% 4- ' * :: ;,,.^T + :^- J * ^i <+ + I . * 4 4- + -r t * , | : : - ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE FIXED-OILS, FATS; BUTTERS, -AND WAXES:- THEIR PREPARATION AND PROPERTIES, AND THE 0f BY C. R. ALDER BRIGHT, D.Sc. (LOND.), B.Sc. (VicT.), F.R.S., LECTURER ON CHEMISTRY IN ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL, LONDON ; EXAMINER IN "SOAP" TO THE CITY AND GUILDS OF LONDON INSTITUTE. Witb 144 Illustrations* OF THE UNIVERSITY LONDON: CHARLES GRIFFIN & COMPANY, LIMITED; EXETER^ STREET, STRAND. 1894. [All Rights Reserved.] bl OF THE *" Ny CVERSITT) OF J PREFACE The complete discussion of the Sources, Production, and General Technology of the numerous substances included in the term Oils, and of the intimately associated Fats, Butters, and Waxes (all of which are practically oils when melted), would require far more space than is compatible with the limits of the present ^or-k'; it has accordingly been found indispensable to make a selection from this wide field, as the result of which the subjects now dealt with are narrowed down to the Animal and Vegetable Fixed Oils and allied substances ; whilst Mineral Oils, Products of Distillation, Essential Oils, and various analogous materials are only discussed in so far as they are associated with the Fixed Oils in their technological applications. For the same sufficient reason minute details respecting the various special tests employed in the practical examination of oils, &c., for adulterations have, as a rule, been omitted ; as also have the descriptions of the distinctive properties and qualities of the individual oils and fats, excepting in a comparatively small number of typical cases. In short, the object aimed at has rather been to give general descriptions of the methods whereby Animal and Vegetable Oils and Fat are obtained from natural sources, of their leading practical applications and uses, and of their chief physical and chemical properties and reactions, than to enter into special details, and to discuss minutely the analytical tests and processes applicable in each separate case for the detection of adulteration. VI PREFACE. The literature relating to the chemistry and technology of fixed oils arid fats is already voluminous, and yearly increases considerably in magnitude, being mostly dispersed throughout the pages of numerous scientific and technical serials. Amongst the periodicals of this description consulted for the purpose of gathering together to some extent these scattered results and items may be more particularly mentioned : The Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry. The Journal of the Society of Arts. The Journal of the Chemical Society. The Analyst. The Chemical News. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft. Dingler's Polytechnisches Journal. Biedermann's Technisch-Chemisches Jahrbuch. Moniteur Scientiftque. Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de Paris. Comptes rcndus. Besides many others in which papers bearing on the matters in hand appear from time to time. Various text-books and technical dictionaries previously published in this country or abroad have also been freely consulted with the object of rendering the present work as complete as possible, with due regard to the limits of space. In particular the author desires to express his indebtedness to the following works: Schadler, Technologic der Fette und Oele* Berlin, 1883. Allen, Commercial Organic Analysis, vol. ii., Second edition. London, 1886. Schadler, Untersuchungen der Fette und Oele* Leipzic, 1889. Benedikt, Analyse der Fette und Wachsarten, Second edition. Berlin, 1892. * Whilst the present book was in the press the two works by Schadler above mentioned have been incorporated into a single volume, edited by P. Lohmann after the decease of the original author. PREFACE. Vll To the firm of Kose, Downs, & Thompson, of Hull, the author is greatly indebted for numerous illustrations of the most recent and effective forms of oil mill machinery, as well as for valuable information concerning their use in oil extraction generally. In similar fashion be desires to thank Messrs. Neill & Sons, of St. Helens, for a variety of specially made drawings of appliances used in soap manufacture; Messrs. S. H. Johnson, of Stratford, for drawings of the newest forms of filter presses ; and Messrs. E. Cowles & Co., of Hounslow, for cuts of improved candlemaldng machines. C. R. ALDER WRIGHT. LONDON, October, 1893. ^E LIBR^PT^ OF THE X ;VERSITY) OF J TABLE OP CONTENTS 1. General Composition and Nature of Oils, Butters, Fats, Waxes, and Allied Substances. CHAPTER I. THE SOURCES AND GENERAL NATURE OF NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL OILS. Meaning of the Terms "Oil," "Fat," "Butter," and "Wax," Sources and General Nature of Oils, Nature of Sapoiiification Changes, Classification of Oils, Fats, Waxes, &c. , according to Chem- ical Composition, CHAPTER II. ALCOHOLIFORM SAPONIFICATION PRODUCTS OF OILS, FATS, WAXES, &c. Glycerol, Glycerides, Hydrolysis of Glycerides, .... 7 Fatty Alcohols, Ethylic Series, &c., 13 Glycols, 18 CHAPTER III. ACID SAPONIFICATION PRODUCTS OF OILS, FATS, WAXES, &c. Fatty A cids- Acetic Family, . 18 Oleic Family, . . . 24 Linolic Family, . . 30 Linolenic Family, . . 36 Glycollic Family, . . 37 Ricinoleic Family, . . 39 Oxystearic Acids, . . 43 2. Physical Properties of Oils, Fats, Waxes, &e. CHAPTER IV. GENERAL PHYSICAL CHARACTERS. Phy sical Texture and Consistency ; Cohesion Figures, . Taste, Odour, and Colour, . Action of Polarised Light; Re- fractive Index, Solubility of Oils, Fats, &c., in various Solvents, Thermometric Scales, . Methods used in the Determina- tion of Fusing and Solidifying Points, ..... Freezing and Melting Points of Oils, &c., CHAPTER V. SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND VISCOSITY. Determination of Specific Gravity, 77 Construction of Tables of Errors for Hydrometers and Hydro- static Balances, . . . 82 Hydrometer Scales, . . .84 Relative Densities of the Principal Oils, Fats, &c., . . 86 Classification of Oils, Fats, &c., according to their Relative Densities, . . . .89 Variation of Density of Oils, &c., with Temperature, . . .92 Viscosimetry ; Mechanical Testing Arrangements, . . . .94 Efflux Viscosimeters, . .95 Standards of Efflux Viscosity, . 101 Relative Viscosity of Oils, &c., . 102 Determination of Viscosity in Absolute Measure, . . . 107 CONTENTS. 3. Chemical Properties of Oils, Fats, Butters, and Waxes. CHAPTER VI. PROXIMATE CONSTITUENTS AND THE METHODS USED FOR THEIR EXAMINATION AND DETERMIN- ATION. Compound Nature of Oils, Fats, and Waxes ; Variations in Com- position with Circumstances of Natural Formation,. 110 Methods Employed for Separa- ting Constituents, . . .112 Determination of Free Fatty Acids; Free Acid Number, . 116 Determination of Unsaponifiable Constituents, . . . .119 Determination of Water, . . 122 Adulteration of Fats with sus- pended Matters, Sulphurised and Constituents, . Phosphorised 123 123 CHAPTER VII. CHEMICAL REACTIONS or OILS, FATS, c., AND THEIR, USES AS TESTS OF PURITY, &c. Effect of Heat on Oils, &c. ; Flashing Point, . . .125 Characteristic Oxidation Products, 128 Spontaneous Oxidation of Oils, Fats, &c. ; E fleet of Light thereon, 129 Spontaneous Combustion, . .132 Film Test; Livache's Test, . . 133 Chemical Changes occurring dur- ing drying of Oils, . . . 134 Elaidin Reaction ; Legler's Con- sistency Tester, . . .137 Nitric Acid Test, , . .139 Zinc Chloride Reaction and Colour Test; Action of Zinc Chloride on Oleic Acid, . . . .141 Action of Sulphuric Acid on Oils and Fats ; Turkey Red Oils, . 143 Maumene's Sulphuric Acid Ther- mal Test, . . . 147 Various Colour Reactions, . . 151 Sulphur Chloride Reaction; Vul- canised Oils, . . . .154 CHAPTER VIII. QUANTITATIVE REACTIONS OF OILS. Koettstorfer's Test Total Acid Number, ..... 157 Classification of Oils, &c., accord- ing to their Saponification Equi- valents, ..... 159 Practical Determination of Saponi- fication Equivalents of Glycer- ides, &c., .... 159 163 Proportion of Fatty Acids formed by Saponification, . Hehner's Test; Insoluble Acid Number, . . ... . 166 Practical Determination of the amount of Fatty Acids formed on Saponification, . . . 167 Corrections for An hydro Deriva- tives, Free Acids, and Unsa- ponifiable Matters, 170 172 Mean Equivalent of Fatty Acids contained in Soap, . Reichert's Test and Modifica- tions thereof, . . . .173 Bromine and Iodine Absorption ; Bromine Process, . . . 176 Iodine Process ; Hiibl's Test, . 179 Iodine Numbers of Oils, Fats, &c., . . . . .180 Acetylation Test ; Benedikt and Ulzer'sTest, . . . .186 Methyl Iodide Test; Zeisel's Test, 191 Tabulated results of the various Quantitative Tests, . . . 194 4. Processes Used for Extracting, Rendering, Refining, and Bleaching Oils, Fats, &e. CHAPTER IX. EXTRACTION OF OILS FROM SEEDS, &c., BY PRESSURE OR SOLVENTS. Earlier forms of Press, 199 Elbow, Wedge, and Screw Presses, 202 Hydraulic Press, . . . 207 Composition of Oilcake, . .213 Oil Mill Plant ; " Unit " Mill, . 214 CONTENTS. XI Crushing Rolls and Edge Runners, . . . .218 Kettle ; Moulding Machine, . 221 Faring Machine ; Supplementary Appliances, .... 223 Decortication, .... 224 Filter Presses, . ' . Separation of Solid Stearines from 226 229 Oils, &c., . Manufacture of Lard Oil, and Allied Products, . . .231 Extraction of Oil from Seeds, Oil- cake, &c., by Solvents, . . 231 Extraction of Grease from Engine Waste, &c., . . . . 236 Determination of Fat in Seeds, &c., 237 Proportion of Fatty Matter Con- tained in Seeds, &c., . . 241 CHAPTER X. A NIMAL FATTY TISSUES : EXTRAC- TION or OILS AND FATS THEREFROM. Rendering of Fatty Tissues by Dry Fusion, . . . .246 Rendering of Fatty Tissues by Heating with Water or Steam under ordinary Atmospheric Pressure, .... 247 Rendering under Increased Pressure, . . . .250 Extraction of Fat from Bones, . 251 CHAPTER XI. REFINING ANDBLEACHING ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE OILS, FATS, WAXES, &c. Suspended Matters, . Dissolved Matters, Sulphuric Acid Process for Refining Oils, &c., Alkaline Refining Processes, Utilisation of " Foots," Clarification, Bleaching Oils and Fats, Wax Bleaching, . CHAPTER XII. RECOVERY OF GREASE FROM "SUDS," &C. Modes of Treating Soap Suds, Analysis of Yorkshire Grease, Distilled Grease, Engine Waste Grease, 254 256 259 260 261 262 263 268 270 273 277 279 5. Classification and Uses of Fixed Oils, Fats, Waxes, &e. ; Adulterations. CHAPTER XIII. CLASSIFICATION. Classification according to Tex- ture, Sources, and Essential Chemical Nature. . . .281 CLASS I. Olive (Almond) Class; Vegetable Expression Oleines, . . .282 II. Rape (Colza) Class, . 284 III. Castor Class, . . 284 ,, IV. Animal Non-Drjdng Oils- Lard Oil Class, 285 ,, V. Sesame or Cotton Seed Class Vegetable Semidrying Oils, . 286 Lesser Known Vege- table Oils, . . .287 ,, VI. Drying Oils Linseed O'il Class, . . .290 ,, VII. Train, Liver, and Fish Oils, . . . .292 ,, VIII. Vegetable Butters, Fats, Waxes, &c., . 295 Lesser Known Vege- table Butters, &c., . 296 IX. Animal Fats Tallow, Lard, and Butter Class, 298 ,. X. Animal Oils Sperm Oil Class, . . .299 ,, XI. Vegetable Nonglyce- ridic Waxes, . . 301 ,, XII. Beeswax and Sperma- ceti Class, . . 301 CHAPTER XIV. PRINCIPAL USES OF OILS AND FATS, &c. Classification according to Uses, . 302 Edible and Culinary Uses of Oils, Fats, &c 303 Cotton Seed Stearine ; Vegetable Lards, . . 305 Xll CONTENTS. Manufacture of Hog's Lard, . 306 Manufacture of Artificial Lard and Batter, . . . .307 Utilisation of Fatty Matter from an Ox, 311 Lamp Oils, 312 Drying Oils used in making Paints and Varnishes, . . . 313 Blown Oils Oxygen Process, . 319 Miscellaneous Uses of Oils, Fats, &c. ; Manufacture of Lubri- cants, 321 Analysis of Lubricating Oils and Greases, 328 Turkey Red Oils; Analysis, . 330 Currier's Grease, Sod Oils, and Degras, 336 Manufacture of Lanolin, . . 337 CHAPTER XV. ADULTERATION OF OILS AND FATS. Methods employed in Detecting Adulterations, . . .340 Relative Values of Oils, . . 342 General Characters of Olive Oil andTests for Adul- terations thereof, . 342 ,, Rape Seed and Colza Oil, . . .348 Linseed Oil, . . 349 Sperm Oil, . . 353 Tallow, . . . 354 Beeswax, . . 357 Spermaceti, . . 359 6. The Candle Industry. CHAPTER XVI. MATERIALS USED IN CANDLE- MAKING. Origin of Candles ; Combustible Materials, . . . . 362 Manufacture of ' ' Stearine ; " the Chevreul-Milly Process, Composition and Analysis of "Rock," Milly- Autoclave Process, . Analysis of Red Oils, Separation Cake, and Similar Products, . Sulphuric Acid Process, 364 371 373 378 380 Hydrolysis of Glycerides by Water only, . . . .385 Utilisation of Red Oils, . . 386 CHAPTER XVII. MANUFACTURE OF CANDLES, TAPERS, AND NIGHT LIGHTS. Basted and Drawn Wax Candles, Tapers, &c., . . . .388 Dip Caudles; Dipping Machinery, 390 Wicks ; Wick Pickling, . . 394 Moulded Candles ; Handmade, . 395 Continuous Moulding Machines, 398 Night Lights and Medicated Candles, 406 7. The Soap Industry. CHAPTER XVIII. CHAPTER XIX. MATERIALS USED IN THE MANU- FACTURE OF SOAP. Fatty Matters ; Alkalies, . . 408 Causticising Process, . . .411 Valuation of Alkalinity of Leys, 414 Corrections for Impurities, . .419 English, French, and German Decrees, 420 Calculations, . . . .421 Formulae, 425 SOAPMAKING PLANT. Heating Appliances ; Free-fired Soap Coppers, ... 426 Morfit's Steam Twirl, . . 429 Steam-heated Soap Coppers, 432 Curb and Fan, ... 433 Soap Pumps, . . . 434 Soap Frames, . . . 434 Barring and Slabbing, . 437 Crutching, 438 CONTENTS. Xlll Toilet Soap Machinery ; Remelt- ing, 441 Stamping, ..... 444 Transparent Soaps, . . . 445 Milling, 446 Plotting, 448 CHAPTER XX. MANUFACTURE OF SOAP. Soapmaking Processes ; Direct Neutralisation, . . . 449 Calculations, .... 454 Processes in which the Free Gly- cerol is retained ; Cold Process Soaps, ..... 456 Soft, Hydrated, and Marine Soaps, ..... 459 Calculations, .... 464 Processes in which the Glycerol is separated ; Curd Soaps, . 466 Graining, ..... 469 Fitted and Mottled Soaps, . . 470 Special Varieties of Soap ; Rosin Soaps, Silicated Soaps, &c., . 473 Toilet and Fancy Soaps; Milled Soaps, 478 Transparent Soaps, &c., . . 481 Neutralised Soaps, . . .483 CHAPTER XXI. GENERAL CHEMISTRY OF SOAP SOAP ANALYSIS. General Properties of Soaps ; Hydrolysis of Soap Solutions, 484 Reaction of Soap Solution or of Fused Soap on Inorganic and other Salts, . . . .488 Methods Used in the Analysis of Soap, 492 General Scheme for Analysis, . 506 Composition of Manufacturers', Laundry, and Toilet Soaps, &c., 508 Classification of Toilet Soaps according to amount of Free Alkali present, . . .512 CHAPTER XXII. GLYCEROL EXTRACTION MANU- FACTURE OF GLYCERINE. Sources of Glycerol ; Extraction, . 513 Valuation of Commercial Glycer- ine ; Estimation of Glycerol in Watery Solution, . . .516 Glycerol in Soap Leys, . . 522 INDEX, 525 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 1. Cohesion Figures, ....... 48 2. Capillary Tubes used for determining Fusing Points. . . 60 3. Mode of attachment to Thermometer, . . . .61 4. Mode of heating the arrangement in Water, . . .61 5. Another Mode, ....... 62 6. Olberg's Water Bath, ...... 62 7. Bensemann's Tubes, . . . . . .63 8. Pohl's Method, ....... 64 9. Cross and Bevan's Method, ..... 63 10. Lcewe's Method, . . . . . . .65 11. Mohr's Hydrostatic Balance, ..... 78 12. Westphal's do., ..... 79 13. Lefebre's Oleometer, ...... 80 14. Hot Air Bath for use with Westphal's Hydrostatic Balance, . 81 15. Ambuhl's Arrangement, ...... 81 16. Schiibler's Viscosimeter (Efflux Method), . " . .95 17. Schmid's do., . . . . . .96 18. Redwood's do., . . . . . ,97 19. Do. do., ...... 98 20. Allen's Modification of Viscosimeter, . . . .98 "21. Engler's Viscosimeter, ...... 99 22. Hurst's do., . . . . . .100 23. Eedwood's Chart of Viscosity of Oils, . . . .103 24. Do. do. do., .... 104 25. Lepenau's Leptometer, ...... 107 26. Traube's Apparatus, . . . . , .109 27. Chattaway's Tubes, ...... 120 28. Abel's Flashing Point Apparatus, . . . . .126 29. Pen sky's Modification of same, ..... 127 30. Legler's Consistency Tester, . . . . .139 31. Apparatus for Maumeue's Test, ..... 147 32. Jean's Thermeleometer, . . . . . .151 33. Benedikt and Griissner's Apparatus for Zeisel's Test, . . 193 34. Elbow Press, ....... 202 35. Wedge Press, Front Elevation, . ; . . | . 203 36. Do. Side do., . . . . '" :. 203 37. Do. Longitudinal Section, . . . .204 38. Screw Press (English), ". . . . . . 205 39. Do. (German), . ... . .206 40. Hydraulic Press (German, empty), . . . 208 41. Do. (after the ram has risen), . . . 209 42. Do. (English, Handworked), .... 210 43. Do. (Anglo-American System), . . .211 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. XV FKi. PAGK 44. Hydraulic Press, Plan and Longitudinal Section of Plate, . 212 45. Do. Cross Section of Plate, .... 212 46. Oil Mill Plant; Ground Plan of 16- press Installation, . . 216 47. Crushing Rolls, . . . . . . .218 48. Edge Runners, ....... '219 49. Kettle, ........ 220 50. 51. Envelopes, ....... 221 52. Paring Machine, ....... 222 53. Decortication of Cotton Seeds, ..... 224 54. ,, of Castor Beans, . . . . .224 55. Disintegrator and Elevator, ..... 225 56. Filter Press, ....... 226 57. Do., Front Elevation of Plates, .... 226 58. Do., Sectional do., . . . . . 226 59. Do., with Pyramid Drainage Surfaces, . . . 227 60. Do., do. do., . . . 228 61. Do., Small Handworked, ..... 229 62. Apparatus for Oil Extraction by Solvents, . . . 233 63. Heyl's Distillation Apparatus, ..... 234 64. Deitz's Extraction Apparatus, ..... 235 65. Plant for Cleansing Engine Waste, .... 237 66. 67. Soxhlet's Tube (two forms), . . ... .238 68. Allihn's Reflux Condenser, . . . . .239 69. Fruhling's form of Soxhlet Tube, . . . . .239 70. Reservoir for same, ...... 240 71. Laboratory Extraction Apparatus, .... 240 72. Honig and Spitz's Apparatus, ..... 240 73. Wilson's Digester, ....... 250 74. Barrel Digester for Extracting Fat from Bones, . . . 252 75. Leuner's Apparatus, ...... 253 76. Free-fired Pan for Boiling Oil, ..... 316 77. Steam-heated Oil Kettles, . . . . .317 78. Open Pan used in manufacturing Stearine, . . . 366 79. 80. Crystallising Pans, . . . . . .367 81. Hot Press, ........ 368 82. Plant for Saponification by Open Pan Process, . . . 369 83. Plant for Hydrolysis of Fats by means of Sulphuric Acid, . 381 84. Knab's Apparatus for Distillation by Superheated Steam, . 382 85. Plant for Hydrolysis of Glycerides by Superheated Steam, . 386 86. Basting Wheel, ....... 388 87. Drawing Tapers, ....... 389 88. Knife for Cutting off Butt Ends, . . . . .390 89. Rotating Candle Dipper, ...... 390 90. Edinburgh Wheel, ....... 391 91. Wick-holder, ....... 392 92. 93. Dipper with Movable Cauldron, 393 XVI LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGK FIG. 94. Candle Mould, ....... 396 95. Hand Moulding Frame, ...... 396 96. Mode of fixing Wick, .... 396 97. 98. Improved Moulding Frame, ..... 396 99. Royan's Continuous Wick Moulding Machine, . . . 397 100. Camp's Moulding Wheel, ..... 398 101. Piston of Moulding Machine, ..... 399 102. Moulding Machine and Nippers, ..... 400 103. Self -fitting Butt End, ...... 402 104. Machine for Moulding Self-fitting Butt End Candles, . . 403 105. Turnover Machine, ...... 404 106. Polishing Machine, ...... 405 107. Soap Tank for holding Ley, . . . . .412 108. Free-fired Soap Pan, ...... 427 109. Another form of do., ...... 427 110. Steam-heated Pan, ...... 428 111. Morfit's Steam Twirl, . . . . . .429 112. Soap Copper, . . . . . . . 430 113. Morfit's Steam Series, ...... 430 114. Modern form of Steam-heated Pan, .... 431 115. Plan of same, ....... 432 116. Fan, ........ 434 117. Rotary Soap Pump, ...... 434 118. Mode of building up Wooden Frames, .... 435 119. Galvanised Iron Frames, ...... 435 120. Improved form of Steel Soap Frame, .... 436 121. Cutting Soap, . ..... 437 122. Looped Wire used for cutting, ..... 437 123. Scribe, ........ 438 124. Slabbing and Barring Machine, ..... 439 125. Padded Frame, ....... 440 126. Hand Crutch, ....... 440 127. Crutching Machine, ...... 440 128. Jacketted Crutching Machine, ..... 440 129. 130. Series of Crutching Pans, . . . . .442 131, 132. Neill and Son's Remelter, . . . . . 44 133. Hand Tablet Stamping Machine, .... 444 134, 135. Steam Stamping Machine, ..... 445 136. Rutschmann's Stripping Machine, .... 446 137. Soap Mill, ........ 447 138. Beyer's Plotting Machine, . . . . .448 139. Steam Jacketted Pan and Agitator, . . . .452 140. 141. Hawes' Boilers for Cold Process Soaps, . . .457 142. Dunn's Plant for making Hydrated Soaps under Pressure, . 463 143. Alder Wright's Chart of Hydrolysis of Soap Solutions, . 488 144. Gerlach's Vaporimeter, . . . . .' 518 1. General Composition and Nature of Oils, Butters, Fats, Waxes, and Allied Substances. CHAPTER I. THE SOURCES AND GENERAL NATURE OF NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL OILS, &c. AMONGST the alchemists the term " oil " had a somewhat wider range of application than is usual at the present day, including various inorganic substances, such as " oil of vitriol." Similarly " butter of antimony " and " butter of tin " were metallic deri- vatives entirely dissimilar from cow's butter in constitution, although resembling it in physical consistency. Even when such wholly inorganic compounds are excluded, the term " oil " has still an extremely elastic meaning, being employed to designate a very large variety of liquid substances, natural and artificial, which have but few features in common beyond the fact that, being all organic in character, they are capable of burning with more or less facility under suitable conditions ; whilst with but very few exceptions they are practically in- soluble in water, so as to be incapable of permanent solution therein ; being as a rule lighter than water, when agitated therewith an emulsion forms, from which the water and oil gradually separate 011 standing, the latter usually floating as a separate layer on the former. The term "fatty matter," or more shortly "fat," is applied to substances which are more or less of a soft solid character at the ordinary temperature, but on gently heating pass to liquids closely resembling fluid oils in general characters ; " butters " being specially soft varieties of such fats possessing the peculiar physical texture of cow's butter at the atmospheric temperature of temperate climates. " Waxes," on the other hand, possess a somewhat different and much firmer texture at the ordinary temperature, but when heated melt to fluids which closely resemble ordinary liquid oils and melted fats in their general physical characters. 1 ; 01 LS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. Oils proper are derived from animal, vegetable, and mineral sources, being mostly precontained in the tissues, seeds, or strata, &c., from which they are obtained by simple mechanical pro- cesses, such as pressure or pumping, or by means of solvents, or by volatilisation ; certain products of destructive distillation, however, are also ranked amongst oils e.g., the "light oils," " creosote oils," &c., obtained during the rectification of coal tar; and "shale oils," " bone oil " (Dippel's oil, or bone tar), "paraffin oils," " rosin oils, 5 ' and similar substances formed by the breaking up of more complex organic matters under the influence of heat. Somewhat -similar substances (fusel oils) are produced by ana- logous decompositions occurring during fermentative changes. Oils capable of being converted into vapour by the application of heat wdthout suffering material decomposition (volatile oils) are for the most part either artificial products of destructive distillation, natural mineral oils (petroleum, very probably formed underground by the long-continued action of intra- terrestrial heat on subterranean organic matter), or " essential " oils i.e., volatile odorous matters extracted from numerous vege- table sources, usually by distillation along with water. Fixed oils, on the other hand, are substances not volatile without decomposition, and are essentially of animal and vegetable origin ; as also are butters, fats, and waxes (which practically become fixed oils on slightly raising the temperature), with the exception of the so-called waxes of mineral origin, paraffin wax, ozokerite, cerasin, &c.* From the point of view of general chemical composition, oils, fats, butters, and waxes may be divided into two leading classes- viz., those consisting of carbon and hydrogen only (Jiydro- carbons); and those containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Oils, &c., of the former class are practically all volatile without decomposition ; those of the second class are in some cases volatile without change (e.g., oxidised essential oils), but, as a rule, are " fixed," undergoing destructive distillation when heated, so that the vapours emitted are produced in consequence of decomposition. Hydrocarbon oils include a large number of " essential oils " (in which oxidised substances are often present along with hydro- carbons) ; paraffin and petroleum oils, including the lightest and most volatile distillates of the " benzoline " class, " burning oils " (kerosenes, . OH Waier. HoO = Fatty D'uzlyceride. CH 2 .OR CH .OR I CH 2 . OH Fatty Acid. H.OR Water. Monoglyceride. Fatty Acid. CH 2 . OR H,,0 = CH .OH + H . OR CHo.OH Monojjlyceride. CH 3 .OR CH .OH + I CHo.OH "Water. H 2 Glycerol. CHo . OH Fatty Acid. H . OR = CH .OH CH 2 . OH The final action may consequently be expressed by the equation- Triglyceride. CHo. OR CH .OR CHo. OR Water. 3H 2 = Glycerol. CH 2 .OH CH .OH CHo . OH Fatty Acid. 3 H.OR ALCOHOLIFORM PRODUCTS OF SAPONIFICATION. 11 which may be written somewhat more compactly + 3H - OR The formation of the intermediate substances by gradual hydrolysis has not been much studied as yet ; in the case of rape oil, however, it has been shown that whilst fresh oil con- tains the triglyceride erucin, (C 22 H 41 0) 3 the corresponding diglyceride dierucin, CTT \ /~^TT /^\ r^ TT /"\ 3-T15 J l_ylo . U . v^2 l >^Ml^' (C 22 H 41 0)., [ 3 = CH . . Co 2 H 41 " H I CH 2 . . H is sometimes contained in old oil,* probably formed as above by partial hydrolysis. On the other hand, the reverse reactions leading to the successive building up from glycerol of mono- glyceride, diglyceride, and triglyceride are well known laboratory operations : thus Glycerol. Fatty Acid. Monoglycf-ride. ( OH I OR C 3 TlJOH -l- H.OR = C S H 5 OH + H,O (OH (OH Monoglycfride. Diglyceride. ( OR ( OR C 3 H 5 \ OH + H . OR = C 3 H n { OR + H,0 (OH (OH Diglycsride. Triglyceride. ( OR ( OR CoH 5 OR + H.OR = C 3 H 5 OR + H 2 (OH (OR In many cases, when it is desired to obtain triglycerides in a state of purity, it is more easy to saponify an oil, separate and purify the resulting fatty acids, and convert them into glycerides in this way than it is to separate the original glycerides them- selves contained in the oil. The following boiling and melting points are possessed by some pure triglycerides prepared synthetically in this way : Melting Poiut. Boiling Point. Butyrin, . . C 3 H 5 (0 . C 4 H 7 0) 3 Fluid 285 Laurin, Myristin, . Palmitiii, . Stearin, Olein, C 3 Hs(0 . Ci 2 H 23 0) 3 45 C 3 H 5 (O.C 14 H 27 0) 3 55 C 3 H 5 (O.C 1C H 31 0) 3 62 C 3 H 5 (0 . C 18 H 35 0) 3 71-5 C 3 H 5 (0 . C 18 H 33 0) 3 solidifies at - 6 *Reimerand Will(Berichte der Deut. Chem. Ges., 1886, xix., p. 3320) found, that a deposit which had slowly formed in a quantity of colza oil was not the triglyceride usually obtained tinder such conditions, but the diglyceride melting at 47. 12 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. When oils that have become hydrolysed through rancidity are refined by treatment with alkalies (Chap. XL), the free acids are removed and neutral oils left ; but other kinds of refining pro- cesses do not affect the free acids, which accordingly are apt to be found in commercial oils to varying extents, sometimes only inconsiderable amounts, and sometimes very large percentages being present. According to Thum the free acids do not consist solely of oleic acid, as is often supposed, but of a mixture in exactly the same proportions as that in which they exist in the undecomposed glycerides. Thus palm oil and olive kernel oil containing much free acid yield as much solid free acids relatively to oleic acid when the free acids are removed by agitation with a cold alkaline ley, as are yielded by the neutral unsaponified fats present. Just as the glyceridic compound ethers of fatty acids are apt to be hydrolysed under appropriate conditions, so are their alkaline salts (soaps) split up by water with the formation of basic substance (free alkali) and an acid salt (vide p. 23). It is a remarkable fact that although a somewhat considerable number of monohydric alcohols are known to be formed by the saponification of fixed oils, essential oils, and similar sub- stances, only one trihydric alcohol, viz., glycerol, has ever been found to be produced from such sources. Isoglyceride Theory. Theoretically the existence is possible of various substances possessing the composition of a trihy- droxylated propane, C 3 H 5 (OH) 3 , but not identical with glycerol : these substances would naturally form compound ethers isomeric with ordinary glycerides containing the same acid radicles. Amongst such hypothetical bodies, the compound ethers of ortho- propionic acid, indicated by the general formula ( OR C ] OR (JH., . OR | /OR | CH, isomeric with CM . OR ! ' I CH, CH 2 .01l have been supposed by some chemists to be present in certain fatty matters, notably cow's butter ; but the experimental proofs of this supposition are singularly wanting in clearness and cogency. Such compound ethers on saponification should neu- tralise four instead of three equivalents of alkali, generating an alkaline propionate instead of glycerol ; thus Hypothetical Sodium Isogyceride. Hydroxide. Sodium Propionate. Sodium Salt. Water. C 2 H 5 .C(OR) 3 + 4NaOH = C,H 3 . CO . ONa + 3NaOR + 2H 2 O ALCOHOLIFORM PRODUCTS OF SAPONIFICATION. 13 MONOHYDRIC ALCOHOLS FORMED BY SAPONIFICATION. Numerous families of alcohols (monohydroxylated hydro- carbons) are known to the chemist, derived successively from saturated hydrocarbons of the series C n H 2n + 2, and from the other series of hydrocarbons containing less hydrogen, by the replace- ment of hydrogen by hydroxyl : thus inter alia the following families of alcohols are known : Ethylic alcohol homologues ; general formula, C u H-n+i . OH Allylic ,, CaHo^.OH Phenol ,, ,, C n H n -7.0H Cinnamic alcohol ., ,, CnH2 n -9,OH Although representatives of several such families of alcohols are found amongst products of destructive distillation (coaltar oils, c.), and in essential oils and the allied balsams and other aromatic bodies, and in small quantities as natural constituents of fixed oils of various kinds (occurring there in the free state), yet compound ethers derived from alcohols of the first and second of the above families appear to be the only kinds naturally occurring in fixed oils and waxes, etc. ; and of these by far the most frequently occurring substances belong to the first class. Ethylic Series of Alcohols. The table on next page indicates the leading alcohols of this family (general formula C n H 2n + i . OH) derived from fixed and essential oils and similar sources ; besides those mentioned numerous isomeric modifications of many of them exist, obtainable artificially by laboratory reactions. The higher alcohols of this series, when fused with alkalies, evolve hydrogen with formation of the alkali salt of the corre- sponding fatty acid;* thus CVtylic Alcohol. Potassium Palmitate. C 15 H 31 .CH 2 .OH + KOH = C 15 H 31 .CO.OK + 2H 2 Myricylic Alcohol. Potassium Melissate. C 29 H 59 .CH 2 .OH + KOH = C 29 H 59 . CO . OK -f 2H 2 They are readily converted into compound ethers by treatment with organic anhydrides (e.g., acetic anhydride), and in some cases by heating with the acids alone, water being evolved. * C. Hell (Liebig's Annalen, pp. 223, 269) has based a method for the quan- titative determination of higher alcohols on this reaction, the substance to be examined being heated to 300-310 in contact with soda lime, and the evolved hydrogen collected and measured. At higher temperatures there is a possibility of hydrogen being also evolved by the action of caustic alkalies on oleic acid (p. 24). This method has been found useful in the examination of beeswax which, when genuine, furnishes about 54 per cent, of myricylic alcohol. 14 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. Name. Formula. Boil ing Point. Melting Point. Sources. Methylic alcohol, CH 3 . OH ccc. ... Saponification of oil of winter- green ; wood distillation products. Ethylic alcohol, C 2 H 5 . OH 78 Fermentation of saccharine matter. Propylic alcohol, ) 97 Fermentation fusel oils. Isopropylic alco- ' hoi, ) C 3 H 7 . OH 84 Isopropylic iodide from gly- cerol and hydriodic acid. Normal Butylic j 117 ... Heavy oils from brandy. alcohol, C 4 H 9 . OH Isobutylic alcohol ) Amylic alcohols dHn.OH 107 127-13S ... Potato and beet fusel oils. Fusel oils from grain spirit, (several isomeric ! &c. Saponification of oil modifications), of Roman Chamomile. Hexylic alcohols C C H 13 .OH 147-157 Sapouification of oil of cow's (several modi- parsley, oil of Roman Cha- fications), momile, &c. Normal Primary C 7 Hj 3 . OH 176 Brandy fusel oils. Hydro- Heptylic alcohol, genation of ccnaiithol from castor oil. Octylic alcohols, C 8 H ]7 .OH 180- 192 Saponification of oil of Hera- deum spondylium and H. giganteum. Action of hot alkali on castor oil. Nonylic alcohols, C 9 H 19 .OH ... . Normal Primary C 10 H 21 .OH, 119 at 15 7C. Hydrogenation of capric Decy lie alcohol, millims. aldehyde. pressure. Secondary Hen- C n H 23 .OH 220 ... Hydrogenation of oil of rue. decylic alcohol, Dodecylic alcohols, C 12 H 25 .OH 143 at 15 24 Hydrogenation of lauric millims. aldehyde. Tridecylic alcohols, C 13 H 27 .OH pressure. 19 Saponification of sperm oil. Normal Primary C J4 H 29 .OH 167 at 15 38 Hydrogenation of myristic Tetradecylic millims. aldehyde. alcohol, pressure. Pentadecylic alco- C 15 H C1 .OH ... ... hols, Normal Primary \ lS9'5atl5 49'5 Hydrogenation of palmitic Hexadecylic al- ' C.^Ho* OH millims. aldehyde. cohol, ( ^1 6^*33 vJi pressure. Cetylic alcohol, ) 188- 193 49 '2 Saponification of spermaceti. at 15mm. ... pressure. Heptadecylic al- c ]7 H C ;.OH ... ... cohols, Normal Primary C 18 H 37 .OH 2 10 -5 at 59 Hydrogenation of stearic Octodecylic al- 15millims. aldehyde. Saponification cohol, pressure. of spermaceti (in small quantity). Cerylic alcohol, \ Isocerylic alcohol, J C 27 H 55 .OH ... \ 79 62 ( Chinese wax. < Carnauba wax. ( Wax of Fkus gummiflua. Myricylic alcohol, ) , 8 1 ! -p xSeeswax. Isomyricylic alco- > hoi ? \ C SO H 61 .OH ... ( oO 72 Carnauba wax. ALCOIIOLIFORM PRODUCTS OF SAPONIFICATIOX. 15 Acetic Cetylic Alcohol. Anhydride. Cetyl Acetate. Acetic Acid. C ]6 H 33 .OH + (C 2 H 3 0) 2 = C ]0 H 33 .O.CoH 3 + C 2 H 3 O.OH Cetylic Alcohol. Acetic Acid. Cetyl Acetate. Water. C 16 H 33 .OH + C 2 H 3 O.OH = C 1G H 33 .O.C 2 H 3 + H 2 The compound ethers thus produced are, in turn, readily saponified by alcoholic potash, and from the amount of potash neutralised during the operation the molecular weight of the alcohol is deducible, due corrections being made for unsaponifi- able matters, &c., if present (Chap, viu.) Allylic Series of Alcohols. Alcohols of the series CnHgn.j.OH, derived from the olefine family of hydrocarbons of formula C n H 9n , are only sparsely represented amongst the derivatives from natural products. Acrolein (acrylic aldehyde), C 2 H 3 . CHO, by hydrogenation yields allylic alcohol, C 2 H 3 .CH 2 .OH (also obtainable in various other ways), existing as a thiocyanic ether in the oils of black mustard seed, horse radish, and garlic ; whilst higher homologues are probably contained amongst the alcohols of the previous series obtained on saponifying sperm oil, since in certain cases a deficiency of hydrogen is observed on analysis, coupled with a strongly marked tendency to com- bine directly with iodine, indicating the presence of unsaturated compounds. These higher alcohols, however, have not as yet been isolated from the other bodies accompanying them in a state of sufficient purity to admit of their formulae being exactly determined. Borneol, C 10 H 19 . OH, occurs in the camphor of Dryobalanops camphora, and to a small extent in oil of valerian and oil of rosemary. Alcohols of the series C n H 2n _ 3 . OH, derived from the C n H 2n _ 2 . (acetylene) series of hydrocarbons, are found to some extent in certain essential oils e.g., geraniol, C 10 H llr .OH, in Indian gera- nium oil. This appears to be a true analogue of ethylic and allylic alcohols, being capable of yielding by oxidation an alde- hyde and a monobasic acid (geranic acid) C 9 H 15 . COH and C 9 H 15 . CO . OH respectively : no substances of analogous char- acter have as yet been isolated from fixed oils and fats, tfcc. Phenol and its Homologues. Alcohols derived from hydro- carbons still poorer in hydrogen are occasionally met with as constituents of natural products of the resinous class, or as sub- stances formed by destructive distillation; thus the hydrocar- bons of the benzene family, C n H 2n _ 6 , give rise to two such classes of alcohols, both indicated by the general formula C u H :n _ 7 .OH and derived from the same parent body, phenol, C G H 5 . OH. In the one class (phenols proper) the hydroxyl group is situated in connection with the " benzene nucleus " of 6 carbon atoms ; and in the other (benzylic alcohol series] the hydroxyl group is not situated in the benzene radicle, but in one of the "side chains " 16 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. introduced by the methylation of benzene so as to develop homologous hydrocarbons ; thus Phenols. Phenol (carbolic acid), . . . C 6 H 5 . OH Cresol (methyl phenol), . . . C C H 4 /^ 3 ( CH 3 Xylenol (dimethyl phenol), . . C C H 3 { CH 3 OH Phlorol (ethyl phenol), . . . C G H 4 |p Benzylic Alcohol Series. Benzylic alcohol, .... C G H 5 .CH 2 .OH Xylylic alcohol, ..... C H *{cH2 OH Benzyl carbinol, ..... C 6 H 5 . CH 2 2 /CH 2 . OH Alcohols of the phenol class are mostly contained in the tars derived from the destructive distillation of coal, wood, &c. : benzylic alcohol is contained as such in the volatile oil of cherry laurel, and in the form of a compound ether in Balsam of Peru and Liquid Storax ; a higher homologue, sycocerylic alcoJwl, C 18 H 29 . OH, is similarly found as an acetic compound ether in the resin of Ficus rubiginosa : a-lactucerol and (3-lactucerol' are two isomerides thereof contained as acetic ethers in lettuce juice. Quebrachol (from Quebracho bark), and cupreol and cinchol (from Cinchona barks) are analogous substances isomeric with one another and indicated by the higher homologous formula, C 20 H 33 . OH ; whilst Pliasol (from Phaseolus vulgaris) is a lower homologue, C ]5 H 23 . OH. All these substances are closely akin to cholesterol, isocJiolesterol, phytosterol and paraphytosterol, alco- holiform substances belonging to the family derived from the hydrocarbons, C n H 2n _ 8 , and occurring in various fixed oils as normal constituents dissolved in the glycerides, accor ^i n g as ni = n or n + 1 the following two families result : C m H Formula of Acid. I OH. CO . OH. C m H 2m - 2 fOH. CO . OH. I Family. Oxyacetic(oxystearic or glycollic) series. Ox3*acrylic (oxyoleic or ricinoleic) series. In addition to these six leading families of monobasic acids, re- presentatives of several others are obtainable by saponification from various essential oils and allied products ; whilst by gentle oxidation processes or other reactions several different kinds of more oxidised monobasic acids are readily formed from the normal "fatty acids" derived from natural fixed oils, &c. Thus for example : Formula of Acid. Family. Examples and Sonrces. ( Benzoic and toluic acids, &c. ; OmH 2m _ 7 . CO . OH Benzoic series ) from gum benzoin, balsam of j Tolu, dragon's blood, storax, ( oil of bitter almonds, &c. ! Cinnamic acid ; from oil -of C m H 2 m - 9 CO . OH Cinnamic series cinnamon, cassia, storax, balsam of Tolu, &c. r TT /OH wn 2 m - 8 -[cO.OH Oxybenzoic (salicylic) series f Salicylic acid ; from gaul- \ theria oil, &c. (OH C m H 2m . ! \ OH Glyceric (dioxystearic) ( Oxidation of oleic acid and < isomerides and homologues (CO, OH series f thereof. r H /(OH) S L^ttsm - 2 | QQ < Q H Erythroglucic (tri- oxystearic) series i CigH 3(5 05 ; from oxidation of < ricinoleic acid and its iso- / merides. c H f(OH) 4 Tetroxystearic series ( CigHsgOe (sativic acid) ; from \ oxidation of liiiolic acid. CmH 2m _ 5 | c^oH Hexoxystearic series ( CigH 36 08 (linusic acid) ; from ( oxidation of linolenic acid. ACETIC FAMILY OF FATTY ACIDS. The following table denotes the leading acids of the acetic family (general formula C n H 2n O 2 - C m H 2m +1 . CO . OH) derived from fixed oils, waxes, essential oils, and similar sources : in addition numerous isomeric modifications of many of the acids are known, obtained artificially by synthetic and other laboratory operations : 20 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. Formula. Name of Acid. Boiling Point. Melting Point. Source . CH 2 2 Formic, ioic 8C Ants ; nettles. C 2 H 4 2 Acetic, 118 17 Acetous fermentation ; oil of cow parsnep, and various other essential oils. C 3 H 6 2 Propionic or ; 140 ... Oxidation of propylic Tritylic, alcohol from fermen- tated fusel oil. C4H 8 2 Normal Butyric, 162 3 Cow's butter ; perspira- Isobutyric, 153 tion ; oil of cow parsnep. Oxidation of isobutylic alcohol from fusel oil ; Roman chamomile oil. CsHioOjj Valeric or Pen- 175- 185 ... Several isomerides known. toic, Valerian root ; Isova- leric acid from fat of Delphinum Phoccena. C 6 H 12 O 2 Caproic or 200 - 9 ; Isohexoic acid (isobutyl- Hexoic, acetic acid) from cow's butter and cokernut oil. 205 - 1'5 Normal hexoic acid, as octylic ether in oil of Heracleum. C 7 H 14 2 (Enanthic or 222 -10'o Normal acid by oxidation Heptoic, of cenanthol from castor oil ; wine fusel oil. CgHiflOg Caprylic or 238 15 Isoprimary acid from Octoic, cokernut oil and butter; Limburg cheese. C 9 H J8 2 Pelargonic or 254 13 Normal acid from oil of Ennoic, Pelargonium roseum; and oxidation of oil of rue and beetroot fusel oil. Ci H vo 2 Capric orDecoic, 269 30 Butter ; cokernut oil ; grape fusel oil. C H H 22 2 Hendecoic or Undecylic, 228 at 1 GO; 28 "5 millims. | Hydrogenatiou of Hende- cenoic acid from distil- pressure. lation of castor oil. ... 35 Cocinic acid (?) in coker- nut oil. j ... Near 23 Umbellulic acid (?) from chaulmoogra oil. ^12^2402 ! Laurie or Dode- 225 at 100 44 Laurel butter (Laurux coic, millims. nobilis) ; Pichurim bean pressure. fat ; cokernut oil ; palm kernel oil. Ci3H 26 O 2 Tridecoic, ... ... Supposed to be contained , in cokernut oil ; doubt- ful. C 14 H 28 2 Myristic, 250 at 100 54 Nutmeg butter ; coker- millims. nut oil ; dika fat ; cro- pressure. ton oil; spermaceti. C 15 H 30 2 Pentadecoic, 55 (?) Oil of Jatropha curcas. FATTY ACIDS. 21 Formula. Name of Acid. Boiling Point. Melting Point. Sources. C, 6 H 30 2 Pentadecoic, 53 -5 Cetic acid(?) from sper- ^ maceti. 53 Benomargaric acid (?) from oil of Ben. Stilli- stearic acid (?) from | C 16 H 32 02 Palmitic, 271'o 62 Stillingia sebifera. Palm oil. One of the at 100 constituents of most millims. animal fats. Sperma- pressure. ceti ; beeswax ; Japan wax. C, 7 H 34 2 Marcraric, ... 60 From cetyl cyanide ; for- merly supposed to be contained in certain fats. Daturic, ... 55 From oil of Datura Strammonium. C 18 H 36 Oo Stearic, 291 at 100 69 "2 Tallow, lard, and most millims. animal solid fats ; Shea C,oH 38 02 Enneadecoic, pressure. 66 butter; Illipe" fat. From stearyl cyanide (?) obtained along with artificial margaric acid. C 2 oH4 2 Arachic (or Ara- ... 75 Earthnut oil (Arachis chidic); Butic, hypogcea) ; butter (?) 1 (Heintz). C 21 H4o0 2 ! 72 -5 Medullic acid (?) from beef marrow. C 22 H4 4 2 Benic or Beni- 76 Oil of Ben ; black mustard stearic, seed oil ; rape oil. C^H^Og Lignoceric, 8l" Earthnut oil ; beech- wood tar. Carnatibic, 72 -5 Carnauba wax. ... 46 Paraffinic acid (?) from paraffin wax and nitric acid. C 25 H 50 02 Hyaenic, 78 Hyaena fat. Co 6 H 52 2 Geoceric acid (?) from dis- tillation of brown coal. C 27 H5 4 Oo Cerotic, 78 Beeswax; Carnauba wax; C 28 B^0 2 Chinese wax. cEnEoi Melissic, ... 88 ; " Oxidation of myricylic alcohol from beeswax. <5, Theobromic, 72"" Cacao butter. The formulae ascribed to several of the acids named in the pre- ceding table can hardly be regarded as established with perfect 22 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. certainty ; thus the cocinic acid, C U H 22 O 2 , formerly supposed to be contained in cokernut oil, appears from later researches to be in all probability only a mixture of other acids of the series ; and the same remark applies to the tridecoic acid, C 13 H 20 O. 2 , from the same source, which appears to be simply a mixture of lauric and myristic acids. SimilaYly, cetic acid, C ]5 H 30 O 2 , and the isomeric (?) benomaryaric and stillistearic acids are very doubtful bodies ; the last has been stated by later observers to be simply palmitic acid, and benomargaric acid to be a mixture of palmitic and myristic acids. The margaric- acid, C ir H 34 O 2 , formerly regarded as present in animal fats, has been since shown to consist of a mixture of stearic and palmitic acids and more or less oleic acid." 55 " Again, the compositions ascribed to medullic acid, C 01 H 4 . 7 O 9 ; hycenic acid, C 05 H 50 O ; geoceric acid, C 26 H 52 O 2 ; and tkeobromic acid, C 64 H 128 O ,f require con- firmation as regards the individual character and purity of these substances. Of those acids where the carbon present lies between C 1(> and C 2 w, it is noticeable that those of most frequent and widely-spread occurrence, and of which the com- positions are ascertained with certainty, always contain an even number of carbon atoms; so that it has been supposed by some chemists that acids containing an odd number of carbon atoms do not actually occur as glycerides amongst the natural oils and fats, and that the bodies supposed to possess vsuch a composition are really either mixtures of glycerides with even numbers of carbon atoms, or substances rendered otherwise impure. A priori, however, there seems no reason for doubting the possibility of the existence in nature of glycerides of acids containing an odd number of carbon atoms. In the case of butter fat, cokernut oil, and some few other substances, fatty acids of low molecular weight (i.e., where n in the general formula C n Hn n O 2 is of low value), are present to some notable extent ; but, as a general rule, natural oils and fats rarely yield fatty acids of this description where n has a smaller value than 12. Inasmuch as the lower members of the acetic acid family are comparatively easily volatile (especially along with water vapour), whilst the higher ones are almost non- volatile with ordinary steam, this practically means that the fatty acids from most fats and oils will not readily distil by the aid of moist steam, whilst a certain proportion of more easily volatile acids, is< contained in the mixture of acids obtained from butter fat and cokernut oil, tfec. This distinction is utilised in certain case& as. a. means of testing the quality of such substances * The margarine or oleomargarine used as a butter substitute is es- ssntially a mixture of the glycerides of stearic and palmitic acids with sufficient olein to give it its soft texture. t Graf was unable to find any theobromic acid in Cacao butter (Arch. Pharm., 1888, 26, p. 820). FATTY ACIDS. 23 as regards adulteration and admixture with cheaper forms of fatty matter (Reichert's test, vide Chap, vin.) The fatty acids of the acetic series diifer considerably in their respective degrees of solubility in water ; the lowest members formic, acetic, propionic, and butyric acids are miscible with water in all proportions^ the highest members, including myristic acid and all above it, are quite insoluble in water ; the inter- mediate acids exhibit a degree of solubility the greater the lower the molecular weight ; thus caprylic acid dissolves in 400 parts of boiling water, and capric acid in about 1000 parts, both mostly separating out again on cooling; whilst lauric acid is almost insoluble in cold water, though sparingly dissolved by boiling water. Alcohol, especially when warm, readily dissolves even the highest members of the series ; inasmuch as the glycerides of these acids are, as a rule, almost insoluble in alcohol, this pro- perty affords a method of separating the free fatty acids con- tained in natural oils, &c., from the glycerides, the oil being simply agitated with alcohol and allowed to stand so as to separate the alcoholic solution of fatty acids from the unaffected glycerides. Alcohol containing only a minute quantity of a free fatty acid exhibits an acid reaction to phenolphthalein, and can accordingly be readily titrated volumetrically by means of a weak standard alkaline solution in presence of that indicator : on this also is based the general method of determining the amount of fatty acid salt formed on saponifying a glyceride or other compound ether by an alkali (Chap, vin.) The highest acids of the series are not extremely soluble in cold alcohol, so that they are readily crystallisable from that menstrum. The normal salts of acids of the acetic family are indicated by the general formula C n H 2n+1 . CO . OM, where M is a monad metal : acids salts of formula C tt Hg B . 1 O 2 l^ C n H 0ll O 2 can in some cases be produced e.g., sodium diacetate, C 2 H 3 NaO 2 , C 2 H 4 O 2 ; potassium distearate, C 1S H 35 K0 , C 18 H 36 2 . Salts of this kind when dissolved in hot alcohol react acid with phenolphthalein, and behave toward alkaline solutions on titration with that indicator precisely as mixtures of the free acid and the neutral salt, In certain cases the neutral alkali salts are partly hydrolysed by solution in water with formation of acid salt and caustic alkali ; thus with neutral sodium stearate. Neutral Sodium Caustic Stearate. Water. Soda. Sodium Distearate. 2C 18 H 35 Na0 2 + H 2 = NaOH + C 18 H 35 Na0 2 , Ci 8 H S6 2 By adding common salt to the fluid, the latter compound and the unaltered neutral salt are thrown out of solution ; on collec- 24 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. tion by filtration and solution in alcohol and titration an amount of acidity is registered precisely equivalent to the alkalinity of the watery fluid. On the occurrence of this phenomenon depends a good deal of the cleansing properties of soaps, the action being also observable with the alkali salts of oleic and ricinoleic acids to approximately the same extent as with those of palmitic and stearic acids (Chap, xxn.)" ACRYLIC (OLEIC) FAMILY OF FATTY ACIDS. The total number of acids of general formula C n H 2n _i.CO . OH now known is somewhat considerable ; as with the acetic family, only a comparatively small number of them are con- tained in natural fats, &c., and of these but few are of relatively low molecular weight so as to be readily volatile. The table 011 page 25 exhibits the more important acids of this class. As in the case of the acetic family of acids, the existence of certain members mentioned in the table is not yet established with perfect certainty ; thus damaluric acid is a substance the existence of which requires confirmation ; and similarly with the aldepalmitic acid recently stated by Wanklyn to be a constituent of cow's butter.* The existence of hypogseic acid has been denied by Schon, who found the only acid of the acrylic series present in earthnut oil to be oleic acid. Similarly, moringic acid has been stated by more recent ex- perimenters to be simply impure oleic acid; and the same kind of thing is said by Schadler to apply to doeglic acid this being regarded by him as simply impure physetoleic acid. The unsaturated nature of the hydrocarbons from which this group of fatty acids are derived leads to their possession of some peculiar features ; thus, when heated with fused alkali (caustic potash), there is a tendency to undergo a change indicated by the general equation : C m + n H 2(m + n _j,0 2 + 2KOH = K. CmH^-iOg + K.C u H 2n .. 1 2 + H 2 the potassium salts of two acids of the acetic family being formed along with free hydrogen. In virtue of this tendency, oleic acid, when thus treated, forms palmitic and acetic acids, a circumstance utilised in practical manufacture. Oleic Acid. Caustic Potash. Potassium Palmitate. Potassium Acetate. Ci8H 34 2 + 2KOH = K.C, C H 31 2 + K.C 2 H 3 2 + H 2 Again, inasmuch as the unsaturated hydrocarbons have a more or less marked tendency to combine directly with halogens (and * Journ. Soc. Chem. Ind., Feb. 1891, p. 89. FATTY ACIDS. 25 so pass into the series of substitution derivatives of the satu- rated hydrocarbons), the same tendency is shared by the fatty Formula. Name of Acid. Boiling Point Melting Point. Sources. C 3 H 4 2 Acrylic, 140C. 8C. Oxidation of acrole'in from glycerol. C 4 H 6 2 Crotonic, 185 72 From cyanide of allyl (de- rived from oil of mustard). C 5 H 8 2 Angelic, 185 45 Angelica root. Sumbul root resin. Tiglic, 196 64 Oil of Chamoinile. Croton oil. C 6 H 10 2 Pyroterebic, 210 ... Action of heat on terebic acid from oil of turpentine and nitric acid. C 7 H 12 2 ... ... 53 Damaluric acid? (from cow's and horse's urine). CgHi 4 Oo Octenoic, ... ... ... c 9 H 16 o; Ennenoic, ... liquid. (Enanthol (from castor oil) and acetic anhydride. Ci H 18 2 Phoronic, Decenoic, 242-269 169 10-86 Oxidation of sodium camphor. Several isomeric modifica- tions known ; all of arti- ficial origin. CnH 20 2 Hendecenoic, 275 24 -5 Castor oil distilled under diminished pressure. C 12 H 22 2 Petroleumic, Dodecenoic, 250- 260 liquid. Contained in petroleum. Artificial. Ci 3 H 24 2 Tridecenoic, ... ... ... Ci 4 H 26 2 Tetradecenoic, ... Moringic, Oil of Ben. Cimicic, ... 44 Fcetid oil from Raphirjaster punctipennis. CicH 3 o0 2 Physetoleic, 30 Sperm oil. Hypogaeic, ... 34 Earthnut oil(Arachis Itypo- gcea). 50 Aldepalmitic acid(?) from butter. C 17 H 32 2 Heptadecenoic, .. . ... Ci 8 H 34 2 Oleic, 286 at 100 millims. 14 Contained as glyceride in most animal fats and pressure. many vegetable oils. Isoleic, 44-45 Distillation of oxystearic acid. Stearidic, ... 35 Action of water on silver bromostearate. Cj9H 3G 2 Doeglic, A little Oil from dcegling (bottle- above nose whale). C 21 H 40 2 ;.'! '... '.'.'. ... C 22 H 42 2 Erucic, 254 -5 at 34 Colza, grape seed, and 10 millims. mustard oils. pressure. 26 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. acids derived from them ; thus the hydrocarbon ethylene, as has long been known, combines directly with chlorine forming an oily fluid,* originally known as "Dutch liquid," the reaction being Ethylene. Chlorine. Ethylene Bichloride. H 2 C = CH 2 + C1 2 = H 2 C1C - CC1H 2 In the same kind of way, oleic acid and its congeners, being derivatives of ethylene of general formula K . CH = CH . S, will directly combine with bromine or iodine in parallel fashion, forming dibromo-, or diiodosubstitution derivatives of acids of the acetic family of form R . CHBr - CHBr . S ; thus Oleic Acid. Iodine. Diiodostearic Acid. C 18 H 34 2 + I 2 = CjgHsJjOjj This reaction is utilised as a convenient method of dis- tinguishing from one another acids derived respectively from saturated hydrocarbons, and from unsaturated hydrocar- bons of the olefine series, the former not combining with halogens, and the latter uniting therewith in the proportion of one molecule of fatty acid to two atoms of halogen. Accord- ingly, the measurement of the quantity of iodine or bromine thus fixed ("iodine absorption equivalent," or "bromine ab- sorption equivalent") often gives useful information as to the nature of the fatty acid or acids present ; and the same remark equally applies to the glycerides themselves, which also combine with halogens in parallel fashion, e.g. : Olein. Glyceride of Glyceride of Diiodo- Oleic Acid. Iodine. stearic Acid. CgJU^CisH-ssO^s + 3I 2 = ^3^-5(^13^53^2^2)3 In just the same kind of way certain acids of the acrylic family can directly combine with nascent hydrogen produced under appropriate conditions, becoming thereby converted into acids of the acetic family, the general reaction expressing the change being CnH 2n . 2 2 + Ho = C n H 2n 2 Thus oleic acid forms stearic acid, when heated in a sealed tube with fuming hydriodic acid and phosphorus. By reversing the process, an acetic acid becomes transformed into an acrylic acid. In practice the direct removal of hydrogen after this fashion is difficult to accomplish ; but in certain cases it may be effected by acting on the acid of the acetic family with chlorine or iodine or bromine, so as to produce a monochloro-, iodo-, or bromosubstitution derivative; by treating this with alkalies, &c., * Whence the old name olefiant gas for ethylene, signifying " oil making" gaa. FATTY. ACIDS. 27 the elements of HC1, HI, or HBr are eliminated, leaving an acid of the acrylic series. Thus acrylic acid itself is formed from iodopropionic acid thus, lodopropionic Acid. Acrylic Acid. C 3 H 5 I0 2 - HI = C 3 H 4 2 the elimination of the elements of hydriodic acid being brought about by treatment with sodium ethylate, lead oxide, or similar basic substances. In other cases a dibromo- or dichlorosubstitution derivative of an acid of the acetic family is acted upon with zinc dust, or other substance having a strong tendency to combine with halogens ; thus dibromopropionic acid and zinc dust form acrylic acid. Dibromopropionic Acid. Acrylic Acid. C-jH^BraOo Br 2 = G'sH^Og In this way the dibrominated and diiodised products obtained by adding Br. 2 or I 2 to the higher acrylic acids can be made to reproduce the original acid. This reaction is utilised in the examination of oils, &c., containing the glycerides of unsaturated acids ; bromine addition products are formed and separated from one another by crystallisation, &c., and then debrominated so as to reproduce the original acids, which can thus be indirectly separated from one another in a fashion usually impracticable with the actual acids themselves. Acrylic acids, at any rate in certain cases, combine directly with sulphuric acid, forming saturated compound sulphuric acids analogous to ethylsulphuric acid (sulphovinic acid) ; thus Oleic Acid. Sulphuric Acid. Oxystearosulphuric Acid. C 17 H 33 .CO.OH + S0 2 (OH) 2 = C irH By the action of water, &c., on the compounds thus formed, hydrolysis is brought about, with the formation of sulphuric acid and an acid of the oxyacetic (glycollic) family ; thus Oxystearosulphuric Acid. Water. Sulphuric Acid. Oxystearic Acid. Ci;H 34 - -f H 2 = S0 2 (OH) 2 + Ci 7 H 34 These reactions, especially the first, are utilised in the pro- duction of certain kinds of "Turkey red oils;" obviously the sum of the two changes is equivalent to the addition to an acrylic acid of the elements of water. The dibromides of acids of the oleic series, when treated with silver hydroxide, Ac., form silver bromide together with glyceric acids i.e., dioxy acids of the acetic series : + 2AgOH = 2AgBr + C n H. n _ 28 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. By the regulated action of caustic potash, they lose successively HBr and 2HBr, forming in the one case bromoleic acid or a homologue thereof, and in the other case a propiolic aqid CO. OH HBr = C " Hsn - 3 1 CO. OH j* QH - t>HBr = C n H, n _., . CO. OH A remarkable property possessed by many acids of the oleic family is that contact with certain reagents, more especially nitrous acid, converts them into isomeric modifications of higher fusing and boiling points, so that acids liquid at the ordinary temperature become transferred into solids. This effect is also produced with the natural glycerides of these acids, forming a reaction largely utilised in testing the purity of certain oils (Chap. vii). Oleic acid, liquid at ordinary temperatures, thus becomes elaidic acid, melting at 45, by contact with nitrous acid ; and its glyceride, olein, fluid at 0, is similarly converted into elaidin, melting at 32; whence the term "Elaidin reaction" applied to this nitrous acid test. In similar fashion erucic acid, melting at 34, is changed into brassaidic or brassic* acid, fusing at 60 ; whilst parallel changes are undergone by hypo- gseic and physetoleic acids. Elaidic acid and the similarly altered other acids of this class call be distilled unchanged under diminished pressure, not being thereby converted back again into the original acids ; for a given pressure the boiling point is always slightly higher than that of the original acid : thus Krafft and Noerdlinger f obtained the following numbers. (See Table, p. 29.) The nature of the chemical change ensuing during the elaidin reaction is somewhat uncertain. By fusion with caustic potash both oleic and elaidic acids yield acetate and palmitate ; on the other hand, by oxidation with alkaline permanganate they form two different dioxystearic acids, melting respectively at 136 '5 (solidifying at 119) and 99-100 (solidifying at S5-86 Saytzeff). Similarly erucic and brassic (brassaidic) acids give rise to two different dioxybenic acids on oxidation, as well as different derivatives of other kinds. * The term " brassic acid " (brasxica .mure) was originally applied to the acid, C 2 2H4 2 O2, obtained from various species of Brassica, there being at that time some doubt whether "erucic acid" obtained from other ana- logous sources was or was not identical therewith. Later on the identity was established, and the term " brassaidic acid " (brassidin siiure) was applied to the product of nitrous acid on erucic acid, to indicate its analogy with elaidic acid (Haussknecht, Annalen der Chem. and Pharm., 1867, 143, p. 55). Of late years the term " brassic acid " has been mostly substi- tuted in English chemical literature for "brassaidic acid (c. .7., Morley and Muir's Dictionary of Chemistry, vol. i., p. 631, article Brassic Acid}. t Berichte der Dent. Chem. Cn0 2 Stearolic, 48 ... From oleic acid by bromine reaction. Linolic, Fluid ... Linseed and other dry- ing oils. Ricilinolic, Fluid ... Dehydration of ricin- oleic acid. Tariric, 50 -5 ... Seeds of tariri (genus Picramnia). CgoHgeO* ... '... Fluid (?) Higher homologue of linolic acid, sup- posed to be con- tained in some drying oils. c! 2 H4oOa Behenolic (or 5T-5 ... From erucic acid, by Benolic), bromine reaction. FATTY ACIDS. 33 compounds by the addition of two oxygen atoms instead of four bromine atoms, thus Propiolic Acid. Saturated Compounds. C n H 2 n-3' CO . OH + Br 4 = Cii H 2n -3 ( =0 C n H 2u _ 3 .CO.OH + 0, = C u H 2a _ 3 =0 ( -CO. OH In this way stearolic acid, C 18 H 32 O 2 , forms stearoxylic acid, C 18 H 32 O 4 ; and similarly with palmitolic and benolic acids. The general character of the action is indicated by the equation : R . CH-CH . S . CH=CH . T + 2 =R . CH-CH . S . CH-CH . T Linolic Acid. The earlier researches on the acids derivable from the chief glycerides contained in linseed and other drying oils led to the conclusion that they were identical, and indicated by the formula C 10 H 28 O 2 , and to this body the name linoleic acid was applied ; but later experiments have shown conclusively that a considerably higher molecular weight is possessed by the acid obtained from linseed oil, and have rendered it not impro- bable that different homologous acids exist (related as myristic, palmitic, and stearic acids, for example), and that different drying oils are not always identical as regards the leading acid of this series present. Linolic acid was originally obtained by Schiller by saponifying linseed oil with caustic soda, salting out, dissolving in water, and precipitating with calcium chloride. The precipitate was treated with ether, whereby calcium lino- late was dissolved out, leaving other substances undissolved ; by agitating the ethereal solution with hydrochloric acid, and evaporating at a low temperature in an atmosphere of hydrogen, crude linolic acid was obtained. This was purified by treat- ment with alcoholic ammonia, precipitating as barium salt, and regenerating the acid as before. The analysis of the acid and its salts by Schiller, and subsequent investigators, led to the formula C 1( . ( H 08 O 2 . On the other hand, the Koettstorfer values (Chap, viu.) for lin- seed oil and other drying oils obtained by most of the later experi- menters lead to the conclusion that the mean molecular weight of the fatty acids contained therein, is sensibly higher than 252, the value corresponding with C 16 H 28 O 2 ; the saponification equivalents for linseed, poppy, and hemp oils thus deduced mostly lie between 285 and 300, giving an average of 293 or thereabouts for the glycerides, and consequently of about 280 for the fatty acids thence derivable (C 1S H 32 O 2 = 280). Further, various later analyses of linolates and other derivatives corro- 3 34 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. borate this formula; whilst Peters* obtained stearic acid (of melting point 69) by acting on linolic acid with strong hydriodic acid and phosphorus, so as to hydrogenise it. Still higher molecular weights result from the observations of some chemists. Thus A. H. Allen f found that whilst the linolic acids isolated from several different samples of linseed oil pos- sessed mean equivalent weights varying between 282 and 295, another specimen, prepared with great care in an atmosphere of coal-gas, gave 307 -2 (C 2p H 36 2 = 308). Norton and Eichardson % found that linolic acid from linseed oil, when distilled at about 290 under a pressure of 89 mm., gave a colourless distillate, constituting about three-quarters of the whole ; this was capable of being redistilled unchanged. It consisted of 15 an acid of specific gravity -9108 at - giving numbers on analysis corresponding with the formula C 20 H 36 O 2 ; the vapour density was found to be 153, this formula representing 154. Moreover, on heating with hydriodic acid it did not form stearic acid, melting at 69, as in the case of Peter's product, but an acid of considerably higher melting point 83 (arachic acid, C 20 H 40 O 2 , melts at 75). Reformatsky on repeating the experiments of Schuler, obtained from linseed oil freshly expressed in the laboratory a crude linolic acid that did not distil unchanged at 292 under 100 mm. pressure. It contained a considerable amount of oleic acid, yielding dioxystearic acid on oxidation with permanganate ; by heating with alcohol and gaseous hydrochloric acid, ethyl linolate was ultimately obtained, distilling at 270-275 under 180 mm. pressure ; from this by saponification linolic acid was regener- ated in a state of comparative purity ; e.g., giving the iodine number 172-65 to 180-3, that calculated being 181-4. When dissolved in glacial acetic acid the product thus prepared formed two compounds on addition of bromine viz., a tetrabromide (addition product), C 18 H 32 Br 4 , as a viscid oil ; and a crystallis- able hexabrominated substance, regarded by him as a bromosub- stitution derivative of the tetrabromide, C 18 H 30 O 2 Br 6 , melting at 177-178 and solidifying at 175. Oxidation with alkaline per- manganate yielded tetroxystearic (sativic) acid and a little azelaic acid. Whilst it appears exceedingly probable from the preceding re- sults that more than one homologous acid of the series C n H 2n _ 4 O^ exists in ordinary drying oils, it is more than doubtful whether any single substance in a state of purity was examined by * Monatsh. f. Chemie, 1886, 7, p. 552. t Commercial Organic Analysis, vol. ii., 1886, p. 117. J Berichte (L Deut. Chem. Ges., 1887, xx., p. 2735. Journ. Soc. Chem. Industry, 1890, p. 744 : from /. prakt. Chem., 1890, 41, p. 529. FATTY ACIDS. 35 any of the various observers, inasmuch as purification by recrystallisatioii of a well marked crystalline derivative was not found readily practicable. On the other hand, Hazura and Griissner obtained from hemp seed oil* a mixture of fatty acids which on solution in acetic acid and treatment with bromine gave more than one brominated product of crystal- lisable character, as well as iioncrystalline ones. One of the crystallisable products was found to melt at 177-178, and to have the composition 18 H 30 O 2 Br 6 ; another melted at 114-115, and had the composition C 18 H 32 O 2 Br 4 ; from this latter by the action of zinc and alcoholic hydrochloric acid the bromine was removed, producing linolic acid, C 18 H.> 9 O. 7 , free from ad- mixture with other acids. It was found impracticable to bromi- nate the bromine compound, C 18 H 3 . 2 O 2 Br 4 , so as to obtain from it any substitution derivative, C 3 8 H 30 O 2 Br (3 ; whence it appears that the hexabrominated body, melting at 177-178, was not formed by the further substitutive action of bromine on the tetrabromi- nated addition product (as supposed by Reformatsky), but must have been produced by the direct combination of Br 6 with an acid, C 18 H< ]0 O , contained along with linolic acid, &c., in the original mixture ; this acid, linolenic acid, is in fact easily repro- duced from the hexabromicle by treatment with zinc and alco- holic hydrochloric acid so as to remove the bromine (p. 27) ; conversely, it is again converted into the original hexabromide by direct combination with Br 6 . The linolic acid thus obtained from the tetrabromide of fusing point 114-115, C 18 H 32 O 2 Br 4 , reproduced that substance by combination with bromine ; and similarly combined with I 4 , but did not form a hexabrominated derivative ; on oxida- tion with alkaline permanganate it formed a tetroxystearic acid, sativic acid, 18 H 3G G == C ir H' 31 I ,Q ^jj , together with a little azelaic acid and other secondary products, but no linusic acid (p. 37). Sativic acid fuses at 170 ;f on heating with hydriodic acid and phosphorus, it forms an iodised acid, reduced to stearic acid by means of zinc and hydrochloric acid ; it dis- solves in 1000 parts of boiling water, and is readily soluble in alcohol, but is insoluble in cold water and in ether; by acety- lation it forms a tetracetyl derivative, C 17 H 31 < ,Q j^j| ' 4 ; hence it obviously possesses the constitution of a quadruply hydroxylated stearic acid. On further oxidation it does not form linusic acid, but produces azelaic acid, C*-H 14 (CO . OH) 2 . Isomerides of Linolic Acid. Stea/rolic acid, obtained by combination of oleic acid with Br 2 , and removing the elements of * Journal Soc. Clie.m. Industry, 1888, p. 506 : from MonatsJi. d. Chemie> ix..p. 180. t According to earlier observations, at 160-162. 36 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. 2HBr from the product, fuses at 48. By oxidation with alka- line permanganate, this forms stearoxylic acid, C 18 H 82 O 4> melting at 84-86, together with some suberic acid, C 6 H" 12 (CO.OH) 2 , produced by the further oxidation of the stearoxylic acid first formed (Hazura). Nitric acid also directly oxidises it to stear- oxylic acid, with formation also of azelaic acid, C 7 H 14 (CO.OH) 2 (Overbeck), and of pelargonic (ennoic) acid (Limpach). Tariric Acid. A. Arnaud has recently described* an acid isomeric with linolic acid contained as triglyceride in the seeds of " tariri," a shrub common in Guatemala ; it melts at 50 '5 C., and unites with bromine, forming a tetrabromide, C 18 H 32 Br 4 O 2 , melting at 125. Ricilinolic Acid. This name may be conveniently applied to the acid obtained by Krafft,f by heating ricinoleic acid under diminished pressure (15 mm.), when an acid distilled, liquid at ordinary temperature, but solidifying on chilling ; this boiled at 230 at 15 mm. ; and gave numbers indicating that it was an isomeride of linolic acid,! produced by the dehydration of ricinoleic acid, which might be expected a priori to take place, thus Ricinoleic Acid. Dehydrated Derivative. C 1' H ^ H2 + C 17 H S i.CO.OH LINOLENIC FAMILY OF FATTY ACIDS. The existence in drying oils of two isomeric acids of formula C n H. 2n _ 5 .CO.OH (where n= 17) in the form of glycerides has been rendered extremely probable, if not conclusively substantiated, by Hazura and various collaborateurs. When the fatty acids isolated from such oils e.g., hempseed or linseed oil are dis- solved in acetic acid, at least three different brominated compounds are obtainable by the addition of bromine viz., crystallisable linolic acid tetrabromide, C 18 H 32 O 2 Br 4 , melting at 114-115, and the crystallisable hexabromide, C 18 H 30 OoBr 6 , melting at 177-178 above described (p. 35), together with a non- crystallisable liquid bromide, apparently containing an isomeric hexabromide, 18 H 80 O 2 Br 6 . As already stated, the crystallisable hexabromide loses Br 6 by the action of zinc and alcoholic hydro- chloric acid, forming linolenic acid, C 18 H 30 O 9 , from which the same hexabromide can be reproduced by bromination ; by oxidation with alkaline permanganate no sativic acid is pro- * Comptes rendus, 114, p. 79. t Eerichte d. Deut. Chcm. Ges., 1888, p. 2730. + By heating ricinoleic acid in vacno, Norton and Richardson obtained an acid closely resembling linolic acid, regarded by them as C 2 oH 3C 02 (Bcrichte d. Deut. Chem. Ges., 1887, xx. p. 2735). FATTY ACIDS. 37 duced, but, instead, linusic acid, a hexoxystearic acid, C 17 H 29 | (^Q 1 ^. This last melts at 203-205, and furnishes a hexacetyl derivative, C 17 H 29 j '^Q ^j| ' 6 . Hence the pre- exist- ence of linolenic acid in the original mixture of acids, as the source of the crystallisable hexabromide, would seem to be pretty clearly demonstrated. The existence of an isomeric modification of linolenic acid, isolinolenic acid, is inferred from the fact of a noncrystalline hexa- bromide being apparently produced by the addition of bromine to the original mixed acids, together with the circumstance that on oxidising the mixture by alkaline permanganate there are formed (in various relative proportions, according to the kind of drying oil operated on) not only dioxystearic acid (due to oleic acid contained), sativic acid (tetroxystearic acid, due to linolic acid, C 18 H 32 O 9 ), and linusic acid (due to linolenic acid), but also another hexahydroxylated stearic acid, isolinusic acid, isomeric with linusic acid; this melts at 173-175, and furnishes a hexacetyl derivative, C 17 H., 9 < ^pA jL,4 , resembling that obtained from linusic acid, but less soluble in ether. OXYACETIC (GLYCOLLIC) FAMILY OF FATTY ACIDS. The members of this family (general formula, C m H 2in < QQ OH/ hitherto recognised as normal constituents of fats, oils, waxes, c., are but few in number. Carnauba wax has been found by Stiircke * to contain a small quantity of a substance simultane- ously possessing the properties of an alcohol and an acid, indi- f OTT OTT cated by the formula C 19 H 38 ] QQ 2 j) JT ; when this is heated with soda lime, it forms an acid of the oxalic family with evolu- tion of hydrogen. CHo.OH , ov ^TT n TT fCO.ONa . O TT TT n - ^ The essential oil of Angelica Arcliangelica contains (probably as some form of compound ether) an acid which appears to be ( OTT oxymyristic acid,\ C 13 H 26 \ ^ OH , fusing at 51, and yielding ( O f TT O a benzoyl oxymyristic acid C 13 H 26 < ^A 5^j| , fusing at near * Annahn der Chemie., 223, p. 283; also Journal Soc. Chem. Industry, 1884, p. 448. t R. Muller, JBerichte Deut. Chem. Ges., 1881, vol. xiv., p. 2476. 38 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. 68. An oxymyristic acid apparently identical with this is obtainable from myristic acid by brominating and treating the resulting monobromomyristic acid with caustic soda. By similar processes palmitic acid yields oxypalmitic acid and stearic acid, oxystearic acid. Of this latter body, moreover, more than one isomeric modification is known ; thus M. C. & A. Say- tzeff found * that a-oxy stearic acid is obtained when isoleic acid (m.p. 45) is combined with hydriodic acid so as to form an iodostearic acid, and the product treated with silver hydroxide ; while fi-oxystearic acid is similarly obtained from ordinary oleic acid ; the reaction in each case being expressed by the equations Oleic Acid. Iodostearic Acid. Ci 8 H 34 2 + HI C I8 H 35 IOo Iodostearic Acid. Oxysteavic Acid. C 18 H 35 I0 2 + AgOH = Agl + C 18 H 3a (OH)0 2 a-oxystearic acid melts at 80-82 and distils unchanged ; Avhilst /3-oxystearic acid breaks up on heating into water and ordinary oleic acid Oxystearic Acid. Oleic Acid. C 1S H 35 (OH)0 2 = H 2 O + C J8 H 34 2 The same two acids are also obtainable by treating isoleic acid with sulphuric acid, when combination takes place as the forma- tion of two isomeric oxystearosulphuric acids, which by the hydrolytic action of water are decomposed into sulphuric acid and oxystearic acids, thus Sulphuric Oxystearo- Isoleic Acid. Acid. sulphuric Acid. C 17 H S3 .CO.OH + H 2 S0 4 = GirH Oxystearo- Oxystearic Sulphuric sulphuric Acid. Water. Acid. Acid. Ci7H 3 4 k 3 + H 2 = Ci 7 H 34 + H 2 S0 4 the two reactions jointly are consequently tantamount to the addition of water 611 to isoleic acid Isoleic Acid. Oxystearic Acid. r TI PIT PIT rr ryprj-TT f\\ = Ci 5 H 31 -CH 2 ~CH.OH -CO. OH C 15 M 31 -CH lioUj _ Cl5 H 31 -CH.OH-CH 2 -CO.OH The a or the (3 acid thus results according as the hydroxyl group becomes added to the penultimate or antepenultimate carbon. Geitel finds t that when ordinary oleic acid is thus treated * Jahresbericht, 1888, p. 1916 : from Journal pr. Chemie, [2] 37, p. 269. t Journal Soc. C/iem. Industry, 1888, p. 218 ; from Journal f. prakt. Chemie, [2] 37, p. 53. FATTY ACIDS. 39 with sulphuric acid, besides the a-oxystearic acids above described a y-oxystearic acid, C 14 H 2g - . CH . OH - CH 2 - CH 2 - CO . OH, is produced, which readily forms an " inner " anhydride, stearo- lactone, C U H 29 - CH - CH 2 - CH 2 - CO. This anhydride is produced whenever a salt of y-oxystearic acid is decomposed by .a mineral acid ; if the acid solution be cautiously neutralised in the cold by an alkali, the stearolactone remains unaltered, and may be obtained by dissolving out with ether or benzoline, and thus separated from any other accompanying fatty acids set free by the mineral acid, but retained by the subsequent addition of alkali. When boiled with alcoholic potash, however, potassium /-oxystearate is produced. Stearolactone. Potassium Oxystearate. C 17 H 34 J~ I + HOK + C 17 H 34 |** Processes for detecting and estimating stearolactone in mix- ture with free fatty acids, &c., are founded on these reactions. Stearolactone is readily soluble in alcohol, ether, and light petroleum spirit; it crystallises in needles melting at 51; it is formed in somewhat large quantity when oleic acid is heated with zinc chloride and the product treated with water (Benedikt), probably by reactions analogous to those taking place under the influence of sulphuric acid (vide Chap, vn.) An anhydride isomeric with stearolactone is derived from a-oxystearic acid by the action of hydrochloric acid thereon (C. and A. Saytzeff) in accordance with the equation OP TT f OH OTJ n r< TT f CO 1 /-i TT 2C 17 H 34 | CQ QH 2H 2 + C 17 H 34 | Q co | C 17 H 34 This substance is fluid at the ordinary temperature and does not solidify 011 chilling ; it combines with neither bromine nor iodine (Hiibl's reagent), but on heating with caustic potash becomes wholly converted into potassium oxystearate ; on acidifying the product a-oxystearic acid is set free, and not. an anhydride, as in the case of stearolactone. OXYACRYLIC (KICINOLEIC) FAMILY OF FATTY ACIDS. f The acids of general formula C m H 2m _ 2 -! QQ QJJ obtained by the sapoiiification of fixed oils, &c., are not very numerous, { OH ricinoleic acid, C ir H 32 \ ^ Q OH , being the only one as yet known 40 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. with certainty ; castor oil, and to a lesser extent some other oils, contain ricinolein, the glyceride of ricinoleic acid. To isolate the acid, castor oil is saponified with concentrated caustic potash solution, and the resulting soap decomposed by heating for a short time with hydrochloric acid ; the separated acids are washed with water several times, and then cooled to 0, or some- what lower ; the mass solidifies and is subjected to pressure, first gentle then stronger, so as to squeeze out liquid matters, the temperature being gradually raised to 10- 12. If any con- siderable quantity of unsaponified oil is mixed with the free fatty acids, their solidification by chilling is greatly hindered, a result also brought about by the presence of bye -products formed by the action of the air on the free fatty acids ; wherefore the saponify- ing and decomposing operations, and both are reducible to ordinary stearic acid by means of hydriodic acid ; the latter is present to the extent of about twice as much as the former. Isomerid.es of Ricinoleic Acid. On heating barium ricin- oleate Krafft obtained a residue from which an acid termed by him ricinic acid was isolated,* apparently isomeric with ricinoleic acid; this melted at 81, and distilled unchanged at 250-252 under 15 mm. pressure ; by oxidation it yielded normal heptok? acid. Rapic Acid. Reimer and Will have obtained from colza oil a liquid acid, C 1S H 34 O 3 , differing considerably from ricinoleic acid r especially in not forming a solid elaidic acid with nitrous acidf and in not yielding sebacic acid on fusion with potash. This is isolated by means of the zinc salt which is soluble in ether, whereas zinc erucate is insoluble therein. ; by decomposing the recrystallised salt (melting at 78) by tartaric acid, and well Avashing with water, rapic acid is obtained as a fluid mass, not solidifying even when considerably chilled. Oxyoleic Acid. When the dibromide of oleicacid (dibromo- stearic acid) is treated with silver hydroxide it forms oxyoleie acid, apparently in consequence of the removal of the elements of HBr, forming bromoleic acid, and the action thereon of silver hydroxide, thus Eromoleic Acid. Oxyoleic Acid. C 17 H, 2 Br.CO.OH + AgOH = AgBr + C 17 H The same product results by first converting the dibromide into bromoleic acid by means of potash and then acting upon this with silver hydroxide (Overbeck). Oxyoleic acid is a thick liquid at ordinary temperatures but solidifies on chilling ; by boiling with caustic potash it takes up water, forming a dioxy- stearic acid, melting at 126. J r TT /OH p /(OH) 2 L i7 M 32| co OH Ll7H33 lCO.OH {OH C 1 O OH ' * S formed when the dibromide of hypogaeic acid is treated with silver hydroxide (Schroder) ; as with oleic dibromide, the action probably takes place in two stages, the elements of HBr being * Berichte d. Deut. Chem. Ges., 1888, vol. xxi., p. 2730. t Berkhte d. Deul. Chem. Ges., 1887, vol. xx., p. 2385. l^ Later experiments by Saytzeff indicate that this acid is identical with the dioxystearic acid melting at 136'5, obtained by him by oxidation of oleic acid by alkaline permanganate (p. 30). 42 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. first removed, forming bromohypogseic acid, C 1G H 20 Br0 2 , and this being then converted into the oxyacid, thus C l5 H 28 Br . CO . OH + AgOH = AgBr + C lfi H 28 {cO.OH It melts at 34, and by boiling with caustic potash solution takes up the elements of water forming dioxypalmitic acid, usin at 115 ' When oleic acid is heated to 200 and a stream of air blown through (as in the preparation of " blown oils," it absorbs oxygen and becomes largely converted into an oxyoleic acid (Benedikt and Ulzer). The relationships of the oxidised oleins and similar substances contained in blown oils to ricinoleic glyceride (castor oil) have not been fully studied, but appa- rently there is a considerable degree of similarity between them. The same remark applies to the oxidised acids formed when oils and fats are kept for long periods of time, so as to .absorb oxygen largely from the air spontaneously. On the other hand, when drying oils are exposed to the air in thin films, so as to " dry " up to solid varnishes, they absorb oxygen ; when the absorption attains its maximum, the increment in weight is tolerably close to that corresponding with the weight of iodine capable of being taken up by the original oil, whilst the capacity for absorbing iodine decreases pari passu with the oxidation. It would, therefore, seem that the tendency of atmospheric oxidation of drying oils is to produce less " un- saturated " oxidation products than the original substances ; whence by analogy in the case of oleic glyceride, it would seem probable that saturated acids are formed thus, rather than uiisaturated acids like oxyoleic acid. A product has been recently introduced into the market under the name of " oxy- oleate," for use as a " Turkey red oil," obtained by the action of sulphuric acid on certain oils, and decomposition of the compound sulphuric acid formed by heat (vide Chap, vn.) The precise chemical nature of this substance does not seem to have been closely investigated as yet; presumably it chiefly consists of an oxystearic, rather than an oxyoleic acid, since by hydrolysis the former and not the latter results from the sulphuric acid compound of oleic acid (supra, p. 38). AnUydrodioxystearic Acid. When dioxystearic acid (melting point 136-5) is distilled under diminished pressure (100 to 180 mm.) it breaks up into water, and a monobasic acid, isomeric with ricinoleic acid, melting at 77-79, and solidifying at 66-69.* From its mode of formation this product is obviously f -= O indicated by the formula, C^Hgg ! _ /-JQ QJT > being a saturated -compound, not containing alcoholiform hydroxyl like ricinoleic acid. * A. Saytzeff, /. prakt. Chem. [2], vol. xxxiii., p. 300. FATTY ACIDS. 43 It is not improbable that the rapic acid above mentioned has an analogous constitution, since the low acetyl number pos- sessed by colza oil renders it unlikely that any large quantity of a glyceride of a hydroxylated acid is present therein (Chap, vin.) POLYHYDEOXYLATED STEAKIO ACIDS. A number of acids are known, related to stearic acid in that they are derived therefrom by the replacement of two or more hydrogen atoms by hydroxyl groups i.e., by a further continu- ance of the action by means of which oxystearic acids may be regarded as derived from stearic acid. These polyhydroxylated derivatives are all expressed by the general formula, C ir E 35 _ n (OH) n .CO.OH When 11 = 1, some modification of oxystearic acid results ; when n = 2, a dioxystearic acid (higher homologue of glyceric acid) ; similarly, when n = 3, 4, or 6, trioxy-, tetroxy, and hexoxy- stearic acids respectively result. The following table gives the principal sources and melting points of these acids, the usual mode of production being gentle oxidation of the acid serving as source with alkaline perman- ganate : * Name. Formula. Source. Melting Point. Solidifying Point. Dioxystearic acid, Ci 7 H 33 (OH)2.CO.OH, Oleic acid, 136 -5 119- 122 Isodioxy stearic acid, Do., Elaidic acid, 99- 100 85-86 Do., Do., Isoleic acid, 77-78 64-66 Trioxystearic acid, C 17 H 32 (OH) 3 .CO.OH, Castor oil, 140- 142 ... Isotrioxystearic \ acid, J Do., Do., 110-111 ... /3-isotrioxysteario 1 acid, J Do., { Eicinelaidic acid, 114- 115 ... Sativic acid ) (Tetroxystearic > C l7 H 3l (OH) 4 .CO.OH, Linolic acid, 173 ... acid), ) Linusic acid j (Hexoxystearic > C 17 H 2 o(OH) 4 .CO.OH, Linolenic acid, 203-205 ... acid), . . ) Hemp seed Isolinusic acid i oil, &c., J (Isohexoxy- stearic acid), ) Do., (supposed isolinolenic \ acid), 173-17C ... i * A dioxystearic acid (melting point 136) is also obtainable in small quantity by the action of silver hydroxide on the dibromide of oleic acid (p. 30); also by the hydration of oxyoleic acid (p. 41). Oxyhypog;eic acid 44 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. A remarkable rule is uniformly followed in all cases where unsaturated fatty acids are thus oxidised viz., that a number of hydroxyl groups is always taken up sufficient to form a satu- rated polyoxy acid.* Thus in the case of the oxystearic acids, unsaturated acids of form C 17 H 33 .CO:OH (oleic, isoleic, and elaidic acids), take up two hydroxyl groups forming three dif- ferent dioxystearic acids, C 17 Ho 3 < /s/-^ OTT '> similarly ricinoleic ( OTT and riciiielaidic acids of form C 17 H. J2 < ^^ ~TT take up 2 hy- droxyl groups, producing two trioxystearic acids, C 17 H 32 < LQ Q\T. In the same w r ay hendecenoic, hypogseic, and erucic acids take up 2 hydroxyl groups giving rise to dioxyhendecoic, dioxypalmitic, and dioxybenic acids respectively. On the other hand, linolic acid, C- l7 H 31 . CO . OH, takes up 4 hydroxyl groups, producing sativic (tetroxystearic) acid, C 17 H. U < X/-\ ATT ', whilst linolenic acid, C l7 H 09 . CO . OH, takes up 6 groups, producing liimsic (hexoxystearic) acid, C 17 IL < The above rule appears to be only a particular case of a con- siderably wider principle applying also to hydrocarbons and alcohols, etc., of unsaturated character, which may be put in the form of the following theorem : - With substances containing the group CH = CH (or cer- tain groups thence derived, - OR = CH, - and CR = CS , where R and S are monad alkyl radicles), the effect of oxidising agents of not too energetic a character is to cause the addition of tico hydroxyl radicles so as to form the group - CH. OH - CH. OH - (or the derived group - CR.OH - CS.OH - ), this action occurring twice over if two groups CH = CH are present, thrice over if three groups are present, and so on. Thus Wagner has found * that olefmes are readily transformed into glycols by means of potassium permanganate in virtue of this reaction; alcohols of unsaturated character (allylic series) similarly become glycerols ; hydrocarbons containing the group CH = CH - twice (e.g., diallyl) become erythrols, and so on. Glycerol itself is thus obtainable from allylic alcohol. (from dibromide of hypogseic acid) behaves similarly, forming a dioxy- palmitic acid, melting point 115. A dioxypalmitic acid was obtained by Groger (inter alia) by the direct oxidation of palmitic acid with alkaline permanganate. Two dioxybenic odds are known, respectively derived from the dibromides of erucic and brassic acids (p. 29), and melting at 132- 133 and 9S-99. * Hazura & Griissner, Journal Soc. Chem. Industry, 1888, p. 506; from Monatsh. Chem., vol. ix., p. 180. t Berichte. d. Dent. Chem. Ges., 1888, 21, pp. 1230 and 3343. FATTY ACIDS. 45 111 all probability the first action taking place is the direct com- bination of oxygen in the same way as the combination of bro- mine or iodine, thereby forming a substance containing the group CH CE CR X O, or the derived groups | j>O or I/O; CH CH/ C8 this product then assimilating water whilst nascent. Tims, for example, oleic acid, C 17 H.,., . CO . OH, may be supposed to combine with oxygen, forming C 17 H 33 % ~ ~Q QTT ; by tak- ing up water this immediately produces dioxystearic acid, (OH C r H 33 lOH ; whilst linolic acid, C.-H.^ . CO . OH, simi- (CO.OH i =0 larly first forms C r H, r =O , which by taking up 2H O ( -CO. OH OH OH forms tetroxystearic acid (sativic acid), C l5 .H gl ^ OH OH ^CO.OH Tn the case of the stearolic acid and its homologues obtained from acrylic acids by the bromine reaction (addition of Br. 7 and removal of 2HBr, p. 31), the effect of oxidation stops short at the first stage, 2 atoms of oxygen being added on forming a satu- rated compound which does not take up water. Thus stearolic ( = acid, C r H. n . CO . OH, forms stearoxylic acid, ^-H^ - = O ( - CO . OH melting at 84-86, by the direct action of nitric acid (Overbeck),^ or by means of alkaline permanganate (Hazura & Griissner). Similarly palmitolic acid (from hvpogseic dibromide), gives the * I = analogous pal mito.icyl ic acid, C ir H.>-< =O , melting at 67 " ( - CO . OH (Schroeder) ; and benolic acid (from erucic dibromide) gives ben- f = oxylic acidj melting at 90-91, C 91 H 80 ^=O (Hauss- (-CO. OH knecht). ; - Overbeck (Annakn. Chem. P/iarm., 1866, 140, p.39) found that the stear- oxylic acid thus prepared would not combine with bromine, and concluded that the 4 affinity units which in stearolic acid are capable of combining with Br 4 , are saturated by oxygen when stearolic acid is converted into stearoxylic acid. t Termed " dioxybenolic acid" by its discoverer. 46 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. By the action of heat (distillation in vacuo) dioxystearic acid (melting at 136), loses water forming an anhydro derivative still possessing the characters of a monobasic acid (Saytzeff); obviously thus (OH ( = O C 17 H S8 OH = H 2 + C 17 HoJ ( CO . OH ( - CO . OH the reaction being the converse of the second stage in the hydroxylation of unsaturated acids as above. GENERAL PHYSICAL CHARACTERS. 47 2. Physical Properties of Oils, Fats, Waxes, &c. CHAPTER IV. GENERAL PHYSICAL CHARACTERS. PHYSICAL TEXTURE AND CONSISTENCY. THE physical consistency of a fixed oil butter, fat, or wax depends entirely upon the temperature ; when this is sufficiently raised all are fluid oils ; but at lower temperatures, according to- the nature of the substance, more or less complete solidification is brought about. In many cases, natural fixed oils, &c., are mixtures of different glycerides, &c., the melting points of which are different ; accordingly, at temperatures somewhat below the melting point of the least fusible constituent, this more or less completely solidifies, whilst the other constituents remain liquid, thus giving rise to pastiness or buttery texture. Substances of practically uniform composition (i.e., consisting essentially of only one kind of compound) generally exhibit a fairly sharply defined melting point when the temperature is sufficiently raised; but this is not the case with mixtures ; accordingly, considerably different temperatures will be registered as the fusing points of such sub- stances if different methods be employed, depending, for instance, in one case, upon the production of a considerable degree of softness only ; in another, upon the complete liquefaction of all the constituents ; and so 011 (vide p. 61, 63). Even the most fluid oils possess to a greater or lesser extent the property of viscosity, or resistance to flow, due to the greater or lesser degree of cohesion between the constituent particles of the liquid. When the smooth surfaces of two solids are smeared or wetted with a viscous fluid and applied to one another, a, varying degree of force will be requisite, according to circum- stances, in order to enable one surface to glide over the other. The amount of force requisite in any given case largely depends on the viscosity of the fluid employed; to diminish this force is the 4-S OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. main object of lubrication in the case of machinery, and in conse- quence the determination of the relative lubricating powers of different materials (lubricating oils, &c.) is an important point in the valuation for such purposes of different fixed oils, mixtures of these and mineral oils, and such like substances employed for the purpose. It is found that the rate at which a given fluid flows through an orifice of standard dimensions is in many cases & fair measure of its lubricative powers ; whence the determina- tion is frequently made of the rate of efflux of lubricating oils, foc., as compared with that of a standard fluid (such as rape oil), similarly examined in the same apparatus at the same tempera- ture, the value deduced being generally (but by no means cor- rectly) spoken of as the relative viscosity of the fluid examined (vide Chap, v.) Cohesion Figures. When a drop of oil is allowed to fall gently on the surface of water in a basin or large plate, it often Fig. 1. behaves in a characteristic way, usually first spreading out into ii thin film and then retracting again. It has been suggested that the particular forms assumed by films of various kinds (cohesion figures) are sufficiently well defined and characteristic to be of service in the examination of oils with a view to GENERAL PHYSICAL CHARACTERS. 4$ detecting adulteration ; but as yet little success has attended experiments in this direction. Olive oil thus treated gives a fairly characteristic result, which is more or less modified by various admixtures, especially sesame oil. Fig. 1 (Schadler) represents the different cohesion figures exhibited by colza oil (A, Brassica rapa ; B, Brassica napus) ; poppy seed oil (C and D) ; sesame oil (E) ; arachis oil (F) ; and olive oil (G-). Taste and Odour. When in a state of absolute purity, fixed oils have usually little or no odour or taste ; but as met with in commerce, in most cases traces of sapid or odorous matters accompany the oil, so as give a more or less characteristic flavour or smell thereto. Essential oils of the oxidised class, on the other hand, are frequently possessed of most powerful scent, although the hydrocarbons therein contained, when completely separated from all traces of oxidised matter (by heating with sodium or other similar means), are generally odourless or practi- cally so. As regards the edible oils and fats, a considerable amount of their value depends on the delicacy and purity of the flavour ; thus genuine olive oil is esteemed far more highly by connoisseurs than refined cotton seed oil, groundnut oil, and similar substances with which the ordinary commercial article is often largely intermixed, although, from the nutritive point of view, these latter are probably quite equal in value to the pure product of the olive. Similarly, the commercial value of butter is largely affected by its flavour and freedom from all trace of rancidity or rankness ; and analogous remarks apply to lard. The difficulty of removing all matters communicating unpleasant odour or taste to many varieties of fatty or oily matter often prevents these being used for dietetic purposes to any consider- able extent, at any rate by civilised nations ; in the case of some materials e.g., cod liver oil such removal is practically impossible without more or less interfering with the special characters and qualities of the substance. Palm oil has generally a peculiar smell, recalling that of violets, and for certain purposes the possession of this odour is valuable e.g., in the prepara- tion of certain kinds of scented soaps. The development of " rancidity " in fixed oils on keeping is in most cases due to the presence in small quantity of mucilaginous or albuminous matters which undergo chemical changes (oxidation, or decom- position, &c.) in the course of time ; accordingly, the purification and refining of crude oils, &c., for the purpose of removing these ingredients is often a highly important operation. Colour. Expressed vegetable fixed oils sometimes possess a greenish shade, due to the presence of chlorophyll ; as a general rule, coldpressed oils of all kinds, prepared from fresh substances, are almost white ; whilst oils subsequently expressed by the aid of heat, especially from materials that have been stored some time, are generally darker in tint, the hue varying from a 4 50 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. light straw yellow to a light or even dark brown. Palm butter usually contains a dark orange red colouring matter, different from chlorophyll ; similar substances appear to be present in smaller quantity in many other oils, leading to the necessity for bleaching them for certain purposes. The refining processes, whereby mucilaginous extractive matters, &c., are removed, usually serve to lighten the colour also. The addition of coloured vegetable expressed oils (containing chlorophyll, &c.) to animal oils, such as sperm oil, may sometimes be detected by means of the absorption spectroscope * when such adulteration has been practised. The phenomenon of fluorescence does not appear to be. exhibited by refined vegetable or animal oils free from substances possessed of fluorescent properties (such as aesculin, occasionally found in horse-chestnut oil); on the other hand, products of destructive distillation (coaltar and rosin oils, tfec.) often exhibit this peculi- arity, so that admixtures of such hydrocarbons with more expen- sive vegetable and animal oils may sometimes be thus detected. Action of Polarised Light. The majority of the oils and fats in common use have so little action of a marked character on polarised light that little, if any, definite information of prac- tical value is, as a rule, obtainable by means of such light; on the other hand, adulteration with strongly active hydrocarbons (such as some kinds of rosin oils) may sometimes be detected by means of the polariscope. Bishop has obtained the following values for a length of 200 mm. of various oils in a Laurent polarimeter; the other figures annexed are from Schadler : Bishop. Scbadler. Degrees. Degrees. {Linseed oil, - 0-3 - 0-2 Nut oil, . - 0:3 La&vogyrate, Apricot oil, Arachis oil, - 'o-4 - 0-2 -o-i Sweet almond oil, - 0-7 - 0-2 Colza oil, . - 1-6 to - 2-1 - 0-3 Neutral, or nearly so, {Cotton seed oil, Poppy seed oil, Seal oil, . + o-i 1' Olive oil, . + 0-6 + 0'2 Cod liver oil, + O'o to + : 7 Dextrogyrate, Cold pressed sesame oil, + '3-1 I + 1-0 to + 1-1 Hot -r 7 "2 \ Castor oil, + 9-8 * A special form of absorption spectrum colorimeter for this sort of examination has been devised by T. L. Paterson ; vide Journ. ticc. Chem. Industry, 1890, p. 36. GENERAL PHYSICAL CHARACTERS. 51 Peter finds most vegetable oils to be slightly laevogyrate, olive oil being an exception, so that admixtures of other oils may some- times be detected by the rotation being left handed instead of right handed. Croton oil and castor oil, however, are compara- tively powerfully dextrogyrate, giving values exceeding + 40. Refractive Index. The differences in refractive power exhibited by different oils are in most cases hardly sufficiently marked to render this property of much value in discriminating one from the other, or in detecting admixtures, excepting in the case of a few oils and fats, such as olive oil and cow's butter; thus Strohmer gives the following values for the I) line at 15, and Abbe the annexed values at 20, water being taken as 1-3330: . Strohmer. Abbe. Olive oil, 1-4698 to 1-4703 1 -4690 1-4810 Sesame oil (new), 1 -4748 ,, nine years old, 1-4762 Walnut oil, .... ... 1-491 Cotton seed oil, ... 1-4732 to 1-4752 \Crude, 1-4732 ) Refined, 1-4748 Rape and colza oil, 1-47-20 to 1-4757 1-472 to 1-475 Beechnut oil, .... 1 -5000 Cold drawn castor oil, 1 -4795 \ i -/too Hot pressed ,, . 1-4803 Cold drawn linseed oil, 1-4835 4780 Poppy seed oil, .... Cod liver oil, .... 1-4783 1-4800 to 1-4852 4670 4800 Whale oil 483 . Sperm oil, . 470 From which it appears that olive oil has a sensibly lower re- fractive index than the others, whilst drying oils and castor oil exhibit the highest values. For the direct determination of the refractive index of oils and other substances, Abbe and Pulfrich have devised special " reiractometers." Amagat and Jean * have also constructed an " oleorefracto- meter," whereby the refractive power of a given oil is determined by differential comparison with a sample of genuine oil taken as standard', a positive reading denoting increased refractive index and vice versd ; the following comparative differential values have been obtained by de Bruijn and von Leent and by Jean in this way, from which results they infer that the refractive powers of * Comptex rendu*, 1889, 109, p. 616 ; see also Journ. Soc. Cliem. Industry, 1890, pp. 113 and 218. 52 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. oils, when thus tested, are capable of giving more information as to admixture than is usually supposed. The oil to be examined should be previously shaken with alcohol to dissolve out free fatty acids ; the standard of comparison was a sample of the purest olive oil obtainable : de Bruijn and v. Leent. Degrees. Degrees. Horse foot oil, - 12 Sperm oil, . Neat's foot oil, .... - 12 3 Sheep's trotter oil, Olive oil, ..... to + 2 + 1 -5 to + 2 Almond oil, .... + 7 + 6 Arachis oil, .... + 3 to -- 4 + 4 to -f 5 Colza oil, ..... + 15 to H- 18 + 16-5 to + 17'5 Sesame oil, ..... + 45 + 17 Cotton seed oil, . + 20 Maize oil, ..... + 27 Poppy seed oil, .... Whale oil, ... + 30 + 30-5 Hemp seed oil, + 33 Castor oil, ..... + 37 to + 46 + 40 Linseed oil, .... + 49 to + 54 + 53 Cod liver oil, + 42 Whale oil, + 30-5 Holde has obtained the following average results with this instrument,* the temperature of the testing-room being close to 20 throughout : Limits of Index of Refraction. Mean Index. Refined rape oil, Crude rape oil, Olive oil, ..... 1-4722 to 1-4736 1-4735 ,, 1-4760 1-4670 ,. 1-4705 1-4776 ,, 1-4980 1-4735 1 -4744 1 '4698 1 -4923- Resiu oil, .... 1-5274 1-5415 1 -5344 The presence of rape oil in olive oil can thus be detected when any considerable amount of adulteration has been made. In the case of butter, Jean claims that the oleorefractometer is capable of rendering useful service in the laboratory. Even if butter is not sufficiently constant in refractive power to enable a decision to be always arrived at as to the genuineness or other- Journ. Soc. Chem. Industry, 1891, p. 166. SOLUBILITY IN SOLVENTS. 53 wise of a given sample without further tests, still the oleo- refractometer indications at least enable a rough classification of a variety of samples to be made, viz., those undoubtedly spurious, those doubtful, and those probably genuine. The normal butter deviation is regarded by him as - 29 to 31, averaging 30 ; if higher values (32 36) are observed, admixture with palm or cokernut oil is probable; slightly lower ones (25-29) correspond with doubtful qualities; margarine and oleomargarine give much lower figures, 13- 17.* Genuine butters have been found that give values materially below the normal deviation, but the cause of this is considered by Jean to be that the cows have been fed on oilcake, unaltered oil from which finds its way into the secreted milk in quantity large enough to affect the refraction, though too small to produce any marked effect either on the saponification equivalent, or the Reichert-Meissl-Wollny figure for volatile acids (Chap, vui.) Various British analysts also regard the oleorefractometer as useful in preliminary butter examination, but other chemists consider its value in this respect to be overrated ; thus de Bruijn and von Leent obtained very discordant results with Dutch butters, whilst H. O. G. Ellinger found f that genuine Danish butters gave deflections varying between 23 and 35, according to the season of the year. Electrical Conductivity. In general, but little information is obtainable by examining the relative electrical conductivities of different oils. Olive oil, however, has a much lower conducting power than most other oils of ordinary occurrence, and hence, attempts to utilise this property as a means of detecting adultera- tion of olive oil have been made, notably by Palmieri, who has constructed a special instrument, or diagometer, for the purpose ; as yet, however, this method does not seem to have come into practical use to any considerable extent. SOLUBILITY OF OILS, FATS, &c., IN VARIOUS SOLVENTS. The immiscibility of " oil and water " is proverbial ; but some few oils are known where the solubility in water, although far from perfect, is not entirely inconsiderable ; thus the fusel oils of fermentation, and certain oxidised volatile essential oils, and products of distillation (e.g., phenol), dissolve in water to the * Journ. Soc. Ghent. Industry, 1892, p. 945; from Monit. Sclent., 1892, 6, p. 91. \-The Analyst, 1891, p. 197; from Journ. f. prakt. Chemie,,[2] 44, p. 54 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. extent of a few per cents, by weight at ordinary temperatures. As a general rule, however, fixed oils and hydrocarbons are, for practical purposes, entirely insoluble in pure water ; in some few cases dilute alkaline solutions dissolve them somewhat more freely than pure water; in others the presence of acids slightly promotes solubility ; but, as a rule, when neutral salts are present to any extent, their presence prevents the solution of the oil, &c. ; so that on agitating an aqueous solution with solid common salt or with sodium sulphate, as the mineral matter goes into solution, the dissolved oil is more or less thrown out of solution. The same phenomenon is observed with the potash and soda salts of most of the fatty acids, so that when an aqueous solution of such salts (soaps) are treated with neutral saline matters, the organic salts are thrown out of solution ; this property is largely utilised in the ordinary process of soap boiling. Strong alcohol does not exert any great degree of solvent action in the cold on most fixed oils, solid fats, or waxes ; whereas, many essential oils, whether hydrocarbons or of oxidised nature, are extremely freely soluble therein. Similarly, resins and free fatty acids are, generally speaking, moderately soluble in alcohol, especially when almost anhydrous and warm. Some few fixed oils, too, are exceptional as regards solubility in alcohol, more especially castor oil and croton oil, and to a lesser extent coker- nut oil, cow's butter, and linseed oil. Girard finds that absolute alcohol at 15 dissolves the following proportions of various oils : Ra P eoil '| 1-5 to 2-0 per cent. Colza oil, J Mustard seed oil, .... 2'7 ,, Hazelnut oil, . . . . . 3 '3 ,, Olive oil, 3-6 Almond oil, 3 '9 Sesame oil, ..... 4*1 ,, Apricot kernel oil, . . . . 4 '3 ,, Nut oil, 4-4 Beechnut oil, . . . . . 4*4 ,, Poppy seed oil, . . . . 4 '7 ,, Hemp seed oil 5 '3 Cotton seed oil, . . . 6*4 Aracliis oil, ..... 6'6 Linseed oil, . . . . . 7'0 ,, Camelina oil, ..... 7'H Schadler gives the following Table representing the quantities of alcohol, of specific gravity '800, required to dissolve 1 part of oil or fat : SOLUBILITY IN SOLVENTS. 55 Cold. Boiling. Parts. Parts. Almond oil, . . . 60 15 Cacao butter, . 4 Cotton seed oil, . . 75 ... Croton oil, 36 ... Camelina oil, . 68 t Cod liver oil, . 45 "G Hemp oil, 30 Soluble in all proportions. Japan wax, 3 Linseed oil, . 40 5 Lard' (hog's), 27 Madia oil, . . 30 6 Nut oil (walnut), 100 60 alcohol to 100 of oil. Nutzneg oil, . 4 Poppy seed, 25 6 Tallow (sheep), 45 Suet (ox tallow), 40 Whale oil (bottlenose), ... 1 As a general rule, fixed oils are very freely soluble in carbon disulphide, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, ether, benzene, light petroleum distillate (mostly consisting of pentane and hexane with their homologues), and oil of turpentine; and on this property are based various methods of extracting oleaginous matters from natural and other sources. Castor oil, however, is almost insoluble in light petroleum spirit whilst drying oils, when oxidised to some considerable extent, generally be- come either quite insoluble in these various solvents, or nearly so, the decrease in solubility usually being the more marked the greater the degree of oxidation. The action of nitrous acid on an oil (conversion into elaidin, Chap, vn.) usually diminishes the solubility of the oil thus affected. Glacial acetic acid has been found by Yalenta to be a con- venient solvent for certain oils, &c., as a means of separation from one another. Thus, when equal volumes of acid and oil are intermixed, the oil being previously warmed, complete solution, even when cold, occurs with castor oil, rosin oil, and olive kernel oil, whilst rape oil, mustard seed oil, and wild radish seed oil are not completely dissolved even at the boiling point of the mixture. Most other oils give a clear fluid whilst hot, which on cooling becomes turbid, owing to the lesser solubility of the oil in the acetic acid at lower temperatures. It has been proposed * to make use of the temperature at which turbidity is thus brought about as a distinguishing test for oils of various kinds ; but the figures obtained by different authorities who have repeated 1 * Valenta, Dinyler's Poly tech. Journal, 252, p. 296 ; also, Journal of the Chemical Society, *W, p. 1078. 56. OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. Yalenta's experiments, exhibit so much discrepancy as to render it very doubtful whether the results can be relied upon at all, as affording indications of adulteration or otherwise. Thus, the following values, amongst others, have been obtained by A. H. Allen * and G. H. Hurst : f Oil. Valenta. Allen. Hurst. Olive (green), (yellow), . 85 111 c. | 28-76 Almond, .... 110 ... Arachis, .... 112 87 72-92 Apricot kernel, 114 Neat's foot, .... ... 102 G5-85 Sesame, .... 107 87 ... Melon seed, 108 ... ... Cotton seed, 110 90 53-63 Niger seed, .... 49 Linseed, .... ... 57-74 36-41 Cod liver, .... 101 79 65 Menhaden, . ... ... 64 Shark liver, 105 95 Porpoise, .... ... 40 98 85 Bottlenose, .... ... 102 74-84 Whale, .... 38-86 48-71 Palm, 23 83 Not turbid at 13 Laurelberry, 26-27 40 ... Nutmeg butter, . 27 39 Cokernut, . 40 7'5 M turbid at 13 Palm kernel, 48 32 Bassia fat (Illipe), 64'5 ... Cacao butter, 105 ... Beef tallow, 95 Pressed tallow (M.P., 55 '8), 114 ... Tallow oil (cold pressed), ... 47 Hog's lard, .... ... 96-5 ... Lard oil, ... ... 69-76 Butter fat, .... 61 '5 Oleomargarine, ... . 96-5 The practical value of the test, as shown by the above numbers, is obviously not very great ; it is still further diminished by the circumstance that comparatively slight differences in the strength of the glacial acetic acid considerably influence the temperature of turbidity, as also does the presence or otherwise of free fatty acids ; after an extended examination, Allen concludes that the results are too variable and indefinite to be of service in * Commercial Organic A naly&is, vol. ii. , p. 2C. t Journ. Soc. Ckem. Industry, 1887, p. 22. FUSING AND SOLIDIFYING POINTS. 57 discriminating the quality of oils ; an opinion also arrived at by G. H. Hurst, by Ell wood,* and by Thomson and Ballantyne,t the latter of whom obtained the following numbers, inter alia, with glacial acids of different strengths : 1 Percentage of Free Acid Temperature of Turbidity with Glacial Acetic Acid of Name of Oil. present (calculated as Oleic Acid). Sp. gr. 1054-2 Sp. gr. 1055-2. Sp.gr. 1056-2. C. G. C. Olive (Syrian), 23-88 42 ... ,, (Gioja), 9-42 65 80 91 Same sample freed from \ free acid, . . . J None. 87 ... ... Arachis oil (commercial), 6-20 76 96 112 ,, (French ) refined), { 62 96 m i Not completely dissolved. Eape oil, 4-54 2-43 105 \ 110 / Hot completely dissolved. ,, Linseed oil (Baltic), 3-74 42 59 71 (River Plate), 1-21 56 - ... ,, (East India), 79 57 In some few cases, however, the comparatively solubility in glacial acetic acid may afford a useful indication e.g., in de- tecting the presence of rape seed oil in linseed oil, and more especially of hydrocarbons in animal and vegetable saponifiable oils ; thus, mineral oils are but sparingly soluble in glacial acetic acid, so that on agitating with that solvent a mixture of mineral oil and other substances freely soluble in acetic acid, the latter are dissolved, leaving the former undissolved ; in this way the presence of rosin oil is easily detected in paraffin and petroleum distillates. FUSING AND SOLIDIFYING POINTS. It most unfortunately happens that several different thermo- metric scales are in use in different countries ; of these the Celsius or Centigrade scale is by far the most convenient, and is accordingly used almost exclusively for scientific purposes. In England, however, the highly inconvenient Fahrenheit scale is still largely in use for technical and general purposes ; whilst in some parts of the Continent the Reaumur scale is similarly employed. The following formula gives the means of translating the temperature expressed on any one of these systems to the * Pharmaceutical Journal, 3, xvii., p. 519. t Journ. Soc. Chem. Industry, 1991, x., p. 233. 58 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. corresponding value expressed on either of the others, F being the value on the Fahrenheit scale, C that on the Centigrade scale, and R that on the Reaumur scale : F_-_32 _ C _ R 9 ~ 5 ~ 4* This formula is based on the system of construction of the three scales respectively ; the distance between the " ice melting point " (sometimes termed the " freezing point ") and the " steam point" (or "boiling point" under normal atmospheric pressure) being divided into 180 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale,* 100 on the Centigrade, and 80 on the Reaumur scale ; so that the rela- tive values of the degree in each scale respectively are T -J- F : TUIT 8"V > or v i T' The Reaumur and Centigrade scales, however, begin with the ice melting point as 0, so that the steam point is at 80 and 100 on the two scales respectively ; w r hilst the Fahrenheit zero is 32 F. below the ice melting point ; f whence that point is 32, and the steam point 32 + 180 = 212, on the Fahrenheit scale. From the above formula are derived the following equations, whereby, when requisite, a Centigrade temperature may be trans- lated into the corresponding Fahrenheit value, and so on : C - (F - 32). F = C + 32. o = (F - 32). * This particular number is said to have been selected on account of some hazy idea on the part of the inventor that the temperature-range between freezing and boiling of water had some connection with the number of degrees in a semicircle, or two right angles ! -f Presumably because M. Fahrenheit noticed that the temperature of a mixture of snow and salt was 32 of his degrees below the freezing point of water, and concluded, for some unknown reason, that this must be the initial temperature, or absolute zero. FUSING AND SOLIDIFYING POINTS. The following table affords a yet simpler means of effecting the translation : Centigrade. i Reaumur. Fahrenheit, Centigrade. Rdaumur. Fahrenheit. | i Centigrade. jiunnrpjj j Fahrenheit. - 40 - 32 - 40 + 7 + 5-6 + 44-6 + 54 + 43-2 + 129-2 - 39 - 31-2 - 38-2 + 8 + 6-4 + 46-4 + 55 + 44 + 131 - 38 - 30-4 - 36-4 + 9 + 7-2 + 48-2 + 56 + 44-8 + 132-8 - 37 - 29-6 - 34-6 + 10 t 8 + 50 + 57 + 45-6 + 134-6 - 36 - 28-8 - 32-8 + 11 + 8-8 + 51-8 + 58 + 46-4 + 136-4 - 35 - 2S - 31 + 12 + 9-6 + 53-6 + 59 + 47'2 + 138-2 - 34 - 27-2 - 29-2 + 13 + 10-4 + 55-4 + 60 + 48 + 140 - 33 - 26-4 - 27-4 + 14 + 11-2 + 57-2 + 61 + 48-8 + 141-8 - 32 - 25-6 - 25-6 + 15 i- 12 + 59 + 62 + 49-6 + 143-6 - 31 - 24-8 - 23-8 + 16 + 12:8 + 60-8 + 63 + 50-4 + 145-4 - 30 - 24 - 22 + 17 + 13 6 + 62-6 + 64 + 51-2 + 147-2 - 29 - 23-2 - 20-2 4- 18 + 14-4 + 64-4 + 65 + 52 + 149 - 28 - 22-4 - 18-4 + 19 + 15-2 + 66-2 ! + 66 + 52-8 + 150-8 - 27 - 21-6 - 16-6 + 20 + 16 + 68 + 67 + 53-6 + 152-6 - 26 - 20-8 - 14-8 + 21 + 16-8 + 69-8 + 68 + 54-4 + 154-4 - 25 - 20 - 13 + 22 + 17-6 + 71-6 + 69 + 55-2 + 156-2 - 24 - 19-2 - 11-2 + 23 + 18-4 + 73-4 + 70 + 56 + 158 - 23 - 18-4 9-4 + 24 + 19-2 + 75-2 + 71 + 56-8 + 159-8 - 22 - 17-6 - 7-6 + 25 + 20 + 77 + 72 + 57-6 + 161-6 - 21 - 16-8 - 5-8 + 26 + 20-8 + 78-8 + 73 + 58-4 + 163-4 - 20 - 16 4 + 27 + 21-6 + 80-6 + 74 + 59-2 + 165-2 - 19 - 15-2 - 2-2 + 28 + 22-4 + 82-4 + 75 + 60 + 167 - 18 - 14-4 0-4 + 29 + 23-2 + 84-2 + 76 + 60-8 + 168-8 - 17 - 13-6 + 1-4 -r 30 + 24 + 86 + 77 + 61-6 + 170-6 - 16 - 12-8 + 3-2 + 31 + 24-8 + 87-8 + 78 + 62-4 + 172-4 - 15 - 12 + 5 + 32 + 25-6 + 89-6 + 79 + 63-2 + 174-2 - 14 - 11-2 + 6-8 + 33 + 26-4 + 91-4 + 80 + 64 + 176 - 13 - 10-4 + 8-6 + 34 + 27-2 + 93-2 + 81 + 64-8 + 177-8 - 12 9-6 + 10-4 + 35 + 28 + 95 + 82 + 65-6 + 179-6 - 11 - 8-8 + 12-2 + 36 + 2S'8 + 96-8 + 83 + 66-4 + 181-4 - 10 8 + 14 + 37 + 29-6 + 98-6 + 84 + 67-2 + 183-2 - 9 - 7-2 + 15-8 + 38 + 30-4 + 100-4 + 85 + 68 + 185 - 8 - 6-4 + 17-6 + 39 + 31-2 + 102-2 + 86 + 68-8 + 186-8 _ IT 5-6 + 19-4 + 40 + 32 + 104 + 87 + 69-6 + 188-6 6 - 4-8 + 21-2 + 41 + 32-8 + 105-8 + 88 + 70-4 + 190-4 5 4 + 23 + 42 + 33-6 + 107 -G + 89 + 71-2 + 192-2 4 - 3-2 + 24-8 + 43 + 34-4 + 109-4 + 90 + 72 + 194 3 - 2-4 + 26-6 + 44 + 35-2 +111-2 + 91 + 72-8 + 195-8 _ 2 - 1-6 + 28-4 + 45 +36 ; + 113 + 92 + 73-6 + 197-6 1 - 0-8 + 30-2 + 46 + 36-8 + 114-8 + 93 + 74-4 + 199-4 + 32 i + 47 + 37-6 + 116-6 + 94 + 75-2 + 201-2 + 1 + 0-8 + 33-8 + 48 + 38-4 + 118-4 + 95 + 76 + 203 + 2 + 1-6 + 35-6 + 49 + 39-2 + 120-2 + 96 + 76-8 + 204-8 + 3 + 2-4 + 37-4 + 50 + 40 + 122 + 97 + 77-6 + 206-6 + 4 + 3-2 + 39-2 + 51 + 40-8 + 123-8 + 98 + 78-4 + 208-4 + 5 + 4 + 41 + 52 + 41-6 + 125-6 + 99 + 79-2 + 210-2 + 6 + 4-8 + 42-8 + 53 + 42-4 + 127-4 + 100 + 80 + 212 ! 60 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. Iii the following pages, whenever a temperature is expressed as a number without the scale used being mentioned, it is always to be understood that the Centigrade value is intended. Determination of Fusing and Solidifying Points. Inas- much as most natural oils and fats, itc., are not chemically pure single substances, but generally consist of one or more main ingredients with smaller quantities of other allied bodies, as a general rule no sharply defined temperature exists characteristic of the fusing or solidifying point of any given variety, although in many cases pure unadulterated specimens, even though of widely various origin, do not differ largely in these respects. For the same reason, the point at which incipient solidification on chilling first becomes manifest, often differs considerably from the temperature at which the mass, when once rendered solid by cold, exhibits incipient fusion on gradual heating. Further, a given substance, if heated considerably above its melting point and then cooled quickly so as to solidify it again, will often melt for the second tyne at a temperature materially different from that at which it first fused, although the normal melting point is more or less regained on standing for some time ; accordingly, if the fusing point of a solid fat that has been once melted is to be determined, a sufficient time must be allowed to elapse to enable the normal physical structure to be re-assumed. In practice, it is generally necessary first to melt the substance and then clarify it by subsidence, or, better, by filtration through dry paper, in order to remove suspended matters and, more particularly, water; so that the purified material, after cooling and solidification, must be allowed to stand some time (at least an hour or two, but preferably a much longer period, say till the next day) before further "examination. In order to determine the fusing point of a solidified specimen, several different methods are in use, the results of which are not always com- parable with one another; so that, if an accurate comparison of two substances is requisite, it is indispensable that both must be examined by the same process, side by side. One of the most fre- quently used methods consists in preparing a capillary tube by drawing out in a flame a short piece of quill tubing (Fig. 2); the fine end is sealed up, and when cool, the solid to be ex- amined is cut into very fine fragments or pul- verised, and a little dropped in and shaken down into the capillary tube. This is then bound by Fig. 2. wire, string, or an india-rubber ring to the stem of a thermometer (Fig. 3), so that the centre of the bulb is about level with the substance ; the whole is then placed in a small vessel of water (or, for higher temperatures, FUSING AND SOLIDIFYING POINTS. 01 melted paraffin wax) which is very slowly raised in temperature, either by means of a small flame underneath (Fig. 4), or, pre- ferably, by placing it inside a much larger similar vessel ; a large flask with the neck cut off and a small beaker answer well (-Fig. 5). Olberg employs for this purpose the circulatory arrange- ment shown in Fig. 6 ; this is filled with water or oil, the heat being applied at the base of A. If circumstances permit, two such capillary tubes (or more) should be provided, one being used to obtain a first rough Fig. 3. Fig. 4. approximation to the melting point, and the others used sub- sequently to obtain a nearer result, the bath being previously slightly cooled below the first approximate value, and then very slowly heated again, so that several minutes are requisite to produce a rise in temperature of 2 or 3 C. The thermometer and attached tube are used as a stirrer during this heating, and the temperature noted when the fragments first show signs of melting. Frequently this temperature (softening point) is measurably below that requisite to cause the fragments to liquefy entirely, and run down to the bottom of the capillary tube as a clear fluid (temperature of complete fusion). G2 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. Instead of a capillary tube sealed up at the end, one bent into a U or V shape may be employed, the solid particles being shaken down to the bend or angle. Bensemann * modifies the tube by drawing it out as represented in Fig. 7. A drop or two Fig. 5. Fig. 0. of melted substance is introduced into the bulbed portion of the tube, A, and fused as indicated by a. After standing for a sufficient time, the tube is placed in water, the temperature of which is very slowly raised ; the temperature of incipient lique- faction is readily observed when the material softens and begins to run ; at a little higher temperature it all runs down as- indicated by b ; when the turbid liquid becomes completely clear, the temperature of complete fusion is attained. Another method of operating consists in drawing out the capillary tube as before, but without sealing up the narrow end ; this end is then dipped into the molten substance to be examined and withdrawn, so that half an inch or so of the capillary tube is filled up with the material. After standing at least an hour, but preferably till next day, the capillary tube is attached to the thermometer and placed in the bath as before ; when the temperature rises to the softening point so as to produce incipient fusion, the plug of solid matter in the capillary tube becomes softened where it touches the glass, and is consequently * Journ. Soc. Chem. Industry, 1885, iv., p. 5.35 ; from Rep. Anal. Chem., 11, p. 165. FUSING AND SOLIDIFYING POINTS. 63 forced upwards by the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid in the bath ; when this occurs the temperature is noted. The former process, as a rule, is to be preferred, not only because it gives both the softening point and the temperature of complete lique- faction, but also, because by withdrawing the source of heat and allowing the completely fluid mass to cool slowly, the temperature at which re-solidification occurs can be more or less accurately determined. With some kinds of mixed substances, the sealed- up capillary tube process enables three different temperatures to be ascertained, viz. : First, the temperature of incipient fusion when the most fusible constituent commences to melt ; second, a temperature when this constituent has become so far melted that the solid fragments run down visibly; and third, a still higher temperature when the whole mass becomes' clear and limpid, showing that the whole of the less fusible constituents have also become completely melted. With certain mixtures of free fatty acids, &c., the difference between the lowest and highest fusion temperatures thus determined may amount to upwards of 5 C. A convenient method of determining the softening point in certain cases consists in dipping the bulb of the thermometer into the melted material to be examined, and causing a small light OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. glass bulb or float to adhere to the thermometer, cemented thereto by the substance as it solidifies. After waiting a sufficient time to enable the mass to attain its normal physical structure, the thermometer and bulb are placed in a bath, which is gradually heated ; when the temperature attains the softening point, the float becomes detached and rises up in the fluid. Instead of a float, a thick coating of the substance itself may be ap'plied to the thermometer by dipping the latter in the just- melted substance for an instant, taking out again until the adherent film has solidified, and repeating the operation two or three times so as finally to obtain a sufficiently thick coating. Fig. 8 represents Pohl's form of bath for the purpose, consisting of a wide test-tube, C, through the cork in the mouth of which passes the thermometer, T, the heat being applied by means of a small flame impinging on a flat metal disc, supported a little distance below the test-tube, so as to furnish an ascending current of warm air. Obviously a vessel of warm water may be substituted for the disc and flame. A modification of this plan has been suggested by Messrs. Cross and Be van,* where a thin piece of sheet iron (ferrotype plate) is cut into the shape shown in Fig. 9, about ;f inch long and f or J inch across ; at A the plate is hammered so as to form a minute saucer or depression, and at B a hole is cut of such size as to allow the plate to fit on to the bulb (coni- cal) of a thermometer. The float is made by blowing a bulb on the end of a thin piece of tubing, and fixing a bit of pla- tinum wire therein, bent into an L shape. A drop of melted substance is put in the saucer, and the end of the wire dipped therein, the stem being sup- ported in a vertical position until the substance solidifies, and so holds it firmly. The thermometer and float are placed in a bath of water, &c. (preferably mercury), and when the temperature rises to the softening point, the float becomes detached and rises to the surface. In many cases the temperatures of incipient fusion and of complete liquefaction may be easily determined by placing small fragments or pinches of powder of the substance examined on the * Journal of the Chemical Society, vol. xli. (1882), p. 111. Fi. 9. FUSING AND SOLIDIFYING POINTS. 65 surface of a bowl of perfectly clean mercury, the temperature of which is gradually raised, a thermometer being placed therein. When complete fusion is effected, the substance becomes a minute drop of clear fluid, which usually spreads out film-wise over the surface of the mercury. A n ingenious modification of this method has been proposed by J. Loewe,* where the substance is first applied to the end of a platinum wire (by dipping into the just-fused substance), so as to cover it completely ; the coated wire is then supported by means of an insulating holder of glass, just below the surface of the mercury, and connected with one pole of a small galvanic cell, whilst the mercury is connected with the other pole. As long as the substance is unmelted no contact takes place between the platinum wire and mercury ; but as soon as fusion takes place contact is brought about, and an electric bell included in the circuit is made to ring. Fig. 10 represents Fig. 10. the general arrangement employed, the mercury being placed in a capsule heated over a small water bath, and the temperature ascertained by means of a thermometer plunged therein. Instead of a platinum wire coated with the substance examined, Christo- manosf employs a drawn-out capillary tube into which the melted substance is sucked or poured, a platinum wire being imbedded in the material. After solidifying and standing sufficiently long to attain the normal texture of the substance examined, the capillary tube is heated in a mercury bath, electrical connections being applied to the bath and platinum wire, so that when the substance fuses contact is made and a bell rung. A. similar arrangement is in. use in the Paris Municipal Laboratory, the substance tested being placed in the bend of a U-shaped tube with a platinum wire in each limb, together with some mercury, which runs down and makes contact when fusion occurs. * Dingier 's Polytechnisches Journal, 201, p. 250. t Journal Soc. Chem. Industry, 1890, p. 894 ; from Berichte d. Deut. Chem. Gcs., 1890. p. 1093. 5 66 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. If the fusing point of a fluid oil that has been solidified by chilling is to be determined, the bath used must be itself cooled down below the fusing point, and gradually allowed to rise in temperature. Strong brine, giycerol diluted Avith a little water, or calcium chloride solution may be conveniently used for tem- peratures below 0. When the solidification point of a fluid oil or melted fat is to be determined, a rough approximation may often be obtained by placing some in a small narrow test-tube, or dipping into the fluid a loop of platinum wire so as to cause a small drop to adhere, and immersing in a bath of water, brine, &c., which is being cooled down by an external application of broken ice or snow and salt, &c., noting the temperatures when transparency first ceases, and when visible solidification of the whole mass has ensued. In most cases, however, the temperatures thus ascertained are too low, because superfusion is extremely apt to occur with oils and fats. If, however, a moderately large quantity of substance be used (15 to 20 grammes at least), it frequently occurs that as soon as solidification begins a more or less considerable rise in temperature of the mass takes place, just as when water cooled down below in a dustless still atmosphere rises to whenever freezing actually commences ; or just as the temperature of a supersaturated solution of Glauber's salt (sodium sulphate) rises when the fluid sets to a crystalline mass. The higher temperature thus indicated is permanent for a time as solidification goes on, and is usually much more nearly exact than the lower one attained before solidification com- menced ; but even this higher one is often several degrees below the temperature of incipient fusion (and a fortiori below that of complete fusion) indicated when the mass has been solidified completely, allowed to stand some time, and then re-melted in a sealed-up capillary tube. Differences of this description are more usually observed when the substances in question are mixtures of different constituents melting at different temperatures ; on the other hand, a single substance in a state of moderate purity (e.g., a well purified sample of a given fatty acid, such as stearic acid) usually shows but little difference between the temperatures of incipient fusion and of complete fusion in a closed capillary tube, and those where the limpid fused mass first shows signs of turbidity, and where visible complete solidification occurs, on slightly cooling the melted substance. With some kinds of oils, time is an important factor in the determination of the temperature at which solidification takes place on chilling, inasmuch as frequently no solidification at all is visible on cooling for a short time to a given temperature (e.g., 15 C.), whereas more or less complete solidification takes place on keeping for several hours at a temperature not so low by several degrees (e.g., 5). In most cases, if a fragment of FUSING AND SOLIDIFYING POINTS. 67 oil, previously solidified by chilling, be dropped into a specimen of cooled oil, solidification is brought about much sooner, the particle introduced acting as a "nucleus " and facilitating crystal- lisation in the well-known way observed with other bodies (e.g., supersaturated solution of sodium sulphate superfused metals ; glycerol ; monohydrated sulphuric acid ; water chilled down whilst at rest below 0, & -5. Correction to be added to obtain the True Specific Gravity. Corrected Specific Gravity at 15-t;. 900-0 - 1-50 898-5 905-0 - 1-25 903-75 910-0 - TOO 909-0 915-0 - 0-75 914-25 920-0 - 0-50 919-5 925-0 - 0-30 924-7 930-0 - 0-05 929-95 935-0 + 0-20 935-2 940-0 + 0-45 940-45 945-0 + 0-75 945-75 950-0 + i-oo 951-0 In similar fashion, a table of errors may be constructed for a hydrostatic balance ; thus, the following numbers were obtained with such an instrument of fairly good construction, the values being here expressed on the ordinary scale, and not multiplied by 1,000, the temperature throughout being 15-5: * To save decimals, specific gravity values are often quoted after multi- plication by 1,000 : thus, an oil of specific gravity 0'967 is said " to have the gravity 967," and so on. OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. True Specific Gravity by Pyknometer. Value indicated by Hydrostatic Balance. Difference. 0-9976 0-9517 0-9098 0-8524 0-9995 0-9530 0-9100 0-8520 - 0-0019 - 0-0013 - 0-0002 + 0-0004 From these determinations the following table of errors is calculated by interpolation : Speciflc Gravity indicated by Hydrostatic Balance. Correction to be added to obtain the True Speciflc Gravity. Corrected Speciflc Gravity. 0-85 + -0004 8504 0-86 + -0003 8603 0'S7 + -0002 8702 0-88 + -oooi 8801 0-89 8900 0-90 - -oooi 8999 0-91 - -0002 9098 0-92 - -0005 9195 093 - -ooos 9292 0-94 - -0010 9390 0-95 - -0013 9487 0-96 - -0014 9586 0-97 - -0015 9685 0-98 - -0017 9783 0-99 - -0018 9882 1-00 - -0019 9981 Considerably larger corrections than most of those indicated in this table have sometimes to be applied to instruments as purchased, in order to deduce the true specific gravities from the direct results of observation. Hydrometer Scales. A considerable number of more or less arbitrary scales for araeometers are in use, a circumstance often leading to much practical inconvenience. The simplest or "gravity" scale is that where the specific gravity of the fluid is directly indicated by the level to which the instrument sinks in the fluid (at the normal temperature) e.g., in Lefebre's oleometer (p. 80). Twaddell's scale is not much inferior in simplicity, each degree on that scale representing an alteration of 5 units in gravity on the thousandfold scale (p. 83), and the valuation being given by the formula S = 1000 + 5n, where S is the specific gravity on the thousandfold scale, and n the hydrometer reading ; thus 10 T represents specific gravity SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 85 1-050; 100 T, specific gravity 1-500; 150 T, specific gravity 1*750 ; and so on. The same rule applies in the case of a fluid having a density less than that of water, the value of n being then negative, so that if n = 10 T, the specific gravity would be '950, and so on ; the negative-scale Twaddell hydrometer, however, is but rarely used. A variety of other scales are also in use, more especially in different parts of the Continent ; the following table of formulae is given by Benedikt, expressing the relative values of their degrees, S and n having the same mean- ings as above : Araeometer of Temperature. Fluids Heavier than Water. Fluids Lighter than Water. Balling, . Beaume, Beaume,* Beaume, t Beck, . Brix, Cartier, . Fischer, . Gay Lussac,+ . E. G. Greiner, Stoppani, Degrees. 17 '5 C. 12 -5 C. 15-0 C. 17 "5 C. 12 -5 C. /12-5R. \15-625C. 12 -5 C. /12-5R. \15-625C. 4C. /12-5R. \15-625C. /12-5R. \15-625C. 200 200 200 - n 144 " 200 + M 144 144 - n 144-3 134 + n 144-3 144-3 - n 146-78 134-3 + n s 146-78 - 146-78 - n 170 = l70"^i 400 136-78 + n o 170 170 + n c 400 ~ 400 - n 400 400 - n 100 o = n 400 400 + n Q 136-8 126-1 + n 400 400 + n s = ioo n 400 400 - n 166 400 + n 166 166 - n 166 + n *S= -.70 : for lighter fluids (Schadler). -1 44 "> T" ?/ f S = ul*7S+ n for H g hter fluids (SchUdler). re for heavier fluids, and = jggqp- for lighter ones (Schadler) S = j S = ,-7.7, -- - for heavier fluids, and = j^- for lighter ones (Schadler). 160 n 160 + n A) o and Hurter (Alkali Maker's Pocket-book) regard the 144-3 36 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. Lunge series of values got by means of the formula S = . 144-3 - n as the only " rational " one of the various Beaume scales in use; taking the formula at 15 C., the specific gravity of water at 15 = B. ; whilst 66 B. represents specific gravity 144-3 = 1-8426. The following table exhibits the relation- 144-3 - 66 ships between the values of " rational " Beaume degrees, Twaddell degrees, and true specific gravity : Beaume. Twaddell. Specific Gravity. Beaumd. Twaddell. Specific Gravity. 1-000 36 -Q 66-4 332 0-7 1-0 1-005 38 71-4 357 1-0 1-4 1-007 40 76-6 383 1-4 2-0 1-010 42 82-0 410 2-0 2-8 1-014 44 87-6 438 2-7 4-0 1-020 46 936 468 4-0 5-8 1-029 48 99-6 498 5-0 7'4 1-037 50 106-0 530 6-7 10-0 1-050 52 112-6 563 80 12-0 1-U60 54 119-4 597 10-0 15-0 1-075 56 127-0 635 14-0 21-6 1-108 58 134-2 671 16-0 25-0 1-125 60 142-0 710 18-8 30-0 1-150 61 146-4 732 20-0 32-4 1-362 62 150-6 753 23-0 38-0 1-190 63 155-0 775 25-0 42-0 1-210 64 159-0 795 27-0 46-2 1-231 65 164-0 1-820 30-0 52-6 1-263 66 J68-4 1-842 33'0 59-4 1-297 67 173-0 1-865 RELATIVE DENSITIES OF THE PRINCIPAL OILS, FATS, > > 9177 9196 Pine oil (red pine seed oil ; "1 pinaster seed oil), . . / Pinus picea, 9285 Palm oil, .... Elais guinensis, &c., 9046 Poppy seed oil, . Yellowhorn poppy oil, Papaver somniferum, Papaver glaucium, 9245 9250 Plum kernel oil, . . Prunus domestica, 9127 Radish seed oil, . . Raphanus sativus, 9162 Rape oil, .... Red rape oil, Winter rape oil, Brassica napus oleifera, Hesperis matronalis, Brassica rapa olifera biennis, 9157 9282 9154 ,, (refined), . 5 > 9177 Sesame" oil, Sesamum orient/ale, 9235 Sunflower seed oil, Helianthus annuus, 9262 Tobacco seed oil, Nicotiana tabacum, 9232 Weld seed oil, . Reseda luteola, 9358 88 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. ANIMAL OILS, &c. Name of Oil. Source. Specific Gravity at 15. Bone fat, .... Cod liver oil, (purified), ,, (Labrador), Mutton tallow, . Seal oil, .... Bones, Gadus morrhua, &c., > > Sheep, Phoca vitulina, &c., 9185 9200 9270 9237 9147 9246 ,, (purified), Sperm oil, .... Whale oil (train oil), . ,, (white), Physeter macrocephalus, Balsena mysticetus, 9261 9115 9250 9258 The following determinations of the specific gravity at 15 of various solid fats, &c., are given by Hager and Dieterich : Hager. Dieterich. Beef tallow, 925 to -929 952 to -953 Sheep's tallow, . 937 to -940 961 Hog's lard, . 931 to -932 Stearine, ... 971 to -972 Stearic acid (fused), . 964 ,, (crystallised), 967 to -969 m Butter fat (clarified), . 938 to -940 (several months old), 936 to -937 Artificial butter, 924 to -930 Cacao butter (fresh), . 950 to -952 980 to -9S1 , , (very old), 945 to -946 Beeswax (yellow), 959 to -962 963 to -964 (white), 919 to -925 973 Japanese wax, 977 to -978 975 ,, (very old), 963 to -964 ... Spermaceti, ... 960 Colophony (American), 1-100 1-108 ,, (French), . 1-104 to 1-105 Galipot resin (purified), 1-045 Crude ozokerite, . 952 Ceresin (yellow), 925 to -928 922 (half white), . 923 to -924 920 ,, (pure white), . 905 to -908 918 The following valuations of specific gravity at 37 '8 C. = 100 F. are given by Muter * : * Spon's Encyclopaedia of Arts and Manufactures, ii., p. 1,469. The values quoted are the numbers expressing the weights of given volumes of SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 89 Oil. Limits of Specific Gravity. Average. 8980 to 9073 9550 9103 9170 9130 9114 9173 9190 9076 9232 9320 9052 9080 9052 9150 9060 9053 9136 8672 9056 9109 9020 9576 9152 9197 9140 9220 9180 9 i95 9082 9300 9440 9079 9090 9079 9155 9077 9065 9195 8963 9066 9056 9085 9558 9176 9136 9176 9179 9193 9078 9252 9380 9070 9085 9070 9154 9067 9067 9179 8724 9060 Arachis (groundnut) oil, Castor, Cotton seed (brown), . ,, (refined salad oil), . Cod fish oil, Lard oil, ..... (boiled) Neat's foot, Nut, Olive, Rape, ,, refined (Colza), . Seal, Sperm, Whale, Since 1 c.c. of water weighs 1-0000 grm. at 4, -99908 at l5-5, and -9933 at 37'8, these values, when reduced to the standard of "specific gravity at 37'8 referred to water at 15'5" . . . ., .. -9933 be ^ ess m the proportion -7^ onQ * / . fl .37-8\ I specific gravity at -f K'^E ) > \ lo "O/ i.e., less by 0'58 per cent. ; that is, less by from -0051 to -0056. If reduced to the standard of " weight at 37'S in grins. *9933 per c.c.," tney will be less in the proportion y^/^ *' by -67 per cent. ; that is, less by from -0058 to -0064. Classification of Oils and Fats, &c., according to their Relative Densities. The following tables are given by A. H. Allen,* exhibiting the general classification of oils and fats, &c., according to their respective densities ; the relative density at 99 15 '5 being taken in the case of liquid oils and that at pnr~ in the case of fats, &c., solid or nearly so at ordinary tempera- tures : oil at 37'8, referred to the weight of the same volume of water at the same temperature as unity, and consequently are the true specific gravities at 37 "8 (p. 78). Muter, however, prefers to call them " actual densities ;" an unfortunate term, as the figures are very different from the true densities. * Commercial Organic Analysis, vol. ii., p. 89, ct seq. 90 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. OILS LIQUID AT 15 C. Specific Gravity at 15-5 C. = G0 F. Class of Oil. 875 to -884. 884 to -912. 912 to '920. 920 to -937. 937 to '970. Vegetable oils. None. None. Olive. Almond. Cotton seed. Japanese wood. Ben. Sesame. Croton. Arachis. Sunflower. Castor. Rape. Hazelnut. Linseed Colza. Mustard. Poppy seed. Hemp seed. (boiled). Blown oils Linseed (manufac- (raw). tured). Walnut. Cokernut oleine (manufac- tured). Essentially More or less non-drying drying oils. oils. Terrestrial None. None. Neat's foot. None. None. Animal Bone. oils. Lard and tallow oils (manu- factured). Marine Sperm. None. Shark Whale. None. Animal Bottlenose. liver. Porpoise. oils. Seal. Menhaden. Cod liver. Shark liver. Free fatty None. Oleic acid. Linolic Ricinoleic acids. acid. acid. Hydro- carbon Shale pro- ducts. Shale pro- ducts. Heavy Petroleum None. None. oils. Petroleum Petroleum products. products. products. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 91 OILS, &c., PASTY OR SOLID AT 15*5C. = GOT. Arranged according to their Specific Gravity when Melted. Relative Density at ^~ d * Class of Oil, Ac. 750 to -800. 800 to -855. 8-55 to '863. { G3 to '867. Vegetable fats. None. None. Palm oil. Cacao butter. Palmnut oil. Cokernut oil. Japan wax. Myrtle wax. Cokernut and Cotton seed steariiie (manufac- tured). Animal fats. None. None. Tallow. Butter fat. Lard. Suet. Dripping. Bone fat. Oleomar- garine and Butterine (manufac- tured). Vegetable and Animal None. Spermaceti. Beeswax. None. None. waxes. Chinese wax. Carnauba wax. Free fatty None. Stearic acid. None. None. acids. Palmitic acid. Oleic acid. Hydro- Paraffin wax. Shale pro- Vaseline. None. carbons. Ozokerite. ducts. Petroleum products. * These relative density values were mostly taken with the plummet apparatus (Westphal's hydrostatic balance) and not corrected for the expansion of the glass plummet used ; many of the values are, therefore, about 0'2 per cent, too high .e., too high by nearly *002 (p. 77). 92 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. Rosin oils and rosin are not included in these tables, these substances having specific gravities mostly higher than. any therein mentioned viz., from '97 to upwards of I'O; similar remarks apply to some of the highest-boiling petroleum and shale hydrocarbons. Variation of Density of Oils, &c., with Temperature. Like most other substances, oils and melted fats, ttc., expand i Ratio of Weight of a given Volume of Substance at t, to that of the i Mean same Volume of Water at 15 5 Variation Name of Oil or Fat, &c. considered as 1000. perl Alteration in Tempera- ture. J=15-5. * = 40-80. /=98-99. Arachis oil (groundnut oil), . Beeswax, .... 922 835-6 at 80 867-3 822-1 66 75 Butter fat, .... 904-1 at 40 s 867-7 62 Castor oil, .... 965-5 ... 909-6 65 Cod liver oil, "... 927-5 ... 874-2 65 Cokernut oleine, . . . 926-2 ... 871-0 67 Cokernut stearine, ... 895 -9 at 60 869-6 67 Cokernut butter, . 911 '5 at 40 873-6 64 Cotton seed oil, 925 872-5 63 Doegling oil (bottlenose whale), 880-8 827-4 64 Japanese wax, 901 -8 at 60 875-5 69 Lard, 898-5 at 40 8608 65 Linseed oil, .... 935 880-9 65 Menhaden oil, 932 877-4 65 Neat's foot oil, 914 861-9 63 Niger seed oil, 927 ... 873-8 64 Palm butter, .... 893-0 at 50 858-6 72 Porpoise oil, .... 926 ... 871-4 65 915 863-2 62 Seal oil, .... 924 873-3 62 Sesame oil, .... 921 ... 867-9 62 Spermaceti, .... 835 -Sat 60 808-6 72 Sperm oil, .... 883-7 830-3 65 Tallow, 895'0 at 50 862-6 67 Whale oil, .... 930-7 872-5 70 Paraffin wax, 780-5 at 60 753-0 72 Commercial "stearine" \ (crude stearic acid), . . j ... 859-0 at 60 8305 75 Commercial "oleine" ( im- \ pure oleic acid), . . / 903-2 848-4 66 on heating ; it is somewhat remarkable that nearly all bodies of this description expand at about the same rate (within not very wide limits of departure from the average), so that 1 c.c. of substance always increases to about 1*00075 c.c. by rise of tem- perature of 1 C. The effect of this on the density is to diminish it in the inverse proportion; so that an oil, &c., the specific SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 93 gravity of which at 15 is from '9 to '95, will become diminished 9 *95 in specific gravity to i<0uU75 to 1 . QQ()75 by rise of 1 in tempera- ture i.e., the diminution in the specific gravity is -00067 to 00071. Thus the preceding values were obtained by A. H. Allen ; * for the sake of convenience, and to avoid decimals, all the figures are multiplied by 1,000. From these values it results that whilst glyceridic oils fluid at the ordinary temperature diminish in specific gravity between 15 and 98 C. at close to the average rate of -64 per 1 (uncor- rected for plummet expansion ; somewhat more when corrected), glycerides of higher melting point (like Japanese wax and palm butter) and waxes (beeswax, spermaceti, paraffin wax) diminish in specific gravity at a slightly higher rate, averaging about 0*7 per 1. In all cases, however, the rate is sensibly near to 2 ^ x -001 per 1 C., reckoned on the usual specific gravity scale (water =1) and not multiplied by 1,000. Figures closely concording with these have been subsequently obtained by other experimenters ; thus 0. A. Crampton f found for various samples of lard, lard stearine, beef fat, oleostearine, cotton seed oil, and olive oil, coefficients of expansion between 15 and 100 lying between -000715 and '000797, averaging close 15 to -00075. Since the relative density at of these substances was found to lie between -9065 and -9220, the average decrement in density per 1 C. rise in temperature was close to - 69 on the thousandfold scale. W. T. Wenzell found J that olive oil, mustard seed oil, castor oil, sperm oil, and cod liver oil expanded to almost exactly the same extent in each case between 16*7 and 44 -4 C. (62 and 112 F.) ; the increment in bulk being 2 per cent., all the substances being examined in the same dilatometer. This represents an apparent coefficient of expansion per 1 C. of -00072, which, when corrected for the expansion of the glass, becomes -00075, or practically the same figure as that found by Crampton ; and indicating an average decrement in density per 1 C. rise in temperature of 0-68 to 0-69. On the other hand, Lohmann states that 1,000 volumes of olive oil increase * Commercial Organic Analysis, vol. ii., p. 17, et seq. The values at the higher temperatures were mostly obtained by a plummet apparatus (Westphal's hydrostatic balance), and not corrected for the expansion of the glass plummet used, the object being simply to make comparative estima- tions ; hence many of the figures in the last column are somewhat too low by about -01 to -02 (vide p. 77). ^Journ. Soc. Chem. Ind., 1889, p. 550 ; from Amer. Chem. J., 11., p. 232. J Analyst, 1890, p. 14. Schadler's Technologic der Fette und Oele, 2nd edition, edited by Lohmaun, p. 91. 94 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. by 0'83 volumes for 1 C. rise of temperature ; whilst the analogous increment for rape oil is 0*89, and for train oil, I'OO; figures perceptibly higher than those found by the other observers above mentioned. YISCOSIMETRY. In order to obtain valuations of the so-called " viscosity " of oils, &c., as approximate measurements of their relative lubricat- ing powers, two classes of methods are in use viz., those where the measurements are made by observing the mechanical effects produced by applying the oil, &c., between two conveniently arranged surfaces in motion with respect to one another; and those where the oil to be examined is made to pass through a given tube or orifice, and the time of passage of a known quan- tity is noted. From the practical point of view, obviously the most valuable measurements of the kind are those obtainable by imitating as nearly as possible the conditions under which the lubricant is to be used i.e., the power of overcoming friction is best measured by a testing machine precisely similar to that for which the lubricant is required ; quick moving spindles, rapidly revolving axles in journal boxes, or heavy slow moving shaft- ing, &c., being employed as occasion requires. Such measure- ments, however, can only be properly carried out in compara- tively large establishments, and are not at all adapted for use in laboratories where the chemical nature of the oils is investigated and their general characters tested ; accordingly, in these cases, methods of the second kind are now usually employed, since ex- perience has shown that the comparatively small sized mechanical testing machines of various kinds that have been invented for the purpose are apt to give results more discordant amongst themselves, and less faithfully representing the actual lubricating values of the substances examined, than those obtained by apparatus for the determination of " efflux velocity " (incorrectly designated " viscosity "). Of the numerous simpler forms of mechanical testing arrange- ments that have been proposed, one of the earliest (M 'Naught's pendulum machine) is also one of the least unsatisfactory ; this consists of two discs, the lower one provided with a raised edge and attached to a vertical spindle revolving in bearings, the upper one resting on a pivot. The space between the two discs is filled with ' the oil to be tested, and the lower one made to revolve at a given speed. The friction due to the oil would in time cause the upper disc to revolve too ; but this motion is prevented by means of a projecting pin in contact with a pendulum. In consequence, more or less pressure on the pen- dulum is produced, diverting it from a vertical position; the degree of displacement affords a measure of the resistance of the oil. VISCOSIMETRY. 95 Efflux Method. The simplest arrangement for making com- parisons between different oils, &c., as regards their efflux velocities, consists of an ordinary pipette filled up to a given mark on the stem with the oil to be tested, the time being noted requisite for the oil to run out either completely, or down to some lower mark. Fig. 16 represents an in- strument on this principle devised by Schiibler, the upper part of the pipette being expanded into a reservoir, with a scale attached indicating the level to which the fluid sinks ; for comparative observations, the reservoir is filled to a given level, and the time determined during which the level sinks to a given extent, (a) in the case of the substance tested, (b) in the case of some other substance taken as standard. The time ratio thus deduced does not represent the relative time for equal weights, but that for equal volumes ; so that ratio for equal weights the value 16. to deduce the must be multiplied by -j ? , where d is the relative density of the substance examined,. a l and d.j that of the standard substance. Thus if the substances contrasted were sperm and rape oils, and the respective time& requisite for the same volume to flow out were 40 and 120 seconds, whilst the relative densities were -880 and -915 re- spectively, the relative efflux rate for. equal weights would be h d,_ J0_xj915 _ t 2 ~dl 120 x -880 As the time of efflux varies markedly with the temperature (usually diminishing as the temperature rises), such comparisons. must necessarily be made under constant conditions as to tem- perature. In order to ensure uniformity of temperature in different experiments the results of which are to be compared together, the vessel containing the oil may be conveniently surrounded with a jacket containing water or melted paraffin wax. Fig. 17 represents an arrangement of the kind described by E. Schmid r also containing a device for maintaining a constant pressure during the outflow, instead of having a continually varying " head," as in Schiibler's instrument. The vessel containing the oil, A, is a sort of pipette, excepting that the upper end consists 96 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. of a tube, B, passing down inwards to a point, F, near the base of the expanded part. The upper end of B is closed by a stopper, R Fig. 17. D, so that when the stopper is in, no air can enter, and, con- sequently, no oil runs out at G ; but on removing the stopper the VISCOSIMETRY. 97 oil flows out. The pipette is filled by removing the stopper, inverting it with the end BD immersed in the oil, and sucking up at the other end, G, until full, when it contains some 50 c.cs. The stopper being replaced, the pipette is fixed in position inside the water jacket, heated to the required temperature in the ordinary way by means of the projecting tube ; a stirrer, R, with an annular plate at the end is provided ; by moving this up and down the temperature is equalised. When the required tem- perature is attained the stopper is withdrawn and the time ascertained requisite for a given volume of oil to run out; as long as the level of the oil in the pipette does not fall below F, the pressure or " head " under which the oil issues at G is mani- festly constant, being that due to a column of oil of length, GF. By employing high-boiling paraffin oils, containing the oil to be examined ; the bottom of this is furnished with an orifice, consisting of a hole bored through an agate plate, the top of which is excavated into a hemispherical cavity, so that a small brass sphere attached to a rod and dropped in forms a sufficiently tight valve. An outer Fig. 19, jacket is provided with a closed copper tube projecting therefrom downwards at an angle of 45, so that by heating this "tail" in a Bunsen or spirit lamp flame, the temperature of the liquid (water, oil, melted paraffin wax, &c.) in the jacket can be raised as required. A revolving agitator to equalise temperature in the jacket is provided, with a thermometer attached, a second ther- mometer being supported in the oil by a clamp fixed to the cylinder. The whole rests on a tripod stand furnished with levelling screws. The constancy of initial level of oil inside the VISCOSIMETRY. 99 cylinder is assured by means of a gauge consisting of a small internal bracket with upturned point. When an observation is to be made the bath is filled with water, or heavy mineral oil, etc., and heated to the required tem- perature. The oil to be tested is also heated to this temperature and poured in until the level of the liquid just reaches the point of the gauge. A narrow-necked flask, holding 50 c.cs., is placed beneath the jet immersed in a liquid at the same temperature as the oil. When all is ready the ball-valve is raised and a stop-watch started, and the number of seconds requisite to fill Fig. 21. the 50-c.c. flask noted, care being taken that the temperature does not fluctuate during the time, and that the oil is per- fectly free from suspended matter, such as dirt or globules of water. In order to obviate the necessity of always using the same volume of oil (indispensable in order to end with the same difference of level, and consequently maintain the same average head or pressure throughout), A. H. Allen makes an addition 100 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. consisting of an airtight cover, Fig. 20, perforated by two holes, one of which, A, is furnished with a tap, B, while the other has another tube screwing airtight into it. This tube, C, is pro- longed on two sides in contact with the agate orifice, whilst the angles of the inverted V-shaped slits cut on each side terminate at D, exactly 1} inches higher. The cylinder is completely filled with oil before commencing an observation, the tap, B, closed, and the orifice opened till the oil sinks to the level of D Fig. 2>2. in the inner tube. Air then bubbles regularly in at D ; when this happens, the temperature is noted and the oil collected in a graduated receiver. Any volume from 10 to 50 c.c. can thus be run out, as the oil falls in the upper part of the cylinder, but is maintained constantly at the level, D, in the inner tube. Five consecutive valuations of 10 c.c. each may thus be made, whilst 50 c.c. run out. VISCOSIMETRY. 101 Several other forms of viscosimeter have been constructed by other experimenters, based on the efflux principle. Fig. 21 represents in section Engler's instrument ; a slightly modified form of this by Engler and Kiinkler* is largely used on the continent.! Fig. 22 represents a simple form recently constructed by G. H. Hurst.; The oil, &c., to be examined is run into the innermost vessel up to a given height determined by a gauge- pin, and heated up to the required extent by applying a Bunsen burner or spirit lamp to the heater at the side, connected by two tubes with the water reservoir surrounding the oil chamber, so as to heat the water by circulation. The temperature of the oil is observed by means of a thermometer placed therein (usually this registers about 6 F. below the temperature of the water in the jacket); when the required temperature is reached, the central valve is raised, and 50 c.c. of oil allowed to run out into a measuring flask underneath, the time of efflux being noted. Obviously, with this instrument, the head under which the liquid issues is continually diminishing as it flows. Standards of Efflux Viscosity. In actual practice, water is too fluid to be a convenient standard substance ;. rape oil is usually chosen in preference, because, notwithstanding the un- avoidable differences that exist between samples from seeds grown in different countries and soils, these differences are usually not extremely wide. Definite mixtures of pure glycerol and water, however, can be readily prepared, possessing almost any required higher degree of " viscosity," and capable of use as standards of comparison of considerably greater uniformity, when prepared by different operators at different times, than is possible with natural products such as rape oil. The following tables are selected from the numerous results published by various authorities, as illustrating the general character of the numbers obtained with " viscosimeters " of different kinds for determining the relative efflux rates of different natural oils, &c., and lubricants made therefrom, or from petroleum and other hydrocarbons, and the effect of varia- tions of temperature 011 the values. The figures obtained by * Journ. Soc. Chem. Industry, 1890, p. 654; from Dinyler's polyt. Journ., 276, p. 42. t A still more recent form is described by Engler, with special in- structions for its use (Journ. Soc. C/icm. Ind., 1893, p. 291 ; from Zeits. ang. Chem., 1892, p. 725). $ Journ. Soc. Chem. Industry, 1892, p. 418. With the viscosimeter above described, Boverton Redwood finds that the relative times requisite for 50 c.c. of water and genuine rape oil to flow out at the temperature of 15 '5 C. (60 F.) are 25'5 and 535 seconds respectively, taking the average of various samples of pure oil. A. H. Allen rinds that glycerol diluted with water until the specific gravity at 15 '5 is 1'226, possesses the same degree of viscosity as average rape oil when tested in the same way. 102 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. Schiibler represent the " viscosity degree " (viscositdtsgrad) or " relative viscosity " of the respective oils i.e., the relative times requisite for equal volumes to pass (at 7 0< 5 and 15 C. respectively), the times required by the same volume of water- being taken as unity ; those quoted from the other authorities are not thus reduced, but are simply the actual times directly observed with the particular instruments used : ^ ;iine of Oil. Relative Time in Seconds (Schiibler). Plant from which derived. At~ c '5C. At 15-0 C. Castor oil, liicinus communis, 377-0 203-0 Olive oil, Olea europaea, 31 '5 21-6 Hazelnut oil Corylus avellana. 24*2 18-4 Colza oil, Brassica campestris oleifera, 22-4 18-0 Rape oil, Brassica rapa oleifera biennis, 22-0 17-6 Beechnut oil Fagus sylvatica, 26-3 17-5 White Mustard oil, Sinapis alba, 24-0 17-4 Almond oil, . Amydalus communis, 23-3 16-6 Spindlenut oil, Kuonymus europaeus, 23 '3 15 '9 Black mustard seed oil, Sinapis nigra, 19-4 15-6 Poppy seed oil, . . Papaver somniferum, 18-3 13-6 Camelina seed oil, Myagrum sativum, 17-7 13-2 Belladonna seed oil, Atropa belladonna, 17-3 13 1 Sunflower oil, Helianthus annuus, 16*4 12-6 Turpentine oil, Pinus sylvestris, 16-7 11-8 Cress oil, Lepidimn sativum, 14-4 11-4 Grape seed oil, Vitis vinifera, 14-2 11-0 Plum kernel oil, . Primus domestica, 14-7 10-3 Tobacco seed oil, Nicotiaua tabacum, 13-5 10-0 Walnut oil, . Juglans regia, 11-8 9-7 Linseed oil, . Linum usitatissimum, 11-5 9-7 Hemp seed oil, Cannabis sativa, 11-9 9-6 Relative Time in Seconds (Wilson). Oils, &.C., Used. At 15"6 C. At 49 C. At 82 C. = eo F. = 120 C l'\ = I80F. Sperm oil, .... 47 30-5 25-75 92 37'75 28-25 Lard oil, .... 9(j 38 28-5 Rape oil Neat's foot oil, 108 112 41-25 40-25 30 29-25 Tallow oil, .... 143 37 25 Engine tallow, Solid. 41 26-5 YISCOSIMETKY. VISCOSITY IN SECONDS FOR 50cc. 10; ~te II t _ S * I 104 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. Rifintd Rape Oil Sperm Oil American Miueitil Oil, sp. gr. -885 . ,. '913 923 . Kiuritm , -009 . . -915 . .IM no too too goo aio zso 230 290 300 itc 1 Fig. 24. Temperature in Degrees Fahrenheit. Oils Employed. , Sperm oil, Seal oil (pale), , Northern whale oil, Menhaden oil, Sesame oil, 1 Arachis oil, Cotton seed oil (refined), Niger seed oil, Olive oil, Rape oil, Castor oil, Relative Time in Seconds (Allen). Spec. Grav. at 15 0> 5C. 881 At lnT.C. = 60 F. At r>o C. = 122 F. At 100 C. - 21'-' F. so I 47 38 924 131 56 43 931 186 65 46 932 172 40 921 168 65 50 922 180 64 ... 925 180 62 40 927 176 59 43 916 187 62 43 915 261 80 45 965 2420 330 60 I VISCOSIMETRY. 105 Relative Time in Seconds (Redwood). 50 F. 70 F. 100 F. 140' F. 200SF. 260 F. 300 F. Refined rape oil, No. 1, 712-5 405 147 105-5 58-5 4325 2 ... 406 146 106-5 57-5 ... " ," ... 405-5 147 106-5 57-5 ... 4, ... 407 147-5 106 58-5 ... Beef tallow, 54-75 40 Sperm oil, ... 136-8 60-5 50-75 42 34-75 30 Neat's foot oil, . 620 366 126 88-4 50-4 44 38 American mineral oil, | specific gravity, '885 j 145 90 47 41 ,,. American mineral oil, 1 specific gravity, '923 \ Russian mineral oil, \ 1,030 2,040 485 820 126 174 82 116 42 48-5 ... specific gravity, '909 J Russian mineral oil, } semisolid, . . J ... ... 531 317-5 99-25 5925 42 -G Redwood's results are indicated graphically by the curves indicated in Figs. 23 and 24. Castor oil, Thickened rape oil, Sperm oil, Colza oil, Whale oil, . Tallow oil, . Cotton oil, American 885 oil, . American 905 oil, . American 915 oil, . Scotch 865 oil, Scotch 885 oil, Scotch 890 oil, Russian 906 oil, Russian 911 oil, Rosin oil, dark, Rosin oil, pale, Cylinder oil, medium, Cylinder oil, pale, Cylinder oil, dark, Relative Time in Seconds (Hurst). 70 F. 100 F. 120 F. 150 F. 180 F. 1,248 487-5 201-5 91 48 1,370 331-5 279-5 156 78-5 58-5 36-4 26 19-5 17 131 56, 44 325 28 128-7 61 44 28-5 28 105 63, 45 30 20 100 55 40 25 20 68 3-> 23 15 14 113 44 32-5 19-5 18 140 47 36 21 19-5 325 22 18 15-5 13 58-5 26 22 18 15-5 71-5 39 26 195 17 292-5 97-5 56 30 22 462 143 91 82-5 26 1525 97-5 38 22 18 136-5 49-4 25 18 17 385 255 170 70 ... 405 265 120 90 ... 890 495 230 100 As further illustration of the effect of rise of temperature in diminishing the rate of efflux, the following figures may also be 106 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. quoted, obtained by Villavecchia and Fabris, whilst investigating certain lubricating oils* for excise purposes: Lubricating oil. No. 1 n 3 4 5 6 7 Efflux Rate referred to Water at At 20 C. At 50 C. 44-39 6-81 51-07 5-94 40-85 5-50 38-77 6-03 72-09 8-35 67-92 9-6(5 56-03 5-71 Thus, the effect of a rise in temperature from 20 to 50 is to diminish the efflux rate to -J- - -^ of the original value, the effect being more marked with the more viscous fluids. According to experiments by Bender, f when an oil is chilled to - 20 for some time, and then warmed up again, the efflux viscosity value at the ordinary temperature is often considerably increased as compared with what it was previously at the same temperature of observation, thick oils usually showing a greater increment than thinner ones. On the other hand, if oils are heated up to 50 or 100, and then allowed to cool down again to the air temperature, the thicker oils become perceptibly thinner, whilst the thinner oils are less affected. Lepenau's Leptometer. This instrument is based on a principle somewhat different from that involved in the above ^described forms of efflux viscosimeter, inasmuch as it depends not only on the rate of flow through a given orifice, but also on the .amount of surface tension called into play when drops are formed in air. It consists essentially of a pair of precisely similar cylinders, B B (Fig. 25), immersed in the same bath, A, one of which contains the oil to be examined, and the other another oil used as standard of comparison ; the relative rates are noted at which drops form as the oil passes through equal sized capillary tubes, r, r, the dimensions of which are too small to permit of continuous streams being produced, the quantities flowing out in a given time being weighed or measured. All these various forms of instrument are subject to one constant source of error viz., that the forces coming into play * " Report of the Central Laboratory of the Italian Customs' Depart- ment, 1891 ; also Journ Soc. Chem. Industry, 1891, p. 390. t Journ. Soc. Chem. Industry, 1891, p. 936; from Mitth. Konig. techn. Versuchs,, Berlin, 1891, p. 100.' VISCOSIMETRY. 107 when a viscous liquid passes through a tube or orifice under given conditions of temperature, &c., are not the same as those obtaining when the liquid is used as a lubricant for shafting, quickly rotating spindles, axles, and the like ; and, consequently, that the figures obtained by means of such testing appliances are only approximations (and not always close ones) to the relative values of the substances examined, when practically applied for lubricating purposes. Determination of Viscosity in Absolute Measure.-When liquids are examined possessing a compara- tively low degree of viscous charac- ter, the rate of flow through a narrow orifice does not represent the true physical "viscosity," because a large proportion of the result is due to flow pure and simple without any " shear ; " accordingly, when a com- paratively long narrow accurately calibrated tube is made use of as the jet, figures are obtained not always showing close agreement with those yielded by the ordinary forms of efflux apparatus. Accord- Fig. 25. ing to mathematical investigations by Poiseuille and others, the coefficient of friction in narrow tubes is given by the formula where 75 is the coefficient of friction, t" the time of efflux, v the volume of fluid discharged, p the hydraulic pressure, I the length and r the radius of the capillary tube, and s the specific gravity of the liquid.* Starting from this, E. J. Mills has made some measurements in absolute measure of the coefficients of friction for various liquids, including water, and sperm, olive, lard, and -castor oils.f On the C.G.S. system (centimetre, gramme, and second as units of length, mass, and time respectively) Poiseuille's formula becomes * Hagenbacli arrives at a formula involving a second term in addition to that given by Poiseuille t Joiirn. Soc. Chem. Ind., 188C, p. 148; also, 1887, p. 414. 108 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. where v is given in cubic millimetres, and r, I, and p in milli- metres ; from this formula and his experimental results, Mills deduces the following values at 12 0. : Specific Gravity. Value of j. Rehitive Viscosity, Water =1. Water, 1 -000 011713 i-oo Sperm oil, . 88789 68828 5876 Olive oil, 1)2043 1-1393 97-27 Lard oil, 92051 1-6285 139 '03 Castor oil, . . . -915541 21-721 1854-4 Obviously these relative viscosity values are very dissimilar from Schiibler's numbers for castor and olive oils compared with water, although the ratios between the values for the oils alone do not differ so widely in the two cases ; this chiefly arisen Fig. 20. from the error attaching to the viscosity determination in the case of water by the efflux method through a jet, as compared with the true value through a long narrow tube.* * The determinations of absolute " viscosity " values of solutions of gum relatively to water made by noting the times required for given volumes to pass through a known capillary tube, show similar differences when compared with the corresponding values obtained with a "jet" apparatus, such as a burette (vide paper by S. Rideal, Journ. Soc. Chem. Ltd., 1891, p. 610). VISCOS1MKTRY. 109 Coefficient of Friction in Capillary Tubes. Traube has constructed an arrangement for determining with considerable accuracy and speed the friction coefficients for oils and other liquids passing through capillary tubes under pressure. Fig. 26 represents this apparatus.* A is a Marriotte bottle filled with water, which serves to compress air in the reservoir B, and to keep the pressure constant ; B is connected by means of a pipe and cock to the efflux apparatus H, consisting of the bulb G- (provided with two marks to permit the measurement of volume of liquid to be discharged) and the capillary tube E. The reservoir B is filled by means of a pump attached to branch and stopcock. When the observations are to be made at temperatures above that of the atmosphere a suitable airbath is employed. When required to be cleaned, ether is forced through the tube. With tubes of different diameters, the relative times observed for water and oils of high viscosities are not identical ; but for oils of considerable viscosity the differences are not great ; thus, the following figures were observed with a cylinder lubricating oil and with olive oil as compared with rape seed oil, being the respective times of efflux in seconds : Diameter of tube in milli- \ metres, . . . J 1-5 0-8 0-5 Cylinder oil, . 155 -5 -100-0 472=100-0 2960=1000 Rape seed oil, . 79-0= 50-8 242- 51-3 1503= 50-8 Olive oil, .... 717- 46-1 222= 47-0 1364= 46-1 In all probability the conditions existing when oil is forced through a capillary tube are more nearly akin to those obtaining with a film of oil lying between a shaft and its journal box than are those subsisting in the ordinary forms of efflux viscosimeter ; and hence it is probable that the results of valuations on Traube's system would be valuable as determinations more closely approximating to the actual practical lubricative values. Traube s apparatus, however, is far less convenient for ordinary laboratory work than Redwood's or Engler's viscosimeter. * Journ. Soc. Chem. Ind., 1887, p. 414. 110 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. 3. Chemical Properties of Oils, Fats, Butters, and Waxes. CHAPTER VI. PROXIMATE CONSTITUENTS AND THE METHODS USED FOR THEIR EXAMINATION AND DETERMINATION. VERY few, if any, natural oils, fats, and waxes consist of one single chemical substance ; almost invariably two, and often many more constituents are present, the most marked distinc- tion between which is that some are solid at the ordinary tem- perature (when obtained separate), others liquid; the former often deposit in the solid form on chilling, so that a fluid oil y when chilled and pressed, yields a solid so-called " stearine" and a liquid so-called " oleine " * as first proximate constituents. In. similar fashion semisolid butters and hard fats, like tallow, can be show r n to contain a solid and a liquid constituent in each case, the consistency of the material, roughly speaking, depending simply on the relative proportions of the two substances. When "oleine" largely predominates the substance is an oil; when '* stearine," a hard fat ; and when the two are in intermediate * The terms "stearine" and "oleine" are practically employed in several different senses, a circumstance apt to lead to considerable con- fusion. In the strict chemical sense, stearine is the glyceride of stearic acid, C 8 H fi (O.Ci8H 35 O) 8j and oleine the glyceride of oleic acid, CaHsCO.CjaHssOJa , but in the oil trade generally the two terms are applied to indicate respec- tively the solid and liquid constituents into which a fat or chilled oil can be mechanically separated, irrespective of the actual chemical composition of these constituents ; whilst in the candle manufacture they are used to denote the analogous solid and liquid fatty acids obtainable from fatty matters by saponification and mechanical pressure, &c. Similar mixtures of free fatty acids and other substances are also obtainable by subjecting to distillation various kinds of grease (e.g., Yorkshire grease Chap, xn.) ; when these are chilled aud pressed they are separable into solid and liquid portions, generally designated as "distilled" stearine and oleine respectively. In the present work the pure chemical triglycerides are dis- tinguished by the terminal "in" (e.g., stearin, olein, &c.) ; whilst the commercial articles are indicated by names ending in "ine" (e.g., " dis- tilled " oleine, candlemakers' stearine, oleomargarine, &c. ). In similar fashion, the pure chemical compound C 3 Hr,(OH)3 is referred to as- " glycerol," whilst the commercial products mainly consisting of this body, but in a varying state of purity, are distinguished as glycerine (vide p. 8). PROXIMATE CONSTITUENTS. Ill proportions, a more or less buttery consistence is possessed at the ordinary temperature (near 15 C.) The further investigation of the solid and liquid constituents thus obtainable from a given oil or fat ; of the variations in their relative proportions and natures according to the soil and climate and other conditions under which the plant was grown in the case of vegetable oils or butter, or the species and habitat of the animal in that of an animal oil or fat ; of the eifect of cultivation and domestication, and various similar points, have hitherto received but little attention. There appears, however, to be some reason for supposing that very considerable differences in the relative amounts and even in the chemical nature of the various constituents of a given oil, &c., may, at any rate in some cases, be brought about by such causes ; thus, very different results have been found by various experimenters who have examined different samples of the same kind of oil e.g., in the case of arachis oil (groundnut oil), where several succes- sive chemists have succeeded in isolating considerable amounts of hypogceAc acid for the purpose of studying that substance and its derivatives, whilst more than one other chemist has found either none at all, or practically none, in the oil ex- amined by him ; and where, moreover, some observers have found more or less considerable amounts of palmitic acid, and others none at all. Similar discrepancies in the results obtained by different investigators have been noticed in several other instances, thus leading to the conclusion that marked differences, are apt to exist in the nature of oils and fats prepared from seeds, &c., grown under different conditions, just as is well known to be the case with fruits and other vegetable produce, as- regards the saccharine matter and other constituents present therein. Even without taking into account these natural varia- tions, however, the knowledge at present extant of the proximate constituents of many of the more commonly occurring oily and fatty matters is decidedly scanty ; whilst a very large number of similar substances exist (in many cases of great local importance, although not always materials largely exported or imported or otherwise dealt with commercially) concerning the general com- position of which accurate knowledge is hitherto entirely want- ing. Many such products promise in the near future to be important articles of trade, as soon as their respective values for particular purposes are better ascertained, and the best means, to be adopted of extracting and refining them so as to render them marketable ; in Central and Southern Africa, and in many other parts of the world, the progress of civilisation is continually tending to bring into notice new products of this kind, many of which only require attention being called to them to demonstrate their commercial value. The separation from one another of the different glycerides, 112 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. U 2 j QR = L lr H 32 j C0 OH the resulting product differing from that formed from oleic acid in that it contains H 9 less, and is, therefore, an "unsaturated" com- pound, capable of taking up iodine or bromine in the same manner as the original ricinoleic acid itself (Benedikt and Ulzer). Accord- ingly, castor Turkey red oil is capable of taking up oxygen, and generally of behaving in ways not observed in the case of olive Turkey red oil ; which circumstance renders it more suitable for certain particular applications in reference to dyestuffs, &c. * The effect of sulphxiric acid in decomposing fatty glycerides, together with the hydrolysing action of water on the product, is utilised in the preparation of caudle material ; a larger yield of solid matter is thus obtained than by the ordinary saponification processes, on account of the conversion of liquid oleic acid into solid substances. According to Geitel, y-oxi/fstearic acid (p. 39) is usually produced (inter alia) by the hydrolysis of the compouud of oleic acid with sulphuric acid, which immediately splits up into water and stearolactone. 10 14 G OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. A somewhat different view of the action of sulphuric acid on castor oil has been lately put forth by Scheurer Kestner"* as the result of his investigations. After the glyceride has been hydro- lysed, he finds that part of the resulting ricinoleic acid becomes "polymerised" (or more accurately, dehydrated and "con- densed "), so as to form a more complex molecule of diricinoleic acid, which is then acted upon by sulphuric acid so as to form diricinoleosulphuric acid ; the reactions may be written thus Ricinoleic Acid (2 molecules). Diriciuoleic Acid. TT JOH (OH TT 17 H o OH 1732 ^ CO , H TT $ / 32 co . OH C " H * CO .OH Diricinoleic Acid. Sulphuric Acid. Diricinoleosulphuric Acid. TT JOH r TT JO. SO.,. OH 17^32 I rv\ \ ^ir n 32 T Cf) } ~ = 22 2 C 17 H - S0 2 (OH) 2 = H 2 | co OH 1732 -| co . oil Obviously the diricinoleosulphuric acid thus formed is "un- saturated," and is, therefore, capable of taking up two halogen atoms for each C 1S present. More or less of the diricinoleic acid escapes conversion into diricinoleosulphuric acid; so that in addition to unaltered castor oil, &c., the resulting Turkey red oil consists of a mixture of diricinoleic acid, and diricinoleo- sulphuric acid, together with some amount of ricinoleic acid that has escaped condensation to diricinoleic acid, and of ricinoleo- sulphuric acid formed by the direct action of sulphuric acid upon it. The non- sulphurised fatty acids tend to the development of blue shades with alizarin, whilst the ricinoleosulphuric acids tend to produce yellow shades. Diricinoleosulphuric acid is hydrolysed by caustic alkali, the soda or potash salts of diricinoleic and sulphuric acids being formed if the action take place at temperatures below 80 C.: but by prolonged boiling with alkali, or treatment therewith under pressure, water is taken up and ordinary ricinoleic acid regenerated by reversal of the two reactions above indicated. In just the same way ricinoleosulphuric acid becomes hydrolysed into sul- phuric and ricinoleic acids, the action taking place extremely readily in presence of hydrochloric acid. In presence of sulphuric acid, Turkey red oil is apt to be yet further decomposed on heating, osnanthic acid, inter alia, being formed: hence, in the preparation of the oil care must be taken that overheating does not take place } and similarly in washing out the excess of sulphuric acid, (tc., with brine (to avoid solution of the soluble compound sulphuric acids formed), otherwise hydrochloric acid is apt to be formed and considerable loss of soluble acids occasioned by * Comptes Rendus, 112, pp. 153 and 395; also, Journ. Soc. Chem. Ind., 1891, p. 471. .ACTION OF SULPHURIC ACID ON OILS AND FATS. 147 hydrolysis ; sodium sulphate is accordingly preferable to sodium chloride as diminishing this tendency to loss. According to Juillard* acids still more highly "polymerised" than diricinoleic acid are formed when sulphuric acid acts on castor oil, three, four, and five molecules of riciiioleic acid becoming condensed and dehy- drated, with the formation of triricinoleic, tetraricinoleic, and pentarwinoleic acids re- spectively. He regards the first action as giving rise, by partial hydrolysis and etherify- ing action jointly, to the product, . CO . C 17 H,., . . SO. S H OH (0. CO. C, 7 H 32 . OH which then loses a molecule of water forming an anhydride, termed by him dicinolein sul- phuric anhydride. (0. CO. C 17 H,,. 0. SO., C 3 H S }0 (0. CO. C 17 H 32 .OH This reacts slowly with riciiioleic acid and sulphuric acids forming the various poly- ricinoleic acids above mentioned, and the polyricinoleo sulphuric acids thence derived ; so that commercial castor Turkey red oils are highly complex mixtures. Maumene's Sulphuric Acid Thermal Test. A considerable development of heat usually attends the chemical action brought about 011 mixing together a fixed oil and strong sulphuric acid ; by making compara- tive observations in precisely the same way with standard pure oils, or known mixtures, and the substance to be tested, useful infor- mation can often be obtained as to the character, and to some extent the amount, of foreign admixture present. It is, how- pjg 3^ ever, impossible to lay down any precise figures universally applicable in such cases, because the rate of action, and consequently the rise in temperature, greatly de- pends on the way in which the intermixture is effected, and especially on the strength of the acid used. Commercial oil of vitriol varies considerably in its strength, sometimes containing * Journ. ,S'oc. Chem. Ind., 1892, p. 355; from Bulletin Soc. Chim., Paris, 1891, 6, p. 6,38. 148 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. 96 to 97 per cent, of true sulphuric acid, H S0 4 , sometimes only 90 to 91 per cent., or even less. If the liquid be boiled in a retort under ordinary atmospheric pressure until about a quarter has distilled over, the residue when cool enough may be bottled and kept for use, being acid of about 98 per cent, strength.* Eig 31 represents a form of apparatus for applying the test ; a graduated cylinder, B, is provided with an india-rubber stopper, through which passes the stem of a thermometer, A, so graduated that the divisions are all above the stopper ; a short piece of quill tubing, 0, also passes through the stopper, serving as a vent. 25 c.c. of oil are run into the cylinder, and then 5 c.c. of sulphuric acid, the latter by means of a pipette applied to the side of the cylinder, so that the acid falls to the bottom without mixing with the oil. The stopper and thermometer being in- serted and the temperature taken, the end of C is closed by the finger, and the whole shaken up for a few seconds ; C is imme- diately unclosed, and the thermometer watched, so as to note the highest point to which it rises, and hence the range through which the chemical action has heated the mass. In order to diminish errors due to radiation and convection, a small beaker may be used, jacketted outside with a somewhat larger one, the interspace being filled with cotton wool or fibrous asbestos. 50 grammes of oil and 10 c.c. of sulphuric acid are convenient quantities, the two being at the same temperature to start with ; the acid is run in slowly from a pipette, the mixture being vigorously stirred with a thermometer, and about a minute being allowed for the addition ; the temperature gra- dually rises to a maximum as the stirring is continued, remains nearly constant for a short time, and then falls again, the precise amount of rise depending, to some extent, on the way in which the admixture is made. When drying oils are examined, Maumene recommends dilution with olive oil, so that the temperature should not rise so high as to char the mixture (paraffin hydrocarbons are regarded by other experimenters as preferable) ; further, he recommends that trials should be made with different proportions of oil and acid, e.r/.,f 50 grammes oil to 18 c.c. acid. 50 36 100 18 * Pure "monohydrated" sulphuric acid, H 2 S0 4 , cannot be obtained by evaporation; when a strength of 98 to 98 '5 per cent, is attained, the temperature rises to a point where the substance dissociates into water and sulphur trioxide, the latter passing off at the same rate as the water vapour, so that acid of that strength distils unchanged. Pure H 2 S04 may be obtained by adding the calculated amount of SOjj to oil of vitriol, strengthened by evaporation as far as possible ; or by chilling the acid, and draining off the unfrozen mother liquor from the crystals of H 2 S0 4 that form. When heated, S0 3 is evolved, and acid of about 98 per cent, left, which then distils unchanged. \ComptesRendus, xxxv., p. 572; also/owr/?. Soc. Chem. Ind., 1SSC, p. 361. ACTION OF SULPHURIC ACID ON OILS AND FATS. 149 The following table exhibits some of Maumene's results, together with those subsequently obtained by others ; numerous other analogous values have been recorded, exhibiting more or less marked differences according to the particular mode of manipulation adopted : Maumene". Allen. Baynes. Archbutt. Degrees. Degrees. Degrees. Degrees. Menhaden oil, . 126 123 to 128 Cod liver oil, . 102 to 103 113 lie Linseed oil, 103 104 to 111 104 to 124 Walnut oil, 101 ... ... Hemp seed oil, 98 Seal oil, . 92 ... Whale oil, northern, ... 91 Whale oil, southern, ... 92 Poppy seed oil, 74 ... 86 to 88 Cotton seed oil, crude, ... 67 to 69 ... 70 Cotton seed oil, refined, ... 74 to 75 77 75 to 76 Arachis oil, 67 47 to 60 Beechnut oil, . 65 ... Rape and colza oils, 57 to 58 51 to 60 60 to 92 55 to 64 Almond oil, 52 to 54 ... 35 Horse foot oil, . 51 ... ... Tallow oil, 41 to 44 ... ... Lard oil, . 41 ... ... Sperm oil, ... 45 to 47 ... 51 Bottlenose oil, . ... 41 to 47 42 Olive oil, . 42 41 to 43 40 4i to 45 Castor oil, 47 65 46 Neat's foot oil, ... ... ... 43 Oleic acid, ... 38-5 37-5 Obviously, an admixture of rape oil with linseed oil, or vice versa, may be characterised with some degree of precision (the former yielding a value of little more than half that given by the latter), when the suspected sample is examined side by side with samples of known purity mixed in known proportions (e.g., 2 to 1, equal proportions, or 1 to 2, and so on). Similarly with olive oil admixed with arachis oil, or with cotton seed oil ; or sperm oil mixed with fish oil. According to Archbutt, olive oil exposed to sunlight for some time develops considerably more heat with sulphuric acid than the same oil kept in the dark ; 52-o rise of temperature being noted by him instead of 41'5. A yet greater difference was observed by Ballantyne in the case of olive oil exposed to light for six months, and agitated daily so as to promote aerial oxidation (67 instead of 44), analogous differences being also observed with several other kinds of oils similarly treated (p. 131). Specific Temperature Reaction. In order to render the thermal test practically independent of variations in the strength 150 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. of the sulphuric acid used, Thomson and Ballantyne* make simul- taneously a comparative valuation with water, and calculate the ratio between the heat developed with the oil examined and that with the water ; the resulting ratio they term the specific, temperature reaction. Thus the following figures were obtained with acid of different strengths, showing a considerably closer concordance between the " specific temperature reactions " than between the uncorrected values first obtained with the different strengths of acids ; of course, exact agreement is not to be ex- pected, as the heat development in the case of an oil is not brought about solely by the mere physical admixture, but is also influenced by the chemical changes set up, which necessarily are apt to vary with the strength of the acid : Sulphuric Acid of 954 Sulphuric Acid of 96 8 Sulphuric Acid of 99 per cent. H 2 S0 4 . per cent. H 2 S0 4 . per cent. H 2 S0 4 . Substance Used. Rise in Tempera- ture. Specific Tempera- ture Reaction. ; Rise in Tempera- ture. Specific Tempera-, tu re Reaction. Rise in Tempera- ture. Specific Tempera- ture Reaction. Degrees C. Degrees C. Degrees C. Water, 38-6 100 41-4 100 46-5 100 ( 36-5 95 39-4 95 44-8 96 Olive oil, < 34-0 88 38-1 92 44-2 95 \ ... 39-0 94 43-8 94 Rape oil, . 49-0 1'27 ... 58-0 124 Castor oil, 34-0 88 37-0 89 Linseed oil, 104-5 270 125-2 269 The following values for the specific temperature reactions of various kinds of oils were thus determined : Nature of Oil. Specific Temperature Reaction Water = 100. Olive oil (13 kinds examined), Cotton seed oil (crude), .... ,, (refined 2 kinds), . Rape oil (5 kinds), ..... Arachis oil (commercial), (refined), .... Linseed oil (4 kinds), .... Castor oil (2 kinds), .... Southern sperm oil, .... Arctic sperm oil (bottlenose), Whale oil (pale), Seal oil (4 kinds), 89 to 95 163 169 to 170 125 to 144 137 105 270 to 349 ' 89 to 92 100 93 157 212 to 225 Cod oil (3 kinds), Menhaden oil, ..... 243 to 272 306 * Journ. Soc. Chem. 2nd,, 1891, p. 233. ACTION OF SULPHURIC ACID ON OILS AND FATS. 151 F. Jean uses a special form of apparatus, termed by him a Olive or reddish brown. ( rings. ) Linseed oil (raw), Hard brown or green- 1 ish brown clot. J Mottled, dark brown. (boiled), . Hard brown clot. Mottled, dark brown. Castor oil, . Yellow to pale brown, j Nearly colourless or pale brown. Animal Oils. I Greenish yellow or } Lard oil, . . < brownish with brown > Mottled or dirty brown. ( streaks. \ Tallow oil, Yellow spot with pink \ streaks. J Orange red. Whale oil, . . j Red, turning violet. Brownish red, turning brown or black. Seal oil, . . j Orange spot with pur- \ pie streaks. J Bright red, changing to mottled brown. Cod liver oil, . j Dark red spot with \ purple streaks. / Purple, changing to dark brown. Sperm oil, . Pure brown spot with \ faint yellow ring. j Purple, changing to reddish or dark brown. Hydrocarbon Oils. Petroleum lubricating ~| oil, J Brown. Dark brown with blue fluorescence. Shale lubricating oil, . Dark reddish brown, -j Reddish brown with blue fluorescence. Rosin oil (brown), Bright mahogany ) brown. \ Dark brown with pur- ple fluorescence. (pale), . Mahogany brown. Red-brown with purple fluorescence. nl eq cq o o ^ ^ OO S ill 1 d'S o s ^ S >H So 304 1 : i jliill.i.ii|l1l Nitric and Sulp Acids mixe ddish. ddish d bro ddish. ^S -.2 . ^ S IM MM - t i -i S^H *-* QJ 1 s ft s -i-g-S'S ^2^."^i^2 8 235128^ 2.1.1 Sg 3 j *-i *-* ^ . ^ . -S k . ^** J? 'TT ^^s /^^^ />^\ /~*\ /+^\ T"\ /*r\ A^ r ^ rv* rA Oi /"^ A . hi4 / ! Reddish brown. Reddish brown. Black brown. O O !> S S , ,2 a) o> rt ^ fl ^ ^ r > S Si C v I i ^ {x PQ IIS 154 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. more or less reduced in many cases, developing a brownish red, brown, or black colour ; * cotton seed, bitter almond, hemp, linseed, neat's foot, and colza oils show the reaction most markedly, especially the first named. The table on p. 153 (by Schadler) exhibits synoptically the results of various reagents on several of the more commonly oc- curring oils, &c. ; the test with hydrochloric acid and sugar is made by mixing equal quantities of the oil to be examined and hydro- chloric acid of specific gravity 1-125 (about 1 c.c. of each), adding a gramme of cane sugar, and shaking vigorously for some time. SULPHUR CHLORIDE REACTION. VULCANISED OILS. The use of sulphur chloride in " vulcanising " india-rubber " is well known ; a somewhat analogous change takes place w T hen this substance (preferably diluted with light petroleum oil, carbon disulphide, or other suitable solvent) is intermixed with certain oils, more especially linseed oil ; solidification ensues, with the result of forming a more or less leathery mass, which is employed to some considerable extent in the manufacture of insulating coverings for electric mains and leads, and similar purposes. During the action considerable quantities of hydro- chloric acid are evolved, whilst the final product contains sulphur, some of which is in a condition insoluble in carbon disulphide, apparently combined with the oil constituents ; so that the chemical action of sulphur chloride appears to be of a far more deep-seated nature than that of nitrous acid (elaidin reaction), where the solidification appears to be due simply to polymerisation or isomeric re-arrangement of atoms. Although no true oxidation takes place during the .treatment, the term "oxidised oil" is often applied to this product in the trade, probably because the solidification brought about is some- Avhat akin in appearance to that effected when drying oils are oxidised by exposure to air, forming solid products. Another kind of "vulcanised oil" is obtained by mixing fiowers of sulphur with the oil to be treated, and then applying heat, much as in the process of vulcanising india-rubber. In some cases the oils are previously partly saponified. By heating linseed oil to about 230 C., cooling to 176 C. (350 F.), and then stirring in sulphur, an india-rubber like mass is finally obtained, useful in the preparation of rubber substitutes. As with sulphur chloride, hydrogen appears to be removed during the process, sulphuretted hydrogen freely escaping; this renders the manufacture an especially foetid one unless great care be taken to destroy the evil-smelling vapours evolved, by causing * Cruciferous oils containing sulphur form black silver sulphide by this treatment. SULPHUR CHLORIDE REACTION. 155 them to pass through a furnace before escaping into the factory chimney, or some analogous treatment. The effect of chloride of sulphur (diluted with carbon disul- phide) upon oils of various kinds is so far different that in certain cases it may be employed to discriminate one from another, or to test for admixture ; as in all other analogous cases, comparison of the sample tested with genuine oils, treated side by side, is necessary in order to obtain reliable results. Bruce Warren finds * that when 5 grammes of oil are mixed with 2 c.c. of carbon disulphide and 2 of a mixture of equal volumes of carbon disulphide and yellow sulphur chloride (free from dissolved sulphur) and the whole heated on a waterbath till action commences, the products formed (after evaporating off carbon disulphide) differ in weight and character according to the nature of the oil, being partly soluble in carbon disulphide and partly insoluble therein. Thus poppy seed and linseed oils gave the following figures (5 grammes used in each case) : Poppy Seed. Linseed. Mixture of .Equal Quantities of the Two. ; Soluble, . Insoluble, 1-96 4-50 0-78 5-58 MO 5-37 Total, 6-46 6-36 6-47 C. A. Fawsitt f employs sulphur chloride, S 2 C1 , purified by distillation, in the proportion of 2 c.c. to 30 grammes of oil, operating as in the case of Maumene's sulphuric acid test ; very considerable differences are observed with different oils as regards the amount of heat evolved, the rate of its evolution, and the formation or otherwise of hydrochloric acid gas ; thus, the following figures were obtained, inter alia. 4 c.c. Sulphur Chloride to 30 grins. Oil. Name of Oil. Gas Evolution. Rise in Temperature. Time in Rising. Rise per Minute. Degrees C. Minutes. Sperm, Very small. 71 8 8-8 Seal, . None. 112 5 224 Whale, Slight. 91 3 30-2 Neat's foot, j> 82 4 20-5 Eape, None. 89 6 14-8 Cotton seed , Slight. 93 6 15-4 Linseed, Considerable. 97 2 48-7 Olive, Slight. 94 4 23-5 Cod liver, Abundant. 103 3 34-3 Palmnut, Slight. 9 7 1-4 Oleic acid, Considerable. 99 G 165 Stearic acid, j None. 8 5 1-6 Chemical News, 1888, 57, p. 113. t Jour a. Sec. Chem. Ind., 1888, p. 552. 156 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. Name of Oil. 2 c.c. Sulphur Chloride to 30 grms. Oil. Gas Evolution. Rise in Temperature. Time in Rising. Rise per Minute. Degrees C. Minutes. Sperm, Very small. 37 16 2-3 Seal, . None. 45 10 4-4 Whale, Slight. 57 6 9'4 Neat's foot, 51 7 7-3 Lard, . 40 16 2-4 Rape, None. 53 10 5-3 ' Cotton seed, Slight. 49 11 4-4 Linseed, Considerable. 57 5 11-4 Olive, Slight. 52 6 8-7 Castor, Abundant. 56 2 277 Cod liver, . ) 9 55 4 13-7 Palm, 35 3 11 6 Palmnut, . Slight. 5 9 0-5 Rosin, Abundant. 31 ' 7 4-4 Oleic acid, . Considerable. 53 6 10-6 Stearic acid, None. 5 7 07 It would hence seem that the relative figures obtained with a given pair of oils often vary considerably according as 2 or 4 c.c. of sulphur chloride are used ; so that the value of the test as applied to mixtures is somewhat doubtful. CHAPTER VIII. QUANTITATIVE REACTIONS OF OILS, &c. A VARIETY of quantitative chemical tests are in use with the object of obtaining information on various points connected with the general chemistry of fatty matters, so as to afford evidence in cases of suspected adulteration, 286 to 300 Walnut oil, . 19-60 L Niger seed oil, . 189 to 19-1 ) D. MARINE OLEINES Cod liver oil, . 18-51 to 21-32 1* Menhaden oil, . 19-20 Pilchard oil, 18-6 to 18-75 Seal oil,. 189 to 19-6 250 to 303 Southern whale oil, 19-31 Northern whale oil, 18-85 to 22-44 Porpoise oil, 21-60 to 21-88 J E. BUTTER CLASS Butter fat, 22-15 to 23-24 241 to 253 Cokernut oil, . Palmnut oil, 24-62 to 26-84 22-00 to 24-76 } 209 to 255 F. STEARINES, &c. Lard, .... 19-20 to 19-65 \ Tallow, .... 19-32 to 19-80 1 Dripping, 19-65 to 19-70 Butterine, Goose fat, 19-35 to 19'65 19-26 V 277 to 294 Bone fat, 19 '06 to 19 71 Palm oil, 19-C3 to 20-25 1 Cacao butter, . 19-98 / G. FLUID WAXES Sperm oil, . . . 12 34 to 14 74 380 to 454 Bottlenose oil, . . . 12-30 to 13-40 419 to 456 H. SOLID WAXES Spermaceti, 12-73 to 13-04 432 to 441 Beeswax, 9-2 to 9-7 ... Carnauba wax, . 7-9 to 851 I. UNCLASSED Shark liver oil, . 14 00 to 19-76 284 to 400 Wool fat (suint), 17-0 330 Olive kernel oil, 18-85 298 Castor oil, 17-6 to 18-15 309 to 319 Japanese wood oil, 211 266 Japan wax, 21-01 to 22-25 252 to 267 Myrtle wax, 20-57 to 21-17 265 to 273 Blown rape oil, 198 to 20 4 275 to 284 Colophony, 170 to 19 3 290 to 330 160 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. A. H. Allen * representing the percentages of caustic potash required for the saponification of most of the usually occurring oils, &c., deduced by collecting together the published results of a number of observers, some of the values being deduced from upwards of forty different samples. Values but little removed from these have been subsequently collected and recorded by Benediktf and Schadler,| including various later valuations of the Koettstofer's values of other oils and fats : Name of Oil, &c. Schadler. Benedikt. Apricot kernel, .... 192-193 192-9 194-196 190-1-197 Almond, sweet, .... 190-192 187-9-196-1 Almond, bitter, .... ... 194-5-196-6 Butter, 225-230 227 Beeswax (yellow), 95-100 > 97-107 Bone oil, ..... 190-191 ... Cacao butter, .... 198-200 Cokernut, ..... 255-260 255 Colza, 177-178 175-179 230-231 230-5 Charlock, 176-177 Castor, 201-203 176-181-5 Carnauba wax, .... 79 Cotton seed, .... 194-195 191-210-5 Cod liver, medicinal, . Cod liver, brown, 175-185 180-200 j 171-213-2 Galam butter, .... 192-193 ... Gundschit (lallemantia), 184-185 185-0 Hemp seed, .... 192-194 193-1 Hedge radish, .... 176-177 174-0 Japanese wax, .... 222-223 ... Linseed oil, .... 190-192 187 -4-1 95 -2 Lard, 195-196 Malabar tallow (piney tallow), . 191-192 ... Menhaden, ..... ... 192 Maize, ..... 188-189 188-1-189-2 Neat's foot, .... 191-193 189-191 189-191 Nut (Walnut), .... 196-197 1960 Olive, salad, .... Olive, inferior, .... 191-193 186-188 | 185-2-196 Olive kernel, .... 188-189 188-5 193-194 192-8-194-6 Palm, 201-202 Palm kernel, .... 246-248 257-6 Pumpkin seed, .... 189-190 189-5 * Commercial Organic Analysis, vol. ii., p. 41, et seq. The "percentage of caustic potash requisite " is obviously one-tenth of the Kcettstorfer number, or permillage of potash necessary for saponitication. t Analyse dtr Fette und Wachsarten, pp. 294 and 317. Unttrsuchunrjen der Fette Oele und Wachsarten, pp. 134, 135. SAPONIPICATION EQUIVALENTS. 161 Name of Oil, &c. Schadler. Benedikt. 143-9 Pilchard, Shark liver oil, .... Seal oil, . . . . . 180-195 Fluid portion 263'0 186-187-5 84-5 191-196 Sesame, 192-193 Sunflower, 193-194 Spermaceti, .... 108 Sperm oil, 134 Suet (ox tallow, beef tallow), . 193-195 Tallow (sheep), .... 192-195 Tacamahac, .... 199-200 187-6-192-2 193 108-1 132-2 Unguadia, 190-192 Whale, 190-191 Whale, bottlenose, ... Woolgrease, .... 169-170 1 190-191 197-3 Fluid portion 290 '0 Practical Determination of Saponiflcation Equivalents of Glycerides, &c. A known weight of the substance to be examined (conveniently 2 or 3 grammes) is accurately weighed up in a flask, and 25 c.c. (or other suitable quantity) of standard alcoholic potash added (approximately seminormal); this should be made from alcohol not methylated spirit that has been coho- bated with caustic potash, and distilled so as to remove as far as possible all compound ethers and other impurities that might be resinised by potash, or otherwise partially neutralise alkali ; methylic alcohol of high purity may be similarly used, preferably after the same treatment. The whole is heated on a waterbath with a reflux condenser attached, and gently agitated at intervals until complete solution has taken place ; after a few minutes more heating to ensure that saponification is complete, the un- neutralised alkali is titrated by seminormal standard acid (pre- ferably hydrochloric), using phenolphthalein as indicator. The standardising of the alcoholic potash in terms of the acid is pre- ferably effected by heating 25 c.c. on the waterbath, with an inverted condenser attached, side by side with the oil examined, and subsequently titrating ; the difference between the acid required in the two cases thus directly represents the acid equivalent to that formed by the saponification. If w be the weight in milligrammes of oil taken, and n the number of c.c. of normal acid equivalent to the acid formed by saponification (i.e., if 2n c.c. of seminormal acid be used, lOn of deciiiormal, and so on), then the saponification equivalent E is given by the equation * *1 c.c. of "normal" acid represents E milligrammes of fat, whence n c.c. of acid are equivalent to 7iE milligrammes. Since this quantity = w, 162 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. and the total acid number (Kcettstorfer number = permillage of potash, or tenfold the percentage, requisite for saponification) by the equation K = x 56,100. w The determination of the total acid number is generally com- bined with that of the free acid number ; the weighed quantity of fat, 1 = x 56L 164 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. The term neutralisation number of the fatty acids (Versei- fungszahl der Fettsauren) is conveniently employed to indicate the quantity of potash (KOH = 56-1) neutralised by 1000 parts ,of the free acids. This value and the mean equivalent weight of the free acids are related to one another in a fashion similar to that exhibited by the total acid number, and the saponification equivalent of the original fat or oil ; if N be the neutralisation number of the free acids, and F their mean equivalent weight (value of x as above), then whence and S" : 56-1 :: 1000 : F, _ 56,100 F ^ 56,100 F = T- The following table represents the average neutralisation numbers of the free fatty acids obtained from various kinds of oils, &c. i.e., the quantities of potash (KOH = 56-1) neutralised 'by 1,000 parts of mixed free fatty acids (Schadler) : Name of Oil, &c. Almond, . Arachis, Cotton seed, Castor, Cod liver (med cinal), Charlock, Colza, . Linseed, Lard, . Nut (walnut), Olive, . Palm, . Palm kernel, Poppy, Suet (ox), , Sesame", Sunflower, Tallow (sheep) Neutralisation Number. 204-205 196-197 204-205 187-188 202-204 180-181 181-182 198-199 215-217 208-209 199-200 206-207 265-266 204-205 205-206 197-198 201-202 206-207 In the case of a triglyceride, the calculated saponification equivalent of the glyceride always exceeds the equivalent weight of fatty acids produced from it by saponification by 12-67; for the general reaction of saponification being equivalent to C s H 5 (OrOs + 3H 2 - C 3 H 5 (OH) 3 + 3HOR where R is a fatty acid radicle, it results that the molecular weight (three times the equivalent) of the glyceride, G, plus 3 x 18 = 54 parts of water, is identical with the molecular NEUTRALISATION NUMBER OF FATTY ACIDS. 165 weight of glycerol = 92, plus three times the equivalent weight of the fatty acid formed by saponification, 3F ; whence, G = 3F + 92 - 54, and ^ - F + 12-67. o In similar fashion, in the case of a mixture of a triglyceride , and the fatty acid contained therein (e.g., tri stearin and stearic acid), the mean saponification equivalent of the mixture will exceed the equivalent of the fatty acid by a fraction of the number 12 '6 7, expressing the proportion of fatty acid contained as glyceride to the total fatty acid present. If S be the ester QJ number, and K the total acid number, this fraction is ^ ] whence, , -K. the mean saponification equivalent of the mixture, M, is given by the equation 'M = F + - x 12-67. Jv Thus, supposing the free acid number to be 5 per cent. (^V) f ' the total acid number, so that the ester number is 95 per cent. (^J) thereof, the relationship between M and F will be M = F + II x 12-67, = F + 12-04. , Similarly, if the free acid number be 10 per cent. ( T T ff ) of the total acid number, M = F + 11-40. Hence, as in the case of most oils and fats, the amount of free acid is only a few per cents, of that of the total acids, it may be taken as a general rule that the mean saponification equivalent of a natural oil or fat exceeds the mean equivalent of the fatty acids contained therein by about 12 ; and by a proportionately less amount when the quantity of free fatty acid present increases beyond a few per cents. This relationship enables comparisons to be readily instituted between the values deduced by the saponification of a fat or oil, and by titrating of the fatty acids separated therefrom, when expressed as equivalents ; whereas, such comparisons are much less readily made by means of the potash permillages directly obtained, viz., the "total acid number" of the glyceride, and " neutralisation number" of the free acids thence derived (p. 164). Since the saponification equivalent of a triglyceride exceeds the equivalent weight of the fatty acid contained therein by 166 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. 12 '6 7, it results that for fatty glycerides, where the equivalent weight of the fatty acid contained lies between 250 and 330, the percentage of fatty acid yielded by the glyceride lies between 950 33Q ' between 95 ' 2 25CTT1W ' 330 + 12-67 ' and 96 -3 ; so that, for the great majority of natural oils and fats containing only small quantities of free fatty acids, the rest being glycerides, the yield of fatty acid per 100 parts of fat is close to 95 - 75 parts. Fats containing a considerable amount of glycerides of relatively low molecular weight, such as butter fat, cokernut butter, and palm kernel oil, 170 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. phthalein as an indicator) generally prevent so sharp a valuation being obtained. With the exception of butter fat and allied animal fats, and cokernut and palmiiut oils, the amount of soluble acids present in ordinary oils and fatty matters is usually so small as to be negligible, so that the total acid number and the insoluble acid number are sensibly identical i.e., the amount of alkali neutralised during saponification is practically identical with that neutralised subsequently by the liberated fatty acids, insoluble in water. Correction for Anhydro derivatives, e.g., Stearolac- tone. Certain distilled oleines, Turkey red oils, &c., contain stearolactone, the "inner" anhydride of 7 oxystearic acid (p. 39); when this is heated with alcoholic potash, it forms potassium oxystearate, which neutralises an equivalent of alkali (C 18 H 36 O 3 = 300); but when the resulting soap is decomposed by a mineral acid, stearolactone is reproduced. If the mixed fatty acids, &c., thus formed be titrated without heating, an insoluble acid number, corresponding with only the free fatty acids, will be indicated, the stearolactone not being converted into potassium oxystearate instantaneously in the cold; so that an apparent existence of soluble fatty acids is indicated by the difference between the total acid number obtained at first, and the value obtained during the titration of the free fatty acids i.e., their apparent neutralisation number. The difficiency, however, is made up if the neutralised fatty acids, &c., be heated with excess of alcoholic potash, and then back-titrated, so as to determine the alkali neutralised by the formation of oxystearate ; from the .amount thus neutralised the stearolactone can be calculated, 1 c.c. of normal acid representing 282 milligrammes. Or the stearolactone may be dissolved out from the neutralised fatty .acids by means of ether or benzoline, and directly weighed * (p. 119). Corrections for Free Fatty Acids and for Unsaponinable Matters. If the substance examined contain free fatty acids or unsaponifiable matters the above methods require certain rtH corrections ; thus, the value E = found as above for the n saponification equivalent, does not represent the true equivalent of the glyceride or other compound ether present along with other matters, but only the mean equivalent of all the substances present (infinity in the case of non-saponifiable substances). If, as is usually the case, the unsaponifiable matters present are insoluble in water, the weight of substances obtained on saponi- fying and weighing the liberated fatty acids, is too great by the amount of unsaponifiable substances present ; and also by the * Benedikt, Monatshefte fur Chemie, 11, p. 71. CORRECTIONS. 171 weight of fatty acids originally present in the free state : these are determined as described on pp. 116, 119. Suppose that a weight of substance, W, when saponified with alkali, neutralises n^ c.c. of normal fluid ; and, as the result of a previous titration before saponifying, suppose that n. 2 c.c. represent the normal alkali equivalent to the free fatty acids present in the same weight, W, and that w 1 milligrammes is the weight of these fatty acids. Further, let the weight of unsaponifiable matter contained in W of substance be iv. 2 milligrammes. Then the saponifiable compound ethers, glycerides, &c., present weigh W iv -^ w,-) milligrammes ; and the normal alkali neutralised by them on saponification is n-^ - n. 2 ; hence the corrected saponificatioii equivalent of the saponifiable matters free from impurities is w " w ~ w and the potash permillage for these saponifiable matters free from impurities is K ' = "i-" 2 x 50,100. Sometimes it happens that during saponification products are formed that are insoluble in water and consequently swim up to the top when the resulting soaps are decomposed by a mineral acid so as to separate the fatty acids formed by saponification ; e.g., in the case of cetacean oils, waxes, &c., where alcohols of high molecular weight, and not glycerol, are set free; in such cases, in order to obtain a correct valuation of the fatty acids, the quantity of such alcohols, &c., mixed with them must be determined. * This is usually conveniently effected by evaporat- ing to dryness the alcoholic solution obtained when the weighed impure acids have been titrated (p. 164), and dissolving away the alcohols, &c., with ether or benzoliiie, so. as to separate them from the soap ; the filtered solution thus obtained is then evaporated, and the residue weighed and subtracted from the weight of crude fatty acids. The equivalent weight of the fatty acids then will be where iv is the weight in milligrammes of crude fatty acids, tv that of alcohols, etc., admixed therewith, and n the number of c.c. of normal alkali neutralised. * Owing to saponification changes occurring on keeping or during refining, it sometimes happens that considerable quantities of ,cet3 7 lic, dodecylic, &c., alcohols are contained as such in sperm oil, spermaceti, beeswax, and similar substances, in addition to those existing as compound ethers ; as much as 40 to 50 per cent, has been found in extreme cases {Allen and Thomson). 172 OILS, FATS, WAXES,; ETC. Mean Equivalent of Fatty Acids Contained in Soap. In the examination of soap it is often required to determine the mean equivalent of the fatty acids present therein as potash or soda soap; methods of calculation analogous to the above are then used. In such cases the analytical methods used (Chap, xxi.) usually give the following data : Percentage of total alkali present (reckoned say as Xa 2 0), = a ,, alkali not combined with fatty acids (so called "free alkali "), . . . . b ,, free fatty acids formed on decomposition of the soap by mineral acids (together with unsaponified fat and neutral bodies, &c.), = c ,, unsaponified fat and neutral bodies, &c., . = d Then 100 parts of material contain a b per cent, of alkali (reckoned as Na 2 O) combined as soap with fatty acids, which soap again yields, on decomposition by a stronger acid, c - d per cent, of fatty acids free from unsaponified fat and neutral bodies. The mean equivalent E of these fatty acids is then given by the proportion (31 being the equivalent of sodium oxide, Na.,0) a - 6 : 31 : : c - d : E, whence E = x 31. a - o The fatty acids yielded by cokernut oil have an average equi- valent weight of not far from 200, whilst those from tallow, palm oil, and olive oil have much higher values, near 275, still higher equivalent weights being possessed by the mixtures of acids yielded by castor oil (near 300) and oil of ben and rape oil (near 330) ; cerotic and melissic acids from beeswax have equivalent weights of 410 and 452 respectively. Hence in many cases the numerical value of the equivalent weight of the fatty acids affords a useful indication as to the nature of the oils, &c., used in manufacturing the soap examined. Calculation of Composition of a Mixture of Two Fatty Acids from their Mean Neutralisation Number. In certain cases where a substance is examined known to be a mixture of two different fatty acids, the relative amounts of the two consti- tuents can be at least approximately calculated from their mean neutralisation number. Thus in the case of a mixture of palmitic acid (molecular weight = 256) and stearic acid (284), let the neutralisation number of the mixture be n ; the mean molecular weight of the mixture will accordingly be (p. 164). Hence the following table gives the relative proportions of the two acids : REICHERT'S TEST. 173 Percentage of Mean Molecular Weight. Palmitic Acid. Stearic Acid. 256 100 258-8 90 10 2S1 -6 80 20 264-4 70 30 267-2 60 40 270-0 50 50 272-8 40 60 275-6 30 70 278-4 20 80 281-2 10 90 284-0 100 The following formula gives the same result : Let S be per- centage of stearic acid, and M the mean molecular weight ; then S = (M - 256) x x& = (M - 256) x 3-5716. In similar fashion the relative proportions of any other two fatty acids in a mixture thereof can be calculated. REICHERT'S TEST. Various natural oils and fats yield on saponification the alkali salts of mixtures of acids, some of which are readily volatile with the steam of water at ordinary pressure, and others practically non- volatile. Reichert * has based on this a useful method for the examination of butter as regards adulteration with other kinds of fatty matter (oleomargarine, &c.), these adulterants furnishing much smaller proportions of volatile acids. In prac- tice, it is not convenient to continue the distillation until all the volatile acid present has passed over, so that a particular method of manipulation is employed, in order that an approximately constant fraction of the volatile acids may be distilled off. For this purpose 2-5 grammes of the fat to be examined are heated with 25 c.c. of approximately seminormal alcoholic potash in a flask with reflux condenser, until saponification is complete ; the alcohol is evaporated off (by transferring to an evaporating dish), and the residue dissolved in water, slightly acidulated with dilute sulphuric acid, and made up to 70 c.c., of which 50 are distilled offf The distillate is filtered if solid acids insoluble in * Zeits. Anal. Chem., 18, p. 68. t To avoid bumping, pumice stone with platinum wire coiled round should be placed in the distilling vessel. 174 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. cold water have passed over, and titrated with decinormal alkali, using phenolphthalein as indicator. Working in this way about -| of the total volatile acids, soluble in water, of genuine butter are obtained in the distillate. The following table is given by A. H. Allen,* representing the collected results obtained by himself and other analysts employing this method of manipulating : C.c. of Decinormal Substance of which 2'5 grammes are used. Alkali neutralised by Percentage of KOII Distillate (filtered neutralised. when necessary). MILK FATS Cow's butter, .... 12 -5 to 15 "2 2 -SO to 3 -41 Ewe's butter, .... 13-7 3-07 Goat's butter, .... 13-G 3-05 Porpoise's butter, 11-3 2-51 ANIMAL & VEGETABLE OILS & FATS Cokerimt oil,t .... 3-5 to 37 078 to 0-83 Palmnut oil, .... 2-4 0-54 Palm oil, 0-8 0-18 Cacao butter, .... 1-6 0-36 Butterine and oleomargarine, . 0-2 to 1-6 0-04 to 0-36 Whale oil, .... 37 to 12-5 0-83 to 2 -SO Porpoise oil, .... 11 to 12 2-47 to 2-69 Sperm oil, .... 1-3 0-29 Bottlenose oil, .... 1*4 0'31 Menhaden oil, .... 1-2 0-27 Cod liver oil, .... 1-1 to 21 0-24 to 0-47 Sesame oil, .... 2-2 0-48 Cotton seed oil, 0-3 0-07 Castor oil, .... 1-4 0-31 Meissl i slightly modifies Eeichert's test by using 5 grammes of fat instead of 2 -5; the evaporated alcoholic soap is dissolved in 100 c.c. of water, and acidified with 40 c.c. of 10 per cent, sulphuric acid solution. 110 c.c. are distilled off, of which 100 is filtered through a dry filter and titrated, the decinormal alkali consumed being increased by one tenth, to allow for the 10 c.c. not used. The results are usually somewhere about double those obtained by Reichert's method of manipulation i.e., are much the same per given weight of butter, taking into account the doubled weight of fatty matter used. The following table is given by Schadler, representing the number of c.c. of decinormal alkali neutralised by the volatile * Commercial Organic Analysis, vol. ii., p. 46. t By adding more water and continuing the distillation, a large amount of solid fatty acid, mostly insoluble in water (chiefly lauric acid), can be- distilled over in the case of cokernut oil. J Dingier s Poly. Journ., 233, p. 229. REICHERT'S TEST. 175 acids distilled off when the Reichert-Meissl test is employed (5 grammes of material used) : Xame of Oil, &c. Arachis, . Almond, Cotton seed, Cokernut, . Cod liver, . Castor, Colza, crude, ,, refined, Lard, Linseed, Nut (walnut), Olive, Palm, ., kernel, Poppy, Seal oil, Sesame', Sunflower, . Tallow (ox), (sheep), Several other modifications of Reichert's mode of manipulating have been proposed by different chemists with the object of obtaining greater accuracy ; thus Wollny * employs special precautions to avoid the presence of carbon dioxide in the distillate and eliminate its disturbing effect, and prescribes that the distillation (using 5 grammes of butter fat) should always last the same time, 30 minutes. Similarly, Leffmann and Beam use a solution of caustic soda in glycerol instead of alcohol, to diminish possible formation of volatile acids by the action of the alkali on the alcohol. Methylic alcohol is used by others for the same purpose. Admitting that pure butter fat gives a Reichert-Wollny number = 27, and that the corresponding number for average margarine is 2, then a sample of butter fat mixed with margarine and giving the number R will contain x per cent, of margarine, where C.c. of Decinormal Alkali. 0-4 0'55 0-95 7-3 0-4 4-0 0-90 0-58 MO 0-95 0-92 1-5 0-5 3-4 0-6 2-6 1-2 0-5 1-0 1-2 x = 100 x = 4 (27 - The term "Reich ert number" (Reichert 'sche ZaJtl) is frequently given to the figure expressing the number of c.c. of decinormal alkali neutralised by the distillate obtained when operating in the way prescribed by Reichert, using 2*5 grammes of substance; and similarly the terms "Reichert-Meissl number" and "Reichert- Wollny number "(IteicJwrt-MewsrscfoZahl and JReichert- Wollny' sche ZaliT) to the corresponding figures obtained when Meissl's or "Wollny's modification of Reichert's process is used (employing * The Analyst, 1887, p. 203, et sea.; from the Milch Zeitung, 1887, Nos. 32-35. 176 OIL?, FATS, WAXES, ETC. o grammes of substance). The two latter numbers are each approximately double the first on account of the larger weight of material. To avoid confusion between these different values, it is convenient to translate them into terms of caustic potash (KOH = 56-1) neutralised by the volatile acid obtained from 1,000 parts of substance, to which value the term "volatile acid number" (or volatile acid potash permillage) may be conveniently applied ; this translation is effected by means of the formulae Volatile acid number = Reichert number . . x 2 '244 ,, ,, = Reichert-Meissl number x 1'122 ,, ,, = Reicherb-Wollny number x l'J22 The volatile acids thus indicated are usually considerably below the total amount actually present; according to Allen, the defi- ciency is somewhere about one-fifth in the case of butter fat, and presumably in about the same proportion in other cases. When a nearer approximation is requisite to the total volatile acid present, water must be added to the residue in the retort and distillation recommenced, and so on as long as acid vapours pass over ; or more conveniently, steam may be blown through the liquid from a separate boiling vessel. BROMINE AND IODINE ABSORPTION. Organic compounds containing a group of the character CR = CS - tend to combine with two atoms of a given halogen such as bromine or iodine, forming a group of formula - CKBr - CSBr - , or - CRI - CSI - . Accordingly, organic acids thus constituted are capable of uniting directly with halogens to an extent dependent on the number of times that such " doubly linked " carbon groups occur ; thus oleic and ricinoleic acids, which contain one such doubly linked pair of carbon atoms, unite with Br.,. Oleic Acid. Dibromostearic Acid. C 17 H 33 .CO.OH + Br 2 = C, 7 H 33 Br 2 . CO .OH Ricinoleic Acid. Dibromoxystearic Acid. P TT fOH TC p TT -R /OH Ci 7 H 32 1 CQ OH C 17 H 32 Br 2 j CQ OH Similarly, linolic acid combines with Br 4 , as it contains two * such doubly-linked pairs of carbon atoms. Linolic Acid. Tetrabromostearic Acid. C ]7 H 31 .CO.OH + Br 4 = C 17 H 31 Br 4 . CO. OH Whilst linolenic acid, containing 3 such pairs,! unites with Br Linolenic Acid. Hexabromostearic Acid. C 17 H 29 .CO.OH + Br 6 = C 17 H 29 Br 6 . CO . OH * Or possibly a trebly-linked pair of carbon atoms, forming the group CJ C -, which, by uniting with Br 4 , produces a group of formula - CBr^- CBr,-. t Or possibly one trebly-linked pair, and one doubly-linked pair. BROMINE ABSORPTION. 177 In certain cases, the bromine addition products thus formed are crystallisable, and thus afford the means of separating organic acids from one another (pp. 27, 35, 36); in any case, by determining the quantity of halogen fixed by a given acid or mixture of acids, useful information is often obtained as to the nature of the fatty acids present ; for instance, if a mixture of stearic and oleic acids took up, say, 45 per cent, of its weight of iodine, since stearic acid takes up no iodine, and oleic acid 90 per cent, of its weight, it would result that the mixture contained the two acids in approximately equal quantities. Methods for the determination of the amount of oleic acid in mixtures of this kind are of considerable practical utility; in particular, the author has found the method useful in determining the proportion of oleic acid contained in the " stearine " used for candle making. Precisely the same remarks also apply to the glycerides of the fatty acids, with the sole difference that their combination with halogens generally takes place more slowly than is the case with the fatty acids contained, or with the parent hydrocarbons of these fatty acids. As far back as 1857, attempts to utilise the reaction with bromine for the practical discrimination of fats were made by Cailletet, and subsequently by A. H. Allen, Mills, and others; but although in certain cases useful results are thus obtainable, in practice it is found that the use of iodine is preferable, more especially when applied in the modified form proposed by Hiibl (vide infra), where mercuric chloride and iodine are dissolved in alcohol, and the compound solution allowed to act on the fat. in this case, the product formed is not simply an iodine addition product ; the mercuric chloride appears to be ntore or less transformed into mercuric iodide, with formation of chloride of iodine, so that the addition product contains both chlorine and iodine; thus oleic acid, C 18 H 34 O 2 , treated with this reagent becomes mostly converted into chloriodostearic acid, C 18 H 34 C1IO 2 , and similarly in other cases. The chlorine thus added on is in practice never reckoned as such, but as its equivalent in iodine ; so that 282 parts of oleic acid, when treated with Hiibl' s reagent, are regarded as combining with 2 x 127 = 256 parts of iodine, although usually the compound produced is formed by taking up 127 parts of iodine + 35-5 parts of chlorine. Bromine Process. The bromine absorption process, as im- proved by Mills and Snodgrass,* and Mills and Akitt,f consists in dissolving bromine in carbon disulphide, or preferably carbon tetrachloride, to a solution containing 0'6 to O7 per cent, of bromine, and adding this to a solution of a weighed quantity of oil in the same solvent, until no more combination takes place. In the earlier experiments with carbon disulphide a slight excess of bromine was added, and the colour, after standing 15 minutes, * Journ. Soc. Chem. Industry, 1883, p. 435. t Ibid., 1884, p. 366. 12 178 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. Substance. Percentage of Bromine absorbed. Specific Gravity at ll-12 e . Melting Point. Remarks. Almond oil, 26-27 9168 ... Expressed from bitter almonds. . 53-74 9154 ... Expressed from sweet almonds ; yellower. Beeswax, 0-54 63-9 English, a few months old ; very yellow. > 632 Scotch, 8 years old ; pale. ... 62-9 ,, 2 ,, yellow. , , ... 63-3 " * ' > Ben oil, . 52-95 9198 ... Much solid fat. . 50-89 9161 ... No solid fat. Camauba wax, 33-50 ... 84-1 Cod liver oil, . 83-12 9269 Scotch, 7 years old ; ran- cid ; clear portion used; 1 hour's absorption. 84-03 9292 ... Norwegian, refined, 2 years old. 82-94 9257 ... Japanese, 2 years old. . 81-61 9277 Scotch, 2 years old. < 86-69 9281 ... Crude, from liver refuse ; a few months old. . 83-01 9318 ... Norwegian, 1 year old. . 82-07 9278 Scotch ,, Croton oil, 46-66 D441 ... 20 hours' absorption. Eucalyptus oil, 94-09 8691 ... ... Horse fat, 35-67 ... ... Pasty ; well mixed. Japan wax, 2-33 ... 50-5 ,, (another sample), 1-53 ... 50-8 Java nut oil, . 30-24 ... ... ... Ling liver oil, 82-44 9295 ... 2 years old ; 1 hour's absorption. Maize germ oil, 74-42 9262 4 years old. Mustard seed oil, 46-15 9152 East Indian. Myrtle wax, . 6-34 ... 44-3 ... Neat's foot oil, 38-33 9147 ... Thick. Niger seed oil, 35-11 9244 ... Olive oil, 59-34 9266 ... Thick brown ; ' ' best sulphocarbon." ?9 * * 60-61 9382 ... Thinner greener ; ' ' low quality sulphocarbon." Palm oil, 35-44 ... ... Crude old Calabar. 5 ) * 34-96 ... ... ,, Lagos. Peach kernel oil, 25'40 9175 ... ... Poppy oil, Besin. (common), Seal oil, . 56-54 112-70 57-34 9244 9241 ... Turbid; filtered. Light colour. Pale; 1 hour's absorption. J 5 59-92 9216 Dark. Sesame oil, 47-35 9250 ... ... Shark liver oil, 84-36 9293 ... A few months old ; 1 hour's absorption. Sunflower oil, . 54-32 9391 Colourless ; about 16 years old. Whale oil, 30-92 9199 ... Norwegian white whale; very thick. > 48-69 8780 ... Bottlenose whale. HUBL'S IODINE TEST. 179 compared with that of a known amount of bromine dissolved in carbon disulphide, so as to obtain a colorimetric valuation of the excess ; or the excess of bromine was estimated by adding potassium iodide and titrating with thiosulphate. In the later experiments with carbon tetrachloride, about Ol gramme of oil was dissolved in 50 c.c. of tetrachloride, an excess of bromine solution added, and after 15 minutes the excess back-titrated, either by the coloration method,* by iodide and thiosulphate, or by a standard solution of j3 naphthol in carbon tetrachloride. The table on p. 178 gives the results of a number of deter- minations thus made. Iodine Process Hiibl's Test. The iodine absorption pro- cess of Baron Hubl is thus worked, f An alcoholic solution of mercuric chloride and iodine in pure 95 per cent, alcohol is pre- pared by dissolving 50 grins, iodine in one litre of spirit, and 60 grms. corrosive sublimate in another litre, filtering the latter if necessary, and mixing the two solutions ; preferably they are kept apart and only mixed a day or two before use ; J the com- pound solution rapidly loses strength (as regards free iodine) if fusel oils are present in the alcohol, methylated spirit being wholly inadmissible; in any case the liquid should be allowed to stand at least a day before use, so that any small quantity of iodine- consuming impurities may be eliminated as far as possible ; the actual iodine strength must be determined from time to time to allow for depreciation. From -2 to *3 grm. of drying oils, '3 to '4 of non-drying oils, or -8 to 1 -0 grm. of solid fat, is dissolved in 10 c.c. of pure chloroform (i.e., containing no iodine-destroying impurity), and to the solution 30 or 40 c.c. of iodine solution added, more being added if on standing awhile the brown colour lightens materially ; enough solution must be added in all to give a large excess of free iodine when the action is complete after several hours standing. The excess of iodine is titrated by adding some aqueous potassium iodide solution (10-15 c.c. of 10 per cent, solution, along with 150 c.c. of water), and then standard sodium thiosulphate (about 24 grms. to litre, standard- ised by means of pure sublimed iodine, or by pure potassium dichromate) until the blue colour with starch paste is just decolorised, the starch being only added when nearly all the free * When the oil is yellow, as with certain fish oils, the redness due to excess of bromine is best examined by viewing through a solution of potassium chromate. t Dingler's PolytecJt. Journal, 1884, pp. 253, 281 ; in abstract, Journ* Soc. Chem. Intl., 1884, p. 641. According to Say tzetf, mercuric bromide is preferable to corrosive sub- limate, the solution being more stable. Some chemists only mix the two solutions at the moment they are wanted ; but according to the author's experience, this considerably increases the chances of error. If mercuric chloride be not added at all (e.g., if a solution of iodine in carbon tetra- chloride be used), the quantity of iodine absorbed is in some cases largely diminished as compared with that taken up with Hiibl's fluid. 180 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. iodine is destroyed. As the excess of iodine is dissolved partly in the aqueous liquor and partly in the chloroform, the whole must be well agitated. Unless a considerable excess of free iodine is present, and the whole allowed to stand for several hours, defective results are apt to be obtained with glycerides, as the assimilation of iodine with these bodies is not always rapid ; free fatty acids combine with iodine more quickly. A good rule is to use an excess of iodine approximately equal to the amount absorbed, * and to allow the whole to stand until the next day before titration of the uncombined iodine ; one or more blank experiments being simultaneously arranged to allow for possible depreciation in strength of the iodine solution during the period ; this lengthened time is more especially requisite in the case of oils absorbing large amounts of iodine. Thus the following figures illustrate this point (Thomson and Ballantyne) : Iodine Number found. Time of Absorption. -, . Seal Oil. Linseed Oil. 2 hours. 136-6 175-5 4 140-8 1797 6 145-1 184-1 8 145-8 1877 18 145-8 187-7 Similar figures have been published by various other observers in the case of glycerides absorbing large proportions of iodine, whereas, with free fatty acids and glycerides absorbing but little iodine, the reaction is ordinarily-found to be practically complete in 2 hours. When the iodine absorption of free iatty acids is to be determined," it is unnecessary to dissolve in chloroform ; the alcoholic mercury-iodine solution may be added directly to the weighed fatty acids, previously thinned a little by warming with a small quantity of pure alcohol. The following table represents the amounts of iodine theoretically taken up by 100 parts of the several acids and their respective triglycerides : Iodine Absorption. Acid. Giyceride. Hypogieid acid, ' - : . Oleic acid, CieH 3 002 100*00 Ci 8 H 34 2 9007 95-25 86-20 Erucic acid, . ; - . ,' . C22H 42 02 75*15 72-43 Ricinoleic acid, Cj8H3 4 3 85*24 81-76 Linolic acid, . - - C]8H 32 02 173-57 : Linolenic acid, C]gH 30 02 j 274'10 262-15 * In the case of oils absorbing large quantities of iodine, a still greater excess is preferable, about twice the quantity absorbed. In all cases the quantity of iodine used for the blank experiment should be approximately equal to the excess employed. IODINE TEST. 181 T3 "^ o5 s 1 1 ~s' S l c5 Oo_o^^ B . , .co ^ *5^*5 li|P o * i 1 ft hH 33 : : :SS : 2 R : : ! w is <* 3" a? 02 S^ ^ "o 2*5 *-* CO i i O O lO oocoo cs-tor^to OS CM O O O CO CM -s^tf 5 -* CO O *-f O CS C5 CS CS CO O '^ -^ t>- (M>O 'F-^CO cscscsi-- cscscocsco : To 01 : o o ; r- CM l| 2 - u o ? g co o o o ip CO O CO CM O O CM p f co i--p pop p co ~f< . 2 1 s I " gJ " S " W "" : co rcsdoicoO' ooo : CM CO-^CM-^T^kO^COCM *> go p pp p Ot^i--'-H O O O O p . o cp p p co p ip p p 1 |5S88a CM CN CN CN i p4 C4 o :cMt-t^xo cMcMco-'j* : CO rf<'^CM- : : Hedge radish, Japanese wax, Linseed, Lallemantia (Gundschit), Nut (walnut), Olive (salad), Olive kernel, Palm, ....." Palm kernel, Poppy, .... Pumpkin seed, Rape seed, .... Suet (ox tallow, beef tallow), Seal, . Sesam6, .... Sunflower, .... Sperm oil, .... Spermaceti, .... Tacamahac, . . " Tallow (sheep), . Ungnadia, .... Wool grease, The following tables represent the collected results published IODINE TEST. 183 by numerous observers,* ' during the last few years, as the amounts of iodine taken up by 100 parts of different oils and fats : VEGETABLE OILS. Name. Minimum. Maximum. Average. Fresh linseed oil, . 170 181 175 Commercial oil, . 148 181 170 Lallemantia oil, . . . 162 Hemp seed oil, . . 142 158 150 Nut oil, .... 143 152 146 Poppy seed oil, 134 142 138 Sunflower seed oil, 122 133 128 Curcas oil, .... ... 127 Pumpkin seed oil, ... 121 Maize oil, .... ... 120 Cotton seed oil, 102 Ill 108 Sesame oil, .... 103 112 108 Hedge radish oil, . ... 105 Rape seed oil, 99 105 101 Apricot kernel oil, 99 102 100 Almond oil, 96 102 98 Arachis oil, .... 87-3 103 96 Mustard oil, ... ... 96 Castor oil, . 83 85 84-5 Olive oil, . 81 84-5 82-8 Olive kernel oil, . ... ... 81-8 ANIMAL OILS. Name. Minimum. Maximum. Average. Cod liver oil, 126 153 140 Seal oil, .... 127 128 127 Japanese cod liver oil, ... ... 120 Bottlenose oil, ... ... 99-5 Porpoise oil, ... 76'8 Neat's foot oil, 70-3 Bone oil, .... 66 70 68 Porpoise oil oleine, 30-9 49-6 40-2 Bottlenose oleine, . ... 32-8 * Hiibl, Moore, Dieterich, Wilson, Erban, Herz, Spiiller, Horn, Richter, Kremel, Beringer, and Benedikt ; collated by Bsnedikt. Analyse der Fette und Wachsarten, 2nd edition, pp. 298 and 317. 184 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. SOLID FATS. Name. Minimum. Maximum. Average. Cotton seed stearine, 89-6 Goose grease, ... 71-5 Hog's lard, .... 56 63 59 Macassar oil, ... 53 Bone grease, 46-3 55-5 52 Palm butter, 50-3 53-9 51 Oleomargarine. . 47'5 55-3 50 Laurel butter, 49 Ox tallow, .... 40 44 42 Sheep's tallow, 32-7 46-2 42 Wool grease, 36 Cacao butter, 34 37-7 36 Nutmeg butter, . 31 Butter fat, . 19-5 38-0 30 Palm kernel butter, 10-3 17-5 14 Coker butter, 7-9 9-4 9 Japanese wax, ... 4-2 Slightly higher values still for some of the drying oils have been recently deduced by Holde in the course of an investigation on the sources of error in the Hiibl test,* the cause being assigned to more complete saturation with iodine through use of a larger excess of solution. Thus Linseed oil, 179 to 180 Hempseed oil, 175 Poppy seed oil, 139 to 143 Sesame" oil, 106 to 109 Cotton seed oil, 110 to 115 Common rape oil, 100 to 108 Refined rape oil, 100 to 107 The following values have also been recorded for the mixed fatty acids from various commercial oils : Morawski and Demski. Williams. Linseed oil acids, . . . Hempseed oil acids, Cotton seed oil acids, . Sesame oil acids, . . . Rape seed oil acids, Arachis oil acids, . . . Castor oil acids, . . Olive oil acids, ..... 155 -2 to 155 -9 122-2 to 125 -2 110-9 to 111-2 108-9 to 111-4 96-3 to 99-02 95-5 to 96-9 86 -6 to 88-3 86-1 178-5 115-7 105*6 93-9 90-2 Owing to the tendency towards absorption of oxygen exhibited by drying oils and the fatty acids obtained from them, there is * Journ. Soc. Chem. Ind., 1891, p. 954; from Mitth. Kcnigl. tech. Vcrsuchs, Berlin, 1891, 9, p. 81. IODINE TEST. 185 always a liability to obtain somewhat different results with free fatty acids as compared with the original oils from which they were obtained, owing to partial oxidation during isolation and drying. As a rule, absorption of oxygen seems to diminish the iodine absorption as might, a priori, be expected. Neglecting this alteration, the amounts of iodine absorbed by an oil, &c., and by the fatty acids thence obtainable, necessarily stand to one another in the inverse ratio of their respective mean equivalent weights ; for if E be the saponification equiva- lent of an oil, and F the mean equivalent weight of the fatty acids thence obtainable, quantities of oil and free acid in the respective proportion of E to F will combine with the same quantity of iodine ; so that the iodine taken up by 100 parts of oil will be ^ times that taken up by 100 parts of fatty acids ; .hi i.e., if I be the iodine number of the oil and I' that of the fatty ;icids and <=!' If the oil, &c., consist wholly of triglycerides, E = F + 12 -67 (p. 165); whence F + 12 67 ~~ Hence for fatty acids of molecular weight between 250 and 330, the iodine number of the fatty acids is between 5'1 and 3-8 per cent, greater than that of the original oil ; so that for the great majority of natural oils and fats, the iodine number of the free fatty acids exceeds that of the oil by an amount sensibly close to 4-5 per cent, of the latter value. Obviously, in some of the cases above tabulated, a notable difference must have subsisted between the samples used for the determination of the iodine number of a given oil, and of that of the fatty acids derived from the same kind of oil, since the latter values are, in some instances, less than the former ones instead of exceeding them by about 4 '5 per cent, of their value. The theoretical amount of iodine corresponding with 100 parts of pure olein is 86-2 parts. From the numbers above tabulated, it is obvious that many of the fluid vegetable oils, usually regarded as non-drying (arachis, almond, apricot kernel, &c.), contain some small amount of glycerides of the linolic or drying class, since their iodine absorptions exceed 86 -2 ; a fortiori, with oils of the intermediate class exhibiting a slight amount of 186 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. drying quality (cotton seed, sesame, sunflower, &c), a larger iodine absorption is observed, corresponding with a still more marked proportion of drying oil constituents. ACETYLATION TEST BENEDIKT AND ULZER'S TEST. When organic substances containing alcoholiform hydroxyl are heated in contact with acetic anhydride, an action takes place which may be regarded as the converse of saponincation or hydrolysis ; the hydroxylated body, X . OH, acts upon the anhydride in accordance with the equation Alcohol. Acetic Anhydride. Compound Acetic Ether. Acetic Acid. X - OH + 8$$} = X.O.C.H.O + C2 H 3 o! giving rise to a compound ether. Polyhydroxylated bodies behave in the same way, one acetyl group being taken up for each alcoholiform hydroxyl group present ; thus glycerol treated with acetic anhydride becomes transformed into triacetin in accordance with the equation Glycerol. Acetic Anhydride. Triacetin. Acetic Acid. CH 2 . OH CH, . O . C,H 3 CH . OH + 3(CoH 3 0)oO = CH. . aH 3 + 3C.,H 4 O, CH 2 . OH CH 2 . . CoH 3 On this reaction is based a method for the analytical examination of commercial glycerol (Chap, xxn.) Benedikt and Ulzer have also attempted to utilise this reaction to distinguish hydroxylated organic acids (like oxystearic and ricinoleic acids) from non- hydroxylated acids, such as stearic and palmitic acids. Their method is based on the assumption that acetic anhydride exerts no action on the hydroxyl of the CO . OH group of an organic acid, but does act, in accordance with the above equation, on any alcoholiform hydroxyl contained therein ; so that if, for example, stearic acid be treated with acetic anhydride, and the product heated wrih water so as to decompose excess of acetic anhydride, simply unchanged stearic acid results;* whereas, if oxystearic acid be similarly treated, acetyl oxystearic acid is produced, thus Oxystearic Acid. Acetic Anhydride. Acetyl Oxystearic Acid. Acetic Acid. OH C,H 3 ) n \0. CoHsO CO . OH C 2 H 3 \ U ^IT U M j co . OH The acetylated acids thus formed are stated to be moderately stable, not being appreciably hydrolysed by the action of the hot * This assumption is entirely at variance with the results obtained by Lewkowitsch ; vide infra. ACETYLATION TEST BENEDIKT AND ULZER's TEST. 187 water requisite to decompose the excess of acetic anhydride pre- sent. Accordingly, if after thus removing excess of acetic anhy- dride, the resulting acetyl acid be titrated with standard alkali, one equivalent of alkali will be directly neutralised ; whilst if it be heated with excess of alcoholic alkali so as to saponify it, reproducing oxystearic acid and acetic acid, thus Acetyl Oxystearic Acid. Water. Oxystearic Acid. Acetic Acid. + H,0 C 17 H 34 + CoH 4 two equivalents will be neutralised in all, the second by the acetic acid formed. In the case of a mixture of acids containing hydroxylated and non-hydroxylated constituents, the proportion of the latter can be estimated by determining the extra amount of potash neutralised on saponification, as compared with that neutralised directly. The term " acetyl number " (acetylzahl], is used to indicate the weight of potash (KOH = 56*1) neutral- ised by the acetic acid formed from 1,000 parts of mixed acetylated product.* The acetylation process is carried out thus : The free fatty acids formed by saponifying a given sample of oil and decom- posing the soap by a mineral acid, are boiled for two hours with an equal volume of acetic anhydride in a flask with inverted condenser attached ; the mass is then boiled for half an hour with about 20 parts of water ; the acetic acid solution formed is siphoned off, and the treatment with boiling water repeated three times, so that finally the water is free from acidity after boiling for half an hour. The acetylated product is then filtered through a dry filter paper to remove water, and a weighed quantity dissolved in pure alcohol. Standard alcoholic potash is added to neutrality, and the amount neutralised noted; more than as much again is then added, and the whole heated to boiling, whereby the acetyl derivative is saponified ; the unneutralised alkali is then back-titrated. Thus in the case of the fatty acids from a sample of castor oil the following figures were obtained :f 3-379 grammes of acetylated product neutralised 17 '2 c.c. of seminormal potash, whence the " acetyl acid number " is 142-8. After * Benedikt and Ulzer term the potash directly neutralised by 1,000 parts of mixed acetylated product, the "acetyl acid number " (acetylsaurezahl), and the total neutralised on saponification (sum of acetylzahl and acetyl- fiiiurezahl) "the acetyl saponification number" (acetylverseifunyszahl). Thus the theoretical values tor acetyl oxyoleic (ricinoleic) acid are Acetyl number, . . . 165'0 Acetyl acid number, . . . IGo'O Acetyl saponification number, . 330 '0 t Benedikt, Analyse der Fette und Wacltsarten, 2nd edition, 1892, p. 114. 188 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. addition of 32 -8 c.c. more potash and boiling, 14*3 c.c. were found to be unneutralised, whence 18 '5 c.c. represent the acetic acid formed on saponification, giving the " acetyl number" 153-6, and the "acetyl saponification number" 142-8 + 153-6 = 269-4. Since the acetyl number exceeded the acetyl acid number, it would hence result that some amount of a dihydroxylated acid was pre- sent, especially as the mixed acids of castor oil contain a small quantity of stearic (non-hydroxylated) acid to begin with (vide infra}. Operating in this way, Benedikt and Ulzer found the following values for various oils : * Oil Used. "Neutralisation Number" of Fatty Acids before Acetylation. Acetyl Acid Number. Acetyl Number. Acetyl Saponification Number. Arachis, 198-8 193-3 3-4 1967 Cotton seed, . 199-8 195-7 16-6 212-3 Croton, . 201-0 1957 8-5 204-2 Hemp seed, . 199-4 196-8 7'5 204-3 Linseed, 201-3 196-6 8-5 205-1 Almond, 201-6 196-5 5-8 2023 Poppy seed, . 200-6 194-1 13-1 207-2 Nut, . 204-8 198-0 7-6 205-0 Olive, . 197-1 197-3 4-7 202-0 Peach kernel, 202-5 196-0 6-4 202-4 Castor, . 177-4 142-8 153-4 296-2 Rape, 182-5 178-5 6-3 184-8 Sesame, . 200-4 192-0 11-5 203-5 "Soluble castor oil " 184-5 62-2 246-7 J. A. Wilson f found the following average values for castor, olive, and cotton seed oils : Acetyl Acid Number. Acetyl Number. Acetyl Saponification Number. Castor oil, Olive oil, . Cotton seed oil, 136-7 170-0 189-5 155-0 360 21-0 291-7 2060 210-5 Obviously these figures do not agree very sharply with the preceding ones. If the results of the acetyl test could be re- garded as perfectly trustworthy, these values would indicate the existence of more or less considerable amounts of hydroxy acids in all the samples examined, amounting, in the case of the cotton seed and sesame oils examined by Benedikt and Ulzer, to 6-8 per cent, of the total acids present, and to much larger amounts in the * Monat'hefte f. Chemie, 1S87, S, p. 41. \Journ. Soc. Chem. Intl., 1892, p. 495.- ACETYLATION TEST. 189 case of the olive and cotton seed oils examined by Wilson. The figures, however, do not exhibit such concordance as to be unexceptionable ; the effect of acetylating the hydroxylated con- stituents of a mixture of acids containing only a small proportion of hydroxylated acids would be to cause the neutralisation number of the acetylated fatty acids (the acetyl acid number) to be only slightly less than their neutralisation number before acetylation, whereas the observed differences are materially larger. Thus the neutralisation numbers of oleic, oxyoleic, and acetyl oxyoleic acids are respectively 198-9, 188-25, and 165-0; whence a mixture of 90 parts oleic acid and 10 parts oxyoleic acid would have the neutralisation number 197*9 ; and after acetylation would furnish a mixture of oleic and acetyl oxyoleic acids having the neutralisation number (acetyl acid number) 195'5, or only 2*4 less than the original mixture. Similarly a mixture of 9o parts oleic acid and 5 parts oxyoleic acid would have the neutralisation number 198-4 before acetylation, and 197*2 after, giving the difference 1-2. The actual differences deduced from the above figures obtained by Benedikt and Ulzer with oils other than castor oil, vary between 0*2 (olive oil) and +8-4 (sesame oil), but in most cases amount to from 5 to 6; strongly suggesting that some cause is at work abnormally diminishing the " acetyl acid number " by some units, and in consequence giving an ap- parent " acetyl number " of some units in magnitude, the result of this cause, and not of the existence of hydroxy acids in the fatty asids examined. The same conclusion also results from the figures obtained with castor oil acids, as the supposition that a consider- able percentage of dihydroxylated acids is present is manifestly untenable. Lewkowitsch has made some observations that throw light on the probable cause of these discrepancies.* His results indicate that by the action of acetic anhydride in excess the higher acids of the acetic family (such as lauric, palmitic, and stearic acids, &c.) become more or less completely converted into the corre- sponding anhydrides.f When the products freed from the excess of acetic anhydride by the action of water are neutralised by alkali, a diminution in the apparent amount of free acid is noticed proportionate to the amount of fatty anhydrides present not decomposed by the water treatment ; and when the neutral- ised substance is heated with excess of alcoholic alkali, and subsequently back-titrated, a quantity of alkali is neutralised proportionate to the fatty acid formed by the hydration of the * Proceeding* of the Chemical Society, 1890, pp. 72 and 91. t Anschiitz found [Aimalen d. Chem. Pharm. (1884) 226, p. 6] that when acetic anhydride and benzoic acid were heated together in a sealed tube at 220 benzoic anhydride was produced ; whilst the dibasic acids, succinic, camphoric, orthophthalic, and diphenic acids were largely transformed into their respective anhydrides by heating with acetic anhydride at 120 to 150. 190 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. fatty acid present; so that an apparent "acetyl number" is obtained even when no alcoholiforin hydroxyl whatever is present in the body examined. Thus he obtained the following figures with samples of capric, lauric, palmitic, oleic, stearic, and cerotic acids in a state of only approximate purity so far as chemical identity is concerned, but any rate free from any notable amount of hydroxy acids : NeutraHsutio n Number. Acetyl Fatty Acid Used. Theoretical Acetyl Acid Number. Acetyl Number. Saponification for pure Found. 1 fatty acid. Capric, 326-2 318-05 176-40 174-00 350-40 Lauric, 280-5 273-02 161-50 132-49 293-99 Palmitic, 219-1 213-4 143-53 82-60 222-13 Oleic, . 198-0 183-0 116-50 125-55 242-05 Stearic, 197-5 203-0 138-89 82-29 221-18 Cerotic, 13t>-8 1284 73-87 68-23 142-10 From these figures it obviously results that but little reliance is to be placed on the result of the acetylation test for alcoholi- form hydroxyl in fatty acids when based simply on the titra- tioii process above described. Better results, however, can be obtained by modifying the test in the way proposed by Lewkowitsch * the acetylated product is saponified with alcoholic- potash, the alcohol boiled off, and the residue distilled with dilute sulphuric acid, much as in Reichert's test (p. 173). Any acetic acid formed by hydrolysis of acetyl derivatives is thus, distilled over, and may be titrated by means of standard alkali and phenolphthalein. In this way dioxystearic acid (from oleic acid by alkaline permanganate) was found to form the anhydride O TT /Q p TT r\\ rir\ \ of diacetyloxystearic acid, p 17 TT 84 /Q ' p 2 TT 8 O 2 TO I ^' on ^ rea *~ ment with acetic anhydride ; from this acetic acid was obtained on saponificatioii and distillation in quantity but little below the theoretical amount. A revision of the fatty acids obtainable from oils and fats, &c. (as regards the amount of hydroxylated constituents present), based on the acetyl test thus applied would be desirable, but as yet does not appear to have been made. On the other hand, the acetylation test gives good results with bodies not of an acid character, containing alcoholiform hydroxyl, more especially in the case of the higher homologues of ethylic alcohol : thus in the examination of waxes and bodies generally that give rise to higher alcohols, the amount of hydroxylated substances present may be measured by conversion into com- * Journ. Soc. Chem. Ind, 1890, p. 842. METHYL IODIDE TEST ZEISEI/S TEST. 191 pound ethers by means of acetic anhydride, and determining the permillage of potash neutralised on saponifying the product. Thus pure cetylic alcohol, C 16 H 33 . OH, furnishes an acetyl deri- vative, cetyt acetate, C 16 H 33 . O . C 2 H 3 O, of molecular weight 284 i.e., 284 milligrammes of cetyl acetate will furnish 60 milligrammes, of acetic acid on saponification, neutralising Ic.c. of normal potash solution containing 56'1 milligrammes of potash (KOH); whence the "acetyl number" of cetyl acetate is ^ . x 1000 = 197'5. If a given sample of cetyl alcohol (known to be admixed with foreign matter not capable of forming acetyl derivatives) furnish an acetyl derivative of which the acetyl number is found to be 98, obviously about one half of the substance is cetylic alcohol. A more exact value is obtained by determining the quantity of foreign matter present, subtracting that from the weight of acetylated product, and reckoning the acetyl number on the difference as 1000, in a way similar to that adopted in the parallel case of the determination of the Koettstorfer number of a saponi- fiable body after correction for unsaponifiable matters present (p. 171). In the case of impure glycerol the acetylation test is employed in a similar way ; 92 parts of pure glycerol would furnish 3 x 60 = 180 parts of acetic acid on saponification of the triacetiii formed therefrom, capable of neutralising 3 x 56 '1 =-- 168 -3 parts of potash. If a given sample of impure glycerol were found to neutralise n parts of potash per 92 of substance, the percentage M of glycerol present would be TgcTTo x 100. Or otherwise, 92 milli- grammes of pure glycerol would furnish acid neutralising 3 c.c. of normal alkali solution ; hence if a weight w milligrammes of impure glycerol furnish acid neutralising x c.c. the percentage I x 92 of glycerol would be x 100 . x 3066-7. IV W Iii the examination of the unsaponifiable matters left 011 treat- ing oils and fats, &c., with alkalies (p. 121), the substance may conveniently be converted into acetyl derivative by treatment with acetic anhydride, boiled with water to decompose excess of anhydride, crystallised from alcohol, and examined as to the acetyl number obtained on saponification of the product ; choles- terol acetate (0 06 H 43 . O . C.,H 3 O) and its isomerides thus give the number 135 -5. METHYL IODIDE TEST ZEISEL'S TEST. Compound ethers of methylic alcohol and its next higher homologues do not appear to have been hitherto recognised as 192 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. important constituents of natural fixed oils and fats, although the corresponding compounds of the higher homologues of methylic alcohol, such as cetylic alcohol, are well marked con- stituents of certain cetacean oils, waxes, &c. Many essential oils, however, contain constituents of analogous character e.g., oil of wintergreen, largely consisting of metliyl salicylate, ( OTT C 6 H 4 -j Q Q jT . Another class of essential oils containing the methoxyl group (O . OH 3 ) also exists, where the hydrogen displaced by methyl is alcoholiform in character, and not con- tained in the organic acid group CO . OH ; thus, anetkol or anise oil camphor is the methylic ether of a phenoloid derived from allyl-benzene, C 3 H 5 . C ( .H 4 . 0. CH.,. When substances containing a methoxyl group are heated in contact with hydriodic acid, a reaction is brought about whereby the methyl group is elimi- nated in the form of methyl iodide, thus Methoxyl Compound. Hydriodic Acid. Methyl Iodide. Hydroxyl Compound. X . . CH 3 + HI CH 3 I + X . OH A test for the presence of methoxyl in certain bodies (e.g., codeine) based on this action was employed by the author as far back as 1871,* the methyl iodide vapours evolved being passed through a red hot combustion tube containing lead chromate, so as to burn the methyl iodide, the resulting carbon dioxide being absorbed by potash bulbs in the usual way. Zeisel t has modified the process by determining the iodine contained in the methyl iodide produced instead of the carbon ; for this purpose the vapours of methyl iodide evolved are carried off by a stream of carbon dioxide and received in bulb tubes containing alcoholic silver nitrate, intercepting vessels, &c., being employed to pre- vent vapours of hydriodic acid or iodine from passing over also. On standing, diluting with water, and adding nitric acid, silver iodide is precipitated, the weight of which is a measure of the amount of methyl iodide formed, and consequently of the pro- portion of methoxyl-containing substances present. Fig. 33 represents the arrangement employed by Benedikt and Griissner ; a few decigrammes of substance are heated with 10 c.c. of hydriodic acid solution of sp. gr. 1'70 in the flask A, warmed by means of a glycerol bath ; a current of carbon dioxide is led through the flask, the issuing vapours passing through a 3-bulb condenser, bulb I. being empty to condense steam, &c. ; bulb II. contains water to absorb hydriodic acid ; and III., red phosphorus and water to retain any traces of free iodine * Proceedings of the Royal Society, xx., p. 8 (1871). t Journ. Soc. Chem. Ind., 1886, p. 335; from Monatsh. f. Chemie, vi., p. 989. See also Journ. Soc. Chem. Jnd., 1889, pp. 735 and 923 (Benedikt and Griissner). ZEISEL S TEST. 193 evolved by decomposition of hydriodic acid by heat. After passing through the bulbs the carbon dioxide, mixed with methyl iodide vapour, is led into the flask B containing 5 c.c. of a 40 per cent, solution of silver nitrate and 50 c.c. of 95 per cent, alcohol; the safety flask D contains 1 c.c. of the same silver solution with 10 c.c. of alcohol, but is usually unnecessary, all methyl iodide being retained in the first flask B. Substances containing ethoxyl (O . C 2 H 5 ) and homologues are similarly affected ; as the molecular weight of the alkyl iodide formed increases, slight differences in manipulation become necessary, principally consisting in the employment of a higher temperature to enable the alkyl iodide vapours to pass over \ for which reason the method is only applicable to the lower members of the series and not to compound ethers of the higher alcohols, such as cetylic alcohol. Water Water Fig. 33. The term " methyl number " is conveniently employed to indicate the weight of methyl (OH 3 =15) equivalent to the silver iodide thus formed from 1000 parts by weight of sub- stance: if a weight w milligrammes of substance give n milli- 13 194 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. grammes of silver iodide (equivalent to n x - - milligrammes liOO of CH 3 ) the methyl number, M, is obviously given by the equation AT n 15,000 M == - x rt -_ w 235 = - x 63-83 M; Thus, 296'3 milligrammes of oil of cloves gave 373-7 milli- *>'""> " grammes of silver iodide, whence M = ]r ' x 63-83 = 80-5. *2i\J\)'d The theoretical methyl number for pure eugenof, C 10 H r ,O , or C.jH 5 . C 6 H 3 <^ Q pjT- is 91 '5 ; whence the sample examined con- tained Q - = 87'9 percent, of eugenol. Similarly, a sample of y A "o anise oil gave the methyl number 82'8 ; since pure anethol, 3 H 5 . 6 H 4 . . CH 3 , corresponds with the methyl number 101-4, 82-8 the sample contained 77-7 = 81*6 per cent, of anethol. The results of the various quantitative tests above described may be conveniently tabulated as follows : L VALUES RECKONED PER 1,000 PARTS OF OIL, FAT, OR WAX, &c., EXAMINED, OR DEDUCED FROM FIGURES THUS CALCULATED. Total acid number = Saponification number Koettstorfer number = Total acid potash permillage ( Verseifungszahl). The weight of potash (KOH = 56-1) requisite to saponify completely 1,000 parts by weight of substance, including that neutralised by any free acids present. Saponification Equivalent. The number of milligrammes of substance capable of furnishing on saponificatioii fatty acids sufficient to neutralise 1 c.c. of normal alkaline solution (con- taining or equivalent to 56'1 milligrammes of potash, KOH) ; any free fatty acids present being also included. When the total acid number is K, the sponification equivalent, E, is given by the equation 50,100 Free acid number = Free acid potash permillage (Saiirezahl). The weight of potash (KOH = 56-1) requisite to neutralise the RESULTS OF QUANTITATIVE TESTS. 195 free acids present in 1,000 parts by weight of substance. If K be the total acid number, and A the free acid number, then j^ -^ x 100 represents the proportion of free acids present per 100 of total acids, assuming the mean equivalent to be the same in each case. Ester number = Compound ether potash permillage (jEtlierzahl ; EsterzaliT). The difference between the total acid number and the free acid number, or value of K - A ; expressing the weight of potash (KOH = 56'1) requisite to neutralise the acids formed by the saponification of the compound ethers, glycerides, &c., present in 1,000 parts of substance. The yield of glycerol, theoretically obtainable from an oil or fat consisting of triglycerides (with more or less free fatty acids), is 0'05466 x S per cent., where S is the ester number = K - A. Insoluble acid number = insoluble acid potash permillage. The weight of potash (KOH = 56*1) required to neutralise the fatty acids, insoluble in boiling water, obtained from 1,000 parts of substance. This figure must not be confounded with the " Hehner number " (Nekner'sche Zahl) expressing the percentage (not per- millage) of insoluble acids yielded by the substance. Soluble acid number = soluble acid potash permillage. The weight of potash (KOH = 56 -1) required to neutralise the fatty acids, soluble in boiling water, obtained from 1,000 parts of substance. Obviously the total acid number, K, = the sum of the insoluble acid number and the soluble acid number. In practice, the soluble acid number is usually best determined by subtracting the insoluble acid number from the total acid number (p. 168) i.e., the soluble acid number is K N, where N is the insoluble acid number. Volatile acid number volatile acid potash permillage. The weight of potash (KOH = 56'1) requisite to neutralise the vola- tile fatty acids obtained from 1,000 parts of substance. The Reichert number (Reiclierf sche Zahl} being the number of c.c. of decinormal alkali required to neutralise the volatile acids obtained from 2*5 grammes of substance by employing the particular mode of operating described by Reichert (p. 173), if n be the Reichert number, the corresponding " volatile acid potash permillage" will be n x ^ - = n x 2-244. This value is neces- lJ'0 sarily somewhat below the true " volatile acid number" obtain- able by continuing the distillation until the whole of the volatile acids have passed over. If Meissl's modification .of the Reichert test be employed (p. 174), 5 grammes of substance being taken instead of 2*5, if 196 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. m be the Reichert-Meissl number (Reichert-MeissVsche Zahl), the corresponding volatile acid potash permillage will be m x 1-122 ; as before this value will be below that corresponding with the total amount of volatile acids present. If K be the " total acid number," and V the " volatile acid y number," then - x 100 represents the percentage of volatile iv acids (expressed in terms of some given acid) reckoned per 100 of total acids present free and combined as glycerides, &c., (similarly expressed) i.e., the percentage of acids that are vola- tile, reckoned on the sum of the volatile and nonvolatile acids, and assuming these to have the same equivalent weight. Methyl N^lmber. The weight of methyl (CH 3 =15) equivalent to the silver iodide formed from the alkyl iodide vapours evolved on heating 1,000 parts by weight of substance with hydriodic acid. II. VALUES RECKONED PER 100 PARTS OF OIL, FAT, OR WAX, &c., EXAMINED. Iodine number = iodine percentage = Hiibl number (lodzald}. The maximum weight of iodine capable of combining with 100 parts of substance ; or the weight of iodine equivalent to the sum of the chlorine and iodine (or bromine and iodine) requisite to saturate 100 parts of substance. Hehner number = Ifehner'sche Zald. The weight of fatty acids insoluble in boiling water yielded by 100 parts of substance. III. VALUES RECKONED PER 1,000 PARTS OF THE FREE FATTY ACIDS FORMED ON SAPONIFI- CATION, OR DEDUCED FROM FIGURES THUS CALCULATED. Fatty acid neutralisation number = potash permillage requisite for neutralisation of mixed free fatty acids, reckoned per 1,000 parts of fatty acids ( Verseifungszahl der Fettsailren). The weight of potash (KOH = 56'1) required to neutralise 1,000 parts of the mixed fatty acids obtained by saponification of a, fat or oil, &c., and separation of fatty acids from the resulting soap. Mean Equivalent of the Fatty Acids. The number of milli- grammes of mixed fatty acids requisite to neutralise 1 c.c. of normal alkaline solution (containing or equivalent to 56-1 milli- grammes of potash, KOH). If N be the neutralisation number, the mean equivalent F is given by the equation _ 56,100 N ' RESULTS OF QUANTITATIVE TESTS. 197 In the case of an oil, &c., consisting wholly of triglycerides (i.e., where the free acid number is so small as to be negligible), the saponificatioii equivalent of the oil, E, and the mean equi- valent of the fatty acids obtainable therefrom, F, are related thus E = F + 12-67. If, however, the oil contain free acids in measurable quantity the relationship is E = F + 1 x 12 ' 67 ' where S is the ester number and K the total acid number of the oil. The fatty acid neutralisation number, N, and the total acid number of the original oil, K, are related thus -* IV. VALUES RECKONED PER 100 PARTS OF FREE FATTY ACIDS FORMED ON SAPONIFICATION. Iodine Number of Free Fatty Acids (lodzahl der Fettsaureri). The maximum weight of iodine (or iodine equivalent to the sum of chlorine and iodine or bromine and iodine) capable of combining with 100 parts of free fatty acids. If I be the iodine number of the original oil, &c., and I' that of the fatty acids thence obtained, then In the case of an oil, &c., consisting substantially of tri- glycerides, so that E = F + 12-67, and where the mean equi- valent of the free fatty acids lies between 250 and 330, the F value of lies between 1*0507 and 1-0384 i.e.. the iodine .b number of the fatty acids exceeds that of the original oil by close to 4*5 per cent, of the latter value. V. VALUES RECKONED PER 1,000 PARTS OF PRODUCT OF ACETYLATION OF FREE FATTY ACIDS. Acetyl Number = Acetyl potash permillage (Acetylzahl}. The weight of potash (KOH = 56 -1) neutralised by the acetic acid formed on saponification of 1,000 parts of the productof the action of acetic anhydride on the 108 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. The acetyl number as thus defined includes both the titratioii value obtained by Benedikt and Ulzer, conveniently referred to as the titration acetyl number ; and the result of applying the distillation process so as to separate acetic acid, as proposed by Lewkowitsch, conveniently distinguished as the distillation acetyl number. Like the volatile acid number, this latter value is always apt to be more or less erroneous in defect on account of the difficulty of distilling off and titrating every trace of acetic acid. On the other hand, in the case of free fatty acids very little dependence can be placed on the former number, although for alcoholiform substances this objection does not apply. EARLIER FORMS OF PRESS. 199 4. Processes Used for Extracting, Rendering, Refining, and Bleaching Oils, Fats, &c. CHAPTER IX. EXTRACTION OF OILS FROM SEEDS, &e., BY PRESSURE OR SOLVENTS. EARLIER FORMS OF PRESS. THE use of olives and various kinds of seeds and nuts as sources of oil has been known from at least the commencement of the historic period, the earliest appliances for the expression of the fluid consisting of " mills " somewhat after the fashion of the primeval corn grinding hand mills, where a rounded stone was made to revolve in a basin shaped stone vessel by means of projecting handles, worked usually by two women seated on the ground on opposite sides of the mill ; * the pulp thus produced was then placed in sacking and pressed by means of planks weighted with stones, very much as grape juice was expressed in the earliest forms of wine press ; or a powerful lever was applied, somewhat after the style of an enormous lemon squeezer. Yarious forms of lever press have been in use at different times, some of more complex order than the simple lemon squeezer type of machine, a bent lever working a cam pressing upon the upper board so as to force it downwards ; or the pressure board being arranged vertically, and the sacking being compressed between it and a stout vertical standard, such as the stump of a tree. Double action presses of this kind, working alternately, have also been constructed. A further improvement in oil pressing appli- ances was the introduction of wedges between the pressure boards, actuated by levers and cams or by percussion ; in the latter case, the press consisted of a stout framework of beams, inside of which the pressure boards and seed bags were arranged, so that by hammering in wedges between adjacent pairs of boards, or between the boards and the framework, the seed bags were gradually compressed and finally subjected to considerable * " There shall be two women grinding together ; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left." Luke xvii. 35. 200 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. pressure. Even at the present day lever presses and wedge presses of a more or less rude manufacture, but of considerable practical efficiency, are still in use to a considerable extent amongst those nations and in those districts to which improved machinery and engineering appliances have not yet penetrated e.g.] in China and some parts of Japan* whilst improved modifi- cations of the older lever press, constructed with elbow levers actuated by steam or water power, are employed with advantage for various oil and grease expression purposes (p. 202). Screw presses have also been extensively used, and are still largely employed in the smaller factories ; but of late years they have been mostly superseded by hydraulic presses in the larger and more modern seed oil mills. In similar fashion various forms of appliances have been successively introduced and used for the crushing of oleiferous material, and otherwise treating it previously to expression, so as to render the flow of oil more easy and complete ; thus pairs of crushing rollers working on parallel axes so as to squeeze the olives, seeds, &c., introduced between them, and " edge runners " (Fig. 48) arranged like a mortarmill, are more recent developments which have, for the most part, superseded the older form of " stamps " where mechanically worked pestles pounded the seed, &c., to be crushed in large basins or mortars. Even at the present . day a considerable amount of oil of various kinds is manufactured (on the small scale) by a process probably of greater antiquity still than any mechanical expres- sion method. In most tropical and subtropical countries oleifer- ous seeds and nuts of various kinds abound ; in order to extract the oil these are simply pounded or crushed and then boiled with water, the oil rising to the top and being skimmed off. Experi- ence has generally guided the natives to the use of a previous roasting of the nuts or beans, the effect of the heat being to coagulate and solidify mucilaginous and albuminous matter, rendering the after separation of the oil by means of water much more easy and complete. Castor oil, for example, is thus largely extracted for local use in India ; palm oil and palmnut oil, until comparatively recently, were almost wholly prepared by this method, all the oil shipped from Africa having been extracted by a water-boiling process applied to the pulp and roasted kernels ; of late years, however, it has been more usual to separate the kernels from the pulp and export them untreated, the oil being subsequently extracted by the ordinary expression or solvent processes. In the rural olive producing districts a considerable amount of oil is prepared by a sort of combination of the two methods, * For a description of a peculiar form of wedge press used in Formosa for the extraction of olive oil, see Report by Consul Warren on the trade of Taiwan, Journal Soc. Chem. Industry, 1S91, p. 556. HOT WATER PROCESSES. 201 the appliances being somewhat rude and primeval in the smaller oil factories, but more modern in the larger ones. The crushed pulp is washed by agitation with water, the oil as it separates from the husks and rises to the top running off along with water to separation tanks ; the residual wet oil-containing husks are strained and boiled down to a kind of porridge or soft pulpy dough, and the oil mixed with water then separated by pressure in some sort of rough screwpress. In some cases the resulting marc is ground up again by heavy edgerunners of granite, &c. (worked by water or cattle power), boiled up afresh with water, and subjected to further pressing.* A somewhat analogous process is sometimes used in the extraction of the fat or " butter " of the tallow tree (Stillingia, sebifera), and other vegetable semisolid oils or fats ; the crushed seeds, nuts, etc., are placed in wicker or bamboo baskets, weighted with stones under boiling water, so that the melted fat gradually separates and rises to the top ; the remaining oil is then- extracted by pressure applied to the still hot material. This method is more particularly suited to those nuts, ttc., where the kernel is surrounded with a highly oleaginous pericarp, which is. thus melted away by a process closely akin to that whereby animal fats are " rendered " by means of steam or boiling water (vide Chap, x.) Processes closely analogous in general character are in use in various countries for the extraction of oil from fish of various kinds (e.g., sardines), and from fish and shark livers, whilst the mode of preparation of most kinds of wax is very similar ; thus in the case of Chinese wax (Peh-Ia), the insect producing the wax is a species of coccus (possibly several different species), the young brood of which sticks to, and punctures the bark and twigs of the trees (Fraxinus chinensis, Liyustrum lucidum, &c.,) selected as domicile. A waxy material is secreted f covering the bark, in which the insects ultimately imbed them- selves, forming chrysalides. To obtain the wax, the branches are scraped, some of the cocoons being reserved for breeding, the rearing of the insects being a special industry like silk growing ; the scrapings are heated with boiling water so as to melt off the waxy matter, which is separated by skimming from the dirt, dead insects, &c. The different kinds of vegetable wax (myrtle wax, Japanese wax, carnauba wax, , 'cS ^^.c'^'g ^^." Qj'S'^"^ 2 SJ3 .-^ U.a > 1 1 all Ill-jl" 51 PROPORTION OP FATTY MATTER CONTAINED IN SEEDS, ETC. 243 Europe. i- S O J o ca'C . |i 3 -^1 I .3Jj3 "" OJ -^ QHSa. o M - M Upqpn^^ P W'Tr^.S o^d W 244 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. ' O O >O O O O W 8gg! O II . .6 H 43 . O . C 18 H 35 O = 638), their amount may be calcu- lated. A preferable method, however, is to separate the soaps thus formed as before by means of ether, &c., dissolving out the alcohols formed by saponification (or pre-existing in the grease) and hydrocarbons, 6 1324 19-16 10000 100-00 Lewkowitsch found a considerably larger percentage of hydro- carbons in a sample of distilled grease examined by him, viz. : Free fatty acids (molecular weight = 286), . . 54-91 per cent. Combined fatty acids (molecular weight = 327'5),. 7 "02 ,, ,Unsaponifiable matters, . . . . .38*80 ,, 100-73 The combined fatty acids would represent about 11-28 per cent, of compound ethers ("neutral fat"), leaving 34-54 per cent, of hydrocarbons. The " stearine " obtained from distilled grease by pressure is a hard pale yellow greasy solid ; that from the " first distilled grease" is darker than that from " second distilled grease," but vhas usually a slightly higher melting point. Apparently the fatty acids present have a higher molecular weight than stearic ENGINE WASTE GREASE, FULLERS GREASE. 279 acid, inasmuch as the free acid found on analysis, when cal- culated as stearic acid and added to the other constituents, gives a total considerably under 100 ( Hurst). * Thus Stearin e. From First Distilled Grease. From Second Distilled Grease. Sp. Gr. at 15 -5, .... 98, .... 0-9044 0-9193 0-836 Water, Free acid calculated as stearic acid, Unsaponifiable oil, Neutral oil, 1-48 76-3 0-4 7-7 0-6 88-6 0-49 2-11 85-88 91-80 Melting point, .... Solidifying point, 57 (134F.) 53-5 (128F.) 48 (118 P.) 45(113F.) The oleine simultaneously obtained is pale when fresh, but gradually darkens, probably owing to the presence of iron derived from the press or the tanks, in which it is stored. It is generally known in the district of production as " wool oil," because it is chiefly used for oiling woollen yarns, c.; lubricating greases and soap are sometimes prepared from it ; but for the latter purpose it is not at all well suited on account of the large proportion of unsaponifiable matters. It varies much in com- position, even when from the same maker, on account of the varying composition of the Yorkshire grease originally employed, the neutral oil amounting to between and 28 per cent., and the unsaponifiable oil to between 10 and 38, whilst the free acid (calculated as oleic acid) constitutes 53 to 65 per cent. The Hashing point usually lies between 322 F. and 342 F. (Hurst). Engine Waste Grease and Fuller's Grease. The grease recovered from greasy engine waste (p. 236) is closely akin to that obtained from soap suds ; but owing to the large use of hydrocarbons as ingredients in lubricating oils at the present day, it is usually much less valuable, the yield of solid "stearine" being but small, and the "oleine" containing large quantities of unsaponifiable hydrocarbons. When the spindles, &c., are lubricated with tolerably pure vegetable oils or with sperm oil, &c., a much better form of grease results ; but this is comparatively rare. Grease recovered from silk soap suds and soap baths from cotton dyeing works, &c., mostly consists of free fatty acids with "" The presence of stearolactone (p. 170) might possibly explain thfe apparent deficiency in free acids. 280 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. but little unsaponifiable matter, and is often clean enough to be used directly for soapmaking. Its commercial valuation for such purposes is generally effected by determining the percentage of water present (p. 122), and of matters insoluble in alcohol (un- saponifiable matters), subtracting the sum from 100, and reckoning the difference as available fatty acids. When too dirty for use in even the coarsest soap, such grease is either directly utilised for lubricating materials of the roughest kind, or is distilled by means of superheated steam, and the distillate pressed for stearine and oleine. CLASSIFICATION OF OILS, ETC. 281 5. Classification and Uses of Fixed Oils, Fats, Waxes, &c.; Adulterations. CHAPTER XIII. CLASSIFICATION. In accordance with their ordinary physical texture, sources (whether animal or vegetable), and essential chemical nature, the fixed oils, fats, butters, and waxes, tmt.ricanus, or manatee. Baloznus mysticetus or B. grcenlandicus, the "right whale." B. glacialis, or polar whale. B. bb'ops, or humpbacked whale. B. antarctica, or cape whale. B. australis, or southern black whale. Balcenoptera gibbar, or finner whale. Globiocephalus intermedias, or pilot whale. G. macro- rhyncus, or killer. Beluga catodon, or white whale. * Huxley classes the existing cetacea (exclusive of extinct genera) as Balcenoidea and Delphinoidea, the latter group including Platinistidce, Delphinidce (dolphins, porpoises, grampus, and narwhal) and P/t.yseteridce ; these last being further subdivided into Physeterina> (cachelots or sperm whales) and Ilhyncoceti (bottlenose whales). 294 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. Name of Oil. Sources. Liver Oils- Cod oils, . Malabar oils, . Ray and Shark oils, Fish Oils- Herring oils, . (sardine, sprat, pilchard, anchovy, louar, &c. ) Menhaden oil, Oolachan oil, . Tunny oil, Gadus morrhua(Asellus major). G. cellarius. O. molva (Molva vulgaris). G. (Kglefinus. G. carbonarius (Meriangus carbonarius). G. merlangus (Merlangus vulgaris). G. pollachius (Merlangus pollachius). Merluccius communis. Rhyncobatus pectinata. R. Icevis. Galio- cerda tigrina. Carcharias melanopterus. Raja clavata. R. batis. Trigon pastinaca. Squalus carckarias, or common shark. S. maxima, or basking shark. S. glacialis, or Greenland shark. S. zygcena (Zygcena malleus), or hammerfish. S. acanthius, or picked dogfish. S. spinax niger, or kulp. Clupcea pontica (Astrakan herring). O. sardinus, or sardine ; C. neohouri, C. lemuru, and C. palasah, or Indian and Malayan louar. C. sprattus, or sprat. C. pilchardus, or pilchard. Engraulis encrasicholus, or anchovy. Alosa menhaden (Brevoordia menhaden). Thaleichthys paciferus osmerus. Thynnus vulgaris. Schadler gives the following table of colour reactions of seal, whale, liver, and fish oils with strong nitric acid (sp. gr. 1*45); sulphuric acid (sp. gr. 1/6 1 '7) ; and the two mixed in equal pro- portions (compare p. 153). Nitric Acid. Sulphuric Acid. Mixed Acids. SEAL OIL Red brown, WHALE OIL Brownish, becoming full brown, and finally black brown. LIVER OILS Blood red, becoming brownish red to brown. FISH OILS Brown, . Reddish yellow, becoming reddish brown, and ul- timately brownish red, somewhat like blood. Brown, becoming black brown. Violet to black violet. At first greenish, then brown, and finally quite black. Reddish, becoming brown. Yellow, becoming reddish, and finally dirty brown. Yellow red, becoming bright red, finally reddish brown with violet streak. Yellow, then greenish, afterwards brown. VEGETABLE BUTTERS, ETC. 295 CLASS VIII. VEGETABLE BUTTERS, FATS AND WAXES, &c. When the proportion of glycerides of relatively high melting point to olein is large, the physical texture of a substance that would be an oil in the tropics becomes more like that of butter at 15-20; concurrently with the change in comparative fluidity the iodine absorption is largely reduced as compared with oils of Classes I. and VI., on account of the diminished proportion of olein present. In the case of certain vegetable glyceridic waxes (e.g., Japanese wax), the olein is reduced to insignificant proportions or to nil, with the result of increasing the relative solidity and considerably raising the melting point. Some of the substances of this class contain a notable proportion of glycerides of acids of the acetic family of sufficiently low molecular weight to be readily volatile with steam at ordinary pressure (e.g., coker- nut and laurel butters and palm kernel fat) ; others are practically destitute of such ingredients. When subjected to regulated pressure (p. 283) liquid oleines are squeezed out, and solid stearines left, the former closely resembling oils of Classes I. and VI. when sufficiently freed from the latter. The best known substances of this class are the following : Name of Butter, &c. Bassia fat; HUpe* butter, Mahwa butter, Phulwara fat (Fulwa fat), Shea but- ter (Galam butter), &c. Cacao butter, . Chinese tallow, Cokernut butter (copra butter or copra fat). Cotton seed stearine, Dika fat, .... Japanese wax, . Malabar tallow (Piney- tallow). Myrtle wax, Myristica butters ( Xutrneg butter, Virola tallow, Otaba wax, Deuba or ocuba wax, &c. ) Palm butter (palm oil). Palmmit butter (palm kernel oil). Sources. Bassia lalifolia (Roxb. ) B. longifolia(L\aja.. ) B. butyracea. B. Parkii (Butyrosperma Parkii Kotschy). Theobroma cacao (Linn. ) T. bicolor (Humb. ) T. aufjustifolium (Sesse). T. leiocarpium and T. pentagonum (Bern. ) T. microcar- pium (Mart.) Stillingia sebifera (Croton sebiferum,Lmn.) Cocos nucifera; C. butyracea, Cotton seed oil by chilling and pressing. Irvingia barteri (Hock.) Mangifera gabo- nensis (Aubry Le Comte). Rhus succedanea (Linn.); E. acuminata (De C.); 2t. vernidfera (De C.); R.juglan- difolia (Don). It. sylvestris (Siebold). Vateria indica (Linn.) ; V- malabarica (Blum.); JSlaeocarpus copaliferus (Retz.) Myrica cerifera, and several other species of myrtle. Myristica officinalis (Linn.); M. moscliata (Thumb.); M. sebifera (Virola sebifera)', M. otoba (Humb. and B.); M. ocuba (M. ucuba, M. bicuhyba); M. malabarica. Elais fjuineensis (Jacq.) ; E. melanococca (Gaert.); Alfonsia oleifera (Humb.) 296 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. Similar solid or semisolid vegetable fats are also furnished by the following trees and plants : Nephelium lappaceum (Linn.) ; indigenous to Sunda Island, Malacca, and some parts of China. The seeds furnish " Ram- butan tallow," melting at about 65, the solid stearine of which is chiefly the glyceride of arachic acid; a little olein is also present (Oudemanns). Carapa guyanensis (C. guineensis) and C. indica (or C. moluc- censis) ; found in Brazil, Guiana, Cruinea, Sierra Leone, India, Ceylon, &c. The seeds of these two species furnish " Carapa fat " (otherwise designated " Andiroba fat," "Coundi oil," " Crabwood oil," " Touloucoona oil," &c.), possessing a composition akin to that of palm oil i.e., consisting chiefly of the glycerides of palmitic and oleic acid. It usually possesses a sickly persistent odour almost impossible to get rid of. The coloured natives use it largely as an unguent and insectifuge for the head, its pro- perties in this respect being apparently due to an admixed bitter principle termed carapin. Mafureira oleifera (Bert.) or Trichelia emetica (Vahl.) This tree grows in Mozambique, and about Zambesi and the White Nile ; by crushing the seeds and boiling with water a fat known as " Mafura tallow " is obtained, much resembling cacao butter, melting at 42, and chiefly consisting of palmitin and olein. Calophyllum inophyllum (Linn.), indigenous to India and the Malay Archipelago, and C. calaba, found in the Antilles, yield respectively "Poona fat" (" poon seed oil ") or "Tacamahac fat") and " Calabar oil." The former is also known by various other names (vide p. 291). Laurus nobilis, found largely in Southern Europe and Asia, yields "laurel butter" ("bayberry fat"), largely consisting of the glyceride of lauric acid, along with a little myristin and other homologues, and some olein. A similar product is obtained from L. persea (Linn.) or Persea gratissima (Gaert.), the Alligator pear tree of Brazil and the West Indies ; known as " Alligator pear oil," " Persea fat," and "Avocado oil." In addition to these, a large number of more or less hard vegetable fats and tallows are obtainable from other sources, concerning the chemical constitution of which little or nothing is known thus " Malayan tallow " and " Borneo tallow " are solid fats obtained from the nuts of various species of Hopea in Java, Sumatra, and Borneo. An analogous product, "Sierra Leone butter," is obtained in Sierra Leone from Pentadesma butyracea. " Goa butter" ("Kokum butter" or " Mangosteen oil ") is a similar fat obtained in the East Indies from the seeds of Garcinia indica (Mangosteena indica). The allied species G. pictoria or gamboge tree furnishes "gamboge butter." The seeds of Pongamia glabra, another East Indian shrub, furnish " Korinje (Karanja) butter," " Poondi oil " or " Ponga oil," some- LESSER KNOWN VEGETABLE FATS. 297 what more readily fusible than most of the vegetable fats and tallows. " Macaja butter " is derived from the edible fruit of Cocos aculeata (Acromia sclerocarpa, Mart.; Bactris minor, Gaert.), indigenous to Brazil, Guiana, and the W T est Indies. In Java a fat much resembling coker butter, " tangkallak fat," is derived from the Cylicodaphne sebifera. Semisolid fats are obtained from the Canarium commune of the Moluccas and Malabar (" Canary oil," "Java almond oil ") and the butternut tree of the Brazils (Rhizobolus butyrosa; the allied species, R. amygdalifera (Caryocar brasiliensis) and Caryocar tomentosum, respectively furnish " Caryocar oil " and " Sawarri (or Souari) nut butter." The soap tree of Bengal, Southern India, and the West Indies (Sapindus emarginatus, Roxb.; S. trifoliatus, Linn.; S.laurifolia, Vahl.), furnishes a fruit rich in saponin, and also yielding a semi- solid fat. " Maccassar oil " is a semisolid fat obtained from the seeds of Sckleicliera trijuga ;* and "Piquia oil" ("Pekea fat") is a similar product from Pekea butyrosa and P. ternatea, found in Guiana and the Antilles. Melia azedarach (Linn.), the "pater- noster tree " of Syria, Northern India, and the Deccan, l>3 1 11 g 3j_ o ~ 1 tn d treatment \vith 1 kilos, of crude fa, [ pressing these j ~1i II SiS i-H 1 03 ^j 'o ?J d VH g i _,_,_ *p S5 43 1 1! f S-i ^_ j^ c w *^** ^"^ 43 ^ Sri '2. 43 o^r 1 rzi 5i 10-3 P ^ -M "rf ""* rt .^ ff aj ^ =: 43 02 o M "^^ >0 W b S g o Ii II" ^ a 'S | 1 ^ s "S <+s 43 ^2 " DO *c3 jS | J 1 l - ( Arachis oil. 18. Japan fish oil. 8 to 10. j Sesam5 oil. ^ ] 9. Mineral oils. .( Poppy seed oil. 20. Rosin oil. Olive Oil. The natural variations in the quality of genuine oil of olives are much less marked than might a priori be expected, considering the wide range of country over which the olive is grown for the purpose of oil production, and the number of varieties that have been induced by centuries of cultivation in different climates and on different soils of the different species of Olea. Thus 0. europcea (var. sylvestris) was alluded to by Dioscorides as a thorny tree growing wild ('EXa/a aypta] ; but losing its thorns by cultivation (like the sloe bush, the parent of the garden plums), giving the variety 0. europoea (var. sativa) or 'EA/a r^Mtpa; which again has been the parent of numerous distinct kinds of olive trees producing fruit of very different sizes; thus the socalled "French" olive of the present day is much smaller than the "Spanish" olive. Apart, however, from these subspecies of 0. europcea grown in Greece, Phoenicia, * E.g., Allen's Commercial Organic Analysis; Benedikt's Analyse der Fette und Wachsarten ; the Analyst, passim, &c. OLIVE OIL. 343 Palestine, and the south of Europe since the commencement of the historic period, and thence introduced and acclimatised into such parts of America, Australia, and elsewhere as possess suit- able soils and climates, other oil-bearing species are utilised in other countries e.g., 0. ferruginea (0. cuspidata) in Afghanistan and other Himalaya regions, and 0. capensis at the Cape of Good Hope. Even with the best known southern European varieties, notable differences in the quality of the oil extracted are found to exist according to circumstances, more especially according as the fruit has thoroughly ripened on the trees, or has been plucked before quite ripe and stored; and according as the oil has been extracted by gentle pressure in the cold, or by hot pressure, especially when accompanied by grinding processes whereby the stones are also broken up and expressed : indeed the differences in quality due to these causes appear to be quite as strongly marked as those due to soil, climate, and degree of cultivation. The finest qualities of all are obtained by handpicking olives from the trees, selecting those not over ripe, but ripe enough to allow oil to exude slightly on gentle pressure between the finger and thumb, and pressing very gently by hand in cloths : the " virgin oil " thus produced is subsequently agitated with water, and allowed to stand so as to remove mucilaginous matter, the purified oil being skimmed off. A slightly inferior, but still fine, grade of oil is obtained by crushing ripe olives (preferably with edge- stones, but without breaking up the olive kernels), and then pressing cold with comparatively little pressure. The residual marc (known in Italy as Sanza or Nocciulo) is broken up, stirred with boiling water, and then pressed again with somewhat stronger pressure ; the second marc (Buccia) is then ground again with heavier millstones so as to crush the olive stones (if this were not done at the first. crushing), and is then again stirred up with boiling water and subjected to the heaviest pressure attainable with the appliances used : in small mills these are usually rough screw presses (p. 200, et seq.), but in larger ones hydraulic presses are employed (p. 207, et seq.) Finally, the residual oil (several per cents.) is extracted from the marc by means of carbon disulphide or other solvents (p. 231). The details of the processes used for extracting olive oil vary widely in different districts and countries ; thus in some establish- ments the stones are separated from the pericarp and the two treated separately ; a superior oil is thus obtained from the pulp, whilst " olive kernel oil " is extracted from the stones by grinding them to a coarse meal and then pressing or treating with carbon disulphide, tfec. Excepting in being darker coloured and more unpleasantly smelling, the oil thus obtained is said not to differ materially from the lower grade oils obtained from the fruit pulp ; it often contains a large percentage of free fatty acids 344 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. rendering it more readily soluble in alcohol than ordinary olive oil, thus resembling the " huiles tournantes " derived from the pulp (infra). In this kind of fashion several qualities of olive oil are ulti- mately obtained, more especially "virgin" and "salad" oils of finest flavour, generally greenish through presence of chlorophyll, and of specific gravity near to '916 at 15 ; "huiles d'enfer," * or somewhat lower grades of inferior flavour (sometimes with more or less marked acrid aftertaste and disagreeable odour) ; "pyrene" and " sulphocarbon " oils (the former obtained by hot pressing and the latter extracted by carbon disulphide or other solvent) generally unfit for edible purposes, brownish yellow, and of specific gravity -920 to -925 at 15; and "huiles tournantes" obtained from more or less fermented stored fruit, and in consequence considerably rancid, and containing large amounts (25 to 30 per cent.) of free fatty acids. The denser varieties deposit solid matters (mostly palmitin) on chilling somewhat sooner than the lighter ones. The total acid number of various grades of olive oil has been found by different authorities to lie between 185 and 206, corresponding with the saponification equivalent 272 to 303 ; the better grades, however, generally furnish a total acid number near to 191 (saponification equivalent 294), and an iodine number near to 83. f Any considerable addition of rape oil would raise the saponification equivalent materially, whilst admixture with poppy seed oil, and to a lesser extent with sesame, cotton seed, and rape oils, distinctly increases the iodine number. Maumene's test (p. 147) indicates a smaller degree of heat evolution on mixing with sulphuric acid in the case of olive oil than with most other oils ; so that by making comparative experiments with pure olive oil and the substance examined side by side, indications of want of purity are obtainable ; lard oil, however, gives about the same heat evolution as olive oil. Sophistication with arachis oil is moderately easily detected thus,]: although many other tests fail to show its presence. * Socalled because the oil (mixed with water to separate mucilage by standing) is stored in large underground tanks or reservoirs so as to avoid exposure to air as much as possible. t Olive oil usually consists of one-fourth glycerides of solid saturated acids (palmitic, &c. ), and three-fourths liquid glycerides, mostly oleiii. This composition would correspond with an iodine absorption of about 67 ; the somewhat higher values usually found consequently suggest the presence of a small quantity of linolic acid. In confirmation of this, Hazura and \GriIssner have obtained small quantities of sativic acid (p. 128) from the products of oxidation of the fatty acids of olive oil. + Renard's test for groundnut oil is said by A. H. Allen to be sufficiently delicate to indicate clearly an admixture of 10 per cent, of that substance with olive oil, although failing with only 4 per cent. The small quantity of arachin naturally contained in olive oil does not materially interfere. The oil to be examined is saponified and the fatty acids separated and ADULTERATION OF OLIVE OIL. 345 Admixture with heavier oils, such as cotton seed oil, tends to raise the specific gravity; whilst, conversely, addition of rape oil tends to lower it ; thus Souchere gives the following table in- dicating the effect of such admixtures on the relative density at 15 of pure olive oil : Specific Gravity Percentage Added. Oil. at 15 s of Pure Oil. 10 20 so 40 50 Olive, . . 9153 Colza, . . 9142 91519 91508 91497 91486 91475 Sesame, 9225 91602 91674 91741 91818 91890 Cotton seed, 923 91607 91684 'J1761 91838 91915 Arachis, . 917 91547 91564 91581 91598 91615 The elaidin test (p. 137) serves to distinguish adulteration with many oils giving soft elaidins ; a distinct softening of the product as compared with that obtained with pure oil treated side by side is noticeable when only a few per cents, of poppy seed or linseed oil are present, and with somewhat larger proportions of cotton seed, rape seed, or sesame oils ; moreover, the elaidin formed with pure olive oil is nearly colourless or pale yellow, whereas much darker tints are generally produced with adulterated oils ; based on which property are numerous modifi- cations of the nitric acid test proposed by various observers for the purpose of examining olive oil. Examination of the cohesion figure (p. 48), formed when oil is placed on water, has been recommended by Tomlinson as a- useful test of the purity of olive oil. A drop of oil is allowed to fall gently on the surface of pure water contained in a chemically clean basin of sufficiently large size, at a temperature not below 15C.; with pure olive oil the drop slowly spreads out into the- shape of a large disc with slightly recurved edges ; little spaces shortly appear round the edge, the film commencing to retract again, so that the edge resembles a string of beads. The spaces between the beads soon open out more, and the edge becomes toothed ; portions become detached, reuniting themselves in some dissolved in five parts of rectified spirit, and precipitated with alcoholic lead acetate ; or the oil is directly saponified with litharge by boiling with that substance and water. The resulting lead soaps are agitated several times with ether to dissolve out lead oleate (hypogaeate, &c. ).; the residual lead stearate, palmitate, and arachate are decomposed by hot dilute hydro- chloric acid, and the fatty acid cake formed on cooling and standing, dis- solved in five parts of hot rectified spirit per one of original oil. On cooling, crystals of arachic acid arc deposited if earthnut oil were originally pre- sent ; from the weight of these, corrected for solubility in the mother liquors, an approximate notion of the proportion of earthnut oil present can be deduced, on the assumption that 100 parts of this oil correspond with five of arachic acid. 346 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. places to the main oil film enclosing polygonal spaces bounded by fine beads, and covered by a dew of oil so fine as to be visible only with difficulty. About 35 seconds are requisite for the entire succession of changes. With sesame oil the film first formed soon begins to contract again, ultimately forming a figure consisting of a central spot with distinctly marked rays, between which other smaller rayed spots appear, the whole resembling a spider's web loaded with dew ; about 60 seconds are required to complete these changes. Mixtures of olive and sesame oils give figures of intermediate character, the features of the one or the other figure predominating according as the first or the second oil forms the majority of the mixture ; and analogous differences in the olive oil figure are produced by admixture with other oils. Baudouin's test for the presence of sesame oil is to shake up 10 c.c. of the sample for some minutes with 5 c.c. of hydro- chloric acid, specific gravity 1'17, in which 0*1 gramme of sugar has been dissolved. On separation of the oil from the watery liquid, the latter is found to be tinted rose colour, more or less marked according to the proportion of sesame oil present. As little as 1 per cent, may be thus detected if the agitation be prolonged for at least ten minutes (A. H. .Allen). Or a lump of sugar on which fuming hydrochloric acid has been dropped may be shaken up with the oil. On the other hand, according to Villavecchia and Fabris,* olive oil of undoubted purity from various localities in Italy gives the same red coloration to the aqueous layer as other oil to which some 5 per cent, of sesame 011 has been added ; but if the agitation be only kept up for one minute, in the case of such pure olive oils, the watery layer immediately separates and remains colourless for at least two minutes ; whilst the milky oily layer remains greenish or yellowish. If only a minute quantity of sesame oil be present, however, this oily layer turns red; the coloration of the oil, rather than of the watery fluid, is the distinctive part of the test (vide also p. 153). Becchi's test (p. 306) for cotton seed oil gives useful indica- tions of the presence of that adulterant, provided that the refining of the cotton seed oil has not been carried so far as to bring about the entire withdrawal of the constituent that acts on the silver nitrate. In many cases evidence of adulteration is obtainable by saponi- fying the oil, separating the fatty acids, and determining their fusing and solidifying points (p. 69) side by side with the corre- sponding acids obtained from genuine oil, or mixtures of knoivn composition, as the precise numbers obtained vary according to the particular mode of manipulation adopted. Values varying from 22 to 29 C. for the fusing point, and from 21 to 25 as * Journ. Soc. Chem. Ind. t 1893, p. 67. ADULTERATION OF OLIVE OIL. 347 the solidifying point, have been recorded by different observers. Dieterich gives the following comparative values in different cases, using the same process throughout : Melting Point. Solidification Point. Olive oil (average of 19 samples), . 26 to 28 -5 23 -5 to 24 -6 3 parts olive oil to 1 of arachis oil, cotton seed oil, 29 30 26 27'3 sunflower seed oil, 25 20-5 sesame" oil, 28 25 linseed oil, . 24 '5 19-5 ' colza oil, . 23 19 The figures thus deduced, however, are rarely sufficiently deci- sive of themselves to warrant any accurate deduction being drawn as to the nature and extent of the adulteration. Much the same remark applies to tests' based on the amount of solubility in various menstrua e.g., mixtures of alcohol, water, and glacial acetic acid (Valenta's test, p. 55), although in certain cases this method gives useful corroborative indications, especially when carried out side by side with genuine oil and mixtures of known characters. Admixtures of hydrocarbons may be detected by completely saponifying the oil with alcoholic soda or potash, evaporating off most of the spirit and adding water, shaking up with ether, separating the ethereal liquid and evaporating off' the solvent ; with pure oil only infinitesimal amounts of unsaponified matter (phytosterol, &c.) will be left, whereas hydrocarbon oils, if present, will be obtained in much larger quantity after evapora- tion of the ether. This test may be made a quantitative one by using a weighed amount of oil and evaporating a known fraction of the ethereal solution in a weighed vessel (vide p. 119). Occasionally metallic compounds are found in solution in olive oil or substances purporting to be such ; thus copper (added to communicate a chlorophyll-like green shade) is occasionally present. Lead compounds are said to be occasionally added for the purpose of communicating a sweeter taste to the oil. Metallic impurities of this kind may be detected as described on p. 122. Several special instruments have been invented for the purpose of examining olive oil, in order to detect adulterations, based on different physical properties e.g., the thermal araeometer (p. 82); the oleorefractometer (p. 51); and the diagometer (p. 53). The polariscope may also be utilised, olive oil being slightly dextro- gyrate, and most other oils Isevogyrate. Very similar processes suffice (mutatis mutandis) for the examination of other oils of the olive class e.g., almond oil, oil. of ben (or behen), and groundnut (arachis) oil and to some extent of oils of the semidrying class, such as cotton seed oil and 348 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. sesame oil. With the cheaper oils of this kind, hydrocarbons and deodorised fish oils are the most likely kinds of adulterants ; the former are detected and determined as described on p. 119; the latter largely increase the heat evolution with sulphuric acid, and in some instances give special colour reactions with that acid and other reagents. Rape Seed, and Colza Oils. Several species of Brassica exist, and several varieties of the rape plant have been developed by successive cultivations ; the oils from these are generally termed indiscriminately "rape" or "colza" oils in Britain. On the Continent, however, the different kinds are still frequently distinguished by separate names. Thus Schadler divides these oils into three classes, viz. : Colza oil (Colzaol or Kohlsaatol) from the original plaiih, " kohlsaat " (Brassica campesfris). L'ape seed oil (Rapsol or Rapsamenol) from a developed variety, "raps" (Brassica campevtris var. nap us, or Brassica no pus oleifera. Riibsen oil (Rubol or Riibsenol) from a different variety, " rubsen " (Brassica campestris var. rapa, or Brassica rapa oleifera. Each class is further subdivided according as the plant is an annual or a biennial, the former yielding " summer oils," and the latter " winter oils." Thus Winter rape seed oil from winter raps (Brassica napus oleifera biennis). Summer ,, ,, summer raps ,, ,, annua). Winter rubsen oil from winter riibsen (B. rapa oleijera biennis}. Summer ,, ,, summer riibsen ,, ,, annua). Brassica nigra and Brassica alba are now more usually desig- nated Sinapis nigra and Sinapis alba respectively (black and white mustard), being plants different in many respects from the cole or kohl, the seeds of which (kohlsaat) furnish the term " colza " by corruption. Similarly, the allied Brassica juncea is now generally known as Sinapis juncea, and Brassica cJiinensis (Chinese cabbage) as Sinapis chinensis. Cole or rape seed is largely cultivated in various parts of Europe, especially France, Belgium, Germany, and Hungary ; also in Roumania, Russia, India, and China. Much is shipped from the Black Sea and Baltic ports, the expression being usually carried out in large mills after the fashion described in Chap, ix., the seeds being crushed between rollers, steamed to coagulate mucilage and increase fluidity, and subjected by hydraulic pressure before cooling. The yield is usually from 30 to 45 per cent, according to the variety employed. Schadler gives the following averages : Summer rubsen and summer raps, . . .30 to 35 per cent. Winter ,, winter ,, . . . 35 to 40 ,, Winter colza, . . . . . . . 35 to 45 ,, LINSEED OIL. 349 Much mucilage accompanies the crude oil ; this is generally eliminated by the sulphuric acid refining process (p. 259), in some cases supplemented by an alkaline treatment to get rid of free acid, injurious for lubricant purposes. Rape seed oil usually exhibits a total acid number of 175 to 179, corresponding with the saponification equivalent, 320 to 325, the iodine number being 98 -5 to 105.* The fatty acids isolated on saponification melt at 18 to 22, whilst the specific gravity of the oil at 15 ordinarily lies between -911 and -9175. Accord- ingly, the usual result of adulteration with other fixed oils is a rise in specific gravity, and a fall in saponification equivalent. Linseed and other drying oils raise the iodine number ; fish and drying oils increase the heat evolution on mixture with sulphuric acid. Thus Thomson and Ballantyne found the "specific tempera- ture reaction" (water = 100) for rape oil to be between 125 and 144, whereas that for linseed oil was 270 to 349, cod liver oil giving 243 to 273, and menhaden oil 306 (p. 149). Pure rape seed oil is practically immiscible with glacial acetic acid at the ordinary temperature, and has a lower efflux velocity (higher viscosity), than most oils likely to be used as adulterants. Hydrocarbon oils are detected in the usual way (p. 119). Linseed Oil. The oil expressed from the seeds of the flax plant (Linum usitatissimum) is generally known as linseed oil ; usually it is extracted on the large scale in crushing mills by the process described in Chap. ix. ; but small quantities are prepared for home consumption in different parts of the world, more especially Russia, on a much smaller scale. The seeds as found in commerce are rarely all of one kind, more or less considerable admixtures of the seeds of other plants being often present, the result of which occasionally is to seriously impair the quality of the oil ; this sometimes arises from intentional admixture, more especially in the case of hemp seed, which is stated to be inva- riably added to the extent of 5 per cent, and upwards to all linseed shipped from the Black Sea ports ; but quite as frequently it is accidental, on account of other plants being grown along with flax e.g., mustard and rape ; this is more especially the case with the red variety of Indian seed. The presence of mustard seed in any considerable quantity is liable to render the oilcake acrid and unsuitable as a cattle food. Linseed is chiefly imported from the Baltic ports, Russia (Black Sea), and India ; but it is also grown in considerable quantity in various parts of Europe, especially Poland, in Egypt, and the Brazils. Seed grown in hotter climates is reputed to yield oil comparatively defective in drying power and of lighter colour than that produced in colder regions ; possibly, however, * Hence, some considerable amount of linolin or other drying glyceride must be present, since the iodine number of erucin is 72 "4, and that of rapin (isomeride of ricinolein) 81 ? 350 OILS, FATS, WAXKS, ETC. this is chiefly due to admixture of other seed oils and not to actual differences in the oil contained in the flax seed. When subjected to pressure, some 20 to 22 per cent, of superior " cold drawn " oil can be extracted ; in Poland, Russia, and other countries this is used as an article of food, being not unpleasantly tasting. Later runnings prepared by hot pressure are darker in colour and have a disagreeable acrid flavour, rendering them only suitable for technical purposes. If the seeds are expressed com- paratively "green," much more watery mucilage accompanies the oil ; after keeping some months they dry somewhat and a better yield of oil with a lessened admixture of vegetable extractive matter results. Schadler describes the average yield as being Cold pressed oil, . . . . 20 to 21 per cent. Hot pressed oil, . . . 27 to 28 ,, Obtained by solvents, . . , 32 to 33 ,, The proportion of oil obtained, however, varies somewhat wdth the source of the seed ; thus Italian linseed yields somewhat more than Russian, and white Indian some 2 per cent, more than red Indian. Again, the yield varies according as the seed has been allowed to ripen fully, or as the plant has been harvested earlier for the flax crop, in which case a smaller yield of oil is usually obtained. In practice, pure linseed oil is never met with commercially, and can only be obtained by carefully handpicking the seed before expression. When freshly expressed, after refining by sulphuric acid (p. 259), it has a specific gravity at 15 of 932 to '937, averaging close to '935 (Allen) : if any considerable admixture of rape or other lighter oil is present, the specific gravity falls to -930 and lower. If, on the other hand, the oil is old and has absorbed oxygen, the specific gravity is more or less considerably raised. Linseed oil contains some 10 or 15 per cent, of glycerides of solid fatty acids (palmitin, myristin, &c.) The remaining liquid glycerides consist of those of oleic, linolic, linolenic, and isolino- lenic acids, in the relative proportions 5, 15, 15, and 65 per cent, of the sum of the four (Hazura and Griissner). The total acid number is variously stated by different observers at 189 to 195-2, corresponding with a saponification equivalent of 287 to 297, representing a mean molecular weight of fatty acids of 274 to 285. By directly titrating the acids prepared as carefully as possible to avoid oxidation, molecular weights varying between 282 and 295 have been observed in many cases ; but perceptibly higher values up to 307 have been noticed in some instances, leading to the belief that a higher homologue of linolic acid, C 00 H. 1(3 O , was present (p. 34). The iodine number of linseed oil has been very variously stated by different observers. Dieterich found different samples to give ADULTERATION OF LINSEED OIL. 351 values between 161 '9 and 180-9 ; Benedikt found 170 to 181 ; Holde 179 to 180 ; Thomson and Ballantyne 175-5 to 187*7 accord- ing to the time allowed (vide p. 180). Lower values down to 149 have been recorded by other observers ; but in view of the results of later researches on the difficulty of completely saturating glycerides with iodine unless a considerable time is allowed and a large excess of iodine employed, it would seem very doubtful whether these lower values are correct : probably 180 to 185 is nearer the true ultimate value for pure linseed oil.* The fatty acids separable from linseed oil have been found by various observers to melt at temperatures lying between 17 and 24, solidifying at 13 to 17-5 ; as linseed oil occurs in commerce, a small proportion of these acids is usually present in the free state, free acid numbers being obtained varying from 0*7 to 8-0, corresponding with amounts of free acid from 0-4 to upwards of 4 per cent, of the total acids present. Linseed oil is especially characterised by the high heat evolu- tion brought about by admixture with sulphuric acid (Maumene's. test, p. 147) ; in the absence of fish oils, any considerable admix- ture of rape or other oil giving less heat evolution can be readily detected in this way. Livache's test (p. 133) also affords an indication as to whether semidrying oils or drying oils of inferior quality have been admixed, inasmuch as the increment of weight after a few days, when no further increase is noticeable, is from 14 to 15 per cent, in the case of fresh genuine linseed oil, but considerably less if any large admixture of other oils be present. A simpler test based on the shorter time required by genuine lin- seed oil to dry thoroughly, as compared with adulterated samples and other drying oils, is the "film test" described on p. 133 ; the character of the dried film formed is also taken into account, whether resinoid and brittle when cold, or hard and varnish-like but tough, or inclined to be readily broken up and crumbly; such a practical test, although not quantitative in character, is * Assuming linseed oil to contain only SO per cent, of unsaturated glycerides in the relative proportions given by Ha/ura and Griissner (siipra), the calculated iodine number would be 1S2 05. Proportional Amount Iodine Number of Present. Glyceride. Olein, 0-8 x -05 x 86 -20 = 3 "45 Linolin, 0'8 x -15 x 173'57 20'S3 Linolenin, O'S x -15 x 262*15 - 31 "46 Isolinolenin, 0'8 x "63 x 262*15 = 136 "31 192-05 whence it would seem probable that the proportions of linolenin and iso- linolenin deduced by Hazura and Griissner are a little overstated, at least so far as these values are applicable to average qualities of oil. 352 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. often of great value.* Moreover, an old sample of oil that has already taken up some amount of oxygen, although by no means deteriorated for many ordinary applications thereby, would be indicated as of inferior quality by Livache's test if alone relied on ; but would not be shown to be deficient in drying power by the " film test." Such an oil, however, would possess a lower iodine number than fresh oil, even if otherwise genuine, inasmuch as the oxygen taken up appears to be largely added on to the unsaturated carbon groups just as iodine is. Fish oils (cod, menhaden, &c.) possess high thermal values by Maumene's test, and high iodine numbers, so that adulteration therewith is not indicated by either reaction. Boiling with caustic soda develops a peculiar reddish colour when these oils are present ; chlorine gas blown through the oil causes a great darkening in tint not observed with pure linseed oil. The sulphuric acid test (p. 151) gives simply a dark brown clot with genuine linseed oil, but a reddish brown spot if fish oils are present. Hydrocarbons are not unfrequently added as adulterants ; of these, mineral oils lower the specific gravity, and rosin oils raise it, so that a suitable mixture of the two has little or no effect. The test described on p. 119 enables this admixture to be readily detected and the quantity determined ; if any considerable amount is present the film test indicates the fact, as the film remains a long time sticky with only small quantities, and never properly hardens and dries w T ith larger proportions.! Rosin (colophony) is another adulterant often added along with other substances ; to detect and determine this admixture the oil is dissolved in a little pure alcohol, and the free fatty acids and resin acids titrated by standard alkali; water is added to the neutral mass, and the glyceridic oils separated by gravi- tation or petroleum spirit (p. 118) ; the aqueous fluid is acidu- lated, the mixed fatty and resinous acids separated and weighed, and the resin determined therein, as in the case of rosin soaps (yellow soaps, Chap, xxi.) Hemp seed oil is a frequent constituent of linseed oil, owing to the admixture of hemp seed with linseed before reaching the crushing mills ; to detect such an admixture the oil is stirred with concentrated hydrochloric acid, when a more or less marked * The h'lm test is often modified by mixing the oil to be tested with three times its weight of white lead, so as to form a paint which is then applied by a brush to a clean surface ; a precisely similar trial is made side by side with a standard sample of oil, and the rates of drying compared. If nondrying oils be present, even in only small quantity, the rate of drying is markedly slackened. t Eosin oils, being strongly dextrogyrate, can be detected by the polari- scope (p. 50), pure linseed oil being faintly laevorotatory. Sesame oil is also dextrorotatory; the sugar test (p. 346) serves to detect it if present. SPERM OIL. 353 green coloration is developed if hemp seed oil be present, pure linseed oil giving a yellow colour. Sperm Oil. Two varieties of sperm oil proper are obtained from the Cachelot whale (Pliyseter macroceplialus) ; one from the blubber by the ordinary processes of rendering, the other from the "head matter" or contents of the cranial cavities. This latter usually contains a larger* proportion of solid constituents, so that on standing it soon becomes more or less pasty or semi- solid from the separation of spermaceti. This solid constituent also deposits from the blubber oil on standing and chilling, but to a somewhat lesser extent. Sperm oil thus freed from spermaceti is pale yellow and nearly odourless when prepared at comparatively low temperatures from fresh blubber, c. ; although, like all other fish and blubber oils, possessed of a marked unpleasant smell and darker colour when extracted by greater heat from partly decomposed blubber. Its specific gravity at 15 usually lies between -875 and -884 : it has but little tendency to become rancid, or to " gum " and thicken by exposure to air, whilst its viscosity is but little affected by change of temperature, so that it forms a valuable lubricating oil. Its total acid number lies between 123 and 147, averaging near 132, corresponding with the saponification equivalent 426 ;* its iodine number is near 84. The fatty acids obtained on saponi- fication melt at near 13, and possess an iodine number near 88, and the average molecular weight 281-294 (Allen oleic acid = 282, physetoleic acid = 254). Their specific gravity at 15 is near -899 ; nitrous acid solidifies them readily. On saponification sperm oil yields 60-63 per cent, of insoluble fatty acids, separated from the monohydric alcohol simultaneously formed which constitutes 39-41-5 per cent, (theoretical values for cetyl physetoleate, cetylic alcohol = 50 - 6 per cent., physetoleic acid 53-1 per cent. ; for dodecatyl physetoleate, dodecatylic alcohol, 44-1 per cent., physetoleic acid, 60'2 per cent.) Sperm oil is often adulterated with cheaper vegetable and animal oils, the presence of which is usually detected by the lowering of the percentage of alcoholiform constituents produced on saponification, and by the circumstance that the viscosity of genuine sperm oil is affected less by temperature variations than that of most other oils, so that if other oils be present the differ- ences between the efflux viscosity rates (p. 94) at different temperatures (e.g., 15C., 50C., and 100C.) will be considerably increased. Further, such admixture tends to lower the saponi- fication equivalent. Hydrocarbon oils increase the saponification equivalent and the amount of ether residue obtained by the process described on p. 119 ; but this residue, consisting largely of fluid hydrocarbons, is readily distinguishable from the alcoholiform residue obtained with pure sperm oil, more particularly by the * Cetyl physetoleate = 478. Dodecatyl physetoleate = 422. 23 354 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. acetyl test (p. 186). Vegetable and animal glyceridic oils lead to the presence of more or less considerable amounts of glycerol in the products of saponification ; genuine sperm oil gives but little. Fish and sharkliver oils give special colorations with sulphuric acid on account of the biliary constituents present. Tallow. The terms " tallow " and " suet," especially the former, are often used indiscriminately to denote both the solid adipose tissues of various quadrupeds (more particularly the ox and sheep), and the fatty matters thence rendered by suitable treatment so as to separate them from the nitrogenous cellular tissue ; preferably, however, the term " suet " should only be ap- plied to the untreated animal fatty tissues, whilst the word "tallow" should only imply the fatty matters thence extracted and freed from cell walls, &c. In this sense " tallow " includes the rendered fats obtained from the ox, sheep, goat, stag, and other quadrupeds, excluding the horse and hog, the fats from which are generally known as " horsegrease " (maresgrease) and "lard" respectively. According to the breed, age, and sex of the cattle or sheep from which the tallow is obtained, the hardness of the substance varies ; the mode of feeding and climate also produce variations ; whilst, as in the case of hog's lard, the consistency of the product differs considerably with the part of the carcase furnishing the fatty tissue. These variations, however, so far as is known, do not affect the general character of the fat as regards its consti- tution; whether harder or softer it essentially consists of the glycerides of oleic, stearic, and palmitic acids, the former being present in the larger proportion the softer the fat. In general, veal tallow (from calves) is softer than that similarly obtained from oxen ; whilst cow tallow and bull tallow are harder still : these are all generally included in the term " beef tallow." " Mutton tallow " from sheep (ewes and rams) is usually harder than beef tallow, but not invariably : " goat's tallow " (often included in mutton tallow) much resembles that substance. In the trade a variety of grades exist, in many cases known by special names either denoting the country from which the material is shipped ("River Plate tallow," " Australian tallow," " Eussian tallow," &c.) or given for some other reason e.g., P. Y. C. tallow = Petersburg yellow candle (or prime yellow candle), a particular quality irrespective of source ; " Prime Butchers' Association tallow," or " North American," mostly shipped from New York ; " Western," imported from New Orleans: "tripe tallow" and "town tallow," grades usually softer and somewhat inferior because of admixture with waste dripping, kitchen grease, and other similar materials. In many cases large admixtures of other foreign substances are added e.g., cotton seed stearine ;* woolgrease and Yorkshire grease, and * According to R. Williams cotton seed oil is often used as an adulterant in the case of softer tallows (vide Journ. Soc. Chem. Ind., 1888, p. 186). TALLOW. 355 the stearines thence obtained by distillation and pressure ; bone grease ; together with solid non-fatty matters such as China clay, whiting, starch, &c., the presence of which is easily recognised by applying a solvent and filtering (p. 123). The specific gravity at 15 of tallow lies between 0-925 and 0-940, values between 0-925 and 0-929 being obtained with beef tallow, and somewhat higher ones, between 0-937 and 0-940, with mutton tallow (Hager). Dieterich found slightly higher values up to 0-952. The melting point and solidifying point vary considerably, 41 to 51 being recorded by different observers for the former, and a few degrees lower for the latter. The fatty acids obtained on saponification also vary similarly with the hardness i.e., the proportion of olein, the melting point being usually near 47 with tallow of good quality. The solidifying point as determined by Dalican's process (p. 74), sometimes termed the " titre " of the tallow, affords the best criterion of quality, so far as such physical tests go: 44 represents a mixture of equal quantities of stearic and oleic acids, lower values being- obtained when oleic acid preponderates, and higher ones when stearic acid is in excess. On the Continent, it is often stipulated that the solidification point shall not fall below 44 when the tallow is intended for candlemaking ; whereby not only are the softer genuine (or comparatively so) tallows excluded, but also those largely adulterated with such substances as cotton seed oil, cotton seed stearine, Yorkshire grease, stearine from dis- tilled grease, c., as the presence of these materials tends to lower the melting point of the mixed fatty acids obtained. Woolgrease and Yorkshire grease products are especially ob- jectionable in this connection, because they contain more or less considerable quantities of cholesterol hydrocarbons and other unsaponifiable substances, which not only directly diminish the amount of stearic acid present, but also further diminish the quantity of solid fatty acids obtainable by pressing, as they interfere with the proper "seeding" or crystallisation of the press cake (vide p. 367). The determination of these unsaponi- fiable matters in tallow adulterated therewith, is carried out as described on p. 119. Fresh tallow contains very little free fatty acid ; but tallow that has become more or less rancid often contains considerable amounts, up to 12 per cent, (calculated as oleic acid); 25 per cent, was found by Deering in a sample six years old. When tallow is not particularly rancid, and yet contains a considerable amount of free acid, it is very probable that it has been adulterated with distilled " stearine " (largely consisting of free fatty acids). The total acid number usually lies between 193 and 198, representing the saponification equivalent 283 to 293, averaging near 288, and corresponding with a mean molecular weight of fatty acids of near 276 (palmitic acid = 256, oleic 356 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. acid = 282, stearic acid 284). The iodine number has been found by different observers to lie between 35 and 45, with an average of about 40 ; since pure olein has the iodine number 86 "2, this indicates an average amount of olein. of somewhat less than 50 per cent, (about 46), and a proportion of solid glycerides of somewhat above 50 per cent, (about 54). According to the author's experience, in the absence of adulterations the deter- mination of the iodine value can be made into a useful test of quality for candlemaking purposes, the proportion of solid fatty acids obtainable being greater the less the iodine absorption ; but when pressed coker butter or palm kernel oil has been added, the iodine number is reduced without a corresponding increase in amount of solid fatty acids of high melting point obtainable ; and the same remark applies to w T oolgrease, wool stearine, and similar substances. When circumstances permit, the best indications as to adulterations of this kind are obtained by saponifying, separating the fatty acids, allowing them to crystal- lise, and expressing them in a small experimental laboratory press, determining the quantity and melting point of the press cake, and subjecting the expressed oleic acid to examination as regards its iodine absorption, elaidin reaction, colour reactions with sulphuric and nitric acids, tfec., heat evolution with sulphuric acid (Maumene's test. p. 147), amount of unsaponifiable matters present, and so on ; samples of genuine tallow of different qualities being examined side by side in the same way. Muter and Koningh* recommend a process based on somewhat similar principles, where the solid and liquid fatty acids are separated by conversion into lead salts and solution of lead oleate, &c., by ether, wherein lead stearate and palmitate are but sparingly soluble. By carrying out the saponification and subse- quent processes in a uniform prescribed way, the quantity and characters of the liquid fatty acids ultimately separated from the soluble lead salt, afford useful indications respecting adultera- tion. Thus, they found that the iodine number of the liquid acid obtainable from pure tallow, is uniformly close to 90, substantially identical with that theoretically requisite for pure oleic acid. Lard, on the other hand, gives a liquid acid possessing a distinctly higher iodine number, close to 93; whilst the liquid acids from cotton seed oil give a considerably higher iodine value, near to 135. Tallow that has become rancid by keeping generally whitens during the process ; owing to the large amount of decomposition with formation of free fatty acids that occurs (supra), such tallow is unsuitable for lubricating purposes ; the byeproducts of the decomposition, moreover, cause soap made from such tallow to " work foxy," or become discoloured of a brownish red, so that for milled or other toilet soaps intended to be white or tinted * Analyst, 1889, p. 61 ; 1890. BEESWAX. 357 delicate shades, such tallow should be avoided in the manufacture of the " stock soap " used. Beeswax. A good deal of dispute has taken place at various times as to whether the wax of the bee, wasp, and similar insects is a distinct product of secretion due to their own special life action, or is simply precontained in the pollen and nectar of flowers, &c., serving as their food, and isolated therefrom by digesting away or otherwise removing the other constituents. This latter view appears probable, inasmuch as when bees are fed upon sugar only, they appear to be incapable of developing wax to any notable extent. On the other hand, although the character of bee food necessarily varies much in different parts of the world, yet the chemical constitution of beeswax does not differ anything like so widely. Samples of beeswax from numerous localities in Europe, Asia, South America, and Australia, all pos- sessed very similar compositions (Hehner*) viz., they essentially consisted of a mixture of about 1 part of free cerotic acid to 6 of myricin (vide infra) ; a result hardly compatible with the notion that the wax pre-existed as such in the pollen and nectar of the very wide variety of flowers, &c., furnishing food to the bees in these different quarters of the globe. Andaquia wax (wax of Apis fasciata, largely used for candlemaking in South America) appears to be substantially identical with the ordinary beeswax of Apis mellifera ; and the same remark applies to Antilles wax (Apis fasciata ?), and to Madagascar wax (Apis uni- color), although frequently beeswax of tropical and subtropical origin is darker coloured and less readily bleached than that produced in more temperate climates. f The wax of the Eastern Archipelago, again, differs but little from that obtained from other sources, although mainly produced by a different species (Apis dorsata). In order to obtain beeswax the ^ombs are simply drained of honey and then melted in hot water and stirred about ; the wax collects on the top as an oily layer, which is removed after cooling and hardening ; after remelting by heat alone (without water) and casting into blocks, the "virgin" wax is ready for the market. A large proportion is used for numerous purposes without further preparation ; for certain purposes bleaching is requisite, effected either by means of exposure to air and sunlight in thin shavings (p. 268), or by means of chemicals, preferably dilute sulphuric acid and potassium dichromate (p. 266). Beeswax is readily soluble in carbon disulphide and fusel oil ; it dissolves in about 10 parts of boiling ether, less completely in cold ether, benzene, or petroleum ; in cold alcohol it is nearly * Vide Analyst, 1883, vol. viii., p. 16. t Wax from the vicinity of Bordeaux appears to be the variety most difficult to bleach; whether from some local peculiarity in 'the flowers frequented by the bees ; or for some other reason, is unknown. 358 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. insoluble, but dissolves in about 300 parts of boiling spirit. In the case of most solvents, some parts of the wax dissolve much more freely than other portions ; thus in the case of hot alcohol a small quantity of " cerolein " is left undissolved, consisting of fatty matter, principally palmitin and olein ; the proportion of this constituent varies in waxes of different origin, but is never large, so that the presence of fatty glycerides in any quantity is only due to adulteration. Natural wax contains a considerable amount of free acid (from 12 to 16 per cent., calculated as cerotic acid Hehner) ; that bleached by means of dichromate usually contains somewhat more (17 to 18 per cent.) ; but airbleaching appears to produce no measurable increase in the free acidity. The free acid in raw wax appears to be chiefly cerotic acid, C 2 -H 54 O 2 , together with a little melissic acid, C 30 H" 60 2 , ; by treating the wax with limited quantities of hot alcohol these are dissolved out, myricin (the palmitic ether of myricylic alcohol, i C 30 H 61 . O . C 16 H 0jl O) constituting the great majority of the un- dissolved part. Beeswax has at 15 C. the specific gravity nearly -96 (numbers varying between '956 and '975 being recorded by different observers). At 98 to 99 the specific gravity is '818 to '827 (Allen). Airbleaching seems to produce little or no alteration in the density, but chemically bleached wax is usually rendered a little more dense by the process. The melting point is always close to 63, values varying between 61 and 65 being recorded by numerous observers ; the melted substance re-solidifies at one or two degrees lower than the temperature of complete fusion. The free acid number has been found by Hehner, Hiibl, Buisine, and other observers to be subject to comparatively little varia- tion, almost invariably lying between 17 and 21 in the case of unbleached wax, corresponding with 12*5 to 15*5 per cent, of cerotic acid) ; whilst the ester number (p. 162) lies between 72 and 76 (corresponding with 87 to 92 per cent, of myricin) ; the sum of the cerotic acid arid myricin thus calculated is generally a little above 100, showing that some amount of other consti- tuents of lower molecular weight is also present. In confirma- tion of this the iodine number has been found to be appreciable, though low, averaging about 10 (8*3 to ll'O, Buisine), indicating the presence of a perceptible amount of unsaturated compounds (possibly hydrocarbons). On saponification with continued boil- ing (for at least an hour) with excess of alcoholic potash, genuine beeswax furnishes 53 to 54 per cent, of crude myricylic alcohol (Benedikt), corresponding with 81 '8 to 83'4 of myricin (myricylic palmitate).* * Wax bleached by the air process is often admixed with a few per cents, of fatty matter which seems to facilitate the bleaching action in some way not thoroughly understood. A small quantity of oil of turpentine is some- times added for the same reason ; in this case the bleaching is probably SPERMACETI. 359 Beeswax is often largely adulterated, more especially with paraffin wax and allied hydrocarbons (cerasin and similar high- melting mineral waxes) ; stearic acid ; colophony, burgundy pitch, and other similar resinous matters ; and solid weighting materials, such as china clay, barium sulphate, yellow ochre, starch, and sulphur. Vegetable waxes (carnauba wax, &c.) are often added ; and in some cases several per cents, of water are artfully worked into the mass. This last admixture is readily detected by the methods described in Chap, vi., p. 122. Mineral adulterations are readily detected by incinerating the wax and burning off carbonaceous matters so as to obtain the clay, &c., as residue. By dissolving in ether, warm oil of turpentine, chloro- form, benzene, or other suitable solvent, these substances, as well as starchy matters, and other analogous adulterants, are left undissolved, and may be obtained by filtration and washing.* Stearic acid, if added in any quantity, is detected by the increased free acid number, and by the melting point and general characters of the acids ultimately obtained from the soap formed on shaking the wax with hot alcohol, and titrating with standard alkali and phenolphthalein (p. 118). Glycerides, similarly, may be detected and, to some extent, estimated by the formation of glycerol on saponification ; whilst adulteration with carnauba wax may be detected by the examination of the fatty acids formed by saponi- fying the impure myricin left insoluble on agitation with alcohol and alkali, palmitic acid (m.p. 62, and equivalent 256) being the chief constituent formed from genuine wax, whilst carnauba wax mostly produces cerotic acid (m.p. 79, and equivalent 410). The presence of hydrocarbons is indicated by the decreased ester number ; or the wax may be carbonised by heating 5 grammes with 50 c.c. of concentrated sulphuric acid to 130 0. in a capacious flask for ten minutes ; much sulphurous acid, &c., is evolved, and the mass chars, finally becoming nearly solid ; the acid is washed out with water, adherent water removed by alcohol, and the residue treated with ether, preferably in a Soxhlet tube (p. 238), whereby the hydrocarbon is dissolved out, along with a little wax that has escaped the action of the acid. By repeating the acid treatment this is removed, and the cerasin, &c., finally obtained in a weighable fcjrm.f Spermaceti. The true origin of spermaceti (formerly regarded as whale-spawn, Sperma ceti) appears to have been unknown, quickened by the formation of peroxide of hydrogen during the oxidation of the turpentine by the oxygen of the air in contact with water (ride p. 269). * Traces of flour are often normally present in pressed or rolled wax owing to the use of flour for dusting over the rollers or press to prevent the wax from sticking (Allen). t Respecting the detection of adulterations of beeswax, vide Journ. Soc. Ohem. Ind., 1890, p. 771 ; 1891, pp. 728, 729, 860, 1014. For the bibliography of beeswax and the waxes used for its adulteration, vide ibid., 1892, pp. 756, 757. 360 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. long after it had come into some amount of use for the prepara- tion of unguents ; its employment for candlemaking, like that of whale oils for burning in lamps, seems practically to date from somewhat upwards of a century ago when the whale fishery began to be extensively pursued for commercial purposes. Even at the present day, however, considerable misapprehension appears to exist both as to the species of cetacea yielding it and the part of the body from which it is derived. Whilst the best known source is the "head matter" of the Pltyseter macro- cephalus (p. 300), which largely consists of solid crystallised spermaceti when taken from the dead carcase, it is also the fact that considerable quantities are obtainable from the blubber oil of the same cetacean ; during winter this oil sets so far solid by deposition of spermaceti that it requires to be steamed to enable it to be removed from the casks. Moreover, analogous if not identical solid deposits form on similarly chilling for lengthened periods the blubber oils of various other species (vide p. 301). The semisolid oils containing scales of spermaceti will not bear any great degree of pressure during filtration to separate the solid matter, as this very readily passes through even the most impervious filter cloths : accordingly the first operation consists of " bagging " i.e., the material is placed inside long bags of hair or canvas where gravitation only effects a separation between the solid and liquid constituents. The "bagged sperm" is then transferred to square bags, forming a soft flaky mass : a pile of bags and boards is formed in successive alternate layers, and by placing weights on the top of the pile, at first small but subse- quently greater, most of the remaining fluid oil is gradually squeezed out until the mass is sufficiently firm to bear hydraulic cold pressure carried out in presses closely akin to those used for stearine After cold pressing, the sperm cake is remelted, granulated, and pressed several times over at gradually increasing pressures and temperatures so as to remove the last portions of fluid oil, a refining treatment with potash (p. 261) being inter- polated between the last pressings so as to remove not only the last traces of colouring matter, but also free fatty acids formed by hydrolysis. Finally, a glistening white mass is obtained, mainly consisting of cetylic palmitate (0 16 H 31 . O . C 16 H 33 O), melting at near 45 C.,* and of specific gravity near '810 at 99. The pressings from these various operations are methodically worked up, in such fashion as ultimately to obtain a second quality of spermaceti of somewhat lower melting point : the potash foots obtained during refining yield on acidulation with a mineral acid a mixture of impure spermaceti and palmitic acid ; * According to L. Field (Journ. Soc. Arts, vol. xxxi., p. 840), the spermaceti extracted from the blubber oils of the true bottlenose whale (Balcena rosirata) has a slightly higher melting point than that from the sperm whale or cachelot (Physeter macrocephalus). SPERMACETI. 3G1 when this is worked up with the other runnings a considerable amount of free fatty acids is contained in the ultimate product. 30 per cent, and upwards of such free acids (essentially palmitic acid) are sometimes present in spermaceti of this lower grade. Spermaceti is sometimes adulterated with free stearic and palmitic acids (not derived from the foots, as above described), hard pressed glycerides (pressed tallow), and animal waxes and paraffin wax. These latter additions raise the saponification equivalent, whilst free fatty acids and glycerides lower it. The detection of these adulterants is effected in ways substantially the same as those above mentioned with respect to beeswax. 362 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. 6. The Candle Industry. CHAPTER XVI. MATERIALS USED IN CANDLEMAKING. ORIGIN OF CANDLES. IN all probability the earliest forms of illuminating agents of the nature of candles (i.e., containing something serving the purpose of wick surrounded by more or less solid combustible matter adherent thereto) were simple links or flambeaux consisting of fibrous vegetable stalks, &c., soaked in natural bitumen or asphalt, vegetable resin, or animal fatty matter ; these being- obvious developments of the yet simpler primeval torches con- sisting of splinters of pine and similar woods, either naturally full of resinous matter, or externally smeared therewith. Lamps, or reservoirs of fluid oil furnished w r ith a wick for burning, seem to have been invented at a very early period of the world's history, and to have speedily superseded the primeval resinous wooden torch for general household purposes amongst the earlier civilised nations, although for outdoor illuminations, and especially amongst the Scandinavians and other northern tribes, pine splinter torches and similar rude contrivances of the flambeau character were still chiefly used. Rushlights, where the pith of rushes served as wick and where the combustible matter was tallow or other animal fat applied by dipping the pith in melted grease, and superior forms where wax was used instead of tallow, moulded by hand round the rush whilst rendered plastic by means of warmth, * appear to have been in considerable use amongst the Romans, hempen or flaxen unspun wicks taking the place of rush pith in the better kinds of wax lights ; thus in Herculaneum the remains of a chandler's establishment have been unearthed, whilst numerous passages in various Latin authors indicate that the torch (tceda), the lamp {lucerna), the tallow candle or rushlight (sebaceus), and the wax * Such a candle, believed to date from the 1st century, is in the British Museum. CANDLE MATERIALS. 363 light (cereus) were all in use in the early centuries of the Christian era;* the oil lamp being still the most extensively used illuminant amongst the well to do classes, wax lights ranking next. With the exception that wax tapers were largely used for ecclesiastical purposes, as well as private illumination, during the middle ages, and that some improvements were consequently introduced as regards their general size and finish, little advance in the art of candlemaking seems to have been brought about until the fifteenth century, when the process of "moulding" was introduced by the Sieur de Brez ; but the manufacture of rush- lights and of " dip " tallow candles, as well as of waxen tapers, had by that time become a trade of itself, having to a consider- able extent passed out of the region of ordinary household operations carried on by each family for the supply of its own wants, and into the hands of special candlemakers (candelarii, or chandlers), who made tallow and other candles for sale to the general public, at any rate in the larger towns. In country districts, however, rushlights and tallow candles, of more or less rough home-made manufacture, still continued to be the only available means of artificial illumination other than oil lamps, for the great majority of the population; a state of matters, indeed, not entirely obsolete even at the present day in some highly rural localities. In some savage countries highly olei- ferous nuts, strung together on a fibrous twig, are burnt like candles ; as one is consumed the next one becomes lighted and burns till exhausted. Combustible Materials. At the present time the com- bustible matters (in addition to the wicks) used for candle- making may be divided into four classes viz., (1) those natural glycerides which are sufficiently solid at ordinary temperatures to admit of being used for the purpose, or which yield sufficiently solid glycerides by pressure; more especially tallow and similar animal fats, together with vegetable products of corresponding consistency, such as coker stearine, piney tallow, and the solid fats of the Stillingia, Bassia, and other genera. (2) Substances of waxy character, such as beeswax and the vegetable waxes, essen- tially consisting of nonglyceridic compound ethers ; also including spermaceti. (3) Free fatty acids of sufficiently high melting point, obtained from natural oils and fats by saponification processes, and mechanical separation of more fluid ingredients. (4) Paraffin wax and analogous hydrocarbons of mineral origin, or formed by destructive distillation. Of these the substances of the latter two classes are those most largely used, more especially the last, in this country, although "stearine" candles are somewhat pre- ferred on the Continent. The trade in wax and spermaceti candles is comparatively small, although by no means insigni- * Vide Leopold Field, "Cantor Lectures, " Journ. Soc. Arts, vol. xxxii., p. 821, et seq. 364: OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. ficant in actual amount ; whilst the use of unsaponified glycerides, whether as tallow " dip " candles, consisting of such glycerides only, or as " composite '' mixtures of glycerides and free fatty acids, is steadily diminishing in favour of the other kinds of illuminants, although far from being extinct, especially in the case of iiightlights, which are largely made of coker stearine. In the manufacture of tallow dip candles no special preparation of the tallow for use is requisite further than the rendering and purifying processes already described (Chaps, x. and xi.) ; the harder varieties are usually preferred, although if too hard there is more risk of cracking. In the case of beeswax, air and light- bleached wax (p. 268) is employed in preference to that bleached by chemical processes, especially such as involve the use of chlor- ine ; for, irrespective of a greater tendency to become yellowish on keeping, such chemically bleached waxes are apt to possess a crystalline grain which spoils the appearance of the candle, and when bleached by chlorine, to give off fumes of hydrochloric acid when burnt, owing to the formation of chloro-substitutioii com- pounds during the bleaching process. Paraffin wax and the analogous waxy hydrocarbons obtained from ozokerite, &c., require no further treatment for caiidlemaking other than the pressing and purifying processes gone through during their manufacture for the purpose of raising the melting point to the requisite extent (compare p. 230). The isolation of solid free fatty acids from natural glycerides, however, is a somewhat complex operation capable of being carried out in several ways. MANUFACTURE OF "STEARINE." The numerous processes proposed, and more or less actually used on a manufacturing scale for the isolation of solid fatty acids from appropriate glycerides, may be classified under the following heads : 1. Processes where the glycerides are saponified by alkalies, alkaline earths (such as lime), or other suitable basic materials, by boiling under ordinary pressure ; to effect which operation a more or less considerable excess of base is usually found necessary in order to complete the saponification. 2. Processes analogous to the preceding, except that the opera- tion is carried out at a somewhat higher temperature obtained under increased pressure ; excess of base is in this case unneces- sary, for, in general, practically complete saponification and hydrolysis can be thus easily brought about even when consider- ably less base is present than is chemically equivalent to the fatty acids formed, and although the temperature does not rise sufficiently high to decompose any considerable fraction of the glycerol set free. MANUFACTURE OF STEARINE. 365 3. Processes where hydrolysis is effected under the influence of acids, especially sulphuric acid ; in this case the liberated acids are usually distilled over by the aid of superheated steam, so as to separate them from nonvolatile pitchy matters formed as bye products ; in Bock's process (infra} this distillation is unnecessary. More or less glycerol is usually destroyed by the action of the acid. 4. Processes where hydrolysis is brought about under the influence of water alone (under great pressure, or as highly superheated steam). In these processes the glycerol is often largely destroyed by the heat (sometimes completely so), a much higher temperature being requisite than in the case of methods of the second class. The Chevreul-Milly Process Alkaline Saponiflcation Process in Open Pans under Ordinary Pressure. The first attempts to utilise solid free fatty acids for candle material, were made about 1825 by Chevreul and Gay Lussac, employing alkalies (potash and soda) to effect the saponification of tallow ; for a variety of reasons, this process proved to be commercially a failure ; but a few years later, by substituting lime for alkalies and otherwise employing more suitable arrangements, M. de Milly succeeded in making the manufacture of " stearine " candles from tallow a sufficiently remunerative undertaking to render it a practical industry. As carried out at the present day, the process differs little in essential points from what it was more than half a century ago, the chief differences lying in the scale on which the operations are effected, and the frequent use of mixtures of vegetable and other substances with tallow (e.g., a mixture of palm oil and tallow or other suitable fatty matters) instead of tallow only,* a better quality of mixed fatty acids being thereby usually obtained i.e., a mixture which allows the solid acids to crystallise and "granulate" more readily, so as to be more easily pressed for the separation of liquid acids. The fatty matters being generally purchased in casks, by means of a steam jet applied at the bunghole, the fats are melted out into a tank, whence they are pumped or run by gravitation into the decomposing pan, usually constructed of wooden staves (preferably of oak) strongly bound together, and forming a large tub or tun, sometimes lined with sheet lead. This is provided with a stirring arrangement, consisting of a central vertical shaft with arms carrying paddles and rakes, so as to intermix the contents thoroughly (Fig. 78). Quicklime, in the proportion of 12 to 15 pounds per 100 of fat, is mixed with water to a cream and run into the tun,f and the whole heated up by steam blown * In France the use of palm oil is much less frequent than in Britain, thus leading to some slight differences between many kinds of French "stearine," as compared with British. t Assuming the mixture of fatty matters to have a mean saponification 3G6 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. in through a perforated horizontal coil at the bottom of the tub, or a series of jets distributed over the bottom, and the whole kept agitated for some hours, [a cover being placed over the tub to keep in splashes, and steam being blown through gently so as to keep the whole boiling. Glycerol is thus set free, and a mixture of lime- salts formed (mostly stearate, palmitate, and oleate), practically in- soluble in water, and solidifying on cooling to a hard mass known as "rock;" the aqueous glycerol solution or "sweet water" is run off and utilised for glycerol extraction. To isolate the fatty acids, the rock is boiled Fig. 78. up in a lead-lined vat with steam, diluted sulphuric acid bein^ added in slight excess of the quantity requisite to saturate all the lime present.* Sulphate of calcium separates out, whilst the free fatty acids swim up to the top ; after standing and cooling somewhat, these are skimmed off and boiled up, firstly with highly dilute sulphuric acid to decompose the last traces of lime soap, and then with water, using wet steam, so as thoroughly to wash out all sulphuric acid and admixed mineral matters. Finally, the fluid fatty acids are transferred to shallow cooling pans, such as the series indicated in Figs. 79 and 80. Here the melted fatty acids are run from a trough, F, through nozzles, D D D, into the uppermost of the pans, C C C, supported by a wooden framework, A A, and iron crossbars, B B B. When the pans are filled, the stream of melted equivalent of 280, the quantity of liine (CaO) theoretically equivalent to the fatty acids formed would be 28 parts per 280, or 10 per cent. ; with fatty matters of higher saponification equivalent, proportionately less lime would be required, and vice versa. Some excess of lime, however, is requisite in order to ensure tolerably complete action ; moreover, in practice, quicklime is not pure CaO, a little moisture, calcium carbonate, and more or less siliceous and clayey matter being present, all of which are inert so far as effecting saponification is concerned. A first class quicklime, made from a pure limestone, may contain (when freshly burnt) some 95 per cent, of CaO (exclusive of calcium carbonate) ; but 85 to 90 per cent, is more nearly the usual average, and less with very poor limes. * For every 56 parts of actual lime, CaO, used, 98 parts of actual sulphuric acid, HJ30 4 , are required ; roughly, 2 parts of B.O. V. (brown oil of vitriol) to 1 of quicklime. STEARINE ; CRYSTALLISATION. 367 matter is shut off by means of the spigot, E. In these cooling pans they solidify to a semicrystalline mass on cooling and stand- ing ; for the purpose of pressing out the fluid acids, this solidifi- cation is best allowed to take place in metal dishes, so that the solid cakes formed are obtained in the form of slabs about an inch or three-fourths inch thick, and of such size as to fit into the cake boxes of the hydraulic press used ; the temperature during M U 4! Fig. 79. Fig. 80. this period should lie between 21 and 32 C. (70 to 90 R), so that whilst the "seeding" or crystallisation of the solid acids (mostly stearic and palmitic) may take place completely, as little oleic acid as possible may be retained in the body of the crystals formed. The slabs of " separation cake " finally consist of a spongy mass of granular or crystallised solid acids, with liquid oleic acid (containing solid acids and colouring matters in solu- tion) disseminated through the interstices. By enveloping them in press cloths, and placing them in the cake boxes of a hydraulic press, the brownish liquid acids are gradually squeezed out, and the comparatively colourless solid crystals retained. Instead of directly pressing the granulated cakes, it is often preferable to rasp them into shreds by a machine, and to press the raspings ; a more complete expression of liquid acids is thus brought about. The press cake left, however, still retains a certain amount of 368 OILS, FATS. WAXES, ETC. liquid acids, rendering its fusing point too low ; to remove these the press cakes are melted by steam, cast afresh into slabs in shallow trays, allowed to stand to granulate at a temperature of about 30 C., rasped to coarse powder, and again pressed in a different machine where the cake boxes are heated by the regu- lated admission of steam into the plates, in the body of which channels are hollowed out for the purpose. Fig. 81 represents n form of horizontal hot press thus arranged, steam being ad- mitted to the plates by the pipes, E E. A A A represent the packets of raspings undergoing pressure ; B the piston of the hydraulic ram working in the cylinder, C ; D the framework ; P a chain whereby the plates are drawn asunder for the removal of the cakes when the operation is finished ; G water supply pipe to ram cylinder from accumulator. The temperature of the hot press varies somewhat with the kind of material employed, but is generally not far from 50 (122 F.) for stearine of high JIM. Fig. 81. melting point ; for inferior stearine melting more easily, the temperature is proportionately lower. The hot press cake finally obtained is melted by means of steam along with a little water acidulated with sulphuric acid, and then vigorously agitated with the acid fluid for some time for the purpose of removing traces of lime salts still retained ; finally the acid liquor is run off, and several successive boilings-up carried out with plain water. The purified mixture of stearic and palmitic acids is then cast into blocks for use in the candle factory ; small quantities of vegetable wax, beeswax, c., are sometimes added to "break the grain" i.e., to prevent the formation of visibly large crystals during solidification. Even when the fatty matters employed are highly rancid and impure, an almost perfectly white " stearine " can be thus manu- factured by the lime process. The yield of pure solid hot pressed acids, however, is materially influenced by the presence and OPEN PAN PROCESS. 369 nature of abnormally large proportions of oleine (existing in softer fats, &c.) or other substances (e.g., woolgrease), not only on account of the diminution in amount of solid fat acids present, but also because of the increased amount of these acids removed in the "red oils" (vide infra). Fig. 82 represents a general view of the disposition of the apparatus used in the saponification of fatty matters by the open pan process.* A, tub from which lime is emitted. B, leadlined vats with steam pipes for boiling lime and fats. C, similar decomposing vats where the rock is boiled with sulphuric acid. D D, rack holding pans for caking mixed acids. E, cold press. F, hydraulic pumps. G, pan for re- melting press cake. H, hot press. I, vat for melting hot pressed stearine for final wash- ing with water and cast- ing into blocks. Moinier and Boutigny modify the Chevreul- Milly process by sub- mitting the melted tal- low, &c., to a preliminary treatment with hot water and a current of impure sulphur dioxide (pro- duced by the action of hot sulphuric acid on sawdust, charcoal, &c.) ; after an hour the lime- cream is added and the whole well agitated, whereby the mass in- creases in consistence with considerable froth- ing, by and bye becoming pasty. The sulphur dioxide is then shut off and the rock finished by boiling up with steam, ifcc., as usual. The yield of fatty acids is stated to be thus increased * L. Field, Journ. Soc. Arts, vol. xxxi., p. 859. 24 370 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. by some 4 per cent. The hot press cake is finally refined by boiling up first with water acidulated with sulphuric acid, then with water alone, white of egg (1 egg per 100 Ibs.) being intro- duced whilst boiling so as to coagulate and remove impurities as in clarifying coffee, &c. On p. 375 are given some analyses of original fatty acid mixture, cold press cake, and hot press cake, c., illustrating the eifect of the process in separating oleic acid from the solid fatty acids, and the increment inf melting point thus effected. The hot press grease usually contains enough solid fatty acids to raise its fusing point to at least that of the original mixture of fatty acids before cold pressing ; it is generally worked up along with fresh fatty acids by fusing therewith and granulating the mixture in trays for the cold press. The outer edges of the hot press cake retain some amount of more fusible grease, and are therefore usually pared off and worked up along with the rest of the hot press grease. The "red oil" or "oleine" running from the cold press contains a considerable quantity of palmitic and stearic acids in solution, the precise amount depending on the temperature at which the pressing is conducted ; on chilling somewhat, more or less solid fatty acids separate, usually in a finely divided form. When it is desired to obtain red oils containing as large a proportion of oleic acid and as little solid acids as possible, the oil is chilled and the resulting somewhat pasty mass passed through a filter press, such as shown in Figs. 56, 59, the greasy solid fatty acids thus obtained being worked up with fresh batches of the original mixture of acids ; for the manufacture of oleine soap this treatment is not indispensable, but inasmuch as the solid fatty acids are considerably more valuable than the fluid ones, it is obviously desirable to obtain as large a proportion of the former as possible. For the same reason it is essential that the saponification of the fats used should be as nearly complete as possible, not only because all the stearic and palmitic glycerides that escape saponification are lost so far as solid fatty acids are concerned (being expressed fluid during the pressing operations), but also because their presence tends to prevent the proper crystallisation of the solid acids, and thus to increase the pro- portion of these contained in the red oils. In actual practice, it is impossible to carry the decomposition in open pans to absolute completeness without seriously prolonging the operation, which entails extra cost ; so that a few per cents, (and sometimes much more, up to 10 or 12 per cent.) of the glycerides used are gener- ally left undecomposed in the rock, ultimately finding their way into the red oils. When the tallow used has been adulterated by mixing in woolgrease or similar material containing unsaponifiable matters, these substances are generally also ultimately contained in the red oils, thereby diminishing the proportion of " stearine '* COMPOSITION OF "ROCK." 371 obtainable, partly because of the smaller proportion of solid glycerides present in the adulterated tallow, and partly because the presence of woolgrease, like that of unsaponified fat, tends to interfere with the crystallisation of the acids, and hence causes the red oils to retain more solid acids. Moreover, when the red oils are made into soap, a deteriorating effect (for certain pur- poses) is brought about in the resulting soap j on solution in water and standing, soap containing such unsaponifiable matter is apt to throw up an oily film, rendering the solution liable to spot and grease goods rinsed through the soap solution. Accordingly, it is preferable to buy tallow by analysis, the price varying accord- ing to the proportion of solid fatty acids present (estimated by Dalican's process, p. 74, or otherwise) and deductions being made for unsaponifiable constituents. As yet, however, this sys- tem does not seem to have been widely adopted in this country. Composition of "Rock." The following analyses represent the general composition of open pan "rock" as obtained on the manufacturing scale ; A being normal rock made from genuine tallow mixed with about one-fourth its weight of palm oil ; and B rock from tallow adulterated with woolgrease containing a considerable amount of cholesterol and other unsaponifiable matters : A B Lime present as lime soap (CaO), Lime used in excess (CaO), Fatty anhydrides* present as lime soap, Unsapoiiined glycerides, . Unsaponifiable organic matter, Water and carbonic acid (C0 2 ), combined with the excess of lime; sand and grit, &e uncombined water (moisture), 7-50 6-27 1-95 241 73-30 61-20 5-55 8-40 2-75 12-00 8-95 9-72 100-00 100-00 Since 100 parts of triglycerides of mean molecular weight near 285, represent about 92 parts fatty anhydrides, the fatty anhy- drides present in these two samples represent respectively about 80 and 66 parts of original glycerides per 100 of rock j hence the proportion of glycerides originally used which remain 5*55 unsaponified are (A) -7- - x 100 = G'5 per cent, and v ' 80 + 5-55 (B) - x 100 = 11 '3 per cent. i.e., in the first case 6t> + O"4:0 about Jg-, and in the second about l, of the original glycerides escaped sapoiiification. * "Fatty anhydrides "= fatty acids, less an equivalent of water p.g., in the case of stearic anhydride ^ j 85 Q J- ; so that the sum of the fatty anhydrides and the lime combined with them as lime soap, represents the actual amount of lime soap present. In the above two instances the amounts of lime soap are (A) 73'30 + 7'50 = 80 35 ; (B) 61'20 + 6'27 = 67 '47. 372 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. Analysis of Hock. This is conveniently effected by taking a known weight of an average sample and boiling it with water to which an excess of standard acid (preferably hydrochloric) has been added, until completely decomposed ; on standing, the liberated fatty acids, c., form a cake on the top, which is care- fully removed, dried, and weighed ;* the free fatty acids therein are then titrated in alcoholic solution with standard alkali, and the examination for admixed glycerides and unsaponifiable matters proceeded with, as in the case of separation cake (vide infra, p. 378). The excess of acid in the watery fluid is back titrated, so as to obtain the acid neutralised by the total lime present, which is thence calculable ; whilst the lime present as lime soap (combined with fatty acids) is similarly calculated from the amount of alkali neutralised by the fatty acids. For example, 10 grammes of a given sample of rock were boiled with water and 50 c.c. of normal acid ; on back titration 16 '7 c.c. were found to be unneutralised ; hence 33*3 c.c. were neutralised, equivalent to 0-932 CaO = 9*32 per cent, of total lime. The separated fatty acids, &c., weighed 8-215 grammes, and neutralised 25'9 c.c. of normal alkali, equivalent to 0*725 gramme, or 7 "25 per cent, of CaO ; whence 0-932 - 0-725 = 0*207 gramme of excess of lime was present, or 2*07 per cent. On further ex- amination (p. 378) the separated fatty acids were found to con- tain 0*535 gramme of unsaponified glycerides and 0*235 grammes of unsaponifiable matters. Hence the actual fatty acids pre- sent in the 8*215 grammes of cake obtained amount to 8*215 - (0*535 + 0*235) = 7-445 grammes. In order to reckon the fatty anhydrides equivalent to this amount of fatty acids, 18 parts of water must be subtracted for 56 of CaO combined 1 R with them as lime soap i.e., ^ x 0-725 = 0-233 gramme of water must be subtracted, leaving 7-445 - 0-233 = 7'212 grammes of fatty anhydrides present as lime soap. Hence the whole analysis is Lime present as lime soap (CaO), . 0'725 grammes = 7'25 per cent. ,, in excess, .... 0'207 ,, = 2D7 Fatty anhydrides present as lime soap 7-212 ,, = 72-12 ,, Unsaponitied glycerides, . . 0'535 ,, = 5*35 ,, Unsaponifiable matter, . . .0 235 ,, = 2 '35 ,, Combined water, CC>2, sand, mois- ture, &c. (by diflerence), . . 1'086 = 10'SG 10-000 100-00 Total lime soap present, 7 "25 + 72*12 = 79*37 per cent. Total lime present, . 7 '25 + 2 "07 = 9 -32 * If the quantity is too small for accurate determination in this way the liberated fatty acids, &c. , may be dissolved by ether, and the ethereal solution separated and evaporated, &c., as in the parallel case of soap analysis (Chap, xxi.) AUTOCLAVE PROCESS. 373 Milly Autoclave Process Saponiflcation with Alkalies (Lime) under Increased Pressure. As practically carried out, this process is virtually a combination of the previous process, and that subsequently described due to Tilghmanns, where fats are hydrolysed by the action of water under high pressure. The tallow and palm oil or other fatty mixture is pumped into a stout copper pressure vessel or autoclave, and lime made into a thin cream with water added in much smaller pro- portion than in the open pan process, usually 2 to 3 parts of lime per 100 of fat, or somewhere about one-quarter of the theoretical amount instead of an excess. High pressure steam is then gradually blown in from a boiler until the pressure amounts to at least 7 or 8 atmospheres, and preferably 12 to 15, especially when tallow only is used, as in many Continental factories. After some hours continuance of digestion under pressure the fat is practically completely saponified and hydrolysed, partly by the lime, partly by the action of water only, the presence of the lime soap formed by the saponification greatly facilitating the hydrolysis ; the mixed " sweet water," fatty acids, and lime soap are blown off into a tank, where the latter separate from the watery glycerol solution, and are then treated with sulphuric acid precisely as in the open pan process, saving that as much less lime is used, a proportionately smaller quantity of acid is requisite. The further operations of separating solid fatty acids by pressure, etc., are identical in the two processes. The remarks above made respecting the objectionable results brought about when any considerable amount of glycerides escapes saponification, and when the tallow is adulterated with wool- grease or other unsaponifiable matters, obviously apply equally in the present case. As regards the former point, the following figures were obtained by the author in a set of experiments on a manufacturing scale made with the. object of tracing out the effect of increased time in diminishing the amount of unsaponified grease. A series of charges was worked off in the same auto- clave, the mixture of fats (tallow and palm oil), and the proportion of lime used, and the pressure being as nearly as possible the same throughout, but the times being different. The fatty acids obtained (after separation from lime by sulphuric acid) were analysed so as to obtain the data for determining the proportion of grease unsaponified during the digestion. The figures ulti- mately obtained on averaging a number of trials were Time in Hours. Unsaponified Grease Reckoned per 100 parts Originally Employed. 4* 5| 74 9-4 5-8 3-1 374 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. During the first hour or two the rate of decomposition of the fats employed was rapid, from f to ^ being converted at the end of 2 hours ; subsequently the action was much slower, becoming practically complete at the end of 6 to 6J hours, not more than about -Jg- then remaining unconverted. The following analyses indicate the composition of the " rock " obtained by the autoclave process ; they principally differ from those above cited for open pan rock, in that whereas in the open pan process excess of lime is used, so that the rock contains all the fatty acids as lime soap ; in the autoclave lime process a deficiency of lime is employed, so that the fatty acids are obtained partly as lime soap and partly as free acids : 1 L II. in. Lime present as lime soap (CaO), 3-20 2-38 2-52 Fatty anhydrides combined therewith, Free fatty acids, .... 31-90 57*75 22-62 58-50 23-94 66-30 Unsaponified glycerides, . 5-90 G-60 3-20 Unsaponifiable organic matter, 0-70 1-33 1-85 Grit and mineral matters ; water, . 0-55 8-57 2-19 100-00 100-00 100-00 100 parts of the fatty glycerides used originally represent about 95 of free fatty acids and 92 of fatty anhydrides, whence 100 parts of rock represent in these three cases respectively about 95, 86, and 96 parts of fatty glycerides that have been saponified and hydrolysed ; whence the proportions of glycerides not acted upon are I. II. III. 5-90 95 + 5-90 6-60 86 + C'60 3-20 96 + 32 100 = 5-8 per cent. x 100 = 7-1 x 100 = 3-2 In general, with unadulterated tallow, the autoclave process, properly worked, saponifies and hydrolyses about 95 per cent. of the glycerides used, leaving some 5 per cent unacted on ; if, however, too low a pressure be applied, the proportion of undecomposed glycerides may amount to considerably more than this unless a proportionately longer time be allowed, involving greater cost for fuel, labour, &c. The " separation cake " or mixture of fatty acids obtained by decomposing with sulphuric acid the "rock" formed in the IODINE TEST APPLIED TO SEPARATION CAKE, ETC. 375 autoclave or open pan process consists of the solid fatty acids produced (chiefly stearic and palmitic) ; the liquid acids (mainly oleic) ; and whatever undecomposed glycerides and unsaponifiable organic matters may be present ; the latter two ingredients obviously vary with the degree of perfection or imperfection attained in saponification, and with the purity of the materials. The ratio between solid and liquid fatty acids also varies some- what with the character of the tallow and other fatty matters used; in general, it is not far from 2 to 1. In examining such materials, the author has found the '"'iodine test" (pp. 177, 179, et seq.) particularly useful, especially in the case of press cake in different stages of pressing. The further the pressing (hot after cold) is carried, the smaller the quantity of oleic acid left in the "stearine;" but no amount of hot pressing will completely eliminate " unsaturated " acids,* from 1 to 2 per cent, being retained even when the pressing has been carried to the utmost possible extent permissible for commercial purposes in the pre- paration of articles of exceptionally high melting points, and larger proportions up to 4 or even 5 per cent, in products less thoroughly hot pressed. Even crystallisation several times from alcohol of a mixture of palmitic and stearic acid does not succeed in removing all the oleic or other iodine-absorbing acid present. Thus the following typical figures may be cited, obtained by the author with the fatty acids manufactured from a mixture of tallow and palm oil : f Percentage of Oleic Acid by Iodine Test. Melting Point in Capillary Tube. Separation cake (mixture of fatty acids before pressing), .... 32-0 Cold-pressed cake, .... 11 -5 52 -8 C. Once hot pressed, . . . . . 5-6 54 -2 Twice ,, . 2-5 56 -1 Three times hot pressed, 1-3 56 '2 ,, twice recrystallised from alcohol, .... 0-8 56 -25 Red oils (oleine) from cold pressing, 71-5 Grease from hot pressing, 14-9 51 -6 The percentage of solid fatty acids contained in red oils can be deduced approximately from the determination of the oleic acid, reckoning 111 -02 parts of acid per 100 of iodine consumed, as indicated by the equation * Possibly isoleic acid (m.p. 45), and not oleic acid, remains. t When a pressed stearine is examined, presumably only containing a small percentage of oleic acid, 5 grammes may be conveniently taken for analysis ; on the other hand, with a substance containing a high percentage of oleic acid, proportionally less should be weighed up, usually from 0'2 to O4 gramme. 376 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. Oleic Acid. Saturated Iodine Addition Product. Ci 8 H 3 40 2 + I 2 C ]8 H 34 T 2 2 . If the percentage of unsaponified grease and unsaponifiable organic matters present be known = a, and that of oleic acid thus determined = 6, the percentage of solid fatty acids is approximately 100 - (a + b). Muter' s process for the determination of the proportion of oleic acid present in a mixture of that substance with solid fatty acids (stearic and palmitic) is based on the solubility of lead oleate in ether. In the case of a glyceride, a quantity of sub- stance not exceeding 1*5 grammes is saponified with excess of alcoholic potash ; with free fatty acids it is dissolved in the same solvent ; water is added and the alcohol boiled off; dilute acetic- acid is then added to neutralise excess of alkali, until a decided permanent turbidity is produced, and then dilute caustic potash with continuous agitation until the liquid just clears again. The clear solution is then precipitated by lead acetate in slight excess, and stirred until the lead soap settles thoroughly ; the supernatant liquor is poured off, and the precipitate washed by boiling with a large bulk of distilled water and decanting. Perfectly neutral lead stearate + palmitate + oleate is thus obtained; the precipitate is transferred to a flask of about 100 c.c. capacity and digested for some hours (with frequent agitation) with absolute ether ; the ethereal solution of lead oleate is filtered into a stoppered graduated tube holding 250 c.c., and the filtrate and washings decomposed by agitation with about 20 c.c. of a mixture of 1 volume strong hydrochloric acid and 2 volumes water. Finally, a known fraction of the ethereal fluid is drawn off and evaporated to dryness ; whence the weight of oleic acid is deduced. The ethereal solution is conveniently drawn off by means of a side tap fixed to the graduated tube about one-fifth of the way up from the bottom, so as to be above the level of the acid watery fluid ("Muter's oleine tube"); or it may be blown off by the washbottle device (p. 120). De Schepper and Geitel have constructed the table quoted on p. 377, exhibiting the relative proportions of commercial "oleine" (impure oleic acid) of solidifying point 5 -4, and commercial " stearine " (stearic and palmitic acids) of solidifying point 48 present in a sample of separation cake of given solidifying point (compare pp. 75, 76). The " filter cake " obtained from the red oils when these are chilled and passed through a filter press varies considerably in composition ; besides particles of fibre (derived from filter press coverings, &c.) and dust, &c., filtered out, portions of unsaponified grease separate in the solid state from the cooled red oils, and smaller quantities of unsaponifiable matters (cholesterol, &c.) con- tained in the grease originally used. RED OIL FILTER PRESS CAKE. 377 Solidifying Point of Separation Cake. Percentage of Commercial Stearic Acid. Oleic Acid. Degrees C. 5-4 100 10 2-5 97-5 15 6-6 93-4 20 12-1 87-9 25 18-5 81-5 30 27-2 72-8 32 31-5 68-5 34 36-6 63-4 36 43-0 57-0 37 46-9 53-1 38 50-5 49-5 39 54-5 45-5 40 589 41-1 41 63-3 367 42 68-5 31-5 43 73-5 26-5 44 78-9 21-1 45 83-5 16-5 46 89-0 ll'O 47 94-1 5-9 48 100-0 The following analyses represent its usual composition : Free fatty acids, solid, . ,, ,, liquid (oleic acid), Unsaponified glycerides, Unsaponifiable organic matters, Fibres, dust, &c., .... 54-2 25-0 11-2 4-3 5-3 100-0 51-4 21-5 12-3 4-9 9'3 100-0 Since the great majority of the unsaponified glycerides con- tained in the rock find their way into the red oils, whilst these latter constitute the smaller half of the fatty acids obtained (the " stearine " amounting to upwards of 50 per cent, of the total acids) it results that the percentage of unsaponified glycerides present in the red oils is usually more than double that in the separation cake. The same remark applies to the unsaponifiable organic matters. If the red oils be distilled by means of super- heated steam the unsaponified glycerides present mostly become hydrolysed during the operation, so that "distilled oleine" is practically free from glycerides. On the other hand, a small proportion of the oleic acid becomes decomposed during the process, forming hydrocarbons (compare p. 278), so that the unsaponifiable organic matters usually become notably increased in amount. The following analyses indicate the composition of 378 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. different samples of red oils and "distilled oleines," and illustrate these points : Red Oils. Distilled Oleines Tallow and Tallow- Palm Oil. only. Free fatty acids, 86-5 87-85 90-0 89-65 Unsaponified glycerides, . Unsaponifiable organic matters, \ hydrocarbons, &c., . . / 11-7 1-8 11-30 0-85 1-6 8-4 2-95 7-40 100-0 100-00 100-0 100-00 Analysis of Red Oils, Separation Cake, and Similar Products. This is carried out substantially in the way indi- cated on p. 162. The "free acid number," A, being determined, and also the " total acid number," K, the data are obtained for calculating the percentage of free fatty acids and unsaponified glycerides present if the mean molecular weight of the fatty acids is known or assumed. The unsaponifiable organic matters being determined (by the methods described on p. 119) and the per- centage of these constituents subtracted from 100 (as also that of any water or other foreign substance accidentally present), a sufficiently close approximation to the truth is obtained by multiplying the difference, D, by A. -r \&- ~~ A j X / TZ" A \ centage of free fatty acids, and by -. - for the per- l-Oo x 1-05 -7T- for that (K-A)x 1-05 of the undecomposed glycerides ; for if E be the mean equivalent of the fatty acids, E + 12-67 is that of the glycerides (p. 165); and as E usually lies between 255 and 285, the ratio of E to E + 12-67 will lie between 1 to 1-050 and 1 to 1-045, and may safely be taken as 1 to 1 -05 ; so that the weights of free fatty acids and glycerides will be substantially in the ratio of A to (K-A) x 1-05, whence the percentages will be Free fatty acids Glycerides A + (K - A) x 1-05 ' (K - A) x 1-05 A + (K - A) x 1^05 ' Thus supposing that a given substance contains 5 per cent, of unsaponifiable matter, &c., and consequently that D = 95 ; if the free acid number, A, be found = 175-0 and the total acid number, K, = 195-0, so that K - A = 20, the composition will be ANALYSIS OF RED OILS, ETC. 379 Free fatty acids 1?5 + 20 x = = 89*28 20 x 1-05 21 175 + 20 x 05 196 Unsaponifiable matters, &c., . . . . = 5 '00 100-00 From these figures it results that the value of E is close to 286; for 1,000 parts of substance contain 892 '8 of free fatty acids neutralising 175-0 of KOH ; whence 175-0 : 56-1 : : 892'8 : x = 2S6'2 Similarly the mean equivalent of the glycerides is close to 286-2 + 12-67, or nearly 299. Several attempts have been made to substitute metallic oxides for lime in the autoclave lime process, more especially magnesia and zinc oxide. At ordinary pressure these bodies usually act upon fatty glycerides (such as tallow) appreciably more slowly than lime, probably on account of their greater insolubility in water; but it is claimed that under pressure this difference is not observed, but rather the contrary, so that a much smaller proportion of zinc oxide, will effect the saponification and hydro- lysis of fatty matter than is necessary in the case of lime : thus in the British patent specification of Poullain, E. F. Michaud, and E. K Michaud (No. 5,112, 1882) from 2 to 5 parts of zinc oxide are directed to be used per 1,000 of fatty matter (0'2 to 0'5 per cent.), heat being continued for 3 to 4 hours under a pressure of 100 to 130 Ibs. (7 to 9 atmospheres). It is claimed that the smaller proportion of base employed renders it necessary to use much less acid to obtain pure free fatty acids than would other- wise be required ; whilst for certain purposes e.g., manufacture of scouring soaps it is not necessary to dissolve out the zinc at all. As regards magnesia, comparative experiments with lime and magnesia show that the action of the latter is always inferior to that of the former (vide Journ. Soc. Chem. Industry, 1893, p. 163). A somewhat analogous process has been proposed, where ammonia is used as saponifying agent, fatty matters and aqueous ammonia being heated together under pressure. Ammonia soaps, if formed, are so far wanting in permanency that by blowing steam through them they are decomposed, ammonia passing off (collected for use over again), whilst free fatty acids and glycerol solution remain. It does not appear that this system has as yet been adopted so largely as to rank as an established practical manufacture; but if sufficiently complete decomposition is obtain- able in a moderate time, a priori the method would seem to be of a workable character. 380 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. Stein, Berge, and de Roubaix have patented * the use of solution of sulphurous acid or alkaline bisulphite as hydrolytic agent ; from 2 J to 3 per cent, of solution is added to the fat in a pressure vessel, and the temperature raised to 170 to 180, whereby a pressure of some 18 atmospheres is attained ; the reaction is said to be complete in about 9 hours. The tempera- ture should not exceed 200 C. Hydrolysis of Fats by means of Sulphuric Acid. It has long been known that free fatty acids are obtainable from glycerides by acting upon them with sulphuric acid, the glycerol being largely converted into glycerosulphuric acid (p. 144), subsequently more or less decomposed by the heat, and the fatty acids being to some extent similarly acted upon, especially in the case of oleic acid. The " Wilson " process (sometimes called the "Dubrunfaut" process), the outcome of various methods originally patented in England by Gwynne, Jones, and Wilson (Price & Co.) in 1840 to 1843, substantially depends on these reactions, with the further addition of purification of the fatty acids by distilla- tion with superheated steam ; the melted fats (more especially palm oil) are heated in a stout copper vessel (the " acidifier ") to about 300 to 350 F = 149 to 177 C., by means of superheated steam ; sulphuric acid is then run in to the extent of 3 to 5 per cent., the whole intermixed, and allowed to stand some hours ; during this period the glycerides are broken up, and foreign organic matters present mostly carbonised. In general, the less the quantity of sulphuric acid used, the higher is the temperature employed. The acid mixture is then run off and boiled up with water by means of wet steam, so as to wash out sulphuric acid and other products soluble in water; after standing for some hours to settle, the crude fatty acids are separated and heated to about 240 F. (116 0.) to complete the removal of water; finally superheated steam at a higher temperature is passed through, the precise temperature varying with the nature of the fatty matter used, but being usually near 560 F. (294 C.) Under these conditions the fatty acids are volatilised, and are condensed along with most of the steam in a series of copper serpentine refrigerating pipes exposed to the air, the escaping vapours being deodorised as far as possible by a water shower to absorb acrolein, &c., and subsequently burned, much as in the somewhat analogous case of rendering animal fats (p. 247). The fatty acids thus obtained contain a much larger proportion of solid acids, and less fluid oleic acid than those obtained by the lime saponification process from the same material, whether by the open pan or autoclave method ; it would seem very probable that this is due to the transformation by the action of sulphuric acid of oleic acid into isoleic acid (melting at near 45 C.), as in the case of the action of zinc chloride on oleic acid (p. 142) ; or, * German patent, No. 61,329. SULPHURIC ACID PROCESSES. 381 possibly, stearolactone or oxystearic acid is formed. According* to Lant Carpenter,* tallow which will only yield about 50 per cent, of its weight of candle material when treated by the lime process, gives by the sulphuric acid process at least 75 per cent, of such material of but slightly inferior quality. Of this, about three- fourths is ready for candlemaking without further treatment ; the other fourth, when pressed and redistilled, yields some 75 per cent, of its weight of stearic acid, and 25 of oleic acid ; ulti- mately, only about 5 parts of oleic acid per 100 of fat are obtained. A considerable pro- portion of black pitch (often amounting to 15 per cent, and up- wards) is obtained as bye product, whilst the glycerol obtainable from the acid liquors, &c., is much less in quantity and more costly to isolate than that from the lime process ; accordingly, whilst the larger yield of solid fatty acids renders the acid method more economical from one point of view, it must be taken into consideration, per con- tra, that pitch instead of oleine is obtained as part of the product,! and that glycerol * Spon's Encyclopaedia, p. 581, et seq. t By distillation at a higher temperature the pitch left on the first distillation affords a certain proportion of fatty acids of inferior quality. 382 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. is lost, thus materially diminishing the apparent advant- ages. Fig. 83 illustrates the general character of the plant 'used in the process.* A is the tank into which the tallow, &c., is melted by means of a steam jet directed upwards into the bunghole of the cask. B, one of a series of leadlined tanks, in which the grease is heated before treatment with sulphuric acid, so as to boil off water. C, pump with suitable taps and connections enabling it to pump up the hot grease into the " acidifier," D; or into the tank, H, supplying the still, I, after the sulphuric acid has been washed out with water. E, acid tank supplying acidifier. F F, super- heaters. G G G G, washing vats, where the acidified grease is boiled up with water and steam to wash out sulphuric acid, &c. H, grease tank supplying still, I, through which superheated steam is blown, the vapours being condensed by the refrigerator, K, and copper cooling coils contained in the tanks, k. L, scrubber to condense acrolein, &c. M, pipe leading uncondensed vapours, fec., away to combustion flue for destruction. Fig. 84 represents Knab's apparatus for continuous distillation Fig. 84. by superheated steam. A is the distillation vessel, into which the fatty acids to be distilled are run through the supply funnel, C, at intervals regulated by the rising and falling of the float valve, D. Superheated steam enters by the pipe, F (furnished with regulating valve and safety valve, E), and passes in small streams through the molten fatty acids from the horizontal coil * L. Field, "Cantor Lectures, 1 ' 18S3 (Journ. Soc. Arts, vol. xxxi., p. 861), DISTILLATION OF FATTY ACIDS. 383 at the base. The vapours pass off through the neck, G, to the condenser ; the most easily condensed fatty acids are collected in H, and drawn off from time to time through the cocks, J J, whilst the other vapours pass on. K K is a blow off pipe for removing residual pitch at intervals, the supply of fatty acids through C being temporarily shut off. Heat is applied by means of a bath of molten lead or other suitable metal contained in the outer pan, B. According to Schadler, the quantities of steam requisite for distillation of a given quantity of fatty acids at different tem- peratures are as follows : Temperature. Weight of Steam for 1 part of Fatty Acids. 200 to 230 C 230 to 260 C 290 325 to 356 C 7 parts. 3 to 4 parts. 2 parts. 1 part. When the distillation temperature does not exceed 240, the distilled fatty acids are almost white ; at 260 a little coloration is manifest ; at 290 this is more marked, whilst at temperatures above 300 the distillate is yellow or brown. Numerous other forms of apparatus for effecting distillation by means of superheated steam have been constructed for particular purposes e.g., the purification of grease from cotton seed foots (p. 261), of Yorkshire grease (p. 277), and similar substances ; for the most part these differ from the above arrangements more in details of construction than in general principles. In Marix' arrangement for the distillation of free fatty acids produced by hydrolysis or otherwise an air pump is applied, so that a temperature of 250-255 suffices for the distillation under diminished pressure. A similar process has been patented by Lewkowitsch (English patent, 5,985, 1888), the pressure being reduced by 10 to 13 Ibs., so that a temperature of about 460 F. (238 C.) suffices, instead of about 600 F. (316 C.) It is noticeable that when the products of distillation of a charge of given material are collected in separate fractions, it is found that in some cases the portions first passing over are the most fusible, those coming over later possessing successively higher and higher melting points ; whilst with other fatty matters the reverse is the case. Thus, with palm oil the first distillate is sufficiently solid to be used for candlemaking without any further treatment, whilst the later portions are softer, and must be pressed before they can be thus employed. With bone fat, on the other hand, the successive fractions show a regular increment in consistency. The following illustrative figures are given by 384 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. Payne as the melting points of the fatty acids collected in seven different fractions : Fraction. Bone Fat. Palm Oil. Degrees C. Degrees C. 1 40 54-5 2 41 52 3 41 48 4 42 46 5 45 44 6 45 41 7 47 39-5 In almost all cases, however, the average melting point of the distilled fatty acids exceeds that of the crude acids before distillation. Bock's Process. In Wilson's process the hydrolysis of the glycerides is mainly effected under the influence of comparatively concentrated sulphuric acid at a tolerably high temperature (150 to 180 C.), and subsequently completed partly by adding water and boiling up with wet steam, and partly by distillation with superheated steam ; Bock's process differs therefrom in that the hydrolysis is mainly effected by comparatively dilute sulphuric acid, the action of which is facilitated by the removal of the nitrogeneous films or envelopes coating the fatty globules by means of concentrated sulphuric acid acting at a much lower temperature than in Wilson's process. Tallow, &c., is heated to 115 in an open vat * and well agitated with from 4 to 6 per cent, of sulphuric acid, whereby the albuminous envelopes are charred and broken up, but little or no hydrolysis effected. Water is then added, and the blackened but still neutral fat boiled up with the resulting dilute sulphuric acid for some hours until the decomposition of the glycerides is complete, the degree being judged by the mode of crystallisation of the fatty acids on cooling a sample. When complete, the acid fluid is run off and neutral- ised with lime, and the resulting aqueous crude glycerine solution concentrated for sale. The blackened fatty acids are then sub- jected to oxidation by means of bichromate or permanganate of potash and sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, or of nitric acid, bleach- ing powder, ifec., whereby the albuminous charred matters are largely increased in density so that they subside, leaving the fatty acids of a pale brown tint ; these are then washed and crystallised, and subjected to cold and hot pressure in the usual way, whereby a brown oil and a white stearirie are obtained. The solid acids obtained are said to be whiter, of higher melting point, and larger in quantity than those obtained from the same * Lant Carpenter, British Association Reports, 1872, p. 72; vide also Dinyler's Po'ylech. Jovrn., May, 1873. HYDROLYSIS OF GLYCERIDES. 385 material by lime sapoiiification, probably through formation of isoleic acid, stearolactone, or oxystearic acid, &c. (pp. 29, 39) ; whilst 6 to 7 per cent, of glycerine solution at 38 T. (specific gravity 1*19, containing about 70 per cent, of actual glycerol) is obtainable. The plant is simple, all the operations being carried out in one vessel ; and as only open steam is used there is no danger of explosion as with autoclave processes. If desired, the brown oleic acid can be distilled by means of superheated steam ; or it can ba converted into palmitic acid by Radisson's process (infra), for which purpose it is well fitted. 100 parts tallow yield 95 of crude fatty acids, reduced to 93 by oxidation and washing, of which 55 to 60 parts are obtainable as candle stearine, melting at 58 to 60 C. (136 to 140 F.) Hydrolysis of Glycerides by Water Only. In 1854 a patent was taken out by Tilghmann for the decomposition of glycerides by means of water under great pressure, and corre- spondingly high temperature ; in one form of apparatus a mixture of fat and water was forced through a coil heated to about 420 C. (upwards of 800 F. ), the pressure approximating to a ton per square inch (some 140 atmospheres). Various improvements were subsequently made ; but the practical difficulties attending the working of manufacturing operations of the kind prevented the method being largely adopted. A modification of the process, patented shortly after wards by Wilson & Payne (No. 1,624, 1854), effects the same result in a much simpler way. The fatty matter being heated in a still to about 300 C., steam from a superheater is blown through it by means of a rose jet or false bottom perforated with a large number of small holes, so that numerous jets of steam rise through the mass. Hydrolysis takes place, and the fatty acids and glycerol formed are volatilised and carried over with the excess of steam to the condensers, where the free fatty acids and glycerol in aqueous solution are obtained ; the former condense first, so that by using a series of condensing chambers, little but fatty acids are obtained in the earlier ones, whilst chiefly watery glycerol condenses in the later ones, yielding a very pure commercial glycerine by simple concentration after separating the small quantity of accompanying fatty acids. Fig. 85 represents the general character of this plant. Steam is superheated in the superheater A, and passes into the retort, C, covered in with a lid, E ; the vapours pass off to the condensers, G, for fatty acids, and F for glycerol water. If the temperature is too high (above 315), much loss of glycerol occurs through the formation of acrolein. In France, the saponification of fatty matters by means of water alone (without lime, 8C being reversed in position from time to iime until the requisite thickness is attained; the still somewhat plastic wax candles are then rolled into shape, some half dozen at a time, on a smooth marble table with a board on which the workman presses heavily; the finished candle consequently exhibits concentric layers of wax, something like the rings of a DRAWING WAX TAPERS. 389 tree. The process requires considerable skill to produce a per- fectly even surface with truly central wick, especially in the case of large sized candles ; to facilitate the " pouring" or " basting" operation, the wicks are usually hung on a horizontal wheel (Fig. 86) fixed over the projecting lip of a large basin holding the melted wax, so that each is "basted" in turn. Large conical altar candles (cierges) are still generally made substantially by the older process, the plastic wax being rolled into a long thin strip or ribbon, which is then coiled round the wick (previously soaked in melted wax) and rolled into shape on the marble slab, instead of being basted on. In practice it is difficult to "mould" wax candles satisfactorily oil account of sticking to the mould and shrinkage during solidi- fication, and consequent tendency to crack ; but thin candles can Fig. 87. be "drawn" somewhat after the fashion of wire by running the wick through a pan of melted wax, and subsequently making it pass through a drawplate so as to reduce the layer of wax to uniform thickness (Fig. 87). The wick is usually wound from one drum on to another ; after one coating is applied it is wound back again, this time passing through a somewhat wider draw- hole, so as to give an increased thickness of wax ; as a rule, however, neat tapers of more than about half an inch diameter cannot be conveniently made thus, as the tendency to crack becomes too great when the diameter increases beyond this point. In whatever way the wick is coated, whether by " rolling," " pouring," or " drawing," the candles are ultimately finished by cutting off the butt ends clean with a sharp knife (Fig. 88), and trimming the other ends to conical tips. When tinted wax candles are requisite usually only the last batches basted on are 390 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. coloured, as the tinting- materials are generally apt to clog the wick, especially if solid ; for white candles airbleached wax (p. 268) is employed, w T ax blanched by chemicals (especially chlorine) being- unsuitable (p. 267). Fig. 88. Dip Candles. In the preparation of rough candles for house- hold use in mediaeval times and even still more recently,* the wicks used were generally rushes (Juncus conglomeratus) skilfully Fig. 89. peeled so as to leave the pith supported by one thin rib of green rind, whence the familiar term "rushlight." These were soaked (after drying) in melted tallow or kitchen grease, held up to * Gilbert White, "Natural History of Selborne" 1789. EDINBURGH WHEEL. 391 cool, and then dipped again carefully into the just melted grease and quickly withdrawn, so that the film of adherent tallow solidified before it had time to run down ; for which purpose it was imperative that the grease should not be overheated. The dipping was then repeated at intervals until the coating of tallow was sufficiently thick. By and bye when tallow candle- making became a trade of itself this method of manipulation was. adopted on a larger scale with appropriate modifications ; linen or cotton wicks supplanted rush pith, whilst the dipping was effected by fixing a number of wicks (previously soaked in tallow) on hooks driven side by side a little way apart into the bottom of a piece of board or wooden lattice frame, so that by lifting the board by means of a knob or handle on the upper side, all the wicks attached could be simultaneously dipped and withdrawn. To facilitate the dipping, the board with dependent candles was attached to a rope passing over a pulley (Fig. 89) ; each frame of candles when dipped being unhooked from the rope and suspended from the periphery of a horizontal wheel so as to hang up and harden ; by dipping in regular succession each one of a number of frames thus suspended, each batch of candles became suffi- ciently cooled and " set " to be ready for another dip by the time its turn came ; the wheel thus slowly revolved, making one revolution for each dipping of the whole series of frames suspended therefrom. By attaching suitable weights to the end of the cord as counterpoise the time is easily ascertained when the candles have been dipped sufficiently often to be of the right weight. To avoid the trouble of unhooking each frame and hanging it up from the wheel a series of separate radiating bars have been substituted for the complete wheel, each bar being capable of oscil- lating in a vertical plane working 011 a pin in a slot in the vertical axis. Fig. 90 represents a form of "Edinburgh wheel" of this description ; each bar, B B, carries two dipping frames, one at each end, the second serving as counterpoise to the first ; each frame is successively pulled down and dipped in the tallow cauldron and then Fig. 90. raised again, the wheel being made to revolve partially so as to bring the next succeeding frame over the cauldron. Various 392 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. subsidiary arrangements are sometimes applied for the purpose of ensuring horizontality of the radiating bars when raised after dipping even though the newly dipped end may be a little heavier than its counterpoise. The wicks may be suspended from the hooks by means of a loop of cotton thread tied to them ; but a more convenient plan is to double the wick, stringing the series over a rod as indicated in Fig. 91. The rod with the dependent wicks is then dipped by hand into a trough of melted tallow and hung up on a rack or otherwise supported until the tallow is sufficiently set to permit of another dipping ; or a series of rods are attached side by side to a frame supported by cords and attached to an hdinburgh wheel, ifcc. In order to impregnate the wicks with tallow in the first instance and to get them all of the right length, the wick is = $F$F$ = ^^ Fig. 91. unwound from a bobbin, and wound round a square frame of suitable size so as to form a sort of loose covering ; this is then dipped bodily in hot tallow to within an inch or so of the top of the frame, so as to fill up all the pores in the immersed portion of the wicking : the entire row of strands at the bottom of the frame is then cut through w y ith a knife, and the different doubled wicks separated, and strung on the rods as indicated. Another mode of proceeding, formerly much used in the larger dipping establishments, is to have the cauldron of melted tallow movable, so as to pass in succession beneath each one of a series of frames. Fig. 92 represents the section of an arrangement of the kind : the two frames, D D, are connected by a cord passing over pulleys supported by a beam arid posts, so that one counter- poises the other ; by pulling the cords, E E, the one or the other can be made to descend. A number of these pairs of frames are arranged side by side (Fig. 93) the cauldron of tallow (kept fluid by means of a brazier) running on a railway down one side of the row and up the other, so that each one of the frames is dipped in regular rotation. A sort of mechanical wiper is conveniently connected with the cauldron, so that by moving a lever after the candles have emerged from the molten tallow the drops of melted grease that run down to the bottoms are removed. When well- shaped candles are required, the irregularities may be smoothed down by pulling each candle in succession by hand through a series of holes in a drawplate (graded in diameter, the smallest DIP CANDLES. 393 being the size ultimately required) so as to strip off a portion of the outer coating, leaving the remainder fairly cylindrical. A peculiar modification of the dipping process is sometimes practised : the wicks are dipped in hot melted tallow as usual to fill up pores; instead of applying the outer coatings by successive dippings of the treated wicks, thin steel rods are dipped in the tallow ; when the candles are of the requisite thickness they are cooled completely, and the steel cores extracted ; the wicks are then passed through instead, and fastened in position by a few L_J Fig. 92. Fig. 93. drops of melted tallow. A similar device is also employed in the manufacture of certain kinds of night lights (infra), except that the wickless hollow candles are made by casting instead of dipping. At the present day, although the manufacture of dip candles made of unsaponified tallow is by no means extinct (there being still some considerable demand, especially in country districts), the quantity manufactured is much less than that of " moulded" candles, mostly prepared from solid fatty acids ( socalled "stearine") and paraffin wax, but sometimes from unsaponified 394 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. tallow or mixtures containing both free fatty acids and solid unsaponified glycerides (composites). Tallow candles, when blown out, generally emit an acrid vapour, due to the decomposi- tion of the glyceride by the heat of the smouldering wick, with formation of acroleiii ; this circumstance, together with their comparative softness inducing "guttering," the necessity for " snuffing," and the tendency to emit smoke and give a less clear brilliant light than stearine and paraffin candles, has caused them gradually to fall comparatively into disuse, especially amongst dwellers in towns. Wicks. The nature of the wick employed in a candle very greatly affects the way in which it burns, and consequently the light emitted. In the old fashioned tallow dip candle, thick twisted cotton wicks are still used ; these do not thoroughly consume away, and consequently " snuffers " are requisite in order to remove the charred smouldering cotton, otherwise much less light is given out, and a smoky flame produced. By various mechanical devices, attempts have been made to give to such twisted wicks a tendency to bend outwards in the flame, so as to come in contact with the air and consume spontaneously ; others have sought to attain the same end by incorporating a thin wire with the cotton strands. Palmer's " metallic wick " was an analogous device, where a thread impregnated with powdered bismuth was bound up with a number of others of ordinary fibres by winding one round the bunch ; when burnt, the bismuth formed a minute globule at the end of the wick, the weight of which tended to draw the wick outwards ; so that the carbonised cotton was burnt away, and the bismuth volatilised, or was otherwise dissipated by combustion. De Milly attempted to gain the same result by impregnating the wicks with boracic and phosphoric acids, &c., so as to form a globule of fused mineral matter. All such devices, however, have been super- seded for the better classes of candle by the use of flat plaited or " braided " wicks (first introduced by Cambaceres), where the mode of construction imparts a natural tendency to bend outwards. The precise mode of plaiting adopted considerably modifies the way in which the wick burns, one kind of braiding being better suited than another for certain kinds of combustible matter ; thus, paraffin candles require a wick more tightly braided than is requisite for stearine candles, whilst looser wicks are used for wax and sperm candles. As a rule, the plaiting of the wicks is not carried out in the candle factory, but by spinners making a speciality of this particular line, and delivering the braids in hanks of convenient size ; the machines used much resemble those employed in the manufacture of ordinary braids. Wick Pickling. Before conversion into candles, the wicks are soaked or "pickled" in a suitable saline solution for some MOULDED CANDLES. 395 hours ; they are then drained and finally wrung out by means of a rapidly rotating centrifugal machine so as expel almost the whole of the fluid without twisting the threads in any way, and finally hung up to dry in a room heated by steam pipes. The object of the pickling is, on the one hand, to counteract the accumulation of mineral matter or "ash" in the wick as it burns, and on the other, to prevent the too rapid burning away of the wick fibres before the due quantity of melted fatty matter has passed along them and been consumed in the flame. The choice of the parti- cular solutions employed and their strengths is usually regarded as a trade secret, each manufacturer having his own views on the subject to which experience has guided him ; solutions varying from 1 to 5 per cent, of saline matter in strength have been recommended, such as borax (alone, or acidulated 'with a minute quantity of sulphuric acid), salammoniac, saltpetre, phosphate of ammonium, or mixtures of such salts ; although only very minute quantities of saline matters ultimately remain in the dried wicks, yet the effect thereby produced on the way in which the candle burns is often very marked. MOULDED CANDLES. The art of moulding candles, instead of dipping them, is due to the Sieur de Brez in the fifteenth century; but excepting for the employment of this method in the manufacture of spermaceti candles in the latter part of the last century, but little advance was made in this direction until the introduction of " stearine " (solid free fatty acids) as candle material instead of tallow, and the subsequent employment of paraffin wax for the same purposes a little after the middle of the present century. The earlier moulding machines were socalled " hand frames " (still in use for small operations and special sizes for which only a small demand exists) containing a series of pewter moulds with removable- mouthpieces, Fig. 94, depending downwards from a shallow trough, Fig. 95, the top end being lowest and the butt end uppermost. By means of a wire with a hook at the end the wick was hooked through a narrow orifice at the conical lowest end of the mould and brought upwards, and finally fixed to a wire hook, n, by means of a knot on the wick, or preferably a little loop of cotton thread tied to the wick ; so that by gently pulling the wick downwards at the bottom and fixing it with a peg, it was stretched in the axis of the cylindrical mould (Fig. 96) ; or instead of a removable mouthpiece carrying a hook like n, a short piece of wire was passed through the loop and allowed to rest in a couple of shallow notches opposite to one another in the upper rim of the mould, so that the wick depended axial ly therefrom. Figs. 97 arid 98 represent an improved modification of this arrangement, where, instead of having a ,396 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. VJ Fig. 94. Y Fig. 96. Fig. 93. Fig. 97. Fig. 98. HAND MOULDING FRAMES. 397 separate wire for each candle, a whole row of wicks is simul- taneously supported by a single rod, D D, which is with- drawn when the candles are extricated from the moulds after cooling. The use of this rod generally leaves a corresponding mark or groove at the base of the finished candle, whereby a hand made article can be readily recognised. The moulds being somewhat warmed so as not to chill the candle material too quickly, the molten sub- stance is poured into the trough so as to fill all the moulds, and also part of the trough to allow for shrinkage ; the whole is then set by to cool, and when the candles are suf- ficiently set, the contents of the trough are scooped out with a trowel. Pre- ferably, the frame carry- ing the series of moulds is immersed in a water tank so as to facilitate the chill- ing, the temperature of the water varying with the nature of the material used and the dimensions of the candles moulded ; it being usually necessary that the solidification should go on at a par- ticular rate, otherwise a crystalline structure may be developed by too slow cooling, injuring the ap- pearance of the candle, or cracking may occur with too rapid chilling. When the candles are completely set, the frame is removed from the water, and the Fig. 99. candles extricated by re- moving the pegs and inverting the frame, when they mostly fall out of themselves owing to the moulds being slightly conical; if sticking occur, gently tapping the mould generally suffices to dislodge the candle. Including "threading" i.e., setting the wicks .398 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. in position by hand (by passing it through the lower orifice and pulling it upwards by means of a wire) filling, and emptying, hand frames can only be worked off about once in an hour, or somewhat less frequently. In the later " continuous " candle moulding machines, three times this speed is attained, much time being saved by a device whereby the wick is passed continuously at stated intervals through the mould, a candle being cast at each period, and when set, lifted upwards so as to draw the wick into position for the next moulding, so that a string of candles, one after the other, is cast around each wick. Fig. 99 represents Royan's form of continuous wick moulding machine as used in Germany (Schadler) ; as each batch of candles is cast and becomes sufficiently hard, they are lifted upwards out Fig. 100. of the moulds by means of a rack and pinion which elevates a platform to the under side of which the wicks are fastened by a series of clips ; in this way the wicks are always kept gently stretched along the axes of the moulds ; several successive tiers of candles are thus moulded without altering the attachments. When the platform reaches its highest elevation the wicks are severed below the lowest tier, and the strings of candles removed from the clips that support them ; the platform is then lowered and the wick ends affixed to the clips, and the operations com- menced afresh. Fig. 100 represents " Camp's moulding wheel," a combination of the principle of the " Edinburgh wheel '' used for dipping candles with this "continuous" moulding action; this arrangement has been .somewhat extensively used in America (Christian!). A revolving CONTINUOUS MOULDING MACHINES. 399 horizontal wheel, B, is supported by iron rods, O O O, and turns on a pivot, C, attached to the roof. A series of moulding frames, A A A, are supported by the wheel, regularly arranged radiating from the centre; the troughs, b b, b b, surrounding these can be filled with water heated to any required temperature by means of steam pipes, or if need be cooled with ice. Just below the tips of the moulds are the rows of bobbins of wick, the ends of which, to begin with, are drawn upwards by hand and adjusted in the axes of the moulds. When all the moulds are ready the discharge valve, P, of a tank of melted candle material, M, is opened so as to fill one of the mould frames in position under- neath ; the wheel is then pushed round until the next mould frame is in position under the spout, when this is similarly filled ; and so on with all in turn. By the time the last frame is filled the first will have cooled sufficiently to enable the candles to be cautiously withdrawn and laid over in grooves cut for their support in the ledges of the frame ; as this is done the w r icks are drawn upwards, so that the moulds are threaded ready for the next filling. The mould frame thus emptied is refilled with melted candle material ; and similarly with the next, so that the wheel is revolved a second time, each mould frame being filled in succession as before ; when all the frames are filled the candles- lying over in the grooves (by this time perfectly hard and solid) are cut off and removed, and these now filling the moulds are pulled upwards and made to take their place. The moulding machines in use at the present day in the larger factories are mostly constructed on the "piston" principle, whereby the candles when sufficiently set are mechanically expelled from the moulds by means of a series of pistons rising up therein and lifting the candles out. Fig. 101 represents the general mode of action, identical in principle with that of an ordinary " lifting pump " without the valve, excepting that the piston-rod is below instead of above ; the piston is hollowed conically so as to form the mould of the candle tip ; the wick passes upwards through the tubular piston-rod. A series of moulds is arranged in a convenient frame or trough into which water can be run heated by means of steam, or artificially cooled as may be requisite according to the tem- perature at which the moulds are to be kept, which Fig. 101. varies with the nature of the candle material. Fig. 102 represents a moulding machine containing two such troughs arranged parallel, each containing a double row of moulds set in a suitable frame with the piston-rods all depressed; this is effected by connecting them all to a horizontal shelf 400 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. (driving plate) capable of being raised or lowered at will by means of a handle working a pinion gearing into a rack ; as the shelf is raised the four rows of candles are simultaneously lifted upward by the ascent of the pistons. As they rise they pass through four series of grooved jaws or ' : nippers" slightly open ; at the summit of the elevation these jaws close, gently grasping iind supporting the candles, the grooves being lined with felt or preferably india rubber. The handle is then turned the reverse way so as to depress the pistons to the lower ends of the moulds ; the wicks attached at the upper ends to the rows of candles supported by the nippers are consequently stretched in the axes of the moulds, having been unwound from the bobbins beneath during the ascent of the candles. Fig. 102. To commence operations, each wick is hooked up by means of a wire through the hollow piston-rod and fixed in the axis of the mould, as in the hand frame ; melted candle material is then poured into the moulds, and when set the candles are lifted out (by raising the pistons) and held by the nippers, the wicks being thus pulled upwards into position for the next casting ; the MOULDED CANDLES. 401 pistons are then depressed, sliding over the wicks as they descend ; the temperature of the water trough is adjusted if requisite, and a new batch of candles cast by pouring in more melted candle material. When this has set sufficiently to keep the wick in its central position without extraneous aid, the upper rows of candles held by the nippers are detached by cutting through the wicks ; the nippers holding the candles are then opened and the candles extracted, or, preferably, are lifted off (being detachable) and emptied on to a table, &c. The nippers are then replaced and the process repeated until the wick bobbins are exhausted. The lengths of the candles thus moulded in a given set of cylinders can be regulated at will by simply raising the driving plate by means of set screws, so as to shorten the distance between each piston and the top of the corresponding mould, and thus form a shorter candle ; or vice versd. When the butt ends of the candles are required to be conical (so as to fit into any sized stick), a special kind of cutting machine is employed to shave down the ends. If the cone is to be of greater diameter at its base than the rest of the candle, a special modification of the mould is employed (infra}. The chief skill required in working the candle moulding machine lies in properly regulating the temperature, the modus operandi varying in this respect with the material. With pure stearine (i.e., solid fatty acids with just enough paraffin wax, beeswax, or vegetable wax, or other similar material to u break the grain," and prevent or diminish crystallinity), the moulds are kept at a temperature slightly below the setting point of the candle material, which is poured in on the point of congealing, well stirred so as to form a gruel-like mass. The workman generally judges the temperature by simply putting his hand into the water trough surrounding the moulds, cooling it by running in a little cold water if requisite, or vice versd. With paraffin wax, on the other hand, the moulds must be heated by hot water or steam well above the melting point of the wax (usually up to 80 to 85, or about 170 F.), whilst the wax also should be hotter than its fusing point; when the moulds are filled, the surrounding hot water is run off and cold water run in instead, whereby the material is quickly chilled, and the peculiar translucency and lustre desired is attained. In certain cases this effect is heightened by alternately admitting hot and cold water into the water box, the precise mode of operating varying somewhat according as paraffin scale of relatively low melting point is used, or harder paraffin (cerasin, ozokerite, &c.) of higher melting point, witli or without the addition of a few per cents, of stearic acid, either for the purpose of serving as vehicle for colour (p. 405), or to prevent the tendency to soften and bend often shown by pure paraffin candles, even at temperatures considerably below the 26 402 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. fusing point. In some cases, where mixed materials are used with stearine in larger quantity, intermediate temperatures are employed for the water box. In Britain, paraffin candles have largely driven fatty acid candles out of the market on account of their greater cheapness, but this is not so much the case on the Continent. Moulded tallow candles were formerly somewhat largely employed, but latterly have mostly gone out of use along with dips on account of the objections to glycerides as combustible matter (p. 394). The same remark also largely applies to " composites," or mixtures of free fatty acids and glycerides, except for night lights (p. 406). Spermaceti candles are usually moulded in much the same way as paraffin wax candles, the material being heated above its melting point and run into hot moulds, which are then rapidly chilled by means of cold water. During the latter part of the last century and the earlier portion of the present one they were in some considerable amount of use by the wealthier classes ; but like wax candles, their use is but small nowadays as com- pared with candles of "stearine" and paraffin wax. With properly adjusted wicks they burn with considerable regularity and brightness, and are accordingly selected as the practical standard for photometric observations ; a " standard candle ; ' being one burning 120 grains of spermaceti per hour. For certain special forms of candle particular modifications of the moulding machine are requisite ; thus stearine candles, especially on the Continent, are often cast with longitudinal internal spaces or tubes, which tend to prevent " guttering " whilst burning. Spiral exteriors are also much in favour; formerly these were made by lathing cylindrical candles cast in the ordinary moulds ; but in the more recent machines the pistons are made to ascend by a screw motion, the moulds themselves being correspondingly grooved, so that the candles are screwed out of the moulds. For " self-fitting " butt ends (Fig. 103), where the thickest portion of the conical part is of greater diameter than the rest of the candle, the frame above described requires modification. Fig. 104 represents a machine for moulding self-fitting butt end candles, constructed by E. Cowles, of Hounslow, where the butts are shaped by a separate series of moulds fitting on the top of the cylindrical moulds, and ultimately lifted off from the conical candle ends by means of the chain, the candles being then raised by the piston and held in removable nipping frames in the usual way. This arrangement does not permit of the wick being run continuously ; after each batch of candles is cast Fif hours together. Two different forms of " iiightlights " are now chiefly employed, one set in a case of paper, wood-shaving, or similar material, sufficiently fluid-tight to prevent the melted combustible material from running out ; the other cast into shape without any such covering. The wick in each case is generally supported at the base by a " sustainer," consisting either of a little metal disc with ;i small central perforation through which the wick passes, or a similar small plaster of Paris plate, &c., the object being to prevent the wick from falling over when the light has nearly burnt out so that little or no solid grease is left to support the wick. The nature of the materials burnt varies considerably ; for encased nightlights substances are generally chosen the fusing points of which are not extremely high, so that the cost is less ; while for nightlights of the "pyramid" kind without cases, substances of comparatively high melting points are preferable. Different manufacturers vary considerably in the way in which their nightlights are prepared. Tn some instances the pasteboard or wooden case is simply filled up with melted candle material from a can after the bit of wick and "sustainer" are fixed in position by means of a drop of melted grease applied after the wick has been passed upwards through a minute hole in the bottom of the box : such nightlights are generally placed in a saucer of water when burnt. Others are moulded round the wicks in much the same fashion as ordinary longer candles ; whilst others are cast as solid cylinders of fatty matter, through the centre of which a hole is perforated; the wick previously threaded on a little bit of tinfoil, is passed upwards through the perforation, N1GHTLIGHTS. 407 and fixed in position sufficiently securely by a blow carefully given with a peculiar kind of hammer : these are generally burnt in glass dishes without water. Palmitic acid from palm oil, highly pressed coker stearine, and pressed tallow are the materials most frequently employed as combustible matter ; wicks of rush pith peeled so that two small strips of peel are left adherent on oppo- site sides are used for some, the effect of the strips being to turn outwards in burning, giving a well-shaped flame. Spills for lighting candles, &c., are generally drawn by much the same process as that above described for thin wax tapers (p. 389), the wicks being wound on a drum after passing through the melted composition and a suitable sized drawplate. After cutting to length the ends are "feathered'"' by dipping into hot water so as to melt half an inch or so of composition and giving n vigorous shake or jerk which dislodges most of the melted materials, slightly separating the strands in so doing. Medicated Candles. For the purpose of impregnating the air of sickrooms, &c., with disinfecting vapours, certain substances are sometimes intermixed with the candle material e.g., iodine and eucalyptus oil. In the latter case the effect is produced by the volatilisation of eucalyptol from the hot cup of melted grease at the base of the wick, that portion which is burnt in the flame being ineffective ; with iodine, the free element is evolved from the flame itself, hydriodic acid, if formed, being largely decom- posed again by the heat. Sulphur * has been used in similar fashion, sulphur dioxide being formed on combustion. " :: A spirit lamp charged with a mixture of alcohol and carbon disulphide affords a convenient means of producing sulphur dioxide for disinfecting chambers, &c. 408 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. 7. The Soap Industry. CHAPTER XVIII. MATERIALS USED IN THE MANUFACTURE OF SOAP. FATTY MATTERS AND ALKALIES. THE raw fatty materials employed in any large quantities for the manufacture of ordinary household soaps and those used for technical purposes, such as wool - scouring, &c., are far less numerous than the different varieties of oleaginous matters used for culinary, edible, and miscellaneous purposes through- out the world in different countries ; but almost every day new sources of oily and fatty matters from abroad are brought to light, many of which only require suitable development to furnish excellent material for soapmaking as well as for more superfine uses. The leading substances of animal origin in largest use for soap- making are the fats of the sheep and ox (tallow), horse grease, damaged hog's lard, kitchen grease, and similar materials derived from trade refuse of different kinds (such as tannery, bone- boiling and gluemaking greases), together with seal and whale oils, cod and shark liver oils, fish oils of various kinds, and such like materials, including sewage grease, egg yolks, and greases recovered from soapsuds, wool washing, engine waste cleansing, &c. Amongst the more prominent materials of vege- table origin may be mentioned the oils and butters derived from olives ; cotton, sesame, sunflower, rape, and linseeds ; arachis and cokernuts ; palm fruits and kernels ; niger and poppy seeds ; castor beans and almonds ; and in lesser degree a large variety of analogous substances, mostly either the " foots ; ' formed during refining (p. 261), or the interior qualities obtained as the last hot pressings, or by treatment with carbon di sulphide and similar solvents, of the partially exhausted mass from which oils of finer quality, suitable for superior applications, have been previously expressed or otherwise obtained ; it being a sort of general ALKALIES. 409 axiom that any kind of greasy or oleaginous matter can be made into soap of a more or less useful and valuable character, even when fit for no other applications, the coarsest kind of cart grease and such like rough lubricants alone excepted. A certain amount of higher priced soaps (toilet and special varieties) is also prepared from less coarse fatty matters, in some instances from materials of the finest qualities ; but the quantity of these superior grades made bears only a small proportion to the total amount of ordinary coarser soaps manufactured for scouring and laundry purposes (vide Chap, xx.) Alkalies. The term alkali is usually traced to the Arabic Al kali, a name applied to a particular plant (a kind of " glass- wort "), the ashes of which abound in potash, and have conse- quently been used from the earliest ages, not only for the manu- facture of glass (whence the English trivial name), but also for laundry and detergent purposes generally. The term " potash," indeed, connotes much the same idea, being originally applied to the soluble part of woodashes dissolved out by water and re- covered by boiling down the solution in a pot ; pearlash being the same material subjected to further purification so as to whiten it. Even at the present d^y crude ashes from vegetable combustibles are often used as a detergent without purification, the earthy and calcareous insoluble matters present serving rather to aid scouring purposes ] thus, cigar ash furnishes a very effective dentifrice.* The difference in character (from the soap boiler's point of view) between the alkali contained in the ashes of inland vege- tation (potash) and that present in marine plant ash (soda), appears to have been known to a considerable extent to the alchemists of the earlier and middle ages of the Christian era ; although the essential chemical differences between the two, and the practical identity of the latter with the mineral product natron, were probably not so clearly understood. The effect of treatment with quicklime so as to render " mild alkali " (car- bonate) "quick" or "caustic," and the superior action of the quickened product on oleaginous matters, so as to form soap, were also more or less imperfectly known to them. At the pre- sent day the alkalies used in soapmaking are generally (though not invariably) used in the caustic condition because of this more rapid action ; but saponification can be effected by carbonated alkalies if sufficient time be allowed, or if the action be acceler- ated by increased heat and pressure. In all probability the action of an alkaline carbonate essentially consists in the forma- * A few years ago an ancient tomb was duo; up in Rome ; a quantity of what appeared to be ashes were found therein, which were appropriated by one of the workmen for his wife to use in washing. It subsequently transpired that the ashes were the remains of the Emperor Galba, who was cremated some eighteen centuries ago (Time*). 410 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. tion of soap and bicarbonate ; thus with stearin and sodium carbonate Stearin. Sodium Carbonate. Water. Glycerol. C 3 H 5 (C 18 H 35 2 )3 + 3Na a C0 3 + 3H,0 C 3 H 5 (OH) 3 Sodium Stearate. Sodium Bicarbonate. + 3Na(C ]8 H 35 O 2 ) + 3NaHCO 3 . Under the influence of heat the bicarbonate breaks up into carbon dioxide, water, and neutral carbonate, which last then reacts as before Sodium Bicarbonate. Sodium Carbonate. Carbon Dioxide. Water. 2NaHC0 3 Na 2 C0 3 + C0 2 + H 2 0. Ammonia usually exerts a considerably less; energetic saponi- fying action on most kinds of fatty matters than the fixed .alkalies ; whilst lime, magnesia, zinc oxide, lead oxide, and .similar materials, although useful in the preparation of earth}' and metallic soaps for other purposes (candlemaking, preparation of lead plasters, tfec.), are not used in the direct manufacture of ordinary soaps ; excepting in so far as small quantities of lime, iron, and other metallic soaps are often present therein as im- purities derived from the water or the materials and utensils used, &c. Formerly the manufacture of alkali, especially soda, was very frequently conjoined with that of soap ; but of late years it has become more usual to dissever the two trades, the soapboiler purchasing either caustic or carbonated alkali from the alkali manufacturer instead of preparing it himself. At one time the chief source of potash was the ashes of terrestrial vegetation /whence the term " vegetable alkali ") ; but mineral potassium chloride (chiefly from the Stassfurth deposits) is now largely employed as raw material, being converted into potassium carbonate by the Leblanc process.* Similarly, in the earliest ages, soda (natron) was derived from saline efflorescences on the soil, whence the term " mineral alkali ;" subsequently, the ashes of seaweeds and marine plants furnished a cheaper source known as "barilla;" whilst latterly, soda produced by the method of Leblanc, or by the more recent "ammonia process" for converting rocksalt into sodium carbonate, has mostly superseded all other kinds. By either of these processes, "soda ash" (more or less impure anhydrous sodium carbonate) and "caustic soda" (sodium hydroxide) are prepared in the solid state, the latter being usually put up in airtight iron drums for transport and preserva- tion ; when caustic liquors of a given strength are requisite, they * Conversion into sulphate by treatment with sulphuric acid, and subse- quent heating of the sulphate with small coal and calcium carbonate, so as to form alkaline carbonate and calcium sulphide (as "black ash"), separated by dissolving out the former by means of water. CAUSTICI8IN6 PROCESS. 411 are readily prepared by simply dissolving a known weight of the solid caustic soda in a given volume of water, and are then ready for use. When, however, sodium carbonate or potassium carbonate is bought, before caustic leys suitable for soap boiling can be obtained, the operation of " causticising " must be gone through, consisting in dissolving the carbonated alkali in water, adding lime, and boiling up with agitation so that the calcium hydroxide and alkaline carbonate may react on one another in accordance with the equations Sodium Carbonate. Slaked Lime. Caustic Soda. Calcium Carbonate. + CaHA = . 2NaOH + CaC0 Potassium Carbonate. Calcium Hydroxide. Potassium Hydroxide. Calcium Carbonate. K._,CO, + CaFLO, 2KOH + CaC0 3 Causticising Process. Tii the earlier days of soapmaking the causticising of the alkalies employed was generally effected in the cold ; a purer ley being thus obtained from crude " ashes " (rough potashes and "black ash") than when the whole was boiled up together, and then allowed to settle. At the present 52 82-19 88-90 14 22-13 23-94 54 85-35 92-32 16 25-29 27-36 56 88-52 95-74 18 28-45 30-78 58 91-68 99-16 20 31-61 34-20 60 94-84 102-58 22 34-77 37-62 62 98-00 106-01 24 37-93 41-04 64 101-16 109-43 2 2 grammes of NaOH, b 3 of K O, b of KOH), then E grammes of . . 31 ... . , / 40 47-1 56-1 fat are equivalent to - - litres of ley f or to -, -y , or =- litres J ; whence 1 gramme of fat represents -. ^ -^ for 7-^-^5 * A solution of anything containing n grammes per litre (n milligrammes per c.c. or n kilogrammes per cubic metre), contains n pounds per hecto- gallon (100 gallons), since 1 gallon of water weighs 10 Ibs. Hence when laboratory estimations are made, as usual, on the metrical system, the results can, if required, be referred to pounds and gallons for practical British works' use in a "Very simple way. QUANTITY OF LEY REQUISITE FOR SAPONIFICATION. , or T -- res o 56,100\ 423 y =, v/x , ) litres of ley ; or 1 kilogramme represents 31,000 /40,000 47,100 56,100\ or j-l ) litres. Thus, one kilo. b t x E \b 2 x E' b s x E' of cokernut oil (E = 215) would be exactly saponified by r.TTTT^ JTT^- = 0-930 litres of caustic soda solution of such 200 x 21o strength that 1 litre = 200 grammes NaOH; or 1 kilo, of lin- seed oil (E = 291-5) would correspond with -^---7^- OQ , = 1'029 10/ "U X ZiV I'D litres of potash ley of which 1 litre = 157'0 grammes K 2 O. f n ' * w ' f 40 ' 000 l 56 ' 100 f Ihe following table gives the values of ^ and ^ for Talues of E between 190 and 400 ; by its means the number of litres, x, of caustic soda (or potash) solution can be readily calculated, requisite for the saponification of a kilogramme of any fatty mixture the mean saponification equivalent of which is E, by the simple formula n X = TVf' where n is the tabular number corresponding with E, and N the number of grammes of NaOH (or of KOH) contained in a litre of the ley used : E. 40,000. Difference. 56,100. E Difference. E 190 210-5 295-2 200 200-0 10 -5 280-5 14 7 210 190-5 9-5 - 267-2 13-3 220 181-8 8-7 255-0 12-2 230 173-9 7-9 243-9 11-1 240 166-7 7-2 233-7 10-2 250 160-0 6-7 224-4 9-3 260 153-8 6-2 215-8 8-6 270 148-1 5-7 207-8 8-0 280 142-8 5-3 200-4 7-4 290 137-9 4-9 193-5 6-9 300 133-3 4'6 187-0 6-5 310 129-0 4-3 181-0 6-0 320 125-0 4-0 175-3 5-7 330 121-2 3-8 170-0 5'3 340 117-6 3-6 165-0 5-0 350 114-3 3-3 160-3 4-7 360 111-1 3-2 155-8 4-5 370 108-1 3-0 151-6 4-2 380 105-3 2-8 147-6 4-0 390 102-6 2-7 143-8 3-8 400 100-0 2-6 140-25 3-55 424 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. Thus, suppose a mixture of tallow, palm oil, and cokernut oil to have the mean saponification equivalent 250 ; then n = 160 r and the number of litres of caustic soda solution requisite to saponify a kilogramme is -^--> where N is the number of grammes of NaOH contained in a litre of the ley; if N = 1GO the quotient is, obviously, 1,000 i.e., 1 litre exactly is re- quired ; whilst for stronger and weaker solutions, where N is respectively 320 and 80, the corresponding quotient values are 0-500 and 2 '000 i.e., exactly 0*5 litre of the stronger fluid is required, and 2*0 litres of the weaker one. If the saponification equivalent is not exactly indicated by the table, the value is readily obtained by interpolation by means of the difference columns without introducing any material error; thus a commercial "oleine" (impure oleic acid) of which the saponification equivalent is 282*5 corresponds with a value A-0 000 f or ^ of 142-8 - 0-25 x 4'9 = 141-6; hence, if a soda ley containing 293-6 grammes of NaOH per litre be used (N = 293*6), -1 A~\ ./? . -'. = 0-482 litre of ley will contain alkali exactly corre- ' ' * *O spending with 1 kilo, of fatty matter. Obviously, the above formula x= -- 7 will also enable the number of parts by weight of ley to be calculated, requisite to saponify one part by weight of fatty matter of mean equivalent E, if N denote the permillage of NaOH (or of KOH) in the ley. Thus in one of the examples above quoted, one part of cokernut oil of equivalent 215 represents a value for ' , - of 190'5 - 0-5 x 8-7= 186-1 ; whence the quantity of soda ley at 220 per mille of NaOH, equivalent thereto is = 0-846 part, as before. When it is required to use fatty matters and alkaline leys in as nearly as possible equivalent quantities so as to avoid excess of either constituent, calculations such as the foregoing afford the simplest method of arriving at the relative quantities requisite. In practice, when the same kind of operation is to be repeated over and over again as a matter of routine, the fatty matter employed being sensibly of the same quality throughout, it usually suffices to gauge the tanks and vessels employed once for all by means of calculations founded on these principles, and preferably checked by careful analyses of the resulting products ; the weight of fatty matters taken and their mean saponification equivalent being practically constant for each operation, the volume of alkaline ley used is slightly QUANTITY OF LEY REQUISITE FOR SAPONIFICATIOX. 425 increased or diminished below that corresponding with the original gaugings according as the alkalimetrical test of the liquor (or the value deduced from its specific gravity) shows that it is a little below or above its normal strength i.e., that pertaining to the original gaugings. When it is required to calculate the amount of sodium or potassium hydroxide or carbonate equivalent to a given amount of anhydrous oxide, or vice versd, the following formulae may be employed, based on the molecular weights Na = 23 Na 2 = 6'2 NaOH = 40 Na 2 C0 3 = 106 K 39-1 KoO = 94 -2 KOH = 56' I K 2 C0 3 = 138'2 Let a given weight A of .Na.,O be equivalent to B of and C of Na.,CO 3 ; and let a given weight D of K 2 O be equivalent to E of KOH: and F of K 2 CO 3 : then To reduce Formula. NaOH to Na 2 A ^^^ T > = '"" 50 B Na 2 C0 3 to Na 2 A = ^ C = 0-5849 C 9 v 10 Na 2 to NaOH B = ^ A = 1-2903 A Na 2 C0 3 to NaOH B = '^T C = 0'7547 C Na 2 to Na 2 C0 3 C ^ A T7097 A 106 NaOH to Na 2 C0 3 C = ^ ^ B = 1-3250 B 04-9 KOH to K 2 D = g^P^l E = ' 8396 E 94 '2 K 2 C0 3 to K a O D = -j^ F = 0-6816 F K 2 to KOH E - 2 -^4^ D = 1 1911 D 9 v ^fi-1 K 2 C0 3 to KOH E - -Tooo F = ' 8119 F lOo t 1 ^8 *2 K 2 to K 2 C0 3 F = j~ D = 1-4671 D 1 qq .o KOH to K 2 C0 3 F - o-^^Y E = 1-2317 E Thus a solution of sodium hydroxide of specific gravity 1-206 containing 13-3 per cent, of NaOH will contain 13-3 x 0-775 = 10-3 per cent, of Na 2 O ; one containing 21'5 per cent, of K 2 CO 3 is equivalent to another containing 21*5 x 0*8119 17*46 per cent, of KOH * and so on. 426 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. The following analogous formulae may be used to calculate the quantity of soda equivalent to a given weight of potash or vice versd. Let H be a given quantity of sodium carbonate and I the potassium carbonate equivalent thereto ; similarly let J be a given amount of sodium hydroxide and K the potassium hydroxide corresponding therewith ; and let L be a given quantity of Na^O, and M the K 2 O equivalent thereto. Then 1^ l = ' 767 I Carbonates, . . H - 1-3038 H J = -Jf.- K = 0-7130 J GO 1 Hydroxides, . . . ' K ^ J 1-4025 K L -^r M 0-6582 L Anhydrous oxides, M *^i L = 1-5194 M Thus 10 per cent, of K 2 O in a given soap is equivalent to 10 x 0-6582 = 6-582 per cent, of Na 2 O. A liquor containing 8 per cent, of NaOH is of the same alkaline strength as one containing 8 x 1-4025 = 11-22 per cent, of KOH ; and so on. CHAPTER XIX. SOAPMAKING PLANT. HEATING APPLIANCES. THE plant and appliances requisite for the manufacture of soap vary somewhat according to the nature of the process used and the scale on which it is conducted. Formerly the vessels (usually known as " pans," " coppers," or " kettles ") in which the boiling operations were conducted were uniformly mounted over free fires, so that the flame produced by the combustion of fuel in a fireplace placed beneath the pan was made to play over the rest of the bottom and part of the sides of the pan by means of a suitably arranged circular flue provided with a damper for the purpose of regulating the draught. Several coppers were usually mounted side by side, so that the products of combustion of their respective fires passed into the same common tunnel or flue lead- FREE-FIRED SOAP PANS. 427 ing to the main chimney of the works. At the present day this system of free firing is comparatively seldom applied in the larger soap factories, the coppers being more frequently heated by steam supplied from a special boiler, and in some cases super- heated before use. Fig. 108 gives a general idea of the disposi- Fig. 108. tion of the arrangements adopted for a free-fired pan. The pan, J, is mounted in masonry over the fireplace, B, placed centrally beneath it, a nearly circular flue, E, carrying the flame round the lower part of the pan to the chimney, F ; C is the grate or range of firebars supporting the fuel, and D the ashpit. The leys, &c., are drawn off as required by the tube and draw-off cock, K ; the level of the flooring or staging round the pan, A, A, is raised so that the top of the pan projects upwards some 3 feet. Fig. 109 represents a cast iron pan of slightly different type, A, also mounted so as to be heated by free firing ; in this case the fireplace, B, is not placed centrally be- neath the pan, but somewhat Fig. 109. in front of it, the heating being chiefly effected by the hot air chamber, E, in which the products of combustion circulate round and under the 428 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. base of the pan before passing away to the flue. C, firebars ; D, ashpit. In the case of modern steam heated pans, the steam is applied in various ways. Heating by " wet " steam consists in blowing steam at a sufficient pressure direct into the mass to be heated, so that the water produced by the condensation of the steam dilutes the whole until the temperature rises so high that the steam simply blows through without becoming materially con- densed ; for most general boiling purposes a wet steam coil is thus used, consisting of an iron pipe descending to near the bottom of the copper arid terminating in a ring perforated with holes through which the steam issues, bubbling up through the mass and producing a very effective agitation and intermixture of the contents when the heat is sufficient to cause the steam to blow through. In some districts this wet steam coil is accord- ingly spoken of as the "blowpipe;" superheated steam is some- Fig. 11U. times employed instead of steam supplied direct from the boiler, so as to diminish the amount of water condensation. Heating by " dry " steam consists in causing steam (either direct from a high pressure boiler, or preferably for many pur- poses, superheated) to circulate through a sort of spiral tube or coil arranged in the lower part of the copper ; the water con- densed in the coil accordingly does not pass into the heated mass, thereby diluting the leys, &c., but is blown off along with the exit steam. Dry steam is also sometimes employed to heat an external jacket usually only surrounding the lower part of the pan; Fig. 110 indicates the kind of arrangement C, steam supply pipe ; D, pipe and cock for drawing off condensed water ; A, copper; B, steam jacket at base of copper ; E, draw off pipe from copper. A mechanical stirring arrangement to keep the mass agitated is conveniently added. In order to facilitate intermixture of materials in the pan whilst heating up by dry steam an appliance known as " Morfit's steam twirl " is much used. Fig. Ill represents one form of arrangement applied to a comparatively shallow copper sup- MORFIT'S STEAM TWIRL. 429 ported by a wooden frame work, A A, B B. The steam from the steam pipe, G, passes into a hollow spindle, D D E, the central part of which is blocked, so that the steam is obliged to pass through the con- voluted tubes, K K, KK, braced together by cross pieces, HHH, which also serve as stirring vanes. By means of the bevel wheels, L L, worked from the shaft and pulley, M N, the twirl is set in motion, so that the contents of the pan are thoroughly agitated whilst being heated up. The con- densed water blows off at E with the surplus steam, whilst C is the discharge cock of the pan. The same appliance can also be used with wet steam, the con- voluted tubes being pierced with holes so as to allow part of the steam to escape directly into the mass of material. Soap Coppers. Formerly the vessels in which soap and leys were boiled together were made of various kinds of materials ; sometimes of masonry, iron bottoms being provided for heating by free fire ; sometimes of cast iron, like the pan represented in Fig. 109, or of wrought iron plates ri vetted together subse- quently, or of wooden staves strongly bound together like enormous tubs, wet steam being the source of heat. These forms, however, were mostly adapted only for use with quantities of material small in comparison with those in use at the present day, when charges of 30 to 40 tons and upwards of fatty matters are not uncommon ; a more recent form of soap kettle is a cylindrical or conical cauldron with somewhat rounded apex, placed base upwards, constructed of boiler plates well rivetted together, as indicated in Fig. 112; the degree of slope of the sides (regulating the ratio between the top and bottom 430 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. diameters) and the relation between the depth and maximum diameters vary somewhat in different countries e.g., soap kettles Fist. 113. SOAP COPPERS. 431 of this pattern in America are generally from two to three times as deep as they are wide, sometimes filling a building of two or three stories; whilst in Britain the depth rarely exceeds once and half times the diameter, still shallower pans being often used. A copper 15 feet diameter and 15 feet deep will turn out 20 to Fig. 114. 30 tons of soap, a usual rule being to allow 6 cubic feet capacity (about 37-5 gallons) for each 100 Ibs. weight of fatty matters treated, or about 135 cubic feet (nearly 850 gallons) per ton; so that a copper holding some 2,500 cubic feet (upwards of 15,000 gallons) will suffice for about 18 tons of fatty matters yielding 25 to 30 432 OILS, PATS, WAXES, ETC. tons of soap according to the amount of water contained therein. Fig. 113 represents " Morfit's Steam Series," a set of three coppers supplied with both sets of steam coils (wet and dry). B B is the steam main supplied from the boiler, A ; K is the wet steam pipe ; and D F G the dry steam coil. The lowest part of the Fig. 115. copper is usually provided with a narrower basin or hat-shaped downward prolongation for the more easy collection and separa- tion of watery leys, &c. ; in the figure it is represented as con- nected with a draw off tube, H, provided with a cock, J. F F F represent " Curbs " (infra) of different shapes to prevent boiling over. CURB AND FAN. 433 Figs. 114 and 115 represent a modern form of pan for heat- ing with either dry or wet steam as required, constructed by Messrs. W. Neill & Son, of St. Helens, Lancashire. This is a square tank made of steel plates rivetted together, with rounded corners and dished bottom, the square form being preferably employed as taking up less room than the circular shape requisite in the case of free-fired coppers provided with flues running round the lower part of the pan (Fig. 108). The pan is fitted with wet and dry steam coils, and a cock at the bottom for run- ning off spent leys. A "skimmer pipe" is provided, working on a swivel joint, and capable of being adjusted at any required height by a supporting chain ; as represented in the figure, the fluid soap is run off by gravity through a down pipe; but if required a pump can be connected at the elbow instead, a cock being affixed to shut off connection when the pump is not at work. An airblast has been employed by Dunn for the purpose of intermixing the ley and fatty matters during the preliminary stage of " killing the goods," and the subsequent operations when free-fired pans are employed, whereby tumultuous boiling is largely avoided ; the air was introduced by a " blowpipe " arranged in much the same way as the more modern wet t steam coil. The process was said to answer well ; but has nowadays fallen into disuse through the substitution of steam- heate'oHpans for free-fired kettles. Cui*9 and Fan. With certain kinds of materials, and parti- 1/cularly at certain stages of the operation, tumultuous boiling up or "bumping," and vigorous frothing are apt to occur, more especially when oleine soap is made by the direct addition of hot carbonated leys to free oleic acid (red oils, vide Chap, xx.), and during the -"'graining " or "cutting" of boiled soaps i.e., the throwing them out of watery solutions by addition of salt (vide Chap, xx.) Two appliances are of considerable utility in diminish- ing the chance of loss by boiling over under such conditions. One, known as the " curb," is simply a temporary expansion of the upper part of the pan, consisting of a conical, circular, or barrel- shaped addition bolted on so as virtually to amplify considerably the dimensions of the copper at the top. Fig. 113 represents a cone, F, of wooden staves, hooped together with iron, applied to one kettle, and a barrel -shaped analogous curb applied to another. The other arrangement is termed a "fan," Fig. 116, and consists of a sort of pair of paddle-wheels suspended in the pan at such a depth below the surface as may be requisite, so that as the paddles revolve the froth is broken by them and prevented from rising up and boiling over. Motion is communicated to the paddles by means of a vertical shaft with bevel wheels at top and bottom, the shaft being telescopic so as to admit of being 28 434 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. drawn up and down to adjust the level of the paddles as re- quired j it rotates within a tube carrying a Y-shaped frame at each end, the whole being suspended from the upper horizontal shaft, by means of w r hich motion is com- municated to the ver- tical shaft through the bevel wheels, whilst the lower Y serves as bearings for the axle of the paddles. Soap Fra-mes. When the operation of soapmaking is finished, and the spent leys (when such are present) removed by subsidence, etc., the resulting soap usually forms a hot semifluid or pasty mass which, on cooling, more or less thoroughly solidifies to a soft solid substance. In order to facilitate the opera- tion of cutting up the mass into bars and tablets for sale without waste, the hot soap is run by gravitation, or ladled, or pumped out of the copper in which it is made into "frames," in which it is allowed to solidify. The pumps used for this purpose are generally of somewhat different construction from the ordinary suction pump used for wells, &c. Fig. 117 represents a rotary soap pump as constructed by Hersee Brothers of Boston. Instead of pumping out the soap, it may more conveniently be run off by gravity by means of the adjust- able "skimmer pipe" shown in Fig. 114, the frames being arranged so that their tops are at a level below the elbow joint of the pipe. A method sometimes used for emptying kettles and raising their contents to a higher elevation was introduced by Gossage, consisting of the application of a cover fitting airtight, and then forcing in compressed air, so as to press the semifluid soap up a pipe the lower end of which dips into the kettle to the required Fig. 116. SOAP FRAMES. 435 depth; the whole arrangement working on the principle of the " acid egg " used in vitriol factories for elevating the acid without employing ordinary pumps. Fig. 119. The size of the frames employed and the material of which they are composed vary, wood being preferable when slow cooling 436 OILS, FAT?, WAXES, ETC. I Fig. 120. SLABBING AND BARBING. 437 is essential, but iron being considerably more convenient in other cases. For toilet soaps, frames holding 1 cwt. or less are often Fig. 121. employed ; for scouring soaps much larger ones, furnishing ulti- mately a block of cooled soap weighing 8, 10, 15, or more cwts.* Fig. 118 indicates the way in which a wooden frame may be built up of a set of squares pegged together and superposed on a bottom board. Fig. 119 represents a frame constructed of galvanised iron plates where the ends fit into grooves formed by turning round the corners of the side plates, or fitting pieces of angle iron thereto; the side and end plates are similarly fitted to the iron bottom, and the whole kept together by two transverse rods at the top fitted with screws and nuts. Fig. 120 repre- sents an improved form of steel soap frame, mounted on four wheels, and held together by cap fastenings. When the block of soap has .completely cooled down and set solid, the frame is taken to pieces and the block cut into slabs, which are then transversely cut up into bars. When this is done by hand the block is cut in a very simple fashion by simply pulling a looped wire (Figs. 121 and 122) through it horizontally so as to cut through the mass along a series of parallel lines previously Fig. 122. marked 011 the outside by means of a scribe (Fig. 123). Slabbing and barring machines of various patterns are frequently employed for this purpose (Fig. 124). When it is requisite that the soap * Formerly, the size of the soap frames was fixed by excise laws and regula tions, and required to be 45 inches long by 15 wide, inside measurement, and not less than 45 inches deep (usually made 50 to 60 inches deep) ; so as to hold some 15 to 20 cubic feet, or about 9 to 11 cwts. of soap, Although no longer compulsory, this size is still largely employed. 438 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. should cool very slowly in the frame (e.g., in. order to promote saponification in making cold process soap p. 457 ; or to facilitate mottling Chap, xx.) the sides of the frame are sometimes padded to keep in the heat (Fig. 125). The bars of soap into which a block is cut gener- ally weigh about 3 Ibs. ; they are usually stacked in a hollow pile to dry the outside slightly so as to case- harden them, as it were, or else are stored on lattice work shelves in an open rack allowing free access of Fig ^123. a ^ r - With very moist soaps, this drying action is apt to go too far, warping the bar out of shape, besides causing it to lose weight largely ; accordingly such bars are often "pickled" by immersion in brine, which slightly indurates the outside. Of late years a considerable demand has sprung up for 1 Ib. blocks instead of 3 Ib. bars ; such blocks are gener- ally cut to size and shape and then stamped like toilet cakes in similar machines but of larger size (p. 444). Often the block is grooved in the centre, so that it can be readily broken into two ; or three grooves are stamped at equidistant intervals enabling four 4 oz. blocks to be obtained. Crutching Machines. Formerly, when it was requisite to stir up soap containing excess of w r ater in the cooling frames to prevent its separating into two liquids, a peculiar hand worked agitator termed a " crutch " was largely used, consisting of a square piece of board with a handle attached to the centre of the square perpendicular to its plane (Fig. 126) ; by plunging this into the pasty mass, and working it up and down, a sufficiently efficient mixing was brought about. Such implements are still in use, especially for small-scale operations, but have been largely superseded by mixing machines, the operation of agitation by their means being still spoken of as " crutching." For inter- mixing silicate or resinate of soda solution with boiled soaps in large quantities at a time, or for otherwise working in saline solutions to dilute and harden the soap or improve its detergent qualities, or " filling " of various kinds, as well as for preventing separation of watery fluid from the mass, such machines are largely employed. Various forms are employed Fig 127 repre- sents a horizontal cylindrical form, with a rotating internal axle provided with projecting vanes for stirring up the contents ; when required for rapid cooling or heating an outer jacket is applied into which water or steam can be admitted as required (Fig. 128). Figs. 129 and 130 represent a series of three crutching pans arranged so as to be worked from the same shaft. By means of the clutches indicated, any one of the three can be set in motion or stopped as required : the stirring vanes are here horizontal, projecting from a vertical axle, similar fixed vanes being arranged internally so as to prevent the liquid mass from CRUTCHING MACHINES. 439 simply swinging round and round without being broken up and intermixed. In another form of mixing machine two sets of vanes are provided, moved in opposite directions by means of bevel wheels, one axle being hollow and the other working inside it like the axles carrying the two hands of a watch. The vanes slope at an angle of 45, so that the material is continually 440 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. lifted and the different layers intermixed, the general action resembling that of an ordinary eggwhisk. Large steam driven Fig. 127. sizes are very effective ; but if worked too rapidly the mass is apt to become frothy. For very stiff soap, an archimedean screw, working inside a wider cylinder, answers very well. TOILET SOAP MACHINERY. 441 Toilet Soap Machinery. In the manufacture of various kinds of toilet soaps, several special kinds of appliances are used varying in their nature with the process adopted. When " stock " soaps prepared on the large scale are " remelted," for the purpose of blending together different kinds, with the addition of colouring or scenting materials, fcc., a steam jacketted pan is generally preferred, somewhat after the fashion of Fig. 110 ; as the soap (previously cut up into small lumps) melts, it is mixed together either by hand crutching (supra) or by means Fig. 128. of some form of agitator; too rapid a movement must not be communicated to this, otherwise air bubbles are stirred in and the soap becomes more or less frothy, forming a spongy mass when solid.* Figs. 131 and 132 represent a very effec- tive form of remelter constructed by W. Neill & Son, where the heating action of the outer steam jacket is greatly amplified by means of the internal cross steam pipes ; the pieces of soap are continually brought in contact with these by the motion of the agitating arms, and as a large heating surface is thus brought into play the remelting proceeds rapidly. When finished, after intermixture of the various ingredients "Floating" soaps are purposely prepared in this way, enough air bubbles bein^ worked in to enable the tablet to float in water, even after compression in the stamping press. 442 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. REMELTINC PANS. 443 Fig. 132. 444 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. intended to render the soap emollient, to scent it, or otherwise to improve its qualities, the fluid mass is cast in small frames so as to form blocks of J cwt. or upwards, according to circum- stances ; usually these are made of iron plates bolted together, as indicated in Fig. 119, so as to cool quickly and avoid as far as possible loss of volatile scenting materials, and the injurious effect of heat thereon. The blocks when cold are then slabbed and barred by hand or machine, and the bars cut into short lengths, each of which is then stamped into tablet form by some form of press acting on the principle of a coining press, where Fig. 133. both sides of the coin or medal are embossed at once, a ring or collar being adjusted round the medal so as to prevent its swell- ing out sideways under the pressure. A large variety of tablet stamping machines are in use ; some are worked by hand, the upper die and collar being attached to a rod or plunger worked by a lever provided with a balance weight, so that by forcibly pulling down the lever the die descends and stamps the tablet. Fig. 133 represents a machine of this description, and Figs. 134 and 135 a steam stamping machine, where the impact of the die is given by letting steam into the cylinder by means of the valve STAMPING MACHINES. 445 handle, so that the piston suddenly rises, and consequently depresses the plunger to which the die is attached on the opposite side of the axis of motion. In another form of machine Fig. 134. Fig. 135. the requisite impact is given by raising the upper die to which a considerable weight is attached, and then letting it fall, pile- driver fashion. In the case of transparent toilet soaps made by the spirit process (Chap. xx.\ the pan in which the solution of the soap in 446 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. spirit is effected is connected with a still head and worm, so that the alcoholic vapours evolved are condensed and regained. With soaps of this class, the liquid soap left when most of the spirit is distilled off is run into frames, so as to gelatinise and solidify, and is then cut up into tablet blanks, which are exposed to the air for a considerable length of time (several weeks or even months) in a warm room, so as to consolidate them by gradual evaporation of remaining alcohol, etc., otherwise they would be too soft to keep their shape properly. Moreover, when freshly Fig. 136. prepared the mass is often "muddy;" but on keeping, it gradually becomes transparent and clear. Milled Soaps. Much more elaborate machinery is requisite for the manufacture of " milled " soaps. The bars of stock soap are first " stripped " i.e., cut into slices or chips by a slicing machine, actuated like a rotary plane or vegetable cutter. Fig. 136 represents Rutschmann's stripping machine. The chips are dried in a warm air chamber until only a few per cents, of moisture are retained, and are then ground between successive MILLED SOAPS. 447 pairs of heavy horizontal rollers, so arranged that the soap first passes between No. 1 and No. 2 rollers, then between No. 2 and No. 3, and so on, somewhat as in the case of seed crushing for oil extraction (p. 218). Each roller is made to revolve somewhat faster than the previous one, so that the soap slices are not merely crushed in passing through, but are also rubbed ; the soap always adheres to the more quickly moving roller, so that it passes onwards automatically. By means of " doctors " or scrapers, it is detached from the last roller in strips or ribbons, which are returned to the front of the machine and passed Fig. 137. through again and again. Fig. 137 represents a form of mill for the purpose. In order to facilitate the preliminary drying of the stock soap r A. & E. des Cressonnieres* use a series of rollers arranged vertically one above another in an enclosed space heated by steam or hot air, &c. Soap in a just fluid state from the remelter, &c., passes in a flat stream from a hopper on to the top roller, the contact with which partly solidifies it; the resulting semisolid sheet passes alternately from right to left, and vice versd, between each successive pair of rollers, as in the mill itself, finally emerging at the bottom in the form of a solid sheet, which is separated by an automatic cutter into strips. The temperature * English patent, No. 2,446, 1890. 448 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. of the chamber and the rate of soap supply are so adjusted that the strips are sufficiently dried by the time they emerge. When the various stock soaps used, colouring matters, perfumes, unguents (lanolin, vaseline, spermaceti, tfec., as re- quired in special cases), or medicinal agents, are thoroughly incorporated together in the mill, the whole mass (if not over- dried) becomes compara- tively soft and plastic, much as partially dried putty is softened by roll- ing and working it in the hand. When thoroughly intermixed, the ribbons stripped off the last roller are strongly compressed together ; in one class of machine by filling them into a barrel or cylinder provided with a conical end terminating in a nozzle, and forcing the mass outwards by means of a piston worked by a screw or by hydraulic power : the plastic rib- bons are thus " squirted " outwards through the nozzle as a continuous bar, which is then cut into short lengths and stamped into tablets. In another class of "plotting machine,"* the ribbons are made to fall from a hopper into the grooves of a large conical archimedean screw working in a funnel shaped barrel, terminating in a nozzle of appropriate size ; as the screw revolves the soap is gradually propelled onwards towards the nozzle, and on account of the diminishing diameter of the worm, becomes strongly compressed together, so as finally to issue from the nozzle as a firm solid bar, which is then cut up and stamped as before. Fig. 138 represents Beyer's plotting machine working on this principle. Cylindrical and spherical soap tablets and wash balls are some- times prepared; these are usually stamped into approximately the required shape by means of suitable presses, or by hand, and when sufficiently dry, finished by turning and polishing in a kind of lathe. In order to give a polished surface to soap tablets, a method frequently employed is to expose them to wet steam for a few seconds, which glazes the exterior. More expensive varieties are sometimes polished by hand, using a cloth dipped in alcohol, &c. * From the French term, " pelotage," applied to this squirting process. SOAPMAKING PROCESSES. 449 CHAPTER XX. MANUFACTURE OF SOAP. As compared with metallurgical and textile industries the art of soapmaking is not possessed of any claims to great antiquity ; the ancients were acquainted with the detergent power of wood ashes (vegetable alkali) and probably also with that of mineral soda or natron* but do not appear to have known anything of the products of the action of these substances on oleaginous materials, no mention of any such compounds being to be found in Homer or other early Grecian authors ; whilst the Hebrew term borith f used by the prophets Jeremiah and Malachi, although translated " soap," appears to have simply meant ivood- ash alkali. Pliny the elder, however, in the first century A.D. described a sort of imperfect soft soap made from goat's tallow and the alkali from beech wood ash ; and also a harder variety (possibly got by the action of salt on the former, producing soda soap) ; and another writer in the second century in a work entitled De Simplicitus Medicaminibus refers to a softer " German " variety of soap (probably chiefly made from the ashes of land plants) and a harder " Gallic " form (probably derived from sea- weed ash). Later still, soapmaking appears to have been some- what more extensively practised, as the remains of a soap factory have been found at Pompeii. Soapmaking Processes. The variations in the different methods by which soaps are prepared on the manufacturing scale are somewhat numerous, but all may be conveniently classified under one or other of the three following heads, so far as the essential parts of the soap producing processes are concerned. In many cases, however, various subsequent operations are gone through before the goods are finally ready for the market, con- sisting either of mechanical cutting and shaping operations, such as casting into blocks, cutting these up into slabs, bars, and tablets, and stamping the latter into shape in appropriate presses ; or of the addition of other substances to the soap before cooling * Proverbs xxv. 20. "As vinegar upon nitre [or soda, marginal note, Revised Version], so is he that singeth songs to an heavy heart." The frothy uon-perinanent effervescence due to the action of the acid on natron is doubtless what is here alluded to ; acetic acid and nitre (potassium nitrate) having no mutual action whatever. t Jeremiah ii. 22. "Wash thee with lye, and take thee much soap." Malachi iii. 2. "Like a refiner's fire and like fuller's soap." 29 450 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. or solidifying, so as to increase its detergent properties ; or to give it special qualities (e.g., disinfecting action); or to harden it, so as to enable more water or other weight-giving "filling" to be added without rendering it too soft for ordinary scouring purposes, c. I. Direct Neutralisation Processes. Where free fatty acids and alkalies are brought together and converted into soaps by directly neutralising one another, with or without evolution of carbonic acid gas according as carbonated or caustic alkalies are employed. Obviously no glycerol is produced in the formation of soaps of this kind. The free fatty acids thus employed are practically almost con- fined to the "red oils'" of the candlemaker (p. 386) i.e., the liquid fatty acids expressed from the mixed products of saponi- fication leaving behind the solid acids (commercial " stearine "). Certain distilled and recovered greases (such as Yorkshire grease from the suds of wool scouring, &c., Chap. XH.) are of similar character, and are sometimes intermixed with red oils for the purpose of soapmaking in this way ; but, as a rule, they are not suitable alone for the preparation of soap of good quality. Resinate of soda (rosin dissolved in soda ley) used in the manu- facture of rosin soaps (infra) is a product of precisely similar nature, excepting that the rosin acids do not belong to the ordinary fatty acid families described in Chap. in. II. Soapmaking Processes where Glycerol is set free taut not separated from the resulting Soap. In these pro- cesses natural glycerides are employed, being acted upon by alkalies (usually caustic) used in regulated quantity so as to suffice to saponify the total fatty matters without introducing any large excess of alkali ; the strength of the ley being made such that the product becomes more or less solid after cooling and standing, the glycerol consequently being contained in the product. To this class belong more particularly soft soaps made by boiling together appropriate oils, &c., and potash ; marine soaps and hydrated soaps prepared in similar fashion, mostly with soda and largely from cokernut or palmnut oil ; socalled cold process soaps of various kinds, more especially certain forms of transparent soaps, perfumer's soaps, and analogous products ; and certain kinds of soap prepared under pressure. III. Soapmaking Processes where the Glycerol set free and the resulting Soap are separated from one another. In these processes the essential feature is that glycerides are more or less completely saponified by boiling up with compara- tively weak alkaline leys, and the soap formed " salted out ; ' by addition of brine or solid salt so as to separate it as a pasty mass from the watery fluid in which the glycerol remains dissolved. The half made soap thus obtained is then finished by one or DIRECT NEUTRALISATION PROCESSES. 451 other of various processes, leading to the production of some variety of "curd," "mottled," or "fitted soap;" whilst the watery liquors are either thrown away or utilised by boiling down so as to recover more or less of the dissolved salt for use over again, and ultimately obtain the glycerol in an impure form (vide Chap, xxn.) As regards the magnitude of the scale on which they are made, and the total quantity manufactured, boiled soaps of this class are the most important of all. Additional materials are frequently added to the soap thus prepared for special pur- poses e.g., silicate of soda, borax, and aluminate of soda, to increase the detergent action of household and laundry scouring soaps ; sulphate and carbonate of soda, to stiffen and harden the soap, and prevent it from wasting too rapidly in use ; resinate of soda, in the manufacture of yellow soaps ; carbolic acid, creosote oils, and similar substances, in the manufacture of disinfecting soaps ; and so on. When potassium carbonate is thus added to molten soda soap in not too large a quantity double decomposi- tion takes place between the sodium salts of the fatty acids and the potassium carbonate ; thus in the case of stearate Sodium Potassium Potassium Sodium Stearate. Carbonate. Stearate. Carbonate. 2Na.C 18 H 35 2 + K 2 C0 3 - 2K.C 18 H 3 502 + Na 2 CO 3 The result of this is accordingly the formation of a certain pro- portion of comparatively soft potash soap instead of the harder soda soap, which alters the texture of the mass ; this operation of " pearlashing " is consequently employed in the preparation of certain kinds of toilet soaps (infra). On the other hand, if fatty matters be saponified with boiling potash ley, and the resulting soap salted out with ordinary salt, the opposite kind of change takes place, soda soap and potassium chloride being formed e.g., in the case of palmitate Potassium Sodium Potassium Sodium Pulmitate. Chloride. Chloride. Palinitate. K.C 16 H 31 2 + NaCl - KC1 + Na.C 16 H 3l 2 In the earlier days of soapmaokingfwhen woodash was the most available form of alkali, this reaction was of some technical importance as enabling a hard soda soap to be obtained in lieu of a soft greasy product ; but although the effect appears to have been known and the operation practised to some considerable extent, it is doubtful if the chemical nature of the change was understood until recently (vide Chap, xxi.) DIRECT NEUTRALISATION PROCESSES. The preparation of soap by the direct combination of free fatty acids and alkalies is an extremely simple operation, more especi- ally when the alkali is caustic ; all that is required is a suitable mixing pan provided with an agitator so that the fluid ingredients 452 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. can be intimately intermixed. Fig. 139 represents a steam jacketted pan with steam pipes, ppp, projecting upwards into the pan, whilst an agitator, for candlemaking (p. 373). Fig. 142 illus- trates Dunn's plant, consisting of a ver- tical boiler, B, with manhole and safety valve ; the fat and ley are pumped in through the safety pipe, A, and the finished mass ejected through the empty- ing tube and cock, C. Heat is communi- cated by means of free firing, the tem- perature attained be- ing determined by means of a long- stemmed thermo- Fig. 142. meter, inserted in a tube filled with mercury or paraffin wax,. projecting inwards into the boiler.* In Bennett and Gibb's process a. horizontal boiler furnished with an agitator is employed, somewhat similar to that used by Hawe's (p. 457) ; into this are continuously pumped at one end the fatty matters to be saponified and soda leys not causticised (sodium carbonate solution), containing the appropriate quantity of alkali (30 to 33 parts of soda ash at 48 per cent. Na 2 O dissolved in 100 of water to 100 of fatty matter). At the other end the finished soap mass emerges through a weighted exit valve, the pressure 'being maintained at 220 to 280 Ibs. per square inch (about 15 to 20 atmospheres, corresponding with a * This boiler also serves for the preparation of silicate of soda (or potash) solution. The boiler is charged with broken up flints or quartz pebbles and soda ley of specific gravity 1*15 to 1*175 (30 to 35 Tw.), and is gradually heated up until a pressure of 4 to 5 atmospheres is attained (corresponding- with a temperature of about 150 C.), which is maintained for some hours. At the end of this time the soda has dissolved silica to approximate satura- tion ; the liquor is then blown off into a settling tank, and the clear portion used for intermixture with soap. 464 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. temperature of 190 to 215 C.) At this higher temperature the carbonated alkali is stated by the inventor to act as efficiently as caustic alkali at lower pressures. Calculation of Quantity and Strength of Ley required and of Composition of resulting Soap. Much the same general principles apply in the case of the soaps at present under discussion as in the case of those prepared by direct neutralisation of fatty acids (p. 454), the chief difference being that in the present instance no water is formed, whilst the glycerol produced instead must be taken into account. If E be the sapoiiification equivalent of a mixture of triglycerides, E parts by weight of the mixture will require 40 parts of NaOH, or 57 '1 parts of KOII, for sapoiiification, and will produce by 92 acting thereon ' ' parts of glycerol, in accordance with the o equation. Trk'lyceride. Caustic Soda. G'ycerol. Soda Soup. CH 2 . OX CH 2 . OH i I CH .OX + SNa.OH = CH . OH + 3Na . OX CH 2 . OX CH 2 . OH Suppose that a soda ley is used, containing m parts of neutral saline matters (chloride, sulphate, c.) per 100 of NaOH ; and that the proportion of ley employed is such that for 100 parts of NaOH converted into soap n parts are employed in excess. The total NaOH employed will, consequently, be 40 x 1" n = 0-4 (100 + n) parts for E parts of fatty matter as before; whilst a given weight of ley, W, will contain, as before NaOH, 0-4 x (100 + ) Saline matters, . . . -^ x 0'4 x (100 + n) = m x 0'004 x (100 + w) Water, W - 0'4 (100 + n) - 0'004 x m (100 + n) = W - 0'004 (100 -H m) (100 + n) Total, W Hence the resulting soap mass (neglecting mechanical losses and|evaporation) will contain Soda soap, E + 40 - -* - . . . . E + 9'33 Glycerol, ~ ..... - 30'67 o Excess of NaOH, T " 7r x 40 . . . . = 0'4 x n 100 Saline matters, 0'004 x m (100 + n) Water, W - 0'004 (100 + m) (100 + n) Total, E + W CALCULATIONS. 465 In the case of a potash soap, if m parts of neutral saline matters be present per 100 of KOH, and if n parts of KOH in excess be used per 100 converted into soap, the total KOH used will be 57-1 x 1Q * n = 0-571 x (100 + n) per E parts of tri- glyceride mixture; whilst a given weight of ley, W, will contain KOH, 0-571 x (100 + n) Saline matters, -^ x 0'571 x (100 + n) = 0'0057l x m x (ICO + n) Water, j ^ ' 0-57,1(100^) - 0B71 1 = w _ ^ (10D + m) (100 + n) Total, W Whence the entire soap mass produced will consist of no Potash soap, E + 57'1 - .... E x 26'43 o 99 Glycerol, -^- = 30 "67 Excess of KOH, ^ x 57 '1 .... = 000571 x n Saline matters, '00571 x m x (100 + n) Water, W-0'00571 (100 + m) (100 + n) Total, E + W Suppose that an admixture of silicate of soda, resinate of soda, syrup, or loading of any kind be made to the extent of w parts by weight, the composition of the total mass will be similarly arrived at ; thus suppose a mixture of fatty matters of mean saponification equivalent 290 (E = 290) be saponified with excess of soda ley such that W = 160, n = 15, and m = 10, and that 150 parts of syrup be added per 290 of fatty matters, consisting of Sugar, . . 50 parts. Water, . .100 ,, 150 i.e., let w = 150 ; then the composition of the resulting mass will be Soap, . . . .290 + 9-33 = 299 '33 = 49 -89 percent. Glycerol, ... - 30'67 - 5'11 Excess of NaOH, . 0'4 x 15 = 6'00 = I'OO Saline matters, . 0'004 x 10 x 115 = 4'60 = 0'77 Sugar, 50-00 = 8 '33 Water, . 160 + 100 - 0'004 x 110 x 115 = 209'40 = 34-90 Total, 290 + 160 + 150 = (300 '00 = 100 '00 30 466 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. In the preparation of soft soap, the quantity of ley and fatty matter used are usually not adjusted to one another beforehand in the way requisite for cold process soaps \ the ley is run in gradually during the operation until the requisite consistency is attained, more fatty matter being added in case of an excess of alkali having been used, practical experience in carrying out the manipulations being the guide to the quantities employed rather than accurate weighing or measuring. Similar remarks apply to most hydrated soaps prepared by boiling in open pans ; on the other hand, for soaps made under pressure in autoclaves, tfec., the relative quantities of materials must be carefully adjusted at the commencement of the operation, as the nature of the process does not conveniently admit of more material being added after the operation has been once commenced and the increased pressure attained. SOAPMAKING PROCESSES WHERE THE GLYCEROL AND SOAP FORMED ARE SEPARATED FROM ONE ANOTHER. Methods of this class substantially depend upon the general principle that whereas most alkali soaps are pretty freely soluble in pure water, especially when hot, the presence of various kinds of neutral saline matter e.y., common salt and even of a large excess of caustic or carbonated alkali, renders them insoluble ; so that the addition of salt or strong ley to an aqueous soap solution causes the soap to separate or precipitate in more or less solid flakes, the physical structure of which is more akin to that of crystalloid substances than to the colloid gum-like form in which transparent soap is obtained. The process of manufacture may accordingly be broadly described as consisting o^f boiling up the fatty matter to be saponified with comparatively weak alkaline fluids not used in excess, but employed in such quantity that when the alkali has been practically all neutralised by combina- tion with the fatty acids the great majority of the fatty matter is decomposed, the remaining portion being distributed through the soap solution formed as a sort of emulsion. At this stage, on adding solid salt or strong brine, the dissolved soap is thrown out of solution and separates as a more or less granular curd, carrying with it the unaltered fat ; the watery fluid containing the liberated glycerol being run off, the pasty imperfect soap is further treated with successive small quantities of stronger ley, being boiled up therewith until the saponification is complete. Finally, the soap is "finished" by one or other of various kinds of operation, according to the nature of the intended product. For "mottled" soaps, the curd resulting after complete saponification is boiled down (by dry steam, or in the older w^ay of working, by CURD SOAP. 467 free fire), together with excess of strong ley, until it acquires a sufficient consistency i.e., until it is so thick that on running into the frames the coloured impurities present (iron soap, &c., formed during the process, or produced by adding green vitriol, &c., to the curd) are unable to sink to the bottom by gravitation; in which case, as the mass cools and solidifies, these coloured matters segregate into veins producing " mottling " of the old fashioned type.* For "fitted" soaps, the curd produced after complete saponifi- cation is effected is allowed to stand awhile so as to separate from the leys ; these are run off, and the curd boiled up with wet steam and weak leys or water until it is sufficiently thinned in texture to permit of the coloured heavier metallic soaps falling to the bottom by gravitation on standing ; with rosin soaps more particularly, peculiar textures ("coarse fit," "fine fit") are thus arrived at, respectively suitable for different purposes. Curd Soap. For "cleansed" curd soaps, the diluted curd thus freed from coloured impurities is pumped off into another copper, and theie boiled up with dry steam and a small quantity of strong ley until again concentrated to the required extent (i.e., until the curd, freed from ley by subsidence, has the desired proportion of water associated with it) ; the water retained by the curd being less the longer the boiling is continued, and the stronger the ley (pp. 470, 4b6). In boiling for curd soap,f the first saponification operation is usually carried out by running into the copper caustic leys of strength not exceeding specific gravity 1'05 to 1'075 (10 to 15T.),J together with' the melted fatty matters, and boiling them up together. The way in which this is done varies much in different cases and in different districts ; sometimes *tKe wfrole batch of " goods " (fatty matters) is. run in, and then, a fraction of the ley, and the whole boiled up^more ley bfeing added from * Totally distinct from the modern" mottled soaps of highly watered and silicated character vide p. 472. t British curd soaps are almost invariably made from tallow as chief basis, the hard difficultly lathering character of pure tallow soap being modified by the addition of other oils and fats (small quantities of cokernut oil, more or less cotton seed or groundnut oil, lard, and so on), according to the object in view. On the Continent, and especially in France, vegeta- ble oils are used in much larger proportion ; thus Marseilles (Castile) soap is supposed to be made almost wholly from olive oil, and, in point of fact, is chiefly prepared from the highly sophisticated mixtures sold under that name ; and even in those cases where tallow is used, a pretty large propor- tion of mixed vegetable oil is generally also added, rape oil being generally one of the constituents added to give lathering qualities. % Leys containing more than some 5 per cent, of JSa 2 act much less slowly on tallow and most other oils and fats than weaker solutions, at any rate in the first instance. When, however, the action is once fairly started, somewhat stronger leys may be run in (in small quantities at a time). 468 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. time to time. Sometimes the majority of the ley is run in first, and the goods added in successive portions, with continuous boiling. More frequently the ley and goods are run in alter- nately until the full complement of the latter is in the kettle, with somewhat less than the corresponding quantity of ley, the rest of which is subsequently added. When wet steam is used to heat up the copper the leys initially employed may be a little stronger than if dry steam be used on account of the dilution with condensed water ; the later leys may also be stronger than the first ones, as they become greatly diluted with the water already present from the former leys. The effect of the action of the hot ley on the melted fatty matter is to "kill the goods " i.e., to emulsify the whole, so that no distinct layer of melted fat swims up on taking a sample. When the saponification has gone on to such an extent that a large fraction of the glycerides is acted upon and but little alkali remains dissolved in the ley, the whole mass forms a homo- geneous pasty mass, consisting of the half made soap with portions of emulsified fatty matter not yet saponified distributed throughout it.* In this state it is known as "close" soap (in some districts, as being in a "hitch" or "glue"). If too much ley has been added this peculiar texture is not attained, a sample taken out on a trowel exhibiting more or less marked tendency to separate into two fluids, one more watery than the other ; whilst, if the boiling has not been continued long enough, or if the ley be too concentrated, a large surplus of undecomposed fat is visible, giving a greasy texture to the imperfectly made soap that thus separates from the watery ley. With proper care, * It is extremely probable that the saponifying action of the alkali is exerted in three stages, forming successively one, two, and three molecules of soda soap ; thus (in the case of stearin) Tristearin. Caustic Soda. Distearin. Sodium Stearate. (O.C 18 H 3 ;0 (O.C 18 H 8 fiO C 3 H 5 O.C 18 H 35 + NaOH = C 3 H 5 \ 0. C 18 H 33 + Na. 0. C 18 H 35 0. (O.C 13 H 35 (OH Distearin. Monostearin. I O.C 18 H 35 when thus admixed with soap than glyceridic materials such as usually found in "superfatted" soaps i.e., when all other things are equal, especially absence of free alkali ; moreover, the presence of unsaponified fatty matters seems sometimes to- facilitate discoloration on keeping through the development of a, kind of rancidity. In some cases "pearlashing" (pp. 451, 489) is adopted to improve the texture and lathering power ; when this is done the pearlash liquor (solution of potassium carbonate) is simply crutched in with the other ingredients before framing. Since an equivalent of sodium carbonate is formed for one of potassium carbonate introduced, obviously, a pearlashed soap is apt to be strongly alkaline and objectionable for persons suffering from tender skins, or a tendency to acne or eczema. Milled Soaps. "Perfumers' soaps," sometimes known as. " little-pan soaps," were formerly largely made by perfumers by means of the cold process. The fatty matters thus employed were generally of excellent quality, being mainly the oils and fatty cakes used to absorb flower perfume (odorous essential oils) by packing the fat cakes and flower petals together, or by passing air over the flowers and bringing it in contact with oil, etc., to absorb the volatile odorous matter; after the oil or fat was fully charged by numerous repetitions of the process it was treated with alcohol, whereby a flower essence was obtained by dissolving out the essential oils, leaving behind a delicately scented fat, capable of furnishing a deliciously perfumed soap. Owing, however, to the necessity for avoiding heat as much as possible in the preparation of the soap, it often happened that these soaps contained simultaneously much undecomposed fat and a large amount of free alkali. Accordingly, of late years they have been largely supplanted by "milled" soaps, where stock soaps of good quality are " stripped " or reduced to chips and dried until only a few per cents, of moisture are retained, and then ground (together ^ with perfumes, colouring matters, glycerine, or other emollient ingredients, etc., as required) be- tween rollers until reduced to a stiff putty-like mass, which is 480 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. then squirted or screwed into bars and so formed into tablets (p. 448). The advantages of this method are, firstly, that inas- much as no artificial heat is applied, delicate flower perfumes, &c., can be readily incorporated with the soap mass, which it would be impossible to use with a remelted soap because the heat would dissipate or destroy the odorous matter; and secondly, that as the resulting tablets usually contain only a small quantity of water, a given weight of soap tablet generally contains a much larger quantity of actual soap than another tablet of the same weight prepared by remelting or by the cold process, whilst, being harder and stiffer, it lasts longer, wasting less rapidly during use. By suitably choosing the stock soaps used, em- ploying only such as have been prepared from first class oils and fats, etc., and refined or otherwise treated to remove " free " alkaline matters, "fancy" and "toilet" soaps of the finest possible qualities are thus readily obtainable. Frequently the stock soaps are partly made with potash and partly with soda, so as to arrive at a suitable texture through the softer nature of the potash soap, as well as to produce a better lather. In this connection it is worth noticing that there is some reason for supposing that soap with which an extremely large proportion of flower essences and essential oils is incorporated, may thereby become less suitable for use by persons suffering from tender skins than would be the case with a lessened amount of odorous matter, inasmuch as many essential oils of the kind possess more or less marked rubefacient (skin-reddening) action, analogous in character to the stimulating and blistering action of mustard, oil of turpentine, and similar substances. It is within the author's own personal observation that when the same high- class soap mass is used for preparing two differently priced fancy soaps, only differing in that the more expensive one is impregnated with a much larger proportion of scent than the other, persons possessing exceptionally sensitive skins can sometimes use tablets made from the less highly scented portion with impunity, whilst the employment of tablets made from the more strongly per- fumed portion speedily sets up a disagreeable amount of skin irritation. From the point of view of irritating skin action, however, the presence of sugar appears to be much more objectionable than that of most scenting materials, even in large quantity. Opaque fancy soaps are rarely, if ever, admixed with this adulterant ; but very little transparent soap is in the market that does not contain more or less. Brown Windsor Soap. The term " Brown Windsor " has long been applied to a peculiar brown soap highly esteemed for toilet purposes. Originally this substance deserved its reputation ; but as in the case of "mottled" soap, the perverted ingenuity of the modern adulterator has completely altered the character of the TRANSPARENT SOAPS. 481 great majority of toilet tablets sold under that name. The " Old Brown. Windsor " of a generation or two back was simply a form of soap (usually mostly curd) that had been kept in stock for a great length of time, and occasionally remelted ; with the result of acquiring a pretty deep brown tint through oxidation of fatty acids, &c., and of becoming practically wholly devoid of free alkali, any excess of alkali originally present being neutralised by the weakly acid oxidation products formed during keeping or " ageing," or whilst being remelted. Such a soap, pleasantly scented at the last remelting before making into tablets, and originally made from suitable materials, lathered sufficiently freely to be conveniently used, and had as little deleterious action on sensitive skins as is compatible with the hydrolytic properties of soaps generally. The modern substitutes, however, are frequently nothing but coarse soaps made from dis- coloured fats, and further browned by coaltar dyes or admixture of brown ochre : all sorts of scraps (including floor scrapings) incapable of utilisation in any other way are worked into the mass, which frequently is alkaline to a highly objectionable extent. In short, advantage is taken of the reputation deservedly gained in former years by an excellent article to sell under the same name an eminently inferior product. Similarly, socalled " White Windsor " soaps are sometimes to be met with, largely made from cokernut oil, highly alkaline, and wholly different in character from the genuine old fashioned brown article. Transparent Soaps. As already stated, soap can in many cases assume two distinct physical conditions, one a more or less distinctly crystalline form in which the "grains" retain associated by a sort of physical attraction a considerable quantity of water, the amount of which varies with circumstances e.g., a curd soap, when granulated from a dilute liquor with a minimum of salt or alkali, will contain as much as 35 to 40 per cent, of such associated water, which becomes gradually lessened down to 20 to 25 per cent, or less by boiling down with dry steam or free fire so as to concentrate the leys. The other is a structureless colloidal state, constituting a mass which under suitable conditions is clear and transparent like a strong jelly. Soft soaps (potash soaps) appear to have a stronger tendency to retain this colloidal state than hard (soda) soaps, so that it is only with comparative difficulty that they become granular ; soda soaps, on the other hand, although granular when separated from watery solutions by means of salt, readily become colloidal when dissolved in alcohol, so as to form transparent masses when the solvent evaporates. This physical condition is facilitated in many cases by the presence of various other substances, of which glycerol is one of the best known ; so that fats saponified by the cold process, even in the absence of alcohol, often yield transparent products owing to the production of glycerol during the process. Castor oil, in 31 482 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. particular, readily yields a transparent product in this way. Cane sugar possesses the same property ; and being cheaper and easier to work with in some respects, is largely substituted for glycerol, to the great disadvantage of the consumer, excepting in one respect, viz., that whilst transparent soaps containing large percentages of glycerol are apt to " sweat," by attracting moisture from the air, sugared soaps do not deliquesce so markedly. Resinates mixed with ordinary fatty acid soaps generally form colloidal masses more readily than the latter alone ; accordingly, rosin soaps are preferred as " stock " when granular soaps are to be rendered transparent. This tendency to transparency is often strongly marked even with water-made rosin soaps of good quality ("fitted" soaps), which generally become translucent and some- times tolerably clear when spontaneously dried in not too thick masses. Accordingly, two principal methods are in use for the prepar- ation of transparent soaps. In the "spirit" process the stock soap is dissolved in spirit and treated as described (p. 445), rosin being sometimes added to the mass for the double purpose of aiding transparency and combining with free alkali so as to neutralise it.* The mass left when the bulk of the spirit is distilled off is usually turbid ; but on slow drying in a warm storage room (temperature near 35 C. = 95 F.) it becomes clear, especially when a liberal addition of sugar has been made to the mass before finally casting in the frames. Usually the blocks are cut up into tablets which are shaped by stamping in blank dies, and then slowly dried, the final impression being given by a later stamping. When glycerol is added instead of sugar, the resulting transparent soap is as innocuous, even to the most sensitive skin, as any kind of soap can possibly be ; but the same can by no means be said of sugared soaps (which constitute the large majority of those in the market), persons of unusually tender skins being generally unable to use such compositions long without suffering more or less severely in consequence. Similar remarks apply to the transparent soaps made by the other process (cold process, p. 458) ; when sound fatty and oily matters are used, together with alkali not in excess, no sugar being employed, an article results of superior kind ; but the great bulk of socalled " glycerine " soap made in this way is alkaline to an extent highly prejudicial to tender skins, besides being largely admixed with sugar, f whilst in many cases the oils used (chiefly castor oil, together with cokernut oil, &c.) are of such quality as to leave an unpleasant odour on the skin, easily * Some transparent soaps thus prepared when dissolved in water and agitated with petroleum spirit, or when dried and percolated therewith in a Soxhlet tube, will yield several per cents, of uncombined colophony to the solvent. t For a typical analysis of a soap of this kind (not loaded with hydro- carbons) vide p. 511. NEUTRALISED SOAPS. 483 perceptible when the scenting material has evaporated and in addition, large percentages of valueless " loading " (petroleum hydrocarbons, c.) are added to increase the weight. In short, transparent toilet soaps, like artificially mottled scouring soaps, are articles in the purchase of which caution is pre-eminently desirable. For further details concerning transparent and other toilet soaps and their manufacture, vide the author's " Cantor Lectures on the Manufacture of Toilet Soaps " (Journal Society of Arts, 1885). Soap Leaves. A very convenient form of soap for travellers is obtained by melting a good quality of stock soap with a little water, perfuming to taste, and passing sheets of tissue paper through the fluid; the paper thus filmed with soap is dried and cut up into leaves, one of which generally suffices for ordinary washing of the hands, &c., thus avoiding the necessity of having to carry about a wet cake of soap. Marbled Soaps and Harlequin Soaps. A peculiar marbled appearance is sometimes given to soap balls, tablets, &c., by remelting a more or less white stock soap, and running 'it into a small frame ; a comb with wide teeth is then dipped into a colouring composition (melted soap with pigments or dissolved colouring matters), withdrawn, and passed through the semifluid soap in the frame, so as to streak it according to fancy. The same method is applicable to cold process compositions, before they have completely solidified. By cutting up pieces of variously tinted soaps into fragments, and scattering them through a cold process transparent soap mass on the point of solidifying, a mixture of transparent soap with variously tinted lumps inter- spersed is ultimately obtained ; when cut up and stamped into tablets, these are sometimes sold as " harlequin soaps." Tablets are sometimes ornamented by stamping a device somewhat deeply, and then filling the grooves with melted coloured trans- parent soap, &c. Shaving Creams. Cold process soaps made from refined lard or other superfine fatty matters and caustic potash, not used in excess, are usually the basis of these preparations ; to facilitate lathering, a small quantity of the finest cokernut oil is often added. The resulting mass is ultimately ground in a marble mortar, 27 '48 ,, I valent to ' 85 P er cent - ence )' ) ) Na 2 0, or ~| = about ? of \ 100-00 V the combined alkali. In order, therefore, to determine the percentage of actual soap present, the four quantities a, b, c, and d must be determined ; during the course of which analysis, the separate percentages of potash and soda may conveniently be also determined (when the two alkalies are simultaneously present) ; moreover, whilst c and d 494 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. are being separated from one another, the respective amounts of unsaponified glycerides and of unsaponifiable matters present in d may be conveniently determined, and further examinations made as to the characters of the separated and purified fatty acids, c d, and of the unsaponifiable matters ; in particular the proportion of rosin acids in the former may be determined, as also the melting point, &c., so as to obtain information as to the probable nature of the fatty matters used. This last point, however, is one where analytical data, as such, often fail to give satisfactory results i.e., the inspection of the mixed fatty acids and the valuation of their fusing points, &c., often leads to nothing definite ; in some cases, however, the application of other tests (qualitative or quantita- tive) leads to useful results e.g., the elaidin test, &c. The average molecular weight, E, of the fatty acids contained in the soap is frequently a datum of considerable value ; this is readily deduced when a, b, c, and d are known, as shown on p. 172, being given by the equation E = x 31, when the alkali is expressed as Na<>0 a- 6 B=~-|-x47'l K 2 Thus, in the above example, the value of E is ^^> x 31 =263. 7'7u "When required, the proportion of water present in the soap may be directly determined, as also any other constituents present, such, for example, as admixed weighting substances of mineral or organic nature (china clay, steatite, starch, sand, bran, 23-84 23-52 51-45 59-97 26-53* ments, &c., . . . ) 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 Percentage of true soap, 74-11 74-03 37-20 15-77 69-91 Mean molecular weight! of fatty acids, . . / 284 271 200 197 234 Including '74 per cent, of insoluble pigments. MANUFACTURERS', HOUSEHOLD, AND LAUNDRY SOAPS. 509 able variety of British and colonial manufacturers' and other scouring and laundry soaps. Where no analyst's name is men- tioned, the analyses were made by the author. "Prim- "Cold "Cold Oleic Acid London make. "Ivory," Canadian.* Water," English. Water," Canadian.* Soap, London make. Fatty anhydrides, . Resinous anhydrides, | 46-88 \ 15 -40 43-33 25-00 43-70 22-00 45-85 24-00 62-71 Combined alkali (Na 2 0), 7-12 7-72 9-28 8-00 7-36 Sodium carbonate, . 14 2-64 58 2-22 68 ,, chloride. . 14 ,, sulphate, . Water with minute quan- 07 21-31 24-44 1993 29-25 tities of insoluble mat- on n- ters, lime, ferric oxide, &r> 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 Percentage of true soap, 69-40 76-05 7498 72-07 70-07 Free alkali (N T a 2 0), 08 1-54 34 1-30 40 Mean molecular weight \ of fatty acids, &c. , . / 280 283 230 280 273 MANUFACTURERS' SOAPS (C. Hope). ;_r~ ;_. | *..s , i ti &Tii c'O o" d -to ^ 3 ^'-- > 0! so jjsjOd fr ^o 2 S S ^^"c ^0 O e 2 s ^ofe f^ 2 e -ei'S *s s* -^ Cl^* 2^ fifc^^ 3 . 3 C? fl 02 ^d Q pq ^ ?"3 g ? Si5 ^l d ?! Fatty anhydrides and rosin, 71-30 62-66 59-28 38-89 19-42 60-90 Soda (Na 2 0), combined as soap, Free alkali (Na 2 O), including 7-98 7-27 6-65 5-76 3-11 7-22 i carbonate and silicate, 1-23 80 40 2-91 698 10 Sodium chloride, . 36 76 47 1-78 513 46 Sodium sulphate, 30 30 13 72 35 12 Silica, ..... 1-07 06 42 640 900 04 Lime, oxide of iron, &c. , 16 16 16 03 16 02 Water, .... 17-44 28-20 32-35 38-70 5332 3122 Total, 99-84 100-21 99-86 95-1 9t 97-47t 100 08 Actual soap present, 79-28 69-93 65-93 4465 22-53 68-12 * Exhibited in the "Colonial and Indian Exhibition," London, 1886. For analyses of various of the Colonial soaps, made by the author, vide "Colonial and Indian Exhibition Reports Oils and Fats" (Leopold Field). fOlycerol present, but not determined. 510 OILS, FATS, WAXES, ETC. MANUFACTURERS' SOAPS (Lant Carpenter}. "Primrose" Soap. "Cold Water" Soap. " Neutral Curd." "Oil" Soap, "Oleic Acid." Genuine Rosin Soap (South of Watered & Silicated (North of England). England). Fatty acids,* . . . 62 -3 42-66 70-2 67-9 68-6 Combined soda (Na,0), 6 '7 5-4] 7-3 7-0 7-88 " Free alkali " (Na 2 0), 1-21 1-8 nil. 1-0 Silica, .... 94 1-6 ... ... Neutral salts, . . '2 55 4 2 i-o Water, . . . . 32 '8 50-40 22-0 28-0 21-0 Total, . . . 102-0 101-17 103-3 103-1 99-48 PHARMACEUTICAL SOAPS (M. Dechan). Sapo S. Castil. 8. Ani- durus, albus, Mottled malis, S. Mollis, Hard White Castile. Tallow Soft Soap. Soap. Castile. Soap. Fatty acids,*. 81-50 76-70 68-10 78-30 48-50 Combined alkali, . 9-92 9 14 8-90 9-57 12-60 Free alkali, 08 09 19 28 30 Silica, .... 15 17 Sulphates and chlorides, Matters insoluble in alcohol, 28 50 36 60 63 1-30 47 1-10 93 1-60 Other insoluble matter, . 20 90 80 40 1-00 Water, .... 10-65 13-25 21-70 12-50 39-50 103-13 101-04 101-77 102-62 104-68 SOFT SOAPS (Ure). London Soft Soap. Belgian Green Soap. Scotch. Rape Oil Soft Soap. Olive Oil Soft Soap. Fatty acids, . Dry potash (K 2 0), Water, salts, glycerol, &c., 45-0 8-5 46-5 36-0 7-0 57 47-0 8-0 450 51-7 10-0 38-3 480 10-0 42-0 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0 In general, similar partial analyses of soft soaps meet the objects in view, inasmuch as such soaps are generally purchased in quantity under contract either to contain a given percentage (40, 50, &c.) of fatty acids producible on decomposition by a mineral acid, or to lose not more than a given percentage in weight (water) on drying completely ; the degree of alkalinity is usually judged by the u touch " or taste of the sample, the tongue being regarded as a sufficiently delicate indicator for such pur- poses. When more definite information is required the methods * Not calculated to fatty anhydrides. ANALYSES OF TOILET SOAPS. 511 above described are applicable ; thus the water is directly deter- mined by drying in a sand bath (p. 494) ; the total fatty acids, free alkali, combined alkali, unsaponitied oil, and matters insol- uble in water (such as starch added to simulate "figging," &c.) by the respective processes above detailed ; the rosin acids by Gladding's process (p. 501) or Twitchell's method (p. 503); silicate by incineration and analysis of the mineral constituents of the ash ; and so on. In the case of household and laundry soaps it is to be noticed that the physical consistence of the substance is in many cases of as much importance as its chemical constitution. From the consumer's point of view what is required in the case of a hard soda soap is an article from which, during use, no more is dis- solved or abraded than is just requisite for the object in view. If the soap be of too soft a consistency (either through over watering, or bad selection of materials), a much larger amount is rubbed on the clothes, loez, elseococca oil, 291. )lose soap, 468, 473. ,, test (flashing point), 126. )loth dressing, use of oils for, 302 Coagulate (grease recovery), 271, 272. Coagulation of mucilage and albu- minous matters see Oils, clarifica- tion of. Joaltar oils Sfc Oils (coaltar). )obalt compounds as driers, 314. Cochineal as indicator, 420, 497. Jod livers, extraction of oil from, 247. Joefficient of expansion of glass, 77. oils, 79, 92-94. ,, friction in capillary tubes, 107. ,, ,, Traube's apparatus, 109. ogan's process (oil refining), 259. ohesion figures, 48, 345. Coils, steam - see Steam (wetand dry). ?'0kernut, machine for splitting, 224. ,, oleine see Oleine (cokernut). ,, spelling .of word, 3. ,, stearine see Stearine (coker- nut). ^old drawn oils see Oils (cold drawn). ,, press cake, 375. ,, ,, (candle stearine), 231, 355, 368. , , process soaps see Soap- making. Colloidal mucilage, 255. , , state of soap, 458, 466, 481, 485. ,, ,, facilitated by presence of alcohol, sugar, glycerol, 458, 481. ,, ,, ,, by use of castor oil, 481. ,, ,, ,, by use of potash instead of soda, 459, 481. Colorimeter, 50. Colour of boiled oils, 315. oils, 49, 263, 341. Colour reactions with nitric acid, 139. 153. ,, ,, sulphuric acid, 151-153. ,, ,, zinc, chloride, &c., 141, 151-154. , , of seal, whale, liver, arid fish oils, 294. Colouring matters contained in oils, 49, 263. ,, ,, for candles, 405. Colza (rape, coleseed), various species of, 348. INDEX. 537 Combustion, destruction of noxious smells by, 247, 250. Composite candles see Candles. Composition of mixtures, calculation of, 172. ,, soaps by analysis see Soaps, commercial. ,, soaps, calculated see Calculations. Compound ethers, 3, 4, 15. ,, ,, saponification equi- valent of, 158. ,, ,, synthesis of, 13, 17- Condensed ricinoleic acids see Poly- merised. Congealing temperatures see Melt- ing points. Consistency of elaidin formed see Elaidin ; also Classification according to chemical na- ture, &c., pp. 281-300. ,, of oils, &c., 47. ,, tester, Legler's, 139. Cooling pans (candle stearine), 366. Copper and nitric acid test, 137, 139. ,, compounds as driers, 314. ,, contained in glycerine, 515. ,, in oils, 121-124. , , soaps, use of, in refining, 263. ,, sulphate, use of, in refining, 256, 263. , , test for drying oils (Hiibl), 133. ,, test for sugar in soaps, 505. Coppers for soap boiling see Kettles. Coprah (copra), crushing and grind- ing appliances, 219-221, 224. Correction for anhydro derivatives, 170. ,, ,, errors of hydrostatic balance and hydro- meter, 82-84. ,, ,, free fatty acids, &c., 170. ,, ,, impurities (alkalin- ity), 419. ,, ,, temperature (specific gravity), 79. Corrosion of bearings, &c. see Acids, free fatty (detrimental effects of), and Acids (mineral). ,, ,, iron by fatty acids, 277. Cosmetics, oils used in preparation of, 302. Cottonseed, decortication of, 224. , , stearine see Stearine (cotton- ,, utilisation of a ton of, 304. Cowles, candle moulding machines, 1 04 Cracklings, 246. Crampton, expansion of oils, 93. Creosote oils, 2, 451. Jresol, 6, 16. "ressonnieres', A. and E. des, drying soap, 447. Crocodile fat, 299. Cross and Bevan, melting point de- termination, 64. ZJrotonol, 288. Cruciferous plants, sulphurised oils from, 123, 154. Crushing rolls, 215, 218-220. Crutching (soap), 438-440 rystallisation, fractional, separation by, 112. ,, from solvents, 23. ,, of separation cake see Separation cake, rystallising pans (stearine), 367. Culinary uses of oils and fats see Oils (cooking). Cupreol, 16. Curbs, 432, 433, 453, 469. Curd soap see Soapmaking. Curriers' grease, 326. DALICAX'S process (tallow, &c.), 74. D'Arcet's sulphuric acid process, 249. Dechan, pharmaceutical soaps, 510. Decolorising of oils see Oils, bleach- ing of. Decomposing pan, stearine, 365. Decortication of seeds, &c., 223-225. ,, ,, Dudley and Perry's chemical process, 225. Deering, free acids in rancid tallow, 355. Degras, 336. Degrees (alkalies), English, French, and German, 420, 421. ,, Burstyn's, 119. ,, Centigrade, Reaumur, Fah- renheit, 58. Dehydration, formation of isoleic acid by, 29. ,, of oxystearic acids, 29, 39, 42, 46. ,, of ricinoleic acid, 36. Deitz, extraction apparatus, 235. Delphinum phocasna, 20. Density see Specific gravity. Deodorising cokernut oil, 261, 310. ,, soaps, &c., 267 see Ran- cid ; Noxious vapours. Descroizilles, degrees (alkali), 420. 538 INDEX. Destruction of noxious vapours by combustion, 247, 250. Destructive distillation see Distilla- tion. Determination of fat in seeds, &c. see Yield. Detrimental effects of free fatty acids see Acids (free fatty). Detrimental effects of free mineral acids see Acids (mineral). Diagometer, 53, 347. Diallyl, oxidised to an erythrol, 44. Dibromcamphor, 32. Dibromides of acids, &c., 27, 29-31, 41, 43, 44, 176. Dibromo substitution derivatives- see Substitution. Dichlorides of acids, &c., 26, 29, 31. Dichloro substitution derivatives see Substitution. Dichromate, bleaching with see Bichromate. Dieff and Reformatsky, ricinoleic acid, 40. Dierucin, 11. Dieterich, iodine number of linseed oil, 350. , , specific gravity of fats, 88, 355. Digester, for extracting bone fat, 252. ,, Wilson's, for rendering tal- low, &c., 250. Diglycerides, 10, 468. ,, formed by action of sul- phuric acid, 144-147. ,, synthesis of, 11. Diglycerol, 8. Diiodides of acids, &c., 26, 179-186. Diiodo substitution derivatives see Substitution. Dikafat see Butters (vegetable). Diminution in density with rising temperature, 92-94. Dippel's oil, 2. Diricinolein sulphuric anhydride, 147. Disintegrating machines, 224. Dissolved impurities, 256. Distearates, 23. Distearin, 468. Distillation acetyl number, 198. destructive, 2, 3, 5. Heyl's apparatus, 234. of carbon disulphide solutions, 234-239, 254, 339. of castor oil, 20, 25, 40. of dioxystearic acid, 42, 46. of glycerine, 513-516. of oxystearic acid, 25. of ricinoleic acid, 36, 40. Distillation of spirit (transparent soap), 446. ,, of turpentine spirit (Mein- ecke's rosin soap), 473. ,, under diminished pressure, 14, 20, 21, 25, 28, 29, 34, 36, 40, 41, 113. ,, under diminished pressure; technical processes, 383. ,, with superheated steam, 110, 113, 262, 271, 277, 278, 337, 513, 514. ,, with superheated steam, plant used for, 382-386. ,, with wetsteam, 22, 112,173-176 see also Reichert's test. Distilled grease (Yorkshire), 277. ,, oleines see Oleines (distilled). Dog fat, 299. DogH sh liver, extraction of oil f rom,247. Dragon's blood, 19. Driers, 129, 262, 314-317. Dripping, 91, 303. , , tallow adulterated with, 354. Dry fusion, rendering animal fats by, 246. ,, steam see Steam. Drying soap, 438, 447. Dubbin, 326. Dubrunfaut, sulphuric acid process, 380. Dudley and Perry, chemical decorti- cation, 225. Dugong blubber, extraction of oil from, 247. Dunn, air blast in soap boiling, 433. , , boiler (hydrated soaps, &c. ), 463. Dussauce, ley tanks lined with lead, 412. Dutch liquid, 26. Dyer, linseed cake, 214. Dyestuffs for candles, 405. EARTHNUT see Oil (arachis). Earthwax see Wax (mineral). Edgerunners, 215, 218-221. Edible uses of oils and fats, 302-312. Edinburgh wheel, 391. Effect, detrimental, of free fatty acids see Acids (free fatty). ,, of light on physical properties of oils see Light (effect of). Efflux viscosity see Viscosity. Egg, white of, used in clarifying candle stearine, 370. Elseococca vernicia see Oil (Elseo- INDEX. 539 Elaidin reaction, 28, 40, 341. ,, ,, methods of working, 137-139. ,, ,, solubility diminished by, 55. Elbow press, 202. Electrical conductivity, 53. ,, method (melting points), 65. Elevators, 221-225. Ellinger, Danish butter, 53. Ellwood, Valenta's test, 57. Enfleurage, 302. Engine waste, grease from see Grease. Engler, viscosimeter, 101. EnglerandKunkler, viscosimeter,101. English degrees (alkali), 420. Entozoa present in inferior margarine, 308. Envelopes (oil pressing), 217, 221. Equivalent quantities of soda and potash, 425, 426. Error due to neglect of expansion, 77, 78. Errors, tables of, construction, 82-84. Equivalent, mean, of fatty acids see Acids (fatty). , , saponification see Sa- ponification equivalent. Erucin (erucic triglyceride), 11. Erythrol, 4. Erythrols from diallyl hydrocarbons by oxidation, 44. Eschwege seife, 461. Essential oils -see Oils (essential). Ester number (Esterzahl), 162, 195. Estrayer cylinder (oil press), 204. Ether as solvent for lead salts, 112, 128, 136, 356, 376, 501. ,, oils, &c., 55, 119- 124, 231, 262, 273, 328, 359, 495-497, 501-503. Ether, petroleum see Petroleum ether. Ethers, compound see Compound ethers. Ethyl acetate, 4. ,, linolate, 34. Ethylene, action of chlorine on, 26. ,, diacetate, 4. Eugenol, 194. Evaporating point (lubricating oils), 325. Evrard, alkaline tallow rendering process, 249. Examination of oils, &c., general scheme for, 124. Expansion of glass, 77. ,, ,, correction for, 77, 78. ,, oils, &c., Allen's results, 92. ,, ,, Crampton's re- sults, 93. ,, ,, Lohmann's re- sults, 94. ,, ,, Wenzell's re- sults, 93. Experimental laboratory press, 213. Expression in stages, 212. Extraction of oils by solvents, ap- pliances for, 232-240. Extractive matters, fermentation, causes hydrolysis, 10. FAHRENHEIT scale, 57-59. Fahrion, boiled oil, 135. Fan (soapboiliug), 433, 434, 460, 469. Farina as adulterant of fats, 123 see Starch. Fat, animal, class, 282, 298. ,, nature of, 1. ,, uiisaponilied, determination of, 119. Fats, animal, expression of oleines from, 299. ,, ,, from birds, 298. ,, ,, from milk (animal but- ters), 174, 298-see also Butter (cow's). ,, ,, from reptiles, 299. ,, ,, refining and bleaching, 254-268. ,, ,, rendering of, 245-251. ,, ,, tallow, lard, butter class, 282, 298. ,, vegetable see Butters, vege- table. Fatty acids see Acids, fatty. ,, matters in seeds, nuts, &c., 115, 237-244. Fawsitt, sulphur chloride and oils, 155. Ferrous sulphate as decolorising agent, 264, 269. ,, ,, used in soap mot- tling, 471. Fibre from cotton seeds, 304. Ficus gummiflua, 14. ,, rubiginosa, 16. Field, Leopold, candle nut oil, 287. ,, candles, c., in the Ro- man period, 363. ,, lamp chimneys, 31 3. ,, soaps, 509. 540 INDEX. Field, Leopold, spermaceti, 360. ,, steariiie plant, 369, 382. ,, wax bleaching, 266. Figging of soft soap, 459. Filling (soap) see Soapmaking. Film test, 133, 351, 352. Filsinger, soap analysis, 494. Filter cake (red oils), 376, 377. Filtration of oils without extra pres- sure, 257, 264. Filter presses, 226-229. ,, use in clarifying ex- pressed oils, 228, 254-257. ,, ,, in purifying red oils, 231, 376. Fiukener on Dalican's method, 75. Firing point (ignition point), 329. First runnings, 304. Fish livers, extraction of oil from, 247. ,, manure from residues of fish oil extraction, 249. Fit (coarse or fine) of soap, 471. Fitted soap see Soapmaking. Fixed oils see Oils (fixed). Flambeau, 312, 362. Flashing point, 125-128. ,, of coaltar oils, &c., 328. ,, of lubricating oils, 325- qoq o^y. ,, ,, insurance, 325. ,, of oleine from Yorkshire grease, 279. Flavour of oils, &c. , 49. Flax plant, 349. Flaxen wicks, 362. Fleeces see Wool. Fletcher, thermhydrometer, 80. Floating soaps, 441. Flour as adulterant of fats, 123 see Starch. ,, in beeswax, 359. Fluorescence, 50. Fob (fitted soap), 471. Foots, 115, 256, 259, 324. ,, avoidance of formation of, 228. distillation of, 261, 383. spermaceti, 261, 360. utilisation of, 261, 324, 408. Formula, alkaline degrees, 421. ,, equivalent quantities of soda and potash, 426. ,, thermometer degrees, 58. Foxy colour developed, 265, 266, 356. Fractional crystallisation, 112. distillation, 113. ,, precipitation, 112. saturation, 112, 113. Frames (soapmaking), 434-437, 444. Frederking, oil boiling pan, 316. Free fatty acids see Acids, free fatty. Free fire process of boiling oils, 315. ,, soap pans, 427. Freezing points see Melting points. French degrees (alkali), 420. Fresenius, absorption of oxygen, 134. Friction coefficient, Mills, 107. ,, Poiseuille, 107. Traube, 109. Fuel from cotton and sunflower seeds, 304, 305. Fullers' earth, use in refining oils, &c., 255. ,, grease, 272, 279. ,, ,, valuation of, 280. Fusel oil, use in woolscouring, 337. Fusel oils (fermentation oils) see Oils (fusel). Fusing points see Melting points. Fusion with alkalies see Hydrogen. GALIPOT resin, 88. Gay Lussac, candle material, 365. degrees (alkali), 421. Geitel, stearolactone, 38, 145. ,, sulphuric acid and oils, 144. ,, see Schepper and Geitel. Gelatin, removal of, from fish oils, &c., 256, 263. ,, use of, to remove colouring matters, &c., 263. Gellatley, spontaneous combustion, 132. Geraiiic aldehyde, 15. Geraniol, 15. Gerlach, specific gravity of potassium carbonate solutions, 419. ,, vaporimeter (glycerine valuation, 519. German degrees (alkali), 420. ,, sesame see Oil, Camelina. ,, soap process, 449, 472. Girard, solubility in alcohol, 54. Glacial acetic acid test see Acid (acetic). Gladding's process, rosin in soap, 485, 501, 502. Glass, expansion of see Expansion. Glassner, nitric acid test, 141. Glycerides, 3, 9. ,, determination of, in lub- ricants, 329. ,, hydrolysis of, in three stages, 10. ,, iodine absorbed by pure, 180. INDEX. 541 Glycerides, mixed see Mixed gly- cerides. ,, saponification equivalents of pure, 158. ,, of, in three stages, 468. ., synthesis of, 11. Glycerine, manufacture of (glycerol extraction), 513-516. ,, analysis and detection of impurities, 515. ,, extraction from soap leys, 451, 468, 469, 541. ,, ,, from soap leys, com- position, 514. ,, ,, from sweet waters, 513, 514. ,, loss in sulphuric acid hy- drolysis processes, 381. ,, production in candlemak- ing processes, 311, 366, 373, 385, 513. , , production in soapmaking processes, 450, 45 1 , 466-470. ,, valuation, acetyl process, 8, 191, 516. ,, ,, bichromate process, 8, 516. ,, ,, David's process, 522. ,, litharge 524. ,, Muter's ,, 523. ,, ., oxalic acid process, 8, 519. ,, ,, by specific gravity, 516, 517. ,, by tension of vap- our, 518, 519. , , yield from ox fat, 311,312. ,, ,, practical, from various glycerides, 521. ,, theoretical, 162, 195. Glycerine soaps see Soaps (special kinds). Glycerines (commercial products), 8, 110, 513. Glycerol, 4, 7, 110, 513. [144. ,, action of sulphuric acid on, ,, ,, heaton see Acrolein. ,, as standard in viscosi- metry, 101. ,, calculated yield from tri- glycerides, 521. ,, crystallised, 7. 514. ,, formation during examina- tion of oils, 124. ,, ,, from allylic alcohol, 44. Glycerol, formation on saponifying adulterated beeswax, 359. ,, ,,011 saponifying adulter- ated sperm oil, 354. ,, ,, on saponifying Tur- key red oils, as a test 33-1 ,, physical properties of, 7. ,, qualitative tests for, 8, 516. ,, quantitative .see Glycerine, manufacture of (valua- tion). ,, retained in cold process soaps, &c. , 450, 456-466. ,, ,, calculations respect- ing, 464-466. Glycol, 4. ,, from Carnauba wax, 5, 18. ,, ,, defines by oxidation, 44. Goat's tallow see Tallow. Goods, "killing" of, in soapmaking, 433, 468. ,, rancid, deodorising soap made from, 267. Goose grease, 68, 184, 298, 299. Gossage, method of emptying soap pans, 434. Graf, theobromic acid, 22. Grain spirit fusel oils, 14. Graining soap see Soapmaking. Granulating presscake see Separa- tion cake. Grape fusel oils, 20. Grease, birds, 298. ,, bone see Bone grease. ,, curriers', 336. ,, distilled, 111 -see Distillation. engine waste, 236, 279, 324. ,, from hot pressing see Hot press. ,, from silk soap suds, 279. ,, fullers', 279, 2hO. ,, horse,rnare's .see Oils (horse). ,, lubricating see Lubricants. ,, recovered, 262, 270-280. , , used in soapmaking, 450, 453. ,, recovery by Yorkshire pro- cess, 272 see Yorkshire grease. ,, ,, by lime process, 271. ,, trade refuse (tannery grease. &c.), 299. ,, ,, used in soap- making, 409. ,, Yorkshire see Yorkshire grease. 542 INDEX. Greasy rags, spontaneous combustion of, 132, 133. Greaves, 246. Green liquor see Chrome liquor re- covery. Green oil (Yorkshire grease distilla- tion), 277. Grills and Schroeder, liquid sulphur dioxide as solvent, 236. Grimshaw, phosphated soaps, 476. , , utilisation of cotton seeds, 304. Grittner and Szilazi, rosin in soap, 502. Grb'ger, dioxy palmitic acid, 44. Ground mica (antifriction), 324. Groundnut see Arachis nuts and Oil (arachis). Ground plan of 16-press installation, 216. Gum arabic, Eideal, 108. ,, benzoin, 19. Gumming of oils, 129, 322, 325. ,, ,, practical test of, 323. Gwynne, Jones, andWilson, sulphuric acid process, 380. H HAUEMAN, soda crystals in oil refin- ing, 2GO. Hagenbach, viscosity, 107. Hager, specific gravity of fats, 88, 355. Hairs, hair envelopes, 217, 221. Handpicking seeds, necessary to ob- tain standards, 213, 340, 350. Hartley, acid refining process, 259. ,, manganese sulphate in re- fining, 260. Hartley and Blenkinsop, patent re- fining process, 263, 264, 315. Hauchcorne, nitric acid test, 140. Haussknecht, benoxylic acid, 45. ,, brassa'idic acid, 28. Hawes' boiler (cold process soap), 457, 463. Hazura, characteristic oxidation pro- ducts, 128. ,, oxidation of stearolic acid, 36 see "Benedikt and Hazura ; Bauer and Hazura. Hazura and Grlissner, glycerides in linseed oil, 350, 351. ,, ,, liuolic acid, 35. ,, ,, linolic acid in olive oil, 344. ,, ,, oxidation of drying oil acids, 136. ,, ,, ,, of ricinoleic acid, 40. Hazura and Griissner, oxidation of stearolic acid, 45. ,, ,, rule concerning oxi- dation, 44. Head matter (whales), 360. Heat, coagulation of albuminous matter by, 255, 263. ,, effect of, on oils see Oils (effect of heat on). ,, evolution with sulphuric acid see Oils (heat evolution). Hehner, beeswax, 357, 358. , , glycerine valuation, 516, 522. number, 113, 157, 166-170, 195, 196, 341. Heintz, melting point tables, 71-74. Hell, hydrogen method, 13, 121. Hempen wicks, 362. Hersee, soap pump, 434. Hervieux and Bedard, waggon grease, 327. Hess, Yorkshire grease analysis, 276. Hexacetyl derivatives, 37. Hexbromides of fatty acids, 34-37, 176. Heyl, distillation apparatus, 234. Hippopotamus grease, 299. milk, 298. Hoffmeister, chilling baths, 67. Holde, improved flashing point ap- paratus, 127. ,, iodine absorption of drying oils, 184, 351. ,, oleorefractometer, 52. Holt, brassic acid, 29. Homologous acids, separation of, 112, 113. Homologues of linolic acid (supposed), 32, 34. Honig and Spitz, extraction appara- tus, 120, 239. Hope, soap analysis, 494, 498, 499, 509. Horse grease, horse fat see Oil (horse). ,, power requisite in oil mill, 215- 217. Hot baths, 61-65, 80, 95-101. Hot air bleaching processes see Air. Hot press, 231, 368. cake, 368, 370, 375. Hubl, beeswax, 358. ,, iodine test see Iodine number. ,, melting points, 71. ,, modification of Livache's test, 133. Hubl and Stadler, rosin in soap, 502. Huiles d'enfer, 344. tournantes, 116, 344. Hulls from cotton seed, 304. INDEX. 543 Hurst, efflux viscosity values, 105. ,, \ r alenta's test, 56, 57. ,, viscosimeter, 101. ,, Yorkshire grease, 276-279. Hyaena fat, 21. Hydrated soaps see Soapmaking. Hydration of anhydrides, &c., 41-43, 45. ,, of isoleic acid, 38. Hydraulic filter press see Filter press. presses, 207-212, 215-218. Hydriodic acid, action on isoleic acid, 30. ,, ,, action on linolic acid, 34. Hydrocarbons, 2, 3, 5, 54, 90. , , detection in linseed oil, 352. ,, ,, in olive oil, 347. 5 , in rape oil, 349. ,, ,, in Turkey red oils, 335. ,, ,, in wax and sper- maceti, 359, 361. ,, determination in lubri- cants, 329. ,, insoluble in glacial acetic acid, 57. , , mineral, solid see Cerasin, Ozokerite. ,, miscible with blown oils, 320, 321. ,, presence of, in distilled oleines, &c., 120, 258, 261,274-278,377,378. ,, ,, in engine waste grease, 279. ,, saturated and unsaturated, 3, 26. ,, separation of, from oils, 119-124. ,, use of, in manufacture of lubricants, 322-329. ,, used as adulterants, 120, 121, 335, 347-349, 352. Hydrocarotin, 18. Hydrochloric acid, evolved from burning wax tap- ers, 267, 365. ,, ,, formed in Turkey red oil making. 331. ,, ,, removal of lime salts from bone fat by, 256. ,, ,, used in grease re- covery, 271. ,, ,, ,, in Mege Mouries process, 308. ,, ,, ,, in oleic acid valuation, 376. Hy drochloricacid used with bleaching powder, &c., in decolorising oils, &c., 264-266. Hydrogen, atmosphere of, in cod liver oil extraction, 248. ,, evolved by fusion with alkalies, from acrylic acids, 24. ,, ,, from alcohols, 13, 121. ,, ,, from glycols, 18. ,, ,, from gly collie acids, 37. ,, nascent, as dechlorinising agent, 31, 35. ,, peroxide as bleaching agent, 264, 339, 359. Hydrogenation of acids, 20, 26, 32, 34, 40. aldehydes, 14, 15. Hydrolysis accompanies rancidity, 10, 12, 114, 292. ,, but little effected by light, 131. ,, by superheated steam, 10, 110, 125, 261. ,, in autoclaves, &c., 373 see also Distillation. ,, of condensed ricinoleic acids, 146, 333. ofoils,&c.,7, 10, 12, 114, 116. ,, of soap solutions, 12, 23, 486-488. ,, of soap solutions, rate diminished by presence of alkali, 487. ,, of sulphuric acid com- pounds, 27, 29, 331, 333. of Turkey red oils, 331-333. ,, water taken up during, 10, 275. Hydrometer, 77. ,, scales, 84-86. ,, table of errors, con- struction of, 83. Hydrostatic balance, 77-79, 81. ,, table of errors, construc- tion of, 83. Hydroxylinolein, 136, 137. ICELAND moss in lard, 306. Ignition point, 329. Illipti fat see Butters, vegetable. Impurities, systematic examination for, 124. Incipient melting and solidifying points see Melting point. 544 INDEX. Increment in weight during drying of fatty acids, 113. Increment in weight during drying of oils, 133. Indicators in titration, 420 see Phenolphthalein, Titration, Cochi- neal, Litmus, Methyl orange. Indigo, used to tint soft soap, 459. Inner anhydrides, 30, 39. Insolation, effect of see Light, effect of. Insoluble acid number, 168, 195, 341. ,, f atty acids >ee Acids, fatty, insoluble. Installation (16-press), plan of, 217. Insurance companies and lubricating oils, 325. Iodine candles, 407- ,, number (iodine absorption),. 26,34,157,176-186,341. ,, ,, as test of drying power, 133. ,, ,, effect of light on, 131. ,, ,, lessens as oxysen taken up, 42, 129,^135, 185. ,, ,, of free acids, 180, 184, 197, 356. ,, ,, of glyceride falls short of that of free fatty acid by about 4 - 5 per cent., 185, 197. ,, ,, of oils, determinations of, 181-184, 196. lodo substitution derivatives see Substitution. Irish moss (antifriction), 328. Iron, cast, less corroded by fatty acids than wrought iron, 277. ,, salts, use in refining, 263. ,, soaps see Metallic soaps. Isocholesterol, 16, 17. , , and ether s in Yorkshire grease, 272-276. Isoglyceride theory, 12. Isomerides of dioxybenic acid, 28, 29, 44, 129. ,, dioxystearic acid, 28, 30, 41, 43, 129. linolic acid, 32, 35. ofoleicacid, 28, 29, 129. oxystearic acid, 29,38,39. oxystearosulphuric acid, 27, 30, 38. ricinoleic acid, 40, 41. trioxystearic acid, 40, 43, 44, 129. Isomerism of brassic and erucic acids, 28, 29. ,, stereochemical, 29. JACKSON, African oils, 289. Japanese wax see Wax (Japanese). Jean, adulteration of butter, 310. ,, oleorefractometerreadings, 51-53. ,, thermeleometer, 151. Jellifying of soap solutions, 485. Johnson & Co., filter presses, 229. Juillard, Turkey red oils, 147, 330, 333. KAOLIN as adulterant, 123. Kauri gum admixed with thickened oils, &c., 142, 318. Keg lard, 306. Kerosene, 2, 5. Ketones, 3, 6. Kettles for boiling drying oil, 315, 316. ,, for boiling soap, free fired, 426- 428. ,, for heating crushed seed, &c., 215, 221. ,, heated by dry steam, 247, 428. ,, ,, by wet steam, 428. ,, skimmer pipe for, 433. ,, square, 433. ,, various older forms of, 429-432. Kitchen grease, 299, 408. ,, ,, deodorising, 265. ,, tallow adulterated with, 354. Kcettstorfer's test (Kcettstorfer num- ber) see Total acid number. Kidney fat (ox), 311. " Killing the goods," 433, 468. Knab's superheated steam distilla- tion plant, 382. Kohn, qualitative test for glycerol, 516. Krafft, ricilinolic acid, 36. ,, ricinic acid, 41. Krafft and Noerdlinger, brassic and elaidic acids, 28. Kingzett, glycerine extraction, 514. Kulp livers, extraction of oil from, 247. LABOUR requisite in oil mill, 215-218. Lach, candlenut oil, 287. ,, French candle stearine plant, 386. Lactucerol, 16. Lamp for carbon disulphide (disin- fecting), 407. INDEX. 545 Lamps, 312, 313, 362. Langbeck, lanolin 339. Langlet, thermal areometer, 82. Lanolin, 274, 336, 337-339. ,, in soaps, 448. ,, manufacture of, 337. ,, sulphurised, 339. tests of quality of, 339. Lant Carpenter, lubricating oils, 325. ,, soap analysis, 510. ,, soap boiling, 470. ,, sulphuric acid pro- cess, 381 , 388. Lard, 21, 164, 299, 303-308. ,, adulteration of, 306, 307. artificial, 307. ,, damaged, used for soapmaking, 408. free fatty acids in, small when fresh, 307. , , iodine number of, 181-184, 307, 356. ,, manufacture of, 306. ,, melting point of. 68, 306, 307. ,, oil see Oil (lard). ,, Reichert number of, 175. ,, saponification equivalent of, 160, 307. ,, solid suspended matters in, 123. ,, solubility of, 56. specific gravity of, 88-93, 307. ,, stearine (solar stearine) see Stearine (lard). ,, unsaponifiable constituents in, &c., 257, 307. ,, vegetable, 305, 310. ,, water contained in, 122, 307. Laurent, polarimeter, 50. Laurie aldehyde, 14. Laurin, lauric triglyceride, 11. Lead acetate, use in boiling oils, 262, 314. contained in oils, 121-124, 314. , , oxide as saponifying agent, 410. ,, oxides as driers, 314. ,, plasters, 410, 485. , , salts soluble in ether see Ether as solvent. , , salts, use of, in refining, 256, 263. ,, test (Livache's), 133. Leather currying, leather grease, 302, 336, 339. Leblanc process of alkali manufac- ture, 410. Lecithin, 121, 240, 259. ,, determination of phospho- rus in, 124, 240. Leeds, soap analysis, 494. Lefebre, oleometer, 79. Leffmann and Beam, Reichert number, 175. Legler, consistency tester, 139. Lenz, density of glycerol solution, 517. Lepenau, leptometer, 106. Leuner, bonefat extraction apparatus, 253. Lever presses, 199. Lever and Scott, carbon tetrachloride as solvent, 236. Levinstein, lanolin, 339. Lewkowitsch, acetylation test and modification thereof, 189-191, 198. , , distillation under dim- inished pressure, 383. ,, rosin in soap, 502-504. , , Yorkshire grease, 272. analysis of, 274. Leys, alkalinity of see Alkalinity. , , calculations respectingquantity and strength of see Calcula- tions. , , causticising see Causticising. ,, spent see Soapmaking, Glycer- ine manufacture. ,, use of, in soapmaking see Soapmaking. Liechti and Suida, sulphuric acid and oils, 144. Liebig, distillation of acids, fractional saturation, 112. Light coaltar oils, 2. , , petroleum distillate see Petro- leum ether. Light, effect of, on oils see Oils, effect of light on. , , facilitates air bleaching of wax, 268, 269. ,, polarised (polariscope), 17, 50, 347, 352. ,, ,, sugar valuation in soap, 505. Limburg cheese, 20. Lime, use of, in causticising alkalies see Causticising. ,, ,, making railway grease, 327. ,, ,, recovering grease, 270. ,, ,, refining oils, 256, 261. ,, steariue manufacture, 365, 369. Lime rosin soap (railway grease), 327. Lime soap (grease recovery), 271. ,, in candlemaking see Candle stearine. ,, in lard, 307. in lubricants, 324,327,328. 35 546 INDEX. Limpach, stearolic acid, 36. Linoleum, 302, 318, 319. Linolic anhydride, 125. Linolin (linolic triglyceride), 134, 139. Linoxyn, 134, 136. Linseed cake see Oilcake Linseed, sources of, 349. ,, usually mixed with hemp- seed, 349. Lint, 304. Litmus as indicator, 420. Liquid waxes see Waxes. Litharge as drier see Driers. Livache, comparative action of driers, 314. Livache's test, 133, 351, 352. Livers, fish and shark, &c., extrac- tion of oil from, 247. Loading (soap) see Soapmaking. Lcewe, melting points, 65. Lohmann, expansion, 93. Lubricants, analysis of, 328-330. , , coarse, 27 1 , 280, 324, 326-328. ,, corrosion by free acids in, 115, 260, 322. ,, for hot rollers (pitch from Yorkshire grease), 277. ,, greases (cart, carriage, wag- gon, railway grease, anti- friction grease, &c.), 325- 329, 409. ., materials used for, 302, 321- 328, 339. ,, use of blown oils for, 320. viscosity of see Viscosity. Lubrication, 5, 48. Lunge and Hurter, Beaume" scale, 86. ,, ,, specific gravity of al- kalineleys, 416-418. Lupeol, 17, 259. M M 'NAUGHT, pendulum machine, 94. Magma (grease recovery), 271, 272. Magnesia as saponifying agent, 379, 410. ,, calcined, use of, in refining, 256, 261. Magnesium soaps, 121. Manganese compounds, use of, as driers, 314, 315. , , dioxide, use of, in bleach- ing, 268. ,, salts, use of, in refining, 256, 260-264. Mangold, glycerine valuation, 521. Mannitol, 5. Mansbridge, analysis of Yorkshire grease, 275, 276. Manteau Isabelle (mottled soap), 472. Manure from fish oil extraction resi- dues, 249. ,, scraps from ox fat, 311, 312. ,, sludge from suds and sud- cake, 271, 2/2. Mare's grease -see Oil (horse). Margarin, glyceride of artificial mar- garic acid, 21, 22, 110, 309. Margarine (Oleomargarine, Butterine, Artificial butter, Dutch butter, Bosch, Butter sub- stitutes), 22, 114, 299, 305, 308-312. ,, cokernut and palmnut oils in, 310. ,, Hehner number, 166, 310. ,, iodine number, 181, 184, 310. ,, manufacture, 246, 247, 308- 312. ,, manufacture byMegeMouries process, ;,08. ,, origin of name, 308. ,, Reichertnumber,173,174,310. ,, specific gravity, 88, 91. , , total acid number and saponi- fication equivalent, 159. ,, use of oleorefractometer in detecting, 53. ,, vegetable, 305. Marine soap - see Soapmaking. Maritime alkali see Barilla. Marix, distillation under diminished pressure, 383. Marrow, 21. Massie, nitric acid test, 141. Maumene's test see Oils (heat evolu- tion). Meal as adulterant, 123. Mean equivalent see Acids, fatty, (mean equivalent). Meats from cotton seed, 304. Mechanical viscosity testers, 94. Mege M curies process, 308. Meinecke's process (rosin soap), 473. Meissl, Beichert number, 53, 174. Melting points (Congealing, Solidifica- tion, Fusing, Freezing points), acetic acid series, 20. ,, acrylic acid series, 25. ,, alcohols, 14. ,, candle stearine, 370,375. 377. ,, cholesterol and allied bodies, 17. ,, congealing of lubricants, 67, 325. INDEX. 547 Melting points, determination of, 60-67. distilled fatty acids, 384. ,, erucic and brassic acid derivatives, 29. ,, mixed fatty acids,69-76,341. ,, oils and fats, &c., 67-69. ,, polyhydroxylated stearic acids, 43. ,, propiolic acids, 32. ,, synthetic triglycerides, 11. Mercuric bromide, use of, in Hiibl's test, 179. ,, nitrate, colour test, 151. Mercury and nitric acid test, 138. Merryweather & Sons, improved dry heat rendering arrangement, 247. Metallic salts, used in refining oils, 262, 263. soaps, detection in olive oil, 347. formed in paint, 135. in lubricants, 324, 328. in oils, &c., 121-124, 315, 324, 485. in ordinary soaps, 410. iron soap in mottling, 472. isolation of metallic con- stituent (analysis), 328. Methyl esters (brassic and erucic), 29. ,, number (methyl iodide test), 157, 191-194, 196. ,, orange as indicator, 420, 497, 507. Methylic ethers, 5. Mica (antifriction), 324, 328. Michaud Freres, glycerine manufac- ture, 515. Milk fats, composition unlike that of body fats, 298. ,, Reichert number, 174. Milling machinery (toilet soaps), 446- 448. Mills, viscosity, 107, 108. ,, W., oil bleaching, 264. Mills and Akett, Mills and Snodgrass, bromine absorption, 177. Milly, de, candle material, 365. ,, wicks, 394. Mineral acids, injurious effect of see Acids, mineral. Moellon, 336. M oiler, improved cod liver oil extrac- tion process, 248. Moinier and Bontigny, candle stear- ine, 369. Monoglycerides, 10. ,, synthesis of, 11. Morawski and Demski, iodine absorp- tion, 184. Morfit, oleine soap process, 453. ,, steam series of soap pans, 432. ,, steam twirl, 428, 429. ,, ,, use in making lub- ricating grease, 325. ,, ,, use in making resin- ate of soda, 453. Mortars (mortuary candles), 406. Mottled soaps see Soapmaking. Moulding, Moulding machine (oil pressing), 215, 221-223. Mountain ash berries, 32. Mucilage (vegetable mucus), deter- mination of, 118-123. ,, ,, removal from oils see Oils (clarification). Miiller- Jacobs, sulphuric acid and oils, 144. Muirhead and Alder Wright, zinc i chloride and oils, 141. Mulder, drying oils, 134, 136. Muntz, thermal arceometer, 82. Muter, colour reactions, 142. ,, determination of oleic acid, 376. ,, olein tube, 376. ,, specific gravities, 88. Muter and Koningh, separation of fatty acids, 307, 356. Mutton tallow see Tallow. Myricin (myricylicpalnritate), 4, 358, 359. Myristic aldehyde, 14. Myristin (myristic triglyceride), 11. N NATRON, 409, 449. Natural naphtha .see Oils (mineral). Negative alkalinity, 498, 499. Negur (negre, nigre, nigger) of fitted soaps, 471. Neill & Sons, modern soap coppers, 433. ,, rem citing pans, 441. Neutral oil (Yorkshire grease), 276- 279. Neutralisation number of fatty acids, 164, 169. ,, ,, mixed acids, calcu- lation of composi- tion from, 172. Nightlights, 312, 402. ,, manufacture of, 406. Niin fat, Niin wax, 302. Nitric acid test, 139, 153, 294, 341. 548 INDEX. Nitric acid as standard acid in soap analysis, 497. ,, use of in wax bleaching 264, 265. Nitrous acid test see Elaidin reac- tion. Nocciulo (olive marc), 343. Noerdlinger, oilcakes, 114, 214. refining oil, 263. ,, see Krafft and Noerd- linger. Norton and Richardson, linolic acid, 34. Noxious smells evolved in rendering animal fats, 247, 249. Number, acetyl see Acetylation test. , , ester see Ester number. , , free acid see Acids, free fatty. ,, Hehner see Hehiier number. ,, Hiibl see Iodine number. ,, iodine see Iodine number. ,, insoluble acid see Insoluble acid number. ,, Koettstorfer see Total acid number. , , methyl see Methyl number. ,, neutralisation see Neutrali- sation number. ,, Reichert see Reichert num- ber. ,, saponificatioii see Total acid number. ,, soluble acid see Soluble acid number. , , total acid see Total acid num- ber. , , volatile acid see Volatile acid number. Nuisance in rendering fats see Noxious smells. Nutmeg butter see Oil (nutmeg). Nuts strung together used as candles, 363. ,, yield of fat from various kinds of, 241-244. OAKBARK infusion, use of, in refining, 256, 263. Octylic ethers, 5, 20. Odour of oils, &c., 49, 341. ,, rancid, removal of see Ran- cid, R,ancidity. CEnanthol (oenanthic aldehyde), ac- tion of acetic anhydride on, 25. , , formed by heating castor oil, 40. ,, hydrogenised to heptylic alco- hol, 14. CEnanthol, oxidised to heptoic acid, 20. Oil. For the specific gravity and other physical properties of each oil severally, vide Chaps, iv., v. (pp. 47-109). ,, For the chemical properties and reactions, vide Chaps, vi., vii., viii. (pp. 110-198). ,, acajou see Oil (cashew). ,, adul, 288. ,, alligator pear (avocado oil, persea fat), 296. ,, almond, 3, 19, 241, 257, 283. class, 281, 282. ,, ,, detection of adultera- tions, 347t ,, anchovy, 294. ,, angelica, 37. ,, anise, 192, 194. ,, apricot kernel, 283. ,, American walnut see Oil (hic- kory nut). ,, arachis (earthnut, groundnut, peanut), 21, 25, 241, 258, 283. ,, ,, adulteration of, 347. ,, ,, detection of, in olive oil, 344. ,, ,, doubt as to existence of hypogseic acid in, 24, 111. ,, ,, natural variations in com- position of, 111. ,, ,, relative price of, 342. ,, ,, tests for, in olive oil, 344. ,, ,, use of, in soapmaking see Soapmaking. ,, ,, used as lubricant, 322. ,, arctic sperm see Oil (doegling). ,, areca nut, 241. ,, argan, 288. ,, assai see Butters, vegetable (Para butter). ,, avocado, 296. ,, bankulnut see Oil (candle nut). ,, beechnut (beechmast) 241, 283. ,, belladonna seeds, 241. ,, ben (behen), 21, 25, 241, 283. detection of adulterations, 347. benne see Oil (sesame^, bitter apple see Oil (colocynth). blackfish, 293. bladdernut, 288. boma nut, 288. bone see Bone fat. bottlenose whale see Oil (doeg- ling). brazil nut (castanha nut), 241, 242, 288. breadnut, 289. INDEX. 549 Oil, cabbage, 115. ,, calabar bean (poon seed, dilo, domba, pinnay, tamanu oil ; poona fat, tacamahac fat), 241, 291, 296. ,, camelina (German sesame", gold of pleasure), 241, 286. ,, ,, ,, tests for sulphur in, 123. ,, ,, ,, use in soapmaking see Soapmaking. ,, canary see Oil (Java nut). ,, candle nut (bankulnut, kekune), 241, 287. ,, carapa nut (crab wood nut oil, touloucoona oil, coundi oil, andiroba fat), 242, 296. caryocar, 297. cashe\v (acajou), 241, 289. cassia, 19. castanha see Oil (brazil nut), castor, 14, 20, 25, 43, 241, 285. ,, action of sulphuric acid see Oils (Turkey red). ,, zinc chloride on, 141. blown, 321. class, 281, 284. effect of exposure to air, 136. ,, heat on, 40. extraction by hot water process, 200. relative price of, 342. soap see Soapmaking. soluble, 188, 321 see Oils (Turkey red). ,, use in soapmaking, 408. centaury, 242. chamomile, 14, 25. charlock, 241. chaulmoogra, 20, 242, 297. cherry kernel, 283. Chinese cabbage, 284, 348. chironji, 242, 289. cinnamon, 19. cloves, 194. cod (lubricating), 330. cod fish and cod liver, 257, 258, 294. , , , , extraction of, 247, 248. ,, ,, extraction of, ex- clusion of air dur- ing, 248. ,, ,, relative price of, 342 see Oils (liver, fish liver). ,, ,, used for soapmak- ing see Soapmaking. cokenmt, 20, 241, 257, 258, 295. Oil, cokernut, deodorisingrancid,261, 310. ,, ,, separation of coker stearine from, 231, 305 see Stearine (cokernut). ,, spelling of, 3. ,, ,, use in soapmaking see Soapmaking. ,, colocynth (bitter apple, 241, 288. ,, colza (cole, cole seed, kohlsaat), 348 see Oil (rape). ,, combo nut, 242. ,, copra (coprah)-see Oil (cokernut). ,, corn poppy, 242. ,, cotton seed, 241, 257, 258, 286. ,, ,, absorption of oxygen by, 330. ,, ,, action of sulphuric acid on see Oils (Turkey red). ,, ,, adulteration of, 347. ,, ,, adulteration of lard with, 306-308. ,, ,, as lubricant, 322,325. ,, ,, Becchi's test for see Becchi's test. ,, ,, blown, 319. ,, ,, clarifying and refin- ing, 255-263. class, 281, 286. ,, ,, refined, use as edible and cooking oil, and as adulterant of sa- lad oils, 267, 304. ,, ,, relative price of, 342. ,, ,, use in soapmaking s<>e Soapmaking. ,, ,, utilisation of a ton of cotton seeds, 304. ,, coumu nut (coumu butter), 289, 297. cow parsnep (heracleum), 5, 14, 20. , , crab wood nut-see Oil (carapa nut). ,, cress seed, 241, 286. ,, croton, 20, 25, 287. ,, curcas (purqueira, purgir, jatro- pha), 20, 285. ,, datura (strammonium seed), 21, 244. ,, dilo, 291 see Oil (calabar bean). ,, doegling (bottlenose whale, arctic sperm), 3, 25,258,300,360. ,, ,, doubt as to existence of doeglic acid in, 24. ,, ,, relative price of, 342. ,, ,, yields spermaceti of higher melting point thancachelot spermaceti, 360. 550 INDEX. Oil, dogfish liver, 247, 294. ,, dogwood berry, 288. ,, dolphin, 293, 301. ,, ,, bottlenose, yields sper- maceti, 301. ,, domba, 291 see Oil (calabar bean). ,, dugoiig, 247, 293. ,, earth nut see Oil (arachis). ,, egg see Oil (lien's egg). ,, eleeococca (Japanese wood, tung, wood oil), 32, 291. ,, ,, extremely rapid dry ing qualities, 291. ,, eucalyptus, 6, 178. ,, ,, medicated candles, 407. ,, euonymus see Oil (spindlenut). , , fever nut see Butters, vegetable (Borneo tallow). ,, fish, class, 281, 292. .,, gamboge (gamboge butter), 242, 296. ,, garlic, 15. ,, gaultheria-see Oil (winter-green). ,, geranium, 3, 15. ,, German sesame" see Oil (came- lina). .,, gherkin seed, 288. 3, gingelly see Oil (sesame"). ,, gold of pleasure see Oil (came- lina). ,, gourd seed see Oil (pumpkin seed). ,, grape seed, 25, 242, 285. ,, green (Yorkshire grease distilla- tion), 277. ,, groundnut -see Oil (arachis). ,, gundschit see Oil (lallemeiitia). ,, hammerfish, 294. ,, hazelnut, 242, 283. ,, hedge radish (hedge mustard), 284. ,, hempseed, 33, 35, 242, 257, 291. ,, ,, detection of , in linseed oil, 352, 353. ,, ,, use as cooking oil, 304. ,, ,, ,, in soft soapmaking see Soapmaking. ,, ,, usually mixed with lin- seed oil, 349, 352. ,, henbane seed, 242. ,, hen's egg, 121, 298, 299, 408. ,, heracleum see Oil(cowparsnep). ,, herring, 294. ,, hickory nut (American walnut oil), 242, 289, 291. ,, holly seed, 242. ,, horned poppy see Oil (yellow- horn poppy). Oil, horse (horse grease, horse fat, mare's grease), 286, 299. ,, ,, deodorising,465- see Rancid. ,, ,, use in soapmaking, 408. ,, horsefoot, 286. ,, horsechestnut, 242, 288. ,, Indian cress, 242. ,, Japanese wood see Oil (elseo- cocca). ,, Japan fish, 342. ,, jatropha see Oil (curcas). ,, Java nut, Java almond (canary oil), 242, 296. ,, kekune see Oil (candle nut). ,, kulp liver, 247, 294. ,, laintlaintain seed, 289. ,, lallemantia (gundschit), 242, 291. ,, lard, 231, 286, 307. ,, ,, class, 2S1, 285. ,, ,, relative tendency to gum- ming, 323. ,, ,, used as lubricant, 322, 325. ,, laurel berry see Butters, veget- able (laurel). ,, lettuce seed, 243. ,, linden seed, 243. ,, ling liver, 178. linseed, 32-34, 243, 257, 258, 291. ,, ,, acid process for refining, 259. ,, adulterations of, 351, 352. ,, boiled, 262, 313-318. class, 281, 290. ,, ,, film test, Livache's test, 133, 351. ,, ,, iodine number, 351 (see Iodine number). , , ,, pure, only obtainable by handpickiiig, 350. ,, ,, relative price of, 342. ,, ,, tendency to gum- ming, 323. ,, ,, use as cooking oil, 304. ,, ,, ,, in soft soapmaking see Soapmaking. ,, ,, various glycerides con- tained in, 350, 351. ,, liver class, 281, 292, 294. ,, louar, 294. ,, mabo nuts, 289. ,, maccassar, 184, 297. madia, 243, 286. ,, maize, 243, 286. ,, malabar, 294. ,, malaka, 289. ,, manatee, 293. ,, mango seeds, 289. ,, mang;osteen see Butters, veget- able (goa butter). INDEX. 551 Oil, margosa see Oil (zedrach). ,, menhaden (porgie), 249, 258, 294. ,, ,, relative price of, 342. ,, meni seed, 289. ,, morse, 293. ,, m'poga nut, 289. mustard, 15, 21, 25, 243, 234, 348. ,, ,, tests for sulphur in, 123. neat's foot, 286, 298. ,, ,, as lubricant, 322, 325. ,, ,, relative price of, 342. , , nettle seed, 243. ,, neutral (Yorkshire grease), 276- 279. ,, niger seed (ramtil), 243, 286,408. , , , , relative price of, 342. night shade seed, 243. niko nut, 289. nimb (neem) tee Oil (zedrach). nut (walnut), 243, 291. nutmeg, 20, 243, 295. odal, 288. olive, 243, 257, 258, 283, 322. ,, absorption of oxygen by, 330. ,, action of sulphuric acid on see Oils (Turkey red). , , adulterations of, 344-347. ,, as lubricant, 326. ,, class, 281, 282. ,, extraction by hot water process, 200. ,, relative price of, 342. ,, relative tendency to gum- ming, 323. ,, sources and production of, 342-344. ,, taste improved by presence of free acids, 116. ,, used for soapmaking see Soapmaking. olive kernel, 243, 343. ,, ,, extraction of, 343. oolachan, 294. opochala, 288, 289. owala, 288, 289. palm (palm butter), 21, 243, 257, 295, 322. ,, bleaching processes, 264, 265. ,, as candle material see Candle stearine. ,, extraction of, by hot water process, 200. , , use in soapmakiug see Soapmaking. palmkernel(palmnut),20,243,295. ,, extraction by sol- vents, 200. , , use in soapmaking see Soapmaking. Oil, pea, 121, 259. peach kernel, 243, 283. peanut see Oil (arachis). pelargonium, 20. pilchard, 161, 294. pine see Oil (red pine), pinnay, 291 see Oil (calabar bean). piquia (pekea), 297. pistachio nut, 244, 289. plum kernel, 283. poppy seed, 33, 243, 257, 291. , , relative price of, 342. , , use as cooking oil, 304. ,, ,, in soft soapmaking see Soapmaking. porpoise (Delphinus phocsenaoil), 247, 293. ,, contains valerin, 301. ponga see Butters, vegetable (karanja butter), poon seed see Oil (calabar bean), poondi see Butters, vegetable (karanja butter), porgie see Oil (menhaden), pumpkin seed (gourd seed), 243, 288. purgir nut (purqueira, jatropha, curcas) see Oil (curcas). radish seed, 244. ramtil .see Oil (niger seed), ray liver, 294. rape (colza), 21, 25, 49, 257-259, 284, 313, 322. ,, absorptionof oxygen by, 330. ,, adulteration of, 349. ,, as standard of viscosity, 101, 349. ,, blown, 319, 320. ,, class, 281, 284. ,, fatty acids and glycerides contained in, 11, 41. ,, injurious effects of free acids on, 115, 313. ,, insoluble in acetic acid, 55, 349. ,, refining of see Oils, refining. ,, relative price of, 342. ,, ,, tendency to gumming, 323. ,, tests for sulphur in, 123. ,, used for soapmaking, 408. ,, yield of, 241, 348. raps (rapsamen), 348. red pine seed (pine oil, pinaster oil), 244, 287. rosemary, 15. rosin see Rosin oils, riibsen, 348. 552 INDEX. Oil, rue, 3, 14, 20. safflower seed, 244. sanitas, 6, 477. sapucaja nuts, 244. ,, sardine, 294. ,, Scotch fir seeds, 244. seal, 247, 258, 293, 303. ,, ,, relative price of, 342. ,, ,, used for soapmaking see Soapmaking. ,, sesame* (gingelly, benne", til oil), 244, 286. ,, ,, Baudoin's sugar test for see Sugar test. class, 281, 286. ,, ,, detection of adultera- tions in, 347. ,, ,, relative price of, 342. used for soapmaking,408. shark, shark's liver, 247, 294, 408. sheep's trotter, 52, 286, 298. ,, soap berry see Butters, vege- table (soap berry). soja bean, 287. ,, sperm, 3, 14, 258, 313. adulteration of, 353. as lubricant, 322-325. blown, 320. class, 282, 299. deposits spermaceti, 300, 353. relative tendency to gum- ming, 323. ,, ,, sources, 300, 353. ,, spindlenut (euonymus), 244, 288. ,, spirit (Yorkshire grease distilla- tion), 277, 278. sprat, 294. spring poppy seed, 244. ,, spruce fir seed, 244. spurge, 244. ,, strammonium seeds see Oil (datura). ,, sunflower, 244, 286, 304, 408. , , , , production in Russia, 305. ,, tacamahac (tacamahac fat) see Oil (calabar bean). tallow, 231, 285, 286. ,, tamanu, 291 see Oil (calabar bean). ,, tansy, 3. tea seed, 244, 283. ,, thistle seed, 244. til see Oil (sesam). tobacco seed, 244, 291. ,, touloucoona see Oil(carapanut). train see Oil (whale). ,, tung, 291 see Oil (elaeococca). tunny, 294. ,, turpentine, 6, 25. Oil, turpentine, distilled off in Mei- necke's process, 473. ,, ,, facilitates air bleaching of wax, 269, 359. ,, ,, oxidation of, 477. ,, ,, solvent for manganese salts as driers, 315. ,, ungnadia, 244. ,, valerian, 15. valve (valveoline), 330. ,, walnut see Oil (nut). walrus, 293. watermelon seed, 244, 288. ,, weld seed, 244, 291. whale (train), 247, 258, 293, 303, 322. class, 281, 292, 293. ,, ,, communicates unpleasant smell to soft soap, 459. ,, ,, relative price of, 342. ,, ,, used for soapmaking see Soapmaking. ,, wild radish seed, 244. ,, wintergreen (gaultheria), 3, 5, 14, 19, 192. ,, wood (elaeococca, Japanese wood), see Oil (elaeococca). ,, wool (from Yorkshire grease dis- tillation), 279. ,, yellow horn poppy, 242. ,, zedrach (margosa, nimb, neem oil, veppam fat), 297. Oil baths for tempering metals, 302, Oilcake parings, use in clarifying oils, 255, 256. Oilcakes, 114, 211-214, 303-305. acrid, from mustard seed, 349. composition of, 213-214. cotton seed, 212, 214, 304. dimensions and weight of, 21 1. fatty matters contained in, 115, 213-217. free fatty acids contained in, 115, 214. sunflower, superior to hemp and rape, 305. Oil lamps see Lamps. Oil mill plant, 214-229. ,, used in olive oil pro- duction, 200, 343. Dils, absorption of oxygen by see Absorption. , , acety lation test for see Acety- lation test. adulteration of, 340-361. animal, 281, 282, 285, 292, 298, 299, 325. ,, ,, do not yield sativic acid, 291. INDEX. Oils, anthracene sec Anthracene. ,, Benedikt and Ulzer's test see Acetylation test. ,, blacktish, 293. ,, bleaching of, 263-268. ,, partly effected by pre- cipitation of mucilage, &c., 263 ,, blown, 4-2, 90, 125, 130. ,, ,, chemical changes during manufacture of, 319-321. ,, ,, manufacture of, 264, 319. ,, blubber see Oils (cetacean). ,, body of see Viscosity. , , boiled see Oils, drying (boiling of). ,, bone see Bone fat, ,, bromine absorption of, 176-179. ,, burning (lamp oils), 2, 5, 302, 312. ,, injurious effect of free acid on, 116,260,313. ,, cetacean (blubber oils, train oils), 6, 113, 116, 292, 293, 299, 360. ,, ,, extraction of, 247. ,, from toothed whales yield spermaceti, 293, 300, 301. ,, ,, separation of alco- holiform constitu- ents from, 121. ,, ,, separation of sper- maceti from, 300, 301, 360. characteristic oxidation pro- ducts of, 123. ,, chemical changes during drying of, 134-137. ,, clarification of, by chemica] processes, 254-263, 349. ,, by filter presses and ordin ary filters, 228, 255, 257 ,, ,, by standing in contact with water, 344. ,, classification of see Classifica tion. ,, cleansing of see Oils (refining) ,, coaltar, 2, 5, 50, 328. ,, cod, 294 see Oil (codfish, cod liver). ,, cohesion figures of see Cohe sion figures. cold drawn, 114, 212. ,, colour of see Colour. }} ,, reactions of see Coloui reactions. ,, congealing point of see Melt ing points. Oils, 553 cooking, 302-304. creosote, 2, 328. cylinder, 105, 128, 324. dead, 324, 328. decolorising of see Oils, bleaching of. dissolved impurities, 256. dolphin, 293. drying, 32, 33, 55. boiling of, by air blowing process, 314-316. ,, ,, by free fire process, 314, 315. ,, by oxygen process,321. class, 281, 290. decolorising high class, 268. film test, Livache'stest, 133. present in nonxlrying oils in small quantity, 185, 282, 344. ,, relative proportions of dif- ferent glycerides in, 136, 290. ,, used in paint manufacture, &c., 313. ,, ,, soft soapmaking see Soapmaking. drying of, chemical changes dur- ing, 129, 134-137. edible, 302-312. elaidin test see Elaidin test, effect of heat on, 125-128, 314. light on, 130-132, 139, 149. ,, polarised light see Light (polarised), electrical conductivity of, 53. engine, 324. essential, artificial, 6. ,, natural, 2, 5, 20, 53. ester numbers of see Ester number, examination of, general scheme for, 124. expression of, 303 see Presses, extraction of, by solvents, 231- 244, 303. ,, fish and liver, by hot water, 248. , , vegetable, fats, &c. , by hot water, 200. fish, 248, 259, 263, 294, 299. ,, bleached by hot air, 264. J} ,, bichromate, 265. , , colour reactions of, 294. ,, detection in linseed oil, 352. ,, give unpleasant smell to soft soap, 459. 554 INDEX. Oils, fish, used as adulterants, 348. ,, ,, used for soapmaking, 408 see Soapmaking. ,, fish liver, 247, 294, 408 see also Oil (cod liver). ,, fixed, 2. ,, flashing points of see Flashing point. ,, free acid, number of see Acids (free fatty). fusel, C, 14, 20, 53. ,, fusing points of see Melting points. ,, general nature of, 1. ,, glyceridic, 3, 93, 281. ,, ,, detected in sperm oil by saponificatiou, 354. ,, gumming of see Gumming. ,, heat evolution with sulphuric acid, 147-151, 341. ,, ,, with sulphuric acid, effect of light on, 131, 139. ,, Hehner's test for see Hehner number. ,, herring, 294. , , Hiibl's test see Iodine number, ,, hydrocarbon, 2, 5, 54, 90 see also Oils (mineral, paraffin, coaltar). ,, hydrolysis of see Hydrolysis. ,, insoluble acid, number of see Insoluble acid number. ,, iodine number of (iodine absorp- tion of) see Iodine number. ,, kerosene, 2, 5. ,, Koettstorfer's test see Total acid number. ,, lamp see Oils (burning). ,', lesser known, 287-289. ,, ,, some probably valuable, 289. ,, liver, 294see; Oils (fish liver, shark liver). ,, ,, colour reactions of, 294. ,, ,, contain cholesterol and biliary constituents, 292. lubricating, 2, 5, 67, 321-330. ,, ,, absorption of oxygen by, 134, 329, 330. ,, ,, analysis of, 328. ,, ,, characters and be- haviour of, 325, 326. ,, ,, congelation of, 67,325. ,, flashing points of see Flashing point. ,, ,, free mineral acids in, 260, 322 see also Lubricants. Oils, lubricating, manufacture of, 321- 328. ,, ,, metallic soaps con- tained in, 121, 324, ,, ,, of fine quality from degras, 337. ,, ,, specific gravity of, 325. ,, ,, spontaneous combus- tion of, 133. ,, ,, viscosity of see Vis- cosity. ,, ,, volatility of, 325. ,, machinery, 128, 324. ,, medicinal, 303. ,, malabar, 294. ,, melting points of see Melting points. ,, methyl iodide, test for see Methyl number. ,, mineral (petroleum, natural naphtha), 2, 5, 25. ,, ,, absorption of oxygen by, 330. flashingpointof,126-128. lubricants containing, 322-330. refraction of, 52. relative price of, 342. specific gravity of, 90,91. use of, in early ages for burning, 312. ,, viscosity of, 105. nitric acid on, action of see Nitric acid test. nitrous acid on, action of see Elaidin reaction, nondrying, 281. ,, usually contain small quantities of drying oils, 185, 282, 284, 344. nonglyceridic, 3, 93, 282. odour of see Odour, order of price of, 342. oxidation of sf e Absorption of oxygen, Oils (blown), Oils (drying), Gumming, oxidised see Oxidised oils, paraffin, 2, 5, 91, 313. ,, in soap, 258 see Soap, special kinds of. petroleum see Oils (mineral), phosphorised, from leguminous plants, 123, 259. polarised light, action of, 50. porpoise, 293. proximate constituents of, 110- 124. purification (Noerdlinger's), 263. INDEX. 555 Oils, pyrene, 344. ,, rancidity in see Rancid, Ran- cidity. ,, ray, 294. ,, red see Red oils. ,, refining of, 254-263. , , refractive index of see Refrac- tive index. , , Reichert's test for seeReichert number. , , rosin see Rosin oils. salad, 212, 257, 303, 344. ,, ,, refined cotton seed oil intermixed with, 267. ,, saponaceous matters contained in, 121. ., saponifiable, 3, 6, 323. ,, saponification number of see Total acid number. ,, saponitication equivalents of see Saponitication equivalents. seal, 293. ,, ,, colour reactions of, 294. semidrying, 286, 290. ., ,, proportions between different glycerides in, 290, 291. ,, separation of stearines from see Stearines. shale, 2, 5, 90, 91, 313, 322. ,, shark liver, 247, 294, 403. sod, 336. ,, solidifying points of see Melt- ing points. , , soluble acid numbers of see Soluble acid number. ,, solubility in solvents of see Solubility. ,, specific gravity of, 76-94, 341. ,,' e fleet of light on, 130. ,, spindle, 128, 324. , , spontaneous combustion of, 132. ,, ,, oxidation of see Spontaneous oxidation. ,, standard, preparation of see Standard. ,, sulphur chloride on, action of see Sulphur chloride. ,, sulphocarbon, 344, 408. ,, sulphuric acid on, action of see Sulphuric acid. ,, sulphurised, tests for, 123, 154. ,, summer, 257, 304, 348. ,, table see Oils (edible, salad, virgin). ,, taste of see Taste. ,, tournantes see Huiles. ,, total acid numbers of see Total acid number, Oils, train see Oils (cetacean). class, 281, 292, 293. Turkey red, 27, 42. ,, ,, adulterations of, 334- 336. ,, ,, analysis of, 332-336. ,, ,, bibliography of, 331. ,, ,, constitution of, 143- 147, 330, 331. ,, ,, manufacture of, 330- 332. ,, turret, 324. ,, uses of, 302. ,, unsaponifiable matters con- tained in see Unsaponifi- able matters. vegetable, 281-285, 286-291, 295-298. ,, ,, lesser known, 287. ,, virgin, 304,344 see also Oils (salad). ,, viscosity of see Viscosity. volatile, 2. ,, ,, acids from see Vola- tile acids. ,, ,, number of see Vola- tile acid number. ,, vulcanised, 154. ,, water contained in see Water. ,, whale, 293 see Oils (cetacean). ,, ,, colour reactions of, 294. winter, 230, 257, 348. ,, yield of, from seeds, &c. see Yield. , , , , fatty acids from, 76, 1 63. ,, Zeisel's test for see Methyl number. , ,<- zinc chloride on, action of see Zinc chloride. Olberg, water bath, 61. Olefjant gas, 26. Olefines form glycols by oxidation, 44. Olein (oleic triglyceride), 7, 11, 28, 110, 285. ,, action of nitrous acid on see Elaidin reaction. ,, ,, sulphuric acid on see Oils (Turkey red). Oleine, candle see Red oils. cokermit, 90, 92, 231, 283. ,, palm kernel, 283. Oleines (commercial products), 90, 92, 110, 285. animal, 285, 299. distilled, 110, 262, 277, 285, 324, 377. ,, ,, hydrocarbons pre- sent in see Hy- drocarbons. 556 INDEX. Oleines, from wool grease, 276-279. ,, Turkey red oils, 285. ,, vegetable expressed, 110, 229, 257, 283. Oleine soaps see Soapmaking. Oleomargarine see Margarine. Oleometer, Lefebre's, 79. Oleonaphtha, 330. Oleorefractorneter, 51-53, 347. Oleostearine, 93. Olive stearine, 230. Olive trees, different species and varieties of, 342. Opderbeck, oxygen process, 321. Open test (flashing point), 126. Oudemauns, Kambutan tallow, 296. ,, stearidic acid, 30. Overbeck, oxidation of stearolic acid, 36, 45. ,, oxyoleic acid, 41. Ox tallow -see Tallow. Ox, utilisation of fat of an, 311. Oxalic acid from glycerol, 8, 519-522. ,, acids from glycols by fusion with potash, 18. Oxidation during boiling, 125. of aldehydes, 20, 25. ,, of fatty acids during dry- ing, 113. of oils by light, 130-132, 139, 149. ,, of oils during drying, 42, 129-137 see Absorption of oxygen, Gumming. ,, products of fatty acids, 19, 33/36, 40, 43. ,, ,, characteristic, 128, 129. ,, spontaneous see Spon- taneous oxidation. Oxidised oils (oils naturally contain- ing oxygen), 3. ,, (commercial; really are sulphurised), 154. ,, (linseed "skins" for linoleum), 318. , , (oils treated with oxidis- ing materials), 42 see al*o Oils (blown, and refining of). Oxy acids formed during drying, 135. Oxygen, absorption of see Absorp- tion. ,, addition to " unsaturated " acids, 33, 36, 45. Oxyoleates, 42, 332. Oxyoleic acid, 41. ,, mixed glyceride, 144. Oxyolein, 139. Oxystearic mixed glyceride, 144. Ozokerite (solid mineral hydrocar- bons, earthwax), 2, 5, 6, 88, 91, 364 see also Cerasin. ,, used as beeswax adulterant, 359. Paint, 135, 302. Palmer, metallic wick, 394. Palmieri, electrical conductivity, 53. Palmitin (palmitic triglyceride), 11, 285. ,, chief solid constituent of olive oil, 344. Palmitine (commercial product), 387, 407 see also Candle stearine. Pans for boiling oil, soap, &c. see Kettles, Decomposing pan, Cooling pan, lie-melting pan, Crystallising pan, &c. ,, crutching soap, 438-442. Paracholesterol, 18. Paraffin wax see Wax (paraffin). Paraphytosterol, 16, 17. Paring machine (oilcake), 223. Parings, edge runners for grinding, 220, 223. Paris Municipal Laboratory, 65, 82. Parnell, causticising under pressure, 413. Paterson, spectrum colorimeter, 50. Payne, glycerine manufacture, 515. ,, melting points of distilled fatty acids, 384. Pea nut see Oil, arachis. Pearlash, 409. Pearlashing, 451, 479, 489. Peh-la see Wax, Chinese. Pelargonium, 20. Pendulum machine, M'Xaught's, 94. Pensky, flashing point apparatus, 127. Perfumes, injurious effects of excess of, in toilet soap, 480. ,, oils used in extraction of, 302, 479. ,, used for soap see Soap- making (perfuming). Permanganate, oxidation by, charac- teristic pro- ducts of, 128, 129. ,, ,, of acrylic acids, 28, 30, 41-44. ,, ,, of animal oils does notformsativic acid, 291. ,, of linolenic acid, 37, 43, 128. INDEX. 557 Permanganate, oxidation of linolic acid 34, 35, 43, 128. ,, ,, of ricinoleic acid, 40, 43, 129. ,, ,, of stearolic acids, 33, 36, 45. ,, ,, rule respecting, 44. ,, wax bleached by means of, 269. Peroxide of hydrogen as bleaching agent see Hydrogen peroxide. Peters, linolic acid, 34. ,, polarised light, 51. Petroleum see Oil (mineral). ,, ether (light petroleum spirit, benzoline), 2, 5. ,, ,, as solvent, 55, 115, 118- 124, 231, 236, 252, 262, 273, 275, 328, 329, 336, 337 see also Soap analysis. ,, ,, fatty acids insoluble in, from boiled oil, 135. ,, ,, preferable to ordinary ether as solvent, 118, 120, 273, 275. Phasol, 16, 259. Pheasant grease, 298. Phenol (carbolic acid) and homologues, 3, 6, 15, 16, 53. ,, determination of, in soap, 506. ,, extraction from coaltar, 230. ,, use of, in disinfectant soaps see Soaps, special kinds of (carbolic, disinfectant). Phenolphthalein as indicator, 23, 115- 117, 124, 328, 333, 359, 497. Phlorol, 16. Phosphorised constituents, 121. Phosphorus, determination of, 124. Physical properties of glycerol, 7. ,, oils, &c., 47-109. Phytosterol, 6, 16, 17, 240, 259. , , determination of inoils, &c.,121. Pichurim bean fat, 20. Pickling soap bars, 438. ,, wicks, 394, 395. Pigments (mottled soap), 472. Piston candlemoulding machines, 399, Pitch, Burgundy, adulterant of bees- wax, 359. Pitch formed in Wilson's process, 381, ,, from distillation of foots by superheated steam 261. ,, ,, of Yorkshire grease by superheated steam, 277. 'itchused as coarse lubricant,277,324. :*liny, early soapmaking processes, 449. 'lotting (milled soap), 448. ^lumbago (antifriction), 324. 3 ohl, melting points, 64. oiseuille, viscosity, 107. 5 olariscope, polarised light see Light, polarised. D olishing candles, 406. ,. soap tablets, 448. ^olyglycerols, 8. Polymerised fatty acids formed by elaidin reaction, 139. , , glycerides formed during boiling and drying, 135, 318. ,, oleo-oxystearic acid, 330. ,, ricinoleic acids see Acid, ricinoleic. Pomades, lanolin used in making, 339. ,, oils used in making, 302. Porpoise blubber, extraction of oil from, 247. Potassium carbonate, causticising see Causticising. ,, ,, leys, alkalinity of, 419. ,, ,, used in Mege Mouries pro- cess, 308. ,, ., used in pearl- ashing see Pear-lashing. ,, ,, used in soap- making see Soapmaking. ,, chloride, action on soda soaps, 490, 491. ,, ,, source of potash, 410. Potash, action on brominated acids, 28. ,, caustic (potassium hydroxide), effect of fusion with see Hydrogen. ,, from sunflower seeds, 305. leys, alkalinity of, 417, 419, 420. ,, leys, preparation of, 411-414. ,, neutralised see Free acid number, Total acid number, &c. ,, quantity equivalent to soda, 425. to fats see Calculations. ,, soaps, action of soda salts on, 451, 472, 473. 558 INDEX. Potash, use of, in refining oils,256,261. ,, vegetable alkali, 409. Potato fusel oils, 14. Poullain and Michaud, zinc oxide process, 379, 515. Poutet, elaidin reaction seeElaidin. Power requisite in oil mill, 215-217. Precipitation processes (removing mucilage, &c.), 255, 262, 263. Press cake see Cold press cake, Hot press cake, Separation cake. Presses, cold see Cold press, earlier forms of, 199. elbow, 2U2. hot see Hot press, hydraulic, 207, 343. pressure requisite in, 211. screw, 205, 343. wedge, 203. Pressure, distillation under dimin- ished see Distillation. in autoclaves, 373. ,, in oil presses, 211. ,, rendering tallow under in- creased, 250. ,, soapmaking under in- creased, 462-464. Prices of oils, &c., 342. Primrose soaps, 474, 509, 510. Printing ink, 125, 317, 318. Proximate constituents, 110-124. ,, ,, information wanted concerning, 113. ,, ,, separation of, 111- 113. ,, ,, variation with soil, climate, &c., 111. Pumps, soap, 434. Pulfrich, refractometer, 51. Purvis, waggon grease, 327. Pyknometer, 77. Pyramid drainage surface (filter- press), 229. night lights, 406. Q QUANTITATIVE reactions of oils, &c., 156-198. tests for oils, tabulated, 194-198. Quantity of alkali requisite for saponification see Calculations. Quebrachol, 16. Quicklime -see Lime. Quinquet, use of lamp chimneys, 313. EADISSON, palmitic acid process, 387. Railway grease see Lubricants. Rancid tallow, &c., cleansing of, 256, 260, 261, 265, 310. Rancidity, 10, 49, 69, 255. ,, due to oxidation, 132. ,, light promotes, 132. ,, produces much free fatty acid, 10, 114, 255, 355. Rape seed (colza, cole seed), various species of, 348. Raphigaster, 25. Rational Beaume scale, 86. Raw oils, 313 see Oils (drying). Reaction, specific temperature, 149. Reactions of oils, &c., quantitative, 156-198. Reaumur scale, 57, 58. Recovered greases .see Grease. Red oils (crude oleic acid, candle oleine), 110, 231, 285. analysis of, 375, 378. expression of, 231, 370. filter cake see Filter cake, palmitic acid from, 387. soap from see Soapmaking unsaponified grease in see Unsaponified fat. ,, utilisation of, 386-388. ,, yield from ox fat, 311, 312. Redwood, viscosimeter, 98. ,, ,, results obtained by, 101-105. Refining oils, &c., 254-263. ,, acid processes, 259, 349. alkaline 260, 349. ,, ,, process removes free acids, 12, 115, 260, 322. , , by treatment with water, 344 ,, Hartley and Blenkinsop's- process, 263. ,, Noerdlinger's process, 263 , , precipitation processes, 262. ,, virgin oils, 304. Reformatsky, linolic acid, 34, 35. Refractive index, refractometer, 51 ,. 341. Reichert's test (Reichert number), 23, 53, 157, 195, 341. ,, mode of working, 173-176. Reichert-Meissl test, 174, 195. Reichert- Wollny 175. Reichl, test for glycerol, 8, 516. Reimer and Will, dierucin, 11. ,, rapic acid, 41. Relative density see Specific gravity. ,, viscosity see Viscosity. Remelting pans, 441-443. Renard, test for arachis oil, 344. Rendering animal fats, 245.-251. INDEX. 559 4tf S Resin (pine) see Rosin. ,, used for early torches, 312. Resinate of soda, 450, 453. , , calculations respect- ing, 455, 465. ,, useofjinsoapmaking see Soapmaking ; Soap, special kinds (yellow soap). Resinous constituents of oils, 118. ,, ,, removal of, from oils, 255, 256, 260, 262, 322. Resins and resinoid bodies, 3, 25. ,, ,, used as beeswax adulterants, 359. Richards, testing liability to spon- taneous inflammability, 133. Richardson and Watts, railway grease, 327. Richmond, density of glycerol solu- tion, 517. Ricinelaidin, 40, 137. Ricinolein (ricinoleic triglyceride), ,, action of nitrous acid on, 137. ,, distillation of, 40. Rideal, viscosity of gum solutions, 108. Ritsert, causes of rancidity, 132. ,, glycerine testing, 515. Rock see Candle stearine. Rolls see Crushing rolls. Rose, Down and Thompson, oil press machinery, 215. Rosin, (colophony), 88, 92, 118, 178. ,, action of sulphur chloride on, 156. ., admixed with thickened oils, &c., 142. ,, adulteration of linseed oil with, 352. ,, ,, of beeswax with, 359. ,, manufacture of resinate of soda, 453. ,, use in making lubricating greases, 327-329. ,, soapmaking see Soap- making. ,, window glass, 474. Rosin oils, 2, 92. ,, ,, absorption of oxygen by, 330. ,, ,, action of, on polarised light, 50. ,, ,, adulteration of linseed oil with, 352. ,, ,, detection of, in Turkey red oils, 335. ,, fluorescence of, 50. Rosin oils, refractive index of, 52. ,, ,, relative price of, 342. ,, ,, solubility in glacial acetic acid, 55, 57, 329. , , , , use of, in preparing lubri- cants, 322-324, 327-329. ,, ,, viscosity of, 105. Rotation of polarised light see Light (polarised). Roy an, candle moulding machine, 398. Riidorff, melting points, 69. Rule followed in oxidation, 44. Rush lights, rush pith wicks, 312, 362 r 390. Russian mineral oils (viscosity), 105. Rutschmann, stripping machine, 446. SAKE, grease recovery, 272. Salad oils see Oils (salad), alt as source of alkali (soda), 410. ,, in butter, &c., 123, 307. Salting out, 23, 33, 54. ,, in refining oils, &c., 256. ,, in soapboiling see Soap- making. ,, in Turkey red oil mak- ing, 331. Sand, use of, in clarifying oils, 255. Sanza (olive marc), 343. Saponaceous matters in oils, &c., 121- 124, 135, 315, 324, 328, 347. Saponitication by alkaline carbonates,. 409, 410. Saponification equivalents, 33, 158, 194, 341. ,, ,, determination of r 161-170. ,, ,, of glycerides ex- ceed mean equi- valents of acids by 12-67, 165. ,, in three stages, 468. , , number see Total acid: number. ,, quantity of ley requisite- for see Calculations. Saponification, typical reactions of,. 3-5. Saponin, 297. Sarg, utilisation of fat of an ox, 311. Saturated hydrocarbons see Hydro- carbons. Saturation, fractional, 112, 113. Saytzeff, dioxystearic acids, 28, 30, 41, 42, 46, 129. 560 INDEX. Saytzeff, oxystearic acids, 38, 39. , , use of mercuric bromide in Hiibl's test, 179. Scales, hydrometer, 84-86. ,, thermometer, 57-60. Schadler, amounts of fatty matter in seeds, &c, 241-244. ,, cohesion figures, 49. ,, colour reactions, 154, 294. ,, distillation with superheated steam, 383. ,, hydrometer scales, 85. ,, iodine numbers, 182. ,, melting points, 67-70. ,, nonexistence of doeglic acid, 24. ,, polarised light, 50. , , Reichert-Meissl numbers, 1 74 ,, Roy an's candle moulding machine, 398. ,, solubilities, 54, 55. ,, specific gravities, 87. ,, total acid numbers, 160. ,, unsaponifiable matters, 257. ,, yield of linseed oil, 351. ,, ,, rape seed oils, 348. Schepperand Geitel, melting points. 76 ,, separation cake, 376. Scheme for examination of oils, 124. , , , , soaps, 506. Scheurer Kestner, Turkey red oils, 146, 333. Schlink, deodorising cokernut oil,310. Schmid, viscosimeter, 95. Schmidt's process (zinc chloride and oleic acid), 142, 386. Schmitz and Toenges, oxyoleates, 332, Schnaible, toluene as solvent for wax in soap, 496. Schfin, hypogseic acid, 24. Schroder, oxyhypogseic acid, 41. ,, palmitoxylic acid, 45. ,, see Grills and Schroder. Schiibler, viscosimeter, 95. results with, 102. Schuler, linoleic acid, 33. Scotch mineral oils, viscosity of, 105. Scourtins (oil extraction), 204. Scraps from ox fat, 311. Screens for sifting seeds, &c., 223. Screw presses, 205-207. Scribe for marking soap blocks, 437. Seal blubber, extraction of oil f rom,247 Sealing wax, 302. Sea weed jelly (antifriction), 324, 328. Seed crushing see Oil mill plant, anc Crushing rolls. Seeding (of press cake) see Separa tion cake. seeds, determination of fat in, 237. , , yield of fatty matter from, 241- 244. eibel, sulphurised lanolin, 339. teltsam, bone fat extraction process, 253, 254. Separation of fatty acids, 112, 113. ,, proximate constituents, 111. Separation cake, (press cake), 311. ,, analysis of , 375, 378. ,, seeding (granula- tion, crystallisa- tion) of, 355, 367- 'Shale oils see Oils (shale). Shark livers, extraction of oils from, 247. Shaving cream. 483. Shea butter see Butters, vegetable (Shea). Q heep's tallow see Tallow. hoddy scourings, grease from, 276. Silver, bromostearate, action of water on, 25, 30. ,, hydroxide, action on bromin- ated acids, &c., 27, 30, 41, 43. ,, nitrate test, 152-154. ,, test(Becchi's) seeBecchi's test. Skalweit, density of glycerine solu- tion, 516, 517. Singer and Judell, wool scouring, 337. Skimmer pipe (soap kettle), 433, 434. Skins from drying oils, 135, 381. , , tanning and currying, 302, 336. , tender, injurious effects of alkaline, highly perfumed, and sugared soaps on see Soap, alkaline ; Soap, special kinds of (transparent; highly scented). Slabbing soap, 437, 438, 444. Smith, Watson, wool scouring, 337. Soap, alkaline, calculations respecting excess of alkali in, 454, 464. ,, ,, degree of alkalinity judged by tongue, 510. ,, ,, injurious effects of, on ten- der skins, 458, 479. ,, ,, ,, on wool, silk, &c.,. 453, 461. Soap analysis Cailletet's method, 507, 508. Calcium salt test, 508. Classification of toilet soaps, 512. Determination of actual soap, 492, 493. ,, ,, calcula- tion respecting, 493. of alcohol, 505, 506. INDEX. 561 Soap analysis Determination of average molecular weight of fatty acids, 172, 494. ,, crude fatty acids, 492, 493, 496, 506. fatty anhydrides, 493,496, 497, 50(5. ,, free alkali, 492, 497-501, 507, 512. ,, ,, as caustic, 498-500, 507. ,, ,, ascarbonate,500,507. ,, ,, by alcohol test, 498. ,, ,, by fatty acid titra- tion test, 499. .,, ,, by salting out test, 500. ,, , by salting out test, excess found by, 500. ,, glycerol 494, 504-506, 512. ,, hydrocarbons (paraffin, &c.), 258, 495, 496,506. ,, mineral weighting ad- mixtures (China clay, steatite, &c.), 494, 504, 507. .,, organic weigh ting admix- tures (starch, oatmeal, sawdust, &c.), 494, 504, 507. ,, phenol and phenoloids, 506. ,, pigments, 504. potash, 501, 506. , , rosin acids, 474, 497, 506, 508. .,, ,, by Gladding's pro- cess, 485, 501, 502, 511. ,, ,, ,, sources of er- ror in, 502. ,, ,, by modified Glad- ding's process, 502. .,, ,, bv Twitchell's pro- cess, 503, 504, 511. .,, salts (sulphates,chlorides, &c.), 494, 497, 499, 506, 507. , , silicate, 494, 497, 504, 507- soluble acids, 496, 497, 499 sugar, 494, 504-506. , , total alkali, 492, 493, 496, 497, 506. ,, unsaponifiable matters 119, 258, 492-495, 497, 506. Soap analysis Determination of unsaponified fat, 492, 495-497, 506. ,, volatile matters, 505. water, 494, 495, 506. ,, waxy matters (beeswax, spermaceti, cholesterol, &c.), 495, 496,506. General schemes, 494, 506, 507. Typical results ( manufacturers', pharmaceutical, toilet, soft soaps, &c.), 508,511. Soap, bleaching dark coloured, 267. chemistry of, 484-492. Soap factory plant, 426-448. Crutchincr pans, 438-441. Curbs, 432, 433. Cutting appliances, 437, 438. Fan, 433, 434, 460. Frames, 434-437, 444. Kettles (coppers, pans) see Ket- tles. Milling machinery, 446. Plotting machinery, 448. Pumps, 434. Remelting pans, 441-443. Slabbing and barring machines, 437, 438. Stamping machines, 444, 445. Steam twirl, 428 see also Morfit. Stripping machine, 446. Soap, fused, reaction of salts, &c. , on, 451, 473, 488-492. ,, ,, alkaline carbonates on, 451, 489, 490 see also Pearlashing. historical references to, 449. hydrolysis of, 486-488. ,, Wright and Thompson's experiments, 487. leaves, 483. powders, 477. saline matters in, calculations respecting, 455, 465. Soap, special kinds of Aluminated, 451, 475. Bleached palm oil, 508. Borax, 451, 475. Castile, 467, 472, 508. Carbolic, 451, 477. Carbonated, 451, 462, 475, 477 see also Pearlashing. Cold water, 477, 509, 510. Curd see Soapmaking. ,, amount of water present in, 470. ,, analysis of, 508, 510. Dealkalised (neutralised), 453, 461, 480, 481, 483, 484. 36 562 INDEX. Soap, special kinds of Disinfectant ( carbolic, cresylic, naphthol, sanitas, terebene, &c.), 451, 476, 477. Emollient (containing lanolin, sper- maceti, vaseline, wax, &c. ), 448, 478, 479. Fancy see infra (Toilet). Filled see Soapmaking (tilling). Fitted see Soapmaking (fitting). ,, amount of waterpresentin, 470. Floating, 441. Glycerine, 458. ,, containing additional glycerol, 458, 479, 482, 512, 513. Harlequin, 483. Highly scented, injurious action of, 480, 512. Ivory, 509. Little pan, 479. Marbled, 483. Marine see Soapmaking. ,, analysis of, 508, 509. Marseilles, 407, 472, 508, 509. Medicinal (creosote, cresylic, ich- thyol, iodine, mercurial, naph- thol, sanitas, sulphur, terebene, &c.), 477. Metallic see Metallic soaps. Milled, 446-448, 457, 479, 480, 511. Mottled see Soapmaking. ,, amount of water present in, 472. Neutralised see supra (Dealka- lised). Normandy, 475. Oil (red oil, oleine) see Soap- making. Old brown Windsor, 480. ,, ,, modern inferior kinds of, 481. Oleine see Soapmaking. ,, analysis of, 509, 510. ,, contains hydrocarbons, 258, 279, 496. Olive, 467, 472, 508. Paraffin and petroleum, 458, 476. Perfumers', 450, 456, 479. Pharmaceutical, 510. Phpsphated, 476. Primrose see infra Rosin soap. Remelted and blended toilet, 441, 478. Rosin (yellow), 450, 451, 453, 473, 474, 509. ,, calculations respecting, 455, 465. French process, 473. primrose, 474, 509, 510. Soap, special kinds of Rosin, primrose, analyses of, 509, 510. Sand (brickdust, emery, fullers' earth, kaolin, pipeclay, pumice- stone, &c.), 476. Shaving cream, 483. Silicated, 451, 453, 462, 472, 474, 475. ,, calculations respecting, 455, 4(55. ,, objectionable for wool scouring and laundry purposes, 461, 475. ,, wastes less rapidly, 475. Soft see Soapmaking. Starch (oatmeal, bran, cornflour, dextrine, gluten, Iceland moss, sawdust, &c. ), 477. Sugared see infra Transparent. Sulphated, 451, 475. Superfatted, 478, 479. Toilet (fancy), 409, 441, 478-480. ,, analyses of, 511. ,, classification of, 512. Tooth, 476. Transparent, cold process, 450, 458, 476, 482. ,, - ,, analysis of, 511. ,, ,, calculations re- specting, 465. ,, ,, injurious effects on tender skins, 458, 459, 480, 482, 512. ,, ,, sugared, 458, 480, 482, 511, 512. ,, ,, transparency in- creased by alco- hol, glycerol, sugar, 458, 481. ,, spirit process, 445, 446, 458, 474, 482. ,, ,, analyses of, 511. ,, ,, distillation of spirit, 446, 482. White Windsor, 481. Wool scouring, 458. Soap, water in, calculations, respect- ing, 454, 464. ,, determination of see Soap analysis (water). Soapmaking, classification of pro- cesses direct neutralisa- tion, 450-456. ,, glycerides used and glycerol retained, 450, 456-466. ,, glycerides used and glycerol eliminated, 451, 466-473. INDEX. 563 Soapmaking, factory operations Cleansing curd, 467. Crutching, 438-440, 441. Cutting, slabbing, and barring, 437, 438, 444, 449. Dealkalising see Soap, special kinds of (dealkalised). Drying, 438, 447. Filling (loading), 438,450, 458, 462, 465, 472, 476, 483, 511. Fitting, 451, 467, 470, 471. Framing, 434-437, 444, 449. Graining (cutting the soap ; salting out), 54, 413, 433, 450, 469, 485. Killing see infra Manufacture of curd. Loading see supra Filling. Manufacture by cold process, 450, 457, 513 ,, ,, calculations respecting, 464-466. ,, by old German process, 449, 451, 472, 473. ,, of curd soap, boiling for curd, 451, 467-470. ,, ,, analysis of curd soap, 508, 510. ,, of fitted soaps see supra Fitting. ,, of hydrated soap, 450, 456, 461. ,, ,, (Swiss soap, Esch- wegeSeife),461. ,, ,, under pressure, 450, 456, 461. ,, of marine soap, 450, 456, 461, 508, 509. ,, of milled soap see infra Milling. ,, of mottled soap, 451, 466, 471, 472, 509. ,, ,, modern inferior kinds, 467, 472. ,, of oleine soap (oil soap), 258,451-453. ,, analyses of, 509, 510. ,, ,, calculations respect- ing, 454-456. ,, of resinate of soda, 453. ,, of soft soap, 450, 456, 459, 466. ,, ,, analyses of, 510. ,, of transparent soap see Soap, special kinds of (transparent). ,, of yellow soap (rosin soap) see Soap, special kinds of (rosin). Soapmaking, factory operations Milling, 446, 457, 479, 480. Pearlashing, 451, 479, 489. Perfuming (scenting), 441,444,448, 457, 478-480, 483, 512. Pickling bars, 438. Plotting, 448. Preparation of leys, 411-426 see also Alkali, Alkalinity, Caus- ticising, Potash, Soda. ,, calculation of quantity re- quisite for saponification, 421-426. Kernel ting, 441-443, 478. Running off spent leys, 428, 432, 433, 469. Salting out see supra Graining. Slabbing and barring, 437, 444, 449. Stamping tablets, 444, 445, 449. Stripping, 446. Tinting, 441, 479. Soapmaking, raw materials for, 302, 408-411. Soaps, colonial, 509. ,, commercial (manufacturer's, laundry, &c.), composition of, by analysis, 508-510. , , discoloration of, 266, 356, 479. ,, discoloured, bleaching of, 267. ,, ingredients in lubricating ' mixtures, 324-329. ,, jellifying of, 485. ,, manufacturers see Soaps, commercial. ,, metallic see Metallic soaps. , , mixed, formed from mixture of acids and excess of alkali, 491. ,, salting out from solution (Whitelaw) see Soapmak- ing (graining), 486. ,, solubility in water, &c., 485. ,, toilet, classification of, accord- ing to free alkali, 512. ,, ,, composition of, by analysis, 511. Soapsuds, recovery of grease from see Grease. Soap test, Clark's (water hardness), 485, 508. Soda ash, 410. ,, causticising see Causti- cising. ,, caustic (sodium hydroxide),410. colour test, 151, 153,352. ,, ,, effect of fusion with (soda lime) see Hydrogen. ,, ,, leys, alkalinity of, 414- 416, 419, 420. 564 INDEX. Soda, caustic leys, employment in soap boiling see Soapmaking. ,, ,, ,, preparation of, 411- 414. ,, ,, ,, quantity equiva- lent to fats see Calculations. ,, ,, ,, storage of, 412. ,, ,, ,, variation of density of, with tempera- ture, 416. ,, ,, manufacture of, 410. ,, ,, use in making waggon grease, 327. ,, ,, refining oils, 260, 261. ,, crystals, fused, use in oil re- fining, 260. ,, degrees see Degrees. ,, quantity equivalent to potash, 425. ,, trade, British custom as to alkalinity, 420. Sodium carbonate, action on potash soaps, 488-490. ,, as lard adulterant, 306. , , direct use in soapmaking, 409, 433, 453, 463. leys, alkalinity of, 418 see also Caustic soda. ,, use in making waggon grease, 327. ,, use in refining oils, 256, 261. Sodium chloride, action on potash soaps, 451, 473, 490. ,, silicate, manufacture of, 463. ,, sulphate, Leblanc process, 410. ,, ,, used in refining oils, 256. Soft soap see Soapmaking. Softening point, 61. Solar stearine see Stearine (lard). Solutions for chilling baths, 67. Solid adulterants of fats, &c., 123. Solidification points see Melting points. Soluble acid number, 168, 195. Solubility of blown oils, 320. of fatty acids in alcohol, '23. , , in water, 23. of lead salts in ether see Ether. of oils, &c., in alcohol, 54. ,, in glacial acetic acid, 55-57, 329, 347, 349. , , in water, 53, 54. Solubility of oils in various solvents, 55, 341. ,, of wax in various sol vents, 359. Solvents, extraction of oils by means of, 114, 231-244, 303. , , for oils, &c. see Solubility. ,, oils used as, for odorous matters, 302. ,, treatment of wool with, 337. Souche're, adulteration of olive oil, 345. Soxhlet's tube, 119, 238. ,, modifications of, 239. Specific gravity of alkaline leys, 415- 419. ,, caustic soda, effect of temperature on, 416. ,, lubricating oils, 325. ,, oils, &c., 76-94, 341. ,, ,, effect of light on, 130. ,, ,, ,, temperature on, 79, 92-94. Specific temperature reaction, 149. Spectroscope, absorption, 50. Spermaceti, 4, 14, 21, 292, 302, 353, 359-361. ,, added to soaps, 448. ,, adulterations of, 360. ,, candles see Candles (sperm). ,, chiefly obtained from oils of toothed whales, 293, 300, 301. class, 282, 301. ,, foots, 261, 360. ,, free cetylic alcohol in, 116, 171, 361. ,, iodine absorption of, 182. refining, 261, 360. ,, saponification equivalent of, 161. ,, various physical proper- ties of, 68-70, 88, 91-93, 360. Spills, manufacture of, 407. Spirit oil (Yorkshire grease dis- tillation), 277, 278. Spirit soap (transparent) see Soap- making ; Soap (special kinds). Spontaneous combustion, 132. , , oxidation, 42, 1 1 3, 1 29 1 37, 323. ,, ,, more rapid under influence of light, 130-132. Square soap kettles, 433. Squirting soap, 448. Stamping machines, 444, 445. Standard candles (sperm), 402. ,, oils, preparation of , 213, 340. ,, water as, specific temperature reaction, 149. Standards of comparison, oils and mixtures, &c. , 340, 346. ,, efflux viscosity, 101. specific gravity, 78, 89. INDEX. 565 Stannic chloride, colour test, 151. Starch as adulterant of beeswax, 359. ,, fats, 123, 307, 355. Starch in soft soap, 459. Steam, distillation with see Distilla- tion. ,, dry, 428-433, 459. ,, kettles heated by, 428, 432, 433, 441, 452, 459. ,, twirl (Morfit's) see Morfit. ,, wet, 428-433, 459. Stearic aldehyde, 1 4. Stearin (stearic triglyceride), 4, 11, 110, 285. Stearine, beef, 307, 309. . , candle ste Candle stearine. ,, candles see Candles. ,, cokernut, 91, 92, 231, 283, 305, 3G3. ,, ,, use for nigh tlights, candles, &c.,~363, 364, 407. cotton seed, 91, 184, 230, 295, 304, 305, 307, 354. ,, ,, socalled, from distilla- tion of foots, 262, 305. ,, French, 365. ,, lard (solar stearine), 93, 231, 307. olive, 230. ,, tallow (pressed tallow), 231, 361, 407. ,, yield from ox fat. 311, 312. Stearines (commercial products), 88, 91-93, 230, 285. distilled, 110, 262, 277, 305, 324. ,, ,, adulteration of tallow with, 355. ,, ,, from cotton seed foots, 262, 305. ,, ,, from Yorkshire grease, 277, 355. ,, ,, useinsoapmaking, 450. , , expressed from natural oils, &c., 11 0,229, 257, 305, 309, 407. ,, ,, used as lard adul- terants, 307. ,, ,, . ,, as tallow adulterants, 354. ,, from animal oils and fats, 230,231, 307, 311. Stearolactone, 30, 39, 143,262,273,384. , , correction for presence of, 170, 273. Stearyl cyanide, 21. Steatite added to soft soap, 459. ,, (antifriction), 324. Stein, Berge", and de lloubaix, sul- phurous acid process, 380. Stereochemical isomerism, 29. Stills see Distillation. Stoddart, nitric acid test, 140. Storax, 16, 19. Stripping (soap), 446. Strohmer, density of glycerol solu- tion, 517. ,, refractive index, 51. Stiircke, Carnauba wax derivatives, 18, 37. Substitution derivatives, bromo, 26- 28, 30, 31, 34, 38, 41, 42, 45, 176. ,, ,, chloriodo, 177. ,, chloro, 30-32,267,364 ,, iodo, 26, 27, 30, 31, 38, 177 see also Iodine number. Sudcake, 272. Suds, grease recovered from see Grease. Sugar in toilet soaps see Soap, special kinds (transparent). ,, test for sesame oil, &c., 153, 346 352. Suet, 55, 70,' 91/161, 164, 181, 298. Suint, 337. Sulphur, adulterant of beeswax, 359. ,, candles, 407. , , chloride reaction, 154-156,341 . dioxide (liquefied) as solvent, 236. ,, ,, use in candle stearine making, 369, 370. ,, trioxide, use of, in bleaching oils, 264. Sulphuric acid, action on glycerol, 144. ,, ,, isoleic acid, 38. ,, ,, oleic acid, 27, 29. ,, ,, olein and ricin- olein see Oils (Turkey red). ,, colour reactions with oils, 151-153, 294, 341,352,354. ,, decomposing rock by, 366. ,, heat evolved by see Oils (heat evolution). ,, preparation of, of constant strength, 148. ,, presence of, in oils, &c., 123. ,, reaction with cholesterol and allied bodies, 17. ,, refining with, 123, 255, 259. ,, removal of lime salts from bone fat by, 256. 566 INDEX. Sulphuric acid, saponificatioii by, 143, 145, 380-382. ,, test for hydrocarbons in beeswax, 359. ,, use of, in finishing hot press cake, 368. ,, ,, in rendering tallow, 249. ,, ,, in Yorkshire grease process, 271. Sulphurised constituents of oils, 123, 154. Sulphurous acid as bleaching agent, 264. ,, ,, saponifying agent,3SO. Sumbul root, 25. Summer oils see Oils, summer. railway grease, 327. Superheated steam see Distillation (with superheated steam). Suspended matters, action of. in re- moving mucilage, 255. ,, in solid fats, &c., 123, 341. ,, removal of, from oils, &c., 228, 254-256. Sustainer for night lights, 406. Sweet water (crude glycerol solution) see Glycerine manufacture. Sycocerylic alcohol, 16. .Synthesis of glycerides, 11. TABLES of errors, hydrometer, 82, 83. ,, hydrostatic balance, 83, 84. Tablets (soap), cutting and stamping, 444. Tallow (ox tallow, mutton tallow ; ox, sheep, &c. , fat ; beef fat), 3, 21, 55, 56, 29 3, 299, 303, 311, 322, 354. , , adulteration of, 1 23, 258, 354- 356, 370. bleaching of, 264-266. candles see Candles (tallow), different varieties of, 354. engine, 324. flashing point, 128. free fatty acids present in, 355, 356. iodine number, 181-184, 356. ,, useful as test of quality, 356. melting point, 68, 69, 355. ,, of fatty acids from, 69-71, 74-76. neutralisation number of fatty acids from, 164. Tallow oil see Oil (tallow). ,, rancid, cleansing of see Rancid. ,, Reichert number, 175. ,, relative viscosity, 102-105. ,, rendering, 246-251. ,, saponification equivalent and total acid number, 159, 161, 355. ,, specific gravity, 88-93, 355. ,, stearine see Stearine (tallow). ,, unsaponifiable matters present in, 257. ,, use of, in lubricating mix- tures, &c. , 322-328, 356. ,, ,, in soapmaking, 356, 408 see Soapmaking. ,, valuation of, by Dalican's method, 74, 355. ,, de Schepper and Geitel's tables, 76. Tallows, vegetable see Butters, vege- table. Tannery grease, 299. Tannin, use of, in refining, 256, 263. Tapers, 389. Tar as lubricant see Lubricants. Tariri, 36. Taste of oils, &c., 49, 341. ,, improved by presence of free acid, 116. Teal, oil bleaching, 264. Temperature of complete fusion, 61. ,, of incipient fusion, 62. ,, of turbidity (Valenta's test), 55-57. ,, reaction, specific, 149. ,, variation of specific gravity with, 92-94, 416. ,, ,, viscosity with, 102-106. Tempering metals in oil baths, 302. Testing machines, viscosity, 94. Tetrabromides, 31, 34, 36, 176. Tetracetyl derivative, 35. Tetrachloride of carbon see Carbon. Tetraiodides, 31. Textile fabrics, oil used in prepara- tion of, 270, 272, 279, 302. Texture, physical, of oils, &c., 47, 341. Thenard process (oil refining), 259. Thermal araeometer, Langlet's,82,347. Thermeleometer, Jean's, 151. Thermohydrometer, Fletcher's, 80. Thermometric scales, 57. Thiocyanic ethers, 15, 123. Thomson and Ballantyne, blown oils, 320. ,, ,, iodine numbers, 180. INDEX. 567 Thomson and Ballantyne, iodine num- bers of linseed oil, 180, 351. ,, ,, specific temperature reaction, 149,349. ,, ,, unsaponifiable mat- ters, 259. ,, ., Valenta's test, 57. Thousandfold scale of specific gravity, 83, 84. Thum, fractional saturation, 13. ,, free acids formed by hydro- lysis, 12. Thymol, Tilghmann, hydrolysis under pres- sure, 385. ,, soapmaking under pres- sure, 463. Time of efflux see Viscosity. Titration, 23, 116, 161, 168, 173, 323, 328, 352, 359, 420 see also Soap analysis. ,, acetyl number, 198. ,, of alkaline leys preferable to density valuation, 420. ,, test, fatty acid see Soap analysis (determination of free alkali). Toluene (solvent for wax in soap), 496. Tomlinson, cohesion figures, 345. Torches, 312, 362. Total acid number (saponification number, Kcettstorfer number), 33, 157, 168, 194, 341. Transparent soap see Soapmaking, Soap (special kinds), Colloidal state of soap. Traube, friction in tubes, 109. Triacetin, 8, 186. Triglycerides, 9. ,, synthesis of, 11. Triglycerol, 8. Tiinnermann, specific gravity of alka- line leys, 415, 417. Turkey fat, 298. ,, red oils see Oils (Turkey red). Turpentine see Oil (turpentine). Turpentine, crude (Meinecke's rosin soap), 473. Turtle fat, 299. Twaddell, hydrometer scale, 84, 86. Twitchell, rosin in soap, 503, 504. u UNIT mill (Anglo-American system), 217. Unsaponifiable matters contained in oils, &c., 116,257,258,341,355. Unsaponifiable matters in candle stearine products, 371-374. ,, in Yorkshire grease, 273-279. ,, determination of , 119-124. ,, proportions usually present in oils, 257, 258. ,, ,, in soaps, 258. Unsapoiiified fat, amount less with longer time, 373. ,, in red oils, 370, 377-379. in rock, 371-374. ,, in separation cakes and press cakes, 376-379. ,, in soap, 119, 371. , , interferes with crystallisation,370. Unsaturated compounds, acids, 24. ,, alcohols, 15. ,, hvdrocarbons, 3, "24, 26. , , oxidation of, 44. Unguents in toilet soaps, 448. , , lanolin preparations as, 338. ,, oils used for, 302. Ure, soft soap analyses, 510. Urine, damaluric acid from, 25. Utilisation of fat of an ox, 311. red oils see Red oils. VALENTA'S test see Acid (acetic). Valerin (valeric triglyceride), 20, 301. Vapour bath, AmbuhFs, 80. Varnish making, 302. Variation of constituents of oils with soil, climate, &c., 111. ,, density with tempera- ture see Expansion. Vaseline, 91. ,, in soaps, 448. Vegetable alkali, 410. ,, fats, butters, and tallows see Butters (vegetable). ,, lard see Lard. Versmann, glycerine manufacture, 515. Villavecchia and Fabris, test for sesame oil, 346. ,, ,, viscosity, 106. Vincent, boiling oils, 317. Viscidity of oils increased by blowing, 164 see Oils (blown). Viscosimetry, 94-109. Viscosity (body), 47, 94, 101. ,, degree, 102. 568 INDEX. Viscosity, determination in absolute measure, 107. effect of lighten, 131. efflux, 48,94-106, 324-326,341. ,, of oils increased by addition of caoutchouc, 323. by blowing, 320. ,, ,, by metallic soaps, 121, 324. ,, standards of, 101. Voelcker, amount of oil in linseed cake, 213. Volatile acid number, 176, 195, 341. acids, 22, 113. ,, ,, determination of see Reichert test. Volatility of lubricating oils, 325. Vulcanising, 154, 318. W WAGGON grease see Lubricants. Wagner, refining with, zinc chloride, 260. ,, rule concerning oxidation, 44. Wakefield fat see Yorkshire grease. Walton, linoleum manufacture, 318. Wanklyn, aldepalmitic acid, 24. ,, and Fox, glycerine valua- tion, 519. Warren, sulphur chloride and oils, 155. Washballs (soap), 448. Waste cleansing see Engine waste. Water, action of, on silver bromo- stearate, 25, 30. ,, agitation with, as purifying agent, 261. ,, as standard for efflux velo- city, 101. ,, ,, for specific tem- perature reaction, 149, 150. ,, contained in beeswax, 359. oils, 122-124,341. ,, hot, extraction of vegetable oils, &c. , by means of, 200-202. ,, ,, rendering animal fats, &c., with, 247. ,, solubility in see Solubility, Water bath for melting points, 60-64. ,, ,, specific gravity, 80. ,, ,, viscosimetry, 95-101. Watt, bichromate bleaching process, 265. ,, chloride of soda bleaching pro- cess for soaps, 267. Watts see Richardson and Watts. Wax candles see Candles. Waxes, animal and vegetable Abyssinian, African, Andaquia, Antilles, 302. Beeswax, 4, 14, 21, 357-359. ,, addition of fatty matter or oil of turpentine facilitates air bleaching, 268, 269, 358. ,, adulterations of, 359. air bleaching, 264, 268, 357, 358. ,, ,, produces little change in density, 358. ,, bibliography of, 359. ,, bleached by chlorine apt to contain chloro substitution products, 267, 364, 390. ,, bleaching by chemical pro- cesses, 264-267, 357. ,, ,, increases total acid number, and renders more crystalline, 266, 269, 364 ,, bromine absorption, 178. ,, class, 282, 301, 302.. ,, ester number, 358. ,, free acid number, 358. ,, fusing point, 68, 69, 358. ,, iodine number, 269, 358. ,, iodine number diminished by chemical bleaching, 269. ,, preparation of 201, 357. ,, saponification equivalent and total acid number, 160, 269. ,, solubility in solvents, 357. ,, specific gravity, 88, 91-93, 358. ,, virgin, 357. Carnauba wax, 14, 21, 301. ,, an oxyacetic acid from, 37. bromine absorption, 178. class, 282, 301. glycol from, 5, 18. saponification equiva- lent, 160. specific gravity, 91. used as beeswax adul- terant, 359. Chinese wax (Peh-la), 14, 21,91, 302. ,, extraction by hot water process, 201. Cordillera wax, 301. Cowtree wax, 301.. Ficus wax, (fig wax, Getah wax), 14, 301. Indian wax (Arjun wax), 302. Japanese wax, 5, 21, 295. ,, bromine absorption, 178. INDEX. 569 Waxes, animal and vegetable Japanese wax contains practically no olein, 295. ,, fusing point, 68-71. ,, iodine number, 181-184. , , purification and bleach- ing, 268. ,, saponiti cation equiva- lent and total acid number, 160. ,, solubility in alcohol, 55. ,, specific gravity, 88, 91- 93. ,, unsaponifiable matter contained in, 257. yield of, 242. Myrtle wax, 71, 91, 178, 295. Niin wax (niin fat), 302. Ocuba wax, 243, 295. Otaba wax, 295. Palm wax, 301. Paraffin wax, 2, 5, 21, 91-93. ,, adulterant of bees wax and spermaceti, 359, 361. ,, as candle material see Candles. manufacture of, 230, 364. Pe-la (Peh-la, Pe-lah) wax see supra, Chinese wax. Petha wax, 301. Spermaceti wax see Spermaceti. Ucuba wax, 295. Waxes, free alcohols in, 114, 116. ,, general nature of, 1. , , glyceridic and non-glyceridic, 3-5, 282, 301, 302. ,, liquid, 6. ,, mineral (earthwax) see Ozo- kerite. ,, mostly indigestible, 303. ,, used as spermaceti adulter- ants, 361. ,, vegetable, hot water process of preparation, 201. Waxy matters, separation from oils, 119. Wedge presses, 1 99, 203. Chinese, 200. Wenzell, expansion, 93. Werner, oxyoleates, 332. Westphal, hydrostatic balance, 79, 80. Wet steam see Steam. Whale blubber, extraction of oil from, 247. Whales, toothed, yield most sper- maceti, 293, 300, 301. Whitelaw, salting out soap, 486. Whitelead in paint, 135. Whiting, adulterant of tallow, 355. Wicks, 312, 362, 363, 394. ,, charring of, 116, 260, 313. ,, Palmer's metallic, 394. ,, pickling, 394. Wilde, de, and Eeichler, conversion of oleic into stearic acid, 387. Wilson, acetyl number, 188, 335. ,, analysis of Turkey red oils, 333-335. ,, soap analysis, 495, 499. ,, viscosity, 102. ,, water in soap, 495. Wilson and Payne, hydrolysis by superheated water, 385. Wilson's process (preparing candle material), 262, 380, 334. ,, (tallow rendering), 250. Wimmell, melting points, 68. Winter oils see Oils (winter). ,, railway grease, 327. Wire (soap cutting), 437. Wollny, Keichert number, 53, 175. Wool cleansing, wool scouring, 271, 337, 338. ,, ,, injurious effect of alkaline and silicated soaps see Soap, alkaline ; Soap (special kinds), silicated. Wool fat, analysis of, 276. Woolgrease, 3, 70, 161, 182, 184, 299, 302, 337, 461 -.see York- shire grease; Lanolin. ,, effect on soap, 258. ,, tallow adulterated with, 258, 354, 369. Wool oil (from Yorkshire grease dis- tillation), 279. Wright, Alder (author), analyses of manufacturers' and toilet soaps, 508-512. ,, analysis of rock, steariiie cakes, red oils, &c., 371-375. , , analysis of soap (free alkali). 500. ,, autoclave experiments, 373. ,, Cantor lectures, 487, 512, 523. ,, classification of soaps ac- cording to alkalinity, 512. ,, dealkalising process, 453, 461, 484. ,, glycerine valuation, 523. , , hydrolysis of soap solutions, 487. ,, methoxyl test, 192. 570 INDEX. Wright, Alder, use of iodine number in tallow valuation, 356, 375. Wright (Alder) and Muirhead, zinc chloride and oils, 141. Wright (Alder) and Thompson, chem- istry of soap, 490-492. ,, ,, Cladding's pro- cess, 502. ,, ,, hydrolysis of soap, 487. ,, ,, systematic soap analysis, 494. XYLENOL, 16. YELLOW ochre, beeswax adulterant, 359. Yield of fatty acids from oils, &c., 74, 163. ,, fatty matter from seeds, nuts, beans, &c., 241-244, 348, 351. ,, glycerol from oils, &c. , 75, 162. ,, solid stearine, 368. Yorkshire grease, 110, 271-279, 324. ,, adulteration of tallow with, 258, 354. ,, amount of unsaponifiable matters increases with the density, 277. Yorkshire grease, analysis of, 273. ,, distillation of, 277, 383. ,, hydrocarbons in distilled, 262. ,, injurious effect on soap, 258. ZEISEL'S test see Methyl number. Zinc and hydrochloric acid, as de- chlorinising agents, 35. 36. ,, chloride, action on oils, 141, 142, 153. ,, ,, action on oleic acid, 39, 142, 262, 386. ,, ,, colour test, 153. 341. ,, ,, refining by means of, 255, 260. ,, dust, as dechlorinising agent, 27, 31. ,, isoleate, 30. ,, oxide (antifriction) , 328. ,, ,, as saponifying agent, 379, 410, 515. ,, salts, separation of rapic and erucic acids by, 41. ,, used in refining, 262, 263. ,, sulphate (boiled oils), 262. ,, soap, added to oils, &c., 121. ,, white, in paint, 135. Ziirer, conversion of oleic into stearic acid, 386. SJjpx OF THE UNIVERSITY) ^ BELL AXD BAIN, LIMITED, PRINTERS, GLASGOW. 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