LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS THE CONFLICT AND Commingling of the Races A PLEA NOT FOR THE HEATHENS BY A HEATHEN TO THEM THAT ARE NOT HEATHENS. BY CAESAR A. A. P. TAYLOR BROADWAY PUBLISHING COMPANY 835 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 1913 Copyright, 1913, BY CESAR A. A. P. TAYLOJ5S To all good men and women of every race throughout the world, in the past, the present, and in the future, this effort is DEDICATED AND SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF MY WIFE, CHARLOTTE JOSEPHINE BROADHART POWHATAN TAYLOR, and my boy, CESAR ANDREW AUGUSTUS POWHATAN TAYLOR, JR. G O THOU Annihilate wrong Wherever found Blaze a path; illumine The way to freedom, And crown at last The Brotherhood of Man With the Fatherhood of God. Casar Andrew Augustus P. Taylor. NOT HEATHENS? WHAT SHOULD You EXPECT OF THEM? NOT HEATHENS! They say they are not. Observe them as I shall throw the light upon them. NOT HEATHENS! What should you expect of them ? See them in this, and my larger book to follow this. AUTHOR'S FOREWORD. The manuscript comprising this book was written and intended to be published in 1910, since which time many things political have happened; notably: the complete rout and disintegration of the