GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES; OR, AN ACCOUNT OF THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LIFE OF THE GREEKS; RELATING TO THEIR GOVERNMENT, LAWS, MAGISTRACY, JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS, NAVAL AND MILITARY AFFAIRS, RELIGION", ORACLES, FESTIVALS, GAMES, EXERCISES, MARRIAGES, FUNERALS, DOMESTIC EMPLOYMENTS, ENTERTAINMENTS, FOOD, DRESS, MUSIC, PAINTING, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, HARBOURS, BATHS, &c. &c. Chiefly defigned to explain Words in the GREEK CLASSICS, according to the Rites and Cuftoms to which they refer. TO WHICH IS ADDED, A CHRONOLOGY OF REMARKABLE EVENTS IN THE GRECIAN HISTORY, From the Foundation, of the Kingdom of ARGOS under INACHUS, to the DEATH OF ALEXANDER. By the REV. THOMAS HARWOOD, LATE OF UNITE RSirr COLLEGE, OXFORD. Ira refponfum volo, omnem elegantem do&rinam, omnem cognitionem dig- nam hominis ingenui Audio, uno verbo, quicquid ufquam eft politiorum dif- iplinanim nullis aliis quam Graecorum libris ac literis contineri. MURETI'S. LONDON: i'RINTED FOR T. CADELL AND W. DAVIES, IN THE STRANr> 1801. Luke Hanfar<3, Printer, .Great TurnftUj?i L'mcoln's-Iuu DF77 ADVERTISEMENT, IT was fuggefted, fome years ago, to the compiler of the following pages, that a work, containing an account of the Manners and Cuftoms of the Greeks, upon a plan fome- what fimilar to that of Dr. Adam, in his very ufeful book on the Roman Antiquities, would be a profitable companion to the ftu- dents of literature. On this fubject, the work of Archbifhop Potter has been much confulted ; but it is found to be fo encumbered with historical and mythological digreffions, and with long quo- tations from the claffics, that the labour of inquiry is not always without difficulty re- paid. The work alfo of Lambert Bos, pro- feflbr of Greek in the Univerfity of Fra- a 3 neker^ 324 Vi ADVERTISEMENT. neker, although enriched with the notes of Frederick Leifner, is executed upon a plan too compendious to fatisfy the inquiiitive fcholar. It is hoped, however, that the prefent compilation will be deemed equally free from thefe objections; comprehending much that will iiiftruct, as well as amufe. To render the perufal of the ancient Greek claffics more profitable and delightful, a pre- vious acquaintance with the cufroms and manners of that celebrated people is obvioufly neceffary: and, in thefe refearches, it cannot be doubted but that the fcholar will contem- plate with admiration, their magnificent edi- fices, their naval and military affairs, the myfterious folemnities of their religion, the variety of their games and feftivals, their ma- jeftic and flowing drefs, the peculiarity of their entertainments, and whatever has dif- tinguifhed them from other nations. The compiler of the prefent work has therefore endeavoured to introduce what is moft inftruclive and interefting in the cuftoms and manners of the ancient Greeks ; with- t out ADVERTISEMENT. Vli out the knowledge of which, the ftudy of the Greek claffics would be dull and unprofitable. The Greek words are added to the particular cu/tom to which they relate; and thus, by connecting words with things, the ftudent may at once unite his knowledge of the country by the language, and of the language by the country. It would be ufelefs to enumerate the va- riety of learned authorities to which he has referred : he will only acknowledge, that in the long catalogue of authors which he has confalted, he has freely borrowed, from every quarter, whatever could be fele&ed for the utility and illuftration of the fubjeft. In the account of the coins, weights, and meafures, Arbuthnot has been his chief guide. But M. D'Anville's " Mefures Itine- raires" may be confulted with great advan- tage. The Chronology of remarkable events has been felefted from the " Fafti Attici," from Archbifhop Ufher's " Annales," and from Dr. Blair's " Chronology." a 4 Whatever Vlii ADVERTISEMENT. Whatever may contribute to affift the fcholar, and to facilitate the acquifition of knowledge, cannot be unacceptable to the friends of literature. To promote this ufe- ful obje6l has been the endeavour of him, who now fubmits his labours to the public* Lichfield, Auguil 24, i8or. CONTENTS. Page. A CHRONOLOGY of remarkable Events, &c. - xvii GREECE - - i ATHENS - ib. Divifan of the inhabitants - - 2 Description of the city of ATHENS - 3 The citadel^ or upper city 4. Lower city - 7 Gates - - ib* Streets ~ 9 Buildings of the hwer city - - ib. Gymnafia - - 14 Theatres *; - - 17 Harbours iS Citizens * ~ J 9 Sojourners . - . . ^ . 22 Athenian magiftrates - - - 27 Archons - - 29 i - /ta/V authority - - 30 fnferiour magiftrates - " - 33 Public revenue - - - - 35 fc CONTENTS. Public treasurers - . 36 - expenditure - . 38 d'lftr'ibuters - - - . - ib. Officers in the markets - - - ~ 39 Maritime officers - - - . - 40 Various officers in the -public fervice - - ib: OF THE ATHENIAN COUNCILS. Council of the Amphittyons - - - -46 Public ajfemblies - - . - 47 Time of meeting - - - - 48 Places of meeting - - - . -49 Manner of holding the ajjemblies - - - ib. Senate of five hundred - - - " 5 2 Areopagus - ... - ^ 56 zVx power - - 57 i time and manner of meeting - - 58 Courts of ' jujlice for criminal offences - 6 1 Other courts of jujlice - ib. Courts of juflice for civil affairs - ... 64 Judicial procefs - - 66 Witneffes - - 71 Jnferiour magistrates - - - - "74 Public judgments - - - - - 76 Private judgments - - 79 Criminal pttniftmients - - - - - 84 Public honours and rewards - - 88 LAWS o/*/^ ATHENIANS - - - 89 . relating to divine ivorjbip - - 94 - - - fejlivals - - 95 ganuS) and plays - 96 Laws CONTENTS. Xl Page. Laws relating to thofe who officiated m holy rites 98 the laws - - "99 . . . the decrees of thefenate and people \ o I citizens - - - - 102 children and parents - - 103 fojourners - 1 04 Jlaves and freed fervants - 105 the fenate of five hundred - ib. magiftrates - - 106 a pfephlfm - 107 orators - - 1 08 various offices - - - ib. honours conferred by the common- wealth - - - - ib. the gymnafia - - - no phyftcians and philofophers - ib. judges . - - ib. lawfuits - - - IH preparatory to judgments * ib: relating to judgments - - . - ib. ' arbitrators - - - n-> 1 oaths - - - ib. 1 witnejfes - - - ib. , ., judgments already pa/l - - 114 punijhments . ib. " receivers of public money - Ii6 _ ////2/V.r *;/ land-marks - - ib. herds, and flocks - - 117 and felling . 1 1 8 money and ufury - - - ib. importation and exportation of wares - - - 119 ---- 120 XU CONTENTS. Page. Laws relating to corporate fodetles - - - 120 ' marriages - - - - 12 1 dowries - - 122 divorces - - - - 123 > . adulteries - - - - ib. . boy s^ procurers^ and harlots - 124 wills-) and fuccejfion of property 12$ guardian/hip - - - 126 fepulchres and funerals - - ib. robbers and ajjajjins - - 127 /*// - - 129 Jlander - "ISO matters ofbujinefs - - 1 ib. entertainments - - ib. military affairs - - ~ 131 __^_. i rewards and punijhments - ib. ^ various matters - - - 132 RELIGION /* /fo ATHENIANS - 133 Priejis and religious minifters - - - - 134 Temples - - 137 Grecian idols - - - - -I 39 Statues - - 140 Altars - - ib. Sacred f elds - 145 Sacrifices - - - - - ib. Matter of their facrifices - - - - 146 Rites preparatory to facrifices - - 152 Ornaments ufed at facrifces - - * 155 Time and manner of offering facrifices - 156 Ceremonies after the facrifices - - - 160 Prcjents to the gods - - - - 1 6 1 CONTENTS* Xlii Page. Prayers and imprecations - - - 162. Oaths - - I 6 5 Manner of fw ear ing - - -167 Reverence paid to oaths^ and punijbments attend- ing the violation of them - - - -169 Divination and oracles - - - - 170 Oracle of Dodona^ and other oracles of Jupiter - 171 Oracles of Apollo - - - 174 Other Grecian oracles^- ~ - - - 184 Theomancy - - - 189 Divination by dreams - - - - 190 i facrifices - 193 .. /rdk - - 197 . infetts and reptiles . - - - 20O the figns in the heavens - - ib. i lots - - 202 prefages - 204 Magical divinations - 207 GRECIAN FESTIVALS * 213 GRECIAN GAMES and COMBATS - 259 Running - - 260 Leaping - - - 262 tT/fo? difcus - - - 263 Boxing - 264 W^reflling -*- - - - - 265 Races^ and other exercijes - '- 266 Olympic games - - - - - -267 Pythian games - * - 271 Nemean games - - - * - ~ 2 73 JJlbmian games ~ - - - - -274 - - - - - . - ib. MlLITAXT Xiv CONTENTS. Page. MILITARY AFFAIRS . . - 279 Soldiers - . - . . -281 Armour and weapons - - . -285 Jflhenian officers - - - - 204 Lacedemonian officers - - - - -296 &iv fans, forms, and diftinflions of the army - ib. Peace and iuar> ambaffadour^ &c. - - 305 Camps . . - 307 Guards - . ^ o g Battle - _ 309 Signals and Jlandards - - - - ib. - - - 3,3 Funerals and treatment of the (lain - - 3 1 7 Military booty - - . . -72O Trophies - - - . . -?2I Military punijhments - - o 2 ^ Military rewards - - - . - -224. Manner of fending intelligence - -325 MARITIME AFFAIRS ... 326 Sea fervice - . . - ib. Part-s and ornaments of Jhips - - - - 320 Naval injlruments - 330 Naval injlruments of ivar - - - - o og Mariners and fea forces - - - 33^ Naval officers ---_._ 2 - - 344 Defence of harbours - . _ 346 Naval engagements - 347 Naval fpoils - or O Naval punijhments - - - - ib. PRIVATE CONTENTS. XtT PRIVATE LIFE OF THE GREEKS. Page. Funerals - ' - - - - - - 352 Treatment of the fick and dead - 355 Ceremonies before funerals - - - - 357 Funeral procejfions - - - - 360 Mourning for the dead - - 362 Interment and burning of the dead - 365 Tombs and monuments - 368 Honours paid to the dead - - - 37 1 Privileges of youth - - - "37^ Tokens exprejjive of love to women - - 37 8 Marriage - . - - - 382 Divorces - - 396 Adultery - - - "397 Concubines - 398 Employments of women - - 400 IVomen in child-birth - - - 402 Infants - - 404 Children - - ... 408 Jfyg-fo of inheritance - - 409 Ttflamentary wills - - - - 4It Inheritance of honours - - 412 Filial duties - - - - ib. .&f7/f - - 414 Entertainments - - - -415 - - 416 Liquors - .... 420 Invitations to entertainments - 422 Bathing - . - - - 42$ jfctffo - - ib. Anointing the body - . . . - 426 Cuftoms at entertainments - - . - 427 Hofpitality XVt CONTENTS. Hofpitality to Jlrangers * - 445 Education ----- 449 Art of painting ------ 450 ofmufic - - - - - - 452 Z>fY> - 455 Money - - 459 Weights - - 4 6 * Meafures - - 4^^ INDEX of Greek words - - - - - 464 INDEX of remark able things - - -499 XVII A CHRONOLOGY OF REMARKABLE EVENTS IN THE GRECIAN HISTORY, FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THB KINGDOM OF AR60* UNDER INACHUS, TO THE DEATH OF ALEXANDER. I56. ISO/. 1764. >747- 1712. 1642. 1582. 1556. IS06. H97- H95- M93- The kingdom of Argos under Inachus ^as eftablifhecl. Before the i ft Olympiad 1080 years. Inachus, the firft king of Argos, died. The deluge of Ogyges, from which Attica lay wafle for above 200 years, till the coming of Cecrops. He died this year. Phoroneus, king of Argos, died. Apis, king of Argos, died. Argus, king of Argos, died. About this time the chronology of the Arundelian marble* begins, which fuppofes Cecrops to arrive in Attica. Cecrops founds the kingdom of Athens, 780 years before the ift Olympiad. Cranaus, king of Athens. The deluge of Deucalion in Thcflaly. Amphi&yon, king of Athens. The Panathenaean games firft celebrated at Athens. Cadmus arrived in Greece, and built Thebes. b Erichthomu* Years bef. Chrift. '453 1437 1425' 1406 1396 i35 6 347 1326. 1307. 1283, 2263. 1234. 1228. 1225. 1222. 1213. 1205. 1I98. "93- 1184. 1:82. A CHRONOtpGY OF THE Srichthonins, king of Athens. The firit Olympic games celebrated in Elis by the Idsi Da&yli. Pandion, king of Athens. Danaus, the Egyptian, afterwards king of Argos, died. Minos gives laws to the Cretans; and iron is found by the Idaei Dadlyli, from the accidental burning of the woods of Mount Ida in Crete, .'.richtheus, king of Athens. Eumolpus firft introduced the Eleuiinian myfteries at Athens, Cecrops II. king of Athent. The kingdom of Argos is divided, and the moft confider- able part of it is called Mycena?. The Ifthmian games firft inftituted by Sifyphug king of Corinth. Creon, king of Thebes, died. II. king of Athens. ;geus, king of Athens. Orpheus, and Linus, poets, flourifhed. The Argonautic expedition under Jafon. The firft Py- thian games celebrated by Adraftus, king of Argos. Thefeus, king of Athens. Thefeus collects the twelve villages of Attica into one city, fettles a democracy, and renews the Ifthmiaa games. CEdipus, king of Thebes, died. The Theban war of the feven heroes againft Etecclcs, king of Thebes. The Olympic games celebrated by Hercules. The rape of Helen by Thefeus. Neftor of Pylos, the Grecian general, flouriflied. Meneftheus, king of Athens. The rape of Helen by Paris. The Trojan war begins. Heftor, the Trojan general. Achilles and UlyiTes, Grecian generals. Troy is taken, and burnt, by the Greeki. ^Eneas fails for Italy. Demophoonjking of Athcaj. 7 The Year bef. ChriiL GRECIAN HISTORY* -K1JS The Lydians are the firft after Minos, who acquire tht maritime power of the Mediterranean. Oxyntes, king of Athens. Aphiclas, king of Athens. Thymsetes, king of Athens. Melanthus, king of Athens. The migration of the vEolian colonies. The return of the Heraclidse into Peloponnefus, eighty years after the taking of Troy. The Heraclidae divide Peloponnefus, upon which the king- dom of Lacedaemon begins, under Euryfthenes and Procles, the two fons of Ariftodemus, general of the Heraclidae. Codrus, king of Athens. The kingdom of Sicyon ends. The kingdom of Athens ends in Codrus; after which they are governed by archons. The Pelafgi acquire the maritime power of the Mediter- ranean. VIedon, the firft archon of Athens, died, The migration of the Ionian colonies from Greece, and their fettlement in Afia Minor. Acaftus, the fecond archon of Athens, died. Thracians acquire the maritime power of the Medi- terranean. Archippus, the third archon of Athens, died, vledon, king of Argos, died. he city of Samos is built. Therfippus, the fourth archon of Athens, died. ^ycurgus, the Spartan lawgiver, is born. horbas, the fifth archon of Athens, died. lie Rhodians acquire the maritime power of the Mediter- ranean. Homer and Hcfiod, according to the Arundelian marbles, flourifhed about this time. he Phrygians acquire the maritime power of the Medi- terranean, X* A CHRONOLOGY OF THE Years bef. Chrift. ^ * 884. Lycurgus eftablifhes his laws in Lacedasmon ; and, with Iphitus and Cleofthenes, reftores the Olympic games at Elis. 869. Phidon, king of Argos, is faid to have invented fcales and meafures, and to have coined filver at 868. The Cyprians acquire the maritime power of the Mediter- ranean. 854. Phidon, king of Argos, died. 846. Pherecles, the eighth archon of Athens, died. 826. The Phoenicians acquire the maritime power of the Medi- terranean. Ariphron, the ninth archon of Athens, died. 814 The kingdom of Macedon begins, and continues 646 years, till the battle of Pydna. 799- Thefpieus, the tenth archon of Athens, died. 797- The kingdom of Lydia begins, and continues 249 years. 787. The Egyptians acquire the maritime power of the Medi- terranean. 779* Agameftor, the eleventh archon of Athens, died. The monarchical government ceafes at Corinth, and the pry tan es defied. Automenes was the firft cf the pry- tanes at Corinth. Olympiads. 776. I. i. In this year, Coraebus obtained the prize of the ftadium ; which has fmce been made the principal sera of chronology*. 770. II. 3 Theopompus, the nephew of Lycurgus, afcends the throne of Lacedasmon. 76- V. i. The five Ephori introduced into the go- vernment of Lacedtemon by Theopompus. Elatus, the firft of the Ephori. 757- V. 4. Foundation of Syracufe by the Corinthians. 756. VI. i. Jifchylus, the twelfth archon of Athens, died. 3. Alcmaeon, the thirteenth archon of Athens, died. The authority of the archons of Athens ceafes to be for life, and is limit- ed to ten years. Charops is die firft decennial archon. VII. i.Daicles. Each Olympiad crnta'ns four years ; each of which, beginning at the new t'xat folJows the fummer foljtke, correfponds to two Julian years, and includes the fix laft months of the &cil t and she fix firft month* of iht foi- GRECIAN HISTORY. Olympiads. VII. I. Daicles is crowned at the Olympic games ; being the firft who had that honour The people of Naxos in Sicily fend a colony to Catana. IX. I. JEfimedes, the fecond decennial archon at Athens. IX. 2. The firft Meffenian war begins, and con- tinues nineteen years, to the taking of Ithome. XI. 3- The Carians acquire the command of the Mediterranean. CEdicus, the third de- cennial archon at Athens. XIII. 3. The Lacedaemonians being defeated by Ariftodemus, allow their wives to profti- tute themfelves in their abfence. XIV. i. The firft MefTenian war ended, after the taking of Ithome, by which they become vailals to the Lacedaemonians. The ^avAo? is added to the Olympic games. Hip- pomenes, the fourth decennial archon at Athens. XV. 2. The 3oA%o? was added to the Olympic games. They firft run naked in the ftadium the year before. XVI. 3. Leocratcs, the fifth decennial archon at Athens. XVIII. l. The wwTaGto*, and the w^, wreftling, added to the Olympic games. _ 2. Phalantus, a Lacedaemonian, conducts a colony to Tarentum. XIX. 2. Corcyra built by the Corinthians. Apfan der, the iixth decennial archon at Athens. XXI. 3. Eryxias, the feventh decennial archon at Athens. XXIII. 4. The fecond MefTenian war begins, and continues fourteen years. About this time the poets Tyrtaeus and Archilochus flouriflietl. XXIV. i. The archons of Athens become annual. Creon, the firft annual archon. b 3 XXV. i. The A CHRONOLOGY OF THS Years bef. Chrift. 680. 668. 664. 659. 658. 648. 644- 640. 638. 632. Olympiads. XXV. I . The chariot race introduced at the Olympic games. XXVIII. I. The fecond Mefienian war ended by the taking of Ira ; and the MefTenians are expelled Peloponnefus. XXIX. I . Some of the Mefienians fettled at Zancle in Sicily, which city afterwards takes the name of Meflma. A fea -fight be* tween the Corinthians, and the inha- bitants of Corcyra. XXX. 2. Crypfelus ufurps the throne of Corinth, and reigns thirty years. 3. Byzantium founded by the people of Me* gara* XXXIII. i. The srayxamov and the twos xi?u?$ were both iniUtuted at the Olympic games. XXXIV. i. Terpander, poet and mufician of Lefbos, flourifhed. XXXV. i. Thales of Miletus is born, the founder of the Ionian fc ' 3. Solon is born. XXXVII. i. The r^ y wot^uv, and the running an , wreitiing of children, are trouuced at the Olympic games. 630. ... 3. Cyrene is built by Battus; who begins that kingdom. 629 4. Crypfelus, tyrant of Sicyon, dies. His fon Periander fucceeds him, and reigns 44 years. 628. 624. 621. 616. XXXVIII. X. The smrafiAoit voti^av is added to the Olympic games, but it was afterwards difcontmued. XXXIX. I. The Scythians invade Afia Minor; and keep poffeffion of it 28 years. 2. DraCo, the archon and lawgiver, efia- sblifhes his lav/s at Athens. - 4. A war between the Lydians and Milefians, which continues eleven years. XLI. i. The wyiw wot^M, boxing between chil- dren, is inllituted at the Olympic games. XULi.Tho GRECIAN HISTORY. Olympiads. XLII. I. The adherents of Cylon at Athens are murdered. 3. Anaximander, the philofopher of Miletus, is born. XLIV. i. Alcajus and Sappho, poets, flourimed. XLV. i. About this time Pythagoras is born; he lived ninety years. t 4, Eclipfe of the fun predicted by Thales^ which took place during the battle be- tween Cyaxeres, king of the Medes, and Alyattes,king ofLydia,onthe 9th of July. Epimenides of Crete purifies the city of Athens from the pollution incurred by the murder of the adherents of Cylon. XL VI. I. The Scythians expelled from Upper Afia? by Cyaxares. Solon induces the council of the Amphyftyons to refolve to attack the people of Cirrha, accufed of impiety towards the temple of Delphi. i.. 3. Solon, lawgiver and archon of Athens-. . 4. Solon travels into Egypt, Cyprus, Lydia,&c. XLVJI. 2. The Pythian games firft celebrated at Delphi, and continued on the fecond year of every Olympiad. mm 3. The Lydian war begins betwixt Cyaxaret and Halyattes, and continues fix years. Pittacus begins to reign at Mytelene; and retains lovereign power for ten years. XLVIII. 4. Competition of mufi:ians inftituted at the Pythian games. XL IX. i. Periander dies. The Corinthians recover their liberty. 3. The I'-hmian games reltored, being cele- brated the firit and third year of every Olympiad. Mi'op, the mythologift, flou- rimed. .. 4. The fi; ft Pythiad, ferving to calculate the years in which the public games were celebrated at Delphi", $tefichorus, the poet, flouriihed. LIT, 3. Pittacus of Mytelene died. XXIV A CHRONOLOGY Of TH Years b f. CHrift -"I 562. 56O. 559- 557- 556. 548. 536. 529, 528, 526 525 522 521 5*3 510, Olympiads! LIV. 3. The firft comedy at Athens afted upon a moveable fcaffold by Sufarion and Dolon. Some years after Thefpis begins to act in tragedy. Anaximander of Miletus flou- rifhed. -LV. i. Pififtratus ufurps the Sovereign power at Athens ; and holds it two years. I 2* Cyrus afcends the Perfian throne. Anaxi- menes of Miletus, Bias of Priene, Pha- laris, and Cieobulus, flourifh. 4. Pififtratus, after an expulfion, recovers the tyranny of Athens, and holds it one year. L VI. i. Pififtratus is expelled Athens, and conti- nues in banifhment for eleven years. LVIII. i. Craefus conquered by Cyrus. Theognis, the poet, and Pherecydes the Syrian, flouriflied. Thales died. The burning of the temple bf Delphi. LIX. 2. Battle of Thymbra. Cyrus takes the city of Sardis. LXI. i. Prizes infiituted for tragedy. Simonides Anacreon, and Xenophanes flourifti. LXII. 4. Cyrus dies ; and is fucceeded by his fon Cambyfes. LXIII. I. Pififtratus, the tyrant of Athens, dies: Hippias and Hipparchus, his fons, fuc- ceed him. 3- Learning is encouraged at Athens, and a public library built. 4. The birth of ^Efchylus, the poet. Chce- rilus, the tragedian, flourifhed. LXIV. 3. Polycrates, the tyrant of Samos, put to death, after a reign of eleven years. 4. Darius, fon of Hyftafpes, begins to reign in Perfia. LXV. 4. Birth of the poet Pindar. LXVI. 4. Hipparchus, the tyrant of Athens, put to death. LXVII. 3. The tyranny of the Pififtratidac aboliftied at Athens, Clifthenes increales the num- ber of tribes at Athens from four to ten. LXVIII. i. Ex. GRECIAN HISTORY. XX? Olympiads. LXVIIT. i.. Expedition of Darius againft the Scythians. LXIX. i. Ionia revolts againft Darius. Sardis taken and burnt by the Athenians. Heraclitus, Parmenides, and Ariftagoras fiourifhed. LXX. I. Race for chariots drawn by two mules in- troduced at the Olympic games. Birth of Anaxagoras, the philosopher, .^fchy- lus was a competitor for the prize in tra gedy with Pratinas and Choerilus. - 4. Birth of Sophocles. LXX1. i. Miletus taken and deftroyed by the Per. fians. Phrynicus, thedifcipleof Thefpis, makes it the fubjeil of a tragedy. He firft introduced female characieis on the frage. Birth of Democritus ; who lived ninety years. 2. Birth of Hellanicus, the hiftorian,of Lefbos, LXXI1.2. Gelon, king of Syracufe. 3. The Perfians defeated by Miltiades, in the battle of Marathon. 4. Miltiades, having been unfuccefsful in the fiege of Paros, is profecuted, and dies. LXXIII. I. Chionides, of Athens, brings a comedy on the ftage. 4. Death of Darius, king of Perfia. Xerxes, his fon, fucceeds him. LXXIV. l. Xerxes recovers Egypt, and give? the government of it to his brother Achxme- nes. Ariitides banifhed by oftracifm* Birth of Herodotus ; and Euripides. 4. Xerxes winters at Sardis, and in the fpring crofTes the Hellefpont, and begins his ex- pedition againft Greece. LXXV. I. Battle at Thermopylae, and Salamis. Xerxes arrives at Athens in Auguft. Birth of Antiphon, the orator. Charon, the hillomn, and Zeuxis, the painter, f*ou- ri(hed. 2. The Perfians defeated at P!at:ca, and M>'- cale, ou the fame day. LXX VII. a. The. XXVI A CHRONOLOGY OP THX Years bef. Olympiads. thrift. 471. LXXVII. 2. Themiftocles banifhed for confpiring with Paufanias againft the liberty of Greece. Birth of Tiiucydides. 470. 3. Victory of Cimon over the Perfians near the river Eurymedonin Pamphylia. 469. 4. Cimon removes the bones of Thefeus to Atticus. Birth of Socrates, ^fchylus and Sophocles difpute the prize of tra gedy, which is adjudged to the latter. 468. LXXVIII. i. The death of Simonidss. 467. - 2. The death of Ariftides. 465. 4. The third MefTenian war begins, and con- tinues ten years. The deaih of Xerxes; who is fucceeded by Artaxerxes Longi man us, who reigns forty years. 464 LXXIX. i. Earthquake at Lacedaemon. 463. 2. Egypt revolts from the Perfians, under Inerus, who procures them the affifiancc of the Athenians. 462. 3. The Perfians defeated by the Athenians in a naval engagement. 461 . -" ' 4. Cimon leads an Athenian army to the aflift- ance of the Lacedaemonians ; who fufpetl- ing them of perfidy, fend them back. Bam foment of Cimon. 460. LXXX. i. Birth of Hippocrates. 459' 2. The Athenians begin to tyrannize ever the other Grecian ftates. Birth of Lyfias, the orator. Plato, the comedian, Ariftarchus, the ^ tragedian, Leocrates, Thrafybulus, Pericle:, &c. flourifhed. 455. LXXXI. 2. The Athenians, under the conduct of Tol- mides, and afterwards under Pericles, lay wafte the coafts of Laconia. 454 3. The Romans fend to Athens for Solon's laws. 452, LXXXII. i. Ion brings his tragedies on the ftage, Pin- dar died. 450. . 3. Truce for five years between the ftates of Pelopoimtfus and the Athenians, con- cluded GRECIAN HISTORY. Years bff. Chrift,. eluded by Cimon, who had been recalled from banifhment, and who foon after led an army into Cyprus. A war between the Perfians and Athenians at fea, which continues two years. ,i 4. Cimon obliges the king of Perfia to fign a treaty with the Greeks difaonourable to that monarch. Death of Cimon. Death of Themiflocles, aged 65. 448. LXXXIII. i. The firft facred war concerning the temple of Delphi. 2. The Athenians defeated by the Beeotians at Chaeronasa ; and Tolmides, the gene- ral, killed. 3. The Eubceans and Megareans feparate from the Athenians, who reduce them, under the conduft of Pericles, The truce of five years between the Lacedaemonians and Athenians expiring j another truce is made for thirty years. . 4. Herodotus reads his hiftory at the Olympic games, and receives public honours. Meliffus, Protagoras, Empsdocles, &c. flourished. 444. LXXXIV. I. Pericles remains without a rival for power, He had taken part in the government for 25 years before, and continued to enjoy almoft ablolute power during 15 years after. A colony fent to Tim/ium by the Athenians : Herodotus, Thucydides, and Lyfias were of the number. 44*. * * 3- Euripides, aged 43 years, obtains the prize for tragedy for the firft time. 440. LXXXV. I. Comedies prohibited at Athens, which con- tinued for three years. 2. A war begins between Corinth and Cor- 4. The Athenians fend a colony to Amphi- polis. Building of the Propylaea in ths citadel of Athens. 436. LXXXVI. I. Birth of Ifocrates. At this time flourifhed, Gorgias, Hippias, Prodicus, Zeno of Bleu, &c. LXXXVII. i. Me- A CHRONOLOGY OF THE Years bef, Chrift. 43*' 43- 429. 4 2S- 4?. 4*6. 425. 444. 4*3- 422. 421 416, Olympiads, LXXXVII. i. Meton begins his EmaSWajr^K, or nine teen yeats cycle of the moon from the new moon of July 6th, being eighteen days after the fummer foiftice*. 2. The Peloponnefian war begins May 7th, and continues about 27 years. , - . 3. A plague ?t Athens for five years. Eupolis begins to write comedies. - 4. Birth of Placo, in May. Birth of Pericles, about October. LXXXVIII. i. Death of Anaxagoras. - - 2. The Leontines fend a,n embafly to Athens for ailiftance againft the Syracufians, which is granted them. The Athenians fei'/e on Mytelene, and divide among them the lands of Lefbos. . - - 3. The Athenians purify the Ifls of Delos. . - 4. The Athenians take Pylos in Peloponnefus. Death of Artaxerxes Longimaaus. Xerxes the 2d fucceeds him. LXXXIX. i. Anftophane.:,' comedy of the clouds, a&ed firft at Athens againit Socrates. The Sicilians make peace, and the Athenians return. _ 2. Death of Xerxes II. king of Perfia. Da- rius Nothus fucceeds him, and reigns 19 years. The temple of Juno at Argos burnt. 3. Battle of Amphipolis, in which Brafidas the general of the Lacedaemonians, and Cleon, the -general of ihe Atheniaas, are (lain. > . - ^. Truce for fifty years concluded between the Athenians and Lacedaemonians; which is kept only during fix years and ten months! XCI. l. Alci'oiades gains the prize at the Olympic games. XCI. 2. The * The civil rear, before, b??an with the new moon wh'ch followed the winter foiftice. It afterwards commr!,c:d with that *hich follows the funnier lolftice ; at which tims aifo the new auhoas uavcied on their otftce. GRECIAN HISTORY. XXIX Olympiads, XCI. 2. The Athenians reduce M ;1os. Expedition of the Athenians into Sicily. The ftatues of Mercury thrown down at Athens. - 3. The fecond part of the Peloponnefian war, called the Decclean, begins. The Lace- dasmonians feud an army into Sicily. 4. The Athenian army defeated in Siciljr. Nicias and Demofthenes put to death in September. XCII. 2. Alcibiades forfakes the Lacedaemonians. Four hundred citizens placed at the head of the government. 3. The four hundred are depofed, and the de- mocracy re-eilablilhed. Baniiljment of Hyperbolus. The oftracifm laid afide. XCII1. 2. Alcibiades returns to Athens. Death of Euripides. 4. Dionyfius the elder afcends the throne of Syracufe. Death of Sophocles. Battle of Arginufae, in which ths fieet of the Athenians defeats that of the Lacedae- monians. Lyfander gains a fignal viftory over the^Athenians near JEgos-Potamos. XCIV. I. Death of Darius Nothus. Artaxerxes Mnemon fucceeds him. Athens taken by the Lacedaemonians. Lyfander eftablifhes at Athens thirty magiilrates, known by the name of the thirty tyrants. Their authority ceafed in eight months. About this time flourished, Parrhafius, the paint- er, Protagoras, Lyfias, Agathon, Euclid, Teleftes, Cebes, &c. 3. Archonmip of Euclid. Amnefty. Demo- cracy re-eftablilhed at Athens. . 4. Expedition of the younger Cyrus. XCV. i. Socrates is put to death by the Athenians. XCVI. i. The expedition of Agefilaus againft the Perfians. - 3. Conon defeats the Lacedaemonians near Cnidus. Agefilaus defeats the Thebans at Coronea. Conon rebuilds the walls of the Pirseus. XCVII. 1. The Athenians, under the conduct of Thra- fybulus, obtain a part of Lefbos. XCVII. 2. Death XXX A CHRONOLOGY OF THE Years Olympiads; Chrift XCVII. 2. Death of Thucydides. 288. XCVI1I. i. Dionyfius begins the fiege of Rhegium, wl.tch is taken after a defence of eleven months. About this time flourished, Plato, Philoxenus, Damon and Pythias, Iphicrates, &e. 387. ' ' 2. Peace of Antalcidas between the Perfiana and Greeks. ' 4. The war of Cyprus finiflied by treaty, having continued two years. Birth of Demoflhenes. XCIX. I . Birth of Ariftotle. C. 3. Pelopidas, and the other exiles from Thebes* leave Athens, and feize the citadel of Thebes, which had been taken by the Lacedaemonians a fhort time before. -4. Naval battle near Na j. Artaxerxes Mnemon, king of Perfia, gives peace to Greece. The Lacedaemonians preferve the empire of the land, and the Athenians that of the fea. Death of Evagoras, king of Cyprus. CII. I. Appearance of a comet in the winter of 373 and 572. Earthquakes in Pelopon- neius. The cities of Helice and Bura deitroyed. Platzea dellroyed by the Thebans. _ 2. Battle of Leuftra, the 8th of July. The Thebans commanded by Epaminondas, defeat the Lacedaemonians under the command cf their king Cleombrotus, who is flan. Foundation of the city of Mega- lopolis in Arcadia. _, 3. The Mefleniar.s, after a bammment of 500 s, return to Pejoponnefus. CII. 4, Death GRECIAN HISTORYV XXXI Years bet. Ch 368. 367. 366. 364. 363- 36*. 360. 357- 356. 3L54- 353- Olympiads. CII. 4. Death of Jafon, tyrant of Pherae. CIII. I. Expedition of Epaminondas into Laconia* Foundation of the city of Meflene. The Athenians, under the command of Iphi- crates, come to the afliftance of the Lace- daemonians. Alphareus, the adopted fon of Ifocrates, begins to write tragedies. .' ' . 2. Death of Dionyfius the elder, king of Sy- racufe. His fon of the fame name fuc* ceeds him. 3. Ariilotle comes to refide at Athens. CIV. I. The Pifaeans prefide in this Olympiad, having excluded the Eleans. Pelopidai is killed in a battle he gained over Alex- ander of Phenea. ' 2. Battle of Mantinea, and death of EpamI* nondas. . 3. Death of Agcfilaus, king of Lacedamon. Death of Artaxerxes Mnemon; who is fucceeded by Ochus, The third voyage of Plato into Sicily, where he remained 1 6 months. CV. i. Philip afcends the throne of Macedon. 4. Expedition of Dion into Sicily : he em- barks at Zacynthus in Auguft. The fecond facred war, begins from the Delphic temples being attacked by the Phoceans. The cities of Chios, Rhodes, Cos, and Byzantium detach themfeives from the Athenians. CVI. i. Birth of Alexander: Philip, his father. crowned conqueror at the Olympic games. 3. Dion is put to death by the Zacynthian mercenaries ; and Syracufe is governed feven years by tyrants. Iphicrates and Timotheus profecuted, and deprived of the command of the army. Demoilhene* afcends the roitrum for the firft time. 4. Death of Maufolus, king of Caria. Arte- mifia, his wife and iiiter, fucceeds him, cr . reigns two years. The Phoceans are defeated in TheiTaly by Philip. About this time flourifhed Lycurgus, Ibis, Theo- pompus, A CHRONOLOGY, Years ' bet. Chrift 349- 348. 347- 343- 341, 338. 337- 336. 333- S3 2 ' 33 1 - 326. 327 3 2 3< Olympiads. pompus, Ephorus, Datames, Philomelus, &c. CVII.4. The Olynthians, befieged by Philip, im- plore afTiilance from the Athenians. CVIII. i. The facred war finiftied by Philip Baking all the cities of the Phoceans. 2. Dionyfms recovers Syracufe, after ten years banifhment. Death of Plato. CIX. 2. Timoleon drives Dionyfius from Syracufe, and fends him to Corinth. . 4. Birth of Epicurus. Birth of Menander. About this time flouriflied, Speufippus, Protogenes, jiEfchines, Xenocrates, Pho- cicn, Mamercus, Icetas, Stilpo, Demades, Apelles, the painter, Califthenes, Dino- crates, Calippus, Hyperides, Theophraf- tus. CX. 3. Battle of Chacronea, in Augufl. Death of Koc rates. 4. Death of Timcleon. CXI. i. Philip of Macedon killed by Pau&nias, 4. The fecond battle gained by Alexander at Iflus. CXII. I. Tyre and Egypt conquered by Alexander; and Alexandria built. 2. The battle of Arbela. CX1II. i. Philemon begins to produce his comedies. * 2. Alexander's expedition into India. CXIV. 2. The death of Alexander, April 21 ft. His empire is divided into four kingdoms. Death of Diogenes. 3. Demofthenes put- to death by Antipattr, Death of Arifiotle. About this time flou rimed, Praxiteles, Crates, Bagoas, Parmenio, Philotas, Memnon, Philetus, Lyfippus, Menedemus, Pinarchus, Pole- mon, Neoptolemus, Perdiccas, Leofthenes, Megafthenes, &c, GRECIAN GRECIAN ANTlQjUlTtfiS* GREECE. GR^ECIA was anciently called HELLAS * and comprehended Peloponneius, Grsecia Propria, ThelTalia, Epirus, and Macedonia. It was bounded on the north by Dalmatia arid Thrace ; On the eaft, by the ^gean ; on the weft, by the Io- nian feaj and, on the ibuth, by the Mediterra-* nean Tea. The Greeks were called lonians, (tie- rodot. lib. i. Pompon, MeL i. cap. 2.} Danai, Achseans, Argivi, &c ATHENS* the city of Athens, the feat of tlie Grecian empire, was founded about 1556 years before the birth of Chrift, by CecropS. It was called from its founder, Cecropia; and afterwards Athene, ra honour of Minerva; and by way of eminence ^-oXtf or a?u> the city : (Strabo, lib. 9j f. 396.^ When the inhabitants became numerous, the lower grounds were built on, and the citadel Was called Acro- polis, or aw TroAK, the upper citys and th$ buildings in the plain, u XTW TroAif, the lower city* The GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: The Athenians were originally called produced from the fame earth, which they inha- bited > yyyiwS) fons of the earth $ (Hefyckius) and TfTTj^f?, grafshoppers. They occafionally wore golden grafshoppers in their hair, as an ornament of diftinclion, and a badge of their antiquity, becaufe thofe infects were thought to be fprung from the ground : (Thucyd. lib \.) The govern- ment was originally monarchical ; and the chief power of the king confided in doing juftice ; (Cicer. de Off. lib. 2. cap. \^.JuJlin, lib. \.) declaring, and conducting his fubjeclis to war, (Horn. Iliad) p. v. 310^ and in performing facri- fices* THE DIVISION OF THE INHABITANTS. Cecrops divided the people into four tribes, named K.X07n;, A-jTop^wj*, Axrat,.aild IlagoiXKZ j be* ing about twenty thoufand in number ; (SchoL in Find, Olymp. od. 9.} They were taught trade* navigation, and the ufe of letters, by the Phoeni- cians, religion, laws, arts, and fciences, they re- ceived from the JEgyptians. Cecrops the fecond divided his dominions into twelve cities, (Etymolog. .Aitft.) with diflincT: courts of judicature, and ma- giflrates of their own. With little alteration it thus remained, till Thefeus eflablifhed a common- wealth, or popular government, which underwent no alteration till the death of Codrus ; (Cicer. Tufcitl. Qxj*iAjw'w : the next were the horfemen, iTtirxf* TMSVTS.C, tjiofc who were worth three hundred medimns, or could fur- nifh a horfe : the third rank confined of thofe who were worth two hundred nK'li.-y.p.s, v-d called Zzuyirou : the lad rank, called UTS?, was compofed of the reft, who had power to vote in the public aflemblies, but were incapable of bearing civil of- fices : (Plutarch Solon.) Pififtratus afterwards feized upon the government, which again, in fe- venty years, reverted to its liberties, which th5 people enjoyed till the invafion of Xerx.j?. ; after which, Athens was reftored to the full po.... of the government, which it retained with few in- terruptions, and was fully eftabliihed in the L ..,_;> year of the ninety-fourth olympiad* DESCRIPTION OF THE CITY OF ATHENS* Athens was in circumference about \*% Jlctdia, or rather more than twenty-two Roman i: % ' according 4 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES? according to Ariflides, it was a day's journey round 5 (Panathen.) It was feated in a pleafant plain, and built on a rock : (Eujlathius.) When the inha- bitants increafed, the city extended over the plain, on that account called n xocru TTCTU?, or the lower city ; and the original buildings were called n <**<* or axooTroAif, the upper city. OF THE CITADEL, OR UPPER CITY. The citadel was 60 ftadia in circumference, fenced with wooden pales, and planted with olives. It was fortified on the fouth-fide with a ftrong wall, part of it built by Cimon, from the fpoils taken in the Perfian war, called xipuvtov r^x * 5 (Plutarch, in Cimone.) The north wall was built long before, by Agrolas ; (Paufanias.) or by -the Tyrrhenian bro- thers, Euryalus and Hyperbius - r (Plin.) It was called n^airyixov or n^afyixor, from Pelafgi, the founders of it ; fo called from tfiAa^yo;, ftorks, becaufe, like birds of paffage, they were perpetu- ally changing their habitations : (Strabo. 9. Plin. lib. 7. 56. Paufanias Atticis.) They who built houies under this wall were execrated, becaufe the Peiafgi confpired againil the Athenians : (^hucy aides. Schol. lib-. 2.J Whoever digged a ditch or fowed corn here, he was apprehended by the Nomothttcf, brought before the Archon, and fined three drachms : (Pollux, lib. 8, c. g.J It was adorned with nine gates ; hence called EmaTruAcv. There \vere many fmall gates, but the grand entrance was built by Pericles, at the expence of more than 1000 drachms: (P hit arch. PericL Pan/an. At- iicis.-HarpQcrat & Suidas, in V. UpoTruAaia.) The THE CITADEL. / The infide was ornamented with edifices, fta- tutes, and monuments : (Ariftides in Panathenaica. Mewjius.) In the citadel was the temple of MINERVA, called Nxn, or Vidory. She was reprefented with a pomegranate in her right hand, and a helmet in her left, without wings, (viftory being ufually re- prefented with wings ; Suidas & Harpocrat.) in commemoration of the fuccefs of Thefeus in Crete, the report of which had not reached Athens before his arrival. It was conflruded of white marble, and placed at the right hand of the entrance of the citadel. Another temple of MINERVA, called Parthenion, becaufe (he preierved her virginity inviolate ; or becaufe it was dedicated by the daughters of Erec- theus, who were called IL^Ofi/c* : (HeJ'ychius.) It was called alfo, Exaro/xTrsJW, becaufe it was one hundred feet fquare. It was burnt by the Per- fians, but again rebuilt by Pericles, and enlarged Hfty feet on each fide : (Paufanias.) It was built of white marble, and yet remains, a noble monument of antiquity, 229 feet long, 101 feet broad, and 69 feet high. The temple of NEPTUNE, furnarned Erecktheus, was a double building, and contained the fait fpring, called E^p^rii?, which was fuppofed to have iprung out of the earth, from a ftroke of Neptune's trident y in his conteft with Minerva. This part of it was {acre4 to NEPTUNE. That which belonged to MINERVA was firnamed JTcAne of the daughters of Cecrops. Here was the yljve produced by Minerva; and her image, faid to B 3 have GRECIAN ANTI<3UlflE S: have fallen from Heaven in the time of Erichthonius. It was guarded by dragons, called CJH^OJ j c^ H TWV noXf/xiwv, near the Academy. H T JH TOJ J, a way near the Prytaneum, In which were ftorehoufes flocked with tripods of brafs ; where was the fatyr called n^iSouTo?, one of the jiiaflerpieces of Praxiteles : (Harpocr. O^ THE BUILDINGS OF THE LOWER CITY. i. rio/ATrfiov, was an edifice in which were kepi the facred utenfils ufed at feftivals; it was at the entrance of the old city which looked towards Phalerum, and adorned with the ftatues of Athenian heroes, 2. The fb GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: 2. The temple of VULCAN, or of VULCAN and MINERVA, not far from Ceramicus within the city, and was a public prifon. The temple of the HEAVENLY VENUS, called Ou^ai/;*, who prefided over chafte love, in oppofi- tion to IIanJV)/xo? Venus, who was the patronefs of debauchery. Venus had other temples, fome erected on account of Demetrius Poliorcetes, to Venus Lamia, and Lezena, in honour of two cour* tezans of thofe names : (Plutarch, in Demetrio.) The temple of THESEUS was erected by Conon, in the middle of the city, near to which the young men performed their wreftlings. It was a fanctuary for flaves, and thofe who fled from perfecution, in commemoration of Thefeus, the guardian and pro- tector of the diftrefled. Many temples were dedicated to him while alive, all, except four, he dedicated to Hercules, and called them *]ua?, north-eafl; Bo^a^, north; north-weft; Zspupo?, weft; NOTO^ fouth; fouth-weft, 12 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: 3. Zrogi, Porticos; the moft remarkable was IlfKnai/axTio?, afterwards called newAn, from its variety of pictures, drawn by the moft eminent matters of Gieece. Here Zeno taught philofophy, and inflituted that fed which .received their names from this place 4. Mao-fioy, was a fort near the citadel, fo called from Mufeus the fcholar of Orpheus, who ufed to repeat his verfes in this place ; and here he was buried. It was obliged by Antigonus to entertain a garrifon ; and Demetrius furrounded it with a wall. 5. l$nov ; a mufic theatre, built by Pericles; it was filled with feats, and ranges of pillars in the infide; and the outfide roof was bent gradually downwards ; fo conftructed in imitation of the king of Perfia's pavilion : (Plutarch, in Pericle.) Here was a tribunal ; (Ariftoph. Vef-p.) It was beauti- fied by Lycurgus ; (Hyperid. pro Ly cargo) ; being deftroyed in the mithridatic war, (Appian. in Mithridatico,) it was rebuilt by Herodes Atticus with fuch fplendour as to furpafs all other buildings in Greece : (Paufamas.J It was fituated in the, Ceramicus. 6. CERAMICUS; there were two places of this name, fo called from Ceramus fon of Bacchus and Ariadne ; (PatifaniasSuidiis Pirn. L 7. c. $6.) or probably ro TJJ wz*pitiws Ttxm?, from the potter's art, which was firfl invented in one of them by Conebus. One of them was within the city, and contained temples, theatres, porticos, and the BUILDINGS OF THE LOWER CITY. 13 like ; *.he other was in the fuburbs, and was a public burying place, and contained the academy and other buildings. 7. Ayo^ai ; thefe were very numerous ; but the old and new forum were the mod remarkable : The NEW Forum was called EgsTpa, : (Strabo. lib. g.) It was near the portico of Zcno : (Paufanias.) The OLD Forum was in the Ceramicus within the City, called A^aia a-yo^a. Here the public af- femblies of the people were held. Here tradefmen expofed their goods to fale; each trade having a feparate market : (Menexen. Plato, p. 234. torn* 1. edit.Serran. Schol. Eurip. Hecat. tin. 288, m V. TTXfnyOgVKTOV.} where Haves were fold : (Hefychius.) a,vthe bakers market. , the fifhmongers market. the market for women's ap- parel. , the wine market. ir, the oil market ; and many others : (Pollux L 9. c. 5 .) The time of fale was called irA(Wa ayo^a, full market; different hours being appointed for the fale of different commodities : (Suidas.) 8. BsXfUTu^a, public halls for companies of tradef- men, where they deliberated on things relating to their trade. Trade was much encouraged at Athens ; and if any one ridiculed it he was liable to an aftion of ilander : 14: GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES; flander : (Demofji. Or at. in Eubulidem.) ^Solon applied himfelf to merchandize; the founder of the city Maflilia, was a merchant ; Thales, and Hippocrates the mathematician, traded -, and Plato fold oil in Egypt. (Plutarch. Solone.) 9. Aqueducts, were few before the Roman times ; the want of them was fupplied by wells. It was enacted by Solon, that where there was a publiq well within four furlongs, it might be ufed , but thcfe at greater diftance mould be obliged to provide a well. If they dug ten fathoms without finding water, they were allowed ten gallons a day from their neighbours : (Plutarch. Solone.) Adrian, laid the foundation of an aqueduct fupported by ionic pillars, which was finimed by Antoninus. OF THE GYMNASIA. Public edifices for the ufe of philofophers, rheto- ricians, and other profeffors ; for wreftlers, pugililts, dancers, and others > confifled of many divisions, as, Sroai, Porticoes filled with fj^aj, and fidefeats : here the fcholars probably met. i/, where the ephebi or youths exercifed. aTroJuTnotoi', yvpi/awgiov, the unclreffing room. EAaio0OJ/TICV, Xvas a place under tlie floor, where were brazen veflels, filled with ftones and other things, to imitate the noife of thunder. E7rnc7jnoj/, a place on the top of the fcene, m which the machines and reprefentations were moved. Ila^ao-xriviov, behind the fcenes* where the ac- tors dreiTed themfelves. n^oo-xtjuoi', the ilage, on which they a&ed* Op^nr^a, where the chorus danced and fungi in the middle of which was the hoyuov or the pulpit* C it GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: TTTOO-XJJVIOI/, a place under the pulpit for the mufic. cavea, was appointed for the fpe&ators, in three divisions, one above the other. The low- eft belonged to perfons of quality, and magiftrates ; the middle to the commonalty ; the uppermofl to the women. Porticos were creeled behind the cavea, where the fpeclators retired for fhelter in rainy weather. OF THE HARBOURS. tlipftisuc, Pirseeus, which belonged to the tribe of Hippothoontis, was about 40 fladia from the city, before the building of the ^ax^>a T^U. Ife contained three o^oi or docks; one called KavSa^y from a hero of that name ; another ApoJV ; Axraia, and they were afterwards called K^ai/a AiaxfK. Erichthonius called them, JIoG-fi^awas- $ and H^ainaj, from different deities. Afterwards they were called Ttfaovrtf j OTTXITOH, ; Atyixotf ; A^ya&y j (Herodotus, L S. c. 44.^) Thefe names they received from the fons of Ion ; (Eu- Ion.- Herodotus, L 5. c. 66.) Oirhir&i $ j Ffw^yot ; and Aiyixo^ai ; (Plutarch. So- km.) They were afterwards augmented to ten, and then to twelve ; (Plutarch. Demetrio.) and again changed their names ; (&tcphan ArraXi? et Btf ?ixjaf.) Thefe tribes had public feads, at which they met to promote friendfhip and good neigh- bourhpod ; ( Athena^ lib. 15 .) If the whole tribe aflembled, the feaft was called oinrvov ^uATxoj if only one, ^ar^ia, it was called, jhiww fi^aT^ixcv, if of a J"i3/Af> it was efifirwp ^^ortxtK* Aupoi were little boroughs in Attica, feveral of them belonging to every tribe j their number was 174; (Euftath. in I!, p. Strabo, I. 9 J xaOurr^* pr u?rv^0ev, upper or lower : There were other boroughs, belonging to no particular tribes. OF THE SOJOURNERS. Miroixct, thofe were called fo who came from a foreign country and fettled in Attica, being ad- mitted by the council of Areopagus, and publicly regiftered; ( Arijlophanes Schol. in Aves.) They were confidered as an ufelefs part of the common- wealth, becaufe of their incapacity to vote in any affembly \ SOJOURNERS. *J aiTembly ; (Arijlophan. In Suidas.) They were in- truded to the care of one perfon, called Tr^ora-njf, who was to protect them from oppreffion; (Terent. Ewmchus. aft ulu fc. ult.) If they refufed to ap- point a protector, they were liable to an action before the Polemarchus, called aTr^rao-^ to, when their goods were confifcated. The commonwealth alfo demanded of them feveral fervices. The men were obliged to carry trxapai, little {hips, as emblems of their foreign extraclion, in the Panathen^ea, a feftival in honour of Minerva, They were hence called ; (Pollux* lib. 3. c. S.J and iroi from a bird of various colours ; (Ariftoph. Av.) and infcripti', (Pirn. lib. 1 8. c. 3.) and literati-, (Plautus P hit arch. Pericle.) It was confidered not as a mark of infamy, (Pkocylides, v. 212.} but of honour in Thrace ; (Herodotus, lib. 5. Claitdian, lib. \ . in Ru- /Lnum.) They were allowed at Athens to, take refuge in the temple of Thefeus, when they were opprefied, and it was facrilege to force them from it; a6 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: it j (Plutarch. Thejco.) They might bring an action againft their matters for ill-treatment, which was called u^swf uA^oi, and Sr^aT^yoi ; of inquiring into the conduct of other magifhates ; and of depofing the unworthy : (Pollux Onom. I. 8, c. 9 J They wore garlands of myrtle ; (Pollux, ibid.) They were exempted from the payment of taxes for the building of (hips. Any perfon ftriking them, when wearing their garlands, was punifhed with a-n/xK*, infamy : (Demtfh. in Midiana.) A R C H O N S. 31 , was chief of the nine ; and fometimes called ETTWVUJUO?, becaufe the year was denominated from him. Kis power was over ecclefiaflical and civil affairs. He determined all caufes between married people, (Plutarch. Alcib.) concerning wives delivered of poilhumous children ; wills and teftaments, dow- ries and legacies ; he had the care of orphans ; he was to redreis injuries, and punifh drunkennefs j to take the, firfl cognizance of fome public actions- He kept a court of judicature in the Odeum, where trials concerning provifions and the like were brought before him. He appointed E^n/A^ra*, curatores, to provide for the celebration of the feafts, called a regifter. They were fometimes called No/AopuAaxs j, keepers of the laws. They fuperintended public prifoners, and conducted criminals to execution. They had power to feize fufpecled perfons ; and, upon their confefTion, to put them to death : otherwife, to profecute them, $yAa^o, prefided over the Athenian tribes* one being allotted to each. This was afterwards a military term, and the governors of tribes were called Hiripfrnrui puAwv. They took care of the treafure of each tribe ; and fummoned them toge- ther, as occafion required. $uAotrA?, an office with refpeft to particular tribes, refembling that of the Bao-iXf u?, to the com- monwealth. They were elected from the evirottfdai, nobility ; they had the care of public facrifices, and other religious ceremonies peculiar to their re- fpective tribes j and held their court in the and fometimes in the oi, had in the feveral ^ and TITTU?, the fame power that the fcuAa^o? exer- cifed over the whole tribe, Au/Aa^oi, had the fame ofHces in the Aujuw, managed the revenue, aflembled the people in the boroughs under their jurifdiflion, whofe names were regiftered, and prefided at the election of fenators, and magiftrates chofen by lots. Some- times 34 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: times they were called Nux^o, and the boroughs Nauxii, being obliged, befides two horfemen, to fit out one (hip for the public. An^x^oij fix officers, a (lifted by 30 others ; they laid the fines on thofe who did not attend the public aflemblies ; and took the votes of thofe who were prefent : They kept the Af *a^xov y^p- 'pa.reioi> or AUXO>//., public regifter of the city, where were written the names of thofe citizens who were old enough to enter on their patrimony, which they called AUI?. Thofe who were bufy in the market, they compelled to attend public bufinefs, in which they were affifted by the Toorat, fervants, who lived in tents in the Forum, and afterwards in the Areopagus. There were a thoufand of them in Athens. They received their name from the arms they wore ; as the Ao^upo^oi, the guards of kings. They were alfo called Anaccnci cTroTrrai, from their offices ; fometimes Ilfu(n*oi, from Peu- linus, who probably inflituted the office; and fometimes 2xu0o, from Scythia; people of that country being generally chofen : (Ariftoph. Scho? Haft. Acarn. et Thtfmoph.) NopoqsvhKKtg, were to obferve that the magif- trates or people made no innovation in the laws, and to punilh the refractory : (Cicero de Leglbiis^ lib. 3. Columella de Re Riiftica, lib. 12. c. %.) They were feated with the n^ OE^OI -, wore a white ribband : and had chairs for them oppofite to the Archontes. NopOera*, one thoufand in number, elected by lot from the judges in the court Heliaea ; they were to REVENUES. 3$ to infped the old laws, and prepare them for the revifion of the people. They were to fee that no ditches or furrows were made under the Pelaf- gian wall, to apprehend the offenders, and fend them to ihe Archon. OF THE PUBLIC REVENUE. Tf^, were thofe revenues which arofe from lands, mines, woods, and other pofleflions, ap- propriated for the ufe of the commonwealth > the tributes paid by the fojourners, and freed fervants ; the cuftoms required upon certain arts and trades, and of merchants, for the exportation and impor- tation of their goods. Qogoi, were the annual payments exacted from tributary cities, which were firfl levied by the Athenians, to carry on the war in cafe of another invafion of Xerxes. The fum collected by Arif- tides amounted to 460 talents ; (Plutarch, in Arif- tide.) In the beginning of the Peloponnefian war, it amounted to 600 talents; (Plutarch. Pericle. Thucydides.) It afterwards arofe to 1,300 talents. E; one day , (Pollux, lib. 8. Ulpianus in Androti- anam.) He was keeper alfo of the public feal> and of the keys of the citadel -, and lie was the preil- dent of the Proedri. were ten in number; ( Ctefiph.) they were empowered to let out the public money, to fell and eonfifcatcd eftates. Thefe contracts were confirmed in the name of their prefident. They were to convicl thofe who had not paid the tribute called MfTotxtw, and fell them byaaclion. Under thefe were the ExAoysij, who collected the public money, from thofe who leafed the city eftates, who were called TsAwvai, who were to give their own fecurity, and that of others, for the payment of the money due on their leafes. If they failed to do this, any longer than the 9th Prytanea, they were fubject to forfeit twice the principal $ if this was neglected, they were imprifoned, and their property confif- cated: (Suidas. Ulpian, in Demqfth.) After the expulfion of the thirty tyrants, officers called Eyv&xoi, were created ; authorized to take cog- nizance of all complaints concerning the confifca* tion of goods j (Lyfias pro Nic.) ETnypps;?, were afleflbrs of all the taxes and contributions ; they kept the public accounts, and profecuted thofc who Were in arrears. PUBLIC TREASURERS. 37 were ten general receivers, to whom .all the public revenues, contributions, and debts v/ere paid. They registered all their receipts ; and thofe who had paid before the whole fenate, were cra.fed from the debt books. Difputes arifing from the payment of taxes were fometimes (decided by them. JK p8/\K, was a public notary, at firft appointed by election, afterwards by lot, as a check upon the An-oJ^ra^ to prevent fraud and mtftakes, i, or Fx^uvora/AiOiot, held the fame ofMces in the tributary cities that belonged to the in their own jurisdiction. ff, thofe who received money for the city, arifing from fines impofed on criminals. Tapiou T8 , xj ruv Ofwv, thofe who received that part of the fines due to Minerva, and other gods. This was done before the fenate. They were ten in number, elected by lot, from the UivToixoa-iopt- car*xo? ^ 9 C? . ZT?5Tai, were appointed, upon extraordinary :Cafes, to enquire after public debts, when the fums become confiderable. D 3 er 3 3 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES, OF THE PUBLIC EXPENDITURE. The public money was divided according to the various ufes to which it was employed. Xgyp&Ttx, rvi$ <^oi>c?3 txa, money confecrated to pious ufes, in which were included the expences of plays, feftivals, and public exhibitions ; which were chiefly cele- brated in honour of fome god, or in remembrance of fome hero. That which was given to the judges, and the people, in public affemblies, was thus called; (Pollux.) When the expences of war could not otherwife be defrayed, this money was appropriated to that ufe; (Demqfth. Or at, in Necv, was the paymaflcr of the army. Ta ( am? ruv Ofco^ixwi/, OF O tin TV Osw^ixw, had the difpofal of the 0w^x p^uara, which were diftri- buted, as well as for pious purpofes, fometimes to poor citizens to buy feats in the theatre ; (Plutarch. Pericle.) OF THE OFFICERS IN THE MARKETS. 2iTwi/a*, were thus called from their office, to lay in corn for the ufe of the city. The T^ta? TJIJ ^otxTio-fwff, was to furniili them with fufficient money for this purpofe. liTcpuAaxf?, were fifteen in number, ten of whom officiated in the city, and five in the Piraeus; it was their province to take care that corn and meal were fairly fold, and to appoint the ftandard weight of bread. 2*To/.Ti, or Ajro&xraio*, were officers appointed to fuperintend the meafures of corn. Ayog&vopoi, otherwife Aoyirav were ten in num- ber; five officiating in the city, and five in the Piraeus; (Ariftoph. Schol. in Acharn.) A certain toll was paid to them by thofe who fold in the market; (Ariflopli. in Acharn. aft. i.fcen. 4..) They had the care of all faleable commodities except corn ; and were to fee that no fraud or unwarrant- able advantage was taken by the buyer, or feller; (Theophr. de legibus.) Msrgwopoi, officers to inipeft all meafures but thofe of corn ; five of them were in the city, and ten in the Piraeus, D 4 4 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES? O^ovopoiy thofe who took care of the fiflimarket; (Plutarch. Symp. lib. 4. prob. 4.) they were three in number, elected by the Senate ; (Athen*ns lib. 6. - Euftathius ad Iliad x\) OF MARITIME OFFICERS. E|tx7re^8 ETrtjusAfiTai, ten officers belonging to the harbour ; they were to take care that two thirds of the corn brought into the port fhould be carried into the city 3 and that no filver fhould be exported except by thofe who traded in corn ; (Demofth. in Lacrititm Harpocration.) NaurocTtxaj, or T^iro^xai, were to hear difputes between merchants and mariners. Tt was alib their office to examine thofe who were the children of flrangers, and had clandeflinely regiftered their names among the free citizens. This was done on the 26th of every month. Ewaywyn?, were to hear caufes relating to trade, and which, from their urgency, could not be de- ferred to the monthly meetings of the NauroJWj ; (Sigonius and Emmius.) Befides thefe, they heard caufes concerning feafts and public entertainments ^ (Pollux*) OF VARIOUS OFFICERS IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE* As-wopoi, were ten officers who took care of the ftreets ; five officiated in the city, and five in the piraseus ; (Ariftot. cit. ab. Harpocrat.) No man ferved this office more than twice ; (Demoflk, Pro lib. 10.) i, officers who were prefent at mar- riages, facrifices, feftivals, and public folemnities, to obferve that nothing was done irregularly 5 (Athe- titfus, lib. 6.) Twociy.oKoa-fj.oiy officers to regulate the drefs of women; and thofe who were improperly drefled were fined, and their apparel expofed to public viexv in the Ceramicus. o, were people of property, who were or- dered to perform fome public duty, or to fupply the commonwealth with neceflaries at their own charge. They were elected from 1200 of the ficheft citizens 5 every tribe electing 120 from its own. 4 i GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: own body. It was part of Solon's conflitution, that every man, according to his ability, fhould ferve the public ; only that the fame perfon fhould not hold two offices ; (Demcfth. in Ltptin.) Thefe 1200 were divided into two parts; one, confided of thofe who had large pofleffions ; the other, of perfons of meaner condition. Each of thefe was divided into ten companies, called 2-j^o^ai, which were diflindt bodies, and had leparate officers of their own. They were again fubdivided into two parts, according to the eftates of thofe that compofed them. Thus from the firft ten Xvpftigioti, were ap- pointed 300 of the wealthiest citizens of Athens, who were, upon occafion, to fupply the common- wealth with money j and together with the 1200 were to perform extraordinary duties when re- quired ; (' Ulpian in Olynth. 2, and Aphob. i.) 2/jjujuofiai, were inflituted about the third year of the looth Olympiad. Before this time, thofe who were unable to bear the expence of the Acirajyia, which was affigned to them, were re- lieved from the amJWjf, exchange of property, i. e. if any one appointed to undergo one of the Afm^yiai, or duties, which he was obliged every fecond year, (Demqflh. in Leptin.) could find any more wealthy than himfelf, who was free from all duties, the in- former was then excufed. If the perfon thus fub- ftituted, denied that he was the richer of the two, they exchanged eftates. The doors of their houfes were fealed up ; and then they took the following Oath, ATTG$XII/U rrtV x were at the expence of oil and other neceflaries for the wreftlers and combatants; (Ulpianus. in Leptin.) Ertaro^f? row were to provide neceflarics for the fleet, (Plutarch dc pmd. At hen.) and to build fhips. E*?, thofe ambafTadors who had full authority to act, as they thought moft bene- ficial for the ilate, and were not obliged to give an account of their proceedings on their return home. K^v, herald, ufually attended the ambafladors. Sometimes they were themfelves fent on embaffies, as public mediators. Thefe men were accounted facred, as being defcended from Mercury j (Eitftath* Iliad *.) T^^xTsi^ notaries, who were employed by fe- veral magiftrates. No man could ferve the office more than once > (Po/fax, lib. S.J r^a^juaTft?, three notaries, who had the cuftody of the public records and laws, which they were to write and repeat to the people and fenate. One was chofen by the popular aflembly, whofe province it was to repeat ; and two by the fenate, one was keeper of the laws, the other of the public records ; (Po/fax, lib. S.J A notary was appointed from every 46 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: every Prytanea, whofe office expired at the end of 30 days, and then underwent the ufual eu0um, exa- mination; (Lyfias in Nicomachum.) It was con- fidered EUTEA-/I? wring o$(>eviv, to preflde at the fttggeftum, and affift the commonwealth -, (sEfchines in Timarchum.) ETTIS-UTIU, the prefident, was elected by lot from the Trgotfyoi -, till he had given a fignal, the people were not allowed to vote $ (Harpocration. Demofth. Androtian. JjBfchwes in Ctefiphont.) If the people were negligent of attending the afTemblies, the magiftrates iliut up the gates, ex- cept that through which they muft pafs. All commodities were removed from the markets, that there might be no obftruction to their attendance. If this had no effect, the Aoyi'rat, dipped a cord in vermilion, when the Togota* were fent into the market to mark all thofe who appeared there, and thofe who were marked were fined; (Ariflopk. ScJiol. in Acfiarn. zz.) An obolus was paid froni the treafury to all thofe who were early in the aflembly, which was afterwards increafed to three oboli ; (Ariftoph. Pint, ad i. fcen. 2.) Thofe who were late received nothing ; (Ariftoph. Concionatr.) If the weather was ftormy and unfavourable, which was called howptioty (Ariftopk. SchoL Acharn.) the aflembly was adjourned. The place appointed for meeting was cleanfed by killing young pigs., which they carried round j this wa's MANNER OF HOLDING ASSEMBLIES. 51 was called xaOa^a -, the outfide, where the pigs had been carried, was deemed profane; (Ariftoph. Schol. Acharn. 44. and Concionatr.) The perfon who thus officiated was called xaO^Ti^, and from TT^ria, (Arifloph. ibidem)', and (Pollux. Hefy chins. Suidas. Plarpocrdtion.) When they had finiflied the expiatory rites, the xngvZ made a fblemn prayer for the fafety of the ilate, and the fuccefs of their councils ; (Demoflh. Timo- crat.) They then execrated thofe who attempted to confpire againft the flate ; (Demoflh. -rrsoi vx^Ktr^a- SKK$.} and enjoined filence. (Ariftoph. Yhefm. 302. ) At the inftance of the n-jci^oi, the x^u pro- claimed the fl-oAeu/A, decree of the fenate, upon which they were to deliberate. Then the xu pro- claimed, TI? ayoctViii/ j3aATai ?uv UTTE^ Trf^rrjxoi/Ta irn ytyovoruv, zvho above ^o years of age zvi/lfpeak ? when the old men began the debate. The xrju then pro- claimed AfyftJ/ rwi/ A0^i/atwj/ TQV (3aAo/xfvoj/ ot; ^r, //'^ ^^r>' Athenian might fpeak who was privileged by /aw; (Arijlop. Acharn. Demofth. and JEfchines in Ctejiphont. Pollux, lib. 8. c. 9 J For every man above 30 years old might give his opinion, except thofe who were guilty of impiety or cowardice, or were in debt to the ftate ; (Demofth. in Ariftogit. ALf chines in Ctefiphont.) When any one was forbidden by the *rUT*Kf? to fpeak, and they refufed to fubmit, they were dragged down from the fuggeftum by the Tcorai, lidtors ; ( Ariftoph: Acharn. aft i.fcen. 2.) When the debates were ended, the x>^u, by order of the rmraTai, or jrgof jjfpi, aiked the appro- bation of the people. This was done by pebbles, or holding up the hand, called ein\|^ptfj TO ^ytpurpa,, or J^ovfci &apiOT0j/#v TW ^TJ^IW, The vote was s 2 called. GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: called, jOTo?ia, (StgoiuuSj derep. Ath.) and to cfta-* blilli it pf OTOVIIV. A7rc;nOTovnv, was to annul by vote. They fometimes gave private votes, as on the expulfion of magiftrates, by cafting v^p*;, pebbles, into jcacTa?, vejjels, which the ir^vranis placed for the purpofe. Originally they voted with xua^ot, Beans -, (Suidas.) The w^o^oi then declared the refult of their votes. It was unlawful for the vfVTmtf to pro* ppfe the fame queftion twice ; (Nicite Or at. ap. Thu- cydid. lib. 6.) The affembly were difmifled by the (Arifloph. Acharn. Ariftopk* Concionatr.) OF THE SENATE OF FIVE HUNDRED. The (3*A>i TOJV *rTxo? Kayos.) They paffed fentence of death upon incendiaries, deierters of- 'ieir country, as well as treafon; (Lycurgusin Leocratcm.) Con* ^piracies againfl the life of any man were puni tiled with death; thefe caufes were alfo tried by the Palladium ; (Harfocrat, Sitidas.J all caules relating to 5* GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: to murders, malicious wounds, death effected by poifon,were tried in this court, (Demo/Ik. Ariftocrat. Pollux , lib. 8. c. 10. Cicer. de divin. I. 25. Lucian Timon.) Their decifions were fcrutinizecl by the people, (Di)iarchus in Ariftogiton), and if they exceeded their commiffion by inflicting too fevere puniiliments, they were accountable to the Xoyi or wwii, 9 axy^oj-j and o sxtx ; (Arijlcph. COURTS OF JUSTICfi, 6* (Ariftoph. SchoL Vefy. and Eq*} This manner of giving votes was afterwards abandoned, and the voices were delivered in public, by cading their cal- culii flints, upon two tables, the former containing the votes of thofe who acquitted, the latter of thofe who condemned the prifonerj (Lyjias in Agorat.) There were other caufes in which their ientence was not final, and an appeal might be made to the courts to which they properly belonged ; (Sigonius.) The fenators were not allowed to wear crowns ; (&fchines in Ctefiphont.) but were rewarded for their fervice by a bounty from the public, which they called xfa? ; (Hefychius in Kot^.} They alfo en- joyed three oboli for* every caufe in which judg- ment was given; (Lucian, Bis Accufato.) Their authority was preferved pure and intire till the time of Pericles, (Pint. Pericle.) ; when they began to de- generate into unbounded lice^tioufhefs ; (Ifvcrates Artfopagit. Diodor. Sic. lib. n. c. 77. Cicer. Ep, ad Famil. 13 > Meurs. Areopag. c. 3. p. 16.) OF COURTS OF JUSTICE FOR CRIMINAL OFFENCES. The judges were elected from the citizens with- out any regard to rank or property ; they mull have been more than thirty years of age, and have not been convicted of any crime. OF OTHER COURTS OF JUSTICE. There were ten other courts of juflice; four of which took cognizance tvt rw poimwv Tr of actions of blood; the other fix, wi TW> of civil concerns. Thefe courts were painted with various colours, hence jSarp^tai/, poiyixiav, &c. and on each was engraven one of the letters A. B. T. A. E. Z. H. 0. I. K. Hence they are called Alpha, Beta, Sec, The *s GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: The names of thofe who were to hear and de- termine caufes were delivered, and the names alfo of their father and borough infcribed upon a tablet to the thefmothetse, who returned it with another tablet > on which was infcribed the letter of one of the courts, according to the lots. They carried thefe tablets to the crier of the feveral courts, di- rected by the letters, who gave to every man a tablet infcribed with his own name and the name of the court in which he was to fit ; and having received trwrrflov, a fceptre, the ufual enfign of judicial power, (Ltiad) a. v. 233.^ and which vvasfometimes iludded with gold or filver, (Iliad^ a. v. 245.) they were feverally admitted into the court; (Artfloph. Scholiajl. in Pluto.) Having determined their refpective caufes, they returned the fceptre to the prytanes, from whom they received hxas-ixovj (Hejy chins in verbo), or ^icrOc? ^xarixoj, their due reward ; which was fometimes one obolus, and fometimes three oboli ; ( He fy chins in loco. Arijloph. Scholiaft. ex Arijlot. de Republic.) No man uas allowed to fit in more than one court in a day ; (Demqfth. et Ulpianus in Timocrat.) If they were convicted of bribery, they were fined j (nucydides^ Schol. lib. 6J i. En TraAXa^w, was inftituted in the reign of Demophoon* The Argives utader the conduct of Diomedes, or as feme fay of Agamemnon, being driven upon the coaft of Attica by night, landed at the Phalerean harbour, and, as if it were an enemy's country, began to plunder it. The Athenians alarmed, united in a body under Demophoon, re- pulfed the invaders, obliging them to return to'their vcflels i on the next day, Acamas, the brother of Demophoon, COURTS OF JUSTICE. 6$ Demophcon, finding the flatue of Minerva among the Ham, difcovered that they had killed their allies, upon which, confulting with an oracle, they gave them an honorable burial, confecrated the goddefs's flatue in a temple dedicated to her, and inftituted a court of juftice to take cognizance of accidental murder. Some lay that Agamemnon, being en- raged at the precipitate ilaughter of his men, re* ferred the quarrel to the decifion of fifty Athenians and fifty Argives, whom they called Epcrai, & Tra^' ot[/.*TO?, or t Qftarti, (Pollux.) becaufe it flood in a pit, or from Phreatus. This court determined caufes concerning thofc who had efcaped from their own country for murder, or who having fled for accidental murder^ afterwards committed it deliberately. The crimi- nal was not allowed to land, or to call anchor, but pleaded for himfelf in his vefTel j and if found guilty; was committed to the winds and fea: or, as fome fay, there furTered fevere punifhment; if innocent, he was only pardoned for the fecond offence) and un- derwent twelve months imprifonment for the for-* mer; (Demoflh. in Arift. Harpocration. Pollux in loc. cit.-*-Hefychius.) OF COURTS OF JUSTICE FOR CIVIL AFFAIRS; I. ITaaur< took cognizance only of trifling matters, whofe value did not exceed one drachm j it was called fo on this account, or becaufe it was fltuated a$attt TCTTOJ TIC *eAf s in an obfcure part of the city. There were two courts of this name? one COURTS OF JUSTICE* 65 one of which was irf aurw J^EI^OV, the other TratfaSurov juftroi' , (Pollux.) Thofe who were judges in the latter, were the eleven magiftrates, 01 e *fcx $ (Ear- pocrat.' Suidas. Paufanias Atticis .) It is fometimes called TO xaii/ov, the new court, ( Ariftoph. Vefpis.) and not numbered as one of the ten. 2. Tiywi/oi/, fo called becauie it was triangular; '(Harpocrat. Suidas. Paufanias Atticis .) 3. To *?r* Auxs, was fo called from the temple of Lycus in which it was built. Pie had a ftatue in all the courts of juftice, represented with the face of a wolf; thus Aux* &*a? fignifies fycophants, and thus T*? ^o^oxsi/Tas-, thofe who took bribes ; (Ariftoph. Scholiaft. Fefp. Zenobius. Harpocrat.* Pollux. Suidas 9 &c.) 4. To Mm;8, fo called from one Metichus, an archited:, by whom it was built; (Pollux.) 5. HXai, fo called &rro TS ^Xi^ftrSat, from the thronging of the people, (Ulpian. in Demofth.) or a?ro rajXH, becaufe it was open to the fun; (Ulpian. in Demojlh. Ariftoph. Schol. Nub. Eqmf. Vefp. Suidas,) to try in this court was called tjAia^j/ $ (Ariftoph. Lys.^i.) 6. n and Jupiter the king, that they would pafs a juil fentence and ac- cording to law, and to the beft of their judgment. This oath was adminiftered near the river IluTus, in a place called Ardettus, from a perfon of that name, who in a public fedition united the conteft- ing parties, and engaged them to confirm their F treaties 66 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: treaties of peace by mutual oaths in this place. Hence common fvvearers were called a^tJVrm 5 (Etymolog. ~ Pollux. Suidas. Hejych. Harpo-) crat. Demoftk. adv. 'Timocr.p. 48 1.} The greateft and moft frequented was the nX*a. The judges were at leafl fifty, fometimes two or. five hundred. When important caufes were to be tried, all the judges of the other courts were fum- moned. Sometimes one thoufand were called in, and then two courts were joined; fometimes 1,500 or 2,000, and then three or four courts met ; (Pollux, lib. 8. cap. 10. Harpocrat.Stepkan. Byzantin, v. Hxi&iK.) They were not allowed to pafs fentence before they had taken a folemn oath, the form of which is in Demqfth. Qrat. in Timocrat. There were other courts of lefs confequence, where the Atettntirai or Tio-o-jt^axovTA, or other ma- giftrates, took cognizance of caufes belonging to their feveral offices. Such were the courts at Cynofarges, Odeum, the temple of Thefeus, Buco- Ieum 3 &c. OF THE JUDICIAL PROCESS. The plaintiff delivered to the magiilrate the name of the perfon againil whom he brought his aclion, with an account of his offence, whofe office it was eirKysiv, to introduce it into the court where caufes of that defcription were heard. The magiilrate inquired whether the caufe belonged to his cognizance, and alfo oAw? guretyew %gn, whether it ought to be tried ? This inquiry was called ftyaxiyrov xv^io^ fuch a woman and her lord., &c. becauie wives, being under the government of their hufbands, were not allowed to appear in any court without them. If the criminal refufed to appear before the magiftrate, he was dragged by force 5 (y*/xor, a caufe which could then be lawfully tried. This frequently happened, when the injury had been committed five years before the accufa- tion, for after that time no action was valid : it happened alfo, when the difpute had been properly compromifed before credible witneifes, or when the defendant had been already punifhed for or ac- quitted of the fact, or when it was not a caufe cog- nizable by that magiflrate. To this gra^ay^apu, the plaintiff gave his anfwer, proved by proper evidence ; and the exception and anfwer, as fworn by the witneffes, were termed fiKpufrvfut ; (Polfax, lib. 8. c. 6. Harpocration v. h*p*r\)\*.) But if the defendant urged no plea to put off the trial, he was faid wMixsw, and the trial was termed fv0yiyo^iv, prefer no falfe accufation; and if the crime was of a public nature, he fwore that no bribes or promifes mould tempt him to delift the profecution. The de- fendant fwore, aA*]9?j an-oAoywH/, that his anfwer fhould be juft ; or pn a&xs *v, that he had done no injury to the plaintiff. The oath of the latter was called JUDICIAL PROCESS. 69 called irgoupovia, of the former ain-w/xccru*, alfb *ri7/apj, and both their oaths J*n*on ^rotacMfsiiag ; (Ulpian. in Demqfth. Pollux, lib. 8. c. 6.) Before the trial, both parties depofited a certain fum of money, which they called TT^VTOC^KX^ into the hands of the magifhrate who introduced their caufe into the court, who, if the money was not paid, erafed the caufe from the roll. If the caufe was for the value of TOO drachms to 1,000, the depofit was 3 drachms, if more than a 1,000 and not more than 10,000, the depofit was 30, which were divided among the judges $ and the perfon lofing his caufe reftored the money to his adverfary, and paid the charges ; (^Pollux. Harpocration.) Ra6xr&6taAi) was a fum of money depofited by thofe who fued the commonwealth for confifcated goods, being a fifth of the value, or what was claim- ed by the public treafury, or by private perfons for adifputed inheritance, being a tenth of the value for which they contended 5 (Pollux. Harpocration.) n^arao-K, was a drachm depofited about trivial affairs, which were decided by the ^TIJTA; (Pollux. Harpocration.) EarwSoAia, was a fine laid on thofe who could not prove the indictment they had brought againfl their adverfariess fo called, becaufe they were obliged to WITNESSES. pay the fixth part of the value of what they con- tended for, from coA0?, the fixdi part of a drachm ; (Pollux. Harpocr. Ariftoph. Nub. 1134 and OF THE WITNESSES. If the witnefles refufed to appear, they were fummoned by the X.AIT?J, a ferjeant ; they were to fwear to the fact, or to abjure it ; or if after com- mencing a profecution they dropped it, or failed in obtaining the fifth part of the fufFrages, (Plat. Apoll. Socrat. t. i. pi 36. Demofth. de Cor. p. 517, in Mid. p. 6 10. in Androt.p. 702. inAriftocr.p. 738. /;/ fimofr. p. 774. in I'heocrin. p. 850.^ they were generally fentenced to a penalty of 1,000 drachms, (.37. ioj.) ExxArjTU (Pollux, lib. 8 . Harpocr at ion.) The oath was taken before altars creeled in courts of judicature. The witnefles were to be free-born and deferring of credit- They were confidered anpti, infamous, who had forfeited their privileges by mifconducl. The accufer fometimes required the flaves of the adverfe* party to be put to the rack to deliver their evidence; (Demoftlu in Ne. 913, in Nicojir.p. noj.) F 4 72 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: MTVia, was that kind of evidence which the perfon gave who was an eye-witnefs to the fad ; (Pollux, lib.*.) Exp&f-vfiXy when he received his teftimony from the perfon who was an eye-witnefs, but who was dead, or abfent from fome unforefeen accident; (Harpocration. Pollux.) The teftimony was fometimes given aloud in open court, and fometimes in writing upon a tablet of wax ; (Harpocrat. Pollux.) Being feated, the accufer on the left hand, and the accufed on the right hand of the judge, (Art/lot. Problem.) they each fpoke what their orators had prepared for them. If they defired it the judges allowed them c-uMjyogoi, advocates, which was called - ^io-Ow O-UMI* yogsivy to plead j or a fee ; (Clemens Alexand.) They were limited in the length of their fpeeches, which was. called (fra/Af/AtT^in yp,eg& ; (Harpoeration.) which was meaiured by a xA*t}/u^a, a water-glafs. He was called pvJW, whole office it was to fill the glafsj (Pollux, 8. g.) Their fpeech was to conclude when the water had run out j but the glafs was to be flopped while any laws were read, or other bufmefs intervened ; (Dcmojlh,) T ^w AosAeirw, let him fpeak till my water be run. out, means if any orator ends his fpeech before the allotted time, he may give the remaining part of it to another; (Demofth.) When the parties had finifhed, the crier was commanded by the prefiding magiflrate, to order the judges to bring in their verdict \ and where the law had provided penalties, called ywvf a-n/xy,, a verdidt of guilty or not guilty was fufficient ; but where the laws were (called vyuns r*/*wi) another fentence \\TVS SENTENCE, 7,5 neceffary, determining the punifliment due to the offence ; (Harpocration.) The condemned perfon was to declare the damage he had done, and the reparation due to his accufer, before fentence was- pronounced. When the laws were filent, the judges might limit the punifhment ; (Cicero de Oratore^lib. \.) Sentence was at firfl given by black anct white lea fhells, called x l f va ' or pebbles, called $y Areop. c. Z.Hefyckius.AriJtopJi. Schol. Ran. et Vefp.y If there was a majority of black balls, the prefident traced out a long line on a tablet covered with wax t expofed to every eye ; if the white were more nui merous, a fhorter line; (Anjloph\ in.Vefp. v. io6.J and if the votes be equal, the accufed is acquitted 5 ( Ctefiph.p. 469. Ariftot. problem^ feft. 29, torn. 2. p. $i2..~-Id. de Rhetor, c. 19. /. 2. p. 628. ) The beans were taken from the altar;" two urns, which they called xa^ot or xaJicrxoi, received the beans through a fmall tunnel, called xn^o?, holding them \vith three fingers, the fore-finger, middle and thumb. In private caufes four urns were ufed ; (Demofth. Or at. in Macart.) where the punifhment fpecified by law, was fufrkient ; but when that was only expretfed in the declaration of the profecu- tor, the offender had the privilege of demanding a mitigation; and this fecond queftion was decided by a new trial, to which they immediately proceedecP; . in Dtmofi/t. adv. ^inarch, p. 8z2v Samuel Petit 7 4. GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: Petit de leg. Att. ^.335 .) When they had finifted voting, the crier proclaimed Ei TK avj/jjpirof, iurao-0, If there be any that has not given his vote, let him arife. The caufe, while pending, was engraved on a tablet and expofed to public view, and hung up at the ftatue of the heroes, named ETTWVU/AOI. This was called Exxeio-Qa* ; (Schol. in Median. Demofth.) If the perfon convicted was guilty, he was de- livered to the Ev&xa, to receive punifhment j but if he was fined, the Tapat *& & faw it paid. If un- able to pay it, he was doomed to perpetual im- prifonment j (Demqflk. Androtian. Corn. Nepos in Vit. Miltiad.) If the plaintiffhad unjuilly accufed his adverfary, he was fentenced to fuffer that punifhment which the law inflicted on the crime with which his ad- verfary was accufed. The plaintiff was called JWw, the caufe itfelf t&i?, and the accufed $tvyuv. Atria was the name of the indictment before conviction, and eAf/p^ after it. When the trial was over, the judges went to the temple of Lycus, and returned their f aJot, ftaffs ; and received from the xwAax^ra*, their moneys (Ariftoph. in Ran. et Fefp. Suidas. Pollux.) 2ujco^avrat, fometimes fignifies falfe witneffes, TTO r S alone.) Ihtamxi, private, concerning all -controverfies between private perfons, which were called xa ; (Ifocrates.) No one could profecute an offender but he who was injured, or fome of his family $ (Plutarch. So/one. Demoftk. in < Timocr&t.) The public judgments were, murder. T^opoia?-, a wound rnalicioully given. , a conflagration of the city. , confpiracy againft the life of another. f, facrilege, punifhed with death ; (Xe- noph. Hifl. Grxc. lib. i. p. 450. Id. Mem. I. i.p* 721. Diod. lib. 16. p. 427. jElian. 'Var. Hifl. I. 5, c. 16.) and deprived of the rites of fepulture. * impiety ; (Lyjias in Andoc. p. 130.^ treafon. ?, fornication. , whoredom, punifhable by fine, (Wiucyd SchoL lib. 6.) , celibacy. , refufmg to ferve in war, puniOiable with , infamy. ILIC JUDGMENTS. ft :, cowardice, puniihed with an/***. /, defertion of the fleet, punifhed by fine. AftTTor? etriw, defertion of the army, punifhed by fine. A67Torioi/, defertion from their poft, leaving the infantry for the cavalry ; (^hucyd. SchuL lib. 6.} Ai/,, an action for falfe arrefts ; (Pollux.) r, for beating a freeman, or reducing him to flavery. 2uxo, againfl magiftrates who had neglected to furrender their accounts* L n^ai/ojuwi/ y>a 8. 6.J r^*u8 ^ixn, was an aciion X&T& TUV oTTtovzv Wocaj/rwf, againft thofe who had done an injury; ' ( Etymologici or.) The delinquent was fined, and the fine was $6 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: was doubled, if not paid within the ( Harpocration. ) Aixia? ^x.j, was an action of affault, in which the judges compelled the delinquent to make fufficient compenfation. Apqn). Aped-*?, an action when any one in debt, and unable to difcharge it, called on the people to remit part of it. , an aflion of ingratitude* , an action when the buyer com*- pelled the feller to confirm the bargain which he had before covenanted to perform. Biaiw or Bia? &xij, againft thofe who had vio- lated the chaftity of women, or injured the perfons of men. PRIVATE JUDGMENTS. Sj <$ MM x.KT&rvi when any one claimed a part of the goods of another, which he feized and fold. Evoixia cJxj, an action to demand the rent of a houfe from the inhabitant by any one claiming the property of it. E{ffiWf, from EgcAAw, to eject, becaufe the plaintiff AAo/Acvof was ejected, or prevented from taking poffeflion of, his eftate, when he would not deliver it to the real owner* EATJ$ ^xtj, an action when any property was detained from its owner, tn^ arfg&Trofo ^ KMTO?, a ^>j(r* Tif *uTca ^srav^i, concerning a Have, or what- ever any one calls his own } (Suidas*) EwiJ*xo-ac , when daughters inherited the cftates of their parents, they were compelled to G jwarry 9z GRECIAN ANTlQtTit ICSs marry their neareft relations ; and it was contended for in this adion. The virgin for whom they contefted was called Embus. EmxAufo* was a daughter who had no legitimate brothers, and in- herited her patrimony. ETrnrgoixtx was a daugh- ter who had brothers, and divided the eftate with them. ETHO-X^K, an adion by which the ^/X^TU^ was proved to be frivolous. EiriT^o'-Tniff an adion entered by heirefies againft their hufbands, by parents againft their children, and wards againft their guardians, when they were ill ufed by them. I^apu and Eio-ayysAi* meant the fame. KXOTI^WV JHOJ, an action againft thofe who iuborned falfe witneiTes. Ka^-rra &** or Xsa^n ^xi, an a&ion when any one claimed a landed eftate, becaufe the fruits of the earth were demanded. an adion againft thieves. If any one had ftolen above fifty drachms in the day- time, he was indided at the court of the 01 Evfixx* But if a theft was committed in the night, it was lawful to kill the criminal, if deteded in the fad ; or if he refifted, to wound him and carry him by force to the o* Ewfcx*. This adion was termed PRIVATE JUDGMENTS. 83 n ; (Demofth. Timocrat.). No reftitution was fufficient, but he was to fuffer death. He who had ftolen from any private perfon, was com- pelled to reftore double the value; and the judges were empowered to confine him five days and nights, and expofe him to the public view ; and thk punifliment of hanging or flrangling was very ignominious; (Horn. Od. *, v* 465. Pol- the punifhment of fetters or imprifon- ment. There were three kinds of prifons; one near the forum, to fecure debtors and others: another called Swf^K^iov, a houfe of correction ; another in a folitary place, for malefactors guilty of capital crimes; (Plato de Leg. lib. jo.) One of their moft remarkable prifons was called, No/*opuAa>ov, and the gate through which criminals were led to execution X^wj^ev, from Charon. At the prifon door called ZrgoQouos from ST^O^HJ a hinge of a door, was erected a ftatue of Mercury, the tutelary deity of the place. AaAfta, fervitude, was a punifhment by which the criminal was reduced to the condition of a flave. It was infli&ecl only on the ATI/AOI, fq^ journers and freed fervants; (Dfog. Laert. I. ^5.* JEfchin. in Timarch. p. 1 74. ) Zu/xia, a pecuniary fine laid upon th$ criminal, according to the nature of his offence. eavarcf, death, inflided on malsfe&Qrs for vari- ous offences. S* GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: Kf JifAvcf, a precipice, from which the malefactor was thrown headlong; (Eurip. Tread. 720. Paufan* Phoc. 2. Milan, 11. $.} v, was a collar, ufually made of wood, from becaufe it obliged the criminal to bow down his head : the punifliment was called Kupfiwoy*of, hence Kupwi/?, pernicious fellows ; (SchoL Ariftoph. P/utOy 458.^ It was fometimes called xAoios or xoAoioc from XAW, becaufe the neck of the criminal was fhut in it ; (Suidas.) A*0ooAta, lapidation, was a common punimment for adultery; (Horn. II. y. JKlian. 5. 19. Cicer. de Offic* III. Mews. ad. Lycophr. 331.^) H'Vss, with which the criminal was beheaded; (Pollux, 8.7.; EU'AOI/ vtvnwpyyw, fetters with five holes; (Pollux. * Artftojik. Equit. 393) or HuXov TtTMi/xwoyj as it is fometimes called ; (Schol. in Ariftoph. Lyjiftrat. 68 1. and Eqiiit. 1046^ it is a punifhment fimilar to that of binding the neck and heels of fold iers. xaVu, a round inftrument to confine the hand, a crofs, confiding of two beams, one acrofs the other ; (Lucian Aix>) fMYiivruv* Thucyd. lib. i.) to which the malefactor was nailed. 2r>iA>!, a pillar, on which the crimes of the offender were engraven ; (Lyjtas pro c/Aa? y?<*?!> for tranfgreffing LAWS OF THE ATHENIANS. 91 tranfgrefling the laws, might ferve upon him ; cither if he omitted to publifh his propofal, or did propofe it in ambiguous terms, or if it tended to annul any former law ; (Demqftk. ej. Enarr. Ulpian. in Leptin.) Thofe who had propofed a law waav/AO 3 or aj/jTm-rxtaof, contrary to former laws, or prejudicial to the flate, were arraigned fome- times before the thefmothetse; (Pollux.) and fome* times before the archontes. When the accufation had been heard, the archon eta-ayeiv ? TO Jjx $ ox, introduced the caufe into that court of juftice, which took cognizance of fuch affairs. If found guilty, the perfon was fined, which he was to pay under the penalty of a-n^ia, infamy. This punifh- ment indeed was of courfe inflicted upon thofe who had been three times guilty of fuch an offence ; (Ariftoph.) But if acquitted, the accufer was fined 1000 drachms; (Demqfth. Itmocrat. ibique Ulpianus.) The laws were annually revifed; and a new law was to be propofed, before an old one could be repealed. If necelfary to be repealed, it was done by nr^^^orov^ TM vopw, fo called, from holding up their hands. When the prytanes held their firft ftated affembly, on the nth day of Heca- tombason, after the K>?u had proclaimed the aflembly in a folemn prayer, the laws concerning ' the fenate, the people, the nine archontes, and the other magiftrates were read over in order. If it appeared neceffary to reconfider any of the laws, the meeting was adjourned to the fourth of Metagitnion, the day of the laft ftated aflem- bly. During thefe ceremonies, the @ lib, 8.r. 10.^ Some affirm, that the original in Solon's hand-writing were always kept in the citadel, and copies of them only in the prytaneum. Hence they were termed raj xarwlkv, thofe in the prytaneum or lower city, and^ra? avufa wpzs, thoic in the upper city; (Pollux.) It is again fuppofed that o xotTwOfi/ J/O/AOJ; (Demofth.) means the lower part of the tablet. But it appears that there were frequently many tablets to one law ; (Plutarch. So/one. Sam. Petit, de Leg. Alt.) It was illegal to erafe a decree from the tablet, and proper officers, called r^a/*jw*T?, were appointed to keep them legible; (Pollux, lib. 8. c. S.} Thefe were eleded by the fenate, and were people in whom they placed a particular confidence. The laws were aifo all engraven on the wall in the Ba royal portico, for the infpeftion of the public. This was the cuftom after the expulfion of the thirty tyrants - 9 (Andocides de Myjleriis.) OF 94 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: OF THE LAWS RELATING TO DIVINE WORSHIP. Sacrifices were to be performed with the fruits of the earth. A law made by Triptolemus ; (Por- f/iyn'us 7TEi a7ropj?$ E/u4/u26>y.J Due reverence was to be paid publicly to the gods and native heroes ; and to offer privately firft fruits with anniverfary cakes, A law of Draco; (Porphyrius.) One drachm was to be the price of a fheep, eighteen of a medimn. One of Solon's laws. (Plutarch* Solone.) Cattle designed for facrifice were to be fele&ed from the beft - 9 (Pint. Solone.) He who offered facrifice, to carry part of the beaft facrificed to his family ; (Ariftoph. Schol. in Pint.) All the remains of the facrifice were for the prieft ; (Arijloph. in Vefp.) Whoever defiled the temple of Apollo, was to be indicted and fentenced to death. A law of Pififtra- tus; (Hefychius.Suidas.) Foreigners and flaves were permitted to attend divine worfhip j (Demofth. in Near.) They, who furvived the report publifhed of their death, were prohibited from enteringthe temple of the furies ; (Plut. Qi(<*ft. Roman. Hefychius.Pha- vorimts verb. Afur^oTrQT^cfJ No injury was to be offered tothofe who fled to the temples for refuge j (Schol. Arijioph. in Equit.) Sacrifices were to be at the beginning of every month ; (Athen#us> lib* 6,} LAWS LAWS CONCERNING FESTIVALS. $5 LAWS RELATING TO FESTIVALS. No foreigner was to be initiated into the holy myfteries ; (Schol. Artfloph. in Pint.) Death was to be the punifhment of pubiifliing the myfteries ; (Sopater in Divis. Qu*s.) They who were initiated, were to dedicate their clothes in which they were initiated at the temple of Ceres and Proferpine - 9 (Schol,. Ariftoph. in Plut.) All who attended the Panathena^a, were pro- hibited from wearing apparel dyed with colours ; (Lucian. Nigrin.) Homer's rhapfodies were to be repeated at the inftitution of the Panathensea majora ; (Lycurgus in Leocratem. JElianus Var. Hift. lib. 8. c. 2.) While the celebratioh of the new moon or other feflival continued, no bufinefs was to be carried on, but what related to this feaft ; and no one was to be infulted in public or private ; (DemoJIh. Timocrat.) Sojourners were to carry, at public proceflions, fmall veffels, in the fhape of a boat, and their daugh- ters water-pots with umbrellas -, (Harpocration i\ No woman was to go in her chariot to Eleufis ; and whoever committed theft during the feaft kept there, was to be fined 6000 drachmae -, (Plutarch, Lycurg.) No petition was to be prefented at the myfteries ; (Andoddes de Myfteriis.) No one was to be arrefted during their celebra- tion 3 (DemoJIh. in Mid.) The 6 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: The day after this feftival, the fenate were to meet in the Eleufinian temple; (Andocides de Myjleriis. A gaol delivery was appointed at the annual feaft of fbe held in the Piraeus, where three dances were to "be performed in a circle ; the reward to the beft was H to 08 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: to be ten Mvp; to the fecond beft, eight; and ta the third, fix ; (Plutarch. Lycurg. Rhetor.) A public cock-fighting was to be once every year; (Milan. Var.Hift. I. 2. c. 28.) RELATING TO THOSE WHO OFFICIATED IN HOLY RITES. It was the province of the Baa-iXw? to take care that the Parafites were created out of the people, whofe office it was to referve out of his falary an hefteum of barley, for the fupport of the feafl of the native citizens, to be celebrated in the temple. The Acharnenfian parafites were to fave an hedteum of their dole in the refervatory of Apollo, to whom they offered facrifice. The j3ao-iXUf, and old men, and women with one hufband, were compelled to join in the facrifices. The parafites were to elect a prieffc from an illegitimate offspring, who was to officiate in the monthly facrifices ; and an action was to be brought againft thofe who declined the office of paralite ; (Athenau^ lib. 6.) Two of the facred Ceryces were to bear the office of parafite, for one year, in the temple of Apollo at Delos; (AikenauS) lib. 6.J The third part of the choicefl of the oxen was to be conferred on the victor of a prize, the two other parts were to be divided between the priefts and parafites ; (Athenaus, lib. 6.J This law was engraved in the Anaceum. A due proportion of money was to be difburfed by the priefts for ihe reparation of the temple, of the v, treafury of the temple, and the n*f ac-mo*, a place RELATING TO THE LAWS. 99 a place fet apart for the parafites to execute their office; (Athenaus, lib. 4. Pollux, lib. 6. c. 7 .) From the ftrongeft of the old men were created ,perfons to carry fprigs of olive in the j in honour of Minerva; (Xenophon Sympqfio.) The wife of the j3a and accurately to examine, whether any law were contradictory to another j whe- ther any law were unratified, or whether there were duplicates of the fame. If it fliould fo happen, it was to be written on a tablet, and publifhed at the flatues of the Eponymi ; and then, by order of the Epiftata, the people were to vote which of them fliould be ratified and which cancelled j (&fchine$ wCtefiphwtem.) No DECREES OF THE SENATE. ici No man mould enact a law in behalf of a private citizen, unlefs 6000 citizens gave leave by their private votes ; (Andocides de Myfteriis. jEneas Gazaus in Tkeophraftum.) It was a capital crime to cite a fictitious law in any court of juftice; (Demoftk. Or at. 2. in Ariftog.) The laws were to be in force from the archonfhip of Euclides; (Andoc. de Myft.) It was alfo the decree of Diocles, that the laws enacted during the freedom of the commonwealth, before Euclides was archon, as well as thofe made during his archonfhip, mould be valid. Thofe enacted fince that time, or in future to be enacted, were to be valid from the day of their pafling, unlefs limited exprefsly by law. Thofe now in force, were to be tranfcribed within thirty days into the public records by the notary of the fenate ; (Demqfth. in ^Timocrat.) RELATING TO DECREES OF THE SENATE AND PEOPLE. or decrees of the fenate, were to con- tinue in force one year; (DemqftL in Arifloc.) No YupKTjua might pafs to the commons, before the fenate's revifal ; (Plutarch, in Sol$ne.) The tablets on which the VwHrparos, were en- graved, were not to be removed ; (Plutarch. Pericle.) Noipiio GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: in the popular afTembly ; if by the fenators, in the fenate; (jfiLfchin. in Ctejiph. ) No tribe or borough was to confer crowns in the theatre upon any of its own members* No one mould have fcvixog rtqwos* an hofpital crown, given him in the theatre : it fhould be coniecrated to Minerva. Honours conferred by the people upon worthy perfons fhould be con- firmed ; (DemoJl/2. in Left in.) \ RELATING TO THE GYMNASIA* No fchool was to be opened before fun-rifing, or kept open after fun-fet. None except the fons, nephews, or daughter's hufbands of the mailer was to enter the fchool, on pain of death. No mafter was to give a young perfon leave to go to Mercury's feftival. All the ^o^ycj, elecled by the people, were to be above forty years of age ; (Mfclrin. in Timarch.) No Have was to anoint or perform exercifes in the, Pakeftra; (ibid.). RELATING TO PHYSICIANS AND PHILO- SOPHERS. No flave, or woman, unlefs free-born, was to ftudy or pra6life phyfic ; (Hygin. Fab. 2,74..) No one was allowed to teach philofophy; (Xenopk. AiropnfA. Lib. i.) a law made by the thirty tyrants, and repealed after their expuliion. No one was to keep a fchool of philofophy, unlefs the fenate and people approved, on pain of death ; (Diog. Laert. T/ieop/ir.) RELATING TO JUDGES. After a magiftrate's determination, appeal might .be made to courts of juftice, (Plutarch. Solon.) Ail LAWSUITS. JUDGMENTS. in All were capable of being appointed by lot to judge in the courts of juftice ; (Demqflh. Orat. i. in Atiftog.Ariftoph. Sc/iol. in Pint.) RELATING TO LAWSUITS. The bailiff, or perfon who arrefted, was to be re- giftered ; (Demofth. in Mid.) Whoever did not appear ut the time of trial was liable to an aftion, called Aixn sfnuu, and fined a thoufand drachms; but if he fent a juft excufe, he might be redrefled by another action called Mu sera, annulling the former ; (ibid.) PREPARATORY TO JUDGMENTS. The archons were to propofe queflions to both parties, to which they were to anfwer ; (Ifeus de Hwed. Philoc.) The plaintiff might promife upon oath to purfue the action, if his evidence was ready, if not, he might demand further time ; (Demofth. in Mid.) The archons were to fummon the parties and bring them into court; (Demofth. in Olymp.) The judges were to be elected by lotSj (Demoft/u Or at. i. in Ariftogit.) No judge was to pronounce in two courts on the fame day; (Demofth. and Ulpian. in Timccr.) RELATING TO JUDGMENTS. Every judge was to minute down the heads of the fuits he was to determine in his table book ; (Hefych. before his trial, was to be condemned ; (Demofth. /# %'imocr.) They, who had been fined, were to pay from the day the fine was due 3 and they who did not, PUNISHMENTS. 115 not, within the ninth Tr^u-rama, fhould be compelled to pay double ; (Lib an. Arg* Or at. in Arifloglt. et in Androt.) No one indebted to the city could hold any office ; (idem.) Any one, indebted to the city, convicted of making an oration to the people, was to be taken before the eleven ; (Dinarch. in Ariftog.) Till debtors to the city had paid what they owed, they (hould be a-n^oj, and if they died, their heirs incurred the fame difgrace till fatisfaction was made, (Liban. AT gum. Oral. in Ariftog. Ulpian. in ftmocr.) When payment was made, the name of the debtor was erafed from the debt-book ; (Demofth. in Theocrin.) Three parts of the debtor's goods, which were forfeited to the (late, {hould be given to any one who informed againft him ; (Demofth. in. fficoft.) Debtors to the public, whofe names were not enrolled, might be fued by the action called Eithifa -, (Demofth. in Theocrin.) They who had been regiflered as debtors unjuftly, (hould have their names crated ; and the names of thofe who regifler- ed them, inferted in their places; (Demofth. Orat. i. in Ariftog.) If any debtor fhould be blotted out of the regifter, before he had discharged his debt, the action called Ay^aptw might be brought againft him ; (Demofth. in^heocrin.) Their privilege fhould be renewed, who were an^o* before the archonfhip of Solon, except thofe whom the areopagites, ephetae or prytanes had banifhed, by the appeal of the |3ai sv otxi ; (Lys. in Dcmofth. Cvrtt.) No cheating was allowed in the market; (D-mr, Leptiu.) Any fifhmonger, over-rating hib fifh, and then taking lefs than he firft alked for theru, ihould iufFer imprifonment ; (Alexis Comicus Lebete.) He might not put them in water to make them more vendible ; (Zenarchus RELATING TO MONEY AND USURY. A banker was to demand no more intereft for money, than what he at firft agreed for ; (Lyjias, Qrat. i. inTkeomn.) Ufurers' intereft for money was to be moderate ; (U/pian. in ttmocrat.) Nobody, who had depofited money in furety for any thing, might fue for it ; (Demofth. in Spud.) Sureties and pledges were to be good for one year only ; (Demojth. in Apat.) No one mi^ht become a flave, to clear his debt ; f Plutarch. Solon.) He who did not pay what had been adjudged in due time, fhould have his houfe rifled j (Ulpian. in Midian.) The fine following the a::' ion called EgaA>i, belonged to the public ; (Demofth. in Mid.) One hundred drachms IMPORTATION AND EXPORTATION. 119 drachms was to go to a juva ; (Plutarch. Solon.) They who counterfeited, debafed, or diminiihed the cur- rent coin, fhould lofe their lives ; (Demofth.'in Leptin^ et fimocrat.) No one was to lend money to be ex- ported, unlefs for corn, or fome commodity allowed by law, on pain of being profecuted by an adion, called ito?, infamous - ? (Dinar ch. in Philocl.) He who, as a public MARRIAGES. I2t public officer, received bribes, fliould fuffer death, or make retribution ten-fold; ( Dinar ch. in Ds- mojth.) RELATING TO MARRIAGES. No man fhould have but one wife ; (Athena, lib. 13.^ An Athenian might only marry a citizen. If an heirefs was lawfully contracted in marriage by a father, brother by father's fide, or grandiire, it was lawful to procreate with her free-born children; but iffhe was not betrothed, thefe relations being dead, (he might marry whom (he pleafed; (Demofth. in Step/i. Teft.j If any one married a ftranger, as his relation., to an Athenian citizen, he was to and his goods expofed to fale ; (Demq/lh. in A ftrangef who married a free woman might be fued, before the thefmothetse, and might be fold. Foreign women marrying free-men might alfo be fold, and the men were to forfeit one thoufand drachms y(ibid.) No Athenian woman was to marry into a foreign family; (ibid, et Ulpiau. in Timocr.) Any one might marry a fitter by the father's fide; (Cornel. Nep. Cimon.) An heirefs might marry her nearer! relation ; ilie was prohibited from marrying into another family ; (Ifeus de h^red. Pyrrhi.) Every month, except in Sjci^opoftwv, 1 the judges fliould ex- amine thofe who were defigned for the hufbands of heireffes, as to their conianguinity ; (Demofth. in Stephan. Teft.) If any one fued another by a claim to an heirefs, he was to depofit kifiix&To&faiii the tenth part of her portion ; and he who enjoyed her was to lay his cafe open to the archon; but if he made no appeal, his right of inheritance was loll; (De mojlh. in Mac art.) If a father buried his fons, he 122 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: he might entail his eftate on his married daughters ; (lf*us de h*r. Pyrrhi.) If an heirefsdid not con- ceive children of her hufband, (he might cohabit with the nearefl of his relations ; (Plutarch. Solon.) All were obliged to lie with their wives, if heireffes, three nights, at lead, in a month ; (Plutarch. Solcn.) He who raviihed a virgin WAS obliged to m -rry her; (ibid.) A guardian could not marry the mother of his wards ; (Laertlus So/one.) Slaves were allowed theule of women; (Plutarch. Amat.) When a new- married woman was brought to the boufe of her hufband, (he was to carry with her a 0f tysT^ov, a frying-pan, in token of good houfewifery.; (Pollux* lib. i. cap. \^.) A bride, on the firft Bight of her marriage, eat a quince; (Plutarch. RELATING TO DOWRIES. A bride was not to carry with her to her hufband more than three garments, and vefTels of fmall value ; (Plutarch. Solon.) They who were next in blood to an orphan virgin who had no fortune, were to many her, or fettle a proper portion upon her : if of the RwTctxotnopt^ipvoi, five hundred drachms: if of the ITT^?, three hundred: if of the Zu-ytrat, one hundred and fifty ; (Demojlh. in Macart.) If a woman brought her hufband a for- tune, and lived with her children, fhe (hould not claim interefl for her money ; (Dtmojih. in P/uenip.) The fon of an heirefs fhould enjoy his mother's fortune, and maintain her; (Demo/Hi. in Stepk. *ftft.) He who promiied to fettle a dowry on a woman, if fhe died without heirs, fnould not be forced to fulfil it; (Ifeus dcluer$d. Pyrr.) RELATING DIVORCES. ADULTERY. RELATING TO DIVORCES. He wrjo divorced his wife, -was to make a reftitu- .tion of her portion, or pay nine oboli every month: her guardian might otherwife profecute her in the Odeum, with an adlion called ea, and fuffer the fame day ; (ibid. Dcmofth. in Midia.) No man who had profli- tuted himielf fhould be elected an archon, prieft, or fyndic, nor to any public office ; which, if he was convicted of accepting, he fhould fuffer death; (jEfchin. in *Timarch ) They who kept com- pany with harlots were not accounted adulter- ers ; (Demofth. in Ne^er. Lyjias. in Theomn. Orat. i .) Harlots were to wear flowered garments; (Suidas. or* lit'. 2. cap. 13.) . RELATING SUCCESSION TO PROPERTY. 125, RELATING TO WILLS, AND THE SUCCESSION OF PROPERTY. The right of inheritance was to remain in the fame family ; (Plutarch. Solon.) Boys or women were not to difpofe by will of above a medimn of barley; (If am de liter ed. Arijlarch.) All real citizens, whofe eftates were impaired by litigious fuits, when Solon entered the prsstorfhip, might leave them to whom they chofe, if they had no male children alive, and were not opprefTed with infirmities or witchcraft; (Demojlh. in Steph. ^ eft am. Or at. 2.) The .wills of thofe who had children, mould be good, if they did not arrive at maturity ; (ibid.) Any one who had a daughter, might give his eflate to another, provided that he married the daughter ; (Ifaus de h (ibid.) No one might approach the grave of another, unlefs at the celebration of obfequies ; (Plutarch. Stfon.) The day after the death, the funeialprocefTiOn iliould be before day -light ; the men firfl, the women following. No woman, under fixty years of age, wha SEPULCHRES AND FUNERALS. i^jr who was not a relation, might go where the folemnity was kept, or after the funeral was folemnized ; (De- mojlh. in Mac art.} A large concourfe of people at funerals was prohibited ; (Ciceio de Leg.} The corps might not be buried with more than three garments ; (Plutarch. Solon.) No women were to tear their faces or make dirges at funerals ; (Plutarch. Solon. Cicero deLegib.) A chsenix of barley, and the fame of wheat, and an obolus, fliould be paid at the death of any one to the prieilefs of Minerva ; (Art/lot. ALciimen. lib. 2.) No ox was to be offered i (Plutarch. Solon.) Children and heirs fhould perform the accuftomed rites of parentation ; (Demofth. in fimoc. Ifeus de htered. Cleon.) Slaves fhould not be embalmed, nor honoured with a banquet; (Cicero de Leg.) A perfon appointed by the public made an oration at public funerals; (ibid.) They who died in battle were to be buried at the public charge ; (fhucyd. lib. 2.) The father might give a funeral encomium on his fon who died honourably in battle; (Polem. Argwn. TM ETTLTKQIM hoyuv.) He who died in front of the battle might have a funeral oration annually fpoken ; (Cicer. de Or at.') All bodies were to be buried weftward ; (Milan. Far. Hift. lib. 5. cap. 14.) No evil was to be fpoken of the dead , (Plutarch. Salon.} RELATING TO ROBBERS AND ASSASSINS, &C. The Areopagite fenate were to determine cafes of murder, of wounds, of poifon, or fire; {Demofth. in Ariftoc.) The council of the aflaffin, might make no apology, nor excite companion; (Pollux y lib. . cap, 10.) Thethefmothetae 'weretopunHh murderers with ,t 2 $ GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: with death j (Demqfth. in Ariftoc.) They were to luffer in the country of the murdered perfon. No one was to take money for his pardon : the heliaflic court fliould pats fentence upon him; (ibid.) Any one who killed or aflifted in killing a murderer, (hould be tried by the epithetse; (ibid.) He who was accufed of murder, mould havenoprivilege;^;//^//. ds Chorent.) He who killed another accidentally, might flee his country for a year; and then facrifice- and be purified ; (Demofth. in Ariftoc. Eurip. Schol.) He could not be troubled in his exile ; (Demoflh. in Ariftoc.) If he returned before the year was expired, he was to bind himfelf to appear before the magiftrate ; (ibid.) He who killed one for debauching his wife or near kindred, might not be baniflied ; (ibid.) He who affaulted the inno- cent, might be killed ; (ibid.) A murderer found in a religious place might be carried to gaol, and if guilty, put to death : but if he who committed him, did not procure the fifth part of the votes, he Ihould be fined one thoufand drachms; (ibid.) He who vw&fdo defe mould have the hand cut off that did the murder, which fliould be buried in a place feparate from the body; (Mfchin. In Ctejiph.) No murder was to be within the city; (Suidasv. Twgo? ;) Inanimate things, inftrurnental to the death of any one, fliould be call out of Attica ; (/Efchin. in Ctejipkont.) He who ftruck the firfl blow in a quarrel, fliould be liable to the adion called aixia? &KJ ; (Demofth. Ariftoc.) The goods of him who maimed another were to be confifcated ; he fliould be expelled the city in which the other dwelt, tyhich if he entered, he fliould fuffer death ; (Lyjias. fro Call.) Any one might inform againft another RELATING TO THEFT*: tty for any injury done to any one ; (Plutarch. Solon.) He who wilfully caufed damage, was to refund twice as much ; he who did it involuntarily, an equivalent ; (Defnofth. Midian.) He who blinded any one-eyed perfon, fhould lofe both his eyes 5 (Laert. Solon.) The dog which had bit any perfon, fhould be tied with a chain four cubits long ; ( Pint. Scion.) RELATING TO THEFT. He who committed theft, fhould reftore double to the owners, and as much to the exchequer; (AuL GelLlib. 10. cbpi 18. Demoftk. fimocr.) He who had ftolen by day to the value of fifty drachms, wa& liable to the action called Atf a^etyu ; but, if in the night, any one might kill him. tie who ftole from the Lyceum, Academia, or any of the Gymnafia> any thing of the leaft value ; or from the baths of ports to the value of ten drachms, fhould fuffer death j (Demojlh. tfimoc.) He who imprifoned another for theft, and could not prove it> fhould be fined one thoufand drachms ; (Suidas.) All pick- pockets and burglars were to fuffer death; (Xenopk* ATropwp. lib. i .) He who fearched for a thief in the houfe of another, might only wear a thin gar- ment ; (Ariftoph. Schol Nub.) He who took what was not his own, might be put to death; (PlutarcJu Solon. AuL Gdl. lib. n.cap. iS.J It was death to break into an orchard, and to fteal figs; (Feftus.J This offence was afterwards punifhed with a finej (Suidas.) They Who Hole dung, were to fuffer cor- poral punifhment ; (Ariftoph. Schol, Equtt.J 130 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES* RELATING TO SLANDER. He who defamed another in the temples, judicial courts, or places where games were celebrated, was to pay three drachms to the injured man, and two to the treafury ; (Plutarch. Solon.) He who Hindered any man might be fined ; (Lyfiasflrat. \.in Theomn.) He who reflected upon any one for committing fome offence, might be fined five hundred drachms; (Ifocrat. in Lt>chit.) No one might call another a- murderer; (Lyfias, Or at. I. in 1'heomn.') He who upbraided another for calling away his buckler, fhould be fined ; (ibid ) RELATING TO MATTERS OF BUSINESS. He who had been negligent in conducting his' bufinefs, mould anfwer for it ; (Demoflh. in Aph.) No woman might meddle with other affairs than a medimn of barley would fatisfy for the performance ; (Dio. Chryf. Orat. TTE RELATING TO ENTERTAINMENTS. No entertainment was to confift of above thirty guefts; (Athene, lib. 6.) All cooks were to carry 'their names to the Ginxconomi ; (Menander Cecry.) None but mixed wines were to be drank at entertain- ments ; (Alex. jEfop.) Pure wine was to be after- wards drank to the honour of the good genius ; (Athene, lib. 6.) The areopagites were to take notice of all drunkards ; (Athene, lib. 6.) RELATING TO MINES. He who had hindered another from working in mines, or taken fire to them, or removed the tools, or MILITARY AFFAIRS. i^l or digged beyond the limits, might be profecuted with an adtion called &xrj ptretM.* ; (Demqftk. In Pantxn.) RELATING TO MILITARY AFFAIRS. Men were to ferve in the army from eighteen years to forty. Until twenty years of age,.they mould be in arms within Attica; (Ulpian. in Olymph. 3.) He who offered to ierve in the cavalry, before he was approved, mould be a-n^o?; (LyJiasinAlcib.) The cavalry fhould be detached from among the wealthy; (Xenoph.Hipp.) Soldiers fhould not drefs their hair unfeemly ; (Ariftdph. Schol. Equit.) None fhould pawn their arms ; (Ar-iftoph. Schol. Pint.) He who had betrayed a garrifon, (hip, or army, was to fufFer death; as well as all deferters to the enemy. There was to be no marching before the feventh of the month ; (Zenob. Cent. 79.^ War was to be pro- claimed, by putting a lamb into the enemy's territo- ries j ( Cent. 2. pr. 96.) The polemarch was to lead up the right wing of the army ; (Herodot. Erat.) Public keepers of the revenue, and dancers at the Aiowo-iBxa, were to be exempted from fervingin the army ; (Demqftb. in Ne#r. et Midian.) RELATING TO MILITARY REWARDS ANI* PUNISHMENTS. They who had valiantly maintained their pofts were to be promoted, and others degraded ;( Xenoph.Hipp.) All cowards were to be expelled the forum, and the temples; (Demofth. in ftmocrat. JEfchin. in Cte- Jiph.) He who caft away his arms, was xnpos ; (Lyfias> K z Qrat. I$A GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES; Orat. i. hi 'Theomn.) He who deferted his fliip, of refufed to go, fhould be a-n^o?; (Plutarch. Solone.) Di fabled foldiers fhould be maintained at the public charge -, (Laert. So/on.) The parents and children of thofe who were killed in war (hould be taken care' of j (Liuian. Abd< VaL Max. lib. $. cap* 3.) RELATING TO VARIOUS MATTERS. The ungrateful might be profecuted ; (Demqfthjtt $teot.) The name and refidence of the father of every one were to be inferted in all deeds, contracts, &c.; (Andoc. de Myft.) An informer of that which was falfe, was to fufFer death; (Plutarch. Solon.} He who was neuter in any {edition, fhould be artwo?y (Siiidas.) He who left the city to relide in the Piraeus, (hould fuffer death ; (Lucian. Anachars.) He who wore afword in the flreets fliould be fined; (Xenofh. E\XWM. lib. i.) He who had been con- victed of perfidy to the Hate, or of facrilege, (hould be denied burial in Attica, and his goods fhould be fold 5 ( Dinar ck. in Demojlh.) He who had betrayed his country, fhould not enter within the borders of Attica; (Demcftk. Hdon.) All compacts, approved' by the judges, ihould be good 5 (Cicero, Philip, i.) No one might be reproached for former offences ; ( CtefipL Andoc. do Myjler.) No ftrangep fliould be wronged 3 (Xenoph. kxopvv^.hb. 2.) The bewildered traveller was to be put into his way, and hofpitality to be (hewn to flrangsrs j (Cicero de Offic. lib. ?.) He who fold rings Ibould not keep their impreliion, when fold ; (Latrtius Solone.) E L I G 1 O N. OF THE RELIGION OF THE ATHENIANS. From the earlieft ages the objects of religious v/orfhip multiplied among the Athenians. They received the twelve principal divinities from the Egyptians; (Herodotys, lib. &. c. 4..) Thracians, Libyans, and other nations : (Herodotus 9 lib. 2. c. 50; and lib. 4. c. 1 8 8 . Pindar^ O/ymp. 10. u f 59. Arlftoph. in Av. v. 95. ^hiicyd. lib. 6. c. ,54.,) They were fo fearful of omitting religious worfhip, that they even erected altars to the un- known god ; (Paufanias Atticis,) At length a law was enacted prohibiting, under pain of death, the introduction of any foreign worfhip, without a decree of the areopagus, moved for by the public orators; (jofepK. in Appion. lib. 2. p. 491. 493. - Harpocrat. in 'EwtOsT.^ It was an ancient inftitution. to confecrate by monuments and feftivals the memory of kings and heroes. Among thefe the Athenians placed Thefeus, Erechtheus, (Meitrfius de Regib.Athen.lib. 2. c. \^.) thofe who by their merits gave their names to the ten tribes, (Paufan. lib. i. c. 5. p. 13.^ and many others, as Hercules, &$. (Herod, lib. 2. c. 44. Paufan. lib. i.e. 15. ; lib. 2. c. 10.) But the adoration paid to heroes effentially differed from that paid to the gods. They proftrated themfelves before the deity, to implore his pro- tection, thanked him for his bounty, and acknowr ledged their dependance. Temples, altars, groves, were confecrated, and games and feftivals were cele- brated in honour of their heroes 5 (Vhucyd. lib. 5. . n.) Prayers were addrefled to the deity at the Commencement of any undertaking ; (Plat, in 'Tim.) * 3 iH GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: Thefe were offered up in the morning, the evening, at the .riling and fetting of the iun and moon; (Plato delegibuS) lib. 10. /. 2. p. 8 By.,/ Sometimes they preiented themfelves at- the temple with down- caft eyes and dejected countenance; ( Plat, in Alcib.) They killed the ground ; and they offered up their prayers (landing, (Philoftr. in Apollon. Fit. lib. 6. c. 4, p. 233.) on their knees, (Theophr. Char. c. 16.) andproftrate; (Laert. in Diogen. lib. 6. $j.) and holding branches in their hands, (Sophocl. in CEdip. Tyr. v. $.) which they lifted up towards heaven, or extended towards the ftatue of the god, after apply- ing it to their mouths ; (Lucian. in tncom. Dtmofth. 49.^ If their worfhip was directed to the inftrnal deities, they flruck the earth with their feet or hands; (Horn. Iliad. 9. v. 564. Cicero TufcuL lib* 2. C. 2$.) OF THE PRIESTS AND RELIGIOUS MI- NISTERS. IsK j the priefts were deemed mediators between the deity and men, to inftrucl them how to offer their religious worfhip, and all its various ceremonies; (Plat. Politic.) They were next in precedence to their kings and chief magiftrates. The chief ma- giflrates were frequently confecrated to the prieft- hood; (ibid. JEneid. 3. v. So.} In fome places the two offices were of equal rank ; (Plutarch* Quteft. Roman.) The priefts fometimes obtained their office by inheritance ; (Plat, de kgib. 6. Hefychius. Har-* focrat. Suidas in Kw(?.) fometimes by lot, by the appointment of the princes, or by popular elections 9 (Iliad PRIESTS AND MINISTERS. 135 (Iliad Z. v. 300. "DemojlJi. Exord. Cone. p. 239.^ Whoever fucceeded to this office,' was to be ex- amined, before his corlfecration, whether he was *p\i?, perfect in limb ; (Hefychius, Etymol. Auft. v. *q>z\i\<;.) They were alfo required to be chafte and uncontaminated with the pleafures of the world ; devoting themfelves to retirement and piety. They carried their religious aufterity ib far as frequently to difmember themfelves ; and to drink the juice of hemlock to enfeeble their powers of generation. They fometimeg ilrewed the leaves of a.yvog or Au (Ariftoph. Pint. aft. $. fc, 2. Sckol. m e[p.) They were fometimes rich j (Horn. Iliad a. 13. Iliad s. v. 9.) OF THE TEMPLES. The Greeks originally worshipped their gods ii} the open air, upon the tops of mountains, ( 'Iliad %. 170^ on which temples were afterwards built; which were dedicated to Jupiter, Apollo, and other gods; (Horn. Hymn, in Apoll. V. 144.) It has been commonly fuppofed that temples owe their original to the fuperflitious reverence paid by the ancients to the memory of their departed friends ; (Lattan- tins. Clemen. Alex. Eufe&ius, &c.) and were firit creeled as magnificent monuments; (ALneidi.v. 74. Lycophron. CaJJqnd. v. 613.) Sometimes the feme temple was dedicated to leveral gods ; who were then called Suwtoi, (Strab* 7. Pint. Sympof. 4. 4.) and 2vi/oixTat : and thofe who had the fame com- mon altar were called, o^oZupioi. Each god was dif- tinguimed by ibme particular mark ; and temples were ereded in a manner moil agreeable to that god to whom it was dedicated. Doric pillars were facred to Jupiter, Mars, and Hercules; the Ionic to Bacchus, Apollo, and Diana; the Corinthian, to'V-fta, the virgin. i 3 8 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: virgin. Every deity had his peculiar attribute ; thus Mars was the tutelary guardian of war ; Venus, of love; Mercury prefided over merchants, orators, and thieves ; Minerva, over fchplars, artifts, &c. Temples were built in groves, valleys, or rivers, and dedicated to the tutelar deity of the place ; or in confpicuous parts of cities. The windows gene- rally opened to the rifmg fun ; (Vitruv.lib. 4. c. 5. Dionys. 'fhrax,) They fronted the weft, and the altars and ftatues were fo placed, that thofe who worshipped were towards the eaft; (Clemens Alex. Strom. 7. Hygimts de Agr. Limit, con. lib. i.) In later ages the ftatues were fo placed as to look towards the eaft, and thofe who worshipped, towards the weft ; (Porphyr. lib. de Antr. Nymph.) If they were built near a river, they were to look towards its banks : if near the public road, they were fo placed, as to be eafily obferved by travellers, who might pay their devotions as they paffed by. There were both facred and profane temples, TO strw, and TO s$u TregiftgxitrvigiuVm HEgiggwrvgiw was a brazen or ftone veiTel, filled with holy water; (Suidas. P/iavcrimis,) with which thofe who were admitted to the facrifices were fprinkled, and beyond which it was not lawful for the BtfiuAoi, the profane, to pafs. Some fay, it was placed in the entrance of the Adurov, or Avuxrogov ; (Pol/itx,) the inmoft recefs of the temple, into which none, but the prieft, was allowed to enter. Hence Bf^rjAo? TCTTOC isfo called in oppolition to this AeTurov; (P/iavorhius.) Others fay, that the iregifgowTngM was placed at the door of the temple ; (Cafaubon. in Theoph. Charr.a.) IDOLS. 139 , is ufually a fheep-fold ; and it is fuppofed, that becaufe the images of the gods were inclofed with rails, the middle of the temple, from its fimilitude to a (lieep-fold, was called >jxo?, being afterwards ufed for the temple, a part being put for the whole : as Eri*, the hearth, fignified fome- times the whole houfe. It is faid to fignify a tem- ple dedicated to a hero or demigod ; (Ammonius de verb. Diff. et SmiL Pollux, Onom. lib. \.) and it is expounded o W&T^O? TOTTO? T* i^a, the inner part of the temple, A^toj/, was a treafury for the ufeof religion, as well as for thofe who defired to preferve any valuable articles. Hence the terms applied to it, /xf yaAoTrAsTci', TroAu^^ucrof , xg^XLOTrXxrov ^ ( Pollux^ Onom. lib. i.) Naoj and If^ov fignify the edifice or temple itfelf, in which were B&J/XOV, the altar, on which they offered their oblations ; xr^aois the porch in which flood an altar or image ; and repwos, where the image of the chief god was erected ; (Schol. in Soph. CEdip. Tyr. v. i$.) OF THE GRECIAN IDOLS. The idol was called, 2vi?, (Clem. Alex and. pro- trept.) a rude flock; and fometimes a Hone; (Paufanias Achaicis. Eufeb. Evangel, lib. \.) The ilones were fometimes fquare, and of different figures; fometimes they were of bhck colour; (Strobe. Geograph. lib. 17.) Tfeey were called |3at- TuAi or j3auTuAo< ; (EujMus. Evang. lib. i,) The Grecian images till the time of Daedalus were un- formed $ (St.Ckryfoft. Serm. 12. Tihcm$ius 9 Or at. U GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES; I $.) who made two feet to the flones, which were before of one mafs. Hence they were origin- ally called,- Hodti/a, has, TO cc-n-o^^a^ becaufe they were ihaven ; (Clem. Alexan. Protrep.) which pro- perly Signifies an idol, that is, tfaepwov, fhaven out of (lone or wood ; (Hefy chins v. Hoaw.) Afterwards, xvhen the art of carving was known, they refembled various figures, and were then called, |3cra? ha. T p0Tw soixsvui, becaufe it was like a man , (Clem. Alexand. Protrep. Ariftoph. SchoL Equ. v. 3 1 .) Not- withftanding, the fhapelefs idols were preferved as Venerable relicks of antiquity , (Porphyriits de Abjli* ytnt. lib. z.JeR. iS,} OF THE STATUES. The ancient flatues were generally made of cedar, oak, cyprefs, yew, and box-tree; (Plutarch. - Paufanias) -, the fmaller images were faid to be of the root of the olive tree; (Theoph. lib. de -plant.) they were fornetimes made of the wood of thofe trees which were dedicated to particular gods. They were fometimes made of common, and fome- times of precious flones : of common and of black marble, to denote the invifibility of the gods; of gold, brafs, ivory, chalk and clay, and other fub- flances They were generally placed upon pedefials in the middle of the temple, inclofed with rails ? and raifed above the height of the altar. Hence, as before explained. OF THE ALTARS. The altars were of various dimenfions, according to the variety of gods, to whom they were confe- crated. The 0foiOufaj/*oi, celeftial gods, had their altars raifed considerably above the ground i as we are A L T A R S. i+t arc told that the altar of Olympian Jupiter was* nearly twenty-two feet high ; (Paufanias Eliac. a.) To heroes they facriflced upon altars near to the ground, called E^^aiy being only one ftep high; (Eitripid. Sckol. in Ph lib. Af. Vid.Paufanias Corinthiacis. JEneid. lib. 2. V; 512. Enripid. Recub.v. 146.^) The Afyla were regulated and reformed in the reign of Tibe- rius; (Tacitus, Annal. lib. 3. 60. 6 1 . fcc.} or, as is faid, were entirely abolished ; (Suetonius Tiberii. c.^.) OF THE SACRED FIELDS. The fields confecrated to religious ufes, were call- ed Tfjusvn, which is faid to be itcov Qcw Kara npw, j jj^wT, a facred portion of land dedi- cated to fome god or hero ; (Schol. in Horn. Iliad. (3. v. 696.^ The produce of thefe fields was appro- priated for the maintainance of the priefts, or other facred purpofes ; (Plato, lib. 4. de legibus. Vid. JEndd. lib. 9. v. 274. Horn. Iliad, s. v. 194. Iliad, i. v. 574. Iliad, p* v. OF THE SACRIFICES. EuxTa,or Xa^rfa, were vows or free-will offer- ings, promifed to the gods before, and performed aft era vidtory. 0uixat, were free gifts of the fruits of. the earth, offered by hufbandmen out of gratitude to the gods, after harveft; (Suidas in v. ujnxa*, becaufe they fulfilled fome vow made to the gods. , were propitiatory facrifices, called alfo , to avert the anger of fome offended deityi including all expiatory facrifices. L 146 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES* AtTTixa, were petitionary facrifices, for fuccrik in any undertaking. Ta a. Mavrtw, fuch facrifices as were impofed by an oracle or prophet. THE MATTER OF THEIR SACRIFICES. The ancient facrifices to the gods were of the fruits of the earth j (Porphyr. de Abflinent. lib. 2 6.} plucked up by the roots ; (C*l. Rkod. lib. 12. c. i.) It was originally forbidden to immolate victims ; (Pans. lib. i.e. 26. p. 6i.Id. lib. 8. r. 2. 5 c. 42. Porphyr. de Abftin.) Man felt a natural horror at plunging the fteel into the breaft of an animal deftined to the plough, and become the companion of his labours ; (jElian. Varior. Hip* lib. 5. c. 14.^) It was prohibited under pain of death; (Van. de Re Rufti. lib. 2. c. $.) by an exprefs jaw : and univerfal practice induced him to abftain from the flem of animals - 3 (Plat, de Legtb. lib. 6.) The folemn facrifices confifted of STTO^TJ, 0u^/xo!, and L care was taken to re- ferve a certain portion for the gods. The fame cuflom was obferved when they began to feed upon the flefh of animals. Sometimes water was poured on the altar or the head of the victims, fornetimes honey or oil ; (Porpkyr. de Abftin. lib. 2, 20. ) but MATTER OF THEIR SACRIFICES. 147 but in general they were fprinkled with wine, and then the wood of the fig tree, the myrtle, or the vine, were burnt upon the altar ; (Suidas in Nt>$ai, viz. Ceres and Proferpine. To Pluto, inftead of wine, oil was offered ; (Virg. ALn. 6. 154.^ UlyfTes, in an oblation to the infernal gods, poured out wine mixed with honey, pure wine, and pure water; (Odyff. n. v. 2$.) To other gods, they alfo facrificed without wine. Upon the altar of Jupiter uirtfTo?, the fupreme, they never offered wine, nor living creatures. The v*q>xXiu t.^a, fober facrifices, are, rx \)fyor, broken fruits, boughs, leaves, acorns; whence -nx, 6u?j are expounded Oupa/xara, incenfe. 0ufi^ is never ufed by Homer to lignify the offering of the victim, but of xf/r ; (Athen* De ipii. L 14.^ which iignirkation was afterwards i almoft MATTER OF THEIR SACRIFICES. -14-9 almoft always applied to animals ; (Porph. I. 2. ds Abftin.) There were no facrifices in early times, of which trees did not compofe a confiderable part. Thefe are chiefly odoriferous. XAoat, green herbs, were part of their early oblations; (Porph. de Abfl.) Afterwards, they ufed frankincenfe, and other per- fume. In the time of the Trojan war, frankincenfe was not known ; at which time they offered cedar and citron; (Plin. Nat. Hift. lib. iq. cap. i.) Some forts of trees were offered with libations of wine , others only with wQxXiot i^a; hence they are called uA. Thefe were rot, /HUT* a/ATTfAiva, fAtre HATIT (AVfwot, all except the vine, fig, and myrrh ; which being offered with wine only, were called oivo,^o<, iHfT>;^io{,

io? ; which are indeed fuppofed to be three names of Jupiter. Sometimes they fwore by all the gods ; fometimes by the twelve great gods. The Spartans, ufually, by Caflor and Pollux. The oaths of women were ufually by Juno, Diana and Venus, or * rw OEW, by Ceres and Proferpine ; (Pkavorin* in Verb. N-n.) Women fcarcely ever fwore by the gods ; (Ariftoph.) Men generally fwore by fome particular god, ac- cording to circumflances and to places : in the market, by E^au? Ayo^aio? or Mercury ploughmen, by Ceres the breeder and tamer of hories, by Nep- tune. The Athenians fwore by Ifis, the Thebans, M 3 by 166 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: by Ofiris ; (Alex. ab. Alex. lib. $. cap. 10.) When they fwore indefinitely, the term was, O/xvy^t pen TWOS, TCOV Ocuv > (Plato's Phtedr. Arijlxn. Ep. Euxith. ad. Pyth.) They who deemed it unlawful to fwear upon trivial occafions, faid only, Nat pa, rov ; (Phavorin. in Verb. Ma. Suidas in Verb. Nat. pot *o.) Oaths were confidered by fome as altogether unlawful ; by others, as lawful but upon certain occafions ; (Ifocr. in Stob. Simplic. in Epiclet. HierocL in Pythag. Aur. Carm. v. 2.) They fometimes fwore by the creatures; (Plut. lib. de placit. Philcs.) as Ni rov xui/a, %w or TrAaravoi/, by a dog, goofe, or plane-tree : fometimes N*j TW x&Tnrxgw, by a fhrub, which bears capers: fome- times by colewort ; (Callus. Antiq. Left. lib. 27. cap. 28.) the latter particularly by the lonians. Sometimes they were forbidden the ufe of any oathj (Suidas in Verb. Nat /*a TO.) Sometimes they fwore by the ground upon which they flood ; (Eurip. Hippol. 1025.) Sometimes by rivers, foun- tains, floods, the fun, the moon, and the flars; (Alex. ab. Alex. Gen. Dm. lib. 5. cap. 10.} A fifher fwore by his nets ; a foldier by his fpear 3 the latter oath was very facred; (Juftin.lib. 13.) as a ipear was once the object of worfhip, and placed in the ftatues of the gods; (Euftath. in Iliad OL.) Sometimes they fwore by the dead, as by r*s tv Ma^aOoiia; (Demoft.) Sometimes by the living, as by their S&mj^ta, fafety, or Axyia, misfortunes ; or by their names, or the members of their body $ (Homer. Hanfen. lib. de.juram. Veterum.) Some- times they fwore by their children, their parents, their friends. OP- MANNER OP SWEARING, OF THEIR MANNER OF SWEARING. Sometimes they lifted up their hands to heaven while they fwore; (Hanfen. lib. de juram. veter.) Sometimes they laid their hands upon the altar; efpecially when they took the^ya OPXOS, the folema oath; (Plut. Xenoc. Virgit y Mneid. 12. v. 201.} Sometimes they fwore by the PuGo^, or the tribunal of Pnyx, a place where the Athenian aflemblies met ; (Demqflh. adv. Conon. SchoL inAri- Jloph. Acbarnens.) Sometimes the perfon fwearing placed his hand upon the hand of him to whom he fwore; (Eurip. Hel. 834.) In all agreements they plighted their faith by taking each other by the right hand. Sometimes they facrificed to the gods, by whom they fwore, a boar, a ram, or a goat, a bull or a lamb. Sometimes they cut out the teflicles of the victim, and fwore while Handing upon them. Hence the word To/*ja?. A ram or boar they thus ufed. They cut the hair from the head of the victim, and diftributed part of it to thofe prefent, that they might become partners in the oath, and they then invoked the gods to be witnefles ; (Horn. Iliad. Sophoc.) They killed the victim by cut-, ting its throat. Hence the term o^xia rspvtw, to make a covenant. They then repeated the words, which the perfons prefent confirmed with mutual oaths. After which, a libation of mixed wine was made, to fignify the mutual concord of the perfons. Praying to the gods, they poured it out, befeech- ing, that whoever mould violate his oath, might have his blood, or brains, poured out in the fame manner 5 (Horn. Iliad, he. clt) A folemn impre- M 4 cation j68 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: cation was fometimes added to their oaths, as E pa it>oxw, TroAAa /xot Mj, artificial ; as foothfayers. To the firft fort belong oracles, which are called %f 307*0*, xgwiAuhou, ^vG-pudnpzra, iAoe,vTEVfj,o(,TM 9 0f ovr^cTriat, Sfo-^arw, and the like the interpreters of oracles, ^jj0-/*oAoyoi, and the like the confulters, QeoTrcoTTQi the places in syvhich they were delivered, ^urxg , pavrua, and ^& the ORACLES OF JUPITER. I 7 I the like. In all their concerns, they confulted oracles; (Strabo, lib. 16. Herodot. lib. i.) The manner of delivering oracles varied at different times and in different places. In fome places they were revealed by interpreters, as at Delphi, and thefc were called xgwpoi uTropn-nxoi : in others, the gods themfelves were fuppofed to anfwer, by dreams or by lots. Thefe were termed ^no-^oi auropwvoi; (Paufan. Meffenic. Ariftoph. Equ. 120. Vefp. 161. Hefych.) * OF THE ORACLE OF DODONA, AND OF OTHER ORACLES OF JUPITER. Jupiter is fuppofed to have been the firfl caufe of all divination. Hence he is called Ilai/o^- Geogr. lib. 7. Euftdtk.OdyJT.%. -p. $44..) and called' IVo^-raj and 2fAA?. The latter are fo called from Sellse, a town in Epirus, or from the river Selleis; (Eujlath. in Itiad o. 531.) They were alfo called EAAot; (Schol. in Homer. Iliad. IT. 234.) and ftyled wrrroirofa. They were alfo fly led Xap&isvmi, becaufe they Hept upon the ground in ikins; and avurTOTroks, becaufe, as they never went out of the temple, they had no occafion to wafh their feet; (Eurip. Erecht. 123.) Thefe diviners, when they were confulted, mounted an oak, from the top of which they gave their anfwers ; (Strabo 7. p. 227.) Thence came the fable of the prophetic oak. In later times, the oracles were pronounced by three old women; which change was made, becaufe Jupiter admittedDione to his embraces, and to receive divine honours in this temple; (Strabo^ ibid.) TheBxotians alone received their anfwers from men; (Strab&y Geogr. lib. 9.) The prophets of this temple were cal- led To^Hoi,thepropheteffes,Tc>/x*0i, fromTomurus, a mountain in Thefprotia, at the foot of which the temple flood. The term was afterwards applied to any prophet 5 (Hefych. in Verb. Lycophr. Caff. 2,23.) Some .have fuppcfed that all oracles were here delivered by women 5 and that the Selli, were inhabitants of the neighbouring country, and pub- lifhed the oracles received from the propheteffes to other men. Hence they are called TVapjjTaj, in- /lead of IIcopTaj. Near ORACLES OP JITPITER. 173 Near the temple was a facred grove, full of oaks, in which the Fauni, Dryades and Satyri, were ac- cuftomed to dwell. The acorns of this wood were highly efteemed, before the ufe of corn ; (Virg. Georg. 1.7.5 and Georg. i . 1 49 .) From thele oaks proceeded a human voice, and the fpirit of prophecy; hence they were called n^oo-yiyo^ot, and Mai/r^ai ^y?, fpeak- ing and prophefying oaks. Argo,the Argonautic fhip, was built with the trees of this wood, and was endued with the fame fpirit of prophecy. Hence it is called A*Au0o xio-o-ay, a chattering magpie ; (Lycophr. Caff. 1319.^ The prophets, when they gave anfwers, were placed in one of thefe trees, and thus the oak was thought to utter the oracle. Some have faid, that the oracles were delivered from the branches of the tree,becaufe the prophetical pigeon fatupon it; (He- rodot. in loc. Schol. in Soph. Trachin. 1 74.^) Others have laid, that oracles were pronounced from the hollow (lock; (Hefad. Eoa.) Some affirm, that bra- zen kettles were ufed in delivering oracles from this place ; and that they were fo artificially placed about the temple, that by flriking one, the found was communicated to the reft; (Dem. inSmdas.) Others fay, that there were two pillars, on one of which was a kettle, and on the other a boy holding a whip in his hand, with ladies of brafs, which, carried by the wind, ftruck againft the kettle, and caufecl a continued found. Hence the term, Aw, to putrify 5 becaufe the carcafe of Py tho putrified there ; (Horn. Hymn, in ApolL v. 372.) or KTTO T* 7ru0o-0at, to confultj (Strabo, Geogr. lib. 9.) or from Pythis, the fon of Delphis, the fon of Apollo. The city of Delphi was fuppofed to be in the centre of the world ; (Strabo. Geogr. lib. 9.) The poets fay, that Jupiter, to know the centre of the earth, fent forth two eagles, or crows, (Pindar') or fwans, one from the eaft, the other from the weft, and that they met here. It was certainly in the middle of Greece ; (Strabo.) and hence called O^paAo?, a navel ; and hence this oracle is called Murop$a&ov /uamtov; (Sophocl.) In allufion to this name, there was in the temple the figure of a navel, made out of white Hone, with a riband hanging from it, upon which were placed two eagles; (Strabo and Paufan.) Others fay that this name is derived from the anfwers de- livered there, called O/Apa*; (LaRant. Varro.) The origin of this oracle is varioufly related. Some fay, it firft belonged to the Earth, by whom Daphne was conftituted prieftefs; (Diod. Si cut. lib. 16. cap. 1 6. Paufan. Phoc.) Others, that it was facred. to Earth and Neptune; and that Earth gave an- fwers, but that Neptune had an interpreter, named Pyrco; and that afterwards Neptune gave up his fhare to Earth ; (Diod. SicuL) This goddefs was fucceeded by Themis ; (Ovid. Met.) Some fay, that Themis poffeffed this oracle at the begin- ning; hence the fame name given to. Themis and the Earth, TTO AX wy ovofArwv /uofpt) jwia ; ( JHfthyt. Pro- weth .208.) Hence Themis is called, 0tw irpvtvFonn, the GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES? the oldeft of the gods ; (Arifl. Oral, dc Concord, ad Rhod.) It is again faid, that it was firft pofleffcd by the Earth, then by Themis, who refigned it to her fitter Phoebe, by whom it was given to Apollo ; (JEfchyl. Eumenid. initio.) Others fay, that Apollo having feized this oracle by force, Earth endeavoured to precipitate him into the infernal regions ; (Pin- j aTt Schol. insEfchyl.) Others, that Apollo having expelled Themis, was himfelf expelled by the Earth, , but by the affiftance of Jupiter, recovered the oracle; (Eurip. Iphig. 1259.) When it was pof- fefled by the Earth, (he returned anfwers by dreams ; (Eurip. Iphig.) and when Apollo was deprived of the oracle, he prayed Jupiter to expel the Earth; (Eurip. Iphig. 1271.) Others fay, that it belonged to Saturn; (CStrabo. lib. q. Juvenal. Sat. 6. 554. Minut. Pel. Off. p. 242. Luc an, lib. 5.) Its cha- racter was however frequently attempted to be re- newed y (Lucian Alex. Pfeudom. Theodoret.) as it was confulted by Julian the apoftate. When Apollo forfook Delphi, it is faid that he betook himfelf to the Hyperborean Scythians ; (Claudian. Suidas in Verb. AZugie. Diodor. SicnL) There was an oracle of Apollo at Cirrha, a fea^port belonging to Delphi, and from it about fixty ftadia; (Statins Theb. lib. 7. 41 1.) At this place, only prof- perous oracles were pronounced. Here there was a cavern, as at Delphi; (Statins ^heb. lib. 3. 474.^ Some fpeak of it as the fame as the oracle at Delphi ; (Sencc. Hercul. CEt. 92.) and that it was attended by the fame prophetefs : (Senec. OEdip. 169.) There was an oracle of Apollo at Delos, an ifland of the Cyclades, in the JEgean fea. It was famdus for having been the birth-place of Apollo and Diana; and was hence confidered facred. In this place an image ORACLES OF APOLLO. , iSi image of Apollo was ereded, in the fliape of a dra- gon ; and here he gave anfwers, fome fay, more cer- tain and clear than at Delphi; (Alex, fib Alex.) Apol- lo only refided here in the fummer ; in the winter he retired toPatara, in Lycia; (Servius inVirg.JE.neid. 4. 143.^) One of its altars was efteemed among the feven wonders of the world. It was erected by Apollo when four years of age, and competed of the horns of goats, killed by Diana, upon Mount Cynthus ; which were compacted together without any viiible cement ; (Epiji. Cyd. ad Ac. Plutarch. de Solert. Anim. Callimach. Hymn, in Apoll. j?, from Dims, a region belonging to Argos. The anfwers were deli- vered by a woman, who was forbidden any intercoude with men. She iiicriiiced a lamb, one night in every month ; and having tafted the blood of the victim, was inftantly feized with a divine frenzy ; (Paufan. Corinth.) There was an oracle of Apollo at Eutrcfis, a village in Bocotia; (Stephan. in forb. EvT^c-i?.) N 4 ApoJIo i$4 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: Apollo delivered oracles at Orope, a city of Eubsea ; hence he was called Oropseus; (Stsphan.) At Orobas in Eubsea, there was an oracle of A polio, called 4/r^r*T6 pavTsio*, a mod infallible oracle ; (Strabo, lib. 10 .) There was an oracle at Corypae in Thef- faly ; (Nicander Theriac.) Another at Hybla, which the Carians confuited -, (Athene, lib. 15. cap. 4.) There was an oracle at Ichnae in Macedonia; (Hefych. in Verb. I^vativm.) At Tegyrse, a city of Boeotia, was an oracle of Apollo, frequented only till the Perfian war ; (Plut. Pelop.) The oracles given by Apollo at Ptous, a mountain in Boeotia, where he had a temple, were famous. It ceafed, when Thebes was demolished by Alexander; (Pan- Jan. Besot.) Apollo was called Aapt/*io?, from Daphne, his miftrefs,or the laurel, in to which (lie was transformed, ' and had an oracle near the Caftaiian fountain, the waters of which alfo were endued with prophetic virtue ; (Clem. Proterpt.) He was alfo called Ifmenius, from Ifmenus, a river and mountain in Bceotia, in which he had a temple. He was alfo called Spodius, from STTO^C?, athes; from a ftone in Bceotia, called 2w^ovrif, upon which he had an altar, erected out of the afhes of victims offered to him j (Paufan. Boeot. Suidas. Diodor.Sicul, 16. 26.) OF OTHER GRECIAN ORACLES, Trophonius .and Agamedes, fons of Erefmus, having built the temple of Apollo at Delphi; (Siddas in Verb. T^PWMO?,) requefted to be rewarded by him with the befl thing that could happen to man. He granted their requeft, and that it mould be effected on the third day afterwards ; and in the morning of that day they were found dead 5 (Cicera VARIOUS ORACLES. 185 Tufc. Quceft. lib. i.) There are other accounts of their death ; (Schol. in Artftoph. in Nub.) one of which is, that Trophonius built himfelf a manfion under the ground, at Lebadea, a city of Bceotia, into which, when he entered, he pretended to be infpired with a knowledge of future events, and afterwards perillied in this hole ; (Phavonn.) He was worshipped by the name of Jupiter Trcphonius; CStralo, lib. y. Paufan. Exotic.) The place of this oracle was under the furface of the earth, and there- fore called X*TO&, the prophetic plant ; (Claudian. Eurip. Androm.) and in carrying a ftaff of laurel in the }&M,(MfchyJ.Agamcto. 1 273.) called from hence sOuj/Tn^ioi/ ; (Hefychius) and in chewing the leaves of it in the mouth, (Lycophr. Caff] 6. tibullus.) It was ufual for diviners to feed upon parts of the prophetic beafts, as upon the hearts of crows and vultures, fuppofing that they were par- takers of the fouls of thofe animals, and received the influence of the god, who accompanied the fouls; (Porph. dc Abftin. Anlm. lib. 2.) All diviners were maintained at Athens at the public charge, and were allowed their diet in the Tlgvravsiov, common hall ; (SchoL in Arijloph.) There were three forts of QEopxvrtig. One was poffefTed with prophefying demons, which dictated the anfwers, and fpoke out of the breafl or belly of the pofTeffed perfons, while they themfelves remained utterly fpeechlefs. Thefe were called Aa^oi/oAnTrroi, poffetfed 190 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES* poifefTed with demons. On account of the fpirit lodging and fpeaking within their bodies, they are alib called Eyyarfif*y9o*,( which the demons were alfo named) Eyycur^powTus, ^rs^ofji^rei^ Eyy&rgiTxt, alfo Ei^yxXsif, and EvuxAf/pjs.) They were alfo called nduvss and nuS&wxoj, from ITuOwi/, a prophefying demon ; (Hefychius. Sui- Jas.) derived, rnofl probably, from Apollo Pythius, the prefider over all forts of divination. Thefecond fort of fo^ami? was called Ev02(nara, EvOfarixot, and 07j-vc'jr**, fuch as pretended to enthufiafoi. They were infpired by the deity, and inftru&ed by him in the knowledge of future events. Of this kind, were Orpheus, Amphion, Mufeus, and feveral of the Sibyls. The third fort was the Exranxoi, they who were call into ecflalies, in which they were deprived of fenfe and motion, for feme time ; when they recovered themfeives, they related ftrange ac- counts of what they had feen and heard; (PlaioPolit. lib. 10. Plutarch.) It was commonly believed, that the fouls of dying men could forefee future events; (Horn. Iliad %. 355. Firg* JEndd. 10. 739* Cicero de Divin. lib. 2.) *r OF DIVINATION BY DREAMS. There were three forts of dreams by which predictions were made. The firfl was X^aaricr/xo?, when the gods, or fpirits, converfed with men ia their ileep; (Homer Iliad j3. Paufan. Bceoiic.) The fecond was >/*, in which, whatever was to happen, was to be reprefented in its own fhape. It. was alfo called e^r^TJxoj; (Valer.MaxJib. i.caf. DIVINATION BY DREAMS. 191 . Herodot. lib. i.cap. 34.) The third was called which future events were revealed by types figures. Hence it was called AAA^yof xo?, an allegory, a figure, by which one thing is exprefled, and another fignified ; (Heracl. de Alkg. Homer.) They who interpreted this fpecies of dreams were called, OvioxiT#i ; Oi^arwv uTrox^tTat, from judg- ing of dreams Oi^go (Homer Odyf. 6.278 . Homer Odyff. $ 1 9 8 J Mercury pre- fided over fleep; (Homer, in Hymn. 14.^ If dreams were obfcure, an interpreter was confulted. The firfl who held this office was Amphi&yon, fon of Deu- calion ; (Plin. Nat. Hift. lib. 7. cap. $.) others fay, Amphiaraus; (Paufan.) others, the inhabitants of Telmiffus; (Clem. Alex. Strom, i.) In later times, DIVINATION BY SACRIFICES. 193 times, dreams were more difregarded ; ( Proper t. lib. 2. EL 4.) When any dreams were obfcure or frightful, they confulted the gods, offering incenfc to them, and intreating their favour; fomctimes to Hercules; fometimes to Jupiter; (Plaittus.) but more particularly to Veda ; ( Proper t. lib. i . Eleg. 29.) fometimes to Apollo, under the title of Eax*- fiof, ccTrorgoTra.ioS) or Averruncus, or or^oj-aT^io?, as the protector of houfes; on which account images were erected to him in the porches; (Sophocl. EleRr. (>$$) They fometimes related their dreams to the fun ; (Sophocl. Eleftr. 42 7. ) fometimes to the heavens; (Euripid. Iphigen. ^aur. 43.) which they called a7r<>7rj.7roj. It was an unlucky omen when the beaft was dragged by force to the altar, or when it at- tempted to efcape, or when it kicked, or bellowed, or did not bleed freely, was long in dying, or when o it 194 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES-. 5t expired in agonies, or if it died fuddenly, before the knife touched it ; (Pint. Pyrr.) It was deem- ed a fortunate omen, if the beaft fubmitted pa- tiently, and bled freely, and died calmly ; (Sense. in Here. Furent.) Hence it was ufual to pour water into the ear of the victim. Predictions were made from its tail ; and the knife was hence drawn from its head to its tail; efpecially when it curled in the flame, it portended evil; when it hung downwards or extended its length, it fore- told an overthrow; but when erect, it foretold victory; (Eitrip. Schol. Phanifs.) The victim being opened, obfervation was made upon the entrails, which were termed spwgx, from the fire in which they were burned. The omens were called (Plato) and the divination, u The Delphian Sibyl, whofe dead body being reduced to earth, was fuppofed to have im- parted ic the herbs, and through them to the beafts, a power of divining. The other parts of her which mixed with the air, are faid to have occafioned the. divination by ominous words; (Clem. Alex. Strom. i. p. 304.^ If the entrails were found, and pro- perly proportioned, it was a good omen; if decayed or irregular, it was an evil omen; (Sencc. (Edip. v. 36 7. ) If they palpitated, it was ill ominous; (Senec. (Edip. v. 353.^ If the liver was corrupted, they ceaied to examine further, fuppofing the whole body to be affected. Thefe figns were called XAU$; (Hefyckius in V.) The examination of the liver was called H?rTO(rxc7r, If the liver had its proper colour, if it was found, of a large head, or if it had two heads, or if there were two livers, or if its lap- pets were inclined inwards, it was a profperous omen. But dangers and misfortunes were foreboded, if DIVINATION BY SACRIFICES. 195 if there was h$x<;, drynefs or & 07*0?, a knot be- tween the parts or if it was aA*o?, without a lappet ; (Arrian. Exped. Alex. lib. j.) If there were any blif- ters or ulcers, if it was hard and thin, or difcoloured, had any humour upon it, or if in boiling it became foft or was difplaced, ill omens were foreboded. The concave part of the liver was called fria?, be- longing to the family, becaufe the ligns upon this particular part were applied to themfelves. The gibbous fide was called ams-cm? or n0A*f, becaufe the tokens in it concerned their enemies. If either ofthefe parts was fhrivelled or corrupted, or irregu- lar, it, foretold misfortune; if large and found, it was a profperous omen; (Senec. CEdip. v. 360. Lucan. Pharfal.) The feat of the liver was called JiJf and faw The pl ace between the parts in the middle was called wuXa; lu^u^w^a; (Demqfth. Interp, in Oral, de Cor.) cJo* ; txrgoTrxi ; (Hefychius,) andwuAa*, (Euripid.) If this part was compreiTed or clofed, it was ill ominous ; (Dio Caracal!.) If there was no heart to be found in the victim, or if it palpitated, or was wrinkled or lean, it was an ill omen. If there were two galls, or if the gall was large, (harp, or bloody, profperous battles were ex- pected. If the fpleen was well coloured, clear and found, it foreboded -fuccefs. If the entrails flipped out of the hands of the perfon who.facrificed ; or if they were bloody, or fpotted, corrupt or fhrunk j if crawling ferpents were found in them, misfortune was foreboded. If the lungs were cloven, the bufinefs was to be deferred; ifintire, expedition and vigour were to be ufed. Other parts of the victim fore- boded things to come; (Plin. lib. n. cap* $j.) Divination was made by the fire of the facrifice, called nt&/A<*vTcia ; if the flames immediately con- o 2 fumed 196 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: fumed the victim*; if it was bright, without noife or fmoke ; if the fparks afcended pyramidally ; and if the fire continued till the vidim was re- duced to ames; the profpects were favourable. But if the fire was kindled with difficulty; if the flame was divided ; if it did not fpeedily fpread itfelf to every part of the victim ; if the flame was feparated ; or extinguished by any accident, by rain or wind ; if it caft forth black fmoke, made a crackling noife, or went out before the victim was con fumed, then the profpects were unfavourable, and portended the difpleafure of the gods ; (SofJwcl. Antig. v. 1122.) When the prieft had diflected the entrails, and could make no certain obfervations; he took the bladder, and binding the neck of it with wool, (hence they are called ^xx^ro^ xurif ; Sophocl.) he threw it into the fire, to obferve in what part it would burrt, and which way it would difcharge the urine; (Eurip. SchoL Phtenifs .) They fometimes took pitch from the torches, and throwing it into the fire, obferved if there arofe one flame only, which was efteemed a good omen. In times of war they particularly no- ticed the **<* \otpir K$, uppermoft part of the flame, and the gall ; hence ?nx 01 1^^ enemies as bitter as gall. KaTrvo^amta, divination by the fmoke of iacrifices, was obferved in the manner of the fmoke afcending, whether it winded or took a direct courfe, or whether its fmell was ofFenfive. Ai&otvtp* VT, was divination by frankincenfe, which if it caught fire and emitted a grateful odour, was efteem- ed a good pmenj but if the fire did not catch it, or it produced * To encourage the flame IA pfyyova, dry flicks, were ufually prepared. DIVINATION BY BIRDS. 197 produced an offenfive fmell, it wns a bad omen. OivopcwTiia and T^on*ai>Ta, divination by wine and by water, was, when conjectures were made from the colour, noife or motion of the wine, or the liba- tions ; or the water in which the victims were wafhed, and fome parts of them boiled ; (Mneid. A. A.C2. K0t@oAavTico7rxa, ai-/*a, eiwvot, ^ara, &c. ; and the obfervers of them, ^j/t9o/xai/Tftc, o^vtOocrxoTrot, oicoj/tra*, oiwj/OTroAot, &C. Thefe names were afterwards applied to all kinds of artificial divination j (Arijlo-ph. Schol. Avib.) When the augurs made obfervations, they were clothed in white, with a crown of gold upon their o 3 heads ; 1 9 S GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: heads; (Alex. ab. Alex. Gen. Dier. 15. cap. loj They alfo had oiwviruf ov, a feat, appointed for that purpofe, fometimes alfo called axc? and o/xo?; (Sophocl. Antig. v. 1115.^ They fometimes carried writing tables, on which they wrote the names and flights of the birds. The omens that appeared towards the earl, were deemed fortunate; thofe towards the wed, unfortunate. When they made obfervations, the augurs looked towards the north, with the eaft on their right hand, and the weft on their left; (Iliad p. v. 239 v * Hence the right hand fignified, prudence, and the left hand, folly ; (Schol. in Sophocl. Ajac. 184.^ Unlucky birds were called f^wAai^uot, pernicious ; an-eOujWioi, ungrateful j troublefome ; hence alfo they were called and i igKTMKiy becaufe they reftrained men from their defigns. Thofe which appeared in an unufual place were called JW^ot and sg ty. Lucky birds are Called attnoi, a;cuo^ai/Tia, 7TT)'jT JWoia'r) It was ufual to carry home the fragments left at facrifices, as contributing to health; (Hefychius.) ominous words, good or bad, were called OTT, xAnipjav; (Euripid.) They were careful to avoid thefe words; (Hor. Carm.lib. Pint. S^on* Hellad. apud. Phot. Bibliothec. Lib. i . Cic. de Dfa.) Some words imported fuccefs, according to their natural fignification ; (Herod. Euterp. cap. 90.^ ^s^ic-Oat otcoyoy,wasufed to fignify the accepting of an omen, and applying it to any bufinefs in hand. If the omen was immediately underftood by the hearer, it was efficacious; but if it was neglected, it became of no force; (P tin. Nat. Hift. Virg. J?n. 7. 1 1 6.) Whenever they applied themfelves to bulmefs, they exclaimed, for luck's fake, 6fo?, snrafapsv or Eraiptv u, Erai/^iv ayaSu rv^n ; (Theocrit. Idyll. 17. A7rf, Eel. 3. Aratns. Xenopk. lib. dt Ration.) Some times alfo were ominous; (Hefiod,) which obferva-. tioa MAGICAL DIVINATIONS. 207 tion was called i were applied by fome, to avert faf- cination. Certain herbs prepared with incan- tations and magical rites were alfo ufed. The figure of a man's privities, hung upon the necks of children, were thought to prevent fafcination; (Vano. lib. 6. Pint. Symp. lib. $. Qjuaft. 7.} They were fometimes hung upon the doors of houfes and gardens ; (Plin. Nat. Hifl. lib. 1 9. cap. 4. ) Smiths commonly placed them before their forges ; (Pol- lux. Onomaft. lib. 7. cap. i^.) Sometimes they wore the figures of Priapus, who was fuppofed to punifh (uch perfons, as hurt by fafcination; (Diodor. Sycul, lib. 4.) Some averted fafcination by thrice fpitting into their bofoms; (SchoL in tfheocrit.* ^heocrit*. Idyll. 6. v. 39 .) Others, by tying a thread of vari- ous colours upon the neck of an infant, and fpitting upon the ground, and mixing it with the dirt, put it upon the infant's lips and forehead ; (Perf. Sat, z.v. 31.; , divination by herbs, efpectally fage y or by fig-leaves, and hence called 2vxc///.akTia. They who confulted, wrote their own names, and their queilions upon leaves, ivliich they cxpofed to the wind; and as many let- 210 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: tcrs as remained in their own places, were taken up, and being joined together, contained an anfwcr to the queflion. FarfOjWamia. They filled round glafTes with clear . water, about which were placed lighted torches; then invoked a demon, praying in a murmuring voice, and propofed the queftiorr to be folved. A chafte boy, or a pregnant woman was appointed to obferve the alterations in the glaffes ; defiring an tmfwer, which the demon returned by images in the glaiTes ; which, by reflection from the water, reprefented what fhould come to -pafs. AaxTUAo/xavTi ice, was a divination by rings, encliant- cd, or formed according to fome polition of the heavenly bodies. KaTOTTTflOjEAamta. Sometimes glafTes were ufed, and the images of what was to happen, were repre- fented without water. Sometimes it was performed in a vefiel of water, the middle part of which wa^ called r*rf n. See rarfo^ayrna. Kf*xxojuavTi*, was a divination by the head of an afs, which vyas broiled on coals. After mutter- \ng fome prayers, they repeated the names of thofe they fufpecled, or the crime; at which, if the jaws, moved, or the teeth chattered, they thought they bad difcovered the villain. Kao/xvTia, divination by wax, which they melN cd over a veflel of water, dropping it within three Certain fpaces, and obferving the figure, fituation, diftance and concretion of the drops. Kco-xivcjuavTfi^, was a divination practifed to dif* cpvcr thieves j they tied a thread to a deve, by MAGICAL which it was upheld ; or elfe placed a pair of fheers, which they held up by two fingers ; then praying the gods to direct them, they repeated the names of the fufpe&ed perfons -, and he, at whofe name the fieve moved, was thought to be the thief ; (The* cent. Idyll. 3. v. 28.) Kf ur^Aojwamia, was performed by poliflied and enchanted cryftals, in which future events were iignified by certain figures. Acavojt*amj. They diftinguifhed the ftofles of wedges with certain characters put into a bafin, and, then, having invoked the demon in a certain form, propofed their queftion ; to which an anfwer was, returned in a fmall voice, like a hifs, proceeding from the water $ (Schol. in Lycop/ir. Alexand. v* 813. p. 84.^ Ai0oj**mn*, was fometimes performed by a pre- cious ftone y which they warned at night by can* die-light with fpring water. The perfon, who confulted it, was to be purified from all pollution, and to have his face covered. He then repeatedl fome prayers, and placed certain characters in order. The ftone then moved of itfelf, and in a foft mur- mur, returned an anfwer. MoAu&tyAamja, was by obferving the figures of melted lead. Nfjc^amia, was a divination, in which anfwers were given by deceafed perfons. It was fometimes performed by the magical uie of a bone, or vein of a dead body ; or by pouring warm blood into a carcafe; (Lucian.) Sometimes they attempted tg r^ife departed fpirits by invocations and ceremonies \ ? z (Horn. 312 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: (Horn. Odyff. 9. Statins, fheb. Vakr. Place.-* Pirn. Nat. Hift.Senec. CEdip. v. 547.) NXUC/X*T*, the place where the above divina- tion was performed ; (Herodot. Terpfich.) Oifv^ofAotvrnaty was performed by the nails of a chafte boy, covered with oil and foot, which they turned to the fun, the reflection of whofe rays was believed, by certain images, to reprefent their pur- pofe. nuyo/Aamia, a divination by fountain water. They obferved the various changes, impreffions, fluxes, colours, and images in the water. Sometimes they dipped a looking-glafs into the water, when they defired .to know what would become of a fick per- fort. Sometimes they filled a bowl with* water, and fufpending a ring in it, by a thread tied to one of the ringers, then praying the gods to folve the queftion ; if the thing propofed was true,' the ring would itrike againft the fides of the bowl, a certain number of times. Sometimes they cad three flones into the water, and obferved the turns they made in linking. Inftead of water, they fometimes ufed oil, and wine, which was called ^yrA. Inftead of {tones, they fometimes ufed wedges of gold or Clver. fee , was performed by red hot Iron, upon which they laid an odd number of draws, and gbferved the figures they reprefented in burning. 2xEo/Amia, was fo called, if the dead only ap- peared in airy forms. See No^vma. It was ibmctiaies called FESTIVALS. 213 divination by ames; the queftioa was written in afhes upon a board, which they ex- pofed in the open air; and thofe letters which re- mained perfect were thought to contain a iblution of the queftion. fee TlyycpwrsHz. was performed by certain medicated and enchanted compofitions of herbs, or minerals ; which they called $apax*. Some of thcfe taken internally caufed blindnefs, madnefs, love, &c. Others infected by a touch. Others operated on perfons at a diftance, which were called Qa^Kx, truTYigux, which were amulets againft the former; fuch were the herb moly, the laurel, the jafper ftone, &c,; {Arijloph, Pint. Ovid, Met. 7. Fab. 2. Vivg. JLclog. 8. Euripid. Med. v. 395. Apol-* Ion. Argon. 3. , in Cyprus- It is fuppofed to be the fame as Kf y*>* 3 (Hefy chins. . lib, 4. Euftath. in Iliad w.) was celebrated at Argos, (Hefychius.) in memory of a daughter of Pnetus. Ay^avta, probably the fame as the former. It was alfo celebrated at Thebes, Ayf auAia, was celebrated at Athens in honour of Agraulus, daughter of Cecrops. The Cyprians honoured Jier by the celebration of an annual fefti- val in the month Aphrodiiius, at which human victims were offered ; (Porphyr. de Abftin. lib. 2.) , in honour of Bacchus, furnamed Aygw- for his cruelty ; (Plut. Anton.) It was ob- ferved in the night ; (Plut, Sympos. lib. 8. >itTia, in honour of Ajax, in the ifle of Sala- mis ; (Hefy chins) and in Attica, where his memory was religioufly honoured. P4 3i5 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: Aiywruv foi) were whipped at the fepulchreof Pelops, till (<*iua) blood was drawn. AJO), tugct, ivSiivitos, AAijTif ; a feflival, (Hygin* Aftronom. lib. 2.) and iblemn facrifice, celebrated by 'the Athenians, with vocal muiic, in honour of Erigone, fometimes called Aletis, the daughter of Jcarius ; who at the lofs of her father hanged her- feif. Some fay, it was obferved in honour of king Te- maleus, or of ^Egifthas and Cly temneftra : (Hefy* thins. Etymolog. Autt,). Ax-na, a triennial feftival, obferved at A6Hum in Epirus, with wreflling, horfe-racing," and a fight of Ihips, in honour of Apollo, who was called AcTius* from that place j (Stephan. Byzant. Milan. Hiji\ Aninf. lib.. \ i . cap. 8 '.) AXaia or A>a, in honour of Minerva, furnamed Alea, at Tegea in Arcadia ; (Pan/an. Arc ad.) AXfXT^uovwv aywv, an annual cock-fight at Athens, in memory of the cocks, from whofe crowing The- miilocles received an omen of his fuccefs againfl the Perfians; (JElianlib. 2. eap. 28.J Axa, folemn games celebrated at Rhodes; (Pind. SchoL Olymp. Od. 8.) on the twenty-fourth day of the month r07n lib. 14.) The victors were crowned with poplar. A:\xa0oi*, at Megara, (Find. SchoL New. $.) in honour of Alcathous, ion of Pclops : who, being fuf- pecled of having murdered his brother Chryfippus, Ifled to Megara, where, having ilain a terrible lion, he w?,s honoured with the daughter of, king Mega- reus. in marriage j and became his fuccefTor, AAwaj, at Athens, in the month IIo , Eujlath. Iliad o.) , to Minerva, by the Arcadians, in com- memoration of a vidlory, in which they took many of the Lacedemonians prifoners, which were called ; (Paufan. Arc ad.) or A|ua^u(rta, was celebrated with games, in honour of Diana, furnamed Amarynthia and Amaryfia, from a town in Euboea, Af*Sf oo-*, in honour of Bacchus, (ScJiol. Htfiod. Oper. et Di. lib. 2.) in the month of Lenaon, in moil of the cities of Greece. , belonged to Jupiter; (Hefy chins.) an Athenian feftival ;. (Hefy chins.) a, at Oropus, in honour of Amphiaraus^ (Pindar. SchoL Olymp. 7.) A^i^oji*a, was obferved by private families at Athens, upon tlie fifth day after the birth of every child. 218 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: child. It was fo called a?ro ns itjjiQiffApuv, from run- ning round : becaufe it was cuflomary to run round the fire with the infant in their arms. Aj/aycoyia, to Venus, ( jElian. Var. Hifl. lib. I . cap. 15.^ at Eryx, in Sicily, where me was honoured with a magnificent temple. Avxi*, an Athenian feflival, in honour of the Diofcuri, who were called Avax?, and honoured* with a temple, called Ai/a^oi/. Thefe facrifices were named Hfi9*. Ai/Ttyovi, facrifices in honour of Antigonus^ (Pint. Agid. and Cleom.) AVTUOSW, annual facrifices and quinquennial games, in memory of Antinous the Bithynianj obferved at Mantinea in Arcadia ; (Panfan. Arcad.) where An- tinous had a temple. ATrarou^ja, firft obferved at Athens ; (Ariftoph. ScJiol. Acharn. 960. Hefy chins. Suidas.) it received its name from aTraru, deceit ; becaufe it was firft in- ftituted in memory of a ftratagem by which Mela^i- thius, the Athenian king, overcame Xanthus, king of Boeotia. Jupiter was hence furnamed Avarwug, deceiver. It was celebrated in the month IIua\J/w>i and lafted three days. The firft day was called A0f , from AO^TTC?, fupper > becaufe each tribe ziflernbled, a t ev^wing, at an entertainment. The fecoml 220 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES* fecond day was named Ai/a^us-K, azro T* ayy becaufe viclims were offered to Jupiter ; (Schol. Ariftoph. Pac. 890. // and becaufe it was once found to be (J>wv 9 too little, it was afterwards called Utw, and they who offered it, Mtiayuyoi. Some add a fourth day, (Hejyckms.) called ETH&JV. This feftival was ob- ferved five days by the Protenthas, who began it a day fooner than others -, (Athen* lib. 4.-*- Schol. An- fioph. Acharn. 146. %enoph. llift. Grback. From thefe were chofen two, to weave a *ri7rA0s or garment for Minerva : which cuflom be- gan on the thirtieth of Pyanepfion. ATE 4 ui lib. 14. At hen* c, at Sparta, in honour of Achilles; ( Pau+ fun. La con. Baxxna, to Bacchus ; (Hefychius.) BAArTj?, at Eleufis, to Demophoon, fon of Ce- -, (Athcn*. lib. g.Hefychiui.) F E S T I V A L . 22j at Threfpotia, in which the ftrongefl obtained the victory ; (Hefy chins.) Ba9*a^a, a folemn facriflce at Thebes, offered to Galinthias, a daughter of Pratus. , obferved at marriages. , in memory of the birth of any perfon. , in memory of the death of any perfon. Aif, celebrated by women, in honour of Venus, called Gennetyllis, the goddefs of that fex, to whom they offered dogs ; (Hejychius. Arijlopk. interp. ad ESTIVALS. 21$ at Gerceftus, in Eubsea, in honour of Neptune, where he had a temple s (Pindar. Schol. Qlymp. 13.) ttf otyuiuv lojori,. in honour of Mars, annually ob- ferved at Geronthrae; (Paufan.Lacoh. Milan. Hift. lib. 4 cap. 43.^ Here was a grove* which no one might enter* during this folemnity. ru? CfTu, in honour df mother Earth* at Athens 5 (Thucyd. lib. 2* Pindar. Pythion. lib. $.) Solemn games were celebrated to her. TvpvQiraijitX) or Tv^voTron^etoc, a folemn dance by Spartan boys ; (Plutarch. Apoph.) AaiJif* laded three days, during which time torches, called ^*&?- 5 were burned j (Lucian. Pfeu+ dom.) The firft day was in honour of Latona's labour and Apollo's birth ; the fecond of Glycon's and the god's nativity ; the third of the marriage of Podalirius, and the mother of Alexander. AaiJ^Aa, two fefiivals in Boeotia, celebrated in a" grove; (Eufeb. de prxpar. Evangi lib. 3 J In one they aflembled-, and expofing pieces of fodden flefli in the air* they obferved whether the erows, that came to prey upon the' m* flew j and then hewed down thofe trees upon which any of them alighted, and formed them into flatUes* which were called taifaxb, from Daedalus, the artificer of them, The Other was celebrated once in fixty years, as a recom- pence for the intermiflion of the leffer feftival, the fame number of years during which the Platseans had lived in exile. All the cities in Boeotia joined in its celebration j (Vid. Paufanias.) ?, (Hefy chins.) 226 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: at Argos, when they reprefented the com* bat of Prastus and Acrifius. ) a novennial feftival, in honour of Apollo; (Paufan. Exotic. loj An olive bough was adorned with" garlands of laurel, and various flowers; on the top of which was placed a globe of brafs, and from it hung other fmall globes. About the middle were fixed to it purple crowns, and a fmaller globe than that at the top ; the bottom was covered with a faflfron-coloured garment. The higheft globe was an emblem of the fun, or Apollo ; that under it, fignified the moon; the fmaller globes, the ilars 3 and the fixty-five crowns, were types of the fun's annual revolution. The bough was car- ried in proceffion; the chief in which was a boy of d, beautiful countenance and good family, whofe parents were both alive. He was drefted in a fump- tuous garment, reaching to his ancles ; his hair hung loofe and difhevelled ; on his head was a crown of gold, and upon his feet, fhoes, called Iphicra- tidse, from Iphicratcs an Athenian, who firft in- vented them. He executed the prieft's office, and Was called ot,$w$Q$ot 9 laurel-bearer. Before him went one of his neareft relations, bearing a rod, adorned with garlands ; after the boy, a choir of vir- gins followed, with branches in their hands. Thus they proceeded to the temple of Apollo, called Ifmenius and Galaxius, where they fung hymns to him; (Enftath. de Ifmen. Amor. lib. 8. and 9.) AcApwa, at^Egina, in honour of Apollo ; (Find. Schol. Ofymp. $.) ArjAia, a quinquennial feftival at Delos; (fhucyd. lib. 3. Callim. Hymn, in Detm, Plutarch, fhef.) in FESTIVALS. 227 in honour of Venus, celebrated with mufic, horie- racing, and a dance, called yef avo?, a crane. AnfAijTfta, in honour of Ceres; (Poltitx. Onom. lib. \. cap. i. Hefy chius.) in which it was ufual to lafli themfelves with whips, made from the bark of trees, and called /AUJOWTO*. There was another feitival of this name at Athens, in honour of Demetrius Poliocrates; (Pint. Demetr. Diod. Sic. lib.i%. Euftath. II. .) Atajuas-iywtn?, at Sparta, in honour of Diana Or- thia, fo called a?ro T /Aanyw, from whipping, be^ caufe it was ufual to lafh boys upon the goddefs's altar; (Plutarch. Lacon. Inft. et. Ariftide. Paufan* Lacon. Cicero TnfcuL Quxft. 2.) Thefe boys were at firil free-born, but afterwards the offspring offlaves, and called Bw/x-omxai, from the laming at the altar: and left any part of the punimment fhould be remitted, the prieftefs of Diana attended, holding the image of the goddefs in her hand, \vhich of itfelf was light j but if the boys were fpared, became fo heavy, as (lie could fcarcely fupport it. The parents of the boys ufually attended to encou- rage them to bear the punimment with Spartan fortitude ; which was fometimes fo fevere as to kill them. Thofe, who thus died, were buried with garlands upon their heads, in token of joy or victory, and were honoured with a public funeral. at Sparta. Athens, in honour of Jupiter, furnamed ?, the propitious ; (Thucyd.lib. i. Ariftoph. Schol. Nub* Suidas.) It was fo called mro T* A7*Virg- &n. 11.737, Diodor. Sic. iv. 3, 4, 5. Ariflopk. @fc-^. 999. 1003. Avib. 874.) They were followed by perfons carrying facred vef- fels, the firft of which was filled with water. Then fol- lowed a feled number of honourable virgins, called KavTipoooi, carrying bafkets of gold, filled with fruit ; next, the ntfipaAAia, crowned with violets and ivy, carrying T? ^AAf, poles, on which the pri- vities of a man were reprefented : they were called , and the fongs they repeated uxTnA, (Paufan. Attic.) Beoivw, to Bacchus, lurnamed totvoj, god of wine : Ityceayja, to Bac- chus, furnamed lpojr>i?, becaufe hu- man facrifices were offered to him at that time ; (Plutarch. Themift.) or from their eating raw flefh : dixos,', (Polyb. lib. 4.) Atoi/uiT*, curators, elected by the people ten other peribns were em- ployed, called IffOTroioi, becaufe they offered facri- fices. It was celebrated in the month Bo^o/^w*, and continued nine days; during which, no man could be arrefted, or prefent a petition, They, who were initiated, were not allowed to fit on the covering of a well, or to eat beans, mullets or weazels. If any woman rode in a chariot to Eleu- fis, flie was fined fix thoufand drachms; (Milan. Var. Hift. 12. 24. Petit, ad Leg. Attic.) The firft of the nine days was called Ayu^o?, an afTembly. The fecond, AAa h Mur^, becaufe they purified themfelves by wafhing in the lea. On the third, they offered facrifices, confifting chiefly of r^y\^ y the mullet, and barley, out of the Rharium, a field of Eleufis. Thefe oblations were called vct. On the fourth, they made a folemn proceffion, in which the KaAaQw, bafket of Ceres, was carried in a confecrated cart; crowds of people fhouting, Kctigs, An/.*}jr!, hail Ceres. Then followed women, called Kropooi, bafket-carriers, in which were con- tained carded wool, grains of fait, a ferpent, pomegranates, reeds, ivy-boughs, cakes called $9oj 5 ', poppies, &c. The fifth was called, H TK Aa/*7raov the torch - day. The fixth was called from lacchus, fon of Jupiter and Ceres ; who, with a torch in his hand, accompanied the goddefs in her fearch after Proferpine. His flatue was carried in a folemn proceffion, called lax^o?. The flatue, and thofe who accornpaniecl it, were crowned with myrtle. Thefe were called Jax^oywyoi, who danced and fung, and beat brazen fettles. The way by which they ifTued out of the city 134 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: city was called, I^a c o-ux>?, from a fig-tree, which grew there. They alfo refled upon a bridge over the river Cephiffus, where they jefted upon travellers as they paired. . Hence, y^f^uv, from y^u^, a bridge, is expounded p^Xoua^wv, mocking; (Suidas.) and yepuf irt are interpreted o-xowTa*, fcoffers ; (Hz- fychius.) From this bridge they went to Eleufis, the way into which was called Munxjj mrcJlflf, the myftical entrance. On the feventh day, there were iports, in which the victors were rewarded with a meafure of barley. The eighth was called ETTI^V- iuv !***, becaufe ./Efculapius, coming from Epi- daurus to Athens, and defiring to be initiated, the leffer myfteries were repeated. The ninth day was called IlADjtxo^oaf, earthen veffels : becaufe two earthen veffels were filled with wine, one placed towards the eaft, the other towards the weft ; when, after repeating feveral myftical words, they were thrown down, and the wine fpilt upon the ground was offered as a libation 5 (Pau/an. Phoc. c. 3 1 . Socrat. Pamgyr. 6. Schol, Ariftoph. Pint, 846. 1014, Diog. Laert. 7. 186.) The drefs in which one had been initiated was deemed facred, and, when worn out, was confecrated to Ceres and Proferpine$ (Schol. Ariftoph. Plut. 843. 846 .) Etewfojiia, an Athenian feftival, (Pollux. Onom. lib. i o. cap. 53. Hefy chius) called from EA C -J/*<, veflels made of bulrufhes, with cars of willow, in which myfterious things were carried. EAAwTia, two feftivals ; (Hefy chins. Athene. &iww$tib. 15. Pindar. SchoL Olymp. Od. 13.) one of which was celebrated in Crete, in honour of Europa, called EAAwna, from the rape of Jupiter in the FESTIVALS, 23$ the form of a bull. Europa's bones were carried in proceffion, with a myrtle garland, called EAAWTK or EAAWTK, which was twenty cubits in circumference. The other feftival was celebrated by the Corinthians with games and races, in which young men con- tended, running with lighted torches in their hands. Jt was in honour of Minerva. EAw^a, games in Sicily, near the river Helloris ; (Hefychius.) &, celebrated at Athens ; (Hefychius.) or Ei/yaAia^Kj (Meurjius) in honour of Enyalius, (Hefychius). who is faid to be Mars, or one of his minifters. Egirr^ia, oblations or prayers to the gods, vtg TU; *oJ, for profperous departure. They were offered by generals before they went to war, and by men going from home, or about to die ; { Suidas.) ETra^Orjf, to Ceres, named A^O^a, (Plutarch de Ifid. et Ofirid.) from Ap/dof, grief, in memory of her forrow for the lofs of her daughter Proferpina. ETn^ua, private feftivals, and times of rejoicing on account of a friend returning from a journey; (Himerius in Propempt. Flavian.) ETT^HUIOC, A-TroAAwi/o?, a Delphic feftival, in memory of a journey of Apollo. in honour of Apollo ; (Hefychius.) z, an Athenian feftival, in honour of Ceres j (Hefychius.) ETnxgwta, to Ceres, by the Laconiansj (Hefy- chius. E7rii/i)cj, ETHJ/IXIO? EO^TTJ, a day of rejoicing after yidory. GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: , afeftival at Rhodes; (Hefychmi.) , a Spartan feftival ; (Hefychius.) , Ea-nrxjfBirif, at Scira in Attica, to Ceres and Proferpina; (&*. Gtorg. lib. ^.Stephan. m V. Exif of.) . EfBrJ,*, by the Thefpians, in honour of Cupid, the god of love; (Euftath. II. a.) Ej , perhaps the fame as the formers (Plutarch Erotic -Paufan. Exotic.) celebrated every fifth year With fports and games. , to Hercules, a Laconian feftival; pfhius.) B f w, or E fxW v,, to Ceres, (Hefychius) fur named .Hercynna; (^^A-. fi$ v . I 53 .-P W /(W. Exotic:) Eff., in honour of E^ w , Mercury, by the Pheneat* m Arcadia; (Paufan. Arcad.) and the Cyllemans m Elis , P>. ^J B the Tana . gans,n Boeotia, (Paufan. Exotic.) where he was Rf^*t, the ram-bearer, and reprefented with a ram upon his moulder. It was obferved in Crete, where the matters attended, while the fervants fat down at the table; (Athen*.^^. ^.) Ano . her feftival to Mercury was obferved by boys i exercife at Athensi E.JT,, to the furies; . Who were "lied j venerable goddefles hv ti o- * -s, by the Sicyonians, E/f,,j ( , favourable. FESTIVALS. , s ft favourable. It was obferved annually with facri- fices, in which pregnant ewes, cakes made by young men who were decked with flowers, and a libation of honey and wine, were offered to the goddefTes, At Athens, none were admitted but free citizens, , to Ceres 3 (Hefy chins.) , a Spartan feftival. , an armiverfary folerfin'ity obferved by the Phigaleans in Arcadia, (Paufan. Arc ad.) to Eurynome ; who was either Diana, or a daughter of Oceanus. horfe-races in Laconia ; (Hefychim.) , a Laconian feftival, to Helacatus, (Hefych.) a boy beloved by Hercules. Hfgia, a feftival at Argos, in honour of Juna, called H^n. See ExarojixSota. Another of this name was celebrated every fifth year with games at Elis ; where fixteen matrons were appointed to weave a garment for Juno ; they prefided over the games. Virgins, according to their ages, ran races : their hair was dilhevelled, their right moulders bare to their breafts, and their drefs reached only to their knees. They had a fecond race in the Olympic Stadium, which at that time was (hortened about a iixth part. The victors were rewarded with crowns of olive, a (hare of the ox that was offered in facri - fice, and were permitted to dedicate their own pidures to Juno. This name was given alfo to a day of mourning at Corinth, for the children of Medea; (Sehol. in Lycophr.) by the Pellenjeans, with games, in which the victor was rewarded with a rich garment, called GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: , an Athenian feftival, every fifth year to Hercules; (Pollux, lib. 8. cap. 9.) The Thebans obferved a folemn feftival to Hercules, furnamed MrjXwv, becaufe ra juuAa, apples, were offered to him ; (Pollux, lib. I. cap. i.) There were other feftivals to him, at Coos, and at Lindus. Ho celebrated every ninth year by the Del- phians > (Plutarch. Gr*c. Qu*ft.) Hpajffta, to Vulcan, an Athenian feftival. There was a race with torches, called Ayuv Xa/ATraJ'a^of $ in the academy ; (Paufan. Hefychius. Per/ii. Fet. SchoL) He who carried the torch alight to the end of the race, was the vidlor, and called Aa/x?ra- fa of a black co- lour ; and the woman, white. The Qotfpaxoe, was called KjaJtifl-iTuf, from figs called x^cJai^ and ufed in luftrations - y hence x^a^f vo^e?, was a tune upon the flute, which was played as he went to perform his office* A choir of fingers contended for victory ; and the conqueror dedicated a tripod in the Py- theum, a temple of Apollo. At this feftival, the^ Athenians enrolled their adopted fons in the public regifter j (Tzetzes Chiliad. Hift. 5* cap. 23 J The Milefians had a feftival of the fame name. ya/*, the marriage of the gods ; a Sicilian feftival, in honour of Proferpinaj (Pollux, lib. i. tap. i.) , feeAiowi*. , a feftival to all the gods ; (HefycMus. Paufan. Achaic. SchoL in Pind. Ofymp. 1 1. Sckol. in Pind. Olymp. 3.) The Pellenzeans had folemn games, in which the victors were rewarded with a piece of plate, and a garment called ^Xaiva. A feftival was alfo held of this name by the Diofcuri. G*opavaa or opvia, the appearance of God ; ob- ferved by the Delphians -, (Herod, lib. i . Suidas.) , a Laconian feftival ; (Hefyckius.) TJ, an ./Etolian feftival 5 (Polib.lib. 5.) (Hefychius.) t, in honour of Ceres, called Gcff/topotof, lawgiver ; (Virgil. JSLn. 4.) It was celebrated with various ceremonies in many different cities of Greece ; (fkefmophor. in Arijloph. -- Sepal, dc divifwn. u*ft. Hefych. Plutarch. Pelopid. Pan- Jan. Attic. Schol. Theocrit, Idyll. 4. 25.; It is fome times 240 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: fometimes called MfyaAa^na. It was obfervecl by the Athenians with the greateft folemnity. The worfliippers were free-born, whofe hufbands de- frayed the charges of the folemnity, if the portion of their wives amounted to three talents. Thefe tvere afliiled by a prieft, called ^r^owooo^ot : and by certain virgins, who were finally confined, and maintained at the public charge in a place, called iYAopoov. The women were drefled in white, as an emblem of chafiity, for five or three days before it ; and ftrewed upon their beds, agnus caftus, flea bane, vine branches, and other herbs, that they might not be tempted to violate their chaflity< They were not allowed to eat the kernels of pome- granates, or to be adorned with garlands. On the 1 1 th of Pyaneplion, the women, carrying books on their heads, containing the laws, went to Eleufis, where the ceremony was obferved. Hence this day was called AJ/O^OJ, the afcent. On the i^th the feflival began, which lafted till the feventeenth. On the fixteenth they kept a fafl, fitting on the ground, in token of humiliation, when prayers were offered to Ceres, Proferpine, Pluto, and Galligenia, the nurfe or prieflefs of Ceres. Hence the day was called Nnreia, a fail. There was alfo a myflerious facrifice, called Awy^* ; and another called Z^os, a muldl, ' which was offered to expiate any crime committed during the ceremony. At this feftival* prifoners were releafed; (Diodor. Sicul. i. 14. Schol. tfheocrit. Idyll. 4. 25. Ovid. Met. 10. 431.- -Milan. Var. Hift. 9. 2,6 to Bacchus, obferved by the Elians ; (Pai*~ fan. Eliac. .) , to Venus ; (Hefychius.) , fo called from @u^o?,a tunny, which fifli- ermen offered to Neptune, after a fuccefsful draught ; (Athene, lib. 7.) IE^O? ya/xo?, the facred marriage. In honour of Jupiter and Juno ; (Hefychius.) I0wp*ia, in which muficians contended in honour of Jupiter; (Stephan. Byzant.) furnamed lOw/*jTif, from Ithome in Theffaly. Iva^ta, a feftival of Leucothea in Crete, derivefl from Inachus, (Hefych,} or from Ino, the fame as Leucothea and A^o?, grief. Imia, at Lemnos. Ii/wa,tolno, (fzet.inLycophr.) by the Corinthians, the Megarians, (Paufan. Attic.) and in Laconia ; (Paufan. Lacon.) ,, to Bacchus. , the fame with H^axAfta ; ^Pindar. Schol. in, Olymp. 7.) In honour of Hercules and lolaus. It lafted ieveral days; (Pindar. Schol. in Ifthm* and Nemeon.) and celebrated with facrifices and horfe-races; in which the vidors obtained garlands of myrtle and tripods of brafs. GRECIAM ANTIQUITIES! in honour of Ifis, (Diodor* SiciiL lib. i .) Avho taught the life of corn. Ia-%wiot y celebrated annually at Olympia, in me- mory of Ifchenus, grandfon of Mercury and Hierea; (fzetz. in Lycoph. v. 42*) Kafia, at Thebes and Lemnos, and particularly at Imbrus and Samothrace, iflands, which were con- fecrated to the Cabiri ; (C*lius.Rhadig.< Lit. Gy- rald.) They who Were initiated into thefe myfleries, were fuppofed to be fecured from ftorms at fea ; (Diodor. Sicul. lib, 5. Plat. Euthydem. Hefy chins. in i). (>Qvi(r(*.o<;.} KaAaoj^a, in honour of Diana, by the Laconians; (Horn. SchoL in II. .) KaAXtrna, the rewards of beauty. A Lefbiaa feflival, in which women prefented themfelves in Juno's temple, and the prize was affigned to the faireft ; (Athene* Amrvoc^, //. 12.) It was alfo celebrated by the Parrhafians, (At/ten, ibid.) and the Eleans ; (Suidas.) , at Athens. obferved in moft of the cities of Greece. In honour of Apollo, named Carneus, (Aloman.) or from Carnus, fon of Jupiter and Europa ; (Hefy- chius) and beloved by Apollo; (Theocrit. Schol.) It lafted nine days; (Plutarch. Nic. Athene, lib. 4. Callim. Hymn, in ApolL Pind. Pyth.) in which prizes were given to muficians. Ka^ua or Ka^uart?, in honour of Diana, (Pmifan. Lacon.) furnamed Caryathis, from Caryum in La- conia ; (Luc. TT^ c^g-sef.) virgins joined in a dance, called K. FESTIVALS. 243 j> in honour of Hebe, the goddefs of youth ; (Paitfau. Corinth.) , or B* from BaTrrw, to paint. Another, of this name, was obferved in Sicily \ (Plutarch. Proverb.) K^OHB, to Saturn, who is called K^oi/o? ; (Ariftoph. Schol. in Nub. Hefychius.) It was obferved at Athens in the month Exarojugajcov, which was an- ciently called K^OHO? . Another, to Saturn, was cele- brated at Rhodes, where they offered, in facrifice, a condemned criminal ; (Porphyr. apud. Theod. lib. 7.) Ku&^vuo-ta, in memory of Naufitheus and Phseax, who were the xuS^iT*t, pilots, of Thefeus, in his voyage to Crete ; (Plutarch. Thef.) Kui/opMTic, obferved in the dog-days at, Argosj (At hen. lib. $.) Aax&u/Aonwv Eo^ra, (everal feflivals obferved at Lacedsemon; (Athene, lib. 13.) 244 GRECIAN ,ANTT QUIT IE Ss Aa/x7rTj^a, at Pellene in Achaia; (Paufan. A chatc.) in honour of Bacchus, furnamed Aupirrvig, from /, to flune. rc-ouuv EO^TJ, games at Larifla ; (Apol. Schol. lib. 4) Aa^ucna, at Laryfium, to Bacchus ; (Paufan. Lacon.) Aottpgiot, held annually at Patra? in Achaia, in ho- nour of Diana, (Paufan.Achaic.) furnamed Laphria, from fpoils taken in hunting. It lafted two days, attended with facriflces. Atonfoiot, annually at Sparta, in memory of Leo- nidas ; (Paufan. Lacon.) AEOVTIX 5 (Porphyr. de Ant. Nymph.) celebrated with an oration and fports. Asgmtx, at Lernaj in honour of Bacchus, Profer- pina, and Ceres 5 (Paufan. Corinth.) AfjvK*,'to Bacchus, furnamed Lenseus, from Ar^r, awine-prefs; (Arifloph. Schol. Eqtiit. Dtog. Laert. Platone.) In this feftival, poets contended foe victory 5 and tragedies were acted. A*.0oA*a, lapidation; celebrated by the Trseze- nians, in memory of Lamia, and Auxelia, who were two virgins, {toned to death in a time of tumult ; (Paufan. Corinth.) AifMKTifiKy in honour of Diana, (Paufan. Ach.) furnamed Limnatis, from Limne, a fchool of exer- cile at Trsezen, in which (lie was worfhipped $ or from Tujwaj, lakes, becaufe fhe had the care of fiih- ermenj (Artemid.) Aivsio, in memory of Linus, an old poet ; (Pau faniBxot.) FESTIVALS. 24$ AUXK, an Arcadian feftival, (Plutarch. Cxfar. Paufan. Arcad.) obferved firft by Lycaon, in honour of Jupiter, furnamed Lyoeus. Auxeta, in honour of Apollo Auxo?, held at Argos; (Pindar. Schol. in. Pyth.Sophocl. Schol. in Eleftr.) A human facrifice was offered at this feilival. Aux^y^a, by the Spartans, to Lycurgus 5 (Plu- tarch. Lycurg. Strab.lib. 8.) Auo-av^ia, a Samian feftival, in honour of Lyfan* der ; (Plutarch. Lyfandr. Hefychius.) It was au- ciently called H^ata. Mai/*axTji&, offered by the Athenians in Masmac- terion, which was a winter month, to Jupiter Mat- ^axTu?, to induce him to fend mild weather ; (Har- f Deration. Siddas. Hefy chins. Plutarch. TTZ^ , fee in honour of Menelaus, (Ifocrat. in. Helen. Encom. Paufan. Lacon.) together with Helena. days upon which theLefbians offered facrifices -, (Hefychius.) MfrayfiTj/ta, fo called from the name of the month; in honour of Apollo, by the inhabitants of Melite, (Suidas. HarpocraL Plutarch, de Exil.) MiA-na&ia, facrifices, with horfe-races, in memory of Miltiades ; (Herod, lib. 4.) Mimta, celebrated by the Orchomenians ; (Pin* dar. Schol. Ifthm. Od. i.) who were called Minyze. R 3 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: ogTYi, celebrated by the inhabitants of Mitylene, in honour of Apollo MaAAosjf ; (Hefy- chius. Thucyd. lib. 3.) Moui/u;a, obferved annually at Athens, on the fixteenth of the month Mavu^twv, in honour of Diana. They offered cakes, called *p.$iQwriq y from fliining on every fide ; becaufe lighted torches hung round them, when they were carried into the temple, or becaufe they were offered at full moon $ (Harpocrat. Suidas. Enflath. 1L 6.) Mouo-fta, in honour of the mufes ; (Pollux^ lib. i. cap. i. jEfckin^ in Timarch. Paitfan. Bceotic. Diodor. Sicul. lib. 1 7. Plutarch. Erotic.) Muo-i*, in honour of Ceres, furnamed Myfia, from Mylius an Argian -, (Paufan. Acliaic.) It lafted feven days ; on the third, men and dogs were fhut out of the temple, and the women and bitches remained. MwAsta, an Arcadian feftival ; (Apolion. RJwd. Sc/iol. lib. i. v. 164.) from MwAoj, a fight 5 inilituted in memory of a battle, in which Lycurgus flew Ereuthalion. N*xuc>i r si/ Maoa9ow, obferved upon the lixth of Bovfypiuv, in memory of that famous victory, which Miltiades obtained againft the Perfians , (Plutarch. de Glor. Athen.) N*xuT{ia AOnvaf, in memory of Minerva's vi&ory over Neptune, when they contended which fhould give name to the city, afterwards called Athens 5 (Prod, in Tinitf. Comm. i.) Noupii/ia or NP]VJ, obferved at the beginning of every lunar month, (Horn. Schol. Ody. u. Euftatk. Odyjf. v. ^^/ $.Befychius. Herod, lib. 8.) which was upon the new moon. It was ob- ferved with games and entertainments ; in honour of the gods, efpecially of Apollo, who was called NW/AHI/IO? ; (Plutarch, de Grac. Quaft.) Becaufe they were offered every month, theie facrifices were called jt*juniva Jc-^a or HFipwioe,, and thofe who performed them twtpwioi, and y^oyiq. The cakes offered were called v/xxjnot, and the worfluppers, ^a^^nra. HavOtxa, a Macedonian feftival, (Hefychius. Liv* lib, 40, ^. Curt. lib. 10.) fo called, becauie it was obferved in the month Xanthus, which was the feme with April ; (S-uidas.) The army was at this time purified by a folemn luftratioru Suvoixta or MfToixta, annually obferved by the Athenians, in honour of Minerva, (Thncyd. lib. 2. Plutarch. The/.) on the fixteenth of EXTO,<**WI/, in memory of the Athenians uniting in one body. * 4 248 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: Oy^nria, a Boeotian feftival, in honour of Nep- tune, iurnamed Oncheftius, from Oncheftus, a town in Boeotia ; (Palifan. Bocotic.) OAu/ATna, celebrated in honour of Olympian Ju- piter. O^oAana, a Theban feftival, in honour of Jupiter Homoloius, or Ceres Homoloia; (tfheocr. Schol. Idyll. 8.) fo called from Homole in Boeotia. O (Pavfan. Attic. Athena, lib. 1 1 . Htfy- chins.) The reward of the victor was a cup, called JI^TstTTAoa or ncvronrXy, fivefold ; becaufe it was a mixture of five things, wine, honey, cheefe, meal, and oil. nayKAa^ja, fo called, from all forts of boughs. It was celebrated by the Rhodians, when they pruned their vines ; (Hefy chins.) n/>t-oi&ma, celebrated by all the Boeotians, (StrabJib. 9. Paujan. Exotic.) who afTembled near Cheronea. Ilavaltovaifli, in honour of Minerva, the prote6lrefs of Athens. At firft it continued only one day ; but was afterwards prolonged feveral days; and celebrated with great magnificence. * There were two folemnities of this name, MeyaA* HoivxQwxtK, the great Panathensea, which was celebrated once in five years; and Mtx^a navaQwcua, the leffer Puiiathensa, which was kept every third year. In the latter there were three games, managed by ten prefidents, elected from the ten tribes, who con- 5 tinued FESTIVALS. 24^ tinued in office four, years. On the firft day was a race with torches, in which footmen and horfemen contended. The fecond contention was, suavJ^as aywi/, a gymnical exercife, in a place near the river, called irwoiQwixov. The laft was a muiical con- tention j in which the poets alfo contended in four plays, named TET^aAoyia. There was a contention in imitation of a fea-iight, in which the viclor was rewarded with a veffel of oil, and a crown of thofe olives, which grew in the academy, called /* *** ; from /x0o;, death, or ju^e?, a part. There was alib a dance, performed by boys in armour, called Py- rrichia. No man was allowed to be prefent at thefe games in dyed garments, under a penalty to be im- pofed by the AywoQtrrig, prefident of the games. They facrificed fumptuouily, towards which, every Athenian borough contributed an ox ; of the flefli that remained, a public entertainment was made for the whole affembly. In the greater feflival, the fame rites were nearly obferved ; but with yet more magnificence: with the addition of the proceffion, in which Minerva's facred WOTAC^, garment, was carried. This TrnrXos was woven by a number of virgins, called E^yarwa*, from t^yon, work : thefe were fuperintended by two of the A^j^^ot, and commenced their employment at the feftival x aA * Mft, on the thirtieth of Pyanepfion. It was white, without fleeves, and embroidered with gold ; upon it, the atchievements of Minerva and Jupiter, of the heroes, and of men renowned for courage, were defcribed ; hence men of courage are faid to be o&oi TrtTrXz; (driftoph. Equit. 563.) In the Cera- micus, without the city, was an engine built in the form of a (Lip, upon which the TTETTAQS was hung, as t$o GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES* as a fail, and the whole was conveyed, by Tub terra- neous machines, to the temple of Ceres Eleufmia ; and thence to the citadel ; where the -nnrXos was put upon Minerva's flatue, which was laid upon a bed ftrewed with flowers, and called TrAaxif. Perfons of all ages and fexes attended. It was led up by old men, with old women, carrying olive branches in their hands, hence they were called OaAAopo^oj, car- riers of green boughs. Then followed the men of full age, with (hields and fpears, and attended by the /tArrcjxoi, fojourners,who carried imall boats, as an emblem of their coming from other countries, and were hence called Sxaptipc^ot, boat -bearers: then fol- lowed the women, attended by the wives of the fo- journers, who were called Ttyta^of , from carrying water-pots. Then followed young men, finging hymns to Minerva ; they were crowned with millet ; next proceeded felecl virgins of high rank, called Kjpo, feat -carriers. The boys fol- lowed, in coats worn ,at proceflions, and called ?rav- ^pHOi. At this folemnity there was a gaol delivery ; and it was alfo ufual to prefent golden crowns to thofe who deferved well of the commonwealth, and to appoint fome to ling Homer's poems ; (jElian. Far. Hijt. viii . 2. Lycurg. adv. Leocrat. p. 1 8 1 .} In thefe and other quinquennial folemnities,they prayed for the profperity of the Platseans ; (Pan/an. Arcad* \\. 14, 7^*P/tf/, Thef* Barpocrat. FESTIVALS. 251 Suidas. Thucydid. 6. 56. PoJ/ux 9 8. Liter et. 2. j j . > Schol. Arijtoph. Ran. 131. Schol. Arijloph. Nub. i oo i. Schol. Pindar. Nem. OcL 10. 65. Schol, Sophocl. (Ed. Col. 6S$.Euripid. Hecub. 468.) , in honour of Panacej (Theodoref.) the fame with AOnvaia and s, an Athenian feftival, fo called from Pan- dion, by whom it was inftituted ; (Suidas.) It was celebrated after the Aiwuo-**, Ilaj^oero?, an Athenian feftival, (Hefychius.) in memory of Pandrofus, daughter of Cecrops. nanfov/. See EO^TJJ, gymnical exercifes at Pitana; (Hejychius ) Uxwrygito, m honour of Aglaurus, daughter of Cecrops, or Minerva j (Hefychius. Plut. Alcib. Athena, lib. 3. Pollux, lib. 8. cap. 12.) They un- dreffed the ftatue of Minerva, and wafhed it, hence it was called 7rAui/Tij^i,. from TTAUJ/SJ^, to wafh. It was accounted an inaufpicious day; and the temples were furrounded with ropes, to prevent men from admiflion -, (Plutarch. Alcibid.) They carried in proceffion a cluftre of figs, called Hyuro^a, or Hyn- Tgioty from nyio/Aau IIoXii^, a Theban folemnity, in honour of Apol- lo, furnamed IloAto?, grey, becaufe he was here re- prefented with grey hairs ; (Paufan. Bceotic.) The victim was a bull. TlopTrzuv A&ifAovos EO^T ; (Hefychius.) There was an image at this folemnity, called 2T/A/*,Ta*ov. IIflffi^a, or noK,the elevation of the rod; annually obferved in the ifland of Cos, at which the priefts carried a cyprefs tree. Pa4/Jiw Eo^Ttt, a part of the Atoiwria, or feftival of Bacchus, at which they repeated fcraps of longs or poems, as thev walked by his ftatue ; (At hen. , nocturnal myfteries in honour of Jupiter Sabazius ; ( Clemens , Proterp.) or in honour of Bac- chus, furnamed Sabazius , from the Sabs, a people of Thrace ; (Diodor. SicuL lib. 4. Ariftoph* SchoL Fefp .Harpocration.) Ta^wvia, in honour of Diana, furnamed Saronia, from Saro, the third king of Trxzen ; (Paufan* Corinth.) Si*, or Zxi5, at Alea in Arcadia, (Paufan. Arcad. Pollux, lib. 8. ^. 33.) in honour of Bac- chus, whofe image was VTTQ r-n o-xia^, under a lhade. SxiAAwi/ EoT, the feftival of fea-onions. It was obferved in Sicily , and was a combat, in which boys beat each other with fea-onions, and the victor was rewarded with a bull ; (Theotrit. Schol. Idyll. 7.) 2?roTia ; (Hefychius.) Zrwia, at Athens, (Hefychius. Suidas.) in which the women lampooned each other. STOo ym0A6i, gods of generation, who were called TiT07r*Tf{ ; (Etymokg. Auft.) ; (HefychtUS.) , celebrated annually at Lebadea, in ho- nour of Triphonius; (Pindar. Sfhol. Olymp.Od. y.) ; (Hefy chins.) , In honour of Bacchus, by the Achseans ; (Paufan. Corinth.) Txi^*ct, annually obferved at Amyclse in Laco- nia, (Paufan. Lacon.) in memory of the beautiful youth Hyacfftthus, with games in honour of Apol- lo ; (Athena, lib. 4. Hefychins.) T^rH<, at Argos ; (Plutarch. Virt. MuL Po- ly*n. lib. 8 .) T#0poia, fo called a?ro ra Qigttii uJw^, from bearing water; and obferved at Athens, in memory of thofe who periflied in the deluge ; (EtymoL Auft.) Ano- ther of this name was obferved at jEgina, to Apollo; (Pindar. Sthol. Nem. Od. $.) 7>vi<*, in honour of Diana Hymnia, at Man- tinea. Tp^*, at Argos, in honour of Venus; (Athene lib. 3.) from *, a fow ; becaufe fows were facrificed to this goddefs. Qzyw*, fo called from $ayi*y, to eat ; (Athen*. lib. J.) It belonged to Bacchus. ; (EuJiath.Qdyfs.q.) 258 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: y (Hefychius.) to Bacchus: (Suidas. Aflflopi. SchoL Nub.) 'Qffs (Paufan. Corinth.) XiTw>ta, in honour of Diana, furnamed Chitonia t from Chito in Attica, where it was oblerved ; (Cal- lim. Sthol. Hymn, in Diem-*- Athene, lib. 14.) Ano- ther of this name was celebrated at Syracufe; (Ste- fhan, Byzant. v. X*Ti>n.) XAcfja, at Athens, on the fixth of aoyyjAiwi/, (He- fychius. Etiftath. II. LPaufan. Att.) to Ceres, iurnamed Ev^Aee;, fertile ; (SophocL CEdip. Colon.) , fee ArfeMgiz. , in honour of Bacchus ; (Hefychius.) , in honour of Bacchus, Ci^oipccyo^ eater of raw fiefh ; (Clem. Proterp.) n^at, facrificesj conlifting offruits^ offered in fpring, fummer, autumn and winter, for mild and temperate weather ; (Athena, lib. 14.) OF THE GRECIAN GAMES AND COMBATS. The games were inftituted in honour of the gods or of deified heroes ; and always began and ended with a facrifice. They who obtained the vidory* efpecially in the Olympic games, were highly ho* noured. On their return home, they rode in a triumphal chariot into the city, the walls being s z throws 260 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: thrown clown to give them admittance; (Pfa- tarch. lib. 2. Quteft. 6.) They were honoured with the firfl places at all mows and games, and main- tained at the public charge; (XenopJi. Coloph. in Epigr. Clcer. Or at. pro Place. Plutarch. LuculL) The honour defcendcd to their relations and to the place of their birth ; (Plutarch. Pelop.) To every Athenian, one hundred drachms were al- lowed, who obtained a prize in the Ifthmian games ; and five hundred drachms to thofe who were victors in the Olympic games ; (Pint. Solon.) It was for- bidden to give Haves or harlots their names from any of the games ; (Athena, lib. 13.) There were umpires appointed to decide difputes, and adjudge the prizes, who were called When the fentence was determined, a herald pro- claimed the victor; and a palm-branch was delivered into his hand -, (Plut. f/ief.) The games were termed Ayi/? ; (Nicoph. Schol. ad Syn. de Infomn. p. 428.) Their principal exercifes were, J^ojuo?, run- ning, called alfo WO^WXEJTJ; ^c-xoj, the difcus or quoit; X/xa, leaping ; Truy^*!, boxing ; TraXn, wreftling ; (Virg. JEn. 3. 281.) They were called by the gene- ral name, flnvrafaov, quinqiiertium. OF RUNNING. A^ojuof , running. This game was in high efteemj (Horn. Qdyff. 6. 147.) It was performed in a fpace of ground, called fahw, which contained one hundred and twenty-five paces. It was alfo called auAoj ; (Athena. 3. p. 189.) The runners were called (Pan/an. Eliac. ii, 20.) There GAMES AND COMBATS. 261 There were four kinds of races ; (Schol, Ariftoph. . 293.) The jWtoi/ ; ' the (JUuAo?, which courfe was twice run over, in making to the goal, and in returning from it ; the /r. 5.) Thofe who ran together were called 0-wayewra*, amTraApt, &c. To endeavour to overtake each other was called (Hefych.) to come up with him, xT (Lucian. Hermot. 564-) He, who firft reached the goal, received a prize, called a&Aoj/ 3 and ^aCsiovi s 3 (Schot* 262 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIESs (Schol. Pind. Olymp. Od. i.) It was adjudged and* decreed by the prefidents of the games, who were called (S^a&uTw ; (Pollux, iii. 30. 145.) aywi Jia0fT ; arAoTfraj; (Pollux, iii. 30. j (Anthol. i. 2. Sueton. Ner. 53.) The prizes were crowns of little value ; of olive ; (Paufan. Eliac. Prior, vii. />. Syi.AriJloph. Ptut. 586. P//>/. 15. 4.) of pine ; (Lucictn.. de Gymn. fc 572. Plin. 15. 10.) of branches of the apple tree, loaded with their fruit ; and of parfley ; (Pindar. Olymp. 13. 45.^-- Lutian. de Gymn. p. 272. P// 4 19.8. Jwven. 8. 226.) Thefe crowns were alfo the reward of the other combatants, as well as of the runners. To be one of the laft in the race> was called OF LEAPING. , leaping, from aAXso-Sat, was performed fometimes with the hands empty ; (Artflot. de Ani~* m*l. Incefs. c. 3.) fometimes with weights oflead, either in their hands, or on their heads and flioulders. Thefe were called AT^? ; which were mafles of lead or ftone, which they held in their hands ; and which they threw into the air to aug- ment the elaflicity of the body in leaping ; (Lvcian* Gymn. p. 289. Juvenal^ 6. 421. Senec. Epift. '5- 58.) The place from which they leaped was called paTU ; (Pollux, iii. 30. 151.) that to which they leaped, Ec-xa/A^j/a, (Pollux, ibid.) becaufe it was marked by digging the earth, from 6,53.) and TTUX- T;UEIV ; from JTU, a fift. The combatants at firit only ufed their fills ; afterwards they ufed the ceftusj (Horn. Iliad. $. 684. Apgllon. Rhod. ii fl 50. ffir JEneid $. 400. Valer. Place. 4. 250. Stat. "TJicb. 6. 720.) The ceflus was a thong of the hide of an ox newly killed, (Apollon. Rhod. ii. 52. Valer. Flacc* ibid.) with a mafs of lead, (Virg. Mneid. 5. 404. Stat. ^heb. 6. 729.) brafs, (Theocrti. 22. 3. ^^ 80.) or iron, (Horn. Iliad. $>. 684.-^^ Apollon. Rhod. ibid.) at the end of it. It was tied round the arm 3 (The- ocrit. ibid.) It was called ^a; or i/xaj Poeiat, be- caufe it was of the hide of an ox. The combatant endeavoured to elude the blews of his adverfary, by {looping dextroufly, (Virg. JEn, $ 437- ^heocrit. 22. 120. Stat. c Theb. 6. 767.) and to avoid ftriking himfelf with his own ceftus. He endeavoured to flrike at the face of his adver r fary; (Anthol. ii. i. Epig. i.) The blow on the face was called urwTrja^ (Arifloph. Vefp. 1377 and StM GAMES AND COMBATS, 265 $clioL Pac. 540.) The combatant tried to render himfelf flefhy, that he might be more able to bear the blows. Hence corpulent perfons were called pugiles $ (Cerent. Eunuch, att. 2. fc. 3.) He whq yielded the victory to his antagonift, acknowledged his defeat by letting his wearied arms fall, (Theocrit. 22. 129 .) or by finking to the ground $ (MenuriaL }i. 9.) OF WRESTLING. HaXu, the exercife of wreftling, was the mofl; ancient of the exercifes ; (Plutarch. Sympos. ii. Pro-* bkm 4.) It was performed in the xyftus; under a covered portico, where two naked wrefllers, (Virg* &n. 3. 281. Stat. Theb. 6. 832. -Ovid. Met. 9. 3i.Lucian. de Gymn. p. 270.) anointed with oil, (Theocrit. IdylL ii, 51. Diog. Laert. Anachars.) and rubbed over with duft, (Qvid. M&. 9. 35. Stat. Theb. 6. 846.^ their arms intertwined, en- deavouring to bring each other to the ground; (Ovid. Met. 9. 57. Stat. neb. 6. 859. Horn. fliad. if/. 7 1 1 .) The oil was called xi^a ; (Juve- nal, 6. 246. 3. 68. Martial, n. 48. Plin. 15. 4. 28. 9.) The duft was taken from a place where it was kept for the purpofe $ (Plutarch. Sympos. ii. Probl. 4. p. 638.) The phrafe axovm VM&V, to conquer with eafe, alludes to this cuftom ; (Hero- dian. 8, 6.-r-Gellius. 5. 6. Martial. 7. 66. Ef/flef. gnchirid. c. 35.^ In the mofl ancient times, the combatant pre- vailed whofe ftrength and lize were fuperior. It is faid that Thefeus was the firft who improved this txercife into an art ; (Paufan. Attic, c. 39. p. 94.^ Aj&ivj (Ariftot. Rhetor, i. 5. 36.) xaTf^y, (Arijtot. S 66 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: (AriftQt. ibid.) o-vvsxsiv, aynXa/uCawDai, (Lucian. de Gymn. p. 289.^ x&Ta<*XA5r./, (Horn. Iliad. $. J2J.) and PV&I, were words ufually applied to this conteft. He who brought his antagonifl thrice to the gr6und, was the victor; (Schol. ad. jEfchyL Eu- menid. 592.) Hence the words, Tgizfai, and KTTQ- Taa, fignify, to conquer, and KTTOT^^^^X^ to be vanquifhed; (Sitidas. -~ Hefy chins. Pollux, lib. 3. *-. 30. Ant hoi , lib, 2. c. i. Epig. n. SEfchyL /igamem. 179.) and hence the victor was called This conteft was fometimes called becaufe the combatants endeavoured to throw each other down ; (Pavfau. Attic.) There were two kinds of wreflling ; one in which the combatants wreftled on their feet, and eredl^ which was called o0< 7raA>?, or p^oTraAu ; another, in which they contended rolling on the ground, which was called esvAxAivo-nraAu, volutaria. The conquered combatant acknowledged his defeat with his voice, or by holding up his finger. Hence the expreffion, &igt ^aHruAoi/, raife your finger, importing, own your defeat, The rUyx^cmoi/, comprized both boxing and wreftling; (Ariftot.Rhet. i, 5. 36.^' When they fought on the ground, they were fometimes called xoA*r*xoi. This conteft was fome- times called irafApKwov ; and the combatants > ( Pollux. Sttida$< Hyginus.) OF RACES, AND OTHER EXERCISES. Horfe- races were either performed by finglc horfes, which were called jaArjr^, or HAOJ^UTTUXI? ; or 2 by AMES AND COMBATS. 267 by two horfes, on one of which the)'' performed the race, and leaped upon the other at the goal. Thefe men were called av6Ti : if it was a mare on which they leaped, it was called xa/\7rj f In chariots, two, three, or four horfes drew them. Hence the words Juw^oj, T^JTTTTOI, Tir^aw^oi. After- wards, the two middle horfes were coupled, and called uy*oi ; the reft were governed by reins, and called erapOOJ, trf^aic;, Trfj^atrii^fli, 7r&(>%QpQi 3 ao^rn^f?, Mules were fometimes ufed inftead of horfes ; and the chariots drawn by them were called aTmi/a*. The art of the charioteer was to avoid the wo-rau, goals 5 in which, if he failed, it was difgraceful. There were other exercifes lefs public, in which muficians, poets and artifts contended. In the ninety-firft Olympiad, Euripides and Xenocles con- tended for the honour of being accounted the beft tragedian; (jElian. Var. Hi/1, iib.i. cap. 8.) Cleo- menes recommended himfelf by repeating fome verfes of Empedocles, which he had compiled, (Athene, lib. 13,) Herodotus is faid to have fired Thucydides, when a youth, with emulation, by repeating his hiftory at the Olympic games ; (Smdas.) Pi\f/if, the exercife of throwing or darting, was per- formed fometimes with a javelin, rod, or other large inflrument, which they threw out of their hands; which was called a^omer/Aa ; if an arrow, or a javelin call from a bow, it was called rojixjj. OF THE OLYMPIC GAMES. There were four folemn games in Greece, con* (berated by religion^ and called ayw^ wu, (Pollux, iii. 30, 26$ GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: iii, 30, 153. Pindar. Nem. Od. 2. 5.) itga (Pindar. Olymp. Od. 8. 84. Od. 13. 20.) aiyj fpawT#j ayo?i/ ; (Xenoph. Memorab. iii. 7.) The Olympic games derived their name from Olympian Jupiter; or from Olympia, a city of the Pi (jeans ; or the fame with Pifa ; (StepJian. Eyzant.) They are faid to have been firft inflitiited after the victory of Jupiter over the fons of Titan j (Arijlopk. Schol.) Others fay, they were firft inflituted by Pifus ; others, by one of the Dactyli, named Her- cules ; (Ariftot. Ariftoph. Schol.) by Pelops, to the honour of Neptune ; by Hercules, to the ho- jiour of Pelops ; (Statins. Theb. 6.) or by Hercules, to Olympian Jupiter, from the fpoils taken by Argus, king of Elis, whom he had dethroned and plundered; (Find. Olymp.Od. 2. Diodor. Sicul. lib. 4.) Hercules propofed a crown to the victors, in memory of his own labours. It is alfo reported that ^ |ie wa.s himfelf conqueror in all the exercifes* except wreflling, and being unable to find a com- batant, Jupiter, having affumed a human fhape, contended with him ; when, after much grappling, the victory remaining doubtful, the god difcovered himfelf to his fon ; hence, he was furnamed UocX^f^ wreftler ; (Lycophr. CaJJ'. ^.41.) It is certain they were in high repute in the time of Iphitus, who was contemporary with Lycurgus ; (Ariftot. in Pint. Lycurg. * Paufanias.) He revived thefe gamea about four hundred and eight years after the Trojan* war, from which time the number of the Olympiads is reckoned; (Solin. Polyhtft. cap. i.J They were afterwards neglected till the time of Chorsebus, who. /sd in the twenty-eighth Olympiad after Iphitus ; after THE OLYMPIC GAMKS. after which they were conftantly celebrated. This happened in the four hundred and eighth year after the deftruction of Troy. They were celebrated every fifth year, that is, every fiftieth month, which is the fecond month after the completion of four years. They continued five days ; beginning upon the eleventh, and end- ing upon the fifteenth day of the lunar month, when the moon was at the full. The management of thefe games belonged fometimes to the Pifeans, but, for the moil part, to Eleans, by whom the Pifaeans were deftroyed ; (Polyb. lib. ^.} The 1 04th Olympiad was celebrated by order of the Arcadians, but it was called by the Elians, AvoAu^- *naJff, unlawful Olympiads, and left them out of their, annals, in which the occurrences at thefe games, and the names of the victors were recorded. Till the fiftieth Olympiad one perfon prefided ; when two were appointed to that office. In the 1 03d Olympiad the number was increafed to twelve, according to the number of the Elean tribes. In the following Olympiad, the tribes were reduced to eight, by war with the Arcadians, and there were eight prefidents. In the iO5th, one more was added, and in the io6th, another; and the number of them was ten, till the reign of Adrian the Roman emperor. They were called EMni/oJWj, and alTem- bled in a place called EAA^oJWiov, in the Elean forum. Here they redded ten months before the celebration of the games, to fuperintend the TT^O- f vpvourpQcra, preparatory exercifes, and to be pro- perly inftruded by the No^opuAaxtf, keepers of the laws. At the folemnity they fat naked, having the crown ^O GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: crown of victory before them, till they adjudged it to the victor. There was a liberty of appeal from the EAXni/c^xaj to the Olympian fcnatc ; (Paufan.Eliac. p. 457.) There were officers appointed to keep order, who were called aXura, the fame as the liftores of the Romans. There was a prefident over thefe, called *AuTa$xj ; (Etymolog. Auftor.) Women were not allowed to be prefent, under the fevere fentence of being caft headlong from a rocks (Paujan. Eliac.) It is however faid that Cynifca, the daughter of Archidamus, contended in thefe games and won the prize ; (Paufan. Lacon.) No one, who had not been ten months at the Gym- nan' um at Elis, to perform the preparatory exercifes, was allowed to contend. No criminal, or relation to a criminal, was allowed to contend. If any one was convicted of bribing his adverfary, he fuffered a heavy fine. The combatants were compelled to fwear that they had fpent ten months in prepara- tory exercifes ; and their fathers and brethren fwore, that no unlawful means Ihould be ufed to obtain the rewards ; (Paufan. Eliac. Prior, c. 24. p. 441.) The wreftlers were appointed by lot. Into a filver urn, called xaAvn?, little pellets were put, about the lize of beans, upon each of which was marked a letter, the fame letter belonging to every pair- Thofe, with the fame letters, wreflled together. If the number was not even, he who chofe the odd pellet, contended with him that had the maftery, and was called tq>sfys, coming after tire reft. This was efteemed the mod fortunate chance, becaufe he contended with one already weary and exhauft- ed ; THE PYTHIAN GAMES. 271 edf; (Ccd. Rhodig. Autiq. Left. lib. 22, cap. 17. Sirabo. 8. Hefydins. Arift&ph. Ran. 804.) There were alfo mental as well as corporeal con- tefts at thefe games. The prize of eloquence, (Paufan. Eliac. Pofl. 17. p. 495,} of poetry, (Milan. Far. Hift. ii. 8.) and the other fine arts was dif- puted; (Suidas.) The prize of the victor in each of thefe combats was a wreath of wild olive, termed xoTivofj (Ariftoph. Pint. 586 .) A prize of fmall value was choien, that the combatants might be animated with glory, not Simulated with a hope of gain ; (Ltitcian. de Gymn.) Their glory was indeed deemed immortal ; (Cicer, fttfc. Quaft. i. 46. ii. 17. Or at. pro Place. <*. 13. Horat. Od. i. i. v. 6. Pindar. Olymp. Od. \ . Stroph. A, v. 1 6 . 1 7. ) Statues \vere creeled to them at Olympia, in the wood con- fecrated to Jupiter; (Paufan. Eliac. 10.) Thefe foleran games not only drew together all Greece, (Lucian de Gymn* p. 274. Dlodor. Sic. 4. *. 55.) but alfo foreign nations, from the extremi- ties of Egypt,, from Lybia, Sicily, and other coun- tries; (Paufan. Eliac. 10. Pin (Jar. Olymp. Od. 6, Epod. T. v. 14.) Hence the name, ILmyucu:, given to thefe games. OF THE PYTHIAN GAMES. The Pythian games were celebrated near Delphi ; (Pindar. Pyth. Od. 6.) and are fuppofed to have been inftituted, either by Amphiflyon, the fon ot Deucalion, or by the council of Amphiclyones. Others refer them to Agamemnon; (Phavorinits. Etymol. AuR.) to Diomedes ; (Paufan. Corinth.) or to Apollo, when he had overcome Python ; (Ovid. Met. tft GRECIAN ANITQUITIES: Met. i.) They were at firfl celebrated once iri nine years* called sv^xni^ ; but afterwards, every fifth year; (Plutarch. Gr tnree decades of days. The firft decade was pwos ctt^yspwA or ir^/Afu* : the fecond, lj.Y,o? pQij/oi/To?, Trauo^fi/a, or TO? ; (Pollux.) The firft day of the firft decade was called VEO/AUVI, as happening upon the new moon : the fecond, Jfur^a ij-apva : the third, T^ITU fa/Aei/a, &c. The firft day of the fecond decade, which was the eleventh of the month, was called TT^WTH ^C,T21/TO, OF 7T0WTJJ 7H JlXa ; the ^tii vsa, the old and newj becaufe the new moon appearecTon feme part of that day ; ( PM. Solon. Ariftopk. Schol. Nub. Snidas.) It was alfo called r^5a?, the thirtieth; and not only fo in the months of thirty, but in the months of twenty-nine days. According to fome, the twenty-iecond day was omitted s others fay, the twenty-ninth day 5 (Prot/us. Mofchopul. in Hefiod. Di, v. z.} Thus the lunar, year, was called a year of threq hundred and fixty days; though, after Solon's time, it really confided only of three hundred and fifty-four days. Hence the Athenians creeled 360 ftatues of Demetrius the Phalarean ; ^/>////. Nat. Hfi. 1ft. 34. cap, 6 .) The MILITARY AFFAIRS. 279 The Athenian months were ; i. EK&TopGouuv, \vhich was W^K or &xp0wf, thirty days. It be- gan on the firft new moon after the lummer folftice, which anfwered to the latter part of the Roman June, and the firft part of July. It derived its name from the hecatombs ufually facrificed in this month. Its ancient name was K^ow? or Kgoviw, from Kf , twenty-nine days from the feftival Scirrophoria 5 (Harpocration. Gyrald. de Menftb. Pollux, i. 7. 63.- Schol Arijloph. Nub. 1129. Plutarch in Solon. Diogen. Laert. i. 57. Plutarch. Demetr.) OF MILITARY AFFAIRS. The Grecian armies chiefly were formed of free denizons. At the age of eighteen, the Athenians were appointed to guard the city, with its forts ; hence * This month was called by the Corinthians n<*x- e /xo; j Cor on.) T4 2 go GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES; hence they were called vsgnrohoi; (Ulpian. in Oiyntk- 3.) at twenty they were fent to foreign wars, and the Spartans, at thirty. At threefcore, they were allowed to retire. At Athens, no one, above forty years of age, imlefsin a time of danger, was obliged to ferve in war; (Ulpian. in Olyntk. 3.) The keepers of the revenue, (Demofth. in Nexr.) and thofe who danced at the feftival of Bacchus, were exempted ; (Dzmofth. in Midian.) Slaves were alfo excluded from ferving. All, who ferved, were re- giftered; hence the levy was called xTa Ao-yo?, r^aroAoyta ; and to make a levy, or xaTay^apni/ TrouivQeci. The early Grecians were appointed by lots ; (Homer Iliad w.) The foldiers always maintained themfelves ; none, but thofe exempted by law, were allowed to abfent themfelves from fervice, upon pain of lofing the rights of citi- zens, and of exclufion from the public temples ; (JEfchin. Ctefiphont. Demojlh. Tmocrat.) If they made their efcape, they were branded with marks in their hands called s^y^roc, (Veget. dc re milit* lib. z.cap.$.) iv iq ^^xOjU,Tto7n^ta, Tra^&ma, iroigniot, Trgotrzgvi^ioiy TTX- gKTrXwgidix, 7r&goifji.vif>i$iai/o$, xo^u?, &c. compofed of brafs or other metals, or the fkin of beafts, called from the names of the animals, as ixri&rj, rau^m, aXuirwin, XfWTsn yfn, XUWD ; the latter was compofedofa dog's fkin; (Homer Iliad x.) Thefe fkins were always worn with their hair, and teeth, to render them more terrible ; (Virgil^ Mn. 7. v< 666. Horn. Iliad K. v. 261.) The fore part of the helmet was open ; and to its fide was fixed a firing, which tied it to the neck, which was called 0%$ ; (Horn. Iliad y. v. 371.) That part which covered the eye- brows was called o^ut? ; that ereded over the brow,yeo-ov, the pent-houfe. Its crefl was firll ufed by theCarians, (Herodot. Clio. Strabojib. i^..) and called (p^Ao?, aacJxo^cfj (Hefychius. Alc^us. Horn. II. y. 337. 362.) It was a cuftom of the Carians to depofit, in the graves of their dead, a little Ihield and an helmet. $x\o<; 3 is fuppofed to mean the cone, and Apo?, the plume ; (Suidas.) the firft was com- pofed of various ornamental materials, the latter adorned with different forts of paint j and hence cal- led lyavOuj, wxi>C^ij; (PolluXylib. i. cap. 10.) and fometimes with gold ; (Horn. Iliad r. 610. ? r rrgt'I, jn. 9. 49.) The crefl was for the mofl part of fea- thers, or the hair of horfes tails or manes ; ('Horn. II. r. v. 382.) The private foldiers had fmall crefls; the officers had plumes of a larger fize; (Suidas.' Virgil JK. j. (Hefychiiis.) Sometimes it was held by little rings, called Tro^Traxs?; but it had afterwards a handle, called o^avoi/ or c^aw; (Horn. Schol.) chiefly compofed of fmall iron bars, crofting each other, and refembling the letter ^ ; (Euftath. in IL p.) When the wars were ended, and the bucklers fufpended in the temples of the gods, they took off the handles, that they might become unfit for im- mediate ufe ; (Ariftoph.) Little bells were hung fometimes upon bucklers to flrike terror into the enemy; (Mfchyl.) The bucklers were chiefly adorned with various figures of beads and birds, of the celeftial bodies, and ot the works of nature (Herodot. lib. i. Plin. 35. 3. //. 2. 478.) The bucklers of the Argives feem to have been larger than; the reft ; (Virgil, sEn. 3.) and to have covered the Whole body ; (Virgil, Mn. 2. i, and ufed in duels, when the fpears were thrown afide; (Homer Iliad*. Iliad y. fkeocrit. Idyll. >j3. 187.) The Macedonians had a peculiar fpear, called 0-^10-- o-a, of fourteen or fixteen cubits in length. Hipo?, a {word, was hung in a belt round the moulders; (Homer Iliad p. Hefiod. Scut. Here.) The belt reached down to the thighs; ( Homer Odyjf. A. Virg. 10. 1 6.) Foot foldiers wore the fword on the left, MILITARY ARMOUR AND WEAPONS. 29* left, horfemen on the right fide ; (Jofeph. Excid* Hieros. lib. 3.) The fcabbard was called xoAso?; clofe to which was hung a dagger or poniard, called TO TTK^Of, pYigOVy TTtX.gXp'nglM, Or TTXga^MlOV ^Kpi^JOJ/, TTtZgOC.* ip&w, (Euftath. Iliad y.) or fy^if *<&$>', and j*- Xaif a ; (Homer.) It was fcldom ufed in fight, but fuppiied the want of a knife; (Homer II. y.) In- ilead of this, a dagger was ufed, called axipaw ; (Pollux.) They had fometimes another fword, called XCTTK, or utvj, (Pollux.) or gutiA&t, (Xeno- pJwn.) or xi/fir**? ; (Suidas. Euflath. //. A. -fcT^/y- chins.) It was a fmall weapon, like a faulchion^ (Plutarch. Apoph. j;/ J Lycurg.) They adorned the hilt of the fword with various figures and repre- fentations. Afyvn was a kind of pole-ax ; (Horn. Iliad v. 6 1 1.) and TTSAEXU?, was nearly the famej (Horn. II. o. 710.) xo]/ufi, was a club of wood or iron; (Plutarch. Thef.) Tooi>, a bow ; which, fome fay, was invented by Apollo, who was hence called xnoAo?, fxaT^Arr^., XTO?, Tocpoo?, &c. and who firft communicated it to the Cretans, (Diodor. Sicul. Ifidorus.) who firft ufed it ; (Pollux ', //^. i.cap. 10.) Others at- tribute the invention of it to Scythes, fon of Jupi- ter ; (Plinius.) and progenitor of the Scythians ; (Lycophr. Cafs. 56. -- Tkeocrlt. Schol. Idyll. 13, ^.56. Lycophr. Caff. 914.) It was made in the form of a half moon ; (Ammian. Marcell. lib. 20. Athene, lib. 10.) The bows were frequently adorned with gold or filver; but mod common- ly with wood; though anciently made of horn; {Horn. I/. 3. io$.LycopJi. Caff. 564.) The firings of the bow were fometimes made of horfes hair, v 2 and GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES? and hence called wiew, (Hefychius. Acciits.) fome* times of hides cut into fmall thongs > hence r& (3oia; (EuftatJi. in Horn. II. $.) The part to which the firing was fixed, called xo^wm, was commonly made of gold. The arrows ufually confifled of light wood and an iron head, which was commonly hooked, (Ovid. de Amor.) fornetimes with three or four hooks ; (Statins, tfheb. lib. 9.) The heads of arrows were fornetimes dipped in poifon ; (Virg. jEn. 9. 771.) although it was deemed a difgraceful practice $ (Horn. Odyjf. &.. 260*) Arrows were ufually winged with feathers, to increafe their force \ (Homer Iliad $. 1 1 6. Opptan. AAifiwr. |3. Oppian. Kwvy. ?. Sophocl. Trachhi.) They were carried to the battle^ in a quiver, which was ufually clofed on all fides % (Eiiflath. in 11. #,) The quiver and the bow were carried on their backs ; (Horn. 1L , Heflod. fcut. Her cut. 130. Virg. Mn. n. 652.) In drawing bows, they placed them directly before them, and returned their hand upon their right bread > (Eiiftath* II.*. Horn. II.*. v. 123.) There were feveral forts of darts or javelins, as ^oo-pof, (Euftath.Odyff. (?.) txro-oc, and others ; fome of which were caft by the help of a flrap, girt round their middle, and called ayxvA^. The javelin thus caft was termed ^o-ayxuAoi/ ; (Senec. Hippo!.) They fornetimes annoyed their enemies with great ftones ; {Horn. Iliad x. 264. Horn. Iliad e. v. 302. Horn* II. u. 270. Iliad jy; cc and rfarnyia, was compounded of two TEAJJ, was four thoufand and ninety-fix, or four thoufand and thirty-fix. The commander was called Q&Xayy&gxiig and 2TTuyof. Aupahuy- yu% x^?, tTriTtzypx,, and, fome fay, /MCjoo?, confided of eight thoufand one hundred and thirty- two. The commander was called K^^?if . Tsr^apaAay- ya^ia, confided of fixteen thoufand three hundred and eighty-four. The commander was called T? T^apaAayya^u?. C><^Aay^, fometimes means twenty- eight men, fometimes eight thoufand; but a com- plete $aAa wards, and the main body advanced toward the enemy, or, on the contrary. The fame was called xu^ryj and xoiAri, convex and hollow, Ec-Tra^sur 0*Aay, when the parts of the battalia flood at an unequal diftance from the enemy. Tirt^aKoiyyHrie, when both wings were extended beyond the front of the oppofing army ; when only one, it was called u:rxW, was a rhombus divided in the middle, having three fides, and reprefenting the figure of a wedge, or the letter A. KoiA/xoAot/, was the f/*oAe tranfverfed, reprefenting the letter V. JlAjvOiGi/, nAjpOja, an army drawn up in the figure of a brick or tile, with four unequal fides ; its length was extended towards the enemy, and exceeded the depth. Uvgyos, was the brick inverted, being an oblong fquare, like a tower, with the fmall end towards the enemy; (Horn. Iliad, p. 43.) nx*ie loyal to their country ; (Hcf\chius.) The com- mander was called E/*0T*f ^u? , or W/*OT*XO?. There were 002 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES- werefixteen of them in everyU9y,- y (XenopJion.) rigs* Ta placing together of different forts of foldiers. na^goAn, filling up the vacant fpaces in the files, by foldiers of the fame kind. ETrayuy^ a continued feries of battalions in marches, drawn up behind each other in the fame form, that the front of the latter was extended to the rear of the former. Tlaaaywyji, when the phalanx proceeded in a wing, not by file, but by rank, the leaders marching on one fide ; when towards the left, it was called cuwi/o/AOf wa^y)/j ; when toward the right, $tfy& "Bragayuyvi. E7raywyi and H becaufe managed like the Grecian chori, which, ordered into files and ra#ks, like foldiers in battle array, and moving forward toward the brink of the ftage, when they could pafs no further, retired, one through 304 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES* through the ranks of the other. vycty counter-march by rank, was contrary to counter-march by file ; in the former, the motion was in length of the battalia flankwife, the wing either marching into the midft, or quite through theoppofite wing. It was performed feveral ways. Ai7rAa lib. 4.) Ambafladors were ufually perfons of great worth, and high ftation> and their cha- tacler was held facred ; (Herodot. Polymn. cap. 334.) They were under the protection of Mer- tury ; becaufe it is fuppofed that they derived their high character from the honour paid to the }3u*?, heralds, becaufe defcended from Ceryx, fon of Mercury ; (Enjlath. in Iliad x.) When Ulyf- fes was call upori unknown coafls, he lent a herald to protect the men from danger or injury ; (Eitftat/i. //. a.) They were called the meifengers, not of men, but of Jupiter ; ( Horn. II. *. Statins Theb. lib. 2.v. 371.) The heralds of Athens were all of one family, defcended from Ceryx, fon of Mer- cury and Pandrofus, daughter of Cecropsj king of Athens. The Lacedsemonian heralds were defcend- ed from Talthybius, herald of Agamemnon, who was honoured with a temple and divine woifhip at Sparta; (Herodot. Polymn. cap. 134. Pnvfunias. Laconic.) They carried in their hands a ftaff of olive or laurel* called xrfujwov, around which v.vre folded two ferpents, with ere&ed crefts, as an em- blem of pe^ce; (Ptin. lib. 29. cap. 3.) The Athe- nian heralds frequently made uie of the E^s^^t-r, a token of peace and plenty, being an olive branch co- vered with wool, and adorned with the fruits of the X earth. 306 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: earth. Ku^oxe?, heralds, were fuppofed to differ from vgstr&is, ambafladors , inafmuch as the latter were employed in treaties of peace, the former to declare war ; (Suidas.) but this diflinction was not perpe- tual ; (Eitfiath. in Horn.) There were two forts of ambafladors ; one had a limited, the other an un- limited authority, and hence called veK, was applied to thofe who undertook any bufmefs at an improper time 5 (Zenobius Cent. 3; Pro. 79.) The Lacedaemonians were prohibited from- marching before the full moon; (Luciam AJirol.Herodot. lib. 6.) THE CAMPS; Their camps were originally built iri a fpherical figure ; (Xenopk. de Rep. Lac.) and they were ac- cuftomed frequently to remove them ; (Plutarch Apophi XenopL de Rept Lac.) The moil Valiant of the fokliers were placed at the extremities, the reft in the middle; (Homer Iliad I. 22 2<) If they defigned to remain long in their camps, they erected altars to the gods^ and divine worth ip was performed ; in the lame place public arTemblies were called together, when the general had any thing to communicate to his foldiersj here alfo x 2 courts 308 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: courts of juflice were held, in which all contro- verfies ariiong the foldiers were decided, and crimi- nals fentencccHo bepunifhed; (Homer Iliad x. 806.) They ufually fortified their camps with a trench and wall, on. whofe fides they erected turrets, from which they annoyed their enemies with miflive weapons i (Homer Iliad rj. v. 436.) Their difci- pline was not always rigid and fevere ; (Phi arch. Cleom.) They were allowed more liberty in the camp than in the city; (Herodot. lib. 7. cap. 208 and 209.) They were allowed to ufe coftly arms, fine clothes, and to curl and perfume their hair ; ( Ariftoph. Nub. atl. i. fc. i Ariftoph. Equit. aft. 3. fc. 2.) Many changes were afterwards made in their difcipline, and they were prohibited from decking their hair j (Ariftoph. Schol. Equit.) THE GUARDS. Their guards were (puAaxai ypegivixi and upon duty by day, and others by night. At feveral liours in the night, officers called *-^TOAO;, walked round the camp, and vifited the watch. They carried a fmall bell, called xco<5W, at whofe found the foldiers were to anfwer; (Snidas. tfhucyd. lib. 4.) The Lacedaemonian guards were not allowed to have their buckler, that, being unarmed, they might be more cautious ; (Tzetes. Chiliad. 9. Hift. 276.) The reft ilept in their armour, that they might be prepared upon any alarm ; (Xcnophon.) It -was a cuftom of the Spartans to keep a double watch, one within the camp, to watch their allies, left they fnould fuddenly defert; the other upon fome emi- nence, to watch their enemies ; (Xenophw.) OF SIGNALS AND STANDARDS. 309 OF BATTLE. Before battle, the foldiers always refrefhed them- felves with victuals; (Homer Iliad j. v. 155.) The commanders then drew up their whole army, truft- ing the event to a (ingle force; (Iliad $. 297.' Plutarch, de Horn.) The general made a fpeech to his foldiers, which fometimes had an animating effect ; (Paufan. MeJJln.Diodor. Sicul. lib. 15. Jujlin* lib. 3.) Before they engaged, they endea- voured, by prayers, facrifices, and vows, to engage the affiftance of heaven ; and fung a hymn to Mars, called KKHXV ^Earnf ios; and the hymn fung to Apollo after a fuccefsful battle, was called vaizy .fTTuuxioffj (5^CTJS, fometimes called ^ya^9, in Sicily ; ai'Xt, flutes, ufed in Crete ; (Polyb. lib. 4.) others ufed lutes, or viols, (Atd. Gell. lib. i. cap. 1 1, Martian. Cap. lib. n.) or harps j (Athene, lib, 12. and 14. Enftath. II. ^.Plutarch, lib. de Mufic.) He who founded the alarm was called, by the Cretans, Ibio?.; by others, I^UXT^, (Hefychius.) from a trumpet, called ly. The Lacedemonians r ^ 4 31* GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: their engagements with a concert of flutes ; phon. Maxim. Tyrr. Dijj\ 1 2 and 21. Quintil. lib. i, cap. 1 6. *hucyd. lib.. 5. Valerius Max. lib. 2. cap . 6. Plutarch. Lycurg.) The reft of the Grecians ad- vanced with eagernefs, and gave a general fhout, cal- led aAaAay^o?, from the foldiers repeating aAaA; (Po-. lyxn'.i, 2. Pollux i\. 10.) the word aA^A^rof was ufed ; (IL .436.) Sometimes they cried, EAfAsu; (Suidas.) The firft author of .this fhout was Pan, who acted under Bacchus, in his Indian expedition ; where being encompaffed in a valley by an enemy, fuperior in number, he advifed Bacchus to order his men in. the night to give a general fhout, which fo furprized the enemy that they fled with precipitation, (Poly ten* Strat.tib. i.) The cuftom of fliouting was ufcd by almoft all nations; (Horn. II. ^.452. 11. y. i. //. *. 279 267.) Hence pvAo7n? ? OTI, and j3o*j, are fynonymous with P&XVI. A loud voice was a high recommendation of the character of commanders, for the terror with which it ImpreiTed their enemies ; (Eijftath. Iliad (3. //. y.Il. A. Plutarch. Coriol.) Jn the early times, generals fought at the head of their armies ; hence they are called * p^a^ot, and vgofjiQi > (Horn. IL y.v. 1 6. //. TT. 218.) Where the alarm was founded by fpft mufic, the retreat and other orders were fignified by louder inftru- ments; (Poly.bhi$, lib. 2.) \\ 7 hen their enemies iled, the Spartans were not allowed to purfue them; (Tkucyd. lib. 5. Poly an. lib. i.) on account of their flrict obfervance of difcipliue ; (PayJb&Mef- feniac. Plutarch. Lycurg.-~aii.d Apopth. TST^I ^y.) The G^cians frequently decided their caufe upon the iffue of a fingle combat, or of two or more npions on each (ide j (^lutarch. ENGINES FOR SIEGES. 313 OF SIEGES. The early Grecians were unacquainted with th$ rt of befieging towns, and therefore were eaiily compelled by a powerful invader to remove their habitations, (Thucyd. lib. i.) They were generally un/kilful In conducting them, after it became 3 practice; (Herodot. lib. 9. cap. 69.) it was indeed deemed difhonq arable to die in fuch undertakings $ (Plutarch. SylL Homer. II. %. v. 360. Plutarch, Pyrrh.) When they would poffefs themfelves of a caftle or town, they furrounded it with their whole ^rmy, and attacked it in every quarter; which was called ffxywovtw. When they meant to lay clofe iiege, they commenced the ^TroTf^Kr^o? or Tr^^irsi^ttr- /*o?, the work of circumvallation; which fometimes confided of a double wall, made of turf, called ,9rA;vOot and wAi0*a. The interior fortification was defigned to prevent fudden fallies from the town, and to prevent it from receiving fuccour. The ex- terior fortification was to fecure them from foreign enemies, who might come to the relief of the be- ' iieged. When Plat^a was inverted by the Pelopori- jiefians, they raifed a double wall; the Ipace between each wall, which was lixteen feet, was taken up with lodges for fentinels, built at regular diftances ; between every tenth of which was a large tower, extended from wall to wall. Engines were firft called ^ayyai/a, and afterwards pi^avaa. They were not known in Greece, at leaft, before fhe Trojan war; (Statins fhefa) Some affirm that ladders were ufed in the Theban war. Different fort$ of ladders were aftenvards'invented^ 3 H GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: fome were mjx, folded ; (Appian.) others were JiaAuTOH, to be taken in pieces; (Pint. Arat.) They were compofed of wood, ropes, leather, &c. Other engines were of a later date. The ram, in- deed, was ancient ; (Pliny. Athena, lib. 4.) Other inftruments were ufed in demolifhing walls which were called rguir&voc, which were long irons, with fharp ends. Some attribute their invention to the time of the Peloponnefian war, in which they were ufied ; (Thucyd.) Others fay, they were contrived by Pericles, with the affiftance of Artemon, an ar-n tificer of Clazomenas ; (Diodor. Sicul. lib. 12. Plutarch. Per Id.) Others fay, they were ufed at; the fiege of Paros ; (Cornel Nep. in Milt.') X*Aw*n, a tortoife, or fhroud, was fo called from the fhelter they afforded the foldiers; of which there were feveral forts ; as, XfA-wvu r^rjwTwy, called fometimes i-ui/ao-Trio-^o?, when the foldiers were drawn up clofe, and the rear ranks bowing themfelves, placed their targets above their heads. The firft rank floocl creel:, the reft {looped lower by degrees, till the laft rank kneeled upon the ground ; thofe in the front, and on the fides holding their targets before their bodies, the reft covering the heads of thofe that were placed before them. This practice was ufed in open battles, but moft commonly in furprizing cities, before the befieged were prepared for defence. X^w^ x wr f l? was foursquare ; it guarded the foldiers in tilling ditches, and cafting up mounts, XsAw&'/i qgvg, was triangular, with its front (helving downwards, for the protection of thofe who under- lined walls. rff, were wicker hurdles, which the foldiers i-ld over their heads, ENGINES FOR SIEGES, 515 was a mount, which was raifed fo high, as to equal the top of befieged walls. The fides were walled in with ftones, or fecured with rafters ; the fore part remained open. It confifted of earth, timber, boughs, ftones, CTJmcyd.) &c. r into the middle were call wickers and twigs of trees, to faflen and cement the other parts - 3 (Lucan. lib. 3.) were moveable towers of wood, ufually placed upon the mount. They were driven upon xvheels, which were placed within the bottom planks, to fecure them from the enemy. Their fize was proportioned to the towers of the city they be- fieged. The front and fides were covered with tiles* Their tops were covered with raw hides, to preferve them from miffive weapons. They were formed into feveral ftories ; which were able to carry en- gines, as well as foldiers; (Sil. It. lib. 14.) Some afcribe the contrivance of them to artificers of Sicily at the time of Dionyfius the tyrant ; others, to Polyidius, a TheflTalian ; (Athena. Median. yius,lib. 10. cap. 19.) others, to Diades and reas; (Heron, cap. 13. Diodor. Siail.) K^io?, the ram, was an engine with an iron head, called x. Some afcribc their invention to the Syrians ; (Plini.) others to the Sicilians 5 (Diodor. Siatl, lib. 14. Plutarch, Dionys.) There were various forts of engines to caft flones; as, rfw&vat, flings; pciyyxyei, and pxyyotviXK o^yxvtx, On the approach of the enemy, the befieged gave notice to their confederates to haften to their affiftance -, if in the day, by raifing a great fmoke j if in the night, by fires or lighted torches toiTed iri the air, called ^uxret and QgvxTugiw ; (^theogn* Schol. Hcm. Sfhol. II, o.) Thefe were called 4>uxToi TroAf/AtQj, to diftinguiOi them fromthofe they called ^ux.rot fometimes they heated brafs bucklers red hot, and filling them with fand and lime, pour- ed them down upon the foldiers; which, getting be- tween their armour and flefh, burned them. Their mines were rendered ineffectual by counter-mines : their mounts were undermined : their towers and en- gines were burned with fire-balls: they defended themfelves with fkins, wool-packs, and- whatever would ward off mi (live weapons. They broke off the heads of battering rams with great ftones from the walls j or by cutting the ropes which direcled them, with long fcythes. When they got poiTefTion of cities, they fometimes put all who were in arms to the fword, demolifhed the buildings, and made the reft ilaves; fometimes they only demanded fome contri- bution. Sometimes the Athenians fent colonies to inhabit depopulated places, which they divided by lots among fome of the commonalty, when met in a public affembly; f^r//?tf/>/;. Schol. Nub.) When they demolifhed a city, they denounced curfes upon thofe who might rebuild it ; (Euftatk. II. &) MILITARY FUNERALS, AND TREATMENT OF THE SLAIN. The bodies of their dead enemies were anciently treated with much indecency and barbarity, dis- figured, ilabbed, and expofed to ignominy and fcorn. In the Trojan war, this favage cuftom was not intirely abolifhed $ (Horn. Schol. 11. %. 398 and 367. StalhtSy tfhcb. 9. 380. ~ Pirg. Jn. 10. and ii. v. 9. Herod. Call.) It had been ufual for the conquerors to prevent their enemies from interring their 3 tg GRECIAN their dead, until they had paid large fums for their ranfom ; (Horn. II. u. Lycophr. Caff. v. 269.* Mn. 9* i>. 213.) If the body was not ranfomed, it remained unburied; (Horn. II. a. 4.) though this practice was not always flrictly obferved? (Horn. II. . 414. Iliad n. v. 408. JElian* Var. Htft. lib. 12. cap. 27. Plutarch. Thef.) and in fucceeding ages wholly difcontinued. The Athe- nians were anxious to inter honourably the bodies of their foldiers who fell valiantly; and the neglect or omiffion of it was deemed highly criminal; (Xenoph. Grac. Hift. lib. i .) Nicias even renounced all title to the victory which he had obtained, when it appeared that, by an overfight, two of his men were left dead upon the field ; fending a herald to the enemy for leave to remove them ; (Plutarch. Nid. Diodor. Sicul. lib. 15.) When they carried their arms into diftant countries, they reduced the bodies of the dead to aihes, that they might be conveyed to their relations, and depofited in the tombs of their anceflors; (Horn. Schol. Iliad a,, v. 52. Iliad y* i). 332.) The Lacedaemonians buried their dead in the country where they died ; their kings were embalmed with honey and conveyed home ; (Plu- tarch. Agefil.) The foldiers always attended at the funeral folemnities, with their arms reverfed : where it was ufual to wear long hair, the mourn- ers fhaved ; and where others fhaved, mourners wore long hair; (Wrg. Mn. n. 92. Stat'ius* The name, origin, and exploits were ufually infcribed on the tombs of women who died in childbed; and of foldiers, who loft their lives in bat- tle, (Plutarth. Lycwg.) and who were buried with green F U N E R A L S, *c. 319 green boughs, and honoured with a funeral eulo- gium : thofe who were judged to be good warriors, were interred in their red coats ; (Milan. Far. Hi/, lib. 6. cap. 6.) Their arms were alfo fixed upon their tombs ; as well as the badge of whatever other profeflion they had borne. Elpenor, appear- ing to Ulyfles in the (hades below, intreats him to fix the oar he ufed to row with upon his tombj and to caft his arms into the funeral pile ; (Horn. Odyff. A. v, 74. Virgil, ALneid. 6. v. 232.) The Spartan matrons examined the bodies of their dead fons ; and thofe who had received more wounds behind than before, were conveyed privately away, or left in the common heap ; but thofe who had a greater number of wounds in their breafls o were carried ' away with triumph, to be buried among their anceflors ; (JILlian. Far. Hift. lib. 1 2. cap. 21.) They were carried home upon their bucklers ; (Plutarch. Apoph. Aufon. .Ep. 24.) The. Athenians placed the bodies of their dead in tents, three days before the funeral, that the relations might come and pay them the lafl honours. Upon the fourth day, a coffin of cyprefs was fent from every tribe, to convey the bones of their own relations ; after which, a covered hearfe followed, in memory of thofe whofe bodies could not be found. Thefe, accompanied with the whole body of the people, were carried to the public burial place, and interred. One oration was delivered in praife of all ; their monuments were adorned with pillars, infcriptions, and other honourable memo- rials. The oration was pronounced by the fathers of thofe who had behaved mod valiantly ; (Polemo in Argumsnto TWJ> tmraptw Ayv. Cicer. de Orator. TJuccyd, 5 29 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: * fhucyd. lib. 3.) The names of the foldiers dc- ceafed jvere marked with the letter 0, meaniug tawmj, dead ; thofe of the living with r, meaning TH^EI/OJ, preferred; (Rujfin. in Hkronym^ IJidor. Hi/pal, lib. i. cap. 23.) OF MILITARY BOOTT; The prifoners taken in war, who could not ranfom themfelves, were made flaves, and fold or employed by their conquerors. They were called A^aAwrot and Ac^uaAwTCi; (Xenoph. in Ages. Pollux, 7. 33.) Their fpoils were either called - 6waw()i, to choofe the beft of any thing , (Eurip. Here. Furios. 476.) or <%TTO TH Otj/of, becaufe after naval engagementss they were expofed on the fhore: or, from their being taken a?r' ax^n TS 6tw?, from the top of the heap t the fpoils were ufually collected into one heap, the firft fruits of which were offered to the gods ; (Sophocl. Schol. Trachin.) In confe- crating their fpoils to the gods, they either collected them into a heap, and confumed them with fire ; or they hung them up in temples ; (Herodot. lib. 9.) They frequently dedicated the armour of their enemy, and fufpended it in temples ; but the Spar- tans were forbidden this cuftom, which was very ancient, (Eufialh. Iliad u. v. 81.) and almoft univerfally received ; (Horn, Iliad n. Virg. JEn. 7. 1 83 .) They fometimes dedicated their own armour to the gods, when they retired from a military life ; (Hor. lib. i.Ep.i.v. 4. Ovid. Trift. lib. 4.) being firft rendered unfit for prefent ufe. Military plun- der was fometimes termed svct^a; (II. Z. 68. Eujlath. in IL uaft. Wef cling ad Diod. Sicitl. 13. 24.) The Macedonians never erecled trophies, becaufe one, erecled in the reign of Cranaus, was demolifhed by wolves; (Paufanias.) They however raifed monuments MILITARY PUNISHMENTS. 323 monuments to preferve the memory of their victo- ries, and to teftify their gratitude to the gods. Sometimes ftatues were erected on the borders of the vanquished country; (Herodot. lib. 9. Eu- ripid. Pkoen.) fometimes temples ; (Paufan. La- conic.) fometimes towers, which were adorned with the fpoils of their enemies ; and fometimes altars j (Arrian. Exp. Alex. lib. 5.) OF MILITARY PUNISHMENTS. The commanders were generally allowed to im- pofe punimments according to the exigency of the offence. AuroaoXoi, deferters, fuffered death. Arfarsuroi, thofe who refufed to ferve in the wars, or who quitted their ranks, were obliged, by a law of Charondas, to (it three days in the public forum in women's apparel ; (Diodor.Sicul. 12.) Ar^a-nuTd, \vho refufed to ferve in war j XuTrorKxrai, who de- ferted the ranks; and &IAOJ, cowards, were not permitted to wear garlands, nor to enter the i^z, fyaoT&Aif, public temples $ and were fined according to their demerit, and kept in cuflody till pay- ment was made ; (&fchin. in Ctefiph.Demoftk. in Timocr.) PivJ/ac-Tn^, they who loft their bucklers, were efleemed cowards; hence there was a law to fine him who falfely charged another with this crime ; (Lyjias Orat. ,. in ^heomn.) By the Spar- tans, this offence was confidered as highly "dif- graceful. Deferters were alfo deprived of all ho- nours, and no one was allowed to intermarry with them; and whoever met them might beat and infult them with impunity. They were obliged to wear a tattered drefs, and their beards to be half fhaved Y 2 arid 3 24 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: and half unfhavcd ; (Plutarch. Agefil. Herod. 7.) So odious was the crime, that the mother frequently atoned for it, by ftabbing her fon who was guilty of it. The poet Archilochus was banifhed from Sparta for triumphing in an epigram at the lofs of his buckler; (Strabo, Geogr. lib. 12. Plutarch. Jnftit. Lacon.) To pawn their arms was confidered as a great crime 3 (Ariftoph. Schol. Pint, aft. 2. ft. 4.) OF MILITARY REWARDS. When the private foldiers behaved valiantly, they were raifed into office ; and fubordinate officers were honoured with higher commands; (Xenoph. Hipparch. Memor. iii. 4. Strateg. c. 33.) Thofe who fignalized themielves in a remarkable manner were prefentedby the general with large gifts; (Horn. //. 0. z%(). 'Virgil, &n. 9. 26j.) Sometimes they gave them crowns; (Demqfth. adv. Androt.) Others were honoured with leave to raife pillars, or erec~t ftatues to the gods, withfuitableinfcriptions; (P/u- tarch. Cimone. jEfchin. in Ctefiph.) Their arms were fometimes placed in the citadel. Some were prefent- ed with a w*vo7rXta, or complete fuit of armours (Plutarch. Alcibiad. Horn. 11. y. 330. . ^En. 8. 620.) Others were praifed in poetry and funeral orations ; (Plutarch. Lyfand. Thucyd. ii. 34. )emo/l/i.~ Lucian^ de Luffu.) Thofe who loft their limbs in battle, were called ^aTo, and maintained at the public charge, if they were not in poflcffion of more than three Attic pounds yearly: for which realbn they were examined by the fenate of five hundred. Their allowance was an obolus a day; fome fay, two oboli; others, nine MJLITARY REWARDS. 325 nine drachma?, or fifty-four oboli a month ; (Plu- tarch. Solon. Lyjias iregi a$wot,-rv. Hefy chins. Har- pocration. Suidas.) The children of thofe who fell valiantly were educated at the public charge, till they came to maturity, and then prefented with a fuit of armour, and introduced to the public by one of the minifters, who in a fpeech exhorted them to imitate the ex- ample of their fathers. They alfo were honoured with vgosfya, the firft feats at fliews, and public meetings; (HLfchin. in Ctefiph.) The parents of thofe who fell valiantly were alfo maintained at the public charge ; (Plat. Menex. Diogen. Laert. So/one.) The rewards of thofe who had fought valiantly, were termed, A^r, (/Elian. Var. Hifl. 5/19.) fraOAa, vcmji, CTrwxia. Soldiers of valoui were called Cecropides, and their arms were de- pofited in the citadel ; (Demofth. Or. Funeb.) THE MANNER OF SENDINQ INTELLIGENCE, They had feveral forts of meflengers, as the , who were lightly armed with darts, and bows and arrows; (Suidas. Cornel. Nep.. Miltiad.) The rouraXDj was a roll of parchment wrapped about a black flick, called from jK, and xfXurff, from the name of a fmgle horfe. The fhip Argo, invented by Jafon, was rowed with fifty oars, and was the firft of the long fhips. Some afcribe the invention of long fhips to Danaus ; (Apollodor. lib. 2.) The Ery- threans firft ufed a double bank of oars, (Plhi. ) which was further enlarged with a third bank by Aminocles of Corinth ; (Herodot. Thucyd. Dio- dor. SicuL) Others give this invention to the Si- donians; (Clem. Alex. Stromat. i.) Ariftotle, a Carthaginian, added a fourth Neficthon of Salamis, (Plln.) or Dionyfius, the Sicilian, (Diodor. Sicul.) a fifth ; Xenagorus, the Syracufian, a fixth ; Nefi- giton increafed them to ten ; Alexander the great to twelve; Ptolemy Soter to fifteen; Philip, fa- ther of Perfeus, to fixteen ; (Polyb. in Fragm.- Livius.) Demetrius, the fon of Antigonus, to thirty; and Ptolemy Philopater, to forty; (Plu- tarch. Demetr. Athene, lib. 5.) The ihip of this latter fize, contained four thoufand rowers, four hundred mariners employed in other fervices, and almoft three thoufand foldiers. They were ufually called Cycladcs, or ^tna, iilands or mountains ; (Athena.) There were other fhips with half banks of oars ; fuch as n^uAi* or j^uoAo?, confirming of a bank and a half; alfo r^>i^/xox*a, betwixt a bireme and trireme, having two banks and a half/ There were other vefTels ufed as un-^mjcat, tenders, and victualing mips, to fupply the main fleet with provifions ; and fometirnes built for expe- dition, to carry intelligence, or obferve the enemy's motion. Thele were built partly like men of war, or .PARTS AND ORNAMENTS OF SHIPS. 329 or (hips of burden, and in Tome inftances differed from both. THE PARTS AND ORNAMENTS OF SHIPS. Ships chiefly confifted of three parts, the body, the prow, and the (tern. In the belly or middle part, there was r^om?,. keel, which was compofed of wood, and called rn^u, from its flrength and firm- nefs. It was placed at the bottom of the Ihip, to cut through the waves, (Horn. SchoL Ody/. p. 42 1 #7/^438. //. . 482.) and was narrow and Iharp. The Max^a;, were only provided with keels, the reft had ufually flat bottoms; (Iftdor. lib. 19. cap. I.) Round the keels were placed pieces of wood to fave it from damage, when the (hip was firft launched, or when it bulged againft rocks; which were called ^Afiio-fAaTa. Next to the T07n?, was paAx*?; (Pollux.) within which was contained the airrAiov, pump, through which water was conveyed out of the fhip ; (Ariftopli. SchoL Ecpiit.) After this was ^UT^ Tgovis, fe- cond keel, being placed beneath the pump, and Called A called T^aptig. The diftinct fpaces for the oars were called Ti/AaTfl5, rgvTryptzTX, oo7ni/, feems to have fignified the fpaces between banks of oars on each fide, where the paffengers were placed. On the top of thefe was a palfage to walk on, called irfot$os and T0f0fajr^f, becaufe it joined to the S^avo*, or uppermoft bank of oars. The lower parts under water were called, upaAa, and thofe above water, ^ac^oc. The middle of the fliip was called, ^so-oxotAa ; the deck, xa- rar^]w,a ^ and the hold, TrvQpv ; (Hefych. Suidas.) There are various terms applied to oars and rowers, as, rn? xwiff f?rioaAo-0a;, to take the oar, (Lucian. Dial. Mort.p. 308. Pollux, i. 9,) KUTT^ j, was the hinder ftern, fometimes called ^, the tail j in a circular form -, built higher than the prow, and was the place in which the pilot (leered. The bow of it was called rn-iwuv, and the planks which compofed it T TT^ITOVHCC,. There was another place fomewhat below the top, called aoWiov, and the interior part of which, wtizpiov (Athene, v.) The ornaments upon the extremities were called, ingeneral, ax^ovfa; (Suidas.) or njaw xo^wnJW, (Homer. II. <*. 1 8.) which applied to the prow; thefe are alfo called ax^ofcAia., becaufe placed at the extremity of the fcAoj, which was a long plank at the head of the prow, and therefore fometimes called 33 2 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: ?.;i (Pollux. At ken*. $.) Their form fometimes refembled helmets, fometimes living creatures, but moft frequently winded into a circular compais. E-rruTifa, were two pieces of wood projecting from the two fides of the prow ; (Athene, v. fhucyd. 7 . 62.) To the ax^ofoAi* imthe prow, anfwered the af Aar# in the ftern, which were fometimes of a circular fhape, or fafhioned into wings, to which a fmall fhield, called utrvihiov or ao-Tn&o-xu, was frequently affixed. Sometimes a piece of wood was creeled, on which ribbands of various colours were hung, and was as a flag to diftrnguifli the (hip, (Pollux. Enjlath.) and of a weathercock, to fignify the quarters of the wind ; (II. o. 717.) XijvNTKof, was fo called from Xuv, a goofe, whofe figure it refembled, and which was thought to be a fortunate omen to mariners. It was fixed at the bottom of the prow, where it was joined to the fore part of the keel ; and to which anchors were fatten- ed, when caft into the fea. Others fix it upon the extremity of the ftern ; (Etymol. Aitflor. Athene, v.p. 204. Hhucyd, 7,62.) nafgffn/tAov, was the flag, by which (hips were clifunguiihed. It was placed in the prow, juft below the roAc?, being fometimes carved, and often painted ; repretenting the form of a mountain, tree, flower, &c. ; as diftinguifhed from the tutela, or fafe- guard of the (hip, which always reprefented fome of the gods, to whofe care the fhip was dedi- cated : hence it was held facred, and was a refuge and fanctuary to thofe who fled to it. Prayers and tcrifices were offered, and oaths confirmed before it, NAVAL INSTRUMENTS, 333 it. Sometimes the roAo? was taken for the H-o^ac-u/Aw ; (Laftantius,lib. i. cap. i. Servius in JEn. 5.) By fbme it is alfo placed in the . prow ; by others, in the Hern ; (Ovid, Ep. (Enon. Ovid, de Triftib.) They ufually committed their mips to the pro- tection of thofe deities, whom they thought mod concerned for their fafety ; (Euripid. Iphig. Ovid, Ep. (Enon.) On the prow of the Ihip, about the was placed a round piece of wood, called , and fometimes opdatyo?, the eye of the (hip, becaufe it was fixed in its fore-deck 5 (Pollux. Eitftath. Apollon. Schol. Argon, lib. i. 1089.) On this was infcribed the name of the (hip, which was ufually taken from the flag ; hence the names, Pegafi, Scylla?, Bulls, Rams, &c. given to fliips. The (hip was pitched, to fecure the wood from the water ; hence called p&uimi, black ; (Homer.) The Phseacians firfl ufed pitch ; (Suidas. v. Nau- y. 45.) placed in the hindmoft deck, by which, xu^^uTuff, the pilot, whofe ftation was at the ftern, (At hen*, v. n.-UElian, Far. Hift. 9. 40. tic. 334 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: Cic. de Senett. 6. Liician. Dial. Mart.) dire&ed the courfe of the (hip. The parts of the rudder were called, O*, (Ifidor.) $0, (Pollux \. 9.) HrEgvyiov, (Hefychius.) AU^EI/, (Heliodur. ALthiop. v. p. 248.) Kc^t*. In their greateft (hips there were two rudders; (JEllan. 9. 40.) fometimes three, and in fome four rudders. Hence VYM a^piTi^u/Avoi, fliips with two fterns. The fmaller fhips had only one rudder. Ayxy^a, an anchor, (Strabo, 7. p. 209. Pan fait. Attic. 4. p. 12. Plin. 7. 56.) alfo called sum; (Horn. 11. a. 436.) hence the terms, ai/ao-Trai/, (Lucian. Dial. Mart. p. 281. Pollux^ \. 9.) ujttayNVf*)r,ftAA*4 ftyxv^av t^av ; (Eujlath. Horn. II. |3. 154. Ariftopk. Av. 1429. Meurs. ad. Lycoph. 618.) The inven- tion of the anchor has been afcribed to the Tuf- cans, (Plin. lib. 8. cap. ult.) or to Midas, the fon of Gordius; (Paufanias.) The mod ancient were of ftone, (Apollon. Argon. Arrian. in Peripl. Pont. Eux.) and fometimes of wood, to which much lead was fixed -, in fome places they ufed bafkets full of ftones ; (Suidas v. Zsuyjua) and facks filled with fand. Thefe were fufpended by cords, and their weight regulated the courfe of the (hip. Afterwards an- chors were made of iron, and furnifhed with teeth, which fattening to the bottom of the fea, kept the veffel immoveable; hence o^ovrf?, teeth, are ufed for anchors. At firft there was only one tooth; hence anchors were called trsgoropoi ; (Pollux.) a fecond tooth was added by Eupalamus ; (Plin. lib. 7. cap* ult.) or by Anacharfis, the Scythian ; (Strabo, Ufa 10. ex Ephor.) The anchors with two teeth were called a^afj, Aaipn, fails, ( Eujl. Od.u. 146. Od. N. n. Hefych.) were faid to have been invented by Daedalus, or by Icarus ; (Plin. lib. 7. cap. 56.) There was at firft only one fail in a (hip; but after- wards others, as, A^Tf/xwv, the top-fail, which hung on the top of the mad. Axa-na, the great fails ; (Hefy chilis.) AoAwi/, the fmall fail in the fore-deck ; (Suidas v. AoAwv. Ifidorus.) ETH^O/AO?, the mizen- fail, was^ larger than the former, and hung in the hind-deck; (Hefyclims. IJidorus.) Sails were ufually made of linen; fometimes of leather; (Dio. lib. 39.) fometimes of their own garments ; (Servius Mn. 8.) K^aia, x^ara, the fail-yards, pieces of wood fixed upon the maft, to which the fails were tied ; (Horn. Schol. IL the foot. A^aj or Au/c$, (Athe- na.) or rg&xnbos, to which the fail was fixed. Ka^u- the pulley, by which the ropes were turned round. xtov, built like a turret, upon which foldiers flood, to caft darts : above which was a piece of wood, called mgiov, the extremity of which was called DAaxTu, on which hung a ribband, called firia-ewv, from its perpetual motion with the wind. The ropes belonging to thefe parts were called STTITQVOI, with which the fail-yards were bound to the main-matt 3 (Sitidas.) Some call them the cables, by which the fail-yards were governed, according to the will of the pilot i (Phavorinus.') others call the cord with which the fail-yards were tied to the maft, xaAcoi* ; and that by which they were contracted or dilated, U7r^; (Suidas.) Tlofa, were feet, or qords at the corners of the fails ; ( Ariftoph. Schol. Equit. act. i.fc. i. Apollon, Schol.) by which they were managed at pleafure. n^oTro^.f, were fmall cords below the TrcJW, which were looted and contracted by them. Mot, tZTroyu irgvpneiot, (Hefy chins.) -m ttr/xara, (Horn. Od. K. 96. 127.) ^wjtAftijuojTa, (Schol. Arifloph. Eq. 279. <*?. V. 9.) fu^ara, (Polyb. i. /?. 27.) O? NAVAL INSTRUMENTS OF WAR. , was a beak of wood, fortified with brafs, hence called p^aAxw/xa vswi/, (Diodor. SicuL lib. 20.) and the (hips ^aAx^gc/Aoi. It wasfaftened to the prow, to annoy the fhipsofthe enemy. The whole prow was fometimes covered, with brafs, to guard it from rocks and aiTaults. Thefe beaks were firij ufed by Pifeuss (Plin.lib. 7. cap. 56. ^EfchyLU\t^.) They were at firil long and high, but afterwards (hort, and fo low as to pierce the enemy's (hips under water; (Diodor. SicuL lib. 13.) Above the beak was ano- ther inftrument, called vgotpSoXic. ETr&miJt?, were pieces of wood placed on each fide of the prow ; ~(bucyd. Schol. lib. 7.) as guards from the enemy's beaks ; they refernbled ears. juara, hatches, fometimes called hence the terms wig ire$gu,yu.tmi 9 xara^axTot, covered (hips, or men of war j (hips of burden were called PXT, uncovered, or without hatches. This covering was of wood, upon which foldiers might dired their mi (five weapons with greater force. In the early times the foldiers fought upon the fore- moft and hindermoil decks; (Thttcyd, lib. i. Homer IL o.^Hom. Odvffl /x.) The other parts of the MARINERS AND SEA FORCES. 339 fhe ftiip are faid to have been firft covered by the Thracians ; (Plin. lib. 7. cap. 57.) The coverings Were called %ix.r&(pooty{j, lib. i.) When there were feveral banks of oars, the uppermofl rowers were called QgswiToti, and their bank, 9flav? : (Pollux. Ariftoph. Schol. Acharn. l6 I. Suidas.) the loweft OaXajWJOJ, SaAa^jraj, and heirbank^aAa^o?: the middle rowers, , and jotKro^uyioi, and all their banks, uyx. Every one had a proper oar ; and thofe who fa| in the uppermoft banks, as having a more laborious office, received higher wages. The rowers in merchent- men were called rTfoyyuXoaura*, (Pollux, lib. 7.) 1 a thole 140 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: thofe in the triremes, Tf uf ET. Thofe who fat neareft the prow, were called Tr^oo-xwTroi, or Tr^oxawct, and thofe next theftenv?nxw7rot; (Pollux^ 1.9.) Their work was efteemed moft laborious, to which malefactors were frequently condemned. Their reft was taken, lying down upon their feats; (Senec. Agam. 437. Virg. Mn. 5. 836.) The other manners ufually reded in the fame manner ; the fuperior perfons in the vefTel were allowed to reft on their clothes ; (TJieophr. vtgi i/aAuip. Horn. Odyff. v. v. 74.) Thofe who would not fubmit to this cuftom, were deemed effeminate; (Plutarch. Alcibiad.) Naurai, mariners, were exempt from labouring at the oar, but perform- ed other offices in the (hip j where each had his appro- priate tafkj ( Cic. de Seneft. 6.) Hence thofe who di- redred the ^va, fails, were called atgptneou ; thofe who climbed up the ropes, (Pollux.) or fyvfytvowvy or fyt7r- ivfogos xtgKHx,, (JDiodor. Sicitl. lib. 22.) an engine of iron, crooked, like a iickle, (Vegetius^ lib. 4. cap. idi.) and fixed to the top of a long pole, with which they cut the cords of the fail-yards, and thus difabled the light fhips of the enemy. They ufed nearly a fimilar inftrument to cut the cords that 6 tied MARINERS AND SEA FORCES. 341 tied the rudder to the Ihip. Ke^aiai, (Athe- weus. Diodor. Sic. lib. 12.) were engines to call flones into the enemy's (hips. An engine alfo was in ufc which hung upon the main-maft, and refem- bled a battering ram ; confiding of a long beam and an head of iron, and forced with violence againfl the fides of (hips. XE cnJ^a, was a grappling iron, which was caft from an engine into the enemy's (hips, it was firft ufed by Pericles, the Athenian; (Plin. lib. 7. cap. 61.) A^aytf, hooks of iron hanging on the top of a pole, which being fattened to the maft with chains, and caft with force into the enemy's (hip, caught it up into the air. To avert the mifchief of this weapon, their mips were covered with hides, which blunted the flroke of it ; (Pollux. Thucyd. lib. 8.) This inftrument is faid to have been invented by Anacharfis, the Scythian ; (Ptin. lib. 7. cap. 57.) The Athenians began to apply to naval affairs about the time of the invafion of Xerxes ; the revenue of the filver mines at Lau- reotis were employed to this purpofe, which had formerly been diftributed among the people. With this money, one hundred triremes were fitted out, with which they obtained a vi&ory. The number of their mips was increafed afterwards to four hun- dred ; (Plutarch. Lycurg.) and to twice as many as all the reft of Greece ; (Ifocr. Paneg.) The fea- men were afterwards paid, by dividing the rich citizens into O-U^/AO^**, companies, who contributed largely from their fubftance. Thofe allies, who were remote from the fea, fent their proportion in money; (Xenoph. Hift. Grac. lib. 6.) The cities they conquered were obliged either to contribute money, or to fupply them with (hips of war; (T//H- z 3 cyd. 342 . GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: cyd.lib.*]. Xenoph. Hift. lib. i.Diodor. Situf. lib. 13.) OF NAVAL OFFICERS. The officers who held command in the (hips were, roAa^of, the commander of the troops ; ^aua^of, or rfarnyo?, the admiral, which was an office fometimes in the perfon of one, fometimes in two or three. They continued in command for a limited time; (Cornel. Nep. in Epamm.) It was forbidden any one, by the Spartans, to hold this office more than once ; (Plutarch. Ly/and. Xenoph. Hift. lib. 2.) E?nroAuj, (Xenoph. Hift. lib. 2. and * ' ' \ JL * 5. Pollux* lib. i. cap. 9.) iometimes called STTI- $-0AapoOf, was vice-admiral. T^ ;^a^oj, was cap- tain of a trireme, who commanded the foldiers in the velfel; (Schol. Arijloph. Equit. 908.) The commanders of men of war were called, wTijxovroOf, &c. according to the veffels they commanded. A(!^ixvwM)Ta, were intrufled with the direction of all marine affairs, which had not relation to war ; (Diod. Sicul. 20. 5 1 .) Ku&f i/jjTjff, the pilot, who had the care of the fhip, and government of the feamen, was a perfon well fkilled in xy^Minxti ts^i/n, the art navigation; (Ovid. Met am. lib. 3. in Fab. Bacr. Athen. v. p. zoq.Cic. deSenecl. \\.Arruin. deEx- ped. Akx. vi. 2,) The celeflial bodies were obferved by failors, as foretelling the feafons, and directing their courfe. It was alfo ufual to notice various omens offered .by fea-fowls, fifties, by .the noife of the flrearn, the milling of trees on (bore, the daQiing of the bil- lows. At firft, they fleered, in the day, by the courfe of the fun, and at night betaking themfelves to fome fafe harbour, or refling on the (Lore ; (Virg. Mn. $. v. 508,) The principal flars ufed in foretelling, were, NAVAL OFFICERS. 343 were, at firft, Arcturus, the dog-ftar, Arse, Orion, Hyades, H#di, &c. The Phoenicians, to whom fome afcribe the invention of the art of navigation, difcovered the motions of fome other ftars ; (Plin. lib. 7. Propert. lib. 2. v. 990.) They were firfl directed by Cynofura, or the leffer bear-flar ; (Euflath. II. a. Arrian. Exped. lib. 6.) which was, fome fay, obferved by Thales, who was originally a Phoenician ; (Hygin. lib. 2. Euflath. II. r.) The mariners of Greece fleered by the greater bear, called Helice ; (Aratus.) for the firft obfervation of which they were obliged to Nau pirns or to Ti- phys, the pilot of the (hip Argo; (Argon, i .) TI^su? or n^atJK, was next under the pilot, and had his place upon the prow. He had the care of the tackle of the ihip, (Xenoph. Adminift. Dom. lib. 5.) and of the rowers, whofe places were afljgned by him; (Athe- 11*. lib. 15.) He ufually affifted the mafter in things relating to the feafons, and figns,'&c ; (Sui- das. Plutarch. Agid. Pollux. Xenoph. Adm. Dom. lib. 5.) KgAsur*]?, the boatfwain, was to iignify the word of command to the rowers, (Arrian. Exp. Alex. lib. 6.) and to diftribute to the crew their provilions ; (Stiidas.) T^^auA^jf, was a mu- fician, who, by the harmony of his voice and flute, elevated the fpirits of the rowers, when they were weary; (Cenforin. cap. i2.Statfus 9 Theb. 5.^.343.) or to clireft them by their mufic to regular ^motion ; (Max. ?yr. Difi. 23 . Flaccus Argonaut. -Statins, . 31. Eitftath. Iliad &.} hence they fo often founded the depth in the night, and directed the (hip with long poles; (Sophocl. A% (Diodor. Sicul. lib. 20.) Sometimes they blocked up the harbour, or made a paflage to the town by raifmg a vaft mole before it ; (Q. Curtius, lib. 4.) or by linking fhips filled with ftones and fand. The at- tacks were ufually carried on by men Handing upon bridges, between the (hips, and with darts and ftones forcing the befieged from their wails ; (<*). Curtius, lib. 4.) Here they creeled towers upon a level with the city walls, to throw their miffive weapons with greater advantage. The befieged pulled afunder the (hips linked together with iron hooks. They blocked up the paflage of the town ; (Thucyd. lib. 7.) They galled their enemies with darts, ftones, fire-balls, melted pitch or metals ; or deftroyed the veffels and works of the befiegers by fire-fhips ; (>. Curt, lib. 4. Diodor. Sicul. lib. 20.) OF GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES OF NAVAL SPOILS. When victory was obtained, the conquerors rode home, laden with the fpoils of their enemies, and dragging after them the captive (hips. The admiral, the foldiers and mariners, (Xenoph. Hifl. lib. 2. Poly an. lib, 4.) as well as- their (hips, were adorned with crowns and garlands ; (Diodor. Sicul. Jib. 1 3. Fitruv. lib. 2. cap. 8.) with wrecks, and broken pieces of the (hips deftroyed in the fight, ef- pecially the apAara, ax^or&Aia xoovpSa, ! and other ornamental parts ; (Howir.) Thefe \vere called xcoTjflta, and to deprive a (hip of them axgurr.gia,- gw-, (Xenoph. Hift. lib. 6.) Thus they returned home, filling the fea with hymns and acclamations of joy, and with the harmony of muiital inflru-' ments; (Plutarch. Lyfand.} They immediately proceeded to the temples of the gods, where they dedicated the choicefh fpoils, fometimes even fome of the veffels they had taken ; (Diod. Sicul. lib. 12. Herodot. lib. 8.) The remainder of the fpoils they beftowed in the porticos, and other public places of their city. To the victors, ftatue?, in- fcriptions, and trophies were erected, which were adorned with arms, and broken wrecks ; and which, were hence deemed tokens of victory ; (Thucyd. lib. j.PoIyb. Hift. lib. 16. cap. 3.) OF NAVAL PUNISHMENTS. Their principal punifhment was whipping with cords ; which was fometimes inflicted upon crimi- nals, with their heads thruft out of the port holes, and their bodies within the (hip j (Herodot. Terp- NAVAL PUNISHMENTS. 351 fell.) Sometimes they were tied with cords to a fhip, and dragged into the waters till they were drowned. Others were thrown alive into the fea* Amvpaxpi, thofe who refufed to obey the fummons to ferve, were, with their pofterity, condemned to T/*I, infamy; (Suidas.) AITTOVOWTKI, deferters, were bound with cords and whipped, and fome- times had their hands cut off; (Demofthenes. Snijas.) 35* GRECIAN ANTIQUITIESi OF THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE GREEKS. OF THEIR. FUNERALS. It is faid that Pluto firft taught the Greeks the manner of performing their laft offices to the dead; (Dio dor* Skill lib. 5. cap. 15 ) Thefe duties were thought of the higheft importance, and the neglect of them a crime of the greateft magnitude. The memory of the dead was preferved with religious care, and their remains were honoured with reverence and adoration. Thofe who offended in this point were branded with infamy, and fubject to a fevere pe- nalty; (Demofth. Or at. in Leptin. Plutarch, Solon.) To perform their funeral rites was confidered fo facred, that they who neglected to difcharge this office, were thought accurfed. Hence thefe rites were called ^txata, vo^i^y vopi^opsvot, sQiptz, onx, &c. They believed that their fouls could not be admit- ted into the Elyfian fhades, till their bodies were depofited in the earth; (Homer Iliad $.) and if thefe rites were altogether omitted, that they would be excluded for an hundred years. Hence the re- quefts of dying men are fo frequent; (Homsn Odyff. A. v. 66. 72.) Hence, of all curfes that was the greateft, that a perfon might a-atpog unriimiv j0ovo?, die without the honours of burial : and of all deaths, that by mipwreck was deemed the moft ter- , rible; (Ovid.) Thus, if they were in danger of be- ing caft away, it was ufual to faften the moft valuable ftores to their body, with a direction to thofe who might FUNERALS. 353 frnight find the body, if it fhould be caft upon fhore, to give them human burial, and offering their ftores as a compenfation for the trouble ; (Meurs. in Lycophr. Caff. v. 367.) In any cafe, it was conftdered not only an act of the greatefl in- humanity to neglect to perform thefe offices, (Mti- an. Var. Hi ft. 5. cap. 14.) but a crime, fufficient to provoke the vengeance of the infernal gods; (Sophoct* Schol. Antig.) He who thus offended was deemed profane and polluted, till he had fubmitted to the accuflomed purifications, and appeafed the incenfed gods. It was not required, in all cafes, that the fo- lemnities fhould be ftrictly performed ; for if a travel- ler was in unufual hafte* it was fufficient to caft three handfuls of foft earth upon the carcafe, (Horat. lib* i. Od. 28* v. 36. Quintil. Declam. 5. 6. Ceslius Rhcd. lib. 17. cap. 20.) one of which was to be thrown upon the head. If the body of any perfon had been interred in hade, and it was afterwards found by any of his friends, it was honoured with a fecond funeral j (Firg. jEn. 3. v. 62. and 67.) It was thought to be a great misfortune, if their bodies had not been prepared for burial by their relations, and interred in the fepulchres of their family ; (An- thol. Epig. -lib. 3. cap. 25. Ep. 75. Sophocl. Elettr* v. 1134.) The ames of thofe who died in a foreign country were ufually brought home, and interred in the fepulchre of their anceftors. This pious care of the bodies of the dead was extended alfo to flaves j (Demoflh. Orat> in Macart.) and was eileemed fo necelTary, that the candidates for the magiflracy at Athens were examined, as to the due celebration of the funerals, and proper care of the monuments of their relations; (Xenoph. de Dift. So f rat. lib. 2.) A A It 354 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: It was alfo a grievous crime to be gay and cheerful before the ufual time of mourning expired ; (^Ef- chin.) The perfons of the priefts who officiated at funerals were highly refpedlcd, and their goods were regarded with religious veneration ; (Plutarch. Grxc. Qiitfft. 21.) There were fome crimes, however, which were fo heinous, as to prevent the perfons guilty of them from all rites of burial. Public or private enemies were deemed unworthy of partaking of this privi- lege ; (Homer IL u. Horn. II. p/. Iliad n.Ovid. in Ibin. v. 304. Paufan. Exotic.) Thofe who were confpirators or traitors to their country were ex- cluded from the rites of burial ; (Diodor. Sicul. lib. 1 6. cap. 6. Paufan. MeJJen. Plutarch. Paufan. Plutarch. Phocion* Cornel. Nep. Phodon. Valer. Max. lib. 5. cap. 3.) Thofe who refufed to act in defence of their country in times of extremity; (Horn. II. Lv. 384. Iliad $. 391.) Tyrants, who were pronounced enemies to their country; (Plutarch, lib. deHom. Horn. Odyff.y. i^. Paufan. Corinth.) perfons guilty of fuicide ; (Art/lot. Ethic. Nicomac. lib. 5. cap. 2. Pkilqftr. Heroic. Herodot. Call. cap. 70.) (although on fome occafions, it feems to have been confidered as the effect of a laudable courage, to put a period to their lives,) (Plato de Leg. lib. 9.) and perfons guilty of faerilege, were threatened with this punifhment ; (Diodcr. Sicul. lib. 16. cap. 6, Paufan. Lacon.) Perfons, killed by lightning, were buried apart by themfelves, being thought hateful to the gods ; (Euripid.) or in the place where they died; (Artemidor.lib. 2. cap. 8.) Some fay, they had no interment, but were fuffered to rot in the pkcc where they fell, which was hedged in 9 to FUNERALS. 355 to prevent others from contrading pollution from it ; (Perjius. Sat. 2. ^.27.) as were all places which had been flruck with thunder ; (Plutarch. Pyrrh.) Thofe who wafted their patrimony were denied the right of being buried in the fepulchre of their fathers; (Diogen. Laert. Democrit.) The bodies of thofe who died in debt belonged to their creditors, and were refufed burial, till fatisfaction was made. Some criminals who fuffered capital punifhment were de- prived of burial j thofe who died upon the crofs or were impaled, were allowed frequently to be de- voured by birds or beads of prey ; (Horat. lib. i . Ep. 1 6. Juvenal. Sat. 16. 77.) If the carcafe was fpared by the beafts, it commonly remained upon the crofs till it was put rifled i (Sil. ItaL lib. 13. Herodot. Thai Cicer. Tufa. gjuxft. lib. i.) Jn fome places it was ufual to inter the bodies of infants who had no teeth, without confuming them to afhes ; (Plin. Nat. Hift.lib. 7. JuvenaL Sat. 15. 139.) If thofe who had urred public hatred had ob- tained the rites of burial, it was ufual to leap upon their tombs, and to caft ftones at them, in token of their abhorrence; (Euripid. Ekttr.) They fre- quently dragged facrilegious perfons from their graves, after they had been decently interred; (Pin- tarch* de Ser. Numin. VindiR.) Traitors, who had been buried, were again taken from their tombs ; (Lycurg. Oral, in Leocr.) and the bones of tyrants feldom refted in the grave; (Plutarch. Dime. Diogen. Laert. Pcriand. Euripid. Med. 1378.) TREATMENT OF THE SICK AND THE DEAD. When any one was feized with a dangerous dif- order, branches of rhamn and laurel were fixed over A A a his 3J 6 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: his door; (Laerf. in Vtt. Bion.) The branch of rhamn lecmsto have been defigned to keep off evil fpirits; that of laurel was to render the god of phyfic propitious, Thefe boughs were called UVTWKS. Ail fudden deaths of men were imputed to Apollo; (Horn. Iliad . 757.) The fudden death of women was attributed to Diana ; (Horn. II. . 205. //. r. 59. Odyf. o. 406. Odyjf. X. 1 70.) Apollo was taken for the fun, and Diana for the moon, which were believed to have a great influence on human life; (Euftath. Horn. II. . 205. and II. r. 59.) Dead perfons were fuppofed to be under the jurif- diclion of the infernal deities ; no one could refign his life therefore till fome of his hairs were cut off, to conlecrate him to them ; (Euripid. Alt eft. 74. Macrob. Saturn, lib. 5. cap. 19. Virgil. Mn. 4. 694. Horat. \. 28. 20. Mart. iii. 43.) When they perceived the pangs of death coming upon them, they prayed to Mercury; whofe office it was to con- vey the ghofts to the (hades below, (Vahr. Max. lib. 2. cap. 6. Horn. Odvff. . i. Virg. jEn. 4. 242. Hor. L Qd. 10. v. 17. and Od. 24. v. 18.) Thefc prayers were termed ifyrngM iu^* ; (Etym. AuR.) Their friends perceiving them about to die, attended their death-bed, to catch their dying words, which they never repeated without reverence ; (Horn. II. u. 743.) and kilfed them, at taking their laft farewell, endeavouring to receive the laft breath in their mouth ; believing their fouls to expire with them, and enter into their bodies ; (Euripid. Herac. 600. Euripid. Ale eft. 403. Horn. II. u. 743. JEn. 4. 685.) At the time of their death, it was ufual to beat brazen kettles, by which they thought to drive away evilfpirits; (Theocrit. Schol. Idyll. 2. v. 36.) TREATMENT OF THE SICK, ftc, 357 v. 36.) that they might not be hurried away by the furies to the place of torment ; (Virgil. Mn. 6. 540.) To die was, literally, bvwxuv, and &7ro$wuxwx\ ; (Plu- tarch. in Cicer.) vraQziv n -, (Horn. II. . 295. Eurip. Ph#. 1 400.) It was a great fatisfaclion to dying perfons to depart in a decent poflure; (Sueton. in Aitgufl. 99.) They ufually clofed the mouth of the dead perfon ; (Horn. Odyff. x.v. 425.) and then covered his face ; ( Euripid. Hippolyt. 1458.) It was coniidered a mis- fortune to want the lad attentions of their friends; (Sophocl. Eleftr.) Private funerals were conducted at the charge of their relations ; the expence of pub- lic funerals was defrayed from the public treafury. Before the body was cold, they ilretched the mem- bers out to their proper length ; which was called xTiviv or o^9ouv; (Euripid. HippoL 786. 1458.) The body was then walhed; (Euripid. Alcejl. 156.) which A A 3 office 35* GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: office was commonly performed by the female rela- tions of the deceafed ; (Plat. Ph pT(cv, or QtgtTfov, which they adorned with various forts of flowers ; which office was alfo performed by their near relations ; (Lyfias. Or At. de Cad. Erat. Dio. lib. 58.) They laid them out near the entrance of the houfe ; which being fometimes called Tr^vwTnov, dead men were fome- tirnes called Tr^oi/omK ; (Euripid. Alceflid.) This was done that the body might be open to public infpedion, that it might be feen if any wound or violence was the occallon of the death ; (Pollux, lib. 8* cap. 7.) In this part of the ceremony, the feet were always turned towards the gate, (Perfius. Sat. 3. v. 103. Horn* Iliad, r. 214.) to lignify that they were never to return. Here the body was conftantly watched, left any violence, fhould be offer- ed to it ; (Horn. II. T. 214.) or left flies and vermin Ihould pollute it; (Horn. II. r. 23.) Before inter- ment, a piece of money was put into the mouth of the corpfe, which was thought to be the fare of Charon for wafting the foul over the infernal river. This was called yfcx(3Wa, (Suidas.) or &*/*?, (He- fychius.) $ ^En.^.) The ancient burials feem to have been upon the third or fourth day after the death 3 (Argonaut, lib. 2 ,) fome- times on the day following \t'>(Callimach. Laertius, Fit. Pherec.) The ceremony was performed in the day : the night was deemed improper, on account of 5 the FUNERAL PROCESSIONS. 361 the evil fpirits which were at that time fuppofed to venture abroad; (Euripid.Troad.^6.) Young men only were buried in the morning twilight, becaufe the death of a young perfon was thought a dreadful calamity, and too impious to reveal it in the face of day. It was ufual to carry torches at the burials, though performed in the day ; hence the term im rw oaftx, T j3*a, when men are faid to advance to the torch of their life -, (Plutarch, lib. an Sen, Capeff. Sit. Rtfp.) The Athenians only celebrated their funerals before fun-rife ; (Cicer. de Leg. lib. 2. Demoflh. Qrat.inMacart.) The bearers carried the corpfe upon their moulders; (Euripid.Akefi. 60 7,) The body was fometimes placed upon a bier; inftead of which, the Spartans frequently ufed their bucklers ; (Virg. Mn. 10, $06.} The ancient Grecians feem to have car- ried the dead bodies to the grave without fupport ; (Euftath. in Iliad. ty.Euripid. Rhes. 886 J The friends and relations ufually attended the funerals, and fometimes others who were invited ; although, to prevent confufion and expence, at fome places, none but relations were allowed to attend. Women, who were not relations, under threefcore years of age were not allowed to attend ; (Lyfias.Orat.proEratoft.) but feemed to follow in a body by themfelves 3 (Cerent. Andr.) They fome- times put on mourning ; yet the funerals of illuftri- ous men were often celebrated with expreflions of joy and feftive folemnities ; (Pint arch, in TimoJ. Plutarch. Arat.) When the body was conveyed out of the houfe, they took their laft farewell, fa- luting it, and uttering a certain form of words $ (Eurip.Alceft. 608 .) The proceffion was ufually on horieback or on carnages - 3 but upon peculiar oc- cafions of rcfpeft, on foot ; (Diogen.Laeri Tbeophr.) The $6z GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: The relations followed next the corpfe ; the reft walked fome diflance off: fometimes the men went before it with uncovered heads, the women follow- ing it. Patroclus was carried, furrounded by fol- diers j (Horn. Iliad \|/.j The ufual way was for the body to go firft, the mourners to follow ; (Terent. Andr.) by which cuftom they were reminded of their own mortality; (Donatus. in Ter. Andr. Alex. ab. Alex. lib. 3. cap. 8 .) At the funerals of magiftrates, as well as of foldiers, their enligns of honour were inverted. To perform this ceremony they called wrtpirsiv, TrafonrfpTrtw and (Euripid. Tread. 446.) MOURNING FOR THE DEAD. The Greeks ufually expreffed their forrow by ab- ftaining from banquets and feflivals, by baniming from their houfes all mufical inftruments, and, as much as pofTible,abfenting themfelves from places of gaiety and mirth ; (Euripid. Alcejl. 343. Horn. Odvjf. A. 1 01.) They avoided fociety and converfation, and frequented dark and folitary places, which they thought bore fome refemblance to their misfortunes ; (Plutarch. ConfoL ad Ux.) hence it was deemed an omen of death for any one to dream that a fire was cxtinguiihed during the ficknefs of any in the fame family; (Artemidor.tib. ^. cap. y.) They laid afide their jewels, and whatever was coftly and ornamental in their apparel; (Lycophr. CaJ}\ v. 859.^ This cuftom alfo prevailed at the time of any great calamity ; (Euripid. Troad. 2 $6.) Their mourning garments were always black; (Ovid. Met. 6. Fab. %.Met. 8. Fab. 4. Plutarch, in^ rn s&vr. Eurip. HeL 1094. Alceft. 215. 427.^ and of a coarfe MOURNING FOR THE DEAD. 363 a coarfe and cheap tia& 2.fc. $.) They were accuflomed to tear, cut off,andfometimes to (have their hair ; (Euripid. Or eft. Horn. Odyjf. f, 197. w. 45. Herod.ii. JElian. 7. 8. ) which was ufually thrown upon the dead body, as a mark of af- fedion ; (Homer. II. ty. 135. Stat. Theb. 6.} or to caft it into the funeral pile, to be confumed with the body ; (Horn. Iliad $.) It was fometimes laid upon the grave; (XjchyL'^fii^.) Upon the death of men of eminence and valour, it was not unufual for whole cities and countries to be fhaved. This ceremony was obierved, becaufe, as long hair was confidered as very becoming, they might appear carelefs and negligent of their beauty, and to render the ghoft of the dead perfon propitious, by throwing the hair, together with the body, into the fire. In times of public mourning they extended this cuftom even to their beads; (Euripid. Alceft. *u. 428. Plutarch. Pelopid. Plutarch. Ariftid.) the battlements were removed from the walls of the city, that even towns might feem to mourn ; (Plutarch. Pelopid.) The practice of (having the head was at fome times a fign of joy, as when mariners (haved upon their deliver- ance from (hipwreck ; (Juven. Sat. 12. 8 a. Arte- mid. lib. i. cap. 23. Plin. Epifl. Lycophr. Caff. 973-} ^ is a lf feid* tnat tne pradlice of (having was obferved only by the women, and that the men let their hair grow ; (Plutarch. Rom. Quxft.) on the contrary, it feems the moft prevailing cuftom for women to wear long hair, as a token of forrow, and for the men to cut it off; (Ovid. Ariadn. Thef. Terent. Hautont. afl.~2. fc. 3 J This difference may be reconciled, by confidcring the manner in which they were fhaved, whether by themfelves or others, 364 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: others, (Artemidor. lib. i. cap. 23. ) and the peculiar cuftom of different nations; (Herodot. lib. i. cap. 82. Plutarch. Lyfand. Alex, ab Alex. Gen. Dier. lib. 5.) Perfons in affliction fometimes exprelfed their grief by rolling their bodies in the duft ; (Ovid. Met. lib. 8. v. 528. Homer Iliad . 637.) or by covering their head with afhes; (Homer Iliad v. v. 23.) When they went abroad, they muffled their heads; (Anthol. lib. 5. cap. 23. Euripid. Supplic. 110.) They fometimes leaned their head upon their hands, as a token of forrow ; (Euripid. Helen. 377.) and moved along with a flow and lan- guid pace. They beat their breads and thighs, and tore their flefh with their nails ; which was a practice more ufual among women, (Noun. Dionys. lib. 9. 1 8. Virgil, JEn. 4. 63 7.) and was afterwards forbidden ; (Plutarch. Solon. Cicero de Legib.) The Spartans bore the death of their relations with great moderation, but bewailed the lofs of great men with tearing their flefh with pins and needles ; (Servius in Virg. Mn* 3.) They folemnly curfed, and accufed their gods; (Statius Sylv. lib. 5. tfheb. 3.) infomuch that they fometimes pulled down their altars, and facked their temples ; ( Eu- ripid. J They fometimes muttered the interjection i, c, *; hence, it is faid, funeral lamentations were called lAsyot, elegies ; (Schol. in Ariftoph. Androm. JEfchyl. 77/^.323.^ When any public magiflrate or perfon of eminence died, the fchools of exercife, the baths, (hops, temples, and places of entertain- ment were (hut, and all public meetings fufpended ; (Diogen. Laert. Socrat.) Mourners and muficians were employed to add to the Iblemnity, who were called O^vccv ify^xs ; (Homer.) MOURNING FOR THE DEAD. (Homer.) becaufe they tried to excite forrow, by beating their breads and counterfeiting grief. They were alfo called aotJc*, Tr^offWoj, &JG. from the fongs they fung at funerals. One fong feems to have been fung in the proceffion, another at the funeral pile, and a third at the grave ; which were called j / ~ cAo0t'0^,oj Xii/oi, and aX;voi y lometimes I&XEMOI, troin lalemus, fon of Clio, and the firft author of thefe fongs. They were alfo called rax^o;, hence ruXs- fAirat is a name for mourning women. They were chiefly mean and inelegant compofitions : (Suidas. Plant. Afin. Eurip. Supp. iSi.Troad. 600.) Mufical inftruments feem to have been ufed to excite forrow ; for which reafon the AV^*, a cheerful inftrument, was never ufed at thefe folemnities; (Euripid. Alceft.^Q.^) The auXo*, a kind of Phry- gian flute, was commonly ufed at thefe times; (Statins ^heb. lib. 6. v. 120.) as well as the Carian flute ; hence the muficians and mourners were called x*ivo, (Hefyckius.) and the funeral fong xa^xn /uao-a; (Pollux, lib. 3.) The Myfian, (JLfchyl. SchoL Perf.) and Lydian flutes were alfo ufed as inftruments of forrow ; (Plutarch. Lucian de Lttflu. Eurip. Tread. 126. SchoL Arifioph. Av. INTERMENT AND BURNING OF THE DEAD. It feems to have been the pradice of the moft early ages (Cicer. de Leg. lib. 2. Schol. Horn. II. .) in Greece, to inter their dead ; that of burning them was afterwards introduced, and, as fome fay, by Hercules. It is certain that the cuftom of burning was in ufe in the Trojan war; (Lucian. Plat. Phxd. Euftath. II. .) The reafons affigned for it are, 366 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES* are, becaufe bodies were confidered polluted after the foul's departure ; (Ruripid.) or that the foul being ieparated from the grofs matter, might take its flight to the heavenly manfions - 9 (Euflath. in IL a. Quintil. Declam. 10. Lycophr. Caff, 44.) The piles, on which dead bodies were burned, were called 7TUai. The body was placed upon the top of the pile , if, of a perfon of eminence, many ani- mals, fometimes many flaves or captives, were con- fumed with him, together with a quantity of pre- cious ointments and perfumes ; (Horn. II. i}>. 1 66.) The body was fometimes covered with the fat of beads, that it might be fpeedily reduced to ames ; (Euftath. in II. ty. 166.) Where many bodies were to be burnt on the fame pile, they were fo placed, that thofe of moid conftitutions, proportioned to thofeof a contrary temperament, mould increafe the force of the flames; (Plutarch. Symp. lib. 3. Quaft. ^.-Macrob. Sat. lib. 7. tap. 7.) infomuch that for ten men it was ufual to put in one woman. Soldiers ufually were burnt together with their arms ; (Horn. Odyff. A. 74.) The garments they had worn were alfo thrown upon the pile. The Athenians indeed became fo profufe in their liberality to the dead, that they were afterwards reilrained from burying with their bodies more than one red garment, or a few branches of olive; (Plutarch. Lycurg.) and thefe only were allowed to a perfon of eminence. Solon allowed three garments and one ox ; (Plu- tarch. Solon.) At Cheronaea, triofe who were lavifh at funerals, were punimed for effeminacy by the cenfors of women ; (Plutarch. Solon.) The pile was fet on fire by fome of the neareft relations, who prayed and offered vows to the winds to aflift the flames, INTERMENT, &c. OF THE DEAD. 367 flames, that the body might be quickly confumed ; (Horn. Iliad \f/. 194.) At the funerals of high commanders, the foldiers and attendants made a folemn proceflion three times round the pile, to exprefs their refpect to the dead ; (Horn. IL vj/.) This was called irf^opi; (Statins Theb. 6. v. 213.) in this motion, they turned to the left hand, as ex- preflive of forrow ; (Stat. Theb. 6. 221.) Thefe motions were accompanied with fhouts and found of trumpet, (Valer. Place. Argon, lib. 3.) while the pile was burning; (Virg. jEn. n. 188.) The friends of the dead perfon flood by the pile, while it was burning, pouring forth libations of wine, and calling upon the deceafed \ (Horn. IL \J/.) When the pile was burnt down, and the flames had ceafed, they extinguifhed with wine the remains of the fire, and collected the bones and afiVs -> (Horn. IL v. 791.) which office was alfo performed by the relations ; (Hnt8us.) The bones were fometimes warned with wine and anointed with oil ; (Homer Odyff. . 7 1 .) and fometimes inclofed in fat ; (Horn. IL fy. 252.) It was ufual to place the body in the middle of the pile, and the bodies of the men and beails burnt with it were placed on the fides, that the bones might be eafily diftinguifhed ; (Hom.lL \}/.) The bones being thus diftinguifhed, they gathered the afhes which lay clofe to them ; which were dc- pofited in urns, called xaX-Trai, piaAai, x^wixt,oroJ ( o^iia,&c. The urns were made of filver, gold, wood, ftone or earth, according to the condition of the dead perfon. The urns of people of rank were frequently adorned with flowers and garlands; fometimes they were covered with cloths, till they were depofited in the earth ; (Horn. IL 368 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: //. . //. 4*.) The bodies lay in the urns, whert they were interred, with their faces upwards ; and the heads were fo placed as to look towards the rifing fun; (Thucyd. Schol.) The Megarenfians, it is faid, placed their dead towards the eaft, but the reft of Greece towards the weft ; (Plutarch. Solon. Milan. Var.Eift. lib. 7. cap. 19.) At Me- gara, it was the cuftom to bury three or four bodies in the fame fepulchre ; but at Athens, only one ; (Plutarch. Solon.) except in inftances of near rela- tionfhip; (Agath. Epigr. Ovid. Met. 4. 154. > Euripid. Alctfi. 365. Horn. II. ij/. Horn. Odyff.v. 76. Ovid. Met. lib. n.v. 702. //. w. 795.) TOMES AND MONUMENTS. The early Greeks buried in places prepared for the purpofe in their own houfes; (Plat. Min.) The Thebans had a law to enjoin every one to provide a repoiitory for their dead in their own houfes. It was a common practice to bury within the moft public and frequented places of their cities; (Plutarch. T/iem. Xenoph. EAA^*. lib* 7. Pindar. Schol.) Honours were fometimespaid, and tombs eredted to the dead, in temples - t (Plu+ tar eh, Arifiid.) as a high mark of public efteem* (Euripid. Med. 1378.) In later times they buried their dead without their cities, and chiefly by the highways. The Spartans were allowed to bury within the city, as it mould feem, to reftrain that fuperftition which was common among them, of being afraid of feeing or touching a dead perfon \ (Plutarch. Lycurg.) Every family had its peculiar place of interment, to be deprived of which was re- puted TOMBS AND MONUMENTS. 369 puted the greateft calamity ; (Jttjlin. lib. 3 .) There Was a law therefore to deprive thofe of the fepulchre of their fathers, who had wafted their inheritance ; (Laertius Democr.) The cdmmon graves in the earlieft ages of Greece we're caverns dug in the earth, called wroyatu; (Honi. //. w.797.) thofe of later times were paved with ftone, and arched over, arid adorned with as much art as their houfes; and it was not unufual for mourners to aflemblein thefe vaults to bewail the lofs of their re- lations; (Petron* Arbit.) Kings and men of high rank were ufualiy buried at the feet of mountains ;(Servws in &n. i i.Aurel. de Grig. Gent. Rom. Virg. /En. n.) Hence appears the cuftom of railing a mount upon the graves of perfons of high rank ; (Lucan. lib. 8.) which fometimes confided of ftone; (Euripid. HlppoL) fometimes of earth; which was called y^^y. > (Euripid* Htciib. 221. J fometimes ^ftvc-j/^a, (Horn* II. w. 80 1. //. $>.) %wn>u.) The ancient Mm/una, confifted of the grave or tomb, called alfo o-7ryjxiov, TU^C?, &c. 5 and of the ground furrounding the grave, which was fenced about with pales or walls, ufualiy open at the top, and therefore fometimes called mr*fyt)^ it was alfb called ysurov, D^iyxo?, in^icikwjU^ (Payfanias.) xgyn-if, rxMru, &c. Tombs of ftone were polimed with greater art; (Euripid. Alceft. 836. Euripid. Helen. 992.) and anciently adorned with pillars of ftone ; (Lycopkr. Caff. 557. Theocrit. Diofcur.) called faov TreTfov, Kyot.\p at^ao ; (Pindar- Ntm Oaf. IO. Euripid. Alceft. 836. Hel. 992.) The pillars of ftone were called rjAi, containing frequently infcriptions in verfe of the family, virtues and fer- B a vices j7 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: vices of the dead ; (Horn. II. x. 37 1 ^ 434. Pin- dar. Nem.Od. 10.) The Sicyonians had no infcrip- tions ; (Paufan. Corinth.) and the Spartans were only allowed to infcribe the names of thofe who died in war, or of women who died in childbed - 9 (Plutarch. Lycurg.) Sometimes the infcription contained fome moral aphorifrn , or, when there was no infcription, the effigies of the dead man, or fome emblem of his character was added ; fdc. Tufr. Qiitejt. v. 23. Diod. 78.) Virgins had commonly the image of a maid with a velTel of water upon their tombs; (Pollux, lib. S.cap.j.) alluding to a cuftom of carrying water to the fepul- chres of unmarried maids. There were alfo various emblematical figures according to particular cha- racters; (Antipat. Epigr. in Lyjid.) Upon the tomb of Diogenes a dog was engraven, to denote the tem- per of his feet j the tomb of Ifocrates was adorned with the image of a fyrenj that of Archimedes with a fphere and cylinder. Sometimes they fixed upon the graves the in- ftruments which the dead had ufed -, as, the weapons offoldiers, the oars of mariners, and the tools of artifts; (Homer Odyff. A'. 75. Mneid. 4.) Hence their graves were called P. //. iQ.-t-Diog. Laert. 8. 34. "TibulL i.. 6. v. ij.l'er. Run. acl. %.fc. 2.) Thefe crumbs were carried to the tomb, and there left for the ghofts to eat. Thefe entertainments confifled of flefh, and all forts of pulfe, (Plutarch. Problem.) beans, peas, lettuces, eggs, parfley, &c. They chiefly converfed at them upon the merits and qua- lities of the dead perfon ; (Cicer. de. Leg. z. 25.) At Argos, it was ufual to facrifice to Apollo, im- mediately after mourning ; and thirty days after, to Mercury. They gave the barley of the facrifice to the prieft of Apollo ; the flefli they took them- felves ; and having extinguifhed the fire of the facrifice, which they thought polluted, they kindled another, on which they boiled the flefh, calling it yxi/i fometimes burned in caverns ; (Petron. c. 1 1 1.) The victims of the facriflces to the dead, were black and barren heifers, or black fheep, (Horn. Odyjf. A. 29. Eurip. E/eftr. 513. Senec. CEdipod. 556.- JEn. 5. 97. 6. 243. Odyjf. x. 522.) which they ufually facrificed in cavities of the earth. The firft thing they offered was the hair upon the forehead of the victim, hence called 7ra^i, and to offer it wf^(r9* ; (Plom. Qdyjf. y. 445. Iliad. . 422. Eurip. Oreft. 96. ) Their common offerings were liba- tions of blood, honey, milk, water, &<:.,( SophocLEl* 436. JEn. 5. 77. Eurip. Oreft. 115.) The Athe- nians were forbidden wxyifriv fixv, to offer an ox on this occafion ; (Ptytarch. Solon.) They ufually fprinkled barley flour upcn thefacriflce;f//(9w. Odyjf. X. 26.) Honey was feldom omitted, being conlidered as Oavaris ) There were feveral forms of betrothing; (Clem. Alexand* Stromat. lib. 2.) in which fometimes the dowry was mentioned ; (Xe- noph. Ku^oTT. lib. 8.) The perfons to be married plighted their faith to each other, and to their re- lations, (Achill. fat. lib. 5.) by the ceremony of killing each other, or giving their right hands; which was the ufual form of ratifying all agree- ments j (Euripid. Iphig. in Aul. 831.) The The- bans plighted their faith at the monument of lo- laus, a lover of Hercules, and who was believed to fuperintend the affairs of love ; (Plutarch. Pelop.) In the early times, women were purchafed by their hufbands, and married without portions j and the prefents of the hufbands to the women's rela- tions were called her dowry ; (Ariftot. Polit. lib. 2. cap. 8.) But this cuftom was foon laid aiide; (Euripid. Mad. 230.) Hence the eiTential differ- ence between yuvi and TTAX*X, wife and concubine; wives always having dowries, which the latter never had j (Platttus Trinum.) Hence thofe who married wives without a fortune, commonly gave them f - xwa, an inftrument of writing, by which the receipt of their dowry was owned, which gave her a title to greater freedom and diftinction j (Euripid. Andro- ma.} and were ufuaily dyed, (Suidas, v. B7nra.) and, with their at- tendants, richly adorned, accord ing to their rank, and decked with garlands of various herbs and flowers ; (Euripid. Ipkig. in Aul. 903.) The herbs were thofe which ufuaily exprefFed fome alluiion to the affairs of marriage, as thofe facred to Venus, or r. Adelph. aft. $.fa 7. Evftath. in //. xO When the bridegroom entered the houfe with Bis bride, figs and other fruits were poured upon their heads, as an omen of future plenty ; (SchoL in Anjloph. Pint.) The day of the bride leaving her father's houfe was called ^oc-^at^T^i*, (Suidas. and celebrated as a fcftival, diftinft from. MARRIAGE. 393 from the nuptial fblemnity 5 which was kept at the bridegroom's houfe, and began at evening, the time of the bride's arrival, A banquet was prepared for her reception, called yapo? ; (Horn. II. T,) hence Jan* yot,pw, is to make a nuptial entertainment ; (Horn. IL T. 2 99. Odyjf. $. 1 8.) it was prepared from refpecl: due to the gods of marriage, who were in- voked before; and that the marriage might be made public, (Athene, lib. 5. cap. i.) as it wasufually at- tended by a eoncourfe of friends ; (Cerent. Phorm, aft. 4. fc. 4.) During the folemnity, the gods of marriage were honoured with mufic and dancing. Thefe fongs were called D^VOHO* or ujuwt ; (Homer. Hefiod. Terent. Adelph.) from the frequent invocations made to Hymen, the god of marriage. Hymen or HymencBus was an Argive, who was received into the number of their gods, (Horn. Schol. IL v. v. 593.) on account of a generous action exhibited, in delivering fome Athenian virgins from the viola- tion of the Pelafgians. Some derive the word * iii. 3.) OaXa/AOf, and ny,?^ ; (Hefych. H- fiath. //. y. MufaiiS) 280.) in which was the nup tial bed, called Ar^o? xow&ois (Arijhph. PJ.IC. 84.4.) jv>i vvpQtiu,- (Pind. Nem. OcL v.) xAuuj ^y,a- i, and yafttxovj (Pollux, iii. 3. -- Meurs. Left. Attic. \\. 9.) It was richly adorned, and the coverings were ufuaily of purple, fD^ A 7 ^/. P^/. f/ ket. v. 1402.) and fhrewed with flowers j (Apollox. Argon. 4. 1141.) In the lame room there was ufuaily a lide bed, called xAw wa^urff, (Htfychius. Pollux^ lib. 3. cap. 3.) Before they went to bed, the bride wafhed her feet, (Ariftoph.. Pace.) with water, from the fountain Emaxfsxo?, to called from nine cifterns which it fupplied with water. It was once called Callirhoe. The water was brought by a boy, near- ly t related to one of them, and whom they cal- led XBTgopofpjj (Suidiis. -Pollux i lib. 3. cap. 3.) The bride was attended with feveral torches ; (Libantus Dec/am. 38.) round one of which the mother of the bride tied the lace which fhe took from her head; (Senec.Theb. v. 505.) At this folemnity, if was thought a misfortune, if the rela- tions did not attend^ and it was a cuftom, that the mother fliould light the torches when her fon's wife entered, the houfe ; {Euripid. Ph^nijs. v. 339.) The mother of the bride fometimes performed. this office; (Euripid. Iphig. in Aid. 731.) When the married couple were (hut up together, according to the Athenian law, they were obliged to eat a quince ; (Plutarch. Solon. Id. in Cottjiig. Precept.) The hufband then looted the girdle of his wife ; hence Autiv WMJK, is to deflower, and yuv>j Auo-i^wvof, a womaiji MARRIAGE. 395 a woman who has loft her virg'mity. This girdle was not worn only by virgins, but ufed fometimes after marriage, to fecure them from the attacks of feducers; (Nonnus,.lib, 12.) Girls were called uproot, not having a girdle, as not being yet arrived at maturity. The young people flood without the door, dancing and linging longs, called *7n0a- >.auia,from 0x#uof, the bride-chamber, y and making a great noiie, which was called xruTna or xruTno* ; (Hefyckius.) One of the bridegroom's friends flood at the door of the chamber, who was called 0uf ug o? ; (Pollux, lib, 3. cap. 3.) All the longs were called Tpivfciof, and celebrated the praifes of the young .couple y (Theocritus.) In the morning the friends returned, faluted them, and fung 7n9*Aa/xa sy^-nxa, becaufe they were defigned to awake them. The . fong which they fung the preceding night, was called *7n0aAa/*a xojjcfcurixa, which was intended to difpofe them to ileep; (Theocritus.) The folemnity continued for fsveral days. The day before the marriage was called -jr^ouAjas, from auA*io"6 ro> i/u/^.(j)iw, to lodge with the bridegroom. The day of marriage was called HT].) It feems to have been not unufual to borrow the wives of one another ; (er- tuJLApol.cap, 39. Plutarch. Lycurg.) even flrangers were allowed this liberty ; (Nicolaus de Morib. ap Stoba.) Other adulteries, which were not founcU ed DIVORCES AND ADULTERIES. 397 ed upon mutual confent, were deemed the mod heinous crimes, and feldom committed ; (Plutarch. Lyturg*) ADULTERY. The punimments inflicted upon adulterers were of various forts; in the early ages, this crime was the caufe of war and bloodfhed; (Herodot.lib. i.~ Lycophr. Caff'. 1291.) Offenders of this kind were fometimes Honed to death ; (Horn. II. y.) Rich men were allowed to redeem themfelves with mo- ney, which was called ^oi^xy^x, and paid to the hufband of the adultrefs ; (Horn. Odyff. 0. v. 329. 354.) It was ufual for the woman's father to re- turn all the dowry he had received of her hufband; (Hom.Odyff. 0. v. 317.) Sometimes the adulterer was punimed with the lofs of his eyes; (Servius in Mneid. Apollodor. lib. 3. Lycophr. Ca/. $11. Valer. Max. lib. 6. cap. 5.) In Crete, they covered the adulterer with wool, as an emblem of effemi- nacy ; and thus he was carried to the magiftrate's houfe, by whom he was deprived of his civic rights; (Callus Rhodig. lib. 21. cap. 45.) The punimments of this crime at Athens feem to have been left to the difcretion of the magiftrate ; (Pau- fan.Baot. Eeradid. dePolit.Athen.)'by the laws of Draco, they were left at the mere}' of the perfon who caught them ; (Paufan. Boeotic. Demqflk. in Arijto- crat. Plutarch. Solon. Lyfjas. Orat.) By the laws of Solon thofe who caught adulterers, had liberty to caftrate or murder them. A man who ravifhed a wo- man was fined one hundred drachms; one who en- ticed her, twenty ; (Plutarch. Solon.) he who forced a free virgin, one thouiand drachms; and whoever de- flowered 398 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: flowered one, was' obliged to marry her ; (PL, Aulul.) But if the virgin or her mother had ac- cepted any prefent from the man, me was confider- ed as a common harlot ; (Terent. Adelph. aft. $.fc* 2.) When any one was detained in cuftody on fufpicion of adultery, he might appeal to the thefmo- thetx, who referred the catife to proper judges, and they, if he was guilty, might impofe what punifh- inent they pleafecl, except that of death ; (Demofth. in Near.) There was a remarkable punifhment for this crime, called Tr^amA^tof or &$&vifqt ; and a tablet, containing an account of the fines thus incurred, was publicly expofed in the ceramicus, (Athene, lib. 6. cap. 9. Pollux, lib. 8. cap. 9.) upon TrAa-nm?, a plane tree, which flood there ; (Hefychius. Euftath. in II. x.) It was ufual for women to have attendants, (Horn. Odyff. c.) who feem to have been grave and elderly, who had the care of their education, and were companions to them at home and abroad : they were called Tfo D 3 ufually 4 o6 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: ufually that of any anceftor, who was eminent or illuftrious; (Schol. inDemqfth. Orat. de Mai. ob. Leg. Plutarch. Cimon. Ar/ftoph. Avib.) This was a cuilom of great antiquity; (Euflath. In Horn. 11 /. Horn. II. . 399. Odyjf. r. v, 406.) Their own actions, or other perfonal qualities, frequently gave occafion to their names; (Senec. CEdip. v. 812.) The fon of Achilles was called IIu^c?, from his ruddy complexion, or the colour of his hair ; afterwards NsoTTToAf/Ac?, from undertaking the management of the Trojan war, when young; (Plutarch, Marc, Coriol.) Sometimes they killed them, or expofcd them to danger in fome defert place ; which was called *>cTi0o-0aj, or awo-nO^a* ; (Eurip. Phanifs. 25, Ariftoph. in Nub. 531 . Fan. 1221.) they were ex- amined by certain perfons appointed for that pur- pofe, who held their court at a place called A^i ; if they were found healthy and well proportioned, they were ordered to be educated, and a certain portion of land applied for their maintenance ; if they were weak and deformed, they were ordered to be caft into a deep cavern in the earth, near the mountain Taygetus , which place was called AxoQtrys . Daugh- ters were mofl commonly thus treated. This bar- barous cuftom was prohibited by the Thebans, who ordered the children of thofe who were too poor to, piaintain them to be educated at the public charge j ^nd when grown up, they were ufed as flaves $ (ALlian 7ar.Hifl.lib. 2. cap. 7.) Children were ufually expofed in their fwaddling clothes, and laid in a yeffel ; (Euripid, Ion. v. 16.) which is called or^axjv; (Ariftopk. Ran.) or x UT ?q? ; (Hefy chins.) The parents ufually put a collar, a ring, or a ftone, in the pa&et in which the children were expoied, either they might afterwards cijfcpvcr them, if they furvivedj RIGHT OF INHERITANCE. 407 furvived, or to encourage thofe who found them to nourifh and educate them, if alive, or if dead, to bury them ; thefe were called irt^fycuu and -yvw^o-- poc.; (Euripid. Ion. 26. and 1431. Cerent. Heaut. aft. 4. fc. i.) Women, during their con- finement in childbed, were confidered as polluted ; (Iphigen. Taur. v. 280.^) When the fortieth day came, they keptafeftival, called Tsa-o-aaaxoros; when the woman, having been before purified by warning, entered into fome of the temples, which before (he was not allowed to do ; (Cenforin. de Natal, cap. n.) here me returned thanks, and offered facrifices. She prefented her garments to Diana, who was hence called XITUM j (Schol. Callim. Hymn, i.) and after her firfl child fhe offered her zone ; hence Diana was called Au<7iwi/*i ; (Schol. Apollon.) The Greeks brought up their children in their own houfes, (Horn. II. TT. iqi. Odyff. Z. 201.^ and they were nurfed by their mothers; (En- rip. Ion. 1360.^ women of the highefl diftindlion did not neglect this duty ; (Horn. II. %. 83. Odyff. A. 447.^ In fome cafes, nurfes were ad- mitted into the houfe; (Ody/. r. $1. Ody/. *. 12.) and were called paia, (Horn. Qd. r. 482.^ TirOu, (Ariftoph. Eqittf. 713.^ r6jjvij, (II. Z. 389. Suidas.) TiQwnri(>ot 9 T(>o(pot. In the ftreet the nurfe ufed a fponge dipped in honey, which fhe applied to the mouth of the child, when it cried ; (Hefych. ad xuf *&> (Suo-^o-a.) To com- pofe it to fleep fhe fung, AaAa, |3aux.aAav ; and thefe fongs were called, j3vxA>jo-E?, (Hefych. Athene. 14. 3.3 and wwia. When this method failed, the nurfe terrified it into quiet, with a figure called (Ariftoph. 'Thefmoph. ^i^. Ac/iarn* DP 4 582. 4^8 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES'. 582. Plant. Rud. aft. i. fc. 6.) hence the word, tl (Hefych. Arijioph. Av. CHILDREN. There were children of feveral defcriptions ; as, the r>uvc# aTTO (rvpSoXyS) xxr&GoXiov ; fometimes TO sx. XOIPS, &c. At Argos, it was called %uy. The perfons who col- lected the charge were called wr*. Perhaps the esnrvov (rvvot, e yu'yi[Aov or cui/ifcywyiof, may be the fame with *(savo? ; (Athene, lib. 8.) The Swcva fTnJWt/Aa, or s smhpuTu*, were entertainments in which fomc of the guefls contributed more than their exact pro- portion; which was called tteMovou. The ro euro cTTi^iJc?, was, when any one having provided his own fupper, put it into a bafket, and went to eat it at t he houfe of another - 9 ( Athena, lib.%.) It is alfo faid to allude to the cuflom of receiving in a bafket a piece of filver, or fragments of meat inflead of a fup- per; (Hefychms.) The ^>o, were generally mofl fre- quented, as mofl apt to promote fociety ; (Hefad. Qper. et. Dier. lib. 2. v. 340.) and condudled with more 4 i6 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: more order and propriety; (Euftath. in Odyjf.u. 226.) At public feftivals they were fometimes intemperate and diforderly ; (Horn. Odyff. <*. v. 226.) The en- tertainment called ya^rj^ was the fame as eiXirMt. At the soavos, thofe who were prefent without join- ing in the charge of the entertainment were called a &c. or fometimes from the fort of company, as -Hom. Iliad %. v. 147.) It has been denied, that they were wont to drink hot waters ; (Pollux, lib. 9. cap. 6. Athene, lib. 3. cap, 35.) which they only ufed for bathing, unlefs preicribed by ph?- ficians. Cold water was mod frequently drank, and, to render it very cold, it was ufual for them to temper it with ice, which they prefcrved during the ftimmer, wrapped in ftraw and cloths; (Pin- larch. Sympos. lib. 6. -Athene. Lib. 3. cap. 36.) The invention of wine was afcribed by the Greeks to Bacchus, to whom divine honours were paid on that account. Wine was called owoq, it is faid from OEneus, who firft difcovered the art of preffing wine from grapes j (Nicander. Athene, lib. 2.) Some fuppofe the vine to have been firft difcovered in Olympia ; others, at Flinthion, in Egypt ; (Athe- ne, lib. i.) It was the cuflom for matrons and virgins to drink wine 3 (Horn. Odyjf. ^.) who were fometimes cenfured on that account ; (Athene, lib. 10.) It was ufual alfo for infants to drink it ; (Horn. Iliad /. v. 484.) The wine was generally mixed with water; (Athene, lib. i. cap. 2.) hence cups were called x^ar^j, from the mixture made in them; (Homer Odyff. a.) Some afcribe this cuftom originally to Melampus > (Athene, lib. 6. cap. 2.) others, to Staphylus, the fon of Silenus : others fay, that Bacchus himfelf taught Amphyc- tyon, king of Athens, the practice of mixing wine and LIQUORS. 421 . and water; who dedicated an altar to that god, under the name of o^oe, becaufe they now began to leave their entertainments o^oi, upright or fober; he alfo enabled a law, that only wine, mixed with water, fhould be drank at entertainments ; which law was afterwards revived by Solon ; (Plin. lib. 7. cap. 56. AtTien<. lib.. 1. cap. 2.) Some,, to one veffel of wine mixed two of water, others to two of wine mixed five of water ; or more or lefs as they pleafed; (Athene, lib. 10. cap. 8.) The Spartans boiled their wine upon the fine, till the fifth part was confumed ; and began to drink it at the expiration of four years; (Athena, lib. 10. cap. 7.) Sometimes they were accuftomed ax^Tfr^o* mult, to drink wine without water, which they called ric-*u9i]?, which Cgnines a potion mixed with odours; (Hefyckius.) Several other ingredients were mixed with wine ; as, fome.- times aAipfTa, meal ; hence oivo? a7rijA^T^/*i>of, wine thickened with meal ; (At hen*, lib. 10. cap. 9.) They had many kinds of made wine, as, QMS wine made of barley; and QMS C^TO?, palm- E E 3 wine, ^ GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: wine, fometimes called oo? t^vrov. Oo$ was a general name for all made wine. They kept their wine in earthen veffels, called xfH*ot?; (Horn. IL i. 465. Euflath. IL t. 387. ) or in bottles, called *p, fometimes xXTot, o-u-yxAnrot, 7rixA>jTo. Thofe em- ployed to invite the guells were called X^TO^I j and Jii7rvoxXTo^5 ; ^AiaT^o*, and "fAciaT^o;, from iXfor, which is the name of the table, on which the pro- yifion was placed in the kitchen ; (Athena, lib. 4. cap* INVITATIONS TO ENTERTAINMENTS. 423 sap. 21.,) Sometimes to invite was called Karayfa- pm, to write down, from the cuftom of infcribing the names of thofe to be invited on a tablet. The hour was fignified by the invitation ; and as they numbered the hours by the motion of the fun, frequent ufe is made of crxi*, the fhade of the fun, and roi%iov, the letter of the dial ; (Arijloph. Condon. Suidas. Hefychius.) Relations often went uninvited ; (Athene, lib. 4. cap. 26. Horn. //. (3. 408.^ They, who were brought by thofe who had been invited, were called f &*&**)' r X UT ?*> (Pollux.) the pot; when they tookt'aeperfon, like a pot, by both his ears ; which was chiefly ufed towards children; (Jibuti, lib. 2.) though iome- times by men and women ; (Theocrit. Idyll, s. v. 132.) When the guefts were admitted, they did not immediately fit dova to table, but fpent fome time in viewing and commending the room and furniture ; (Ariftoph. Vefp. Athene, lib. 4. cap. 27.) BATHING. It was a frequent cuftom to warn the body; (Eujlatkius.) Whenever they ceafexi from forrow and mourning, they ufually bathed and anointed themfelves ; (Horn. Odyff. a barm or veflel to warn. in, being derived ira^y, TO rw ex.vw pivvQuv, from taking away the filth of the body; (Phavorin. v. ao-a^*vdof.) This vefTel belonged to baths j (Pollux.) Public baths were unknown till later times; no fuch places were anciently allowed within the city ; (At ken*, tik. i. cap: 1 4.) The baths contained feveral apartments : the awroJvTiifw, in which they put off their clothes : the uTToxaurov or 7ru^Ta^ov, generally a circular apart- ment, and provided with irvf axaTrm, a fire that does not fmake, for the ufe of thofe who defired to fweat : the (3*7mrj? ev, a hot bath : the Aar^v, a cold bath : the Aimif ov, the apartment in which they were anointed. ANOINTING THE After bathing, they always anointed, either to clofe the pores of the body, or left the fkin mould be rough, when the body was dried ; (Euflath. in Iliad x.) In early times, they ufed oil perfumed with odoriferous herbs, efpecially rofes; (Plin. Nat. Hi/}, lib. 3. cap. i.) hence the term %o$ow Aaipi/, oil mixed with roles ; (Horn. 11. . v. 1 86.) and 00- CUUSTOMS AT ENTERTAINMENTS. 427 cov I$MW and TfOuco/xsw; (Horn. II. %. v. 170.) There were different forts of oil ufed ; (Athena, lib. i 5. cap. n.) Solon prohibited men from fel- ling ointments ; the fame prohibition was in force at Sparta; (Athena, lib. 15. cap. 10.) Women, however, and effeminate men, were very curious in their ointments; particular fpecies of which they ap- plied to particular joints of the body; (Athene.) The feet were warned and anointed more than any other parts of the body ; hence they were called Aiwa^oi Tro&f ; (Homer.) Women were ufually em- ployed to warn and anoint the feet ; and it was ufual for them to exprefs their reipect by killing the feet; (AriJloph.Tefp.) CUSTOMS AT ENTERTAINMENTS. There were feveral forts of feats ufed at enter- tainments; for the Grecians fat down at their meals; (Horn. II. x. 578. . 3 15.^ A*?fo?, was a feat containing two perfons ; and were commonly placed for the inferior guefts : 0^ove?, a feat, on which they fat upright, with <5>i/uf, a foot (tool, under their feet; Kxtr/uoc, a feat, on which they fat, leaning rather backwards ; (Athene, lib. $>cap. 4.) After- wards, when luxury and effeminacy prevailed, they exchanged their feats for couches, that they might drink more commodioufly ; (Plant. Stick, aft. $.fc. 4. v. 22.) In Macedonia, no one was allowed to (it at meals, before he had killed a boar without nets ; (Athene, lib. i. cap. 14.) It was the cuftom for children to fit at their meals; (Tacit. Annal. lib. 13. Stteton. Aug. cap. 64.* Sueton. Claud, cap, 32.) at the bottom of the couch; where 4 2& GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: where alfo fat people of meaner condition ; ( Pin- larch. Sympos. Sapient. Donat. Vit. Cerent.) - The table was placed in the middle, round which flood the couches, covered with cloth or tapeftry ; upon thefe they retted, inclining the upper part of their body upon their left arms, the lower part being ex- tended at length, or fomewhat bent; their heads were raifed up, and their backs fometimes fupported with pillows. If feveral perfons reclined upon the fame bed, the firft was- on the upper part, with his legs ilretched out behind the fecond perfon's back : the fecond perfon's head was below the bofom of the former, his feet being placed behind the third perfon's back ; and in this manner four or five were placed ; (Gicer, Or at. in Pifon.) At the beginning of the entertainment, it was ufual to lie flat upon their ftomachs, that their right hand might more eafily reach the table ; but afterwards they turned upon their fides: (Plutarch. Sympos. lib. 5. hi k y ( To, a per- ibn appointed to call every gueft by name to his pror;er place. Heroes fat in long ranks, and the chief perfons were placed at the head of each rank on both fides of the table; which is the meaning of the word, ax^o.i, uppermoft ; (JLufiath. vi ll. . v. 4tffi.Hom. II. i. v. 217.) Neptune entering the 1 aft at. an entertainment of the gods, yet fat in the middle ; Jupiter was at the head of one rank, next to him, Minerva his daughter; who once gave place to Thetis -, (Horn, //, <*. v. ipo.) Juno fat at the CUSTOMS AT ENTERTAINMENTS. 429 the head of the oppofite rank ; (Plutarch. Sympos. lib. i. Qutfft. i.) That couch placed the firft or neareft to the table, was thought the nioft honour- able ; fometimes the firft place of the middle couch* Sometimes they were feated promifcuoufly, without regard to rank or character ; (Plutarch. fimaJk Sympos. lib. i. -$u. verf. 150, Arrian. lib. J. cap. 26. Martial. Ep/g.J The tables, in early times, were fquare, (Euftath. Odyff. K. ijSJ and thofe belonging to the poor were generally fupported by three feet, and made of com- mon woods thofe belonging to perfons in higher rank were 4 3 o GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: were made of more valuable materials; adorned with plates of filver, and fupported by feet curioufly carved, and called after the names of heroes. The moil common fupport was a foot of ivory, caft in the form of a lion, a leopard, or fome other ani- mal. Some have fuppofed that a table was fct apart for each guefl ; (Homer. Athene, lib. i . cap. 8,) although it was thought unfociable ; (At hen*. Kb. i. cap.%. cap. 10. T^aTr^a, fignifies the ta- bles and the meat placed upon them ; (Pollux, lib. 6. cap. 12.) hence, TT^WTJ, fevrtfzi) f^iT< Tg i^ai, iignify the firft, fecond, and third courfes of meat ; (At hen*, lib. 9. cap. 2.) The fupper was the chief meal, of which thero were three parts; (i.) A?rva Trgooipw or T^OTTO^, was a repaft before fupper, confifting of bitter herbs, of coleworts, eggs, oyfters, O;I/O//,E;U, a mixture of honey, and other things ufed to create an appetite. (2.) Awrw, was the fupper, fometimes called xspaAij &nrvsj which was plentifully furnifhed from the former provifions ; (At hen*, lib. 4. cap. 4.) (3.) AiuTffa T^aTTf^a, the fecond courfe, which confided of fweetmeats of all kinds, called rta, &c. The Dorians, who called entertainments atxAa and o-uvaixAsja, called this courfe ?rxAia ; (Athena, lib. 4. cap. 8.) It was furnifhed with much profuiion and luxury; (At hen*, lib. 14. cap. ii.) although they were temperate and frugal in the ufe of it; (Herodot.hb. i. cap. jn^. Athen. lib. 4. cap. 10.) Where there was a great variety of difhes, a paper was ufually given to the mafter of the feaft containing the contents of each difli, who communicated it to the guefts. They CUSTOMS AT ENTERTAINMENTS. 43! They were however very fparing in their provifion, and in the early times were fatisfied with one courfe ; (At ken*, lib. 15. cap. loj Before they began to eat, they offered a part cf their provifion, as a fort of firft fruits, to the gods ; which cuftom was religioufly obferved ; (Homer. Iliad. Horn. Odyff. Plato. Xenophon. Athens, lib. 4. cap. 27 .) The firft of thefe oblations was always made to Vefta, the chief of the houfehold gods ; they afterwards worshipped fome of the other gods; and then offered a libation to Vefta; (Homer. Hymn, in Veft. et Mercur. Cicer. de Nat. Deor. lib. 2. Sckol. in Ariftoph. Vefp. Plato Euthyp.) During the entertainment all the guefts were apparelled in white, or fome gay colour ; (Cicer. in Vatin.) and decked with flowers, or garlands com- pofed of flowers ; which the mafter of the feaft provided, and brought in before the fecond courfe, or at the beginning of the entertainment ; (Athene, lib. 25. cap. 10.) They thus adorned their heads, necks, and breads, but often beftrewed the couches on which they leaned, and other parts of the room 5 (Ovid. Faft.lib.$.) The invention of garlands has been afcribed to Prometheus, that men mould commemorate the punifhment which he had fuffered for their fakes ; (Athena, lib. 15. cap. $.) Others afcribe the in- vention of them to Janus, who alfo is faid to have been the inventor of mips, and the art of coining; (Athene, lib. 15. cap. 13.^ The firft garlands were alfo faid to have been ufed by Bacchus, and com- pofed of ivy ; (Plin. Nat. Hifl. lib. 16. cap. \.) In later times, they ufed ivy and amethyft, as pre- fervatives againft drunkenncfs ; (Plutarch. Sjmfos. lib. 432 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: Kb. 3. Qiirtft. i.) Some fay, the mod ancient gar- lands were made of wool; (tfheocrit. Idyll. 9.. v. 2.) It is certain they were made in the early ages -, {Athene, lib. i. cap. i$.) They were compoled of various flowers, in which, it was fuppofed, the god* chiefly delighted. At firfl the particular herb or flower, which was facred to any god, upon the feftival dedicated to him, was generally ufed ; but after- wards, any herbs were uled, according to the feafon, which were thought mofl conducive to refrcfhment ; (Athene, lib. 3. cap. 21. Lib. 15. cap. $.) Garlands were fuppofed to have influence upon the bodies of men; (Plin. lib. 21. cap. 3 ) Thofe compofed of rofes, were dedicated by Cupid to Harpocrates, the god of filence. The role was an emblem of filence, and it was ufual to place it above the table, to flgnify that what was there fpoken mould be kept private. It was cuftomary. at entertainments to anoint their heads with ointment to prevent fevers, and other complaints arifmg from intemperance ; (Athe- ne, lib. 15. cap. 13.^) Thefe arts of luxury and effeminacy were firfl introduced by the lonians - 9 (Valer. Max. lib. 2. cap. 6.) Ointments were chiefly applied to the head, but other parts of the body ; the bread was adorned with garlands and ointment; (Athene, lib. 15. cap. $.) The apartment in which the entertainment was made, was fometimes perfumed by burning myrrh and frankincenfe, or other odours; (Athene, lib. 3. cap. 22.) The chief attendants at entertainments were, (i.) Evj*Tof**l3? fometimes called o-ufAiroo- TTtf, fw?jttj*, TaTTCTTCHO?, 7H TTjff CUSTOMS AT ENTERTAINMENTS. 433 *XTf ixAiw and *ATO?, the chief manager of the entertainment ; which was performed either by the mailer of the entertainment, or by another named by him : at entertainments where the expence was proportioned to all, he was elected by lots, or by the votes of the guefts. (2.) Ba &c.) Hence, it is faid, Bacchus was furnamed Taurus, as worshipped in the (hape of a bull, and painted with horns. Some think that x^ar^sf, cups, and xaad a, jy. 603.^ both of heroes and gods, Apollo was called e^upjc, the Cancer ; (Pindar. 7 Homer. Athena, lib. i. cap, 19.^ Thefe .arnuiements were thought to become perfons of hoixour and feme ; (Cornel, ffep. in Vit. Qparvinond. Cornel, Nep. Pr*f. Fit. Illuftr. Imp.Cicer. fufcut. Qu( &(pwv, or 9To? (jiuggwriv cr wheat, (Pollux. SchoL Ariftoph. Equztifr.} and hence called (mc-a//^? or wu^a/tfaf ; (Artemidor. lib. i. (ftp. 74.) the latter of which words was hence ufed for any other prize; (Ariftoph. Thefmoph. Bquitib.) f hefe were the moil ufual forms of this fpojt - 9 (Athene, lib. 10. \i.and 15. Pollux ', lib. 6. cap. 19, Ariftoph. Schol.inPac. Eujtath. in Iliad. R.Tzetzts QhiL . Hift. 85. Svidas. Hefychi- y, &c.j The guefis were fometimes amufcd with fuitable difcourfes 5 (Athena, lib. 10. cap. 5.) at which time they alfo converfed upon affairs of high im- portance; (Plutarch. Sympos.lib. j. cap, 9. Homer. Iliad i, v. 7o.) as it was fuppofed ? that the facul- ties were then quick and ipventiye ; (Schcl. /;; Ariftoph. Equit. Athena, lib. 5. cap. 4. Ammian^ Mar cell. lib. 18. cap. 5. Strabo. Geog. lib. 15. Tacit, de Mor. German. Dujiadas. Rer. Critic, lib. 4. P hit arch. Lycurg. Plutarch. Sympos. lib. 7. $uaft. 9.) It is faid, that whatever was refolved FtjpexTf?, when fober, they deliberated upon at their entertainments ; and what they determined in their drink, jAfiOverxofAevoi, was examined again, when fober 5 (Herodot. lib. i. cap. 133.) The fupreme cpuncu CUSTOMS AT ENTERTAINMENTS. 443 ;at Athens Cupped every day together in the pryta.r neum; which was alfo the cuftom of the magif- trates at Rhodes ; (Euflath. in Iliad. /.) Hence it is faid, Bacchus was called EV*XK, prudent ccun- fellor; (Plutarch. Sympos. lib. 7. Qfaft. 9.) and the night was called fu^om, as the time of prudent deliberation ; (Plutarch. Sympos.) Sometimes the converfation at entertainments took a ludicrous turn; (Plutarch. Sympos. lib. 7. Quvtiv t to tranfgrefs the fait and the table, or, to break the laws of hofpitaiity ; and to injure thofe by whom they had been entertained, was accounted a great crime -, (Demqfth. Or at. de fals. Legat, Ly- cophr. Caff. v. 134.) To o/Aorsyoi/, toconverfe under the fame roof, was thought fome engagement to friendmip; (Homer i. v. 635.) This friendmip was called Tr^ojma, and was ufually held more facred than the ties of kindred ; (Euftath. in IL .) and tranfmitted from father to fon, and even ren- dered cities more dear; (Plato de Leg. lib. i. Plutarch, in Nicia. Cornel. Nep. Cimon. Hero- dotus Clio.) Hence perfons thus united by the bond of hofpitaiity gave each other o-j/xgcAa, to- kens ; which, when produced, renewed their cove- nant of friendfhip; ( Euripid. Med. i;. 613.) Thefe tokens 448 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: tokens were mutual, and called %mopoi, and ^voTTKsoc^ot. Whoever undertook a journey, firft implored the protedion of the gods. Before their departure into a foreign country, it was ufual to falute, and take leave of the gods of their own countries, by killing the earth; (Ovid. Met. lib. 13. v. 420.) which falutation was commonly praftifed at their arrival EDUCATION. 449 arrival in any country; (Horn. Odyff. . v. 460. Ovid. Met. lib. $,v. 24.) by which they paid homage and invoked the protection of nn^a^m Q&oi, the gods who were patrons of that country ; who were alfo worfhipped by them, as long as they remained in that place. When they returned home, they faluted the gods of their own country in the fame manner, and returned thanks for their fafe return ; (Horn. Odyff. >. v. 354. Mfchyl. Agam.v. 819. Euripid.Hercul. Furent. v. 523.) EDUCATION. To prevent the vices infeparable from idlenefs, great care was taken to accuftom boys and girls to induftry. The boys were early employed in learn- ing the elements of arts and faiences. The educa- tion of the Greeks, (except the Lacedaemonians) (Ariftot.Polit.c. viii. 4. Milan. Var HijL xii. 50,) chiefly confifted of letters, the gymnaftic exercifes, mufic, (for. Eunuch, aft. \\\. fc. a.) and painting; (Art/lot, c. viii. 3. Plutarch, de Mufic. p. 1140. Perizon. ad Milan. Var, Hift. j. \^.) If the fathers of boys were rich, or perfons of dif- tinction, they had private mafters for them, called TrauJaywyo*, (Plutarch, ye Puer. Rducat. c. vii. Horn. II. x. 831. Aufon. Idyll, iv. 21. Theocrit. Idyll, xxiv. 103.^ h$aJ, to Saturn; (Ariftot. Probl. Sefl. 19. Philand. ad Vitruv. v. 4. ^. 214. VoJJius de Sclent. Mathem. c. 20. 3. p. 85.^ The tone in which the muficians fung, was called Nojuo?; (tfhucyd. 5. 70. Arijioph. Equit. 9. Ariftot. Probl. 1 2 . #. 28 . Plutarch, de Mujic. 1133. iSw/W^j in V.) The four modes were, the Phrygian, the Lydian, the Doric, and the Ionic; (Lucian.Harmon.p.$%$. Art/lot. Polity. 3. Athen. 14.5. P/in.f.^) Some add the CEolic. The Phrygian mode was religious; the Lydian, plaintive; the Doric, martial ; the Ionic gay and cheerful j the CEolic, fimple ; (Apulei. Florid, p. 342. Ariftot. Polit. 8. 5. j.) The mode, with which the foldiers were animated, was called ; (Horn. II. X. v. 10. Ariftopk. SchoL ad. Acharn* ART OF MUSIC. 453 Ictiarn. ib.Aitl. GelL 16. ig.Suidas.) After- wards No/**; was applied to the words which were fung in thefe modes ; (Ariftoph. Schol. Equif. 9.) Their mufic was vocal or inftrumental -, (Art/lot. Polit. 8. 5.; . Mufical inftruments were either E^i/sur*, wind inftruments ; or Evrara, ftringed inftruments j (Pol* lux, 4. 8.) Their principal inftruments were, the lyre, the flute and the pipe ; (Plutarch, de Mufic* p. 1136.) The lyre was called KtQafaand $ofpy; (Euftath. II. &.. 38. //. 7i v^-nXn ; (JElian. i. 18.) They wore pendants at their ears, called E/*^T<*, (Horn. II. a. 182. Odyff. 2. 296.) EvwTia, (Mlian. Var. Rift* i. 18.) EA*X^; (Horn. II. 2. 401, Eujlath. in Odyff. a.) They alfd wore necklaces, called O^a ; (Horn* II. 2. 401. ^r/- ftoph. Lyjift. 409 } Drefs was expreiTed by Ec-9^, (JElian. Far. Rift. 7. 8.) Eo-8jKa, (MliOKk i. 2.) Krfw^C Pollux, 10. 12.) EI/A ; (Hefiod. Scut. 159. fow. O, 4. Ov/< ^wor. 3. 14. 21.) 004 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES- a floating robe ; (Ariftopk. Lyjift. 45 ) The word fj/JWOat refers to the under-garment ; (Milan, i. 16.) Buckles were worn by women of rank along the tunic which reached from the fhoulders to the hands. Thefe were called Usowou, (Hoyt. Ocljf r. 256.) UooTrai, (Hon. II. X. 401.) and were ot filver or gold; (Milan, i. 18.) There was alfo a robe, called EyxuxAov QTMIOV, ( Ariftoph. I'kefm. 268.) ufed as an under-garment; (jElian. 7. 9. Pollux > 7. 13.) IjuaTiov, or $ao?, Pal- lium, (Horn. IL j3. 43. Eiifiath. In Odyff. |3. Ariftoph. Thejmoph. 897.) was the exterior robe of the men; (Horn. I!. (3. 43.) The words relating to this garment, are n^tCoAAfir^ai ; (Horn. 11. |3. 43. Milan, i. 16.) AwtjSaAXiffftflji j (tuidas inV. Arljloph. Vefp. I 147-) A>i*!BJ^r|o'fl[i taaTiof ?r' a^ir^a, and szri ^gta ; (Athena, i. 18.) AvaSoAaiov; (Milan. 7. 9.) Ilf^SoAaiov; (Suidas In V. Idyll, ii. 19. Hsrodian. 4. 7. 5.) (Xenoph. Mem. i. 2. 5.) XAatva, was a thick external robe, worn in cold weather; (Suidas.^ Horn. IL n. 224. Odyff. H- 529. /z;;J 487. Meurs. in Lycopkr.b3$.) it was fometimes fmgle, (Hom.IL CL. 230.) and fometimes double; (Horn. IL K. 134. O^J'//.' T. 226. Pollux, 7. 15 ) ^ajvoA^f, fSw/- Jj^ /' ^.J and ajKo>Aj?, a robe nearly round, with- out ileeves, worn uppermoil ; (Hor. Ep. 1 1 . v. 1 8. Juven. Sat. 5. 79. Quint. 4. 3. 64.) Au (Hefych.) a fine robe ; K^OXWTO? and K>ox&moi/, a faffron-colour- ed robe, worn by women ; (Arijloph. Eccles. 874.) a drefs of Bacchus ; (Arijloph. Ran. 46.) 2up^T^a, a robe which came down to the heels ; (Po//nx, 7. 13. Hefych.) Gcfiffop, or 0ir?iw, a fu miner drefs. Sr^optoi/, a fort of kerchief, which women wore round their neck; (Ariftoph. Thefmoph. 146. Anar. 458 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: Anatr. Od. 20. Catullus 65. 65. Martial. 14; 138.) Y lAAto*, a bracelet, worn by women ; f/W- . Milan. 2. 14. Suidas in v. Yt\\u>t.) , flioes, (Ariflot. Polif. i. 6. Aul. Gelt. 13. 21.) tied under the foles of the feet with thongs, called Ipawrss ; (Milan. 9.11.) To put on Ihoes, the word ua-o&iy was ufed, (Milan, i. 18. Ariftoph. Eccles. 269.) and to take them off, Xu*** and uTroAunv ; (Ariftoph. Thefmoph. 1194= Lyfift. 949.) Shoes were alfo called Ilg&A* ; (Horn. II. |3. 44. Odyjf. Hi 23.) AtaSafi^a, were (hoes worn both by men and women 5 (Pollux, y> io ; ) Sai^aAa; Savtoua, were the flioes of heroines, and of gay women 3 (Luclan. Dial. Deor. p. 2Ci8. ALlian. i. 1 8.) BAauTosi, ihoes worn only in the houfe. KovtTTo^f?, flioes, like the former, (Ariftoph. Equit. 885. *- jfelian. 6. n.) low and tight, n^t^a^^f, ihoes of women of good condition, (Ariftoph. Eccles. 843. Lyfft. 45. 48. PollllX^ 7. 22.) K^rjTTJ^f?, (Milan. 9. 3. Herodian. 4. 8.) flioes, faid to be worn fometimes by the military; (Tali Max. 9. I; 4.) They were alfo called Aprfihi ; (Pollux^ 7.22.) A^tauAa*, a large and eafy fhoe; (Euripld.Oreft. 140^ ^rr, /wr. 1304; Pollux y 7. 22; ^r//>. SchoL Oreft.) n^c-txai, flioes worn by women; (Ariftophi Nub. 151.) Thofe worn by courtezans were white; (Pollux, 7. 22.) Aaxwvtxfli, (Ariftoph. Vefp. 1 153.) and A/AuxAatc^, Lacedemonian flioes, (Hefychius.) of a red colour; (Pollux, 7. 22.) Ka^anvaf, coarfe fhoes, worn by peafants ; (Xenoph. Exped. 4.- Hefychius. Schol. In Luclan. ad Philopfeud. p. 35.') Ejugarai, (hoes worn by comedians ; locks ; (Pollux, 7. 22.) KoOo^ot, (hoes worn by tragedians j bufkins; (Tertull. MONEY. (fertull. de Spefiac. \$. Virg. Ed. 8. 10. Propert. 2. 25. 41. ^ulntll. 10. I. 68.) They were alfo called EpZafa, (hoes for men; (Schol. Arijtopk. -]. Span/i. in Ariftoph. Pint. 759.) MONEY. The money of the Athenians was of three forts. Silver was firft coined, and afterwards gold, and cop* per. The mod common coins were thofe of filver, and which were of different value. Above the drachma, (nine-pence in Englifh) confifting of fi?c oboli; were the didrachma or double drachma, the te- tradrachma or quadruple drachma; below it, were the pieces of four, three, and two oboli ; after which were the obolus, and the. femi-obolus ; (fixpence, four-pence halfpenny, three-pence, three half-pence and three farthings, in Englim) ; (Pollux, lib. 9. cap. 6.) The latter being found inconvenient for com- mon ufes, copper money was introduced , ( ' Ariftopk. in Ran. 737. in Eccles. Bio. Callim. ap. A then. lib. 15. cap. 3.) and pieces of that metal were ftruck, which were not worth more than the eighth part of an obolus ; (three fourths of a farthing in Englim); (Pollux, lib. 9. cap. 6.) The largeft piece of gold weighed two drachmas, and was worth twenty filver drachmas, (fifteen millings in Englifli); (Hefych. in X yc "-) Gold was fcarce in Greece ; it was brought from Lydia, and from Macedonia, where the peafants collected the fmall pieces, which the rains warned down from the neighbouring mountains; (Thucyd^ lib. 4. cap. 105. Ariftot.- Strab, lib. 7.) The 460 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: The computation of money among the Greeks was : . *. d> i obolus, the fixth part of a ? drachma - - - \ I drachma ----. 009* jo drachmas ----- 076 100 drachmas or i mina - - 3 15 o I ooo drachmas or 10 minse - 37 10 o 6000 drachmas or 60 minze, 7 rt equal to a talent - J 10 talents ------ 2,250 o o 100 talents ------ 22,500 o o I ooo talents ----- -225,000 o o Sometimes they ufed alfo filver coins, called tetradrachms, which were equal to about four drachmas. The more ancient tetradrachms were {truck till the time of the Pcloponnefian war. They bore on one fide the head of Minerva, and an owl on the reverfe. They were of rude workmanfhip, On thofe of lefs ancient times, the owl {lands on a vafe ; they alfo bore names or monograms upon them. Thefe were current during four or five cen- turies, and were of fuperior Ihape and ornaments ; (Paujan. lib. i. cap. 24.) The Athenian tetra- drachms have no date. The obolus was fometimes divided into chalci, and fmaller proportions. The value and proportions of Grecian coins. . S. d. q. Lepton -------oooo T 3 T V Chalcus -------oooo|4 Dichalcus ------ o o o i r/ v * According to fome the drachma was 7^d. and according to others 8| dec: Drachma -.,----006 2 ||. Mina --,.--- i 104 $ Talent ------- 65 o 12 5 -*|- or Drachma ------ o o 2 16 9 Mina ------- i 11010 Talent ------- 67 7 5 o Grtatct 462 GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES: Greater 'weights reduced to EngliJJi Troy weight. lb. oz. dwtt. grs. Libra -------- o 10 18 13 | Mina Attica communis v - - - on 7 16 ^. Mina Attica medica - - - - i 2 n 10'^ Talent um Atticum commune - ^ 56 11 017^ Grecian feet reduced to Englijli. ngl.F. Inch. Dec. I Grecian foot makes - - i o, 0786 i o Grecian feet make - - - 10 o, 7860 i DO Grecian feet make - - - 100 7, 86 The Greeks had different kinds of fladia, but the moft common were known by the name of the Olympian fladia. Eugl. Mil. Furl. Yds. Dec. Stadium - - - - - o o 201, 4278 Grecian meafures of length reduced to Englifti. Paces. Feet. Inc. Dec. Daclylus or digit - - - o o o 7554 44 Doron ------ o. 030218! Lichas - 007 5546 Orthodoron r - - - o o 83101-^5. Spithame ----- 009 0656 i Foot ------ o i o 0875 Hvypv, cubit - - - - oil 5984 I- Pygon ------ o i 3 ' 109 j. uj, larger cubit o i 613125 , pace r 060 525 Stadium ----- 100 44 5 Milion ------ 805 5 o The Grecian fquare meafures were the plethron, or acre, containing 1,444, or 10,000 fquare feet, as fome affirm. The aroura was half the plethron. 9 Attic MEASURES. 463 Attic meafures of Capacity for liquids, reduced to EngiiJJi wine menfure.. Gals. Pts. Sol. Inch. Dec. Cochlearion - ? - - - o T ^ o 0356 ~ r Cheme T--r--o-g~ o 0712 -- Myftron - - - r -. - o ^ T o 089 -^ Conche - - - - r - o ~' T o 178 44 Cyathus - - r - - - o .jL. o 356 44 Oxybaphon -r-rrO^- o 535 |. Cotyle -----roj 2 141 J Xeftes ------oi 4 283 Chous ----^-0625 698 Metretes- - - - - - 10 z 19 626 Attic meafures of capacity for dry things, reduced to Rnglifli corn meafure. Pecks.'Gals. Pints. Sd. Inch. Dec. CQchlearian - - - - o o q o 276 .^ Cyathus -----0002 763 Oxybaphon ----00041 44 | Cotyle ------00016 579 Xeftes ------00033158 Ch^nix ------00115 705 i Medimnus ---*-4o63 501 I N D E X OF GREEK WORDS. ABEBHAOI, 154. -a.1, 437- pai< 207. 6i/ 9* 9* V, 138. A^-via, 215. A<>uv*a.v ctyziv, 215. A^nart/.o;, 215* Aoavna-t 21 s- A^vi^a, 215. ., 8S. tTtJa* 208. , 215, 258. A0na?, 22. A6A00HT*., 30. 260. ACAcf -r,;, 262. ^, 26l. AN INDEX, Sec, 39$.,, 215. " 5 8 i> o. , 22. OPT? 2 1 6. !, 26, 80. 430. a, 2 1 6. 443* 2 2O. , 266. 334. 348. 28. 440. 1 97* 198. j, 260. AiV!?, 378. AT7)THt6, 146, I57' Ama, 74. 207, 1, 290. t, 2l6. Axaor/ ( M,t, 1 6. Axafia^rot, 154* Axarta, 35^* 194. 2 9 I. Axovtri yixay, 2O5> t, 267. :, 261. 196. , 4 21 , 414. 147, 414. , 283 321. 321. 331. , 6. 35^* f, 447* A;y, 260, 262* 195. 262. 270. 270 , 387. , 380, 42! 417* ro> 4^7* 217, 238. , 286. 217. 217. 217. 217* H H 466 AN INDEX OF 336. i, 217. e$a.vcm 395. , 217. 217. 55' 15^' , 456. 455- 418. 437- ta, 217 ot, 334. 45* 24* 284* , 43, So. 334- 299* 299 286. 367. 149* 246. 182. , 456. ) 267* , 45^. 282. 2 1 8. 45 ^ 60. 142 , 60. T*7i 21 8. , IO, 2 1 8. , IO, 2 1 8. 21 8. 266. 29, 66* 272. , 138. , 2 1 8. O 7j, 451. , 38. GREEK WORDS. 141. Am/I, 288. Avrup.QO-101,, 69, 75. vo/xf> 93* 291. ta, 2O&. A|O WfTrAo*, 249. , 93 , 365. * 267. ha., 22O. , 78. 159, 374. > 374- 219. 219. , 395. t,, 39 5, 396. i, 26. 357- 154* I I . ** 267. 437. 437. 335* 345- A^royeia, 33^* 357* 141 37. , 39. 193. j 14, 4-26. , 406. 357. 198. 414* i Toy uio^, 4^ , 396. ? ^l>t7, SO. 22O. 396. 424 375. 424. 193. '45 22O. x*)> 80. *^*) 4^4* V)t 80. 313. , 406. , 387. 298. , 4 2 9' 266. <, 266. to?, 193. , 43, 7-8. , 375. 52. 29. 424. 2O. 2O. 23, 8o. 142. 299. 22C. 458. 22. a 220. 221. 22. , 360. 66, 169. 22O. , 56. 2OO. 2 1 3. * 325. 414. i' > 174. , 388. siy, 224* 288. 392. 336, 340* 3-40. H 2 4** AN INDEX o? Arapo? ttitr 34!.. 458. , 387. town, 387* 221, 241 221. 336. Afro?, 4*7- 13. 1 3 9* roi, 53- > 98, 139. 1 8 1 2^ 342. 433.. 3*- , 426* 44' v, 33^* 7^ 453. , 221 . , 222* Etv, 222. 424, 425 77 289. 288. 33 2 , 288. r, 147* 230. > 202. , 448. , 323* Art/, 2. 433 415. 325* 334* GREEK WORDS. "Batirrxt, 243. "> 4^ 5 223. , 454. 223. 33. 31, 59, 98, 232, 433- 31. ) $<>* 59* a, 208* 262. , OI. 4^7* xj, 8o BtjAot, 138, 154. 357* 290. * 316. r. a 223. > 223. v, 456. V) 80. txj, 80. 243. v, 206. BAaurat, 458. Bos?, 149. TtAEKH, I5O. 312. 2 2 3. , 279* 141. 211. SWu, 8 1,* 204. 223 209. 223* 151 33. 54. M H 3 47 AN INDEX OF SI. 225.. of* 227. (>M EOT}, , 289, 314. ir, 289. ii'> 2 34* 234. ) 213. 22. n', 413. , 225. 225 Tiyga 215. 215 408. 407* 2 I 6. 199. 28, 45, 93. 33, 344. 26l 79, 82 45O. 451. , 45 ! 443. , 292 , 287. Ej, 294. 294. 43- , 43. 269* 15* 225. , 13. 402. oi, 41, 401, 424. t, 41, 401. 400. vii;, 400. j, 400. , 385. 394* 225. 232. yoe.fjt.ov, 393* 225* 189. 433' 422. 433. , 228. , 433. 422. 335. , 453- 21O. 272. 359* 359. 359. 225. 8 1 226. , 184. oiv, 440. ^a, 226. , 226. , 414. 399. , 43 6. , 77. , 414* 323. 422. 416. , 416. 415* 422. 414* 22. 415 415. 415. 22. 22. GREEK WORDS. 47* 373. 296, 2,97. 297' tj 277* > 77- J^ 224. 405. 405. 297. , 339- a, 63, 226. 299, 299' Aef 425 95. ^5' ! 95' 7r' stxa^t, 278. 278. , 329. ^ai, 419,430. 37^* 154* ; 206. 226. 33 , 278. om%t> 4^ , 2O. , 76. ', 6l* 458. , 66, 75, 79. , 22* 75* 145* 3 '4* a, 68 > 8 I, 114* 217. 227* 414. Aia?, 22. 227. jtx,ot, 201. 261. ij, 408. , 2O. oi, 44*9* 387. , 387* 198. fyoj, 446, otj I59* , 228. AJXJJ 352, 376. 30. 37* , 68, 60. , I 1 8. III* 114. , 1 1.8. 131. owo-a, 70 228. f, 228. cXx(y, 330. , 284. , 297* 297. oV) 62. , 228. 9, 228. , 228. INDEX OF 290. 228. AtoTroi, 343. Aio? ayytAot, 136. /3oyj, 230. |ma, 446. 10. 17 411 29O. 320. 340. 34* AovAot, 26, 434. Aouvat, 411. x7 290. 195. 34^* ci, 283. 260. , 230. j I54* 205. , 205. , 206. 267 *, 230. U 6ucra, 152. 394. K,, 394* 77. tvixct) 448. ) l8 I. x*a> 77* 65, 77. 230. 405. 230. 190. , 178. 190. E TJ 387. 33 1 . 2 9' , 457. 4^7* GREEK WORDS. 473 330. 330. 373- 29- 387. 330. 113. 44. , 44-8* 88, 452. , 415, 416. , 402. 402. 455- 3O5* 306. 79* 48. , 66, 75. 75. 23 I 54* , 378. , 373. , 378. 43, 415. 35* 231. 231. 29 I 231 231, v, 279* 231. 232. , 297. 296. 297. 419. , 39 232. 291. , 74* , 47* , 36. 424* , 72. ry? y>j, 414* , 190. 297* 357. , 406. 195* 3^*0* 338. KAaia, 204. 14. 14. 148. , 234. 330. 232. 279. Xos, 232. 232. 422, 433. 364. 74- 422. 312. 209. 234. 232. 60. 316. 232. 232. 455. EXXji/o^xa, 269, 270. 269. 37. 37. AN INDEX 0-P 177. 399* 347* , 20 1. ', 147* 302. 453. , 329. 329. , 307. 235. 344. 301. , 296. , 301. , 301. 455. x>j, 8 I. 330. VOt, 6 , 165 193. 14. 198. 154* 303. 303, 303. , 303. 32. 235. yp^at, 35^* xn, 8l, 1 1 8. , 287. 457- 38. 40. 83, 302. 325- " , 43* 302. Erat/Xia, 395, 396. 235- 434- T>?V votw, 345* fc 3*7- . 335- > 34^. 220, 395. GREEK WORDS. 475 33 1, 337* , 236. xr,K*, 236. , !? , 236. 'K> 236. 42! 49, 297 , 148. 347- ) 345* 303. , 298, 3 3O2. 337* , 76. SW>j, 82. > 35* , 26, 84. ra, 43* o* 6so, 449* 207, ) 288. 45 2. 70. 457. , 31, 35^ , 332, 338. Epx, 374. 374. , 415. , 415, 416. *, 249. t 22. , 236. 5. 339. TWV voottuV) 4^* , 36. 9'"* AN INDEX OF 4*4* , 76. 24* 2OO. , 357. voj> 2 1 6. xia, 68. , 28, 78. x,, 236. , 236. , 357. 344. vvfj. 69. , 296. 136. 204. 3. 349. GREEK WORDS. 477 204. , 85, 240. ;, 437- 37* 330, 339. 335- 2^7, 330. 339 , 298. a., 4^ I. S^. iAtvu. ara, 3 3 ^ 287. . , 287. 330. 457. ' 09- 444* 237. 337. 217. 65. 287* 297. 297. 328. 328. Tai, 283. 283. 194.. He, 237, 245. Hgax*fia f 238, 241 ^ 69* , 8. 8. 238. 238. /ACf, 376. j, 238. i 69. air^a, 238; 22. , 198. 339., 335* > 335* 339* EOt 334, 3^9, 394. 162. !>, 99, 250. , 238 ^TO<, 238. 85* ~v^o\ 447 33$. 239, 383. 230, 239* * 1 89* 189* 239* 376. 170. 1 70* 239* 239. 457- 457' 426, IOOT7J, 239** , 239. 240. 32. 89, ^I. 478 K, 240. , 89, 239. , 89, 239. o ^cr pot, 1J 17O. 408. <7o, e , 311. 311. olaj'ot, 448. xat, 76. 334. , 268. 272 *34- 9, 234. o. ' T' 146, 150. 134- CTE*a, 193. *39- I35 2 35- 221. 447- 241. 193. 76. , 232. 229. 241. GREEK WORDS. 479 qci 241. , 115, 164. a, 162. oi, 162. 17. 371. 337. , 286. 301. , 45 , 264. , 45 * 241. 241. \vuct,, 241* 241. 241. 417. 214, 3^7* > 3OI 3* ;, 8. 283* l6. , 6 t, 284* ?, 282. 242. 23. 23. Iray T^oTrcnoy, 322. 336. 337. c, 336. f 0aAajM,of, 402. a^?, 239. a, 242. Irea, 288. lT ia , 418. Irt; ? , 288. iylf 379- 292. 327. , 296. 1 97 -13 223* (Z, 242 o*, 73* Ka^ot, 73. V, 357. , 5 I . o?, 113, 215. . II. Kau-ov, 65. OTT, 2o6. ^t?, 82. 82. , 79. KaAafitov, 233. 242. , 158. , 242. 242. , 378. t. 367. , 267. 270. 451. , 396, 455. v, 396. , 263. KaAwv, 337. 334. 335 i, 335, 338. s, 357. , 26l. , 232. Kaveov, 417. , 388, , 3891 156, ao;> 1 8. vi/, 156, 417. , 263, 289: 250. AN INDEX OF 399- tt 196. h 45 ^' , 3^5* O*, 280. i> 280. 1 45' KfltU>at, 365. Kav, 214, 242. Kgy|, 311. K7re <3W>5, 82. ?, 222. 242. 242* 337* I 8 2. , 185. 266. , 185. , 266. 415. 4^5* , 280. 287 272* 48- , 48. , 26 1. j 262. KalaXoyo?, 280. 357* J7^ 335 i, 316. ^10; > 87. 347* KaIaracrK> 28 1 33- 280* , 338, 339. 284, 338. , 2^. 273. a > 27, 3^7* , 265. Kolwfis 2IO* 93. 93* 457*' 287* t^ 2O. 357* 7r/]^at, II* 2, 22. 45 S* 343. 266. 328. t, 37^* i, 228. 336, 541. )} /^ar|f 87. , 422. 298. 286. 299. 299* 435* a, 297, 299, 336, 435. K.egy.V(>ot,iui> f^xr^t ^73 299, 315. 430* 207. 2IO. , 335. to W0 135 73. 215. 33'* 2iO. 452. , 136, 434. i/, 3^5* 45, 232. , 265. 9* f, 69. 453. v, 453. ii^o( 4* , 222. GREEK WORDS* 4 8l 2O2. 2O2. 394* 291. , 266. KoAoto?, 86. E?, 45^* 14* 14* 243. , 284* Kovrot, 335. EU', 256. 255, 291 399* , 243. 243. ^ty 29 1 286. , 390. 292. *> 256* 2IO. 44^* 441 44 ' 441- 44' 271. 243. 243. 220, 389* 394 39^* 239. 239. 3?, 239. 405. 22. 286. 438. t 420, , 455* 86. , 458, 369, 422. 272. 4' I I AN INDEX OP' 52, 75. 34 3. Ki>0v, 86. K^i^Ff, 86. Ky^&)yK7jU,o?, 86. K.V(VV OLPyOSy IO. Ku^ui/f 308. ^,283. 422. ', 87. . 335' 37. 74- 198. 327. 339* 3-3- 330. 243 , 336. AajiE^aj/^cvjwv Eopra> 243* Aaxjioj, 141. Aax.x*-, 458. AaAa, 407. i-73- yj^?, 43 J P 238. 2^4. AaUT0vtt&)% 244, e?, 3 6 7- 244. *644- S i, 244, *, 320. 77 77- 42. 2-1 1. 359- 244. 244. GREEK WORDS. 454* 299, Kif) 399* ay, 399* V, 3^9* O?, 422. ?, 406. Asvx.afjt.C6, 34. y, 426. ot'^Jkov," 394* o, 45'* xaxa, 28 ^ A>;va.ic, 2.44 AJJVOJ, 230 A 34. 34- , 456. 286. ja, 86, 244. f, 316. Ai0o/xavTia, 2 1 la , 167. 404. 229* 244* 337- a* 244. , 365. 337. jj 4^7* 351* ,-, 452 , II, SO, 34. AoytrA, 29, 39, 50. 344- 147. Tag srt/vSrjxa;, {70* v o-yy&s9/*, 170. *, 221. 375, 404. ?, 394* - 296. , 297* , 296, 36!* , 221. Ao^ot, 298- 297, 301, Ayyo?, 135. > 458. fj, 394. 15. 282* Ai/xtt, 65. ^45 407 2I3* j, 311. Mayyava, 313* Maysta*, 207. J'a 88, 417* Mata 407 7* ? 18. 7. i, 327, 329. TTJTaJ, 1 I . 246. 409. 441- 4*4 AN INDEX OF GREEK Moyorox.o?, 403. 397- 293. 344* 169 423. Ooo?, 227. 421. , 246. Etcroooj, 234* JAliTTUTM, 417' , 346. , 246. Nao?, 139. e?, 135, 137. 221. 342. 34* 346* 34' t, 40. tf, 343. 454* 211* 212* W O R p S. NExvsm, 246, 376. 37- 4*5 No6o, 26, 408. 329. , 376. 352. , 34. , 84* 91. No/xo?, 90, 179,452,4^3. 33, 34. AN INDEX OF Noroj, U, 444. eux.v) 9, 445 II Oe t, 284. 195. 334. 40. rsia, 9 336. 434. 422* , 6. 197* 41, 437* 13, 420. 422. 421. 421 149* 418. 434. 357. 197. 198* Owvo*, 197. 451. ?, 276. 4384 327 OAxot, 335. 177. 158. , 248. ov, lo. I O. I37 o, 21 OjtAoiorow.05 248. 33O. 447. ov, 447. 175. 404. 2^9 CREEK WORDS. Ofo?. 422. 1 9O. j, 266. 197 , 85* , 352, 376. 136, 154, 179. 136, 179. , 367. , 87- "po? 87. , 360. 40.6. at, 248. op*, 248, 255. , 206. evexa, 2O2. 149. '49" 1 4 9. 299, 303, 331. 297. IO. 83. 330, 437. 333, 433. 286. , 289. ay, 289. , 286. f/,oi f 40. (A'Jlj 2 48 74, 357 TLottav, 159' 3^9* . 449* , 434. GiTot, 410. -xat, 434. iai, 449* r^fj 268. 15. 260, 265. 395. , 62. 385. , 398. 487 204. AN INDEX OP Ilatytoi, 204. rUXra, 290. TlafjJoOMTlOl; 248. ria/x/Aap^ov, 266, IIajtA/4apot, 266. IIa/x. ( unx0, 154' TlavaQyvaiat, 248.,Q'ir)va,\')tov t 249* IlavaxEia, 25 I naK^aacna, 416. nav^a/^xot, 250. UavJ9/AO, 251, 258. na^Djbw?, 10, 399. nv^f 251. Ilav^ocro?, 5, 251. riaK^Wta, 251. Tl&voq v,, 64. , 68. ,', 330. ; j, 283. 91 90. p*^ov, 291 ot, 267* 339* 2 84. 78. o(, 283. , 88. , 98, 136. 423. j 17. JO 75. 297* 297, 298. 398* 388. 339* 32. 33 J. j, 302. 302* 284* 283. 283. 408. 400. 448. 392. 452. , 284. 394. 409. 251. , 86. , 2981. 458. Ilciga, 272. 267. 12. 335, 338. , 4. 4. GREEK WORDS. 4*9 24. 171. 291. ^a>a, 237. 252. > 281. 286. 252, 419* * 296. 297. 297. 15, 260, 273. , 298. , 298. 248. 248. 297. 297, 34 2 ' 3 OI> > 296. rieT7)xoro?, 3d. y|, 299* 249, 457. 3' , 456. 45 8. 9* 45^* Kj 372. > 47 , 367. (5 15. j 286, 33^* 409* , 369. 252. , 208, 280. . 154. 303. 313. 331. 229, 252 , 288. 339. 2O2. 87. 3 * " , 316. 87. 34* 212* 333* 314. 311. 456. T 462. 437- , 2l8. 455. > 455* 455. , 451. $2, 380. 250. 335. , 329. 252. 299. 13. 335. 234.. 300, 313* , 313. 327. , 326. 3-0 AN INDEX OF 390. 12. , 158. 3 Z 294* 29,5 ' at/ToxgTo^E?,, 44, 306. 290. 54 9 49, 90. 296. 400. 88, 3^5 49* , 33^* , 252, 255. 339* , 285, 387. 24- 24* 340. 2 53 2 53 312. 253* 284* I39- , 359* , 359* iotif 39** 447* 448. 435 43^* 137 aAo? 27* 212 173* 17* 34^* 3C2. 23. 284. GREEK 43* 253, 592 , 253, 389, 390. 49* AN 422 , 426. Pvf4MT t 335, 338 9* 300 INDEX, OF i. 83, 39> 2 &*?**, 254. "Zctyrivovw, 315. 2aAot, 347. TJjS, 297* , JIO. V^VDiV}, , 458. 33"* 87, 139. 290. , 254. 290. viff 290. , 267* oj, 267. of, 283. ta, 254* 149. 172. , 33O. 254* ta 59, , 236. 254. 139, 140. 370. 309, 310. 297. 391. t 418, 44 2 * 254. , 212. a, 4^9 285. 391 87 388. 417 39. 33 23* 326. 23* 250. 209* 254. 369. 290. 2X4] VI], J', O2. 423. a^ta, 45 z * Mt) 23. 255. 255. 251. og 254. 255. ia, 254. ^i6;vi 279* 44* 408. 34* woe-*?, 421 TTffitv, 421. jv, 421. 320. 154. ) 3 2 S* , 293. ^?, 293. 325. 4^2. , 234, a, 440. , 424. 263. 4^4* 335. GREEK WORDS. 493 417. , 184. IO?, 272. 146, 147, 306. 73. 255* 440. 4*5* , 261. , 26O, 26l. , 260, 26l. , 261. 86, 290. 329. , 162. , 178. , 287. t4J*J 455' cuVtc, 268. , 88* SEytKoi, 89* 443. ?j 240* 39 1- 369. , 86. , 86. j 86. , 86. 2 2O2. 298. 298. 297. 2/roa*, 12, 15. SToi^f.ov, 423. 27CUXCI, 12. , 342. , 4s 7 , 331. /u.jjfoet^}?, 348. , 298, 34.0. , 298. , 30, 107, 295. , 342, 433. 296. 494 , 306. v oixri} 84* 309* 4*5* AN 357* 357* INDEX OP r> 344- 137. '37* 297* 4 298. 272. 272. 311, 454^ ^55* 50. li6, 416, 4l8, > 297* &, 298* tfTaf;pit, 298. v, 158, , 264. }tor } 221. , 264* 3 1 6. 292. , 300. I54* 87. , 340. 6. , l66, 255. , 184. 255* 304. , 255* 402. 37, 74. 39* T-:/ s, 198. 297. 295. 297, 433. 297. f, jOI 33 I. a, 256* gj, 286. , 256; a, 256* 372. , 267. , 338. , 288. . 389 389. , 389. Av0g0, 2O. 261, 398, 301* tt, 36. > H5- 139- 'uv, %OO , 261. ? XOT*, 66, 74. , 256. 407. 297. 297- 57 i 298. GREEK WORDS* 495 170. 23 1 231. 233. , 231. , 65. 4?- 34 2 343. 34' 343 231. 257* 199. . 288. 302 ?* 1 8O. 338. 43^* 452. 278. 257, 402* 257. 402. 152. 33. 21, 152. 2 1 8. , 453. , 286. > 37* 330. 322. 322. 3 29- 336. 33- 336. > 33- 401* 47' 257. 283. > 3H- 496 AN INDEX OF 330* 283, 286. ia, 430. 419. 369. , 86. y 86, 2 7' , 86* 257. 257. 375 286* hxy, 26. * 89. 60, 77. iWt, 40. Yy 33^* 297. Ct, 328. 159- p, 192. r, 387. ^ 3'^7 , 369. Exta, 452. 452. 458. , 33O. 438. 426. , 458. 68. run tfi(itv t 336^ ] 8. 302. 451. 172. Y'TTUfAGCTHZ, 68. , 264. , 261. 292. 262. 262. 372. o^ot, 154. 60. 257. 330. 347. 257. 416. 2^7* t 403 456. 298. 298. 290, 544. , 290. 344. .297. Kpot^?, 30O. , 284. , l8. 329. ar^aJa, 229. 222, 229. opoi, 229. 286. 2c6. GREEK WORDS. 97 13* 45* ct, 2*13. , 238. ?, 76, 87. 239. a<7i?, 78, 83. 258. ?, 403 , 359. 359. 74* 334- u, 278. 278. 278. 233. 3^7 422. ? 37 429* , 378. 89* , 453- 453. 387. 399. 35- 2 2O. 33. 64. , 64. , 196. , 391. 122, 391. 391. tj 3 ^ * 316. 206. 87. 21. 2 95 , 33. , 416. 272. 256* 3*3* , 258* 403. 435. 338. , 285. j, 329, XaAxtotxta, 258. co?, 258. , l86. 338. 72. . 258. . 258. , 25 8 85. nj/*a, 369. lpj 341. y 288. 424. 52. 258. K K 44?, AN INDEX &c. Xepn^, 156. , 346- ' 332- 170. ' 170, > 170. 170 , 156. 452. Xt'TAa, 212. Xf~A<}, 4^4* XvTf*, 97, 406, 425, XvrpiH, 219, 259. 315, 3 6 9- X9, 415. ;;a oix>j, 82. ira; 148. r, 454 , 458. . 77- 77- * 77- *, 77. ,.*, 114- 54' 90, 101,. 73- 202. 52. 297. , 28l. 371- , 212. 40. )i, 12. *t, 198. 4C2. 402, 4OO. 2 3 0. 159. ayo$, 230, 259 9V ., 197- ' 259, 376. QpKT[Jt.Va,l V)[Jt,p 252. Agraulos, temple of, 7. Altars, of the Qrecian, 140, how confecrated, 142, where erefted, 143. AmbafTadoors, of, 305. Amphiaraus, oracle of, 185 Amp hidea* oracle of, i&8, Amphi&yons, council of, 4< Anaceam, 98. Anchors, of Ships, 334. Animals 7 ilain in Sacrifices, Anointing the body, 426* Apollo, temple of, ; i .-oracles of, 174. feftwals of, 22.5. 226-230-242-247-2^2. Apparitors, belonging to Courts of JuiVice, 67. Aquedutfls^ 14. Arbitrators, 75, laws relating to. 115. Archemorus, Nemean games in honour of, 273. K K 2 Archonfe 5 oo TNDEX OF Archons, 3-29, their authority 30 how appointed, 108. Ardalides, 187. Ardalus, divine honours at, 187 Areopagites, duty of, 107. how chofen, 107. Areopagus, 56. ts power, 57 time and manner of meet- ing, 58. Argivi, l. Armour, 285. dedicated to the gods, 321. Army, of the Grecian, 296. Arrows, 292. divination by, 203. Arts, laws relating to, 120. Afties, divination by, 213. AfTemblies, public, 4.7. their time of meetings, 48. manner of holding them, 49. Aftronomy, 275. Afyla, 145, Athene, i. Athenians, what called, z. government of, 3.- divifion of, 3. boroughs of, 22. Athens, city of, i. founded, i. Inhabitants of, 2. ^-defcrip- tion of, 4. citadel of, 4. public treafury of, 6. ICK. er city of, 7. gates o 8. - ftreets> 9. ouildings of the lower city, 10. gyini alia, 14. theat;es of, 17 H.;r- bours, 1 8. citizens of, 19. fojourners of, 22. flaves of, 24. i.lagiftrates of, 27. Archons of, 29.-*-inferiour magiilrates of, 33. public revenue of, 35. public trea- furers of, 36. public ex- penditure of, 38. public dif- tributersof.38. officers in the markets of, 39. maritime of- ficers of, 4o.-^oiHcers in the public fervice of, 40. coun- cils of, 46. Areopagus of, 56. Attica fides, 170. Bacchus, theatre of, 49. fefK- valsof,2i 8-222-228-244-254, 255. Banifliment, 87. Barathro, 85. Bargains, relating to private, 112. Barley, ufed in facrifices, 149. Bathing, 425. Baths, 15, 425. Battle, conduct before, 309. Beir, dead bodies placed on a, Belt, Grecian, 290. Birds, flain in facrifices, 151. divination by, 197. Booty, of military, 320. Boundaries, laws relating toi 116. Bow, Grecian, 291. Boxing, of, 264. Boys, laws relating to, 124. Branch idze, oracle of the, 182. Bread of the poor, 418. Breaftplates, of, 287. Bucklers, 288. Bura, REMARKABLE THINGS. 5*1 fcara, oracle at, 1 86. Burning of the dead, 365. Bufmefs, laws relating to, 130. Buying, laws relating to, 118. Cabiri, feftival dedicated to, 242- Cakes, ufed in facrifices, 152. Calculi, 61. Camels, ufed in battle, 284. Camps, of the Grecian, 307. Cecropia, 2. Cecrops, 1-2. Celibacy, penalties of, 382. Cenotaphs, 371. Ceramicus, 12. Ceremonies, before funerals, 357- Ceres, oracle of, 1 87. feftivab of, 232-239-246. Ceryces, 98. Ceftus, 264. Chariots, 282. Chariot-races, of, 267-273. Children, laws relating to, 103. -408. Chiliombs, offered in facrifice* 152. Chorus, tragic, 97. Cirrha, oracle at, 1 80. Citadel, of Athens, 4. Citrzens, Athenian, 19. -laws relating to, joi. Claros, oracles of, 183. Cock-fighting, law relating to 98. Codrus, 3. Coins, value of, 460. Combats, 259. Comedies, when a&ed, 96. Concubines, 398. ortina, 178. Corypae, oracle at, 184. Cottabus, 442. Cotys, feitival in honour of, 243- Courts of juftice, 61. rier, office of, 105. riminals might plead their own defence, 1 1 1 . Crowns, prefented by the peo- ple, 109. ufed at facrifices, '55* Cryftals, divination of, 211. Cups, ufed at Entertainments; 434-43?. adorned vvithgar^ land?, 435. Curator, 26. Dagger, Grecian, 291. Dalmatia, i. ~)anai, I. Dancers, rewards of, 98. laws relating to, 108. Dances, in honour of Neptune, 97- Darts, of Grecian, 292. Dead, treatment of the, 35^. mourning for, 362. inter- ment of, 365. burning of, 395. honours paid to, 371. Death, puniiliment of, 85. K K 3 Debtors} $01 INDEX OF Debtors, kws relating to public, Du&ilis, 17. 115. Defence, of harbours, 346. Defendant, condud of s in courts of juftice, 67. Delos, oracle at, iSo. Delphic oracle, 174. Deferters, punifhmcnt of^ 323. Diana, temple of, 1 1. feftwals of, 221-223-238-242-243- 246-254. Diana Orthia, f efliyals in honour of, 227. Ditiyraa, oracle of, 182. Diodes, fe Hival in memory of, 228. Difois, of the, 263. Diff fibsters, public, 38. Diviaadon, 170. by dreams. 190. facri6ces, 193. birds, 197. infe&s and reptiles, 200. lots, 202. magical, 207. iigns in the heavens, 2OO, Diviners, 189* jDivifionfi of the i*my, 296. Divorces, laws relating to, 123- Dodona, oracle of, 171. Doivries, laws relating to, 1 22- 325-387. Dreams, 191. interpreters of, Drefs, of the foldierc, 294-455. Drinking, manner of, at entcr- Jt5, 436. Duties, in time of peace, 43. in time of war, 43 filial, 4 1 z Earth, oracle of the, 188. Earthquakes, inaufpicious, 201. Education s 449. Eels, oiFered at facrifices, 151. Egytiaas, 2. Elephants, ufed in battle, 284. Eloquence, prize of, 271. Employments of women, 400. Engagements, naval, 347. Engines, to cad ilones, 316. Entertainments, laws relating to, 130-415. of invitations to, 422. Cu Horns at, 424-427. Epiftata, iSo. Eponymj, 100. Evidence, various forts of, in courts of j'jftice, 71. - Earpps, fe Rival of, 34. Eutrefis, oracle of, 183. Expenditure public, 38. Exportation of wares, laws re- lating to, -i 1 9. Falfe witneMes, 74. Pagination, 209. Feafls, after facrilices, 160. Feftival, to the Furies, 2^6. Feftivals, 213. laws relating to 95- Fetters, puniihment of, 86-87. Fields, REMARKABLE THINGS. 5 3 Groves, facred, 143. Guefts, at entertainments, 423- 43.3- Gymnafia, 14. laws relating to, no. Gymnical exercifes, youth in- ftrucled in, 103. feftivals fields, facred, 145. Filial Duties, 412. Fireballs, 293. Flocks, laws relating to, $17. Fluteplayers, when employed 108. Flutes, ufed at games, 273 in battle, 312. at 454- Food, 416. Foreigners, not to trade, 120. how received, 448. Forms of the army, 296* Fortifications, of, 313. Forum, 13. Freed fervants, laws relating to 105. Funerals, laws relating to,i 26.- military, 317. private, 352 ceremonies before, 357. proceflions, 360. Entertain ments at, 372. Games, 25 9- laws relating to 96. at entertainments, 441 Garlands, ufed at prayers, 16 of pariley, ufed at funera] 372.~of afparagus, ufed marriages, 391. ufed at en tertainmei'its, 43!. Gates, of Athens, 7. Guardianfliip, Jaws relating t 126. Guards, 308. Graves, 369. Greeks, what called, i Halls, public, for ttadefmen, 14. Harbours, i S. defence of, 346. Harlots, 398. laws relating to, 124. Hecate, feftival in honour of; 231. Hecatombs, offered in facrifice, 152. Heirefles, 386. Helena, feftival in honour of* 232. Helisea, court of, 65-66. Hellas, i. Helmets, 286. Herbs, divination by, 209. Hercules, oracle of, 1 86. fefti- val of, 238-241. Herds, laws relating to, 117. Heroes, adoration paid to, 133. Honours, public f< 88. laws re- lating to, 109. paid to the dead, 371. inheritance of 412. Horfe-races, 266-273. Horfe-foldiers, 281. Hofoitality to ftrangers, 445. Hunting, youth to be taught, 3- K K 4 Hyacynthus, $04 INDEX OF Hyacynthus, feflival in honour of, 257. Hybla, oracle at, 184. Hymn?, fung at entertainments, 440. Javelins, of, 252. Ichra?, oracle at, 184. Idols, Grecian, 139. Illegitimate perfons, laws con- cerning, 103. Images, 148. Importation of Wares, laws re- lating to, 119. Imprecations, 162-167. Imprisonment i 85* Jhifarsy, puni foment of, 04. Infants, 404. Informers, ialfe, puni&ed, 132. Ingratitude, punifued, ^32. Inhabitants, 'diviilon of, 2. Inheritance of property, 408. - of honours, 4*2. Iro, oracle of, 188. Inlcripti, 2 : ;. In&riptions, monumental, 370. In feds, divination by, 200. Inftruments, snafical, ufed in battlr, 3 ii, at funerals, 365. Intelligence, military, how tent, 3*5- Interment, of the dead, 365. Jouians, i. lithmian games, of the, 474. Judges, chofen by lots 69. laws relating to, 1 10. Judgments, public, 76.--private, 79. laws relating to, ui- 114. laws preparatory to, in.* how pronounced, 112. Judicial procefs, 66. JunO, oracle of, 188 feftivals in honour of, 231-237-242. Jupiter, temple of, u. oracles of, 171. feftivals in honour of, 227-245-248. Landmarks, kws relating to,i 16. Lands, laws relating to, 117. LariiTa, oracle of, 183. Laws, 89. the manner of pro- pofing, 90.annually revifed, 91. relating to the laws, 99. itricl inquiry into, 100. tranfoibed into the public records, 101. Lawfuits, laws relating to, in, Leaping, 262. Legacies, laws relating to, 125. Levying foldiers, 109. Libations, offered to the dead, 374- Liquors, 4^20. Literati, 25. Literature, youth to be in. iiructed in, 103. Logiibe, 28 107. Lots, divination by, 202. Love, tokens of, 378. potions, 379- Lycus, REMARKABLE THINGS. Lycus, ftatues of, 65. temple of, 74* Lyre, 453. Magical divinations, 207. Magiftrates, 27. inferiour 33- 74. Jaws relating to, 106. Mariners, compacts between, laws relating to, 119. Marine officers, 40-339. Markets, 13. Marriages, laws relating to, 121-384. Marriage, 3*82. age of, 383. feafon for, 383. Meals, 414. Meafures, Grecian, 462. Men, offered in facrifice, 151. Mercury, divine honours paid to, 1 86. fcftivalof, 236. Military affairs, 279. laws re- lating to, 131. puniihments and rewards, 131. armour, 28J. Minerva, temples of, 5. fefti- vals of, 235-248-253-254. Mines, laws relating to, 130. Miniilers, religious, 134. Money, 45 g.-^laws relating to, i 1$. computation of, 460. Months, how reckoned, 275-279 Monuments of the dead, 368. Mourning for the dead, 362. Murder, laws relating to, 127. Mufic, youth to be taught, 103 at entertainments, 441. art of, 452, vlufical Inftruments, 453. ufei at funerals, 365. at facri- fices, 159. Vluficians, employed at funerals, vlycenae, oracle at, 188. sfaval fpoils, 350, punimments, 350. engagements, 347 Inftruments, 333. officers, 342- Demean games, 273, Neptune, temple of, 5. feftrvai in honour of, 251-252-253*. , oracle of, 188. 5. Oars, ufed in Ships, 328, Oaths, 165. of vvitneffes, hovr taken, 71. of plaintiff and defendant in courts of juftice, 69. laws relating to, 1 15. reverence paid to, 169. pu- nifliments of the violation of them, 169. Officers, public, 49-294-296. attending entertainments^ 7. Offices, laws relating to various, 108. Oil, ufed in facrificcs, 148. Olympic games, 267. Oracles, 170-184. Orators, in courts of jufti^e, 72 laws relating to, 108. of the Athenian^ 92. Ornaments, ufed at facrifices, 155. Monu.Tienta 1 , 370. Orobse, 5o6 I N D Orobae/cfracJe of, 1 84. Orope, oracle of, 184. Orpheus, oracle of, 188. Overfeers of the navy, 109. Painting, art of, 450. Palladium, when inftituted, 62. Pan, temple of, II. oracle of, 188 * feftival in honour of, 251. Pantheon, temple of, ii Parafites, 98. Parafiti, 136. Parents, laws relating to, 103. Parfley, prizes of, 273-274. at funerals, 372. Parthenion, 5. Pafiphae, oracle of, i83. Patrae, oracle at, 187. Peace, of, 305. People, laws relating to the, 101. Perjury, punimment of, 84, Pharae, oracle at, 186. Philofophers, laws relating to, no. Philofophy, youth to be taught, 103. Phyficians, laws relating to, no. Pipe, the, 454. Plaintiff, in courts of law, 66. Plays, laws relating to, 96. Poems, recited at entertain- ments, 443. Poetry, prize of, 271. EX OF Polygamy, 382. Porticoes, 12. Prayers, ai racrifices, i57-i6i the time of, 162. cere- monies of, 162. Prefages, 204. Prefents, to the gods, 161. Prietteffes, 155. Priefts, of religion, 134. to give an'account of their priefthood, 99. how elected, 1 02. an* thority of, 102. Private life, of the Greeks^ 35 2 - Privileges of youth, 376. Proceflions, at funerals, 360. " at marriages, 392. Procurers, laws relating to, 124. Proedri, 49. their office, 50- 53- ProphetefTes, 172. Prytanes, 49, offices of, 49* Piephiihi, a, 107. Ptous, oracle at, 184. Pugiles, 265. Punilhrnents, of criminal, 84. laws relating to, 114. 'Mi- litary, 323. Naval, 350. Purification, 152. after 'fu- nerals, 372. Pythian games, 271. Quxftors, how^chofcn, 107* Quivers, 292. ^uoit, of the, 263. Races, '&EMARKAB &aces,of, 266. Ram, uied in battle, 314-3*5. Receivers of public money, laws relating to, 116. Religion, 133. Reptiles, divination by, 200. Revenue, public, 35. Rewards, of public, 8-8. mili- tary, 324. Rharium, 150. Right of inheritance, 409. Rings, divination by, 210. Rites, preparatory to facririces, 152. Robbers, laws relating to, 127. Rods, divination by, 203. Running, of, 260. Sacrifices, when and how per- formed, 85-145. matter of the, 146. time and manner of offering, 156. ceremo- nies after, 1 60. divination by, 195. after mourning for the dead, 373, before mar- riage, 390. Sacrilege, puniftiment of, 76. Salt, ufed infacrifices, 150. Salutation, at entertainments, 435- Saturn, feftival in honour of, 243 Scabbard, the Grecian, 291. Sea Service, of the, 326. Forces, 339- Selling, laws relating to, 1 18. 5 LE THINGS. 27 Senate, laws relating to decree of, ic i. laws relating to the, 105. -of five hundred, 5.2.*- its power, 54. Senators of Five Hundred, $2U how elected , 5 3 .'qualifica- tion of, 63. how to deliver their opinions, 106. Sentence, how delivered incourts of juftice, 73-112. Sepulchres, laws relating to, 126. Servitude, puniihment of, $ Sheep, the price of, 94. Shields, Grecian, 289. Ships, the fuppofed inventors *>t 326. various kinds of, 327. divifions and ornaments of, Shouting, ufed in battle, 312* Sick r treatment of the, 355* Sieges, of, 313. Signals, of the Grecian, 309* Signs of the heavens, divination by, 200. Slain, treatment of the, in battle, 3*7- Slander, laws relating to, 150. Slaves, 24. treatment of, 24. privileges of, 25. tortured to give evidence, 71. -laws re- lating to, 105. not to plead their own caufe, 1 1 1. Slings, of Grecian, 292, Sneezing, omen of, 204.. Societies, laws relating to cor- porate, 120; Sojcuruws, INDEX Sojourners, 24. their office at public proceflions, 95. laws relating to, 104. Soldiers, the pay of, 280 281. Songs, at the Pythian games 272. at entertainments, 441 Spears, of Grecian, 290. Sphragitides, 188, Spoils, dedicated to the gods 1 6 1. naval, 350.-^ taken in battle, 320. Sports, laws relating to, 96. after facrifices, 160. at en- tertainments, 441. Stadium, 15. Stage, reftriclions of the, 97, Standards, of the Grecian, 309. Statues of temples, how placed, 138-140. Strangers, not to join in chorus, 1 08. hofpitality to, 445. Streets, of Athens, 9. Succeffion of property, laws re- lating to, 125. Swearing, manner of, 167. fa- crifices at the time of, 168. Swimming,youth to be inilrucled in, 103. Sword, Grecian, 290. Syndic, 107, Tables, ufed at entertainments, 429. Tablets, on which the laws were engraved, 92. Tegyrx, oracle at, 184. Temples, 10. .'aw relating to the repairs of, 98-137.-*. where built, 138. refuge to malefactors, 144. Teftamentary Wills, 411. Tl.eatres, 17. law relating to fpedators at, 97. Theft, laws relating to, 129. Theomancy, 189. Thefeus, 2. temple of, 10. Time, of, 274. Tokens of friendmip, 447. of love, 37$. Tombs, 368. ornamented with flowers, 373. Tortoife, ufed in battle, 314. Trade encouraged, 13. Traitors, refufed the rites o^ fepulture, 354. punifhment of, 107. Treafurers, public, 36. Treafury, public, 6. tutelar gods of, 6. chapels in, 6. temples in, 6. Treaties, how engraved, 306. Trees, ufed in facrifices, 149. Trierarch, the qualification of, 109. office of, 109. Trophies, 321. Trophortius, oracle of, 184. Trumpets, ufed in battle, 310. Venus, temples of, 7-10. fefti- valsof, 215-222. Verfatilis, 17. Viftims, of the facrifices to thj dead, 374. Ui;, REMARKABLE THINGS. 5*9 U'yfles, oracle facred to, 188. Voyages, 344 Ufe of animal food, 418. Ufury, laws relating to, j!$. Vulcan, temple of , 10. feftival in honour of, 238, War, how proclaimed, 131-305. naval inftruments of, 338. Water, divination by, 212. drank at meals, 420. Water-glafles, divination by, 210. Weapons, of war, 285. Weights, 461. Wife, of the &a,tf&ivq t 99. Wills, law relating to, 125- 411. Winds, temple oi' the eight, n. Wine, uied in facrifices, 4 drank at meals, 420. Witnefles, in courts of Juftioe^ yi.^-Iaws relating to, 113. Women, employments of, 400- not allowed to travel in tic night, 401. cuftoms of, ia childbirth, 402. Words, ominous, 206. Worftiip, laws relating to divine^ 94. Wrellling, 265. Year, how reckoned, 375. Youth, law relating to the i- ftru&ion of, 103, privilege* of, 376. ERRATA, Fage. 2. laft line but ope; before 2lA 60m-3,'65 L (F2336slO)476B