Qia THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CATALOGUE O P THE PICTURES, ire. IN THE SHAKSPEARE GALLERY, PALL-MALL. LONDON: PRINTED FORTHE PROPRIETORS, AND SOLD AT THE PLACE OF EXHIBITION. M,DCC,XCIII. n PREFACE. J 1789. 1 cannot permit this Catalogue to appear be- fore the Public, without returning my sincere thanks to the numerous Subscribers to this Under- taking, who, with a liberality and a confidence unparalleled on any former occasion, have laid me under the most flattering obligations. I hope, upon inspection of what has been done, and is now doing, the Subscribers will be satisfied with the exertions that have been made, and will think that their confidence has not been misplaced; espe- cially when they consider the difficulties that a great undertaking, like the present, has to en- counter in a country where Historical Painting is still but in its Infancy To advance that art to- wards maturity, and establish an English School of Historical Painting, was the great object of the present design. In the course of many years endeavours, I flatter myself I have somewhat contributed to the establishment of an English School of Engraving. These exertions have not been unnoticed at home But in foreign countries they have been esti- mated, perhaps, above their value. When I be- gan the business of publishing and selling Prints, W PREFACE. all the fine Engravings sold in England were im- ported from foreign countries, particularly from France Happily, the reverse is now the case: for few are imported, and many are exported, to a great annual amount. I mention this circum- stance, because there are of those, who, not put- ting much value on the advancement of National Taste, still feel the advantage of promoting the Arts, in a commercial point of view. I flatter myself that the present undertaking, in that, and many other points of view, will essen- tially serve this country. The more objects of attraction and amusement are held out to Fo- reigners, that may induce them to visit this Metro- polis, the more are our manufactures promoted ; for every one, on his return, carries with him some specimen of them : and I believe it will be readily granted, that the Manufactures of this Country need only be seen and compared, to be preferred to those of any other. To the great number of Fo- reigners who have of late visited this country, may in some degree be attributed the very flourishing state of oUr Commerce ; and that great demand for English Manufactures, which at present so univer- sally prevails all over the Continent. At least, I can with certainty say, I feel the effect of this cir- cumstance in my own branch of business. That the love of the fine Arts is more prevalent abroad than in this country, cannot be denied; but I still hope to see them attain (advanced in years as I am) such a state of perfection in England, that no man in Europe will be entitled to the name of a Connoisseur, who has not personally witnessed their rapid progress And that their progress has been wonderfully rapid in this country, within these PREFACE. v twenty years, the whole world will readily allow, -This progress we principally owe to his present Majesty ; who, sensible of their importance in every point of view, has cultivated the fine Arts with a success that the annals of no other country, in the same space of time, can produce. The enterprise and liberality of several individuals also have not been wanting to contribute to so great an end. For my own part, I can with truth say, that the Arts have always had my best endeavours for their success; and my countrymen will I hope give me credit, when I assure them, that where I failed, I failed more from want of Power, than from want of Zeal. In this progress of the fine Arts, though Fo- reigners have allowed our lately acquired superio- rity of Engraving, and readily admitted the great Talents of the principal Painters, yet they have said, with some severity, and I am sorry to say with some truth, that the abilities of our best Ar- tists are chiefly employed in painting Portraits of those who, in less than half a century, will be lost in oblivion While the noblest part of the Art Historical Painting is much neglected. To obviate this national reflection was, as I have already hinted, the principal cause of the present undertaking An undertaking, that originated in a private company, where Painting was the subject of Conversation. But as some short account of the rise and progress of the whole work may at a future time be given to the Subscribers, it is not now necessary to say, who first promulgated the plan who has promoted it or who has endea- voured to impede its success. Suffice it to say, vi PREFACE. at present, that the Artists, in general, have with an ardour that does them credit, contributed their best endeavours to carry into execution an under- taking, where the national honour, the advance- ment of the Arts, and their own advantage, are equally concerned. Though I believe it will be readily admitted, that no subjects seem so proper to form an English School of Historical Painting, as the scenes of the immortal Shakspeare ; yet it must be always re- membered, that he possessed powers which no pencil can reach ; for such was the force of his creative imagination, that though he frequently goes beyond nature, he still continues to be na- tural, and seems only to do that which nature would have done, had she o'erstepp'd her usual limits It must not, then, be expected, that the art of the Painter can ever equal the sublimity of our Poet. The strength of Michael Angelo, united to the grace of Raphael, would here have laboured in vain For what pencil can give to his airy beings " a local habitation, and a name." It is therefore hoped, that the spectator will view these Pictures with this regard, and not allow his imagination, warmed by the magic powers of the Poet, to expect from Painting, what Painting can- not perform. It is not however meant, to deprecate Criticism Candid Criticism is the soul of improvement and those artists who shut their ears against it, must never expect to improve At the same time, every artist ought to despise and contemn the ca- vils of Pseudo-critics, who, rather than not at- tempt to shew their wit, would crush all merit in its bud The discerning part of the Public, PREFACE. vii however, place all these attempts to the true ac- count Malignity. But as the world was never entirely free from such critics, the present under- taking must expect to have its share. Upon the merits of the Pictures themselves, it is not for me to speak; I believe there never was a perfect Picture, in all the three great requisites of Composition, Colouring, and Design It must not therefore be expected that such a phenome- non will be found here. This much, however, I will venture to say, that in every Picture in the Gallery there is something to be praised, and I hope sufficient marks of merit, to justify the lovers of their country, in holding out the fostering hand of Encouragement to native Genius. I flatter myself, on the present occasion, that the estab- lished Masters will support and increase their for- mer reputation, and that the younger Artists will daily improve, under the benign influence of the Public patronage They all know, that their fu- ture fame depends on their present exertions: for here the Painter's labours will be perpetually un- der the public eye, and compared with those of his cotemporaries while his other works, either locked up in the cabinets of the curious, or dis persed over the country, in the houses of the dif- ferent possessors, can comparatively contribute but little, to his present fortune or future fame. I must again express my hopes, that the Sub- scribers will be satisfied with the progress made in this arduous undertaking, for it is to be con- sidered, that works of genius cannot be hurried on, like the operations of a manufactory, and that En- graving, in particular, is a work of very slow and viii PREFACE. laborious progress 1 confess, I am anxious on this subject, for I could wish the Subscribers to be convinced (of what indeed is the fact) that not a moment of time has been lost. It happens indeed, unavoidably in this under- taking, that the Artists employed on the 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, and subsequent Numbers, are as far ad- vanced as those employed on the first. And it is difficult to retard the one, or accelerate the other This much, however, the Subscribers may rely on that every exertion will be made, con- sistent with that excellence that is aimed at, to pub- lish the first Number with all possible speed, and that after that, the work will go on uninterrupt-r edly. I cannot conclude this Address, without men- tioning the very great assistance the work receives from the unwearied exertions of my nephew and partner, Mr. Josiah Boydell, whose knowledge in the elementary part of Painting, enables him to be of singular service in conducting this undertaking Indeed his love and enthusiasm for the fine Arts, peculiarly qualify him for the conduct of works of this nature ; and without that Love and Enthusi- asm for the Arts, such an undertaking can never be carried on with becoming spirit His nu- merous avocations in the management of the va- rious branches of our business, particularly in mak- ing drawings from the pictures, for the most ca- pital engravings in our Collection have not al- lowed him much time to pursue the practical part of Painting nevertheless, willing to contribute his mite to this great work (in the management of which he has sp considerable a share) he has PREFACE. ix made an attempt in this line of the Art. Under these circumstances, I hope the Public will have the candour to receive his performances. The Typographical part of the Work (of which a specimen may now be seen) is under the direc- tion of Mr. Nicol, his Majesty's Bookseller, whose zeal for the improvement of Printing in this coun- try is well known The Types, &c. are made in his own house and I flatter myself, that, with the assistance he has, in the various branches, up- on which the Beauty of Printing depends, he will be able to contribute something towards restor- ing the reputation of this country in that most use- ful art. At present, indeed, to our disgrace be it spoken, we are far behind every neighbouring na- tion, many of whom have lately brought the Art of Printing to great perfection. In his present endea- vour, he has had the assistance and advice of some gen- tlemen, who ,were I at liberty to mention their names, would do him honour, and the undertaking credit. The Public are so well acquainted with the merits of Mr. Steevens, in elucidating the text of our author, that it would be impertinent in me to say a syllable on this part of the subject I can- not, however, omit mentioning the readiness he has always shown, to contribute his labours to this na, tional Edition of the Works of Shakspeare, Sbakspeare Gallery, May 1, 1789. JOHN BOYDELL. ADVERTISEMENT. 1790. X o what has been already said, little is to be added. The satisfaction that the Subscribers in particular, and the Pub- lic in general expressed, at the progress of this arduous Work last year, was highly gratifying : And it certainly has (as in deed it ought) redoubled the ardour, of every one concerned in this great National Undertaking. The Subscribers therefore it is hoped will be satisfied with the exertions of this year; for beside the New Pictures now exhibited, a great number more are still in the hands of the different Artists. Of the Engravings several Specimens may be seen, in such forwardness, as it is hoped will secure the Publication of the first Number this season. But it is ever to be remembered, that Exellence is more aimed at in this Undertaking than Dispatch. With regard to any delay that may have taken place in the Typographical part of this Work it is to be considered, that when the Paper, the Ink, the Types, and the manner of print- ing the first Sheet of any Work is fixed, all improvement so far as regards that Work, is at an end, as uniformity must be preserved. The delay, therefore, must be altogether in the beginning of a Work, where considerable improvements are attempted. The principal object of the improvements in the present Work, has been an endeavour, to retain the beau- ty of the best Printing, and yet to avoid the dazzling effect, xu ADVERTISEMENT. which is so distressing to the eye of the Reader, in most of the fine Specimens of that Art. With what success this at- tempt of uniting Beauty with Utility has been made, the Pub- lic alone must finally determine: And, previous to that de- termination, it is not necessary, nor pehaps proper, to men- tion the names of several Gentlemen of the first Talents, who have lent their assistance in the present pursuit, nor even to name the Young Man who cut the Types. If the object of uniting a certain degree of Beauty, with perfect Utility has been attained, the merit is theirs. If not, the Undertakers are willing to bear the blame. This much, however, with great truth can be said, that the attempt was made from the most disinterested motives, and has been prosecuted for these two years past at no trif- ling expence. All the parties concerned have been much flattered with the approbation of several Gentlemen of the first Taste in the Typographical Art And, no doubt, the very attempt at improvement will meet the approbation of those who profess Printing ; many of whom, but for the hur- ry of an extensive business, that leaves them no leisure to at- tend to the improvement of their Art, would perhaps have performed that with ease, which in the present case has been done with difficulty. The Printing is at present under the direction of a Gentleman, who has already contributed much to the improvement of his profession, and who will now have an opportunity of shewing the World, that we can print as well in England, it is hoped, as they do at Parma, Paris, or Madrid, where undoubtedly they have lately carried the Art to great perfection. And it will be a peculiar pride to the Undertakers of this Work, if they have been at all instrumental, in establishing a Press in London, that will rival those of foreign Nations. Concerning the present Exhibition, it is perhaps necessary to say, that several pictures are now added not connected with the Shakspeare plan. Most of them were painted how- ADVERTISEMENT. xiii ever on the same principal, upon which this great Work was originally undertaken A desire of promoting an Historical School of Painting in England. There is also added a large Collection of high- finished Drawings, and small Copies, which have been made at a very great expence, from some of the first Cabinets of Pictures in this Kingdom, by various young Artists, several of whom have since risen to great emi- nence. Some indeed have paid the Debt of Nature, and, from the present Specimens of their Talents, have left this Country to lament their loss. As most of these Drawings * have been engraved, or are now engraving, they have served at once to encourage that Art in England, and to shew foreign Nations, that we are not so destitute ot Taste for the fine Arts, nor so poor in the pos- session of Pictures, as some of their most eminent Writers have been pleased to represent us. The fact is, that there are in this Country many of the finest Specimens of the best Masters but not being collected together in public places, nor (as is the case on the Continent ) confined to the Capi- tal, Foreigners cannot see them, without visiting the Houses of the Nobility and Gentry, from one end of the Island to the other. It is not intended however to be denied, that the fine Arts are yet but in their Infancy in this Country. When that cir- cumstance is taken into consideration, and when the merits of the Drawings and Paintings in this Exhibition are duly weighed, it is hoped the Travelled Connoisseur will admit, that few Countries, under such circumstances, have produ- ced at one moment a superior Exhibition of National Art. And as our Taste for the fine Arts is daily encreasing among all ranks of People, this Exhibition will be daily en- riched. There cannot be a stronger proof of this fact, than * The Pictures and Drawings here alluded to, arc now in the Gal- lery of Mess, Boydell, No 90, Cheapside. tiv ADVERTISEMENT. the very liberal offer of a Lady of high Birth and Accom- plishments, to contribute her extraordinary Talents, to add to this Collection Talents of which her Country ought to be proud, as neither Greece nor Rome, where Sculpture was- in its Glory, could, in that department of the fine Arts, boast of a Female Artist. If by these various additions to the present Exhibition, the entertainment of the Subscribers to The Shakspeare should be encreased, the Undertakers will be amply rewarded For though it was not originally held out, in the Propo- sals of this Work, that the Subscribers should be entitled to see the progress of the Paintings, nor at any period to a free admission to the Gallery, much less to an Exhibition of Art, unconnected with the Undertaking ; yet the uncommon Con- fidence reposed in the Undertakers of this Work, by the Sub- scribers, naturally inspired them with the ambition, which, they hope is laudable, of wishing not to be outdone, on the score of Liberality. And they are happy in foreseeing, that the Subscribers will have a perpetual renovation of their A- musement, by the succession of new Pictures, that will be consantly passing from the Painter to the Engraver, during the progress of this Wotk. Sbakspeare Gallery, JOHN BOYDELL. March 15, 1 790. JOSIAH BOYDELL. GEORGE NICOL. THE ALTO-RELIEVO, In the Front of the Gallery, towards Pall-Mall* By Mr. Banks, R A. Represents Shakspeare seated on a Rock, between Poetry and Painting. Poetry is on his Right-hand, ad- dressing Shakspeare, and presenting him with a Wreath of Bays, while she celebrates his Praise on her Lyre. Her Head is ornamented with a double Mask, to shew she has bestowed the double power of Tragedy and Comedy upon her favourite Son. Shakspeare is represented as listening to her with Pleasure and Attention. Qn his Left is Painting , who is addressing the Spectator, with one Hand extended to- wards Sh a ksfe are's Breast, pointing him out as the proper Object of her Pencil, while he leans his Left hand on her shoulder, as if accepting her assistance. PICTURES IN THE SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. No. I. TEMPEST. ACT IV. SCENE I. Prosperous Cell. Prospero, Ferdinand, Miranda, a Masque exhi- biting Iris, Ceres, Juno, Nymphs, Caliban, Trin- culo, and Stepbano, at a distance. Painted by Mr. Wright, of Derby. Fer. This is a most majestic vision, and Harmonious charmingly: May I be bold To think these spirits ? "Pro. Spirits, which by mine art I have from their confines call'd to enact My present fancies. Fer. Let me live here ever : So rare a wonder'd father, and a wife, Make this place paradise. [Juno and Ceres whisper, and send Iris on employment. Pro. Sweet now, silence : Juno and Ceres whisper seriously; There's something else to do: hush, and be mute, Or else our spell is marr'd. Iris. You nymphs, call'd Naiads, of the wand'ring brooks, With your sedg'd crowns, and ever-harmless looks, Leave your crisp channels, and on this green land Answer your summons; Juno does command: B 2 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Come, temperate nymphs, and help to celebrate A contract of true love : be not too late. Enter certain Nympbs. You sun-burn'd sicklemen, of August weary. Come hither from the furrow and be merry; Make holyday : your rye-straw hats put on, And these fresh nymphs encounter every one In country footing. Enter certain Reapers, properly habited : tbey join with the Nympbs in a graceful dance ; towards the end whereof Prospero starts suddenly, and speaks ; after which, to a strange, hollow, and confused noise, they heavily vanish. Pro. / bad forgot that foul conspiracy [Aside. Of tbe beast Caliban, and his confederates, Against my life; tbe minute of their plot Is almost come. [to the Spirits] Well done; avoid', no more. Fer. This is strange : your father's in some passion That works him strongly. Mira. Never, till this day, Saw I him touch 'd with anger so distemper 'd. Pro. You do look, my son, in a mov'd sort, As if you were dismay'd: be cheerful, sir: Our revels now are ended : these our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits, and Are melted into air, into thin air : And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, The cloud-capt towers, the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve ; And like this insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a rack behind : We are such stuff As dreams are made on, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep. Sir, I am vex'd j Bear with my weakness ; my old brain is troubled r Be not disturb'd with my infirmity : If thou be pleas'd, retire into my cell, And there repose ; a turn or two I'll walk, To still my beating mind. Fer. Mira. We wish your peace. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 3 No. II. MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. ACT II. SCENE I. Before Page's House. Mrs. Page with a letter, Mrs. Ford with another. Painted by Mr. Peters. Mrs. Page. What! have I 'scap'd love-letters in the holyday time of my beauty, and am I now a subject for them ? Let me see : [Reads. Ask me no reason why I love you; for though love use rea* son for bis precision, be admits him not for his counsellor: Totf are not young, no mpre am I ; go to then, there's sym- pathy : you are merry, so am I ; Hal ha I then there's more sympathy: You love sack, and so do J; would you desire better sympathy ? let it suffice thee, mistress Page Cat the least, if the love of a soldier can suffice ) that I love thee. I will not say, pity me ; 'tis not a soldier-like phrase : but I say f love me. By me, Thine own true knight, By day or night, Or any kind of light, With all my 7nigbt, For thee to fight. John Falstaff. What a Herod of Jewry is this ?-^-0 wicked wicked world ! i-^-one that is well nigh worn to pieces with age, to shew himself a young gallant ! What an unweigh'd behaviour hath this Flemish drunkard pick'd (with the devil's name) out of my conversation, that he dares in this manner assay me } Why, he hath not been thrice in my company ! > What should I say to him ? I was then frugal of my mirth : Heaven forgive me ! Why, I'll exhibit a bill in the par- liament for the putting down of fat men. How shall I be re- venged on him ? for revenged I will be, as sure as his guts are made of puddings. Enter Mrs. Ford. Mrs. Ford. Mistress Page! trust me, I was going to your house. 4 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Mrs. Page. And trust me, I was coming to you. You look very ill. Mrs. Ford. Nay, I'll ne'er believe that ; I have to shew to the contrary. Mrs. Page. 'Faith, but you do, in my mind. Mrs. Ford. Well, I do then ; yet, I say, I could shew you to the contrary : O, mistress Page, give me some counsel ! Mrs. Page. What's the matter, woman? Mrs. Ford. O woman, if it were not for one trifling re- spect, I could come to such honour! Mrs. Page. Hang the trifle, woman ; take the honour : What is it ?-r- dispense with trifles ; what is it ? Mrs. Ford. If I would but go to hell, for an eternal mo- ment, or so, I could be knighted. Mrs. Page. What? thou liest ! Sir Alice Ford! These knights will hack; and so thou shouldst not alter the article of thy gentry. Mrs. Ford. We burn daylight: here, read, read; perceive how I might be knighted. I shall think the worse of fat men, as long as I have an eye to make difference of men's liking : And yet he would not swear ; prais'd women's modesty; and gave such orderly and well-behav'd reproof to all uncomeliness, that I would have sworn his disposition would have gone to the truth of his words : but they do no more adhere, and keep place together, than the hundredth psalm to the tune of Green Sleeves. What tempest, I trow, threw this whale, with so many tuns of oil in his belly, ashore at Windsor? How shall I be revenged on him ? I think the best way were to entertain him with hope, till the wicked fire of lust have melted him in his own grease. Did you ever hear the like ? Mrs. Page. Letter for letter ; but that the name of Page and Ford differs! To thy great comfort in this mystery of ill opinions, here's the twin-brother of thy letter : but let thine inherit first ; for, I protest mine never shall. I war- rant he hath a thousand of these letters, writ with blank space for different names (sure more) and these are of the second edition ; He will print them, out of doubt ; for he cares not what he puts into the press, when he would put us two. I had rather be a giantess, and lie under mount Pelion. Well, I will find you twenty lascivious turtles, ere one chaste man. Mrs. Ford. Why, ibis is the very same; the very band, tbe very words : What dotb be think of us ? Mrs. Page. Nay, 1 know not : It makes me almost ready to wrangle with mine own honesty. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. No. III. MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. ACT. IV. SCENE II. Ford, Shallow, Page, Cains, Sir Hugh Evans, Falstajf as the old woman of Brentford, Mrs,. Ford, and Mrs. Page. Painted by Mr. Durno. Ford. Ay, but if it prove true, master Page, have you any way then to unfool me again ? Set down the basket, villain : Somebody call my wife : You, youth in a basket, come out here ! O, you panderly rascals ! there's a knot, a gang, a pack, a conspiracy, against me : Now shall the devil be sham'd. What! wife, I say, come, come forth ; behold what honest clothes you send forth to bleaching. Page. Why, this passes ! Master Ford, you are not to go loose any longer: you must bepinion'd. Eva. Why, this is lunatics ! this is mad as a mad dog! Sbal. Indeed, master Ford, this is not well ; indeed. Enter Mrs. Ford. Ford. So say I too, sir. Come hither, mistress Ford; mistress Ford, the honest woman, the modest wife, the vir- tuous creature, that hath the jealous fool to her husband ; I suspect without cause, mistress, do I ? Mrs. Ford. Heaven be my witness, you do, if you suspect me in any dishonesty. Ford. Well said, brazen-face; hold it out. Come forth, sirrah. [Pulls the clothes out of the basket. Page. This passes. Mrs. Ford. Are you not ashamed ? Let the clothes alone. Ford. I shall find you anon. Eva. 'Tis unreasonable ! Will you take up your wife's clothes ? come away. Ford. Empty the basket, I say. Mrs. Ford. Why, man, why, S SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Ford. Master Page, as I am a man, there was one con- vey'd out of my house yesterday in this basket: Why may not he be there again ? In my house I am sure he is : my intelligence is true j my jealousy is reasonable : Pluck me out all the linen. Mrs. Ford. If you find a man there, he shall die a, flea's death. Page. Here's no man. Sbal. By my fidelity, this is not well, master Ford ; this wrongs you. Eva. Master Ford, you must pray, and not follow the imaginations of your own heart: this is jealousies. Ford. Well, he's not here I seefc for. Page. No, nor no where else, but in your brain. Ford. Help to search my house this onetime: if I find not what I seek, shew no colour for my extremity, let me for ever be your table-sport ; let them say of me, As jealous as Ford, that search'd a hollow walnut for his wife's l^man. Satisfy me once "more, once more search with me. Mrs. Ford. What hoa, mistress Page ! come you and the old woman down; my husband will come into the chamber. Ford. Old woman ! what old woman's that ! Mrs. Ford. Why, it is my maid's aunt of Brentford. Ford. A witch, a quean, an old cozening quean! Have I not forbid her my house? She comes of errands, does she? We are simple men ; we do nqt know what's brought to pass under the profession of fortune-telling. She works by eharms, by spells, by the figure, and such daubery as this is : beyond our element : we know nothing. Come down, you witch, you hag, you ; come down, I say. Mrs. Ford. Nay, good, sweet husband; good gentle- men, let him not strike the old woman. Enter Fal staff in -woman's clothes, led by Mrs. Page.. Mrs. Page. Come, mother Prat, come, give me your hand. Ford. Vll prat her: Out of my door, you zvitcb! [Beats him.] you rag, you baggage, you poulcat, you ronyon I out! out ! Vll conjure you,, Vll for tune -tell you. [Exit. Fal. Mrs. Page. Are you not ashamed? I think you have kill'd the poor woman. Mrs. Ford. Nay, he will do it: 'Tis a goodly credit for you. Ford. Hang her, witch ! Eva. By yea and no, I think, the 'oman is a witch in- SHAKSPEARE GALLERV. 7 deed ; I like not when a 'oman has a great peard ; I spy a great peard under her muffler. Ford. Will you follow, gentlemen ? I beseech you fol- low; see but the issue of my jealousy; if I cry out thu9 upon no trail, never trust me when I open again. Page. Let's obey his humour a little further: Come, gentlemen. [Exeunt. No. IV. MEASURE FOR MEASURE. ACT V. SCENE I. Duke in a Friar's habit, Varrius, Lords, Angclo, Escalus, Lucio, and Citizens. Isabella, Peter, Mariana, Provost, &c. Painted by Mr. Kirk. Escal. I will go darkly to work with her. Lucio. That's the way ; for women are light at midnight. Escal Come on, mistress [to Isabella.] ; here's a gen- tlewoman denies all that you have said. Lucio. My lord, here comes the rascal I spoke of; here with the provost. Escal. In very good time : speak not you to him till we call upon you. Lucio. Mum. Escal. Come, sir; Did you set these women on to slan- der lord Angelo ? they have confess'd you did. Duke. 'Tis false. Escal. How ! know you where you are ? Duke. Respect to your great place ! and let the devil Be sometimes honour'd for his burning throne : Where is the duke? 'tis he should hear me speak. Escal. The duke's in us; and we will hear you speak: Look you speak justly. S SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Duke. Boldly, at least : But, O poor souls, Come you to seek the lamb here of the fox ? Good night to your redress : Is the duke gone ; Then is your cause gone too. The duke's unjust Thus to retort your manifest appeal, And put your trial in the villain's mouth, Which here you come to accuse. Lucio. This is the rascal ; this is he I spoke of. Escal. Why, thou unreverend and unhallow'd friar I Is't not enough, thou hast suborn 'd these women To accuse this worthy man ; but in foul mouth, And in the witness of his proper ear, To call him villain ? And then to gkmce from him to the duke himself, To tax him with injustice? Take him hence; To the rack with him : We'll touze you joint by joint, But we will know this purpose? What, unjus.t? Duke. Be not so hot; the duke Dare no more stretch this finger of mine, than he Dare rack his own ; his subject am I not, Nor here provincial : My business in this state Made me a looker-on here in Vienna, Where I have seen corruption boil and bubble Till it o'er-run the stew : laws for all faults ; But faults so countenanc'dj that the strong statutes Stand like the forfeits in a barber's shop, As much in mock as mark. Escal. Slander to the state ! Away with him to prison. Ang. What can you vouch against him, signior Lucio ? Is this the man that you did tell us of? Lucio. 'Tis he, my lord. Come hither, good man bald- pate : Do you know me ? Duke. I remember you, sir, by the sound of your voice : I met you at the prison in the absence of the duke. Lucio. O, did you so? And do you remember what you said of the duke ? Duke. Most notedly, sir. Lucio. Do you so, sir? And was the duke a fleshmonger, a fool, and a coward, as you then reported him to be ? Duke. You must, sir, change persons with me, ere you make that my report: you, indeed, spoke so of him ; and much more, much worse. Lucio. O thou damnable fellow ! Did not I pluck thee by the nose for thy speeches ? Duke. I protest, I love the duke as I love myself. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY 9 Ang. Hark! how the villain would close now, after his treasonable abuses. Escal. Such dfellow is not to be talk' J withal : Away with bim to prison ; Wbere is the provost ? away with bint to prison; lay bolls enough upon bim: let bim speak no more:- away with those giglots too, and with the other confederate companion. [The Provost lays hands on the Duke. Duke. Stay, sir ; stay a while. Ang. What I resists he? Help bim, Lucio. Lucio. Come, sir ; come sir ; come, sir ; fob, sir : Why, you bald-pated, lying rascal! you must be hooded, must you? show your knave's visage, with a pox to you! show your sheep-biting face, and be bang'd an hour! WilVt not off? [Pulls off the friar's hood, and discovers the Duke. Duke. Tbou art the first knave that e'er made a duke. First, provost, let me bail these gentle three : Sneak not away, sir ; [to Lucio.] for the friar and you Must have a word anon. Lay bold on bim. Lucio. This may prove worse than hanging. Duke. What you have spoke, I pardon; sit you down. [To Escalus. We'll borrow place of him : Sir, by your leave : [To Angelo. Hast thou or word, or wit, or impudence, That yet can do thee office? if thou hast, Rely upon it till my tale be heard, And hold no longer out. Ang. O my dread lord, I should be guiltier than my guiltiness, To think I can be undiscernible, When I perceive your grace, like power divine, Hath look'd upon my passes : Then, good prince, No longer session hold upon my shame, But let my trial be mine own confession; Immediate sentence then, and sequent death, Is all the grace I beg. Duke. Come hither, Mariana: Say, wast thou e'er contracted to this woman ? Ang. I was, my lord. Duke. Go take her hence, and marry he tantly : Do you the office, friar; which consummate, Return him here again : Go with him, provost. C ! SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. No. V. COMEDY OF ERRORS. ACTV. SCENE I. A Street before the Priory. Merchant, Angela, Lady Abbess, Adriana, Cour- tezan, Duke, JEgeon, Antipbolus and Dromio of Syracuse, Antipbolus and Dromio of Epbesus, Headsman, &c. Painted by Mr. Rigaud, R. A. JEgeon. Not know my voice ! O, time's extremity ! Hast thou so crack'd and splitted my poor tongue, In seven short years, that here my only son Knows not my feeble key of untun'd cares? Though now this grained face of mine be hid In sap-consuming winter's drizzled snow, And all the conduits of my blood froze up ; Yet hath my night of life some memory, My wasting lamps some fading glimmer left, My dull deaf ears a little use to hear: All these old witnesses (I cannot err) Tell me thou art my son Antipholus. Ant. E. I never saw my father in my life. jEgeon. But seven years since, in Syracusa, boy, Thou knowest, we parted: but, perhaps, my son, Thou sham'st to acknowledge me in misery. Ant. E. The duke, and all that know me in the city, Can witness with me that it is not so; I ne'er saw Syracusa in my life. Duke. I tell thee, Syracusan, twenty years Have I been patron to Antipholus, During which time he ne'er saw Syracusa : I see, thy age and dangers make thee dote. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. u tnter Abbess, with Antipbolus Syracusan, and Dromio Syracusan. Abb. Most mighty duke, behold a man much wrong'd. [All gather to see him, Adr. / see two husbands, or mine eyes deceive me. Duke. One of these men is Genius to the other. And so of these : which is the natural man, And which the spirit? who deciphers them ? Dro. S. J, sir, am Dromio; command him away, Dro. E. I, sir, am Dromio ; pray, let me stay. Ant. S. j&geon, art thou not ? or else his ghost ? Dro. S. O, my old master! who hath bound him here ? Abb. Whoever bound him, I will loose his bonds, And gain a husband by his liberty : Speak, old iEgeon, if thou be'st the man That hadst a wife once call'd Mmilia, That bore thee at a burden two fair sons/ 0, if thou be'st the same Mgeon, speak, And speak unto the same ^Emilia ! JEg eon. If I dream not, thou art Emilia - f If thou art she, tell me, where is that son That floated with thee on the fatal raft ? Abb. By men of Epidamnum, he, and I, And the twin Dromio, all were taken up ; But, by and by, rude fishermen of Corinth By force took Dromio and my son from them, And me they left with those of Epidamnum : What then became of them, I cannot tell ; 1, to this fortune that you see me in. Duke. Why, here begins his morning story right : These two Antipholuses, these two so like, And these two Dromios, one in semblance, Besides her urging of her wreck at sea, These are the parents to these children, Which accidentally are met together. Antipholus, thou cam'st from Corinth first. Ant. S. No, sir, not I ; I came from Syracuse. Duke. Stay, stand apart ; I know not which is which. Ant . E. I came from Corinth, my most gracious lord, Dro. E. And I with him. Ant. E. Brought to this town by that most famous war- rior, Duke Menaphon, your most renowned uncle. Adjr, Which of you two did dine with me to-day ? iz SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Ant. S. I, gentle mistress. Adr. And are not you my husband? Ant. E. No, I say, Nay, to that. Ant. S. And so do I, yet did she call me so: And this fair gentlewoman, her sister here, Did call me brother : What I told you then, I hope I shall have leisure to make good ; If this be not a dream, I see, and hear. Ang. That is the chain, sir, which you had of me. Ant. S. I think it be, sir, I deny it not. Ant. E. And you, sir; for this chain arrested me. Ang. I think I did, sir ; I deny it not. Adr. I sent you money, sir, to be your bail, By Dromio ; but I think he brought it not. Dro. E. No, none by me. Ant. S. This purse of ducats I receiv'd from you; And Dromio, my man, did bring them me : I see, we still did meet each other's man ; And I was ta'en for him, and he for me ; And thereupon these Errors are arose. Ant . E. These ducats pawn I for my father here. Duke. It shall not need ; thy father hath his life. Court. Sir, I must have that diamond from you. Ant. E. There, take it ; and much thanks for my good cheer. No. VI. MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. ACT III. SCENE I. An Orchard. Hero, Ursula, and Beatrice. Painted by Mr. Peters. Enter Hero, Margaret, and Ursula. Hero. Good Margaret, run thee into the parlour: There shalt thou find my cousin Beatrice Proposing with the Prince and Claudio : Whisper her ear, and tell her, I and Ursula SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 13 Walk in the orchard, and our whole discourse Is all of her ; say, that thou overheard'st us : And bid her steal into the pleached bower, Where honey-suckles, ripen'd by the sun, Forbid the sun to enter; like favourites, Made proud by princes, that advance their pride Against that power that bred it : there will she hide her To listen our propose : This is thy office, Bear thee well in it, and leave us alone. Marg. I'll make her come, I warrant you, presently. {Exit. Hero. Now, Ursula, when Beatrice doth come, As we do trace this alley up and down, Our talk must only be of Benedick: When I do name him, let it be thy part To praise him more than ever man did merit : My talk to thee must be, how Benedick Is sick in love with Beatrice : Of this matter Is little Cupid's crafty arrow made, That only wounds by hear-say. Now begin; Enter Beatrice, behind. For look where Beatrice, like a lapwing, runs Close by the ground, to hear our conference. Urs. The pleasant'st angling is to see the fish Cut with her golden oars the silver stream, And greedily devour the treacherous bait: So angle we for Beatrice ; who even now Is couched in the woodbine coverture. Fear you not my part of the dialogue. Hero. Then go we near her, that her ear lose nothing Of the false sweet bait that we lay for it. [They advance to the bower. No, truly, Ursula, she is too disdainful ; I know, her spirits are as coy and wild As haggards of the rock. Urs. But are you sure That Benedick loves Beatrice so entirely? Hero. So says the prince, and my new-trothed lord. Urs. And did they bid you tell her of it, madam ? Hero. They did intreat me to acquaint her of it; But I persuaded them, if they lov'd Benedick, To wish him wrestle with affection, And never to let Beatrice know of it. j + SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Urs. Why did you so ? Doth not the gentleman Deserve as full, as fortunate a bed, As ever Beatrice shall couch upon ? Hero. O God of love ! I know he doth deserve As much as may be yielded to a man : But nature never fram'd a woman's heart Of prouder stuff than that of Beatrice ; Disdain and scorn ride sparkling in her eyes, Misprising what they look on ; and her wit Values itself so highly, that to her All matter else seems weak : she cannot love, Nor take no shape nor project of affection, She is so self-endear'd. Urs. Sure, I think so ; And therefore, certainly, it were not good She knew his love, lest she made sport at it. Hero. Why, you speak truth : I never yet saw man> How wise, how noble, young, h6w rarely featur'd, But she would spell him backward : if fair-fac'd, She'd swear, the gentleman should be her sister ; If black, why, nature drawing of an antick, Made a foul blot : if tall, a lance ill-headed ; Jf low, an agate very vilely cut : If speaking, why, a vane blown with all winds : If silent, why, a block moved with none. So turns she every man the wrong side out ; And never gives to truth and virtue, that Which simpleness and merit purchaseth. Urs. Sure, sure, such carping is not commendable \ Hero. No ; not to be so odd, and from all fashions, As Beatrice is, cannot be commendable : But who dare tell her so ? If I should speak, She'd mock me into air; O, she would laugh me Out of myself, press me to death with wit. Therefore let Benedick, like cover'd fire, Consume away in sighs, waste inwardly : It were a better death than die with mocks ; Which is as bad as die with tickling. Urs. Yet tell her of it; hear what she will say, Hero. No ; rather I will go to Benedick, And counsel him to fight against his passion : And, truly, I'll devise some honest slanders To stain my cousin with. One doth not know, How much an ill word may empoison liking. Urs. O, do not do your cousin such a wrong, SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 15 She cannot be so much without true judgment (Having so swift and excellent a wit As she is priz'd to have,) as to refuse So rare a gentleman as signior Benedick. Hero. He is the only man of Italy, Always excepted my dear Glaudio. Urs. I pray you, be not angry with me, madam, Speaking my fancy; signior ifenedick, For shape, for bearing, argument, and valour, Goes foremost in report through Italy. Hero. Indeed he hath an excellent good name. Urs. His excellence did earn it, ere he had it. When are you married, madam ? Hero. Why every day ; to-morrow. Come, go in, I'll shew thee some attires; and have thy counsel Which is the best to furnish me to-morrow. Urs. She's lim'd, I warrant you ; we have caught her, madam. No. VII. MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. ACT IV. SCENE I. A Church, Don Pedro, Don John, Leonato, Friar, Claudio, Benedick, Hero, and Beatrice. Painted by Mr. Hamilton, R. A. Claud. Leonato, stand I here ? Is this the prince? Is this the prince's brother? Is this face Hero's ? Are our eyes our own ? Leon. All this is so : But what of this, my lord ? Claud. Let me but move one question to your daughter: And by that fatherly and kindly power That you have in her, bid her answer truly. Leon. I charge thee do so, as thou art my child. 16 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY; Hero. O God defend me ! how am I beset ! What kind of catechising call you this ? Claud. To make you answer truly to your name* Hero. Is it not Hero ? Who can blot that name With any just reproach ? Claud. Marry, that can Hero ; Hero itself can blot out Hero's virtue. What man was he talk'd with you yesternight Out at your window, betwixt twelve and one ? Now, if you are a maid, answer to this. Hero. I talk'd with no man at that hour, my lord. Pedro. Why, then are you no maiden. Leonato, I am sorry you must hear. Upon mine honour, Myself, my brother, and this grieved count, Did see her, hear her, at that hour last night, Talk with a ruffian at her chamber window ; Who hath, indeed, most like a liberal villain, Confess'd the vile encounters they have had A thousand times in secret. John. Fie, fie! they are Not to be nam'd, my lord, not to be spoke of; There is not chastity enough in language, Without offence, to utter them: Thus, pretty lady, I am sorry for thy much misgovernment. Claud. O Hero ! what a Hero hadst thou been If half thy Outward graces had been plac'd About the thoughts and counsels of thy heart! But, fare thee well, most foul, most fair ! farewell, Thou pure impiety, and impious purity ! For thee I'll lock up all the gates of love, And on my eyelids shall conjecture hang To turn all beauty into thoughts of harm, And never shall it more be gracious. Leon. Hatb no man's dagger here a point for me ? [Hero swoons. Beat. Why, bow now, cousin! wherefore sink you down ? John. Come, let us go: these things, come thus to light, Smother her spirits up. [ExeuntD. Ped. D. John, and Claud. Bene. How doth the lady? Beat . Dead, I think; Help, uncle ; Hero ! why, Hero ! uncle ! signior Benedick ! Friar ! Leon. O fate ! take not away thy heavy hand ! Death is the fairest cover for her shame That may be wish'd for. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 17 No. VIII. MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. ACT IV. SCENE II. A Prison. Dogberry \ Verges^ Borachio, Conrade, the Tow?i- Clerky and Sexton. Painted by Mr. Smirke. Do'gb. Is our whole dissembly appear'd? Verg. O, a stool and a cushion tor the sexton ! Sexton. Which be the malefactors ? Dogb. Marry, that am I and my partner. Verg. Nay, that's certain; we have the exhibition to ex- amine. Sexton. But which are the offenders that are to be exa- mined ? let them come before master constable. Dogb. Yea, marry, let them come before me. What is your name, friend? Bora. Borachio. Dobg. Pray, write down ^Borachio. Yours, sirrah ? Conr. I am a gentleman, sir; and my name is.Conrade. Dogb. Write down master gentleman Conrade. Masters, do you serve God? Both. Yea, sir, we hope. Dogb. Write down that they hope they serve God: and write God first : for God defend but God should go be- fore such villains ! Masters, it is proved already that you are little better than false knaves ; and it will go near to be thought so shortly. How answer you for yourselves ? Conr. Marry, sir, we say, we are none. Dogb. A marvellous witty fellow, I assure you; but I will go about with him. Come you hither, sirrah ; a word in your ear, sir ; I say to you, it is thought you are false knaves. Bora. Sir, I say to you, we are none. Dogb. Well, stand aside. 'Fore God, they are both in a tale : Have you writ down that they are none ? D 18 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Sexton. Master constable, you go not the way to examine j you must call forth the watch that are their accusers. Dogb. Yea, marry, that's the eftest way: Let the watch come forth : Masters, I charge you, in the prince's name, accuse these men. i Watch. This man said, sir, that Don John, the prince's brother, was a villain. Dogb. Write down prince John a villain. Why this is flat perjury, to call a prince's brother- villain. Bora. Master constable Dogb. Pray thee, fellow, peace ! I do not like thy look, I promise thee; Sexton. What heard you him say else? 2 Watch . Marry, that he had received a thousand ducats of Don John, for accusing the lady Hero wrongfully. Dogb. Flat burglary as ever was committed. Verg. Yea, by the mass, that it is. Sexton. What else, fellow ? i Watch. And that count Claudio did mean, upon his words, to disgrace Hero before the whole assembly, and not marry her. Dogb. O villain! thou wilt be condemned into ever last' ing redemption/or this. Sexton. What else? 2 Watch. This is all. Sexton. And this is more, masters, than you can deny. Prince John is this morning secretly stolen away : Hero was in this manner accused, in this very manner refused, and upon the grief of this, suddenly died. Master constable, let these men be bound, and brought to Leonato's ; I will go before, and shew him their examination. [Exit. Dogb. Come, let them be opinion'd. Verg. Let them be in the hands. Conr. Off; coxcomb! Dogb. God's my life ! where's the sexton ? let him write down the prince's oflicer, coxcomb. Come, bind them : Thou naughty varlet ! Conr. Away ! you are an ass, you are an ass. Dogb. Dost thou not suspect my place ? Dost thou not suspect my years? O that he were here to write me down an ass ! but, masters, remember, that I am an ass ! though it be not written down, yet forget not that I am an ass: No, thou villain, thou art full of piety, as shall be proved upon thee by good witness: I am a wise fellow; and* SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 19 which is more, an officer; and, which is more, a house- holder ; and, which is more, as pretty a piece of flesh as any is in Messina ; and one that knows the law, go to ; and a rich fellow enough, go to ; and a fellow that hath had losses; and one that hath two gowns, and every thing handsome about hinv Brjng him away. O, that I had been writ down an ass ! [Exeunt. No. IX. LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOST. ACT IV. SCENE I. A Pavilion in the Park near the Palace. Princess, Rosaline, Maria, Katharine, Lords, Attendants, and a Forester. Painted by Mr. Hamilton, R. A. Prin. Was that the king that spurr'd his horse so hard Against the steep uprising of the hill? Boy. I know not ; but, I think, it was not he. Prin. Whoe'er he was, he shew'd a mounting mind. Well, lords, to-day we shall have our dispatch ; On Saturday we will return to France. Then, forester, my friend, where is the busb That we must stand and play the murderer in? For. Here by upon the edge of yonder coppice : A stand, where you may make the fairest shoot. Prin. I thank my beauty ; I am fair that shoot, And thereupon thou speak'st, the fairest shoot. For. Pardon me, madam, for I meant not so. Prin. What, what ? first praise me, and again say, no: O short-liv'd pride ! Not fair ? alack for woe ! For. Yes, madam, fair. Prin. Nay, never paint me now; Where fair is not, praise cannot mend the brow. Here, good my glass, take this for telling true ; [Giving him money. Fair payment for foul words is more than due. 20 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. No. X. MIDSUMMER-NIGHT'S DREAM. ACT IV. SCENE I. A Wood. Titania, Queen of the Fairies , Bottom, Fairies at-, tending) &c. &c. &c. Painted by Mr. Fusel i, R. A. Tita. Come sit thee down upon this flow'ry bed, While I thy amiable cheeks do coy, And stick musk-roses in thy sleek smooth head, And kiss thy fair large ears, my gentle joy. Bot. Where's Pease-blossom? Pease. Ready. Bot. Scratch my bead, Pease-blossom. Where's monsieur Cobweb. Cob. Ready. Bot. Monsieur Cobweb; good monsieur, get your wea- pons in your band, and kill me a red-hip 'd bumble bee on the top of a thistle ; and, good monsieur, bring me the honey-bag. Do not fret yourself too much in the action, monsieur ; and, good monsieur, have a care the honey-bag break not; I would be loth to have you overflown with a boney-bag, signior. Where's monsieur Mustard-seed? Must. Ready. Bot. Give me your neif, monsieur Mustard-seed. Pray you, leave your courtesy, good monsieur. Must. What's your will. Bot. Nothing, good monsieur, but to help cavalero Cob- web to scratch. I must to the barber's, monsieur ;for me- tbinks, I am marvellous buiry about the face: and I am such a tender ass, if my hair do but tickle me, I must scratch. Tita. What, wilr thou hear some music, my sweet love ? Bot. 1 have a re^onable good ear in music : let us have the tongs and the bones. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. z\ Tita. Or say, sweet love, what thou desir'st to eat. Bot. Truly, a peck of provender : I could munch your good dry oats. Methinks 1 have a great desire to a bottle of hay : good hay, sweet hay, hath no fellow. Tita. I have a venturous fairy that shall seek The squirrel's hoard, and fetch thee new nuts. Bot. I had rather have a handful or two of dried pease. But, I pray you, let none of your p.ople stir me; I have an exposition or sleep come upon me. Tita. Sleep thou, and I will wind thee in my arms. Fairies, be gone, and be all ways away. So doth the woodbine the sweet honey-suckle Gently witwist ;-^-the female ivy so Enrings the barky fingers of the elm. O, how I love thee ! how I dote on thee. [Tbey sleep. No. XL MIDSUMMER-NIGHT'S DREAM. ACT IV. SCENE I. A Wood. Theseus, Egeus, Hippolita and train, Demetrius, Lysander, Hermia, and Helena. Painted by Mr. Wheatley, R. A. The. Go, one of you, find out the forester ; For now our observation is perform'd : And since we have the vaward of the day, My love shall hear the music of my hounds. Uncouple in the western valley ; go : Dispatch, I say, and find the forester. We will, fair queen, up to the mountain's top, And mark the musical confusion Of hounds and echo in conjunction. Hip. I was with Hercules and Cadmus once, When in a wood of Crete they bay'd the bear With hounds of Sparta : never did I hear 22 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Such gallant chiding; for, besides the groves, The skies, the fountains, every region near, Seem'd all one mutual cry ; I never heard So musical a discord, such sweet thunder. Tbe. My hounds are bred out of the Spartan kind, So flew'd, so sanded; and their heads are hung With ears that sweep away the morning dew ; Crook-knee'd, and dew-lap'd like Thessalian bulls : Slow in pursuit, but match'd in mouth like bells. Each under each. A cry more tuneable Was never holla'd to, nor cheer'd with horn, In Crete, in Sparta, nor in Thessaly : Judge when you hear. But, soft ; what nymphs are these ? Ege. My lord, this is my daughter here asleep ; And this, Lysander ; this Demetrius is ; This Helena, old Nedar's Helena : I wonder of their being here together, Tbe. No doubt, they rose up early, to observe The rite of May ; and, hearing our intent, Came here in grace of our solemnity. But, speak, Egeus ; is not this the day That Hermia should give answer of her choice ? Ege. It is, my lord. The. Go, bid tbe huntsmen wake tbem witb their boms. [Horns, and sb out wit bin', Demetrius, Lysander , Hermia, and Helena, wake, and start up. Tbe. Good-morrow, friends. Saint Valentine is past ; Begin these wood-birds but to couple now ? Lys. Pardon, my lord. [He and tbe rest kneel to Tbeseus, Tbe. I pray you all, stand up. I know, you two are rival enemies ; How comes this gentle concord in the world, That hatred is so far from jealousy, To sleep by hate, and fear no enmity ? Lys. My lord, I shall reply amazedly, Half 'sleep, half waking : But as yet, I swear, I cannot truly say how I came here : But, as I think, (for truly would I speak, And now I do bethink me, so it is) I came with Hermia hither : our intent Was, to be gone from Athens, where we might be Without the peril of the Athenian law. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 3 No. XII. AS YOU LIKE IT. ACT I. SCENE II. Before the Duke's Palace. Rosalind, Celia, Orlando, Duke, and Attendants. &c. Charles carried off. Painted by Mr. Downman. Ros. Young man, have you challenged Charles the tyrestler? Orla. No, fair princess ? he is the general challenger : I come but in, as others do, to try with him the strength of my youth. Cel. Young gentleman, your spirits are too bold for your years : You have seen cruel proof of this man's strength : if you saw yourself with your eyes, or knew yourself with your judgment, the fear of your adventure would counsel you to a more equal enterprise. We pray you, for your own sake, to embrace your own safety, and give over this at- tempt. Ros. Do, young sir; your reputation shall not therefore be misprised : we will make it our suit to the duke, that the wrestling might not go forward. Orla. I beseech you, pun^h me not with your hard thoughts ; wherein I confess me much guilty, to deny so fair and excellent ladies any thing. But let your fair eyes and gentle wishes go with me to my trial : wherein, if I be foil'd, there is but one shamed that was never gracious ; if kill'd, but one dead that is willing to be so : I shall do my friends no wrong, for I have none to lament me ; the world no injury, for in it I have nothing; only in the world I fill up a place, which may he better supplied when I have made it empty. 24 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Ros. The little strength that I have, I would it were with you. Cel. And mine to eke out hers. Ros. Fare you well. Pray heaven I be deceived in you ! Cel. Your heart's desires be with you ! Cba. Come, where is this young gallant, that is so desir- ous to lie with his mother earth? Orla. Ready, sir; but his will hath in it a more modest working. Duke. You shall try but one fall. Cba. No, I warrant your grace ; you shall not intreat him to a second, that have so mightily persuaded him from a first. Orla. You mean to mock me after ; you should not hare mocked me before : but come your ways. Ros. Now, Hercules be thy speed, young man ! Cel. I would I were invisible, to catch the strong fellow by the leg. [Charles and Orlando wrestle. Ros. O excellent young man ! Cel. If I had a thunderbolt in mine eye, I can tell who should down. [Charles is thrown. Shout. Duke. No more, no more. Orla. Yes, I beseech your grace; I am not yet well breathed. Duke. How dost thou, Charles ? / Le Beau. He cannot speak, my lord. Duke. Bear him away. What is thy name, young man ? Orla. Orlando, my liege ; the youngest son of sir Row- land de Boys. Duke. I would thou hadst been son to some man else* The world esteem'd thy father honourable, But I did find him still mine enemy : Thou shouldst have better pleas'd me with this deed, Hadst thou descended from another house. But fare thee well ; thou art a gallant youth ; I would, thou hadst told me*of another father. [Exeunt Duke, train, and Le Bean. Cel. Were I my father, coz, would I do this ? Orla. I am more proud to be sir Rowland's son, His youngest son ; and would not change that calling To be adopted heir to Frederick. Ros. My father lov'd sir Rowland as his soul, And all the world was of my father's mind : Had I before known this young man his son, 1 should have given him tears unto entreaties, SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 25 Ere he should thus have ventur'd. Cel. Gentle cousin, Let us go thank him> and encourage him : My father's rough and envious disposition Sticks me at heart. ^-Sir> you have well deserv'd: If you do keep your promises in love But justly as you have exceeded all promise, Your mistress shall be happy. Ros. Gentleman, [Giving him a chain from her neck. Wear this for me; one out of suits with fortune ; That could give more, but thai ber band lacks means. S ball we go, coz? Cel. Ay : Fare you well, fair gentleman. Orla. Can I not say, I thank you ? My better parts Arc all thrown down ; and that which here stands up, Is but a quintaine, a mere lifeless block. No. XIII. AS YOU LIKE IT. ACT II. SCENE L Forest of Arden. Jaques, Amiens, &c. Painted by Mr. Hodges, R. A. Duke Sen. Come, shall we go and kill us venison ? And yet it irks me, the poor dappled fools, Being native burghers of this desert city, Should, in their own confines, with forked heads Have their round haunches gor'd. 1 Lord. Indeed, my lord, The melancholy Jaques grieves at that ; And, in that kind, swears you do more usurp Than doth vour brother that hath banish'd you. 26 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. To-day, my lord of Amiens and myself Did steal behind him, as be lay along Under an oak, whose antique root peeps out Upon the brook that brawls along this wood : To the which place a poor sequest'red stag, That from the hunters aim bad ta'en a hurt, Did come to languish ; and, indeed, my lord, The wretched animal beav'd forth such groans, That their discbarge did stretch bis leathern coat Almost to bursting ; and the big round tears Cours'd one another down bis innocent nose In piteous cbace : and thus tbe hairy fool, Much marked of tbe melancholy Jaques, Stood on tbe extremest verge of tbe swift brook, Augmenting it with tears. Duke Sen. But what said Jaques? Did he not moralize this spectacle ? i Lord. O, yes, into a thousand similes. First, for his weeping in the needless stream ; Poor deer, quoth he, thou mak'st a testament As worldlings do, giving tbysum of more To that which bad too much : Then, being there alone^ Left and abandon'd of his velvet friends, 'Tis right, quoth he; thus misery dotb part Tbe flux of company : Anon, a careless herd, Full of the pasture, jumps along by him, And never stays to greet him : Ay, quoth Jaques, Sweep on, you fat and greasy citizens; 'Tis just the fashion: Wherefore do you look Upon that poor and broken bankrupt there ? Thus most invectively he pierceth through The body of country, city, court; Yea, and of this our life; swearing, that we Are mere usurpers, tyrants, and what's worse, To fright the animals, and to kill them up, In their assign'd and native dwelling-place. Duke Sen. And did you leave him in this contemplation ? 2 Lord. We did, my lord, weeping and commenting Upon the sobbing deer. Duke Sen. Shew me the place ; I love to cope him in these sullen fits; For then he's full of matter. I Lord. I'll bring \ou to him straight- [Exeunt. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 27 No. XIV. AS YOU LIKE IT. ACT. V. SCENE IV. Forest. Duke Senior, Amiens, Jaques, Orlando, Oliver, Celia, Rosalind, Audrey, Clown, Silvius, Pbebe, and Hymen. Painted by Mr. Hamilton, R. A. Still Music. Hym. Then is there mirth in heaven When earthly things made even Atone together. Good duke, receive thy daughter ; Hymen from heaven brought her, Yea, brought her hither, That thou might'st join her hand with his, Whose heart within her bosom is, Ros. To you I give myself, for I am yours. [To the Duke. To you I give myself, for I am yours. [To Orlando. Duke Sen. If there be truth in sight, you are my daugh- ter. Orl. If there be truth in sight, you are my Rosalind. Pbe. If sight and shape be true, Why then, my love adieu ! Ros. I'll have no father, if you be not he: [To the Duke. I'll have no husband, if you be not he : [To Orlando, Nor ne'er wed woman, it you be not she. [To Pbebe. Hym. Peace, ho ! I bar confusion : 'Tis I must make conclusion Of these most strange events : Here's eight that must take hands, To join in Hymen's bands, If truth holds true contents. 28 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. You and you no cross shall part; [To Orlando and Rosalind < You and you are heart in heart: [To Oliver and Celia. You [To Pbebe.] to his love must accord, Or have a woman to your lord. - You and you are sure together, [To the Clown and Audrey, As the winter to foul weather. Whiles a wedlock-hymn we sing, Feed yourselves with questioning ; That reason wonder may diminish, How thus we met, and these things finish. No. XV. TAMING OF THE SHREW, ACT III. SCENE II. Baptista's bouse. Petrucbio, Katharine, Bianca, Hortensio, Baptista t GrumiOy and Train. Painted by Mr. Wheatley, R. A. Pet . Gentlemen and friends, I thank you for your pains : I know you think to dine with me to-day, And have prepar'd great store of wedding cheer : But so it is, my haste doth call me hence, And therefore here I mean to take my leave. Bap. Is't possible you will away to-night ? Pet. I must away to-day, before night come: Make it no wonder : if you knew my business, You would intreat me rather go than stay. And, honest company, I thank you all, That have beheld me give away myself To this most patient, sweet, and virtuous wife : Dine with my father, drink a health to me ; For I must hence, and farewell to you all. Tra. Let us intreat you stay till after dinner. Pet. It may not be. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. a$ Gre. Let me intreat you. Pet. It cannot be. Katb. Let me intreat you. Pet. I am content. Katb. Are you content to stay ? Pet. I am content you shall intreat me stay; But yet not stay, intreat me how you can. Katb. Now, if you love me, stay. Pet. Grumio, my horse. Gru. Ay, sir, they be ready; the oats have eaten the horses. Katb. Nay, then, Do what thou canst, I will not go to-day ; No, nor to-morrow, nor till I please myself, The door is open, sir, there lies your way, You may be jogging whiles your boots are green; For me, I'll not be gone till I please myself: 'Tis like, you'll prove a jolly surly groom, That take it on you at the first so roundly. Pet. O Kate, content thee ; pr'ythee be not angry. Katb. I will be angry : What hast thou to do ? Father, be quiet, he shall stay my leisure. Gre. Ay, marry, sir; now it begins to work. Katb. Gentlemen, forward to the bridal dinner : I see, a woman may be made a fool, If she had not a spirit to resist. Pet. They shall go forward, Kate, at thy command : Obey the bride, you that attend on her : Go to the feast, revel and domineer, Carouse full measure to her maidenhead, Bemad and merry, or go hang yourselves ; But for my bonny Kate, she must with me. Nay, look not big, nor stamp, nor stare, nor fret : I will be master of what is mine own : She is my goods, my chattels ; sbe is my bouse, My household stuff, my field, my barn, My borse, my ox, my ass, my any thing; And here sbe stands, touch her whoever dare, Pit bring mine action on the proudest be That stops my way in Padua. Grumio, Draw forth tby weapon, we're beset with tbicves ; Rescue tby mistress, if thou be a man : Pear not, sweet wencb, they shall not touch thee, Kate; I'll buckler tbee against a million. [Exeunt Pet. Kath.and Gru. 3 o SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Bap. Nay, let them go, a couple of quiet ones. Gre. Went they not quickly, I should die with laughing. Tra. Of all mad matches, never was the like ! Luc. Mistress, what's your opinion of your sister? Bian. That, being mad herself, she's madly mated. Gre. I warrant him, Petruchio is Kated. No. XVI. WINTER'S TALE. ACT II. SCENE III. A Palace. Ltontes, Jlnt ig onus, Lords, Attendants, and the infant Perdita. Painted by Mr. Opie, R. A. Leo. Thou, traitor, hast set on thy wife to this. My child ? away with't ! even thou, that hast . A heart so tender o'er it, take it hence, And see it instantly consum'd with fire ; Even thou, and none but thou. Take it up straight ; Within this hour bring me word 'tis done, (And by good testimony) or I'll seize thy life, With what thou else call'st thine. If thou refuse, And wilt encounter with my wrath, say so ; The bastard brains with these my proper hands Shall I dash out. Go, take it to the fire ; for thou sett'st on thy wife. Ant. I did not, sir: These lords, my noble fellows, if they pleas*, Can clear me in't. i Lord. We can. My royal liege, He is not guilty of her coming hither. Leo. You are liars all. i Lord. 'Beseech your highness, give us better credit} We have always truly serv'd you ; and beseech So to esteem of us : And on our knees we beg SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. %i (As recompense of our dear services, Past, and to come,) that you do change this purpose; Which, being so horrible, so bloody, must Lead on to some foul issue : We all kneel. Leo. I am a feather for each wind that blows : Shall I live on, to see this bastard kneel And call me father? better burn it now Than curse it then. But, be it : let it live: It shall not neither. You, sir, come you hither: [To Antigonus. You that have been so tenderly officious With lady Margery, your midwife, there, To save this bastard's life : for 'tis a bastard, So sure as this beard's grey what will you adventure To save this brat's life ? Ant. Any thing, my lord, That my ability may undergo, And nobleness impose : at least, thus much ; I'll pawn the little blood which I have left, To save the innocent : any thing possible. Leo. It shall be possible : Swear by this sword, Thou wilt perform my bidding. Ant. I will, my lord. Leo. Mark, and perform it ; ( seest tbou ?) for the fail Of any point in*l shall not only be Death to thyself, but to thy lewd-tongu'd wife ; Whom, for this time, we pardon. We enjoin thee, As tbou art liegeman to us, that thou carry This female bastard hence ; and that tbou bear it To some remote and desert place, quite out Of our dominions ; and that there tbou leave it, Without more mercy, to its own protection, And frv our of the climate. As by strange fortune It came to us, I do injustice charge thee On thy soul's peril, and tby body's torture That tbou commend it strangely to some place, Where chance may nurse, or end it. Take it up. Ant. I swear to do this ; though a present death Had been more merciful. Come on, poor babe : Some powerful spirit instruct the kites and ravens To be thy nurses ! Wolves and bears, they say, Casting their savageness aside, have done Like offices of pity. Sir, be prosperous In more than this deed does require ! and blessing, 3* SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Against this cruelty, fight on thy side, Poor thing, condemn 'd to loss ! [Exit, with the child. Leo. No, I'll not rear Another's issue. No. XVII WINTER'S TALE, ACT III. SCENE III. A desert place near the Sea. Antigonus torn by a Bear ; Old Shepherd, Clown 1 , and the infant Perdita, at a distance. Painted by Mr. Hodges, R. A. Enter Clown. Clo. Hilloa, loa! Shcp. What, art so near ? If thou'lt see a thing to talk on when thou art dead and rotten, come hither. What ail'st thou, man ? Clo. I have seen two such sights, by sea, and by land : but I am not to say it is a sea, ror'it is now the sky j betwixt the firmament and it you cannot thrust a bodkin's point. Sbep. Why, boy, how is it? Clo. J would you did but see bow it chafes', bow it rages, bow it takes up the shore I but thafs not to the point O, the most piteous cry of the poor souls ! sometimes to see 'em, and not to see 'em : now the ship boring the moon with ber main- mast', and anon swallow'd witbyest and froth, as you'd thrust a cork into a hogshead. And then for the land-service To see how the bear tore out his shoulder-bone ; bow be cry'd to me for help, and said bis name was Antigonus, a nobleman; *But to make an end of the ship; to see bow the sea flap- dragon' d it: but, first, bow the poor souls roar'd, and the sea mock'd them ; and bow the poor gentleman roar'd, and the bear mock'd bim, both roaring louder than the sea, or weather. Sbcp 'Name of mercy, when was this, boy ? SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 33 Clo. Now, now; I have not winked since I saw these sights : the men are not yet cold under water, nor the bear half dined on the gentleman ; he's at it now. Sbep. Would I had been by, to have helped the old man ! Clo. I would you had been by the ship side, to have help- ed her; there your charity would have lacked footing. [ Aside. Sbep. Heavy matters ! heavy matters ! but look thee here, boy. Now bless thyself; thou met'st with things dy- ing, I with things new born. Here's a sight for thee; look thee, a bearing-cloth for a 'squire's child ! Look thee here ; take up, take up, boy ; open't. So, let's see ; It was told me I should be rich by the fairies : this is some change- ling Open't: What's within, boy? Clo. You're a made old man ; if the sins of your youth are forgiven you, you're well to live. Gold ! all gold! Sbep. This is fairy gold, boy, and 'twill prove so: up with it, keep it close ; home, home, the next way. We are lucky, boy; and to be so still, requires nothing but secrecy. Let my sheep go : Come, good boy, the next way home. No. XVIII. WINTERS TALE. ACT IV. SCENE III. Before a Shepherd's Cottage. Florizel, Perdita, Shepherd, Clown, Mopsa, Dor- cas, Servants, Polixenes and Camillo disguised. Painted by Mr. Wheatley, R. A. Flo. See, your guests approach : Address yourself to entertain them sprightly, And let's be red with mirth. Sbep. Fye, daughter ! when my old wife liv'd, upon This day she was both pantler, butler, cook ; Both dame and servant : welcom'd all, serv'd all : F 34 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Would sing her song, and dance her turn : now here* At upper end o'the table, now, i'the middle ; On his shoulder, and his : her face o'fire With labour ; and the thing she took to quench it She would to each one sip : You are retir'd As if you were a feasted one, and not The hostess of the meeting : Pray you, bid These unknown friends to us welcome ; for it is A way to make us better friends, more known. Come, quench your blushes, and present yourself That which you are, mistress o'the feast. Come on, And bid us welcome to your sheep-shearing, As your good flock shall prosper. Per. Sir, welcome! [To Pol. It is my father's will, I should take on me The bostefssbip o'the day: You're welcome, sir! [To Cam. Give me those flowers there, Dorcas Reverend sirs. For you there's rosemary, and rue ; these keep Seeming and savour all the winter long : . Gtace and remembrance be to you both, And welcome to our shearing! Pol. Shepherdess, (A fair one are you) well you fit our ages With flowers of winter. Per. Sir, the year growing ancient, Not yet on summer's death, nor on the birth Of trembling winter the fairest flowers o'the season Are our carnations and streak'd gilly-flowers, Which some call nature's bastards : of that kind Our rustic garden's barren ; and I care not To get slips of them. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 35 No. XIX. MACBETH. ACT I. SCENE HI. A Heath. Macbeth, Banquo, and three Witches. Painted by Mr. Fuseli, R. A. Macb. So foul and fair a day I have not seen. Ban. How far is't call'd to Forres? What are these, So wither'd, and so wild in their attire, That look not like the inhabitants o'the earth, And yet are on't ? Live you ? or are you aught That man may question ? You seem to understand me, By each at once her choppy finger laying Upon her skinny lips. You should be women, And yet your beards forbid me to interpret That you are so. Macb. Speak, if you can; What are you ? 1 Witcb. All hail, Macbeth ! hail to thee, thane of Glamis ! 2 Witcb. All hail, Macbeth ! hail to thee, thane of Cawdor ! 3 Witcb. All hail, Macbeth ! that shalt be king hereafter. Ban. Good sir, why do you start, and seem to fear Things that do sound so fair? I'the name of truth, Are ye fantastical, or that indeed Which outwardly ye shew? My noble partner You greet with present grace, and great prediction Of noble having, and or royal hope, That he seems rapt withal ; to me you speak not : If you can look into the seeds of time, And say which grain will grow, and which will not, Speak then to me, who neither beg nor fear Your favours, nor your hate. 36 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. iWitcb. Hail! z Witcb. Hail! 3 Witcb. Hail ! i Witcb. Lesser than Macbeth, and greater, 2 Witcb. Not so happy, yet much happier. 3 Witcb. Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none. So all hail, Macbeth and Banquo. I Witcb. Banquo and Macbeth, all hail! Macb. Stay, you imperfect speakers, tell me more: By Sinel's death, I know I am tbane of Glamis ; But bow of Cawdor ? tbe tbane of Cawdor lives, A prosperous gentleman ; and to be king, Stands not within tbe prospect of belief, No more than to be Cawdor. Say, from whence You owe this strange intelligence r or why Upon this blasted heath you stop our way With such prophetic greeting ? Speak, I charge you. [Witches vanish, Ban. The earth hath bubbles, as the water has, And these are of them : Whither are they vanish' d ? . Macb. Into the air; and what seem'd corporal melted, As breath into the wind. 'Would they had staid ! Ban. Were such things here as we do speak about ? Or have we eaten of the insane root That takes the reason prisoner ? Macb. Your children shall be kings. Ban. You shall be king. Macb. And thane of Cawdor too ; went it not so ? Ban.. To the self-same tune and words. Who's here? SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 37 No. XX. KING JOHN. ACT IV. SCENE I. A Prison. Arthur i Hubert , and Attendants. Painted by Mr. Northcote, R. A. Hub. Heat me these irons hot ; and look thou stand Within the arras : when I strike my foot Upon the bosom of the ground, rush forth, And bind the boy, which you shall find with me, Fast to the chair : be heedful : hence, and watch. Atten. I hope your warrant will bear out the deed. Hub. Uncleanly scruples ! Fear not you ; look to't. [Exeunt Attendants. Young lad, come forth ; I have to say with you. Enter Arthur. Artb. Good morrow, Hubert. Hub. Good morrow, little prince. Artb. As little prince (having so great a title To be more prince) as may be. You are sad. Hub. Indeed I have been merrier. Artb. Mercy on me ! Methinks, nobody should be sad but I : Yet, I remember, when I was in France, Young gentlemen would be as sad as night, Only for wantonness. By my Christendom, So I were out of prison, and, kept sheep, I should be as merry as the day is long ; And so I would be here, but that I doubt My uncle practises more harm to me : He is afraid of me, and I of him : Is it my fault that I was Geffrey's son ? No, indeed, is't not; and I would to heaven I were your son, so you would love me, Hubert. Hub. If I talk to him, with his innocent prate He will awake my mercy, which lies dead J 38 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Therefore I will be sudden, and dispatch. [Aside. Artb. Are you sick, Hubert? you look pale to-day. In sooth, I would you were a little sick, That I might sit all night, and watch with you. I warrant, I love you more than you do me. Hub. His words do take possession of my bosom. Read here, young Arthur. [Shewing a paper.] How now, foolish rheum ! [Aside. Turning dispiteous torture out of door! I must be brief, lest resolution drop Out at mine eyes, in tender womanish tears. Can you not read it ? is it not fair writ ? Artb. Too fairly, Hubert, for so foul effect. Must you with hot irons burn out both mine eyes? Hub. Young boy, I must. Artb. And will you? Hub. And I will. Artb. Have you the heart ? When your head did but ake, I knit my handkerchief about your brows (The best I had, a princess wrought it me) And I did never ask it you again : And with my hand at midnight held your head ; And, like the watchful minutes to the hour, Still and anon cheer'd up the heavy time ; Saying, What lack you? and, Where lies your grief? Or, What good love may I perform for you ; Many a poor man's son would have lain still, And ne'er have spoke a loving word to you ; But you, at your sick service had a prince. Nay, you may think my love was crafty love, And call it cunning. Do, an if you will : If heaven be pleas'd that you must use me ill, Why then you must. Will you put out mine eyes ? These eyes that never did, nor never shall, So much as frown on you ? Hub. I have sworn to do it ; And with hot irons must I burn them out. Artb. Ah, none, but in this iron age, would do it ! The iron of itself though heat red-hot, Approaching near these eyes, would drink my tears, And quench this fiery indignation, Even in the matter of mine innocence : Nay, after that, consume away in rust, But for containing fire to harm mine eye. Are you more stubborn-hard than hammer'd iron ? SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 39 An if an angel should have come to me, And told me, Hubert should put out mine eyes, I would not have believ'd him ; no tongue but Hubert's. Hub. Come forth. [Stamps. [Re-enter Attendants, with cord, irons, Gte. Do as I bid you. Arth. O save me, Hubert, save me I my eyes are out, Even with ibe fierce looks of tbese bloody men. ' Hub. Give me tbe iron, I say, and bind bim here. Arth. Alas, what need you be so boisterous-rough ? I will not struggle, I will stand stone-still. For heaven's sake, Hubert, let me not be bound! Nay, bear me, Hubert! drive tbese men away, And I will sit as quiet as a Iambi I will not stir, nor wince, nor speak a word, Nor look upon tbe iron angrily : Thrust but tbese men away, and I'll forgive yon, Whatever torment you do put me to. Hub. Go, stand within ; let me alone with him. Atten. I am best pleas'd to be from such a deed, [Exeunt Attendant's. Artb. Alas! I then have chid away my friend; He hath a stern look, but a gentle heart ; Let him come back, that his compassion may Give life to yours. Hub. Come, boy, prepare yourself. Artb. Is there no remedy ? Hub. None but to lose your eyes. Artb. O heaven ! that there were but a moth in yours, A grain, a dust, a gnat, a wand'ring hair. Any annoyance in that precious sense ! Then, feeling what small things are boisterous there. Your vile intent must needs seem horrible. Hub. Is this your promise ? go to, hold your tongue. Artb. Hubert, the utterance of a brace of tongues Must needs want pleading for a pair of eyes : Let me not hold my tongue ; let me not, Hubert ! Or, Hubert, if you will cut out my tongue, So I may keep mine eyes ; O, spare mine eyes ; Though to no use but still to look on you ! Lo ! by my troth, the instrument is cold, And would not harm me. Hub. I can heat it, boy. Artb. No, in good sooth ; the fire is dead with grief, 4 o SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Being create for comfort, to be us'd In undeserv'd extremes : See else yourself; There is no malice in this burning coal ; The breath ofheaven hath blown his spirit out, And strew'd repentant ashes on his head. Hub. But with my breath I can revive it, boy. Artb. And if you do, you will but make it blush, And glow with shame of your proceedings, Hubert : Nay, it, perchance, will sparkle in your eyes j And, like a dog that is compell'd to fight, Snatch at his master that doth tarre him on. All things that you should use to do me wrong Deny their office : only you do lack That mercy, which fierce fire and iron extends, Creatures of note for mercy-lacking uses. Hub. Well, sae to live ; I will not touch thine eye For all the treasure that thine uncle owes : Yet am I sworn, and I did purpose, boy, With this same very iron to burn them out. Artb. O, now you look like Hubert ! all this while. You were disguised. Hub. Peace : no more. Adieu ; Your uncle must not know but you are dead : I'll fill these dogged spies with false reports. And, pretty child, sleep doubtless and secure, That Hubert, for the wealth of all the world, Will not offend thee. Artb. O heaven ! I thank you, Hubert. Hub. Silence 1 no more. Go closely in with me ; Much danger do I undergo for thee. [Exeunt. - SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 4* No. XXL SECOND PART OF KING HENRY IV. ACT III. SCENE II. Justice Shallow's Seat in Gloucestershire. Shallow ,Silence,Falstaff, Bardolpb, Boy, Mouldy, Shadow, Wart, Feeble, and BulUcalf. Painted by Mr. Durno. Bull. Good master corporate Bardolph, stand my friend ; and here is four Harry ten shillings in French crowns for you. ; Iii very truth, sir, I had as lief be hang'd, sir, as go : and yet for mine own part, sir, I do not care; but, rather, because I am unwilling, and, for mine own part, have a de- sire to stay with my friends ; else, sir, I did not care, for mine own part, so much. Bard. Goto; stand aside. Mouldy. And good master corporal captain, for my old dame's sake, stand my friend ; she has nobody to do any thing about her, when I am gone ; and she is old, and can- not help herself: you shall have forty, sir. Bard. Go to; stand aside. Feeble. By my troth I care not ; a man can die but once : we owe God a death; I'll ne'er bear a base mind: an't be my destiny, so ; an't be not, so : No man's too good to serve his prince : and, let it go which way it will, he that dies this year, is quit for the next. Bard. Well said : thou'rt a good fellow. Feeble. Faith, I'll bear no base mind. Re-enter Falstaff, and Justices. Fal. Come, sir, which men shall I have? Sbal. Four of which you please. Bard. Sir, a word with you : I have three pound to fres Mouldy and Bull-calf. Fal. Go to; well. G I 42 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Sbal. Come, sir John, which four will you have ? Fal. Do you choose for me. Sbal. Marry, then, Mouldy, Bull-calf, Feeble, and Shadow. Fal. Mouldy, and Bull-calf : -For you, Mouldy, stay at home till you are past service : and for your part, Bull- calf, grow till you come unto it; I will none of you. Sbal. Sir John, sir John, do not yourself wrong; they are your likeliest men ; and I would have you served with the best. Fal. Will you tell me, master Shallow, how to choose a man: Care I for the limb, the thewes, the stature, bulk and big assemblance of a man ! Give me the spirit, master Shal- low. Here's Wait ; you see what a ragged appearance it is : he shall charge you, and discharge you, with the motion of a pewterer's hammer ; come ofF, and on, swifter than he that gibbets-on the brewer's bucket. And this same half- fae'd fellow, Shadow,* give me this man ; he presents no mark to the enemy ; the foeman may with as great aim le- vel at the edge of a pen-knife ; And, for a retreat, how swiftly will this Feeble, the woman's tailor, run off? O, give me the spare men, and spare me the great ones. Put me a caliver : nto Wart's hand, Bardolph. Bard. Hold, Wart, traverse ; thus, thus, thus. Fal. Come, manage me your caliver. So: very well: go to :-*-very good :- exceeding good.* O, give me al- ways a little lean, old, chopped, bald shot. < Well said, i'faitb, Wart: tboti'rt a good scab : bold, there's a tester for tbee. Sbal. He is not his craft's-master, he doth not do it right. I remember at Mile-end Green (when I lay at Clement's Inn, I was then Sir Dagonet in Arthur's show) there was a little quiver fellow, and 'a would manage you his piece thus : and 'a would about and about, and come you in, and come yOu in ; rab, tab, tab, would 'a say ; bounce, would 'a say : and away again would 'a go, and again would 'a come ; I shall never see such a fellow. Fal. These fellows will do well, master Shallow. God keep you, master Silence; I will not use many words with you: Fare you well, gentlemen both: I thank you: I must a dozen mile to-night. Bardolph, give the soldiers coats. Sbal. Sir John, heaven bless you, and prosper your af- fairs, and send us peace ! As you return, visit my house; let SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. our old acquaintance be renew'd: peradventure, I will with you to the court. Fal. I would you would, master Shallow. Sbal. Go to ; I have spoke, at a word. Fare you well. [Exeunt Shallow and Silence. FaL Fare you well, gentle gentleman. On, Bardolph ; lead the men away. [Exeunt Bardolph, Recruits, &c] As I return, I will fetch off these justices : I do see the bot- tom of Justice Shallow. Lord, lord, how subject we old men are to this vice of lying ! This same starv'd justice hath done nothing but prate to me of the wildness of his youth, and the feats he hath done about Turnbull-street; and every third word a lie, duer paid to the hearer than the Turk's tri- bute. I do remember him at Clement's Inn, like a man made after supper of a cheese-paring : when he was naked, he was, for all the world, like a forked radish ; with a head fantastically carved upon it with a knife ; he was so forlorn, that his dimensions to any thick sight were invincible : he was the very genius of famine, yet lecherous as a monkey, and the whores call'd himt- Mandrake : he came ever in the rearward of the fashion, and sung those tunes to the over- scutch'd huswives, that he heard the carmen whistle ; and swarc they were his fancies, or his good-nights. And now is this vice's dagger become a 'squire ; and talks as famili- arly of John of Gaunt, as if he had been sworn brother to him: and I'll be sworn, he never saw him but once in the Tilt-yard : and then he burst his head for crowding among the marshal's men. I saw it ; and told John of Gaunt he beat his own name : for you might have truss'd him, and all his apparel, into an eel-skin ; the case of a treble hautboy was a mansion for him, a court : and now he has land and beeves. Well; I will be acquainted with him, if 1 return: and it shall go hard, but I will make him a philosopher's two stones to me : if the young dace be a bait for the old pike, I see no reason in the law of nature, but I may snap it him. Let time shape, and there an end. [Exeunt, 9 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. No. XXII. FIRST PART OF KING HENRY VI. ACT II. SCENE IV. London. The Temple Garden. Earls of Somerset, Suffolk, and Warwick; Richard Plantagenet, Vernon, and another Lawyer. Painted by Mr. J. Boydell. Plant. Great lords, and gentlemen, what means this silence ? Dare no man answer'in a case of truth. Suf. Within the Tern pie -hall we were too loud; The garden here is more convenient. Plant. Then say at once, if I maintain'd the truth ; Or, else, was wrangling Somerset in the error ? Suf. 'Faith, I have been a truant in the law ; I never yet could frame my will to it ; And, therefore, frame the law unto my will. Sotn. Judge you, my lord of Warwick, then between us. War. Between two hawks, which flies the higher pitch ; Between two dogs, which hath the deeper mouth; Between two blades, which bears the better temper ; Between two horses, which doth bear him best ; Between two girls, which hath the merriest eye, I have, perhaps, some shallow spirit of judgment : But in these nice sharp quillets of the law, Good faith, I am no wiser than a daw. Plant. Tut, tut, here is a mannerly forbearance : The truth appears so naked on my side, That any purblind eye may find it out. Som. And on my side it is so well apparell'd, So clear, so shining, and so evident, That it will glimmer through a blind man's eye. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. l 45 Plant. Since you are tongue-ty'd, and so loth to speak, In dumb significants proclaim your thoughts : Let him that is a true-born gentleman, And stands upon the honour of his birth, If be suppose that I have pleaded truth, From off this briar pluck a white rose with me. Som. Let him that is no coward, nor no flatterer, But dare maintain the party of the truth, Pluck a red rose from off this thorn with me. War. I love no colours ; and without all colour Of base insinuating flattery, I pluck this white rose with Plantagenet. Suf. I pluck this red rose with young Somerset, And say withal, I think he held the right. Ver. Stay, lords, and gentlemen, and pluck no more, Till you conclude that he upon whose side The fewest roses are cropp'd horn the tree, Shall yield the other in the right opinion. Som. Good master Vernon, it is well objected; If I have fewest, I subscribe in silence. Plant. And I. Ver. Then for the truth and plainness of the case, I pluck this pale and maiden blossom here, Giving my verdict on the white rose side. Som. Prick not your finger as you pluck it off; Lest, bleeding, you do paint the white rose red, And fall on my side so against your will. Ver. If I, my lord, for my opinion bleed, Opinion shall be surgeon to my hurt, And keep me on the side where still I am. Som. Well, well, come on. Who else? Lawyer. Unless my study and my books be false, The argument you held was wrong in you ; [To Somerset. In sign whereof, I pluck a white rose too. Plant. Now, Somerset, where is your argument? Som. Here, in my scabbard ; meditating that, Shall dye your white rose in a bloody red. 46 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. No. XXIII. SECOND PART OF KING HENRY VI. ACT III. SCENE III. Cardinal Beaufort's Bed Chamber. King Henry, Salisbury, and Warwick. Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, LATE PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY. K. Henry. How fares my lord ? speak, Beaufort, to thy sovereign. Car. If thou be'st death, I'll give thee England's trea- sure, Enough to purchase such another island, So thou wilt let me live, and feel no pain. K. Henry. Ah, what a sign it is of evil life, When death's approach is seen so terrible ! War. Beaufort, it is thy sovereign speaks to thee. Car. Bring me unto my trial when you will. Dy'd he not in his bed ? where should he die ? Can I make men live, whe'r they will or no ? O! torture me no more, I will confess. Alive again? then shew me where he is ; I'll give a thousand pound to look upon him. He hath no eyes, the dust hath blinded them. Comb down his hair; look ! look ! it stands upright, Like lime-twigs set to catch my winged soul 1 Give me some drink ; and bid the apothecary Bring the strong poison that I bought of him. K. Henry. O thou eternal Mover of the heavens, Look with a gentle eye upon this wretch ! O, beat away the busy meddling fiend, That lays strong siege unto this wretch's soul, And from his bosom purge this black despair! SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 47 War. See, bow the pangs of death do make bim grin! Sal. Disturb bim not ; let bim pass peaceably. K. Henry. Peace to bis soul, if God's good pleasure be!* Lord Cardinal, if tbou think' st on heaven's bliss, Hold ftp tby band, make signal of tby hope. He dies, and makes no sign : O God, forgive bim ! War. So bad a death argues a monstrous life. K. Henry. Forbear to judge, for we are sinners all. Close up his eyes, and draw the curtain close ; And let us all to meditation [Exeunt. No. XXIV. THIRD PART OF KING HENRY VI. ACT V. SCENE VII The Palace in London. King Edward, the Queen, with the young Prince, Clarence, Gloster, and Hastings. Painted by Mr. Northcote, R. A. JT. Edw. Once more we sit in England's royal throne, Re-purchas'd with the blood of enemies. What valiant foemen, like to autumn's corn. Have we mow'd down, in tops of all their pride! Three dukes of Somerset, three- fold renown'd For hardy and undoubted champions : Two Cliffords, as the father and the son, And two Northumberlands ; two braver men Ne'er spurr'd their coursers at the trumpet's sound : With them, the two brave bears, Warwick and Montague, That in their chains fetter'd the kingly lion, And made the forest tremble when they roar'd. 4$ SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Thus have we swept suspicion from our seat, And made our footstool of security.-. Come bitber, Bess, and let me kiss my boy. [Taking the child. Young Ned, for tbee, tbine uncles, and myself Have in our armours watch' d tbe winter's night ; Went all afoot in summer's scalding beat, That tbou might' st repossess tbe crown in peace, And of our labours tbou sbalt reap tbe gain. Glo. I'll blast bis harvest, if your bead were laid ; For yet I am not look'd on in tbe world. This shoulder was ordain 'd so thick, to heave ; And heave it shall some weight, or break my back : Work tbou tbe way, #rf tbou sbalt execute. [Aside. K. Edw. Clarence and Gloster, love my lovely queen; And kiss your princely nephew, brothers both. Clar. The duty that I owe unto your majesty, I seal upon the lips of this sweet babe. K. Edw. Thanks, noble Clarence ; worthy brother, thanks. Glo. And that I love the tree from whence thou sprangst, Witness the loving kiss I give the fruit : To say the truth, so Judas kiss'd his master ; \x 4 s 'd And cry'd all hail ! when as he meant all harm, j * K. Edw. Now am I seated as my soul delights, Having my country's peace, and brothers loves. Clar. What will your grace have done with Margaret? Reignier, her father, to the king of France Hath pawn'd the Sicils and Jerusalem, And hither have they sent it for her ransom. K. Edw. Away with her, and waft her hence to France. And now what rests, but that we spend the time With stately triumphs, mirthful comic shows, Such as befit the pleasures of the court ; Sound, drums and trumpets! farewell, sour annoy! For here, I hope, begins our lasting joy. [Exeunt. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 49 No. XXV, KING RICHARD III. ACT III. SCENE I. London. Prince of Wales, Duke of York bis brother, Dukes ofGlosterand Buckingham, Cardinal Bourcbier, Lord Hastings, Lord Mayor, and bis train. Painted by Mr. Northcote, R. A. Buck. Now, in good time, here comes the Duke of York. Prince. Richard of Tor k! bow fares our loving brother? York. Well, my dread lord; so must I call you now. Prince. Ay, brother, to our grief, as it is yours: Too late be died that might have kept that title, Which by his death bath lost much majesty. Glo. How fares our cousin, noble lord of York ? York. I thank you, gentle uncle. O, my lord, You said that idle weeds are fast in growth : Theprince, my brother, hath outgrown me far. Glo. He hath my lord. York. And therefore is he idle ? Glo. O, my fair cousin, I must not say so. York. Then is he more beholden to you than I. Glo. He may command me, as my sovereign; But you have power in me, as in a kinsman. York. I pray you, uncle, give me this dagger. Glo. My dagger, little cousin ? with all my heart. Prince. A beggar, brother? York. Of my kind uncle, that I know will give; And being but a toy, which is no grief to give. Glo. A greater gift than that I'll give my cousin. York. A greater gifr ! O ! that's the sword to it. Glo. Ay, gentle cousin, were it light enough. II 56 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. York. O then, I see, you'll part but with light gifts ; In weightier things you'll say a beggar nay. Glo. It is too weighty for your grace to wear. York. I weigh it lightly, were it heavier. Glo. What, would you have my weapon, little lord ? York. I would, that I might thank you as you call me. Glo. How? York. Little. Prince. My lord of York will still be cross in talk : Uncle, your grace knows how to bear with him. York. You mean to bear me, not to bear with me. Uncle, my brother mocks both you and me ; Because that I am little, like an ape, He thinks that you should bear me on your shoulders. Buck. With what a sharp-provided wit he reasons! To mitigate the scorn he gives his uncle, He prettily and aptly taunts himself. So cunning, and so young, is wonderful. Glo. My gracious lord, will't please you pass along ? Myself and my good cousin Buckingham, Will to your mother, to entreat of her To meet you at the Tower, and welcome you. York. What, will you go unto the Tower, my lord ? Prince. My lord protector needs will have it so. York. I shall not sleep in quiet at the Tower. Glo. Why, what should you fear? York. Marry, my uncle Clarence' angry ghost : My grandam told me, he was murder'd there. Prince. I fear no uncles dead. Glo. Nor none that live, I hope. Prince. An if they live, I hope I need not fear. But come, my lord, and with a heavy heart, Thinking on them, go I unto the Tower. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 5* No. XXVII, KING RICHARD III. ACT IV. SCENE III. The Royal Children ; Dighton and Forrest , the Murderers. Painted by Mr. Northcote, R. A. Tyr. The tyrannous and bloody act is done; The most arch deed of piteous massacre That ever yet this land was guilty of. Dighton and Forrest, whom I did suborn To do this piece of ruthless butchery, Albeit they were flesh'd villains, bloody dogs, Melting with tenderness and mild compassion, Wept like two children in their deaths' sad story. O thus, quoth Dighton, lay the gentle babes. Thus, thus, quoth Forrest, girdling one another Within their alabaster innocent arms : Their lips were four red roses on a stalk, Which in their summer beauty, kiss'd each other. A book of prayers on their pillow lay ; Which once, quoth Forrest, almost chang'd my mind : But, O, the devil there the villain stopp'd ; When Dighton thus told on we smotber'd The most replenished sweet work of nature That, from the prime creation, e\r she framed. Hence both are gone with conscience and remorse ; They could not speak : and so I left them both, To bear this tidings to the bloody king. N. B. This picture was painted before the present work was under- taken : but has been deemed by the best judges highly deserving of a place in it. 52 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. No. XXVIII. TITUS ANDRONICUS. ACT IV. SCENE I. Titus's House, Titus Andronicuii Marcus Andronicus, and young Lucius, pursued by Lavinia. Painted by Mr. Kirk. Boy. Help, grandsire, help* my aunt Lavinia Follows me every where, I know not why.- Good uncle Marcus, see how swift she comes ! Alas, sweet aunt, I know not what you mean. Mar. Stand by me, Lucius; do not fear thine aunt. Tit. She loves thee, boy, too well to do the harm. Boy. Ay, when my father was in Rome, she did. Mar. What means my niece Lavinia by these signs ? Tit. Fear her not, Lucius : Somewhat doth she mean ; See, Lucius, see, how much she makes of thee : Somewhither would she have thee go with her. Ah, boy, Cornelia never with more care Read to her sons, than she hath read to thee, Sweet poetry, and Tully's orator. Canst thou not guess wherefore she plies thee thus? Boy. My lord, I know not, I, nor can I guess, Unless some fit of frenzy do possess her: For I have heard my grandsire say full oft, Extremity of griefs would make men mad; And I have read, that Hecuba of Troy Ran mad, through sorrow : That made me to fear ; Although, my lord, I know my noble aunt Loves me as dear as e'er my mother did, .And would not, but in fury, fright my youth : Which made me down to throw my books, and fly, Causeless, perhaps. But pardon me, sweet aunt : SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 53 And, madam, if my uncle Marcus go, I will most willingly attend your ladyship. Mar. Lucius, I will. [Lavinia turns over tbe books which Lucius has let fall. Tit. How now, Lavinia? Marcus, what means this? Some book there is that she desires to see : Which is it, girl, of these ? open them, boy. But thou art deeper read, and better skiU'dj Come, take choice of all my library, And so beguile thy sorrow, till the heavens Reveal the damn'd contriver of this deed. Why lifts she up her arms in sequence thus ? Mar. I think she means, that there was more than one Confederate in the fact. Ay, more there was : Or else to heaven she heaves them for revenge. Tit. Lucius, what book is it that she tosseth so ? Boy. Grandsire, 'tis Ovid's Metamorphosis ; My mother gave it me. Mar. For love of her that's gone, Perhaps she cull'd it from among the rest. Tit. Soft ! see how busily she turns the leaves? Help her : What would she find? Lavinia, shall I read? This is the tragic tale of Philomel, And treats of Tereus' treason and his rape ; And rape, I fear, was root of thine annoy. Mar. See, brother, see ; note how she quotes the leaves. Tit. Lavinia, wer't thou thus surpriz'd, sweet girl, Ravish'd and wrong'd, as Philomela was, Forc'd in the ruthless, vast, and gloomy woods! See, see ! Ay, such a place there is, where we did hunt, (O, had we never, never hunted there !) Pattern'd by that the poet here describes, By nature made for murders and for rapes. Mar. O, why should nature build so foul a den, Unless the gods delight in tragedies ! 54 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. No. XXIX. KING LEAR. ACT I. SCENE I. Lear's Palace. Lear, Cornwall, Albany, Goneril, Regan, Corde- lia, King of France, Kent, Attendants, &c. Painted by Mr. Fusel i, R. A. Lear. To thee and thine, hereditary ever, Remain this ample third of our fair kingdom ; No less in space, validity, and pleasure, Than that confirm'd on Goneril. Now, our joy, Although the last, not least ; to whose young love The vines of France and milk of Burgundy Strive to be interess'd, what can you say to draw A third, more opulent than your sisters? Speak. Cor. Nothing, my lord. Lear. Nothing ? 'Cor. Nothing. Lear. Nothing can come of nothing : speak again. Cor. Unhappy that I am, I cannot heave My heart into my mouth. I love your majesty According to my bond ; nor more nor less. Lear. How, how, Cordelia ? mend your spaech a little, Lest it may mar your fortunes. Cor. Good my lord, You have begot me, bred me, lov'd me : I Return those duties back as are right fit; Obey you, love you, and most honour you. Why have my sisters husbands, if they say They love you, all ? Haply, when I shall wed, That lord whose hand must take my plight, shall earry Half my love with him, half my care and duty. Sure, I shall never marry like my sisters, To love my father all. Ltar. But goes this with thy heart? SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. JJ Cor. Ay, my good lord. Lear. So young, and so untender ? Cor. So young, my lord, and true. Lear. Let it be so Tby truth then be tby dower '. For, by the sacred radiance qftbe sun, The mysteries of Hecate, and the night ; By all the operations of the orbs, From whom we do exist and cease to be ; Here I disclaim all my paternal care, Propinquity, and property of blood \ And as a stranger to my heart and me, Hold thee, from this for ever. The barbarous Scythian, Or be that makes bis generation messes To gorge bis appetite, shall to my bosom Be as well neigbbour'd, pitied, and reliev'd As thou, my sometime daughter. Kent. Good my liege,-*- Lear. Peace, Kent ! Come not between the dragon and bis wrath i I lov'd her most, and thought to set my rest On her kind nursery. Hence, and avoid my sight! [To Cordelia, So be my grave my peace, as here I give Her father's heart from ber! Call France. Who stirs ? Call Burgundy. Cornwall and Albany, With my two daughters' dowers digest this third : Let pride, which she calls plainness, marry her. I do invest you jointly with my power, Pre-eminence, and all the large effects That troop with majesty. Ourself, by monthly course* With reservation of an hundred knights, By you to be sustain'd, shall our abode Make with you by due turns. Only we still retain The name, ahd all the additions to a king ; The sway, revenue, execution of the rest, Beloved sons, be yours : which to confirm, This coronet part between you. [Giving the crown. Kent. Royal Lear, Whom I have ever honour'd as my king* Lov'd as my father, as my master follow'd, As my great patron thought on in my prayers,-*- Lear. The bow is bent and drawn, make from the shaft. Kent . Let it fall rather, though the fork invade The region of my heart: be Kent unmannerly When Lear is mad. 55 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. No. XXX. KING LEAR. ACT III. SCENE IV. Part of a Heath, with a Hovel. Lear, Kent, Fool ; Edgar disguised as a Madman, and Gloster, with a Torch. Painted by Mr. West, R. A. PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY. Kent. Here is the place, my lord; good my lord, enter; The tyranny of the open night's too rough For nature to endure. [Storm still. Lear. Let me alone. Kent. Good my lord, enter here. Lear. Wilt break my heart? Kent. I'd rather break mine own: Good my lord, enter. Lear. Thou think'st 'tis much, that this contentious storm Invades us to the skin : so 'tis to thee ; But where the greater malady is fix'd, The lesser is scarce felt. Thou'dst shun a bear; But if thy flight lay toward the raging sea, Thou'dst meet the bear i'the mouth. When the mind's free, The body's delicate: the tempest in my mind Doth from my senses take all feeling else, Save what beats there. Filial ingratitude ! Is it not as this mouth should tear this hand For lifting food to't ? But I will punish home: - No, I will weep no more. In such a night To shut me out ! Pour on, I will endure In such a night as this ! O Regan, Goneril ! Your old kind father, whose frank heart gave you all O, that way madness lies ; let me shun that ; No more of that SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 57 Kent. Good my lord, enter here. Lear. Pr'ythee, go in thyself; seek thine own ease; This tempest will not give me leave to ponder On things would hurt me more. But I'll go in In, boy j go first. [To the fool.] You houseless poverty, Nay, get thee in. I'll pray, and then I'll sleep. [Fool goes in- Poor naked wretches, wheresoe'er you are, That bide the pelting of this pitiless storm, How shall your houseless heads and unfed sides, Your loop'd and window'd raggedness, defend you From seasons such as these ? O, I have ta'en Too little care of this ! Take physic, pomp ; Expose thyself to feel what wretches reel ; That thou may'st shake the superflux to them, And shew the heavens more just. Edg. [witbin.] Fathom and half, fathom and half! Poor Tom ! [The Fool runs out from the hovel. Fool. Come not in here, nuncle ; here's a spirit. Help me, help me ! Kent. Give me thy hand. *-Who's there ? Fool. A spirit, a spirit ; he says his name's poor Tom. Kent . What art thou that dost grumble there i'the straw ? Come forth. Enter Edgar, disguised as a madman. Edg. Away ! the foul fiend follows me ! Through the sharp hawthorn blows the cold wind. Humph ! go to thy cold bed and warm thee. Lear. Hast thou given all to thy two daughters ? And art thou come to this ? Edg. Who gives any thing to poor Tom ? whom the foul fiend hath led through fire and through flame, through ford and whirlpool, over bog and quagmire ; that hath laid knives under his pillow, and halters in his pew ; set rats- banc by his porridge ; made him proud of heart to ride on a bay trotting-horse over four-inch'd bridges, to course his own shadow for a traitor : Bless thy five wits ! Tom's a- cold. O, do, de, do, de, do, de. Bless thee from whirlwinds, star-blasting, and taking ! Do poor Tom some charity, whom the foul fiend vexes : There could I have him now, and there, and there, and there again, and there. [Storm still. Lear. What, have his daughters brought him to thi^ pass ? Couldst thou save nothing ? Didst thou give them all ? 58 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Fool. Nay, he reserv'd a blanket, else we had been all shamed. Lear. Now, all the plagues that in the pendulous air Hang fated o'er men's faults, light on thy daughters ! Kent. He hath no daughters, sir. Lear. Death, traitor ! nothing could have subdu'd nature To such a lowness, but his unkind daughters. Is it the fashion, that discarded fathers Should have thus little mercy on their flesh ? Judicious punishment ! 'twas this flesh begot Those pelican daughters. Edg. Pillicock sat on pillicock's hill; Halloo, halloo, loo, loo ! Fool. This cold night will turn us all to fools and mad- men. Edg. Take heed o'the foul fiend : Obey thy parents : keep thy word justly ; swear not j commit not with man's sworn spouse ; set not thy sweet heart on proud array. Tom's a-cold. Lear. What hast thou been ? Edg. A serving-man, proud in heart and mind ; that curl'd my hair, wore gloves in my cap, serv'd the lust of my mistress's heart, and did the act of darkness with her : swore as many oaths as I spake words, and broke them in the sweet face of heaven : one that slept in the contriving of lust, and wak'd to do it. Wine lov'd I deeply ; dice dear- ly ; and in women out-paramour'd the Turk : false of heart, light of ear, bloody of hand ; hog in sloth, fox in stealth, wolf in greediness, dog in madness, lion in prey. Let not the creaking of shoes, nor the rustling of silks, betray thy poor heart to women : Keep thy foot out of brothels, thy hand out of plackets, thy pen from lender's books, and defy the foul fiend. Still through the hawthorn blows the cold wind ; Says suum, mun, ha no nOnny, dolphin my boy* *my boy, sessa ; let him trot by. [Storm still. Lear. Why, tbou were better in tby grave than to answer with thy uncovered body this extremity of the skies. Is man no more than this ? Consider him well : Tbou owest the worm no silk, the beast no hide, the sheep no^ivool, the cat no per- fume : Hal here's three of us are sophisticated ! Tbou art the thing itself: unaccommodated man is no more but such e poor, bare, forked animal as tbou art. Off i off, you tend- ings: Come, unbutton here. [Tearing off his clothes. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 59 Fool. Pr'ythee, nuncle, be contented ; this is a naughty night to swim in Now a little fire in a wild field were like an old lecher's heart ; a small spark, all the rest of his body cold. Look, here comes a walking fire. Edg. This is the foul fiend Flibbertigibbet : he begins at curfeu, and walks till the first cock ; he gives the web and the pin, squints .the eye, and makes the hare-lip ; mildews the white wheat, and hurts the poor creature of earth. Saint Withold footed thrice the wold ; He met the night-mare and her ninefold ; Bid her alight, And her troth plight, And, Aroint thee, witch, aroint thee ! Kent. How fares your grace ? Enter Gf.oster, with a torch. Lear. What's he ? Kent. Who's there? what is't you seek ? Glo. What are you there? Your names ? Edg. Poor Tom, that eats the swimming frog, the toad, the tadpole, the wall-newt, and water; that in the fury of his heart, when the foul fiend rages, eats cow-dung for sallads; swallows the old rat, and the ditch-dog; drinks the green mantle of the standing pool; who is whipt from tything to tything, and stock'd, punish'd, and imprison'd ; who hath had three suits to his back, six shirts to his body, ,horse.to ride, and weapon to wear,-. t But mice, and rats, and such small deer, Have been Tom's food for seven long year. Beware my follower : Peace, Smolkin ! peace, thou fifend ! Glo. What, hath your grace no better company ? Edg. The prince of darkness is a gentleman ; Modo he's call'd, and Mahu. Glo. Our flesh and blood, my lord, is grown so vile, That it doth hate what gets it, Edg. Poor Tom's a-cold. Glo. Go in with me ; my duty cannot suffer To obey in all your daughters hard commands ; Though their injunction be to bar my doors, And let this tyrannous night take hold upon you ; Yet have I ventur'd to come seek you out, And bring you where both fire and food is ready. 60 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. No. XXXI. KING LEAR. ACT V. SCENE III. A Camp, near Dover. Lear, with Cordelia dead; Edgar ; Albany, and Kent. Regan, Goneril, and Edmund, dead. Painted by Mr. Barry, R. A. PROFESSOR OF PAINTING TO THE ROYAL ACADEMY. Enter a Gentleman hastily, with a bloody knife. Gent. Help ! help I O help ! Edg. What kind of help? Alb. Speak, man. Edg. What means that bloody knife ? Gent. 'Tis hot, it smokes ; It came even from the heart of Alb. Who, man? speak. Gent. Your lady, sir, your lady: and her sister By her is poison'd j she hath confess'd it. Ed m. I was contracted to them both ; all three Now marry in an instant. Alb. Produce their bodies, be they alive or dead ! This judgment of the heavens, that makes us tremble, Touches us not with pity. [Exit Gent. Enter Kent. Edg. Here comes Kent, sir. Alb. O ! 'tis he. The time will not allow the compliment Which very manners urges. Kent. I am come To.bid my king and master aye good-night ; Is he not here ? Alb. Great thing of us forgot ! Speak, Edmund, where's the king ? and where's Cordelia? SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 61 Seest thou this object, Kent ? [The bodies ofGoneril and Kent. Alack, why thus i Regan are brought in, Edm. Yet Edmund was belov'd: The one the other poison'd for my sake, And after slew herself. Alb. Even so. Cover their faces. Edm. I pant for life : Some good I mean to do, Despite of mine own nature. Quickly send, Be brief in it, to the castle; for my writ Is on the life of Lear, and on Cordelia. Nay, send in time. Alb. Run, run, O, run Edg. To whom, my lord ? Who has the office ? send Thy token of reprieve. Edm. Well thought on; .take my sword, Give it the captain. Alb. Haste thee for thy life. * [Exit Edgar. Edm. He hath commission from thy wife and me, To hang Cordelia in the prison, and To lay the blame upon her own despair. Alb. The gods defend her! Bear him hence awhile. [ Edmund is borne off. Enter Lear, with Cordelia dead in bis arms ; Edgar, Officer, and others. Lear. Howl, bowl, bowl, bowl! O, you are men of stones ! Had I your tongues and eyes, I'd use them so That heaven's vault should crack : O, she is gone for ever! I know when one is dead, and when one lives ; She's dead as earth : Lend me a looking-glass ; If that her breath will mist or stain the stone. Why, then she lives. z SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. No. XXXII. ROMEO AND JULIET. ACT I, SCENE V. A Hall in CapuUt's House. Romeo, Juliet, Nurse, Capulet, &c. with the Guests and the Maskers, Painted by Mr. Miller. i Cap. Welcome, gentlemen ! ladies, that have their toe? Unplagu'd with corns, will have a bout with you. Ah ha, my mistress ; which of you all Will now deny to dance ? she that makes dainty, she, I'll swear, hath corns. Am I come near you now? You are welcome, gentlemen ! I have seen the day, That I have worn a visor ; and could tell A whispering tale in a fair lady's ear, Such as would please: 'tis gone, 'tis gone, 'tis gone. You are welcome, gentlemen. Come, musicians, play. A hall ! a hall ! give room, and foot it, girls. [Music plays, and tbey dancb. More light, ye knaves ; and turn the tables up, And quench the fire, the room is grown too hot. Ah, sirrah, this unlook'd-for sport comes well. Nay, sit, nay, sit, good cousin Capulet ; For you and I are past our dancing days. How long is't now since last yourself and I Were in a mask ? 2 Cap. By'r lady, thirty years. 1 Cap. What, man ! 'tis not so much, 'tis not so much ; 'Tis since the nuptial of Lucentio, Come Pentecost as quickly as it will, Some five-and-twenty years, and then we mask'd. 2 Cap. 'Tis more, 'tis more: his son is elder, sir; His son is thirty. i Cap. Will you tell me that ? His son was but a ward two years ago. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Sy Rom. What lady's that which doth enrich the hand Of yonder knight? Serv. I know not, sir. Rom. O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night Like a rich jewel in an Ethiop's ear : Beauty too rich for use; for earth too dear! So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows, As yonder lady o'er her fellows shows. The measure done, I'll watch her place of stand, And, touching hers, make happy my rude hand. Did my heart love till now ? forswear it, sight ! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night. Tyb. This, by his voice, should be a Montague : Fetch me my rapier, boy. What, dares the slave Come hither, cover'd with an antick face, To fleer and scorn at our solemnity ? Now, by the stock and honour of my kin, To strike him dead I hold it not a sin. i Cap. Why, how now, kinsman ? wherefore storm yoti so? Tyb. Uncle, this is a Montague, our foe ; A villain, that is hither come in spite, To scorn at our solemnity this night. i Cap. Young Romeo, is't ? Tyb. 'Tis he, that villain Romeo. i Cap. Content thee, gentle coz ; let him alone } He bears him like a portly gentleman ; And, to say truth, Verbna brags of him To be a virtuous and well-govern'd youth : I would not, for the wealth of all this town, Here in my house, do him disparagement : Therefore be patient, take no note of him j It is my will, the which if thou respect, Shew a fair presence, and put off these frowns : An ill beseeming semblance for a feast. Tyb. It fits, when such a villain is a guest, I'll not endure him. I Cap. He shall be endur'd ; What, goodman boy : I say, he shall : Go to :- Am I the roaster here, or you ? go to. You'll n6t endure him ! God shall mend my soul You'll make a mutiny among my guests ! You will set cock-a-hoop ; you'll be the man ! S 4 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Tyb. Why, uncle, 'tis a shame. i Cap. Go to, go to, - Vou are a saucy boy : Is't so, indeed ? This trick may chance to scathe you I know what. You must contrary me ! marry, 'tis time Well said, my hearts : You are a princox ; go : * Be quiet, or More light, more light, for shame ! Fll make you quiet ; What ! Cheerly, my hearts. Tyb. Patience perforce, with wilful choler meeting, Makes my flesh tremble in their different greeting. I will withdraw : but this intrusion shall, Now seeming sweet, convert to bitter gall. [Exit. Rom. IfJprofane with my unworthy band [To Juliet, This boly sbrine, tbe gentle fine is this tidy lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss. Jul. Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, Which mannerly devotion shews in this ; For saints have hands that pilgrims hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmer's kiss. Rom. Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too ? Jul. Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer. Rom. O then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do ; They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair. Jul. Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake. Rom. Then move not while my prayers' effect I take. Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purg'd. [Kissing her* Jul. Then have my lips the sin that they have took. Rom. Sin from my lips ? O trespass sweetly urg'd ! Give me my sin again. Jul. You kiss by the book. Nurse. Madam, your mother craves a word with you. -Rom.. What is her mother ? Nurse. Marry, bachelor, Her mother is the lady of the house, And a good lady, and a wise, and virtuous : I nurs'd her daughter, that you talk'd withal ; i tell you he that can lay hold of her, Shall have the chinks. Rom. Is shea Capulet? O dear account ! my life is my foe's debt. Ben. Away, begone ; the sport is at the best. Rom. Ay, so I fear ; the more is my unrest. 1 Cap. Nay, gentlemen, prepare not to be gone ; We have a trifling foolish banquet towards SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 65 Is it e'en so? Why, then I thank you all: I thank you, honest gentleman ; good night. More torches here ! Come on then, let's to bed. Ah, sirrah, [To 2 Cap.] by my fay, it waxes late : I'll to my rest. [Exeunt. No. XXXIII. ROMEO AND JULIET. A C T IV. S C E N E V. Juliet on her Bed. Capulet, Lady Capulet, Paris, Friar, Nurse, Mu- sicians, &c. Painted by Mr. Opie, R. A. La. Cap. What noise is here? Nurse. O lamentable day ! La. Cap. What's the matter? Nurse. Look, look! O heavy day! La. Cap. O me! O me! my child, my only life ! Revive, look up, or I will die with thee ! Help, help ! call help. Enter Capulet. Cap. For shame, bring Juliet forth ; her lord is come. Nurse. She's dead, deceas'd; she's dead, alack the day ! La. Cap. Alack the day ! she's dead, she's dead, she*s dead. Cap. Ha! let me see her: Out, alas! she's cold; Her blood is settled, and her joints are stiff; Life and these lips have long been separated : Death lies on her, like an untimely frost Upon the sweetest flower of all the field. Accursed time ! unfortunate old man. Nurse. O lamentable day ! la. Cap. O woeful time! K 66 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Cap. Death, that hath ta'en her hence to make me wail, Ties up my tongue, and will not let me speak. Enter Friar Lawrence and Paris, with Musicians, Fri. Come, is the bride ready to go to church? Cap. Ready to go, but never to return. O son, the night before thy wedding-day Hath Death lain with thy bride. See, there she lies, Flower as she was, derlower'd by him. Death is my son-in-law, Death is my heir; My daughter he hath wedded ! I will die, And leave him all; life leaving, all is Death's. Par. Have I thought long to see this morning's face, And doth it give me such a sight as this ? La. Cap. Accurs'd, unhappy, wretched, hateful day! Most miserable hour that e'er time saw In lasting labour of his pilgrimage ! But one, poor one, one poor and loving child, But one thing to rejoice and solace in, And cruel Death hath catch'd it from my sight. Nurse. O woe ! O woeful, woeful, woeful day ! Most lamentable day! most woeful day That ever, ever I did yet behold ! O day ! O day ! O day ! O hateful day ! Never was seen so black a day as this ! O woeful day ! O woeful day ! Par. Beguil'd, divorced, wrong'd, spighted, slain ! Most detestable Death, by thee beguil'd, By cruel, cruel thee, quite overthrown ! O love ! O life ! not life, but love in death ! Cap. Despis'd distressed, hated, martyr'd, kill'd ! Uncomfortable time ! why cam'st thou now To murder, murder our solemnity? O child ! O child ! my soul, and not my child ! Dead art thou ! alack ! my child is dead ; And, with my child, my joys are buried ! Fri. Peace, bo, for sbamel confusion's cure lives not Jn these confusions. Heaven and yourself Had part in this fair maid : noxv heaven bath all, And all the better is it for the maid: Tour part in ber you could not keep from death, But heaven keeps bis part in eternal life. The most you sought was ber promotion: For 'twas your heaven she should be advanced ; And weep ye noxv, seeing she is advanc'd SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 67 Above tbe clouds, as high as beaven itself? O, in tbis love, you love your child so ill, That you run mad, seeing that sbe is well: She's not well marry 'd that lives marry' d long ? But she's best marry' 'd that dies marry' d young. Dry up your tears, and stick your rosemary On tbis fair corse ; and as the custom is, In all her best array bear ber to tbe church: For though fond nature bids us all lament, Tet nature's tears are reason's merriment. Cap. All things that we ordained festival, Turn from their office to black funeral ; Our instruments to melancholy bells ; Our wedding cheer to a sad burial feast ; Our solemn hymns to sullen dirges change; Our bridal flowers serve for a bury'd corse, And all things change them to the contrary. Fri. Sir, go you in, and, madam, go with him ;- And go, sir Paris ; every one prepare To follow this fair corse unto her grave : The heavens do lowr upon you for some ill ; Move them no more, by crossing their high will. No. XXXIV. HAMLET, PRINCE OF DENMARK. ACT I. SCENE IV. The Platform before tbe Palace at Elsineur. Hamlet, Horatio, Marcellus, and tbe Gbost. Painted by Mr.FusELi, R.A. Ham. The air bites shrewdly ; it is very cold. Hor. It is a nipping and an eager air. Ham. What hour now ? Hor. I think, it lacks of twelve. 68 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Mar. No, it is struck. Hor. Indeed I heard it not : it then draws near the season Wherein the spirit held his wont to walk. [A flourish of trumpets, and ordnance shot off, witbin. What does this mean, my lord ? Ham. The king doth wake to-night, and takes his rouse, Keeps wassel, and the swaggering up -spring reels ; And, as he drains his draughts of Rhenish down, The kettle-drum and trumpet thus bray out The triumph or his pledge. Hor. Is it a custom ? Ham. Ay, marry, is't; But to my mind, though I am native here, And to the manner born, it is a custom More honour'd in the breach than the observance. This heavy-headed revel, east and west, Makes us traduc'd, and tax'd of other nations: They clepe us drunkards, and with swinish phrase Soil our addition ; and, indeed, it takes From our atchievements, though perform'd at height, The pith and marrow of our attribute. So, oft it changes in particular men, That for some vicious mole of nature in them, As, in their birth (wherein they are not guilty, Since nature cannot choose his origin) By the o'ergrowth of some complexion, Oft breaking down the pales and forts of reason ; Or, by some habit, that too much o'er-leavens The form of plausive manners ! that these men, Carrying, I say, the stamp of one defect; Being nature's livery, or fortune's star, Their virtues else (be they as pure as grace, As infinite as man may undergo) Shall, in the general censure, take corruption From that particular fault : The dram of base Doth all the noble substance of worth doubt, To his own scandal. Enter Gbost. Hor. Look, my lord, it comes! Ham. Angels and ministers of grace defend us J Be thou a spirit of health, or goblin damn'd, Bring with thee airs from heaven, or blasts fiom hell, Be thy intents wicked, or charitable, Thou com'st in such a questionable shape, SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 69 That I will speak to thee : I'll call thee, Hamlet, King, father, royal Dane ; O, answer me ! Let me not hurst in ignorance ! but tell, Why thy canoniz'd bones, hears'd in death, Have burst their cerements ? why the sepulchre^ Wherein we saw thee quietly in-urn'd, Hath op'd his ponderous and marble jaws, To cast thee up again ? What may this mean, That thou, dead corse, again, in complete steel, Revisir'st thus the glimpses of the moon, Making night hideous ; and we, fools of nature, So horridly to shake our disposition With thoughts beyond the reaches of our souls? Say, why is this ? wherefore? what should we do ? Hor. It beckons you to go away with it, As if it some impartment did desire To you alone. Mar. Look, with what courteous action It waves you to a more removed ground : But do not go with it. Hor. No, by no means. Ham. It will not speak; then I will follow it. Hor. Do not, my lord. Ham. Why, what should be the fear ? I do not set my life at a pin's fee ; And, for my soul, what can it do to that, Being a thing immortal as itself? It waves me forth again : I'll follow it. Hor. What, if it tempt you toward the flood, my lord? Or to the dreadful summit of the cliff, That beetles o'er his base into the sea ? And there assume some other horrible form, Which might deprive your sovereignty of reason, And draw you into madness? Think of it: The very place puts toys of desperation, Without more motive into every brain, That looks so many fathoms to the sea, And hears it roar beneath. Ham. It waves me still : Go on, I'll follow thee. Mar. You shall not go, my lord. Ham. Hold off your hands. Hor. Be rul'd ; you shall not go. Ham. My fate cries out, And makes each petty artery in this body 70 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. As hardy as the Nemean lion's nerve. [Gbost beckons. Still am I call'd.- unhand me, gentlemen ; [Breaking from them. By heaven, I'll make a gbost of him that lets me : I say, away: Go on, I'll follow thee. [Exeunt Ghost and Hamlet. Hor. He waxes desperate with imagination. Mar. Let's follow; 'tis not fit thus to obey him. Hor. Have after : To what issue will this come ? Mar. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Hor. Heaven will direct it. Mar. Nay, let's follow him. [Exeunt. 1790. No. XXXV. TEMPEST. ACT I. SCENE I. The incbanted Island : before the Cell of Pros per 0. Prospero and Miranda. Painted by Mr. Romney. Mira. If by your art, my dearest father, you have Put the wild waters in this roar, allay them : The sky, it seems, would pour down stinking pitch, But that the sea, mounting to the welkin's cheek, Dashes the fire out. O, I have sufFer'd With those that I saw suffer ! a brave vessel, Who had, no doubt, some noble creature in her, Dash'd all to pieces. O, the cry did knock Against my very heart ! Poor souls ! they perish'd. Had I been any god of power, I would Have sunk the sea within the earth, or ere It should the good ship so have swallow'd, and The freighting souls within her. Pro. Be collected ; No more amazement : tell your piteous heart There's no harm done. Enter Ariel. An. All hail, great master ! grave sir, hail ! I come To answer thy best pleasure ; be't to fly, 1% SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. To swim, to dive into the fire, to ride On the cnrl'd clouds : to thy strong bidding, task Ariel, and all his quality. Pro. Hast thou, spirit, Perform'd to point the tempest that I bade thee ? Ari. To every article. I boarded the king's ship ; now on the beak, Now in the waist, the deck, in every cabin, I flam'd amazement : Sometimes I'd divide, And burn in many places ; on the top-mast, The yards and boltsprit, would I flame distinctly, Then meet and join : Jove's lightnings, the precursors O' the dreadful thunder-claps, more momentary And sight out-running were not : the fire, and cracks Of sulphurous roaring, the most mighty Neptune Seem'd to besiege, and make his bold waves tremble, Yea, his dread trident shake* Pro. My brave spirit ! Who was so firm, so constant, that this coil Would not infect his reason ? Ari. Not a soul But felt a fever of the mad, and play'd Some tricks of desperation : All, but mariners, Plung'd in the foaming brine, and quit the vessel, Then all a- fire with me : the king's son, Ferdinand, With hair up-starting (then like reeds, not hair) Was the first man that leap'd ; cry'd, Hell is empty* And all the devils are here. Pro. Why, that's my spirit ! But was not this nigh shore ? Ari. Close by, my master. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 73 No. XXXVI. TEMPEST. ACT I. SCENE II. The inchanUd Island : before the Cell of Prospero. Prospero, Miranda, Caliban, and Ariel. Painted by Mr. Fusel 1, R. A. Pro. Thou poisonous slave, got by the devil himself Upon thy wicked dam, come forth ! Enter Caliban. Cat. As wicked dew as e'er my mother brush'd With raven's feather from unwholesome fen, Drop on you both ! a south-west blow on ye, And blister you all o'er ! Pro. For tbis, be sure, to-night tbou sbalt have cramps, Side-slitcbes that shall pen tby breath up ; urchins Shall, for that vast of mgbt that they may work, All exercise on thee : thou sbalt be pinch' d As thick as boney-combs, each pinch more stinging Than bees that made them. Cal. / must eat my dinner. Tbis island's mine, by Sycorax my mother, Which tbou tak'stfrom me. When thou earnest first, Tbou strok'st me, and mad'st much of me; would' st give me Water with berries in't ; and teach me how To name the bigger light, and how the less, That burn by day and night: and then I lov'd thee, And shew'd thee all the qualities 0' the isle, The fresh springs, brine-pits, barren place, and fertile; Curs' d be 1, that did sol All the charms Of Sycorax, toads, beetles, bats, light on you ! i'or I am all the subjects that you have, Which first was mine own king : and here you sty me In Ibis hard rock, whiles you do keep from me The rest of the. island, L 74 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Pro. Tbou most lying slave, Whom stripes may move, not kindness : I have us'd tbee, FHtb as tbou art, with human care ; and lodg'd tbee In mine own cell, till tbou didst seek to violate Tbe honour of my child. Cal. Ob bo, oh bo I would it bad been done I Tbou didst prevent me ; I bad peopled else This isle with Calibans. Pro. Abhorred slave ; Which any print of goodness will not take, Being capable of all ill ! I pity'd thee, Took pains to make thee speak, taught thee each hour One thing or other : when thou didst not, savage, Know thine own meaning, but would'st gabble like A thing most brutish, I endow'd thy purposes With words that made them known : But thy vild race, Though thou didst learn, had that in't which good natures Could not abide to be with ; therefore wast thou Deservedly confin'd into this rock, Who hadst deserv'd more than a prison. Cal. You taught me language ; and my profit on't Is, I know how to curse. The red plague rid you For learning me your language ! Pro. Hag- seed, hence ; Fetch us in fewel ; and be quick, thou wert best To answer other business. Shrug'st thou, malice? If thou neglect'st, or dost unwillingly What I command, I'll rack thee with old cramps, Fill all thy bones with aches ; make thee roar, That beasts shall tremble at thy din. Cal. No, 'pray thee ! I must obey: his art is of such power, [Aside. It would controul my dam's god, Setebos, And make a vassal of him. Pro. So, slave, hence,! [Exit. Cal. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 75 No. XXXVII. TEMPEST, ACT V. SCENE I. The Entrance of the Cell opens , and discovers Fer-. dinand and Miranda playing at Chess. Painted by Mr, Wheatley, R. A, Mira. Sweet lord, you play me false. Fer. No, my dearest love, I would not for the world. Mira Yes, for a score of kingdoms, you should wrangle ; And I would call it fair play. No. XXXVIII. TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA. ACT, V. SCENE III. A Forest. Valentine, Protheus, Silvia, and Julia. Painted by Mrs. Angelica Kauffma^ Zucchi, R.A. Enter Valentine. Val. How use doth breed a habit in a man ! This shadowy desert, unfrequented woods, I better brook than flourishing peopled towns : Here can I sit alone, unseen of any, And, to the nightingale's complaining notes, Tune my distresses, and record my woes. 76 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. O thou, that dost inhabit in my breast, Leave not the mansion so long tenantless, Lest growing ruinous, the building fall, And leave no memory of what it was ! Repair me with thy presence, Silvia ; Thou gentle nymph, cherish thy forlorn swain ! What hallooing and what stir is this to-day? These are my mates, that make their wills their law, Have some unhappy passenger in chace: They love me well ; yet I have much to do To keep them from uncivil outrages. Withdraw thee, Valentine. Who's this comes here? [Steps aside. Enter Protbeus, Silvia, and Julia. Pro. Madam, this service I have done for you (Though you respect not aught your servant doth) To hazard life, and rescue you from him That would have forc'd your honour and your love. Vouchsafe me for my meed, but one fair look; A smaller boon than this I cannot beg : And Utss than this, I'm sure you cannot give. Val. How like a dream is this I see and hear! Love, lend me patience to forbear awhile. [Aside* Sil. O miserable, unhappy that I am ! Pro. Unhappy were you, madam, ere I came; But, by my coming, I have made you happy. 5/7. By thy approach thou mak'st me most unhappy. Jul. And me, when he approacheth to your presence. [Aside. Sil. Had I been seized by a hungry lion, I would have been a breakfast to the beast, Rather than have false Protheus rescue me. O, heaven be judge, how I love Valentine, Whose life's as tender to me as my soul ; And full as much (for more there cannot be) I do detest false, perjur'd Protheus : Therefore be gone, solicit me no more. Pro. What dangerous action, stood it next to death, Would I not undergo, for one calm look ! O, 'tis the curse in love, and still approv'd, When women cannot love, where they're belov'd ! Sil- When Protheus cannot love where he's belov'd. Read over Julia's heart, thy first best love, For whose dear sake thou didst then rend thy faith SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 77 Into a thousand oaths : and all those oaths Descended into perjury, to love me. Thou hast no faith left now, unless thou had'st two, And that's far worse than none ; better have none Than plural faith, which is too much by one : Thou counterfeit to thy true friend ! Pro. Ifl love, Who respects friend ? Sil. AUmen but Protheus. Pro. Nay, if the gentle spirit of moving words Can no way change you to a milder form, I'll woo you, like a soldier, at arm's end ; And love you 'gainst the nature of love, force you. Sil. Obeaven! Pro. V II force tbee yield to my desire. Val. Ruffian, let go that rude uncivil touch; Thou frier d of an ill fashion! Pro. Valentine! Val. Tbou common friend, that's without faith or love (For such is a friend now) ; treacherous man! Thou bast beguil'd my hopes ; nought but mine eye Could have persuaded me : Now I dare not say I have one friend alive ; thou would' 'st disprove me. Who should be trusted, when one's own right band Isperjur'd to the bosom? Protbeus, I am sorry, I must never trust tbee more, But count the world a stranger for thy sake. The private wound is deepest! O time, most accurst! 'Mongst all foes, that a friend should be the worst! 7 8 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. No. XXXIX. MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. ACT I. SCENE I. Anne Page, Slender, and Simple. Painted by Mr. Smirke. Re-enter Anne Page. Sbal. Here comes fair mistress Annej would I were young, for your sake, mistress Anne ! Anne. The dinner is on the table ; my father desires your worship's company. Sbal. I will wait on him, fair mistress Anne. Eva. Od's plessed will ! I will not be absence at the grace. [Exeunt Sbal. and Evans. Anne. WilVt please your worship so come in, sir? Slen. No, I thank you, forsooth, heartily, I am very well. Anne. The dinner attends you, sir. Slen. / am not a hungry, I thank you, forsooth :-r-Go sir- rah, for allyou are my man, go wait upon my cousin Shallow. [Exit Simple.] A justice of peace sometime may be beholden to bis friend for a man: I keep but three men and a boy yet, till my mother be dead ; But what though ? yet I lipe like a poor gentleman born. Anne. J may not go in without your worship : they will not sit till you come. Slen. V faith I'll eat nothing : I thank you as much as tbo* I did. Anne. I pray you, sir, walk in. Slen. J bad ratbtr walk here* I thank you : I bruis'd my shin the other day with playing at sword and dagger with a master of fence ; three veneys for a dish of stew'd prunes ; and, by my troth, I cannot abide the smell of hot meat since. Why do your dogs bark so ? be there bears i'the town ? SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 79 Anne. I think, there are, sir ; I heard them talk'd of. Slen. I love the sport well; but I shall as soon quarrel at it as any man in England. You are afraid, if you seje the bear loose, are you not ? Anne. Ay, indeed, sir. Slen. That's meat and drink to me now: I have seen Sackerson loose twenty times, and have taken him by the chain : but, I warrant you, the women have so cried and shriek'd at it, that it pass'd : but women, indeed, cannot abide 'em ! they are very ill-favour'd rough things. No. XL. MEASURE FOR MEASURE. ACT II. SCENE I. Angelo's House. Escalus, a Justice, Elbow, Froth, Clown, Of- ficers, &c. Painted by Mr. Smirke. Elb. Come, bring them away : if these be good people in a commonweal, that do nothing but use their abuses in common houses, I know no law: bring them away. Ang. How now, sir! What's your name? and what's the matter-? * Elb. If it please your honour, I am the poor Duke's constable, and my name is Elbow: I do lean upon justice, sir, and do bring in here before your good honour two no- torious benefactors. Ang. Benefactors? Well; what benefactors are they? are they not malefactors ? Elb. If it please your honour, I know not well what they are: but precise villains they are, that I am sure of; and void of all profanation in the world that good christians ought to have. Escal. This comes off well ; here's a wise officer. So SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Ang. Go to : What quality are they of? Elbow is your name ? Why dost thou not speak, Elbow, Clown. He cannot, sir; he's out at elbow. Ang. What are you, sir? Elb. He, sir? a tapster, sir; parcel-bawd; one that serves a bad woman ; whose house, sir, was, as they say, pluck'd down in the suburbs ; and now she professes a hot- house, which, I think, is a very ill house too. Escul. How know you that ? Elb. My wife, sir, whom I detest before heaven and your honour Escal. How ! thy wife ? Elb. Ay, sir; whom, I thank heaven, is an honest wo- man; Escal. Dost thou detest her therefore ? Elb. I say, sir, I will detest myself also, as well as she, that this house, if it be not a bawd's house, it is pity of her life, for it is a naughty house. Escal. How dost thou know that, constable? Elb. Marry, sir, by my wife; who, if she had been a woman cardinally given, might have been accused in forni- cation, adultery, and all uncleanness there. Escal. By the woman's means ? Elb. Ay, sir, by mistress Ovferdone's means : but as she spit in his face, so she defy'd him. Clown. Sir, if it please your honour, this is not so, Elb. Prove it before these varlets here, thou honourable man ; prove it. Escal. Do you hear how he misplaces? [To Angela. Clown. Sir, she came in great with child ; and longing (saving your honour's reverence) for stew'd prunes; sir, we had but two in the house, which at that very distant time stood, as it were, in a fruit-dish, a dish of some three- pence ; your honours have seen such dishes ; they are not China dishes, but very good dishes. Escal. Go to, go to ; no matter for the dish, sir. Clown. No, indeed, sir, not of a pin; you are therein in the right: but, to the point : As I say, this mistress El- bow, being, as I say, with child, and being great. belly 'd, and longing, as I said, for prunes ; and having but two in the dish, as I said, master Froth here, this very man, hav^ ing eaten the rest, as I said, and, as I say, paying for them very honestly; for, as you know, master Froth, I could not give you three-pence again. Froth. No, indeed. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 81 Clown. Very well : you being then, if you be remem- bered, cracking the stones of the foresaid prunes. Frotb. Ay, so I did, indeed. Clown. Why, very well: I telling you then, if you be remembered, that such a one, and such a one, were past cure of the thing you wot of, unless they kept very good diet, as I told you. Frotb. All this is true. Clown. Why, very well, then. Escal. Come, you are a tedious fool : to the purpose. What was done to Elbow's wife, that he hath cause to com- plain of? come me to what was done to her. Clown. Sir, your honour cannot come to that yet. Escal. No, sir, nor I mean it not. Clown. Sir, but you shall come to it, by your honour's leave: And I beseech you, look into master Froth, here, sir; a man of fourscore pound a year; whose father died at Hallowmas. Was't not at Hallowmas, master Froth? Frotb- All-hallond eve. Clown. Why, very well ; I hope here be truths : He, sir, sitting, as I say, in a lower chair, sir ; 'twas in the Bunch of Grapes, where indeed you have a delight to sit : Have you not ? Frotb. I have so? because it is an open room, and good for winter. Cloxvn. Why, very well then ; I hope here be truths. Aug. This will last out a night in Russia, When nights are longest there. I'll take my leave, And leave you to the hearing of the cause ; Hoping, you'll find good cause to whip them all. Escal. I think no less: Good-morrow to your lordship. [ExitAngelo. Now, sir, come on ; what was done to Elbow's wife, once more? Clown. Once, sir ? there was nothing done to her once. Elb. I beseech you, sir, ask him what this man did to my wife. Clown. I beseech your honour, ask me. Escal. Well, sir, What did this gentleman to her ? Clown. I beseech you, sir, look in this gentleman's face : Good master Froth, look upon his honour ; 'tis for a good purpose : Doth your honour mark his face? Escal. Ay, sir, very well. Clown. Nay, I beseech you, mark it well. M %z SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Escal. Well, I do so. Clown. Doth your honour see any harm in his face ? Escal. Why, no. Clown. I'll be supposed upon a book, his face is the worst thing about him : Good then ; if his face be the worst thing about him, how could master Froth do the constable's wite any harm ? I would know that of your honour. Escal. He's in the right. Constable, what say you to it ? Elb. First, an it like you, the house is a respected house ; next, this is a respected fellow ; and his mistress is a respect- ed woman. Clown. By this hand, sir, his wife is a more respected per- son than any of us all. Elb. Varlet, thou liest; tbou liest, wicked varlet; the time is yet to tome that she was ever respected with man, woman, or child. Clown. Sir, she was respected with him before be marry 'd with her. Escal. Which is the wiser here ? Justice or Iniquity? Is this true ? Elb. O thou caitiff! O tbou varlet! O tbou wicked Han- nibal! I respected with her before I was marry'd to ber! If ever I was respected with her, or she with me, let not your worship think me the poor duke's officer. Prove this, thou wicked Hanibal, or I'll have mine action of battery on tbee. Escal. If he took you a box o'fhe ear, you might have your action of slander too. Elb. Marry, I thank your good worship for it : WhatVt your worship's pleasure I shall do with this wicked cai- tiff? Escal. Truly, officer, because he has some offences in him, that thou would'st discover if thou couldst, let him continue in his courses till thbu knowest what they are. Elb. Marry, I thank your worship for it : Thou seest, thou wicked varlet now, what's come upon thee; thou art to continue now, thou varlet ; thou art to continue. Escal. Where were you born, friend ? [7b Froth. Froth. Here in Vienna, sir. Escal. Are you of fourscore pounds a year ? Froth. Yes, an't please jou, sir. Escal. So. What trade are you of, sir ? [To the Clown. Clown. A tapster; a poor widow's tapster. ' . Eseal. Your mistress's name? SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 83 Clown. Mistress Overdone. Escal. Hath she had any more than one husband ? Clown. Nine, sir : Overdone by the last. Escal. Nine! Come hitherto me, master Froth. Mas- ter Froth, I would not have you acquainted with tapsters; they will draw you, master Froth, and you will hang them. Get you gone, and let me hear no more of you. No. XLI. MIDSUMMER-NIGHT'S DREAM. ACT II. SCENE I. Puck. Painted by Mr. Fuseli, R. A. Puck. Thou speak'st aright ; I am that merry wanderer of the night. I jest to Oberon, and make him smile, Wben I a fat and bean-fed borse beguile, Neigbiug in likeness of a silly foal/ And sometime lurk I in a gossip's bowl, In very likeness of a roasted crab ; And, when she drinks, against her lips I bob ; And on her wither'd dew-lap pour the ale: The wisest aunt telling the saddest tale, Sometimes for three-foot stools mistaketh me ; Then slip I from her bum, down topples she, And tailor cries, and falls into a cough, And then the whole quire hold their hips, and lofFe, And waxen in their mirth, and neeze, and swear. A merrier hour was never wasted there. But room, Faery, here comes Oberon, 84 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. No. XLII. MIDSUMMER-NIGHT'S DREAM ACT II. SCENE II. Puck. Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, LATE PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL ACADEMYj. Puck Through the forest bavel gone, But Athenian found I none, On whose eyes I might approve This flower's force in stirring love. No. XLIII. MERCHANT OF VENICE. ACT V. SCENE I. Belmont. A Grove, and Lawn, before Portia's House. Jessica, Lorenzo, and Stephano. Painted by Mr. Hodges, R. A. Lor. Sweet soul, let's in, and there expect their coming. And yet no matter ; why should we go in ? My friend Stephano, signify, J pray you, Within the house, your mistress is at hand; And bring your music forth into the air. [Exit Servant. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. t$ How sweet the moon-light sleeps upon tbis bank! Here we will sit, and let the sounds of music Creep in our ears ; soft stillness and the nigbt Become tbe touches of sweet harmony. Sit, Jessica : Look, bow tbe floor of heaven Is tbick inlay' d witb patines of bright gold ; There's not tbe smallest orb wbicb thou bebold'st, But in tbis motion like an ..ngle sings, Still quiring to tbe young-ey'd cberubims: Such harmony is in immortal souls ; But, whilst tliis muddy vesture of decay Doth grossly close it in, we cannot hear it. Enter Musicians. Come, ho, and wake Diana with a hymn ; With sweetest touches pierce your mistress' ear, And draw her home with music. [Music. Jes. I am never merry when I hear sweet music. Lor. The reason is, your spirits are attentive: For do hut note a wild and wanton herd, Or race of youthful and unhandled colts, Fetching mad bounds, bellowing, and neighing loud, Which is the hot condition of their blood ; If they but hear perchance a trumpet sound, Or any air of music touch their ears, You shall perceive them make a mutual stand, Their savage eyes turn'd to a modest gaze By the sweet power of music : Therefore, the poet Did feign that Orpheus drew trees, stones, and floods ; Since nought so stockish, hard, and full of rage, But music for the time doth change his nature. The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not mov'd with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils ; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted. Mark the music. J- SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. No. XLIV. ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL, ACT V. SCENE III. King, Countess , Lafeu, Lords, Attendants, &c. Bertram guarded, Diana, and Widow. Painted by Mr. Wheatley, R. A. Enter Helena and Widow. King. Is there no exorcist, Beguiles the truer office of mine eyes ? Is't real that I see ? Hel. No, my good lord ; 'Tis but a shadow of a wife you see; The name, and not the thing. Ber. Both, both ; oh, pardon ! Hel. Ob, my good lord, when I was like this maid, I found you womVrous kind. There is your ring ; And, look you, here's your letter: This it says, When from my finger you can get this ring, And are by me with child, .This is done: Will you be mhte now you are doubly won ? Ber. If -she, my liege,can make me know this clearly, I'll love her dearly, ever, ever dearly. Hel. If it appear not plain, and prove untrue, Deadly divorce step between me and you ! O, my dear mother, do I see you living ? Laf. Mine eyes smell onions, I shall weep anon : Good Tom Drum, lend me a handkerchief: So, I thank thee; wait on me home, I'll make sport with thee; Let thy eourt'sies alone, they are scurvy ones. King. Let us from point to point this story know, To make the even truth in pleasure flow. If thou be'st yet a fresh uncropped flower, [To Diana. Choose thou thy husband, and I'll pay thy dower ; For I can guess, that, by thy honest aid, SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Thou kept'st a wife herself, thyself a maid. Of that, and all the progress, more and less, Resolvedly more leisure shall express : All yet seems well ; and, if it end so meet, The bitter past, more welcome is the sweet. 1 1 No. XLV. TWELFTH NI-GHT. ACT III. SCENE IV. Oliver's House. Olivia, Maria, and Malvolio. Painted by Mr. Ramberg. Enter Olivia and Maria. Oli. I have sent after him : He says he'll come} How shall I feast him ? what bestow of him ? For youth is bought more oft than begg'd or borrow'd. I speak too loud. Where is Malvolio ? he's sad and civil, And suits well for a servant with my fortunes. Where is Malvolio ? Mar. He's coming, madam, but in very strange manner. He is sure possest, madam. Oli. Why, what's the matter ? does he rave r t Mar. No, madam, He does nothing but smile: your ladyship wye best To have some guard about you, if he come ; For, sure, the map is tainted in his wits. Oli. Go, call him hither. I'm as mad as he, Enter Malvolio. If sad and merry madness equal be. Hw now, Malvolio ? 83 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Mai. Sweet lady, bo bo. [Smiles fantastically, Oli. SmiVsttbou? I sent for tbee upon a sad occasion. Mai. Sad lady ? I could be sad : This does make some ob- struction in the blood, tbis cross-gartering But what of tbat? if it please tbe eye of one, it is with me as the very true sonnet is : Please one, and please all. Oli. Why, how dost thou, man? what is the matter with thee ? Mai. Not black in my mind, though yellow in my legs. It did come to his hands, and commands shall be executed. I think we do know^he sweet Roman hand. Oli. Wilt thou go to bed, Malvolio? Mai. To bed ? Ay, sweetheart ; and I'll come to thee. Oli. God comfort thee! Why dost thou smile so, and kiss thy hand so oft ? Mar. How do you, Malvolio? Mai. At your request? Yes ; nightingales answer daws. Mar. Why appear you with this ridiculous boldness be- fore my lady ? Mai. Be not afraid of greatness: 'T was well writ. Oli. What meanest thou by that, Malvolio ? Mai. Some are born great, Oli. Ha? Mai. Some atcbieve greatness, Oli. What say'st thou ? Mai. And some bave greatness tbrust upon tbem. Oli. Heaven restore the* ! Mai. Remember who commended thy yellow stocking's ; Oli. Thy yellow stockings ? Mai. And wisb'd to see tbee cross-garter' 'd. Oli. Cross-garter'd ? Mai. Go to : tbou art made, if tbou desir'st to be so ; Oli. Am I made ? Mai. If not, let me see tbee a servant still. Oli. Why, this is very midsummer madness. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 89 No. XL VI. TWELFTH NIGHT. ACT V. SCENE I. The Street. Duke, Viola, Antonio, Officers, Olivia, Priest, and Attendants. Painted by Mr. Hamilton, R. A. Enter Olivia and Attendants. Duke. Here comes the countess } now heaven walks on earth. > But for thee, fellow, fellow, thy words are madness : Three months this youth hath tended upon me; But more of that anon. Take him aside. OH. What would my lord, but that he may not have, Wherein Olivia may seem serviceable ? Cesario, you do not keep promise with me. Vio. Madam? Duke. Gracious Olivia. OLi. What do you say, Cesario ? Good my lord, Vio. My lord would speak, my duty hushes me. OH. If it be aught to the old tune, my lord, It is as fat and fulsome to mine ear As howling after music. Duke. Still so cruel ? OH. Still so constant, lord Duke. What ! to perverseness ? you uncivil lady, To whose ingrate and inauspicious altars My soul the raithful'st offerings hath breath'd out, That e'er devotion tender'd ! What shall I do ? OH. Even what it please my lord, that shall become him. Duke. Why should I not, had I the heart to do it, Like to the Egyptian thief, at point of death, Kill what 1 love ; a savage jealousy, That sometimes savours nobly ? But hear me this : Since you to non-regardance cast my faith, N go SHAKSPEARE GALLERY* And that I partly know the instrument That screws me from my true place in your favour, Live you the marble-breasted tyrant still ; But this your minion, whom, I know, you love, And whom, by heaven I swear, I tender dearly, Him will I tear out of that cruel eye, Where he sits crowned in his master's spight. Come, boy, with me ; my thoughts are ripe in mischief: I'll sacrifice the lamb that I do love, To spite a raven's heart within a dove. [Going', Vio. And I, most jocund, apt and willingly, To do you rest, a thousand deaths would die. [F allowing. Oli. Where goes Cesario ? Vio. After him I love,' More than I love these eyes, more than my life, More, by all mores, than e'er I shall love wife : If I do feign, you witnesses above, Punish my life for tainting of my love \ Oli. Ah me, detested ! how am I beguil'd I Vio. Who does beguile you ? who does do you wrong? Oli. Hast thou forgot thyself? Is it so long ? Call forth the holy father. [Exit an Attendant. Duke. Come away. [To Viola- Oli. Whither, my lord ? Cesario, husband, stay. Duke. Husband? Oli. Ay, husband; can he that deny? Duke. Her husband, sirrah? Vio. No, my lord, not I. OH- Alas, it is the baseness of thy fear That makes thee strangle thy propriety: Fear not, Cesario, take thy fortunes up j Be that thou know'st thou art, and then thou art As great as that thou fear'st. O welcome, father ! Re-enter Attendant and Priest. Father, I ebarge thee by thy reverence, Here to unfold ( though lately we intended To keep in darkness what occasion now Reveals before 'tis ripe J what thou dost know Hath newly past between this youth and me. Priest. A contract of eternal bond of love, Confirm' d by mutual joinder of your bands, Attested by the holy close of lips, Strengthen^ by inter changement of your rings ; And all the ceremony of this compact Sealed in my function by my testimony : SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 1 Since wben, my watch batb told me, toward my grave I bave traveWd but two hours. Duke. O thou dissembling cub ! what wilt thou be When time hath sow'd a grizzle on thy case ? Or will not else thy craft so quickly grow, That thine own trip shall be thine overthrow ? Farewell, and take her : but direct thy feet Where thou and I henceforth may never meet. Vio. My lord, I do protest, Oli. O, do not swear ; _.. Hold little faith, though thou hast too much fear. No. XLVII. FIRST PART OF KING HENRY IV. ACT V. SCENE IV. Plain near Shrewsbury. Prince Htnry, Hotspur, and Falstaff. Painted by Mr. Rigaud, R. A. Enter Hotspur. Hot. If I mistake not, thou art Harry Monmouth. P. Henry. Thou speak'st as if I would deny my name. Hot. My name is Harry Percy. P. Henry. Why, then I see A very valiant rebel of the name, I am the prince of Wales ; and think not, Percy, To share with me in glory any more : Two stars keep not their motion in one sphere ; Nor can one England brook a double reign Of Harry Percy and the prince of Wales. 92 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Hot. Nor shall it* Harry, for the hour is come To end the one of us : And would to God Thy n .me in arms were now as great as mine ! P. Henry. I'll make it greater ere I part from thee ; And all the hudding honours on thy crest I'll crop, to make a garland for my head. Hot. I can no longer brook thy vanities. [They figbt. Enter Falstaff. Fal. Well said, Hal ! to it, Hal ! Nay, you shall find no boy's play here, I can tell you. Enter Douglas ; be fights with Falstaff, who falls down as if be were dead, and exit Douglas. Hotspur is wounded, and falls. Hot. O, Harry, thou bast robb'd me of my youth : I better brook the loss of brittle life Than those proud titles thou hast won of me ; They wound my thoughts worse than the sword my flesh : But thought's the slave of life, and life time's fool ; And time, that takes survey of all the world, Must have a stop. O, I could prophesy, Bui tbal the earthy and cold band of death . Lies on my tongue : No, Percy, thou art dust, And food for [Dies. P. Henry. For worms, brave Percy : Fare thee well, great heart ! 111 wcav'd ambition, how much art thou shrunk ! When that this body did contain a spirit, A kingdom, for.it was too small a bound ; But now, two paces of the vilest earth Is room enough : This earth, that bears thee dead. Bears not alive so stout a gentleman, If thou wert sensible of courtesy, I should not make so dear a show of zeal : But let my favours hide thy mangled face ; And, even in thy behalf, I'll thank myself For doing these fair rites of tenderness. Adieu, and take thy praise with thee to heaven ! Thy ignominy sleep with thee in the grave, But not remember'd in thy epitaph ! [ He sees Falstaff on the ground. What ! old acquaintance ! could not all this flesh Keep in a little life ? Poor Jack, farewell ! SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 9* I could have better spar'd a better man. O, I should have a heavy miss of thee, If I were much in love with vanity. Death hath not struck so fat a deer to-day, Though many dearer, in this bloody fray. Imbowell'd will I s^e thee by and by : Till then, in blood by noble Percy lie. [Exit. ahtqff" rising slowly. Fal. Imbowell'd! If thou imbowel me to-day, I'll give you leave to powder me, and eat me too, to-morrow. 'Sblood, 'twas time to counterfeit, or that hot termagant Scot had paid me scot and lot too. Counterfeit? I lie, I am no counterfeit : To die, is to be a counterfeit ; for he is but the counterfeit of a man who hath not the life of a man : but to counterfeit dying, when a man thereby liveth, i% to be no counterfeit, but the true and perfect image of life indeed. The better part of valour is discretion; in the which better part, I have saved my life. Zounds, I am afraid of this gun-powder Percy, though he be dead. How if he should counterfeit too, and rise? I am afraid he would prove the better counterfeit. Therefore I'll make him sure : yea, and I'll swear I kill'd him. Why may not he rise, as well as I? Nothing confutes me but my eyes; and nobody sees me. Therefore, sirrah [stabbing bim] with a new wound in your thigh, come you along with me. [Takes Hotspur on bis back* 94 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. No. XLVIII. SECOND PART OF KING HENRY IV. ACT IV. SCENE IV. The Palace at Westminster. King Henry asleep ; Prince of Wales, Painted by Mr. J. Boydell. Enter Westmoreland. West. Health to my sovereign ! and new happiness Added to that I am to deliver ! Prince John, your son, doth kiss your grace's hand: Mowbray, the bishop Scroop, Hastings, and all, Are brought to the correction of your law ; There is not now a rebel's sword unsheath'd, But peace puts forth her olive every where. The manner how this action hath been borne, Here, at more leisure, may your highness read ; With every course in his particular. K. Henry. O Westmoreland, thou art a summer bird, Which ever in the haunch of winter sings The lifting up of day. Look ! here's more news. Enter Harcourt. Har. From enemies heaven keep your majesty; And, when they stand against you, may they fall As those that I am come to tell you of J The earl of Northumberland, and the lord Bardolph, With a great power of English, and of Scots, Are by the sheriff of Yorkshire overthrown : The manner and true order of the fight, This packet, please it you, contains at large. K. Henry. And wherefore should these good news maJie me sick ? Will fortune never come with both hands full, SHAK.SPEARE GALLERY. 55 But write her fair words still in foulest letters I She either gives a stomach, and no food Such are the poor in health ; or else a feast, And takes away the stomach Such are the rich That hath abundance, and enjoy it not. I should rejoice now at this happy news ; And now my sight fails, and my brain is giddy: O me ! come near me, now I am much ill. [Swoons* P. Humpb. Comfort, your majesty! Cla. O my royal father ! West. My sovereign lord, cheer up yourself, look up ! War. Be patient, princes ; you do know these fits Are with his highness very ordinary. Stand from him, give him air ; he'll straight be well. Cla. No, no ; he cannot long hold out these pangs 1 The incessant care and labour of his mind Hath wrought the mure, that should confine it in, So thin, that life looks through, and will break out. P. Humpb. The people fear me; for they do observe Unfather'd heirs, and loathly births of nature: The seasons change their manners ; as the year Had found some months asleep, and leap'd them over. Cla. The river hath thrice flow'd, no ebb between : And the old folk, time's doting chronicles, Say, it did so a little time before That our great grandsire, Edward, sick'd and dy'd. War. Speak lower, princes, for the king recovers. P. Humpb. This apoplexy will, certain, be his end. K. Henry. I pray you, take me up, and bear me hence Into some other chamber. Softly, pray. [Tbey convey tbe king to an inner part of the room, and place bim on a bed.] Let there be no noise made, my gentle friends, Unless some dull and favourable hand Will whisper music to my weary spirit. War. Call for the music in the other room. K. Henry. Set me the crown upon my pillow here. Cla. His eye is hollow, and he changes much. War. Less noise, less noise. Enter Prince Henry. P. Henry. Who saw the duke of Clarence? Cla. I am here, brother, full of heaviness. P. Henry. How now! rain within doors, and none abroad ! How doth the king i 96 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. P. Humph. Exceeding ill. P. Henry. Heard he the good news yet? Tell it him. P. Humph. He alter'd much upon the hearing it. P. Henry. If he be sick With joy, he will recover without physic. War. Not so much noise, my lords : sweet prince, speak low ; The king your father is dispos'd to sleep. Cla. Let us withdraw into the other room. War. Will't please your grace to go along with us ? P. Henry. No : I will sit and watch here by the king. [Exeunt all but P. Henry. Why doth the crown lie there upon his pillow, Being so troublesome a bed-fellow? O polish'd perturbation ! golden care ! That keep'st the ports of slumber open wide To many a watchful night! sleep with it now ! Yet not so sound, and half so deeply sweet, As he whose brow with homely biggen bound, Snores out the watch of night. O majesty ! When thou dost pinch thy bearer, thou dost sit Like a rich armour worn in heat of day, That scalds with safety. By his gates of breath There lies a downy feather, which stirs not: l)id he suspire, that light and weightless down Perforce must move. My gracious lord! my father! This sleep is sound, indeed; this is a sleep That from this golden rigol hath divorc'd So many EnglisWkings. Thy due, from me, fs tears, and heavy sorrows of thy blood; Which nature, love, arid filial tenderness, Shall, O dear father, pay thee plcnteously: My due from thee is this imperial crown ; Which, as immediate from thy place and blood, Derives itself to me. Lo, here it sits [Putting it on bis bead. Which heaven shall guard: and put the world's whole strength Into one giant arm, it shall not force This lineal honour from me : This from thee Will I to mine leave, as 'tis left to me [Exit. K. Henry. Warwick ! Gloster ! Clarence ! Re-enter Warwick, and the rest. Cla. Doth the king call ? War. What would your majesty? How fares your grac I SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 97 K. Henry. Why did you leave me here alone, my lords ? Cla. We left the prince my brother here, my liege, Who undertook to sit and watch by you. K.Henry. The prince of Wales? Where is he? let me see him : He is not here. War. This door is open ; he is gone this way. P. Humph. He came not through the chamber where we stay'd. K. Henry. Where is the crown ? who took it from my pillow ? War. When we withdrew, my liege, we left it here. K. Henry. The prince hath ta'en it hence; go seek him out. Is he so hasty, that he doth suppose My sleep my death ? Find him, my lord of Warwick ; chide him hither. This part of his conjoins with my disease, # And helps to end me. See, sons, what things you are ! How quickly nature falls into revolt When gold becomes her object ! For this the foolish over-careful fathers Have broke their sleep with thoughts, their brains with care, Their bones with industry; For this they have engrossed and pil'd up The canker'd heaps of strange-atchieved gold; For this they have been thoughtful to invest Their sons' with arts and martial exercises; When, like the bee, tolling from every flower The virtuous sweets ; Our thighs pack'd with wax, our mouths with honey, We bring it to the hive ; and, like the bees, Are murder'd for our pains. .This bitter taste Yield his engrossments to the ending father. Re-enter Warwick. Now, where is he that will not stay so long Till his friend sickness hath determin'd me? War. My lord, I found the prince in the next room, Washing with kindly tears his gentle cheeks ! With such a deep demeanour in great sorrow, That tyranny, which never quafPd but blood, Would, by beholding him, have wash'd his knife With gentle eye-drops. He is coming hither. K. Henry. But wherefore did he take away the crown? O 9 S SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. No. L. THIRD PART OF KING HENRY VI. ACT II. SCENE V. A "Field of battle, near Towton in Yorkshire. King Henry. Son that bad killed bis Father Father that bad killed bis Son. Queen , Prince Of Wales, and Exeter , in the Distance. Painted by Mr. J. Boydell- K. Henry. This battle fares like to the morning's war,.. When dying clouds contend with growing light ; What time the shepherd blowing of his nails, Can neither call it perfect day nor night. Now sways it this way, like a mighty sea, Forc'd by the tide to combat with the wind : Now sways it that way, like the self-same sea, Forc'd to retire by fury of the wind : Sometime, the flood prevails ; and then, the wind s Now, one the better; then, another best; Both tugging to be victors, breast to breast, Yet neither conqueror, nor conquered : So is the equal poise of this fell war. Here on this mole-hill will I sit me down. To whom God will, there be the victory ! For Margaret my queen, and Clifford too, Have chid me from the battle ; swearing both, They prosper best of all when I am thence. 'Would I were dead '. if God's good will were so : For what is in this world but grief and woe ? O God ! methinks, it were a happy life To be no better than a homely swain; To sit upon a hill as I do now, To carve out dials quaintly point by point. Thereby to see the minutes how they run* How many m*ke the hour full complete; SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 99 How many hours bring about the day ; How many days will finish up the year; How many years a mortal man may live. When this is known, then to divide the time : So many hours must 1 tend my flock ; So many hours must I take my rest ; So many hours must I contemplate ; So many hours must I sport myself; So many days my ewes have been with young \ So many weeks ere the poor fools will yean | So many years ere I shall sheer the fleece : So minutes, hours, days, months, and years* Past over to the end they were created, Would bring white hairs unto a quiet grave. Ah, what a life were this ! how sweet ! how lovely J Gives not the hawthorn bush a sweeter shade To shepherds looking on their silly sheep, Than doth a rich embroider'd canopy To kings that fear their subjects' treachery ? O, yes, it doth; a thousand fold it doth. And to conclude, the shepherds homely curds, His cold thin drink out of his leather bottle, His wonted sleep under a fresh tree's shade, All which secure and sweetly he enjoys. Is far beyond a prince's delicates, His viands sparkling in a golden cup, His body couched in a curious bed, When care, mistrust, and treason wait on him. Alarum. Enter a Son that has killed bis Father, dragging in the dead body. Son. Ill blows the wind that profits nobody.-- This man whom hand to hand I slew in fight, May be possessed with some store of crowns : And I, that haply take them from him now, May yet ere night yield both my life and them To some man else, as this dead man doth me. Who's this ? Oh God ! it is my father's face, Whom in this conflict I unawares have kijl'd. O heavy times, begetting such events ! From London by the king was I press'd forth j My father, being the ear} of Warwick's man, Came on the part of York, press'd by his master; And I, who at his hands received my life, Have by my hands of life bereav'd him. Pardon me, God, J knew npt what I did ! ioo SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. And pardon, father, fori knew not thee ! My tears shall wipe away these bloody marks ; And no more words, till they have flow'd their fill. K.Henry. O piteous spectacle 1 O bloody times ! Whilst lions war, and battle for their dens, Poor harmless lambs abide their enmity. Weep, wretched man, I'll aid thee tear for tear : And let our hearts and eyes, like civil war, Be blind with tears, and break o'ercharg'd with grief. Enter a Father, wbo has killed his Son, with the body in ( bis arms. Fatb. Thou that so stoutly hast resisted me, Give me thy gold, if thou hast any. gold ; For I have bought it with an hundred blows. But let me see : Is this our foeman's face? Ah, no, no, no, it is mine only son ! Ah, boy, if any life be left in thee, Throw up thine eye; see, see, what show'rs arise, Blown with the windy tempest of my heart, Upon thy wounds, that kill mine eye and heart ! O, pity, God, this miserable age ! What stratagems, how fell, how butcherly, Erroneous, mutinous, and unnatural, This deadly quarrel daily doth beget ' O boy, thy father gave thee life too soon, And hath bereft thee of thy life too late ! K. Henry. Woe, above woe ! grief, more than common grief! O, that my death would stay these ruthful deeds ! O pity, pity, gentb Heaven, pity ! The red rose and the white are on his face, The fatal colours of our striving houses : The one, his purple blood right well resembles; The other, his pale cheeks, methinks, present. Wither one rose, and let the other flourish ! If you contend, a thousand lives must wither. Son. How will my mother, for a father's death, Take on with me, and ne'er be satisfy'd ! Fatb. How will my wife, for slaughter of my son, Shed seas of tears, and ne'er be satisfy'd ! King Henry. How will the country, for these woeful chances, Mis-think the king, and not be satisfy'd ! Son. Was ever son, so ru'd a father's death ? SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 101 Fatb. Was ever father, so bemoan'd his son? K. Henry. Was ever king so griev'd for subjects' woe ? Much is your sorrow; mine, ten times so much. Son. I'll bear thee hence, where I may weep my fill. [Exit, witb the body. Fatb. These arms of mine shall be thy winding-sheet ; My heart, sweet boy, shall be thy sepulchre ; For from my heart thine image ne'er shall go. My sighing breast shall be thy funeral bell ; And so obsequious will thy father be, Sad for the loss of thee, having no more, As Priam was for all his valiant sons. I'll bear thee hence; and let them fight that will, For I have murder'd where I should not kill. [Exit, witb tbe body. K. Henry. Sad-hearted men, much overgone with care, Here sits a king more woeful than you are. Alarums. Excursions. Enter Queen Margaret, Prince of Wales, and Exeter. Prince. Fly, father, fly ! for all your friends are fled, And Warwick rages like a chafed hull : Away ! for death doth hold us in pursuit. Queen. Mount you, my lord, towards Berwick post amain: Edward and Richard, like a brace of greyhounds Having the fearful flying hare in sight, With fiery eyes, sparkling for very wrath, And bloody steel grasp'd in their ireful hands, Are at our backs : and therefore hence amain. Exe. Away! for vengence comes along with them: Nay, stay not to expostulate, make speed ; Or else come after, I'll away before. K. Henry. Nay, take me with thee, good sweet Exeter j Not that I fear to stay, but love to go Whither the queen intends. Forward ; away ! [Exeunt 102 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. No. LI. KING HENRY VIII. ACT I. SCENE IV. York-Flace. Cardinal JVolsey, Lord Sands, Anne Bullen, King Henry, &c. Painted by Mr. Stothart. Wol. You are welcome, my fair guests : that noble lady, Or gentleman, that is not freely merry, Is not my friend. This to confirm my welcome ; And to you all good health. [Drinks. Sands. Your grace is noble : Let me have such a bowl may hold my thanks, And save me so much talking. Wol. My lord Sands, I am beholden to you : cheer your neighbours. Ladies, you are not merry. Gentlemen, Whose fault is this? Sands. The red wine first must rise In their fair cheeks, my lord; then we shall have them Talk us to silence. Anne. You are a merry gamester, my lord Sands. Sands. Yes, if I make my play. Here's to your ladyship : and pledge it, madam, For 'tis to such a thing Anne. You cannot shew me. Sands. I told your grace, they would talk anon. [Drum and trumpets within, chambers discharged. Wol. What's that? Cham. Look out there, some of you. [Exit a servant. Wol. What warlike voice ? And to what endis this ? Nay, ladies, fear not ; By all the laws of war, you are privileg'd. Re-enter Servant. Cham. How now ? what is't ? Serv. A noble troop of strangers ; SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 103 For so they seem : They have left their barge, and landed, And hither make, as great ambassadors From foreign princes. JVol. Good lord Chamberlain, Go, give them welcome, you can speak the French tongue ; And, pray receive them nobly, and conduct them Into our presence, where this heaven of beauty Shall shine at full upon them : Some attend him. [All arise, and tables removed. You have now a broken banquet ; but we'll mend it. A good digestion to you all : and, once mofe, I shower a welcome on you ; -Welcome all. Hautboys. Enter the King, and others, as maskers, habited like Shepherds, usher'd by the Lord Chamberlain. They pass directly before the Cardinal, and gracefully salute him A noble company ! What are their pleasures ? Cham. Because they speak no English, thus they pray'd To tell your grace ; That, having heard by fame Of this so noble and so fair assembly This night to meet here, they could do no less, Out of the great respect they bear to beauty, But leave their flocks ; and, under your fair conduct, Crave leave to view these ladies, and entreat An hour of revels with them, JVol. Say, lord Chamberlain, They have done my poor house grace ; for which I pay them A thousand thanks, and pray them take their pleasures. [Ladies choose for the dance. King and Anne Bullen. King. The fairest hand I ever touch'd ! O, beauty, Till now I never knew thee. [Music. Dance. JVol. My lord. Cham. Your grace ? JVol. Pray tell them thus much from me : There should be one amongst them, by his person, More worthy this place than myself; to whom, If I but knew him, with my love and duty I would surrender it. Cham. I will, my lord. [Cham, goes to the company, and returns. JVol. What say they ? Cham. Such a one, they all confess There is, indeed ; which they would have your grace io 4 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Find out, and he will take it. Wol Let me see then. By all your good leaves, gentlemen ; Here I'll make My royal choice. King. You have found him, cardinal : You hold a fair assembly ; you do well, lord : You are a churchman, or, I'll tell you, cardinal, I should judge now unhappily. Wol. I am glad Your grace is grown so pleasant. King. My lord chamberlain, Pr'ythee, come hither : What fair lady's that ? Cbam. An't please your grace, sir Thomas Bullen's daughter, The viscount Rochford,one of her highness' women. King. By heaven, she is a dainty one. Sweetheart, / were unmannerly, to take you out And not to kiss you. A health, gentlemen ; Let it go round. WoL Sir Thomas Lovel, is the banquet ready I'the privy chamber ? Lov. Yes, my lord. Wol. Your grace, I fear, with dancing is a little heated. King. I fear, too much. Wol. There's fresher air, my lord, In the next chamber. King. Lead in your ladies, every one. Sweet partner, I must not yet forsake you : Let's be merry ; Good my lord cardinal, I have half a dozen healths To drink to these fair ladies, and a measure To lead them once again ; and then let's dream Who's best in favour. J jet the music knock it. [Exeunt with trumpets* SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 105 No. LII. KING HENRY VIII, ACT V. SCENE IV. The Palace. Enter Trumpets, sounding; then two Aldermen, Lord Mayor* Garter, Cranmer, Duke of Norfolk .with bis Marshal's staff, Duke of Suffolk, two noblemen bearing great standing bowls for the christening gifts; then four noblemen bearing a ca- nopy, under which the Duchess of Norfolk, godmother, bear- big the child richly habited in a mantle, &c. Train borne by a Lady : then follows the Marchioness of Dorset, the other godmother, and ladies. The troop pass once about the stage, and Garter speaks. Painted by Mr. Peters. Gart. Heaven, from thy endless goodness, send prosper- ous life, long, and ever happy, to the high and mighty prin- cess of England, Elizabeth ! FloHrisb. Enter King and Train. Cran. [Kneeling] And to your royal grace, and the good queen, My noble partners, and myself, thus pray ; All comfort, joy, in this most gracious lady, Heaven ever laid up to make parents happy, May hourly fall upon ye ! King. Thank you, good lord archbishop : What is her name ? Cran. Elizabeth. King. Stand up, lord. [The King kisses the child. With this kiss take my blessing : God protect thee 1 Into whose hand I give thy life. Cran. Amen. King. My noble gossips, ye have been too prodigal : I thank ye heartily ; so shall this lady, When she has so much English. Cran. Let me speak, sir, For Heaven now bids me ; and the words T utter Let none think flattery, for they'll find them truth. This royal infant ( Heaven still move about her ! J P 106 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY, Tbougb in her cradle, yet now promises Upon this land a thousand thousand blessings, Which time shall bring to ripeness : she shall be ( But few now living can behold that goodness J A pattern to all princes living with her, And all that shall succeed ; Sheba was never More covetous of wisdom and fair virtue Than this pure soul shall be : all princely grace That mould up such a mighty piece as this is, With all the virtues that attend the good, Shall still be doubled on her : truth shall nurse her : Holy and heavenly thoughts still counsel her : She shall be lov'd and lear'd: her own shall bless her ; Her foes shake like a field of beaten corn, And hang their heads with sorrow : Good grows with her i In her days, every man shall eat in safety, Under his own vine, what he plants : and sing The merry songs of peace to all his neighbours : God shall be truly known ; and those about her, From her shall read the perfect ways of honour, And by those claim their greatness, not by blood. Nor shall this peace sleep with her : But as when The bird of wonder dies, the maiden phcenix, Her ashes new create another heir, As great in admiration as herself, So shall she leave her blessedness to one (When Heaven shall call her from this cloud of darkness) Who, from the sacred ashes of her honour, Shall star-like rise, as great in fame as she was, And so stand fix'd : peace, plenty, love, truth, terror, That were the servants to this chosen infant Shall then be his, and like a vine grow to him ; Wherever the bright sun of heaven shall shine, His honour, and the greatness of his name Shall be, and make new nations : He shall flourish, And like a mountain cedar, reach his branches To all the plains about him ; Our childrens children Shall see this, and bless Heaven. King. Thou speakest wonders. Cran. She shall be to the happiness of England, An aged princess" ; many days shall see her, And yet no day without a deed to crown it. Would I had known no more ! but she must die ; She must, the saints must have her: yet a virgin, A most unspotted lily, shall she pass SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 107 To the ground, and all the world shall mourn her. King O, lord archbishop, Thou hast made me now a man ; never, before This happy child, did I get any thing : This oracle of comfort has so pleas'd me, That, when I am in heaven, 1 shall desire To see what this child does, and praise my maker. I thank ye all. To you, my good lord mayor, And your good brethren, I am much beholden ; I have received much honour by your presence, And ye shall find me thankful. Lead the way, lords ; Ye must all see the queen, and she must thank ye, She will be sick else. This day, no man think He has business at his house, for all shall stay j This little one shall make it holiday. [Exeunt. No. LIII. ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA. ACT. III. SCENE IX. Tju Palace in Alexandria. Antony, Cleopatra, Eros, Charmian, Iras, &c. <&c. Painted by Mr. Tresham. Ant . Hark, the land bids me tread no more upon't ; It is asham'd to bear me ! Friends, come hither ; I am so lated in the world, that I Have lost my way for ever : I have a ship, Laden with gold ; take that, divide it ; fly, And make your peace with Cassar. Omnes. Fly ! not we. Ant. I have fled myself; and have instructed cowards To run and shew their shoulders. Friends, begone : I have myself resolv'd upon a course, Which has no need of you ; begone : My treasure's in the harbour, take it . O, I follow M that I blush to look upon : My vpry hairs do mutiny ; for the white 108 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Reprove the brown for rashness, and they them For fear and doating. Friends, be gone ; you shall Have letters from me to some friends, that will Sweep your way for you. Pray you, look not sad, Nor make replies of lothness : take the hint Which my despair proclaims; let that be left Which leaves itself: to the sea-side straightway : I will possess you of that ship and treasure. Leave me, 1 pray, a little : pray you now : Nay, do so ; for, indeed, I have lost command, Therefore I pray you. I'll see you by and by. Enter Eros and Cleopatra, led by Cbarmian and Iras. Eros. Nay, gentle madam, to him. Comfort him. Iras. Do, most dear queen. Cbar. Do ! Why, what else ? Cleo. Let me sit down. O Juno ! Ant. No, no, no, no, no. Eros. See you here, sir I Ant. O t\ e, fye, fye ! Cbar. Madam Iras. Madam ! O good empress ! Eros. Sir, sir^ Ant. Yes, my lord, yes ; he at Philippi kept His sword even like a dancer, while I struck The lean and wrinkled Cassius ; and 'twas I That the mad Brutus ended : he alone Dealt on lieutenantry, and no practice had In the brave squares of war : Yet now. No matter. Cleo. Ah, stand by. Eros. The queen, my lord, tbe queen. Iras. Go to bim, madam ; speak to bim ; He is unqualified with very sbame. Cleo. Well then. Sustain me : O ! Eros. Most noble sir, arise ; tbe queen approaches ; Her bead's declirid, and death will seize ber : but Tour comfort makes tbe rescue. Ant. I have ojft tided reputation ; A most unnoble swerving. Eros. Sir, the queen. Ant. O, whither hast thou led me, Egypt ? See, How I convey my shame out of thine eyes, By looking back on what I have left behind 'Stroy'd in dishonour. Cleo. O my lord, my lord ! SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 109 Forgive my fearful sails ! I little thought You would have follow'd. Ant. ^Egypt, thou, knew'st too well, My heart was to thy rudder ty'd by the strings, And thou should'st tow me after : O'er my spirit Thy full supremacy thou knew'st ; and that Thy beck might from the bidding of the gods Command me. Cleo. O ! my pardon ! Ant. Now I must To the young man send humble treaties, dodge And palter in the shifts of lowness ; who With half the bulk o'er the world play'd as I pleas'd, Making, and marring fortunes. You did know, How much you were my conqueror ; and that My sword, made weak by my affection, would Obey it on all cause. Cleo. Pardon, pardon ! Ant. Fall not a tear, I say; one of them rates All that is won and lost : Give me a kiss ; Even this repays me. We sent our school-master ; Is he come back ? Love, I am full of lead : Some wine, within there, and our viands : Fortune knows, We scorn her most, when most she offers blows. [Exeunt. No. LIV. TIMON OF ATHENS. ACT IV. SCENE III. A Wood. Timon, Alcibiades, Phrynia, and Tymandra. - Painted by Mr. Opie, R. A. Ale. What art thou there ? speak. 77m. A beast, as thou art. The canker knaw thy heart For shewing me again the eyes of man ! Ale. What is thy name ? Is man so hateful to thee> That art thyself a man! Tim. I am misontbropos, and hate mankind. no SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. For thy part, I do wish thou wert a dog, That I might love thee something. Ale. I know thee well ; But in thy fortunes am unlearn'd and strange. Tim. I know thee too; and more, than that I know thee* I not desire to know. Follow thy drum ; With man's blood paint the ground, gules, gules : Religious canons, civil laws are cruel ; Then what should war be ? this fell whore of thine Hath in her more destruction than thy sword. For all Ler cherubim look. Pbry. Thy lips rot off! Tim. I will not kiss thee ; then the rot returns To thine own lips again. Ale. How came the noble Timon to this change ? Tim. As the moon does, by wanting light to give ; But then renew I could not, like the moon : There were no suns to borrow of. Ale. Noble Timon, What friendship may I do thee I Tim. None, but to Maintain my opinion. Ale. What is it, Timon ? Tim. Promise me friendship, but perform none : If Thou wilt not promise, the gods plague thee, For thou art a man ! if thou dost perform, Confound thee, for thou art a man ! Ale. I have heard in some sort of thy miseries* Tim. Thou saw'st them when I had prosperity, Ale. I see them now ; then was a blessed time. Tim. As thine is now, held with a brace of harlots. Tyman. Is this the Athenian minion, whom the world Voic'd so regardfully ? Tim. Art thou Tymandra ? Tyman. Yes. Tim. Be a whore still ! they love thee not, that use thee ; Give them diseases, leaving with thee their lust. Make use of thy salt hours : season the slaves For tubs and baths ; bring down rose-cheek'd youth To the tub-fast, and the diet. Tyman. Hang thee, monster ! Ale. Pardon him, sweet Tymandra ; for his wits Are drown'd and lost in his calamities. I have but little gold of late, brave Timon, The want whereof doth daily make revolt In my pernicious band : I have heard, and griev'd, SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. in How cursed Athens, mindless of thy worth, Forgetting thy great deeds, when neighbour states. But for thy sword and fortune, trod upon them, Tim. I pr'ythee beat thy drum, and get thee gone. Ale. I am thy friend, and pity thee, dear Timon. Tim. How dost thou pity him, whom thou dost trouble? I had rather be alone. Ale. Why, fare thee well : Here is some gold for thee. Tim. Keep it, I cannot eat it. Ale. When I have laid proud Athens on a heap, Tim. Warr'st thou 'gainst Athens? Ale. Ay, Timon, and have cause. Tim. The gods confound them all in thy conquest ! and Thee after, when thou hast conquer'd ? Ale. Why me, Timon ? Tim. That, by killing of villains, thou wast born To conquer my country. Put up thy gold : go on here's gold, go on ; Be as a planetary plague, when Jove Will o'er some high-vie'd city hang his poison In the sick air : Let not thy sword skip one : Pity not honour'd age for his white beard ; He is an usurer: Strike me the counterfeit matron ; It is her habit only that is honest, HerselPs a bawd : Let not the virgin's cheek Make soft thy trenchant sword ; for those milk-paps, That through the window-bars bore at men's eyes, Are not within the leaf of pity writ ; But set them down horrible traitors : Spare not the babe, Whose dimpled smiles from fools exhaust their mercy ; Think it a bastard, whom the oracle Hath doubtfully pronoune'd thy throat shall cut, And mince it sans remorse : Swear against objects .: Put armour on thine ears, and on thine eyes; Whose proof, nor yells of mothers, maids, nor babes, Nor sight of priests in holy vestments bleeding, Shall pierce a jot. There's gold to pay thy soldiers: Make large confusion : and, thy fury spent, Confounded be thyself! Speak not, begone. Ale. H/.st thou gold yet ? I'll take the gold thou giv'st me. Not all thy counsel. Tim. Dost thou, or dost thou not, hear'ns curse upon thee! 112 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Pbr. and Tym. Give us some gold, good Timon : Hast thou more ? Tim. Enough to make a whore forswear her trade/ And to make whores, a bawd. Hold up, you sluts, Tour aprons mountant : Tou are not oathable Although, I know, you'll swear, terribly swear, Into strong shudders, and to heavenly agues, The immortal gods that hear you, spare your oaths, I'll trust to your conditions : Be whores still; And he whose pious breath seeks to convert you, Be strong in whore, allure him, burn him up j Let your close fire predominate his smoke, And be no turn-coats : Yet may your pains six months, Be quite contrary : And thatch your poor thin roofs With burdens of the dead; some that were hang'd, No matter : wear them, betray with them : whore still ; Paint till a horse may mire upon your face ; A pox of wrinkles ! Phr. and Tym. Well, more gold ; What then ? Believe' t, that we'll do any thing for gold. Tym. Consumption sow In hollow bones of man ; strike their sharp shins, And marr men's spurring. Crack the lawyer's voice, That he may never more false titles plead, Nor sound his quillets shrilly : hoar the flamen, That scolds against the quality of flesh, And not believes himself: down with the nose, Down with it flat ; take the bridge quite away Of him, that is particular to foresee, Smells from the general weal : make curl'd pate ruffians And let the unscarr'd braggarts of the war Derive some pain from you : Plague all; That your activity may defeat and quell The source of all erection. There's more gold: Do you damn others, and let this damn you, And ditches grave you all ! Pbr. and Tym. More counsel with more money, boun- teous Timon. Tim. More whore, more mischief first; I have given you earnest. Ale. Strike up the drum towards Athens. Farewell, Ti- mon ; If I thrive well, I'll visit thee again. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 113 Tim. If I hope well, I'll never see thee more. Ale. 1 never did thee harm. Tim. Yes, thou spok'st well of me. Ale. Call 'stthou that harm ? Tim. Men daily find it. Get thee away, and take thy beagles with thee. Ale. We but offend him. Strike. [Drum beats. Exeunt. No. LV. TROILUS AND CRESSIDA. ACT V. SCENE II. Diomed, Cressida, Troilus, and Ulysses. Painted by Mrs. Angelica Kauffman Zucchi, R. A. Enter Diomed. Dio. What are you up here, ho ? speak. Cal. Who calls ? Dio. Diomed. Calchas, I think. Where's your daughter ? Cal. She comes to you. Enter Troilus and Ulysses, at a distance. Ulysses. Stand where the torch may not discover us. Enter Cressida. Troi. Cressid comes forth to him ! Dio. How now, my charge ? Cre. Now, my sweet guardian ! Hark ! A word with you [ Whiskers. Troi. Yea, so familiar ! Ulys. She will sing any man at first sight. I!4 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Tber. And any man May sing her, if he can take her cliff; she's noted. Dio. Will you remember ? Cre. Remember? yes. Dio. Nay, but do then ; And let your mind be coupled with your words. Troi. What should she remember ? Ulys. List! Cre. Sweet honey Greek, tempt me no more to folly. Dio. Nay, then. Cre. I'll tell you what. Dio. Pho ! pho ; come tell a pin : You are forsworn. Cre. In faith I cannot ; What would you have me do ? Dio. What did you swear you would bestow on me ? Cre. I pr'ythee, do not hold me to mine oath ; Bid me do any thing but that, sweet Greek. Dio. Good night. Troi. Hold, patience ! Ulys. How now, Trojan ? Cre. Diomed. Dio. No, no, good night : I'll be your fool no more. Troi. Thy better must. Cre. Hark, one word in your ear. Troi. O plague and madness ! Ulys. You are mov'd, prince ; let us depart, I pray you, Lest your displeasure should enlarge itself To wrathful terms : this place is dangerous ; The time right deadly ; I beseech you, go. Troi. Behold, I pray you ! Ulys. Now, good my lord, go off : You flow to great destruction : come, my lord. Troi. I pr'ythee, stay. Ulys. You have no patience ; come. Troi. I pray you, stay ; by hell, and all hell's torments, I will not speak a word. Dio. And so, good night. Cre. Nay, but you part in anger. Troi. Doth that grieve thee ? O wither'd truth ! Ulys. Why, how now lord ? Troi. By Jove, I will be patient. Cre. Guardian! why, Greek ! Dio. Pho, pho! adieu : you palter. Cre. In faith, I do not ; come hither once again. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 115 Ulys. You shake, my lord, at something; will you go? You will break out. Troi. Sbe strokes bis cbeek! Ulys. Come, come. Troi. Nay, stay ; by Jove I will not speak a word : There is between my will and all offences A guard of patience : stay a little while. Bio. But will you then? Cre. In faith, I will, la; never trust me else. Dio. Give me some token for the surety of it. Cre. I'll fetch you one. Ulys. You have sworn patience. Troi. Fear me not, my lord ; I will not be myself, nor have cognition Of what I feel ; I am all patience. No. LVI. ROMEO AND JULIET. ACT V. SCENE III. Monument belonging to the Capulets, Romeo and Paris dead; Juliet and Friar Lau- rence. Painted by Mr. Northcote, R. A. Rom. Give me that mattock, and the wrenching iron. Hold, take this letter ; early in the morning See thou deliver it to my lord and father. Give me the light : Upon thy life I charge thee, Whate'er thou hear'st or seest, stand all aloof, And do not interrupt me in my course. Why I descend into this bed of death Is, partly, to behold my lady's face : 1 16 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. But, chiefly, to take thence from her dead finger A precious ring ; a ring, that I must use In dear employment : therefore hence, begone : But if thou, jealous, dost return to pry In what I further shall intend to do, By heaven, I will tear thee joint by joint, And strew this hungry church-yard with thy limbs. The time and my intents are savage-wild ; More fierce, and more inexorable far, Than empty tigers, or the roaring sea. Baltb. I will begone, sir, and not trouble you. Rom. So shalt thou show me friendship. Take thou that: Live, and be prosperous ; and farewell, good fellow. Baltb. For all this same, I'll hide me hereabout; His looks I fear, and his intents I doubt. [Retires. - Rom. Thou detestable maw, thou womb of death, Gorg'd with the dearest morsel of the earth, Thus I enforce thy rotten jaws to open. [Breaking up the monument. And, in despite, I'll cram thee with more food ! Par. This is that banish'd, haughty Montague, That murder'd my love's cousin ! with which grief. It is supposed, the fair creature dy'd, And here is come to do some villainous shame To the dead bodies : I will apprehend him. Stop thy unhallow'd toil, vile Montague ; Can vengeance be pursu'd further than death ? Condemned villain, I do apprehend thee : Obey, and go with me ; for thou must die. Rom. I must, indeed; and therefore came I hither. : Good gentle youth, tempt not a desperate man, Fly hence and leave me; -think upon these gone ; Let them affright thee. I beseech thee, youth, Heap not another sin upon my head, By urging me to fury: O, be gone! By heaven, I love thee better than myself; For I come hither arm'd against myself: Stay not, be gone; live, and hereafter say A madman's mercy bade thee run away. Par. I do defy thy conjurations, And do attach thee as a felon here. Rom. Wilt thcu provoke me ? then have at thee, boy. Page. O lord! they fight : I will go call the watch.' [Exit Page. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 117 Par. O, I am slain ! [Jails.] If thou be merciful, Open the tomb, lay me with Juliet. [Dies: Rom. In faith, I will : Let me peruse this face : Mercutio's kinsman, noble county Paris : What said my man, when my betossed soul Did not attend him as we rode ? I think, He told me, Paris should have marry 'd Juliet : Said he not so ? or did I dream it so ? Or am I mad, hearing him talk of Juliet, To think it was so ? O, give me thy hand, One writ with me in sour misfortune's book ! I'll bury thee in a triumphant grave, A grave ? O, no, a lantern, slaughter'd youth, For here lies Juliet, and her beauty makes This'Vault a feasting presence full of light. Death, lie thou there, by a dead man interr'd. [Laying Paris in tbe monument. How oft, when men are at the point of death Have they been merry ? which their keepers call A lightning before death : O, how may I Call this a lightning ? O, my love ! my wife ! Death, that hath suck'd the honey of thy breath, Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty : Thou art not conquer 'd; beauty's ensign yet Is crimson in thy lips, and in thy cheeks, And death's pale flag is not advanced there. Tybalt, ly'st thou there in thy bloody sheet ? O , what more favour can I do to thee, Than with that hand, that cut thy youth in twain, To sunder his that was thine enemy ? Forgive me, cousin ? Ah, dear Juliet, Why art thou yet so fair ? Shall I believe That unsubstantial death is amorous ; And that the lean abhorred monster keeps Thee here in dark, to be his paramour ? For fear of that, I will still stay with thee ; And never from this palace of dim night Depart again : here, here will I remain With worms that are thy chamber-maids ; O, here Will I set up my everlasting rest, And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars From this world-wearied flesh. Eyes, look your last ! Arms, take your last embrace ! and lips, O you The doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss n$ SHAKSPE ARE GALLERY. A dateless bargain to engrossing death ! Come, bitter conduct, come, unsavoury guide ! Thou despeiate pilot, now at once run on The dashing focks thy sea-sick weary bark ! Here's to my love ! [Drinks.] O, true apothecary ! Thy drugs are quick. Thus, with a kiss I die. [Dies. Enter Friar Laurence, with a lantern, crow, and spade. Lau. Saint Francis be my speed ! how oft to night Have my old feet stumbled at graves ! Who's there? Baltb. Here's one, a friead, and one that knows you well. Lau. Bliss be upon you! Tell me, good my friend, What torch is yond', that vainly lends his. light To grubs and eyeless sculls ! as I discern, It burneth in the Capels' monument. Baltb. It doth so, holy sir ; and there's my master, One that you love. # Lau. Who is it ? Baltb. Romeo. Lau. How long hath he been there? Baltb. Full half an hour. Lau. Go with me to the vault. Baltb. I dare not, sir : My master knows not, but I am gone hence ; And fearfully did menace me with death, If I did stay to look on his intents. Lau. Stay then, I'll go alone : Fear comes upon me ; O, much I fear some ill unlucky thing. Baltb. As I did sleep under this yew tree here, I dreamt my master and another fought, And that my master slew him. Lau. Romeo? [Advances. Alack, alack, what blood is this, which stains The stony entrance of this sepulchre ? What mean these masterless and gory swords To lie discolour'd by this place of peace ? [Enters the monument. Romeo ! O, pale ! Who else ? what, Paris too ? And steep'd in blood? Ah, what an unkind hour Is guilty of this lamentable chance ! The lady stirs. Jul. [wakening] O comfortable friar! where is my lord? I do remember well where I should be, And there I am : Where is my Romeo ? [Noise without. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 119 Lau. I bear some noise. Lady, come from that nest Of death, contagion, and unnatural sleep ; A greater power than we can contradict Hath thwarted our intents; come, come away : Thy husband in thy bosom there lies dead ; And Paris too; come, I'll dispose of thee Among a sisterhood of holy nuns ; Stay not to question, for the watch is coming ; Come, go, good Juliet, [noise again.] I dare no longer stay. [Exit. 1 79 1 J No. LVII. MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. ACT III. SCENE III. Mrs. Page, Mrs. Ford, and Falstaff. Falstaff goes into the basket; they cover him with foul linen. Painted by Mr. Peters. Ford's House. Mrs. Ford. What, John ! what, Robert ! Mrs. Page. Quickly, quickly ; is the buck-basket Mrs. Ford. I warrant : What, Robin, I say. Enter Servants, with a basket. Mrs. Page. Come, come, come. Mrs. Ford. Here, set it down. Mrs. Page. Give your men the charge ; we must be brief. Mrs. Ford. Marry, as I told you before, John, and Ro- bert, be ready here hard-by in the brew-house; and when I suddenly call you, come forth, and (without any pause or staggering) take this basket on your shoulders : that done, trudge with it in all haste, and carry it among the whitsters in Datchet mead, and there empty it in the muddy ditch, close by the Thames' side. Mrs. Page. You will do it ? Mrs. Ford. I have told them over and over ; they lack no direction : Be gone, and come when you are called, [Exeunt Servants. Mrs. Page. Here comes little Robin.. R 122 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Enter Robin. Mrs. Ford. How now, my eyas -musket ? what news with you ? Rob. My master, sir John, is come in at your back-door, Mrs. Ford ; and requests your company. Mrs. Page. You little Jack-a-lent, have you been true to us ! Rob. Aye, I'll be sworn : My master knows not of your being here ; and hath threatened to put me into everlasting liberty, if I tell you of it ; for, he swears, he'll turn me away. Mrs. Page. Thou'rt a good boy; this secrecy of thine shall be a tailor to thee, and shall make thee a new doublet and hose. I'll go hide me. Mrs. Ford. Do so : Go tell thy master, I am alone. Mistress Page, remember you your cue. [Exit Robin. Mrs. Page. I warrant thee ; if I do not act it, hiss me. [Exit Mrs. Page. Mrs. Ford. Go to then ; we'll use this unwholesome humidity, this gross watry pumpion ; ~ we'll teach him to know turtles from jays. Enter Falstaff. Fal. Havel caught thee, my heavenly jewel? Why, now let me die, for I have lived long enough ; this is the period of my ambition: O this blessed hour! Mrs. Ford. O sweet sir John ! Fal. Mistress Ford, I cannot cog, I cannot prate, mistress Ford. Now shall I sin in my wish : I would thy husband were dead ; I'll speak it before the best lord, I would make thee my lady. Mrs. Ford. I your lady, sir John ! alas, I should be a pi- tiful lady. Fal. Let the court of France shew me such another ; I see how thine eye would emulate the diamond: Thou hast the right arched bent of the brow, that becomes the ship- tire, the tire-valiant, or any tire of Venetian admittance. Mrs. Ford. A plain kerchief, sir John : my brows be- come nothing else: nor that well neither. Fal. Thou art a traitor to say so: thou would'st make an absolute courtier : and the firm fixture of thy foot would give an excellent motion to thy gait, in a semi-circled far- thingale. I see what thou wert, if fortune thy foe were not; nature is thy friend : Come, thou canst not hide it. Mrs. Ford. Believe me, there's no such thing in me. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 123 Fal. What made me love thee ? let that persuade thee, there's something extraordinary in thee. Come, I cannot cog, and say, thou art this and that, like a many of these lisping haw-thorn buds, that come like women in men's ap- parel, and smell like Bucklersbury in simple-time: lean- not : but I love thee ; none but thee ; and thou deservest it. Mrs. Ford. Do not betray me, sir ; I fear you love mis- tress Page. Fal. Thou might'st as well say, I love to walk by the Counter-gate ; which is as hateful to me as the reek of a lime-kiln. Mrs. Ford. Well, heaven knows how I love you ; and you shall one day find it. Fal. Keep in that mind ; I'll deserve it. Mrs. Ford. Nay, I must tell you, so you do ; or else I could not be in that mind. Rob. [within.] Mistress Ford, mistress Ford! here's mistress Page at the door, sweating, and blowing, and looking wildly, and would needs speak with you pre- sently. Fal. She shall not see me ; I will ensconce me behind the arras. Mrs. Ford. Pray you, do so ; she is a very tattling wo- man. [ Falstqff bides himself. Enter Mistress Page, and Robin. What's the matter? how now? Mrs. Page. O mistress Ford, what have you done ? you are shamed, you are overthrown, you are undone for ever ! Mrs. Ford. What's the matter, good mistress Page? Mrs. Page. O well-a-day, mistress Ford ! having an ho- nest man to your husband, to give him such cause of suspi- cion Mrs. Ford. What cause of suspicion ? Mrs. Page. What cause of suspicion ? Out upon you ! how am I mistook in you ! Mrs. Ford. Why, alas ! what's the matter ? Mrs. Page. Your husband's coming hither, woman, with all the officers in Windsor, to search for a gentleman, that, he says, is here now in the house, by your consent, to take an ill advantage of his absence : You are undone. Mrs. Ford. Speak louder. [Aside.] 'Tis not so, I hope. Mrs. Page. Pray heaven it be not so, that you have such a man here ; but 'tis most certain your husband's coming 124 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. with half Windsor at his heels, to search for such a one. I come before to tell you: If you know yourself clear, why I am glad of it: but if you have a friend here, convey, con- vey him out. Be not amaz'd ; call all your senses to you ; defend your reputation, or bid farewell to your good life for ever. Mrs. Ford, What shall I do? There is a gentleman, my dear friend ; and I fear not mine own shame, so much as his peril : I had rather than a thousand pound he were out of the house. Mrs. Page. For shame, never stand you bad rather, and you bad rather ; your husband's here at hand, be-think you of some conveyance : in the house you cannot hide him. O, how have you deceived me ! Look, here is a basket ; if he be of any reasonable stature, he may creep in here ; and throw foul linen upon him, as if it were going to bucking : Or, it is whiting-time, send him by your two men to Datchet mead. Mrs. Ford. He's too big to go in there : What shall I do ? Re-enter F distaff. Fal. Le me see't, let me see't ! O let me see't ! I'll in, I'll in; follow your friend's counsel ; I'll in. Mrs. Page. What, sir John FalstafF? Are these your letters, knight ? Fal. I love tbee, and none but tbee ; help me away : let me creep in here ; Vll never [He goes into the basket ; they cover him with foul linen. Mrs. Page. Help to cover your master, boy: Call your men, mistress Ford : You dissembling knight I Mrs. Ford. What, John, Robert, John ! Go take up these clothes here, quickly: Where's the cowlstaff? look how you drumble : carry them to the laundress in Datchet mead ; quickly, come. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 125 No.LVIIL MIDSUMMER-NIGHT'S DREAM. ACT IV. SCENE I. Oberon, Queen of the Fairies, Puck, Bottom, and Fairies attending, &c. Painted by Mr. Fusel i", R. A. Ob Welcome, good Robin. See'st thou this sweet sight? Her dotage now I do begin to pity. For meeting her of late, behind the wood, Seeking sweet savours for this hateful fool, I did upbraid her, and fall out with her : For she his hairy temples then had rounded With coronet of fresh and fragrant flowers: And that same dew, which sometime on the buds Was wont to swell, like round and orient pearls, Stood now within the pretty flowret's eyes, Like tears, that did their own disgrace bewail. When I had, at my pleasure, taunted her, And she, in mild terms, begg'd my patience, I then did ask of her her changeling child ; Which straight she gave me, and her fairy sent To bear him to my bower in fairyland. And now I have the boy, I will undo This hateful imperfection of her eyes. And, gentle Puck, take this transformed scalp From ofF the head of this Athenian swain ; That he awaking when the others do, May all to Athens back again repair; And think no more of this night's accidents, But as the fierce vexation of a dream. But first I will release the fairy queen ; Be as thou wast wont to be; [Touching ber eyts with an herb. See, as thou wast wont to see : i 2 6 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Dian's bud o'er Cupid's flower Hath such force and blessed power. Now, my Titania; wake you, my sweet queen. Queen. My Oberon! what visions have I seen! Metbougbt, I was enamour' d of an ass. Ob. There lies your love. Queen. How came these things to pass ? O, bow mine eyes do loath his visage now ! Ob. Silence, a while. Robin, take off this bead. Titania, music call ; and strike more dead Than common sleep, of all these five the sense. Queen. Music, ho ! music; such as charmeth sleep. Puck. Now, when thou wak'st, with thine own fool's eyes peep. Ob. Sound, music. [Still music] Come, my queen, take hands with me, And rock the ground whereon these sleepers be. Now thou and I are new in amity ; And will, to-morrow midnight, solemnly, Dance in duke Theseus' house triumphantly. And bless it to all fair prosperity: There shall the pairs of faithful lovers be Wedded, with Theseus, all in jollity. Puck. Fairy king, attend, and mark ; I do hear the morning lark. s Ob. Then, my queen, in silence sad, Trip we after the night's shade: We the globe can compass soon, Swifter than the wand'ring moon. Queen. Come, my lord; and in our flight, Tell me how it came this night, That I sleeping here was found, With these mortals, on the ground. [Exeunt- SHAfcSPEARE GALLERY. it? No. LIX. MERCHANT OF VENICE. ACT II. SCENE V. Sbylock's House. Sbylocky Jessica, and Launcelot. Painted by Mr. Smirke. Sby. Well, thou shalt see, thy eyes shall be thy judge, The difference of old Shylock and Bassanio i What, Jessica ! thou shalt not gormandize, As thou hast done with me : What, Jessica ! And sleep and snore, and rend apparel out ; Why, Jessica ! I say. Laun. Why, Jessica ! Sby. Who bids thee call ? I do not bid thee call. Laun. Your worship was wont to tell me, I could do no- thing without bidding. Enter Jessica. Jes. Call you ? What is your will ? - Sby. I am bid forth to supper, Jessica ; There are my keys : But wherefore should I go ? I am not bid for love ; they flatter me : But yet I'll go in hate, to feed upon The prodigal Christian. Jessica, my girl, Look to my house : I am right loth to go : There is some ill a brewing towards my rest, For I did dream of money-bags to-night. Laun. I beseech you, sir, go ; my young master doth ex- pect your reproach. Sby. So do I his. Laun. And they have conspired together, I will not say, you shall see a masque ; but if you do, then it was not for nothing that my nose fell a bleeding on Black-Monday last, 128 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. at six o,clock i'the morning, falling out that year on Ash- Wednesday was four year in the afternoon. Shy. What ! are there masques ? Hear you me, Jessica i Lock up my doors ; and when you bear the drum, And the vile squeaking of the wry-neck' djife, Clamber not you up to the casements then, Nor thrust your bead into the public street, To gaze on Christian fools with varnish' d faces : But stop my house's ears, I mean my casements ; Let not the sound of shallow foppery enter My sober bouse. By Jacob's staff, I swear, I have no mind of feasting forth to-night : But I will go. Go you before me, sirrah; Say, I will come. Laun. I will go before, sir. Mistress, look out at window, for all this ; . There will come a Christian by, Will be worth a Jewess' eye. [Exit Laun. Shy. What says that fool of Hagar's offspring, ha? yes. His words were, farewell, mistress ; nothing else. Sby. The patch is kind enough ; but a huge feeder, Snail-slow in profit, and he sleeps by day More than the wild cat ; drones hive not with me ; Therefore I part with him ; and part with him To one that I would have him help to waste His borrow'd purse. Well, Jessica, go in; Perhaps, I will return immediately ; Do as I bid you, Shut doors after you : Fast bind, fast find ; A proverb never stale in thrifty mind. [Exit. Jes. Farewell; and if my fortune be not crost, I have a father, you a daughter, lost. [Exit. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 129 No. LX. AS YOU LIKE IT. ACT IV. SCENE III. > A Forest. Orlando, and Oliver. Painted by Mr. Raph l . West. Oli. When last the young Orlando parted from you, He left a promise to return again Within an hour ; and, pacing through the forest, Chewing the food of sweet and bitter fancy, Lo, what befel ! he threw his eye aside, And, mark, what object did present itself! Under an oak, whose boughs "were moss'd with age, And high top bald with dry antiquity, A wretched ragged man, o y er grown with hair, Lay sleeping on bis back : about bis neck A green and gilded snake bad wreatb'd itself, Who with ber head, nimble in threats, approached The opening of bis mouth', but suddenly Seeing Orlando, it unlinked itself, And with indented glides did slip away Into a bush : under which bush's shade A lioness, with udders all drawn dry, Lay couching, bead on ground, with cat-like watch, When that the sleeping man should stir ; for 'tis The royal disposition of that beast, To prey on nothing that doth seem as dead : This seen, Orlando did approach the man, And found it was his brother, his elder brother. Cel. O, I have heard him speak of that same brother ; And he did render him the most unnatural That liv'd 'mongst men. OH. And well he might so do, For well I know he was unnatural. S 130 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Ros. But to Orlando ; Did he leave him there, Food to the suck'd and hungry lioness ? OIL Twice did he turn his back, ar.d purpos'd so: But kindness, nobler ever than revenge, And nature, stronger than his just occasion, Made him give battle'to the lioness, Who quickly fell before him ; in which hurtling, From miserable slumber, I awak'd. Cel. Are you his brother? Ros. Was it you he rescu'd ? Cel. Was't you that did so oft contrive to kill him? OH. 'Twas I ; but 'tis not I : I do not shame To tell you what I was, since my conversion So sweetly tastes, being the thing I am. Ros. But, for the bloody napkin ? OIL By and by. When from the first to last, betwixt us two, Tears our recountments had most kindly bath'd, As how I came into that desert place ; In brief, he led me to the gentle duke, Who gave me fresh array, and entertainment, Committing me unto my brother's love ; Who led me instantly unto his cave, There stripp'd himself, and here upon his arm The lioness had torn some flesh away, Which all this while had bled ; and now he fainted, And cry'd, in fainting, upon Rosalind. Brief, I recover'd him ; bound up his wound ; And, after some small space, being strong at heart, He sent me hither, stranger as I am, To tell this story, that you might excuse His broken promise, and to give this napkin, Dy'd in this blood, unto the shepherd youth That he in sport doth call his Rosalind. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 131 No. LXI. TAMING OF THE SHREW. INDUCTION. SCENE II. A Room in the Lord's House. Sly, with Lord and Attendants ; some with appa- rel, bason, and ewer, and other appurtenances. Painted by Mr. Smirke. Sly. For God's sake, a pot of small ale. 1 Serv. Will't please your lordship drink a cup of sack ? t Set v. Will't please your honour taste of these conserves ? S Serv. What raiment will your honour wear to-day ? Sly. I am Christophero Sly ; call not me honour, nor lordship: I ne'er drank sack in my life: and if you give me any conserves, give me conserves of beef : Ne'er ask me what raiment I'll wear; for I have no more doublets than backs, no more' stockings than legs, nor no more shoes than feet ; nay, sometimes, more feet than shoes, or such shoes as my toes look through the overleather. Lord. Heaven cease this idle humour in your honour ! O, that a mighty man, of such descent, Of such possessions, and so high esteem, Should be infused with so foul a spirit ! Sly. What, would you make me mad ? Am not I Christo- pher Sly, old Sly's son of Burton-heath ; by birth a pedlar, by education a card- maker, by transmutation a bear- herd, and now by present profession a tinker? Ask Marian Hac- ket, the fat ale-wife of Wincot, if she know me not ; if she say I am not fourteen pence on the score tor sheer ale, score me up for the lying'st knave in Christendom. What, I am not bestraught: Here's 3 Serv. O, this it is that makes your lady mourn. 132 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 2 Serv. O, this it is that makes your servants droop. Lord. Hence comes it that your kindred shun your house, As beaten hence by your strange lunacy. O, noble lord, bethink thee of thy birth ; Call home thy ancient thoughts from banishment, And banish hence these abject lowly dreams : Look how thy servants do attend on thee, Each in his office ready at thy beck. Wilt thou have music? hark ! Apollo plays, [Music. And twenty caged nightingales do sing: Or wilt thou sleep ? we'll have thee to a couch, Softer and sweeter than the lustful bed On purpose trimm'd up for Semiramis. Say, thou wilt walk ; we will bestrow the ground : Or wilt thou ride ? thy horses shall be trapp'd, Their harness studded all with gold and pearl. Dost thou love hawking ? thou hast hawks, will soar Above the morning lark : Or wilt thou hunt ? Thy hounds shall make the welkin answer them, And fetch shrill echoes from the hollow earth. 1 Serv. Say, thou wilt course : thy greyhounds are as swift As breathed stags ; ay, fleeter than the roe. 2 Serv. Dost thou love pictures? we will fetch thee straight Adonis, painted by a running brook ; And Cytherea all in sedges hid ; Which seem to move and wanton with her breath, Even as the waving sedges play with wind. Lord. We'll shew thee Io, as she was a maid ; And how she was beguiled and surpriz'd, As lively painted as the deed was done. 3 Serv. Or Daphne, roaming through a thorny wood j Scratching her legs, that one shall swear she bleeds : And at that sight shall sad Apollo weep, So workmanly the blood and tears are drawn. Lord. Thou art a lord, and nothing but a lord : Thou hast a lady far more beautiful Than any woman in this waining age. 1 Serv. And, till the tears, that she hath shed for thee, Like envious floods, o'er-ran her love ly face, She was the fairest creature in the world; And yet she is inferior to none. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 133 Sly. Am I a lord ? and have I sucb a lady ? Or do I dream? or have I dream' 'd till now ? J do not sleep : I see, I bear, I speak ; / smell sweet savours, and I feel soft things : Upon my life, I am a lord, indeed; And not a tinker, nor Christophero Sly. Well, bring our lady hither to our sight; And once again, a pot o' the smallest ale. 2 Serv. Will't please your mightiness to wash your hands? [Servants present an ewer, bason and napkin. O, how we joy to see your wit restor'd ! O, that once more you knew but what you are ! These fifteen years you have been in a dream ; Or, when you wak'd, so wak'd as if you slept. Sly. These fifteen years ! by my fay, a goodly nap. But did I never speak of all that time ? 1 Serv. O, yes, my lord : but very idle words: For though you lay here in this goodly chamber, Yet would you say, ye were beaten out of door ; And rail upon the hostess of the house ; And say, you would present her at the leet, Because she brought stone jugs, and no seal'd quarts: Sometimes, you would call out for Cicely Hacket. Sly. Ay, the woman's maid of the house. 3 Serv. Why, sir, you know no house, nor no such maid ; Nor no such men, as you have reckon'd up, As Stephen Sly, and old John Naps of Greece, And Peter Turf, and Henry Pimpernell ; And twenty more such names and men as these, Which never were, nor no man ever saw. Sly. Now, Lord be thanked for my good amends ! All. Amen. Sly. I thank thee ; thou shalt not lose by it. Enter Page, as a lady, with attendants. Page. How fares my noble lord ? Sly. Marry, I fare well; for here is cheer enough. Where is my wife ? Page. Here, noble lord; what is thy will with her? Sly. Are you my wife, and will not call me husband? My men should call me lord, I am your good man. Page. My husband and my lord, my lord and husband I am your wife in all obedience. Sly. I know it well : What must I call her ? Lord. Madam. 1^4 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Sly. Al'ce Madam, or Joan Madam ? Lord. Madam, and nothing else ; so lords call ladies. Sly. Madam, wife, they say, that I have dream'd, and slept Above some fifteen years or more. Page. Ay, and the time seems thirty unto me ; Being all this time abandon'd from your bed. Sly. 'Tis much ; Servants, leave me and her alone. Madam, undress you, and come now to bed. Page. Thrice noble lord, let me entreat of you, To pardon me yet for a night or two ; Or, if not so, until the sun be set : For your physicians have expressly charg'd, In peril to incur your former malady, That I should yet absent me from your bed : I hope this reason stands for my excuse. Sly. Ay, it stands so, that I may hardly tarry so long. But I would be loth to fall into my dreams again : I will therefore tarry, in despite of the flesh and the blood. No.LXII. WINTER'S TALE. ACT V. SCENE III. "Paulina's House. Leontes, Polixenes, Florizel, Perdita, Camillo, Paulina y Lords, and Attendants. Painted by Mr. W. Hamilton. R. A. Leo. O grave and good Paulina, the great comfort That I have had of thee. Paul. What, sovereign sir, I did not well, I meant well : All my services You have paid home : but that you have vouchsafe With your crown'd brother ,and these your contracted SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 135 Heirs of your kingdoms, my poor house to visit ; It is a surplus of your grace, which never My life may last to answer. Leo. O Paulina, We honour you with trouble ; But we came To see the statue of our queen : your gallery Have we pass'd through, not without much content In many singularities ; but we saw not That which my daughter came to look upon, The statue of her mother. Paul. As she liv'd peerless, So her dead likeness, I do well believe, Excels what ever yet you look'd upon, Or hand of man hath done; therefore I keep it Lonely, apart : But here it is : prepare To see the life as lively mock'd as ever Still sleep mock'd death : behold ; and say, 'tis well. [Paulina undraws a curtain, and discovers a statue-. I like your silence, it the more shews off Your wonder : But yet speak ; first, you, my liege, Comes it not something near ? Leo. Her natural posture ! Chide me dear stone ; that I may say, indeed, Thou art Hermione : or, rather, thou art she, In thy not chiding ; for she was as tender, As infancy, and grace. But yet, Paulina, Hermione was not so much wrinkled ; nothing So aged, as this seems. * Pol. O, not by much. Paul. So much the more our carver's excellence; Which lets go by some sixteen years, and makes her As she liv'd now. Leo. As now she might have done, So much to my good comfort, as it is Now piercing to my soul. O, thus she stood, Even with such life of majesty, (warm life, As now it coldly stands) when first I woo'd her i I am asham'd : does not the stone rebuke me, For being more stone than it ? O, royal piece, There's magic in thy majesty ; which has My evils conjur'd to remembrance ; and From thy admiring daughter took the spirits, Standing like stone with thee ? Per. And give me leave ; And do not say 'tis superstition, that i 3 b SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. I kneel, and then implore her blessing. Lady, Dear queen, that ended when I but began, Give me that hand of yours, to kiss. Paul. O, patience ; The statue is but newly fix'd, the colour's Not dry. Cam . My lord, your sorrow was too sore laid on ; Which sixteen winters cannot blow away, So many summers, dry: scarce any joy Did ever so long live ; no sorrow, But kill'd itself much sooner. Pol. Dear my brother, Let him, that was the cause of this, have power To take off so much grief from you, as he Will piece up in himself; Paul. Indeed, my lord, If I had thought, the sight of my poor image Would thus have wrought you, (for the stone is mine) I'd not have shew'd it. Leo. Do not draw the curtain. Paul. No longer shall you gaze on't ; lest your fancy May think anon, it moves. Leo. Let be, let be. Would I were dead, but that, methinks, already What was he, that did make it ? See, my lord, Would you not deem, it breath'd ? and that those veins Did verily bear blood ? Pol. Masterly done : The very life seems warm upon her lip. I~co. The fixure of her eye has motion in't, As we are mock'd with art. Paul. I'll draw the curtain ; My lord's almost so far transported, that He'll think anon, it lives. Leo. O sweet Paulina, Make me to think so twenty years together ; No settled senses of the world can match The pleasure of that madness. Let't alone. Paul. I am sorry, sir, I have thus far stirr'd you j but I could afflict you further. Leo. Do, Paulina ; For this affliction has a taste as sweet As any cordial comfort. Still, methinks, There is an air comes from her ; What fine chisel Could ever yet cut breath ? Let no man mock me, SHAKSPEARE GALLERY.. 137 For I will kiss ber. Paul. Good my lord, forbear: The ruddiness upon ber lip is wet ; Ton '11 mar it, if you kiss it ; stain your own With oily painting : Shall I draw the curtain? No. LXIII. THIRD PART OF KING HENRY VI. ACT I. SCENE III. A Field of Battle, betwixt Sandal Castle and Wakefield, Rutland and his Tutor, Clifford ami Soldiers, Painted by Mr. Northcote, R. A. Rut. Ah, whither shall I fly, to 'scape their hands ! Ah, tutor ! look, where bloody Clifford comes ! Enter Clifford and Soldiers. Clif. Chaplain, away ! thy priesthood saves thy life. As for the brat of this accursed duke, Whose father slew my father, he shall die. Tutor. And I, my lord, will bear him company. Clif. Soldiers, away with him. Tutor. Ab, Clifford! murder not this innocent child, Lest tbou be bated both of God and man. [Exit, dragg'd off. Clif. How now ! is be dead already ? Or, is it fear, That makes bim close his eyes? I'll open them. Rut. So looks the pent-up lion o'er the wretch That trembles under his devouring paws : And so he walks, insulting o'er his prey ; And so he comes, to rend his limbs asunder. T 1 38 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Ah, gentle Clifford, kill me with thy sword, And not with such a cruel threat'ning look. Sweet Clifford , hear me speak before I die ; I am too mean a subject for thy wrath, Be thou reveng'd on men, and let me live. Clif. In vain thou speak'st, poor boy ; my father's blood Hath stopp'd the passage where thy words should enter. Rut. Then let my father's blood open it again ; He is a man, and, Clifford, cope with him. Clif. Had I thy brethren here* their lives, and thine, Were not revenge sufficient for me : No, if 1 digg'd up thy forefathers' graves, And hung their rotten coffins up in chains, It could not slake mine ire, nor ease my heart. The sight of any of the house of York Is as a fury to torment my soul ; And 'till I root out their accursed line, And leave not one alive, I live in hell. Therefore [Lifting bis band. Rut. O, let me pray before I take my death : To thee I pray; sweet Clifford, pity me! Clif. Such pity as my rapier's point affords. Rut. I never did thee harm : Why wilt thou slay me ? Clif. Thy father hath. Rut. But 'twas ere I was born. Thou hast one son, for his sake pity me ; Lest, in revenge thereof, sith God is just, He be as miserably slain as I. Ah, let me live in prison all my days ; And when I give occasion of offence, Then let me die, for now thou hast no cause. Clif. No cause? Thy father slew my father ; therefore, die. [Clifford stabs bitn. Rut. Diifaciant, laudis summa sit ista tua* ! [Dies. Clif. Plantagenet ! I come, Plantagenet ! And this thy son's blood, cleaving to my blade, Shall rust upon my weapon, 'till thy blood, Congeal'd with this, do make me wipe off both. [Exit. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 139 No. LXIV. THIRD PART OF KING HENRY VI. ACT IV. SCENE V. A Park, near Middleham Castle in Yorkshire, Gloster, Hastings, Sir William Stanley, King Edward, and Huntsman. Painted by Mr. Miller. Glo. Now, my lord Hastings, and sir William Stanley, Leave off to wonder why I drew you hither, Into this chiefest thicket of the park. Thus stands the case : You know, our king, my brother, Is prisoner to the bishop here, at whose hands He hath good usage, and great liberty ; And often, but attended with weak guard, Comes hunting this way to disport himself. I have advertis'd him by secret means, That if, about this hour, he make this way, Under the colour of his usual game, He shall here find his friends, with horse and men, To set him free from his captivity. Enter King Edward, and a Huntsman. Hunt. This way, my lord ; for Ibis way lies tbe game. K. Edw. Nay, this way, man ; see, where the huntsmen stand. Now, brother of Gloster, lord Hastings, and the rest, Stand you thus close to steal the bishop's deer ? Glo. Brother^ the time and case requireth haste j Your horse stands ready at the park corner. K. Edw. But whither shall we then ? Hast. To Lynn, my lord ; and ship from thence to Flanders. Glo. Well guess'd, believe me ; for that was my meaning. K. Edw. Stanley, I will requite thy forwardness. Glo. But wherefore stay we ? 'tis no time to talk. 140 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. K. Edw. Huntsman, what say'st thou ? wilt thou go along ? Hunt. Better do so, than tarry and be hang'd. Glo. Come then, away ; let's have no more ado. K. Edw. Bishop, farewell : shield thee from Warwick's frown ; And pray that I may repossess the crown. [Exeunt. No. LXV. CORIOLANUS. ACT V. SCENE III. Coriolanus, Aiifid'ms, Virgilia, Volumnia, Young Marcius, Valeria, and Attendants. Painted by Mr. Gavin Hamilton. Cor. I beseech you, peace : Or, if you'd ask, remember this before ; The things, I have forsworn to grant, may never Be held by you denials. Do not bid me Dismiss my soldiers, or capitulate Again with Rome's mechanics : Tell me not Wherein I seem unnatural : Desire not To allay my rage and revenges, with Your colder reasons. Vol. O, no more, no more ! You have said, you will not grant us any thing; For we have nothing else to ask, but that Which you deny already : Yet we will ask ; That, it you fail in our request, the blame May hang upon your hardness: therefore hear us. Cor. Aufidius, and you Voices, mark ; for we'll Hear naught from Rome in private. Your request ? Vol. Should we be silent and not speak, our raiment And state of bodies would bewray what life We have led since thy exile. Think with thyself, How more unfortunate than all living women Are we come hither : since that thy sight, which should SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 141 Make our eyes flow with joy, hearts dance with comforts, Constrains them weep, and shake with fear and sorrow ; Making the mother, wife, and child, to see The son, the husband, and the father tearing His country's bowels out. And to poor we Thine enmity's most capital ; thou barr'st us Our prayers to the gods, which is a comfort That all but we enjoy : for how can we, Alas ! how can we for our country pray, Whereto we are bound ; together with thy victory, Whereto we are bound ; Alack ! or we must lose The country, our dear nurse ; or else thy person, Our comfort in the country. We must find An evident calamity, though we had Our wish, which side should win: for either thou Must, as a foreign recreant, be led With manacles thorough our streets ; or else Triumphantly tread on thy country's ruin ; And bear the palm, for having bravely shed Thy wife and children's blood. For myself, son, I purpose not to wait on fortune, 'till These wars determine : if I cannot persuade thee Rather to shew a noble grace to both parts, Than seek the end of one, thou shalt no sooner March to assault thy country, than to tread (Trust to't, thou shalt not) on thy mother's womb, That brought thee to this world. Virg. Aye, and mine, That brought you forth this boy, to keep your name Living to time. Boy. He shall not tread on me: I'll run away till I am bigger, but then I'll fight. Cor. Not of a woman's tenderness to be, Requires nor child nor woman's face to see. I have sat too long. [Rising. Vol. Nay, go not from us thus. If it were so, that our request did tend To save the Romans, thereby to destroy The Voices, whom you serve, you might condemn us, As poisons of your honour : No; our suit Is, that you reconcile them : while the Voices May say, '* This mercy we have shew'd ;" the Romans, " This we receiv'd ;" and each in either side Give the all-hail to thee, and cry, ** Be blest " For making up this peace!" Thou know'st, great son, 142 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. The end of war's uncertain; but this certain, That, if thou conquer Rome, the benefit Which thou shalt thereby reap, is such a name, Whose repetition will be dogg'd with curses ; Whose chronicle thus writ, " The man was noble, " But with his last attempt he wip'd it out : Destroyed his country, and his name remains " To the ensuing age, abhorr'd." Speak to me, son : Thou hast affected the fine strains of honour, To imitate the graces of the gods ; To tear with thunder the wide cheeks o' the air, And yet to charge thy sulphur with a bolt That should but rive an oak. Why dost not speak ? Think'st thou it honourable for a noble man Still to remember wrongs ? Daughter, speak you : He cares not for your weeping. Speak thou, boy ; Perhaps, thy childishness will move him more Than can our reasons. There is no man in the world More bound to his mother ; yet here he lets me prate Like one i' the stocks. Thou hast never in thy life Shew'd thy dear mother any courtesy ; When she (poor hen!) fond of no second brood, Has cluck'd thee to the wars, and safely home, Loaden with honours. Say, my request's unjust, And spurn me back : But, if it be not so, Thou art not honest ; and the gods will plague thee, That thou restrain'' st from me the duty, which To a mother's part belongs, He turns away : Down ladies ; let us shame him with our knees. To bis surname Coriolanus 'longs more pride. Than pity to our prayers. Down : An end; This is the last : So we will home to Rome, And die among our neighbours. Nay, behold us : This boy, that cannot tell what be would have, But kneels, and holds up bands, for fellowship, Does reason our petition with more strength Than thou bast to deny't. Come, let us go : This fellow had a Volcian to his mother ; His wife is in Corioli, and his child Like him by chance ; Yet give us our dispatch : I am hush'd until our city be afire, And then I'll speak a little. Cor. Mother, mother ! [Holding ber by the hands, silent. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 143 What have you done ? Behold, the heavens do ope, The gods look down, and this unnatural scene They laugh at. O my mother, mother ! O ! You have won a happy victory to Rome : But for your son, believe it, O, believe it, Most dangerously you have with him prevail'd, If not most mortal to him. But, let it come : Aufidius, though I cannot make true wars, I'll frame convenient peace. Now, good Aufidius, Were you in my stead, would you have heard A mother less ? or granted less, Aufidius ! Auf. I was mov'd withal. 1792 No. LXVI. MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. ACT V. SCENE V. Windsor Park. Falstaff (disguised with a buck's bead on, ) Fairies, Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Page, Quickly, Pistol, Sir Hugh Evans, Fenton, and Anne Page. Painted by Mr. Smirke, A. R. Fal. The Windsor bell hath struck twelve ; the minute draws on : Now, the hot-blooded gods assist me ! Remem- ber, Jove, thou wast a buil for thy Europa ; love set on thy horns. O powerful love ! that, in some respects, makes a beast a man ; in some other, a man a beast. You were also, Jupiter, a swan, for the love of Leda ; O omnipotent love! how near the god drew to the complexion of a goose ? A fault done first in the form of a beast : O Jove, a beastly fault ! and then another fault in the semblance of a fowl ; think on't, Jove ; a foul fault. When gods have hot backs, what shall poor men do ? For me, I am here a Windsor stag ; and the fattest, I think i'the forest : send me a cool rut-time, Jove, or who can blame me to piss my tallow ? Who comes here ? my doe ? Enter Mrs. Ford, and Mrs. Page. Mrs. Ford. Sir John ? art thou there* my deer ? my male deer ? Fal. My doc, with the black scut ? Let the sky rain potatoes ; let it thunder to the tune of Green Sleeves ; hail U 146 shakspeare gallery. kissing-comfits, and snow eringoes ; let there come a tempest of provocation, I will shelter me hefe. [Embracing bef. Mrs. Ford. Mistress Page is come with me, sweet- heart. Fal. Divide me like a bride-buck, each a haunch : I will keep my sides to myself, my shoulders for the fellow of this walk, and my horns I bequeath your husbands. Am I a woodman ? ha ! Speak I like Heme the hunter ? Why, now, is Cupid a child of conscience ; he makes restitution. As I am a true spirit, Welcome ! [Noise within. Mrs. Page. Alas ! what noise ? Mrs. Ford. Heaven forgive our sins ! Fal. What shall this be ? Mrs. Page} Av/ ^' ***' &"* run &' Fal. I think the devil will not have me damn'd, lest the oil that is in me should set hell on fire ; he would never else cross me thus. Enter Sir Hugh Evans, like a satyr ; Mrs. Quickly, and Pistol ; Anne Page, af tbe Fairy Queen, attended by her brother and others, dressed like fairies, with waxen ta- pers on their beads. Quick. Fairies, black, grey, green, and white, You moon-shine revellers, and shades of night, You orphan heirs of fixed destiny, Attend your office and your quality. Crier Hobgoblin, make the fairy o-yes. - Pist. Elves, list your names ; silence, you airy toys. Cricket, to Windsor chimnies shalt thou leap : Where fires thou find'st unrak'd, and hearths unswept, There pinch the maids as blue as bilberry : Our radient queen hates sluts, and sluttery. Fal. They are fairies ; he that speaks to them, shall die t I'll wink and couch ; No man their works must eye. [Lies down upon bis face. Evans. Where's Pede ? Go you, and where you find a maid, That, ere she sleep, hath thrice'her prayers said, Raise up the organs of her fantasy, Sleep she as sound as careless infancy ; But those, as sleep, and think not on their sins, Pinch them, arms, legs, backs, shoulders, sides, and shins. Quick. About, about ; Search Windsor castle, elves, within and out : Strew good luck, ouphes, on every sacred room ; That it may stand till the perpetual doom, SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 147 In state as wholesome, as in state 'tis fit ; Worthy the owner, and the owner it. The several chairs of order look you scour, With juice of balm, and every precious flower : Each fair instalment coat, and several crest, With loyal blazon, evermore be blest ! And nightly, meadow-fairies, look you sing, Like to the Garter's compass, in a ring : The expressure that it bears", green let it be, More fertile-fresh than all the field to see ; And, Honi Soit Qui Mai y Pense, write, In emerald tufts, flowers purple, blue, and white ; Like sapphire, pearl, and rich embroidery, Buckled below fair knighthood's bending knee ; Fairies use flowers for their charactery. Away ; disperse : but till 'tis one o'clock, Our dance of custom, round about the oak Of Heme the hunter, let us not forget. Evans. Pray you, lock hand in hand ; yourselves in order set; And twenty glow-worms shall our lanterns be, To guide our measure round about trje tree. But, stay ; I smell a man of middle earth. Fal. Heayens defend me from that Welch fairy ! lest he transform me to a piece of cheese ! Pist. Vile worm, thou wast o'er-look'd even in thy birth. Quick. With trial-fire touch me his finger-end : If he be chaste, the flame will back descend, And turn him to no pain ; but if he start, It is the flesh of a corrupted heart. Pist. A trial, come. Evans. Come, will this wood take fire ? [They burn him with their tapers. Fal. Oh, ob, ob! Quick. Corrupt, corrupt, and tainted in desire ! About bim, fairies, sing a scornful rbyme : And, as you trip, still pinch bim to your time. SONG. pie on sinful fantasy ! Fie on lust and luxury! Lust is but a bloody fire, Kindled with unchaste desire, Fed in heart ; whose flames aspire, As thoughts do blow them, higher and higher* 148 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Pinch bim, fairies, mutually; Pincb bim for bis villainy ; Pincb bim, and burn bim, and turn bim about, Till candles, and star-ligbt, and moonshine be out. [During this song, the fairies pinch Falstaff. Doctor Caius comes one way, and steals away a fairy in green ; Slender another way, and takes off a fairy in white ; and Fenton comes, and steals away Mrs. Anne Page. A noise of hunting is made within. All the fairies run away. Fal- staff pulls off his buck's head, and rises.] Enter Page, Ford, Mrs. Page, and Mrs. Ford. They lay bold on bim. Page. Nay, do not fly: I think, we have watch'd you now ; Will none but Heme the hunter serve your turn ? Mrs. Page. I pray you, come ; hold up the jest no higher : Now, good sir John, how like you Windsor wives ? See you these, husband ? do not these fair yokes Become the forest better than the town ? Ford. Now, sir, who's a cuckold, now ? Master Brook, FalstafPs a knave, a cuckoldly knave ; here are his horns, master Brook : And, master Brook, he hath enjoyed no- thing of Ford's but his buck-basket, his cudgel, and twenty pounds of money ; which must be paid to master Brook ; his horses are arrested for it, master Brook. Mrs. Ford. Sir John, we have had ill luck ; we could ne- ver meet. I will never take you for my love again, but I will always count you my deer. Fal. I do begin to perceive, that I am made an ass. Ford. Ay, and an ox too ; both the proofs are extant. Fal. And these are not fairies ? I was three or four times in the thought, they were not fairies ; and yet the guiltiness of my mind, the sudden surprise of my powers, drove the grossness of the foppery into a received belief, in despite of the teeth of all rhyme and reason, that they were fairies. See now, how wit may be made a Jack-a-lent, when 'tis upon ill employment ! SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 149 No. LXVII. RICHARD II. ACT IV. SCENE I. Parliament House. K. Richard, Bolingbroke, York, Aumerle, North- umberland, Percy, Fitzivater, Surrey, Bishop of Carlisle, Abbot of Westminster, Heraldic, and Bagot. Painted by Mr. M . Brown. Boling Fetch hither Richard, that in common view He may surrender; so we shall proceed Without suspicion, York. I will be his conduct. [Exit. Boling. Lords, you that are here under our arrest, Procure your sureties for your days of answer : Little are we beholding to your love, [To Carlisle. And little look'd for at your helping hands. Re-enter York, witb King Richard, and Officers bearing the Regalia. K. Rich. Alack, why am I sent for to a king, Before I have shook ofF the regal thoughts Wherewith I reign'd ? I hardly yet have learn 'd To insinuate, flatter, bow, and bend my knee: Give sorrow leave a while to tutor me To this submission. Yet I well remember The favours of these men : Were they not mine ? Did they not sometime cry, all hail ! to me ? So Judas did to Christ : but he in twelve, Found truth in all, but one ; I, in twelve thousand, none. God save the king ! Will no man say, amen ? Ij# SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Am I both priest and clerk ? well then, amen . God save the king ! although I be not he ; And yet, amen, if heaven do think him me, To do what service am I sent for hither ? York. To do that office, of thine own good will, Which tried majesty did make thee offer.- The resignation of thy state and crown To Henry Bolingbroke. Ki Rich. Giveme the crown : Here, cousin, seize the crown ; Here, cousin, on this side, my band ; on that side, thine* Now is this golden crown like a deep well, That owes two buckets filling one another ; The emptier ever dancing in the air, The other down, unseen, and full of water ; That bucket down, and full of tears am I, Drinking my griefs, whilst you mount up on high. Bol. I thought, you had been willing to resign. K. Rich. My crown, I am, but still my griefs are mine : You may my glories and my state depose, But not my griefs ; still am I king of those. Bl. Part of your cares you give me with your crown. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY*. 151 No. LXVIII. SECOND PART OF KING HENRY IV. ACT II. SCENE IV. Doll Tearsheet, Falstaff, Henry, and Poim. Painted by Mr. Fusel i, R. A. Page. The music is come, sir. Fal. Let them play ; Play, sirs. Sit on my knee, Doll. A rascal bragging slave ! the rogue fled from me like quick- silver. Dol. Vjaitb, and tbou followd'st bim like a cburcb. Tbon whoreson little tidy Bartholomew boar-pig, when wilt tbou leave fighting o'days, and Joining o'nights, and begin to patch up thine old body for heaven. Enter behind, Prince Henry and Poins, disguised like drawers. .Fal. Peace, good Doll ; do not speak like a death's-head ; do not bid me remember mine end. Dol. Sirrah, what humour is the prince of? Fal. A good shallow young fellow : he would have made a good pantler ; he would have chipp'd bread well. Dol. They say, Poins has a good wit. Fal. He a good wit ? hang him, baboon ! his wit is as thick as Tewkesbury mustard ; there is no more conceit in him, than is in a mallet. Dol. Why does the prince love him so then ? Fal. Because their legs are both of a bigness : and he plays at quoits well ; and eats conger and fennel ; and drinks oft* candles' ends for flap-dragons ; and rides the wild mare with the boys ; and jumps upon joint-stools ; and swears with a good grace ; and wears his boot very smooth, like onto the sign of the leg ; and breeds no bate with 15* SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. telling of discreet stories : and such other gambol faculties he hath, that show a weak mind and an able body, for the which the prince admits him : for the prince himself is such another ; the weight of a hair will turn the scales between their avoirdupois. P. Henry. Would not this nave of a wheel have his ears cut off ? Poins. Let's beat him before his whore. P. Hen. Look, if the wither'd elder hath not his poll claw'd like a parrot. Poins. Is it not strangp, that desire should so many years outlive performance ? Fal. Kiss me, Doll. P. Hen. Saturn and Venus this year in conjunction ! what says the almanack to that ? Poins. And, look, whether the fiery Trigon, his man, be not lisping to his master's old tables ; his note-book, his counsel-keeper. , Fal. Thou dost give me flattering busses. Doll. Nay, truly, I kiss thee with a most constant heart. Fal. I am old, I am old. Dol. I love thee better than I love e'er a scurvy young boy of them all. Fal. What stuff wilt have a kirtle of ? I shall receive money on Thursday : thou shalt have a cap to-morrow. A merry song, come : it grows late, we'll to bed. Thou'lt forget me, when I am gone. Dol. By my troth, thou'lt set me a weeping, an thou say'st so : prove that ever I dress myself handsome till thy return. Well, hearken the end. Fal. Some sack, Francis. P. Hen. Poins. Anon, anon, sir. [advancing. Fal. Ha ! a bastard son of the king's ? And art not thou Poins his brother ? P. Hen. Why, thou globe of sinful continents, what a life dost thou lead. Fal. A better than thou ; I am a gentleman, thou art a drawer. P. Hen. Very true, sir; and I come to draw you out by the ears. Host. O, the Lord preserve thy good grace ! by my troth, welcome to London. Now the Lord bless that sweet face of thine ! O Jesu ! are you come from Wales ? Fal. Thou whoreson mad compound of majesty, by this light flesh and corrupt blood, thou art welcome. [Leaning bis band upon Doll. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 153 Dol. How ! you fat fool, I scorn you. Poins. My lord, he will drive you out of your revenge, and turn all to a merriment, if you take not the heat. P. Hen. You whor son candle-mine, you, how vilely did you speak of me even now, before this honest, virtuous, civil gentlewoman ? Host. Blessing o'your good heart ! and so she is, by my troth. Fal. Did'st thou hear me ? P. Hen. Yes : and you knew me, as you did when you ran away by Gads-hill : you knew I was at your back ; and spoke it on purpose, to try my patience. Fal. No, no, no ; not so ; I did not think thou wast within hearing. P. Hen. I shall drive you then to confess the wilful abuse; and then I know how to handle you. Fal. No abuse, Hal, on mine honour ; no abuse. P. Hen. Not ! to dispraise me ; and call me pantler, and bread -chipper, and I know not what ? Fal. No abuse, Hal. Poins. No abuse ! Fal. No abuse, Ned, in the world ; honest Ned, none. I disprais'd him before the wicked, that the wicked might not fall in love with him : in which doing, I have done the part of a careful friend, and a true subject, and thy fa- ther is to give me thanks for it. No abuse, Hal ; none, Ned, none ; no, boys, none. 154- SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. No. LXIX. FIRST PART OF KING HENRY VI. ACT II. SCENE V. A Room in the Tower, Mortimer in a chair, Jailor, and Richard Plantagenet. Painted by Mr. Northcote, R. A- Mor. Kind keepers of my weak decaying age, Let dying Mortimer here rest himself. Even like a man new haled from the rack, So fare my limbs with long imprisonment : And these grey locks, the pursuivants of death, Nestor-like aged, in an age of care, Argue the end of Edmund Mortimer. These eyes. like lamps whose wasting oil is spent, Wax dim, as drawing to their exigent : Weak shoulders, over-borne with burth'ning grief; And pithless arms, like to a wither'd vine Th3t droops his sapless branches to the ground : Yet are these feet whose strengthless stay is numb, Unable to support this lump of clay, Swift-winged with desire to get a grave, As witting I no other comfort have. But tell me, keeper, will my nephew come ? Keep. Richard Plantagenet, my lord, will come : We sent unto the Temple, to his chamber ; And answer was return'd, that he will come. Mort. Enough ; my soul shall then be satisfy'd. Poor gentleman ! his wrong doth equal mine. Since Henry Monmouth first began to reign, (Before whose glory I was great in arms) This loathsome sequestration have I had ; SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. hS$ And even since then hath Richard been obscur'd, Depriv'd of honour and inheritance : But now, the arbitrator of despairs, Just death, kind umpire of men's miseries, With sweet enlargement doth dismiss me hence; I would, his troubles likewise were expir'd, That so he might recover what was lost. Enter Richard Plantagcnct. Keep. My lord, your loving nephew now is come, Mort. Richard Plantagenet, my friend, is he come ? Plan. Aye, noble uncle, thus ignobly us'd, Tour nephew, late-despised Richard, comes. Mor. Direct mine arms, I may embrace his neck, And in his bosom spend my latter gasp : O, tell me, when my lips do touch his cheeks, That I may kindly give one fainting kiss. ^ And now declare, sweet stem from York's great stock, Why didst thou say >of late thou wert despis'd ? Plan. First, lean thine aged back against mine arm ; And, in that ease, I'll tell thee my disease. This day, in argument upon a case, Some words there grew 'twixt Somerset and me : Among which terms, he us'd his lavish tongue, And did upbraid me with my father's death ; Which obloquy set bars before my tongue. Else with the like I had requited him : Therefore, good uncle, for my father's sake, In honour of a true Plantagenet And for alliance' sake,?-^declare the cause My father, earl of Cambridge, lost his head. Mor. That cause, fair nephew, that imprison'd me, And hath detain'd me, all my flow'ring youth, Within a loathsome dungeon, there to pine, Was cursed instrument of his disease. Plan. Discover more at large what cause that was - ? For I am ignorant, and cannot guess. Mor. I will ; if that my fading breath permit, And death approach not ere my tale be done. Henry the fourth, grandfather to this king, Depos'd his nephew Richard ; Edward's son, The first-begotten, and the lawful heir Of Edward king, the third of that descent : During whose reign, the Percies of the north, Finding his usurpation most unjust, 156 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Endeavour'd my advancement to the throne : The reason mov'd these warlike lords to this, Was fof that (young Richard thus removed, Leaving no heir begotten of his body,) I was the next by birth and parentage ; For by my mother I derived am From Lionel duke of Clarence, third son To king Edward the third, whereas he From John of Gaunt doth bring his pedigree, Being but fourth of that heroic line. But mark ; as, in this haughty great attempt, They laboured to plant the rightful heir, I lost my liberty, and they their lives. Long after this, when Henry the fifth, Succeeding his father Bolingbroke, did reign, Thy father, earl of Cambridge, then deriv'd From famous Edmund Langley, duke of York, Marrying my sister, that thy mother was, Again, in pity of my hard distress, Levied an army ; weening to redeem, And have install'd me in the diadem : But, as the rest, so fell that noble earl, And was beheaded. Thus the Mortimers, In whom the title rested, were suppress'd. Plan. Of which, my lord, your honour is the last. Mor. True ; and thou seest, that I no issue have ; And that my fainting words do warrant death : Thou art my heir ; the rest, I wish thee gather : But yet be wary in thy studious care. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 157 No. LXX. SECOND PART OF KING HENRY VI. ACT I; SCENE IV. Mother Jourdain, Hume, Southwell, Bolingbroke, and Eleanor. Painted by Mr. Opie, R. A. Hume. Come, my masters ; the duchess, I tell you, ex- pects performance of your promises. Boling. Master Hume, we are therefore provided : Will her ladyship behold and hear our exorcisms? Hume. Ay ; What else ; fear you not her courage. Boling. I have heard her reported to be a woman of an invincible spirit : But it shall be convenient, master Hume, that you be by her aloft, while you be busy below ; and so, I pray^ou, go in God's name, and leave us. [Exit Hume. Mother Jourdain, be you prostrate, and grovel on the earth: John Southwell, read you ; and let us to our work. Enter Duchess above. Ducb. Well said, my masters ; and welcome all. To this geer ; the sooner the better. Boling. Patience, good lady; wizards know their times: Deep night, dark night, the silent of the night, The time of night when Troy was set on fire ; The time when screech-owls cry, and ban-dogs howl, And spirits walk, and ghosts break up their graves, That time best fits the work we have in hand. Madam, sit you, and fear not ; whom we raise, We will make fast within a hallow 'd verge. [Here tbey perform the ceremonies appertaining, and make tbe circle; Bolinghroke, or Southwell, reads, Conjuro te, ?c. // thunders and lightens ter- ribly; then tbe Spirit risetb. 158 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Spir. Adsum. M. Jourd. Asmatb, By the eternal God, whose name and power Thou tremblest at, answer that I shall ask ; For, till thou speak, thou sbalt not pass from hence, Spir. Ask what thou wilt : That I bad said and done ! Boling. First, of the king. What sball of him become f [Reading out of a paper. Spir. The duke yet lives that Henry sball depose ; But him out-live, and die a voilent death. t [As the Spirit speaks, Southwell writes the answer. Boling. What fate awaits the duke of Suffolk ? Spir. By water shall be die, and take his end. Boling. What shall befall the duke of Someset t Spir. Let him shun castles ; Safer sball be be upon the sandy plains, Than where castles mounted stand. Have done, for more I hardly can endure. Boling. Desend to darkness, and the burning lake : False fiend, avoid I [Thunder and lightning. Spirit desends. Enter York, and Buckingham, hastily, with their guards, and others. York. Lay hands upon .these traitors, and their trash. Beldame, I think, we watch'd you at an inch. What, madam, are you there? the king and commonweal Are deeply indebted for this piece of pains r My lord protector will, I doubt it not, See you well guerdon'd for these good deserts. Duch. Not half so bad as thine to England's king, Injurious duke ; that threat'st where is no cause. Buck. True, madam, none at all. What call you this ? [Shewing her the papers. Away with them ; let them be clapp'd up close, And kept asunder : You, madam, shall with us : Stafford, take her to thee. - [Exit Duchess from above. We'll see your trinkets here all forth-coming ; All. Away ! [Exeunt guards, with South. Boling. &c. York. Lord Buckingham, methinks you watch'd her well: A pretty plot, well chosen to build upon ! Now, pray, my lord, let's see the devil's writ. What have we here ? [Reads. " The duke yet lives, that Henry shall depose, "But him out-live and die a voilent death." SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 159 1 Why, this is just, Aw te, Macida, Romanos vincere posse. Well, to the rest: Tell me, what fate awaits the duke of Suffolk ? " By Water shall he die and take his end. " What shall betide the duke of Somerset ? " Let him shun castles ; ' Safer shall he be upon the sandy plains, " Than where castles mounted stand." Come, come, my lords ; These oracles are hardly attain'd, And hardly understood. The king is now in progress towards Saint Albans ; With him, the husband of this lovely lady : Thither go these news, as fast as horse can carry them ; A sorry breakfast for my lord protector. Buck. Your grace shall give me leave, my lord of York, To be the post, in hope of his reward, York. At your pleasure, my good Lord. Who's within there, ho ! No. LXXI. KING HENRY VIII. ACT III. SCENE I. A Room in the Queen's Apartment. The Queen, and some of her Women, at work. Cardinals IVolsey and Campeius- Painted by Mr. Peters. Q. Catb. Take thy lute wench : my soul grows sad with troubles ; Sing, and disperse them, if thou canst : leave working. l6o SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. SONG. Orpheus with his lute made trees, And the mountain tops, that freeze, Bow themselves when he did sing : To his music, plants, and flowers, Ever sprung ; as sun, and showers, There had made a lasting spring. Every thing that heard him play, Even the billows of the sea, Hung their heads, and then lay by. In sweet music is such art ; Killing care, and grief of heart, Fall asleep, or hearing, die Enter a Gentleman. Q. Catb. How now ? Gent, An't please your grace, the two great cardinals Wait in the presence. Q. Catb. Would they speak, with me ? Gent. They will'd me say so, madam. Q. Catb. fray their graces To come near. [Exit Gent.] What can be their business With me, a poor weak woman, fall'n from favour ? I do not like their coming, now I think on't. They should be good men ; their affairs as righteous : But all hoods make not monks. Enter Wolsey and Campeius. Wol. Peace to your highness ! Q.Catb. Your graces find me here part of a housewife ; I would be all, against the worst may happen. What are your pleasures with me, reverend lords ? Wol. May it please you, noble madam, to withdraw Into your private chamber, we shall give you The full cause of our coming. Q. Catb. Speak it here ; There's nothing I have done yet, o' my conscience, Deserves a corner : 'Would all other women Could speak this with as free a soul as I do ! My lords, I care not, (so much I am happy Above a number,) if my actions Were try'd by every tongue, every eye saw them, Envy and base opinions set against them, I know my life so even : If your business Seek me out, and that way 1 am wife in, Out with it boldly ; Truth loves open dealing. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. i$i Wol. Tanta est erga te mentis integritas, regina serenis- sima, Q. Catb. O, good my lord, no Latin ; I am not such a truant since my coming, As not to know the language I have liv'd in : A strange tongue makes my cause more strange, suspicious ; Pray, speak in English : here are some will thank you, If you speak truth, for their mistress's sake : Believe me, she has had much wrong . Lord Cardinal, The willing'st sin I ever yet committed, May be absolv'd in English. Wol. Noble lady, I am sorry, my integrity should breed, (And service to his Majesty and you) So deep suspicion, where all faith was meant. We come not by the way of accusation, To taint that honour every good tongue blesses ; Nor to betray you any way to sorrow ; You have too much, good lady : but to know How you stand minded in the weighty difference Between the king and you ; and to deliver, Like free and honest men, our just opinions, And comforts to your cause. Cam. Most honour'd Madam, My lord of York, out of his noble nature, Zeal and obedience he still bore your grace ; Forgetting, like a good man, your late censure Both of his truth and him, (which was too far,) Offers, as I do, in a sign of peace, His service and his counsel. Q. Catb. To betray me. [Aside. My lords, I thank you both for your good wills, Ye speak like honest men, (pray God ye prove so!) But how to make ye suddenly an answer, In such a point of weight, so near mine honour, (More near my life, I fear,) with my weak wit, And to such men of gravity and learning, In truth I know not. I was set at work Among my maids j full little, God knows, looking Either for such men, or such business. For her sake that I have been, (for I feel The last fit of my greatness,) good your graces, Let me have time and counsel, for my cause ; Alas ! I am a woman, friendless, hopeless. Wol. Madam, you wrong the king's love wirh these fears ; Y i6z SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Vour hopes and friends are infinite. Q. Catb. In England, But little for my profit : Can you think, lords, That any Englishman dare give me counsel ? Or be a known friend, 'gainst his highness' pleasure, (Though he be grown so desperate tO be honest,) And live a subject ? Nay, forsooth, my friends, They that must weigh out my afflictions, They that my trust must grow to, live not here ; They are, as all my other comforts, far hence, In mine own country, lords. Cam. I would, your grace Would leave your grief?, and take my counsel. Q. Catb. How, siF ? , Cam. Put your main cause into the king's protection ; He's loving, and most gracious : 'twill be much Both for your" honour better, and your cause ; For, if the trial of the law o'ertake you, You'll part away disgrac'd. Wol. He tells you rightly. Q^Cath. Ye tell me what ye wish for bolb, my ruin: Is tbis your christian counsel f Out upon ye I Heaven is above all yet ; there sits a judge, That no king can corrupt. Cam. Your rage mistakes us. Q. Catb. The more shame for ye ; holy men I thought ye, Upon my sou?, two reverend cardinal virtues; But cardinal sins, and hollow hearts, I fear ye : Mend them for shame, my lords. Is this your comfort ? The cordial that ye bring a wretched lady ? A woman lost among ye, laugh'd at, scorn'd ? I will not wish ye half my miseries, I have more charity : But say, I warn'd ye ; Take heed, for heaven's sake, take heed, lest at once The burden of my sorrows fall upon ye. Wol. Madam, this is a mere distraction j You turn the good we offer into envy. Q. Catb. Ye turn me into nothing : Woe upon ye, And all such false professors ! Would ye have me (If you have any justice, any pity ; If you be any thing but churchmen's habits,) Put my sick cause into his hands that hates me ? Alas ! he has banish'd me his bed already ; His love, too, long ago : I am old, my lords, And all the fellowship l hold now with him SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 163 Is only my obedience. What can happen To me, above this wretchedness ? ajl your studies Make me a curse like this. Cam. Your fears are worse. Q. Catb. Have I liv'd thus long (let me speak myself, Since virtue finds no friends,) a wife, a true one? A woman (I dare say, without vain-glory,) Never yet branded with suspicion ? Have I with all my full affections Still met the king ? lov'd him next heaven ? obey'd him ,? Been, out of fondness, superstitious to him } Almost forgot my prayers to content him ? And am I thus rewarded ? 'tis not well, lords. Bring me a constant woman to her husband, One that ne'er dream'd a joy beyond his pleasure ; And to that woman, when she has done most, Yet will I add an honour,- a great patience. Wo!. Madam, you wander from the good we aim at. Q. Catb. My lord, I dare not make myself so guilty, To give up willingly that noble title Your master wed me to : nothing but death Shall e'er divorce my dignities. Wot. Pray, hear me. Q. Catb. 'Would I had never trod this English earth, Or felt the flatteries that grow upon it ! Ye have angels' faces, but heaven knows your hearts. What will become of me now, wretched lady ? I am the most unhappy woman living. Alas ! poor wenches, where are now your fortunes ? [To ber women. Shipwreck'd upon a kingdom, where no pity, No friends, no hope ; no kindred weep for me, Almost, no grave allow'd me : r-Like the lily, That once was mistress of the field, and rlourish'd, I'll hang my head, and perish. WoL If your grace Could but be brought to know, our ends are honest, You'd feel more comfort : why should we, good lady, Upon what cause wrong you ? alas ! our places, The way of our profession, is against it ; We are to cure such sorrows, not to sow them. For goodness' sake, consider what you do ; How you may hurt yourself, ay, utterly Grow from the king's acquaintance, by this carriage. The hearts of princes kiss obedience, 164 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. So much they love it ; but, to stubborn spirits, They swell, and grow as terrible as storms. I know, you have a gentle, noble temper, A soul as even as a calm ; Pray, think us Those we profess, peace-makers, friends, and servants. Cam. Madam, you'll find it so. You wrong your virtues With these weak women's fears. A noble spirit, As yours was put into you, ever casts Such doubts, as false coin, from it. The king loves you ; Beware, you lose it not : For us, if you please To trust us in your business, we are ready To use our utmost studies in your service. Q. Catb. Do what you will, my lords : And, pray, forgive me, If I have us'd myself unmannerly ; You know, I am a woman, lacking wit To make a seemly answer to such persons. Pray, do my service to his majesty : He has my heart yet ; and shall have my prayers, While I shall have my life. Come, reverend fathers, Bestow your counsels on me : she now begs, That little thought, when she set footing here. She should have bought her dignities so dear. [Exeunt. No. LXXII. KING HENRY VIII. ACT IV. SCENE II. Abbey of Leicester. Wolsej, Northumberland, and Attendants, Abbot of Leicester, &c. Painted by Mr. Westal. As described by Griffith to Queen Catherine. Grif. How does your grace ? Catb. O, Griffith, sick to death : My legs,, like loaden branches, bow to the earth, SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 165 Willing to leave their burden : Reach a chair ; So, now, methinks I feel a little ease. Didst thou not tell me, Griffith, as thou led'st me, That the great child of honour, cardinal Wolsey, Was dead ? Gr if. Yes, madam ; but, I think, your grace, Out of the pain you sufFer'd, gave no ear to't. Catb. Pry'thee, good Griffith, tell me how he dy'd ; If well, he stepp'd before me, happily, For my example. Grif. Well, the voice goes, madam : For after the stout earl Northumberland Arrested him at York, and brought him forward (As a man sorely tainted) to his answer, He fell sick suddenly, and grew so ill, He could not sit his mule. Catb. Alas, poor man ! Grif. At last, with easy roads, he came to Leicester, Lodg'd in the abbey ; wbere tbe reverend abbot, Witb all bis convent, honourably received bim ; To wbom be gave these words, " O father abbot, An old man, broken witb tbe storms of state, Is come to lay bis weary bones among ye ; Give bim a little earth for charity!" So went to bed, where eagerly his sickness Pursu'd him still ; and, three nights after this About the hour of eight, (which he himself Foretold should be his last,) full of repentance, Continual meditations, tears, and sorrows, He gave his honours to the world again, His blessed part to heaven, and slept in peace. Catb. So may he rest ; his faults lie gently on him ! Yet thus far, Griffith, give me leave to speak him, And yet with charity, He was a man Of an unbounded stomach, ever ranking Himself with princes ; one, that by suggestion Ty'd all the kingdom : simony was fair play ; His own opinion was his law : I' the presence He would say untruths ; and be ever double, Both in his words and meaning : He was never, But where he meant to ruin, pitiful : His promises were, as he then was, mighty ; But his performance, as he is now, nothing. Of his own body he was ill, and gave The clergy ill example. 166 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Gr'ij. Noble madam, Men's evil manners live in brass ; their virtues We write in water. May it please your highness To hear me speak his good now r Catb. Yes, good Griffith j 1 were malicious else. Grif. This cardinal, Though from an humble stock, undoubtedly Was fashion'd to much honour. From his cradle, He was a scholar, and a ripe, and good one : Exceeding wise, fair spoken, and persuading: Lofty, and sour, to them that lov'd him not ; But, to those men that sought him, sweet as summer. And though he were unsatisfy'd in getting, (Which was a sin,) yet in bestowing, madam, .He was most princely : Ever witness for him Those twins of learning, that he rais'd in you, Jpswich, and Oxford \ one of which fell with him, Unwilling to outlive the good that did it ; The other, though unfinished, yet so famous, So excellent in art, and still so rising, That Christendom shall ever speak his virtue. His overthrow heap'd happiness upon him j For then, and not till then, he felt himself, And found the blessedness of being little : And, to add greater honours to his age Than man could give him, he dy'd fearing God. Catb. After my death I wish no other herald, No other speaker of my living actions, To keep mine honour from corruption, But such an honest chronicler as Griffith* Whom I most hated living, thou hast made me With thy religious truth and modesty, Now in his ashes honour : Peace be with him ! r Patience, be near me still ; and set me lower : I have not long to trouble thee. Good Griffith, Cause the musicians play me that sad note I nam'd my knell, whilst I sit meditating On that celestial harmony I go to. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 1*7 No. LXXIII. CYMBELINE. ACT I. SCENE II. Imogen, Postbumus, Queen, Cymbeline, &c. Painted by Mr. W. Hamilton, R. A. Queen. No, be assur'd* you shall not find me, daughter, After the slander of most step-mothers, Evil-ey'd unto you : you are my prisoner, but Your gaoler shall deliver you the keys That lock up your restraint. For you, Posthumus, So soon as I can win the offended king, I will be known your advocate : marry, yet The fire of rage is in him ; and 'twere good, You lean'd unto his sentence, with what patience Your wisdom may inform you. Post. Please your highness, I will from hence to-day. Queen. You know the peril : I'll fetch a turn about the garden, pitying The pangs of barred affections ; though the king Hath charg'd you should not speak together [Exit* Imo. O Dissembling courtesy ! How fine this tyrant Can tickle where she wounds ! My dearest husband, I something fear my father's wrath ; but nothing, (Always reserv'd my holy duty) what His rage can do on me : You must be gone ; And I shall here abide the hourly shot Of angry eyes ; not comforted to live, But that there is this jewel in the world That I may see again. Post. My queen ! my mistress ! O, lady, weep no more ; lest I give cause To be suspected of more tenderness Than doth become a man ! I will remain 168 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. The Ioyal'st husband that did e'er plight troth. My residence in Rome, at one Philario's ; Who to my father was a friend, to me Known but by letter : thither write, my queen, And with mine eyes I'll drink the words you send, Though ink be made of gall. Re-enter Queen. Queen. Be brief, I pray you : If the king come, I shall incur I know not How much of his displeasure : Yet I'll move him [Aside. To walk this way : I never do him wrong, But he does buy my injuries, to be friends : Pays dear for my offences. ' [Exit. Post. Should we be taking leave As long a term as yet we have to live, The loathness to depart would grow : Adieu ! Into. Nay, stay a little : Were you but riding forth to air yourself, Such parting were too petty. Look here, love ; This diamond was my mother's : take it, heart; But keep it till you woo another wife, When Imogen is dead. Post . How ! how ! another ? You gentle gods, give me but this I have, And sear up my embracements from a next With bonds of death ! Remain, remain thou here [Putting on the ring. While sense can keep it on ! And sweetest, fairest, As I my poor self did exchange for you, To your so infinite loss ; so, in our trifles I still win of you : For my sake, wear this ; It is a manacle of love ; Fll place it Upon this fairest prisoner. [Putting a bracelet on her arm. Imo. O, the gods ! When shall we see again ? Enter Cymbeline, and Lords. Post. Alack, the king ! Cym. Thou basest thing, avoid ! hence, from my sight ! If, after this command, thou fraught the court With thy unworthiness, thou dy'st : Away ! Thou art poison to my blood. Post. The gods protect you ! And bless the good remainders of the court ! I am gone. [Exit. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 169 Into. There cannot be a pinch in death More sharp than this is. Cym. O disloyal thing, That should'st repair my youth ; thou heapest A year's age on me ! Imo. I beseech you, sir, Harm not yourself with your vexation ; I Am senseless of your wrath ; a touch more rare Subdues all pangs, all fears. Cym. Past grace ? obedience ? Imo. Past hope, and in despair ; that way past grace. Cym. That might'st have had the sole son of my queen ! Imo. O blest, that I might not ! I chose an eagle, And did avoid a puttock. Cym. Thou took'st a beggar ; would'st have made my throne A seat tor baseness. Imo. No ; I rather added A lustre to it. Cym. O thou vile one ! Imo. Sir, It is your fault that I have lov'd Posthumus : You bred him as my play-fellow ; and he is A man, worth any woman ; over-buys me Almost the sum he pays. Cym. What ! art thou mad? Imo. Almost, sir : Heaven restore me ! 'Would I were A neat-herd's daughter ; and my Leonatus Our neighbour shepherd's son ! vjo SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. No. LXXIV. OTHELLO. ACT V. SCENE II. A Bedchamber. Desdemona in Bed, asleep. Painted by Mr. Graham. Enter Othello. Oth. It is the cause, it is the cause, my soul, Let me not name it, to you, you chaste stars! It is the cause. Tet I'll not shed her blood j Nor scar that whiter skin of hers than snow, And smooth as monumental alabaster. Tet she must die, else she'll betray more men* Put out the light, and then put out the light: If I quench thee, thou flaming minister, I can again thy former light restore, Should I repent me : but once put out thy light, Thou cunning'st pattern of excellent nature, I know not where is that Promethean heat, That can thy light relume. When I have pluck'd thy rose^ I cannot give it vital growth again, It needs must wither : I'll smell it on the tree. [Kissing ber. O balmy breath, that dost almost persuade Justice herself to break her sword ! Once more. Be thus when thou art dead, and I will kill thee, And love thee after : Once more, and this the lastt So sweet was ne'er so fatal. I must weep, But they are cruel tears: This sorrow's heavenly, It strikes, where it doth love. She wakes* SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 17,1 Des. Who's there? Othello? Otb. Ay, Desdemona. Des. Will you come to bed, my lord ? Otb. Have you pray'd to-night, Desdemona? Des. Ay, my lord. Otb. If you bethink yourself of any crime, Unreconcil'd as yet to heaven and grace, Solicit for it straight. Des. Alas, my lord, what may you mean by that ? Otb. Well, do it, and be brief ; I will walk by : ' I would not kill thy unprepared spirit : No, heaven forefend ! 1 would not kill thy soul. Des. Talk you of killing ? Otb. Ay, I do. Des. Then, heaven Have mercy on me ! Otb. Amen, with all my heart ! Des. If you say so, I hope you will not kill me. Otb. Humph! Des. And yet I fear you ; for you are fatal then, When your eyes roll so : Why I should fear, I know not, Since guiltiness I know not ; but yet, I feel, I fear. Otb. Think on thy sins. Des. Tuey are loves I bear to you. Otb. Ay, and for that thou dy'st. Des. That death's unnatural, that kills for loving, Alas, why gnaw you so your nether lip ? Some bloody passion shakes your very frame : These are portents ; but yet I hope, I hope, They do not point to me. Otb. Peace, and be still ! Des. I will so : What's the matter ? Otb. That handkerchief, which I so lov'd, and gave thee, Thou gav'st to Cassio. Des. No, by my life and soul ; Send for the man, and ask him. Otb. Sweet soul, take heed, Take heed of perjury ; thou art on thy death-bed. Des. Ay, but not yet to die. Otb. Yes, presently ; Therefore confess thee freely of thy sin ; For to, deny each article with oath, Cannot remove, nor choke the strong conception That I do groan withal. Thou art to die. 172 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Des. Then, Lord have mercy on me. Otb. I say, amen. Des. And have you mercy too ? I never did Offend you in my life ; never lov'd Cassio, But with such general warranty of heaven As I might love : I never gave him token. Otb. By heaven, I saw my handkerchief in his hand. perjur'd woman ! thou dost stone my heart And mak'st me call, what I intend to do, A murder, which I thought a sacrifice : 1 saw the handkerchief. Des. He found it then ; I never gave it him ; Send for him hither, And let him confess a truth. Otb. He hath confess'd. Des. What, my lord? Otb. That he hath us'd thee. Des. How ? unlawfully ? Otb. Ay. Des. He will not say so. Otb. No, his mouth is stopp'd ; Honest Iago hath ta'en order for't. Des. My fear interprets then, What, is he dead? Otb. Had all his hairs been lives, my great revenge Had stomach for them all. Des. Alas! he is betray'd, and I undone. Otb. Out, strumpet ! Weep'st thou for him to my face ? Des. O, banish me, my lord, but kill me not. Otb. Down, strumpet ! Des. Kill me to-morrow, let me live to-night. Otb. Nay, if you strive, Des. But half an hour. Otb. Being done, There is no pause. Des. But while I say one prayer . Otb. It is too late; [He smothers her. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 173 No. LXXV. TROILUS AND CRESSIDA, ACT II. SCENE II. Scene Troy. Cassandra raving. Painted by Mr. Romney. Cas. [witbin] Cry, Trojans, cry ! Pri. What noise? what shriek is this ? Tro. 'Tis our mad sister, I do know her voice. Cas. [witbin] Cry, Trojans ! Hect. It is Cassandra. Enter Cassandra, raving. Cas. Cry, Trojans, cry! lend me ten thousand eyes, And I will Jill them with prophetic tears. Hect. Peace, sister, peace. Cas. Virgins and boys, mid-age and wrinkled elders, Soft infancy, that nothing canst but cry, Add to my clamours ! let us pay betimes A moiety of that mass of moan to come. Cry, Trojans, cry ! practise your eyes with tears ! Troy must not be, nor goodly Ilion stand ; Our fire-brand brother, Paris, burns us all. Cry, Trojans, cry ! a Helen, and a woe : Cry, cry ! Troy burns, or else let Helen go. [Exiti 174 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. No. LXXVI. KING RICHARD III. ACT IV. SCENE III. 'Tower of London* Painted by Mr. Northcote, R. A. K. Rich. Kind Tyrrel ! am I happy in thy news ? Tyr. If to have done the thing you gave in charge Beget your happiness, be happy then, For it is done. K. Rich. But didst tbou see tbem dead 9 Tyr. / did, my lord. K. Rich. And buried, gentle Tyrrel ? Tyr. The chaplain of the Tower bath buried tbem ? But where, to say the truth, I do not know*. K. Rich. Come to me, Tyrrel, soon at after supper, When thou shalt tell the process of their death. Mean time, but think how I may do thee good, And be inheritor of thy desire. Farewell till then. Tyr. I humbly take my leave. [Exit. K. Rich. The son of Clarence have I pen'd up close ; His daughter meanly have I match'd in marriage ; The sons of Edward sleep in Abraham's bosom, And Anne my wife hath bid the world good night. Now, for I know the Bretagne Richmond aims At young Elizabeth, my brother's daughter, And, by that knot, looks proudly on the crown, To her go I, a jolly thriving wooer. * Here lie the relicks of Edward the Vth, King of England, and Richard Duke of York; who, being con. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 175 fined in the Tower, and there stifled with pillows, were privately and meanly buried, by order of their perfidious uncle, Richard the Usurper ; their bones, long inquired after, and wished for, after lying 201 years in the rubbish of the stairs (i. e. those lately leading to the Chapel of the White Tower), were, on the 7th of July, 1674, by un- doubted proofs, discovered; being buried deep in that place. Charles II. pitying their unhappy fate, ordered these un- fortunate Princes to be laid among the relicks of their pre- decessors, in the year 1678. Vide the Latin inscription on their tomb, in Henry the VTIth's Chapel, Westminster Abbey. *793 No. LXXIX. MACBETH. ACT IV. SCENE I. A dark Cave. In the middle, a Cauldron loilinv. Three Witches, Macbeth, Hecate, &c. Painted by the late Sir Joshua Reynolds, PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY. 1. Witcb. Thrice the blinded cat hath mew'd. 2. Witcb. Thrice; and once the hedge-pig whin'd. 3. Witcb. Harper cries : 'tis time, 'tis time. 1. Witcb. Round about the cauldron go; In the poison'd entrails throw. Toad, that under the cold stone, Days and nights hast thirty one Swelter'd venom sleeping got, Boil thou first i'the charmed pot ! All. Double, double toil and trouble ; Fire, burn ; and, cauldron, bubble. 1 . Witcb. Fillet of a fenny snake, In the cauldron boil and bake: Eye of newt, and toe of frog, Wool of bat, and tongue of dog. Adder's fork, and blind -worm's sting, Lizard's leg, and owlet's wing, For a charm of powerful trouble, Like a hell-broth boil and bubble. A a i 7 8 | SHAKSPEARE GALLERV. All. Double, double toil and trouble ; Fire, burn; and, cauldron, bubble. 3. Witch. Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf J Witches' mummy : maw, and gulf, Of the ravin'd salt- sea shark ; Root of hemlock, digg'd i'the dark ; Liver of blaspheming Jew; Gall of goat, and slips of yew, Sliver'd in the moon's eclipse; Nose of Turk, and Tartar's lips ; Finger of birth-strangled babe, D itch'-deliver 'd by a drab, Make the gruel thick and slab : Add thereto a tyger's chaudron, For the ingredients of our cauldron. All. Double, double toil and trouble; Fire, burn; and, cauldron, bubble. 2. Witch. Cool it with a baboon's blood, Then the charm is firm and good. Enter tlecate, and other three Witches. Hec. O, well done ! I commend your pains; And every one shall share i'the gains. And now about the cauldron sing, Like elves and fairies in a ring, Inchanting all that you put in. [Music* SONG. Black spirits and white, Red spirits and grey; Mingle, mingle, mingle, You that mingle may. 2. Witch. By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes : Open, locks, whoever knocks. Enter Macbeth. Much. How now, you secret, black, and midnight hags ? What is't you do. All. A deed without a name. Macb. I conjure you, by that which you profess, (Howe'er you come to know it), answer me : . Though you untie the winds, and let them fight Against the churches ; though the yesty waves SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 179 Confound and swallow navigation up ; Though bladed corn be lodg'd, and trees blown down; Though castles topple on their warders' heads ; Though palaces, and pyramids, do slope Their heads to their foundations ; though the treasure Of nature's germins tumble all together, Even till destruction sicken, answer me To what I ask you. 1. Witcb. Speak. 2. Witch. Demand. 3. Witcb. We'll answer. i. Witcb. Say, if thou'dst rather hear it from our mouths, Or from our masters' ? Macb. Call them, let me see them. 1 . Witcb. Pour in sow's blood, that hath eaten Her nine farrow ; grease, that's sweaten From the murderer's gibbet, throw Into the flame. All. Come, high, or low ; Thyself, and office, deftly show. Thunder. An Apparition of an armed bead rises. Macb. Tell me, thou unknown power, l . Witcb. He knows thy thought ; Hear his speech, but say thou nought. App. Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! beware Macduff; Beware the thane of Fife. Dismiss me -.Enough. [Descends. Macb. What-e'er thou art, for thy good caution thanks; Thou hast harp'd my fear aright : But one word more : 1 . Witcb. He will not be commanded : Here's another, More potent than the first. Thunder. An Apparition of a bloody child rises. App. Macbeth ! Macbeth ! Macbeth ! Macb. Had I three ears, I'd hear thee. App. Be bloody, bold, and resolute : laugh to scorn The power of man; for none of woman born Shall harm Macbeth. [Descends. Macb. Then live, Macduff; What need I fear of thee? But yet I'll make assurance double sure, And take a bond of fate : thou shalt not live ; That I may tell pale-hearted fear, it lies, And sleep in spite of thunder. What is this, Thunder. An Apparition of a child crowned, with a tree in bis band, rises. That rises like the issue of a king ; 180 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. And wears upon his baby brow the round And top of sovereignty ? All. Listen, but speak not to't. App. Be lion-mettled, proud; and take no care Who chafes, who frets, or where conspirers are : Macbeth shall never vanquish'd be, until Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill Shall come against him. [Descends. Macb. That will never be : Who can impress the forest ; bid the tree Unfix his earth-bound root? sweet bodements! good ! Rebellious head, rise never, till the wood Of Birnam rise, and our high-plac'd Macbeth Shall live the lease of nature, pay his breath To time, and mortal custom. Yet my heart Throbs to know one thing; Tell me, (if your art Can tell so much), shall Banquo's issue ever Reign in this kingdom ? All. Seek to know no more. Macb. I will be satisfy'd : deny me this, And an eternal curse fall on you ! let me know : Why sinks that cauldron ? and what noise is this ? [Hautboys. i. Witch. Shew! z.Witcb. Shew! 3. Witch. Shew ! All. Shew his eyes; and grieve his heart; Come like shadows, so depart. Eight kings appear, and pass over the stage in order ; the last, with a glass in bis band: Banquo following. Macb. Thou art too like the spirit of Banquo ; down! Toy crown docs sear mine eye-balls ; And thy hair, Thou other gold-bound brow, is like the first: A third is like the former: Filthy bags! Why do you shew me this? A fourth? Start, eyes! What! will the line stretch out to the crack of doom I Another yet? A seventh? /'// see no more : And yet the eighth appears, who bears a glass, Which shews me many more; and some I see, That twofold balls and treble scepters carry : Horrible sight! Ay, now, I see, 'tis true; For the blood-bolter'd Banquo smiles upon me, And points at them for bis. What, is this so ? 1. Witch. Ay, sir, all this is so; But why Stands Macbeth thus amazedly ? SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 181 Come, sisters, cheer we up his sprights, And shew the best of our delights ; I'll charm the air to give a sound, While you perform your antique round : That this great king may kindly say, Our duties did his welcome pay. [Music. The Witches dance, and vanish. Macb. Where are they ? Gone ? Let this pernicious hour Stand aye accursed in the calendar ! Come in, without there ! No. LXXX. FIRST PART OF KING HENRY IV. ACT II. SCENE II. The Road by Gadshill. Prince Henry \ Poins, Peto, Falstaff, Gads-bill, Bardolpb. Painted by Mr. Smirke, and Mr. Fa- rington, R. A. Poins. Come, shelter, shelter ; I have remov'd FalstafP* horse, and he frets like a gumm'd velvet. P. Henry. Stand close. Enter Falstaff". Fal. Poins! Poins, and be hang'd! Poins! P. Hen. Peace, ye fat-kidney'd rascal! What a brawling dost thou keep? Fal. Where's Poins, Hal? i2 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. P. Hen. He is walk'd up to the top of the hill ; I'll go seek him. [Pretends to seek Poins. Pal. I am accurst to rob in that thief's company: the rascal hath removed my horse, and tied him I know not where. If I travel but four foot by the squire further afoot, I shall break my wind. Well, I doubt not but to die a fair death for all this, if I 'scape hanging for killing that rogue. I have forsworn his company hourly any time this two and twenty years, and yet I am bewitch'd with the rogue's company. If the rascal hath not given me medi- cines to make me love him, I'll be hang'd; it could not be else; I have drunk medicines. Poins! Hal! a plague upon you both! Bardolph ! Peto! I'll starve, ere I'll rob a foot further. An 'twere not as good a deed as drink, to turn true man, and to leave these rogues, I am the veriest varletthat ever chew'd with a tooth. Eight yards of uneven ground, is threescore and ten miles afoot with me; and the stony-hearted villains know it well enough : a plague upon't, when thieves cannot be true to one another ! [ Tbey whistle. ] Whew ! A plague upon you all ! Give me my horse, you rogues ; give me my horse, and be hang'd. P. Hen. Peace, ye fat-guts \ lie down ; lay thine ear close to the ground, and list if thou canst hear the tread of travellers. Pal. Have you any levers to lift me up again, being down? 'Sblood, I'll not bear mine own flesh so far afoot again, for all the coin in thy father's exchequer. What a plague mean ye, to colt me thus? P. Hen. Thou liest, thou art not colted, thou art un- colted. Pal. I pr'ythee, good prince Hal, help me to my horse ; gopd king's son. P. Hen. Out, you rogue ! shall I be your ostler? Pal. Go, hang thyself in thine own heir-apparent gar- ters ! If I be ta'en, I'll peach for this. An I have not bal- lads made on you all, and sung to filthy tunes, let a cup of sack be my poison : When a jest is so forward, and afoot too, I hate it. Enter Gads-bill. Gads. Stand. Pal. So I do, against my will. Poins. O, 'tis our setter: I know his voice. Bard. What news ? Gads. Case ye, case ye; on with your visors; there*s SHAKSPEARE GALLERY- 183 money of the king's coming down the hill, 'tis going to the king's exchequer. Fal. You lie, you rogue; 'tis going to the king's ta- vern. Gads. There's enough to make us all. Fal. Tobehang'd. P.. Hen. Sirs, you four shall front them in the narrow lane ; Ned Poins and I will walk lower : if they 'scape from your encounter, then they light on us. Pe to. How many be there of them ? Gads. Some eight, or ten. Fal. Zounds ! will they not rob us ? P. Hen. What, a coward, Sir John Paunch? Fal. Indeed, I am not John of Gaunt, your grandfather; but yet no coward, Hal. P. Hen. Well, we leave that to the proof. Poins. Sirrah Jack,, thy horse stands behind the hedge; when thou needst him, there thou shalt find him. Fare- well, and stand fast. Fal. Now cannot I strike him, if I should be hang'd. P. Hen. Ned, where are our disguises ? Poins. Here, hard by; stand close. [Exeunt P. Henry and Poins. Fal. Now, my masters, happy man be his dole, say I ; every man to his business. Enter Travellers. 1 Trav. Come, neighbour ; the boy shall lead our horses down the hill : we'll walk afoot a while, and ease our legs. Thieves. Stand. Trav. Jesu bless us ! Fal. Strike; down with them; cut the villains' throats: Ah ! whorson caterpillars ! bacon-fed knaves ; they hate us youth : down with them ; fleece them. 1 Trav. O, we are undone, both we and ours, for ever* Fal. Hang ye, gorbelliecl knaves; are ye undone? No, ye fat chuffs ; I would, your store were here ! On, bacons, on ! What, ye knaves ? young men must live : You are grand- jurors, are ye ? We'll jure ye, i' faith. [Exeunt Falstaff, 2c. driving the travellers out. Re-enter Prince Henry and Poins. P. Hen. The thieves have bound the true men : Now could thou and I rob the thieves, and go merrily to London, it would be argument for a week, laughter for a month, and a good jest for ever. 1 84 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Poins. Stand close, I here them coming. Re-enter Thieves. Fal. Come, my masters, let us share, and then to horse before day. An the Prince and Poins be not two arrant cowards, there's no equity stirring : there's no more valour in that Poins, than in a wild duck. P. Hen. Tour money! [rushing out upon them. Poins. Villains! [As they are sharing, the Prince and Poins set upon them. Falstaff, after a blow or two, and the rest, run away, leaving their booty behind tbem.~\ P. Hen. Got with much ease. Now merrily to horse; The thieves are scatter'd, and possess'd with fear So strongly, that they dare not meet each other ; Each takes his fellow for an officer. Away, good Ned. Falstaff sweats to death, And lards the lean earth as he walks along : Wer't not for laughing, I should pity him. Poins. How the rogue roar'd ! [Exeunt. No. LXXXI. FIRST PART OF KING HENRY VI ACT II. SCENE III. The Countess of Auvergne's Castle. Countess, Porter, Talbot, &c. Painted by Mr. Opie, R. A. Count. Porter, remember what I gave in charge; And, when you have done so, bring the keys to me. Port. Madam, I will. * SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 185 Count. The plot is laid: if all things fall out right, I shall as famous be by this exploit, , As Scythian Tomyris by Cyrus' death. Great is the rumour of this dreadful knight, And his atchievements of no less account : Fain would mine eyes be witness with mine ears, To give their censure of these rare reports. Enter Messenger, and Talbot. Mess. Madam, according as your ladyship desir'd, By message crav'd, so is lord Talbot come. Count. And he is welcome. What ! is this the man ? Mess. Madam, it is. Count. Is this the scourge of France ? Is this the Talbot, so much fear'd abroad, That with his name the mothers still their babes ? I see, report is fabulous and false : I thought, I should have seen some Hercules, A second Hector, for his grim aspect, And large proportion of his strong-knit limbs. Alas, this is a child, a silly dwart: It cannot be, this weak and writhled shrimp Should strike such terror to his enemies. Tal. Madam, I have been bold to trouble you : But, since your ladyship is not at leisure, I'll sort some other time to visit you. Count. What means he now ? Go ask him, whither he goes. Mess. Stay, my lord Talbot ; for my lady craves To know the cause of your abrupt departure. Tal. Marry, for that she's in a wrong belief, I go to certify her, Talbot's here. Re-enter Porter, witb keys. Count. If thou be he, then art thou prisoner. Tal. Prisoner! to whom? Count. Tome, blood-thirsty lord; And for that cause I train'd thee to my house. Long time thy shadow hath been thrall to me, For in my gallery thy picture hangs : But now the substance shall endure the like ; And I will chain these legs and arms of thine, That hast by tyranny, these many years, Wasted our country, slain our citizens, And sent our sons and husbands captivate. Tal. Ha, ha, ha! Count. Laughest thou, wretch ? thy mirth shall turn t moan. Bb 186 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Tal. I laugh to see your ladyship so fond, To think that you have aught but Talbot's shadow, Whereon to practise your severity. Count. Why, art not thou the man } Tal. I am, indeed. Count. Then have I substance too. Tal. No, no, I am but shadow of myself: You are deceiv'd, my substance is not here ', For what you see, is but the smallest part And least proportion of humanity : I tell you, madam, were the whole frame here, It is of such a spacious lofty pitch, Your roof were not sufficient to contain it. Count. This is a riddling merchant for the nonce; He will be here, and yet he is not here : * How can these contrarieties agree ? Tal. That will I shew you presently. [He winds a horn. Drums heard; then a peal of ordnance.' The gates being forced ; enter Soldiers. How say you, madam ? are you now persuaded, That Talbot is but shadow of himself ? These are his substance, sinews, arms, and strength, With xvbich be yoketh your rebellious necks ; Razctb your cities^ and subverts your towns, And in a moment makes them desolate. Count. Victorious Talbot ! pardon my abuse : I find, thou art no less than fame hath bruited, And more than may be gather'd by thy shape. Let my presumption not provoke thy wrath ; For I am sorry, that with reverence I did not entertain thee as thou art. Tal. Be not dismay'd, fair lady ; nor misconstrue The mind of Talbot, as you did mistake The outward composition of his body. What you have done, hath not offended me : Nor other satisfaction do I crave, But only (with your patience) that we may Taste of your wine, and see what cates you have; For soldiers' stomachs always serve them well. Coufit. With all my heart; and think me honoured To feast so great a warrior in my house. [Exeunt. * SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 1*7 No. LXXXII. HAMLET. ACT IV. SCENE V. Elsinore. King, Queen, Laertes, Ophelia, &c. Painted by Mr. West, R. A. PRESIDENT OF. THE ROYAL ACADEMY. Laer. How now ! what noise is that ? Enter Ophelia, fantastically dressed with straws and flowers. O heat, dry up my brains ! tears, seven times salt, Burn out the sense and virtue of mine eye ! By heaven, thy madness shall be paid with weight, Till our scale turn the beam* O rose of May ! Dear maid, kind sister, sweet Ophelia \t O heavens ! is't possible a young maid's wits Should be as mortal as an old man's life ? Nature is fine in love : and, where 'tis fine, It sends some precious instance of itself After the thing it loves. Oph. Tbey bore bim barefac'd on the bier; Hey no nonny, nonny hey nanny: And in his grave rain'd many a tear! Fare you well, my dove! Laer. Hadst thou thy wits, and didst persuade revenge, It could not move thus. Oph. Ton must sing, Down-a-down, an you call bim a-down-a. O, bow the wheel becomes it ! It is the false steward, that stole bis master's daughter. Laer. This nothing's more than matter. Oph. There's rosemary, that's for remembrance ; pray you, love, remember: and there is pansies, that's for thoughts. Laer. A document in madness; thoughts and re-mem- brancefitted. 1 88 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Oph. There's fennel for you, and columbines : there's rue for you ; and here's some for me: we may call it herb of grace o' Sundays : you may wear your rue with a dif- ference. There's a daisy : J would give you some violets; hut they wither' d all, when my father died : They say be made a good end, For bonny sweet Robin is all my joy, [sings. Lacr. Thought and affliction, passion, bell itself, Sbe turns to favour, and to prettiness. Oph. And will be not come again? [sings. And will be not come again ? No, no, be is dead, Go to thy death-bed, He never will come again. His beard was as white as snow, All flaxen was bis poll: He is gone, he is gone, And we cast away moa?i ; God 'a mercy on bis soul! And of all christian souls! I pray God. God be to/' you ! (Exit Oph. Laer. Do you see this, God? King. Laertes, I must commune with your grief, Or you deny me right. Go but apart, Make choice of whom your wisest friends you will, And they shall hear and judge 'twixt you and me : If by direct or by collateral hand They find us touch'd, we will our kingdom give, Our crown, our life, and all that we call ours, To you in satisfaction : but, if not, Be you content to lend your patience to us, And we shall jointly labour with your soul To give it due content. Laer. Let this be so; His means of death, his obscure funeral, No trophy, sword, nor hatchment, o'er his bones, No noble rite, nor formal ostentation, Cry to be heard, as 'twere from heaven to earth, That I must call't in question. King. So you shall ; And, where the offence is, let the great axe fall. I pray you, go with me. [Exeunt. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 1S9 No. LXXXIII. C Y M B E L I N E. ACT III. SCENE IV. Near Milford Haven, Pisanio and Imogen, Painted by Mr. John Hoppner, FAINTER TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES. Imo. Thou told'st me, when we came from horse, the place Was near at hand : Ne'er long'd my mother so To sse me first, as I have now : Pisanio ! Man ! Where is Posthumus ? What is in thy mind, That makes thee stare thus? Wherefore breaks that sigh From the inward of thee ? One, but painted thus, Would be interpreted a thing perplex'd Beyond self-explication : Put thyself Into a haviour of less fear, ere wildness Vanquish my staider senses. What's the matter? Why tender'st thou that paper to me, with A look untender ? If it be summer news, Smile to't before: if winterly, thou need'st But keep that countenance still. My husband's hand! That drug-damn 'd Italy hath out-crafted him, And he's at some hard point. Speak, man; thy tongue May take off some extremity, which to read Would be even mortal to me. Pis. Please you, read ; And you shall find me, wretched man, a thing The most disdain'd of fortune. Imo. [reads.] Thy mistress, Pisanio, hath play'd the strumpet in. my bed; the testimonies whereof lie bleeding 190 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. in me. I speak not out of weak surmises; but from proof as strong as my grief, and as certain as I expect my revenge. That part, thou, Pisanio, must act for me, if thy faith be not tainted with the breach of hers. Let thine own hands take away her life: I shall give thee opportunity at Milford- Haven: she hath' my letter for the purpose: Where, if thou fear to strike., and to make me certain it is done, thou art the pander to her dishonour, and equally to me disloyal. Pit, What shall I need to draw my sword? the paper Hath cut her throat already. No, 'tis slander ; Whose edge is sharper than the sword ; whose tongue Out-venoms all the worms of Nile ; whose breath Rides on the posting winds, and doth belie All corners of the world : kings, queens, and states, Maids, matrons, nay, the secrets of the grave This viperous slander enters.-r-What cheer, madam ? Into. False to his bed ! What is it, to be falfe ? To lie in watch there, and to think on him ? To weep 'twixt clock and clock ? if sleep charge nature, To break it with a fearful dream of him, And cry myself awake ? that's false to his bed? Is it ? Pis. Alas, good lady ! lino. I false? Thy conscience witness : Iachimo., Thou didst accuse him of incontinency; Thou then look'dst like a villain ; now, methinks, Thy favour's good enough. Some jay of Italy, Whose mother was her painting, hath betray 'd him: Poor I am stale, a garment out of fashion ; And, for I am richer than to hang by the walls, I must be ript : to pieces with me : O, Men's vows are women's traitors ! All good seeming, By thy revolt, O husband, shall be thought Put on for villainy j not born, where't grows ; But worn, a bait for ladies. Pis. Good madam, hear me. Imo. True honest men being heard, like false JEneas, Were, in his time, thought false : and Sinon's weeping Did scandal many a holy tear ; took pity From most true wretchedness : Bo, thou, Posthumus, Wilt lay the leaven on all proper men ; Goodly, and gallant, shall be false, and perjur'd, From thy great fail. Come, fellow, be thou honest : Do thou thy master's bidding : When thou see'st him, A little witness my obedience : Look! SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 191 / draw the sword myself: take it, and bit The intwcent mansion of my love, my heart : Fear not; 'tis empty of all things, but grief: Thy master is not there ; who was, indeed, The riches of it: Do bis bidding ; strike. Tbou may'st be valiant in a better cause ; But now tbou scem'st a coward. Pis. Hence, vile instrument ! Thou shalt not damn my hand. Imo. Why, I must die ; And if I do not by thy hand, thou art No servant of thy master's : Against self-slaughter There is a prohibition so divine That cravens my weak hand. Come, here's my heart ;*- Something's afore't : Soft, soft ; we'll no defence; Obedient as the scabbard. What is here ? The scriptures of the loyal Leonarus, All turn'd to heresy ? Away, away, Corrupters of my faith ! You shall no more Be stomachers to my heart ! Thus may poor fools Believe false teachers : Though those that are betray'd Do feel the treason sharply, yet the traitor Stands in worse case of woe. And thou, Posthumus, That did'st set up my disobedience 'gainst The king my father, and make me put into contempt The suits of princely fellows, shalt hereafter find It is no act of common passage, but A strain of rareness : and I grieve myself, To think, wh*n thou shalt be dis-edg'd by her That thou now tir'st on, how thy memory Will then be pang'd by me. Pr'ythee, dispatch: The lamb entreats the butcher: Where's thy knife? Thou art too slow to do thy master's bidding, When I desire it too. Pis. O gracious lady ! Since I receiv'd command to do this business, I have not slept one wink. J mo. Do't, and to bed then. Pis. I'll wake mine eye-balls blind first. Imo. Wherefore then Did'st undertake it? Why hast thou abus'd So many miles, with a pretence? this place ? Mine action, and thine own ? our horses' labour ? The time inviting thee ? the perturb'd court, For my being absent; whereunto I never i 9 2 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Purpose return ? Why hast thou gone so far, To be unbent, when thou hast ta'en thy stand, The elected deer before thee? Pis. But to win time To lose so bad employment : in the which I have consider'd of a course; Good lady, Hear me with patience. Into. Talk thy tongue weary ; speak : I have heard, I am a strumpet j and mine ear Therein false struck, can take no greater wound, Nor tent to bottom that. But speak. Pis. Then, madam, I thought you would not back again. Imo. Most like j Bringing me here to kill me. Pis. Not so, neither : But if I were as wise as honest, then My purpose would prove well. It cannot be, But that my master is abus'd : Some villain, ay, and singular in his art, Hath done you both this cursed injury. Imo. Some Roman courtezan. Pis. No, on my life. I'll give but notice you are dead, and send him Some bloody sign of it ; for 'tis commanded I should do so: You shall be miss'd at court, And that will well confirm it. Imo. Why, good fellow, What shall I do the while? Where bide ? How live ? Or in my life what comfort, when I am Dead to my husband ? Pis. If you'll back to the court, Imo. No court, no father ; nor no more ado With that harsh, noble, simple, nothing ; That Cloten, whose love-suit hath been to me As fearful as a siege. Pis. If not at court, Then not in Britain must you bide. BASSO SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 193 No. LXXXIV. CYMBELINE. ACT II. SCENE II. A Bedchamber. Imogen in Bed. Iachimo. Painted by Mr. Barry, R. A. Imo. Who's there ? my woman Helen ? Lady. Please you, madam. Imo. What hour is it ? Lady. Almost midnight, madam. Imo. I have read three hours then : mine eyes are weak : Fold down the leaf Where I have left : To bed: Take not away the taper, leave it burning ; And if thou can'st awake by four o' the clock, I pr'ythee, call me. Sleep hath seiz'd me wholly. [Exit. Lady. To your protection I commend me, gods ! From fairies, and the tempters of the night, Guard me, beseech ye ! [Sleeps. Iachimo from tbe trunk. Iach. Tbe crickets sing, and man's o'er-labottr'd sense Repairs itself by rest: Our Tarquin tbus Did softly press tbe rushes, ere be waken'd Tbe chastity be wounded. Cytherea, How bravely thou becom'st thy bed ! fresh lily ! And whiter than the sheets ! That I might touch ! But kiss ! one kiss ! Rubies unparagon'd, How dearly they do't ! 'Tis her breathing that Perfumes the chamber thus : The flame o' the taper Bows toward her ; and would under-peep her lids, To see the inclosed lights, now canopy'd Under these windows : white and azure, lac'd ; With blue of heaven's own tinct. But my design ? To note the chamber : I will write all down : Such, and such pictures; There the window : Such Cc io+ SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. The adornment of her bed ; The arras, figures, Why, such, and such : And the contents o' the story,- Ah, but some natural notes about her body, Above ten thousand meaner moveables Would testify, to enrich mine inventory : O sleep, thou ape of death, lie dull upon her ! And be her sense but as a monument, Thus in a chapel lying ! Come off, come off; [Taking, off her bracelet. As slippery, as the Gordian knot was hard ! 'Tis mine, and this will witness outwardly, As strongly as the conscience does within, To the madding of her lord. On her left breast A mole cinque-spotted, like the crimson drops I' the bottom of a cowslip : Here's a voucher, Stronger than ever Jaw could make : this secret Will force him think I have pick'd the lock, and ta'en The treasure of her honour. No more. To what end ? Why should I write this down, that's rivetted, Screw'd to my memory ? She hath been reading late The tale of Tereus ; here the leaf's turn'd down, Where Philomel gave up ; I have enough : To the trunk again, and shut the spring of it. Swift, swift, you dragons of the night ! that dawning May bare the raven's eye : I lodge in fear ; Though this a heavenly angel, hell is here. [ Clock strikes. One, two, three, Time, time ! [Goes into the trunk, Tbe scene closes* SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 19S No. LXXXV. OTHELLO. ACT II. SCENE I. A Platform. Desdemona, Othello, Iago, Cassio, Roderigo, Emilia, ire. Painted by Mr. Stothard, A. R. Cas. The riches of the ship is come on shore ! Ye men of Cyprus, let her have your knees : Hail to thee, lady ! and the grace of heaven, Before, behind thee, and on every hand, Enwheel thee round ! Des. I thank you, valiant Cassio. What tidings can you tell me of my lord? Cas. He is not yet arrived ; nor know I aught But that he's well, and will be shortly here. Des. O. but I fear; How lost you company? Cas. The great contention of the sea and skies Parted our fellowship : But, hark ! a sail. [Cry witbin. A sail, a sail ! Then guns beard, z. Gent. Tney give their greeting to the citadel; This likewise is a friend. Cas. See for the news. [Exit Gentleman. Good ancient, you are welcome ; Welcome, mistress : [To Emilia. Let it not gall your patience, good Iago, That I extend my manners ; 'tis my breeding That gives me this bold shew of courtesy. [Kissing ber. Iago. Sir, would she give you so much of her lips, As of her tongue she oft bestows on me, You'd have enough. Des. Alas, she has no speech. Iago. In faith, too much ; I find it still, when I have list to sleep : Marry, before your ladyship, I grant, i 9 6 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. She puts her tongue a little in her heart, And chides with thinking. Emit. You have Tittle cause to say so. Iago. Come on, come on ; you are pictures out of doors, Bells in your parlours, wild cats in your kitchens, Saints in your injuries, devils being offended, Players in your housewifery, and housewives in your beds. Des. O, fie upon thee, slanderer! I ago. Nay, it is true, or else I am a Turk ; You rise to play, and go to bed to work. Emit. You shall not write my praise. Iago. No, let me not. Des. What would'st thou write of me, if thou should 'st praise me ? Iago. O gentle lady, do not put me to't; For I am nothing, if not critical. Des. Come on, assay : There's one gone to the harbour? Iago. Ay madam. Des. I am not merry ; but I do beguile The thing I am, by seeming otherwise. Come, how would'st thou praise me ? Iago. I am about it ; but, indeed, my invention Comes from my pate, as bird-lime does from frize, It plucks out brains and all : But my muse labours, Aud thus she is deliver'd. If she be fair and wise, fairness, and wit, The one's for use, the other useth it. Des. Well prais'd ! How if she be black and witty ? Iago. If she be black, and thereto have a wit, She'll find a white that shall her blackness fit. Des. Worse and worse. Emil. How, if fair and foolish ? Iago. She never yet was foolish that was fair ; For even her folly help'd her to an heir. Des. These are old fond paradoxes to make fools laugh i' the alehouse. What miserable praise hast thou for her that's foul and foolish ? Iago. There's none so foul, and foolish thereunto, But does foul pranks which fair and wise ones do. Des. O heavy ignorance ! thou praisest the worst best. But what praise could'st thou bestow on a deserving woman indeed ? one, that, in the authority of her merit did justly put on the vouch of very malice itself? Iago. She that was ever fair and never proud : Had tongue at will, and yet was never loud j SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 197 Nerer lack'd gold and yet went never gay ; Fled from her wish, and yet said now I may ; She that, being anger'd, her revenge being nigh, Bade her wrong stay, and her displeasure fly j She that in wisdom never was so frail, To change the cod's head for the salmon's tail ; She that could think, and ne'er disclose her mind, See suitors following, and not look behind ; She was a wight, if ever such wight were, Des. To do what? I ago. To suckle fools, and chronicle small beer. Des. O most lame and impotent conclusion! Do not learn of him, Emilia, though he be thy husband. How say you, Cassio? is he not a most profane and liberal counsellor ? Cas. He speaks home, madam ; you may relish him more in the soldier, than in the scholar. I ago. [aside.] He takes her by the palm: Ay, well said, whisper: with as little a wfeb as this, will I ensnare as great a fly as Cassio. Ay, smile upon her, do ; I will gyve thee in thine own courtship. You say true: 'tis so, indeed: if such tricks as these strip you out of your lieute- nantry, it had been better you had not kiss'd your three fingers so oft, which now again you are most apt to play the sir in. Very good; well kiss'd! an excellent courtesy! 'tis so, indeed. Yet again your fingers to your lips? would they were clyster-pipes for your sake! [Trumpet.] The Moor, I know his trumpet. Cas. 'Tis truly so. Des. Let's meet him, and receive him. Cas. Lo, where comes ! Enter Othello and Attendants. Oth. O my fair warrior. Des. My dear Othello! Oth. It gives me wonder great as my content, To see you here before me. O my soul's joy! If after every tempest eomes such calmness, May the winds blow till they have waken' d death! And let the labouring bark climb bills of seas Olympus high ; and duck again as low As bell's from heaven ? If it were now to die, 'Twere now to be most happy ; for, I fear, My soul bath her content so absolute, That not another comfort like to this Succeeds in unknown fate. i 9 8 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Des. The heavens forbid, But that our loves and comforts should increase, Even as our days do grow ! Otb. Amen to that, sweet powers ! I cannot speak enough of this content, It stops me here ; it is too much of joy ; And this, and this, the greatest discords be [Kissing ber. That e'er our hearts shall make ! Iago. O, you are well tun'd now ! But I'll set down the pegs that make this music, As honest as I am. [Aside. Otb. Come, let's to the castle. News, friends ; our wars are done ; the Turks are drown'd. How do our old acquaintance of this isle ? Honey, you shall be well desir'd in Cyprus, I have found great love amongst them. O my sweet, I prattle out of fashion, and I dote In mine own comforts. I pr'ythee, good Iago, Go to the bay, and disembark my coffers : Bring thou the master to the citadel ; He is a good one, and his worthiness Does challenge much respect. Come, Desdemona, Once more well met at Cyprus. [Exeunt Otbello, Desdemona, and Attendants. THE INFANT SHAKSPEARE, ATTENDED BY NATURE AND THE PASSIONS. Painted by Mr. Romney. Nature is represented with her face unveiled to her favourite Child, who is placed between Joy and Sorrow. On the Right-Hand of Nature are Love, Hatred, and Jealousy: on her Left>Hand, Anger, Envy, and Fear. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 199 BASSO-RELIEVOS, By the Honourable Mrs. Damer. No. I. CORIOLANUS. ACT II. SCENE I. Menenius, Sicinius, Volwn?iia, Virgilia> &c. Enter Coriolanus in Triumph. All. Welcome to Rome, renowned Coriolanus ! Cor. No more of this, it does offend my heart; Pray now, no more. Com. Look, sir, your mother, Cor. O! You have, I know, petitioned all the gods For my prosperity. [Kneels* Vol. Nay, my good soldier, up ; My gentle Marcius, worthy Caius, and By deed-atchieving honour newly nam 'd, What is it? Coriolanus, must I call thee? But O, thy wife Cor. My gracious silence, bail! Would 1 st thou have laugb'd, bad I come coffiri'd home, Tbat weep'st to see me triumph ? Ab, my dear, Sucb eyes the widows in Corioli wear, And mothers tbat lack sons* 200 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. No. II. CORIOLANUS. ACT IV. SCENE V. Aufidius, Coriolanus. Auf. Whence comes t thou ? What wouldest thou? Thy name? Why speak'st not ? Speak, man : What's thy name ? Cor. If, Tullus, [unmuffling. Not yet thou know'st me, and seeing me, dost not Think me for the man I am, necessity Commands me name myself. Auf. What is thy name ? Cor. A name unmusical to the Volcian's ears, And harsh in sound to thine. Auf. Say, what's thy name ? Thou hast a grim appearance, and thy face Bears a command in't ; though thy tackle's torn, Thou shew'st a noble vessel : What's thy name ? No. III. ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA, ACT V. Death of Cleopatra. Char. O, eastern star ! Cleo. Peace, peace ! Dost thou not see my baby at my breast, That sucks the nurse asleep ? Char. O, break ! O, break ! Cleo. As sweet as balm, as soft as air, as gentle, O, Antony ! Nay, I will take thee too : [Applying another asp to her arm. What should I stay [Dies. ' $ i 7 94 No. LXXXVI. KING RICHARD II. ACT V. SCENE II. Richard, Bolingbroke, &c. Painted by Mr. Northcote, R. A. Enter York and bis Dutchess. Dutch. My lord, you told me, you would tell the rest. When weeping made you break the story off Of our two cousins coming into London. York. Where did I leave? Dutch. At that sad stop, my lord, Where rude misgoverned hands, from windows' tops, Threw dust and rubbish on king Richard's head. York. Then, as I said, the duke, great Bohngbroke, Mounted upon a hot and fiery steed, Which bis aspiring rider seem'd to know, With sloiv but stately pace, kept on bis course, While all tongues cry'd God save tbee, Bolingbroke! You would have thought the very windows spake. So many greedy looks of young and old Through casements darted their desiring eyes Upon his visage ; and that all the walls, With painted imag'ry, bad said at once, Jesu, preserve tbee ! welcome, Bolingbrokel Whilst be, from one side to the other turning, Bare-beaded, lower than bis proud steed's neck, Bespake them thus, / thank you, countrymen : And thus still doing, thus be past along. Dd 202 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Dutch. Alas, poor Richard ! where rides he the while i York. As in a theatre, the eyes of men, After a well-grac'd actor leaves the stage, Are idly bent on him that enters next, Thinking his prattle to be tedious : Even so, or with much more contempt, men's eyes Did scowl on Richard ; no man cry'd, God save him ; No joyful tongue gave him his welcome home : But dust was thrown upon his sacred head ; Which with such gentle sorrow he shook off, His face still combating with tears and smiles, The badges of his grief and patience, That had not God, for some strong purpose, steel'd The hearts of men, they must perforce have melted, And barbarism itself have pitied him. But heaven hath a hand in these events : To whose high will we bound our calm contents. To Bolingbroke are we sworn subjects now, Whose state and honour I for aye allow. No. LXXXVII. FIRST PART OF KING HENRY IV. ACT III. SCENE I. The Archdeacon of Bangor's House, in Wales. Hotspur, Worcester, Mortimer, and Owen Glendower. Painted by Mr. Westal, R. A. Mor, These promises are fair, the parties sure, And our induction full of prosperous hope. Hoi. Lord Mortimer, and cousin Glendower, SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. zoj Will you sit down ? And, uncle Worcester : A plague upon it ! I have forgot the map. Glend. No, here it is. Sit, cousin Percy ; sit, good cousin Hotspur : For by that name as oft as Lancaster Doth speak of you, his cheek looks pale ; and, with A rising sigh, he wisheth you in heaven. Hot. And you in hell as oft as he hears Owen Glendower spoke of. Glend. I cannot blame him ; at my nativity, The front of heaven was full of fiery shapes, Of burning cressets ; and, at my birth, The frame and huge foundation of the earth Shak'd like a coward. Hot . Why, so it would have done, At the same season, if your mother's cat Had but kitten'd, though yourself had ne'er been born. Glend. I say, the earth did shake when I was born. Hot. And I say, the earth was not of my mind, If you suppose, as fearing you it shook. Glend- The heavens were all on fire, the earth did tremble. Hot. O, then the earth shook to see the heavens on fire, And not in fe?.r of your nativity. Diseased nature often times breaks forth In strange eruptions: oft the teeming earth Is with a kind of colic pinch'dand vex'd By the imprisoning of unruly wind Within her womb ; which, for enlargement striving. Shakes the old beldam earth, and topples down Steeples, and moss-grown towers. At your birth, Our grandam earth, having this distemperature, In passion shook. Glend. Cousin, of many men I do not bear these crossings. Give me leave To tell you once again, that at my birth, The front of heaven was full of fiery shapes; The goats ran from the mountains, and the herds Were strangely clamorous to the frighted fields. These signs have mark'd me extraordinary ; And all the courses of my life do shew, I am not in the roll of common men. Where is he living, clipp'd in with the sea, That chides the banks of England, Scotland, Wales, 204 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Which calls me pupil, or hath read to me ? And bring him out, that is but woman's son, Can trace me in the tedious ways of art, And hold me pace in deep experiments. Hot. I think, there is no man speaks better Welch :- I will to dinner. Mori. Peace, cousin Percy ; you will make him mad. Glend. I can call spirits trom the vasty deep. Hot. Why, so can [ ; or so can any man : Bur will they come, when you do call for them ? Glend. Why, I can teach you,cousin, to command The devil. Hot. And, I can teach thee, coz, to shame the devil, By telling truth ; Tell truth, and shame the devil. If thou have power to raise him, bring him hither, And I'll be sworn, I have power to shame him hence. O, while you live, tell truth, and shame the devil. Mort. Come, come, No more of this unprofitable chat. Glend. Three times hath Henry Bolingbroke made head Against my power : thrice, from the banks of Wye, And sandy bottom'd Severn, have I sent him Booteless home, and weather-beaten back. Hot. Home without boots, and in foul weather too ! How 'scapes he agues in the devil's name ? Glend. Come, here's the map ; Shall we divide our right, According to our three-fold order ta'en ? Mort. The archdeacon hath divided it Into three limits, very equally : England, from Trent and Severn hitherto, By south and east, is to my part assign'd : All westward, Wales beyond the Severn shore, And all the fertile land within that bound, To Owen Glendower: and, dear coz, to you The remnant northward, lying off from Trent. And our indentures tripartite are drawn ; Which being sealed interchangeably, (A business that this night may execute,) To-morrow, cousin Percy, you, and I, And my lord of Worcester, will set forth To meet your father, and the Scottish power, As is appointed us, at Shrewsbury. My father Glendower is not ready yet, Nor shall we need his help these fourteen days : ? Within that space, [to Glen.] you may have drawn together SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 205 Your tenants, friends, and neighbouring gentlemen. Glend. A shorter time shall send me ro you, lords, And in my conduct shall your ladies come : From whom you now must steal, and take no leave; For there will be a world of water shed, Upon the parting of your wives and you. Hot. Methinks, my moiety, north from Burton here. In quantity equals not one of yours ; See, bow this river comes me cranking in, And cuts me, from the best of all my land, A huge half moon, a monstrous cantle out. I'll have the current in this place damm'd up ; And here the smug und silver Trent shall run, In a new channel, fair and evenly : It shall not wind xvitb such a deep indent, To rob me of so rich a bottom here. Glend. Not wind? it shall, it must ; you see, it dotb. Mort. Yea, but mark, How be bears bis course, and runs me up With like advantage en the other side; Gelding the opposed continent as much, As on the other side it takes from you. Wor. Tea, but a little charge will trench him here, And on this north side win this cape of land', And then be runs straight and even. Hot. I'll have it so ; a little charge will do it. Glend. I will not have it alter' d. Hot. Will not you? Glend. No, nor you shall not. Hot. Who shall say me nay? Glend. Why, that will I. Hot. Let me not understand you then, Speak it in Welsh. Glend. I can speak English, lord, as well as you ; For I was tram'd up in the English court: Where, being but young, I framed to the harp Many an English ditty lovely well, And gave the tongue a helpful ornament; A virtue that was never seen in you. Hot. Marry, and I'm glad of it with all my heart: I had rather be a kitten and cry mew, Than one of these same metre ballad-mongers : I had rather hear a brazen canstick turn'd, Or a dry wheel grate on the axle-tree ; And that would set my teeth nothing on edge. 206 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Nothing so much as mincing poetry ; 'Tislike the forc'd gait of a shuffling nag. Glend. Come, you shall have Trent turn'd. Hot. I do not care : I'll give thrice so much land To any well- deserving friend ; But, in the way of bargain, mark ye me, I'll cavil on the ninth part of a hair. 5 . Are the indentures drawn? shall we be gone ? No. LXXXVIII. FIRST PART OF KING HENRY IV. ACT II. SCENE IV. The Boar's Head Tavern, Eastcbeap. Prince Henry, Falstaff, Poins, &c. Painted by Mr. Smirke, R. A. P. Hen. Here comes lean Jack, here comes bare-bone. How now my sweet creature of bombast ? How long is't ago, Jack, since thou saw'st thine own knee ? Fal. My own knee ? when I was about thy years, Hal, I was not an eagle's talon in the waist ; I could have crept into any alderman's thumb-ring : A plague of sighing and grief! it blows a man up like a bladder. There's villain- ous news abroad : here was sir John Bracy from your fa- ther ; you must to the court in the 1 morning. That same mad fellow of the north, Percy ; and he of Wales, that gave Amaimon the bastinado, and made Lucifer cuckold, and swore the devil his true liegeman upon the cross of a' Welch hook, What a plague call you him ? Poins. O, Glendower. _ Fal. Owen, Owen ; the same ; and his son-in-law, Mor- timer ; and old Northumberland ; and that sprightly Scot SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 207 of Scots, Douglas, that runs o' horse-back up a hill perpen- dicular. P. Hen. He that rides at high speed, and with his pistol kills a sparrow flying. Fal. You have hit it. P. Hen. So did he never the sparrow. Fal. Well, that rascal hath good mettle in him ; and will not run. P. Hen. Why, what a rascal art thou then, to praise liim so for running ? Fal. O' horseback, ye cuckoo! but, afoot, he will not budge a foot. P. Hen. Yes, Jack, upon instinct. Fal. I grant ye, upon instinct. Well, he is there too, and one Mordake, and a thousand blue-caps more : Wor- cester is stolen away to-night ; thy father's beard is turn'd white with the news-j you may buy land now as cheap as stinking mackarel. P. Hen. Why then, 'tis like, if there come a hot June, and this civil buffeting hold, we shall buy maiden-heads as they buy hob-nails, by the hundreds. Fal. By the mass, lad, thou say'st true ; it is like we shall have good trading that way. But, tell me, Hal, art thou not horribly afeard ? thou being heir apparent, could the world pick thee out three such enemies again as that fiend Douglas, that spirit Percy, and that devil Glendower i Art thou not horribly afraid : doth not thy blood thrill at it. P. Hen. Not a whit, I'faith ; I lack some of thy instinct. Fal. Well, thou wilt be horribly chid to-morrow, when thou comest to thy father : if thou love me, practise an answer. P. Hen. Do thou stand for my father, and examine me upon the particulars of my life. Fal. Shall 1 1 content: This cbair shall be my state, this dagger my sceptre, and this cushion my crown. P. Hen. Thy state is taken for a joint-stool, thy golden sceptre for a leaden dagger, and thy precious rich crown* for a pitiful bald crown! Fal. Well, an the fire of grace be not quite out of thee, now shalt thou be moved. Give me a cup of sack, to make mine eyes look red, that it may be thought I have wept ; for I must speak in passion, and I will do it in king Cam- byses' vein. P. Hen. Well, here is my leg. 2 o8 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Fal. And here is ray speech : Stand aside, nobility. Host. This is excellent sport i'faith. Fal. Weep not, sweet queen, for trickling tears are vain. Host. O the father, how he holds his countenance ! Fal. For God's sake, lords, convey my tristful queen, For tears do stop the flood-gates of her eyes. Host. O rare ! he doth it as like one of these harlotry players, as I ever see. Fal. Peace, good pint-pot ; peace, good tickle-brain. Harry, I do not only marvel where thou spendest thy time, but also how thou art accompanied : for though the camomile, the more it is trodden on, the faster it grows, yet youth, the more it is wasted, the sooner it wears. That thou art my son, I have partly thy mother's word, partly my own opinion ; but chiefly, a villainous trick of thine eye, and a foolish hanging of thy nether lip, that doth warrant me. If then thou be son to me, here lies the point ; Why, being son to me, art thou so pointed at ? Shall the blessed sun of heaven prove a micher, and eat black-berries ? a question not to be ask'd. Shall the son of England prove a thief, and take purses ? a question to be ask'd. There is a thing, Harry, which thou hast often heard off, and it is known to many in our land by the name of pitch : this pitch, as ancient writers do report, doth defile ; so doth the company thou keepest : for, Harry, now I do not speak to thee in drink, but in tears ; not in pleasure, but in passion ; not in words only, but in woes also : And yet there is a virtuous man, whom I have often noted in thy company, but I know not his name. P. Hen. What manner of man, an it like your majesty ? Fal. A good portly man i'faith, and a corpulent : of a cheerful look, a pleasing eye, and a most noble carriage ; and, as I think, his age some fifty, or by'r-lady, inclining to threescore ; and now I remember me, his name is Fal- stafF: if that man should be lewdly given,' he deceiveth me ; for Harry, I see virtue in his looks. If then the tree may be known by the fruit, as the fruit by the tree, then, pe- remptorily 1 speak it, there is virtue in that FalstafF : him keep with, the rest banish. And tell me now, thou naughty varlet, tell me, where hast thou been this month. P. Hen. Dost thou speak Tike a king ? Do thou stand for me, and I'll play my father. SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. 209 No. LXXXIX. SECOND PART OF KING HENRY IV. ACT IV. SCENE IV. - King Henry, and the Prince of Wales. Painted by Mr. J. Boydell. War. My lord, I found the prince in the next room, Washing with kindly tears his gentle cheeks; With such a deep demeanour in great sorrow, That tyranny, which never quaff'd but blood, Would, by beholding him, have wash'd his knife With gentle eye-drops. He is coming hither. K. Hen. But wherefore did he take away the crown r Enter Prince Henry. Lo, where he comes, Come hither to me, Harry : Depart the chamber, leave us here alone. [Exeunt Clarence, Prince Humphrey, Lords, Ctfc. P. Hen. I never thought to hear you speak again. K. Hen. Thy wish was father, Harry, to that thought : I stay too long by thee, I weary thee. Dost thou so hunger for my empty chair, That thou wilt needs invest thee with mine honours Before thy hour be ripe ? O foolish youth ! Thou seek'st the greatness that will overwhelm thee. Stay but a little ; for my cloud of dignity Is held from falling with so weak a wind, That it will quickly drop : my day is dim. Thou hast stolen that, which, after sbme few hours, Were thine without offence ; and, at my death, Thou hast seal'd up my expectation : Thy life did manifest, thou lov'dst me not, And thou wilt have me die assured of it. Thou hid'st a thousand daggers in thy thoughts : E e 2to SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. Which thou hast whetted on thy stony heart, To stab at half an hour of my life. .What ! canst thou not forbear me half an hour? Then get thee gone, and dig my grave thyself ; And bid the merry bells ring to thine ear, That thou art crowned, not that I am dead. Let all the tears, that should bedew my hearse, Be drops of balm, to sanctify thy head : Only compound me with forgotten dust ; Give that which gave thee life, unto the worms. Pluck down my officers, break my decrees ; For now a time is come to mock at form, Harry the fifth is crown'd : Up, vanity : Down, royal state ! all you sage counsellors, hence ! And to the English court assemble now, From every region, apes of idleness ! Now, neighbour confines, purge you of your scum Have you a ruffian, that will swear, drink, dance. Revel the night ; rob, murder, and commit The oldest sins the newest kind of ways ; Be happy, he will trouble you no more : England shall double gild his treble guilt; England shall give him office, honour, might : For the fifth Harry from curb'd licence plucks The muzzle of restraint, and the wild dog Shall flesh his tooth in every innocent. my poor kingdom, sick with civil blows ! When that my care could not withhold thy riots, What wilt thou do when riot is thy care ? Q, thou wilt be a wilderness again,, Peopled with wolves, thy old inhabitants ! P. Hen. O pardon me, my liege ! but for my tears, [kneeling, The moist impediments unto my speech, 1 bad fore stall' d this dear and deep rebuke, Ere you with grief bad spoke, and I bad beard The course of it so far. There is your crown ; And He that wears the crown immortally, Long guard it yours! If I affect it more, Than as your honour, and as your renown, Let me no more from this obedience rise, ( Which my most true and inward-duteous spirit Teacbetb) this prostrate and exterior bending! Heaven witness with me, when I here came in, And found no course of breath within your majesty,, SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. zu How cold it struck my heart ! if I do feign, O, let me in my present wildness die ; And never live to shew the incredulous world The noble change that I have purposed ! Coming to look on you, thinking you dead, (And dead almost, my liege, to think you were,) I spake uato the crown, as having sense, And thus upbraided it. ' The care on thee depending, ' Hath ted upon the body of my father ; * Therefore, tbou, best of gold, art worst of gold. ' Other, less fine in carat, is more precious, * Preserving life in med'cine potable : ' But thou, most fine, most honour'd, most renown'd, ' Hast eat thy bearer up.' Thus, my most royal liege, Accusing it, I put it on my head ; To try with it, -as with an enemy, That had before my face murder'd my father, The quarrel of a true inheritor. I r But if it did infect my blood with joy, Or swell my thoughts to any strain of pride ; If any rebel or vain spirit of mine Did, with the least affection of a welcome, Give entertainment to the might of it, Let God for ever keep it from my head ! And make me as the poorest vassal is, That doth with awe and terror kneel to it ! K . Hen. O my son ! Heaven put it in thy mind, to take it hence, That thou might'st win the more thy father's love, Pleading so wisely in excuse of it. Come hither, Harry, sit thou by my bed; And hear, I think, the very latest counsel That ever 1 shall breathe. . - ' tiz SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. The Quotations from Shakspeare, expla-* natory of the following Pictures, were printed in the former part of the Ca- talogue though the Pictures are now fpr the first time exhibited. WINTER'S TALE. ACT III. SCENE III. A Desart place near the Sea. Antigonus pwsued by a Bear. Painted by Mr. Wright of Derby, N. B. See No. XVII. in the Catalogue. FIRST PART OF KING HENRY IV. ACT II. SCENE II. Prince Henry, Poins, Peto, Falstqff, Gads -hill, and Bardolph. Painted by Mr. Smirke, R. A. and Mr. Farington, R. A, N. B. See No. LXXX. in the Catalogue. OTHELLO. Desdemona, Othello, Iago, Cassio, Roderigo, Emilia, &c. Painted by Mr. Stothart, R. A. N. B. See No. LXXXV. in the Catalogue. PRIESTLEY'S CATALOGUE, 1805. CATALOGUE OF VALUABLE BOOKS, ANCIENT ANT) MODERN, //; various Languages, and upon etery Branch of Literature, NOW SELLLNO' CHEAP FOR HEADY MONEY ONLY,' At the Prices printed in the Catalogue, and marked in every Book, BY J. R. & G. PRIESTLEY, 143, HIGH HOLBORN. CATALOGUES (Price uj may be had of Mr. HATCH ARD, Bookseller, PidadiHir, Mr. COOKE, Bo teller, O.rjfcrtf ; Mr. . DEIGHTON, Bookseller, Cambridge ; and at the Place of Sale. The Full Value given for Libraries and Parcels of Books. Gentlemen are requested to send, not only the Number, but th First Word, and the Price of the Article they Want. LOXDON: FEINTED BY \Y. CALVEKT, fOXftE LANE, TEMPLE BAB. 1803. INDEX. . Fol. 4to. 8vo. I2mo. i6"'o. 165 History, Voyages, Trarels, Miscel- i 16 46 I 4 I 3 37 109 IO9 6 35 61 $7 French, Italian, and Spanish - - J 32 129 150 *57 Arts, Sciences, Philosophy - - - 8 40 76 7<5 9 44 122 122 Medicine, Surgery, and Chemistry 9 44 90 90 i Classics, &c. 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Ha/.e, 1720 399 Blount Censura celebriorum . Authorum, 10s. 6d. Lon d. 1690 460 Bibliii Septuaginta and" N. Testam. Gr. ics. 6d. l]as. 1545 40J. : Gr. & Lat. Monni, rini 3 torn. il. 8s. Paris, 1628 402 Bedae -Historia Ecclesiastica Anglorum Sax, & Lat. cura ! ' Smith, half bound, uncut, 16s. s Cant. 1722 403 Clerici Paraphrasis et Comment in Vet and Nov. Tefiiata. ct Harmocia Evang. 7 torn. 3I. 3s. . . ' Amjl. 1710, &c. 404 Cieiiei et Hammondi Novum Testani, 2 torn, br/l edition, neat, 1 1. IS. Franco /". 1 7 14 40J Calvini Iustilutione* Christiana Kciijionis, 7s. 6d. Amjl. 1667 H. Holborn. - ] ChJJtcs, and other Books, Lat. Gr. andHeb. Folio. 1 1 406 Calvinus Comment, in Prophetas, 2 torn, neat, 14s. Gen. 161 7 407 Ciceroni's Op ra Vcrburgii, 3 torn. 3 1. Afji. 1724 408 Cicero tie Ojnciis, 6s. Ventt. itf"] . 409 Callimachus vinece, fewed, ja. <5d. Glafg. Foulis, 1755 410 Catalog us Librorum Mat Angluc et Hiberniae, Smith Catalogue . Bibliotfafccae Cattontanae, 10s. 6d. Oxon. 1696-7 '411 Camdeni Britannia, 10s. 6d. ? Amft. 1659- 412 Cave Scriptorum Eccle-iasticorum Hiscoria Literaria, 2 torn. . 17s. Oxon. 1740 413 Qsosar cum Comment, Variorum, in vellum, 7s. 6d. Ludg. B. E/zivcr, 1635 414 Catena Graecoium Patrum in Job, Gr. & Lat. 4:. 6d. Lond. . 1637 41-; Cliishull Antiquirates Asiaticx, 7s. 6d. 1728. 416 Demosthenes cum Seholiis Ulpiani Grocce, ifc.Luet. apuJ. Benenatum, 1570 417 neat, 1I.4S. Benenatum* 1570. 41 5 Diodorus Siculus, Gr. and Lat. Wesselingii, 2 torn, nev, in hards, 4I. 14s. 6d. Jm/i. 1 746 419 Ephraim Syrus Graece, half bound, uncut, 4s. Oxon. 1709 420 Eruditorum Vicorum Epistolae, Grotii, Vossii, Sec. matin vel-. hun, 7*. 6d. Amjl. 1704 421; Erasmi Opera studio I. Clerici, 11 torn. 13I. Ludg. B. 1703. 422 Fpithalamia Oxoniensia, IWurocco, gilt leaves, 3s. Oxon. 1763. 423 Epistola: GrsecaniCse, Gr. and Lat. Cujacii, 10s. 6d. Auref. Alhb. 1606 424 Eusebii Historia Ecclesiastica Lat. neat, 10s. 6d. Mantute, 1479 435 Eusebii Preparatio et Demonstratio Evungelica, Gr. and Lat. Vigeri, 2 torn, neat, il. rs. Colon. 1688 426 Euclidis Opera, Gr. and Lat. Gregorii, large paper, il. 16s. Oxon. 1703 42* Eu.ipides, Gr. and Lat. Stiblini, (wants title), 10s. 6d. Bas. J 57 3 428 ' Barnes, nciv and extra, bound in Bujjia, marbled Laves, 4I. 4s. . Cant. 1694 429 fine tall copy in vellum, 4I. 4s. Cant. 1694 430 Epigrawirnata Graxorum Bodaei, 10s. 6d. Bas. 1 ^49 4;i Forduni Scotichronicon, 2 torn, half bound, uncut, io>. od. Edinb. 1759 432 Gtjoari Novus Orbis Regionum ac In.-nlarum vetmt> is iBCog- tarum, containing the Voyages and Travels of Columbus, Americus, Yespucius, Marco Polo, &c; 12s. Bas. 1532 433 Historian Jiomanu Seriptores, ornnes, 2 torn. 10s. 6d. Ebroduni, ,1621 434 Horatius, fine large print, neat, 1 os. 6d. Paris, Tjpogr.R^ ., 1642 43;; Humeri Opera, Gr. & Lat. Castellionis, 7s. Bis. i5j 436 Spandam, sm*, io. 6d. B s. 1606 4,57 Historic I'Vaucorum Seriptores Vt-teres 11, 6s. Fr>-?.\'>f. 1606 43.8 Herodotus, Gr. .& Lat. H. Stophani, neatly bound, i\. 16s. P.Stepb. i6x3 I a Clajfics, and other Booh, Lat. Gr. and Heb. Folio. [Priestley, 143, 439 Herodotus, Gr. and Lat. edidit, Thomas Gal;-, nrtv and neat, al, 12s. 6d. Lond. 1679 440 ' Grnnovr.s, 3I. 3s. Ludg. B- lji6 441 < ntat in vellum, 3I. 10s. i/ J 6 442 Hyde Catalog us Librorumlmpr. Sibliothecae Bodleianae, 7s. 6d. Oxon, 1674. 443 PLerrnymi El istolae, Editio Whist, il. is. 444 H ppaichus in Arati et Eudoxi Phenomena Graece, 14s. Flo- rent, Juntas, 1567 445 Inghiramii Ethruscarum Antiquitatum Fragmenta, 6s. Franco/. 1637 446 Justini Martyris Apob giae duae et Dialogus cum Trypbone, Gr. & Lat. Thirlbii, 7s. 1723 447 Junius de Picture Veterum, 6s. Rotcr. 1694 448 Josephus, Gr. & Lat. Hudsoni, a torn, mat, il. us. 6d. Oxon. 1720 449 Jacobaei Musaeum Christiani 5, a torn. 10s. 6d. H/n. 1696- 1726 450 Isidori Etymologicon, neat, 10s. 6d. - Venet. 1483 451 Kircheri Turris Babel, in vellum, 16s. slm/l, a 679 45 2 Ars Magna Seiendi, 10s, 6d. Arnft. 1679 4-53 ' Mundus Subtemmeus, 16s. Amjl. 1665 454 Obeliscus Pamphilius, 18s. Roma. 1650 455 GEdipus JEgyptiacus, 4 torn. vol. 3, made up ivithMs. 2I. 12. 6d. Roma. 1653 456 Kestleri Physiologia Kircheriana Experimental, 10s. 6d. Arnft 1680 457 Kennicot Desertatio Generalis, in V. Test. Hebraicum, boards, 4s. 6d. Oxon. 1780 459 Limborchi Theologia Christiana, 4s. 6d. Ai/t. iji$ 460 Lumen Animas, fine copy, gilt lewves, il. is. 1482 461 Ludovici de Roma Con silia, in RuJJia, j6s. ' F*'*. 1493 46a Luciani Opera, Gr. and Lat. Bourdelotii, il. is. Paris, 1615 463 Lactantius, ne:t, il. is. Venet. 1497 464 Libanii Sophistae Epistolae, Gr. and Lat. Wolfiii boards, 12s. 465 Livius Gruteri et Variorum, neat, in vellum, 14s. Paris, 1625 466 Missalead Usual Ecclesiae harisburiensis, 7s. 6d. Paris, 1527 467 Maittaire Marmora Oxoniensia, il 4s. Lond. 1731 468 Matthaei Westmon, Flores Historiarum, 7s. 6d. Lond. 1570 469 14s. Franco/. 160 1 470 Mori {Henri ci) Opera, 3 torn. 12s. 1679 471 Museum Wormianum, neat, ik vellum, tuith portrait, 10s. 6d. Ludg. K Elzivir, 1655 472 Meursii Historia Danica et Belgica, 4s. 6d. ' Amjl. 1638 473 Novum Testam. Graecum Gregorii, large paper, 12s. Ox. 1703- 474 (fc. Stephani, il. us. 6d. Paris, 1550 475 Millii, 12s. Oxon. 1707 476 Millii et Kusteri, 12s. Rot. 1710 477 Wetstenii, 2 vol. extra bound iu Rujfta 5 l 5 & - Amjl.ij$i 47 ' Gr. &, Lat. Erasmii, 9s. Bas. 152a H. Holborn.] Chffics, and otber Bks, Lat. Gr. and Hd. Folio. 13 479 \ T ovum Testara Pohgbtton Waltoni, half found, incut, xl. $s- 1698 4 3 e Codice MS. Alexandrino a W'oide, 2I. ids. * 17S6 481 Codex Th. Bezos Cantabrigiensis, edidit Kipling, 2 vol. hoards* 4I. 14s. 6d. Cant. 1793 482 Opera Agricolationum Columella;, Varronis Catouisq. Bero- aldi. 73'. 6d. Bi'ion. 1494 485 Otosii Hbtoria, Venet. 1483. Justini Historia, Kr. 1479. Sal- L Historia,, il. us. 6d. ' Ven. 148$ 4S4 Optatiu et Facundus Alb'sp'-nnei, 7s. 6d. P.ris, 1679 4 i l'aus..nkc Graeciae Deciiptio, Gr t and Lat. Xylandri, 10s. 6d. H.inov. 1 613 486 Plinii Historia Naturalis Gelenii,~6s. Bad. 1535 487 Ptolemaei Geographia a Scrveto, (hnperf. in Index), il. is. tydgi 1.1541 487 Plautas, blue Morocco, gs. ^ Paris, R. St epb. \ftfO 488 Pezii Scriptores Reium Austi iacarum, 2 torn /Luax. 1721 489 Photii Bibliotheca, Gr. & Lat. Hoeschelii, il. 7s. Rotbom. 1653 490 Epistolae, Gr. Sc Lat. Montacutii, 4s. 6d .Low/. 1651 491 Platonis Opera, Gr. & Lat. Serrani, j torn, in 2, ruled, 6\< 63. Paris, IL Skpb. 1^78 492 Ficini, in vellum, il. 16s. Franco/. 1601 493 Plutarchi Opera, Gr. et Lat, Xylandri, 2 tom.il-js Franc. 1599, 1620 494 Persius Badii Ascensii, 3s. Paris, 1523 495 Rudbeekii Atlaatica, sive Manheim vera Japheti Posteroiura Sedes ac Patria, 3 vols, and Atlas, extra bound in Morocco, gilt leaves, 17I. 17s. Upsalcc, 1689 496 Radziviii Hierosolymitana Peregrinatio, 6&. Ante. Plantin, 1614 497 Rhodsgini Lectiones Antiqune, 6s. 1/599 498 Scacchi Sacrorum Llasochrismaton Myrothecia Tria, 7s. 6d. Amjl. 170a 499 Spencer de Legibus Hcbraeorum, 2 torn. 14s. Cant. 1727 ^cpf Suetonius cum Comment Sabelici, 16s. Venet, 149a jjoi Stcphanus de Urbibus Grave Xylandri, 4s. 6d. Bc;s. 1,56$ 502 Gr. et Lat. Gronovii, neat, 15s, Amjl. 1724 503 Gr. et Lat. Berkelii, 1694, Lucas Hol- sfenii Notae, 2 torn, il.is. Ludg. B. 1684 504 Strabonis Geographic, Gr. et Lat. Casauboni, 2 vol. in 1, neat i?i vellum, > Amjl. IJX07 505 Simsonii Chronicon Catholicon cunt Notis Wesselingi', in vellum, 14s. i Ludg. B. 1729 506 SpelmanniiElfredi Magni Vita, 4s. Oxen, 1678 J07 Sjeddadi Vita Saladini, Arab, et Lat. a Schultens, Mtti board?, 1 8s. Za^. ZL 1755 508 Scntcae Opera Erasmi, 7s. 6d. Bf. J 51 5 509 Senecae Tragoedias cum Commento, 7s. 6d. Fra^f. 1492 510 Thomas Aquinatis Summa Theologica, 9*. }>i>. 1638 511 2 torn. 14s, Paw, 1663 14 Diclhnaries, Grammars, &c. Folio. [Priestley, 143, 512 Typotii Symbola Pontificorum, Inipcratorum, Regum, 5s.. * . Franco/. 1652 313 Terentius ~Varro,J?aintd, 10s. 6d. Vend, 1483 514 Tibullus, Catuilus, Propcrtius Vend, 1520, Juvenalis Satyros, 7s. 6d. Vend. 1522 515 Thcmistius, Gr. and Lat. Harduini, 10s. 6d. Paris, 1684 516 Terentius cum Comment. Donati, 2s.6d. Vend. 1580 517 2S. 6d. Paris, R. Stcpb. 1^36 518 Tacitns et V. Paterculus Lipsii, 7s. 6d. Antv. Planta. 1006 ^19 Taciti Fragmenta Rivii, 7s. 6d. Vend. 15 12 520 Theophylact Grscce, 7s. 6d. Ronnv. 154a 21 Thucydides Latiue L. Valine, 2s. 6d. CW&w. 1543 ^22 Gr. and Lat. H udsoni, large paper, 3I. 13s. 6d. O.vm. 16(^,5 323 Tiiuani Historia sui Temporis, J torn, neat, 4I. 14s. 6d.Lond. *733 52 1 Virgili us, large piper in Russia, il. us. 6d. Glafg. Foulis, 1778 J25 Vitruvius de Archilectura a Del&t, 7ie:t- a7ii ^a/, il. 7s. An/Jf. E/ziv. 1649 Dictionaries, Grammars, Kc. in various Languages* Folio. 526 A CADEMIE Francois, (Diction del') 2 torn. 12s. Paris', li 1718 527 Bayle's Historical and Critical Dictionary. 4 vols. il. 16s. 1710 528 ' 5 vols, half bo., lid, uncut, 4I. 14s. <5d. 1738 529 vols, fine Jet, 5I. ijs. 6d: 17.38 530 Bayle ct Chautpie Dictionnaire Historique, 8 torn, half hound, uncut, 9I. 9s. Aw ft. 1740, &c. 531 Brice'-c Geographical Dictionary, 2 vols, in 1, neat, 2I. 7s. 532 Euxto?-fii Concordnnttse Biblicum Hebraicae, 14s. 7:?tfj. 1632 533 Barettis Spanish and English Dictionary, il. is. and il. <;s. 1778 534 Chambers's Dictionary, with Supplement, 4 vols, rough calf. 535 De Fatis Linguarum Orientalium Arabics Persicae et Tor- cicse, ards, 18s. ~- V'nn. 1788 $36 De Castro Biblioteca de los Escritores Rabinos Espano's, il. is. Ma dr. 1 781 537 Ferrarii Lexicon Geographicum a Eaudrand, <5s. Ifenuci, 1677 538 Facciolati et Forcellini Lexicon Totius Latinitates, 4 vol. herds, 7L7.S, P.-M77I 539 ekg. hound, 9I.9S, 1771 540 Ge.neri Thesaurus Linguae Latina?, 4 vol. in 2, half bound, 7I. '// 1749 ^41 . _ __ 4 vol , half bound, uncut, 7I . 7s. 1 749 H. Holborn.] . Dictionaries, Grammirs, &c. Folio. 15 542 Gilchrist'sDictionary and Grammars, English and Hinddstanee, 3 vols, boards, 7I. 7s. Calcutta,. 1786 543 r Hisdostanee Gram, and Vocab. il. is. Cal. 1786 544 Gesneri Bibliotheea cum Appendice, a torn. 10s. 6d. Tiguri, 545 Lye Dictionarium Saxonico et Gotbico Latinum, 2 vols, boards, tl. 15s. 1772. 546 Lloyd Dictionarium Historicum et Poeticum, 4s, 6d. 1686 547 Moreri Grand DictiounairejHistoricme, 8 torn, half bound, 4I. 43. Amjl. 1740 548 Minshew's Dictionary of 11 Languages, nciv, half bound, 16s. 1617 549 Pinedas Spanish English Dictionary, extra bound, il. is. 1740 550 Richardson's Pers. Arab, and Eng. Dictionary, vol. 1, 4I. 4s. Oxford, 1777 5ji Richlet Dictionnairc de la Langue Francoise, 3 tota.tuw n bo'rJs, 1). 16s. Lyons, 1759 $$2 Spthnanni Glossarium, 18s. 1664 J55.3 red Morocco, il. 5s, 1664 554 large pnper, 'RuJJia,/^.. 10s. 1687 555 Suida; Lexicon, Gr. and Lat. Kusteri, 3 torn. 3I. 13s. 6d. Cant. 550 tickv and neat, 4I. 17s. 6d. Cant. 1705 557 Sonmeri Dictionarium Saxoinco, La:. Ang. neat, al.as. O.to/;. 558 Scapulae Lexicon Groeco Lat cum Indice Lat. new and ?ieat t Loud. 1638 559 ; SAtw- 165 a 560 Sdiindler Lexicon Pentaglotton, 7s. 6 I. Htniov. 161% 561 Skinneri Etymologicon Lingua? Anglicanne, 18s. 1671 562 Stephani Concordantia; Testam. Novi.Gr. & Lat. 5s. 77. Stepb. I 594 $63 Trommii Concordantiae, Grasce in 70 Interpretes, 2 vol. iliis. 6d. Am/l. 1 7 15 ^<>4 Wilkins's Real Character and Philos. Language, 10s, 6d. 1668 Architecture, Atlasses, Books of Prints. Folio. 365 TX700D'S Ruins of Palmyra, uncut, 5I. 5s. 1753 566 V V Stuart and Revett's Antiquities of Athens, 3 vols, half bound, vncut, 14I. 14s. 1 1762, &e. 567 Blondel rteolution des 4principaux Problemes d' Architecture; d. -~ Paris, 1673 56S Hod&iason's Survey of Sussex, 6 Jhects, il, 10s. 1783 569 Andrew s Dniry and Herberts Map of Kent, on %6Jbeets, bulf bound, al. 16s. 1 J 7^9 570 Iloin.i Gt'< Carpenter and Joiner's Repository, r.os. 6d. J /87 596 Herbert and Niehoison's Directoiy for the East Indies, with Letter Prefs in 4*0. improved by Dunn, jl. 5s. 1780 597. Drawings and Designs for Mills, Mechanics, Sluices and Ar- chitecture, &c. a large bundle, il. is. Hiflory, Voyages, Travels* Miffcllanles, Poetry , & r c. Quarto. 598 A STLE Origin and Progress of Writing, boards, 15s. 1784 599 Jl\. Ayeen Akbery, or the Institutes of the Emperor Akber, 2 vols, boards, il. us. 6d. 1800 600 Ditto, 1 vols, netv and neatly bound, al. 1800 601 Ditto, 2 vols, new and extra bound, 2I. 7s. 1803 602 Ditto, 3 vols, neatly bound, 4I. 14s. 6d. Calcutta, 1793 603 Asiatic Researches or Transactious Instituted in Bengal, 7 vols. plates, new boards, 61. 6s. I 799 604 Ditto, vol. i,feivcd, 7s. 6d. Ditto, bound, 7s. 6d. Calcutta, 1788 605 Ditto, vol. 6,fe%ved t il. if, - Calcutta, 1788 H.Holborn.] Hi/lory, Voyages, Travels, Poetry, &c. Quarto. 17 606 Archdal's Monasticum Hibernicum, or History of the Abbies, Priories and other Religious Houses in Ireland, with plates of the different Habits, fewed, 15s. J 73^ 607 Ditto, new, and neatly bound, il. ' I 73 60S An Account of the Family of the Dore's, sewed, as. 6d. 609 Ariosto Orlando Furioso, Italian and English, by Huggins, a vol. in 1, neat, il. us. 6d. }1SS 610 Andrew's Continuation of Henry's History of Great Britain, nciv, boards, 12s. ! . ~" *79^ 611 Ascham's (Roger) Works, sewed, 9s. 612 Arbuthnot's Tables of Antient Coins, Weights, and Measures, neat, il. is. J 754 613 Analysis of the Political History of India, 3s. i/79 614 An AcVfor the better Management of the Affairs of the Fast India Company, Persian and English, 7s. 6d. J 774 61 Aristotle on Government, by Ellis, boards, 6s. z n^ 616 Ayscough's Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the British Museum, 2 vo s. boards, il. 8s. 17^* 617 Akenside's Poems, with fine portrait, neat, 12s. 1772 618 Angelica's Ladies' Library, plates, neat, 10s. 6d. J 794 6ig American Military Pocket Atlas, 5s. 620 Atlas of Great Britain and Ireland. $s. 621 Anderson's Colle&ions, relating to the History of Mary Queen, of Scotland, 4 vol. in 2, large paper, neat, 12s. 1727 $22 Bentham's History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Ely, blue morrocco, 7I. 7s. I 77 I 623 Bishop Berkeley's Works, 2 vol. new, boards, 2I. ias. 6x1. 1784 624 Belcher's Sacred and other Poetry, boards, 5s. I 79 625 Brown's Dissertation, on Poetry and Mu-ic, boards, 3s. 1763 6.26 Blackwell's Memoirs of the Court of Augustus, 2 vol. boards* 6s. 1753 627 Brown's Vulgar and Common Errors, 4s. 6d. 1658 62S Barckley's Discourse of the Felicitie of Man, 2s. J 59$ 629 Bacon on L arning, 4s. 1605 630 Beckford's Thoughts on Hunting, boards, J s,6d. J 7S+ 631 Ditto, with frontifpicce by Barto/ozzi, neat, 18s. I 7$J- 632 Bolton's Elements of Armories, 5s. 1610 6^3 Brewster's Historyof Stockton upon Tees, plates, fewed, 6s. 1796 6^4 Ditto, wit/j plates, large paper, fewed, 10s. 6d. 1 19 ( > 6&5 Bibliotheca Topographiea Britanica, containing the History of Hinkley, plates, boards, 6s. 1782 6$<5 Bromley's Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits, new, boards, 18s. 1793 637 Ditto, large paper, new, boards, il. 4s. *79J ($38 Barry on the Wines of the Antients, wic, boards, 14s. 1775 6,39 Burlesque Translation of Homer, Jewed, S3. J 77* 640 Brand's History and Antiquities of Newcastle upon Tftlt,jfrt4 uiipreffwns of the plates, 2 vols, boards, il. lis. 6d. 1789 641 Barrett's History and Antiquities of Bristol, plates, boards, it 8s. $42 Bryant's Analysis of Antient Mythology, 3 vols, iv'itb plates andmanufcr'ipt notes by Dr. Colder, /.,.///y bound, 10I. 10s. 1775 $43 Bowycr's Miscellaneous Tracts, hards, 17s. 178J D it Hr/tory, Voyages, Travels, Poetry, &c. "Quarto. [Priestley, 143, 644 Burgoyne's Expedition to Canada, boards, 45. 1780 645 Bryant's Dissertation concerning the War of Troy, neat, 8s. 646 Burrowes on Style in Writing, Kc. boards, 2s. Dub. 1794 647 Bitch's Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth, 2 vols. 2I. 2s. ^754 Co 8 Ditto, boards, uncut, 2 vols, 2I. 5s. 1754 649 Bolts on India Affairs, 2 vols, bo rds, il. 4s. I 77 2 650 Ditto, 3 vols, in 2, neiu elegantly bound, 11,14s. J 77 2 6$ 1 Balfour's forms of Herkern, Pets, and Eng. Jewed, i$s.Cal. 1 78 1 652 Bruce's Travels, 5 vols, boards, 5I. 15s. 6d. J 79 6$$ Buccaneers of America, plates, 7s. 1684 654 Bacon's Essays, 2s. 1632 6$$ Brerewood's Enquiries, touching the Diversity of Languages, is. 6d. 1635 656 Beattie's Essays, neat, 18s. J )l^ 657 Benyowsky's Memoirs and Travels, 2 vols, neat and gilt, il. 7s. 1790 658 Boaden's Rainy Day or Poetical Impressions, Jewed, is. 6d. 1801 659 Broomholme Priory, or the Lovesof Albert and Agnes, boards, 2s.6d. iSot 660 Brown's Ilussen o Dil, Beauty and the Heart, an Alegory, Persian and English) new boards, 5s. Dublin, 1801 661 Bouquet's Account of the Expedition against the Ohio Indians, with Plans of the Battles, Keith's Travels from New Hamp- shire to Caratuck, in 1 vol. neatly bound, 6s. 176.5, 1706 662 Burncy's General History of Music, 4 vols, plates by Bartolozzi, new and neat, 61. 16s. 6d. : 77^ 663 Bishop's Poetical Wo; ks, 2 vols, boards, 16s. J 796 664 Bacon's Philosophical Works by Shaw, 3 vols, neat, 2I-. 12s. 6d. 173* 66$ Clnbbe's Six Satires of Horace, Jewed, 2. 6d. 1795 666 Clubbe's Antiquities of the Villa, Wheatfield in Suffolk and other Tracts, Jcarce, 4s. 6d, 1758, &e. G6j Cooke's Account of" Greenwich Hospital, plates, boards, 7s. J 799 668 Consett's Tour through Sweden, Lapland and Finland) plates, boards, 7s. 6d. Stockton, 1789 669 Ditto, b.ilf bound, Morocco bads, 9s. l 7%9 670 Carew's Survey of Cornwall, 5s. 1723 671 Camden's Remaines concerning Britain, 3s. 1657 672 Calenders of the Ancient Charter*, and of the Welch and Scottish Rolls, now in the Tower of London, 177a 673 Carey's Survey of the High Roads on 80 coloured Maps, neat, ios.6d. J 79Q 674 Cook's second Voyage, (plates to) fine imprejfions, 3I. 3s. 675 Cowley's Siege of Acre, a Poem, Jewed, 2s. i8or 676 Clarke's Connection of Roman, Saxon and English Coins, Jewed, 9s. 1767 676*Callimachus's Hymns, translated by Dodd, boards, 5s. 1755 677 Camper on the Connection between Anatomy, Drawing, Paint- ing, kc. 17 plctes, boards, 10s. 6d, *794 678 Cambridge's Scribleriad, an Heroic Poem, boards, js. 17,51 $79 Chandler'* History of Troy, new boards, p. 180.1- H. Holborn.] Hi/lory, Voyages, Travels, Poetry, &V. Quarto. 19 680 Cambridge's Works, with his Life by his Son, xsitb plates, boards, 2I. 10s. J Soj 681 Capers Letters, boards, $i\ i/7 682 Cervantes's Don Quixote by Jarvis, 2 vols, fine flutes, neat, 5I. 683 Ditto, 2 voh.firjl hnprefpons of the plates, JluJJia extra, marbled leaves, 61. 6s. I 74 a 684 Ditto, by Smollett, 2 vols, tvitb phites, and extr i fet of plates from jar-Is a, extra bound in liujfi.i, marbled leaves, j*. 17s. 6d. ms 685 Carlton's Thankful Remembrancer of Gods Mercy, plates, 6s. 1627 686 Christian's Relation of the Battle of Maxen, boards, 7s. 6d. 1735 687 Charters and Grants to the East India Company, 2 vols, ios. 6d. J 77 3 688 Campbell's Political Survey of Britain, 2 vols, neat, il. 4s. 1774 689 Dibdin's Tour through Parts of England and Scotland, 2 vols. plates, boards, 2}* 29. 1801 690 Davks's Case of Labourers in Husbandry, st3ted and consi- dered, botlrd', 6s. 1795 691 Deering's Historical Account of Nottingham, plates, neat and /carve; n, is. Nottingham, 17 51 692 Dallas's Miscellaneous Writings, boards, 6$. 1797 693 Davila's Hist ry of rhe Civil Wars of France, by Farneworth, 2 vols, boiindin llujjia, vnrbled leaves, 3I. 3s. I 7jj y 694 Dun ford's Memoirs of the Town and Parish of Tiverton, boards, lis. J 79 69$ Deering's Heraldry, made easy in manuscript, Arms, Sec. illuminated, 3I. 3s. 696 Du Bartas's Divine Weeks and Works, haf bound, 10s. 6d. i6ri 697 Ditto, iv vt-.ihct'it'cpge, 5s. .1611 698 Dodsley's England illustrated, 2 vols, boards, many plates,\\. >6s. 1764 699 Ducarel's Series of 200 Anglo-Galic Coins, 7s. 1757 700 Duck's Poems, 4s. 1736 701 Dales History .ot Harwich and Dover Court, plates, 9s. 1730 702 Daliymple's Annals of Scot la ml, 2 vols, bay bound, 14s. 1776 703 Duncan's Regulations for the Administering of Justice, Pers. and Eng. neat, 12%. I', cutta, ij8ry 715 Euripides' s Flolena and Elcctra, by Potter, fewed, 6s. JJ9 J 16 Orestes, by Potter, fcived, 3s. 178 71/ Alcestis, by Potter, fcived, os. 178 71S ! Iphigenia in Tami-, by Potter, fcived, 3s. j 78 719 Rhesus, by Potter, fcived, 3s. 178 720 Helena, by Potter, faued, 3s. 178 721 Hecuba, by Potter, fcived, 3s. 178 722 Hippolytus, by Votter, feived, 3s, 178 723 Jphigenia in Aulis, bv Potter, fexved, 3. 178 i~4 Suppiicansts, by Potter, fczved, 3s. 178 725 Elec.tra, by Potter, fcived, 3s. 178 726 Medea, by Potter, fcived, 3s, 171 727 Bacchae, by Potter, fcived, 3s. 178 728 Euripides, translated by Potter, 2 vols, new in boards, 2I. 2* 729 Ditto, 2 vols. w and elegantly bound, 2I. 10s. 17 730 Ditto, 2 vols. 7/^u; and extra bound, 3I. 3s. 17 731 Ditto, 3 vols, v.eiv and extra bound in Russia leather, Tuarbhd leaves, 3I. 13s. 6d. 1781 732 Ditto, vol. 2nd. boards, il. is* 1783 733 Evans's Specimens of the Poetry of the Ancient Welch Bards, sczved, 7s. J /64 734 Edwards on Paying off the National Debt, hoards, 4s. 12,$ Evelyn on the Smoke of London, seivcd, is. 6d. 1772 736 Enfield's History of Philosophy, 2 vols, boards, il. 16s. 1791 737 Ellys's Tracts on Liberty, boards, 2s. 6d. 1767 738 Ferishtas History of Dekkan and Bengal, by Scott, 2 vols. boards, 2I. 1794 739 Fenelon's Tales and Fables, 2s. 6d. 1 7^9 740 Fosbrooke's Economy of Monastic Life, fcived, 2s. 6d. 741 Falconar's Poetic Laurels, feivcd, 2s. 6d. 1791 743 Form of Prayer upon occasion of the Queen's being with Child, 1687, ditto of the safe delivery of tire Queen, and happy Birth of the Prince, 7/1?;/*, 7s. 6d. 16S8 743 Franklin's History of the Reign of Shah-Allum, Emperor of Hindostan,//tzto, boards, 16s. J 79$ 744 Falle's Account of Jersey, boards, 7s. 6d. J 79^ 745 Ferdosi's Poems, translated from the Persian, by Champion boards, 7s. 6d. 1788 746 Gifford's History of the French Revolution, complete in Numbers, i8s,~ -r- l 794r 74J Gillies's History of Greece, 2 vols. il. 16s. 1786 748 Gladwin's Persian Moonshee, Pcrfian and Engli/b, new > boards, il. lis. 6d. 1801 f49 Ditto, neiv, and elegantly bound, il. 1 6s. 1 801 7 jo Gladwin's Dissertation on the Rhetoric, Prosody, and Rhyme of the Persians, half bound, 1 os. 6d. 1801 751 Gibbon's History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Em- pire, 6 vols, neiv, and elegantly bound, 7I. 7 s - l*j2 752 Gardiner's Account of the Expedition to the West Indies, printed by Bafkerville, boards, $s. 1 762 753 Greek Tragic Theatre, by Potter, containing, Euripidies, So- phocles, and JEsbylus, vew, in boards,, 4I.4S. 17 Si, &c. \t. Holborn.] Hi/lory, Voyages, Travels, Poetry, &c. Quarto. *\ -754 Ditto f, and elegantly bound, 5I. 5s'. ' 1781, &c. 755 Ditto, new, and extra bound, 5I. 15s. 6d. 1781, &c. 756 Ditto, newt and extra- bound in Uujjia, marbled leaves, 61. ios. 1781, &c. 757 Grose on Ancient Armour and Weapons, neat, 2I. 9s. 1786. 7j8 Guthries (Mrs.) Tour through the Crimea, and along the Euxine Coast, plates, boards, il. 7s. 1802 759 Gessner's New Idylles, by Hooper, plates, by Sparrow, fcived, ios. 6d. 1776 759*Green's History and Antiquities of Worcester, plates, 2 vols. boards, il. ios. I 79^' 760 Gray's Poems and Life, by Mason, neat, il. us. 6d. l 775 761 Gay's Fables, plates, half b^und, 6a. Ton/on. 1777 762 Glover's Leonidas, a Poem, neat, 4s. 1 73 7 763 Godwin's Catalogue or' English Bishops, 6s. i6r^ 764 Gough's Monuments of Sahet, Jewed, 3s. 6d. 1785 765 Hook's Roman History, 4 vols, neat, 4I. 14s. 6d. 1738 766 Ditto, 4 vols. sm>, t?7Z^/ neat, 5I. 5s. *738 767 Ditto, very neat, and. gt,lt, l. 5s. 1766 768 Harleian Miscellany, 8 vols, fine Jet, extra bound in TLuJfia, marbled leaves, 3 il. ios. J 744 769 Hawkesworth's, Cook and King's Voyages, firjl editions, fine imprcjjions of the plates, 8 vols, and Atlas, in boards, 20I. 1773, Sec. 770 Harrington's Oceana, and other Works, new, boards, 18s. 1 71 x 771 Ditto, new, and elegantly bound, il. 4s. 1771 772 Ditto, extra bound in Uvjfi.i leather, il. lis. 6d. 1771 773 Homer's Iliad, translated by Macpherson, a vols, boards, 9*. 1773 774 Harleian Miscellany, (Selections from) new, in boards. 16s. 1 193 775 Herder's Outlines of a Philosophy of the History of Man, nezv-, in boards, 18s. 1800 776 Hayley's Essay on Sculpture, plates, elegantly bound, il. 7s. 1800 777 Hume's Essays, l.o.irds, 5s. 17^8 778 's Essays, 2 vols. 1I.4S. . 1768 779 D tto, 2 vols, new, in boards, il. 4s. 1768 780 Hodges's Travels in India, plates, new, boards, 16s. J 794 781 Ditto, fir/1 edition, fine paper, proof ' impreffions, jl. 5s. 1793 782 Henry's History of Great Britain, with Andrews's Continua- tion, 7 vols, fcarce, 9I. 1771 783 Ditto, new, and extra boand in JhiJ'sia leather, farce, 13I. 13s 1 . 1771 784 Howard on the State of Prisoners, boards, 15s. 1792 785 Hafiz's Odes, Persian Lyrics, Persian and English, by Hinder, finely printed, new, bo :nls, 7 s. i8od 786 Johnstone's Anttquitates Celto Normannicse, containing, the Chronicle of Man and the Isles, Latin and English, new, Jw.trds, ios. 6d. Copenhagen, 17S6 787 Irwin's Voyage up the Red Sea, plates, 12s. ' 1780 788 Jortin's Life of irasmu*> a vol*, neat, and fietrc-e, ?1. 13s. 6d. iz Hifioty, Voyages, Travels, Poetry, &c. Quarto. [Priestley, 143, 589 List of the Nominees, appointed by the Contributors of the Tontine of 1789, hoards, 7s. 1793 790 journal of the Voyage of the Ship London, from London to Canton, and back again, MS, 2 vols. 6s. 1 7.37 791 Jones and Mante's Account of Greenwich Hospital, plates, hoards, 6s. *789 792 Laurence's Duty of a Steward, 3s. J 7 2 4 793 Lindsay's Voyage to the Coast of Africa, plates, fe-wed, 3s. 6d. H^ Lotnain's History of the United Provinces, hoards, 7s. 1780 J95 Labillardiere's Voyage in Search of La Perouse, with \d plates, hoards, il. 15s. 1800 796 Life of Lord Herbert of Cherbury, frtitifpicce , nsxv, boards* r. I79 3 797 Lewis's Antiquities of tlielsle of Thanet,^/^, rl. 10s. 3736 798 Long's Voyages and Travels, boards, 7s. 3791 799 Lucian's Works, by Francklin, 2 vols, nczu, boards, its. 3780 800 Ditto, 2 vols, half bound, 18s. J780 So 1 Leland's History of the Reign of Philip, 2 vols, in 1. neat, 18s. 802- Leland's History of Ireland, 3 vols, neat, new, boards, !. 2s. 1773 -S03 Ditto, 3 vols, riexv, and elegant fy bound, 2I. 15s. 1773 804 -Ditto, extra bound, 3I 3s. J J23. &05 Masons English Garden, and other Poems, 4s. 177B 806 Mortimer's Voyage to the North West Cc;ast of America, iaJf bound, Russia backs, 9s. * l 19 x 607 Moor's Narrative of the War with Tippoo Sultan, plates, baf bound, rtetv, il. 8s. 2 794 S08- Machiavel's Art of War, by Withorne, Black Letter, neat, 5s. 35*88 809 Memoirs of a Map of the Countries comprehended between the Black Sea, and the Caspian, boards, 4s. J 788 SiO' Milton's Answer to Eikon Basilike,yrctW, 4s. 1756 8 1 1 Mante's History of the War in North America, and the Islands of the West Indies, maps, boards, il. 10s.' r 77 2 S12 MarvelPl Works, 3 vols, boards, il. us. 6d. I 77^ 813 Millar on Government, neat, 10s. 6d. J 7^7 814 Me Arthur on Fencing, plates, boards, 5s. * l l&4- 815 Milton's Paradise RegainW, finely printed by BajierviUe, 10s. 6d. 3 759 816 Ditto, neat, 12s. l 7S9 817 Marsden's History of Sumatra, hoards, il. us. 6d. J 7^3 818 Mitford's History of Greece, 3 vols, boards, 3I. 3s. 1784 819 Ditto, 3 vols. baf bound, uncut, 3I.3S. 17^4 820 Ditto, 3 V; Is. neat, and gilt, 3I. 3s. 1 7^4 821 Martyn and Lettice's Antiquities of Herculaneum, plates, 2I. 2s. J 7 7.5' 822 Musgrave's History of the ditferent Rebellions in Ireland, m 'p. , \f>l;:is. a.ul vieivs, lar^c paper, il. ios. Dublin, 3804 823 Maurice's Ancient History of Hindostan, 3 vols. ma:iy plates, new, /.cards, 3I. 13s. 6d. *795 824 Ditto, 3 vols, neiv, and elegantly bound, 4I.4S. 1795 M. Holborn.] Hi/lory, Voyages, Travels, Poetry, &c. Quarto. 23 825 Ditto, 3 vols, extra bound, 4U 10s. x 795 826 Ditto, 3 vols, ftrfr J 749 858 Ditto, neat, and new, 18s. - *749 859 Park's Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa, firjl edition, with plates, new, and extra bound, 2I. 5s. J 799 860 Ditto, neiv, and extra in Russia, 2I. 12s. 6d. J 799 861 Political Essays, containing the State of the British Empire, / 7s. 6d. . 1772 862 Pride of Birth, a Satire, feived, is. 6d. 180 1 863 Pye's Carmen Seculare, for 1800, Jexed, 2s. 6d. 1800 $64 Pickering's Sorrows of Werter, a Poem, js. 6d. *. 17S8 24 HiJ}ory,Voyagcs,Tr t i'tnh,roctry,<&t. Quarto. [Priestley, 143, 86$ Parker's Transactions in the East Indies, 5s. 178a 866 Plato's Dialogues of Philebus, by Sydenham, 2 pprts, boards, 10s. 6d. 1779 867 's Greater Hippias,ylrr/, 2s. 6d. 1759 868 and Leaser Hippias, 1 parts, 6s. 1 7JJ9, &c. 69 Banquet, fcued, 23. 6i\. 1667 870 Pembrochiae Nummi Anglici et Scotici, feu ed, plates, 7s. 6d. 871 Pratt, Bread, or the Poor, a Voem,fewed, 2s. 6d. 1801 872 Pennant's Journey to Snowden, plates, hoards, 12s. '1781 873 Pembroke on Breaking Horses, fates, 1778 S74 Persian Lyrics or Scattered Poems from the Diwan, J. Hatiz, Persian and English, boirds, 12s. ' 1800 875 Prince Ferdnand's Campaigns, 6s. ^64 876 Poems, viz. Mason's English Gardens, Seward's Largollen Vale, &c. half 'bound, 12s. 1796, &c. 877 Robertson's History of America, 2 vols, maps, boards, ll. 4s. 1779 878 Ancient India, boards, 14s, 1791 879 Charles 5th America and Scotland, 8 vols, neta and elegant, 81.8s. 1777, &c. 880 Reresby's Miscellanies of Ingenious Thoughts, 2s,6d. ,881 Regulations for the Government of the Royal Household, freed, 10s. 6d. l 79 ,882 Redley's Melampus, a Poem, fexocd, 4s. 6d. 1781 S83 Rousseau's Flowers of Persian Literature, Per. and Eng. boards, ios. 6d. . 1801 884 Ditto, new and ne"t, 14s. 1801 ,885 Revizky's Specimens of Persian Poetry, Persian and English, by Richardson, new boards, 7s. 1802 886 Ditto, new and neatly bound, ios. 6d. 1802 887 Ridley's Life of Ridley, 6s. 1763 .888 Rochefoucaut's Travels in North America, hoards,' i\. 4s. 1799 889 Reports of the Select Committee, appointed by the Court of Directors of the East India Company, neat, ios. 6d. 1793 890 Stolberg's Travels through Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Sicily, 2 vols, plates, netv boards, 2I. 2s. J 796 891 Ditto, 2 vols, netv and neatly bound, 2I. ios. 1 19' : > 892 Stedman's History of the American ^Var, 2 vols, plates, boards, il. 4 s. 1794 593 Soniiini's Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, plates, boards, il. us. 6d. 1800 594 Smith, (Adam) Essays on Philosophical Subjects, boards, 12s. 89$ Sophocles, translated by Potter, new boards, ft. is. 1788 896 Shaw's Travels in the Levant, plates, neat, al. 2s. 1757 897 Sotheby's Tour through parts of Wales, plates, boards, 18s. 1794 898 Ditto, neiv and extra bound ay Kul.shue.her, il. I is. 6d. J 794 899 Sparman's Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, 2 vols: plates, boards, l\. 4s. 1786 900 Small British Atlas, French and English, half bound, 2s. 6d. l 753 901 Sornner*s Antiquities of Canterbury, plates, 6s. 1640 902 Seward* (A^aau) Original Sonnets, boards, 4s. 1799 H.Holborn.] Hifiory,Yoy' ! gc$,Tr U 'vch > Poetry,t^e. Quarto. 2$ 903 Sentimental Fables, fevoed, 2s. Brentford, 904 Sal :*s Koran, good copy, 1! 4s. i~ 4 905 Scale's Hibernian Atlas, coloured, ()*. 1788 906 S win burn's Travels in the two Sicilies, 2 xoh. p'atc*, Iqardt, 2I. 12s. <5d. 1783 907 Ditto, with Travels in Spain, 3 vols. ftpards, 3I. 13s. 6d. 178,3 908 Staunton'.-. Embas-y to Cbina, with an Atlas, toko, path ft ft edition .ft.ue i/npref-io'i, boards, 5I. 5s. J 7$ 7 909 Sandwicb's Voyage round tbe Mediterranean, p'ates, h il. ns. 6d. 179 91,0 Southcy *s Joan f Arc, a Poem, board.-; 14s, J 7^6 911 Sinclair on the Revenue, 7s. 6d. I 7^J 912 Sncontala or the Fatal Ring, loard<, 10s. 6d. J 79 a 913 Sheridan on Elocution, ft -wed, 3s. 6d. 1762 914 Stanley's History of Philosophy, 1I.4S. 1 745 915 Swctnam the Woman-hater, arranged by Women, a C nvdie, neatly half bound, 16s. 1620 916 Spencer's Faeirie Queene, with a Glossary by Upton, 2 vols. 2I. 15s. 175S 917 Ditto, 2 vols, neat, 2I. i.6s> 1758 918 Stuart's Picturesque Tour through Europe, Asia, and Africa, plates, boards, $9. 1 793 919 Stockdale's History of London and its Environs, 4 parts, plates, fexued, il. 8s. 1 796 920 Stuart's Reformation of Religion in Scotland, neiv boards 6>. 17S1 921 SymesY Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava, plates, boards, fcarce, 2l.12s.6d. 1S00 922 Transactions of tij$ Antiquarian Society of Scotland, vol. 1, boards, i':s. J 79 2 923 Travels of tlv Jesuits into Ethiopia, fcarce, 4s. 17 10 924 Thompson's Sa>ons, with plates and noU s, neiv an J neat, 12s, J 79a 925 Tyrell's Bibliothcca Politica, 2s. 6d. 1694 926 Thompson's Description of the Escuna\, plate- , 10s. 6(\. 1750 927 Throsbv's History, Antiquities and Views in Leicestershire, 3 vols. 3I. 10s. 1798 928 History of Nottinghamshire, 3 vols, p'ates, neiv and neat, 3I. 13s. rkl. - 1797 919 Topham Liber Quotidianus ContrarotulatorisGarderobse, 11 tatty bound, 12 s. 1 787 930 Townson's '1 ravels in Yhmg-.Ay, p'ates neiv board*, il. 1 ;. j j 931 Ditto, neatly boUitd, il. 5s. 1707 932 Ditto, extra in llufui, ll. I is, 6d. - 1 ; g 7 933 Tacitus, translated by Murphy, 4 vols, neiv ioul.s, 4I. 4s. 1703 934 Ditto, 4 vols, neiv and neat, 5k $i. 1793 935 Tijidal's History of E ve is !i a m, plates, /.-<::> boards, xcs. 6d. 17^ "936 Ditto, neiv and neat'y bound, iy. 1 79-j 9.; 7 TimourY Institute^ Political and Military, by White, to rds, il. 1 is. 6d. 1;. gi 93S Verelsts English Government in Beng.l, boards, 3s. 6d. 1772 939 Virgil s /Eneid, blank verse by Be.re&lordj c/r,'/.v, 13s. 1704 949 tyitto, /icivand ;caly Ivu/id, i8s. , , . , J794. 26 Hijlory, Voyages, Travels, Poetry, &c. Quarto. [Priestley, 145, 941 Voyages from Asia to America, &c. 4s. 6d. 1764 943 Ward's British Hudib. as, 5s. J 79 943 Watson's History of Halifax, boards, ios. tjjd 944 Walpole's Catalogue of Engravers, neat, il. 16%. Strawberry Hill, , 1 176 - ! > 945 VVadstrom's Essay on Colonization, 2 vote. plates, beards, 18s. 794 94.6 Warton's History of English Poetry, 3 vols, new boards, 4I. 14s. 6d. 1774 947 Ditto, 3 vols, new and extra hound, by Kaltha ber, 61. 1774 948 Ditto, all of vol. 4, that is published, about 6 sheets, boards, 7s. 9.19 White's Journal of a Voyage in the Lion extra Indiamen from Madras to Columbo, plates, boards, 7s. 1800 950 Walsh's Narrative of the Expedition to Holland, plates, boards, . " i6s. 1800 951 Wilson's Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean, plates, boards, 15s. *799 9^2 Warrington's History of Wales, boards, 1786 953 VValpole on Modern Gardening, boards, 10s. 6d. 1801 954 Wilkins's Baagvat Geeta, neat, 14s. 1 7^5 955 Webb's Particulars concerning the Domesday Book, /need, is. 75Zi/e5, elegantly bound inBuJfn, 18s. Paris, 1664 997 Christiani uls. loirds t 2I. as. - J 79- 3037 rrcmwut, Wade, 3s. 1731 1038 > Ges'neri and Zeunii, neiv &nd eieg. il. lis. 6d. Glafg. 1796 1039 JuvcnalisstPeniiSatyrse, fair copy, il, is. Eirw.Jjpis. B sker-.'. i7dr H. Holborn.] Chjfics, and other Books, Lat. Gr. afiJHeb. Quarto. 2f 1040 Juvenalis et Persii Satyrae cum NotU Variorum cura Casauboni, it. 16s. Luag. B. 1695. 1 04 1 Jamblichus, Gr. & Lat. Arcerii, 2s. 6d. Commel 159S 1042 Kusteri, 4s. 6d. AmJl.Vj&j 1043 Josippon Ben Gorionis Histoiia Judaica Latine, vertitGagnier, ne:v boards, 10s. 6d. Oxon. 1706 1044 Jortini Lusus Foetid, fezied, is. g J 748 1043 Jonas cum Comment. Kimhi, R. Steph. 1568, Syriaca Para- phrases Libelli Ruth, 2s. 6d. R. Stepb. 1564 1046 Kempferi Amcenitates 'Exoticx, plates, il. 1 is. 6d.Zd'tfig. 171a 1047 Linacer de Emendatata Structura Latini Sermonis, .3s. Paris, B. Stepb. 1540 1048 Livius cum Supp. Freinshemii in usum Delphini, 6 torn. 4I. 14s. 6d. Paris, 1679 1049 Lipsii Opera. 6 torn, bejledition, neat, il. us. 6d. Antv. Plant'm, 1604, K:c. io^o Luciani Timon, Gr. et Lat. Fabri, 25. Paris, 1655 105 1 Luciani Opera, Gr. & Lat. Hemsterhusii et Variorum, 4 torn. rum and neat, 5I. 5s. Am/i. IJ45 10 j2 Lucani Pharsalia Oudendorpii, 2 vols. il. ixs. 6d. Lad*. B. 1728 105.3 neat in vellum, il. lis. 6d. 1728 I0-4 large p:i per, 2I. I2S. 6d. T728 1055 Longi Daphnis et Chloe, Gr. & Lat. a Moll, 3s. 6c\. Frank. 1660. 1056 Lucretius, large paper, neat, 9s. Glafg. Foulis, xjfy 1057 Leydeckeri Exercitationes Historico, Theologies, 2 toni. 4s. 6d. Amfl. 1 7 12 1058 Luitprandus de Vitis Pontificorum, Morocco, 2s. 6d. Mog. 1602 1059 Mail Theologia Evangelica, 4s. 6d. Gifte, ijoi 1060 Marmor Sandvicense cum Comment, Taylori, half bound, 6s. Cant. 1743 1061 Munteri Comment, de Indole Versionis N. Testam. Sahidi- cae, boards, 3s. 6d. H.if 'nue, 1789 . 1062 Mirchorid Histoiia Priorum Regum Persarum post firmatum Islamismum, Pers. et Lat. boartls, 16s. Vien. 1782. J063 Missale Ilomanum, 4s. Ant-v. Pluntin. 1631 1064 Musae Etonenses, 3 vol. in %,large paper, boards, xl. 5s. 1795 1065 Mnrtialis Epigrammata in Usum Delphi, 1I.4S. Paris, 1680 1066 Moshemii Institutiones Historic Ecclesiastic, in v Hum, 18s. 1007 now and neat, 18s. IFlmfl. 1755 1068 Maximus Tyrius, Gr. & Lat, Marklandi,yt , u,co', uncut, 10s. 6d. 1740 1069 Manilius in Usum Delpbini, 10s. 6d. Paris, 1679 1070 Marcus Antoninus, Gr. et Lat. Galakeri, 3s. Can. 1652 1 07 1 Man red Allataf'et Annales iEgypticae, Arab, et Lat. a Carlyle, i'O-.irdi, Cant. 1792 1072 Mede Oavis Apocalyptica, is. 6d. Cant. 1632 1073 Moj-hofius 3e Scypho'vitteo per ccrtum Humans Vpcis so- bum tracto, 4s. 6d. KiloTiJi,'i6Sz X074 Maiuottcctum, 7s, Venn. 147* 3oCL?Jzcs, ar.i 'other Booh, Lat. Gr. & Heb. Quarto. [Priestley, 143, 1075 M'-ssale parvum pro Sacerdotibus in Anglia, &c. is. 6d. 1626 10; 6 Manillas Scaligeri, 4s. % B. 1600 1077 Novum Testam. Graecum,. boards, Oxon, Butkerv. 1763" 1078 ' Bengelii, il. 11s. 6 L Tubing. 1754 1079 interleaved with atowriti 2 vols. 10s. 6d. Cant, upud B* 1080 : iEgypt'ium edidit "YVilki;: , neky.dnd ne,.t!j half bound, uncut, 12s. Oxon. 1^.6 1081 vcxa a?id extra bound, \8?.Oxov. 17:6 10S2 Syriacum et Lat, Trostii, 10s. 6d. Cabetiis, 1621 1083 Gr. Lat. &Germ. Lubini, 2 torn. Ss. Bojl-.cb, 1626 1084 1 & Lexicon Syr. et Lat. a Schaaf. et I.eusden, 2 turn. il. 4s. Ludg. !>. 1709 1085 Niecampii Historia Missionis in India Oriental!, 4s. Halee. 1086 Ovid;i Metamorph.in Usum LVjphini et cum Notis Vario- rum, Morcrco, gilt leaves, 1I.4S. Dublin, 1739 1087 Opera, Burmani, 4 torn, very neat, vellum, 5I. 15s. 6d. AmJ}. 1726 1088 Origenes contra Celsum, Gr. & Lat. Spenceri, 3s. Can. 1658 1089 Panegyric i Veteres Arntzenii, 2 vols, large paper, nho in loros, 2I. 12s. 6d. T r \j- 1 790-7 1090 ; torn. 1, boards, 7s. Trj. 1790 1 09 1 torn. J, boards, I. paper, ios.6d. 1092 Pindari Opera, Gr. et Lat. cum Scholiis, 10s. 6d. P. Stepb. . x $99 IC93 Parthenii Naumachica et BeUica, 6s. Neapoli, 1715 1094 Phfedrus in Usum Delphini. neat, 7s. 6d. Paris, 1685 1095 Puljbii Selecta de Legationibui Graece Ursini, 4s. Anto. Plan tin, 1 3 8 2 1096 Plinii Epistolse, good copy, 10s. 6d. Turvisu, 1483 1097 cum Comment Catansei, 2s. 6d. P. Stepb. 1601 109S 2s. 6d. G*. 1625 1099 Pococke Porta Mosis, Heb. et Lat. 4s. 6d. Oxon. 1655 1 100 Pitseus de UJustribus Anglias Scriptoribus, 7s. 6d. Paris, 1619 1101 Psalmi Davidis Syriace et Lat. Erpenii, 5s. Ludg. B. 1625 1102 Pceue Latini Minores, 2 torn, in 1, neat, il. 10s. Leidce. 173 1 1 103 Piopertius Burmanni et Santenii, ncio in vellum, Traj. 1780 1 104 Broukhusii, 7s. 6d. Amjl. 1702 1 105 Petronius Burmanni, 2 torn, new in vellum, il. 16s. ^;/2. 1743 1 106 Rei Venaticae Scriptores et Bucolici Antiqui Kempheri, 18s. Ludg.B. 1728 1 107 Rosini Antiquitates Romanae, 3s. 6d. Amjl. 1685 X 108 1 6s. ^ Traj. ijoi 1 1 09 Ru'll Explicatio Catecheseos Heidelbergensis, ej ( , 6s. Xra/. 1728 1 1 10 Rei Agrarire Auctores Goesii, 6s. Amjl. 1674 1 1 11 Rapini Eclogae, 2s. Paris, 16^ H12 Rut us Ephesius, Gr. et Lat. a Clinch, 3s. 6d. w. 1646 1 140 Editio Vera, neat, 3I. 3s. Birm. Bark* rv. 1757 1 141 Burmani, miv in t> Hum, 3I. 13s. 6d. Amjl. 1746 1 142 Vincentii de Filicaiae Cannina, Morocco, gilt leaves, MS, 1 os. 6d. j 143 Usseriusde Romanic Ecclesiae Symbolo Vetere. ivith portrait, 2s. 6d. !6 4 y 1 144 Vignolii Antiquiores Pontificum Rom. Denarii, 2s. Homer. 1709 1 145 Wolfii Curae Philologicae in N. Testam. 5 torn. il. ios. Hamb. 1739 j 146 Wetstenii Prolegomena ad N. Testam. Gr. lards, 6s. Amjl. 1 147 Weidleri Historia Astronomiae, neat, 12s. Yilemh. 1741 1 148 Wagenseillii Sota de Uxore Adulterii Suspecta, Heb. &Lat ios.6d Alt dor f. 1674 1 1^9 Tela Jgnea Satanac, 12s. Mid. 168 1 3 Classics, tsV. &c. Quarto. {Priestley, 143, 1 j 50 Xenophontis Cyropaedia ct Anabasis, Gr. & Lat. Hutchinsoni, il. 1 6s. ObroJ77, Cant. 1785 iijJi Anabasis Hutchinsoni, hoards, 13s. Cant. 1785 1 152 Cyropoedia Greece, is. 6d. .'0/;. 1613 1153 Zoheri Carmina, Arab, et Lat. boards, Lu 9 13 10 Pierce and Hallet's Paraphrase on the Epistles of St. Paul, baf bound, incut, 11%. *733 1311 Protestants of Ireland under King James, 2s. 1691 1312 Patrick's Parable of a Pilgrim, is. 6d. 1678 13 ij Sandy's Survey of the Religion iiv the West, is. 6d, 1629 13 14 Sandy's Sermons, fcurcc, 7s. 6d. J 5&5 13 15 Svvedenborg's True Christian Religion, 2 vols, boards, 14s. 1781 13 16 Stillingfhet's Origines Sacroc, 2s. 1666 13 17 Smith's (John) Discourses, 3s. 1660 13 18 Travis's Letters to Gibbon, fciicd, is. 6d. J784 13 19 Vane's Retired Mans Meditations, &c. 2 vols. 5s. 1663 1320 Wilson's Works by Crutwell, vol. 1, beard*, 10s. 6J. 1781 M. Holborn.] Divinity. Quarto. jy J--2I Ditto, 2 vols, complete, fatfrdsitrt: 8s; 1781 ij22 Woolaston's Religion of Nature, delineated, is. 6d. 1725 1323 Warburtori's Divine Legation of Moses, compete in 3 *ol*. / ; '/ 2I. 12s. 6d. 1324 Warburto:i\s A. ; ween Church and State, 53. 1325 Wintle onDmiel, boards, jc. od.. x 79* 1326 Williams's Seven Golden Candlesticks, holding to Seven Greatest Lights pf Christian Rdi-io*, fnuffuce, 3s. 6d. 162 j Laze Books. Quarto. *3 2 7 A DDINGTON's Abridgment of the Penal Statutes, a vol. * tte-zu, boards, ll. 11$. 6d. 179.S J32S Ditto, in 1 vol. new and nejtly hound, il. 16s. i;v5 1329 Atkinson, Esq. (Case of Christopher) hoards, 2s. 61. 1785 1330 Better's Delineation of the Universal Law, fezved, is. 17.'+ 133 1 Harrington on the Statutes, 10s. 6d. boards, 8s. J 77 % J332 Burrow's Settlement Cases, 15s. 1768 1 333 Blackstone's Law Tracts, half bound, uncut, 12s. 1771 *334 Bacon's Liber Regis Regis, 2 vols, neat, il. 4s. i-j$6 *335 Crompton Courts de la Mojicstie de la Roygne, is. 6d. 1594 1536 Chetwynd's, Treaties on Fines, as. 6d. 1774 1337 Doctrina Placitardi, 8s. Dittoes. 1677 1338 Ewer's System of Pleading, ifcs. 177 c 1339 Excise Instructions for Collectors, Supervisors, Sec 10s. 6d. 17SS 1340 Ferriere Dictionnaire de Droit et de Pratique, 1 torn, vet, il. 1 6s. Paris, IW 1 1341 Galvani de Usufructis Disscftationes Variae, 7s. boards, 'l'ui . 17S8 1342 Godolphin's Ecclesiastical Law of the Realm, 2s. 6d. 16S7 I 343 Orphan's Legacy, 2s. 6d. 1685 1344 Gravinae Origines Juris Civilis, 2 torn. 7s. NeapoH, 1713 1345 Ha rgcave's Juridical Arguments and Collections, 2 vols, vexc, boards, il. 4s. 1 jgy X346 Ditto, 2 vols, new, and very neat, il us. 6d. 1797 1347 Halhed's Code of Gen too Laws, Sec. 7s. 6d. 1776 1348 Militar Ordenanzas de su MagCftad, 2 turn. lL 4*. Madr. 1748 1349 Magenson Insurances, 2 wU. neat, 2I. 12. 6d. 1 7SS ij jo Ordonnanees et Reglemens concemat la .Marine, 10s. 6d. 1'uri-i, 17S6 1351 Oughton Ordo Judic orum, a torn. Ss. 1738 1352 Philipp's Compositions for Pou. veyunce, large piper, 4s. 1663 1 3 5 j Pigott on Common Recoveries, 7s. 61 1770 1354 Powell on Courts of Lei t, as. 164 1 1355 Routicr Prtric pies Droit Civil et Coutumier de Normandic, 7s. 6d. lloucu, 1741 1356 Russian Instructions for a Code of Laws, bourns, 4s. 176S 13^7 Seldcu's History of Tithes, as. 6d. 1618 38 La-w Bocks. Quarto. [Priestley, 143, 13 38 Statutes at Large, by Ruff head, 19 vols, neat, 1768, &c. 1.3.59 F)itto, neiv, and neatly bound, 1/68, Sec. 1360 Statutes at Large of 30, 1 and 2 of George 3d. boards, 7s. 1361 Sedgwick's Remarks on Blackstone's Commentaries, boards, 10s. 6d. Ditto, new, and neat, 14s. 1800 1362 Seldeni Fleta, 10s. 6d. 1685 1363 Sullivan'6 Feudal Law, 7s. x 77 a 1364 Truster's Common and Statute Law of England, boards, 4s. 6d. 1363 Taylor's Civil Law, left edition, neiv and neat, iL is. 1.366 Vinnii Institutiones, 4s. 6d. Am ft. 166$ 1.367 Vattel le Droit des Gens, a torn, in 1, neat, 18s. Amfi,i1f< 1368 Wasmuth Pr'.vilegiorum Natura Generatim, jciied, is. 6d. Getting. 1787 Dictionaries and Grammars. Quarto. A LBERTI Dictionaire Francois Ital. Italiano Francoise, 1369 XX. 2 torn neat, 2I. 10s. Nizza 17 88 1370 Academic (Dictionaire del) Francoise, 2 torn. feivcd, il. IIS. 6d. Paris, 1793 1371 Ditto, a vols. bo.zrds, \\. 15s. Paris, an. vm. 1372 Ditto, 2 torn, new and neat, 2I. M. 1373 Ainsworth s Latin and English Dictionary, h^-h; Johnson's Dictionary, 2 vols, new and neat, 3I. 3s. 1799 1406 J onet's Persian Grammar, 1 2s. I 77 I 1407 Ditto, nciv, boards, 1 2s. 1801 1408 Ditto, new and heai K 163. i8os 1409 Kromayer de Usu Linguj? Arabics, 3s. 6d. Franc. 1707 1410 Kroll's General Tarif, or Book of Rates for the Russian Em- pire, in English, Dutch, and Russian, boards, 6s. Atrtst. 1784 141 1 Kallii Fundamenta Lingua* Arabics, new, boards, 3s. 6d. Hjjhies, 1760 1412 Ludwig's German and Eng. Dictionary, 2 vols, hoards, 1I.4?. 1736 and 1745 1413 Ditto, 2 vols, neat, al. as. Leipzig, 1763 1414 Ditto, 2 vols, new and neat, 2I. 5s. J 79 x 141 j Ditto, 2 vols, new, in RuJJin, 2I. 121. 6d. 1791 1416 Littleton's Latin Dictionary, 5s. 6d. 1725 141 7 Ditto, best edition, 10s. 6d. I 73$ 1418 Leigh Dictionnaire de la Langue Sainte, 4s. 6d. Amst. 1703 14.19 l.udolfi Grammatica Russica, 9s. Ox. 1696 1420 Lemon's Eng. Etymology, or Derivative Dictionary, boards, 10s. 6d. 1783 1421 Maussacus Harpociationis Dictionarium in Decern Rhetoris, 6s. Paris, 1614 1422 Michaelis Supplementorum Lexicon Hebraica Pars Prima, fcivi-il, 1 os. 6d. J 784 1433 Morell Thesaurus Grscs Poeseas, with Portrait by Hogarth, >. eat, 3I. 10s. . Eton, 1762 1424 Novus Apparatus Virgilii Poeticus, 6t. Paris, 1683 1425 Grsco Latinus ex Isocrate, Demosthene, &c. 1 os. 6d. Paris, 1754 I426 Noldii Concordianta; Particularum Ebraeo-Chaldaicarum, 12s. J*n* t 1734 40 Dictionaries, and Grammars. Quarto. [Priestley, 143, 1427 Nasmith Oafalogus Liborum Manuscriptorum Colle Cor- poi is Christi, half hound, uncut, iOs. 6d. Cant, ij'jj 1428 Opitii Chaldaismus, Targismico, Talmudico, Rabbinicus, 3s. Kiloni, 1696 1429 Parkhufst's Heb. S: Eng. Lexicon, neat, il. 4s. 177-8 J430 Pet it's Ht-brew Grammar, Jcvjcd. 4s. Ad. 1 75 2 J431 Robeirtson's Thesaurus Graeco Latinum, ivants title, 4s. 1432 Lingua.- Sanctae, Ru/Ji', ios. 6d. 16B3 1433 Richardson's Arabic Grammar, new and neat, i\. 1801 1434 Rousseau Ditionnaire de Music, 14 . Paris, 1768 J A3 i RimeLni Lexicon Crilico Sacrum, 16s. I 73 c > 7436 Rosemuller Orationem qua Munus Professoris Linquae Ara- b ex, board*, 4s. - Lip/toe, 1 796 1437 Stephani Dictionarum Latino Grnccum, 4s. Lute bite, 15J4 143 8 Scapulae Lex. Graeco Latinum, ros. 6d. 1631 1439 Sportsman's Dictionary, platen, neat, 18s. J 7/8 1440 Sebcri Index Homericu.s, 4s. Ccl. . 1604 1441 Seaman Grammntica Linguae Turcica;, Oxov.ia?, 1670 1442 Sionitce, (Gabr.) Grammatica Arabics Maronitaru n, 9s. TLutetia:, 1 6 16 1443 Sewell's Dutch and Eng. Eng. and Dutch Dictionary, a vols. ba(f bound, 6s. . 1708 J444 Ditto, 2 vols. 8s. 1727. Ditto. 2 vols, in 1, ios. 6d. 1749 1445 Ditto, 2 vols, beji edition, neat, 2!. 12s. 6d. 1766 J446 Sobrino Dictionario Espaniola Francesa v, Latina, per Cormon, 3 torn, in 1, PuJJia, extra, 2I. 7s. Amberes, 1789 1447 Schwan Djctionnaire, Allcm. et Fr. Fr. et Allemand, 6 vols, neatly half bound, uncut, 61. 16s. 6d, Manh. 1783, kc 1448 Simonis Onomasticon Vetris Testamenti, 5s. Halo;, 1741 1449 Trcsti Lexicon Syriacum Novi Testamenti $*. Cotbems, . . l62 3 14150 Verwey Thesaurus Cultae Lntinitalis, 5s. Gandte, 1703 145 1 Vallancey's Irish Cramraar, neat, il. is. Dub. 1773 1452 Veneroni Diet. Ital. et Fr. Fr. et Ital. 8s. J 7 2 4 1453 Ditto, ios. 6d. 1729, Ditto, il. is. Paris, 1769 1454 Ditto, bejl edition, by Placardi, 2 vols. il. is. Paris, 1769 1455 Willmet Lexicon Linguae Arabicce, neiv boards, il. is. 1784 1456 Ditto, nrzv and neat, il. 5s. I /S4 1457 William's Concordance to the Greek Testament, board-;, 8s. 14^8 Winter's Elymologicon Magnum, Boards, 16s. Camb. 1800 1459 Walker's Pronouncing Dictionary, neiv and Jieat, il. us. 6d. 14.60 Wolff Dansk og Engelsk, Old. Bog. new and neat, 18s. 1779 1461 Walters's Eng. and Welsh Dictionary, neiv and neat, 1794 1462 Ziegenbalg Grammatica Damulica, i is. Hala, Sax. 17 16 Arts and Sciences. Quarto. l >3 A NXOTAZIONI Sopra la Coltivazione di Luigi alanwnni, iA as. Padovt, 1745 H. Holborn.] Arts and Sciences. Quarto. 41 1464 Booth's Book-keeping, boards, 13s. I/89 1465 Bowles's Book of Cyphers, fetved. 2s. 6d. 1791 1466 Boms Amalgamation of Gold and Silver Ores, by Raspe, boards, 12s. I/9 1 1467 Bates on Drawing, Limning, Colouring, and Painting, 2s. ^35 1468 Bougard le Petit Flambeau de la Mer, is. 6d. 1731 1469 Bromley on the Fine Arts, vol. 1, boards. 10s. 6d, 179? 1470 Birch's History of the Royal Society, 4 vols, neat, 2I. 2S. 1756 1471 Barrow Lectiones Geometrical 2s. i6j& 1472 BuggeObservationes AstronomicaeAnnis, 1781, 2and,3, boards, plates, 12s. liauni'C, 1784 147,3 Borda Tables Tric,onometriques Decimales ou Table de Log- rithmes, fcivcd, il. is. Paris. Anq. 1474 Castel Mathematique Universelle, 1 -torn, en 1, 12s. 1 7^8 1475 Crivelli Elementi de Fisica, 2 torn, en 1, J8, V<.n. 1731 1476 Corradi de Caloni Differenziale Integrate, 5s. Motl. 1743 1477 Cavallooa Air, boards, 16s. 17S1 1478 Cuninghamc's 'lactic of the British Army reduced to Detail, p'atcs, fcivcd, 12s. 1804 1479 Deluc's Account of a Hydiometer.yi'itwi, is. 6d. Yen. 1738 1480 DorLa Opera Mathematiche, boards, 2s. 6d. Ten. 1738 1 48 1 Duhamel Elemens dc V Architecture Navale, avec Fig. il. is. Paris, 1752 1482 Desaguliers Lectures of Experimental Philosophy, 2s. 6d. 1719 1483 Dcsajtiliers Experimental Philosophy, vol. 1, plates. 10s. <5d. m$ 1484 Ditto, 2 vols, neat, 3]. 3s. *745 1485 Ditto, 2 vols, neat, %\, $s. Ditto, 3I. 7s. 1763 i486 Ditto, 2 vols, very neat, 3I. 10s. I 76j. 1487 Emerson's Mechanics, p!cH--s,neiv an d neat, 1 K,W< 1800 1488 Enfield's Institutes of Natural Philosophy, 12s. 17 1489 Ditto, new and neat'y bound, il. 4s. *799 J490 EulerTheoria Motus Lunae, 10s. 6d. hoards, 1753 J491 1 Institutiones Calculi Intergralis, 2 torn. ?ieat, il. 4s. PiLropo i, 1768 1491 Edward's Practical Treatise of Perspective, \fi 1 aft^ t ne:e loar4s\ ll.8s. ,,803 1493 Ditto, new and neatly bound, il. 13s. 280^ 1494 Euclidis Elementa, interleaved with MS. notes by Dr. Collier, 2s 6d. O.xod.e, 1731 1495 Ferguson's Lectures, plates, nciu boards, 4s. 6d. 1764 J496 Falconer's Marine Dictionary, J>'ates,'i>ery neat, 1I.4S. 176Q 1497 Ferronii Magnitudinum Exponentialium Lograthmorum," 7s. 6d. "~ F.or. 1782 1498 Fale's Art of Dialling, Black Letter is. 6d. 16^2. J499 Gravesende's Natural Philosophy, 2 \oh.p!utcs, ij. is. V247 14^0 Gardener's Tables of Lograthims, 1 1. 1 8s. 1-42 1501 Gunter's \\ox\a. frontispiece, 2s. 6d. 160 jj02 Galilei Opera Mathcmatica, 4 torn, boards, il. us. od. Pudova, 1 744. 1503 Guicuardini's Account of Flemish School of Painting f-acd is.6d. - - _ a ' K9 ' 5 4 2 Arts and Sciences. Quarto. [Priestley, 143, J .54 Hclsham Physica Experimentalis Newtoniana, fewed; 4s. f'ndob. 1769 1505 Hutton's Dissertations on Natural Philosophy, ha'f bound, 15s. 1500 Dinrian Repository, nekv and n-af, 18s. 1 774 J 57 ~ Mathematical Dictionary, 2 vols, new and neat, 3I. 10s. 1796 1508 Harrison on Curve?, manufcript, 4s. 6d. 1 79 1509 Hartmanni Stereometria Inniura, Morocco, 4s. Francof. 1664 jjio Harriott's Tables for Improvement of Landed Estates, sewed, 2s. 6d. J511 Hale's Analysis yEgationum, 77^, 5s. Dublin, 1784 1512 Hellin's Mathematical Essays, 4s. Cd. 1788 1513 Hutchinson's Practical Seamanship, plates, 10s. 6d. 1777 1 5 14 Ditto, half bound, 13 s. Liverpool, 1781 i5j.i1 Ditto, neat 'y &alf bound, 16s. Li-verpoo', 1794 15 16 Hobbes's Elements of Philosophy, />/rt/to, 3s. 6d. 1O56 7517 Hatton's Merchants Magazine, is. 6d. 1697 J ,5 1 8 System of Arithmetic* 2s. 6d. J r 1721 1519 Hugeni Opnscula Posthuma, (ourds, 5s. Anift. 1728 1520 Jesuit's lerspective, /,?,*, 14s. J 74> 152 1 Jacob on Wheel Carriages, 4s. 6d. 1773 1522 Jones's (Wm.) Natural Philosophy, fewed, 7s. 6d. 1762 1523 Kippling's Elementary Part of Smith's Opiics,/ew^f, 10s. 6d. 1524 Kraftii Mechamca. a Tetens, fewed, 7s. 6d. Wifmarite, J778 1525 Lai resse's Art of Painting,/) ates, 1 8s. 177S 1526 Longs Astronomy, plates, 2 vols, new arid neat, il. us. 6d. 1742 1527 Ditto, 2 vols, large paper, f wed, il. 8s. J74 2 1528 De la Land Abregede Navigation, ?//, 9s. Pc/w, 1793 j 5 29 L' Esprit de Clairac,yrwW, is. 6d. 1530 Lewis's Commerce of Arts, plates, large paper, half loimd, uncut, \\. 16s. J 7^3 1531 Love s Art of Surveying, is. 6d. 1688 1532 Lyons on Electricity, plates, boards, 3s. 6d. 1780 1533 Lagrange Theorie des Fonctions Analytiques, 12s. Paris, An. 5 1534 Lescallier Traite Pratique du Greement des Vaisseaux,^>/ on d, 5I. 5s. 1 ~6o J 554 Newton's Natural I hilosophy, by Thorp, ne-a; loards, il. is. 1 80 j '.55. 1 ) Newtoni Opera, a Horsley, 5 torn*, new loards, iol. io 3 . 1779 155^ North on . ish and Fish Ponds, /m*rd, 2s. *557 Price's Observations on die Cathedral Church of Salisbury, pkUstfi&ediy*. * 1753 J 5.5^ Pitisci Trigonometria, is. 6d. 1600 5j9 Pii e's British Carpenter, //ato, 7s. 6d. 1765 1560 Pembe ton's View of Newton's Philosophy, r?c /, //, 14s. 176; 1562 Philosophical Transactions, Abridged by Low thorp, ike; 11 vols, neat, 5I. 15s. 6d. 1 722, &c. 1563 Philosophical Transactions for 1790, 2 parts,/;ufi, 12s. 1790 Ij6t Ditto, part i, l)oards,-6s. 1797 1565 Plictho de L'Artedc Tentori, 9s. Venctia, l$+o 1566 Poley Architectura Civilis, in Dutch, 2s. Amji, 1793 1567 Papin's Digester or Engine for Softening Bones, plates, 7s. 6d. i63r 1568 Power's Experimental Philosophy.//"/?*, 3s. 1664 1569 Robson's Grammar for Drawing, loards, flutes, 15s. J 799 1,570 Rutheforth Ordo Institutionum Physicarm, boards, 2s. 1 743 157 1 Richardson's Works on Painting, flutes, bord-, 14s. 1792 1572 Rutherford's Natural Philosophy, 2 vols, plates, il. lis. 6d. 374S J 573 Sutherland's Ship Builders Assistant, plates, 6s. 1711 1574 Smart's-Tables of Interest, 2s. 6d. 1726 1 575 Ditto, Improved by Brand. w%u, Ipurds, 10s. 6d. 17 1576 Ditto, new and neatly Icund, 1 ',s. 17 1577 Semple on Building in Water,*Wr, 13s. Dxb. 1 ; 7 6 1578 Soane's Designs in Architecture, Overton's Temple Buil- der's Companion, elegant, 12s. *7^9 1579 Seller's Practical Navigation, is. 6d. 1689 1^80 Sen<-b er Traite D'AnthmetiijUC, jlxveci, 6s. Laufavne, 1 764 J s r Sprat's History of the Royal Society, 2s. 6d. 1G67 1582 Sauscuil's Manoeuvercr, or Skilful Seaman, plates, lo. rd>, 9.'-. 178S 1583 Ston Investigandaj Chystallifodinr.rum CEconomie,ytiiY/f, is. Turd, 178^ J584 Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 2, boards, ip ^ _ 1790 *55 Vandcrhorst Mechinarurn Universal, z-. Amfi. \-p~ Wallers Essay of Natural Experiments, js.6d. $684 1587 Wailis Mcchauica Siyc d Tom, is. 6d. i0;> G 2 44 Arts and Sciences. Quarto. [Priestley, 145, 158S Williamson's Short Hand, MS. is. <5d. 1775 1589 Wilson on Electricity,/^!^, is. 1780 1590 Woolaston on Making Univ. Meridian, is. 6d. Deal, 1793 1 59 1 : Fasciculus Astronomicus, bocrds, 18s. 1800 *59 2 Wbitebarst'^Fdrojadcfn ot the Earth, Rujjij, 17s. J79 2 Natural History \ Agriculture* Mining* &"c. Quarto. 3593 A LBIN'S Natural History of Spiders, neat, il. is. 1736 1594 jL\ Ammani Stirpium Ra riorum in Imperio Rutheno, Iconeset Descript. 1607/7/*, 10s. 6d. Petrop. 1739 1^95 Bell's Engravings ot the Arteries, boards, 16s. 1801 1596 Batsch Dispositio Generum Plantarum Jenensium, boards, is,6d. Jmee,X 1597 Bruckmanni Epistolae Itinerariae, 5 torn, ?uany fates, 3I. 3s. Wolfb. 174a 1598 Born's New Process of Amalgamation of Gold and Silver Ores, hoards, 10s. 6d. 1791 1599 Born Methode d'Extraire les Metaux. Parfart des Mineral* pnrla Mereure, dig. bound, 12s. Vi n. 1788 1600 Buffon Histoire Naturelle des Ivlinsraux, 4 torn. rL.titto, abridged, bound in RuJJia, il. 5s. 1771 1635 Mawes's Gardener's Dictionary, neat, il. is. ^/S 1636 Memoire sur des Bois de C'erfs Fossiks, plates, coloured, neat, I os. 6d. - Grenoble. 1776 1637 Macquer's Dictionary of Chemistry, neat* J8b. 1771 T638 Mayer Description Machiiue, board*, is. 6d. Gottinga;, 1800 j 639 Meniere de Cultiver la Vigne et de faire le Vin en Cham- pagnej 3s. 6d.. Rtims, iyij 164.0 Muntingii Vera Hcrba Britannica reperta, 2s. 6d. Amjl. 1681. 1641 Marshall's Minutes of Agriculture, boards. 10s. 6d. 1788 1642 Experiments of Agriculture, boards, 7s. J 779 1643 Macb-ide's Practice of Physic, nc.J, il. us. 6d. J 77* 1644 Nicols's Lapidary or History of Precious Stones, 4s. 165a 1645 North on Fish and Fish Vonds, fencd, 2s. 1646 Nicholson's Chemical Dictionary, 2 vols. eleg. %\. J 795 1647 Pennant's Arctic Zoology, 3 vols, bejl edition, j>Utc$,d).. 14s. 6d. 1792 1648 Ditto, 3 vols, netilly bound, 4I. 14s. 6d. *79* 1649 Plat's Jewel House of Art aud Nature, 4s. 1653 1650 Bitter Fossilia, 5s. Hdmfiud, 1748 1651 Baii Historia Insectorum, 14s. 17 10 i6j2 Schreiber Traite sur la Science de 1'Exploitatation des Mines, 2 ton), avec Fig. eleg. gilt leaves, 2I. is. Paris, 1788 1653 Salmon's Practice of Curing Diseases, 3s. 6d. ^94 i6jj4 Soldani Saggio Orittografica, boards, plates, 6s. Sienna, 1780 j6jJ5 Salnove Vei.erie Rdyalle, 10s. 6d. Paris, 166$ \6$6 Sellii Historia Tiredinis Marini, 5s. Traj.i',]^ i6j7 Schaefteri Botanica Expeditior, coloured plates, 18s. Ratijb. 1762 1658 Smellie's Philosophy of Natural History, RuJJia, il. is. 1790 1659 Seguierii Bibliotheca Botanica, 6s. Havcc, 1740 1660 Schmiedei FossiUa Metalica, coloured plates, il. 1 is. 6d. Norimb. 1758 i^6r Tonnicfoot Imhtutiones Rei Herbaria?, 3 torn. il. is. 1719 166a Winslow's Anatomy, by Douglas, /-/j tes, 12. 1736 46 Natural Hijiory, Agriculture, &c. Octavo. [Priestley, 145, 1665 WildmanonBees./rrrtf, 21. 6d. 1/68 1664 Young's Experimental Agriculture, 2 vela, neat, al. 12s. 6d. i66j Zinimermanu Specimen Zoologiae Geographies, res. 6d. httdtt. Bat. 1777 History, Antiquities, Miscellanies, Poetry, Kc. Octavo. 1C66 \ NALYTICAL Review, 28 vols, half Bound, cut, 4I.4S. /i. i 7 83,&c v 1667 Asiatic Researches, 6 vols, ntio and elegant, jl: 3s. 1S01 1668 Ayeefi Akbery or the Institutes of the Lmperor Akber, 2 vols, n iu and neat, il. i8co 1669 Anson's Voyage Hound the World, new and neat, Ss. 1780 1670 Adanson's Voyage to Senegal, neat, 6s. 1759 167 1 Akenside's Pleasures of Imagination, 3s. 6d. Ditto, 3s. 1745 1672 Aubrey's Miscellanies, 4s. 1714 1673' Addison's Freeholder, m tv, boards, 4s. 1 758 1674 Art of Rhetoric, beards, as. 6d. Dublin, 179* 1675 Atwood's History of Dominica, boards, 2s. 6d. 1791 1676 Asiatic Researches, vol. 5, boards, 5s. 6d. *799 1677 Antiquitates Sarisburienses, boards, 4s. 6d. S.l'ubury, 1777 1678 Anti-Jacobin or Weekly Examiner, 2 vols. .ehg. 9s. *7y9 1679 Addison's Miscellaneous Works, by Tickell, 4 vols, neat, il. us. 6d. 1765 1680 Ditto, 4 vols. new, boards, il.%6s. I 7^5 2681 Addison's Remarks on Italy, 2s. 6d. J 7.') 16S2 Athenian Oracle, 4 vols. 1 8s. 1706 1683 1 Sports, 3s. *7 7 1684 Anacharsis's Travels into Greece, 5 vols. ne~x, boards, plates, 1I.5S. , 1796 1685 American Senator, by Tho. Carpenter. 2 vols. 5s. Fhil. 1^6 1686 Account and Extracts of the Manuscripts in the Library of the King of France, 2 vols, boards, 4s. i?79 1687 Aikin's Miscellaneous Pieces, neat, 3s. 1775 1688 Academical Contributions of Original and Translated Poetry, 2S. Ccimb. 1795 1689 Armstrong's Post Roads between London and Edinburgh, 5s. 1777 1690 Ascham (Roger) on Education, 2s. 6d. 1711 1691 Annual Necrology for 1797 and ^> boards, 10s. Od. iSco 169* Antiquities of St. Peter's, or the Abbey Church of Westmin- ster, 2 vo\t?fIatf, 14s. 1722 1693 Ashmole's < )rclcr of the Garter, Iwge paper, 7s. 6d. I 7 I 5 1694 Andrews's History of the American War, 4 vols. i^s. 1785 1695 D'Alembcit s Select Eulogies. 2 vols, new, boards, 5s. z 799> 1696 Annual Register, 4ft vils.lfalfh'outid, uncut, 15L 1758,^0. i6(;7 Ditto, new end neatly bound, 18I. i3s. 1758, &c. 1698 Annual Register] (.\cw) half bound, uncut, 4s. 6d. each. 1791-4 1699 Annual Register for 1792, nezv, Lourdd, 9s. *799 H. Holborn.] Hijhry, Antiquities, &c. Octavo. 47 1700 Ditto, for 1793. ncz) boards, 9s. Ditto, 1802, new boards, 9s. 1S03 1701 Annual Register, (Rivington) 1792, 2 vols, half bound, uncut, 8s. - 179S J702 Annual Register, vol. 2, (Index to) neivboards, 1781,10 1792, 4 s. _ _ . 1799 3703 Aurisco Geresteo, a Poem, boards, 2s. 1800 J 704 Ancient and Modern Universal History, 60 vols, board*, 1 81. 1 8s. -*- 1779 170-; Berkley's Minute Philosopher,- 2 vols. 5s. 1 73^ 1706 Barlow's English Peeiage, 2 vols. 6s. 1775 1707 Kus!'s Ilib. rnia Curiosa, beards, 2s. l 1^9 1708 Brissot Commerce of America with Europe, hoards, 3s. 1794. 1709 Byrom's Narrative, /trued, 4s. 1768 1710 Burn's Poems, 2 vols, boards, 7s. 1798 17 11 Baker's Reflections upon Learning, 2s. 1756 1712 Brown's Essay on the Characteristics, neat, 2s. 6d. 1751 j 7 13 B limey's Memoirs and Lite of Metaitasio, 3 vols, boards, 18s. - 1796 17 14 British Critic, 11 vols, boards, 2I. 2s. 1793, &c. 1715 Ditto, 22 vols, in Numbers, 5L 5s. 1793 17 16 Ditto, various odd Numbers, half price, 1717 Bacon's (Lord) Works, 10 vols, neiv, boird-;,^. 1803 1718 Biographical Dictionary, 15 vols, neiv and c'leg. 61. 10s. 1798 1719 Bisset's Life of Burke, 3s. 6d. 1798 1720 Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, bourds, 5j 1801 1721 Bowie's one Sheet Map of the German Empire, 2s. 1722 Brookes's Gazetteer, maps, neiu hoards, 9s. 1800 1723 Ditto, neiv H;ul ckga/it, 10s. 6d. 1S00 1724 Brissot d'Warville's Relative Situation of France and Ame- rica, boards, 3s. ' 1788 1725 Benezet's Account of Guinea, boards, is. 6d. 1788 1726 Burney State of Music, 3 vols, boards, 12s. 1773 1727 Burgh's Political Disquisitions. 3 vols, boards, il. is. 1/74 1728 Bowles's Sonnets.y^ttW, 2s. 6d. 1796 1729 Bourgoanne's Travels in Spain* 3 vols, boards, 13s. 1789 1730 Ditto, 3 vols. neie and neatly bound, il. is. 1 *1%9 1731 Buchanan's Rights of the Crown of Scotland, 2s. 6d. 1799 1732 Brown's Manners and Principles of the Times, 2 vols, neat, 3S.6d. -_ 1757 1733 Burke on the Sublime and Beautiful, 4s. - 1770 1734 Boulter's Letters, 2 vols. 4s. Dublin, 1770 1735 Buonamici on the Late War in Italy, by Wishart, extra, 3s. 6d. ' , J 75J 1736 Bucamers of America (History of), plates, vtn neat, 12s. 1699 1737 Blackmore's Alfred, a Poem, is. 6 i. 1733 1738 Bel sham's History trf Great Britain, from the Revolution^ the A ec is ion to the Hodse of Hanover, 2 vols, neiv, board-, 15s. *7on- tispiece and pates, ^s. I0 44 j 744 Brown (Tho.) Miscellany Tracts, is. 6d. 1683 1745 Beauties of Wiltshire, 2 vols, plates, boards, 18s. 1801 1746 Eoothby's Appeal from the New to the Old Vi\\igs ,fcived, 2s. 1700 1747 Boyd's (Hugh) Miscellaneous Works by Campbell, 2 vols. boards, 12s. 1800 1748 Bryant's Observations on Rowley's Poems, 2 vols, boards, 4s. 1781 1749 Bysshes Art of Poetry, 2s. 17 10 1750 Bolton's Extinct Peerage of England, bonrds, 3s. 6d. 1 7^g 1751 Bentham's 1 ragments on Government, fciued, 2s. 6d. 1776 1752 Pea ujour's Commerce of Greece, boards, 6s. 1800 1753 Burgh's Art of Speaking, baif bound, 5s. J 784 1754 Bolingbrooke's Dissertation on Parties, 2s. *754 1755 Brown's Essay on the Characteristics, 2s. J 75 l j J 56 Boccace's Decameron, neat, 10s. 6d. I 74 I 1757 Burigny's Life, of Hugo Grotius, 3s. J 754 1758 Bulstrode's Miscellaneous Letters, 2s. 1715 3759 Burnev's Music in France and Italy, 4s. 1 773 1760 Bacon's Essays, by Wiliymott, 2 vols. 8s. 1720 1761 2 yoh. fc.irce, 16s. 1787 j 762 Ditto, 2 vols, boards, 14s. j 787 1763 Burke on the French Revolutions/he^/, 3s. <5d. I 79 1764 Browne's (Tho.) Antiquities of Norwich, plates, 4s. 6d. 17 12 j 765 Bolton on Employment of Time, feived, is. 17 "Jo J-/66 British Classics, (Harrison's) 6 vols, cuts, il. 10s. 1785 1767 Bancroft's Natural History of Guiana, neat,. 7s. 6d. 1769 1768 Ditto, new and neatly bound, 9s. 17^9 1769 Ditto, neiv and extra bound in BufsuL. *2S. j 7 69 1*770 Blunt's Letters to Granville Sharpe, Esq.ykiW, is. 6d. 1792 j 771 JKahar Danush orGa:den of Knowledge, an Oriental Romance of Einaiut o'Ollah, translated from the Persic, by Scott, 3 vols, new, boards, 7s. 6d. J 799 1772 Ditto, 3 vols, neiv and veat, 12s. J 799 1773 Ditto, 3 vols,* nenv and neat in llujjfia, 16s. J 799 1774 Banier s Mythology and Fables of the Ancients, 4 vols, extra bound, il. 4s. J /39 1775 Bernier's History of the Late Revolution of the Empire of the Great Mogul, 4 vols, in 1, 1676 1776 Ditto, elegantly in Ru/Jia, 16/1 1777 iieattie's Essay on Truth, ratfra bound, 8s. 1774 1778 Butler's Hudibras, by Grey, plates, 2 vols, boards, 18s. 1799 1779 Ditto, 2 vols, boards, 18s. 1801 j 7 80 Ditto, 2 vols, plates by Hogarth, firjl edition, extra bound, il. 2s. 1744 1781 Ditto, with Butler's Remains, 4 vols, a fine Jet, extra bound, 3I.3S. 1744-59 j 782 Bo*\\eir's Life of Johnson, 4 \ois. ticw and cleg. 2I. 2s. 1804 H. Hoborn.] Histories, Antiquities, &c. Octavo. 49 i/8j Caernarvonshire, (Huttfrjr and Antiquities of) boards, n . 6d. I79 1 1784 Collins's Baronatage, 5 vols., neat, il. 15s. 1741 1785 ~ Peerage, 9 vols, new boards, 5I. 5s. 1779 1786 Ditto, 9 vols, neatly bound, 5I. 5^. 1/79 1787 Chesterfield's Letters, 4 vols. ?/*<;*, ll. 4s. 1/74 1788 Croker's Travels in Portugal, boards, 3s. dd. J 799 1789 Ditto, neatly half bound, 4s. 1799 1790 Campaign, 1796 in Germany and Italy, boards, 3s. J/9^ 1 791 Chandler's Debates, 22 vols. ea/, 7I. 7s. 1742 1792 Charlvoix's History of Paraguay, 2 vols. 7s. 6.1. x 7^9 1793 Voyage to North America, 2 vols, neat, 10s. 6d. 1761 1794 Carver's Travels in North America, 12s, 1779 1795 Ditto, plates, boards, i2S. 1779 1796 Chesterfield's Miscellaneous Works, 4 vols. 18s. 1 779 1797 Ditto, 4 vols, nexv, boards, 18s. *779 1798 Crutwell's Gazetteer, 3 vols, nnrps, new, boards, 2I. 1798 1799 Chantreau's Travels in Russia, 2 vols.mivand went, 6s. 6d. 1794 1.800 Cox's Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark, 5 vols, neatly bound, il. us. 6d. x 79 2 1801 Carraccioli's Lite of Lord Clive, 4 vols, boards, 14s. 1802 Chatterton's Works, by Gregory, 3 vols, boards, il. 7s. 1803 1803 Collier's Essays on Moral Subjects, 2 vols. 5*. *7J* 1804 Chenier's Empire of Morocco, 2 vols. 10s. 1787 1805 Castle of Otrnnto, plates, beards, 4s. 1800 1S06 translated by Wm. Marshal, large paper, bound, ios. 6d. I 79 I 1807 Chambers's Collection of CurionsPrintcdPieces, 2vols. 5s. 1739 1808 Chamberlayne's Great Britain, 2s. 1.745 1809 Ditto, best edition, neat, 3s. 6d. 1755 1810 Cantillon on Trade and Commerce, 2s. 6d. J 759 181 1 Cambridge's War in India, 4s. 1762 1812 Clarkson's Strength and Opulence of Great Britain, lit rdi, 2S. l80I 1813 African Slave Trade, boards, is. 6d. 1788 iS 14 Coles's Life of Hubert, herds, $6. 1 79$ 1815 Chardin's Travels in Persia, 2 \ob.plJes, ios. 6. 1720 1816 Campbell's Sages Triumph, 4s. sj^y 1817 . . City of Glasgow, 4s. 6d. Glas.1^26 18 18 Corn Trade and Laws, MiueJ. 6s. 1766 1819 Courtney's Campaign f privately printed), seivrd 2s. 1800 1820 Capper's Statistical Account of the Population and Cultivation of England and Wales, boards, 2s. 180 r 1821 Campbell's Survey of Ireland,^ ates, 6s. 17-7 1822 Cecco's Complaint, by Hunter, seived, is. i8co 1823 Coper's History ot the East Iudies, scarce, 5s.. I 7'>4 1824 Chalmers Strength of Great Britain, seived, 2s. 6d 1786 1825 Ditto, boards, 4s. 6d. J 794 1826 Carter's Enquiry into the Irish Rebellion, 2s. 1/47 1827 Crant/.'s History of Greenland, 2 vols, plates, neat and scarce, il. is. 1767 j 828 Calmet on Apparitions, &c. 7s. mm PI 50 History, Antiquities, &c. Octavo. [Priostley, 143, 1829 Carfr-neas's History of the Belles Lett ers, 2s. 6d, 1741 i#30 Churchyard's Worthiness of Wales, 2s. 6d. 1 77^ 183 1 Chubbe's Three Days Journal in Franre, 2s. Ipswich. 1778 1832 Caraccioli's Life of Pope Clement XIV. boards, 2s, 1776 1833 Cooper's Letters on the Irish Nation, boards 4s. 6d 1801 1834 Cornaro on Health, Italian and English, 4. 1768 1835 Ditto, neat, 4s. 6d. 1768 1836 Chalon's -History of France, 2 vols. 6s. 1757 1837 Callander's Collection of Voyages, 3 vols, plates, 15s. 1766 1838 Cooke's Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, plates, mat 4s. 1781 1839 Cooper's Letters on Taste, 2s. 6d. 1771 1840 Charron on Wisdom, 3 vols. 9s. J 7 3 9 1 841 Collection of Voyages undertaken by the East India Company, flutes 5s. 1703 1842 Campbell's ' Lives of the Admirals, by Berkenhout, 4 vols. il. us. 6d. ijSi 1843 Ditto, 4 vols, nezu and elegant, il. 16s. 1781 1844 Collin's (Wm.) Poetical Works, plates, boards, 5s. 6d. 1800 1845 Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, with Life, 9 vols, neatly bound, 2I.5S. 1720, &c. 3846 Chenier's State of the Empire of Morocco, 2 vols, boards, 6s. 1788 1847 Crashaw's Step to the Temple, 3s. 1670 1848 Craig's Scotland's Sovereignty asserted, 2s. 1691 1 849 Chaucer's Canterbury Tales in the original, sewed 4s. 1 740 1850 Carter's History of the University of Cambridge, 3s. 6d. 1753 1851 Colman, Prose on Several Occasion 15 , half bound, uncut, 9s. 1852 Clark's History of Knighthood, 2 vols. 6s. ^7^4 1853 Champion's M scellanies in Verse and Prose, English and Latin, boards, 6s. 1801 1854 Collins on Human Liberty, scarce, 2s. 6d. 1735 1855 Darwin's Zoonomia, 4 vols. nc%v and elegant 2I. 2s. i8or 1856 Douglas's Summary, 2 vols. 5s. 1760 1857 Dry den's Fables, hrge print, 2s. 6d. 1713 1858 Dubos oa Poetry, Painting and Music, 3 vols. 10s. 6d. 1748 2859 Defence of the Ancient Historians, 2S, Dub. 1734 i860 Darwin's Botanic Garden, 2 vols. 1 8s. J 799 1861 Dibdin's Poems, hoards, 2s. 6d. 1797 1862 Dalton on Prints, seiued, is. J 79 1863 Disney's Memoirs and Life of Jortin, boards, 3s. 6d 1790 1864 Davis's Dramatic Miscellany, 3 vols. 7s. 6d. 1785 j 86 5 Delamers Works, is. 6d. 1694 1866 Denholms History of the City of Glasgow, plates, boards,,^. 1708 1867 Duten's Journal of Travels, hound, 2s. 6d. 17S2 1868 Delomes's History of the Flagellants, boards, 3s. 6d. 1783 3869 Danville's Ancient Geography, 2 vols, boards, 12s. 1791 3870 Lyde's History and Antiquities of Teweksbury, boards, 4s. 6d. 1798 3871 Dyer's (George) Pomes, boards, 3s. 6d. r- 1801 1872 Dambergcr's Travels into Africa, boards, 9s. 1801 1873 Dpn Quixotte, by Shelton, 3 \o\s. plates, 12s. 7706 H. Holborn. ] History, Antiquities, sV. Octavo. et 874 Disraeli's Romances, 6s. J 799 875 Dalrymple's Memoirs of Great Britain, 3 vols. il. Dub. 1771 S76 Davis s Examination of Gibbon, board*, 2s. 6d. 1778 877 D'Urphey's (Tom) Wit and Mirth, sewed, 2s. *79* S78 Defos History of Adressos, js. 6d. 1709 879 Davies's Life of Garrick, 2 vols. 12s. Ditto 14s. 1781 880 De Maillet's I iscourse between an Indian Philosopher and a French Missionary, 2s. J 75 881 Defce's History of the Plague, 3s. 1754. 882 TVspription of Canterbury Church, sewed, 2s. 1783 883 Delome on the Constitution, 5s. 6d. 1788 884 Ditto, boards, js. 6d. '* 1788 885 Dictionary of Heraldry, as. 6d. 1725 886 Dramatic Poems, Leonora, he. boards, 3s. 1801 887 Duboi's Wreath, German and English, boards, $s. 1779 888 Drayton's Battle of Agincourt, 7s. 6d. 1622 889 Dampier's Voyages Round the World, 3 vols. il. is. 170J 890 Ditto, 4 vols, neatly bound, 2I. 2s. *7*7 891 Ditto, 4 vols, best edition, 2I. 10s. *7 2 9 892 Ditto, 4 vols, elegant Russia, 3I.3S. *7 2 9 893 Dow's History of Hindostan, 3 vols, plates, nevj boards, il. is. J 79 2 894 Ditto, neiv and neatly bound, il.6s. J 79 2 895 Ditto, neiv and extra bound, il. us. 6d. J 79 2 896 Ditto, u' and extra Russia, il. 16s. *79 2 897 Duhalde's History of China, 4 vols. plates, elegantly bound t 1I.4S. i7 4I 89S Dubos on Poetry and Music, 3 vols, in 2, extra, 15s. x 748 899 Dc la Croix's Constitutional State of Europe 2 vols, boards, 7s. J 793 900 D'Argenson's Essays Political, &c. boards, 3s. 6d. ^89 901 Englishman's Fortnight in Paris, sewed, is. 6d. 1777 902 Erdestffcke's (Survey of Staffordshire, elegant, 15s. ^23 903 England's Grievances Discovered, tiith portraits, 7s. 6d. Ncvxcutte, 1J96 904 Ellis's Voyage to Hudson's Bay, 5s. 1748 905 Dilto, good copy, $% 1748 906 Enchanted Plants, boards, 3's. 6d. 1800 907 E^ede's Description of Greenland, plates, 9s. 1 745 908 Epigrams upon Paintings of Eminent Masters, is. 6d. 1700 909 Edmondson's Peerage, plates, boards, 5s. 1785 910 Account of the Greville Family, platts, 9s. 1766 911 Evans's Cambrian Itinerary, boards, 8s. 6d. 1S01 912 Entertaining Magazine, Nos. 1 to 10, 4s. 6d. 1802 913 Edict of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Ital. and Eng. boards, 2s. Harrington, 1789 9H Fitzgerald's Poems, boards, 2s. ~ 1797 9*5 Fugitive Pieces in Prose and Verse, elegant, blue morocco, gilt leaves, scarce, il. 10a. Strawberry Hill, i/jS Ha $i Hw-frrry, AKfiqvihrs. &<-. Oct;.o. [Priestley, 143, tcji<5 Friend's Account of Earl Peterborough's Conduct in Spain, rs. 66. 1707 1917 Forgusi n on Civil Society, neu and ttttit, 7c. 1JQ3 1918 Frederick'; Dcscrpih n ot Cor s'ica, bfi&fdj, 3s. 66. 179- 1919 J r u! artcn': English Interest in I n - ' it, 3s. 6d. 178" 1920 Foibcs': ' ] iho ucii England and Wales, 2s. 1921 FTrtchci wolk's*, 3s. 17^7. 1922 Fovbei s lYavels through Italy, 3s. 1776 1923 Fnulkland'% History of.King ]dward It. is. 6d. 1680 1924 Franklin's "Works, 2 vol?, boards, 7s. 1925 Political and Ftiflosopuical Pieces, boards, scarce, 7-. 66. . i 7 7 9 ' 1926 Florence Miscellany, boards, 8s. Florence, 178c 1927 Fox'? (Win.) La Bagatella, boards, 4s. 6d. iSox 1928 Flower cm the French Constitution, boards, 3s. 1792 1929 Fryke's Voyage to the East Indies, 2^. 6d. 1700 1930 Frascr's Statistical Survey of the County of Wicklow, 3s. 6d. Dublin, 1801 193 1 Falle's Account Of Jersey, plates, 7s. 6d. J/H 1932 Goadby's Beauties of England, 2 \oli>. many plates, neat, i\. 8s. .... J 77 6 *933 Guiccradinis History of Italy, by Goddard, 10 vols, neat, 2I. 12s. 66. ~ ~ J 755 1934 Gil Bias, complete in 1 vol. boards, 3s. I 795 1935 Guthrie's Geography (Maps to), |s. 6.1. 1936 Gladwin's Epitome of Mohammedan Law, sewed, 3s. Calcutta, \ 7S6" 1937 Gesner's Works, 3 vols, plates, boards, i^s. 1803 1938 Gusman de Aifarach, or the Spanish Kogue (Life of), 2 vols. plates, extra bound, 16s. 1708 1939 Gregory's Works, 4 vols, veat, 12s. 1788 1940 Gent's State of Europe, by 1 Jerries, hoards, 5s. 6d. 1803 1941 Gray's Poems, plates, boards, as. 66. 1786 194a Grcaves's Miscellaneous Works, by Birch, 2 vols. 7s. 66. 1737 1943 Grant's (Mrs.) Poems, boards, 4s. 1803 1944 Goldsmith's History of England, 4 vols. 18s. 1 774 1945 Roman History, 2 vols. 10s. 66. 1/93 1946 Grecian History, 2 vols, boards, 9s. 66. 1785 1947 Citizen of the Woo'd, a vols, next, boards, 7s. 66. 1793 1948 Gentleman's Magazine, 1731. to 1802, and Index, 9a vols, mat, 40!. ' 173 1, &e. 19 19 Gibbons s History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 2 \ols. nnv and elegant, 4I. 4s. iSoa 1950 Ditto abridged, 2 vols. 10s. 66. 1790 195 1 G teen's lielatioa of several Circumstances which occurred in the Province of Lower Normandy, new and neat, 2=. 66. 1802 195a Guiilim's Heraldry abridged, by Banier, 2 vols, boards, 4s. 66. 1726 19,53 Ditto, 2 vols, bound, 7s. 1726 1954 Gisborh's Moral Philosophy, boards, 5s. 1796 19.55 ^ itl0 ncatl y bound, 6u. 66. ^798 II. Uolborn.] History, Aniiqnitiet, <$c. Octavo. $3 1956 Gisborne^ Duties of Men and Women, 3 vols, new and neat, il. is. 1797 1957 Gill's Antiquity of the Hebrew Language, boards, 3s. 1767 19,58 Gentleman's Magazine, 1736, 3s. Ditto uncut, 4s. 6d. ij^j wants Supplement, 3*. 1748 wants July Supplement, 2s. 1752 uncut. 4-. 1756, 3>. 6d. 1758. 3s. 61I. 1759, 3?. 6d. 1760, 3s. 1761. 3s. 1761, want Supplement 4s. 1762, uncut, 7--. 61. 1763, uncut. 7 . 6d. 1765. 4s. 6d. 1765, wants Supplement, 4s. 1768, wants Sup- plement, 4. 1769, uncut, 7s. 1769, wants June, Julv, 5s. 1770, wants May, July, December, Supplement, 3s. 6d. 1772, wants Appendix, Dec. 4s. 6d. 1773, wants May, 5s. 1774 wants Jan. Feb. 4s. 6.1. 1777, 7^. 177J wants Feb. Aug. 4-. 6 I. 1776, wants Jan. Mar. Oct. Der. 3s. 6.6d J 777 19/3 Gibson's History of Glasgow, sewed, ft*. 6d. G/asg. 1777 1974 Gilpin's Essay on Prints, 2s. 6d. 1781 1975 Guidott'p Discourse of Bathe, frontispiece, is. 6d. . i6j6 1976 Guildford (History and Description of), plates, 3s. 6J. 1777 1977 Gilpin's (Wm.) Life of Bernard Gilpin, 3s. 6d. *753 197^ Harris's Hermes, 3s. 6d. - i7't 1979 Howard's Anecdotes of the Howard Family, extra, 99, 1769 1980 Hurd's Mora! and Political Dialogues, 2s. 6;l. r 759 198 1 Home's Chronological History of England, neat, boards, 4s. 1791 1982 History of Great Yarmouth, zs. 6cl. Li/nn, 1776 1983 Ditto, neatly bound, 3s. 6d. I 77 < ^ 1984 History of the Campaign in 1799 in Holland, boards, 12s. I79 1 1985 Habesci's State of the Ottoman Empire, boards, 4s. 1784 54 History, Antiquities, S)-c. Octavo. [Priestley, 143, 1986 Habesci's State of the Ottoman Em\mf,nratlyf)ound, 4s. 1784 1087 Heath's Account u! Scilly Islands, meat, 6 3 / iyr J988 Henchman's Observations on the Reports of the Directors of the East India Company, neat, 5s. 1802 1989 History of Norwich, plates, boards, 5s. Norwich, 1768 1990 Hunter's Observations on 'lacitus. seued, 2s. J 7$2 1991 Hutchinson on Witchcraft, 2s. 6d. w'18 1992 Hume's Dialogues on Natural Religion, 35. 1 7/Q 1993 Harlot's Progress, or the Humours of Drury Lane, Progress of a Rake, plates by Hogarth. 7s. 6d. J 732 1994 Hearne's Ductor Histoncus, 2 vols. 6s. '7*4 J 995 History of the Calves Head Club, 2s. 1 77 1996 History of Poland, neatly bound, 7s. J 79? 1997 Hooke's Roman History, 11 vols. 4I. 14s. 6d. J 77 1998 Hennipin s Discovery of a Large Country in America, plates, 4s. 1699 1999 Howell's Medulla Historia Anglicana 1 , 3s. 6d. J 74z 2000 Holwell's India Tracts, 3s. 6d. 1774 2001 Familiar Letters, 2s. 1688 2002 Huet's History of the Commerce and Navigation of the An- cients, 2s. ijiy 2003 Hamilton's Observations on Mount Vesuvius, plates, half bound, 2004 Ditio, elegantly bound, 7s. 1773 2005 Hume's History of England abridged,, 3 vols, boards, 1 ^s. *795 2006 Ditto, 3 vols. ?iew and elegantly bound, il. is. I 79'5 2007 History of Spain, 3 vols, nexe, boards, 10s. 6d. J 793 2008 Henry's History of Great Britain, vols. 11 and 12, boards, 9 s. 1795 2009 Helvetius's History of Man, 2 vols, boards, 18s. I 777 2,010 Ditto, 2 vols, neatly bound, 18s, J 77/ 2011 History and Antiquities of York, 2 vols, boards, York, 1746 2012 Ilistery and Antiquities of Norfolk, 10 vols, plates, il.i is. 6d. Korvich, 1781 2013 Harris's Three Treatises, 4s. 1772 2014 Philosophical Arrangements. 7s. 6d. 1 775 201 <; Philological Inquiries, boards, 7s. 6d. 1781 2016 Ditto, with MSS. Notes, by Dr. Collier, 9s. 1781 2017 Harris's Works, viz. Hermes, Three Treaties, Philosophical Arrangements, and Philological Inquiries, 4 vols, boards, il. 8s. 1794 2018 Ditto, 4 vols, neatly bound, il. 10s. *77 2 2019 Harris's Life of James I. 2s. 1753? boards, 2s. J 77 2 2020 Charles I. 3s. 6d. 1758 2021 Charles II. 2 vols, neat, 16s. 1766 2022 Charles II. 2 vols. Charles I. James I. and Life of Cromwell, 5 vols, ajine set, extra bound, 21. $-. 1766, 5cc. 2023 Historical Biographical Magazine, Feb. 1799 to Dec. 1800, 22 Numbers, 16s. 1799, (S:c. 2024 I low.'ii'-s F;i miliar Letters, 3s. 1726 2023 Historical bketch of Gibraltar, nex, boards, 23. 6d. K9 2 II. Holborn.] History, Antiquities, %c. Octavo. $$ 2026 Hill's (Aaron) Works, 4 vols, in 2, half bound, vnci/t, 6?. 1753 2027 Holmes's Geography and Astronomy, Ancient and Modern, neat, 3s. I75 1 2028 Heron's History of Scotland, 6 vols, nexe, boards, il. lis. 6d. 1798 2029 Journey through the Western Counties of Scotland, 2 vols. 7s. 6i. 1799 2050 Howard's Prisons in England and Wales, boards, plates, 7s. 1780 2031 Hartley's Observations on Man, 3 vols, new and extra bound, ifcSs. 1801 2032 Henault's Chronological History of France, 2 vols. new, boards, 8s. 1762 20 33 Ditto, 2 vols, new and neat, 12s. 1762 2034 Hentzner's Journey into England, red morocco, gilt leaves, il. 4=. Strawberry Hill, 1757 2035 History of the East Indies, 2 vols, boards, los.6d. 1757 2036 Hamilton's East Indies, 2 vols. 10s. 6i\. 1727 2037 Hasselquist's Voyage* and Travels in tha Levant, neat, 16s. 1766 2038 History of King Killers, 2 vols, scarce, 14s. 1719 2039 Hutchinson's Biographia Medica, or Lives and Writings of Medical Characters, 2 vols, boards, i2>. 1799 2040 Hawkesworth's Collection of Voyages, 4 vols, plates, elegant, il. 4s. 1785 2041 Hume's History of England, with Smollet's Continuation, 13 vols, good impressions of the plates, boards, 4I. 1 789 2042 Jackson's Constitution of America, neat, 4s. 1^783 2043 Jones's (Sir William) Asiatic Poems, neat, 10s. 6d. J 777 2044 Life of Nadir Shah, MSS. Notes, io<=. 1773 2045 1 Institution of Hindoo Laws, boards, 5s. 1796 2046 Jones's (Rev. William) Theological, Philosophical, and Mis- cellaneous Works, 12 vols, boards, 4I. 14s 6 I. 1801 2047 Inspector, or Select Literary Intelligencer, boards, 3s. 1799 2048 Johnson's Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, first edition, 7s. I 77'> 2049 Johnson's (Ben) Works, by Whallev, 7 vols. 5I. 5s. 1756 2050 Ditto, vol. I, 9s. 1756 2051 Udegeite, Queen of Norway, or Heroick Love, a Novel, 2 parts, is. 6d. 1721 2052 Introduction to the Literary History of the 14th and 13th Cen- turies, boards, 2s. 6d. 1798 2053 Investigation of the Native Rights of British Subjects, scw<. 17 1 * oS Letters from a Gentleman, in the North of Scotland, to his Friend in London, 2 vols. 8-;. j 7j + 09 Letters between.the principal characters iu Da\id Simple, 2 vols. i% J 747 10 Landesgue Ancient and Modern 'iviyvvixpUy .bo'.irds^.Ca. i /{ j 1 11 L'ck's Conduct qt the Understanding, &* 1 ~/o6 12 Ditto, hit: boards, 4*. Cambridge, I781 13 Ditto, large paper, boards, 4s. f5;l. 1 781 H Locke's 'lbeugfets on Education, neat, 3s 1 7^g 15 Essay on Understanding, (Supplement to) 3*, 1756 I( 5 Essay on the Understanding with the 'Conduct of the Understanding, jf vols, boards, ijs, J 79^ l 7 Ditto, 2 vols, urxf and extra bound, 19*. J 79^ J^ Leland's Life ( f Philip of Macedon, 2 vols. 14s. 177$ 1 9 Ditto a vols, ne#> boards, txa. 1775 20 Life of Win. Pitt, Earl of Chatham, 3 vols, boards, 15s. 1796 2,1 Letters from Barbary, France, .Spain, i\c. 2 vols. 6- boards, 17S8 22 Lantirr's Trawls in Greece and Asia, 3 vols, boards, 16s. 1799 2 .3 Labillardiere's Voyage in Search of Perouse, plates, 2 vols. boards, I0j.6d. 1800 24 La'iontan's Voyage to North America, 2 vols, plates, 8s. 1735 2 5 Lord Lvttleton's Miscellaneous Works, 3 vols. il. is. 1776 2 6 Lord Littleton's History of Henry II. 6 vols. il. i6<. 1769 2 7 Inland's Lives of Jiearue and Wood, 2 vols, neat, ios. 6;1. 1772 2 ^ Iceland's Itinerary, by llearne pVdls. new boards, il. 15s. 1762 2 9 Ditto 9 \oh.-ljottnd in 5, act:- and extra, 2I. 12s. 6d. 1762 3 Ditto 9 vols, large paper, neu boards, 2I. 12s. 6>.\. 1762 i 1 Bitt > 9 vols, with Leland's Lives of IlearnC and Wood, 2 vols. II vols, bound extra, in 7, large paper, 4!. ios. 1762,^0. 32 Lavater's Piiy i "..oniy, ptatUncto and mat, 4 vols. 2I 5-. 1787 S3 Ludlow's Memoirs, 3 w.ls. 2s. 6.1. - 1720 34 Letter* to George Earl of Leicester, sened. 2s. 6d. 1788 3 5 Lambert's E-av 011 Old Age, boards 2s, 1780 36 Milton's Paradise Lost, <5 liooks, by Uuchanan, 4*. 1773 37 Maurice's Indian Antiquities, 7 vols, plates, neu boards, 2I. io. 1800 38 Ditto 7 vols, ncn and elegantly bound, 3I. 3s. j8oo 39 Dittoy vols. /i/^,nev: t boarils, 4<.<)d. - 1800 41 Ditto* fteip and elegant, <5s.6d. 1800 42 Maurice's Oriental Trinity, //<;;', boards, 12s. 1801 4J Memoirs .of Kjiig Charles I. and his Loyalists who sutfcrctl iu bis Cause, printed on vellum and Illustrated with Potraits, neat I if Jb,iund /// Russia leather, il. Is. - , boards, 9s. i8co 2203 Essays for Young Ladies, scucd, is. 6d. 1780 2204 Moore's (John) View of Society and Manners in Italy, 2 vols. boaads, 9s. 6d. 1 78 1 2205 Journal during his Residence in France, 2 vols. nezu and neat, 10s. 6d. T 793 2206* View of the Society and Manners in France, Switzerland, &c. 2 vols, neat, 10s. 6d. 1786 2207 Monthly Register and Encyclopaedian Magazine for July, Au- gust, September, October, 6s. 1802 2208 Mallet du Pan's British Mercury, from 17 to 31, fifteen num- bers, 1 os. 6d. J 799 2209 Moore s Journal & on the French Revolution, 4 vols, new and neat, il. 8s. -- J 793 & c - 2210 Macartney's Embassy to China, 10 numbers, 6s. ' 1797 2211 Marlow's Book of Cyphers, is. 6d. 1683 2212 Muns's England Treasure by Forraign Trade, is. 1664 2213 Montagu on the Ancient Republics, 4s. I 759t 2214 Monitor, or British Freeholder, 3 vols. 5s. 1760 2215 Menioiis of John Ker, 2 vols. 2s. 1726. 2216 Mackerell's Antiquities of King's Lynn, plates, boards, 8i. ' 1/38 2217 Memoirs of John Baptist de la" Fontaine, Kt. Lord of Savoy and Fontenay, 2s. 2218 Mcntagu on Shakespeare, seyed 4s. 6d. 1769 2219 MeUtfiT s Letters dtn ing a Residence in England, hoards, 2s. 6d. *799 I 2 6& W- landic Language, neu hoards, 2s. 1763 22" t 7 Dido, n.vj and ntui js. 6d. Ditto, extra 4s. 6d. 1763 2258 Ditto, ntvMtirf elegant n J Morocco, 7s. . 1763 QM~$g Public Characters, 2 vols. 1 \ff hound, 16s. 1799, &c. 1260 Packard's LFfr of Nicholas- Frirar, hoards, 3s. 6d. 1790 H. Holborn.}' H'stories, Antiquities, &c Octavo. 61 2261 Prideauxa Life of Mahomet, 2s. 6d. 3s. 6d. r/ij 2262 \)hto, /arg pufer, 4s. 6d. T 7 oS 2263 Plumptre's Observations of Hamlet, hoards, is. 6d. 1796 2264 Papers Relative to the Rupture with Spain, Franco and Eng- land, 2s. */ 6a 2265 Purfendorri's Whole Duty of Man, as. 6d. 1 735 2266 Introduction to' the History of Europe, 25. 1728 2267 Ditto, by Sayer, 2 \ols. net, 9s. 174^ 2268 Poems and Sonnets from Italian Authors, stated 29. 1799 2269 Paley's Moral Philosophy, 2 vols, ho.irds, 10. 6d. 1788 2270 Ditto, 2 vols. m and el'g i.ily bound, 15s. 1788 2271 Pomey's Elements of Heraldry, p/afrs, 4s. 1777 2272 Priestley's Chart of history, 2s. 6d. 2273 Tlates to Pope's Works, Octavo, 3s. 6d. 2274 Present for an Apprentice, is. J /4* 2275 Prose an Various Occasions, hard.*, 2s. 1801 2276 Poems- by the Author of Village Curate, sevced 3s, 1 790 2277 Potter's Principles of Assiatic Monarchies, boards, 5s. 1801 2278 Psulmanaazaars Description of I'ormosa, plates, 5s. I 7t 2279 Peerage of Scotland and Ireland, 3 vols, neat 6s. 1768 2280 Pope's Rape of the L<*:k,jii5 310 Ramsey on the Airman Slaves, mat, 3s. I 7^4 0311 Ramsey's Tra els of" Cyrus, 2 vols. 4s. 6d. J 73 Ji Rousseau on the Inequality of Mankind, new hoards, 4s. 1761 3313 Ditto, nnv and r.eaih found* 5s. 6d. 1 761 3314 Renadot's Ancient Accounts of India and China, neat 4s. 6<. J 7.33 B315 Raoin's History of England, abridged, 3 vols, plates, il. is. 1747 V316 Rochefoucaut's Travels in North America, .4 vols, hoards, il.8s. - 1800 3317 Ray's Wisdom of God in the Creation, 3s. 1735 3318 Ritson's Ancient English Metrical Romances, 3 vols, boards, il.is. , 1802 3319 Rowley's Poems, 3s. 6d. 1777 3320 Rapin's Critical Works, 2 vols. 4s. 6d. 17 16 2321 Ramsey's Resolution of South Carolina, 2 vols, board*, 7s. 6d. Pre*!cn,lj8$ 8322 Richardson's Essays on some of Shakespeare Dramatic Cha- rade is, board--, 4s. 6d. x /93 "323 Ditto, new and elegant'? bound, 6s. 6d. J 798' 324 Robinson Crusoe wit h plates, 2 vols. bo:mh, 123. 6d. 1790 2325 Ditto, 2 vols, large p. per, I cards, il. il. J 79 C326 Robinson's Topographical Suney of the Great, Road from London to Bath and Bristol, 2 vols. p/ut;s. 176; 2436 Vol ney's Travels in Egypt, 2 vols, boards, 16s. 178:$ 2437 Urquhart's Commentaries on Classical Learning, boards, fjs. 1803 2438 Voltaire's Revolutions in India, board* , 2s. 6d. ^84 2439 Vertot's Revolution in Portugal, is. 6d. 172 1 2440 of the Roman Republic, 1 wis. 4s. 6d. 2441 Vaillant's Travels into the Interior Farts of Africa, 2 vols. 'plates, new, boards, 7s. 6d. *75^ 2442 Ditto, 2 vols, new and neatti/ bound, 10s. 6d. 1 79<5 2443 Virtue's Catalogue of Engravers, 3s. *794 2444 View of the Coasts, Countries, and Islands, within the Limit* of the South Sea Company, is. 6d. 1%lt 244 5 Ulloa's Voyage to South Ameiica, 2 vols, plates, 9s. Dab. 1758 2446 Ditto, 2 vols, neatly bound, 15s. Ditto, ids. J 77* 2447 U ring's Voyages and Travels, plates, 6s. J/ 2 7 2448 Underwood's Poems, boards, is. 6d. 1768 2449 Voyage to the East Indies, 2s. O'd. 1698 2450 Washington's Official Letters to the Honourable American Congress, 2 vols, xeri/ neat, 12s. 1795 2451 White's Naval Power of England, js. 1802 2452 Webster's Essays and Fugitive Writings, 6s. I 79 2453 Wilkins's Heetopades of Veshnoo-Sarma, neat, 9s. Bath, 1787 2454 Wyndham's Wiltshire Doomsday Book, 4s. 6d. 1788 2455 Waits's Philosophical Essays, fcived, 4s. J 793 2456 Wyntown's Cronykil of Scotland, with a Glossary by Mac pherson. 2 vols, boards, 2I, 12s. 6d. - I 795 K. 66 H, [fiery, Antiquities, iffe. Octavo. [Priestley, 143, 3457 Willis's Notitia Parliament ara, vol. i. 2s. 17*3 2458 Ditto, 2 vols. 18s. 1715-16 2459 Ditto, 3 vols, compleat, 2I. 12s. 6d. 171 5-10-50 2460 Ditto, 3 vols, beji edition, very veat, 3I. 3s. I 7-3> & L> - :a>i Wood's War with Tippoo Sultan n, hoards, 4s. 1800 2402 Ditto, neiv and very neat, 6s. 1800- 2463 Wattss Improvement of the Mind, 2 vols. Irjt edition, neat, 1.2s. 1782 2464 Wmterbothain's America, 4 vols, neat, il. ns. 6d. *795 2465 Wrights Voyage to St. Domingo, extm ffound, 73. *797 2466 Will's 1 hilosophy of Social Life, 2 \ ols. boards, 9s. J 799 2467 Ward"s (Ntd) Don Quixote, 2 vol*. 7s. 1712. 2468 Tales, Sathes, and Dialogues, 2 vols. 5s. J 7 I2 2469 Wilson's Life, Amours, &c. of William Congreve,. is. 6d. i73o 2470 Warwick's- Memoirs of King Charles I. 3s. 6d. 1701. 2471 Warlon on Spencer, 2 vols. 16s. 1762. 2472 Pope, 2s. 6d. 2473 Poems, 4s. 1791 2474 Wafer's Voyage to the Isthmus of Ameriea, pl:tes, 35. 1699 2475 Wood's Bowman's, Glory, jcarce, iL is. 1682 2476 Walker on Coins and Medals, 3s. 1( ^97 2477 Wallis on the Numbers of Mankind, 4s. 6d. 1 75.5 2478 Wells's Ancient Geography, is. 6d. - 1738' 2479 Watkmson s Survey of the. South of Ireland, boards, 4*. J 77r7 2480 Walker on Elocution, 2 vols, boards, 7.?. 6d. 1781 5481 Wilmington's Nature .of Man, boards, 4s. I 799- 2452 Wigstead's Tour to North and South Wales, plate*, new', boards, 7s. 6a. r 799- 2453 Wakefield s i ; oet:cal. Translations- from the Ancients, boards, is. 6d. J 79S 2484 Watson' J History of Philip III. 10s. 6fr. Dub. 1783 24S5 Williams s Tour, in Switzerland, 2 vols, new, boards,, 7s. 1798 2486 Ditto, 2 vols. neiv and neat, 10s. 6d. I 79^ i 2487 Williams's Opinions on the French Republic, 2 vols. rra\ boards, 9s.- J 798 2488 Ditto, 2 vols. new. and neat. 1798 2489. Waller, (Vindication aiid Conduit of Sir V\ illim) boards, 3s, ^ 1793 S490 Warburton s Vindication of Popes Essay on Man, sewed, is. 3 74^' 2491 Wibers Sorcerer, a Tale, bodras*$&. r.79-- 2^92 Wolstoncraft on the French -Revolution, boards, 4s. 6d. 1794. 249,3 West's Gaide to the Lakes, boards, 4s. 6d. l 199 2494 WhiterVCommeutary on Shakespeare, boards, 3s. 1794 3495 Whitaker's R'evie\v*oi G.hbous's History, boards; 2s. 1791 2496 H.Utovv of nrct.-ns boards, -2$. J 773. 2497 Mary Queen of Scots vindicated, 3 vols, boards, 12s. - I 79 2495 Wallace on the Manufactory of Ireland, boards, 3s. Dub, 1798 "H. Fl-olborn.] Divinity and Sermons. Octavo. 6j -M99 Written Languages, (Art of delivering) boards, is.6d. 1.775 2500 Woodfall's Parliamentary Reports, JsTos. 1 to 17,5s. 1795 2501 Young's Example of France a Warning to Britaiii^/irkiW, as. 1794 2502 Young's Night Thoughts, boards, 3s. J /94 2503 Works, 3 vols. :-^?.ii' and neat, 15s. 1791 2504 Ditto, 3 vols. ?iiiu, boards, il. is. 1802 3$0$ Young's Love of" Fame, is. 6d. 1730 2506 Zimmerman on Solitude, neic, board*, 4s. 6d. 1797 ,2507 Ditto, large paper, extra bound, 1 os. 6d. x 79 2 .2508 Zimmerman's Reflections on Men and Things, boards, 3s. J 799 r -509 Political Survey, boards, 3s. 6d. 1787 ^10 On Solitude, 3s. 6d. 1797 jDhlnity and Sermons. Octavo. 511 A TTERBURY's Semens, 4 vols, neat, x6s. 1766 2512 x~V Abernethy on .the Attributes, 2 vols. 5s. a 74<5 2513 Ditto, 2 vols. rerj/ neat, 6s. 1757 2514 Abernethy's Sermons, and on the Attributes, 6 vols, very fieat, il. 4 s. 1747 2515 Allen's Sermons, 2 vols. 3s. 6d. 1751 2516 Abauzit's Theological ana 1 Critical Subjects, boards, 2s. 6d. . . J 774 -')i/ Addison's Fvidences on the Christian Religion, .extra bound, 121110.4s. 6d. - . '763 518 ]Yiito, nm a/id ?! 2548 Ditto, boards, 4s. 6d. !). 2549 Ditto, new, boards, jjs. 6d. Oxford, 2550 Ditto, cto and mat, 7. 6"d. Oxford, 2551 Burnet on the Chinch Catechism, is. 6d. 2552 Burnet's Sermons, 2s. ncnt, 3s. -553 Book's Heaven on Earth, 4s. - 2554 Blackmail's Confessional, 2s. 2555 Bisge's Beauties of Holiness, is. 6d. 2556 Ditto, neat, uitb gilt leavi s, 2s. 6d. 2557 Bible (Holy) r//w criran 8ro. ;/, 7s. Norton and Bill, London, 2558 18wo. bound in fish skin, with silver clasps corners, ruled uitli red lines, gilt leaves, veru clean, neat ll. 1 o.i. Bill and 2s eucotnh, Load. 2559 -in Welsh, with marginal Notes, large 810. Caer-G raunt, 2560 BLsset's Sermons, boards, 3s, 2561 Blackwells Beauties of Joseph Hall, board", 4s. 6d. 2562 Boehm's Sermons, Is. 6d. \ 2563 Bell's Sermons, boards, 2s. Glasg. 2564 Bonnet on Christianity, bo-.rds, 4s. 6d. 2565 Beridge's Private Thoughts, as. Glqsg. 2566 Bernard on the Christian Religion, boards, 4s. 2567 Bradford's Thirteen Sermons, faced, is. 6d. Binning/ia/n, 2568 Butt's Isaiah Versified, 3s. 2569 Berry Street Sermons, 2 vols, very neat, 14s. 2570 Clarke's Sermons., 8 \o\s. neat, il. 16s. 2571 Calamy's (Benj.) Sermons, 2s. 2572 Confession of Faith, 2s. 6d. Edinb. 2573 Clarke's (Matthew) Sermons, by Neal, 3s. 2574 Carr's (George) Sermons, 2 vols, neiv, boards, 7s. 6d. 2573 Ditto, second hand, 2 vols, bound, 8s. 2576 Carr's (Samuel) Sermons, 3 vols, boards, 15s. 2 57 7 Ditto, 3 vols, new and neat iy bound, il. is. 2578 Cosen's Sermons, 2 vols, neiu, boards, fS. 2579 Ditto, 2 vols, new, i/h:n;, 1752 2 "97 Collver s Sacred Interpreter, vol. 2 bo ud-\ 2s. 1791 2398 Clarke s t Samuel; Sermons, 10 vols. 1 1. 11s. 6d i/3 2399 Initio, 10 vols. 6j/y/.-, il. ns.6d. 173 2600 Ditto, 10 vols, net, il. 13s. - 174J 260J Ditto, completein 8 vols ruir f> ..ml-, 2). tj$6 2602 Common Prayer, according to Di. Clarke, stived 2s. 6d. 1774 2603 Cockman's Discourses, 2 vols. 4s *75 2604 Crisp's Works, by Gill, 2 vols, tie* boards, 71. 17*; 1 2003 Churton's Se;mons at Hampton Lecture , blank, 3s. 1785 2606 Coventry's Philemon to Hydaspes, 2s. l~,-\Z z6oj Chandler's Appeal to the Public in behalf of the Church of England in America, 2 vols. l "j^d 2608 Clergyman's Intelligence r, 3s. ditto 4s. *74j 2609 Claud's Essay on the Composition of a Sermon, 3s. 1790" 2610 Charity and Truth, ns. 1728 2611 Christian Directory, Catholic Edition, 2s. 6d f 1673 2612 Catholii Sermons, a vols. 6s, 1741 2013 Comber on die Common Prayer, is. 6d. 1712 2614 Cambray op Eloquence, 12mo.js.6d. Gas. 1730 2613 Castaniza's Christian Pilgrim, 2s. 1710 2616 Clark's Comment on the Psalms, hards, 2s. 6d. 2617 Cottle's New Vetsion of the Psalms, boards, $s, 1801 z6iS Clarke on the Attributes, ;s. 1716 2619 Calcott on Free and Accepted Masons, 2s. J 7^9 2')io Common Prayer according to Church of England, 2s. 6d. fnved, ExcUr, i^gi 2621 Cotton Mathers, Student and Preacher, nevs boards, 2s. 1789 2622 Chandler's Sermon's 4 v ils. wtrds, 9s. 1769 j neat, Ms. 1762 -')i.\ Cunfea ion oi Faith (WeraninfteVj is,6d. Glas. 1745 *o Div::diy and Sermons. Octavo. [Priestley, 145, 2623 Punlcp's Sermons, 2 vols, boards, 6s. 6d. J 747 202<5 Ditto, 2 vols, very mat, scarce, 7s. 6d. Glas. J/47 2627 Drelmcourt en Death, 3s. 6d. J 734 3628 Ditto, veiv and )ic;.t, js. 1768 :~62g Dodd on Death, 2s. 6d. - *79 2630 Dickson's Discourses, 2s. 6d. Edin. 1731 2631 Duchal 'son the Christian Religion, 3s. 1753 2632 Sermons, 3 vols, neat, 1 8s. J 7^5 2633 Dodd on tile Miracles and Parables, 4 vols, neat, 2I. 2s. mi 2634 Dodridge's Lectur s, 2 vols, hoards, 123. J 799 36,3.5 R' sc anc ^ Progress, /v p. per, hoards, 6s. j 796 2636 i2mo. 2s. 6d. 180,3 2637 Dictionary of all Religions, neat, 3s. J 7 2 3 1638 Defence of Revelation in General, boards, is. 6d. 1766 2639 D.ctionary of the Bible, 3 vols, very neat, ijs. *7$9 2640 Downes's Sermons, 2 vols, sewed, 3s. 6d. Shffuld, 1761 2641 Disney's Memoirs of Dr. Sykes, boards, 3s- 1 785 2642 Disney's Sermons, vol, a, boards. 2s. 6d, *793 2-643 Davis against Gibbon, &c. &c. neat,q&. J 77^ 2644 Erskin's Sermons, 3 vols, very neat, 18s. J 7.57 2645 Gospel Sonnets, and Version of the Songs of Solomon, 2 vojs neut,^. 6d. I 7S C > 2646 Edward (John; Nature of Faith Explained, mat, 3s. 1708 2647 on Repentance, neat, as. 6d. 17 18 2648 Evans (John) on the Christian V\ orld, boards, 3s. 1803 2649 (Arise) Voice from Heaven, i2mo. scarce, 2s. 1653 2650 Eaton's View of Human Life, 2s. 1764 2651 Essay on the Law of Celibacy, screed is. 2652 Eachard's Ecclesiastical History, 2 vols. 55. 17 12 "2653 Franklins Sftfnioas,3 vols, qtzv and neat, il. is. J /85 2654 Forsayeth's Life of Christ, boards, 5s. 6d. Dub '.in, iy8 26.55 Farmer's (Hugh) Letters to Worthington, seiced, is. 6d. 1778 2656 Christ s Temptation, 2s. 6d, 2657 Fordyce's Sermons to Young Women, elegant, 29. 6d, 1794 2658 Fellows on Christian Philosophy, large p iper, (only 12 copies printed,) bo ?v/v, 12s. l8co 2659 Fleetwood's Relative Duties, is. 6d. 1732 2660 Flavel s Works, 6 \ols. new boards, il. us. 6d. 1799 2661 Ditto, 6 vols, new and beat, 2I. 2s. 1799 5662 Fotliergill s Sermons, 2s.6d. O.v. 1761 2663 Gordons (Adam) Sermons, beards, 3s. 1796 2664 Ditto, neatly bound, 6i. ^199 2665 Gordon's (Thos. ) Seimons, jvois. neat 9s. 17416 2666 Gerrard (-Alexander) Pastoral Care, toards, 6s. 1799 2667 G roe's Ethics, sen ed $s. 2668 Gibson's Pa.- 1 oral Letters, i2mo. as, 1732 2669 Guy-e (Jolm) Sermons, 2s. 6d. 1721 2670 Guthrie's Christians Great Interest, neat, izmo. 2s. 6d. ?753 2671 Gieigs (George) Sermons, board*. 5s. 1803 C672 Gerhard s Christian Support, i2ino. is. 6d. 17 ij H Holborn.J Divinity end Sermons. Octavo. 71 2673 Geddcs's Tract-, 7 vols, not uniform, 16s. *7J4j ^c. 2674 Ditto, 7 vols, uniform, il. is. 1714, &:c. 2675 GcddeVb Church of Malabar, 4s. l6 94- 2676 Halls Remedy of Discontentment, i2mo. rs,-6d. 1645 2677 Harvey's Meditations, andTheronand Aspa-io, j xoU.fnr Jet, it. 15s. 1753 2678 Haweis's Fourteen Sermons, 2s. 1769 2679 Halls Contemplation by Dodd, 1 Vols. 121110. neat, 6s. 1759 2680 Harris's (Wm. ) Funeral Discourses, 3s. 6d. 1736 2681 Holland'* (Philip) Sermons, 2 vols, boards, 9s. x 79 3 2682 Howell's History of the Holy Bible, 3 vol.. with cuts, 12a. 1729 2683 Har wood's Di- course-, nvwand nat, 4s. 1790 2684 Home's Sixteen Sermons', m at 5s , 179^ -685 Home on the Psalms, 2 vols, boards, io*. 53. 1798 2686 Home's Di courses, 4 vol', nrwafid neat, 1I.4S. 3 799 2687 Hall's Contemplations, 3 \ols. 9-;. * ijg6- 2688 Hunter's (Thos. ) Discourse-, 2 vols, boards, 55, 1774 2689 Ditto, 2 vol. nrfl/fy half bound, $<. 1774 2690 Haggitt's Sermons 2 vols, boards, 9s. . !796 2691 Howell's Original Pilgrim, 1 21110. scarce, 2s. 1717 2692 Ilarmer on Solomon's Songs, Jewed 4s. 1768 3^93 Herbert's Priest to the Temple,. 121110. neat, 2s. 6d. 1671 2-694 Hawkins (Win. ) Discourse, board*, 4s. 6d. Ox. 1787 2695 Harw od's Translation of the New Testament, 2 vols, boards, 8s. 1768 2696 Hole's Doctrine of the Pope's Supremacy, boar Js, 3s 1 j&7 2697 Hn.-sey's Glo'V of Grace, half boun \, 4s. I 7 t Works, neat, 7s. 2727 Letters to the Earl of Shaftsbury, neat, 2s. 6d. 2728 from a Black truth, is. 2729 Luther ' Sermons, w ij neat, $s. 2730 Lardner (Life and Writings of) tbarels, 3s. 2731 Lardner on the Demoniacs, &c. 4s. 2 73 2 s History of the Apostles and Evangelists,. 3 boards. 12 s. 2733 Lardner s Sermons, 2 vols. vol. 1 bound, vdf. 2 half bound, 2734 Lawson's Body of Divinity, 2s. 2735 Ledie's Short Method with the Deists, i2mu.f::cd, it 2736 D'tto, Octavo, 4s. 6e's Sermons, hoards, 5s. 1786 2S12 Pyle's Sermons, 4 vols. //oc/n/.v, 1 Ss. Norwich, 1789 281,3 Parkes's (William) Discourses 2 voLs. hoards, 6s. O*/^ 1790 2814 Pinamente's Hell opened to Christians, jznio. plates, 2s. 6d y 1782 281^ Priestley 0:1 Matter and Spirit, boards, 3s. 17S2 2816 Ditto, *&i$ty I omul, 4*. 1782 2817 Priestley's Histo-.y of Early Opinions, 4 vols. hoards, j6s. j 786 2S18 Ditto, 4 vols, maty bound, il. is. 1786 2819 Priestley's Theological '1 nets, umo. 3s. 6d. J787, ice. 2820 Quarle's Emblems, 6 numbers, plates, 4s. 6d. 2821 Quesncl's New Testament, w itb" Moral Reflections, 4 vols. neat, il. 6s. 1 *7 J 9 2822 Reformed Monastery, or Love of Jesus, is. 6d. 1678 2823 R( maine's Law and Gospel, bob, hourds, 4s. J 793 2824 Ditto, 7t( iv end neatly hound, 6s. J 793 282$ Religious Courtship, 2S. 6d. 1 J 75 2S26 Ryan's History of the Effects of Religion on Mankind, 4s. 6d. 1788 2827 Romaine's Life of Faith, neat, 2s. 6d. J 7^4 2828 Walk of Faith, 2 vols. 5s. 6d. 1771 2829 Rossell'j Prisoner's Directory, 2s. 1742 28^6 Roger's Visible and Invisible Church of Chrisf, 2s. 6d. 1729 2 S3 1 Sermons, 4 vols, hearth-, 1 1. is. J 7$4 2832 , 4 vols, neiv and neat, 1I.45. 1727, &c. 2833 Shueklbrd's Com actions, 4 vols, nezv and neat, il. 10s. 1728 2834 Squire on Religion, 2s. s iy^8 2.S35 Scougal's Life of God in the Soul of Man, icants title page, neut, is 6d. 2836 St. George's Holy Oiders, 8vo.2s.6d. 17^1 2837 Ditto, 1 21110. 2. Ditto,y>-uvi/, 2s. 6d. ^- 17P9 2838 Sharp's (John) Works, 7 vols, mat, 14s. 17^4 2839 Store House of Piety, vols. 4*. 6d. 1734 2840 Sturm's Reflections, 3 vols, hoards, 91. j8oa 2841 Smith's Discourses-, /eival, 2s. - 1762 .2843 Shepherd on the Common Prayer, board*, 5s. 1796 2843 Ditto, 2 vols, hoards, 12s. j-^8 2844 Stanhope's Paraphrase, 4 vols. 16s. . 1761 2845 Stillingfleet's Origines Sacrae, 2 vols. nere,ne.it, 16s, Oxford, 1797 284.6 Sewell's History of the Quakers, 2 vols. 14s. l 19$ 2847 Stanhope's Thomas a Kenjpis as. . J700- 2848 Sharped Sermons, neat, 2s. 6d. 1773 -.849 Spen-es John I) sconrsea on E\ angelical Subjects, hoards, 36(L 1786 aS-,0 Scott si. John) Discourses, 2 vols. neat,$*. J730 28J1 Scott's Christian Life, $ .vols. 15s. 17^ 28^2 Street s New Version of Psalms. 2 rols. hards, 53. 6d. 1790 3)853. Sherlock s Disccntses, 2s. . *?< -8^4 on Ji.d^tncflt> is. 6 1. {y l0 II. Iiolhorn.] Divinity and Sermons: Octavo. 75 aft Sherlock on Judgment, neat, 3s. 6d. 1749 -1S56 on Death, is. 6d. 1701 28-57 Sermons, vol. 5, boards, 5s. 1797 38:58 Smai broke on the Miracles, 2 vols. 4s. 1729 2859 Sibbs's SoiuVs Conflict, js. 1639 3860 Sfernhold and Hopkins s Psalms, morocco, 2s. <5d. 17 33 3861 Sillerys Religion considered as the only Basis of Happiness, 2 \ols. (wards, 4s. 6d. 1787 2S6S Sherlock's (William) Discourse on HappineSvS, 2 vols, fewcd' t 3s. 6d. Clasg.V}6% ^86 j St. Augustine's Meditations by Stanhope, 2s.6"d. 1708 2864 Svcker s Sermons, and on the Church Catechism and Charges, 10 vols. Board*, 2I. ias. I 79> ^865 Ditto, complete in 4 vols. /;//, il. 4s. l/-9 2866 Seeker s Lectures of the Church Catechism, 2 \ ols. 8s. 1 789 2S67 Seeds Sermons, complete in 3 vols. 13s. 174^ 38^8 Sc .ttergood s Kilty- two Sermons, \ol. 2, .srn's St. Paid, neat, 6s.6d. 2891 Walsh's letters tO Persons of -Quality, iv. 6"d.- 16S6 2892 Walker's (Robert) Sermons, vol. 2 an. I 3, 7s. 1792 2893 Wisdom Dictates, srived, is 61. -- 1799 2894 Wake on the Christian Religion, large paper, bine morocco, gut leaves, and ruled, 4s. 6d. 1760 289^ Words of Christ, boardt, 2s. 3 76S 2896 Wa keron t!i<- K ; >istles of Paul, 2s :-o$ 2897 Worthington's Script uru Theory of the Earth, *e:ved, 3| 1773 2898 Wright on the First Bock of Genesis, seized, is. 61. 1788 L2 Dhwift/ and Sermons. Octavo. [Priestley, 14$, 2899 Wdberforce on Christianity, scnrd, 4*. _ . j^g % 2900 Warburton's Alliance between Church and State *s 1748 2901 Wakefield's Essay on Inspiration, snird, $m. 6t\ 1781 2902 Welchman on the Thirty-nine Articles, sewed, is <5d i'c8 - 2903 Wheatley on the Common Prayer, neat, ts. 6d. ji< 2904 Watson's Apology for the Bible, siwcd, 3s. _ jirfc i 9$ ~ T" Christianity, r/, 2*. 17-6 2906 Watts's World to Come, iamo. L - 1800 2907 Ditto, 2 vols. 8vo. 9 s. _ _ ,! 2908 Watts's Orthodoxy and Charity United, 4 s. 17?? 2909 Hoiae Lyricae, as. s ig a 9 i Glory of Christ, 3 s. _ _ , J J 291 1 Death and Heaven, extra hound, a.6d. j 77q 2 9 r 2 Evangelical Discourses, 3s. 17 YL 2913 Wakefield's Evidence of Christianity, Boards, 3s. 6d. 1793 2914 Wilton's Articles of the Church of England, sewed, is. 6d. 177! 2915 Wait's Gospel History, as. 6d. Il6 , 2916 Worthington's Sermons, hoards, 23. 6d. Warrinaton, x lQ \ 3917 Wallis's Sermons, fo;^, 4.. f gJ 2918 Whitfield's (Peter) Christianity of the New Testament, a.6d. txr . Liverpool, 17157 3919 Walker's Virtuous Woman Found, is.6d. 1678 2920 Whistonon the Old Testament, neat, as. 6d. 1722 2921 Whitaker's Review of Gibbon, hoards, is. 6d. 1701 29aa Woolaston's Religion of Nature, neat, 4 s. 6<1. 17.0 2923 Ditto, new, boards, 4s. 17^ 2924 Waters's Sermons, boards, 3s. 6d. 1800 2925 Watson's Sermons and Tracts, hoards, 9s. 1788 2926 Ditto, new and neat, 10s. 6d. 1788 2927 Ditto, new and extra bound, 12s. - 1788 C928 Watson's Theological Tracts, 6 vols, large paper, boards, il. us. 6d. ' 179! 3929 Young's (John) Sermons, 2 vols, neat, scarce, 6s. 1J64. Arts and Sciences. O&avo. "93 A RT of Dying, scarce, 12s. 1705 ' 2 93 l il Antoni on Gunpowder, by Thomson, new and neat, ios.6d. 1789 2932 Adams's Astronomical and Geographical Essays, plates, hoards, 8s. . . ' i7pp 2 933 Geographical and Graphical Essays, plates, boards, 10s. (5d. - *797 2934 Ditto, half hound, 7s. <5d. ' 1791 2 935 on Vision, boards, 2s. 6d. 1792 2936 Micrographia lllustrata, or. the Microscope explained, plates, scarce, 10s. 6d. i7/i 2937 Anderson's Institutes of Physics, 4s, 1788 2938 Atlantic Pilot, as. ' - 1772 H. Ilolborn.] Arts and Sciences. Octavo. 77 2939 Art's Companion, or Assistant for the Ingenious, l2mo. 2s. 6d. Dvb. 1749 2940 Arbuthnott's Tallies of Grecian, Roman, and Jewish Measures, is. 6d. 2941 Breze lleflections sur les Prejuges Militaircs, sewed, 2s. 6;1. Turin, 1779 2942 Brent's Compendious Astronomer, 2-. *74o 2943 Burnet's Theory of the Earth, 2 vols. 5 ; - J 722 2944 Bei tin's Snort Hand, in French, 7s. Paris, an, 4 2943 Beckmun's History of Inventions and Discoveries, 3 vols. hoards, 16s. *797 2946 Bonycastle's Introduction to Astr"nomy, plans, neat, Jf. 1786 2947 Ditto, last edition, neu\ boards, 8s. 1803 294H Ditto, ncic and neatly bound, 10s. . 1805 2949 Busby's Dictionary of .Music, boards, 121110. 4s. 1800 2950 Krownrigg's Art of making Salt, \rrj/ neat, il. is. l 74& 2951 Be/out Cours de Mathematiques 4 toni. siued, 16*. An. y 2952 Arithmetique, Gcomeuie, et Al_ebrc, 3 torn. 16s. 1798 to&$3 'Traite de Navigation, -3s. Paris, 1789 2954 Bougucr Traite Navigation, par de la CaiUe. 2s. 6d. Paris, 1769 2955 Baker's Microscope made F.asy, />/.;/rj, 4s. I74> 2956 Fmployi. .cut for T.hc .Microscope, ncv:, boards, 5.?. 1764 2957 Bonner's Bee Master's Companion, i2n.o. sexved, 23. J 789 2958 Bertczen's Extracts of Music, Ital. and Etig. is. 6d. 1782 2959 Bosse la Manicre de Graver a 1'FaU-forte, avec fig. neat, 9s. 2960 Bourde de Villehuet le Mana-uvrier, ou Evolutions Navah>, 4s. - 1765 2961 Belidone CF.uvres sur 1'Artillerie, 6s. Amjl.\^6\ 2962 Bracken's Farriery, 2 vols, neat, 6<. J 74i 2963 Ditto, 2 vols. i2n;o. neat, 6s. 1-69 2964 Bartlet's Farrier's Repository, nerc, boards, 2s. 6d. 1773 2965 Ditto, neatly bound, 3s. *773 2966 Bernoulli Manoeuvre des Vaisseaux, plates, 2s. 6d. Basle, j 7 14 2967 Betfesworth's Naval Mathematics, boards, s-. I787 2968 Barba on Metals and Mine.-, &t. }s; 6d. 1674. Ditto, 4s. J 739 2969 Ditto, best edition, neat, 6;. J 74 2970 Baireme le Livre des Comptes-Fuits, nmo. xs. 61I. Paris, 1768 2971 Cramer's Art of Assaying Meta's, flakes, 8s. 1741 2972 Ditto, neai, 9s. 1 74 1 2973 Ditto, neat, 10s. 61. 1764 2974 Ditto, 2 vols, in Latin, neat, 8s. Lug. Bat. 1744 2975 Cavallo on Electricity, boards, 4s. 61. 178; 2976 Ditto, 2 vols, ha'j 'bound, g<. 17S6 2977 Cttnn's Euclid, plates, 3s. 3s. 6.1. 4.6J. 297b 1 Clare's Motion of Fluids, p fates, $<*,. 6.1. 1737 2979 Chatham's A ng'cr's Yade Mecum, scarce, 3s. 61. 1700 *-8 Art* and Sciences. Octavo. [Prirsllev, 143, 29S0 Ciare't- Introduction to Trade and linsiniss. is. 6;!. 1 748 2981 Condcr's Arrangement of Pitovincial Coins. Tokens, and Me- dals, bo'ird*, 4^. 6d. Iptvie/t, 1799 2982 Cotos's llydrostaticsd Lectures, s. >73'8 2^83 Curry on Pleaching. 4s. 6d. Duhlin, 1779 2^84 Crouch's British Cibtoms, is. 6d. A- 17.38 SB9^5 Ditto, vol. 2, 53, 1728. Ditto, /;/ tdition, vol. 2, 10s. 6.!. 1746 2986 Crnhoissancc Parfaitc desChevaii.N.y/g. Par. IJ12 '2987 Ditto, arccj!!;. 6s. Per/-. 1741 2988 CallctTablesPorratiyeaideLoflEBTithmes, 16s. 6d-. JW. 1783 2989 Collection of Papers on Nnuil Architecture, boards, $${ I 791 2990 Comerroi's Natural Philosophy Reformed, is. 6d. 165/; ^^O Country Gentleman's Companion, 3 vols, neat and scarce, 6s. 733 2992 Douglas's Art of Planomefry I.ongcmetry, 2s. 1717 299,3 . DerhamV? Astro -Theology, 2s. 6d. r7i9 2994 . Physico Theology, 2s. 6d. 172c} -995 and Astro-Theology, 2 vols. 7s. 1758 2996 Dictionarium Polygrapliicum 01* Body of Arts, vol. 2,4s. od. 17.35 2997 Des Charm-s Art of Bleaching, boards, 6s. r 799 1998 Du Pile's Principles of Painting, 6s. 1745 2999 Du.Frcnoy's Art of Painting, bv Mason, 4s. Dub. 1-783 jooo 1 by Dryden, 3s. 6d. J 7 J 9 3001 De Piles Vie des Paintres, 4s. Paris. 17 15 3002 Dublin -Society's Weekly Observations, 2s. 6d, Dub. 1729 3003 Desagulicrs on Hydrostaticks, 2s. 6d. 17 18 3004 Davison's Course of Mathematics, boards, 2>. 6d. 1778 3005 Dunn's Vulgar and Decimal Arithmetic, 2s. J 7 3066 British Mariner's Assistant, j s. 17 74 3007 Dalrymplc's Cookery, 5s. 1781 3008 De S'ind Manuel du Cavalier, 2s. Paris, T7 66 3009 Davon Analyse Critique des iait Militaires de Cesar, is. 6d. Gen. 1779 3010 Dicquemere la Connoissance de L' Astronomic, Paris, 177.1 301 1 Dihvorth's Young Book-keeper's Assistant, 23. 1793 3.CI.2 on the Globes, 2s. 6d. I /7 I > 3013 Dela Cailles D'Astronomie, neat, 6s. Paris, 17 46 3014 Desentans Catalogue of Pictures, 2 \ols. feivcd, 4s. 1802 30T5 Du Frenoy L'Arte de la Pittura, ,3s. Roma, ij 17 3016 De Vinci Traite de la Peinture, avec Figure, boards, (p. Paris, An. 4 3017 Dublin Essays and Observations on Brewing, &c 2s. 6d. Dul>. 1740 3018 Durtubie Manuel de L'Artilleur,y>uYJ 7s. 6d. Ann. 6 3019 Dos Charmes LAnt du Blanchement (\tsTo.]es,j>Ltcs.ft'w d, 2s. 6d. . Ah. 6 3020 Euler's Letters to a German Princess, 2 vols, boards, ios.6d. J 795 3021 A Algebra, 2 vols, ww and neat, iSs. 1796 H. Ifolborn. ] Arts and Sciences. Octav. ^ 5022 Engraving- (History and Art of) hoards, 2s. 6d. 1770 3023 Euclidis Elements Gcom. a Whiaton, loirdn, is. 6d. 1723 5024 Evelyn s Art of Engraving on Copper neat, 3s. Z 7SS ,3025 El iot's Six Letters to Armed Yeomanry, board*, 4s. 6d. 1797 3026 Elsholt's Curious Distillatory, nnio, is.<5d. 1677 3027 Essay sur-lcs Feur .D'Artitice Four le Spectacle et Pour la Gncrre, p'atss, boards, 6s. Pnrix, 1745 3028 Elucidation tor forming of Cavalry, lourds, plates, 4s. 6d. 1798 3029 Emerson's Arithmetic, 4s. 6d. 1763 3030 Essay on Signals, boards, f>'dt<$, 3s. 1788 3031 Elsum's Art of Painting, 2s. 170.? 3032 Elementary Principles of Tactics, bo.;rds, z%. 6d. 1771 3033 Freeman's Farriers Vade Macimi, >etved. is. 6d. r 77* S34 Francois Essay des Mervilles de Nature, 2s. ^57 3035 Fontinelle's Plurality of Worlds, plate*, 7$. lf6j 3036 Penning' s Use of the Globes, 2s. 6d. J 754 J037 Fairfax's Compleat Sportsman, 2s. 1795 3038 Ferguson's Art of Drawing in Perspective, plate*, 5s. 6&. 1778 3039 Lectures, fUiet, 49. 6d. Sc 5s. 6d. 1760 304P Mtt attd neat, 9s. 1 79 I 3041 , Astronomy, plates, 7s. J 77^ 3041 Tables and Tracts, 6s. 1771 3043 Astronomy, Lectures, Mechanics, Lady's Astro- nony, Perspective, Electricity, Analysis of Lectures, Ta- bles and Tracts, 8 vols, elga&t^il. 10s. 1 77 2 - 3044 Guageron Sm^akiug Cliiiunies, 121110. is.6d. J 7 1 5 3045 Ditto, Octavo, pnuxd, 2s. 6d. J 73^ 3046 Gautier Causes Physiques des Coleurs, 2 torn, ntat, 4s. 6d. 3047 Griffins Interest Tables, new, at 6d. 177J 3048 Gentleman's Recreation in Hunting, &e. 3s. 6d. 1697 3049 Ditto, best edition, neat, 4s. 6d. 1721 3050 Gretrey Mem. ou Essais surla Musique, 3 torn, sezved, ip. An. J 3051 Gray's Land Measuring, plates, 5s. ^ u f- l 7S7 30151 Gibson's Experimental Philosophy, 4s. Dib.tjt* 3053 Gloomy Catalogue Raisonne dc Toutei les Piocei qui foment 1'CEuvre de Rembrant, as. 6d. 1'arh, 17 51 3054 Gibson on Horses, vol. 1, neat, 43. *754 $5S ~~ Farriers Guide, 2s. 6d. 172c 3 Q^6 3*'$*> 6d. 4 s. 1738 S.S7 on Dietiug Horse, 2s.6d. 1726 3058 Farrier s Dispensatory, ritat, jjs. 172 1 3059 Gordon's Accountant, 2 vols. 9s. r 77 3060 Gregory's Geometry, 2 i. J 74) 3061 Agronomy, 2 \o\s. plates, 6s. 6d. . 17 i 3062 - Element! Catoptrics, arid Dioptrics,, boarJs, 2s. 6d. ^063 ... (Olinthus) Astronomy, boards, gs. 1802 it> Jrts and Sciences. Octavo. [Priestley, J4& 3064 Gafiarels Unheard of Curiosities, as. 6*d. 1650 3065 Cowers, Theory and Practice of Seamanship, flutes, 4s. j 796 3066 Gothic Architecture (Essays on) boards, 7s. 6d. 1800 3067 Gautier Traite dc la Construction des Chcminrs, 2s. 6d. l\,rh, 1 7 16 3068 Ditto, plate*, 4s. J 75+ 3069 Gallimard la Science du Cakul Nurnerique, 2 torn, muni, 3s. Paris, 1 75 1 3070 Horsley's Practical Mathematics, new, boards, 9s. , 1801 go-ji Euclid Elementorum, new boards, 9s. 6d. 1802 3072 Handmaid to the Arts, 2 vols. 12s. I 7 < 54 3073 Home's Experiment* on Bleaching, served, 7s. 6d. Dub. 1771 4074 D tto, with Home on Agriculture, octavo, 14s. 1 15^ 3075 Henrion'a Recreations Mathematiques, 121110. 2s. 6d. Paris, 1660 3076 Hooper's Rational Recreatious, 4 vols, plates, boards, 16s. *774 3077 Huber des Graveur et des Peintres, hoards, 10s. 6d. Lup. 1787 3078 Hoyle's Game at Chess, sewed, is. 6d. 1761 3079 Hunter's Out Port Collectors Guide, scxed, at. 1 764 308 Hale's on Ventilators, 3s. 1750 3081 Hindi's Discipline of the Light Horse, plates, 7s. 6d. 1 77S 3082 Hutton's Tables of Lograthims, 16s. 1 794 3085 Ditto, 1 8s. J 80 1 3084 Hammon's Practical Surveyor, plates 5s. 173 1 3085 Higgin's on Calcareous Cement, sewed, 4s. 1780 3086 Dittp, nexv n boards, 4s. 6d. J 7^4 3087 Hawney's Complete Measurer, 2s. 178a 3088 Harris on the Globes, is. 6d. 1732 3089 Astronomical Dialogues, 2s. 3 7 2 9 3090 Hayes on Money and Exchanges, is. 6d. 1730 3091 Book-keeper, 2s. T 74* 3092 Hamilton's Philosophical Essays, i2mo. is. 6d. I 77 a 3093 H all er Description des Salines du Government D'Aigle, siwed t i2mo. is. 6d. - Lusurme, 1782 3094 Hunter's Tidesman's Pocket Book, nmo. 2s. 1771 3095 Inquiry into the State of Ancient Measures, boards, 2s. 1721 3096 Imison's Elements of Science and Art, 2 vols, plates, boards, tl is. - 1803 3097 Jack's Conic Sections, 2s. 6d. : 1742 3098 Jones's Introduction to Mathematics, 3s. 6d. 1706 3099 Jones on Fireworks, plaice. 7s. 6d. - 1770 3100 Koop's Inveution of Making Paper from Straw, beards, 3s. 1796 3401 Key's Ancient Bee -Master 3 Farewell, new, boards, 3s. 6d. i79<5 3 102 Ditto, new and neatly bound, 5s. 6d. J 79^ 3 103 Kelly n the Spheric* and Nautical Astronomy, plates extra, 9s. 1801 H. Holborn.l Arts cud Sciences. Octavo. 81 g 104 Kelly en Spherics and Nautical Astronomy, Ids. 4s, dd. 179.9 3105 Keili's Introduction to Astronomy, plates, 4s. 6d. 1747 3106 Introductio ad Veram Physieam, ; is. 6d. 1741 3107 Ring's Brjtish Merchant, 3 yolfc 4'- 6d. *74j 3108 Luckombes History of Printing, cs. 3771 3109 Ditto, ncivandneut,*i. 1 77 3 1 10 Lochec on Field Fortification, w' 1 '-' 4 ^' 4s. -1773 3 1 11 Military Mathematics, 2 vols, hards, 14s. .1776 3 112 < Education, sewed, is. 6d. 1773 3 1 13 Liddle's Seaman Is Vade Mecum, 3 s. * 1787 3 1 14 Ditto, 3s. i/9^ 3 ii- Laurences's Land Stewart, 23, 6d. 1743' 311b Luve'3 Art of Surveying, 4s. 1731 31 17 London and Country Brewer, 5$. -- l l S9 3 1 18 Langley's Builder's Jewel, 2s. 6d. 1741 31 19 Bench Mate, 2s. 6d. ' x 747 3120 Lam itte on Poetry and Painting, i2tno. is. 6d. Dub. 1742 3 121 May's Accomplished Cook, portrait, 2s. 6d. *68$ 3122 Martin's (Benjamin) Young Gentleman and Ladies Philo- sophy, 3 vols. plates, neat, il. 7s. I 7/i 3123 System of Optics, fjs. ' 1740 3124- Philosophical Grammar, 3s. 1731; I** 1 . neat. p.-6d. 175S 3126 f 9*. 1 1778 3127 1 Newtonian Philosophy, 3s. *7*U 3128 n. Philosophia Britannica, 3 vols. il. 4s. I 75Q 3129 - Supplement to Ditte, se IS - coveries, 9s. ll y Vtf . 3138 Midler's Elemen'tary rortilicatiort, 5*. . t^<5 r 3i39 " , T . . . ; >.6-6M. 1799 3140 Practical fortification, mat, J 774 314,1 Elements of Mathematics, 2 vols, jn 1, neat, 12*. J 78j 3142 'Works, 7 vo ^- m ^' ***> an, l 'fcttt, 3I. 3s. 1774. &Cj 314^ Mathematics, /W/'A'. 1790 3166 Malham's Navigation, 3s. 1790 3167 Massuct Elemens de la Philosophic, 2 torn. 2s. 6d. Amji, 1753 3168 Mathematical Miscellany, 2s. Dub. 1730 3169 Mushenbrock Elementa Physicae, as. 1768 3170 Mudge's Reply to the Rev. Dr. Maskelyne. boards, as. 179a 3 171 Mazcas Elemens d'Arithraetique, 4s. Paris, 1768 4172 Melanges Militaires, Lit. 13 torn, new, boards, il. is. 1795 3 1 73 Mair's Book-Keeping, jjs. 6d. 1789 3 1 74 Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manches- ter, 3 vols, new and elegantly bound J 789 317$ Newton's Tables of Leases and other Tracts, 4s. 1729 3176 Newton's Mathematic Philosophy, is. 6d. 1716 j!77 _: Natural Philosophy, by Mott, 2 vols. 15s. j^ 3178 1 ; , tewed, 14s. ^ 29 3179 Method of Fluxions, as. J 737 3180 Optics, is. 6d. 1719 3 181 Universal Arithmetic, by Wilder, boards, 6s. iy^g 3182 * 1 , new and neatly bound, 8s. 1750 3183 Nicholson's Natural Philosophy, a vols, boards, 9s. 1787 3184 Nouerre dela Possibilite de Faciliter l'Establissment General de la Navigation Interieurc du Royaume, 2 torn- morocco, gilt leaves, il. us. 6d. Paris, ly 86 3185 Neve's Builder's Dictionary, il. 6d. 1726 3186 Nollet's Experimental philosophy, 3s. 6.!. J 748 3187 Neville's Description of Light Cavalry, plates, sewed, 3s. 1796 3188 Nicholson's Navigator's As- istant, as. 6d. 1784 3189 Nautical Almanac, 1768, 1777, 1784, 5, 6, 2s. fid. each 1789 and 1790, 3s. 6d. 1791,3.5. 6, 7, j8oi, as. 6d. each. 3190 North on Fish and Fish Ponds, scarce, as. 6d. 17 13 3191 Nouveau Teinturier Parfait, 2 torn. jjs. Paris, 1769 31^2 Nouvelles Constitutions Militaires, 3s. Franc. 1760 3193 Ozanam Recreations Mathi matiques et Physiques, 4tom. 18s. Paris, 1 74 1 3194 Ozanam's Recreations, Mathematical and Physic;-,!, 9?. 1708 H. Holborn] Arts and Sciences. Octavo. 8j 3 r 95 O'Reilly Essai sur le Blancheracnt, plates, sewed, 6s. Paris, An. 9 3196 Oughtred's Mathematical Tracts in Latin, 3s. Oxonii, 1677 3197 Observations on the Brewing Trade of Ireland, sewed, is. 6d. 3198 Overlcy's Gauger's Instructor, 2s. J 749 3199 Pair's Tieatise on Pocket Watches, sewed, is. 1804 3200- Practical Treatise on Chimneys, sewed, 2s. J 77^ 3201 Payne's Elements of Trigonometry, sewed, 3s. J 77 2 3202 Prevost de l'Origin* des Forces Magnetiques, boards, 3s, Geneve, 1788 3203 Philidore on Chess, 2 vols, new, hoards, 12s. 1803 3204 Price on Reversionary Payments, 2 vols, boards, 8s. 1792 3205 Pike's Natural Philosophy, 2s. 17^3 3206 Paulet Recherches Histoiiques and Physiques sur les Maladies Epizootiques, extra' bound, 2 torn. 12s. Paris, 1775 3207 Playfair's Lineal Arithmetic, 7s. 6d. x 798 3208 Pringle's Six Discourses at the Royal Society, boards, 3*. 6d. I/83 3209 Potter's System of Mathematics, 3s. and 4s. 6d. 1753 3210 Perry's Man of Businesses. x 117 3211 Payne's Game at Draughts, sewed, scarce, is. 6s. 1 756 3212 Porterfield's Treatise on the Eye, 2 vols. 85. J 759 3213 Pleydell's Field Fortification, plates, sewed, 4s, 1768 3214 Priestley's Experimental Philosophy, sewed, 2s. 6J. 1794 - 3215 Priestley's Perspective, plates, board*, 10s. 6J. *770 3216 Histoirede Electricite, 3 torn. 6s. Paris, ljji 3217 Pardie's Elements of Geometry, is. T 74^ 3218 Phipp's Military Discipline for his Majesty's Army, is. 6:1. 1777 3219 Pegg's Forme of Cury. a Roll of ancient English Cookery, 3s. "1780 3220 Pocrer Instruction sur l'Art dc la Teinturc,Acac/ J 65. Par.j-Qi 3221 Parmentier le Parfait Boulanger, 7s. 6J. Paris, 1778 3222 Read on the Causes of Lightning and Thunder, plates, boards, 2s. 6J. 1793 3223 Rumford's Essays, Political, Economical, and Philosophical, 2- vols, bojrds, 15s. 1S00 5224 Ditto, 2 vols, new and neat, 18s. 1800 3221J Ditto, vol. 1, new and neat, 8s, 1804 3226 Do. No. 4, is. No. 6, as, 3227 Rvland's Introduction to Mechanics, ccc. i2mo. as. 6d. 1788 3228 Rousseau Dictionnaire de Music, 2 torn, sewed. Geneve, 178 1 3229 Robertson's Plain Trigonometry, is. 6d. 3230 Repertory of Arts, &c. neat, vol. I, 7s. 1794 3231 Reaumer Art de Faire Ecloirc Oiscaux, 1 torn, avec fig. 7s. Paris, 1749 3232 Robson's British Mars, plates, 2s. 6d. 1763 2233 Ray's Physico-Theological Discourses, 2s. 6d. i;i* 3234 Ray's Wisdom of God m the Creation, 3s. 33. 6d. 1727 &23J Riou's Architecture of Stone Bridges, plates, 3s. ip^o Mi t-4 Arts and Sciences. Octavo. [Priestlry, T43, 3236 Rudiment* of Ancient Architecture, elegant, 7 ,6d. J/8<> 3237 Rbyei's Vulgar and Decimal Arithmetic, 2s. 1721 3238 Rowning's Natural Philosophy, 2 vols. 6*. *"$? 32,39 Robertson ort Mafhcmatk al Instruments, 6*. X757 3240' Ditto, 7s. 6d. and 8^. I77< 3241 RichardsoA's Words' on Painting, board*, ^s. (5J, 177? 3242 Ditto, neatly bound, 6s. (5.1. 177^ 3243 ReyiKild's Discourses, " r//(, 3s. 61. r 77^ 3044 1 WWorkH By M alone, 3"vo1s-ck and elegant"', il. 4s. 1801 3243 Rules and Regulations for the Sword Exercises, boards, 4s. 3246 ' 1 i . HField Exercise, boards. 2s; 3247 Rivett's Geography and Astronomy r boards, 2*. Noraich, 1794 3248 Rcs-ignoFs Geometry, 3?.. -* T 7^>7 : 3249 Rohault's Natural Philosophy, 2 Vols, neat, 4s. 6 I. 1725 3250 Russcl's Eeltcis from a Yofmg Painter Abroad to his Friend in England, 2 vols, neat, 9s. ' I 75o i 3231 Po ke's Metrological Register, 3 parts, snjxd, 2s. 1795. cvc. 3232 Saori Cours de Physique Experimentalc et Theoricpie, 4 Mhv smed, 8*>. - Pari*, 1777 3?3> Simes's Military Course, plates, 7s 61. 17^7 j ' Medley, 35. 1768 3 7 SS Skaife's Key to Civil Architecture, 3s. 77-76 3256 Stuiges's Guide to the Game at Draughts, 2*=. 1800 32^7 Ditto, jLrtfjiaptr, 35. 6d. 1800 J2 ^8 Smith's Memoirs of Wool, 2 vols. rl. is. x 747 -. .-. ;q Stone's Mathematic il Dictionary, 2s. 1726 j 2 60 Ditto, bat edition, 6s. . r 743- 3261 Sfielton's Art of Short Hand Writing, is. 6(1. 1659 3262 Select Essays on Flax, Pleaching, &c. 4s. Philadelphia, tf'ffp 3263 Saul's Schoolmaster's Assistant, is. 6d. 1797 3264 Salmon's Polygraphias or art of Drawing, &c. plates, j>. 6d. i6ff$ 3263 Ditto, lest edition. 2 vols, in r good copy, 14s. 170J 3266 Ditto, vol. 2, 4-. 6J. . . 1701 2~ () 7 Simpson on Annuities and Reversions, 2s. I 7-7j* 3268 Fluxions, vol. r, icants title, 3S. 3269 . _ Geometry, nexz and neat , Os. xSoo 3270 . , .' Conic' Sectoins, 3s. - *77$- 3271'' Euclid, ne-u, 78. 1801 3272 . ,' ncxe and neat, 8s. - 1801 3*7l.' Aigebp, 5^. anJ 6;. 1775 3*74 Stone's lv.tclid"V Eh nu-iit^ of Geometry, J*i. 6.1, 1728 Z 2 *!*) Stnejtton's Report of R. Geneve, 1775 3284 Stone's Theory of Working Ships, $9. *743 .5-285 Schindler l'Ait " d'Essaycr lea Minds et Mctaux,st6d Par.ljeg 3286 Stein Essai sur le Jvu des Echecs, boards, 6s. La Uaue, J 78a 5287 Swan's Designs for Chimney Pieces, 5^, 1768. 3288 Sporting Magazine, 20 vols, in numbers 'JKJ&^&C. 3289 Taplin's Farriery, boards, 5s j8oo 3290 Transactions of the Dublin Society, boards, 6%. j3oo 3291 Taplin's Experi mental Farriery, Hoards, 4:. 6 J. 1-796 3292 Touchstone for Gold and Silver Wares, 2<. l6-y 3293 Traitc des FeUx d'Artiiice Pom le Spectacle, ncic, boards, 7s.6<|. '747 3x94 Teinturier Parfait, 2 vols. 6<. Paris, 17 ifi 3295 Thummigii Philosophise Woltianae, 2>. 1'rancf, 1746 3296 Tactiipie de lTnfanterie, avec Plans, 121110. 2s. 6J. , 1785 3297 Thomson's Tables of Interest, neat, 3*. I 77T 3298 Exchange to and from France, as. J 7'Jo 3299 Tielke's Field Engineer, by II-ewgill,2-vols. plates, boards, i\. 4.1. 1789 3300 Tielke's War, by Craufurd, 2 vols, ptutts, boards, 1 1.8s. 1787 3 pi Ther.ci isii Spl.aericbrum, 3s. > 0.i 9, 10, 11, boards, 4s. each. 3304 Taylor's Short Hand, 4s. 61. jSg* 3305 Ditto. Ji. 1786 3306 Ditto, red morocco, gilt haves-, i6>. 1786 3307 Vince's Spherical Trigonometry, boards, 2s. 61. 1800 3308 Lectures 011 Natural Philosophy, setied, 2s. 6d, 1793 339 Hydrostatics, sejoed, 2s. 1800 3310 Fluxions, boards, 4s. I 795 33 r I Valuable Secrets in Arts and Trades, served, 2s. 6d. 3312 Vysc's Tutor's Guide, 3,s. .. -r- 1801 3313 Vauban Traitc de l'Att iquc des Places, 2 torn, with plates-, sewed, i^s. > An. $ 3314 Veterinary College (.Account of the) seved, is. 1793. 33 l 5 Vausenville Essai Physico-Geometrique, seK.ec/, is. 61. Paris, 177$ 5316 Vegetiusoathe Distemper of Horses, plates, 4s. J 74^ 3317 VaUan e>'s Essay on Fortification, plates, 2<. 6d. Dub. 1757 3318 Varenius's System of (geography, 2 vols. 4s. Ditto, 5s. 1736 3319 Wilson's Surveying, by Hume, neat, 6s. 6d. 1762 3320 Warder's Monarchy of Bees, is. 6d. I /4 < > 3321 Webster's Practical Mathematics for the Army and Navy, i vols, plates, boards, 4s. 6d. J 7^9 3322 Wright's American Negotiator, Ja. - 1761 3323 Webb's Tables of Products, boards, is. 6d. 1775 $$ Arts and ScU?iccs. Octavo. [Priestley, 145, 5-524 Wolfius's Algebra, 2s. 6d i^o 33*5 Walton's Angler, by Hawkins, plates, ncal, 7s. 6.1. 1784 3326 Weils Arithmetic se Numerosas etSpeciosce, is. 6d. 1608 33 2 7 Ward's Young Mathematician's Guide, 3s. 3s. 6d. 4s. 4s. 6d. and 5*. each. 1747, &c. 3328 West's Elements of Mathematics, 5s. ^84 3329 Wilson's Treatise mi Electricity, boards, 2s, I 7S<> 333 Wilkinson's Lectures on Natural Philosophy, boards, 2s. 6j. * *799 333 l Watts's Philosophical Essays, boards. 4s. 1 793 333* Ditto, neatly bound, 4s. 6d. 1734 3333 Wood's Principles fjf Mechanics, sewed, 3s. J 799 3334 Elements of Algebra, sewed, 4s. J/*? * 3335 Watts's Treatise on Mechanics, Is. 6J. 1716 3336 Watkin's Complete Brewer, 2s. 6d. 1768 3337 Wilkin's Discovery of a New World, 2s. 1684 333 Watson's History and Art of Printing, 7s. 6d. - 17 13 3339 Webb on Poetry and Music, sewed, as. . *7-69 334 Winklerii Institutiones Philosophia, 4 torn. 4s. Leipsic, 176a 334 1 Wy Id's Practical Surveyor, plates, 4s. 1780 3343 Whiston's Theory of the Earth, 3s. 1737 3343 Weston's Short Hand, 6i. 1727 3344 Wells's Young Gentleman's Astronomy, is. 6d. 17 18 5 -345 Arithmetic, is. 6d. 1713 334 Young's Lectures on Natural Philosophy, boards, 3s. 6J. 1802 5347 Zumbach Geometriae Practical, 2s. 6d. L. Bat. 1730 Translations of the Classics. O&avo and Twelves. 3348 A RIOSTO's Orlando Furiosi, by Hoole^ 5 vols. plates, Jl\. boards, 1I.5S. 1793 3349 Ditto, 5 vols, new and elegantly bound, il. l$s. 1 783 3350 iEschylus, by Potter, vol. i,ncat, 2s. 6d. I 7/ r 9 3351 Ditto, 2 vols, eompleat, new and neatly bound, 13s. I 779 ,3352 Aristotle's Poetics, boards, 2s. 1779 3353 Ditto, new and neatly bound, 4s. I 775 3354 iEsop's Fables, by Lestrange, 3s. 33_55 iEsop's Fables. Eng. and ! at. 2s. 6d. 1723 33$6 Apuleus's Fables of Cupid an i Psyche, boards, 2s, 1795 3357 Antoninus (Marcus) by Thomson, Jewed, 2s. 1747 3358 Ditto, neatly bound, 3s. 1747 3359 Antoninus's Medit '.ions, i2mo. 2s. 6d. Glasg,xy^2 3360 Aikin's Life of Agricola, i2mo. 3s. 6d. Warrington, 1774 3361 Anacreon's Odes, by Younge, boards, 2S< 6d. 1802 3362 Baker's Medulla Poetarum Romanorum, a vols, large paper, 10s. 6d. -~ >-s jt>37 H. Hotbom.] Translations of the Classics. Octavo, &. 87 3363 Boetins's Consolation of Philosophy, 2s. J ^95 3364 Ditto, 2s. Ditto, 2s. 6d. 1750 3365 Boetius {Metres of ) Consolation of Philosophy, half bound, 2s .1 j 702 $366 Catullus in Verse, Lai. and Eng. 2 vols, hoards, js. 1/95 3367 Caesar's Commentaries, by Bladen, neat, 5s. '737 3368 , by Duncan, icrj/ neat, 7s. 1779 3369 Corn. Nepos, 2 vols. 1684 3370 Ditto, Lat. and Eng. by Clarke, is. 6d. and as. 1730 3371 Cambray s Tales and Fables, 2s. 1729 3372 Cicero'* Orations, Lat. and Eng. by Duncan, 6s. 6d. 1771 3373 Ditto, ka/f bound, uncut, 6s. 6d. *7$6 3274 Cicero's Orations, by Guthrie, 3 vols, neat, 15s. 1758 3375 Ditto, new, boards, 15s. 1778 '3376 Ditto, 3 vols, new and elegant, il. 1778 3377 Cicero's Letters, by Melmotb, 3 vols, neat, 18s. 1772 3278 Ditto, new and neat, 3 vols. il. 43. -1799 3379 Cicero's Orator, by Guthrie, neat, 8s. 1742 3 3 80 Famous Orators, by Jones, boards, 5s. 1776 3381 Ditto, new and neatly bound, 7s. 1776 3382 Cicero s Epistles to Brutus, by Middleton, Lat. and Eng. Jexvcd, 3 s. 6d. 1743 3383 Ofliciis Cockman, neat, 3s. J 739 3384 Cicero's Morals, by Gutbrie, 7/^7/, 8s. 1744 338$ Nature of the Gods, 5s. 6d. 1741 3386 Ditto, netv and neatly bound, js. 1 77^ 3387 Cicero's Works, by Guthrie, _\ielmoth, &c. Ljtfe by Middle- ton, 20 vols, ucatlu bound, 81. 8s. 17 55, &c. ^388 Ditto, 20Vo:. extra bound in RuJ}ia,out of boards, and sheets, 14I. 14s. _ I755& c - 3389 Demosthenes's Orations, by Leland, 2 vols, new, boards, ios,6d. 1804 3390 Ditto, 2 vols, new and Jicathj bound, 14s. 1804 '3391 Ditto, 2 vols, new and extra bound, 18s. 1804 3392 Dio Chrysostosn, by Wakefield, boards, 4s, 1800 3393 Diogenes Laertiua, 2 vols. 8s. 1696 3394 Epietetus, by iMrs. Carter, 2 vols boards, 6s. 1 768 3395 Litto, 2 vols, new and neat, Ss.6<\. 1 768 3396 Ditto. 2 vols, new and tit ra bound, 12s. 1768 3397 Epietetus, by Stanhope, is. 6d. Glasgow, IJ5<\ 3398 , by Walker, is. 6d. 1709 3399 Farno's Fables, Eng. and Fr. plates, neat, 9s. 1741 3400 Greek Tragic Theatre. Eurip des, by Woodbull. Sophocles, by Francklin, and iEschylus, by Potter. 7 vols. %tat t 3I. 13s. 6d. ^ a; . 3401 Horace's Epistles, by Boscawan, boards, 3s. 6d. -*797 340a Ditto, 2 vols, complete, boards, 14s. J 797 3403 Horace, Eng. verse, by Duncombe, 2 vols. i\ry neat, 8*. 3757 3404 ' , by Hurd, 2 vols, boards, 4s. j 7 5 3 2405 , 3 vols. "s.6d. J766 24.06 , by Watson, 2 vols. 7*. I75Q 2407 Ditto, 2 vols, new mid ntctly bound, 14s. 3793 S8 Translations of the Classics. Octavo, &c. X Pr * est ' c >'* * T 43 3).o8 Horace, Lat. aud Eng. by Smart, 4 vols. 8vo. 125. 1767 3400, Homers Odyssey, by Pope, 5 vols. 10s. f>d. 1725 .54.10 Jiiad, by bacitr, 5 vols. 10s. 6d. J734 341 1 - Jliacl and Odyssey, fay Pope, 11 vols, very neat, il. l$i. x75g 3412 Ditto, 11 vols, bound in fj, very neat, x\. us. 6d. i/5^ ,3413 Ditto, crown 8vf>. vac , hoards, 9 vols. 1 77 1 3414 Homer's Odyssey, by Hobbs, is. 6d. 1675 3415 ) , by Wakefield, 5 vols. 8vo. hoards, il. jjs. 1790 3416 Homer Burlesque 2 vols, plates, elegant inRuJJia, il. is. 1 797 3417 .Joseph us, by Le Strange, 3 \o!s. 15s. 1716 34j8 Ditto. hyWhiston.vol. 1 and 2, beards, jjs. J 75^ 5419 Juvenal, Lat. and Dug. by Dunster, .bounds, 6s. T776 .3420 Julian, by buncombe, 2 vols. Ss. . '784 3421 Oratons, ntw, boards, 26 -6d. J 793 3422 Lucretius. byGuemier, vol. 2s. d. J 743 3423 Ditto, a vols, hck and neatly bound, 12s. r 1743 3424 Longinus, by Smith, neat, 4s. 1770 3425 Lucan, by Kowe, 2 vols. 9s. 2 7 23 3426 Morals ot Confucius, is. 6d. J091 3427 Metastasio, by Hoole, 2 vols. nmo. 9s. 1767 3428 Ditto, 3 vols, neiv and elegant, Russia, il. 4s. J 809 3429 "N' ew Testament, Greek a-nd ling. 2 vols. 18s. 1729 3430 Ovid's Epistles, Prose, Lat. and ng. by Davidson., scarce, 5-s. 6d, 1746 3431 Ovid's Epistles, Verse, by Ewen, boards* 2i. 5432 Ovid's Metamorphoses, Lat. and Eng. Prose, by Davidson, ncat6s. 6d. '759 543 J Ditto, new and neatly bound, 7s. 6d. 1 797 3434 Ditto by Clarke, 2.6d. . .1752. 3435 Ditto by Garth, 3 vols, plates, neat, 7s. 6d. 1 751 3436 P'autus, -by Thornton, 5 vols, neat, x). fis. . J769 3437 Pythagoras' s Golden Verses, by Rowe, 2s. J 77. 3458 PI autus, by Thornton, 2 vols, r } s. 'j^g 3459 Phaedr-us, Eat. and Eng. by Smart, 2s. 6d. 17$S 3440 ' by Bailey, is. 6d. . 1734 ^441 Persius, Lat. and Eng. by Brewster, Mew, hoards, i2#no. is Gd, 3442 Ditto, nexi and mat, $%,% Ditto, extra, 4s, J 7 5 x 3443 Ditio, by Drunvuond, nciv a id mat, 3s. 1797 S444 Ditto, Svo. boards, 5s. 1 /99 344--; Ditto, by irtje ridan, nm-,1 cards, 2s. 6d. -r- 1777 3446 Hatarcn's Lisikiction between a friend and a Flatterer, by Nortlnnove, tuards, 2s, - J /93 34.47 P' nt ". hy Dacier, 2 \ols. 7s. */49 3448 Ditto, 2 vol-, extra bound, ys. I 77 2 - 3449 PausaniusV Grace, by Taylor., 3 vols. board%, iSs. *794 34.0 Pindar's Odes, by West, 2 vols. 5*. 1753 3451 1 lutarch's Morals, 5 vols, neat, i\. $$. *74 3452 Lives, by Linghoin, 6 vc.ls. neic and neat, 2I. 8s. 1801 34 1703 3458 Quintius Curtius, by Di^by, a yds.. neat, ^747 3459 Seneca's Morals, by Lestrange, -xamo. 2s.6d. 1775 3460 Ditto, octavo, 3s. ~ J 75 34 6 * Ditto, best edition, neat, $s. ''.' *i$6 3462 Sophocles, by Franklin, nezveindelegun}, , ji.6d. 1 79^ 3463 Suetonius, by Thompson, new, boards, 5s. J 79^ 3464 Ditto, nets a/ J neat, 7s. l 79& ^465 Ditto, illustrated -witb tivelve portraits, neW and extra bound, J2S. 1796 3466 Ditto, new and ejetra bound in Russia, 14s. J 79^ 3467 Suetonius, Latin and English, by Ciaike, new boards, is. 1796 3468 Ditto, new and neatly l&u/rl, 3s . ifid. 1761 3469 Suetonius** Li\.i~66 3475 . new and neat, Jos. 6d. Dub. 1766 3476 Ditto, 2 vols, netv and extra bound, tJ6. Dub. 1^66 3477 Ditto, 2 vols, octavo, flatas, is. iy<56 3478 Ditto, 2 vols. ^Wv, i8s. 1768 3479 Ditto, 2 vols. roVa Russia, ll. JOS. 1 768 3480 Ditto, Latin and English, Prose, by Patrick, 2 voL 13*. 1767 348: Theophra^tiis's History of Siones, by Hill, boards, 3s. 1774 3482 -by Newton, 4s. Ox. 1754 3483 Tassp, by Hoole, 2 vols. 121110.4s. - J 74 3484 by Fairfax, best edition, new Ito&rds, 4s. <5d. *749 3485 Ditto, new and extra hand, 8s. *749 3486 Thuerdkles, by Hobbes, a \0is.1as. 1723 3487 Tibulus by Dart, as. 6d. ditto, 3s. 1720 3488 Latift a iid German, by Slrorabeck, served, 2s. 6d. Got tin gin 1/99 3489 Thompson's Seasons, Latin and JEpglish, by Brownell, boards, 3490 Tacuus, by Savile and others, 3 vols. 7s. 6d. 1698 3491 Virgil, Latin and English, by Martyn, 2 \ols. plate*, very neat ivitb. marb'ed lewc:*, ll. lis. 6d. -*- J/49 3492 Ditto, 2 vols, nfw end extra found, ll. 16s. J 749 3493 Virgil, Latin arid English, by t'itt and Warton, plates, 4 vol.?'. best ediiitn, very neat, %\. is. 17-5 3494 Virgil, by l'ry den, and corrected by Carey, lurge pape :< lib /lutes, 3 vois. boards, i\. tis.66. 1803 3495 Ditto, by Dryden, plates, 4 vols. i2mo. 12s. 177* 349B Ditto, Blank Verse, by Trapp, 3 vols 5s. 1755 N 9o Translations of tbc Classics. Octavo. [Priestley, 143, 3497 Dryden, blank verse, by Tiappc, 3 vols, neat marbled leaves, 9s. 3498 Ditto, by Brady, 4 vols. 4s, j 1717 3499 Ditto, by Ogilby, 2s. 1649 3500 Ditto, by Lauderdale, 2 vols. 3s. 3501 Vidas Christiad, a Poem by Cranwell, sewed, 3s. 1768 3502 Xenophon's Defence of the Athenian Democracy, by Pye, seized, is. 6d. 1794 3503 Xenophon's Memorable Things of Socrates, by Bysshe, 3s. 6d. 171a 3504 Xenophon's Memorabilia, or Memoirs of Socrates, by Field- ing, new, boards, 5s. 3S5 new and clegnnt, Js. 1788 3506 Xenophon's Expedition of Cyrus in Persia, by Spelman, 2 vols. new, boards, 14s. r J 77^ 3507 Ditto, 2 vols, new and elegantly bound, 16s. 1766 3508 Ditto, 2 vols, new und extra bound, il. 1766 3509 Ditto, 2 vols, large paper, new, boards, 18s. 1766 3510 Ditto, 2 vols, neic, extra bound, rf. 4s. 1766 35x1 Xenophon's Cyiopaedia> or Institutions of Cyrus, new hoards, 6s. 6d. 1803 3512 Ditto, new and neat, 8s. 1803 3513 Ditto, new and elegant, in Russia, ios.6d. 1803 3514 Xenophon's Works by Fielding, Spelman, and Ashley, 4 vols. new and very neat, il. 16s. 1776, &c. 351,5 Ditto, 4 vols, new Russia extra, 2L 8s. 1776 3516 Ditto, Complete in 3 vols, new and neat, tl. 7s. 1776 Medical and Surgery, O&avo and Twelves. 3S 1 1 A RTHY's Seaman's Medical Advocate, boards, 4s. 1798 3 jJjSxjL' Anatomical Dialogues, 2s.6d. 1785 3519 Beddoes on Air, Part 3, 2s. 1795 3520 Bergman's Physical and Chemical Essays, 3 vols, neat, 15s. 1788 3521 Brown's Elements of Medicine, vol. r, boards, 3s. 1795 3522 Berkenheut s Practice of Philosophical Chemistry, boards, 4 s. 6d: ^ 1788 3523 Bergman's de Systemate Fossilum Naturali, sewed, is.6d. 1788 3524 Opuscules Chymiques et Physiques. 2 torn. 6s. Dijon, 1780 3525 Beaume Chemie Experimentale et Rslisonne, 3 torn. 15s. Paris, 1 j J 3 $$26 Bomare Mineralogie, 2 torn, neat, 10s. 6d. Paris, 1784 3527 Blane on the Diseases of Seamen, boards, 3s. 6d ^89 3528 Brisson's Elements of Chemistry, boards, 5s. 180 1 3529 Blegborough on Air Pump and Vapour Bath, boards, nmo. 2s. 6d. 1809 3 ",30 Burrows on Cancers, sewed, is. 1767 H. Holborn.] Medic J and Surgery. Octavo, &rc. 91 353 r Berkeley on Tar Water, as. 1744 3532 Bell's Surgery, 7 vols, last edition, plates, new, boards, 2I. 2s. 1801 3533 Ditto, 7 vols.weti' and neat, 2I. 12s. 6d. t- 1801 2534 Barba Mettallurgie, avecFig. 2 torn. nmo. 5s. Paris, 1731 3535 Chaptal's Chemistry, 3 vols, hist edition, new boards, 15s. 1800 3536 Ditto, nezu and neatly bound, il. is. 3800 .5537 Culpepper en the Rickets, 1 2mo. is. 6d. 1631 3538 Dispensatory, is. 6d. 1659 3,539 Cullen's Institutes of Medicine, nmo. 2s. 6d. 1777 2540 Synopsis Nosologic Methodica?, boards. 2S. J709 3541 Cheselden's Anatomy, flates, 4s.6d. 1741 3542 Clarke's Medicinae Praxeos CompeRdium, nmo. sewed, 2s. 6d. 1801 3543 Douglas on the Muscles, neat, 3s. 1775 3544 Duchesne Historic des Fraisieres, 1 2mo neat, 3s. Paris, 1766 3545 Denman's Midwifery, vol. 2, boards, 3s. 6d. 1801 3546 Duncan's Elements of Therapeutics, 3s. 1770 3547 Medical Commentaries, vol. 1 to 14, neatly bulf bound, cut, 4I. 4s. 1773, &c. 3348 Ditto, to vols. Compleat, neatly bound, 81. 8s i 773> &c. 3549 Edinburgh New Dispensatory, boards, 4s. 6d. 1785 3550 Essays and Observations, Physical and Literary, 3 yoIs. boards, 12s. 1754 3551 Ditto, 3 vols, bound, 14s. I 754 3552 Falconer on the Passions, boards, 2s. *79 3553 Fourcroy's Philosophy and Chemistry, boards, 2s. 6d. 1795 3554 Fox's Formulre Medicamentorum Selecta?, 3s. 1 777 3 35 j Fbntana Opuscules Physiques et Chymiques, boards, is. 6d. Paris, 1704 3336 Garnett's Lectures on Chemistry sewed 2s. 1797 3557 Grant on Fevers, boards, as. 6d. 1771 3338 Gellert Chimie Metallurgique, 2 torn. 3s. 6d. Par;V, 175S 3339 Goulard Traite sur l'usage du Plomb, 2 torn. 3s. Pexm.s. 1760 3560 Lf Grange Chimie Hydraulique, 2 torn. 2s. 6d. Paris, 1747 3561 Geoflroy Manuel de Medicine, Pratique, 2 torn, sewed, 4s. 6d. Paris,An. 9 3362 Gooch's Chirurgical Works, 3 vols, boards, 16s. 179a 35^3 Gregory's Duties and Offices of a Physician, sewed, 2s. 6d. 1770 3364 Higgins's Phlogistic and Antiphlogistic Theories, boards, 3s. 1780 3$6$ Experiments on Acid, Air, &c. neat 7s. 1786 3366 Haller's Pathological Observations, neat, 4s. 6d. l 75& 2367 Fint Lines of Physiology, 2 vols. 8s. l 7%$ 3368 Home on the Sti ictures of the Urethra, boards, $s. 1 79$ 3569 Clinical Experiments, sewed, 3s. <5d. 1782 3370 Hooper's Hydrology Fluids of the Human Body, new and neat, 39. 1797 3371 Hardy on the Cholic of Poitou and Devonshire, sewed 3s. *7,-8 * Medical and Surgery y Octavo. [Priestley, 145, 3572 Healdes Pharmacopoeia, hoards, :-.6d. 1788 3573 Hewson on the Blood, i2ebo. sewed, is. 6d. 1771 3574 Ditto, octavo, boards, 4s. JJT* 3575 Jones's Enquiry into the State of Medicine, Board*, 4s. 6d. 1781 3576 Launay Hist. Naturelle des Roche*, 121x10. sewed* zs. Park 1786 3 J77 Lewis's Dispensatory, 4s. 6d. 1785 3578 Ditto, new and neatly bouvd, 6s. 1785 3579 Levert L'Art des Accmichmens, 3s. 6d. Pris, 1766 3,580 Lavoisier's Chemistry by Kerr, 2 vols, neiv, hoards, 14s. 1802; 3581 Le Grange's Course oi' Chemistry, a vols, sewtd, ios 6d. t8oor 3582: Lugurg Institutiones, Medicinae, seived, 3s. Lip. 1759 3583 London Medical Journal, Number 1 to 10, 7s. 6di 3584 1 Practice of, Wvysic. hoards, 7*. 1797 3585 Mandeville on the Hypocondraics, 3s. 1730 3586 Macbride & Essavs, Medical and Philosophical", neat, is. 17>6> 3587 ]V|unro oa the Health of Soldiers, 2 vols, boards, 7s.. 178 3588 Chemistry, 4 vols. 12s. . 1788 3589 on the Diopsy, 1 21110. 3s. 6di r *75& 3590 Moseley ore Sugar, nea, boards, 6s. 1800 3591 Marryatt's Art of Healing, neat, 2s. 61. ^79- 3592 Morrison's Hortus Regeus Blesensis Auctns-, 2s. 1669 3593 Mackenzie's Cases on Midwifery, 2 vols, seived, 6s. 1789* 3594 Nisbets Treaties on Diet, boards, 4s* 1801 3595 Neale on the Venereal, se-aed, as. 6d. ^793 3596 Neeham Anatomica de Formato Foetu, is. 6d. 1667 3^97 OrschaH CEuvres Metallurgiques, 12 mo 2s. 6d. Paris, 1760. 3598 Osborne s Essays oa= Laborious Partuitkx.s, baards r 2s. 6d. 1783 3599 Parr v s(Dr.)-E3saysPhilosophical and Chemieal,;^vi,TS.6d. 1797 3600 Psarts Phisiology, boards, 39.. 6d. I 19$ 3601 Pharmacopoeia Medicorum Edinburgensis, boards, as. 6d. 179a 3602 PcrtersfieM's Treatise on -the Eye, a vols. 6s. I 759* 360^ Parkinson's Chemical Pocket-Book, boards, as. 6d. 1800 3604 Philaletha lllustratus, as. Franc. 1728 3605 Pyrophyias Liquor Alchahest, i2mo. scarce, 2s. 6d. ^^ 3606 Perfect's Cases in Insanity, boards, 4s. 6d. Rochester, 1787 3607 Peart'* Cornpositiorvaad Properties of Water, boards, 2S 1796- 3608 Ghirncey's Medical Dictionary, 2s. 6d. 1767 3609 ' Dispensatory, 2 vols. 4s. 1761 3610 Ranby on Gun Shot Wounds, i2tno. elegant Moececc, as. 68^ 36 13 Richter on the Catanict, served, 23. 6d. 1791 3614 Reid s Cure of the Phthisis Pulmonnlis, boards, as. 6d. 1 785, 3 6.1 j Russcl on Sea Water, neat, 4s. 6d. 1769 IT. Holhorn.] Medical and Surgery. Octavo, Sec. % 3616 Sharpe's Operations of Surgery, 2$. I 7 < 5^ 361 7 Simmor.s's Elements of Anatomy, 4s. 177^ 3618 Saunders n the Venereal Disease, scued, is. 6d. 1768 3619 Sage Analyse Chemique et Concordance desTrois Regnes, 3 torn. ios.6d. Paris, 1786 3620 Shaw Essai 3631 Tryon's Way to Health, scarce, 4s. 6d. - 1691 3632 Townshend's Physicians Vade Mecum, lamo. sewsd, 2s. 1799 3633 Guide to-Health. vol. 1. boards, 2s. 6d. 1795 3634 Thoughts on different kinds of Air, boirds, 3s. ^785 3635 Tissot Maladies des Gens du Monde, 2S. 177 1 3636 Vaughaji's Anatomy and Phisiology, 2 vols, boards, 10s. 1791 3637 Van Swieten Commentaria in Boerhaave Aphorismus, 12. torn, reived, il. 16s. . Wirceburgi, 1787 3638 Vigani Medulla Cbymi.r, i2mo. Morocco, 3%. 6d. 1683 3639 White on Lying-in- Women, 3s. 6d. 1773 3640 Wasserberg's Jnstitutones Chymie, 2 torn. 6s. Vcndob. 177S 3641 Wilkinson's Essays, Physiological and Philosophical, boards, 2S. 6d. mm 1789 364a Wall's Dissertations on Chemistry and Medicine,/fw ubes recensuitHermannus,^iy^,8s. Lips. 1799 3651 Aristophanes, Gr. et Lat. Brunckii, 3 torn, new in boards, al. 12s. 6d. Argent. 1783 3652 Ditto, extra bound in Russia, gilt leaves, in 4 vols. jl. 10s. Arg. 1783 94 Classics, &c. Lati?i, Grce&,and Hebrew. Octavo. [Priestley, 143, 3653 Ar'stophanes torn. 2, (Latino.) 5*. Arg. 1781 3654 Aristophanis Plutus and Nubes, Gr. et Lat. is. 6d. Lond. 365$ iEschine Socu ens, Gr. et Lat. Clerici, 3s. 6d. Amst.ijii 3656 ' ' Fisheri, boards, 3s. Lips. 1776 3657 ' ; Horrei^s, Lev. 171 1 3658 Aristotelis Poetica, Gr.et Lat. Goulstoni, 2s. Cant. 1696 3659 . 1 per Cooke, boards, 3 s. Cant. 1785 3660 : Winstanley, new boards, 6s. 6d. Oxon. 1780 3661 Winstanley, 7uit,< and neatly bound, js. 6d. - 1780 3662 Winstanley, large paper, half bound, uncut, Russia, 9s. 1780 3663 - ' large paper, extra bound, 12s. 1780 3664 Tynvhitt, new boards, 4s. 6d. ' Oxon. 1794 3665 Tynvhitt, large paper, boards, 6s. 6d. J 794 3666 1 Tynvhitt, large paper, half bound, uncut, Russia, 8s. 6d. I 794 3667 Tynvhitt, large paper, extra bound, us. 6d. - I /94 3668 Parsons, large pup er, fine copy, 7s. 6d. Oxon. 1 j 60 366c) Ethica, Gr. et Lat. Wilkinsoni. boards, 7s. <5d. - Oxon, 1803 3670 Aristotelis et Theophrasti Scripta quaedam, Gr. first edition, neat, 4s. 6d. H. Step/t. 1557 3671 Arriani Epictetus Grace, 5s. Vcnct. Zanetti, 1535 3672 Aristeae Historia 72 Interpretum, Gr. et Lat. is, 6d. Oxon. 1690 3673 Alciphronis Epistolae, Gr. et Lat. Bergleri, large paper, extra bound, 6s. 6d. Traj, 1791 3674 Agius de Soldanis della Lingua Punica presentamente usata da Maltesi, new, boards, 5s. liomae, 1750 2675 Anacreon, Gr. et Lat. J. B. Gail, finely printed, neatly bound, 6s. 6d. J)ub. 1801 3676 extra bound, 8s. 1801 3677 1 extra bound, morocco, 12s. 1801 3678 . , Fischeri, boards, ios. 6d. Lips. 1793 3679 Aurelius Victor cum Notis Variorum, 4s. Lvgd. Bat. 1670 3680 , neat in ~ocllh?n, 6s. Lvdg.Bat. 1670 3681 Arndtius de Vero ChustianLmi cur Boemi, 2 torn. 6s. Ijond. 1708 3682 Achilles Tatius de Amoribus Clitophontis et Leucippes, Gr. et Lat. per Boden, 10s. 6d. Lips.i"//6 H. Holborn.] Classics, &c. Lath:, Greek aud Hebrew. Oaavo. 95 3683 JEopi Fabulae,Gr.etLat. Hudsoni,3s, Oxon. 1718 3684 Athenagoras, Gr. et Lat. Decbair, 3s. Oxon. 1706 3685 iEliani Varia Historia, Gr, Kretz chmar, fevecd, 6s. Drcsd. 1746 3686 Gr. et Lat. Terizomi, neat, in vellum, 2 vols, in i, 13^. Lugd.Bat. 1701 3687 Aulas Gelius cum Notis Variorum, neat in vellum, 10s. 6d. Lugd. Bat. 1666 3688 Conradi, 2 torn, setved, 16s. Lips. 1762 3689 Alexandri ab Alexandre Dies Geniales cum Notis Variorum, 2 \om. fine eopi/ it; vellum, 14s. Lugd. Bat. 16J3 3690 Ausonius, cura Notis Variorum, etTollii, neat in vellum, 12s. Amst. 1 67 1 3691 Aristidis Orationes, Gr. et Lat. Canteri, 3 torn, in 1.3s. 1\ Steph. 1604 3692 Andronicus Rhodius, Gr. et Lat. Heinsii, 2s. Cant. 1679 3693 Allatii Excerpta varia Graecorum Sophistarum, &c. mine pri- mum Edita, Gr. et Lat. 55. Homer, 1641 3694 Anthologia Graeca, Gr. et Lat. Reiske, 4s. Oxon, 1769 3695 Aratus ct Callimachus, Gr. Lat. ct Ital. Salvinii, 3s. Llorent, 1765 3696 A nam Fabulae, cum Notis Variorum, cura Noddel Amst. 1788 3697 Antonius (Marcnus) Gr. et Lat. 3s. Oxon. 1704. 3798 Almeloveen Fasti Consulares, 5s. JmstijS'io 3799 Apollonius Rhodius, Gr. et Lat. edidit Shaw, 2 torn, in 1 , ' ve and neat, 12s. Oxo/i.ij w 3 700 large paper, 2 vols, half bound, Russia, 195. Oxon, 1770 3701 large paper., extra bound, 2 vols. il. 4s. Oxon. 1750 3702 Burtoni Pentalogia, 4s. 6d. Oxon. 1^ 373 1 boards, 7s. *-l Oxon. t So 1 3704 new and neat. 8s. 6d. Oxon. ;i8or 37$ P er Burgess, 2 torn. 18s. Oxon. jjgh 3706 Burtoni Opiscula, 2 torn. <;s. Oxon. vj*Q 3707 Balbi Opera, Poetica, &c. a torn, fezued, 7s. 6d. Ke//rf. i^qv 3708 Blayncy PentateuchusHebrajo-Saniaritanus, neiv, boards, tjs 6d Oa-o?/ . 1790 379 " forge paper, boards, ? s - 6d - . 1700 3710 B -blia Hebraica et Lat. Montian, 4 torn, neiv and neat, 2I. ds . . Antic. 16 1 1 37 1 1 '1 bimoms, neW in vellum, il. 4s. Amst. 17^ 3712 a Lensden ct Athias, il. 4s. Amst. 166- 31*3 ncnt '"< relfum, il. 7s. Amst. 1667 37 14 Bayly's Hebrew and Eng. Bible, 4 vols, neat, 2I. 12s. <5d. IjQiui. 1774 7 15 Brigcntii Villa Burghesia rot.ticc Descripta, 2s. Roma, ij 16 7 16 Burgess Musei Oxon. Conspectus, sewed, is. 6d. Oxoi-. 1792 g6 Classics, &c, Latin, Greek anlHcbrrw, Octavo. [Priestley, 143,' 3717 Boetius de Boot Gemmarum et Lapidum Historia, is. 6d. Lngd. Bat. 1647 371 S Birch Variae Lectiones Act. A post. Epistolae Pauli, &c. stteed, 3s. 6d. *rf " llavH. 1798 3719 Boileau Historia Gonfessionis Auricularis, 2s. 6d. PW.s, 1683 3720 Barberini Pamata, 3s. O.von. 1726 3721 Baxteri Glossarium Antiquitatura Romanorum, far paper, 5s 1726 3/22 Boethius cum Notis Variorum, ne/zt in Vellum, 10s. 6d. Ludg. B. 16 7 1 3723 Bruning's Compendium Antiquitatura Hebrearum, /.w//;*/, 2s. 6d. " Franc. 1 j 66 3724 Battely Antiquitates Rutupina? cum Fig. zs. O^w. 171 1 3725 Bayeri Museum Sir.icum, 2tom.il. is. Petrop. 1730 3726 Boulier Observationes in Librum Job. 3s. Amut, 1758 3727 Cjesar cum Notis Cellarii, 2s. +m Lip*, 1^26 272S . S.Clarke, neat 4s. Land. 1720 2729 in Usum Delphini, 4s. 6d. 1 "9\ 2730 new in board*, 4s. 6d. Qr*;z. 1780 373 1 edidit H. Homer, 2 torn, n^sr, /' foa/yi, 9s. Land. 1790 3732 - edidit H. Homer, a torn, large paper, new in Ppardt, iLus. 6d. Loud. 1720 3733 Ciceronis Opera Verburgii, 16 torn, stained, 2I. 12s, 6d. Ainst. 1724 3734 . r. neat in xellvm, 12 vols, 3I. 13s, 6d, 3733 , .. ftnt set in vellvm, in 12 or JO vols. 3I.16S. *7M 3736 Ciceronis Opera Emetti, S torn, boards, 3I. 10s. Halis. 1774 J737 ntzu and extra Rvssia, boards, 7s. 6d. 1718 3771 Ciceronis Epist'olae, edidit Ross, 2 torn. ll. is. Cant. 1749 3772 Censorinus, cum Notis Variorum et Havercampi, new, boards, 6s. 6d. . Ludg. Bat. 1743 3 773 neat, 7s. 6d. Lugd. Bat. i~6j 3 774 Cebetis Tabula, Gr. et Lat. Johnoni, large paper, nezc, boards, 3s. 6d. l.ond.jj20 37-3 1 cum Notis Variorum, et Berkelii, 3s. 6d. Delphi. 1683 3376 Ceisus de Mcdicina, neiv,ftiued, 4<. 6d. Biponti, 1786 3377 ab Almelo\een, nezv in vellum, io.s. 6d. Iiottcrd. 1 j i-fj 3378 Claudianus, cum Notis Variorum et Heinsii. 12s. Amst. 1665 3379 Perpetua annotatione Gesneri, 2 vols, boards, r r- s . Lips. 1759 3780 Ditto, 2 vols, nev and e'egdnt 1 } bound, 18s. I 7'59 3781 Catullus, cum Notis a Doeing, 2 vols, boards, 14s. Lips. 1788 3782 Critica Vannus in Inancs, J. C PavonisPaleas, neat in vrUum, 7s. 6d. Jmst.ijij 3783 Caius dc Canibus Britannicis, &c. per Jebb, is. 6d. 1729 378}. Corn. Ncpos Delphini, 2*. 1780 37S3 larg<' paper, 10-. 6d. Own. 169J 3786 Cbre^tomathia Petronio Burmanninna, accesit Specimen Lnti- nitatis Novae Romanis incognita:, J8. 6d. i'lor. 1734 3787 Corrade Qune-tura, Ciceronis Vita, $uz.neat t ^, Has. 1556 ^788 Cellarii Geographia, uunts title, 2s. 3789 Demo- thcne^ de Corona, Gr. et Lat. Foulkes and Friend, harge p'ipir, neat, ll. H^.6d. OiVM.iyit 3790 Gr. ct Lat. Foulkes and Friend, 6-. Oxo/,. iC^ 1 ', 3791 4S.6L # ?7>. 1693 3792 Gr.Tcce, cum Notis Taylori, &c. *ctt, hoards, 6$. 6&. Oxtm, 1 80X 3793 ' ^"'^ WP* 1 ** ^ '//" found* Russia, uncut, 13s. 0J?w, 180 1 3 794 large paper men and t.it'-a Ouu/td. 16s. Oion. 1S0I O <>8 Classics, l*fe. Latin, Grecij and IL brr.i. Octavo. [Priestley, 143, 3795 Demo thenisOrationesPhilippicae, Gr. et Lat. Stock, 2 tort*. boards, 9s. Dublin, 1794 5796 de Colon a, a Stock, 2 torn, hoards, 9s 1795 3797 Ditto, 4 torn, nexe and nnt, 1 1. 4s. JD/>. 1794 3798 Demosthene-, de Republjea, Gr. et Lat per Allen, 2 vols. 18s. *7SS 3799 De Pauw Not.T in Pindanim, 4s. Loud. 1749 3800 Luporti et Buch,.nani Psalmorum Davidis Versione-, Gr. et LaL^^. 1742 3801 Dionysius 4e Structura Orationis, Gr. et Lat. Uptoni, neat, 3s 6d.- 1747 3802 1 large paj r, 1 4s, 1702 3803 de Anti<|tiis Oratoribus, Gr. et Lat. Rcccnsuit Morres, large pper, boards, 7 s. 6d. Oxon. 1781 3804 de Situ Orbis et Aristophanis, Plutus, Gr. et Lat. Havercampi, new, boards, 4*. hung. B. 1736 5 So5 . Gr. et Lat. per Hill, is. 6d. J683 3806 1 1 13. 6d. 1679 3807 Delingu Prudcntia Pastoral s, 3s. 6d. Lips. 1768 3808 Dodvvell de Geographorum quos, 1 vol. (Hudsoni) complete, iEtale et Scriptis Dissertationes, large peper, 9s. Oxon. 1698 3809 De Amoribus Pancharitis et Zoroaj Poema Erolicon, js. Parts, An. 6 3810 De Regio Persarum Principatu, 2s. Vans, 1590 38H Euripides Gra ce, 2 vol. in 1, 10s. 6d. Bas. Ilervag. 1537 2812 Gr. et Lat. per King, 2 v. I rgc peper, neat, il. 16s Cant. 1726 jSTj ' King and MorHl, 2 torn. il. 1748 38J4 Medea Hypollitus et Iphigenia Grace, 3s. 6d. Oxen. 1771 3815 Hecuba Orestes, Pho.nisse et Medea, Gr. ex edi- tjone Porsoni, boards, 12s. Lips. 1803 3816 Epictetus, Cebes, Prodicus et Thcophrastus, Gr. et Lat. per Simpson, 4s. 6d. 1745 3817 EpicteteLe Philosophise Monumenta, Gr. et Lat, Schweigh- auseri, 6 ;om. sewed, 3I. 16s. Lips. 1799 3818 Erasmi Paraphrases in Novum Testamen turn curavit, J.T. Augustin, neatly half bound, 3 vols. il. 48. Bird. 1780 3819 Epistolia, Dialogi, Poemata, Gr. et Lat H.Stephani, mat, 10s. <5d. Paris, H. St. 1577 3820 Ernesti Opuscula Oratoria, sewed, half hound, 3s. 6d. Ludg. '> But. >66z 821 Erasmi Moriae Encomium, cum Eig. Holbenii, uncat, 5s. Bas. 1676 2823 Elsneri Observationes Sacra?. 2 v. neat in vellum, 18s. Tr j. 1J20 #813 Epistolse Jacpbi, 4ti, 5ti, etMarise Regum Scotonim, 2 torn. 6s E. ij6$ 3836 Gcoponica sive deRe Rustica, Grace Brassicani, first edition, Jine copy, Morocco, extra gilt leaves, il. us. 6d. Bat. 1539 .3837 u_ Gt. et Lat. XeedhamL good copy, 10s. 6d. Cant. 1704 3838 ' Stained. 6s. Cant. 1704 3S39 Giotii Baptizatorum Puerorum Institutio. 8rc )s. 6d. Oxon. 1706 3840 Grabe Spfc'ilegium Patrum, 2 torn. i. O.ro7?. 1698 3841 2 torn, in 1, 3. Gee*. 1714 3842 Gesneri Prima; Lineae Isagoges in Eruditionem univers aiem, 2 torn. 12s. Z//.v 1774. 3843 Geographic Veteris Scriptores Gracci Minores, Hudsoni, vol. 2. 1 6s, Oxon. 1703 3S44 Gomari Defensor Pacis , is. 6d. Tnmc. 1521 3845 Griesbach Synopsis Evangeliorum Graece, beards. 5s. Hale, 3846 -^ m Symbols Critkae, 2 vols, sewed, 13s. Halw, 17 8 5 3847 Glassi Philologia Sacra his Temporibus accommodata, a Da- thio, 2 vols, boards, \\. 48. JJp S . 1776 3848 Greyi Liber Jobi, lleb. et Lat. 3s. i^ 2 5849 Heiiodus, Gr. et Lat. Clerici, invellum, 10s. 6d. Amst. iyoi 3850 1 ; 13s. 1 -01 3851 Losemen, new and neat, 15s. Z,?/-5. 1778 3852 r Heinsii, 3s. ludg. B. 1613 3853 Horatk:s. edidit Hawkey, large paper, boards, 13s. Dub. 1J4C 3^54 " : *""> *4. Dui . 174^ ^ 8 55 ' Gcsneii, 9s. Upt-ll-jl 3856 Gesneri et Zeunii, boards, 10s. 6d. Lips. 1802 3S57 Carmina txpurgata, editit Knox, 91. ZW. 1784 3858 in Usum Delphini, 7s. 6d. i--? 3859 r- T. Btntleii, is. 6d. _ 171? 3860 curavit, Baden, sencd, 3s. llauni.-e, 1795 3861 HirroclesGt et Lat. a Needham, 28. v Lond. 110a 3862 edidit Warren, 3s. Z07/J. 1742 3^ Heynii OpuscuU Academica, 4 vols, nca, sezced, jl. n. X//>5. * , ? 9J loo Classics, &c. Greet, La tin, and Hebrew. Octavo. [Priestley, 143, 3864 Herodianua et Zosimus, Gt. et Lat. H. Stephani, 2^.6!. * Lw'g. 1634 3863 Hindenburgii Animadversions in Xenophontis Memorabiliar, boards, 3s. Lip. 1769 3S66 Historiae Augustas Scriptores, 2 torn, neu; sewed, qs. Biponti, 17S7 3867 cum Notis Variorom, 6s. 6d. Ludg. B. 1 66 1 2 868 cum Notts Variorum, 2 t'-m. fair copy, 1 1. 4s. Lug.B 167 1 3869 cum Notis Variorum, 2 torn. very fine copy iu vellum, XI. lis. 6d. 167 1 3870 Homeri Ilias Gr. cum Scholiis Didymi, 2 torn. large paper. 16s. Oxon. 1676 3871 . 2 torn. lari>e paper, I os. 6d. Oxon. 1695 3872 2 torn, boards, 8s. 17S0 3873 2 torn, ^a//" bound, ios. 6d. 1780 3874 Gr. et Lat. Clarkii, 2 vols. 15s. 1735 3875 2 vols. 14s. 1760 3876 ; 2 vols. 14s. 1785 3877 Gr cum adnotatione, &c curante Heyne, 8 torn. boards, 4I. J 6s. Lips.i%QZ 3S78 Gr. curante Heyne, 2 vols, boards, 1}. is. Lips. 1 804 38 -g Opera cum Scholiis Didymi et Indice Seberi, 5 torn, neiu boards, il. is. Oxon. 1780 ^SSo fa r g c p a ?c r )5 to m- half bound, Russia uncut, 2I. Oxon. 1780 3S81 large paper, extra bound, 5 torn. 2I. 17s. 6d Oxon. 1780 3882 Opera, Gr. et Lat. S. Clarke, 4 torn, miv and neatly bound, il. 16s. I 74> 99 ^883 4 vols. r.evJ and neat, jl. 16s. I 779-95 3884 ' 4 torn. il. us. 6d. 1760,58 38S3 Homeri Odyssea, Gr. et Lat. S.Clarke, 2 torn, extra bound,i\.is % Gla*g- 1 79$ -886 atom. 18s. LonU. 1758 -887 . 3 torn 4s. 6d. 1758 3885 Homeri et Hesiodi Certamen, 3s. H.St^bani, itf$ 3889 Heame Liber Niger, 2 torn, boards. 3s. 1771 3890 Historic Poeticae Scriptores, T. Gale, 4-5. 6d. Paris, 1673 3891 Isociates, Gr. et Lat. neat in vellum, 3s. Paris, 1674 3892 ~ a Pattie, 2 vols neat, 16s. Lond 1749 3893 2 vols, large paper, sewed* 2l 2S, 1 -rr- J/49 H. Holborn. ] Classics, &c.Lvtln, Greek, and Hebrew, Octavo. lot 3894 Juvenalis Satyrae Delphini, 5s. 1794. 3895 cum Notis Variomm, 10s. 6d. Amst. 1684 3896 1 new and neat, 14s. 1684 3897 Ruperti, 2 torn, boards, il. us. 6d. //>.J. 1S01 3898 2 torn, new, and neat, i\. ifo. 1801 3899 Justinus abHearne, neat, 5s. 0x071,170$ 3900 in Usura Delphini, 3s. 1721 3901 Justinus Martyris cum Tryphone Dialogus, Gr. et Lat. a Jebb, 2s. 6d. : 7 r 9 3902 Apologia, 2 torn. 4s. Oxon, 170c 3 3903 Juiiani Opera, Gr. et Lat. a P. Martinio, 2S.6d. Paris, 1583 3904 Jcnsir Lectiones Luciauea, 2s. Hague, 1699 3905 Jones Paseos Asiaticae Comment, new and neat, 10s. 6d. 1774 3906 Johnson Aristarchus Anti Bentleianus. 4s. 6d. Noli. 1717 3907 Lysiiis, Gr. et Lat. Taylori, ucat, 12s. Cant. 1740 3908 > curavit Reiske, 2 torn, sewed, 1I.4S. Lips. 1772 3909 Lucretius, edidit Eichstadt, large paper. 16s. Z.:/>j. 1801 3010 cum interpret, et Notis a Creech, uncut, 12s. O.vw?. 1695 3911 Longinus, Gr. et Lat. a Pearce, a/,4s. 6d. 1743 3912 Hudsoni, as. Oxon. 17 10 3913 Toupii, new, boards, Oxon. 177$ 3914 Toupii, extra bound, 17S8 39 l 5 lug, p per, boards, 1778 3916 Lycurgi contra Leocratem Oratio, Gr. ab Hauptman, sewed*, 3s. 6d. Lips. 1753 3917 Lusus 5 Illnstrium Poetarum in Venerem, sczied, 2-;. neatly bound, 4s. Paris, 1 79 1 3918 Lusus Westmonasterienses, sewed, 4s. J 73<> 3919 Lucianus Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Variorum, 2 torn, extra, land in Russia, 2I. 2s. Amsi. 1687 3920 cum Notis Hemsterhussii etReitzii, 10 torn, veto boards, 4I. 14s. 6d. Biponti, 1789 3921 excerpta qiucdam, per Kent, Gra?ce, 2s. 1 778 3922 Gr. et Lat. 2s. 6d. 3s. &3S. 6d. 1757 3923 Opuscula Selecta, edidit Seybold, sewed, $s.Gothr, 3924 Dialo-i Selecti, Gr. et Lat. large pp. 1799 3925 large paper, extra bound, 17s. . Dub. 1799 3926 1 Russia extra, 193. Dub. 1792 3927 Livii Ilistoria, 2 torn. 10s. 6d. Cant. 1679 3928 3 torn Notis Var. 3 vols. Russia extra, 2I. 1 ',-. 1679 joz Chissies, &c, Latin, Greek, and Hebrrcc. Octavo. [Priestley, 1^5, 3929 Livii Historia ex Recensionc Drakcnborchii, 7 iom. Jine pa- frr, boards, 2I. 125. 6d. Oxon. 1800 393 -j torn. Jine pa- tcr, extra hound, 3I. 13s. 6d. Oxoit. 1800 393 ip- Historia Chronica, Gr. et Lat. per Hodixin^ 4s. 6d, Oxon. 1 69 1 394/5 Ma-cr.rii HomU'ue Spirituoles, Gr. et Lat. 2s. Franc. 1594 3947 Menelai Sphericoaim L'ibri 3, per Costard, as. 6d. Oxon. 1758 3948 Marklandi EpUtola Critica ad Hare, boards, 2s. 6d. Cant. . - . I?2i 3949 Ma: taire S e?l anorum ILstona, neat, il. is, J 7 C 9 3950 3Iicj it;is in Liwih Preiectiones Notan scarce, ios. 6d. Qnr ( J 7 6 3 3951 Max 'm us Tyrius Graice, ^r^f edition, extra bound, 7s. 6d. 3932 N.vum Testam. Gracum, per Hardy, torn. 2, 7s. 6d. 1778 3933 in Morocco, 4s. 6d- Wi.it ahr, 1633 39.54 "*" Georgii, 7s. <5d. Jf'ilUb. 1436 3955 ~" ' Baskcrville, /zr:i> board*, 6-. 6d. Bbrn'mg. 1^63 3956 Gr. Lat. and Fr. 2 vols. 5s. A/0..5. 1673 39.57 Gracum, 4s. 6d. Buck. 163? 3958 . Gr. et Lat< Montani. 2s. 6d. Commel. 1 596 3939 , et Apocrypha, Gr. et Lat. Montaini, 77^/ 73 vellum, 7s. 6d. * Plan. 1612 3960 Nova Versio GracaPentateuchi, edidit Anmon. boards,2s. 6d, Erlunga.', 1790 3961 Npvatiani Opera Studio Jackson's, 3s. 1728 3962 Welchman, i724,Tertullianus de Trinitate 3 s. Cant. 1 "J 3 1 3963 Nemesius de Hpmine, is. 6d. 1 Oxon. 167 1 3964 Napmmaeheri Instiwt. Theologian is. 6d, fast. 1758 H. Holborn. ] Clas-shs, i$c.Lat'm,rcck, and 11,-lrcK-j, Octavo, tdjj 5965 Orationes Dune Una Demosthenes contra Midiam Altera Ly- curgi, Gr. ct La't. Taylori, neat, $s. Cant. 1745 3966 0\idii Opera cum Notis Cruippingii et : Variorum, 3 torn. 2I. 5s. Ditto, fine copy, 2I. 10s. Amsf. 1 701 3967 <- cuia Mitscherlich, 2 {.oxA. boards, 12s. Gotting* 1796 3968 Metafnofph. Delphini, 3=. 6d. 1730 3969 Epistolx in Usiim Delph'mi, 2s. 1722 3970 de Trlst'bus in Usura Delphkii, is. 6d. *73$ 3971 - Tiistia.by Stirling, is. 6d. 1736 3672 Metamorphoses by Bailey, 4s. 177^8 3973 : new and neai r . - O ion. 1795 3994 Moralia, large paper, boards, 61.6s. Ovun. 1795 3995 a Wyttenbach. torn. i and 2, fcwed,l2$. Lips. 1796 3996 de Iside et Osiride, Gr. and' And. per Squire, 4s. T 744 3997 Phadrus,by Stirling, is. 177X 3998 ntw, as. 6d. aiul j^.earl). 1800 3999 by Bailey, is.6d, . 17*5 104 CLflics, CSV. Latin, Grcek,and Hebrew. Octavo. [Priestley, 143, 4000 Polybuis, Gr. ct Lat. Ernesti, 3 torn, w boards, il. irs. 6d, Lips. 1764 4001 3 torn, new and extr bound, 2l. 2S. ' ^j. 1^64 4002 3 torn. 7^a> J *a*ra bound, in Russia, al. 6s. ^764 4003 Polybius, Gr. et Lat. Schweighccuseri, torn. 1, boards, ios. 6d. Zy*. 1789 4004 Ditto, 9 torn, nrw tz^ wry ncut, 81. 8s. Z,^. 1789 4005 Plinii Epistoliet Paneg. is. 6d. 0-on.i6'j6 4006 ; ab Hearne, 3s. Oion. 1703 4007 ! In n tus cum Notis Variorum et Grono.ii, 2 vols, in 1. neat bwch'tn, 18s. Am/1. 16$^. 4008 Panegyrici Veteus, edidit Jagerus, 2 tom.spaf aid gilt, i. 1800 4051 tmo'aadneat r il.fo$. 1800 4052 extra bound, il, i$<. 1800 4P5.3 ' large paper, boards, il. 19s. O.ton. 1800 4c 54 large paper, half bound, Russia, 2I.5S. 1800 4055 Gr.-ecc, Johnsoni, 2 torn. 8-. 1775 40,6 1 s Gr. et Lat. Johnsoni, 2 vols. 14s. 1775 4037 Gr. et Lat. Johnsoni, 2 vols, mat, jfis. p 1775 4058 Irachinac et Antigone, Johnsoni, 26. 1708 4059 Sophocles Tragadicc Aja* Sf Electra, Gr. et Eat. Johnsoni, nrat, 9S.6&... 1737 4060 Scriptores Eroiici, Gr. et Lat. a Miterlich, 4 vols, new, fewed, i\. us. Gd. - Biponti. 1793 4061 Silius Italicus, cum Nods Ruperti, 2 vols, //cu, boards, n. is. dotting. 1795 4062 Sophocles, Gr. et Lat. Canleri, iwt, 2s 6d. Heidelb.i^gj 4063 Statu U'hebais, Lat. et Ital. 2 torn, Sewed, 7s. Medd. 1782 4064 Snlpicu- Severus Hornii, |s. 6d. tMs4. ^ at - io j4 4065 Steplumi Epistola Dialogi, Poematia, Gr. et Lat. neat, jos. 6d. 7i. S/e/>. 1577 4066 Spcratous (ek ton peri", neat, 3s. 6d. J 7 6a' 4067 Sch'elhbriui Amcenitatcs Historic Ecclesiastical et Litcrarkv, 3 vols. 5*3 Franc. 17 37 406S Scaligeri l'octices, \s.6d. - Com/nil. 1617 4069 Spitziuri VindicLe Originis et Auctoritatc Punctorum Voca- Uwvtt,/>;weii, 2s. 6d . X/'<>. 1791 lo6 Classics, &c. Latin, Greek, and Ilelrew. Oftnvo. [Priestley, 143, 4070 Sprotti Cbronicon, ediditT. Hearne, sewed, 4s. Oxon. 17 19 4071 Stradae Prolu- one .Academical, 2s. Lvgd. 161 j 407a Summa Omnium Cocillorum, is.6d. Rotho/n. 1604. 47J Sylloges e Graeciae Scriptoribus Prosaica et Poetica, 2 torn. seiced, 7s. 64- Jjn/ie, 1S00-1 4074 Scriptores Grseci, boards, 4*. 6d. /.V'/.', 1791 4075 Selects Poetis Graecis, 2s. 6d. Eton, IJ71 4076 Scripto s Romani, 3s. Eton, Vjl 4077 Scha. ienberg Animadversiones qulbus Fragmenta Versionum, Gr. V. Test, a Montt'alconico Emendatur, tewed, 2s. 6d. Lips. 1776 4078 Schulzii Scholia in Vetus Test. 6 torn. 2I. Norimb. 178392 4079 9 torn. 2I. 12s. 6d. Norimb. 178.3-95 4080 Stirling Cursus Theologicns, netted, 2s. - 1 / c , 4081 Tacitus* cum Notis Cro.li et Exteri, 4 torn, nett, sewed, 18s. Bipo/ti, 1792 40S2 Ernesti et Oberlini, 2 torn, in 4, new in hoards, il. 6s. Lips. i8or 4083 2 torn, in 4, boards, fine paper, 3I, Lips. 1801 4084 Ryckii, 3 torn. il. 7s. Dub. 1730 4085 Lipsii, 2S. Antw. 1574. 4086 de Moribus Germanorum et Vita Agricoloe,editiit H. Homer, large paper, Russia, 13s. 1788 4087 Theognid's Phocylidis et Pythagoras Carmina, Gr. Lat. et. Ital. Bandini, 3s. Ft or. 1766 4cSS Thucydides, Gr. et Lat. Duke: i, 6 torn, wit 1 , boards, 3).. 12s. Biponti, 1788 4089 ?i(iv, neat and gilt, 4I. 4s. 178S 4090 : new, Russia, extra, 5I. - J 788 4091 Theodoreti Opera, Gr. et. Lat. Sirmondi, edidit Sclmltze, lo torn. 3I. 13s. 6d. Hala, 1769 4092 Teup Emendationes in Suidam et Hcsychium, 4 vols, new and neat, il. 8s. Oxon, 1790 4093 Tcrentius, per Sandhy, plates, 2 vols. 9s. Loud. 17^1 4O94 in Usum Delphi, 3s. - j 77^> 4095 by Stirling, 3s._ - _ 1771 4096 inriiiuadate tail ton, moroeeo, 1 8s. F.t'inb. 1758 4697 fine copy, il. is. Edirb. 1758 4098 Zcunii, 2 torn, neat, il. //*. 1774 4O99 cum Kotis Variorum, is. 6d. LugeLBat. 1651 4100 7 s - <5d. Anist. 1686 4101 a Schmitdtr, hoards > 6s. J J (die. 1794 4102 2s. _ J'aris,Ti.StepL 1534" 4103 Tragjcedi* Selectx, sc. Enripjdis, Iphigenia et Hippolytus, So- phoclis, Electra, CEdipus Tyranus, Gr. et Lat, Stokes, seited, 3s. 6d. -4- Dub. 1765 4104 Tetralogia ex Euripide, Gr. 3s. 6d. Oxon.ijfi 4103 Theocritus Gr. et Lat. is. 6d. l V)$ ^ic6 Oxon. 1699. Geoponica sive de Re Rrs'ica, Gr.- et I at. Xeeclbam, 133, - Cant. 1704 H.HolbornO C!assics,Sc Latin, Creel; and Helms. Oftavo. 107 4107 Theocritus, cum Xotis Variorum, ios- 6d. 0.ro. 1699 4108 Martini, wo*, 6s. *? J 7^ 4109 ab Edwards, boards, 23. 6d. ' Pf** J 77g 4110 Theophrastus, Gr, et Lat. Casauboni, 2s. i^J.1638 4111 Ncedham, nc,t, 7s. 6d. CW. 1712 4112 . , neiv and m at, 9 C . J 7 12 4 1 *3 with English Notes by Newton, at 3s. and 3s. 6d. each Oxun. 1754 4114 Trapp Prelectiones roctica\ is. 6"d. . I/ 22 41 15 Tolandi Oratio Phiiippica ad exit, ndos contra Galliam Britan- nos, as. I77 4116 Tibullus, cum Notis Hiynii, new, board*, 14s, Lips. 1798 4117 Virgilius, in Usum Delphini, .stained, 3s. 17 18 4118 4 s. 6d. l6 9 6 41 19 ! _ 6s . 174 4I20 . 6s> _ __ 17.-9 41 2 1 , 9S . Hag*. i/ 2 3 4122 cuin Xotis Heynii, 4 torn, fine paper, mat, 2I. ios X,//;a'. 1788 4123 4 tom# m -ic t boards, 2I. 53. (pf. 1803 4**4 (Lgunt'y printed -vith fine plates by Bartotozzt and others, 3 \ols. boards, il. 8s.' Loud. Dulau, iSoo 4**5 ex Antiquis Monumcntis Illustrata cura H. Justice S vols, boards, il. 1 5*. 4 ,2 <5- by Stirling, neat, 4s. 6d. I 74 I 4127 correct edition, 2 torn, large paper, ios. 6d. Edinb.lKS 4 1 2 $ H. Stephani, 3s. 6d. P. && P*- l 599 4129 Meyer, 2s. Tvf/. tr;??/(/ Aid. 1580 4130 -- Heynii ad UsumSeholai urn, neut,6s.6d. Loud. 1793 413 1 Virgilii Appendix, cum Notis Scaligeri,/u;tt.//rr;' 0nd'twat,ri& J5d, C:/r.\'. 17 S,j 4183 Gr.Z.unii, bjurdu, 9s. Lijts. 4184 Memorabilia, Gr. et Lat. largr papci\ 10s. 6d. 1720 4185 Simpsoni mat, 8s. O.iun. 1749 4186 neat , 9s. O.ion. 1759 41^7 - neat, 8s. (lion, ijjz 41S8 7s. O.ivti. 1780 4189 Gr. Zeunu./^tr./, 7s. Lip*. 1778 4190 Opuscuhi, Gr. et Lat. Sunpsuni, neat, 8s. O.tw*. 17J4 4J91 /Economicus, Gr. et Lat. faced, 2s. 6d. U.wn. 17 50 4i. 6d. 1/3^ 4215 BLickstone's Analysis of the Law, 4s. 6d. 1 756 4216 Commentaries, 4 Vols, new and neat, 2I. 2s. 1800 +z:j Law Tracts, fs, Dub. 1766 4218 Bird's Precedents in Conveyancing, boards, 6s, 1800 4219 Burehell's Digest of the Laws, 9s. 17.,^ 42 .J Benthani's Fragments 00 Government boards, 3s, if 06 no Jaiv Booh. Oaavo and Duodecimo. [Priestley, 143, 4221 Bcvill's Law of Homicide, boards, 3s. 6d. 1799 4222 Bohun's Tithing Tables, is. 6d. 17.32. 4223 English Lawyer, 2s. 1732 4.224 Practising Attorney, 2 vols. 3s. 1752 422^ Declaiat'ons and i leadings, is. 6d. 1733 4226 Brown on Fines and Recoveries, is. 6d. 1718 4227 Bacon's Law Tracts, 7s. 6d. 1741 4228 Baron and Feme, 3s. 3s. 6d. 4s. 1738 4229 Blaekstone's (Henry) Repoits in C. P. 2 \ols. nra *nd nedi* 2I. iS ci 4230 Brown's Parliamentary Cases, 8 vols, new (wdveat, 7I. 4251 (Wm.) Reports in Chancery, 4 \ols. new and nc<>i , 8c 1 790 79S 41. 4232 Burrow's Reports in K. B. 5 vols, new and neat, 4I. 4233 Bacon on Peaces, nexv, neat, ic.s, 6d. 4234 Cockburn'.s Clerk's Assstant in the Practice of the Ecclesi .9- 1.4s. 801 a sticaL Courts, new, neat, 6s. 4235 Colebooke's Digest of Hindoo Laws, 3 vols, new, elegant, 4236 Cunningham's Law of Tillies 2s. 4237 Code de la Voyerie, 2 torn. 4s. Paris, 4238 Clarke's Manual, is. 6A. 4239 Tutor in Chancery, 2s. 4240 Cocceji Juris I'ubl ci Pudentia, 2 vols. 3s, Franc. 4241 Complete English Copyholder, 2 vols. 7s. 6d. 4242 D.tto, 2 vols. ,n 1, 6s. 4243 C on Copyhold E tates ; 2s. 4244 poke's Reports, 7 vols. il. us. 6d. 4245 Ditto, 7 vols, best, edit, by Wilson, 4I. 14s. 6d. 4246 Clayton's Reports, i2mo. 2s. 4247 Coke upon Littleton and Institutes, 7 vols, nrtc, neat, 5I. 5 4248 Corvini Jus Feudale, 4s. Dub. 4249 Covet's Scrivener's Guide, 2 vols. 4s. 4250 Cases and Resolutions of Cases, 2s. 6d. 2451 Colles's Reports, boards, js. Dub, 2432 Coke's Law Tracts, 4s. Ditto, 4s. 6d. * 2453 Cowper's Reports, 10s. 6d. Dub. 2454 Comyns's Reports, 2 vols, 18s. *: 2455 Crompton's Practice in C. P. 2 vols. 9s. 2456 Consyn's Digest of the Laws of England, by Ro e, 6 vols. boards, 4I. 4s. 2457 Ditto, 6 vols, new, ncat'y bound, 4P 14s. 6d. > 2458 Croke's Reports in K. 15. 4 vols, new, neat, 3I. 4s. 4259 Douglas's Reports in K. B. 2 vols, new, neat, il. 4s. 4260 De Sclchow Llementa Juris Germonici, srued, 2s. 6d. Gottingtr, 4261 Douglas on Elections, 4 vols, in 2, 103. 6d. Dub. 4262 Doctor and Student, 1 imo.neat. 5s. 4263 Ditto, 12010. as. <5d. /// 7.55 678 75 - r> . >* 7* 738 777 6c 1 794 762 716 742 789 7S4 764 792 786 veiv, 800 800 790 790 737 778 S3 1 746 H.Holborn.-] LaivBoofo. O&avo and Duodecimo, m 4264 Dogberry's Crown Circuit Companion, 4s, 6d. 4265 - Assistant, 7s. > 4266 6s. - Dub 4267 I )uncombe's Trials per Pais, is.6d. 4268 Ditto, 2 vols, in 1, 6s. 6d. 4269 Douglas's Reports, ics 6d, Dub. 4270 Dalrymple on Feudal Property, i2mo. 4s. 427 r D scour-e of High Treason, i2mo. is. 4272 Durnford and EasfsTerm Rep. 8 \-o\s.;iav, m\it,\. 1794 4273 Easts Term Reports in K. B. 4 vols, uew and ntmt, 5I 4274 Esp ; nasse\s Reports in Nisi i 'rius, vol. 1. boards, 12s. 4275 ELynge's Method of Holding Parliaments, 23. 4276 Earnshaw's Statutes relating to the Revenue of Cu->t trds,2S, If mid, js. 4277 Every Man his own Lawyer, is. 6d. New York, 4278 Emerso.i on Courts of Law of the City of London, 2s. 4279 Espinasse's Reports at Nisi Priu- in K. B. 3 vdte u*di and 2I. 2s. ' ' 42S0 Espinasse - Digest of the Law at Ni-i Pr;us, nax, neat, il. 790 77 788 71S 766 169 746 800 Sdi 660 oms, 793 768 79+ it u, 799 4* 4281 Finch's Law, by Pickering 4s. and 4s. 6d. 42S2 iorbes's Institutes of the Laws of Scotland, 2 vols. 2; 4283 Free Thoughts on S duction, &c. fexved, is. 4284 Fl overs Proctor s iract ce, boatd*, 7s. 6d. 4285 D.tto. neat bound, 9s. 42S6 Fitzherhert s Natura Brevium, 2s. 428b Predcrician Code, 2 -vols. jjs. 4288 Furneaux s Letters to Blackstono, 4s. 6d. 4289 Foster's Crown Law, la mis, 4s. 6d. 4290 Litto, neatly hound, 5s. Dub. 4291 Ditto, ne%v and mat, 10s. 6d. 4292 Fitzherberts Natura Brevinm, 2 vols, rrcrv, veat, il. 4s. 4293 Great and Ancient Charter of the Cinque Ports, is. 6d. 4294 Grceus Bankrupt Laws, nmo, 2s. 429^ Ditto, neatly ieurtd, 3*. 4296 Greenwoods Method of County Courts, 2s. 4297 Grey s Ecclesiastical Law, 4s. 6d. 4298 I otto, 3S. (&. 4299 Grotius de Jure Belli ac Pacis Notis Barbeyracii, 2 torn. Aimt. 4?co Glanville de Legibus, v.eat vellum, * i/9 4355 Law ot Uses and Trusts, 3s. 6d 175.4 4356 Executors and Administrators, as. 1702 4 3^ 7 Concerning Elections, 2 . 6d. J/74 H, Hplborn.} Law Both. Octavo and Duodecimo. 113 4358 Law of Ejectments, 3s. 6d. 1779 4359 Leach's Crown Law, 2 vols, circuit binding, il. is. 1803. 4360 Lex Parliament aria, 4s. . . J 74^ 4361 Cu^ tu inaria, on Copyhold Estates, 2s. 6 J, 1701 4362 Leges Marchiarum, or Border Laws, as, x 7> 4563 Luft'man's Charters of London, boards, js.<5d, '793- 4364 Law of Actions, is.6d. 1710 4.3 65 Attornics and Solicitors, is. 1764 4.366 Quibbles, 3 s.. 6cl. 1736 4367 1 Ol Uses and Trusts, 4s. 6\. 1741 4368 Marshal oil Insurances, 2 vols. il. us. 6d. 4.369 Molloy Jure Mariiimo, is. 6d. I77 4370 Morton's Young Clerk's Vocabulary, is. 6d: 1685 4371 Mackenzie's Law of Scotland, is. dd. 1730 4372 Mitford's Pleadings, second edition, new and neat, 10s. 6A. 1787 4.373 Morgan's Essays, a vols, ies, dd. Dub. 1789 4374 Manwood on Forest Laws, 5s. I 7 I 7 4373 Modern Reports by Leach, 12 vols, new boards, 4I. 10s; 1796 4376 Ditto, 12 vols, new and neatly bound , $\. 15s. 6d. x 79^ 43/7 Nicholson's B< rder Laws, M f *4 1^05 4378 Nelson's Right of the Clergy, is. 6d. - I 79 4379 Noy's Complete Lawyer, Head, is. 6J. 1670 4380 Nolan's Reports, boards, 6s. J 793 4381 Naval Trade and Commerce, 2 vols. 4s. *74 4.3S2 Ordonances et Rcglemens conccrnant la Marine, sewed, "4s. Paris, 1784 4583 Onslow's Law relative to Trials at Nisi Prills, 4s. 6d. 1789 4384 Practick Part of the Law, 2s. J/ 2 4 4383 Paul's Law of Masters and Servants, sewed, is. 6d. J 795 4386 Wills and Testaments, sewed, 2s< J 799 4387 Philipp's Principles of Law, 1 2ino. is. 1661 4388 Practising Attorney, or K. B. Guide. 23. 6d. 1779 4389 PuUeri lubtitmiones Juris Public} Germanici, sewed, 4V. Cott. 178; 4300 Pinkcrton's CauseE of the Birmingham Canal Company, boards. 7s. 1801 4391 Prujean on the Laws of England, sewed, is, 6J. J 79 r 4392 Pleader's Assistant, .54. 4407 Robinson on Gavel kind, 5s. 1741 4408 Shower's Reports in K. R. 2 vols, new and neat, il. 5^. 1794 4409 Salkeld's Reports in K. B. 3 vols, new and neat, il. ns. 6d. 1 195 4410 Strange's Reports, by Nolan, a vols. ?icu\ boards, ll. 4s. 1/95 44 1 * Ditto, 2 vols, newand neat, il. 8s. - 1725 4412 Swinton's Abridgment of the Statutes, 2 vols. js. i}5& 44 1 3 Session Cases Adjudged in K. B. 4s. 1754 4414 Sellon's Practice in K. B. and C. P. 2 vols. 18s. 179& 4415 Solicitors Practice of the Court of Chancery, is. I 775 4416 Standing Orders of the House of Lords, is. J 744. 4417 Statutes at Large concerning Bankrupts, is. 6d. 1758 4418 Stanger's Justification of the Rights of the Licentiates, Ids. 6s. 1798 4419 Sayer's Law of Damages, i2mo. 3s. 6d. Dub. 1792 4420 Ditto, octavo, 3s. 6d. l 11 : 4421 Sayer's Law of Costs, sewed, 2s. Dub. 1768 4422 Ditto, bound, - J 777 4423 Schlegel's Sentence in Case of the Swedish Convoy, sewed, 2s; 180a 4424 Saunders's Reports in K. B. by Williams, 2 vols, new and nept, 2l. 1 6s. *799> & c 4425 Tomlin's Index to the Term Reports, circuit bind, and inter- leaved, 1 os. 6d. J 799, 4426 Tidd's Law of Costs, sewed, 2s. 1793 4427 Treatise of Frauds, Collusions, &c. is. 6d. 1710 4428 Terms de la Ley, is. 6d. 1 708 4429 Vattcl's Law of Nations, 'new and neat, 14s. 1797 4430 Umfemlle's Lex Coronotaria, 2 vols. iSs. I7<5r. 4431 Van Eck Principia Juris Civilis, 2 torn. 4s. 6d. Traj. 1724 4432 Voet Pandectarum Juris Civilis, 2 torn. 4s. 6d. L. Bat. 17 15. 4433 Viner's Abridgment of Law and Equity, 2 vols, neatly Bound, i6\. 16s. I 79 I > & c - 4434 Wilson on Fines and Recoveries, new, boards, 5s. 6d. 1793 4435 Ditto, new and neatly bound, 7s. ; 1793 4436 Westenbergii Principia Juris, 4s. L. Bt. 1732 4437 Wenthworth's Office and Duty of Executors, by Wilson, neat, ics. 6d. J 774 4438 Wen twoi th's System of Pleading, vol. 1, 2, 3, and 4, boards, al. as. 1797. 4439 Williams (Peere) Reports by Cox, 3 vols, new and neat, 2I. 12s 6d. 1793 4440 Wilson's, 3 vols, new and neaf, i\. 16s. 3799 H. Holborn.] Dictionaries and Grammars. Octavo, &c, 115 dictionaries and Grammars. Octavo and Twelves. 444 1 A IKS WORTH'S Dictionary, by Thomas, 2 vols. 12s. I\ 1758 444 2 ; by Morel], 10s. 6d. 1794 444.3 new, 12s. 1804 4444 Apollonii Sophistse Lexicon Gracum Iliad's et Odyssae, new, seivcd, 2 torn. 14s. L. Bat. ijSS 4445 Antoninii Grammaire Italienne, i2mo. setved, 2s. Lyon. 4440 Ditto, neatly bound, js. Paris, 1758 4447 Ditto, 2s. 6~d. 1746 4448 Addington's Rudiments of the Greek Tongue, is. 6d. i~6i 4449 Albrecht's German Grammar, boards, 121110. 3s. ILonb. 1786 445 Agios Soldano della Lingua Punica PresentimteUsataMaltesi, &C. boards, 4B. ifowa. 1756 445 : Alteri's Italian Grammar, served, 2s. Vcn,i'je ) ^ 4+5 2 Alteri Grammatica della Lingua Inglese, nmo. 2s. Ten. 1784 445.3 Adulung Grammaire Allemande. 4s. 6d. Leip. 1789 4454 Ausonii Difterentiis Verborum, is. 6d. Lips. 1734 4455 L'Art de Ben Parler Francois, 2 torn. 3s. 6d. Amjl.1^20 4456 Beatie's Theory of Language, new and neat, "js. 1788 4457 Bailey s Eng. and Ger. Ger. and Eng. Dictionary 1 vols. neru boards, 1 1. 4s. 1801 4458 Baekmair's German Grammar, scarce, 9s. 1752 4459 Browne's Yiridarium Poeticum, boards, $s. J 799 4460 Bayly's Grammar of the English Language, sewed, 2s. 1772 4461 Bibliotheea Pinelliana, half bound, 3s. 1786 4462 Barclay's Greek Rudiments, 2s. 6d. *754 4463 Bell's Latin Grammar, is. 1776 4464 Boycr's Vocabulary, English and Flemish and French, is. 6d. 174a 4465 Buffier Grammaire Francoise, is. 6d, Paris, 1741 4466 Baxter Glossarium Antiquatum Britannicarum, 3s. 17 19 4467 Baxter Reliquiae Baxterianae, 3.S. 6d. . jy 2 6 4468 Boyer's Dictionary, wants a title page, js. 6d. 4469 Ditto, Eng. and Fr. Fr. and Eng. 4s. <5d. 1^64 447o.Baxtorfii Gram. Ling. Hebnico;, 3s. B.:s. 1629 4471 Lexicon Hebr.^cum, 3s. <5d. 1661 4472 Bythneri Lyra Prophetica, 4s. Ti%uri, 1670 4473 Boudot Dictionaraium Latino Gallicum, 7s. .Pam, 1786 4474 Barker Grammatica della Lingua Inglese, is. Ven. 1785 4475 Barthelemy la Catitatrice Grammairienne, 4s. Gen. 17S8 Q 2 Ii6 dictionaries and Grammars. Octave* &c. [Piicsticv, 143, 4476 Berg's German Grammar, 4s. 6d. Hamb. 1708 4477 Boyer Gram. Aug. Erancoise, 2s. Paris, ij 50 4478 Berry's Gram. Angloise, 2s. _ !&**, 1788 4479 Burrell'a Method to Hebrew Tongue, 2s. -- r ,o 44S0 Belier's German Grammar, 2s. 6d. jl-j 4481 Bailey's German and English Dictionary, 7s. j^ G 44S;; Brookes Gazetteer, maps, nexv and elegant, 10s. 6d. 1800 4483 Biel Noma Thesaurus Philologicus, in 70 Inttrp. 3 torn, nav and extra bound, 2I. 12s. <5d. Hague I'-'-'o 4484 Boyer's Origin of Printing, 4s. '1776 44S5 Barker's Gram, of the Hebrew Language. 3s. i~~, 4486 Bicl Novus Thesaurus in 70 Interp, Graaacoa et ScWensneri Lexicon in Scrintores Apocrypha, 4 torn, net and iunt< - 1 - J 5 S - Higve, 1799. Letps.ijSA. 4487 Clarke's (Supp. to) Introduction to Making oi Latin, 25. 6d. 1 799 4488 Chambaud's Trench Dictionary, 3s. 6:1. 1-84. 44S9 Exercises by Carricres, 2s. j8 0i 4190 ! Themes, 2s. 1776 4491 j Grammar, 2s. 6C. i*-'ci 4492 Cormon Dictionnaire Portatif de la Lanime Erar.caise, net' /creed, 6s. J_>o,i8oi 4493 Cole, tion of Sale Catalogues, small bundle, 7s. 4494 Clodii Lexicon Hebraicum Seiectum, 4s. 1^16 4495 Ditto, neatly bound } in vellum, 5s. JGdp.1744 4496 Clarke's In? induction to Making Latin, is. 6d. 1784 4497 Chirtchniair Grammalica dc la Lingua Thedcsca, 2s. Vienna 4498 Comenii Orbis Scnsualium Pictus,2S. 1^28 4499 Ditto, math/ bound, 3s. I 77& 4500 Coinenii Janua Lingnarum Tiilinguis, Gr. Lat. et Eno-. 2s. 4501 Comenii Latince Lingure Janua Rcserata, Head, 3s. 6d. 1756 4502 Chaldeaj seu /Ethiopicae Linguae Institutional, 2s. 6d. Roma, 1630 4503 Castro's English and Portuguese Grammar, 2s. J /70 4504 Crabb's German and English Grammar, 3s. I /99 45,5 Selections English and German, is. 6d. 1800 4506 Chanpi'low Elements Linguae Arabics, 3*. 6d. 1730 4507 Caslon's Specimens of Printing'!') pes, as. 178J 4508 Carey's Latin Prosody, neiv, boards, 5s. 4509 Catalogue of Sir Win. Musgrave's English Portraits, 30 Days Sale, by Richardson, with Prices, 18?. 1800 4510 Dic.ticnna.ire de Poche, Erancaise-Allemande, Allemar.de-Fran- caiie, sewed; 5s. Xd/wg-,1798 45 1 1 Dictionnaire Grammatical de la Langue Francois, 2 torn /ezied,gs. , P-m-,i783 4512 The same, neatly bound, 12s. 1788 45 x 3 Dumchnil Synonymes Latins, 2s. 6d. Paris, 1779 45*4 Diciioi n-rire des Pensccs Ingenleuses cu Ver.-cet Prose, 2 torn. hezvedf 9?. Amst, 1798 H.Holbern.}- Dictionaries mid Grammars. Octavo, &c. 117 4515 Dietionnairc Bibliographique, Ilistorique, ct Critique des Li vows Rares, 3 torn. il. 4s. Pflr/v.1790 4516 DictionaireAlleinand- Franc oi>eet Francois- Ailemand des deux Nations, 2 torn. 1 8-. IJ 45 J 7 Dietionnairc Francois-Allemand, Allcmand-Francois, a 1 Usage des deux Nationes, par LaVeaux, 4 tom.e, sniff, l\ f --- Bruits. 1 80 1 4518 The mc book, neatly bound, il. 12s. 61. 1801 4519 Dc Losrios Bibliographic Instructive. fixed, 3s. Jyow, 1777 4520 Dind >rfii Novum Lexicon Lingua? Hebmico, Chaldaic-.e Com- lucntario in Libros Vetris Testament!, sev.ed, 18s. Tips. 1801 4521 Dictionarium Lntirio-Galllcum, 5s ftjfrtt, 176a 45 22 Dictionnaire dc l'lndustrie, on Collection Raisonrve des Pro- cedes Utiles dans les Sconces et dans les Arts, 6 torn, mr:, sc-ued, il. 11. 6d. Par. an. x^ 4523 De Saint Scran Catalogue des Liveres Rares Precieux de la Bibl.otheque, sexed, 2s. fid. Par. 175. 1 4524 Dowling's Elements of the Hebrew Language, loards^s. 1797 4525 Da Cuha Breve Tradato da Orthografia, 2s. /*. 17S& 4526 Davies Antique LingmeBriiannica: Rudimenta, 4s. 6d. 1621 4^27 Duvergers French and Eng. Languages compared, 2s. 1799 4528 Introduction to the French Syntax, 2s. 1790 4529 Debure Bibliographic Instructive, 7 torn, screed, 2I. 2s. Paris, 17.61 45,30 Evans's English and Welsh Dictonary, 8s. {'arm. 1771 4531 Erpenii Grammatica Ebre;? Generals, 2s. L. Hat. 1621 4532 Erpenii Grammatica Ebr.e Generalis, is. L. Bat. 1621 4533 Encyclopedia Perthens s, Part 1 to 18- plates, boirds,^. 4534 Ellss English Exercises, is. 6d. 17^8 453j Eton Greek Grammar, is. 6d. - Eton, 1783 4536 Entick's Latin and Eng. Eng. and Lat. Dictionary. 5s. 4575 3unii Propria Nomina Septem Diversis Linguis Explicata, 2S _ Franc. i^g T 4576 King's German arid English Grammar, 4s. i-r8 4577 King's English Guide fur the Germans, 3s. 6d, Leip. 1778 4578 Ker Lingua Latina, 2-. i/io 4579 Kclham's Domesday Bock Illustrated, 5?. j^88 4580 I/Advocat Diciiomiairc Historique, 2 torn. 5s. 1760 4581 Ditto, 2 vols, neathj bound, ros.6d. Paris, iy6 Q 4582 L'Advocat Dizionaiio Storieo Portatile, 6 torn, en 3, neat, 1 os. 6d. Ba>s/ic,ijQo 45S3 La Combe's Germ, and French Grammar, 2s. 'Leip. 1801 ' 4584 Levizac Grammaire de la Languc Francoise, served, 3s. 1797 4583 LescalHer Vocabulaire desTermes de -Marine Anglois et Fran- coise, en Deux Parties, v:i:h plates, 1 2 s . 1785 4556 Ludeu ing Grammatic ties Englischen Spracke, scarce, 4s. Hamb. 1726 4557 Lennep Etymologicum Lingua: Grjeeae, 3 torn, boards, neu; 2l. 2S. 1799 4588 Lermite Grammaire Allemande, is. 6cl. Hanoz-.ijiS 4589 Ltvizac's Grammar of the French Tongue, 2s. 6;1. 1799 459 I/Abbe Eruditsc Pronunliarionis Catholici Indices, new and ncut, 4s. ~~ >id>. 1797 H.HoIborn.] Dictionaries end Grammcrs. Octavo, Xrc. 119 4:591 Lcinpricr's Classical Dictionary, vew and veat, 123. 6J. iSoj 4592 LaubegeuisGiCvCic Linguce Bieviaiium Grxco-Lauit'', i-\ 6rt. Duaci,i6zS 4593 Lyons Hebrew Grammar, 4s. 1757 4-594 Ditto on a Sheet, 5*. <5d. 4595 La Tour-d'Auvergne Origines Gauloiscs, scucd. 4s. 6d. Hiniih. 4596 Livoy Dictionnaire de Synonymes Fcancoisc. 6s. Paris, 4597 Le Fort's First Stop to the French Tongue, i-* 4598 Medulla Lingu.e Gnvc e, 2s. 4599 Mekerchus Metronariston, or New Pleasure recommend a Dissertation upon Part of Greek and Latin Pro is. 6d. 4600* Mascis Vocabalario Toscano Turchesco, 5s. Firenzc, 4601 Mtisner Nova Veleris Testamenti Clavis, 2 torn, sewed, Lips. 4602 Montucci's Italian and English Dictinnar} r , 4s. 6d. 4603 Martin's (Hen.) Introduction to the English Language, 1 4604 Murdoch's Pronunciation of the French Language, 2s. 4605 Morgan's ( rammatica? Quastiones, is. 4606 Micluclis Hebraica Gramrnatica, sewed, 3s. Vratis 4607 Mead Museum Meadiruium, scion/, 2s. 6d. 4608 Milner's Grammar ot the Latin Tongue, 4s. 4609 1 Greek Tongue, 4s. 4610 Manuel Lexio,ue, ou Dictionnaire Fr. Allemand, Strasb. 4611 Mattaire Graeca? Lingua? Dialecti 4612 Mitford's Harmony of Languages, boards, is. 6d. 4613 Mcsinger Grammaire AllemanJe Prueiique, 2s. 4614 Murray's Key to the Exercies, as. 4615 English Exercises, 2s. 4616 Martinelli D.ctionnaire de Poc'ae Francoise-Italien It; Francoise, 2 torn, new* scucd, 9s. 4617 Mercier Neologie ou Vocabulaire de Mots Nouvcaux, 2 sewed, 9s. Fari.s, 461S Mceridis AtticistE Lexion Atticum. edidit Piersouns, . I os. 6d. L. P,a(. 4619 Ncuman's Spanish and English Dictionary, 2 voL>. ww,bau 16s. 4620 Ditto, 2 vols, new and ncathi hound, il. 4621 Nugent's French and English Dictionary, new and ncai ', 4.6d. .803 4622 Neuman's Murine Pocket Dictionary, new, ioardt, ss. 6d. 46IJ Noltenii Lexicon Latins Lingua? Anti-Barbaium, 2 torn find /leaf, il. lis. 6d. Berof. 4^24 Oxford Latin Grammar, is. O.ifbrd, 4625 Ditto, i2ino. is. 6d. Palermo's Italian Grammar, 3s. 6d. and 4s. 4627 Parkhurst's Hebrew and English Lexicon, new and neat, 801 788 797 74* c! in ody, 797 077 I OS. 8=a 795 cd. 756 788 74* 755 74* 740 774 n* 774 797 80 i im- 801 onii Soi wed j:,9 Ills, 802 802 4*528 Greek Lexicon; new, board ', il. 3s. 799 780 7*4 in - 799 S04. lio Dictionaries and Grammars. Octavo, &c. [Priestley, 143, 4629 Fr'.scinni Grammatica, is. 64. Basil, 1 3'4 4630 Portroyl&'a Greek Grammar, 2 vols. 10s. 6d. *74^ 4631 D:tto, complete in 1 vol. 7s 1797 4632 Ditto, abridged, 121110. 3s. 6d. Ditto. 3s. 1749 4633 Portroyal's Greek and Latin Grammars and Greek Primitive* 4 vpls. new avd neat, il. us. 6d. 1797, cNc. 4<>34 Portroyal's Latin Grammar, 2 \oh. neat, 13s. 1758 4,6jjD.tto, 2 vols, nap and neat, 16s. 17 5S 4636 Ditto, 2\{ 177^ 4631 1 lief (aiary, 2s. J 7^4 4052 Langue Angloise, 2s. 1776 4653 rankouque C>raiamaire Frsncoise, served, 2s. 6d. Paris, An. 5 4654 RicklerVs German and Englsh Dictionary, 2 torn, sewed. igs. 6d. 1800 4635 Restant Traite de 1 Orthographe Francoise, 3s. 6d. Poicticrs, 173; 4636 RGscnniuller Araoisches Elementar-und Lese Buch, sewed, 8-. Lips. 1799 4637 RruK Dictionnaire Fr. Allem. et A Hem. F. 16s. Hal/i, ijc;6 463S Ditto, 2 voli nexe, il. 26.1796 4639 Robertson's Grammatica Hebraca, 4s 6d. I 75^ 4660 Rarines Hebra-ques sans Pointes Voyelles, 5s. P*r. 1732 4661 Ruddimannii Grammatical Lingua: Institutiones, 2 torn, neat and scarce, 10s. 6d. Edfrib.lJiS 4.662 Rcgia Paraass um Palatmm Musarum, 4s. J 73' 4663 Richard's English and Welsh Dictionary, r.tiv, boards, 4s, 6d. ' 1798 4664 Roderick's English and Welsh D .ctionary, 7s. 6d. J/37 3665 Restaut Grammaire Francoise, 2s. Paris, 1767 4666 Ditto, served, as, 6d. 1781. new, sewed, is. 6d. An. 6 4667 Russian Language (D.etionary in the) ! 1772 466B Rousseau's Dictionary of Mahommedan Law, Bengal Re -e- boe Terms, hoards, 4s. 1802 4669 Ditto, nexv and nea:li/ bound, 53. 6d. 1802 4670 Rousseau's Vocabulary of the J ersian Language, 5o:;rd<, 5s. 6d |802 4671 Ditto, new and neatly buund, M, * j8a2 H. Holbom.] Dictionaries and Grammar*. . Octavcy &c. jzi 4672 Roger Traite de l'Orthographe Francoise, en Forme de Djc- t onnaire, 2 torn, new and neat, 16s. Paris, an. 9 4673 Ditto, 2 torn, sewed, 12s. Paris, an. 6 4674 Richlet Dictonnaire Portat.f de la Langue Francoise, per "Waifljr, 2 torn, new and neatly bound, 12s. Liege, 1^98 4675 Robinson Indices Ties, 3s. J 77* 4676 Ravis's Gnunrnar, Hebrew, Samaritan, Calde, Syriac, Ara- b c, et Kthiopic, is. 6d. I( 5j^ 4677 Roche de Secret de Delierla Langue, Fr. ct German, is. 6d. Lipe. 1788 4678 Roche Dictionnaire, Fr. -Flamand Flamand and Fr. 2 torn. 12s. Axtoett, iyofc 4679 Ditto, 2 vols, neat, T4S. 1782 4680 r*tackhouse's Greek Grammar, 2s. 176a 4651 Salmon pour :a Langue Francoise, is. 6d. 1797 4652 Sanaxy Lexicon Aristophanicum, 8s. I 754 4683 Stirling's ( atonis Disticha Mo: alia, 9d. 1789 4684 Schaufe bergeri Nova Clavis Homerica, 8 torn, en 4, 2I. is. Tvrici, 1761 468^ Seberi Index Homericus, new, boards, 4s. 6d. Oxon. 1780 4686 Satis's Rules for French Syntax, 2s. 1791 4687 Stockii Clavis Lingua Sanctie, 9s. Janx, 17 17 4688 Simonis Introductio Grammatico Critica in Linguam Hebrai- cam, ioardl, 4s 6d. Hala-,ij$$ 4689 Snnctii Minerva, de Causis, Ling. Lat. is. 6d. Ft: 1693 4690 Sewell's Dutch Grammar, 2s. J 754 4691 Sobrino Dialogues, Espagnolet Francoise, sewed, is. 6d. Bruss, 1724 4692 Grammar, Espagnol et Francoise, served, 2s. 6A. Lyons, 177* 4693 Shaipe on the Greek Tongue, sewed, as. 1777 4694 St. Quintin's Grammar or the French* Language, 2s. 1790 4695 Simonis Lex. Hebraicum et Chaldaicum, recensuit et auxit Euhorn, 2 torn, fine paper, hew and neat, 2I. }Ialcr,iyg^ 4696 Schleusneri Lexicon Gra>co-Latinum in Novum Testamen- tum, 2 torn OTic and neat, 2I. 2s. Lips. 180* 4697 Tooke's Diversions of Purley, neat, 1 8.s. ijr80 4698 Timaei Lex. Vocum Platonicarum, new and neat, 9s. L. Bat. 1780 4699 Toup Emendationes in Suidara et Ilesychium, 4 torn, neatly half bound, Ruflia backs and corners, il. 3s. I 79'3 4700 Thiebault Traite r, sawed, is. ii J22 Dictionaries an J Grammars. Octavo. Sec. [Priestley, 143, 4.709 Veneroni le Maitre Italien, 4s. 6d. Basle, 1747 4710 's Italian Master, 39. I 795 47" ; 3s. ^_ 1729 4712 Vaniere Dictionnaire Pcetici, as. XJif 47*3 Vyse's Spelling Bock, is. 1 1803 4714 Yosgien Dictionnaire Qeographique Portatif, 3s. 6d. Par. 17^8 471^ Vaniere Cours de Latenite, a torn- neat, iqs. 6d. Par. 1781 4716 Vieyra's Portuguese Grammar, new and neat, 7s. 6d. 1801 4717 Vogla's Polish and German Vocabulary, sewed, 3s. Bres. 1768 4718 Vocabulary of such Words in the English Language as arj of dubious or unsettled Accentuation, hoards, as. 6d. 1797 4719 Vojsin's Key to Chambaud's Exercises, as. 1803 4720 Wallisii Grammatica Ling. Anglicans, Injards, as. 176JJ 47ai Ditto, bound in Russia leather, 4s. 1765 4722 Wendeborn's German Grammar, 3s. J 774 4723 Wailly Dictionnaire ou Manuel dc la Langue Francoise, a turn. 10s. Liege, 1776 47 a4 Wailly Abrege du Dictionnaire de 1'Academie Francoise, new and neat, 9s. r Paris, An, 9 4725 Wilcock's Eng. and Dutch Dictionary, ?iew, 10s. 6d. 17^8 47a6 Willis's Concise English Grammar, is. ForA-, 1801 4.727 Whitaker Fabulae Selectae, new, is. 1793 4728 Winkleman Dictionnaire Francoise-Hollandois et Hollandoise- Francoise, a torn, half bound, Russia backs, il. Utrecht, 1783 47 a9 Walker's Rhyming Dictionary, 15s. - J 775 4730 Ditto, with MS. title, neatly bound, 14s. J 775 4731 Weinricchii iErariuin Pceticum, as. Franc. 1699 473a Wottonum LinguarumVett SeptentrionatiumThesauieus Gram- matico-Crici, as. - 1708 4733 Willymott's Peculiars of the Latin Tongue, as. 1705 4734 Walker's English Particles, as. - 1720 4735 Wailly de la Langue Francaise, as. 6d. Liege, 1787 4736 Ditto, as. Far. 1768 4737 Wanostrocht's Introduction to the Latin Tongue, is. 6d. 179^ 4738 Wahl Gesichte der Morgenlandischcn Sprachen, neat, I as. Lcipsig, 1784 4739 Young's Latin Dictionary, new, 9s. 1787 4740 Ditto, wants title page, 3s. 6d. Natural History ', Husbandry, Gardening, cXc s Odtavo and Twelves. 474-1 A NDERSON's Essays on Agriculture, a vols, boards, J\ t 8s. j8oo 4742 Abbot's Flora Bedfordiensis, plate*, coloured, boards, 6s. 1798 Hu Holborn. ] Nat.Hist. Husbandry, Gardening. &c. 8vo. &c. 123 4743 Abererombie's British Fruit Gardener, boards, as. 6d. 1779 4744 -*- Gardener's Dictionary, 3 vols boards, 6s. 1786 4745 on the Culture of the Pine Apple, boards, 7s. 1789 4746 Albin's Natural History of English Song Birds, neat, 3s. 1759 4747 Ditto, with coloured plates, 5s. 1/77 4748 Bewick's History of Quadrupeds, second edition, boards, il. is, 179* 4749 Ditto, neatly bound, il. il. ' 1791 4750 Bryant's Dictionary of Trees, Shrubs, &c, boards, 5s. 4751 History of Esculent Plants, boards, 4s. 1783 47 5 2 Two Species of Lycoperdon, sewed, is. 4753 Brunnechii Literatura Danica Scientiaraum Naturalem, boards, 4 c . 6d. Lips. 1 7 83 4754 Bufl'on Histoire Naturelle, avec fig. 15 torn. 2I. 2s. Par. 1769 4755 Button's Natural History, by Smellie, 9 vols. Jirst edition, ele- gantly bound, 4I. 4s. 1 781 4756 Bancroft's Natural History of Guiana, boards, 7s. ' 1769 4757 Bradley's Treatise on Agriculture, neat, 2s. 6d. J 757 4758 on Husbandry, 2 vols. 4s. ' 1726 4759 1 on the Growth of Plants, 2s. *733 4760 Bomare Explosition du Rcgne Mineral, 2 torn. 8s. Par. 1774 4761 Brookes's Natural History, 6 vols, plates, il. 4s. 1766 4762 Bath Letters and Papers on Agriculture and Planting, 9 vols. , boards, 3I. 3s. 1792 4763 Berkenhout's Synopsis of Natural History, 2 vols, boards, 9s. ^89 4764 Bcerhaave Index Plantarum. Canel Hort, &c. is. 6d. L.Bat. 1716 4765 Beauties of Natural History, plates, 3s, ; 1777 4766' Blackstone's Specimen Botanicum, i2mo. 2s. *74& 4767 Botanical Lexicon, iaino. 2s. 6!. 1764 4768 Barba de Metallurgie, 2 torn. 4s. Par. 1751 4769 Botanical Dialogues, boards, 7s. 6d. * 797 4770 Bertrand Dictionnaire des Fossiles, 4s. 6d. 1763 4771 Ditto, 2 vols, extra bound, marbled leai'es, IOs, 1763 4772 Bourquet Traite des Petrifications, 6s. 6d. Par. 1778 4773 Barberet Memoire sur les Maladies Epidemiques des Bestiaux, sewed, is. 6d. Par. J 766 4774 Brez la Fore des Insectophiles, sewed, 3s. 6d. Utrecht, 1791 4775 Bcerhaave Historia Plantarum, 2 tom.2s.6d. 1731 4776 Culture of Forests, sewed, is. 1789 4777 Complete Grazier, i2mo. sewed, is. 6d. ' 1767 4778 Complete English Farmer, boards, 2s.6d. 177! 4779 Curtis's Catalogue of Medicinal Plants, boards, 2s. 1783 4.780 Botanical Magazine, 17 vols, neat, 14I. 1793, &c. 4781 Crantz Institutiones Rei Herbaria?, 2 torn, boards, 7s. 1766 4782 Ditto, 2 vols, bound, 8s. 1766 4783 Cronstedt's System of Mineralogy, by Magellan, 2 vols, scarce, 4784 il. is. ___-_ 1778 Ditto, a vols, neatly bound, 1I.4S. 1778 R a 1*4 JB*" 3 '' && Uushnulry, Gardening r c. 8vo.&c. [Priestley, 143, 4785 Dioscorides de Mi dica, 2s. Par.i^j 4786 Diu-nii Catalogus Piantarum Spontc Circa Gis.am Nascentiiim,. plates, 4s. _ Fntmf. 17 19 4787 Daviia Catalogue Systematique Raisonne des Curiosetes dc la Nature et l'Att, 5 torn, neat in liassia, 18s. Paris, 1767 4788 Donavan's Natural History of British Shells, 13 Numbers, co- loundplates, 1^3. 17QQ 4789 Duhamel Histoire dun Insecte, sewed, 121110. 2s. Paris, 1762 4790 1 - Defense de PluneursOuvragc sur rAcriculture,.vi - f^ s6d. ftow, 1765 4791 De Lisle de Description de Minereaux, sewed, 3s. 6a. JFWf *773 -Q2 Dalrymple on the Culture of Wheat, sewed, is. 1808 4-03 Demonstrations Elcmentaires de Eouinique, 3 torn. io-. 6d. Lyoa,iySf 4794 Dickson on Agriculture, 2 vols. 6. 6d. 1770 4795 ^ e Commereil on the Culture of Mangel Wurzel, sewed, gd. 4*06 Edward's Essay on Natural History, boards, 2s. 6d. 1770 4707 Elements of Modern Gardening, sewed, is. 6d. 4-708 Fabregou Descr. des Plants, Renouvellent aux Environs de Pa- ris, 6 torn. 10s. 6d. Paris, 1*49 4799 Flora Fridriehsdalina Methodica Descriptio Plantarum, sneed, ' 2s. 6d. Argent, 1767 4800 Foster -Enchircdion Historian Inserviens, sewed, 3s. 1790 4801 Flora Austriaca, 2 torn. icuW, 6s. FiV n . 1800 4802 Fabricii Systcma Eatomologiae, 4s. Lip.i/j$ 4803 Entomologia Systematica Emciidata et Aucta, 7 torn. sewed, jl. IOS. IJqfrdfnr'a>,i'j8j 4805 .Forsyth on Fruit Trees, plates, new, boards, 9s. 1803, 4S06 Ditto, new and necily bound, 10s. 6d. 1803 4807 Foster della Ossa di Elcfanti,_p/teJ, sewed, 2s. Vten. 1786 4808 Fermfa Histoire Nauneile de la Iioliande Equinoxiaie, 4s.. Am st. 1765 4809 Foster's Catalogue of Animals of North America, neat, 4s.. *77*. 481c Forbes's Husbandry, sttved, as. *778 481 1 Goiter Flora 7 Pro vmeiarum Ealgii Foedcrata Indigena, sennit 4s 6d. Harlemi. 1 781. 4812 Gouan Flora Monspeliaca, board-:. 4s. J 7^5 4813 Hortus Regius Monspeliensis, sexed, 3s. 176a, 4814 Gleanings from Books on Agriculture, boards, 7s. 180a, 4815 Ditto, heiv and neatly bound, 9s. 1801. 4816 Gob?t les Anciens Mineralogistes, 2 torn. 10s. 6d. Paris, 1779 4817 Ditto, 2 torn, neatly bound, 12s. *779< 4S18 Gua de Malves Exploitation de Minifies et Mines, 4s. 6d. Paris, 1764, 48119 Gorter Flora Ingrica, boards, 3s. Petroppl/y 1701 H Holborn. ] Kat. Hist. jk* jndry. Gardening, S)C Svo. &:c. 125 4820 Gattere's Russcn and Shaden der Thieire, a torn. 4s. Lips. 17S1 4821 Hauy Traite de Mineralogie, 4 torn, and Atlas, boards, 2]. as. Pur is, An. to 4822 I leer ken's Groningani Aves Frisccae, boards, 2. 61. Rott. 1737 4823 Hill's Herbarium Britannicum, 2s. 1769 4824 Hudsoni Flora Anglica, boards, 9s. 6d, *797 4825 Ditto, ntat/y half bound, Russia, jos. 6J. i'797 4826 Henckel .Mineral Kingdom, mat, 3s. *757 48*7 Hi l's Construction of Timber, hoards, 3s. I 77 4828 Houghton's Compleat Miner, iSmo. scorer, ^f 178* 4829 Honckeny Synopsis Plantarum Gennaniae, 2 torn. fetued, ios.6d Bird. 1792 4830 Hill on Fruit Trees, sewed, 3s. 6 f. i-6g 4831 Hav.o.th's Obsciv. on the Genus Mesembryanthimum, hoards <5s. j- 94 4832 Hervuux's Treatise of Canary Birds, i2tno. 2s. 1718 4833 Hunter's Geoi gical Essays, 4 vols. 1 2mo. sewed, 6s. 1770 4834 Ditto, Compleat in I vol. octavo, boards, 5s. 6J._ 10/1,1777 4835 Hcnkei Introduction a la Mineralogie, 2 torn. 4s. Paris, J 75<5 4836 Hart's Husbandry, hoards, 7s. J 7<54 4837 Jacob's Catalogue of Plants about Fcversham, 3s. r 777 4838 Jablonsky* Natural History of Insects in the German Language, 6 torn, many flutes, boards, 2I. 2s. Berlin, I'Ttfi 4839 Key's Bee Master's Farewell, boards, 4s. J 79^ 4840 Ditto, new and elegantly bound, 6s. J 796 4841 Kirwan's Mineralogy, 2 vols, boards, J 794 4842 Kent's Hints to Gentlemen of Landed Property, boards, 4s. 6d. 1793 4843 Kramer Elcnchus Vegetabilum, boards, 23 6d. Vienna. 1756 4844 Kro.-her Flora Silesiaca, coloured plates, 3 torn. *ew bourds, 2I. 2s. Vratis. 1787 4845 Ditto, vol. 2, Part I and 2, boards, ll. IS. 1790 4846 Kennedy on Pruning, sewed, is, 6d. *7/7 4847 Karsten's Description of the Minerals in the Leskean MYseuin, x vols, new, boanls, 13s. Dub. 1798 4848 Ditto, new and neatly bound, 16s. Dub 1798 4849 Klein Ordre Natural des Oursins dc Mer et Fossiles, boardst 4s. Pari.i,l 7 $ 4830 Lourerii Flora Cochinchinensis, atom, sewed, 12s. Ber. 1793 4851 Lithophylacium Bornianum, plates, 7s. 6d. - 1772. 48.52 Linnams's Families of Plants, by the Society ai Litchfield, a toIs. boards, 14s. 2 vols. ntfl*. 16s. 17S7 4853 Ditto, half bound, Russia backs, 16^. 1787/ 4854 Liunus's S)tem of Nature, by Turton, 4 vols. boards, zl. 2s. 1802 4855 Ditto, 4 vols, new and neatly bound, si. 12s. 6d. A^R 2 - 4856 Linne Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae a Gmeim, \? torn, boards, /^.^ Lips. 1788, &c. 126 Nat. Hist. Husbandly* Gardening, $c.8\o.kc. Priestley, 143V 4857 Linne Si*tema Natunr per Regn3 Tria Naturae Gmelin, 9 \u\s. Jim paper, neiv, sewed, L 5* ** J 77^ 4858 Limaei lioruis UpsalienMS, xellvvi, 5s. 6d. ^wlates,nezu,boards, 5s. 1800 4955 Vigier Historia das Plantas da Eurcpa, 2 torn. nrao. pla:e*, jjs. 6d. - Lyons, 17 18 4956 Vandelii Philosophic e ac Medicae Dissertationes tres, sezved, 2s. - . Petard, 1758 4957 ^i 03 * Histoire des Hante, Venemuses de la Suisse, plates, sewed, 38- Yuerdou, 1776 4958 Watleri Elem. Metaflurgiae, sated, 3R. 6d. Holm. 1768 4959 Sy-tema Mineralogicum, 2 torn, sewed, 16s Vind. 177S 4960 Withering's Botanical Arrangements, 3 vols. 12s. j 776, &c. 4961 Weston's Botanist and Nurseryman, 4 vols, plates, boards, 12s. * i n 4962 Wimpey's Rural Improvements, hoards, 3s. 6d. *775 4963 Weis Plants Cryptogamicae Flora Gottingensis, plates, 3s. 6d. Go^. 177Q 4964 Wright's Large Farrm- Recommended, sezved, is. 1 /9<5 4965 Waller's Essay on the Value of the Mines late of Sir Carbery Pjice, 3s. 6d. i6c;>3 4966 Winter s System of Husbandry, boards, 3s. 6d. 1787 4967 White's Naturalists Calendar, boards, 3*. 6d. ~ 179? 4968 Wakefield's Introduction to Botany, boards, 2?. 6A. 1796 4969 Warner'i Catalogue of Plants in and about WoJford in Essex, sewed, is. 6d, ' 1771 4970 Wessel-Linden Mettallurgii Pratiques, *erm/, 2s. Paris, 1752 4971 Wapferi Historia Cicu x Aqua'.ecx, 2s. Ludg. B- 17^3 4972 Weedman Essaid'nne Nouvdle Mineralogies 43. Par. 177? H. Holborn. ] Nut. Hist. Husbandry, Gardening, &c. 8vo. &. 129 497.3 Wilcke Flora Gryphica, sated, is. 6d. Gott.ij6$ 4974 Woodward's Natural History of Fossils, 18s. 1729 497$ Young's Farmers' Letters, 2s. 6d. 176S 4976 Ditto, 2 vols. new, boards, 9s. 1771 4977 Youngs Farmer's Guide, 2 vols. il. is. I 77 4978 Political Arithmetic, sewed, 10s. 6d. I 77-r- 4979 Ditto, bound, scarce, 10s. 6d. J 774 49S0 Young's Agriculture of Lincolnshire, plates, sewed, ^s. 6d. 799 4981 Young, (Letters from General Washington to) sewed, 2s. 1801 4982 Young's Spirit of Legislation -Exporting Corn Speech on Wool Rural Economy Essay on the Management of Hogs Farmers' Letters, 2 vols. Ellis's Husbandry abridg- ed by Young's, 2 \ols. Miscellaneous, x vol. 9 vols. uniform and neat, il.i6s. 1771 49S3 Young's Annals of Agriculture, vol. \. to 10, boards, 2I. 10s. vol. 24, board*, jjs. 1780, &c, 4984 Ditto, vol. i to 17, vol. 24,2.5, 26, 28, 29, 22 vols, boards, 61.6s. 1790, &c. 4985 Ditto, 40 vols, complete, new and neat, 2 il. 10s. 1790, &c. 4986 Young's Farmer's Calendar, new and neat, 10s. 6d. 1804 4987 Yeates s Institutions of Entymology, boards, 3s. 1773 French, Italian, Spanish, &c. Octavo. 49S8 A LCIBIADE, avecFig. 2 torn, elegant, half bound, morocco, -t\. 1 os. 6d. Paris, 1789 4989 Audrien Recueil de Discours a la Jeunesse, neat, 3*. 6d. ib. 1790 4990 Antimoine Histoire Naturelle des Moins, avec Fig. sewed, is. 6d. ' 1784 4991 Abrege de la Vie des plus Fameux Peiutres, avec Fig. 4 torn. 2I. 2S. Paris, 1762 4992 Barthelemy Abrege duVoyage du Jeune Anacharse, boards, 5s. Lo/ul. 1798 4993 Bouganville Voyage autour du Monde, 2 torn. 8s. Paris, ijjz 4994 Barueil Histoire du Jacobinisme, 4 torn, neatly half bound, Russia, il. 16s. Loud. 1797 4995 Bernard Art d'Aimer, many MSS. Notes by W. Collyer, 4s. od. 4996 Burgoing Voyage en Espagne, 3 torn. 10s. 6d. Paris, 1789 4997 Bolingbroke Mcmoires Secrete, is. 6d. ' land. 1754 4998 Boileau (Qluvres de), par de Saint Marc, 5 torn. il. us. 6d Amst. 1772 4999 Barere de la Pensce du Gouvemement, sewed, is. 6d. An. $ 5000 Barere Montesquieu peintd'apres ses Ouvrages, is. 6d. An. 5 m i jo Trench, Italian, Spanish, fyc. Octavo. [Priestley, 143, 3001 Condillac Cours d'Etude, 16 torn, treat, 4I. 14s. 6d. Farm. 1773 '3002 Caylus CEuvres Badines, avec Fig. 12 torn, extra bound, 4I. 4s. Paris, 1787 3003 CInulieu CEuvres et Persies, 2 torn, en 1,4s. Am/i. 1740 5004 Castilhon sur les Causes de la Diversite des Nations, sewed, 2s. 6d. Bouillon, 1769 5005 Carli Eettres Americaines, 2 torn, neat, 8s. Paris, 1788 5006' Charron de la Sagesse, 2 tom. sewed, ioj. Paris, 1783 5007 Condamine Voyage de l'Amerique Meridionale, 4s. Mcestr. 1778 5008 Diderot la Religicuse, boards, 2s. 6d. Para, ax. 5 5009 D'Arnaud Mervinal et Fayel Dramei, neat, 3s. 6d. Tarn, 1774 3010 D'Arnaud le Comte de Cominges, 3s. Paris, 1769 501 1 Dandolo lesHommes Nouveaux, fa^, 2s. 6d. Paris- an-S 3012 Dutens sur l'Origine des Decouvertes attribues aux Modernes, 4s, 6d. Paris, 1766 3015 Dutens Histoire d'une Regence, 1788-9, sexved, is. 6d. Lond. 1 79 1 3014 Dutens de l'Eglise du Yape,seived, is. 1790 5013 Dictionnaire des Homme.; Marquans de la Fin des 18 Siecle, 3 tom. boards, 18s. 1800 5016 De Genlisles Vceux Temeraires, 2 tom, fewed, 6s. Hamh. 1798 5o 17 Dumouriez (Memoiresde) 2 iom, fewed, 2s. Francf. 1794 5oi8 Extrait du Dictiormaire de Bayle, 4s. Berlin, 176$ 5^019 Esprit de Voltaire, 2s. 6d. J 759 5020 Fontaine Contes et Nouvelles, avec Fig. tom. 2, 6s. 1764 3021 Fontaine (Fables de), 2 tom. boards, il. is. Paris, Didot, 1789 5022 Fontaine (Fables do), avec Fig. 4 tom. 12s. Laus. 1792 3023 Genest sur 1 Existence de Dieu, &c. 2s. Paris, 1716 3024 Gretry de la Verite, 3 tom. sewed, 93, Paris, 1804 5025 Guide dAmsterdam, avec Tig. sewed, 3s. Amst.iyj^ ^026 Gentz Finances de la Grande Bretagne, 1S00 3027 Memo : re de Grande Bretagne en arretat, les Naivrei Etrangers, 1801. Bowles sur l'Etat de Societe a la Fin du 1 8 Siecle, 2s. 6d. 1801 3028 Garcillasso de la Vega Histoire de la Conquete de la Floride, par F. de Soto, avec Fig. 3s. 6d. Leide, 1731 3029 Huet les Loix de la Nature devoilees, avec Fig. sewed, 3s. Lond. 1800 $030 Haumont (Fables d'), 2=;. 6d. Paris, an. 9 3031 1 1 m-t Commerce des Anciens, 2s. <5d. Lj/on. 17 62 3032 Helvetius de l'Homme, 2 tom. sewed, 8s. r 1773 3033 Helvetius (GZuvres de), 3 tom. neat, il. 10s. 1781 3034 Herrenschwand Adresse aux Vrais Hommesde Bien, as. 1801 5033 Herault de Sechelles Voyage a Montbar, sewed, is. 6d. Paris, an. 9 3036 Itineraire Complet de la France, 2 tom. 12s. Paris, 1788 3037 Keroux Histoire de la Holande, 4 tom. en 2, 7s. Leide, 1768 3038 La Harpe (GZuvres de), 9 tom. neat, il. 7s. Paris, 1778 3039 Lalande Voyage en Italie, 7 tom. and Atlas, 4to. boards, al.iaj.6d. - ^- Geneve, 1790 H. Holborn] Trench, Italian, Spanish, c. Octavo. 13 i 5040 Lullin (Sermons de), is. 6d. Geneve, 1761 5041 Lescarbot Voyage dans la Nouvelle France, avec Cartes and Fig. neat, 10s. 6d. Paris, 161 8 5042 Lettr.es de Quelques Juifs a Voltaire. 2 torn. 7s. Paris, 1782 5043 La Liturgie Angl. et Fran, morocco, 6s. Of. 1717 5044 Montesquieu (OEuvres de), 5 torn. Jived, il. ioi. Paris, an.g 5045 5 torn, extra bound, 2I.10S. ih. an.4 5046 3 torn. 18s. 1772 J047 Machiavcl (GEuvrcs de), par Guiraudet, 9 torn, fewed, al. 2s. Paris, an. 7 5048 Mercierles Ages Francais Poeme, sewed, 3s. ib. 1803 5049 Maupertius (CEuvres de), 4 torn, 1 6s. Li/on,ij66 5050 Mcntelle Cours de Cosmographie de Geographie de Chronolo- gic et d'Historie, 3 torn, et Atlas, sewtd, il. 4s. Paris, 1800 jjoj 1 Medita.' ions sur les Tombeaux, Ital. & France, served, 2s. P. 1763 5053 Mirabeau Histoire Secrete de la Cour de Berlin, 2 vols, half bound, 6s. 1789 5054 Millot Histoire Generale, 9 torn, hoards, il. 7s, Kevclt. 1775 5055 Malherbe (Poesies de) 4s. Paris, Barboit, 17 57 5056 Moreau Di. cours sur l'Histoire de France, 7 torn, sewed, 18s. P*m, 1777 5057 Mocquet Voyages en Afrique, Asie, Indes Orientales, &c. avec Fig. 4s. 1^.1645 5058 Martens Essai sur les Armateurs les Prises et les Reprises, serv- ed, 2S. . Gotthig. 1795 5059 Mallet du Pan Mercure Britannique, No. 1 to 17, 4s. 6d. 1798, &c. 5060 Mailing Traits Memorables tires de l'Histoire de Danemark, avec 6 Estampes, sewed, 5s. Copenh. 1 794 5061 Mercicr Sermons sur lEglise Francaise, served, is. 6d. Loud. 1795 5062 Mirabeau Doutes sur la Liberte de l'Escaut, hoards, is. 6:. 5063 Mirabeau Lettres a ses Commetans, &:c. 17 Pamphlets, 3s. 6d. 5664 Mandar des Insurrections half bound, 3s. ' Paris, 1793 5065 Memoires de Voltaire, par lui meme, is. 6d. Land. 1784 5066 Melanges-la Peinture Poeme, par Le Mierre Zelis au Bain Poeme, &c. 3s. 6d. Paris 5067 Manuel ou Dictionnaire duPlulosophe, sewed, 2s. Berlin, 1769 5068 Mackintosh Apologie de la Revolution Francaise, sewed, 2s. Paris, 179a 3069 Necker de l'lmportance des Opinions Religieuscs, sewed, 3s. Liege, 1788 5070 Le Mcme Livre, boards, 3s. 6d. Paris, 1788 5071 Nivernoiss Fables, Fr. & Eng. boards, 5s. Lond. ijyq 5072 Kogaret Reponse a une Lettre ecrit de Geneve, 2s. Paris, 1720 3073 Ostcrvald la Nuiirriturc de l'Ame ou Pricrcs & Reflexions, boards, 2s. 6d. Rt. 1780 5074 Piron (CEuvres de), 7 torn, neat, 2I. 12s. 6d. fttucb. 1778 S 2 i$% French, Italian, Spanish, &c. O&avo. [Priestley, 143, 5075 Frincipes de la Philosophic Naturelle, 2 toro. sewed, 6s. Geneve, 1788 5076 Pictet Voyage en Angleterre, Ecosse, & Irlande, seived, 3s. 6d. Gen. 1 802 5077 Perogier Exposition de la Religion Chretienne, is. 6d. Utr. 17 14 5078 Questions sur l'Encyclopedin, 9 torn. il. is. 1771 5079 Risbeck Voyages d'Allemagne, 3 torn, boards, i2S.Paris, 1788 5080 Richelieu (Mcmpires du Marechal), 4 torn. il. I 79 5081 Rochefoucault Reflexions et Maximes Morales, par Manzon, 4s. 6d. r Amst.ijjz 5082 Renaudot Anciens Relations deslndeset de la Chine, 4s. Paris, 17 1 8 5083 Razoumowsky Histoire Naturelle de Jorat et de ses Environs, 2 torn, avec Fig. sewed, 6%. Laus. 1789 5084 Rochefoucault Voyage dans les Etats-Unis d'Amerique, 8 torn, boards, 2I. 2s. Paris, an. 7 508$ Roland Appel a l'lmpartiale Posterite, 2 torn, boards, 5s. 1795 5086 Royer (Sermons par), 2 torn, morocco, gilt leaves, 10s. 6d. i/tfj/e, 1789 5087 Reflexions Chretiennes pour tons les Jours de FAnne, neat, 7s. 6d. Uincb. 1796 50S8 Le Roue Verteux Poeme, sewed, i, 6d. Laus. 1770 5089 Raynal Histoire Philosophique des 2 Indes, 10 torn, et Atlas, al. 23. 1 Geneve, 1783 5090 Raynal Revolution de l'Amerique, boards, is. 6d, 1781 ^091 Rousseau la Nouvelle Heloise, 4 torn, sewed, 16s. Gen. 178c? 5092 Ernile ou de l'Educatiop, 4 torn, sewed, 16s. Gen. 1780 5093 Melanges, 4 torn. sewed, 14s. Gf. 1781 5094 Melanges, 4 torn, boards, 16s. - Gen. 1781 15095 Confessions, 4 torn, sewed, 18s. Ge. 1782-9 5096 Confessions, 5 torn, boards, il. is. (?e. 1-S2-9 5097 - Piecs Diverses, 2 torn, boards, 7s. 6d. Gen. 1782 5097*- -Juge de Jean-Jacques, 2 torn, sewed, 6s. 6d. 6'j. 1782 5098 Juge de Jean- Jacques, 2 torn, boards', 7s. 6d. 1782 5099 : sur l'lnegalite parmi les Hommes et du Contract Social, 2 torn, boards, 7s. 6d, (jpg. 17S2 5100 Dispute, avec Hnme,fewed, 2s. 6d. 1782 5101 ; Theatre et Poesies, boards, 4s. Gen. 1781 5102 Juge de J. J. neat, 3s. 6d. Licbf. 1780 5103 eur l'lnegalite parmi les Hommes, seived, 3s. 6d. Amst. 1755 5104 Rigoley de Juivigny de la Decadence desLettres et des Maur, sewed, 3 s. Paris, 1787 5 165 Smith sur la Richesse des Nations, par Roueher, 4 torn, fc-tued, 16$. Paris, 1790 5106 Shakespeare traduit de PAnglois, 2 torn. 5s. Paris, 1776 5107 Saint Sauver.r Voyage dans les Isles Venetiennes du Levant, 3 N torn, and Atlas, sewed, jl. is. Paris, an. 8 5108 St. Lambert les Saisons Poeme, avec Fig. boards, 4s. 6d. 1773 H. Holborn] Trench, Italian, Spanish, &c. Octavo. 133 5109 Ditto, large paper, avec Fig. boards, 7s. 6d. 1773 5 1 10 St. Pierre Paul et Virgin e, avec Fig. boards, 5s. 1 797 <,m Sermons, par Superville, 3 torn, neut, 10s. 6d. Amst. 176-5 51 12 Sermons, par Saurin, 11 torn. 3I. 3s, //fly**, 1737 51 13 Sermons, par Saurin, 12 torn. 3I. 12s. Lavs.ijijQ -114 Saurin Catechisme, pour Jeunes Gens, 2s. 6d. ^s^. 1724 5 1 15 Telemaque, edition de Dodsley, 2 torn, avec Fig. neat, 2I. 12s. 6d. Lond. 173S ri- is. 5134 Castello di Otranto, platen, large paper, Russia extra, 18s. IauI. 1795 5135 Davilla Storia della Guerre Civili di Francia, 8 tom. vnu boards, il. IM. 6d. Lond. 1S01 5136 D'Ageno (Prosee e Rimed) served, is. 6d. 17Q0 51.37 Dante Inferno, Ital. et Fr. per Rivarol, scried, <|s. 1788 5138 Lanzi Saggio di Lingua Etrusca, con. Fig. 3, torn, served, M l * lioma, 178Q 5139 Ditto. 3 tom. ncrv ami evlrn bound, il. 1 is. 6d. Bown, 17S9 5 140 Filangieri Scienza della Legislazioiie, 5 tom. boards, il. 1 is. 6d. *799 IJ4 Trench, Italian, Spanish, &c. Octavo. [Priestley, 143 > 5 141 II Morale Instruttore della Gioventu, con. Fig. di Bartolozzi, 4 torn. 16s. Lond. 1778 5742 Metastazio (Opercdi) 12 torn. 3I. 10s. Parigi. 1754 5143 > 12 torn, large paper, gilt leaves, 61. Parigi, 1755 5144 12 torn, avec Fig. di Bartolozzi, &c. boards, 4I. 14s. 6d. Parigi, 1780 5145 Machavelli (Operedi) 8 torn, hoards, 2I. 5s. 1796 5146 Opinione de Paolo Sarpi toccant* it Governo de Venezia, sewed, is. 6d. Lond. 178S 5147 Salio Esame Critico, boards, 2s. Padov. 17,38 5148 Tasso Gerusalemme Liberata, per Isola, 2 torn, sewed, 10s. 6d. Camb. 1792 5149 . neat, 13s. 1792 5150 Tasso la Gerusalemme Liberata, avec Fig. Edition diConti, 2 torn. Morocco, extra gilt haves, 2I. 2s. Parigi ,1771 51^1 Tasso II Rinaldo, neat. 4s. Z de OrEciis, is. 6d. Lond. 1791 5224 de Officiis, neat, 23. <5d. Glasg.Foulis, 1784 ^225 Cato Major La?L us, &c. Federi, boards, is.JVorem. 1798 5226 Epistolae ad Atticurn ad Brutum, &c. 2s, 6d. Aldus, 1513 ^227 -* Natura Deorum, boards, is. 6d. Gins. 1 741 5228 Campe Robinson Secundus, boards, is. 6d. Z?///i. . 1789 5229 Caesar a Maittaire, 23. 6d. io:/. 17 16 52 j o Cardanus de Utilitate ex adversis capienda, is. 6d. Franck. 1648 5231 Conradi Lycosthenis Apothegmata, 2S. Paris, 1 581 5232 Casiodori Complexiones Chandleri, is. 6d. Land. 1722 5233 Cominaei de Carolo, 8vo. et Bello Neapol comment, is. 6d. Argent. 1 548 5234 Carmina Quadragesimalia, boards, 2s. 1761 5235 ChronlconCarionis, 2 torn. 2S, J 593 5236 Chrysostom de Raparatione Lapsi, 5s. Potbam, 1495 5237 De Pauw de Aleo Vekrum, 2s. Traj. 1726 5238 Dadraei Loci Communes, is. 6d. Colon. Agr. 1604 5239 Dclaet Notse ad Grotius de Origine Gentium Americanorum, is. 6d. Amst. 1643 5240 Dionysii Areopagitag Opera, Gr. eles,. bound, 4s. 6d. Paris, Morel/. 1562 H. Holborn.] Classics, &c. Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. i2mo. 137 5241 Diatessaron Latine, a Thirlwall, boards, is. 6d, i.02 5242 Euripides, Gr. et. Lat. Canteri, 2 vols. eleg. bjvnd, il. is. lhidelb. 1 597 5243 Euripides, Gr. et Lat. 10 torn, borrds, il, us. 6d. Glasg. 1797 5244 Canteri, torn. 1. 4s. 6d. 5245 Epigrammatum Delectus, is. 6d. Paris, 1659 5246 Ernesti Initia Romance Latinitatis, 2 vols, tewed, 2s. Coburgi, 1780 5247 Feithii Antiquitntes Homer ens, 1*. 6d. J-ugd. B. 1677 . 5248 Grotius de Veritate BelicPnis Christ. a*. Load, 1794 5249 Gentileti Examen conclii Tridentini, is. 6d. Gormck. 1078 3250 Herodotus, Gr. et Lat. Lamoignon's copy, morocco, gilt teavti, 8 vols. 61. Glasg. Foulis, 1761 5251 Herodotus et Thucydides, Gr. et Lat. 17 torn. n>at, 81. 8s. Foulis, 1761-59 5252 Histor're Augustr Scriptores, 6 torn. 12s. Lug duni, 159 2 5*5J Homeri Opera, Gr. et Lat. Castalionis, 2 torn. 8s. Basil. 1 '^2 5254 IliasGr.ice, a Maitta re, 3s. 1774 .52.55 Gr. et Lat. a Maittaire, 4 vols, boards, 5s. 1774 5256 Latjne, a Maittaire, 2 vols, boards, 2$. 1774 5 2 57 Odyssea, Gr. et Lat. 7 s. 6d. Par is, 1747 5258 Opera, Gr. et Lat. S. Clarke, 2 torn, uncut, 16s. Amst. 1743 5259 Horatius, a Muttaire, 3s. Lond.ijir 5260 saved, 4s. Pi mi. Busherv. 1777 5261 cura J. Livie, jcttrrf, 12s. Baste rv. 176a 5262 morocco, extra gilt leaves, i8s. Batten. 1762 5263 wrr//, 5s. Glasg. Foulis, ij$ .5264 a Zurck, 2s, " Harlemi 5265 H. Stephani, 3s. //. Steph. 1600 5266 Expurgata, edidit Duhamel, is. 6d. Paris, 1720 5267 curante Philippe, gilt leaves, 5s. P u rb, Cunt. 17^ 5268 Hottingeri Dissertationes, 2s. Titruri, 1654 5269 Hyde di- Ludis Orientalibus. 7*. O.xj/i. 1694 5270 Hornii Rerom Britannicarum Libri, 7 edit. 2s. 6d. 1644 5271 2s. 6d. Ludg. B.1643 5272 Horchii Sacerdotium Romanum, is. yi;;*f. 1600 5273 Hntchesoni Pliilosophia Moralis, is. 6d. Glasg. 1742 5274 Hugonis Pia Desideria, n-at pl.it is, gilt leaves, 6s. .t/;tu\ 1629 ^5275 Hentzneri Itinerarium Genuania*, Anglian, <\c. red moro.ro, gilt leave*, 1 1.4s _ _ Lips. 1661 5276 Justiniani Ins itutiones, 2%. Dp S j~ 22 y-11 V.nii, 2s 6d. L"dg.B.ij>o 5278 Julius Obsequens SchenVri, turn Notis MSS. Dorvdii, as. 6J. dmst. 1679 5279 Jnvcnalis et Pcrsius, neat, gilt leaves, 5s. Paris, Harbou, 1^0 5280 Iuil.c paper, a Ma.ttaire, 10s. 6d. Load. 17 16 5281 a Marshall, is. 6d. ,i 23 5282 Junii (Hadr. ) Animadversa. 2%. 6d. ]{ f /# jIqJj 5283 Isocratis 1 anrgyrica, Uttrds, is. 6d. GklM Puis i8 538 dames, S,c. J, at hi, Greek, and Hebrew, nmo. [Priestley, 13 j. 5284 Kempis dc Christoimitando, boards, is. I 79 5285 Livii Historia, cum Freinshemii Suppiemcntis et Notis .1. Clcrici 10 torn. il. 15s. Ainst. 1610 52S6 Clerici, 10 torn, neat in xellum, *\ as. Aftist. 1 7 10 5287 recensuit 1'AUemancl, 7 torn, new in Boards, ' ii, 15s. -r _; Paris, llarbou, 1775 5288 curante Ruddimanno, 4 torn. il. 10s. /v.'?/.'/-. 1751 5289 -* 1 4 torn. il. us. 6d. F.cLub. 17^1 5290 r neat, 10s. 6A. Aws't . E/zirtr, 1678 5291 r p~ Decadum Epitome et L. Floras, rtltffc 7s. 6d. Venzt.Aldv*'. 5292 Lucretius, T. Fabri, is. <$d. Cff?rt. 1686 5 2 93 ; - new, hi boards, 3s. Batke'rtilfc, 1773 5294 a Maittaire, forjy /Mfcr, 10s. 6d. -^- 17 13 5295 Lucanus, a Maittaire, ;/t-3f, boards, 2s. 6d. 17^9 5296 Longinus, Gr. et Lat. a Pearce, new boards, 3s. 6d.Foidis, 1^63 5297 Liturgia Ecc^esiae Angl. Latine, is. 1706 5298 ; ! - : Grxce, targe paper, 3s. * C:nt.rhld, 16 y.99 Lak.emach.eri Antiquitates Graecorum Sacra?, as, 6d. 1 1, -bust. 1734 5300 Luc'ani Dialogi Selecti, Gr. et Lat. a I ?eds, is.6d. J736 5301 Lemnius de Miracul.s Occultis Xaturoc, is. 6d. Avtii\ 1574 5302 I.ampe Synopssis Historian Sacrae, is. -r- Traj. i 735 5303 Liturgia e Psalterium Armenice, 5s. 5304 Labbe Eruditae Fronuntiationis Catholici Indice-, new and neat, 3s. 6d. - 7) nbl. 1797 5305 1 ' -^ large paper, $s. Dubl. 1797 5306 Missale Romanum, 3s. 5307 Martialis Epigram. 2 torn- n^zf, g#f leaves, ips 6d. Paris, Brirbpn, 1754 53o8 a Mattaire, forgr ;w/>cr, 10s. 6d. 171 6 5309 M llii Dissertationes, is. 6d. Traj. 1724 5310 Maximus Tyrins, Gr. et Lat. Heinsii. js, 6d. Lvgd.Li. i6oy 53 1 1 Maurocordatus de Officiis, Gr. et Lat. 2s. N Land. 1727 5312 Merlini Cocaii Opus Macaronicorum, 4s,. \ enet. 1613 53*3 ; ' 10s. 6d. Awst.\6c)2 $3 14 Marcus Marujus de Humilitate et Gloria Chrisfi, Heat, 4s. rkl. I enet. 1519 5.315 Novum Testam. Graecum Dengelii, 2s. * Oxon. 1742 5316 1 i '- .is. 6d. ' tend. Daniel, $3 1 7 morocco, ruled, 2s. Lund. Ilednityne, 1674 5318 morocco, extra, 8s. Giasg.ij^o 5319 a Maittaire, is. i.oW. 1714 5320 Cureelloei, x^/'//( J, 4s. Ai/tst. 1J3$ 5321 7/e-u-, boards. 6s. 1 735 53?2 ! ! 6S. -rr All!St.l]3S H.Holborn.] Classics, &c. Latin, Greek, and IJebmv. I2mc 1^9 * ^323 Novum Testam. Gra-cum Harwood, 2 vol-, hoards, 59. 1776 ^24 w.th Bow vers Conjectures, 2 torn. /t(i>fl)ut l n , ,iuicut,8s+ J ".5 53^ . 2S.' 6d. has. apiid Vlutlrr, 1540 5326 Lat. volgatse Kditionis, 2s. Or. 1796 5327 Syriacum Gnthbirit, 7s. llamb. 1664. 5328 No i Tractatus de Caphc, The et Chpcolata, 2s. 6d. Gm.1659 5.329 Noldende Statu Nobiliutn, 2s. <5d, Giss 5478 Browne's (Wm. ) Works, 3 vols, in 1.3s. J 77^ 5479 Browne's (Sir Thos. ) Christian Morals, neat, 2S. 1761 5480 British Curiosities of Nature and Art. 2s. 17 13 54S1 Eiographia Clasaic'a, 2 vols, neat, 6s. ~ ; i2mo. R3 Duhlin, "753 175.5 i68i 1691 6d. 1737 Tonson, 171+ Dub'in, Land: 1799 1784 ISO! 1803 fc vols. J 7ji itued. 1798 "H. II -lborn. ] History, Miscdl'.'.nies, Novels, Sj-c. .5482 Bolinbrokr's Letters to Windham, is. 6d. 5483 Berkley s Querist* tin 6d. 5484 Baco 1 a Cure of Old Age, 3s. 5485 Bacns Ks-ays, is. 6d. 5486 Black we^Ps Introduction to the Classics, is. 6d. 5487 Blackmores Pri-.ce Arthur, a Posm, is. 6d. 5488 Bonaparte's Revere} boards; is. 6d. 5489 Blair'-a Essay in Rhetoric, sewed, 2s. 5490 Ditto, ho->nU, 3s. 6d. 5491 Bacon's Novum Organum, 2 vols. 10s. 6d. 5492 Brewster's Per -h\s t "toirds, is.rjd. 5493 Bellamy's Sadaski* or Wandering Penitent, 2s. 6d, 5494 Cambray's Essay on Civil Gove nment, is. 6d. 1722 5495 Common Sense, or the Englishman's Journal, 2 vols. 3s. 6d. i7.>3 5496 Chapone's Letters on the Improven eat of the Mind, 2 vols. ;,eat, 4s. 6d. 1 774 5497 Calida-,'s Sacontala, or the Fatal Ring, neat and gut, 7s. 1 702 5498 Idtto, t.ttr>; band, 4s. 1796 5499 Coriat's (Jun.) Remarks made on a Journey ty>rough the Ne- therlands, 2 ols. 2s. 1767 5"joo Cotton's Virgil Travestie, neat and gilt, 4s. 1771 5501 C.vmonvonshire, a Sketch of its History, sewed f is. 6d. 1792 5502 Copywcll's Shrubs of Parnas-us, boards, is.6d. 1760 5503 Child's Discourse on 'Trade, is. 6d. 1794 5504 Contents of the British Museum, boards, is. 6d. 1762 5505 Cru ius Lives of Roman Poets, 2 vols. 4s. 1753 5506 Cotton'-. Poetical Works, 4s. 1725 5507 Camilla, or Picture of Youth, by D Arblay, 5 xoh.seiv.d, 12s. 6d. 1 796 5508 C -aftsman, by D'Anves, 14 vols. il. is. 1731 5509 Clarke's Ess ay on Study, 2s. 6d. 173 1 5510 Charter of Romney Marsh, black let tir, js. printed by Wolfe, 1579 55 1 1 Cleveland's Poemr, as. 16^7 5512 Carrewc's Poem , with a Masque, 3s. 165 1 5513 Cleaveland's Poems, is. 6d. r ^77 5514 Crosby's London L< tter Writer, seixed, is. 5515 Cato's Letters, 4 vols. 7s. 1754 5516 Curiosities of Hampton Court and Windsor Castle, byBick- ham, 2s. J 742 51517 Clarke's Essay on the Education of Youth, is. 6d. 1734 5518 Couteau's Confessions, 2 vols, sewed, a,*, fid. J 799 55 a 9 ^ urt > t ' r i Poems, t '.t,i> bound by Herring, 6s. 1706 15520 Courtier's pleasures of Solitude, plates, b mrds, 5s. 1803 5521 Cumberland's Calvary, or Death of Christ, a Poem, 2 vols. j.lites, el g truly bound, green Morocco, gi.'t leui'cs, 18s. iSco 5522 Connoisseur, 4 \ ols. 1 2s. 1774 55?3 Corry s Detector of Quackery, boards, it. 6d, JS02 144 Histories, Miscellanies, Novels, Iffc. i2mo v [Priestley, 145, 5524 Collard's Essentials of Logic, boards, as. 6d. 1796 ,55*5 Praxis of Logic, boards, 2s. 6d. -~- 1796 5526 Collection of Sentimental Maxims, &c. 3s. ^7 55 5527 Chamberlayne's Present State of Engl and .Jirst edition, 3s. 6d. 1669 5525 Davis's Discoverie of the Tiue Cause why Ireland was never Subdued, 3s. J 747 5529 Davis Instructions for History, is. 6d. 1680 5530 Dalrym;le's Remarks on the History of Scotland, 3s. 1773 5531 Dodslcy's Collections of Poems. 6 vols, n .-u\ t, 1 8s. 1 7 - 8 5532 Ditto, with Pearch's Poems, 10 vols, il.'jjjs. 1766 5533 Miscellaneous Pieces relating to the Chinese, 2 vols, half bound, 5s. -^- 1762 5534 Dyer's Poems, 2 vols, boards, 7s. 1S02 553.5 Dimond's Petriarohal Sonnets and Poems, hoards, 3s. 1800 5536 Daliymple's Story of Dooshevanta and Sakoontala, translated from the .Mahabharata, new, in boards. 2s. 6d. *795 5537 (Lord Haile's) Memorials and Letters relating to the History of Great Britain, sewed, 3s. 1 766 5538 Description of the Cathedral Church of York, 3s. 6d. 1768 5539 Dyer's Poems, neat, 2s. 6d. -^-- 1761 5540 Death of Abi], Jir.ely printed plates, new boards, 4s. 6d. 1801 5541 Dermody's Poems, neat, 3S. 6d. 1800 5542 Dryden's Miscellaneous Works, vols. 2, 3, and 4, nect,6s. 1767 5543 Donne's Poems, boards, scarce, 3s. Tvnson, 17 19 5544 Ditto, degantlij bound, as. it>. 1719 5545 Ditto, extra bound in blue and red morocco, 10s. 6d. 17 19 5546 D Argens's Philosophy of Common Sense. 2 vols. 3s. 6d. 1740 5547 Dicey s Account of Guernsey, 2s. 6d. - 175* 5548 Dryden's Year of Wonders, 1666, a Poem, is. 1667. 5549 Dodslcy's iEsop, printed by Basket i>illc,fcarcc, 12s. 1 761 5550 Description of Killarney, served, is. 6d. Dub. 1776 5551 Dryden's Pl.iys, 6 vols, neat, il. is. * *7 2 5 5552 Delphine, by Madame de Stael-Holstein, 6 vols, Jtwed, 159. 1803 5553 Essay on Landscape, as. 1783 .5554 Errors of Innocence, 5 vols. 10s. 6d. 17S6 5555 Egerton'* Theatrical Remembrance, boards, 3s. 1788 5556 Englishman, being a Sequel to the Guardian, is. 17*4 5557 Enamoured Spirit, a Novel, boards, is. 6d. 1 798 5558 Eirors of Sensibility, 3 vols, sewed, 5s. 1793 5559 Fietwells Letters on Various Subjects, stive d, is. 1786 5560 Felton on Reading of the Classics, is. 6d. 1730 5561 Fenelon's Essay on Civil Government, is. 6d. 1722 5562 Female Tuition, or an Address to Mothers, sewed, is. 6d. 4786 5563 Fielding's Voyage to Lisbon, sewed, is.6d. 1 7.55 5564 Fenton's Poems, 2 vols seurd, 3s. - i/9 5565 Fuller's Art of Right Thinking, 2s. 173 1 5566 Fldriari's Hi tory of Numa Pompiltus, 3 vols, sewed, 4s. (5d. 1787 5567 Estdle, a vrfa. boards, 3s. 6d. 1789 II. Holborn. ] Histories, Miscellanies, Novels, &c. iamo. 1 45 5568 Ferguson's Institutes of Moral Philosophy, 2. 1785 5569 Falstaff's Letters, neat and gilt, 2s. 6d. 1796 5570 Florian's Grenada Conquered, 3 vols, sewed, 5s. 1793 5571 Gregory's Comparative View, iuat/2h. 1772 5572 Glover's Leonidas, 3 Poem, 2 vols. 3s. 6d. 1770 557.3 Gharri's History of the Revolution of Naples, is. 6d. 1664 5574 Goldsmith's Roman History, 2s. J 79^ 5575 History of England, 2 vols, interleaved, 3s. 6d. 1803 5576 Gisbome's Poems, 3s. 6d. x 799 5577 Gee on Trade, is. 6d. 1760 5578 Guide to Domestic Happiness, elegant, 3s. 1801 5579 Gostling's Walk in and about Canterbury, 3s. 6d. 1779 5580 Gay's Poems, 2 vols, neat, 5s. 6d. J 7^7 5581 Guardian, 2 vol*, new and mat , 7s. 5582 Gazetteer of France, 3 vols. 6s. 1793 5583 Golberry's Travels in Africa, 2 vols, boards, 12s. 1802 5584 Goldsmith's Works, 2 vols, (wards, 5s. 1791 5585 Gibson's Pastoral Letters, 2s. 1732 5586 Hume's History of England, 8 vol*, portraits, new, boards, ll. is. 1803 53S7 History of England, in Letters from a Nobleman to his Son. 2 vols mat, j>s. v 1780 5588 Kurd's Dialogues, 3 vols, neat and gilt, 9s. 177 1 5589 Hawkins's Origin of the Euglish Drama, 3 vols, neat, 9s. 1773 5590 Hughes's Letters, 3 v. Is. seued, 5*. 1773 5591 Ditto, neat, 3 vols. 8s, 1773 5592 Hay ley's Poems and Plays, 6 vols, elegant, 18s. 1788 51593 Hood s Remonstrances, and other Poena, boards; is. 6d. 1801 5594 History of William Harrington, 4 vols, seued, 6s. 1797 5595 Haunted Priory, board*, 2's. J 794 5596 History of Stanislaus I. first King of Poland, is. 6tl. 1741 5<9? Hope's Scotch Fencing Master, plates, 2s. 5598 Hallywell's Discourse of the Polity and Kingdom of Darkness 2s. > 1681 5599 History of Nourjahad, half found, is. 6d. 1767 5600 Hanway s Instructions for the Boys of the Marine Society, 2s. 1788 5601 History of most Manual Arts. Excellency of Humane Wit. 28. +~ 1661 5602 Herring's Letters, scurd, 2s. 177.7 5603 Humes Essays and Treatises, 4 vo. neat, 9s. 1760 560.;. Hamiltons Poems, 7icat, 2s. 6d. 1760 5605 Howell's Familiar Letters, neat, 3s. Aberdeen, 17 5 J 5606 History and Antiquities of Winchester, 2 vols, plates, board*, 6s. -*. 1773 5607 Hargrove's Anecdotes of Archery, snued, is. 6d. I ork, 1792 5608 Hager's (Dr. ) Picture of Palermo, boards, 3s. 1800 5609 Hudson's East India Kalndar, boards, is. 6d. 1801 5610 Hume's History of Engl md, 8 vols. plitcs, next.; boards, il.is. 1 So? U 146 Histories, Miscellanies, Koicis, &c. 12R10. [Priestley, 143, 561 1 Di*to, veto and elegantly lovnd, jl. ns. 6d. 1803 $6\i Julia de Roubigue, a tale, 2 vols. 2s. 1782 jjoij Journey from London to Paris, maps and plates. 3s. 6d. it'03 5614 ltard's Historical Account of the Discovery and Education of a Savage Man, boards, 2s. 1802 561^ Junius's Letters, Wot'dfail's edit. 2 vols, 7s. 1772 5616 Juvenile Library, vol. 1, hoards, 4s. 1800 5617 Jonson's Introduction to the Study of History, 2s. 1772 5618 Johnsoifs Fugitive Pieces, 3 vols, neat, 12s. 5619 Joseph Andrews. 2 vols, neat, 4s. I 745 5620 Johnson's Basselap, Prince of Abyssinia, plates, boards, 4s. 6d. 1796 5621 Johnstone's Haco's Expedition against Scotland, srd-ed, 3s. 6d. 1782 5622 Johnstone's Haco's Expedition against Scotland, Anecdotes of Olave the Black, King of Man, and other Tracts, by Johns- ton, hnlfboTtnd, scarce, 7s. 1780 5623 ltard's Discovery and Education of a Savage Man, boards, 2S . 1802 5624 Johnstone's Death Song cf Ledbroc, sraed, 3s. 1782 5625 Jefferey's Pleasures cf Retirement, boards, 2>. 6d. 1800 <6z6 Kotezbue's Constant Lovers, 2 vols, beards, 4s. 6d. 1799 -/* .. Keysler's Travels through Hungary, &c. 4 vols. 10s. 6d. 1758 . 63 3 King's Heathen Gods, is. . J7 4 - Vg" Kame's Essays on British Antiquities, as. 6d. 1763 <6io ^ aox on Education, boards, 2s. 6d. 1781 ^2 j Klimius'a Journey to the World under Ground, 3s. 6d. 1755 t* 2 Letters from Dr. Herring to Duncombe,sm/, is. 6d. 1737 ^$i n Loienzir.o Di Medici, extra bound, 4s. 1797 %6ia. Lee's Dramatick Works, 3 vols. 12s. 1736 *$4 Lloyd's Poetical "Works, 2 vols, neat, 4<=. *774 ^5,'g Lloyd and Lamb's Blank Verse, boards, is. 6d. J 79^ \fal Lette r s from an American in Ireland to his Friend at Trebisond, 5 31 is. 6d. - - 1757 eg, g Lucifer and Mammon, a Sketch on the Last and Present Cen- tury, served, 2s. 1793 t6iQ Langhornes Effusions of Friendship and Fancy, 2 vols. 4s. 1786 V640 Langhorne's Letters, a vols. 3s. 1769 V(5j.i Lives of Notorious Villains, 3s. ; 1678 5642 Loyal Songs written against the Rump Parliament, 2 vols. 4s. 6d. 1731 3643 Loveling's Latin and English Poems, is. 6d. 1741 5644 Langhorne's Poetical Works, % vols, boards, 4s. 6d. 1)66 5645 Letters upon Sacred Subjects, neat, is. 6d. 1757 5646 Letters of Themistocles, as. , J 795 5647 Letters from a Moor at London, to his Friend at Tunis, 2s. 6d. 173$ 5648 Life of Oliver Cromwell, neat, 2s. 1747 5649 Life of Fenelon, is. 6d. 1725 5650 Logic or the Art of Thinking, is. 6d. 1693 5651 Mortimer's Student's Pocket Dictionary, 3s, 1777 H.Holborn. ] Histories, Miscellanies, Novels, c|c. i2mo. 147 5652 Minstrel, 3 voh. seved, 6s. 1793 5653 Messiah, 3 vols. 7s. 6d. 5654 Macpherson's History of Great Britain and Ireland, 2s. 6d. Dub. 1773 5655 Man of Feeling, plates, fxfra bound, 8s. 1800 5636 Macneill's Poetical Work, plates, 2 vols, boards 9s. 1801 5657 Modem Traveller, 4 vols tup? hoards, 7s. 1803 5658 Monk, a. Romance, 3 vols, b-jctrds, 7s, 6d. 1800 5659 Memoirs of the Manstein Family, 2 vol*, extra bound, 5s. 1783 5660 Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg, is. 6d. 1751 5661 More's Remarks en the Mode of Educating Females, is. 6d. 1799 5662 Montague's (Lady Mary) Letters 3 vols, half bound, 3s. 6J.1765 5663 Mayor's Universal History, vol. 21, is. 6d. 1803 5664 More's Utopia or the Happy Republic, neat. 3s. 1762 55 Martyn's Remarks on the /Eniads of Virgil, neat, 2. 6d. 1 77 5 666 Matthew's (Sir Tobie) Letters, $9. 1660 57 Monitio Logica or Translation ot Burgersdicus Logic, is. 6d. 1697 x* Moor's Essays, read to a Society at Glasgow, neat, Is. 6d. 1759 5y>9 Milton's Paradise Lost, vol. 2. tlcgantly bound, 2s. i;95 f! Regained, as. 61. I77 a 5y l Milton's Comus, plates, boards, 2s. *799 5 2* Mysteries of Uddpho, 4 vols, boards, 1 6s. 1799 Syo Memoirs of a Coxcomb, js. 6d. I75 1 5^74 Midwife or Old Woman's Magazine, 3 vols, in I, scarce, 15s. *V* Manners, of the Great, -half bound, 3s. i/83 S'p 6 Monk Unveil'd, is. 6d. ^73 y } 77 Mathias's Odes, Eng. and Lat. not published for sale, boards. ?s. 61. - *79 8 5^7$ Man of the World, 2 vols, new and elegant, 6i. 1/95 5 f) 79 Mirtle and Vine, a Collection of Songs, 3 vols. 7s. 6J. 1800 z(>So New Introduction to Geography, is. 6d. 1002 $6$) Noah, by Collyer, 2 vols. 3*. J 7Z .5 682- Nev, ton's PoemfrmpcJ, is. 6d. J 797 5W3 Nugcnt's Tour to the Netherlands, .ke. 4 vols, neat, 8s. 1783 5684 Oeconcmv of liuru;:n Lite, boards, is. J 77 x 5685 Ousle^'s Epitome of the, \nlient ll!>tory of Persia, translated from the Jehan Aia, a Persian Manuscript, Pers. and Eng. plates, KB boards, 5s. *799 5 5692 Peeper, a Collection ot Bwy i Mora', &C. S. 1798 S 6 0> Patterson's Joineriana or the Book of Scraps, 2 vols. 2s.6d.1772 5 rt 9+ Prior's Poems, 2 vols. 3s. 6d. *754 5 6 95 picture of Pai hameiit, /'oa/Wv, 3". -7 lSo2 5^96 poems by the most eminent Ladies of Grant Britain, 2 vols. 3-.. 5697 Phillip's Poems, boards, if. 6d. i/7^ J4 8 Histories, Miscellanies, Novels, c)c. i2mo. [Priestley, 143, 5698 Prince of Condc, is. 1675 5699 Plaistcd's Journal from Calcutta by Sea to Bi:>sorah, from thence across the Great Desert to Aleppo, &c. 2s. 1758 3700 Pratt's Family Secrets, 5 vols, elegant, il. 4s. . 1798 5701 Percy's Reliques of Ancient Poetry, 3 vols, extra bound, il. i. 1785 5702 Poetical Farrago, 2 vols, neat ami gilt, 7s. 1794 5703 Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded, 4 vols, neat, 12s. *74t> 5704 Prose Epitome, abridged fiom the Elegant Extracts, 4s. 1792 .*)7j> Parnell s Poems, Mraf, 3s. J 77<> 5706 ParneH's Works, blue morocco, 3s. 6d. G/asg. 1767 5707 Pindar's (Peter) Works, 3 vols, sewed, 12s. Dub. 1^2 5708 Popular Tales, 2 vols, boards, 4s. 17^! 5709 Pennington's Letters, 4 vols, ftivcd, 6s. 1766 5710 Gtuarle's Emblems, plates, very neat, js. J736 5711 Radcliffe's Italian, 3 vols, board', 5s. J 797 5712 Rogers's Pleasures of Memory, plates, 8s. 1S02 3713 Relph's Poems, extra bound, marbkd leaves, 4s. 6d. J 797 5714 Rollin's Belles Lettres, 4 vols. 10s. 6d. 17^8 5715 Ditto, 4 vols. 12s. 1749 5716 Rollin's Ancient History, 10 vols, nru: and neat, 2I. 2s. 1800 5717 Robertson's Essay on Punctuation, wear, 2s. 6d. 1^85 5718 Rowe-s (Nicholas) Works, 2 vols. 3s. 6d. 1766 5719 Rowe's (Elizabeth) Works, 2 vols. 4s. 1749 5720 Friendship, in Death, very neat, 2s. 6d. *75 a 5721 Ramsay's Scotch and English Songs, 2 vols, boards, 4s, 6d, *775 5722 Remarks upon the History of the Landed and Commercial Po- licy of England, 2 vols, boards, 3s. I 78s* 57 2 3 Richardson's Guide to Loch Lomond, &c. boards, 2s. 1799 5724 Rawleigh's Marrow of History, is. 6d. 1662 572 ) Ross's Muses' Interpreter, blue morocco, gilt leaves, 3s. 1647 5726 Reeve's Plans of Education, boards, 2s. 1793 5727 Rochefoucault's Maxims, 2s. .-. 177c 5728 Rules, Orders, and Directions, by the Lord Lieutenant and Council of Ireland, is. 6d, . 1742 029 Roderick Random. 2 vols. 5s. . . 1780 5730 Ditto, 4s. I7 r 5731 Raleigh's Arts .of Empire, is. 6cL i6yz 8732 Spectator, 8 vols, half bound, il. is. 1802 t >733 Spectator, 8 vols. 16s. i"44 jj73 4 Ditto, 8 vols, miv and elegantly bound, i\. 4s. *>73 i > Spencer's Works, 6 vols, il.is. I7Ts* 5736 Spirit of the Elbe, 3 vols, in 1, 4$. 6d. 1 799 5737 S pence's Essay on Popes Odyssey, neat, 3s. 1747 5738 Swain's Redemption, a Pcom, as. 6d. 1797 5739 Sanderson's Poems, seued, 2s. 1800 5740 Smith's (Charlotte) Sonnetts, j>/<7r>$, neat, Js. J 79 a 5741 Ditto, 2 vols, boards, 12s. *797 5742 Sorrow, of Werter, beards, 3s. 6d. 1801 5743 Sentimental Memoirs, 2 vols;. 3s. 6d. 1785 H.Holborn, ] Histories, Mifccljamcs, Novels, S/c. iamo. 149 5744 Sterne's Tristram Shandy, 9 vols. 18s. 1760 5745 Ditto. 6 vols. Complete, neat and gilt, 16s. 1782 5746 Sterne's Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, a vols. vert/ neat, $ s .. *794 5747 Stouthouie Monasticon Fevershamcnse in Agro Cantiano, 3--. i6yx 5748 Sterne's Letters, 4 vols, neat and scarce, 1 os. 1776 5749 Shakespeare's Plays, Bell's edition, 8 vols, neat and gilt, 1). 8s. 1778 5750 Shakespeare's \\ orks, by Theobald, 8 vols, neat, marbled leaves, il. 16s. -_ 1767 57 5 i Shakespeare's Plays, printed from the Text of Malonc, 7 vols, Wf, il. 8s. xycfo 5752 Sevigne's Letters, 10 vols, neat, il. 13s. J 7c>4 5753 Swift's Works, 26 vols, complete, neat, 4I. 14s. 6d. 176a 5754 Sulivan's Select Fables, boards, 2s. *774 5755 Spiritual Quixote, 3 vols. wea, 7s. J 78 5 575*5 Shenstone's Works, 2 vols. 4s. * J 773 5757 Seymour's Compleat Gamester, 2s. 1730 5758 Somner's Roman Ports and Forts in Kent, 2s. 1603 5759 Steel's Romish Ecclesiastical History is. J 7i4 5760 Smart's Poems, 2 vols, new, boards, 3s. *79 57^1 School for Tutors, sewed, is. 6d. 1788 5762 Treatise of the nobilitic of the Realinc, scarce, 9s. 164a 57^3 Turkish Spy, 8 vols, neat, il. '753 5764 Truster's Chronology, 2 vols, extra bound, 7s. 57^ Tour Through Great Britain, 4 vols. 8s. 176a 57^ Ditto, 4 vols, best edition, 14s. 1778 57^7 Tatler, 4 vols, neat and gilt, 10s. 6d. I749> 57" 8 Templa's Irish Rebellion, 2S. '679 5769 Tatler, 6 vols, plates, neat, il. is. 1786 5770 Trapp's Lectures on Poetry, is. 6d. *74a 5771 Thomas's History of Pensylvania, scarce r 5s. 1608 ^772 Tryal's for High Treason, 2 vols. 3s. 6d. - 1716 5773 Thompson's Translations and Poems, boards, 2s. 6d. 180 r 5774 Thurston's Poems, sexved, is. *757 5775 Tindal's Polymetis Abridged, 2s. 6d. J 767 5776 Travels through Egypt, Turkey, &c. sewed, is. 6d 1758 5777 Tim Bobbin's Works, sewed, 3s. 1793 '5778 Tooke's Pantheon, 3s. 1793 5779 Talbot's (Catherine) Works, is. 6d. 1795 5780 Taylor's Survey of the Great Post Roads, is. 6d. 1776 5781 Thompson's Sailors Letters, 2 vols, in 1. 4s. 6d. 1767 57 8a Telemachus new boards, is.6d. 1781: 57 8 3 Ditto, 2 vols, plates, boards, 6<. ' 1800 57 8 4 Thomson's Seasons, plates, neiv andneat, 7s. 6d. 1799 57 8 5 Temple on the United Provinces of the Netherlands, is. 6d.i68o 57 8<5 Voltaire's Annals of the Empire, 2 vols. 755> 57 8 7 Urquhart Antiquarian Tracts, 3s. Edin. 177a ' 57 88 Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary, neat, js. 6d. 57 8 9 Prusu Works, vol. i. as. 6d. 177 150 Histories, Miscellanies, Novels, $c. 121110. [Priestley, 143, 5790 Vtms% Roman Nights, hoards, 2s. 179S 5791 Voice from Heaven to the Common Wealth of England, is. 6d. 1654 ^794 Usher's Clio or a Discourse on Taste, neat, 5s. J 77 3 5793 Ditto, with Usher's Theory of the Mind, bound together, mat, 7s. 6d. 1769 & 71 5794 Walpolc's Catalogue of Engravers, neat, 4s. 6d. J 794 5795 Walpolc's Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors, 2 vols, neat, 1 25. XWa/rj/, 1759 5796 Ditto, 2 vols, elegantly bound, blue morocco , gilt leaves, 2I. 2s. St raxebcry H ill, 1758 5797 Walsh's Prospect of the State of Ireland, scarce, 6-. 1682 5798 World b> Adam Fitzadam, 4 vol?, neat, 10s. 6d. 1761 5799 Woty's Poetical Works, 2 vols. 3s. J 77 5800 William's Poems, 2 vols, tewed, 4-;. J 794 5801 William's (Helen Maria) Poems, 2 vols. 4*. *79i 5802 Waller's Works, neat, 2s. 66. ^772 5803 Walpoliana, 2 vols, boards, 5s. 5804 Wallace (Sir William, Life of), 3 vols, scried, 4s. 6J. 1790 5805 Walker's Teacher's Assistant. 2s. i8di 5806 Wren's Monarchy Asserted, is. 6d. 1660 5807 Webb's Remarks on the Beauties of Poetry, is. 66. 1762 5808 Ward's England's Reformation, 3s. 6d. 1719 5809 Wild's Poems, is. 66. 1670 5810 Wieland's Adventures of a Platonic Philosopher, 3 vols, boards, 6s. 1804 581 1 William's Tetters written in France, 4 vols, sexced, 6s. 1792,^. j;Si2 Young's Night Thoughts, 2 vols. 4s. 5813 Ditto, new and clrgantly bound, 2s. 66. 1798 5814 luung's Works, 6 vols, in 3, neat, ios.Cd. 177+ French* Italian, Spanish, &c. Duodecimo. 5815 A BREGE Chronologique de l'Histoire d'Espagne et de Por- J.JL tugal, * torn, board*, 9s. 2 torn, bound, ics. 66. \ Paris, 1765 5816 Ditto, 2 torn, neiv and neat, 13s. Paris, 17 65 5817 Abrege Chronologique de l'Histoire des Empereurs, 2 torn. 1 os. 6d. Paris, 1767 5818 Abrege Chronologique de l'Histoire de France, 5 torn. seueJ, 17s. 6d. * 1788 5819 Aiiquetil Precis de l'Histoire Uinverselle, 9 torn, seived, il. 7s. Paris, an. 7 5820 Arleville Petit Rhetoricien Franchise, boards, as. 1791 5821 Abrege de l'Histoire Ancienne, is. 6d. 1794 5822 Anecdotes de France, 4 torn. 9s. Amst. 1764 3823 du Nord, 3s. Paris, 1770 ,5824 Clunoisej, Japanoiscs, Sec. stived, 31. ib. 1772 H. Holborn.] Histories, Mi/ct Names, XoTc!e,$c. zimo. 151 5825 Ariane, 2 torn in 1, as. , I ^3 2 5826 Almanack duVoyageur a Paris, is.6d. Paris, 1786 5827 Adventures de Sapho, scueJ, 2s. *- ^oj ^828 du Baron de Foeneste, 2 torn. 3s. 6d. Amst. 173 1 5829 Abbadie l'Art de se Cooiaitre, as. mm Haye, 1760 5830 Avril Voyage en divers Etats d'Europe et Asie, 2s. 6d. , Paris, 1693 5831 Abrege de Toutes les Sciences, se-ard. is. Brux. 1784 5832 Analyse de la Philosophic ct laYiede Fr. Bacon, torn, hearth* 6s. . ' iW5 5833 Bennet Lettres du Comte d'Arlington. is. 6d. A'ust. 1701 '5834 Boileau (d.uvres de), atom, boards, 5s. Paris, ijjo 5835 2 to;n - ncat > IOS - &*. G'atg. I 759 5836 4 torn, avec Fig. Picart, 8s. Haye, 1722 5837 2 torn. 6s. Penis, 1735 5838 ,5 torn. Notes par Saint Mark, served, 1I.53. Amst. 1772 5839 Batteux Principes dc ia Litterature, 6 torn, seued, 10s. 6d. * . J 777 58^--) Bonheur (Temple du), 3 torn, neat, 7s. 6d. Uoj/i/. 1769 5841 Boyer Voyage a l'Amerique Occidentale, 6s. 6d. Paris, 1654 5842 Bos Antiquities de la Grece, 2s. 6d. 1769 5843 Bossuet Hist. Universelle, 4 torn. zos. 6d. Amst. 1738 5844 Ditto,- complete in 3 torn. 7s. 6d. 1722 5845 Buffon Histoire Natorelle, 15 torn, avee Fig. 2I. 2s. Paris, 1769 5846 Beaumont Lettres de M. de Roselle, is. 6d. 1767 5847 Magazin des Enfans, 2 torn. 3s. J792 5848 Barthelemy Caiite et Polydore,/*uil des Orasons, 2s. Paris, 1704 6001 Mercier L'An Deux Mille Quatre Cent Quarante, 3 torn. 6s. 1786 6002 Naudaeana et Patieana, 2s. Paris, 1 701 6003 Nouveaa Testament, as. I 79 3 6004' is. 6d. 1673 6005 per Quesnel, 4 torn. 6s. Brux. 1702 6006 .Ne*-ker Opnons Rel gt'.es, 2s. 6d. , 1708 6007 Olearius Coursde la Poste et Europe, Vienna, 1780 6008 Ostervald L'Exoercice du Ministore Sacre, is. 6d. Basle, *739 6009 Paschal Let tres Provinciates, />o?Yfo, 3s. *754 6010 Poets de France, Villon, Mafot, Creten, D'Auvergne, et Co- que lart, 6 torn, rkgant, jl. ios. Paris, 1723 601 1 Le Pluche H : sto;re du Cieh 2 torn. 4s. 6d. 1757 6012 Paul et Virgnie, Fig. boards, 2s. 6d. 1803 6013 Pnncipes Elementaires dela Po'etique, is. 6d. Metz. 1775 6014 loivre Voyage dun Ph 1 >sophe, tewed, is. 6d. Par. An. J 6015 Passe-Terms Agreeable, 2 torn, en t, sctccd, 2s. Amnt. 1J43 6016 Pieces Interes antes et peu Counties, 7 lorn, fcucd, 14s. />;.r. 178.5 6017 Roll n H store Romaine, 16 torn, fe-u'ed, 2I. 2$. Paris, 1788 6018 Be.les Letters, 4 torn, boards, ios. 6d. .////?. 1745 6019 4 torn, neat, 12s. /Vw. 1736 6020 Relation du Journal Voyage Indies Orientalis, as. 6d. Paris, 1677 6021 Rousieau Emlie, 4 torn, en 2, 4s. 6d. 176a 6022 4 torn, large paper, sewed, 16s. 1781 6023 Helo'se, tofla, large taper, tewed, rl. 4s. 1781 6024 Confessions, 2 torn. 6-;. ' ' 178a 6025 5 torn, new and neat, ills. 178a 6026 Dialogues. 2 torn. 3s. 6d. 178a 6027 Letters, 2s. 6d. 178a 6028 Melees, 4 tern. 6s. 176a <5o2 9 1 . Traduction de Tacite, is. 61. 1781 6030 Lett res F.crites de la Montague, 4s. 6d. 1781 6031 DiscourssurCeite Question, boards, is. 6d. i;3i 6032 Theatre et Poesies. boards, is. 6d. 1781 6033 Roman de la Rose, per de Lorris, 3 torn. 12s. Amst. 1733 6034 Rapn (CEvresde)3 torn. 6s. II ye, 1725 6035 Racan (CEuvres, de ) 2 torn. 4s. 6d. P iris, 1724 6036 Rabelais ((Envres de), 3 tom./c. wed, 7s. 6d. /frjc, 17S9 6037 Ravnal llistoireduStadhoudcrat, is. 6d. /fry/, 1748 6038 Reeucil de Voyages au Nord, 10 torn, nvec Fig. ik ios. Jw/J. Xa . 1738 1^6 French, Italian, Spanish, S)C. i2mo. [Priestley, 143, 6039 Royal Jeu de L'Ombre et du Piquiet et Eschecs,.sezm/, is. 6d. Hoye, 1 7 1 2 6040 St. Palaye Histoire des Troubadours, par Millot, 3 tom. 15s. Paris, 1774 6041 Scarron les Nouvelles, 2 torn, en 1,2s. 6d. Paris, 1717 604a Sully (Memoirs de) 10 torn, boards, il. 7s, Lfege, 17 88 6043 Scarrou (Roman Comique de) 3 torn, boqrds, 6s. Par. 1784 6044 Ditto, 3 torn, neiv and very neat, 10.-;, 6d. Par. 1784 6045 Struys Voyage en Moscovie et Perse, 3 torn. avecFig. 7s. 6d. Amst, 1718 6046 Smith Histoire de la Nouvelle York, 2s. <5d. 1767 6047 Saint Real (OEuvres de), 6 tom. xos. 6d. Amst. 1740* 6048 St. Lambert les Saisons Poeme, boards, 2s. 6d. l 7%5 6049 St. Evermoniana, 3s. Amst. 1701 6050 Steele le Ueros Chretien, is. Hoye, 1729 6051 Sevigne (Lettres Nouvelles de), saved, 2s. - Par. 1773 6052 Sophie ou le Triomphe des Graces sur la Beaute, 2s. I /7 6053 Trublet P2ssais de Literature, 4 tom 4s. . ib. 1762 6034 Tressan Mythologie Comparee avec Histoire, 2 tom. sewed, 4s. Par. 1782 605 5 Tableau des Revolutions de rEmpired'Allemagne, 2 tom. 4s. 6d Pr. 1777 60^6 de 1 Histoire de France, 2 tom. 4s. Par. 1782 6057 Triomphe de I'Amitie, is. 6d. J 75i 60^8 Traite des Trois Imposteurs, 5s. 177" 6059 Telemaque (Les Adventures de), 23. 6d. I "4'J 6060 Ditto, new, 2s. 6d. calf gilt, 3s. <5d. 179^ 6061 Ditto, new sewed, as. 6d. 1 799 6062 Telemachus, Fr, and Eng. 2 vols, new, 6s. 6d. I 79'> 6063 Tableau de THistoire de France. 2 torn. 4s. 6d. Paris, 1788 6064 Thierry Guide des Amateurs et des Etrangers Voyagcurs a Pa'is, 2 tom. avec Fig. 6s, Paris, 1787 6065 Tfilhie Histoire Romaine, 4 tom. J2S. J 754 6066 Thomas (CEuvres de), 4 tom. 7s Pans, 1773 6067 Ttrcl'Espion, 7 tom. 10s. 6d. Cologne, 171$ 6068 T&xe d.Ta Boutique du Pope, 3s. Lyon. 1 $64, 6069 TaLlettes pour les Negocians, &c. sewed, is. I 772 6070 Vie du Marechal Due de Villars, 4 tom. 12$, Paris, 1784 6071 Voltaire Candide, is. cjd. and 2s. 1 759 6072 (Theatre de), 8 tom. neat, jl. j. 1773 6073 . Guerre de 1 741, neat, 2s. 1/5^ 6074 le Vaux Hall Populairc, neat, 3s. 6d. 6075 Velly Histoire de France, 30 tom. neat, 3I. i^s. Paris. 1775 6076 Venette Tableau de l'Amour, 2 tom. boards, 5s. 1785 6077 Vertot Histoire de Revolutions. 3 tom. 5s. Maye, s- { 2\ 6078 Ditto Complete in 2 tom. 4s. 6d. Jmst.i']$g 6079 yoyage Pittorcsque de Paris, 2s. 6d. Paris. 1765 6080 Vansleb Voyage in Egyyte, 4s. 6d. Pam.i6;8 608 1 Walelet l'Art de Peindie, as. 6d. Amst.f/61 6082 "Wakefield (Le Cure de) per Bissct, sewed, as. 6d. 1796 6083 Wheltr Voyage de Grece et Levant, 2 tom. avec Fig. 5s Amst. 1689 H. Holborn.} Trench, Italian, Spanish. &c. 12010. i$j 60S4 Ditto, fine Copy, in vellum, 8s. 1689 6083 Zur Lauben Histoire Militahe desSuisses, 8 torn. i6sParis. 1751 6086 ARIOSTO Satire e Rime, is. 6d. Lond. 17 16 6087 Bentivoglio (Lettre di), is. Fen. 1669 t)oSS - Ital et Fr. 2s, Brux. 1709 6089 Amadis d. Gaula, imperfect, 2s. 6090 Boccacio 11 Philocopo, 4s. J'eneg. 1538 6091 Beccaria del Deliti e delle Pene, 2s. Ditto, 2s. 6d 1766 6092 Ditto, 3s. 6d. 1734. Ditto, 3s. 6d. 1780 6093 II Diabolo Zoppo, 29. Vcnet. 1751 6094 II Torto e il Diritto, mortco. 3s. 6d. ib. 1671 <596" Ciuicciardini Uetti efatti Piacevolij2S. Vien. 15 11 6096 Due Commedie di Goldni, sewed, is. 6d. J79 1 6097 Gravina Tragedia Cinque, 3s. Napoti, 1J12 6098 Lirici Antichi, boards, 33. Vicnz. 1784 6099 II Malmantile Racquistato di Lippi, extra hound, 8s. Vat, 178S 6100 Lettres d'une Peruvienne H. Fr. per Deodati, W, 3s. 1801 6101 Lettres Italian et Francoise, is. 6"d. Z uric. 1699 6102 Machiavelli Sopra Livio, is. 6d. Palerm. 1584 6103 Poesie del Metastasio, 12 torn. 3I. 10s. 6d. Parigi. 1755 6104 Cornelio Massci Viaggi per laTurchi, 2 torn. 7s. Ven. 1682 6101; Nardi II. Segretario Principiante, is. 6d. Roma. 1742 6106 Poesie di Ossian, 3 torn, sewed, 6s. Pisa. 1801 6107 Gentillericcio Filososia de Amore, con Fig. 4s. F/en. 1618 6108 Satire di Salvatoi Rosa, new, sewed, 2s. J 79* 6109 Telemaco, Ital. et French, 4 tom. sewed, 8s. /.tone. 1 794 61 10 Tasso la Gierusalemme Liberata, 2 tarn, plates, 10s. 6d." Glasgua, 1763 61 11 Ditto, 2 tom. g// leaves, 13?. 1763 6112 Tasso la Gerusalemme Liberata, 2 tom. en 1.12s. 1778 'French, Spanish* and Italian, &V. l6mo. and 18mo. 61 13 A NGOLA Histoire Indienne, 2 tom. neat, 4s. ^5Tff,i75i 6114 * Amours de Clean-Ire et de Omphalc, parOlleni de Mont- sacre, neatly half bound Par. 1598 61 15 Amour* des Dames Illustres, is. 6d. Cologne, 16S0 r>n<5 __ de Daphnis et Chloc, elegant, gilt leaves, 3s. 6d. 1780 61 17 Boileau ((lv.ivrcs de), 2 torn, new, neat, 7s. Par. 1770 6118 3 tom. mc/, 9s. /. 1750 6ri9 Ditto, stereotype edition, 2 tom. smed, 3s. 6J. a//. 7 6120 Ditto, 2 vcK. mil) and elegant, 6s Par. an. f 6121 Boileau (Poesies de), sewed, i<.6d. Par. 1800 6122 .lkrengcr ((Kuvresde), 1 Um\. extra bound, 6"s. 1785 6123 Dernier (CEuvrcs Mcslecs.de'), j.-. 6J. Geneva, i"j^ jj;8 Trench, Sfanisli^ and Italian, i6mo. and l8mo. [Priestley, 143,' 124 Baiserssuivis du Moisde Mai, elegant, 4*. 1777 6125 Bibliotheque de Society, 2 torn. 3s. 6d. 1 Ti J - 126 Bibiena Triomphe du Sentiment, is. 6d. ' 175 ^ 6127 La Bible, 3 torn. wtY/f, 4s. 6d. Geneve, 1570 128 Crebillon l'Ecumoirc Histoire Japanoise, 2 torn. 3s. 1735 129 Chausse (CEuvres de), 5 torn. 10s. 6d. Par. 1 J 62 6130 Crebillon (CEuvresde), 3 torn, 6^. I 749 6*31 Chaulieu (CEuvresde), 2 torn, neat, 6s. Haye. 1.777 6132 Clarisse Harlowe, 10 torn, elegant, gilt leaves, il. is. 1784 6133 Corncille (CEuvres de P. ), 10 torn, woroe'eo, 2I. 103. Par. 1758 6134 (Chefs CEuvres de P.), 4 torn, stereotype, j?e paper, boards, 14s. An. 8 fa3$ (Chefc CEuvres P. & T, ), 4 torn, stereotype, sewed, 6s. * An. 8 6136 Chevalier de Faublas Annee de Vic 5 torn, sewed, 5s. 1787 6137 Chompre Dictionnaire de la Fable, 2's. 175-5 138 Dassovey Poesies et Lettres, is. 6d. Paris. if 5$ 139 Diderot (CEuvres de Theatre de) 2 torn. 3s, J 759 6140 E>renne pour l'An, 1792 avec Fig, is. Lavsanc, 6141 Fosse (Chef d'CEuvres,) is. 6d. Pa ris, 1784 6142 Florian Estelle Pastorale elegant morocco, js~ i798 6143 Floricourt (Memciresde), 3 torn neat, 6s. 1782 U144 Florian Galatei Pastorale, sewed, 2s. Par. An. 2 614,5 Fontaine Fables Choisies, 2s. 6d. 1731 (6146 2 torn. 5s. Par. i/43 147 (CEuvres Devcres,) 4 torn. 4s. Par.ijAo 6148 Foiblesses D'line Jolie Femine, is. 6d. ~ J 7&5 6149 Gresset (CEuvres de), 2 torn. 3s. 6d. 1758 fiijo Gil Bias, 6 torn, neat, 12s. ' Lille. 1796 615 1 Goussault Portrait d'un ilonneste Homme, is. '1693 152 Helvetius (Poesies de), 2s. 178* 6153 Les Clefs de Philosophie Spagyreque, as, I7 22, 6154 L'Buropeenne Sauvage. 2 tom.seuet?, 2s. An, 6 61$$ Lettresde. D'Heloisj et D'Abelard, 2 torn, neat, $s. Par. ifgi 6156 LaLiturgie, as. , *794 61 57 Lettres de Ninon de L'Enclos au Marquis de Sevignc, 2 torn. 4 e . A?nat. 1/57 6158 Lidorie Ancicnne Chronique Allusive, 2 torn, saved, 2S. i79 6159 La Morale Pratique des Jesuites, 2?. 6d. 1669 6160 Malherbe et de Racan Poesies, sened, is. 6d. . ^.9 <>l6i Milleetun Faveurs Contes de Com- par la Heine de Navarre 8 torn, sewed, 12s. J 74 6162 Montesquiere (CEuvres de) 4 torn. 7s. 1777 163 Memohes a Angleterre ou Histoire des deux Ptoses, is. 6d. Atttst. 1726 6164 Montesquieu Lettres Per? anes, 2 torn. 3s. 0/05.1721 6165 Memoires sur la Vic De Jean Racine, is. 1747 6166 Moliere (CEuvresde), 8 torn. il. is. Paris. 1770 6167 Mayer -Adventures de Charles le Ben, 3 torn, neat, )s. 6d.ijS6 <5i68 Nugent's Fr.et Eng. Dictionary, >uiv, and neat, 5s 1803 "6169 Noivveau Testament, Vukriile, 3s, -' &? CEuvres de PhilUppc des Portes . Rouen. 161 1 H. Holborn. ] French, Spanish, and Ita!ian,&c.i6mo. and i8iuo. 159 617 1 Ovidc (CEuvres Amouruscs d') 1 torn, neat, 6s. 1786 6172 Pot Pourri ou la Henri a de Travestie &c. neat, 33. 6d. 1783 6173 Pascal Lcttres Proviociales, elegant, 3s. 1766 6174 Pingeron Les Abeilles Poemc, 2s. 6d. Amst.i/jn 617$ Racine la Religion, Poeme, 2s. 6d. Par. 1763 6176 Ditto, 2 torn, elegaiit, gilt leaves, 5s. 1785 6177 Ramsey Voyage de Cyras, I'r. ct Eng. 2 torn. 4s. 1786 6178 Ronsard (Jea Odes de,) 2 torn. 2s. 6d. Par. 1587 6179 Rousseau CEuvres de J. B. 2 torn. Jine paper, 6s. Par. Didot. '799 6180 (CEuvres de) 34 torn. 61.6s. 1785 6181 Racine (CEuvres de), 2 torn. 3?. Par. 1699 6182 Rabelais (les CEuvres de) 3s. 1 55^ 6183 8 torn rvitk notes, 18s. Amst. 175+ 6184 Scarron Roman Comique, 3 torn, seucd, 6s. Par. An g 6185 Ditto, 3 vols. ca> and elegantly bound, 12s. -Par. 1784 6186 Telemaque, (les Adventures,) 2s. J 7.5* 6187 Ditto, 3 torn, elegantly bound, 6s. 6d. Par. 178* 6188 Tavern rer du Serrail du Grand Seigneur, Simonville Ceremonies and Gustumes des Juifs, 3s. 1678-168* 189 Virgil les Georgiques, par De Lille, served, is. 6d. Par. 1789 6190 Volney les Ruins des Empires, 2 torn, served, 3s. 6d. Par, 1797 6191 Voltaire la Pucelle D'Orleans, served. 2s. *77* 6192 boards, is. 175S 6193 Ditto, neat, 2<. 6d. Ditto, neat, gilt leaves, 3s. 1780 6194 Voltaire Romans ct Contes, 3 torn. 6s. 1781 6i95 (Theatre de) 11 torn. 16s. 6J. 175* 6196 Ditto, Stereotype, 12 torn. 7ierv served, il. is. Par.lSoi 6i97 Voltaire la Ilenriade 2s. Geneve, 1 7 75 6198 - neat, 3s. J 7^9 6199 boards, 2s. 6 I. 179.? 6200 2 torn, neat, 6s. 174& 6201 Zadig, screed, is. 6d. 1796 6202 Vernes (Poesies de) neat, gilt leaves, 178$ Translation of the Classics, in French. Octavo and Duodecimo 6203 A RIOSTE Roland Furieux, per D'Arioste, 4 torn, ea 2, ?ie'at, 10s. 6d. - . Amst, 1756 6204 Anacreon et Sapho, Gr. et Fr. per Longepierre, is. 6d. Par. 169% 6205 Aristophanf le Plutus et les Nuces, per Le Fe Fevre, nmo. neat, 2S. Lyon. 1796 6206 Aristote La Poetiqnc, par Dacier, is. 6d. Amst. 1733 6207 Boetio, 2s. "Vine, 1 527 6208 Brumoy Theatres des Grecs, 6 torn, sewed, 15s. Par.i76j 6209 Ditto, 6 torn, very neat, 18s. ib. 1749 160 Translations of the ClaJJics, in French, 8vo. i2mo. [Prie<-tley,i45> 6210 Barclay, (L'Argenis d') par Josse, 3 torn. nrao. $?. Chart 1 cs. 1732 fori Cesar, par D'Ablancourt, 2 torn. umo. 2s. 6d. 1673 6212 Ciceron les Oraisones, par Villefore, 8 torn. i6>. Far. 1732 6213 Tusculaines, 3 torn. 7s. 1737 6214 la Nature des Dieux, 3 torn. 4s. 6d. - 1721 6215 Ditto, neat, 6s. 1721 6216 Diogene Lserce, Vie des Philosophies, 3 torn. i2mo. 7s. 6d. Amst. 1757 6217 Demosthene Traduction, par Gin, 2 torn, hards, 10s. 6d. Par. 1 79 1 6218 Enripide (Tragedie d'), per Prevost, 4 torn. i2mo. sewed, 10s. l'ar. 1782 6219 Euripide Tragedie, Ital.etGr. iotom. 2I. 5s. Padoia,i'j43 6220 Elien Histories Diverses, neat, 5s. Par. 1662 6221 Epicteto, par Sanchez, is. Mad. 161 2 622a Fontani Fabulae, Lat. et Gr. par Gerard, 2 torn. 10s. 6d. Rotham. 1775 6223 Fables de Fearne, par Perrault, cuts, 1 2mo. is. 6d. Amst.iyiS 6224 D'Horace, per Tarteron, 2 torn. nmo. 2s. Amst. 17 10 6225 D'Horace CEuvres, per Dacier, 8 torn. il. 4s. ib. 173 r 6226 Ditto, 8 torn, extra bound, il. 4s. 6227 Hieroglyphes dits D'Horapolle, per Requier, 2s. 6d. ib, 1779 6228 Harangues Choisies, par Millot, 2 torn, seived, 2s. 6d. Lyon, 1776 6229 Isocrate, par D'Auger, 3 torn. il. is. Par. 1781 6230 Josephe, par Dandilly, 5 torn. 12010. 7s. 6d. ib. 1680 623 1 Longin Traite dn Sublime, par Boileau, large paper, neat, 3s.6d. 6232 Lucrece, par Le Grange, avec Fig. 2 torn, neat, 18s. Par. i"j6y 6233 Lucien, par D'Ablancourt, 3 tom. i2mo. 4s. 6d, ^74 6234 D'Ovide les Metamorphoses, par Bellegarde, avec Fig. 2 torn. 6s. Par. 1701 6235 Ovid Opera, Fr. et Lat. par De Marolles, 7 tom. 10s. 6d. Lutet'ur, 1660 6236 Phoedrus, Lat. et Fr. nmo. is. Amst. 1713 6237 Pline Panygyriques de Trajan, par Tacy, is. 6d. Par. 1709 6238 Plaute, par Guedeville, io tom. 10s. Liide, 17 19 6239 Perse (Satires de), Lat. et Fr. par Cote, 4s. Par. 1771 6240 Plato, par Dacier, 2 tom. 5s. Amst. 1700 6241 la Republique, 2 tom. 4s. 1763 6242 Seneque, par le Grange, 6 tom. elegantly bound, gilt leaves, 2I.2S. Par. u:,.3 6243 Tacite (Histoire de), Lat. et Fr. 5 tom. 18s. Par. 1780 6244 Traduction d'Anciens Ouvrages Latins Relatifs a l'Agricul- ture et a la Medicine Veterinaire, par Bonnetrie, 6 tom. il. is. ib. 1773 6245 Terentio, 2s. Vineg. 1546 6246 Vitruve Abrege d'Architecture, 2s. Ditto, 2s. 6d. 1674 6247 Vegece Institutiones Militaires Par. 1743 6248 Xenophon la Cvropajdie, par Charpent.'er, neat, 2s. 6d. Jlaj/e, 1732 H. Holborn.] Translations of the Classics, in French, 8vo. l2mo. 161 6249 U Libro delle Preghiere Publiche, morocco, 7s. 1685 6250 II Nuovo Testaihento, morocco, 9s. *5/6 6z$i Piacevoli Notti di Straparola, .sc/r26i Basilii Valentini Chymischer Schriiten, 2 torn, boards, 3s. 6d. Lipi. 17 6g 6262 Die emzige Wahre Religion, 2s. Franc. 1 7 CI 6263 Goethe Schriften, 4 torn, sewed, 10s. 6d. Lips. 1787 6264 Klims Underirdesche Reise, is. 6d. Copenh. 1765 6265 Kretchmans Werke, 5 torn, .sewed, 7s. 6d. Carls. 1785 6266 Lichte,nbergs Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, 6 torn, boards, 1 os. 6d. J 794 6267 Herder von der Gabe Sprachen, sewed, is. 6d. B\iga, 1794 6268 Wieland der Neue Amadis, 2 torn, saved, 3s. Cor/*. 1777 6269 Marionetten Theater, beards, is. 6d. ll'ien. 1778 6270 Klimus Underirdesche Reise, is. 6d. Copenh. 1765 6271 Das Schloss zu Mindheim, is. 6d. J,ips. ijgi 6272 Salsman Gottisverehrungen gehalten im Bclsate, 6 toju. sewed, 6s. fr. 1783 6273 Polish Liturgy, 2s. 6d. Gedcnshit 1737 6274 PETRARCHA (Rima di), 2 torn, ma/, 7s. 1784 627$ 2 torn. 4s. 6d. Vcnctia, 1554 6276 Tasso (Aminta di), neat, 3s. 6d. Parigi, 1781 6277 Dilla Lira del Cavalier Marino, is. 6d. I'ien. 1629 6278 Leone Hebreo Daloghi di Amore, morocco, 4^ l'cn. 1 1586 6279 Ciampoli Poesie Funcbri e Morali, 2s. - Tc-h. 66a 6280 Telcraaco, Ital. et Fr. 4 torn, nzvid, 8s. Bivss. 1798 6281 Ambasciata di Romolo a Komani, morocco, 3s. ib. 1671 6282 Corsini \\ Torracchione Dcsolata, 2 torn. 7s. 6d. rrm, 1768 6283 Dotti (Satire del), 2 torn. Ginc-.ra, 1757 6284 Gratiani la Cleopatra Poems, 2s. Jen. i6~o 6285 Lncrezio di Marchetti, 2 torn, xeryn^at, &. 1761 6286 Ditto, 2 torn. iHiat, 5s. r . _ j--^ 287 Lippi il Malmantile Racquistato, neat, 5s. Prault, 1767 1 62 Translations of the Classics, in F/cnch, Svo. i2mo. [Priestley, 143 62SS Scielta di FacctieMotti, &c. .$?. / 7//, 1708 62S9 Rime di Gio. BaUista Marino, is. 6d. ib. 1608 629c II Icmp'o di Gr.ido, : r. et Ital. 4s. Prault. lrfj 6291 D' Apo) Ion le Temple, 2 torn. 3s. Iio-;n\ : 61 2 6292 Yriarte Letterariscbe Fabeln, seue d, is, 6d. Leip. iySS Classics, Ssc. Lathi, Greek, and Hebrew. l6mo. and i8mo. 6293 A NTONINUS (Marcus), Gr. et Lat. Ojcon. 16S0 6294 -tJa. Amoris Effigies, is. 6ch Land. 6295 -^-dmiranda Rerum Admirabilium Encomia, 4s. Noxiom. 1666 6296 Aristophanes, Gr. et Lat. 3s. Amst. 1670 6297 in vellum, 4s. ib. 1670 6298 Arnisaei Doctrina Politica, is. 6d. ib. 1643 6299 Ausonius Tollii, is. 6d. ib. 1669 6300 jEsopi Fabula;, Gr. et Lat. is. Lugd. 1619 6301 Artificia Hominium Nat. in Sina et Europa, 4s. Franc. 16^5 6302 Augustini Confessiones, is. 6d. Ehh. 1675 6303 ' ; is. 6d. Colon. 1637 6304 Asconii Comment. in. Ciceroms Orationes, is, 6d. Lugd, B. 1675 6305 Biblia Hebraica, a Letisden, morocco, gilt ' a-ves, il. 5s. 1701 6306 Boxhornii Emblemata Politicals. Amst. 16^1 6307 Bredenbachii Collationes Sacrae, is. 6d. Colon. 1591 6308 Barki Pamata, 2 torn. 2s. 6d. Amst. 164.3 6309 Barclaii Argenis, 1?.- Elziv. 1659 6310 Bacon de Augmentis Scientiarum, 4s. Lvgd. B. 16^2 6311. : 3s. <5d. ib. 1645 6312 -2 torn. 5s. 1645 6313 : - Novum Organum, 3s. 6d. Amst. 1660 $ 3 J4 Novum Organum, 3s. 6d. Lugd. B. 1645 63 J 5 -Opera Omnia, 7 torn. il. 4s. Amst. 1730 6316 Caesar, 2 torn, neat, 6s. Brindlcy, 1744 $3 l 7 ' -4 torn, neat, 15s. Glasg. Foulis, 1750 63 1 8 Catullus^Tibulkis. et Propertius, rent, 3 s. 6d- Brindley, 1 749 63 19 Cocceii Sanctse Scripturae Potentia demonstrata, 3 torn. OT0 - rocco ; 6s. _ _ /r/ r . j6^ 6320 Ciacconius de Trielinio, is. 6d. Amst. 1664. 6321 Cluverii Geographia, . is. 6d. . ib. 16-0 6322 Ciceronis Opera, 10 torn, in 8, il. 4s. ib. i6gJ.B.i6$i 6338 Epitome Vitr d ; vi Antonii, is. 6d. 166 6339 Erasmi Coilcr >nes, 2s. Anutt. i6ji 6340 Erasmi Apothegmata, 2 torn. 3s. LuSg. 1552 6341 Floras Zeucotii, is. ' Ain$(. 1638 6342 Florus et Arapelius, 2s. Elzh: 1657 6]43 3s. 6d. il>. 1638 6344 Erontini Stratagemata a Valart, as. Paris, 1 6345 * L. Bat. 1615 6346 Firmiani Sivculi Genius, 2->. Paris. 6347 Gouofredi de Amoribtis Libri tres, 2s. 6d. Lud. B. 1648 6348 Golnitzii Itinerarium Belgico-Gallicuro, is. 6d. Elziv. 1655 6349 Grotius de Studiis instituendis, 2s. ib. 1645 6350 Hippocratis Aphorismi, Gr. et Lat. a Viliebrunc, gUt leefi 4s. 6d. Paris, 1779 635 uHoratius, a Bond, 2s. Amst. 1643 6352 Heinsii in Horatii Opera Notje, 3-. Ehv: 1729 6353 Homeri Ilias, Gr. et Lat. 3s. 6d. G~o;. 1609 6354 - 1 Od}-ssea, Gr. et Lat. 3s. 6355 Opera, Gr. et Lat. 2 torn. 10s. 6d. P.Stcph, 1604 63 56 Odyssea, Gr. ct Lat. Bergleri, mat, 7s. 6d. Amst. 1707 *>357 Opera^Gr. et Lat. Bergleri, 2 torn. 16s. ib. 1707 '63,8 * " Clarkii, 2 torn. 16s. ib. 1743 6359 Hilperti Disquisitio de Preadamitis, 2s. 6d. ib. 1656 6360 Harveius de Generatione, is. 6d. . ib.\6$t 6361 Justini Historia, is. 6d. ib. 1722 6362- is. 61. 0.10/1.1669 6363 is.6d. Tra . 1668 6364 a Mattairc, is. 6d. L0fttf.j7.lJ 6365 " -mat, gilt leaves, 3s. 6d. 1 - 1 5 {5^66 Justiniani Ijistitutiones. 2s. Paris, 1676 6367 Johu. nis And., i.i Epigramoiata, is. 6d. Load. 16-9 6366 JufenalwetPcrsius, H. Haga-,\$ 6369 Index Expurgatorius, is. 6d. Zkgd.\-o Kerckrin^ii Curru- Triumphalis Antimonii, 2s. Atm . ^ J j- x Lucia ni Dialogi SllvcLi, Gr.et Lat. is. 6372 Lucanus Pulinanr.i, is. 6d. _ Anti: tea* 6373 Grotii, ! 6d. _ j meti .<5^ 4 Livii H s oria, 2 v>m. 4 s. - ( ^375 Leedcs Vcterrs Ppets Citati, is. _ Cant ijoi \ z 164 Classics, tyr. Lathi, Greek, <$- Hebrew. i6mo. ice. [Priestley, 143, 6376 Ludicrarum et Amcenitatum Scriptores Varii, 2s. 6d. Lugd.B. 1638 6577 Memoriale Vitae Sacerdotalis, is. 1795 6378 Manutii Epistolae, 2s. Vend. 1558 6379 Martialis Epi gramma ta Farnabii, is. 6d. Amst. 1644 6380 Miltoni pro Populo Anglicano Defensio, is. 165/ 6381 Montrose de Rebus Gestis, 1644-3-6, 2s. 16.1648 6382 Novum Testam. Gra?cum, is. Field. 6383 Ditto, 2 torn, morocco, lis. R.Stepb.i$6& 6384 Nov. Test. Latinum, is. 6d. Antvirfue,i^$ 6383 Ovidii Metamorphoses Farnabii, 2s. Amst. 1650 6386 Ovidius, torn. 3, 2s. 6d. L. Bat Ehiv. 1629 6387 Olai Magni de Gentibus Septentrionalibus Historia, 2s. 6388 Officium B. Mariae, morocco, 2s. Amb. Lord Hills, 1 399 6389 Pascasius Justus de Alea, 2s. Amst. 1642 6390 Phordrusi cum Notis T. Fabri, is. 6d. Franc. 1700 6391 Ptuedrus, sewed, is. 6d, Brindley, i jc . 6392 half bound, is, 6d. Par. Didot, C i 7U Q 6393 neatly bound. Par, Typ. Regia, 1720 6394 Prudentius, is. 6d, Amst.ifa? 6395 ^ auti Comet dia^, 3s. Plantin. 166$ <5 39< 5 _- . IS . 6d. j666 6397 in i Epistolae, 3 torn, very neat, 12s. Glasg. ij? x 6398 is. 6d. Elziv. 1640 6399 Panegyrici Veteres, 2 torn, neat in vellum, 10s. 6d. Par. 163^ 6400 Petrarcha de Remediis Vtriusque Fortuna?, 2s. 161 3 6401 Pindari Olympia, Gr. et Lat. 2s. 6d. P.Stcph. 1626 6402 Q. Curtius, sewed, is. Amst. Eh. i6j 6403 neatly bound, 5s. . Brindley, 1^6 6404 Rutilii Num. Galli Itinerarium, is. 6d. Amst. 1687 6405 Sallust, a Hermannide, 2s. Amst. 1661 6406 cum Notis Min-elli, is. Oxon. iyo 6407 Senecae Opera, 4. torn, in i-dlkm, 12s, - ; Elziv. 1649 6408 Ditto, 4 torn, jfoe coj&j/, il. is. ^.^ 6409 Ditto, Lipsii, vellum, 3s. 6d. y/m. 6440 Cowley's Poetical Works, 4 vols, sewed, 5s. I 77I 6441 Ditto, neatly bound, 9s. 1784 6442 Chapone's (Mr^.) Letters on the Mind, new, 3s. 1795 6443 Crums of Comfort, is. 6d. . 1609 454,4. Common Prayer, blue morocco, (Reeves's) 8s. 1805 6445 Common Prayer, red morocco 6*. 1788 6446 Churchill's Poetical Works, 3 vols, in 2, 4s. *799 6447 Dillon's Poetical Works, elegant 2s. 3d. 178a 6448 Donne's Poetical Works, 3 vols, neat, 6s. 6d. 1 179 6449 Dryden's Poetical Works, 3 vols, neat, 6s. 6d. 1777 6450 Ditto 3 vols, bound in 2, 6s. 177^ 64^1 Derham's Astro-Tholcgy, 2s. 6d. 175 64152 Physico-Thcology, 2 vols. 4s. 6d. 1749 64^3 ' Physico and Astro. 3 vols, neat, 9s. '749 64 $4 Fielding's Peerage, plates, boards, 2s. 6d. 6453 Gil Bias, by Smollett, 4 vols, plates, neat, 8s. 641-6 Garth's Poetical Works, neat, 25.3d. *79 x 6457 Junius's Letters, 2 vols, neatly bound, 7s. I 79 6438 Ditto 2 vols, with portraits, thgant, 9s. l8oa 6439 Jaufret's Visits to the Menagerie. 2 vols. as. 6d. 1801 6460 Jones's Masonic Miscellanies, neat, 3s. *797 6461 King's Poetical Works, 2 vols, neat, 3s. 178*. 6462 Lansdownes's Poetical Works, neat, 2s. \J9S 6463 Mason's (Wm.) Poems, 2 vols, boards, 3s. Glasg. 1774 6464 Milton's Paradise Regained, plates, 4s. Tonsn, 17*.? x g5 English Books, nmo. and i8mo. [Priestley, 143, 64.6$ MSHot^s Paradise Regained, />/f, neat 2s. 6d. J 75t 64.66 " Poetical Works, 4 vols. new, sewed, 5s. 178'; 6x6l O v ' c ' s Arnours, ttep, sewed, is. 6d. 1793 6468 -A rt of Love, /?eu', screed, is. 6.1. 1801 6460 Epistles-, 2 vols, hop, scued, 2s. 6 A CON'S Abridgement of the Law, 5 vols. 2I. 2s 176! 6480 *~* Complete Fanner; or, Dictionary of Husbandly, best edition, p ! aUs, boards, 2I. 2S. 6481 Pontoppidan's Natural Histc/ryof Norway, plates, a fine copy, 31. 3s. . 1755 6482 Leslies Theological Works, 2 vols, neat, 1721, 6483 Haweis's Evangelical Expositor ; or, a Commentary on the Bible, 2 vols. new, end neat, 3I. 13s. 6d. I 7$ "6484 Blair.es's Anatomy of the Horse, plates, new, hoards, 18s. " 648^ Miller's Gardeners' Dictionary, flutes, elegantly bound, 2I. 2s, 1759 6486 Jones's Index to the Records,2 vols, boards, il. ns6d. 1793 6487 Somneri Dictionnarium Saxonico Latino Anglicum, very neat, 2I. 2S. Oxonii, 1659 6488 Clarendon's (Lord) History of the Rebellion, with Lite, 4 vols. ne%v, tad xery neatly bound, ^1. 15s. 6d. Oxford, 1759 6489 Monro's Physiology of Fishes explained, plates, boards, 16s. 1735 6490 Guillim's Heraldry, plates, half bound, il. 5s. 1724 6491 Rapin's History of England, 2 vols. 16s. and 18s. 1732 6492 Ditto 2 vols, with heads and monuments, 2I. 12s. 6d. 1743 6493 Raleigh's History of the World, ios. 6d. 16:4 6494 Ditto, neatly half bound, 12s. '-*- 1614 IL Ilolborn.] Appendix. Folio. if,y 6495 Year Book's, 11 vols in io, a fine cofy, 7I. 17s. 61. 1678 6496 Wottonii Leges Wallicae, 18s. 1730 ^497 Taylor's (Jer.) Sermons for all Sundays of the year, good copy, a. is. ' - 1655 0498 Cases in time of Lord Ilardvicke, nac, neat, i\. is. 1770 499 Moseleys Reports, new a/M neat, 18s. *744 ^500 Chambers's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 2 vols. il. 5s. J 738 501 Ditto, with Supplement, 4 vols. 3I, 3s. 1750 6502 Chambers's Dictionary, (Supplement to) 2 vols. 2I. 2s. J753 6503 Postleth waith's Dictionary of Trade and Commerce, 2 vols, Ic.-.t edition, neatly half hound, 2I. 12s. 6d. 1774 304 Facciolati totious Latinatus Lexicon, 4 torn, neatly half bound, uncut, 7I. 17s. 6d. 1771 6505 Discourses upoii Tacitus, by Barker, 4s. 61. 1643 6506 SollcysclVs Complete Horseman, by Hope, plates. 8s. 1717 6507 Lower's (Sir Wni.) Journal of a Voyage of the King of Great Britain, 4s. Hague, 1660 *5English Dictionary, 8s. 1688 6520 Levintz's Reports, vol. 2, 10s. 61. ' *77 2 6521 Homer's Iliad, and Odyssey, by Pope,n vols, in 6, large print t 2l. 2s. ' I 7 I 5 6522 Blackwell's Herbal, containing 500 Plants, finely coloured and eleganihj bound, 81. 18s. 6d. J 737 6523 Scott Appendix ad Thcsaurum Graecse Lingua', ab H. Ste- phano, Constructum, 2. tom.jtl. lis. 6d. 1745 6<24 Mandcislo Vovages en Perse et aux Incics Orentates| avee Fig, 18s. Lclde, 17 19 6523 Altamira and Elisiana, a Romance, in manuscript, 10s. 61. 6526 Paracelsi Opera, 2 Tom. 18s. Gaicvae, 1658 6527 Bacon's Sylva Sylvarum, 3s. 61. J J7 6528 Dalton's Office of Sheriffs, 4s. 6\. % 1682 6^29 Ag< siino del Riccio 1st* ria delle Pietre scritta circa 1 Anno 1 597, manuscript, 15*. 6530 Officinia Brcvium, or Approved Forms of Writs, 3s. 1679 6531 Carte Cofografiche ri^uardantc Lc Pietre U Minere, &c, de'lo Stalo Purttificio, 4s. . Napoli, 1781 *6& Apendix. Folio. [Priestley, 145, ".532 Alcoranus Arab, et Lat. Maracii, j6/7 copy, in vellum, 1698 -^534 Constantini Lexicon Grooco Latinum, 2 vols, in vellum, 1 ^92 6535 Crussii Turcograecice Libri Oc\o,fine copy, in -vellum, 14s. Bas. 1.584 5,36 Dionysii Harlicarnassei Opera, Gr. et Lat. Sylbergii, in 53& Ensebii Socratis, &c. Historia Ecclesiastica Gr. et Lat. per Reading, 3 torn. 2I. 2s. ' Cant. 1720 ^539 Biblia Ilebraica sine Punctis Leusdeni, interleaved ivitb folio writing paper, il. is Armst. 1701 6540 Ludolfi Lexicon, et Gram. Amharico Latinum 10s. 6d. Franc. 1698 ,541 Plutarclu Opera, Gr. et Lat. Xylandri, 2 torn. il. 7s. Franco/ 1620 Ujj42 Virgilius cum notis de la Cerda, 3 torn, elegant yelloiv morccco, marbled leaves, 2I. 125. 6d. Ludg. 1612 *%43 Septuaginta Graeca, 14s. ' Franco/. 1697 *544 D e Larry Histoire D'Angletcrre, D'Ecosse, et D'Irelando, ivitb a great nwnber of beads, 4 torn, neat, 4I. 4?. Rott. 1697 545 Lilly's Modern Entres, neat, 10s. 6d. 1758 546 Pulton's Statutes, 10s. 6d. ' 1636 C54J Coke upon Littleton, 5s. 6d. 1670 548 Mattaire Corpus Poetarum, vol 1. boards, il. is. I7 J 3 6549 Locke's Works, vol. 1. 10?. 6d. * 1751 ^55 Gale's Scriptores, vol. 2 and 3, large paper, 1687 & 1691 ".5.5 1 Kapin's England, vol. 1, heads, uncut {"wants Title, 10s. 6d. ^55' z Clarendon's State Papers, vol. 3, boards, 18s. 1786 ^553' Cunningham's Law Dictionary, vol. 1, 10s. 6d. 1781 ^554 Motherby's Medical Dictionary, neat, 3I. 3s. 1801 **555 Mariana's History of Spain, large paper, tl. 16s. ^99 ^55<5 Barrow's (Isaac) Works, 3 vok. neat, il. 6s. 1683 ^557 Cunningham's Law Dictionary, 2 vols. 2I. 10s. 1781 *>558 Stafford's State Papers, 2 vols, in 1, 15s. 1739 *559 Miller's Gardeners' Dictionary, 189. 1737 $560 Preservative against Popery, 3 vols. 15s, J73^ ^561 Beveridge's Works, 2 vols. il. us. 63 6605 Grieves's History of Kamtschatka, plates, il. 5s. 1764 6606 Tacitus, by Murphy, 4 vols, neat, 4I. 14s. 6d. *793 6607 Forrest's Voyage to New Guinea, plates, boards, 1 6s. 1780 6608 Thomson's Works, by Murdock, 2 vols, neat, 3I. 3s. 1762 6609 Hutchinson's History of Durham, 3 vols, boards, 2I. 12s. 6d. 6610 Dankerville Researches sur LOrigme, L'Esprit, etles Progress des Arts de la Grece, 3 torn, avec Fig, neatly half bound, Russia BacLs, 4I.4S. 1785 6611 Aristotle's Art of Poetry, by Twining, hards, il. is. 1789 6612 Biihop Berkley^ Works, 2 vols, new and neat, 2l.i8s. 1784 6613 Magna Britannia, 6 vols, maps, 3I. 13s. 6d. I 738 6614 Maclaurin's Fluxions, 2 vols, boards, 2I. 2s. *74 2 6615 Ditto, 2 vols. Hem undneeit, 2I. 10s. ' 1742 6616 Priestley on Vision, Light, &c. neat, hi. 8s. ' 1772 6617 Sutherland's Ship Builders Assistant, plates, 6s. I 7 IJ ^ 6618 Spencer's Faire Gtueene, firft edition, vol. I. il. is. 6619 Lawson's History of Carolina, plates, ^s. 1728 6620 Pennant's Tour in Wales, 2 vols, boards, ^7^4 6621 Hi: tory of New England, 7s. - < ID 54 6622 Morton's New English Canaan, 9s. 1637 6623 Hubbard's Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians, in New. England, neat, 12s. 2 ^77 6624 Sergent's Mine, a Poem, sewed, 2s. 1785 6625 Plates and Maps to Anson's Voyage. 7s. 6d. 6626 Twiss's Travels through Portugal and Spain, boards, 12s. 1775 6627 Patrick's Parable of a Pilgrim, is. 6d. 1678 6628 Newton on Daniel, 8s. 1733 6629 Philosophical Transactions from 1790 to 1802, 10 vols, half bound, Russia backs, and the remainder sewed, 13 vols. 12I. 1790, &c. 66* o Henry's Great Britain, vol. 1, boards, 7s. 1771 6631 Livius Drakenborch, vol. 1 and 2, boards, il. is. 1758 6632 Dalrymple's Oriental Repertory, 3 numbers, sewed, 1791 6633 Memoirs of the American Academy, vol.i, boards, 14s. Boston, 1785 ,6634 English Peei age, 3 vols, plates, bourds, il. 16s. *79 663$ Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin, boards, 10s. 6d. 1801 6636 Plan for the Government of British India, boards, 12s. 1793 6637 Ditto, half bound, cut, 12s. 1793 6638 Langwiths on Arbuthnot's Dissertations on Coins, Weights, and Measures, sr^ed, 2s. 6d. 1747 6639 Leeuwenhock's Works, by Hoole, 4 numbers, 8s. 1798, &c. 6640 Philosophical Transactions abridged, No. 1 to 19. 15s. i 802 6641 Mackenzie's Maritime Surveying, boards, 4s. 6d. 1794 6642 Miller's Gardener's Dictionary abridged, 14s. 1771 6643 Brathwaifs English Gc\\\\ew(xnax\, frontispiece, 4s. 6d. 163 1 6644 Blackstones Law Tracts, 16s. " 1771 H. Ilolborn.] Appendix. Quarto. 171 6645 Anson's Voyage Round the World, plates, 18s. 1771 6646 Young's Experimental Agriculture, 2 vols, boards, 2l.12s.6d. 6647 Dionysius Halicarnassensis* by Spelman, 4 vols, boards, 2). 15s: 175$ 6648 Mac Curtin'sVindication of the Antiquities of Ireland. ios.6d. Dub. j 7 17 6649 Statutes at Large, by Runnington, 15 vols, neat, '1786 6650 Liber Quotidianus Contrarotulatoris Garderobae, sewed, ios.6d. x 7 8 7 6651 Michaelis Recue:l de Questions Proposess A'une Society de Savants, boards, 10s. 6d. Amst.i';- I \ 6652 Blomefield s Collectanea Cantabrigiensia, 6s. 1750 6653 Kirwan's Variations of the Atmosphere, sened, 2s. Dub. 1801 6654 Homer's Odyssey, by Pope, 5 vols. 2I. 2s. 1723 6655 La Sainte Bible, par Martin, 12s. ' J/tfyf.1743 6656 Apologe for Women, in Opposition to Dr. G. his Assert on that it was Lawful for Husbands to beattheir Wives, 3s. 6d. 1609 6657 Newes from the Dead, or a Narration of the Miraculous deliverance of Ann Greene, who being executed at Oxford afterwards revived, 6s. Oaf. 1651 6638 An Exact Relation of the several Engagements of hi* Majes- ty^ Prince Rupert, 3s. 1673 6659 Verstigan's Restitution of decayed Intelligence of Antiqui- ties; 2S. 6660 Life and Death of Lewis Gaudfrey a Priest, who sold himself to the Divell, il. is. 161 2 6661 Heywood's 2d Part of the Iron Age, 3s. 6d. 16 6662 Aphorismcs of the Jesuits, 2s. 1609 6663 A Treatise of Melcliisedeck,ZxW. 1 59 r- Trnlatio Kpistol.-v He- bratcae, Heb. etLat. 1606 Broughton on Revelation, &c. 10s. 6d. 6664 Plates to Gessner's Works, proof impressiema, 14s. 6665 Horatius Bentleii, neat invelbtrh, il. us. 6d. Amst. 1728 6666 Bruckeri Historia Cririea Philosophic, 6 torn, neat, 61.i6s.f>J. l.i, i. 1 742 6667 Vetus Tcstamrntum ex Versioni 70 Intcrpretun, edidit Bos. mat in wii urn, Frunq. 1 709 6663 Tcrentiui et^Phiedref, nun Notii Bebtteii, large wiper, fine copy, gilt leaves, il. 16s. Amst. 1727 6669 Suetonius Gnvvii, neat, in vellum, 18s. Trag. 1703 6670 Agathiso Historia lustiniam, Gr. ct Lot. 10?. 6d. l.ugd B. 6671 Suetonius Burmanni, a t'>m. wcflf, il. 1 "Js. .lm\/.ij^6 6672 Livii Opera, a Drakcuborch, 7 torn, /tcxi and neat] 9!. 9^. Amst. 1738 6673 Quintus C'urtius, a S:iak ( on!nirg!i, {tew, met, il. 16-. 17-14 6674 Quintilianus de Institutione Orationia cura Gewwi, neat., (at. 667.J Virgilii Opera, Burmanni, 4 torn, laards, uncut. 3I. 3*. Ann J 74 X7 Appendix. Quarto. [Priestley, 143, 6676 Regni Angliae Rcligio.Catholica, 3s. J 729 6677 SenecaeTragoedice Gronovii,rflr, il. 5s. Delph. 1728 6678 Claudiani Opera, Omnia notis Var ct Burmanni, vellum, il. 7s. . Anut. 1762 6679 Lactantii Opera, Omnia notis Dufrcsnoy, 2 torn, 'very neat, 2I. 2s. i. J787 6722 l'rancklin's Sermons, 3 vols, boards, 18s. 1785 6723 Luck ombe'a Art of Printing, boards, 6s. ijjj 6724 Ha i.lm;.id to the Arts, 2 vols, boards, 10s. J764 6725 Adams's History of Rome, 3 vols, boards, 13s. 6d. 1794 6726 Salmon's Geographical Grammar, 4s. *779 6727 Beckford's History of Jamaica, 2 vols, elegantly bound, 16s. 1790 6728 Seattle's Elements of Moral Science, 2 vols, boards, 1790 6729 Edward's West Indies, 3 \oh. plates, new, boards, 2I. 2$. 1801 6730 Ditto, 3 vols. 7iew, and very neat, 2). 7s. 1801 67 3 l Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, plates, 5s. 1760 6/32 Clarendon's Lire, 3 vols, miv, boards, 18s. J 759 673J Ditto, 3 vols, new, and elegantly bound, il. 4s. J 759 6734 Ditto, Comp. in 2 vols. Urge paper, new boards, 18s. 1760 6/35 Ditto, 2 vols. nexv,and eh ganty bound, il. 4s. 1 760 6736 Parkhurst's Greek Lexicon, i>, neat, il. 5s. 1805 6737 Com brunc on Brewing, new, hoards, 6s. 1803 ^73^ Searle's Horae Solitare, 2 vols.-wr^-, boards, 15s. 1804 *>739 Jortin's Remarks on Ecclesiastical History, 3 vols, new, boards, 18s. 1804 ^74 Ilerodott, par Lurcher, 9 torn, new, sewed, 4I. 4I. 1801 674i Dictionaire HLstorique, 13 torn, new, sewed, 5I. tfi. 6\. 1804 6/42 Sophodis Tragaedia) Gr. et Lat. cum Scholiis Brunck, 3 torn. boards, 2I. Jtas. 6fl. -- Arj. 17S6 6743 Lucretius, notis Creech, tf, neat, 9<. Lips. J J J 6 6744 Potter's Antiquities of Greece, 2 vols, nnv, neat, l$i. 1795 6745 Williams's Justice, $ vols, nra/, 2I. 15*. 1793, -Vc 6746 Priestley, on Air, 3 vols, new, and neat, 1!. 4*. 1790 6747 Blackstone's Commentaries, 4 vols, with Portraits. new,r.e.t, 2!. 2s. 1793 6748 Kcysler's Travels, 4 vols, phti s, neat, 1 8s. 17^0 6749 Cowper's Homer, 4 vols, nnv, neat, 1 1. i6i. I&O& 6750 Swift's Works, by Sheridan, 19 vol*, uciv, neat, 81. 1S01 2~4 Appendix. Octavo, Priestley, 143, ^75* Anstruther's Reports 3 vols. 1!. us. 6d. I 79 < 5 ^752 Burn's Justice. 4 vols, last edition, 2I. 5s. 1800 ^753 Echard's Romau History, ^ vols. 10s. 6d. 1707 f 754 Le Veaux Dictionnaire Fr.-Allemand, Allemand et Fr. A l'Usage des deux Nations, 4 torn. new, neat, 2I. 12s. 6:1. Cologne, 1800 (5755 Monboddo's Origin and Progress of Language, '6 vols, fat edition, new, and elegantly bound, l 11\ 6756 Belsham's Essays, 2 vols, new, boards, 8s. 757 Home's Sermons, and on the Psalms, 6 vols, new, boar ds r i\. 6s. J 799 6758 Ditto 6 vols, neiv, and elegantly bound, il. 18s. 1799 6/59 Lee's Canterbury Tales, 4 vols, new, boards, 18s. 1802 6760 Ditto, 4 vols, new, and elegant, il. 4s. 1802 6761 Aulus Gelius Grorvasii. neat, in yellum 9s Ludg. B. 16&J 6/62 , cum notis variorum, neat, in vellum, 10s. 6d. 1666 763 Arriani Epcditio Alexandri, Gr. et Lat. Raphelii 12s. A?nft. 1757 6764 iEliani Varia Historia Gr. et Lat. Perizonii, 2 torn, sta.ned, 9s. Ludg.B.ijoi 6j6$ Alciati Emblemata neat, wood cuts, 3s. Plant in, 1608 6766 Alsledii Thesaurus Chronologize, 2s. Herb. 1628 ' 6767 Buchanani Rerum Scotiarum Historia, neat, 3s. Troj. 1697 6768 Bcethius. cum notis variorGm, woz*, 10s. 6d. LvgdM. 1671 6769 Buxtorfii Lexicon Hebraicr.m, 3s. B'ts. 1663 6770 Ciceronis Opera, Ernesti, 8 torn, new and neat, 4I. 4s, Ha! is. J 774 6771 Verburgd, 16 torn, half bound, uncut 3I. 10s. Amst. 1724 6772 Cicero de Officiis a Pearce, ^s. 2>;/?r/. 1761 6773 Cicero de Oratore Ernesti, large paper, sewed, 3s. Rotter. 1 804 774 de Oratore a Pearce, 5s. J /95 6775 deFinibus Davisii, 7s. Cant. 1741 6776 Claudianus Gesneri, nfot, 17s. - Lips. 1759 6777' Cornelius Nepos, a Van Staveren, neat, ini-ellvm 12s. jDgw. j8. '7.34 6778 Chrysostom Gr. et Lat. per Hughes, 3s, Cunt. 17 12 6779 Comenii Janua Linguarum, Gr. Lat. et Ang. 3s. 1685 6780 Clavis Homerica, a Patrick, neat, 5s. 1784 6781 Epicteti Enchiridion Gr. et Lat. Berkelii,mrv//w;//, 5s. 1683 6782 Eutropius a Verheyk, 15s. Lngd.B. 176a 6783 Euripidis Hecuba illustravit Ammon, Jewed, 7s. 6d. Erlang. 1789 6/84 Floras Dukeri, 10s. 6d. Lugd.B. 1722 6785 Horatiusin Usum Delphini, 8s. 1799 6786 ?icrv,neat,gs. 1805 6787 Expurgata, edidit Knox, new and neat, 10s. 6d. 1784 6788. Cuningamii, a torn, in 1, 6s. Hague, 1721 6789 Lat. ct Eng. by Watson, new, and extra bound, i8s< 179* Pi. Kolborn. ] Appendix. Octavo. f i;j 6790 Homeri Opera, ab Heyne, 8 torn, fine paper, with plates, boards. j\, ja. Jips. i8oz. 6ygi Juvenilis Expurgata^didit Knox, ps. 1780 6792 Justini Historia Gronovii, neat, 15s. Lugd. B. 176a. 6793 Jim.nalis in Usum Delphini, 5-,, 1722. 6794 Johnson's Grammatical Commentaries, as. 6d. ,*7i8 6795 Luciannus, Gr. et Lat. Benedict! etGravii, 2 torn. il. u's. 6d. Amst. 1687 6796 Livius Gronovii, 3 torn. fine set; in vellutu 1679 6797 Mflxinras Tyrius a Reiske, 12s. Lips. 1774 6798 Moerid's Atticistie Lexicon Atticum Picrsoni, new, boards, i 2s . _____ Lugd.B.i7& 6799 Idem Liber, new, and neat, 14s. Lugd. B. 1739 6800 Marii Mercororis Opera, Baluzii, 3s. Paris, 1684 6801 Novum Testamentum, neiv, and neat. qs. Busker. 176$ 6802 cum Scholiis. &c. per Hardy, 2 torn. 2I. 2s. ' 1778 6803 Ovidii Epistolaein Usum Delphini, 2s. 6d. 175J 6804 Opera Cnippingii, 3 torn, fine set, 2I. ios. Amst. 170a 6805 Idem Liber, 3 torn, in vellum, 2L 10s. Anut. 170% 6806 Opuscula Mythologica Physica et Ethica, Gr. et Lat. a Gale, . fine copy, in vellum, 10s. 6d. Amst. 1688 6807 Fomponius Mela Gronovii, fine copy, in vellum, 10s. 6d. Lugd. B.i 7 2ft 6808 Idem Liber, in vellum, 13s. Lugd. B. 1748 6809 Idem Liber, fine copy, in vellum, 15s. 1748 6810 P*jeta3 Minores Latini a Wernsdorf. 10 torn, in 8, extra bound, 5I. Ajtenb. 1780 98 68.1 1 Port Royal Greek Grammar, Jleiv, and neat, 8s. 1 797 6812 PJautus Gronovii, 2 torn. 18s* Amst. 1684 6813 2 torn, in 1, vellum, 18s-. >4f. 1784 6814 Pryseii Historiae Britanic;e Defensio, 3s. 6d. *57t 68 1 $ Q. Curtius in Usum Delphini, 3s. 6d. 1705 6816 Qnintilian Instituitones, a Rollin. 12s. 1738 6817 Petavii Rationes Temporum, sewed, 38. 6d. Lugd. B. 1 7 ! 6818 2 torn. 6s. reae*. 1758 6819 Platonis Dialogi 5, Gr. et Lat. Forsteri, sewed, 5s. 6d. 175a 6S20 Plinii Panegyricus, cum notis var. 4s. Lugd. B. 1675 6821 Pasoris Lexicon, Graeco-Lat. Novi Testam. is. 6d. 165. 6822 Rituale Romanum, 2s. 6d. Vcnet. 1676 6823 Relandi Antlquitates Sacrae Hebraeorum, 2s. 6d. Lips. 1724 6824 Struvii Bibliotheca Historica a Meuselio i3 Parts, 9 vis. hoards Lips. 1782, &c. 6825 Schleu-ueri Lexicon, Gnrco-Lat. in Novum Testamentum, 4 torn. , 5s. 1760 6828 Terentii ComoedLr, Editioimmaculata, uncut, 18s. Edinb. 1758 6829 Tacitus de Moribus Gcrmanorum ct dc Vita Agri<;ola2, U paper, morocco, 1. - 178S 176 Appendix. Octavo. [Priestley, 134 6830 Tacitus cum Supplements Brotierii, 5 torn. ijs. Manh. 1781 6831 Virgdius in Usum Delphini, 9s. Magce. \*l%% 6832 Virgil's Buccolics and Georgics, Lat. et Eng. by Martin, 2 vols, il. ns.6d. J 749 6833 Virgil, Lat, et Eng. by Davidson, 2 vols, new, 13s. iSojr, 6824 Virgilius, ab Heyne, /^tova. neat, il. 4s. Lips. i"]6f 6835 Virgilius, ab Heyne, 4 torn, new, extra bound in Russia, 3I. 9s. Lips. 1803 6836 Vanderhooght Janua Lingua?. Sanctae, 3s. 66, Amit. 1686 6837 Welchman 39 Artucli Ecclesire Anglicanx, 2s. 6d, Oxon. 1^2^ 6838 Xenophontis Memorabilia Gr. et Lat. Simsoni, 8s. 1749 6839 Edwards, 5s. 1785 6840 Xenophontis Opera Gr. cum Comment Weiske, 6 torn, in 5. new and elegantly b$und, 2I. 12s. 6d. Lips. 1798 4841 Adam's Roman Antiquities, extra hound in Russia, 12s. 1797 6842 An Account of the Workhouses in Great Britain, half bound, is. ' 1786 $843 Adolphus's History of England, from the Accession of George the Third to the conclusion of Peace in 1783, 3 vols. new, boards, il.ios,, 180a 6844 Ball's Antiquities of Constantinople, 2s. 6d. 1729 6845 Byron's Narrative, neat, 5s. 1768 6846 Bingley's Animal Biography, 3 vols, boards, il. 4s. 1803 6847 Clarendon s Vindication of the Conduct of the Duke of Or- mond, 3*. . _ 1736 6848 Chandler's Debates, torn, 1 and 3, scarce, 18s. J 74* 6849 Cabinet (The), 3 vols, neiv, neat, 12s. l 79S 68^0 Cxe s Description of the English Province of Carolina. 2s.6d. 1741 6851 Crespigney s Letters of Advice from a Mother t9 her Daugh-. ter, boards, 7s. j 803 6852 Claiendon and Whitlock compared, sewed, 2s. 6d. 1727 6853 Cambridge Guide, plates, neic, sewed, 2s. 6d. 1804 6854 Collier's Essays, 3 vols, neat, 4s. 6d. 1697 6855 Defoe's System of Magick and Black Art, 4s. 1 13T 6856 Dow's History of Hindostan, 3 vols, neat, gilt, i\. is. 1792 6857 Davies s Memoirs of the Life of Garrick, 2 vols, neat, i2s^ 1780 6858 Drury's Madagascar, ^s. 6d. *7 2 9 6859 Duhalde's JHLtory of China, 4 vols. 18s. 1741 6860 Elegant Epistles, boards, 8s. I 79 6861 Fleetwood's Chronicon Preciosum, neat, 10s, 6d. J 745 6862 Guthrie: Geographical Grammar, ^s. 6d. 1779 6863 Goldsmith's Grecian History, 2 vols, neiv, deg. 14s. 1800 6864 - Roman History, 2 vols, nexv, ting. 14s. i8cj H. Hdborn. ] Appendix. Octavo. 177 686 $ Goldsmith's History of England, 3 vols. cleg. il. is. iSc o 6866 Guliston's Select Fables, boards, 2s. J 774 6867 Heame's Curious Discourses, large paper, sewed, 16s. 1720 6868 Herder's Oriental Dialogues, served, 6s. 1801 6869 History of the Siege of Chester during the Civil Wars of Charles I. neiv, boards, as. 6d. 6870 Humphries's Historial Account of the Society for the Propa- ' gation of the Gospel. 2s. I 730 6871 Harris's Philological Inquiries, veaf, 9s. 1781 6872 Hermippus Redivivus, or the Sage's Triumph over Old Age and the Grave, served, 2s. 6d. 1771 6873 Hume on Human Nature, 3 vols, boards 1739 6874 Ditto, 3 vols, neiv and neat - 1 /39 6875 Heylin's Help to English History, fates, boards, 8s. 6d. 1773 6876 Ditto, ve ry neat, 10s. 6d. 1773 6877 Hamilton's Mount Vesuvius, plates, boards, 5s. 1 772 6878 Jones's (Sir Wro, ) Sacontala, or Fatal Ring, new, neat. 7s.6d. Calcutta, 1789 6879 Jonson's (Ben) Works, by Whalley, 7 vols, neat, 5I. 5s. 1756 880 Imlay's Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America, boards, 4s. 6d. 1797 6881 Life of Chichele, Archbishop of Canterb. ry, neat, 4s. 1783 6882 Locke's Essays on the Understanding, 2 vols. 8s. *753 6883 London and its Environs, 6 vols, plates, neat, il. 6s. 1761 6884 Ludlam's Logical Tracts, new, sewed. 2s. 6d. Camh. 6885 Letters from several Parts of Europe and the East in 1750, Sec. 2 vols. 8s. 1753 6886 Miege's Present State of Great Brirain and Ireland, neat, 2s. 6d 1768 6887 Murphy's Essay on the Life of Johnson, neat, 4s. 6d. *793 6888 Moss's Liverpool Guide, map, boards, 2s. 6d. I 7&9 6889 Memoirs of a Cavalier, new, boards, 6s. l 79 z 6890 Mason's (Monck) Comments on the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher, neiv, boards, 5s. - 1798 6891 Maurice's Indian Antiquities, 7 vols, new, half bound, Russia* _ 2I. 17s. ___ ,800 6892 Ditto, 7 vols, neiv and extra bound, 3I. 13s. 6d. 1800 6893 Montaigne's Essays, by Coste, 3 vols, -neat, il. is. 1776 6894 M ore's (Hannah) Strictures on the Modern System of Edu- cation, 2 vols, boards, 9s. j ^90 6895 Olla Podrida, boards, 3s. 6d. 1788 6896 Powell on the Law of Mortgages, 2 vols, boards, 10s. 6d, 1791 6897 Paterson's Book of Roads, sewed, 2s. 1792 6898 Prior's Poems, 2\ols. elegant, 10s. 6d. 1770 6899 Potter's Grecian Antiquities, 2 vols, plates, elegnnt, 15s. 1795 6900 Park's Travels in the Interior of Africa, plates, ntw, elegant] I2 s. .. . __ ~ l8oo 6901 Puffendorf 's Introduction to Histoiy, half bound, 2 vela. 4*. 1748 6902 Pinkerton on the Scottish and Irish Historv, 2 vols, boards, 1 os. 6d. __ " _ j;p4 6903 Rapin's Critical Works, 2 vo T s. mat, 53. 1 73 1 A a jr^ Appendix. Octavo/ [Priestley, 143, 6904 Smollct.'s Continuation to Humes History of England, 5 vols. plates, boards, il.iis.6d. J 79*' 6905 Savage's Works, 2 vols, new, neat, 10s. ^ - 1775 6906 Thompson's Seasons, Du Rovefay's edition, fine plates, new, boards, 10s. 6d. 1802 6907 Temple's Works, 4 vols, bound by Johnson, il. 16s. 1757 6908 Vancouver's Voyage to the North Pacific Ocean and Round the World.. 6 vols, boards, 2I. 12s. 6d. j x ^ 01 6909 Wallace's Various Prospects of Mankind, Nature, and Provi- dence, boards, 4s. 6;1. 1 761 69 jo Will's Practical Philosophy of Social Life, 2 vols, nexv, boards, 9 s. __ _- 1799 6911 Whi^ton's Memoirs of His Life and Writings, 3s. 6d. 1749 6912 Watts's Astronomy and Geography, neat, 3s. 1745 6913 BAMPTON Lecture Sermons, by Morres, loard-s, 45. Oxon. 1791 6914 Ditto, by Williamson, boards , 3s. 6d. 1793 6915 Croft, boards, as. 6d. 1/86 691-6 1 Hawkins, s.av<_d. 4s. J 7^7 6917 White, boards, 7s. 1789 6918 Neve, seu,ed; 2s. 6d. < 1781 6919 Homes, sczved, 3s. 1782 6920 Bandinel, boards, 4s. " 1780 6921 Confession of Faith, 3s. 6d. I 77 6922 Crawford's Dissertation on the Phason. of Plato, bds. 3s. 1775 6923 Gill's Infant Baptism, 2s. 1766 6924 Hoadly's Sermons. 2 tols. 5s. 1758 6925 Henry on the Sacrament, as. *1$$ 6926 Hawkins Appeal to Scripture, boards, ss. 6d. Worcester 6927 History of Popish Transubstantiation, is. 6d. 1679 6928 Jackson's Reply to Waterland, is. 6d. 1722 6929 Leland's (Tho.) Sermons, 3 vols, nac, boards, 15s. 1788 6930 Macdonald's Sermons, >uiv, saccd, 2s. : 1 793 6931 Lowthon the Old and New Testament, is. 6d. 1692 6932 Neal's History of Jsiew England, 2 vols. 5s. 1720 6933 Neve's Sermons, neiv, boards, 4s. Oxon. 1798 6934 Priestley's Early Opinions concerning Jesus Christ, 4 vols. neatly bound, il. is. 1786 6935 Robertson's (Wm.) Sermons, 2s. I 775 6936 Rotheram cm Faith, seiu-d, as. -w. 1772. 693 7 Sermons in Imitation of Writing, 6 numbers, 6s. 6938 Seed's Posthumous Works, 2 vols. 5$. 1750 6939 Ditto, complete in 1 vol. boards, 3s, 6d. -*- 1770 6940 Sterne's Sermons, complete in 1 vol. bo irds, 5s.- 1787 6941 Stephen's (Wm. ) Sermons, ,2 vols. 35. > 1773 6942 Sherlock on Providence, 3s, ' 1720 H. Holborn.] Appendix. Octavo. i;9 6943 Sherlock (Letters to the Rev. Dr. ), 2s. -r- 1717 <5p 44 Sermons, 5 vols, neie, elegant, il. 10s. 1772 6945 Schemes of Christian Religion, is. 6d, 17.38 6946 Tottie's Sermons and Charges, 2s. 1765 6947 Tiphmoth, Form of Prayers, Heb. et Eng. 2s. 6948 Trinder's Sermons, 2 vols, boards, 4s. 6d. 1800 6949 New Testament, large pi int, 5s. 1792 6950 Watts's Love of God, 3s. i7 2 9 6951 Wakefield on Inspiration, srived, is. 1781 C9$z Whitfield's (George) Works, 6 vA>. ven and mat, 2I.2S. 1771 . 6953 BATH Papers on Agriculture, vol. I, Boards, p. 1783 6954 Bonnycustle's Geometry, new, neat, 5s. 1789 6955 Berthollet's Elements of Dying, sewed, 2s. 6d. . 1792 6956 Clarke on Shoeing Horses, sewed, is. 6d. 1770 6957 Culley on Live Stock, boards, 3s. 6d. ' *794 6958 Clarke's Treatise on Horses, Boards, 7s. 1788 6959 Donaldson on Agriculture, sewed, is. 6d. 1775 6960 Ellis's Practical Farmer, sewed, is. 6d. **- I74 2, 6961 Cundall's Receipts for the Cure of Horses, &c. is. 17 6962 Every Farmer his own Cattle Doctor, sewed, 2s. ^779 6963 Elements of Medical jurisprudence, feived, is. 1788 6964 Agriculture and Vegetation, sewed, 2s. I 779 6965 Green's Plans of Economy, Boards, is. 1801 6966 Hale's Vegetable Statics, 2 vols. 6s. 1 1731 6967 Hilstone's Lectures on Mineralogy, 2s. I79 2 6968 Home on Agriculture and Vegetation, sewed, 3s. 6d. 1759 6969 Elements on Bleaching, boards, '12s. 1756 6970 Jacob Plants? Favershamienscs, boards, 3s. J 777 6971 Kirwan on Mineral Waters, neat, 7s. 6d. 1799 6972 Martyn Piantae Cantabrigienses, 2s. 6d. 1763 6973 Mudge's Cure for a Catarrhous Cough, sewed, 2S *778 ^9/4 Mill* on Agriculture, sewed, is. 6d. \ 1770 6975 Tracts on Leases, Newton, and others, 48.' *7 2 9 6976 Neri's Art of Glass, good copy, 1 6s. 176a 6977 Ozanam Recreations Mathematical, he. 7s. 6d, 1708 6978 Osmer on Lameness of Horses, sewed, 2s. 1766 6979 Ringsted's Cattle Keeper's Assistant, sexced, is. 6980 Randall's Virgilian Husbandry, sewed, 2s. 6d r - 1764 6981 Smith s Rat Catcher, 5s. 1768 6982 Woodward's Natural History of the Earth, sexud, 2s. 1726 6983 1 Fossils of all Kinds, seu ed, 4s. 1728 6984 System of Agriculture, sewed, 2s. 1755 6985 Smith's Printer s Grammar, boards, 6s. 1787 6986 Treatise on Domestic Pigeons, plates, sewed, 7s. 6<^. 1J&5 6987 Towsend's Guide to Health, 2 vols, bodrdi, 10s. 6^.1795, <$c> 6988 Tillocks Philosophical Magazine, vol. 1, boards, 4s. 6d. :698c; Wingate's Arithmetic, 2s. . J&W' 2 A a i8o Jppendix. Octavo. [Priestley, 143, 6990 Young Merchant's Instructor to the Customs, 2s. 6d. 1750 6991 Saunderson's Algebra, 5s. i 1771 6992 ALTERFs Italian and English Grammar, 2s. 1728 699,3 Aristarchus Instr. to the Latin Tongue, sewed, is. 6d. 1748 6994 Boyer's Fr. and Eng. Dictionary, 3s. 6d. 1708 6995 Ditto, last edit, by Salmon, 8s. 6d. 1802 6996 Blunts Dictionary of vHard Words, 2s. 6d. 1707 6997 D.ctionarum Latino-Galicum, 2 ;. 1712 6998 Grammar of the Greek Tongue, is. 6d. *<- 1780 6999 Sharp, on the Hebrew Tongue, new, boards, 6% 6d. J803 7000 Scott's Exercises for the French Tongue, 2s. 6d. 179S 7001 Stirling's Rherorick, is. Ditto, 6d. 1801 7002 Seberi Index Horn ricus, board.?, 6s. 6d. 1780 7003 Tocquot's Latin Scholar's Guide, 4s. 1800 7004 Siret Elem. de la Langue Angloise, sewed, is. J 79^ 7005 Stackhouse's Greek Grammar, ts. 6d. 1762 7006 Tossani Lexicon Hebraicum, is. 6d. J 7^5 7007 Juvenal and Persius, by Madan, 2 vols, neat 1789 7008 Lucretius, by Creech, 2 vols. 6s. - 1714 7009 Theophrastus, by Hill, sewed, 2s. 1746 7010 Cesar's Commentaries, by Bladen, 5s. 6d. 1705 701 1 Comyn's Digest, by Rose, 6 vols, new, neat, 4I. 14s. 6d. 1800 7012 Vattel's Law of Nations, neat, 7s. . I 793 ' 7013 Ditto, last edition, new and neat, 14s. 1797 7014 Wood's Tithe Cases, 4 vols, new, boards, 2I. 2s. J 798 7015 Ditto. 4 vols, new and neatly bound, 2I. 12s. 6d. J 798 7016 Statutes at Large, by Pickering, 42 vols, up to the Union, neat .1765, &c. 7017 Jacob's Court Keeper, 10s. 6d. , 1781 7018 Cunningham's Law of Bills of Exchange, 5s. 1778 7019 Law Arrangements in Bengal, boards, 4s. I 79 2 7020 Kikon Basihkon, 2s. 1649 7021 Memoirs of the Court of England, is. 1708 7022 Walton and Cotton's Angler, by Hawkins, fine impressions of the plates. 16s. 1766 7023 Milne's Botanical Dictionary, 9s. 1778 7024 Cooper's Complete Distiller, 6s. 1760 702 5 Scott's Tales from the Arabic and Persian, 6s. 7026 Scale's Greek Meters, bound, 3s. 1789 7027 Collectanea Juridica, 2 vols. 12s. 1791 7028 Foster's Crown Cases, ntat,gs. J 79 2 7029 Goldsmith s Poems, plates, extra bound, 10s. 6d. Benslei/, 1S00 7030 Farquhar's Way to Win Him (Bell's edit. ) large paper, line impressions, 2s. 1 795 7031 Bank's Albion Queens (BelFs edit. ) large paper, fine wipres- si'iiis, 2S. J 79 r 7032 Hull's Honry II. (Bell's edit. ) large paper, fine impressions, boards, 2s. I 795 7033 Theil Granmiaue, Fr. et Germ, 4s, Berlin, 1762 H.Holborn.] Jtppcndix. Octavo i8i 7034 Frisch Dictionnaire Francoise-Allemand et Allemand-Fnm- coise, 10s. 6d. Le'tp. 177a 7035 Fernandez Spanish Grammar, boards, 4s. 6d. 1797 7036 Bible in the Gaelic Language, torn, 1, 2, 4. 5s. 1783 7037 Marabelli Apparatus Medicaninum, sewed, 3s. Jen. ijgc) 7038 Cramer Manuel de Literature Classique Ancienne, 2 torn. sewed, 10s. 6d. Paris, an. 9 7039 Vico Principi di Scienza Nouva, 3 torn, sewed, 7s. Mi/and, 1801 7040 Observations sur les Maladies de l'Ame, 2s. Berlin, 1777 7041 Catalogue of the Prints, Paintings. Enamels, &rc. of Cornelius Ploos van Amstcl, in Dutch, 2 torn. 7s. 6d. *799 7042 Catalogus van Schilderyen den Gildermeester, 3s. 1800 7043 Laire Catalogue des Livres du Cardinal de Sens, 2 toms. 7s.6d Sens, 1791 7044 Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliofehequc de Soubise, 3s. 6d, Paris, 178S Ajipendix. Twelves. 7045 GENLIS's Lessons of a Governess to her Pupils, 3 vols. 4s, 6d. x 793 7046 Terentius, by Colman, 2 vols, new and neat, ios.6d. Dub. 1766 7047 Ovid's Metamorphoses, by Garth, 2 vols, plates, xery neat, 1 os. 6d. I 7 2 7 7048 Lavington's Enthusiasm of Methodists and Papists compared, 2 vols. 6s. - J 754 7049 Voltaire's Age of Louis XV. 2 vols. 4s. 6d. : 1774 7050 Works, by Smollet, Francklin, &c. ^dwols. neat and gilt, 7I. 17s. 6d. 1770 7051 Anacreon and Sappho, sewed, is. 6d. 1768 7052 Petty on the Multiplication of Mankind, is. 6d. 1686 7053 Poetry of the World, 2 vols, in 1, 3s, 1788 7054 Case of t!:e Learned represented, morocco, 3s. 1 724 7055 Horace, Lat. et Eng. Creech, 3 vols, in 1, 3s. 6d. 1718 7056 Theophrastus, Gr. et Lat, a Needham, new, neat, 3s. 6d. Glasg. 1758 7057 Johnstone (James) Anecdotes of Olave the Blaek Lodbrokar Quida Haco's Expedition againt Scotland, neat and gilt, 8s. 1780 7058 Megiseri Anthologia Sou Florilegium Graecolatinum, 2s. Irancf. 1622 7059 Snlpicii Serveri Opera, a Clerici, is, 6d, Lips. 1709 7060 Bossuet Oraisons Funebres, 2s. 6d. Paris, 1699 7061 Labbe Catholici Indices, neat, 2s. I 75 I 7062 Potevin Secretaire, Fr. Allemand, 4s. Strasb. 1755 7063 Mussolini's Italian Exercises, is. 6d 1800 7064 Genlis les Petits Emigres, 2 torn, sewed, 3b. 1798 7065 I.e Gage Touche, Histoires, Galantes, et Comiques, 2 torn. .. trued, 3s. Lcige^llS 7066 Savary Lettres sur L'Egypte, 3 torn. 9s. Amst. ijSj 7067 Art of Engraving in Mezzotinto, st ', rs. 6d. 1786 iS; Appendix. Twelves. 7068 D 'Annoy NouvellesEspagnolles, 2s. Hayr, l&$i J0G9 De Lille la Pitic Pocnie, saved, is. 6d. p a r. 1803 7070 Confession Catholique du Sieur.de Sancy, 2s. 7071 Condiibo Cours d'Etude pour l'Jnstiuction des Jeunes Gens, 6 torn. 6s. Paris, an. 2 072 Ordonnance de.la Court des Monoyes, &c. avec Fig, 3s. Paris. *5 6 4 7073 Missale Romanum, printed on vellum, uiib -wood cuts and bor- ders, containing Death's Dance,&c. il. is, Paris, per Thielm Ker-jcr, ' 1521 7074 Aubertus de Matallorum Ortux, is. 6d. Lugd. 1575 7075 Biblia Sacra, MS. onvethm, 10s. 6d. 7076 Trendelenburg Chrestomathia Fiaviana, boards, is. 6d.Lips. 1789 7077 Russiches Worterbuch, 3s. 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