart to the Lord, M giving thanks always for all things unto God, and the Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, -' sub- mitting yourselves one to ano- ther in the fear of God. 22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as un- to the Lord. - 3 l'or the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. '-'•' Therefore as j' church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own hus- bands in everv thing. 25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it: '■"> that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water, by the word, ' 2 ' that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing: but that it should be holy and without blemish. - s So ought men to love their » ives, as their own bodies: he that loveth his wife, loveth himself. 29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh: biii nourislieth and che- risheth it, even as the Lord the church : 30 for w e are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. 3I For this cause shall a man leave his father a cnj Ta*y itupttais. t> Rec. &tov. c^Z <* Rec. add o. i Rec. Kvptos. e Rec. Hdd Kat k-» i 2J 6 — ♦ li lire, m -nt. ErHF.SIANS V. 32. and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one fle«h. 32 This is a great mystery : but I speak con- cerning Christ and the church. 33 Nevertheless, let every one of you in particular, so love his wife even as himself, and the wife see that she reverence her husband. 6. Children, obey your pa- rents m the Lord: for this is right. 2 Honour thy father and mother, (which is the first com- mandmentwith promise,) 3 that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. * And ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. 5 Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters ac- cording to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ: 6 not with eyeservice as menpleasers, but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart: 7 with good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men, 8 knowing that what- soever good thing any man do- eth. the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free. 9 And ye masters, do the same things unto them, "forbearing threatening: knowing that Pyour Master also is in heaven, nei- ther is there respect of persons with him. 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. " Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. lJ For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principali- 474 EET.I2T0AH aiirov /cat ttjv prjTepa, Kal irpoo~KoX- XrjOrjcreTai irpos ttjv yvvdiKa avTov, Kal eaovrai ol 8vo etc crdpKa piav. 32 To p,v Xpi- o"to3 * 6 pr) kut dcpBaXpobovXeiav as avOpamapeo-Koi, dXX' u>s BovXoi h tov" XptcrTov, iroiovvres to deXr/pa tov Qeov eK xIav^s, 7 per evvoias dovXevovrcs, c 6)s " Tea Kvpico Kal ovk uvBpunrois' 8 elboTes oti d o edv tl e /caaroc" 770177077 dyaOov, tovto Kopielrai napa e ' Kvpiov, eire dovXos, eire eXevdepos. 9 Kal ol Kvpioi, Ta avTa iroieiTe irpos avToi/s, dvievres ttjv aireiXj]v' etSoVe? oti Kal ' vpoiv axiTa>v" 6 Kvpios eo~Tiv ev ovpavols, Kal npoo-a>rroXr]i^ia ovk ecrTi Trap aurto. 10 To Xonrov, g d$eX(poi pov," evhv- vapiova6e ev Kvpico, Kal ev tg> Kpdrei Trjs lo~xvos avTov. n ev§vo~ao~8e tt/v iravonXiav tov Qeov, irpbs to 8vvaa8ai vpas o*Trjvai npos Tas fiedofteias tov SiafioXov' 12 on ovk eaTiv rjp.lv f] 7TaXt] irpos aip.a Kal adpKa, tiXXa 7rpoc Tas b z; I SI.& Klz. oir 1 Or, tuuderatiug. d cnj titaejTot; o ay. e Rec. add row. f oJapraty nat , fi Home read, butli your, and tin ii Master. IIP02 E*E2IOY2. 475 Ephesians VI. 24. dp X ds, Trpos ras it-ovcrias, irpbs tovs ties, against powers, against the KocruoKpdropas tov ctkotovs a " tovtov, t '"''™ °' tne dar knoss of this , r \ ' , , , world, against ° spiritual wick- Trpoy ra wvfVfxariKa rqs novrjpias ev edness in P high places. "Where- Tot? irrovpaviois. 13 Sia touto aj/aAa- ''""<' take unto you the whole a i x' - /-i - « * armour of God, that ye maybe /3ere tzjv iravonXiav tov Geov, iva 8v- able t0 withstand ir J the - evil vrjdrjTe dvTiaTrjvai iv rfj i)pipq rfj day, and r having done all, to irovrjpq, Kai airavra KaTepyaadpevoi stancl - arrival. u Srr/re ovv irepifacrdpevoi ttjv o- l4 Stand therefore, having achvv vpihv iv akri6ela, Kai ivbvadpevoi your loins girt about with truth, / A / _ ' . • ' , JT , and having on the breastplate TOV Uoopaica Trjs OiKaiocrvvqs, /cat of righteousness: l5 and your vnoSnadufVoi tovs nodas iv tToiuao-ia feet shod with the preparation , , ' ,. , « > i Ik , \ of the gospel of peace. > e Abovo tov (vayyeAioy ttjs eipr]vr)s- J €TTL all> taking the shield of f . lithj ■nao-w dvahaftovTes tov dvpeov ttjs tt'i- wherewith ye shall be able to > * js ' n i \ a '\ quench all the fiery darts of the o-recoc, fv vZwrjaeaBe iravra ra JtXr, ^, ck(1( . .; And take the helmet tov Trovrjpov Ta neTrvpcopeva o~fito~at.' of salvation, and the sword of 17 km tt)v rrepiKechaAaiav tov trcoTiiplov the Spirit, which is the word of h * '> a ii » i T i - „ ' God: ls pravmgalwavs with all be£;no-0e, Kai ttjv pa X aipav tov Uvev- pra yer and supplication in the ucitos, o icrTl priua 6eot> 18 did ndaris Spirit, and watching thereunto - v V ' i with all perseverance, and sup- npoa-ev X ris Kai deqo-ecos npoo-ev X opevoi phcalion H for a „ saintSi i 9and iv iravTi K ev TivevpaTi, Kai eis for me, that utterance mav be avTO c tovto" aypxmvovvTts iv irdar, given unto me. that I may open , ' ' , - , N , " my mouth bolcllv, to make TTpoo-KapTeprjo-ei Kai berjcrei ivepi TTav- known the mystery of y gospelj tu>v twv dyia>v, 19 Kai vnep ipov, iva J0 for which I am an ambassador a * n~ a \ / ' ■> if- « ' 'in bonds, that 'therein I may poi a bo6,j koyos ev avoifjei tov 2I But that ye also mav know lva be fibr]Te Kai vpeis Ta kut my affairSi un d how I do, Ty- ipe, t'i 7rpdo~o-u), irdvra vp'iv yva/piaei chicus a beloved brother, and „; > <• i v >£ \ j\ » . I, ' i faithful minister in the I-ord, Tv X ikos oayanrj-ros adf\V and that he might comfort your 23 'Elprivri to"is ddeXcbols Kai dydirn hearts. , r , ' ' , , _, r - i ' ! " Peace 6e to the brethren, ^ifra nio-Tecos airo Qeov Trarpos Kai anrt , nvo with faith from Go;! Kvpiov 'Irjo-ov Xpio-TOV. the Father, and the Lord Jesus 24 *H X ap" J*™ ndvTtov tS>v aya- Ch ^ acebewith alUneml , Klt iriovTOiV tov Kvpiov rjpav lrjo-ovv Apt- l 0V e our Lord Jesus Christ fin o-tov iv d(p6apo-ia. e " sincerity. • Rtr. add Ton oiuvoj. t>^« t^ d Rec. Jo9«.7- e Rec. add o^v. ° Or, wicked jpiritj. S Or, heav^nlj. * Or, having oveicomo all. < Or, in a chain. « Or, thereof. f Or, with inourrupnuu. Philippians I. 1. 476 EIH2T0AH nPOS nAYAOY EniSTOAH npos $iAinnH2iOY2. PAUL and Timotheus the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus, which are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons: 8 grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. 3 1 thank my God upon every "remembrance of you, * always in every prayer of mine for you all making request, with joy 5 for your fellowship in the gos- pel from the firstday until now ; 6 being contident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you, £will per- form it until the day of Jesus Christ: ' even as it is meet for me to think this of you all, be- cause y I have you in my heart, inasmuch as both in my bonds, and in the defence and confirm- ation of the gospel, ye all are « partakers of my grace. b For God is my record, how greatly I long afier you all, in y bowels of Jesus Christ. 9 And this 1 pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge, and in all • judgment. Iu That ye may : approve things that >!are ex- cellent, that ye may be sincere, and without offencp till the day of Christ. ' ' Being filled with $ fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ unto the glory and praise of God. '2 But 1 would ye should un- [7AYA02 kcil Tipodeos bovXoi 'Ir/o-ov Xpicrro0,7racrt to'is dyiois ev Xptcrrcp 'Ir/frou rols ovo~lv iv QfikLmrois, crvv eTria-KOTrois /cat SiaKovois' 2 X^P is V P W Kai elprfvr/ drrd Qeov irarpos rjpcov Kai Kt/pi'ou Irjcroii Xptcrrou. 3 Ev^apicrra) rco Geo) pov enl irdcrr] rtj pvela vpa>v, 4 iravroTe iv ndo-rj Sfjjcret pov vnep ndvToav vpu>v pera %apds tt)v derjaiv 7roi.oup.fvos., 5 eVi rfj Koivcovia vputv els to evayye\iov, anb npdoTrjs rjpepas «XP l T °v v ^ v ' 7re " TTOiduis avrb tovto, oti 6 ivap^dpevos ev vpiv epyov dyadbv, erriTeXeaei d^pis rjpepas 'lt]o~ov XpicrroC' ' Ka6u>s io~Ti SiKaiov ipol tovto (ppovelv inrep TrdvToov iipcov, Sia to e\eiv H- e * v T H Ka pS' a vpds, ev re to'is 8eo-pols pov ko.1 a eV ttj dnoXoyia /cat /3e/3atcocrei rot) evay- ye\iov, avyKotvcovovs pov Tr)s xapiTOc TrdvTcis vpds ovtus. 8 pdprvs ydp p.ov b eo-T\v" 6 Qeos, a>s innrodib ttuvtcis vpds ev o-rrkdyxvois c Xp«rrou lrjo-ov." 9 Kai tovto Trpoaev)(opai, iva rj dydnrj vpav en pdWov Kai p.aX\ov 7repiao-evrj ev iniyvcoaei ko.1 ndcri] aladr/crei, 10 els to 8oKipd£eiv vpds to 8ia(pepovTa, Iva rJTe elXiKpivels Kai dnpbo-KOTioi els rjpepav Xpio-Tov, u we- 7rX.T]pa>pevoi d Kapnbv ^iKaioo-vvr/s tov" Sia 'Ir/croC Xpia-roii, els So£ai> Kai enaivov BeoO. 13 YiviocrKeiv fie vpds fiovXopai, R t^j — . Roc. k Gb. om. b -» c Rec. I77. Xpicrr. a R e c. napvwv Ukihoovvw t ' > i > fallen out rather unto the t'ur- TTpaiTioplco tnat my bonds « in Christ, are . < '- \ - - ' '14 v >* manifest in all ^tha palace, /cat rot? Xoittois iraai, * *« rovs and rin all other ptaces. "And nXdovas ToiV d8(Xcj)a>v iv Kvpia 7T(- many of the brethren in the iroiBtras rois 8(crpois pov wp'icrcro- Lu >'l, «axing contident by my - - '!l 'a - \ ' bonds, are much more bold to T(pas ToXpav acpojicos TOV Xoyov speak the word without fear. XaXdv. ^ TlV J S ^ P * a \ Su * 0<>VOV Kal epiv, l. Some indeed preachChrist, Tives 8( Kcii 6Y (i>8oKiav tov Xpio~Tov ev en of enw and strife, and Kriiiwraovtnv. 17 ol piv a e£ dyuirris, sol »^lso of good wtll. i-The ,' r , „ , , ," /^ »/»»»7»j one preach Christ ot contention, (tOi)T(s on etc aTToXoyiav rov evayyeXtov not sincerely, supposing to add Kfluaf 16 ot Se (£ ipiddas tov Xpt- affliction to my bonds: "but , n.\ ' , t ~- r * the other of love, knowing that cttov KciTayytXAovo-LV oi>x ayvcos, oi- i am set for the defence of the dpevoi 6Xiy\nv b iirichipeiv' to'ls 8(crpois gospel. ls What then V notwith- ..„,.* 18 _' ' . \ ' ' standing everv wav, whether in pov ti yap; ir\f]V iravTt Tporrcp, pre tence, or in truth: Christ is (IT( Trpocpdcrd (ire dXr/dda, XpicrTos preached, and I therein do re- KaTayyeXX(Tar Kal iv tovtco YOt'flo, \^ 6 ' /,?"' a " d £•" JT iCe ' ,..- /' , , iq t-> ' . « '•' tor I know that this shall turn «AAa Kin X«P'/ " A lat - 0l0a 7 a P ort to my salvation through your TOVTn pot dirofirio-(Tai (Is aornpiav 8ui P'ayer, and the supply of the < - a / v > / - Spirit oi Jesus Christ, -"accord- tt)s vpwv dfrjcrdos, km (mxoprjyias tov ing to my earnest expeclalion> Tlv(vp.aros 'irjcrov XpiaTOV, "° Kara n)v and my hope, that in nothing I dnoKapadoKiav Kal iXnL8a pov, OTl iv ^" be ashamed: but that «nh , / , _, x'j ( all boldness, as alwavs, so now ov6(vi aicrxvvor)crop.ai, aXX (V miay also Christ shall be "magnified irappncria, cos ndvT0T(, Kal vvv ueya- j 11 ™? btK *y- whether it be by \ a' -v \ > - i < l«e or by death. Avvtlr]cr(Tai Xpicrros (V Tea arcopari pov, (IT( did £ '/■ . S3 ' live in the flesh, this is the fruit ti aipijcropai, ov yvu>pi(a> _ jrvve- f mylabour . y ' et what i shaU Xopai " 8(" (K tcov 8vo, ttjv (TTlOvpuiv choose, I wot not. '-•'For I am evcoi/ tig to dvaXiaai, Kal crvv Xpiara m J a strai J ,,e ! wixt two, having ¥ ^^-o^*~^^ - a desire to depart, and to be (ivai, iroA\a> *yap paXXov KpdcraoV wi ,h Christ, which is far better. 84 to fie (TTiuivdv '' iv" tti aapKi, dvay- "* Nevertheless, to abide in the / V > t - 2S > ~ flesh, is more needtul for vou. KaioT( P ov 8i ^vpas. _ al> tt/S TTtoTftuy, ivu -ju t| )a t your rejoicing may be to Kcivxrjpa vpwv TT(piacr(VTj (vXplo-TO) more abundant in Jesus Christ a Kec. e£ tp^nas . . . Ua f tot^ futv. Ot $e ,r u-za^ijs • ■ • *«»/*<»*. h ^ «7«tp'*>'. c (^ ^p»|ffTOr. <* Iteo. yap. e =;— . St. }> Christ, that whether I come and n i>, ( c - >i ■, v > i <, see you, or else be absent, I Kai ibiov vpas, cire anrnv,^ ukovctw to. may bear of your affairs, that 7rept vpoiv, on crrij/cere ev evl wvevpan, ye stand fast in one spirit, with - . owadXowres Tr) TriVret roC one mind, striving together for ~, • ~ A /' 50 * > , , the faith of the gospel, "and in evayyeAiov, "° Kai pr) Trrvpopevoi ev pry- nothing terrified by your adver- $ (v \ ^ no T ^ v dvnKeiuevvV fj Tls ^ iaTiv saries, winch is to them an evi- > - „ „ «, «. , J , h ' » » s. > dent token of perdition: but to avrois evbei^is anwAeias, "vpiv be ctcd- you of salvation, and that of rrjpias, Kai tovto dno Qeov' " 9 on vpiv God. - 9 For unto vou it is given > ' /5 * * » -v > ' in the behalf of Christ, noi 'only W^,™ ^^ Xptorov, 0„ ^ to believe on him, but also to to eis avTov TriaTeveiv, aXXa Kai to suffer for his sake, 30 having the ^ p a {, T0 £, n ao-yeiV 3U rov avTov same conflict which ye saw in , „' v ?"■ „~ „ , , , ine, and now hear " » ' "% ' v comfort of love, if any fellow- „ f ^ l Tls ol f ™pa'cAr / cric ev Xpterrfi), shipof the Spirit, if any bowels, ei n" irapapvOiov dydnrjs, ei ris koi- and mercies; fulfil ye my joy, V0)V [ a Uvevparos, e'i*Tis" anXdyvva Kai that ye be likemmded, having , » 2 \ » ' « v the same love, being of one ac- oiKTippoi, ' 7rAr/poj(rare pou rr/i/ X a P av > cord, of one mind. 3 Let nothing 7„ a TO n {, r ^ (hpovrJTe, Ti)v avrhv dydirnv be rfo/ie through strife, or vain- » 1 I , t , glory, but in lowliness of mind e X ovt fs, o-vpfy X oi, to ev fypovovvres let each esteem other better prjbev Kara epideiav r) Kevobo^iav, dX- than themselves. * Look not A( j T r) Taireivodypoo-vvr, dWlAovs r)yov- every man on his own things, " , / ' r ,*' „ ' . '/ , but every man also on y things pevoi vnepexovras eavrcov. * prj Ta of others. eavruiv eKacrros ( aKOTTovvres," dWa Kai 5 Let this mind be in you, Ta ^ pav e^ Kao - TOS ." which was also in Christ Jesus: , r . , , , . , , A „ , , „ 6 who being in the form of God, Tovto yap ev vpiv thought it not robbery to be Ka \ £ v Xptrrroj 'irtrroiJ, 6 bs ev popchrj equal with Go J: 'but made *» «• e # '> t \ ' t himself of no reputation, and e *°\ vnapxw, oy X apwaypov rjy^aaro took upon him the form of a to eivai icra Gec5, ' aXX eavrov eKe- servant, and was made in the n p ovopa ro vnep irav ovopa' every knee should bow, of 10 » va f '„ T£ 5 0V ^,, a Tl 'iricrov irdv ydvv tilings in heaven, and things 111 , • > * / \ , 1 ' •, earth, and things under the K a H-YI} frovpavioiv Kai emyeiaiv Kai earth: " and that every tongue Karaxdovlcov. n Kai iraaa yXwcraa a Rer. afrots HI* tartv. ^ oo vftuiv . c r^ — , Rec. & Gb. 4^f re. d c>o r*y. e Rec. CNJ riva, I Rec. o«OJr«*-«. g Gb. eiaoroi. b 2^ i rv' tppoytin. L (v> add to. ° Or, habit. IAIIinH2IOY2. 479 e^ofioXoyrjCTTjTai oti Kvpios Irjaovs Xpt- cttoc eis bo£av Qeov a Trarpos." 12 "fto-re, ayan-qroi p.ov, Kadas irdv- Tore InrrjKovo-aTe, p.r) as ev rfj nnpovaia fxov p.6vov, dXXd vvv rroXXco p.aXXov ev Ttj d/rourria p.ov, p.era Jo ' 14 ■vor"' TT]S (VOOKiaS- Travra noieiTe X°°l ns yoyyvo-p.av Kal biaXoyiap-av, tva yevrjcr$e lipep.TTTOi Ka\ aKepaioi, TeKva Qeov dpap.r]Ta c ev p.ecra" yevtas cr/co- Xias Ka\ biearpappevris, ev ois (paivecrde as (pa>o-Trjpcs ev Kocrpa, 16 Xoyov £a)f/c eVe'^oi'Tes', els Kav\r)pa ep.oi etc r\p.epav Xptcrrov, oti ovk els Kevbv edpap.ov, ovbe els Kevbv eKoniao-a. 17 'AAA' el Kal crnevbopai em 777 6vaia Ka\ Xeirovpyla. ttjs Trio-Teas vpav, ^aipa Kai orvy^aipu) Tvdcriv vp.1v' to b' av- to Kai vp-els x al P eT€ ' Kal ovyxaipere fioi. 19 e\rri(a be ev Kvpla 'Ir/ Icro^vxov, 60-ric yvqcrias Ta nepl vpav p.epip.vr)crei' :l 01 ndvTes yap to. eavTwv ^r/Tovcriv, ov d to. Ijjo-ov Xpi- o-toV ■ H ttjv be ooKiprjv avTOV yiva- CKeTe, on as narpl TeKvov, crvv epoi ebovXevo~ev els to evayyeXiov . tovtov p.ev ovv eXni(a Trep.ijfai, as av dniba to. nepl ep.e, e^avTr/s' Trerroida be ev Kvpla, oti Kal avrbs Ta^ecos eXev- o~op.ai e ". io 'AvayKa'iov be Tjyrjo-dpLrjv'ETracppo- diTov tov ddeX(pbv Kal avvepybv Kai Q-vo-TpaTLa-rqv pov, vp.av be aTToaroXov, Kal XeiTovpybv ttjs y^pelas p-ov, Trepyjfai npbs vuds' " 6 eTreibr] ennrodav rjv miv- Tas vpds, Kal dbrjpovav, bioTt r]KovaaTe PlIILIPPIANS II. 26. should confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. '•' Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence ; work out your own salvation with fear, and trembling. " Kor it is God which worketh in you, both to will, and to do, of his good pleasure. " Do all things without murmurings, and dis- putings: lb that ye may be blameless and ° harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and per- verse nation, among whom £ye shine as lights in the world: ls holding forth the word of life, that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain. 17 Yea, and if I be r offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all. Is For the same cause also do ye joy, and rejoice with me. Ia ' But 1 trust in the Lord Jesus, to send Timotheus shortly unto you, that 1 also may be of good comfort, w hen I know your state. '•" < For I have no man » likeminded, who will naturally care for your state. -' For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's. r2 But ye know y proof of him, that as a son with the father, he hath served with me, in the gospel. M Him therefore I hope to send presently, so soon as I shall see how it will go with me. •' But 1 trust in the Lord, that 1 also myself shall come shortly. M Yet 1 supposed it neces- sary, to send to you Epaphro- ditus my brother & companion in labour, and fellowsoldier, but your messenger, and he that ministered to my wants '■"> For he longed after you all, and was full of heaviness, because that ye had heard that he had a Uz. on. ti^jeeof. c ^ ptoov. d Rec. ra row Xptorov ltjffoit. e Bz. add irpoy r^af. * Or, nincrrc. Or, sliioe ye. 1 Gr. poured forth. » Or, Moreover. • Or, «o dear unlo inc. Philippians II. 27. 480 EIII2T0AH HP02 been sick. - 7 For indeed he was on 7)crdevr)0~e. ^ (cat yap rjcrdevr/cre sick nigh unto deal h, but God napmiknaiov Bavaruf dXX' 6 Geoy av- had mercv on him: and not on ,",.,' , ,' , ^, , ,. ,. v him only, but on me also, lest rov TjAerjcrev, ovk avrov be povov, aAAa I should' have sorrow upon sor- Ka \ f 7ie, 'iva art kvmiv 67TI ^Avtttjv" ctyco. row. M I sent him therefore the « 8 » ' » *_ I »_* more carefully, that when ye * (nraydaiortpos ovv enep^a avrov., see him again, ye may rejoice, iva Ibovres avrov rrdAiv %apT]Te, Kaya> and tljat J may be the less sor- aXwrdrepos «• 29 7rpocr&W& ovi> rowful. - 9 Receive him there- , , , " , , r , A , fore iii y Lord with all gladness, avrov ev Kvptcp pera 7raor/c x a pay, Kal and "hold such in reputation: rovs toiovtovs evripovs e'vere' 30 on 30 because for the work of Christ *, v > „ h - v ~» ' zj he was nigh unio death, not Ota ro epyov rov Xpicrrov pe X pt 0a- regarding his life, to supply vdrov fjyyicre, c TrapajioAevcrdpevos " rf) your lack of service toward me. . - « awnrXripcoc™ to vpwv vcrrl- 3. Finally, mv brethren, re- T /v "' - , T " , joice in the Lord. To write the PW* ™j* Trpospe Aeirovpyias. same things to you, to me in- 3. To Aoittov, dbeAcpoi pov, YWpere deed it'is safe 6 " 6 ' " 51 bUt f ° r *" Kv P l< 9- Ta a " Ta ypafai-v Vfllv, epoi - Beware of dogs, beware of pev ovk OKVrjpov, vplv de dcrCpaAes. evil workers: beware of the 2 ^A^ neTe T0 { )S Kvva s, fiAeirere rove concision. 3 For we are the cir- , >. . •. cumci-ion, which worship God kokovs epyaras, (lAenere n,v Kararapi]v in the spirit, and rejoice in 3 rjpeis yap ecrpev rj irepiropr), oi TLvev- ^'W^SSE ^ d e,oG" Aa.rp e iovre S , Kal h^ I might also have confidence in vol ev Xpicrra Ir/crov, Kai ovk ev crapKi the flesh. If any other man nenoiBores, 4 Kamep eyco evcov neTroi- thinketh that he hath whereof a , , , r „ ' ^ , „.- he might trust in the flesh, 1 oi)criv Kal & ee: * concerning KaTa v &n W

t ," ' . Jesus my Lord: for whom I QrjpLav eivai bia to virepexov rr/s yva>- have suffered the loss of all o- ea) c Xpcarov 'ir/o-ov rov Kvplov pov, things, and do count them but /-&>« \ > >v • n > « « dung/that I may win Christ, («*, »" ™ vmna^ W i^v, Kai rjyovpai 9;ind be found in him, not hav- aKvj3a\a eivai, iva Xpicrrov Keparjcrco, ing mine own righteousness 9 j e (, pf ^ e V avrcS, an tvoji/ euw St- which is of the law, but that , r , , , ' ^,' . ^ ( V ', , which is through the faith of Kaioavvrjv rrjv eK vopov, aAAa ttjv bia m- Christ, the righteousness which Q-Tfcoc XpttrToO, ttjv eK Qeoi biKaiocrvvTiv is of God by faith : 10 that 1 may , , r . \ 10 - - > > know him, and the powerof his «« Tfl Truro,) _ rov yw»w« awroi», resurrection, and the fellowship (cat rryv bvvapiv ttjs avaaraaews avrov, n Roc. Xoiry. b — » c Rec. t^j w*pa0or>\tve*ti*vi>s. d cv — . Rec. & Gb. 6fy. « Rec. iceptro^Ti. t Rec. /...occyr. " Or, bouuur »ucb. *IAinnH2I0Y2. 481 Piiilippians IV. 3. Kai tt)v Kotvcoviav tu>v 7ra6rjpdr(OV av- of his sufferings, being made Toil, a (TVULULOpdiovu.(VOS " TO> 6avdra> conformable unto his death, > - 11 » ' ' ' i* "» oy any means I mieht at- avrov, tirrios KaravT^ao) eis Tip* tain unto the resurrection of i£avdo~Tao~ii> b ttjv eV viKpav. tlle dead. 12 Oi> X on tjoti eXaBov, r, n8r) rere- 12 Not as though I had already \ ' . j> . '*. ■, \ \ >A ... attained, either were already Atiapai ota>Ko> oe ei kcii KaTaXapco, e perfect: but I follow after, if dSeXifol, iy»ipavT6v ov Xoy/fo^a. SSftiT-'ESSSI KaTfl\r](ptvaf ei> Oe, Ta ptv omcru) count not myself to have appre. iwiXavdavouevos, to'is be 'ianpoaBev hended: b »« ^thisone thing/rfo, > i •. y £T , r i \ forgetting those things which (TTfKTeivopevos, Kara (TKOttov 6ii is ■. v , * as be perfect, be thus minded: fc>eoc 17x11; UTTOKaXvip-ci. '" 7rXr)V etc o and if in any thing ye be other- i(p0do-apev, tgj avTU> o-rotvetV d Acai/di/t, " ise min ded, God shall reveal \ > v j '- // S7 , even this unto you. ,6 Never- to aiTO (ppovfiv.^ o-vppipr)Tai pov lhe | ess , whereU f we have al . yivearde, aOifXcpol, Kai o-K07T€iT€ rovs ready attained, let us walk bv oSr» TTcpiiraToivras, Ka8i>s eWe Tvnov ^H? ™ ,e - £*« ■" «j* r - if \\ v > - « same thing, i? Brethren, be J7/xas\ " irokhoi yap nepirraTovo-iv, ovs followers together of me, and 7roXXaKts eXeyov vu.lv, vvv 8e Kai kXoicqv mark ,llem which walk so, as \ ' i 1 a < - - ye have us for an ensample. Aeyo), rovs exOpovs tov nraypov tov '"(For many walk, of whom 1 XpiaTov, 19 0)1/ r6 TfXos dncoXeia, u>v have told you often, and now 6 Geoc r} KOtXia, Kai ^ 86£a iv T» at- te " >°« ^n weeping, r/,„< /Aey , ', _ J , , ', = ■' are the enemies of the cross of a X vv H avTv e ydp" to iroXiTevua iv oipavols struct ion, whose God is their ' ti. ? \ - > a / bellv, and whose glory is in Virapxei^ e^ oy Kai aaiTTjpa aTTCK&exo- their shame, who mind earthly peda Kvpiov 'lrjo-ovv Xpicrrov, 2l 6c things.) M For our conversation ,,^t-„^< ,„..„_.' < , is in heaven, from whence also firrao-xnfiaTKrei to acopa TrjsTaneivco- we Iook fo ; the Savioiir tne at(OS rpxatv " crvppop(pov Tffl aapaTl Lord Jesus Christ: '•" who shall Tijs 86$T)s avTod, Kara: t^v ' ivepyeiav chan f fu Vlle j b , , dy ' that L ! 1 - !>' a » i » t »* V - may be fashioned like unto his tou oyvacrVai avrov Kai vnora^ai t-avrw glorious body, according to the ra ndvTa. 4. cocrre, dSeXqboi pov dya- working whereby he is able Trv.,-,0 .,„*. ,' '/3 « » ' eTen t0 subdue all things unto ffijTOi Kai ennrodr)TOl^ X ^pa Kai (TT t - himself. 4. Therefore, my bre- \, „ x . > , in the Lord, mv dearly beloved. * b.vooiav irapaKaXu), Kai Zwrvx^v ■' \ beseech Euodias, and be- irapaKaXa), to avro (bpove'iv iv Kvpico' seech Syntyche, that they be 3 h ,.„V '„ - ' 'f i of the same mind in the Lord. vai (po>Tio Kai o-e, cryCvye yvrjaie, 3 And , intreat thee a , s0- true avXXaptfavov avTals, airives iv tco yokefellow, help those women * w 9vH!LOpV TO. ovopara ev /3i/3Aa> 4 Rejoice in the Lord alway : £cor/c. and again 1 say, Rejoice. 5 Let 4 Xaipere iv Kvpla iravTorf irdXiv your moderation be known un- , „ ; - \ } , , „ to all men. The Lord is at eR<>>, X al f> eTe - T0 «"««« vpcov yva>- hand. « Be careful for nothing: aBnrui irdaiv dvdpanrois. 6 Kvpios iy- but in every thing by praver ' r, *» - '\\> > » & supplication with thanksgiv- T*' M 8 ™ PftpvaTe^ aXX ev iraVTl ing, let your request be made rfj npoaevxf/ Kal Ttj derjaei pera ev- known unto God. » Andy peace xapl(Tr [ as Ta alrnpara vpuv yva>pi(i- oi God which passeth all under- "■ ." v , , - ft ■>'« ~ standing, shall keep your hearts adu> npos rov QeoV ' Kai r) eipr)VJ) rov and minds throughChrist Jesus. GeoD, h vnepevovaa ndvra vovv.fbpov- 8 Finally, brethren, whatso- , ' ', r £v , - , > r ever things are true.whatsoevei- PWJ 1 ™S Kapbiat vpcov Kai TO. vor^para things are a honest, whatsoever vpiov ev XpltrrcS Irjaov. things are just, whatsoever 8 T6 ^^ dfcXffiol, oaa iarlv things are pure, whatsoever , a- « \ « &> i things are lovely, whatsoever aXrjdij^ oaa aepva, oaa OiKaui, oaa things are of good report: if fry va Zaa TvpoadnXrt, oaa evd>npa, e'i there be any virlup, and if there ' ■, v » * ' !, - \ be any praise, think on these ™S aperr] Kai ei ris enaivos, ravra Xo- things: s those things which ve y[£e ade ' 9 a Kai ipddere Ka\ napeXd- have both learned and received, ^ , ^KOvaare Kal eiten CT ilial, & heard, & seen in me, do: and y ^ « x ( „ , " ' God of peace shall be with you. ravra irpaaaere' Kat 6Qeosrr)s eipi]VT)s "» But 1 rejoiced in the Lord g^,, „ f #' ^m^,,. greatlv, that now at the last ]n ,L, , *, > > T , » /•> « yourcareof me * hath flourish- K X apr)v be ev Kypia peyaXois on ed again, wherein ye were also fjSr) nore aVe BdXere to vwep ipov (ppo- earetiil, but ye lacked oppor- - , > j> ? i ' j. - > - /i tunny, a Not that I speak in ve , w *9 ,

■* I know both how to be abas- fiwi. otba d Kat Ta7r€H/0f(rrJat, ed, and I know how to abound: t§ a Ka v t irepiaaeveiW iv ivavrl Kal iv every where, and in all things - • < /». a - I am instructed, both to be full, *" ao " t „ M^i"?M rtt Kat X P ra Q*™ M Kai & to be hungry, both to abound, wavdv, Kal ntpiaaeveiv Kal iiarepe'i- and to suffer need_ '3 1 C:l „ ,io Q . 13 ^ - ' • rc3 f VSwa- all things through Christ, which " , h/ , A ' strengtheneth me. povvTL pe° . " Notwithstanding, ye have W nXni/ KaXwc inomaare, avyKOivio- well done, that ve did commit- » / - a\ • i is >'i *> nicate with my affliction. "Now vrjaavres pov Tj] 6Xiyjni. ^ oibare 6e ye Philippians know also, that Kal vpels, $iXimrr)aioi, on iv apx^l ^{tSKVt'BES "£-*W^> ^ W a^o Ma- donia.no church communicated KfOovias, ovbepia poi (KKXr/aia eKoiva)- with me, as concerning giving vr)0 - (v e l s Xoyov 86aea>s Kal AnvWcoc, el and receiving, but ye only. ' , , ' ib « » > r\ '« For even in Thessalonica, ye M vpfis povof on Kai (v^ Qtaaa- sent once, and again unto my XoviKrj Kal ana% Kal dls els rf]V \pelav a Rec. U. b Rec. add Xpmr v . a Or venerabb. & Or, \\ revived. K0A022AEI2. 483 pot ineptyaTe. 17 ov% on eVt£r/Tco to oupa, aXX e7ri^T]To) top Kaprrdv tov TrXeovdfavTa els Xdyov vpuv' ls dni)(co oe navra, Kal Treptcro-evoi' TrenXrjpcopat, de^dpevos irapa 'ETracppodirov rd nap' vpii>v, oaprjv evwfttas, dvaiuv deKTrjv, evdpeo~Tov tu> 0e<5. 19 6 be Qeos ixov TTAr/pcoo-ei irao-av y^peiav vpmv Kara tov ttXovtov avToii iv 86£r), iv Xpttrroj Irjo-ov. • to> 8e Qea Kal narpl rjpuv rj oo£a ets tovs alaivas tojv ald>va>v. apr)V. Ao-rrdo~ao~de iravra dyiov iv ~K.pt- o~T(p lrjo-ov. ao-naQovrai vpas 01 crvv epoi adeX(poi. " doird£ovTat vpas Travres ol dytot, pdXto-Ta 8e oi e< tt)s Kaio~apos oiKias. H X"P ls T °v Kvpt'ou b " 'lrjo-ov Xpiaroi peTa ttuvtcov vpa>v. c dpr)v." CoLOSSIANS I. 5. necessity. 17 Not because I de. sire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your ac- count. 18 But » I have all, and abound, I am full, having re- ceived of Epaphroditus y thing* which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleas- in g to God. la But my God shall supply all your need, accord- ing to his riches in glory, by Christ Jesus. -° Now unto God and our Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen. - 1 Salute every saint in Christ Jesus: the brethren which are with me, greet you. ' n All the saints salute you, chiefly they that are of Caesar's houshold. 23 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. IIAYAOY EniSTOAH nP02 KOA022AEI2. [JAYA02 dnocTToXos 'L70-0C Xptcrrov 8td deXrjparos Qeov, Kal Ttpodeos 6 abeXcpos, 2 rols iv d KoXoo-craic" ay tots Kai ttioto'is dSeXipoic iv Xptcrrw 6 "• x^P ls vplv Kal elprjvr] and Qeov narpos fjpa)v f ". ~&vyapta~Tovpev rai Qe (5 S Kai" narpl tov Kvptov rjpaiv 'ir/crou Xptorov, irdv- rore 'nepl" vpa>v npoaev)(dpevot' * d- Kovo-avres ttjv tt'io-tiv vpwv iv Xpttrrw Irjaov, Kai ttjv dyaTrrjv 'rrjv" els irdvras tovs dylovs, 5 Bid ttjv iXnlSa ti)p airoKeipevrjv vplv iv toIs ovpavols, fjv irporjKovo-aTe iv to Xdya> rf/c dXrjdelas PAUL an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God, and Timotheus our brother, - to the saints and faithful brethren in Christ, which are at Colosse, Grace be unto you, and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. 3 We give thanks to God. and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, 4 since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love which ye have to all the saints, 5 for the hope which is laid op for you in heaven, whereof ye heard before in the word of the » PO irXfjpwcrai, h Rrc. fc Gb. add ruio.*. — , Gb. ZX c -1 d St. «w KoXaffffaij. • Bl. *dd \naov. f Ree. ftjd «a» Kvptov I^joo Xpicrov. g — » b c\3 vntp. i C\J i)» IX' r *' * " r » ' '"*• '•'•' Te d «1U CoLOSSIANS I. 6. 484 EniSTOAH npos evayyeXiov, B rov ivapovros els vpas, KaOtos Kal iv navrl ra "koct/xw, Kai eari" Kapnocpopovpevov ''Kal av- £avopevov," Kadais Kal iv vp'iv, ad)' fjs r/pepas rjKovo~are Kai eneyvcore rrjv truth of the gospel, 6 which is come unto you as it is in all the world, and bringeth forth fruit, as it doth also in you, since the day ye heard of it, and knew the grace of God in truth, 7 as ye also learned of Epaphras our dear fellowservant, who is for \dpiv rov Qeov iv dkrjdeia' ? Ka6ois you a faithful minister of Christ: 8 who aUo declared unto us your love in the Spirit. 9 For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will, in all wisdom and spiritual under- standing: l0 that ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God: "strength, ened with all might according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness: '-giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: 13 who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of "his dear Son, ,4 in whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: 15 who is the image of the in- visible God, the firstborn of every creature. ' 6 For by him were all things created that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him. " And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. 18 And he is the head of the c ' ipddere and 'TLnatppa rov dyair-qrov o~vv8ov\ov Tjpa>v, os ecrri tvicttos vwep d bpu>v" BiaKovos rov Xpiarov, 8 6 Kal dr/Xooo-as iplv ttjv vpcbv aydirqv iv nvevpan. 9 Ata rovro Kal rjpe'is d(p' r]s rjpipas T]Kovo~apev, ov navopeda xmep vpiov 7rpoo~ev%6pevoi, Kal airovpevoi iva irkr)- pcodrjre ttjv irriyvwcriv rov BeK-qparos avrov iv Tidcrj] o~o(pia Kal o~vveo-ei irvevpariKrj, 10 Trepnrarrjo~ai e " d£i'coc rov K.vptov (is rrairav apeo~Keiav' ev iravrl epyai dyada Kapno iKavco- cravri Tjpds els rrjv pepiba rov Kk-qpov ro>v dylcov iv ra> (pa>ri 13 'Os ippvo-aro rjpas in rrjs i£ovo~tas rov ckotovs, ko.1 perio-rrjo-ev eis ttjv fiacriXeiav rov vlov rfjs aydirqs avrov, 14 iv a) e^opev rf/v drroXvrpooo'iv^", rr)V acpecriv ro)v apapricov' 10 os io~riv cIkcov rov Qeov rovi dopdrov, TrpuiTOTOKOs ndo~qs Krio-ecos' I 16 on iv avra> iKrioSt] rd irdvra, rd iv) rols ovpavo'is Kal ra eirl rrjs yrjs, ra, opara Kai ra aopara, eire opovoi, fire KvpioTTjres, e'ire ap\al, e'ire i^ovo-lai' rd Tvdvra bt avrov Kal eis avrov e- KTiarai' / Kal avros iari npd Trdvrwv, Kal rd rrdvra iv avrio avviarrjKe' 18 Kal avros icrriv fj Ke(pa\f] rov k ^^J Haa/Aa. fart. '• Rec. om. f Rec. ^\) ^»f TTjr ciriyvaot c Rec. 8t Gb. add *a*. — Gl). ZZ d Elz. -ij 7j/to»i.. >. 2 Rqc. add it* rov ai^aroc avrov, a Or. the Sou c-1 Lis 1 e Rec, add "/jac. •i' X K0A022AEI2. 485 crcoparos ttjs eKKXrjcrias' os eo~Tiv dp^rj, npaiTOTOKOs e/c tuv veKpwv, iva yevrjrai ev Tracxtv avrus irpcorevcov' 19 on ev aurai evdoKr/cre irav to 7r\r]pcop.a Kar- oiKTjcrai, "° Kai 81 avrov aTroKaraX- Xd£ai ra navTa els avrov, elpr)voTroir)o~as did rov aiparos tov aravpov avrov, H 8i avrov," e'lre ra erri rijs yrjs, eire ra ev rols ovpavdis. Kai vpas irore ovras dnrjXXoTpKn- (.levovs Kai e\dpovs rfj 8iavolq ev rols epyois rols irovrjpols, vvvl 8e dnoKarrjX- Xa£ev " ev ra> o-copari ri)s crapKos avrov 8id rov Bavdrov, TrapacrTTJ- o~ai vpds ayiovs Kai ap.cop.ovs ko.1 dveyKkrjTovs Karevcomov avrov' ~ 3 e'iye empevere rfj rriarei redepeXiiopevoi Kai e8paloi, Kai pr) peraKivovpevoi utto rf/s eXiri8os rov evayyeXtov ov r)Kovo~are, rov Krjpv\6evros ev ndo-j] b rfj" Krio-ei tjj biro rov ovpavbv, ov eyevoprjv f'yti) IlavXos 8iokovos. 24 Niiv %aipco ev rols ira6rjpacriv c " vnep vpcov, Kai dvravairXrjpio ra. vare- prjpara rcov u\i\}tea>v rov Xpio~rov ev rfi aapKi pov vwep rov o~coparos avrov, o eariv r) eKKXrja'ia' * 5 t)v eyevoprjv eyu> diaKovos Kara rrjv oiKovoplav rov Qeoii ttjv 8o6elo~dv p.01 els t*//as, 7tXtj- pcocrai rov Xoyov rov Qeov, " 6 to pvo-rrjptov to dnoKeKpvppevov and riov aicovcov Kai otto twv yeveotv, vvvl he e'cpavepcodr) rols ay tots avrov' " J ols T}8e\r)o-ev 6 Qebs yvcoplaat, ris 6 ttXovtos rrjs Boijrjs tov pvo-rrjplov tovtov ev rols edveaiv, os ecrri Xpio-rds ev vp.lv, 17 eXrrls rijs 86i-i]s' ^ bv 17- pels Karayyek\op.ev, vovderovvres navra CoLOSSIANS L 28. body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that * in all things lie might have the preeminence: 18 for it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell, J0 and (shaving made peace through the blood of his cross) by him to reconcile all things unto himself, by him, / say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. '■" And you that were some- times alienated, and enemies r in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled, *> in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable, and unreprovable in his sight, 23 if ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven, whereof I Paul am made a minister. uvdptoTrov, Kai 8i8do-Kovres dvOpcoTTOv" ev Tvda'T) o~o(plq, iva irapa- o~Tt)(T(opev ndvra dv&punrov reXeiov ev 24 Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the af- flictions of Christ in my flesh, for his body's sake, which is the church, a5 whereof I am made a minister, according to the dis- pensation of God, which is given to me for you, •sto fulfil the word of God: - 6 even the mys- tery which hath been hid from ages, and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints, '" to whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ «iu you,> the hope of glory: 28 whom we prejch, warning every man, and teach- ing every man in all wisdom, that we may present evei y man perfect in Christ Jesus. ^ -* b ZX c Reo. add >*ou. witked wurks. d _, a Or, amoug all. £ Or, making peace. T Or, by your miiid in I Or, fully to preacii the word of God. f Or, uuuiigit ?'"'■ Colossians I. 29. 486 EIII2TOAH IIP02 •.-9 whereunto I also labour, XptoT<5 a "' M els o Kal K07riu>, dytovi- strivmg according to his work- £ 6 ' 5 KaT a tt)v evipyeiav avrov tt)v ing.which workethinmemight- * ' , , ', % i'*/ ily. evepyovpevnv ev epoi ev ovvapei. 2. For I would that ve knew 2. GeXco yap vp.ds eldevai tjXikov what great -conflict I have for » £ - > ' -„ v - ^ A ft you, and ior them at Laodicea, .' , "■ , f, ~ , c , , and for as many as have not OiKeia, Kai ocroi ov% ecopaKaai to seen my face in the flesh: 2 that 7 rp6o-a)7r6v uov ev aapKi, ' 2 Iva irapa- theirheartsmnrhtbecomforted, % a ~ t *.- > - h a being knit together in love, and KArjOaxriv ai^ Kapbiat avTvv, ^ ° > a \ > . '- For though I be absent in the "r*« TrapaXoyifrai ^ ev m6avo\cyia_ flesh, yet am 1 with you in the e i yap Kai rfj aapKi direipi, aXka to spirit, joying and beholding your nve {,u.aTi v valv elui, vaipcov Kai order, and the stedfastness of a \ > t ~ < »> t « your faith in Christ. « As ye pAe7rwi/ vpav rr]V Ta£iv, Kai to irrf- have therefore received Christ peapa Trjs els XpiaTov irio-Te&s vpa>v. Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in 6 < f. \ -a > v ! him: 'rooted and built up in , w. 01 ", iraptXafiere tov XpiaTov him. and stablished in the faith, Irjaovv tov K.vplov, ev avTU) TTepiTva- as ye have been taught, abound- rf ' lT€ 7 ^^^ufVot Kai eiroiKoBoaoi- lng therein with thanksgiving. >***oo » > ~ pevoi ev avTco, Kai pepaiovpevoi ev ttj TTicrTei, Kadoos e8i8d)(6r)Te, irepicro'ev- ovres d ev avrfj" ev ei^apio-rt'a. BXe'nere p.rj tis vpas eaTai 6 avka- ,. „ , . ., 7a>ya>f 81a Tns (bikoo-ocbias Kai Kevijs s Beware lest any man spoil ', ', < . .5. . you through philosophy and anaTrjs, Kara Trjv napaboaiv twv av- vain deceit, after the tradition Bnunav, KaTa to oroivela Tov Koauov, of men, after the r rudiments of r \ > >„ / 9 « . 1 ~ the world, and not after Christ: Kal ov Kara Xpi ai™ ire- 10 And ye are complete in him, " , ' „ , , , « , which is the head of all princi- 7r\r]pa>p,evof os eo~Tiv 17 Ke Kal ire- also ye are circumcised with //> - » ' / > the circumcision made without ptfr/in^r/re irepiTOU,j] axeipoTroitjTW, ev hands, in putting off the body ti] dire *Svcrei tov aaipaTos e " Tijs o-apKos, of the sins of the flesh, by the >'- ~_~v~ "12 circumcision ofthrist: '^buried " JS TrepiTopr/Tov Xptaroy. mjvra- with him in baptism, wherein (pevres ai>Ta> ev TW jiaTTTto-paTl ' ev (O also you are risen with him Ka \ -vvT)yt'p6r]Te bid Tns iri(TTeu>s rnc through the faith of the opera- , , '' r . ' . . ' , , ; tion of God, who hath raised evepyeias tov ideov tov eyeipavTOS av- him from the dead. » And you tov €K '" veKpcbv 13 Kal vp.ds veKpovs * Rec. add lijtrov, " Rec. wpfiifiao&evTiDV . c Rec. arid rtat trarpos teat 70» Xpio-rov. d — » e Rec »dd ruir apapTHMV, i Rec. add raty. a Or, fear, or, care. £ Or, wli*- rein. ^ Or, elements. K0A022AEI2. ovtus a ev ' rols Trapanrapao-i Kal tjj cucpofivcTTLa Trjs aapKos vpoiv, trvvt- faonoirjo-ev b vpds" avv at/roj, ^apio-dpe- vos c rjplv " TTiivra to. wapanTiopaTa ' i^aXefyas to Ka8* r'jpcuv ^ei/joypa0oj/ Tols Boypaaiv, o rjv vnevavTtov 17p.11/, km avru rjpKev e/c tov pecrov, Trpocrr]\d>- cras avro ra> araupa) ' 15 awe Kdvadpevos ras ap%ds Kal Tas i^ovaias, i8et.ypdTi- vev iv napprjcriq, Opiapfievo-as avrovs ev aura). Mr) ovv tic vpds KpivtTti) iv /3pcocrei T] ev 7roo-et, r) iv pepei eopTr]s r) vovprjvias r) o-aj3j3drpa bid Trnv ucbuiv Kal crvvbeo-pcov imxoprjyovpevov Kal o~vp- @ij3a£6pti>ov, av£ei tt)v av^rjaiv tov Qeov. 20 Ei f " aneQdveTe arvv %" Xpicrra) diro tcov OTOi^eicov tov Koo~pov,Ti a)? £wvTes iv Koo~p- TTOiV " ariva eo~Ti Koyov pev e%ovTa aocpias ev ideXodprjaKeiq Kal Taneivo- (ppoo-vvr] Kal dcpetbiq crto/xarof, ovk ev TLpfj tivi npbs TvXt)o-povr)v tt)s o~apKos. 3. Ei ovv crvvr)y(p6rjTf to Xptcrrw, Ta dvco £r)Tf~iTe, ov 6 Xpiardy io~Tiv iv he^iq tov Qeov Kadrjpevos' 2 Ta ova) (ppove'iTe, pr) Ta inl Ttjs yr/s- 3 dnedd- 487 Colossians III. 3. being dead in your sins, and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together » n h him, having forgiven yon all trespasses, ■« blotting out the handwriting of ordinances, that was against us, which was con- trary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross : 15 and having spoiled primi- pnlities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumph- ing over them a in it. M 16 Let no man therefore judge you £in meat, or in drink, or y in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sab- bath days : " which are a sha- dow of things to come, but the body is of Christ. '"Let no man i beguile you of your reward, •in a voluntary humility, and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind: ' a and not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God. 20 Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the (rudi- ments of the world: why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances ? 81 (Touch not, taste not, handle not : --' which all are to perish with the using) after the com- mandments and doctrines of men: - 3 which things have in- deed a shew of wisdom in will worship and humility, and ineg- lecting of the body, not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh. 3. If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ situ th on the right hand of Cod: • get your 'affection on things above, not on things on the earth. 3 Tor veTe yap, ~Kal 17 £cor) vpxov KeKpvTrrai ye are dead, and your life is * -* b CO — , Rec. & Gb. on, e R e c. v^tv. d Rec. add TOf. e rt ( Rcc. »dy. R Bff. *dd r^. Or, in himtelf. & Or, fur fating and drinking. t Or, in part. ^ Or, judge ap.rmt t«u t Gr ueiug a yuluntary in humility. ( Or, elements. 1 Or, punishing, or, Dot snaring. 9 Or, mind. i-6 COLOSSIANS III. 4. hid with Christ in God. * When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also ap- pear with him in glory. 5 Mortify therefore your mem- bers which are upon the earth : fornication, uncleanness, inor- dinate affection, evil concupi- scence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: 6 for which things' sake, the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience, 7 in the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them, "But now you also putotf all these, anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communica- tion out of your mouth. s Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put on" the old man with his deeds: lo and have put on the new man, which is renew- ed in knowledge, after the image of him that created him, 1 ' where there is neither Greek, nor Jew. circumcision, nor un- circumcision, liarbarian, Scy- thian, bond, norfree: but Christ is all, and in all. 11 Put on therefore (as the elect of God, holy and beloved) bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering, 13 forbearing one another, and forgiving one ano- ther, if any man have a "quarrel against any : even as Christ for- gave you, so also do ye. u And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. ls And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body: and be ye thankful. 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wis- dom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs.sing- ing with grace in your hearts to 488 EniSTOAH IIP02 avv tu> XpiarTut ep r' 4 orav 6 Xpitrros (pavepcodf), fj £o)r) ^fifxav," Tore Kai vpeis rw (pavepaOrjo-eade ev 5 NfKpdxraTe ovv ra peXrj vpcov ra eVi Trjs yr/J, wopvetav, aKadapo'iav, 7rd- 6os, em&vpiav kciktjv, ko.1 ttjv nXeove^iav, tjtis eo~Tiv eiScoXoXarpet'a, 6 St' a ep- nuy tyill/ ziuul>/\u/\ui petti, ut u tp- X^Tai tj opyr] tov Qeov e'irl roiis vlovs ttjs drreiBeias' ' ev ois Kai vpels ne- pi€TraTr)o~iv /car eiKova tov ktictovtos avTov' 11 otrov ovk evi "JLXXrjV Kai 'lovduios, neptTopfj Kai aKpofivo-Tia, ftdpftapos, c " ^Kvdrjs, doiXos, c " eXevdepos' dXXa d rd "ndvTa Kai ev ndai Xpio~Tos- 12 'EfSi)cracr^e ovv, cos eicXeicToi tov Qeov dyioi Kai TjyaTrrjpevoi, anXdyxva e oiKTippov," xP r l a " r " TT l Ta i Taneivocppo- o~vvt)v, npaoTTjTa, paKpodvpiaV 13 (dve- Xopevoi dXXrjXcov, Kai x a P l C"l J - ei ' 01 eavTols, edv tis irpos Tiva 'e'xjj popqbrjv' KaOoos Kai 6 Xpio-Tos e'xapiaaTo vpiv, ovtq) Kai vpels'} li enl irdai fie tov- tois ttjv dyaTTTjV, f i]Tis" (CTtI avvdeo-pos Trjs TeXeioTT]TOS' lo Kai f) elprjvr) tov s Xpio~TOV " ^pa/3euera) eV rate Kapftiais vpcov, els r\v Kai eKXr)6r)Te ev evl trco/j-art" Kai evxdpio~TOi yivea&e. 16 'O Xoyos tov Xpio-Tov evoiKeirco ev vplv nXovo-icos, ev wdo-r] crotpia' Stfid- o~KOVTes Kai vovQeTOVVTes eavrovs, tyaX- ppis h " vpvois Kai tufialc TrvevpariKals ev ^dpiTt adovTes ev 'rate Kapdiais" • <"^ Vfiuiv, irtfis, c Bz. add ita I) Rec.&, Gb, add *. bis. d -+ i Rec. ry , e Rec. 'id, ....>.- f *^o. C H*f, Btovt ap&iy.. a Or, couiplaiut. K0A022AEI2. 489 Colossians IV. 7. vptbv tu> a 0f gj •" 17 Kai irdv o ri av the Lord, w And whatsoever iroinre ev Xo-yoj, fi ev epyto, iravra ev ye do in word or deed - rfo al1 > / h v • ' a »t - >' - in tne name of the Lord Jesus, oi/o/iort KvplOV Ino-oy, fv X apio-rovv- giving thanks to God and the res- rw Geco ° *cai " irarpi 81 avrov. Father, by him. 18 Al yvva'iKes, virordao-eo-Oe rot?' 1 " ,'* **"■■ ""uS yo ' ,rselv " , . , ' e i - > i in t0 your oh n husbands, as it avopaaiv, oj? avr]Kev ev Kvpico. ' 3 Ot is tit in the Lord. I» Husbands, dvbpes, dyairdre ras yvva'iKas, /cat art } ove your wiv ? s ' and be not > zi , , ,' ' rl bitter against them. niKpaivecroe irpos auras. 20 To TiKva, viraKovere rols yovevai J0 Children, obey your parents Kara iravra' rovro yap eo-riv evdpecrrov '" al ! thin ? s - for tn 's is well e > // ,. - 21 ' ' < f pleasing unto the Lord. « Fa- ' e ", Kv P"rJ- ' ot ^ranepes, jaj r jrap- there, provoke not your children opyi£ere" ra reKva vu£>i>, iva un ddv- to anger, lest they be discou- raged. Ot SoOXot, viraKovere Kara iravra K Servants, obey in all things rols Kara. adpKa Kvpiois, ui) ev e 6d>6aA- y a on [ mastcrs according to the s> \ ' " ' 'a ' ,Ui > flesh: not with eveservice as poOovAeta cos avt)pa)irapeo~Kol, aAA ev menpleasers, but in singleness dlikornn Kapblas, (bofiovpevoi rbv h Kv- of neart - fearing God: « and i ai«'» . " 'I - ' ' whatsoever ve do, do it heartily, piov ^ o_ eaviroir,re, eK^v X r,s epya- as t0 the L or d, and not linu ; Qeo~8e, coc ra> Kvpio) Kai ovk dvdpa>nois' men: 2 ' knowing, that of the 24 elddres on diro 'Kvplov diroA^ecrde L^ ye shall receive y reward , , ,. " ,'" „ ot the inheritance: forveserve T7]V avrairoDoo-lv rrjs KAr/povopias' TO) the Lord Christ. '*> But he that k yap " Kupto) Xptrrrco dovXevere. 25 o doeth wrong, shall receive for ivi h . ' - ' t u> , the wrong which he hath done : de ^adiKS del pe AaAijo-ai. ought to speak 5 »T? .j.' - \ \ b Walk in wisdom toward Ev o-ofptct nepiirareire^ irpos rovs them that are without, redeem- e£o>, rov Kaipov e£ayopa£6p.evm. 6 6 ing the time. c Let your speech Xoyoy vpav irdvrore ev vaptrt, aXart be jt lvlii l w ; :th , graee ' "m™* ■> ' . ~ ,«., „ Oy „ r , _•— r , with salt, that you may know rjprvpevos, eibevai ircos oet vpas evi how ye ought to answer every eKaaT(o diroKpiveo-dai. man - 7 n-V > > » - t > - 7 All my state shall Tvchicus To kot- epe iravra yvcopto-et vpiv declare unl0 you who - s . a ,„,. Tv^tfco? 6 ayairrjros ade\(pds Kai iriaros loved brother, and a faithful »K«o. K.'pio>. k^ •-• d Rec.add i*ioi S . « Rec. •». * t*J — . Rrc. !t Cb. rp,8.r,r« !.v-. ll.rllGb. oip6a\po&ov\li•/». Colossians IV. 8. 490 EIII2TOAH IIP02 minister, and fellowservant in diaKovos Kai avv8ov\os ev Kvplco, ov the Lord: » whom I have sent ^ea^a nobs vuas els avro toIto, "iva unto you for the same purpose, " v ~ ,~, „ , , /, that he might know your estate, yvcore Ta irepi ijpiov Kai TrapaKaAeo-J] and comfort your hearts. a With Tas Kapftias vpmv, 9 criiv 'Ovrjcripu> To5 Onesimus a faithful and belov- - \ > - ijw- « » . *. ed brother, who is one of you. f""™ Ka <- uyoTnjre* abeX(p-, /q! > \ > . ing whom ye received com- fiosBapvapa, irepiov eXajdere evToXas mandments ; if he come unto eav eXdrj Tvpbs vpas, 8e£ao~8e avrov ' you, receive him: ) " and Je- 11 Kal 'j' £ \ ey Suevos 'Iourxroc, ol sus, which is called Justus, who ,, , ' • CZ , are of the circumcision. These ovres eK TreplTOprjS' ovtol povoi (rvvep- onlyaremyfellowworkeisunto y0 \ f l s T ^ v R a o-iXeiav tov Qeov, derives the kingdom of God, which , / A ' 12 > - have been a comfort unto me. eyevrjdpaav^ poi naprjyopia. _ aaira- 12 Epaphras, who is one of you, £erai vpas 'Erracppas 6 e£ vpuiv, doi/Xos you:r4s°4boun t n g f:Jve e nu **"«* ™™Te dyov&pevos Injp ly for you in prayers, that ye vpa>v ev rats Trpoo-ev%ais, iva CTTTjre may stand perfect, and /J com- T f\eioi Kai b TrenXnpoifievoi " ev WOPTt plete in all the will of God. n N / - _ V 'i* - '3 For I bear him record, that VeX^paTi tov Qeov. " paprvpeo yap he hath a great zeal for you, avrco on e%ei c TroXvv ttovov' imep vpoiv Tet anthem FataSt «» ™" £ Hf? "? !*" * V^ 14 Luke the beloved physician, noXei. M ao-n-a£erai i//iac Aovmc o and Demas greet you. larpbs 6 dyaTrrfrbs, Kai Arjpds- is Salute the brethren which ; U ' Ainrd - > \ _' ... 16 „„} S—„„ house. i« And when this epistle ° lKOV avT ° v tK , K } r }? u ? , *?' ™" is read amongst you, cause y- it avayvcoaorj nap vpiv rj emaroXr], ttoitj- be read also in the church of y aaTe « wa Ka \ e >„ T ^ Aaob~lKea>v eKKXrjcria Laodiceans: and that ye like- , A ~ » «' t • » » « wise read the epistle from Lao- avayvtoarth}, Kai tt)v eK AaoOiKfias iva dicea, 17 and say to Archippus, Ka l vpe'is dvayvdre' ,7 Kai e'lnare 'Ap- Take heed to the ministry, / . ^.n • < js ' « _ which thou hast received in the X™™ \ BXe ™ ""l* ouueoviav tjv irape- Lord, that thou fulfil it. Xa(3es ev Kvpio), iva avri]v TrXrjpols. •» The salutation by the hand 18 < Q ^ a7Ta ' 0S T Z f 'un vetpt IlaiXov. of me Paul. Remember my , , ' „' 6 r ' 'v ' c / bonds. Grace be with you. pvrjpovevere pov tcov becrpaiv. t) X a P ls Amen. ^ff vpibv.' i " a rsj — . Wee. & Gh. yvw ra irept vptav. 1> cnj Trfrr\7jpo(popt]fi.evoi. c Rec. C^Aoi/ ttoAui'. a Ucc. add auw. a Or, striving, Of, filled. GE22AA0NIKEI2 A. 491 1 Thessalonians I. 9. IIAYAOY nP02 6E22AAONIREI2 EniSTOAH nPQTH. [JAYA02 Kai 2i\ovavbs Kai Tipodeos, T)AUL and Silvanus.and Ti- t« (KK\ W ia e f aaa\oviK€ ~ ~' the I hessalonians, which is in irarpi Kai Kvpia, lno~ov Xpto-ro)- God the Father, and in the Yopic vp'iv Kai flprivri a aV6 Qtov narpos Lord Jesus Christ: Grace be t - \ T , , >i - v - // unto you, and peace from God rjpcov Kai Kvpiov Iryrrou XptcrTOV^ om VaSheti an d tne Lord Jesus Ei^aptaToOpev ra 6eo3 Travrore Christ. TTfpl TTO.VT03V VpSiV, pVfiaV VpS)V TTOIOV pevoi €tt\ tcov TvpocrevxSiv rjpayv, 3 dbia- Afi7rrcos pvrjpovevovTes vpa>v tov epyov TtjS 7Tl(TT6C0S, KOI TOV KOTTOV TTJS dyaTTnS, Kai rfjs inropovfjs rrjs tXniBos tov Kvpiov hpuv 'l W ov Xpierrov, i'pnpo- ' ^ e S ive ll Jf nks *° God al " .' "Z i , " , < r ways for vou all, making men- o-Wfi/ rov 0eov /cat irarpos r)paW tion of you in our prayers, 4 etSoVey, dSeXfiot ihyannpevoi vno 3 remembering without ceasing ._. , > -v \ f - s " i vour work of laith, and labour Ocnu, ttjv (KAoyrjv ^ vpuV ° OTl TO of love, and patience of hope in evayyeXiov f]pa>v OVK iyevrjOn b els" our Lord Jesus Christ, in the ■ > \ ' i >-\-\ > v > 5> sight of God and our Father: vpas cv Xo-ycp povoy, aXka Kai evdv- t % nmiaSt brethren „ be i ove d, vapti, Kai (V IlvevpaTi dyia>, Kai (v your election of God. 5 For our n\npod>opia TroXXn, KaBus oidare olot, ^pf came not unto you in > //i > <• '- 5, > t - b % word only: but also in power, fyevndrjpev eu vpiv dl vpas. Kai aIui ln the Holy Ghost, and in vpels piprjTal npccv eyevridrjTf Kai rov m "ch assurance, as ye know ■v i <\ > • v \ * > /is ' I what manner of men we were Kvpiov, de$apevOlTOV Xoyov ev 6\lf(l amonB you for yom sake. « And TroWfj pera %apds Tlvevparos ayiov, ye became followers of us, and 7 Z>(TTe yeveaBai vpas c rvnovs " iraat of the Lord, having received ' , >-»*.< \ 7 wor o in much affliction, with rots 7rto-revovo-ti/ tv ry MaKcboviq. Kai j y of the Holy Ghost : 7 so d ev" TV 'Avata. 8 dd) % vpmv yap e£n- that ye were ensamples to all ' e •. t ' - xr ' > i ' that believe in Macedonia and Xyrai o Xoyos rov Kvpiov ov povov ev Achaia. "Forfrom you sounded rfi MaKtBoviq Kai e eV rfj" 'A^aia, dWa out the word of the Lord, not f\,r.\" J,. ~r n .L- K . ~-A-~-,* S, „,'„^,„ ,'...,"... i. onl v in M aceilon ia and Achai a , , , , ,1'. ,1 . ' I but also in everv place your 7rpos rov Qeov egeArjXv&ev, cocrre pi] faith to God-ward is spread \pelav S e X (iv fipds" XaXeiv ti. 9 avTol abroad, so that we need not to A \ , A c . ' r , ,. N , speak any thing. 9 For thev yap ir€pij]pa>v aTrayyeAAovaiv onoiav themselves shew of us, what f iVoSoi* h to-)(Opev" ivpos iipds, Kai irws manner of entering in we had a — » 1» cvi irpoj . c ^' Twffoc. "i fy — . Rec. & Ob. oro. e ^J — . Ree. 8c Gb. oro. 'It S Rec. & Gb. Tj^iaj e\ av, h Uec. txofJ.iv. a Clr, beloved uf Gud : jour election. 1 Thessalonians I. 10. 492 EHISTOAH IIP02 unto you, and how ye turned to eneo~Tpti^raTe trpos tov Qeov diro ruiv God from idols to , serve the e lfa\ av SovXeveiv Qeu tam Kai living, and true God, 10 and to ,. . „' ,„ , , » * < <. wait for his Son from heaven, aArjtiiva, Kai avapeveiv tov vtov whom he raised from the dead, avroii e'K took ovpavoyv, ov rjyeipev eK even Jesus which delivered us a - // - > r - > < / from the wrath to come. , Taw , V * K P? V \ l WOvv, tov pvopevov rjpds (mo ttjs opyjjs rr/s ep\opevrjs. 1. For yourselves, brethren, 2. AvtoI yap o'lSare^ aSeXcpol, tt\v know our entrance in unto you, ei'croiW fipav rnv irpos iiaas, on ov that it was not in vain. a But \. r o >\ \ > h// /i < even after that we had suffered *«^ yeyoi/e* aAAa ° jvpoTradovTes before, and were shamefully Kai vfipio~6evTes, Kadcos oiSare, «V $t- to speak unto you the gospel Tjptov XaXrjcrai irpos vpas to evayyeAiov of God with much contention. rov Q eov e '„ ^oWa) dywvi. 3 h yap 3 For our exhortation was not / >. < „ ', ,' x , > S* of deceit, nor of uncleanness, TTapaKXrjais rjpcov OVK eK nXaVTjs, ovbe nor in guile: * but as we were e£ tiKadapaias, ovre ev SoXw 4 dXXa allowed of God to be put in zp ss & ' /} ' ' ' ~ q ~ trust with the gospel, even so Ka6as S^OKcpacrpeda vno tov Qeov we speak, not as pleasing men, Tuo-Tevdrjvat to evayyeXiov, ovtco Xa- but God which trieth our XoOuei/, oi^y ic dvdpunois dpeo-KovTes, hearts. D For neither at any ,.,', - ' l „ - 5. -y \ time used we flattering words, aAAa tco fcJfcp rco OoKt/xa^oyn ray icap- as ye know, noracloke of cove- bias rjpcov. ° ovTe yap noTe iv Xoyco tousness. God is witness: 6 nor „„\_„' 1 » „ _i/i /j> "» * of men sought we glory, neither ™ QK ™ J ^v^pev, K a6tos ot&art, of you, nor yet of others, when cure €i< 7rpo(pao~ei nXeove^tas' Of 09 we might have - been burden- i^pn/f 6 Q » re /-„ T0 i} v1 - 6 y e '| dvdpwnoyv some, as the apostles of Christ. '.A „ ,,, , . „ ■> ■> mw 7 But we were gentle among oo§av, ovTe a(p vpcovovre an aAAcof, you, {bvvdpevoi iv fidpet eivai, a>s Xpto-rov ottoo'toXol') ' dXX' iyevrjdrjpev tjtvioi ev peo~a> vpcbv f 'ils av Tpo(pos OciATrr] tci eavrr/s evenasanursecherishethher T e Kva 8 VTQ)S c 6u.fipou.fVOl" vuvv, ev- children: "so being affectionate- 5, - » i ' t - > / \ lydesirousofyou, we were will- ooKovpev pfTabovvai vpiv ov povov to ing Jo have imparted unto you, evayyikiov tov Qeov, dWa Kai Tag not v gospel of God onlv.butalso ' 1 * b ' I * * ~ our own souls, because ye were f, 1 ""^ ^K^ " ayamfToi V piv dear unto us. 9 For ye remem- eyfvrjorjTe." 9 pvrjpovfvtTf yap, aoeXcpot, ber, brethren, our labour and T( ^ ^o,, ' „£„ Ka i r ^ v aoYc^oy ro/CTOf travail: for labouring nis;ht and „,, \ t t t >> * v \ day, because we would not be Kat Vptpas cpya(opevoi, Trpos to prj chargeable unto any of you, we inL^aprfo-ai Tiva vpaiv, eKrjpvf-apev els preached unto you the gospel > - < > -\ - r\ 10 ' of God. '"Ye'are witnesses, V r^ TO R/OyycXtOP TOV Geov.^ » v/Xftc and God oiso, how holily, and papTvpes Ka\ 6 Qeos, thatbelieve.'iAsyouknow.how ° val ^ eyevTjffrjpev, KaOanep oioare, we exhorted and comforted, ooy eva eKaaTov i>pa>v, ens 7rar?)p TtKva * Kec oin. t> Iteo. add «at. c Rec. cv i^stt'n^Bvit. d r^j — . dec. & Gb. ytyiyria&e. e Rec. add yup. a i^r, used authority. 6E22AA0NIKEI2 A. 493 1 Thessalomans III. 2. eavToy, napaKaXovvTet vpat Ka\ napa- and charged every one of you, pvBovpevot, Kai papTvpovuevoi, '" els ( :ls a f atner doth his children,) -A a_,„._ - * ' - >>' - /-, - '"'that ye would walk worthy of ro_ TTtpnraTtiv vpas atjicos rot, Geou God, who hath called you unto tov koXovvtos vpds etc rfjv eavToii his kingdom and glory. fiao-iXeiav /cat 86£av. -" At ." ™ ir ° ,* a ' W f } s fvxapia-Toy/xev is For tUs cause aIs0 thank to) Ge co uotaXei7rTcos, on wapaXafiovTes w< " Goc l without ceasing, be- Xdyov dKof, S nap ^pcov Toi GeoO, e'Se- cause when ye rec el ved5 word £ d t> >«\ ' > /1 ' «., X) ot God, which ye heard of us, £ao-0e 01/ Aoyov avt)p(oncov,aXAa Kadios ye received it not as the word eo-Tiv dXndcos, Xoyov Geoi), or Kai cVeo- of men ' bm < as ,l is in troth) .,- » ' - - ' 14 . " the word of God. which eflW-t- yeirat tv vp.iv rote Trto-reuoi'crii/. uuetc ually worketh also in you that yap piprjTai eyevjjdrjTe, ddeXchol, tcov believe, '« For ye, brethren, eK K X W icovTov GeoO rco* ovtrav iv tii J525? fo ' lo "' crs ° f > ; churches 1 j , • -w - > - « ' "°"' wnicn ln Judaea are in lovoaia (v Xpiarai Irjcrov, on " ra Christ Jesus: for ye also have avrd enddeTe Kai vuels vtto tcov Idicov s « ffer ed like things of your own j\ - yj\ ' > >xr, _ countrymen, even as they have crvucpvAercoi/, /cat'eoc /cat aurot wro row of the Jews: '* who both killed louSatcoe, lo tcov (cat tov Kvpiov dno- ,lle Lord Jesus, and their own KTeivdvTcoy'lrjcroivKai tovs ^npo^- J^»SPS^SSTSt ras, Kai ' rjpas eKdico^civrcov, Kai Qeco pt) and are contrary to all men: apeo-KovTuov, kui ndcriv dvdpconois evav- "; f ° rb i ' udin S us '<> ^P^ ak '» the 1 16 \ ' ' - - »a Gentiles, that thev mutht be Ticov, kcoAvovtcov ijpas rote edvetri saved, to fill up theirsinsal way: XaXrjcrai "iva trcoOcocriv, els to dvanXri- f° r the wrath is come upon «,".„„. „' - _* s ' - them to the uttermost. pcoaai ovtcov ras apapTias navTOTe ecpoacre be eir avrovs f) dpyrj etc re'Xoc. ' Hatty de, ddeXchol, dnopcbavi- ,- „ . w .u u a , 'j> r - , , "% ''Hut we, brethren, being CTUevTes a(p vpcov npos Kaipov upas, taken from you for a short time, npocrconco ov Kapdia, 77(pio-aoT€pa)s in P resence » not in heart, en- > j\ /' \ t r , . ,C . deavoured the more abundant- etrnovdaa-apev to npoacmov vpcov iSetv ]y t0 see y0U r face with great ev ttoaXtj eni&vpia. ls '816' rjdeXri- desire. Is Wherefore we would y °v C fl^ ' ". , „ T , I,r ' , "» " Paul) once and again: but Satan ilafAoc) /cat a7ra§ /cat 019, /cat (veKoyj/tv hindered us. '» for what is our fjpds 6 Zaravds. lg Tit yap nuwv cXirls ho P e - or J°y.° r c rown of *re- * \ * .. / * > , joicing ? Are not even ve in the 7] X a P a 1 tJ, avTov napovcrla ; ye are our glory and joy - 50 T* L [ X 6p "T" ' 8 °'^ a ''**" *?,J X , a ^"- 3. Wherefore when we could «i. Ato prjKtTi o~TtyovT€t, (vOOKrjaa- «c longer forbear, we thought U€V KaTa\ei tov XpurTOV, els to arrjpi^ai you, and to comfort you con- ' - f Ka i ^apaKaXe crai "-vpas" b nepl" cerning your iaith: ■'that no 'Z , < ~ * ~ %l ' man should be moved by these Trjs TTLaTfcos vpwv, TO) prjdeva craive- afflictions: for yourselves know crSai iv Ta'is 6\ty«Ti rairais' (avTol that we are appointed there- v «& « i _ ~ „,!..,/)„. 4 „J\ unto. < For verily when we were 7 a P «&»" °« «* ™ VT0 ""r^™ / Kal with you, we toid you before, yap ore irpbs vpas *]pev, npoeXeyopev that we should suffer tribula- £ - g„ „ € \\ u. el , 0\i8e(r6ai, Ka0ws tion, even as it came to pass , , / ' , »& % 5 & \ and ye know. '•> For this cause Kai eytvtTO Kai oidare' ) Ola toi/to when 1 could no longer forbear, K dya> pnKen (TTeycov, fTvetx4ra els to I sent to know your faith, lest ' \ 1 « - ' ._ 3 .' f7m- by some means the tempter yvcovai jijv irurnv ypav, prprcos have tempted you, and our la- pao~fi> vpas 6 ireipdfov, Kai eis Kevov bour be hi vain. y«^rflt 6 Karros fguSar. c But now when Timotheus 6 "Apri oe e\06vros Tipo0eov npos came from you unto us, and ' fc £& vaav, Kai evayyeXio-apevov brought us good tidings of your ,~ , ' , v > ' '/ * - faith and charity, and that ye t} pw Tri^mariv Kai Tyayanyv^ vpmv, have good remembrance of us ical oti evere p vf *- av T^pmv ayaoip> nav- always, desiring greatly to see ^lTTO0ovvres fiuas IMv, KaGdnep us, as we also to see you: "there- v ' r * r ' 4 $\ - fore brethren, we were com- Kai rjpeis vpas, ' 01a tovto nape- forted over you in all our K \f^„„ e „ doe\ vuik, eVi 770077 affliction and distress, by your » ' ,'■ , * r n , , , „ < ~ * > faith: "for now we live, if ye ™/ c avayKjj Kai Okityei rjpwv,^ 01a rr/r stand fast in the Lord. 9 For vpcov irioreas' 8 oti vvi> £iopev, eav ffMStS y w o e u,fo e r d a n *r* +« - «^r ■.•*■ & the joy wherewith we joy for ev^apicrnav Ovvdpe0a tco 0eo> avTano- your sakes before our God, ft ovval nfp \ {,„£„ ettl fvdo-n Tjj x a P9- 10 night and day praying ex- r , r -7 , ~ » A ceedingly that we might see ?? X at P°f* el ' 0l ^^ *HfP°™ € '' t T0V vour face, and might perfect fO li riuaiv, 10 WKTOS Kai 17/xe'pa? V7rep tlua which is lacking in^your itanpmnS 8 e ^eroi «'s r6 SSew vpw to trpoo-anov, Ka\ KaTaprio-ai rd rare- prjpara ttjs niarews vpav; 11 AiJros 06 6 Geo? xat Trarrjp fjpa>v, Kai 6 Kvpios r)pa>v 'lrjaovs Xpio-ros, •i Now God himself and Karev 0{, vcu T h v dbbv iipav np6s i/pas' our Father, and our Lord ,„ , „ ., /, < ;, ^ ' / % Jesus Christ "direct our way vp-as oe Q o Kvpios irKeovaaai Kai unto you. " And the Lord Trepio~o~fvo-ai Trj dyaTTT) etc dXXrfKovs make you to increase, and C ■, , ' zj'„,~ „„ v , i,,,7- «.?« abound in love one towards *™_ «S Travrar, KarJaTTfp Kai r,pj is a* another, and towards all men, vpds, 13 ft? r6 OTT)pij;ai vputp Tas f^\h a :rn e dtra a vttaS «v«^ *^™» * *yr™®» e > yourheartsunblameableinho- irpoo-Bev tov Qeov Kai irarpos rjpcov, ev iiness before God even our r „ Tvapovo-'ia tov Kvpiov t)pa>v 'ir/uou Father, at the coming of our ''. ' ~„ ' \ • - r > . Lord Jesus Christ with all his e Xpiarov p.era iravrwv rwv ayiiov saints. avrov. a-» b ixj — . Gb. uirip. c Rec. & Gb. 8Xi^ii «ai avay^p. * -> • 3 a Or, guide. GE22AAONIKEI2 A. 495 1 Thessalonians IV. 14. 4. * Aonrov ovv, dSeXfpoi, epaTapev 4. l'urthcrmorethen we «bc- vpas Kal irapamAovuev ev Kvpioi InooO, ■«<*y««. btathrwi, & u exhort b« /iv \ 'o » « - i - y°" 1>v '" e I- or( l Jesus, that KaVus TrapeKapere nap rjpcov to 7tg>c as ye have received of us, how bet vpas TtepnraTelv Kal dpea-Keiv 0«3, e '' y e ou ? ht l ° walk, and to please " ' ~\\ . 2 "5s ' < God, so ye would abound nu>re iva irepio-o-ev^Tf paWov' otSare yap and mor ^ , For ve know „ llat Tivas TrapayyeXias ebdiKapev vp.lv bid commandments we gave you, tov Kvplov 'lrjo-ov. 3 tovto yap tori &£■ iJFVJT '''" "' is ., ','„,, / ' f » ls lhe nl " °» God, eoen vour ffeXrjpa rov Qeov, o aytacrpoc vpaiv, sanctification, that ye should dire\eo-6ai {aids diro rrts ■nopveias' al>stain from fornication: * that 4 >&- ~ » - i c - every one of vou should know eibevai eKaarov vpcov to eavrov Ka\ Tipfj, 5 prj ev sanctification and honour : — C/J,. '_ d ' ' d '_ v > "/) 5 not in the lust of concu- , , ZT^™' Ka6 , an % Kai ra^dvr, pisct , nce even as the Gentiles ra pi] eioora top Qeov' to prj vnep- which know not God: £ that no fiaiveiv Kal irXeoveKTelv d ev rw" Trpd- '««« go beyond and r defraud » >?. -\ j < < - * / * -v » n,s brother 'in ami matter, ypaTi tov abeXcpov avTOV bioTl eKbiKos because that the Lord is the o Kvpios Tvepl ndvTW tovtcov, Ka6u>s avenger of all such ; as we also \ p / » i - \ » / have forewarned you, and tes- Kai Trpoenropev vpiv K ai biepapTvpa- tified: 'for God hath not called peda. ' ov yap eKaXeaev rjpds 6 Qeos us unto uncleanness. bin unto eVi d Ka 8apo-la, dXX ev ayiacrpu. 8 toi- . h ° liness ■ ' " e .^J**" "«* r 5/, 'I > » !i ' >/i - despiseth, despiseth not man, yapovv o atieTcov, ovk avOpcorrov atieTei, but God, who hath also given dXXd tov Qeov tov Ka\ bovra to Uvevpa uru0 us nis holy Spin*. avTov to dyiov eis f vpas." 9 Xlept be Trjs (f)tXabeX(f)ias ov xpfiW 9 But as touching brotherly g-" v f a f " . > * * e love, ve need not that 1 write evere yoa - i-fZ I unto you: for ye yourselves are veooioaKTOi eore etc to ayairav aAArj- taught of God to love one ano- Xovs- 10 Kaiydp noietTe avTo els navras ther - '° , An 5* inde ^ d > e do '* > 's. \ j v > > «\ - »» towards all the brethren, which roue abeACpovs tovs ev oAr) tj] Ma/ce- are j n all Macedonia : but we 8ovia' napaKaXovpev be vpas, dSfXfpoi, beseech you, brethren, that ye _ ' ~ > \ ii > j \ increase more and more: "and nepio-o-eveiv paWov, ■ Kai 0tXort- that ye study to be qu|< am , peiadai r]0~vxd£eiv, Kai 7rpdo~0~eiv tci to do your own business, and to iSta, Kat f'pyd^rrrjai rale h t8t'atr" veptrij' work with your own hands (:ts r - /i. i • - »^ 12 •» we commanded vou:) '-that vpcov, KaOws vpivnaprjyyetAapev' '" UWI ye may walk honestly toward TveonvaTTtTe eva-yrjIJ-ovoos TTpos tovs e£a>, them that are without, and that V ^', / y lr „ r * ye may have lack .'of nothing. Kai p-qoevos \peiav e^rjTe. 13 Oil ' BeXopev " be vpds dyvoelv, ,3 But I would not have vou d^oi, nepi t»v ^ KeKoipjpev^' ha ^^^^^1^ pr) AVTrr/ade, Ka8a>s Kai oi Aoiiroi oi prj that ye sorrow not, even as i'vovres eXjrida. M el yap nio-Tevoaev o<-^ rs wh 'ch have no hope. „ A , T , , , A ( K . IT '» I'or if we believe that Jesus on Ir/o-ofs aneOave kui avtOTrj, ovtoo diedi and rnse again: even so Kal 6 Sfos tovs KOiprjdeVTiis Bia tov them also which sleep in Jesus, a Rcc. add To. Vi cx> add tva. c cvj add nadwj «a» Trfpiirareirn. d(V,» tcu. * Rec. cv 1 t^iiirajiit^ f **} — . Rec. h Gb. vpas. g Bl f^>ei'o^«c. h rt i Rec. e«Xw. k (VJ«o.juoj^e^a.i-. a Or, nq«l t. Or, beseech. > Or, oppress, or, oveireacli. o Or, iu tbe matter. ■ Or, rejectetli. C Or, of no cias. 1 Thessalonians IV. 15. 496 EIII2TOAH nP02 will God bring with him. 15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God : and the dead in Christ shall rise first. " Then we which are alive, and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. is Wherefore, a comfort one another with these words. 5. But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. 2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety : then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape. m 4 But ye, brethren, are not darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 6 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day : we are not of the night, nor of darkness. fi Therefore let us not sleep, as do others: but let us watch and be sober. 7 For they that sleep, sleep in the night, and they that be drunken, are drunken in the night. s But let us who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. ■ For God hath not appointed us to wrath: but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. " Wherefore, £com- 'Ir/o-oG o|ei crvv avra. Io tovto yap vpiv Xeyopev ev X6ya> Kvpiov, on reels' ol £u>VTes oiirepiXeinopevoi etc ttjv irap- ovcriav tov Kvpiov, ov pr) (pddaiopev tovs KOiprjdevras' 16 oti avrbs 6 Kv- pios ev KeXevo-paTi, ev vrj dpxayye- Xov, Kal ev adXniyyi Qeoii Karajdrjo-erai an ohpavov, Kal ol veKpol ev Xpioro) dvacTTTjaovTai nptorov, 1 ' eireira rjpels ol £a)vres ol ■nepiXenropevoi, apa aw avrols dpTrayrjaopeda ev ve(peXais eis dndvTrjaiv tov Kvpiov els depa, Kal ovtid ffdvroTe aw Kvpia eadpeda. (wore TrapaKaXelre dXXrjXovs ev ro'is Xoyois TOVTOIS. 5. Tlepl 8e rutv xpovcov Kal tu>v Kai- pwv, d8eX(j>ol, ov xpeiav e'^ere vpiv ypd(peadai' ' ai/Tol yap uKpificos oldare oti r) rjpepa Kvpiov obc K.XeTTTr)S ev vvktI ovtcjs epxerai' 3 brav a " Xeyuiaiv' Et- prjvrj Kal dacpdXeia, rore ai(pvi8ios avrols tTos ecre Kal viol rjpepas' ovk eo-pev vvktos ov8e ctkotovs. apa ovv pr) Ka6ev8a>pev cos Kai ol Xonroi, aXXa yprjyopiopev Kal vrjcfxopev. ' oi yap Kadevdovres, vvktos Ka6ev8ovai' Kal oi peavaKopevoi, vvktos peOvovaiV 8 rjpels 8e rjpepas ovTes, vrjcjjwpev, ev8vadpevoi GoipaKa niaTeios Kal dydnrjs, Kal ne- piKe Rec. * Or. eihort. ? Or, exhort. 6E22AA0NIKEI2 A. 497 1 Tiiessalonians V. 28. Xouc, teal oiKodofxeiTf eis rbv tva, Radios fort yourselves together, and Kal TToielre ed[iy one anotiier > evvu ^ alMJ 12 'EpooTcopev 8e iipds, d.8fk■ And we beseech you, bre- el8evai rovs KomiovTas kv vp.lv, KM JO""*. '<> know them which la- r . i _ / \ hour among vou, and are over Trpoio-Tcifievovs vpwv ftnd admulub u BeTovvras vpas, 13 Kai j}yeicr#a' av- you: u and to esteem them Toi* vrrip fa^mi eV dyairr,, <5t« ro ^We/a^oe at'ptle ipyov avroiv. eiprjveveTt ev ' eavTois. among yourselves. u Now we 14 TTapaKakovuev 8i vpas, ddeXcbol, VOV- "exhort you, brethren, warn A S \ ' i i A - a them that arc* uurulv, coiutnrt tiereire rovs utclktovs, napapvUeio-Ue Ule feebleminded, support the rovs 6\iyo\}/vxovs, dvT(Yfcr6e tcov dade- weak, be patient toward all a - « ' men. vav, p-aKpodvpare irpos ivavTas. _ „ See that none render evil 15 'Opare pr) tls KaKov avTi kcikov for evil unio anv man : but nvi dirodv- dXka ndvTore to dyadov ever follow that which is good, . , ,' , ,.,,. > , ,' both among yourselves and to OKonere ° tis aWrjkovs Kai eis ttuvtos- a n men . 16 IlairoTe yatpere. 1; ddiakfirrTcos ,8 Rejoice evermore: »' pray a i« > » j " . without ceasing: " in eveiy irpoo-evtfo-de. ev ivavji evxupio-rfiTe thing give thanks, for this is the ToiiTO yap OeXrjpa Qeoi ev Xptcrra) Irj- will of God in Christ Jesus ' r concerning you. crov etc vpas. b ' 19 To Ilv€vp.a pr] afievvvTe. 20 irpo- Vi Quench not y Spirit : so de- 1 fareia* rf i£ov0evelre. « *dvra°8e' tS^SSS^W 8oKipd£(Te' to Kakov KaTt^ere. " ano is gu0 d. --Abstain from all ap- iravTos ei'Sovs novrjpov diri\errd€. pearance ot evil. 23 Aio-oc 8e 6 Qfos Tns eiphvns ayid- "And the very God of peace , - . N x - \ \\> \ sanctitvyou whollv: and/ pray crai vpas oAoreAety- Kai oAoKArjpov ooi your whole ■pIrit.MidioS, vp rjj napovaia too Kvpiov ^TSJcuS^Aua Tjpcov lrjaov XpLO-Tov TT]pTj8(Lrj. " TTl- j s he that calleth you, who also o~tos 6 KaXcov vpas, os Kal TTOirjcrei. will do it. 23 'AdeXciol, 7rpoo-evveo-6e nepl iipaiv. iS Brethren, pray for us. 26 ' - a • •* \a. ' _' -„„ M Greet all the brethren with 26 aanatratrde tovs ^adeXQovs _ jravros an holy kiss . , ; i rchar g e you eV (pikrjpaTi dyloi. "• dpKi^o) vpas tov by the Lord, that this epistle be Kwptoi;, ai»ayi/aio-r5r}wit Tr)v uvL(TTo\i)v «ad unto all the holy brethren, wacrt role d dytoic" aSeX0ois. 28 'H X^P" T< ™ K-vpiov Tjpiov'lrjcrov •-•» The grace of our Lord Je- Xpio-Tou peff vpu>v. K " sus Christ be with you, Amen. a <^> auTo.f. b Rec. 8t Gb. add *at — Gb. ZI c Kec. -» " 'JX « Rec. iidd a^fji-. tt Or, besvecb. ^ Or, disorderly. ' Or, adjure. 33 2 Thessalonians I. 1. 498 EII1STOAH IIP02 nAYAOY * nP02 0E22AAONIKEI2 EIIISTOAH AEYTEPA. T>AUL and Silvanus.and Ti- TTAYA02 Kai 'SiXovavos xai Tip69eos, * motheus unto the church of - ^kAtjo-io Q«T(Ta\oviK^v ev Qe- Christ: 'grace unto you, and - v T - v and the Lord Jesus Christ. Tpos ij/xow Kai Kvpiov^ \ W ov XpiaTOV : 3 'Ev^apiaTeiv o ' - > •> compense tribulation to them TOIS 6Xi t 3opevots uPf > '\ a ' ., „ ' - when the Lord Jesus shall be P av ™ P iT ^T/^ ewaptws « UrW ' revealed from heaven, with "his 8 ev b (pXoyi nvpos,' OtOoVTOS eKOiKTjcnv mighty angels, "in flaming tire, - < ^g^ e ^ Ka > ( TO ' LS < vna , "taking vengeance on them that , * ' „ , « , ~ T . » ' « . know not God. and that obey Kovoval tio evayyeKtco rov Kvpiov i]pa>v not the gospel of our Lord Jesus 'ln(ro{/ XplCTTOV' 9 oirives biKrjv r'lo-ov- Christ, '■> who .shall be punished >i\ n >-' ' > with everlasting destruction «"*> oAf^poi/ aiawov, airo npoaemoy from the presence of the Lord, rov Kvpiov, Kai ano Tr/s od^rjs ttjs andfromthegloryofhispower: j ' ofirmiJ, 10 ora^ ?A0tf eVSo^a- 10 when he shall come to be glo- A , , , # e « » /1 riBed in his saints, and to be crorjvai ev tois ayiois avrov, Kat tiavpa- admin-d in all them that be- Q-^qvat fV ttucti tois ' TVlo-Tevo-acnv, lieve (because our testiuiuny , „ > > a \ • t ~ >i among you was believed) in (°« e7Tia-Tfj;0r; TO paprvpiov l]p — . Kec. 8c Gb. irupi p, tva vuds a^iaxrt) ttj? k\i'j- a '" a 7 s f or you, H'at our God ' t a y t - » i ", ' „ ' would "count vou woriliy of (Tens o Veos rjpwp.Kai irXypioa-rj jraaav tfjfa calling, and fulfil all the evdoKiap ayaSooavPTjs Kat epyopnioreois pood pleasure of Ai.v goodness, *>.£*;- * A* ***»*.?* «rr »*« wo ^ SS?-srna TOl> Kvpiov 17/xcof I^rrov Xpurrov ev vplp, Jesus Christ may be glorified Kat vpe'is tv aiiTco, Kara tvv vdpiv tov 'nr, 011 - a "d ye in him. according c. - t - « ' , ,. ' -. A _/ - to ihegraceof our God, and the t»fov r/^ojf (cat Kvpiov Ir/trov Xpinrov. Lord Je.-us Christ. 2. EpioTwpep $e vpds, d8e\yr]s eir g a ,hering togetlier unto him, axiTop, • (Is to pn raveW o-a\ev6rjp€ii '" >tn at ye be not soon shaken in ,'...':„,:_i r ! ' a ~ n • mind, or be troubled, neither vpascmo tov voos,pr]Te 0poeio-6at ; pijre bv spiril Ilor 1)y word nor by Old Trvevparos, prjT( did Aoyov, prjTe SV letter, as from us, as that the fVrto-ToAnr a>s St r,u<£i/, cos on ivtarriKtv day of C1 \ rist . is al han 1 d ' ' let , , , ' „ "7 ,, o , /-.no man deceive vou by any T) rjpepa rov a Kvpiov. J /ur; ti? u/iaj means, for that day shall m>t ei-anarricrn Kara pno'eva TpnnoV on edv c '"" e - except Aere come a fall- v *\ a ' ' > - i > m S away first, and that man flT) eAdrjr] mroarao-ia npioTov, Kai ano- ofsinbe revealed, the son of Kakv(pdfi 6 (Iv&paiTTOs rrjs dpapTias, 6 peidition, * who opposeth and „'.\r ™~ ,!,«., ,1l ,.'..., 4 X ~ ' % exalteth himself above all that vioi rr,s airaXetas, o avrtKeipePos Kai js oalIed God , or lhat is wor . virepaipopevos em " iravra" Aeyopevop shipped: so that he as God, Oeov n o-t'pao-pa, axrre alrov eit top s | t,eth ta * e l ?!"P} e of . God - > - /-> - e" A' ' * ' shewing himself Uiat he is vaov tov Wfou Kaoiaai, airooeiKWPTa (jod. (avrop on fan ©foe. ^ * O^ pPTjpopevere on en kv wpos 5 Remember ye not, that when vpas, TavTa eAfyoi' vpip ; Kai vvv to 1 was vet with vou, I told vou Karevov oi'Sare, els t6 aTroKa\vai f hese lh ' n f/ .•*■* "° w '. ^ i V 1, i - c . _ 7 , ' < know what wwithhoideth, that aKrov ev too eavrov Kaipco. ' to yap he might be revealed in his uvo-rripiop fjSri epepyelrai ttjs apoalas, time - 7 For the mystety of ini- , '/ ' , r/ ~ . ' / n ■ niiily doth already work only povop o HOTtym v aprt tco? e< peaov ye- he „ ho now , ettethi uin M> prjTaC s Ka\ Tore aTTOKaXvCpd^o-erai n until he be taken out of the t < ' i > destrov with the brightness of auroV ■ ov eanv T) napovaia kut his coining: 9 even him whose evepyeiav rov 2arai/a e'p ndo-rj Svpdpei coming is after the working of „> _ ' > / 's, ' in Satan, with:'!! power and signs, Kai o-rjpeiois Kai repaai ^evdovs,^ ^ Kat and ^ ng , vond , ,. rSi n ud wjt h ep iraarj andrr] 'ttjs" adiKias s " to'is all deceivableness of unright- dTToWv'pepois, ' dpff £>P Tttv 070^771- tm eousness, in them that perish : >.. a , r > »*»> » . /1- because thev received not the aATjtletas ovk ebtgaPTO eis to o-r)s, els to lusion that they should believe m(rrfitral avrov , TC 3 J^Sef I- 1 \ va Kpi . a lie : >■< that they all might be , ex* - -\ damned who believed not the 8(b(Ti7TaVT€S oi pi) iriaTevo-avTes TJj aXt)- truth, but had pleasure in un- ae [ a ^ ^\\' evboKnaavTes a eV tt) adiKia. righteousness. 13 tlJ - j>> . . ,>. . " '3 But we are bound to give Upeis be oCpeiXopev evxapiaTeiv thanks alway to God for you, r'__*' «J iz • " . b "\ " because God bath from the be- Vyanrjpevoi vno Kvpiov,OTi etXeTO ginning chosen you to salvation, vpds 6 Qeos an ap^^jS eis aoiTrjpiav ev through sanctification of the ayiaaawUvevpaTos Kai iriorei dXndeias, Spirit, and belief of the truth, ,.' , \>, ,- ~ , - » , „ ; '^hereunto he called you by «J o eKaXeaev vpas Ota tov evayye- our gospel, to the obtaining of \[ ov hpwv, els nepinoiricriv boSns tov the glory of the Lord Jesus T r / < - > T - v rj| ir i° t Kvpiov tjpwv lrjcrov Xpiarrou. ' 5 Therefore, brethren, stand lo "Apa ovv, dbeXcpoi, o~TT]KeTe, Kai fast and hold the traditions Kpare ; re Tay ^apaboo-eis ds efooaytW, which ye have been taught, JT . , - , r „ * , , . - A , '. ' whether by word or our epistle, etre Ota Aoyov etre Ot enio~ToAi)s t)pcai>. "Now our Lord Jesus Christ 16 avT0S Se 6 Kvpios Tjpwv'lijo-ovs Xpi- himself, and God even our Fa- , > <• ' rx ' > * » - e ther, which hath loved us, and (ttos^koi c o Qeos Kai narijp tjpav, o hath given us everlasting con- dyanr)0~as T]pds Kai boiis TrapaKXrjaiv solation and good hope through a ; w „' a „ Ka \ ^niba dya6nv ev vdptrt, grace, "comtort vour hearts, e - \ «, A r ' andstablish you in every good ' napaKaXecrai vpiov Tas Kapbias, Kai word and work. (jTTjpi^ai d " eV navTi e epya> Kai Xoyco" aya6u>. 3. Finally, brethren, pray for 3. To Xoinov, npoaevxecrde, dbeX(poi, us, that the word of the Lord x . . j 6 x , - R - ° may have free course, and be r '",'.,.,,. ' ., ,", glonfled, even as itis with you: Tpe^J) Kal bogaQrjTiu Knows Kai irpos ■J and that we may be delivered ' - ' 2 KQ j £„<, pvaOwpev dnb twv fromPunreasonable and wicked , r , > - ■> a ■ ■< \ men: forall men havenot faith. aTonoov Kai novr]po>v avtipwircov ov yap 3 But the Lord is faithful, who irdvTiov rj niaris- 3 maros de ecrriv 6 shall stablish you, and keep you t - / '£„ < -„ . ; , •> , /. from evil. - And we liave con- ^vpios,^ OS trnjp&l vpas Kai ' vuus. on a TrapayyeXXouev do y things which we command r JT ' ,' _ x ' s ' »> you. 5 And the Lord direct your v/niv, «at 7roteiT6 Kat 7rotr;cr6Te. o Oe hearts into the love of God, and Kvpios KarevOvvai i>pu>u Tas Kapbias eis into r the patient waiting for < > , ~ <-, x < . \ » Christ. r ^ 1/ a y a77r ) v T0V &f° v > < a ' f'f tj;i/ inropovtjv tov Xpio-rov. „ .. . 6 UapayyeXXouev be iiii'iv, dbeXcboi, 6 Imow we command you, ,,,'«'„" , . , - -J brethren, in the name of our ev ovopaTt tov Kvpiov rjpojp Irjaov Xpi- Lord Jesus Christ, that ye with- (TT0 Z ! o-TeXXeadai vpds diro ttuvtus draw yourselves from every >5 , N , ~ > i > < brother that walketh disorderly, adeX » >-l i follow us: for we behaved not ev vp.iv, ovde bcopeav aprov efpayopev ourselves disorderly among you, napd tivos, d\X' ev Konco ko.1 povdu * "either did we eat any man's i < r i > y, ' . \ bread tor nought : but wrought WKra Kai rjpepav epyaQojuvoi, npos jo with , abour ami travail ni ° llt pif inijiapfjirai Ttva iipwv' 9 ov% 6Yt and day, that we might not be ovk evopev e£ovcie mill YUU, naprjyyeWopev vpiv, OTl el Tis OV Otkfl t |,i s we commanded you, that if epya(ea$ai, pt]8e eo-dieTco. any would not work, neither 11 > , ' > - should he eat. , , X r KOV °l X€V 7 a P Ttvas vfpwarovvTas , , For „ e , )ear QM lhere are ev vpiv araKTcoc, p-qdev epya^opevovs, some which walk among vou dXkd nepiepyatopevovs. " roic be rot- ^orderly, woritog not at all, , \\ v \ - hut are busvbodies. '■ No» ovtois napayyeKAopev, Kai napaKahov- them j are such, we command, pev J Bid Toil Kvpiov Tipcov 'Irio-ov Xpi- and exhort by our Lord Jesus - u " > « i > •-> Christ, that with quietness they o-tov, iva pern tjo-vpat epyafrpevoi, work f and eat lhe i ro wn bread. tov eavToyv dpTov eo~8ia>o~iv. u vpels be, ' 3 Hut ye, brethren, °be not aS«X\\> n ' < '*\j.' 16 »_' ' 6 Now the Lord of peace him- aXka vovOfTtiTj o>s- adtXcpov. lb gvtos se)fi give you peice , ' 1 ,„ yili bv 8e 6 Kvpios ttjs elprjvrjs 8cor] vpiv ttjv all means. The Lord be with elpijvtjv SianavTos (v iravrl c Tpona." 6 you a "• Kuutoc peTa rravTcov vpcov. ■ ^Odanaap6 S T^pf lXf iplnaiXov, "K^lhSt o eort o-rjpeiov tv irao-fl eTTioToAj]' ovtco the token in every epistle: so I ypa(pco. write. H xapt? tov Kvpiov rjpcov lr)(rov sus chrbt be with you a ii, 18 The grace of our Lord Je- ts CI XpiaToii perd ndvTWV vpcov. d dprjv." Amen. IV Krpiw I';aOi XpiffTy ^ Zt e ^- TOlTto. d Zj " t'r, UlUt OOl, ^ Or, siguil'y (Ii it in im liy la epistte. 1 Timothy I. 1. 502 EIII2TOAH IIPOS I1AYAOY IIP02 TIMO0EON EllISTOAH nPliTH. PAUL an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Saviour, and Lord Jesus Christ which is our hope, 2 unto Timothy my own son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father, and Jesus Christ our Lord. 3 As I besought thee to abide still at Kphesus when I went into Macedonia, y thou might- est charge some that they teach no other doctrine, * neither give heed to fables, and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than * godly edifying which is in faith: so do. 5 Now the end of the com- mandment is charity, out of a pure heart, and of a good con- science, and of faith unfeigned. 6 From which some "having swerved, have turned aside un- to vain jangling, 7 desiring to be teachers of the law, under- standing neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm. s But we know that y law is good, if a man use it lawfully. a Know- ing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawle-s and disobedient, for the ungodly, and for sinners, for unholy, and profane, for mur- derers of fathers, and murder- ers of mo hers, for manslayers, 10 for whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with man kind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine. " according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust. [TAYA02 a7rov, Kal :l Xptorof lrjaov " rr/s eXiridos rjpiov, 2 Tipodeto yvrjcriG) reKvq> ev TricrTO.' )(dpis, eXeos, elprjvr) dwo Qeov irarpos h i)pcov" /cat Xptorov 'lrjcrov rov Kvpiov Tjpcbv. 3 KaBcos TrapeKaXead ae 7rpoo-pelvai ev E0e o"&), nopevopevos etc MaxeBoviav, iva TrapciyyeiXrjs run prj erepoSibaarKa- Xelv, 4 prjde irpoae\eiv pv$ois Kal yeveaXoyiais cnrepdvTois, airives C T 1 T 1~ treic nape\ovo-i paXXov i) c OLKOvopiav" Qeov tt]v ev niara' 5 (To 8e reXos Ttjs napayyeXias earlv ayaTTT) e\ Kadapas Kapftias Kal avveiBrj- o"ea)c ayaOrjs Kal Trlareois dvvTTOKpirov' 6 a>v rives daro^rjo-avTes, e^erpdnrjo-av els paraioXoyiav, ' BeXovres fivai vo- p.o$iSdo-KaXoi, pr) vooiivres prjre a Xe- yovcri, prjre nepl rivatv Bia!3e t 3aiovvrai' 8 oidapev de on koXos 6 vopos, edv ris avrco vopipais xP*l ra h 9 el8u)s roiiro, otl ftiKaico vopos ov Kelrai, dvopois Be Kal avvnoTaKTois, acre(5eo-i Kal dpapra>- Xo'is, avoaiois Kal ftefiijXois, narpaXioais Kai p.r]rpaXu>ais, dv8po(f)6vois, 10 nop- vois. dpo-evoKo'irais, dv8pa7ro8io-rais, yj/evarais, eiviapKois, Kal e'i n erepov tt\ vyunvovo-rj SiSacncaXia dvriKeirai, " Ka- ra to evayyeXiov rrjs do^rjs rov p.aKapiov Qeov, o e'mo'TevBijv e'yco. . S ' . <"' 1 ■; O .\.., 1 -,!<■* b ^ C r <• o ' blasphemer, and a persecutor, J3\a(T(pr]fl0V Kai buoKTriv Kai vJpicrTrjV and i,„ uri0U!l . B llt | obtained dXX' r)Xen6r]v, oti dyvoo>v eiroirjtra ev mercy, because I did it igno- > ' . 14 « \ ' »> ' ' . „ ranilv, in unbelief. M And the amcrna ^ vrrepenXeovacre be >] X a P^ grace" of our Lord was exceed- Tail hivpiov tffxaiu pera 7riOTea>s Kai ing abundant, with faith, und dydnris rnc iv Xpio-rci 'introO. 15 maros \?\ e > whidl j s |" 'Christ Jesus ,'. , ' ', , r ,' sJ - ,,,. « " l his is a tauhful «avmg, and o Aoyoc /cat Trao~i)S a7ro0o^r/r d^to?, ort WO rthy of all acceptation, lhat Xptrrroc 'inaovs r/A#fi> els Tov Koo-pov Christ Jesus came into the . v , - r - t > world to save sinners, of whom apapTnXovs crojcrai, a>i/ 7rpcoroc etp.. , am chief l6 Howbek ,„, eyoj' 16 aXXa 8ta tovto TjXeijOrjv, iva this cause I obtained mercy, ev epol Trpcorto ev&eittiTU 'IijitoOs Xpi- tliat . «■ , me 5 rs »- J< :f^ Christ ,',"„' '' /) - j might shew forth all lon^suf- trros Tt)v iracrav paKpodvpiav, irpos fering, for a pattern to them VTTOTim-watv rwv ueXXovrcov iricrTeveiv which should hereafter believe ,,,„,,. v i . j; - t> \ on him to life everlasting. en avru eis (ojtjv aioyviov. Tip Ot „ Now unto the King eternal, fiaaiXei ra>v ataivtav, d(pddpT(0, dopdrco, immortal, invisible, v only wise paw •' * e«3, Tip) Kai 8«J|a tW to'vs i ™;^ h ™ w A ™* llloTy {ar ~, _ • _ '•., ■> r -. ever ana ever. Amen, aiujt'ay tu>v aia>vv. apr,v.) 18 Tavrnv rnv irapayyeXiav napari- ls This charge I commit un- . , ' . ' ,[, ' ,'* , , to thee, son iimothv, accord- depai o-ot, rtKVov iipotiee, Kara Tas tag l0 the prop i,ecies which 71 pcayovaas ewi ere irpochrjTeias, Iva went before on thee, that thou ' . i- > n < bv them mightest war a good arpaTevy ev avrms t^V KaAijv v it'uttiv koX ayaoijv trvv- a good conscience, which some *r» ^ , Tty " a7rco 7ri(TTiv evavayr/(rav' ' » i 't 2. I "exhort therefore, that 7rot€io-0ai eer/a-nc, Trpocrfuxaf, ei^fv^etr, firsl of all> sup p licationSi prav . ev^apiarlas, vrrep ndvrcov dv&pamwv, ers, intercessions, and giving of » vnep ?a„CXi»v Kai ndvrw T»w ,V ^^f^ vTTfp<'-Xfl ofrojf, tfa r/pepov Kai r/rrv^iof j„ ^ authority, that we may lead Biov bidywaev ev ndcrri evae^eia Kai a quiet and peaceable life u nil , -i - \ \\ \ » i godliness and honestv. » lor o-epvorqn. tovto yap Ka\ov Kai ano- t!lU u go0f , am! accep table in heKTov evomiovTav croTr/poi rjpa>v 0fov, the sight of God our Saviour, 4 « ' a ■_ d'\,. ^ ,/i;;,i„. 4 who will have all men to be o? Travrar ai/^pwrow JXet iro^voi saVed ;;nd t0 come unl0 tne Kai to. * K«j. »Jd »of>». * Or, dei|p«. * Or, emioeol pl.et. one ] Timothy II. 6. mediator between God& men, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself a ransom for all, <* to be testified in due time. 7 Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle ( I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not) a teacher of the Gen- tiles in faith and verity. 8 1 will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands without wrath, and doubling. 9 In like manner also, that women adorn them- selves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety, not wiih P braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array, '" but (which becometh women pro- fessing godliness) with good works. 11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection : 12 but I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in si- lence. I3 For Adam was first formed, then Eve: 14 and Adam was not deceived, but the wo- man being deceived was in the transgression: ' 5 notwithstand- ing she shall be saved in child- bearing, if they continue in faith and charity, and holiness, with sobriety. 3. This is a true saying: If a man desire y office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. 2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigi- lant, sober, r of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach ; 3 Kr)pv£ Kai dn6o~TO- Xos' (d\r)6eiav Afyco*", ov ^ev8op.at') b~i8do~Ka\os eflvwv, ev morei Kai akrj- 6ela. 8 BovXofiai ovv Tvpocrev)(eo~6ai rovs avdpas ev iravrl t6tto>, enaipovras 6o~iovs ^eipas ^coptr opyijt (cat b 8ia\o- yiapov''' 9 axravrais (cat ray yvvaiKas ev KaracrToXfj Koo~p.ia>, p.era aldovs (cat o-aKppoo-vvrjs Kocrp.elv eavTas, p-r) ev irXeypaaiv, ij xpvcrip, rj p-apyapirais, j) lp.aTio~p.co -roXvTeXet, dXX' o Trpeire - yvvaii~iv eirayyeWop.evais Beooefieiav, Si epycov dyadtov. 11 Tvvt) ev rjov^la p,avdaveTto ev Trdo-rj vnoTayfj. '"• yvvaiKi b'e diSdcweiv ovk e-riTpe-rio, ov8e avdevTe'iv avdpos, aXX' eiVat ev tjcrvx'iQ. 13 'Abdp. yap TTpwros eirXdcrdr), etYa 'Eva. -* (cat 'Addp. ovk 7]TraTTj0T)' r) 8e yvvr) airaTrj- 6e~io~a ev Trapajido~ei yeyove' ~° crccdr)- aerai 8e Sta rrjs TeKvoyovias, edv p-eivcotriv ev nio-Tei (cat dydnrj Kai dyia- trp.u> p.erd acocppoo'vvrjs. 3. IIiaToc 6 Xoyos' ec ris enicrKOTrrjs opeyerai, koXov epyov eniBvpel. Bel ovv tov eTtlo'KOTTOv avert iXtjtttov eivat, fiids yvvaiKos ilvSpa, c vrjCpdXiov," crio- (ppova, Koafiiov, i\dpyvpoV 4 tov Idiov o'Lkov KaXas Trpo'io~Tap.evov, reKva exovTa ev xmoTayfj p-erd irdo-qs o~ep.vo- TTjTOS' ° (ft 8e TIS TOV IdlOV o'lKOV 7rpoo~rr)vai ovk olde, ncos eKKXrjcrias Qeoii eTrip.e\r)o-era<. ;) 6 pr) veofpvrov, iva p.j) Tvcpadels els Kp'ipa ep-Tteaj) tov 8 Rec. adrt ev Xptarta. b CV tiaXoytafiajy. c St. VWpaXtov. Bz. VT7^>aXntov, i llec. add ^»j aia \ptmtptrj. a Or, a testimony. & Or, plaited. ^ Or, modest. ^ Or, Dot ready tj quarrel aud offer wroDg, as one io wine. ■ Or, one newly come to tin faith. TIMO0EON A. 505 8ta/3dXov. 7 8el 8e *avrbv" Kal pap- rvpiav koXijv fx €lv < " ro r ® v ^$ a >^ fv i iva pi) els oveidiapov epTreo-rj Kal nayida tov dia(3o\ov. 8 Aiokovovs waavrcos crepvovs, pi) di\6yovs, prj oiva 7roXXo3 7rpoo~ex nvTai > pi) al(TXpOKfp8fls, 9 fX 0VTas T0 p-VCTTT]- piov rrjs irioTea>s ev Kadapa rrweiSr}- crei. 10 kcu ovtol 8e doKipa^eadcoo-av TrptoTov, eira v~iaKoveiTa>o~av, aWy/cXr/- toi owes. yvva'iKas axravras o~epvas, p,f) Sia/3dXour, b vrj(paXiovs," moras ev ndai. 12 didnovoi eoTOiaav pids yvvaiKos dvdpes, reKvaiv koXcos npo'i- ardpevoi Kal toi/ l8icov o'ikcov. ol yap Ka\o)s biaKovfjaavres, fiaBpov eav- rols KaXov irepinoiovvTai, Kal 7roXXr)i/ nappTjcriav ev nio~Tei rf) ev Xptcrrco 1t]o~ov. 14 Tavrd trot ypdcpco, e*\7ri£a>v e'Xdelv npos ere Ta^i-ov' la edv be fipabwa), iva eibfjs ttoos Set ev oucco Qeov ava- o~Tpe(peo-dai, ijns ecrrlv e'/c/cXr/cna Qeoi £&VTOS. SttjXo? Kal ebpaicopa rrjs a\rj- ffeias 16 Kal opoXoyovpevcos peya earl to rf/s evaefieias pvo-rrjpiov' c Geo?" e'cpavepcoOt] ev erapja, ebiKaicudrj ev Hvevpan, &(p6r) dyye\ois. e/cr/pv^r/ ev edvecriv, eirio~Tevdr] ev Koapa, dveXrjCpdr] ev bo^rj. 4. To Be Ilvevpa prjrcos \eyei, on ev varepois Kaipols aTroarrjaovTai rives rr/s 7riarecos, irpoaex 0VTes irvevpaai A ir\dvois" Kal btbao-KaXiais baipoviav, 2 ev VTTOKplo-et. ip-evboXoycov, KeKavrrj- piao-pevo>v tt)v iblav crvveibrjo-iv, 3 ku- Xvovrav yapelv, dnex f0 ~@ al ftpopdrcov, a 6 Qebs eKTiaev els perdXtj^iv perd evxapio-rias rols ttio-to'is Kal eireyvui- Koai ttjv aXi)8eiav. 4 on izav Kno-pa 1 Timothy IV. 4. 7 Moreover, he must have a good report of ihem which are with- out, lest he fall into reproach, and the snare of the devil. 8 Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre, 9 holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. I0 And let these also first be proved ; then let them use the office of a deacon, being fuund blameless. " Even so must their wives be grave j not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things. I - Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children, and their own houses well. ' ; For they that have "used the office of a deacon well, purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith. which is in Christ Jesus. " These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly. I5 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtestto behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and Aground of the truth. "■ And without contro- versy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. 4. Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to sedu- cing spirits, and doctrines of devils: 2 speaking lies in hy- pocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron, 3 for- bidding to marry, and i-nin- mandingto abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe, and know the truth. 4 For every creature t> St. yr/paAiouc. Ba. vJ70aAa(« Or, ministered. P Or t ■■ Ob. >S E>J o. d oo TrXurtjs. 1 Timothy IV. 5. 506 EIII2TOAH IIP02 of God is good, and nothing to Qeov KaXov, Kai ovbev aTrdftXrjTOv, fifTa be refused, if it be received e fo rtt p ttm ' OS Xaa^avofitvoV b dytdCtTai with thanksgiving: » tor it is < £ . \ » £T - \ > <> sanctified by the word of God, yap ota Aoyov Qtoy Kat fvrtv^fws. and prayer. 6 TaVTa vnoTiBtaevos rote aSfXt&oic, 6 If thou put the brethren in ,. , » * . > T - -. remembrance of these things, * aA °S f°7? OiaKovos ^ Ir/«rov XpiaTOV, thou shalt be a good ministerof evrpecpofxtvos tois Xdyou rrjs 7rio"rfu)S, Jesus Christ nourished up in Kal - KaX ~ SiSa0 - Ka \[ as fj iraprjKO- the words ot faith, and of good ,. ' .' , -, '/ "' , doctrine, whereunto thou hast XovdrjKas. ' rovs Of peprjAovs Kal attained. J But refuse profane -ynatocW pvQovs napaiTOV' yvuva(e be and old wives fables, and ex- '' , , , ■,! 8 < > ercise thyself ntifter unto god- Q-eauroi' tt^os tvaiptiav. ^ r) yap - liness. » For bodily exercise pariKr) yv/JLvacria 7Tpos oXiyuv eariv profitethal.ule, hut godliness ^ < A . g ^ ^foa ^ ^ito is prohtable unto all things, , T ,, ' , , , , , " having promise of the life a> This is a faith- J ' , ' , ,. , , ', n . & - ful saying, and worthy of all v irioros o Xoyos Kai nao-r)s anoboxr)S acceptation: lu for therefore a^ios. w (is tovto yap ll /cat" Komusptv we both labour, and suffer re- < h ' Jt t- ' a » ' , 'i_'. . ,'_} proach, because we trust in the mu^oWiSlfo/K^ OTl T)XTTlKap,( V (Wl living God, who is the Saviour 0eo3 fwiri, OS eo~Tl o-o)Tr)p miVToiU of all men, specially of those ^Spc^ncov, udXiaTa Tn ' ' of the believers, in word, in Qpoveira, ah\a rvnos ytvavTuv irtaruv conversation, in chanty, in iv Xdyw, iv dvacrTpo(pf), iv dydnr), c spirit, in faith, in purity. "Till e V morel, iv ay vela. ' u eas eckYOitm. I come, give attendance to read- , ,,'.* „ ■ v/ ing, to exhortation, to docirine. 7rpoo-(x f VQ uvayvaxrei, rrj rrapaKAr)0-(i, •« Neglect not the gift that is T f, fiiSaoTcaXt'a. u an dueXd tov ep in thee, which was given thee ' « > « ><\ -a s « by prophecy, with the laying on aoi X aptapaTOS, o fbudr) (TOl bia TTpo- of the hands of the presbytery, (pnreias fifTa emBeo'fcos ToiV )(fipoiV » Meditate upon these things, Toi np€a .jj VTf pi 0V . 15 Ta y Ta ufXera, give thvsel! wholly to them, , ; „ K „ . , ' ' that thy profiting may appear ev tovtois laof tva (TOV r) vrpoKOirrj /stoall. I* Take heed unto thy- d> avep d r] d iv" irdo-iv. 16 tVeye aeavTat self, and unto the doctrine :%«*■» \ > > » > -'. continue in them: for in doing KaL _ T 7) Olba f ^^^j aov , 5. Rebuke not an elder, but , t-t ,-, . • \ < * «,. intreat him as a father, and the 5 - npftrpvTtpip fir) emnXtj^s, aXXa younger men as brethren: 'the TrapaKaXet w? iraTtpa' Vfa>Ttpovs, 6)S elder women as mothers, the ^Xcbois' 2 TTpfO-^vripas, * t * But if any widow have chil- Xrjpaf Ti/ia ray oi/Ttuc^r/oar. dren or uephews, let them learn 4 Et 8e Tic xhp a TiKvar) (Kyova e^fl, a^ t» cnj aywv*Co/x«9a, c Itec «ild «v ircei'^aTi. & Zl a Or, lor a little time. ^ Or, in all tilings. TIMO0EON A. 507 pavdaveTuta-av npcoTov tov ibiov oikov evcreftelv, Kal dpoifids aTroSibuvnt rolc npoyovois' tovto yap ecrTiv*" drrobeKTov evamiov tov Qeov. 5 r) be ovrws XW a Kal pep.ovcop.evr) fjXniKev e'lrl rbv Qeov, Kal irpoo~pevei Tats ber)o~ecrt Kal rals ■7rpocrev)(als wktos Kal r/pepas' 6 r) be crnaTaXa>o~a, faxra Te6vqKe. ' Kal raiira napdyyeXke, iva dveTTiXrjnToi coatv. 8 d be ris rwv Ibiav Kal pd- Xicrra rcov oiKeicov ov -rrpovoel, ttjv tt'lcttiv rjpvrjTai, Kal €0~TIV dntOTov Xeipa>v. 9 Xrjpa KaraXeyeo'da) pr) eXarrov eriov e^rjKovra, yeyovvla evos dvbpos yvvT], 10 epyou KaX ois papTvpovpevrj, el eTeKvoTpocprjo-ev, ei e^evoboxqaev, el ayloov Trobas evi\f/ev, el 6\ij3opevois enrjpKecrev, el -rravrl e'pyco dyadia enrf Ko\ovdr)o~e. n vecorepas be XW as TTapairov' orav yap KaTaoTprjvida'OJcri tov Xpiorov, yapeiv deXovaiv, e\ov- o-ai Kp'ipa, on ttjv npa>TT]v TrioTtv TjdeTrjo-av' 13 apa be Kal dpyal pavdd- vovcri nepiepxopevai ras otKias' ov povov be dpyal, aWd Kal (pXvapoi Kai treplepyoi, XaXovcrat to pr) beovra, 14 jiovXopai ovv veonTepas yapeiv, reKvo- yove'tv, olKobeaTroTelv, priBepiav ai >. t and acceptable be- fore God. 5 Now slie that is a widow indeed, and desolate, trusteth in God, and tonum eth in supplications and prayers night and day. '■ But she that liveth I s in pleasure, is dead while she liveih. ■ And these things give in charge, that they may he blameless. » But it any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own rb.ou.se, he hath denied tne faith, and is worse than an infidel. 9 Let not a widow be < taken into the number, under thtee- score years old, having been the wife of one man, '"well re- ported of lor ;;ood works, if she have brought up children, if she have lodged strangers, it she have washed the saints feet, if she have relieved the afflicted, if she have diligently followed every good work. "But y young- er widows refuse : for when they have begun to wax v. anion against Christ, they will marry, '• having damnation, because they have cast off their lirst faith. " And withal they learn tube idle," andering about from house to house; & not only idle, but tattlers also, & busybodies, spe. king th.ngs which they ought not. " 1 will therefore y the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, gWe none occasion to the adversary 'to speak reproachfully. '•' lur some are already turned aside after Satan. "If any man or wo- man ^ believeth have wmows, let them relieve them,& let not the church be charged, that it may relieve them that are wi- dmvs indeed. 17 Let J- elders that rule well, be counted worthy of double honour, especially they w ho la- bour in the word and doctrine. Is Kor the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the com: and, The labourer is worthy of his rew ard. a Itec. aJJ ko.\ov Kai. b — » a Or, kindnett. Or, delicately. ' Gr, far tbeir railing. y Or, kindred. • Or, chu»D 1 Timothy V. 19. 19 Against an elder receive not an accusation, but ° before two or three witnesses. 20 Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear. 2I I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels, that thou observe these things P without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality. 22 Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins. Keep thyself pure. 23 Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake, and thine often infir- mities. 24 Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment: and some men they follow after. 2i Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand, and they that are otherwise, cannot be hid. G. Let as many servants as are under the yoke, count their own masters worthy of all honour, that the name of God, and his doctrine be not blasphemed. 2 And they that have believing masters, let them not despise them because they are brethren: but rather do them service, be- cause they are r faithful and beloved, partakers of the bene- fit: these things teach and exhort. 3 If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness : 4 he is * proud, know- ing nothing, but ■ doting about questions, and strifes of words, whereof Cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, 5 1 per- verse disputings of men of cor- rupt minds, and destitute of the 508 EIII2TOAH LTP02 19 Kara irpeo-fivTepov Karqyoplav pi) jrapaftexov, eKTOs el pj) eni 8vo rj TpiHnv papTvpwv. 20 tovs apaprdvovras, evm- mov ndvrcov eXey^e, iva Kai ol Xonroi cpofiov c)(a>(ri. 8iapaprvpopai evio- ttiov tov Qeoii /cat a " b XptoroO 'lr)o~ov" Kai tcov eicktKTiov dyyeXcov, iva raiira (pvXd^rjs x^P 19 TpoKpiparos, pr)8ev noiav Kara Trpoo-KXio~iv. 22 X.elpas ra^e'wr prj8evl eniTiBei, pj]8e ttoivcavei apapriais dXXoTpiais. Seauroi/ dyfoi/ Ti)pei. 23 pijKen vftpoTTOTei, dW oifa) oXiyco XP^i ^' a tov (TTopaxov aov Kai rdc irvKvds crov aoveveiag. 24 Tivaiv dvdpwTTcov ai apapriai irpd- 8r\Xo'i elcri, irpodyovaai els KpiaiV rial be Kai eiraKoXovdovcriv. ^ a>o~avTa>s Kai to. Kaka epya Trp68t]Xd ecrTi' Kai rd dXXcos e'xovra, Kpvfirjvai oil 8vvaTai. 6. "Orroi elo~iv vno £vyov 8ovXoi, tovs l8lovs deo-noTas jrdar/r Tiprjs dfjiovs rjyeio-Quio-av, iva pi) to ovopa tov Qeov Kai i) 8i8ao-KaXla (BXaa(pripfj- Tai. 2 ol 8e 7rLo-Toiis e^ovTes 8eo~noTas, pi) KaracppoveiTcoo-av, 6tl d8eX(poi elo~iV dXXd pdXXov 8ovXeveTQ)o~av, otl ttlotol elo-i Kai dyaTrrjToi, ol tt)S evepyealas dvTiXapftavopevoi' TaiiTa 8idao~Ke Kai irapaKaXei. 3 Ei' tis eTepo8i8ao-KaXel, Kai prj Trpoo~ep)(eTai vyiaivovo~i Xoyois toIs tov Kvplov i)pu>v lrjo-ov Xpiarov, Kai ttj KaT evaefieiav 8i8ao-KaXia, * reru- rat, prjdev emcrTapevos, dXXd voo~v dv6pd>7r, iTioTiv, dyuTTTjv, v7Top.ovr)v, c 7rpaij- TTaSeiav" u dywvi^ov tov koXov dywva tt/s mo-Tews" emXa^ov rf/s alcoviov Cwijs, els t)v ''" eKXrjdrjs, Kal wpoXoyri- aas ttjv KaXr)v opoXoyiav evwmov ttoXXwv paprvpwv. 13 napayyeXXco aoi evunriov rov Qeov rov e £q)ottoiovvtos" ra rravra, Kai Xpioroi 'Itjo-ov tov pap- rvprjo-avTOs ewl Hovtiov TliXdrov tt)v KaXr)v opoXoylav, u TT]pr)crai are ttjv evToXr)v ao-m\ov, dveTriXrjTrrov, ptXP 1 Tijs eTTi(j)avelas tov Kvpiov i)p.a)V 'ir/troD XpLOTOv, 15 ' fjv' Kaipols l8Lois 8el£ei 6 paKapios Kal povos 8vvdcrT7]s, 6 jiaoi- Xevs tcov ftao-iXevovTcov, Kal Kvpios tojv KvpievovTwv, 16 6 povos e^coi/ ddavaoiav, (pas oIkwv aTrpocriTov, ov el8ev ov8els avopomiov, ov8e I8elv 8vvaTai, Qem 1 tw (qivti," tco 7rapex ovrl rjp.lv b navTa irKovcr'ioas" els dnokavcriv ls dyadoepyelv, nXovrelv ev epyois koXo'is, evperaboTOvs eivai, koivuvlkovs, 19 dnodrjcravpi^ovTas eavrols 8epe\iov Ka\6v els to peXKov, iva eTTi\dl3cavTai TTJS c OVT(Os" ^0)f)c. 20 T G TipoSee, tt)v d napadrjKrjv" (pvkai-ov, enrpeiropevos Tas ^ejSrjXovs Kevocpcovias, /cat avridecreis rrjs \//-eu§co- •° O Timothy. keep thatwhich is committed to thy trusi, avoid- ing profane a«d vain babblings, &c opposition- of science, falsely so called: '•" which some pro- vvpov yvoxrecos' 2l rjv Tives enayyeX fes^ing, have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen. Xopevoi, Trepl Tr)v tt'icttiv TjaTo^crai'. 'H X^P ls P-eTa. crov. e " UAYAOY nPOS TIMO0EOK EniSTOAH AEYTEPA. PAUL an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, according to the promise of life, which is in Christ Jesus, a to Timothy my dearly beloved son: grace, mercy, and peace from Cod the Father, andChnst Jesus our Lord. 3 I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with pure conscience, that withoutceasing ] have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day, 4 greatly desiring to see thee, being mindful of thy tears, that I may be filhd with joy, * when I call to remembrance the un- feigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grand- mother Lois, and thy mother Eunice: and I am persuaded that in thee also. * Wherefore 1 put. thee in remembrance, that thou stir up the gi ft of God which is in thee, TTAYA02 dnoaToKos 'irjcrov Xpicrrov 8id deXrjparos Qeov tear enayyeXiav £a>r)s rrjs ev XpicrTco 'irjcrov, 2 Tipodeco dyanrjTM reKvco' X^/ 3 ' 9 ' eXeos, eipr)vrj dno Qeov irarpos Kai XpicrTov Irjcrou tov YLvpiov r]pa>v. 3 Xdpiv e)(a> tu Qeco, w Xarpeveo enro irpoyovav ev Kadapa crvveibrjcrei, as dBidXenrTov f^o) ttjv nepl crov pveiav ev Tais o~er)crecrL pov wktos Kai r)pepas, 4 etviiroBav ere Idelv, pepvrjpevos crov tu>v SaKpvodv, Iva \apds nXrjpaidS)' 5 imopvTjcnv ( Xap(3dva)v" rr)s ev crol dvvTTOKptTov Tvicrreais, fjris e'vcoKrjae npeoTov ev rfj pappy crov AourSt ko.1 ttj prjrpi crov Hvviktj, Treireicrpai he on Kai ev crot. 6 At' r)v alrlav dvapipvr/crKa) ere ava- £a>TTvpelv to xdpicrpa tov Geov, o ecrTiv u Rec. jrXoutjiwj; irarra. c Rec. 01 ). d Reo. ^J wapaS Ta>l> xtipuiv by the putting on of my hand*. poV 7 ov yap erWi/ nu.lv 6 Of 6s ' W God hath hot gfyw u§ the & \ ' >\\ v b, i , , y spirit of tear, but ol power, of nvfvpa OfiAtas, aXXa bvvapfcos Kai aya- love, and of a sound mind. irr)S Kai a » \ £» ourLord, nor ot me his prisoner, Toy &.vpiov Tjpcov, prjbf tpe Tov Otvpiov but be thou partaker of the avroi/- dXXd a~vyKaKondSno-ov rw t lay afflictions of the gospel accord- *. r \.'.. „„ ' *' a 9 '* ' ing to the power of God, a who ye\u* Kara bvvapiv Beov, rov crco- ha s th ^ us aml ca „ e(i us cr«yro9 ij^ia? Kai KaXfo~avros (cXr/o-fi with an holv calling, not aecord- dyia, ov Kara ra epya nauv, dXXd tear j ng ,'° °" rw " rk ". '»" according >cw ,,, > < » «. /i - to hi* own purpose and grace, tdtov TTpu&to-iv icat \apiv tt)v bootio~av which was given us in Christ rip.lv iv Xpio-TU) 'Ino-ou irpo vpovav Jesus - before the world bi -can, • i ig j ' a - s.» ~ » v '" but is now made manifest by atuviav, ^ (pavfpyotifia-av 6e wi/ 6ta the appearing of our Saviour Tr/r tTTMpaveias rov aairrjpos rjpayv 'itj- Jesus Christ, who hath abolish- troO X/ncrroO, KarupyVat/roc uiv t6v ^ death and hath brougbt life n , " , ', "'«,,>.*"%, & immortalitv to light, through Ouvutov, qxorio-avTos be (&apo-lav bid rov evayytXiov, " «'j o pointed a preacher, ac an apos- > -A i5 ' > »'t / » > tie, and a teacher of y Gentiles. fTtVyv eyto KT)pv£ Kai anoo-ToXos Kai i.'l'or the which cause I also suf- bibdo-KaXos edv£>W 12 bC r)v alriav Kai fertbese things ; nevertheless, I __,-_„ _ -_ 'W ' ' ' . am not ashamed: for 1 knew ravra natron, aXX ovk tiraitrxwopav whom , |iave . beUe7edi Ull(i , OlOa yap oj 7Tfirto-TfVKa, Kai nfirfio-pai am persuaded y he is able to on. bvvaros fern tt)v a irapa6nKT)v" uov keep that which! have commit- • \ ' >. , > » , t • ted unto him againsi that day. tyvka^ai ft? (Kfivrjv rr]v Tjptpav. U Hold fast the form of sound 13 'Ynorvnoio-iv eve vyiaivovTurv Xd- words, which thou hast heard r > > - ,/ , > of me. in faith and love, which yuy,vv nap epov rjKovo-as, ev nto-rei u in Christ Jesus. " Thkt good Kai ayi'iTrrj tt, iv \pio~ra 'irjaov. 14 rr)v thing which was committed KaXnv ^apadnKnv' (bvXatjov bia Uvfv- ""'o thee, keep by the Holy ' ,~ '_'j ~ , » , r . Ghost which dwelleih in us. /xaro? aytou rov fvoiKovvros fv Tjp.iv. ^ This thou knowest, that all 15 Oibas tovto, oti aTTfo-Tpacbrio-dv they whieh are mAsia be turned t > - > , < t i »( awav from me, ot whom are pf wavTtSol fv tt} Auia, av eaTi^v- phygelhis and Hermogenes. yeXXoc Ka\'EppoyfVT]S. 15 Soir/ eXeoy ls i'he Lord give mercy unto 6 Kvpios ™ 'Ov W l(p6pov o'Ikco- 5rt Jbe house of Onesiphorus, for -V ',,-, \ V\ • he oft refreshed me, and was TToAXaKis pf avtyv^f, kui tt)v aXvaiv not ashamed of my chain. "But uov ovk emio-YVvdn, l7 dXXd yfvoutvos wll< '" he was in 1- / v sought me out very diligentlv, ev Va>pj h o-rroydaioTfpov fQ]yTjat pf Kai and found „ iff . i» Tlie Lord flpt' ls (bd>n avra> 6 Kvpios fvpflv gram, unto him, that he may ?\, _ < v ■ ■' ' ' - « - .-, find mercy of the Lord in that fXeos; irapa Kvpiov ev tKfivj, tt, ^pepa ) Aay anij - jn how many lh , ngs fai oaa f'v E0€«rft) biTiKovrjat, fifXriov he ministered unto me at Kphe- o-v yivd>o-Kfis. sus ' tl,ou knowest very well. ft " _, » * / , - , , 2. Thou therefore, my son, 1. Zv ovv, TiKvov pov, fvovvapov tv 5,p strong in the grace thai a in TT) \dpiTl TT) fv Xpto-TOJ 'Itjo-otj- * Kai Christ Jesus. J And the things a Elz. Tra.pa.*a.Ta.$TjitT}y t b Rec. irapaitaTaQrfKTjy, a Or, ttuiled. 2 Timothy II. 3. 512 ELTI2T0AH IIP02 that thou hast heard of me a fJKOV(ras Trap epoii 8ia ttoXXcov pap- « among many witnesses the ' TavTa wapddov TrurTo'is av6pu>- same commit thou to taithtul < '„ r » * » r • men, who shall be able to teach ttois, otTives ticavoi eaovTai Kai erepovs others also. 3 Thou therefore $ L §dgcu. 3 a cri) ovv Kas endure hardness, as a good sol- -\ \ t b v " 't * » die,- of Jesus Christ. *No man KiOios (rrpanmr^ Xpiarov Irfaov.^ that warreth, entangleth him- 4 ovSeis arpaTevopevos epTrXezeTai rats self with the affairs of this life, - q' mv jrpayaaTelaLS, tva ro3 arparo- that he mav please him who ~ r , '; - ',, _,' *■>/?.- hath chosen" him to be a sol- XoyrjcravTi aptcrr]. ° eav Oe Kai at)\r} dier. 5 And if a man also strive Tlf {, aredlavovTai. eav ur) vopipa>s for masteries, yet is he not )/v . / 6 > - v a - crowned except he strive law- a6Xj]v, eK ^ aneppaTos from the dead, according to my d Aa(3\8", Kara, to evayye'Xiov pov' ev gospel: *» wherein I suffer trou- ? KaKona fo „A, pl Becrpiov, cos KaKoip- ble as an evil doer, even unto T "' . |. r / f . r i > & '» bonds: but the word of God is yos' aXX o Xoyos tov Qeov ov btberai. not bound. I" Therefore I en- 10 § la tovto ivavra VTroueva 81a tovs dure all things for the elect s , . v „ , , »* / / sakes, that they may also obtain eK.XeKToys,iva Kai avroL tro>TT)pias rv- the salvation which is in Christ -vciKTl Tijs ev Xpiorco 'irjcroii, perd 86t;r)S be dead «»(o crvvaneOavopev, Kai o-v£i)cropev ' * ei Vive with him. " If we suffer, l n oaivopev, Kai avp^aaiXevo-opeV el we shall also reign with him :, r ,".',„', , , - if we deny him, he also will apvovpeda, KaKeivos apvrjo-erai rjpas' deny us. I3 If we believe not, 13 d drnaTOvpev, tKelvos TTtoroc pevet * yet he abideth faithful, he can- ■> > a e \ » j <„ >, »'„_„. not denv himself. apv W ao-8ai yap ^ eavrov ov bvvarai. ^ «i Of these things put them Tavra vTropip.VT)(TKe, diapaprvpo- in remembrance, charging them pej/os ivrnmov roil Kvpiov prj Xoyo- IS^AWSE: WK«f.A "^ ^Wjf -Kara- *m< to the subverting of the arpotpfj tu>v aicovovTov. cnTOvoaaov hearers. >» Study to shew thy- ^m,^,, 86kiuov Trapao-Trio-ai rco 0€o3, self approved unto God, a work- , , , ' , ' , a ' . ' man that needeth not to be epyaTT)v aveTrato-xwTov, optioTopoyvTa ashamed, rightly dividing the T0V Xovoj/ Trjs aXrjdelas. 16 Tas Be /36- word of truth. "' But shun a '\ J. ' * . '_* profane and vain babblings, for ^\ovs Kevo(f> / *£ the resurrection is past already, X«yovrfS Tpv avao-raartv 7)dr) yeyove vai, andoverthrow the faithof some. Kai avaTpenovcri ttjv tivihv mo~Tlv. a -\. /TV y KaKO iriQr)fov. hRec.&Ob.I^trou Xptffro'f. c^j — . Rec.fcGb.^- ll Gb Aotui. e ^= — . Rec.8iGb.om. a Or, by, P 1 Or, The husbandman labouring first, must be partaker of the fruits. T Or, gangrene. TIMOGEON B. 513 2 Timotht III. 6. 19 'O jxevroi CTepeos 6eptXios tov ,3 Nevertheless thp founda- Qeov eo-rnKev, evcov rnv crchpaylba rav- J ion of c ' od standeth -sure, *„ ' ' / A ' , V ' , having the seal, The Lord rrjv ihyvai Kvpios tovs ovtcis avrov, knoweth them that are his. Kai 4 ' Aitoctttjtco diro dbiKias iras 6 ovo- And, let every one thai nameth ,'p < >/ a ts ' » 20 't? thenameof Christ, depart I nun pafav to ovop.a*Kvpiov. » Ev fi€- iniquity< „ ]Jut ' in p a pr „. M yakij be oIklo. ovk ecrri povov o~Kevrj house, there are not only ve ypvo-a koI dpyvpd, d\Aa Kai £v\iva °f Sold and of silver .but also Ar , , , r ' \ f ' , , , ' A .,, of wood, and of earth: and Kai oa-TptiKiva, Kai a pev eis Tipr-v, a be some to honour, and some to els dnpiav. " l eav ovv tis eKKaddpri dishonour. « If a man there- r , , , / *• , fore purge himself from tin >c, eavrov ano tovtcov, eartu (TKevos eis he shall be a vessel unto ho- Tiprjv, fjyiao-pevov, b (cat " ev^prjcrTOV nour, sanctified, and meet for ro3 bezels ndv 'ipyov dyaBov^oi- Zo^TrylZ 'A*"*" - p.ao~pevov. " Tag be vearepiKas enidvuias (bevye 4 , !S ™ ee ah ° youthful lusts : S, j. , 5, / / ' ,' , ' but follow righteousness, faith, LcoKe be biKaioavvrjv, ttio-tiv, ayantjv, charity, peace with them that elpTjvrjv pera ra>v eiriKaXovpevuiv tov call on the Lord out of a pure cv' " ' A St' 23 > ^ v heart. M But foolish and un- Kvpiov tKKaBapas Kapbias. * ras Be , earned questions aToid< know . fxwpas Kai anaioevTOVs £rjTi]o-eis napat- ing that they do gender strifes. tov, elbas on yevvwo-i paras' '* 8oi\ov U Ami ,he servant of the Lord 5 , ' , > i. - ' /i >\n> » must not strive: but be gentle be Kvpiov ov Oet paxeaOai, akk ijirtov „nto all men, apt to teach, eiVtu irpos ndvTas, bidaKTimv, dve^iKa- ff patient, - 5 in ^ meekness m- 25 > > <\ > i structing those v oppose them- kov, ev •npaoTTjTL^ TraibevovTO. tovs selves.if God pel-adventure will avTibiaTidepevovs' pTjnore fico avro'is 6 give them repentance to the Oeos peTdpoiav els eniyvcoo-iv d\r,ee las, S a ? B 7*!?*S of the ,r ""'' „. ,< , , > '- « «. a r\ And that thev may r recover •° Kai avavijyoocriv e/c Trjs tov OiapoAov themselves out of the snare of naylbos, etoypnuevoi vn avroi els to the devil, who are 'taken cap- > ' a >\ tive by him at his will. eKeivov Oikrjpa. 3. Tovro be yivicaKe, oti ev errxaraiy 3. This know also, that in hptpais evo~TricrovTai KaipoX \iikeiroi. l ' ] p 'ast days perilous times 2 » \ t * a J~i\ shall come. 2 For men shall eo-ovTai yap m avOpviroi cfuKavToi, 1)e lovers of their own S( ,, V , 1S (pikdpyvpoi, d\a£6ves, inveprjcpavoi, covetous, boasters, proud, PXdo-frpoi, yovevviv d,ei6els, d X dpi- ^TSbSStSLf. o-TOl, avoaioi, 6 acrTopyoi, aanovooi, a without natural affection, btdBoAot, GKpaT?7s, dvnpepoi, dduXtiya- truccbreakers, . false accus- /, 4 f / ' - r / ers, incontinent, fierce, de- 601, " npoooTai, ivpo-rveTeis, TeTV- spisers of lhosP „ a , are „ oodj pevoi, (pikrjbovoi pdWov fj a 1 * s * lovers of pleasures more than e X ovxes popcriv evae^eias, n\y be larmot & oS . , having a form bvvapiv ai)TT]S Tjpvrjpevoi. Kai TOVTOVS of godliness, but denying the diroTpeirov. 6 e\ tovtw ydp elaiv 01 P ower l ^ reo{ : [ rom s . udl turn ,«< r , , ,, >H' away. b For of this sort arc tlov evbvvovTes eis Tas oiKias, Kai ° aixP-a- which creep into houses, and XcoTt£bi/re s" e " yvvaiKapia o-ecriopevpeva lead captive silly women laden a Itec. Xptffrov. t> ZX c Bz. Xptaroif. d R ec . a* t'" a ^< wr "" ,, '*'S. e Reo. add to. a Or, ItflMdy. 1? Or, forbearing. * Gr. awake. ' Gr. takeu ulive. # Or, makebRIM. 34 2 Timothy III. 7. 514 EniSTOAH IIP02 with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7 ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 Now as Jannes and Jam- bres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, a reprobate concerning the faith. s But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest un- to all men, as their's also was. 10 But £thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, " persecu- tions, afflictions which came un- to me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra, what persecutions 1 endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. I2 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer perse- cution. I3 But evil men and se- ducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. 14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned, and hast been assured of, know- ing of whom thou hast learned them. l5 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scrip- tures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 All scripture is given by in- spiration of God, and is profita- ble for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, " that the man of God may be perfect, r throughly furnished unto all good works. 4. I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge y quick and the dead at his appearing, and his kingdom: 3 preach the word, be instant in season, out of season, reprove, rebuke, ex- hort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 3 For the time will 5iS (ifxapriais, dyopeva iTriOvpiaisnoiKiXais, 7 irdi'TOTe pavddvovTa, Kal p-qbtnoTe enr iirlyvcao'iv ciXrjdeias i\6elv ftvvdpeva. 8 "Ov Tpoivov 8e 'lavvrjs Kal lapfipyji avTiarqcrav Mcoifcrei, ovtnoi Kar- e(f)6appivoi tov vovv, dftoKipot nepi Ti]V tticttiv. 9 d\\' ov TrpoKO-^rovo-tv em TrXelov' 17 yap avoia avruiv eK$rjXos carat irduiv, i&), iv Avcrrpois' olovs 8ia>ypovs imrjViyKa, Kal €K irdvraiv pe tppvcraTo 6 JLvpios' 12 Kal navres 8e ol fleXovTes eurre/iJcoc £jjv iv Xpirrra 'lrjo-ov, Stco^^r/- o-ovrai. 13 TTovr/pol fte av6pa>7TOL Kal yor]Tts 7rpoKo\p-ovcriv iirl to ^elpov, nXa- viovTes Kal irXaviopevoi. 14 2t; 8e p.ive iv ols i'pa&es Kal (TTi- 8r]s, f l8cos irapd rivos epafles, lo Kal on dno ftpicpovs ra lepci ypdppara oidas, rd dwdpevd o~e o~o- T-qpiav, Sta TTiarfcos rrjs iv Xpio~ra) lrj- crov. 16 ndaa ypacprj deuirvevo-Tos Kal d>(peXipos ffpbs 8i5ao-KaXiav, Trpbs eXey- X ov i Trpos iivav6p6a)0~iv, Trpds 7rai8eiav tj]v iv diKaioavvrj' l ' iva dprios fj 6 tov Qeov avdpconos, irpos Trdv i'pyov dyadbv i^rjpTicrpevos. 4 . Aiapaprvpopai a " ivunriov tov Qeov, Kal °" '\r)o-ov ~Xpio~Tov, tov piXkovTos Kplveiv favTas Kal veKpovs c Kara" ttjv imcpdveiav avrov Kal ttjv ftaaiXfuiv ai)Tov, 3 Krjpvl-ov tov \6yov, ifrio-TrjBi. evKaipais oKatpcoc, i Aey^o!', imTip-qaov, TrapaKaXtaov, iv Truer]] fxaKpodvplq Kal a Xfl- 3 io~Tai yap Kaipbs ore ttjs » Rec. add ovv eytit. t> Rec. add tow Kt-ptnu. c oo • fi Or, tliou hast been a diligent tullower of. . Gb, Kai. ° Or, nf no judgment. ' Or, perfected. TIM09E0N B. 51.5 2 Timothy IV. 17. vyiaivovo-i]s Si$ao~KaXlas ovk ave^ovrat, come when they will not endare dXAu Kara a rds iSt'ac emdvalas " eav- sound doctrine, but after their > - s, ft ,\ own lusts shall thov heap to rot? eiTUTapfvcrova-t btbao-KaXovs, kvjj- themselves teachers, having 66pevoi rrjv iikotjV 4 Kal dno pev rrjs itching ears: * and they shall >\ a ' K ' ! ' ' I > x turn away their ears from the aKijOeias ttjv aKoijv aTToarpefovo-iv, arc tmth< ;m[ y]rM ,,„ ,,„,„,, unto oe rovs pvoovs eKTpanrjaovrai. av fables. ■ Bui watch thou in fie vnqbe eV Tram, KciKonaQnvov, epyov ?U thugs, endure afflictions do , '" , N ' „ \ b. / tne work of an evangelist, 7roiT]aov evayyeAicrTov, ttjv OiaKovtav "make full proof of thy mi- cron TrXr/po^dprjaov. nistry. 6 'Eycb yap fjdr) cnrevdopai, nai 6 e p or i am now rpaf]v t0 be KCiipos rns euns dvaXvo-ecos e'cke'crrnKe. offered, and the time of my 7 \ > L r ! ■> , ■> , T , departure is at hand. : I have » tov aycova tov koXov r)ycovLO~pai, rov fought a good ruiht, I have fi. bpdpov rereAeKa, rr}r/ nlariv rer^prjKa' nished my course, I have kept 8\>'' ' ' " » ' the faith. 8 Henceforth there Xoinov, anoKeirai pot o rrjs dueaioav- is laid up for me a crown of vrjs arecpavos, ov uTroococret poi 6 KvpLos righteousness, which the Lord eV cKcim ™ foe pa, 6 SUaios Kpirns' ov ll,e "G^™* judge shall give k> i x k\x x h - i - me at that dav: and not to me fxovov oe epoi, aXXa Kai ° wacri tols only, but unto them also that rjyaTTrjKoo-c ri)v enKpaveiav avrov. ' ove his appearing. 9 Sirovdao-ov eXBelv rrpos pe Tafias. 9 Do thy diligence to come in a " ' ! '\ _ ' _' shortly unto me: l0 for Demas » u Arjpas yap pe eyicaTeXurev, ayairrjaas h „ h ( 0T ^ en me> bavmg lm , d tov vvv alcbva, Kal ervopevBrj etc Gecrcra- this present world, and is de- XovUriV Kpiio-Kris etc TaXariav, Tiros P arted unto Thessalonua : , ' 'it > i Cresccns to Galatia, litusunto etc \aXpariaV Aovkos eari povos Dalmatia. " Only Luke is per epov. Mdpicov dvaXaScov aye perd with me. Take Mark and bring ~ j» t 3, ■> him with thee : for he is pro- aeavroy. earn yap poi^ fv X pr]o-TOS etc fital)]e (() me for the m „ lMrv Siaicovlav. l ~ Tv^lkov Se dnecrTeiXa els ,a And Tychicus have 1 sent to "Ed>e sj if- . d > *'__.* „,',„-, A did me much evil, the Lord Kam evebeL$aro^ mrodutra avrco o reward Mm accordillg (( , hls Kivptoc Kara ra epya avrov' " ov Kai works. ,5 Of whom he thou TT) pov a7roXoyla ovbels stood with me, but all men x-v \ x / ' forsook me: J pray God that it pot. o-ypnapeyevero, aXXa iravres f pe m8Tnot belalcfto their charge. eyKareXiTvov' (jur) avrols Xoyio~6eir]') M Notwithstanding the Lord " 6 8e Kioto: pot TTapearr}, km. eVeSu- stood with me. and strengthen- , ,"»'«., ! ~ \ i p(l " 10 - that bv me the preach- vapcuo-e pe, iva Ot epov ro Kijpvypa big might be fully known, and irXripoqbop-qQfi, ko.) e aKoiarj" ndvra ra that all y Gentiles might hear: t [tec. rxr «inOvmaf Ta; i^iaf. b -* c St. tpai\cvriv. d ^ — . Rec. «t Gb. a«'«>f. e "s; a»orff«ffl. a Or, fulfil. * Ed. 1611 o»itfv Qeov Kal eiriyvwaiv, akr)6eias Tr/s Kar evo-efteiav, '" en e\jn8i £cof)? aloovlov, fjv eTrrjyyelXaTo 6 d\jfev8i]s Qebs npo xpuvcov al&ovicov, 3 icpavepcoae $e Kaipols ISiois tov \6yov avTOv, ev Krjpvyp.aTi o enio-rev6r\v eya> kot em- Tayrjv tov. rrorrf/poc t'jpcov Qeov') 4 Tt'ro) yvrjo~ia> TeKvw, Kara koivtjv ttio-tlv, X^pi-S d kcu " elprjVi] utto Qeov naTpos, Kal Kvpiov 'Ir/croO XpicrroC tov au>Trjpos ■qpcov. 5 Tovtov X^P 1 " e KaTi\nr6v" o~e ev Kpi]TT], Iva to. \eiirovTa s e7ridiopd6)o™r]s," Kal KaTao~TT]o-i]s KaTa ttoXiv npeafivTe- h — . I) — » c Rec. nilil j/.';i'. d <^ — . Reo, 81 Gb. (Xtoe. e ^ oTreXiirov. ° Or, lor. 3 Or, left undone. f Rec. St Gb. ejr^iwp&uffp. 517 6 €i rig IIP02 TITON. povs, ws ryco croi BieTafjdpr/v' ecrrlv di/ey/cXr/roc, pias yvvaiKos dvi)p, TtKva e^ow TTia-Ta, pr) iv Karqyopia acrctiTias, r> awnoraKTa. 7 Set yap tov eiriaKonov avtyKk-qrov eivai, cos GeoC oiK.ovop.ov pi) avdddr}, pr) opylXov, pr) irdpoivov, pr/ ttXtjkttjp, pr) ntV^po- Kep8i), s dXXd v Kal 6 voxis Kal r) o-vvei8rjo-LS. Qeov opoXoyovaiv etSeVat, tois Se epyois apvoiivTai, (38eXvKTol ovtcs Kal aneideis Kal wpos wav 'ipyov dyaQdv dtoKipoi. 2. 2v oe XaXei a npinei Trj vyiai- vovo-t] 8i8ao-KaXia' 2 7rpeo"/3i/Tay vrj- cpaXiovs etVat, aepvovs, croxppovas. vyiaivovTas ttj niaTd, tjj dydnr), ttj VTTopovfj- 3 Trp€o-j3vTi8as coaavTios iv KaTao-Ti]paTi UpoTrpenels, pi) 8ia^6- Xovs, pfj o'lvcp 7roXXw 8e8ovXcopevas, Titus II. 3. every city, as I had appointed thee. « If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, hai ing faithful children, not accused of riot, or unruly. ; lor a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God: not self. willed, not soon angry , not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre, 5 but a lover of hospitality, a lover of <« good men, sober, just, holy, tpmpe- rate, '•' holding i';^t the faith- ful word, £as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine, both to exhort and to convince the gainsay ere. 10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceit era, specially they of the circumci- sion: n whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. '2 One of themselves, ei-en a prophet of their own, said: The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. 13 This witness is true: where- fore rebuke them sharply tl.at. they may be sound in the faith ; 14 not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men that turn from the truth. 16 Unto the pure all things are pure, but unto them that are defiled, and unbelieving, is no- thing pure: but even their mind & conscience is defiled. "> They profess that they know God ; but in works tiny deny him, being abominable, and disobe- dient, and unto every good work rreprobate. 2. But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine: 2 that the aged men be l sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience. 3 The aged women likewise y they be in behaviour as beo m- eth « holiness, not f false accu- sers, not given to much wine. * -* — . ]lz. om. b z: i O*-. visiUot. Or, good thinps. & Or, in leai-bin™. T Or, *„i>l of Judgaial. fl Or, holy women. Z Or, amLrbalei. Titus IT. 4. 513 EIII2T0AH teachers of good things, 4 that Ka\odi8acrKakovs, 4 iva CToXppovi^aiai they may teach the young wo- Ta „ e ' (j>i\dv8povs eivai, (piXoreKVOVS, men to be "sober, to love their -,," r \ > , /, > husbands.to love their children, aacppovas, ayvas, ^oiKovpovs, aya- 3 /oie discreet, chaste, keepers #q ? vTTOTaacroaevas toIs IbtOLS dvdpd- at home, good, obedient to their » \ e \ , » „ . a , "7 own husbands that the word of °y> '"« F/ ° ^oy 05, T0V Qeov P*a# cannot be condemned, that he Aoyof vyir], aKCiTayvuxTTOV, iva o e§ that is of the contrary part, may i vavr i as evrpanrj, unSeV evcoi/ Treat be ashamed, having no evil ,1 , _ „ ,. , r , "_» ' ' n ' thing to say of you. a r]p.a>i> Xeyeivtyavhov. 3 Exhort servants to be obe- 9 ArwXovs Idiots 8eo~7TOTaiS VTVOTacr- dient unto their own masters, a . » ** > ' » * and to please them well in all <^^ a£ ' €V ■™"» tvaptCTTOVS «WU, JHJ things, not r answering again : avTiAeyovras, prj vocr(pi£op.evovs, a\- »'not purloining but shewing Xa 7ri'crrii> jrairav evSflKVvuevovs dyadnV all cood fidelity, that thev mav „ \ ?, e, \ < „ \ « ~ ~ adornthe doctrine of G6d ou'r <-va Tt]v bibarj]pos Saviour in all things. ' rjp.a>v' Qeov Kocrp.u>cni> ev irdcriv. " For the arace of God i that n 'ETTeCpdvrj yap fj %dpis tov Qeov fj bringetli salvation hath a P - - ^ fft „ dvdpuTrois, » Tratdev- peared to all men, '- teaching '" c - « . # \ > ' us that denying ungodliness and oucra J^a?, ira apvrjcrapevoi ttjv aae- worldly lusts we should live rf flHI/ Ka J Tas K oo-uiKai (TTlBvuias, soberlv. righteouslv and godly , , > s. ' v > o« in this present world, "looking M»S /cm oikciius kgl ewrepas for that blessed hope, and the ^ljaapev ev toj vvv alCavi, 13 7Tpoo~8e- glorious appearing of the great ' < ' p [ av &7Ti'8a Kat OTt- God, and our Saviour Jesus A ™ / /~ _ r _ Chi i-t, 1J who gave himself for (baveiav Tt]S ougrjs tov peyaAov Qeov us, that he might redeem us ^ Q-arnpos nuw 'inaov Xpiarov- from all lniquitv, and punfv ,. ,, -»?, r « t « t i " unto himself a peculiar people, 0? ebco/cej/ ^ouroi/ vrre/) ?;/xa)f, iva zealousofgood works. '5 These \vTpa)o-r)TM i)pds utto 7rdor)S dvopias, things speak and exhort, and \ zi ' ' ~ \ > ' rebuke with all authority! Let Ka ' ^api^ eavTco \aov irepiovmov, no man despise thee. £rj\a>TTjv kiiXwv epycov. ravra AaAet, Koi TrapaicdXei, ncii eXey^e /iera mio-qs iTTiTayrji. prjdels o~ov TrepKppovfiTco. 3 Put them in mind to be , 3 - 'y^ofxjpvrjaKe avrovs ap X ah ? k bidyovres, crrvyrjTol, picrovvTes aXXij- Xovs. 4 "Ore be 17 xprj&roTrjs kcu 77 (fiihav- Bpcoiria eirecpdvi] tov o-corf/poc f/pasv Qeov, s ovk et- epycov tuv ev diKamcrvvrj u>v e'Troujaapev rjpeis, a\Xa Kara tov avrov eXeov icruxxiv r)fj.us, bid. XovTpov TraXiyyevecrtas, /ecu dvaKaivu>o~ea>s Ylvev- uaros ciylov, 6 ov e£ex efv e(f> ffpS-S ttXouo-io)?, bid 'l-qcrov Xpicrrov tov - •rijpos ijpibv, ' Iva biKaiioOivTes 17/ e'/cetVou xiipiTi, KK.rjpovup.oi yeviopeda kcit eXiriba C°>VS alioviov. 8 TImttus 6 Xoyos, koi Trepl tovtcov fiovXopai ere biafieftaiovcrdai, "iva (ppov- Ti(a>cri kuXqiv e'pycov Trpoio-Tacrdai 01 TreirMTTevKOTes a rc3" Gear touto. ecrTi b Ta" Kcika Kol JxpeXipa Tots dvdpionois' 9 ficopds be £t]TT]0-eis Ka\ yeveaXoyias kcu epeis Kai pdxas vopiKas 7repncrracro - ei'tri yap dvcoCpeXels Kai paTaioi. 10 (d- pSTlKOV (IvdpCOTTOV pLfTO. UlClf KCll beVTe- pav vovdecriav napaiTov, elbios oti i^eo-TpaiTTai 6 toiovtos, koi dpapTavei, 0)V ClVTOKClTaKpiTOS. 12 "Otciv Trep^io 'Aprepdv irpos ere rj Tvyikov, cmovbao~ov eXdelv npos pe els XikoitoXiv' e'/eel yap /ee/cpuea napa- Xeipderai. 13 Zr/vdv tov vop.iK.ov Kai \\ttoXXu) o-7rov8aio3s Tj-ponepy^ov, iva prjbev avrols Xeiirrj. u pavdaveTiocrav be Kai of r)peTepoi KaXiov epycov TVpoi- o-Taadai els ray dvayKaias xpei'ac, lva pfj 6)0~iv ciKapiroi. 15 ' Acnrd^ovTai cre ol per epov ivdv- Tes. ao-irao-ai tovs (piXoivTas rjpas ev TrioTti. 17 X c *P ls u€Ta trdvTutv vpo>v. c Titus III. 1.7. deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and bating one another. 4 But after that the kindness and a love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, 5 not by works of righteousness which ni have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost, 6 which he shed on us £ abun- dantly, through Jesua Christ our Saviour: : that being justi- fied by Ins grace, b made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. * This t»a faithful saying, and these tilings 1 will thai thou affirm constantly, y they which have believed in God, might be careful to maintain good works: these things are good and pro- unto men. ,J But avoid foolish questions, and genealo- gies, and contentions, and si ,jv- ings about ihe law ; fur they are unprofitable and vain. "'A 111.01 that is an heretick, after the first and second admonition, re- ject . " knowing that he that is such, is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself. 12 When I shall send Artemas unto thee, or Tychicus, be dili- gent to come unto me to Nico- polis: for I have determined there to winter. 13 Bring Zenas the lawyer, and Apollos, on their journey diligently, that nothing be wanting unto them. 14 And let our's also learn to r maintain good works for ne- cessary uses, that they be not unfruitful. 15 All that are with me salute thee. Greet them thai love us in the faith. Grace be with you all. Amen. . -. b^ 1 Rec. add a^trjif. Or, pilj. ? Gr. richly. * Or, profeM boocsl tr.dr.. Philemon 1. 520 ELII2TOAH A* t f<^ t Qlm A ■ I ^ ffim f TIAYAOY EniSTOAH IIP02 $IAHMONA. PAUL a prisoner of Jesus Christ, & Timothy our bro- ther unto Philemon our dearly beloved, and fellowlabourer, 2 and to our beloved Apphia, 6 Archippus our fellowsoldier, and to the church in thy house. 3 Grace to you, and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. * I thank my God, making mention of thee always in my prayeis, s hearing of thy love, and faith, which thou hast to- ward the Lord Jesus, and to- ward all saints: 6 that the com- munication of thy faith may become effectual by y acknow- ledging of every good thing, which is in you in Christ Jesus. 7 For we have great joy and consolation in thy love, because the bowels of the saints are refreshed by thee, brother. s Wherefore, though I might be much bold in Christ to injoin thee that which is convenient ; 9 yet for love's sake I rather be- seech thee, being such a one as Paul the aged, and now also a prisoner of Jesus Christ. 10 I beseech thee for my son Onesi- mus, whom I have begotten in my bonds, " which in time past was to thee unprofitable: but now profitable to thee and to me: ,a whom I have sent again: thou therefore receive him, that is mine own bowels. I3 Whom I would have retained with me, that in thy stead he might have fTAYAOS 8eapios Xpicrrov 'ItjctoC, /cat Tipodeos 6 dbeXcpds, 3>iXi']povi tu> dyairrjTco /cat crvvepya rjptov, 2 /cat 'Ancpia tv) a aycnrrjTt}," /cat 'Ap^imroi tco (TvcrrpaTicoTri fjpcov, /cat tjj /car oIkov crov e/c/cAr/cria* 3 x^P ls v l xiV Kar elprjvr) awb Qeov Trarpos fjpcov /cat Kvplov Irjarov Xpicrrov. 4 Eu^aptcrrco tco Gc-co pov, ndvTOTe pveiav crov noiovpevos eni tcov irpocrev- Xcov pov, 5 aKovcov crov ttjv ayanrfv /cat T1]V 7T10~TIV, TTjV e'^flS ""pciff TOV KvpLOV 'irjcrovv /cat els ndvTas tovs ayiovs, 6 07TCOC T] KOlVCOVia TTjS TvicTTeCOS 0~OV evepyfjs yivrjTat ev eiriyvcocrei ttuvtos uyadov tov ev h i)plv" els XpicrTov I77- crovv. 7 c \apav" yap ri e^o/xef " TroXXijv /cat TTapaKXrjcrLv eiri rfj dyenrrj crov, on to. GTrkayxi'a tcov dy'icov avaTreiravTat, 8ia crov, ddeXcpe. 8 Aio tto\Xi)v ev Xpicrrcp TTappr]cr[av e'xcov erriTao-o-eiv trot to aVij/cof, 9 did ty]v dydnrjv pdXXov TrapaKaXco' toiovtos wv cos TlavXos Trpeo-{BvTi]s, vvvl be /cat decrpios 'irjcrov XpicrTOv' 10 TrapaKaXco ere tvepl tov epov TeKvov, ov eyevvqaa ev toIs becrpo'is e pov," 'Ovtjaripov, tov TTOTe croi dxprjCTTOv, vvvl 8e crot Kal epol evxprjCTTOv, 12 ov ' dvtTvep^ra'" crv be avTov, to\jt ecrTi rd epd o~7rXdyxva, t; pocrXafiov . 13 ov eyco e)3ovX6pr]v Ttpbs epavTov KaTe^eiv, iva inrep crov e poi » ^aiaXpy? ^ Reo. -"V 17**1'. c St.&Ul. "*> fta/Mr. & C*J ipls 8e rrjs aTTOTio-a)' wa pfj Xc-'yco crot uti Ka\ aeavTov poi Trpoo~o crov ovaiprjv ev Kv- pt'co" dvarravaov pov to. o~7r\dy)(va ev b Xpiarai." neTToiduis tt) vttokoj] o~ov eypatyd cot, eldcos otl Kal imep o Xc-'yco Troirjo-eis. Apa oe Kai eroipa^e p.oi £eviav eXni^oi yap oti 8id rutv npocrevxojv vptov xapicrdrjo-opat vplv. " 3 c do-mi- £erai " ere 'Enacppds 6 o~vvaixpakooT6s pov ev Xptcrrco 'l-qcrov, " 4 Map/cos, 'Apio-Tap^os, Arjpds, Aovkus, oi crvv- epyo'i pov. 2o 'H X^-P ls r °v K-vplov rjpcuv 'irjo-ov Xpi&TOv perd tov TrvevpaTOS vpoyv." 1 " Philemon 2d. ministered unto me in jf bonds of llie gospel. '« But without thy mind would I do nothing, that thy benefit should not he as it were of necessity, but willingly. 15 For perhaps he therefore departed for a season, that thou shouldest receive him for ever : 16 not now as a servant, hut above a servant, a brother be- loved, specially to me, hut bow much more unto thee, both in the flesh, and in the Lord? 1T If thou count me therefore a pari - ner, receive him as myself. ls If he hath wronged thee, or oweth thee ought, put that on mine account. ,9 I Paul have written it with mine own hand, I will repay it: albeit I do not say to thee how thou owest unto me, even thine own self besides: ' i0 yea, brother, let me have joy of thee in the Lord: refresh my bow els in the Lord. '-' Having confidence in thy obedience, I wrote unto thee, knowing that thou wilt also do more than I say. '-- Hut withal prepare me also a lodging: for I trust that through your prayers I shall be given unto you. - 3 There salute thee Epaphras, my fellowpri- soner in Christ Jesus: -' .Mar- cus, Aristarchus, Demas, Lucas, my fellowlabourers. M The grace of our Lord Je- sus Christ be with your spirit. Amen. a Ko t» [tec. Ki'pt^. c Rec. aairalToi'Tai. d Uec. add a>>m-. Hebrews I. 1. 522 EIII2T0AH Pa nAYAOY EniSTOAH nP02 EBPAIOY2. ri OD who at sundry times, "TTOAYMEPi22 /cat 7ro\vTpu7ra>s ndXai y and in divers manners spake "^ Qe6 XaX ' T0 ~ varpi role in time past unto the lathers , • ' , "„ r by the prophets, 2 hath in these 7rpo(j))]Tais, err a f cr^arou Tcof 7]pepcov last days spoken unto us by //« ro ^ ra)V eXakricrev hplv Iv via, 2 OV e6riK€ Son, wliom he hath appointed - , '", /»»*\ > >- heir of all things, by whom also KArjpovopov naVTa>v, (Oi ou /cat Tons' atoj- he made the worlds, 3 w ho vas inoirjaev^) 3 oc (a>v aTravyaa-pa T^f being y brightness of his glorv, £'<*• v \ - r / » and the express image of his 8o f 1* ™<- X a P aler W ^ VTrocrrao-ews av- person, and upholding all things rov, (pepcov re ra TvavTa TO) popart. TijS by the word of his power when ^vvdutas avrov,) SV iavrov Ka8api / sins, sat down on the right hand troirjarapevos tu>v apaprimv i]pcov, e/ca- of the Majesty on high, 4 being to - f v i v 8e^id Tijs peyaXoia-vvrjs eV made so much better than the > t \ - * ' ' > ' angels, ashe hath by inheritance t^Xotc, Toaovrco Kpetrravyevopevos obtained a more excellent name tcov dyyfhcov, ocrco $iaTepov Trap than they. avrovs KeK\rjpov6pi]Kev ovopa. s For unto which of the * Ttw yap ehre wore rav dyyeXcaV angels said he at any time, Ylos pov ei crv, eyci> vijpepov yiyevvrjK'i Thou art my Son, this day j a , £ > - £ £ hive I begotten thee ? And ' , , , , • „ " , ' . , again, I will be to him a Fa- Tvarepa, /cat cwtos earai pot etc viuv ; ther, and he shall be to me a 6 r, Q Tav fe jrdXiv ela-aydyri rov Trpcoro- Son. 6 And again, when lie , v ■> ','".,' v bringeth in the firstbegotten tokov etc T ip> oiKovpeyrjv, Aeyef Kat into the world, he saith, And -n pocTKvvrjaciTcoaav avru> rravres ayyeXot let all the angels of God worship /-> - 7 t' v _ x ' ( ! \ him. I And of the angels he Qeov - / Kal *P° S P ev tovs ayytXovs saith: Who maketh his angels Xeyet' O 7roia>v tovs ayyeXovs av- spirits, and his ministers a flame T0 ~ nvevfiaTa Ka \ TO i, s \ fLTO vpyovs of fire. s But unto the Son, he , ' , V,. , g , Jy' , gattfc, Thy throne, O God, is avrov rrvpos (pAoycf TTpos 6e TOV for ever and ever: a sceptre of v [^ v - *0 Bpovos aov, 6 ©eoc, etc tov "righteousness is the sceptre of 5 - _',. '-ost >/i' ' thy kingdom. 9 Thou hast a ^ va T ™ cuo,vos faPOOS fvdvrtjTos r) loved righteousness, and hated pdftfios TrjS fiacriheias crov. 9 i]yd7rr)(ras th'v^God l hath f0 a r nointed thee ^inaioa-wtjv, Koi i p.Lv dyyeXmv eiprjKe rrore' Kddov eK 8e^ii>v pov, ecoy dv 6a> rovs e'xdpovs crov imoTroftiov ru>v 7ro8u>v o~ov ; 14 0v)(\ rrdvres fieri XeirovpyiKa rvvevpara, els 8iaKoviav d7roo~reXX6peva did tovs peXXovras KX-qpovopelv crco- njpiav ; '2. Am tovto del TTepio~o~orepa>s rjpds 7rpocre^f iv to'is aKovcr6e'io~i, ptjTrore ira- pappvuipev. el yap 6 St dyyeXwv XaXrjdels Ao'yoy eyevero /8e/3atoy, Kal Trdaa rrapdfiao-is /cat rrapaKor) 'eXaj3ev ev8iKov pur8cnro8ocrlav, 3 7rcoy r)pels eK(pevi;6peda rrpXiKavrrjs apeXrjcravres rrcorrjpias; fjns dp^r/v Xaj3ovo~a XaXel- crOai Sta rov Kvplov, vnb tcov aKovcrdv- ra>v els r'jpas efiefiaiaiOr), 4 avveTTipaprv- povvros tov Qeov o-r)peiois re /cat repaai, Kal vrot/ctAaty 8vvdpeo~i, /cat Tlvevparos dyiov pepiarpols, /caret rr)v avrov deXrjcnv. 5 Ov yap dyyeXoLs vnera^e rr)v ol- Kovpevrjv rr)v peXXovo~av, rrepl r]s Xa- Xovpev' 6 8iepaprvparo 8e ttov tIs XeycoV Tt eanv dvdpcoTTOS, ort pipvi]0~Kij avroii' r) v'lbs dv8pu>TT0V, bri e7rio~Ke7rrij avrov ; ' rfXarrccaas avrbv /3pa^v rt •nap dyyeXovs' 86£t] Kal ripj] eareepd- vcocras avrov, a " 8 tvdvra imera^as imoKaToi tcov tto8cov avrov. Ei/ yap rco inrord^ai avrco rd ndvra, ov8ev a Forasmuch then as the children are parta- kers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same, that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil: 15 and deliver them, who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. IC For verily » he took not. on him the nature of an- gels: but he took on him the seed of Abraham. 17 Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest, in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. 18 For in that he himself hath suffered, being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted. 3. Wherefore holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly call- ing, consider the apostle and high priest of our profession Christ Jesus, l who was faith- ful to him that /3 appointed him, as also Moses was faithful in ' all his house. 3 For this man Was counted worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who hath builded the house, hath more honour than y house. 4 For every house is builded by some man, but he that built 524 EIII2TOAH ottu>s \apiTi Oeov inrep ttuvtos yevor/Tai Oavarov. errpene yap avra>, ot ov Ta ivavra Kai St ov to. Trdvra, noXXoiis vlovs els d6£av dyayoyra, tov dp^rjyov rrjs o-oiTrjpias aiiTwv Sia nadrjpaTfov TeXfiacrai. O re yap ayiaQu>v Kai oi ayia£o- pevoi, e£ ivos 7Tavres' 8i i]v aiTiav ovk ' 'V r ! tnaio'XvveTai dSeXcpovs avrovs KaAeii/, / j t Xeyoiv' ' A7rayye\6~) to ovopd aov toIs afteXcpols pov, iv p€0~a> eKKX-qaias vpvrj- aw o~e. 13 Kai ivaXiv 'Eyta eo-opai 7reTTOi6a>s «r' avTa>. Kai 7raXti>" 'l8ov iyu> Kai ra ivaibia a poi (doxev 6 Geo?. 'E7rei ovv to. 7rai8la KacoivojvrjKe a aapKos Kai aiparos," Kai avTos irapa- Tvkrjcrian pereax^ tcov ai/Tcov, iva Sta rov OavaTov KaTapyrjo-rj tov to KpaTOS e^ovTa tov davdrov, tovt i'arTi, tov 8id- ftoXov, lo /cai dnaXXd^rj tovtovs, bo-oi (poj3co davdrov Sia TravTosTov £fjv evo^oi fprav dovXeias. ov yap ftrjnov dyye- Xav €7Ti\apfddveTai, dXXd anippaTOS 'A/3paa/i iniKap^dveTat. 1? odev axfieiXe Kara TtdvTa to'is ddeXcpols 6poia>8rj- vai, Iva iXerjpwv yevrjTai Kai tvlcttos dp^iepevs to. npos tov Qebv, etc to iXdo-Kfcrdai tcis apapTias tov Xaov. ev a> yap ireTrovaev avTos Treipa- rrcVtc, SiWrat to'is ireipa^apivois fiorj- 6rjo-ai. 3. "OBev, aSfX0ol ayioi, KXrjcrtois enovpaviav ^teVo^ot, KaTavoTjaaTe tov dwoa-ToXov Kai dp)(iipea Trjs opoXoyias r]pcov b " 'ir/o-ovv' ~ jtlo-tov bvra r to> o'lkco axiTov. 3 irXeiovos yap d ovros So^r/c" irapd e Mooarjv" r]t;i edv rjjs tpcovr)s avrov uKiwcrrjTe, 8 prj tTKXrjpvvrjTe ras Kap- dias vpcov, cos ev tco Tra.pcmiKpao-p.tp, Kara Tr\v rjpepav tov Treipaapov ev tij epr/pcp, 9 ov c erreipao-dv pe ol rrarepes vpcov, ehoKipaadv pe," Ka\ elBov rd epya pov Teo-arapaKovra err]' 10 bib Trpocrto- X^io-a Tjj yevea d eKeivrj,". Ka\ elrrov' 'Aei TrXavtovrai rfj Kapbta' avTol be ovk eyvtotrav ras obovs pov' as topotra ev rfj upyjj pov' Ei elaeXeiicrovTat els ttjv KtiTaTravcTiv pov' 12 BXenere dbeX- vtos ' 13 tiXXd napaKaXe'iTe eavrovs Kaff eKaar-qv fjpepav, axpis ov to CTTjpepov KaXelrai, "iva pf] o-KkrjpvvOrj e e£ vpcov tis " aTraTj] ttjs dpapTtas ' 14 peToxoi yap 'tov XpicrTov yeyovapev," edvnep Tr)v dpx^v Trjs vnocrTdaecos pe- Xpi TeXovs fieftalav KaTcicrxtopev. lo 'Ev tco XeyeadaC Srjpepov eav Trjs tpcovr/s ai/TOV aKOvo~rjTe , prj CTKXr/pvvrjTe tcis Kapbias vpcov, cos ev tco TrapaiUKpa- trpcp. 16 = Tives" yap dicovcravTes irap- eTr'iKpavav; dXX' ov rrdi'Tes ol e^eXddv- Tes e£ AlyxiTTTOv bed ''Mcocrf'cos." 1? t'lctl he Trpoo-coxOiae TeacrapaKovTa errj; ovyi to'is dpapTi]o-ao-iv, tov ra Kco\a enecrev ev tt] epjjpcp ; 18 ticti be copocre pi] eicreXevo~eo-&aL els ttjv KaTdiravcriv av- tov, el prj to'is aTreidrjo-aac ; 19 Ka\ I , A^- 4 o Hebrews III. 19. all things is God. 5 And Moses verily was faithful in all his house as a servant, for a testi- mony of those things which were to be spoken after. c Hut Christ as a son over his own house, whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence, and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end. ' Wherefore as the Holv A Ghost saith, To day if ye will / j ^ f /, hear his voice, s harden not your hearts, as in the provoca- f\^,^. jCi, , / tion, in the day of temptation in the wilderness : 3 when your fathers tempted me. proved me, and saw my works forty years. 10 Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, They do ahvay err in their hearts, & they have not known my ways. " So I sware in my wrath: a they shall not enter into my rest. ,a Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbe- lief, in departing from the living God. ' 3 But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day, lest any of you be hardened through the de- ceitfulness of sin. 14 For we are made partakers of Christ. if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end. 15 Whilst it is said. To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation. 16 For some when they had heard, did provoke : howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses. 17 But with whom was he grieved forty years ? was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcases fell in the wilderness ? ,s And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but to them that believed not ? ,9 So .• a. v r r>~~ -T-. k nk M -....,. * tZr If tliey sli •.f .f < t' Kec. yeyay. tov Xpur £ Rec. T h Gb M«/u Jesus had given them rest, then would he not after- ward have spoken of another day. 9 There remaineth there- fore a «rest to the people of God. ,0 For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. 11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same exam- ple of i unbelief. '- For the word of God is quick and power- ful, and sharper than any two- 526 EIII2TOAH (B\enopev on ovk rjbvvrjdrjcrav elare\de\v 8i dniariav. 4. ol3r]8(i)ixev ovv prjnore Kara\ei- nopevrjs enayyekias elcreXdelv eis ttjv Kardnavaiv avrov, 8oktj res ($ vpu>v vcrreprfKevai. * /cat yap ecrpev ei/Tjyye- \io-pevoi, Kaddnep Ka.Kel.voL' dXX' ovk wcpeXrjcrev 6 Aoyoc tt)s ukotjs eKeivovs, : ixi) a crvyKiKpapevos " rfj nlcrrei rols t v epycov dno KaraftoXrjs Koapov yevtiBevrcov. 4 e'ipi]Ke yap nov nepl ri]s ejBodpiis ovtco' Kai Karenavaev 6 Qeos ev rfj Tjpepa rfj ifSBopjj dno ndvraiv twv epycov avrov' 5 /cat ev rovrio nu\iv Et elaeXevaovrai els ttjv Kardnavaiv p,ov. 6 'EnVi ovv dnoXeinerai rtvas eiaeX- de'iv etc avrrjv, /cat ol nporepov evay- ye\iadevres ovk elai]\dov St' dneldeiav 7 TraXif rivet opi^ei r)pepav' 1i)pepov, ev b Aa/31o" \eyu>v, perd roaovrov XP"~ vov m (Kadcbs c e'lpyirac") 2i)pepov eav tijs (pcovrjs avrov aKovarjre, pi) aKkr)pvvr)re rds Kapdias vpav. 8 Et yap avrovs 'Irjcrovs Karenavaev, ovk av nepl aWrjs eXdXei pera ravra rjpepas' 9 c'tpa dnoXeinerai aafifiariapos rco Xaco rov 0foi). 10 o yap elaeX8u>v els ri)v Kard- navaiv avrov, /cat avros Karenavaev dno rcov epyoov avrov, a)0~7rep ano ru>v I8ia>v 6 Qeos. 11 'S.rrovOido-aipev ovv elaeXdelv els eKeivrjv rr)v Kardivavo-iv, iva pr) ev rai auTco rts vnoBeiypari near) rr)s anei- Belas. l2 fav yap 6 \6yos rov Qeoii, Kai evepyijs, /cat rofxutrepos vnep naarav a .-x> BvyztKtpaoixevovs. l ' Gb. .\.l< u. c <~j irpoctpyTai. a Gr. tlie word of hearing. & Or, became tl.ry weie not united by fuitb to. v Or, the gospel was first preached. * Thai it, Joiiiu... t Or, U-epinj of a labbalU, „„,,' the dividing asunder of soul and « X pi pepio-pov ^vms re (cat jn/«/- ^.^ am , of the jomts and p.aroc, dppwv re Kai pueXaii', Kai KpiTi- marrow, and is a discemer * ' >-t * > ' heart. " Neither is there any u Kai ovk ecrri kthtis a(pavt]S (varniov ; creature that is not manifest in avToii' Tvavra Se yvuva Kai Terpavr]- • his sight : but all things arc N , - ,!/] / - > - _ \ e naked, and opened unto the eyes Xio-pera rots o(p6a\p.ois avTov, npos ov oflll]n wlth whom we have t0 ijp.lv 6 Xd-yoc. do. 14 "Exovresovv apxiepeap-eyav, Sie- „ Seeing then that wc have XnXu#dra tovs ovpavovs, 'lijaovv tov agreat high priest, that is passed " - duoXovi'ac int0 the n,avi '" s - Jeslis ll,e son , opo^oyias. ofGodi , et us nold )asl „„,. pro . q OVVCipevov fession. lj Fur we have not an riauiv b 7re- '"S' 1 priest which cannot lie /i> ' > touehed with the feeling of our Treipao-p-evov be Kara iravra kcW opoio- [ n g rm ities: but was in all points rnra, \(op\s uaaprias- 16 npoaepx^- tempted like as we are, pet a ? < ■>£ ' ' d„'„,/l-o without sin. '« Let us there- fieOa ovvpera wapprja-ias t&> dpuvay ttjs f ,„. ccijme , lllldly ulllu , he throne \(ipiTos, iva KdjB(opev e'Xeoj/, Kai x^P LV oi s-' race . tllat we ma >' obtain riro»» * --p- ^na>v 5. for every high priest taken Xau/3ai>duei % r % r for men in things /w/«ininff to o-rarai ra 7rpoc toi/ 6eoi/, u-a irpoo-tytpi] God] that he may offer bot h Scopd T6 Kai Ova-las virep dpapncbv, gifts and sacrifices for sins. " perpicWa, B»^n* «^oov ? ^E^^MS Kai TrXavaiptvois, eVei Kai avTos irepi- that are out of 1 lie way, for thai Keirai ao-&V«a./- 3 Kai d(£ ravrrjv he himself also is conipassed ,,,. ,,, » ,.-^ ', with infirmity. 3 And by reason ocpeiAei, KaOas Trepi tov Aaov, ovto> Kai hereof he ought as for the peo- 7repi e'avTOU Trpoo-qbepfiv c virep " dpap- pie, so also for himself, to offer i a \ » « » -\ ft',.,, for sins. * And 110 man taketh nan/. 4 Kai ou X eavra ns Xa/x^am [« honou] . unt(| li ,„ lst , u - but T7;i/ nani', aXXa a " KaXovpevos vna tov he that is called of God, as was eeoO, «flAr V Kai - 'AapoW 5 o5™ Aaron^^also, Chris^ Kai d Xpicrro? ov X eavrof eOo§ao-e -ye- an high priest: but he that said . vnBnvai dpyiepea, aXX' d Aakljcras rrpbs unto him, Thou art my Son, to . rii/iwHu^ f "> , , , , ' , r day have 1 begotten thee. •> As auToi/- Yio? ^iov ei tru, eyo> crrjpepov h( / saitn a i so in another place, yeye vvijKa (TC 6 Kad'oJS Kai eV eVe'pw Thou art a priest forever after Xeyei- 2v iepeif e2s tov alwva Kara tIjv the order of Melchisedec. Td£i!> MeXyicreSe'K. ' O? ei/ rait rjpepais ttjs aapKos av- 7 w i, ; n j^ 8 j a y S of his tov, Seno-eic re Kai Uenjpias irpOS tov fiesh, when he had offered up . ' , ' , y » » '„ /L„^„„ pravers and supplications, with Svvapevov au>C,eiv avTov eK Vavarov, y^ ng cryhlg al)d tears> ullt0 Lierd Kpauync lo-vupas Kai 6aKpvo)V him that was able to save him T TrpocrereyKac, Kai eiVaKOva-rJeic dno rr)c from death, and was heard, *m .- bSt.~««.P«^«.r. =««,.. ifccdd.. .B....*a.. •Or,«T.»«rtl,b... |3 Or, lor bil fi-'v. C5^ m (U . I ,Jl Hebrews V. 8. j'that he feared. 8 Though he iwere a Son, yet learned he obe- dience, by the things which he suffered: a and being made per- fect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him, l0 called of God an high priest after the order of Melchisedec: 11 of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing. '- For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first princi- ples of the oracles of God, and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. 13 For every one that useth milk, "is unskilful in the word of righteousness : for he is a babe. l4 But strong meat be- longeth to them that are £of full age, even those who by reason y of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. 6. Therefore leaving i the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto per- fection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, a of the doctrine of bap- tisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. 3 And this will we do. if God permit. 4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, 5 and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come ; G if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto re- pentance : seeing they crucify to themselves the son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. 7 For the earth which drink- eth in the rain that cometh oft upon it, & bringeth forth herbs meet for them « by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from 528 EIII2TOAH eiiXafieias, s Kainep a>v vlbs, epadev d(j> a>v ena6e ttjv vnaKorjv, 9 Kai re- }\eia)6els eyeveTO rots vnaKovovcriv avrut >' ' > ' . 10 ttchjiv aiTLOS ercorr/ptas aicovtov npoa- ayopevdels iind roii Qeov apx<-epevs Kara ttjv tu^iv MeA^ttreSeK. 11 ILcpl ov no\vs Tjplv 6 \6yos Kai SvcreppnvevTos Xeyeiv, enel vadpol ye- ydvare rate aKoals. 12 Kai yap d(pei~ \ovTes elvai StSaaKaXoi <5ia tov xpdvov, ndXiv xpa'ai> e^ere T °v StSatr/ceii' vpds, riva ra crroi^eia tt)s dpxrjs twv Xoyicov tov Qeov' Kai yeyware xpelav e^ovres ydXaKTOs, Kai ov crrepeac rpo(pijs. 13 nas yap 6 peTe'x a>v ydXaKros, dneipos Xdyou 8iKaioo-vvr]s' vtjttios yap e'ari" 14 reXeuof 8t eaTiv r) crTeped Tpocprj, ru>v hid tt)v e£iv ra aladrjri'jpia yeyvpva- crpeva exdvTcov 7rp6s duiKpicriv koKov re Kai KOKOV. 6. Ai6 d(pevres tov ttjs dpxrjs tov$. XptcrroO \dyov, eVrl ttjv TeXeiorrjTa v Si- 8ax?]s, eni6io-ed>s re xeipwv, dvaaTa- aed>s re veKpiov, Kai KpipaTOS alcovlov. 3 Kai tovto a noii)o-opev," edvnep ini- Tpemj 6 Qeos. 4 dbvvaTov yap Toiis dna£ vos, 6 Kai napane- aovras, nd\iv dvaKaivi£eiv els ptrdvoiav, dvaaTavpovvTas tavTois tov vidv tov Qeov Kai TrapabeiypaTt^ovTas. ' Trj yap r] iriovcra tov en avTrjs 7roX- Xa/ci? e'pxdpevov veTov, Kai TtKTOvaa fioTdvrjv evdeTov eKelvois Si ovs Kai yeaipyeiTai, peTakapftdvei eiiXoyias and a Gr, h*th no experience. £ Or, perfeet, <5 Or, the worf 1 of the beginning of Christ. * Or, of an habit, or, perfection. • Or, for. IIP02 EBPAI0Y2. 529 Hebrews VII. 1. tov Qeov' 8 €K(f)€povaa Be UKavBas God. » But that which beareth Kal TpiBoXovs, uBokiuos Kal Kurdpas tl,orns a,ul briers, ia rejected, > .» - i\ ■< r - r and is nigh unto cursim.', whose eyyvr, 77? to TeAoy etc Kavtrip. end is to be burned. 9 IleTreio-peda tempi vp&v, dyairrj- o B ul beloved, we are per- rot, ra KpeiTTOPa Kal e^dpeva (rmrrjpias, suaded better things of you, and el Kal ovto> XaXoipep. 10 oi yap ddiKos !' ungS , that a< ''' '•"'> » a lva- c,-.i >\d'd .»»'",.. tl()n ' though we thus speak. o Weo? emKatieadai tov epyov vpwv, l0 For God is not unrighteous, to Kal a * rric d-ya7rnc Sc epeBei^acrde els to for S<'t your work and labour of * ',£.'', - «. i love, which ve have shewed to- oi/opa uvtov, biaKOpr,o-apTes tois aytois ward his name, in that ye have Kal BiaKopovPTes. ministered to the saints, and do 11 >t?_ a ' 5>» " ' - > minister. ILTri0vu.ovu.ev oe - > ^MOi-/*w Oe «aerroi/ vpw tt,v „ And we dosire> that ewy avTTjv epoeiKvvcruai o-ttovotjv irpos ttjp one of you do shew the same 7r\r)pod)opiav rnc eXniBos ay pi TeXovs' ii J i B ence > u > the full assurance 13 * ( /) > - /j Ar v 5,< ot hope unto the end: '-that ve iva pi) vatipoi yevqaVe, pippTai oe be not slothful, but followers of tu>v Bid Trio-Teats Kal paKpodvpias kXti- them, who through faith aod ' < > \ i a - \ patience inherit the Dromises. popopovpTcop Tas enayyeXias. ■ tw yap !, For „.,,,„ (iod made P pronil .e ABpaap eirayyeiXapevos 6 Qeos, enel to Abraham, because he could kut ovBevds e*Y6 peitopos opocrai, * we " b * °° g™"*?' hesware * - ,,, , - {* \ ' ?tt > hy himself, "saving. Surely, topoae KaO eavTOV, ™ heywV H pt/i> blessing I will bless thee, and ei>Aoya>i/ ei/Xo-yno-ci) « For men verily swear ttet> yap KaTa tov peltopos oppvovai, hy ' he pr f eater ' ? nd * u oath for ~ , ' / , , , " * , ~, ,' confirmation is to them an end Kai TruoT]S avTOis avTlXoyias irepas eis of all strife. BeBaiacrip 6 opKos. 17 'Ej/ oj TTepiacroTepop fiovXopepos 6 ,r Wherein God willing more Qeos eTTioeltai rots KXnpovdpois t«s ? b,inda " lI y «». > u ™ unI ° the , ., 3 ,, ,. - a \ - nel,s °f promise the lmmuta- e7rayyeAias to aperadeTov ttjs povXrjs bUityofhis counsel, "confirmed ai/Tov, epea'iTevcrev opK' tw « / » A' ■> » )»,' immutable things, in which it irpaypuTap ape-radeTap, ep ois abvPOTOP wag impos! , ible for Go d to lie, yj/evaaadai Geot/, lo-)(ypap irapaKX-qo-iv we misht have a strong conso- e^pep ot «™^5^ K po^«» r^ Jyg^Jj *£«* Jg>g TTpOKfipeprjs eX-moos' rjp as ayKVpap before us. w Which /u>/;e we evouev rny ^vvfjs dacbaXn re Kal Be- have ** an anchor of , ,he sou ] o # , , r A ' , ' » , > , both sure and stedfast, and paiap, Kai eio-epxopevrjv eis to eau>Tepop wMch eutereth into that within tov KaTaireTao- paTos , x ottov npodpopos the veil, '-"whither the fore- r_> < ~ i "\/i i T - \ < runner is for us entered; even xmep V pa>p eiarp\6ep l V „ tuepHrev' A/3padu,) TTpunov ah interpretation King of righte- e > a \ > a ' ousness.andafterthatalsoKing (fprjvevopevos Paaihevs btKaioavv^, of Salem, which is, King of eVretra be Kai (3acri\evs 2aAr)p, (o eart, SSSiEWSfKS: *«*«*» *W0, 3 a^«ra,p, c^rcop, having neither beginning of ayeveaXoyrjTos' p-r/re apx^v rjpepu>v, days nor end of life: but made „,-<; A w = s T( ?Xoc ^^ dcboouoicopevos like unto the son of God, abid- C; .. & « i ^ _. „ A , Y < r , r , eth a priest continually. ° e tco tucp rot; Geou, [leva lepevs eis to 8ir)veKes. > 4 Now consider how great this 4 Qecopfire Se nrfkiKos ovros, (o Kal man w as unto whom even the ttKarriv 'Afipaau ebaiccv « twv aicpo- patriarch Abraham gave the A , ' , ' ,~ , , , K • , tenth of the spoils. 5 And verily aivicov o TrarpuipxrjS. ° Kai oi pev (K they that are of the sons of ,-£,„ v \^ v \ ev X T A„ Upareiav \apBavov~ Levi, who receive the office of > \ \ » > *. ~ v y priesthood, have a command- Tfs ; evToXrjV e X ovcriv anobeKarovv tov ment to take tithes of the peo- \aov Kara tov vop,ov, tovt ecrn, rovs come out of the ioins of Abra- e< ttjs ocrtpvos Appaap.' * o oe. prj ye- ham: « but he whose f> descent vfa \oyovp(vos e'£ ahrmv, be beKiWooKe tov is not counted from them, re- » . a '« ' » \ * \ > ■. / ceived tithes of Abraham, and Appaap., Kai Tove X 0VTaTas eirayycMas blessed him that had the pro- ev\oyr)Ke' 7 ^oopis 8e Tracrrjs dvTiKoylas, the better. yftrat. 8 And here men that die re- 8 Kal coSe /iff SeKaYay anodvrjo-KOVTes witnessed that he liveth. 9 And povpevos otl £tj. a (cat, (coy e7roy ftTTfti/), as I may so say, Levi also who g ta 'ASpaaa /cat Aevi 6 rje/cdra? Xau/3d- receiveth tithes, payed tithes in & s, / in * , , r „ Abraham. i» For he was yet in vav bebeKaTUTar ™ ert -yap^ ev rrj the loins of his father when ocrcput tov irarpos r\v, ore avvrjvTrjcrev Melchisedec met him. Q ^ & MeXx to-fd«. i' If therefore perfection were ll l £ j . ^ „X«'o)«rts 8tcx r^s by the Levitical priesthood (for .. ~ r , > •» , ^ , ,' under it the people received the Aevirtfcr/c lepcoavvrjs T]V (o Aao? yap law) what further need was in * avrn" vevop.o6irr>TO-) ris en YpeiV there.that another priest should v S /£ »« x t-> ~ rise after the order of Melchi- * aTa T*) v ™S lv MeXxKTfdfKirtpov sedec, and not be called after dvtaracrdai Upea, Kai ov Kara Tt]v rd^iv t pneSioli A ^ v chiS: >A «pr **■*"* a Fr****?*?* there is made of necessity a Tr;s lepaxrvvrjs, eg avayKrjs kcu vupov change also of the law. "For u fr dc9eo-is- ytVfrat. 13 erf)' ov yap \e- he ot whom these things are .', N _ f , r f ' spoken, pertaineth to another y € \ a i ™VTa, (pv\i)S erepas peTCcrxv^v, tribe, of which no man gave dcp* rj S ovbe\s b Trpoo-fo-xr]K€ " rco r9vcria- i(Vo»njs. !• f^ -rrfiojenxe. a Gr, without ptdigrea. ? Or, pedigree. nPOS EBPAIOY2. 531 crnipta' u 7rpdSr/Xoi> yap oti e^'lovba avaTeraXKev 6 Kuptoy r/pajf, els fjv pls SpKcupocrias' " l (ol p.ev yap, X^P 1 ? dpKa>poo~Las elo~)v lepe'is yeyovdres, 6 8e, perd opKcopoaias, Sta Toi> Xeyovros rrpds avrov' Qpocre Ku- pios Kai oil perap(Xr]6i]0'€Tai' 2v lepevs eis tov a\a>va* Kara ttjv rd^iv MeX)(icre- Se/c')" " Kara to&ovtov KpeiTTOvos 8ia- 6r]Krjs yeyovev eyyvos 'lrjo~ovs. 23 Kai ol pev, nXeloves elm yeyovdres lepe'is, did to davdra KcaXveo-dai napa- peveiv 6 he, hid to peveiv avrov els tov aliova, d7rapd;3aroi> e^ei rf]v Upco- crvvrjv' ** o6ev (cat o~a£eiv els to rrav- reXes hvvarai tovs rrpoo~ep)(opevovs hi avrov rco Oea>, navrore £a>f els to ev- rvy\dveiv inrep avriov. " 6 Toiovtos yap rjpiv f (cat " eirperrev ap)(iepevs, dmos, a/ca«oc, dpiavros, Ke- Xa>pLo~pevos and ru)V dpapruiXcov, (cat v^rjXoTepos tojv ovpavmv yevdpevos' 27 os ovk e%ei Kaff rjpepav dvdyKtjv, coanep oi ap^iepeis, npdrepov vnep ra>v ihia>v dpapriaiv dvcrias dvaCpepeiv, eVet- Ta To>v tov Xaov' tovto yap e'TroiTjaev Heijrews VII. 27. attendnnce at the altar. ,4 For it is evident f our Lord sprang out of Juda, of which trihe Moses spake nothing concern- ing priesthood. " And it is yet far more evi- dent: for that after the simili- tude of Melchisedec there arisetb another priest, lc who is made not after the law of a carnal commandment, but after the power of an endless life. 17 For he testifleth ; Thou art a priest for ever, after the order of Melchisedec. 18 For there is verily a dis- annulling of the commandment going before, for the weakness and unprofitableness thereof. 19 For the law made nothing perfect, ■> but the bringing in of a better hope did: by the which we draw nigh unto God. 20 And in as much as not n ithout an oath he was made priest, ■' (for those priests were made 8 with- out an oath: but this with an oath, by hira that said unto him, The Lord sware and will not repent, thou art a priest for ever after the order of Mel- chisedec) '"by so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament. ' n And they truly were many priests, because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death. i4 But this man be- cause he continueth ever, hath van unchangeable priesthood. 25 Wherefore he is able also to save them "Ho the uttermost, that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. 26 For such an high priest became us, it'Ao is holy, harm- less, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens. - ; Who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his Oi'vn sins and then for the peo- ple's: for this he did once, when a «iipi tepitov o*'$tv. ti Gb. Mmww. c cvj — . Gb. oapxtvns. ^ ~- fiaprvpitrat. * -* I .^J — . tlec. & Gb urn. " dr. but it ttiu the bri D gin s in. fi Or, without iwrarllg of »» ■<•*'•• * Or, which puwth nut from one to another. * Or, etermore. Hebrews VII. 28. 532 EIII2T0AH he offered up himself. 58 For eqbdna£, cavrbv dvevey/cas. ~ 8 6 vofios the law maketh men high > ^ffpunovs Ka6l- •> evermore, toj/ aiwwi TeTeAeicopei>w. ^ 8. Now of the things which 8. Ke0aXcuoi> Se «ri roly Xeyope j/oty, we have spoken, ttwfo the sum: rolo - TO „ ?w,uc-|/ dpyiepe'a, 6sr eVcd&ow We have such an high priest, , ... - /i / - a » who is set on the right hand of ev degia rov Bpovov rrjs fifyaKaxrvvrjs the throne of the Majesty in the e '„ T0 ' ls ovpavo'is, ' tcov dyiaiv Xeirovp- heavens: -a minister P of the , <""* • » - *\ n - a sanctuary, and of the true taber- JOS, Km TT)S ovoji^c ttjs akrjdivrfs, r]V nacle, which the Lord pitched, 'dnrj^ev 6 Kvpios^ a Kai" ovk avdpu>iTOS. an 3 d Fo°r e^y high priest is or- 3 *& ?«P d PX «P™ * ™ ™oo#- dained to offer gifts and sacri- peiv Ompa re Kai dvaias KafftaTarai' fices: wherefore it is of neces- ^Qa, dvayKaiov eveiv tl ko\ tovtov b sity ^ this man have somewhat # 4 •> . « k » * » ' v also to offer. * For if he were npoo-eveyKrj. * et pep "ovv rjv eni on earth, he should not be a yfis, 01/8' av fjv lepevs, ovtcov c tu>v &SS&SX!SriS «P™"™ *po°f*p6™ Kara rbv to the law: » who serve unto vopov ra Ocopa, (oirtff? VTTobeiypan the example and shadow of hea- Kfl j ^5 \ aTpe {, ovcn tuv enovpavicov, venly things, as Moses was ad- ny ' r , ri , T ~ » \\ monished of God when he was Kadcos KexprjpaTiiTTai ; ls)(r 1 t , pekkav about to make the tabernacle. e7riTeXeii» ttjv tamed a more excellent minis- , ' , r , . ?. /1 > / ' try, by how much also he is the Kai KpetTTOvos e(TTi OiadrjKrjs peaiTrjs, mediator of a better « covenant, fj Tls e 'jj-i KpelrTocriv eTrayyekiais vevopo- which was established upon h ■ better promises. Oerr\rau ^ ^ » » * * i For if that first covenant ' Ei yap rj npoiTij eKfivrj rjv apep.- had been faultless, then should m-os", oiiK av Bevrepas e£rjTeiTO twos'. no place have been sought for a tr \ > >, '.,.. 'jj > the second. s For findin | fault 8 f pep^ojwos yap avrots Xeyec lbov, with them, he saith, Behold, fjpepat ep\0PTai, Xeyei Kupioy, Kai (rvv- the days come (saith the Lord) ^Xf'o-o) eVi rbv oikov 'lapabX K a\ eVl when I will make a new cove- , T i T /& » a' ' 9' nantwith the house of Israel, toj/ otKoy- IotiOa OiadrjKrjv Kaivrjv' ov and the house of Judah. 9 Not /,: al -a rfiv biadriKnv fjv eTrotncra Toly according to the covenant that / > - > ( ' • -v o ' „ . 1 made with their fathers, in narpacriv avrcov, fWepa emka^op^voy the day when I took them by the pov Ttjs ^ftpos avrcov, e^ayayelv avrovs hand to lead them out of y land - - AlyvirroV on avroi ovk eve- of Egypt, because they contmu- ' ' , j. ' a , , v , « ed not in my covenant, & I re- peivav ev rt] OiadrjKr] pov, Kayo) rjpeArja-a garded them not, saith £ Lord. a ^ r £,w Xe'yfl Kvpios . 10 on avrri ft 10 For this is the covenant that I ^ n , * » /j' - " >t <^ will make withy house of Israel OiadnKrj V v biaffrjaopai ra oikco laparjk after those days, saith the Lord: pera Ta? f]p.epas eKeivas, Xeyet Kvpios, a -» b Kec. 8t Gb. yay. c ZZ d Gb. Mojru^. e Rec. & Gb. TrotfJirpJ. a Gr. perfected. & Or, of holy things. Y Or, they are priests. * Or, testaiucut. LTP02 EBPAI0Y2. 533 818011s vopovs pov els ttjv 8idvoiav av- tg>v, Kai enl Kap8'ias avrcov e7riypdyj/ai avrovs' Kai ecropai uvtois els Qeov, Kai avrol ('(Tovrai pot els Xaov. ll Kai ov fir] 8i8d£a>o-iv eKacrTos tov a TrohiTrjv" uvtov, Kai inacrros tov d8eX(p6v avrov, Xeycoi/* Tvoodi tov Kvpiov' on ndvTes ei8r]o-ovo~l pe, dno piKpoii b avTu>v" eios peydXov avrcov' l " on iXecos ecropai rais d8iKiais avrcov, Kai tcov dpapTicov avTcov Kai ray dvopicov avrcnv ov pr) pv-qcrOco en. u 'Ei/ to) Xeyeiv' Kaivrjv, 7re7raXaicoKe ttjv npcoTqv' to he naXaiovpevov Kai yrjpdo-Kov, eyyiis dcpavicrpov. 9. Ei^e pev ovv Kai r) npaTT) c " 81- KaicopaTa XaTpeias, to Te ayiov Kocrpi- kov. 2 o-KTjvr) yap KaTeo-Kevdadr], 77 7rpd>T7], ev fi rj Te \v%via Kai r) Tpdwe^a Kai rj Trpd&eo~is tcov aprav tjtis Xeyerai ay la. 3 perd 8e to 8etiTepov KaTawe- Taapa o~Krjvr) tj Xeyopevq dyia dyiiov, 4 xp vo ~ ovv ex ova ~ a SvpiaTTjptov, Kai tt)v KificoTov Ttjs 8iadr]Krjs TtepiKeKaXvppevqv wdvTodev xpvo~l(ti, ev j) o~Tapvos xP v(Tr ) ex ovo ~ a TO pdvva, Kai r) pdjSdos ' Aapoov f] (3\ao~Tr)o~ao-a, Kai al nXaKes tt)s 81a- BrjKtjs' ° vtrepdvu) 8e avTrjs Xepovftip a tt)s' 86£r/s, KaTao~Kid£ovTa to iXao~Tr)- piov' wepl a>v ovk eo~Ti vvv Xeyeiv Kara pepos. 6 Tovtcov 8e ovtco KaTeo~Kevao-peva>v, els pev tt)v 7rpa>TT]v o~Kr]vr)v SiarravTos eicriacriv 01 lepels Tas XaTpeias eniTe- XovvTes' ^ els 8e tt)v 8evrepav dna^ Toil eviavTov povos 6 dpxiepevs, ov X<*>pls aipaTos, b wpoo-cpepei inrep eav- tov Kai tcov tov Xaov ayvorjpaTcoV tovto 8>]Xovvtos tov YLvevpaTos TOV dyiov, prjnco necpavepcoadai ttjv tcov ciyicov 68iiv, en ttjs irpaiTqs aKTjvfjs Hebrews IX. 8. I will "put my laws into their mind, and write them ? in their hearts: and 1 will be to them a God, and they shall he to me a people. " And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. 13 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will- 1 re- member no more. " In that he saith, A new co- venant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old, is ready to vanish away. 9. Then verily the first cove- nant had also r ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary. ' For there was a tabernacle made, J- first, where- in was the candlestick, and the table, and the shewbread, which is called i the sanctuary. 3 And after the second veil, the taber- nacle which is called the Holiest of all: 4 which had the golden censer, and the ark of the cove- nant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, & Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant. ' J And over it the cherubims of glory shadow- ing the mercyseat ; of which we cannot now speak particularly. 6 Now when these things were thus ordained, the priests went always into the first tabernacle, accomplishing J service of Uod. 7 But into the second went the high priest alone once every year, not without blood, which he offered for himself, and for the errors of the people. 8 The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest of all, was not yet made manifest, while as the first tabernacle was a Rcc. w\t) - 9 fjris 7rapa/3oA>7 els figure for the time then present, TQV Katpi ^„ T0V eVfonjKOTa, /catf' a j>" in which were offered both guts „,_ , r v , , ' ,', ' , and sacrifices, that could not ocopa re (cat tfutnai 7rpocr(p(povTai, pn make him that did the service Svvdpevai Kara (Tvveidncriv rfXetoxrat perfect, as pertaining to the > x / 10 ' ' v o ' conscience, S which stood only tov Xarpewowa, /ioww em fipapacn in meats and drinks, and divers Kai Trdpaai Kai 6ia(p6pois /3a7JT lapois, washings, and "carnal ordinan- b « c§ JKm - aTa « aapK0S ^evpi Kaipod ces imposed on them until the ^ , , ~ , , r ' ' "■" • time of reformation. OtopdWecos erriKeipeva. 11 But Christ being come an u TipuTTas 6{ Trapayevopevos dp)(ie- high priest of good things to ' T £„ u. e \\6vT(OV dyad&U, Std rns come, by a greater and more ' , y , x ■ ' ; _ * ', perfect tabernacle, not made paQovos Kai TfAdOTepas a-KTjvrjS^ ov with hands, that is to say, not vciponomTov, (tovt e(TTLV, ov TavTT]s of this building: 12 neither by ~ / n 10 i*v 51 » • / iL _* the blood of goats and calves : "»* KTiaecos,) ovde bi ^ cuparos rpa- ■ but bv his own blood he entered yw Kai pdo~X > ! /or ms. 13 For if the blood ait aiooviav Avrpaxriv evpapevos. u ft yap 'bulls, and of goats, and y ashes T b alua ravpotv Ka\ Tpdycav, /cat 0-770S0J of an heifer sprinkling the un- *. Ay f »> r * » clean, sanctitieth to the purify- Gapaketo^ pavTi(ov(ra tovs KeKOlvcope- tng of the flesh: M how much vovs, dyid^ei npos ttjv 777? aapKos Ka- more shall the blood of Christ, q . u n 6 auuuov tu> 6€c3, from dead works, to serve the A - , ' ,«, ,,,_,/ S \ ' livin" God? Kaoapui ttjv crvvno-qo-iv vpcov utto ve- Kputv epyaiv, tlsTo AaTpzveiv Qea> £a>vTi; toJSSSSJZZig l5 , Kai , *« ™*» *«w ■»* ment, that by means of death, pecriTrjs €(ttiv, ottois davdrov yevopevov, for the redemption of the trans. e > s aTroAurpcocrti/ Tcbv eVt TV TTpUTrt gressions that were under the . A , a> » > \' first testament, they which are OiaOrjKt] Trapa^aaecxiv, rnv enayyeKiav called, might receive the pro- Aafiaxriv oi KeKAnpevot rrjs alaiPiov mise of eternal inheritance. \ 1 16 " > » a' '« For where a testament is, xX-npopopias. onov yap _ StadrjKr,, there must also of necessity cbe ddvaTOV dvdyKn Cpepecrdai too diaoept- thedeath of the testator. >' For . l/g ta ^ K „ 7ap e Vl ve/cpols /3e- a testament is of force after , , v ', ' ' r , , „'■.», men are dead : otherwise it is paia, eirei prjivore iax veL 0T€ Ql) ° of no strength at all whilst the bmBeuevos. testator liveth. it, n^ A 1 5.1 r 1 > w ■9 Whereupon, neither the , 0^ e " 0l;8 ^ TTpcorr/ X coptc aiparos first testament was « dedicated ('yK€Kaivi(TTai. 19 XaXridelaTjs yap Trd- without blood '» For when ^roXr^ /caret »«Juov vtto M«vcr«a>s Moses had spoken everv pre- ' , ,'" f ( ( T cept to all the people according 7rafrt TO Aaw, Auptov TO aipa Ticv to the law, he took the blood of u.6 — . TW. \ Gb ov, '' Rpr. add *ai. • <■*>> — , Ret:. 8c Gb. jivaiNfiant. i «J ij^k. * Or, rite,, or, ceremonies. & Or, fault. ^ Or, be brought in. o (Jr, |> -J. e c>r, p^rij:e. IIP02 EBPAI0Y2. 535 Ttcrf, Xiycov' Tovto to aipa ttjs diadrjKTjs rjs (V(T(iXuto irpos vpds 6 Qeos' 21 teal ttjv crKT)vr]v 8e Kai ttcivtu ra crKfvrj Tr/s XdTovpyias rco alpaTi OpOlOOS (ppdvTlO(. " KCU tT^fSoj/ (V mpaTi ndvTa Kadapi^eriu Kara tov vdpov, Kai x&tyuy aifiaT€K)(vo-ia.s ov yiverai a(peo~is. "* ' AvdyKrj ovv to. p(v vnohdypaTa tSiv (v toIs ovpavois, tovtois Ka8apl£(- o~6ai' aura S( to. (Tvovpdvia Kpfirroai bvcriais napa ravras. 2i ov yap (is XfipoTTOirjTa ciyia (lar)\6ev 6 XpicrTos, avTiTvira ra>i/ aXrjdivcbv, nXA (Is avTov rov ovpavov, vvv ('p(pavio-0r)vai toj TTpoa- d>ma tov Qeov inrtp r)pa>v. ~° ovb' iva TToKkunis Trpoacpipr) eavTov, cocnrep o apxiepevs fieri p\(rai els Ta dyta kut iviavTov ev aipciTi dWoTpico' 2S eirel (0(i ai/Tov ttoWukis iradav and kotci- /3oAr/e Koapov' vvv 8( aira£ ewl crwre- X(ia T(ov ala>v(ov, els ddiTrjaiv dpapTias did Trjs 6vo~las civtov 7re(pavepa>Tat. ~ 7 Kat Ka6" oo-ov dnoKeiTai toIs dvdpunrois a7ra£ dnoBaveiVi p(Ta de tovto Kpiais' ovtu> a Kai" 6 Xptoroj arra£ Trpoo~- eve)(de\s (Is to TToWwv dvfveyKelv dpaprias, €K fttVTepov X«pir dpapTias l)(p8l]0~(TaL toIs ai/Tov dnfKdexopivois eis o~tt>Trjpiav. 10. 2/aai/ yap i')(oov 6 vopos Tcav peWovTcov dyaBojv, ovk ovttjv ttjv (Ikovu tcov npaypaTcov, kot iviavTov Tais airals dvcriais as irpocr(pipovo~iv, (is to birn>(K(s ovb(iroT( dvvaTat tovs npocrepxopevovs T(\(iooo~at. '" «rei h ovk" civ (navcravTO Tvpocr(p(p6pevai\ hid to pr]8(piav (X elv en o~vvei8r)o~iv dpap- Ti(ov tovs \aTp(vovTas, aira^ K«a8ap- pivovs' dXk' (V avTals dvdpvrjcris dpapTiuiv KaT cviavrov. Hebrews X. C. ami all the people, '■ i0 saying, Tliis is thebloortot' v testament wliich God bath Injoined unto you. -' Moreover, he sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle, and all ihe vessels of y ministry. '- , - And almost all things are by the law purged with blood: and without shedding of blood is no remission. m It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in J heavens should be purified with these, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacri- fices than these. '-' 4 Kor Christ is not entered into the hoh plat es made with hands, w Inch are the figures of the true, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of Clod for us. 25 Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into I lie huly place, every year with blood of others: 26 for then must he often have suffered since the foun- dation of the world: but now once in the end of the world, hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. '' 7 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: ''" so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many, and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin, unto salvation. 10. For the law having a sha- dow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually, make the comers thereunto perfect: - for then would they not have ceased to be offered, because liial y worshippers once purged, should have had no more con- science of sing ? 3 But in those sacrifices there is a remem- brance again ynnde of sins every vear. a St. St Bit. urn. >' Vu s. Elz. urn. Hebrews X. 4. 4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats, should takeaway sins. 5 Where fore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou ° prepared me: 6 in burnt offerings, and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure: ; then said I, Lo, I come. (In the volume of the book it is written of me) to do thy will, O God. s Above when he said, Sacrifice, and offering, and burnt offerings, and offer- ing for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein, which are offered by the law: 9 then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will (O God:) he taketh away the first, that he may establish the second. 10 By the which will we are sanctified, through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. 11 And every priest stand- eth daily ministering and of- fering oftentimes the same sacrifices which can never take away sins. ,a But this man after he had offered one sacri- fice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God, 13 from henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool. li For by one offer- ing he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified. '5 Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after y he had said before, 16 This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord : I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them: 17 and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. 18 Now, where remission of these is, there is no more offer- ing for sin. 19 Having therefore,brethren, 536 EIH2TOAH 4 ' AbvvaTov yap alpa Tavpcov /cat rpdycov a(paipeiv ApapTias. 5 At6 e trr- epxopevns etc tov Koapov Ae'yef Qvvlav Kal 7rpocr(popav ovk ^e'Ar/crac, o-oipa 8e KaTijpTio-a) pof 6 okoKavToypara Kal irepl apapTias ovk evdoKTjcras' 7 tots eiTrov' iSou rjicw (eV Kf(pa\idi /3t/3At'ou yeypcnrrai ivepl ipov ,s ) tov iroir]o~ai, 6 0e6c, to deXrjpd aov. 8 'Avayrepov Ae-yaw* On Bvcriav Kal 7Tpoo~(popdv Kal 6\oKavTa>para Kal irtpl apapnas ovk rjde\rjo~as, oi/8i evdoKr/aas, (alrtves Kara "■tov" vopov 7rpoo-(pepovTai,) 9 Tore t'lprjKiv' 'l8ov 7)Ka> tov Troirjcrai b " to BeXrjpd o~ov. ' Avaipel to npcoTOV, iva to bevTtpov aTrjaj]' 10 eV a deXrjpari rjyiao-ptvoi eapev c " 8ia tt)s npoo-cpopds tov o-oopaTos d " 'Itjo-ov Xpio~Toii ((f)- atTa!-. 11 Kal ivas ptv Upevs eorrjKe Kad* rjpepav \eiTovpyoov, Kal Tas avTas noX- XaKis Trpoacpepcov dvcrias, airives ov- 8eirore bvvavTai nepuXflv apapnas' 12e ovTos" 8e plav inrep apapncov npoa- eveyKas dvcrlav etc to 8irjveKes, eKa- 8io-(v eV §e£ta tov Qeov, 13 to Xonrov €K8e^6pei>os eW T€0a>aiv ol f)(6pol avrov vwoirobiov to>v tto8cov avTov. 14 pia yap Trpoo-cpopa TereXeta>Kev ets to 8irjveKes tovs dyia^opevovs. lo Maprvpel 8e r/piv Kal to Uvevpa to ayiov' perci yap to 'irpofiptjKevai'' 16 Avrr] t] dia8i]KT) fjv 8iadr)o~opai irpos avToiis ptTa Tas fjpepas (Keivas, Aeyet Kvpios, 8i8ovs vopovs pov eVt Kap8ias aliTuiv, Kal eVt tuiv 8iavoiH>v avTutv (tti- ypd\j/co aiiTovs' 17 e " Kai Ta>v dpapncov avTuiv Kal twv dvopioiv avrcbv ov pri pv7]a8a> en. 18 "Ottov Se a A pnest over the house of God: rovueov, " TrpO(T€pxctiu.e&a ptra aXrj- "let us draw near with a true 6ivr)s Kapb'ias iv nXtipocbopia Trifrreus, £ e art in full assurance of faith, brjaecos nwrjpas, - 3 /cat XeXoupfVot to 0llr bodies washed with pure o-co/ia 58an /catJapcS' Karcvauev rhv !££** L /' u8 J"?!2 fa ? t .. the , ^ - »v V » n - T ' profession of our faith without opoAoytai/ rr/c cAttloos aKAivrf (ttkttos wavering (for he is faithful that yap 6 eVayyetXaufiW ) 24 Kat Kara- promised) - 4 and let us con- '- >\\ '\ •> > ( , , sl(ip r one another to provoke vowpev aAAjjAovsjis Trapojvapov aya- unto love, and to good works: ffrjs /cat KaAa>v epyoov, - 5 pr) t'y/caTa- M not forsaking the assembling X«W« rip brwvay^v *«-*, ZSSfiTJZi? £ £ /cacVcuf et/oc Tiaiv, uAAa napaKakovvTes' horting one another, and so Kai too-outw uaWov oo-&> SXeWe ev- !!' uch thc ' "1°™' as ye see the ,<. ,' , - * ' day approaching. T^ ™ ^ W^; "For if we sin wilfully after E/coucrtcoc yap apapravovrmv rjpujv that we hare received j know- pfra ToAafc'iv rr)v iiviyvwaiv tt)s fJXn- '^ge of j- truth, there remain- /i - > - ,' r '«»•»'» etn no more sacrifice for sins, Veias, ovkcti 7rept upaprtiov cnroAeiTreTai -' but a certain fearful looking dvala- " 7 (hofiepa Se Tis tr'/cSovn /cot- for of judgment, and fiery in- „,„ „» JL,„>„ /-\ > /)» -\ dignation, which shall devour o-ftac, /cat^ Trypoc £,Aoc ecrc9i«i/ peX- the adversaries, w H e that Xofroc rovs VTTfvavTtovs. :s a8eTr]aas despised Moses' law, died wiih- * v^Mo^W,' X coph ofarppfe "«* ■* -*~ *g erri ODO-d/ 7) rpto-t paprvaiv aTroovrjaKfi' sorer punishment sii/jjmisk m\ 19 7!-o'croj So/cfiTe ve/pofoc aAcoc5i';o-erat sh , a11 he be thou e nt worthy, /' r > ">, r - _ *«, ' who hath trodden underfoot rtpcopias o toi/^vioj/tov Geou (caraTra- {son of God, and hath counted rrjcras, Kai to atpa rr;? dia6i)Kr]S KOivbv the blood of v covenant where. tt;c xapiros ewppiaas ; JU oiOapev yap unto the Spirit of grace? 3U For t6i/ etVo'vro- 'Euot eKSiVntrtr, eyo> ai/- " e know '"J" that hath said, », h\ ' t^ ' # v #\ Vengeance belongeth unto me, TajroOcoo-a), "Aeyft Kuptos- /cat iraAw 1 w ,n recompense, saith the Kuptoy Kpiva. tov \abv avrov. 31 $0- Lor - shall judge his people. 3I It is Pepov to timcaeiv US X^P™ ee ™ a fearful thing to fall into the Qojvtos . hands of the living God. 32 'Avapipvto-Kto-fc 8( Tac rrpoTepov th 3 \ But c f !o remembrance ,, > ' * ■ /i'xnv the former davs, in which alter Tjpepas, ev ais (pcoTiadevTes -nroAArjv ye were illuminated, ye endur- ud\r)o-iv imeptivaT€ TraBriuaTwV M tov- e , d a ^r eat fi P ht of afflictions : > » - - » /i\ # 1 33 partlv whilst ye were made to pv uera xapas Trpoo-ehe^acrBe, yi- goods, knowing in yourselves , » x> " i„,,_„?„ ^„,,V»-n..^ that ye have in heaven a better ^CTKOVTes e X *LV eaVTOlS KpeiTTOva and an enduring substance, inrap^iv c ev ovpavots Kai pevovcrav. m Cast not away therefore your 35 ' aTTo3d\r)Te ovv rnv nappncrlav confidence which hath great , •, ' „ „ a % ' recompence of reward. vp-av, t]Tts e%ei fxiaVanobocnav pe- 36 For ye have need of pa- yaXrjv. tience. that after ye have done 36 'Ynouovrts ydp evere Xpeiav, "iva the will of God ye might re- , A , r L ' r ~ ^ i / ceive the promise. 3' For yet to deArjpa tov Qeov 7roii](TavTfs, Kopi- a little while, and he that shall rjricr^e Tt)v enayyeAiav. ' 3 ' en yap piKpov come will come, and will not « « ' < > / __ "£,. *„) «.'■ tarrv. 3 * Now ' th e just shall oaov oaoV o epxopewc if". * at ov live by faith: but if any man ^poi/ifl. 6 Se OiKatoj eK 7ris draw back, my soul shall have 7' Ta ,. Ka \ e ' a „ ^Troo-raXriTai, oi< ev- no pleasure in him. ° 3 But we 5' - c ■ » > > - 39 r - X' are not of them who draw back oo/cet rj yu^r/ pov ev avTco. ^ rjpets oe unto perdition : but of them 0VK eg-pei/ inroo-ToXris els dirwAeiav, that believe, to the saving of ,, ,. , V ■> / ... ./„,,- the S0lll aAAa TTLs eis irepnro^aiv yvxys. 11. Now faith is the « sub- H. "Earl be Trl(rTis, eATU&peviov stance of things hoped for, the vir6o . Tao - L 7Tp ayp. a rav eXey X os ov /3\ ' / n > '/) ^ For by it the elders obtained ivop-evtov. * ev Tavry yap epapTvpr]Orj- a good report. g- av [ Tj-petrSuTepot. 3 Through faith we under- , ,_,, r i '/)_„'„ stand that the worlds were fra- ' IWei voovpev KaTrjoriadai rovs med by the word of God, so alcovas prjpari Qeov, els to p,r) en (pal- £? sar sas whuh* "W" d - p-"^ n>~ . appear. Ilio-rei TrAeioya Ovaiav ApeA 7rapa ^ By faith Abel offered unto K( j»„ npaoriveyKe ra> Qeco, Si' rts ep.ap- God a more excellent sacrifice //•■?«;» * - L_» than Cain, by which he obtained ri»pr;(9r/ eii/at StKatoc, paprypovvTOS^ eni witness that he was righteous, TO " ls Swpots avroii tov Qeoii' Kal Si ai- God testifying of his gifts: - > /) * »_. e\„\ ,;» and bv it he being dead, * yet ^ ano6avu>v en AaXei. _ , speaketh. 5 ILiarei Evo^ perereOr] tov pr/ tOetf s By faith Enoch was trans- Qi vaT0V Ka \ l x evpiaKeTo, bioTi peTe- lated, that he should not see . ', , , "■ ', , > ' - death, and was not found, be- 6r]K.ev avTov o Qeos ' Trpo^ yap rr/s cause God had translated him: ueTa8eo~eu>$ f aiiTOi)" pepaprvprjTai eirj- for before his translation he ' / - n -. 6 -„ v .„ X^ — .' ,,.„ had this testimony, that he pecrTT)Keva<.Ta> OeKr)(Tfv (is rr]v yrjv ttjs ejvayy(\ias, CDS' aWorpiav, (v crKrjvais KaToiKtjcras fxera 'lcruaK Kai 'laxa)/3 rcov crvyicXrjpo- vofxuv tj)s (Trayy(Aicis ttjs nvrr/s f g f " fif^fro yap Tr)v tovs 6(p.(\iovs ('xovcrav Trokiv, i]s T€xytTT)s Kcu Dr/piovpyos 6 Geo?. nuTTd ko.1 avrrj "2appa 8vva- p.iv «s KaTaj3o\r)v aweppaTos eXa/3e, Kai napa Kaipov 7/XiKt'a? a ", eVei tticttov 7]yr]craTo tov (irayy(Ckdp.(vov. 12 Sto Kai d ivos eyevvrjdrja-av, Kai ravra V(V(Kpap.(vov, Ka6u)s tci acrrpa tov ov- pavov ra Tr\r)6(i, Kai b a>s ff app.os r) rrapa to ^elXos Tr/s BaXda-crrjs tj ava- pidprjTos. 13 Kara tvicttlv diredavov ovtoi Tvdv- T(s, prj Xa/3oi>re? tcis (TTayyikias, aXXa 7roppa>6(v avTas I86vres, c " Kai aairaad- p.(voi, Kai 6p,o\oyr)o~avT(s oti £evoi Kai irapeTribrjpoi daiv eVi ttjs yr]S. 4 oi ydp Totai/Ta \eyovT(s, (p(pavi£ovo~iv oti TtaTpiba em^T]TOvo-i. 15 Kai ft p(v (K(i- vrjs (p.vrjpov(vov d Hy faith he sojourned in the land of pro- mise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of y same promise. I0 For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is Cod. " Through faith also Sara herself receivi d strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised. '• Therefore spr.ni^ there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the seashore innumerable. 13 These all died * in faith, not having received jf promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and con- fessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on J T earth. '* For they that say such things, de- clare plainly that they seek a country. 15 And truly if they had been mindful of J country, from whence they came out, they might have had opportu- nity to have returned: 16 but now they desire a better coun- try, that is, an heavenly : where- fore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city. • l! By faith Abraham when he « as tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the pro- mises, offered up his oul\ be- gotten son, l8 rofwhoni it »a< said. That, in Isaac shall thy seed be called: ' a accounting a Itec. ailJ ENJ r.r$K*v l" Rec. wrTfi. Gr. MOOnltBg to Uitii. H..-C. add *ai irno$*vT*f, V Or, to. a Or, twin* w«ry. Hebrews XL 20. 540 EIII2TOAH that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead: from whence also he received him in a figure. m By faith Isaac blessed Ja- cob and Esau concerning things to come. '■" By faith Jacob when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph, and wor- shipped leaning upon the top of his staff. M By faith, Joseph when he died, a made mention of the de- parting of the children of Israel: and gave commandment con- cerning his bones. 23 By faith, Moses when he was born was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child, and they were not afraid of the king's commandment. ' 24 By faith Mo- ses when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, 25 choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to en- joy the pleasures of sin for a season: - 6 esteeming the re- proach 3 of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the re- compence of the reward. ' a By faith he forsook Egypt, not fear ing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible. ** Through faith he kept the passover, and the sprinkling of blood, lest he that destroyed the firstborn, should touch them. 29 By faith they passed through the Bed sea, as by dry land : which the Egyptians assaying to do, were drowned. 30 By faith the walls of Jeri- cho fell down, after they were compassed about seven days. 31 By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them j-that believed not, when she had re- ceived the spies with peace. 32 And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, & of Jephthae, of David also & Samuel, and of yiaapevos on Ken e/c veKpcov ty-ipe'v Swotos 6 Qebs, odev avrbv /cat ev Tra- pa(3o\fj tKofxicraro. 20 TlicTTfc 7rep\ peXkovTcov evhoyqcrtv 'ItractK tov IaKoj/3 /cat tov 'HcraO. 21 tt'l- crret 'IaKa>/3 aVocVr/cr/ccoi' eKacrrov tcov vlcov laxTrjfp fvXoyijae' Kai irpocreKv- vi~o~ev cttl to anpov rijs pdfildov avrov. 22 Iltcrrei 'lcocrrj(p reXevrcov irepi Ti)s e£68ov twv vlcov laparjX epm-povevae, (cat Trepl tcov ocrTea>v avrov eVerftAaro. 23 UicrTei a Maxrrjs" yevvrjOels eKpvfitj rpiprjvov vrrb tcov narepcov avrov, diori et'Sof darelov to iraihiov Kai ov< i(po- fir)6r\o~av to didraypa tov (Sao~ikecos. ~* rrtcrrei a Mcocrfjs " ptyas yevopevos ijpvrjcraro \iyeo~6ai vlbs Bvyarpbs <3>a- paco, 2 * pdXkov fXopevos o~vyK.aK.ov- X^crdai to5 Aaco tov Qeov, i~ irpoo-Kaipov e^eif dpaprias dnoXavo'iv' 26 pei^ova ttXovtov t]yr]o~dp€vos tcov b AlyiiTTTov" Or-cravpoiV tov ov'ihio-pbv tov Xpiarov' aW/3Ae7re yap els ri)v piadaTToboaiav. 27 irio~Tei KareXinev A'lyvTrrov, pi) ;' tov yap doparov air bpcov eKaprepTjcre, -Ticrrei TreTTOii-Ke to wao-^a Kai tijv -rp6tT~(yo~iv tov aiparos, tea pi- 6 oXo- dpevcov tcl irpcdTOTOKa, 6lyj] avrcov. 2S lit ore i 8iej3r]aav ri)v epvdpav GaXaao-av cos Sta £r)pds' ijs irelpav Xa(36vres ol AlyvnTioi Kare-roBrjaav. 30 Iltcrret rd relxi 'lepix<° eireae, KVKXcodevra errl e-rra i)pepas. 31 Etta-ret Paa/3 rj TTopvr) ov crvvaTTco- Xero toIs direiOi^aacri, be^apevrj tovs KaracrKonovs per eiprjvrjs. 32 Kai t'i eTt Xeyco ; eVtXet'^et yap pe 8ir-yovpevov 6 xpuvos 7rept TeSea)!/, BapaK Te (cat 2au^u>v Ka\ 'leqjQde, c Aaftib" re (cat 2apovr]\ /cat rcoi' -rpocpr)- » Gl>. Mtiji-fftjc bis. bltec. cxjiv AiyfWTy. ~ Gb. bavit. a Or, remembered. Y Or, that were disobedient. P Or, for Christ. nP02 EBPAI0Y2. S3 541 tiov' "" 01 8ui 77i'o"Tf4 eo-fiecrav 8vvap.iv nvpbs, i'cpvyov CTTupuTa paxaipas, eve8vvapo>- Qrprav dno dcrdeveias, eyevr/drjcrav la)(y- pol iv ivoXepm, napepfioXas iicXivav dXXoTpicoV * eXafiov yvvaiK.es e£ dvacTTtiaeas tovs veKpovs avTcoV «XXoi 8e eTvp7ravi(rdr)(rav, ov 7Tpoo-8e^dpevoi tt]v dnoXvTpoto-iv, iva KpeiTTOvos ava- o~Tao-ea>s rvxa>aiV 36 erepoi 8e e'p- 7raiypcov Kal paa-riyatv nelpav 'e'Xafiov, en 8e Seapcov Kal (pvXaicrjs' 7 eXidu- adrjcrav, enpiadrja-av, eTreipdaBrjcrav, ev <£>6vco paxaipas dnedavov' 7repir)X8ov ev pr/XoiTals, ev alyeiois 8eppaXa>v els avTov dvTiXoylav, iva pr) KaprjTe, tu'is ^irvxais vpu>v eKXvopevoi. 4 Ovna> pe"xP LS alpaTos avTiKaTeorqTe a Kec. iitaQiaer, * Or, foreseeo. Hebrews XII. 4. yprophets: **who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained pro- mises, stopped the mouths of lions, 3) quenched the violence of tire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armiea of v aliens. M \\ omen received their dead raised to life again : and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrec- tion. M And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea moreover, of bonds and imprisonment. •" They were stoned. they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with y sword: they wandered about in sheepskins, and goatsk ins. be- ing destitute, afflicted, torment- ed. M Of whom the world was not worthy: they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth. 35 And these all having ob- tained a good report through faith, received not the promise: 40 God having ■ provided some better thing for us, that they without us, should not be made perfect. 12. Wherefore, seeing we also are compassed about wiih so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the Bin which doth so easily be- set us, and let us run with pa- tience unto the race that is set before us. a Looking unto Jesus the ? author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him, endured i cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 For consider him that endured such contra- diction of sinners against him- self, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. * Ye have not yet resisted P Or, brgiUMcr. Hebeews XII. 5. unto blood, striving against sin. 5 And ye have forgotten the ex- hortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him. 6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. 7 If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons: for what son is he whom the father chasten- eth not ? 8 But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh, which cor- rected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, & live? 10 For they verily for a few days chas- tened us after their own plea- sure, but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness. " Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: neverthe- less, afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteous- ness, unto them which are ex- ercised thereby. 12 Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, & the feeble knees. 13 And make "straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way, but let it rather be healed. u Follow peace with all men, & holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: 15 looking diligently, lest any man £ fail of the grace of God, lestany rootof bitterness spring- ing up, trouble yon, and there- by many be defiled: "' lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birth- right. n For ye know how that afterward when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found norplace of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears. 542 EIII2T0AH Trpos Tr/v apapTiav avTaycovi£6pevoi, 5 Kal (KXeXrjade tt)s TrapaKkrjcrecos, fjris vplv cos viols oidKeyerai' Yie pov, pi) oXtycopei 7rai8eias Kuptou, prj8i eVcXvov, vtt avroii eXey^dpevos. civ yap dyanq Kvpios, Traidevei" pacTTiyol 8e itdvra vlbv ov 7rapa8ex,fTai. ' Ei 7rai8eiav vnopevfTe, cos viols vp.lv npocrcfiepeTai 6 Qeds' tis yap io~riv vlbs ov ov nai- 8evei narrjp ; 8 el 8e j(apis ecrre 7rai8eias, rjs pero^oi yeydvacrt navrt-s, apa voQoi care /cat oi>x vioi. s EiVa tovs pev tt)s crapKos rjpcov irarepas e'L)(opev irai8evras, /cat everpe- Trupeda' oil ttoXXco pdXXov vnorayqcro- peda rco irarpl tcov nvevpaTcov, Kai £rpropcv ; 10 oi pev yap irpos oXi'ya? rjpepas, Kara to 8okovv avrols, enai- 8evov' 6 8e eni to crvpcpc-pov, as to peTaXafielv ttjs dyidrrjTos avrov. u Trdcra 8e naiBeia irpbs pev to ivapbv ov 8oKel %apus eivai, aWa Xvmjs' vorepov 8e KapTTov tlpjjviKov toIs 8C avTTjs yeyu- pvaapevois diro8L8cotri 8iKaioavvrjs. 12 Ato tcis napeipevas x e W as Kai to. 7rapaXeXvpeva yovara avopBcocraTe' 13 Kai Tpo^ias opdas TroirjaaTe toIs iro- triv vpcov, Iva prj to ^coXoi/ eKTpanfj, ladrj 8e pdXXov. 14 elprjvrjv 8icoKeTe peru irdvTcov, Kai tov ayiacrpbv, ov X^pis ov8eis oijseTai tov Kvpiov' lo em- (TKOTrovvTes pr) tis vcTTepcov arro ttjs XapiTos tov Qeov' prj tis pi£a iviKpias civco (pvovcra hiojfKi, Kai diet Tavrrjs piavdcOCTl 77oXXoi" 16 pi) TIS TTOpVOS, T) fiefirfXos, cos 'Hcrav, bs dvri fipcotrecos puis aTT(80TO TO. TTpcOTOTOKia avrov. 17 tare yap on Kai pererreiTa 6e\cov K:\rjpovoprjaai tijv ev\oyiav, a77f8o/ct- pdtrdrf' peTavoias yap tottov oi% evpe, Kaiirep peTa baKpvcov eK^rjTrjcras avTrjv. P Or, fall from. 1 Or. w iy to cliauge his unnil. nPOS EBPAIOY2. 343 18 Ov yap irpoa>v !l p^pdrav, r)S 01 aKovcravres iraprjTi]aavTO pr) npoo~Te- 6r)vat ai/Tois Xoyov' 20 (ovk ecpepov yap to biao~TeXX6pevov" Keif Brjpiov Siytj tov opovs, \i6o(3o\r]drio-(rai, h " 21 Kal, ovtoo (pofiepbv t]v to vros, le- povo~aXi)p enovpavlco, Kal pvpidcriv dyyeXmv, ^ iravr/yvpet Kal eKK\t]o~iq Trpu>TOT(>Kcov d dnoyeypappevaiv ev ovpa- vo'is," Kal KpiTtj 0eo3 ttuvtojv, Kal irvev- iKaicov TeTeKeiv, Kai dia6r)K7]s veas peo-irrj 'irjcrov, Kal aipari pavriapov, c KpeiTTov XaX ovvtl irapa f Tov'*AjSeX. 20 BXtVrere pr) irapaiTrjO-qaQe tov Xa- \ovura. el yap eKeivoi ovk ecpvyov, tov em s "yrjs napaiTTjcrapevoi xprjpaTi^ovra, ttoXXco pdXXov impels oi tov air ovpa- vu>v aTroo-Tpe(p6pevoi, 26 ov r) vr) rr)v yrjv e'adXevo-e Tore, vvv be errrjyyeXTai, Xeyav Ert ana£ eyui '' creicrco" ov pdvov tt)v yrjv, dXXd Kal tov ovpavov. ' To be' En (mai;, br/Xol tg>v aaXevopevav ttjv peTadeaiv, a>s irenoirjpevcov, iva peivri to. pj) aaXevopeva. ^ bid /3a- criXeiav acrdXevrov irapaXapftdvovres, e^copev \dpiv, bi f/r [ XaTpeva)pev" evapeaTcos rc5 Qeco pera k albovs Kal evXafteias." 29 Kal yap 6 Qeos rjpcov Trvp KaTavaXio~Kov. 13. 'H cpiXabeXcpia peveTOi. 2 Trjs (piXo^evias pr) eTTiXav6dvecr8e' bid. Tav- ttjs yap eXaOov Tives ^eviaavres dyye- Xovc. pipvrjo-Keade tu>v beapicov, Hebrews XIII. 3. 19 For ye are not come unto y mount y might be touched, and y burned with fire, nor unto black- ness, & darkness, and tempest, 19 and y sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words, which voice they that heard, intreated i the word should not be spoken to them any more. - For they could not endure y which was commanded: And if so much as a beast touch v mountain, it shall bestoned.ortnrusttliK.ii'.'lniitli a dart. '■" And so terrible was y sight, y Moses said, 1 exceeding- ly fear, & quake. '-"'Butyeare come unto mount Sion, & unto J city of the living Gody heaven- ly Jerusalem, & to an innume- rable company of angels: - 3 toy general assembly, & church of y firstborn which are "written in heaven, & to God y Judge of all, & to y spirits of just men made perfect: J 'and to Jesus v medi- ator of the new covenant, and to y blood of sprinkling, y speak- eth better things than y of Abel. * See that ye refuse not him that speaketh: for if they es- caped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speuketk from heaven. ' 26 Whose voice then shook the earth, but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. - ,; And this word Yet once more, sig- nified the removing of those things that » are shaken, as of things that are made, y those things which cannot be shaken may remain. 2S Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which can- not be moved, * let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably, with reverence and godly fear. J » For our God is a consuming fire. 13. Let brotherly love con- tinue. ' Be not forgetful to en- tertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. 3 Remember them y a ^o Xofixi. h Reo. add tj jSoXifl* KaraTo^BvUTjasrat. c Gb. Mwcctijj. <1 Rcc. ey o * CN3 to. g Rtc. add rrjf. It no — . Rcc. & Gb trtuii. i ^ Xaroavnf.tr. tt Or, enrolled. & Or t testament. * Or, may be shaken. •p. oiroyny. • Reo. «pi4rro»ij. k '-J fi-XajStiaf Ma, ItoVfa > Or, let us )...IJ la. I. Hebrews XIII. 4. 544 IAKQBOY are in bonds, as bound with a>s o-vvdedepevot' ra>v KaKov X ovpeva>v, them ; and them which suffer £ Kfli aVTO l ^„ Tfs >„ ^iiari. adversity, as being yourselves . , , , , L v , , also in the body. iipios o ya.jj.os ev ttckti, /cat rj koltt) * Marriage is honourable in dalavTOS ' Tropvovs a 6e " Kai potvovs all, and the bed undetiled : but n ~ , .-. , 5 > , -, / r <■ "■ , whoremongers, and adulterers ^pivei o Qeos. aqbiAapyvpos o rpo- God will judge. 5 Let your con- ttos' dpicovpevoi tois Trapovcriv. avros versation be without covetous- « " Kev - 0v „ ' ^ ^J, 0] }§> 0J > ' ness: and be content with such ' ' , ' ' , « « /1 > c - things as ye have. For he hath • > 1 boldly say, The Lord is my °*> \ s~ 9 5* S>„ «"„ for ever. » Be not carriedabout avT0S > Kai E f™ aL " vas - ' Si8a X ais with divers and strange doc- noiKiXais Kai i^evais pi] °TTapa(pe peace' trines: for it is a good thing that KaAov > p ) , apLTl BeBaiovcrdat. ttiv Kap- the heart be established with „,, ', r a /y , r , 7 > ' j. \' grace, not with meats, which otav, ov Ppiopacnv,^ ev ots ovk oicpeAr]- have not profited them that have ffrjcrav oi irepmaTTjaavres. i0 e\opev ^Zffi^ evnwrrhpw.Jt oSfayea, 9 i< % X <*cov to aiua 11 For the bodies of those , , ' ", S r ,« * s -• beasts, whose blood is brought 7repi apaprw eLS ra ayia bia tov into the sanctuary by the high apvtf pecoc, tovtojv to. a"a>/iara Kara- priest for sin, are burnt with- , »i- - a \ ~ . 12 s ' .. v out the camp. » Wherefore KOUTOl e£co -rqs jrapepBoArjs Sco^ai Jesus also, that he might sane- 'Iryo'ovc, iva dyido-rj Sta tov iOiov at/ra- tify the people with his own T0S TQV Xai) «t a T f, s jrtXris enaOe. blood, suffered without the gate. ... , >> < d > ' « "/■ 13 Let us go forth therefore toiwv e£epx«*peda TTpos civtov e§w unto him without the camp, 7-^5. jrapepBoXfis, tov oveitjiapov avrov bearing his reproach. u For ,1 ~ ' 14 > \ * 5- s > here have we no continuing fapovTes' ovyap e X opev a>be pe- citv, but we seek one to come. vovo~av noXiv, aXXd ttjv pe\\ovo~av 'i By him therefore let us offer ^BroGuei/. 15 g t « a e, ro i; Z V dvacbe- the sacrifice 01 praise to God a > •> ' s. < - continually, that is. the fruit of pa>pev 8vo~tav mveaeas CuinavTos rw our lips, /s giving thanks to his Q f£ 5 X0 Ct-' e'ori, Kapirov VftXe'toi/ 6/xo- name. , • - ■> , > .,_- . . . , , . KoyovvTuv rco ovoaan avTOV. 16 But to do good, and to com- («_,«&»*»* \ / < municate forget not, for witb Tr/s 6e ei/TToiiaj *cat KOtvuvias prj such sacrifices God is well i 7T ikav6dveo-6e' TOtavrais yap 8vo-'iais pleased. n Obev them that , - <■/->' 17 _ 'a ~a _?- yhave the rule over you, and fvapf orf itch o 0«>j. ^ | Trei6eo-0e tois submit yourselves: for they rjyovpevois vpav, Kai vneineTe' avTOi ■' >ap. h Rec. TrtpfptfjtaHe. a Or, are the guides. Gr. confessing to. Y Or, gu EniSTOAH. 545 yap dypvnvovcriv virep raw y^v^cov vpoov, ojc \6yov arrobuxTovrfs' iva pern Xapas tovto 7roiaxn, kciI pr] o~Tevd£ovTes' d\vo~iTe\es yap vpiv tovto. npocrev- Xeade nepl 7//xgji>" !l 7Tf iroidapev " yap oti KaArjv crvveidrjaiv €\op(v, ev nacrt kuXws SeXovTes dvaaTptCpeaOai' ne- pio-o-oTepcoi 6e TrapaKaXa) tovto Troirjcrai, Iva Taxiov diroKUTaaTaOio vpiv. 20 'O be Qeos "rr/c elpfjvrjs, 6 dvaya- y<>)V €K veicpcov top Troipeva twv irpo- ,JJ' to i' peyav ev aipari SiadrjKrjs alutviov, tov Kvpiov Tjpoiv lrjo-ovv, 21 KaTapTiaai vpas ev tvuvti epyw ciya- 8a, els to iroincrai to BeKritxa avrov, noicov ev vpiv to evapeaTov evamiov avTov, Bia'lrjcrov XpiaTov' a> rj 86£a els tovs aluivas ^ twv aicoviov." aprjv. " TlapaKaXui Se vpas, dSe\(f)o\, dve- Xeo-8e tov \6yov tt)S TrapaKATjaecos' Kal yap did fipaxewv eVeoTeiXa vpiv. ~ 3 Tivaio-KeTe tov a8e\(j)6v Tipddeov diroXeXvpevov, peff ov, edv Tayiov ep- XTjTai, o^ropai vpas. " 4 daTrdaacrOe irdvTas tovs fjyovpevovs vpwv, his will, fl w i irk- ing in you that which is well- pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. - 2 And I beseech you bre- thren, suffer the word of ex- hortation, for 1 have written a letter unto you in few words. - 3 Know ye, that our brother Timothy is set at liberty, with whom if he come shortly, I will see you. ' 2i Salute all them y have the rule over you, and all the saints. They of Italy salute you. " Grace be with you all. A- men. IAKHBOY EIII2TOAH. 'TAKQB02, Qeov ml Kvpiov 'Irjcrou TVWTXL?n£*£ta J. _ „» - „ - C'fc A,,. ° of the Lord Jesus Christ, to Xpio-Tov OovAos, rate owoeica - -.^..1" i. h ZX Or, te*l»ro*i>t. $ Or, doing. 36 James L 3. 546 IAKQBOY joy when ye fall into divers pov, orav Tveipao~pol.s irepnrearjTe ttoi- temptations i, = knowing this that K l\ ols 3 y lv ^o- KOVT ^ ^ rL To Sokiulov the trying ot your faith worketh , „ '_ ', , y r ~ fat fr f/ r U$ patience, Outlet patience have vp.a>v ttjs wio-Teas KaTepyaQercu vnopo- ?rlVU l,tfTt /ter perfect work, that ye may ™„- * fi de VTTopovr) epyov reXeiov be perfect, and entire, wanting > - » » '•, * r \ ' \ > nothing e X eTa3 i Lva *) Te Te Xeioi Kai oAo/cAr/pot, ev p.rjb'evi Xeinopevoi. 5 If any of you lack wisdom, 5 Et 8e rts vpav XetVerat croCpias, braideth not: and it shall be cmXws, Kai pr) oveioiQovTOS, /cat oooi]- given him 6 But let him ask in ^^ a ^, rc 3 6 a ; ra y w ^ 6 '„ 7ri' y 7 * > man think that he shall receive ty*v<* *™ p^Qopevm. J pr, yap any thing of the Lord. 8 Adou- oieadoi 6 avOpcanos (.Keivos, oti Aijyerat ble minded man is unstable in m £ TQ ~ K upi'ot>. 8 ^p Stylos, aii ins \v3.ys. j f j/ <" f ji " f aKarao-Taros ev nao-ais rais ooois av- TOV. 9 Let the brother of low de- 9 Kav^ao-^co Se 6 dSeA(£6c 6 totvsivos gree, "rejoice in that he is ex- > v T £ ^ 6l avTov' 10 6 Se irXovcrios alted: 10 but the rich, in v he is , _' ' , , ~ « < » * made low: because as the flower wry to7T«jw« avrov, ort as avdos of the grass he shall pass away. %6pT0V 7rapeXevo~fTai. U dviTftXe yap ^rjssfss^s^s. ***»■ ™ ™ «»«■<. «» #&•»■ thereth the grass; and y flower tov %6pT0V, KUl to avdos avTOV el-tireae, thereof falleth, and the grace of KQ J ' ^pi^eia rov Trpoo-vnov avTOV the fashion of it perisheth : so , , .' v » , , \ / > also shall the rich man fade a7TG>Aero- ovtco Kai o irkovo-ios ev Tais away in his ways. nopelais avTov papavdi]aeTai. 12 Blessed is the man that en- 12 MttKapioy avr)p os vnopevei irei- crown of life, which the Lord tov o-Tt(pavov ttjs fcor/y, ov (TrrjyyeiKaTO hath promised to them thatlove a^ Kvptoy" roiy dvaTrcoo-tl/ avTov. m pri- him. 13 Let no man say when he «, v * ,., -. «„ > > k « is tempted, I am tempted of Oeis ireipa(opevos Aeyerw Ort otto God: for God cannot be tempt- GeoC rr(tpd£op.ai' 6 yap Geos arret- ed with evil, neither tempteth » > . „„„,-.. . »,-^, „,:/',. S^ „,'.^A,% ,, „ » r oaaTos e&Ti, /ca/ccof, Treipaiei oe auroy he any man. " But every man P ; , „ ' r » is tempted, when he is drawn ouoefa. " eKaaTOS oe rretpaferat, vtto away of his own lust, and en- r ~ s ;g t ' ay ( m 6vnias ttf'hKouLevos (cat Se- ticed. 15 Then when lust hath »•',., is f ' > Zl ' \\ conceived, it bringeth forth sin: Xea&pcvos- ' ftra r; eniVvpia truAAa- & sin, when it is finished, bring- j3o0o-a rtfcrtt dpapTiav ' r) Se dpapTia eth forth death. aTroreAeo-^elo-a mroKun &iwirew. ig Do not err, my beloved 16 Mil 7r\avda0e, dSeXtiot aov dya- brethren. " Every good gift, '.17 - s> »_ > zl> > _- . and every perfect gift is from f^™' , nao-aSocns ayadr], Kai Trap above, and cometh down from bwpr/pa reAetoi/ dva>6tv 6 Rec. add row. * Or, glory. £ Or, evils. EIII2T0AH. 547 James II. 2. airo tov TTarpos Tcov (patTCOv, nap io the Father of lights, with whom ovk evi napaXXayfi, fj Tponris dno- '? no wtabtau **. '»■'"» >} »h ■<- is j \ V> > ' t - dow oi turning. '^ riva roji/ uvtov KTiapaTuiv. hMr . 19 a "fiore," dbeX(poi uov dyairr)To\, a Wherefore my beloved hre- eoTGj nds iivdpunros Tayvs (Is to ukov- tl'ren, let every man be swift to _ a js> i < >, \- /D Ss> ' hear, slow to speak, slow to /. o-ai,Jdpabvs (is to XaXijaai, Ppabvs^ as wr ath. »• For the wrath of man Ma opyijv. * u opyi] ydp dvbpos, biKaioo-vvrjv worketh not the righteousness G(oi) oi KaT(pyd((TdL. 21 bib dnoOe- of God. '^ Wherefore lay apart ~, ' * , , , all nlthiness, and supertluitv nl p.(voi irao-av pvrrapuiv Kai n(ptcrar(Mv naughtiness, and receive with KaKias, ev TTpavrnTi betacrOe tov eu(bv- , , V / - , which isabletosave yoursouls. tov Aoyov, tov ovvapevov awcrai tus i\rv)(d.s vpuiv. TiveaBe be Troir/Tai Aoyov, Kai ur] " But be ye doers of { word, uovov atcpoarak TTapaXoyi(6p(voi eav- and not hearers only, deceiving ' , „.,'„ ,, ,~ i -C i > v your own selves. " I' or if any tovs. ~* OTL ei tls aKpoarqs Aoyov eo-Tl be a hearer of the word and not Kai ov noiriTJis, ovtos eoiKev dvbpl Ka- a doer - '"' is llk( ' "" , " il " i;l " ~ \ i - i beholding his natural face m a TcivooyvTi to Trpoo-mnov ttjs yeveaeoos glass . m for he beholdeth him- avTov ev eaoWTpW " 4 KaTevorjae yap self, and goeth his way, and eavTov km dne\;i\v8e, Kai (vdi 'I manner of man he was. •» But XadeTo ottolos fjv. ~° o be TrapaKvyas whoso looked) into the perfect sis vop.ov Tekeiov tov tSc (Xevdeplas, £" of li , b, - ,t >- •""' continueth v ' , h r // , , > thi-ritin, he being not a forget tnl Kai napap.eivas, ovtos wk^ aKpoaTrjs hearer, but a doer of the work, (niAr)0-p.ovrjs yevup.(VOS, dXXd TTOirjTrjS this man shall be blessed in his -v t / , - / a deed. epyov, ovtos p.aKapios (V tjj 7Toir]o-(i avTov earai. 26 Ei tis boKel dprjo-KOS eivai c " prj " B If any man among you •v - \»__ ', ." JiVJ seem to be religious, & bridleth X aXivaya>yo>v yXcocrirav avTov, aXX a- ^ his tongllp but dect . iveth •naruiv Kapb'iav avTov, tovtov paTaios rj his own heart, this man's religion 6pTjo-K(ia. ' 27 6prio-K(La KaBapd Kai d- is vain. "Pure religion and un- r , ' , , r i„ . v r > „ defiled before God and the la- piavTOS irapa u toj Bew Kai naTpi avTT) [hery is tniSi t0 visit t „ e father- eo-Tiv, emo-KeTTTeo-dai opebavovs Kai less & widows in their affliction, > > - /v\ / i i - m \ und to keep himself unspotted Xqpas (V tjj 6Xifei^ avTov, ao-mXov from the w ' orU , eavTov TTjpelv dn6 tov Koapov. 2. , A8(X(poi uov, ufj ev npocriono- 2. My brethren, have not the x,, ., T \'T' • u ' faith of our Lord Jesus Christ Xijfiais e X (Te tt]v tt^tiv tov Kvptou ,,.. Lurd of glory with r ,.. rjpcov 'lr]o~ov Xpicrrou ttjs bo^rjs. " eiip spect of persons, -lor if there yap do-iXdij els Thv o-vvayioy^v vpwv eome unt ° you l A a T^'ll ', V k <\ > > n~ \ - a ™an w >th a B"ol rmr, in avrjp xpvtrodaKTvXios (v (o-0i]Ti XapTrpa, goodly apparel, and there o elaeXdj] be KO.\ TrTWX"? & pvirapa in also a poor man, m vile »^lon. b -» I dd u >/u>. 4 ZZ " Or, il„iu s . /J «r. •jn»|o|u«. ftUsltPt «* fS ' r 'J ftuskr.tf u James II. 3. raiment: 3 & ye hare respect to him y vveareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here a in a good place : and say to the poor. Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool: •'are ye not then partial in your- selves, and are become judges of evil thoughts ? 5 Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen y poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of /3 the kingdom, which he hath pro- mised to them that love him ? 6 But ye have despised y poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judg- ment seats? 7 Do not they blas- pheme that worthy name, by y which ye are called? 8 If ye ful- fil the royal law, according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well. a But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law, as transgressors. 10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. 11 For rhe that said, Do not commit adultery ; said also, Do not kill. Now if thou com- mit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a trans- gressor of the law. 12 So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty. I3 For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy, and mercy i rejoiceth against judgment. 14 What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, & have not works ? can faith save him ? I5 If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, l6 and one of you say unto them, De- part in peace, be you warmed and filled: notwithstanding ye give them not those things 548 IAKfiBOY eaBrjTi, 3 Kai e7rij3Xe\j/riTe eirt tov % ot TrXovcnoi KaraSu- vaarevovcnv vptov, Kai aiiTOi eXKnvtriv vpds els KpLTTjpia ; 7 ovk avToi jBXacr- (prjpoucri to KaXbv ovopa to ernKXrjBev e(p' vpds ; s el pevToi vopov reXelre j3acnXiK6v,KaTa tt)v ypa(prjv AyaTrijcreis tov TrXrjo-iov crov toy creavTW' KaXtos Troie'iTe ' 9 el tie TtpocrtoTroXiiTrTeiTe, apapTLav e'pyd^ecrde, eXey^dpevoi viro tov vopov cos Trapafidrai. 10 "Ocrrts yap iXov tov vopov Trjpr]- crei, TTTanrei 8e ev evi, yeyove ndvTcov evo^os. " 6 yap elntov' Mi) poi^evcrijs, eiire Kai' Mr) ZX c ^ d Rec. add toutoii. « cs> avuXcos. f Rec or, seemly. ^ Or, that. * Or, that law which said. add wai. SZX Or, well, I Or, glorieth. ELUSTOAH. 549 eVnTjSeui tov crcounroy, t'l to odxXos ; 17 " \ t r ' > , , . » * I ' OVTIO KCU 1] TTIO-TIS, (UV ptj * XII € PJ a t veKpd tan ku6' iavrf/p. ls u/\a' e'pel ris' 2v ttlcttlv fuels', Kayai epya e^o)' telf-ov poi tijv ttLittiv crov ''xaipls" ru>v epyaiv c croii," Kayui dei^oi croi eK toiv epyaiv pov tijv tvIcttiv '' pov." 19 o~u mareveis otl o Qebs eit tori' KaXois Troiels' Kal ra o'ciipavia ■KiorevovcrL, Kal (pplcro-ovcri. "° deXeis 5e yvaivai, Si liv- Bpoirre Keve, ort rj ttLcttis X^P 1 ? t ^ v epyaiv veKpd eariv ; 21 'Afipaap 6 naTt/p rjpaiv ovk e'£ e'pyiov fbiKciitodr), dveviyKas 'laaaa tov viov avTov enl to dviTiaaTi'jpiov ; "^fiXe- TTeis otl rj nio-Tis o-vvrjpyei to'ls epyois ai/Tov, Kal eK tQ>v epytov rj -iriaris ere- Xeiwdrj ; " 3 Kcii enXrjpcodrj rj ypacpfj rj Xeyovcra' ETricrTevcre 8e 'AjSpaap ra 0fw, Kal eXoyicr&rj uvtco els SiKaio- o-vvrjv, Kal rpiXos Qeov eK.Xrjdtj. 24 'im- pure e " otl e£ epyaiv diKiuovTat avBpai- Troy, Kai ovk eK nio~Tta>s pdvov ; , OpoLair tie Kal 'Paa/3 17 iropvij ovk e£ epyaiv eSiKaiaiOrj, vnotle^apevr) tovs dyyeXovs, Kal ere pa 08a eKidaXovcra ; cocnrep yap to croijia X^p'^ TtvevpaTos veKpdv eo~TLv, ovtoi Kal rj ttllttls ^copi? toiv epyaiv veKpa eo~ri. 3. Mr) noXXol diftdo-KaXoi yiveade, dSeXcpoi pov, eltores otl pe'i£uv Kplpa Xrj\\r6pe6a' 2 rroXXa yap TTTaiopev dnavTes. e'i tls ev Xoyai ov irraiei, ovtos TeXeios avijp, Svvutos ^nAti/a-yco- yijo~at Kal bXov to o~aipa. ' 15e " tlov nrmiiv tovs ^aXti/ovy eis tu crTopara [BaXXopev npos to neidecrOaL aiiTovs ijpiv, Kal oXoi> to o~oipa avToiv ptTayo- pev. 4 (Sou Kal to, nXola TrjXiKavTa bvTa, Kal inro crKXrjpaiv dvepoiv eXav- 1'ap.eva, /xerayerai inrb e'Xa^t'crrov 2d James III. 4. which ;ire needful to the body: what doth it prollt ? I7 Ever »o faith, if it bath not works, is dead being "alone. Is Yea, a man may say, rhou but faith, and I have works: shew me thv faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. '» Thou believest y there is one Cud, tliou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. ■"> liui will thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead ? 81 Was not Abraham our fa- ther justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar ? M r Seest thou how faith wrought will] his works, and by works was faith made perfect? '-' J And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abra- ham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for right- eousness: and he was called the Friend of Cod. '•' ' Y then, how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. v5 Likewise also, was not Ha hah \ harlot justified by works when she had received y mes- Bengers, and had sent them out another way ? - ,|: For as the body without y 'spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. 3. My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater ■ condemna- tion. ' For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a per- fect man, and able also to bridle the whole body. 3 Behold, we put bits in the bones' mouths, that they may obey us, and we turn about their whole body. ■" Behold also the ships, which though they be so great, and are driven of fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very • Itec «/ry« e f5 . b St. k. El«. »«. » TX i Zt • R". »<><1 r«ir»r. I R" «" — • » Or. by itself. 3 Some copit, nod. by ll.y wurts. 1 Or. Thg« HMt ■ Or. br.^lii. . Or. jjjim.m Jamks III. 5. 550 IAKQBOY" hUtT There- with bless we God, even the Father: and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God. '" Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing: my bre- thren, these things ought not so to be. " Doth a fountain send forth at the same 'place sweet water and bitter ? ,a can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries ? either a vine, figs ? so cun no fountain both yield salt water and fresh. 13 Who is a wise man and endued w ith knowledge arnongi-t you ? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom. '* But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against y truth. 15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, « sen- sual, devilish. I6 For where envying and strife is, there is r confusion, & every evil work. " But the wisdom that is from above, is first pure, then peace- able, gentle, and easy to be in- treated, full of mercy, and good fruits, i without partiality, and without hypocrisy. ls And the fiovXrjrai. s ovTco Kal rj y\a>acra pt- Kpov ptXos e'crri, Kal peyaXavxei- l8ov oXiyov nip tjXIktjv vXtjv dvairrei,' Kal r) yXaxrcra. nip, 6 Koapos ttjs d8iKias. a oilrcoc" tj ykwcrcra Kadio-Tarai ev to'ls p,eXeo~iv i)p,aiv, f] aniXoiaa oXov to (Tcopa, Kal (pXoyi£ovo~a tw b Tpo\6v'' rfjs yeveaecos^', Kal v re Kal nereivav, epnerS)v re Kal epaXiu>v, 8a- pd(erai Kal 8e8dpao~Tai ttj (pvaei. rfj dvdpatnivy s tt)v 8e y\u>o- d8eX(poi pov, ravra ovra> yiveo~dat. 11 prjri rj TTr/yf] eK rfji avrrjs oni)s (3pvei to yXvKv kcu to niKpdv ; p.r) 8vvarai, d8eX (K ttjs KaXr/s dvao-Tpo(prjs ra e'pya aliToii ev npavrrjri aocpias. el 8e ^"r/Xov mKpov e'xere Kal epldeiav ev rfj Kap8ia vpwv, prj KaTaKavxaaOe Kal ■ty-evbeode Kara ttjs dXrjdeias. ia ovk eo-riv avrrj rj croCpia ava>6ev KaTepxopevr], dXX' eniyeios, -u/u^tKr), Sai/xoi>ia>8r/c. 16 onov yap £ijXos Kal epideia, eKel a/caracrracria Kal nav (paiXov npdypa. 17 tj 8i avioOev o~o(pia 7rpcoTOV fuv dyvrj eo~riv, entiTa elpr]vi.Kr),eTri.eiKrjs,evTrei8ijs, p.eo-Ti) eXeovs Kal Kap7ra>v dyadcov, ddu'iKpiros e Kal" avviroKpiTos. 18 Kaprros »n brej T p jov. c Bs. add ripM. dt^j Kvptay. « ZX iGh.ovre a v (Jr. Datura of mail. ' Or, Lule. « t^j ft i'i n'li', ■ . • no. ovtb anvrcitv. 6 ZX 0f t wood, t* Gt nature. a Or, aatu/al. Z t»r. tuiuuit, ur, uoiiui«tnes&. n Or, waU ,,.i nraD^ltn^. EIII2T0AH. 551 8e a " 8iKaioo~vvr]s ev elprjvrj cnreipeTai rols noiovaiv eiprjvrjv. 4. Hodev iroXepoi Kai b n6dev" pdxai ev vp.lv ; ovk evreiidev, eK tu>v tj8ovu>v vpaiv rcov (rrpciTevofievcov ev rols pe- Xeaiv vpu>v ; " eTvt£vpe~iTe, Kai ovk e'x eTe ' 8ia$6Xcp, Kai (pev^eTat, dcf) vpa>v' s eyyicraTe tu> 0eo3, Kai eyyiel vplv. KaQapio-aTe Xelpas, dpapTcoXoi, Kai ayv'icraTe Kap- 8ias, fit'^v^ot. 9 TaXanru>pi]craTe Kai TrevBrjcraTe Kai KXava-are' 6 yeXus vpcov els Trevdos peTaarpaCpr/TO), Kai fj X a P" els Ka-rrjCpeiav. 10 TaneivcoBijTe evcotnov d Tov" Kvpiov, Kai vtywaei. vpas. 11 Miy KaTciXaXeiTe dXXrjXcov, a8eX- lusts. 4 Ye adulterers, and adul- teresses, know ye not that the friendship of y world is enmity with God? whosopver therefore will be a friend of the world, is the enemy of God. 5 Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, the spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth * to envy '■: ''■ But he giveth more grace, wherefore he saith, God resisted) y proud, but giveth grace unto the hum- ble. ' Submit yourselves there- fore to God : resist the devil, & he will flee from you. 'Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you : cleanse your hands ye sinners, and purify your hearts ye double minded. • lie afflicted, and mourn, and weep : let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to hea- viness. Iu Humble yourseh 1 - in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. 11 Speak not evil one of ano ther (brethren :) he that speak - eth evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, Bpeaketb evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge. '-There is one lawgiver, who is able to save, and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another ? Mit.Tf^ // X"' a Rec. add Tr/f. I» CO — . Rec. & Gb. om. « Rec. ov* «,*«*■• it. — . e\» «*• otw r *«"• — ' ^ *>■ t Rec. om. E Rec. om. h cv *p*vwv rov lfApiio*. ° Or. baling*. P Or. plfaiuie*. V Or, planum. ' vt, tavloaly* fuJw ifj , Uffft James IV. 13. 13 Go to now ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city and continue there a year, and buy, and sell, and get gain: 14 whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow: for what is your life ? ° It is even a vapour that ap- peareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. I5 For that ye ought to say, if the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. "> But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such re- joicing is evil. " Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. 5. Go to now, ye rich men. weep and howl for your mise- ries that shall come upon you. 2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments moiheaten: 3 your gold and silver is can- kered, and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire: ye have heaped trea- sure together for the last days. ' Behold, the hire of the labour- ers which have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth ■ and the cries of them which have reap- ed, are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth. 5 Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton : ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter: 6 ye have condemned, and killed the just, and he doth not resist you. 7 3 Be patient therefore, bre- thren, unto the coming of the Lord: behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long pa- tience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. s Be ye also patient ; stablish your hearts : for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. 55i IAKS2BOY 13 "Aye vvv ot \eyovres' Srjpepov a Ka\ " avpiov b nopevo-copeda els Trjvbe ttjv ttoXiv, Kal Troir](Tu>jxev eKel eviavTov eva, Kal ep.TropevcraifJ.e8a, Kal KepOrj- crwpev " * 14 oirives ovk enlo-racrde to tt/s avpiov (nolo, yap t) fcur) vpwv ; drpls yap c e'o-riv " f] irpos oXiyov (pai- voptvrj, eneira oe dcpavi^opevq') lo dvri roil Xeyeiv vpds' 'Eat/ 6 Kvpios 6eXx]o~i], Kal (ijcrcopev, Kal d noiTjaopev'' tovto tj eKelvo. 16 vvv he Kav^dade ev rats aXa- {oveiais vpa>v' irdo-a Kav\t](Tts roiavrq TTOVTtpa. ecTTiv. l ' eiSori ovv koXov noieiv, Kal prj ttoiovvti, apapria avrca ecrriv. 5. "A.ye vvv ol ttXovo-loi, xXaucrare 6XoXv£ovres em) rale TaXaincopiais vpcov rate enep^opevais. 6 ttXovtos vpwv o-eai]jre, Kal to. ipdria iipcov o~r]T6j3pu>Ta yeyovev 3 6 xpveros vpa>v /cat o ap- yvpos Karuurac, Kai 6 los avru>v eis paprvpiov vplv earai, Kal (pdyerai rac adpKas vp£>v v dprjcrdvTuiv rac %pas iipcov, 6 direaTepr^pevos d

v els ra S)ra Kvpiov 2a/3aoj# eta'eXr;Xi<$acrii'. 5 erpveprjaare eiil rf/s yrjs, Kal ecnraTa- Xr/crare" edpe^are rds Kap8ias vpcov u>s ev rjpepa acpayr)S. 6 KareoiKaaaTt, epyos eK8ex eTal T0V T'r it0|/ Kapttov ttjs yrjs, paKpuBvpcov eir avra>, eo>s av Xdj3i] verdv irpwipov Kal o\\npov' 8 p.a- Kpodvprjo-are Kal vpe'is, aTTjpi^are ras Kapdlas iipoiv, on r] irapovala rov Kv- piov ijyyiKe. ft B/.&Elz. t, l' B/.&F.lz. wopfBoufdn . . . troirjnofitv . . . Suiropcfffo^sfla . . . mepinoo^Hf. C(V|«! r* condemned: behold, the judge ^r~ npo ro>v Ovpcov eonjicei^ vrroSeiypa standeth before j door. "lake, /lit /t IT / 7 Xa/3ere, c d8eX(j)oi fxov, rijs KaKonadeias," '"X brethren, the prophets, who ' KalTJspaKpofyias, roi> S ■potfjw at fettSSyShSS eAaArjvav tu> ovopari Kvpiov. n iduii ing affliction, and of p.,tience. uaKaplCopev tovs d vnoaivovras." rfiv "Behold, we count them happy < »t»o ' ' > < "v "inch endure, Ye have heard ^ vrrpjxoviiv lio t 3 r)Kovo-aT(, km to reXoy f the patience of Job, and have Kvpiov ft'Sere, 6Vt e TtoXvamXayYvos " see n the end of the Lord: that ■ t ' v ' " « ' ' the Lord is verv pitiful and of «nw oKuptos «u oiKrippuv. tender mercy. ^ Hpo iravrwv Se, d8cX(poi pov, pi] a B ut above all thimm, my opvvere py'jre rov ovpavbv, pyre rr)v ynv, brethren, swear not, neither bj , '_, *\\„„ < " „ . " »> ' - - heaven, neither liv the earth. (irire uXXou nvaopKov^ tirade ypu>v to neither by ilny oll ; or oath . bu ( vat, vai, Kai to ov, ov' iva pr) %imb Kpl- let your yea, be yea, and your o~lv" Tretrnre. na - v ' miJ : ' est J e **" int0 con " H _ ' '., , r _ , demnation. KaKonadeiris ev vpiv\ irpoo-evxe- "Is any among you afflicted? ado)' ev8vpe~i ris ; yj/aXXerio. u dadevel lct him pray. Is any merry? i r - \ > a \ ''' c him sing psalms. " Is any tis ev ypiv ; npocrKaXe(ra tovs sick arnong you ? let hjm ^ Trpea^vripovs rrjs eKKXr/o'ias, Kal irpoo~- for the elders of the church, and ev£do-6a>o-a V en atrrov, aketyarres !* t 'i?, emp £ y "j™*"™, anoint- ,'. ,. , , _ , , ' ~ Y , ing him with oil in the name of avrov eAatco ei> ra> ovopari rov Kvpiov. the Lord: '■"' and the prayer of 13 Kal r) evvr) rr)s 7rio-rea>s owfi roi/ 5"th shall save the sick, and the > , - > , , T . / Lord shall raise him up: and Kupvovra, Kai ^eyepei ayrov o Kypios' if he have committed sins, thej Kav apaprias r) TvenoirjKios., dcptdrjo-erai s '' a11 be forgiven him. avTQ>. 16 'E^opoXoyelade dXXryXoic ra na- lc Confess your faults one to paTircouara, Kai evveo-de hirep dXAnXov, a" ' 11 ". a »/>- \ ■ ' ' «.' a lller > that ve mav he healed: otto)? ia0r]T€- T7oAv taxvei berjcns 0t- the effectual fervent prayer of kcuov evepyovptvn. l7 'HXias (ivdp J anii he rjv^aro tov pr) j3pe£ai' Kal ovk ijSpe- prayed £ earnestly that it might kev e'nl Tnj y» s eviavTovs Tpels Kal " ot rai " : ™* il rained n ° t 1 on *„ wi ' is \ -\ '* the earth by the space of three prjvas €§. 1B /fat TraAti/ npoo-qvfjaTO, years and six months. >» And Kal 6 ovpavos verov i'8a>Ke, Kal h yr) he prayed again, and the heaven ) ^ / v > t - ' ' gave rain, and theearth brought (PXao-n] » ss' St tered throughout Pontus, Ga- , «X«ro« Trapen^pots diaaTropas latia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Uovtov, TaXaTias, KamraSoKLas, Amu?, Bithynia, » elect, according to Kfli BttfwtW, ' Kara npdyvaxriv Oeod the foreknowledge of God the , , , ■ „{_*, , Father, through sanctification irarpos, ev ayiaapco Uvevparos, etc of the Spirit unto obedience, inraKorjv Kal pavncrpov aiparos 'Ir;cro0 and sprinkling of the blood of v -. • * - v > ' \ Jesus Christ: Grace unto you Xpierrou X apis vpiv Kai eiprjvr) ttXtj- and peace be multiplied. ovvdeirj. 3 Blessed be the God and 3 ^hXoynros 6 Geos Kal Trarnp toZi Father of our Lord JesusChnst, , c ' J, , „ ~ « , which according to his «abun- Kuptou ry^ojf Ir;rjou Xptoroi;, o (cara dant mercy, hath begotten us T 6 TroXv avrov eXeos dvayevvj'io-as 'ripds" again unto a lively hope, by the i <\ '& >-- & > > » > T resurrection of Jesus Christ e « GAmfia £W«v 6i ai/arxrao-ecoc Ir/rrou from the dead, 4 to an inherit- XptfjTOt} eK veKpu>v, 4 elf KXrjpovopiav ance incorruptible and unde- tyQ v Kai t j„ t ' nvTO „ *„> audpat/TOV, filed, and that fadeth not away, r r / , , , . , .",- , reserved in heaven fi for you, rerr]pr]pevT]V ev ovpavois eis"vpas,' °touc 5 who are kept by the power of 6 '„ ^vvdueL Qeov Cppovpovuevovs 8ia 7TI- God through faith unto salva- ' , r , r ,, , tion, ready to be revealed in the OTf cor, «S _ (TUTTjpiav (Toiprjv ciTTOKa- last time. 6 Wherein ye greatly XvCpBrjvcu ev K(iipa> ecr^ciro) - 6 eV a> rejoice though now for a season «; X Aias being much more precious than ,. , ' „ ' , - > w of gold that perisheth, though TroXvTLporepov X purrtou, T0V anoXXv- it be tried with fire, might be uevov Sta Trvpos Se SaKipa^opevov, found unto praise, and honour, • a- , v v » j < > and glory, at the appearing of ™P*?n «* eTvaivov KOI ti/xijv KM do^av, Jesus Christ: s whom having ev ajTOKaXvyj/eL Irjcrnv XpiCTTOV' 8 ov not seen, ye love in whom ^ K f lfo T es dycnrdre, els ov ilpn un though now ye see mm not, yet , „ ' , „ , , - Kal SebotaapevT], i'receivingtheendof vour faith, ay, < ' '\ - > even the salvation of your souls: " Kop^opevo^ to TeXos ttjs Trio-Teas io of which salvation the pro- vpa)v, a-urqplav ■u/u^coi'- phets have enquired, and 10 ]J e p\ S ? rrcorjiputc (^etrjTr)crav Kal searched diligently, who pro- ,<. , - ,','-, phesied of the grace M«<.s7, »/rf e^pevvpo-av Trpo^rai oi Trepi t, ]S CIS come unto you, " searching vpds ^dptroc TTpocprjrevo-avTes, epev- a HlX. u^as, l ' SI- & E ' z - T ^°f- c Hec. rcoXv Tt/ituiTepoy * trr. mucll, & Or, fur as. EniSTOAH A. 555 1 Peter I. 23. va>vres eis Tiva T] tto'iov Kaipbv ebrjkov what, or wbst manner of time rb iv avrols Tlvevaa Xpiarov, rrpouap- ! ,K ' SpMt of Christ which was , , , \. r , ' r, ~ " m thfin did signitv, irhen it rvpop.evov ra eis Apio-Tov 7Ta&7]fxaTa, testified beforehand the sufler- Kal rds perd ravra Sot-as' 12 ols dire- '"- s of Christ, and the glory .. "i 'A/J " ' ' - a » - * s > that should follow. '-' Unto KaXvQdr) ori ov X eayrois, *v[uv «e whom it was revealed, that not OirjKovovv avrd, a vvv dvrjyyeXr) vpiv 8ui unto themselves, but unto us, rmv evayyeXiaapevav lads h ev"Ilvev- t ^7. did '"mister the things ,/', % / >»> -i "Inch are now reported unto fiari ayia anoaraXevTl an ovpavov, eis you, by them y have preached a (TTi6vu.ovo-iv dyyeXoi napaKv\i/ai. the gospel unto you, with the la . \ > > *' • > L. ' - Holv Ghost sent down from Ato avaQwrapevoi ras ovtyvas rcjs heaven, which things the angels biavoias vpcov, vrjCpovres, reXeius (Xttl- desire to h.ok into. trare eVt r^^po^V *»* jrfy * lirfSr^ffAS anoKaXvyei lrjcrov XptaTOV. 4 co? and hope « to the end, for the reKva vnaKons, uh avar\riuaTi{6ixevoi S race tl,at is t0 be brought unto ' ', ~'„ , ^V , t > vou at the revelation of Jesus rat? nporepov ev rjj ayvoiq vpav em- Christ: u as obedient children, Bvpiais, n dXXd Kara rov KaXeo-avra " ot fashioning yourselves ac- .« - « < > » « > / cordingto v formi r lusts, in your vpas ayioy, (cot aurot |ytot ep tpootj ienorance : ,6 but as be which ava(TTpo(pfi yevrjdrjre' 8iori yey pa- hath railed you is holy, so be Ti-raf "Ay'toi c yeve e hoX ? in ■?, manner "of con- , ' ' •• rersation ; "• because it is writ eipi- ten, He ye holy, for I am holy. ' Kal el narepa eniKaXelade rov " And if ye call on the Fa- dnpoo-wnoX^nra>s Kpivovra Kara to thpr < " h .° » llhout res P ert °' , T « , , f, , - persons judgetb according to e/carrou tpyoi>, ev fpopo) rov rr;y napoi- every man's work, pass the time /ct'ac yu«j/ vpovov dvao-Tpdd>riT€- 1S ft- of your sojourning here in fear: sw » > jl/1 - » ' * ls forasmuch as ye know that bores ( sxt ov (pBaprois, apyvpup ^ ye were not reae emed with Xpvo~L(0, e\vrpw6rjTe ex. rrjs parauis corruptible things, as silver vp^dvacrrpo^s narponapabdrov, ^Jg"; ^^Vttditton" aWa rt/xiw aipari u>s apvov apcopnv from your fathers ; 19 butwith /cat ao-7Ti'Aov Xpio-roD- 20 npoeyva- the precious blood of Christ, as , , , a n- / , of a lamb without blemish and fr/xevou pev TTpo KarapoArjs Koapov, (j)a- Kilhoul fpoU m w ho verily was ve pu)8evros 8e eV '' eo-ydrcnv" rwv xpdvov foreordained before the foun- s. > ' ~ 21 >»»»_" ' dation of the world, but was ! Vfl " S ' , ™ vs ; 81 avrov nio-revovTas mam;d st in these last times for etc Qeov, rov eyeipavra avrov en veKpwv, vou: - 1 who bv him do believe /cat ddtav avra bdvra. corrre rrtv nlanv in God that raised him np from J , - , n /'«, t i ^ I dead, and gave him glorv.v your vpuv Kai eATTiba eivai eis Qeov. faith and hope might be in (;od. 22 Toy 4rv\ds vpcov nyviKt'nes ev • Seeing ye have purified - f - ' ~ ,s /i i B Vv tt ' your souls in obeying the i mth tt] vttokoi] ttjs aA^etoc otu Uvevpa- through y Spirit, unto unfeign- ros" els Uiv avvnoKpirov, eK ed love of the brethren: Ka6apas Kapbias aXX^Xovc aya^trar, ^ttSfflSlS etcrevas' avayeyevvqpevoi ovk e< born again, not of corruptible o-TTopds . l> -» c CS) , '' "(ca(co7rotcoi/, 'inaivov 8e dyadonoicov. la on ovtcos iarl to deXrjpa tov Qeov, dyadmrowvi'Tcis (pipovv rrjv T&V acppo- vcov dvdpunrcov dyvcoalaV cos iXev- 6epoi, Kal pi) cos eniKaXvppa exovTes rrjs KaKLas ttjv iXevdepiav, dXX cos SoiXoi Qeov. " TTavras TiprjaaTe' Ttp> dSeXcpoTrjTa ciyandre' tov Qeov (po- /3et v ovk rjirelXer napebidov Se tco Kpivovri biKaicos' 24 o? Tas dpapTias rjpcov avTos dvrjveyKev iv tco crcopari avTov eir\ to £vXov, iva Tals dpapTiats utto- yevopevoi, tt/ diKaioo-vvr] (r/crcopev' ov 1 Peter II. J4. abstain from fleshly lusts, which war aL'ainsi the soul, '-' having vim 1 rem i- 1 -a nun honest among y Gentiles, that »wherea« thej sppak au'ainst you as evildoers, they may by your good Hoiks which they shall behold, glorifj God in the day of visitation. n Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sakr. whether it lie to the king. as supreme. or unto govern- ors, as unto them that are sent by him, for the punishment ol evildoers, and for the praise of them that, do well. '■ For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. "• As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as v servants of God. ''rHo- nourailmen. Love the brother- hood. Fear God. Honour the king. " Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the frnward. |,J l-'or this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully. -" For what glory is it, if when ye be buffeted for your faults. ye shall take it patiently: but if when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is i acceptable with God. -' For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered • for us, leaving us an exam- ple, that ye should follow his steps. r - Who did no sin, nei- ther was guile found in his mouth. 23 Who when he was reviled, reviled not again ; when he suffered, he threaten- ed not, but (committed himself to him that judge th rights ously. ' u Who his own self bare our sins in his own body ion J tree, that we being dead to ins, should live unto righteousness, m rj >> n^c. add u'". e *» — ■ Ell. & Gb. v/tmi, * St. ft Bl T Or, Esteem. ^ Or, tliauk. s Some read, for you. X •Mi"'. a "r, wl.rreiD. J iir. hiving. Or, tfomuiittcd At', MMM* 1 Or. to. 1 Peter II. 25. by whose stripes ye were healed . 25 For ye were as sheep going astray, but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls. 3. Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own hus- bands, that if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conver- sation of y wives: a while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear: 3 whose adorning, let it not be that out- ward adorning, of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel. 4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that wliich is not cor- ruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. 5 For after this manner in the old time, the holy women also who trusted in God adorn- ed themselves, being in subjec- tion unto their own husbands. B Even as Sara obeyed Abra- ham, calling him lord, whose « daughters ye are as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement. 7 Likewise ye husbands, dwell with them according to know- ledge, giving honour unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers be not hindered. s Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, /Slove as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous, s not ren- dering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise bless- ing, knowing that ye are there- unto called, that ye should in- herit a blessing. I0 For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: "let him eschew evil and do good, let him seek peace and ensue it. '- For the eyes of 558 LTETPOY TCp pCoXoilTl "-ClVTOl)" IddlJTe. " S fjTt yap coy Trpofiara 7tXavd>peva' dXX e'neo~Tpd(priTe vvv em tov noipeva /cat eTTLfTKOTTOV TU>V '"/U^d)Z/ XJpCOV. 3. 'Opo'uns, al yvvaiK.es, vnoTaacro- pevai to'ls tStot? av8pdo~iv, iva Ka\ e't Tives dneidovai tco Xoyco, 8id ttjs twv yvvaiKoiV avaarpocprjs dvev \6yov h Kep- ftrjdrjo-QOVTai," eTTOTTTevcravTes ttjv ev (poftco dyvrjv avaaTpoCprjV iipcbv. 3 cov earo) ov% 6 e^ccdev eprrXoKr/s Tpi)(u>v, /cat Trepi6eo~ea)s xpvo~ia>v, rj evbvaecos iparioiv Kocrpos' 4 dXX' 6 KpvnTos ttjs Kapblas av8pomos, ev rco dcpdciprat tov TTpaeos /cat r)o~V)(Lov nvevpaTOS, o icmv evanriov tov Qeov 7roXtrreXec. s ovrco yap TroTe /cat at ayiai yvvcuKes at eXm- (ovo-aL L ' e'rrl tov " Qeov, eKoapow eav- Tas, vnoTacro-opevai tois ibiois avdpdo-iv 6 a>s 2dppa v7TT]Kovae tco 'AjBpadp, /ci>- piov avTov /caXoiicra, i]S eyevrjdrjTe TtKva' dyadonoiovo-ai /cat prj (poftovpevai prj- depiav tttotjo-iv. 7 Ot avhpes, bpo'itos, trwoiKovvTes Kara yvoicnv, tos dadeveaTepco cr/cevei rco yufat/cet'co dwovepovTes Tiprjv, cos /cat d avyKkrjpovopoi " y^dpiTos fcot/c, eis to pt) e eyKOTTTeaBai" tos Trpocrev^as vpcov . 8 To 8e TeXos, irdvTes opofppoves, crvpna6eis,

Xd8eX(poi, euoTrXayxi/ot, f Tarreivdcppoves ' " 9 prj dno&idovTes kokov dvTi /ca/cov, 77 Xoibopiav airt XniSopias' TohvavTiov 8i evXoyovvres, *>' eiSoVf s " oti els tovto e/cXt; 8r]Te, iva evXoylav KXrjpovopi)o~r)Te. 10 'O yap QeXoiv £crcrav avTov airo KaKov, Kal X 6 '^ 7 ? a VT °v fov prj XaXfjaai 86Xov. e/cxXtfara) a7r6 /ca- kov, Kal 7rotr/crara) h dyadoV ^TjTrjo-aTui elprjvrjv, Kal Sia>£arco aiiTTjv. 12 oti ' ' ft — t 1) (Nj HtpfoiQtiaoi'Ta.t. t CV*t5- d CNJ & ZZ h St. Dili, pel sphnlnut. i Kec, 8l Gb t (V *t5- tci axiToxi eis derjaiv avTotv' Tvpocrumov fie Kvpiov em iroiovvras koko.. Kai ris 6 k(iko)it(i)v iifxas, edv tov dyadov a pipijTal" yevrjade ; u aXX el Kanrdo~)(oiTe did fiiKiuoavvrjv, paKaptoi. tov fie (pofiov avTwv pi) (fio^TjdrJTe, prjde TapaxOrjre' 15 Kvpiov fie tov h Qeov" dyidcraTe ev rais Kaph'iais vputv. eToipoi fie" del npos dnoXoylav Tvavri tg5 al- tovvti vpas \6yov irepi ttJc ev vplv eXnibos, perd irpavTrjros Kai (poftov' 16 cvveidrjo-iv e^oi/rec dyadhv, Iva ev a> c KaraXaXwcriv " iiputv ass KaKonoiwv, Ka.Taio~xvv6o)o~iv nl emiped^ovTes iipiov ttjv ayadfjv ev Xp«rra> avao~Tpo(p7]v. KpiiTTov yap dyadoTroiovvTas, el d 6e\oi" to Oektipa tov Qeov, Trdo~)(e tv, T) KaieoTroiovvTas' ls on Kai Xpto-roc a7ra£ nepl dpapTiaiv e eira&e," dixaios vnep ddiKaiv, iva r)pas npoo-aydyy tS Oeco, 6avaTu>8els pev crapta., £u)onoir]fleis fie ' " nvevpaTi, ev a> Kai Toils ev e, KUTao~Keva£opevr)s ki(3ol>tov, eis i)v 0X1- yai, tovt eo~Tiv okto), yj/vx"l 8ieo~o)6rj- 1 voaTos, o Kai rjpas avTt- Tvnov vvv o~d>£ei (3dnTio~pa, (ov o~apKos dnoBeais pvnov, dWd arvveidiiaeoos dyadr/s enepioTTtpa els Geoy,) fit ava- o~Tao-ea>s 'ir/o-ou Xpio-Tov, 2: os e'ariv ev fiesta tov Qeov, nopevOels els ovpa- vbv,, VTTOTayevTav aiiTio ayyeXojf Kai e£ouo"i7Ta>v ejTidvptais, dXXd 8e\i)paTi 1 Peter IV. 2. the Lord are over f riirhti'mis, and his ears are open unto ihcir prayers: bul the face of the Lord As- > against them y do evil. '•"And who is he thai will harm you, if ye he followers of that which is good ? " liutand if ye Bufler for righteousness' Bake, happy am ye, and he not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled : !i but sanctify the I. oid t'.od in your hearts, and ba ready always to give an an- SWei to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you. with meekness & tffear: " : having a good conscience, that whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. 17 For it is belter, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer fur well doing, than for evil doing. 18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, beinc put to deaih in the Beat), but miickened by the Spirit. " By which al^-ohe went and preached unto the spit its in prison, '-" which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsufferingof God waited in the days of Noah, while (rai Xpovov. 3 dpKfros yap a ijplv" 6 irap- eATjXvBcOS XpOVOS h TOV ftlOV," TO C 6i- Xijpa'' tcov iBvcov KaTepydo-ao~8ai, we- rropevpevovs iv aoreXyeiais, imdvpiais, olvocpXvyiais, Kcopois, kotois, Kai dde- pirois elBcoXoXaTpelais' 4 iv co £ev'i- £ovrai, prj avvrpe^ovrcov vpcov eis tt)v avTTjv ttjs dcrcoTias dvdjcycTiv* fiXao-cfir)- povvTes' ' oi dno8cocrovo-L \6yov tco eToipcos e'xovTi Kp'ivai (covras Kal ve- xpovs- 6 els toiito yap Kal veKpois ev-qyyeXlad'q, iva KpiBcoai pev Kara dv9pcouovs trap/a, £coo~i Be Kara Qeov Trvevpari. ' IldvTCDV fie to TeXos rjyyiKe. crco- s. €V TCp " pep€l TOVTCO roil ttptjacrdi E11I2T0AH A. 561 " pf) yap tis vpcov n-ao-^eVo) cos (poveis, 1) KXeTTTr/S, 1) KUKOTTOLOS, t) COS dXko- TpLoenlcrKOTTos- 16 d 8e coy Xptoriavos, prj alo~)(vvio-Q, 8o£a£Wco be tov Qeov 17 otl 6 Kaipos ai to Kptpa drro tov o'Lkov Toil Qeoii' ei de npcoTov d(p' rjpcov, tL to tsXos tcov aneidovvTcov rco tov Qeoii evayyeXico ; 18 Kal el 6 dimios poXis ercoffrat, 6 acrej3fjs Kal apapTcoXbs noii cpaveiTai ; cocrre /cat ot Tracr)(ovTes Kara to deXr/pa tov Qeoii, cos tthttco kthttjj TrapaTi&eadcoorav tus r^tr^dy '' eavTcov" ev dyaOonouq. 5. TIpeajUvTepovs tovs ev vp.lv irapa- kciKco 6 avpTrpecrftvTepos Kal pdpTvs tcov tov XpicrTov naBrjpaTcov, 6 Kal ri/s peXXoiicrrjs ciTroKaXinrTeadaL 86£r)s kol- vcovos, " Troipdvare to ev vpiv Troipviov tov Qeov, eTTLCTKOTrovvTes prj dvayica- o~tcos, aXX eKOvalcos' pr]8e alo~)(poKep- ocos, aAXd npodvpcos' 3 pr/8' cos Ka- TtiKvpievovTes tcov KXrjpcov, dXXd tvwol ywdpevoL tov iroipvlov 4 Kal (pave- pcodevTos tov dp^nrolpevos, Kopiel- crBe tov apapdvTivov Tr}y boi-rjs ore- Cpavov. 5 'Opolcos, vecoTepoL, vTroTayrjTe npecr- jiivTepois' Travres be dXXrjXois c imo- Tciarcropevoi, " Trp> TaneivocppoiTvvtjv eyKopfdcoo-aade' otl 6 Qebs vireprjCpdvoLS avTiTacro-eTai, raireivols be bibcotrL ^d- piv. 6 Tcnvet.vcodr)Te ovv iiTro ttjv Kpa- Taidv X e lp a T0V Qeov, Iva iipas v^ioarj tv Kciipco' ' natrav tt)v pepipvav vpcov emppiify-avTes ew aiiTov, otl al/Tco peXei irepl vpcov. 8 N»)\^aT6, yprjyoprjcraTe' ''"6 dvTibi- kos vpcov bidj3oXos, coy Xecov copvopevos, TrepnraTel, £i)tcov tlvo. KaTanlrj ' 9 co avrio-TT]Te o-Tepeol tj) nlaTeL, eldores to 1 Peter V. 9. 15 But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, urns an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters. "> Yet if any man suffer as a Chris- tian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God on this behalf. " For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God : and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God ? Is And if the righteous searcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and trie sinner appear ? ia Wherefore, let them that suffer according to the will of God, commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator. ft. The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed. '* Feed the flock of God » which is among you, taking the oversight there- of, not by constraint, but will. ingly : not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind: 3 neither as B being lords over God's herit- age: but being ensamples to the flock. J And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away. 5 Likewise ye younger, sub- mit yourselves unto the elder: yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteththe proud, and giveth grace to the humble. 6 Humble yourselves therefore under £ mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time, ; casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you. 8 Be sober, be vigilant: be- cause your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. ; ' Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same » *V vyoft i- 1. t> t^' anrw. . -* d Hue. aJtl i 37 Or, a» Muoli *i iu jruu ii. & Or, uT C r».iliuj. 1 Peter V. 10. 562 IIETPOY afflictions are accomplished in avra ru>v iraOrjpaTav rfj eV Koauco vpcov vour brethren that are in the >& \-i » » \ ~ a - wor l d aoeAcpoTTjTL ewiTeAeia-aai. 10 But the God of all grace 10 'O be Qebs Tvacrrjs ;(dpiTor, o kci- who hath called us into his A eaas a npas " els rhv aluviov avrou eternal glory by Chnst Jesus, *,.. , 1L „ , '„ ,, , ., after that ye have suffered a oo^av a> Xpifrrcp Ir/rrou, oAiyov iratiov- while, make you perfect, sta- T as, avros b (caraprtcrat " c vtxas," d (ttti- blish, strengthen, settle vou. /> a • a \ > « 11 > - " To him be glory and d6mi- K ft > O"0eiw«, 0ejM&u»tTO ' ( fflffO nion for ever and ever. Amen. e fj do£a Kal" to KpaTOS etc tovs alcovas TWV aiUlVOdV. ClfJLTJV. '2 By Silvanus a faithful bro- 12 At £ 2i\ovavov valv tov morov ther unto you, (as I suppose) > R -v ■ - < -. »> 5, . 5N , 1 have written briefly, exhort- abfA(pov, coy AoyiQopai, bi oAiyeov ing, and testifying, that this is eypcru/a, 7rapaKaAa>v Kal empapTvpajv the true grace of God wherein • » »\ a~ » • /-T - ' ye stand. '3 The church that is Tavrtjv eivai aX-qSij X apiv rou 0«w e« at Babvlon elected, together r)f eoTrjKaTe. acma^erai vpas fj iv with you, saluteth you, and so Bn v Xr, ^ vp'iv Tvaai To'is iv XpicrrcS are iu Christ Jesus. Amen. Irjcrov." s " nETPOY EniSTOAH A.EYTEPA. CIMON Peter, a servant and ^^MEQN Ilc-Vpoy SouXoy Kal anoo-TO- O an apostle of Jesus Christ ^oy 'iriaoi XpiOTOV, role iVtmuoi/ to them that have obtained f „ N '_ ,' > & ' - like precious faith with us, r]piv Aaxovai ttio-tlv ev biKaioavvr) tov through y righteousness of God, Q eo i fipcov Kal crcOTf/poy 'ir/crou XpiaTOv' and our Saviour Jesus Christ. « 1 « - \ x t \ a a ' > 2 Grace and peace be multiplied * X«P« vfitu icat €tprjvrj nX^vvdeiij fv unto vou through y knowledge fTTiyvti>o~ei tov Qeov, Kai \rjO~ov Tov of God, and of Jesus our Lord, Kvp [ ov ^„. 3 according as his divine 3 < Q j > - - Q e > bvvdpeos power hath given unto us all , „ , , > \ \ ■> 'a *. things y pertain unto life and avTOV Ta 7Tpoc ^cor/j/ Kal tvo-tpeiav Oe- godliness, through >• knowledge SopnueVrfS-, Slot rf)c e'TrtwaxTeioc tov of him that hath called us » to -T J '-h***>f- » ' ~ » gloryand virtue. " Whereby are Ka\c Ta peyio~Ta rjpiv Kal Tipia a Bz. cvj t.; ( a;. b «^> (carapTnTFi. — • (a'«rat. — Gb. IX Gfut;\iuta£t. « — • f IJ g Rec. add tLfujn, h ("u i^tp ioi^p vat apsrp, a Or, by. EIII2T0AH B. 563 eTrayyeXpara be8u>pr]rai, "iva 8ta roirtov yevrjade deias KOtvtovol (pvaetos, airo- (pvyovres rrjs ev Koo-pto ev eirt.dvfi.iq (pdopds. teal aiiro rovro 8e, oirov8t]v iriKrav irapeto-eveyKavres, eiri^opTfyr]- o~are ev rfj iriarei vptov rqv aperr/v, ev be rrj apery rfjv yvuxrtv, 6 ev be rfj yvuxret rrjv e'yKparetav, ev be rfj eyicpa- reiq rrjv inropovrjv, ev be rfj imopovfj Ttjv evcrefteuiv, ' ev be rfj evcrefteiq rrjv (piXabeXcplav, ev be rfj (piXabeXcpiq rrjv ayanrfv. 8 ravra yap vpiv imap^ovra Kat irXeova£ovra, ovk apyovs ovbe av ttjv K:Xijo~iv Ka\. eKXoyrjv irotelcrdaf ravra yap iroiovvres ov pi) rtraicrrfTe nore. u ovra> yap irXovo-iu>s eirf)((ipT]yri6r]crerai vplv f] e'to~o8os els ttjv altovtov j3acri\eiav rov Kvpiov rfpHtv Kal o~a>TTjpos hfcrov Xpio~rov. Ato ovk ape Ar/trco L aeivpas viro- p.ip.vifo-Kew irepl rovrcov, Kainep elburas, Kal ecrrrfptypevovs ev rfj irapovo~r] aXrj- 6eiq. 13 biKatov be rjyovpai, e(f) oaov elpl ev rovra ra aKTfviopart, bieyeipeiv vpas ev vnopvrjo'et.' H elbo>s on ra\Lvrj ear tv t) airoBecrts rov o~Krjva>paros fiov, Kadtos Kal 6 Kvptos ifficov'lrfo-ovs Xptaros e'Sr/Xoxre pot. lo airovbdo-oi be Kat eKao-rore e\ etv vp.ds pera rr\v eprjv efjobov, rrjv rovra>v pvrfprfv noieio~dai. 16 Ov yap o~eo~o(pto-pevois pvdots e^aKoXovBrjcravres eyvuipiaapev vpiv rrjv rov Kvpiov rjptov 'irfaov Xpiarov bv- vapiv Kal irapovo~iav f aXX eiroirrai yevr/devres rf/s eKeivov peyaXetorrfros. 2 Peter I. 16. and precious promises, that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having es- caped the corruption that is in the world through lust. 5 And besides this, giving all diligence, add to your faith, virtue ; and to virtue, know- ledge ; 6 and to knowledge, tem- perance ; and to temperance, patience ; and to patience, god- liness ; 7 and to godliness, bro- therly kindness ; & to brotherly kindness, charity. 8 For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren, nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 But he that lacketh these things, is blind, and cannot sec far off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. 10 Wherefore, the rather, brethren, give dili- gence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall. "For so an entrance shall be minis- tered unto you abundantly, into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 12 Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be stahlished in the present truth. 13 Yea, I think it meet, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up, by putting you in remembrance: M knowing that shortly 1 must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me. 18 Moreover, I will endeavour, that you may be able after my decease, to have these things always in remembrance. ,|: For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eye-witnesses of his majesty. * lire IV a/iapTnuf. b ."V/.tXA»jff« c K«. <*m°i •■ 2 Peter I. 17. 17 For he received from God y Fa- ther, honour & glory.when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. 18 And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount. la We have also a more sure word of prophecy, whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: -° knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation: 2I for the pro- phecy came not ° in old lime by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 2. But there were false pro- phets also among y people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. ' And many shall follow their £ pernicious ways, by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of: 3 and through covetousness shall they with feigned words, make merchan- dise of you, whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slum- bereth not. 4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and deliver- ed them into chains of dark- ness, to be reserved unto judg- ment: '•• and spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the un- godly: 6 and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes, condemned them with an overthrow, making them an en- sample unto those that after should live ungodly: 7 and de- 564 IIETPOY ' Xa'fiiov yap napa Qeov warpbs ripijv Kai du^av, CpcovrjS e've^deiarjs avrci roiaade vtto ri]s peyaXoirpenovs 86£t]s' Ovtos earriv 6 vlos pov 6 dyanrjTos, els ov eyoo evbuKrjaa. 13 Kai ravrrjv rr\v (pcovfjv rjpels r/Kovcrapev ii- ovpavov eve- ^6elo-av. o~vv atrrco bvres ev tu> opei to> ayico, 19 Kai e-^opev (Se/SaioTepov rbv Trpotpr/TiKov Xoyov tottw, ecos ov rjpepa SiavydoT], Kai (fiojcrCpopos dvarelXr]), ev rais Kap- dlais vpcov' "° tovto TrpuiTov yiva)- o~Kovres, 6ti ivaaa Trpofprjrtia ypa(prjs, I8ias eVriXvcrecoc oil yiverai. oil yap (JeXtjpan dvBpdmov rjve^Brj ivore Tipo- (prjreia, aXX vtto Hvevparos ayiov (pepopevoi eXdXrjcrav a " ciyiot Qeov av- OpOiTTOL. 2. 'Eyevovro 8e Kai '\^6uSo7rpo0f)rat ev ra> Xaa>, wc /cat ev vp.lv evovrai •\^ev5oStSao"KaXoi, dirives 7rapeio~d£ovo-iv aipecrecs aneoXeias, Kai rbv ayopdaavra avrovs SeaTvorrjv dpvovpevoi, endyovTes iavrols ra^ivrjv aTTcoXetaj/' 2 Kai 7roXAoi eijaKoXov6r)o~ov(riv avrcov rais b acreA- •yftaic," ti ovs 7] 68bs "rijs aX-qSetas (3Xao-(pr]pr]6i]o-eTai' 3 /cat eV nXeove^ia TrXao-Tois Xoyois vpds epiropevaovrai' oli to Kplpa eKTraXai ovk apyei, Kai jj aTrcoXfia avrcov ov vvcrrd^ei. 4 Ei yap 6 Qebs dyytXcov dpaprrj- crdvrcov ovk ecpeiaaro, aXXd aeipals £6s' ' Kai diKaiov Aa)T, /3 Or, lascivious ways, as sume cvpies read. Or, at any time. EIII2T0AH B. 565 KciTcnrovovfxevov vtto ttjs twv ddiapiov ev auekyeia dvao~Tpo(pi)s, ippvauro' 8 (fiXippari yap Kal aKofj 6 SIkuios, eyKaroiKiov iv aijTo'is, rjpipuv e£ rjpipas yjrv^fjv diKaiav dvopois ipyois ejSa (rapKos iv iiriBvpia piaapoii wopevopivovs, Kal KvpiorrjTos KaTaa (pvcriKa b yey fvrjpiva eis aXuxriv Kal (pdopdv, tvois dyvoovo~i fiXao-^prjpovvTes, ev rfj (pBopa avToov KaraCpdaprjcroi/rai, Kopiovpevoi piaddv dbiKias. t]8ovi)v Tjyoiipevoi tj)v iv rjpepa TpvCprjv, oiriXoi Kai pwpoi, evrpv(po}VTes (v rate c aird- rais avTaiv, avvevoo^ovpevoi vpiv, 14 6 tov BaXadp tov Bocrup, os piaSuv dSiKias ''jyamjaev, lfi eXey^iv 8( icr^ev idias napavopias' xmo^vytov d(pa>vov, iv dvBpionov (pcovj) (pdey^d- pevov, iKioXvae rrjv tov rrpocprjTov na- pa(f>poviav. ' ovtoi flat TTijyal dvvdpoi, 8 Kai opi^Xai " vtto XatXanos tXavvupe- vai, ois 6 £6,. iran-atiffTOe. e Krc. v irA.nrcfiat j . r> Su/nt rtii'i, tkfUU9\ ltieui.ci\e». 2 Peter II. 19. 5G6 IIETPOY flesh, through much wanton- a o"apKoc, daeXyeiais," Toiis b 6Xiyo)s" ness, those that were "clean c i no( k v y ^ VTas " T0VS & ^din, avaarpe- escaped trom them who live in , ,~ ' ,„ , N a , ? - » error. I9 While they promise (popevovs' eXevtiepiav avrois enay- them liherty, they themselves yeXXopevoi, avrol 8ovXoi VTrapvovTes are the servants of corruption : - , a - . -e » / forofwhom a man is overcome, "7* 00opas Tai. "° el yap d.7ro(pvy6vTes bondage. ™ For if after they Ta „ t( J .„ ara T0 {) K 6a-uov iv eWyi/axret have escaped the pollutions ot _~ \ , ~, „ ' y world through the knowledge Tov Kvpiov Kai crcoTJipoc lrjcrov \pio~Tov, of the Lord and Saviour Jesus TO yrotc Se ttoXiv eWXa/ceVrtc nrroji/rat, Christ, they are again entangled / > - \ « > therein, and overcome, the lat- yeyoi/ei/ avrois TO. tcTxara ^eipow rav ter end is worse with them than Trpioriav. " l Kpeirrov yap fjv avrois pr] HXEfclSZ nott ff^~ ^" «* .* Aw^ have known the way of right- rj eTTiyvovcriv erno-rpe-^ai (K rr/s rrapa- eousness, than after they have ^odelo-ns avrois ayias eVroXnc. " avu.- known it, to turn from the holy a , a »>x > - ( - ->\ a - commandment delivered unto pePI™ _ ° e aurcusr ro tt/s aXrjtiovs them. M But it is happened rrapoipias' Kva>v «Vtcrrpe'\^ac eVri to unto them according to the true «& >> ' . '. T v \ ' ' proverb: The dog is turned to l8 , t0 " «£«??/"*. , KCU Yj ^°-a r ie '"/'> f « his own vomit again, and the KvXiapa poppopov. sow that was washed, to her 3. TavTTiv nSn, ayairnroi, Sevrepav wallowing in the mire. ,„ < j » s ' ' t *, < 3. This second epistle (be- y/"_" 7P"9<" «riorroXijis ev air Steyetpo) loved) I now write unto you, vpav ev vnopvrjcrei. rr]v etXiKpivr) Oia- in both which I stir up your volav 2 nvrioSrivai rmv irpotipnuevtov pure minds bv way of remem- , , , I J , , ' . ' J v brance; nhat ye may bemind- prjparav vno rcov ayiav 7rpo, Kai ful of the words which were ri/s rcov aTTOO-roXcov rjpcov evroXr/s, rod spoken before by the holv pro- -,, > \ 3 - _ - phets, and of y commandment Kv P t0U Kai VCOTTjpos^ tovto Tvpcorov of us the apostles of the Lord yivcoo~Kovre s, on eXevaovrai err io-^aTOV last days scoffers, walking after Kara ras i0ias K CTrtOvp.ias avTwv iropev- their own lusts, * and saying, ouevoi, 4 Kai Xeyovres' IIoO iuTiv 7; Where is the promise of his > \ ' - ' » ' a? coming? for since the fathers eirayyeXia tt)S vapovatas avrov , a(p fell asleep, all things continue f)S yap ol Trarepes (Kotp.rj8rio~aii, iravra as they were from the beginning o{ ; rQ) g ta „ e ' yfl & Zp^ KT io- eQ)S . of the creation. . - ,./.. 5 For this they willingly are ig- AavOavci yap avrovs tovto deXov- norantof,ybythewordofGody TaC) Z Tl ovpavol ricrav iKTTaXai, ml yn heavenswereof old, andy earth i> <»^ \ ^ » "» - Standing out of the water, and e « vdaros Kai 61 u6aros tri-j/ea-rajcra, in the water, 6 whereby y world Tat tov Q(OV Adyta, 6 81 k>v 6 tots that then was. being overflowed K0 Z8aTl KaTaKXvoSus aTrwXcTQ- with water, perished. 'But the t ~ ' . , , »»-»«.»«* heavens and the earth which ' 01 0£ fi'f ovpavoi Kai 17 yr; 'rtp aurou are now, by the same word are Xdyco Te6r]o-avpLaui(voi. (io~\, TTvpl rn- kept in store, reserved unto fire '' \ , 1 1 \ > against the day of judgment, povpevoL us rjpepav Kpitreas Kai anco- and perdition of ungodly men. Xeias twv dcre^uiv dvQpunratv. * Hz. St Elz .Tj,..i-i.; tv air X-.-f iaic ^J (Top*of aa*Xyiia?. " Rec, ofrtaj. c tv GTro^evyoiray. <* Rftc. ore* * tteu. air. «n-ttf. I l>z.&.EU. r« at'Tiu, St. avrov. a Or, fur a little, or, a wl.JW, na MMa reaJ. J Gr. con?n-li tig. EIII2T0AH B. 567 2 Peter III. 18. 8 Ei/ be tovto fU] Xavdaverco vpds, 8 But (beloved) he not ig- dvarrnroi, on pla huepa nana Kvpico norant of . tl,is , on , e ll,inL '- "»« ,' J. » , '£ r » r , r / ' one ilnv is with die Lord as a cos x'Aia errj, kiu x'Aia err; a>c qpfpa thousand years, and a thousand aia. 9 ou j3pabvvei 6 Kvpios rrjs e-rray- >'»'ars as one day. ;l The Lord \ » w OS" * . ' s llot slack concerning li i— pro- yeXtas, toy rii/ec PpaSurr/ra povvrai mi8 e (as some men count slack- aXXa paKpodvpel *eis fjpas," pi) /3ou- ness) but is longsuffering to Xdufi/o'y Tti/a? aTroXeo-^at, ciXXa Trairoc » s - w ;ird. not willing that any , r , _. 10 «> *> < should perish, hut v all slmuld eis peravuiav x a PW al " V? el 0€ *l eome to repentance. lu Hut the iiaepa Kvpiov cos KXeTrrns b ", ev n day of the Lord will come as a , r > \ t y . „ ith crrot^eta be Kavcrovpeva XvOrjaovrai, a great noise, and the elements Kai yi) kuI ra * airg Ipya «n«4 fttttt'KStt crerat. are therein shall he burnt up. 11 TovTCOV OVV TVaVTCOV XvopevCOV, 7TO- " Seeing then that all these ranovs d« Mfj^ fefif * aytW S£^££5g| J- avatrrpocpais Kai evtrepetais, " Trpotr- be in all holy conversation, ant fioKeoiTac /cat o-irevbovras tt)v Trapovauiv P°dliness, '•' looking tor and - _ - r i is > « > v " hasting unto die coining of the rqs rov Qeov rjpepas, Oi r)V ovpavoi day 0? Go d, wherein the hea- irvpovpevoi XvdrjcrovTai, Kill o-roi^ela veris being on lire shall be dis- > • is > solved, and the elements shall Kavaovpeva TrjKerai ; ^ Kaivovs be ov- meh with fprvplU hpat „ N( . pavovs Kai yrjv Kaivrjv Karu to enay- vertheless we, according to his yeXpa avrov npocrboKcopev, ev k promise, look for new heavens, L i - and anew earth, wherein dwell- OiKaiotrvvT] KaroiKei. eth righteousness. 14 Aid, dyaTrr)To\, ravra TTpocrboKcov- M Wherefore (beloved) see- s, / a ■, \ P •> i n ing that ve look tor si cb things, res, o-TTovdaaare acmiXoi Kai apiop-qroi ,„; „ lht; ,, 1 , t y ye 111HV ,, ( , fumld avTco evpe6r)vai ev elprjvi], ls Kai Tr)v of him in peace, w ithout spot, ^5 Kvpiov fa, paKpoBvpiav, a^plav %^^ S ^7Z ■qyeio-oe' Kaduos Kai o ayairrjros r)pa>v i.,,,,l is salvation, even as our aheXcbos UavXos Kara tt)v avrto bodeiauv 1'floved brother Paul also, ac- iii, i ' - 16 ' » ' cording to the wisdom given o-ocpiav eypatyev vpiv, cos Kai ev lmt0 himi h ath written unto TTaaais rais emcrToXais, XaXcov ev ai- you. '« As also in all his epis- \ _ ' . >. d „?„ ' ,' _. ties, speaking in ihem of these rats Trept tovtcov > ev ois «m thin ' gs y in wh f ch aresolllet | lln „ OvavoTjrd riva, a oi apaaeis Kai acrTrj- hard to be understood, w Inch piKTOL o-ToeSXovo-lv, cos Kai ras Xomas the y , t, , ,at are unl.^arned and r , , r v , ,«,, , _ , . unstable wrest, as they do also ypa(pas, npos ttjv ibiav avTcov anco- the other scriptures, unto their Xeiav. own destruction. IT t., > » j v ' l7 Ye therefore, beloved, see- 17 Ypeis ovv, ayanrjToi, npoyivco- ^gye^ov, these tkingsbefore, tTKOVTes ; u^aj. b R>c. >dl ir >r<», « ~ a/.»/io.. <1 CNJ a.j. " Or. Luting tli« eumiuR. 1 John I. 1. 568 K2ANNOY our Lord and Saviour Jesus Tjpa>v Kal acoT?jpos lrjcrov Xptcrrov. Christ: to him be glory both avT £ ' £ n aia>vos. l api]v. IOANNOY EniSTOAH nPQTH. rpHAT which was from the ■*- beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon,& our hands have handled of the Word of life, s (For the life was manifested, & we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us.) 3 That which we have seen and heard, declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us ; and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. 4 And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full. "C\ HN an apxTjs, o aKTjKoapev, o ea>- pa.Knp.fv rois 6(p6a\pols rjpaiv, 6 edeao-dpeda, Kal ai ^elpe? iipav e'u/^Xd- (prjcrav Trepl tov Xoyov ttjs £a>r)s' (koi tj £a>T] €i]v ttjv alcoviov, ijris fjv npos tov narepa, Kal {(pavepcodrj rjplv) 3 6 icopaKapev /cat aKrjK6apev,dTrayyeXkopev vplv, 'iva Kal vpels Koivaviav i'xV Te H- e @ 7]p5>v' Kal tj Koivaivia 8e tj r/pertpa pera tov narpos Kal pera tov vlov avTOv 5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no dark- ness at all. 6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth. 7 lint if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. 8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we Itjo-ov XpLO-Tov' Kai ravTa ypdcpo- ptv b vplv," Iva tj X a P a c vpwv" fj 7rar\r)- pu>pevr). Kai avTT) eo-Tiv tj ayyeAia i)v aKTjKoapev an avrov, Kai avayyeXkopcv vplv, on 6 Geo? cpa>s ecTTt, Kal o~KOTia tv avTU) ovk i'cmv ovbepia. edv eir 7T(opev on Koivaiviav exopev per avrov, Kal iv tw o~kot€i TrepnraTapev, yjrevdo- peda, Kal ov iroiovpev ttjv dXrjdeiav ' 7 idv 8e iv to (patTi ire pnraTwpev, cos avTos etTTiv iv ro5 (pari, Koivmviav e'xo- pev per dXXi'jXcov, Kal to alpa , \t}ctov XpicrTov tov vlov avrov KaOapi^ei i)pds dno rrdo-qs dpaprias. 8 'Eaf e'nrcopev on apapriav ovk v, iriaros can Kai SiKaios, iva dcprj r)plv ras dpaprias, ml KaBapiarj r)pds dub irdarjs dSiKias. 10 " " « > < 1 eav enrcopev on ov% 7jp.aprijKap.tv, ■ycvarr/v Tvoiovpcv avrbv, Kai 6 \6yos avrov ovk 'ianv iv i)plv. 2. TcKvia pov, ravra ypd(f)a> vp'iv, iva pt] dpdprrjre' /cat idv ns dpaprrj, irapaKXrjrov c'^opcv wpbs rbv iraripa, Irjaovv Xpiarbv diicaiov' Kai avrbs IXaapos ian Trepl rcov dpapncov r)pa>v' ov ncpi rcov r)peripa>v 8e povov, dXXd Kai Trepl SXov rov map.ov. Kai iv rovrco yivcoaKopev on iyva>- Kapev avrbv, iav ras ivroXas avrov rrjpcopev. 4 6 Xiycov' "EyvajKa avrov' Kai ras evroXas avrov pi] rrjpcov, ^revarr^s earl, Kai iv rovrca r) dXrjdeia ovk 'ianv' os S civ rrjpfj avrov rbv Xoyov, dXrj- vois iv rovrco t) dydrrr] rov Oeov rere- Xeicorai. iv tovtco yivcoaKopev on iv avra iapev. 6 6 Xiyaiv iv avrw peveiv, ocpeiXei, Kadws iKe'ivos TrepieTrdrrjae, Kai avrbs ovrcos Trepirrareiv. 7 a ' h.yaiTTjrol," ovk ivroXyv Kaivr)v ypdcpo) vplv, eiXX' ivroXr)v rraXaiav, rjv ei^ere an dpxr)s' 17 ivroXr) 77 rraXaid ianv 6 Xoyos bv r/Kovaare b drr apxijs." 8 rrdXiv ivroXr)v Kaivrjv ypdcpco vplv, o ianv dXrjdes iv avra> Kai ev c vpiv' on 17 aKoria irapdyerai, Kai to (puis to dXrjdivbv rj8r) (paivei. 9 'O Xiyiov iv tu> (pari aval, Kai rbv dheXcpbv avrov piacov, iv rrj aKoria ear iv ea)? apn. o ayartcav rov aoeA- (pbv avrov, iv ra (pari pevei, Kai aKav- taXov iv avra ovk eariv. 6 t)e piacov rbv d8eX(hbv avrov, iv rrj crKona can, Kai cv rrj aKona Trcpnvarei, Kai ovk 010c ttov vndyei, on t) aKoria irv(j)Xu>ae tovs 6(pdaXpovs avrov. confess our sins, he is faithful, and just 10 forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all un- righteousness. I1] If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. 2. My little children, these thinis write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Fa- ther, Jesus Christ the righte- ous: -and he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for our's only, but also for the sins of the whole world. 3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. 4 He y saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and y truth is not in him. 5 Hut whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God per- fected : hereby know we that we are in him. 6 He that saith he abideth in him. ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked. " Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you. but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning: the old commandment is j' word which ye have heard from the begin- ning. "Again, a new command- ment I write unto you, which thing is true in him and in you : because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth. 9 He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now. "> He (hat loveth his brother, abideth in the light, and there is none ° occasion of stumbling in him. H But he that hateth his brother, is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and know- eth not whither he goeth. be. cause that darkness hath blind- ed his eyes. a Rec. Al.X'^oi, ' Gr. soaudal. 1 John II. 12. 570 12 I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake. 13 I write unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I write unto you, young men, be- cause you have overcome the wicked one. I write unto you, little children, because ye have known the Father. 14 I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that in from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, & ye have over- come the wicked one. 15 Love not y world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. l vplv reKvia, oti dcpeaivrai vplv at dpapTiai did to dvopa avrov. 13 Tf>d(p(o vplv, narepes, on eyvuKare tov an dpx'js- ypd(pv, Kal rj dXa^oveta tov filov, ovk eaTiv e< tov naTpos, dXX' e'/c tov Koapov eori. 17 Kal 6 Koo~pos napdyeTai, Kal rj eni- dvpia b aiiToxi'" 6 8e noicov to BeXrjpa Toil Qeov, pevei els tov ala>vu. 18 Ilaidia, eaxaTrj copa eori" Kal Kadios ijKovo~aTe oti 6 avn^piaros e'p- XeTai, Kal vvv dvTixpicrToi noXXol ye- yovao~iv' d8ev yivu>aKopev oti eaxaTrj copa ecrTiv. 19 e£ fjpuiv i^rjX6ov, aXX ovk rjaav e'£ rjpoov' el yap rjaav «£ i)pa>v, pepevijKeiaav dv peff r)pu>V aXX' Iva (pavepoidioaiv oti ovk eiari navTes et; y'jpcov. "° Kal vpels ^pta-jua e^ere and tov dylov, Kal oifiare ndvra. ovk i'ypa\j/a vplv, on ovk oitWe Tnv dXr)- Oeiav, aXX' oti oi'Sare avTr)v, Kal on Trai/ yirev8os eK tijs dXrjBeuis ovk eo~Ti. Tis eo~Tiv d ^evaTrjs, ei pij d apvov- pevos on 'lr)o~ovs ovk Zcttiv d Xpiards ; ovtos eo-nv d dvTixpi&Tos, d apvovpevos tov naTepa Kal tov vldv. * 3 nds d apvovpevos tov vldv, ovde tov naTepa e'^ei' c o opoXoycov tov vldv Kal tov naTepa ej(ei." c St. Si Elz. oui. EIII2T0AH A. 571 "* 'Ypels a ovv" o TjKovo-are an dpxrjs, ev Vfj.lv peveTu). edv ev vplv peivij 6 an dpX^s rjKovaare, Kal iipels ev rep via Kal ev Tv n\avd>VTuiv vpds. ~ 7 Kal iipels to xpio-pa 6 eXa/Sere air uvrov, ev vp.lv pevei, Kal oil xpeiav e'x eT€ lva TU 8io~d(TKT] vpds' aXX' coy to ' aiiTo " xplvpa 8i8dcrKet. vpds trepl irdv- Toov, Kal dXrjdes e'rrri, Kal ovk ecrri \jrev8os' Kal Kada>s £8i8a£ev vpds, c pe- ve'iTe" ev aurco. " 8 Kal vvv, TeKvta, pevere ev avrco' iva orav (pavepuidij, ex- VKeTe oti iriis 6 noiav ttjv 8iKaLoo-vvriv, e£ avTov yeyevvrjTai. 3. i'Serf ttototvtjv aydni/v 8e8u)Ktv ijplv 6 naTijp, lva tckvu Qeov Kkrjdoopev 8id tovto d Kocrpos ov yLvdocTKei Tjpus, oti ovk eyva avTov. " ayamiTol, vvv TeKva Qeov eapev, Kal ovitu) eCpavepwdrj tI e'crdpeda' olSapev 11 8e " oti e'dv (pavepcodrj, dpoiot. avTca ecrdpeda, oti d\j/dpe6a avTuv KaOoos ecrTi. Kai was 6 'e'xiov ti)v eXiriBa Tavrrjv en avTU>, dyvi£ei eavrov, KaOas eKelvos ayvds eo~Ti. 4 ttus 6 noieov ti)v upap- Tiav, Kal Tt)v dvopiav noiel' Kal rj dpapTia e'o-TLv i) dvopia. 5 Kal ot'Sdre oti eKelvos ecpavepaidij, lva Tas dpapTtas e J)pu>v " apy • Kal apapria ev avTco ovk eo~Ti. nas 6 ev avTui pevcov, ovx apapTavef iras 6 dpapTavcov, ovx cc0 " paKev avTov, ov8e eyva>Kev avTov. TeKvla, prjBels nXavaToa vpds' 6 iToimv ttjv 8iKaioo~vvr]v, 8iKai6s ecrTi, ku6u)s eKelvos 8tKaios eo-Tiv. s 6 noiav 1 John III. 8. 24 Lot that therefore abide in you which ye have heard from the beginning : if that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father. « And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life, m These things have 1 written unto you, concerning them that seduce you. •' But the anointing which ye hive received of him, abid- eth in you: and ye need not that any man teach you : but, as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie: and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in "him. "And now, little children, abide in him, that when he shall appear, we may have confi- dence, and not be ashamed be- fore him at his coming. " If ye know that he is right- eous, /* ye know that every one winch doeth righteousness, is bom of him. 3. Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, J we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. -' Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet ap- pear, what we shall be: but we know, that when he shall ap- pear, we shall be like him : for we shall see him as he is. 3 And every man that hath this hope in him, purilieth him- self, even as he is pure. ' Who. soever committelh sin, trans- gresseth also the law : for sin is the transgression of the law. 5 And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins, & in him is no sin. e Who- soever ahideth in him, sinneth not: whosoever sinneth, hath not seen him, neither known him. 7 Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness, is righteous, even as he is righteous. s He that b CVJ au c cnj ^E^ere. ' Or, it. /3 Or, tiiow je. 1 John III. 9. committeth sin, is of the devil, for the devil sinneth from the beginning: for this purpose the son of God was manifested, that he might destroy y works of the devil. 9 Whosoever is born of God, doth not commit sin : for his seed remaineth in him. and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. '«' In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not right- eousness, is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. 11 For this is the * message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one ano- ther. ia Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother: and wherefore slew he him ? because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous. I3 Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. 14 We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren : he that loveth not his brother, abideth in death. I5 Whosoever hateth his brother, is a murderer, and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. 16 Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. 17 But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother hath need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him ; how dwelleth the love of God in him ? ls My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth. 19 And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall 572 IQANNOY ttjv dpapTiav, eK tov SiafBoXov ecTTiv' otl an dpx^js 6 bidftoXos apapTavei. etc tovto e'cpavepoodr) 6 vios tov Qeov, iva \vo~rj tci epya tov 8iaj36Xov. 9 nds 6 yeyevvqpevos i< tov Qeov, dpapTiav ov noiei, otl crneppa avroii ev avTco pevei ' Kai ov dvvarai apapTaveiv, otl (k. tov Qeov yeyevvrjTai. 10 iv tovtui (pavepci io~Ti to. TeKva tov Qeov Kai to. TeKva tov Sia/3oXou. Ildc 6 p.ij noLcov biKaiocrvvqv, ovk eo~Tiv e< Toil Qeov, Kai 6 prj ayatrcov tov d8eX(p6v avTov. otl avTrj eo~Tiv r) dyyeXia rp> TjKovcraTe an dpxr)s, Lva dyanaipev aXXifXovs' 12 ov Ka8a>s Kd'iv en Toil novrjpov tjv, ko.1 ecrcpa^e tov aSeXcpov avToii ' Kai x a P LV Tlv0 ? ecrcpa- £ev aiiTov ; otl tlx epya avroii novrjpa tjv, to. 8e tov dfteXcpov ai/Toii 8iKaia. 13 pr] davpd^ere, dheXcpoi a pov," el pi- o~ei vpds 6 Koapos. 14 rjpels olftapev otl peTafiefirjKapev eK tov Bavarov els tt)v £a>i]v, otl dyanOipev tovs ddeXcfiovs' 6 pr) dyanwv tov abeXcpbv, pevei ev tu> Qavarca. lo 7ra? 6 piaiiv tov ddeXcpov avTov, dvdpanroKTovos eo-Ti' Kai otSare OTL 7TU9 dvdpanOKTOVOS OVK e'^el fcOTJV aluviov ev aurco pevovcrav. li.v tovtco eyvcoKapev Tr)v ayarrqv, otl eKflvos vnep r)pa>v tIjv y^vxrjv aiiToii edrjKe' Kai rjpe'is dcpeiXopev vnep tu>v dbeXcficov tcis yJAV)(ds TiSevai. l ' os 5' av exf] tov jiiov tov Kocrpov, Kai deioprj tov dbeXcpbv avToii xpei'af e'xovTa, Kai KXelcrj] til crnXdyxva avTov an avroii, ncos t) dydnrj tov Qeov pevei ev avTti ; 18 TeKvia b pov," pr) dyanuipev Xoyco prjde c ttj" yXcocrar], aXX' d ev" epya Kai dXrjdeiq. 19 Kai ev tovto) e yivtoo~Kopev" otl eK tt)s dXrjdeias ecrpev, Kai epnpocrdev av- *-l •> a d tin Vl , >'i.i:i n.nnlinrnt. EniSTOAH A. 573 rov neiaopev ras KapSias fjpa>v' 20 oti eav Karayivioa-Ki] i)pa>i> f) KapSia, oti pei^cov earlv 6 Qebs rfjs Kapdias fjpu>v, Kal yt,va>o~K*i irdvra. " x dyanr/rol, eav tj Kapbia fjpaiv pi) KaraytvuxTKri fjpwv, irapprjo-Lav e^opev TTpos tov Qeov, " Kal o eav airapev, Xapfidvopev nap avrov, on ras evroXds avrov rr/povpev, ko.1 tu apeo-rd evunriov avrov noiovpev. " 3 Kal avrr) earlv tj e'vroXr) avrov, "iva ^iricrrev- crapev tc5 ovopan rov vlov avrov Irjo-oii Xpio-rov, Kal dyanOopev dXXij- Aovs, Kadcos e'ScoKei/ evro\j)v fiu.lv. £4 » r - , , .. , til Kai o rr/puv ras evroAas avrov, ev avro) pevei, Kai avrbs ev avrco. Kal ev rovrm yivu>aKopev Kev. 4. AyaTTTjrol, pi) rravrl nvevpan mo-revere, aWa 8oKipd£ere ra irvev- para, el eK rov Qeov eanv' on 7roA\ol yjfevdoTrpospfjrai. e'£e\rp\vdaaiv els rov Koapov. '" ev rovrco b yivwo-Kere " to Ilveipa tov Qeov' irdv irvevpa 6 opoAoyel 'Irjaovv Xpiarov ev crapKi eXrp\vd6ra, eK rov Qeov ean. 3 Kal Trav irvevpa o prj opoAoyel c rov " hio~ovv d " e ev crapK.1 e\rp\v86ra" , eK rov Qeov ovk eort' Kai tovto ecrri to tov avn^pio-rov, 6 aKr/Koare on epyerai, Kal vvv ev rQ> Koapco iarrlv fjdrj. * 'Ypels eK rov Qeov e'ore, reKvia, Kai veviKTjKare avrovs' on petfav earlv 6 ev vplv r] 6 ev tg> Koapa. * avrol eK rov Koapov elai' 8ia tovto eK rov Kocrpov AaXovai, Kal 6 Koapos avrcov aKovei. 6 fjpels eK tov Qeov eapev' 6 yiva)0-Ka)V rov Qebv, aKovei fjpmv' bs ovk eanv eK rov Qeov, ovk aKovei ijpcbv. eK rovrov yiva>o~Kopev to Ilvev- pa rijs dXtjdeias Kal to irvevpa rfjs irXdvrjs. 1 John IV. 6. "assure our hearts before him. ' J0 For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our lieart, and knowetb all things. '•" Be- loved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence towards God. '■''•'And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, be- cause we keep his command- ment, and do those things that arc- pleasing in his sight. ■■> And tins is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment. ' 2i And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him : and hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us. 4. Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits, whe- ther they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God : every spirit, that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in \ flesh, is of God. i And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God : and this is that ■spirit of anlichrist.n hereof you have heard, that it should come, and even now already is it in the world. 4 Ye are of God, little chil- dren, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 5 They are of the world : therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. 6 We are of God : he that knowetb God, heareth us: he that is not of God heareth not us, hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error. a rs; 7riareviTKei that loveth not. knoweth not T0V Q eo V 8 6 pr) dyaTTav, ovk eyvco rov God: for God is love. Mr, this , ~ , Q . , . . . 9 ^ ^ was manifested the love of God v " ; "" ~ c , ', ' „■ ., c _ towards us, because that God ra> e(pavepa>ar) r) ayaTTr, tov Qeov ev rjfj.iv, sent his only begolten Son into <£, ^ ^^ a {, ro {) ro „ uoi/oyf vr) dne- the world, that we might live t , , , , r '«',., through him. "> Herein is love, (rraAKev o Qeoseis top Koaixov, iva 070-co- not that we loved God, but that „ el , § t ' avT ov. 10 ev tovto) ecrriv r) ayaTTr,, he loved us. and sent his Son to » » e - j / * _< o » "\V be the propitiation for our sins. ™X oti T)p.euT)yaTTT)aaiiev tov Qeov, aXX " Beloved, if God so loved us, oti avTos TjyaTrrjo-fv rjfids, 11 » « at any time. If we love one ricai/ j^oji/. ayainfTOi, ft oltok o another. God dwelleth in us, Q eos nycnrno-ev rjuds, kci\ r)pe'is 6(heiXo- and his love is perfected in us. >.{ <\ > - i» Q ■ >j > '3 Hereby know we that we /**" aXXrjXovs ayairav. > Seoj/ ovoe ir dwell in him and he in us, be- iranTOTe TedeciTaC edv ayarriofxev aXXr,- came he hath given us of his x 6 0eos . fV • - ' ^ ^ • ^ fcpiHt. j .. / ) v > < - li i avroi; T€TeX(LG>iJ.evT) e&Tiv ev rjfjuv. ev tovtq) yivo~KOfiev 0T1 (v civto) fxevofiev, Ka\ axiTos ev rjfj.lv, oti eK tov IlvevfxaTOs avTOv SeScoKff r,fjlp. M And we have seen, and do " Ka j Wf" s Te8edpe8a Kal pap™- testify.that the Father sent the povfiev oti o TraTrjp a-ireo-TaXice tov viov Son to be the Saviour of the ^^pa T0 {) KtJo-uot;. 15 or av ouoXo- world. '» Whosoever shall con- , lr „ , _ , , , v -'_ - fess that Jesus is the son of God, yrjar) oti Incrovc e itJLf/z^^iz ©«?• , 16 ■* ^^/v--M--i -f hath to us. God is love, and Tno-TtvKaficv tjjv aycnrrfv r)v f^ei o Gtoc he that dwelleth in love, ^ ' -„_ ^ Q for a-yd7T?7 fCTTC, /cat 6 dwelleth in (»od, and God in , '~ , „ , , ' , ' ~ „ - him. " Herein is »our love fJ.ev(ov ev Tr) ayaTTr) , ev to Weep fievei, made perfect, that we may Ka \ & Q eos f ' v aiiTci. 1? ev tovto> rere- have boldness in the day of..* t ■, , ' /» ' ~ « *>< judgment, because as he is, so A«a>TCK r, ayaTTr, ped r)fi^v, iva Trappr)- are we in this world. IS There o~Lav f^copev iv T77 rjfiepa ttjs Kpiaecos' is no fear in love, but perfect g ^ | Ke J^ ff ' ^o^ ^i ^„elr eVltCT love castetn out fear : hecause , , isj'a > * fear hath torment : he that (V tco Koo~fia> tovtco. ° a >\ he first loved us. f3aXXeiTov opov, oti o (pofios KoXao-iv e^et' o Se (poftovfjevos ov TfTfXdcoTai ev tt] ayaTTr). 19 rjpels dyaTTwfiev ovtov, oti avTos TrpaiTOs rjya.TTrjo'ev rjpas. '•"> If a man say, I love God, ~° 'Edv tis e'lTTj)' On ayanut tov a Gr. loTe with os. EniSTOAH A. 575 Serif" v% (o>paKe, ttois dvvarai aycnrdv : Kal ravrqv tt)v (VTokrjv e%opev drr avrov. ~iva 6 dyanwv tov Qeov, ayarra Kai tov ddeXcpov avrov. S. Has 6 TTlO-T£V(j)V OTl Ir/o-ovs errriv 6 Xpioros. e'< T- ftev, kol Tas evroXds avrov *TT)pii>pev.' 3 avTT) yap evTiv r) dyaTrr) Toil ©eov, iva Tas evro\ds avrov TTfpmpeV Kai ai eVroXai avrov riapelai oik ela'iv. ori 77uv to yeyeviT) uevov e'/c tov Qeov, vikol TOV Kl'nTpOV' KCU UlTTj eCTTlV Tj VIKTj Tj vucrjo-ao-a tov Koo-pov, tj ttiotis Tjfxcuv. ° TIS (OTIV 6 VIKWV TOV KOCTpOV, el pTj 6 TTlOTeVOiV VTL 'It)0~OIS eCTTlV 6 VIOS TOV ©eot • 6 Ovtoj eoriv 6 e\6iov 81 v&itoc Ka\ alpaTos, 'Itjo-ovs b 6 Xptcrrdj" ovk ev tg> vbari povov. aXX' ev ru vSart Kal T r.r.. c R«. add r* ry l ip mwtf , • 9*ti&, 9 A»7*r» - 1 John V. II. his Son. " And this is the re- cord, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. la He that hath the Son, hath life ; and he that hath not the Son, hath not life. 13 These things have I writ- ten unto you that believe on the name of the sou of God, that ye may know, that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the son of God. M And this is the con- fidence that we have "in him, that if we ask any thing accord- ing to his will, he heareth us. 15 And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. 16 If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it. 17 All un- righteousness is sin, and there is a sin not unto death. 19 We know that whosoever is bom of God, sinneth not: but he that is begotten of God, keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not. ,8 And we know that we are of God. and the whole world lieth in wickedness. ' m And we know that the son of God is come.and hath given us an understanding that we may know him that is true: and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life. - 1 Little children, keep your- selves from idols. Amen. 576 IQANNOY 11 Kai avrrj ecrnv f/ papTvpla oti farjv alooviov edcoKfv rjp.1v 6 Qebs' Kai avrt] r) £coj] ev tu> vla> civtov ecrriv. " 6 e^uiv tov vlov, e'xet. Tifv £an]v' 6 pi) e^cov tov vlov tov Qeov, ttjv £a»]v ovk e^ei. 13 Tavra eypa\j/a vp'iv*", Iva eldrjre oti £(D7]v b alu>vtov e^erf," c ol irio-Tevovres els" to ovopa rov vlov tov Qeov. kuI avTr) eo~riv r) irapprjaia ijv e^op.ev npbs avTov, otl idv n alrcopeda kcito, to 6e\rjpa avTov, aKovei r)pa>v - lo Kai edv o'ldap.ev on av, o dv al- Tiopeda, o'lftapev oti e^opev to. aiTrjpaTa a 7]Tr]Kap.ev nap avTov. 16 'Edv tis i$r) tov d8e\(j)bv avTov apapTavovTa dp,apTiav prj npbs Qavarov, alrtjirei, Kai dcoo-ei avra Ci]v, tois dpaprdvovo~i pr) npbs ddvarov. ecrTLV dpapTia Trpbs Bdvarov' ob nepl eKeivrjS Aeyci) iva epo)Ti]0-rj. *' Ttdcra dtiKia ap-apTia e'crTi' Kai eanv dpapTia ov 7Tpbs BdvaTOV. 13 O'ihapev on 7rac 6 yeyevvrjpevos e'< tov Qeov, ov% ap.apTa.vei' aXX 6 yevvrjdeii e'K tov Qeov, rr/pei eavrbv, Kai 6 TTOvrjpbs ob% anTeTai avTov. 19 o'ibapev oti. eK tov Qeov eapev, Kai 6 Koapos oXos ev rai novrjpcp Ke'iTai. 20 d Kal o'lbapev" oti 6 vlbs tov Qeov rjKei, Kai 8eda>Kev r)plv Sidvoiav Iva yivaxrKcopev tov dXrjSivov' Kai eapev ev roj aWrjQivm, ev ra> vim avTov e Ir/aov Xpttrra)." ovtos eo-Tiv 6 d\r)di.vbs Qebs, Kai ( r) far)" aldivios. 21 TeKvla, (pvXdtjaTe eavTovs anb tcov etScoXtoy."' a !leo. add toij morrvovo-tv eij to ovopa tov viov tov "*.m.. b Reo. »x- a *oi. c Rec. *at *.a irtarevOTt etf. d Kec. on'.' ..■ < ie, e — » i cnj Twi). g Rec. add hjatju. a Or, cunceraiag him. EIII2T0AH B. 577 2 John 10. in ANNOY EniSTOAH AEYTEPA. f O IIPE2BYTEP02 e7cX«ctb Kvpia, Kal rois renvois avri)s, ovs iyw dyarrio fv aXrjdeia, Kal oi/K iya> povos, dXXd Kat irdvres oi iyvcoKores rt)v dXi)8eiav, did rrjv dXi)6eiav ri)v pevovcrav iv Vf-' iv t Ka i ae @' W^v earai els rov alava' etrrai peff ^vpoiv" X&P ls s iXeos, elprjvrj irapa Qeov irarpos, Kal napa h Kvpiov" lrjcrov 3Lpio~Tov rod vlov rov irarpos, iv aXrjBeiq Kal dydirjj. 4 'E^dprjv Xiav on cvprjKa en rcov reKviov crov irepmarovvras iv dXrjOeia, Kat)a>s ivTokrjv iXdtfopev trapa rov irarpos- " Kal vvv iptorco ae, Kvpia, ov% cos ivroXrjv c ypdcputv" croi Kaivrjv, aXXd tjv e'l^npev an dpxijs, iva dya- ira>pev dXXrjXovs. 6 Kal avrrj icrrlv i) ayairt], iva Tvepmaroapev Kara ras iv- roXas avrov. avrq icrrlv i) ivroXrj, Ka6i>s rjKovo-are air apx>}S, Iva iv avry irepiirarfjre' ' On iroXXol irXdvoi d elcrrjXQov" els rov Kocrpov, oi p.rj opoXoyovvres 'lrjo-ovv Xpicrrov ep%6pevov ev crapKi' ovros ecrriv o irXdvos Kal 6 avri\picrros- fiXe'irere eavrovs, Iva pi) e diroXeo-utpev a eipyacrdpeda, dXXd picrdov irXr)prj arroXdfiuipev." 9 was 6 irapaftaivoyv, Kai pii pevcov iv rrj dicia^fj rov Xpicrrov, Qeov ovk e%ei' 6 pevcov iv rfj dida)(fj rov \picrrov," ovros Kal rov irarepa /cat rov viov e^et. l " ei ris ep^erai irpbs vpas, Kal ravrtjv rr)v t)ibaxi)v ov (pipei, pr) Xap(3avere avrov (is oiKiav, ' I 1 HE elder unto the elect lady, ■•■and tier children, whom 1 love in the truth: and not I only, hut also all they thai hare known the truth: a for y truth's sake which dwelleth in us, and shall he with us for ever: 3 Grace be with you, mercy, and peace from Cod the Father, ami from y I, U rd Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father In truth and love. 4 I rejoiced greatly, that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Fa- ther. 4 And now, I beseech thee lady, not as though 1 wrote a new commandment unto thee: but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another. ' And this is love, that we walk after his command- ments. This is the command- ment, that as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it. 7 For many deceivers are en- tered into the world, who con- fess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver, and an antichrist. "Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have 'wrought, hut that we receive a full reward. ■' Who- soever transgresseth and abid- eth not in y doctrine of Christ, hath oat Geo: he that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. IIJ If there come any unto you, andbnng not tins doctrine, receive him not into your house. — St. rj-^uiy V*<*y. h ^t c St. ipay. t 0V airoXrvnri a itpyaeaoQl, . . . * -* ° Or, gained. Son* oopiM rtaU, which ye Iia\c g4JDeii, but that ye receive •AH F »\a;3r/rJ, 38 2 John 11. 578 K2ANNOY neither bid him, God speed. iea\ %cupeiv avTai pfj Xe'yere* n 6 yap deeds. yoty auroi/ roiy novrjpois. 12 Having many things to IToXXa 'i^cav vpiv ypdcpeiv, oi/K write unto you, I would not '^X/icV Sm vdprov K ai ueAai/os" write with paper and ink, but '' ' ' , „ h $: X ~ „ , e ~ \ I trust to come unto you, and a eA7ri(|a> yap cA&av irpos vp.as, (cat speak "face to face, that our aT 6ua npos (rroaa XaXntrat, tva h vapd joy may be full. „ t \. u i •> r » ' ' a r ^tjucov jj neivKrjpuipivrj. •3 The children of thy elect U 'A(md(eTai ere ra TtKva Tr/c dSeXcpf/s sister greet thee. Amen. q-qv Trjs eKXeKT^s. d " IOANNOY EniSTOAH TPITH. rpHE elder unto the wellbe- 'Q IIPE2BYTEP02 Tata ™ ayanrj- /m 1 X d trutr ,Wh0mI1 ° Ve s ^,6v^dy«™^^. ( 3 beloved, I r wish above all Aycurr/Te, Trepi iravruiv fvxopai ere things that thou mayest prosper do^ovadai Kal vyiaiveiv, Ka6m evo- and be in health, even as thy *, _ , < i ' 3 > ' • soul prospereth. 3 For I re- Oovrai ^ v Ka\ papru- ^^^ i n t fw e l fn th a V t , 'h U nt; pownw S v b' K ? YW yapdv, Iva aKOiico TO. e'ud my children walk in truth. / > A /i < - reject (v aArjoeia TTtpinaTovvra. 5 Beloved, thou doest faith- 5 ' Kyannre, mcrrov irouls o e'di> fully whatsoever thou doest to > / t \ >» \j « e „„ v . ? J the brethren, and to strangers: epyaofl eis tow a8eA<£ow Kai etc row * which have borne witness of £eVoi/c," " oi epapTvprjaav crov rfj thy charity before the church: > < ^^0,, i KK \ w las' ots KaXus whom it thou bring forward on ' , , , '/>' -/-<.-> their journey after a godly sort, Trotr/crets npoTTtpyas a£ia>s tov Beov. thou shalt do well : 'because 7 {^p -^p ro {) dvoparos '" e^rjKdov that for his name's sake they » < \ o » »- ' - »■>/]-•» went forth.taking nothing of the prfdev^ XapfJavovrts ano tu>v SecW.^ Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought 8 rjpels ovv d(pe[\optv dnokapfUdveiv" ZESSSftfZSi St ro\rorrov S) ha crwepyoi y^prfa Trj akrjdeiq. 9 I wrote unto y church, but ' 9 "Eypa^a Tn eV^X-icna* dXX' 6 cpi- Diotrephes, who loveth to have .. ' / > - . *•« > > the preeminence among them, XoTrpcoreycov avrwi/ AioTp(v. d Rec. add aurjv. e oo wai towto fai-ot.;. 1 Bz. & F.I*, add aurow. B ~ iQyiHuiy. b cnj ii7ro\a^^ai'(4»'. a Gr. mouth to aiooth. P Or, truly. ? Or, pmv. EniSTOAH r. 579 vwofivrjaco aiiTov ra epya a iroitl, Xoyoic TTOvrjpois (pXvapcov l}pa§' Kal pfj dpKov- pevos iirl tovtois, ovre aiiTos eVriSe'xerat Toils' d8e\(fiovs, Kal tovs jdovXopevovs KcoXuet, Kal €K Trjs (KKhr)o~ias ticfidWfi. 11 dyairqre, pi) pipov to kcikov, dXXd to dyadov. 6 dyaOoTvoiuv, €K tov Qeov (o~tiv' 6 a KaKOTToiuv, ov% tiopaKe TOV Qeov. 12 ArjprjTpla pepapTvptfTai iino ndv- to)i>, Kal \m' avTrjs ttjs dXrjddas' Kal T/pels 8e paprvpovpev, Kal b oi8aTe " on r) paprvpia rjpuv dXr)6r)s fort. 13 IloXXa fi^ov ypdcpeiv, dXX ov 6eXa> did ptXavos Kal KaXdpov o~oi ypd\jsac u eXnifa 8e tvdecos iSelf o~e, Kal o-Topa ivpbs o-Topa XaXrjO-opcv. 15 elprjvrj croi. do-ird£ovTal rre oi (piXoi. do~7rd£ov tovs (piXovs Kar bvopa. Jlde 4. I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, pra- ting against us with malicious words: ami not content there- with, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and for- biddcth them that would, and cast. 'th them out of the church. II Beloved, follow not }• which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good, is of God: but he that doeth evil, hath not seen God. '- Demetrius hath good report of all men, and of the truth it- self: yea, and we also bear record, and ye know that our record is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write unto thee. N But I trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak "face to face. Peace be to thee. Our friends salute thee. Greet the friends by name. IOYAA EIII2TOAH. 'J0YAA2 'lrjo-ov Xpiorov SovXoc, dSeXcpos 8e 'laKoyjUov, to'is (V c ' 0eTT]pias, dvdyKrjv ev X"P LV l xe ~ TaTiOevres els dveXyeiav, Kal tov povov JUDE the servant of Jesus Christ, and brotherof James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called: a mercy unto you, and peace, and love be multiplied. 3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of J common salvation : it was need- ful for me to write unto you.and exhort you $ ye should earnest- ly contend for }• faith which was once delivered unto the saints. 4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were be- fore of old ordained to this con- demnation, ungodly men, turn- ing J grace of our God into las- civiousness, and denying the » Rec. add It. *> <^ oilas. c Ex. add t^ d cv Jiya-K*)i*tirots. Or. rooulb to moilk, JlJDE 5. only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. 5 I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord having saved the people out of the land of Egypt afterward destroyed them that believed not. 6 And the angels which kept not their a first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness, unto the judgment of the great day. 7 Even as Sodom and Gomor- rha, and the cities about them, in like manner giving them- selves over to fornication, and going after £ strange flish, are set forth for an example, suf- fering the vengeance of eternal fire. 8 Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, de- spise dominion, and speak evil of dignities. a Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with y devil, he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a tailing ac- cusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee. I0 But these speak evil of those things, which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt them- selves. "Woe unto them, for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after y error of Balaam, for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core. 12 These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding them- selves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds, trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots. 13 Raging waves of y sea, foam- ing out their own shame, wan- dering stars, to whom is reserv- ed the blackness of darkness for ever. 14 And Enoch also, $ seventh 580 IOYAA ftecmoTrjv a " /cat Kvpiov fjpcov 'lrjaovv Hpiarbv apvovpevoi. 5 'Yrropvrjo-ai Be vpas fiovkopat, h el- Boras vpas airat; tovto, otl 6 Kvpios " Xaov eK yi)s Alyvnrov aaxras, to Bev- Tepov tovs prj marrevaavras dniikeaev . 6 dyyeXovs re tovs pr) TT)pr]o~avras ttjv eavroiv ap%r]v, aXXd anokmovras to 'LBlov olKr/Trjpiov, els Kplaw peydXr/s Tjpepas Beapols ai'Si'oiy vnb £6(f>ov re- TT)prjKev' ' cos ^oBopa Kal Topoppa, Kal ai nepl aiirds iroXeis, tov bpoiov tovtois Tponov eKTvopvevcrao-ai, Kal dneXBoiicrai oniau) aapKos erepas, ivpb- Keivrai Beiypa, 7rvp6s almvlov Biktjv vne^ovcrat. 8 'Opoias pevroi Kal ovtoi svxmvia- £6pevoi, adpica pev pialvovcri, KvpioTrjTa Be d0eTovo~i, 8b£as Be fB\aa(pr]povcnv. 9 6 Be Mi^ar/X 6 dp^dyyeXoc, ore to> 8ia/36Xa> BiaKpivopevos BieXeyero nepl roil Mcoaeoos adipaTos, ovk eToXprjo-e Kpicriv e'neveyKelv fiXacrCp-qpias, dXX elnev ''ETriTiprjo-ai crot Kvpios. 10 Ovtoi Be baa pev ovk o'lBaari fiXao-cpripovcnv' bo~a Be (pvcnKws, oos i"d aXoya fa>a, e'nlo-TavTai., ev tovtois (pdeipovTai. 11 oval avrols' on rf/ 6Bu> tov Kd'iv eTVopevdr)o-av, Kal Tjj irXdvrj tov BaXaap piadoii e^exvOrjO-av, Kal rfj dvriXoyia tov Kope aTTU>\ovro. 13 Ovtoi elaiv c " ev tois dydnais vpa>v o-iviXdBes, o~vveva>-)(ovpevoi, a(po- /3a)c eavTOvs Troipalvovres' vecpeXat uvv- Bpoi, vtto dvepav d napacpepopevac ' " BevBpa piva, aKapTra, Bis ano- BavovTa, eKpifadevTa' 13 KitpaTa aypia. da.Xdo'O'rjs, eiva<$>p'i£ovTa Tas eavTaiv altrxyvas' do-Tepes TrXavr/Tai, ois 6 £o- i«^oraj, aira£ or* o Knoios b. Irjaov^. c oJ add o». d Rec. irepi'f>epo^evat, • Rec. add tov. ° Or, principality. P Gr. other. EIII2T0AH. 581 ftopos diro 'A^ii/x 'Evu>x, Xeyatv' 'Ifioii fjXoe Kvpios ev a dylais pvpido~iv" av- tov, * Trou](rai Kplaiv Kara tto.vtv" irepi rravruiv rtov e'pycov J drxe- delas " avrmv a>v ijaefirjcrav, Ka\ Trepi rravrcov ra>v (TKkrjpuiv tov eXdXrjaav KUT avrov dpaprcoXoi dire/3fic. 16 Ovrol eiai yoyyvaral, pepyj/lpoipoi, Kara rds emovplas aiireov nopevopevoi' Kai to aropa avriov AaAeZ vnepoyKa, Bavpd- Qovtgs Trpuacona, a(peXelas ^dpiv. Ypeis Se, dyairrjToi, pLVTjaBrjre twv prjparoiv ran/ Trpoeiprjpevcov iiiro riov aTTocrToXcov tov Kvpiov rjpwv Ir/trot) \pio~rov' 18 on 'e'Xeyov vp.1v, on e ev e cr^drw ^pdj'O) " f eaovrai " eprralKTai, Kara rds eavrcov emSvplas nopevopevoi tuiv daefteiiov. 19 ovrol elaiv ol dno- Siopl£ovres e eavroiis," \jsvxiKoi, Hvevpa p,f] 'e\avres. 'Ypels Se, dyairriTo\, rfj uyKordri] vp.u)V Trlarei eiroiKobopovvres eavrovs, ev Tlvevpari dylco 7rpoo~ev)(6pevoi, " l eavroiis ev dydirj] Qeoii rr/prjaaTe, TTpooSe^opevoi to eXeos tov Kvpiov ijpiov Ir/aov 'Kpiorov, els £(oijV auoviov. 22 h Kai oiis pev eXeeire biaKpivopevof 23 oiis Se ev a and others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire: hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. " Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory u'th exceeding joy. 25 to the only «ise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, now and ever. Amen. » Rec. fivpitLtrtv aytais. b (^J t\ty*ai. « rt d -* t «& fv ' , a ( ito- (tow) jpoi">». f >: '\"-fnrrmt, g^X. St. om. b ^ icai ovj ntvtXiyxtrt IttxKptvnptvwf 23 Ovy ^| Oo/Zrrt •« *vp°J apwat *r * v o- j U ■Xmrl tv rfnSta, .-vj #ro» 01.5 ptv tit iri'()«, auiraltit, .'lo.^iKO^ti-ovf l4 t t\tfiri. k ilec. add oorprv. I Ke< Ilec. L Gli om. Revelation I. 1. 582 AIIOKAAYM'12. AnOKAAYtll rpHE Revelation of Jesus ' A IIOKAAY^IS 'Irjcrov Xokttov, fjU A Cru-ist which God gave unto **■ «g ^ & Q6 fc ;> j him, to shew unto his servants c •» »* i •> ' /i > » things which must shortly come SovAoiy ai/rou a 6ei yeveaUai ev Ta^et, to pass ; and he sent andsigni- Ka \ eVnuarei/ a7roaret'Aac Sid rov ayye- fied i'i by his angel unto his N r •» <• * '\ ' - >t ' a * servant John, 2 who bare record Aou atrrou rep oouAcp avrov Icoavvjj^ 0? of the word of God, and of the epaprvprjo'e tov \6yov rov Qeov Kai ttjv testimony of Jesus Christ, and ' >t - v„ ~ JT_~ a" ,?», of all things that he saw. ^prvpiav Iijcrow Xpicrrov, ocra eide. 3 Blessed is he that readeth, and paKaplos o avayivaxTKOtv, Kai 01 aKOV- they that hear the words of this wr(s T0VS Xdyovs rris Trporfmrei'ac, Kal prophecy, and keep those things » v ', ,' - ' ' ' , , which are written therein: for TTjpovvres ra iv avrrj ytypappeva' o the time is at hand. yap mipos syyvs. 4 John to the seven churches 4 'icudvvris rate eVrd eKKXrjcrtais rais %££-&& MS ^^' A -Y .#*« *»*«»,•%** a™ which was, and which is to D o coi> Kai o fjv Kai o epyop-eiW Kai come, and from the seven spirits £ no T ^ v ^ nTa jr^yadrcov a c i(mv " which are before his throne: > , - n > > - s » • « s and from Jesus Christ, who it evamov tov Opovov avrov ' 'mi ano the faithful witness, and the 'i^crou Xpto~rov, 6 pdprvs 6 7Ttcrrdc, 6 tt^rir^f tL'KsIf the *P»Toro K o S » r&V mtpS*, Kal 6 &p X ,V earth: rwv pao-iAeatv rrjs 777s. unto him that loved us, and Too e dyaniovTi" 17p.Sc, Kal \ovaavTl washed us from our sins in his nutiy dirb rwv daapriibv npav ev rco own blood, 6 and hath made us S < « v > / e •> kings and priests unto God and aipan avrov- J KOt eTrtur/o-ef W as his Father: to him be glory and ' /3acriAeiai>" tepel? rco Geco (cat irarpl dominion for ever and ever, Q £ ro -. ^ < § d | fl ^ t 'a Kp dros ei's roir cucoi'as' rail/ aicoi/cop. aprjv. » Behold he cometh with 7 'i§ {, i'pvtrai uerd raw vechekuv, clouds, and every eye shall see , „. ' , , - »j./i \ ' » him, and they also which *<" otyerai avrov nas o > > 1 - • ,*. "\ „* _~ . ~- ..„1 of him: even so. Amen. ^ avrov Traaai ai cpvXac rryc yr) S . va h 8 I am Alpha and Omega, the aprjv. beginning and the ending, saith 8 > E ' ' ro A Ka \ T0 Q S" \e yel the Lord, which is, and which . „ , ' . , n , „ f » v r ^ ( , was, and which is to come, the Kvpios o 0fos- o &v Kai o tjv Kai o Almighty. epvdaei/oc, 6 navroKpartop. 9 I John, who also am your '9 >„ x > T / k '* '» \j.' • " brother, and companion in tri. " E 7 W Iwa^J, ^ o ^ad<-\ Rec. add tov. c r! d Rec. add ex. ^ 'Rec.aya.irriaavTK. f Rec. f3a.m.\ei.$ tat. g Rec. add •p,t>; «m reXoj. h Rec. add o. i Rec. oio. k Rec. oxat. — . liz. Kai o. 1 cv xoivwj-oc. » Rec. addei> tj/. AIIOKAAY*12. 583 j3ao-i\eia Kai vnopovfj ^'Irprov "Kpiarov," eyevopr]v ev rfj vrjo-a rfj KaXovpevr/ Uarpa, bid rov Xdyov rov Qeov Kai 8ia" rrjv paprvplav 'irjtrov c H.picrTov." 10 > ' > rf ' ' eyevopr/v ev llvevpari ev rrj KvpiaKrj rjpepa' Kai f/Kovcra dwio-a pov (pavr)v peydXrjv as adXmyyos, n Xeyovarjs' d " O j3Xe7reis ypd\^ov els /3i/iJAi'oi/, Kai ireptyov rals e enra " (KKhrjiriais f ", els E.Xb£ irvpos' lo Kai ol nodes avrov opoioi XaXKoXifidva, as ev Kapiva nenvpape- vof Kai rj (fiavr] avrov as (pavrj vbdrav ■KoXXaV 16 Kai e\av ev rrj Sefta avrov X €l -P l do-re pas eirrd' Kai in rod o-rdpa- ros avrov popfpaia ditrropos dt-ela e\- 7Topevopevr]' Kai 17 o\f/is avrov as 6 fjXios (paivei ev rfj ftvvdpei avrov. 11 Kai ore eldov avrov, enea-a irpos rovs ndbas avrov co? veKpds' Kai k eOrjKe" TT)v bei-tdv avrov '" «r epe, Xeyav™"' Mi) (pofiov' eyto elpi 6 nparos /cat 6 eaxaros, 18 Kai 6 (2>v m Kai eyevdprjv veKpbs, Kai l8oi> (av elpl els rovs alavas rav alavav a "' Kai e^co ras Kkeis rov "davdrov Kai rov qo~ov." 19 ypd\jsov v ovv" a e iSer, Kai a elcri, ko.1 a peXXei ylveadai pera ravra' 20 ro pvo-rrjpiov rcoi' enra Revelation I. 20. and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Je»01 Christ. I0 I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, " laying, I am Al- pha and Omega, the tiist and the last: and what thou seest, write in a hook, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia, unto BphestM, and unto Smyrna, and unto Per-a- mos, and unto Thyatlra, and mi 1 o Sardis, and Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. 12 And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And heing turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks, ,3 and in the midst of the seven candlesticks. <>n>- like unto y Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. " His head, and his hairs were while like wool, as w lute as snow, and his eyes were as a flame of fire, 13 and his feet like unto line brass, as if they burned in a furnace: and his voice as the sound of many waters. Iu And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. 17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead : and he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not, 1 am the first, and the last. I8 I am he that liveth, and was dead: and behold, 1 am alive for ever- more. Amen, and have the keys of hell and of death. |,J Write the things which thoa hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be here- after, -° the mystery of the • <^ ,r Xp.v ei8es iiri rf/s deltas pov, Kai rd? eVrd Xv^vias ras xpvcrd?. ot eVrrd do-ripes, ayyeXoi tu>v enra e/ocXr;- o~ia>v eicrL' Kai a at Xv%viai a'l eVrrd," iTTTa eKKKrjaiai fieri. 2. Ta3 dyyeXco h rijs " c iv 'E(f>e" eKK\r]crias ypd\j/ov' TdSe Xeyet 6 Kparav rovs iivTa cicrrepas iv tjj 8ei;ia avroii, o TrcpiTvaTuiv iv pio~co tojv inra Xv)(Vlti>V tu>v \pvawv' " OtSa rd ipya crov, Kai TOV KOTTOV ll tt)v Xv^yiav crov e'K tov tottov avrrjs, iav pr) peTavoi]crt]s. 6 dAXd tovto e'xeis, on pio-els to. ipya ra>v NtKoXai'rd>i>, a Kayio pio~a>. 1 'O e'^coi/ ovs d/coucrdra) ri to Hvev- pa Xiyei Tals iKKXrjaiais' ra> vikwvti Scoa'a) aiirco cpayelv e'/c tov £vXov tijs (a>r)s, o iarTiv iv k to> Trapabeiaa" tov Qeoii ' pov." 8 Kai rep dyyfXco Trjs m iv 'EpvpvTj i^Xr/aias" ypax^ov' Tdde Xeya 6 irpu>- tos Kai 6 ed^aro?, os eyiveTO veKpos Kai e(j)o~eV 9 OtSd o~ov " rd ipya Kai" Tip OXiyp-iv Kai tt)v TTTo>)(eiav' (° aXXd TrXoija-ios" ft') Kai tt)v j3\ao-(prjpiav p e/c " rail' Xeydvroiv Iou5aiouc elvai tav- tovs, Kai ovk elcrlv, aXAa crwa'ycoyn; tov Sarafd. I0 q prjbev" 0o/3ot} a peXXeis Trdo'^eiv' idov peXXei r fidXXeiv " "6 8id- » Rec. at fjrTa Xt>ti>iai OS *«^«r. " ^^ r v c ttec. K'/.rui '/r. u ^X e Rpo. e-THpaaiu rovs ipaaKOvras et'n. rtirrt.T-'Aot'p. f Tt C Rec. s8a.nTa.aas, *at wirOii.ov')v ri^Si;, «a.t Sta to Ofoua fioi< KtnoTrta-taSt * a * ov it*Kfj.v*a.i. h It.-i' *. 7T.7r-w.av. i Tt — . St.raje .. 1. Rt-r. ,..77 .., -,,1 7: ,. ,j '.^t . t -. 1 Rec.oni. ill Kec.e^xXTjrrta; Zuvpyataiy. n ZX " ItfC. .: ', ot, V t\«C.OUl. 'I v firf, I Kl c. 8l Gb. ,.' i > t.r. ft 11. . c£ vy. otafi. AII0KAAY*I2. 585 /SoXos e£ vpoiv" els (pvXaKijv, iva neipa- o-dqTe' Kai et-ere OXLtyiv * ipxe pcov" 8eKa. yivov mor^s «xp' daviirov, Kai Scocrio croi tov arecpavov ttjs C eKKXr/alas ypd\\rov' TdSe Xe'yet 6 eyo)i/ rt/f poprpauw ti)v 8io~Topov ttjv 6£eiav ' 13 Ot'Sti b ra f/jya crou /cat " 7roi) /caroi- Kels, orrov 6 Bpdvos tov SaTava, Kai KpaTels to ovopd pov, Kai ovk r)pvr)ara> tj]v Tvio-Tiv pov, c Kai " ev rats rjpepais ev" ais AvTinas 6 pdprvs pov 6 ttio~t6s, 6s direKTavdrj nap' vpiv, orrov e 6 Sarafac KaroiKei." u dU' e')(a> Kara, aov oXiya, otl e'x eLS eKe ' 1 KpaTovvras ttjv SiSa^r/v BaXaup, os ' e8i8aaKe " *> r r

X66vTa Kai Tropvev- crat. lo ovtq)s e%eis Kal °~v KpaToi/vras tijv SiSa^r/v '' " NiKoXai'roji> ' opoiois." 16 peTavdrjaov k ovv" el 8e pt), ep-^opal o~oi Ta)(v, Kai iroXeprjam peT avToiv ev ttj popcpaiq tov ardpaTos pov. lt '0 e^cof ovs aKovaaTco tl to Tlvevpa Xeyei rais eKKXr/aiais' rco vlkcovtl 8(ioaco avTO> [ " tov pdvva tov KeKpvppevov, Kai Sa)0"a) aiiTa y^rrjCpov XevKrjv, Kai €7ri tt]v \jfr}(pov dvopa Kaivdv yeypappevov, 6 ov8eis m oi8ev" el prj 6 Xapfidvuyv. 18 Kai ru dyyeXio rrjs ev QvaTeipois eKKXi]o-ias ypd^oV Td8e Xeyei 6 vtos tov Qeoii, 6 e\oov rous dqbdaXpovs avrov a>s (pXdya Trvpds, Kai ol Tr68es avrov dpoLoi xaXKoXifidvo)' 19 Ot'Sti aov "tu e'pya Kai" ttjv dyaTrr/v ° Kai tijv ttlo-tiv, Kai tt]V 8iaKoviav," Kai ttjv inropovrjv aov, Kai Ta epya aov, p " ra ecr^ara TrXeiova Tu>v irpaiTcov. "° aXX' e'^co KaTa Rkvelation II. 20. shall oast some of you into pri- son, that ye may he tried, jiiiiI ye shall hare tribulation ten days; be tl faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. 11 He that hath an ear, let him hoar what the Spirit saith unto y churches. He thatovor- cometh, shall not be hurt of the second death. 11 And to the angel of the church in Pergamos, write, These things gaitfa be, which hath the sharp sword with two edges: ' 3 I know thy works, and where tboud welles t,eoen where Satan's seat is, and thou boldest fast my name, and hast nut de- nied iny faith, even in those days, wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slam among you, " here Satan dwell- eth. u lint I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doc- trine of Balaam, who taught Balac to ca^t a stumblinghloek before the children of Israel, to eat tilings sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. l5 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of y Nicolaitanes, which thing 1 hate. " ; liopent, or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fi^'lit against them with the sword ol" my mouth. 1; He that hath an ear, let him hoar what the Spirit saith unto the churches. To him that overcometh w ill 1 give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and m the stone a now name written, which no man knoweth, saving he that recciveth it. Is And unto the angel of the church inThyatira.write, These things saith the ^nof God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame uf fire, and his feet are like line brass: " I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, & thy works, and the last to be more than the first. a0 Notwithstanding, 1 have »cs3^epaj. h -* CZJ dlj eRK.wr.oEir. f :v>eMar«. B Bl.& Elz. mv. St. Iv r ltco.«.T.oio*.*.r.xitir. P Krk.«Uil ■«,. Revelation 11.21. a few things against thee, be- cause thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to se- duce my servants to commit for- nication, and to eat things sacri- ficed unto idols. 2I And I gave her space to repent of her for- nication, and she repented not. 22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her. into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. ,J3 And I will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works. 24 But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thya- tira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak, I will put upon you none other burden: - 5 but that which ye have already, holdfast till I come. 26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: - 7 (& he shall rule them with a rod of iron: as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers:) even as I received of my Father. M And 1 will give him f morn- ing star. *• He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. 3. And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write, These things saith he that hath J seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars ; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou liv- est, and art dead. 2 Be watch- fid, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God. 3 Re- member therefore, how thou hast received and heard, and 586 AnOKAAY^IS - v«pe crov"' , otl "acpets rr\v yvvaiKa aov d 'Ie£a/3eX," e r) Xeyovaa" eavTt]v Trpotprj- tiv, Kai 8i8d(TKei /cat 7rXava rovs" ipovs 8ovXovs, nopvevaai Kai e (payelv el8ioX66vTa." 21 Kai e 8 co ko. avrrj xpovov a/a peTavoijarj h *cal ov QiXei peTavorjaai oc ttjs nopveias avrrjs." l8ov ' /3aXXco avTT)i> els Kkivrp', Kai rovs poixevovras p.er avTTJs els dXfyiv peydXrjv, idv pi] peTavoi]acoaiv €K tg>v epycov k avrfjs,'' 23 /cai ra TeKva aiiTrjs diroKTevio iv 6a- vdrco' Kai yvcoaovTai ndaai al eKKXrj- alai otl iyco elu-i 6 ipevvwv vecppovs Kai Kap8ias' Kai 8coaco vplv eKaarco Kara ra i'pya vpcov. 24 vplv 8e Xeyio 1 roic " Xonro'is to'ls iv Qvarelpois, oarot. ovk e^;ov(ri ttjv StSa^r/i' ravrrjv, m " oiTives ovk eyvcoaav ra "(3a6ea" tov SaTava, (cos Xeyovaiv ') Ov °/3dXX&>' ' i(p vpas ciXXo fidpos' 2o 7tXt]v o i'x ere KpaTTjaare, "XP ls ov * IV r l^ 10 ' 26 Kai 6 vlkcov Kai 6 rrjpcov a^pi TeXovs ra epya pov, 8coaco avrco i£ov- criav eVi tcov iQvcov' " Ka\ iroipavd avrovs iv pdft8cp cri8r)pa' cos ra aKevr] Ta KepapiKa p awTpifierai," cos Kayco e'lXrjcpa napa tov narpos pov' " 8 Kai 8coaco avTco tov acrTepa tov npcoivov. 29 6 ex\. r 7£ W ae ' 71 "' ae <* S K\fTTTT}S, Kal ov pr] yvq>s noiav copav rjgco enL ae. (zAA *X eLS oAiya ovopaTa L ev zap- beatv, a ovk e'poXvvav ra Ipdna ovtcov' Kal nepinaTrjaovai. per e'pov ev XevKols, oti a£ioi eiaiv. 5 '0 vikwv, ovtos TrepiftaXeiTai ev IpaTiots XevKols' Kal ov pr) ej-aXeixjfo) to bvopa avrov eK rf)c /3//3Xou rrjs £a>fjs, Kal d 6poXoyr)aa>" to bvopa avTov eva>- ttiov tov Trarpos pov Kal evanrtov tu>v ayyeXav avTov. 6 6 e\a>v ovs aKov- rraTU) ti to Uvevpa Xeyei raiy eKKXrj- cri'aic. 7 Kal Tat dyyeXai tt)s ev <&iXa8eX(pelq eKKkrjo-ias ypiv^rov' Tdde Xeyei 6 ayios, 6 aXrjdivbs, 6 e^wv tt)v e KXe'tv" tov 'Aaftld," 6 dvolycov Kal oi/8els KXetei, Kal KXeiet Kal ovdels dvoiyei' 8 Oldd aov ra epya' l8ov SeSaxca evconiov aov Qvpav aveu>ypevrjv, %tjv" oioels dvvuTai KXeiaai avTTjv' oti piKpav e^eis 8vvap.iv, Kal errjprjads pov tov Xoyov, Kal ovk rjpvrjaco to bvopa pov. 18ov 8i8a>pi eK Trjs avvaycoyrjs tov 2aravd tuv Xeyovrcov eavToiis 'lovdaiovs elvai, Kal ovk elalv, dXXd yj/evbovTai' l8ov 7roir]o~co ovtovs iva h fj^a>at" Kal ' TrpoaKwrjacaaiv" evco- 7riov tu>v Tro8a>v o~ov, Kal yvoiaiv OTI eyco rfyanrjaa ae. oti. eTrjprjaas tov Xoyov rr)s vnopovrjs pov, Kaya ae TT)pi']aa> eK ttjs copas tov neipaapov tt)s peXXovarjs ep^eadai em tt/s olKovpevrjs oXr/c, weipdaai tovs KaroiKovvTas enl tt)s yrjs. n '" epxopai Ta^v' KpaTet o e\ets, iva prjdels Xdj3rj tov aTecpavov aov. 12 'O vikwv, TTOiTjaa) avTov aTvXov ev T(0 vacp tov Beou pov, Kai ega> ov pr) e^eXdrj en' ko.1 ypdi^ra en avTov to Revelation III. 12. hold fast, and repent. If there- fore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. * Thou hast a few names even in Sar- dis, which have not defiled their garments, and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy. 5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment, and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name be- fore my Father, and before his angels. 6 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. 7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write. These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth, and shutteth, and no man open- eth ; 8 I know thy works: be- hold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. 9 I3e- hold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie: behold, I will make them to come and worship be- fore thy feet, and to know that 1 have loved thee. 10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. "Behold, I come quickly, hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. 12 Him that overcometh, will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and 1 will write upon * h Rec om. c Reo. add tai. d Rec. t^ofj-oXoyrjao^iai. * R«c. . w L '.i. £ Ktt . Kai, h c^ T)^ovai. i OJ Trpoa*c» Tjoova.v. k ZX I Roc. udd lAov, IX f Cb. .land. Imz. Xay. Revelation III. 13. 588 AnOKAAY^IS. him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. ' 3 lie that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. u And unto the angel of the church a of the Laodiceans, write, These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God: l5 1 know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot, I would thou wert cold or hot. "> So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth: " because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing: and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked. 18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou inayest be rich, and white rai- ment, y thou mayest be clothed, and that y shame of thy naked- ness do not appear, and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. la As many as I love, 1 rebuke and chasten, be zealous therefore, and re- pent. ' i0 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. 21 To him that overcometh, will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also over- came, and am set down with my Father in his throne. *> He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. 4. After this I looked, and behold, a door was opened in heaven : and the first voice which I heard, was as it were on \eyeis' e Ort" Kai TreTrXovTrjKa, Kai bvopa tov Oeov pov, Kai to bvopa rrjs 7ro\ecoc tov Oeov pov, ttjs Kaivrjs 'lepov- craXrjp, a 7j KCiTajBaivovcra" oc tov ovpavov and tov Oeov pov, Kat to ovopd pov to Kaivov. vi 6 e'^cov ovs d/coutrurco ri to Ilvevpa Xeyet Tals eKKXrjcricus. 14 Kai tco dyyeXa ttjs h ev AaobiKeta (Kickr/aias" ypdyjrov' Td8e Xeyet 6 Api)v, 6 pdpTVs 6 mo-Tos Kat o.Xt]8iv6s, tj ap)(r) ttjs KTLO~e ' Kai ovk olbas on o~v ei 6 TaXairrcopos Kai s 6" eXeeivds, Kai tttoixos Kai Tv(pXds Kai yvpvos' l!i o~vpfiovXev o~oi dyopdo~ai nap epov Xpvcriov Ttenvpwpevov eK irvpbs, iva TrXovTrjarjs, Kai [paTia XevKa, Iva ivepi- (BdXjj, Kai pi) (pavepooOfj 77 alo")(vvq Trjs yvpvoTTjTos o~ov' Kai KoXXovpiov ey- Xpicai" Toiis 6(pdaXpovs o~ov, iva /3Ae- 7rj}s. ls eyw 6o"ouc iav (piXco, eXey^co Kai 7rai8eva>' ' (rp\u>aov" ovv Kai pera- vorjo-ov. 20 Ibov eo-TrjKa eni ti)v dvpav Kai Kpovco' edv tis aKova-j] ttjs (pa>vr)s pov, Kai dvol^rt t/)v dvpav, k Kai" elo-e- Xevo~opai ivpos avrov, Kai deinvrjau) peT avTOV Kai avTos per epov. 21 'O vlkwv, So)0"o> at>Toj KaOiaai per e'pov ev tg3 6p6va> pov, is Kaya> eviKTjcra, Kai eKadiaa peTa tov jrar/sdc pov ev " A ' > 22 e J ' ? ' to) opovca avTOV. o e^oiv ovs aKov- crdra) tL to Tlvevpa Xeyet Tals eKKXr]- rrtatc. 4. Mera TavTa eldov, i(ai tSou 6vpa ] dveaypevr) ev ral ovpavdj, Kai 77 vrj 77 TrpooTr], tjv rJKovo~a ws o-dXrnyyos 2 Hz. Si Elz. t] Karaflatvet. ^ Rec. tKK Xrjatas KaobiKtuiv. c Kec. sitjc. «i ttec. i^n. on. Zta. e — » f .^ ovAsv. C Iti'C. oiu. 1» Rec. tyifnaaf. i^!TvAsu«. ^ ^^ — . Rec. 8t Gb. uia. 1 Rec.Tjvsiuy/Ae*-^. a Or, id Laodicea. ALTOKAAY^IS. 589 Revelation IV. 10. \aXovo~rjs per epov, ^Xeycav'" Avd t 3a of a trumpet, talking with me, Ue, kcu ieiia a - jasper, and a sardine stone: kcu a-apbiO)- Kai ipis KVKXodev tov and tllt , re waa a ramoow Spovov ' opoios" opdaei o-papay$iva>. round about tli<' throne, in 4 < \ 'd - a ' a i . i ' sight like unto an emerald. KOI KVKXodfV TOV dpoVOV^ dpOVOl «KO- , ^ „,„„,, ,,,„„. ^ U|rone crt 5' reo-crapes' Kai eiri tovs apovovs were four and twenty seats, (ikoo-i '" reo-o-apas rrpeo-pvTepovs Kadn- a, »| U P"» the s " l } s • saw four ' a ct\ ' >t < ° nt ' twenty . elders sitting, pevovs, TrepipepXrjpevovs ev ipaTiois c i thed in' white raiment, XevKots' Kai k " eVt ray KecbaXas aitrcbv and they had on their heads ■ / s v > - crowns of gold. 3 And out o-recpavovs XP V ,°~ 0VS - , KaL eK v T0 \ of the throne proceeded light- 6povov eKTTopevovrai ao-Tpanal Kai nings, and thundering*, and l cha>vaiKa\ ppovra'i-" Kaihrra Xapndbes . voices: ■*» *?"> » ere seven ~ J c-r j ( „ r" / lamps of nre burning before wvpos Kaiopeval eveoTTlov tov opovov the throne, which are the m ai/TOV," a'l elo-i " to." e-rvTO. ivvevpaTa tov ^'l™ Spirits of God. « And _. , fi , , , ~ a ' o ' » before the throne there was Qeov ° Kai evu>mov tov Opovov ^ cos a sea of - glass like nnt0 crys . ^aXacrcra vaXivn, opola KpucrrdXAa). tal : and in the midst of the \ > ' - a ' » ' \ . _'- throne, and round about the Kai ev p-ecra) tov 6povoy Kai kvkK<* tov throne wprp four beastg fuU 0p6vov Teo~o~apa £a}ayep.0VTao(j)oa\p(0V of eyes before and behind. i'pTrpoo-Sep Kai onio-dev. 7 Kai to £s>qv 7 A " d ,he ."^ beast ", U ' S , ' ike ~ " . „ ./ »>*' a ' lon ' antl tne seron d beast to TrpcoTOV opoiov AeovTl, Kai TO OCVTfpov ij ke a ca if lmc i t |,e third beast (' the fourth beast was like a eX 0V TO Tfpoo-mnov l avtipamov, Kai to g ying eag i e . TerapTov ^wov opoiov aeT6ev 'yepovcriv" d(pda\p.a>v, (cat « And the four beasts had «~-->r WP" Ka \ VV - h£»Vthe?wfretflofS« KTOS, u \eyovTes'" Ayios, ayios, ayiot within, and they "rest not day Kvpios 6 Qeos 6 Trai/roKparcop, 6 rjv Kai and night, saying, Holy, holy, , \ , , , r g r lr \ « holy, Lord God Almighty, which o cov Kai o epxopevos- &-ai orav was anrt iS) and js t0 come . v Stoo"OVO-t" TO. ta>a 86Pav Kai Tipfjv Kai 9 And when those beasts give , , - a ■ > > - /) ,' clcirv. ami honour, and thanks ev X apio-Tiav tco Kad^pev^ em Toy Opo- * 6 ^ ffiat gBt Qn , he tnronei fou, rca £g>vti els tovs aiaVCLS twv aiu>- who liveth for ever and evei VtUV, lh ^o-oC-rat ol eUo p-i w " Teg-gapes lu the four and twenty elder s g Kec. .dd «... h Rec. add ..«« r., s . i Rec. add «... * R«. ,d,l ., , „ . ' ^t* **; *' * *" .Rec.om. .R.c.«a'»•"*■ » ~*»" w R,c. add «u " Or. Ul.J l.av. no ...t. Revelation IV. 11. 590 ALTOKAAY*i:L. fall down before him that sat 7Tpecrf3vTepoi ivioTTlov tov Kadrjptvov on the throne, and worship him i n \ T0V p 6vov, Kai npoo-Kwno-ovo-i T(o that liveth tor ever and ever, ,.., , ' , ,„ r , , V and cast their crowns before the QwTl flS tovs aioovas Tu>v aicovcov, Kai throne, saying, " Thou art *f3a\ovcn" tovs o~Te(pdvovs avTo>v evcomov worthv, O Lord, to receive - n • \ ' . 11 w a£.„- ,? glory, and honour, and power: Toy 6povov,\eyovTes Afros «, for thou hast created all things, Kvpie, Xa/3eii/ tt]v Bujjav Kai ttjv Tip.r)V and for thy pleasure they are, ^ T > § vvafJUJ ,. % TL „-{, Z KTl0 - as Ta and were created. , ' » «T* « /< A, / h » " ■Kama, Kai oia to t)ikrjp.a crou "fjoav Kal eKTio-drjo-av. 5. And I saw in the right 5. Kal eloov eirl ttjv oegiav tov Ka- hand of him that sat on the fanevov em tov dpovov /3t/3XiW throne, a book written within, '• , „ a v r „ v *. a „ and on the backside, sealed yeypapp.evov ecrcoOev Kai fga>Vev, Kar- with seven seals. 2 And 1 saw eo-(bpayio-u.evov o-(bpaylo-iv eVrd. Kai a strong angel proclaiming with ?j V ' \ ■> > . '__ . d >.." a loud voice ; Who is worthy to «*°"_ «yy* Xo " t frxvpw KrjpvaaovTa ev open the book, and to loose (pcovr) peyaXy Tir e eo-Tiv agios avotgai the seals thereof? 3 And no ^ k L k\i 0J , L Ka \ \ V(T ai Taj a(bpay'i8as man in heaven, nor in earth, , ^, „ ' v , _ » , - / Tr ,' neither under the earth, was avrov ; * Kai ovdeis rjovvaro^ ev tg> able to open the book, nei- Qv p a va> { avu>", ovoe em tt/s yr/r, ovBe ther to look thereon. * And I f r ,' - - > -£ . _A «.#».'„.. wept much, because no man vnoKara tt]s yrjs, avoigai to Piphiov, was found worthy to open, ov8e /3XeVeii' avTO. * Kal eyu> eK\aiov 3£ 'to ,o e o a k d ther e eon . ^ An^ »■*>*/ °™ *«* ^sevpeOr, avol- one of the elders saith unto gal n to piftKiov, ovt€ pKeneiv avTO. me, Weep not : behold, the 5 Ka \ e l s f K T ^ v irpto-fivTepcov Xf-yet Lion of the tribe of Juda, the „, \ %».«■•.«>> <\ ' ' i» Root of David, hath prevailed M°l" M'/ KXa ^ J 6 ™ eviKtj uis as it had been slain, having e ' -r/)avueVoi', evov Kepara ima ma\ seven horns and seven eyes, ,,v,/> <• < o""' « ' - which are the seven spirits o(p&aXpovs eiTTa, ^oi eici ra ewTa of God, sent forth into all the PrrvtvuaTa tov Qeov" q Ta aireo~Ta\p.€va" r:o r k h the 7A bo d ok he ou c ro e f ^ a ^ ^ w% , 7 ^ h% Ka i right hand of him that sat eiXrjfa r To ftifiXiov (K ttjs Oegias tov upon the throne. Kadrjp.evov eVi tov dpovov. s And when he had taken the 8 Kai ore eXa/3e to filfikiov, Ta reV- book, the four beasts, and four (yapa £a>a Kal ol eiKooiTeo'O'apfs npe- and twenty elders fell down be- c » > • - » < fore the Lamb, having every — . Rpc. & Cb. om. g ry ttoXv. b Rec. add Ktn avayyuivai. i Rec. «dd ujv. ^Gb.ianti. 1 f^J o avoiywv. m Rec.add Xvffai. a Rec. add vat liov. ° cnj a. P Ree. tou 8kou »f^ara, 1 fiJ a7roffTe\Xo^«va. r 13 AIIOKAAY¥I2. 591 Revelation VI. 3. Xpveras yepovo-as Svpiapdrcov, at elmv vials full of • odours, irbichare al nooa-evyai twv dyiwV 9 koi abov- * e P ra >' trs of saiius - ' And r ,., A , .,' • they sung anew mhil, >.iving, (Tiv (porjv Kaivrjv, AeyovTfs' Af-ios et Aa/3eiV to ftljSKlov, Kal Thou art worthy to take the dvoitai rds atipaylbas ovtov' on «'- b"ok and to open toe seals /> \ , Tf I „™ Tic ~ „ > thereof: for thou wast slain, o-cpayr/i, Kairjyopao-as t<0 Qeco^rju-as tv and bast redeemed us to God to aiuari crou, «k ndaris (bvXrts Kal by Ay blood, out of every kin- i , \ •. - , «/i r jn „ i dred, and tongue, and people, yXaxTO-rjs (cat Xaov koi etivovs' ^ Kat and natlon . ,u and hast made enoirjcras b avTovs" tco 0ec5 i]fj.iov c /3a- us unto our God kings and o-i\(ls"Ka\ Upels' Kal' d 0ao-iXevo-otW 1 £"££ dw ' sha " mg " ° n irrl r^f yf/s. 11 Kat et'tW, Kal r/Kovcra (pa>vr]v dyye- n And I beheld, and I heard \a>v TToWav k kvkAo>" tov dpovov Kai thevoiceof many angels, round y , v. l a ' t » » about the throne, and the beasts tcov fcooji/ /cat Tnp(o-pvT(pwV '/cat r;i/ and the ddati andth( , ,„„„,„., 6 dpiOpos avraiv fjivpidbts pvpidbav' Kal of them was ten thousand times \ '» \ 'js 12 "v ' A. - ten thousand, and thousands of XiAiafos^iXiatW, » XeyovTts (po>v n thousands „' sa , ing ffi|n a , oud peyaXi]' A^iov fcrri to apviov to to~(pa- voice. Worthy is the Lamb that yuevo'v XaBelv ttjv 8vvau.iv Kal ttXovtov "as slain, to receive power, and ,r \ , , «.»»». < > riches, and wisdom, & strength, Kat aoCptav Kai lax™ Kai Tt/zrp Kai and honour, and glory, and botav Kal evXoyiav. 13 Kai nav KTiapa blessing. ' 3 And every creature « ,, > a ■> - > - x i, • « which is in heaven, and on the °: f T rLV , f V ™ ° V P™tl Kal , ?\' T 1 S earth, and under the earth, and yr/S, Kat VTTOKaTG) Tijs y]i, Kat eTTl TT)S such as are in the sea, and all 6a\do-o-T]s a eo-Tt, Kal to. iv ovto'is that ar f in th ™- noari1 '• sa ?- ' ' , _. ., mg, Blessing, honour, glory, l iravra, i]KOVo-a Aeyotraf lco Kaarj- and poW er be unto him that uevo> eVt rod dpovov Kal ra apetco n sittetb upon the throne, and ,x ' / ^ f < » c »** »* i unto the Lamb for ever and evAoyta Kai r) riu.r]Kai r} oo£a Kai to ever w And the four beasts Kpdros fls tovs aiibvas to>v aid>vcov. said, Amen. And the four and 14 it ! _A _,' „„„ /•,*„ k "\ ,„„,,." 'a twentv elders fell down and - aL T" , T , e , ■ And I saw when the Lamb / > u r < ,/ , its \ opened one of the seals, and I p.iav €K ™v J cTTTa a(ppayibiov, Kai ,^ ard as if wpre the nfjise of fjKOvcra evos eK tojv T(o~crdpoov Quxav thunder, one of the four beasts, Xiyovms, cos ° dxovri " Ppovrng- "Epvov sa y' n e. Come and see. a And I v »& '/ ■> v ^» » > '5. v " saw, and behold, a white horse, p Kat ibe. A q Kat €t6oi/, Kat ibov ittttos and he that sat on him had a XevKos, Kal 6 KaSntxtvos in r avTov " bow, and a crown was given .,, ,•. v ,& "n » - 'j unto him, and he went torth eXfVToi-ov Kai tdotir] avT(o aTtCpavos, con q UC r;ng, and to conquer. Kat e^fiTide viku>v, Kal !va viKrio~n. . . *', , '. , . ' •',,. , 3 And when he had opened Kat ore rjvoi^e ti\v aCppayioa rqv tne second seal, I heard the bevTepav," rjKovcra tov devrcpov £uov second beast say, Come and a — » l>Rec.*Niar. Cc>j£a<7(>e,a,.. A Rec 0atn\tvao^tv. < Rec. «|i,lofllr. fSt.om. tt TZ h R*c.9rryyf, i r*i Travras. 1* OJ Xevovra. 1 Itec. add fixoatreaaaplt. I" Rec. add Ju-vrt rif roi-r omraf f»«l— p, n Rec. om. o Rec. fHuvris. P — • — . Rec. .ai ftotire. 115 r Rec.ain-y a Rco.T.o«i/>ay. * Or, inccDia. Revelation VI. 4. 592 AIIOKAAY^IS. see. * And there went out Xiyovros' "Ep^ov a ". 4 Kai if-rjXdev uk- another horse that was red: and X j ttwJouV Kal r<3 KaOnuiva, eV power was given to him that sat . , , „ ,. ,. rr , „ ^ _'_ , '" , ', thereon to take peace from the ai/rov eOotty aura) Aapeiv ttjv eipijvrjv earth, and that they should kill c e y ~ - ( d Ka ^' « va fJXXnXouc crcia- one another: and there was <. ' >^i/t > <» < -\ given unto him a great sword. ^""^ K x al „ ebo ^1 aw P, P a X al P a PfyaXr). 5 And when he had opened 5 Kai ore ijvoii^e TT]V e aCppaylda ttjv the third seal, I heard the third ' " rJKOvaa tov rplrov &ov \iyov- beast sav, Come and see. And " i, ' .■ v „*. „ ? ?*, / v I beheld, and lo, a black horse: tos' Ep%ov Kai lOe. »Kat eidov, Kai and he that sat on him had a l$ ov J'tj-TTOc ae\as, Kal 6 Kadnutvo? in pair of balances in his hand. h , , „ „ y ■, > - \ , 6 And I heard a voice in the avrov ex av i v y ov & Trj X eipiavTOV. midst of the four beasts say, 6 Kai iJKOvcra (poovrjv iv fieaa tcov reo~~ p\rmTand "[je^LtZrZ ™P»* #- V*™*' Xo'l^ alrov of barley for a penny, and Oijvapiov, Kai rpeis %oiviKes Kpidqs OT]- see thou hurt not the oil and j, a p' lov - Ka \ TO 'iXaiov Kai tov olvov un the wine. , « r , ' ' aoiK-qcrrjs. 7 And when he had opened * Kai ore fjvoi^e ttjv o~(fipayl8a ttjv the fourth seal I heard y voice r(Tc ip T11 v, y'JKOvaa ' dxovhv" tov Ttrdprov of the fourth beast say, Come «,, ~ J J ,' „ ' „' , \ >i*. „ and see. 8 And I looked, and {°>ov AtyovTOS' Ep^ou Kai lOe. behold, a pale horse, and his 8 m Kal el8op,' Kal iSoi) Imros yXgjooc, name ii sat on him was Death, \ c /\t > / > - ■ » and hell followed with him: Kai o Ka6r]u.evos eiravv avrov, ovopa and power was given • unto avru> 6 QdvaTOs, Kal 6 adrjs n rjKo\ovdn" them, over the fourth part . '» avT0V .'< Ka \ ^66n " avrto' i£ov**#> and with hunger, and with «ti to reraprov rr/c yrjs, anoKreival ev death, and with the beasts of poucbaia, Kal iv Xiuoj Kal iv davdrw, the earth. r CT ,*'. a , r i - '' Kai viro ru>v or/piuiv rt]s yr/s. 9 Kai ore rjvoi^e ttjv Trip-TTTr/v crcppa- 9 And when he had opened y yl§a, eibov inoKaTO) rov Ovariao-nqpiov fifth seal, I saw under thealtar, \ i \ .- > • > s > > the souls of them that were *»* Y v X a ^ ™v €o- A > a loud voice, saying, How long, JO-AJ], Aeyovres' Eojc ttot( , o Aecnrorqs O Lord, holy and true, dost ayios Kal s " aXridlvos, ov Kpiveis Kal thou not judge and avenge our > * «• ^ * « » t > »* - blood on them that dwell on the fKOlKeis to aipa r)U.a)V airo Ttov KUTOl. earth? " And white robes were kovvtoiv iffl TTJs yijs; K.ul u i$68r)" given unto every one of them v avTQ - » w^^A X«v K n ( " Kal ippidr, at- and it was said unto them, that _ „ , { ' „ "' , ' „ they should rest yet for a little tois iva avaTravaaivTai en XP° V0V > season, until their fellow ser- Z as y" * ttAtjocoo-coo-i" Kal 01 avvSovAoi vants also, and their brethren , _ » « >& \ j. « > - < '\ that should be killed as they aVTWV Kai ot absA(poi^ (lvTa>v, oi p.eA- were, should be fulfilled. Aovres a dnoKTivveadai" coc Kal avroi. * Rec.aihi xai jSAewe. '' Rec. avrui. « ZX — -Rec.aird. & ^ • Rec. rp. otppay, { —* — , xai f?X«ir«. g!^ h Reo atirni, » Gb om. ^ Rec. Atyovffav. 1 -+ — . Rec. *at f3\eire. m zl " Reo. a«oAoy6c*. o c>o afro.. P Rec. cv avTotj. *| Rec. aTro*. «.t.j-.t. yrjj, r Rec. ««pa!Toi'. » Rec. add o. t ^^ e«. a Rec. f^o9T?ffa»-. » Rec. KflTrntf, "*J ai-rotj evairrcu. w Kec. (TToXa* Xttt^a*. * Rec. add /mtpnv. y Rec, add ov, 2 Ree. TrXTjpaiffOfTa* ^ir\i)pui&uiiji. a Rec ajr«*Te(Kff9at. Or, to liioa. AII0KAAY¥I2. 593 12 Kai el8ov ore tjvoi{-( rr)v crCppaylSa Tr)v (kttjv' Kai a * o-furpbs peyas eye- veTO, Kai 6 rjXios b peXas eyevero" as craKKOs Tpi^ivos, Kai r) a-eXrjvt] c dXrj" eyeveTo a)? aipa, 13 Kai ol ucrrepes tov ovpavov enecrav (Is Tr)v yrjv, ins dXXov ayyeXov m dva(3ai- vovTa ano avaToXrjs rjXiov, e%ovTa acppaylda Qeov (avTos' Kai (Kpa£( (pa- vfj peydXrj tois Teo~o-apo~iv dyyeXois, ols eddOrj aiiTo'is ddiKrjaai Tr)v yrjv Kai ttjv BaXaaaav, 3 Xeyav' Mr) ddiKrjo-qTe rr)v yrjv, pr)Te Tr)v 6dXao-o~av, pryre Ta 8ev8pa, axpis ov a a(ppayio-apev" tovs BovXovs tov Qeov rjpav enl Tav pera- ncov avrav. Kai rJKOvo~a tov dpidpbv Tav e- o~(ppayio-pevaV "eKarbv TeaaapaKovra Revelation VII. 4. 15 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earth- quake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood. 13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her "untime- ly figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind. M ^nd the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. W And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and tue chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens, and in the rocks of the mountains, M and .'aid to the mountains and rockn, Fall on us, and hide us ftoin the face of him that sitleth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: " for the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand ? 7. And after these things, I saw four angels standing on the four comers of the earth, hold- ing the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. 2 And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels lo whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, 3 saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. 4 And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred » '[.-.- :\'\d ./i.r. 1' life , v r., ut A, c St. St Elf . om. & o*J 0a\ovtra. • Rto ply. an*. ( Hee. on g Kct.irAov. - o. j,\. h Rto. imrti, i ZJ k "^ . Keo. & Gb. ravra 1 .^.' r.. m K« irt/Isrt< » St. efpaytZupir. » Keo. pfti' * Or, gretn flgi. 39 Revelation VII. 5. 59-1 AII0KAAY*I2. and forty and four thousand, of reacrapes" ^tXtdSff eo-(ppayio~p.evoi eK SM5T ^bt'of^^ to s «r J /r ># 5 6 ' K > X ^ were sealed twelve thousand. Iovda, i/3 ^XiaOes fo-j\~n*s> c/ \ 's. the tribe of Gad were sealed yicrpevoi' tK (pvXrjs Tab, i^ X ^ la8 ^ twelve thousand. 6 Of the tribe a ('a(ppayiapevoi' " 6 eVc (pvXrjs 'Acrrjp, tus^d "ofVeTrlbe oK «* J*"** * J^W «W' * > /. * 7 > _/ \ ~ v. v » Of the tribe of Simeon were e(r ' ,* , , r ', „ , , .. „ Of the tribe of Joseph were X lKla ° fs ecrtypayurpevof tK (pvXrjs sealed twelve thousand. Of the 'Icoor/f/), iB" ^tXiaScy a err(ppayi(rp.evof" : r we, e vfth B oS: nwere sealed * *^ ^, ^xA-«« *»*»■ •yttr/ievoi. 9 After this I beheld, and 9 Mera TaOra eiSof, Kai Idoii o X Xos lo. a great multitude, which \ * « >/j-» k > * /*■ > & y no man could number, of all ™} v * ov , «P<^<™ avrov^ avbtis nations, and kindreds, and rjbvvaro, eK Travros fdvovs Kai (pvXoiU people .and tongues, stood be- Ka \ ^aav Kal yXcorrow, eo~ra>Tfc eVw- fore the throne, and before - a > » > < ■» » i the Lamb, clothed with white *"°" tou 0/joi>ou (cat tvuniov rov apviov, robes, and palms in their c 7repiBeBXr]p.evovs" crroXas XevKUS, Kal hands: 10 and cried with a loud a ± 1 //> ~ * » ~ ^ 10 v voice, saving, Salvation to our " 0oimk« ev raw X *P™ ™™* W God, which sitteth upon the e Kpa^ovcri (pavy peyaXrj, Xeyovres' H throne, and unto the Lamb. ^Tripia f T6) Qcn Tjpaiv" Tto Kadrjpeva "And all the angels stood round «TJ g rov ^pdwu" " ",Kal ra> dpvito. u Kal about the throne, and about the TroWec ol ayyeXot, fcrTrjKfcrav kvkXco tov elders, and the four beasts, and a • > - o ' v * _- . fell before the throne on iheir 6 P ovo y Kal ™ v irpeaBvrepav Kat tcov faces, and worshipped God, rccradpcdv ^cocoi', Kai tirecrov evunriov ,, . . _. . rov Bpovov eiri ' ra npoo-coTra" avTcov, 12 saying, Amen: Blessing, and 4 " , „ ' „ 12 ^ , glory, and wisdom, and thanks. Kai iTpoo-eKvvr)crav to) Beco, '' Xeyovres' giving, and honour, and power, 'AutiV r) evXoyia Ka\ h 86£a Kal n ao- and might be unto our God for •! v « . ' \ < \ \ < ever and ever, Amen. 9'" " ai 1 ™ X ap«rTia Kai T) Tipr) Kai r] dvvapis Kal ij lo- X vs to> Bfco rjpcov els rovs ala>vas raiv ala>va>v. dprjv. W And one of the elders an- 13 Kat aTrfKpidrj etc eV rco^ 7rpeo-/3v- swered, saying unto me, What T ^ po)1/ Xiycov uof Ovroi 01 ir(piBeBXr)- are these which are arrayed in f » * ■< v v N x V » ', white robes? and whence came ^voi ras (TToXas ras X(VKas,Tiv(S eiai, they ? u And I said unto him, nal nodeu rjX8ov ; 14 Kal f i'pjj/ca aurw' • Decies Zt b -^ c Rec. ntpt^f^Xrj^evoi, d co ^>otvt*af . • Reo. *pa^o»T«j, f St. om. g cvt^i y^c-i'.f,. h St. add tou Beov i}fiuiv. » Reu. oj irpooeavay. AII0KAAY*I2. 595 Kvpu *fiov," aii oldas. Kal efn-ei pof Oiiroi ttcriv ol ep^opevoi tK ttjs 6Xtyeo-(i eV aiiTovs. 16 ov TTfcvdaovo-iv en, oi>8e bc^rjaovaiv €ti, ov8e pt) neaTj ctt avToi/s 6 77X10?, oi>8e nav Kavpa' 1? oti to dpviov to dva peaov tov Bpovov c noipavei avrovs, Kal 68t]yTjo-€i " avTovs em d far/s " nrjyds voarojf, Kal iijaXetyei 6 Qeos irdv bd- Kpvov e €k" twv 6- ttiov tov Qeov. 5 Kal ('iXrjcpfv 6 ayyeXos s tov XifiavooTov, Kal iyepiaev h avTov" «'k tov Trvpos tov 8vo-iao~TT)piov, Kal eftaXev eis tj]v yr)v' Kal iyevovro (poval Kal fipovral Kal aaTpairal Kal atiapos. Kal ol €7TTa ayyeXoi ' oi " e%ovT(s Tas enra o-aXniyyas, t]Toipaaav eavTois, iva o~aXTno-ioo~i. ' Kal 6 Trpa>Tos k ' iadXmcre, Kal eyevero %aXa£a Kal nvp pepiypiva ' iv" aipart, Kal if$Xr)drj els Trjv yr\v' m Kal to Revelation VIII. 7. Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me. These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. I5 There- fore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple : and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. 1G They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more, neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. 17 For the Lamb, which is in the midst of the throne, shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. 8. And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was si- lence in heaven about the space of half an hour. 2 And I saw the seven angels which stood before God, and to them were given seven trump- ets. 3 And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer, and there was given unto him much incense, that he should "offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was be- fore the throne. * And y smoke of the incense which came with the prayers of the saints, as- cended up before God. out of the angel's hand. 5 And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earth- quake: 6 and the seven angels which had the seven trumpets, pre- pared themselves to sound. 7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail, and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth, and » R«c. ora. b ZX — . Hec. (TroXar avratv. c ^i noi^atyit . . . o^r^e*. d Ree. 'uica^ . « Ree. esj art fMTM #*a*tiijTi)P*ov. g St. & bz. to. h St. fit Bz. avro. 1 Rec. am. * Itec. «dd ayyiAdj. I Ree. om. m Rec. om. a Or, add it to the pnyert. Revelation VIII. 8. 596 the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up. 8 And y second angel sounded, and as it were a great moun- tain burning with fire was cast into the sea, and the third part of the sea became blood. 9 And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died, and the third part of the ships were destroyed. 10 And the third angel sound- ed, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and up- on the fountains of waters: "and the name of the star is called Wormwood, and the third part of the waters became worm- wood, and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. 12 And the fourth angel sound- ed, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars, so as the third part of them was darkened: and the dav shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise. is And 1 beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth, by rea- son of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels which are yet to sound. 9. And the fifth angel sound- ed, and 1 saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. 3 And he open- ed the bottomless pit, and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened, by reason of y smoke of the pit. 3 And there came ros. AIIOKAAY¥I2. rpirov rijc yrjs KareKarj, Kai ro rpirov rcov 8ev8pcov KartKar], Kai iras x°P T0S )(Xcopos KareKarj. 8 Kai 6 Sevrepos ayyeXoy eo~aXniiTe, Kai cos opos peya a 7rupi " Kmdpevov e[5Xr)8r) els rr)v ddXacraav' Kai eyevero to rpirov rfjs BaXdcrcrrjS aipa' Kai dnedave to rpirov rcov KTio~pdrcov " rcov" ev rff 6a\do-o-rj, ra e%ovra ■uri^ac, Kai ro rpirov rcov irXoicov c 8ie(f>6dprj." 10 Kai 6 rpiros clyyeXos to~d\ino~e, Ka\ eneaev eK rov ovpavov ao-rrjp ptyas Kaiopevos cos Xapnas, koI enecrev em ro rpirov raJv irorapcov, Kai em rds ivqyas d rcov " vddrcov. " Kai to bvopa rov darepos \eyerai e 6" A\jnv6os ' Kai 1 yiverai" to rpirov s rcov vo'drcov'eis ctyiv- Bov, Kai 7roXXoi h rcov " avOpconcov aire- Qavov £k rcov vddrcov, on emKpdv6r}crav. 12 Kai 6 rerapros ciyyeXos ecraXmo~e, Kai (TrKriyrj to rpirov rov tjXiov Kai ro rpirov ttjs CTeXrjvrjs Kai to rpirov rcov do~repu>v, "iva crKoritrdrj to rpirov avrcov, Kai '17 ijpepa pr) (paivt] to rpirov avrrjs, Kai T] vvi- opoicos. 13 Kai eiSoi/, Kai rjKovcra evos k derov" 1 neropevov" iv peo-ovpavrjpari, Xeyovros (bcovjj peydXj]' Oval, oval, oval m rols KarotKovcriv" ejrl ttjs yrjs, eK rcov Xoincov cpcovcov rr\s crd\rriyyos rcov rpicov ayye- Xcov rcov peXXovrcov o~aXm(eiv. 9. Kai 6 irepirros ciyyeXos ecraXmcre, Kai eihov darepa eK rov ovpavov jre- TTTcoKora els rrjv yr)v, Kai e866rj avrco r) k\(Is rov cppearos rrjs dfivo~o~ov, 2 n Kai rjvoi^e ro (ppeap rr)s aj3vaaov. Kai dvej3rj Kanvbs BK rov (ppiaros cos Kanvbs Kapivov ° peydXrjs," Kai eo-KoricrQrj 6 fjXios Kai 6 drjp in rov Kanvov rov >" Xat €K TOV KCLTTVOV € £rj\dop rsj&it>p9api}"a.v. d Rec. om. « Rec. om. ' co eyevero g Stom fc Reo. ayv#Xou. 1 Rec. iraraifitvov. i es»> T« *-piroir owrtjr (5. avruivt pi) $avy' t) ijpipa. mtrnixaiii/rar. ■ — * b Rec. n ep- Xovrai" en 8vo oval ptra Tavra. 13 Kai 6 (ktos c'lyyeXos (traXnio-f, Kal fJKOVcra epeovfjv piav eV tcov rtaacipcov KepaTcov tov dvcriacTTTjpiov tov xpverov Revelation IX. 13. out of the smoke locusts upon the earth, and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. * And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree: but only those men which have not the seal of Cod in their foreheads. 5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months, and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. 6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it, and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. 'And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle, and on their head] were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. 8 And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. '■> And they had breast- plates, as it were breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was as the sound of cha- riots of many horses running to battle. I0 And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months. " And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name " Apollyon. 12 One woe is past, and be- hold there come two woes more hereafter. 13 And the sixth angel sounded, and 1 heard a voice from the four boms of the golden altar, which is * Rec. add fiovov$ 5 cnj tctvrpa 7j ifc'ovtfia avTuif. rrZw rou a^-iff**. *» Rec. «t C.b. «* »Rrc fcOb.— . 1 <^> — . R*r. h Gb k Rec. add «at Thnt xm to say. A de»tit»/«r. ■v. n •'•■ n ••• Revelation IX. 14. 598 AnOKAAY^IS. God, M saying to the sixth rov evajriov rov Oeov, li a Xeyovtrav" ?!^^^TZk ™ *■* *"?* ^-W> crdX.ty- are bound in the great river ya* Avcrov tovs Teaaapas ayyekovs tovs Euphrates. ' 5 And the four 8e8eu.fi/ovs enl ra> iroraaci ro ueyaXco angels were loosed, which were _., , , / 1= T , > V, rn c V prepared -for an hour, and a EvCpparj]. ^ "Kai e\vt)r)(Tav 01 Tecrcrapes day, and a month, and a year, tiyyeXoi oi TjToip.ao~p.evoi els rr)v copav for to slav the third part of * f ' \~ \ > , n men. u And the number of «» r lf u P av Kal , W« ™'_ eviavrov, iva the army of the horsemen were (nroKTeivaMTi to Tpirov riov avopa>7r sand: and I heard the number A . , -,/ &> 's. '«. of them. •» And thus I saw ~~ov tmnKov Ovo pvpiades pvpiaOW the horses in the vision, and e " nKOvaa rov dpiBpbv avrmv. 1? Kal them that sat on them, having « t s ( » > - r / breastplates of fire and of ovrcos eiOov rovs anrovs ev rrj opatrti, jacinth, and brimstone, and Kul tovs KaBrjpevovs en avrccv, e^ovras the heads of the horses were fa paKas nvpivovs Kal vaKivBlvovs Kal as the heads of lions, and A ', * , < ; ^ v ~ « e out of their mouths issued fire, tteuoBf IS' Kat ai KefpaKai rcov nnraiv coc and smoke, and brimstone. K e(pa\al XeovTmv, Kal eK ra>v o~Top,drv and by the brimstone which , . , . , « „ \ \ 10 issued out of their mouths. avBpamcov, " eK tov irvpos Kai ' rov Kairvoii Kal k " tov Beiov, tov eKTTopevo- 19 For their power is in their • > - / > - 10 1 e mouth, and in their tails : P\ vo \ fK ™ v o-roparav avra>y. ™ rj for their tails were like unto yap e^ovaia rcov iTmcov" ev rco CToparc sntsysfi?' and «^t n :-?'" :■"} e> r ™ °v« «*- tcoj'. at yap ovpai avrcov opoiai o(pe- aiv, exovaai KecpaXas, Kal ev avra'is ddiKovai. 20 And the rest of the 2U Kat 01 \01nol rail/ dvBpooTTcov ot men which were not killed by ' > • a > _ - _\ - these plagues, yet repented 0VK , aneKravBrjo-av _ ev rais nXpats not of the works of their ravrais, °ov" perevor]crav eK rcov epycov hands, that they should not T ^ v -, f ip£,v avrcbv, lva an trpoo-KVvr\o-o-i worship devils, and idols of , „ A r , , ' , , ' ,L C , ' gold, and silver, and brass, ra baipovia, Kai v ra eiOwAa ra xpv(ra and stone, and of wood, Ka l ra dpyvpd Kal to. YaX*a Kal ra which neither can see, nor \ >a \ * f- '^ i" " o\ ' hear, nor walk: 21 n e it her ^Biva Kaija£v\tva, a ovre pXeneiv repented they of their mur- Svvarai, ovre aKoveiv, ovre Trepnrarelv' ders, nor of their sorceries, 21 » ov n eT ev6r,o-av e' K ruv (bovcov nor of their fornication, nor , . „ ' , J ', „ of their thefts. avriov, ovre eK to>v (pappaKeiatv avrcov, ovre e'K rfjs nopveias avrcov, ovre e'K ra>v KXeppdrcov avrcov. 10. And I saw another mighty 10. Kai eldov Vj'aAov" ayyeXov lo~)(V- * cnj X«y°'' t0 S. ^ Rec. o; ii)F. c Rpc. hi], d cnjtov *iriron, e Rec. add *ai. { Rec. vtro. 6 Reo. ora. L nj utto. i Rec. add ««. k Rec. add ex. 1 Rec. at yap sfovtrtat avrtuv. m Rec. s.ffi. o Rec. out. " Kec. e«T«. P Rec. on, q -♦ a Or, al. AII0KAAYSM2. 599 Revelation X. 10. pbv KaraBaivovTa eK tov ovpavov, tvepi- angel come down from hca- BeBXnpevov ved)e"Xnv, Kal a n" Ins em Vvn ' clot,,ed , with a cloud . « j. v ~ k > - '/ v i ' anrl a rainbow uns upon Tf)S Ke•""• and ''is '\ , . « » _v // > - feet as pillars of lire. - And o-rvXot nvpos Kai c e X cov ev tt) he had ln llls b(md a )il(lp X el pi avrov d Bt8Xapt8lov" dvecoypevov' book open: and he set his Kal edrjKe tov ttooo avTov rhv de^ibv t£*Jg* t 3~' *!■ sea ' an , d , » ~ a \ i •. !,» • i nIS Ie " ' oot °" 'he r »rih, em e ttjs aaXao-o-rjs, tov oe evatwpov 3 and cried with a loud voice, em rnc vf}?, " 3 Kal eKpate d)0)vr) tie- as , "hen ■»•'«" roareth: and , N « \ ' - » « when he had cried, seven yaXrj ooo-rrep Xeen the seven thun- r *» j # . 4 * " >\ '\ < ders had uttered their voices. cavTtov (piovas- * Kai o T e eXaXrjtrav at , was al)0(lt t0 wrf|a . and j eTTTa BpoVTal ' ", epeXXov ypdcpeiV Kai heard a voice from heaven, rV/covo-a aWni/ ex roC ovpavoi, Xeyov- sa * in S " nt0 m .\ Seal U P ' „ J, , ', * >\ '\ I * ' those things which the sewn o-av * ZCppayiaov a eXaXrjaav ai enra thunders uttered, and write Bpovral, Kal ur) l 'ravTa" ypd^irris. them not. 5 tj- » ' » \ « "?* ' - ' > 5 And the angel which I saw _ K( " " ayyeXos,ov eibov eoTiora em stand upon the sea aml llpon Ttjs daXdao-qs Kal «ri ttjs yt]S, rjpe Tt)V the earth, lifted up his hand X eipa ohm ^v b*hf els tov oi, $*SMA ET.3 pavov, Kat copocrev ev ra> £a>VTi eis ever, who created heaven, and rovs aliovas tg>v alaivav, 6s eKTicre tov th>>-n> - . and the earth, and the things Ovpavov Kai TU evaVTU, Kai TtJV yi]V Kai that therein are, and the tea, T \ ' n a < i ~ r\ - ' sound, the mvsterv of God eTeXeo-Br] to pvo~rr)piov tov Geov, ws should be finished, as he hath evriyye~Xio-e m Tovs eavTov dovXovs tovs declared to his servants the ' ' 1 1 „ prophets. irpocprjTas. 8 Kai n (piovr) fjv r]Kovo-a eK tov ov- i\ \ \ - ' ' „-. „„} 8 And { voice which T heard pavov, TraXiv XaXovcra peT epov, Kai frQm he > ven spgke umo me Xeyovo~a' "Ynaye XdBe to BiBXapiOiov again, and said. Go, and take to hveayaevov ev tv veipl n tov" dyye\ov the little book which is open in -' , ' V > v ~ A a \ i ' '\ i \ the hand of the angel which tov eo-T And I took the little book ■ Rh.idi. b R tc . om. eKec.nt"' d ~ ?'/'>»••••• e R ' c - T 1» «•>'•»»••' • T ' r Tl'' ' «••••" "I f .m t i*irw, [ U-t.ilil p... li<^j«uTa. iKcc.om. k Krc. ov« i«t«i »n. I Bte. •«. rt>«»»f. — . B*. tiA Roo. roif tacroi' iovXoij roi; ir(>o^i)ra.[. n Kec. oa. • B«c. &>(. Revelation X. 11. out of the angel's hand, and ate it up, and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. " And he said unto me. Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. 1 1 . And there was given me a reed like unio a rod, and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. '* But y court which is without the temple "leave out, and measure it not: for it is given unto the Gentiles, and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months. 3 And P I will give power un- to my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred ;ind threescore days clothed in sackcloth. 4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks, standing be- fore the God of the earth. 5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies : and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. c These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. ' And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendelh out of the bottomless pit, shall make war against them, and shall over- come them, and kill them. 8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called 600 ALTOKAAY^IS. ftifi\apl8iov etc Tr/s x«tpoy tov dyyikov, Kai K(iTe(fiayov avro' Kai r)v tv to3 arofxari pov , /cat pr] avTT]V peTprjo-jjs, on ebodrj Tols tuvetri" Kai rrjv ttoXiv tt]v ayiav 7raTr]o-ovo~t prjvas TtaaapaKOVTa bvo. 3 Kai bacrco rote 8vcri paprvci pov, Kai npo(pr)Tevo-ovo~iv qpepas )(iXtas Sia- Koo~ias t^fjKovra, ire pifitfiXrjptvoi craK- kovs. 4 oiiTo'i flatv al dvo e'Xatat, Kai c ai" 8vo Xv^viai al tvunuov tov d Kv- piov" ttjs yfjc e (o-Ta>Tti." 5 Kai et tis aiiTOvs ' GtXti" a8iKr/aai, nvp tK7ropeveTai eK tov aToparos ovtcov Kai KaTtadUi tovs (x&povs avTwV Kai e'i tis avTovs 6eXti" dSiKrJrrat, ovra> Bti avrov dno- KTavBrjvai. 6 ovtoi e 'e)(ovo-iT6v ovpavbv i^ovaiav KXticrai," iva fir) h vtrbs ^pe^rj" *Tas r)ptpas" k Tr/s TrpoCprjTeias avToov'" Kai i^ovcriav t^ovcriv eiri twv vbdruv, aTpeCpeiv avra tis aipa, Kai iraTa^at ttjv yrjv ' ocraKis tav BtX-qautcriv, m tv : 7rdo~r) liKriyfj." 1 Kat OTav reXeVcoa-i ttjv paprvplav avr&v, to drjpiov to dvafSaivov e'/c Trjs djBvo-arov troirjcrti n per avTav iroXtpov,' Kai viKrjati avrovs, Kai dnoKTtvei av- tovs. 8 /cat °t6 WTa>pa" aiiTwv eiri Trjs nXaTttas 7roXecos ttjs p-tyaXr/s, tjtis KaXeirai TrvevpariKcos Hdbopa Kai » Bl. & F.lz. add Kat o ayyr\o^ no-rv*t*. *> St. «Jw«fV. C Rec. am. d R ec . e B0 „ p e Rec. torwOat. t Rpo. <> '■ : /'.-■ S Rec. **• ffow. kX. t. owp. b Rao. Pp. wer. i Rec. ir ^/Mpats. k Rec avr. r . irpov Kai 9 And they of the people, (pvXwv Kai •yXaxra'aii' Kai (8va>v c to *Bd kindreds, and tongues, and „,_ - »_.»_*•*' - » i nations, shall see their dead TTTcofta aVTO>V rjpepas Tpeis Kai rpxicrv, bod.es three days and an half, Kai ra TTTupara avrHiv oxjk drotc, Kai s ev\\ '\ <• 9 i shall send gifts one to another, «nep\j/ov(riv aAAr/Aoic, on ovtoi oi because these two prophets 8vo Trpo(pTJrai ifiacravio~av tovs Karot- tormented them thai dwelt on Kouirac eWi Ttjs yr)s. the earlh - 11 Kai pera ras Tpels fjpepas Kai " And after three days and rjpicrv, nvevpa tuns e K tov Qeov 6iVfiA- *" half l,lp i j> ,irit of > ,fe fro1 " A , , i « J ' \ » iv, God, entered into them : and tev ev avTOls, Kai ecrrqcrav em tovs they stood upon their feet, and nodas avToyu, Kai (boj3os peyas K eireo-ev" e reat fear fel1 u P on tlie "i > _> \ n - > / in » which saw them. Ia And they cm rovs^ 6ea>povvTas ^ avTovs. '" Kai heard a gieat vojce from he /. rJKOvcrav'' (pavrjv peydXr/v eK tov oi- ven, saving unto them, Come pavoCi\iy8e. up hith ,? r - And they ascended \ „ i 'a ■> - > \ i - U P t0 heaven in a cloud, and Kai avtpt]0-av eis TOV OVpavov ev Ti) their enemies beheld them. vecheXri, Kai edewpncrav avTovs ol e'vdpol ' 3 An(1 tne sa,ne ll0ur was there > - ' 11 % , > i - i « // , ' a great earthquake, and the avTcov. ■ Kai eveKeivy Trj apa eyevero tentn part of Ae cilv fell, an d aeiapos peyas, Kai to SeKaTov Ttjs in the earthquake were slain _ >\ , jl_ _ v >_ ' n > <*of men seven thousand : and TroXfcoc eTreo-e, Kai _ anexTavfycrav ev the remnant were affrishusd> Ta> o-eio-pa> ovopaTa avdpunra>v ^i\ia8fs and gave glory to the God of 67rrd" Kai ol Xonrol epcpofioi eytvovro, heaven. Kai e'ScoKav 86£-av rai G6 tov ovpavov. 14 'H oi-ai n devTfpa dwriXdev- m " 18ov M The second woe is past, » > \ f / « ' and behold, the third woe V ovairjTpiTT) epxtrai ra X v. _ ^ cometh quickly. 15 Kai o 6/JSo/noc ayyeXoc 6t7uX7T((rf, '* And the seventh angel Kai eyevovro dxoval ptydXai iv ro3 sounded, and there were great , C - , ' , ' t a \ i * voices in heaven, saving, I he ofpafO), "A6yo^T6c - EyeveTO i] pao-i\eia kingdoms of this world are tov koo-uov, tov Kvoiov TiaCov, Kai tov become the kingdom* of our ,, > \ a \ ' > > Lord, and ol his Christ, and Xpio-Tov avTOV, Kai Pao-iXevaei (is tovs he sha ll reign for ever and aicovas tcjv al&vuov. ever. 16 Kai ol eiKoo-i °_" Tea-crapes irpeo-fivTe- „ And the four and twenty poi ol ivunnov tov Qeov Kadrjpevoi eVi elders which sat before God tovs 6p6vovs avTvv, enecrav eVi to on their * eaH - fe l " "P°" ) he ' r , r , „ , / _ faces, and worshipped Cod, Trporranra avTwv, Kai Trpoo-fKvvrjaav to> 06o5, '' XeyovTCS' EvxaplCTTOvpiv aoi, " saying.We give thee thanks, a Rec. ^eu., b R fC ,^^ iv., lr c Rec. to Tr-rwpara. d Rec. ^v^^oTa. • Rcc. ^«p«»#.r. f CO et«ppaiyoyrat. e ^) Jwirov7ii'. h ^»> a"T-o(f. Rec. *t' arroi'f. i <■«*« iT*ir,««.. k r« fl*o»»«. I t^J Tjiitpif. ™B^.add«a*. " Rec. Xiyavsai' Vyiyoyro ai /?av Kal art, and wast, and art to come ; ,; 2 a* g„ f >tk V (has rro SwautV <7W ™ because thou hast taken to ' , ' v ',»T , ' ' ls , \ thee thy great power, and peyaXrjv, Kai tjiaaiXevo-as. ™ /cat ra hast reigned. 1B And the na- J € '@ v „ o>py[crBriXois o~ov be judged, and that thou TQ - npo fa Tals Ka \ T0 ' ls ayi ' oty Ka \ T0 ' ls shouldest give reward unto " ,~ ' ,' „ , ' thy servants the prophets, and (popovpevois to ovopa trov, tois piKpois to the saints, and them that Ka \ ro ~ ls ueyaAois", Kal biafbBfipai tovs fear thy name, small and v. LA , ' \ great, and shouldest destroy viafpdeipovras ttjv yrjv. them which "destroy the earth. 19 Kat rjvotyrj 6 vabs rov Qeov iv Tea 18 And *e_ temple of God ' paw5 Ka l &&Q ' k ,^t6s rr)? bia- was opened in heaven, and " ,' „ ' , „ , ~ J » there was seen in his temple BtjKrjs "tov Kvpiov ev Tio vaco avroV the ark of his testament, and Ka \ £ye VOVT o acrTpairal Kal (bcoval Kal there were lightnings, and Q ' s . v ' s ,, \ >\ y voices, and thunderings, and an Ppovrai Kai ow/xoc Kai x a * a C a earthquake, and great hail. peydXri. 12. And there appeared a , 12 \ Kal ^pe'iov piya cZ *• » ■>*>> \ a , birth, and pained to be V X™™ "eKpafrv cobivovaa, Kai fruravi- livered. C p fvr l TfKflv. 3 Kat wcpdrj «XXo OTjp.e'iov iv tco 3 And there appeared ano- > *» v >t\ \ <\ ' ' » r \ 4 ther .wonder in heaven, and ovpavco, Kai i8ov6-po.Kcovp.eyas Trvppos, behold a great red dragon, e^cov KecpaXas tirra Kai Kepara Ocko' having seven heads, and ten Ka \ fa\ ra$ . Ke( h a \ as avTOV e e Vra SiaSn- horns, and seven crowns upon „ t , ', , , , / ', his heads. * And his tail drew parcr * Kai r\ ovpa avrov avpei ™ the third part of the stars rpWov Tcov auripiov rov ovpavov, Kal of heaven, and did cast them »o \ > \ •> \ . „» s js„ ' to the earth: and the dragon e POAf aurow di TT)V yr,v. Kai o Spa- stood before the woman which Kcov eaTTjKev evconiov Trjs yvvaiKos rfjs was ready to be delivered, for n € \\ ovo -„ s reK f iv " iva orav re'(CJ7, TO to devour her child as soon ' , ', . ' , , fi > » as it was born. 5 And she tskvov ovttjs KaTacpayt). " Kai ereKev brought forth a man child, v ' tov appeva, 6s ue'XXet noipalveiv ndvTa who was to rule all nations \ »n > < -ox & -. » « < n with a rod of iron : and her Ta f6 j"l ev P a P°-» ness, where she hath a place «pvyev (is ttjv eprjpov, onov e^et s fKfi prepared of God, that they T07rov rjTOiaao-pivov a770 tov Geov, Iva should feed her there a thou- , - -, >< r/ x / sand, two hundred, and three- « ft Tpetpaariv avTTjV rjpepas x^as score days. 8iaKoo~ias e^T]KOVTa. • Reo. add **i o ipxopivos. 1> Rec. aurou. « — ♦ d St. & Elz. &t Gh. KpalT.. cv) ««pafei'. • Rec. iiai, tir. * Reo. em. S Rec. om. a Or, corrupt. £ Or, sigu, Y Or, sign. AII0KAAY¥I2. 603 Revelation XII. 16. ' Kai eyevero noXtpos tv ra ovpava' 7 And there trai war in hea- 6 MivaiA ical ol «WXot avrov *tou !«». MfchMl and Ma angeli > A - ' , „ «' V , < , fought against the dragon, and ■n-oA.ffj.r](Tai pera tov bpaKOvros, Kai o the dragon fought and his bpaKCOV e7roXeurifre, Kai ol ayyeXoi at- angels, « and prevailed not, a , , b » » 't> / neither was their place found rov, Kai ovk J> i a ■, \ - \ < u \ and his angels were cast out €/3Xr/0r/ (is rijv yr)v, Kai oi ayyeXot with nim , And , | lliard a avrov per avroii ifiXrjdrjaav. lu Kai loud voice saving in heaven, r^Kovaa cpcovrjv peyiApv • * rep ovpavy, *Z£5f* S^nTof Xeyovaav" Apri eyc-vero r) acorqpta kui our Cod, and the power of his n owautc Kai 17 parriXeia rov Geou nucoi/, Christ : for the accuser of our ' N , U , ' - „ , , J r h brethren is cast down, which Kai 7] et;ovcna rov Xpiarov avrov on accused them before our God ' Kare/SXncV' 6 SKarnycop" rmv dbeX(hwv day and night. » And they e - t • - > ' - overcame him bv the blood of rjpcov, o Ktnjyopuv avrov evumov rov the Lamb and , )y (he wiin , Qeov rjpav r)pepas Kai vvktos. Kai of their testimony, and thev aw-oi fvUtjo-av avrbv bid to alpa rov > ove , d no . t 2 ''if' 1- y j™ unt0 tne , , \ & % » > / - » death. '* 1 herefore rejoice, apviov, Kai bia rov Xoyov rtjs paprvpias ye heavens, and ye that dwell avroiv, Kai ovk hydirrio~av riw \l/-t>y7)i' in them ; W°e to the inha- , „ „ a , " a % \ " » biters of the earth, and of the avrcov a X pi Oavarov. ^ dta^ toiito ev- sea . for the devil u con)e (ppaiveade ol ovpavol Kal ol ev avrois down unlo you, having great o-KTivovvns. oval "™ yn Kai rn 6a- " rat1 !. bocause he knoweth ,' „ , '• i'' //a v '' , that he hath but a short time. Aaao-T], on Kartpr) o biapoAos irpos ■vpas i'xcov dvpbv piyav, eldcos on 6\lyov Kaipbv %«. ^ # B And when the dragon saw " Kai ore fioey o opaKcuv on epAr/Pr; that he was cast unto the etc tjW yriv, (di(o£e rr)v yvva'iKa rjns earth, he persecuted the wo- „ ' y '„■>< 14 \ >ss >n ~ man which brought forth the ereKf rov iippeva. Kat e6o0r)crav ttj man child M And t0 t he wo- ywaiKi dvo irrepvyts rov aerov rov pe- man were given two wings of i\ " ' ■> _>,. *__,.„. ,?„ a great eagle, that she might yakov.iva ntTrjrai w rtjvepripoveis fle ^ int0 the h w i 1(ierness int0 Mer rbv tottov avrrjs, ' ottov rpe(perai eK6i place, where she is nourished Kaipov, Kal Kaipovs, Kal fpiav Kaipov, to- f • time, an^ times, „d otto 7rpoo-ooTrov tov ofpfcoc. Kai the serpent, is And the ser- ffiaktv 6 6d>LS k eK rov crroparos avrov pent cast out of his mouth , , - ' i » •» < „. >.. water as a flood, after the wo- ojrto-w ri]s yvvaiKos vba>p cos 770Tap.oi>, am . lnat , )e might cause her 7va [ avTj)v" Trorapo(p6pT)TOV 7rotr)o"»;. to be carried away of the » Kai tfor)0r,o-ev r) yij rf, yvvaiKi, Kal ■** ^^Te elifh fjvoi^ev r) yfj ro aropa avrrji, Kai Kar- opened her mouth, and swal- eme rov irorapbv bv fftakev 6 bpaKcov lowed up the flood which the » Reo. «iroXi/.t| C\> VK»t TpitpriTiu. k Rec. off, t. ywv. •. t, oto/a. air. 1 Rec. t«oTijr, Revelation XII. 17. 604 AIIOKAAY^IS. dragon cast out of his mouth, in tov a-rd/xaroc ai/Tov. 17 Kai copyicrdtj 17 And the dragon was wroth ■ s> - < > > » > -\/i with the woman, and went to ° OpaKav em Tjj yvvaiKl, KM anrjXde make war with the remnant Troifjcrai noXepov iiera tcov Xoittcov tov of her seed, which keep the cnrepuaros avTns, tcov TnpoivTCOV ras commandments ot God, and , '.', _ ' « , > , > have the tesiimony of Jesus evToXas tov Beov, Kai exovTcov tt)V Christ. papTvpiav a Itjctov." 13. And I stood upon the 18 K(ji i> fo^Q » fa* ' » - sand of the sea: and saw a A - , , _ ' , »% » « a beast rise up out of the sea, Oakuo'O'i]? IS. Kai eibov^eK TT]S tia- having seven heads, and ten Xdcro-rjs drjpiov avaBa'ivov, e\ov c KepaTa horns, and upon his horns ten ^ < t j \ > ' '.* \ > \ crowns, and upon his heads, °* Ka KUL KeaXas tirra f Kai em tw the » name of blasphemy. KepiiTcov aiirov deica oiadrjpara, Kai art „ , , , , , . , . ras KechciXas avroxi ^ovoaara" BXaacbrt- * And the beast which I saw, , ~, ,,.,," ?&»»' was like unto a leopard, and pMS. Kai to tirjpiov o eidov 7]V opotov his feet were as the feet of a napddXei, Ka\ ol 7rddec avTov cos ''apKOV," bear, and his mouth as the ' > / > - c - n • mouth of a lion: and the dra- Ka [ ™ Ka \ ^ ov . 3 And I saw one of his heads ~ A ' > healed : and all the world v t aTOV ™ L 1 ™f)"7 ™v BavaTOV O.VT0V wondered after the beast. eBepanevBrj, Kai u eBavpacrev oXt] ■q yvj * And they worshipped the ^ » 5 £ ' 4 « npoaeKvvncrav dragon which gave power un- . „ , ,r r . , r ,. ', , to the beast, and they wor- tco OpaKOVTl, OTl edcoKe tt)V egovcriav shipped the beast, saying, Who rc 3 #npi'a), Ka\ npoaeKVvriaav k TCO Bripico," is like unto the beast? who .. '. ' '. „/ n - /j * , ' ^pia); Kai him? tis "'Svi'arat" noXepfjcrai per avTov ; 5 And there was given unto ° Kat ebodr] avTcp cTTopa XaXoiiv pe- him a mouth, speaking great ydXa Ka\ D BXacrchr)pias'" Kai eSdffn things, and blasphemies, and > - ><. ' o» d " » power was given unto him y to ™ r< ? «§ouo-ta PTroi^o-ai /ijyi/as Tea"- continue forty and two months. crapciKOVTa 8vo' Kai rjvoi^e to CTTopa « And he opened his mouth avjod els BXaa^piav npos jbv Oe6v, in blasphemy against God, to pXacr(pi]pT]0-ai TO ovopa avTov, Kai Tr/v blaspheme his name, and his Q-KTivnv aVTOV, q Kai" tovs e'v tco ovpavoi tabernacle, and them that ' - r v >^ ,* > -' >\ * dwelt in heaven. ' And crKTjvovvTas. ' Kai edodt] avTcp nokepov it was given him to make rroifjaai. p,eTCl tcov ayicov, Kai viKijcrai war with the saints and to v { > .g ^ a ' T<5 e '| owt ' a ^ overcome tliem : and power „ j\> v > > * \ was given him over all kin- nacrav (pvXrjv r Kai Xaov' Kai yXcocraav dreds, and tongues and na- Ka \ '{Q voi , » Ka \ Tvpoo-KVvnaoviTlV s av- tions. 8 And all that dwell , „ , c - > x upon the earth, shall worship Toy navres ot KaTOtKovvjes em ^ Trjs him, whose names are not yrjs, cov oil yeypanrat ' to ovopa ev tco * Rec. Toi- Ir/oov Xptorov, h c*.' to-adr/. c Rec. k£$. cir. ic. Kfp. Iftc. *i Rec. cnj oco>*a. e Reo ap/trov. ' Rec.ddd ttoov. C Rt-c.oin. I 1 St. eOao^aadij ey oXp ry y]]. ' Rec.Tovitwojo^Ta.os •'tufwev i^avffiai'. ^ Rec. t« Bfipiov 1 Rec— * m (^> ^wyaToy. n r^ 0\aatf>T}fxmy' c^> ^Xao^>»j^o o Elz. idd iroAsuov. P ^J 1ZJ rKic.uui. s Rec. a*7^, t Rec. ra OKO/iara tv ry Jil\evpa ttj eiKOVi tov drjpiov, "iva Kal XaXijcrr] r) eiKUVTOV 6tj- piov, Kal 7roir)o-r], do-oi dv pi) TrpocrKwr)- crwcri B 7Jj el<6vi'TOV 8f]p'iov,1va dnoKTav- 8(00-1. 16 Kal iroiei ■navras, tovs piKpovs Kal tovs peydXovs, Kal tovs nXovcriovs Kal tovs 7rTx<>vs, Kal tovs eXevdepovs Kal tovs dovXovs, iva h Biocnv' avrols 'xdpaypa" em ttjs x* l P 0S avroi>i> ttjs Set-ids, rj em k To pcTcoirov" avTcov, 17 l Kal" 'iva p.T) tis Swr/rai dyopdaai tj ircoXrjo-ai, el ph 6 tx a>v T0 X°-P a yP a >"[ to ovopa tov 6rjpiov, r) tov dpidpbv tov dvopaTos avToii. 18 a>8e 17 aoobia ecrriv. 6 exw " " vovv, TpT)(pio-dT ~ > voice from heaven, as the voice ™ ovoaa tov Trarpos avToy yeypap.p.e- of many waters, and as the vov en\ tcov p.(T(i)Trccv avTwv. " Kai rta r f d a thT a voic h e ln o d f er L a r n p d ^cra ^vJk tov ovpavoO ^Jxtvhv ers, harping with their harps. voaTav TroAAav, Kai ws Cpcovrjv ppovTtjs lieyaAris' c Kai h (bo>vn fiv fiKOVo-a co? 3 And they sung as it were a r / V- ,/ a y ■> new song before the throne, Kidapcpdav ^ KidapiQovTvv sv rats ^ Kl- and before the four beasts, 6apai$ avTu>v. 3 Kai adovcriv d " dJ8r)v ^uidleat^thaT'song.Tut «* ***- ™ 6p6vov, Kai eVoW the hundred and forty and tu>v Teao-apav (a>u>v Kai twv 7rpeo~pv- four thousand, which were T { pa)V - Ka i ovheis r/StWo u.a6fiv ttiv redeemed from the earth. , r, , . , c , ' , ' cobr/v, et p.rj ai eKaTov recrcrapa/coi/ra- These are they which were reo"0"ape? viAiabes, ol Tjyopaap-evoi anb not defiled with women: for - 4 t > ■> * they are virgins: These are *W 7Vf- , ovtoi eLcrlv °< H e J a 7 vva ^ they which follow the Lamb k5>v ovk ip.oAvv6r)o~av' irapotvoi yap whithersoever he goeth: These f j . OVTO i e f lo- lv " [ dKo\ov6ovvT(s rc5 "were redeemed from among , , „ t , , T , , . ' men, being the firstfruits apvia oirov av vrvayrf ovtoi rjyopao-tir)- unto God, and to the Lamb, p-fj,, £ no T £, v dvdpaTrav, drrapYj) tu> 5 And in their mouth was _ - \ - > ' . 5 » > t found no guile: for they are Qe r ■. , \ t to preach unto them that dwell yeAiov aiuviov, evayyeKiaai tovs Ka- on the earth, and to every na- 0r]p.evovs " eVt tt/s yrjs, Kai m eVl " itav tion, and kindred, and tongue «q . , x » « yk&tHJIW Kai \abl>, and people, 7 saymg with a loud 1 ", ~f, 1 - >\ en voice, Fear God, and give glory 7 "Aeytoi' ev vrj fifyaAr)' 9oprj0rjTe to him, for the hour of his TQV o q €ov " Ka \ Q 0T€ avT a 86£av, on judgment is come: and wor- _, . , „ . , ' , - s ship him that made heaven and TjAdev t] apa tt]s Kpiaecos avrov Kai earth, and the sea, and the Trpoo-KVvno~aT£ tg> iroir]o~avTi tov ovpa- fountains of waters. ; v\ l » D « « n i \ » vov Kai ttjv yrjv (cat p ttjv OaAacro-av Kai Trrjyas vda.TV IV (powfj pe- ed them, saying with a loud yoXn- El tis *irpo*K.vvei to Brjpiov Kai ™' ice - lf »! m "' """"j! *" "\ > / ' ~ \ \ / i beast and Ins Image, and re- tj;!' f tKowi aurov, Kat Xappafet ^apa-yjua ceive his mark In Ins ton-head, ejrl roil ufTUTrov avTOv, ri eVt Tnv Yfipa or in his h »» l1 - '" lll<1 •* nw sha !' , ~ in , , , » ' i ', /x « r drink nl thr hi, ir cil the wrath aurov, Kat auroc 7ri / J -_ , » , ~„ ». ,",, ,.,»,„ ,," of his indignation, and he shal axparow «/ toj wonjpta ti/s opyi;s awTov, be ,„,.„„.„,,.,, Bllll lirt . .,,„, /cat f5ao~avLO~dr)a'€Ta.i (V TTVpl /cat petco brimstone, in the presence of eVoWioi/ ™i/ b dyiow ' dyyeXcof, Kai o/o>- the ""Is angels, and in the pre. • > ' 11 w ' ■ ' - sence of the Lamb: " and the TTlov Tov apviov' Kai o Kanvos tov smoke of their torment asccnd- Bao-avicruov aiiTcbv c etc aiiovas aia>V(x>v eth up for ever and ever. And » a • a \ i » > ' they have no rest day nor avafiaiveC^ Kai ovk ex™ * 1 " avanavcriv njg f lt who worsllip lhe beasl fiuepas Kai vvktos oi npoo~KWoiivT(s to and his image, and whosoever Onpiov Kai ttjv el K 6va avTOv, Kai ei Tie receiveth the mark of his no/ \ • » > ' name. Kappavei to %apayp.a tov ovoparos avTov. 13 ? J2Se imoaovh twv ayt'cof ecrrlv, d " ,2 Here is the patience of . - ii \ i ' - o ■ ' the saints: here are they that oi TTjpovvTts tus^ evToXasTov Veov Kai kccp the conirnandmen ts of ttjv TTio-Tiv 'lrjo-oii. 13 Kai fJKOvaa cpa>- God, and the faith of Jesus. vij S fa tov ^^ Tp^ov ^XLyfn^lme.VS MaKaptot ot veKpoi oi (V Kvpiat ano- Blessed are the dead which die 6vho-KOVT(s an iwti. Nat, Xe'yw to in the Lord, "from henceforth, „ ' ' „ « , r / . . V. / yea, saith the Spirit, that they TLvejpa- iva auanavo-wvTai eK twv ko- f nay rest from lhcir labours, ivcov aiiTciv' ( tci Se " epya avTcav uko- and their works do follow XovddpeTavTfbv.^ f ( lhem - 14 Kai etSoi/, Kai tSoii ve(pe\rj \evKr), u An( i i looked, and behold, /cat eVt tt)v vee\rii> e Ka6r)pevov opoiov" a white cloud and upon the .- » /i / ^ » > » - j \- cloud one sat like unto the Mm vicp av8pa>TT0v, fx 0>v f7rl T 1 S Kf(paAi]S of man naTm g n his head a avTOV o-T(>' 15 „„i "V a sharp sickle. 14 And another X eipi avTov bptnavov o£v. Kai a\- ^ ^ me out of , ne lemple X09 ayyeXos i^rp\div h ex rou t/aov, crying with a loud voice to him *pd<> iv ifmi W&f ro3 KaB^vy ***£&& W eVt rf/c j/e^- '/i 'Zl v i 9 ripe. 16 And he that sat on Wov Vepicrai, oti tfrpavOr) o Vepiapos lh / cloud tnrust in his sickle Tr)s yrjs- le Kat fftaXev 6 Kadr)pevos on the earth, and the earth was eVt tt]v ve(pe\T)V to bpenavov avTov eVt reaped. ttiv yfiv, Kai £6epicr6ri r) yfj. 17 t- ' >'\\ '< \ ItS^A*,.!***?, " And another angel came 17 Kat aXkos ayyeXoc efyXtieveK tov ^ Qf ^ temp , e (vliK . h is in j/aou Toil ev to> ovpavut, ex U)V * a ' avT0S heaven, he also having a sh;irii Sptnavov 6&: 18 Kai ^XXoc ^yyeXoy sickle. ■» And ...other u..g.-l .Ree.T.«,.^.«. "- c Re „..^...a.-.. r * R... ^d ^7 • v' Uia4/ov crov TO 8pina- gather the clusters of the vine ,'?>/ > > •. a l of the earth, for her grapes are «""^ ™ °S V > *"' rpvyrjcrov Tovs Porpvas fully ripe. i9 And the angel b Tf/s dprreXov" t?/s yrjs, oti c r/Kpao-av ai thrust in his sickle into the j, \ « « d „.'_"„ " U r? ' -a \ ' earth, and gathered the vine of ™ - /i ~ trodden without the city, and epaXev (is rrjv Xijvuv tov dvpov tov blood came out of the wine- GeoC e toi> piyav." 20 Kai enaTTidrj f] press, even unto the horse \ < f »/■ /i » - <\ > >>-\ bridles, by the space of a thou- V»V iv Too in heaven great and marvel- » ~ / » /i <>-■>' lous, seven angels haying the ™P™% A**?* «" Oaypao-Tov, ayytXavs seven last plagues, for in eTTTa, e^ovras TvXrjyas eiTTa Tas eo~%d- them is tilled up the wrath of Tas> g„ £, au7 . a ~ s e VeXe'(r(9r/ 6 t%i6s roO GeoG. - And I saw as it were a sea Kai ei6W as 6dXao~o~av vaXwrjv of glass, mingled with fire, and ueaiyuevnv irvpi, Kai tovs vikwutos ck them that had gotten the vie- r C J r , ,, . ,, , ., , tory over the beast, and over tov OTjpiov Kai «x rr/c hkovos avTOV Kai his image, and over his mark, g" € ' K T0V dptdpov tov ovopaTOS avTOV, and over the number of his r > \ \ n /-, \ < s , name, stand on the sea of glass, efTOJTas «Tl tiji/ Oakatrtrav rpv yaXlvrjv, having the harps of God. "And e^ovras KiBdpas tov Qeov. Kai adovai they sing the song of Moses the > Mfobyiavatus" 8ovXov tov GeoG, servant of God, and the song of ', «, ',«, - , , , the Lamb, saying, Great and tat Tpj/ MOr/v tov apviov, XtyoVTfs' Mf- marvellous are thy works, Lord y(lAa Ka \ SavpaaTa to. e'pya aov, Kvpie God Almighty, just and true ' „ * , / . »' ■■ are thy ways, thou King of « e *°S y ° ( navTOKpaTup dlKatai Kai saints. 4 Who shall not fear dXrjOlval al 6801 o-ov, 6 /3ao"tXevc tcov thee, O Lord, and glorify thy i^^/ 4 ' ov an d)o/3n^n k ae,' name? for thou only art hoi v : , , , » «, , > »' / « for all nations shall come Kvpif, Kai Oo^ucrr/ ro ovopa aov ; OTt and worship before thee, for „^„ os . m^Vtoc-'' ort n 7rai/Ta TO €^n" thy judgments are made ma- rt/ . % > , , ; n if est- rj^ovo-i, Kai irpoo-Kvvqcrovo-iv evunriov o~ov' on ra hiKaicopaTa o~ov e(pavepa>- Or/o-av. * And after that I looked, and 5 Ka ^ Q TavTa e ?§ „ Ka \ o > l vo ' iyr . behold, the temple of the ta- , , n ~ ~ ~ ', ',' bernacle of the testimony in o vaos TT]S arKr)vrjs rov^ papTvpiov fv heaven was opened; 6 and the r&j ovpavoo' 6 Kai (^rjXOov 01 enra * -» ti St. nm. c r*>n*f*ao-pevoi nepi to. and having their breasts girded OTJi^r; fairaf vpu e/c tgjj/ with g»'den girdles. > And one ' > ' ■»» - r \ » / of the four beasts gave unto Tfo-o-apuv fowi/ eda>K€ tois eirra ayye- tne seven angels sevcn go)den Aoic e7TT(i (pidXas xpvcras, yepovaas roil Ovpov tov Qeov tov fwi/ros etc tovs alwvas T(ov aloovcov. 8 Kal eye- p,io~8r) 6 vaos Kanvov i< rijs 86£r)s tov Qeov, Kal e/c ttjs dvvdpecos avrov' Kal ovdels r)8vvaTo elaeXdelv els tov tow, "iXpi TeXeo~dioo~iv ai ema irXyyal tu>v itVTa dyyeXcov. 16. Kai {jKovaa d peydXrjs (pcoinjs" c en tov vaov," Xeyovorjs To'is euro. ™ l of the temple, saying , ~ <%/t i ('>■>> > the seven angels, Go yi ayyeXois' YnayeTe, 'koi eK\eaTe Tay ways, and pour out the vi %enTa" (bidXas tov dvixov tov Qeov els °f the wrath of God upon the - r r earth. 2 Kal d7rf/X^€i/ 6 irpaTos, K«t e£ex« i AnA tne first went> and ttjv - pay pa tov 6r]piov, Kai tovs "irpoo~Kv- vovvras Ttj eiKovi avrov. 3 Kai 6 bevTepos 'ayyeXos" e£e%ee ttjv (pidXrjv avTov els ttjv BdXaaaaV Kai eyevero alpa as veKpov, Kai ndaa 'r rv X^I m " onedavev ev tji 6aXdo~crrj. 4 Kai o Tp'iTos n " e£ex (f r h v (p^Xrjv avrov els tovs noTapovs koi fiy Tas TTTjyds tcov vddrcov' Kal eyevero alpa. Kal rJKOvcra tov dyyeXov tu>v vddriov, XeyovTos' AtKaios "" ei, 6 cof Kai o r/v, earth, and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. 3 And the second angel pour- ed out his vial upon the sen, and it became as the blood "f a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea. * And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters, and they became blood. 5 And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shall be, because thou hast judged thus: 6 for they have shed the p o ^o&ios, oti TavTa eKpivas' on alua dyiiov Kal npo&nTcbv e'^eyeav, Kal blood of saints and prophets, r i - »s. r T - . »£ 'r' ' and thou hast given them blood mpa civtois ebutKas nietv a£iot ^ eiai. t0 drink . f or they are »ortli> . ' Kal rJKovo-a "" tov dvaiaa-rrjpiov Xe- » And 1 heard snother out of yovTos' Nai, Kupi€ 6 Qeos 6 iravroKpd- Tojp, aXr)6ival Kal SiKaiai al Kpiaeis aov. 8 Kai 6 re'raproc l " e^x te "?" t " A '7 , ' the altar say, Even so. Lord God Almighty, true and right- eous are thy judgments. » And j' fourth angel poured » Ree. om. h rj c Rec add «•■. 4 R«o. k Gb. Q*vk ^»y^1l. '3 f -• I "•"•' h n»— . Ree. &Gb. •«■.. i rvj — . Reo. & Gb «.j. U.c...i...<»'.TO». I Gb. add -» fwjf. n Rec. add ayyt\ot. ° Rec. add K^u. P Rec. add «a. r Ree. add yap. • Rec. add oXXoe •«. t Rec. add «n"*' 40 •1 I'.i V l..i- •?')|Mr0f . Revelation XVI. 9. 610 ALTOKAAY*I2. out his vial upon the sun, and avrov or! tov fjXiov" zeal edodq avTOi power was given unto him to „»„{„, T0 ^ dv6puTTOVS / these plagues: and they re- roovofiarov Qeov tov ex 0VT °f ^ovtriav pented not, to give him glory. or! ras TrXjjyds ravTas, Kal ov perevor]- o~av Sovvai avrco b~6£av. 10 And the fifth angel poured 10 Kal 6 TTtpnTOS b " f^X e€ T h v $"*" out his vial upou the seat of Xriv avrov or! tov dpovov tov dnpioV the beast, and his kingdom was , , / 'a \ • > - > full of darkness, and they gnaw- « a ' (yevero T) jiaacXeia ovtov eoTCorco- ed their tongues for pain, "and pevrj' Kal fpao-acovTO Tas yAcocrcras blasphemed the God of heaven, < - > ~ » n \ >,j\ j ' because of their pains, and av ™ v « ™ ™"™> , * at ^aqtij- their sores, and repented not jx^aav tov Qeov tov ovpavov etc tqjv of their deeds. 7rdvcof avTcov Kal e/c T riiaAr/i/ out his vial upon the great ri- r - . s \ v % - d/ » ver Euphrates, and the water av ™ v , e7rt ™ ™Tap.ov tov fieyav d _ thereof was dried up, that the ~Ev8 - > mouth of the beast, and out of (TTopaTOS tov drjpiov, kol eK Tov (TTO- the mouth of the false prophet. p.a.TOS tov y^ev8onpo(^)r]TOv, TTvevpara ,, „ ., ., . .. c TptaaKadapTa, 'cos 8a.Tpa.voi.'" w etcri 14 For they are the spirits of r ~ / r > <~ r A. devils working miracles, which yap nvevpaTa ° Oaipovicov noiovvra go forth unto the kings of the o-nuda h a eWopeverat" eV! tovs Ba- earth, and of the whole world, \ - i« - ■> ■ "\ to gather them to the battle 0-cKdS > Ti]S OLKOvpevrjs oXrjs, avva- of that great day of God yayeiv avTOVS (Is k TOV irokep.ov ttjs a A s lm a g thIef. " Sed 'is^he W«P« ' ««V' ^ pey^c tov Qtoi that watcheth, and keepeth tov rravTOKparopos. ' loov (pvopai. his garments, lest he walk na- ^ s KXeTrrn?, uaKapios 6 ypriyopaiV Kal ked, and they see his shame. , > < , < - 1 «- ed out his vial into the air, and X?jf aiirov "enl" tov dtpa' Kal e£r]\6e there came a great voice out » \ n '\ " a ' i* r. ~ r of the temple of heaven, from /7« X ? ^T ^ y ou " ao y rov the throne, saying, It is done, ovpavov, ano tov dpovov, 'keyova'a' a ex) — . Itec. K Gb. om. *> Rec. add ayyiXoy, c Kec. add avye\oj. « Wee, add tov. « *^> avaToX*>f. f Rec.o/iota jJarpajotj. K Rec.iai^OK«»»'. h — ♦ — ,St.i*Tropfwfffyat. i Rec.add -r?j y»?f *at. It Kec.om. I — • ta Kec. Appaytiiutv. (X- 1 May»iuiv. n Kec. add ayyaXos. o Rec. "v' uf, p — » q „>.> BK , r ^ Or, burued. AII0KAAY*I2. 611 Revelation XVII. 6. riyovf. 18 Kai tyivovTO a darpa7rat Kai is And there were voices and j ^ \ a - " . " _,. A„ b,'..,' thunders, and lightnings : and (pcovai Kai Ppovrai, km treurpos "eye- tl „. n . „ ;i ; „ ^ ,, 1 ,. Ih(| ,, lk( , yero peyas, otoc ovk eyevtro u

e r) ^teydXr^ tpvijaor) eva>iriov hefore God, to give onto her tov Qeov, Bovvai air/1 to ttot^owv tov |, he C "I> of the wine of the „ „' „.»,".. f - 20 < herceness of his wrath. -"And otvov tov dvpov tt]S opyr/s avTOV' Kai every island fled away, and 7rao-a vf]0-os e(j>vye, Kai opr) 011% evpe- the mountains were not found. 6i)0-av ^ 21 (cat xakaCa peydXr} wt Ta- a , And there fe „ upon mcn a AavTiaia KaTajSaivel (K tov oiipavov eivi great hail out of heaven, every _ % ' a ' _ . ..„*. JR\ r .^-rkn..r,rrn, l stone about the weight of a tov? avBpairavs Kai ^Xaaqjrjp^o-av ^^ ^ men bl ^ ph( , mtH , ot avopainoi tov Geof, (K tt)s TrXrfyrjs God, because of the plague of i-fk ya\d(tis- OTl ueydXri e .Vs. r 1 1 hi was exceeding great. avT^c acpodpa. 17. Kai r}X#ef etc €K rcof e7rra dyye- 17- And there came one of •, > / « * > j. . i\ ^ the seven ancels, which had the Xav TtoV e X ° v ™v ™ s €7r J a <[>iaXas, Kai SC ven vials, and talked with me, fXdXrjos per epov, Xeya>v c "' Aevpo, saying unto me, Come hither, «*/*» trot r6 Kpipa rrjs ffpmp Trjspe- ^^-JJf-JtaJ-g; ydXrjy, tt)s KadrjpevTjs ° em tv noXXaiv" 2 pt& r)S enopvevo-av 01 ,. x - - - » > d' d e < wth whom the kings of the /SacriXeic rr/c yqc, /cat (pfdvo-Oqo-av 01 canh have commiU( .d fomlca- KaToiKovvTts Ti]v yrjv (K tov o'ivov Trjs tion, and the inhabiters of the ' '_"„ " 3 v„ y . ^_.^„,,,„,' ,,- -,'- earth have been made drunk wopvfiasavTtjs. Kai ampey™ M f «« with , he winc „f her fomica- eprjpov ev nvevpaTl' Kai eioov yvvaiKa tion. 3 So he carried me away KaOnucvnv eVt 6?nptoi/ (coK/ctfoi/, ye'uof '» the s P irit into the wilder- , t ' a\ -l ' - J- \ • ness '■ aml ' ww B woman sit ovopaTcov pXaaCprjpiaSy (X ov Kf ftptf «d papyapiTais, ^ovcra SS^SXSUA " irornpiov Xpvo~ovv ev ttj X el P L civtj]S, having a golden cup in her ykixov dSeAv-yuuraji/, Kai ' tcx OKti^apra hand.Vull of abominations and '- r /, / '^ k » - » 5 v > > - filthiness of her fornicatnm. tt)s iropveias avTrjs, Kai mi to pcTmnov aiiTrjs ovopa yeypappevov' 5 And upon her forehead was a Mvorfruo,, Ba^uXa,, n ptydXr,, ff p^- ^jJ^J^WJ; TT)p T(6v nopviov Kai tu>v jdoeXvypaTiov 0F /9 HARLO ts, and aiiomina- ttjs yr}f. 6 Kat eifiov rr)i/ ywat/ca tions of the earth. 'Audi » Rec. *». «. Pp. *. ««rp. !>-» e Ktc. idi ,.». a im ,», ,!.,„ ..X»... • R««. ■. r. ... r. wf. .,T. o. «.r... t. 7. 1 R<-c.^ir»f../Si3> W i>'f ) ir»p*i7J ? «o. «.<«.» v . 8 Roc. 1 p.»y. h Hrc k Cb. luxrn ».T,p..K. i R« a.aeapr^O! . k .-«. t W yw. * Or. jili.a. 3 Or, fotmc.Uoi... Revelation XVII. 7. 612 AJJOKAAYMS. saw the woman drunken with p.e8vovo~av eK tov at.fj.aTos toiv dyia>v, l h i! h b !h° d h.° f . th f ,l aintS ' f" d «al « tow alfiaros ruv aaprvpcov'lr,- with the blood of the martvrs „ , ,. " ,»< > \ a - of Jesus : and when I saw her, crov' Kai eaavpao-a, ibu>v ovttjv, 6avp.a 1 wondered with great admi- u^ya. 7 And the angel said unto 7 Kcl ' «« M ot ° ayyeXos' Atari e'0av- me, Wherefore didst thou mar- fiao~as ; ey« o"0l e'pcj to p,vo~TT)piov ttjs £VS£L£SSrf£ *•*■***,«» rov %iov rov /Wi- beast that carrieth her, which Qovros avTTjv, tov e%ovTOS ras errra hath the seven heads, and ten Ke< haX^ s Ka \ Ta ^ Ka Kepara. horns. 8a t<< « d ' * »* » v ' 9 The beast that thou sawest, ^ To ( orjpiov O fides, rjv, Kai OVK was, and is not, and shall as- eo~Ti, Kai p.eXXei ava'/ia'iveiv eK ttjs cend out of the bottomless pit, >a' I _? »_/■% c / v and go into perdition, and they Xeiav vmryetv Kai that dwell on the earth shall aavpdcrovTai ol KaroiKovvres em Tr/s wonder, (whose names were y ~ *,„ ov ye ' ypa7mu b TO g v0 „ a " e Vl not written in the book of life ' a a -\ > - y - ' > o -\ - from the foundation of the ™ pipXiov ttjs {o>T)S ano KarapoXrjS world) when they behold the Koapov, c ftXeirovTcov" TO Brjpiov OTl rjv, beast that was, and is not, and \ > *- d v ' " yet is Kai ovk eo~Ti, u Kai ivapeo-Tai. 9 And here is the mind which 9 *Q8e 6 vovs 6 e^u>v croCp'iav. al enra hath wisdom. The seven heads Ke(p aXai, e inra opr, A/if/ onov r, yvvi, are seven mountains, on which ,T. , , , u in \ a \ - the woman sitteth. >° And there Kadrfrai eir avTcov. Kai pacriXeis are seven kings, five are fallen, kirrd A/ IV oi nevre eneo-av, f " 6 els and one is, and the other is not > v t m\ „ f\ a - « yet come: and when he com- 1°™' ° «XXo? ovtto> j]X8e, Kai orap eth, he must continue a short eX6r], oXiyov avTov del pelvai. n Kai space. >■ And the beast that ro Q > Q 1 j ow « ^ Qvro was, and is not, even he is the „«,';, ' , , , , , „ eighth, and is of the seven, and oyOooy eo~Ti, Kai eK rwv eirra eari, Kai goeth into perdition. e l s dirioXeiav vndyei. M And the ten horns which 12 Kai Ta fe Ka K< f para a e ^ ef fc Ka thou sawest, are ten kings, a \ - ■> » a \ > » which have received no king- paaikeis (io-iv, oirives paarikeiav ovnua dom as yet: but receive power eXaSov, aXX' itowiaP ms fiacriXels as kings one hour with the i * \ o ' > ~ a jj east _ p.iav copav happavovai. p.era rov ar\- piov. and 2r& W aS ptwt ^^Olroi^av^o^yv^'Kair^ and strength unto the beast, ovvap.iv Kai tt/v e^ovaiav eavrcov T(o » These shall make war with Qnplay i Bidoao-iv." H ovtoi pera rov the Lamb, and the Lamb shall > ' i * v / x > i : / overcome them: for he is Lord api/tov iro\epr]aov(Tl,Kai to apviovvi-^ of lords, and King of kings, and KTjcrei avrovs, oti Kvpios Kvpicov e'crl ^. y ed: h "cho r L w, in h d h ^hf U ^ <-* B r tXf > ^^^ ■? oI p*. ai - 15 And he saith unto me, rov, katjtoi Kai eKAeKTOi Kai ttio-toi. The waters which thou sawest, 15 Ka ^ ^ ' ( . Ta {)$ aTa a 6 f§ ef where the whore sitteth, are T , , ' , a r N x v » N , v peoples, and multitudes, and ovqjiropvt) KaOrjTai, Aaoi Kai o)(\oi ciaty nations, and tongues. le And Kai eOvrj Kai yXojcro-af 16 Kai Ta 8eKa * Kec. odl b Rcc, St Gb. ra ovo^ara, o Rec. 0X(jro»-rFy. ^ Rec. KOfrrep ermv. e Rec. op^ ftff. eirr. i Rec. add ***#. & Rec. yt'«'. «^-. b -^ atirwc, » Rec, itatJuJunrouffii'. AII0KAAY*I2. 613 Revelation XVIII. 7. Kepara a eiSec, a Ka\ " to drjplov, ovtoi the ten horns which thou ftio-rjo-ovo-i ttjv nopvrjv, Kal T)pr]p.o)p{VT)v !;i;"|i St 1) "f" J " ?" ''T""'' these noiTjo-ovo-iv avrr]v /cat yvpvfjv, Kal ras shall make her desolate, and crdpKas avrris (bdyovrat, Kal aiirnv Ka- »aked, and .shall cat her ' > i w t > Q i flesh, and burn her with fire. raKavo-ovcnv cv irvpi. ' o yap i3(os i'bioKfV els Tas KapSias a\)TU>v noirjaai " For God hath put in their rhv yvwpnv ovtov, Kal TTOtncrai ^yvupriv ' learts t0 fulfll J hiswi ». ««>.«> , ii \ 5. - i a \ ' < - to agree, and give their piav, Kai Oovvai Tt]v paaiKdav avTcov kingdom unto the beast, until the words fulfilled. of God shall be 18 And the woman which thou sawest.is thai great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth. 18. And after these things, I saw another angel come down power, and the earth was light- ened with his glory. * And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Kabylon the great toj drjpia), a\pi c TeXeadijo-ovTai " Xoyoi " tov Qfov. Kai fj yvvr) ijv eioes, earif r) ttoAis r) uirydXr/, t] e^ovtra p"ao~iXeiav e'jri tu>v IBacnXeav rrjs yrjs. 18. Kai ptrd Tavra el8ov e aWov " ayyeXov Karapaivorra eie tov ovpavov, from ^^ havmg e\0VTa e^ovaiav peyaXrjv' Kai r) yrj e(pa)Tio-6r) e'/c rr/s bo^rjs avrov. " Kal (Kpa£ev ' iv lcr\vpa Cpcovf/, Xeycov' "Eneo-ev tTreare Ba$v\o)P r] peydXr], Kal is falien, is fallen, and is be- j / ' 3> ' * come the habitation of devils, eyeveTO KaroiKirnipiov daipovav, Kai and the hold of every f0l ,, s| „. (pvXaKT) navTos TTvevpaTOS aKaddpTov, rit, and a cage of every unclean Kal (bvXaKn ttovtos dpveov dKaddpTov and hatefu ! bir ? : - 3 ,'' or a " na " f , r I t r ) _ '„ tions have drunk of the wine of Kai p.(pio-t)p.(VOV • OTl (K tov oivov t h e wrath of her fornication, TOV 0VU-OV Tf]S iropvelas aiiTriS nfTrcoKe and the kings of the eurih have , , un v « a \ - « » committed fornication with her. rravTa Ta(6vr],Kai oi pao-iKeis ttjs yrjs and the merchants of the earth uer' avTJjs cTropvevQ-av, Kai oi epnopoi TTjS yijs (K TTJS 8vi>dp.€(l)S TOV CTTpTjVOVS avTrjs iirXovTrjo-av. 4 Kai rJKovaa aXXrpi (paivrjv €K tov ovpavov, Xeyovo-av' v'E^eXdfTe" e£ av- from heaven, saying, Come out rnc 6 Xaos aov, Iva un o-vyKoivtovhcrrjTe of her. my people, that ye be * f ' J ** ^ h * ** \ ** ■■*• .ir»*t*«l*n»-o f\f Ytav cine -n- i Tals dpapnais aurr/c, »cat "fK tcov nATjywv avTTjS Iva p.T) Xa/3nre - " 6 oti ' (KoXXrj- 6rjo-av" avTrjs al auapriai n^/n tov ovpavov, Kal epvTjpovtvo-fv 6 Qeos ra ddiKriaaTa avTTig. 6 dnoftoTe a\)Tn is rewarded you, and double unto '< . .-• ... i ^ ^ . l.ni. ,i...il.li. nccnrHini' In Lr tre waxed rich through ihe "abundance of her delicacies. 4 And I heard another voice not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plau'ues : s for her sins ha\e reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniqui- ties. 6 Reward her even as she avTTj ib aneoioKe k" BinXd her double according i" her works : in the cup which she airi; 8i7rXa Kara to i'pya avTijs' ev hath filled, fill to her double. r» iroTr)pia>

Rec. ^oiowfi-wa^. 1* dec. «Jd »M"' I» Rec tea pi. >•?. i e. »A I * Or, puwei. Revelation XVIII. 8. 614 AIIOKAAY*I2. give her : for she saith in her fiacravicrpbv Kai nivBos' on iv ttj Kapdia heart I sit a queen and am Q £ - A ' . K a'$, sorrow. » Therefore shall her XVP a 0VK eL r ll i KaL ^ iv "0S ov M '00). plagues come in one day, death, 8 & la TO y TO e V pia rjpipa n^ovaiv at and mourning, and famine, and •. * ■> ~ a ' ' '* ' a r she shall be utterly burnt with nArjyM avajs, Bavaros km irevOos km fire, for strong is the Lord God, At/ids' Kat iv nvpi KaraKavBrjcrerai ' whojudgethher. « Tt ^upd? Kvptos d Geo? 6 a #c/>tW" avrrjv. 9 And the kings of the earth, 9 Kat b Kkav(TOV(Tt, " c " Kai ko^ovtm her, shall bewail her and la- avrtjs nopvevo~avres km o-Tprjviao-avres, ment for her, when they shall g Ta „ RAincoo-l tov Kanvbv rfis nvpco- see the smoke of her burning : ' , - 10 - , ,« ', '» standing afar off for the fear pq ijABev f) Kpiaris crov. » And the merchants of the " Kat ol 'ipnopoi Trjs yfjs e KAat'twt earth shall weep and mourn Ka \ nevBovaiv" in avTrj, on tov yopov over her, for no man buveth r ~ i» > > /* '» ' . 12 . ' „.. their merchandise any more, avrav avdus ayopaCei ovKen yopov ,a The merchandise of gold, xpvaov, Kai dpyvpov, Kai AiBov npiov, and silver, and precious stones, « uapyapirov, Kai '^vaaivov," Kai and of pearls, and fine linen, j ' u - - » » and purple, and silk, and scar- g nop(pvpas, KaL o-rjpiKOV, Kai kokkivoV let, and all « thyine wood, and Ka \ n i lv £{,Aov Bv'ivov, Kai nav aKevos all manner vessels of ivorv, and r\ • , i - ' /■ '\ all manner vessels of most pre- (Aecpavnvov, Kai nav ctkcvos^ « £yAov cious wood, and of brass, and npicoraTOV, Kai ^oAkov, km o~i8r]pov, ments, and frankincense, and ap.ap.ov, Kai Bvpiapara, Kai pvpov, KM wine, and oil, and fine flour, Aifiavov, Kai oivov, Kai iAaiov, Kai ae- and wheat, and beasts, and ,*, .. < v i - / sheep, and horses, and chariots, pLOaAlv, Kai uitov, Kai kttjvtj, km npo- and £ slaves, and souls of men. (jara, /cat Inncov, Kai pebcov, Kai i^&Sr4£3r£! rrr""' ™ &&*+*"?• u Kal thee, and all things which were T] onu>pa rf/s emBvpias TT)S yv^s o~ov dainty, and goodly are depart- £ n Z\6 fv ano ao {) Ka l Ttavra TO. Amapa ed from thee, and thou shalt ., ' , ^ , , , , , // i > ~ v find them no more at all. km ra Aapirpa anoiAfro ano o~ov, Kai 0VK€TI OV pTj k €Vp7]0-TjS OVTO.. 15 The merchants of these lo Ot epnopoi rovroiv ol 7rAovTrjaavT€s things which were made rich £ n ' avrris, ano paKpoBev aTno-ovrai b~ia by her, shall stand afar off for , , , a ' - A - . - n . the fear of her torment, weep- tov (pofiov tov jiaaaviapov aVTTjS, kAoi- ing and wailing. 1(i And saying, ovres Kal nevBovvres, 16 ' " Aeyovres" » Rec. itptyuty. b -^j — . Rec. 8t Gb. K^avooyrai. c Rec. add avTrjv. Q Rec. add %v. B ^J «cXat. — . Gb Zi * Or, sweet. B Or, budies. AII0KAAY¥12. 615 Revelation XIX. 1. Oval, oval i) nokis t) peydkr], r) Kepi^e- Alas, alas, that gnat city. (Iknpevn jivaaivov Kal iroptpvpoiv Kal that was clothed "> fine linen, Tt/xta) akds llcaiis > a »d cried, weeping, and _ f ~ \ jv >. x / > wailing, savinir Alas alas that avTcov, «u «pafoi/ «cXat 0V r« «u 7T6V- great my, Vl.erom w< re mad e oovvres, e keyovres' OiW, oval f] ttuXls rich all that bad ihips in the 7] peydkr,, iv f) enkovTrprav writ Oi ^ a .'»y ^ason other costlm.ss. !> ' ,' .// i' - , '_ „ . , , for "> one hour is she made e^ovres Ta irkoia ev ttj dakao-o-j] eK desolate. Tt)s Tl^llOTnTOS aiJTTJS, OTl JJ.LU lopa T]pr)p.w8r]. 20 TZvCppaivov »eV avTT/", ovpave, Kal 20 Rejoice over her thou hea- oi&y^Kal ol" ArdoToXoc Kal oiyo- J^fiHfflES (pr/Tai, on eKpivev o Qeos to Kpipa vputv you on her. f£ avTr)s. "' Alld a mighty angel took *! .. ', V r ,i N » ^ \ '/i U P a stone like a great inill- - Kai npev eir ayyekos icrYiyjoc kiffov stone, and cast it into the sea, cos pvkov peyav, Kal ejiakev els Tt)v saying. Thus with violence shall a '\ \> . fT.-/ c ' that great citv Babylon Bakairaav, keycov Ovtcos oppnpaTi tnrown doKn / ami /,, al , be pjKrjdrjO'eTat Bafivkcov rj peydkn Irakis, found no more at all. •'• And Kal ov at) evpedh hi. ffl Kal (hiovr) ki- the voice of harpers and musi- a ."' V ' . \ ,«* „' < clans, and of pipers, and triiin- dapcobcov Kai povaiKiov Kai avknrcov Kal pet.rs, shall he heard no more o-akirio-Tcov ov un aKovo-dn iv aol eTi, al a " in ,hee : snd no crafts- \ - i , . ii man, of whatsoever craft he Kai nas TexviTTjS iraa~qs Testis ^ ov luj b e. shall be found any more in evpedrj ev o~oi eTi, Kai (ficovr) pvkov ov 'hee : and the sound of a mill- pr) cIkovo-6;, iv *ol tr h f «i 0£ S \v X - 3KS.-S 'tof'a vov ov pi) (pavj) ev o~oi eTi, Kill (piovrj candle shall shine no more at vvpthiov Kal vvpcbris ov an aKovcrBn ev a " \" ^™ : and the voice of \'„ „ ,,,' , r> the bridegroom and of the bride o-oi erf OTl oi epiropoi aov 7]crav oi sna n be heard no more at ill ueyicrTaves tt)s yr)s, oti ev ttj (bappa- In thee: forthy merchants n ' > \ '^ t \ in the great men of the earth: for Keia o-oy enkayrjdrjo-av rravra raefhnj. ly Vn> ,„ ri ,.,,,, „,. ri . al) na . * 4 Kai ev avTjj 'at/xara" TrpocprjTiov Kai tions deceived. 2 * And in her dy/ r evpeOn, Kai vavriov Tdv eacpa- ftt*l*£?Jj* ypevcov em tt)S y/S. that were slain upon the earth. 19. k " Mfra ravTa r/Kovira { a>s" (pcovt)v 19- And after these things I » tj b Rre. jpt'f. I Rn, rltin i if»X>|. d 1* op-r-.f. • .Ji>'" AXXr/Xoui'a" r) crcorrjpia Kal t] c 86£a d 'Kai ij 8vvapis" 'roii Qeov" Tjfiatv' 2 on akrjdivai Kal 8iKaiai ai Kpiaeis avrov' on eKpive TTjvTTopvrjv rfjv peydXr/v, rjris f e(p6eipe" rrjv yr/v ev rf] rropveia avrrjs, Kai (t;e8iKr]v avrov ex S" %eipbs aurr/c. 3 kcu. 8eirepov e'iprjKav' 'AXXr/Xot/ia" kol 6 Ka- Tvvbs avrrjs avafiaivei els rove aiwvas ruiv aliovbiv. 4 Kai eneaov ol irpecrl^vrepoi ol eiKoai ''' reo-aapes, Kai to. reatrapa £a>a, Kai ivpo(T€Kvvrj(Tav no Qe oj ro3 Kadrjpeva enl 'rou Opovov," Xeyoires' Aprjv' aXXtj- Xoui'a. 5 Kal (pcovr) k eK"rov Bpovov e£r)\- 6e, Xeyourra" Alvelre x rov Qeov rjpcov ndvres ol 8ov\oi avrov, Kai ol c (pcovrjv v8dra>v 7roXXcoi>, Kai ojy (ptovfjv (3povreov lo~)(vpa>v, "Xeyovres' 'AXXr/Xoi/ia, on ej3aat\evo'e Kvpios o Qebs °rjpa>v" 6 iravroKpdrap. ' )^aipa>- pev Kal dyaXkiaipeBa, Kal 8copev rfjv 86£av avrco' on fjXBev 6 ydpos rov dpvlov, Kai tj yvvrj avrov Tjrmpao~ev eavrrjv. 8 /cat e866r) avrrj iva 7repi/3oXr/- rai ftvo-crivov 9 \apirpbv Kal KaBapdv" to yap j3vo~o-ivov, ra Si/caicojuara eari tu>v dyicov. 9 Kal Xeyei pot' Tpdip-ov' M«- Kapioi ol els to 8einvov rov yapov rou dpviov KeKXrjpevoi. Kai Xeyei poi' Ov- toi ol Xdyoi dXrjdivoi fieri rov Qeov. 10 Kai e'neaov epirpoo-6ev ra>v tto8o>v avrov irpoo~KWTio-ai avno Kai Aeyei jLioi" Opa pt)' o~vvoovhos o~ov eipi Kai nof d8e\*yoyTaf. o Kec. OIU. »ijti^t?. e Rec.KwptcuTfu fley. l^> y eu. ™ R'C. add «<.>. P Rec. *ra9. * Aa... AII0KAAY*I2. 617 Revelation XIX. 19. Kai eibov rov olipavbv dvecoypevov, " And I saw heaven opened, Kal Ibov tWo? XevKOS, Kal 6 Kadnuevos " nd , b «-' liol(1 a white horse, and > j » > >. / , r ,. he that sat upon him was called F7T civtov, KaAovpevos ttiotos Kai aXrj- faithful and true, and in right- Bivos, Kai ev diKaiocrvvT) Kpivei Kal iro- eousness he doth judge and \„, ". 12 < St* , A^a \ v • - a< " make war. " His eyes were as Aeuei 01 be o&ttaXuoi avrov "&>$■ n «.„„„«• c„ „„j „_ u:„ u...i a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns, and he had a name written, that no man knew but he himself. ' 3 And he was clothed with a vesture \epei' *" oi be 6y v ovopa yeypappevov o ovbels oldev el p,rj avros' n KalirepSeBXr)u.evosiudTiovBeBanu.evov di P t in blood, and his name " . > h \ - " , » r " -is called. The word of God. aipari Kai KaAeirai to ovopa avrov O Adyo? rov Qeov. u Kal rd o~rpa- u And the armies which were revpara « »' - l > {, ?, - white horses, clothed in hue avr e(p imrois XevKOis, evoebvpevoi linen, white and clean. IS And Qiiro-ivov XevKov d " KaBapov. 15 Kal ° ut of his mouth f oetn a , , , - ', , sharp sword, that with it he e/c rov 0-rop.aros avrov eKTropeverai should smite the nations : and popcpaia e blo-ropos" dPela, tva ev aiVn he shall rule them with a f_ 't- a \ «/) \ » > '« rod of iron: and he treadeth nara^r) > ra edvr) Kat ayros noipavei [lie winepress of the fierceness avrovs ev pdBSu> o~i8rjpa' Kai avros and wrath of Almighty God. narel rnv Xrivbv rov o'ivov rov dvixov , R . , , , . , . „_,'.'„, , ' , 16 And he hath on his vesture, ° tt}S opyrjs rov Qeov rov iravroKpa- and on his thigh a name writ- ropos. 16 Kat evei earl to ipdriov Kal ten, King op kings, and Lord j \ , \ et - h «* " OF LORDS. 67ri to j/ p.r/pov avrov to ovopa yeypap- p.evov Baaikevs Bao~tkea>v Kai Kvpios Kvplcov. l ' Kat eidov ' ev a" ayyeXov eara>ra " And I saw an angel stand- Xeywv Traat rot? opveois rois ireropevois the fowls that fly in the midst eV aeo-ovpavnaan- Aevre " o-uj/av^nre" of heaven, Come and gather , ' , -, r - '• - , , ~„ "■' « yourselves together unto the €is to beinvov to peya rov ^ Ufov, s Upp erof the great God: ls that 18 Iva (bdynre adpKas /3aertXeo)i', Kal ye may eat the flesh of kinns, » \ i \ ' ■> - and the flesh of captains, and aapKas xiXtapxo)^, km orapKas io- X vpcov, (hp flesh of mjghty men and ? Kal o~dpv Kadr/pevaiV flesh of horses, and of ihem that en avT&v, Kal aapKas irdvrcov, e\ev6e- sit on them, and the flesh of < pav m re" Kal 8ov\(ov, Kal piKpmv n re" Kai peyakmv. 19 Kat elbov to drjpiov, Kal- tovs ftaaiAe'is ttjs y^c, Kat ra arparevpara avra)v o~vvr)ypeva iroir]o-ai "rov" noAe- pov perd rov Kadrjpevov em rov nnrov, t0 make war against him that Kal p,erd rov o-rparevparos avrov. sat on the horse, and against men both free and bond, both small and great. 19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies gathered together • 3 * ~ *l*\ V T«t. CSt.&Bz. ora. & Ree. add x«l. « ^> — . R". fc 01. . ora. ' Rrc. «'»«I. g Rue. add™. h Gb. om. i— li|l...«» ..wyirti. 1 lire ,., ,.,.»... ■" H- niv — . Hoc. Hi Gli. oui. ° t>» — • Roc & Gb. oin. Revelation XIX. 20. 618 ATJ0KAAY¥I2. his army. 20 And the beast 20 Kal irnaaQr] to 6r]piov, /cat a 6 peT was taken and with him the avTO i" ^vooTrpocpTiTnc 6 noirio-as ra false prophet, that wrought mi- „ / , r / '„' , T , ' , racles before him, with which o~r]p(ia evuTUOV avrov, ev ols enXavrjae he deceived them that had re- T0VS XaBovTas TO \dpajp.a r °v 8r]piov, ceived the mark of the beast, < > - » / > and them that worshipped his Kal _ Tov f TTpoCTKVVOVVTas TJ] eiKBVl ay- image. These both were cast tov' £a>VTes i&Xr)6r)o~av oi Svo els Ti]V alive into a lake of fire burning w j Qg « Kal0 u4vTlV iv b * with brimstone. -' And the ~ ' „. v e > x > < /] remnant were slain with the t9et&). " Kai oi Xoiiroi a7reKTav0r]o-av sword of him that sat upon the ( ' v T f, p u(haia TOV Kadnuevov em tov horse, which sword proceeded n ' X lis. \ n • « > - / out of his mouth: and all the tnjrov, Tj] c e^eXdovaj]^ (K tov crrouaroc fowls were filled with their avTOV' Kal rrdvTa to. opvea i^opTaaOn- crav €K tu>v aapKcov avrav. 20. And I saw an angel come 20. Kal ettW ayyeXov KaTaBaivoi/Ta down from heaven, having the e ' K TO y ovpav ov, i'vovTa ttjv d KXeiv" Tns key of the bottomless pit, and , a , ' v «•> »\ > » ' a great chain in his hand. a/Wcroy, *at aAvow ufyaAr;i> «rt ttjv Yetpa avrov. " /cat (KpaTrjae tov dpd- 2 And he laid hold on the dra- x »j \ » - " > gon that old serpent, which is KW , Ta ' Tw ?

Xia em, 3 Kai eBaXev avrbv els Trtv cast him into the bottomless 'J, " , „ - /, x , , , pit, and shut him up, and set a npvoyoi/, Kai e/cAetcre , (cat ecrcppayi- seal upon him, that he should o- fy endvco avTov, 'iva pi) f irXavd' g ert deceive the nations no more, \ »a u » \ /w \ t\ j> . till the thousand years should ™ «f "?> "XP l reXecr0jj Ta p\ui ejr, be fulfilled : and after that he '"/cat" /xera ravra Set avTov Xvdrjvai must be loosed a little season, ^.^y xp 6vov. 4 Kai et'Sov dpovovs, /cat (Kadiaav eir * And I saw thrones, and they avTOVS, /cat /cptua e'Socfy avTols ' /cat ray sat upon them, and judgment i \ - ' ■» / ^ > > was given unto them: and I fvxas rap TrerrtXeKicrfievav dta r^v pap- saw the souls of them that Tvpiav 'ir/oTjO, /cat Sta rof XcJyof rou were beheaded for the witness q - j - ^ nrpoo-€Kvvr,aa V ! TO of Jesus, and for the word of , ' „ , j / » > ~ x God, and which had not wor- 8i]piov, ovTe " 177 et/cofl avrov, /cat shipped the beast, neither his {> K 'i\ a R 0V T0 ydpayua eVt to aero- image, neither had received his i*\»\<»- t - \ mark upon their foreheads, or ™ v » Kai €TVl Tt]v x*<-P a uvTtoV /cat in their hands ; and they lived e^rjo-av, Kal tSao-iXevo-av perd m tov" and reigned with Christ a thou- v _ ~ n ' ' '\ ? • 5 „I A^ '\„— „) sand years, i But the rest of Xptcrrov "to pXiaeTT, ^ 01 de Xoinoi the dead lived not again until Tcif V€Kp£>V ovk ° e(r}crav p a^pt re- the thousand years were finish- x eo -0» T a vlXia err). aZ-rri n ava r '„ * / a > « >* -v death hath no power, but they TOVTvv o *8evr€ P os Bavaros ovk e X « shall be priests of God, and of e^ovalav^ aXX eaoprai tepetj tov Qeov s Rec. fi«ra rovrow o. b Rec. add yii>. c Rec. fviro^euo^ei'p. d Rec. *-\mi'*. e St. & Elz. add aurof. f Kec* TTAavijo-p. g Rec. t. e9. i, ^ 3 ' Rec. to* n ... ; ,. k St. & Bz. ' , ^- rijf > . . ■> i 1 Rec. add avTwi-, m St. 8t Bi.om. " — » o Rec. o^nr^crai' P Rec. t «<;. q Rec. iSac o 6eur. AII0KAAY*I2. 619 Kai roil Xpio-Tov, Kat j3ao-i\evo~ovo-i a fi€T iwtov" xi\ia err). 7 Kal '' orav TeXeaBi] " to. ^tAta eTt], Xvdijaerai 6 Saravas eK rfjs (pvXaKijs aiiToii, Kai e£eXei>o"erai 7r\avijo~ai ru eQvr] to. ev tciis Tto~o~apo~i yoiviais "rijs yfjs, tov Yu>y Kai tov Mayooy, avvaya- yeiv avrovs els c tov " iroXepov, hv 6 dpidpos ,l avTQ>v" a>s 17 appos ttjs 6a- Xairixr/c. s Ka\ avi,irjo-av eiri to itXutos ttjs yfjs, Kai " €KVK\o)o-av " ttjv irapep- fio\i)v tuv ayicov, Kai ttjv 770X11- ttjv riyairr/pevriv' Kai KaTefi-q itiip r sk tov 011- pavoii s (Itto Toil Qeov," Kai Karecpayev aiiTovs' 10 Kai 6 8id(3o\os 6 7r\ava>v av- tovs e'lBXrjdrj els ttjv Xipvrjv tov irvpos Kai deiov, oirov h Kai" to drjplnv Kai 6 \^ev8o- TfpocpijTrjs' Kai j3ao-avia6r]o-ovrai rjpepas Kai vvktos els tovs aiwvas tojv aioovx@1-> ° *°~ Tl T ^ s C oi 'l s ' Kal eKpl6r]0-av 01 veKpol en Ta>v yeypappevuiv ev to'is fiifiXiois, koto. to. epya avT&v. 13 Kai eSioKev n ddXaaaa tovs veKpovs tovs ev avTjj," Ka'i 6 BdvaTos Kal 6 adrjs eSaKav tovs "veKpovs tovs ev avTois,"Kal eKpiBrj- aav eKao-Tos Kara ra epya avraiv. Kai 6 6avaros Kal 6 qftrjs e(SXr)6r]a-av els ttjv Xipvrjv tov irvpos' ovtos v 6 BavaTos 6 bevTepos e'o-Tiv " q 17 Xipvrj tov irv- pos." 15 Kal e'l tis oi'X evpedrj ev r Tjj /3i/3Xgj" ttjs to,?)? yeypappevos, e$\r)6r) els tt)V Xipvrjv tov irvpos- 21 . Kat eidov ovpavbv Kaivbv Kal yi)v Revelation XXI. 1. Chriit, tnd ihall reign with him a thouiand years. 7 Anil (Then (he thousand yr.irs .Hi- expired, Satan ihall be loosed out of nil prison, 1 ami shall go out to deceii e lli.' nations "Inch an' 111 tin- four quarters of the earth, < tog anil Magog, to gather them to- gether iu battle : the number of mIh mi is as the sand of the sea. '•' And tiny Hint up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saiuls about, and the beloved city: and lire came down from God out of heaven, and de- voured them. "' And the devil that deceived them, Mas cast into the lake of fli e and brim- stone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night, tur ever and ever. 11 And I saw a grcut white throne, and him that sat on 11. from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away, aim there was found no plai them. IJ And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God: and the books were open- ed : and another bonk was opened, which is the /»"ik of life: and the dead were judged out of those lliinu-s mIh. h Mere written in the books, according to their works. " And the sea gave up the dead which Mere in it : and death and • hell de- livered up the dead which were in them : and they were every man according t.. tl all Murks. I* And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire : this is the second death. " And whosoever Mas nut lound writ- ten in the book of life, wai cast into the lake of fire. 21 . And 1 saw a new heaven, Xtroar. f Rrc. •.?.©. •...•** I (Vutra ra..ra. t>ls-j;t«ra. « ,-NI — . Itcc. ft Gb. on. ■'R". e ^. hRec.otn. l8eD.Xlv.uiy. It R«, oum. 1 Rec. 8,o . .bit. P««.miF0(i.M|ie|hr.:n. q <\>— . Kc«. klib. •■. I s vvfKprjv KeKOO-prjpevrjv ra> dvbpl avTrjs. 3 /cat fjKovo-a cpavrjs peyaAr/? e'/c tov ovpavov, Xeyovar/s' iSou r] o~Krjvfj tov Qeov fxera rav avoparitav, /cat o-Kr]v6>o~ei per axirmv' /cat avroi c Aaos " avrov ecrovrai, Kal avros 6 Geo? Q per avTcov ecrrai, e Oeoc avrwv. /cat e£aAen|/'et f " irav daicpvov aV6 tcov 6ra airrfkBov. 5 Kai eitrev 6 Kadfjpevos eVi s tc3 dpovoi'" 'iSot/, Kaiva travra noiu>. Kai Ae'yet h pot'" Tpd^rov' on ovtoi ol Xoyoi TVicrrot /cat a\r]t)ivoi etcrt. u K.at eine poi" k Teyove. 'Eyco etpt" to A /cat r6 Q, 17 apx^l /cat to reXoc. e'ya) rw biyjroovTi &d>o-(o ' ai>rco" e'/c rf}c 7rr;yf}s tov vSaros ttjs fcof/c Scopedv. 7 6 vikwv /cAr/popo- pr/crei m TavTa," Kai eaopai aiiTto Geos, /cat avTos errrai pot 6 vlos. 8 n rote 8e SeiXoI?" /cat a7ricrroic °/cui uaaprcoXotc " Kal e'/3SeXtjypeVoic /cat (povevcri Kai irop- vois Kal p (pappaKo'is" Kai etScoXoXarpat?, /cat 7racrt rote yjrev8eon, to pepos avTwv ev rfi Xipvrj tt} Kaiopevr] nvpi Kai 6eia>, o eaTiv q 6 c9aparoc 6 BevTepos." 9 Kai rjkdev r " els s e'/c " twv eVra dy- yeXcof rcof e^ovToiV ras enra (piaXas tcis yep.ovo~as ' rcov " enTa 7rXr/ycof tu>v e'er^areof, /cat e\a\r)0~e /xer e'poi, Xe'ycov - AeOpo, Set^co croi u rr)i> vvp(pr)v tov dp- viov ttjv yvva'iKa." w Kat dnrjveyKe pe ev Trvevp-aTi far opos pe'ya /cat v\jrr]\6v, ■* Rec. TrapJ7*0t. ^ Rec. *ai tyto loiavvTis et&»v rr}i> TToXti- ttjv aytav, 1spovea\T)^ Kaivriv, naraftaivovaav iwft tow 0«ow 6« tov ovpavov. c Rec. oo Xooi. •! Reo. foT. /*. avr. • Zt f Reo. add o Geoj, r, Rec. tov dpoyov. h rt i Reo. o.X. «. rrtOT. ^ ^> ytyovav. Kyot — .coreyora. * (VJ — . Rec. & Gb. oui. « Ret. sarra. n Ref . OFiXoif ce. »M — . Rec. h Gb. on. P Rec. tt/v W}iip')V, TV* yiyaiica tov apvtov MIOKAAY^IS. 621 Revelation XXI. 20. (cat e8et£e poi ttjv ttoXiv a " ttjv ay'iav great and high mountain, and 'lepowo-aXnu, «wa/3ciiwn«rai» eVc roO ov- J n V w, ; d »"■""" £ •« l ;''>• *• " . , /"' " _ ,. „ , liolv .Icrii.s.ilciii, descending out pavov ano tod 0eou, e^ouo-af rr;i/ of heaven from God, "having 8d£ai7 roO Qeov- h " 6 (baa-Trip aims Uw glory of God: and her light w N , n , < \'A i> ss H'.is like unto a stone must pre- opoios \itia TipiaTara, as Kioa laambi cjous . ev ,.„ [ike a Jasper atone, KpvaTaXXi^ovTi' 12 c evovaa " re T^oc clear aa crystal, " and had u v t / -> \ a « // a ~ __ wall great and high, and had peya (cat vfr,W, ^ouro m/Xtowis tweW « ^ a , 1(1 ;l , „„. ,,.„, oo>5e(ca, /cat iiri rot? nvXaaw ayyeAouc twelve angels, and namea writ. ScbSe/ca, neat oVoWa ««yeypapp«iVa, a ten *•"*». , wl, ! d ' •" ' / ": • ~ t> . «. j \ » ' <<■ 'i names oi the twelve tribea oi etxrt twv OoobeKCi (pv\ai> Tav viiov Icr- the children of Israel, u On panX. 1S e U7ro dfaroXcof, * TrvXaves the east three gates, on the - f \ „ ■> \ a ■> "• \~ north three gates, on the MJiith rpetc- Kai^ atro fioppa,^ irvXaves three gateSj and on ,,,„ wert rpeis' f Kai" cino votov, irvkaves rptis' three pates. '* And the wall 14 /cat ro ret^oy r?;c 7roXeSe/ca, /cat g hf avrau ScoSe/ca Lamb. ovopara " Tav ScoSe/ca dTroo-roXaJf tov dpviov. n -*nd he that talked with is I? » ' \ -\ - » ' 7 T h ' me, had a golden reed to mea- Kaio XaXav per epoy, « X e pe- sure , he J^ and , he gat(?s Tpov " KaXapov YpvaovVf iva pfTpr)o~T) thereof, and the wall thereof. rfivnoXlv, Kai tow itv\&vas avrijs, (COt '* And the city lielh foursquare. ' „ ' „ .. v , _ ' , and the length is as large as to Tei%os avTTjS- Kai r) ^oAty rerpa- tne breadth: and he measured yavos Ketrai, Kai to tifiKOS avrris '" oaov the city with the reed, twelve I v„ , N ; v > / < / thousand furlongs : the length. Kai to ttXutos. ^ Kai epeTprjo-fTTjv tto- and the brcadth , alld lhc height Xtf tco KaXdpo) 67TI ' CTTafiiovs" ScoSfKa of it are equal. " And he \ 'i . « ' " .} - v ~r\,'.m^ ■»•• measured the wall thereof, an XtXtacWro p. V KOSKaiT0 ttXutoc- K at hundrcdi and f „ rty .,,„, four to vyjfos ai'TrjS taa ecrri. ' (cat epiTprjat cubits, according to the mea- Tb Tfivos aurnc ckotov TeaaapaKOVTa sure of a man, that is, of the , A '„ / ■> a • " angel. Tfcro-apcoi/ 7n;x&>i', ptrpov avopoorrov, o iarTiv dyyeXov. w t»- '•»«>» » ~ ' ,8 And the building of the 18 Kat »;t/ 77 ev8op.T} K a6apa. 19 "(cat' >>nto clear glass. » And the t n \ ~ ' - \ v foundations of the wall nt tne 01 Of ptAwi tov Teiftovs Ti]STro\€u>siTavTi c jty were garnished wiih all Xt'f3co Tiuia KfKoo-ar)u.(VOl. 6 6epe\l0S 6 manner of precious stones. „' r „ L il > 'a. . The first foundation was jas- TTpcoTOs, lao-rns- o OevT€pos, o-an(p(ipos ppr the second 5app hire. the 6 TplTOS, ° yaX/CTlScil' - " 6 TtTapros. apa.^ third a chalcedony, the fourth «, 4c' s ' t . ' an emerald -° the fifth sardo- paySoy » o Tre/iTrrot, crapfioia^ o ^ x e _X '^xth sudiaa, tfa Zktos, p crdp8toc-" 6 e(B8opos, xP V0 ~°X l ~ venth chrysolyte, ihe eighth (9os- 6 oySoo?, /3r)puXXo$- 6 fl/l/aror, beryl, the ninth a topaz, the ■ « M .iddT,r W »,». b R,„. ,d,l ««.. tB.e.„.w..... dRcuw... .nrcT 1 .... l|,r.~-.H<..Kb.™. ( lk.,.M™(...,.™. hKw.oo,. i B« .1J .....to ■."'■ ' • 1 St. 8i Bs. .r.(.»K. m •» »>....» " — • ~ •wit"'- f ~ »•(*•»• Revelation XXI. 21. tenth a chrysoprasus, the ele- venth a jacinth, the twelfth an amethyst. 2[ And the twelve (fates were twelve pearls, every several gate was of one pearl, and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transpa- rent glass. 22 And I saw no temple there- in: for the Lord God Almighty, and the Lamb, are the temple of it. - 3 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine in it : for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. -* And the nations of them which are saved, shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it. 25 And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there. - ,(i And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it. '•" And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or mak- eth a lie : but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life. 22. And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God, and of the Lamb. ' 2 In the midst of the street of it, and of either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve man- ner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month : and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. 3 And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God, and of the Lamb shall be in it, and his servants shall serve him. * And they shall see his face, and his name shall be in their foreheads. 5 And there shall 622 ALTOKAAY¥I2. rona^LOV ' 6 8eKaTos, -^pva-onpacros' 6 ei'SetcaTos, vaKivBos' 6 8co8eKaTos, ape- Bvcttos. 2I Kal ol 8co8eKa irvXcoves, 8co8eTi)v, Kai 6 Xv%vos avTrjs to dpviov. Kal 8os' el p.i) ol yeypappevoi ev ra (SijSXia) -rr)s CcotJj tov dpviov- 22. Kal e8ei£e poi h " iroTapbv v8a- tos C al ) s i Xapirpov cos Kpvo-TaXXov, eKnopevopevov eK tov dpbvov tov Qeov Kal tov dpviov. " ev p.eo~cp ttjs nXaTeias avTr)s, Kal tov 7TOTapov, evTevQev 'Kai evTevdev," j-vXov farjS, ivoiovv Kapnovs 8d>8eKa, kotii pfjva k " ^kucttov dno8i- 8ovv" tov Kapwbv avTov' Kai Ta (pvXXa tov i;vXov els 6epaneiav Tuyv edvcov. 3 Kal nav '" Karddepa" ovk etrrai n eVf" Kal 6 Bpovos tov Qeov Kal tov dpviov ev avTjj etxrai" Kal ol 8ovXoi aiiToii Xa- Tpevcrovcriv avTco' 4 Kai o\p-ovTai to Trp6o~coirov aiiToii, Kal to bvopa avTov enl tcov peTioTvcov avTiov. 5 Kai vii£ a..r„! Trtp,ira.T V vva>v. sna " reign for ever and e»er. Kai eiVe " itoi* Ouroi of Xovoi s 1. ■■ ^- L x > ,,. CT , , J ' v And be said unto me, I moral Kai aKrjtiivoi' /cat Kvpios 6 sayings are faithful and true 6e6c s to)v nvevuiircov tu>v" irpocbiiTOiv And the Lord God of the holy '_' «,\« >."->, > ~ \ -r- prophets sent hi- angd t.> shew nTrecrretAe tov ayyikov civtov Sei^ai unto his servants the thl rots- OovXois avTou a Set yevicrOai iv w ' lic! ' niust shortly be d «j X «. J kjH J- l8oi) % Ta)(ii ^ ^Behold, || fffc- g-^ Kapios o rrjpeov tovs \6yovs Ttjs irpo- sayings of the prophecy ol cpTjreias rov SiBXiov tovtov. ll0ok - 8 Kai eyeb 'icodwn? 6 'a/coiW /cat J And ' John saw "' a\ ' '- ,,, \' « ,. , things, and heard them. And pAe7roi> Tai/Ta /cat ore TjKovcra h /cat when I had heard and seen, BXe\j/-a, 'eVreo-Of-" TTpoo-Kvvr]o~ai tpnpo- ' f e " down, U) worship be- a&v rSv .rouW ro,} ayyiUv tov Set- ^fA^d n^thSe th kvvovtos poi Tai)Ta. 9 /cat Xe'yet /zof 9 Then saith he unto me, Sei 'Opa pi]- vvvhovXos (rov m " flat, /cat ' hou do it not : for I am thy - •» \ j.- - j - * ' el| owservant, and of thv bre- tcoj/ aoektyaiv aov raw npoqbrjTwv, Kai ihren the prophets, and of them Toiv Tnpovvrcov tovs Xoyovs Toil BiBXtov w nich keep the sayings of this _ ' . - r\ ~ ' book : worship God. tovtov Tip 0ea) Trpoo-Kvurjo-op. ,o Allll ,, e sajth unt0 me Kat Xe'yet yitof Mr) o~(ppayto~fls Sea ' not i'"' sayings of tli>' nftr Xoyovc t^js npofrjTuas ^ tov B\- SHft taS "fffe £ pXlov tovtov' "o Kaipos eyyvs errrtt/. unjust, let him be unjust still: 11 6 aSt/caw, aSt/cno-arw erf /cai ^ ?ndne which is filthy, let him t , i '.,, „ „ v r be filthv still : and he that i< "pvnapos pvnap(v0r]T(o erf /cat o righteous, let him be nphteous fit'/catoy, ? biKaioo~vvriv 7TomcrdTa>" erf sti11 : aI) d he that is holy, let . v f « f /)' « 12 a" 't£ ' him be holy still. '•' And be- /cat o ayios, aytacr^ra) ert. " Ifiow hold> , CuIIK . , 1Ui , k , Vi :l ,„, „ 1V ep X opai Ta X v, Kai 6 pio~86s pov peT reward is with me, to give euov, dnoSovvai e/catrrco a>j to epyov ev< 7 . ma , n l acc0 . r ' l ! ne ". ^ r , '_ „ „ ,, , , « a , r/ v work shall be. I3 [am Alpha avTov r ecrrat. " eyoj to A /cat ro and Omega, the beginning Q, "6 7rpo>roc /cat 6 eo-yaroc, n dpvri Kat and the end. the first and ' '\ <> 14 „t ' ' ■/ - the last. '« 151es^ed are they roreXos.^ ** Ma/captot^t a iroiovvres that do ,,,, ,,„„„ l; „ 1 , !l , l , Tas fVToXds avTov,'"iva etrrat r; i^ovaia that they may have right to oftrfi, M ro |vXo, r^c^ ^ f) /catrol, f^ g[ ^ ttvXcog'iv eicrfkOaxrLV et? T^f TruAtj'. city. '* For without ar6 dogs, 15 e^a> v// ot K^ff icat of (baptiaKol /cat ot and sorcerrrs ac i whoremon- , % t , „ ^tl^^^' gers, and murderers, and ido- nopvot KatoKpovets KaioL€LOo>AoAaTpai, latere, and whosoever loveih /cat 7raff w 6 (f>iXo>u /cat noicbv yjsevdos. and maketh ji lie. a Reo. ■*«*" — .^/.Zt *• Rec. toftav ot-« %%ovak — . ."- »a» «rs »''-". »»i»«- 1 St. 8c Bl. iTreua.. m Rec. aid yap. " Rec. or* o *tt4pof — . -v- o *oipoj yap ° R« ;. «-.r ^»-««at-. P Rec. 6iKa«u6i]Tw tn. H Reo. sdd Kai. r -♦ » Rec. add Mfti, t !(■ . ^ ft oat raA«f» • ■•Witf xiii o fer^aroj. u >.>J ot jrXv^oyTij roj crroXdv avrwr* t Rrc. «dtl < . w ^Z Revelation XXII. 16. 624 AIIOKAAY^IS. 16 I Jesua have sent mine angel, to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. " And the Spi- rit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth, say, Come. And let him that is athirst, come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. 19 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues, that are written in this book. I9 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this pro- phecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are writ- ten in this book. "° He which testifieth these things, saith, Surely, I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus. '-' The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. 16 'Eyoj 'irjcrovs eneptya tov (iyyikov pov /xapTvpfjcrai vp.lv raiira a «7Ti" rais tKKkrjcrlais' eyd> elpi r] pi£a Kal to ytvos b " c Aa/3tS," 6 do~Trjp 6 i 'kap?rp6s 6 irpai'ivos." 17 Kal to TLvevpa Kal tj vvpcprj \eyovo~iV e ' E/j^ou" " Kal 6 ukovijw etVarco, ''Ep^ou." Kai 6 Siyjfcov Zepxeadco," h " 6 6tXcov l Xa/3eVo> " v8a>p £a)f/r dcopedv. 18 k Maprvpo) eya> iravrl r<5 aKovovrt" rovs \6yovs rr/s 7rpo(pr]Teias tov j3i(B\lov tovtov edv tls ' im6fi eV avrd," «7H- 6r\o-n 6 Qeos eV avrov ray Ttkrjyas ras yeypappevas iv m r<5" jSifi\ia> tovtco' 19 Kal edv tis a d(PtXj]" dnb rav \6ycov °tov' fiifiXlov rrjs 7rpoCprjTeias TavTrjs, p dcpeXel" 6 0e6c to pepos avTOv dnb q TOV tjllXov" TTJS ftO^S', Kal CK Tr]S 7TO- Xecos Trjs dyias, T " tcov yeypappevcav ev s tco" /3t/3Ai&> tovtco. •° Ae'yet 6 pap-rvpcov Tavra' Nni ep^opat l TaxV' 'Aprjv' ep^ov," Kvpie lrjcrov. 21 'H X<*P ls T °v Kvpiov u " 'Irjcrov XpiaTov ptTa ndvTcov v tuiv aylcov.' * -+ l> Rec. add tov. c Gb. Aauii. d R tfc , Aa^ir/soj icai opdptvos. ■ Rec. KXtJ«, f Rec.EXfle. g Kec.eXdtroi. '' Rec. add Kat. i Rec. XapftavtTw TO. k Rec. iv/xp.apTvpovf±ai yap xam atcovovTi. 1 Rec. tTTtTtSo (rpoc raura, m Rec. om. n Rec. af^aipp. o Kec. oid. P Rec. aipatpTjat* o, Rec. f?*?Aoe, rRec addwat. s Rec. urn. t Kec. Tmu' o.ut)v. Nat, ep^ov. a Rec. add rjfiwy. V Rec. VfAtuv. a^ty — At. — ' vw~* Ildaa Tpacpi) BeoirvcvcrTos. '/ > r . kt •^ieWiZ...