A GUIDE TO THE MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF DRINKING WATER LONDOK: iTILt,, BDWABDS AND CO., PBINTEES, CHAKD03 STEBET COVENT OABDEW. TO SIR ALEXANDER ARMSTRONG, K.C.B., LLD., F.R.S. ETC. ETCl ETC. DIRECTOR-GENERAL OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THB NAVY, WHOSE NAME IS ESPECIALLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CULTIVATION OP THE SCIENCE OF HYGIENE IN HER MAJESTY'S NAVAL SERVICE, WITH FEELINGS OF RESPECT AND ESTEEM, BY HIS MOST OBEDIENT SERVANT, THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. OFFICERS OF HEALTH, as well as Naval and Military Medical Officers,, have often to determine the nature of the suspended matters in water used for drinking. In an Hygienic point of view, the import of these suspended matters must vary with their properties, whether mechanical, chemical, or vital. Mineral particles may affect health, on account of their mechanical action, as for example, when mineral silt of clay, or fine sand causes diarrhoea. Dead animal and vegetable sub- stances may have more important effects, as, when suspended faecal matter produces irritation of the whole alimentary tract. On the other hand, living things, such as the ova of Entozoa, the nematoid worms, and small leeches may give rise at once to certain grave disorders, or Algse may act on sulphates, and dis- engage sulphuretted hydrogen. There are, however, numerous living creatures, both animal and vegetable, found in drinking water, to which no special effect on health can be at present assigned ; they may be important only as showing the presence of organic impurities, which serve as their pabulum, or as indicating putrefaction. Farther observation may, neverthe- less, prove them to be of deeper sanitary significance, and Tin PREFACE. even now, though there is no good evidence of their hurtful action, no one would hesitate to condemn a water containing Bacteria or fungi, or swarming with the lower forms of life. At any rate, whatever may be the conclusions hereafter arrived at, as to the sanitary import of the innumerable suspended matters, it cannot be doubted that Medical Officers of Health should be able to state what they are. This must be done chiefly by the microscope ; but, as it is often difficult for those who are unacquainted with Natural History, even with a > voluminous work of reference in their hands, to determine the nature of the various objects that may present themselves, the design of the following synopsis is to furnish a number of figures of those objects, with such a commentary as may enable them to be identified. No attempt has been made to link particular forms with special effects; it is doubtful indeed, if this be possible at present, beyond a limited extent, being rather a point for the enquiry of future times, which this little work can merely purport to aid. The Tables and figures may also prove useful to young naturalists, who are beginning to investigate the world of waters, that wonderful world, in a single drop of which we may behold varieties of form, almost as numerous as those upon the surface of the great globe itself. Many books have been published with a similar object in view; but one more may find a place, to facilitate the study of a very interesting department of Natural Science. In reference to the Plates, by way of apology, it may be mentioned that, with the view of lessening the expense of PREFACE. ix publication, the figures have been drawn with pen and ink, but, though they cannot pretend to the fineness and delicacy of steel engravings, some artistic effect has been preserved, and it is hoped that they will answer, equally well, the purpose for which they are intended. To Professor Parkes, F.R.S., the thanks of the author are especially due, for his valuable advice and guidance, in rendering the treatment of the subject as practical as possible. WESTON GROVE ROAD, WOOLSTON, SOUTHAMPTON, October 1st, 1875. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. MODE OF COLLECTING SEDIMENTS AND PLACING THEM UNDER THE MICROSCOPE. MICRO- SCOPICAL POWERS. IMMERSION-LENSES. CAUSES OF DISCOLORATION AND TURBIDITY . 1 SECTION I. MINERAL MATTER 4 SECTION II. DEAD ORGANIC MATTER ...... 6 A. DEAD VEGETABLE MATTER .... 6 B. DEAD ANIMAL MATTER 7 SECTION III. LIVING FORMS 9 A. LIVING PLANTS 11 B. LIVING ANIMALS 34 N.B. The numerals placed opposite the genera indicate the corresponding figures in the Plates. ERRATUM. Page 42 to end. (Plate XIV.) should be (Plate XV.), (Plate XV.) should be (Plate XVI.), and so on. MINERAL MATTER. .,, i PLATE I. Mineral Matter. 1. Carbonate of lime, finely divided with vesicles of atmo- spheric air, between the glass slip and cover. 2. Also carbonate of lime, but with the evolution of carbonic acid gas by the addition of an acid. 3. Fine green mineral particles, cohering as a microscopic breccia, or conglomerate, are here and there mingled with larger and probably more recent sandy granules, preserving their angularity and roughness from fracture ; taken from the debris of a well-sinking, at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley. 4. Silicious or flinty granules taken from road-side stream- lets, (a) more recent, and (b) of earlier date, having been rounded off and smoothed by rolling and attrition, like microscopic boulders. VEGETABLE PRODUCTS. PLATE II. Vegetable Products. 1. Pollen of Grass. 2. of Water-lily. 3. of Water-plantain. 4. of Rush. 5. of Pine. 6. Epidermis, parenchyma, and fibro- vascular tissue of straw. 7. Cuticle of Grass/* with the mycelium of Odium moni- lioides. 8. Epidermis or cuticle of Water- plan tain. 9. Ditto of the lesser Duck-weed. 10. Cuticle of Carex, with stomata, and some of the round subjacent parenchyma cells seen through it. 11. Section of the stem of Carex, showing the large pith or medullary cells, and a bundle of pitted tissue and spiral vessels. 12. Stellate tissue of the pith of the Rush. * The epidermis and other tissues of grasses, as of hay and straw, derived from stable manure which is being constantly dried and powdered on every road, and widely dispersed by the wind, are very frequently present in water to which they may find access. VEGETABLE PRODUCTS. PLATE III. Vegetable Products indicative of Contamination with House Refuse. 1. Linen fibre. 2. Hemp. 3. Cotton. 5. Chip of deal or pine, with the so-called discoidal tissue, and the silver grain of carpenters passing at right angles to the woody fibres. ANIMAL PRODUCTS. PLATE IV. Animal Products. 1 . (a) Ventral booklet of Nais (a fresh-water annelid) ; (b) liberated ova of the same, often visible when the body of the parent has broken down so as to be indistinguishable. 2. Spiny spicula of Spongilla lacustris, (a) straight ; (b) curved. 3. Spicula of Spongilla fluviatilis, (a) birotulate ;* (b) simple. 4. Part of the leg of a Cockroach. 5. Fore leg of Male Dytiscus. 6. Hind leg of Gyrinus natator. 7. Foot of a Spider. 8. Tail of Cyclops quadricornis (male). 9. Right superior antenna of the same. 10. Inferior antenna of Daphnia pulex. 11. Cast skin of Macrobiotus (Tardigrada). 12. Head and trophi of Gnat (Culex). 13. Portion of the Polypidum of Plumatella (Polyzoa). 14. Egg of Cristatella Mucedo. * The corresponding spicules of the Bombay Tank Sponge, Spongilla Meyeni form very good objects for the microscope. ANIMAL PRODUCTS. PLATE V. Animal Products foreign to the Fresh Water. 1. Fibres of silk. 2. Woollen fibre. 3. Human hair. 4. Rabbit's hair, (a) the shaft; (b) the apex. 5. Nucleated scale-like epithelium from the mouth, &c. 6. Cuticular epithelium, angular and irregular, without apparent nuclei. 7. Striped muscular fibre. 8. Tip of a feather. 9. Barblets of ditto, more highly magnified. 10. Scales of Insects. Besides the Lepidotera namely, the Moths and Butterflies, numerous other insects are furnished with scales. Thus they form a velvety coat on the Anthracidse and Bombylidse, but are more distinctly scaly on bodies of many of the Curculionidse, Melolonthidse, Clavicornes, Lepis- midse, Poduridse, and on the wings of the Culicidse (Siebold). BACTERIA. PI .VI. ,;.' MICROCOCCUS. \ /;.. .*36fiM*. r d v* ? . ". V- I .|C \\{ \ u\ PLATE VIIT. Oscillator iacecB. 1. Oscillatoria autumnalis and allied species. 2. Microcoleus repens. 3. Lyngbya muralis. 4. Scytonema Myocrous. 5. Rivularia Boryana. Nostochaceae. 1. Nostoc commune. Several fragments showing vesicular cells to the left, and a filament in a gelatinous sheath to the right. 2. Trichormus musicola. The longer portion to the left exhibiting spermatic and vesicular cells, and the smaller seg- ments to the right, the effect of treatment with acid. PALMELLACE/E. TYPES OF DESMIDIACEXE PLATE IX. PalmellacecB. 1. Microhaloa Ichthyoblabe. 2. Palmella cruenta. 3. Coccochloris Brebissonii. (a) Development and cleavage of a cell resulting in two new cells, each enclosed in a new gelatinous 'coat within the primary one. (#) Multiplication in the absence of the moisture necessary for the production of the gelatinous coat, (c) Approximation, union, and coales- cence of wo eiidochromes, to form a new cell, with the capa- bility of repeating the process with a similar cell. 4. Hormospora (a) mutabilis, and (fy transversalis; which latter makes a near approach to some of the humbler Desmidiacese. Types of Desmidiacece. 1. Closterium (a) lunula, (b) moniliformis. 2. Penium Brebissonii. 3. Spirotsenia condensatum. 4. Docidium baculum. 5. Tetmemorus Brebissonii. 6. Micrasterias sp. (Fiji.) 7. Euastrum didelta. 8. Cosmarium margaritiferum. 9. Arthrodesmus convergens. 10. Xanthidium fasciculatum. 11. Staurastrum gracile. 12. Didymocladon furcigerus. 13. Didymoprium Grevillii, (a) front, and (ti) side-view. 14. Desmidium Swartzii, (a) front, and (b) side-view. 15. Sphserozosma vertebratum. 16. Hyalotheca dissilens. 17. Aptogonum desmidium. 18. (a and b) Scenedesmus quadricornis. 19. (b) Scenedesmus obtusus, (c) S. obliquus. 20. Ankistrodesmus falcatus. 34 TYPES OF FRESH WATER DIATOMACEXE PLATE X. Thirty-four Types of Fresh- Water Diatomacece. 1. Epithemia turgida. 2. Eunotia tetraodon. 3. Himanti- dium pectinale (a side, and b front view). 4. Meridion circulare. 5. Fragilaria capucina. 6. Denticula elegans. 7. Odontidium turgidum (a side, and b front view). 8. Diatoma vulgare (a side, and b front view) . 9. Astrionella formosa. 10. Cyclotella oper- cula. 11. Melosira varians. 12. Campylodiscus spiralis. 13. Surirella splendida. 14. Sphynctocystis elliptica. 16. Syn- edra (a splendens, b capitata). 17. Cocconeis pediculus. 18. Achnanthes mimitissima. 19. Achnanthidium microce- phalum. 20. Cymbella Ehrenbergii. 21. Cocconema lanceola- tum, a and b (a, single frustule highly magnified). 22. Gom- phonema acuminatum. 23. Pinnularia grandis. 24. (a) Navi- cula cuspidata, () N. sphserophera. 25. Stauroneis acuta. 26. Gyrosigma attenuatum. 27. Amphora ovalis. 28. Tetra- eyclus lacustris (a side, b front view). 29. Tabellaria floccosa (a side, b front view). 30. Terpsinoe niusica (a side, b front view). 31. Mastogloia lanceolata. 32. Frustulia saxonica. 33. Colletonema vulgare. 34. Encyonema paradoxum, VOLVOCACE/E. PEDIASTRACE/E. APIOCYSTACE/E. PLATE XI. Volwcacece. 1. Protococcus viridis, a, a single motile cell, and a sta- tionary one undergoing cleavage of the endochrome ; b } two resulting cells ; c, cleavage into four, and d, into eight new cells, within the primary one. 2. Tetraspora gelatinosa. 3. Gonium pectorale (a seen in face, b seen edgewise). 4. Pandorina morum (a side view, and b end view). 5. Vol- vox globator. Pediastracece (Provisional). 1. Pediastrum. , Boryanum. b, granulatum. 2. Hydrodictyon utriculatum. Apiocystacea (Provisional) . 1. Apiocystis Brauniana (a young, b zoospore). 2. Hydro- cytium acuminatum (a, stages of growth, b } shedding zoo- spores). 3. Ophiocytium majus. 4. Sciadium arbuscula(, stages of development, b, complete form). 5. Chytridium Olla, on a filament of (Edogonium, one dehiscing and discharging monad- like zoospores. 6. Pythium entophytum (a, an immature cluster in a cell of Chlorosphaera, b, one perforating the cell- wall and discharging its contents). 7. Codiolum gregarium. pi.xri. SIPH O N ACE/E. ZYGNEM ACE/E PLATE XII. Siphonacea. 1. Vaucheria Ungeri. 2. Portion more highly magnified. 3. Sporange and antheridium. 4. a and b stages in the development of c, the ciliated spore of Vaucheria. 5. Achlya prolifera, with its mycelioid rootlets growing upon the dead body of a small fly. Zygnemacece. 1. Spirogyra. 2. Zygnema. 3. Zygogonium. In all three cases the simple filament is shown at a, and the mode of conjugation at b. 4. Mesocarpus. 5. Staurocarpus. 6. Rhynchonema. a and b in the two latter figures merely indicate different species. ;ONFERVACE>(a&l>)CEDOGON!ACE>e(c&ETOPHORACE>e(< PLATE XIII. Confervacete, (Edogoniacece, and Cli&toplioracea. a. Conferva floccosa. b. Cladophora crispata. c. Species of (Edogonium. d. Bulbochsete setigera. e. Chsetophora elegans. Amongst the Diatomacese introduced in this Plate may be noticed Long prismatic Synedrse, Tabellaria floccosa, wedge-shaped and stalked Gomphoneinse, with the little bent frustules of Achnanthes minutissima. A spray of pond weed forms the theatre of this microscopic vegetation. RHIZOPODA RADIOLARIA. Amphilreriuv. LOBOSA acnus 4. Diffhigia, two forms. 5 . Areella, Vulyasis; from above. 6 . Cyphiduun . 7. Amoeba. seweraJ, forms. PLATE XIV. Rhizopoda. RADIOLARIA. 1. Actinophrys ; (a] Eichornii ; (b) sol.; (c) ditto young. 2. Acanthocystis turfacea ; (a) full grown, (b) young. 3. Clathrulina elegans. RETICULARIA. 1. Gromia fluviatilis. 2. Pleurophrys amphitremoides. 3. Amphitrema Wrightianum. LOBOSA. 1. Trinema acinus. 2. Euglypha tuberculata. 3. E. alveo- lata. 4. Difflugia (a) spinosa, (b) proteiformis. 5. Arcella vulgaris. 6. Cyphidium aureolum. 7. Amoeba, (a) ramosa, (b) radiosa, (c) young of diffluens. FLAGELLATA. INFUSORIA. MON A Dl N A . PLATE XV. Infusoria. FLAGELLATA. MONADINA. 1. Monas (a) lens, (b) attenuata. 2. Cyclidium (a) ab- scissum, (b) distortum. 3. Chilomonas grauulosa. 4. Amphi- monas dispar. 5. Cercomonas () longicauda, (b) lobata. 6. Heteromita exigua. 7. Trepomonas agilis. 8. Hexamita nodulosa. 9. Anthophysa Miilleri. 10. Uvella glaucoma. DlNOBRYINA. 1. Epipyxis utriculus. 2. Dinobryon sertularia; (a) normal state, (b) separate cell more highly magnified. EUGLENIA. 1. Colacium vesiculosum. 2. Distigma; (a) proteus, (b) viride. 3. Euglena ; (a) spirogyra, (b) viridis, (c) longi- cauda. 4. Amblyophis viridis. 5. Peranema globulosa. 6. Chlorogonium euchlorum. 7. Zygoselmis insequalis. 8. Polyselmis viridis. THECAMONADINA. /~X 3 PERIDIN/4EA CILIATA. ENCHELIA TRICHODINA 3 KERONIA. PLATE XVT. THECAMONADINA. 1. Trachelomonas volvocina. 2. Cryptomonas globulus. 3. Phacus pleuronectes. 4. Crumenula texta. 5. Anisonema sulcata. PERIDIN^EA. 1. Chsetoglena sp. 2. Chsetotyphla armata ; (a) end, and (b) side view. 3. Glenodininm cinctum. 4. Peridinium cinctum. CILIATA. ENCHELIA. 1. Acomia vitrea. 2. Gastrochseta fissa. 3. Enchelys nodu- losa. 4. Alyscum saltans. TRICHOPINA. 1. Pelecida rostrum. 2. Dileptus folium. 3. Trachelius anas. 4. Acineria incurvata. 5. Trichoda angulata. KERONIA. 1. Halieria grandinella. 2. Oxytricha gibba. 3. Urostyla grandis. 4. Kerona polyporum. 5. Stylonychia histrio (lanceolata?). EUPTOTA. 1. Himantophorus charon j (a) front, and (b) side view. 2. Euplotes vannus, (a) front, and (b) side view. PAR AM ECIA. VORTICELLINA. PLATE XVII. PARAMECIA. 1. Chilodon cuculhilus. 2. Nassula elegans. 3. Prorodon teres. 4. Glaucoma scintillans. 5. Colpoda eucullus. 6. Paramecium aurelia (three-quarter-view). 7. Panophrys crysalis. 8. Holophrya ovum. 9. Trachelocera olor. 10. Lacrymaria proteus. BURSARINA. 1. Ophryoglena acuminata. 2. Bursaria vorticella. 3. Leucophrys (a) patula, (b) spathula, Ehr. (Spathidium hyalinum) Du. 4. Spirostomum ambiguum. URCEOLARINA. 1. Ophrydium versatile, showing an animal in the extended state, and (a) encysted, (b) the supposed Acineta form. 2. Urceolaria pediculus (Trichodina). 3. Stentor coeruleus, with internal germs. Urocentrum turbo. VORTICELLINA. 1. Vorticella microstoma. 2. Carchesium polypinum. 3. Epistylis crassicollis. 4. Opercularia articula. 5. Zoo- thamnium arbuscula. SYMMETRICAL FORMS. :CELENTERATA. HYDRIDA. CORYNIDA SCOLECIDA. PLATE XVIII. CILTATA continued. Symmetrical Forms. 1. Ichthydimn Podura. 2. Chsetonotus Larus. 3. Coleps hirtus. 4. Planariola rubra. Ccelenterata. 1. Hydra viridis. 2. H. vulgaris. 3. Cordylophora lacustris. Turbellaria. 1. Derostomura. 2. Prostomum. 3. Mesostomum. 4. Planaria. NEMATODA ROTIFERA. n ANARTHROPODA. ANNELIDA. PLATE XIX. Nematoda. 1. Anguillula (from bilge water). 2. A. aceti. 3. A. fluviatilis. Rotifera. 1. (Ecistes crystallinus. 2. Megalotrocha flavicaus. 3. Monostyla quadridentata. 4. Floscularia ornata. 5. Hyda- tina senta. 6. Rotifer vulgaris. 7. Brachionus amphiceros. Annelida. 1 . Naid ; (a) conformable with the Proto of Oken ; (b) setse, and ventral booklets. 2. Nephelis, sp. 3. Glossi- phonia bioculata; 3a. a dorsal chitinous tooth-like process directed backwards from the eleventh segment, over a little pit in the twelfth. ENTOMOSTRACA OSTRACODA. PLATE XX. Entomostraca. OSTRACODA. 1. Cypris tristriata. 2. Candona reptans. 3. Cythere inopinator. COPEPODA. 1. Cyclops quadricornis. 2. Canthocamptus minutus. 3. Diaptomus castor. PHYLLOPODA. 1. Branchipus stagnalis. 2. Lepidurus, LecA=Mouoculus Apus of Linnaeus. CLADOCERA. Lynceidae. 1. Chydorus sphsericus. 2. Camptocercus macrourus. 3. Alona quadrangularis. 4. Pleuroxus trigonellus. Daphnida. 5. Daphnia pulex. 6. Bosmina longirostris. 7. Sida crystallma. 8, Daphnella Wingii. MALACOSTRACA. ISOPODA. \ AMPH1PODA ARACHNIDA. TARDIGRADA ACARINA. PLATE XXI. Malacostraca. Isopoda. 1. Asellus aquaticus. Amphipoda. 2. Gammarus pulex. Arachnida. TARDIGRADA. 1. Emydium testudo. 2. Milnesium tardigrada. 3. Macrobiotus Hufelandii. ACARINA. 1. Hydrachna globula. 2. H. geographica. 3. A more globular form in which, quite exceptionally, six eyes are present. 4. Limnochares holocericus, a crawling water mite, INS EC TA K> OVA OF ENTOZOA. f PLATE XXII. Insecla. COLEOPTERA. 1. Larva of Acilius sulcatus. 2. Larva of Gyrinus natator. TRICHOPTERA. 3. Phryanea grandis in its composite case. 4. The form named Thelidomus by Mr. Swainson, who mistook the little built-up case for a genuine shell, and gave it a place among the Helices (snails), arranged in accordance with the " quinary system." The case figured, from the Isle of Pines, S. W. Pacific, was made of granules of ironstone, but in some of the streams of New Caledonia, the retreat of probably the same species, is constructed of little amethysts. HjEMIPTERA. 5. Pupa of Nepa (water scorpion). NEUROPTERA. 6. Pupa of Agrion puella. 7. Pupa of Calepteryx virgo. 8. Pupa of Ephemera vulgata. DlPTERA. 9. Larva of the Gnat Culex pipiens. OVA OF ENTOZOA. 10. Of Tsenia mediocanellata. 11. Of Fasciola hepatica. 12. Of Ascaris dentata. 13. Of Bilharzia haematobia. 14. Young of Filaria medinensis. WELL-WATER (NETLEY). a . ffelcdui&uj fronds e . Ankist^odesmus, u^ith Bacteria, f . Desmiduice&. b . Monadznti. g-. c . Diatojzuuxye. h. d. Star shaped cells \ . Euglezia r&idis k. Spore o I . Oscillator ia. PLATE XXIII. Well-Water (Netley). The suspended matters represented in this Plate were obtained by setting aside a tall glass litre measure full of the water, with a disc of glass attached to a long wire at the bottom. During the first twelve hours a deposit of grosser particles was formed, with a delicate coating here and there of the gelatinous matter and bacteroids shown at a. In twelve hours more this coating had become more consistent, and at the end of forty- eight hours was so firmly adherent as to require some force to remove it, with the mineral particles, resting-spores of algse, and organic debris of different kinds embedded in it. In the little bays and creeks of this gelatinous substance the loosened and detached Bacteria were in active motion, and interspersed with Monads (ft) of minute size. Navicula, Synedra, and other Diatoms (c), were free in the field, or joften projecting from the amorphous debris. The little green star-like bodies (d) probably allied to the Tetra- pedia, have also been noticed in other specimens obtained from a deep source, and are evidently identical with those figured in Plate 4, illustrating the Reports made to the Directors of the London (Watford) Spring- Water Company by Drs. Lankester and Redfern. The remaining objects are sufficiently explained in the references attached to the Plate. BOG-WATER a . ofboyuwss. d . Cbsnu&iian. e . Closterium. 1 . A n A PLATE XXIV. Bog Water. The specimen of water here represented was taken from the swampy ground near Miller's Pond, Sholing, Southampton. It was very rich in Rhizopoda, Infusoria, Oscillatorians, and Desmids large and small, and the beautiful Pinnularia grandis, which is so plentiful in all the surrounding district, but chiefly in stagnant and impure water. A GUIDE TO THE MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION DRINKING WATER. INTRODUCTION. MODE OF COLLECTING SEDIMENTS AND PLACING THEM TTNDEB THE MICROSCOPE -MICROSCOPICAL POWERS IMMERSION- LENSES. WHEN water is very turbid, from an obviously impure source, it is easy enough to obtain a sufficient amount of sedimentary matter for microscopical examination, and a just estimate of the unfituess of such water for drinking purposes may be thus readily formed. But it more frequently happens that the deposit, even after long standing, is but slight, and when this is the case, we must have recourse to special means by which the whole, or a large amount of the matters in suspension may be concentrated, or collected together within a small compass. In the first place a tall glass vessel will be required, a litre or half-litre measure glass will answer very well, and when filled up to the mark, a circular disc of glass, resting upon a horizontal loop at the end of a long wire, should be let down to the bottom of the vessel, and the whole arrangement, lightly covered, set aside for twenty-four or forty-eight hours, as the case may be. B 2 INTRODUCTION. At the end of the specified time, the water may be siphoned off with a piece of india-rubber tubing, only leaving a thin stratum over the glass disc. This should now be carefully raised, and laid upon a piece of blotting-paper, so as to dry its under surface, when it may be at once transferred to the microscope, with a large piece of thin covering glass so placed upon it as to exclude all air- bubbles. Another good plan is to siphon off the water until only a sufficient quantity remains to permit the sediment to be shaken up with it, and poured into a tall conical glass, from which, after standing again for a short time, portions may be taken up by means of a pipette, and placed on a slide for examination. A thin glass cover is always required, not only to equalize the refraction, but to confine the fluid and prevent evaporation, by which an obstructive dew would naturally form upon the object glass. In the manner just mentioned the speci- men of well-water sediment represented in Plate XXIII. was pre- pared. The gelatinous matter, developed by the bacteria-like cells at the lower part of the figure, (a) was only loosely adherent at the close of the first day ; but, subsequently to this, or during the next forty- eight hours, it formed a delicate but perfect in- crustation at the bottom of vessel. Many of the little bodies, detached from the gelatinous frond, were seen in active motion in the immediate vicinity. More definite fronds, with still more minute bacteriform bodies growing upon a decomposing spray of pond weed, are shown in Plate VII. as seen with a sixteenth of an inch immersion-lens. The first of these forms, at least, would seem to exhibit an alliance with the Palmellaceae, while others, which are very readily confounded with them, show a marked affinity with the Oscillatorians (see further remarks on this subject under the head of Bacteriacece). It will be apparent, from the foregoing observations, that the sediments of comparatively clear water require the very highest INTRODUCTION. 3 microscopical powers for their investigation, and the employ- ment of immersion-lenses if available. Filamentous algae, even narrower than true bacteria, may be thus frequently brought into view, as well as the delicate flagellse or loco- motive, organs of monads, whose bodies alone would be scarcely visible with lower powers. It is also important to mention that, by these means, even in the absence of ordi- nary amoebae, particles of protoplasm of bacterium size, exhibiting amoebiform movements, are often discernible. Lastly, very finely-divided mineral matter in suspension, giving rise to milkiness or haze, can only be studied with immersion-lenses, though certain cases may occur in which no objective cause of these conditions can be detected microscopically. Mineral matters of various hues in the soil, through or over which water percolates or flows, are the more usual causes of discoloration and turbidity. Peroxide of iron, in parti- cular, may be mentioned as the source of the brown cloudy appearance of water from the blue clay, as also, frequently, of the brown colour of pools in bog-lands, though this is more likely to arise from organic matter in a state of decay. In the coarser sediment, under such circumstances, the micro- scopic forms of animal and vegetable life are likely to be abundant (viz., Rotifera and Infusoria, Oscillatoriacecs and Desmidiacete). In ferruginous bog- water also the twin- spiral filaments of Didymohelix, invested with a yellowish-brown gelatinous matter, and Leptothrix ochrea, a rather ill-defined mycelioid structure, may add to the general effect. By reflected light, moreover, the fine amber tint of the Dia- tomacea, floating or resting, is quite brown. Some of the heterogeneous materials usually occurring in bog-water are represented in Plate XXIV. B 2 SECTION I. MINERAL MATTERS. (PLATE I.) MINERAL matters in suspension in water often give a turbidity of a colour and character indicative of their nature. When the particles are large, they will descend more rapidly; but when very subtle or minutely divided, the suspension being more complete, a longer time will be required for their sub- sidence. Looking down through a considerable depth of the water, with the glass vessel containing it resting on a white ground, will afford some preparatory information, when com- pared with a corresponding stratum of distilled water in a second vessel observed in a similar way. Haziness, or pecu- liarity of colour, may be thus detected, which would be quite inappreciable in a thin layer. With a long glass tube a stratum of two or more feet might be obtained, and the method is also valuable in observing the effect of reagents or tests in water. In the light of preparatory information, it may be stated, moreover, that sandy particles and clay in suspension give a yellowish-white turbidity ; and on boiling the water, as Professor Parkes observes, " sand, chalk, and heavy particles of the kind will be deposited," and if it be a chalk water the calcium carbonate will carry down suspended sewage or vege- table matter, effecting a change of colour. Under such circumstances the sense of smell may afford confirmatory evidence. Silicious particles, as of flint or sand, are usually angular; and though often much rounded by rolling and attrition, vitreous fracture will be observable in many of them, as shown NATURE OF SEDIMENTS. 5 in Plate XXIII. It should be mentioned here, that a little source of fallacy may be occasioned by the very frequent detachment of minute scales or chips from the margins of the covering glass, or the extremity of the pipette, when not properly ground, or even from the glass stoppers of bottles in which specimens are kept. On carefully inspecting the more minute particles of silicious matter, which are so easily diffused and suspended in water, their thin or scale-like character will be apparent. Particles of chalk, clay, and marl, on the other hand, are usually more rounded, but the former will be at once recognised by their solubility in acids. The crystalline forms of numerous substances are frequently visible in the smallest molecules. Indeed, the study of the inorganic matters in the sediments of fresh water, is a branch of Microscopical Mine- ralogy which is of growing interest and importance to the water analyst. It would of course include goniometry and spectrum analysis, and will no doubt receive the attention it deserves in time to come. SECTION II. DEAD, OR DECAYING ORGANIC MATTER. ANY of the forms described in the succeeding Section, as living plants and animals, may be found in the sediment of drinking water, either whole or fragmentary, in a dead and more or less decayed state. Their recognition will, in many cases, be diffi- cult in consequence of the accumulation of debris of different kinds about them, as well as their own altered condition. But, when the more unyielding structures remain intact, a little practice, with the help of figures, will enable the observer to determine them with sufficient accuracy for all practical purposes. A. Dead Vegetable Matter. (PLATES II. & III.) When the higher plants die down, those of a more humble kind seem to flourish with greater vigour, so that however shapeless the decaying masses may be, minute Oscillatorians, Bacteria, and their allies will usually be found in their vicinity. The breaking down of vegetable cells is of course attended with the discharge of the contained cell-sap, endochrome, &c. ; and these will soon assume an amorphous, or irregular granular appearance, in which the original green colour is here and there very evident. Its further change, however, is usually into an olivaceous or yellowish-brown tint. In some instances the albuminous inner coat of the vegetable cells, known as the primordial utricle, is seen much contracted within the cellulose coat, passing into an indigo purple tint in a more advanced VEGETABLE AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS. 7 stage of decay. With a little care, tlie collapsed and crumpled cell walls may be recognised casually. But, very characteristic of decaying vegetable matter, if it appertain to vascular plants, is the occurrence of spiral vessels, or even the spiral fibres drawn out of the cells ; annular ducts, dotted and pitted tissue, and hairs, which, from their comparative indestructibility, are sometimes very beautifully dissected out, as it were, by mace- ration. These at once afford a clue to the nature of the amorphous matter in connexion with which they are found. The little scales of " bog moss" (Sphagnum), with their porous or fenestrated cells, the discs and roots of duckweed (Lemna), and sprays of "pond weed" (Potamogetori), and the " stoneworts" (Char a and Nitella), may also be met with, more or less altered in colour, or otherwise. Amongst the vegetable products (Plate III.) not properly belonging to the fresh water, but indicating contamination from house refuse, may be mentioned the fibres of fabrics, such as linen (1), the hemp of twine (2), cotton (3), and the discoidal tissue of ordinary deal or pine (4), a structure, it may be remarked, which is characteristic of the Coniferae as a whole. B. Dead Animal Matter. (PLATES IV. & V.) Decaying animal, as well as vegetable matter, may consist of materials proper to the fresh water or foreign to it. To the first class belong, in particular, the dead bodies of the Entomos- Iraca (water fleas, &c.), and the numerous forms of segmented or Annulose animals, including the water-bears and mites, the larvae of aquatic insects, and the Annelida. Indeed the latter are often only to be recognised by their indestructible setae and ventral hooks, which may ultimately become quite isolated in the field. Animal products, not proper to the fresh water, may embrace the bodies or exuviae of terrestrial insects, house- 8 FIBRES EPITHELIUM OVA OF ENTOZOA. flies and others, often overgrown with Achlya, a parasitic siphonaceous plant (Plate XII. 5), and matters such as are represented in Plate V., to which the following references will apply :- 1. Fibres of silk. 2. Wool. 3. Human hair. 4. Hair of rabbit a, the shaft, and b, the extremity. 5. Epithelium from the mouth. 6. Ditto from the cutaneous surface. 7. Striped muscular fibre. 8. A feather. 9. Portions of ditto, more highly magnified. 10. Scales of Lepidoptera. The scales of moths and butterflies are usually flat, with fine longitudinal fluting and a serrated extremity. Hairs properly so called have commonly a soft central axis of cells, often absorbed so as to form a medullary cavity. Wool, on the other hand, is much smaller and more compact in the centre, while the superficial imbrication of the component cells is more distinctly marked. Human epithelial scales are broad and flat, with an oval highly refringent nucleus and minute scattered points in the surrounding space. They resist mace- ration for a considerable time, and thus frequently percolate with other impurities from latrines into neighbouring wells. It may not be out of place here to call the attention of the observer to the possible presence of the eggs of Entozoa in the water under examination. All spherical and ovoid bodies with albuminous-looking and segmented contents should be looked upon with suspicion, until their real nature has been deter- mined ; accurate measurements of them should be taken, and drawings if possible. (See Plate XXII., Figs. 10 14.) SECTION III. LIVING FORMS. THE simplest grades of plants and animals or the Protophyta and Protozoa possess so many characters in common, that it is hy no means easy to determine the true nature or position of numerous minute organisms, which constantly present them- selves in the field of the microscope. The most reliable means of distinguishing them is founded upon physiological grounds, and more especially their mode of nutrition. For it is quite admitted that no structural particulars can be named, in the abstract, as characterizing the one more than the other. Of course, where the life history of acy form has been satis- factorily traced out the determination must be certain ; as for example, when a Zoospore, furnished with motile organs or flagella, is found not only to originate in a bona-fide plant, but ultimately to grow into one itself. Of such organisms, un- questionably, Dujardin's Flagellata, or first Order of Infusoria (B, I. 2) (a) mainly, if not altogether, consists. Others of a similar description usually associated in groups in a gelatinous frond, occur in the Volvocacea (A, II. 7). To the casual observer, the equivocal movements executed by the forms of doubtful position are more striking than their intimate struc- ture, while the other parts of their history are quite out of the 'question. Indeed, in many cases, a claim to belong to the animal kingdom has been raised alone upon the exhibition of animal-like movements. The liability to error is therefore all on one side, and as far as we know not a single genuine protozoon has ever been classed by the botanist in his domain, 10 MOVEMENTS OF PROTOPHYTA AND PROTOZOA. while our greatest difficulty at the present time is to eliminate the protophyta from the realm of zoology. It will be scarcely doubted that the numerous species of Difflugia, Arcella, and Euglypha are veritable animals; but what are we to say of the equally numerous Amoeba, now that we are acquainted with the truly vegetable Amop.boids of Volvox, and of the roots of mosses, through the researches of Dr. Hicks, F.E.S. The pliant Vibrio and the rigid Diatom exhibit the phenomenon of spontaneous movement, connected no doubt with the play of the same, or similar nutritive processes, developing dialytic currents, which are on this account quite invisible, while they operate as a moving cause on moveable bodies. In this way the rigid diatom moves without change of form, and shall we say by the same law the extensile plasma of the passive amoeboid is drawn out into pseudopodia, with the sem- blance of active, and even of voluntary motion ? The following kinds of movement may be noticed and com- pared in the two kingdoms : Protophyta. Protozoa. rW'th t ' 1 f Without vibration SPIRILLUM GREGARINA. organs With vibration . . ,. VIBRIO (By pseudopodia ... Amoeboids of VOLVOX.. AMCEBA. By cilia Spores of VADCHERIA.. PARAMECIUM. By flagella EUGLENA PERIDINIUM. Above the lowest grades of plants and animals, or such as are notified in the preceding table, no difficulty can arise in assigning to every form its true position. CLASSIFICATION OF THE FRESH- WATER ALG^. 11 A. Living Plants. COMPRISING THE MORE USUAL AQUATIC ALG^l OCCURRING IN THE EXAMINATION OF DRINKING WATER. Though our knowledge of the fresh-water Algae has become greatly extended of late years, we are still only in possession of fragmentary particulars in relation to many of the more humble forms ; and until the whole life-history of each has been satisfactorily traced out, it would be quite impossible to group them so as to be altogether free from objection. The classification here adopted cannot, therefore, purport to be perfect, but it is hoped that it may serve as a guide to the leading characters of the vegetable products usually presented to the observer in the microscopical examination of drinking water. Systematic Arrangement. The numerous types of fresh-water Algae would appear to admit of natural distribution into three groups or sections, distinguished as follows : Group I. Plants which, although for the most part ex- hibiting spontaneous motion in themselves, have yet no special provision for movement in their reproductive elements. Families included in this group, viz. : 1. Bacteriacea. (Bacteria, of Cohn.) 4. Palmellacete. 2. Oscillatoriacece. 5. Desmidiacea. 3. Nostochacece. 6. Diatomacece. Group II. Plants in which motile (i.e., ciliated or flagellate) cells play the most conspicuous part, either separately, simply aggregated, or organically united in a definite manner in a gelatinous frond. 12 CORN'S ARRANGEMENT OF BACTERIA. This group includes a single family, viz. : 7. Volvocacecs. Group III. Plants in which all movement is confined to the reproductive elements, comprising the remaining families, viz. : 8. Pediastracea. 13. Confervacea. 9. Ulvacece. 14. (Edogoniacea. 10. Apiocystacece. 15. Chaetophoracece. 11. Siphonaceae. 16. Batrachospermaceae. 12. Zygnemacea. 17. Characece. Definition of the foregoing Families, and of the more important Genera appertaining to them. GROUP I. FAMILY I. Bacteriacete. (PLATES VI. & VII.) Under the head of Bacteria, Cohn has included all the very minute spherical, elongated, rod-like, straight, and spiral fila- mentous plants endowed with more or less active spontaneous motion ; and now found to be associated with putrefaction and other conditions of hygienic importance. The annexed table is in accordance with Dr. Cohn's own classification, which he admits must be only provisional, until something more definite is known of the nature and affinities of these interesting organisms. Though the species are not separately described, it was considered advisable to retain them in the table to facilitate further reference, should it be found necessary. COHN'S ARRANGEMENT OF BACTERIA. 13 Bacteria (Colin). A. SPHJIROBACTERIA. (Minute jostling spherules.) Zymogenous. (Ferment producing.) Chromogenous. (Colour producing.) H V Pathogenous. (Disease producing.) H (<*) GENUS AND SPECIES. Micrococcus. I crepusculum (Ehr.) candid ua (Cohn) ureas (Cohn) The ferment of ammonia- cal putrescence. (a) prodigiosus (Ehr.) The blood stain in bread. luteus (Schroeter) anrantiacus (Sch.) chlorinus (Sch.) cyanus (Sch.) violaceus (Sch.) vaccinse (Cohn) diphthericus (Dartel) septicus (Klebs) bombycis (Be"champ) B. MlCROBACTERIA. (Minute and short rods.) Chromogenous. Bacterium. (/, g, h, jfe) termo (Ehr.) Producing putrefactive fermentation. (i, I) lineola (Ehr.) In brooks. &c. xanthium (Sch.) syncyanum (Sch.) seruginosum (Sch.) C DESMOBACTERIA . .. ., . t , Bacillus. (Straight, flexible or rapidly undu- lating filaments.) (n) subtilis (Ehr.) Producing Butyric fer- mentation. (m) ulna (Kohn) Similar to the former, anthracis (Cohn) In the blood, in malig- nant pustule. D. SPIROBACTERTA.. (Spiral filaments, rigid, or flexi- ble,) (P) (2) (r) (0 Vibrio. rugula (Ehr.) serpens (Ehr.) Spirillum* tenue (Ehr.) undula (Cohn) votutans (Ehr.) Spirochceta. plicatilis (Ehr,) 14 BACTERIA AND THEIR ALLIES COMPARED. While there is little doubt of the intimate relationship existing between the larger forms of the preceding table and the Oscillatorians, Bacterium termo and its immediate allies are involved in much obscurity as to their real nature and botanical affinities, seeing that their supposed position in the animal kingdom is now no longer tenable. The slightly dumb-bell shape of the true putrefactive Bacterium manifests a very significant correspondence with the form represented in Plate XXIII., developed in the sediment of well-water, and with many others such as that shown in Plate VII., occurring amongst decomposing Algse. All analogy would go to indicate that the Zooglcta form of Bacterium termo may be regarded as the primary or normal state of this organism, the surrounding gelatinous matter being simply the representative of that which forms the indefinite frond of Microhaloa or Palmella for example. Further, when the matrix breaks down, and the sepa- rate little Bacteria detach themselves from it, they often commence those active movements which are in some inti- mate way connected with their nutrition. Even many Diatomacete which are normally fixed to, or included in a gelatinous frond are motionless until they have become free from it, when the movements they exhibit are known to bear a certain relation to the shape of the frustule, being rectilinear when the latter is narrow, but more irregular when it is of a different form. The subsequent history of Bacteria has been variously represented by authors, but our space will not admit of further enlargement upon this subject. The carbon of the higher aquatic plants is derived from the carbonic acid present in the water, or liberated by the decom- position of carbonates, while that of the molecular and more minute filamentous Algse (Micrococcus, Bacterium, Sac.) is usually NUTRITION OF BACTERIA OSCILLATORIACE.E. 15 derived from the vegetable acids that may be in combination with a base, as for example, the T of Tartrate of Ammonia. Dr. Cohn's researches go to show that, not only will Bacteria nourish in solutions of the salt just mentioned, or in the absence of organic matter, but that even in this case the genuine putrefactive odour is evolved. This important fact would therefore link the presence of Bacteria with putre- faction as a process quite distinct from simple decay, with which fungous-life is more particularly associated. FAMILY II. Oscillatoriacecs. (PLATE VIII.) These very simple plants consist of tubular filaments, with or without a gelatinous investment, and having faint or rich bluish- green or purple coloured contents, or endochrome, in which, as the filaments elongate, a transverse segmentation takes place, giving rise to the deceptive appearance of cells in single series. The filaments may be quite free, or disposed in bundles or strata. In the free state, their peculiar animal-like move- merits render them objects of interest to the microscopist. Branching, in the true sense of the term, is quite foreign to these plants, which multiply by transverse fission ; but of their sexual reproduction nothing is precisely known. Excluding the Bacteria of Cohn, they are divided into several sub- families, which are easily distinguished in the following manner : Sub-families. Genera. r-j /Exhibiting more or less active! ^ . movements | Oscillatonece... (1.) OSCILLATORIA. .2 I /LikeOscillatoria.but) r -, in tufts or strata . ^M** ( 3 -) LGBYA. <* $\ Motionless J . I Having a proper^ Scytonemece ... (4.) SCYTONEMA. gelatinous invest- L V ment j (2.) MIOROCOLEUS. Tapering, \vith a large basal cell JRivulariece ... (5.) RivuLARiA. 16 OSCILLATORIEJE CONFOUNDED WITH BACTERIA. It is highly probable that many of the supposed members of Oscillatoriacece are truly referable to the succeeding family (Nostochacece). On carefully inspecting a fair specimen of water rich in Algae of different kinds, it will usually be easy to trace examples of Oscillatoriea ranging from the proportions of ordinary Confervas to the diameter of Bacterium termo. The same phenomena of endochrome-cleavage and spontaneous movement will be seen to occur in all cases, in a more or less marked degree; and indeed any differences distinguishable in the smaller, as compared with the larger forms, can only be said to be of a relative kind, and apparently in no way contraindicate a prevailing unity of type. Frequently also the smallest moving points or molecules observable in the field, instead of being referable to the genus Micrococcus, are but segments of the more minute filamentary species or varieties, as the case may be ; for, even if their cylindrical form is not demonstrable to the eye, their peculiar refractive properties will enable us to link them with the less equivocal fragments always to be found in the same vicinity. In the punctiform, fragmentary, or filamentous plants of smaller size than the admitted Oscillatorians, it is impossible to distinguish a primordial utricle and a cellulose coat, and of course also difficult to determine the precise nature of the seg- mentation. In the Oscillatorieae, however, the endochrome suffers cleavage, while the primordial utricle and the cellulose tube take no part in the process, being only capable of simple growth and extension. In the Confervacece and other fila- mentous Algse, on the contrary, both the primordial utricle and the endochrome are engaged in the segmentation of the filament, within the cellulose coat, to which, nevertheless, the transverse septa and a new internal layer are added. In a very interesting paper published in the Quarterly Journal DEVELOPMENT OF BACTERIA- NOSTOCHACE^E. 17 of Microscopical Science, vol. i. 1861, Dr. B. Hicks, F.R.S., has touched a most important subject in what he has termed the Diamorphosis of Lyngbya muralis. This plant, though confounded by some with the genuine Conferva, is now generally admitted to be an ally of the Oscillatorians, and as such at least one of its modes of reproduction, or transitional phases, presents a suggestive bearing upon all the members of this family, and thereby, it may be fairly presumed, upon Bacteriaceae in general. We thus perceive how slender are the grounds upon which we can assume almost any palmel- laceous plant to be a distinct entity, and in this remark may be included some forms reputedly belonging to the Ulvacece. Let us suppose for a moment that the minute spirilla and even Bacterium termo itself are in the category of the fila- mentous algae, then how small must be their reproductive gonidia! From actual observation of the spirillum common in bilge- water, I can safely say that the moving particles in which it originates, however small they may have been in the first instance, are not only very minute, but quite shapeless. If these reproductive particles are visibly so small in relation to the diameter of a normal filament of Lyngbya muralis, how minute must they be in the case of Bacterium termo ! They might readily escape the keenest scrutiny of the advocates of equivocal generation. FAMILY III. Nostochacea. (PLATE VIII.) Plants consisting of microscopic moniliform filaments of cells in series, usually coiled, curved, or entangled in a gelati- nous matrix constituting the frond, which may be round or foliaceous, linear, or formless. They are found on damp c 18 CHARACTERS OF NOSTOCHACEJ2 PALMELLACE^. ground , or in water, floating on the top, or at the bottom, at- tached to stones in rivulets and streams, or in brackish ditches. The characters of the frond sufficiently distinguish the three more important genera, thus* (Expanded... Globular or irregular ; filaments numerous . (1.) NOSTOC. Elongated... Curved, linear, or spiral ; filaments single . MONORMIA. Formless ... Often a floating film ; filaments numerous . (2.) TRICHOBMUS. Besides simple multiplication by fission (which is sometimes longitudinal as well as transverse), the Nostochacea afford in- dications of the existence of a true reproductive process, in the presence of certain vesicular cells (supposed to be spermatic ?) amongst the ordinary ones ; which latter are, moreover, here and there further developed into sporangia! cells, producing true spores from which new filaments arise. This process appears to have been distinctly observed by Thuret in Nostoc verrucosum. The three remaining families of this section are, strictly speaking, composed of unicellular plants i.e., consisting essen- tially of a single cell, which may be solitary or associated with others, in no very definite order, or as a brittle filament ; cells multiplying by fission and reproducing by conjugation. FAMILY IV. Palmellacea. (PLATE IX.) Green cells (often red), spherical or ovate, in a more or less consistent or definitely formed gelatinous material, consti- tuting a frond, so called; the cells multiplying by simple fission, without gemmation. Of the numerous genera referred to this family, the following may be given as good examples CHARACTERS OF PALMELLACE^ DESMIDIACEJE. 19 /Indefinite or f Mucoid floating, with minute cells ...... (1.) MICROHALOA. formless ...... j Slimy, encrusting, with large globular) ,~\ p LM " " ] More consis- f Qlobu'.a inluding numerous distinc j ^ CoccoCHLOBIS . 8 ' ....... ..... " "'"""' tent and defi- Though the precise limits of the Palmellacece are yet but imperfectly defined, these plants are of considerable interest to the water analyst, they so frequently find their way into cisterns and reservoirs, and thus make their appearance in the deposits of drinking water. Several genera which would appear to be more correctly referrible to the Volvocacea, are usually confounded with them; and the accumulation of synonyms has only added to the confusion. To illustrate multiplication by fission in the Palmellacea, we shall instance the genus Coccochloris, which will enable us to se6 what little more is required to meet the conditions observ- able in the Desmidiacete and Diatomaceae respectively. In Coccochloris (3 a and b) binary subdivision, with the suc- cessive formation of a cellulose and hyaline investment, seems to go on practically without limit, a fresh impetus to the process being given by the conjugation and blending of two endochromes (c), in which repeated fission goes forward as before. This is, in effect, also what takes place in the Desmidiaceae and Diatomace&, and the observation is so far correct, even though Coccochloris and its allies should be, as some suppose, but the gonidia of Lichens in a certain phase of development. FAMILY V. Desmidiacece. (PLATE IX.) These are unicellular plants, usually of an exceedingly rich green colour, nearly exclusively confined to fresh water, occur- ring singly, or remaining in contact after binary subdivision, C 2 20 CLASSIFICATION OF DESMIDIAC^E DIATOMACEJE. so as to form more or less brittle threads of cells in linear series. A sutural line running round the cell-wall transversely, marks it off into two symmetrical halves, and cleavage takes place at this line, preparatory to the gemmation of two new half frustules from the old ones thus separated. The forms of these cells are very beautiful and varied, and chiefly charac- terize the genera, which admit of the following arrangement : /Plain and much elon- gated Closteriece. Ornamental, short, or of moderate length Cosmariea ill) O S p YDesmidieae -*ll Curved or crescentic /Ends f Contents simple rounded - {contents spiral .. i. Straight J Ends truncated \Ends notched /Deeply incised Sinuated /'Without spines I' Simple J With two spines V With several spines... Endvie W an-j Pr J ection88in S le ~ S ular (Projections double ... Cells oppo- ( Filaments rounded ... sitely bi- ] dentate ... ( Filaments angular ... Q>? A Jit) Cells slightly (Jction simple ...... I constricted ( Junction perforate... 'AnJcigtrodesmiece 1. CLOSTERITJM. 2. PBNIUM. 3. SPIBOTJENIA. 4. DOCIDIUM. 5. TETMEMOBUS. 6. MlCHASTERIAS. 7. ETJASTETJM. 8. COSMABIUM. 9. ABTHBODESMUS. 10. XANTHIDIUM. 11. STBAUBASTBUM. 12. DlDTMOClADON. 13. DlDTMOPBIUM. 14. DESMIDIUM. 15. SPHEEOZOSMA. 16. HYALOTHECA. 17. APTOGOWUM. '18.) & \ SCEWEDESMUS. 19.) ,20. ANKISTEODEBMUS. FAMILY VI. Diatomacecp. (PLATE X.) Like the former family, the Diatomacea are unicellular plants, in some instances isolated, in others cohering in chains or fila- ments, or in some definite way. The cell wall, however, is composed of a glassy or silicious material, instead of cellulose, which is found in all other vegetable cells ; and the endo- DEVELOPMENT OP THE DIATOMACE.ZE. 21 chrome is usually of a rich amber tint instead of green. They exhibit also much symmetry and beauty in the forms of the frustules, which are often so exquisitely sculptured as to afford excellent test objects for the microscope. Each frustule consists of a new and an old half or valve,, as noticed in the Desmidiacea, but the margins of the old valve overlap those of the new one, and thus results the so-called cingulum or " middle piece," which is not only capable of elongation by growth, but also by one portion sliding upon the other, telescope fashion, so as to make provision for the endogenous development of two new half frustules by fission and gemmation combined. From this arrangement it follows that the cells of each successive generation must be narrower than those within which they arise, by at least the whole thick- ness of the cell wall. Here then is the explanation of the great disparity of size so frequently observed in members of the same species. Moreover, we thus also see why it is that after the conjugation of two frustules, the resulting sporangial cell, in which the process just described commences, should be so much larger than the parent cells. The genera of Diatomacea are too numerous to be sepa- rately defined in this treatise ; but the annexed table, with the figures arranged in the same order, will assist in the recogni- tion of the more usual fresh water forms : 22 CLASSIFICATION OF THE DIATOMAC^S. ' Without terminal nodules 1. 'Eunotiece JN^W-.{g-* J band A close chain Arcuated With (Separate 2. I terminal-^ \ nodules (in a filament 3. MeridionecB . Cuneate Strise granular Striae (Single continu- ] ous ( In a close chain .. Striaa ( In a zigzag chain ... scarcely 4 visible ( In a star-like chain f Discoidal Mostly single T In a filament /Saddle-shaped 12. /Subquadrate, ovate, I I or elliptical, withJ Full border, simple 13. ^*.J ^-^MBa45S}u / Compressed, with | -, ,. iMuohdoBgated... pr ^, PI S a a 16 ( pseudo-nodule ... / jCocconeidecB Elliptical Fixed by one surface 17. (With a stalk 18. (Without a stalk ... 19. 20. 21. Gomphonemece Wedge-shaped ..._,.. With a stalk 22. Ends full & rounded Strise continuous ... 23. (Strise dotted, with- \ 2 4 AchnantJiecB . Bent c* -.i^aaar* not| w ^t as taik .. 1 S1 ^ mold (With a stalk.... EPITHEMIA. EUNOIIA. HlMAKTIDITJM. MEBIDIOIT. FBAGILAEIA. DENTICULA. ODONTIDITTM. DIATOMA. ASTRIONELtA. CYCIOTELLA. MELOSIRA. CAMPTLODISCUS. SUEIKELLA. SPHINCTOCTSTIS. NlTZSCHIA. STNEDEA. COCCONEIS. ACHNANTHES. ACHNANTHIDIUM. CYMBELLA. COCCONEMA. GOMPHONEMA. PlNNTJLAEIA. (Naviculece ...J Ends ( more acute transverse bar ... void, inflated Illf: tT .5 o o - 26 . 27. (A close series... 28. '' \ /Vitt f niin<7i.; Simple but Y Striatellea... | JgJ^ 4 interrupted . (A zigzag chain 29. J ( Capitate, like notes in music. . . 30. STAUEONEIS. GYEOSIGMA. AMPHOEA. TETEACYCLUS. TABELLAEIA. TEEPSINOE. illll .... 'l!?l Like Navicula Hoops ) with \ Frond mamillated . 31. MASTOGLOIA. loculi j . Hoops ( Frond amorphous . 32. FEUSTULIA. 31mple ( Frond filamentous . 33. COLLETOKEMA. Like Cymlella Frond filamentous . 34. ENCYOITEMA. VOLVOCACEJE CONTRASTED WITH PEDIASTRAC^. 23 GROUP II. FAMILY VII. Volvocacea. (PLATE XI.) THIS family is sufficiently denned in the terms of Section II., and it will only be necessary to characterize the leading genera. . /Single, two, or four in number, remaining united by ) ~ PRQTOCOCCDS incomplete cleavage \ ^ /Grouped by fours in larger cells on a gelatinous ) ,~ TVTRASPORA I Free, evenly distributed in a round or oval frond (4.) PANDORINA. /In square ) /q\ rt nvTTT1l r Mutually united by stolons, but \ tablets ... \ (6 '> to V originally distinct j In spherical ) ,- } YOLVOX. \ extensions } v ' ; The life history of Protococcus, so far as it has been traced out by Cohn and others, presents such a variety of conditions and stages that it is difficult to retain them in the memory. It presents, however, so close a relationship to Volvox, that it would be well to compare the two forms carefully and contrast both with Pediastrum and Hydrodictyon. In one developmental stage of Protococcus, a motile cell encysted after a fashion, breaks up into four by cleavage, but frequently these remain united by their beaked extremity, when the cleavage has not been quite completed, thus pro- ducing a compound form strikingly suggestive of Volvow, which is simply a wider extension of a similar condition. The Volvox sphere results from the segmentation of a single mass of endochrome, the ultimate subdivisions of which assume the flagellate motile character, and become organically united by the mutual blending of little stolon-like extensions, piercing the hyaline investments, which become hexagonal by 24 CHARACTERS OF THE PEDIASTRACE^J. mutual contact and compression. This union also takes place in the cells of Gonium, while in numerous other Volvo cace&, as in Pandorina, it never happens, but the cells simply lie in juxta- position. As before intimated, the connexion of the four motile cells of Protococcus arises from the incomplete cleavage of the original cell, while the communication subsisting between the cells of Volvox and Gonium is sequential to complete cleavage. The union of primary distinct elements to constitute what we must regard as the perfect organism is further seen in the Pediastrea, which are at present, obviously incorrectly, asso- ciated with the Desmidiacece, and in the remarkable genus Hydrodictyon, supposed to be siphonaceous. These are pro- visionally arranged by themselves in the next Section. GROUP III. FAMILY VIII. Pediastracea. (PLATE XI.) As defined in the preceding paragraph, including at least three genera. 1. Cells disposed in radiate discoidal fronds) ,, N ,. 1(1.) Pediastrum. always minute j 2. Cells like those of a Pediastrum, but) [ Ccelastrum. in a spherical frond 3. Cells disposed in a reticulate sacculus,) ,_ . TT , '[(2.) Hydrodictyon. often attaining a considerable size . . . j In Pediastrum the form originates in the cleavage of an endochrome into two, then four, and finally some multiple of this, when a radial frondose expansion is formed by the juxta- position, and union of the cells in some definite manner. ULVACE^E AND THE SIPHONOID, UNICELLULAR ALG^E. 25 In Hydrodictyon^n. the other hand, a motile cell breaks up into numerous distinct endochromes, which acquire a cellulose coat, and so arrange themselves as to form a reticulation of minute cylindrical cells, which gradually increase in size, and finally attain the character and dimensions they exhibit in the perfect plant. Hydrodictyon would therefore appear to hold a rela- tionship to Pediastrum, similar to that which Volvox bears to Gonium or Protococcus. The latter organisms being made up of motile, and the former of ordinary vegetable cells. FAMILY IX. Ulvacece. Plants composed of a single or double layer of green polyhedral cells, multiplying by fission, disposed in tabular or tubular frondose extensions, chiefly marine, but in some few instances occurring in brackish or fresh water. The long tubular fronds of Enteromorpha intestinalis are sometimes found in fresh-water ditches, but perhaps more usually in brackish or salt water. FAMILY X. Apiocystacece. Siphonoid (unicellular) Alga. (PLATE XI.) The members of this family seem to be grouped with the Palmellaceae as a matter of convenience. They are, however, quite distinct in their habits and relations. The fronds are composed of single cells, usually fixed at one end, and the reproductive elements are developed in the same cells, appa- rently engaging their whole contents. The following genera will serve for illustration : 26 CLASSIFICATION OF APIOCYSTACE^ SIPHON ACE^E. Non-parasitic, , with green \ contents . IPyriform, with gonidia| in fours, forming nu- 1 (1.) APIOCTSTIS. merous zoospores ... j Fusiform, with a parie- } tal starch granule and green contents, form- Dehiscence subterminal, circumcissile Parasitic on Confervoids, with colourless contents ing zoospores (2.) HYDROCYTIUM. Cylindrical, curved, with ] *8 gonidia, which are 1(3.) OPHIOCYTIUM. dispersed when ripe . j Cylindrical, straight, \ with 8 gonidia form- ing an umhel, like the i-(4.) SciADiUM. parent cell, at its ex- 1 tremity . / Globose, with a lid, \ growing upon cells and sending their pe- dicle inwards ) Flask- shaped, growing \ within cells and piercing the walls to /- (6.) PYTHIDM. discharge their go- nidia . ...) (5.) CHYTRIDIUM. FAMILY XI. Siphonacece. (PiATE XII.) Fronds unicellular, or composed of a continuous extension of simple membrane, with the reproductive elements developed in special organs or cells. Excluding such members of this family as are purely marine, only two fresh-water genera are worthy of special notice here viz., Vaucheria and Achlya. (1 to 4.) Vaucheria. Most of the species of this genus are inhabitants of fresh water; but some are marine. They consist of branched tubular filaments, frequently almost felted together in fine silky green tufts. The little granules of chlorophyll in the interior of the filaments are for the most part applied to the walls, embedded in a colourless protoplasm. Zoospores are formed in the club-shaped ends of the filaments. Unger observed that these bodies usually made their escape about eight o'clock A.M., at which time the process may be GENERA OF SIPHONAC2E ZYGNEMACF^E. 27 observed in healthy plants cultivated in fresh water. A true sexual mode of reproduction also exists in Vaucheria. Of the numerous species of this genus that have been described it would appear that only two or three are reliable. 2, portion more highly magnified ; 3, reproductive organs ; 4, , b, and c, stages of development of the ciliated spore. (5.) Achlya prolifera is a small colourless plant, consisting of clavate erect tubular filaments springing from a mycelium- like minutely ramified base, closely applied to the bodies of dead flies in water, fish and frogs, upon which they grow parasitically. It was originally mistaken for the common fly fungus, or an aquatic form of Botrytis Bassiana, but more recent researches, rewarded by the discovery of ciliated zoospores, and of a per- fect sexual system like that of Vaucheria, have dispelled these views and given the plant what would appear to be its true position. Apropos of the want of colour in this parasitic form, it will be noticed that Chytridium and Pythium, which are para- sitic genera, in the preceding family, are also without colour. FAMILY XII. Zygnemacea. (Plate XII.) Plants consisting of cylindrical articulated filaments, with the green contents usually disposed in elegant patterns. Re- production is effected by the phenomenon of conjugation, the whole contents of each pair of united cells beiog converted into a spore. The particulars of the manner in which this process takes place will be seen in the definitions of the fol- lowing genera : 28 CLASSIFICATION OF ZYGNEMACE^ CONFERVACE^G. /Spore, formed (Endochrome spiral ... (1.) SpiROGTRA. 'By transverse tubes between in one of the J Endochrome in two parent cells. 1 round or stellate (2.) ZTGNEMA. the neigh- / bouring cells \ of different n i masses (3.) ZYGOGONIUM. Endochrome in two round or stellate masses bb a filaments. Spores formed in the con- k, necting tubes. Spore rounded ; endo- chrome diffused Spore square or cruci- (4.) MESOCARPUS. '1 ate ; endochrome dif- (5.) STAUROCARPUS. 6 fused By an arcuate tube between neighbouring J 'parentteUs 6 J chrome S P iral S^nnrns formpH \ (6.) RHYNCHONEMA. same filament. I U1 ."" Endochrome diffused. \ nectmcr tube. J (7.) PLEUROCARPUS.* necting 1, 2, and 3, a. Original filament ; 6. Conjugation ; 5 and 6, a. and 6. Different species. * Not figured. FAMILY XIII. Confervacea. (Plate XIII.) Plants composed of cylindrical cells forming articulated filaments, simple or branched, with a very delicate gelatinous coat. The cell contents are usually green, rarely brown or purple, often assuming peculiar patterns, and ultimately con- verted into Zoospores, with two or four cilia, from which the filaments are reproduced. From a fresh -water point of view, only three genera appear to be of importance viz., Cladophora, Rhizoclonium, and Con- ferva ; and even these may all be yet included in the suc- ceeding family. All the species with branching filaments may be referred to the genus Cladophora ; for though many species of Rhizoclonium have short root-like branches, it so happens that those found in fresh water have simple filaments, which are best distin- guished by their decumbent habit from the simple filaments of Conferva. GENERA OP CONFERVACE^ rEDOGONIACE^. 29 Cladophora glomerata occurs in dark green wavy skeins in pure running water, and crispata (b) in yellowish or dull green strata, is common in fresh, though fre- quently also in brackish, water. Rhizoclonium rivulare is found in fine bright green bundles, 23 feet long, in streams and rivers, &c. implexum on mountain rocks. Conferva bombycina. Cells four or five times as long as broad in a yellowish green cloudy stratum in stagnant water. floccosa (a). Cells once or twice longer than broad, with circumscissile dehi- scence, everywhere common in pools and still water. FAMILY XIV. (Edogoniacea. (Plate XIII.) Articulated filamentous plants, simple or branched, exhi- biting much variety in their means of reproduction. Thus, the whole contents of a cell produce zoospores with a rich growth of cilia, and sporangial cells develop large resting- spores , while antheridial structures are present either on the ordinary filaments or in dwarf parasitic plants. The filaments grow by a rather peculiar process, commencing with circum- scissile division of the cellulose coat of the interstitial cells, which thus permits of the growth or extension of the primor- dial utricle, or under coat, and the formation of a new septum. A cementing band of cellulose repairs the gap between the divided borders of the parent cell, leaving an annular impres- sion to record the fact, and the repetition of the process pro- 30 GENEKA OF (EDOGONIACE^E CH^TOPHOEACE^E. duces a repetition of the rings,, which always characterize even fragments of these plants. The two genera are easily distinguished, the filaments of (Edogonium (c) being simple, and those of Bulbochate (d) branched and bearing bristle cells with a bulbous base. The species of (Edogonium abound in fresh water under almost all conditions, in lakes, ponds, pools, ditches, streams, and in tanks and cisterns. Bulbochcete sttigera (. ssssssSssssss 38 CLASSIFICATION OF RHIZOPODA. I. PROTOZOA. 1. Rhizopoda. (PLATE XIV.) Besides the sponges, which are represented by the genus Spongilla (found in still or slowly running waters, on stones, old workwork, &c.), the Rhizopoda admit of distribution into three groups, easily distinguishable by the characters of the pseudopodia, or the motile extensions of the body substance already noticed. In the first group or order (a) (Radiolaria) they are slender and raylike, persistent, or slowly retractile. In the second (b) (Reticularia) they are firmly branched, more or less intercommunicating, or reticulate ; while in the third (c) (Lobosa) they are lobose or digitate. These Orders corre- spond very nearly with those adopted by Dr. Carpenter, F.R.S., and will be better understood on inspecting the following synopsis of the genera. They have the advantage, at least, of being simple, though of course they can only be provisional in the present state of our knowledge of the subject. (a) Radiolaria. Pseudopodia delicate ray-like simple, besetting the spherical surface. ^ ("Naked (1.) ACTINOPHRYS. pq ; With fine spiculse ; free ... (2.) ACANTHOCYSTIS. '.With a covering or shell < ( Fenestrated ; with a pedicle (3.) CLATHRULINA. Habitat : Actinophrys digitata amongst marsh plants ; A. Eichornii on the surface of infusions, and with A. discus (Tricho discus) and the other species, amongst confervse and aquatic plants. Acanthocystis and Clathrulina occur in bog- water. (b) Reticularia. Pseudopodia filiform, reticulate, or finely branched; lo- calized, (Body) globose or ovoid. CLASSIFICATION OF KHIZOPODA. 39 M It Closely reticulated ; sarcode reflected over the shell ... (1.) GROMIA. At one end .............. (2.) PLEUROPHRYS. Finely branched in a bunch ( At both ends ............ (3.) AMPHITREMA. Habitat : Gromia fluviatilis on Ceratophyllum, G. hyalina (with a short neck) in rivulets. Pleurophrys and Amphitrema in bog- water. (e) Lobosa. Pseudopodia lobose or digitate, simple or dividing. With a covering or shell Pseudopodia, fine and sim- H pie, shell flask -shaped f Two or three- 1 TRINEMA< subterminal - > Numerous ; minal . -D , ,. , ,. ( Shell flask- like . (4.) DIFFLUGIA. Pseudopodia, stout and di- 1 Vldmg 1 Shell discoidal... (5.) ARCELLA. Pseudopodium single Shell subcubical (6.) CYPHIDIUM. Naked... Pseudopodia, variable (7.) AMCEBA. Habitat : Trinema acinus and Euglypha tuberculata in stagnant water ; Difflugia proteiformis and oblonga amongst Oscillatoriaceae ; numerous other species in moist moss at the roots of trees ; Arcella vulgaris with Lemnce and aquatic plants, A. aculeata and A. dentata with Conferva ; Cyphidmm aureolum in stagnant water ; Amoeba diffluens on Lemna and A. radiosa in bog-water. (d) Spongida. Spongilla, the only fresh-water genus, occurs in little grey or greenish more or less rigid or friable masses, with a spicular framework. They present a superficial or dermal coat, nume- rous inhalant pores, internal ciliated chambers, and an exhalant aperture. Their grey or green colour is due to the amount of chlorophyll taken into the sarcode or soft substance of the sponge. The silicious spicules which are often present in 40 CLASSIFICATION OF INFUSORIA. the sediment of fresh water are 1, birotate; 2, short, cres- centic, and echinate ; or 3, in the form of stout needles rounded at one end and acute at the other. 2. Infusoria. The heterogeneous members of this class have been of late years divided into three Orders viz., 1st, the Ciliata ; 2nd, the Suctoria ; and 3rd, the Flagellata. The Suctoria, however, being but phases of Vorticellina, a family of Ciliata, can scarcely be regarded as a separate Order, and may therefore be rejected. This will leave the Ciliata and Flagellata ; and it may even be said with truth that most of the latter actually belong to the Botanist. Nevertheless, as the object of this work is to facilitate the recognition of the forms themselves, the knotty question of their natural classification must be deferred to a future period, when their whole history will have become better known. With some few alterations and the exclusion of the fore- going Rhizopoda, the following Tables are in accordance with Dujardin's arrangement of the Infusoria. (a) Flagellata. Furnished with one or more flagelliform (whip-like) fila- ments for locomotion, rarely also with a liLear series of cilia. Families and Illustrative Genera. 1 . Integument not distinctly differentiated MON ADINA. (Monas; Cyclidium.) {Aggregate DINOBRTINA. (Dinobryon; Epipyxis.) / Integument contractile ... EDGLENIA. (Euglena; Paranema.) Isolated J Without cilia THECAMONADINA. Integument I (Phacus ' V rigid. Withacili-j p EBIDIMBA . ated furrow f (Peridiuium . Glenodinium.) c S M CLASSIFICATION OF INFUSORIA. 41 Habitat : The Monadina are usually found in animal and vegetable infusions, in decomposing water, and especially amongst decaying fresh-water Algse. Euglena viridis abounds in pools, and like Phacus, which also affects stagnant water, often imparts its green tint to the surrounding medium. Though the Peridin&a may occur in stagnant ponds, they are not to be found in decomposing water or infusions. (b) Ciliata. Furnished with vibratile cilia, variously distributed, either as connected with the mouth, or the general surface. families and Illustrative Genera. fNo apparent mouth ; cilia scattered ENCHELIA. (Enchelys; Alyacum.) , i /Mouth indi- ( Without cirrhi TRICHODINA. 1 cated by an (Trichoda ; Trachelius.) oblique, or j circular row I With cirrhi also ... KERONIA. W cilia ^ (Kerona ; Halteria.) With a carapace (diffluent) EUPLOTA (Ehr.). (Euplotes; Himantophorus.) {No oral fringe PARAMECIA. (Paramecium ; Pleuronema.) With an oral fringe. BURSARINA. (Bursaria ; Leucophrys.) [Voluntarily URCEOLARINA. -p ixe( j (Urceolaria; Stentor.) By special organs... VORTICELLINA. (Vorticella ; Epistylis.) Habitat : The notable presence of the Ciliata would indi- cate not only stagnant water, but such as may contain organic matter in solution to some relative extent, not yet precisely determinable. Some Paramecia, however, as Amphileptus, are found in clear marsh water and streams running between aquatic plants. Some Enchdia and Keronia occur in water with decomposing vegetable matter; and the Vorticellina also abound in vegetable infusions, though several are parasitic on Entomostraca in comparatively good water. 42 CLASSIFICATION OF INFUSORIA. Some Bursarina present themselves in the intestine of the Frog, and of Nais ; and Urceolaria pediculus may be seen gliding over the ciliated surface of Planaria (see also the note appended to the Table of the species of Hydra below). The following Tables of classification will form the most convenient description of the figures. Flagellata. Monadina. (PLATE A single flagellum Arigin ( Mobile throughout... 1. MONAS. in front ( Mobile at the end ... 2. CYCLIDIUM. Arising just behind the beak ... 3. CHILOMONAS. Arising laterally 4. AMPHIMONAS. / A second filament ... - Posteriorly 5. CERCOMONAS. In front, but trailing 6. HETERAMITA. Two equal filaments at the curved angles in front 7. TREPOMONAS. Four equal filaments in front, and two thicker ones pos- ) Q TT teriorly } 8 ' m tapering to the end ... j (Yellowish or red.) /m j i i .1 ,i r j ) S. attenuated. Attenuated (Tentacula longer than the body ... ( p ale oliye n>) below in a marked de- 1 Tentacula several times longer than ) H. fusca. gree. [^ the body ] (Brown or greenish.) Habitat : In ponds and still waters on Lemna and aquatic plants. Note. Parasitic Infusoria are often found upon these Polypes viz., Kerona polyporum or H. vulgaris and H. fusca ; and Urceolaria pediculus or H. vulgaris and H. viridis. Their presence, however, would indicate impurity of the water and an unhealthy condition of the Polypes themselves. (b) Corynida. In this, the second order, the Polypites are either single or two or more connected by a common substance or " Coenosarc" always fixed at the base, and usually developing a firm outer layer or " Polypary." The reproductive organs or " Gono- phores" arise either from the Polypites, the Coenosarc, or the so-called " Gonoblastidia." Genus Cordylophora (Allman.) Polypary horny, branched, and rooted by a creeping tubular stolon; polypes ovoid, with a small mouth, and scattered filiform tentacula. (3.) Cordylophora lacustris was the only species known to Allman, but lately a second, C. rivularis, has been added. CLASSIFICATION OF THE SCOLECIDA. 47 III. ANNULOIDA. 1. Scolecida. (a) Turbellaria. (PLATE .Safe) X V I Non-parasitic ciliated worms. Some of these are bisexual, with a single alimentary or oral opening, and constitute the first sub-order (Planaridd), including fresh- water species, whilst others are unisexual, with two alimentary openings, and form a second sub-order (Nemertida) altogether marine. Planarida. Illustrative Genera. ( Straight f Concatenated (1.) DEROSTOMUM. Rhabdocoela } I ( Mouth near the fore part . (2.) PROSTOMUM. Intestine ( ( Single < ( Mouth near the middle . . . (3.) MESOSTOMUM. Ramose \Dendroccela (4.) PLANARIA. Habitat: All in ponds and gently moving deep water amongst aquatic plants. (b) Nematoda. (PLATE XVIII.) X / X The non-parasitic threadworms composing the family of Anguillulidce are very frequently met with in fresh waters. The vinegar eel (Anguillula aceti], and sour paste eel (A. g Minis), and the Tylenchus (or so-called vibrio) tritici, invading the ears of corn, belong to this family. Anguillula fluviatilis is colourless or white, about fifteen times as long as it is broad, with a fusiform oesophagus, expanding posteriorly into a much larger stomach. 1, Anguillula found in bilge- water; 2, A. aceti; 3, A. fluviatilis. The Anguilla are readily confounded with the Enoplida, a family of minute parasitic Nematodes, infesting the intestine of aquatic larvse and other small animals, but often found free in the water. 48 SCOLECID A (con tin ued] . (c) Rotifera. (PLATE XVIII^ V / V The Wheel Animalcules, so called on account of the deceptive appearance produced by the regular and consecutive action of the vibratile cilia fringing the head-lobes. These latter may be simple, sinuated, lobed or divided, and are capable of retraction and protrusion. The alimentary system is usually distinct, with a dental apparatus and two orifices, and the sexes are separate. As a whole these little creatures present superficial points of resemblance to the Entomostraca, to which the character of their segmentation makes a nearer approach than that of any Annelida. Indeed, they have been rather appropriately named Cilio- crustaceans by Leydig. Dujardin grouped them in the following simple manner : Illustrative Genera. 1. Those that are fixed ... Floscularia. Melicerta. 2. Those that swim only . . . Brachionus. Furcularia. Albertia. 3. Those that both swim) [Rotifer. and crawl J Ehrenberg's arrangement, though perhaps more artificial, may still be found more convenient for the recognition of genera. SCOLECIDA (concluded}. -THE ANNELIDA. 49 Rotifera. Sections* Divisions. Families and Illustrative Genera, 1. [Absent ICHTHYDINA.* ' Holotrocha. Ichthydium podura. Margin entire carapace T. Monotrocha. Wheel organ simple ...... ( Present CEciSTiN A. (1.) (Ecistes crystallinus. 2. [Absent MEGALOTROCH^A. Sckizotrocha. (2>) Megalotrocha flavicans, Margin sinuous carapace ... J ( Present FLOSCDLAKLEA* (4.) Floscularia ornata. II. Sorotrocha. Wheel organ divided . 1. Polytrocka. Into several parts carapace Absent HYDATINJIA. (5.) Hydatina senta. ( Present EUCHLANIDOTA. (3.) Monostyla quadridentata. 2. [Absent PHILODIN.S! A. Zygotrocka. J (6.) Uotifer vulgaris. ^Into two parts carapace ... | I Present BRACHION^A. (7.) Brachionus amphiceros. * Ichthydium podura and Chsetonotus larus will be found amongst the symme- trical Infusoria (Plate XVJL, 1 and 2), to which Dujardin has referred them. Their true position, however, has scarcely yet been determined. IV. ANNULOSA. A. Anarthropoda. 1. Annelida. (PLATE XVTTT.) /\/> (a) Hirudinea. All the Leeches have a more or less sucker-like mouth, and are also furnished with a disk-shaped caudal sucker ; and although the body is finely annulated, it is divided into larger somites or segments like other annelida. The nervous system is highly developed, and the sexes are combined in the same individual ; but neither self-impregnation nor reproduction by fission or gemmation has been observed in any case. The fresh-water types may be thus arranged : Illustrative Genera. s ,10 in number { W ^? ^.^.^.^ j. ... HZBU.O. ^ ] ( With no teeth or proboscis ... (2.) NEPHELIS and BDELLIA. (Less than 10 I ( With proboscis, but no teeth . (3.) GLOSSIPHONIA. Habitat : In ponds and lakes and slowly-moving waters. E 50 CHARACTERS OF THE LUMBRICINI AND NAIDID^E. (b) Oligochata. The Oligochceta, or Setigera, include the Earthworms (Lum- bricini) and the true water worms (Naidida). Their bodies are usually much elongated, and furnished with locomotive chitinous setae or bristles attached in rows to the sides and ventral surface laterally. The Lumbricini are hermaphrodite, and the Naidida unisexual, but the latter also multiply in a remarkable way by gemmation and fission. Illustrative Genera. L (TerresfaS 1 Havin S four . row8 of f et ^ two dorsal and | TDBIFEX and aquatic.) ) two ventra1 ' on each felde \ ' {Two rows of setae, one dorsal and one ven- j tral, on each side; the four first segments > (1.) NAIS. without dorsal setae ) With ventral setae only CH.ETOGASTEK. In Lamarck's genus Stylaria the setae are very long, and the cephalic segment is produced into a kind of proboscis. The genus Proto, founded by Oken, is distinguished by the presence of ciliated tentaculiform processes surrounding the dorsal and subterminal vent, as in Fig. 1 a. Habitat : All these little worms live amongst aquatic plants, burrow in the mud, or manufacture little tubes into which they retreat for protection. The seta, but more especially the ventral uncini (I b), which are usually bifid at the extremity, are frequently found in the sediment of water in which algae have been kept for some little time. Note. In some instances two speck-like eyes are present, and they may be confounded with the aquatic larvae of insects. They differ, however, in having the setae implanted beneath the general surface, and the absence of the fine dark ramifica- tions of the trachaeae and of oral or cephalic organs of any kind, except the above-mentioned eye-specks. CLASSIFICATION OF THE CRUSTACEA. 51 B. Arthropoda. 1. Crustacea. A. Entomostraca. (PLATE '^EDD The first four out of the six orders of Crustacea bearing aquatic genera belong to the sub- class Entomostraca, which may be said to consist of an empirical assemblage of usually very small or minute crustaceans, having either less than, seven, or more than ten pairs of legs. To this it must be added, that the branchiae are either attached to the oral organs, constituting the first section Lophyropoda, or to the legs, composing the second section Branchiopoda. Each of these is still further divided (as in the general Table) into two orders. 1. Lophyropoda. (a) Ostracoda. Body completely enclosed in a bivalve carapace or shell. Legs, 2 or 3 pairs. Families. Illustrative Genera. . Cyprid* J Bo , th P airs of antennse with a tuft of { (1.) CYPRIS. "to ^ ^Legs, 2 pairs). J ( Inferior antennae without the tuft ...... (2.) CANDONA. s pairs). Su P erior antennae without the tuft ...... (3.) CYTHEBE. Habitat : In ponds and lakes. (b) Copepoda. Shell jointed, forming a buckler enclosing the head and thorax. Legs, 5 pairs. Families. Illustrative Genera. /Both superior an- \ ( Larsre, and branched ;),,-> r tennse in the I c , id f Foot-jaws, I ova'ries 2 ............ |(1.; CYCLOPS. ? male with a f ^ CM P M(B \ 2 pairs... 1 Small and simple ; [ (9 . rm- ) swollen joint...) ( ovary 1 ......... F ; } (2.) CANTHOC .. Male with a swol antenna only ... Habitat : In ponds and ditches. E 2 52 CRUSTACEA (continued}. 2. Branchiopoda. (a) Phyllopoda. Legs from 11 to 60 pairs; joints foliaceous, branchiform. Families. Illustrative Genera. ( Tail simply bifid ARTEMIA. /Naked... Branchiopoda < B d J ( Tail in two distinct pieces (1.) BRANCHIPUS, (inashell Aspidephora (2.) A PUS. Habitat : Respectively in saltpans, ditches, and pools. (b) Cladocera. Body included in a pseudo-bivalve carapace. Legs, 5 or 6 pairs. Families. Illustrative Genera. fj g J (7.) DAPHNELLA 2 & 2 jointed 1 '^Wta* 3&2 jointed f(5)DAPHNIA &{ " "|4 &3 jointed (1.) CHTDOETTS Legs, J (2t) CAMPTOCEBCBS ) (3.) ALOITA 3 & 3 jointed . Intestine convoluted, a black ) 7- ., /Legs, ^ spot in front of the eye... I -^ w " B 1 5 pairs \(4.) PLEUEOXUS ; Habitat : In ponds, ditches, tanks, and reservoirs ; usually in good water. B. Malacostraca. (PLATE "X^L a. Edriophthalmata. (a) Isopoda. (1) Asellus aquations appears to be the only fresh- water Isopod. Its distinguishing features are the following : Superior antennae, at least as long as the peduncle of the inferior ones. The seven pairs of legs of the order, with the terminal hooks entire ; and two bifid needle-like processes at the posterior extremity of the body. CRUSTACEA (concluded}. ARACHNIDA. 53 Habitat : Plentiful in stagnant pools, passing the winter in the mud, from whence it emerges in the spring. (b) Amphipoda. (1) Gammarus is the only genus of Amphipoda occurring in fresh water. A short branch arises from the tip of the third joint of the superior antennae, and the four anterior legs are in the form of small claws with the moveable tip folding on the inner side. (2) Gammarus pules? is the type of the genus, and abundant in fresh- water brooks where there is an accumulation of vegetable debris. G. fluviatilis, another fresh- water species, is at once dis- tinguished by the presence of a dorsal spine at the posterior border of each abdominal segment. Note. In concluding the notice of the Crustacea it must be mentioned that the larvae of some of the Oniscidte or wood- lice are aquatic. 2. Arachnida. (PLATEr3g6^ ^ (a) Tardigrada. The water bears are distinguished by having the head marked off from the thorax, while the thorax and the abdomen are confluent. The body is faintly divided into four segments, carrying each a pair of obscurely three-jointed legs, with three or four claws at their extremity. They form but one family, including three genera as under : Illustrative Genera. ( Mouth conical, without sucker or ) M \ -p M appendages f * "' (2.) MILNESIUM. (3.) MACROBIOTUS. I With appendages - 1 Mo Sth sucLr-likeV'wYth pisif - I appendages IWithout appendages Habitat : Stagnant water amongst water plants, in wet moss, and even in the gutters of houses, from whence they may be washed into cisterns and waterbutts. 54 AQUATIC LARVAE OF INSECTS. (b) Ocarina. In this Order we find the Hydrachnea or water mites, with the head, thorax, and abdomen all fused together ; the Palpi with the last joint unguiculate or spinous ; the eyes two or four, and the legs generally ciliated and natatory, the posterior pair the longest. Of the several genera Hydrachna would appear to be the most commonly met with. (1) Hydrachna globula is subovate in form, of a rich deep red colour, with two pairs of eyes at a moderate distance apart, and the skin is covered with minute puncta. The generic name Achlysia has been given to the hexapod (six-legged) young of this genus, the Nymphs of which are parasitic on aquatic insects. (2) Hydrachna geographica. (3) A still more globular form. (4) Limnochares holosericus, crawling, not natatory. Habitat : In ponds and permanent lodgments of water. H. globula uses its legs with great activity, as though running through the water, instead of swimming. 3. Insect a. The more usual aquatic larvae are of the following Orders, as given by Kirby and Spence, and are sufficiently numerous to suggest that they would be more readily determined by the use of figures than by description, however elaborate. Families. Genera. ( } C I i. DYTISCUS, HYDROPHILUS, GTRINUS, LTMNIUS, PAR- e P ' ( NUS, HETEROCEKCUS, ELOPHORUS, HYDR^NA. /GERRIS, VELIA, HYDR^METRA, NOTONECTA, SIGARA, > NAUCOKIS . (c) Lepidoptera A few (as NYMPHULA). (d) Trichoptera The majority (PHRYGANEA, &c.) (e) Neuroptera LIBELLULA, JESHNA, AGRION, SIALIS, EPHEMERA. (/) Diptera ... CULEX and TIPULARI^B. (g) Aptera ...... AT AX and some PODURJBL HABITS OF AQUATIC INSECTS. MOLLUSC A. 55 The smaller species of water beetles, Hydrophilus, Elophorus, Hydr&na, Parnus, Limnius, and also Nepa, walk upon the water. The swimmers generally have the posterior legs fitted for the purpose. Thus, in Dytiscus and Notonecta they are furnished with a dense fringe of hairs on the shank and foot, and in Gyrinus the terminal joints are very much dilated. Some insects walk and swim upon the surface without diving, as Gerris lacustris, the water-bug, which can walk, run, jump, or swim upon the surface. Hydrometra stagnorum, very slender in form with prominent hemispherical eyes, apparently in the middle of the body, though really on the head, ramble over stagnant water, and Velia rivulorum courses rapidly over running streams and rivers. V. MOLLUSCA. A. Molluscoida. The Limniades or fresh-water Polyzoa are thus characte- rized. Polyzoarium fleshy, spongy, or coriaceous ; aper- tures angular or round, closing when the zooids recede. Tentacula ciliated in a single series, fringing a more or less crescentic lophophore (Phylactolcemata), or an orbicular one (Gymnolcemata), in both cases including the mouth. The genera Cristatella and Plumatella are examples of the former group, while Paludicella and Urnatella represent the latter. The Polyzoarium in the Crist at ellidcs is membranous, sacciform and free, or floating, while that of the Plumatellida is fixed, fistular, and confervoid. Habitat : Ponds and lakes. B. Mollusca (proper). The simple recognition of the shell, univalve or bivalve, will suffice for the Mollusca proper, or the fresh-water shell- 56 THE MOLLUSCA PROPER. fish, so called ; conchologieal works may be consulted if neces- sary. The following genera occurring either in this or other countries are merely cited as examples. 1. Lamellibranchiata (Bivalves). (a) Asiphonida, Anodon, Unio, (b) Siphonida, Cyclas, Pisidium, Cyrena. 2. Gasteropoda (Univalves). (a) Prosobranchiata (Operculate). Neritina, Navicella, Paludina, Ampullaria, Hydrobia, Valvata, Melania. (b) Pulmonifera (Inoperculate). Limncea, Physa, Planorbis, Ancylus. INDEX. A BRANCIITATA, 36 " Acanthocystis, 38 habitat of, 38 Acarina, 37, 54 ,, habitat, 54 Achlya, 8 supposed to be a form of Bo- try tis Bassiana, 27 sexual system of, as in Vau- cheria, 27 prolifera, characters of, 27 Achlysia, 54 Achnanthese, 22 Achnanthes, 22 Achnanthidium, 22 Acineria, 43 Acomia, 43 Actinophrys, 38, 36 digitata, habitat, 38 discus, habitat, 38 Eichornii, habitat, 38 Sol, habitat, 38 JEshna, 54 Agrion, 54 Albertia, 48 Alona, 52 Alyscum, 41, 43 Amblyophis, 42 Amoeba, 10, 36, 39 diffluens, habitat, 39 radiosa, habitat, 39 Amoebae, 10 of minute size, 3 Amoeboids of Volvox, 10 Amphileptus, habitat, 41 Arnphimonas, 42 Amphipoda, 37, 53 Amphitrema, 39 habitat, 39 Amphora, 22 Ampullaria, 56 Anartropoda, 35, 36, 49 Ancylus, 56 Anguillula, 36 found in bilge water, 47 aceti, 47 fluviatilis, 47 tritici, 47 glutinis, 47 Anguillulce, confounded with Uno- plidfs, 47 Anguillnlida, species of, 47 Anisonerna, 40, 43 Ankistrodesmiae, 20 Ankistrodesmus, 20 Annelida, 7, 35, 36, 49 Annular ducts, 7 ANNULOIDA, 36, 47 definition of, 35 ANNULOSA, 36, 37, 40 definition of, 35 Annulose animals, 7 Anodon, 56 Antheridia of Chara, 31 Anthophysa, 42 Apiocystacese, 12 characters, 25 grouped with Palmel- laceee for conve- nience, 25 classification of, 26 Apiocystis, 26 Apter'a, 37, 54 Aptogonum, 20 Apus, 52 Aquatic Algse, 11 systematic arrangement of, 11 Arachnida, 35, 37, 53 Arcella, 10, 39 ,, aculeata, habitat, 39 dentata, habitat, 39 vulgaris, habitat, 39 Artemia, 52 Arlhrodesmus, 20 Arthropod*, 35, 51, 37 53 INDEX. Asellus, 37 aquaticus, characters of, 52 habitat, 53 Asiphonida, 37 (bivalves), 56 Aspidephorft , 52 Astrionella, 22 Atax., 37 "DACILLUS, species of, 13 JD Bacteria, 6 classification of, 13 movements of, 14 and the putrefactive process, 15, 33 of Cohn, 12, 13, 15 Bacteriaceae, 2, 12 affinity of, to the Oscilla- torians, 2 alliance of Palraellacese with, 2 (Bacteria of Cohn), 11 in relation to Lyngbya, 17 Bacteriforni bodies in gelatinous fronds, 2 Bacterium, species of, 13 termo, 16 Zoogloea form, 14 minuteness of re- productive particles of, compared with those of Lyngbya, 17 Batrachospermacese, 12 characters of, 31 habitat of, 34 Batrachospermum, 31 Bdellia, 49 Bivalves (Lamellibrarichiata), 56 Bog moss (Sphagnum), 7 Bosmina, 52 Brachiontea, 43 Brachionus, 43 amphiceros, 49 Branchiopoda, 51, 52 ,, classification of, 52 Branchipus, 37, 52 Bulbochsete, branched filaments of, 30 Betigera, 30 Bursaria, 41, 44 Bursarina, 41 classification of, 44 habitat of some, 42 CALCIUM Carbonate, 4 \J Camptocercus, 52 Campylodiscus, 22 Candona, 51 Canthocamptus, 51 Carbon, source of, in Aquatic Plants, 3 Carcliesium, 45 Carpenter, Dr., F.R.S., Orders of Rhi- zopoda adopted by him, 38 Cell-sap, 6 Ceratophyllum, 39 Cercomonas, 42 Chsetogaster, 50 Chsetoglena, 43 Chsetouotus, 45 larus, 43 Chsetophora, 30 Chcetophoracetie, 12 characters of, 30 Zoospores of, 30 habitat of, 33 Chsetotyphla, 43 Chalk water, 4 Chara, Antherozoids of, 31 stem of, 31 Characese, 12 characters of, 31 Chilodon, 44 Chilomonas, 42 Chlorococcum, distributed by rains, 32 Chlorogonium, 42 Chromogerious Bacteria, 13 Chydorus, 52 Chytridium, 26 parasitic and colourless, 27 Ciliata, 36, 40 defined and classified, 41 classification of, 41 their import in waters, 41 Cladocera, 37 definition and arrange- ment, 52 Cladophora, 28 ,, species of, 28 glomerata, habitat of, 29 crispata, habitat of, 29 Clahhrulina, 38 habitat, 38 Clay, 5 Closteriese, 20 Closteriuro, 20 Coccochloris, 19 distribution of, by rains, 3 2 probably mistaken for the gonidia of Lichens, 19, 32 Cocconeidese, 22 Cocconeis, 22 Cocconema, 22 INDEX. 59 Codium amphibiorum, 33 Coelastrum, 24 CCELENTEKATA, 36, 45 definition of, 35 occurring in fresh waters, 45 "C(ENOSAB,C," 46 Cohn's, Dr., Classification of Bacte- ria, 13 Researches, 15 Colacium, 42 Coleoptera, 37, 54 Coleochsete, 30 Coleps, 45 Colletonema, 22 Colpoda, 44 Conferva, 28 simple filaments of, 28 Bom by cina, habitat of, 29 fioccosa, habitat of, 29 Confervacese, characters of, 28 segmentation of, 16 genera of, 28 habitat of, 33 Confervse, 16 confounded with Lyngbya muralis, 17 Coniferse, 7 Copepoda, 37 definition and arrangement, 51 habitat of, 51 Cordylophora, 36, 45 characters of, 46 lacustris, 46 rivularis, 46 Corynida, 36, 45 characters of, 46 Cosmariese, 20 Cosmarium, 20 Cotton, 7 Cristatella, 37 Cristatellidce, 55 Crumenula, 43 Crustacea, 35, 37, 51 Cryptomonas, 43 Crystalline forms, 5 Culex, 37 Cyclas, 37, 56 Cyclidiurn, 40, 42 Cyclopidce, 51 Cyclops, 37, 51 Cyclotella, 22 Cymbella, 22 Cymbelleae, 22 Cyphidium, 39 areolum, habitat, 39 Cyprida?, 51 Cypris, 37, 51 Cyrena, 56 Cythere, 51 id = ..'.. 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