*S3a M33AS 1907 ' nlnr m^UM A LIST OF BOOKS PRINTED AT THE MARION PRESS JAMAICA QUEENSBOROUGH NEW -YORK 1896 1906 750 copies printed at the Marion Press April, 1907 A LIST OF BOOKS PRINTED AT THE MARION PRESS JAMAICA QUEENSBOROUGH NEW -YORK 1896 1906 Kngraved by Dr. Alexander Anderson, first American wood-engraver, about 180'J. after Bewick. Printed from the original woodcut. Ther iH is no werkman whatever he be, That may both werken wel and hastily. This wol be done at leisure parfitly. Chaucer, The Marchantes Tale. -, J , 3 A THE MARION PRESS 1896-1906 THE original Marion Press was a hand-press set up in the attic of my house in October, 1896, and designed as a relief from ordinary suburban amusements. At the time I had no expectation of ever deriving from it any more than the joy of beholding the creations of my own hands, and in pursuance of that ideal the first six numbers in the following list were printed by lamplight after my regular employment at the DeVinne Press, New York, where for many years much of the fine book-making of that famous concern was in my care. In February, 1898, circumstances led me to resign that position and attempt to establish a profitable business of my own. A commodious shop was built, and a gas- engine and several power-presses, together with a large quantity of type and the necessary machinery for binding books, duly set up. As soon as we were ready for work it came, and without solicitation has continued to come in abundance from all parts of the country. At different times the type-setting has been in charge of my brothers Thomas J. and Charles H. Hopkins, assisted by Mr. W. F. Butler and others, to all of whom generous credit is due for their interest. Paper has been supplied by the Valley Paper Company, the Mittineague Paper Company, the Miller & Wright Paper Company, and the Japan Paper Company. The ink used has come in part from the F. H. Levey Co., and rollers from the 0. J. Maigne Co. All engravings have been furnished by the Gill Engraving Co., and collotype prints by the late Edward Bierstadt have been used extensively. From lack of iloor-space, in recent years much of the binding has been done by Stikeman & Co. and the Eugene C. Lewis Co. The press-work of the establishment from the beginning has been entirely my individual handiwork. 402450 6 BOOKS PRINTED AT THE MARION PRESS The Marion Press has uniformly striven for quality, not quan- tity. In spite of this, or perhaps because of it, the business has grown beyond its hitherto modest limits, and is about to be in- corporated, that a new building may be erected to accommodate its necessary expansion. Patrons of the Marion Press may rest assured, however, that while it must grow large enough to handle work with reasonable dispatch, it will always be small enough to enable its head to give attention to every undertaking. Meaningless ornamentation, tricks of typography, and eccen- tricities are not to our taste. Orders for all kinds of good plain printing, from new types of conservative design, and with the utmost care for accuracy and finish, are welcomed. The List of Books here given comprises only those of some literary or educational merit. It was impossible to include large quantities of lesser work done for Packer Institute, for Pratt In- stitute, and for societies, orders, clubs, schools, hospitals, firms, and individuals in many cities. Certain commendatory letters and press notices are inserted in this List with some misgiving. It is expected that their use will be regarded as legitimate proof of careful industry, and not as evidence of personal vanity. FRANK E. HOPKINS Jamaica, Queensborough, New-York Publications oi the Marion Press 1 Announcement. "The Maeion Press. Erected at the Red House in the village of Jamaica, Long Island, Mdcccxcvi, and named for my daughter Marion Day. This announcement is made to friends whose pleasure it will be my purpose to serve by printing from time to time, as my leisure will permit, small volumes of prose or verse. Frank E. Hopkins. November 2, 1896." 50 copies. 12mo, leaflet. Printed by hand on the Marion Press. 2 Vanities in Verse. [By Francis Adon Hilliard.] 1897. 57 copies. 12mo, vellum. $5. Printed by hand, in two-page forms, on the Marion Press. French sale, Libbie's, April 23, 1901. $10.50 Anderson's, April 28, 1903. 4.00 3 The Wish. Written by Dr. Walter Pope, Fellow of the Royal Society. Reprinted from the first edition, with a short Life of the Author by Mr. Beverly Chew. 1897. 120 copies. Impe- rial 8vo, half calf. $2. Printed by hand, in two-page forms, on the Marion Press. Bangs's, April 9, 1901. $7.00 French sale, Libbie's, April 23, 1901. 7.00 Anderson's, April 28, 1903. 3.00 Flagship Olympia, Manila, May 19, 1899. . . . The last mail brought me your publication " The Wish," winch I have read with much pleasure. While a number of the passages are familiar, I have never before seen the text of the poem, and I am very grateful to you for having brought it to my notice. The brochure is, of course, all the more prized from coming from your press. Asking you to accept my heartiest thanks for this evidence of your esteem, I am, Very sincerely, George Dewey. 4 From Green Mountain, of a Summer 's Day in 1859. In memoriam, J. P. 0. [Josiah Parsons Cooke.] Two sonnets. By W.R. H[untington]. 1897. 120 copies. 12mo, blue paper covers. For presentation. Printed by hand on the Marion Press. 8 BOOKS PRINTED AT THE MARION PRESS 5 First Report of a Book- Collector. By William Harris Arnold. 1897-98. 85 copies. Imperial 8vo, vellum. $15. Printed by hand, in two-page forms, on the Marion Press. Bangs's, November 26, 1900. $21.50 French sale, Libbie's, April 23, 1901. 35.00 If all the first-fruits of Greater New York were equal in quality to the " First Re- port of a Book-Collector," which Dodd, Mead & Co. announce for issue on February 18, there would be cause for rejoicing. Mr. William Harris Arnold, who relates his brief but successful experience in collecting, has chosen to seek a printer at the Marion Press, of whose productions and high standard our readers know something, but which now first can display the imprint " Jamaica, Queensborough, New- York." Mr. Hopkins's Long Island establishment has, in other words, been annexed to Mr. Croker's domain. Mr. Arnold's gossip is light, practical, and entertaining, and is attended by a scientific description of the principal " book-worms" of the destructive class. What, beside the hand-made paper, the fine execution of the letter-press, and the elegant vellum binding, most distinguishes the book, however, is the rich variety of facsimiles of leaves, title-pages, MS., and so forth, chiefly drawn from Mr. Arnold's accumulation, pertinently bound in with the text, as well as some original leaves to show their successful mending, the cleansing of foxing, the ravages of worms, etc., along with fragments of booksellers' and auctioneers' catalogues, a portrait of Mr. Quaritch, etc. These alone would delight any owner of one of the eighty-five copies to which Mr. Arnold's pretty conception is limited. The Nation, February 17, 1898. 6 The Courting of Dinah Shadd. A Contribution to a Biblio- graphy of the writings of Rudyard Kipling. 1898. 120 copies. 12mo, blue paper covers. $1. Printed by hand, in four-page forms, on the Marion Press. Gives full particulars of the publication of the volume of this title by Harper & Brothers, the correspondence from the Athenaeum on both sides of the question as to the morality of such publication, with "The Rhyme of the Three Captains" as orig- inally issued and varying from the Barrack-Room Ballads version. Without a know- ledge of the letters here reprinted the poem is unintelligible. 7 Two Poems of Sea-fights with Spain. "The Revenge," by Alfred Tennyson, and "Drake's Drum," by Henry Newbolt. With an Introduction by Mary L. Avery. 1898. 120 copies. 4to, blue paper covers. $2. Printed by hand, in two-page forms, on the Marion Press. Anderson's, April 28, 1903. $6.00 Boston, June 27, 1898. . . . Your last publication is very attractive, and in its printing and general make-up reminds one of those handsome quartos of Gray's issued from the Straw- berry Hill press. Sincerely yours, Frederick W. French. New York, June 30, 1898. . . . Your 'Two Poems' is irreproachably lovely at every point, and I thank you much for it, as for the inserted portrait of Dr. Garnett, a good friend of the Nation. Such work is surely an omen of success for the Press. Yours cordially, W. P. Garrison. BOOKS PRINTED AT THE MARION PRESS 9 The unobtrusive beauty of the typography of "Two Poems of Sea-fights with Spain," just issued in a very limited edition from the Marion Press, Jamaica, N. Y., is refreshing in the midst of so much William Morris eccentricity misapplied now- adays in honor of the printer's art. ... In every particular this tasteful memento of the absorbing world-topic of the hour has been admirably conceived and executed. The Evening Post, July 5, 1898. At Oyster Bay, N. Y., July 10th, 1899. ... I thank you most sincerely ! I was delighted with the books, especially the one containing my two favorites, the ballad of "Drake's Drum" and the ballad of "The Eevenge." Most emphatically your work realizes Buskin's ideal of the man who works for the work itself and not for the fee. After all, that is the only kind of work that is really of permanent value. With warm regards, believe me, Faithfully yours, Theodore Boosevelt. 8 To America; after reading some ungenerous criticisms. A sonnet. By Richard Garnett. With portrait. 1898. 150 copies. Imperial 8vo, leaflet. For presentation. Printed by hand on the Marion Press. French sale, Libbie's, April 23, 1901. $5.25 Anderson's, April 28, 1903. 1.00 9 The World As It Is. By Edward Bulwer Lytton. 1898. 120 copies, of which 95 were destroyed. 12mo, green boards. $1. French sale, Libbie's, April 23, 1901. $5.00 Anderson's, April 28, 1903. 1.00 Oswego, N. Y., 16 January, 1901. . . . Bef erring to the book, perhaps the flaws admitting for the sake of argu- ment that there are flaws make it all the dearer to the heart of the collector. At all events, even though it was, as you say, printed on one of your bad days, it is still calculated to arouse the liveliest sort of acquisitiveness. Faithfully yours, Jxo. I. Perkins. 10 The New Gulliver. By Wendell Phillips Garrison. 1898. 120 copies. 12mo, horsehide, by Stikeman. $3. Printed by hand, in four-page forms, on the Marion Press. Bangs's, November 26, 1900. $3.75 French sale, Libbie's, April 23, 1901. 3.50 Anderson's, April 28, 1903. 3.00 Cambridge, 20 Novr., 1898. My dear Mr. Garrison: Last week I had the pleasure of reading your wise apo- logue, The New Gulliver. The lesson it teaches is worth enforcing, but it is slowly learned. And what a beautiful little book Mr. Hopkins has made of it ! One of the best pieces of printing over done in America. Sincerely yours, C. E. Norton. 11 The New Gulliver. 1898. 300 copies. 12mo, half horse- hide. 1. 10 BOOKS PRINTED AT THE MARION PRESS 1 2 Some Unpublished Lette7\s of Henry D. and Sophia E. Tho- reau. Edited by Samuel Arthur Jones. 1899. 150 copies. 8vo, blue boards, by Stikeman. $6. Printed by hand, in four-page forms, on the Marion Press. French sale, Libbie's, April 23, 1901. $13.00 Anderson's, April 28, 1903. 4.25 . . . A handsomely-printed volume. The Academy, London, March 11, 1899. . . . Being the work of the Marion Press, it is unnecessary to speak of the beauty of its typography and the excellence of its press-work. New York Times Review of Books, March 9, 1901. 13 Sonnets and A Dream. By William Reed Huntington. 1899. 100 copies. Imperial 8vo, half russia. $3. Printed by hand, in two-page forms, on the Marion Press. French sale, Libbie's, April 23, 1901. $3.75 Anderson's, April 28, 1903. 1.25 14 Sonnets and A Dream. 1899. 450 copies. 12mo, cloth. $1. 15 American Sayings. 1899. 75 copies. Broadside. For pre- sentation. Printed by hand on the Marion Press. Anderson's, April 28, 1903. $2.25 Santiago de Cuba, July 18, 1899. . . . Your letter of July 6th just received, also the copy of " American Sayings." Thank you very much for it. It was very kind indeed of you to include me in the list. Very sincerely yours, Leonard Wood. 16 Specimens of Printing Types in use at The Marion Press, Jamaica, Queensborough, New -York. 1899. 300 copies. 8vo, stitched. For presentation. Mohonk Lake, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1899. . . . On going to New York I found your handsome Specimens of Printing Types. I am showing it to a printer of Boston who admires your fine work. The selections are quaint and good reading. May I ask you to send me here three copies, to send to persons who will appreciate them? One will go to Mr. Deslandes, at the Lisbon printing-house. Cordially yours, Samuel P. Avery. 17 "There Is No God." A sermon preached upon the occasion of the death of Mr. Ingersoll, the agnostic. By Rev. J. How- ard Hobbs. 1899. 250 copies. 8vo, paper covers. 25 cents. BOOKS PRINTED AT THE MARION PRESS 11 18 Classic English Odes. From Spenser to Tennyson. [Selected by Frank L. Babbott.] 1900. 75 copies. Imperial 8vo, half calf, by Stikeman. $10. ... In addition to the beauty of its typography, many collectors claim that the press-work done at the Marion Press is the best in America. New York Times Review of Books, June 23, 1900. 19.4 Lesson in Biography. 1900. 250 copies. 12mo, brown paper covers. For presentation. 20 Morning Lights and Evening Shadows. Poems. By Rossiter Johnson. 1902. 300 copies. 12mo, half cloth. $1. 21 A List of Books Printed at The Marion Press, Jamaica, Queensborough, New-York, 1896-1902. 300 copies. Impe- rial 8vo, stitched. For presentation. 22 Lincoln Souvenir. Extract from the Commemoration Ode, by James Russell Lowell. 1903. 150 copies. For presentation. Cleveland, February 16th, 1903. ... I think I prize the issues of your press quite as highly as anything in my library. Yours very truly, H. A. Sherwin. 23 The Chimney Corner. Interior view of the Marion Press. 1903. 200 copies. For presentation. 24 A Memorial Biography of the Very Reverend Eugene Augus- tus Hoffman, D.D. fOxon.J, D.C.L., LL.D., Late Dean of the General Theological Seminary. By Theo. Myers Riley, S.T.D. Two volumes, 795 pages. Enriched with 36 collotype illustrations. 1904. 8vo, green cloth, by Stikeman. 65. . . . It is appreciative, orderly, and so full that its 795 pages of noble type leave nothing to be desired except an index. The Nation, February 23, 1905. 25 The Legend of Saint Cecilia. By Elizabeth Brenton. 1905. 200 copies. 10 illustrations. 32mo, red cloth. $2. 12 BOOKS PRINTED AT THE MARION PRESS 26 The Poems of John Donne. Selected from his Songs, Sonnets, Elegies, Letters, Satires, and Divine Poems. [By Frank L. Babbott.] 1905. 110 copies. Imperial 8vo, half calf, by Stikeman. 17, Hanover Terrace, Kegent's Park, N.W., Jan. 8th, 1906. Dear Mr. Bahbott : Allow me to thank you very cordially for the gift of your sumptuous reprint of Donne's Poems, a book which does the highest credit to American art manufacture. Yours very truly, Edmund Gosse. As an expression of gratitude to John Donne, the poet, a special edition, limited to 110 copies, containing certain poems selected from his songs, sonnets, elegies, letters, satires, and divine poems, has been issued from the Marion Press, Jamaica, N. Y., and one of the number has come to us. That the memory of the former Dean of St. Paul's has been fittingly honored is apparent on an inspection of this book. Printed on Japanese vellum, in clear, large letters, with colored divisional titles and decorative head-pieces of antique design, it is artistically bound in boards with law- sheep trimmings. In its entirety, it is a specimen of art in printing and binding now infrequently met with, and a high testimonial to the skill of the Marion Press. Wall Street Summary, April 28, 1906. New York, October loth, 1906. . . . I am glad to say that I hear nothing but praise for the "Donne." Very truly yours, Frank L. Babbott. 27 A List of Books Printed at The Marion Press, Jamaica, Queensborough, New-York, 1896-1906. 750 copies. Im- perial 8vo, buff paper covers. For presentation. Cleveland, Ohio, October 3, 1906. . . . I have a sincere admiration for the publications of the Marion Press. Paul Lemperly. Note. Numbers printed by hand on the Marion Press are so designated. Other publications were printed on power-presses. With few exceptions, hand-made papers of American, English, Japanese, Dutch, French, or Italian manufacture were used. Books Printed for Patrons Cambridge, Mass., 19 February, 1898. . . . I was sorry to learn from your recent letter that you had severed your con- nection with the DeVinne Press. In my pleasant relations with that press I had learned to rely greatly upon your aid in making the volumes in which I had an interest such as they ought to be. I trust that success will attend the press which you are now about to establish independently. The work that I have seen which you have done at your private press has seemed to me admirable in all respects, and I believe that similar excellence will be characteristic of what you may here- after do. With sincere good wishes, I am Very truly yours, C. E. Norton. 28 First Report of a Book- Collector. By William Harris Arnold. Dodd, Mead and Company. 1898. 225 copies. 12mo edition, hand-made paper, half cloth. 29 Sonnets and Lyrics of the Ever -Womanly. Privately printed for Wendell Phillips Garrison and his friends. 1898. 200 copies. Small 8vo, hand-made paper, hoards, hy Stikeman. 30 In Remembrance Loring Wadsworth Lemperly. 1898. 40 copies. 12mo, hand-made paper, buff paper covers. 31 The Autobiography of Benjajnin Franklin, with an Intro- duction by Liberty Emery Holden. Cleveland, The Rowfant Club. 1898. 155 copies. 8vo, hand-made paper, blue boards. Printed by hand, in two-page forms, on an antique oak press in the collection of the Marion Press. [Cleveland, n.d.] ... I want to thank you for the Franklin book for myself. I own a book I am proud of, (it's not the only one,) for the blood-and-bones of my friend is in it not to mention skin-and-blisters. John H. Early. Collinwood, October 17, 190(5. . . . It is the book selected for the Rowfant Catalogue as the representative pub- lication of the Club. J. S. Wood. 32 Year-Book of the Chicago Literary Club for 1898-99. 500 copies. 16mo, hand-made paper, blue paper covers. 14 BOOKS PRINTED AT THE MARION PRESS 33 Third Annual Report of the Provident Loan Society of New York. 1898. 500 copies. 8vo, gray paper covers. 34 Report of Pratt Institute Free Library. 1898. 1000 copies. 8vo, stitched. 35 Forty-third Annual Report of the Woman 's Hospital. 1898. 1500 copies. 8vo, blue paper covers. 36 Thirteenth Report of the Children's Home at Mineola, N. Y. 1898. 400 copies. 8vo, buff paper covers. 37 Lincoln and His Cabinet. By Charles A. Dana. Printed for the Republican Club of the City of New York. 1899. 500 copies. 12mo, hand-made paper, blue and white cloth. 38 A List of Book-Plates Engraved on Copper by Mr. Edwin Davis French. [By Paul Lemperly.] Cleveland, Ohio. 1899. 120 copies 8vo, and 3 copies on large paper. Hand-made paper, red cloth. ... A charming specimen of the work of the Marion Press, a book not only most useful to collectors, but one which will certainly rapidly increase in value. New York Times Review of Books, June 3, 1899. Book-lovers will feel themselves privileged to own the daintily printed edition. Boston Globe, June 9, 1899. A new edition of this volume, completing the chronicle of the life work of the late Edwin Davis French, is in preparation. 39 Poems by Thomas Walter Buchanan. Published by the Class of '89, Yale College. 1899. 150 copies. Small 8vo, hand- made paper, red cloth. 40 Bibliographical Notes on the Book Known as Puckle's Club. With an Introduction by Austin Dobson. Cleveland, The Rowfant Club. 1899. 175 copies. Imperial 8vo, hand-made paper, green cloth. BOOKS PRINTED AT THE MARION PRESS 15 41 Hunting Expeditions of Oliver Hazard Perry of Cleveland. Verbatim from his Diaries. Embellished with tail-pieces en- graved about 1800 by Dr. Alexander Anderson and others and printed from the original wood blocks in the collection of the Marion Press. Cleveland. For private distribution. 1899. 100 copies. 8vo, hand-made paper, green cloth. [Cleveland,] Nov. 8, 1899. . . . The printing and woodcuts are much admired by every one. Yours truly, C. W. Bingham. 42 Papers Read before the Novel Club of Cleveland. Published by the Club. 1899. 250 copies. 12mo, hand-made paper, green cloth. 43 Rifle-Clubs. By Alfred Tennyson. Written in 1859. Now for the first time printed. New York, Dodd, Mead and Com- pany. 1899. 17 copies. 4to, hand-made paper, Japan boards. These books were sold by the publishers at $75 per copy. 44 One Hundred Quatrains from the Rubdiydt of Omar Khay- yam. A rendering in English verse by Elizabeth Alden Curtis. With an Introduction by Richard Burton. Gouverneur, N. Y. Brothers of the Book. 1899. 600 copies. 12mo, hand-made paper, green cloth. 45 Year -Book of the Chicago Literary Club for 1899-1900. 500 copies. 16mo, hand-made paper, green paper covers. 46 Fourth Annual Report of the Provident Loan Society of New York. 1899. 500 copies. 8vo, gray paper covers. 47 Report of Pratt Institute Free Library. 1899. 1000 copies. 8vo, stitched. 48 Fourteenth Report of the Children's Home at Mineola, N. Y. 1899. 400 copies. 8vo, buff paper covers. 16 BOOKS PRINTED AT THE MARION PRESS 49 Pratt Institute Monthly for 1899-1900. 8 numbers. 1000 copies. Imperial 8vo, brown paper covers. 50 Petronia. A poem. By E. B. A. Rfathbone]. 1900. 50 copies. 12mo, band-made paper, gray paper covers. 51 The Story of a Long Life. A memoir of Elizabeth S. W. Taylor, " Aunt Bet." [By Harriot M. Hammond.] 1900. 150 copies. 12mo, hand-made paper, red cloth. 52 Eugene FieloVs First Book, The Tribune Primer. With ad- ditional sketches now first collected from the Denver Tribune. [By George M. Williamson.] 1900. 25 copies on Japan and 90 copies on hand-made paper. 12mo, half calf. The Marion Press, Jamaica, Queensborough, New-York, whose work is so generally seen in privately or semi-privately printed editions, the press for that reason being less well known to the general public than the beauty of its type and the unusual excellence of its presswork would warrant, has lately finished a new privately-printed issue, which has been made at the expense of a collector, largely for presentation. . . Whoever the collector in question may be, he has commissioned Messrs. Dodd, Mead & Co. to dispose of such portion of the edition as he is willing to sell, consisting of 25 copies on Japan paper at $25 net per copy and 90 copies on hand-made paper at $10 net per copy. It is needless to comment upon the importance of this edition, both typographically and as to the beauty of its binding and all other mechanical details. Neio York Times Review of Books, December 29, 1900. 53 The Brooklyn Clerical Club. Memorial Address by the Rev. John Greenwood Bacchus, D.D. 1900. 60 copies. 12mo, hand-made paper, brown paper covers. 54 Annual Catalogue of the Packer Collegiate Institute. 1899- 1900. 3000 copies. 16mo, green cloth. 55 Year -Book of the Chicago Literary Club for 1900-01. 500 copies. 1 6mo, hand-made paper, bun paper covers. 56 Beport of Pratt Institute Free Library. 1900. 1000 copies. 8vo, stitched. BOOKS PRINTED AT THE MARION PRESS 17 57 Fifteenth Report of the Children's Home at Mineola, N. Y. 1900. 400 copies. 8vo, brown paper covers. 58 First Editions of Bryant, Emerson, Hawthorne, Holmes, Longfellow, Lowell, Thoreau, Whittier, Collected by William Harris Arnold. 1901. 1200 copies. Imperial 8vo, brown paper covers. . . . The catalogue is in many respects the handsomest sale catalogue yet issued in this country. New York Times Review of Books, January 12, 1901. 300 West 76th Street, New York, January 17, 1901. . . . Allow me to compliment you on the printing of the catalogue of First Editions by William Harris Arnold. Messrs. Bangs and Company sent me a copy. It is in every way superior to their ordinary catalogue. Yours cordially, Theo. L. DeVinne. . . . The Arnold catalogue is so well made typographically and so carefully and artistically bound as to prove an ornament to our shelves as well as a valuable tool. New York Times Review of Books, February 2, 1901. . . . Our sales catalogues are already handsomely printed, and some of them, like that of the Arnold collection, printed in a limited edition at the Marion Press, may some day gain a modest place among bibliographical rarities. The Evening Post, March 16, 1901. 59 Books and Letters Collected by William Harris Arnold. 1901. 1500 copies. Imperial 8vo, green paper covers. [New York, n.d.] . . . This sets a new standard for auction catalogues. Luther S. Livingston. . . . The catalogue is beautifully printed at the Marion Press, and with numerous facsimiles of title-pages and manuscripts, not only a present convenience, but, like its predecessor, a permanent contribution to bibliography. The Evening Poxt, April 12, 1901. . . . This is primarily a book of reference. It is illustrated, the notes which fol- low most of the entries are thoroughly up to date, the paper and print undeniably of excellent quality. As an edition dc here it is also noticeable by far the most artistic compilation of its kind that has pointed the way to a new order of things. The Athcnaum, London, April 20, 1901. 60 History and Genealogy of the Carpenter Family in America, 1637-1901. By Daniel Hoogland Carpenter. 1901. 150 copies. 8vo, hand-made paper, half calf. . . . We have waited long and hopefully for this book; and, though occasional bits of news regarding its progress have floated to us, and made our expectations of a high order, the work far surpasses our greatest hopes. Kxternally and internally in binding, paper, and print it is good to see and sensible. New York (lenealogical antt Biographical Record, July, 1901. 18 BOOKS PRINTED AT THE MARION PRESS 61 A Record of First Editions Collected by William Harris Arnold. With an Essay on Book-madness by Leon H. Vin- cent. 1901. 24 copies on Japan and 96 copies on hand-made paper. Demy 4to, cloth. . . . Valuable as is this record bibliographically, the first feeling upon taking up the volume is one of satisfaction with its mechanical details. The Japan copies, one of which is now before us, are unusually fine. The work of the Marion Press, it is unnecessary to refer particularly to the beauty of the typography or the perfection of the presswork. . . . The title-page is unusually good. New York Times Review of Books, July 27, 1901. 62 A Record of Books and Letters Collected by William Harris Arnold. With an Essay on The Collector's Point of View by Leon H. Vincent. 1901. 29 copies on Japan and 116 copies on hand-made paper. Demy 4to, cloth. . . . Like the first "Record," the present volume is in the admirable typography of the Marion Press. New York Times Review of Books, December 14, 1901. 63 Adventures Among Books. By Andrew Lang. Cleveland, Ohio. For private circulation. [Paul Lemperly.] 1901. 50 copies. 32mo, hand-made paper, red cloth. Also 1 copy on large paper. 64 Annual Catalogue of the Packer Collegiate Institute. 1900- 01. 3000 copies. 16mo, red cloth. 65 Year-Book of the Chicago Literary Club for 1901-02. 500 copies. 1 6mo, hand-made paper, buff paper covers. 66 Sixteenth Report of the Children's Home at Mineola, N. Y. 1901. 400 copies. 8vo, blue paper covers. 67 Catalogue of a Collection of the Books of Robert Louis Steven- son in the Library of George M. Williamson. 1901. 25 copies on Japan and 125 copies on plate-paper. Imperial 8vo, red cloth. BOOKS PRINTED AT THE MARION PRESS 19 68 Pratt Institute Monthly for 1901-02. 8 numbers. 1000 copies. Imperial 8vo, brown paper covers. 69 Twelfth Catalogue of the Officers and Members of the Hasty Pudding Club. Containing a Brief Sketch of the Club and an Index of Names. 1902. 40 copies on hand-made paper, 4to, half morocco, and 1000 copies on laid paper, 12mo, red cloth. 70 The Service of Consecration, Grace Church, Jamaica. 1902. 500 copies. Imperial 8vo, hand-made paper. 71 In Memoriam, William McMillan, 1841-1901. St. Louis, Missouri. 1902. 250 copies. 12mo, hand-made paper, brown paper covers. 72 Resolutions Adopted by the Board of Trustees and Faculty of the Western University of Pennsylvania in relation to the Resignation of Dr. W. J. Holland as Chancellor of the Uni- versity. 1902. 6 copies. 4to, hand-made paper, one copy extra bound, others in blue paper covers. 73 Annual Catalogue of the Packer Collegiate Institute. 1901- 02. 3000 copies. 16mo, red cloth. 74 Jubilee Calendar, Packer Collegiate Institute, 1853-1903. 500 copies. Silk cord. 75 Year-Book of the Chicago Literary Club for 1902-03. 500 copies. 16mo, hand-made paper, buff paper covers. 76 Chronicles of the Armstrongs. Edited by James Lewis Arm- strong, M.D. 1902. 200 copies. 408 pages. Imperial 8vo, hand-made paper, blue cloth. 20 BOOKS PRINTED AT THE MARION PRESS 77 Seventeenth Report of the Children's Home at Mineola, N. Y. 1902. 400 copies. 8vo, brown paper covers. 78 Notes on the Origin and History of the "Ark." By Eckstein Case, Past Fellow of the Rowfant Club. Cleveland, Printed for the Rowfant Club. 1902. 130 copies. Large 4to, hand- made paper, half morocco. 79 Pratt Institute Monthly for 1902-03. 8 numbers. 1000 copies. Imperial 8vo, brown paper covers. 80 Historical Sketch of Ann Pamela Cunningham, Founder of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. 1903. 4500 copies. 12mo, blue paper covers. 81 Catalogue of a Collection of Books, Letters, and Manuscripts written by Walt Whitman in the Library of George M. Will- iamson. 1903. 25 copies on Japan and 102 copies on plate- paper. Imperial 8vo, green cloth. 82 Year -Book of the Madison, Wisconsin, Literary Club. 1903. 100 copies. 16mo, gray paper covers. 83 Favorite Quotations. Contributed by friends. Compiled for the Jamaica Hospital League, and sold for the benefit of the Hospital. 1903. 200 copies. Small 4to, paper covers. 84 The Plays of Mcevonius, ex antiquitatis angiportibus : Prax- iteles. [By T. Dunkin Paret.] 1903. 300 copies. Imperial 8vo, buff paper covers. 85 Annual Catalogue of the Packer Collegiate Institute. 1902- 03. 3000 copies. 16mo, red cloth. BOOKS PRINTED AT THE MARION PRESS 21 86 Some Sonnets of Forgotten Sonneteers, 1550-1650. Adapted to English metres from the Italian, by Francis Wharton. 1903. 150 copies. Small 4to, hand-made paper, buff boards. 87 Verses of Madeline Zabriskie. With a Memorial Poem by a College Friend. 1903. 50 copies. Small 4to, buff paper covers. 88 Year-Book of the Chicago Literary Club for 1903-04. 500 copies. 16mo, hand-made paper, buff paper covers. 89 Sonnets and A Dream. By William Reed Huntington. Sec- ond edition. Thomas Whittaker, New York. 1903. 500 copies. 12mo, white cloth and blue boards. 90 The Shepherd's Pipe. Pastoral Poems of the XVI and XVII Centuries. Selected and arranged by FitzRoy Carrington. Fox, Duffield & Co., New York. 1903. 1000 copies. 16mo, green boards. 91 American Bookbindings in the Library of Henry William Poor. Described by Henri Pene du Bois. Illustrated in gold and colors by Edward Bierstadt. Printed at the Marion Press. Bound by Stikeman. Published by George D. Smith. 1903. 200 copies on hand-made paper, 35 copies on Imperial Japan paper, and 3 copies on vellum. 8vo, green cloth. . . . The real value of the present volume lies, it would seem, in the typographic and splendid illustrative effects. The recent book on Bookbinders and Their Croft (Prideaux) was a line example of bookmaking, but the volume now available is superior even to it, both as to the results secured by the printer and the illustrator. The Independent, December 31, 1903. . . . When the matter of typography and illustration is considered, the present volume rises instantly out of the commonplace. Rarely if ever have results been secured that are so entirely satisfactory. The margins are wide, the type is clear, and the ink is black. The reproductions of bookbindings in color are superb. New York Times Herieiv of Hooks, January L>, 1904. 92 Eighteenth Report of the Children's Home at Mineola, N. Y. 1903. 400 copies. 8vo, green paper covers. 22 BOOKS PRINTED AT THE MARION PRESS 93 The Proper Length of the College Course. By Rush Rhees, LL.D., President of the University of Rochester. 1904. 1250 copies. 8vo, stitched. 94 Auction Prices of American Book- Club Publications, 1857- 1901. Cleveland, The Rowfant Club. 1904. 125 copies. Small 4to, hand-made paper, half calf. 95 Annual Catalogue of the Packer Collegiate Institute. 1903- 04. 2500 copies. 16mo, green cloth. 96 Manhattan in 1628, as described in the recently discovered Autograph Letter of Jonas Michaelius written from the Settle- ment on the 8th of August of that year and now first published. [Owned by William Hams Arnold.] With a Review of the Letter and an Historical Sketch of New Netherland to 1628 by Dingman V ersteeg. New York, Dodd, Mead and Company. 1904. 50 copies on Imperial Japan paper and 175 copies on hand-made paper. Demy 4to, blue boards. . . . A typographical masterpiece from the Marion Press at Jamaica, L. I. . . . The printed page with its wide margins is a delight. New York Sun, March 11, 1905. 97 Year-Book of the Chicago Literary Club for 1904-05. 500 copies. 16mo, hand-made paper, buff paper covers. 98 Report of Pratt Institute Free Library. 1904. 1000 copies. 8vo, brown paper covers. 99 Saint Mary' 's School, Garden City, N. Y. Circular for 1905- 06. 500 copies. Small 4to, blue paper covers. 100 William McKinley, Day of Prayer, September 20th, 1901. By 0. C. Auringer. 1905. 15 copies. 8 vo, hand-made paper, boards. BOOKS PRINTED AT THE MARION PRESS 23 101 Annual Catalogue of the Packer Collegiate Institute. 1904- 05. 2500 copies. 16mo, brown cloth. 102 Annual Report of the Secretary of Pratt Institute. 1905. 1000 copies. 8vo, paper covers. 103 Saint Mary's Annual. Saint Mary's School, Garden City, N.Y. 1905. 200 copies. Oblong 4to, white cloth. 104 Remarks at the Closing Exercises of the High School, West Orange, N. J., June 28, 1905. By Wendell P. Garrison. 1905. 200 copies. 8vo, stitched. 105 Year-Book of the Chicago Literary Club for 1905-06. 425 copies. 16mo, hand-made paper, buff paper covers. 106 The Twentieth Century Cook-Book. 1905. 500 copies. Small 4to, brown paper covers. 107 Books for Children. A List compiled by Gertrude Weld Arnold. 1905. 100 copies. 12mo, hand-made paper, red cloth. NUTLET, N. J., December 5, 1905. . . . The books are beautiful, and far beyond my expectations. Sincerely yours, Gertrude Weld Arnold. 108 Nineteenth and Twentieth Reports of the Children's Home at Mineola, N.Y. 1904-1905. 400 copies. 8vo, brown paper covers. 109 Franccsca Petrarca: Certain Sonnets to Laura In Life and Death. Italian and English. [Translation by F.W.M.] 1905. 150 copies. Small 4to, vellum. 110 Report of Pratt Institute Free Library. 1905. 1000 copies. 8vo, brown paper covers. 24 BOOKS PRINTED AT THE MARION PRESS 111 The Order of Confirmation, from the Book of Common Prayer. Grace Church, Jamaica. 1906. 400 copies. 8vo. 112 Trial Page, Plane and Solid Geometry. By Isaac Newton Failor, Principal of the Richmond Hill High School, New York City. The Century Co. 1906. Richmond Hill, L. I., October 11, 1906. . . . I have shown the trial page for the Geometry to the publishers, and to a large number of school principals and teachers of mathematics. All agree with me that it is the most beautiful and legible Geometry page ever devised. We have adopted it for the work. Sincerely yours, I. N. Failor. 113 Saint Mary's School, Garden City, N. Y. Circular for 1906- 07. 500 copies. Small 4to, hlue paper covers. 114 Saint Mary's Annual. Saint Mary's School, Garden City, N.Y. 1906. 175 copies. Oblong 4to, white cloth. Garden City, N. Y., December 23, 1906. . . . All the work you have done for St. Mary's has been more than satisfactory. The Annual meets with unbounded approval and admiration. Very sincerely yours, Annie S. Gibson. 115 Annual Catalogue of the Packer Collegiate Institute. 1905- 06. 2750 copies. 16mo, green cloth. Brooklyn, New York, October 11, 1906. . . . For seven years I have corrected proofs furnished by the Marion Press for the annual catalogue of the Packer Collegiate Institute. For accuracy in the setting up, in quality of type, and in general excellence, I have never seen your proofs sur- passed. Very truly yours, Truman J. Backus. 116 FroebeVs Building Gifts, Seventh and Eighth. A Mathe- matical Study. By M. M. Glidden. Pratt Institute, Depart- ment of Kindergartens. 1906. 500 copies. 8vo, brown paper covers. Brooklyn, N.Y., October 12, 1906. ... I am very glad indeed to testify to the fine grade of work that you have done for the Pratt Institute during the many years you have been of service to us. I cannot speak too highly of your workmanship and good taste. Very cordially yours, Frederic B. Pratt. BOOKS PRINTED AT THE MARION PRESS 25 117 Year-Book of the Chicago Literary Club for 1906-07. 425 copies. 16mo, hand-made paper, buff paper covers. Chicago, October 5, 190G. . . . The Year-Books for 1906-7 (the ninth number printed by you) have just come to hand, and are all that could be desired. I am delighted with them, and I take this opportunity to say that among the members of your craft you are the only one whom I dare trust with details of the make-up, and with correctious without seeing a final proof. You have always shown such unfailing taste, and have taken such pains, that I never feel apprehensive lest any of the little niceties that are most important in work of the highest class will be overlooked. In fact, to no other printer in the United States could I send work feeling so sure as I do that all will be done exactly right. Faithfully yours, Frederick W. Gookin, Secretary and Treasurer. 118 Twenty-first Report of the Children's Home at Mineola, N. Y. 1906. 400 copies. 8vo, blue paper covers. 119 Report of Pratt Institute Free Library. 1906. 800 copies. 8vo, brown paper covers. 120 Year-Book of the New York Schoolmasters' Club. 1906. 175 copies. 16mo, blue paper covers. Book Department H. B. Claflin Co. New York, January 24, 1907. . . . I have said more than a hundred times, to more than a hundred people, "Mr. Hopkins is unquestionably the best American printer with plain types." W. H. Arnold. Jamestown Exposition. Norfolk, Virginia, February 19, 1907. . . . It will give me the greatest pleasure to arrange with you for an exhibit of the work of the Marion Press at Norfolk. Such work as you do deserves to have a wide influence ou American typography, and to be quite frank with you, it is be- cause of its excellence and because no exhibit of American printing can be complete without it that I would suggest your making an exhibit, and not because primarily it would be of great financial benefit to you. Yours very truly, Carl Purington Rollins. Chief of Department of Graphic Arts. 402450 Book-types in use at the Marion Press, Jamaica, Queensborough, New- York Large fonts, In first-class condition, with accents to each font 18-point Caslon Old-Style. CAPS, small caps, Italics, 14-point Caslon Old-Style. CAPITALS, small capitals, Italics. 12-point Caslon Old-Style. CAPITALS, small capitals, Italics. 11-point Caslon Old-Style. CAPITALS, small capitals. 10-point Caslon Old-Style. CAPITALS, small capitals, Italics. 8-point Caslon Old-Style. CAPITALS, small capitals, Italia. 18-point No. 60. CAPITALS, small caps, Italics. 14-point No. 19. CAPITALS, smai^l capitals, Italics. 12-point No. 11. CAPITALS, small capitals, Italics. 10-point No. 11. CAPITALS, small capitals, Italics. 8-point No. 11. CAPITALS, small capitals, Italics. 6-point No. 11. CAPITALS, small capitals. 10-point No. 20. CAPITALS, small capitals, Italics. 9-point No. 20. CAPITALS, small capitals, Italics. 6-point No. 20. CAPITALS, small capitals, Italics. 8-point Cadmus Old-Style. CAPITALS, small capitals, Italics. 9-point Porson Greek. 'Ev dpxv ?jv 6 \6yos, ko.1 6 \670s fjv irpds rbv Qebv, ical Geds 7/v 6 \6yos. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below i-K>,' 11121DH UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A A 000132 906 9