GIFT OF MICHAEL REESE PHYSICS OF THE EARTH'S CKUST.' BY THE REV. OSMOND FISHER, M.A., F.G.S., ** // IECTOR OF HARLTON, HON. FELLOW OF KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON, AND LATE FELLOW AND TUTOR OF JESUS COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. Hontron : MACMILLAN AND CO. 1881 [The Right of Translation and Reproduction is reserved.] PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. PEEFACE. FOR many years past I have been convinced that various questions of Physical Geology might be answered negatively, if not positively, by applying to them simple mathematical reasoning, and quantitative treatment. My own views have, in some respects, been greatly altered by the application of this method ; and I confess that the present work contains within itself evidence of the circumstance ; for not only will it be found that the views now put forward differ in some respects from those which I have previously published in con- tributions to scientific periodicals; but the effect of the pro- gressive application of the quantitative method may be traced in the book itself; and the development of ideas, proposed in the earlier chapters, will sometimes be found to have taken an unexpected turn later on. This remark applies especially to certain hypotheses, which at first presented themselves in a favourable light, to account for compression and for the formation of ocean basins. It is extremely probable that, if these investigations are carried further, some of the theories now offered as fairly established, may turn out to be untenable. With a growing science like Geology this is unavoidable. On a review of what I have written, I feel how many difficulties have been left unsolved, and some which have occurred to me not even mentioned. Nevertheless I hope that this attempt will not be without a certain value in advancing the study of the Physics of the Earth's Crust. vi PREFACE. The mathematical reader will perhaps be surprised by the rough and ready mode of treatment adopted in some instances. But when it is recollected that, for the most part, we can assign only very hypothetical values for our symbols, it would be affectation to seek close results, which would after all have no greater value than those which claim to be only distant approximations. The course of the argument and the general conclusions, will be found repeated in the Summary at Chapter XXII. But it is hoped that a perusal of this may not be substituted for reading the book. It is believed that the reasoning of the several chapters will be found intelligible, even without wading . through the calculations. My thanks are due to the Councils of the Geological Society of London, and of the Philosophical Society of Cambridge, for permission to make free use of papers contributed by me to their publications. I have similar acknowledgments to make to the Proprietors of the Philosophical Magazine, the Geological Magazine, and the Quarterly Journal of Science. My kind friends, H. W. BRISTOW, Esq., F.R.S., Senior Director of the Geological Survey, and A. F. GRIFFITH, Esq., B.A., of Lincoln's Inn, Scholar of Christ's College, Cambridge, have rendered me most valuable help in revising the proofs while they were passing through the press. OSMOND FISHER. HARLTON RECTORY, 18 October, 1881. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. ON UNDEEGEOUND TEMPEEATUEE. The rise of temperature on descending into the earth The causes which have been assigned for it Attempts to determine the law of increase by observation Their results Deep bore-hole at Sperenberg and metJwds of observation used there General effects of convection currents in a bore-hole Tabulated obser- vations at Sperenberg Anomalous result supposed to be deducible therefrom Anomaly explained General law of average rise of temperature not impaired thereby Hot springs and volcanos prove that the rise of temperature con- tinues, but do not inform us whether the laiv near the surface obtains unaltered for all depths . . ]" , ... .... > . . . 1 CHAPTER II. CONDITION OF INTEEIOE. Little known about the condition of the interior of the earth Results of the mathe- matical " Theory of the Earth" point to a former condition of fluidity Determination of the mean and surface densities The question proposed whether the fluid condition still partially exists more or less Connection be- tween this question and that of the law of internal temperature Two modes of attacking the question, (1) Precession, (2) the tides Opinions of Sir Wm. Thomson, Hopkins, Delaunay, and others Possibility of a cooled crust resting on an internal fluid layer . . ^ , ^ . .18 CHAPTER III. INTEENAL DENSITIES AND PEESSUEES. Speculations concerning tlw materials in successive couches Waltershausen's theory His law of density open to correction His tables of densities and pressures Fluid pressures within the earth calculated from Laplace's law of density Fluid pressure at the centre . .' . . . .28 viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. LATEEAL PEESSUEE, ITS AMOUNT. Generally received views regarding the contortion of rocks by lateral pressure Calculation of the possible amount of such pressure at the surface Attempt to estimate the same within the earth Mountain chains elevated by lateral pressure The Himalayas ......... 34 CHAPTER V. ELEVATIONS AND DEPEESSIONS. Distinction between compression and contraction Definition of datum levels General geometrical relation between the compression of a portion of the earth's crust and the elevations and depressions referred to the upper datum level resulting therefrom The same extended to the whole surface of the globe Modification of this relation if the globe is supposed to be wholly solid Average height of all the elevations above the datum level upon the supposi- tion of solidity, expressed in terms of depth of sea and height of land, and of areas of the same This average height of actual elevations estimated in feet . . . .45 CHAPTER VI. ELEVATIONS ON THE HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY. Any physical hypothesis regarding the condition of the interior of the earth may be tested by comparing the average height of the elevations it would produce with that which exists in nature Sir Wm. Thomson regards the earth as a solid cooling by conduction Some of the results of his paper " On the Secular Cooling of the Earth " His mathematical formula for expressing the law of temperature in descending Calculation in general symbols of the average height of the elevations which would be produced upon the supposition of the earth cooling as a solid Numerical result obtained loith a value of the coeffi- cient of contraction deduced from Mallet's experiments and Sir Wm. Thomson's estimates of the melting temperature and conductivity The same with Mr Mallet's estimate of the melting temperature of slag The corresponding age of the earth Amount of radial contraction 57 CHAPTER VII. HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY FAILS. Summary of results of Chap. VI. Grounds on which Physicists have restricted geological time within certain limits Discrepancy between height of the actual average elevations and of those which would be produced upon a cooling solid globe Necessary alternative suppositions Captain Dutton's CONTENTS. ix argument Ocean basins Opinions about them of Pratt, Mallet, Hopkins, LeConte Radial contraction cannot explain them Stitt less oscillations of surface Examples of oscillation N. Wales, Appalachians, New Zealand, India, Colorado Plateau Gwyn Jeffreys on changes of level Babbage The distribution of elevations in ranges requires a fluid substratum This sup- position explains other surface movements The pressures under which any part of the crust is in equilibrium The so-called " contractional hypothesis" not to be abandoned Captain Dutton's objections to it considered . . 73 CHAPTER VIII. FLUID SUBSTEATUM. The extravasation of water-substance from beneath the crust suggested as a cause of contraction of volume Igneo-aqueous fusion Dissolving power of water when above the critical temperature Scrope LeConte Escape of steam from volcanic vents Opinion that sea-water gains access to volcanic foci Objections to this hypothesis Experiment of Daubree not in point Views on cosmogony Dr Sterry Hunt's theory Objections to it Fails to account for the facts A suggestion to explain the presence of water-substance below the cooled crust . . . < '.. , . .87 CHAPTER IX. CEUST NOT FLEXIBLE. The "datum level" equation has served an important purpose Supposition of a flexible crust Mode of determining the general character of the undulations which a thin flexible crust would assume when resting upon a liquid Mathematical investigation of the problem Certain negative conclusions therefrom regarding the earth's crust Alternative assumption to which we are led . . ... . . , 99 CHAPTER X. ,. DISTUKBED TEACT. Conditions of equilibrium of a disturbed portion of the earth's crust Probable result of compression Part of the crust sheared upwards andpart downwards These separated by a "neutral zone" Calculation of its position Confused contortions in highly metamorphosed rocks explained Depth of neutral zone Probable thickness of crust Prof. A. Favre's experiments on contortions Inverted flexures Formation of a mountain chain and its elevation above the ocean Subsequent effects of denudation and accumulation of additional sediment Consequent tilting of tract Also general elevation from the same cause Why areas of deposition are sinking areas Degree of tilting depends upon width of tract and the existence of a mountain chain . ' ." . 114 x CONTENTS. CHAPTER XI. THE EEVELATIONS OF THE PLUMB-LINE. Mountains the "backbones" of continents They have "roots" TJiese are revealed by the plumb-line Pratt's calculation of the attraction of the Himalayas The actual attraction less than that calculated His attempted explanation of the discrepancy Sir G. B. Airy's explanation more satisfactory Pratt's reply shown to be inconclusive The result confii-ms the reasoning of the preceding chapter The plumb-line reveals a greater density beneath oceans 142 CHAPTER XII. THE EEVELATIONS OF THE THEEMOMETEE. Recapitulation of results of previous chapter Eoots of mountains should be revealed by phenomena of underground temperature Conditions upon which the mean rate of increase of temperature will depend Eate greater in plains and less in mountains Dr Stapff His observations on temperature of rocks in St Gothard tunnel His explanation of the smallness of the rate Why not satisfactory Effect of convexity of mountain upon the rate The rate may be considered uniform above The conclusion from the premises is that the mountain has roots The rate may be regarded as nearly uniform throughout General method of determining the thickness of the crust at the sea-level, and the melting temperature, from the rates beneath the mountain and the usual rate Application to St Gothard Thickness of crust at sea-level and melting temperature deduced numerically from the data The like for Mont Cenis Results confirmatory of previous conclusions Considerations about the oceanic areas How the water is retained there The thickness of the sub-oceanic crust and its density . 151 CHAPTER XIII. AMOUNT OF COMPEESSION. Our ideas respecting the sub-oceanic crust necessarily speculative Compression possibly confined to continental areas Compression might arise from extrava- sation of matter from beneath the crust, or from expansion of the crust Amount of compression needs to be estimated afresh Datum-level equation transformed to mean level Formula to express compression in terms of inequalities Estimate of inequalities from Atlas (1) Contraction on sup- position that Oceans are due to compression, (2) that they are due to denser crust . ...... . .168 CONTENTS. xi CHAPTER XIV. EXTKAVASATION OF *WATER WILL NOT ACCOUNT FOR COMPKESSION. Hypothesis that oceans consist of water that has been extravasated Density of the water before extravasation Volume of interior which would need to have contributed it Hypothesis shown to be inadequate to produce the entire compression Disturbance of crust by change of ellipticity of spheroid Inequalities do not appear connected with such a cause .... 180 CHAPTER XV. COMPBESSION AND VOLCANIC ACTION. Compression not being sufficiently accounted for by contraction of the globe, alternative hypothesis that the cause of it is situated within the crust Attraction of thickened crust not operative Intrusive dykes may afford a key to the problem may be widened by fluid pressure Excess of horizontal over vertical pressure so caused TJieir connection with volcanic vents Hypothesis concerning the constitution of the magma mode of its elevation in a fissure Pressure on the sides of the fissure Comparison of the work of compression ivith that done against gravity Mineral veins Prof. Judd and Baron Richthofen on the relation of volcanic energy to continental movements Possible additional compression upon solidification of dykes Analogies of earth's crust and ice Prof. Nordenskiold's theory of compression Analogy of ice disturbed by skaters and earth's crust by sedimentation Corrugation attributed to cracks opening from below, and a continental phenomenon Views of American Geologists as set forth by Dr Sterry Hunt Their observed facts agree with the present theory Effect of increased thickness of crust on compressing force Whence the energy invoked Circulation of rock Sug- gestion to explain diminished density of continental areas "Red clay" of profound ocean . ...... . ... . . 185 CHAPTER XVI. ON FAULTING. Faulting due to contraction "Hade to the downthrow" Faults may die out in the depths The fissure which gives rise to the fault Fissure will have the same hade as the fault Course of fault in a straight line Fissures which cause faults commence at the surface Faults of Utah described by Captain Dutton Faulting superimposed on corrugation Extent of throw of great faults Faults will not usually admit the fluid "magma If they do so may give rise to fissure eruptions of igneous rock Application of datum-level equation to faulting Faulting must depress the tract affected General theoretical conclusion respecting the connection of fault- ing and corrugation . , , . . . . . 208 xii CONTENTS. CHAPTER XVII. . GEOLOGICAL MOVEMENTS EXPLAINED. Recapitulation of the four suggested causes of compression Three of them negatived The fourth possibly the true one The fact of compression certain, and the duplex character of the corrugations most probable The conse- quences of denudation followed out Elevation its correlative Fresh-water strata covered by marine Movements most energetic near, but not confined to, continents Degradation of mountains a law of nature Enormous thickness of certain strata accounted for Raised sea beaches Two classes of elevatory movements Drainage across dip Theories of compression compared . 217 CHAPTER XVIII. ME MALLET'S THEOKY OF VOLCANIC ENERGY. Early opinions regarding the seat of volcanic energy Hopkins' lava lakes Mallet's theory Opposed to the results of the present work His mode of estimating the temperature derivable from crushing rock His results pub- lished in the "Phil. Trans." differ from those given in an earlier publica- tion Latent heat of fusion Localization of heat from crushing not possible More favourable hypothesis suggested and considered A pressure, the greatest obtainable on the hypothesis, incapable of causing volcanic phe- nomena , . 226 CHAPTER XIX. THE VOLCANO IN EEUPTION. Theories of volcanic eruption Scrope, Dutton, Mallet Local and temporary in- crease of temperature not probable Richthof en's theory unsatisfactory Ex- planation of phenomena on hypothesis of fluid substratum in igneo-aqueous fusion Amount of water-substance beneath vent probably variable Mechanics of an eruption Estimate of amount of water-substance in magma Eruption, how brought to an end Evisceration of cone State of intermediate activity Stromboli Unsympathetic craters Richthofen's difficulties met Renewal of activity Comparison with Geyser 240 CONTENTS. xiii CHAPTER XX. SEQUENCE OF VOLCANIC BOCKS. Flow of matter melted off roots of mountains Force causing it considerable Formation of lavas These will differ in different areas and at different times Law of Bunsen Richthofen's "Natural System of Volcanic Rocks" How explained by him Difficulty arising Captain Dutton's explanation Prof. Judd on Richthofen's System Melting of roots of the mountains affords an explanation of the sequence And of the variation of volcanic products in adjacent regions . , . , ... * . . 249 CHAPTER XXI. GEOGEAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF VOLCANOS. The Linear arrangement of Volcanos accords with the doctrine of a thin crust and fluid substratum Volcanic bands related to the boundaries of continents Distinction between coastline and oceanic volcanos Darwin on coral islands Platforms on which oceanic islands standtheir possible origin Great vol- canic band of the Pacific coast Sinking and rising areas adjoining it It follows nearly a great circle of the sphere and divides the land from the water -hemisphere Is not equally active at every part Suggested cause of local activity Other possible causes of the same Unknown cosmical causes have operated Conclusion ......... 259 CHAPTER XXIL SUMMAEY. [The Roman numerals refer to the Chapters.] I. On underground temperature II. Condition of interior III. Internal den* sities and pressures IV. Lateral pressure, its amount V. Elevations and depressions VI. Elevations on the hypothesis of solidity VII. Hypothesis of solidity fails VIII. Fluid substratum IX. Crust not flexible X. Dis- turbed tract XI. The revelations of the plumbline XII. The revelations of the thermometer XIII. Amount of compression XTV. Extravasation of water will not account for compression XV. Compression and volcanic action XVI. On Faulting XVII. Geological movements explained XVIII. Mr Mallet's theory of volcanic energy XIX. The volcano in eruption XX. Sequence of volcanic rocks XXI. Geographical distribution of volcanos . . _ , . ... . ; . . . 267 xiv CONTENTS. APPENDIX. Mr G. H. Darwin " On the stresses caused by continents and mountains" his argument for solidity met by Sir G. B. Airy's explanation M. Roche " On the constitution of the interior of the earth" his theory, though in accord- ance with Geology, requires fuller statement than is yet published . . 291 INDEX .,.:-. . 295 ERRATA. Page 33, line 8, read 171-875. 46, 3, for "Z" read "Z (! + he increase of the square CH. ii.] CONDITION OF INTERIOR. 21 of the density would vary as the increase of the pressure 1 . Now the actual ellipticity being known by measurement to be ^g- it is highly probable that the law of density above in- dicated expresses a close approximation to the truth. The conclusions here enumerated are the results of re- markably refined mathematical investigations which have exercised the ingenuity of the greatest masters in the science, and the methods and results of which will be found collected in the work by Archdeacon Pratt just referred to. To guide us in our reasoning concerning the condition of the interior we have then the following data : The observed rate of increase of temperature near the sur- face is perfectly compatible with the existence of such a tem- perature within the earth as would fuse all known substances, and fused substances continue to flow up from below, and, what is more, there is almost positive evidence that the earth was at qne time wholly fluid. The question arises, does this fluidity still normally exist within it, wholly or partially ? The true law of increase of temperature is inextricably mixed up with this other question of the condition as to solidity or fluidity of the interior; because any law of increase of temperature is compatible with the law that the increase is proportional to the depth near the surface. For if we represent the law of temperature by a curve starting from the surface whose axis of abscissae is vertical, this merely amounts to saying that any number of different curves may be drawn which have the same tangent at the origin. But the law of increase of tem- perature below that outer part or crust of the earth, which we know to be solid, will be governed by the laws of convection if the interior be fluid, modified by change in the value of gravity, and by those of conduction if it be solid. Hence if there be a change of state from fluid to solid, there will necessarily be a break in the law at the depth where that occurs; and it will then be further complicated by the thermal changes which accompany the change of state. Now the question as to whether the interior of the earth is at the present time solid or fluid, or partly solid and partly fluid, 1 Pratt's "Figure of the Earth," 4th eil. Arts. 115118. 22 CONDITION OF INTERIOR. [CH. n. may be attacked in two ways. The first of these is by consider- ing what is the difference of effect that bodies exterior to it, namely the sun and moon, would have upon the motions of the earth in either case, and secondly by considering the sequence of events according to which a molten globe, such as the earth once was, may have passed into its present state. For the first, Mr Hopkins, in the Phil. Trans, for 1839-40- 42, investigated the consequences which, according to certain assumptions, would have resulted from the effect of internal fluidity upon the phenomenon of precession of the equinoxes, and he came to the conclusion that the solid crust of the earth could not be less than from 800 to 1000 miles thick. His argument was assailed by Delaunay 1 , but strongly sup- ported by Sir Wm. Thomson and Archdeacon Pratt: while General Barnard a believed that Hopkins' result was vitiated by an over- sight. It is however scarcely worth while to consider this argu- ment further, because Sir Wm. Thomson has himself given up this particular reason against the doctrine of a fluid interior. "In- teresting in a dynamical point of view as Hopkins' problem is, it cannot afford a decisive argument against the earth's interior liquidity 3 ." To this change of opinion he was led by a conver- sation with Prof. Newcomb in America. But there is another manner in which the sun and moon affect terrestrial motion ; namely by raising the ocean tides. If the earth were not exceedingly rigid the globe itself would be raised in tides as well as the water which covers it, and since the measurable tide is the distance between the floor of the ocean and the surface of the sea, it is plain that if the floor of the ocean was drawn up along with the surface of the sea, the tide would be thereby diminished. Sir Wm. Thomson says: "The solid crust would yield so freely to the deforming influence of the sun and moon, that it would simply carry the waters of the ocean up and down with it, and there would be no sensible tidal rise and fall of water relatively to land 4 ." Mr George Darwin has 1 "Geol. Mag." Vol. v. p. 507. 2 "Problems of Eotary Motion." "Smithsonian Contributions," No. 240, New Addendum, p. 42. Vol. xix. 1871. 3 Sectional Address to British Association, 1876. 4 Ibid. CH. ii.] CONDITION OF INTERIOR. 23 confirmed this conclusion. It does not however appear necessary that the earth should be absolutely solid from the surface to the centre in order to satisfy these requirements. May not the argument for rigidity drawn from the tides, after it has received that definite weight which proper observations (yet to be made) are expected to give it, be satisfied with a rigid nucleus of radius nearly approaching to that of the entire globe ? Such tides as would be formed within the liquid substratum of the crust would not be of the nature of the tides, contemplated by Sir Wm. Thomson as affecting the entire spheroid, but more nearly ana- logous to the ocean tides ; since they would involve a horizontal transference of fluid backwards -and forwards, and might be expected to be of small amplitude, owing to the viscosity of the substance and its confinement beneath the crust. However, even the modest requirement of a fluid substratum is refused. "But now thrice to slay the slain. Suppose the earth this moment to be a thin crust of rock or metal resting on liquid matter. Its equilibrium would be unstable ! And what of the upheavals and subsidences? They would be strikingly analogous to those of a ship that had been rammed ; one portion of crust up and another down, and then all down. I may say with almost perfect certainty that whatever may be the relative densities of rock, solid and melted, at or about the temperature of liquefaction, it is, I think, quite certain that cold solid rock is denser than hot melted rock; and no possible degree of rigidity in the crust could prevent it from breaking in pieces and sinking wholly below the liquid lava 1 ." However, in a note to an address before the Geological Society of Glasgow, 14 Feb. 1878, Sir W. Thomson wrote, " Since this address was delivered, some important experiments have been carried out, at the request of Dr Henry Muirhead, by Mr Joseph Whitley of Leeds. His experiments were made on iron, copper, and brass, and on whinstone and granite ; and the general result hitherto arrived at seems to be, that these substances are less dense in the solid than in the liquid state at the melting temperature 2 ." And D. Forbes stated that glass 1 Sectional Address to the British Association, 1876. 3 ' Trans. Geol. Society of Glasgow," Vol. vi. Pt. 1, p. 40. 24 CONDITION OF INTERIOR. [CH. n. floats on melted glass, and similarly Bessemer steel on melted steel, and says that Messrs Chance found the castings made from fused Rowley Rag were of the same size precisely as the wooden pattern. It is right to state however that the sand moulds were made red-hot to allow of slow cooling and devitrification 1 . If we now turn to Mr Hopkins' " Researches in Physical Geology 2 /' we find that he had gone into this question some- what fully, and held an exactly opposite opinion to the above. He considered that, so long as the matter of the earth retained a sufficiently high state of fluidity to admit of the circulation of convection currents, no crust could form : but that when, by those means, the temperature had been so far reduced that the currents became arrested, immediately a crust would be formed. " Since the heat increases with the distance from the surface, while the mass is cooling by circulation, the tendency to solidification, so far as it depends on this cause, will be greatest at the surface, and least at the centre. But on the other hand, the pressure is least at the surface, and greatest at the centre ; and consequently the tendency to solidify, as depending on this cause, will be greatest at the centre, and least at the surface 3 ." For want of experimental evidence, " the only conclusion at which we can arrive is this, that if the augmenta- tion of the temperature with that of the depth be so rapid that its effect in resisting the tendency to solidify be greater than that of the increase of pressure to promote it, there will be the greatest tendency to become imperfectly fluid, and afterwards to solidify, in the superficial portions of the mass : whereas, if the effect of the augmentation of pressure predominate over that of the temperature, this transition from perfect to im- perfect fluidity, and subsequent solidity, will commence at the centre 4 ." Assuming the latter to be the case, when the mass should have arrived at that stage of cooling that " a solid nucleus had been formed, surrounded by an external portion of which the 1 " Chemical News," Vol. xvm. p. 191. 2 "Phil. Trans. Eoy. Soc." Part n. 1839, quoted in his "Report to the British Association," 1847, p. 33. s Ibid. 4 Ibid. CH. ii.] CONDITION OF INTERIOR. 25 fluidity would vary continuously from the solidity of the nucleus to the fluidity of the surface, where, at the instant we are speaking of, it would be just such as not to admit of circula- tion ;... a change would take place in the process of solidification which it is important to remark. The superficial parts of the mass must in all cases cool the most rapidly, and now (in con- sequence of the imperfect fluidity) being no longer able to descend, a crust will be formed on the surface, from which the process of solidification will proceed far more rapidly down- wards, than upwards on the solid nucleus." And in a note to the Report 1 , he 'writes thus decidedly: "Supposing the earth once to have been fluid, it must be now, or have been at some antecedent epoch, in that state in which a solid exterior rests on an imperfectly fluid and incandescent mass beneath. It is important to know that this state of the earth, assuming its original fluidity, is one through which it must necessarily have passed in the course of its refrigeration, whatever might be the process of its solidification." These remarks of Mr Hopkins deserve serious consideration, and are not lightly to be set aside. They are entirely indepen- dent of his subsequent calculations by which he considered he had proved (and was until very lately considered by the greatest mathematicians to have proved) 2 that this crust is not at the present time a thin one, but has grown to the thickness of at least not far short of a thousand miles ; even if its downward growth has not already met the upward growth of the solid central nucleus. The reasoning by which Mr Hopkins concluded that a crust would be formed (and he clearly supposed it would be supported also), seems to be assailable only on the supposition that upon solidification a sudden considerable contraction, and consequent increase of density, would occur, which would enable the frag- ments to sink in a fluid, too viscous to admit of the sinking of portions cooled to the verge of solidification. But there is no reason whatever to suspect such a sudden considerable contrac- tion. Indeed the experiments above referred to, .point in a contrary direction. 1 Page 48. 2 Vide supra, p. 22. 26 CONDITION OF INTERIOR. [CH. n. It is practically seen that a crust can be formed and sup- ported upon liquid lava by what is known to happen in the crater of Kilauea. This is of an elliptical form, three miles in its longer diameter : consequently the attachment to the cliff- like sides can have little effect in supporting the crust over so large an area. Moreover, this has been observed to rise and sink with variations in the level of the lava, showing that it really rests upon the fluid support. " The floor of the pit is described as usually presenting a crust over a vast pool of lava, which is from time to time broken through by a fresh upboiling of the incandescent mass beneath. It cools 'and hardens so rapidly on exposure, that it may be walked upon within a few hours after its coagulating. Sometimes upwards of fifty small cones and craters, more or less in activity, have been counted on the floor of this great pit. They were from fifty to a hun- dred feet high V " It is nine miles in circumference, and its lower area, which not long ago fell about 300 feet, just as ice on a pond falls when the water below it is withdrawn, covers six square miles 2 ." The conclusion which we may draw from these premises is that the earth is on the whole extremely rigid, but that from anything which we have as yet referred to, we cannot decide whether it is solid from the surface to the centre, or whether there may be a liquid substratum of fused rock, of no great depth perhaps, intervening between the crust solid from cold, and the nucleus, solid in spite of its high temperature from pressure. That such solidity is the case with the nucleus, appears necessarily to be the result of pressure, without refer- ence to experiments regarding the contraction or expansion of rocks upon solidifying, for otherwise the proved rigidity of the earth would not be compatible with a high tempera- ture unless indeed, as suggested by Sir Wm. Thomson, the nucleus be a cool sphere, around which a stratum of meteoric matter has accumulated, heated to the temperature of fusion by its collision with the pre-existing nucleus. This latter 1 Scrope's " Volcanos," p. 477, ed. 1872. 2 Miss Bird's "Hawaiian Archipelago." See "Nature," Vol. xi. p. 324. CH. ii.] CONDITION OF INTERIOR. 27 supposition however may be passed over as not affecting the aspect of the subject at present under review. It is possible that a future generation of geologists may be able to gather some information regarding the interior of the earth from the mysterious phenomena of magnetic variation. .But at present we cannot hope for much help from that quarter. The temptation, however, is too great to forbear quoting from Captain Evans a very striking passage 1 . " These are a few facts relating to secular changes going on in two magnetic elements within our own time ; and what are the inferences to be drawn there- from ? They appear to me to lead to the conclusion that move- ments, certainly beyond our present conception, are going on in the interior of the earth ; and that so far as the evidence pre- sents itself, secular changes are due to these movements, and not to external causes. We are thus led back to Halley's con- ception of an internal nucleus or inner globe, itself a magnet, rotating within the outer magnetised shell of the earth." This is, to say the least, in very remarkable accordance with the conclusion that a liquid stratum underlies the cooled crust of the earth. 1 Lecture at the Eoyal Geographical Society, March 11, by Capt. F. J. Evans, C.B., F.K.S., Hydrographer to the Admiralty, "Nature," May 16, 1878. CHAPTER III. INTERNAL DENSITIES AND PRESSURES. Speculations concerning the materials in successive couches Waltershausen' s theory His law of density open to correction His tables of densities and pressures Fluid pressures within the earth calculated from Laplace's law of density Fluid pressure at the centre. THE law of density in the interior of the earth has naturally led to speculations concerning the composition of the successive couches, or shells, of which it is composed. Waltershausen, in his " Rocks of Sicily and Iceland," has formed a theory of the earth on this basis. It is thus epitomised by Mr Clarence King in the "Geological exploration of the fortieth parallel," Vol. I. p. 710 *: " To sum up the theory of Waltershausen ; the earth is a hot globe, of which a considerable portion is fluid, an unknown fraction of the centre having been rendered solid by the raising of its fusion-temperature by pressure. The downward increment of density is expressed by the chemical increment of the heavy bases, and the fluid region directly under the crust consists, first, of a feldspathic and acidic magma which passes downwards by successive replacements of bases into an augitic, and finally into a magnetitic magma." The formula used by Waltershausen 2 for the calculation of the density p at a distance r from the centre is of the form p' = P-(P- P )r*: 1 Washington, Government printing office, 1878. 2 " Bocks of Sicily and Iceland," p. 315. CH. in.] INTERNAL DENSITIES AND PRESSURES. 29 where p is the surface density, and P the density at the centre. The radius of the earth is here taken as unity. In order to render the equation homogeneous we may write it, a being the earth's radius, P-p r or -^ *- = 2 . P~/> a 2 Now Laplace's equation, which leads to the law of density already referred to 1 , is , n sin qr P ^C^T-' where Q and q are constants to be determined. Consequently the central density will be given when or P = Q - ? q when r 0. qr Also the surface density will be given by putting sn qa sin qr qr sin qr i /v M* /y$ P p sin qa a 2 qa sin qa q ~aT a* _ This is the correct expression for the ratio -= . And P-/> / r 2s consequently Waltershauseri's value of that ratio (viz. -J is strictly true only when the relation is satisfied, qr sin qr _ qa sin qa ~~ ~~ When the constants Q and q are determined in accordance with the mean values above given of the density of the whole 1 p. 20. 30 INTERNAL DENSITIES AND PRESSURES. [CH. m. earth and of the surface density, it is found that qa = 2-4605 = 140 58' 35" ; and Qq, or P = 10'74/ which is therefore the density at the centre of the earth. In order to see to what extent Waltershausen's formula is incorrect let us apply it to the instance where a T) _ / -p - We find that the value of ing to Laplace's formula, is i x 1-2566 : whereas "Waltershausen's formula gives for this value of r, accord- P-p 4* Consequently it gives too small a value for this ratio. DENSITIES ACCORDING TO WALTERSHAUSEN. KADIUS. DENSITY. 1-00 2-66 0-99 2-79 0-98 2-93 0-97 3-07 0-96 3-20 0-95 3-34 0-94 3-47 0-93 3-60 0-92 3-72 0-91 3-85 0-90 3-99 0-80 5-15 0-70 6-29 0-60 7-09 0-50 7-85 0-40 8-47 0-30- 8-96 0-20 9-31 0-10 9-51 0-00 9-59 Lime. Magnesia. Alumina. Iodine, Iron oxide. Tellurium, Chromium. Zinc, Iron, Tin. Cobalt, Steel. Uranium, Nickel. Copper. Bismuth, Silver. 1 Pratt's "Figure of the Earth," 4th ed. Art. 115. CH. m.] INTERNAL DENSITIES AND PRESSURES. 3 1 PRESSURES ACCORDING TO WALTERSHAUSEN. RADIUS. ATMOSPHERES. 1-00 0-99 17138 0-98 34591 0-97 53070 0-96 72195 0-95 92432 0-94 113180 0-93 134600 0-92 156840 0-91 179680 0-9 203320 0-8 471680 0-7 786080 0-6 1125690 0-5 1468000 0-4 1701500 0-3 2297500 0-1 2441900 o-o 2492600 It is an interesting enquiry what the fluid pressure would be according to Laplace's law of density now assumed. For the actual pressure is probably not very different from the fluid pressure ; because, if the rigidity of the interior be due to pressure, it will have been fluid at any given level until the temperature had fallen sufficiently for the pressure to overcome the fluidity, so that the pressure there will be the fluid pressure. But even if that be not a true account of the process of solidi- fication, still it is not probable that the couches can be appreciably supported in the manner of an arch ; in which case we may consider the pressure at any point in a prism from the surface to the centre to be due to the weight of the portion of the prism above the level under consideration 1 . Let p be the pressure at the distance r from the centre of the sphere, p the density and g the gravity at that level. Then as r is increased p is diminished, and we shall have dp dr -gp (1). 1 At Dukinfield colliery at 2500 ft. circular arches of brick, probably five to six feet in diameter, and four feet thick, were crushed. Hull's ' ' Coal Fields of Great Britain," p. 447, quoted in "Jour, of Science," No. xxxrx. 32 INTERNAL DENSITIES AND PRESSURES. [CH. in. Since the attraction of the portion of the sphere exterior to the shell, whose radius is r, upon a particle within it is nothing, the value of g' , due to the remaining portion, will be, Substituting for p its value -^ ^- and integrating, we have , 47rQ , . g = y-f (sm qr qr cos gr), and therefore, , / 477-Q 2 , . , <7p = j-j (sinqr qrsmqrcosqr). Hence, g and p being the values of g and // at the surface, gp _ a 3 sin 2 gr qr sin qr cos qr gp r 3 sin 2 . If then we suppose this element supported by a pressure R on unit of area from beneath, resolving the forces vertically we have for the equation of equilibrium 2iy$r sin + 2TV0T sin | = gprdr'Qr - RrOr'^. In the limit, dividing by r6r this gives ,/TT rpi\ If we regard the surface as spherical and of radius a, T and T' become equal, and we have 2 = gpr-R. a y ^ If the support beneath is withdrawn altogether R becomes nothing and then which gives the maximum thrust which would be produced by the shrinking away of the underlying mass. The meaning of this result is that the horizontal force of compression thrown into a stratum at the earth's surface by the shrinking away of the underlying parts would be equal to the weight of a piece of the same stratum of the same section as the stratum and two thousand miles long enough to crumple up and distort any rocks. It would be about 830200 tons upon the square foot 1 . 1 Calculated from a cube of granite weighing 178-339 Ibs. CH. iv.] LATERAL PRESSURE, ITS AMOUNT. 37 The pressures T and T r being orthogonal cannot affect one another. Suppose then T and r given. It follows that if r is increased or diminished T' must be increased or diminished in the same proportion. Hence, if the curvature be diminished the pressure will be proportionately increased and vice versd. Hence there will be no greater tendency to compression where the curvature is greater, as about the equator, than where it is less, as about the poles, but the reverse. This answers an objec- tion which has been sometimes brought against the theory; although apart from the above reasoning it is scarcely likely that so small a difference of curvature as that referred to can have any appreciable consequence. It is inconceivable that such rock as we find at the surface of the earth could support so great a pressure as this without bending and breaking. Hence, if it be supposed possible that for a moment a shell of moderate thickness, say a few miles, should be self-supporting, and therefore exert no pressure upon that immediately beneath it, this state of things could not continue, and the outer shell would give way, and settle down upon the next stratum below it. We are not able however to estimate the downward pressure which will be exerted by it at any point upon the next lower stratum, because the lateral pressure T might not be wholly relieved, but only partially so, and so to some extent help to support the shell. It is evident that in such a case the downward pressure would not be the same everywhere, the tilted rocks in some places supporting each other, and pressing with diminished weight upon the subjacent matter. If the rock were perfectly rigid T would have its full value, the shell would be self-supporting, and the vertical pressure on the next stratum would be nothing. If on the other hand the rock were fluid, such pressure would be that due to the depth r of the upper layer. Its actual value will be something inter- mediate. We will next make an attempt to estimate the lateral pres- sure at points within the earth, upon the supposition that the interior is solid, in order to see whether any stratum would be 3 LATERAL PRESSURE, ITS AMOUNT. [CH. iv. likely to be crushed under the circumstance of a contraction of the mass beneath. Suppose that, on a unit of area, P is the pressure towards the centre at a distance r from the centre, caused by so much of the weight of the superincumbent rock as is sustained by the next inferior stratum (which is supposed not to be yet crushed). Then, if we consider the effects of the crushing of the rock above it to be uniformly distributed, P cannot be so great as the pressure which would arise from the same rock were it fluid, because part of the weight of the crushed rock will be sustained by lateral pressure. Hence if we consider the conditions of equilibrium of an element of the stratum in question lying next beneath the rock which produces the pressure P, and suppose this shell and the superincumbent mass to be in equilibrium without resting upon the interior mass, we shall be able to calculate the horizontal pressure which tends to crush the shell. Let T' be the horizontal pressure upon a unit of area of any vertical section of this shell, r the thickness of the shell, and g', p, the values of g, p, at that depth. Then we shall have, by the same reasoning as in the pre- vious proposition, Let us compare this horizontal pressure T' with the cor- responding pressure T at the surface, which has been shown to a be equal to gp , As T & A As Pr > = < (gpa - g'rr) T. As P> gp Let y be the depth of a column of rock of a unit of section and density p, whose weight at the surface would equal the CH. iv.] LATERAL PRESSURE, ITS AMOUNT. 39 pressure gp f- T ' - TJ upon a unit of surface, with which we have now to compare P. Then In order to express the right-hand side in terms of r, we must assume a law of density and calculate the value of . 9P This has been already done (p. 32), and it has been found that g'p _ a 9 sin 2 qr qr sin qr cos qr gp r 3 sin 2 qa qa sin qa cos qa ' Now sin 2 qr qr sin qr cos qr = sin 2 gr f 1 - J . Let us next divide the earth as Archdeacon Pratt has done 1 into four shells and a central nucleus, the radius of the nucleus and the thickness of each shell being equal to one-fifth of the earth's radius. The corresponding values of qr and of - are there given, viz. commencing at the surface, in arc qa = 2-4605 = 140 58' 35", &n q^ = 1-9684 = 112 46' 52", q~ = 1-4763= 84 35' 9", z 5 q~= 0-9842= 56 23' 26", o ^ = 0-4921 = 28 11' 43", -3-035906. 1 Art. 119, 4th ed. 40 LATERAL PRESSURE, ITS AMOUNT. [CH. iv. And the other values of - are for the several shells, tangr - 0-826756, + 0139920, + 0-654135, -f 0-91794*4. Hence calculating the value of sin 2 qa qa sin qa cos qa, equation (1) becomes y = -r'- 0-62499 -* sin 2 or (l - -^-} T'. r r \ tan^r/ It is easily seen that sin 2 or ( 1 ) is of four dimensions * V tan^r/ in r, so that the second term vanishes when r = 0. Moreover, between the values of qr = qa and qr=~> r~* 2 tan qr increases from S'035906 to 0, and continues to increase from to 1 when qr = : so that between those limits 1 - tan^r decreases from 4-035906 to 0. It appears then that de- 9P creases from 1 at the surface to at the centre. And if we give to r the values r a, then y = 0. r = |a, 2/ = - 0-6455 /. r = {o, 2/ = - 07997 r'. r = fa, 2/= 0-1573/. r = a, y= 3'5689r'. r = 0, y = oo . So that the curve representing the values of y from r = to r= a will be of the subjoined form, having the axis of y for an asymptote. CH. iv.] LATERAL PRESSURE, ITS AMOUNT. 41 The reason why the ordinate of this curve contains T, is because it is obtained from the conditions of equilibrium of an element of an internal shell supporting, besides its own weight, part of that of the rock above it, so that, the thicker the shell, the less will be the lateral pressure on a unit of vertical section ; because the vertical pressure is not proportional to the thickness of the shell, as it is in the case first considered of a shell at the surface of the earth. It must be borne in mind that, in the two cases which have been discussed, T and r must be taken so small, that gravity and density may be considered constant through those thick- nesses. Kesuming ; It has been shown that the horizontal pressure T on a unit of surface of a vertical section of a shell of thickness r at a distance r from the centre will be > = < than the corresponding pressure at the surface, as the downward pressure P at that depth 42 LATERAL PRESSURE, ITS AMOUNT. [OH. iv. a , g'p ~ ~ T gp > . Carrick Moore 2 has shown that Sir John Herschel was misled by an inaccurate expression in "The Cosmos" in his estimate of the mean height of the land being 1800 feet 3 , and that it uglt to be put at half that, or 900- feet. The average depth of the ocean is reckoned at three miles, and its volume at 438 millions' of cubic miles. By substituting these numbers we obtain, &- A- -y AB the datum level. SS the sea level supposed parallel to it. O the actual surface of the ocean. S'S' the surface of the accumulated water levelled down. 1 Herschel's " Physical Geography," second edition, p. 19. a "Nature," Vol. v. p. 479. * "Physical Geography," p. 118. CH. v.] ELEVATIONS AND DEPRESSIONS, 55 Our next step must be to fix upon a value for d + 8. This is the depth of the datum level below the surface of an imagi- nary ocean, which is rather less deep than the actual one. Now it is not probable that there is any place where the bottom of the ocean would coincide with the datum level. Never- theless there seems reason to think that this would approximately f be the case in the deeper parts. If this be so, d + 8 will not differ^/ greatly from the measure of the deepest parts of the ocean, and it is not likely to exceed it by much, because, as already men- tioned, the surface from which it is reckoned is somewhat lower than the actual surface of the ocean. If the deepest parts of the ocean do not coincide with the datum level they must be one of two things. They must be either depressions below it, belonging to the series ^ (B), or else they must be the places where the ocean bottom is least raised above the datum level. That they should be depressions be- neath that level is scarcely possible under our present assump- tion that the earth has cooled as a solid ; whence we have concluded that S (B) = O 1 . But if we take the other alternative, and suppose the ocean-bottom to be raised above the datum level, even where the depths are very great, then we are taking d + 8 too small, and our estimate for %ke will be too small. And this appears by far the more probable case. On the whole, then, we may feel pretty well assured that we are within the mark if we put for d + 8 the measure of the more profound parts of the ocean. The mean depth being taken at three miles we shall not be much in excess if we put d + 8 as equal to four miles. Our value for 2ke then becomes ZJce = 4 - 2-2 miles, = T8 miles, = 9504 (feet about), a value which is more likely to be too small than too large*. 1 p. 52. 2 Prof. Haughton ("Proc. Koy. Soc.," Vol. 26, p. 53, 1877) puts the area of the sea at 145 millions of square miles, and that of the land at 52 millions, and the 56 ELEVATIONS AND DEPRESSIONS. [CH. v. mean height of the land at 1000 feet. Sir Wyville Thomson, in his Eede lecture at Cambridge in 1877, stated that the mean depth of the Atlantic was about 2500 fathoms. In places its depth was 3000 fms. or a little more, and in one place 4000 fms. The greatest depth in any ocean was perhaps in the Pacific, where in one place it was 5000 fms. If we adopt Prof. Haughton's estimate of the areas of sea and land, and of the mean height of the land ; and Sir Wyville Thomson's estimate of the mean depth of the sea, viz. 2500 fms., and if we take 4000 fms. as the depth of the more profound parts (though we might apparently be entitled to take it greater), we obtain 2fc = 13224 feet. This value is very much larger than that which the former estimates give. But since the Author has used the lesser value in his previous publications, he thinks it better to allow it to remain, seeing that precision is not attainable, and that the larger value merely strengthens the argument drawn from the smaller. CHAPTER VI. ELEVATIONS ON THE HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY. Any physical hypothesis regarding the condition of the interior of the earth may be tested by comparing the average height of the elevations it would produce with that which exists in nature Sir Wm. Thomson regards the earth as a solid cooling by conduction Some of the results of his paper "On the Secular Cooling of the Earth"- His mathematical formula for expressing the law of temperature in descending Calculation in general symbols of the average height of the elevations which would be produced upon the supposition of the earth cooling as a solid Numerical result obtained with a value of the coefficient of contraction deduced from Mallet's experiments and Sir Wm. Thomson's estimates of the melting temperature and conductivity The same with Mallet's estimate of the melting temperature of slag The corresponding age of the earth Amount of radial contraction. IN the preceding chapter an estimate has been made of the average height above the datum level of all the elevations upon the earth's surface, which exist at the present time, it being supposed that the most profound depths .of the sea coincide ( 4- nearly with the datum level. And it has been found that a very moderate computation gives 9504 J feet for this average height : but there are good reasons for supposing that 13224 2 feet are nearer the mark. It has also been proved that upon the supposition that these elevations are the result of lateral compression, their average height above the datum level is ex- pressed by the product 2ke, where k is the thickness of the corrugated crust, and e the mean coefficient of compression. If then we are able to calculate the value of 2ke upon any physical supposition we choose to make regarding the condition 1 p. 55. 3 P. 56. 5 8 ELEVATIONS ON THE [en. vi. of the interior of the earth we have a means, by comparing our result with that already approximately obtained in the case of nature, of judging whether our supposition bears the test of the comparison ; it being always premised that lateral compression is the cause of the existence of these elevations ; because it is upon this premise that our definition of a datum level, and calculation of 2ke, have been based. Nevertheless our estimate of the average height of the r elevations above the profound depths of the sea would hold good as the expression of a fact apart from all theory. In the second chapter it was shown that there is very little question but that the earth was at one time fluid, yet that at the present time we are compelled to admit that it is on the whole rigid : but that it is still open to question whether it is rigid throughout, or whether there is a certain level couche beneath the cooled crust where the pressure is not sufficiently great to induce solidity in rocks which, on account of the increase of temperature in descending, will otherwise be liquid. We have also pointed out how the true law of increase of temperature is inextricably mixed up with the question of the solidity or otherwise of the interior. And if the law of increase of temperature be so, it is evident that the law of cooling, upon which it depends, is also mixed up with the question of the condition of the interior ; and the contraction depends on the law of cooling, and the compression on the contraction ; so that all these questions are interdependent. Now the laws of cooling of a solid by conduction have been long brought under the dominion of mathematical calculation. Not so those of the cooling of a liquid by convection. Sir Wm. Thomson having satisfied himself that the earth is as a whole extremely rigid, has assumed that it is wholly rigid from centre to surface, and has applied to it the laws of cooling of a solid by conduction. Consequently he has paved the way for an investigation of the amount of compression, which might accrue upon the supposition that the earth has cooled as a solid sphere. To calculate the average height of the elevations, which would have been formed up. to the present time under these conditions,- is the object of the present chapter. CH. vi.] HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY. 59 The paper by Sir Wm. Thomson "On the Secular Cooling of the Earth 1 " is of great interest and well known. From his mode of viewing the manner of its solidification, he believes that it passed from the state of a liquid to that of a solid globe in a comparatively short space of time ; since which period all geological events have happened. His formula expresses the rate of increase of temperature at any given depth in terms of the length of time since complete consolidation took place. The resulting curve of temperature is of such a form that, for reasonably large values of the time in question or of the age of the habitable world and for all such depths as the puny efforts of man can reach, it would be impossible to perceive at the present day any deviation from a uniform rate of increase. But if it were possible to reach very great depths, the rate would be found to be sensibly diminishing ; and even at the centre of the earth a greater temperature need not exist than what the uniform rate of one degree F. for 60 feet, which obtains at the surface, would bring us to at about sixty miles. The greater the value we assign to the presumed age of the world, the deeper we should have to dig before we should find the rate sensibly diminishing. Some interesting particulars concerning the relation between different assumed values for the world's age, and the depths at which it might be practicable to detect a diminution in the rate of increase of temperature, will be found in Sir Wm. Thomson's sectional address to the British Association, 1876. But the con- clusion at which we must arrive is, that no mine nor bore-hole is ever likely to be put down deep enough to solve the question whether the earth is solid from centre to surface or not. If ever it could be conclusively proved by observation, due allowance being made for disturbing causes, that the rate began to diminish, that would be an argument that the earth is a solid cooling by conduction from its entire mass, and not from an internal liquid reservoir. But the shortest age that can be assigned to the world's history is too long to allow us to expect that the depth requisite to test this question can ever be reached. 1 "Trans. Boy. Soc. Edinburgh," Vol. xxm. Pt. i. p. 157; also "Phil. Mag.," 4th Series, Vol. xxv. p. 1, 1863, and Thomson and Tait's "Treatise on Nat. Phil.," p. 711, 1867. 6o ELEVATIONS ON THE [CH. vi. Sir Wm. Thomson writes 1 , "The earth, although once all melted, or melted all round its surface 2 , did, in all probability, really become a solid at its melting temperature all through, or all through the outer layer, which had been melted ; and not until the solidification was thus complete, or nearly so, did the surface begin to cool." The conclusion at which he arrives on these grounds, respecting the present distribution of temperature, is that the rate of increase from the surface downwards would be sensibly ^ of a degree F. per foot for the first 100,000 feet (19 miles) or so. Below that depth the rate of increase per foot would begin to diminish sensibly. At 400,000 feet (76 miles) it would have diminished to about y^- of a degree per foot, and so on rapidly diminishing as shown in the curve. "Such is on the whole the most probable representation of the earth's present temperature, at depths of from 100 feet, where the annual variations cease to be sensible, to 100 miles; below which the whole mass is, whether liquid or solid, probably at or very nearly at the proper melting temperature for the pressure at each depth" that is to say, the cooling process not having at present reached so far, the state of the matter there cannot in any way influence the law of temperature in the strata above. Having given this summary of Sir Wm. Thomson's theory concerning the condition of the interior of the earth, we will now proceed to form an estimate of the average height of the elevations above the datum level (or of 2ke) which might be formed by the contraction of a globe so constituted. In order to do this, we must first of all estimate the com- pression, Me, corresponding to the present thickness k of the crust and to a length I upon the present surface. 1 "Nat..Phil.,"p. 722. 2 Dr Sterry Hunt supports the latter view. " American Journal of Science," Vol. v. p. 2G4, 3rd series, 1873. CH. VI.] HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY. Let ABDC be a section of a portion of 'the crust of length I and depth k. Then e is the mean coefficient of compression for the whole, which will depend upon the depth to which the cooling down to the melting temperature under pressure has advanced. The area which by its having become compressed will have gone to form the corrugations AFB will be BDE, in which BE is the quantity by which AE has been compressed, while CD has not been compressed at all. Then if BMx, and c = the compression at the depth x, And /: = I cdx. o We now require to express c in terms of x. For this purpose we avail ourselves of Sir Wm. Thomson's paper "On the Secular Cooling of the Earth," using the symbols and formulae, and the diagram there given slightly altered, but not necessarily adhering to his values of the con- stants. In the event we think it will appear that we must Diagram altered from Sir W. Thomson's paper "On the Secular Cooling of the Earth." ON the depth below the surface = x. NP the excess of tempera- ture at that depth above the temperature of the surf ace = v. Oq the excess of the melting temperature above that of the surface = V. 62 ELEVATIONS ON THE [en. vi. adopt some modification of his views as to the condition of the globe at the time at which a rigid crust commenced to form, because we shall find that they lead us to a value of 2ke which is not in accordance with natural appearances. The point which is material in the application of his inves- tigation is, that cooling is to take place by conduction and not by convection. F is the melting temperature of rock ; which Sir William Thomson places provisionally at 7000 F., a very high esti- mate. Mr Mallet has shown that the temperature of slag run from an iron furnace is less than 4000 F. 1 6 is a temperature such that, F 7000 _ 7qoo F ~i,/~ 0*8622- The quantity a is thus defined : a 2jfct, where K is the conductivity of rock, found by Sir Wm. Thomson to be " 400 for unit of length a British foot and unit of time a year." And t is the number of years since the earth became solid, which must have elapsed in order that the rate of increase of tem- perature in descending into the earth should be what it is observed to be. Consequently t is 100,000,000 years, and a = 80 miles. We learn ( p. of Sir Wm. Thomson's paper), that 'When then the rigid crust was commencing to form, the whole globe, or at any rate its outer portion to a considerable depth, was at the melting temperature F F. represented on the diagram by Oq or Nn. At a subsequent time the tempera- ture at the depth ON or x was v, represented by the ordinate NP. Hence at that depth cooling had taken place through (V v), represented by Pn. Now the compression which each layer of the crust undergoes is caused by the contraction of all the matter beneath it. let r be the present mean radius of the earth; E the cubic contraction for 1 F. Hence the layer of the sphere at i "Phil. Trans. Koyal Soc." 1873, Vol. 163, p. 199. CH. vi.] HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY. 63 the depth #, whose area is 4<7r(r xf y will have contracted by b t x -- E^TT (r xfdx x Pn ; where Pn = V -- e 2 dx. Consequently &./ o the whole contraction from that depth downwards will be where the integral ought to be taken from x to the value x has at the depth at which contraction ceases to be felt. It is evident from the diagram that this is almost the case at the depth 2a, where the temperature differs but little (by Fx 0*00468 ') from the melting temperature V. 1 Generally -v la 3 i I B _ "* + The general term of the series is Suppose the superior limit of the integral to be 2a. Then this becomes 1 02W+1 And the next term to this will be I 2 2 < n+1 H-i And the sum of the two terms n+l(2m-l)(2n + 3) 64 ELEVATIONS ON THE [en. vi. There will remain the effect of the contraction of the re- mainder of the sphere from the depth 2a to the centre. This we will assume to be as great as at the depth 2a, and then we shall be sure that the whole cubic contraction at and below the depth a is a quantity less than - xfPndx + E y x Q-00468. & Suppose E' to be the mean coefficient of contraction for all the matter below the depth x. Then the whole contraction from x to the centre of the sphere will have been 0-00468. And the coefficient of linear compression at the depth x will be the same as the coefficient of linear contraction of the spherical W surface at that depth. That is to say, c = -~- ; ., C< Z f* (r _ ayPn te + Xr,r--2a\' (r-x) 3 ] x ^ 3 \r-xj If we then take 2a as the limit of depth to which compres- sion has reached, which we may do because the cooling below In this expression n=0 "will give the first and second terms of the series, n=2 the third and fourth, w=4 the fifth and sixth, &c., &c. Making n successively 0, 2, 4,... 18 (for which last value the first significant digit will not occur before the 7 th place of decimals), we get for the sum of the first 20 terms =0-882083, / V \ whence at the depth 2a, Pn= V- b x 0-882083, ( where 6 = ^ ) , V WTT/ 7x0-00468. CH. vi.] HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY. 65 that has been inconsiderable, the entire compression of .the /k cdx, will be less than the inte- 3 gral of the above expression taken from the surface to the depth 2a, that is rE ( C 2a ) -r-^] (r-x?Pndx\dx , (r x) (J x ) + -g- x 0-00468 or very approximately, E [' * e< ~f]< o + x 0-00468 rr2a P/i^a; = Q, and I ocPndx = It. J X Then E f - r Jo Performing the integrations 1 , we obtain for the larger re sulting terms, a*--a*b x 1-55280 + -=~ a x 0'00468; r r 6 1 It has been already proved that , b ( la; 3 1 z 5 Pn=V-- 5- 0-5 + 1 Sl- at 3 a 2 1 . 2 a 4 6 { 8 1 la; 4 1 1 la; 6 ^ Vx-- I ^ - g . 5 - a + j-2 .g g- 4 1 1 1 a; 2n+a | L) a 2 " + j ' F. 5 66 ELEVATIONS ON THE [CH. vi. and for the smaller, - j-^V + -a*bx 11393 - ZEVa x r { 3r r The general term of the series is ( _ l)n 5 1 1 a 2 /* 1 1 Taking 2a as the superior limit of the integral, the general term becomes (-l) n a& And putting n + 1 for w the next term to this will be And the sum of the two terms 22n+l r i 2 2 1 )j Giving to n the series of values 0, 2, 4, 6, ..., 14, we obtain for the sum of the terms to the 16 th inclusive, abx 1-273320. Hence we have for the value of J Tndx, when x= 2a (or at the superior limit), V2a-abx 1-273320; l pndx= V (2a - x) - ab x 1-273320 5 |a; 3 _ 1 1# 4 1 1 Iic 6 _ + a|2"~3'4o 2 + "^'5'6a*~ . -.! 1 1 a 2n+2 \ 273320a&a = ( ( [^Pndx^ dx=V (tax - ~\ - l- '1 1 1 1 x~ n+ * ' CH. vi.] HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY. 67 As yet no definite values have been assigned to any of the constants. Taking the observed rate of cooling at -g^th of a degree F. per foot in descending, the time since the supposed solidification The integral has to be taken from #=0 at the surface to that value of x which expresses the thickness of the rigid crust beyond which corrugations will not have been formed. Now the melting temperature V is reached within an extremely small error at the depth 2a. We may therefore take 2a as the superior limit, and the above quantity becomes ( 2 y which corresponds to any assumed fraction of F, does not involve any of the constants of the problem. But Pn will not altogether vanish until the integral becomes equal to -Javrr, which, from a known definite integral, will not be until p is infinite. We have assumed^? = 2 for convenience of calculation, since even so small a value makes Pn small. But the relation ke rpa / ft rpa e= (T-%-3 (r- Jo \(r-x)*J x can be made as exact as we please by taking p large enough. Had that been done we can see that the larger terms of the V result would have been proportional to EVa?, since 6 and the small terms of the bracket multiplied by - would have been proportional to'EVa 3 , a being equal to Z*jKt. We can therefore, by means of a proportion, deduce from the value of 2ke already found, its value corresponding to any other values of E } V, or K. For instance, if we introduce for V the temperature which Mr Mallet has determined for melting slag, viz. 4000 F., CH. vi.] HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY. 7 1 instead of 7000, and the corresponding value for t, viz. 33,000,000 years 1 , the result becomes surprisingly small in- deed. For then 2ke would be about 149 feet. In this case 2a would be about 100 miles. It is however important to remark that as far as our determi- nation of the average height of the inequalities is concerned the conductivity of the rock is not required to be known, nor yet the time since solidification took place, but only the value of the constant a, which is known at once from the rate of increase of temperature near the surface and the temperature of solidi- fication. Because (see Sir William Thomson's paper) dv V _* 2F Jt -j- = . - _ 4" t - 7= a* , fc Jirict ajir hence near the surface, putting a = 0, 1 _ 2V 51 ajir ' and therefore, when F= 7000, a = 102J= 402832. VTT But although the actual value of the conductivity is not involved, nevertheless the equations assume that its average value continues constant, as indeed it is found to do by obser- vation near the surface 2 . 1 To find the time since the earth was all melted, on the supposition that it has cooled as a solid, and that the temperature was then 4000 F. as deter- mined for slag in Mr Mallet's experiments. v i . Taking -^ of 1 as the rate of increase of temperature at the surface where oi # = 0, we get from the above = 33 millions of years. 2 Principal Forbes found that the conductivity of iron diminishes as the temperature increases. Tait's "Becent Advances in Ph. Science," 2ud ed., 7 2 ELEVATIONS ON THE HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY. It is desirable to know what the radial contraction of the globe would have been, that is, how much nearer to the centre any point on the surface would be at present, than it was when solidification took place. In this case we must find the con- traction along a radius. But we must also remember that any point on the surface must be considered raised by the average height due to the compression which results from the sphericity of the surface, i. e. by 2ke. Now the contraction along any radius will evidently be E r 2 " if as before we take 2a as the depth to which the cooling, and therefore the contraction, is sensible. Hence the actual con- traction will be f l**Pndx -2ke = f (VZa-ab x 1-273320) - 2ke. o Jo & p If we give to F the value 7000 F., and ^ = '000007, with the value just found for a this gives radial contraction =11112-866 feet, = 10246 feet, = 1*9 miles. If however we assume 4000 for the temperature of solidifi- cation, since the result is proportional to Va, and therefore to F s , we get in this case, in which 2ke = 149 feet, radial contraction = 3479 feet, = 0'65 of a mile. p. 264. If such be the case with the earth's crust, then the temperature would increase more rapidly, and the depth at which we might suppose the tempera- ture of solidification to be "reached would be nearer the surface. This would make the average height of the elevations less. CHAPTER VII. HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY FAILS. Summary of results of Chap. VI. ^ Grounds on which Physicists have restricted geological time within certain limits-^-Discrepancy between height of the actual average elevations and of those which would be produced upon a cooling solid globe Necessary alternative suppositions Captain Dutton's argument Ocean basins Opinions about them of Pratt, Mallet, Hopkins, LeConte Eadial contraction cannot explain them Still less oscillations of surface Examples of oscillation N. Wales, Appalachians, New Zealand, India, Colorado Plateau 'Givyn Jeffreys on changes of level -Babbage The dis- tribution of elevations in ranges requires a fluid substratum This suppo- sition explains other surface movements The pressures under which any part of the crust is in equilibrium The so-called " contractional hypothesis " not to be abandoned Captain Dutton's objections to it considered. THE results at which we have arrived in the preceding chapter are that, if the elevations on the earth's surface are due to the contraction of a hot solid globe, cooling by conduction to and radiation from its outer surface, then the average height of the elevations above the datum level can be expressed within the limits of error of a few feet, by a formula which we have there obtained. And if into this formula we introduce the following suppositions (1) That the average rate of increase of temperature near the surface is 1 F. for 51 feet of descent ; (2) That the temperature at which the rocks solidified was 7,000 F. ; we then arrive at the result, that the average height of the elevations produced from the era of solidification to the present time would be between 800 and 900 feet. But if, instead of 74 HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY FAILS. [OH. vn. 7,000 F., we suppose that the rocks solidified at 4,000 F., which is about the temperature of melting slag, then the average height of the elevations would be less than 200 feet. These results do not require a knowledge of the conductivity. But if the conductivity be known, then the time elapsed since solidification took place is also known, and if we accept the value for this constant found for certain rocks in situ at Edin- burgh by Sir Wm. Thomson, viz. 400 *, it appears that it would have been about 98,000,000 years ago, if the temperature of solidification was 7,000 F. ; and about 33,000,000 years if it was 4,000 F. 2 These are the grounds, and these are the data, upon the strength of which physicists have restricted geologists to a term of years for the evolution of the present state of the earth 3 . If the earth be not solid their argument fails. We have also found that with the temperature 7,000 F. the cooling would have sensibly penetrated to a depth of about 160 miles, and with a temperature of 4,000 to about 100 miles. This is irrespective of the conductivity 4 . The condition of the sphere below the depth to which cooling has extended, that is whether it be liquid or solid, would not influence the conclusions regarding the amount of the elevations arrived at in the last chapter. Its temperature there, however, must be supposed that of solidification of the surface. 1 " Trans. Koyal Soc. Edin.," Vol. XXIL, 1861; 400 is nearly the mean of the 2nd column in the table at p. 426. See also "Nat. Phil.," p. 718. 2 See p. 71, note. 8 "If we suppose the temperature of melting rock to be about 10,000 F. (an extremely high estimate) the consolidation may have taken place 200,000,000 years ago." Sir Wm. Thomson, "Trans. Eoyal Soc. Edin.," Vol. xxm. p. 157, 1862, and Thomson and Tait, "Nat. Phil.," p. 716, ed. 1867. "Geology, in framing its conclusions, is compelled to take into account the teachings of other sciences. If we felt disposed to give an indefinite amount of time to the evolution of cosmos out of chaos, as has sometimes been thought possible, the student of heat, and mechanics comes in, and asserts upon the authority of his branch of science, that a limit must be put to the time available for bringing about the present condition of things': he will grant 100,000,000 to 300,000,000 of years as the extreme allowance of time ; if geologists cannot be content with this allow- ance, a distinguished professor has said, ' so much the worse for the geologists, for more they cannot have' (Prof. Tait on 'Some recent advances in Physical Science')." Bp. of Carlisle on "Origin of the World, &c.," S. P. C. K. 1880. 4 p. 71. en. vii.] HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY FAILS. 75 We have previously, in the fifth chapter, estimated the average height of the elevations which actually exist upon the earth's surface above the datum level, which we have assumed to coincide approximately with the profound depths of the ocean, and we have found it to be at the lowest estimate about 9,500 feet. This is more than ten times as great as the theo- retical estimate belonging to the temperature 7,000 F., and about fifty times as great as the estimate corresponding to the temperature 4,000 F., upon the hypothesis of a cooling solid globe. It does not seem probable that an error in the assumed values of the temperature of solidification on the one hand, nor in estimating the average height of the actually existing in- equalities on the other, can explain the discrepancy. We appear then to be compelled to accept one of the two alterna- tives. (1) Either the inequalities of the earth's surface are not altogether, or even chiefly, due to lateral compression, or (2) there has been some other cause involved in producing the needful amount of compression of the crust, besides the contrac- tion of a solid interior through mere cooling. Captain C. E. Dutton, of the United States army, has like- wise noticed this inability of the contraction of a solid globe through cooling to account for the geological facts 1 . His argu- ment is of a similar character to that of the author here re- published. The question now for consideration is whether we are right in attributing the inequalities to lateral compression, or whether there may not be some other hypothesis which better explains the phenomena. The principal difficulties appear to be with regard to the basins of the great oceans. Were the earth a perfectly smooth spheroid, without any inequalities on its surface, even in that case an excess of density in particular regions would determine a flow of water towards them, and it is conceivable that dry 1 " American Journal of Science and Art," Jan. 1874, Vol. vm., 3rd series, p. 113. This article was posterior to the author's first publication on the subject, but entirely independent of it. A subsequent brochure by Capt. Dutton upon the same topic appeared in the " Penn Monthly," Philadelphia, May, 1876, which was reviewed in the " Geol. Mag." Decade n. Vol. iv. p. 322. 76 HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY FAILS. [CH. vn. land and oceans might exist, even although the radial distances of the land-surfaces and of the sea-bottoms from the centre of figure might be perfectly equal. That the distribution of the oceans is to some extent actually due to such a cause appears certain ; for otherwise a whole hemisphere could not be almost entirely covered with water. On this point Archdeacon Pratt remarked, " There is no doubt that the solid parts of the earth's crust beneath the Pacific Ocean, must be denser than in the corresponding parts on the opposite side, otherwise the ocean would flow away to the other parts of the earth." And after explaining the reason for this statement he adds, " There must therefore be some excess of matter in the solid parts of the earth between the Pacific Ocean and the earth's centre, which retains the water in its place. This effect may be produced in an infinite variety of ways ; and therefore, without data, it is use- less to speculate regarding the arrangement of matter which actually exists in the solid parts below 1 ." And Herschel con- sidered that the prevalence of land and water in two opposite hemispheres "proves the force by which the continents are sustained to be one of tumefaction, inasmuch as it indicates a situation of the centre of gravity of the total mass of the earth somewhat eccentric relatively to that of the general figure of the external surface the eccentricity lying in the direction of our antipodes: and is therefore a proof of the comparative lightness of the materials of the terrestrial hemis- phere 2 ." A like conclusion as to the greater comparative density of the bed of the ocean, was arrived at by Archdeacon Pratt from the fact that at seven Coast Stations out of thirteen, six being in the Anglo-gallic, and one in the Russian arc, it has been found that a deflection of the plumb-line exists towards the sea 8 . "In fact," he remarks, "the density of the crust beneath the mountains must be less than that below the plains, and still less than that below the ocean-bed. If solidification from a fluid 1 "Figure of the Earth," 4th ed., p. 236, 1871. A great ice-cap would also have its effect. See Croll's " Climate and Time," Chaps, xxm. xxiv. 2 " Physical Geography," 13, 1862. 3 Figure of the Earth," pp. 200 and 206. 4th ed. 1871. CH. vii.] HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY FAILS. 77 state commenced at the surface, the amount of radial contrac- tion in the solid parts beneath the surface of the mountain- region has been less than in the parts beneath the sea-bed. In fact it is this unequal contraction which appears to have caused the hollows in the external surface, which have become the basins into which the waters have flowed to form the ocean." Latterly, however, he attributed the formation of mountainous regions to horizontal compression 1 . Mr Mallet, in his paper on Volcanic Energy, takes a similar view. He thinks that the land- and sea-boundaries were shaped out by radial contraction during the first great stage of the operation of refrigeration, while the crust was thin and flexible, owing to the rapid contraction of its viscous portion, which must then have been much thicker than the solid sheet above it 2 . Mr Hopkins appears to have been opposed to these views which suppose a difference of radial contraction ; and to have held that lateral compression was the cause of the formation of the greater inequalities as well as of the lesser ones, for we find him in discussing M. Elie de Beaumont's theories to have used these words: "The physical cause to which our author refers the phenomena of elevation the shrinking of the earth's crust is that which appears to me most unlikely to produce that paroxysmal action which his theory so essentially requires ; and most likely to produce those slow and gradual movements which it scarcely recognizes. The actual depressions of the great oceanic basins, and generally the more widely extended geological depressions of the present or former periods, may, I think, be referred with great probability to this cause 3 ." The theories respecting the formation of the larger features of the earth's surface have been discussed by Professor LeConte 1 In the third edition of the " Figure of the Earth " no mention was made of horizontal compression, but mountains were attributed to vertical expansion. In the fourth, p. 203, note, the author's estimate of the horizontal force of compression is referred to. 2 " Trans. Koyal Soc." 1873, 52 and 60. 3 Presidential Address to the Geol. Soc. 1853, " Geol. Journ.," Vol. ix. p. Ixxxix. 78 HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY FAILS. [CH. vn. in so lucid and unprejudiced a style, that his papers are well worthy of study. The following passage conveys his conclu- sions. " Mountain chains and mountain ranges are therefore, I think, beyond question produced by horizontal thrust crushing together the whole rock mass, and swelling it up vertically; the horizontal thrust being the necessary result of secular con- traction of the interior of the earth. The smaller inequalities, such as ridges, peaks, gorges, and, in fact, nearly all that con- stitutes scenery, .are produced by subsequent erosion. I feel considerable confidence in the substantial truth of the foregoing statement of the formation of mountain-chains. As to the mode of formation of continents and sea-bottoms, I feel less confidence. It is possible that even these may be formed by a similar un- equal yielding to horizontal thrust, and a similar crushing together and up-swelling. If so, it would be necessary to suppose the amount of horizontal yielding in this case much less, but the depth effected much greater than in the case of mountain- chains. But, as we find no unmistakable structural evidence of such crushing, except in the case of mountain-chains, I have preferred to attribute the formation of continents and sea- bottoms to unequal radial contraction 1 ." The last sentence of this passage appears to invite the remark that we cannot expect in general to have evidence of crushing except in those areas which are open to investigation, viz. on dry land. But there it is not confined to mountain- chains. Contorted strata are to be also found in what would be termed level countries, often covered with horizontal deposits of later date 8 : and this fact in itself proves that these contorted strata have been once covered by an ocean, offering a strong presumption that there are contorted strata now at the bottoms of the oceans. In fact it is clear that, on account of the sedimentary character of the rocks that compose continents proving that they cannot be prinrseval protuberances, the only hypothesis which can compete with that of lateral compression is that of * "American Journal of Science," 3rd series, Vol. iv. p. 462, 1872. 3 For example the highly contorted carboniferous strata of parts of Belgium. CH. vii.] HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY FAILS. 79 unequal radial contraction. But we have shown in the pre- ceding chapter that 10,246 feet, or about 1/9 miles, would be the radial contraction of the whole thickness of the cooled crust on the supposition of the higher, and 3,479 feet, or about O65 of a mile, upon the supposition of the lower temperature that we have assumed. Now we must remember that, if the oceans be due to radial contraction, it is only the difference of radial contraction beneath them and the land that can be appealed to, to account for their relative depression. But we see by the above that the entire radial contraction is not sufficient for the purpose. This seems conclusive against this cause being capable of explaining the existing difference of level between the land-surface and the ocean-bottom. Of course it will be seen that the reasoning of the above paragraph applies only upon the hypothesis of the inequalities of the earth's surface being due to the cooling of a solid globe, or at least of one solid to the depth to which cooling has ex- tended. There may be other causes producing radial contraction, .and perhaps also expansion, of which no account has been taken. After what has been said, it seems hardly necessary to adduce any further arguments against the production of ocean basins by radial contraction from cooling. Yet it will be well to observe that there are additional difficulties in explaining by this means the oscillations of the surface up and down, which are known to have occurred in the same areas again and again. For that land and sea might interchange places by radial con- traction, the land must sink far below the bottom of the sea, so that the sea should flow into the depression thus caused, leaving its former bed forsaken and dry. This is an event which, according to our numerical results, would be quite impossible. The more one considers the instability of the earth's crust and the magnitude according to our standards of the move- ments, the more one is lost in amazement : and it is im- possible to avoid using the kind of exaggerated language which is the opprobrium of popular geology. Bocks of a single geological period, thicker than the heights of the highest moun- tains, have been deposited over certain areas, sunk, been re- 8o HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY FAILS. (CH. vn. elevated, crumpled, and denuded, and still stand as lofty moun- tains. In North Wales, Cambrian rocks were measured by Mr Aveline of the thickness of 23,000 feet 1 . The deposits of the Appalachian chain, we are told, attain a thickness of eight miles 2 . In such cases as these, not only must the rocks now exposed at the localities, where the lower beds of the series are at the surface, have been at one time as far below the sea ; but the areas now occupied by sea must have presented land surfaces, in the latter instance believed to have been to the north-east, in order to furnish the detritus out of which these great piles of strata were formed. Again the islands of New Zealand occupy a central position in the aqueous hemi- sphere ; and yet they contain a series of deposits chronologically analogous to those of the northern hemisphere 3 ; whence it follows that they must have been often submerged during periods, when there existed, in what is now an extended ocean, land surfaces, from which the materials of their rocks must have been derived. The Himalayan area presents some peculiarly interesting features in this connection. The sub-Himalayan range consists of tertiary strata which are now highly disturbed. All, with the exception of the lower portion, which is nummulitic and conse- quently marine, are composed of sub-aerial deposits, formed by detritus brought down by torrents from the Himalayas. These deposits are together between 12,000 and 15,000 feet thick. The sandstones, which form the chief portion of these beds, and the red clays which are intercalated with them, are exactly like the alluvial deposits of the plains. " Thus it was suggestive, and not altogether misleading, to say that the Siwaliks were formed of an upraised portion of the plains of India 4 ." The surface movements indicated by this history suggest a level area at the foot of the Himalayan range, sinking continuously during the former part of the tertiary period. Then a great movement of 1 Jukes' " Student's Manual of Geology," 3rd ed., p. 526, 1872. 2 Hall's "Natural History of New York," Part vi. Palaeontology, Vol. in. p. 67. 3 Capt. F. W. Button, " Geol. Mag.," Decade n. Vol. i. p. 27, note. See also Hochstetter's " Geology of New Zealand," Auckland, 1864. 4 " Manual of the Geology of India," Medlicott and Blandford, p. 525. CH. vii.] HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY FAILS. 8 1 lateral compression and elevation took place. Again it sunk, and unconformable beds were deposited. These were again elevated and compressed. Such at least appears to be the interpretation of the description given by the surveyors 1 . But the point which is material to our present subject is the sinking of the land surface to the depth of nearly three miles, while river deposits to that thickness were being laid down ; the whole being denuded off mountains whose spoils have in more recent times provided materials for the great plains of India ; and still those mountains stand the highest in the world. That a sink- ing of the area of the plains of a similar character is yet in pro- gress, is shown by the boring at Fort William, near Calcutta, in which to the depth of 400 feet fresh-water deposits occurred. The conclusion seems irresistible that corresponding to the long, though occasionally interrupted, depression of these plains, a correlative elevation of the great range which has supplied the deposits has been going on. This sinking of river plains and estuaries is an apparently universal occurrence : the great thickness of fluviatile deposits in them cannot otherwise be accounted for. Thus the fluviatile accumulations have been proved in the case of the Po to the depth of 400 feet, of the Ganges to 481, and of the Mississippi to 630 feet 2 . The recent explorations of the region of the Rocky Mountains by the Government Survey of the United States, has greatly added to our knowledge about the movements of the earth's crust both in kind and in degree. The rocks affected are of many periods, down to the newer tertiary, and even the quater- nary 3 . They are cut up by enormous faults into blocks, the throw of the faults being sometimes as much as 40,000 feet. Yet the movements have been so gradual that the rivers have had time to deepen their channels as the plateaux rose, so that they now flow in the profound " Canons of the Colorado" some- times more than a mile deep. 1 See Diagram, p. 44. 2 Dr Eicketts, " Valleys, Deltas, Bays, and Estuaries," p. 22. Liverpool, 1872. 3 "High Plateaus of Utah." Capt. Dutton, Prefatory note by Major Powell, p. viii. See a review of this work by Prof. A. Geikie in " Nature," Vol. xxn. p. 324. F. 6 82 HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY FAILS. [en. vn. Reference has already been made to the opinion that the continents have occupied nearly their present positions from the earliest times. It is doubtful whether there are sufficient grounds to render this doctrine quite certain. In spite of the advance which has been made within the last few years in our knowledge of the nature of the ocean floor by dredging and sounding, we must probably always lack experimental know- ledge as to whether it covers submerged land or not. Dr Gwyn Jeffreys has described some facts regarding the occurrence of marine shells of existing species at different heights above the present level of the sea, showing how recently much of the present land has been raised. And he has asked, " Can we rightly assign to the present oceans that geologically remote antiquity which is claimed for them 1 ?" Enough 'has been said to show that difference of radial con- traction from mere cooling is utterly inadequate to account for the existing inequalities of the surface, and still more so for the oscillations which have affected those surfaces during all geo- logical periods. The theory of Babbage 2 that the heat, con- ducted upwards into the thick deposits laid down at the bottom of the ocean, expands and elevates their surface, is possibly a vera causa, but quite incapable by itself of explaining great changes of level. Moreover the heat conducted into the new deposits must be abstracted from the couches beneath, so that there can be no absolute increase in the amount of heat beneath the area in question except such as is supplied to it laterally, so that the process must be excessively slow. We have previously been reasoning upon the hypothesis that a solid globe, in the process of cooling, might, owing to the compression of the crust, protrude a certain quantity of the matter of the crust above what would have been its surface had the crust been perfectly compressible i e. above our " datum level." But are we justified in supposing that that matter 1 " Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc." Vol. xxxvi. p. 351. See also a paper by Mr T. Mellard Eeade, " Geol. Mag." Decade n. Vol. vn. p. 385. 2 On the Temple of Serapis, " Geol. Journal," Vol. in. p. 186 ; a paper containing the germ of much true reasoning about the physics of the earth's crust. CH. VIL] HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY FAILS. 83 would have been so distributed as to have formed continents and their back -bone mountain ranges ? Unless the material of which the crust was composed was extremely unhomogeneous, and unhomogeneous in strips corresponding to the axes of elevation, and unless these strips changed their positions and directions at different periods, it is impossible that such com- pression can have produced the present distribution of the elevated ranges; much less different distributions at different epochs. What is required to explain the phenomena is a liquid, or at least a plastic substratum for the crust to rest on, which will allow it to undergo a certain amount of lateral shift towards the ranges. Neither is it easy to explain the sinking of areas in pro- portion to their becoming overloaded with sediment, whether beneath the ocean or sub-aerially, upon any other supposition. But if such a liquid substratum be granted, many of the facts are more easily explained. In that case the semi-rigid crust would assume a position of rest upon this substratum, which, within certain limits depending upon its rigidity, would be one of hydrostatic equilibrium. That is to say, the distribution of load might be made somewhat different from what it is without disturbing the equilibrium, but it could not be made very different. For instance, if the present configuration of the Himalayan region be one of approximate equilibrium, which it clearly is, if much sediment is brought off the mountains and spread over the plains, the mountains become after a while too light and the plains too heavy, and accordingly the moun- tains rise and the plains sink to restore the contour. This appears to be what has happened. The pressures under which any portion of the crust would be in equilibrium will be (1) the tangential stress, (2) its own weight, and (3) the upward pressure of the substratum. If any one of these is changed beyond a certain amount the equi- librium will be destroyed and a movement of the crust will ensue. Here are three forces involved, each of which is due to a different proximate cause : the tangential pressure producing compression of the crust (from whatever arising); the distribution 62 84 HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY FAILS. [CH. VH. of the weight of the crust, which will depend upon the transfer of sediment, and is therefore caused partly by solar energy ; aod pressure from beneath, which may be attributed to elastic matter confined by the superincumbent crust. No true theory of crust movements can be propounded, which does not involve all these simultaneously. But it is hardly unfair to say that in general this consideration has been overlooked, and one or other, or perhaps two together of these causes, have been invoked, and the theory has been incomplete accordingly. We henceforward assume the existence of a substratum which is either continuously and continually fluid, or at least plastic. It might be supposed that a stratum whose solidity is due to pressure, and which becomes plastic when the pressure is lessened, would satisfy the requirements of the problem. But if it be true that the overloading of an area with sediment causes it to sink, this cannot be the case ; because by that means the pressure, and therefore the solidity, ought to be in- creased instead of diminished ; and the crust would not yield to the pressure. The possibility of the existence of such a liquid substratum as is postulated, has been explained in the second chapter. We now perceive that its existence is necessary for the explanation of the phenomena of geology. We no longer regard the globe as solid from surface to centre. But we do not on that account give up what has been called the contractional hypothesis, but rather seek other causes adequate to produce the compressing stress, which we believe has been one of the forces to which the production of the inequalities of the surface is due. It will be as well at this point to refer to some ob- jections raised by Captain Button against this hypothesis, and if possible to reply to them. "The displacements which the strata have suffered are frequently extreme. Not only are they buckled up into great wave-like ridges ; but are frequently inclined past the vertical, and are sometimes turned almost completely upside down. In New England and the Middle States the palaeozoic strata are so extremely flexed and the folds so closely pressed together that they present in many CH. vii.] HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY FAILS. 85 localities nothing but a series of beds all dipping to the south- east at a high angle. Yet in spite of the extreme displacement there is no chaos. The different beds are not crushed into fragments nor disorganised, but preserve their relative positions as perfectly as when they were deposited. However vast the disturbing force must have been, we may well wonder at the gentleness and ease with which they have been lifted up or let down. As if to remind us how destructive the force might have been, we find here and there a few acres which have unmis- takably been subject to lateral thrusts in consequence of the sliding of a large mass down a steep incline, or some other local cause, and the strata have 'gone into pi.' This preservation of continuity would suggest to the investigator who might endeavor to apply mechanical principles to the problem, that the force which produced the movements was a minimum force that is, a force having the smallest intensity which is capable of producing the movement. But this is demonstrably a system of forces acting upwards at the anticlinals and downwards at the synclinals. It is equally capable of de- monstration that of all possible modes in which a force could be applied to produce a fold, the horizontal or tangential ap- plication would require the greatest intensity. It is the latter force which the contractional hypothesis supplies. It is diffi- cult to admit that it could produce plications at all : the most probable result of it would be the annihilation of all traces of structure and stratification. This inference will be strengthened by recalling a well-known law of mechanics that tendencies to rupture (' moments of rupture') increase with the cubes of dimensions, while resistances to rupture ('moments of resist- ance ') increase only with the squares. The masses under con- sideration are, collectively, of the extent of states and empires ; the individuals are mountain ranges and valley bottoms, and their coherence in the presence of the forces which are adequate to move them becomes by virtue of the foregoing law a vanish- ing quantity. Such masses, under the action of the supposed force, would be the merest rubble, and quite incapable of pre- serving their integrity. The action has been frequently illus- trated by subjecting a pile of paper to compression edgewise. 86 HYPOTHESIS OF SOLIDITY FAILS. [CH. vn. A closer analogy would be presented if the paper were reduced to ashes or charcoal before applying the pressure. A better, though far from an adequate one, may be found in the chaos produced in the Arctic regions when a great ice-floe is driven upon a rocky coast 1 ." The former part of this quotation gives a very graphic description of the phenomena which we have to explain. But the objection is not perhaps of great force. In the first place, it is difficult to understand how the extreme flexure, with folds so closely pressed together as to present a mere series of beds dipping all in one direction, can be produced by any conceivable " system of forces acting upwards at the anticlinals and down- wards at the synclinals." Nor yet does it seem necessary that a horizontal compressing force should reduce the strata to the "merest rubble." Such a force would accumulate until the beds yielded along some line. But when that had happened the movement would not become any the more rapid. The com- pression would be capable of attaining great intensity, but need not be impulsive, and would quickly cease when satisfied. Some very interesting experiments upon the effect of com- pression upon layers of clay have been made by Professor A. Favre, of Geneva, the results of which closely imitate the con- tortions seen in real mountains. Some of them are figured in " Nature 2 ." The original quasi stratification of the clay experi- mented on is nowhere obliterated. It has not "gone into 'pi.'" 1 Theories of the Earth's Physical Evolution, " Penn Monthly," 1876, p. 376. See also " Geol. Mag." Dec. n. Vol. in. p. 327. 3 " Nature," Vol. xix. p. 105. See also chap. x. CHAPTER VIII. FLUID SUBSTRATUM. The extravasation of water substance from beneath the crust suggested as a cause of contraction -of volume Igneo-aqueous fusion Dissolving power of water when above the critical temperature Scrope LeConte Escape of steam from volcanic vents Opinion that sea water gains access to volcanic foci Objections to this hypothesis Experiment of Daubree not in point Views on cosmogony Dr Sterry Hunt's theory Objections to it Fails to account for the facts A suggestion to explain the presence of water substance below the cooled crust. WE have now to seek for causes of compression by con- traction of the volume of the globe beneath the cooled crust, or otherwise ; and we have arrived at the conclusion that we are at liberty, or rather are obliged, to seek them compatibly with the existence of a liquid or plastic substratum. Accordingly, when the Author's paper on " the Inequalities of the Earth's Surface viewed in connection with the secular Cooling" was read, it contained the following suggestion: "There may have been a considerably larger nucleus in- closed within the crust in early times than we have at present, and a great portion of such nucleus may have consisted in superheated water, the rocks being in a state of igneo-aqueous solution: and much of this water may have been blown off in steam during volcanic eruptions, by that means materially con- tributing to the diminution of the volume. I have suggested in my former paper read before this Society, that Mr Sorby's observations on the water enclosed in granitic crystals, along 88 FLUID SUBSTRATUM. [CH. vm. with crystals of chlorides, renders it probable that the steam emitted in eruptions may be a constituent part of the deep- seated rocks, for it is probable that but a small part of the water contained in any magma would become confined in the interior of the crystals 1 . "Here, however, the question arises whether it would be possible for a crust to form over a layer of molten rock in a condition of igneo-aqueous fusion. Would not the escape of the water cause a state of constant ebullition which would pre- vent the formation of any crust until it had ceased through the escape of all the water ? ********* " We can conceive that at depths where the heat and pressure were sufficient there might be no tendency to evaporation and consequent ebullition, so that after the water had escaped to a certain depth ebullition would cease, and a crust be formed; but that more water would be ready to separate to a greater depth when its affinity for the rock became lessened through the abstraction of heat, or diminution of pressure owing to the crust being partially supported by corrugation. " If such was the condition of the interior in the early stages of the cosmogony, a large portion of the oceans now above the crust may once have been beneath it, and thus we gain a novel conception of a sense in which the fountains of the abyss may once have been broken up 2 ." Upon this passage the Referee made the following anno- tation. " The Author suggests other causes of shrinking besides loss of heat, namely the escape of water. " It is probable, or rather certain, that water substance, if it exists at great depths under great pressure and at high temperature, is neither a gas nor a liquid, being above its critical point. "In this state substances are easily dissolved in it, not how- ever so much on account of a greater tendency to combine with water, as on account of a greater tendency of their own to 1 "Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc." Vol. xn. Pt. 1, p. 505. 2 Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc." Vol. xn. Pt. 2, p. 431. CH. VIIL] FLUID SUBSTRATUM. 89 dissipation. At still higher temperature the water substance becomes itself dissociated into oxygen and hydrogen. But it does not follow that the dissolved substances will be precipi- tated. The magma may be all the more complete the higher the temperature, because, though the bonds of affinity have fallen away, the prison-walls prevent the elements from escap- ing. But of all the known regions of the Universe the most unsafe to reason about is that which is under our feet." ********* "There is a suggestion as to shrinkage by escape of water, the objections to which so far as they are stated in the paper" viz. those in the second paragraph on the last page " I do not think of great moment, considering the slowness of diffusion through a thickness equal to that of the earth's crust 1 ." This suggestion of the escape of water was subsequently repeated in a paper upon " Mr Mallet's Theory of volcanic energy," in the Phil. Mag. for October, 1875: and upon receiving a copy of it, Mr Scrope wrote : " There is one of the points you put forward which never struck me before, but which now appears to me most valuable; namely, that the enormous amount of steam that has escaped from the interior in early times, as well as down to the present, has been, and is, the cause of those subsidences of the crust, to which the basins of seas and oceans, and the crumplings of the terrestrial rocks are owing, far more than to any general contraction of the nucleus 1 " The general result obtained from these experiments was, that the solvent power of water was found to be determined by two conditions : 1. Temperature, or molecular vis viva ; and 2. Closeness of the molecules on pressure, which seems to give penetrative power. From these observations it will be seen that, if a body has any solvent action on another and does not act upon it chemically, such solvent action may be indefinitely increased by indefinitely increasing the temperature and pressure of the solvent. In nature the temperature has been at one time higher than we can obtain artificially, and the pressure obtained by a depth of 200 miles from the surface is greater than can be supported by any of the mate- rials from which we can form vessels. It will thus be seen that, whereas in nature almost unlimited solvent power could be obtained, we are not as yet able to reproduce these conditions artificially. Could pressure alone increase solvent power, then much might be done, but pressure only acts by keeping the molecules close together when they have great vis viva ; and this latter is only obtained by high temperature." Hannay on the Artificial Formation of the Diamond. Paper read at the Koyal Society. See " Nature," July 15, 1880. 90 FLUID SUBSTRATUM. [CH. vm. by cooling." The hypothesis has also been favourably men- tioned by Prof. Joseph LeConte 1 . Under these circumstances it appears worth while to follow it out somewhat further, and to examine its validity. There can be no question regarding the fact, that enormous quantities of steam are emitted from volcanos when in erup- tion ; and some amount almost continually from many. To be assured of this, it is sufficient to look at the frontispiece of Scrope's " Volcanos/' or at the view, copied from a photograph, of Vesuvius on the 26th April, 1872, in Palmieri's " Vesuvius," translated by Mr Mallet 2 . That intrepid observer relates, on that day " two large craters opened at the summit, discharging with a dreadful noise, audible at a great distance, an immense cloud of smoke and ashes, with bombs and flakes, rising to the height of 1300 metres above the brim of lava." The Author remembers that in the narrative of a correspondent of a news- paper at the time, the sound, as heard at Naples, was compared to four lions roaring in the four corners of the room in which he sat. These and similar descriptions give a notion of the enormous quantities of steam, and of the force with which it is emitted on these occasions. The question is ; not regarding the fact that water is present in the volcanic emanations, but how it comes to be there. This of course opens up the whole subject. The circum- stance that many of the best-known volcanos are near the sea, that many actually form islands in the wide ocean, and that great trains of volcanos skirt the shores notably of the Pacific, has led to the opinion that the waters of the sea by some means find access to what have been called the volcanic foci, and are there heated, and find exit through their vents. This explanation has been thought to receive support from the " sea salts," which are deposited by the emanations 3 . There are but two ways in which the waters of the sea 1 American Journal of Science and Arts, Vol. xvi. p. 107, 3rd Ser. 1878. 2 Asher and Co., London, 1873. See Plate iv. A., and p. 91. 3 " Even chloride of iron, which was so abundant in the lavas, was scarcely perceptible in the smoke, which almost exclusively deposited sea-salt on the surrounding rocks; I say sea-salt advisedly, and not chloride of sodium, to show that I include all that sea-salt contains." Palmieri, Op. cit. p. 121. CH. VIIL] FLUID SUBSTRATUM. 9 1 could possibly find access to the hot interior; and these are, by open fissures, and by capillary absorption. If a fissure were to open at the bottom of the sea, so that water were to gain access to heated rocks, it seems incredible that the steam, if such were formed, should not be formed at once, and the water be forced back again through the same fissure by which it entered. Or if we suppose, as is probable, that the pressure of the water would prevent the formation of steam, still there would be a highly expansive fluid, which would rush upwards at the same place, rather than traverse a long underground journey to find exit at a neighbouring volcanic vent. The more plausible opinion is, that the water gains access by capillary absorption, and slowly accumulates in the supposed "volcanic foci," until at last it bursts forth in an eruption. Capillary attraction can be made to do great things, as for instance to split blocks of granite, by driving in dry plugs of wood and wetting them. But it cannot cause a liquid to flow con- tinuously through a tube, however short ; for, if it could, it would give us perpetual motion. And after all it is a finite force and requires special conditions for its development. The chief of these is that surfaces of three media should meet two and two in contact. Thus when water rises in a capillary tube of glass, we have the three media of glass and water and air. The tension of the surface separating water and air is greater than that of the surface separating water and glass 1 . In the present case, there is no third medium present, vapour of water, which might act as such, being prevented from forming by the pressure, so that it does not appear how the action can be set up. If there were a cavity filled with vapour, it is possible that the density of that vapour, and therefore its pressure, might be increased to a certain extent, by the evaporation of the water from the ex- tremity of the capillary tubes, and that was what occurred in the experiment of M. DaubreV. But under the conditions 1 See Maxwell's " Heat," 2nd ed. p. 286. 2 M. Daubree (vide " Rapport sur les progres de la Geologie experimentale," Paris, 1867) deduced a theory of volcanos from the following experiment. He separated two chambers by a circular plate of rock two centimetres in thickness. The upper chamber communicated freely with the atmosphere, the plate of rock forming its lower face. The second chamber was empty, and communicated 92 FLUID SUBSTRATUM. [CH. vm. present the pressure is too great for the formation of vapour, and the temperature too high for capillary attraction to be developed 1 . Still further the existence of capillary communication of water from the surface may be doubted. For if there were sup- posed a capillary tube extending from the bottom of the ocean, the pressure at the lower end of this tube would be that of the water contained in it plus that, if any, arising from capillarity, while the pressure of the crust around its mouth would be that due to the weight of the crust. This latter would be the greater of the two, consequently the liquid upon which the crust rested, having a tension equal to the weight of the crust, would force back the water in the tube, and if it were not too viscous would itself occupy the tube. Thus it appears that the waters of the ocean cannot supply the steam emitted from volcanic vents. The conclusion seems inevitable that water substance holding sea salts in solution, is an original constituent of the magma from which these vaporous emanations are de- rived. What is this magma ? with a manometer. The entire apparatus having been raised to 160, water was poured into the upper chamber ; and soon afterwards the manometer was found to indicate two atmospheres of pressure. When a portion of the vapour accu- mulated in the lower chamber had been allowed to escape, the pressure soon recovered its former value. There was then a true feeding across the partition of rock, the cause of which was the desiccation of the lower face of the partition by vaporization of the water in its interstices, and the subsequent replacement of that water by capillary attraction. (Capillary attraction acted the part of the force-pump which feeds a high-pressure boiler.) M. Daubree conceives that if the layer of rock were of great thickness, and a very high temperature maintained in the cavity, a correspondingly high steam- pressure would result, which would be sufficient to raise lava in the vent of a volcano, and to produce earthquakes; while the force so obtained might after expenditure be again and again renewed. This theory requires the occurrence of cavities at great depths (" supposons une cavite separe'e des eaux de la surface") communicating with the volcanic vents. But the only argument in favour of cavities existing seems to be that the requisite mechanical force is supposed obtainable by means of them; but it seems a priori impossible that there should be such cavities. 1 "In all liquids on which experiments have been made the superficial tension diminishes as the temperature rises, being greatest at the freezing point of the substance, and vanishing altogether at the critical point where the liquid and gaseous states become continuous.". Maxwell's "Heat," 2nd ed., p. 290. CH. viii.] FLUID SUBSTRATUM. 93 There is a natural unwillingness among Geologists to involve themselves in speculations concerning the cosmogony. This is due partly to the inherent uncertainty of the subject, and partly to the deeply implanted doctrines of the uniformitarian school, which in effect teaches that there are no grounds for sound reasoning upon any state of things different from what we now see. However, we are obliged to form some theory on this question if we would speculate on the constitution of the depths beneath the cooled surface of the globe. Among those who have written upon the question, Dr Sterry Hunt, of Montreal, has perhaps offered the most plausible ex- planation. Impressed with the necessity of accounting for the presence of water in the volcanic laboratory, and assuming that all the water belonging to this planet must have existed origi- nally as a gaseous envelope surrounding a still incandescent solid ball, he appears to have seen no means of accounting for this subterraneous water, except by supposing it to have been subsequently derived from the atmosphere by precipitation. " While admitting with Hopkins and Scrope the existence of a solid nucleus and a solid crust, with an interposed stratum of semi-liquid matter, I consider this last to be, not a portion of the yet unsolidified igneous matter, but a layer of material which was once solid, but is now rendered liquid by the inter- vention of water under the influence of heat and pressure. When, in process of refrigeration the globe had reached the point imagined by Hopkins, when a solid crust was formed over the shallow molten layer which covered the solid nucleus, the farther cooling and contraction of this crust would result in irre- gular movements, breaking it up, and causing the extravasation of the yet liquid portions confined beneath. When at length the reduction of temperature permitted the precipitation of water from the dense primaeval atmosphere, the whole cooling and disintegrating mass of broken up crust and poured out igneous rock would become exposed to the action of air and water. In this way the solid nucleus of igneous rock became surrounded with a deep layer of disintegrated and water- impregnated material, the ruins of its former envelope, and the chaotic mass from which, under the influence of heat from 94 FLUID SUBSTRATUM. [CH. vm below and air and water from above, the world of geologic and of human history was to be evolved 1 ." And further on he explains the relation, which this supposed reconstituted outer layer holds to his volcanic theory. "Considering the conditions of its formation, water would seem to be necessarily absent from the originally fused globe, in which the older school of Geologists conceive volcanic rocks to have their source. Scheerer supplemented Scrope's view by showing that the presence of a few hundredths of water, main- tained under pressure at a temperature approaching ignition, would probably suffice to produce a quasi-solution, or an igneo- aqueous fusion of most crystalline rocks ; and subsequent obser- vations of Sorby have demonstrated that the softening and crystallization of many granites and trachytes must have taken place in the presence of water, and at temperatures not above a low red heat. Keeping in view these facts, we can readily understand how the sheet of water-impregnated de'bris, which as we have endeavoured to show must have formed the envelope to the solid nucleus, assumed in its lower portion a semi-fluid condition, and constituted a plastic bed on which the stratified sediments repose. These sediments which are in part modified portions of the disintegrated primitive crust, and in part of chemical origin, by their irregular distribution over different portions of the earth determine after a lapse of time, in the regions of their greatest accumulations, volcanic and plutonic phenomena. It now remains to show the observed relations of these phenomena both in earlier and later times to great accu- mulations of sediment 2 ." On these passages the following remarks suggest themselves. The first process towards obtaining " a deep layer of disinte- grated and water-impregnated material, the ruins of the former envelope " of the solid nucleus, is supposed to arise from " the further cooling and contracting of a solid crust formed over a shallow molten layer." Let us consider this point. The solid crust supposed may 1 Sterry Hunt's "Lecture on Volcanoes and Earthquakes," p. 6. This short lecture, without date or name of publisher, contains a clear resume" of the writer's views. 2 Ibid. p. 8. CH. viii.] FLUID SUBSTRATUM. 95 be compared to the surface of a lava stream. When once this surface had attained the temperature of the atmosphere, it would contract no further, and the hotter subjacent parts would cool by conduction through the exterior. It does not appear therefore that gaping cracks would be formed in it, but on the other hand corrugations, the lateral pressure rather hindering extravasation than promoting it. But this does not appear to be the condition that Dr Hunt contemplates for the formation of a water-impregnated layer. The proximate cause of mountain elevation he considers to be the depression of this supposed water- impregnated layer through the covering of it by thick deposits of detritus, in consequence of which the isogeotherms have risen, the water- impregnated layer has entered on a state of igneo-aqueous fusion, and the globe contracting by general loss of heat has caused the crust to be wrinkled along the elongated areas in this manner weakened. It is obvious however, that the theory thus developed, admirable in some respects, offers no special facility towards affording sufficient compression. The contraction of the matter of the globe through mere cooling is alone appealed to. All the objections therefore to the adequacy of this cause, which have been brought forward in the previous chapters, apply with equal force to Dr Hunt's explanation. It may also be ques- tioned whether a layer of material simply deposited from water, in a manner similar to that of the ooze or sand of the ocean bed, would after consolidation into rock supply sufficient water to account for the immense quantities of steam given off during volcanic eruptions. It appears that there ought to be, under this view of its derivation, the same equivalence between the amount of the lava and of the gaseous emanations from a vent, as between the earthy sediment and the water incorporated with it when it became consolidated after precipitation. Although no exact measures are known, still it seems that the water given off in steam bears too large a proportion to the solid matter to be thus accounted for ; especially when we remember that, besides the emanations from the crater, a large quantity of steam is emitted by the lava stream after eruption, before it becomes cool. 96 FLUID SUBSTRATUM. [CH. vm. The presence of so large a quantity of water substance in the deep-seated and molten rocks is still to seek. The following supposition is offered with considerable diffi- dence. It has been suggested by a paper lately read by Mr Mallet before the Geological Society 1 , although it will be apparent that it is not the same theory as Mr Mallet's. That gentleman has pointed out the undoubted fact, that, if all the water upon the face of the globe were to be at the present moment con- verted into vapour, the pressure which it would exert at the earth's surface would be the same as would be exerted by the present oceans, were they spread in an equable layer over the surface. He then enters into speculations regarding the tem- perature to which water might be raised under such pressure, and its effect upon rocky matter. Let us then revert to the far distant time when the tem- perature of the earth had fallen to that point, when the oxygen and hydrogen were first able to combine. The pressure, caused by the gravitation of the water substance formed from them, would have been that due to a layer of liquid water its exact equivalent. This would have been the same as the pressure of a column of an ocean somewhere about two and a half miles deep. The water substance would at that time have been at far above its critical temperature, and possessed of great solvent power upon silicates and some other minerals. It may then be asked, Is it necessary to suppose that the rocky materials had already formed a solid globe, upon which this water substance was supernatant ? Might not rather such substances as were soluble have been in solution with it, even to that depth at which the magma was succeeded by denser materials insoluble in super- heated water? If that were so, then as cooling proceeded a crust of rock would have been formed by crystallization at a certain level, and would have gradually extended downwards. But there may be even still remaining an intensely hot layer of original water-dissolved silicates, underlying the solid crust, ever in readiness to furnish the steam, gases, and ejectamenta of the volcano; and by the extravasation especially of the former of these to contribute to the contraction of volume of the globe. 1 " Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc." Vol. xxxvi. p. 112. OH. vni.] FLUID SUBSTRATUM. 97 In our ignorance of the properties of water at the high temperatures and under the pressures we are now considering, it is not possible to arrive at any but the most general con- clusions. If we take the mean depth of the ocean to be 2500 fathoms, we find that the pressure due to a layer of water of this depth would be 442 atmospheres, or 236424 mm. of mercury. But we must reduce this in the proportion of 146 : 197 1 , because the depth will be inversely proportional to the area, and we are now sup- posing the ocean spread over the whole globe. This will make the pressure about 327 atmospheres or 249329 mm. of mercury. We do not know what temperature corresponds to this pressure. It was found by M. Cagniard de la Tour that the critical tem- perature of water is about 773 F., but the pressure was not determined. At that temperature the water began to dissolve the glass tube which contained it. At the temperature 230 C., or 446^ F. the pressure of steam is 20926 mm. of mercury 2 . This appears to have been the highest determined by Regnault. It is at once apparent that the temperature corresponding to 249329 mm. of mercury must be greatly above the critical temperature. The lower portion only of the aqueous envelope would have been sufficiently compressed to hold silicates in solution. These would have begun to be deposited in a solid and probably 1 Ch. v. p. 54. 2 Balfour Stewart's "Heat," 2nd ed. p. 402. Locomotive engines are con- structed to work up to a pressure of about 10 atmospheres. Extract from a letter by Mr J. Aitken in " Nature," vol. xxm. p. 34, 1880 : " A. free surface is any surface of the body under examination at which it IB free to change its state.". . . . "As to what the freezing, melting, and boiling points are when these free surfaces are absent, we have at present no knowledge what- ever. All we know is, that the freezing point is lower, and the "melting" and "boiling points" are higher, than when free surfaces are present. The first of these points is too well known to be referred to here. The last point was illus- trated in the paper referred to " (Royal Scottish Society of Arts, 1874-5) "by an experiment in which water was heated in a metal vessel under atmospheric pressure to a temperature far above ' the boiling point,' when the water exploded and violently ejected itself from the vessel. The superheating of the water was accomplished by carefully excluding all free surfaces, by bringing the water into as perfect contact with the metal of the vessel as possible." F. 7 9 FLUID SUBSTRATUM. [CH. vm. crystalline state before any rain could fall from the atmosphere, because precipitation of water could not take place until the temperature had decreased to about 773 F., and before that the water substance must have lost the greater part of its solvent power on the earthy salts. The sea salts would have remained in solution in the primitive ocean after the silicates had crystallized out, and they would still continue to form a constituent part also of the hot magma supposed to exist beneath the solid crust in a state of igneo-aqueous solution. This magma is probably of the nature of an elastic liquid, for, "above the critical temperature for the substance no amount of pressure will produce the phenomenon which we call con- densation 1 ." i Maxwell's "Heat," 2nd ed. p. 119. CHAPTER IX. CRUST NOT FLEXIBLE. The "datum level" equation has sewed an important purpose Supposition of a flexible crust Mode of determining the general character of the undulations which a thin flexible crust icould assume when resting upon a liquid Mathematical investigation of the problem Certain negative conclusions therefrom regarding the earth's crust Alternative assumption to which we are led. WE have thus arrived at the conception of an elastic highly heated layer of rocky matter 1 combined with water substance, kept in a state of compression by the superincumbent pressure of the crust, but ready to burst forth with the evolution of steam and gas wherever and whenever a vent is opened for its escape. We are now freed from the trammels imposed by the hypo- thesis of a solid globe, contracting from the effect of cooling only. In reverting to our original relation between the hori- zontal compression and the volumes of the inequalities which we have called our datum level equation viz. we are no longer obliged to consider (J5) as non-existent : for it is now conceivable that the solid crust may dip downwards into the fluid substratum, which in its turn may rise into the anticlinals. It is true that under our new hypothesis this equation is in- determinate, because we do not know where to place the 1 This layer will be usually termed "fluid" rather than "liquid," because the term "liquid" does not convey the idea of elasticity which, when the pres- sure is sufficiently diminished, will be an attribute of the substratum. 72 100 CRUST NOT FLEXIBLE. [en. ix. datum level. But it has already served a most important pur- pose by enabling us to prove that the inequalities, as we now see them, are far greater than can be accounted for upon the supposition of a solid globe contracting from cooling only. Assuming then that a solid crust rests in corrugations upon a fluid layer, which is capable of yielding to such forces as the gravitation of the crust exerts, we have to consider the condi- tions of its equilibrium. Now the disturbances which we see that it has experienced, to the greatest depths which denudation exposes to observation, would lead us to suppose that, when once disturbed in lengths of any extent, it might perhaps be considered flexible. Moreover, if it rests in corrugations upon the subjacent fluid, it must be in unstable equilibrium ; that is, the corrugations can have no particular relation to the places where they occur, but might exist equally well at some other. Here we should at once encounter a condition which would render oscillations of the surface possible, provided we could account for the disturbance of the position of equilibrium. It will however be seen that the results of the following investigation are so remotely akin to natural appearances, that it must follow that the assumption of the flexibility of the crust is not true to fact. So that rigidity appears to play an important part in determining the position and form of the in- equalities. This negative result is of itself of sufficient import- ance to make it worth while to give the investigation, irrespec- tive of the intrinsic interest of the problem from a mathematical point of view. In order to obtain some insight into the general character of the corrugations, we will begin by enquiring what form would be assumed by a heavy flexible crust, resting upon a liquid within a rectangular trough shorter than the crust, for this would give an approximate idea of the contour of the surface upon the course of a section of the sphere perpendicular to its surface and cutting a set of corrugations at right angles. It maybe assumed that the trough and crust were originally of the same length, and that the corrugations have been pro- duced by the ends of the trough having been made to. approach each other. CH. IX.] CRUST NOT FLEXIBLE. 101 Suppose COX to be a vertical section of the trough, CPA the section of the crust whose thickness is k, OX, horizontal, the axis of #, Y } vertical, that of y, OM=x t MP = y, PTM=0, r the radius of curvature at P, p the density of the crust, cr that of the liquid, p the pressure of the liquid at P, t the force of compression in the crust in the direction of the tangent at P. We may suppose for the present that the flexibility of the crust is not impaired by its thickness. Then applying the conditions of equilibrium we obtain the following equations : (1) t = gpk (G y), where C is an arbitrary constant. (2) p=gpk*0 r . Let h be the value of the ordinate at the highest point A, andy the depth of a layer of fluid of the density of the crust, which upon a unit of area would produce a pressure equal to the compression at A. Let 8 be the depth of a layer of fluid of the density of the crust, which would produce a pressure equal to the fluid-pressure at A. 102 CRUST NOT FLEXIBLE. [ CH . ix. Then from (1) we have compression at A = gpkf=gpk (C h] ; .-.f=C-h. Also p = the pressure due to the depth below A + the pressure at A ; Therefore, substituting in (2), / y~C\ aa~ (h y J + Qpv Qpk ( cos 6 + 1 . t7 \ *J / ' t/ I c/ " \ r ) Change the origin to 0' by putting y = y C ; Hence when y = h, y' = -f, so that/ is the depth of A below the new origin, and whence, by substituting for y, /-(-/- />) = ** + Integrated this gives, try'* . , s . , 7 ,dx - - - (-f- p$ y / U6 ., ~ . for the angle subtended by each festoon, we must have and because the whole length of the crust is that of the trough before compression, m k = L j Sin 2 whence = 1 e ....... . .................. (1), 9 2 and m = -=- j-, ........................... (2). 2/> k(f> Any value of e less than unity substituted in (1) will give a corresponding value of <[>, and thence from (2) a value of m. 108 CRUST NOT FLEXIBLE. [CH. ix. But none but integral values of m will be compatible with equilibrium, because the curve must meet either end of the trough at an anticlinal. cf> diminishes as m increases, and when m is infinitely great and which probably will be quite insensible. G-D " But suppose that the point D is at a much smaller 10 2 148 THE REVELATIONS OF THE PLUMB-LINE. [OH. xi. distance, where the positive attraction of the mass A would have produced the effect n". The whole eifect, by the same , . , DB Z - DA* i DA 3 \ formula, will be n x -- j^m - > or n x 1 1 -FT ) > an( l as m DA this case the fraction --r is not very nearly equal to 1, there may be a considerable residual disturbing attraction. But even here, and however near to the mountains the station D may be, the real disturbing attraction will be less than that found by computing the attraction of the table-land alone." The extreme felicity of the above explanation of a remark- able phenomenon and the lucidity with which it is stated must be sufficient apology for the length of the extract. One remark more must be added because it is very pertinent to the subject and reasoning of the preceding chapter. "It is supposed that the crust is floating in a state of equilibrium. But in our entire ignorance of the modus operandi of the forces which have raised submarine strata to the tops of high mountains, we cannot insist on this as absolutely true. We know (from the reasoning above) that it will be so to the limit of breakage of the table- lands, but within those limits there may be some range of con- ditions either way 1 ." We believe however that since this passage was written geology has made some advance towards explaining the modus operandi of the elevatory forces ; but the proviso respecting the limits of breakage of the rocks is of great importance and must not be forgotten. Archdeacon Pratt replied to the Astronomer Royal's paper three years later 2 . He brought against the explanation proposed three objections, not one of which appears in the present state of our knowledge to be of weight 3 . (I) It supposes the thickness of the earth's solid crust to be considerably smaller than Mr Hopkins concluded it to be. This objection has been disposed of 4 . (2) It assumes that the crust is lighter than the fluid on which it rests, whereas in becoming solid we should expect it to 1 Loc. cit. p. 104. 2 "On the Deflection of the Plumb-line in India, &c." Phil. Trans, Royal Soc., Vol. 149, p. 745. * Ibid. p. 747. 4 p. 22. CH. xi.] THE REVELATIONS OF THE PLUMB-LINE. H9 contract and become more dense. This argument is answered by Mr Whitley's experiments 1 , and is contrary to Walters- hausen's most reasonable theory 2 that the successive couches increase in density according to their chemical composition. (3) If every protuberance outside a thin crust must be accom- panied by a protuberance inside down into the fluid mass, then wherever there is a hollow as in deep seas in the outward surface, there must be one also in the inner surface of the crust corresponding to it ; thus leading to a law of varying thickness which no process of cooling could have produced. But we appeal to a mode of action, namely compression, which is quite capable, in the case of a crust not perfectly soft and compres- sible, of producing such surface hollows 3 and corresponding downward protuberances, as we have explained in the preceding chapter. In spite however of these three objections, which the Archdeacon believed to be fatal to the form in which the Astronomer Royal offered his explanation of a deficiency of matter below the mountains, the Archdeacon adopts in the remainder of this paper another form of the same theory, appa- rently preferring it altogether to his former hypothesis of an increased ellipticity for the Indian arc. We have thus established our assertion that the roots of the mountains can be felt by means of the plumb-line. The converse proposition ought to be true, that where the land is not elevated above the sea, there the heavier substratum ought to be within a less distance of the surface, and the conse- quence ought to be that attraction at the surface should be greater. This also is known experimentally to be the case. The subject is discussed by Archdeacon Pratt in the fourth edition of his Figure of the Earth. He establishes the fact, but raises upon it theoretical conclusions not warranted by geology. There can however be no doubt that he has demonstrated the existence of increased density beneath the oceans. He says " in fact the density of the crust beneath the mountains must be less than that below the plains and still less than that below the 1 p. 23. 2 p. 28. 3 p. 133. 150 THE REVELATIONS OF THE PLUMB-LINE. [CH. xi. ocean bed 1 . " That part of the theory" (of unequal radial con- traction, which he proposes but we disbelieve 2 ) "which shows that the wide ocean has teen collected on parts of the earth's surface where hollows have been made by the contraction and therefore increased density of the crust below, is well illustrated by the existence of a whole hemisphere of water, of which New Zealand is the pole, in stable equilibrium. Were the crust beneath only of the same density as that beneath the surround- ing continents, the water would be drawn off by attraction and not allowed to stand in the undisturbed position it now occu- pies." The greater density must then clearly exist ; but it will appear in the following chapter 3 , that the phenomena are not sufficiently explained by supposing the lighter crust thinner, and the heavier substratum nearer the surface in those regions. 1 "Figure of the Earth." 4th Ed. Art. 192, pp. 201, 202. 2 p. 79. 3 p. 164, CHAPTEE XII THE REVELATIONS OF THE THERMOMETER Recapitulation of results of previous chapter Roots of mountains should be revealed by phenomena of underground temperature Conditions upon which the mean rate of increase of temperature will depend Rate greater in plains and less in mountains Dr Stapff His observations on temperature of rocks in St Gothard tunnel His explanation of the smallness of the rate Why not satisfactory Effect of convexity of mountain upon the rate The rate may be considered uniform above The conclusion from the premises is that the mountain has roots The rate may be regarded as nearly uniform throughout General method of determining the thickness of the crust at the sea-level, and the melting temperature, from the rates beneath the mountain and the usual rate Application to St Gothard Thickness of crust at sea-level and melting temperature deduced numerically from the data The like for Mont Cenis Results confirmatory of previous conclusions Considerations about the oceanic areas How the water u retained there The thickness of the sub-oceanic crust and its density, WE have seen in the preceding chapter that certain results of geodesy agree well with the conclusion arrived at in the tenth chapter, that mountains have " roots," that is that there is, for all regions elevated above the mean level of the crust, a corresponding downward protrusion of the lighter material of the crust into the heavier substratum. This is in substance the same thing which Herschel expressed by saying that, "the force by which continents are sustained is one of tumefaction 1 ." According to our theory these roots will consist of the lighter material of the crust, in an unmelted state, projecting into a heavier molten fluid. The amount of this projection may be roughly determined by the relative densities of the crust and fluid, in the same way as if the crust floated without constraint in equilibrium. For although, as we have argued in the tenth 1 See p. 76. 152 THE REVELATIONS OF [CH. xn. chapter, the partial rigidity of the crust will render this assumption in strictness incorrect, yet the deviations from accuracy consequent upon it cannot amount to anything con- siderable when compared to the whole thickness; and this will be especially true in the neighbourhood of the chains, near which the centre of gravity of a disturbed tract will lie ; and which will therefore be least depressed or elevated by any slight tilting action. If this be a true statement of the case, then the existence of these roots ought to be revealed in another and entirely distinct manner, namely by the phenomena of underground temperature. Where the roots of the mountains are in contact with the molten fluid, they must be slowly and gradually becoming fused. At other localities, where there is no such protuberance, the bottom of the mean crust must either remain sensibly at a permanent temperature, which will be that of solidification (the same as of fusion), or else it will be slowly and gradually freezing, and growing thicker. At all localities we shall therefore have, maintained at the bottom of the solid crust, sensibly the melting temperature of the materials of which the crust is there composed, modified perhaps by the difference of pressure at their different depths, which we need not for the present purpose consider. Now it is evident that, if the two surfaces of a plate of any substance are maintained at two different constant tempera- tures, the mean rate of increase of temperature within the plate will depend solely upon its thickness irrespectively of its conductivity. The mean rate therefore of increase of tempera- ture within the crust, at any locality where we may suppose these conditions approximately fulfilled, will depend upon the difference of the temperatures of its upper and under sur- faces at that locality, and on its thickness, and not upon the conductivity of the -material, nor upon the absolute tempera- tures. For although contortions in the bedding, or difference of composition, may affect the rate as between one level and another at that locality, still they will not affect the mean rate. Nor yet need such geological accidents be considered in com- paring the mean rate at one place with that at another. The CH. xii.] THE THERMOMETER. 153 result is that the mean underground rates at all places at. the same height above the sea, and where the mean annual surface temperature is the same, ought to be equal, irrespectively of the nature of the rocks, provided only that the temperature at the bottom of the crust is the same. But if on the other hand the heights of two localities be different, the mean rates there ought to differ, not in inverse proportion to the heights above the sea, but approximately in inverse proportion to the total thicknesses of the crust, in- cluding the roots down to the molten substratum. Is there any reason to believe that this is the case ? If we find it to be so, we shall have a presumption, in favour of our theory, not only that there is a downward protuberance of lighter material, as already shown to be corroborated by geodesy, but that this protuberance consists of unmelted crust projecting into molten fluid. Of course the above reasoning requires the state of tempe- rature to be sensibly permanent, and that a sufficient time should have elapsed, since the mountains were elevated, for the heat brought up from below along with the uplifted matter to have become so far dissipated, that the flow of heat through the crust has become steady. Mr Mallet, in his paper on Volcanic energy 1 , refers to a dissertation, which he considers " the most complete and valua- ble collection and discussion of all the observations on record up to June, 1836," by A. Yrolik, who, he states, " believes it proved, that in general the rate of increment is greater in plains and valleys than in mountains." The great engineering achievements of the present time have afforded exceptional facilities for testing this question ; and the above statement has been found to be strictly true. An extensive series of observations was carried out more especially in connection with the construction of the tunnel through the Alps at Mont St Gothard, by Dr F. M. Stapff, geological engineer 1 Phil. Trans. Eoyal Soc., Vol. 163, p. 158. The title of the dissertation is "Disputatio physica Inauguralis de Galore telluris infra superficiem augescente." 4to., 101 pages. Miiller, Amsterdam, 1836. 154 THE REVELATIONS OF [CH. xn. to the company; and very interesting results were obtained, which are recorded in his published papers 1 . Dr Stapff points out that the rate of increase of temperature beneath the mountain differs from that beneath the plane surface, and gives it as his opinion that the influence which the mass of the mountain superimposed, and free on each side, exercises on the temperature of the rocks, is very different from that which an envelope would exercise, formed of the crust of the earth of a thickness equal to the height of this same mass 2 . This con- clusion is ostensibly corroborated by the fact, that the augmen- tation of temperature is observed to be more rapid beneath the hollows and flat spaces of the open surface above the tunnel than beneath the summits. It may however be shown that the contour of the mountain cannot account for a general rate of increase of temperature beneath it so much slower than the usual one. The mean rate at Mt St Gothard for the whole tunnel is found by Dr Stapff to be 0'0206 C. per metre of descent, which is about ^g degree F. per foot 3 . This is little more than half the usual rate of increase. The rate was found to exceed this mean on the north more often than on the south side of the mountain. To estimate roughly the effect which the contour of the mountain would produce in lowering the rate of increase, we may argue thus. As we ascend in the atmosphere the tempe- rature decreases. The temperature of the summit of the moun- tain is found to be zero centigrade, or the freezing-point. Calculate then the altitudes at which the observed rate at 1 " Studien iiber die Warmevertheilung im Gotthard." Bern, 1 877. " ]tude de 1'Influence de la Chaleur de 1'Interieur de la Terre sur la possibility de con- struction des Tunnels dans les hautes Montagnes. Premiere partie, 1879. Do. deuxieme partie, 1880. Eevue universelle des Mines, etc. Annuaire de 1' Asso- ciation des Ingenieurs." Paris, 9, Hue des Saints-Peres. Londres, 5, Bouverie Street. Liege, 24, Hue d'Archis. "Bepartition de la temperature dans le grand tunnel du St Gothard. Annexe xiv au volume vm des rapports trimestriels du Conseil federal sur la marche des travaux du chemin de fer du St Gothard (rapport N. 30)." 1880. 2 "Iiltude de 1'Influence de la Chaleur de I'lnt^rieur de la Terre," &c., p. 2. 3 The factor which reduces the former to the latter system of units is 0-548. CH. XIL] THE THERMOMETER. 155 equal horizontal distances along the tunnel would bring us to the freezing-point within the rock supposing it extended to a sufficient height, and draw a curve through these points, which will touch the summit of the mountain. This curve will define what may be called the effective profile of the mountain, that is to say, the form of outer surface, which would give the same temperatures within the mountain as actually exist, were the temperature of the surface uniform. It will be seen that the contour so obtained is very considerably less convex than the actual contour. This shows that the real effect of the convexity of the surface upon the internal temperatures cannot be so great as at first sight it might appear likely to be. The isogeotherms within the mountain will evidently con- sist of a family of surfaces corresponding to the external effective profile, but decreasing in convexity with increasing depth. Eventually a plane horizontal isogeotherm will be reached. But it does not follow that the isogeotherms will continue to be planes beneath it. Let 8 be the area of one of these surfaces, through which the same heat passes in a given interval of time as that which crosses the area A of the plane isogeotherm in the same interval. Let n be measured along the normal drawn to a point in the surface $, v being the temperature at that point, and K the con- ductivity. Then the flow of heat across the elementary area dS will be dv , K-j-dS. an Properly speaking -=- will vary from point to point of the iso- an geotherm. But if we consider it to be the average rate along the normal at every point of a given isogeotherm, then the flow across the whole of that surface will be dv K-J- S. an But the same flow of heat crosses the plane area A, where let us call r the average rate of increase of temperature in descending ; wherefore the whole flow there will be tcr'A. 156 THE REVELATIONS OF [CH. xn. Hence we must have Z.S-SA. dn , dv A , and /. -j- = -~ r . dn S This gives the proportion according to which the average rate along any normal to an isogeotherm is diminished in con- sequence of the convexity of its surface. This rate will clearly become more and more nearly equal to that through the plane isogeotherm, as that is approached. Now the whole length of the St Gothard tunnel is 14920 metres, and the greatest height of the mountain above it is A 1127 metres. It is therefore obvious that the ratio -~ must be & nearly one of equality. Indeed, if we suppose the contour of the surface of the mountain to be a segment of a circular cylinder, ^ we shall find that the value of -~ for the outer surface, where o that ratio will differ most from equality, will be 0*996. And consequently, if we suppose that the temperature of this sur- face is everywhere C. (an unfavourable supposition), then This shows that the convexity of the mountain can only slightly affect the rate along the vertical anywhere, and in the central part, where -^- becomes -*- , scarcely at all. We are therefore at liberty to regard the rate in the central part of the mountain as very nearly constant and equal to r. Now the temperature at the upper surface being C., if h be the height of the mountain above the tunnel, and t the temperature of the rock in the centre of the tunnel, the rate t n* - _ h' But at the depth where the plane isogeotherm is encountered the temperature beneath the mountain must equal that of the CH. xii.] THE THERMOMETER. 157 neighbouring crust, because the isogeotherm is plane. It is obvious therefore from geometry, the rates beneath the moun- tain and at any place in the neighbourhood being both of them uniform yet not the same, that this plane isogeotherm cannot be elsewhere than at the bottom of the crust, unless the isogeo- therms beneath the mountain become concave upwards after the plane isogeotherm is passed. Suppose then the former to be the case, and that k is the mean average thickness of the crust, and k' its thickness beneath the mountain ; at which re- spective depths (if the isogeotherm s beneath the mountain do not become concave) the temperatures become equal. Then we must have, But observation shows that r is about Jr, .-. &' = 2&; or the height of the mountain above the mean level of the crust would in such case be equal to the thickness of the crust. This would make the crust far thinner than it can be admitted to be ; and therefore shows that the isogeotherms below the plane one must have a convexity downwards, answering to their convexity upwards in the upper portion. There must therefore be a protuberance of solid crust below corresponding to the elevation of the mass above. We see then that we have here an additional proof of the existence of roots to the mountains derived from thermal phenomena. The downward protuberance will be much greater than the upward elevation, and therefore we perhaps ought not to assume* that the extreme value of the ratio of A : S will be so nearly one of equality below the plane isogeotherm as above it. But it is probable that the downward protuberance, although it may be ten times as deep as the other is high, will be very much wider, because the St Gothard mountain is only a remnant, carved by subaerial denudation out of a much more extended elevated tract, with which the root was originally conterminous : and whatever denudation, or what may be analogous to it, the roots of the mountain range may have undergone, it is not likely 158 THE REVELATIONS OF [CH. xn. that their contour should be reduced to the semblance of in- verted mountains and alternating valleys, like those which characterise the upper surface of an Alpine region. The ratio of A : S may therefore be still regarded as nearly one of equality even in the lower portions. If we are at liberty to regard the rate beneath the moun- tain as approximately uniform, it is possible to estimate from the data the thickness of the crust at a place on the sea-level, and likewise the melting temperature at the bottom of it, if we assume a ratio for the densities of the crust and fluid sub- stratum. For generally let c be the depth of a point in the crust from the surface, a the temperature at that depth, b the temperature at the surface, r the rate of increase of temperature in descending. Then we have the general relation, a -I f = r If v be the rock-temperature in the tunnel, b' that at the top of the mountain, ra the height of the mountain above the tunnel, / the rate, we have in like manner '-4-* . whence r' may be obtained from the observed data. Now suppose equation (1) to refer to some place A, any- where near the sea-level, where the total thickness of the crust is c, and the rate the usual one r. Then . a = cr + b. Similarly, if c' be the thickness of the crust at the mountain, the temperatures at the bottom of the crust being the same at both places because it is the melting temperature, a = c'r' + b f . CH. XIL] THE THERMOMETER. Consequently 159 (3). In this equation r, r', 6, I' are known, and therefore, if we can obtain another relation between c and c', we shall be able to find the thicknesses of the crust at the place on the sea-level and at the mountain. If we are at liberty to apply the conditions of hydrostatic equilibrium, such a relation is easily obtained, as shown on the left-hand side of the figure, from which it appears that. But from (3) we have 160 THE REVELATIONS OF [CH. xn. whence r . c=- - -h- , (4). r r a p r r If we assume a value for the ratio - , this expression gives <7 the thickness of the crust at a place at the sea-level, where the surface temperature is b, and the rate r. The place ought not to be in the mountainous region, in order that the rate may not be affected by the additional thickness of crust beneath such a region. Let us now apply equation (4) to find the thickness of the earth's crust at a place at the sea-level, from the data obtained from the St Gothard tunnel. In Table vili. of Dr StapfFs paper 1 , the rate at the exact middle of the tunnel is not given, but from the plate which illustrates his "Re- partition de la Temperature" it can be found. The height of the mountain above the sea over the middle point is there seen to be 2839 metres, and the altitude of the tunnel itself 1127 metres. The temperature of the rock in the tunnel is 30'8 C., and of the ground, at the summit of the mountain above, C. Hence the rate is -fffi degree C. per metre, which is nearly yj^ degree F. per foot. We will first assume the rate at the place A at the sea-level to be -fa degree F. per foot, and the mean surface temperature there to be 50 F. Also if we take, as we have previously done, the ratio of p : a- as that of granite to basalt, viz., 2'68 : 2'96, we find that = 10'57. Then, expressing the altitudes in feet, we have 6-86, Or the thickness of the crust at the sea-level is not less than about 25 miles. It will be noticed that this is the first time, as far as the author is aware, that any estimate whatever regarding the thickness of the crust has been arrived at entirely independent of considerations of temperature. It is remarkable CH. XIL] THE THERMOMETER. 167 how well it agrees with the others previously made, in which those considerations are involved. Neither can p be less than p (or as assumed than 2'68). It must therefore have some value between* this and a (or as assumed 2'96). Now if we suppose the sub-oceanic crust to consist of basic crystalline rocks, their density approaches very nearly to that of the basic eruptive rocks, and the probability is that cr p is very small, and consequently k need not be small. But we have reason to believe it to be smaller than c, because at the locality A, which is continental, the crust has been probably thickened by compression. Let us then assume c = 25 miles and k = 20 miles. We then obtain p' = 2*953, a value which would admit of the sub-oceanic crust floating. This result is not unsatisfactory considering that we are dealing with densities about which we have no certain knowledge. It is probable that the absolute values of all the densities have been taken somewhat too high. It is impossible to attain accuracy in such estimates as we have been engaged in making, but we may conclude as the result of our inquiries, that the crust of the earth at a place near the sea-level is about 25 miles thick; that beneath the central parts of the ocean it is about 20 miles thick, or perhaps less, and that it is more dense in those regions ; and that it is by such increased density of the crust itself that the collection of water is to be explained, and not by increased density in the more deeply seated matter. CHAPTER XIII. AMOUNT OF COMPRESSION. Our ideas respecting the sub-oceanic crust necessarily speculative. Compression possibly confined to continental areas. Compression might arise from extrava- sation of matter from beneath the crust, or from expansion of the crust. Amount of compression needs to be estimated afresh. Datum-level equation transformed to mean level. Formula to egress compression in terms of inequalities. Estimate of inequalities from Atlas (1) on supposition tliat Oceans are due to compression, (2) that they are due to denser crust. THE great problem of the Physics of the Earth's Crust is, how to account for the compression which geology shows to have affected, at one time or another, almost every portion of the area of the surface with which we are acquainted. And this latter expression itself suggests a large and difficult ques- tion. To what extent are we acquainted with more than the land surfaces of the globe ? It is hardly too much to affirm that our ideas respecting the nature of the earth's crust beneath the oceans are entirely derived by speculation from geology. We cannot explore it directly ; but we know that most of the strata of the exposed portions of the surface have been deposited beneath seas, and from them we reason perhaps wrongly by analogy concerning the rocks at present composiug the entire ocean floor. For it is the conviction of a large number of geologists 1 , whose judgment is of weight on such a point, that the continents have always occupied the positions which they now occupy : by which it must be understood, that 1 See a resume of the history of this theory in a short letter by Dana, " Nature," vol. xxin., p. 410. CH. xiii.] AMOUNT OF COMPRESSION. 169 they have oscillated about their present positions, sometimes more extended on one side and sometimes on another ; but that the great oceanic areas and the great continental areas have never, within times to which geological records go back, inter- changed places. If this be a true statement of the case, then it may be asserted that we know nothing about the geological constitution of the earth's crust beneath the great oceans. We can affirm from observation that all land surfaces have been more or less subjected to compression, but we cannot affirm with any certainty that the same has been the case with the ocean bottoms. We appear in the present state of our know- ledge to be free to speculate upon this point. It is possible that the compression, which is so striking a feature in all true mountain ranges, and is by no means confined to them, may be a continental phenomenon only; that is, may belong only to continents, and to islands which are geologically remnants of continents. The results at which we have arrived at the end of the last chapter tend to confirm this view, and to throw more than a doubt upon the doctrine that the abnormal eleva- tion, or radial excess, of the surface of dry land above the ocean floor is due altogether to compression. We need not how- ever decide at once upon this question, but, using general symbols in our reasoning, leave it for the present open. There are two ways in which compression may have acted to elevate the crust, supposed to rest on a fluid substratum. In the one the anticlinals would form ridges, whose sections would be cusp-like and the subjacent fluid would rise into them. This hypothesis has been discussed in the ninth chapter, and has been shown not to accord with natural appearances. It is one however which has been more or less assumed in many geological writings 1 . The other is that developed in the tenth chapter, and shown in the eleventh and twelfth to be capable of explaining two classes of phenomena perfectly independent of each other, but which, it may be observed, would be absolutely reversed were the doctrine true, that the heavier and hot molten liquid rises into the anticlinals. 1 See Prof. A. de Lapparent, "L'Origine des inegalites de la Surface du Globe." Ilevue des Questions Scientijics. Juillet, 1880. 1 7 AMOUNT OF COMPRESSION. [OH. xm. We have then to seek for the cause of this compression, which has effected the continental areas. If we have given a sphere of a certain radius, whose outer crust is solid and rests upon a fluid substratum, compression of the crust may arise from contraction of the volume of the sphere, either through cooling, or by the extravasation of some portion of the matter which was originally beneath the crust. In these cases the compression of the upper surface of the crust would be equal to the contraction of the sphere; that is to say, if the radius of the sphere before contraction was r + er, and after contraction became r, e being the coefficient of contraction, then the mean coefficient of compression along any line drawn upon the sphere would also be e. If the length of the line after com- pression was I, then before compression it must have been I + el. But there may be another cause for the compression which has elevated continental areas. The solid crust may have expanded horizontally. It is quite possible that these two causes of compression may have coexisted. The sphere may have contracted, and the crust expanded simultaneously; in which case the contraction of the volume of the sphere will be no measure of the compression of the crust. We have already made it apparent, that the cooling of the earth considered as a solid sphere cannot account for the inequali- ties, and therefore neither sufficiently for the compression of the crust. And if we regard the crust as resting on a liquid sub- stratum, it does not appear how its contraction through mere cooling can have been so much greater than in the case of a solid globe, as to account for what the latter will not explain. We have therefore to examine whether other hypotheses will more satisfactorily explain the phenomena. Bat it is obvious that our first step, before we can reason at all about the com- pression under the "condition of a fluid substratum, must be to estimate its amount afresh : for the grounds upon which that must be done are very different from those upon which we formerly estimated the compression in the case of a solid globe 1 . 1 See chap, v., p. 55. CH. XIIL] AMOUNT OF COMPRESSION. I/I If we revert to the datum level equation (1) in the fifth chapter 1 , which is perfectly general for a vertical section of the crust under compression, and adapt it to volumes, as has been done in equation (3) 2 , but retaining terms answering for volumes to % (a) and S (/3) in equation (1), which terms we will call 2 (X) and 2 (F), we then have, 87rr 2 ke = 2 (A) - 2 (B) + 2 (F) - 2 (X), for our general datum-level equation of volumes for a solid crust resting on a fluid substratum. And we know that in this expression 2.(F) 2 (X) = 0. In this equation it will be recol- lected that e is the mean linear compression of the crust, and that the surface above which the volumes 2 (A), and below which the volumes 2 (B), are reckoned, is the imaginary surface which occupies the position that the upper surface of the crust would occupy at the present time, had it been perfectly com- pressible in a horizontal direction ; and that 2(-3T) and 2(F) are the volumes similarly situated with respect to the lower surface of such a crust 3 . Let .us now transform this equation to the upper and lower "mean levels" of the crust, which by the defi- nition will be at the same distance apart as the datum levels 4 . In the same manner that A, B, X, Y are referred to the datum levels, let A', B', X', Y be referred to the mean levels ; and, in the figure, let in the first place the outer circle be the lower mean level, and the inner one the lower datum level ; 1 p. 17. 2 p. 50. 3 p. m 4 p. 115. 1 72 AMOUNT OF COMPRESSION. [CH. xnr. and let the distance between the two circles, that is the distance between the lower mean and the lower datum level, be er, where r is the radius of the sphere to the upper datum level. Then if k be the mean thickness of the crust, 4?rer (r &) 2 is very nearly the volume of the shell between these two levels. And so it is easily seen from the figure, that 47rer (r - k)* = 2 (X) - 2 (JT) + 2 (F) - 2 (F). But we know that, by the datum level equation, and ^ 4?rr (r k) 2 Secondly, suppose the outer circle to be the upper mean level, and 'the inner one the upper datum level. Then the volume of the shell between these two levels is nearly 4?rr 2 er. And from the figure, 2 (A) - 2 (A*) + 2 (B) - 2 (B) = 47rr 2 er ; .'. 2 (A) -2 (B) = 47r/er+ 2 (A'} - 2 (B) ....... (A). But, by the datum level equation, 2 (A) - 2 (B) = STrr^ke. And the value of e has just now been found. Hence, substituting for 2 (A) 2 (B) and e in (A), We suppose for the present that the crust beneath the oceans is of the same density as elsewhere, and attribute their presence to depressions of the surface, owing to the crust being thinner beneath them. This is the particular case in the last chapter 2 when p is put equal to p. 1 This follows from the relation S (a) = 2 (/3) ; p. 47. z p. 164. CH. xin.] AMOUNT OF COMPRESSION. 173 Again, for a section across a disturbed tract of unit of width we have the two relations 1 , 2 (a) - 2 (b) = ^ He +^ {Si- 2 (d)}... ....... (1), and . ..... (2). If instead of a section of unit of width we substitute a rectangular area of length I, and width w, these equations become 8 2 04') -2(B')=^2klwe + ^ [Uw - and 2 (F) - As has been shown for Z 2(cZ) in the case of unit of area 3 , so it is evident here that 81 w 2(D) is the water displaced by rock owing to the elevation ; I and w being the length and width of the disturbed tract, and 2 (D) the volume of any water which may happen to lie over it. We have then the proportion ........ (3). Now it is evident that the same proportion will hold for the area of the whole globe. In this case the " tract " becomes the entire area (for there is nothing in our reasoning to confine the relations (1), (2), to any particular portions of it whether dis- turbed or not). 2 (D) then becomes the whole ocean ; Blw 2(D) becomes the water displaced by all the elevated regions, and we will assume this to be equal to L8, where L is the area of the land ; the reasons for which assumption will appear by and bye. 1 Pp. 116, 117. 2 See chap, v., p. 49. 3 See chap, x., p. 116. 174 AMOUNT OF COMPRESSION. [CH. xm. Making this substitution we obtain from (3), 2 (F') - 2 (X 1 ) = {S W - 2 (BOJ - 8. And substituting this value in whence & = i ZI /Iv-J ~f~ * If we can estimate S (A') 5 (5') and iS we shall now be able to find e for any assumed value of k. Let us pause to consider what the symbols involved import. If we regard the compression to arise solely from diminution of volume beneath the cooled crust, and not from the ex- tension of the crust itself, then e is the mean coefficient for the compression of the whole crust, which has arisen from this cause since the existing inequalities began to be formed. If however we neglect the contraction of the matter of the crust itself, which for a thickness of 20 miles or so the results of Chapter VI show that we may do, then the coefficient of compression for the crust will be the same as that of contraction for the sphere. We do not know exactly the laws which govern, either the contraction of the matter of the crust, nor yet those which determine the rate at which it thickens through solidification. But it is evident that the compression of the surface must be greater than the mean compression. For the remaining symbols r is the present radius, k is the mean thickness of the crust, considered of equable density, that is to say, it is the thickness which the crust would have, if it had been perfectly compressible, so that the contraction of the globe should not have caused it to be wrinkled or thickened anywhere. en. xiii.] AMOUNT OF COMPRESSION. 175 Consequently, any thickening from sedimentation is not included in k ; for that will be derived from matter elevated by compres- sion. 2 (A 1 ) and 2 (B f ) are the volumes of the elevations and depressions above and below the upper mean level of this crust; the position of the crust as a whole being affected by the lateral flow of the subjacent fluid, through the intrusion into it of the downward protuberance of the mountain roots. This is allowed for in the equation as if the fluid were a perfect fluid. If we assign to cr the value infinity in this expression it ought to reduce to the datum-level equation, for in that case there would be no downward protuberances, and therefore the mean level of the crust would not be altered from the datum- level, because there would be no flow of fluid beneath it. Now this it does, for when a oo the equation becomes which is the datum-level equation. It is self-evident that it will be quite impracticable to arrive at anything approaching to an accurate estimate for 2 (A') 2 (-?')> because, in the first place, we can only guess at the position of the mean level; and secondly, we can only roughly estimate the amounts of 2 (-4') and S(-B') respectively. Nevertheless it will appear that we may draw important conclusions even from such guesses as we can form. Referring to Atlases 1 which have been published since the voyage of the Challenger, we find the oceanic area divided into five portions, whose mean depths are taken to be, (1) from 1 to 2 miles, (2) from 2 to 3 miles, (3) from 3 to 4 miles, (=8), (4) from 4 to 5 miles," (5) above 5 miles. The first may be taken as extensions of the elevations which have produced the continents. The second, where not connected 1 For example, "Letts's popular Atlas" maps 3 and 4. See also "Thalassa" by J. J. Wild, Ch. i. Marcus Ward, 1877. 176 AMOUNT OF COMPRESSION. [CH. xm. with and prolongations of the first, may be considered as sub- marine elevations, and it is possible that they may be the re- mains of ancient lands levelled down. The third which occupy the larger portion of the oceanic area we will regard as indi- cating the mean upper level of the crust. The fourth and fifth will then be depressions below it, corresponding to the series % ($'). If then we set the fourth and fifth against the first and second, we shall have remaining for the excess of 2 (-4') over 2 (B r ) only the volume of the continents above the mean level. If we then adopt Prof. Haugh ton's estimates 1 for L the area of the land, and for its mean height h above the sea, 8 being the depth of the sea over the area which we take as defining the mean level, we shall have, L = 52 x 10 6 square miles, h = 1000 feet = 019 mile nearly, S = 3*5 miles. Then 2 (A') - 2 (') = 52 x 10 6 (3'5 + 019) cubic miles, = 52 x 3-69 x 10 6 cubic miles. If we put T = 4000 miles, k = 20 miles, r 2 ' = D1 ' and -=9.57 tr-p and introduce these values into the expression for e, we find for the first term, 0'254 As regards the second term, it depends upon the water displaced by rock owing to the elevation. Now we have, in the above classification of the ocean depths, Nos. (1) and (2) which are less than the mean, and therefore cover upraised crust. We have also Nos. (4) and (5) which are greater than the mean, and therefore cover depressed crust. All these be- long to the disturbed regions, and consequently we may roughly set them off against one another. 1 p. 55. CH. XIIL] AMOUNT OF COMPRESSION. 177 We then shall have Blw 2 (D), or the water displaced, equal to a layer of the area of the land, and of the mean depth of the ocean, or equal to LS, as already assumed. To calculate the second term, we may assume L 52 , and 4^ = 197* = z o and we obtain 0*083; whence e = 0*254 - 0*083, = 0171. The contraction indicated by this result is greater than can be admitted ; remembering that e is the mean compression for the whole thickness of the crust, and that the contraction of the outer surface of the globe, and therefore of its radius, is probably nearly the same, it would require that the radius of the earth should have been shortened by nearly 700 miles since a crust began to be formed. If we suppose the substratum of lesser density as compared with the crust than the density of basalt as compared with that of granite, then, owing to the smaller value of a- p, this contraction would have to be put higher. Nevertheless on our conclusions regarding a fluid sub- stratum, we cannot put the ratio at a less estimate than ar-p we have done ; for even that is probably too small, since it is not likely that the density of the substratum should not be lessened both by its exalted temperature, and possibly by the combined water; so that a- will be more nearly equal to p than the density of basalt is to that of granite. Our hypothesis must therefore be in fault. Now in obtaining the above estimate, we have taken the crust to be of the same density beneath the oceans as beneath the continents. But we have shown 2 that that cannot be the case, for that it must be there more dense, and that the equili- brium of the ocean is due to that circumstance. We must 1 See ch. v., p. 55, note. 2 ch. xn., p. 165. F. 12 I? 8 AMOUNT OF COMPRESSION. [CH. xm. therefore admit that, if the continental areas have been gradually elevated by compression out of sub-oceanic crust, a diminution of density must have been a consequence of their elevation. For this we shall attempt to account hereafter. If we suppose that, instead of the existing denser crust beneath the ocean, we substitute a crust of the same thick- ness as at the sea-board, and of the density p, and omit the consideration of the ocean, then the compression of such a crust parallel to the direction of its surface (which would be the same as the existing sea-level) would, on a section of unit of width, produce elevations of the mass pkle for the compression e. And on the supposition that these occurred in the same areas that the existing elevations do occur, their mass would be the same as that of the existing elevations. The radius to the surface of such a crust would be the same as to the surface of the existing ocean. We are therefore at liberty to make use of this suppo- sititious case for the purpose of obtaining an approximate value for the compression, in order to avoid the difficulties which would occur in reasoning about a crust of density differing in different regions. Keverting therefore to our expression for the value of e, it is evident that the second term must be omitted, for that depends upon the amount of water lying upon the surface of the dis- turbed area. It reduces therefore to - Next in estimating 2 (-4') ~ ^ (-#') we must om ^ tne conside- ration of the elevation of the sea-level above the mean level of the crust beneath the ocean, using the surface of the ocean as if it were the mean level. Consequently the part involving or 3 '5, will disappear, and we have 2 (A') 2 (B'} = 52 x 10 6 x 019 cubic miles. We must also use for k the value of the thickness at the sea- level, which we put at 25 miles. If we now substitute the values which we have been using for p and p gpk-V P whence P P The condition that F< 1 is satisfied if 1--P- 1. Consequently this condition is always satisfied, and therefore if there be any water-substance at all in the magma it will raise the lava to the surface under the supposition that the same identical water remains always in the same portion of lava. If F= 1 we obtain p = - (. But S (6) S (a) is the mean depression of the tract below the mean level. Hence we see that such faulting as arises from subsidence owing to contraction, must on the whole depress the surface of the tract disturbed by it. But the depression will be small because - is small on account of cr the difference of the densities being small compared with the greater. The general conclusion now offered for the consideration of geologists therefore is, that both corrugation and faulting are ultimately dependent upon the contraction, and consequent fissuring, of the crust, when it undergoes those changes, varying in degree from mere solidification to intense plutonic action, which convert aqueous sediments into denser rocks, and are all included under the generic term, metamorphism. The fissuring consequent on the contraction, which accompanies these changes, 1 p. 118. 2 1 6 ON FA ULTING. [CH. xvi. when it commences below and is propagated upwards, gives rise to the phenomena of compression, owing to the intrusion of highly elastic matter from below, and corrugation is the consequence. Volcanic phenomena are believed to be another manifestation of the same mode of action. On the other hand, when the fissures commence above and are propagated down- wards, they give rise to ordinary faulting, and if formed on so large a scale that they reach through the crust, it is suggested that great fissure eruptions of igneous rocks may take place through these* CHAPTER XVII. GEOLOGICAL MOVEMENTS EXPLAINED. Eecapitulation of the four suggested causes of compression Three of them negatived The fourth possibly the true one The fact of compression certain, and the duplex character of the corrugations most probable The conse- quences of denudation followed out Elevation its correlative Fresh-water strata covered by marine Movements most energetic near, but not confined to, continents Degradation of mountains a law of nature Enormous thickness of certain strata accounted for Raised sea beaches Two classes of elevatory movements Drainage across dip Theories of compression compared. IN our endeavour to discover the cause of the compression, by which it is generally believed that the elevations existing upon the earth's surface have been produced, it must be admitted that we have not arrived at any degree of positive certainty. The results obtained have been mostly negative. But even negative results have great value, because the disproof of a theory, which for want of close examination may long hold its ground, removes a chief obstacle to further advance in knowledge. It is submitted, then, that the theory has been disproved (1), That the earth is a solid body cooling by conduction, and that the inequalities which appear on its surface have been caused by the contraction of the interior through cooling. It has further been shown that the geological phenomena re- quire us to suppose that the crust of the earth rests upon a fluid substratum, and this belief has led to the examination, and rejec- tion, of a second theory, (2) That the crust is thin, and is so far flexible that the fluid may rise into the anticlinals formed by the corrugations of the crust; a view held by some who have written on the subject 1 , and at one time entertained by the Author him- 1 See note, p. 169. 2 1 8 GEOLOGIC A L MO VEMENTS [en. xvn. self. The rejection of this hypothesis has led to the supposition that the crust is flexible only to a small degree, and that, under compression, the corrugations which are raised upon the surface must be accompanied by corresponding downward protuberances of larger dimensions projecting into the fluid below, thus causing them to be duplex : and it has been pointed out that certain facts, brought to light by experiments made with the plumb- line upon the attraction of mountainous regions, have been better explained by Sir G. B. Airy upon the supposition of such protuberances, than in any other way that has been suggested. We have also shown that certain other facts of an entirely different class, connected with the observed slow rate of increase of temperature beneath mountains, are also better accounted for in this manner, than in the way originally proposed by the observer, who has studied and described the phenomena most carefully. These two circumstances appear to lend a very con- siderable amount of support to this view of the subject, so that the diagrammatic sections of Chapter X., which represent the outcome of it, are thus far corroborated. But in seeking for a cause of compression, which may have produced corrugations of the duplex character and amount required, our first attempt has failed. Here has therefore been a third hypothesis examined and found insufficient. It was (3) That the compression which has caused these corrugations has arisen from a diminution of the earth's volume through extravasation of water-substance from beneath the crust. The Author himself had some years ago suggested this idea, and it had been not unfavourably received by some leading geo- logists. But when he came to write the chapter in which the hypothesis is discussed, he found it, as he now believes, insufficient alone to produce the compression requisite. All these explanations having failed, and the fact of com- pression still remaining patent, a fresh suggestion has been put forward, which is not intended to be more than tentative and may possibly share the fate of the rest. But it has this en. XVIL] EXPLAINED. 2 1 9 advantage, that it brings the phenomena of faulting, that other form in which the disturbances of the earth's crust are manifested, into harmony with those of compression, attributing both to the same ultimate cause. The reader is however re- quested not to consider the suggestions last offered, regarding the cause of compression, to rest on so firm a foundation as the results arrived at concerning the existence of a fluid sub- stratum, and of the characteristic duplex shape of the corrugations formed in the crust by compression, let the causes of it be what they may. We will now trace somewhat further than was done in the tenth chapter, the results of denudation and of additional com- pression upon an elevated tract constituted thus, and compare them with natural appearances. It is evident that, as the upper and exposed part of the chain is degraded, the equili- brium will be roughly speaking restored by the whole mass being lifted up, so that the part above the effective level of the fluid should hold approximately the same ratio as before, that of a p : /?, to the part below it. Consequently, before a mountain chain can be completely levelled down, not only must the originally elevated portion be degraded, but the crust beneath must also be lifted up and brought under the influence of the denuding agents, possibly down to the neutral zone, and the whole of the material so removed converted into sediment, and transferred to some lower level 1 . 1 To determine to how great a depth denudation might be ex- pected to expose the crust, suppose that A is the crust of a corru- gation, and B the bottom of the corresponding protuberance, Z the place of the neutral zone; and let Xbe the point that is ultimately brought to the surface by denudation. We have concluded that, AZ=%AB, and ZB=%AB. Now if X is ultimately brought to the surface, B will at the same time be brought to the lower mean level. Hence XB=c. And therefore .'. AX-AZ=(AB-5c). 220 GEOLOGICAL MOVEMENTS [CH. xvn. It is not however necessary to suppose that the roots of the elevated tract ever at any one time bore this proportion of p : a- p to the whole volume which has ultimately been denuded away ; for this would not be the case unless the compression and accompanying elevation were due to a single effort. For if, after a part had been denuded off, and the roots of the mountain had been concurrently lifted up, a second period of compression had ensued, the neutral zone would then have had its position along a lower line of "particles, and the depression produced might not have been so great at the second as at the first effort. The same may be said of a third, or of any subsequent effort. In fact, according to the ordinary reasoning of the method of limits, we may, by diminishing the intervals and increasing their number, pass to the case of a continuous movement of elevation, growing less and less until it ceased altogether; denudation going on all the while at a greater rate than, except at first, material was brought up for it to act upon. If the tract were now to become free from farther com- pression, the sequence of events we have sketched out would be terminated by its being reduced in thickness approximately to the normal thickness of the crust in its neighbourhood. But its internal structure, as exhibited in sections, would betray the results of the treatment to which it had of old been sub- jected. It would form a nearly level tract, consisting of the lower parts of the folds of highly contorted rocks, which had been subjected to the action of a temperature probably above the critical temperature of water, and to great pressure. The sediment, which had been transferred from the tract thus denuded down, would some of it have probably been spread over low lying land, and some of it have gone out to sea, and formed marine deposits not very far from the shore. Hence if AB<5c AX 5c. But AB is about 11 times the height of the mountain. Therefore the height of the mountain must have been T 5 T c, or say 10 miles, before denudation commenced, in order that the neutral zone should come to the surface. CH. xvii.} EXPLAINED. 221 Both these would have sunk nearly as fast as they accumulated, and by this means unmetamorphosed strata would have been depressed into regions where their temperature would have been gradually raised, and metamorphism set in. This would render them more dense. They must necessarily contract in con- sequence, and those results follow to which in the preceding chapter we have attributed compression. This compression might act directly upon the mass itself, or it might be com- municated to a neighbouring tract ; but on the whole it seems probable that the mass itself would be the first affected, and this agrees with the theory that compression and elevation are the consequences of the accumulation of thick deposits. The difference between the theory now offered and that pro- posed by American geologists consists in the cause from which the compressing force originates. The suggestions now put forward appear to give a fairly satisfactory explanation of the causes of the deposition of series of marine strata of great thickness, of unconformity, of meta- morphism, of contortion and elevation. The phenomenon which seems omitted from the explanation is that of the depression of fresh-wa.ter strata beneath the ocean, as for instance of the coal measures of various ages. This however might arise from such deposits being depressed below the level of the sea, though not under the sea, through being loaded with fresh-water sedi- ment, as is known from borings to be going on at present in great deltas and river valleys ; and then, the process being checked, the sea might cut away the upper part of the sub- aerial deposit, and a marine stratum might take its place. It is possible that the fresh-water deposits becoming scanty, and the district arid, faulting might be induced through contraction of the beds before the sea had time to advance, and thus we should find the fresh-water beds much broken up before the marine were laid down over theni. The exciting cause of the movements of the crust, as we have attempted to explain them, is the transference of sedi- ment. Wherever that goes on, movements of the crust may be expected to take place. And although not altogether con- 222 GEOLOGICAL MOVEMENTS [OH. xvii. fined to these regions, it is obvious that it is in continental areas, and along their shores that these processes are the more energetic. It is therefore conceivable that the medial regions of the great oceans may have been comparatively free from disturbance at all times. Nevertheless the growth of coral, the deposits from icebergs, and the sinking of the exuviae of marine organisms, are causes which may contribute to the unequal deposition of sediment, over such areas as these, and we would not therefore relegate even them to perpetual repose. It is certain that most of the existing greater mountain chains are comparatively modern ; for it is possible to assign dates, geologically not remote, to the movements to which they owe their exceptional altitude. At the same time their struc- ture usually betrays that the original effort which raised them was not the final one, for they have been subjected to repeated compression. This comparatively modern character of the greater chains leads us to believe that the gradual degradation and obliteration of a mountain range is a law of nature, in accordance with which the older chains have been levelled down and disappeared. The corrugated rocks which may have formed parts of them are still to be discovered as fundamental gneiss for instance, showing by their chemical and mechanical condi- tion that they have been subjected at some former time to a high temperature and to great compression. They are now frequently covered up by later deposits. The rising upwards of an elevated region by floatation con- currently with its degradation, explains some well known facts, among which are the following. When the original contours of the strata are restored, which must have gone to form a disturbed tract, the enormous amount of subsequent denudation appears at first sight incredible. This is extremely well shown in Prof. Ramsay's restored con- tours along some sections in South Wales 1 , where the heights vand distances are laid down upon the same scale, a method 1 "Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain," Vol. i. 1846, pi. iv. CH. xvii.] EXPLAINED. 223 which enables us at once to appreciate the immense amount of material that has been removed. This is not a singular case. It is a universal phenomenon. Now there is much less diffi- culty in conceiving strata to have been slowly lifted up from below concurrently with their degradation, than in supposing that the dry lands of old time were thousands of feet high where now we measure them by hundreds. We have also the correlative fact of the excessive amount of sediment which an elevated tract has been found capable of yielding, and yet it remains an elevated tract still. Series of strata, five, six, or seven miles thick, and of great superficial extent, can be more easily thus accounted for, than by supposing the area from which they have been derived to have been five, six, or seven miles higher than it stands at present, even if it be now reduced below the sea-level. The doctrine that areas must sink when loaded, and rise when relieved of a load, may perhaps explain other known phenomena. It is not impossible that the raised shell beds of Scandinavia may be partly accounted for by the country having been depressed owing to its being formerly loaded with heavy ice-fields, and that its gradual subsequent rise may have been caused by the ice having been melted off. These beaches are found up to an altitude of about 700 feet 1 . Putting three feet of ice as equivalent to one of rock, a liberal estimate, 2310 feet additional of ice would, upon the suppositions we have made respecting the relative densities of the crust and sub- stratum, effect this amount of depression 2 . This would be 1 LyeU's "Elements of Geology," Vol. i. p. 133, 10th edn. 1872. It may, however, be objected to this idea that several of the species in the shells' beds are of a Mediterranean type. Croll's "Climate and Time," p. 253. 2 Let x be the height of the surface above the mean upper level when there is no ice, y the depth of the root under the same circumstances. x', ?/', the like quantities when there is a thickness of z ice. Then we have the four equations, y=Wx, /=w, x'=x- 700 + z, (see text) x' + y'=x + y + \z. Whence z = 2310 feet. 224 GEOLOGICAL MOVEMENTS [CH. xvn. less than the average thickness of the icebergs seen from the Challenger in the Antarctic ocean 1 . Similar movements have occurred, and are now going on in Greenland. Raised beaches are found up to 326 feet above the sea. But the land is now slowly subsiding at the rate of about from 6 to 8 feet per century. This may possibly be accounted for by the snowfall being at present greater than is carried off by the glaciers and by evaporation 2 . It is clear that vertical movements of the earth's crust will, according to our theory, be of two kinds ; one resulting from the laws of hydrostatic equilibrium simply, and the other connected with compression. The former, although it may for a long time continue to lift up the rocks of a given area from below, can yet never by itself restore them to their pristine height. Degradation must always make more rapid progress than elevation. But the two are necessarily correlatives of each other. The degradation of the tract causes more rock to rise up, to be in its turn degraded. Such slow and continuous upward movement explains how rivers can cut across the dip of hills. It explains the drainage of such areas as the Weald, and of valleys of elevation on even a grander scale. It explains perhaps even the drainage of the great plateau of the Colorado region. It also explains the fact that we find what once were perhaps river gravels perched on the highest hills of a district. But the vertical movements arising from compression are of a different character. The effect is to elevate a tract to a higher average level than before. There may be troughs and depres- sions formed by it, but their amount will be more than counter- balanced by the elevations. The internal heat of the earth is the ultimate cause of this class of movements. The contrac- tion of the interior from cooling may possibly contribute to 1 Sir Wyville Thomson, "On the Conditions of the Antarctic," Nature, Vol. xv. p. 105, states that these stand about 200 feet high above water. Calculating from a specific gravity of 0-92 this gives 2,500 feet for the entire thickness. 2 M. Johnstrup, " On the Interior of Greenland," reviewed in Nature, Vol. xxi. p. 344, 1880. The above passages were written before the appearance of Mr J. S. Gardner's article in the " Geol. Mag." Dec. 2, Vol. viu. p. 241, where somewhat similar views are propounded. CH. xvii.] EXPLAINED. 225 produce compression, and the extravasation of water-substance from beneath the crust may also play its part, but it appears that neither of these, nor yet both together, can account for an appreciable portion of the grand result. Whether the mode of action suggested in Chapter XV., more immediately derived from the same source, is capable of doing so is not easily decided. It must be remembered that the amount of compression calculated in Chapter XIII., as requisite to account for the existing eleva- tions, refers to the whole time elapsed since they began to be formed. But the act of compression connected with the forma- tion of the dykes beneath any given region would be confined to a comparatively limited geological period. We should there- fore expect to find in them evidence of compression belonging, as regards time, only to a part of the whole amount required. On this account, ocular evidence of a smaller amount of expan- sion might be deemed sufficient. On the other hand, our theory localises the compressing force, and on this account we should look, as regards space, for evidence of a larger amount than if the expansion producing it were evenly distributed. Another difficulty arises, namely, that the width of the dykes will be too large a measure of the expansion arising from them, because the" fissures will have been partly opened by the contraction of the rocks themselves, and only partly forced asunder by the pres- sure to which we are now attributing compression. It cannot / be denied that, as the former three hypotheses have proved in- < adequate when brought to numerical tests, so, if it could be done,} might also this last. Still the estimate at the end of Chapter XV. may be considered favourable. The theory possesses the advantage over the others that, if the lateral pressure be deemed sufficient, the range through which it is capable of acting is practically sufficient. These conditions are the exact reverse of the former ; for in them there could be no question regard- ing the sufficiency of the lateral force, but the range was found to be insufficient. In the present case, the difficulty consists in applying any test to see whether the phenomena indicate that the force now appealed to can in fact have acted through a sufficient range to have produced the requisite compression. F. 15 CHAPTER XVIII. ME MALLET'S THEORY OF VOLCANIC ENERGY. Early opinions regarding the seat of volcanic energy Hopkins' lava lakes Mallei's theory Opposed to the results of the present work His mode of estimating the temperature derivable from crushing rock His results pub- lished in the "Phil. Trans.'" differ from those given in an earlier publica- tion Latent heat of fusion Localization of heat from crushing not possible More favourable hypothesis suggested and considered A pressure, the greatest obtainable on the hypothesis, incapable of causing volcanic phe- IT has been taken for granted more than once in the preceding pages, that the seat of volcanic energy is situated in the fluid substratum, which we have endeavoured to prove must underlie the cooled crust of the earth. This is the natural supposition, and was formerly generally assumed by geologists. But when Hopkins published his supposed proof of the great thickness of the earth's crust, he was constrained to offer a fresh explanation of this class of phenomena. Hence his theory of subterraneous lakes of lava. When Sir Wm. Thomson corroborated Hopkins' view, and carried it further to the extent of asserting the entire solidity of the globe as a whole, the old assumption concerning the universal distribution of fluid matter beneath the crust received a further blow. The theory of Hopkins' lakes was permitted to stand, but it was felt to be so improbable, that physical geologists in general could not rest satisfied with that explanation. At this juncture Mr Mallet published his theory of volcanic energy 1 , which at the time of its publication was received with 1 "Phil. Trans. Eoyal Soc." Vol. 163, p. 147. 1873. CH. xviii.] THEORY OF VOLCANIC ENERGY. 227 considerable favour by many. Impressed with the necessity of admitting the doctrine of a solid earth upon the authority of the highest masters of physical science, they saw in Mr Mallet's hypothesis a way of escape from the difficulty in which they were placed. If the earth be a solid body cooling by conduction, and if the corrugations upon its surface are caused by the con- traction of the mass and consequent compression of the super- ficial layers, what, it has been thought, can be more in accord- ance with probability, than that the work of compression should be converted into heat, and that volcanic energy should be its manifestation, and have its seat no deeper than the compressed crust. Like many simple explanations, the only wonder was that no one had suggested it before. Yet how often had been long delayed the discovery of some theory, which when once proposed seems simplicity itself. If Mr Mallet's theory be true, it is obvious that that now propounded must be untenable. It will therefore be necessary to examine it. The theory is enunciated in the following terms 1 : "The heat from which terrestrial volcanic energy is at present derived is produced locally within the solid shell of our globe by transformation of the mechanical work of compression or of crushing of portions of that shell, which compressions and crush- ings are themselves produced by the more rapid contraction, by cooling, of the hotter material of the nucleus beneath that shell, and the consequent more or less free descent of the shell by gravi- tation, the vertical work of which is resolved into tangential pres- sures and motion within the thickness of the shell" As regards the lateral pressure to which Mr Mallet appeals as the cause of compression, and of crushing portions of the shell, there can be no doubt that, if there were a continual contraction of the interior and subsidence of the shell going on, the pressure arising from the descent of the shell would be per- fectly adequate to produce the crushing attributed to it. We have however, as we believe, seen grave reason to doubt 1 Op. cit. 67, p. 167. 152 228 MR MALLETS [OH. xvm. whether this contraction exists, at least to such an extent as to produce any appreciable movements of the crust during such periods of time as history embraces. Yet volcanic phenomena are of daily occurrence. This appears to dispose of the theory in limine. Nevertheless it is possible that this argument against it may not meet with general acceptance, and it is therefore desirable to examine Mr Mallet's theory upon his own assumptions. No one can study the paper, in which the theory is pro- pounded, without admiring the amount of knowledge displayed in it, and the numerous and laborious experimental investiga- tions which he undertook to form the basis of his theory. The records of these alone will render his work of lasting value. Nevertheless we cannot avoid the conviction, that they do not warrant the conclusions which he has drawn from them. The experiments which form the foundation of the theory may be shortly thus described : Cubes of rock of sixteen different kinds, varying in respect of hardness from soft oolite to hard porphyry, were carefully cut into cubes of 1^- inches on the edge. These were then crushed by means of a powerful lever, under a cylindrical piston or plunger of 3J inches diameter. The cubes of rock appear not to have been confined at all laterally, so that, when they gave way, they were compressed into a cake of powder beneath the plunger. The pressure upon each square inch of the face of the cube was calculated from the accurately known pressure laid upon the plunger, and the vertical descent of the plunger, while the crushing was going on, was also carefully measured. These multiplied together gave the "work" of crushing, and by divid- ing the work so obtained by Joule's equivalent the correspond- ing quantity of heat was calculated, it being assumed that all the work was transformed into heat. If we consider the summary of the series of experiments in crushing cubes of rock *, it is evident that the vertical descent 1 Op. cit. Tab. i. column 19, p. 187. CH. xviii.] THEORY OF VOLCANIC ENERGY. 229 of the plunger must have been rendered much greater by the cube of rock having been free to fall asunder on all sides. If it had been confined in a box of its exact size it might still have been crushed; but the amount of descent would have been in that case dependent solely upon the increase of density which could be given to it after disintegration by the pressure. If the box had been somewhat larger, the plunger would have de- scended further, and if the rock was altogether unsupported, as seems to have been the case, further still. The value of H (the heat) found in accordance with the experiment is correct; but the form of the experiment cannot represent at all closely what would happen deep in the earth's crust. It seems that the cubes should have been confined, that the experiment might more closely represent the case of nature. But accepting the results as given, the equation connecting the quantities involved may be thus arrived at. Let W= the pressure laid upon the plunger. h = the height through which the plunger descended. J Joule's equivalent, or the number 772. H=fhe number of units of heat into which the work of crushing was transformed. rru TT Then #=. J Also, t = the temperature through which the rock was raised by the crushing. s = the specific heat of the rock, i.e. the number of units of heat requisite to raise 1 Ib. of rock through 1 F. _ quantity of heat requisite to raise w of rock 1 w quantity of heat requisite to raise w of rock t .*. ts ^ - . w w Hence t = . sw 230 MR MALLETS [CH. xvm. f This is Mr Mallet's equation (6), 102, where he takes w to be the mass of one cubic foot of rock, and of which we have for clearness given a demonstration. His experiments gave for the mean value of 5 the number 0*199; and for the mean weight w of a cubic foot of rock 177 lb. The mean number of British units of heat developed by crushing one cubic foot of the harder rocks is estimated by him at 5G50 ; and it appears upon calculating the value of t, that the mean temperature by which a cubic foot of such rock would be so raised is 172 F. Or if we take the particular kinds of rock selected by Mr Mallet ( 133), these means are found by him to be 6472 and 183*74 F. And if the rock was previously at 300 F., taking 2000 as the fusing tem- perature, he finds 0*108, or rather above one-tenth, as the frac- tion of a cubic foot of rock which the heat developed by crushing one cubic foot of rock could fuse. Or, to put it otherwise, it would require the heat developed by crushing ten volumes of rock to fuse about one. Here we meet with a remarkable discrepancy between the results given in the paper in the Philosophical Transactions and those previously given in the introductory sketch to the same author's translation of Palmieri's "Vesuvius 1 ," for it is there stated that using the mean of 6472 units of heat as derived from crushing one cubic foot of rock "each cubic mile of the mean material of such a crust, when crushed to powder, deve- lopes sufficient heat to melt 0*876 cubic miles of ice into water at 32, or to raise 7*600 cubic miles of water from 32 to 212 F., or to boil off 1'124 cubic miles of water at 32 into steam of one atmosphere, or, taking the average melting point of rocky mixtures at 2000 F., to melt nearly three and a half cubic miles of such rock, if of the same specific heat." It is obvious that it makes no difference in the ratio, whether the unit be a cubic mile, or a cubic foot, or a cubic inch. So that the state- ment here amounts to saying, that the crushing of one cubic foot would melt 3 J cubic feet, instead of 0*108 of a cubic foot ; or more than 32 times as much as subsequently stated in the 1 p. 69. 'There is a foot-note to the paper in the Transactions which speaks of a modification of 102. This may be connected with the discrepancy re- ferred to. CH. xviii.] THEORY OF VOLCANIC ENERGY. 231 Transactions. Indeed the experimenter must have felt sur- prised that the cubes were not melted, seeing that the heat developed ought to have been three and a half times as great as necessary for the purpose. It will also occur to the reader, that Mr Mallet has not made any allowance on account of the latent heat of fusion, but has assumed that, when sufficient heat had been supplied to a mass of rock to raise it to the temperature of fusion, it would become wholly fused. This of course is not the case, because much of the heat would be employed in producing the change of state from solid to liquid, without producing any effect on the temperature. But accepting the conclusion that the heat resulting from crushing one cubic foot could fuse 0*108 of a cubic foot, since this is not capable of fusing the whole of the cubic foot crushed, Mr Mallet considers that this heat may be localized, and that the heat developed by crushing ten cubic miles of rock, may fuse one mile. But it may be conclusively shown that this is not possible; for let us consider a horizontal prism of rock of any length. This is itself a part of the earth's crust, and by its rigidity has, up to the moment of its giving way, resisted, and so permitted, the necessary accumulation of the pressure which eventually causes it to yield. Conceive that in this prism there are portions situated here and there which are weaker than the average, and that these weak portions when crushed allow of the prism being shortened at the places where they are situated by the quantities eq, 2 , 3 , &c. respectively. It is clear that the weaker places will yield first and under a less pressure, and by the relief so afforded delay the crushing of the others, because the pressure must accumulate afresh. But, for argument's sake, we will suppose all to yield together, and the pressure throughout the action to be equal to the value it had at the first yielding. Now suppose that when the prism has yielded the whole of it becomes shortened by the length a. If, then, P be the pressure which caused it to yield, Pa will be the whole work done upon the prism. The length a is made up of the portions MR MALLETS [CH. xvm. a i> a 2 > a s > & c -> by which the weak portions have been shortened; while Pa lt Pa 2 , Pa 3 , &c. are the portions of work done at these places. And these taken together make up Pa, since or, + a 2 -f- 3 + &c. = a. We see, then, that the work must be confined to these places ; for if there were work done elsewhere we should have more work than Pa, which is impossible. Hence the work convertible partially into heat takes place at all these places, and at each in proportion only to the yielding, and nowhere else; so that it cannot be localized at any one place. We may then conclude that, unless the heat got out of crushing any portion of rock is sufficient to fuse that particular portion, none will be fused. Indeed we may go so far as to assert that, if Mr Mallet's experi- ments give the amount of heat which can be obtained by crushing rock, and the heat so obtained can fuse it, then the cubes experimented upon ought to have been fused. But it is scarcely satisfactory to leave the question at this point. It is conceivable that the pressures, which were experi- mentally applied to the cubes of rock, might be far exceeded within the earth's crust, if compression were caused there by the contraction assumed in the theory under discussion; which it must be recollected is quite opposed to the results obtained in the preceding Chapters. Let us then survey the supposed con- ditions of the problem. A contracting globe induces in its en- veloping crust a state of compression, which owes its existence to the gravitation of the whole towards the centre of the figure. The interior goes on contracting until the compressing force accumulates sufficiently to cause a movement of some kind among the particles of the crust, be it crushing, or faulting, or corrugation, or what not; and the motion being arrested, the work becomes transformed into heat. This heat, as already proved, can be developed only at those places where the move- ment occurs. The question is whether it would be sufficient to give rise to a volcano. If some places are weaker than others, the movement would necessarily occur at them. Let there be several such, which for simplicity we will suppose to be situated at points upon a great circle. The force of compression will go CH. xviii.] THEORY OF VOLCANIC ENERGY. 233 on increasing until one of these places gives way. Let P x be a general symbol for this increasing horizontal force, measured by the pressure, in terms of the weight of a cubic mile of mean rock at the surface, upon a square mile of vertical section of the crust. Now it is evident that no greater lateral shortening, or ap- proach of the particles of the crust among themselves, can take place at one place than at another, except through a lateral movement of the layers of the crust over the nucleus towards the place in question. Hence any localization of work at a given place must require this to occur more or less. Conse- quently if the pressure goes on accumulating until it becomes equal to P x all round, and under that pressure the crust begins to yield at A, the yielding there cannot relieve the pressure anywhere else, unless the crust is shifted over the nucleus towards A. Having premised thus much, we will endeavour to find the utmost amount of heat which could be developed along a vertical section at any one place in the crust. Conceive a strip of the crust, one mile in width, situated along a great circle; and suppose the pressure to have gone on increasing to some value P x , which has caused the crust to yield at A ; and that by such yielding the pressure has been reduced to P A at A, and partially relieved over AB and AB on either side of A, but not just beyond B and B. Hence at B, B the pres- sure will still be P x . Somewhere beyond B and B it will have been relieved by yielding at other places; and it is supposed that it does so yield all round, so as to fit the reduced nucleus. Hence the amounts to which the pressure will accumulate at different places will depend upon the strength of the crust; but the amount of shortening of the whole crust will not depend upon the amount of the pressure, but solely upon the amount of contraction of the nucleus. Consequently if e be the coef- ficient of linear or radial contraction, seeing that the points 234 MR MALLET'S [CH. xvni. B, B r are not shifted upon the nucleus, it follows that the com- pression of BB' is eBB'. Let //, be the pressure which a unit in length of the crust would just resist, so as under its action not to move over the nucleus. Then, before motion commenced, yu, would depend on the adhesion, but after motion had commenced, on friction ; and pAB is the force which the length AB would just resist. Let k be the thickness of the crust. In general //, will not be the same for B A and B'A ; but we will suppose it so, in which case BA and B'A will be equal. Hence, after compression has taken place, we shall have for equilibrium, at sections passing through B and B', and Adding whence P P x A Jc. Therefore the compression between B and B 1 ', which is supposed to be localized at A, being eBB f y we have, P P compression at A 2 ^. - ek. P Respecting the force which has acted at A to give rise to this compression, w r e observe that it was P x Jc when the com- pression began, and P A k when it ceased. We may therefore put P + P it at their mean, or ^ -k. Hence the work at A, which is the product of these two quantities, = k 2 e. We will now find a limit which must exceed the greatest value that the above can reach. It is evident that this will be given by assigning to P s the utmost value of the compressing CH. xviii.] THEORY OF VOLCANIC ENERGY. 235 force 1 , viz. the weight of a column of rock 200.0 miles high and 1 mile in sectional area and of the density of the crust, which we will term P, and by giving to P A the value zero. A superior limit to the whole work on a vertical section of the strip of crust will therefore be P 2 72,, . K e : P and upon a square mile of this section, P\ ke. P Mr Mallet, at p. 8 of his paper in the "Philosophical Maga- zine" for July 1875, states that the friction may be as great as f of the pressure. Let us, then, suppose first that the nucleus is solid, and that the force requisite to move a column of the crust horizontally over the nucleus is f of the weight of the column; and P is the weight of a column 2000 miles long. Hence 2000' whence, if k = 400 miles 2 , which is the thickness suggested by Mr Mallet, Hence the work upon a square mile of section cannot be so great as which = Pex (2000 miles). To assign a value for P, we use the weight of a cubic foot of granite, given by Mr Mallet as 178*3392 pounds (say 200 pounds). And for the supposed va]ue of e, which we may obtain from the radial contraction during one year as given by the same Physi- cist in his Addition, &c., Tab. n. 3 for 400 miles thickness of crust, 1 '= 9 10 1 6 4 1A12 1 p. 36. 2 We must recollect that the crust is assumed to be thick. 3 "Addition to the paper on Volcanic Energy." "Phil. Trans. Hoy. Soc." Vol. 165, Part i. 236 MR MALLET'S [en. xvm. Hence we find for the work for one year, work = 76908 foot pounds ; and dividing by Joule's equivalent, 772 ; heat per square foot = 99 units. The corresponding value for BB' will be 5333 miles. Now, according to Mr Mallet's results in his principal memoir, 133 (1) and (6), we are informed that 6472 units of heat would fuse 0*108 cubic foot of mean rock previously at 300 F., taking 2000 as -the fusing temperature. Hence with a solid earth, according to our calculation, a limit greater than the greatest possible gives 0'0015 cubic foot of mean rock that could be fused annually for each square foot of the plane of vertical section. With this value it would take a thousand years to fuse one vertical slice of a foot and a half thickness within the range of crust defined by the distance BB\ or 5333 miles, on a great circle of the sphere. But the place of weakness cannot but have a considerable width throughout which the heat would be distributed. If, then, it were, say, a mile wide, the number of units of heat to each cubic foot would be ^f f ^ , or about 0'02 unit. The force of compression, besides the work of crushing at A where the yielding takes place, also does work over the plane of shearing in overcoming adhesion and friction. Let the whole force expended in overcoming adhesion and friction along BB' be fj!J3B ' . The space moved over increases from nothing at B 7} TV and B' to eAB and eAB' at A. The mean is e^- . Hence the work along this plane is P P P P =- 2// * A k xe -*=-* k. P P And making the same suppositions as before for a superior limit, this becomes on the whole plane P 2 2f*'~ek*. CH. xvin.] THEORY OF VOLCANIC ENERGY. 237 We took fj, at the value f of the weight for friction. We will take it as equal to the weight for the adhesion, since that is probably greater than the friction, although its ratio to the friction probably diminishes as the pressure increases. Hence A*' = iA*> P 2 /. the work = f eJ = < force above, OC _ >. - do ^ or, with the usually assumed values of p and = < 37. /t But |=cot0; fir and 37 = cot 15 nearly; and cot 6 > cot 15 if < 15. Hence, when the angle of inclination of the mountain is less than 15, the force beneath, which urges the melted rocks along the surface of the root, will be greater than that which would urge a liquid along the surface of the mountain vertically above it. Hence, by comparing it with the behaviour of _subaerial lava, we can see that the tendency for the rock fused off the root to spread itself beneath the crust will be considerable. We shall therefore have beneath the bottom of the crust areas where the matter fused off the roots of the mountains, and more or less mingled with the denser substratum, is spread out. It is probable that these areas will be local, and not extend beyond a certain distance from the roots of the ranges. They will be analogous to the alluvial deposits, which cover the plains of the upper world. When an eruption occurs above any of these areas, this fused matter will be the first to be ejected, mingled with water-substance already imparted to it by diffusion from the magma beneath it; and, if this fused matter is supplied sufficiently rapidly, it will be the only kind of rock ejected, except such as may be derived from the sides of the funnel. Having been derived from the material of the roots, and in its flow mixed with the denser magma in various proportions, the resulting lava will conform to the law of Bun- sen, which asserts that all eruptive rocks are compounded of 2 5 2 SEQUENCE OF VOLCANIC ROCKS. [en. xx. two normal magmas, an acid and a basic, mingled in definite proportions. Such will be the case with our lava, if the roots of the mountains have been formed out of a crust consisting in its lower parts of granitic rock beyond reach of the region penetrated by sedimentary deposits. But when we remember that all sedimentary deposits have been ultimately derived from these two normal magmas, it seems that, if samples of every sedimentary deposit proportional in mass to the whole deposit, were mingled together, we should obtain a mixture chemically equivalent to a mixture of the magmas. Accordingly, if many varieties of sedimentary rocks were to contribute their share to the fused matter, it might be difficult to say that the resulting rock had not been directly derived from the two magmas. It does not appear requisite therefore that, because a volcanic product conforms to the law of Bunsen, it should be necessary to exclude the presence of such small contributions as might be expected to be made by sedimentary rocks, de- pressed here and there into the region of fusion, as would happen if the views of Prof. James Hall and other American geologists are correct 1 . It is now possible to account for the changes in the character of the lava which is emitted from the same volcano at different times. For the fused matter will be distributed in layers, that which is nearest to the bottom of the crust being the most similar to it in composition. It might happen that all this fused matter within reach of the vent might be erupted, and before it accumulated afresh, the lava of the next eruption might be supplied by a denser couche beneath. But before a third took place, the fused matter might have collected again, and possibly this time mingled with the substratum in a different proportion. Thus successive eruptions would produce different lavas. The volcanoes more distant from mountain ranges might be expected, on the whole, to erupt the more basic lavas. It would be worth while to inquire whether there is any reason to suppose this generally to be the case; for we gather from Richthofen, that certain basaltic fissure eruptions 1 p. 201. CH. xx.] SEQUENCE OF VOLCANIC ROCKS. 253 have taken place at a greater distance from the mountain range, than those of a more acid character 1 . The "Natural System of Volcanic Rocks," established by Richthofen and confirmed by Captain Dutton 2 and other geologists, appears to be explicable upon the principles we have been now advocating. Richthofen defines the volcanic era, as that which came in towards the close of the Eocene period, and extends to the present day. This period includes the epoch of the chief elevatory efforts, which have affected the greater mountain chains of both hemispheres. He classes the eruptive rocks of this era under five orders, which are (1) Rhyolite iv, (2) Trachyte iii, (3) Propylite i, (4) Andesite ii, (5) Basalt v. These are arranged in order of the proportion of silica which they contain. But their order of successive eruption in regard to time is different, and is (i) Propylite 3, (ii) Andesite 4, (iii) Trachyte 2, (iv) Rhyolite 1, (v) Basalt 5. Thus the first erupted were the rocks intermediate in respect of their acidity and specific gravity, (i) and (ii). These were followed, according to Richthofen, by those of greater acidity and less specific gravity (iii) and (iv) ; and later by those of least acidity and greatest specific gravity (v). This order of succession appears inexplicable on the simple theory of fluid 1 Bichthofen says that Andesite occurs on the southern slope of the Carpa- thians, p. 25 ; and that Basalt occurs in the neighbourhood of the more ancient volcanic rocks (among which he classes Andesite), accompanying their ranges at some distance, itself forming extensive ranges : p. 27. Putting these state- ments together, it appears that the basaltic range is distant from the moun- tains. 2 " Geology of the High Plateaus of Utah," Chaps, iv., v. 254 SEQUENCE OF VOLCANIC ROCKS. [CH. xx. couches, superimposed in reverse order of their specific gravities. The manner in which Eichthofen explains this succession is satisfactory as regards the first and last, but not equally so as regards the intermediate rocks. Premising that the eruptive rocks of palaeozoic times were chiefly of an acid character, and that little eruptive activity was manifested during the mesozoic, he proceeds 1 , " Those siliceous compounds especially, of low specific gravity, which had formerly yielded the material of the vast accumulations of quartziferous eruptive rocks, would have been consolidated, and the limit as it were between the solid and the viscous state of aggregation receded into regions where the matter would be of a less siliceous com- position and of greater specific gravity." * * * When the eruptive activity was renewed, " The first rocks ejected would neces- sarily be of a more basic composition than the predominant rocks of the granitic era, while the repetition, at a later epoch, of the process of fracturing would give rise to the ejection of rocks in which silica would be contained in still lower proportion. The greater portion indeed of the ejected rocks consisted of propylite and andesite, in the first, and of basalt in the second half of the volcanic era." Thus far all is plain. But when he offers an explanation of the intermediate ejection of a more acid and lighter rock than any of these his reasoning is less convincing. "A notable but only apparent anomaly in the regular order of succession has been the emission of trachyte and rhyolite, between the andesitic and basaltic epochs. But if it is considered that these rocks were ejected partly from the same fractures through which andesite had ascended, and partly from others in their immediate vicinity, while the distribution of basalt has been independent, to a certain extent, of all fore- going eruptions, it is evident that the occurrence of trachyte and rhyolite is closely dependent on that of andesite and bears only a very remote relation to basalt. It appears that after the ejection of the chief bulk of andesite, when other processes ending in the opening of fractures into the basaltic region were being slowly prepared in depth, the seat of eruptive 1 " Natural system of Volcanic Bocks," p. 58. CH. xx.] SEQUENCE OF VOLCANIC ROCKS. 255 activity ascended gradually to regions at less distance from the surface. There is within the limits of conjecture based on physical laws, no lack of processes which could co-operate to that effect. The consolidation of the ejected masses within the fissures would probably proceed simultaneously, by loss of heat, from the surface downwards and, by pressure, from below upwards. The opening of new branches from the main fractures, the remelting (by the aid of the heat of the molten mass within the latter, and of water finding access to it) of solidified matter adjoining the fracture, the emission of that remelted matter through those branches : all these are secondary processes depending on the first almost necessarily. The sup- position that to those is due the order of time in which trachyte and rhyolite have been ejected to the surface, is corroborated by the fact that these rocks occupy generally a subordinate position in regard to quantity and have had to a great extent their origin in volcanic action " that is, as distinguished from massive or fissure eruption. It is clear that, in order to obtain the acid magma required for the production of the eruptions of trachytic rocks subsequently to the andesitic, some method must be devised to explain the refusion of the granitic crust, lying, already consolidated, above the andesitic magma. Kicht- hofen proposes to do this by "the aid of the heat of the molten mass" within the main fracture, "and of water gaming access to it." This appeals to the very doubtful hypothesis already referred to, which supposes " glowing lava," not already liquid, to absorb water admitted to it from without, and thereby to become liquid and light. Moreover it requires the " molten mass within" the fissure to contain an excess of heat sufficient to melt an additional mass of a more refractory rock than itself. But it is evident that it could not transfer more than so much of its own heat to another mass, as would raise the two to a common temperature, less than its former temperature. Captain Button's discussion of the same sequence is interest- ing and instructive, and well worthy of study, but still not satis- factory. The general principles employed by him are indicated in the following sentence : " In order that any eruption of lava may take place two preliminary conditions are requisite. First, 256 SEQUENCE OF VOLCANIC ROCKS. [CH. xx. The rocks must be fused. Second, The density of the lavas must be less than that of the overlying rocks. Having shown from independent considerations that the proximate cause of volcanic activity may be a local rise of temperature in deeply seated rocks, it only remains to follow the obvious phases of the process." He then founds, upon a previous discussion of the respective temperatures at which the different rocks would become at once fusible and sufficiently light to reach the surface, an argument to show that Richthofen's order of succes- sion agrees with the order so arrived at. " It is just possible that the acid rocks may be light enough to erupt at an early stage of the process " of a local rise of temperature " but are not yet melted, and that the basic rocks may be melted, but must await a further expansion in order to reach the surface. The first selection would then fall upon some intermediate rock. 1 " Several objections to this explanation are mentioned in a short critique upon this, in general admirable, Work by Prof. A. Geikie 2 . But the fundamental objection already brought against it, of the impossibility of explaining the " local rise of temperature " pos- tulated, seems to us fatal 3 . It appears however to Prof. Judd that the exceptions to Richt- hofen's law as precisely stated, " are so numerous as to entirely destroy its value. The generalisation that in most volcanic dis- tricts the first ejected lavas belong to the intermediate group of the andesites and trachytes, and that subsequently the acid rhyolites and the basic basalts made their appearance, ' is one that appears to admit of no doubt, and is found to hold good in nearly all volcanic regions of the globe which have been attentively studied" 4 . But even this generalisation is sufficient to necessitate some explanation. Prof. Judd says also that "it lends not a little support to the view that under each volcanic district a reservoir of more or less completely molten rock exists, and that in these reservoirs various changes take place during the long periods of igneous activity. During the earlier period 1 " Geology of the High Plateaus of Utah," p. 131. 2 "Nature," xxn. p. 324. 1880. 3 p. 241. 4 " Volcanoes," p. 200. CH. xx.] SEQUENCE OF VOLCANIC ROCKS. 257 of eruption the heavier and lighter elements of the contents of these subterraneous reservoirs appear mingled together ; but in the later stages of the volcanic history of the district, the lighter or acid elements rise to the top and the heavier or basic sink to the bottom, and we have separate eruptions of rhyolite and basalt." But he gives no reason for this original mixture of the magmas and for their subsequent separation. According to our view, however, the succession of Eichthofen seems to be the necessary one. Before the rending of the fissures occurred, which we suppose to have elevated the moun- tain chain, the different magmas occupied the positions and sequence determined by their densities, and consequently the acid magma being already solidified in the crust, the first erupted of the rocks would be intermediate in respect of their specific gravity, and acidity. But this very injective action itself would depress the acid crust in a protuberant ridge, presenting to the denser substratum an under surface, which would be but just below the temperature of its fusion. This surface now becoming fused, would underflow the crust, and the next time that an eruption took place in that region, a more acid and lighter lava would make its appearance. But at other places, out of the reach of the flow of this acid remelted matter, or at the same place after the layer of it thus formed had been ejected, the subjacent basic magma would furnish the lava next in sequence. The same hypothesis appears capable of accounting for such a circumstance, as that mentioned by Prof. Judd regarding the adjacent volcanic districts of Hungary and Bohemia 1 . The pro- ducts of the contemporaneous later tertiary outbursts in these adjacent areas were "as different in character as can well be imagined," so that "it is scarcely possible to imagine that such very different classes of lavas could have been poured out from vents which were in communication with the same reservoirs of igneous rock, and we are driven to conclude that the Hungarian and Bohemian volcanoes were supplied from different sources." According to our view they were so ; because the areas which 1 Ibid. p. 202. F. 17 258 SEQUENCE OF VOLCANIC ROCKS. [CH. xx. supplied these lavas were separated by the roots of the Car- pathian mountains, and we should no more expect exactly similar flows of rock on opposite sides of the inverted moun- tains below, than we should expect similar alluvial deposits over the two subaerial areas separated by their watershed. Indeed the difference might be even greater, because a mere difference in the steepness of the root on the two flanks, by its effect on the friction between the two, would cause the melted matter and the substratum to be mingled in different pro- portions. Moreover the substratum itself, owing to the dis- turbance caused by eruptions, may have some amount of cir- culation set up in it, and since it goes to make up a consider- able portion of the erupted matter, this, if it occur, would cause the lavas to be different. It must be borne in mind that we have not been engaged in inventing a theory, to account for the natural sequence of volcanic rocks ; for we have, as we believe, already established the existence of our mountain roots, and have been doing no more than to show how they serve to explain the succession in the order of eruption. CHAPTER XXI. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF VOLCANOS. The Linear arrangement of Volcanos accords icith the doctrine of a thin crust and fluid sub stratum Volcanic bands related to the boundaries of continents Distinction between coastline and oceanic volcanos Darwin on coral islands Platforms on which oceanic islands stand their possible origin Great vol- canic band of the Pacific coast Sinking and rising areas adjoining it It follows nearly a great circle of the sphere and divides the land from the water-hemisphere Is not equally active at every part Suggested cause of local activity Other possible causes of the same Unknown cosmical causes have operated Conclusion. THE Geographical distribution of volcanos presents perhaps fewer difficulties upon the supposition of a thin crust and a fluid substratum, than upon any other that can be made, regarding the constitution of the outer parts of the globe. The linear arrangement of the greater number of the vents, points to their situation along systems of fissures, and represents on a grand scale the same phenomenon, which occurs, when subsidiary cones of eruption are established upon fissures radiating from a central volcano. To explain why these fissures, extending for thou- sands of miles, should range in certain directions rather than in others, is probably a hopeless task. The causes which contribute to determine the direction of any fissure are very complicated, and in the case before us generally unknown ; and the positions of those which underlie the at present active vents, are not the same as of those which did so in more ancient times. The post- 17 2 260 DISTRIBUTION OF 70LCAN08. [OH. xxi. eocene volcanic bands are no doubt nearly related to the recent ones, but those of previous periods have probably little connec- tion with any now existing. The great volcanic bands of the present day have an obvious relation to the boundaries, which separate the oceans from the continents. They skirt the coast-lines, either upon the edge of a continent, as along Western America, or else they occupy chains of islands parallel to the continental shore, as is the case along the Eastern coast of Asia. Besides these coast-line vents, others are found in the open ocean. These also appear to hold still a certain relation, though an altogether different one, to the coast-lines. Their position is medial. Thus in the Atlantic they occupy a medial line, rudely parallel to the opposite coasts ; and in the Pacific, the boundary of which is somewhat circular, they are found in a central patch in the Hawaian group. It also appears that an important distinction may be drawn between the modes of occurrence of coast-line and of oceanic volcanos. The cones raised by the former in some instances, no doubt, emulate in height, if they do not overtop, the crests of the ranges upon which they are parasitic. But they can by no means be considered as constituting a largely integral part of any mountain chain. If then such a chain were to be sub- merged, until only the tops of the highest mountains were left uncovered, the resulting islands would not as a rule consist of volcanic products, but, on the other hand, they would chiefly present crystalline or schistose rocks. Now the case is exactly the opposite with oceanic islands. They are all volcanic. Dar- win, in his work on " Coral Reefs," tells us that " the geological nature of the islands which are encircled by barrier reefs varies; in most cases it is of ancient volcanic origin ; owing apparently to the fact that islands of this nature are the most frequent within all great seas ; some however, are of madreporitic lime- stone, and others of primary formations, of which latter kind New Caledonia offers the best example 1 ." So also are some of 1 "On the Structure and Distribution of Coral reefs." Second Ed. 1S74, p. G2. CH. xxi.] DISTRIBUTION OF VOLCANOS. 261 the Comoro Islands, and the Seychelles 1 . Now madreporitic rock, having probably grown upon a volcanic basis, need form no exception to the general law. And a glance at the map will show that neither New Caledonia, nor the Comoro and Sey- chelles Islands, are properly speaking Oceanic; the former belong- ing to the submerged ridge, which connects New Zealand with Australia and South-Eastern Asia, and the latter being a con- tinuation of the axis of the great Island of Madagascar. The oceanic islands of the Atlantic are likewise volcanic. There is then it seems the important distinction to be drawn between coast-line and oceanic volcanos, that the former are connected with axes of elevation, and the latter not so. At the same time it is known that the volcanic oceanic islands rise from platforms elevated above the general level of the ocean floor. Still, if these were formed by compression, we ought to find some of the islands presenting exposures of the inclined strata of their higher ridges, which is not the case. Of what then do these platforms consist ? Is it not possible that they may be accumulations of the ejectamenta of the volcanos themselves ? With the fact before us that 665 feet of volcanic ash and tufa were pierced in sinking an Artesian well at Naples 2 , we may well believe that the enormous volcanos, whose ruins now remain in the shape of Oceanic islands, may have laid down an immense thickness of deposits around their bases. If this be a true account of the condition of these areas, the agency required for their production is one of fissuring without resulting elevation. To account for this we can but speculate. It may be that the suboceanic crust is too rigid to yield to the compressing force, which, as will be remembered, is not exces- sive; for the doubt which we have felt is whether it is sufficient for the elevation of continental ranges. Or it may be that the fissures beneath the ocean do not stop short until they reach the surface, and so the compressing force has not time to act ; for, as we have seen, when a fissure is completed to the surface compression ceases. Another suggestion to be offered is that, 1 ibid. p. 69. 3 "Comptes Eendus," tome XLVIII. p. 994. 1859. 262 DISTRIBUTION OF VOLCANO S. [CH. xxi. if as believed the suboceanic crust is not much less dense than the substratum, even if there were compression, the resulting elevation would be comparatively small, because much more of the compressed matter would go to form the roots, than would be the case, with a lighter crust. There is a distinction to be observed between an erupted cone and a mountain produced by compression. The process of formation of the latter causes a downward protuberance, which assists by floatation to support the weight. But no such pro- tuberance accompanies the piling up of a volcanic cone. Con- sequently, where that is formed distant from any mountain chain, the tendency to rupture, and sink through the crust, will be uncompensated. In the oceanic areas the downward pressure of the cone will of course be lessened by the weight of the water displaced by it ; but on the other hand the difference of specific gravity of the crust and the substratum being, as we believe, less than in continental areas 1 , the support furnished from below will be less. The result will be that an oceanic volcanic area will have a tendency to perpetuate its own exist- ence by fissuring the crust around its margin, and along the fissures so formed fresh eruptions might be expected to break forth. The elliptical form of many coralline archipelagos may perhaps lend countenance to such a supposition, for a train of volcanos, established originally upon a single line of fissure, would develop a figure of that form during the process we have suggested. Reverting to the trains of volcanos which range parallel to the coasts of the great continents, we observe that, along the boundary of the Pacific Ocean, where near the American shore deep water is found not far from land, there the volcanos stand on the edge of the continent. But where, as in the Aleutian Islands, Japan, and the more southern parts of the western area of the Pacific, no great coast-range of mountains exists, and deep water is not found near the continent, there is found a great fall in the bed of the ocean on the outer, or Eastern, side of the Islands which carry the volcanos. Here then, if the 1 p. 165. en. xxi.] DISTRIBUTION OF VO LOAN OS. 263 water were removed, the same fact would be apparent, that the volcanos occupy an elevated tract, which borders the great con- tinent. Such an arrangement of the vents, regarded as the indication of systems of fissures below, of which probably a few only reach the surface, is in accordance with our theory, that the same ultimate cause underlies the phenomena both of com- pression and of volcanic activity. Kichthofen has made the remark that "active volcanoes have been found to be particularly numerous in those regions where the narrow terminations of two continents verge towards connection, as in the case of Central America, between Alasca and Kamtschatka, and between Australia and Farther India 1 ." The crust movements of the last-named region, and of the sur- rounding oceans, have been made more familiar to us than those of most other parts of the world, through the researches of Dr Darwin on Coral Reefs. He has shown that the areas occupied by Atolls and Barrier reefs are sinking areas ; while those in which active volcanos prevail are rising; as testified by the occurrence of beds of recent shells at considerable heights above the sea level, and corroborated by the fringing reefs without lagoon-channels, that encircle the islands. The chart prefixed to his work gives at a glance the relative positions of the sink- ing and rising areas within the coralline seas ; and we perceive that the trains of volcanos, which are the most active in the world, are of the coast-line type, and that they follow the axial trend of the land masses. The rising areas are confined to comparatively narrow bands, bordered by the broad areas that are sinking. This arrangement of the masses agrees well enough with our section of a disturbed tract 2 , in which we see that, if compression were to affect the elevated ridge A, A would become part of a rising area, whilst wide regions at b, b, on either side of it would sink. We may, perhaps, conclude that the continent of Australia is at present in process of becoming united to Asia, as .we are led by geological reasons to believe that North and South America have been comparatively recently joined. 1 "Natural System of volcanic rocks," p. 79. 2 p. 132. 264 DISTRIBUTION OF VOLCANOS. [en. xxi. We are not obliged to suppose that those oceanic areas, now shown by Atolls and Barrier reefs, attached respectively to sunken or existing islands, to be undergoing depression, were ever continental areas, because, as already mentioned, these islands are not composed of elevated strata, but, where visible, consist of volcanic rock of a former age, a type of island belong- ing then, as now, to the open ocean. The great Pacific train of volcanos divides the world very nearly into two halves, as may be seen by placing an ordinary globe so that the wooden horizon passes over the Isthmus of Panama, the southern extremity of Kamtschatka, and the straits of Sunda. Near the latter place, however, the train becomes more complicated ; for it takes a turn to the east at the Philippines, and is joined by that other train which passes through Java, New Guinea being at the place of junction, and the great Island of Borneo occupying the angle. Afterwards the combined train turns round towards the south, till it reaches Ne*w Zealand, following a course nearly parallel to the eastern coast of Australia. If we look at the globe thus placed, we observe that we have nearly all the land on one side of this great train, and that the other hemisphere, except Australia, is occupied by water. It appears then that, with this exception, the said volcanic band defines the elevated part of the surface. But the excep- tion proves the rule. For, when it nears Australia, the direc- tion of the main band is diverted by its junction with the second, and within the great curve which their united course follows, this insular continent is embraced. Regarding the great Pacific volcanic band under this aspect, it is seen to follow nearly a great circle of the sphere for more than half its circumference, when it is disturbed by encounter- ing a second, which diverts it from its direct course. It can hardly be that any cause, less than one of a very general cha- racter, affecting the spheroid as a whole, can have produced this unique, so to speak, nearly straight fissure. We are dis- posed to attribute its origination to some unknown cosmical cause. en. XXL] DISTRIBUTION OF VOLGANOS. 265 But this great band is not now equally active at every part. In seeking the conditions which produce those disturbances of the crust that determine the regions of present activity, by admitting at intervals of time the elastic fluids from below, we may look to changes in the distributions of load upon the surface, as has been more particularly discussed in the tenth Chapter. It has been there shown, that the less steeply in- clined side of the elevated range will be that on which the principal sedimentation will go on, and, acting as it were on the longer arm of a lever, w T hose fulcrum is at the centre of gravity of the tract, it will tend to rupture the crust on the margin of the steeper side of the ridge, at the same time causing a certain hang of the tract towards the region of deposit, which will open rather than nip the crust at the place of fracture. We may possibly trace this connection between the situation of the active regions of the Western American volcanos, and the great rivers of that continent, which deposit their sediment on the eastern side. For instance, in Central America, we find a comparatively narrow tract, the western side of which is moun- tainous, while on the Eastern the Mississippi deposits vast quantities of sediment. The region of its deposit is known to be a sinking area, and must tend to give a tilting movement to the tract so disturbed, raising and fissuring it along its western border, near which its centre of gravity lies. The very same sedimentation may also be the cause of disturbance, where the West Indian volcanos occur. The wide plain of the Amazon is also an area of great sedimentation, and may have an effect, similar to that just described, upon the coast line adjoining the Andes of Quito. In like manner the deposits from the Bio de la Plata may have a connection with the volcanic series of Chili. Accumulations of snow and ice would have a like effect, and the subsidence of Greenland and the volcanos of Iceland may be possibly due to the accumulation of snow upon the former. These are however speculations which are merely put forward as suggestions. There are other causes which, if the crust be no thicker 266 DISTRIBUTION OF VOLCANOS. [CH. xxi. than we have concluded it to be, may not be without effect upon its equilibrium, such are the action of ocean currents and winds. Slight as is the momentum of a mass of water, moving with the velocity of an ocean current, as compared with the mass of crust upon which it may act, nevertheless its effect cannot be nil. And the same may be said of winds, which, on the average of the year, have definite directions over a given tract of continent, and their friction upon the surface cannot be quite inappreciable. These two causes cooperating, may have had some share in producing the peculiar form of the land masses of the globe. These are however questions which do not come within the scope of the present work. In bringing this volume to a conclusion, the reader is reminded that it deals with a great number of questions, each in a very superficial manner, and that indeed entire treatises might be written upon the subjects of some short chapters. The whole, with the exception of the attempt to account for the presence of water substance in the fluid magma, has been treated in a manner that can hardly offend the most strict disciple of the uniformitarian school. But there are phenomena which appear to require for their production causes hitherto unexplained, which must be looked for possibly outside the globe itself. Such are climatal changes. Such is also the remarkable fact that the grand efforts of elevatory action appear to have been paroxysmal, and after slumbering for long ages, to have been more intense at certain periods; the last of which was subsequent to the Eocene. These questions are left for a rising generation of physicists and astronomers, who it is hoped may think the ascertained facts of Geology a worthy field for the application of exact scientific methods. CHAPTER XXII. SUMMAKY. [The Roman numerals refer to the Chapters.] I. On underground temperature II. Condition of interior III. Internal den- sities and pressures IV. Lateral pressure, its amount V. Elevations and depressions VI. Elevations on the hypothesis of solidity VII. Hypothesis of solidity fails VIII. Fluid substratum IX. Crust not flexible X. Dis- turbed tract XI. The revelations of the plumbline XII. The revelations of the thermometer XIII. Amount of compression XIV. Extravasation of water will not account for compression XV. Compression and volcanic action XVI. On Faulting XVII. Geological movements explained XVIII. Mr Mallei's theory of volcanic energy XIX. The volcano in eruption XX. Sequence of volcanic rocks XXI. Geographical distribution of volcanos, I. WE have commenced our discussion of the wide subject of the Physics of the Earth's Crust with underground tempera- ture, because the distribution of heat in the interior of the earth is one of the cardinal conditions upon which all physical questions connected with it depend. We have pointed out that, having regard to such depths as artificial excavations reach, the law of increase is on the whole an equable one, amounting on an average to about one degree Fahrenheit for every 51 degrees of descent. It has been asserted that the rate has been found to decrease towards the bottom of some deep boreholes, and it has been even maintained that at a depth of about 5000 feet the increase of temperature would come to an end. But we have shown reasons for believing, that the observations, in which a diminution in the rate has been said to have been noticed, have really been vitiated by the disturbance of the column of water in the borehole by convection currents, and that the supposed cessation of the increase at about 5000 feet has arisen from a delusive method of computing the general result. Neverthe- less it is unquestionable that this equable law of increase of temperature, though probably true near the surface of the earth, cannot extend to all depths; for, if it did, we should 268 SUMMARY. [en. xxn. have, at the depth of from 200 to 400 miles, temperatures which would equal those, which have been on good authority attribu- ted to the sun himself. The equable law of increase, however, may be so far depended on, as to lead us to expect a tempera- ture at which the rocks would melt at a depth of not more than 30 miles. II. We are next led to speculate about the condition of the earth's interior. And first we enquire what is the law of density ? The density of the surface rocks can be fairly esti- mated by actual observation in more ways than one, and is found to lie between 2'56 and 275 times that of water. The mean density of the whole earth has been determined by ex- periments with the plumbline, and torsion balance, and may be taken to be about 5'5. There is little doubt that the interior of the earth is in a sense stratified, and consists of layers, or couches de niveau, each of equable density, and that the density is greater towards the centre, and diminishes towards the sur- face. But it is not known for certain what the actual law of density is ; that is to say, we do not know how great the density is at any given depth, nor how thick any stratum is, which may be supposed to have a particular density. All that we really know is that the heavier layers are deeper down than the lighter, and that the forms of them are spheroidal, becoming more and more flattened about their poles as they approach the outer surface. Now these are the arrangements and forms which the strata of a liquid spheroid would assume under the action of rotation and gravitation. It has been consequently concluded that the earth was once wholly melted. Here, then, two lines of argument meet. The present law of temperature is such that we may expect to find heat enough at the present day to melt the materials of the earth at the depth of about 30 miles, and mathematical investigations, concerning the figure of the earth and its law of density, lead to the conclusion that it has been melted. The question arises, whether it is at this day molten within, either wholly or par- tially, or has the molten condition passed away, so that it is now solid ? There is however a tertium quid. Some have CH. xxii.] SUMMARY. 269 thought that it is what has been called 'potentially fluid/ that is, wholly solid in consequence of the pressure to which the internal strata are subjected, but ready to become fluid, on account of its high temperature, whenever the pressure is relieved. This is the great subject of controversy, towards the determination of which the present volume is intended as a contribution. The increase of temperature below the outer crust, which we know to be solid, will be governed by the laws of convection of heat if the interior is fluid, but by the laws of conduction if it likewise be solid. The question whether the interior of the earth is at present solid or fluid, or partly solid and partly fluid, may, apart from geological considerations, be attacked in two ways. The first of these is by enquiring, what is the difference of effect that the moon and sun would have upon the motions of the earth in these cases ; and the other way is by considering the se- quence of events, according to which a molten globe may have passed into its present state. For the first, there are two kinds of effect produced by the attraction of the rnoon and sun upon the earth ; and these are precession and the tides. Mr Hop- kins, between 1839 and 1842, investigated the difference be- tween the precessional effects in the cases of a solid and of a fluid interior, and came to the conclusion that the crust of the earth could not be less than from 800 to 1000 miles thick. But the arguments of Mr Hopkins were, in 1876, abandoned by Sir William Thomson. With respect to the tides the case is different. The last- named eminent physicist says that unless the earth as a whole were extremely rigid, "the solid crust would yield so freely to the deforming influence of the sun and moon, that it would simply carry the water of the ocean up and down with it, and there would be no sensible tidal rise and fall of the water relatively to land." It does not however appear necessary that the earth should be absolutely solid from the centre to the surface to satisfy the requirements of great rigidity as a whole. May this not be satisfied by the hypothesis of a rigid nucleus, nearly approaching the size of the whole globe, covered by a 270 SUMMARY. [CH. xxn. fluid substratum of no great thickness compared to the radius, upon which a crust of lesser density floats in a state of equili- brium ? This is the supposition as to the condition of the earth which appears on the whole to satisfy best the requirements both of geology and of physics, as we have attempted to show in the preceding chapters. That the above arrangement of the materials of the earth is compatible with the laws of cooling of such a body, has been proved by Mr Hopkins to be the case. The nucleus owes its solidity to the enormous pressure of the superincumbent matter while the crust owes its solidity to having become cool. The fluid substratum beneath it is not under sufficient pressure to be rendered solid, and is sufficiently hot to be fluid. As to the degree of its fluidity, we have no certain knowledge. It is pro- bably more viscous in its lower portions through pressure, and likewise passes into a viscous state in its upper parts through cooling, until it joins the crust. But how fluid the most fluid intermediate parts may be we cannot determine. III. It has been stated that the mean density of the whole earth is known, and also the density of surface rock. But the actual densities of the successive layers, and their corresponding forms and thicknesses, are not known. There must be certain relations among these attributes in order to satisfy the ascer- tained facts regarding the earth's shape, and its mean and surface densities. But these requirements may be satisfied in more ways than one. Laplace suggested a law of density, suit- able for purposes of calculation, which satisfies these require- ments very closely ; and that law has been generally assumed, as representing the true state of the case, in investigations on the figure of the earth. It makes no assumption as to the actual cause of the variation of density with the depth, al- though it is assumed to be such as might be caused by a certain relation between density and pressure. But it is much more likely that the increase in density towards the centre of the earth arises from the heavier materials gravitating thither. Waltershausen has formed a theory on the ground that the earth is a hot globe, of which a considerable portion is fluid, CH. xxii.] SUMMARY. 271 an unknown amount of the central parts being rendered solid by pressure. The downward increment of density is expressed by the chemical increment of the heavy bases : and the fluid region directly under the crust consists, first of a felspathic and acid magma, which passes downwards by successive replacement of bases into an augitic and finally, into a magnetitic magma. This theory appears to have a great deal to recommend it. Waltershausen has given the probable densities and pressures at different depths, but the formula by which he has calcu- lated them appears to be arbitrarily assumed. He makes the density at the centre of the earth 9*59, or about that of sil- ver, and the pressure there that of about 2,500,000 atmo- spheres. If, however, we use Laplace's law of density, the pressure at the centre comes out considerably greater, reaching that of 3,000,000 atmospheres. There will be found given in the appendix a new theory of the constitution of the interior of the earth by M. Roche, which will satisfy the requirements of geology, provided the difficulty, connected with the change of rotational velocity, which we have suggested, can be satisfactorily met. IV. Having devoted the first three chapters to the con- sideration of the more general questions regarding the consti- tution of the earth as a whole, we now approach the geological aspect of the subject. The outer crust of the earth is the pecu- liar domain of geological enquiry. And enquiry leads to the conclusion that this crust has been subjected to great violence, being compressed, ruptured, raised, and depressed, and also subjected to heating. A special phenomenon of a most start- ling kind, did not frequency of description render us familiar with it, is that in certain districts, outbursts of fiery vapours and molten rock, accompanied by violent earthquakes, mark the volcanic regions of the surface. To account for both these classes of phenomena a source of energy is required, and to the earth's interior we must look to supply it. Here we find gravitation, and heat stored up ready for our purpose. How have these agents produced the results we witness ? This is our problem. 272 SUMMARY. [en. xxn. The well-known fact, that great lateral compression has affected the stratified rocks of the earth's crust, is now generally explained by the supposition that the globe has contracted through secular cooling. It is thought that, as the cooling proceeded, the interior shrank away from the crust, and the latter became wrinkled ; and that by this means the crump- ling and contortions of the rocks were produced. We have accordingly calculated what' the lateral pressure would be, which would be available for crushing the strata of the earth's surface, supposing that the interior were to shrink away from the crust, and to leave it unsupported. We find that it amounts to the enormous pressure of the weight of a column of rock of the surface density, of the same section as the stratum, and two thousand miles long, or about 830,200 tons upon the square foot. We need not doubt that this pressure would be competent to perform the work expected of it. Nor would any solid stratum in the interior of the earth be capable of sustaining the lateral pressure upon it: for these lateral pressures would be still greater within the earth than at the surface, except very near the centre. V. That the pressure thus produced would ber abundantly sufficient for the purpose, is however no proof that the work has been accomplished in that way. It has been an assumption often repeated, but never proved. The first task which we have proposed to ourselves is therefore to examine this point. We admit that the inequalities of the earth's surface have been caused by lateral compression, but we are not sure that this has arisen from the secular cooling. We therefore commence our enquiry by seeking for some measure of the inequalities of the surface, as a preliminary step towards determining how they have been produced : and in the first instance we include the greater inequalities, which constitute the oceanic and con- tinental areas. But although we have ocular proof that moun- tain chains have been formed by compression, it is mere matter of inference that the elevation of continents above the ocean floor, is likewise due to the same cause. Suppose then the earth to have contracted through cooling, en. XXIL] SUMMARY. 273 and suppose (winch is of course impossible) that the crust had shrunk down upon it without becoming either thickened or wrinkled by the process. The position which the surface would have occupied under this impossible supposition, gives us a definite level, at a definite distance from the centre of the earth, and this level we call the 'upper datum level.' Simi- larly, the position which the under side of the crust would occupy, we call the 'lower datum level.' To these levels we refer the elevations and depressions (if any) of the surface, caused by the crumpling action; and we can express their amount by saying how deep a layer of material the elevations would form, if they were levelled down, and spread out upon our upper datum level. Now if we assume that the earth is solid, i.e. that there is no fluid substratum beneath the crust, it is clear that all the inequalities which compression could produce would be of the nature of elevations above the upper datum level. There could be no depressions. Moreover the bottom of the ocean basins would either coincide with this datum level, or else they would be the parts of the disturbed surface least raised above it. Assuming the former to be the case, we find, upon an estimate as near as we see our way to form, that the whole of the existing inequalities of the surface, if levelled down and spread out, would form a layer of from 9500 to 13000 feet thick over the whole earth. This estimate is not likely to be too large, but rather the other way. VI. Our next step is to enquire, what the amount of the inequalities would be, if they had been formed by lateral com- pression through cooling. If we can make an estimate of these, and compare it with that which we have already made of the existing inequalities, we shall be able to form an opinion as to whether the cause assigned is, or is not, adequate for the purpose. Now it is fortunate that Sir William Thomson has already paved the way for such an investigation, by establishing the law which the temperature within the earth must follow, if it be a solid cooling by conduction. We are consequently able to F. 18 274 SUMMARY. [CH. xxii. say how much it would have cooled at any specified depth from the surface, since the whole became solid. If then we know the amount of contraction on cooling for such rocks as exist near the earth's surface, we shall have the means of calculating how great the contraction would have been ; and consequently what amount of inequalities this cause could have produced. Again, Mr Mallet has made a series of careful experiments on a large scale, on the contraction through cooling of silicious slags from a state of fusion, and his results are sufficiently applicable to our problem. These we have used, and calculated the amount of inequalities of the earth's surface, which would have been formed had they been due to a hot solid globe cooling by con- duction, and we have found the amount to be very far smaller than that which actually exists. For whereas, as we have seen, the actual inequalities, if levelled down, would form a layer of about 10,000 feet thickness, those which would be formed on the present hypothesis would form a layer not exceeding 900 feet in thickness on the most extravagant supposition. But if we adopt a more moderate basis of computation, 200 feet would be nearer the mark. VII. The large discrepancy between these quantities shows that the hypothesis, that the inequalities of the surface have been caused by the cooling, and consequent contraction of the earth regarded as a solid globe, is untenable. We appear then to be compelled to accept one or both of the alterna- tives, (1) either the inequalities of the surface are not altogether, or even chiefly, due to lateral compression, or (2) there has been some other cause involved in producing the inequalities of the crust, other than the contraction of a solid globe through mere cooling. In the estimate we have .made of the inequalities of the surface, which might arise through compression from the cool- ing of a solid globe, we have included the basins of the oceans. If these be due at all to the contraction of the materials of the globe, there does not appear to be any other way of accounting for them except by compression : because, if they had been caused by direct radial contraction, they would require a differ- CH. xxii.] SUMMARY. 275 ence of linear contraction equal to their depth in the matter beneath themselves and beneath the land. But in the course of our calculations it has appeared that the entire radial con- traction would not be equal to the depression of the ocean bed beneath the land surface. We have then sufficiently proved, that the contraction of a solid earth through mere cooling is not adequate to account for the inequalities of the surface ; and it also appears probable that the other alternative must be accepted likewise, because the ocean basins being regarded as inequalities, or depressions, of the surface, they cannot be directly accounted for by compression ; either as depressing them, or relatively raising the continents. Still further, the distribution of land and water upon the globe, as Herschel has observed, proves the force by which the continents are sustained to be one of tumefaction, and is therefore a proof of the com- parative lightness of the materials of the terrestrial hemisphere ; so that an excess of density appears to be requisite to retain the water over such extensive areas as are occupied by the greater oceans. Well-known geological phenomena, which prove the insta- bility of the earth's surface, also negative the hypothesis of solidity. Alternate elevation and depression have frequently affected the same areas. But especially the shifting of the crust towards a mountain-range, which is testified by the corrugation of the rocks of which it is formed, requires a more or less fluid substratum to admit of it. The sinking of areas such as deltas, and other regions of deposition, demands a like arrangement ; and in short, it appears that the crust, in the form in which it exists, must be in a condition of approximate hydrostatical equilibrium, such that any considerable addition of load will cause any region to sink, or any considerable amount denuded off an area will cause it to rise. VIII. If we admit that the cooled crust of the earth rests upon a fluid substratum, we cannot doubt that the fluidity is a consequence of its high temperature ; and it probably follows that volcanic eruptions arise from emanations from the sub- stratum gaining access to the surface. All volcanic eruptions are 182 276 SUMMARY. [CH. xxn. accompanied by a great emission of steam : but it is not agreed whether this water-substance forms an integral part of the substratum, or whether it becomes in some way subsequently mingled with the lava during, or just before, its eruption. The position of volcanos near the sea, and the sea salts given off by the lava, have been held to favour the latter supposition. Water can be conceived to gain access to masses of heated rock only in two ways ; by open fissures, or by capillary ab- sorption. We have, we think, shown that neither mode of access is possible. It remains that this water, and the ele- ments of sea salts, must be original constituents of the magma. The question then is, how this water-substance comes to be there. To answer this it is necessary to go back to the cosmogony, and we suppose that, under the pressure due to the water-substance which would have, in a state of vapour or gas, formed the outer layers of the still incandescent earth, this vapour or gas would not have been necessarily superin- cumbent on an anhydrous globe, but that such rocky matters as were soluble with it would have been in solution with it. As cooling proceeded, an upper crust of rock would have been formed by crystallization at a certain level, and would have gradually extended downwards. But we conceive that there still exists an intensely hot layer of water dissolved silicates, in a state of what has been called igneo-aqueous fusion, under- lying the solid crust, ever in readiness to furnish the steam, gases, and ejectamenta, of the volcano. This igneo-aqueous fusion has usually been spoken of as a state of solution of the rock in water. It is a condition of which we know little. Perhaps it may be more correctly described as a state of solution of water in rock. And some recent experiments by Mr Hannay throw an interesting light upon the subject. He doubts the conclusions of Andrews as to the continuity of the states of matter, and it would appear from his reasoning 1 , that, when a substance is confined at a temperature above the critical, it is really in the gaseous state ; and that in this state it is capable of holding solids in solution, 1 Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. xxxn, p. 410, June 1C, 1881. See also ibid. p. 407. en. xxii.] SUMMAR Y. 277 which in the vaporous state it cannot do 1 . We may therefore look upon the state of igneo-aqueous solution as one, in which the water-substance is in a gaseous state, and that the combination between the water-substance and the rock is probably of that kind, which has been termed "occlusion " of gas by a liquid. IX. In considering the form and arrangement of the inequalities which a thin crust might assume, if it rested upon a liquid substratum which had from any cause fallen away from it, so that it became subjected to lateral compression, the supposition may be made that the crust is flexible that is to say, that it accommodates itself to its new position by bending without breaking, or becoming thickened anywhere. Under these circumstances the fluid would rise into the anticlinals. The form which such a crust would assume has been approxi- mately determined in the ninth chapter, and it has been shown, that there is no reason to think that it accords with the arrange- ment of the inequalities on the earth's surface. We therefore dismiss this hypothesis. If the crust does not maintain a uniform thickness, it must accommodate itself to compression by being crushed together, and thickened in places. The very important consequence follows, that elevations above the datum level will be accom- panied by depressions beneath. The anticlinals will not be filled with fluid from below, but will be the upper portions of double bulges, which will dip into the fluid below, as well as rise into the air above. From whatever cause compression might arise this result would be the same. 1 " The definition of the gaseous state as a state of matter not alterable by pressure alone leads us to a clear division of aeriform matter into two states, the vaporous and gaseous, the first alterable, the second unalterable by pressure alone. Another distinction between vapour and gas is this : gases are solvents of solids ; vapours are not. Let' a liquid be coloured by having some non- volatile coloured solid dissolved in it, and let it be heated under pressure the liquid will remain coloured while the vapour will be quite colourless, and wii so remain up to the critical point. Now let the fluid be raised above its critical point, all the internal space will be coloured, showing that (the contents being gaseous) the gas dissolves the solid while the vapour does not." Proc. Royal Soc. Vol. xxxn. p. 412. This has a bearing upon what has been said about the formation of mineral veins, p. 198. 278 SUMMARY. [CH.XXII. X. We next attempt to deal with the condition of the earth's crust just described. It will be observed that it is analogous to the case of a broken-up area of ice, refrozen and floating upon water. The thickened parts which stand higher above the general surface also project deeper into the liquid below. We have supposed the crust to have the specific gravity of granite, and the fluid substratum to have that of basalt. Hence their ratio is about 0'905, whilst the specific gravity of ice is 0*9176. These numbers are so nearly the same that the cases are exceedingly analogous, and the down- ward protuberance of the crust, as compared with the elevations above the surface, will agree closely with the immersed part of an iceberg as compared with the part exposed. When the crust is crushed together along a mountain-range, part of the mass will be sheared upwards and part downwards. If it be equally rigid from top to bottom, half of it will go up and half of it down, and the neutral zone, as we have termed it, will be at half the depth. But, if the lower parts be softened by heat, a greater thickness will be sheared downwards than up- wards. If the softening were to follow a certain assumed law, which would make it increase slowly at first but more rapidly at last, until it mingled with the fluid substratum, the neutral zone would be at the depth of one-third of the crust. This would be probably an excessive estimate. We accordingly have assumed a value between the two and place the neutral zone at the depth of two-fifths of the whole thickness. And here we arrive at a stage at which we make our first attempt at estimating the actual thickness of the crust. Granite has been formed in the presence of liquid water. Water cannot remain a liquid at a higher temperature than 773 F., what- ever pressure may be placed upon it. This temperature, at the rate of increase of l a F. for from 51 to 60 feet, would be found at the depth of from 7 to 8 J miles. Hence rock, which was once at the depth of .from 7 to 8J miles, has been forced up- wards ; and therefore the neutral zone is not so deep as that. But if | of the thickness were 7 to 8| miles, the whole thickness would be from 17 to 21 miles. Hence we conclude the whole en. xxii.] SUMMARY. 279 thickness is greater than this. Again, taking the temperature of melting slag at 3000 F., such a temperature would be met with at the depth of from 28 to 30 miles, and we can hardly suppose the temperature of the substratum to be so high as that of melting slag. Hence we place, roughl^JJie-thickness of the undisturbed crust as a first attempt between tl estimates, at about 25 miles. Now supposing a tract of the crust crush( compression ; and that about two-fifths of up, and three-fifths goes down. If it were to position, we should have the ratio of the part above the effective level of the fluid to the part below it as 2 to 3. This would be impossible if it floated; just as it would be impossible that an iceberg should stand 200 feet above the water while only 300 feet were immersed. But the tract of crust does not exactly float ; for it is held up to some extent by its attachment to the neighbouring crust. Nevertheless it cannot be held up long in what would be so constrained a position. It must then sag downwards ; and the most thickened part would sink the most. Hence depressions would arise on both sides of the ridge, and the ocean, which covers the general surface, would be deeper than elsewhere along two channels parallel to, and at some little distance from, the ridge. But should the ridge be steeper on one side than on the other, as seems inevitable, the ocean would be deeper on the steeper side. This relative position of the depths of the ocean to mountain-chains is in accordance with nature. Next suppose the ridge thus elevated to be denuded. The chief streams will be formed on the less steep side, and the sediment will go partly into the sea and be deposited along the shore line, and partly on to the lower lands. This will depress that portion, and it will sink ; and the whole tract will be more or less tilted down on that side, and up on the other, because it will turn about an axis through its centre of gravity, which will be situated somewhere beneath the ridge. The ridge also, owing to the great downward protuberance, will stiffen the tract, and give it rigidity to bear this tilt. The 280 SUMMARY. [CH. xxn. tendency will be for fissures to form, chiefly along the shore line on the steeper side of the ridge. The depressions, in which the deep water lies, will also by the same action be moved further away from the ridge on both sides. XI. We apply to the downward protuberance of the crust into the substratum, under any elevated tract, the popular expression of "roots of the mountains." The existence of these roots of the mountains are not a mere matter of speculation. They have been felt by aid of the plumb-line in the following manner. The great mass of the Himalaya mountains was, during the Indian Trigonometrical Survey, found to attract the plumb-line. But upon its being calculated how much attraction ought to be attributed to this mountainous mass, it was found that, though they attracted the plumbline, yet they ought to have attracted it still more than they did. Sir G. B. Airy explained this anomaly by the existence of downward protuberances of a lighter crust into a heavier sub- stratum ; which is exactly the same supposition to which our reasoning has just led us. This then is a strong confirmation of our theory of the constitution and arrangement of the crust. Another point to be observed is, that the floatation of a crust, thus dipping downwards into a heavier fluid at the places where it rises upwards into the air, precludes the transmission of any unequal stresses to the parts below, and renders unneces- sary the supposition of extreme rigidity, either in the crust itself or in the subjacent matter, in order to support such stresses. XII. Again, the existence of the roots of the mountains ought to be revealed by phenomena of underground tempera- ture ; and we find such to be the case. Whether the crust be thick or thin at any given locality, the temperature of its under surface ought to be the melting temperature. This tempera- ture may practically be considered the same everywhere. Accordingly any difference in the rates of increment of tem- perature in descending at two localities ought to depend only upon the thicknesses of the crust, and upon the mean surface CH. xxii. ] SUMMARY. 281 temperatures ; and the rate ought, as a rule, to be greater in lowly ing than in elevated regions. This is known to be the case. Careful observations of temperature were made during the construction of the tunnel through Mont S. Gothard, and sufficiently reliable ones also at Mont Cenis. In both these tunnels the rate was found to be about 1 F. for 100 feet, which is only about half the usual rate. The rate being known, and the height of the mountain, and also the rate at a place elsewhere near the sea level, if we assume the relative densities of the crust and substratum to be those of granite and basalt, we can calculate the thickness of the crust and the melting temperature from these data, without making any assumption about the melting temperature. In this way we have obtained for the thickness of the crust about 25 miles at the sea level ; and for the melting temperature about 2500 F. The first of these values agrees with that already estimated in X., and the latter is by no means im- probable from what we know about the melting temperatures of silicates. The calculations which we have made respecting the thickness of the earth's crust at the sea level, necessitate a corresponding thickness beneath the ocean. The result at which we have arrived is that, if the crust were of the same density there as beneath the continents, it would have to be thinner than is possible beneath the oceans. We therefore con- clude that it is not of the same density beneath the oceans, and thus we are led, by another line of argument, to the same con- clusion as that mentioned in VII., viz., that the crust beneath the oceans is denser, and that it is to this cause that the ac- cumulation of water over one-half the sphere is to be attributed. If we put the mean depth of the ocean at three and a half miles, with our assumed values of the densities of the crust and substratum, we have found that on these data the thickness of the crust at the sea level cannot be less than about 25 miles ; which so far agrees with the estimates before made. And in this last calculation no considerations of temperature whatever are involved, as they were in the former, and have always been in previous estimates. We conclude on the whole that the density of the sub- 282 SUMMARY. [CH. xxn. oceanic crust may be about 2'955 ; that its thickness is there about 20 miles; while, in the continental areas, its density is about 2'68, and its thickness at the sea level about 25 miles. XIII. We cannot explore the sub-oceanic crust, and do not know from direct evidence whether it has been compressed, as we know has happened to the continental areas. Many geologists feel assured that the oceanic areas have always been oceanic, and that they have never interchanged places with the continents. If that be the case they have never been com- pressed and elevated. Referring to the two modes in which compression may have caused elevation, namely, by either raising the crust into anti- clinals, into which the subjacent denser fluid would rise, or by producing ridges on the surface, which would be accompanied by corresponding depressions of the lighter crust, into the fluid beneath, we remark that, if the former were the arrangement, the two phenomena we have lately discussed would be abso- lutely reversed. For the attraction of mountain masses would be greater than if they consisted of matter of the mean density of the crust, instead of being less ; and the increase of tempera- ture would be also greater in mountainous regions, instead of being less. Compression may have arisen from contraction of the in- terior, or from expansion of the crust, or from these two pro- cesses going on together. We have shown that the contraction of a solid earth through cooling cannot explain the existing inequalities. Neither does it appear that the contraction of a liquid substratum from mere cooling can have been much greater than that of a solid globe, for, before the time when a crust began to form, the liquid must have become reduced by convection to nearly the -temperature of solidification ; and sub- sequent cooling, accompanied by solidification and thickening of the crust, would have proceeded downwards, almost as if it rested on a solid nucleus, the loss of heat taking place from the crust alone. In order to estimate the amount of contraction, which w r ould have produced the existing inequalities on the hypothesis of a fluid substratum, we must proceed somewhat differently from en. xxii.] SUMMARY. 283 what we did under the hypothesis of a solid globe. This then we have accordingly done upon two suppositions, first that the crust beneath the oceans is 20 miles thick, and of the same density as beneath the continents, the oceans being supposed to lie in veritable depressions caused by the greater thinness of the crust beneath them. In that case we find that the radius of the globe, since the inequalities began to be formed, must have been shortened by about 700 miles. This is a much greater shortening than can be supposed possible, and is an additional reason against the hypothesis of the sub-oceanic crust being of the same density as that beneath the continents. In the next place, we suppose compression to have been confined to the continental areas, which is equivalent to attributing the oceans to a denser crust beneath them. We have taken the thickness of the continental crust at the sea level at 25 miles ; and in this case we find the shortening of the radius, which would produce the existing inequalities, to be about 42 miles ; and then the horizontal compression of the continental areas would average about two per cent. These results confirm the conclusion, that the ocean basins are not caused by depressions, in the upper surface only, of a crust of density everywhere uniform, but that they are due to a greater density, and general depression, of the sub-oceanic crust. XIV. It being certain that a vast amount of water is given off in volcanic eruptions, we next examine the question whether, supposing all the water of the oceans to have been once beneath the crust, it would be possible to obtain a sufficient contraction of the globe to have produced the inequalities, by the trans- ference of this water from beneath to above the crust. But we find that, upon the supposition, the most favourable that we can make, respecting the decrease of volume which the abstraction of this water would impart to the substratum, the hypothesis fails. For the entire remaining portion of the globe beneath the crust would not suffice to afford a sufficient amount of con- traction to have caused the existing continental compression, under circumstances, more favourable than are likely, with 284 SUMMARY. [en. xxn. regard to the original addition of volume, which the presence of the water could contribute. Changes in the earth's rotational velocity may have altered the oblateness, and compressed some parts of the surface and stretched others ; but there does not appear to be any indi- cation, in the arrangement of mountain chains, of their having been connected with such a mode of action. XV. We have thus examined two probable causes of com- pression of the earth's surface, originating in contraction of the interior, namely, cooling, and extravasation of water-sub- stance from beneath the crust. Neither of these appears to be adequate to produce the amount of compression which exists. No other cause of contraction of the globe suggests itself. We next look about us for a possible cause of extension of the surface, which, it is obvious, would, equally with contraction of the interior, produce compression. The numerous more or less vertical dykes of igneous rock lead us to enquire, whether the rending of the fissures which they occupy, may not be indica- tive of the extension of which we are in search. The pressure of the crust upon the fluid substratum is about 100G6 tons upon the square foot. If the water-substance from the magma were to escape into a crack in the under side of the crust, it would exert this pressure towards rending it wider ; and so long as the vapour or gas was supplied with sufficient rapidity, it would prevent the magma from rising into the chasm so formed. When the rent reached the surface, the vapour would rush forth and be followed by the magma itself, now appearing as lava ; and thus a volcano would be established. But this would be an exceptional occurrence. It would be only here and there that the vapour would escape at the surface, because its doing so at one point would relieve the internal pressure for a long distance. The above-described process appears to be the mechanism requisite to establish a volcanic vent, and agrees well with the series of earthquakes which usually for a long while precede an eruption, and very often occur without any eruption at all. Nevertheless permanent elevation of the tract is said to be a common result of their action. en. XXIL] SUMMARY. 285 In order to arrive at some conclusion regarding the amount of force, with which the lava would be elevated in an open chasm, we have made a supposition respecting the constitution of the magma from which it is derived. Some late experiments by Mr Hannay, since published 1 , appear to warrant our as- sumptions. We suppose the state of igneo-aqueous solution to be such as has been already described in VIII., and that dimi- nution of pressure allows the water-substance to separate from the lava. This will rise through the column of lava and pro- duce ebullition. But in our calculations we have omitted the consideration of this ebullition, and supposed the water-sub- stance to remain in the identical mass of lava, simply expand- ing when separated from it by diminution of pressure. If the magma contains one-tenth of water in a given volume, it would be capable of thus rising to the summit of a lofty cone. And if a fissure was to be opened to the surface, the mean pressure of the lava upon the sides of it would be that of the weight of a column of rock about twelve miles high. This however would not be sufficient to produce compression, for which we must look to the pressure of the gas or vapour, confined in closed fissures, which at its maximum would be twice as great. The work of compression would be chiefly expended in de- forming the materials of the crust, producing cleavage and so forth, the work of raising the mountains, and depressing their roots into the fluid substratum, being comparatively small. The ease with which masses of rock would move over surfaces of dislocation, once established and lined with slickenside, would appear to render regions, once disturbed, more liable than others to further disturbance. The quantity of jgneous rock subsequently injected into the fissures would go to in- crease the solid crust in the disturbed regions, and, with the estimate we have already made, that the compression amounts to about two per cent., one-fiftieth of a vertical section through 'the crust ought to be occupied by dykes. But it must be remembered that these would be most numerous and widest in the lower side, so that much of them would never come under observation. 1 See p. 276, and p. 277, note. SUMMARY. [CH. xxn. XVI, Compression is not the only kind of disturbance which has affected the rocks. Faulting is quite as common a phenomenon ; and the amount of dislocation produced by it varies from a few inches to miles. We attribute faults to the formation of fissures, originating at the surface through con- traction of the rocks, and propagated downwards. We attribute their usual hade to the downthrow, to the greater compressi- bility of the rocks on the downthrow side of the fault. Faults on the whole must tend to depress the surface of any tract dislocated by them. Thus it will be seen that the two classes of disturbance which have affected the crust, are ultimately traced to the same exciting cause, namely the formation of fissures through metamorphic changes. When these fissures originate below and are propagated upwards, they become filled with elastic vapour and compression results, and when they originate above and are propagated downwards, faulting is the consequence. XVII. The peculiar arrangement which is requisite for the equilibrium of a disturbed crust resting upon a heavier fluid substratum is, that, for every subaerial elevation above the mean surface, there must be a corresponding protuberance, dipping downwards into the fluid below ; and according to the relative densities which we have assumed, the depth of these protuberances must be about ten times the height of the elevations. We have already seen that this circumstance explains two remarkable phenomena, connected respectively with mountain attraction and with underground temperature. We now proceed to show that it also agrees extremely well with many of the well-known geological movements of the surface. As the surface is denuded down, it will be concurrently raised up from below by floatation, and the immense quantity of material denuded - off a tract will not require the tract at any one period to have had the altitude, which the amount of denudation at first sight appears to necessitate : nor yet will any additional exciting cause of elevation be required, beyond the mere fact of the denudation. The course of drainage across the dip is also explicable on this hypothesis. en. XXIL] SUMMARY. 287 XVIII. Volcanic energy is the motive power on our view of compression. It will be easily seen that we reverse the sequence of cause and effect, as the subject has been sometimes regarded. The well-known theory propounded by Mr Mallet, to account for volcanic energy, makes it the result of com- pression instead of the cause. It also removes the seat of it from where we believe it to reside. We therefore feel it neces- sary to reply to his arguments. Mr Mallet based his theory upon the results of experiments in crushing cubes of rock, from which he calculated the amount of heat obtainable in that way, and concluded that the whole of the heat, that would arise from crushing one cubic foot of rock, would fuse about one- tenth of a cubic foot of the same. Supposing the heat so obtained should be localized, he considered that the crushing of rock within the crust of the earth would originate volcanic action. He assumes with Hopkins, that the crust is thick, and postulates 400 miles for the thickness. We however show that the heat obtained could not be localized, but must be distributed through the crushed portion, appearing only where crushing took place, and appearing everywhere in proportion to the work done there ; so that if say ten miles of the crust was crushed, it could not fuse one mile selected out of those ten. We however do not leave the question here, but go on to calculate the utmost conceivable amount of heat obtainable under Mr Mallet's hypotheses, and find it quite inadequate for the purpose. XIX. Having cleared the ground of the fascinating, but as we believe misleading, theory of Mr Mallet, we review theories that have been propounded to account for volcanic action, on the supposition that it is a manifestation at the surface of the intense temperature existing below ; and that the lava and vapours, which are erupted, are brought up from an intensely hot substratum. Some of these theories require local increments of temperature, of which no explanation has been attempted; while others require the absorption of water by hot rock when applied 'to it externally. We believe that our theory of the constitution of the magma removes the difficulties 288 SUMMARY. [en. xxii. which are involved in the above suppositions, and we have made an attempt to explain the mechanics of an eruption, and the sequence of events connected with it. For the details of this part of the subject the reader is referred to the body of the book, since they cannot be very easily epitomized. XX. The downward protuberances of the crust into the fluid substratum, which we have termed the roots of the moun- tains, will be gradually melted ; and the material melted off, being lighter than the substratum, will flow upwards, and spread itself beneath the crust. This fact appears capable of explaining some hitherto not sufficiently explained phenomena, respecting the order of succession, in which different kinds of lava have been erupted. The Natural System of Volcanic Rocks of Richthofen, as generalized by Prof. Judd, asserts that, since the Eocene period, the earliest erupted rocks have been of an intermediate type, as regards the proportion of silica which they contain and their specific gravity. These were succeeded by more silicious lavas of less specific gravity ; and finally followed by basaltic lavas, with the lowest proportion of silica and highest specific gravity. It is obvious that, if the couches of molten rock had been erupted in the order of their super- position, in which they must necessarily lie, those of inter- mediate specific gravity ought to have followed, instead of preceding, those of less. Our theory accounts for this circum- stance. The more highly silicious rocks being solidified in the crust, were underlain by a magma of intermediate character, and, during the movements which raised the mountains and depressed the roots, this made its appearance at the surface as lava of intermediate type. Subsequently the depressed silicious crust was melted off, and underflowing the crust, the next eruptions were more silicious. When this layer, a thin one, had been erupted, or at distances from the ranges to which it had not extended, the denser substratum followed next in order, producing basaltic lavas. The theory of mountain roots also accounts for the fact mentioned by Prof. Judd, that the ejections in regions, lying upon opposite sides of a mountain chain, appear to have come CH. xxii.] SUMMARY. 289 from different reservoirs of molten rock : for according to our view this would be actually the case. Thus we find five classes of phenomena explicable on the theory of mountain roots : (1) The support of the mountains themselves, (2) The apparently insufficient attraction of the Himalayas, (3) The slower increment of temperature beneath moun- tains, (4) The gradual elevation of a tract concurrently with its denudation, (5) The natural sequence of volcanic rocks. XXI. The geographical distribution of volcanos presents fewer difficulties upon the supposition of a thin crust and fluid substratum, than upon any other. Their linear arrangement points to their being situated along great systems of fissures ; and such systems of fissures are indicative of a thin crust. Fissures, which run for long distances in nearly straight courses, point, either, as already mentioned when discussing faults, to a movement perpendicular to the fissured surface, or else to a rending pressure within the fissure itself; while on the other hand fissures, which are caused by contraction in a direction parallel to the surface, would divide up an area into polygonal figures. The former arrangement of the fissures accords best with the distribution of volcanic ranges, and suggests a thin crust. We recognise two principal types of volcanic regions, coast- line, and oceanic. We believe the former to be connected with the agencies which have raised the continents which they skirt. Trains of vents are attached laterally to the great compressed and elevated ranges, and usually stand near the edge of a steep shore. The oceanic volcanos on the other hand appear un- connected with true elevatory action, for the oceanic islands consist almost all of them of volcanic rocks : whereas, if they were connected with areas of elevation, the peaks of schistose or other hard inclined strata could not well be absent. F. 19 290 SUMMARY. [CH. xxn. Volcanic cones, having no roots projecting downwards into the substratum to support them, would sink, and rupturing the crust around them, tend to perpetuate volcanic activity in the same region. The fissures would be formed around the cones, and thus a train of volcanos, originally linear, would give occasion to an elliptical ring of vents, to which the peculiar shape of some of the coral archipelagoes may possibly be due. The existence of some kind of connection, between volcanic action and the elevation of continents, is- indicated by the re- markable course of the great volcanic band which borders the Pacific ocean : for it approximately divides the world into two hemispheres, one of which contains nearly all the land, and the other, except Australia, is covered with water. Eut the course of this great band being turned aside by its junction with another, which comes from the N. W. through Sumatra and Java, the exceptional continental area of Australia has been elevated within the oceanic hemisphere, in connection with the thus abnormally deflected continuation of the great band. Our theory of volcanic action needs only the opening of fissures which shall reach the fluid substratum, without refer- ence to how those fissures may be caused. We think therefore that the present localization of volcanic activity, at interrupted regions along the flank of an elevated range, may be traced to the deposition of sediment, eve a ai: a considerable distance, upon the side of the range opposite to thai on which the volcanos lie. An inspection of our diagram on page 132 will explain how this would be : and there appears some reason to suppose that this suggestion is supported by geographical facts. APPENDIX. Mr G. H. Darwin " On the stresses caused by continents and mountains " his argument for solidity met by Sir G. B Airy's explanation If. Roche "0 the constitution of the interior of the earth " his theory, though in accord- ance with Geology, requires fuller statement than is yet published. NOTICES of two yet unpublished memoirs have lately ap- peaied bearing on the Physics of the Earth's Crust. Mr G. H. Darwin read a paper in June, 1881, before the Royal Society, " On the stresses caused in the interior of the earth by the weight of Continents and Mountains 1 .'* It is based upon the hypothesis that "the existence of dry land proves that the earth's surface is not a figure of equilibrium appropriate for the diurnal rotation. Hence the interior of the earth must be in a state of stress, and as the land does not sink in, nor the sea-bed rise up, the materials of which the earth is made must be strorg enough to bear this stress." After describing the nature of the investigation, he concludes that it " must be regarded as confirmatory of Sir William Thomson's view, that the earth is solid nearly throughout its whole mass. According to this view, the lava which issues from volcanoes arises from the melting of solid rock, existing at a very high temperature at points where there is a diminution of pressure 2 , or else from com- paratively small vesicles of rock in a molten condition." 1 "Proc. Royal Soc." Vol. xxxn. p. 432. 1881. 2 See the Author's paper on "The Elevation of Mountains by Lateral Pressure." Trans. Cambridge Phil. Soc., Vol. xi. Pt. in. p. 504. 1871. 292 APPENDIX. It will be seen that the facts, upon which Mr G. H. Darwin bases his investigation, are the same as were perceived by Sir G. B. Airy to require explanation. Admitting that the ma- terials of the earth cannot be strong enough to bear the stress, the difficulty was explained by him in the manner given in his own words in our eleventh chapter. If that ex- planation be accepted, the stresses arising from the inequalities of the surface can exist only within the elevated tracts them- selves, which possess no doubt sufficient rigidity to keep them from flowing down into flatness. If the crust is of appropri- ately varying thickness in different parts of the land surfaces, and denser beneath the oceans, and floats in equilibrium on a fluid substratum, it cannot transmit any unequal stresses to the subjacent parts. The other notice referred to appears in the Comptes Rendiis de VAcademie des Sciences 1 , and is by M. Ed. Roche. He points out that " the conditions which every hypothesis ought to satisfy respecting the distribution of the interior mass of the earth are, that it should agree with the value of the superficial ellipticity and also with a certain constant depending upon the phenomenon of precession. These conditions are very nearly satisfied upon the hypothesis of fluidity if we admit that the ellipticity of the earth is about -3^; but if the ellipticity is higher than -^, as appears to result from more recent determinations, the agreement no longer exists." " There is then room to undertake these investigations again upon a different hypothesis ; for example, by considering the globe as formed of a nucleus or solid block nearly homo- geneous, covered by a lighter layer, whose density from geo- logical considerations may be estimated at three times that of water. This constitution of the globe being premised I find that it is possible to reconcile the actually admitted values of the precession and ellipticity if we take account of the fact that the interior nucleus of the globe is solidified and has received its definite form under the influence of a rotation less rapid than that with which the earth is actually animated." 1 Tome xciii. No. 8 p. 364 (22 Aodt, 1881). Paris. APPENDIX. 293 " In any case, the contraction due to the cooling of the globe ought to introduce a progressive acceleiation of its angular velocity. But, if this globe is fluid, the form of the different layers adapt themselves continually to the rotation such as it is at every instant, so that, finally, there remains no more trace of the successive changes which their ellipticity has undergone since the beginning. If on the contrary at a certain epoch of the cooling, the interior layers have passed into the solid state, these layers have taken and retain an ellipticity very different from that which the general hydrostatical equation would at- tribute to them, applied to a mass entirely fluid possessing a rotation common to all its parts. The formula calculated on the hypothesis of the solid nucleus contain at once the constant q, the actual ratio of the centrifugal force to gravity at the equator, and the value q of the same ratio at the epoch of the solidification of the central block. This last element not being determined, we may give it a value such that the superficial ellipticity agrees with the coefficient of the precession. It is necessary, for this, to suppose q less than q, whence it results that the rotation of the earth has undergone an acceleration since the consolidation of the interior nucleus." " The physical and astronomical conditions of the problem allow us moreover to determine with sufficient precision the dimensions and the specific weight of this block. If we neglect the purely superficial shell, as well as a slight condensation towards the centre, where the heaviest materials must be col- lected, observe what will be the constitution of the globe : a nucleus of which the density is about 7, covered with a layer of density 3, of which the thickness will not attain ^th of the entire radius." " The terrestrial block is then as regards the specific weight, analogous to meteoric irons, whilst the layer which envelopes it is comparable to the aerolites of a stony nature, into which iron enters only in small proportion." It need hardly be said, that the results obtained by M. Roche are such as most Geologists would be ready to accept. Until the memoir appears in full, it is not possible to form a 2Q4 APPENDIX. decided judgment upon the argument. But it will be ob- served that the notice makes no mention of the amount of contraction of the spheroid, which would be required to give the additional velocity of rotation. This is a very important point ; for it must be remembered that, while contraction is accelerating, tidal friction is in the meanwhile retarding the rotational speed 1 . It is hardly conceivable that the supposed central block could have solidified very long before a crust could form, and the results of our pre?ent investigations tend to show, that the contraction since that epoch has not been great. 1 The remarkable and profound investigations of Mr G. H. Darwin, upon The remote history of the Earth, and on The Tides of a viscous Spheroid, will be found described in a popular manner by Prof, Ball, in " Nature," Vol. 25, p. 79, 1881. INDEX. Adie, contraction of rocks on cooling, 68 Age of the world on hypothesis of so- lidity, 59, 62, 71, 74 Airy, on mean density, 19 ; on at- traction of mountain masses, 145 Amount of compression, chap. xm. 168, 282 Appalachians, thickness of sediment in, 80 Av.line, thickness of Cambrian rocks, 80 Axes, mean of earth, 33 Babbage, on temple of Serapis, 82 Baily, mean density, 19 Barnard, on thickness of crust, 22 Bath waters, 16 Bedding, inversions of, 130 Bird, Miss, on Kilauea, 26 Bunsen, law of, 251 Cambrian rocks, thickness of, 80 Capillary absorption, 91 Carlisle, Bp of, on geological time, 74, note Cavendish, mean density, 19 Channel Islands, 186, note Colorado Plateau, 81 Compression; and contraction, 45; effect of, on disturbed tract, 118; pos- sible causes of, 170 ; amount of, chap. xui. 168, 282; on hypothesis of fluid substratum, 171, 177; conti- nental, 179; and volcanic action, chap. xv. 185, 284 ; work of, 195 ; may be caused by vapour pressure, 197; from solidification of dykes, 198 ; American geologists on, 201 ; energy producing, 205 ; amount of, if due to volcanic action, 206 ; causes of, examined, 218 Conclusion, 266 Condition of interior, chap. n. 18, 21, 268 Conductivity of rock ; effect on increase of temperature, 5, note, 62 ; not in- volved in estimating amount of elevations, 71 Continents, antiquity of, 82, 169 Contraction in cooling, 23 ; theory of, 34 ; Capt. Button on, 84 Convection currents in a bore hole, 7 Coral reefs, Darwin on, 260 Corrugations of a thin crust, mathe- matical problem of, 100 ; do not represent the case of nature, 112 Cosmogony, 93 296 INDEX. Couches, successive, 28 Cracks formed in bottom of crust, 201 Craters, unsympathetic, 246 Creep, 3 Crushing rock, Mallet's experiments on, 228 Crust, equilibrium of, 83 ; primitive, 97 ; not flexible, chap. ix. 99, 113, 277 ; vertical shearing of, 120 ; thick- ness of, see " Thickness" ; equilibrium of, disturbed by denudation, 219; how restored, 220 Currents in bore-hole, 13 Darwin, Dr, on coral reefs, 260 Darwin, G. H., on stresses caused by mountains and continents, 291 ; 294, note Datum level, 46, 171 Daubree, experiment on capillary ab- sorption, 91, note Davy, Sir H. , theory of volcanos, 3 Delaunay, on thickness of crust, 22 Density, internal, law of, 20, 28 ; dif- ference of, would produce oceans, 76 ; of granite and of basalt, 118 ; of crust beneath oceans, 166 ; of conti- nents, why less, 206 Denudation, effect on disturbed tract, 135 Deposition causes sinking of surface, 140 Depressions of crust, 113 Depths of ocean, 175 Diamonds, artificial, 89, note Disturbed tract, chap. x. 114, 278; equilibrium of, 115; effect of com- pression on, 118 ; tilting of, 136 Dunker, Herr E., on Sperenberg bore- hole, 6 ; table of temperatures there, 10 Dutton, Capt., on contraction from cooling, 75, 84 ; on sequence of vol- canic rocks, 253 Dykes, 186 Elevated region, formation of, 131; diagram of, 132 Elevations, average height of, 52, 55 ; and depressions, chap. v. 45, 272 ; on hypothesis of solidity, chap. vi. 57, 273 Elie de Beaumont, 34, note Elliot, Sir G., observations on tem- perature in coal-mines, 4 Ellipticity, 20 Energy, whence derived under different views of compression, 205 Equilibrium of disturbed tract, 115 Equinoxes, precession of, 22 Eruption of volcano, theories of, 240 ; Eichthofen on, 241 ; causes of, 242 ; quantity of water emitted during, 244 ; cessation of, 244 Evans, Capt., on magnetic variation, 27 Faulting, on, chap. xvi. 208, 286; datum level equation applied to, 214 Faults, hade of, 208 ; throw of, 211, 213 ; straight course of, 211 ; Mr Curry on throw, 210 ; of Utah, 212 ; connected with surface changes, 212 ; may cut through crust, 213 Favre, Prof. A., experiments on com- pression, 86, 127 Fissures, opened by vapour pressure, 187; pressure of lava on sides of, 194 Fluid substratum, 83, chap. vin. 87, 275 Freshwater strata, 221 Ganges, deposits of, 81 Geikie, Prof. A., on geology of Utah, 256 Geological movements, chap. xvn. 217, 286 Geothermometer, 6 Greenland, changes of level in, 224 Haughtoii, Prof, estimates of areas of land and sea, 55, note Hannay, on artificial diamonds, 89, note Herschel, continents due to " tume- faction," 76, 275 Himalayas, 43 ; structure of lower INDEX. 297 ranges of, 80; attraction of, calcu- lated by Pratt, 143 ; Airy on, 145 Hopkins, on thickness of crust, 22 ; on Elie de Beaumont's views, 77 Hungary and Bohemia, Judd on, 257 Hypothesis of solidity fails, chap. vn. 73, 274 Ice, analogies with earth's crust, 199, 278 Igneo-aqueous solution, 87, 94, 190, 276, 285 Internal densities and pressures, chap. in. 28, 270 Inversion of bedding, 130 James, Col., on mean density, 19 Judd, Prof., absorption of water by lava, 190 ; connection of compression and volcanic action, 203 ; on Bicht- hofen's law of sequence, 256 Kilauea, crater of, 26 La Chapelle, well at, 15 Laplace, law of density, 29 ; corre- sponding internal pressures, 31, 270 Lateral pressure, its amount, chap. iv. 34, 271 ; compression, theory of, not to be abandoned, 84 Lava, pressure in column of, 192 ; habitually liquid in some craters, 246 ; partly derived from crust, 251 ; conforms to Bunsen's law, 251 LeConte, on formation of mountains, 77 Level, mean, equation referred to, 171 Liquid substratum, 83, 84, 275 Lock, W. G. "Volcanic History of Iceland," 189 Magma, 98; supposition as to consti- tution of, 189 Mallet, theory of volcanos, 3 ; on den- sity of granite, 19; on contraction of slag, 68; on temperature of primi- tive ocean, 96; on volcanic energy, chap, xviii. 226, 287; experiments F. on crushing rocks, 228 ; temperature calculated from, 229 ; locah'zation of heat impossible, 230 ; utmost tem- perature obtainable, 233 ; theory untenable, 238 Maskelyne, mean density, 19 Mean density, 18 Medlicott, on Himalayas, 43 Metamorphosed rocks, contortions in, 124 Mines, temperature in, 1 Mississippi, deposits of, 81, 265 Mohr, on bore-hole at Sperenberg, 6 Mont Cenis, temperature in, 161 Mont S. Gothard, temperature in, 153 Moore, J. C., estimate of mean height of land, 54 Mountain chains, 43 ; formation of, 131 ; backbones of continents, 142 ; roots of, 143 ; geologically modern, 222 Movements, connected with shorelines, 222 ; causes of ,224 ; geological, chap, xvii. 217, 286 Muirhead and Whitley, on contraction of rocks in cooling, 23 New Zealand, 80, 264 Neutral' Zone, defined, 121; position of, 125 Nordenskiold, on Arctic ice, 199 ; his theory of compression, 200 Oceans, due to difference of density in crust, 76 ; density greater beneath, 76 ; not due to radial contraction, 79 ; pressure of, 97 ; density beneath 150, 165 ; crust beneath, 164 ; anti- quity of, 169 ; zones of depth, 175 Palmieri's Vesuvius (Mallet), 90, 230 Plumb-line, revelations of, chap. xi. 142, 280 Po, deposits of, 81 Pratt, Archdeacon, on " Figure of the Earth," 20 ; on thickness of crust, 22 ; on Pacific Ocean, 76 ; on at- traction of Himalayas, 143 20 298 INDEX. Precession, 22 Pressure, alone cannot develope heat, 3; relation to density, 20; internal, calculated according to Laplace's law of density, 31 ; at earth's centre, 33 ; lateral, chap. iv. 34 ; lateral internal, 37; of vapour on sides of fissure, 187 ; in column of lava, 192 Eadial contraction, on hypothesis of solidity, 72; cannot have produced ocean beds, 79 Eaised beaches, 223 Bamsay, Professor, sections in South Wales, 222 Beich, mean density, 19 Bevelations of the thermometer, chap, xii. 151, 280 Bichthofen, connection of elevation with volcanic action, 204 ; theory of eruption, 241, 247 ; sequence of vol- canic rocks, 253, 257 Bigidity of earth, 28 Boche, M., on constitution of earth, 292 Bock, conductivity of, 62 ; circulation of, 206 Boots of mountains, 143 ; melted off, 249, 288 Bose Bridge Colliery, temperatures in, 5 Bosetti, temperature of Sun, 17, note Bowley rag, experiments on, 24 S. Gothard, temperatures in, 153 Scandinavia, raised beaches of, 223 Scrope, extract from letter of, 89 Sea salts, emitted from volcanos, 90 Sequence of volcanic rocks, chap. xx. 249, 253, 288 ; Button on, 255 ; Judd on, 256 Shearing, vertical, of crust, 120 Siberia, temperature in, 1 Sinking areas, 83, 139 Siwaliks, 80 Slag, contraction of, in cooling, 68 Solid or fluid interior ? 21 Solidity, amount of elevations upon hy- pothesis of, calculated, chap. vi. 57, 273 ; hypothesis of, fails, chap. vn. 73, 274 Sorby, cavities in crystals, 87, 125 Sperenberg, bore-hole at, 5 ; convection currents in do., 11 Spheroid, oblateness of, 183, 292 Stapff, Dr, on Mont S. Gothard, 153 Steam from volcanos, 90 Sterry Hunt, Dr, on early condition of the globe, 93 ; on igneo-aqueous fu- sion, 94 ; on compression, 201 Summary, chap. xxn. 267 Sun, temperature of, 17, note Temperature, law of increase in, on hypothesis of solidity, 60 ; rates may vary locally, 152; Vrolik on, 153 ; at Mont S. Gothard, 154 ; melting, from observations at do., 161 ; and at Mont Cenis, 162 Thermometer, roots of mountains re- vealed by, 152 Thickness of strata, 80 Thickness of crust, 126 ; at sea level, 158; from observations at S. Gothard, 161 ; from do. at Mont Cenis, 162 ; beneath ocean, 164 Thomson, Sir Wm. , device for checking convection, 13 ; on thickness of crust, 22 ; on solidity of earth, 22, 23 ; on tidal distortion, 22 ; on secular cool- ing, 59 ; on connection between tem- perature rate and world's age, 59 ; re'sume' of his views, 60 Thomson, Sir Wyville, estimate of ocean depths, 56 Time, geological, on what grounds re- stricted to a term of years, 74 Tresca, "De 1'ecoulement des corps solides," 120 Underground temperature, chap. i. 1, 267 ; average rate of, 2 ; observations on, 4; how affected by changes in conductivity, 5, note ; British Assoc. Beports on, 6, 15, 16 ; in S. Gothard tunnel, 153 ; in Mont Cenis, 161 INDEX. 299 Volcanic emanations, 90 ; action, 185 ; 28 ; table of do., 30 ; table of pres- dykes, 186 sures, 31 Volcano, in eruption, chap. xix. 240, Water, superheated, 87 ; extravasation 287 of, 88, chap. xrv. 180 ; subterranean, Volcanos, how far "safety valves," 197; 96; critical temperature of, 88, 97, geographical distribution of, chap. 125 xxi. 259 ; oceanic, 260 ; deposits Weald, drainage of, 224 from, 261 ; Pacific train of, 262 ; re- World, age of, on hypothesis of solidity, gions of activity, 265 59, 62, 71, 74 Waltershausen, densities of rocks, 19 ; Yakoutzk, frozen soil at, 1 formula for densities within earth, CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A., AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 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