ii ndian Blub iwinging. BY AN AMATEUR. I'llIM'ED, PUBLISHED AND SOLD B E. L. FIM-. (JO., INDIAN CLUB SWINGING, BY AN AMATEUR "For want of EXERCISE, appetite fails; for want of EXER- CISE, comfortable bodily warmth is not sustained ; for want of EXERCISE, refreshing sleep is not obtained" Maclaren. E. L. FREEMAN & CO., PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. 1884. Copyright, 1884, by BENJAMIN GARDINER. ' They led me bound along the winding flood, Far in the gloomy bosom of the wood." ' Ah ! what avail the largest gifts of Heaven, When drooping health and spirits go amiss? How tasteless then whatever can be given ! Health is the vital principle of bliss, And exercise of health. In proof of this, Behold the wretch who slugs his life away, Soon swallow'd in disease's sad abyss; While he whom toil has braced, or manly play, Has light as air each limb, each thought as clear as day." THOMPSON. INTRODUCTION. EXERCISE, THE LAW OF OUR BEING. Every well informed person is aware that wholesome and vigorous exercise is indispensable to the enjoyment and preservation of health. This is the physical law of our terrestrial life. Milton assumes that the same law prevails in the celestial sphere, when he pictures the young immortals engaged in active sports at the gate of Eden. " Betwixt these rocky pillars Gabriel sat, Chief of the angelic guards, awaiting night; About him exercised heroic games The unarmed youth of Heaven." THE CHEAPEST AND MOST CONVENIENT KIND. The exercise with the Indian Club, while excelled by none in prompt and beneficial results, is at once the least expensive and the most convenient of modern recreations. These qualities of cheapness and convenience strongly commend it to that large class in every community which lacks either the means or the leisure to indulge in more elaborate and costly diversions. The expense of the club-swinger's equipment, including a light and a heavy set of clubs, a suitable habit, and an instruction book, need not exceed the moderate sum of ten or fifteen dol- lars. Thus, as compared with riding, boating or by- i* 6 INDIAN CLUB SWINGING. cycling, the original outlay is trifling, while the subse- quent incidental expenses are merely nominal. The use of the clubs also comports with the utmost economy of time. To improve the circulation of the blood and im- part vitality to the system a half hour's exercise with the clubs is fully equivalent to two hours brisk walking, or three-quarters of an hour in the saddle or on the wheel. Again, the clubs are always at hand. The exercise may be enjoyed at whatever hour of the day or evening may be found most convenient and at whatever place ; at home,* in the hall or veranda of your cottage, or in the humming workshop ; in inclement weather as well as clear ; alone, or with companions. Where else may the toiling student, the sedentary mechanic, and the busy ac- countant find an exercise, combining so pleasantly phy- sical culture and recuperation with mental relaxation, at once so inexpensive, so accessible, and so chary of precious time? ITS SALUTARY EFFECT. Club-swinging promotes appetite and digestion by quickening the circulation of the blood, while, by dis- pelling nervous excitement, it invites continuous and re- freshing sleep. More directly it tends to strengthen the * A strong argument in favor of Indian Club swinging is based on its perfect adaptation to home exercise, precluding the necessity of daily visits to the rink or gymnasium, often at inconvenient distance; often demanding night atten- dance; not unfrequently cramped for space, and deficient in ventilation; if not open to more serious objections in respect to the formation of youthful habits and associations. Every boy should be provided with light clubs and an in- struction book, and encouraged to use them at home. " Stay, stay at home, my heart, und rest ; Home-keeping hearts are happiest, For those that wander they know^not where, Are full of trouble and full of care ; To stay at home is best." INDIAN CLUB SWINGING. 7 wrist and arms ; to expand the chest, producing deeper respiration ; to brace the shoulders, and to straighten and invigorate the spinal column, thereby inducing the habit of erect posture and graceful carriage. POSITION. The attitude appropriate to this exercise may .be termed oratorical, such as Webster or Everett might assume r calmly surveying a popular assemblage. The figure should be perfectly erect, looking directly forward ; shoulders well back, arms at the sides with the elbows held in ; palms of the hands turned partially to the front ; knees straight, and the toes turned well out ; thus presenting the human form as a statue, motionless, dignified and placid. GRASPING THE CLUB. The most easy and natural way of grasping the club is also the most correct. The hand should be closed firmly close to the ball of the club, the thumb being ex- tended along the handle in order to control its movements in sweeping the large circles and arcs. In the smaller circles and wrist movements, the head of the club must be released, the thumb and forefinger only clinging to the handle. THE SUITABLE WEIGHT. In the selection of clubs, due regard should be paid to- the size and physical condition of the performer. Each one should test his ability by swinging clubs of different calibre to a horizontal position, either in front or at the side, at the height of the shoulders. A club which can be placed in this position and held a few seconds without 8 INDIAN CLUB SWINGING. fatigue is suitable for rudimentary practice. In most cases, a club weighing two and a half or three pounds is heavy enough for beginners. Invalids should commence with even lighter weights. When skill is acquired and the arms are rendered hard and strong by habitual exer- cise, heavier clubs may be assumed with safety. The ponderous clubs sometimes wielded by professional ath- letes are not recommended for ordinary use. EXACT MOVEMENT. Precision of movement is of the utmost importance in club-swinging, and should receive careful attention from the commencement of the study. A careless and slovenly manipulation is alike distasteful to the beholder and use- less to the performer. Lay every motion to the line and plummet. Let the club be held precisely vertical, pre- cisely horizontal or precisely to the angle of forty-five degrees. Sweep the circles with perfect poise and delib- eration, conceding to each its largest diameter and a uni- form and unvarying contour. LENGTH OF SWEEP. The circles traced with the clubs vary in dimension. The largest have a diameter equal to twice the length of the arm and club. The diameter of the smallest is twice the length of the club. The dorsal or back circles being traced with the bent arm, have a variable diameter, al- ways longer than twice the length of the club, but less than twice the length of the arm and club. Figure 8, exhibits the relative size of these three classes of circles. STARTING POINTS. The various points of departure are taken with refer- ence to the foot of the club, of which points the following INDIAN CLUB SWINGING. five are the principal, viz. : The foot of the club, first as it hangs vertically downwards at the side ; second, as it is held perpendicularly above the head ; third, as it is held on either side at an angle of forty-five degrees above the horizontal line of the shoulders ; fourth, as it is held vertically upwards in front of the breast ; fifth, as it is held horizontally at arm's length in front, at the height of the shoulders. These points which are sufficiently definite for reference and description are numbered 1, 2, 3,4,5, and are plainly illustrated in the first five engraved diagrams. Other starting points will be adverted to as they occur in the text. THE HABIT. When taking exercise, the person should be lightly ap- pareled in order to allow absolutely free and unhampered motion to the limbs and body. For class drill, a loosely fitting habit of soft flannel, as shown in figure 6, is both convenient and becoming. The fashion of the uniform is not so material, as that it should be light and -easy fitting, suitable regard being paid also to the strength and durability of the fabric. DENOTATION. The nomenclature consists in the assignment of specific letters to denote the various circles and arcs used in club- swinging. It greatly facilitates lucid description, fur- nishes a simple formula for each swing, obviates the necessity of complicated diagrams, and renders self -in- struction practicable and comparatively easy in cases where the text-book is the only available source of infor- mation. The large circles are denoted by the letters A B'C D E F G H IJ ; the small circles by 1 m n o p q r s ; the medium circles by w x Y z. 10 INDIAN CLUB SWINGING. PREVALENCE OF THE EXERCISE. In our own country the Indian club exercise is steadily gaining in popular appreciation, while beyond the sea it is justly held in high repute and recognized by all classes, from prince to peasant, as a valuable agent in restoring and preserving health. Poets, familiar with the customs and pastimes of the old world, frequently allude to this and other manly recreations, pursued even by royal per- sonages as an indispensable part of their: early physical education. Longfellow represents King Olaf as " Trained for either camp or court, Skilful in each manly sport, Young and beautiful and tall; Art of warfare, craft of chaces, Swimming, skating, enow-shoe races, Excellent alike in all." CHAPTER I. MANUAL OF SINGLE MOVEMENTS. SECTION 1. LARGE FRONT, SIDE AND HORIZONTAL CIRCLES: OBLONGS. FOUR FRONT CIRCLES. A. Taking a club in each hand, assume naturally and without stiffness or constraint the swinger's attitude as heretofore de- scribed and as illustrated in the first engraving. It is well, also, in your early practice to toe a line on the floor, making the sweeps of the club with reference to that line, either in the same plane or in vertical planes parallel to it, or cutting it at right angles as the case may be, in order to foster and develop as quickly as possible the habit of precision. From the first point of departure, which is the foot of the club as it hangs at the side, swing the left club to the right, describing, with straight arm, a complete circle in front of the person. Make this circle several times, repeating the letter by which it is de- noted. In like manner swing the right club to the left five or six times, describing a similar straight-arm circle in front of the per son, repeating each time either mentally or audibly as you may prefer, the significant letter A ; tne object in every case being to associate together the circle and the letter which designates it. The two circles now described, although swept in opposite direc- tions, are properly denoted by the same letter as both are swept inwardly across the person of the swinger. The circle A as traced by the left and right club is shown by dotted lines and arrows in the first engraving. Now, sweep the circle with both 12 FRONT CIRCLES. clubs, each in turn tracing the outer curve, both clubs starting at the same moment. Also sweep the circle, starting the left club half a revolution in advance of the right. FIG. i. B. From the same point swing the left club to the left, describing five or six times in succession a full-sized straight-arm front cir- cle, associating with this movement the letter ]3. Also swing the right club to the right, describing several times a similar circle and repeating its significant letter. Both these circles being swept outwardly from the person of the performer, in the vertical plane of the floor line, are properly denoted by the same letter. (See first engraving.) Describe this circle also with both clubs, each in turn tracing the outer curve, both clubs leaving FRONT CIRCLES. 13 the goal at the same moment. Describe it also, starting one club half a revolution in advance of the other. c. Now reverse the position of the clubs by swinging them up, on the arc of the circle B to the second point of departure, where they are held perpendicularly at arm's length above the Fig. 2. head. From this point move the left club to the right making, five times, a full-orbed front circle, associating with this move- ment the letter Q > Make a similar circle five times by moving the right club to the left, repeating the same significant letter. 2 14 FRONT CIRCLES. These circles again are swept in opposite directions, but, never- theless, are properly denoted by the same letter, inasmuch as both of them are described by sweeping the club inwardly across the person of the swinger. The two circles denoted by Q are shown in the second engraving. Describe this circle also with both clubs moving simultaneously, that is, starting at the same instant, then alternately, that is, one starting ahead of the other. D. From the same point 2, pass the left club to the left, describ- ing a complete straight-arm circle in front of the person, repeat- ing the movement several times and designating it by the letter IX Describe similar circles by passing the right club to the right, associating the letter with the movement. These two classes of circles both move outwardly from the person, and ter- FRONT CIRCLES. 15 minate at the point of departure 2. They are shown in 5 the second engrav- ing. Return the clubs on the D arcs to the first po- sition, which is a \ position of rest as j well as a point of /' departure. (Other positions of rest are shown in the fourth, sixth and seventh engravings.) De- scribe ) with both clubs, moving, first simultaneously,then alternately. Fig. 4. Fig- 5- 16 SIDE CIRCLES. FOUR SIDE CIRCLES. E. From the first point of departure swing the left club directly forward, describing, on the left side of the body, several per- fect straight-arm circles, cutting the plane of the front circles at right angles. Describe similar circles with the right club, moving directly forward on the right side of the body, also cut- Fig. 6. Fig. 7- ting the plane of the front circles at right angles. As the club completes the first half of its course and enters the descending arc behind the shoulder, assist the movement by slightly swaying the body to the right or left, as the case may require. These circles are represented by the dotted lines and arrows in the ninth engraving. Describe with both clubs, allowing one of them to start half a revolution in advance of the other. SIDE CIRCLES. 17 F. From point 1, swing the left club directly backward, describ- ing a large side circle, assisting the movement by swaying the body slightly to the left. Repeat, naming with each revolution the distinctive letter p. Describe similar circles with the right Fig. 8. club, moving directly backward on the right side of the body which sways to the right as the club ascends the arc. Endeavor to keep the club, throughout the entire circuit, in the true plane which crosses the floor line at right angles. (Eng. 9.) Describe with both clubs, one following the other at half a circuit's interval. G. Swing the clubs up the arc E to the second point of departure, holding them perpendicularly at arms length above the head. 2* 18 SIDE CIRCLES. From this point move the left club directly forward, describing several times a large straight-arm circle on the left side. De- scribe a similar circle with the right club, giving the distinctive name of the circle, G. Fig. 9. H. From the same point 2, drop the left club backward describ- i n g H. The same with the right club. Practice the circles Q> and J-J with both clubs, one moving half a circumference in advance of the other, also both moving at the same moment in opposite directions, the left describing Q and the right J-J or vice versa. Try the same exercise from point 1, the left club describing E and the right F or vice versa. Favor the move- SIDE CIRCLES. 19 ments by swaying the person slightly to the right and left as each club passes to the rear. In these circles the clubs pass each other both at point 1 and 2. (Eng. 9.) In this exercise it is allowable to change the position of the feet, by placing one twelve or fourteen inches in advance of the other, .thus securing a brace, which is sometimes required when exercising with heavy clubs. (Eng. 10.) Fig. 10. TWO HORIZONTAL CIRCLES. I. Swing the clubs up on the arc E to a horizontal position,. holding them straight out in front, at the height of the shoulders. This is the fifth point of departure, denoted by the numeral 5* 20 HORIZONTAL CIRCLES. From this point swing the left club to the right, describing large circles in a horizontal plane directly over the head, associating with these circles the letter J. Describe similar circles by swing- ing the right club to the left in the same horizontal plane above the head. The tendency of the club to sink below the true hor- izontal plane at certain points of the circuit will be eventually overcome, (Eng. 5.) v Describe with both clubs, each in turn tracing the upper curve. J. From the same point 5, swing the left club to the left and the right club to the right, describing large circles in the same hori- zontal plane above the head. These circles are denoted by J and illustrated in the fifth engraving. The overhead horizontal circles have a diameter somewhat shorter than that of the front and side circles previously described, as the arm necessarily con- tracts a little as the club sweeps around back of the head. (Eng. 5.) Trace with both clubs. TWO ELLIPTICAL CURVES. It is proper to advert here to two elliptical movements which are described from the fourth point of departure, the clubs being held vertically in front of the breast, as shown in the fourth en- graving. These curves bear a strong resemblance to the straight- arm circles C an d D, but should be carefully distinguished from them. As the movement commences with the bent arm, the vertical diameter is shortened, producing an oblong figure instead of a perfect circle. From point 4, sweep the left club inwardly to the right just as in the circle C returning to the point of departure. Make the same movement with the right club moving to the left. Repeat the oblong several times with each club; then with both clubs moving alternately, the right starting on its circuit as the left returns, and the left start- ing again as the right returns. As each club conies in to its goal, bring it to a position just back of its mate with a quick arrest. (Eng. 4.) To describe the second elliptical curve sweep the left club out- wardly to the left just as in the circle D returning to the point INERTIA BACK CIRCLES. 21 of departure. Make the same movement with the right club, moving outwardly to the right ; then, for an exercise, with both clubs moving alternately, the right starting out as the left returns, and the left moving out again as the right returns, both clubs moving in the same vertical plane. (Eng. 4.) SECTION 2. DORSAL OR BACK CIRCLES. The dorsal circles are medium in size, and are designated by the letters W, X, Y, Z. The first two of these back circles are described from the first point of departure. In describing cir- cles from this point, it is allowable, in starting, to swing the club gently in the direction opposite to the movement contemplated ^ in order to gain momentum to carry it up the ascending arc. In every circle there is a point of inertia to be overcome by im- parting at the precise moment an additional impulse to the club. In circles made from the first point, this impulse is required at the start. In those emanating from the second, third and fourth points, it is not needed at starting, because the club immediately enters a descending arc, where its own weight affords sufficient momentum. In these cases the point of inertia being reached after the completion of the first semi-circle, the impulse must be imparted at that moment. TWO LOWER DORSAL CIRCLES. W. Assume the appropriate attitude. From the first point of de- parture, throw out the left club to the left for a start; then carry it to the right, behind the person, causing it to describe a bent-arm circle in the rear. The club may be turned either by a flexible wrist movement, or by relaxing the grasp so as to allow the knob to turn in the hand, holding on principally by the muscles of the palm. The mode is immaterial so long as you succeed in mak- ing a smooth and even circuit. Describe the same circle with the right club moving first to the right for a start, then to the %% BACK CIRCLES. left, passing behind the person. Associate with these circles the significant letter W. (Eng. 11.) Turn this circle with both clubs, moving simultaneously. jU ^ "~">>. : J^>^ \ \ s' "^X ' ' ^*X -sN, ^s v * s' **^ ! ' ^^^ w Fig. ii. X. The second lower dorsal circle denoted by X, more than any other, imperatively needs the aid of acquired velocity in order to ensure its smooth and graceful execution. For this reason it is usually made to follow a descending sweep of the club. From point 1 first impel the left club to the right for a start. As it re- turns, carry the hand quickly behind the hip, bending the arm and wrist so as to bring the head of the club nearly to the arm- pit as the hand passes behind. The acquired momentum, to- BACK CIRCLES. 5 gether with the sudden deflection of the arm from its previous course, causes the foot of the club to make a detour in the re- verse direction to the preceding movement, amounting to a rear circle, to be associated with and designated by the letter X. Describe the same circle with the right club mov- ing first to the left for the sake of impetus. By practicing this cir- cle in connection with, and following the front circle B y u wi ^ P er - ceive at once how great- ly accumulated momen- tum assists in turning it. The lower rear circles, alone, and disconnected from other motions are not repeated so readily as the upper; but alter- nating with other mo- tions, as, for instance, Fig. 12. the front circles A or B or the front circlets p or q, the repeating movement soon becomes equally easy and natural, as will be made clearly appar- ent bye-and-bye. (Eng. 12.) Try with both clubs, in connection with the front circle B. TWO UPPER DORSAL CIRCLES. Y. Swing the clubs up on the arc E to tbe second point, holding them perpendicularly at arm's length above the head. From this point carry the left club to the right behind the shoulders, causing it to describe a medium bent arm circle. Describe the same with the right club moving inwardly to the left. In this circle the point of inertia is reached just as the club enters the ascending arc of its circuit, and at this point an additional im- pulse must be imparted from the hand. Strive to carry the club BACK CIRCLES. around evenly, adhering to the true plane of the circle, and allowing it as long a diameter as the bent arm will per- mit. For an exercise try this circle with both clubs moving alternate- ly ; also with both moving simultaneously. Associate with this movement the letter Y. (Eng. 13.) Z. From the same point drop the left club outward to the left, describing behind the shoulders, the second upper dorsal circle de- noted by Z. As the club approaches the point of inertia, impart at the opportune mo- ment sufficient impetus from the hand to carry Fig. 14. it smoothly up the as- cending arc. Associate the letter with the movement. Describe the same circle with the right club moving outwardly to the BACK CIRCLES. right. For an exercise, try y. both clubs, moving alter- YV nately. (Eng. 14.) Also both Y clubs moving simultaneous- *, ly ; and then both moving j simultaneously in parallel / circles, one describing the circle Y, and the other Z. (Eng. 15.) Z may be turned also from the first point of departure, by turning the arm back and forcing the club up the ascending arc. SECTION 3. EIGHT CIRCLETS OR WRIST CIRCLES. These small circles, having for the most part a diameter only twice the length of the club, are numerous and are described in almost every plane, sometimes with straight, sometimes with bent arm, and at such height, angle or position as the swings to which they are attached may require. They are worthy of attention, because they serve to relieve the longer sweeps and diversify the movements, imparting to them the charm of variety, which is a desirable requisite both in mental and physical recreation. In fact, " Variety's the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavour." The circlets which occur most frequently are the following : Swing the clubs up to a vertical position in front of the breast, which is the fourth point of departure, Press the left elbow s WRIST CIRCLES. against the side, at the same time turning the wrist so as to throw the thumb outwards. Drop the club directly forward, at the- same moment relaxing the grasp so as to allow it to turn freely in the cavity between the thumb and forefinger, thus whirling out, on the outside of the arm, a circlet, of which the wrist is the centre of motion and the club the radius. The impelling force is applied as the club enters the last half of its circuit. Associate with this circlet the distinctive letter 1. Whirl the same repeatedly with the right club. (Eng. 16.) Also, with both clubs: first, starting together; secondly, one starting half a revolution ahead of the other. Fig. 1 6. JUL Fig. 17. m. From the same point, reverse the preceding movement, drop- ping the left club directly backward, on the outside of the arm, whirling a circlet precisely like the first except being swept in the opposite direction. The denoting letter is m. Repeat with the right club. (Eng. 17.) Also, with both clubs: first, moving together; secondly, one moving half a circle in advance of the other. WRIST CIRCLES. n. Straighten the elbows, holding the clubs vertically at arm's length, either in front or veering to either side. Send the left club forward, bringing it up this time on the inside of the arm. Denominate this circlet n, repeating the movement with the right club as usual. (Eng. 18.) Repeat also with both clubs. o. Reverse the preceding movement, sending the left club, from its vertical position, directly backward on the inside of the arm, producing the circlet o. Practice the same with the right club ; BACK CIRCLE W. 47 17. A W. (F.) 1. The left club moving to the right sweeps, from the first goal, the large straight-arm circle A m front, after which it passes, almost without change of direction, back of the person, where it describes the first lower dorsal circle W, the two movements forming the first half of the swing. The same movements re- peated with the right club form the second half. Make the con- nection by (F), the left club sweeping in front, while the right turns at the back, and vice versa. In turning the lower dorsal relax the grasp, retaining hold on the button of the club chiefly by the muscular contraction of the palm of the hand. The w r orking of the head of the club in the hand is somewhat after the manner of a ball and socket joint. (Eng. 30.) 18. A w. (S.) i. Unite the divisions by (IS), both clubs moving on A an( i tlien both on W. The swing is rendered more symmetrical if each club in turn is made to take the outer circuit, both front and rear, but this point is not pressed at present. The art of turning the rear circles simultaneously without contact of the clubs is soon acquired. (Eng. 30.) 19. B X. (F.) 1. The left club, moving outwardly to the left describes the front circle ]3 followed immediately by the second lower dorsal circle, denoted by X, and detailed at length in the manual. The force accumulated from the downward sweep of the large circle and the sudden change of direction suffice to cause the foot of the club to take a circular route behind the hrp. Unite the divisions by (F). As the right club has no accumulated force to start with, it may be held in abeyance during the first movement by the left, or, the dorsal movement may be simply feinted. Momentum being an indispensable element in this dorsal circle, it should always be made to follow a descending sweep. (Eng. 30.) 48 FROKT CIRCLE AND BACK CIRCLE 20. B x. (S.) i. Both clubs simultaneously sweep, first, the front circle B, au d, secondly, the back circle X, repeating continuously. (Eug. 30.) 21. B (F.) 1. The left club moving to the left describes the large circle B. As the club goes past the person in front, let it swing beyond the goal to a horizontal point at the height of the shoulders, I ' Bl 31- from which point it takes the opposite direction, describing the dorsal W, in the rear. These movements are the first division, the second being the same movements performed with the right club. Unite by (F). (Eug. 31). FRONT CIRCLE A AND BACK CIRCLE X. 49 B w. (S.) 1. Describe the front circle with both clubs. As they go past the person in front, allow them to swing beyond the goals till they reach a horizontal position on opposite sides, thus affording an opportunity for the free and graceful performance of the double dorsal W. (Eng. 31.) 28. A X. (F.) 1. With the left club moving to the right, describe the large front circle A. As the club descends, let it swing well past the goal in front of the person, preparatory to executing the lower dorsal X : then execute the dorsal as previously directed. These movements form the left division of the swing, the right divis- ion being formed of the same movements made with the right club. After separate practice unite the divisions by the first method. (Eng. 31.) 24. A x. (S.) 1. Unite the two divisions by the second method. First describe with both clubs the double front circle A, allowing the clubs to go well past the goals in front preparatory to turning the double dorsal. Then turn the double dorsal. Repeat several times. (Eng. 31.) 25. Y 1. (F.) 2. Swing the clubs up on the arc E or B to tne second point of departure, holding them perpendicularly above the head. From this point the left club, moving to the right describes the upper dorsal Y, and immediately after from the same point the forward circlet 1. Make the union by (F). (Eng. 32.) 5 50 BACK CIRCLE Y AND FORWARD TWIST 1. 26. Y 1. (S.) 2. Unite the divisions by (S), executing first the double dorsal and then the double circ- let. (Eng. 32). W 27. Z. (F.) 1. This is an attractive formula, but requires both care and skill in the execution. De- scribe the lower dor- sal W, impelling the left club first gently to the left and then to the right, turning the circle behind the hips. After making the turn bring the club quickly around in front of the person, and carry it up the front arc A. to a point convenient for turning the left dorsal Z, which is then turned. The short arc in front, required to connect the lower back circle with the upper is not expressed in the formula, as it comes in of necessity, it being impossible otherwise to execute the swing. These several movements constitute the left section of the swing, the right section consisting of similar movements made with the right club. Practice each section thoroughly be- fore attempting to unite them. The union is by (F). The left club turns the W below, while the right turns Z above, and when the left ascends the arc to perform the Z, the right de- scends to execute the W. In this, as in other swings involving the lower dorsal movement, the execution should be slow and deliberate. (Eng. 33 ) 32. BACK CIRCLES W AND Z. 51 28. W Z. (S). 1. With both clubs moving simultaneously describe the dorsal W: then bringing the clubs in front, carry them up the inner 2 A? Z 33- arc A niaking a generous detour to the right and left so as to allow the Z to be turned fairly and squarely in its own proper place behind the shoulders. In swings of this kind much of the interest attached to them depends upon the style of execution. The movements should never be hurried nor cramped, but on the contrary quite moderate in point of time, and free and lib- eral in point of space. (Engs. 11 and 33.) 29. Under this head are included several swings which are grouped together on account of their similarity. They are designed to 52 FRONT TWIST p AND BACK CIRCLE W. impart proficiency and skill in turning the lower back circles in connection with the circlets. The student should revert to them from time to time as he may find leisure and opportunity, some- Fig. ii. thing more than mere cursory and superficial practice being re- quired to attain perfect ease and dexterity in turning these circles. " He who would search for pearls must dive below." The formulas are as follows : 1st. p W. (F.) 1. With an impulsive motion of the wrist turn the circlet p in front, in the plane of the great circle A with the left club, and FORWARD TWIST 1 AND BACK CIRCLE W. 53 at the same moment the dorsal circle W, in the rear, with the right: then, changing duty, the left club turns the dorsal and the right the circlet. In turning the circlets, throw the clubs well out to the right and left in order to afford a straight sweep behind for the W. A finer bent-arm and wrist movement than this need not be desired. 3d. P W. (S.) 1. Unite the divisions also by the second method, first turning the p with both clubs, and then the W. 3d. q W. (.) 1. Turn the circlet q with the left club moving outwardly to the left from the first goal, in the plane of the great circle ]3 at the same time turn the back circle W with the right club, also moving to the left. Then describe the dorsal with the left club and the circlet with the right. The movement is similar to that in No. 21, the small circle q taking the place of the large circle B. Unite the divisions also by the second method, the formula being q W. (S.) 1. 4th. Left club 1 W ) ,mv Right " 1 q j (1 In this swing the point of departure for both clubs is goal 3 on the left side. From this point both clubs start at the same time and make as nearly as possible the same movements; q in front corresponding to W in the rear. These movements made on the left side with both clubs form the left division of the swing, and similar movements made with both clubs from goal 3 on the right side form the right division. The third method of union enunciated at the beginning of this chapter is applied in this case. Swing both clubs up to goal 3 on the left side. From this point, whirl the circlet 1 with both clubs, after which, both traversing the short intervening arc, the left club turns the lower dorsal W behind the hips, while the right turns the cor- 5* 54 BACKWARD TWISTS O & HI & BACK CIRCLE W. responding circle q in front. Now swing both clubs up to goal 3 on the right side, from which point both clubs turn the circlet 1, descend together the short intervening arc, the right passing behind the hips and turning the dorsal while the left turns the corresponding circle q in front. Thus the swing proceeds from side to side, the clubs moving in concert till the close. The short arc is disregarded in the formula, as it intervenes of necessity, when the start is made from the third goal. Face to the left and right as the clubs change from one side to the other, the body turning at the waist. 5th. Left club m W ) Right m q This formula differs from the preceding only in the substitu- tion of the backward circlet m in place of the forward circlet 1. When you turn the circlet m allow the clubs to drop back over the shoulders, hanging vertically downwards; from this position they are thrown forwards and turn the other circles precisely as. in the preceding swing. 6th. Left club n 1 W ) ,,-,, ( Right n 1 q j (T This formula requires two circlets to be turned at the start. Turning the wrists to suit the movement, first let both clubs drop forward and bring them up on the inside of the arms; then let them drop forward again and bring them up on the outside of the arms, after which complete the swing as before shown. 7th. Left club o m W ) , T , Q Right ' o m q J U Here the two backward circlets are turned at the start. Stretch- ing out the arms, let both clubs drop back on the inside of the arms turning the circlet o ; then back on the outside, turning m, at the same lime throwing the clubs over the shoulders. The remainder of the swing is like the preceding. (Eng. 34.) X FORMULAS. 55 Fig. 34- Similar formulas may be framed involving the second lower dorsal X, as follows: 1. p X (F) 1. 2. q X (F) I. 3. Left club 1 p )/ T x o 4. Left club m P j(T) 3. Rigbt " m Xj 5. Left club n 1 p ) / T N 3 Right " n 1 XT 6. Left club o m P Right " o m X 3. 56 FRONT CIRCLES Q B & A, & BACK CIRCLE W. Practice these formulas until they become quite familiar: also the following, in which the clubs describe two front and two back parallel circles. Left club q X ).^ * Right " p Wj In turning the circlets throw both clubs well out to the right, which brings them into a parallel position at convenient points for describing the back circles, namely, X with the left club, and W with the right. From the back circles return promptly to the front, the clubs all the while turning parallel circles both front and rear. 30. q B W A. (T.) 1. This swing is introduced here because it contains some points of resemblance with those immediately preceding, although it contains four circles instead of two. The clubs move in con- cert throughout, only separating at the third movement, where the left passes behind to describe the dorsal W, while the right makes the corresponding turn in front, after which they rejoin and sweep together the final front circle. By an impulsive effort of the wrists, turn the circlet with both clubs, sweeping, directly after, the large front circle. As the clubs descend the arc on the right, allow them to swing past the goal to a horizontal position on the left. From this point, separating, the left club describes the dorsal W, while the right turns in front. Then joining again, both sweep in concert the large front circle A, which completes the left division of the swing. Applying the third mode of union, the second or right division is developed by repeating similar movements from the first goal on the right side, the clubs moving in concert throughout, separating at the third movement, of necessity, to allow the right club to describe the dorsal while the left turns in front. We have placed over this swing only the formula for the left club, as the right moves along with it all the way, turning corresponding circles. The formula for the right club would be p A q B. (Eng. 34.) SIDE TWIST p AND SIDE CIRCLE 57 31. P A B. (T.) l. This exercise is similar to the preceding only involving the second lower dorsal circle X, in the place of W. The formula indicates the action of the left club, the right moving in concert and turning correlative circles. When the left club is required to turn the dorsal X, the right is occupied in whirling the circlet p in front. The formula for the right club would be q B P A. (Eng. 34.) 32. P E. (F.) I- From point 1 sweep the large forward side circle E with the left club, on the left side of the body, and at the same moment with the right club whirl the corresponding small forward side 1 Fig. 44. 58 CLUB CURE. circlet p on the right side, each club alternating constantly from large to small and from small to large as the swing proceeds. Whirled from this point and on the side, p coincides with m. This movement being rather difficult may be omitted in the first course and taken in the review. (Eng. 44.) Vary this swing by increasing the number of circlets, thus: Left club P P P j/pn i Right " p p E> 33. Y X. (F.) 2. From point 2 turn the back circle Y with the left club, while the right, descending the arc Q in front gathers impetus to turn handsomely the lower dorsal X. The left club then descends the arc and turns the lower dorsal, while the right, ascending the arc ]3 turns the upper dorsal Y. In the formula above given the arcs are not expressed, as the clubs must of necessity traverse them in passing from the upper to the lower circles. Considered as a swing composed of three movements, it might be formulated thus: Y arcC X. (F.) 2. An interesting experiment may be tried here by executing con- secutively two swings, the first of which contains the upper dor- sal circles and the second the lower. Practice in this manner the following formulas, and other similar combinations as they may occur to you: Y C (F) 2. alternating with Y X (F) 2. Y C (S) 2. " " Y X (S) 2. Z D (F) 2. " " Z W (F) .2. Z D (S) 2. " " Z W (S) 2. "Young man, you look as if you were in trouble ; are you sick ?" If so, try the Indian club treatment, called sometimes "the amateur's specific;" the uniform result of which may be ex- pressed in three words, " 'Tis exercise and health and length of days." TWIST 1 AND ARC ). 59 Mark the three-fold beneficent result, exercise, health and longevity. Examples are not rare in which sickly and slender youths have been braced up by exercising with the clubs, becom- ing thoroughly hardened in a few years, and tough, nearly, as a Norwegian sailor, " Iron-sinewed, horny-handed, Shoulders broad, and chest expanded, Tugging at the oar." SECTION 2, SWINGS COMPOSED OF A CIRCLE AND AN ARC, OB OF TWO ARCS. 1. As in No. 29 of the previous section, several swings, on ac- count of their similarity, are here collected together under one head. The basis of each swing is the to and fro movement, in concert, of both clubs from the third point of departure on the left side to the corresponding point on the right side, from which they return again to the left. In these cases where the right club is thrown up to the goal on the left side in order to act in concert with the left, while the movement of the right club is the same as that of the left, the literal expression of the formula is different, arc ) to the left club being arc C t the right, and q to the left, p to the right, and so of other circles in the same plane. It might perhaps be deemed sufficient in such cases to give the formula for the left club, remarking that the right moves in con- cert with it; but in order to prevent any misconception of the movements, I have preferred to give the formula for each club. 1st. Left club 1 arc D Right " 1 arc C Throw both clubs up to goal 3 ? on the left side, holding them parallel at arm's length. Turn the circlet 1 with both clubs; then swing on the front arc to the corresponding point on the right side. Here repeat the circlets and return. (Eng. 22.) 60 TWIST n AND 1 AND ARC Left club m arc D | /T\ 3 Right " m arc C i This swing is the same as the first, only substituting the. back- ward circlet in place of the forward, allowing also the clubs to drop back over the shoulders. Fig. 22. 3d. Left club n 1 arc Right " n 1 arc \cr\ q Turn two circlets previous to sweeping the arc, first n, on the inside, then 1, on the outside, of the arms, both being forward circlets. (Eng. 22.) TWISTS O AND m AND AUC D. 61 4th. Left club o m arc D | /T\ Q Right " o m arc C ) Reverse the preceding circlets, extending the arms to allow the clubs to turn safely towards the face. After turning the circlets, drop the clubs back over the shoulders. In the four swings now enumerated, the first division is the formula as exe- cuted from the point of departure on the left side, and the sec- ond as executed from that on the right side, the union being by the third method explained at the beginning of the chapter. In practicing swings of this kind, the clubs should be thrown well up to the right and left, so as to embrace in each sweep about three-fourths of the entire circle in front. The feet may retain one position, the body turning at the waist; or occasionally, for a change, you may turn on the feet, keeping them at right angles as you face from the one side to the other. Two variations of the first swing (1 arc D) may be described here. The first consists in turning the circlets very low down on the left side, sinking the clubs nearly to the floor; then as you face to the right, turn the hands back so as to bring the clubs behind the shoulders, throwing them to an extreme height; the movement being uniformly depressed on one side and elevated on the other as the swing proceeds. The second variation consists in starting one club from a hori- zontal position and the other from behind the shoulders, the second following the first at an interval. Face to the left, throw- ing the left club over the left shoulder, where it hangs pendent behind. Extend the right club horizontally on the left side. This is the position for starting; the left club being at goal 7 and the right at goal 6. Turn the circlet 1 with the right club, which is then swung across on the front arc Q and by a quick back- ward turn of the arm is thrown over the right shoulder, the body meantime facing to the right. At the moment the right club passes in front, make a high throw with the left from behind the shoulder swinging it across on the front arc J3 to a horizontal position on the right side, where it stops. Now the situation is just the reverse of the original, the left club being extended hor- izontally on the right side, while the right depends from the right 62 TWO 1 TWISTS AND ARC ]} shoulder, the body facing to the right. Repeat the movement as follows: The left club turns the circlet, traverses the arc and comes to position over the left shoulder; while the right, follow- lowing at an interval with a high throw, also traverses the arc, and stops at a horizontal position on the left, the body now fac- ing to the left. When thus facing the formula is Left club arc D starting from 7 stopping at 6. Right " 1 arc C " from 6 stopping at 7. 2. Left club 1 1 arc D ), Right " arc C arc D arc C 1 Swing both clubs up to goal 3 on the left side, holding them parallel. First, turn the circlet 1 with the left club, while the right swings across on the arc C to a horizontal position on the right side at the height of the shoulders; secondly, turn the circ- let again with the left club while the right swings back on the arc to the original position ; thirdly, swing both clubs on the arc to the third goal on the right side, these several movements be- ing the left division of the swing, the return movements forming the right division. Throw the clubs well up as they meet to traverse in company the final arc. (Eng. 22.) This swing admits of two modifications. Make one circlet with the left club and a complete circle with the right, after which they swing together to the goal on the right. The form- ula becomes Left club 1 arc D j /T\ o Right " C arc C) The other modification consists in turning circlets, one above and one below the left arm, and then swinging together to the right side where the movement is repeated. Force the right club under the left arm, compelling it to make as nearly as possible the same turn under the arm as the left makes above it. The formula becomes Left club 1 arc D ) /^p\ o Right " n arc C j Try also the following exercise, which is somewhat similar: facing to the left, cross the arms at the breast and turn with BACK CIRCLE Y AND FRONT ARCS Q A ND D. 63 both clubs the circlet n ; uncross quickly, turn 1 with both clubs swing across on the front arc and repeat. 3. Y arc C arc D (F) 1.. The movements of the formula made with the left club are the first division; made with the right club, the second. Prac- tice the divisions and unite them by the first method. The start is taken from the first point of departure. The analysis of the swing is as follows: The left club moving to the left, ascends the arc and turns the dorsal circle Y, while the right swings out to a horizontal position on the right at the height of the shoul- ders and back to a similar position on the left. Secondly, the left club, descending the arc C swings out to a horizontal posi- tion on the left and back to a similar position on the right, while the right club swinging back from the left side, ascends the arc on the right and turns the dorsal. The clubs pass each other ex- actly in front of the person, the descending club always taking the outer circuit. Swing with a steady, even movement, observ- ing exact moderate time. On account of its easy cradle-like motion, this is sometimes called the sleepy swing.* It certainly exerts a soporific influence if long continued. " Oh sleep ! it is a gentle thing, Beloved from pole to pole!" Vary the above swing by substituting the dorsal arc Z, now and then for the circle Y, the club returning by the arc C m front. Vary also by introducing occasionally the double front circle ]3 reverting again to the original movement. These sub- stitutions prevent the swing from seeming monotonous and at the same time afford relief to the arms by change of motion. The above swing may be increased in volume, without marring its individuality by turning the dorsal three times in succession, at the same time increasing the number of arc sweeps corres- pondingly. Try the experiment. * The sobriquet of each leading swing is given in the table of contents at the end of the book. 64 BACK CIRCLE Z AND FRONT ARCS D AND Q. 4. Y arc C arc D (S) 1. From goal l,the left club moving to the left and the right club to the right, both ascend the arc and turn the dorsal Y ; then descend on the arc Q swinging out to a horizontal position on opposite sides, whence they return to an opposite horizontal position, the arms being crossed upon the breast. From this latter position the swing is repeated. The clubs intersect four times, first behind the shoulders, then above the head in front, and twice below as they pass out to the side points and return from them. For diversification, the simultaneous Y turns in this swing may occasionally be made at arm's length, at goal 3. 5. Z a~rc D arcQ ( F ) 1- After practicing the divisions, unite by the first mode, the as- cending club always taking, the outside circuit. The analysis is as follows: While the left club, moving to the right, ascends the arc, sweeping gracefully around and turning the dorsal Z, the right club first swings in to the left, and then out to a hori- zontal position on the right; and while the left, descending the arc D swings in to a horizontal position, and then out to a hor- izontal position also, the right moving to the left ascends the arc and sweeping gracefully around turns the dorsal. Thus all the movements of No. 3, are exactly reversed. Vary the movement by throwing in occasionally the double front circle A ' resuming afterwards the regular motion. The volume of the swing may be increased by turning the dorsal three times, adding a corres- ponding number of arc sweeps. 6. Z arc D arc C (S) 1. Starting from the first goal and moving towards each other, both clubs rise on the arc, sweep gracefully around to the right and left and turn at the same moment the upper dorsal Z: then de- SIDE CIRCLES G AND TWISTS m AND 1. 65 scending the arc D they pass in front to a horizontal position, the arms being crossed upon the breast, and back again to the other horizontal position, the arms being extended at length on opposite sides of the person. From this position the swing is repeated. When performed with spirit it affords vigorous exer- cise, stretching out the arms and expanding the chest finely. 7. Arc E and the circlet m in transit. (S) 1. Return. Arc Q an d the circlet 1 in transit. (S) 7. In this swing the clubs move on the side arcs, in parallel sweeps which cross the front arcs at right angles. From the first goal 45- swing both clubs directly forwards on the side arcs E. As they are passing the breast, whirl the m circlets, allowing the clubs to 6* 66 TWIST DRILL. drop back over the shoulders. On the return sweep, denoted by Q whirl the 1 circlets as they pass the breast, and let them con- tinue on, passing beyond the goals as far as the arms will permit, the body retaining its erect position. Vary the swing by some- times turning two circlets on the ascent and two on the descent. (Eng. 45.) Another variation consists in starting the clubs from opposite points; for instance, the left club from goal 1 and the right from goal 7, each turning a circlet, sometimes two circlets, as it as- cends and descends. Observe that in this swing the circlets nei- ther precede nor follow the long sweep, but are introduced in transit. 8. The following exercises in circlets, having some points of re- semblance are collected under one head : 1st. Left club 1 n Right n | In this exercise the clubs turn constantly in parallel circles, which is the essential point of the swing. Swing both clubs up to goal 3 on the left side. With the left club turn the circlet 1 on the outside of the arm, followed by n on the in- side, while with the right, mov- ing in parallel curves, you turn n on the inside followed by 1 on the outside. After whirl- ing these parallel circlets a few times on the left side, swing across on the front arc and repeat them on the right. (Eng. 37.) Fig. 37- TWIST DRILL. 67 3d. Left club m o Right " o m (T) 3. From the same point on the left side, reversing the parallel circlets, whirl m on the outside and o on the inside of the left arm; also o on the inside and m on the outside of the right arm. Swing across and repeat on the right side. 3d. Duplex r and s (T) 6. Swing the clubs up to a horizontal position on the left side at the height of the shoulders, holding them parallel at arm's length. Turn with both clubs the horizontal circlet r, empha- sizing the parallelism. Swing across on the front arc and repeat. Also re- verse the movement, turn- ing the outward horizontal circlet s with both clubs, traversing the arc as before. (Eng. 43.) 4th. Left club 1 ) Right " m) Continuous. 4. Holding both clubs verti- cally in front at goal 4^ 43- twirl them in opposite direc- tions, dropping the left forwards and the right backwards and vice versa. Also start one club in advance of the other, each turning the forward circlet 1, the second following the first at an interval of half a revolution, producing a similar effect. Keep both clubs twirling without any suspension of motion. The ability to twirl these circlets swiftly comes from persistent drill- ing. Smoothness and uniformity of motion are more to be de- sired than great speed. 68 TWIST DRILL. 5th. 1 n 1(8) 4. Return, o m ) Holding the clubs vertically in front of the breast at goal 4, whirl quickly the circ- let 1 followed by n, lodging the clubs under the arms. In this case n can be only partial- ly turned. Reverse the movement, turning o followed by m, dropping the clubs over the shoulders, the o being only partially turned. The armpit position of the clubs is oc- casionally assumed by the swinger for a moment's rest. Other positions of rest are, clubs pendent at the sides (goal 1), vertical in front (goal 4), and depending from the shoulders, (goal 7). (Eng. 42). Fig. 42. 6th. Left club horizontal and rigid. Right " arc C Y 2 arc C (T) 6. Swing both clubs up to a horizontal position on the left side, which is a point of departure denoted by 6. Hold the left club at this point stubbornly, with straight arm and stiff elbow, while the right club traversing the front arc turns the upper dor- sal Y, then makes an arm's length sweep on each side of the ex- tended left arm, turning finally the circlet 1. Both clubs then are swung across to the corresponding point on the right side, where the right arm and club are stubbornly held in a horizontal position while the left executes the foregoing movements. Heighten the effect by adding occasionally to the other motions the horizontal circlet r turned either above or below the rigid TWIST DRILL. 69 7th. Left club rigid 3. Right " Y C or z D 2. This exercise also consists in holding one club stationary at arm's length, while the other executes some formula which may be selected for the moment. For example, swing the left club up to goal 3, holding it rigid and motionless while the right club performs several times in succession the formula Y Q \ then extend the right club, holding it motionless at goal 3 on the right side, while the left executes the same formula. Practice the formula Z ) in the same way. 9. The following swings being composed of arcs only are treated under a single head : Fig. 38. 70 BACK ARC Y AND FRONT ARC 1st. Arc Y arc (F) 3. Swing the left club up to goal 3 on the left side, the right club taking a position about eighteen inches above it in the same ver- tical plane, parallel to it and pointing in the same direction. Bring the right club by the dorsal arc Y to goal 3 on the right side, while the left traversing the front arc ) conies to a posi- tion about eighteen inches above it in the same vertical plane, parallel to it and pointing in the same direction. Repeat the movement from the right side, the left club returning by the dorsal arc and the right by the front arc. As the clubs come to position on either side, thrust the arms out with vigor, to give emphasis to the parallelism, which is the prominent feature of the swing. (Eng. 38.) Practice the same movement from goal 6, the clubs being held at the start in a horizontal position, instead of at an angle of forty-five degrees. In this case, the sweep of the arc is a half circle instead of a three-quarter. (Eng. 39.) ARC AKC Y. 71 3d. Arc Z arc C (F) 3. Swing the left club up to goal 3 on the left side, the right taking a parallel position as in the previous swing. Drop the right club in front, bringing it by the arc C to g a l 3 on the right side. The left club, by the arc Z comes to position eighteen inches above it, parallel to it, and pointing in the same direction. In the return movement, the left club takes the front arc, and the right the dorsal. Impart emphasis to the parallelism by thrust- ing the arms out briskly. Practice this movement also from goal 6, the clubs taking a horizontal position and sweeping only a semi-circle. \ > i 41 / Arc D arc Y (S) 3. Throw the left club up to goal 3 on the left side, and the right to goal 3 on the right side. With both clubs sweep the front ARC Z AND ARC arc, bringing them to a position above the head, crossed like the letter X. From this position return by the dorsal Y to the points of departure. (Eng. 40.) Practice this movement from goal 6, the clubs being held at the start horizontally at arm's length on opposite sides of the person. Sweep the front arc with both clubs, bringing them to Fig. 41. a horizontal position directly over the head, one above the other, parallel and pointing in opposite directions. Return by the dor- sal arcs Y to the points of departure. In all these movements the front arc is somewhat curtailed in order to bring the clubs directly over the head. (Eng. 41.) 4th. Arc Z arc C (S) 3. Swing the clubs up to goal 3 on opposite sides. From these points both clubs traverse the dorsal arcs Z, coming to a position above the head crossed like the letter X. Drop both clubs in front, returning them by the arc C to tne starting points. DORSAL ARCS D AND C. ? 3 Practice this swing from goal 6, holding the clubs horizontally ut the start, and bringing them by the dorsal arcs to a horizontal position over the head, returning by the front arcs C to the starting points. 5th. Left club arc D arc Y ) , Right " arc Z arc Swing the left club up to goal 6 on the left side and the right to the same. goal on the right side. With the left club describe the front arc D and at the same time with the right club, the dorsal arc Z, thus bringing the clubs directly over the head, in a horizontal position, one above the other, parallel, and pointing in opposite directions. Then return the left club to its orig- inal position by the dorsal arc Y, while the right returns by the front arc C. Presently, change the exercise by practicing the first part of the formula with the right club, and the second part with the left. The following exercises on dorsal arcs may be taken in the review : 1st. Left club dorsal arc D ) / T \ Right ' " " CJ Point both clubs to the sixth goal on the left side, holding the right club behind the person and parallel to the left. Swing both lubs to and fro behind the person. [ f 2d. Left club 1 dorsal arc ) Right " - " " C Connect the circlet 1 with the dorsal arc movement. First, (the clubs pointing as in the previous exercise,) turn the circlet with the left, swinging both to the opposite goal ; then turn the circlet with the right club, both swinging back to the original position. 74 DORSAL ARCS D A:N " D C. 3d. Left club m dorsal arc D ) /rr\ a - < c! ( This exercise is like the preceding, except that the backward circlet m takes the place of the forward circlet 1. These several exercises may be executed simultaneously as well as alternately. NOTE. Nearly all the elementary circles and arcs used in this book have now been illustrated in the engravings. The swings described in the following chap- ter will be expressed by the formulas only, this being the most intelligible and satisfactory method of representing swings which involve more than two move- ments. CHAPTER III. SWINGS COMPOSED OF THREE OR MORE MOVEMENTS. SECTION 1. THOSE COMPRISING THREE OR MORE CIRCLES. I. Every one at all conversant with Indian club swinging must have observed the marked and peculiar tendency of the hands to make the same movement. The following eight examples have been selected with special reference to overcoming this inclina- tion and disciplining each hand to move independently of th,e other. 1st. Left club 1 continuously ) Right " Y Q > From the second point of departure, which is the foot of each club as it is held perpendicularly at arm's length above the head, turn the circlet 1 continuously with the left club, while the right executes and repeats time after time the formula composed of the upper dorsal circle Y, followed by the forward side circle G. As the left club whirls the circlet, let the right describe the first circle of the formula, and as the left repeats the circlet, let the right sweep the second circle of the formula. After a while, execute the formula with the left club while the right turns the circlet continuously. 76 INDEPENDENT MOTION. 3d. Lett club Y continuous ) Right " Y C J Considerable tact is required to perform this example smoothly, from the fact that, at every alternate sweep, the dorsal circle must be turned by both clubs. Practice will soon teach you ta make a proper allowance for the .crossing of the clubs to avoid contact. The detail of the swing is like the preceding. 3d. Left club Y continuous ) g Right " Z D J 4th. Left club Z continuous ) 9 Right Y C } ' 5th. Left club Z continuous ) Right Z D ) 6th. Left club p continuous ) j Right " W p ) 7th. Left club r I o. Right " p W 1. 8th. Left club s J 5. Right " q X 1. The student is recommended to devise other examples for the- purpose of training the hands to independent action, which is quite an important attainment in the art of club swinging. ACCELERATED MOTION. 77" Left club 2 1 Right " G This formula requires two revolutions of the left club to one of the right. From goal 2 start both clubs at the same moment, whirling the circlet twice in succession with the left club, while the right describes the straight arm side circle G. After a while, describe the large circle with the left club and the two circlets with the right. Practice also the following formulas or devise similar ones. Left club 2 Y Right " C or D Left club 2 Z Right " D or C Left club 2 Y Right " G Left club Y Cl m o Right ' Z Di Swing both clubs up to goal 2, holding them perpendicularly above the head and parallel to each other. From this point both clubs move at the same moment, in concert throughout, with uniform speed and in parallel circles. Starting to the right, drop both over the right shoulder, the left club describing the dorsal Y followed by the front circle C, an d tne right the dorsal Z fol- lowed by the front circle Y). These movements constitute the first division of the swing. After repeating this concert move- ment four or five times on the right side, bring the clubs squarely to the front, stopping at the goals. Now execute the second division by dropping both clubs over the left shoulder, the right club describing the dorsal Y followed by the front circle C an d the left the dorsal Z followed by J3. This swing illustrates the union of the divisions by the third method, which consists in executing a formula a specified number of times on one side of 7* 78 BACK CIKCLES Y AND Z AND FRONT Q AND ). the person, and then repeating it the same number of times on the other side. The above swing is often rendered more ornamental by intro- ducing the 1 circlets between the back and front circles, just at the moment when the clubs emerge from behind the shoulders. The formula then becomes Left club Y 1 C )m 2 Right " Z 1 Di Instead of bringing the clubs squarely to the front, the trans- fer of the swing from one side to the other is more frequently effected by quickly reversing the movement of the clubs as they reach the upper dorsal circles. For instance, if you are execut- ing the swing on the right side and wish to change to the left, the moment you reach the dorsal circles, extend the right arm longitudinally to the left, passing the right club over the left shoulder and head, causing it to sweep the circle C in front in- stead of D ? while the left moving in concert is made to sweep the front circle ]3 instead of C. A- somewhat peculiar swing is produced by changing the direction of the sweep at every rev- olution of the clubs in front, the formula in this case being Left club Y D) m o Right " Z C i By simply changing the expression of the third formula two other swings may be produced, composed of the same circles but following each other in a different order of succession thus : Left club Y C) m o Right D 2) ' ' Left club Z D \ m Right C Y * Left club C Y) * circle interval Right ' D Z) In starting this swing let the right club follow the left at an interval of half a circle. Swing the clubs up to goal 2. Start FKONT A A ^ D B WITH BACK W AND X. 79" the left club to the right on the front circle C an d when it reaches the feet, start the right club in the same direction on the front circle ). With the left club, as it ascends the arc on the left, turn the dorsal Y and a moment later, with the right club, turn the dorsal Z, both passing again into the front circles, the right following the left at the fixed interval before named. After several revolutions, shift the movement to the left side,, either by bringing the clubs to the front, or by the quick trans- fer movement previously explained. This swing may be varied by making two dorsal turns to one in front. The start is often taken from the first goal. Left club A W) m 1 Right " B X } v This is a concert swing, similar to No. 3, only involving the lower series of back and front circles instead of the upper. The lower series is equally as interesting and impoitant as the upper, and the skilful performer should be able to turn its circles with equal facility. From the first goal sweep the front circles sim- ultaneously with both clubs moving to the right, the left tracing A and the right B. As the clubs descend the arc on the left side they separate momentarily, the left passing behind the per- son and turning the lower dorsal W, while the right, with the momentum gathered in the descent, is made to turn the other lower dorsal X by bringing the right hand quickly under the armpit and behind the hip, as previously explained. After sev- eral repetitions, reverse the movement by starting both clubs to the left. When the above swing has been thoroughly learned in the form given, it may be embellished by adding the front circ- lets p and q after the back circles W and X. The formula will then read, Left club A W p) (T v t Right " B X qj ; 80 FRONT CIRCLE A WITH BACK W AND Z. 6. interval. Start the left club to the right and when it reaches a point directly over the head, follow with the right moving in the same direction. After several revolutions in this direction, reverse the movement by starting the clubs to the left. When thor- oughly acquired, add the circlets p and q as in the previous swing. 7. Left club Y X ) m . Right " Z W) 1 This concert swing is composed of the four dorsal circles. From point 1 sweep both clubs up the arc on the left side turning the upper dorsal Y with the left club, and Z with the right, after which, as they descend on the right side turn the lower dorsal X with the left club, and W with the right, both clubs re-appearing at point 1 to repeat. After repeating several times, start the clubs up the arc on the right side, the right club turning Y and the left Z in the ascent, and the right X and the left W in the descent. When the swing has become familiar in its plain form, introduce the 1 circlets after the upper dorsals Y and Z, and the circlets p and q after the lower dorsals W and X. The formula then becomes, Left club Y I X q) m t Right " Z 1 W.p" 8. A W Z (F) 1. Grouping. AW, WZ, ZA. When the left club describes A the right describes W ; when the left turns W the right turns Z ; when the left turns Z the right turns A. This coupling of circles is expressed in the grouping. The first division of the swing is the formula exe- FRONT B WITH BACK X AND Y. 81 cuted with the left club; the second, with the right club. The detail of the movements is as follows: The left club moving to the right from the first goal sweeps the straight-arm circle A, passing in the same sweep behind the person and turning the lower dorsal circle W ; then coming to the front it ascends directly in front of the face, and bearing well round to the left turns the upper dorsal Z. Meantime the right club, commencing with the second movement of the formula turns first the dorsal W, then ascending directly in front of the face and bearing well round to the right, turns the upper dorsal Z, then descending, sweeps finally the straight-arm circle A. This is a noble swing, inducing a free and unembarrassed manipulation, suggestive of a perfect mastery of the art. " It was not framed for village churls, But for high dames and mighty earls." 9. A w z (S) i. With both clubs describe the circle A followed by W, in one continuous sweep, the clubs crossing in front of and also behind the person. As they ascend in front of the face, sweep them well around to the right and left with graceful curvature, turn- ing finally the upper dorsal Z, after which they descend again into the front circle to repeat. 10. B X Y (F) 1. Grouping. BX, XY, YB. The first motion of the right club may be feinted, there being no accumulated force to assist in turning it. In consequence of the clubs passing into the circle B a ^ a point over the head after taming the upper dorsal Y, and again leaving it to turn the lower, it becomes really an arc instead of a complete circle, after the first sweep of the left club. This abbreviation or clipping of the circles is sometimes unavoidable in meeting the exigencies of particular swings. It will be noticed also that at the above FRONT q AND Q WITH BACK Y. point the circles B and C coincide. The rule is to adhere strictly to the formula, using the specific name of the circle there given, the coalescence of the different contours giving rise to no practi- cal difficulty in its execution. This swing is often executed from the second point of depart- ure, in which case the lower dorsal X follows a descending sweep on each side, which is an advantage in starting the swing. When executed from this point the formula becomes Y C X (F) 2. Grouping. YQ, QX, XY. In this case the circle C * s clipped. If we regard the arc C merely as a connecting link between the upper and lower dor- sals, the swing may be reduced to two movements, as in No. 33, Chap. II, Sec. 1. 11. B X Y (S) 1. Execute the circles successively with both clubs. When started from goal 2 the formula is Y C x (S) 2. Practice also the reverse formulas to this. Z D W (F) 2. Z D W (S) 2. 12. q C 2 Y (F) 4. 2. Grouping. qY, CY. In this swing the left club starts from the fourth goal and the right from the second. Swing both clubs up to goal 4, From this position raise the right perpendicularly to goal 2. Facing to the right, turn the circlet q with the left club. When turned at this position q virtually coincides with 1, inasmuch as the club drops forward and comes up on the outside of the arm. At the same moment tarn the dorsal Y with the right club. As soon as q is turned with the left club, extend the arm at length in the same vertical plane, and describe the complete front circle C the right club, at the same moment turning the dorsal Y a second FKONT p AND ) WITH BACK Z. 83 time. Now face to the left and repeat, turning the circlet q in front with the right club while the left turns the dorsal Y, and the large circle C witu the ri g ht while the left repeats the dorsal. A dramatic air may be imparted to this swing by assuming the sparring attitude as you turn the circlet, bending the knees and setting back the body on the hips; then rise and throw the club to the utmost height as you sweep the large circle. In this way considerable exercise is obtained for the lower limbs by con- stantly turning from side to side, sinking and rising as you alter- nate from the small to the large circle. If the performer chooses he may execute this swing a definite number of times consecu- tively on each side, uniting the divisions by the third method. 13. q C 2 Y (S) 4. In this form of the swing the body is kept square to the front. 14, p D 2 Z (F) 3. Grouping. pZ, Extend the clubs to goal 3 on opposite sides. Whirl the circ- let p with the left club, relaxing the grasp and holding on to the club with the thumb and fingers, and at the same time turn the dorsal Z with the right club. Then with the left sweep the great circle D> repeating the dorsal with the right. Now change the movement by turning the dorsal twice in succession with the left club while the right executes the circlet, followed by the circle. Keep the feet in position, only swaying the body as the clubs change from one side to the other. 35. p D 2 Z (S) 3. Describe each circle successively with both clubs; swing them well out to the right and left with graceful curvature previous to turning the double dorsal. 84 BACK Z WITH FROHT ) AND p. The student should now begin to exercise his inventive powers in devising original swings. Any circles or arcs which glide smoothly into each other may be wrought into swings. He will soon find a peculiar fascination in devising swings for his own practice and also take an unwonted interest in executing those which are the product of his own ingenuity, 16. Y c q (F) 2. Grouping. YQ, Cq. qY. The circlet is turned in front at the first goal, the circle C be- ing clipped. In turning the circlet, seek to impart sufficient im- pulse to the club to send it briskly up the ascending arc. This impulse assists materially in turning the dorsal Y. 17. Y c q (S) 2. When you turn the circlet with both clubs, send them well out to the right and left, sweeping up the ascending arcs with fully extended arms. The quality of the swing depends largely on the impulsion given to the circlets. 18. Z D P (F) 3. Grouping. ZD, DP> pZ- The circlet p is turned at goal 3 in front of the extended arm. Practice the divisions well before making the union, as the order in which the circles follow each other is somewhat novel. In sweeping the large front circle, be careful to carry the club well out on the side previous to turning the circlet. The more per- fectly the circles are made, the more exhilarating the exercise becomes. 19. Z D P (S) 3. The start may be taken from the second goal if preferied. BACK Y WITH FRONT Q Q AND B. 85 20. A W p (F) 1. Grouping. A w > W P PA. 21. A w p (S) i. In this swing as well as in the preceding the first two circles are made in an unbroken sweep. 22. B X q (F) 1. Grouping. B x > Xq, P w , wz > Z A. The circlet p is whirled at arm's length at the side. Extend the arms to goal 3 on each side of the person. The left club first sweeps a complete straight-arm circle in front. As the club comes around to the goal again it whirls, as high up as possible, the circlet p ; then it passes behind the hips where it turns the lower dorsal W ; after which, coming quickly to the front and ascending, it describes finally the upper dorsal Z, which com- pletes the first section of the swing, the same series of circles traced with the right club forming the second section. The union is by the first method, the left club describing A as tne right whirls p ; the left whirling p as the right turns W ; the left W as the right Z ; the left Z as the right A. This is a very graceful swing when practice has rendered the movements easy and familiar; and I can conceive of no exercise better calculated to secure perfect freedom in the use of the arms- or a finer development, than this with the Indian clubs. It is alike adapted to ladies and gentlemen and undoubtedly should FRONT B A ^ D Q WITH BACK X AND Y. 87 form a part of the daily curriculum of schools and colleges in the department of physical exercise. Solomon affirms of the virtu- ous woman, " She girdeth her loins with strength, and strength- eneth her arms." Furthermore, the exercise of club swinging is eminently social. What sight more interesting than a company of youths and misses, apparelled in neat and comely uniforms, swinging the Indian clubs, in pairs or coteries of four, five or six, keeping time and following, when convenient, the accom- paniment of the piano or other musical instrument? Such a scene calls vividly to mind the poet's holiday picture; " How often have I blest the coining day, When toil remitting lent its turn to play, And all the village train, from labor free, Led up their sports beneath the spreading tree, While many a pastime circled in the shade, The young contending as the old surveyed ; And many a gambol frolick'd o'er the ground, And sleights of hand and feats of strength went round." 27. A P w z (S) i. Trace each circle with both clubs in the order of the formula . 28. B q X Y (F) 1. Grouping. Bq, qX, XY, YB. 29. B q X Y (S) 1. This formula may be taken to illustrate the great variety of ways in which the various circles made with the clubs may be combined into swings. By applying the rule of permutations twenty-four variations can be formed from these four circles, all of which are capable of being reduced to practice by a skilful manipulator of the clubs. The formulas are as follows : 88 FRONT p A ARC B BACK W. BqXY qBXY XBqY B q Y X q B Y X X B Y q Y B X q B X q Y q X B Y X q B Y Y q B X B X Y q q X Y B X q Y B Y q X E B Y q X q Y B X x Y B q Y x B q B Y X q q Y X B X Y q B Y X q E A W p Z (F) 1. Grouping. AW, Wp, pZ, 7. A. This formula, like the preceding, is susceptible of twenty-four variations, some of which, of course, are executed with greater facility than others. The above form is one of the best as the circles succeed each other in an easy and natural way, with full and generous sweeps. Unite the divisions also by the second and third methods according to the following formulas: A w p z (S) i. Left club A W p Z) m 1 Right " B X q YT Such swings as these, which require vigorous effort should not be practiced immediately after a full meal. The following rule, expressed in homely rhythm, and broadly stated withal, is easy to remember: " Rise arly and take exercise in plenty, But always take it with your stomach empty." SECTION 2. SWINGS COMPRISING THREE OR MORE CIRCLES OR ARCS. 1. p A arc B W (F) 1. Grouping, p arc B, AW. With the left club whirl impulsively the circlet p followed by the large circle A, an( i at tlie same moment swing the right club BACK CIRCLES Y AND Z FRONT ARCS Q A ^ D D. $9 out horizontally to the right and then in behind the person, turn- ing the dorsal W. Next whirl the circlet impulsively with the right club followed by the front circle, while the left swings out horizontally to goal 6 and in behind the person, turning the dor- sal. The sleight of turning the circlet with one club while the other shoots out horizontally is soon acquired. 2. p A arc B W (S) 1. With both clubs first whirl the circlet, then sweep the front circle allowing the clubs to cross in front as they come in; then se.nd both out to a horizontal position at arm's length on opposite sides, from which points they pass in behind the person, execut- ing the double dorsal. Left club Z Z arc D arc C arc D )/rp. Right " arc C Y arc C arc Z arc C) Start both clubs simultaneously from goal 3, on the left side. The left club turns the dorsal Z twice while the right traverses the front arc and turns the dorsal Y once; both clubs now cross the front arc in company to the third goal on the right; separat- ing at this point the left swings back on the front arc to goal 8 on the left, while the right club reaches the same point by the dorsal arc Z ; .then both recross in concert to goal 3 on the right. The swing is quite easy, consisting mostly of swinging the clubs to and fro on the front arcs. We have given only the first divis- ion, the second being the same movements repeated from the third goal on the right side. 4. Left club Y arc Ch T \ 2. Right " arc D Z) 6. This swing is peculiar inasmuch as each club immediately re- traces its own movement. Start the left club from the second goal and the right club from the sixth goal, on the right side, which is the arm's length horizontal position. The left club 8* 90 BACK CIRCLES Y AND Z FRONT ARCS Q A ND D. turns the dorsal Y and sweeps the front arc C to g a l 6 on the left; the right sweeps the front arc D an d turns the dorsal Z. In the second division the right retraces its previous movement by turning the dorsal Y and sweeping the front arc C to the sixth goal on the right, while the left also retraces by swinging back on the arc ) and turning the dorsal Z. This swing affords a fine stretch for the arms as the clubs swing out and stop at the sixth goal on either side. 5. Left club Z arc D Right " arc C Y Both clubs start from goal 3 on the left side. First division : the left club turns the dorsal Z and sweeps the front arc ) as far as goal 3 on the right, while the right club traverses the front arc C an d turns the dorsal Y. Second division: the right club turns the dorsal Z and sweeps the front arc ) to goal 3 on the left, while the left club traverses the front arc Q and turns the dorsal Y. 6. Left club Z Z D Z D Z arc D ) / o Right " arc C Y C Y Y Y arc C ) The clubs move simultaneously from the third goal on the left side, the left turning the dorsal Z, the right swinging across on the front arc C ; " tne left turning the second dorsal Z, the right turning the first Y ; both now sweeping together the front circle which is D for the left club and C for tne right; the left club turning the third Z, the right the second Y ; the left now sweep- ing alone the front circle ) the right turning the third -Y ; lastly, in concert, the left turning the fourth Z, the right the fourth Y and swinging across on the front arc to goal 3 on the right side. The swing is less difficult than the formula would indicate, as the clubs for the most part move in concert, execut- ing parallel circles, while the reckoning is easily kept by count- ing the dorsal turns of either club, of which there are four. BACK W FRONT p AND ARC Q. 91 7. Y arc C w arc B (F) 2. 6. Grouping. YW, arc C arc B. The left club starting from the second goal turns Y and sweeps the front arc C to S'^ & on tne ^ e ^- At tne same moment the right club, starting from goal 6 on the right, and, swinging be- hind the person, turns -W and ascends arc B on the right. The left club, starting anew, as it were, from the sixth goal on the left, turns W and ascends the arc B, while the right club, turning Y sweeps the front arc to goal 6 on the right, its first point of departure. The movement is somewhat chary and elu- sive, and on that account more captivating. The divisions of this swing may be united in each of the three methods, affording a fine illustration of the three forms of union applied to a single formula. The ingenious student will be able to apply the third form to a number of the swings described in this book where only the first and second methods are exhibited in the text. A critical review of the swings with this object in view will afford entertainment as well as exercise. Practice the second and third forms of this swing and also the reverse, as indicated in the following formulas: Y arc C W arc B (S) 2. Y arc C w arc B (T) 2. Z arc D X arc A ( F ) 2. Z arc D X arc A (8) 2. Z arc D X arc A (T) 2. 8. Left club Wpp arc C)/p\ 6 Right " arc D P P arc C) Extend the clubs to goal 6, on opposite sides, pointing out- wards. Sweep the back circle W with the left club, followed by the circlet p in front; at the same time swing in the right club on the short arc ) also turning the circlet p in front. Repeat the circlet with both clubs, allowing them to cross in front, after which both swing out on the arc C to t^ 6 original position. 92 BACK W FRONT p AND ARC Q t , Then the right club sweeps the back circle W while the left takes the arc J^ an d so oa alternately. Try the following formulas : Wpp arc C (S) 6. W p p arc C ( T ) 6. Left club X q q arc D ) (p\ g Right " arc C q q arc D j X q q arc D (S) 6. X q q arc D (T) 6. Left club m Y \tw\ & Right " 1 arc C) Extending both clubs to goal 6 on the left side, whirl the circ- let m with the left club, and 1 with the right; then the dorsal Y with the left, while the right swings across to goal 6 on the right side. From this point the right club turns m and Y, while the left turns 1 and sweeps the arc. The union by (S) and (T) may be applied to this formula and also to the reverse. Left club 1 arc D /wv a Right " m Z Without extending further the list of detached swings, the following chapter will be occupied in presenting in new and in teresting relations some of those already described. " To please the fancy is no trifling good, Where health is studied; for whatever moves The mind with calm delight promotes the just And natural movements of the harmonious frame." CHAPTER IV. BIFOLD, COMPOUND AND CONTINUOUS SWINGS. SECTION 1. BIFOLD SWINGS. Many of the formulas enunciated in the preceding chapters may be rendered at once more interesting and more useful by bifolding or repeating each circle in each division as the swing proceeds. The increased volume of the duplicated swing affords a greater amount of exercise and an agreeable diversity of move- ment, while at the same time, the distinctive character of each swing is fully retained. The following formulas will serve to illustrate the beauty and practicability of the bifold principle which the student is earnestly recommended to apply to the ut- most extent of his ingenuity. 1. 2 1 2 G (F) 2. Page 35. From the second goal, whirl the circlet twice with the left club, while with the right, for each turn of the circlet, you sweep the forward side circle. Then whirl two circlets with the right club and two side circles with the left. Swing deliberately, counting the movements, and swaying the body to the right and left as the straight-arm circle changes from side to side. The primitive of each bifold swing will be found on the page given in the formula. 2. 2 1 2 Y (F) 2. Page 49. 94 BIFOLD SWINGS. 3. 2 1 2 Y (S) 2. Page 50. 4. 2 Y 2 G (F) 2. Page 44. 5. 2 q 2 C 4 Y (F) 4. 2. Page 82. Grouping. 2 q 2 Y, 2 C 2 Y. Facing to the right turn the circlet twice at the fourth goal in front of the breast with the left club, and the dorsal twice with the right, then the front circle C twice with the left, and two additional dorsals with the right. Repeat, facing to the left. 6. 2 q 2 G 4 Y (S) 4. Page 83. 7. 2 Y 2 C 2 q (F) 2. Page 84. Grouping. 2Y2C ; 2C2q, 2q2Y. 8. 2 Y 2 C 2 q (S) 2. Page 84, 9. .2 A 2 W (F) 1. Page 47. 10. 2 A 2 W (S) 1. Page 47. 11. 2 Y 2 C 2 q 2 B (F) 2. Page 85. Grouping. 2 Y 2 C, 2 C 2 q, 2 q 2 B, 2 B 2 Y. COMPOUND SWINGS. 95 12. 2 Y 2 C 2 q 2 B (S) 2. Page 86. 13. 2 Y 2 C 2 X (F) 2. Page 82. Grouping. 2 Y 2 C, 2 C 2 X, 2X2 Y. 14. 2 Y 2 C 2 X (S) 2. Page 82. The difficulty of repeating the lower dorsal circles may be- obviated by substituting p for W and q for X in the second rev- olution of the clubs. 15. 2 p 2 D * Z (F) 3. Page 83. Grouping. 2 p 2 Z, 2 D 2 Z. 16. 2 p 2 D * Z (S) 3. Page 83. In the last two formulas, the circlet is turned at goal 3 at arm's length at the side. I think every unprejudiced person must admit that no exercise can be devised better adapted to in- crease the lung capacity than these bifold swings, notwithstand- ing the covetous banker's humorous commendation of dumb bells, who, on being teased for money by his daughter, whose name was Belle, replied, " Dear Belle, to gain money, sure, silence is best, For dumb Bells are fittest to open the chest." SECTION 2. COMPOUND SWINGS. Two swings whose movements flow smoothly together may" often be united and repeated as one. Frequently a formula and its reverse may be thus joined forming an attractive compound,, as in the following examples: 96 COMPOUND SWINGS. 1. (Y arc C arc D) (Z arc D arc Q (F) 1. The component formulas will be found on pages 63 and 64. Execute them successively, passing promptly from the first to the second, repealing the two precisely as one swing. They will soon run smoothly together, forming a new and agreeable combination. 2. (Y arc C arc D) (Z arc D arc C) (8) 1. 3. (q C 2 Y) (p D 2 Z) (F) 4. 2. Page 82-3. 4. (q C 2 Y) (p D 2 Z) (S) 4. 5. (Y C q) (Z D p) (F) 2. Page 84. 6. (Y c q) (Z D P) (S) 2. 7. (Y c q B) (Z D P A) (F) 2. Page 85-6. 8. (Y c q B) (Z D P A) (S) o^ Sometimes compounds are formed by uniting a swing which contains the upper series of motions to another which contains the lower series, as in the following examples, in each of which you first execute on both sides the first formula, containing the upper series, and then pass to the second containing the lower series, repeating the two continuously as one swing. 1. (Y arc C arc D) (W p p arc Q (F) 2. 2. (Y arc C arc D) (W p p arc C) (S) 2. 3. (Z arc D arc C) (X q q arc D) (F) 2. 4. (Z arc D arc Q (X q q arc D) (S) 2. Compound swings may be bitolded with most pleasing effect as in the following examples: 1. (2 Y 2 C) (2 Z 2 D) (F) 2. Page 40-2. 2. (2 Y 2 Q (2 Z 2 D) (S) 2. 3. (Y arc Y D arc D) ( z arc Z C arc C) (F) 2. Page 70-1. 4. (2 q 2 C 4 Y) (2 p 2 D * Z) (F) 4. 2. Page 82-3. 5. (2 q 2 C * Y) (2 p 2 D 4 Z) (S) 4. 6. (2Y 2C 2 q) (2 Z 2D 2 p) (F) 2. Page 84. 7. (2Y 2C 2 q) (2Z 2D 2 p) (S) 2. 8. (2 Y 2 C 2 q 2 B) (2 Z 2 D 2 p 2 A) (F) 2. Page 85-6. 9. (2 Y 2 C 2 q 2 B) (2 Z 2 D 2 p 2 A) (S) 2. CONTINUOUS SWINGS. 97 In the third example complete circles are turned on the first circuit, the parallelism taking effect only on the second. In this- way many other arc swings may be bifolded. SECTION 3. CONTINUOUS SWINGS. " Strength of heart And might of limb, but mainly use and skill, Are winners in this pastime of our king." Swings in which the transition from one to another is easyr and natural may be arranged into lists and executed continuous- ly, presenting an ever varying outline of graceful motions. The- student is recommended to construct lists for his own practice,, as an opportunity is thus afforded him to weave in his favorite swings, which method, he will find, greatly enhances his inter- est in the exercise. The following lists are presented more to illustrate the principle of continuity and to invite effort, than to indicate any preference of classification. In continuous swing- ing each formula of a list may be executed once, or more than once, at the option of the performer. In learning a list, practice the first formula, then the first and second, then the first, second and third, then add the fourth, and so on until the entire list is thoroughly memorized, and the order of arrangement becomes so familiar as to seem perfectly natural and spontaneous. 3. FIRST LIST. Left Right club Y Z CUT) D) 2. Page 77. Left Right club C D Y)(T) z) 2. | circle interval. Page 78. Left Right club 2 1 arc Y Z arc C arc arc arc D C D arc arc arc c! D C (F) (F) 3. 1. 1, Page 62. Page 63. Page 64. 98 CONTINUOUS SWINGS. 6. Left club 2 Z arc D arc C arc D ) (T) 3. Page 89. Right " arc C Y arc C arc D arc C) 7. Left club Y arcC) m 2. Page 89. Right " arcD ZT ' 6. 9. Left club o m arcDj (T) 3. Page 61 . Right " o m arc C ) 10. Left club 2 Z D Z D Z arcD) (T) 3. Page 90 Right " arcQ Y C 3Y arc SECOND LIST. 1. Y C (F) 2. Page 40. 2. Z D (F) 2. Page 42. 3. Arc Y arc D (F) 3. Page 70. 4. Arc Z arc C (F) 3. Page 71. 5. Y 1 (F) 2. Page 49. 6. Y Q (F) 2. Page 44. 7. 1 Q (F) 2. Page 35. 9. Arc E m in transit (S) 1. Arc G 1 " (S) 7.) Page 65. 10. 1 arc D (T) 6. concert, low and high. Page 6 THIRD LIST. 1. Parallel circlets 1 n|m oj p n 1 fo m) 2. p A (F) 1. Page 36. 3. q B (F) 1. Page 38. 4. q C 2 Y (F) 4. 2. Page 82. 5. p D 2 Z (F) 3. " 83. 6. Y C q (F) 2. " 84. 7. Z D P (F) 3. " 84. 8- Y C q B (F) 2. " 85. 9. Z D P A (F) 2. " 86. 10. p D (F) 3. " 38. CONTIGUOUS SWINGS. 99 FOURTH LIST. 1. A W z (F) 1. Page 80. 2. B X Y (F) 1. " 81. 3. A W Z (S) 1. 81. 4. B X Y (S) 1. 82. 5. q C 2Y(S) 4. 11 83. 6. p D 2 Z (S) 3. (i 83. 7. Y Q q (S) 2. tt 84. 8. z D P (S) 3. <( 84. 9. A p W z (F) 1. 3. Page 86. 10. A p W z (S) 1. " 87. FIFTH LIST. 1. p X (F) 1. Page 55. 2. q X (F) 1. i 55. 3. P w (F) 1. 52. 4. q w (F) 1. " 53. 5. Left club q X !(T) 1. Concert. F Right " P w ) 6. Left club n 1 W j(T) 3. Concert. Right ' n 1 X ) 7. Left clubo m W) (T g concert. Page 55. Right " o m X j 8. W Z (F) 1. Page 50. 9. W Z (S) 1. " 51. 10. Y X (F) 2. " 58. SIXTH LIST. 1. q B w A ( T ) ! Concert. Page 56. 2. Left club A W) Right " B x )(T) 1. Concert. Page 79. 3. Left club A W I(T) 1. i circle interval. Page 80. Right ' B X j 4. Left club Y X ) (T) j concert. Page 80. Right " Z Wj v 5. A W (F) 1. Page 47. 6. A W (S) 1. " 47. 100 CONTINUOUS SWINGS. 7. 8. 9. 10. B B B B X w (F) 1. (S) 1. (F) 1. (S) 1. Page 47. 48. 48. 49. SEVENTH LIST. 1. 2 Y 2 C (F) 2. Page 40. 2. 2 Y 2 C 2 X (F) 2. " 82. 3. 2 Y 2 C 2q (P) 2. " 84. 4.. 2 Y 2 C 2q 2 B (F) 2. " 85. 5. 2 Z 2 D (F) 2. " 42. 6. 2 Z 2 D 2 W (F) 2. 11 82. 7. 2 Z 2 D 2p (F) 3. " 84. 8. 2 Z 2 D 2p 2 A (F) 2. " 86. 9. 2 A 2 w (S) 1. " 47. 10. 2 A 2 w 2 Z (S) 1. " 81. EIGHTH LIST. 1. R I (F) 5. Page 44. 2. R I (S) 5. i < 45. 3. S J (F) 5. " 46. 4. S J (S) 5. 11 46. 5. Y arc C arc I ) (S) 1. Page 64. 6. Z arc D arc C (S) 1. " 64. 7. P 1 w (F) 1. 6 . " 86. 8. P 1 w (S) 1. " 86. 9. q m X (F) 1. 6 . " 86. 10. p E (F) 1. " 57. NINTH LIST. BIFOLD ARC SWINGS. 1. Left club o m o m r_) arc D ) /rm 3. Page 61. Right " o m o m C arc C ) 2. Left clubn 1 n 1 arc D K T ) 8. Right " arc C arc D arc C arc D arc C) CONTINUOUS SWINGS. 101 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Left club Y Y Y arc C ) (F) 2. Right " arc D arc C arc D arc C) 6. Page 63. Left club Z Z Z arc D (F) (T) Right " arc C arc D arc C arc D ) 6 Y arc Y D arc D (F) 3. Page 70. D arc D Y arc Y (S) 3. " 71. Left club Y Y C arc C Right " D arc D Z Z Left club Z Z D arc D \ rr\ q Right " C arc C Y Y T Y Y C arc C W W B arc B (F) 2. 6. Page 91. Z Z D arc D X X A arc A (F) 2. 1. " 91. 64. 6. Page 89. " 90. TENTH LIST. 1. A W (F) 1. Page 47. 2. A W p (F) 1. " 85. 3. A W Z (F) 1. " 80. 4. A W p Z (F) 1. " 88. 0. A W (S) 1. " 47. <>. A w p (S) i. " 85. 7. A w z (S) i. " 81. 8. A w p z (S) i. " 88. 9. B X Y (F) 1. " 81. 10. B X Y (S) 1. " 82. ELEVENTH LIST. 1. n 1 Y C (F) 3. 2 . Page 86. 2. Y 5!(T) 2. Concert. " 78. z C) 3. p A arc B W (F) 1. " 88. 4. W p p arc C (F) 6. " 91. 5. m Y 1 arc C (F) 6. " 92. 6. 1 arc D m Z (F) 6. " 92. 7. Left clubY C Y Y Right " Z Z D Z (T) 2. " 77. 8. Z D W (F) 2. " 82. 9. Z D W (S) 2. " 82. 10. Left club arc D arc Y \ i t r"*-O *9k Right " arc Z arc C j g* 102 CONTINUOUS SWINGS. "Few are aware, until too late, of the importance of a healthy and vigorous bodily constitution. Such a constitution can only be secured by EXERCISE, temperance, and care in YOUTH." Jg| WAYLAND. The revered late President of Brown University, whose wise and weighty words are here quoted, was himself an earnest ad- vocate and constant exemplar of systematic physical culture. His sound judgment may be presumed to have been in full accord with that of many other eminent savans in awarding preeminence to the noble Fine Art illustrated in these pages. The Amateur closes his book, with a cordial invitation to every young man to give its contents a practical examination, being fully confident that every one who submits it to that test will frankly admit, that among the various modes of physical recreation now in vogue, no other one is so cheap, so convenient, so easily acquired, so free from liability to strain or accident, and at the same time so prompt and salutary in its effects on the muscular, ^respira- tory and mental organization of its devotees as the interesting and manly exercise of INDIAN CLUB SWINGING. APPENDIX. The following extracts contain the deliberate and recorded opinions of professional instructors and athletes, who, both from their thorough knowledge and long practice of the art of Indian club swinging are well qualified to speak of its merits and results : 1. " This is a very graceful and beneficial exercise. It is easily acquired, and can be practiced at the office or dwelling of every person. There is nothing in the whole round of gymnastic per- formances that will be found of more essential service than this exercise with the clubs." WM. WOOD. 2. " For simplicity and convenience, they are unsurpassed by any other kind of apparatus, and half the fixtures of an ordinary gymnasium will not produce such a general development of the muscles, as a pair of clubs." S. D. KEHOE. 3. " As a means of imparting strength to the muscles of the arms, wrists and hands, in fact to the whole muscular system, I do not know of their equal." J. C. HEENAN. 104 APPENDIX. 4. " If their use is persevered in they will render the person who practices with them fully able to use his left arm almost as well as his right in hurling, flinging stones, lifting weights and simi- lar operations." F. TOUCEY. 5. "In the entire round of gymnastic exercises, no such efficient instruments as these have been discovered for bringing into ac- tion the muscles and tendons of the arms and trunk, which are generally less used than those of the legs." PROF. HARRISON. 6. " For indoor exercise there is nothing that can compete with them, the exercise far excelling the tedious motions required in using dumb-bells, pulley weights, &c., they being the same thing over and over again; while with clubs, new motions, changes and combinations are continually entering the mind, making it a source of pleasure, as well as benefiting the system." S. T. WHEELWRIGHT. 7. V All work done above the head, such as swinging dubs, or an axe or sledge, does excellent service in bringing to the abdominal muscles the length and elasticity they ought to have, and so con- tributing materially to the erect carriage of the body." WM. BLAIKIE. 8. "Although but two-thirds of the body, viz., from the loins upward, are called into operation in this exercise, its importance must be estimated by the fact that they are precisely those requir- ing constant artificial practice, being naturally most exempted from exertion." EDWARD JAMES. APPENDIX. 105 " As a means of physical culture, the Indian Clubs stand pre- eminent among the varied apparatus of gymnastics now in use. The evolutions which the clubs are made to perform, in the hands of one accustomed to their use, are exceedingly graceful. Besides the great recommendation of simplicity, the Indian Club practice possesses the essential property of expanding the chest and exercising every muscle in the body concurrently. Note in the crowded thoroughfare of Broadway now and then an occa- sional passer-by, with well-knit and shapely form, firm and elas- tic step, broad-chested and full blooded, and you may mark him down as an expert with the clubs." Gus HILL. 10. "It demands but little muscular exertion, and such as it does require calls chiefly upon that portion of the system which it finds in a state of comparative repose." PROF. WALKER. 11. "For keeping the body in a healthy and vigorous condition there has yet been nothing invented, which for its simplicity and gracefulness can be favorably compared with the Indian Club exercise. Where the general building up of the muscles and sinews of the entire body is requisite, the medical profession unite with me in recommending club exercise, as they bring all parts of the body into play proportionately. My experience of many years, which has brought me in contact with the most prominent gymnasts and athletes of the country, warrants me to distinctly state, that there is no exercise so desirable or so at - tractive to the debilitated, or so positive in its results as the handling of Indian Clubs. Particularly is this the case for those who are wanting in vitality, and whose constitutions are im- paired by the sluggish circulation of the blood. I may consci- entiously say, a few moments' exercise with a light pair of clubs will accomplish more than all the medicines and tonics in the world." M. BORNSTEIN. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. PAGE. General instructions in relation to the Indian club exercise . 5 -10 CHAPTER I. SINGLE MOVEMENTS. SECTION 1. Description of the large Front, Side and Horizontal cir- cles: Elliptical curves 11-21 SECTION 2. Description of the Dorsal circles 21-25 SECTION 3. Description of the Wrist circles 25-29 s SECTION 4. Description of the Partial circles or Arcs 29-33- CHAPTER II. DUAL MOVEMENTS. Structural divisions of swings. Three modes of union ... 34 108 CONTENTS. SECTION 1. SWINGS CONTAINING TWO CIRCLES. PAGE. 1. The Lateral (F). One variation 35 2. " Front (F) : 36 3. " " (S) 37 4. " Reverse Front (F) 38 5. " " " (S) 38 6. " Gossamer (F) 38 7. " " (S) 40 8. " Crest (F) 40 9. " " (S) 41 10. " Reverse Crest (F) 42 11. " " " (S) 42 12. " Ogre(F) 44 13. " Horizontal (F) 44 14. " " (S) 45 15. " Reverse Horizontal (F) 46 16. " " " (S) 46 17. " Guide (F) 47 18. " " (S) 47 19. " Reverse Guide (F) 47 20. " " " (S) 48 21. " Trail (F) 48 22. " " (S) 49 23. " Reverse Trail (F) 49 24. " " " (S) .. 49 25. " Antler (F) 49 26. " " (S) 50 27. " *Cazique (F) 50 28. " " (S) 51 29. ' ' Wrist and bent arm series 52^56 30. " Enigma 56 31. " Reverse Enigma 57 32. " Reverse Lateral (F). One variation 57 33. " " Cazique(F). Four alternating formulas, 58 * " Chief of chiefs, his regal word All the river Sachems heard, At his call the war-dance stirred, Or was still once more." CONTENTS. 109 SECTION a. SWINGS CONTAINING A CIRCLE AND AN ARC, OR TWO ARCS. PAGE. 1. The Facial. Five variations 59-62 2. " School. Two " 62 3. ' ' Sleepy (F). Three variations 63 4. " " (S) 64 5. " Reverse Sleepy (F). Two variations 64 6. " " " (S) 64 7. " Transit. Two variations 65 8. " Twists and rigid-arm exercises 66-69 9. " Extension. (Five forms). Dorsal arcs ) and Q 69-74 CHAPTER III. TRIPLE AND QUADRUPLE MOVEMENTS. SECTION 1. SWINGS CONTAINING THREE OR MORE CIRCLES. 1. Independent motions. Eight examples PAGE. . . . . 75-6 2. Accelerated " Four " 77 3. The Parallel. The Transfer and two variations. . . . . 77-8 4. " Windmill - 78 5. *' Inverted Parallel 79 6. Windmill .... '80 7. ' ' Cincture 80 8. " Sachem (F) 80 9. " (S) 81 10. " Reverse Sachem (F) 81 11. " (S) 82 12. " Falcon (F) 82 13. 11 (S) 83 14. " Reverse Falcon (F) 83 15. 11 (S) 83 16. " Triplet (F) 84 17. 11 (S) 84 10 110 CONTENTS. 18 The Reverse Triplet (F) PAGE. 84 84 85 85 85 85 85 80 86 87 87 88 88 niER . PAGE. ,. 88 89 19. " " " (S).. 20. ' ' Scout (F) 21. " " (S) 22 " Reverse Scout (F) , 23. " " " (S) 24. ' ' Chariot (F) 25 " " (S) (Seven others) 26 " Pinnacle (F) 27 " " (S) 28 " Reverse Pinnacle (F) 29 " " " (S) Permutations 30 " Talisman . SECTION 2. SWINGS CONTAINING THREE OR MORE MOVEMENTS, El' ARCS OR CIRCLES. 1 The Hermit (F) ...... 2 " (S) 3 " Highland 89 4 " Crescent 89 90